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Scholarly journal subscription costs continue to rise while strategies to increase open access aren't working. It's time for something new. In March 2021, the University of California system and Elsevier, the world's largest academic publisher, signed an agreement that has been hailed as a "big deal" for open access (OA).Footnote1 The UC system has long been advocating for more OA for scholarly publications, including access unrestricted by subscription paywalls. The basic idea behind the agreement is that in addition to giving the UC system access to Elsevier's subscription-only journals, it permits UC authors to publish their own articles in Elsevier's subscription-based publications as OA. However, to allow this, the UC system pays Elsevier additional fees on top of subscription fees. This upfront expenditure—also called "pay-forward" or "read and publish" or article processing charge (APC)—is intended to cover Elsevier's publication costs, as well as the revenues lost through the relinquishment of paid access. It also continues to guarantee Elsevier a sizable profit. The UC-Elsevier agreement is not the only example of these new pay-forward contracts for more OA: several countries have signed similar contracts with Springer. Do these contracts represent a step forward for OA? Are they transformative, as is often claimed? Or are they perpetuating the problem, moving farther away from true equitable access to research, unencumbered by paywall subscriptions, where the haves are not advantaged over the have-nots? Unencumbered access to scholarly output is no longer an issue only for idealistic researchers, disgruntled librarians, and financially hard-pressed colleges and universities. As the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated, free access to vetted research and facts is now more important than ever—for everyone. Ever since 1994, when Stevan Harnad, a psychology professor, set forth his "subversive proposal" that research articles and reports be open and freely accessible on the Internet,Footnote2 scholarly publishing has been in a constant battle—sides drawn, with conflicting goals. On one side are those in the publishing industry, who believe they add real value to scholarly communication through the publication of peer-reviewed articles. From their perspective, they are partners in the process and should be rewarded for their efforts in the form of fees, subscriptions, and ownership of the intellectual property to which they add value. On the other side are the advocates of allowing scholarship to be open, free of the barriers of costs and access restrictions. The OA goal set by Harnad seemed simple at the time; it was the next logical step in the Information Age. With information becoming easily distributed and shared electronically, why shouldn't scholarly communication be shared freely across the Internet? Shouldn't the fruits of academia, a supposed public good, be open and shared by all? After all, academics produce the research and articles. For the most part, academics also then pay publishers for access to their own articles. Even quality control in the form of peer review is done by academics. Given all this, why shouldn't those who produce the information have the prerogative to freely access and share it? Why should academia have to pay for what it creates? Why shouldn't members of the academic community simply use technology to take over the publication and distribution of what they produce? Turns out, this is much easier said than done. The battle for OA is not just a battle for an ideal but is one of hard dollars and cents. Even before the calls for OA, the scholarly publishing industry was criticized for rapidly escalating the prices of journals. Much of this price escalation was due to the unique nature of the marketplace for scholarly works.Footnote3 As Richard Edwards and David Shulenburger pointed out early in the OA debate, the specific "product" in the journal market is one for which there is no substitute.Footnote4 Ironically, the Internet led to a greater consolidation of publishers and thus less competition, monopolistic publishing practices, and ever-greater subscription price increases. As journals moved from print to online, economies of scale made consolidation and "buy-outs" frequent occurrences. While publishers pitched consolidation as adding benefit for consumers by providing larger "packages" with access to more information, librarians and other campus administrators saw themselves being forced into very expensive and long-term "big deals" in a limited marketplace. The more academic publishing became consolidated around a few large conglomerates, the less options there were for libraries, and the more journal costs overall continued to rise. Despite rising costs, open hostility to the practices (and pricing) of academic publishers, and OA advocacy movements, little has changed since the 1990s. Although there is widespread support for OA in the academic community, the large for-profit publishers have remained in charge and did not fade away in the face of new ways to distribute information freely on the Internet. In fact, they seem to be thriving. The "brand" quality and integrity, real or perceived, that established publishing houses bring to the table are hard to replace solely through volunteer efforts, even when aided by new electronic collaboration tools. That is not to say the movement toward OA died—quite the contrary. Journals labeled as OA have increased substantially in number, but most are not truly free and open in the way that Harnad first proposed (now called Green OA). While some notable and successful free OA peer-reviewed journals came into the picture (e.g., First Monday), these were exceptions. Many journals labeled as OA, even nonprofits such as PLOS journals, might best be described as a compromise (usually called Gold OA) between the publishing and research communities. These OA journal approaches all have two things in common. First, all involve some sort of upfront fees for the publishing costs to make articles OA. In some cases, there is also a pay-extra fee for a required subscription to the publication(s). Second, none have proved to be as transformative as had been hoped. These approaches are costly,Footnote5 and they disadvantage authors, institutions, and countries that can't afford the constantly increasing upfront fees. While readers may not have paywalls preventing open access, authors still do. Furthermore, upfront fee schemes have resulted in predatory publishing practices on the part of a few unscrupulous publishers; given that a larger number of published papers leads to more income, some publishers are willing to publish almost all submissions, with little or no real vetting. Finally, control over how much to pay remains firmly in the hands of publishers, especially the large publishers, while the issues of spiraling costs and unaffordable access escalate. Time for a Modest Proposal? Now is the time to end compromises altogether. I believe we should not go back to Harnad's subversive proposal but should instead offer a more "modest proposal"—like the one Jonathan Swift satirically put forth in 1729 proposing that the Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food to the rich. In short, isn't it time to have the publishers for lunch? Why not simply gobble them up—in capitalist style? This could be accomplished by buying them out or at least taking a bite out of their monopolistic captured market. Isn't it time for institutions and libraries to save the money spent on expensive subscriptions and upfront fee schemes? Why not use their resources to buy out or buy back scholarly publishing in such a way that higher education can better control pricing and distribution? Suggesting that institutions take over the publishing of their own research is not new. Given that many colleges and universities already have "presses," the idea is that more of them should become publishers and create publishing enterprises to compete with commercial scholarly journals, perhaps in partnership with libraries. A report by ITHAKA in 2007 is an early example of this kind of proposal.Footnote6 Unfortunately, the idea met with little success. Along these same lines, some colleges and universities have published scholarly journals as part of what is often called the Diamond approach to OA. In this approach, institutions—primarily academic institutions but also government agencies and nonprofits—financially support and often manage OA journals. But here too, success has been limited.Footnote7 At a time when scale matters, academic institutions are unlikely to be able to take on such a large business that is not within their area of expertise. With few exceptions, most university presses are already struggling economically, libraries are ill-equipped to operate publishing enterprises, and academic institutions cannot subsidize publishing endeavors, no matter how noble, without seeing a direct benefit from this investment. Therefore, I am instead suggesting that colleges and universities strategically invest directly in the publishing process and industry through various forms of sponsorship, partnership, or even outright ownership. Today, with outsourcing and partnerships becoming the norm, why shouldn't scholarly output follow suit? Why not expend campus resources in ways that give institutions more control over costs and modes of distribution? Doing so could begin to erode the commercial publishing conglomerates' stranglehold on scholarly output and put at least some of that control back into the hands of those who produce this output. Perhaps this could be characterized as extending the Diamond approach of institutional funding to underwrite free and open access in a strategic way that provides more direct benefit to the funding academic institutions and, just as importantly, increased power in the marketplace. A significant number of institutions are already paying extra to make their faculty publications OA. Why should these institutions waste funds on up-front fees that fail to move us any closer to universal OA and that keep commercial publishing monopolies in control of the marketplace? If more colleges and universities were to take up the charge and invest in at least one high-quality OA journal through sponsorship, partnership, or ownership, the academic community could begin to take charge of its own intellectual property and change the scholarly journal marketplace. Crazy idea? Perhaps. Who would be willing to invest, why would they do so, what would be the result, and how would it happen? New Partnerships and New Players Established brands and companies do not sell valuable assets unless forced to. No established commercial publishers would sell their scholarly publications or consider forming some sort of partnership with a college or university—at least not at a reasonable price. But there are two groups of publishers who might consider partnerships: learned societies and professional associations. Learned societies and professional associations have long been in an awkward position in the OA wars. On the one hand, their members are often very sympathetic to and advocates for OA. On the other hand, those societies and associations that depend on the fees from publication subscriptions to subsidize various other membership activities can be part of the problem. So while learned societies and professional associations would be as unlikely to sell as commercial publishers, another option could work. Higher education institutions could fund OA for research published by these societies through some form of partnership or sponsorship arrangement. Even a PBS funding/sponsorship model might work. In other words, the partner would subsidize, or at least sponsor, a publication so that it could be made OA by replacing the funds that the society might have received from subscriptions. In return, the funding institution would increase its recognition as a partner or sponsor and enhance its reputation and brand. This approach might also lend itself to multiple partners or sponsors, thus helping keep individual costs low for sponsors or partners. The second way to invest in OA publications is by creating new, competitive OA journals with entrepreneurs. Just as the move to online education opened opportunities for enterprises like Coursera and 2U, the same thing could happen if colleges and universities moved to fund new competitive scholarly publications directly, as owners or at least as partners. While there may be a limit to the number of learned societies and publications, there is no limit to the number of entrepreneurs looking for new ways to sell services. It also stands to reason that with the right incentives and investments, additional creative entrepreneurs and venture capitalists would see this as an opportunity to build a business with a steady income, creating a more competitive marketplace—one that might eventually compete successfully with the large academic publishers. One of the reasons that publishing in scholarly journals is encouraged is to build reputation. The greater the number of people who read an article or research report that is affiliated with an institution, the more that institution's reputation is enhanced. Thus, wouldn't a direct association with a widely circulated and highly regarded/branded scholarly journal also boost an institution's reputation? This brand enhancement can provide a strong incentive for an institution to consider investing in a scholarly publication. Today, many colleges and universities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to build or maintain their reputational standing. They spend these funds not just on the efforts of their own PR department but also externally on the efforts of private PR firms and expensive reputational consulting firms. Yet what better way to build a reputation than to be associated with a high-quality scholarly journal, perhaps one that specializes in an area the institution would like to be known for? Doing so would likely be much cheaper than the fees charged by branding experts. MIT and Harvard University have demonstrated this tactic in the management field, with the Sloan Management Review and the Harvard Business Review (HBR). One could argue that HBR is not a scholarly journal, since its articles are not peer-reviewed, and when they are, the review is performed mostly by scholars affiliated with Harvard. Despite this, both prove that journals can enhance the reputation of programs. One might also argue that the institutions are using subscription fees to pay for publications that build their reputation—a practice that might be justly criticized in the context of the OA movement. Nevertheless, both journals demonstrate what a high-quality journal can do to build the reputation of an institution or program. Publishing, or at least being directly associated with a highly rated peer-reviewed and fully vetted publication as a reputation-building strategy, might also be especially attractive to government agencies. Granting agencies and foundations might want to consider funding scholarly publications to build up the reputation and overall quality of countries and regions that are trying to improve their research and educational systems. Unlike the profit-motivated, private scholarly publishing industry, agencies and foundations might consider further enhancement by publishing high-quality journals in multiple languages. It should be noted that there would be a "first-movers" advantage for the institutions and agencies that are the first to decide to become publishing partners. These pioneers would have their choice of subject matter. They could strategically pick areas in which they want to build their reputation or areas that have less competition but high potential for impact. A New Marketplace In 2020, worldwide expenditures for scholarly journals were estimated at over $19 billion dollars annually.Footnote8 Why not redirect those investments? If sponsorship, or even outright ownership, of high-quality journals is taken over by enough higher education institutions and perhaps government agencies, desire for sponsorship or "outsourcing" contracts would reintroduce competition to the publishing marketplace. Yes, there would still be costs to colleges and universities, but now they would be positioned to set, or at least influence, those costs. Organizations would have to compete for sponsorships. While this may still favor the better-funded institutions, government agencies and foundations could now at least step in to even the playing field. Likewise, new publishers entering the marketplace using a non-subscription funding model would have to compete for contracts from funders. Researchers would be more willing to publish in high-quality OA alternative publications. Furthermore, if costs were to become too high in some instances, colleges and universities could seek other sponsorships and service partners. There would then be pressure on all players, not just funding institutions, to keep costs reasonable, since the overall costs would be shared, giving funders more control. As branded scholarly journals prove to be a valuable reputational tool for colleges and universities, more institutions would jump at the opportunity to get a piece of the reputational action, creating more OA journals and a different publishing marketplace model. At some point, even the large academic publishers might have to change their business model and cede more oversight back to institutions in the form of sponsorships or partnerships, especially if they are faced with being forced out of the marketplace altogether. Furthermore, as the number of institutionally sponsored "free" OA journals increases, the less all colleges and universities will have to spend on the remaining publications that charge fees to users or authors. Of course, in this scenario, higher education institutions would still be spending funds for sponsorships of journals, but these costs could be better controlled and ultimately would be significantly less than what is now being spent on fee-based journals, especially if the subscription or pay-forward publications decrease in number. Perhaps this is an unreachable goal, but I believe it is one worth striving for. New Modes of Publishing Funding publications through sponsorship and partnerships would open the opportunities not only to distribute more research articles as OA but also to distribute them differently. The very notion of a "journal" is outmoded in today's digital environment. Why publish research as a collection of bound articles designed to sit on a library shelf? Does anyone read bound journal articles these days? Breaking the subscription delivery model would clear the way for new models that could circulate articles more effectively, resulting in broader readership and more timely publication schedules. While commercial publishers are now starting to explore the idea of preprints for a price and other modes of electronic delivery and packaging, eliminating price and pay subscription considerations would allow for more avenues to be explored without the need to worry about how to keep paywalls in place. What about "orphans"? There are, of course, specialized journals and research areas perceived as less desirable than strongly branded reputational vehicles because of their smaller audiences and circulation. Would these be orphaned areas in a partnership/sponsorship scheme such as the one being proposed here? In some cases, smaller specialized journals should not be discounted: they still offer an opportunity for institutions to build a reputation, or simply community goodwill, in specialized areas. In other cases, perhaps these are areas where government agencies and foundations could step in. Even if such journals remain subscription-based, their limited audiences and the smaller number of remaining orphans would result in a radically different market and likely maintain reasonable pricing overall while keeping these publications in business. What about libraries? Academic libraries have been in the thick of the OA wars. Do they have a role? What benefits might they reap, if any, by moving from a subscription to a sponsorship/partnership approach for distributing scholarly information? Libraries may, in fact, benefit the most—and not simply through the financial savings gained by avoiding high subscription costs. In fact, there is no guarantee that these savings would remain in the library budget; in many cases, they likely would not, as institutions would presumably use these savings for the proposed sponsorships/partnerships. Where libraries would really benefit is by being able to go back to being, well, libraries! Rather than spending considerable time as contract negotiators, librarians could once again focus their skills and resources on conducting outreach, teaching information-gathering and evaluation skills, developing search aids, and directing students and faculty to curated collections—not just to those within the library but also to virtual OA collections worldwide. Where There's a Will, There's a Way While this modest proposal may seem like a pipe dream, what is the alternative? Will the academic community simply remain at loggerheads with the publishing industry while continuing to support the latter's sizable profits? Instead of taking action, perhaps many in the community will find it easier to simply blame publishers for the lack of widespread non-fee OA and for the high cost of journals. Maybe now is the time for institutional, government, and agency leaders to try something different, to really think outside the box. Instead of simply pay-forward, why not pay-forward and own? Crazy? Yes, but as Steve Jobs was quoted in an Apple commercial: "The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do." What's the worst that could happen? A few well-funded agencies, foundations, colleges and universities, and higher education systems would get great publicity and branding through associative partnerships, sponsorships, and outright ownership of highly regarded journals. They likely would also foster publishing as a service industry that might eventually give the large academic publishers a run for their money. The old OA strategies haven't worked. Isn't it time for something new—new partnerships, new brands, a new marketplace, and new publishing modes? Anybody interested in lunch? - Lindsay McKenzie, "Big Deal for Open Access," Inside Higher Ed, March 17, 2021. Jump back to footnote 1 in the text. - Stevan Harnad, "Publicly Retrievable FTP Archives for Esoteric Science and Scholarship: A Subversive Proposal," London, Network Services Conference, November 28–30, 1994. Jump back to footnote 2 in the text. - See Sandra Whisler and Susan F. Rosenblatt, "The Library and the University Press: Two Views of the Costs and Problems of the Current System of Scholarly Publishing," Emory University, Scholarly Communication and Technology Conference, April 24–25, 1997. Jump back to footnote 3 in the text. - Richard Edwards and David Shulenburger, "The High Cost of Scholarly Journals (and What to Do about It)," Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 35, no. 6 (2003). Jump back to footnote 4 in the text. - For example, see Daniel A. Gorelick and Ye Li, "Reducing Open Access Publication Costs for Biomedical Researchers in the U.S.A.," MIT Science Policy Review 2 (August 30, 2021). For a view in the United Kingdom, see Stephen Pinfield and Rob Johnson, "Adoption of Open Access Is Rising—But So Too Are Its Costs," LSE Impact Blog, January 22, 2018. Jump back to footnote 5 in the text. - Laura Brown, Rebecca Griffiths, and Matthew Rascoff, University Publishing in a Digital Age (ITHAKA, July 26, 2007). Jump back to footnote 6 in the text. - Jeroen Bosman, Jan Erik Frantsvåg, Bianca Kramer, Pierre-Carl Langlais, and Vanessa Proudman, The OA Diamond Journals Study: Part 1, Findings, March 2021; Robert Harington, "Diamond Open Access, Societies and Mission," The Scholarly Kitchen, June 1, 2017. Jump back to footnote 7 in the text. - Martin Hagve, "The Money behind Academic Publishing," Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, August 17, 2020. Jump back to footnote 8 in the text. Paul B. Gandel is Professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University. © 2022 Paul B. Gandel. The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Steaming mussels is a delicious and relatively simple way to enjoy this tasty seafood. It is savory, flavorful, and easy to prepare. When steamed mussels are served as a main dish, it’s essential to have the perfect side dishes to accompany them. Some of the best side dishes pair perfectly with steamed mussels for an unforgettable dinner. In a hurry to know What to serve with Steamed Mussels, try these- Potatoes, Crusty Bread, Salads, Spaghetti, Homemade Garlic Bread, Steamed Asparagus, Roasted Eggplant, Roasted Artichokes, Potato leek soup, French fries, or yummy Chips, Potato wedges, Toasted Baguette, Sweet Potato Fries and some salad like Fennel salad, tomato salad and more also try Horseradish Sauce. Best Sides to serve with Steamed Mussels Whether you like them mashed, boiled, or roasted, potatoes make an ideal accompaniment for mussels. Creamy Cheesy Mashed potatoes provide the perfect creamy texture and light flavor that balances out the boldness of the mussels. Boiled potatoes provide a similar effect but with added crunch, while roasted potatoes add an extra layer of flavor to your meal. All three variations will pair well with any type of steamed mussel dish you create. 2. Crusty Bread Consider serving up a basket of hot bread with your steamed mussels for something more traditional. Crusty bread is an essential complement to any bowl of steamed mussels. Whether it’s served warm or at room temperature, the crunchiness of crusty bread provides the perfect contrast to the soft texture of the mussels. The bread soaks up all that delicious sauce in the bottom of their bowl or plate. You can opt for a classic French baguette, sliced Italian bread, or focaccia, or try something more flavorful, like a rustic sourdough or ciabatta. Also, add buttery croissants or garlic knots for extra flavor. Fries are always a popular side dish when it comes to seafood! Whether you’re serving thin and crispy shoestring fries, waffle fries, or sweet potato fries, they all provide the perfect combination of crunch and saltiness that pairs perfectly with steamed mussels. For an extra flavor boost, top your fries with freshly chopped herbs such as parsley or chives before serving. 4. French Fries or Chips Steamed mussels are a tasty, protein-packed meal and French Fries or Chips make the perfect combo. They provide a salty crunch to the tender mussels that are both delightful and satisfying. Whether you prefer your chips sliced thin like shoestring fries or thick cut like steak fries, they create an exciting and diverse texture in each bite. The best way to cook the chips is in a pan with a generous helping of oil for that restaurant-style crunch which will complement the steamed mussels perfectly. A side of chips will turn an ordinary dinner into something special. Serving spaghetti as a side dish for steamed mussels is an excellent idea. The pasta’s mild flavor is the perfect complement to the briny ocean taste of the mussels, and the contrasting texture creates a unique and delicious experience for your taste buds. Additionally, spaghetti can act as an edible plate so you can savor every last bit of your meal. Try adding a little garlic and Parmesan cheese to your spaghetti for some extra flavor, and you’ll surely have a dish that is fit to serve even the most discerning seafood lover! 6. Steamed Mussels + Homemade Garlic Bread = Perfection Its soft and buttery texture makes it the ideal accompaniment to creamy mussels, allowing you to savor and appreciate the earthy and subtle flavors of mussels while also getting a garlicky satisfaction from the garlic bread. Not only that but making your own homemade garlic bread will ensure that each and every bite is perfectly fresh and bursting with flavor. Polenta is the perfect side to serve with a plate of steamed mussels. It is a delicious Italian dish made from cornmeal and cooked slowly until it is creamy and soft. The savory flavor of Polenta complements the briny sweetness of mussels, making them a match made in heaven. It is also incredibly easy to prepare, with just a few simple ingredients needed, such as water or broth, salt, pepper, butter or olive oil, and some Parmesan for an added burst of flavor. Additionally, Polenta offers a lighter option than other traditional sides like French fries or mashed potatoes, making it suitable for more health-conscious meals. 8. Potato Leek Soup Potato Leek Soup is an excellent addition to steamed mussels. Its rich, creamy blend of potatoes and leeks adds a delicious flavor. Still, it also provides an extra layer of texture too. Potato Leek Soup also adds balance to the dish, calling for something hearty and savory against the fishy qualities of mussels. Preparing this soup doesn’t have to be complicated, either. With just a few simple ingredients, such as potatoes, vegetable broth, and a leek or two, you can have a full-flavored side to pair perfectly with steamed mussels. A warm bowl of Potato Leek Soup will truly be the star of any meal when served alongside fresh mussels. Read More- 12 Best Vegetables go well with Mussels 9. Potato Wedges Potato wedges make another incredible pair to serve with steamed mussels. They are quick and easy to prepare, and their crispy exterior pairs perfectly with the soft, succulent mollusks. They taste excellent next to dishes like mussels and contrast great texture. The golden, fried texture against the creamy texture of mussels is delectable! You can have other sides with potato wedges like grilled corn or Baked Asparagus and more. While potato wedges take just minutes to prepare, it’s important to remember not to overcook them. A few minutes too long in the oven can result in mushy wedges, which will ruin the flavor pairing. 10. Steamed Asparagus Adding steamed asparagus to your plate of steamed mussels is not only a great way to diversify the meal in terms of taste and texture, but it can also add some great health benefits. Asparagus is rich in fiber, containing almost a third of the daily recommended value per serving, and packed with essential vitamins such as A, C, E, and K. It also has powerful antioxidants that are thought to aid in protecting against diseases like cancer and heart disease. So while the steamed mussels provide a delicious savory dish, adding steamed asparagus can really accentuate the meal with more nutrients and great flavor. 11. Serve Risotto for Steamed Mussels for Dinner A bowl of creamy, savory risotto is perfect for steamed mussels. This classic Italian rice dish is a favorite of many, with its subtly buttery flavor and fluffy consistency. Risotto can be cooked differently – white wine, mushroom flavorings, or mixed vegetables- making an exciting backdrop for your modules. Its versatility makes it the perfect companion for any meal – pairing especially well with seafood like mussels. 12. White Wine Sauce Adding a flavorful White Wine Sauce as a side provides an extra layer of complexity and sophistication. The deep, mellow notes of the sauce accentuate the briny flavors of the mussels perfectly, creating a heavenly combination challenging to resist. White Wine Sauce enhances the flavor of steamed mussels; it also adds some festive color and texture to the overall presentation. This makes steamed mussels with White Wine Sauce an ideal dinner party meal–guaranteed to impress everyone. 13. Red Lobster Biscuits If you’re looking for a fantastic side that goes with steamed mussels, then look no further than Red Lobster Biscuits! These fluffy, buttery biscuits are savory, light, and delicious. Plus, their smell will fill the house and keep everyone’s stomachs grumbling until mealtime! Serve them up with melted butter and honey for an extra special treat. A few biscuits go a long way when it comes to rounding out the perfect seafood feast. The combination of warm Red Lobster Biscuits and fresh steamed mussels is sure to be a winning one for your family and friends at your next gathering! 14. Roasted Eggplant Roasted eggplant is an excellent complement to steamed mussels; the subtle smokiness and mild sweetness of the eggplant balance out the briny flavor of the mussels. Their flavor plays nicely off one another, but the two textures can create a pleasant contrast when served together. Roasting the eggplant with Mediterranean spices also increases its versatility and adds an unexpected depth of flavor to the pairing. This rich and savory side dish will undoubtedly leave you wanting to return for second mussels and roasted eggplant helpings. 15. Roasting Artichokes Roasting artichokes alongside steamed mussels is a flavor combination sure to tantalize the taste buds. In addition to adding a unique veggie option to the meal, artichokes are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. The flavorful addition of cooking them on the stovetop with garlic, butter, and lemon juice creates a savory and scrumptious side that pairs perfectly with any main dish. This makes roasting artichokes an ideal choice for anyone looking for an easy but delicious side to serve with their next plate of mussels. 16. Toasted Baguette A toasted Baguette is a perfect addition to a steamed mussel dish. It compliments the savory flavors of the meal and adds a delightful layer of crispness and crunch. Its light, airy texture provides an optimal mouthfeel, ably offsetting the briny aromatics of the mussels. The classic combination has proven itself through decades of serving as an ideal side for any seafood dish – with its warm blend of aromas, the Toasted Baguette is sure to go perfectly with your steamed mussels! 17. Sweet Potato Fries Sweet Potato Fries are an excellent option for a better way to enhance sweetness while still providing the crunchy texture necessary to make mussel dishes truly come alive. Sweet Potato Fries add a vivid depth of flavor and provide a welcome visual contrast on your plate – adding another level of aesthetic charm to what is sure to be an impressive meal. 18. Horseradish Sauce Mussels have such a delectable, juicy flavor that they don’t need much to enhance it. But, when it comes time for dipping, the perfect companion is horseradish sauce. Horseradish adds a scrumptious zest to each bite of mussel. Still, it also serves as an excellent balance to its subtle taste. Aside from adding a flavorful kick, horseradish sauce has been known to help out with digestion after eating steamed mussels and other shellfish. Whether you prepare them yourself or order them at a restaurant, make sure horseradish sauce is part of your mussel-eating experience – you won’t regret it! Best Salads to Go with Steamed Mussels Above all sides are great pairs for steamed mussels; you can pair any of them. To complete the meal, try to add some salad alongside with sides- 1. Tomato Salad Tomato Salad is an ideal addition to steamed mussels. Tomato salad provides a good bright, acidic flavor of tomato paired beautifully with the briny mussels. Still, this vibrant dish also adds a fresh and crunchy element to the meal. Plus, it’s easy to prepare: simply combine chopped tomatoes, a splash of vinegar, a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, some garlic, some fresh basil leaves, and salt and pepper for a dressed salad that won’t detract from – but will enhance – your favorite mussels recipe. 2. Green Salad A salad is always an excellent option for finding the perfect side dish for any seafood meal, including steamed mussels. A crisp green leafy salad is an excellent counterpoint to rich and flavorful steamed mussels like spinach and kale are an excellent choice because they bring freshness and balance out any heavier ingredients in the dish (like cream sauces). So, Try combining greens such as spinach and arugula for added texture, then top with fresh vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers for a light and refreshing touch. Remember to add some feta cheese and olives for an extra salty flavor. 3. Fennel salad Fennel salad is another ideal companion for steamed mussels, providing a sweet and crunchy contrast to their briny flavor. While there are various recipes for fennel salad, the classic calls for finely shaved fennel bulb, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and parsley. This mix of ingredients creates a zesty and refreshing accompaniment to the tender mussels, enhancing the culinary experience. For a bit more heft, diced scallions or tomatoes can be added to the salad, or crumbled bacon or feta cheese can top it off. 4. Jicama Salad Jicama Salad perfectly complements the steamed mussels flavor. Its light and refreshing taste go with the mussels’ salty and savory flavors while adding a hint of sweetness. The crunchy texture of the jicama works in balance with the soft, delicate texture of the mussels. Its fresh ingredients, like cucumber, onion, cilantro, chili powder, lime juice, and olive oil, enhance Jicama’s crispness. Whether prepared restaurant-style with mango or chilies for an added kick; or simply tossed together for a fresh, light twist, Jicama Salad is sure to be a crowd-pleaser alongside steamed mussels. Read More- 14 Perfect Pairings Bean Salad How to make the best-steamed mussels? Crafting the perfect steamed mussel dish takes patience and skill, but it’s a worthwhile challenge. Making delicious steamed mussels requires using the freshest ingredients and ensuring optimum timing. Start by selecting high-quality mussels, which should have damp and heavy shells; those with cracked or open shells should not be used since they have likely expired. Before you steam them, make sure to rinse the mussels in cold water to remove any dirt or debris, but do not rub the shells too much, or else it will harm the delicate flavor. You can then add a flavorful liquid such as beer, wine, fish stock, or white wine to create a tasty broth; add some garlic and herbs of your choice to enhance the flavors even more. Make sure to monitor the heat while you steam your mussels; let them steam for 5-8 minutes until they are open. As overcooking them will result in a rubbery texture. When ready, discard any unopened ones that didn’t open during cooking and serve right away for a flavorful treat! Is it better to boil or steam mussels? Boiling can provide a more intense flavor that melds the seasoning better with the mussel, whereas steaming imparts a milder, subtler taste. With boiling, you won’t have to worry about your ingredients drying out or overcooking, for any mistake you make in terms of timing will not greatly affect the end result. On the other hand, achieving perfectly cooked mussels when boiling may be challenging as there is less control over how much time they spend in the cooking liquid. Steaming will enable you to precisely monitor their cook time, ensuring they are tender enough – not too firm or soft. Ultimately both techniques work great for preparing this delightful seafood delicacy, but with different results in terms of flavor and texture. Choose according to your preference and desired outcome! How long should you steam mussels for the best result? To ensure your mussels are cooked perfectly, steam them until their shells have opened and the meat has changed color – usually around 5-8 minutes. If you cook them for much longer, they won’t taste as fresh and juicy as when steamed for just the right amount of time. Serve them with a side of garlic bread to really enjoy every morsel! How much water do you steam mussels? Mussels are a fantastic way to add a delicious seafood component to any meal. To cook them properly, you need to steam them in water. The amount of water used can be the difference between over-cooking or undercooking the mussels. The general rule of thumb is to use one cm of water per 500 g of mussels, just enough so that all the mussels are almost entirely submerged. This will ensure that your mussels will steam evenly and thoroughly with even heat distribution. When prepared correctly, they should only take 5-8 minutes to steam until they open, at which point they are ready to serve! Do I clean mussels before steaming? Preparing fresh mussels for your next meal requires a bit of leg work upfront. Before steaming, give them a good rinse and scrub off any barnacles that might be present. This effort can go a long way to ensure your dish turns out tasty and safe.
IMPACT OF INJUSTICE Injustice has been seen by tens and thousands of people in many corners of the globe. Millions more have heard of the film and it's basic message - that there are human rights abuses perpetuated by police in the UK. On 10th December 2002, International Human Rights Day, novelist Lindsey Collins helped to organise a screening of INJUSTICE in Mauritius. Following the screening she wrote: " All 300 places in the hall were full, with a dozen or so people having to sit in the aisles. No-one moved during the whole film. People were bewitched. There were all sorts of people: those who have lost someone in custody, or themselves been brutalized; political activists; young people from the areas that suffer most from police abuses; human rights activists of the more 'a-political' bent; an ex chief-justice; a few journalists; young women in the women's movement; a few academics; a group of women who had organised a mini-bus and told their husbands they were going to a meeting about housing problems (in case the idea of cinema met with husbands' refusal). So, we started with the four short speeches. One by me, then one by Rajni for the Women's Liberation Movement, then the widow of Kaya (the famous musician killed in police custody)Š..Then there was the film. You couldn't hear a sound. Even the children in the audience were still. And the babies didn't cry. " The powerful screening in Mauritius was one of hundreds that have taken place since the film was launched. But Injustice is a film that nearly did not make it to the cinema screens. On the 6th July 2001 the premier opening of Injustice at the Metro Cinema in London was halted dramatically when two police officers issued last minute legal threats to the cinema owners. News spread about the police action and the ensuing uproar in the cinema. Journalists and television crews from the UK, Iran and Japan were present. So were diplomats from an number of countries. An hour later we were condemning the police action on the BBC Evening News, with a simple message - we would not let the police kill our film. We had experienced enormous difficulties in making Injustice; with no support from the cinema industry or television. During the production we had made solemn promises to our selves, to the families of the dead and even to the dead themselves that we would not let the film be buried. Five days later, on the 11th July a second attempt to show the film at Conway Hall, a place renowned for supporting freedom speech, was met by more sabre rattling from the police. The number of police officers who felt aggrieved by the film had increased to thirteen. After it became clear that the manger of Conway Hall was going to cancel the screening a cry from the audience rang out - "Show the film". The audience took control of the venue; barricaded the doors and projected the film themselves. This action catapulted the story of the attempts to censor the film into the daily newspapers. For some time following this screening, the police continued to harass venues that tried to show the film. Publicity increased with every attempt that they made. What the film did was to put a heart and soul to the shocking figure of 1000 deaths through following the struggles for justice of a few families. It was this struggle that the police wanted to silence. Throughout the summer of 2001 Injustice was screened anywhere and every where we could. The threats of libel to the various cinemas kept coming and a whirlwind of late night conferences, telephone calls and meetings ended with apologies by cinema managers (the staff where always keen to support us) and promises of a screening "once the legal problems had cleared". We made sure that there was always a venue nearby the cinema ready to show the film at short notice that same evening whether it was a squatted anti-globalization cafe in Manchester a pub in Hoxton, a community hall in Tottenham. Throughout this period the families of those killed by the police stood by our side With them we travelled the country showing the film and talking about the struggle for justice. At every screening there was an outpouring of grief and anger from the audience and also a determination to keep showing the film and supporting the struggle of the families. Screenings were always full spilling on to the street, Q&A sessions would go on long afterwards. In this fight we were helped by many people - workers, students, lecturers, trade unionists, religious leaders, anarchists. Every screening was fought for and many won only because of the support of these people. Injustice began to mobilize people to take a stand against police oppression. Every screening led to other invitations to show the film like at the Fire Brigades Union conference in Sheffield, at a documentary film Festival in Norway. The threats by the police officers continued. We showed Injustice to eight police officers who had been involved in the deaths featured in the film and at then wrote to them and made it clear that we would go to court to defend the film. If they went forward with a libel trial they would have to stand in court on account. We have not heard from them since. Injustice is a film about human rights abuses perpetuated by serving police officers who had denied their victims the right to life. The police claimed that the film accused them of being murderers when they had not been convicted of being so. Of course the heart of the film is that no police officers has been convicted for these deaths because the state in all its parts - the police self investigation, the Police Complaints Authority, the Crown Prosecution Service, the judiciary, government ministers - have made sure they are not prosecuted. By late summer news coverage of the attempts by the police to get the film banned had included women's life style magazine, film periodicals mainstream news and CNN. The fact that the Injustice dealt with human rights abuses was important in itself but the attempts to kill the film also raised fundamental question of freedom of expression. Many conscientious journalists began to see that the attack on us was important to defend on the basis that any journalists has the right to investigate and expose any form of injustice they witnessed in their society. The Police Federation were taken aback by the favourable press reaction to the film and our struggle to show it and on the 23rd August they issued a press release: "The Police Federation wishes to respond to the screening of the film Injustice and the subsequent adverse publicity received by the Federation for simply acting in the best interest of its members. The considerable pre-screening publicity for Injustice, mentioned various incidents ŠŠ. This left the officers with no option other than to draw to the attention of any cinema planning to show the film the potentially defamatory material contained within it and the possible legal consequences of publishing that material. Ultimately, a number of the officers who believed they might be referred to in the film, were given the opportunity to view the film. " On the same day, 23rd August 2001, the United Families & Friends Campaign held a picket of the London offices of Russell, Jones & Walker the solicitors firm that was harassing cinemas on behalf of the police. The protest was an unprecedented move and highlighted the fact that the same firm that has been specializing in defending police officers in all the most controversial cases was also the same one threatening us. The Police Federation demanded that we make cuts to the film. We refused because we would not censor the voices of the families and we were also defending the artistic integrity of the film. The Federation went silent. At the Black Filmmakers International Film Festival, in London on the 10th September 2001 the Curzon Cinema agreed to go ahead with a public screening. Tension was high as the cinema waited for the usual police threat. It never came. The film went on and a packed cinema audience were shocked and angered as the film unfolded before them. Following the screening there was a huge roar and standing ovation as we took to the stage with the families. The curse of the Police Federation was finally broken. Immediately after the screening Injustice was invited to film festivals in New York and Jamaica. By September 2001 Injustice began to be shown in many renowned Film Festivals including Sheffield Documentary where it played to packed audiences. At every screening the families of the deceased were present and impressed audiences with their courage and determination. Throughout 2001 and beyond the range of audiences has been immense. We have shown Injustice in a disused bus garage in Liverpool to three hundred white working class people and as the film flickered on the screen we saw tears falling from their eyes. We have shown Injustice in a community centre in Brixton to hundreds of young black people where the screening was preceded by libations to the spirits of the dead and where African elders cried deep into the cold winter night at the loss of their children. The film has driven many to tears and anger and spurred others into action. Help has come from establishment judges and from militant revolutionaries. Throughout the fight we had had immense support from the families; others such as David Price Solicitors and the organization Index On Censorship have supported us constantly. The police had gone quite and we approached a number of cinemas to see if they would give the film a run. On 2nd December 2001 the film began its West End run at the Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square London. This was the confirmation that the police tactics had failed and that the film could now be seen by the cinema going public. Injustice was also a real achievement in British cinema and was breaking new ground as an independently made feature length documentary film to have a theatrical release. It ran at the Prince Charles for a couple of months. National screenings of the film have continued through the British Film Institute. Since then the film has gone from strength to strength. Over two hundred screenings have taken place at which we and the families were present. There have been some powerful moments. Each screening has its own dynamics, reactions and responses. At the African Diaspora Film Festival in New York the audience included families of young men and women that had been shot by the NYPD including Nicholas Heyward JR, Malcolm C. Ferguson, Frankie Arzuaga and Anibal Carrasquillo as well as the mother of Amadou Diallo who died after being shot 41 times by two police officers. Despite the horrors perpetuated by the NYPD those mother and fathers were shocked at the level of violence that had been used to kill the people featured in Injustice who were not slain by bullets but by the batons and fists of the Metropolitan Police. Similarities emerged - the police self investigation a corrupt judicial system and political administrations willing to allow those who kill to be our 'protectors'. The outpourings of grief as families from the UK and the US met was immense as was the determination to work together, it¹s a hard task faced with the onslaught of police violence exploding in both societies. The New York screening acted as a catalyst to bring families together. Another followed in South Central LA organised by the New Panther Vanguard Movement on the 10th anniversary of the beating of Rodney King by the LAPD. We showed the film in a school auditorium on a hot summers day to an audience which included activists, school children, and families who had suffered a loss . In an electric and emotional tribute Brian Smith who had lost a brother in police custody in downtown LA handed a number of pledge's for each of the people featured in the film to Brenda Weinberg and Myrna Simpson which read "We pledge that the life and humanity of Brian Douglas will not be forgotten. We pledge that his highest hopes and aspirations will live on in us, and that we will seek justice for his and all of the Stolen Lives. In this way we pledge that their memory will stay alive in us and will inspire us to fight for justice and a better world" During these USA trips important links were developed with the New Panther Vangaurd Movement, the October 22nd Coalition and the Haitian Coalition for Justice creating a framework for international action by the families of those who have died in police custody. Back in the UK the film was continuing to have an impact. Injustice briefly mentions the death of Christopher Alder who died in Hull Police Station on the 1st April 1998. Despite an Inquest jury of unlawful killing their had been no charges against the officers involved. As a result of the publicity of the film one of the main witnesses in the case came forward and approached Janet Alder, Christopher's sister who had been tirelessly campaigning for prosecutions of the police. The witness, who was a medical expert, was shocked to learn that the officers had not been charged and fresh efforts were made based on her evidence and another expert witness. As a result the Crown Prosecution Service were later forced to charge five officers with Manslaughter in the case of Christopher Alder. The controversy around Injustice had regenerated interest in all the cases in the film. Many who watched Injustice were incredulous at the sheer inhumanity of the cases and the inexcusable lack of justice and were asking why the police officers that had committed these killings were not prosecuted. We had made this very clear in a press release that we put out regarding the role of the Crown Prosecution Service which read: "Within the film the CPS is accused of collusion and in the covering up the deaths of a number of people at the hands of the police. Despite overwhelming evidence against police officers the CPS has consistently refused to prosecute. The families believe that, rather than basing their decisions on evidence, the CPS have made political decisions not to prosecute the officers involved and that their relatives have not had the justice they deserve. In the very few prosecutions that do take place the CPS have not been vigorous and have mounted very poor prosecutions." The Government had to be seen to be doing something and responded in December 2001 when the Attorney General announced in Parliament a review of the decision making process of the Crown Prosecution Services Role in death in custody cases. In a private screening of the film the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith was challenged to meet with the families. As time progressed it became clear that the Government was unwilling to reopen the cases featured within Injustice. Without such a commitment from the Attorney General then the review will become another attempt to silence the families whose cries for justice are the only reason that this process has been instigated. Later in 2002 the Attorney General attended a public screening of the film at the Prince Charles Cinema, it was a fully charged and vocal screening and at the Q&A session which followed the audience made it very clear to Lord Goldsmith that their support was firmly behind the families and that they would except nothing but justice. The political impact of the film also extended to the European Parliament where in the Spring of 2002 Jean Lambert MEP hosted a screening in Parliament. The Green Party committed themselves to raising the issue featured in the film at further parliamentary sessions and put out the following statement: "As the European Union moves ever closer to forming 'an area of freedom, security and justice', as police and judicial co-operation increases, and as proposals for a European Arrest Warrant are adopted, it is crucial that we look more closely at the behaviour of European police forces. Respect for the rights of all citizens and non-citizens as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights must be guaranteed in all policing activities. It is clear that at present, this is not always the case." The international tour of the film also continued. For example, At the Gothenburg Film Festival, Sweden we had three packed screenings and met the family of Hannes Westberg a young protestor who had been shot by police during the anti-globalization protests in Gothenburg the previous summer. Police violence was a new phenomena and many people had been shocked by the brutality lashed out on the protestors. In Pakistan, the Human Rights Commission organised a screening in Lahore. The audience was aghast, the film was not the image of the British Booby - kind to old ladies and helpful to tourists - that they had been fed. On the 1st February 2002 in Derry, Northern Ireland we showed the film to the families of the 13 people shot by British Paratroopers killed on Bloody Sunday and then marched with them on the anniversary next day together with another 30,000 who took to the streets of Derry. On a tour of Tehran we showed the film to students, journalists and trade unionists and met up with senior government figures. After being condemned and vilified by the West for human right abuses they were keen to learn about the stories featured in Injustice. We went on several television and radio programmes including the main evening news, discussion programmes and cultural shows and got the basic message across that their were human rights abuses in the UK, that the government was condoning the killings by the police and that there had been attempts to censor us. We also reiterated that the core of the film was the importance of organising and that the story was about a group of women who had come together to achieve justice. In Iran these broadcasts were watched by audience of over 30 million and it¹s a message we have carried all over the world. In spite of the enormous success of the film and the fact that the Police Federation has backed off from any confrontation with us and the cinemas or organisation screening the film, UK broadcasters have refused to show the film. Channel 4 have claimed that Injustice "raises important issues but could not be broadcast without the serious risk of attracting a number of indefensible libel actions from police officers." On the 30th April 2002 and then 1stMay 2003 the film was projected onto the side of the Channel Four building in London as a protest to their censorship and a group was formed which vowed to return every year. It is a matter of public interest that the film is broadcast in the UK. Injustice continues to play at prestigious film Festivals including Fajr, Rotterdam and Durban. Screenings in the UK continue in cinemas, colleges and community centres. Every screening brings more publicity for the cases. Injustice has been critically acclaimed but unlike other films its aim is not about mobilizing money and awards but people. The social movement that has been generated by the film is evidence of the power of cinema. Change can come through collective determination and as film makers we have tried to play a part in that. This feeling is reflected towards the end of the film by Myrna Simpson whose daughter Joy Gardner died in police custody 28th of July 1993 "It's important for people to fight for justice and don't stop because there is no other way to get justice but to fight for it, and I am still fighting for justice for Joy and not only for Joy, as I say always but for all. I am fighting for justice for everyone that has been unjustly killed."
Studies in the Book of Acts Most of this series was written by Paul Kroll, a journalist working for Grace Communion International. Copyright Grace Communion International. The research was done in the mid 1990s, but all articles were edited in 2012 by Michael Morrison, PhD, professor of Biblical Studies at Grace Communion Seminary. What Paul does in his speech is to point out the weaknesses of popular idolatry. But he does this by relying on the insights of Greek philosophers to show that some pagans have an understanding of God that contradicts idolatry. However, Paul then points out that the philosophers don’t go far enough. Here Paul introduces a new understanding of God and his purpose, and calls on his listeners to abandon their ignorance, and to repent. Paul immediately takes the side of his listeners by saying, “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious” (17:22). Other people in antiquity are also impressed by the devoutness of the Athenians (Pausanias, Description of Greece 1.17.1; Strabo, Geography9.1.16; Livy, History 45.27). Josephus says the Athenians are considered to be “the most religious” (Against Apion 2.130). Paul doesn’t accuse the Athenians of idolatry or any sin, but acknowledges their interest in the divine. Paul builds on their piety, he doesn’t condemn it. Privately, of course, he is very distressed by the fact that their worship is directed toward idols (17:16). The word for “religious” used here is ambiguous. It can mean either “superstitious” or “devout.” “Perhaps Paul deliberately chose the word with kindly ambiguity so as not to offend his hearers while, at the same time, expressing to his own satisfaction what he thought of their religion” (Williams, 304). “To an unknown god” (17:23) Paul next refers to an ignorance of the divine that the Athenians themselves admit. He says, “As I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscriptions: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship — and this is what I am going to proclaim to you” (17:23). We should notice a few things about the way Paul is approaching his “defense” before the Areopagus. First, he is not yet directly challenging their idolatry. Since the Athenians admit that they don’t know who or what this God is (since he is “unknown”), they are in no position to deny his nature as Paul explains it. Also, Paul is not attacking their gods and leaving himself open to a charge of atheism. The God he is speaking of is a “new” one. Second, Paul does not use anything from the Jewish Scriptures in his speech. Paul is not trying to prove that Jesus is the Messiah — that would be meaningless for a council whose members were probably followers of the major philosophies of the day. Paul does not begin his address by referring to Jewish history or by quoting Jewish Scriptures…He knew it would be futile to refer to a history no one knew or argue from fulfillment of prophecy no one was interested in or quote from a book no one read or accepted as authoritative. (Longenecker, 475) Third, this is an excellent example of Paul’s willingness to “become all things to all people” in order to preach the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:22). To those like the pagan Athenian council members — “those not having the law” — Paul “became like one not having the law” to win them over to Christ (verse 21). The speech is a wonderful specimen of Paul’s approach to preaching to pagan Gentiles. The other example, of which Luke gave us a much briefer summary, we have already seen (in 14:15-17). As to the actual altar, “To an Unknown God,” we have no direct evidence. However, we know from ancient writers that the Athenians have a penchant for setting up altars to unknown deities. Pausanias, the Greek traveler and geographer who lives around A.D. 150, mentions that there are “altars of gods both named and unknown” near Athens (Description of Greece1.1.4). God made the world (17:24) Paul’s next point is to establish that “the God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth” (17:24). Paul is telling the Athenians that God is Creator — the maker of all things, not one who can be created by human works. God is not detached from his creation, and the world did not come to exist by chance, but by design. Paul points out that God guides human history. Here he contradicts the beliefs of some philosophers. He appeals to the Athenians’ experience of the creation around them as something that reveals God. It is said that there are two books about God — the Bible and nature itself. The latter is said to be the basis of a “natural theology,” and that is where Paul begins to explain who God is to these pagans. In reasoning from the natural world toward faith in God, Luke’s Paul borders upon a “natural theology” — our observation of the natural world and its wonders as a forerunner of faith. How can people look up at the stars or ponder the mysteries of the world without imagining a real, though still unknown, divine force behind it all? (William H. Willimon, Acts [Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Preaching and Teaching; Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1988], 143) Jews already believe in the one true God, and in Scripture, so when Paul speaks to Jews, he begins with “revealed theology” — that is, the statements of Moses, David and the prophets. He tries to convince them that Jesus fulfilled the Scriptural requirements of the Messiah (Luke 24:27). Of course, what Paul says about God as Creator is a major focus of Scripture as well (Isaiah 40:28; 42:5; 45:12). The Hebrew Scriptures provided plenty of ammunition to proclaim God’s sovereignty through the creation. But to persuade this audience in Athens, he cites examples and writings that are accepted by Greek philosophers. When the gospel is presented to pagans it is necessary to first establish who the one true God is. Paul claims that this God’s existence can be glimpsed by rightly understanding the creation (Romans 1:19-22). The Athenians would first have to turn to God from idols before they can appreciate his saving work in Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:9). That is what Paul is driving at here, and the better part of his speech continues to be concerned with knowing God. Does not live in temples (17:24-25) The true God, said Paul, “does not live in temples built by human hands” (17:24). Stephen made the same statement in a Jewish context (7:48-50). Subtly, both the Jewish temple and pagan temples are placed in the same category. Neither in Jerusalem’s holy place — nor in any other holy place — will people truly find and worship God. Bruce writes, “If even the shrine at Jerusalem, erected for the worship of the true God, could not contain him, how much less the splendid shrines on the Athenian Acropolis, dedicated as they were to divinities that had no real existence!” (336) But even here, Paul is not in conflict with the philosophers of the Areopagus. Stoic philosophers accept the premise that God (or the gods) is bigger than the temple. Bruce quotes a fragment from Euripides, who says, “What house built by craftsmen could enclose the form divine within enfolding walls?” (ibid.). Paul continues by saying that “God is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else” (17:25). God needs nothing from us. It is we who need everything from God — even life and breath. This is something that even many pagans understand, so Paul is still on common ground here. The principle that God is self-sufficient is also basic Hebrew biblical theology (Psalm 50:7-15; 1 Chronicles 29:14). So we can see that as Paul speaks, he is continuing to run on parallel tracks between the Scriptures and the thoughts of the philosophers. From one man made nations (17:26) Paul next appeals to the idea that our common humanity has a single source, by which he means the one true God. “From one man he [God] made all the nations,” said Paul, “…he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands” (17:26). Presumably, Paul is alluding to the Genesis story of Adam as the first human (1 Corinthians 15:45) and the scattering during the building of the tower of Babel. Paul is veering a bit from common pagan speculation and might not be on the same page as the Areopagus philosophers. They might ask, Who was that man? Didn’t the Athenians spring from the sacred ground of Attica? Is Paul implying that God determined Athens’ prominence in the world, and now its relative insignificance as well? Paul may be attacking the smugness of the Athenians, who still think of themselves as a great cultural force in the world. He is saying that people shouldn’t think of themselves as racially superior. Their worldly station depends on God’s will, as Nebuchadnezzar discovered (Daniel 4:32). He is not far from us (17:27) Paul insists that God has a purpose in allowing the rise and fall of nations, and their geographical placement. “God did this so that they would seek him,” says Paul, “and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (17:27). Here again, Paul can be interpreted in two ways. The philosophers, Stoics for example, might think Paul is referring to the philosophical search for the truth. What Paul means is that people should respond to the longing in their inner being and search for the one true God (Psalm 14:2; Proverbs 8:17; Isaiah 55:6-7; Jeremiah 29:13). The Hebrew Scriptures promise that, “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalm 145:18). Paul is saying, with the prophets, that God is nearby, not far away (Jeremiah 23:23) — and he wants to be discovered. In him we live and move (17:28) Paul wants to bolster his point that there is a relationship between humanity and God — that God wants to be sought and found in a particular way. Paul does this by quoting some pagan poet-philosophers. Paul says: “‘For in him [God] we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (17:28). There is some difficulty in knowing whether Paul is quoting the phrase “in him we live and move and have our being.” However, its equivalent is found in an ancient poem, Cretica, attributed to the Cretan poet Epimenides, who lived around 600 B.C. In this poem, Minos says this about Zeus: They fashioned a tomb for thee, O holy and high one — The Cretans, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies! But thou art not dead; thou livest and abidest for ever, For in thee we live and move and have our being. The phrase, “We are his offspring,” is found in more than one poet. (Paul’s use of the plural “poets” may refer to this fact.) It is in a work by the Cilician poet (Paul is from Tarsus in Cilicia) Aratus (c. 315-240 B.C.), the Phainomena. The poem praises Zeus, and opens with these words: Let us begin with Zeus. Never, O men, let us leave him unmentioned. All the ways are full of Zeus, and all the market-places of human beings. The sea is full of him; so are the harbors. In every way we have all to do with Zeus, for we are truly his offspring. The phrase is also part of a poem by Cleanthes (331-233 B.C.), Hymn to Zeus, in a slightly different form. The first few lines are: O God most glorious, called by many a name, Nature’s great King, through endless years the same; Omnipotence, who by thy just decree Controllest all, hail, Zeus, for unto thee Behooves thy creatures in all lands to call. We are thy children, we alone of all… Paul has no problem in quoting material or ideas that were produced by pagans in honor of gods such as Zeus. He takes the principle — in this case, thoughts about the nature of God and humanity’s relationship to him — and applies it to the one true God. By such maxims, Paul is not suggesting that God is to be thought of in terms of the Zeus of Greek polytheism, or Stoic pantheism. He is rather arguing that the poets his hearers recognized as authorities have to some extent corroborated his message. In his search for a measure of common ground with his hearers, he is, so to speak, disinfecting and rebaptizing the poets’ words for his own purposes. (Longenecker, 476) Paul’s speech, as we shall see at its end, is thoroughly gospel-oriented and biblical in content. He simply cites pagan authorities in the same way he cites the giants of Scripture, such as Moses or David, to prove his point about God’s purpose in Jesus. Paul doesn’t condemn the poets for groping after some understanding of God in a darkened world. He recognizes the common longing of humanity to connect with God. What Paul does in this speech is begin with the knowledge the philosophers and poets have. He uses it to help his hearers leap over their ignorance, and into the truth of God’s purpose in Christ. Paul’s allusions to pagan worship and the thoughts of the philosophers are simple points of contact with his hearers. What the poets say about Zeus may have been correct, but only when applied to the one true God. In his speech, Paul seeks to make the proper shift. God is not like the idol (17:29-30) Paul now makes his concluding remarks about idolatry: “Since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone” (17:29). Paul is hitting closer to home now. Even the highly educated officials of the Areopagus must have some attachment to the gods, though perhaps not in the same way as the masses. Paul next labels idolatry for what it is: “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent” (17:30). Peter applied this same theme of excused ignorance to the Jews who rejected Jesus (3:17). Johnson writes, “It is of fundamental significance that they [the Gentiles] are called from where they began, just as were the Jews. Their ‘times of ignorance’ are not treated any differently than the ‘ignorance’ that excused the first rejection of Jesus the Prophet by the Jewish people” (319). Paul notes that God patiently tolerated human ignorance in ages past (Romans 3:25). In Lystra, Paul says that God “let all nations go their own way” (14:16). While God “overlooks” sin, there is also retribution for people who suppress the truth about his eternal power and divine nature — he lets sin have its natural results (Romans 1:18-32). But times have changed; a new beginning in God’s dealing with the human race has begun. Forgiveness for sin and intimate contact with God through the Holy Spirit is possible. Repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Savior is commanded. The days of groping in the dark and spiritual ignorance are over. The day of repentance is here and the time of judgment is coming. Paul now warns the Areopagus that his speech is not idle philosophical speculation. His call to repentance is serious because God “has set a day when he will judge the world with justice” (17:31). (The quote is from Psalm 96:13.) The New Testament makes clear in many places that a “day of judgment” is coming. The offer of salvation in Christ is counterpoised with the warning of judgment for those who reject him. (See the following scriptures where the judgment is discussed: Luke 10:12-15; 12:42-48; Romans 2:5-11, 16; 1 Corinthians 1:7-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10; 2 Peter 3:10-13.) Proof of resurrection (17:31) Paul is near the end of his speech. He focuses on Christ, him crucified and resurrected. Paul insists that God will judge the world by “the man he has appointed” (17:31) — referring to Jesus, but not mentioning his name. Jesus has been given all power in heaven and earth. This reality is proven, insists Paul, in the fact that God raised him from the dead (17:31). As Paul tells the Romans, Jesus “was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead” (1:4). Paul has come a long way from his introduction, arriving at the essence of the gospel — the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the words of William Barclay, “It is no unknown God but a Risen Christ with whom we have to deal” (132). Up to this point, Paul has been attempting to demonstrate God’s existence, sovereignty and purpose by the “around” — by things that can be seen. The philosophers might argue about the meaning of nature, but they certainly cannot argue against the fact of its existence. Now, Paul asserts that a human being — Jesus — has been raised from the dead. He is insisting on something contrary to the philosophers’ observation of the way the world works. It is also contrary to the views of the popular philosophies of the day. “In mentioning the resurrection, Paul risks rejection by his audience. They may agree to a created world and to our common humanity, but there is no possible ‘natural theology’ evidence for an assertion of the resurrection” (Willimon, 144).
Fall is a Good Time for 2024 Planning Is it time to build your next… Industrial Marketing Planning is Based on Research. What markets are growing, what markets are shrinking? What people assets do you have to move into different markets? That’s the research part of the industrial marketing planning. Once you have the research, you need to go after the market. Marketing planning will match your employee’s talents to the emerging markets you have identified. Client and business development will manage the budding client relationships. Proposals will get you the work. Promotional activity will help your first successful project in the new industry be known. Professional management will put into place the tools needed to rinse and repeat. Industrial Marketing Strategy Case Study Activity This Case Study Activity allows you to reflect on and apply the key concepts that you learned in this Domain to a real-world scenario. Each Domain includes a scenario about the same organization, Gilmore & Associates. The scenario is presented to you, followed by several questions. You can also elect to view the recommended solutions/ responses for each question posed, which are located on the next page. This case study can be studied in many ways: - You can individually reflect on the questions after reading the scenario, and write your own notes/responses to each question. You can then check your ability to apply the key concepts against the recommended solutions/responses. - You can pull together a small group and use this scenario to drive a discussion around the challenge and to discuss solutions as a group. - You can combine a selection of the case study activities (across the Domains) into a larger scenario-based activity as a part of a professional development event. Your mid-sized engineering firm, Gilmore & Associates, has long been a leader in the construction of K-12 school facilities. Recent changes, driven by aging Baby Boomers and an influx of retirees, have caused this market to decline, and your CEO is looking to expand into the healthcare industry. As the marketing coordinator, you’ve made an assessment of you firm’s current situation and it’s clear that things need to change, as well over half of your current revenue is coming from school construction. However, your preliminary research has identified several exciting new possibilities, including the need for upscale retirement homes and hospice facilities. Your CEO has tasked your group to come up with a marketing plan that will set the firm up to succeed in this new environment. - Based on the demographic data, you’ve established that there’s a growing need for healthcare facilities in your area. You’re also clear that the strengths of your firm align better with building retirement homes rather than hospitals or clinics. What type of research would best help you in creating a plan that will turn these insights into a workable marketing plan? - Besides conducting research, what are some of the key steps that you will take to develop your marketing plan? - What things will you need to keep in mind when developing your marketing budget? - What are some of the strategies that you will put into place to reach your marketing goals, as set forth in the plan? - What measures will you put into place to assess how well your plan is performing? - Based on the demographic data, you’ve established that there’s a growing need for healthcare facilities in your area. You’re also clear that the strengths of your firm align better with building retirement homes rather than hospitals or clinics. What type of research would best help you in creating a plan that will turn these insights into a workable marketing plan?Since you’re already clear on the demographic trends in your area, research how large the retirement home market will be for your area over the next five years (for example).You will need to decide whether to do your own research, perhaps by conducting surveys in carefully selected communities, or rely on secondary research by looking at existing industry data and local government research. The decision will come down to a question of cost and how much good data already exists. You will probably need to gather both qualitative and quantitative data-qualitative, in the sense that good retirement home design is something of an art; and quantitative, in that you will need to have hard numbers to back up any projections that you make about the number of facilities that will be needed. - Besides conducting research, what are some of the key steps that you will take to develop your marketing plan?Identify the marketing forces that affect your business. For example, you can use Porter’s Five Forces model to assess your relative bargaining strength with potential clients, your relationship with suppliers, and how you measure up to the competition.Participate in strategic planning with senior staff to clarify the overall goals and objectives of the organization, to provide a context for the marketing plan that you are developing.Develop a vision statement that encapsulates the firm’s strategic objectives, and reflects how you want the company to be perceived in the marketplace. Just as you have been seen as the premier provider of school facilities in the region, your new goal is to become known as the Cadillac of the retirement home industry.Develop clear and quantifiable goals; for example, you could decide that your goal is to partner with a healthcare provider to build two profitable retirement facilities over the next two years. Identify specific target markets. Where are you going to locate your retirement facilities? You may want them close to an existing hospital, for example, and within an easy bus ride to a cultural center. - What things will you need to keep in mind when developing your marketing budget?You’ll need to decide on a budgeting methodology. Will you use the Projection Method, which looks at prior year costs to develop the upcoming year’s budget? Or the Percentage Method, which allocates a set percentage of the firm’s total operation revenues to marketing? Or will you go with GoalBased Budgeting, which assigns costs to each item in your marketing plan?You’ll have to budget for labor costs, by estimating the time that everyone in the firm will devote to marketing. This includes not only marketing staff, but the time spent by principals in marketing and selling.You’ll need to decide how to track expenses related to marketing, such as travel and entertainment, photography, printing costs, organization dues, office supplies, and the like. - What are some of the strategies that you will put into place to reach your marketing goals, as set forth in the plan? Networking. You may find that firms that you have partnered with in the past are also looking to get into a new line of business. Contacting professional organizations in the healthcare industry, to better understand the specific issues surrounding elder-care facilities and to get to know key players in the healthcare community.Developing a public relations campaign to get the message out that you are becoming a player in the healthcare industry. Building a presence on social media, both to advertise the new face of your company and to target prospective clients. A good website. Any great industrial marketing plan requires a good, easy to navigate, informative website. - What measures will you put into place to assess how well your plan is performing? You may want to use a CRM system to track leads, proposals, and the activities that drive costs and revenues, even if you track actual expenses in an accounting system. Lead reports, hit rate reports, and sales reports all provide quantifiable data on how well the company is doing month to month, and will provide an early warning if the plan is going off track. Benchmarking allows you to keep tabs on internal progress; by evaluating progress against an internal goal of generating X number of proposals in an quarter, for example, the marketing team can judge whether it is on track to fulfilling its overall goal of hitting its revenue goals.A cost/benefit analysis of your marketing effort will let you know the value that you are getting for the money and time expended. The key is to understand the total costs in time and money, and to fully appreciate the value realized. Domain 2: Marketing Planning Analyze Data of Relevant Industries and Competitors - 1 Understand Methods and Models of Research 1.1.1 Action-Driving vs Action-Confirming Research 1.1.2 Primary vs Secondary Research 1.1.3 Qualitative vs Quantitative Research 1.2 Identify Sources of Relevant Data 1.3 Prioritize Data for Relevance to Firm’s Strategic, Marketing, and Business Development (BD) Plans 1.4 Reporting and Tracking of Data 1.5 Key Terms - Analyze Relevant Historical and Contemporary Data 2.1 Identify Sources of Relevant Data, Company’s Historic Data (Internal and External) 2.2 Models for Identifying Market Forces 2.2.1 Porter’s Five Forces This really focuses on the power of the people that control the industry. They will not want you to take their cheese. Buyers will do what they have always done and may want a bribe. Suppliers won’t help you learn their other customers. In common technologies, competitors are everywhere. I’m not quite sure what, “The best market is the one that is difficult to enter, yet easy to exit.” If that was the case, I should leverage my Frank Lloyd Wright House. It is what has gotten me into researching the architectural, engineering and construction markets but they have not been easy to enter. But learning this SMPS methodology will help me enter the market. TO wrap up Porter’s Five Forces substitute products can’t be invented that fast in marketing as long as you keep up with the internet. The final one is rivalry. There’s a lot of that. All of these things can prevent your success. They are why it is so frustrating to enter a new market or invent one. 2.3 Key Terms - Analyze Focused Market-Specific Data 3.1 Describe and Analyze Data 3.2 Forecast Based on Collected Information 3.3 Key Terms - Interpret Market Research Results You always have to reconfirm your research. 4.1 Analysis vs Interpretation of Data 4.2 Forecast Based on Collected Information 4.3 Key Terms - Conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis 5.1 Understand How to Construct a SWOT Matrix 5.2 Tactics for Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats 5.3 Setting Priorities for a SWOT Analysis Every marketing activity needs to start with thinking about your Strength and Weaknesses and your outside Opportunities and Threats. 5.4 Alternative Models 5.5 Key Terms - Collect Industry Marketing Cost Data 6.1 Identify Sources of Relevant Data 6.2 Analyze and Apply Data 6.3 Key Terms - Participate in Strategic Planning This is always the easiest thing to say you are going to do but almost impossible to execute. This marketing methodology will help you succeed. I used to think they were a meaningless example of corporate bullshit. But when properly used a strategic plan really is a survival plan. You need to be a driven company whose goal is to enter new markets. Most strategic plans are just marketing mush, a real plan is a real need when it comes to successful industrial marketing strategy. 7.1 Understanding the Strategic Planning Process/Models It’s all hidden in the illustration. The target, the reason, the willpower, the weapons and the victims, “(you) will be the first to find, and profitably capitalize on, emerging opportunities before the competition can.” 7.2 Understanding the Firm’s Big Picture Operations and Finance 7.3 Bringing Relevant Data to the Table 7.4 Key Terms - Develop a Vision Statement – What you aspire to be? Here’s another one I just don’t get. No words on a piece of paper can change the future. It comes down to caring. What do you care about? That is the only reason things change. Making a statement about yourself doesn’t convince clients to work with you. Or your employees. 8.1 Understand Your Firm’s Brand Promise and Core Values 8.1.1 What’s Our Vision for the Firm? 8.1.2 What’s Our Mission? Where do you want to go? 8.1.3 What Do We Want to be Known For? 8.1.4 What Do We Like to Do Most? 8.1.5 Who Are We Competing Against, and What Makes Us Different? 8.2 Analyze Your Firm’s Current Position in the Marketplace 8.3 Facilitate Discussion with Senior Leadership 8.4 Be Effective as Part of the Team (Team Dynamics, Collaboration) 8.5 Writing Skills 8.6 Key Terms - Develop Goals and Objectives How are you going to get there? 9.1 Analyze Your Current Effort 9.2 Identify the Results (Sales, Positioning, etc.) You Want to Achieve, With a Time Frame for Achieving Them 9.3 Identify How Your Goals and Objectives Relate to Your Vision Statement, and Measurable Results for Goal Achievement 9.4 Internal Benchmarking, and Developing/Tracking Progressive Goals 9.5 Establish Performance Metrics 9.6 Key Terms - Facilitate the Planning Process 10.1 The Basics of Facilitation 10.1.1 Wearing Different Hats 10.2 Understand the Firm’s Goals 10.3 Keep Group on Agenda and Moving Forward 10.3.1 Managing Conflict 10.4 Involve Everyone, Making Sure Contributions are Considered and Included 10.5 Make Sure That Participants Achieve a Mutual Understanding 10.6 Record and Identify Related Action Items 10.7 Understand Different Motivations and Personality Types Myers-Brigg Type Indicator - Select Target Markets 11.1 Examine Current Markets and Financial Performance for Each Market (Internal) 11.2 Review Market Research (Trends, Cultural, etc.) 11.3 Prioritize Opportunities that Maximize Your Firm’s Unique Value Proposition· 11.4 Key Terms - Create a Marketing Plan One year part of a 3-5 year strategic plan with specific training to be done and battles to be won. 12.1 The Components of a Marketing Plan 12.2 Facilitate the Planning Process to Support and Integrate with the Strategic, BD, and Action Plans 12.3 Key Terms - Create a Marketing Budget 13.1 Budgets Support Your Marketing Plan 13.2 Budgets Should Have a Structure that Relates to Your Firm Structure 13.3 Choosing an Appropriate Methodology for Budgeting 13.3.1 The Projection Method or Comparison – uses past expense to predict future costs 13.3.2 The Percentage Method – 3 to 18 % 13.3.3 The Goal-Based Budgeting Method or Bottom-Up Method – assigns a cost to each marketing activity 13.4 How to Budget for Labor Costs 13.4.1 Calculating Available Time 13.4.2 Budgeting for the Principals 13.5 How to Budget for Expenses 13.6 Key Terms - 14 Set Marketing Goals 14.1 Strategies for Achieving Your Goals 14.1.1 Past and Current Clients 14.1.2 Cold Calling 14.1.4 Professional Organizations 14.1.5 Community Activities 14.2 Communications Activities 14.2.2 Public Relations 14.2.3 Social Media 14.2.4 Speaking and Writing 14.3 Key Terms - Manage implementation of a Marketing Plan 15.1 Systems for Tracking Leads 15.1.1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems 15.1.2 Going the Extra Mile 15.2 Manage People Effectively/Understand Different Individual Motivations· 15.3 Key Terms - Manage the Marketing Budget 16.1 Systems Tools for Tracking 16.2 How to Manage Vendors/Consultants 16.3 Key Terms - Estimate the Impact of Marketing on the Bottom Line 17.1 Measuring Performance 17.2 Key Terms - Estimate Return on Investment of the Marketing Plan 18.1 Benchmark and Measure 18.1.1 Drivers vs Indicators 18.1.2 Understand How Your Firm Defines Success 18.2 Financial Basics 18.3 Systems for Tracking 18.3.1 The Marketing Budget and ROI 18.3.2 Tracking Your Overall Marketing Effort by Tactic 18.4 Key Terms - Conduct a Cost/Benefit Analysis of Marketing Efforts 19.1 Understand the Total Costs (Time and Money) 19.2 Value-Based Decision Making 19.2.1 Quantitative Value 19.2.2 Qualitative Value 19.3 Basic Accounting Principles 19.4 Key Terms - Provide a Progress Report on the Marketing Plan 20.1 Regularly Review Performance Metrics Related to Goals 20.3 Presentation Techniques (Also Applies to Reporting Techniques) 20.4 Key Terms - Revise the Marketing Plan 21.1 Update and Review Market Research for Changes in Market Situation 21.2 Adjust Marketing Plan to Reflect New Information 21.3 The 12-Month Rolling Budget 21.4 Key Terms
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Button broker incentives is frequently extremely nice and include financial incentives or other advantages including 100 percent free educational product, exchange indicators, otherwise an individual consultant. No-deposit Fx incentives is greatest-ranked certainly one of beginners because they do not need private finance to start change. Immediately after registration and account verification, the newest broker will bring a little share for trade. Really exchange promotions have the type of a deposit added bonus, where you finance your bank account that have X count as well as the agent tend to finest it up having additional credit. Webull are a great United states-managed and dependable broker that provides a lot more 100 percent free stock bonuses than most rivals. Webull is a good You-managed broker which provides big welcome bonuses having totally free shares. Alternatively, we note that bonus finance cannot be withdrawn – they are able to mostly just be used to practice trading to your broker’s eight hundred+ tool, and 100+ fx assets. FXCC also provides a bigger greeting extra than simply all the forex brokers we analyzed. There is a VPS offer, nevertheless requires a merchant account balance of dos,five hundred and you will the absolute minimum month-to-month change level of 30 plenty, that’s higher than of many alternatives. Since the best steps have been taken, the other fund might possibly be paid on the individual’s membership. The brand new income tax personal debt out of forex buyers differ with regards to the country it reside in. Normally, earnings produced from the forex market are susceptible to tax and you can demand declaration for the right taxing body. Margin phone calls be expected whenever a merchant account’s worth plummets lower than a brokerage-recommended minimum tolerance, persuasive buyers in order to shoot supplementary money otherwise close their investments and you can offset loss. The brand new implementation of leverage inside the this market lets buyers to handle ample ranks with just minimal money, amplifying the possibility of losses. Here are the better forex agents that offer bonuses that you may benefit from. Better Fx Agents Having Bonuses and Trade Offers In the event the a brokerage now offers its characteristics inside a select country such since the India or South Africa, the advantage Possibilities to be had can also be provided. An informed Brokers which have a 100percent Forex Put Incentive are InstaForex and FBS, whereas RoboForex passes that with an excellent 120percent give. Pinpointing how good brokers’ help solutions form and you can evaluating the high quality are crucial steps in choosing and therefore agent will be best suited for your needs. ✅ The fresh account and its currency are only legitimate for a limited time (two months to have change plus one 2 weeks to recover income). Such as the Expert Account, the brand new Invited Membership lets people alter leverage and you can post earnings straight on their Tickmill Handbag. ✅ New customers can begin change instead to make an initial deposit, removing the chance out of shedding individual assets. ✅ Earnings are just withdrawable during the twice as much extra matter or even more, which may be hard for delivery people. Readily available for Primary Membership with various currency bases, allowing traders better possibilities.
In an earlier report, Professors Iris Tommelein and Glenn Ballard of the University of California, Berkeley, analyzed the underlying principles of the construction practice of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) and provided a critique to its standard design, making a number of predictions. Fundamental in their critique is the operations policies and parameters that dictate the final behavior of a project production system when AWP is applied. They predicted undesirable consequences to the performance of project production systems including, but not limited to, inventory growth, longer cycle times, lower labor utilization and higher costs. Using an Operations Science framework, this paper reviews a capital project example that implemented AWP and uses this project experience to validate each of the predictions previously made by Professors Tommelein and Ballard. This paper also introduces the technical approach that the owner operator adopted to address the project performance gaps created by AWP, which included the application of CONWIP control protocols for more effective control of supply of materials and permanent equipment to the point of installation. There is abundant published literature (Tideman, Tuinstra, & Campbell, 2014) (Ernst & Young, 2014) (Changali, Mohammed, & van Niewland, 2015) (Barbosa, et al., 2017), proclaiming that project cost and schedule overruns in the energy and industrial sectors have reached crisis levels. These cost and schedule overruns are impacting shareholder value and the ability for owner operators, including energy and industrial companies, to deliver and maintain their assets (Tideman, Tuinstra, & Campbell, 2014) based on business objectives. How work is chunked into packages for the purpose of execution is not a new or innovative practice in the engineering and construction industry. But in recent years, these practices have evolved into established methodologies such as Workface Planning (WFP) and then Advanced Work Packaging (O’Brien, Leite, Hamdi, & Ponticelli, 2016), gaining much interest among owner operators and Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) firms. Industry organizations such as the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and the Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA) have invested in better defining and documenting these practices, resulting in the publication of a series of reports, such as the latest CII’s Report 272-12 Advanced Work Packaging: From Project Definition Through Site Execution. Based on the interest of industry practitioners and through PPI-sponsored Research, Professors I. Tommelein and G. Ballard reported (Tommelein & Ballard, A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging, 2015), including a subsequent paper (Tommelein & Ballard, “Advancing” Advanced Work Packaging, 2016), that WFP and AWP as currently defined in the industry, will result in a project production system that is “under” specified. They proceed to identify several areas where system design choices remain to be made, indicating ways to optimize execution of work packages, and in so doing, support better control of project cost and duration including increasing predictability. In (Tommelein & Ballard, A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging, 2015), they proceed to formulate a number of predictions on the negative outcomes from the implementation of AWP resulting from the incomplete specifications in the project production system. In this paper, we describe the unintended consequences of implementing AWP / WFP in the ability of project teams to effectively synchronize project supply flows, validating the predictions made in (Tommelein & Ballard, A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging, 2015). After describing the production system resulting from the implementation of Construction Work Packages (CWP) and Installation Work Packages (IWP), we analyze the implications of its policies and parameters for supply flows, particularly the build-up in inventory of materials and permanent equipment arising from variability in both demand and supply and the ability of logistics systems and their capacity to cope with variability. Using Operations Science principles, we outline an alternative design of a section of the overall project production system to better synchronize supply with demand, leading to unlock and capture value such as shorter cycle time, reduced inventory, greater reliability. Unintended Consequences – Predictions By Tommelein & Ballard After the authors make the case that WFP and AWP comprise an under-specified project production system, we must review the summary of their predictions (Tommelein & Ballard, A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging, 2015) as a list of unintended consequences resulting from inadequate polices and parameters. The cited authors summarized their findings in four predictions as follows: - Failure to specify pull in AWP design, naturally results in push. We expect to see huge inventory growth on projects using AWP if they do not specify pull. - The larger the transfer batch, the longer the duration of the process. We expect to see projects taking longer rather than being done more quickly, unless they reduce the transfer batch. - Having defined work packages, coordinated between engineering and construction, does not reduce the challenge of coordinating massive flows of materials, information and resources to construction sites when needed. We expect labor utilization to get worse rather than better. - Inventory growth, longer project durations, and higher labor costs – plus increased costs for expediting and firefighting – are expected to result in projects well over budget and time. CASE EXAMPLEThe SituationAn owner operator invests several billion US dollars in an industrial, processing facility. Due to its magnitude, the project can be classified as a classic megaproject. Procured through conventional means, different materials, parts, equipment (e.g., vessels) and modules from various suppliers are delivered to the construction site resulting in large. An owner operator invests several billion US dollars in an industrial, processing facility. Due to its magnitude, the project can be classified as a classic megaproject. Procured through conventional means, different materials, parts, equipment (e.g., vessels) and modules from various suppliers are delivered to the construction site resulting in large volumes of inventory residing on site until demanded by the construction teams for installation. To better illustrate this, Figure 1 shows examples of what physically manifested on site, different types of parts and materials that are stored in inventory, while Figure 2 provides a high-level representation of the part of the overall project production system that is the focus of this paper, meaning onsite supply to the point of installation. As the project team implemented AWP / WFP, materials were then kitted according to specific IWPs and placed on trailers for transportation to the point of installation as illustrated in Figure 3. This is another representation of onsite inventories, but in this case, the difference is that inventory is combined with capacity (e.g., trailers), not to mention the use of space, as well as the fact that trailers are destined to a specific area becoming an engineered-to-order (ETO) supply process (not interchangeable between areas or IWPs). Despite significant investment in capacity (labor, trailers, staging areas, etc.), the installation and associated onsite supply flows (from staging areas to the point of installation) experienced severe problems resulting in lack of synchronization between onsite supply and demand. The version of the installers was “we cannot get what we need, when we need it”. On the other side, the version of those in charge of onsite supply was “installers don’t know how to plan – they change their minds too often and don’t take what they ordered”. The combined effect of this situation was schedule delays (e.g., site teams did not get what they wanted it) and additional costs (e.g., higher than expected logistics costs and cost of schedule delays), not to mention the exposure to loss of revenue by the owner operator because of the delays in the project coming online. Safety risk levels and quality standards were also compromised because of the increased and constant handling of inventory (e.g., offload, sort, tag, load, transport, offload, move to the point of installation). Project Production Management Analysis We should start by asking ourselves: what was the project team (construction and onsite supply teams) doing that caused these outcomes?To answer this question, it is important that we analyze the situation described herein from a production perspective including what policies were implemented. To achieve this, we must start by visualizing the production system including how transformation, stocks and flow of work occur. Figure 4 shows a Process Flow Diagram that provides a more detailed representation of the production system illustrated in Figure 2. It shows the sequence of main activities as materials and information flow from the makeup of CWPs to the assembly, storage and transportation of IWPs to the workface and their respective execution. Based on this Process Flow Diagram as well as other information gathered during this analysis, the following can be stated about the design of this production system: - While a CWP comprises all work for a given area for multiple trades / disciplines (e.g., steel, piping, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, etc.), each IWP was developed per discipline (e.g., piping, electrical) and based on approximately 1500 to 3000 man-hours of work, the equivalent to approximately 5 trailers-worth of materials and 2-3 weeks of work for a crew of between 7 to 10 people (this could vary). - A policy mandated that an IWP shall be created 12 weeks before site needs it. This represents a process that starts with compiling the engineering for each IWP and preparing the Bill of Materials (BOM) plus developing a plan for the execution of the single-discipline IWP. This also includes checking if materials are on site as well as the required capacity is available. - With an IWP created (at a document stage including the required verifications), construction teams are required to communicate the demand for an IWP to those in charge of onsite supply 21 days in advance of the need date (T-3 weeks) by completing and submitting a Field Materials Request (FMR) form. FMRs were used as triggers to start the physical creation of an IWP (primarily one FRM per IWP). As the size of an IWP is about 2-3 weeks of work (could be less), a single FMR represented this volume of materials. Level 4 schedules were used not only to determine required-at-site (RAS) dates but also to establish when an FMR was to be generated (refer to Figure 5). - Upon receipt of an FMR, the onsite supply process was initiated including locating and flagging the materials, loading empty trailers with IWP materials (was uncommon to see materials for multiple IWPs loaded on the same trailer), staging the trailers waiting for site teams to come and collect them, and then move the trailers to the workface for installation. - A situation that became common was that not a 100% of the materials for a given IWP were on site as delays in engineering caused a ripple effect in procurement, fabrication and supply to the site. Therefore, the team implemented a policy that only FMRs with 100% of the materials listed in the BOM physically on site can be submitted to the onsite supply team. Given the above description of how the production system was designed including policies and parameters, Operations Science allows us to deduce consequences of the system choices shown in Figure 5, which in fact will begin validating the predictions of Tommelein and Ballard. Based on this, the following conclusions can be made: - AWP / WFP uses a strategy of placing large inventory buffers of materials and information to shield installation craft, but ignores managing predecessor WIP, capacity and variability. - The choice of using Level 4 schedules, typically used for monthly reporting and forecasting of progress (project controls (Arbulu, Choo, & Williams, 2016)), as the means to set delivery dates is essentially a control mechanism that ends up incentivizing the push of materials to site because this type of schedules rarely reflect the real status of work in the field. This is compounded by the fact that construction teams were required to forecast the demand for materials three weeks in advance (21 days) using these schedules. As daily reliability of planning was between fifty and sixty percent, meaning every five / six of ten activities were not being completed as planned every day, construction teams did not stand a chance of providing a reliable forecast (let’s remember that by definition all forecasts are always wrong), so the accuracy of demand was very low. Photos of trailers presented before are the hard evidence of the creation of a huge inventory of materials and capacity (the trailers and space requirements for the trailers) as a result of an unsynchronized supply system. This supports the first prediction. - Little’s Law (Work-in-Process = Throughput x Cycle Time) allows us to deduce the Work-In-Process (WIP) in the system measured from the point where an FMR is submitted and the time an IWP is to be completed. It was estimated that in average a single construction team required up to 20 trailers per day (Throughput = 20). As the cycle time for the delivery of trailers was set as 21 days (from order to fulfillment), we can calculate that at any given time, a WIP equivalent to 420 trailers (=20×21) should be expected in the onsite supply system. In fact, and due to variability in the system, this number was even greater reaching to about thousand trailers at one point. The transfer batch (the size of the FMR) was large and set the cycle time to 21 days, and within that time window, demand was highly variable so not all trailers that were moved to the point of installation were used when requested. This resulted in a decision by management to increase the number of trailers (more capacity and more WIP). It is important to highlight that because site work was exposed to high levels of variability, it meant that construction teams needed other IWPs immediately that were not yet on trailers, creating changes in demand. But because supply was set for 21 days of cycle time, the system was not flexible enough to account for this, contributing to delays in the schedule as well as low capacity utilization (people waiting for materials). This validates the third and fourth predictions. In summary, order batches were too large which contributed to longer than needed cycle times. Variability in demand was high which led to excessive WIP. Excessive WIP caused extra costs (e.g., more trailers and the required capacity to maintain those in use) and the subsequent schedule overruns. This combination of factors conspired to yield the delays and cost overruns we have described fulfilling all four predictions made by Professors Tommelein and Ballard in their report (Tommelein & Ballard, A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging, 2015). How to Address the Situation Through Project Production Management The previous analysis has exposed four important characteristics of the production system: 1) highly variable demand, 2) excessive WIP levels, 3) large size of order batch and 4) long cycle times. From a production perspective, and to achieve better performance, the proposed Project Production Management (PPM) strategy consisted of the following elements: - Increase the reliability of demand through the implementation of a robust project production control solution to enable variability reduction (variability cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized) - Reduce the size of the order batch to one day of work (adopt the concept of production packages) - Reduce cycle time as to fit order fulfillment within the window of reliability of site teams - Discontinue the use of Level 4 schedules as the means to drive the delivery of materials to the point of installation and implement a Constant-Work-in-Process (CONWIP) system of control using a production schedule as the means to trigger supply - Optimize the production system during execution as to further reduce WIP and variability, and therefore, reduce cycle time Figure 6 illustrates the proposed adjustments to the production system based on Operations Science. For the above-mentioned strategy to instill the desired behavior in the production system, new policies needed to be defined and made operational. Examples of these policies included, but are not limited to: - Initiate production of a production package from the work site (CONWIP control) - Contain no more than one day of field installation work in a production package - Include all necessary technical information in a production package - Check for accuracy of the production package at the fulfillment point and notify of issue - Kit today what will be delivered tomorrow - Optimize offloading sequence and parts presentation / arrangement to the extent possible - Optimize kitting capacity within the day, no more - Deliver today what will be installed tomorrow - Ensure production package in sound when receiving at point of installation - Use trailers for staging when possible - Offload from trailer to point of installation when possible - Remove from site what is not consumed daily (waste, package materials, rejected production packages, etc.) - Inspect and accept completed work on a daily basis Although all the above elements of the strategy are critical to achieve better performance, the reduction of cycle time is key to this strategy. A shorter cycle time enables reduction of WIP and the capacity required to maintain the WIP. In this case, fulfilling demand within five days was doable according to the chart presented in Figure 7, however, teams did not trust the behavior of the old system and initially resisted to a 16-day cycle time reduction (from 21 to 5 days). Because of this, gradual adjustments were made to cycle time starting with a reduction of 11 days to set cycle time to 10 days. Compared with 21 days from request of an IWP to delivery to point of installation, even a cycle time of 10 days had direct implications for the amount of WIP in the system. For instance, required average Throughput being 20 trailers per day and the cycle time 10 days, WIP will be reduce from 421 trailers to 200 trailers (=20×10) and with 5 days to 100 trailer – less than 25% of the WIP in the original system. We described an actual case example that supports and validates the predictions of Professors Tommelein and Ballard in their critique of WFP and AWP (Tommelein & Ballard, A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging, 2015) (Tommelein & Ballard, “Advancing” Advanced Work Packaging, 2016). Operations Science provides a very robust technical framework to analyze and identify opportunities to improve production system performance including how to control WIP, reduce variability and cycle time, even in cases like the one presented herein that addressed onsite supply to the point of installation. Through the case example, this paper illustrates several fundamental Operations Science principles of Era 3 project delivery thinking compared with classical Era 1 and 2 thinking (Shenoy & Zabelle, 2016). It also validates the fact that AWP / WFP uses a strategy of placing large inventory buffers of materials and information to shield installation craft, but ignores managing predecessor WIP, capacity and variability. Although the impact of variability can be buffered through a combination of capacity, time and inventory, the larger the buffers, the higher the costs. As illustrated in this case, real constraints on capacity (e.g., limited number of trailers and space) and time lead inevitably to negative implications on WIP and that means cycle times will be longer. Through the proposed design of the production system, variability can be further mitigated (but not eliminated) as well as WIP better controlled as to reduce cycle time. Finally, it is imperative to move from controls (as in project controls) as the means to trigger supply to more effective means of control and optimization as is the application of a CONWIP control protocol. This paper was presented at the 2019 Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC). It has also been published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE-197763-MS - D. Tideman, H. T. Tuinstra and B. J. Campbell, “Large Capital Projects In The Oil And Gas Sector & Keys To Successful Project Delivery,” Strategy&, 2 October 2014. - Ernst & Young, “Spotlight On Oil and Gas Megaprojects,” Ernst & Young, 2014. - S. Changali, A. Mohammed and M. van Niewland, “The Construction Productivity Imperative,” McKinsey Productivity Sciences Center, 2015. - F. Barbosa, J. Woetzel, J. Mischke, M. J. Ribeirinho, M. Sridhar, M. Parsons, N. Bertram and S. Brown, “Reinventing Construction Through A Productivity Revolution,” McKinsey Global Institute, 2017. - W. J. O’Brien, F. Leite, O. Hamdi and S. Ponticelli, “Advanced Work Packaging: From Project Definition Through Site Execution,” Construction Industry Institute, Austin TX, 2016. - I. D. Tommelein and G. Ballard, “A Critique of Advanced Work Packaging,” Project Production Institute, San Francisco, 2015. - I. D. Tommelein and G. Ballard, “”Advancing” Advanced Work Packaging,” Journal of Project Production Management, vol. 1, no. Winter, 2016. - R. J. Arbulu, H. J. Choo and M. Williams, “Contrasting Project Production Control with Project Controls,” Journal of Project Production Management, vol. 1, no. Winter, 2016. - R. G. Shenoy and T. R. Zabelle, “New Era Of Project Delivery – Project As Production System,” Journal of Project Production Management, vol. 1, no. Winter, 2016.
Charles A. Czeisler, PhD, MD: Human circadian pacemaker and sleep homeostat; photic circadian resetting; sleep and public policy; occupational health and safety. Dr. Czeisler and colleagues discovered that retinal light exposure, including exposure to ordinary indoor room light, resets the human circadian pacemaker. They have demonstrated that the resetting response depends on the timing, intensity, duration, continuity and wavelength of the light exposure, and that these findings could be applied to treat shift work sleep disorder. They have also demonstrated that the intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker is more stable, precise and closer to 24-hours than previously recognized, remaining stable with age, and is shorter in women than in men. Dr. Czeisler’s research has contributed to the diagnosis and treatment of delayed and advanced sleep phase disorders, non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder, shift work disorder and jet lag disorder. Moreover, the Harvard Work Hours, Health and Safety Group has demonstrated that extended duration (>24 hour) work shifts of hospital interns increase the risk of attentional failures, serious medical errors, adverse events (including fatal adverse events), occupational (needle stick) injuries, and motor vehicle crashes and that sleep disorders are prevalent in police and firefighters and associated with adverse health and safety outcomes. Dr. Czeisler is the Frank Baldino Professor of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and is internationally recognized for his scientific discoveries. Radhika Basheer, PhD: Molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the regulation of sleep-wake- behavior and sleep homeostasis. Recent work links brain energy metabolism and sleep-wakefulness. Her research strategies combine behavioral studies with molecular, biochemical and state- of-the-art optogenetics to understand the mechanisms regulating sleep-wake behavior. Dr. Basheer trained in Dr. McCarley’s lab. Emery N. Brown, MD, PhD: Signal processing algorithms for neuroscience data analysis; functional neural imaging studies of humans under general anesthesia and sleep. Dr. Brown and colleagues have developed statistical methods to estimate circadian, ultradian and pharmacokinetic properties of melatonin and cortisol. Dr. Brown is a product of our training program and is an excellent example of our success in developing high caliber minority leaders. Dr. Brown is the Warren Zapol Professor of Anesthesiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and of Computational Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Professor of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Brown is also the Director of the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology Program, MIT, Associate Director of the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, MIT, and an investigator at the Picower Center for Learning and Memory, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT. Dr. Brown is a member of the National Academy of Medicine. Dr. Brown began his career as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Czeisler’s laboratory. Ritchie Brown, PhD’s lab aims to reveal the brain circuits and cellular mechanisms which ‘wake up’ the cerebral cortex and lead to conscious awareness. We apply this knowledge to animal models of neuropsychiatric disease. Furthermore, we disseminate this knowledge through the writing of comprehensive review articles and book chapters, training junior researchers and teaching medical residents. In our research, we use genetically modified mice which allow us to target particular subgroups of subcortical neurons to study their location, electrical properties, pharmacology and their interaction with other neurons involved in cortical activation using immunohistochemistry, tract tracing, in vitro patch-clamp recordings and optogenetics. Together with other faculty members in our department we investigate the role of these subcortical neurons in the control of behavior and cortical activity using optogenetic and chemogenetic techniques in combination with EEG/EMG recordings and behavioral analysis. Alec J. Davidson, PhD’s laboratory investigates how mammalian circadian organization arises, how it responds to environmental stimuli, how it becomes disrupted in altered lighting environments, and what the physiological consequences are of this disruption. Jason DeBruyne, PhD’s is focused on identifying genes and mechanisms that drive daily circadian rhythms and regulate sleep, focusing a class of genes called ubiquitin ligases. Ubiquitin ligases generally function to induce the degradation of gene-products and are expected to play an essential role in how the clock driving circadian rhythms operates. Michael H. Do, PhD: Pathways in the mammalian visual system, from their origin in the retina to their influences downstream. His work has provided important insight into how a common signal, light, is diversified by neural circuits to serve a variety of behavioral needs. Francis J. Doyle, III, PhD: Research in the Doyle group examines biological systems using a control theory and complex systems framework, along with mathematical modeling. Our research on the circadian system is primarily focused on developing a mathematical understanding of the genetic components of the mammalian clock, and how communication between and within the suprachiasmatic nucleus master clock and peripheral tissues is established. We are especially interested in how circadian rhythms are precise, robust, and tunable at the organism-level despite being generated by “sloppy” cell autonomous circuits. Recent work within the group has shown that clock precision is an independently-tunable feature of the clock. Studying the naturally-robust architecture of the circadian clock allows us to identify design principles for creation of robust synthetic circuits. Furthermore, we use methods from optimal control to seek potential therapies for resetting the circadian clock, and maintaining clock amplitudes under environmental disruption. Additional research in the Doyle group includes identifying biomarkers for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the design of an artificial pancreas control system for treatment of type 1 diabetes. Ongoing work seeks to integrate these three projects, as PTSD is associated with poor circadian function, and insulin sensitivity and metabolic processes are modulated by sleep and the circadian clock. Jeanne F. Duffy, MBA, PhD: Human circadian physiology; sleep and aging; individual differences in sleep timing, duration, and response to sleep loss. Her work has determined numerous factors influencing individual differences in sleep-wake timing, including aging, sex, and the trait of morningness-eveningness. Dr. Duffy began her career as a postdoctoral trainee in Dr. Czeisler’s laboratory Monika Haack, PhD: Mechanisms involved in the relationship between sleep deficiency and pain, with a focus on stress and inflammatory systems markers as mechanistic candidates. Dr. Haack is testing pain and the stress system’s responses to sleep deficiency using highly controlled and lengthy in-laboratory models of experimentally induced sleep restriction and/or disruption in humans, as well as more naturalistic models, such as insomnia disorder. Dr. Haack began her career as a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Janet Mullington. Kun Hu, PhD: Circadian biology; fractal physiology; aging related disorders. Dr. Hu’s research aims to translate concepts of nonlinear dynamics to understanding of physiological and pathophysiological function. He finds altered fractal control in perturbed systems with aging and pathological conditions. Dr. Hu trained in the laboratory of Dr. Steven Shea when Dr. Shea was a preceptor on this training grant, and Dr. Saper was his co- mentor on his K01 award. Hadine Joffe, MD's research focuses on the mechanisms underlying, consequences of, and treatment approaches to neuropsychological manifestations of female reproductive hormone changes in the brain (mood, sleep, and vasomotor symptom disturbance) in midlife women and breast cancer survivors. Her work involves experimental paradigms with use of both hormone- and sleep-manipulation to isolate the causal pathways linking hormonal changes and neural processes with vasomotor symptoms, sleep and mood disturbance, as well as the impact of reproductive transition physiology on metabolic and behavioral indices of body fat gain in women. She also conducts randomized trials to demonstrate the efficacy of therapies directed at vasomotor, sleep, and mood disturbance in midlife women and breast cancer survivors, as well as clinical and community-based epidemiologic studies of symptom burden in these populations. Elizabeth B. Klerman, MD, PhD: Circadian rhythms, sleep, hormones, neurobehavioral performance and alertness and related mathematical analyses and modeling. Dr. Klerman is Team Lead of the Human Factors and Performance Team at NASA’s National Space Biomedical Research Institute. Dr. Klerman conducts both human experimental and mathematical modeling research. She has done experiments to understand mechanisms of homeostatic drive for sleep in older and younger individuals. Dr. Klerman began her career as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Czeisler’s laboratory. Dara S. Manoach, PhD: Contribution of abnormal sleep to cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Dr. Manoach’s projects incorporate electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography functional MRI and genetics to elucidate the links between deficient sleep-dependent memory consolidation and sleep spindles, identify effective treatments and identify genetic contributions. Dr. Manoach began her career as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Saper’s department where they collaborated on her early research on fMRI. Janet Mullington, PhD: The effects of sleep loss on inflammation. Dr. Mullington investigates the role of sleep in host protection and has characterized the neuroendocrine, neuroimmune and EEG spectral qualities of sleep in response to varying doses of experimental bacterial challenge in healthy human subjects. She has found that C-reactive protein and IL-6, acute phase markers known to be predictive of future cardiovascular risk, are increased during sleep deprivation. They are currently investigating the contribution of age, autonomic and metabolic factors involved in these inflammatory changes. Susan Redline, MD, MPH: Epidemiology/genetic epidemiology of sleep disorders; sleep and cardiovascular outcomes in adults and children. Dr. Redline has developed some of the largest sleep research databases in the world, directing the Sleep Reading Centers for most major NHLBI cohort studies (>50,000 research polysomnograms) and has helped develop novel informatics tools to enhance community wide access to these data. She also has led several seminal multicenter clinical trials of sleep apnea interventions. This work has identified the disproportionate prevalence of sleep apnea and insufficient sleep in children of low socioeconomic class and minority ethnicity; has defined the familial basis for sleep apnea and has identified a role for inflammatory and ventilatory control genes in sleep apnea; and has quantified the risk of hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart failure, and mortality in association with sleep apnea and insufficient sleep. Dr. Redline is the Peter C. Farrell Professor of Sleep Medicine, served as a member of the IOM Committee that reported on Sleep Disorder: An Unrecognized Public Health Problem in 2006, and is an internationally recognized expert on sleep epidemiology. Dr. Redline trained in the Channing Laboratory here at BWH. Clifford B. Saper, MD, PhD: Brain circuitry controlling sleep and circadian rhythms. Dr. Saper has defined the major arousal systems in the brain, and the neurons that turn those systems off to allow sleep to occur. He has also identified the pathways that allow transitions between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non- REM sleep, and those that transmit circadian signals from the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the wake-sleep system. Dr. Saper is the James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology, and Chairman of the Harvard Department of Neurology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and a member of the National Academy of Medicine. He is a Past President of the Sleep Research Society, and a fellow of the American Academy of Physicians, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Neurological Association, the American Academy of Neurology, and the Royal College of Physicians (London). He is an internationally recognized sleep scientist, and the most highly cited scientist in the sleep field. Thomas E. Scammell, MD: Neurobiology of narcolepsy and sleep. Dr. Scammell’s work demonstrated that orexin (hypocretin)-containing neurons of the hypothalamus are active during wakefulness and help stabilize wakefulness. Current research focuses on how the loss of orexin gives rise to the symptoms of narcolepsy. Dr. Scammell trained in the Saper lab. Dr. Scammell began his career as a postdoctoral trainee in Dr. Saper’s laboratory. Frank A. J. L. Scheer, PhD’s research is primarily focused on medical chronobiology, including investigations of the underlying physiological mechanisms and therapeutic strategies to treat chronobiological disorders. His work focuses on circadian and behavioral influences (including the sleep/wake cycle) on cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic regulation and disease. Furthermore, he is interested in fundamental properties of the human circadian timing system, with work focusing on the effects of light. He has shown that endogenous melatonin production is important for sleep quality and that melatonin supplementation may be a logical therapy in certain patient populations. Furthermore, he has demonstrated that circadian misalignment, typical for shift work, leads to suppressed leptin, insulin resistance, and elevated blood pressure, providing possible physiological mechanisms to explain the increased risk for obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in shift workers. Robert Strecker, PhD and colleagues have confirmed the role of adenosine as an endogenous sleep factor that mediates the sleepiness associated with prolonged wakefulness. These data indicate that adenosine acts as an inhibitory neuromodulator, inhibiting the wakefulness promoting neurons of the basal forebrain region. This work also provides a mechanism to understand the alertness promoting effects of caffeine and related compounds, since these agents are adenosine receptor antagonist. Gianluca Tosini, PhD’s, research focuses on the role that melatonin signaling play in the regulation of retinal functions and on the role that the circadian clock play in the modulation of photoreceptors viability. Our studies have demonstrated that the action of melatonin on the photoreceptors is mediated by an MT1/MT2 heteromers and disfunction in melatonin signaling lead to photoreceptor cells degeneration during aging. Our laboratory has also shown that a functional circadian clock in the cone photoreceptors is important for the survival of these cell during aging. Laura Barger, PhD’s research focuses on the health and safety risks associated with the work hours of various occupational groups, including resident physicians, police officers, flight controllers, maritime bar pilots and federal air marshals. Suzanne Bertisch, MD’s research focuses on the clinical impact of and mechanisms by which sleep disturbances impact cardiovascular (CV) risk and associated pain conditions, as well as behavioral interventions for sleep disturbance. My scientific contributions are summarized in four inter-related areas: 1) autonomic nervous system activity as a mediator of cardiovascular risk in patients with sleep disorders; 2) influence of sleep disturbances on pain; 3) role of sleep disturbances on populational CV outcomes; 4) novel behavioral sleep interventions that reduce sleep-related comorbidities. Additionally, Dr. Bertisch has been involved with several clinical innovations related to the delivery of OSA and insomnia care within the primary care setting. Christopher Ehlen, PhD’s research is focused on investigating the role of sleep and sleep regulatory processes in resilience to stress-induced maladaptive behaviors Takao K. Hensch, PhD: Critical periods in brain development, including the effects of sleep and sleep deprivation, which impacts not only the basic understanding of brain development, but also therapeutic approaches to devastating cognitive disorders later in life. Dr. Hensch helped to launch the RIKEN Brain Science Institute as lab head for Neuronal Circuit Development and served as Group Director for Critical Period Mechanisms Research (and now special advisor) before returning to the United States in 2006. Professor Hensch has received several honors, including the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Neuroscience both in Japan (2001 Tsukahara Prize) and the United States (2005), as well as an NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (2007). He currently directs the NIMH Silvio O. Conte Center for Basic Mental Health Research at Harvard. Bruce Kristal, PhD’s lab is testing whether metabolomic and lipidomic biomarkers based on diet, adiposity and other “lifestyle” factors, specifically sleep and circadian phenotypes, can enable scientists to predict risk of human disease. We seek to work across disciplines, resolving issues at the levels of analytical chemistry and informatics as well as in the biological and clinical realms. Christopher P. Landrigan, MD, MPH: Effects of provider sleep deprivation on patient and provider safety. Dr. Landrigan studies the quality of the healthcare system (particularly in the inpatient setting) with a particular interest in the effects of provider sleep deprivation on patient and provider safety. Jonathan Lipton, MD, PhD’s lab seeks to understand the fundamental relationships between the circadian clock and diseases of the developing brain. We have identified the core circadian clock protein BMAL1 as a regulator of protein synthesis (i.e. translation) (Cell, 2015). BMAL1 promotes circadian rhythms in protein synthesis as a substrate of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, a critical gauge of nutritive status and stress. We have characterized a novel, potentially modifiable link between the circadian timing system and cellular signaling. Kiran Maski, MD’s research is focused on a) identifying unique sleep symptoms and traits of pediatricneurological and neurodevelopmental disorders and b) determining the direct cognitive, behavioral, and psychological consequences of disrupted sleep and altered sleep architecture in children/adolescents. My career objective is to distill specific sleep diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in neurological diseases and identify and test specific sleep treatments to reduce disease burden. Michael Prerau, PhD’s lab’s research focuses on experimental and computational approaches to understanding the neural correlates of consciousness in humans—specifically how sleep affects the brain. We specialize in using the state-of-the-art in quantitative approaches to develop novel statistical signal processing algorithms for the analysis of neural data, with direct applications to basic science, biomarker discovery, and medical device development. Tamar Sofer, PhD‘s lab studies outcomes such as sleepiness, and cardiovascular outcomes. In combination with ‘omics markers, such as metabolites, we consider the metabolic environment induced by sleep states, and how this environment affects such outcomes, and modifies the way that genotypes related to these outcomes. performance; and predicting how individuals will perform under different schedules and optimizing individuals’ performances. Richa Saxena, PhD: Genetics of circadian rhythms/sleep disorders and their association with common diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. Dr. Saxena’s lab integrates genome-wide human genetic approaches with focused mechanistic investigation to understand how genetic variation in circadian clock genes impacts normal human physiology, disease pathophysiology and response to therapy. Andrew Wellman, MD: Developing new therapies for sleep apnea through a better understanding of the pathophysiology. Dr. Wellman has RO1 funding to study the phenotype traits of OSA including upper airway anatomy/collapsibility, ventilatory control sensitivity, pharyngeal muscle responsiveness, and respiratory arousal threshold. Dr. Wellman began his career as a postdoctoral trainee in Drs. David White’s and Atul Malhotra’s laboratory when they were preceptors on this training grant. John W. Winkelman, MD, PhD: Sleep-related movement disorders, insomnia, and parasomnias. His lab provided the first demonstration of a neurochemical abnormality in insomnia, as well as some of the first papers on the autonomic consequences of periodic leg movements of sleep (PLMS), the elevated risk of cardiovascular disease in RLS, and the elevated risk that RLS confers for mortality in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Dr. Winkelman is available to advise trainees in the execution of clinical research studies and many MD fellows choose to perform a rotation in the sleep clinic. Elena Chartoff, PhD’s lab focuses on understanding the neurobiological mechanisms underlying opioid dependence and addictive-like behavior, with an emphasis on identifying sex differences in brain and behavior. Maria Lehtinen, PhD: Research advances over the past decade have revealed diverse and unexpected roles for the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).CSF comprises a vital, sophisticated and dynamic cocktail of growth factors and nutrients originating largely from the choroid plexus (ChP) epithelial sheet. ChP regulation of CSF likely involves selective transcytosis of blood-borne signals as well as de novo synthesis and secretion of signals by ChP epithelial cells. This same network of cells may also regulate clearance of toxins and waste and may control CSF production and clearance during different brain states including sleep. The unique functionality and location of ChP cells positions them to broadly impact neural excitability, plasticity, and health. However, compared to other vital organs, our understanding of the ChP-CSF system is in its infancy, in part due to the technical challenges inherent to studying a fluid deep inside the brain. With collaborators, we have applied a suite of modern tools to the ChP including transcriptomics and two-photon imaging in awake mice, providing a new opportunity to transform this historically understudied area of neuroscience into a robust field defining the roles of ChP and CSF throughout life. Our goal is to systematically study ChP biology across three focus areas: (1) diversity and division of labor among ChP cellular networks, (2) mechanisms regulating the synthesis and secretion of CSF including circadian contributions, and (3) ChP-CSF contributions to lifelong brain health. We envision a future where developmental and adult dysregulation of the CSF associated with neurologic diseases can be detected and corrected. Stephen Liberles, PhD’s lab uses molecular and genetic approaches to study the vagus nerve; we (1) identified vagal receptors, (2) classified and genetically accessed sensory neuron subpopulations, and (3) adapted genetic approaches for anatomical mapping, in vivo imaging, targeted cell ablation, and remote control of vagal afferents. A major goal of our research program is to identify receptors important for internal organ sensation by the vagus nerve. Identifying vagal sensory receptors will advance the field of neurophysiology and may provide new ways to treat autonomic disease. Yakeel Quiroz, PhD’s research interests focus on studying the neural underpinnings of memory dysfunction in the preclinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). By applying her efforts to the world’s largest family with a single, early onset AD-causing mutation (E280A in PSEN1), her research has provided evidence of brain abnormalities in individuals at genetic risk for AD decades before their clinical onset. Her findings have helped the field to re-conceptualize Alzheimer’s as a sequence of changes that begins decades before cognitive decline, and which may be targeted by promising disease-slowing treatments at a time in which they might have their most profound effect. Stuart F. Quan, MD: Gerald E. McGinnis Professor of Sleep Medicine, Sleep Apnea Epidemiology in Adults and Children. Dr. Quan manages the Division educational activities such as the sleep and health education website. This educational tool provides a valuable resource for disseminating knowledge to the public and is also very useful tool for trainees who are interested in public outreach. Dr. Quan received an endowed chair to support these educational activities, which includes supporting our trainees in their early stages by providing senior mentorship and guidance. Joseph M. Ronda, MS: Mr. Ronda is responsible for developing and supporting the use of computers as tools in medical research including the needs of trainees for data collection/analysis. Wei Wang, PhD: Biostatistician, Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Lecturer on Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Wang is responsible for courses in statistical analysis related to trainees’ research, and she assists trainees in statistical design and interpretation of experiments. David White, MD: Professor of Medicine, part time, Sleep Apnea Pathogenesis. He is available to our trainees on an ongoing basis and regularly interacts and provides guidance to trainees and young investigators interested in physiological and clinical research. He also is a resource regarding product development and innovation. Ms. Jennifer Opp: Project Coordinator of the Training Program. Ms. Opp coordinates all training grant committee activities and data tabulation. Mr. Efosa Lawani: Financial Administrator, Division of Sleep Medicine, BWH. Mr. Lawani is responsible for fiscal management of the training grant. Ms. Michelle Coleman: Administrator, Division of Sleep Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital. Ms. Coleman is responsible for the overall management and administration of the training grant. Several faculty committees oversee this Training Program, including an Education and Training Committee consisting of all preceptors, and four standing sub-committees: Trainee Selection, Curriculum Development, Minority Recruitment and Tracking and Evaluation. For more information on committee structure and responsibilities, please visit the Faculty Committees of the Training Program page. Updated on January 19th, 2022 |All Related Links |Research Training Program main page |Program Description (overview) |Certificate Program Guidelines |Academic Requirements and Recommended Courses |Pre-doctoral Trainee Program Description |Postdoctoral Trainee Program Description |Summer Underrepresented Medical Student Program Description |Trainees' Portal Page |Administrative Resources and Training Support |Eligibility Guidelines for prospective applicants |Forms and Resources page (find all forms, application materials, eligibility guidelines, orientation packet, FAQs and other help)
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The Balinese cat breed is an active cat breed that demands your attention and affection. The good news is that, if you are open to having an active cat, you will happily give them the attention and love needed because they are incredibly lovable! More Read Also: Tiki Cat After Dark Review Balinese Kittens For Sale Look at pictures of Balinese kittens who need a home. Meow! Why buy a Balinese kitten for sale if you can adopt and save a life? Look at pictures of Balinese kittens who need a home. Anything Lookâ¦Weird? For the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Chrome or Safari. … More Temperament & Intelligence Of The Balinese Balinese are extremely playful cats that love to goof around and get your attention. Theyre also incredibly intelligent, easily learning tricks with a little positive reinforcement. These cats are always trying to play around, so youll need a sense of humor and lots of energy. Loyal and loving, the Balinese will want to be a part of everything you do, so expect them to end up under your feet! But theyre just trying to get your love because theyre affectionate cats who make perfect pets for families who love to cuddle as much as they play. Recommended Reading: Kate Spade Cat Purse Outlet How Much Do Siamese Cats Cost If you cant find any breeders with litters due in your area, you can help an adult Siamese by adopting and rehoming a cat in need. There are various shelters and rescue centers across the US, I recommend doing a little research and saving an older cat from a life in a shelter. You will generally pay a lot less for an adult Siamese than a kitten, especially if youre adopting from a rescue shelter. I recommend taking a look on This site is one of the largest online databases that connects you with around 11,000 animal shelters across the country. Whats The Price Of Balinese Kittens The price of a Balinese kitten depends on its lineage and the breeder. For a Balinese kitten with limited registration that makes a great pet but cant compete, you can expect to pay $400-600. A Balinese kitten from a middle-tier breeder with a common pedigree could cost between $650-800. For a cat suitable for competition, Balinese kittens with excellent pedigrees from distinguished breeding farms will cost over $750, often as high as $2,000. Don’t Miss: Can Kittens Eat Wet Cat Food Transportation Of Balinese Kittens Our Breeding house provide a means of transportation for all our Balinese kittens for sale. Our Balinese kittens for adoption have all their required document and paperwork needed and are covered with insurance during transportation, we do transport our Balinese kittens through road, air, sea, or rail. The means of transportation of our Balinese kittens for sale will depend on the buyers location. Our Balinese kittens are transported in a very comfortable electronic metal box to make the Balinese kitten feel comfortable and feel safe till it arrives its buyer. We do offer transportation for our Balinese Kittens for sale worldwide. Recommended Reading: Is Mayonnaise Good For Cats We No Longer Offer Balinese Cats Please Visit Montessori Scottish Fold Cats We Have Absolutely Wonderful Scottish Fold Kittens Balinese cats look like Siamese cats with longer hair. They come in the same colors as do the Siamese. Balinese are actually a mutation of the Siamese cat and the difference in the two breeds is the length of the hair. Balinese cats have hair that is one to two inches long on the body and the coat lays down so that it doesn’t look very long. The hair on the tail looks like a plume and the overall look is a gracefull looking cat. Balinese are smarter than most cats and they love to play. They like to make up all sorts of games and will use anything small as a toy. More than anything else, Balinese are devoted and loving to their humans. These cats will do anything to be included in your activities. They bring new meaning to the term grovel. If you are baking a cake, your Balinese will want to measure the ingredients and stir the mix with you. You will have a constant companion. Every time you sit down to read, watch television or operate your computer he will be right there to share the experience. You must include him in your plans or you will have an unhappy camper.Balinese cats simply HAVE to have a friend to play with. This little guy, Elvis, has decided that Juliette, the very large bird, is just fine with him. They are really very good friends and they both live with some really nice people named Pastrami! Read Also: How To Change A Microchip Owner On A Cat Javanese Cat Breeders In Florida If you live in Floridaand youâre trying to adopt a Javanese kitten or cat, your best choice is to go to a Javanese breeder. These are people who specialize in the breed and really understand their personality traits and how to care for them. Finding a Javanese cat breeder in Floridacan be difficult, but weâve done all of the hard work for you. More Our Hypoallergenic Cats For Sale Prepare your home for the Hypoallergenic Cats. Buy a scratching post, litter box, food, water bowls and a cat bed before bringing your cat home. Make sure to put the litter box in a quiet, low-traffic areasuch as a pantry, a guest bathroom, or any secluded nookwhere the hypoallergenic cat can do its business in private. Buy a large Balinese cat carrier, as our Balinese cat for sale can get quite large. Its okay if the carrier seems too large at first the cat will grow into it. When you bring the hypoallergenic cat home, put the carrier in a room, open the door of the Balinese cat carrier, and close the door of the room. Leave the cat to explore the room on its own terms. Give the Balinese cat room to explore. Our Balinese cats for sale have high energy levels, and they enjoy roaming around. Most prefer having access to the outdoors. If kept indoors, they should have at least a large apartment to explore. Indoor hypoallergenic cats for sale are at risk of obesity due to lower activity levels, so watch their food intake carefully. Outdoor cats are at higher risk of injury and diseaseso be careful letting them roam in areas where they may encounter heavy vehicle traffic, wild animals, or pesticides and other chemicals. Siberians kittens are strong jumpers, and they enjoy exploring high places. They are agile cats, and they dont tend to break things, but you may consider keeping precious or expensive items out of reach. Dont Miss: How Many Human Years Is A Cat Year Also Check: Why Does My Cat Groom My Dog Kittens & Cats Siamese Available Near Jacksonville Fl Pet Care Tip. How To Adopt a Pet Adopting a pet, whether its a dog, cat, or something small and furry, can be a wonderful thing to do. You are providing for an animal in need, and in return you can be rewarded with a faithful companion. While adopting a pet is a noble pursuit, it is more complex then just plunking down your credit card at a local pet store. More Sharing is Caring Reserving Your Azureys Kitten: Though we try to produce a couple of kitten litters and have Balinese kittens for sale throughout the year, we follow strict policies in having our breeder cats receive rest, and in maintaining their good health. We produce kittens year round, but due to the rarity, high demand, and popularity of our Old-Style Balinese/Siamese kittens, and breeding program, we might not have a kitten of your specific preference of color point, gender or appearance at the time of your intial interest. This is why we operate with a waiting list and why it is always growing. Our waiting times can range anywhere from 3-8 months+ depending on availability, how many kittens we have per litter which can range from 3-7 kittens 2 litters per Queen a year, your preferences in gender/color, etc, and other factors but we do our best to accommodate everyone in their specific preferences and interest! For future kitten parents who are interested in acquiring a kitten from our breeding program, we recommend in placing your $500.00 deposit and name to be added to our waiting list. This will guarantee and ensure your interest and acquiring of a future kitten, and of your specific preferences. Recommended Reading: Best Organic Cat Food For Indoor Cats To My Potential Buyers We live in Ponchatoula Louisiana in between New Orleans And Baton Rouge. I do not ship to unsafe for my beloved kittens and their safety is my utter importance. There are reputable ground shippers across the United States and they pick the kitten up and drive to the buyers home.I do Screen my buyers to ensure my kittens will have a loving and responsible home. You do have to sign a spay/ neuter agreement when you pick up the kitten. All kittens come with a health guarantee and vaccines.All DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLE serious inquiries only.If you are interested in one of my kittens, call, text or email. I do get back to you quickly.985-542-1681 I screen potential buyers to ensure the kitten is going to a loving and responsible home that will love and care for the kitten as I do. I answer all emails quickly or call and I will call you back. I sometimes have Adult retired cats for adoption at a reduced price. They will come neutered or spayed and vaccinated. I have a strict adoption process to ensure these cats get the best home possible and be the perfect companion. My kittens are very socialized and are played with every day. They are snuggled, kissed and brushed. This ensures a sweet and lovable kitten that is not shy or afraid of people. Balinese Cats For Sale Near Me Want to adopt Balinese Male Kitten. Want to adopt a Male Balinese Kitten. Live in Miami, Florida. Kittens for sale. 5 Balinese kittens for sale .2 boys ,3 girls. 3 weeks old. Balinese kittens. We have 8 stunning Kittens for sale, 5 boys and 3 girls. All kittens will leave with a full 5 generation pedigree, 4 weeks free pet insurance, wormed, fully litter trained and registered with TICA. They will leave now they are 12 weeks .They will also be going with a free kitten pack/toy and will be fully vaccinated and vet checked at least twice. Our kittens are playful and friendly as they are being brought up in our family home and they get lots of attention. Deposits are now being taken to secure your kittenFor any more information or to arrange a viewing please contact me at anytime. Recommended Reading: What Kind Of Shots Do Cats Need How To Find Balinese Kittens For Sale Pets4You recommends that you buy Balinese kittens from Reputable Breeders who take pride in the health, genetic background, and purity of the lineage of the kitten you purchase. They will educate you and be available for future questions and assistance for the life of your pet. Please avoid Kitty Mills and Pet Stores! Many register their breeds with some of the most recognized cat registries and exclusive clubs such as Cat Fanciers Association Fédération Internationale Féline The International Cat Association American Cat Fanciers Association , and others. Be sure to contact the breeders on this website for complete, reliable information. Pets4You has verified the Balinese catteries and breeders you find listed here. You will find that the best breeders will provide a guarantee with their cats. They practice ethical breeding and perform all necessary early life veterinary care of their kittens. They also want to ensure that their cats are going to good homes. This information is available on the breeder’s website within Pets4You. It’s often recommended that Balinese kittens stay with their mothers until they are at least 12 weeks old. While waiting until this age is important for a kitten’s behavioral and social development, kittens sometimes can be separated from their mothers at an earlier age. As an average, breeders and/or catteries will offer kittens for sale at about 3 months old. Are These Cats Good For Families Families are the perfect match for Balinese cats, particularly if they have kids. These cats love to play and theyre very affectionate, so they need a lot of attention and interaction. One person may have a hard time providing enough stimulation for a Balinese, especially if theyre gone 40 hours each week for work. Don’t Miss: How To Punish A Cat For Hissing A New Friend To Cherish A Personality To Treasure Who Could Ask For Moresteps To Adoption: Use A Computer And Click On Every Pagecall Donna With All Your Questions: 540 540-896-8090Jot down all the things you would like to talk about, and then call my home land line, since I do not have internet at homePUREBRED BALINESE kittensyour family! Best of all, the proceeds from adoptions go directly to helping homeless people.Our Balinese kittens aretraditional, apple-heads, proven to be HYPOALLERGENIC !!!PERSONALITY |Best Buddies!Balinese adapt readily to a certain degree of independence, as long as there is another pet in the house. Unlike a dog, which needs to be put on a leash and taken out to potty, two Balinese together can be perfectly content overnight with extra food, water, and a few toys to keep them amused. Then, when you return, get out your camera and take a few movies for America’s Funniest Home Videos! Turn off your TV, because your STAR Balinese will entertain your whole family all evening long! |“Am I doing it? Is this a headstand? Or is it a somersault!” Where Does A Balinese Cat Live The Balinese cat is an ideal companion in the urban setup or a house with a medium yard. As they are medium-sized, they can adjust well in apartments too. We must be careful that there are clear spaces, especially at heights from which to climb on and sit. They have the need to be left alone from time to time. You May Like: Best Natural Grain Free Cat Food Balinese Kittens Before You Buy Balinese cats are highly intelligent and need a lot of stimulation. When youre not home, youll need to provide many toys, preferably ones that involve puzzles unlocking treats, to keep your cat from getting bored and causing trouble. These cats are extroverts and will require a lot of attention every day, which is why theyre best-suited for families. Also, be aware that these cats love to talk. Youll have to talk with your cat all the time if you get a Balinese. If that doesnt sound like the type of companionship youre looking for, then youll need a different breed. Cat Breeders In Texas Welcome to our Texas Cat breeders page! Here you will find a complete list of all the catteries we have located in Texas, as well as links to their website and any contact information that we have for them. It doesnt matter if you are looking for kittens for sale near Houston, Lubbock, Waco, the odds are that you will find just the cat you are looking for from the breeders on this list. Since we have the largest cat breeder directory on the internet with over 3,000 different catteries listed from across the globe, you can be sure to find your perfect kitten from one of the catteries on our site. However, please remember to thoroughly check and screen each breeder you choose to work with no matter where you find them at. As much as we like to think every breeder is honest and ethical with the treatment of their animals, unfortunately that isnt always the case. Use this article by as a good introduction to screening a cat breeder. Thank you again for choosing Local Kittens For Sale to help you find the cat of your dreams! Please drop us a line if you have any questions, or need any help along the way! Don’t Miss: Do Cats Get Along With Dogs Theyre Named For The Dancers Of A Country Theyre Not From Siamese breeders werent thrilled about the new breed sharing a name with their well-established breed, so a new name was needed to differentiate between the two. Helen Smith, one of the primary breeders of the new longhaired Siamese cats, came up with the name Balinese. Its a name thats supposedly in reference to the famed dancers of the country Bali. Ironically, the cat has never had anything to do with that place.
There still isn't much creative going on around here but I'm having fun anyway. We had 6 guests Tuesday night, 4 Wednesday night, lots of laundry Thursday and a friend from England is visiting for the weekend. I might get myself back into my old routine next week. Meanwhile it's time for the monthly book report! It was a great reading month with 14 books. There were a couple of losers: The Lost City of the Monkey God and Pieces of Her. But there were more winners: Before We Were Yours, We Hope For Better Things and Sam Phillips. But the absolute winner of the month was Once Upon A River. By Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson, Narrated By Ray Porter This the second in the Tier One series. These books build on each other and really need to be read in order. In the first novel John Dempsey went from Navy SEAL to a member of Ember, the nations most covert counter-terrorism unit. In this installment Dempsey and his team are on assignment in Iraq, Guatemala and finally, suburban US trying to stop a newly activated terrorist cell. To say this book is action-packed is an understatement. It's along the lines of Jack Ryan and Mitch Rapp and is a good read. But do read them in order. Ray Porter is the perfect narrator for this most macho of macho men. Where'd You Go, Bernadette By maria Semple, Narrated by Kathleen Wilhoite This book is way out of my wheel-house but it kept showing up on recommended reading lists and my local library had it. So I figured that I could take the risk on a free book. Bernadette Fox was a revolutionary architect then she gave up architecture for being a wife to a Microsoft executive and mother to a very precocious daughter. She's now borderline agoraphobic. When her daughter insist on a vacation to Antarctica it's about all she can take and she disappears. The story is told through a group of emails and letters that her daughter gathers in an effort to try to find her mother. It's a humor book, not laugh-out-loud like Carl Hiaasen, but still funny. There are great moments in corporate cultist culture, private school one-upmanship, neighbor fights and Seattle elitist nonsense. It was a fun read. The narration isn't the best but I just sped it up a little and that took care of any irritation. Before We Were Yours By Lisa Wingate, Narrated by Emily Rankin and Catherine Taber I knew about Georgia Tann and her adoption scandal before reading this book because it was featured on Deadly Women on the ID Channel and I'm a bit of an ID addict. I think that the Wikipedia article is a pretty fair summary of the events and acknowledges that the horrid side of the story is truly horrid. But there were also children who ended up with better lives and that the idea of adoption as acceptable was due to her efforts. Just shows that nothing is ever all good or all bad. Lisa Wingate has written a fictional story that masterfully explores all sides of the issue as told through one family of children. The story is told by Rill telling the children's story alternating with Avery, unknowing granddaughter of one of the Tann children, as told in modern time. It's really beautifully written and beautifully narrated. Rill was a great character, both as a 12-year-old and a 90-year-old. The Lost City of the Monkey God By Douglas Preston, Narrated By Bill Mumy In a nutshell, this is a book about a group of scientists and non-scientists that used a technology called LIDAR to map jungle areas of Honduras and discovered 4 potential archaeological sites. They went in to survey one area and confirmed that it was ancient. On a second trip a couple of artifacts were excavated but due to safety no further excavation has been done. The Wikipeida article will give you the details. It's assumed that this is the mythical Lost City of the Monkey God/The White City/La Cuidad Blanca. Douglas Preston is a writer for National Geographic and novelist. He's the same Douglas Preston who co-writes the Pendergast novels with Lincoln Child. This book is about his experience traveling with the group on the first expedition and it's a detailed log of his and the team's experience. There's a lot of background on the effort it took to get permission to fly over Honduras to do the LIDAR survey, the years to get permission to explore one of the sites and the logistics of planning that trip. There's extensive information about the poisonous snakes in the area and the tropical diseases they could catch. (I dreamed about snakes for 4 days after listening to this book.) As it turned out they did pick up a tropical parasite, Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, and about a third of the book is about this disease in all of it's gory details. The book might be worth a read or not. You really will get all of the info about the actual discovery with 30 minutes of web research. But if you want to know the effort and risks associated with archaeological work you might find this interesting. There were 2 aspects of the book that I found humorous from politically correct/annoying people point of view: There are a number of people who call themselves Honduras archaeology and anthropology experts. Those that weren't involved in the expedition did their best (and continue) to discredit the findings. It all reads like a lot of academic petty jealousy that I didn't find surprising at all. Also the local indigenous people cried foul as well. Suddenly when this mythical city might be found they claim ownership and, yes, racism. It can't be call the "Lost City of the Monkey God" because that's racist although that's how it's been referenced for hundreds of years. Now it's "The White City". But the book wouldn't have sold as well if it has been called The Lost White City. That might have been construed as racist although it refers to the white granite used to build the city. Secondly, when talking about parasitical diseases he expanded into a general discussion about the migration of all kinds of diseases from 3rd World areas to 1st World areas (AIDS, Zika, Dengue and Leish) and, as required in our PC world, blames it all on climate change. Then he goes into great detail discussing each of these disease and how it's been documents that they all traveled by plane.....just like the diseases that wiped out the ancient people all traveled with Europeans by boat. Ridiculous. Once Upon a River By Diane Setterfield, Narrated By Juliet Stevenson I don't remember which of you recommended this book but I'm very grateful. Diane Setterfield is not a writer. Diane Setterfield is a storyteller. It's set in Victorian England around the River Thames and a pub called The Swan where storytelling is an art form. One Winter Solstice a man brings in a drowned girl that he fished out of the river. He collapses from exhaustion and the girl is placed in a back room. The local nurse, Rita, is sent for to care for the man. She checks on the girl a couple of house after she arrived and finds the girl alive. From there is woven a beautiful tale about life on a river and the people who inhabit the community. There are mysterious events, cruelty, love, pasts that want to stay hidden.....a little of everything. For me this book is the great storytelling of A River Runs Through It combined with some Dickensian characters and brooding and mystery from Jane Eyre. I enjoyed every minute of it and the narration is perfect. Secrets to the Grave By Tami Hoag, Narrated By Kristen Porder This is the second in the Oak Knoll series and you must read the books in order. The storyline from the first book is an integral part of the second book. In this one Marissa Fordham is brutally murdered and her toddler daughter barely survives the murder attempt on her life. Anna Leone, a major victim character from the first novel, is called in to be the child's advocate. As the Sheriff's office delves into the murder they find that Marissa had a lot of secrets, including who shoe really is. It was a fast read with lots of twists and turns although it was easy to figure out the murderer early on in the book. There is a 3rd book in this series but the reviews are pretty universally terrible and few of the characters in the first 2 books are relevant in the 3rd. I will probably skip that one. Pieces of Her By Karen Slaughter, Narrated by Kathleen Early I listened to this whole book because I wanted to see how Slaughter would wrap up the story, not because it was a good book. It was flat out horrible. The story opens with Laura and her 31-year old daughter having lunch at a mall restaurant when a young mane comes in and opens fire. Laura subdues and kills the boy. Now her face has been broadcast all over television and news. Laura insists that her daughter leave town and sends her to a storage unit that is ready for an escape with car, identification and money. That's probably a fine plot except that Andrea, the daughter, behaves like a clueless 17-year-old. She's incompetent to run her own life and proves even more incompetent as a runaway.It's a sloppy storyline written in a sloppy manner. For example, sometimes Andrea refers to her mother as Laura and sometimes Mom and she's mostly incapable of speaking to other people. She gets herself tied up in knots like a shy pre-teen. Once we know that Laura has some sort of past that's come back to haunt her, the dialogue in the flashbacks is more 60's (calling cops "pigs") than late-80's when the events occurred. Even as a 55 year old, Laura, well educated and mild mannered still uses the term "pigs". It's completely out of character. The book is beyond stupid and I can't believe they are making a movie from it. Maybe the screenwriters can fix it. Slaughter needs to stick with her Wil Trent series. We Hope For Better Things By Erin Bartles, Narrated by Stina Nielsen Elizabeth Balsam, a reporter for the Detroit Free Press, meets James Rich and he asks her to look up a relative that she's never met to return a camera and some photos. She knows the photos are from the 1967 Detroit riots and that they have never been seen but she doesn't think finding her Great Aunt and delivering the items is worth her time until she is fired and suddenly has a ton of time on her hands. She tracks down her Aunt Nora and ends up living with her for a few months in the 150 year old family home. While there she starts to uncover information about the history of her family and the home. The Balsam family is white and the book unfolds a the story of race relations in 3 generations of her family, starting with the Civil War. The book is getting rave reviews and I think that's primarily because it pushes the buttons of topics that we are culturally fascinated with at the moment. It is well written and the characters are interesting and believable. The story line is mostly believable and there are quilts! The information about the quilts is surprisingly accurate. All in all, I enjoyed it. My one disappointment with the book is that I felt that story was a little lazy. In every instance of inter-race relationships it was a well off white woman falling in love with a poor black man. I think that the subject could have been even more interesting if at least one of the couple was a white man and black woman. Maybe the characters all needed to be women to carry the story forward but I think the subject could have been explored more fully if, for example, the couple of 1967 could have been like the Loving's of Virginia. Regardless, I don't think this will appeal to feminists because of what the women gave up for love. By Allison Brennan, Narrated By Eliza Foss I thought I had found a new series to dig into, instead I found an annoying shallow main character. Max Revere grew up wealthy ins Atherton CA and is now an investigative reporter who looks into cold cases. You can envision her with her own ID channel show like Paula Zahn. Max (Maxine) is home for one of her best friend's funerals. Although she hasn't seen Kevin in about 12 years, they were close friends in high school. Kevin was accused of murdering one of his other best friends and Max has never thought him guilty but he has never been able to get past the accusations from everyone else. While there she begins to look closer into the death of their friend and into the recent death of a young architect on the same property. The plot was actually very interesting, it was the telling that got on my nerves. Much of the dialogue was awkward and Max's behavior was out of character for someone in her position. But I think that this book might be better reading than listening because the narrator was a very bad fit for the book. She made Max sound very ditzy and juvenile at times as if she was trying to read something gruesome to 4th graders in a way that wouldn't get them upset. I finally sped the book up to 1.25 just to get through it. It was easy to figure out who did it about half way through the book and then it seemed to take forever to get there. Brennan is clearly a popular writer because she has several series and the books have rave reviews so she's worth a try. Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll By Peter Guarlnick, Narrated by Kevin Stillwell A few years ago I read Peter Guarlnick's 2-volume bio of Elvis Presley. I didn't even like Elvis Presley before I read that book but I developed an appreciation for his music, his talent and the way that he changed music. When i saw that Guarlnick had published a new book I had to read it. Rightly, Sam Phillips was the first non-musician to be accepted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He did invent the new genre. He was also a fascinating man who worked with a lot of fascinating people. I loved ever minute listening to this book and stopped it often to go to YouTube to listen to specific performances, like Ike Turner's Rocket 88, the first Rock and Roll record ever recorded. If you are into music history, this is a great book and there's tons of supporting video and audio on YouTube. I even got to listen to some Howlin' Wolf. By Jeffrey Toobin, Narrated By Paul Michael I was only 13 when Patty Hearst was kidnapped and I remember hearing about it and the Symbian Liberation Army on the TV news but I'm sure I didn't really think about it much. This book is a very thorough look at the events surrounding her kidnapping and the subsequent crimes committed by the SLA. What I like best about the book is that it's told from the perspective of that time and other things going on. California was experiencing so many citizen terrorist bombs and crimes that most weren't even making it into the news. There were also many "firsts" that happened is association with this crime, like the first use of a minicam to live-stream activity to television. It's a broad story of the time, not a simple exploration of Hearst and the SLA. The book also delves into the life of Patricia Hearst and her family. Frankly, I don't think I'd liker her as a person very much. But the book was good and if you like non-fiction I think you will like this one. By Tina Fey, Narrated By Tina Fey I picked this book to listen to on our drive to Hatteras and it's a good driving book. It's mostly an autobiography told through some very funny stories from her life. It's not offensive or political and was just what we needed to keep us entertained for 5 hours. The Emperors of Chocolate By Joel Glenn Brenner When I'm on vacation I like to read some paper books on the beach so I periodically buy some that are recommended and keep them in my travel bag. On the family beach vacation I pulled out this one. It was recommended by Carole after I listened to and reviewed the Hershey biography. This book is about the Mars and Hershey companies and their competitive and shared histories. The book was published 20 years ago so the information is missing contemporary corporate history but it's still a very interesting read. Lots of fun facts about the development of chocolate products for war times, the development of the M&M (Mars and Murrie) and about the fight for store shelf space. The Hyde Park Headsman By Anne Perry This is the 14th book in the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series that's set in Victorian London. I bought this book in paperback because it's not available in audio format so I'll buy used paperbacks to fill in the series. Thomas Pitt is recently promoted to Superintendent of Police and is investigating a series of decapitations in Hyde Park. It's a good light read. To subscribe click the RSS Feed button and copy the URL of that page into your blog reader. In Bloglovin you need to search "Colorways By Vicki Welsh" to find the blog. I'm Vicki Welsh and I've been making things as long as I can remember. I used to be a garment maker but transitioned to quilts about 20 years ago. Currently I'm into fabric dyeing, quilting, Zentangle, fabric postcards, fused glass and mosaic. I document my adventures here.
Kate should be the next Queen: Duchess of Cambridge's uncle Gary Goldsmith says ‘Harry looks lost’, the Oprah interview left him 'livid' and his niece has 'the Diana touch' Can it really be ten years since we were all preparing to watch Kate Middleton marry Prince William? According to the bride's Uncle Gary — who was at Westminster Abbey to witness her walking down the aisle and into the history books — it seems like yesterday. 'Maybe royal years are like dog years, they whoosh by,' quips Gary Goldsmith, younger brother of the Duchess of Cambridge's mother Carole. 'When you think about it, that was three children ago for Kate. 'The ten years have been incredible for her. She's taken to that job — and it is a job, her success comes from the fact she recognised that — like a duck to water, and emerged as the best thing that could have happened to the Royal Family. She's their biggest asset at the moment. She was a breath of fresh air then and she hasn't put a foot wrong since! 'When you look at what happened with Meghan, you realise how easy it is to marry into that family and get it completely wrong.' He gives a little laugh as he refers to 'our Kate' (by contrast, the Duchess of Sussex and her husband are 'those muppets'). Gary Goldsmith, younger brother of the Duchess of Cambridge's mother Carole, says of Kate: 'The ten years have been incredible for her. She's taken to that job - and it is a job, her success comes from the fact she recognised that - like a duck to water, and emerged as the best thing that could have happened to the Royal Family' 'Obviously I'm biased. I'm her uncle. I love her dearly and I've known her since the day she was born, but I genuinely think she's an exceptional person doing a brilliant job, and recent events have only served to highlight that.' In fact, if they put Uncle Gary in charge (which they won't, but it's a tantalising thought), the Duchess of Cambridge would quickly get a promotion. He believes it would be for the good of the country, and the Royal Family, for Catherine to be Queen sooner rather than later. There is a point in our interview when we discuss the fast-becoming-iconic picture of his famous niece looking out of a car window on the day of Prince Philip's funeral. Clad in black, with only her eyes visible, she looked more regal than the royals-by-birth. She was also the one, on that day, who seemed determined to smooth over the cracks in the royal relationships, stepping in to speak to Prince Harry and then leaving the warring brothers to walk together. A class act, says her uncle. Above, the fast-becoming-iconic picture of Gary's famous niece looking out of a car window on the day of Prince Philip's funeral. Clad in black, with only her eyes visible, Kate looked more regal than the royals-by-birth 'She doesn't just look the part, she's living the part,' he argues. 'She acts like you'd want a royal to behave. She has that poise of the public servant, yet she also has the common touch — or the Diana touch, as I think of it. It's a difficult balance, being someone people can identify with but also look up to, but she's got it. I think she's the Queen's protégée'. While the Duchess of Cambridge has never looked more poised or capable, it didn't escape Gary's notice that during Prince Philip's funeral the Queen looked suddenly and shockingly frail. Understandable in the circumstances, of course, but with questions about the future of the monarchy swirling, he has an interesting but controversial take. 'Obviously, I'm a massive fan of the Queen and it's amazing that her reign has been the longest in history, but wouldn't it be great if William and Kate had the opportunity to have perhaps an even longer reign? 'We are in an era of change for the Royal Family. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster, and if Her Majesty was to step aside, it's my opinion William and Kate would give the whole country stability.' Gary may know about the jobs market (he made a multi-million-pound fortune in the recruitment world), but in this case there is no vacancy. The Queen was back at work five days after the funeral, and has he forgotten that the Prince of Wales — the actual heir — is next in line for the throne? 'Well, I personally didn't think it was right the Queen was back at work. That was such a burdensome thing for anyone, never mind someone of her age. I think she should take some time out.' 'Obviously I'm biased. I'm her uncle,' says Gary Goldsmith (above). 'I love [Kate] dearly and I've known her since the day she was born, but I genuinely think she's an exceptional person doing a brilliant job, and recent events have only served to highlight that' Abdicate? 'Well if there was a good time to step down, maybe it is now. I think Prince Charles is a credit to the nation and I'm sure he would do a great job as King. And I have a huge amount of time for Camilla. 'She actually made a point of coming over to talk to me at the wedding, and she was very kind. I won't hear a word said against her. But — and I don't think I'm alone in thinking this — I think that when the Queen steps down, things need to pass to William and Kate. 'To give you a football analogy, they are ready to have their foot on the ball. Charles would do a good job, of course, but in terms of freshening things up it would be better with William and Kate. With them the monarchy would thrive, rather than just survive. Charles could be found another amazing role.' You truly feel your niece is ready to be Queen? 'Kate was born ready,' he says. Meaning? 'That she looked like a princess from the off. Well, she was an ordinary girl, a bit of a tomboy, always in the middle of the rough and tumble, so I don't mean that she looked prim and proper, but at the same time she had . . . values. She was kind, just a lovely person. 'I think she's quite unique. I've said it before but I mean it, she's as beautiful inside as out. And she knows about duty and putting others before herself. Kate is a giver, not a taker.' 'When you look at what happened with Meghan, you realise how easy it is to marry into that family and get it completely wrong,' adds Gary Goldsmith. He gives a little laugh as he refers to 'our Kate' (by contrast, the Duchess of Sussex and her husband are 'those muppets'). Above, Harry and Meghan during their Oprah interview Does this bring us neatly on to the subject of Meghan and Harry? It does, rather. 'There isn't any self-interest about Kate's work. I wish I could say the same about Meghan,' says Gary. He adds that he was 'livid' when he watched the Oprah interview, in which the Duchess of Sussex claimed it was Catherine who made her cry in a row over bridesmaid dresses. He doesn't know the truth about the debacle, but says 'there is no way the Kate I know would do that. I just don't believe a word of it. The whole interview beggared belief. She didn't know the words to the national anthem? Please! Harry has been singing it since he was five. The Palace refused her help when her mental health was suffering? I don't buy it. Harry is patron of a mental health charity.' That interview did pose genuine questions about how supportive the royal machine can be, though. Did Harry's comments about other members of the family being 'trapped' make him worry about Kate's position? 'It was not a Cinderella story,' Gary says. 'Kate, Pippa and James had a privileged life, but I do think Carole did a great job in making sure they never took it for granted. She knew her roots.' (Above, Kate waving, with sister Pippa as young bridesmaids) Gary practically laughs. 'Never. I know she feels loved and supported in that family. With Carole and Mike — and William's immediate family — around her, she's in safe hands. I don't think William would allow her to be used or abused in that way.' Watching Harry, with the weight of the world on his shoulders, at Prince Philip's funeral made him more sad than angry. 'I was angry at them over there [in California] slagging off our Royal Family. There was no reason for them to betray the family trust in the way they did. But seeing him at the funeral, I was just sad. He looked lost. I feel quite emotional even talking about it, but we've all been thinking about mental health, and here we are, watching someone crumbling in front of us. It's not right.' He talks of the 'happy days' when William, Harry and Kate had formed a sort of public trio. 'Look at how happy they were. You can't fake that. Kate adored him and everyone only wanted him to be happy. 'When Meghan came along it should have been more fun. Kate would have been welcoming to her, because she would have wanted Harry to be happy. If Harry is happy, everyone is happy. 'But at the end it became about Meghan. It's all about Meghan. I was disappointed. I thought she was given quite a hard time from the Press, but perhaps the Press got it right quicker than we did.' 'We are in an era of change for the Royal Family. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster, and if Her Majesty was to step aside, it's my opinion William and Kate would give the whole country stability,' says Gary. (Above, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Air Cadets in East London on April 21) The Duchess of Cambridge may cringe at her uncle's overt cheerleading of her (and public dissing of her sister-in-law) but perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by it. Her flamboyant Uncle Gary, with his fast cars and his bling-bling suits, never did things by half. Often lost in the reporting about him was the fact that he was a very successful businessman, who — like his sister — came from humble stock, and yet ended up worth £30 million. He still has business interests (working as a recruitment consultant and running a networking club), and currently lives in London but also spends time at his home in Ibiza. It clearly rankles that he has been depicted as something of a joke figure over the years. 'I'm not that caricature,' he insists. Interestingly, he has sympathies with Thomas Markle, Meghan's father, who found himself in the spotlight ('like a rabbit in the headlights') when his daughter married into the Royal Family. Gary knows the feeling. 'With me, though, Carole warned me. She tried to prepare me.' He feels grateful that the Middletons subsequently apologised when his life was splattered over the papers. 'Meghan's father didn't have that. The Palace should have done more. Meghan should have done more. Maybe they should hand on a manual for people on the periphery.' We keep coming back to the Middletons and their quietly steadying influence. Outwardly, Carole seems the chalk to Gary's cheese. She is discreet, rarely giving interviews, certainly never appearing flash. Yet, in some ways, she and Gary are quite similar. They are certainly both self-starters. 'Kate has that poise of the public servant, yet she also has the common touch — or the Diana touch, as I think of it. It's a difficult balance, being someone people can identify with but also look up to, but she's got it. I think she's the Queen's protégée,' says Gary. (Above, Princess Diana in 1990) It is true that Carole once worked as an air stewardess, but it was at the helm of the family party business that she made her fortune. Likewise, Gary made his millions through his own initiative. He argues today that Kate's success can be traced back to this work ethic. 'It's in the DNA,' he says. 'Both Carole and I made our first millions, in completely different fields, by the time we were 30. I put that down to our mother. 'We come from very humble stock — Dad, the nicest man on the planet, was a painter and decorator. Mum had several jobs. She was an accounts clerk and she worked for British Leyland. 'We didn't have much growing up, but she did pass on that great work ethic. She taught us to work. She also taught us that if you want something, you go for it. Whatever you want to do in life, do it to the best of your ability.' His mother, Dorothy, was also (and, yes, he admits these things assume new relevance later) a huge royalist ('not to mention a bit of a lush'), who went by the nickname 'the Duchess'. 'It's one of my biggest regrets —and my sister's, too — that she didn't live long enough to see her eldest grandchild marry the future King of England,' he says. 'She would have loved that.' Of course, when the romance between Catherine and William became public knowledge, much was made of Catherine's humble roots. But Carole's financial success — and determination that her children should have the best — had meant she had a very different sort of upbringing. Her childhood was about private school and ponies. 'It was not a Cinderella story,' Gary says. 'Kate, Pippa and James had a privileged life, but I do think Carole did a great job in making sure they never took it for granted. She knew her roots.' Although relations are more tricky now, it sounds as if they were a very close family when Catherine was growing up. Gary was a frequent visitor to the family home in Berkshire, and remembers them holidaying in the Lakes 'where it was all Outward Bound stuff and no running water'. Carole was definitely the head of the household. 'In Carole's house it was Carole's rules,' he says. 'Sometimes, as her younger brother, it used to drive me mad. When I went there for Christmas, we couldn't open our presents till after 6pm. What was that all about? But at the same time, she was a brilliant mum. 'She was loving and supportive but driven, too, and outdoorsy. It was all about challenges and doing your best.' Mostly, being a guest in the Middleton home was about pitching in. 'It's no surprise that when I first met William he was making a cup of tea in Carole's house. He just said: 'Hi, I'm William.' I can guarantee you that now when he is there, he will be given roles, because that's how Carole is. Everyone gets a job. He'll be on emptying-the-dishwasher duty like everyone else.' This sounds like a perfect family environment, to be honest — about as far from the dysfunctional and often cold royal households as possible. 'It was,' says Gary. 'I think of them as the Bisto Family on steroids. Perfect.' I can't tell whether this is said with a slight air of resentment. Perhaps jealousy? 'Ah, sibling rivalry!' he jokes, 'but no, I mean it. They have a close family where everyone pitches in and everyone knows what their responsibilities are. 'There is no bickering. There never was. I never saw Kate have to be Kofi Annan [former Secretary-General of the United Nations] when the others were arguing. And wouldn't we all like to have that Utopian ideal in our family life?' Gary never did. He won't be drawn on his failed marriages today (and, let's face it, we'd be here all day) but says pointedly that Carole worked hard to make her home life work. 'She was always more grown-up than I was. To this day I'm a bit of a joker and I never took things seriously. I probably let myself down there, but you do grow up. 'I think it's also true that because Carole was ten years older, our relationship was more like a mother/son one than sister/brother. I felt I had two mums. I suppose in some ways I railed against the authority.' There was a question mark about whether he would be invited to the wedding, but he was. He says he still 'pinches himself'. What on earth did he buy them as a wedding gift? 'An engraved backgammon board. I doubt William will ever have won because our family is so competitive.' He makes a joke about how driven everyone in his family is. 'It's a joke with my daughter Tallulah — she's one of the four grandchildren. The first one is going to be Queen; Pippa has done well, too — the world knows who she is and she has written books; and James has his own business. I've said to Tallulah: 'There's nothing for it. You are going to have to be the first woman on Mars.' ' His mother would be proud of everyone then? 'Yes. Not in terms of who they married or what jobs they have, but her thinking was always, whatever you want to do in life, be the best at it. Leave a mark.' Gary is tight-lipped about how much he sees the Middletons nowadays but did let slip that he is in touch with James, his godson, and congratulated Pippa on baby Grace. 'I haven't seen them for a while, like most families recently,' he says. 'But my daughter and I met Prince George. He was so cute, charming and beguiling all in one.' From what he's seen, he thinks Charlotte is the royal child who has the most Goldsmith blood in her. 'She is really cheeky and confident, just like the rest of the family. I think she's the one I'm most excited to watch grow up!' 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Cannon House Office Building Chairman Miller, Ranking Member Cuellar, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee: On behalf of Secretary Napolitano and Director Morton, thank you for the opportunity to discuss U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) efforts to prevent the exploitation of our visa system by terrorists. Visa overstays and other forms of status violation bring together two critical areas of ICE's mission—national security and immigration enforcement, and the importance of determining whom to allow entry into the United States and ensuring compliance with the conditions of such entry cannot be understated. We are proud of the good work we have done over the last ten years to protect the integrity of our visa system, and I look forward to sharing with you both our successes thus far and the opportunities we see to improve our systems. Joint Anti-Fraud Strategy We recognize that those who pose national security threats often commit immigration benefit fraud while seeking to enter or remain in the United States, and we work hard to detect and deter immigration fraud and to continually enhance our anti-fraud efforts. Working closely with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), ICE exercises criminal authority in the detection and deterrence of immigration fraud, while recognizing USCIS' administrative authority. This strategy allows ICE to concentrate its efforts on major fraud conspiracies and other cases of national security or public safety interest, while allowing USCIS to address the bulk of immigration benefit fraud cases administratively. Through the ICE Document and Benefit Fraud Task Forces (DBFTFs), we focus our efforts on detecting, deterring and disrupting document and benefit fraud. DBFTF participants include USCIS, the Department of State, the Department of Labor, and the Social Security Administration. Task Force investigators with expertise in different aspects of fraud collaborate with U.S. Attorneys' Offices around the country to formulate a comprehensive approach in targeting the criminal organizations and the beneficiaries behind these fraudulent schemes. The Visa Security Program The Homeland Security Act of 2002 directs DHS to assist in the identification of visa applicants who wish to enter the United States for illegitimate purposes, including illegal immigration, criminal activities and terrorism-related activities. The visa adjudication process is often the first opportunity to assess whether a potential nonimmigrant visitor or immigrant presents a threat to the United States. The Visa Security Program (VSP) is one of several ICE programs focused on minimizing global risks. Our VSP Special Agents focus on select applicants and any connection the applicants may have to terrorism or transnational criminal organizations and coordinate with DOS to develop targeting plans based on assessed conditions and threats. The VSP ensures thorough reviews of applicants of concern in order to assess whether they pose a security threat to the United States. DHS does not participate in all visa adjudications, but rather becomes a part of the process following initial screening of an applicant in countries where an ICE visa security operation is present. DHS actions complement the consular officers' initial screening, applicant interviews and reviews of applications and supporting documentation. ICE now conducts visa security operations at 19 high-risk visa adjudication posts in 15 countries. In FY 2011 to date, the VSP has screened 900,000 visa applicants and, in collaboration with DOS colleagues, determined that 130,000 required further review. Following the review of these 130,000 applications, ICE identified derogatory information on more than 10,400 applicants. In every instance, DOS followed the VSP's recommendation concerning the visa applicant. In March 2010 Customs and Border Protection's National Targeting Center (NTC) implemented a program to conduct continuous vetting of U.S. non-immigrant visas that have been recently issued, revoked and/or denied. The continuous vetting ensures that changes in a traveler's visa status are identified in near real-time, allowing CBP to immediately determine whether to provide a no board recommendation to a carrier, recommend revocation of the visa to Department of State, or notify the ICE NTEU for individuals determined to be within the United States. Since the program's inception the Department of State has revoked more than 900 visas based on requests from CBP on information uncovered after a visa was issued. Additionally, ICE has deployed VSP personnel to the NTC to augment and expand current operations. The NTC provides tactical targeting and analytical research in support of preventing terrorist and terrorist weapons from entering the United States. The co-location of VSP personnel at the NTC has helped increase both communication and information sharing. The NTC conducts pre-departure screening of all travelers on flights bound for the United States. Screening identifies high risk passengers who should be denied boarding, including those whose visas have been revoked. The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) is a self-funded program based on fees collected from students, exchange visitors and schools. It also certifies, recertifies and decertifies schools' eligibility to sponsor foreign individuals for scholastic enrollment and other academic purposes. SEVP oversees reporting requirements and policies related to foreign nonimmigrant students and exchange visitors, and provide overall guidance to schools regarding SEVIS. SEVP acts as the bridge for government organizations that have an interest in information on foreign students. SEVP helps DHS and DOS monitor schools and exchange programs, as well as F (academic), M (vocational) and J (exchange) category visitors. SEVP administers the F and M student visa categories, while DOS manages the J exchange visitor program. SEVP collects, maintains and provides the information so that only legitimate foreign students or exchange visitors gain entry to, and remain in, the United States. The result is an easily accessible information system that provides timely information to DOS, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and ICE. SEVP has a mutual commitment of shared responsibility with the educational community to maintain support and cooperation. Currently, SEVP has certified over 10,360 schools. SEVP uses the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) to track and monitor schools and programs, students, exchange visitors and their dependents approved to participate in the U.S. education system. The Counterterrorism and Criminal Exploitation Unit (CTCEU) The Counterterrorism and Criminal Exploitation Unit is the first national program dedicated to the enforcement of nonimmigrant visa violations. Today, through the CTCEU, ICE proactively develops cases for investigation in cooperation with the SEVP and the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) Program. These programs enable ICE to access information about the millions of students, tourists, and temporary workers present in the United States at any given time, and identify those who have overstayed or otherwise violated the terms and conditions of their admission. Each year, the CTCEU analyzes records of hundreds of thousands of potential status violators, after analysis of data from SEVIS and US-VISIT, along with other information. These records are resolved by further establishing potential violations that would warrant field investigations, establishing compliance or establishing departure dates from the United States. Between 15,000 and 20,000 of these records are resolved by in-house analysts each month. Since the creation of the CTCEU in 2003, analysts have resolved more than 1.6 million such records using automated and manual review techniques. On average, ICE opens approximately 6,000 investigative cases annually, and assigns them to our Special Agents in the field for further investigation, resulting in over 1,400 administrative arrests per year. Agents and analysts in ICE monitor the latest threat reports and proactively address emergent issues. This practice has contributed to ICE's counterterrorism mission by initiating or supporting high-priority national security initiatives based upon specific intelligence. The practice is designed to detect and identify individuals exhibiting specific risk factors based on intelligence reporting, including international travel from specific geographic locations to the United States, and in-depth criminal research and analysis of dynamic social networks. This person-centric approach to nonimmigrant prioritization moves away from the traditional identification approach based upon country of birth, gender, and age. In order to ensure that the potential violators who pose the greatest threats to national security are given priority attention, ICE uses intelligence-based criteria, developed in close consultation with the intelligence and law enforcement communities. ICE assembles the Compliance Enforcement Advisory Panel (CEAP) on a tri-annual basis to ensure that it uses the latest threat intelligence to target nonimmigrant overstays and status violators who pose the greatest threats to national security and to discuss possible changes based on current threat trends. A recent ICE investigation in Las Cruces, New Mexico, highlights how the CTCEU functions. As a result of CTCEU data analysis and field investigation, in February 2010, ICE Special Agents arrested two foreign nationals who were admitted as F-1 nonimmigrant students and violated the terms and conditions of their admission. Both individuals were referred for investigation after their status was terminated in SEVIS for failure to maintain student status, as well as for possessing several indicators of national security concerns. Likewise, in March 2010, ICE's Counterterrorism and Criminal Exploitation Group in Miami, Florida, initiated “Operation Class Dismissed,” a criminal investigation that led to the indictment of the owner/operator of a Miami-based foreign language school and one of its employees on four counts of conspiring to commit a criminal offense against the United States. The owner and employee were suspected of fraudulently sponsoring foreign students by certifying student status to nonimmigrants, without requiring them to maintain full courses of study in order to comply with the terms of their admission. ICE's primary goal in these types of investigations is to focus on the criminal violations of the owner/operators of these businesses and the administrative violations on the students. This ICE investigation uncovered information that only approximately five percent of the school's students attended class on any given day. In addition to the indictment, follow-up investigation by ICE resulted in the administrative arrests of 116 student visa violators purported to be attending the school from countries including Thailand, Syria, Honduras, South Korea, Japan, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Kyrgyzstan. As we move forward, it is imperative that we expand the nation's enforcement efforts concerning overstays and other status violations specifically regarding those who threaten national security or public safety. Accordingly, ICE is analyzing various approaches to this issue, including sharpening the focus of programs that address vulnerabilities exploited by visa violators. Coordination with US-VISIT and Other DHS Components CTCEU also works in close collaboration with US-VISIT, part of the DHS's National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD). US-VISIT supports DHS's mission to protect our nation by providing biometric identification services to federal, state and local government decision makers to help them accurately identify the people they encounter, and determine whether those people pose risks to the United States. DHS's use of biometrics under the US-VISIT program is a powerful tool in preventing identity fraud and ensuring that DHS is able to rapidly identify criminals and immigration violators who try to cross our borders or apply for immigration benefits under an assumed name. Biometric information sharing between the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Criminal Justice Information Services and US-VISIT is the foundation of ICE's Secure Communities IDENT/IAFIS Interoperability Program. Through Secure Communities, aliens—including those who have overstayed or otherwise violated their immigration status— who are encountered by law enforcement may be identified as immigration violators when criminally arrested by state and local law enforcement. Once individuals are identified through Secure Communities, ICE officials determine what enforcement action is appropriate, consistent with ICE's enforcement priorities. Currently, Secure Communities is deployed in over 1,500 jurisdictions in 44 states. US-VISIT also analyzes biographical entry and exit records stored in its Arrival and Departure Information System to further support DHS's ability to identify international travelers who have remained in the United States beyond their periods of admission by analyzing related biographical information. ICE receives or coordinates nonimmigrant overstay and status violation referrals from US-VISIT Data Integrity Group (DIG) from three unique sources, which includes the typical overstay violation; a biometric watch list notification and a CTCEU Visa Waiver Enforcement Program (VWEP) nomination. The first type, Nonimmigrant Overstay Leads, is used by the CTCEU to generate field investigations by identifying foreign visitors who violate the terms of their admission by remaining in the United States past the date of their required departure. A second type of lead is generated from biometric data collected by US-VISIT. US-VISIT routinely receives fingerprint records from a variety of governmental sources and adds them to a biometric watch list that includes of individuals of national security concern. These new watch list records are checked against all fingerprints in the US-VISIT's biometric database, the Automated Biometric Identification System, or IDENT, managed by US-VISIT, to determine if DHS has previously encountered the individual. If US-VISIT identifies a prior encounter, such as admission to the United States, the information is forwarded to ICE for review and possible field assignment. Similarly, US-VISIT monitors records for individuals who, at the time of admission to the United States, were the subject of watch list records that did not render the individuals inadmissible to the United States. Therefore, if such individuals overstay their terms of admission, information on the subjects is forwarded to ICE for review and possible referral to investigative field offices for follow-up. The third type of lead pertains to the CTCEU's Visa Waiver Enforcement Program (VWEP). The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) is the primary source of nonimmigrant visitors from countries other than Canada and Mexico. Although the overstay rate from this population is less than 1 percent, ICE created a program dedicated to overstays arising from this VWP population given the large number of individuals in this category. Prior to the implementation of the VWEP in 2008, there was no national program dedicated to addressing overstays within this population. CTCEU provides a refined weekly list of individuals to US-VISIT for additional scrutiny, who have been identified as potential overstays who entered the United States under the VWP. In accord with its intelligence-based criteria, a relevant portion of this report is then imported into the CTCEU's internal lead tracking system for review and possible field assignment. Additionally, the CTCEU develops potential overstay and status violation leads from SEVIS and other sources, imports these leads directly from those databases, and applies its intelligence-based criteria to determine whether investigative referral is appropriate. Throughout its history, the integrity of SEVIS data and its applicability have been valued throughout the law enforcement. ICE's Presence Overseas Stopping a threat before it reaches our shores is an important priority that ICE supports internationally. Through our Office of International Affairs (OIA), we have personnel in 70 offices in 47 countries. ICE personnel in these offices collaborate with our foreign counterparts and federal partner agencies in joint efforts to disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations engaged in money laundering, contraband smuggling, weapons proliferation, forced child labor, human rights violations, intellectual property rights violations, child exploitation, human smuggling and trafficking, and many other violations. Additionally, ICE facilitates the repatriation of individuals with final orders of removal, returning violators to their home countries. Overseas Coordination with DOS Effective border security requires broad information sharing and cooperation among U.S. agencies. On January 11, 2011, ICE signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) outlining roles, responsibilities and collaboration between ICE and the DOS Bureaus of Consular Affairs and Diplomatic Security. The MOU governs the day-to-day operations of ICE agents conducting visa security operations at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad. To facilitate information sharing and reduce duplication of efforts, ICE and DOS support collaborative training and orientation prior to overseas deployments. Once they are deployed to overseas posts, ICE and DOS personnel work closely together in: participating in working groups; coordinating meetings, training and briefings; and engaging in regular and timely information sharing. The VSP's presence at U.S. embassies and consulates brings an important law enforcement element to the visa review process. Additionally, this relationship serves as an avenue for VSP personnel to assist Consular Officers and other U.S. Government personnel to recognize potential security threats in the visa process. ICE continues to evaluate the need to screen and investigate additional visa applicants at high-risk visa issuing posts other than the 19 posts at which the agency currently operates, which were determined in collaboration between ICE and DOS. ICE will continue to conduct joint site visits with DOS to identify locations for deployment based on emerging threats. We are engaged with our counterparts at DOS in determining a common strategic approach to the broader question of how best to collectively secure the visa issuance process. We look forward to continuing to report back to you with updates on this process. Working in tandem with other DHS personnel, as well as our international, federal, state, local and tribal partners, we have enjoyed significant successes preventing visa fraud. I would like to elaborate briefly on a few of these cases. In December 2010, ICE Special Agents were involved in the identification and investigation of a transnational alien smuggling organization that facilitated the illegal travel of Somali nationals into Yemen and on to other Western locations including the United States. ICE Special Agents received information from the ICE Attaché office in Amman, Jordan that two Somali nationals had been intercepted in Amman attempting to travel to Chicago using counterfeit travel documents, and contacted local officials in Yemen and Somalia to investigate how the counterfeit documents had been obtained and how the subjects had transited Yemen. The information developed was shared with other U.S. agencies at post in Sana'a via the Law Enforcement Working Group, as well as ICE domestic offices and the appropriate FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. While the joint investigation is ongoing, efforts to date have eliminated this scheme as a method of entry to the United States. More recently, in May 2011, ICE Special Agents within the VSP Security Advisory Opinion Unit (SAOU) investigated a Saudi Arabian national who obtained a nonimmigrant visa to enter the United States by concealing his true identity from DOS by using a variation of his true name. Through vetting efforts, the SAOU identified this individual's true identity and revealed that he was a known terrorist with significant ties to other known terrorists, and who was likely involved in the planning of a terrorist attack in 2003. Based on this investigation and at the request of the VSP and SAOU, DOS revoked the individual's visa on national security-related grounds and prevented him from traveling to the United States. Ten years after the attacks of 9/11, ICE has made significant progress in preventing terrorists from exploiting the visa process. Thank you again for the opportunity to testify today and for your continued support of ICE and its law enforcement mission. I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
LED Light Bulbs Safety: What You Need to Know Before Making the Switch In recent years, LED light bulbs have become increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and longevity compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. However, many people are not aware of the potential safety hazards that can arise when using LED bulbs. While LED bulbs are generally considered safe, it is important to understand the potential risks and take necessary precautions before making the switch. LED bulbs contain several components that can pose safety risks if not handled properly. For example, LED bulbs contain a driver that regulates the amount of electricity flowing to the LED chips. If the driver is not properly designed or installed, it can fail and cause the bulb to overheat, creating a fire hazard. Additionally, some LED bulbs contain high levels of blue light that can cause eye strain, headaches, and disrupt sleep patterns. It is important to be aware of these potential hazards and take steps to mitigate them before making the switch to LED bulbs. LED light bulbs safety is of utmost importance as they are becoming increasingly popular and widely used in homes and offices. These bulbs are more energy-efficient than traditional bulbs but can pose safety risks if not handled properly. LED bulbs generate less heat than traditional bulbs, but they still contain electronic components that can overheat and cause a fire if not installed correctly or if used with incompatible fixtures. Moreover, LED bulbs contain hazardous materials such as mercury, which can cause harm if not disposed of properly. Therefore, it is crucial to follow safety guidelines when installing and using LED bulbs to prevent any potential dangers and enjoy their benefits without any worries. The growing popularity of LED light bulbs has been a result of several factors, including their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and versatility. LED bulbs consume significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective choice for homeowners. Additionally, LED bulbs have a lifespan of up to 25,000 hours, which means they require less frequent replacement, reducing waste and saving money in the long run. Furthermore, LED bulbs come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them suitable for various lighting needs and preferences. Despite their numerous benefits, it is essential to consider the safety aspects of LED bulbs before making the switch. Understanding LED Light Bulbs LED light bulbs are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. However, understanding the basics of LED technology is important before making the switch. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode and it works by passing an electrical current through a semiconductor material to produce light. Unlike traditional incandescent bulbs that use a filament to produce light, LED bulbs do not produce heat, making them safer to use. They are also more durable and resistant to shock and vibrations, making them ideal for use in high traffic areas. LED light bulbs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them versatile for different applications. They emit a bright and focused light that can be directed where it is needed. They are also available in different color temperatures, which can affect mood and productivity. For example, a warm color temperature is suitable for creating a cozy and relaxed atmosphere, while a cool color temperature is ideal for task lighting in a workspace. Overall, understanding the features of LED light bulbs can help you make an informed decision when choosing the right bulb for your needs. LED light bulbs are a type of energy-efficient lighting that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Unlike traditional incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs do not use a filament to produce light. Instead, they use a semiconductor material that emits light when an electric current is passed through it. This process is called electroluminescence. The semiconductor material is usually a combination of different elements, such as phosphorus and gallium. When an electric current is applied to the material, electrons move around and release energy in the form of photons. The color of the light produced depends on the type of semiconductor material used. LED bulbs are known for their long lifespan, low energy consumption, and durability. LED light bulbs have become increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and longevity. When compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs are far superior in terms of energy consumption. LED bulbs use up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, which means they generate less heat, making them a safer option for your home. Furthermore, LED bulbs have a longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs, which means they need to be replaced less frequently. This not only saves you money but also reduces the amount of waste generated by light bulbs. Additionally, LED bulbs are available in a wide range of colors, and they emit light in a more focused and directional manner, making them an ideal choice for task lighting. Overall, LED bulbs are a safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly choice than traditional incandescent bulbs. LED light bulbs offer numerous benefits over traditional incandescent bulbs. Firstly, they are highly energy-efficient, consuming up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs while producing the same amount of light. This translates to lower electricity bills and reduced carbon footprint, making LED bulbs an environmentally-friendly option. Additionally, LED bulbs have a longer lifespan, lasting up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, reducing the need for frequent replacements. LED bulbs also emit less heat, making them safer to use and reducing the risk of fire hazards. Lastly, they come in a variety of colors and designs, making them an aesthetically pleasing choice for home and commercial use. Overall, switching to LED bulbs is a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and safe choice for lighting needs. Potential Safety Hazards of LED Light Bulbs LED light bulbs are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and longer lifespan compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. However, it is important to consider potential safety hazards before making the switch. One hazard is the risk of eye damage from blue light emitted by some LED bulbs. Blue light has been shown to cause damage to the retina and disrupt sleep patterns, leading to potential long-term health effects. To mitigate this risk, it is recommended to choose LED bulbs with a lower color temperature and to avoid looking directly at the light source. Another potential hazard of LED light bulbs is the risk of fire. LED bulbs generate less heat than traditional bulbs, but they can still produce enough heat to cause a fire if they are not installed or used properly. This risk can be reduced by ensuring that the LED bulbs are used with the correct wattage and that they are installed in fixtures that are compatible with LED bulbs. It is also important to avoid using LED bulbs in enclosed fixtures or in areas where they may come into contact with flammable materials. By being aware of these potential hazards and taking appropriate precautions, you can safely enjoy the benefits of LED light bulbs. While LED light bulbs are generally considered safe to use, there are some potential safety hazards to be aware of. One of the main concerns is the risk of electrical shock when installing or replacing LED bulbs, especially if the power is not turned off or if the bulb is handled improperly. Additionally, LED bulbs emit blue light, which can disrupt sleep patterns and cause eye strain or headaches if used for prolonged periods of time. Some LED bulbs may also contain hazardous materials, such as lead or mercury, which can pose a risk of contamination if the bulb is broken or disposed of improperly. It is important to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and to handle LED bulbs with care to avoid potential safety hazards. To avoid hazards associated with LED light bulbs, it is essential to follow some safety measures. Firstly, always read the label and instructions before installing the bulbs. Secondly, ensure that the bulbs are compatible with the fixtures and do not exceed the recommended wattage. Thirdly, avoid touching the bulbs with bare hands as the oils from the skin can affect their lifespan. Fourthly, use proper disposal methods for the bulbs as they contain hazardous materials. Lastly, always purchase LED light bulbs from reputable manufacturers and retailers to ensure that they comply with safety standards. By following these measures, you can enjoy the energy-efficient and long-lasting benefits of LED light bulbs while also keeping your home safe. When it comes to safely disposing of LED light bulbs, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to remember that LED bulbs contain a variety of materials that can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. This includes things like lead, mercury, and other heavy metals that can leach into soil and water sources over time. To avoid these risks, it’s important to seek out recycling programs or specialized disposal options that can safely handle LED bulbs. Many home improvement stores and other retail locations offer drop-off programs for used bulbs, while specialized recycling centers can also be found in many areas. By taking the time to properly dispose of your LED bulbs, you can help protect the environment and ensure that these materials are safely recycled or disposed of in a way that minimizes their impact on the planet. Choosing Safe LED Light Bulbs When it comes to choosing LED light bulbs, it’s important to consider safety as one of your top priorities. LED light bulbs are generally considered safer than traditional incandescent bulbs, as they produce less heat and are less likely to shatter if dropped. However, there are still some safety considerations to keep in mind when selecting LED bulbs for your home or office. First and foremost, make sure to choose LED bulbs that are certified by a reputable safety organization, such as UL or ETL. These certifications ensure that the bulbs have been tested for safety and are free from any hazardous materials. Additionally, look for LED bulbs that have a high Color Rendering Index (CRI), which measures how accurately the bulb displays colors. A high CRI can help reduce eye strain and improve overall visibility in your space. Finally, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing and using your LED bulbs, and avoid using them in enclosed fixtures or in areas with high humidity or moisture. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your LED bulbs are both energy-efficient and safe for use in your home or office. Choosing safe LED light bulbs involves considering several factors. Firstly, it is important to look for bulbs that are certified by reputable organizations, such as the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). These certifications ensure that the bulbs have undergone rigorous testing for safety and quality. Secondly, it is important to choose bulbs with the appropriate wattage and color temperature for your needs. Overpowered bulbs can overheat and cause a fire, while bulbs with a color temperature that is too high can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns. Additionally, it is important to check for any warnings or recalls related to the specific brand or model of bulb you are considering. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that the LED light bulbs you choose are not only energy-efficient, but also safe for use in your home or workplace. When it comes to LED light bulbs safety, reading labels and packaging is of utmost importance. The labels and packaging provide essential information about the product, including the wattage, color temperature, lumens, and the bulb’s lifespan. It also contains information about the safety ratings, which are crucial in determining whether the bulb is suitable for use in specific areas or fixtures. The packaging also includes any special instructions or warnings, such as whether the bulb is dimmable or not. By reading labels and packaging, consumers can make informed decisions about the LED light bulbs they choose to purchase, ensuring their safety and the safety of their homes. When it comes to identifying safe LED light bulbs, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, it’s important to look for bulbs that have been certified by a reputable testing organization, such as UL or ETL. This certification ensures that the bulb has undergone rigorous safety testing and meets industry standards for performance and quality. Additionally, it’s important to pay attention to the bulb’s wattage and lumens, as these will determine the brightness and energy efficiency of the bulb. Finally, be sure to choose bulbs from trusted brands and retailers, and avoid purchasing from unknown or unverified sources. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you’re choosing safe and reliable LED light bulbs for your home or business. Installing LED Light Bulbs Safely LED light bulbs are a popular and energy-efficient alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs. However, it is important to install them safely to avoid potential hazards. Before installing LED light bulbs, always make sure that the fixture and wiring can handle the wattage and voltage of the bulb. Overloading the fixture or wiring can cause overheating, which can lead to a fire. If you are unsure about the wattage and voltage of your fixture, consult with an electrician before making the switch to LED bulbs. Another important safety measure when installing LED light bulbs is to avoid touching the bulb with your bare hands. The oils on your skin can cause hot spots on the bulb, which can lead to premature failure or even a fire. Always handle LED bulbs with a clean cloth or glove to prevent any oils from transferring to the bulb. Additionally, make sure that the bulb is securely screwed into the fixture to prevent it from falling out and potentially causing damage or injury. By following these simple safety measures, you can enjoy the benefits of LED lighting without any unnecessary risks. When it comes to installing LED light bulbs, there are a few important safety considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, always make sure to turn off the power source before attempting any installation. When handling the bulbs themselves, be sure to avoid touching the metal parts as this can cause damage and reduce their lifespan. Additionally, be mindful of the wattage and voltage of your LED bulbs to ensure they are compatible with your existing fixtures. It’s also a good idea to check the wiring and connections of your fixtures to make sure they are in good condition before installing new bulbs. By following these simple safety guidelines, you can enjoy the many benefits of LED lighting while minimizing the risk of accidents or damage. It is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using LED light bulbs to ensure safety and longevity. The instructions provide guidance on the correct installation and usage of the bulbs, including the recommended wattage, voltage, and fixture type. Failure to follow these instructions can result in damage to the bulb, fixture, or electrical system, and may even pose a fire hazard. Additionally, following the instructions can help maximize the lifespan of the bulb and ensure that it operates at peak efficiency. Taking the time to carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions is a small but significant step towards ensuring a safe and effective transition to LED lighting. When it comes to disposing of old bulbs, it is important to note that not all bulbs can be disposed of in the same way. For incandescent bulbs, they can be safely disposed of in the regular trash as they do not contain any hazardous materials. However, for compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), they contain a small amount of mercury and should be taken to a recycling center to prevent any harm to the environment. Similarly, LED bulbs should also be recycled as they contain small amounts of heavy metals like lead and arsenic. Therefore, it is important to do your research and find a local recycling center that accepts these types of bulbs to ensure safe and proper disposal. LED light bulbs are a popular choice among consumers due to their energy efficiency, longevity, and affordability. However, it is essential to prioritize LED light bulb safety before making the switch. LED bulbs contain small amounts of hazardous materials, such as lead and mercury, which can pose a risk to human health and the environment if not disposed of properly. Additionally, LED bulbs can generate heat, which can cause fires or damage to fixtures if not used correctly. Therefore, understanding LED light bulb safety is crucial to ensure the protection of your family, your property, and the environment. By following proper installation and disposal procedures, you can enjoy the benefits of LED lighting while minimizing any potential risks. As LED light bulbs are becoming increasingly popular, it’s important to take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. While LED bulbs have many benefits, such as energy efficiency and longer lifespan, they can also pose some risks if not used properly. First and foremost, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and follow them accordingly. Use bulbs that are compatible with your fixtures and avoid using them in enclosed spaces where heat can build up. Additionally, be careful when handling broken LED bulbs as they contain small amounts of hazardous materials. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the benefits of LED lighting while also ensuring your safety and that of your loved ones. In conclusion, switching to LED light bulbs is a wise decision for both energy efficiency and long-term cost savings. However, it is important to be aware of potential safety hazards, such as flickering, overheating, and electromagnetic interference. By following the recommended guidelines and selecting high-quality LED bulbs from reputable manufacturers, you can enjoy the benefits of LED lighting without compromising your safety. It is crucial to prioritize safety when making the switch to LED light bulbs, so don’t hesitate to consult with a professional if you have any concerns or questions. Overall, LED light bulbs offer a bright and sustainable lighting solution for any home or business, and with proper precautions, you can make the switch with confidence.
As we approaching the end of editing and get closer to our broadcast date on October 12 on NM PBS, we remember...this beautiful article about the story of the film from the Santa Fe New Mexican - Tripp Stelnicki really captured the whimsy of Nasario's stories. We still have wonderful opportunities to SUPPORT the film as a HERITAGE DONOR or SPONSOR. Stand with us to tell the stories of New Mexico's heritage. Click here for details. Email us at [email protected] or call cell 609 651 5840, Shebana Coelho We will have 2 free preview screenings of the film before it's broadcast. We are glad to welcome the Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as one of our Outreach Sponsors for our Oct 5 Santa Fe preview event. Follow us on FACEBOOK or SIGN UP for our MAILING LIST to stay in touch as we head from the Rio Puerco to a TV screen near you. Thank you! Remembering the Rio Puerco By Tripp Stelnicki The New Mexican | Posted: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 10:20 pm Once, by the Rio Puerco, a young Nasario García went for a ride with his grandfather, who was called Lolo. Across the arroyo, García saw a bear. He called out in warning. Lolo said, “Oh? He’s my friend. Come.” They rode their horses across the arroyo to a thicket of berry bushes, not far from the watchful bear. Lolo picked two or three. “Try these,” he told his grandson. “They’re good, aren’t they? That’s why the bear comes here, and he comes here all the time.” That is one of García’s recuerdos, or memories, from his early childhood days growing up near the Rio Puerco. For the first time, García, 80, of Santa Fe, a folklorist and historian, is sharing his Rio Puerco recuerdos on film. On Thursday, García and film director Shebana Coelho will be at Collected Works Bookstore to preview clips from the documentary Nasario Remembers the Río Puerco and speak about his recuerdos. The ranching villages near the Rio Puerco in the shadow of Cabezon Peak in Sandoval County emptied when drought dried the river and overgrazing spoiled the land in the 1950s. All that remains of the people who made their lives in the valley 50 miles west of Rio Rancho are crumbling ruins. Some of García’s memories are commonplace: seeing his first bear or galloping through the village as a child, dodging the prairie dog mounds. Others veer into magical realism: a cousin, returning home from a date after curfew, having been clawed bloody by a bobcat but miraculously bearing no wounds. There were vibrant fiestas, marches and dances late into the night, where a boy was obligated by tradition to dance with his mother, grandmother and sisters before he could dance with anyone else. His recuerdos share a common protagonist: the landscape. The stories belong to his village of Ojo del Padre and his stretch of the Rio Puerco Valley, its hills, its arroyos, its buttes, he says. The film “projects the past into the present, and hopefully into the future,” he says. The idea for the film occurred to Coelho, who wanted to show the storyteller among the landscape, to hear García tell his stories where they are set. “A storyteller can tell stories over and over again, and there’s something different in the telling,” Coelho says. “Nasario has spoken these stories, and he’s published them, but I realized there was a film because we haven’t seen Nasario on the land. That’s a different encounter. ... What happens? For someone who listens, who doesn’t know the story, what does it wake up in you?” Nasario Remembers the Río Puerco shows García wandering through the arroyos, the ruins and the memories lingering there. The film includes a series of García’s vignettes, Coelho said, as well as tableaus re-created with artifacts recovered from the dilapidated, disappearing homes. “The feeling of the stories is so strong when you go to the Rio Puerco,” she says, “because there’s just enough left.” Valley residents began abandoning their homes after a fire destroyed a wood-and-stone dam crucial for supplying the acequias, García says. Subsequent droughts didn’t help. His grandfather was one of the last to leave, he says, in 1958. Since then, the largely dried-out valley has belonged to ghosts. There’s one story García hasn’t told often: At age 9, in 1945, when his family left their ranch by the river for Martineztown, an Albuquerque neighborhood, he was glad. “I was tired of eating pinto beans, I was tired of eating corn, I was just tired of the way of life,” he says. “It was very difficult for a young boy.” He didn’t think much of his valley until he went to Spain many years later for graduate study. On weekends, he and his wife would travel to the small villages in the Spanish countryside, where they saw the fiestas. “When I came back, I said to myself, ‘I’m going to talk to my grandparents,’ ” he said. He wasn’t yet a trained interviewer or folklorist, but García considers that initial conversation with his elderly grandparents about the valley one of his career’s most illuminating. His curiosity was inflamed. “I wondered about all these people who used to live here,” he says. “Where are they? I started connecting dots, and I started interviewing them. “The connection between Spain and New Mexico took me back to the valley,” he says. Coelho found García when she heard him tell a story about his grandmother at Collected Works Bookstore. She approached him after the reading, and a partnership was born: Coelho adapted a book of García’s oral histories into a stage play, When the Stars Trembled in Río Puerco, which was performed in Albuquerque and Santa Fe in 2013 and 2014. For the film about the Rio Puerco, Coelho and the filmmaking team are seeking donations through, a crowd-funding website, to finance the months of editing ahead. PBS has expressed interest in airing the film, Coelho says, and her dream is to premiere the documentary there during National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. A sense of Hispanic heritage is at work in García’s drive to preserve the past. He remembers asking a class of Hispanic students what each of them was doing to preserve their culture. “A kid raised his hand, and he said, with a straight face, ‘I go to Taco Bell once a week, and I buy a burrito grande,’ ” García says. “My heart fell down to my feet.” García’s recuerdos can help stem that cultural tide, just as they preserve the spirit of a fading valley. When García returned to the Rio Puerco to film a scene this past year, he came to the spot where he saw his first bear and Lolo told him not to fear. The berry bushes were still growing. Contact Tripp Stelnicki at 505-428-7626 or [email protected]. We had a dramatic return to the Rio Puerco last weekend for pick up shoots - epic RAIN, the biggest rainfall of the season, swept away all our previous plans and invited us to create something absolutely beautiful and organic - which we did - thankfully, creatively. The river was running when we left! We took that as a good sign of our film being showered with blessings from the valley. And we were also grateful to be able to leave safely on roads which - after heavy rain - can become like ice and slip and slide dangerously. Instead of filming the 'girl sprit' of the river by the river bed, we filmed her in evocative ruins that were walking (in mud) distance from where we stayed. Instead of filming the dry river, we got to film the running water. Nasario remembered nights of rain as a child, putting buckets and coffee pots under drips and the symphony of water falling here and there that would lull him to sleep. The highlight, after the thunderstorms rendered us house bound for half the day - was climbing a hill behind the house at dusk, to see the white smudge of the moon emerging and on the llano, three horses galloping. We did - in the end, get what was right for the film, what we might never have gotten before - beautiful light, magic feeling. And we probably have to return for a day shoot. But, in the desert, the rain always blesses.. We arrive now to our last month of editing with 25k needed to finish the beautiful timeless homage to Nasario García and New Mexico heritage that we have envisioned for years. We have opportunities for SPONSORS - for up to a 1 min commercial spot that accompanies the broadcast and HERITAGE DONORS - just five 5k donations will get us there. We need this by end August for September finishing expenses - all this to be ready for our October 12 NM PBS broadcast. Plus two preview events, October 4 at the South Broadway Cultural Center and October 5 at the New Mexico History Museum. This is where we need your help most, this last month of Nasario remembers the Rio Puerco. Do you have suggestions for SPONSORS or DONORS. Are you one or the other or both? We'd love to hear from you. Please write to us at [email protected] or call us at cell 609 651 5840 In gratitude for your support for our wonderful journey so far Shebana, Shelene, Cecile, Kelvin, Dirk, Arianna and the production team Why this film, why now? So much fun to talk all things Nasario remembers the Río Puerco with Richard Eeds - and in the company of our great editor Shelene Bridge - about the October broadcast on NM PBS, and our invitation to Sponsors/Underwriters. Have a seat, have a listen.... NEXT, over the next 3 months, we start editing the fine cut, film pick up shoots, finalize the music, and million and one things more that go into finishing a film. And fundraise some more...! But now that we have a broadcast commitment, we have beautiful opportunities for underwriters and presenting sponsors. If you have leads us for, please let us know! The biggest expenses, for technical processes like sound mix, color correction, and fine cut editing is what will give this film the high production values and quality that reflects the care with which we've envisioned & crafted it. We’re tremendously grateful for the support of all our friends in getting us here. It’s been such a beautiful unfolding, step by step, shot by shot, story by story. We invite you with us for the rest of the journey to the screen. A NEW DONATIONS PAGE Our new Donations page features original illustrations by Kat Kinnick. Have a look, por favor, at opportunities to contribute to some of our To Dos: As always, como siempre, Gracias & onwards to this last phase of re-imagining the Río Puerco. Shebana, Shelene, & the team at Nasario remembers the Río Puerco Hello friends of Nasario remembers the Río Puerco: Our small post production team, Shelene Bridge, our editor, me, the assistant editor Shawn Wayman–we all feel we’ve been in a parallel universe of sorts these last few months, as we gratefully, industriously, full-heartedly work on the film - thanks to the donations and goodwill contributed by you, our friends and supporters. All this will take us to the end of this first phase of editing and we’ve been so gratified to be able to log, transcribe, digitize, organize the footage, create paper scripts, find beautiful music, archival footage and photos, including an iconic map made by a famous Spanish mapmaker named Miera y Pacheco which puts Nasario García’s Rio Puerco hometown on the map as “Guadalupe de Los Garcías” as early as the 1780s. And, of course, we are editing every day, transforming hours of footage into a story for the screen. Our goal is to finish a full rough cut by early May - we have another date with New Mexico PBS on May 12 to show them this version and hopefully, proceed to a broadcast contract and date. email: [email protected] Cell 609 651 5840 Facebook @NasarioRemembers Visit our Vimeo Channel to see our trailer more clips Support the project - Donation Sponsorship Opportunities We're delighted to have the trailer included in the New Mexico Women in Film's Film Fiesta 2017 - screening alongside wonderful shorts, narratives, documentaries and experimental films and playing in 4 cities in New Mexico - starting April 20, Details below. Please come and see us all! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: March 1, 2017 Shelene Bridge, NMWIF Fiesta! Producer [email protected] 505-795-8580 NM WOMEN IN FILM CELEBRATES WITH FILM FIESTA! SANTA FE, NM - New Mexico Women in Film has planned a quadri-city F ilm Fiesta! in Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Santa Fe, April 20-23, 2017. The NMWIF FIESTA! 2017 mission is to honor current NMWIF Members, who are in good standing and regardless of gender, by showcasing their creativity, vision and artistry of their film work and network emerging film students at the institutions of higher education throughout New Mexico. The NMWIF FIESTA! 2017 will be presented at the New Mexico Highlands University’s Ilfeld Auditorium, Las Vegas, Thursday, April 20; South Broadway Cultural Center, Albuquerque, Friday, April 21; New Mexico State University’s CMI Digital Media Theater, Saturday, April 22; and Santa Fe University of Art & Design’s The Forum, Sunday, April 23. The NM WIF FIESTA! 2017 screens from 5:00pm - 9:00pm each day with an intermission 6:30pm - 7:30pm. All Access Tickets for each location are $15. More information is available at Thirteen of the best films by NMWIF members and emerging film students will be screened in each city at the NMWIF Fiesta! 2017. Selected films are as follows: Charlotte; in Retrospect, Monica Montoya, Student at NMSU Days Young & Golden, Andy K astelic, Student at UNM Frankie and Jude: Star Wars - ANOTH ER Star Wars Story, Amy Baklini, NMWIF Member La Douleur Exquise, Charlie Gravina, NMWIF Member Pinky Promise, Catharine Pilafas, NMWIF Member Shadows of Waste, Holly Adams, NMWIF Member Barbara’s Story, JoAnne Tucker, NMWIF Member Gris, Erica Nguyen, NMWIF Member Legacy, Mark Lewis, Student at IAIA Longshotsville, Jody McNicholas, NMWIF Member Nasario Remembers the Rio Puerco, Shebana Coelho, NMWIF Member Acrophobia, Rand Hadid, Student at SFUAD Cruzar, Ann Bromberg, NMWIF Member NMWIF is a chapter of Women In Film & Television International, which has over 40 chapters worldwide. By creating a professional alliance with the international force, New Mexico members make a statement of professionalism and intent as filmmakers and film workers. THANK YOU. For every donation, every good wish, every hope sent our way, we offer our profound GRATITUDE. We reached our goal to start editing a rough cut of this film. Look for your Perks to be fulfilled by end February. We've been in touch with New Mexico PBS and the timeline we came up with is to show them a work in progress end March and a rough cut end April and by that time, we hope to have a broadcast date - hopefully for early October. We also might take a chance with applying to ITVS which is for national PBS. As we go into editing the rough cut, it'll become clear to us where the gaps are in the story for "pick up shoots" or specific music or stock photos or footage. After completing a rough cut, "finishing a film" is also its own process, with important highly specialized tasks such as color correction, a sound mix, composing a score. We're also dreaming of recreating a mythic memory of Nasaro and his dad: seeing wolves crossing the river one morning and composing and recording an original corrido (ballad) of the Rio Puerco, "en ese tiempo, el Rio Puerco era como una flor, at that time the Rio Puerco was a flower." Side by side with being grounded in gratitude, we have our eyes open to what lies ahead, including finishing funds to fully realize the vision of this film. For now, first things first - we go into the edit room and get to work on our beautiful footage, carrying deep THANKS to you who have made this part of the journey possible! We'll keep you posted! And please reach out whenever you'd like - we're always glad to hear from you with any suggestions, ideas or just to say hello. You can also follow us on Facebook and here on the blog. Gracias gracias and onwards, adelante to editing this film about Nasario García, a remarkable folklorist, who has persisted, for decades, in speaking his stories to reconnect us to la tierra, historia y comunidad, land, history and community in New Mexico. Shebana and the Production Team at Nasario Remembers the Rio Puerco Director, Shebana Coelho cell: 609 651 5840 The Río Puerco valley puckers and shines, like scalded milk spilled from the sky's bucket. Late in the summer, the land and its dry riverbed crumble into the colors of crushed wheat. A voice-over stitches the air: Esta historia comienza en el fin. Nasario walks an arroyo and stops by a bush in the low shade of a cliff. When he was a child, his Grandpa Lolo brought him here to see the bear—a small brown bear feasting on gooseberries. Fiddle notes slide sideways . . . like a girl in a satin dress gliding into the cypress arms of a Spanish guitar. Thorns rustle against the dust. Nasario takes a series of objects out of a wooden box and lays them tenderly on a table-- his mother's two frying pans (new in the 1930s) a child's shoe a rusty cup an array of hand-tools with worn handles a man's work-boot curled at the toes-- "And this is the scale my father would hang with gunny sacks of corn before we took them to Jemez Pueblo to trade with the Indians for apples, peaches, apricots, grapes-- because we had no fruit in the valley." The stories the viejitos told crackled with magic-- witchcraft, animals, landscape. Nasario, crowned in cumulus cloud, remembers: "En ese tiempo el Río Puerco era como una flor." An evening primrose opens its pale petals; pink phosphorous dots the desert floor. "The only thing you hear out here anymore is the whistling of the wind," Nasario says. "But back then we heard the fluttering of crows in the cornfield, coyotes howling at night—it was like a symphony of animal music." The frame of a small house releases its broken adobe bones to the earth—ashes to ashes. Crees que las piedras nos recuerdan? Nasario reads "Mi Casita" in his voice of rustling leaves. And the shadow Y la sombra con cada rendija que la cobija. -Anne Valley-Fox, January 12, 2017 Born in Paterson, New Jersey, Anne Valley-Fox was raised in Santa Monica, California and schooled at University of California at Berkeley during the Free Speech Movement. There, she began writing poetry in classrooms with Josephine Miles and visiting poet James Tate; in her senior year she was awarded the Eisner Prize in Literature. She cut her poetic teeth on the San Francisco poetry scene for several years before moving to northern New Mexico with her first-born son, Ezra. Her poetry books are Sending the Body Out, Fish Drum 15, Point of No Return and How Shadows Are Bundled. Her nonfiction books include Telling Your Story (with Sam Keen) and five volumes of oral histories compiled from archives of The New Mexico Federal Writers’ Project. In 2016 she received a William Matthews Poetry Prize from the Asheville Poetry Review. Her most recently poetry collection, Nightfall (Red Mountain Press) is a collection of vivid poems from an American poet in her seventh decade. Our Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to edit this film ends Tue, Jan 31. See the trailer, read our story, join the journey There are all kinds of Perks for donating, chief among them, the support you give to a story that belives in land and community and connection. News from Nasario Remembers the Rio Puerco
By GERRY BARKER (Originally published July, 2009) Whether you spell it with the ending “t” or without, videotext was the first rung on the ladder that would eventually lead us to the World Wide Web. And in 1981, there was great excitement worldwide over its prospects. European countries were blazing the trail for the rest of us. In England it was Prestel. In France, it was Minitel. Each had impetus as part of government-funded initiatives. Here in the United States, the landscape was different. Our government wasn’t ready to fund an information device in every home. But private corporations were serving the ever-growing number of personal computers with ASCII-text applications. CompuServe was the leader. The Source was another. It wasn’t pretty but it was pretty amazing. Maybe a good place to insert a note about "ASCII" -- American Standard Code for Information Exchange, one of the many new words this journalist aded to his vocabulary. Basically a common way to display text characters every computer understands. Those ones and zeros, you know. The idea of moving information around via telephone lines, modems and computers was gaining acceptance. And this notion of having a private electronic mailbox where you could exchange messages instantly with friends, co-workers or even strangers – that was something this side of mind-boggling. In the midst of all this activity, as industry giants jockeyed for position, little attention was given to a newly-launched online service that emerged from a place in Texas that proudly wore the label, Cowtown. That place was Fort Worth. Also known as Where the West Begins -- the home of world class museums like the Kimbell and the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, or for the fighter jets produced by Lockheed, not to mention the Stockyards and the world’s biggest honky tonk, Billy Bob’s. Fort Worth was also home for the newspaper of record, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and electronic retailing giant, The Tandy Corp., parent company of Radio Shack. And in 1981, the business interests of those two very different companies would come together to create what would eventually become one of the very few online success stories of the decade. But that’s getting ahead of the story. In 1981, I had been working in the Star-Telegram newsroom for just over 10 years. Starting as a copy editor on the afternoon paper (when just about every town in America had an afternoon and morning paper), I had enjoyed an interesting mix of jobs. They included local copy desk chief, rock music writer, op-ed columnist and features production editor. For someone who aspired to work on a newspaper since the sixth grade, it was my dream career -- editing, writing, working elbow to elbow with the men wearing green eye shades. But my career was about to take a hard right turn, thanks to Tom Steinert-Threlkeld. Tom, a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Harvard Business School, wore several hats at the Star-Telegram. One was reporter for the business section, specializing in electronics coverage. Another was Research Director – Electronic Publishing for the Star-Telegram’s parent company, Capital Cities Communications (later to become Capital Cities/ABC when they swallowed up the ABC Television Network). For the latter, he was charged with investigating the full range of emerging technologies and reporting back to corporate. Phillip J. Meek, who served as president and publisher of the Star-Telegram and later, President/ ABC Publishing Group as well as senior vice president for ABC after the Capital Cities/ABC merger, recalled Steinert-Threlkeld’s hiring in a November, 1997 interview: “In 1979, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram hired its first and only graduate straight from the Harvard Business School. (I) was impressed with a former newspaper reporter who had gone on to get business training. As an added plus, he indicated a strong desire to spend the first year or so as a business writer in the newsroom, which was a most contrarian attitude for an HBS grad of that era. “As a prolific writer, Tom made an immediate impact on the business pages of the Star-Telegram, concentrating on technology and the Tandy corporation, which was emerging as an early leader in personal computer development and sales. He traveled constantly to industry meetings and built up a wide range of contacts. After about 18 months, he indicated a desire to move onto the business side at what turned out to be a propitious time. “The head of publishing for the parent company, Capital Cities Communications, had concluded that its chairman and chief executive officer, Tom Murphy, needed someone to bring him up to speed on the fast -changing technology side. Steinert-Threlkeld was assigned that task on a part-time basis, still operating out of Fort Worth.” In my 1997 interview with him, Steinert-Threkeld recalled the circumstances that led to his involvement: “In November or December of 1979,” Tom said, “then-managing editor Henry Holcomb asked me, as electronics writer, to write up a report on the potential impact of electronic publishing on newspapers. This was for some look-ahead-at-the-next-decade project he had been charged with completing, presumably by or for Phil Meek. My report was to be just one piece of this overall package of looks-forward regarding different facets of editorial operations. “Well, the report came out at about the time that CompuServe was initiating an attempt to produce content for its inchoate online service by recruiting newspapers to be content providers. The Star-Telegram was among those broached. Holcomb and Meek, as I recall it, asked me to take a look at what CompuServe had going.” Tom “was very unimpressed. At 300 baud, it was very slow. And its menu structure was very cumbersome and uninspired. So I recommended that we not participate and that we do something on our own. Joe Donth (Star-Telegram director of data processing, soon to play a key role himself) became involved at this point, and, in his office one day, we hit on the idea of using predefined keywords to simulate keyword searching, because it would not require much processing power. To this day, I think we were the first to hit on this idea for an online service, now widely used by AOL and others. “In any case, as Joe and I tried to figure out a way to justify doing our own online service in-house, there was a contact from (Tandy CEO) John Roach, through Meek, to inquire about our interest in doing a videotext service. Videotext was kind of hot back then, with a lot of attention on Knight-Ridder's Viewtron project (Capital Cities and Knight-Ridder entered into a data share agreement in November, 1981) and Times-Mirror Gateway project. Tandy Corp. hoped to move a lot of videotext terminals, really the forerunner of what we now are calling network computers. The videotext servers would provide all the info and services; users would just have these cheap dumb terminals that plugged into their TV sets, for displays. “Roach also wanted to sell the servers, with videotext services and modems driving sales of Tandy computers. I can't recall the original Tandy machines that were supposed to serve as the servers. But they were early in the TRS-80/Tandy line.” As we would all later discover, “they proved well under-powered for the purpose. “As for why I championed the idea of doing something, it was clear to me that this was not just some extension of newspapering, but an entirely new medium. There seemed nothing so challenging or with as much long-term promise as figuring out how to make the most effective use of the new method for effectively using text and graphics to communicate: The cathode ray tube.” It was this notion, that we were about to embark on something that was “not just some extension of newspapering, but an entirely new medium” that sparked my interest. That plus the fact I had just completed a major assignment, titled “The Information Age,” co-authored by Tom and John Paul Newport, a former quarterback for Yale who had recently joined the staff. Meek recalled that “Tandy pushed the newspaper to join together and start a local videotext service, which Tandy saw as a way to sell home computers, and Tom was assigned responsibility for that effort, working with the MIS director, Joe Donth.” On paper, the joint venture appeared to be good fit. As the local newspaper, we brought content and credibility. As a leader in consumer technology, Tandy brought its computer and retailing expertise. It was also a time when sales of personal computers were on the increase and Radio Shack was among the early leaders with its line of Tandy TRS-80 Models I, II and III, as well as the Color Computer. But this local information service would be primarily directed toward a new Tandy product, the “videotex terminal” Steinert-Threlkeld mentioned. Low slung, in a molded dark gray case with a built-in keyboard, the Tandy TRS-80 Videotex Terminal was a “dumb terminal” built solely to access databases. Retailing for $399, it had a built-in 300-baud modem (state-of-the-art at the time, moving text across the screen at a blazing 30 characters a second) and RF modulator, which connected the unit to a television set for its display. There was a small red light on the top that glowed when the unit was online. The first models came with 4K of RAM, expandable to 16K. While hard to imagine by today’s standards, it had a curious way of downloading information. But more on that shortly. By November, 1981, a plan had been developed for the deployment of this new joint Star-Telegram/Tandy venture, which now had a name:“STAR-Text” (later modified to StarText). Why StarText? Early on, Steinert-Threlkeld told us we needed a name for this new service – and finding a name that wasn’t taken might be tough. One day, at the copy machine, it came to me. “The Star-Telegram is a partner and the service will deliver information as text,” I told Tom. “How about StarText?” He liked it. We applied for the trademark and copyright and our new venture had a name. Among the primary objectives put forward in the plan were: -- Test consumer acceptance of text and graphical information. -- Conduct market research of its services and features. -- Promote the sales of personal computers. -- Become a profitable enterprise. -- Brand the Star-Telegram and Tandy as information and technology leaders. The plan also addressed some key guidelines. Interestingly enough, I think most would agree the guidelines set forth then are every bit as critical now to the success of today’s Internet ventures: -- It must be low cost (today that translates to "free") -- It must be easy to use. -- It must be easy to understand. -- It must be highly immediate (provide the latest news). -- It must be tailored to serve specialized information needs. The service, “to carry the name STARText, will be a 24-hour information service offered to residents of Tarrant County on a subscription basis. It will offer general news, weather and other information to consumers as well as specialized information products to specialized audiences.” The Star-Telegram wasn’t the only information provider. Another was Merrill Lynch, who would be offering subscribers stock prices, commodity prices and national news related to stock and commodity services. There also would be information from Radio Shack on its products as well as Fort Worth area computer clubs. Another interesting twist: Radio Shack would obtain airline schedules for DFW International Airport. As Steinert-Threkeld noted, it was decided, against the conventional wisdom of the day, that subscribers would access information on StarText by using keywords rather than menus. At that time most of the online consumer services of the day required users to “branch” through databases via menu selections. Typically, you were presented a set of options. Depending on your choice, you were given a second set of options, and so forth – a process that was often tedious, time-consuming and laborious (but great for the services that charged by the minute). This specification that the system be engineered for keyword access to categories of information was indeed a new concept. While new ground was being broken in navigation, the actual retrieval of the information was much more cumbersome. Due to the restrictions in the software, access would be on an “advanced entry”- method, sometimes referred to as “dump and disconnect.” The subscriber would enter their ID, plus up to four requests for information, or keywords, offline. The terminal or computer makes the connection. The requested information is downloaded into the user’s local memory and the connection broken. Subscribers then read the information offline and would have to repeat the whole process if they have additional information requests. Despite the magic and hype of actually reading a newspaper remotely on a screen, with information moving along at a snail-like 300 baud, the experience was fairly painful, even for the die-hard tekkies and early-adopters. So a provision was made that Tandy would upgrade the software to provide true “online” access within six months of launch. This was viewed as critical if the service were to expand and grow. Other interesting points spelled out by the plan: -- At launch, subscribers initially would pay $5 a month for StarText service. After the online upgrade became available, the price would go to $7.50. The Star-Telegram would handle the billing, which would be in three-month increments. -- Promotion and marketing: The Star-Telegram would provide house ads on a fixed schedule; Tandy would do direct mail and in-store demonstrations at all area Radio Shacks. -- It was suggested that terminals be provided free to several city and state officials to allow politicians to be in touch with local events. -- The Star-Telegram pledged to hire “sufficient personnel to operate the database on a continuously updated basis from 6 a.m. to midnight seven days a week.” -- The host computer would be a Tandy TRS-80 Model II. The system would store 3,000 frames of information, stored on four floppy drives. -- Future expansion would include interactive features, shopping services and archived news retrieval. As time would prove, all ideas which were right on the money, literally. -- Service would launch in the early part of 1982. With a few exceptions, Charles Phillips, senior vice president for Radio Shack, accepted the plan and the wheels were set in motion for residents of Tarrant County to be among the first in the country to have its local newspaper available to them on a personal computer. Cowtown was about to take its first steps into the Information Age. With Donth overseeing the technical details, Steinert-Threlkeld tackled the news staffing issue. His approach was asking for three volunteers from the Star-Telegram newsroom – editors with a sense of adventure, not afraid to take a few risks, willing to take “the New Media plunge.” Having just completed the “Information Age” project (a three person, multi-part series on new information technologies), I was already primed. But the attraction went beyond that. As a journalist, I was fascinated with the notion of providing readers news as it happens – like television – but with a depth that television couldn’t provide. The combination of immediacy and the unlimited news hole, not to mention the possibility of having a two-way dialogue with our readers, was a powerful inducement. This had the potential to revolutionize journalism and what a great opportunity to be in on the ground floor. It also was the chance to help in some small way to architect a new medium. And how many times does an opportunity like that come along in a career? Of course, these were all arguments I used when it came time to convince my wife Pam. Her reaction wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as mine. What pained the most is that I would be giving up writing, which she knew was my first love. All I could say was, “Trust me – one day this online stuff was going to be big.” Of course I had nothing to back up that claim except a gut feeling. As for writing, it would just be on hold for a little while. So after some more discussion, some soul searching and a few prayers, I told Tom to count me in. I would be joining two other newsroom veterans, John Durham, who would head up the team, and Jim Smead. John came onboard first to begin the initial planning; Jim and I would join soon afterwards. Meek remembered those events from a slightly different perspective: “Partly as a result of the split responsibilities with his corporate role, there was some confusion about oversight of the StarText project,” said Meek, “and Tom tended to act independently of the local management structure. One result was an unauthorized raid of the newsroom, and three editors were hired away at higher salaries to work on StarText.” Call it unathourized or entreprenurial, I’m fairly certain StarText wouldn’t have enjoyed the success it did if it had been run as a traditional department of the newspaper. So it was probably fitting we started in such a nontraditional way. The other member of the team was Joe Donth, the no-nonsense, hard-nosed director of the Star-Telegram’s MIS department. Known for his business acumen, Donth had a penchant for problem solving and a reputation as an exceptional programmer. He also had another quality that cast him into a leadership position throughout the history of StarText: Joe was a visionary. While his primary job would always be running the ever-expanding and demanding MIS operation, Joe’s true love was inventing the future. Without Joe’s involvement and guidance, StarText would have never survived to reach adulthood. Thus began what Joe would later characterize as “the most unauthorized project” in the history of Capital Cities. BISON: It's Not a Buffalo By GERRY BARKER While StarText was barely in the planning stages, 30 miles to the east, the Dallas Morning News was busy deploying its own online service. In 1981, Belo, the parent company of the Dallas Morning News, launched the service it called BISON – the acronym for Belo Information Systems On-Line Network. If it wasn’t the first, it certainly was among the first local online services launched by a U.S. newspaper. BISON had its genesis in 1980, when Gean W. Holden was hired early that year as Director of Corporate Research/Technology and head of Belo Informations Systems, a division of the A.H. Belo Company. Holden wasted little time in putting the wheels in motion to create a consumer videotex service. In a memo prepared for the 1980 annual report, Holden detailed the steps that led to BISON’s creation. In March of 1980, Holden held early discussions with BISON’s partners, Texas Instruments, Sammons Cable and Dow Jones, another pioneer in distributing financial information online. Holden had just returned from the Viewdata Conference in London, where he was energized by what he saw and heard. He called it “the best conference I’ve ever been to because there was so much to be learned.” (The year before, the Britain Post Office launched Prestel, an early online service streamed via telephone lines to dedicated terminals. It had been in development since the mid-70s.) The partners reconvened in early April at the TI Corporate Engineering Center to hammer out a proposed budget for the launch of the “Park Cities Experiment.” Park Cities, an affluent Dallas suburb, was chosen as the test market for a new Sammons “data retrieval network” that would include access to stories from the Morning News. A story published in the Morning News on May 16, 1980, under the headline, “Sammons unveils special cable network,” provided details on what Park Cities residents could expect. Quoting from the article: “Sammons Communications Inc. said Thursday it will offer 200 of its Park Cities Cable Television subscribers access to an elaborate data retrieval network, beginning this summer. “Dow Jones & Co. Inc. of Princeton, N.J., publisher of the Wall Street Journal, and Belo Information Systems, a division of the A.H. Belo Corp. of Dallas, which publishes The Dallas Morning News, also will participate. They will supply subscribers with business and financial information, news and other data via the home computer access system. “Merrill Lynch & Co. of New York will join the experiment to provide brokerage information. “Jim Whitson, president of Sammons Communications, announced the agreement in Dallas, along with Gean Holden, director of Research and Technology for Belo Corp., and William L. Dunn, vice president and general manager of Dow Jones. “The Sammons Park Cities project will be the first anywhere to involve large numbers of cable television subscribers access to information banks in several cities from private home terminals. “ ‘Our idea is to offer a nearly limitless data retrieval capability with our cable TV system,’ Whitson said. ‘By adding home terminals, a keyboard and a screen, the cable system becomes an electronic newspaper and financial encyclopedia. This is the kind of 2-way cable systems most companies have only thought of in terms of the future.’ “In structuring the Park Cities data retrieval system, Sammons will follow the format of a recently successful Dow Jones project involving individual access by four families and two businesses in the Las Colinas development in Irving (Texas). “Participants will be linked by cable and satellite through their computer terminals with a central Dow Jones computer at South Brunswick, N.J. and the Belo Information Systems computer in Dallas.” “For Belo Information Systems, the project will be the first experiment with individual, consumer access of data bases. Holden said information available to the system from The Dallas Morning News will include the current day’s news, stories, sports, weather and restaurant and entertainment guides. “Belo Information Systems also is expected to begin experimenting with classified advertising, which will be accessible to the home terminal. A typical local problem that could be solved with a classified access system would be house hunting. “With a computer terminal, the user would feed the system a variety of information, detailing the basic requirements, _location, number of bedrooms and price range, Within seconds a list of homes for sale, fitting the described requirements, would appear on that screen.” Decades later, that’s exactly how many of us do it. By May, the pieces were falling into place. The staff for BISON began to take shape as personnel were interviewed and hired. Offices were established at The Registry, an upscale Dallas office complex on LBJ Freeway. Arrangements were made for the installation of the TI equipment. BISON would be hosted on Tandem Nonstop computers, considered the Cadillac of its time. At the same time, meetings were held with local automobile dealers to gauge interest in taking their business online. Holden comments, “After two attempts that didn’t work out very well, we took the terminal out to several dealers for on-site demonstrations and that proved to be very positive.” There were also discussions with the phone company about placing the white pages online. The conclusion: “It would not be cheap and would not be easy, but it could be done.” All the staff (by one estimate 35 in all) were in place by the end of July and getting familiar with the TI hardware and software. In August, communications links between downtown and The Registry offices were in place and work was proceeding on organizing the database for the Park Cities experiment Later that month, BISON got its first unveiling at demonstrations for executives at Sammons and the Belo Board. September was devoted to debugging and tweaking the software. Two DEC terminals were installed in the Morning News newsroom to accommodate data transmissions to The Registry. The scene was set for the impending launch of the Park Cities experiment the following month. The Park Cities Experiment went live Oct. 19, 1980. But, in a story all too familiar to new media pioneers, its debut wasn’t entirely smooth sailing. “Just before we began the service,” writes Holden, “we installed the new disks, everything crashed and we lost the database.” They were able to install the TI terminals in the homes and “we were able to get the service going despite all the problems.” That same month, BISON was showcased at online shows in San Francisco (Information Industries Association) and San Diego (LINK Conference), where people were “amazed that we were able to get the system on the air in such a short period of time.” The Park Cities Experiment concluded on Dec. 19, 1980. Writing in the first annual report after the company became publicly traded in December, 1981, Joe Dealey, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, noted: “Through Belo Information Systems Division, the Company is engaged in interactive electronic distribution of information to the home. In 1981 the Company spent almost $1 million in this new venture, an increase of approximately $670,000 over the prior year.” In June, 1982, one month after the launch of StarText in Fort Worth, Belo suspended BISON. The 1982 annual report had this to say: “In June, 1982, we suspended the test phase of Belo Informations Systems On-Line Network (BISON), our home information subscription service. This program was introduced in August of 1981 as a research and development effort to determine the technical dimensions, market potential and user acceptance of interactive home videotex. Although the BISON system was a technical success, we concluded that the commercial market for interactive home videotex systems is not sufficiently developed to justify the continuation of significant expenditures. However, we believed we learned a great deal from the BISON project which will serve us well in the future. We will maintain a minimal staff to keep abreast of technical and market developments in this field and provide us flexibility to re-enter this market once the videotex market materializes." Years later, one former Belo manager characterized BISON this way: "We would have done as well digging a hole, dumping in $3 million and setting it on fire." Regardless of the outcome, you have to give them credit for jumping in the pool first. The Cue Cat? That's another story.
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Basically, GoHighLevel is a complete plan that provides whatever you desire in a marketing and automation platform. By offering a detailed suite of tools, GoHighLevel provides businesses and entrepreneurs the capability to streamline their operations and take their marketing projects to new heights. In the following area, we’ll delve into the specifics of how the platform’s Snapshots and Templates can help you attain your marketing goals with greater ease and effectiveness. With GoHighLevel Templates, anyone can get up and running in no time at all. The platform’s Snapshots tools enable you to share funnels and elements like workflows, SMS automation, Email projects, and so on. You will likewise discover niche-specific Snapshots, permitting you to rapidly enter any market you wish. The Templates also offer an outstanding solution to marketing firms that need to create accounts for their customers rapidly and with ease. With just a few clicks, you can conserve the design templates for easy usage in the future. This results in conserved time and resources while still providing the capability to customize each account as essential. One of the functions that set GoHighLevel apart from other platforms is that it offers limitless resources, even for the lowest-priced strategy. With this thorough suite of tools and unrestricted resources, GoHighLevel is definitely a fantastic choice for improving your marketing capabilities without breaking the bank. Automation Workflow & CRM Tool Automation Workflow and CRM features in GoHighLevel are unbeaten when it comes to the best combination of convenience and power. Automation Workflows permit users to develop marketing automation customized to their needs. The CRM tool on the other hand helps them handle their leads in a effective and fast manner. In addition, it makes it possible for direct messaging to leads through Google My Business or Facebook, all within the platform. Start using GoHighLevel today and release the complete capacity of this option’s fantastic unparalleled features! GoHighLevel likewise has a mobile that allows remote company tracking and management. With this application, you get real-time snapshots of all your pipelines, opportunities, conversion rates, etc. You’ll likewise be able to see and manage your sales. On top of whatever else, GoHighLevel uses the convenience of making calls directly from the app, streamlining interaction like never previously. The GoHighLevel mobile app offers all the tools you need to stay productive and organized, no matter where you are. Continuous Updates and Improvements GoHighLevel is conscious of this and they are always in the search of ways to improve their item. Recently, they presented a brand-new feature understood as ‘Action Items’. The company behind GoHighLevel is committed to continuously including new functions and updates in order to boost the total user experience. From instinctive design modifications that make navigation much easier to performance enhancements that improve speed and dependability, the business is constantly aiming to offer the best. What I Don’t Like About GoHighLevel GoHighLevel is definitely a fantastic platform packed with many excellent functions. Nevertheless, there are some things we did not like that are worth discussing before you acquire any particular strategy. The Funnel Builder Can be Disappointing While the funnel contractor is relatively easy to use, it leaves something to be wanted in regard to performance and style. The visual page contractor, in particular, is basic compared to its equivalents and the constraints in customization and variety tend to make building funnels and websites a bit overwhelming. In addition, the platform does not provide automation services or an e-mail autoresponder that is handy for services that really require to streamline their consumer outreach. If you are on the look for a detailed CRM platform with all the required personalization features and options, you might want to skip GoHighLevel. Minimal Number of Integrations We have actually currently developed that GoHighLevel uses a lot of terrific features for both recognized and small businesses. When it comes to payments, you can just integrate with Stripe and the only other offered services for integration are Facebook Ads and Google My Business (GMB). This can be a major disadvantage, especially for companies that are seeking to reach the global market. At the end of the day, the benefits surpass the drawbacks, and all of it comes down to your requirements to determine whether it is worth buying. After an extensive take a look at the functions, benefits, and drawbacks , you should be wondering about the prices. Well, GoHighLevel has a 14-day complimentary trial duration where you can check the platform and explore its functions prior to dedicating to a paid plan. During the trial period, you can create and introduce projects, build funnels, manage contacts, and essentially any other service they need to offer. The packages consist of the Starter Plan and Unlimited Plan which go for $97 and $297 respectively. If you have simply dipped your toes in the market, we recommend choosing the Starter Pack as it will allow you to understand what to anticipate without going all out. If you are a large enterprise, however, the Unlimited Plan is the ideal option due to its thorough features. No matter your spending plan, nevertheless, GoHighLevel shows to use value for money. With customizable functions, budget-friendly costs, and discount rates for paying every year, this is a solution this can taking your organization to next level without investing a fortune. What are People Saying About GoHighLevel? GoHighLevel has actually been producing a lot of buzz in the entrepreneurial world due to its economical pricing strategies and substantial range of features that can be tailored to match private business needs. Business owners value the chance to optimize their service potential without reviewing their spending plan. The praise doesn’t stop there – customers also laud the platform’s remarkable customer service. GoHighLevel provides important resources like tutorials, blog sites, and comprehensive FAQs to help users maximize their platform, while their group is constantly on hand to supply assistance and guidance. With GoHighLevel, entrepreneurs can have the best of both worlds: a effective and personalized platform, and outstanding client service to help them succeed. Best GoHighLevel Alternatives Just like any other product and services in this market, you might be questioning whether there are noteworthy alternatives to GoHighLevel. This list might not be thorough and mainly depends upon our research and experience. That said, here are the leading options to GoHighLevel available since this writing: GoHighLevel vs ClickFunnels Clickfunnels is among the biggest players in the CRM industry. It provides fantastic functions similar to GoHighLevel however falls short when it comes to value for cash, particularly for small companies. With GoHighLevel’s exceptional customer service, cost effective prices, and top-tier features, the platform proves to be better for those looking to maximize their campaigns without spending a fortune. In addition, you will always have access to instantaneous support and as much as date tutorials whenever you need them. GoHighLevel is undeniably the better choice for a thorough suite of tools and features that won’t spend a lot. GoHighLevel vs GetResponse GetResponse is another widely known detailed marketing solution designed with those who want to maximize their ROI in mind. It is an outstanding option for individuals looking to run an economical e-mail marketing project. This makes it a fantastic pick for solopreneurs. Nevertheless, if you are an firm or provide some company services, then you’ll want to choose GoHighLevel. That’s because, unlike GetResponse, the platform provides extra features like a website contractor, landing pages, and automation. In terms of value for money, GoHighLevel takes the cake. This can be attributed to flexible rates plans and a detailed suite of tools and functions . In addition, GoHighLevel has an intuitive user interface and custom analytics dashboard that makes it simple to track key performance aspects. GoHighLevel also wins in regard to customer assistance, with many users applauding them for their schedule and professionalism in questions and help. GoHighLevel vs Karta Kartra and GoHighLevel are both leading gamers in the all-in-one marketing platform market. Both platforms use a range of features and tools that can help you launch and manage your organization. However, one key distinction in between the two is their target audience. While Kartra is fantastic for services that require a detailed system to get up and running rapidly, GoHighLevel is more tailored toward marketing firms. This implies that GoHighLevel uses a more customized solution, particularly designed to fulfill the requirements of marketing experts. With its instinctive control panel, many discover it much easier to use GoHighLevel to keep an eye on performance across multiple accounts in real-time. Another key point to consider is prices. Kartra can be more pricey, depending upon the strategy you pick, while GoHighLevel provides more budget friendly pricing choices without sacrificing quality. If you are looking for an all-in-one marketing option that won’t break the bank or leave you annoyed, GoHighLevel is the apparent go-to! Here are the most frequently asked questions about GoHighLevel: 1. Just How Much Does GoHighLevel Cost? New customers have the alternative to attempt GoHighLevel and all its features totally free for a duration of 14 days. Once this period is over, you have the alternative to choose between the Starter Plan and Unlimited Plan which choose ($ 97 and $297 per month respectively). 2. Is the GoHighLevel Price Worth It? In our experience, yes! The platform has a wide selection of functions that you would not generally get anywhere. The services and tools can be utilized on an unrestricted basis, making the platform worth the rate. 3. Does GoHighLevel Have a Discount? Yes, the business offers a discount of 17% when you pay for the service every year instead of regular monthly. 4. Can I Purchase a Lifetime Deal for the Service? At the time of this writing, GoHighLevel does not have a Lifetime deal. The best offer you can snag is by deciding to pay every year rather than monthly, which as mentioned above is a 17% discount on your subscription. 5. What is GoHighLevel Support Like? Obtaining the support team in GoHighLevel is simpler than on most platforms. You can reach out to their professional group through their personal member’s Facebook group or through live chat on the Zoom platform. They are readily offered from 7 am to 10 pm CDT during organization days. 6. How Do I Set Up White-Labelling? Yes, GoHighLevel supplies white-labeling services, providing you more marketing power. Establishing the feature is fairly easy. Just sign up for an account, choose the cost you desire to white-label the services which’s it! 7. What Does the Platform Replace? If you need to automate and improve your digital marketing efforts, GoHighLevel is the answer. The platform replaces an variety of tools and software application that you would need to utilize independently. These include site creators such as Divi, subscription platforms such as Thinkific, funnel-building tools like ClickFunnels, email marketing platforms like GetResponse, etc. With GoHighLevel, you do not need to manage different accounts or memberships. Whatever is provided in one place, in an user friendly platform. With everything you require integrated into the platform, you will not just decrease the stress that features internet marketing projects, however also save cash in the long haul. GoHighLevel – My Final Thoughts With the amount of time we have actually invested with GoHighLevel, our experience has been usually great. From the instinctive and easy-to-use user interface to the integrated features that make it easy to automate any marketing and enhance project, we can with confidence state that GoHighLevel is a unusual powerhouse suited for any service. Its thorough feature set, including functions such as Snapshots and Templates , lead engagement series, and powerful analytics tools, makes it simple to improve your marketing efforts and track your progress. Furthermore, GoHighLevel uses limitless resources on its lower-priced plan, enabling businesses of any size to get the most out of their marketing projects without breaking the bank. Its commitment to customer assistance can’t go revealed. From helpful tutorials and blog sites to detailed FAQs, GoHighLevel supplies all the assistance you require to get the most out of their platform. And their team of experts is always offered to address questions and supply guidance along the way. GoHighLevel And Linkedin
Just about 5 hours after I departed from Johannesburg with the non-stop flight from Kulula, I arrive in Dar es Salaam. This small airline is only one of many that offer a fast and direct connection between the largest city in South Africa and the largest coastal town in Tanzania. With a population of about 3-4 million people and because of being the biggest commercial, administrative and industrial centre of the country, Dar es Salaam is often referred to as the capital city. This is where my 2 week journey with my colleague Stephan Schuff begins. While exploring the busy city, I managed to get lost in the hustle and bustle quite a few times. In addition hereto are the ever hot and humid conditions that dominate the climate in Dar es Salaam. Hence I could hardly wait for our driver Lazaro from Arusha to pick us up at our hotel so we could begin our safari that would take us to the less frequently visited National Parks and Reserves of southern Tanzania. Our first stop is the Udzungwa National Park, which we reach after a 4-5 hour drive. On the way here we passed Morogoro and the Uluguru Mountains on a well tarred road. With its surrounding mountain ranges, the Morogoro region is one of the most fertile areas of Tanzania and supplies Dar es Salaam as well as other coastal regions with agricultural products. Soon thereafter road signs remind us that we are traversing the Mikumi National Park. The TAN ZAM Highway, that separates the Mikumi National Park, is the most important connection between Dar es Salaam and the south of the country. Unfortunately, it is also the main reason for the numerous fatal road accidents with wild animals. Even though busses have been banned from driving at night and there are countless speed bumps to slow down busses and trucks, those accidents cannot be prevented. At the crossroads in the town of Mikumi, we turn left and continue for approximately 25 km on a bumpy road. After about an hour we reach the Hondo Hondo Campsite, situated outside of the National Park. We overnight in basic and rustic mud huts, which are very similar to the accommodation of the local community. The next morning we enjoy the beautiful view of the green surroundings and the impressive mountain walls that rise over 2000m and are covered with dense rainforest. It is possible to join a guided walk through the Udzungwa National Park and among other things, to visit the Sanje Waterfalls that at its highest point plunges down approximately 70 metres. The park is known for its diverse species of primates, including the Red Clobus Monkey. But the Udzungwa National Park is especially appealing to bird watchers. With over 250 different bird species it is one of the richest habitats in East Africa for forest birds. The next morning we have a very early start as a long drive to the Ruaha National Park awaits us. The TAN ZAM Highway takes us through a beautiful, hilly landscape along the Great Ruaha River, where countless baobab trees are lined up next to one another on the river bank. This is also the reason this region is known as the Baobab Valley. After a 6 hour drive, we stop over at Iringa before driving in the direction of the Ruaha National Park. We reach the entrance gate after driving on a sand road for about another 2 hours. Time is running out, as all vehicles with tourists have to arrive at their overnight stay no later than 18.30h. Our camp for tonight is located in the far western end of the park and it takes us another 1.5 hours to get there. However, even on our first and unfortunately very hectic game drive we were able to see elephants with calves, hippos, jackals, antelopes, giraffes, zebras, water bucks and many more. Finally we arrive and we are welcomed by Moule & Noel from Jongomero Camp, who have patiently been waiting for us. These two lodge managers give this usually fly-in tented camp a very personal flair. The candle light dinner on the dried out riverbed is only one of the small details that make this camp so special. We hear a roaring pride of lions and for a short moment we are a bit worried. But after being reassured that everything is safe, we continued to enjoy this delicious dinner under a clear, starry sky. The following day we have the opportunity to discover the park. Its versatile landscape is dominated by a dense bush forest, open grass plains and rivers. A 200m high trench of the Ruaha Rift, divides the smaller southern part from the larger northern part. Although this region is extremely dry and the great Ruaha River has dried out at places, it still offers a permanent habitat to an abundance of wildlife. This is especially the case during the long lasting dry season, when the animals come to the rivers. We make use of this opportunity and park our safari vehicle directly on the river bank under the shady Baobab trees. It is not long before impalas, zebras and other antelope species as well as a herd of elephants approach our vehicle to get down to the water. We continue our safari but always take time to stop and enjoy the beautiful views under the afternoon sun. Some elephants take a mud bath and it is the little ones that enjoy it most – but so do we. Furthermore hippos, buffalos as well as water birds can be spotted at the river. The Ruaha National Park also forms a natural border between the fauna and flora of Southern and Eastern Africa. Thus the park is home to the Greater and Lesser Kudu as well as other species that does not exist in the northern parks of Tanzania. Another nice thing is that one very seldom comes across other vehicles and therefore has the feeling of being the only one in the whole park. The following night we spend at Tandala Camp, located only about 10 km from the park entrance gate on the outside of the park. The camp is surrounded by a beautiful landscape and with a bit of luck one can even spot elephants and nyalas from the tent veranda. This family friendly camp is run by the owners John and Dionysia and their small daughter, who take pride in taking care of their guests. An open-air dinner at the fire and a drink in the stylish lounge with its heavy leather chairs round of this beautiful day. Once again we drive through the Ruaha National Park but this time in a north-easterly direction to our overnight stay for tonight, Kigelia Camp which borders the Mwagusi River. The camp is hidden in between acacia and miombo trees and in order to get to the camp, we have to cross a few dried out river beds. It is the remote location directly on the Mwagusi River, the private atmosphere with only 7 tents and mostly the personal camp management that make this luxurious fly-in camp a very special safari experience. Our time in the Ruaha National Park comes to an end and on the so-called “never ending road” we travel back to the TAN ZAM Highway. We stop in Iringa, a major supply city that has been erected on a plateau at about 1500m, to refuel. From here it is only about 50km to our next stop, the Kisolanza Farm. It is here where one experiences the sheer country life with flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, vegetable gardens and homemade goodies like bread, meat and milk products. In addition to a leafy campsite and simple stable-accommodation, the farm also offers comfortable double and family cottages. We overnight in the former manager house, directly next to the cowshed and are able to witness the real country life with all its associated smells and sounds. A drumming sound reminds us that it is time for dinner, which is served in a simple building with thick brick walls. A rustic and traditional atmosphere awaits us and we can really say that the Kisolanza Farm lives up to its name as a traditional farm. After being back on the TAN ZAM Highway for about 5 hours, we arrive at the small town of Mikumi. After the registration at the entrance gate of the previously mentioned Mikumi National Park, we drive to the northern part of the third largest National Park in Tanzania. It is not without a reason that this park with its open grass plains and steppes is called the Little Serengeti. Plenty of gnus, zebras and antelopes can be spotted and with a little luck one may even see eland, water and bush bucks, as well as hyenas and lions. The park is also very well known for its large number of elephants and buffalos that sometimes can already be seen from the TAN ZAM Highway. But because our accommodation for today is situated in the southern part of the park we once again have to cross the TAN ZAM Highway. Here visitors are offered a completely different picture of the Mikumi National Park. Because of its dense vegetation, dominated by miombo trees, there are only a few paths. This makes exploring the park a lot more difficult. The entire area is very hilly and we are looking forward to benefiting from the terrific view from the patio of our accommodation for tonight, the Vuma Hills Tented Camp. The same lodge group also owns a very nice camp in the northern part of the Park. The Stanley’s Kopje Tented Camp is located high up on a gigantic cliff, a so-called Kopje, a bizarre rock formation which has been formed by wind and rain erosions. Once we have reached the main house at the top of a steep stairway, we are rewarded with an overwhelming 360° view over the far and flat Mkata plains. The next day begins early in the morning and after about an hour’s drive we reach Morogoro. From now our journey continues in a southerly direction and we travel for about 6 hours on a very bad gravel road to the Selous Game Reserve. It isn’t long after the last rains and a lot of roads are partially muddy and rain-sodden. And so it happens that a transfer driver, who is taking hotel employees to the different lodges, gets stuck in the thick mud. But despite all the efforts of the passengers in their neatly dressed uniforms, the vehicle isn’t moving. But thanks to our experienced driver Lazaro, the transfer vehicle was manoeuvrable again after just two attempts. To return the favour, the driver of the transfer vehicle guides us to our camp for tonight. Without him we would have probably only arrived here much later. The Selous Luxury Tented Camp is situated in a remote area of the south-western part of the park on a small course of a river. The best way to access the camp is with a light aircraft flight to the Stiegler’s Gorge airstrip, which is just a 30 minute drive from the camp. Being part of the Serena group, the camp offers the usual lush and baroque luxury. Chandeliers and heavy Persian rugs, as well as free standing, nostalgic bath tubs await you at this camp. We are the only guests and therefore experience the full attention of the well trained staff and the obliging lodge managers. The evening is topped with a partial lunar eclipse. The Selous Game Reserve is named after the big game hunter and English Gentleman Mr. Federick Selous, who died in the battle against German colonial troops. A stone slab close to the Beho Beho River still commemorates the death of the legendary trophy hunter. Shortly after the First World War the region was declared a Nature Reserve. Consequently it is the oldest reserve in Tanzania and one of the oldest ones in whole of Africa. At the same time it is also the largest reserve in Africa. But it is only the northern part of the park that is accessible to photo tourist which is also why this part is often referred to as the photographic sector. The far larger southern part is withheld for hunting tourist only. But even these “smaller” parts of the reserve are huge and one needs at least two full days to get an impression of this vast and diverse landscape. We are lucky and one of the experienced guides of the Serena camps accompanies us through the park and shows us the public campsites as well as the most remote areas of the park. While travelling we did not come across one single vehicle. After a 2 hour drive we are back on the main road, driving in a south-easterly direction towards the main gate. It is only then when we pass a few vehicles on game drives. The wide Rufiji River runs through the Selous Game Reserve and forces itself through the 8km long Stiegler’s gorge. This is also the reason that many river courses and one big lake have been formed. This attracts a lot of animals especially in the dry season (June – October). Of course there are also a lot of crocodiles and hippos at the lake. In General the Selous Reserve is known for its large herds of animals. The sheer number of elephants is estimated at 65,000 and in addition thereto big herds of gnus, buffalos, antelopes, zebras, kudus, water bucks and many more can be found here. If lucky, one could also observe wild dogs. Apparently there are even some black rhinos in this region although they are very difficult to spot in this dense bush. Same applies to leopards. Tonight we are staying over at the Selous Safari Camp, where we are warmly welcomed by the camp staff and the adorable Camp Manager, Jenni. This luxurious and extremely stylish camp is probably one of the best spots in the park and we are in very good hands. That very same evening we are able to go on a boat safari with our brave driver Lazaro. We enjoy the rich birdlife which includes egrets, pelicans, kingfishers, African fish eagles, weaver birds and many more. Besides this we also spot numerous hippos and enormous crocodiles lingering on the sandbanks of the shallow water. For the next day Jenni arranged a fishing trip for Stephan and a walking safari for me. I am accompanied by two specially trained guides who have an extensive knowledge of fauna and flora. And right at the beginning we come across a herd of elephants that had just passed by our camp. To be so close to these majestic animals with no protection of a vehicle is a very special moment. Of course we always keep a safe distance. Then in the middle of nowhere, a bush brunch with freshly brewed coffee was set up as a surprise for us. By now Stephan and the boat captain have also arrived and we can all enjoy a hearty brunch. Stephan caught 3 big cat fish in total – not a bad achievement for only 2 hours of fishing. The camp staff is also happy as they will be having a delicious cat fish dinner tonight. It is time for us to say goodbye to Jenni and her fantastic staff and we continue our safari through the Selous Reserve. On the way to the Mtemere Gate we help another vehicle that got its second flat tyre in one day and is waiting for help to arrive. Shortly thereafter we encounter a lioness that is hiding her cubs in the dried out creek bed. One not yet fully grown and very playful male climbs a tree and tries out all different ways of lying in order to find the most comfortable sleeping position. Time flies and before we know it, we have been observing this pride for a whole hour. But, we need to get moving – after all our camp for tonight is located on a small island in the middle of the Rufjij River, which we have to cross by boat. The Selous Wilderness Camp spreads over the whole island and narrow paths lead through a dense jungle to the seven en-suite tents that are very spacious and tastefully decorated in bright colours. Because of this bushy vegetation one feels totally undisturbed and can therefore enjoy the outside shower to the fullest. Tables have been set up right on the riverbank with a view over the Rufiji River, and a delicious dinner awaits us. After a restful night we continue our journey in the morning and take the boat back to the mainland. But, because the water levels have subsided during the night, we run onto the sandy ground in the shallow waters several times and our boat driver has to navigate the boat through the river in a zigzag pattern. Sadly our time in the versatile and less frequently visited National Parks of southern Tanzania comes to an end and we have to travel back to Dar es Salaam. After 3-4 hours we reach Kibiti and from here it is another 150km to Dar es Salaam on a tarred road. Here it is time to say goodbye to our experienced and reliable driver, Lazaro, who always made sure we get to our destination safely. While Lazaro still has a long way to go before he gets to Arusha, Stephan and me take a 20 minute flight with Precision Air to Zanzibar. The last few nights I spend on the east coast which is famous for its beautiful long beaches. I also explore Nungwi, the lively centre for tourist on the north coast. For those interested in culture and history, a stopover in Stone Town on the west coast is recommended. The historic town centre can easily be explored alone or otherwise there is always the option of organizing a tour guide who is able to take you to the points of interest like the old fort, the House of Wonders, the dhow harbour etc. and point out the lavish wood carved front doors of the houses. But most importantly he always finds the right way through the narrow and winding streets where it is easy to lose your orientation. In the evening, I enjoy the hustle and bustle of the Forodani gardens, where typical spicy Swahili dishes as well as fish and seafood are freshly prepared on the braai. In the end it is time for me to leave and a taxi takes me back to the airport where my journey ends.
Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Apply Online & Application Form | Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Check Benefits & Features | Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Check Selection & Implementation Procedure | Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Check Eligibility & All Details | The Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme is a government initiative aimed at promoting the welfare and empowerment of girl children in India. Launched in 2008, the scheme is named after the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, who played a pivotal role in championing women’s rights and equality. By investing in the education and well-being of girl children, the scheme aims to break the cycle of poverty and create a more inclusive and equitable society. Through financial assistance, awareness campaigns, and mentorship programs, the IGGCPS seeks to create an environment where every girl can thrive and pursue her dreams. This article will provide all types of information about the Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. We will also share the process to apply online for this scheme. To get complete information about this scheme, read this article till the end. Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme The Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme seeks to address the gender imbalance and discrimination prevalent in Indian society by providing financial assistance and support to girl children. The scheme aims to ensure that every girl child has access to education, healthcare, and a safe and nurturing environment. Through this scheme, the government aims to empower girls and enable them to become self-reliant and contribute to the development of the nation. By addressing various aspects of a girl’s life, from education to health to protection, the scheme aims to create a brighter future for girls in India. Under the Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme, eligible girl children are provided with financial assistance, scholarships, and other benefits to support their education and overall development. The scheme also focuses on creating awareness about the importance of girl child education and empowering communities to actively participate in promoting gender equality. Through its comprehensive support and empowerment initiatives, the IGGCPS is paving the way for a more inclusive and equal society. Highlights of Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme 2024 The highlights of this scheme are as follows:- |Name Of Scheme |Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme |State Govt of Himachal Pradesh |Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology |To promote education among girl children |This will prevent child marriage and promoting the rights of girl children |Residents of Himachal Pradesh |All Girl Children |Mode Of Transfer |DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) |e-payment mechanism or PFMS |Form of Benefit |Amount of benefit |National Information Center (NIC) |Last Date To Apply Online |Will be updated soon |Mode Of Application Objectives of Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme 2024 The top 10 objectives of this scheme are as follows:- - Promoting Education One of the primary objectives of the IGGCPS is to promote education among girl children. The scheme provides financial assistance for the education of girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, helping to bridge the gender gap in education and increase literacy rates among girls. - Improving Health and Nutrition The scheme aims to improve the health and nutrition of girl children by providing access to essential healthcare services. It focuses on reducing malnutrition, improving maternal and child health, and ensuring proper immunization for girls. - Preventing Child Marriage The IGGCPS works towards preventing child marriage and promoting the rights of girl children. It aims to create awareness about the legal age of marriage and the consequences of early marriage, empowering girls to make informed choices about their future. - Ensuring Safety and Protection The scheme focuses on ensuring the safety and protection of girl children by addressing issues such as child trafficking, sexual abuse, and exploitation. It aims to create a safe environment for girls to grow and thrive. - Skill Development and Vocational Training The IGGCPS aims to equip girl children with the necessary skills and training to enhance their employability and economic independence. It provides vocational training opportunities and support for entrepreneurship, enabling girls to pursue their career aspirations. - Empowering Adolescents The scheme focuses on empowering adolescent girls by providing them with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their health, education, and future. It aims to build their confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to overcome societal barriers. - Encouraging Sports and Recreation The IGGCPS promotes sports and recreational activities among girl children to foster their physical and mental well-being. It aims to break gender stereotypes and encourage girls to participate in various sports and outdoor activities. - Financial Support for Girls The scheme provides financial support to girl children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. It offers scholarships, grants, and other financial assistance to ensure that girls have equal opportunities for growth and development. - Creating Awareness and Sensitization Another objective of the IGGCPS is to create awareness and sensitization about the rights and issues faced by girl children. It aims to change societal attitudes and perceptions towards girls, promoting gender equality and inclusivity. - Monitoring and Evaluation The scheme emphasizes the importance of monitoring and evaluation to assess the impact and effectiveness of its initiatives. It aims to continuously improve and adapt its strategies to ensure the successful implementation of the Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme. The Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme is open to all girl children in HP. The scheme covers girls from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, marginalized communities, and those facing social and gender-based discrimination. Beneficiaries of the scheme include girls from rural and urban areas, orphans, children with disabilities, and those belonging to scheduled castes and tribes. The scheme aims to ensure that no girl child is left behind and that every girl has equal opportunities to thrive and succeed. Application Enrollment Last Dates The enrollment process for the Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme is simple and accessible. Interested individuals can apply for the scheme through the official website of the implementing authority or through designated enrollment centers. The last dates for application enrollment may vary from state to state, so it is important to stay updated with the official announcements and notifications. It is advisable to submit the application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute complications. The selection procedure for the Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme is fair and transparent. Once the applications are received, they are scrutinized and verified by the implementing authority. The selection is based on predefined criteria, such as economic status, social background, and other relevant factors. The selected beneficiaries are notified through official channels, and the necessary assistance and benefits are provided to them as per the scheme’s guidelines. The Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme is implemented by a dedicated team of government officials and agencies at the national, state, and district levels. The implementing authority ensures the effective execution of the scheme by coordinating with various stakeholders, including educational institutions, healthcare providers, and community organizations. The implementation procedure involves the disbursement of financial assistance, scholarships, and other benefits to eligible girl children. Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted to assess the impact and effectiveness of the scheme. The Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme is supervised by a designated authority at the national level. This authority is responsible for overseeing the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the scheme. They ensure that the scheme’s objectives are met and that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries. Financial Assistance for Education and Skills Development One of the key components of the Scheme is providing financial assistance for girls’ education and skills development. This includes scholarships, grants, and subsidies to ensure that girls have access to quality education and the opportunity to acquire skills that will empower them in the future. By investing in girls’ education, the scheme aims to break the cycle of poverty and enable them to lead independent and fulfilling lives. Health and Nutrition Support The IGGCPS recognizes the importance of good health and nutrition for girls’ overall well-being. The scheme provides access to healthcare services, including regular check-ups, immunizations, and nutritional supplements. By prioritizing girls’ health, the scheme aims to ensure that they grow up healthy and strong, enabling them to reach their full potential. Empowerment Workshops and Awareness Campaigns Empowerment workshops and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in the Scheme. These initiatives aim to educate girls about their rights, build their self-esteem, and equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions. By empowering girls with knowledge and confidence, the scheme seeks to create a generation of strong and independent women. Incentives for Parents to Prioritize Daughters’ Well-being The IGGCPS recognizes that parents play a vital role in shaping a girl’s future. To encourage parents to prioritize their daughters’ well-being, the scheme offers various incentives. These incentives may include cash rewards, scholarships, and access to government schemes and services. By providing tangible benefits, the scheme aims to change societal attitudes and promote gender equality. The IGGCPS understands that girls may face various challenges and obstacles in their lives. To support them through these difficult times, the scheme provides counselling services. Trained professionals offer guidance and support to girls, helping them navigate through personal, academic, and emotional challenges. By offering a safe and supportive environment, the scheme aims to ensure that girls have the necessary support to overcome obstacles and thrive. Protection from Child Marriage Child marriage is a harmful practice that robs girls of their childhood and future opportunities. The Scheme is committed to protecting girls from this practice by raising awareness, enforcing laws, and providing support to at-risk girls. By advocating for the rights of girls and working towards the eradication of child marriage, the scheme aims to create a society where every girl can fulfill her potential. Access to Mentors Mentorship plays a crucial role in a girl’s personal and professional development. The IGGCPS facilitates access to mentors who can provide guidance, support, and inspiration to girls. Mentors can help girls explore their interests, set goals, and navigate through various life choices. By connecting girls with mentors who can serve as role models, the scheme aims to empower them to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Focus on Girls’ Overall Well-being The Scheme takes a holistic approach to girls’ well-being. It recognizes that girls’ needs go beyond education and includes aspects such as mental health, emotional well-being, and personal development. The scheme provides support and resources to address these needs, ensuring that girls receive comprehensive care and attention. Encouragement of Pursuing Dreams and Goals The IGGCPS encourages girls to dream big and pursue their goals. Through various initiatives, such as career guidance programs and skill development workshops, the scheme equips girls with the tools and resources they need to succeed. By fostering a supportive and empowering environment, the scheme aims to inspire girls to believe in themselves and strive for excellence. Commitment to Gender Equality and Empowerment The Scheme is founded on the principles of gender equality and empowerment. It seeks to challenge societal norms and stereotypes that limit girls’ potential. By promoting equal opportunities, providing support, and advocating for girls’ rights, the scheme aims to create a society where every girl can thrive and contribute to the nation’s progress. The key guidelines are as follows:- - Financial assistance is provided to eligible girl children for their education and overall development. - Scholarships and other benefits are provided based on predefined criteria and eligibility. - Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted to assess the impact of the scheme. - Awareness campaigns and community mobilization activities are organized to promote gender equality and girl child education. - The scheme focuses on creating a safe and nurturing environment for girl children. - Collaboration with educational institutions, healthcare providers, and community organizations is encouraged to ensure effective implementation. - The scheme aims to address the specific needs and challenges faced by girl children from marginalized communities. - Transparency and accountability are maintained throughout the implementation process. - Regular updates and notifications are provided to keep the beneficiaries informed. - The scheme is subject to periodic review and improvement based on feedback and evaluation. Some important instructions issued for applicants are as follows:- - Ensure timely submission of required documents and forms. - Attend all mandatory meetings and workshops organized under the scheme. - Utilize the financial assistance and scholarships for the intended purposes. - Report any grievances or issues faced during the implementation of the scheme. - Participate actively in the awareness campaigns and community mobilization activities. - Cooperate with the implementing authority for the smooth execution of the scheme. - Keep track of the latest updates and notifications related to the scheme. - Encourage other eligible girl children to avail the benefits of the scheme. - Provide feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the scheme. - Spread awareness about the importance of girl child education and gender equality. Tips & Tricks Some tips and tricks are as follows:- - Research and understand the eligibility criteria and benefits of the scheme. - Seek guidance from the implementing authority or designated help centers for any queries. - Prepare all necessary documents and forms in advance to avoid last-minute hassles. - Stay updated with the official announcements and notifications regarding the scheme. - Network and connect with other beneficiaries to share experiences and knowledge. - Utilize the financial assistance and scholarships wisely for the education and development of the girl child. - Explore additional opportunities and resources available for girl children. - Participate actively in the awareness campaigns and community activities to promote gender equality. - Share success stories and inspire others to take advantage of the scheme. - Encourage and support the education and empowerment of girl children in your community. General Points to Remember Some general points to remember are as follows:- - The scheme is a government initiative aimed at promoting the welfare and empowerment of girl children in India. - It provides financial assistance, scholarships, and other benefits to eligible girl children. - The scheme aims to ensure equal opportunities for girl children in education, healthcare, and other essential services. - It focuses on creating awareness about the importance of girl child education and gender equality. - The scheme is open to all girl children in India, especially those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and marginalized communities. - Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted to assess the impact and effectiveness of the scheme. - Beneficiaries are encouraged to actively participate in the awareness campaigns and community mobilization activities. - Transparency and accountability are maintained throughout the implementation process. - Stay updated with the official announcements and notifications regarding the scheme. - Make the most of the financial assistance, scholarships, and other benefits provided under the scheme for the education and overall development of the girl child. Benefits of Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme 2024 The benefits of this scheme are as follows:- - Financial assistance for education: The scheme provides financial support for education, including tuition fees, books, and other educational expenses. - Skill development programs: Girls enrolled in the scheme have access to skill development programs to enhance their future employment opportunities. - Health and nutrition support: The scheme includes health check-ups and nutrition support for girls to ensure their overall well-being. - Empowerment workshops: Girls in the scheme will have the opportunity to participate in empowerment workshops to build confidence and leadership skills. - Awareness campaigns: The scheme includes awareness campaigns on issues affecting girls, such as gender equality and safety. - Incentives for parents: Parents of girls enrolled in the scheme may receive incentives to encourage them to prioritize their daughters’ education and well-being. - Counseling services: The scheme provides counseling services for girls to address any emotional or psychological challenges they may face. - Protection from child marriage: The scheme aims to protect girls from early marriage by providing support and resources to keep them in school. - Access to mentors: Girls in the scheme will have access to mentors who can provide guidance and support as they navigate their educational and personal development. - Financial security: The scheme helps to ensure the financial security of girls by providing them with the resources they need to pursue their dreams and goals. Features Of Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme 2024 The features of this scheme are as follows:- - Financial assistance for education and skill development programs. - Health and nutrition support for enrolled girls. - Empowerment workshops and awareness campaigns. - Incentives for parents to prioritize their daughters’ well-being. - Counseling services for enrolled girls. - Protection from child marriage through support and resources. - Access to mentors for guidance and support. - Focus on girls’ overall well-being and personal development. - Encouragement of girls to pursue their dreams and goals. - Commitment to gender equality and empowering girls to reach their full potential. Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Eligibility Criteria The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online for this scheme:- - The girl must be a resident of India. - The girl must be enrolled in formal education. - The girl must come from a financially disadvantaged background. - The girl must be below a certain age limit as specified by the scheme. - The girl must not be married or engaged in child labor. - The girl must have parental consent to participate in the scheme. - The girl must be willing to actively engage in the program activities. - The girl must not have any criminal record or history of misconduct. - The girl must be committed to her education and personal development. - The girl must demonstrate a need for the resources and support provided by the scheme. Some of the important documents required to apply online for this scheme are as follows:- - Aadhar Card - Residence Certificate - Income Certificate - Educational Certificates - Bank Account Details - Latest Passport Size Photos - Mobile No - Email ID Indira Gandhi Girl Child Protection Scheme Apply Online 2024 The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online:- - Go to your nearest Women and Child Development Office. - Obtain the application form for the Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana. - Fill out the form with all the necessary information. - Attach the required documents as mentioned in the form. - Submit the form at the office where you received it. - After verification, the financial assistance will be transferred to your bank account. - By following this offline process, you can easily apply for the Indira Gandhi Balika Suraksha Yojana.
At the beginning of 1983, from a foreign land, Boca del Riachuelo, into his native Bay of Kotor, returned Dr Dušan Petković. Are there words that can evoke nostalgia for the homeland, for the roots, the family hearth, or is it nostalgia felt in a glance, in the need to take a clod of earth or a piece of gray rock along, or, the desire, when one could not have lived in the homeland, at least to find an eternal peace there. For many the return from abroad is a dream come true, but also a need to present to the regional „treasury“ at least a small contribution in the broadest sense or in the form of a donation. Dr Dušan Petković granted to his homeland both of those. In his poetry, the most poetically impressive is the homeland poetry, but also, very important is the LEGACY of 5,500 books in foreign languages. We must not forget a significant amount of money (US$ 5,000) of which already in 1990 the first computer was bought and thanks to this donation the City Library of Herceg Novi became the first public library in Montenegro that introduced automatic processing of library materials. Only a strong motive could have started such a bibliophile passion which created the contents of the legacy. This motif is quite clear. It is the desire to provide something precious, rare, original to the homeland, more significant than all material goods, and this is the book, in the words of Gorky's „the most concerted and most important miracle the mankind created on its way to progress and happiness». Our impression, after a long bibliographic processing, was that the legator bought rarities, reference materials, works from various fields of science and knowledge, especially religion, art and history. However, Petković's personal interests gave its stamp to the legacy's contents. According to the Universal Decimal Classification, the legacy's structure is the following: general group of 164 publications, philosophy 113, religion 167, social science 1067, natural science 40, applied science 170, art 212, literature, linguistics and philology 1367, geography, history biography 2112 publications. Represented monographs are written in more than 20 languages including German (73), Russian (103), English (333), Italian (674), French (1,992), and in Spanish (2,362) publication. The category of Old and Rare Books consists of holdings from before 1867, while legacy holds 619 units. The oldest book is a critical edition of Petrarch by Alessandro Velutella, printed in Venice in 1550. The following one is Udovico Granatense's “Silva locorum qui frequenter concinibus occurrere solent“, printed in 1586. From 1588, a contribution to the history by Pope Sixtus V „Delle glorie di Sisto Quinto“. French translation of “Don Cichoite” printed in 1681 is interesting as well, but also the work „De urbibus“ by Stefano Bizantino, printed 1694. Of 18th Century titles we would point to Paris edition of Tacitus's Annals in two volumes from 1786, then the collected works of the French philosopher, a member of Helvetius Encyclopedists circle, also printed in Paris in 1795. The only manuscript in the legacy is «Provincia de Madrid» in Spanish, from second half of 18th Century. There is also a Voltaire printed in Amsterdame in 1788. From 19th Century we point out to Paris editions of Montesquieu «Consideration sur le causes de la grande urdes Romains et de leurdecadence» (Causes of the Grandeur and Decline of the Romans) and Horatio's «Artpoetique» and «Opera» published in 1885 and 1823. As a doctor of historical sciences, Dr. Petković was interested in major historical topics and characters, primarily the history of France and Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821). By just a routine search of the legacy's database we found 297 bibliographic units with the theme of Napoleon, which confirms the Legator's obsession with Napoleon. Each book was skilfully and carefully selected, whereas the Legator did not save either money or effort. The mere glance at the really impressive number of books, titles, years of publishing and the fact that there were mainly publications in Spanish, French, Italian, as well as in German and English, frightened us a little. The contents of Dr. Dušan Petković's legacy, which takes bibliophiles' breath away, present a particular professional challenge to a librarian. This is exactly how we approached this work. For professional works at bibliographic processing, the following librarians were engaged: Biljana Ivanović, Veselin Pestorić and Nevenka Mitrović. The Legacy was processed according to defined international standards, which implies application of ISBDM, UDC system and detailed subject indexing. In the first phase, we made classic card catalogues: by profession, by the author and by the subject with large number of referral and analytical cards, which implies production of over 20,000 catalogue cards. For these works Katarina Lazarević, library technician, was also engaged. Later, when we got a computer and appropriate software for automatic processing of library material, we started to digitize traditional catalogues. CDS/ISIS software system, application BIBLIO has been applied, with possibility of equal use of Cyrillic and Latin script, which is in our profession very important. This is UNESCO's standardized programme, harmonized with the methodology of the General Information Programme at the international level, applied in public libraries in more than 130 countries in different language versions. There are multiple advantages compared to other programmes. In the case of legacies’ processing, we point out to exceptional search tool possibilities and the possibility of publishing materials from the electronic database, because the programme involves automated distribution of the material as desired and needed, as well as creating all necessary registers. In accordance with legacies' accommodation rules, this legacy has been accommodated in a separate depot. Accommodation of the materials on the shelves is according to Universal Decimal Classification, and we decided for this variant of accommodation in order to unify materials from certain fields. We are very proud of the work we have done, because in the opinion of our colleagues that is an enterprise even for a more numerous team of specialist librarians. And now I would like to draw your attention to the other side of the coin, which, unfortunately, is not that bright. Actually, a significant percentage of legacies are publications more than a hundred years old, for which we know that, even before their arrival to Herceg Novi, were inadequately stored, to which indicates the physical condition of the publications. In the opinion of the colleagues in Herceg Novi Regional Museum conservation workshop, it is necessary to take protective measures as soon as possible, partly conservation measures and in case of a significant number of books from the category of Old and Rare Book, professional binding interventions are necessary. We have mentioned that the legacy is a challenge for librarians, but even more so for scientific workers and researchers. Unfortunately, it has not been promoted, therefore it has remained nearly hidden from the scientific public. We trust that this evening will contribute to its affirmation. However, the right way to make the legacy available to the scientific public, and thus allow its scientific valorisation, is publishing a catalogue of the legacy. Considering the scope (5500 bibliographic units) and very thorough professional analysis which includes registers (by author, by title, by publisher and by subject), it is required to foresee a two-volume or even three-volume publication. For implementation of this part of the work only the financial support is lacking, since scheduling, registering and preparation for printing can be done from the electronic database. We are aware that this is our debt towards the deceased Dušan Petković, which we know will be fully repaid once that Petković's legacy is available on our site via Internet to someone in Argentina. REMINISCENCE OF DR DUŠAN PETKOVIĆ Dear admirers of good books, indeed with joy I respond to Herceg Novi Library's initiative not to forget the significant donor of the institution, Dr Dušan Petković, who enriched your holdings with thousands of selected books in various languages. Creating his personal good library in his own key was a great and enduring preoccupation and joy of his life, to which he dedicated a lot of time and money. Before his death he wanted to transfer to his homeland this immense respect for knowledge and wisdom of his, gathered in the library he had put so much dedication into, and to have his name linked permanently to the Library of Herceg Novi. I am very pleased that, after such an endeavour, it all came true and Herceg Novi will not forget his name. For me personally, this reminiscence of Dušan is painful at the same time, because he had a very gifted and ambitious personality who promised a lot and at the same time was profoundly tragic, since, unfortunately, constantly followed by the relentless shadow of the disease, impeding and destroying, and not allowing the aforementioned skills properly and fully realized. And I was called to say tonight something about all this, since I was his friend, and as such, before his early death, by coincidence, found myself aside his sickbed, not only for humane reasons but incidentally, and in the role of a permanent custodian, and therefore one of the factors in the implementation of the said Dušan's book legacies. For obituaries generally applies the principle that only the good things and virtues («Demortiusnihilnisibene») should be talked about, but for that reason for such words are usually washed and anaemic since they lack vitality. Here it should not be the case and I will do my best to outline at least the basics of some parts of Dušan's portrait, as otherwise, I would consider this conversation of ours tonight lost time. And we all know that in every mature personality, there are, inevitably, many good and bad qualities, with which one has to take a valiant battle to eventually build a spiritual physiognomy and strong positive character. But a special and difficult case is encountered when one has some innate tendencies, for which is not personally responsible, but cannot escape them. Early on I felt it with Dušan, and therefore approached him with particular care and attention. Besides, I knew of many prominent names in science, literature and philosophy, which were burdened by even severe illnesses and disabilities, but still left an immeasurable contribution. We met and got to know each other in Padua, at a foreign university, still not knowing the foreign language properly, where we were supposed to continue the study begun in our home country, and, especially, not knowing the specialized terminology. Accordingly, the two of us, he with History, and I with Law, were indeed busy, finalizing the studies we, I in Belgrade and he in Subotica, had started, and got with them halfway. Therefore we could not socialize too often, but when we did, we had a truly large number of open issues and dilemmas, so we frequently, despite the difference in substances, were able to help each other. He would sometimes come to study in my room, since other colleagues from the Bay of Kotor tended to attract him to a fun or romantic student adventure, with an enormous expenditure of time and power. And he was certain that something alike will not happen with me. In the evenings, we sometimes attended classical music concerts. Some things, such as poetry writing since high school period, Dušan did not confide, and I found about them from the collection of poems he gave me before he died. In our conversations, naturally, we sometimes touched general philosophical, religious, historical and similar topics, and discovered we were in many ways different, but at the same time that we belong to the same old authentic and essential crucible of Boka, in which life, religious or national differences in perception not necessarily meant conflict and split up, but very often full mutual respect and continuation and strengthening of a friendship. He, for example, did not mind that I often attended the Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua, especially since he told me that his mother, whom he respected much, even out of her confession, felt a special reverence towards the Catholic Saint. All of this is particularly mentioned, since during these sporadic encounters, despite all of this, Dušan, who, no doubt, already at the time, suffered from a mild form of paranoid dread of people, for reasons known only to him, did not form a sense of resentment but on the contrary, very deep trust in me. In Padua, we have, with some interruptions, spent less than two years, except that I, a little before the end of 1943, returned with diploma to the Bay immediately, while he graduated somewhat later and decided to leave, I think to his father, or a relative, for Buenos Aires. I was not able to follow his ascent in the new environment, which was certainly not an easy one and lasted more than three decades (from March 1948 to November 1981), because he wrote rarely, having aroused to the university career, aside from which got intensely involved in lexicography in the Encyclopaedic Institute, constantly applying feverish effort of a passionate bibliophile while procuring rare and expensive books. He taught, in the rank of a Professor, at the International University of Buenos Aires. He collected some of his lectures, as well as a variety of popular articles published in newpapers from 1953 to 1960, and added as an appendix to his poetry collection «From Foreign Land», issued in 1961. Based on this, we see that he used the theme of the Bay to write about Herceg Novi, Đenovići, Savina Monastery and in general about Serbian monasteries, as well as about “Serbian Christmas celebration on the Bay of Kotor sailing ships”. Of broader themes, there are articles about St. Simeon and Sava, about significance of Serbian Orthodox Church, King Petar I and King Nikola, Njegoš, theocracy in Montenegro and the fall of Shkodër. Regarding poets, he summarized his views on Šantić, Rakić and Matavulj. In these works of his, he was not particularly ambitious nor did he have the opportunity to make new and more profound investigations. He merely wanted, as he expressed himself, to provide help with some general issues, in a popular manner, to the Serbian Diaspora, which had no publications or places to gather and prey. However, he had large, but unrealized, projects, to issue a „History of Russians, Serbs and Bulgarians“ and an Anthology of Serbian poetry, Old and New, of a smaller scale. As regarding the Encyclopaedic Institute PLAZA & JANES S.A. publishers of Argentina, Petković, in one-volume edition of 1971, and the second edition of 1974, elaborated certain historical topics, and particularly the presidents of Argentina. This thematic block was also published in a luxury edition titled „Gallery of Argentine Presidents from Rivadavia to Lanus (1826-1972)”, which, in a foreign land, by a foreigner, is not an easy job at all. Since the historical essays, published in the magazine „Gran Aldea“ 1971, evident is his interest in spectacular love affairs of famous historical figures, including Draga Mašin, as well as major female historical figures and assassinations of heads of states during the twentieth century. Certainly, these serious intellectual efforts were very exhausting, and besides, he suffered mentally, while the worm of sickness kept undermining him. If this was not notable from the correspondence, which had faded, it was obvious from fragments of published poetry, which he successfully polished on basis of selected models by Dis, Rakić and Šantić. Here are some examples which with Dušan are not a poetic stereotypes but an honest state of mind. In the poem „Midnight in the middle of nowhere“ we read about the suffering in front of flurry of memories. Yet, had e found a woman, who could understand his mental state, and for the sake of love sacrificed herself to save him from the utmost despair, Dušan could have lived and create. Such a woman he did not find. Therefore even in love, that he needed so badly, that Dušan really needed to live, existentially, unfortunately deeply disappointed, finally calls it delusion. According to some letters from the 80s, I saw he was preparing to come back. In my replies I never supported him in this, since he, at the same time, confided that he was in conflict with his sister, therefore the basic issues of accommodation and living expenses were questioned, while his illness was ever more obvious. He referred to help of my family, but I had many children, a working wife and a sea of professional and social responsibilities. However, the imperative inner need to return rejected all rational calculations and drama could not be avoided. When he visited me in Dobrota early 1983 he had already renewed a heavy conflict with his sister and relatives, who, at the beginning, had welcomed him. After an aggressive incident, he was accommodated in the Psychiatric Hospital in Dobrota with diagnosis of „reactive paranoid mental status and arteriosclerotic Parkinson's syndrome“. He phoned me urgently from the hospital and after extended conversations with him and judicial authorities, I accepted to be nominated as his legal custodian. In the beginning I insisted that it be, naturally, some of the relatives, but Dušan remained unrelenting and sought only me. He was sick a little over 3 years and died in mid-July 1986. In the meanwhile many things happened. Primarily on a personal level. After the big world, passionate bibliographic work, lexicographical practice and a short university carrier, to find oneself locked in a Psychiatric hospital is, indeed, a rare and touching human drama. My friend, an intellectual, of above-average intelligence and memory, a passionate reader, but of very troubled and sick mind, had numerous human, scientific and spiritual needs. He sought, first and foremost, humanity and warm communication and comfort, and that meant visits, often and long discussions, occasional bringing food he desired, or items, like newspapers, books etc. And above all, entertainment, refreshment and consolation. I would visit him once or twice a week, sitting on his bed, with another seven patients in the room. In such an environment, suspicious and cautious, he insisted that we spoke in a foreign language. I often tried to joke and play with paradoxes, to make him laugh, and change that feverish and sharp glance of constant spasm and tension for a short moment. Especially to let go of the fear that I might leave him, when he repeated: “Please, just don't leave me. I will kill myself if you do.“ I will not linger over quite intensive business side, which was administered by me and the Court. It took to contact lawyers and friends in Buenos Aires, rescue personal property and housing, that he possessed, implement a sales contract for land in Đenovići, and especially to organize activities of the embassies and steamship companies to transport from various locations all the books Dušan had around different places. I must admit that at first I did not believe when Dušan told me about all these valuable items and books. I believed it was his illusions and exaggerations, and that his assets were none, or very poor, so I did him financial favours as well. But when it turned out the opposite and when the money started coming as well as bankbooks, there was a diary of expenses to keep, which was to be submitted to the Court. And his expenses were not negligible, since Dušan as immobile paid other patients to get better treatment. Besides, he would wish for a particular or additional food. Finally, there was a quite frequent correspondence with lawyers and friends in Argentina. Concerning expenditure, I must tell one characteristic detail when he asked me to, for his doctor's birthday, order as many carnations as years she had. I accepted that without a doubt. The doctor, however, gently scolded me in private, for what I did. I was astonished and responded that I simply cannot believe a psychiatrist can think in such a manner. I thought this gesture was a wonderful confirmation that our patient was still alive as a human and that, besides his dreadful reality, he was yet capable to feel and express affection for a beautiful woman. I understand the meaning of the principle written in the medical code on avoiding sentimental contacts with patients, but in this case I understood his gesture as the most successful of hers, and my dealing with Dušan. He died, in my presence, quite unexpectedly but calmly, on 12th July 1986. As he was a true believer, I was very pleased that, before his death, he accepted my suggestion to relieve some internal conflicts and feeling of sin in front of a priest, and perform certain rituals. He wrote a will, which was not unknown to me since we talked about it repeatedly. He wanted to repay me for the friendly assistance and leave me everything, but I told him I cannot accept it since I approached him on human and ethical reasons and not for expectations of any possible reward. And when he, still, wrote the will in my favour, I eventually could not accept that, but intended those funds for donation of books and therewith contributed to better effectuation of Dušan Petković's life's greatest desire. And that genuinely makes me happy as the greatest reward. Dr Miloš Milošević REMINISCENCE OF DR DUŠAN PETKOVIĆ It has been almost two decades as Dušan Petković's legacy has been under this building's roof. Perhaps the presentation of the legacy is just as late, perhaps slightly less. I immediately recognize my personal part of guilt that it did not happen. But this time distance certainly allowed perceiving happenings related to the legacy and its transfer from Argentina to Herceg Novi with a little less emotion. But, let us first say a few things about that time and circumstances in the Library. These were the eighties, the most favourable years for operation and growth of our institution. A few favourable requirements were met. We got a new building, our staff was strengthened so that we could secure access to the foreseen Regional collection project. At that time, thanks to favourable financial circumstances, we doubled the number of books. It is also the time when we purchased Veljko Radojević's library, a significant fund that enriched us with 19th century titles of periodicals and particularly with titles of Boka literature. At that time appeared an appeal of Mr Petković „Save my library“, published by Vasko Kostić in „Pobjeda“ at the beginning of 1985. I thought that we from the Library were called to respond to this appeal. And without much hesitation, the decision was made – to give it a try. Fortunately, at the beginning we knew nothing about the difficulties that lay ahead, and almost nothing about the benefactor. My first visit to Mr Petković was more than discouraging. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the Specialist Psychiatric Hospital in Dobrota, I almost gave up the desire to answer the call. However, though the atmosphere was more than bleak, I decided to go on and meet Mr Petković. His room was at the end of a long semi-dark hall and resembled more a disorderly warehouse than a hospital room. But for this type of medical institution, better conditions – more humane, were not to be expected. A nun brought me to his bed, introduced me and said the reason of the visit. Such moments are remembered for the whole life. He smiled slightly and asked me to repeat my last name, I guess he had not heard it, offered me to sit on the bed next to his, and ordered fellow patients to leave the room. To my amazement, everybody obeyed and we were left alone. The same thing repeated regularly in the same manner at my subsequent visits. When the patients got used to my frequent visits, they would leave the rooms without the warning. At first I could not know how he managed to be obeyed without a complaint, but that is the secret why the ambience of the nursing home for elderly in Risan was replaced by the psychiatric hospital in Dobrota. With him in the room there were middle-aged and strong people who helped him, being immobile, bedridden, in his everyday needs that the staff at the nursing home could not meet. He, at his personal request, became a patient of the mental hospital in Dobrota. The real story is certainly known to Mr Miloš Milošević. I did not read all that was written in his patient's record, but I know it was Parkinson's disease in its last stage, of which he was fully aware. „Mr Pestorić,“ - he told me later on, when he decided to donate his library to us – „work quickly, my illness is progressing so rapidly that I will not wait to get my books across the ocean.“ He was almost right. Since the day of my first visit to him, until the arrival of the library, eight months passed, and he lived another seven. However, as much as he urged me to work as quickly as possible, and he knew it did not depend on my good will, but on the entire set of circumstances, he still spent the most of the time on my interrogation. He was too much emotionally attached to his books to hand them over lightly. Many of my visits were spent on questioning about my family, myself, my education and work, the institution where I work. And so on into the details. However, I must admit that I tried to get to know him as well, mostly for the safety of the initiative that I took. Because, as much as he feared for his books, I feared that all the things written in the appeal and repeated through his story, might turn out not real, or very little so. Many times, after the visits to Dobrota, I repeated to myself – whether all this effort will be worth it. Whereat I did not employ only myself, since I did the smaller part of the work. I engaged other people who made me confident and gave me wings to persist. When we first met, Mr Petković referred me to his custodian – legal representative, Mr M. Milošević. But he was much more than that to him. At the situation when the serious disease tied him to bed, when his next of kin failed to receive him, he was the only one who, not only fulfilled his legal obligation towards him, but much, much more than that. How many visits, how many offers, how much time spent with him, how much patience and tact in dealing with him? Sometimes even the next of kin cannot do it, and Mr Milošević fulfilled it, out of humanity and Christianity, like the merciful Samaritan from the Gospel, to the last moment, to the very day of Mr Petković's death. He was present in that final moment as well. Besides, several days before the death, he provided him a priest for confession and communion, and thus allowed him to be prepared for death. He was buried according to his will in the tomb of his uncle, protosyncellos Jerotej Petković, the popular „priest Jovo“, between the large and little church of Savina Monastery. The example of Mr Milošević made such a strong impression on me and gave me hope, especially in moments of doubt whether we would make it to the end. Mr Petković offered his library to Mr. Milošević, but he refused generously, stating that this was an endowment act and should belong, not to an individual but to the immediate home land. One must not forget the moment in Risan hospital when, in a fit of nervous breakdown, in the presence of the Court, D. Petković almost denied his promise. That was a critical moment, when everything previously done could have fallen down. Mr. Milošević, with a lot of tact, managed to persuade him to provide judicial authorization for activities that were ongoing and those to come. Apart from Mr. Milošević, who indeed is the most deserving for Mr. Petković's legacy being here today, I had two other admirable assistants – Mr Sveto Seferović, who was the president of the Board of the Municipal Assembly of Herceg Novi at the time, and Mr Radulović, the official of the Secretariat for Foreign Relations at the time. I avoided spreading the story about Mr Petković's appeal, partly out of fear that it might end up as a failure, and partly in order not to have repeated the words of a friend: «Oh, poor man, your Mr Petković is in Dobrota, you know that?». However, Mr Seferović encouraged me from the first day. Indeed, I had a support one can only wish for. I didn't have to think about the expenses, and when it came to our desire to ease the difficult situation of Mr Petković and we transferred him to Risan hospital for a while and offered spa treatment in Igalo, I got the green light everywhere thanks to him. Nothing less we are indebted to Mr. Radulović. He took over the cooperation with our diplomatic and customs authorities, and successfully brought everything to an end. At Michaelmas of 1985 a truck from Rijeka brought Mr. Petković's library to PKB warehouse in Meljine. Huge boxes full of books. And then, doubt again. Hopefully in such a multitude will be the part for which it was worth trying. And we were not mistaken, but Ms Nevenka Mitrović, the Head of the Library will speak about that. From the warehouse the books were transferred into the new building, still under construction. Those were the first books admitted in it. The today's depot 2 was filled with packages of books to the ceiling. Our joy was immense. And then the obligations towards Mr. Petković. My visits were more frequent than before. He actually wished, as he was not able to see all his books due to his illness which was increasingly advancing, (he asked) the most valuable and dearest books to him to be brought to Dobrota. And finally, as a token of gratitude for his wish come true, he singled out the two-volume DICCIONARIO PLAZA JANES where he worked and wrote specifications in the political and cultural history of Balkan countries and beyond, and gave it to me as a present. Indeed a precious memory. In the end I cannot finish the story of Mr. Petković’s legacy without mentioning the dedication shown by our colleagues Ms Bronzić and in particular Ms Lazarević. (there were three of us employees at the time). For months, performing our regular duties at the same time we started physical cleaning of the books, package by package. Neither wearing masks due to fear of infection, neither the unbearable reek, nor all those unnecessary objects found among the books, prevented us to bring the task to the end and prepare the legacy for professional processing. When those books cleaned and ready for processing were arranged on the shelves, we asked a photographer to take photographs which we took then to Mr. Petković. The above speeches were delivered on 19.10.2002 in the City Library and Reading Room Herceg Novi on the occasion of the commemoration of Dr Dušan Petković, the benefactor of our Library.
Rachael Link, MS, RD via Dr. Axe – Today, more and more studies continue to emerge, evaluating the powerful effects that food can have on health and confirming the extensive benefits that superfoods have to offer. You’ve likely heard the term “superfood” tossed around quite a bit and have probably heard about all of the benefits offered by these nutrient-rich dietary additions. But what are superfoods? (Photo by Heather Gill on Unsplash) Superfoods do more than just help you meet your vitamin and mineral needs or aid in shedding a few extra pounds when it comes time for swimsuit season. In fact, these foods can help you achieve better health, prevent chronic disease, and improve the way you feel day in and day out — and they’re some of the top anti-aging foods around. When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, adding a few of these top superfoods into your day can benefit many different aspects of your health. What Are Superfoods? Although the concept of “superfoods” can be traced back to the start of the 20th century, it has experienced a rise in popularity in more recent years as it became a buzzword for better health. However, with no real definition or criteria to determine what exactly superfoods are, they have caused quite a bit of confusion for consumers and were often used by the food industry to market unhealthy “health foods,” meal plans for extreme weight loss and detox diets. In recent years, several sources have tried to set a more specific definition for superfoods. Oxford Dictionary, for example, defined them as “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.” Meanwhile, according to Merriam-Webster, superfoods are “a food (such as salmon, broccoli, or blueberries) that is rich in compounds (such as antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person’s health.” Today, more and more studies continue to emerge, evaluating the powerful effects that food can have on health and confirming the extensive benefits that superfoods have to offer. We all know that eating healthy can have a major impact on the way you feel. Load up on the fast food and processed junk and you’ll probably start to feel sluggish, tired and weighed down. Cram tons of nutrient-dense fruits and veggies into your diet and you’ll likely find yourself full of energy and feeling good. Superfoods take it to the next step, helping optimize your body’s ability to function by supplying a megadose of nutrients. What are superfoods? Although there’s no set criteria as to what defines a superfood, these are foods that are jam-packed with nutrients and can help provide your body with the vitamins and minerals you need to thrive, survive and feel great. Include a few servings of the ingredients on the superfoods list into your day paired with a balanced diet and regular physical activity and you’re bound to feel better than ever. 20 Top Superfoods and Their Benefits Whether you’re looking to fight free radicals or maximize the nutrients in your diet, wheatgrass should definitely be at the top of your list. Wheatgrass is prepared from the freshly sprouted leaves of the common wheat plant and can supply tons of vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium and magnesium. It also gives you some added chlorophyll, a plant pigment that’s loaded with health benefits. Add it to juices or smoothies for a burst of energy, try it in tablet form, or even eat it raw if you’re feeling adventurous. This delicious spice does more than just add flavor to sweet treats and seasonal drinks. In fact, it’s high in antioxidants and has been associated with lower blood sugar and cholesterol, improvements in nausea and PMS symptoms, and decreased inflammation. Try sprinkling cinnamon over yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies to bump up the nutritional value of your healthy breakfast and reap the many health benefits of this invaluable spice. Tiny but packed with nutrients, blueberries fit the superfoods definition to a T. Blueberries are brimming with disease-fighting antioxidants and phytochemicals, as well as plenty of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. Best of all, these flavorful fruits are delicious and easy to enjoy as one of the best foods to lose weight. Use them to bring a hint of sweetness to salads, add them to baked goods or even enjoy them alone as a healthy snack. In answering the question of “what are superfoods,” it would be impossible not to mention this super nutritious fruit. Yes, although the avocado is commonly enjoyed and used in cooking as a vegetable, it is technically a fruit from the Lauraceae family of plants. The avocado is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, folate, vitamin C and vitamin K. Not only that, but it manages to pack in more potassium than a banana and is super satisfying, making it one of the best fruits for weight loss. There are limitless ways to enjoy this creamy fruit; try spreading it over toast, adding it to a salad or even just sprinkling a bit of salt on a few slices and chowing down. 5. Broccoli Rabe Also known as rapini, broccoli rabe is a cruciferous green veggie that makes the list of top 10 superfoods without question. It’s loaded with bone-building vitamin K and antioxidant-rich vitamins A and C, as well as folate, calcium and manganese. Thanks to its impressive nutrient profile, the compounds found in broccoli rabe may be able to help reduce inflammation, keep your skeletal structure strong, protect against eye disease, improve your heart heath and even prevent the growth of cancer. Sauté a big bunch of broccoli rabe and add it to frittatas, pasta dishes, soups or sandwiches to give your meal a serious superfood upgrade. The American Heart Association recommends including fish in your diet at least twice a week, and for good reason. Fatty fish like salmon are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that can slash inflammation, boost brain health and keep your heart strong. Opt for wild-caught salmon whenever possible, and try to squeeze a few servings into your week by enjoying it as a savory snack paired with crackers or a healthy entree for lunch or dinner. 7. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are known and loved for their delicious flavor, but did you know that they’re also high in vitamins and minerals and can provide important benefits to you and your health? These nutritious root vegetables are high in vitamin C, potassium and manganese. Most notably, however, they’re brimming with vitamin A. In fact, one cup of cooked sweet potatoes meets 769 percent of the daily value for vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a role in maintaining healthy vision, fighting inflammation and protecting the health of your immune system to fight off infections. Try roasting up a batch of sweet potato wedges, throwing them into soups or casseroles, or using them to kick up the flavor of curries and salads. 8. Goji Berries With up to 12 times the antioxidant levels of blueberries, it’s no wonder these berries top the charts as one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods for men and women. Goji berries have been a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries and have been credited with improving vitality, energy and longevity. They are also loaded with nutrients that may help prevent eye disease, protect against skin damage and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. You can often find goji berries in dried or superfoods powder form at many grocery stores. Try adding them to a raw superfood carrot salad for a nutritious option for lunch or dinner. 9. Raw Milk Raw milk is high in many vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and D. Kefir made from raw milk is especially beneficial for health as it has been fermented and has probiotics that can help boost the good bacteria in your gut to promote better digestion and enhance immunity. Try adding raw milk or kefir to your next breakfast smoothie to pump up the nutrient profile and start your day off on the right foot. Almonds are one of the most nutrient-rich nuts available. They are among the best non-dairy sources of calcium, providing more milligrams of calcium per serving than any other nut, and are also high in vitamin E and protein. You can enjoy these nuts raw as a tasty snack or try roasting them up for a warm treat on a cold day. Just remember that almonds are high in calories, so be sure to keep your portion size in check — it is definitely possible to have too much of a good thing. Type “superfoods” into your search engine and this leafy green vegetable is likely to be one of the first results that pops up. Kale is one of the best superfoods for weight loss and can supplement your diet with lots of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium and manganese for very few calories. Whip up a batch of kale chips for a savory snack, or use raw kale to take your shakes or salads to the next level. This blue-green algae is considered one of the most nutritious ultimate superfoods on the planet. Gram for gram, it’s higher in protein than red meat, contains all of the essential fatty acids your body needs, and also provides tons of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Spirulina is most often found in powder form and is widely available at online retailers and health stores. Use it in smoothies, or sprinkle it over your foods to increase the nutritional content. 13. Acai Berries High in antioxidants and health-promoting properties, the acai berry is a key player in defining what are superfoods. These berries contain plenty of healthy fats, fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to its growing popularity, acai powder is widely available at health stores and can be mixed into smoothies or used to make a nourishing acai bowl. Coconut and coconut oil are both high in medium-chain triglycerides, a type of beneficial fatty acid that can help support the health of your gut due to its bacteria-fighting, antioxidant properties. These fatty acids are also easy to digest, can be burned up as fuel rather than stored as fat and are able to provide immediate energy. Be sure to use extra virgin coconut oil that has not been refined, and use it in your cooking and baking for an added dose of healthy fats. Flaxseed is loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation, improve brain function, and even potentially protect against cancer and diabetes. These seeds are also high in thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, plus contain a hearty dose of protein and fiber in each serving, making them one of the best diet foods you can eat. You can reap the benefits of flaxseed by using the seeds in everything from granola to oatmeal or hummus or by consuming flaxseed oil in liquid or capsule form. 16. Green Tea Green tea is a type of tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is the same plant used to make other types of tea like black, white and oolong tea. Unlike other tea varieties, however, green tea undergoes very little processing, which helps to maximize its content of antioxidants and polyphenols. To get started, simply start brewing a couple of cups per day to slowly incorporate this superfood into your daily routine. You can also opt for other green tea products instead, such as matcha, which delivers a concentrated punch of antioxidants in each serving. Besides bringing a vibrant color to curries and dishes, turmeric has also been linked to a number of health benefits thanks to its content of curcumin. Be sure to pair turmeric with black pepper, which has been shown to enhance curcumin absorption by up to 2,000 percent. Turmeric is also available in capsule form as well for a quick and convenient way to boost curcumin consumption. Also known by its scientific name, Zingiber officinale, ginger is a plant native to Southeast Asia that has been revered for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Ginger contains a specific compound called gingerol, which is thought to be responsible for its multitude of health benefits. Studies show that ginger can help relieve nausea, decrease fasting blood sugar levels, increase working memory and reduce muscle pain. Ginger can be used fresh and added to smoothies, salad dressings, sauces and side dishes. It can also be found in dried or powdered forms, which work especially well for brewing a soothing cup of ginger tea. 19. Dark Chocolate In addition to being full of flavor and delicious, dark chocolate also brings a pretty impressive set of health benefits to the table. In fact, one analysis published in Chemical Central Journal actually found that cocoa powder and dark chocolate were significantly higher in antioxidants, flavonols and polyphenols than any other superfood tested. Another study in 2011 also showed that eating chocolate five times per week was associated with a 57 percent lower risk of heart disease. Be sure to select a high-quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70 percent to get the most bang for your buck. Additionally, keep in mind that going overboard on chocolate can cause the extra calories to stack up quickly, so stick to about one ounce per day for best results. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that is packed with important nutrients. Just one serving contains a good amount of fiber as well as essential micronutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin A. Some research suggests that adding grapefruit to your diet can be an effective way to bump up weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity. It may also help improve heart health and increase liver function to promote proper detoxification. Grapefruit can be cut into wedges for an easy and delicious snack all on its own. It can also be used in salads, smoothies and main dishes to add a burst of citrus flavor to your favorite foods. How Superfoods and Supplements Can Work Together Superfoods and supplements go hand in hand and can help optimize overall health, bringing you benefits that go above and beyond what a nutritious and healthy diet can provide. In fact, some of the ingredients on the top 20 superfoods list contain health-promoting compounds and nutrients like fiber, protein, heart-healthy fats and antioxidants that earn them spots as some of the best foods for weight loss and best fat-burning foods around. Similarly, supplements often bring a burst of other important compounds that can sometimes be difficult to obtain from foods. Collagen, for example, is the most abundant protein in the body and is thought to help ease joint pain, improve skin elasticity and improve hair growth, making it one of the best superfoods for women. It’s also considered one of the best foods that help you lose weight, thanks to its protein content and amino acid profile. However, it’s found in very few sources in the diet, such as bone broth or powdered gelatin, which is why adding a supplement to your routine can be especially beneficial. Of course, both superfoods and supplements should be used to complement a healthy, well-rounded diet rich in essential nutrients to have the maximum effect on health. Superfoods vs. Multivitamins Superfoods and multivitamins are often compared to each other, and for good reason. Much like multivitamins, superfoods help deliver a burst of beneficial vitamins and minerals to help optimize your health. However, unlike multivitamins, superfoods go above and beyond to bring an extra dose of fiber, protein, healthy fats and other health-promoting compounds, landing them on the list of best foods to eat to lose weight, prevent disease and improve health. Multivitamins can also be a useful tool to round out the diet and prevent any nutritional deficiencies. They can be especially beneficial for those with dietary restrictions, such as vegans or vegetarians, and can help them meet their needs for key nutrients that may be lacking in the diet. Like superfoods, multivitamins can be included as part of a healthy diet for weight loss by ensuring that you’re getting what you need to support overall health and wellness. That being said, both should be viewed as just a few single components of a well-rounded, healthy and fat-burning diet. Incorporating a superfood or two into your meals or taking a multivitamin each day is unlikely to have much of an effect on your health if you’re not also consuming plenty of other nutrient-rich foods and following a healthy lifestyle. Superfood Uses in Ayurveda, TCM and Traditional Medicine Long before the concept of superfoods was even introduced, traditional forms of medicine were using foods for their healing properties in an effort to help promote better health. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, for instance, superfoods like Chinese herbs, medicinal mushrooms and other antioxidant-rich ingredients, such as ginseng or goji berries, were believed to help naturally treat a variety of ailments and health conditions. Meanwhile, in Ayurveda, nourishing whole foods are used to help enhance the mood, fight fatigue, increase weight loss and improve digestion. In particular, superfoods like seasonal fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healing herbs and spices are thought to promote balance between the body and mind and to support overall wellness. Where to Find and How to Use Superfoods Although superfoods offer some pretty extraordinary benefits, you typically don’t even need to look beyond your local grocery store to find these incredible ingredients sitting on the shelves. Check the produce aisle to load up on the nutrient-rich fruits and veggies. For other ingredients like spirulina or goji berries, you may need to look in the supplement section or check online to score these superfoods. Most often available in dried or powdered form, these ingredients work best added to smoothies and shakes for a concentrated burst of nutrients. The best way to bring more superfoods into your diet is to simply start swapping them in to your favorite recipes. Try adding kale, sweet potatoes or broccoli rabe to side dishes or main courses; sprinkle flaxseed, almonds or cinnamon onto your yogurt or cereal; or switch out refined vegetable oils from your kitchen pantry for coconut oil instead. Adding a few servings of super foods to your diet can be simple and delicious. Here are a few nutritious recipes using some superstars on the list of healthy foods that can help bring your diet to the next level: If you are allergic or sensitive to any of the foods listed here, eating them can cause negative side effects and is not recommended. Similarly, if you experience any adverse symptoms after eating one of these foods, it’s best to discontinue use and talk to your doctor. Keep in mind that these foods pack in extra nutrients and can be a healthy addition to the diet but are not an immediate cure for any ailment or medical problem. Instead, they should be used in conjunction with a nutritious and varied diet, healthy lifestyle, and/or traditional treatment to see the most results. Pair these health-promoting foods with other nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, as well as a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, to really optimize your health and ward off chronic disease. Final Thoughts About the Best Superfoods to Eat It can be hard to answer the question of what are superfoods because there is no specific criteria defining what makes a superfood. However, superfoods are foods that are especially rich in nutrients and shown to bestow unique benefits to health. There are a wide range of foods that qualify as superfoods and can be incorporated into the diet in a number of different ways. Add a few of these foods into your daily routine along with a well-rounded diet and routine physical activity to get started on your journey to better health. Where should you start? With these top 20 superfoods: To read the original article click here. For more articles from Dr. Axe click here.
The fest. A key component of a thriving hardcore scene these days, a packed four days where the Underground fills up with familiar badges on jackets, plans to catch up with friends from far flung scenes are planned and hangover plans are either dutifully laid out or completely ingnored. STATIC SHOCK WEEKEND begun in 2011 in the back room of The Grosvenor, a pub in Stockwell whose back room once hosted tours and first gigs and had one of those decibel counter lights that may as well have been part of the furniture whenever an amp got switched on. Between then and now the weekend has grown into an institution with thousands in the audience, hundreds in the bands played and tens of iconic sets: my favourites have to include Dawn of Humans, Good Throb’s final show, Limp Wrist, RAKTA, Pharmakon, Muro and The Number Ones on a Sunday. This year, Tom Ellis decided to throw the last weekend, so I caught up with him in October 2023 once the dust had settled to chat through the whole eleven years and what he’s excited to see as the next generation takes over… AS: So, it’s been about a month and a bit since the final Static Shock Weekend, and how are you doing? Tom: Well, after a few weeks I finally got over the token festival COVID, which wrapped me in bed for about two weeks. Which is, you know, the final thank you after years of service! All’s well right now. AS: First thing on my mind was to ask, did you go to every gig? AS: I was assuming you wouldn’t, because it’s grown and there’s a crew of people now. But you have been to everything! Tom: I was at every show for at least a little bit. On the Friday I didn’t see any bands on the matinée, but I was there. Motive was about to start when I had to jump in a cab to get to The Garage to unload the backline straight away. AS: How many people do you have to herd together in a typical weekend? How many bands are playing this year, about 35, 40? Tom: I think it was 36 off the top of my head this year. AS: So, 36 times 4 on average. How’s that? Tom: I mean, daunting. Tight. It’s not so bad because with most bands you only have one point of contact. Which can be a double-edged sword! Obviously when you’ve got so many moving parts, you want no punk time and for it to run well. It’s happened occasionally but not much: this year, Special Branch was supposed to sound check at 12:30 for the matinee show, and when we texted them to see what was up, one of them was still in Ireland. AS: I did wonder if that would happen! Tom: Oh yeah. But they all made it on time, just in time to play. AS: I saw Mock Execution roll out of the van outside New River and straight onto the stage… Tom: Yeah, so their van broke down the night before. I got a phone call about nine in the morning from their driver who was sitting in a car park in a village near Leeds, being “we think we know where we are, and we reckon we can try and get them to lead to Leeds to take a train to London.” And I mean, fair play to them, they made it! We had to swap one slot, I think? They played half an hour later than they were supposed to but they got there, which was 250 miles on a couple hours’ notice… AS: I would also assume that because you’ve had this much experience putting the festival on, with these situations you’re not going to panic? Tom: Yes and no. For something like that it wasn’t the end of the world because we can just switch slots and hope it’ll all be fine. Sometimes that works, sometimes not so much. AS: Does everyone’s punctuality get better or worse as each weekend goes on? Tom: You would think worse. I’d say the worst part usually peaks around Friday because everyone’s got here on Thursday and overdone it a little bit on the first night, so by Friday everyone’s still trying to gather their bearings and figure it out. By Saturday everyone’s a little bit broken. And then by Sunday it’s a well-oiled machine. AS: And then you get people who turn up on Sunday for their only day, they’re freshly showered and meeting everyone else who’ve been out all weekend and are just nodding along silently at that point. Tom: Yeah, there were definitely people who I saw at the Sunday matinee who were like, this is the only day I’ll come down. Which is obviously cool, but it’s like the yin and the yang. AS: How do you feel about Static Shock over the years becoming as much of a social event as a fest? Which I guess all festivals are really, but especially after lockdown it felt like this big reunion – which is probably why it sold out quickly too. Tom: The first one back [since the pandemic] sold out really quickly. I think even though there were shows for about a year at that point, there was still the excitement of thinking, oh yeah, we can do this again! We’re back! And going from gatherings of ten people to getting 600 people in a room, you know, obviously not everyone’s going to feel 100% about that, but I think a lot of people were hungry for that still. AS: You took your time too. Like, you’re right, gigs had been going again for about a year but it still felt quite strange, people were obviously nervous as well… Tom: Yeah, exactly. The first gig I went back to, which was sometime in 2021, I went into the room and there were no masks, no social distancing and I nearly had a panic attack! Just because it was so much to take in after like a year plus of like not being able to do any of that. You get used to it again, but in hindsight it feels kind of crazy how quick it bounced back, when it was allowed to. AS: And then also, the Weekend before that was in March 2020. I feel like that was the last event before lockdown, it had the last gig at DIY Space for London I ever went to and… didn’t a bunch of bands not turn up too? Tom: You might need to remind me: who cancelled that year? AS: I may be wrong but in my head the Italian bands didn’t turn up. Tom: Oh no, they did! AS: They did! Tom: Yep. So Lucta made it, but during that weekend Italy went into lockdown. That was it. They were ahead of a bunch of other countries but even then the attitude at the time was just, “what are you going to do when you get back for a few weeks?” AS: Yeah. A few weeks(!) Tom: And then of course by the following Friday the UK shuts down. I remember L.O.T.I.O.N. were coming over to start their tour the following Friday. On the Wednesday night, they were thinking “we’re not sure about this,” and I was still “oh, don’t worry, it’ll be fine!” The next day they cancelled and it’s very good that they did. AS: Bloody hell, absolutely. When it came back in 2022, did you book The Garage because of the size? Were you thinking of Ex Fed again, although isn’t it an arcade now? Tom: Ex Fed was gone by that point, which was the main motivator to look for somewhere else. The thing with Ex Fed was that it felt kind of lawless in there where it felt like we could do something on this scale and still feel like a DIY show where anything goes. But at the same time it kind of sounded pretty questionable at best, it wasn’t perfect but when it’s more of a DIY space you’re willing to let that roll. It’s part of the experience! But with that gone, it was all about finding somewhere that you could get 600 plus people somewhere that was willing to, you know, make it all ages, make sure there isn’t a security barrier and where you can run it how you’d want to. Obviously in practice, it’s somewhat different. AS: I’ve always thought too… where else in London could you put this on, realistically? Could you still do it at the Dome? Tom: The Dome is still there but I haven’t done anything there for years. Atthe time, I know they were trying to make the upstairs room even bigger, like 800 or something but I don’t know if that actually ever happened in the end. Plus, now the stage looks a bit Metal Hammer now with all the stuff around it. AS: Their rigging makes it look like there’s more wrestling than gigs these days. Tom: They actually do the wrestling there! I’m guessing they put the ring in the middle and not the stage… AS: A stage in the middle would be quite fun. Tom: It’d be a bit Metallica in the round. AS: Thinking back too, with all of the weekends you do end up with a list of venues that don’t exist anymore. You started in The Grosvenor, which is still a pub… Tom: Yeah, but it might as well not be there compared to what it initially was. AS: That was one of my first conceptions of a London venue, that back room. Tom: The Grosvenor was kind of great because as long as you stayed on the right side of the landlord you could just get on with it in there. I have this theory with London venues and scenes is that they build around places in waves. In the late nineties, early 2000s things were based around the Red Eye, which then moved to the Swan in Tottenham; when that closed people gravitated towards the Grosvenor, and then to Power Lunches, to DIY Space and New River, which is still there but maybe there’ll be a new spot in the future? AS: How many people were at the first weekend? Tom: The first one was small. I forget if it was 40 or 60 people on the Friday night, and the landlord came up to me asking, “you’ve got more people coming tomorrow?” And I was like, maybe! I think a hundred came out on the Saturday. But also then there was the jump between the first year where it was, “let’s do three gigs, let’s try and get a couple bands to come over from Europe,” to jump into what the second one was which was a little bit more ambitious and a lot more terrifiying! AS: Wasn’t it Una Bèstia Incontrolable’s first show too? Tom: Yeah. Originially it was meant to be Glam but then Una Bèstia shared members and they were like, we have a new band, we’ve been practicing for a year, we really want to play, would you be up for it? AS: I remember they were very good. Tom: Oh yeah, they were great. AS: And then with the second year, looking back it’s not too far away from what you’ve had since – the cyan poster, the four days, the matinees and the big gigs. I was wondering what your influences were? I know Not Dead Yet [in Toronto, Canada] gets mentioned a lot… Tom: It was definitely Not Dead Yet, and also in 2006 a few of us flew over for the one of the first Fucked Up Weekends.That was my first experience of a multi venue thing with three shows in a day, where you’ve got a main gig where there’s people from all over and then you’d have a crazy late night show in a space where it’s kind of too small for it? It actually still annoys me to this day because I remember, I can’t remember if I was jet lagged or just drunk but I remember sitting on the pavement outside a venue not realising that Inmates were on inside! But that whole experience was such an eye opener, and it was and when the flights there were super cheap, I think it was £170 return. AS: Around that time too you were in The Shitty Limits, so in the late 2000s/early 2010s didn’t you play… Chaos in Tejas? Tom: Yeah. We played Means to an End as well. I think the influence was more from those two Toronto fests and more along the lines of the first few Fucked Up Weekends because it wasn’t a million shows happening and you could do it all in a day. AS: You’ve never had clashes at Static Stock. Tom: I’ve tried not to. The closest we ever got was when we used both the upstairs and the downstairs of the Dome, but even then nothing overlapped. AS: That’s different to the last Not Dead Yet which we both went to, and that was fantastic but the scale of it really amazed me. There were three main gigs happening at once and you really had to pick what you were feeling that day, so you’d miss Sheer Mag but see Moro… Tom: I guess at the same time they tried to group the bands more. So if you wanted to see Moro and DIY hardcore you’d go in this venue, whereas if you wanted to see Terror a few doors a down you could spin kick the night away with Sheer Mag and the Number Ones in another venue two blocks down as well. AS: And if you like all of the above you had a dilemma! Tom: There were definitely times I went where I bought tickets for two or three of the gigs, tried to do everything and then by nine o’clock I’d give up. AS: You’ve had a few drinks and you’re just quite comfy, exactly. You’ve always seemed to try to do a bit of a mixture with Static Shock, though. Does that reflect your taste, does that reflect who you think people want to see? Tom: I always thought about all of these things. It’s important for an event to be reflective of the person involved – I hate the word curation because it makes it sound a bit more pretentious than it should be, but it should reflect what the person or the collective is really excited about at that time. And obviously too you might have touring bands coming through that you’d want to incorporate or something appears that just makes sense But at the same time I always spend months just agonizing over theline-up beforehand, thinking what would flow well, who would bring people in, but also who do I want to see? (Who I will inevitably never see!) AS: Out of everyone who you have perhaps spent a good amount of time to come over, have you managed to actually see them all? Tom: Oh, no. Like I remember we flew in Impalers over from Texas to play one year. I remember seeing their banner go up, then having to go outside to argue with someone who got kicked out and wanted to be let back in, and walking back in 15 minutes later only to see them packing their gear down! AS: The joy of flying over a hardcore band. Tom: Exactly. 15 minutes and you’re done. There were a few others, especially last year when we had two shows happening in the same venue. We were busy running upstairs and soundchecking there while missing everything from the main show; I pretty much saw one band a night last year, if that. I did get to see the soundcheck, so you do get to see them hitting a drum for ten minutes… AS: I’ve enjoyed how in the last couple of weekends you made Sunday the pop night. Tom: The Sundays were always a special one for me. I’ve really enjoyed that stuff as well and you can kind of see through the label. Sometimes it’s cool when bands from all walks of life are on the same bill, it can create discussions or it can be really interesting; even though a line-up sounds really different they might have a common bond, something like that. But at the same time, I think if you’ve spent all night watching crusty, spending loud night at DIY Space noise not music for 10 minutes at a time but then stick a power pop band on it can sometimes be really awkward or the band feels like they’ve just been the token different band. You want bands to feel respected as well. And I love that little respite too at the end of the weekend, we can cram in and it’s just nice, feel like we’ve done it all. AS: Every Sunday, every time it’s been at Lexington, about an hour after the final band has finished I’ve said to myself, “I’m getting a cab home, aren’t I?” Because everyone’s there! That’s the thing with the social aspect, having everyone from the scenes all together having a drink, people who’ve come in who you haven’t seen for ages, friends you see every week, all together at the end. Tom: I would say this year, within an hour of the gig finishing I felt kind of overwhelmed by it all, because yeah that bar is open late. So I just didn’t say goodbye to anyone and just got a cab home! AS: I feel you are surely entitled to that, because I’m sure that I know I did the same in the end. But how many people too would also just be asking ‘Tom!’ or offering you a drink at that point? When I do a gig with three bands I’m just running around and going ‘in a minute…’ Tom: I also feel so, so rude with that too. Like if someone wants to come up and say hello and you want to talk to them, you haven’t seen them in six year but you’re also trying to sort just this one thing out too. AS: So out of all of the weekends… what’s been your favourite? Tom: I always go back and forth with wondering, what was the best weekend? I think maybe the weekend in 2019 where it had Warthog and Uranium Club and it felt like a) it was one of the wildest ones and b) everyone was together and just so excited about everything. AS: I think that’s the one with the famous Simon Parris photo, which is a sort of Where’s Wally scene of everyone going wild to Warthog. There was a running joke about the two acts you’d always wanted but couldn’t get were Gauze and Grace Jones. Were there any others? AS: Didn’t you get to the negotiation stages with them? Tom: It almost happened one year, but it was a scheduling thing, really. Especially if you’re trying to bring a Japanese band over, you have to plan out everything way more in advance than elsewhere and it turned out a year’s notice was too short. I’ve got a question for you: do you think there are bands that should have played? Tom: I’m always curious about this! Because obviously I have my idea of what makes sense but sometimes that doesn’t necessarily match with other people. AS: I was very happy when Lumpy and the Dumpers came through as I was a big fan of all that around that time, and would have loved Judy and the Jerks on the weekend too although they did tour last year. Do you ever wonder if there are bands you like and put on the bill but worry if, say, more than three people in the UK liked them? Tom: Part of the cool thing about putting the weekend together though is striking that balance, and you can put bands that might not typically have that audience in front of that audience. I’ve always tried to do that a little bit as well. AS: I felt that worked really well when Pharmakon headlined with RAKTA playing too. That was fantastic and I could see someone wondering whether that would have been an usual pick for a punk festival, even though it made complete sense on the night? Tom: It was funny, I didn’t see it until afterwards but The Wire did a piece on Rakta which began with something like, “walking into this room full of people dressed in black,” you know. It was almost thinking that they wouldn’t know how to handle it… I think several hundred people there would disagree! AS: Since you started in 2012, what’s become easier and harder when you’re booking a gig? Tom: It got easier with the fest when you could definitely hit up bands, tell them what we’re about and they would be like, of course we would! AS: Assuming too you’d have lots of people just emailing and asking, “Tom, can we play?” Tom: Constantly. There were definitely a bunch of fairly pushy booking agents where I just ended up ignoring their emails. AS: What’s gotten harder? I have assumed with current geopolitical stuff that at the very least it’s all gotten a lot more expensive. Tom: One thing, especially in the last couple of years has been a combination of dealing with more professional venues – where every little thing is costly and I don’t factor in, say, the 4% for PRS, although perhaps that’s just naivety on my part, I’m always like, “it’ll work itself out!” And then there’s the costs of flights and also people’s expectations too. There’s definitely been a few times where it’s been a sold out festival but I’ve lost an awful lot of money too, where I have to do a lot of shifts to get it all back. But also after COVID too, it’s gotten a lot harder to find places for bands to stay too. A lot of people have moved into smaller spots and others are not as willing to have as many people stay over as before. At the same time, the other problem is that shows in general have really increased their ticket prices and I’ve always felt really hesitant to do the same. I like to think of these things as affordable and as well, I’ve had the idea that a matinee in the daytime should only be a £10 or £12 show at most. So even if you don’t have much money you can still come down and check it out. This year was the first too where the main gigs were over £20 on the night. Which for me seems crazy for what I guess is still a DIY show? But it’s still a lot cheaper than other people who do similar things charge. AS: I honestly thought this year’s weekend ticket was cheaper than I thought it would be, and would understand if it was more considering the cost of living crisis, energy prices and flights going up. But then I’m in the position where I wouldn’t mind paying extra but you have people who can’t, especially all the younger people really getting into hardcore now who might not have the money, right? But then on top of that you have the balance of it not being a loss either. Tom: Yeah. I’m not opposed to events making some money on top if everyone else has been treated as fairly as they can, but at the same time, this festival was never really a profitable venture. AS: What’s your plan now? Are you going to keep booking gigs? Tom: I’m planning to move away in at some point next year but in the meantime, I’m still booking shows. I’m also trying not to do as much, and this also ties into why the weekend drew itself to a conclusion as well: after a while, you get older and you don’t want to dominate the landscape too much. Someone who is now 40 who books every single show and does the fests, and potentially nobody else feels like they can do something themselves. AS: Especially in a musical landscape that thrives on, or wants to thrive on, younger people coming through and making their own scene! And you see that after the lockdowns, new bands and gigs coming through. I’d also imagine that you’d just want to go to a gig and enjoy yourself! Tom: Exactly. I think people sometimes forget because they’re still so in the middle of it but punk and hardcore should primarily be a youth movement. And when you get a bit older you might not be on top of every single band, or what people have to say, and that platform should be there. That was on my mind towards the end a lot as well. One of the great things for me about the festival was that you had bands who grew up with it. Like when they first played they had a demo, but they have several records out now, or they’ve evolved into other bands and they’ve always had the space [at SSW]… but would that be taking space from other voices as well? There are only so many bands that can play. AS: Do you think something similar to Static Shock will emerge? I know there is Damage is Done, but that is very much its own collective, some of whom have been part of Static Shock. That’s the thing, because I’m sure you’ve never done this on your own and you’ve had a great group of people help coordinate this year’s festival, for instance… Tom: For the first couple of years, I tried to. And then I realised, against my stubbornness at first, that you can’t just do everything yourself. I remember the second year I was thinking, yeah, I’ll help run the door, I’ll stage manage all this, and I just feel so naive now thinking back to that. But also so many people have been so nice about getting involved and helping to make it all work. Tom: I always feel as well, a lot of the time people are like, “you smashed it!” and I’m “no, we smashed it!” And especially, when Ola [of Quality Control HQ] got involved, one of the main things she does is get all the volunteers organised. That changed everything in my life and made it so much more attainable. AS: So what’s the plan now after you’ve put the last weekend away… rest? Tom: I mean, civilian status sounds pretty great, I’ll be honest. I’ve had this bad feeling that when I go to a show that I haven’t booked, I’ll feel a little lost if I don’t have a role. But I’m looking forward to working my way through that, and being able to go have a drink, watch a band from the back of New River Studios and slip into the night afterwards! It’s going to be really cool to see what comes next and see what people do. It could be similar, but it could be very different, and it probably should be as well. While Static Shock Weekend has come to an end, Tom is still releasing records and putting on the odd London gig: you can find out and browse the distro at at And I should say that Framtid finally played the UK at Damage is Done in Hackney just recently. This interview was originally published in Alternative Strategies‘ autumn 2023 issue, currently the last in the run for now. A few copies remain, with photography by Leigh Arthur and a great artists’ impression of the Warthog pit from Lukas Fraser plus interviews with Juliet Jacques, Michael Molcher (talking to PC World), columns, photos and more. Buy a copy here.
Saturn Conjunct Mercury: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning In This Article Saturn conjunct Mercury is an astrological aspect that occurs when Saturn and Mercury are in close proximity to each other in the birth chart, transit chart, composite chart, or synastry chart. This aspect brings together the energies of Saturn, the planet of structure, responsibility, and limitations, and Mercury, the planet of communication, thinking, and intellect. The conjunction of these two planets creates a dynamic and complex influence on the individual or relationship involved. Get a summary on your unique personality traits as shaped by the stars by creating your free birth chart below. 1. Overall Meaning of Saturn Conjunct Mercury When Saturn is conjunct Mercury, it signifies a period of intense focus, discipline, and practicality in communication and thinking. This aspect brings a serious and cautious approach to intellectual pursuits, emphasizing the need for precision, thoroughness, and attention to detail. In the realm of astrology, Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, and structure, while Mercury symbolizes communication, intellect, and learning. When these two planets are conjunct, it indicates a strong potential for intellectual rigor, disciplined thinking, and practical communication. Here are some key themes and characteristics associated with Saturn conjunct Mercury: Disciplined Thinking: Individuals with this aspect in their natal chart tend to have a disciplined and structured approach to thinking. They are often meticulous, detail-oriented, and thorough in their intellectual pursuits. Practical Communication: This aspect fosters a practical and realistic approach to communication. These individuals are often careful with their words and prefer to communicate in a clear, concise, and straightforward manner. Serious Mindset: Saturn conjunct Mercury can also indicate a serious and sometimes pessimistic mindset. These individuals may have a tendency to focus on the negative or challenging aspects of life. In terms of astrological transits, Saturn conjunct Mercury can bring a period of intense focus and discipline in communication and thinking. It is a time for serious study, careful planning, and practical decision-making. In synastry, which explores the relationships between two individuals' charts, Saturn conjunct Mercury can indicate a relationship that is characterized by serious communication, mutual respect, and intellectual growth. However, it can also indicate potential challenges in communication, such as rigidity or overly critical thinking. It's interesting to compare this aspect with others that involve Mercury or Saturn. For instance, in the Mercury trine Moon aspect, the focus is more on emotional communication, while in the Saturn square Midheaven aspect, there's a strong emphasis on career and public image. Overall, Saturn conjunct Mercury is a powerful aspect that challenges individuals and relationships to develop a mature and responsible approach to communication, thinking, and learning. It encourages a structured and disciplined mindset, fostering personal growth and intellectual development. 2. Saturn Conjunct Mercury Synastry Saturn conjunct Mercury in synastry indicates a deep intellectual connection and a shared sense of responsibility in a relationship. This aspect highlights the importance of effective communication and mutual understanding, as well as the need for structure and pragmatism in the intellectual exchange between partners. In astrology, Saturn represents discipline, structure, and responsibility, while Mercury symbolizes communication, intellect, and learning. When these two planets are conjunct in synastry, it suggests a relationship where these themes are prominent. The Saturn-Mercury conjunction in synastry often indicates: - A strong intellectual bond between the partners. They may share similar interests or enjoy deep, thought-provoking conversations. - A shared sense of responsibility towards learning and communication. Both partners may take their intellectual pursuits seriously and value effective communication. - A tendency towards structured and pragmatic thinking. The Saturn influence can add a level of seriousness and practicality to the Mercury-ruled areas of communication and learning. However, this aspect can also present certain challenges: - Difficulties in communication. Saturn's restrictive influence can sometimes lead to issues with communication, such as being overly critical or too reserved. - Feeling limited or restricted in intellectual pursuits. The Saturn influence may make one or both partners feel limited in their intellectual growth or expression. For a deeper understanding of how Saturn's influence can affect communication, you may want to read about Saturn sextile Imum Coeli. Similarly, to explore more about Mercury's role in intellectual pursuits, consider reading Mercury conjunct Sun. The key to navigating a Saturn conjunct Mercury synastry aspect lies in understanding and respecting each other's intellectual styles and communication needs. It's important to foster an environment of open and respectful communication, and to encourage each other's learning and growth. In summary, Saturn conjunct Mercury in synastry can create both difficulties and rewards in a relationship. It challenges partners to develop effective communication skills, establish boundaries, and cultivate a mature approach to learning together. By understanding and working with this aspect, partners can strengthen their intellectual bond and create a relationship that is both intellectually stimulating and grounded in mutual respect and understanding. 3. Saturn Conjunct Mercury Composite When Saturn is conjunct Mercury in a composite chart, it signifies a relationship or collaboration that emphasizes practicality, structure, and responsibility in communication and decision-making. This aspect suggests a serious and disciplined approach to shared intellectual pursuits, bringing caution, reliability, and a focus on long-term goals. In terms of communication dynamics, Saturn conjunct Mercury tends to foster a grounded and methodical exchange of ideas. Conversations are likely to be substantial and focused, with less emphasis on frivolity or superficial chatter. This can be particularly beneficial in contexts that require a high level of precision and accuracy, such as a business partnership or a scientific collaboration. However, this aspect can also introduce certain challenges. For instance, the influence of Saturn can sometimes lead to rigidity or inflexibility in thinking, potentially stifling creativity or spontaneity. Furthermore, the seriousness of Saturn combined with Mercury's intellectual orientation can sometimes result in a tendency to overthink or worry excessively. Despite these potential pitfalls, Saturn conjunct Mercury also offers ample opportunities for growth and development. For one, the disciplined approach to communication encouraged by this aspect can help to build strong foundations for joint ventures. The emphasis on responsibility and practicality can also foster a sense of trust and reliability, which are crucial for successful collaboration. In the context of other astrological aspects, the influence of Saturn conjunct Mercury can be nuanced. For example, if this conjunction is also in aspect with the Sun, as in the case of Mercury sextile Sun, the intellectual seriousness may be balanced by a sense of vitality and creativity. On the other hand, if Saturn is also in a challenging aspect with the Moon, as in Saturn square Moon, the emotional dynamics of the relationship may need careful attention. In conclusion, Saturn conjunct Mercury in composite charts brings a strong emphasis on practicality, responsibility, and a structured approach to communication, making it an aspect that encourages dedication and perseverance in joint intellectual endeavors. To fully understand the implications of this aspect, it is helpful to also consider the broader astrological context, such as the presence of other aspects in the composite chart. For further insights into the complex interplay of astrological influences, you may wish to explore other aspects such as Pholus conjunct Mercury or Saturn trine Venus. 4. Saturn Conjunct Mercury Transit When Saturn is conjunct Mercury in transit, it brings a period of increased seriousness, responsibility, and mental focus. This aspect highlights the need for clear and precise communication, disciplined thinking, and thoroughness in intellectual pursuits. It often signifies a time of concentrated effort, hard work, and the potential for significant accomplishments in areas related to communication and learning. Saturn, known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, when conjunct with Mercury, the planet of communication, can lead to a powerful mix of discipline and intellect. This transit pushes individuals to express themselves more seriously and responsibly. Let's delve into how this aspect influences different spheres of life: Communication: Saturn's influence can make one's communication style more structured and disciplined. Conversations tend to be more serious and focused on practical matters. This transit is an excellent time to engage in discussions that require a methodical approach. It can also be beneficial for those involved in professions requiring detailed communication, such as writing, teaching, or journalism. Thinking Process: Saturn conjunct Mercury sharpens the mind and encourages disciplined thinking. It can lead to a more focused and analytical mindset, which can be particularly beneficial in problem-solving or research-based activities. This is a time when one might find themselves drawn to intellectual pursuits that require patience and persistence. Learning: This transit can be a productive period for students and lifelong learners. The disciplined energy of Saturn combined with Mercury's influence over learning can lead to significant progress in studies or skill acquisition. You can learn more about this in our article on Saturn Conjunct Fortuna. However, it's important to note that this transit can also bring challenges. The seriousness of Saturn can sometimes lead to feelings of mental pressure or stress. It's crucial to balance the disciplined mindset with relaxation and self-care. You may find our article on Pholus Trine Saturn helpful in understanding how to balance Saturn's serious energy. In summary, Saturn conjunct Mercury in transit is a time to embrace discipline, structure, and a focused mindset in communication and intellectual activities. It presents opportunities for personal and intellectual growth, provided that one approaches challenges with patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn. 5. Saturn Conjunct Mercury Natal When Saturn is conjunct Mercury in the natal chart, it signifies a person with a serious, disciplined, and methodical approach to communication and learning. This aspect suggests an individual who values precision, accuracy, and practicality in their thinking processes. They tend to be cautious, thorough, and responsible in their intellectual pursuits. Saturn, known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, brings structure and discipline wherever it appears. When combined with Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, it creates a unique blend of qualities. This combination can be seen as a blessing or a challenge, depending on the individual's overall chart and their personal development. Communication Style: These individuals prefer clear, concise, and factual communication. They are not fans of idle chatter or impractical ideas. They may be seen as quiet or reserved, but when they speak, their words carry weight and authority. They are excellent listeners and often excel in fields that require careful attention to detail and precision, such as law, science, or technical writing. Thinking Process: The thinking process of these individuals is methodical and systematic. They prefer to take their time to thoroughly understand a concept before moving on to the next. They are often drawn to complex subjects that require deep thought and analysis. Learning Abilities: Learning for these individuals is a serious business. They have a strong desire for knowledge and are willing to put in the time and effort required to master a subject. Their learning style is practical and hands-on, and they often excel in structured learning environments. Intellectual Pursuits: These individuals are drawn to intellectual pursuits that offer practical applications. They are not interested in theories or ideas that cannot be applied in a real-world context. They often excel in fields that require a high level of detail and precision. This aspect can also present certain challenges. The seriousness of Saturn can sometimes lead to rigidity in thinking or a tendency to overthink. This can result in a fear of making mistakes or a reluctance to embrace new ideas. However, with conscious effort and self-awareness, these challenges can be overcome. For more information on overcoming such challenges, you may want to read about Pallas square Saturn, another aspect that deals with the balance of discipline and flexibility. On the other hand, the strengths associated with this aspect are numerous. The combination of Saturn's discipline and Mercury's intellect can result in a powerful mind capable of deep analysis and critical thinking. This aspect can also bestow a strong sense of responsibility and a commitment to truth and accuracy. For more on the positive influences of Mercury, check out Selena conjunct Mercury. In conclusion, Saturn conjunct Mercury in the natal chart bestows individuals with a focused and disciplined mindset, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, structured thinking, and practical learning. It challenges them to develop patience, perseverance, and a responsible approach to intellectual growth. 6. Saturn in Astrology Saturn is one of the key planets in astrology, known for its influence on discipline, structure, responsibility, and endurance. As the ruler of Capricorn and the tenth house, Saturn's energy is paternal, representing the principle of limitations and boundaries. This planet urges individuals to face challenges, work hard, and take responsibility for their actions. Saturn's symbolism is deeply rooted in the process of maturation and growth. It is often associated with: - Time and Aging: Saturn's slow orbit around the sun symbolizes the passage of time and the wisdom that comes with age. - Discipline and Responsibility: Saturn encourages individuals to learn from their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions. - Limitations and Boundaries: This planet represents the restrictions and boundaries that shape our lives and help us grow. Saturn's influence extends to various areas of life, including career, ambitions, and social status. It is a planet that encourages us to build strong foundations and structures that can withstand the test of time. This planet's energy can be challenging, but it is through these challenges that we find growth and maturity. When Saturn is conjunct Mercury, the energies of these two planets blend, creating a powerful influence that emphasizes structure, practicality, and a serious approach to communication and thinking. Mercury, the planet of communication, thought processes, and short trips, when in conjunction with Saturn, can lead to a disciplined and structured mind. This aspect can be beneficial for tasks that require serious thinking, planning, and communication. On the other hand, Saturn's energy can also lead to restrictions or challenges in the area of communication. It may cause someone to be overly critical or pessimistic in their thought processes. To understand more about how Saturn's energy can manifest in different ways, you can explore Saturn Sextile Moon or Vesta Square Saturn. In summary, Saturn's energy in astrology encourages growth through challenges, discipline, and responsibility, and its conjunction with Mercury brings those qualities to the realm of communication, intellect, and learning. The conjunction of Saturn and Mercury is a powerful aspect that can lead to a disciplined and structured mind, but it may also present challenges that require individuals to grow and mature. 7. Mercury in Astrology Mercury, known as the "Messenger of the Gods" in Roman mythology, plays a significant role in astrology. This fast-moving planet is associated with communication, intellect, thinking, learning, and information processing. It is the planet that governs our mind and how we express our thoughts. Mercury's energy is versatile and adaptable, much like its symbol, the winged messenger. This planet's influence extends to our intellectual pursuits, the way we process information, and our ability to communicate effectively. In astrology, Mercury's placement in a birth chart can reveal much about a person's intellectual capabilities, communication style, and learning habits. For instance, a person with Mercury in Gemini may have a quick wit and an agile mind, while someone with Mercury in Taurus might be more methodical and practical in their thinking. When it comes to aspects in astrology, Mercury's interactions with other planets can significantly influence its energy. One such aspect is the conjunction. A conjunction occurs when two planets are close together in the birth chart, merging their energies and characteristics. In the case of Mercury conjunct Saturn, the energies of these two planets come together, combining the practicality and structure of Saturn with the intellectual prowess and communicative abilities of Mercury. This aspect can result in a mind that is disciplined, focused, and capable of deep, concentrated thought. It's important to note that the effects of this conjunction can vary depending on other aspects in the birth chart. For example, if Mercury is also in aspect with the Moon, emotions could play a significant role in communication and thought processes. You can learn more about this in our article on Saturn Trine Moon. Similarly, if Saturn is in aspect with other planets, its energy could be influenced. For example, if Saturn is in aspect with Pholus, there could be a focus on transformation and change. You can read more about this in our article on Pholus Conjunct Saturn. Here's a quick rundown of Mercury's key characteristics in astrology: - Ruling Planet of: Gemini and Virgo - House: Third House (Communication, Early Education, Siblings) - Symbolism: Intellect, Communication, Agility - Element: Air (Intellect and Communication) - Quality: Mutable (Adaptable and Changeable) In conclusion, Mercury's energy in astrology emphasizes the importance of mental agility, effective communication, and intellectual growth, and its conjunction with Saturn adds a layer of discipline, structure, and responsibility. Understanding Mercury's role in your birth chart can provide valuable insights into your intellectual capabilities, communication style, and learning habits. 8. Wrapping it up Saturn conjunct Mercury brings a period of intense focus, discipline, and practicality in communication and thinking. This aspect combines the energies of Saturn, emphasizing structure and responsibility, with Mercury, highlighting communication and intellect. It challenges individuals and relationships to develop a mature and responsible approach to these areas of life. This aspect has a profound significance in various areas of astrology. For instance, in synastry, it can indicate a relationship where communication is taken seriously, often leading to a deep understanding and mutual respect between partners. Similarly, in composite charts, this aspect can suggest a partnership that values practicality, rationality, and discipline in their shared communication and decision-making. In the realm of transit charts, Saturn conjunct Mercury can signal a time when the individual is called to adopt a more disciplined and structured approach to their thinking and communication. This period can be challenging but also highly rewarding, as it can lead to significant personal growth and intellectual development. In natal charts, this aspect can indicate a native who naturally possesses a serious, disciplined, and practical mindset. These individuals may exhibit a strong aptitude for logical thinking and a knack for clear, effective communication. Understanding the importance of discipline, structure, and responsibility in communication, thinking, and learning is crucial when interpreting this aspect. Similar to Pholus square Saturn, where discipline and structure can lead to profound transformation, Saturn conjunct Mercury calls for a mature approach to intellectual pursuits and communication. Furthermore, just as the North Node opposite Mercury aspect encourages intellectual growth through embracing new ideas and perspectives, Saturn conjunct Mercury also promotes intellectual development, albeit through a more disciplined and structured approach. In summary, Saturn conjunct Mercury is a powerful astrological aspect that encourages: - Discipline and structure in communication and thinking - Practicality and responsibility in intellectual pursuits - Mature and grounded approach to learning and decision-making By embracing the lessons and opportunities presented by Saturn conjunct Mercury, individuals and relationships can cultivate a grounded and disciplined mindset that promotes personal growth, intellectual development, and effective communication.
Are you looking for a healthy alternative to regular peanut flour? Then you might want to try defatted peanut flour. But, is defatted peanut flour healthy? Well, the answer to that question is a bit more complex than you might think. First off, defatted peanut flour is essentially just peanut butter with most of the fat removed. This means that it has significantly fewer calories and fat than regular peanut butter; however, it also means that it has less of the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are present in regular peanut butter. Despite this, many health-conscious individuals still choose defatted peanut flour as a way of replacing high-fat, high-calorie foods in their diet. So, is defatted peanut flour healthy? Ultimately, it depends on your personal dietary goals and needs. While it may be a good option for someone looking to cut down on fat and calories, it might not be the best choice for someone who needs more healthy fats in their diet. Nonetheless, it’s worth considering as a way to add peanut flavor and nutrients to a wide range of dishes. What is defatted peanut flour? Defatted peanut flour is produced when the oil is extracted from roasted peanuts, leaving behind a peanut flour with reduced fat content. It is a versatile and popular ingredient that has become increasingly popular in recent years among health-conscious individuals and those with dietary restrictions, such as those following a low-fat or gluten-free diet. Defatted peanut flour is typically made by grinding roasted peanuts into a fine powder, then separating the residual oil from the solids. This process results in a flour with a protein content of around 50%, making it a valuable source of plant-based protein that can be used in a wide variety of recipes. Nutritional Profile of Defatted Peanut Flour Defatted peanut flour is a low-fat and high-protein alternative to traditional peanut butter. Here’s a breakdown of its nutritional profile: - Calories: One serving (2 tablespoons) of defatted peanut flour contains around 50-60 calories, depending on the brand. - Protein: With around 8-9 grams per serving, defatted peanut flour provides a significant amount of protein, making it a popular option among fitness enthusiasts and athletes. - Fiber: Defatted peanut flour is also a good source of dietary fiber, with around 2-3 grams per serving. - Fat: As the name suggests, defatted peanut flour has significantly less fat than regular peanut butter – around 1-2 grams per serving. - Carbohydrates: Defatted peanut flour contains around 4-6 grams of carbohydrates per serving, making it a lower-carb option when compared to other nut butters. Here’s a closer look at the micronutrient profile of defatted peanut flour: |Amount per Serving (2 tablespoons) |% Daily Value* *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Overall, defatted peanut flour is a nutritious and versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes, from smoothies to baked goods. Plus, thanks to its high protein and fiber content, it can help keep you feeling fuller for longer, making it a great addition to a balanced diet. Health Benefits of Defatted Peanut Flour Defatted peanut flour is a highly nutritious ingredient with a variety of health benefits. Here are some of the key ways that including defatted peanut flour in your diet can help improve your overall health: - High in Protein: Defatted peanut flour is a great source of protein, containing about 40% protein by weight. This makes it an excellent ingredient to add to recipes for people looking to increase their protein intake. - Low in Fat: As the name suggests, defatted peanut flour is made by removing much of the fat from peanuts. This means that it contains much less fat than regular peanut products. In fact, a 2-tablespoon serving of defatted peanut flour contains only 1 gram of fat compared to 16 grams in the same amount of peanut butter. - Rich in Fiber: Defatted peanut flour is also high in fiber, which can help improve digestion and lower cholesterol levels. A 2-tablespoon serving of defatted peanut flour contains about 2 grams of fiber. In addition to these health benefits, defatted peanut flour can also be used in a variety of recipes, making it a versatile and convenient ingredient to add to your diet. Here is a table outlining the nutritional information of 2 tablespoons (12g) of defatted peanut flour: |Amount per Serving Overall, defatted peanut flour is an incredibly nutritious ingredient with a variety of health benefits. Adding it to your diet can help you increase your protein intake, maintain a healthy weight, and improve digestion and cholesterol levels. Potential risks and side effects of defatted peanut flour While defatted peanut flour is generally considered safe, there are several potential risks and side effects that should be taken into consideration before consuming it excessively. - Food allergies: Individuals with peanut allergies should avoid defatted peanut flour entirely. Even though the fat has been removed, it still contains peanut protein that can trigger an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. It is crucial to read all product labels carefully and avoid any foods that may contain defatted peanut flour. - Phytic acid: Defatted peanut flour contains phytic acid, a molecule that can impair the absorption of certain nutrients by binding to them. High levels of phytic acid have been linked to iron and zinc deficiencies, as well as impaired mineral absorption. However, the amount of phytic acid in defatted peanut flour can vary depending on the brand and manufacturing process, and it is generally not a concern unless consumed in large amounts. - Oxalates: Defatted peanut flour also contains oxalates, compounds that can form kidney stones in susceptible individuals. However, the amount of oxalates in defatted peanut flour is relatively low, and it is not a concern for most healthy people unless consumed excessively. It is essential to note that defatted peanut flour is a processed food, and like all processed foods, it should be consumed in moderation. While defatted peanut flour can be a useful and nutritious addition to a balanced diet, it should not be the sole source of protein or other essential nutrients. To sum up, defatted peanut flour is a healthy and versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into a wide range of recipes. However, it is essential to be aware of its potential risks and side effects, and to consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. |How to Avoid |Avoid consuming defatted peanut flour if you have a peanut allergy. |Consume defatted peanut flour in moderation and vary your protein sources to avoid potential mineral deficiencies. |Consume defatted peanut flour in moderation and avoid if you have a history of kidney stones. Overall, defatted peanut flour can be a healthy addition to a balanced diet as long as it is consumed in moderation, and individuals are aware of the potential risks and side effects associated with its consumption. How to use defatted peanut flour in cooking and baking Defatted peanut flour, which is made by removing most of the fat from peanuts, is an excellent ingredient for cooking and baking. It has a rich, nutty flavor and is loaded with protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Here are some of the best ways to use defatted peanut flour in your kitchen: - Add it to smoothies: Defatted peanut flour is a great way to increase the protein and fiber content of your favorite smoothies. Simply mix a tablespoon or two of the flour into your smoothie ingredients for a nutty flavor boost. - Bake with it: Defatted peanut flour is an excellent ingredient for low-carb, high-protein baking. Use it in place of traditional flours to make everything from pancakes to cakes and bread. - Make sauces and dressings: Defatted peanut flour is perfect for adding a nutty flavor and thickening power to sauces and dressings. Use it to make peanut sauces for stir-fries or whisk it into vinaigrettes for a nutty kick. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some delicious recipe ideas that use defatted peanut flour: Defatted Peanut Flour Pancakes: Mix 1/2 cup of defatted peanut flour, 1/4 cup of almond flour, two eggs, and a quarter cup of almond milk in a bowl. Add in a pinch of baking powder, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sweetener of choice. Whisk all ingredients together until well-combined and smooth. Heat a griddle or pan over medium heat. Grease with cooking spray or oil of choice. Pour 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle and cook each side for about 2-3 minutes. Defatted Peanut Flour Banana Bread: Preheat oven to 350F/175C. Combine two mashed ripe bananas, 1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce, 1/4 cup of maple syrup, 1/4 cup of avocado oil, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 2 eggs. In a separate bowl mix 1 cup of defatted peanut flour, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Mix well with a whisk and add wet mixture to dry ingredients. Mix together and pour into a greased loaf pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until the loaf is golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. |Defatted Peanut Flour Defatted Peanut Flour Smoothie: In a blender, add one frozen banana, 1/4 cup of defatted peanut flour and 1 cup of almond milk. Blend until smooth and creamy. You can add additional ingredients like ice, sweetener or cocoa powder to suit your taste. Comparison of defatted peanut flour with regular peanut flour Peanut flour is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various recipes to add flavor and nutrition. However, peanut flour is available in two basic types – defatted and regular peanut flour. Both these types have various differences in terms of taste, nutrition, and usage. Let’s take a closer look at a few points that differentiate them. - 1. Fat content: Defatted peanut flour is obtained by removing most of the oil content from roasted peanuts. Therefore, it has a much lesser fat content (typically around 12-15%) compared to regular peanut flour (around 40-50%). - 2. Caloric value: Due to its low-fat content, defatted peanut flour has fewer calories than regular peanut flour. One tablespoon of defatted peanut flour contains around 20-25 calories, while the same amount of regular peanut flour contains around 55-60 calories. - 3. Nutrient profile: While both types of peanut flour are high in protein content, defatted peanut flour is richer in protein and lower in fat. It’s also a good source of magnesium, iron, and fiber. Regular peanut flour, on the other hand, has a slightly better vitamin E and folate content, along with more healthy fats. So, which one is better – defatted or regular peanut flour? It depends on your nutritional requirements and cooking needs. If you’re on a low-fat diet or watching your calorie intake, defatted peanut flour can be an excellent option. However, if you’re not concerned about fat intake and want a more flavorful and robust peanut flour, regular peanut flour can be a better choice. It’s important to remember that both types of peanut flour are healthy and nutritious. You can always experiment with both and find the one that suits your taste buds and health goals best. Here’s a quick comparison table to summarize the key differences: |Defatted peanut flour |Regular peanut flour |Calories per tablespoon |Rich in magnesium, iron, and fiber |Rich in healthy fats, vitamin E, and folate Both defatted and regular peanut flour offer unique benefits when it comes to taste and nutrition. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to experiment with both and use them as per your individual needs and preferences. Where to buy defatted peanut flour and its availability in the market Defatted peanut flour has gained popularity in recent years as a healthier alternative to regular peanut flour. But where can you buy it? Fortunately, defatted peanut flour is now widely available in many health food stores and online retailers. Here are some of the best places to purchase it: - Amazon: Amazon offers a wide variety of defatted peanut flour options from various trusted brands. You can choose from different sizes and package options as well. - Vitacost: Vitacost offers several brands of defatted peanut flour with competitive prices. They also offer occasional sales and discounts, making it even more affordable. - Thrive Market: Thrive Market is an online market that offers a variety of organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free products including defatted peanut flour. They offer memberships for affordable monthly rates that give you access to discounted prices. Additionally, most health food stores such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Trader Joe’s carry defatted peanut flour. Always make sure to check the ingredient list to ensure that you are getting a quality product with no additives or preservatives. Here’s a list of some trusted brands of defatted peanut flour available in the market: |$9 – $23 |16 oz – 32 oz |$12 – $27 |1 lb – 4 lb |King Arthur Flour |$10 – $20 |16 oz – 32 oz Overall, defatted peanut flour is a highly beneficial ingredient to incorporate into your diet. With its increased availability in the market, it is easier than ever to purchase and start reaping its many health benefits. Is Defatted Peanut Flour Healthy? FAQs 1. What is defatted peanut flour? Defatted peanut flour is made by pressing the oil out of roasted peanuts and then milling them into a fine powder. 2. Is defatted peanut flour good for weight loss? Defatted peanut flour is low in fat and calories, making it a good choice for those trying to lose weight. 3. Does defatted peanut flour have any nutritional value? Defatted peanut flour is high in protein, fiber, and other nutrients found in whole peanuts. 4. Is defatted peanut flour safe for people with peanut allergies? People with peanut allergies should not consume defatted peanut flour as it is made from peanuts and may contain traces of peanut allergens. 5. Can defatted peanut flour be substituted for regular flour in baking? Defatted peanut flour can be used as a partial substitution for regular flour in baking. However, it may change the flavor and texture of the baked goods. 6. Is defatted peanut flour gluten-free? Defatted peanut flour is gluten-free, making it a good choice for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. 7. Where can I buy defatted peanut flour? Defatted peanut flour can often be found in health food stores or online retailers. Thank you for taking the time to learn about the benefits of defatted peanut flour. It is a healthy and nutritious option for those who are looking to maintain a healthy weight or are following a gluten-free diet. However, be mindful if you have peanut allergies. Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet. We hope you found this article helpful, and don’t forget to come back for more informative content.
Jeff Lieberman first appeared on the horror scene in 1976 with the release of his movie Squirm. The film was well-received when it debuted, garnering praise for its special effects and pervasive atmosphere of dread. Aside from these two notable aspects, Squirm also accomplished something else that was incredibly difficult—a feat that one would have otherwise thought to be nearly impossible—it actually made worms scary. It has since gone on to become a cult classic, forever cementing Lieberman’s name into the lexicon of genre cinema. Over the years, Lieberman would make several more films that would also draw acclaim from both fans and critics alike. With titles like Just Before Dawn, Blue Sunshine, Remote Control, and Satan’s Little Helper, he would further establish himself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of genre filmmaking. One of Lieberman’s greatest strengths is his ability to write. We see this demonstrated, time and again, in the plots of his movies. They are nothing if not clever—an adjective used so often to describe his work that he has even come to develop a slight distaste for it. Be that as it may, it doesn’t change the fact that it is the perfect word to use when describing his knack for penning exceptional storylines. The man truly is a master of his craft. This aptitude for concocting brilliant narratives has, once again, been illustrated with the release of a new book. Day of the Living Me is a professional memoir, recounting the details of Lieberman’s riveting life spent working in the industry. I caught up with him recently to ask a few questions about it. Here is what he had to say. Hello, Mr. Lieberman and thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today. Let's begin by addressing the fact that you've just released a new book, Day of the Living Me: Adventures of a Subversive Cult Filmmaker from the Golden Age. Can you tell us a bit about the project and what made you decide to take it on? Jeff Lieberman: Over the course of my career, I’ve relayed many of my more unique experiences to friends and family and eventually to total strangers among numerous film festival audiences and got great reactions from them. I jotted down many of these stories years ago, figuring I could use them in some way in the future, and decided to assemble them in chronological order. Once I did that it started reading like a book. I've recently obtained a copy of your book and, I must say, it is a very entertaining read. Kudos to you on a job well done! I particularly like the way that it's formatted, in that it’s broken up into a series of short stories rather than presented as one long, singular piece. Was this an intentional stylistic choice made on your part, or did it just happen to work out that way by chance? Jeff Lieberman: Each story was so different than one another that the short story format just came organically. All I had to do was put them in chronological order and also weave them together with revelations of how one story led to the next. Day of the Living Me is full of incredible anecdotes about the industry, but there are a few stories that stand out above the rest as being downright mind-blowing. For example, the part about how you almost made a Broadway musical version of King Kong. In the book, you even claim that John Lennon had expressed interest in doing the music with Stevie Wonder. This is a crazy revelation! Would you mind telling us more about this? Jeff Lieberman: To be clear, that wasn’t John’s suggestion. It was mine. But the story is all true and there’s no point in my recounting it here because I want all your readers to buy the book! In the book, you cover a lot of the details surrounding your writing process. Not only do you describe how each one of your movies came to fruition from a production standpoint, but you also explain the various inspirations that were behind them. As a fellow writer, this is something that I found to be particularly fascinating. When you were compiling the information for Day of the Living Me and doing the necessary examination of your career in hindsight, did you notice that this process had evolved in any significant way over time? If yes, then how so? Jeff Lieberman: Actually, my process of developing ideas hasn’t evolved at all over the years. But the development process has, for sure. I’ve taught myself to boil ideas down to their basic essence, which will reveal an inherent story structure. I spent an enormous amount of time on this development process trying to get it to the point that, when I get down to writing the script, it practically writes itself. While Squirm is, without a doubt, your most popular film, my earliest introduction to your catalog was through Satan's Little Helper. As such, I absolutely loved the story about the gorilla-gram gone awry—even though it had been such a profoundly nerve-wracking experience for you. Can you explain the situation that occurred on that day for those of us who haven't read your book yet? Did you ever end up telling your friends about how their gift had indirectly brought about one of your latest cinematic creations? Jeff Lieberman: Again, I don’t want to spoil it for people who haven’t read the book, but suffice it to say, it’s based on a true story of thinking someone at a Halloween party in costume is an invited guest and turns out to be an uninvited stranger. I told my friends all about it the following day and they completely forgot it was to be a costume party and sent the gorilla-gram just to wish me a happy birthday. So, it was a very fortunate accident that served as a great inspiration for me, resulting in Satan’s Little Helper. Another great thing about Day of the Living Me is the pictures that are included with every chapter. They serve as excellent punctuation for all of the stories that you tell, providing us with the undeniable proof for every one of your astounding claims. Did you have any difficulty in drumming these photos up? Were they something that you had available on-hand, or did you have to hunt them down using various sources? Jeff Lieberman: No, I had all those photos digitally stored years ago, so they were easy to access. You mentioned in the book that your wife, Joanne, was not entirely on board with the plot of Squirm when she was initially told about it. In fact, you quoted her as having said that it was "the stupidest thing that she's ever heard." After the film was released, did she at all change her tune about the subject, or does she still think that it's a silly premise? Jeff Lieberman: Ha ha. The truth is that it is a stupid idea, an outrageous idea, and I’m sure many people who love the movie would agree. You can say the same thing about The Blob or The Birds. It’s all in the way you handle an outrageous idea, using everything in your arsenal to make it seem real enough to the audience that they suspend disbelief for 90 minutes and relate to the character’s plight. A good portion of Day of the Living Me covers your early years working in commercials and advertising. It is this experience that would ultimately provide you with the opportunity to move forward on to the project that arguably got it all started for you. I'm talking, of course, about The Ringer. Can you tell us a little bit about what The Ringer was and also if you know whatever ended up happening to it? How long was it in use? Is it still available anywhere for fans to view today? Jeff Lieberman: The Ringer was an “anti-drug” film I made for King Features that was sponsored by Pepsi in the early ’70s. My assignment was to do something completely different than the many films of this sort circulating to public schools around the country and in that sense, I hit a home run with it. Nothing like it then or since. It was very successful on the school circuit; won top prize in every film festival it was entered in and made a lot of money for King Features. I have no idea how long it played, but have met many genre fans who’ve told me they actually saw it in public school! It is on YouTube, but coincidentally I recently dug out the original negative with the help of King Features and will be doing a 4K transfer in the coming weeks so I can show it at festivals along with my movies. You have worked with some pretty influential people over the course of your career. Understandably, a lot of these legendary names make cameo appearances in your book. One such example is Rod Serling, who was responsible for giving us the timeless Twilight Zone TV series. Can you provide us with a bit of background on that? It must have been amazing to have worked so closely with such a remarkable personality. Jeff Lieberman: I wouldn’t call Rod’s appearance a cameo, as I do devote an entire chapter to him. While writing that chapter it struck me what balls I had at such a young age. There I was at the age of 24, directing one of my childhood idols! It was for a series I wrote and produced for Janus Films along with Janus president Saul J. Turell. It was called The Art of Film and was aimed at the college market. Rod’s authoritative voice was perfect for it. Near the end of the book, you mention something called Cinemuerte. What is this? I've never heard of it and after looking it up was unable to find any information relating to it. Is this a new project that is currently in the works? Do we have another Jeff Lieberman film to look forward to sometime soon? If so, that's very exciting news! Jeff Lieberman: In the book, I describe the circumstances that sparked the idea for Cinemuerte. I wrote the script in five weeks and in no time got John Turturro and Gael Garcia Bernal about to play two of the leads. But alas, the financing fell through at the last minute. But I do retain all the rights, so maybe it’ll emerge in the future. Who knows. One of the things I learned from reading Day of the Living Me is that you have quite the appreciation for comedy. Stand-up comedy, in particular, you seem to have a notable affinity for. You even mentioned having an interest in pursuing a career in the field during the book's closing chapter. I'm not entirely sure if this was humor in and of itself, or a serious statement of intent. If it was genuine, then is stand-up comedy something that you're still interested in doing? Can fans expect to see a Jeff Lieberman Netflix special making the rounds someday? Jeff Lieberman: I think you misread that chapter or didn’t read the chapter heading, which was called “Regrets.” It was something I regretted not perusing back when I was starting out, not now! I think one of the great things about writing the book for me was being able to at least channel a lot of my personal comedy stylings into the stories. In the book, you talk about the time you spent on the horror convention circuit. You claim that it felt almost surreal, at first, to suddenly be so well-known within the community and to be the recipient of so much fanfare and recognition. Does it still feel strange to attend these conventions or have they come to grow on you since then? What would you say are some of your favorite moments from the past events that you've been to? Jeff Lieberman: It did feel almost surreal at first, people asking for my autograph like I was Tom Cruise or something. Gradually, I realized that it was just a token of their recognition of my works, their way of thanking me. Now to me, they are the celebrities. At least to me, they are. It’s like we instantly have something in common, not me, but my work. As far as favorite moments at conventions go, there were so many of them, but I’ll give you just one. I’ve attended the Chiller convention in New Jersey three times now, but one time stands out, when my table was right beside that of Tonya Harding. Not only did I get to meet and chat with her over the course of the weekend, but got a front-row seat to something very funny and also very sad. When the fans started flooding in, dozens lined up for Tonya—so many that they blocked any view or access to my table. But what caught my eye was every one of them were carrying pipes, baseball bats, clubs, you name it, for Tonya to sign when she was there to sell photos of her ice skating days and also her autographed ice skates. When it became clear nobody was interested in any of that, Tonya’s manager made an announcement that she would only sign her photos and skates and within seconds, the entire line vanished, and she sat there without any business for the rest of the festival. Based on the way you describe things in Day of the Living Me, it almost seems like you used to hold certain apprehensions about working within the horror genre. Despite how you may have felt back then, you now seem to embrace the work that you’ve done in horror, as well as the many fans that admire your contributions to the genre. Can you tell us about your opinions on horror as a style of filmmaking, and how writing and directing these films have changed over the decades? Jeff Lieberman: One of the reasons I was only apprehensive about horror was because I wanted to make a living and up until 2000 it was a very marginal and even shunned form in Hollywood. The other thing was I thought I had a lot of other things to offer, so I didn’t want to get pigeonholed into one thing. Nobody’s going to hire a horror movie director to do a comedy. As for today’s movies, way, way too much of it is just derivative to the formulas “we” laid down in the ’70s and ’80s, (not realizing what we were doing would later morph into formulas). Way too many “bows” to earlier works, or “homages,” and way too little originality. And the biggest thing to me is that really good horror is realistic. The more real you make the characters and situations, the better, no matter what the premise is. CGI goes against that every step of the way. Suddenly you’re watching a video game, which emotionally takes you out of the action and makes you an observer. And even more important is the wanton use of ridiculous electronic stings and musical effects. Every movie is now punctuated with an electronic blare that actually has the opposite effect from what is intended. This crap is so overused that I often wonder why the characters in today’s horror don’t hear it also. There are a lot of great moments peppered throughout Day of the Living Me, but there is obviously so much more to the story than what was actually put down on paper. I mean, how could you possibly do justice to such a long and illustrious career in less than 300 pages? Is there anything that you would have liked to expand upon more in the book, but couldn't? Jeff Lieberman: No, I had no restrictions other than what I put on myself. I wanted to avoid my personal life as much as possible and keep focused only on my professional life, which is why I insist it’s not an autobiography, but a career journal. I could easily write another entire book addressing what it was like being born at the exact right time to come of age and experience firsthand so many touchstone moments in our history, and maybe someday I will! Although I am aware that it’s likely going to be difficult for you to pick just one person—if you had to, who would you say has left the biggest impression on you in terms of those that you've collaborated with? I know there is a formidable list of names to choose from, so I imagine that it might not be the easiest question to answer. If you could pick one or two, though, who would they be? Jeff Lieberman: One of the people isn’t even discussed in the book and that’s Fred Silverman, probably the most influential man in the development of prime-time television. I had the good fortune to work with him on a project that never made it to the small screen, but he taught me the professional craft and forms for that medium along the way. If you and your readers do a search on him, you’ll find he ran all three major networks at one time or another and literally laid out the modern formats for broadcast TV. The list of shows he was responsible for will make your head spin. Now, I probably don't need to tell you that the horror genre has a history that is rife with controversy. The very nature of it alone is bound to ruffle a few feathers, here and there. As such, I would think that you've gotten some rather interesting feedback over the years for some of the films that you've made. Are there any specific reactions that you’ve gotten that stand out to you as being more memorable or extreme than others? Jeff Lieberman: Well, back around the time Squirm was released, an uncle of mine came up to me at his granddaughter’s wedding and told me I should be ashamed of myself for making such a disgusting, outrageous piece of junk. I was only 26 and it was my first feature, but that’s when I knew I was on the right track! Since the holiday season is now upon us, I feel like this would be the appropriate time to ask if you've gotten your annual Christmas card from John Waters yet? He is such a delightfully unique character, so it must be pretty great to receive a little nod from him every December. Are you expecting it to arrive soon, or is it already sitting proudly on your mantle? Jeff Lieberman: You’re not gonna believe this, but I received it the very day you sent me this list of questions! It’s one of his funniest ones yet. Well, thank you again for taking the time to chat with me today. I am a huge fan, so this has definitely been one of the few highlights of an otherwise dreary year. Do you have any parting statements that you would like to close on? Any words of wisdom to pass along to the people reading this? Jeff Lieberman: There is a phrase that a disc jockey named Herb Oscar Anderson used as his sign-off line back in the 1960s that has resonated with me for my entire adult life and has guided me both personally and creatively. The line is, “To the other guy, you’re the other guy.” More than half the people I tell it to don’t even get the meaning, let alone see the import in it. But to me, it has given me a valuable perspective in both dealing with people, keeping a level head, and also in my creative endeavors to always keep the audience’s perspective in mind. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this interview and want to learn more, you can order your own copy of Lieberman’s book, here:
- The Lovely Bones infobox Book | name = The Lovely Bones orig title = cover_artist = Yoori Kim (design); Daniel Lee (photo-illustration) language = English release_date = 2002 media_type = Print ( Hardbackand Paperback); audio book pages = 328 pp isbn = ISBN 0-316-66634-3 "The Lovely Bones" is a 2002 novel by Alice Sebold. It is the story of a teenage girl who, after being brutally raped and murdered, watches from heavenas her family and friends go on with their lives, while she herself comes to terms with her own death. The novel received a great deal of critical praise and became an instant bestseller. A film adaptation of the novel is currently in production and is being directed by Peter Jackson, who personally purchased the rights. In 1973, a 14-year-old girl named Susie Salmon is raped, murdered, and dismembered by a neighbor. Over the next few years she watches from a personalized heaven as her family and friends deal with their grief. She sometimes becomes angry and frustrated from the choices her family makes while looking over them. Explanation of the novel's title The novel's title stems from a line towards the end of the novel, in which Susie ponders her friends' and family's newfound strength after her death: These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections — sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent — that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it. The events my death brought were merely the bones of a body that would become whole at some unpredictable time in the future. The price of what I came to see as this miraculous lifeless body had been my life. On December 6, 1973 in Norristown, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, Susie Salmon takes a shortcut home from school. She is accosted by a neighbor, George Harvey, a man in his mid-30s who lives alone and builds dollhouses for a living. He persuades her to enter an underground den he has recently built nearby. Once she enters, he rapes her, stabs her to death, then he cuts her body into parts which are later dumped in a sinkhole. An elbow, the only part of Susie ever to be found, falls out of his bag as he returns home, disposing of the remaining parts of the body by putting them in a safe and paying someone to drop it. Meanwhile, Susie's spirit flees toward her personal heaven. The Salmon family is at first reluctant to accept that Susie has been killed, but then accedes when Susie's hat and elbow are found. The police who talk to Mr. Harvey find him odd but see no reason to suspect him. Jack, Susie's father, becomes suspicious and later comes to harass the police about Harvey. Susie's sister Lindsey comes to share these suspicions. Jack, consumed with guilt over not having been able to protect his daughter, remains on extended leave from work and increasingly isolates himself at home. Buckley, the youngest child in the family of four, tries to make sense of all this as he starts school. One day late in the summer a detective named Len Fenerman comes to tell the Salmons that the police have exhausted all leads and are dropping the investigation. That night in his study, Jack looks out the window and sees a flashlight in the cornfield. Believing it to be Harvey returning to destroy evidence, he runs out to confront him with a baseball bat. It turns out to be Susie's best friend, Clarissa, and her boyfriend Brian looking for a place to make out. Brian and Jack struggle and Jack is struck with the bat. As a result he has to have knee replacement surgery. In the wake of this, his wife Abigail begins having an affair with Fenerman, who is a widower. The following summer Abigail leaves her husband, going to her father's old cabin in New Hampshireand then moving to California, taking a job at a winery. As a result her mother, Grandma Lynn, moves into the Salmons' home to help her son-in-law care for Buckley and Lindsey. Still suspicious, Lindsey sneaks into Harvey's house and finds a drawing of the pit and is forced to leave when Harvey returns prematurely. Sensing threat, Harvey leaves Norristown as soon as possible and becomes a drifter. A year later the police bulldoze the cornfield and turn up a soda bottle from the night of the murder with Harvey's and Susie's fingerprints, finally making him an official suspect. However, he remains at large. That fall, a hunter in Connecticutdiscovers the body of another one of Harvey's victims, and one of Susie's charms nearby. In 1981, a detective in Connecticut links the charm to Susie's murder and calls Fenerman. As they uncover further evidence, the police realize that Harvey is a serial killer. Lindsey and her boyfriend Samuel Heckler become engaged, find an old house in the woods owned by a classmate's father, and decide to fix it up and live there. Sometime after the celebration, while arguing with his son, Jack suffers from a heart attack. The emergency prompts Abigail to return from California, but the reunion is tempered by Buckley's lingering bitterness at her for having abandoned him and his father. Meanwhile, Harvey returns to Norristown, which has become more developed. He explores his old neighborhood and notices the school is being expanded into the cornfield where he murdered Susie. He drives by the sinkhole where Susie's body rests, and where Ruth Connors and Ray Singh are standing. Ruth, an old classmate of Susie's who had felt Susie's spirit go past her after her murder, senses the women Harvey has killed and is overcome. Susie, watching from heaven, is also overwhelmed with emotion and the two girls exchange positions. Susie, her spirit now in Ruth's body, kisses Ray, who had a crush on Susie in school, and they go to the back room in Hal Heckler's (the older brother of Lindsey's boyfriend Samuel) bike shop to make love. Afterwards, Susie returns to heaven. She moves onto the larger heaven, still watching earthbound events from time to time. She sees her sister's newborn baby girl, who is named Abigail Suzanne. One day she spies Harvey getting off a Greyhound bus at a diner in New Hampshirein early spring. Behind the diner he sees a young woman and attempts to speak to her, but she rebuffs him. Susie notices some large icicles hanging from the roof, and after the woman leaves, one falls and hits Harvey on the head, knocking him into a nearby ravine and ultimately killing him. The novel ends with Susie showing us Lindsey's newborn daughter, then tracking away to a newer house where a man has finally found Susie's old charm bracelet. "This little girl's grown up by now," his wife says. "Almost. Not quite," Susie's narrative voice rejoins. "I wish you all a long and happy life." *Susie Salmon, a 14-year-old girl who is raped, murdered and dismembered in the first chapter, and narrates the novel from heaven. *Jack Salmon, her father, who works for an insuranceagency in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. *Abigail Salmon, her mother, whose growing family frustrated her youthful dreams and soon later has an affair with Detective Len Fenerman whose wife committed suicide. *Lindsey Salmon, Susie's sister, a year younger than she is, thought of as the smartest *Buckley Salmon, Susie's brother, ten years younger than she is. His unplanned birth forced Abigail to cancel her plans for a teaching career. He sometimes sees Susie while she watches him in her heaven. *Grandma Lynn, Abigail's mother, who comes to live with her son-in-law and grandchildren after her daughter leaves. *George Harvey, the Salmons' neighbor, who kills Susie and goes unpunished even though the Salmons come to suspect him, then leaves Norristown to kill again. Throughout the novel she refers to him as Mr. Harvey, the name she had addressed him by in life. *Ruth Connors, a friend of Susie's, whom her dead spirit touches as she leaves the earth. She becomes fascinated with Susie, despite barely having known her in her life, and devotes her life to writing about the visions of the dead she sees. *Ray Singh, the first and only boy to kiss Susie, and later, becomes Ruth's friend. Was first suspected by the police of murdering Susie, but later proves his alibi. *Ruana Singh, Ray's mother, with whom Abigail Salmon sometimes smokes cigarettes. *Samuel Heckler, Lindsey's boyfriend and later her husband. *Hal Heckler, Sam's older brother who runs a motorcycle repair shop. *Len Fenerman, the police detective in charge of investigating Susie's death, who later has an affair with Abigail. *Clarissa, Susie's best friend on Earth. Not much else is known about her, except that she has a boyfriend named Brian. *Holly, Susie's best friend and roommate in heaven. While the text does not say so explicitly, it is implied she is Vietnamese-American. She has no accent, although she did on earth, and took her name from Holly Golightly in " Breakfast at Tiffany's." Her own life and death are never expanded upon. *Franny, Susie and Holly's "intake counselor" in heaven. *Holiday, Susie's dog. Origins and inspiration The novel draws from the author's personal experiences from when she was raped during her freshman year at Syracuse University. In "Lucky", Sebold's 1997 memoirof the event and its aftermath, she describes how it transformed her life, especially after learning that the rapist's previous victim had died. After later seeing the rapist on the street, she reported him to the police and eventually testified against him. He was convicted and received the maximum sentence. She began the novel in the early 1990s as an outgrowth of those events. However, she fiercely resists suggestions that it had anything to do with the aftermath of the rape: In an afterword to the paperback edition, Sebold stated that "the oddness of what we often condescendingly refer to as the suburbs" was also an inspiration. She had lived outside of Philadelphia herself for a time.Sebold, Alice, " [ The Oddity of Suburbia] "] Contrary to what is depicted in the book, however, in the 1970s (as well as today) Norristown was a largely urban municipality with few subdivisions. Fairfax Junior High School was inspired by Great Valley High Schoolin Malvern, Pennsylvania, which Sebold attended and graduated from in 1980.Fact|date=February 2007 Malvern is located approximately five miles west of Valley Forge National Historical Park, an important setting in the book, and ten miles to the south of Susie's purported home in Norristown. Themes and literary techniques The novel is a " Bildungsroman", or coming-of-age story. Even though Susie is dead, she manages to grow up while in heaven as her tone and perspective as a narrator changes throughout the novel. Much of the novel concerns itself with griefand how it is, or is not, overcome by Susie's family. The disintegration of the suburban nuclear familyduring the 1970s is also present, as Susie's death precipitates a chain of events which results in Abigail feeling trapped by her domestic responsibilities and ultimately leaving her husband. Commercial and critical reception Sebold's novel was a surprise success when it was first published, mainly because it was written by a young author known only for one other book. In addition, the plot and narrative device are unusual and unconventional. It would have been considered a success by Little, Brown and Companyhad it sold 20,000 copies, but it ultimately sold over a million and remained on the " New York Times" hardback bestsellerlist for over a year; Some of that could have been attributed to adroit marketing. Prior to its June publication, an excerpt was run in "Seventeen". Shortly afterwards, ABC's " Good Morning America" chose it for its book club. The book became a popular summer read and a runaway success, with much of its sales subsequently attributed to word of mouth. Critics also helped the novel's success by being generally positive, many noting that the story had more promise than the idea of a brutally murdered teenage girl going to heaven and following her family and friends as they get on with their lives would have suggested. "This is a high-wire act for a first novelist, and Alice Sebold maintains almost perfect balance," wrote Katherine Bouton in the " New York Times Book Review".Katherine Bouton, " [ What Remains] "] The novel also sold well in other English-speaking countries, though reviews were not as glowing. While admitting the novel "has its very fine moments," " The Guardian"'s Ali Smith ultimately said "The Lovely Bones" is so keen in the end to comfort us and make safe its world that, however well-meaning, it avoids its own ramifications." " [,6000,775873,00.html A perfect afterlife] , The Guardian] Her "Observer" colleague Philip Hensher was more blunt, conceding that the novel was "very readable" but "ultimately it seems like a slick, overpoweringly saccharine and unfeeling exercise in sentiment and whimsy."Philip Hensher, " [,6121,772411,00.html An eternity of sweet nothings] "] Because Susie's character is narrating the story from her own personal heaven, there was some controversy over the depiction of the afterlife. Readers who took a Christianperspective faulted Susie's heaven for being utterly devoid of any apparent religious aspect. "It's a very God-free heaven, with no suggestion that anyone has been judged, or found wanting," Hensher stated. Sebold, who was raised Episcopalian, is not religious and therefore intended the heaven to be simplistic in design: Furthermore, Sebold has stated that the book is not intended to be religious, "but if people want to take things and interpret them, then I can't do anything about that. It is a book that has faith and hope and giant universal themes in it, but it's not meant to be, 'This is the way you should look at the afterlife'." What year does the story end? One of the subtler ways the novel shows Susie's growing detachment from earthly life is that, as the story goes on, she becomes less exact about chronology. While the device is effective for this purpose, it creates some credibility problems near the end of the novel. Susie states right before the novel ends that it has been not much more than 10 years since her death, which would put the final scenes in 1985, since Lindsey's daughter Abigail Suzanne still appears to be an infant. However, there is also a reference to "clients she saw in her practice each day," and the context suggests Lindsey is a psychotherapist. If Lindsey was 13 when her older sister was killed, however, she would have been born in 1960. For her to be a psychiatristor counselor, she would have had to have a considerably extensive education. To have a thriving private practice at the age of 25 would be rather extraordinary, even assuming she may have graduated both high school and college each a year early, and still more so if she managed to do it without taking time off for her pregnancy. There is also an anachronismrelated to Jack Salmon's heart attack and recovery. When Fenerman comes to the hospital to let the Salmons know that one of the charms from Susie's bracelet has been found, it has been the first sign "after almost seven years of dwindling hope since late 1975," making the year 1982. Later on, though, Abigail is described as reading to her husband from an issue of the "Evening Bulletin", a newspaperwhich ceased publication on January 29 of that same year, although it is clearly warm weather by the time of Jack's heart attack. A possible explanation for the disjointed continuityis Susie's growing disengagement from her family, and their lives on Earth, resulting in her becoming less attentive to time. Peter Jacksonsecured the book's film rights and presently is in production on the project. In a 2005 interview, he stated the reader has "an experience when you read the book that is unlike any other. I don't want the tone or the mood to be different or lost in the film." In the same interview, regarding Susie's heaven, he said the movie version will endeavor to make it appear "somehow ethereal and emotional, but it can't be hokey."Source: Variety, " [ Peter Jackson confirms The Lovely Bones as his next project] "] Academy Award-winning actress Rachel Weiszwill play Abigail Salmon, [cite news | author=Michael Fleming | coauthors=Pamela McClintock | url= | title=Weisz to star in 'Lovely Bones' | publisher=Variety | date= 2007-06-12| accessdate=2007-06-13 ] and Mark Wahlbergwill portray Susie's fathercite news | author=Michael Fleming, Tatiana Siegel | url= | title= Wahlberg steps into 'Bones'| publisher=Variety | date= 2007-10-21| accessdate=2007-10-22] , Jack Salmon, after actor Ryan Goslingdropped out of the project due to creative differences. Gosling stepped out one day before shooting, even though he gained 20 lbs. and grew a beard for the role. [ [ Ryan Gosling Drops Out of Film at Last Minute] "Extra" October 23, 2007 ] Stanley Tucciwill portray George Harvey, Susie's murderer, [cite news | author = Gregg Goldstein | title = Tucci cracks DW's 'Bones' | publisher = The Hollywood Reporter| date = 2007-07-23| url = | accessdate=2007-07-23] and Susan Sarandonwill portray her grandmother, Lynn. The movie began filming in mid-October in Hatfield, Pennsylvaniaand then continued filming in Holmes, Pennsylvania at MacDade Mall, for six weeks of filming. The production then moved to New Zealand. [ [ "Gosling digs up 'Bones' role"] , Tatiana Siegel, "Hollywood Reporter", June 28, 2007, retrieved October 14, 2007] [ [ "'Rings' director rolls into suburbs"] , Michael Klein, "The Philadelphia Inquirer", October 21, 2007, retrieved October 23, 2007] In the film, Susie will be played by Academy Awardnominee, Saoirse Ronan. * [ "The Lovely Bones" Reading Group Guide] * [ A Dark First Novel Suddenly Soars to the Top] in " The New York Times" * [ Full summary of "The Lovely Bones"] Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Kratom: Miracle Herb or Public Health Danger? Saul Marcus, ND Mitragyna speciosa (common name, kratom) is an herb from Southeast Asia. Traditionally, it has been used by workers to help them have more stamina during long workdays. A tea would be brewed from leaves, and consumed throughout the day. In this form, Mitragyna has been used safely for hundreds of years. Over the past 20 years it has made its way into the Western market. Anecdotally, Mitragyna is able to do 2 things very well. It is a strong analgesic, thus used for chronic pain. It also helps people get off opioids. Kratom has thousands of advocates, and there are many testimonials from people who believe it has changed their lives for the better. Kratom is also a controversial herb. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims it is associated with deaths, and has even attempted to ban it as a Schedule I drug. Any quick internet search will find many articles claiming that kratom is a dangerous natural opioid. This is partly due to its history. It was not sold as an herbal medicine in health food stores or by practitioners; rather, it was discovered by the smoke and head shop industry. Just being sold in this market may have contributed to a perception that it is a dangerous herb, used simply to get high. What is worse is a history of low quality and adulterated products. For example, in 2009, 9 deaths in Sweden were reported from people using a kratom product sold as “Krypton.” This was not pure kratom. It was intentionally adulterated with an opioid analgesic, O-desmethyltramadol.1 On the other side of the controversy are thousands of kratom consumer advocates who want kratom available as a life-saving herbal medicine. Both sides have flooded the internet with information supporting their perspectives, which creates a confusing situation for those simply looking for reliable information. This controversy came to a head on August 31, 2016, when the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published a Notice of Intent to place 2 alkaloids in kratom – mitragynine (MG) and 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-MG) – on the list of banned, Schedule I substances.2 They cited 33 deaths associated with kratom use as the reason for doing this. The scheduling notice included reference to the 9 deaths in Sweden without ever mentioning that the product responsible for those deaths was adulterated.2 A large grassroots effort to fight the ban followed this proposal. On October 14, 2016, the DEA withdrew the scheduling notice.3 It asked the FDA to create, by December 1, 2016, an “expedited 8-factor analysis (8-FA)” to justify scheduling of kratom. The FDA failed to do this. However, in response, the American Kratom Association (AKA) did. For an extremely detailed review of the history and safety of kratom, this 126-page document is available on their website.4 Facts Taken Out of Context There are some common arguments made by people who believe kratom is dangerous and should be banned. These are that it is an opioid, it is deadly, and it is addictive. In the following, I will review these points. Mitragyna contains over 25 different alkaloids, which give it its medicinal properties. MG and 7-MG are the 2 most well known of these alkaloids. MG makes up about 60% of total alkaloids, and 7-MG about 2%. Much less is known about the other alkaloids. Since kratom is typically not standardized to either of these alkaloids, the actual percentages can vary from product to product. Our bodies contain 4 different types of opioid receptors, including delta, kappa, mu, and nor. Both MG and 7-MG are mu-opioid receptor agonists. However, this does not make kratom an opioid. As defined by the Controlled Substances Act, opioids are substances having “an addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability similar to morphine or [being] capable of conversion into a drug [with such liability].”5 Black cohosh is a mu-opioid receptor agonist. Yet no one is claiming it is dangerous, addictive, potentially fatal, and should be banned.6 Interestingly, in a study conducted on the effect of these alkaloids in rats, it was found that, “MG [the main kratom alkaloid] does not have abuse potential and reduces morphine intake, desired characteristics of candidate pharmacotherapies for opiate addiction and withdrawal.”7 So, the research seems to confirm what is known from anecdotal use: kratom is not addictive. To be fair, that same rat study found that isolated 7-MG does have high abuse potential in rats. Keep in mind that 7-MG makes up only 2% of aklaloid total.7 Nature somehow decided to give us kratom with about 30 times more MG than 7-MG. Pharmacological research is often quoted out of context. It is easy to find statements that kratom’s alkaloids are 5 or 13 times more potent than opioid drugs. These numbers are repeated by different articles and websites that reference each other. Articles are written to give the reader the impression that using kratom as a whole herb is multiple times stronger and more dangerous than actual opioid drugs. Getting back to the original research, this perspective is based on studies in which isolated alkaloids are injected into rodents. Twitch response and reaction to pain stimuli are then measured.8 Rodent research does indicate an addictive and opioid-like effect from the 7-MG alkaloid. So how much kratom would a person have to consume in order to get this effect? Isolated alkaloids from Mitragyna are not readily available. Research labs may have the equipment and expertise to extract the alkaloids, but it is not realistic for a typical consumer to do this. Unlike substances typically used to get high, kratom is not injected or smoked. In the United States it is most often sold as bulk powdered leaves or capsules. Occasionally, it is sold as a tincture. Since the oral route is the only one available to consumers, huge quantities of kratom would need to be consumed in order to match the effect in animals that are injected with isolated alkaloids. The AKA 8-FA cites research that demonstrates how much kratom a person would need to consume to get a morphine-type reinforcing dose of the alkaloid MG.9 The result came to 200 grams for MG, which makes up 60% of kratom’s alkaloids. There is about 30-times less 7-MG in kratom. Someone would need to consume literally thousands of grams of kratom in order to get a reinforcing dose of 7-MG. It is beyond the scope of this article to go through the math in detail; however, the AKA 8-FA is freely available online for anyone who wishes to look over it.9 Taking a few too many grams can cause symptoms such as nausea or upset stomach. The oral dose of kratom required to potentially mimic the effect observed in animals injected with isolated alkaloids is impossible to achieve.10 Regardless, websites still warn the public that “7-hydroxymitragynine is 13 times more potent than morphine milligram for milligram,”11 and without any comment on how unrealistic it is to get the same milligram dose of isolated 7-MG. Misleading Press Releases An understanding of MG and 7-MG may also be important in understanding laws surrounding kratom. An Arizona bill regulating kratom, which passed in 2019, limits the amount of 7-MG in kratom products to 2%. The bill also forbids sales of kratom to minors and establishes that the percentages of MG and 7-MG must clearly be labeled on kratom products.12 The FDA has cited numerous deaths associated with kratom. In actuality, these deaths have occurred in people with underlying medical conditions and/or who were engaged in polydrug use with medications such as opioids. This is why you will always read “associated with kratom.” Association does not prove causality. I found the following report a good example of the types of deaths which have been associated with kratom. A 2018 case study is headlined “Fatal mitragynine-associated toxicity in Canada.”13 The article describes a 56-year-old woman who died after using a kratom product. She also had a history of COPD, developed bronchopneumonia, and was prescribed acetaminophen with oxycodone. Investigation showed that she has used many more pills than directed in the prescription. The toxicology report found blood levels of oxycodone at 0.19 mg/L (lethal reference value: >0.21 mg/L). Other substances found in her system were lorazepam and significant amount of mitragynine. The investigators concluded that it was “a case of accidental death secondary to multidrug toxicity whereby mitragynine toxicity is primarily implicated.”13 We do not know if mitragynine had a synergistic effect with the illnesses and other substances this woman was using. It is all speculation. What we do know is that a woman with COPD and bronchopneumonia took what would have been, by itself, a near-fatal dose of acetaminophen/oxycodone and died. Yet the article headline primarily implicates kratom. Mitragyna does not recruit beta-arrestin to opioid receptors. This is the mechanism by which opioid drugs purportedly cause respiratory depression.14 A well-publicized case from 2014 is that of Ian Mautner – a young man with a history of emotional issues and drug abuse. At 19 years of age he jumped to his death in Florida. The media sensationalized the story, claiming that it was kratom addiction that led to his suicide. His mother, Linda Mautner, had since been advocating against kratom.15 This case was covered in the documentary film about kratom, Leaf of Faith. What is not made clear is why, with everything going on in this young’s man life, kratom has been singled out as the cause of his suicide?16 Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is used to monitor substance-use trends and to estimate the need for treatment and inform public health policy. In 2018, the NSDUH reported opioid misuse among 10.3 million people aged 12 or older within the past year.17 There was no mention of kratom anywhere in the report. How is it that kratom is both a dangerous, addictive opioid substance – which should perhaps be banned as a Schedule I substance – and at the same time is used by millions of people but goes unnoticed by a government system designed to track trends in drug addiction? From 2011 to 2017, there were 1807 cases of calls to poison control centers about kratom. However, for the whole category of herbs and dietary supplements, there were 275 000 such calls about dietary supplements from 2000 to 2012.18,19 The Importance of Education Reporting calls to poison control centers about kratom as cause for alarm, without reference to the whole dietary and supplement industry, is taking the facts out of context. As naturopathic doctors, we should be aware that herbs are not always safe. Even generally safe herbs can have adverse effects when used improperly or by the wrong person. People who use herbal medicine can experience adverse effects. Much of the solution to this is proper education and guidance on how to properly use herbs. This is currently significantly lacking when it comes to kratom, which although widely used, is not well known among natural healthcare practitioners. One of the interesting observations in the AKA 8-FA is that kratom is traditionally used to enhance occupational demands and social functioning. It does not inhibit people’s ability to work, as taking actual opioid drugs do. If someone is looking for a drug to help them escape from life, kratom is a very bad choice. Other drugs, such as alcohol, cannabis, or opioids, will suit that purpose much better. The 8-FA likens kratom to coffee and tea – a stimulating herb that helps people get through the day. Like coffee, it is also possible to develop a dependency on it. Practitioners should be aware of this, and it may be best to caution individuals regarding the amount of kratom they use, so as to avoid the development of a dependency. A dependency like that with coffee implies symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal. Addictive substances are also associated with behavioral changes. An addiction causes irrational behavior when addicts no longer have the drug in their system. We do not see kratom cause changes in personality. One of the frustrating things about researching kratom is that it is not part of the traditional herbal library with which we are most familiar. It was never used in Europe, nor do we have descriptions from Ayurveda or TCM that go back hundreds of years. Therefore, I do think some caution is warranted with kratom. If someone comes in with low energy during the work day, I’m not going to recommend kratom over other herbs such as ashwagandha or rhodiola, which we know so much more about. However, if someone is using this herb and feels benefits from it, they should not be given wrong information about its supposed dangers. The potential dangers of kratom must be balanced with its benefits. Opioid addiction and chronic pain are serious issues. Naturopathic doctors should be aware of kratom and that it has anecdotally helped thousands of people who otherwise do not have easy solutions for these problems.20 For many people, this is a life-saving herb. A confusing aspect of kratom is the variety of strains it comes in. Some online retailers carry dozens of different strains, each with supposedly different qualities. Dosing recommendations can also vary widely. In a 40-minute discussion I had with the head of kratom wholesaler, I was told the following: There are really just 4 different types of kratom. The white and green strains are similar, and are the best strains for boosting energy and enhancing mood. These strains have higher amounts of MG and 7-MG alkaloids. Red kratom is higher in other alkaloids and is the best for pain. Yellow kratom, which is fermented and dried longer, is in between these other strains in terms of effects. Dosing should be individualized. He recommended that people take the minimum amount that works for their symptoms. Once the right dose is found, taking more will not produce better results. Due to problems with quality and adulterated products, the AKA has recently started a GMP standards program.21 Getting products through companies that are approved by this program is one way to insure a high-quality product. In summary, Mitragyna speciosa has been an unfairly maligned herb. It is time for kratom to leave the smoke shops and be treated just like any other herbal medicine. Thousands of people claim that this herb has changed their lives for the better. People will be coming into your office either asking about it or already using it. Naturopathic doctors need to be familiar with kratom. - Kronstrand R, Roman M, Thelander G, Eriksson A. Unintentional fatal intoxications with mitragynine and O-desmethyltramadol from the herbal blend Krypton. J Anal Toxicol. 2011;35(4):242-247. - Federal Register. Schedules of Controlled Substances: Temporary Placement of Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine Into Schedule I. August 31, 2016. Agency/Docket No. DEA-442. Document Number: 2016-20803. Available at: Accessed December 5, 2019. - U.S. Department of Justice. Diversion Control Division. Rules — 2016. Withdrawal of Notice of Intent to Temporarily Place Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine Into Schedule I. October 13, 2016. Available at: Accessed December 5, 2019. - American Kratom Association. Kratom Eight Factor Analysis [document link]. 2019. Available at: Accessed December 5, 2019. - U.S. Department of Justice. Diversion Control Division. Title 21 United States Code (USC) Controlled Substances Act. Subchapter I — Control and Enforcement. Available at: Accessed December 5, 2019. - Reame NE, Lukacs JL, Padmanabhan V, et al. Black cohosh has central opioid activity in postmenopausal women: evidence from naloxone blockade and positron emission tomography neuroimaging. Menopause. 2008;15(5):832-840. - Hemby SE, McIntosh S, Leon F, et al. Abuse liability and therapeutic potential of the Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. Addict Biol. 2010;24(5):875-885. - Matsumoto K, Hatori Y, Murayama T, et al. Involvement of μ-opioid receptors in antinociception and inhibition of gastrointestinal transit induced by 7-hydroxymitragynine, isolated from Thai herbal medicine Mitragn speciosa. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006;549(1-3):63-70. - Pinney Associates. Assessment of Kratom under the CSA Eight Factors and Scheduling Recommendation. November 28, 2016. Available at: Accessed December 6, 2019. - Henningfield JE, Fant RV, Wang DW. The abuse potential of kratom according to the 8 factors of the Controlled Substances Act: implications for regulation and research. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2018;235(2):573-589. - White CM. The Dangers and Potential of ‘Natural’ Opioid Kratom. November 29, 2017. UConn Today Web site: Accessed December 5, 2019. - Bossman. What You Need to Know About Arizona’s Kratom Consumer Protection Act. August 1, 2019. Available at: Accessed December 6, 2019. - Wang C, Walker AE. Fatal Mitragynine-Associated Toxicity in Canada: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Acad Forensic Pathol. 2018;8(2):340-346. - Kruegel AC, Grundmann O. The medicinal chemistry and neuropharmacology of kratom: A preliminary discussion of a promising medicinal plant and analysis of its potential for abuse. Neuropharmacology. 2018;134(Pt A):108-120. - Kemp P. Did Kratom Kill Ian Mautner? 2014. Web site. Accessed December 6, 2019. - News n Views. Official Trailer for the documentary “A Leaf of Faith.” January 13, 2019. Available at: Accessed December 6, 2019. - SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. August 2019. Available at: Accessed December 6, 2019. - Post S, Spiller HA, Chounthrirath T, Smith GA. Kratom exposures reported to United States poison control centers: 2011-2017.Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2019;57(10):847-854. - Rao N, Spiller HA, Hodges NL, et al. An Increase in Dietary Supplement Exposures Reported to US Poison Control Centers. J Med Toxicol.2017;13(3):227-237. - Pinney Associates. Assessment of Kratom under the CSA Eight Factors and Scheduling Recommendation. November 28, 2016: pp 75-126. Available at: Accessed December 6, 2019. - American Kratom Association. AKA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Standards Program. AKA Web site. Accessed December 6, 2019. Saul Marcus, ND, is a 2009 graduate of the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM), and is licensed in the state of CT. He has a private practice in New York City. His website is
Angel numbers hold a special place in our lives, acting as spiritual guides and messengers from the divine realm. One such powerful number is angel number 1991. When this number appears in your life, it carries a unique significance and holds a profound message from your guardian angels. Angel number 1991 is a symbol of transformation and change. It signifies that a new chapter is about to unfold in your life, bringing with it opportunities for growth and spiritual awakening. This number encourages you to embrace these shifts with faith and confidence, knowing that your guardian angels are by your side, guiding and protecting you every step of the way. - Angel number 1991 holds a powerful message from your guardian angels. - It signifies a period of transformation and change in your life. - Embrace these shifts with faith and confidence. - Your guardian angels are guiding and protecting you on this journey. - Stay open to the opportunities for growth and spiritual awakening. The Meaning of Angel Number 1991 The meaning of angel number 1991 signifies significant change and transformation in your life. This divine message from your guardian angels indicates that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close, making way for new beginnings and opportunities. It serves as a reminder that you are protected and guided by your guardian angels as you navigate these changes in your life. Angel number 1991 holds deep interpretation and symbolism. The number 1 represents new beginnings, optimism, and taking action, while the number 9 signifies spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the completion of a cycle. Together, these numbers hold the essence of transformation and encourage you to let go of fear and embrace the changes in your life with faith and confidence. When you encounter angel number 1991, it is a gentle reminder that your angels are supporting and guiding you through this transformative period. Embrace the shifts in your life and trust that they are leading you towards a brighter and more fulfilling future. |New beginnings, optimism, taking action |Spiritual growth, enlightenment, completion of a cycle |Significant change, transformation, embracing new opportunities The Significance of Angel Number 1991 The significance of angel number 1991 lies in its powerful combination of the energies and vibrations of numbers 1 and 9. This number holds the essence of transformation and spiritual growth. It encourages you to let go of fear and embrace the changes in your life with faith and confidence. The number 1 symbolizes new beginnings and taking the initiative. It is a reminder that you have the power to create the life you desire. The number 9 represents spiritual enlightenment and the completion of a cycle. It signifies the end of certain aspects of your life, making way for fresh opportunities and experiences. When combined, these numbers bring a message of profound transformation. Angel number 1991 urges you to trust in the divine guidance and protection that surrounds you. It is a reminder that even though change can be uncomfortable, it often leads to personal growth and fulfillment. Embrace the shifts occurring in your life and have faith that they are paving the way for a better future. Remember that the significance of angel number 1991 extends beyond just personal growth. It also has a spiritual aspect. It encourages you to tap into your higher self and align with your soul’s purpose. By doing so, you can connect with the divine realm and manifest your desires more effortlessly. In summary, angel number 1991 holds great significance in your life. It signifies transformation, new beginnings, and spiritual growth. Embrace the changes with faith and trust in the divine guidance surrounding you. Remember to let go of fear, take initiative, and align with your soul’s purpose. By doing so, you can navigate through life’s challenges and create a future filled with abundance and joy. Angel Number 1991 and Money When it comes to money, angel number 1991 carries a powerful message of abundance and prosperity. This divine number reminds you to shift your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance. By focusing on gratitude and practicing a positive attitude towards money, you can attract wealth and financial success into your life. The symbolism of angel number 1991 suggests that you have the ability to manifest abundance in your life. It encourages you to let go of any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts about money. Instead, embrace the belief that the universe is abundant and there is more than enough to go around. One way to attract wealth with angel number 1991 is to give back and help others. By sharing your blessings, you create a positive flow of energy that allows more abundance to come into your life. Remember, when you help others succeed, you also attract success and prosperity. |Ways to Attract Wealth with Angel Number 1991 |1. Practice gratitude for the money you have. |2. Visualize yourself living a life of financial abundance. |3. Give back and help others in need. |4. Let go of limiting beliefs about money. |5. Take inspired action towards your financial goals. “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” – Wayne Dyer By following the guidance of angel number 1991 and adopting a mindset of abundance, you can attract the financial prosperity you desire. Trust in the divine support and believe that you are deserving of wealth and abundance. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and take inspired action towards your financial goals. With the help of angel number 1991, you can invite wealth and prosperity into your life. Angel Number 1991 and Career Your career is an important aspect of your life, and angel number 1991 holds valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate this area. When it comes to your professional path, this angel number encourages you to align your work with your life purpose. It signifies that you have unique talents and skills that can be utilized to make a positive impact on the world. Angel number 1991 reminds you to have the courage to pursue your passions and follow your divine path. It is a reminder that you have the ability to create a fulfilling and prosperous career by using your abilities in a constructive and meaningful way. Your guardian angels are supporting and guiding you as you make important decisions regarding your professional life. Furthermore, angel number 1991 emphasizes the importance of healing any emotional wounds that may be holding you back in your career. It encourages you to let go of any limiting beliefs or fears that may be preventing you from reaching your full potential. By addressing your inner challenges, you can truly unlock your professional success and fulfillment. |Angel Number 1991 and Career |Fulfilling your life purpose |career purpose, life purpose, life mission |Using your talents constructively |skills utilization, talent development, meaningful work |Healing emotional wounds |emotional healing, personal growth, self-improvement “Your career is a reflection of your unique gifts and abilities. Trust in the guidance of your guardian angels as you pursue your passions and create a fulfilling professional path.” Following Your Divine Path When it comes to your career, angel number 1991 encourages you to trust your intuition and follow your divine path. Your guardian angels are nudging you in the right direction, guiding you towards opportunities and experiences that align with your deepest desires. By tuning in to your inner wisdom and paying attention to the signs and synchronicities in your life, you can discover the path that will lead to your greatest fulfillment and success. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, and embrace the journey as you uncover your true calling. - Listen to your intuition. - Pay attention to signs and synchronicities. - Take inspired action towards your goals. - Trust the unfolding of your career path. Remember, your career is not just about financial success; it is about finding purpose and making a positive impact. With the guidance of angel number 1991, you can create a career that brings you joy, fulfillment, and abundance in all areas of your life. Angel Number 1991 and Relationships When it comes to relationships, angel number 1991 holds valuable insights and guidance. This powerful angelic message reminds you to stay calm and grounded in your interactions with others. It urges you to avoid toxic relationships that drain your energy and instead seek out connections that bring balance and growth into your life. The love meaning of angel number 1991 emphasizes the importance of maintaining your personal power and boundaries. It encourages you to trust that you are loved, protected, and guided by the divine realm. Let go of fear and insecurities, and have faith in the universe’s plan for your romantic journey. With angel number 1991, finding balance is key. It advises you to nurture both your own needs and the needs of your partner. This number symbolizes the end of certain relationships that no longer serve your highest good and the beginning of new, healthier connections. By embracing this message, you can create harmonious and fulfilling relationships in your life. The Power of Balance Finding balance in relationships is a recurring theme with angel number 1991. It reminds you to prioritize self-care and self-love, as this is the foundation for healthy connections with others. When you cultivate a sense of balance within yourself, you attract relationships that mirror this harmony. “True love is not about sacrificing yourself for someone else, but rather growing together and supporting each other’s personal growth.” By following the guidance of angel number 1991, you can transform and elevate your relationship dynamics. Trust that your guardian angels are guiding you towards the connections that align with your highest good. |Angel Number 1991 and Relationships |Embrace calmness and grounding in relationships. |Find balance between your needs and your partner’s needs. |Avoid toxic relationships that drain your energy. |Trust that you are loved, protected, and guided. |Let go of fear and insecurities. |Create harmonious and fulfilling connections. Acknowledge the significance of angel number 1991 in your relationship journey. Embrace its guidance and trust that you are being guided towards relationships that align with your highest good. Remember that you hold the power to create the loving and balanced connections you desire. Angel Number 1991 and Twin Flame The journey of twin flames is an intense and transformative experience, and angel number 1991 holds deep significance in this connection. For those currently in the stage of separation, this angel number serves as a reminder to prioritize self-love and personal growth. It encourages you to focus on healing any emotional wounds and releasing any fears or doubts that may be blocking your path to reunion with your twin flame. The meaning of angel number 1991 during the twin flame separation stage is to trust in divine timing and have faith that the universe is aligning everything for your ultimate reunion. This number urges you to work on yourself, raise your vibration, and align with your soul’s purpose. Use this time to deepen your spirituality, develop self-confidence, and cultivate self-care practices that nurture your mind, body, and soul. “In the midst of separation, angel number 1991 reassures you that the bond with your twin flame is unbreakable. Embrace the growth and transformation that this period brings, knowing that it is leading you to a deeper union.” For those in the stage of reunion with their twin flame, angel number 1991 indicates that the separation phase is coming to an end. It signifies the imminent reunion and the harmonious merging of energies with your twin flame. This angel number serves as a powerful reminder to continue embracing personal growth and spiritual development as you prepare to embark on this journey of divine union. |Angel Number 1991 Twin Flame Interpretation |Twin Flame Separation |Emphasizes the importance of self-love, personal growth, and spiritual development during the separation stage. |Twin Flame Reunion |Signals the end of the separation phase and indicates that the divine union with your twin flame is approaching. |Encourages trust in the timing of the universe and faith that everything is aligning for your ultimate reunion. |Highlights the importance of personal and spiritual growth to raise your vibration and align with your soul’s purpose. Angel number 1991 guides you on your journey with your twin flame, reminding you to trust in the process and embrace the transformation that occurs during both the separation and reunion stages. It empowers you to continue growing individually while welcoming the profound connection and love that awaits you in the divine union with your twin flame. Angel Number 1991 and Soulmate Angel number 1991 holds a profound meaning when it comes to your soulmate. This divine message suggests that you are either already connected to your soulmate or you are about to meet them. Your soulmate is someone who shares a deep spiritual connection with you, and they play a pivotal role in your life’s journey. When angel number 1991 appears, it signifies new beginnings and fresh starts in your love life. It guides you to attract a soulmate by aligning with your true self and focusing on personal growth. This number encourages you to embrace self-love, healing any emotional wounds, and raising your vibration to match that of your soulmate. “Your soulmate will support you in achieving your goals and fulfilling your soul’s mission.” To attract a soulmate with the guidance of angel number 1991, it is essential to be authentic and true to yourself. Trust that the universe is working to bring you together with the perfect partner who will complement your life in extraordinary ways. As you navigate this beautiful journey of love and partnership, remember that your soulmate is already on their way. Be open to the signs and synchronicities that the universe presents, and have faith that your divine connection will unfold in perfect timing. In conclusion, angel number 1991 holds a unique significance in your life. It serves as a powerful message from your guardian angels, signaling a period of transformation and change. Embrace these shifts and have faith as you step into a fresh start. This number carries the energy of new beginnings and opportunities. It signifies that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close, clearing the path for exciting new experiences. Trust that you are protected and guided by your guardian angels as you navigate these changes. Angel number 1991 encourages you to let go of fear and embrace these transformations with confidence. Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance to attract prosperity into your life. Use your talents and skills in a constructive way to help others and fulfill your life’s purpose. Remember to stay grounded and balanced in your relationships. Trust that you are loved, guided, and protected. Whether it’s the end of certain connections or the beginning of new, more harmonious relationships, angel number 1991 reminds you to have faith in the divine plan. What does Angel Number 1991 mean? Angel Number 1991 is a message from your guardian angels, signaling a period of transformation and change in your life. What is the significance of Angel Number 1991? Angel Number 1991 signifies significant change and transformation, indicating that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close, making way for new beginnings and opportunities. How can I embrace the changes represented by Angel Number 1991? Embrace the changes in your life with faith and confidence, letting go of fear and trusting in the guidance and protection of your guardian angels. What does Angel Number 1991 mean in terms of finances? Angel Number 1991 brings a message of financial abundance, advising you to practice gratitude and shift your mindset from lack to abundance to attract prosperity into your life. What guidance does Angel Number 1991 provide for my career? Angel Number 1991 guides you to use your talents and skills to help others, encouraging you to pursue positive endeavors with courage and trust that you are supported and guided on your career path. How does Angel Number 1991 relate to relationships? Angel Number 1991 reminds you to stay calm and grounded in your relationships, advising you not to give away your power and to have faith that you are loved, protected, and guided. What does Angel Number 1991 mean in the context of twin flames? For those in the separation stage, Angel Number 1991 signifies the need for self-love and spiritual growth. For those in the reunion stage, it indicates that the separation phase is ending and the divine union is near. How does Angel Number 1991 relate to finding a soulmate? Angel Number 1991 suggests that you are already connected or about to meet your soulmate, representing a fresh start and a deep spiritual connection. What is the overall significance of Angel Number 1991? Angel Number 1991 holds a unique significance in your life, symbolizing transformation, new beginnings, and spiritual growth. Embrace the changes with faith and trust in your guardian angels.
When a Guy Asks About Your Love Life (Meaning & Responding Tips)He is trying to make conversation and get intricate details from you to see how he can form an equation with you. This is commonly seen among guys who have a romantic inclination for you but are still determining if they stand a chance. The phrase "out of your league" gained popularity in the dating culture when friends teased the poor soul inflicted in love to set his expectations low. They are not questioning your choice but the validity of your choice. Henceforth, when a guy asks you about your love life, it is to understand if he holds a chance to be your romantic partner. He is romantically interested in you. If you tell him it's going well, he might get creepy and ask you if you want to improve your romantic life. Sometimes, guys think from their feet. They don't know how to approach and flirt. I'll address the most sought-after question, what does a guy mean when asked about your love life, and how should you respond? Reasons why a guy asks you about your love life It is not an everyday conversation that a guy would care to ask you about your love life. The direction in which such a conversation is expected to lead is to show their romantic interest in you. For this, the guy would be too attractive, or you are great friends. However, keep reading below to uncover more possibilities behind such dicey situations. #1 He is interested The guy is charmed by your appearance. Therefore, he doesn’t know much about your character traits or personal life. Since he doesn’t have the information, he shows that he is keen to learn about your romantic rendezvous shows that he means business. The guy might be suggesting casual dating or something hot and momentary. He might be lonely or bored in his relationship if he is a stranger to you and you happen to meet him in a pub. While you should not disclose all your cards at the slightest inconvenience or interrogation, you should not show that you are readily available for hookup. The important thing to understand here is that the guy might be desperate and only cares about getting in your pants. Suppose there is the slightest chance that you were crushing on this person. In that case, he might have lost that charming touch the moment he expressed the desire to get a sneak peek into your domain without showing any kind of encouragement from any other segments. The situation isn’t difficult. As they say, correlativity doesn’t mean codependency. While you might be crushing on him for his looks but thought he had more to offer of dignity and gentility, he hoped to imagine how good you might be in bed. That’s where you draw the line and understand that your surface tendencies differ from your ultimate needs. #2 He is looking for an opportunity If the guy has been observing you for a while and has noticed that you are neither much occupied on the phone nor expecting any company, if you travel solo and never talk about your equations, as a colleague or someone in your circle, he might be curious. Curiosity kills the cat. He wants you to let the cat out of the bag and reveal your state of affairs. Whether he is romantically interested in you is for you to figure out by scrutinizing his body and eye movements when he is talking to you. If he talks in breaks and pauses, it looks like he is trying to recall the script that he had designed for himself or someone who likes you had designed for him to obtain pieces of information about you. He is into you if he blushes and pauses to smile or meet your eyes. You can tell a lot from how a person tries to talk to you. When they are especially delicate with words, they are too careful to hurt you. In such cases, the best way to answer or deal with them is, to be honest. They deserve it. #3 You are always pissed If you come across as a nasty and ill-tempered woman who is jealous of other people’s happiness and always finds a way to vent out on others, if you are too bossy and not at all adjusting, the guy might think that you are not getting satisfied in bed. Our moments and movements in bed dictate our daily behavior and conduct. If you are always rude to someone or displeased in general, the guy might seriously feel you require long sensual sessions and might have a friend to help you. The guy might be concerned this way because he sees you daily, and your behavior is too testing. He wants to get away with your rudeness for once and all. While he might feel like snapping back at you, he might be more reasonable than that. He has understood that finding the root cause and finding a solution is better. The changes in such a case would be big that the guy is committed. His woman is keeping him happy, which makes it possible for him to bear you. Hence, he wishes the same for you. In such cases, this guy might be a co-worker or colleague directly affected by your behavior. #4 You are always on the phone Suppose you are one of those women who never leaves her phone, not because she is whispering sweet talks with her dreamy guy, but because she is hurt and has teary eyes because whoever it is on the other side of the phone doesn’t love her enough. In that case, the guy observing you from the corner of his eyes must be moved by humanity into asking you if everything is alright. This does not have to mean that the guy is romantically interested in you though it doesn’t mean that he is not interested in you. He might be mad at the person on the phone for lacking the decency to talk this way over the call. Have a hearty conversation with this person. He might have some stories to share. It isn’t that he is going to lecture you. You might find his words useful. I don’t mean to say that his words will manipulate you. It will just bring you a new forum to accept your thoughts and perhaps feedback from a like-minded person. #5 You have been ignoring him The guy has made it evident that he likes you, but you have ignored him all day without responding or dropping hints about what you feel for him. As such, he might assume that you might have something holding you back. Perhaps he wants to know what that thing is. If you are in a relationship but have kept it a secret, you at least owe this guy a red flag. Keeping him hooked on with you would be taking his advantage and using him as a sidekick later. It would be worse if the guy felt this way. His sentiments would be hurt. Hence, to get a direct understanding or to be clear on that front so that he can know if you are into him but ignoring him for other reasons or whether it is your boyfriend for fear of whom you are neglecting this guy. He would decide whether to hold onto you or to let you go accordingly. #6 He wants to understand what's your type The guy is surveying all the girls he knows to understand the general opinion and women’s recommendations among guys. He wants to understand what the girls find attractive and charming. The chances are higher that the guy is particularly interested to know your type. He would either maneuver himself accordingly or reason with himself if you are worthy or compatible with each other. You need to understand what your feeling is for him before you make a reply. If you don’t consider the guy much, perhaps ignore his question. If, however, you see a potential for a bright future with him, don’t hurry to give your response. One thing you can be sure of if you date him is that he will cater to your needs. He won’t give his needs priority. He would find a way in which both of you can stay happy. You would be happy with such a man. He exercises maturity and understands what he wants in a relationship. He might even see how you perceive things. #7 He is trying to make conversation The guy may have met you across the table and is trying to make a conversation. Will the conversation be healthy and long-lasting? Is he didn't care for it? He wants you to split the beans because he is bored. When such questions come from strangers, it is possible that they are neither interested in what you answer nor would they remember or care for that answer. All they are interested in that brief moment is you. Hence the question could be put forward to check if you are available. You are giving him a free pass by choosing to engage the person in conversation and humoring his queries. He might take you as a person of loose morals who is not stringent about how one should convey or conduct. If you do this, you are playing at risk, for the next thing you know, the guy might be touching your booties at liberty. When casual hookups are not your thing, you say so. If you are getting off vibes from the guy, know that he might not treat you right, and perhaps he is intoxicated. While he might later regard his state as such due to being inebriated, remember, he is merely trying to play the sympathy card to perhaps trap you. Either be alert and careful or be certain of what you want. Another example of such questions posed vaguely by a possible stranger is how your day is going. To read more on this, click on the link - If A Guy Texts You How Was Your Day. #8 He needs relationship advice Not all guys are jerks. Some of them might be looking for healthy relationship advice. He is asking you about your love life because he intends to share about his. Try not to reply and allow him to talk. It will show you what he is interested in. Many people will give you a prompt and continue narrating their experiences on the prompt. Such people are good talkers. They are mostly the impatient lot. They would sigh and tell you about all their toils. They are also great storytellers, so don’t buy all you hear. You can put them out of their misery by being a good listener or pretending to be one. Such people are also good at problem-solving. They know their way out of the problem. While narrating the events, they will also hand over the solution to you. So all you got to do with them is to sit. And do it only if you are not amused or delighted enough in your life. #9 He is looking for a nightstand Technically this should have been the first point, but with the invention of dating apps, people are readily switching to one such app to find a mate rather than doing it in person. However, if you have asked this person, the guy is looking for something immediate and temporary. This guy might be fickle-minded and won’t care to show you his face the next day. However, the entire context would have been different if this question had been posed via a text message. It would have indicated that the guy believes in long-term relationships. The texts shall stay in your inbox. Hence, it makes a permanent marker on things. The possibility that you two know each other or the guy wants to know you more is greater. How you react and respond depends on your purpose. Suppose you want to indulge the guy, and if yes, how fast or slow? Guys, even if prudent, are always ready for a “quickie.” Hence, decency comes later. You need to dictate and direct your requirements and take the lead. #10 It is hard to secure your attention (hence the attack with a personal question) Some people are nosy. They would do anything just to be in your confidante and get all the information. Such people will ask you the nitty gritty of your day, your boyfriend’s day, and perhaps your best friend’s day. Such guys like to be in the good books of all women. They are the chocolate boy. You won’t care for a Tom, Dick, or Harry when you have such a person in your life. You would readily disclose every minor and major event of your life to them because they are available and they love to lend their ears. Such guys make good friends. You address them as “bro,” and they significantly go to lengths to prove themselves as one. Hence, if you feel this guy can make a good buddy, perhaps keep him. However, such a person will not suit your taste if you are a snob. You would want personal attention to a level not shared by another. The fact that this guy pleases all equally will do you more damage than good. #11 He got the vibe from you (thought that you were interested) The guy might pose the question because he is taken and feels for you, for it seems you lack a romantic equation. Moreover, he got the vibe from you which tells that you are interested in him. This, he had yet to expect or is used to. The fact that he is not trying to hit back at you would mean that he is deeply in love with his girl, or she is too attractive, or he is not interested in women. Look for signs and cut off before it gets embarrassing for you. The guy might have a condescending approach toward you. He will not do you much good. Hence, letting such guys be alone in their basking spot of comfort and grab a drink or read a book solo will bring you the comfort. What to say when a guy asks you about your love life? Give your answer according to your feelings for the guy and your current relationship status. If you have been keeping your relationship low-key, you don't have to give a reply merely because you have been asked for it. However, if you are single, you can articulate your response according to your desire for the guy. Keep reading below to know more. If you like him He is allowing you to take advantage and lead the scene. When you are interested in him, take the next step by being more direct in your response. He is asking you the question directly, meaning he doesn't want you to play hide and seek anymore. When it becomes evident that you like someone and it shows on your face, level up by asking them out. How to do it? Read below to find out. #1 Tell him you are open to suggestions When you are unsure what is in his mind but find the thought of hooking up with him welcoming, tell him so. Put it bluntly in simple terms without mincing with your words. Say, "The romantic life is not very happening as of now. But if you have some good suggestions, I am open to them." If he wants to get laid with you, he won't let go of this opportunity. #2 Tell him you like him Tell him that you had been crushing on him hard and waiting for this moment. Tell him that his romantic life has been barren, for the one you like has been too preoccupied elsewhere. It would stir his curiosity further, and he would ask you what you mean by that. Tell him then that you like him, but he doesn't seem to have noticed it. If the guy is interested in you, he will hold your hands. When he does that, don't let go of his hands. Find a cozy spot or take him somewhere, go on a slow walk, or keep looking into his eyes until you both are so engrossed that you kiss each other. #3 Ask about his love life If you feel that he is teasing you by asking you about your love life while, at the same time, he intends to ask you out, why not ask him back about it instead of giving a direct answer? Asking him about his love life will help to understand his stand here. If he says that it is too good, don't hide away your jealousy. If he says it is dull, tell him that you can help each other. The idea is to flirt and get heated up to make the most of the moment. Seize the day should be the call. #4 Be honest (if it doesn’t exist, tell so. If it is boring, tell so. No harm being friends) There is no harm in being honest and replying rather than fabricating stuff. If a relationship doesn't exist, say so. Being honest in your replies will keep things transparent. Moreover, when you are honest with someone, you can expect the guy to be honest. This helps make things dynamic and take your steps as needed. #5 Ask him the reason for his interest When someone asks you something, why not ask them the cause of their interest? Why are they asking you this anyway? It will push them to think before asking. Depending on how he replies, you can curate your response. If he is playing you, he won't deliver a desirable answer. He would say something fancy instead. #6 Tell him it’s a secret (mystify him to understand how interested he truly is) Why give a direct answer at all too, when the question is posed just once? Give an indirect response or mystify him with your response. Tell that it is a secret no one needs to know unless they mean personal business. If this triggers him, he will yell the truth, for fear of losing your interest might be too much to consume. Remember, when a person is genuinely interested in you, they will do anything to keep you unless you take advantage of their passion and fondness. #7 Don't give a stereotypical answer (the answer need not contain a name, it could be your pet, life, yourself, no one, finding, or something lighthearted and humor) Show your light-hearted, humorous take on life's funny situations. You need not give one-word answers or long phrases to tell tales. You can even change the topic by taking control of the situation. Use the opportunity to learn more about it. Tell him you love your pet the most; the equation is always favorable and sweet. In return, you will get the opportunity to ask him about his liking. You will also learn about his pet or if he doesn't have one. #8 Relate your answer to your career or hobby If you want to let him know how you are doing in your career or you want to know about his workspace, redirect the conversation accordingly. Tell him that you love nothing more than your work. This will make the conversation more productive. You will be able to discuss your ambitions. This will help you understand your future goals. Discussing immediate and long-term goals will help you understand if it would be fruitful in the long run if you intend to think of the future with them together. If you don’t like him If you dislike someone and they act nosy in your matters, you will develop an instant distaste for them. Hence, when a guy gets on your nerves with such behavior, let him know it is not appreciated. #1 Be a badass (tell him to use his imagination) Give him a free pass to imagine whatever he likes. His imagination is not going to make any difference. Tell him you couldn't have cared enough if he bad mouth you. Remember, pessimist people will always try to pull you down. They will radiate negative energy. Don't indulge with them. Keeping negative people closer will make you stronger. Most people out there are like that. They won't want you to get ahead in life. #2 It’s none of his business (who does he think he is) Why would a random guy bother you out of nowhere? It is likely to be something other than his business. Block him or tell him to keep his distance. It can get as snappy as you want it to sound. However, in most cases, it is better to ignore it. You can always be sure of what goes on in a guy's mind. Hence, be productive and focus on things that bring you happiness. #3 Tell him it’s better than his If you want to give an intense reply to the guy who keeps airs about himself, tell him that your love life is better than he ever will be. If the guy has a soft corner for you, he would either be hurt or won't take it to heart. In the case of the former, he will avoid making conversations with you again. In the latter's case, he will be more humble and try to understand why you hate him so much. This would further push him to win your favor by hook or crook. He might even take up a maneuver to fool you. Remember, it is good to be hopeful, but the basic elements that go into the making of a man take time to alter. However, for your preventive measures, act cautiously and consider the consequences before committing them. #4 Tell him you like to keep your relations low-key If you don't have anything strong against the guy but don't like it when people poke into others' affairs, you can put it bluntly before him and yet do it with grace. The winning part is not to make your words bite and allow the message to travel across. Dropping a text to explain that you don't like to discuss your private affairs with others and that you have always been a low-key introvert shall win you the deal. The guy cannot hate you for this. If anything, he will look at you with higher respect than before. Such responses come from a person of strong character who can tell white from black and does not like to dwell in the shades of gray. #5 Tell him you are happily single (be honest, be bold) Why lie when you are happily single and not wanting to get mingle? Tell him that you are a solitary soul who takes pleasure in the beauty of nature. You are keener on becoming an independent than making someone else the goal of your life. The answer is as easy as it gets. If the guy continues to pursue you, either find a way around, or you might want to give him a chance. #6 Cross question him (is he making fun of you because you don’t have a date? If you are in a ball without company) No one has the right to make fun of another regarding their sexual orientation. Ask him clearly if he means to insult you for being so single in life. Tell him about your achievements to show that you hold a more significant standpoint in your life than he would probably be able to do in the next ten years of his life. #7 Say that you are lucky in love and seek his good wishes (blessings) Sarcasm bites, but nothing brings greater pleasure than using it on the enemy. When you are bothered concerning questions you don’t want to answer, seek blessings. Tell him that whatever the equation or life might hold for you, all you can ask from this person is to keep you secure in his good wishes. #8 Ask him how lonely he is (is he asking this to every girl he meets?) It would be an interesting way to handle the situation if you ask him about his desperation, which makes him bother every woman. If this is the first question he asks girls without asking them their names or hobbies, pursuits, ambition, and other more likable and social questions, he is a loser. Play the honesty card even though you like or don’t like the guy. There is nothing to hide about your love life, whether you stand blessed or cursed or lack it owing to a more practical disposition. It is your life, and you decide how you want to live it. A guy enquiring about your love life is understandable, but showing a desire to manifest it in the way he likes is not.
Are you a sports enthusiast, or do you love participating in the action? If yes, 1xbet is the ideal bookmaker or betting website for you. If you’re familiar with making bets through the 1xbet betting platform online on your personal computer, you should download the 1xbet apk download for Android and iOS mobile devices. Mobile version 1xbet offers players an intuitive interface for navigation to manage financial transactions. Personal computers are great devices for conducting bets. However, placing bets using an Android device allows you to access 1xbet’s mobile app anywhere you want. 1xbet apk download – Install the 1xbet portable app of 1xbet on 1xbet’s website or the bookmaker’s webs\ After successfully downloading 1xbet’s mobile app, You can place bets and make transactions on your account. The 1xbet program is accessible via a range of Android smart devices. The program is accessible via Android TV Boxes, smartphones, tablets, and other devices. 1xbet apk download The interface for gaming on the mobile version is compatible with landscape and portrait modes. Gamers can choose which method is appealing to them when placing bets. 1XBET APK DOWNLOAD INSTALLATION FILE – If you’re an active player at 1xbet and interested in getting the Application downloaded and installed on your smartphone, be aware that it is not possible to download the 1xbet app via Google play. You can download the 1xbet Apk file directly from the official website of 1xbet or bookmaker sites affiliated with it. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE 1XBET APK FILE ON THE ANDROID To find out what it takes to download 1XBET APP and set up the 1xbet mobile version of 1xbet for Android, follow the following steps. 1xbet app Android Download: - The 1xbet Apk download is only available via the official website of 1xbet. You must visit the website using your mobile phone’s browser and then look for an option to download. - After you have successfully downloaded the file After downloading, you can move to the installation stage. You can do this by clicking the installation prompt on your Android screen. - You can receive an error message that says, “you do not have permission to install this application.” If this happens, don’t be concerned. You can proceed to the next step. - 4. There will be an email that directs you to your Android smartphone’s “Settings” please follow the prompt into “Security” or “Privacy” if you are using the Xiaomi Android device, and click it. After it has opened, look for “Device Administration,” then select “Unknown Sources” to allow the installation of apps that come from outside or unidentified sources. After you’ve completed the steps above, The 1xbet file is installed on the Android device. Now you can perform financial transactions, view stakes, or place bets on your mobile. DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE 1XBET APK FILE ON IOS OR IPHONE It is possible to conduct 1xbet’s app download for free on iOS devices and iPhones through the steps to downloading and installation procedures outlined in the following. DOWNLOAD THE 1XBET MOBILE APPLICATION TO YOUR IOS DEVICE IOS device owners can use the 1xbet application download through the Apple store and download the APK file on the 1xbet website. The interface of 1xbet for iOS devices is smooth and straightforward for users to navigate. With this iOS app, users can efficiently conduct financial transactions and place bets on any sporting event of their choice. The iOS mobile app interface is divided into two parts. Events scheduled for the coming season are shown within the primary section, while live events that are currently happening are shown in the second section. The iOS application’s interface is highly fluid, allowing sports events to be shown simultaneously. With this mobile Application, gamers can view numerous sporting events through the iOS mobile app. When users download the app, they can access these activities, including electronic sports and online sports like tennis, football, softball, rugby, hockey, basketball, sailing, cricket, and more. One can forecast every one of the Live matches of your favorite team sports or ahead of every sports event on the internet. Gamers who like to test their luck with online casino slots can join live dealers’ gaming platforms such as Russian roulette 21, Wheel of Fortune, and lots more. Go to the site as well as the App Store for the download of their mobile app. HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE 1XBET MOBILE APPLICATION ON YOUR IOS [ APPLE IPHONE ] DEVICE To install the 1xbet mobile app to either your iOS phone or iPhone, you have to allow the installation of the Application to your device via the settings on your device. - Follow the steps to get to your device “Settings.” - After opening your device’s settings, go through iTunes or the App Stores. - Then, click upon”Apple ID” and then click on the “Apple ID” toggle button. - Proceed to “Country/Region.” After you’ve opened it, you can click Change County or Region, which will display the drop-down menu. After this list is shown then, select the appropriate region or country. - After you’ve read the guidelines to your satisfaction Once you’re satisfied, click on”Accord.” “Accord” (Accept) toggle button. - A prompt will pop up asking you to input the details of your Apple ID; if you don’t have an Apple ID, please leave the field blank and fill in the other empty fields. - After completing the process, you’re ready to download the 1xbet mobile Application on the app store. Go to the app store to begin 1xbet’s application download for free and install. Another option is to visit the 1xbet website for a 1xbet Download , 1XBET APP DOWNLOAD . After downloading and installing the 1xbet free app for the device you are using, Android or iOS, the next step is registering. Users who already have a 1xbet account don’t have to sign up and can sign in, make financial transactions and make bets. If you’re opening an account on 1xbet for the first time, you can start making an initial deposit. Get the welcome bonus, and begin placing bets using Your 1Xbet Account. CREATE A 1XBET APP ACCOUNT ON YOUR ANDROID OR IOS APPLE DEVICE - Start the 1xbet app homepage for either your Android or iOS device. - Click and locate to click the “Register” button. - A prompt will pop up informing you to enter a valid email address. Please respond accordingly. - A second 1xbet promo coupon prompt will be displayed. If you have one, you can fill it in now. - After you’ve completed this step, click “Open Account.” - Once you’ve opened your account, you’re now free to customize and create your 1xbet account. Disclaimer: 1xBet isn’t licensed to operate. An operating permit within the US and in some areas of Europe. The majority of its operations are within Eastern Europe. 1XBET PROMO CODE AT REGISTRATION 1xbet offers affiliate program promotions to players who have just joined. They typically participate via a referral link from promotional agents for affiliate programs. Promoters of affiliate programs get paid commissions when referrals sign up with the direct hyperlink or promotional code. Be aware that some operators require newly registered players to complete the process of writing promo codes. You should read their conditions and terms to know the process you must follow to get promo codes via their associates. To be eligible to get the 1xbet’s “welcome bonus,” you must be a verified player of 1xbet. You must confirm your account by referring to the verification email 1xbet sent to the email you entered when signing up. 1xbet provides a staggering 100% match welcome bonus, which can go to EUR150. This bonus consists of a 100% Casino Bonus and Sportsbook Bonus. You must have made your initial deposit to activate your welcome reward. After you have completed your initial deposit, the Welcome bonus is transferred into your Bonus account. Be sure to re-roll the bonus amount using accumulator bets five times by selecting three events or more significant ones. The accumulator bets should be at least 1.40 (2/5) or greater odd value. Make sure you complete the bonus’s turnover within the 30 days following the day the prize was deposited in your account. 1xbet provides other bonuses for players who have registered. These bonuses can make players more profitable as well as give gamers a chance to play certain events for free. Here are a few more bonuses offered by 1xbet: - 1xbet Birthday Bonus: - What can better way than 1xbet to thank their customers for loyalty to their company’s betting services instead of giving you a free bet on the most beautiful date of your lifetime? - To benefit from this birthday bonus, on your birthday, go to your email for the unique birthday bonus coupon code 1xbet 1xbet will email to you. - After you have retrieved the promo code, visit the site, locate the Promo code, and input your birthday promotional code. After that, you will be prompted to play a free bet. - The Advancement bonus is useful when you’re running out of money in your 1xbet virtual bank account. In the event that there are two unresolved betting slips with active bets, you could place the Advancement directly on the bet slips. - 1xbet will debit you directly from the bet slips that you received for the latest bets you were planning to place prior to running out of funds in our 1xbet Virtual wallet ACCOUNT. - 1xbet Loyalty Program Bonus - With this bonus program, you’ll be rewarded with coupons, freebies, better odds on the selected events, and even free spins. MOBILE WEBSITE VERSION 1xbet realizes that not all people have an access point to computers or top-of-the-line Android or iOS devices. This is the reason they provide players that fall into this category a seamless mobile web-based version for financial transactions as well as place bets. The mobile version of the website is a lighter variant of the 1xbet main website. It offers the same features and interfaces as 1xbet’s official 1xbet website. Registration for this version is simple for first-time users of the 1xbet web-based betting platform. All you have to do is follow the directions, and you’ll be ready to make your very first bet. If you follow the steps that we’ve outlined in the previous paragraphs, you’ll find that 1xbet is a solid operation. The betting firm has an advanced Tech team that oversees the operation of the site. Additionally, the accessibility of a 1xbet mobile application to download to Android as well as iOS devices make gaming effortless for all players. Players can play from wherever they are in the world, perform financial transactions, and make predictions and bets on their most-loved sporting activities or sports. They don’t need internet access in order to participate in the games offered on the 1xbet website. Another benefit of making use of the 1xbet betting system is the fact that one doesn’t require an Android phone or iOS device to be able to access this 1xbet website. With a lite mobile version of the website, it is possible to conduct every betting transaction through the website. The features are comparable to the main website, and this can be a benefit for 1xbet customers who are loyal. The 1xbet mobile app has an intuitive user interface designed for players. Utilizing the mobile Application, users can participate in live sports betting events, enjoy promotions and bonuses as well as play games at casinos, play forecast football matches, and much more. Live streaming is an added benefit for users since they can watch the events they had previously created forecasts for. 1xbet offers its clients an efficient and secure transfer link that allows them to conduct business through the site. The most impressive benefit of 1xbet’s 1xbet gambling platform is the fact that there isn’t any delay in withdrawing your winnings. This is ideal for those who wish to cash out fast instead of putting their winnings in their accounts. There is always an improvement to the game’s interface for users. Perhaps they could acquire the services of other web programmers to enhance the design of the site. Overall, the navigation on the site is extremely intuitive and simple for players to play. This can only happen after the reviews written by their customers are combined, and a new generation of tech-savvy IT professionals who are aware of the desires of their clients are hired on board. 1xbet often updates its software to solve issues in the mobile app and to keep the Application from going down. The benefit of upgrades is that they offer an additional layer of protection against hackers. 1xbet provides technical assistance to customers with complaints or suggestions. This can be useful when the deposit you have made does not show up in your account. If you don’t have funds in your personal account, you won’t be able to make bets or perform transactions in the financial sector. Another major feature of the 1xbet Application is the fact that users are able to easily look up their betting history and use it as a reference for placing bets in the future. With the mobile app, users can also check the pre-match stats and points. 1XBET APP DOWNLOAD HOW TO DEPOSIT MONEY ON 1XBET :- Lets take a look at the best deposit methods on 1xBet. DEPOSIT METHODS ON 1XBET - Google Pay - AstroPay Card - Skrill & Neteller IS 1XBET LEGAL IN INDIA ? 1xBet is legal in India, because the company is located abroad. However, there are a few states in India where online betting websites are prohibited. Should you reside in a state where wagering websites are prohibited, then we suggest that you do not use 1xBet. However, if you reside in a state where online betting is legal, you’re free to use 1xBet. How to signup on 1xbet :- The initial step in your 1xBet experience is to sign-up to the website. Signing up on 1xBet is simple. All you have to do is simply click “Registration” at the home page , and then follow the simple steps. In just a couple of clicks, you’ll be able register and start betting with 1xBet. You can sign up using any of the following methods: One-click registration If you choose the one-click method of registration All you have to do is select the currency you would like to use (Indian Rupee for us) and then click “Register”. Once you have done this, 1xBet will instantly generate your unique username as well as your password. Be sure to store this information in a secure way. Registering with one click on 1xBet is extremely simple! Registration of phone numbers To sign up with 1xBet through your mobile number, simply enter your phone number into the box available and select “Send an SMS”. The bookmaker will text you a confirmation number via SMS. In the field labeled “Confirmation Code” and click “Confirm”. Be sure to choose the currency you prefer (by default, it is set to Indian rupees in the case of Indian players) as well as use your promo code, in the event that you already have one. The option to input promo codes is accessible for every registration method. Registration for email Registration for email on 1xBet requires more information than those previously discussed. In this case, you must provide your name and password, as well as your number and of course, an email address. Check that the currency you prefer is Indian Rupee prior to pressing “Register”. It is important to note: Although signing to your account via one-click registration, or by phone is quicker and simpler, we strongly recommend to sign up with your email, since it will give your account more securityin the event you forget your username, password or username, etc. how can i download 1xbet on my iphone how can i download 1xbet app on my phone how do i download 1xbet how to download 1xbet on pc 1xbet download old version how do i download 1xbet on my iphone how do i download 1xbet on google play download 1xbet app for windows 1xbet download updated version download 1xbet for computer download 1xbet for apple how to download 1xbet in cameroon when did 1xbet start download 1xbet windows when was 1xbet created where can i download 1xbet app where can i download 1xbet how to download 1xbet on my iphone why can’t i download 1xbet on my iphone will xbox 1 download while off how do i download 1xbet on my phone how do i download and install 1xbet how to download 1xbet for iphone how to download 1xbet in nigeria how to download betslip on 1xbet is 1xbet app download how can i download 1xbet how do i download 1xbet app how to download movies from 1xbet where is 1xbet available how can i download 1xbet app دانلود 1xbet ایفون how to understand 1xbet download 1xbet pc what is is 1xbet is safe does 1xbet have an app how to download 1xbet app on android how to install 1xbet how to do 1xbet is 1xbet a download is 1xbet real دانلود اپلیکیشن 1xbet why 1xbet is not working download 1xbet ios دانلود 1xbet برای ایفون is 1xbet legal how to download 1xbet app what is 1xbet all about how to download 1xbet on iphone how to download 1xbet download 1xbet apk 1xbet app download for android(apk) and IOS free :- 1xBet application is a great platform to bet using your smartphone using Android and iOS with languages such as Hindi, English, and Bengali. Customers from India are able to legitimately use the 1xBet application and enjoy a welcome offer up to INR 20,000 for their first deposit. The minimum amount to deposit will be INR 100. You can make deposits using UPI, PayTM and other well-known payment systems in India to make a deposit. 1xBet Betting App Review 1xBet application is exactly the same as our official website in terms of features. The only difference is a slightly different interface as well as the way it begins. To access the application you must download the client application for Android (.apk files) or iOS and then launch the application on your smartphone screen. Below is a list of the most essential information on the 1xBet app’s official app: The 1xBet interface for the application is as easy, simple and easy as is possible. What’s here: - Main menu. It is accessible by clicking located at the top left. From there, you are able to access any area of the office of the bookmaker, login and make a registration. - Search. In the upper right-hand part of the screen there’s an option to search. By using it, you will be able to quickly locate any sporting event or match. To find it, begin typing the name. - Bets that are popular. In the center are a number of the most popular matches on the mainline and within the live section. - Casino. Then, at the lower left of the screen there’s an array of slot machines as well as table games. casinos with live dealers 1xBet. - Express of the Day. Below you will find the most recent Express of the Day offers. It is possible to place a short Bet on this Parlay. If it proves to be a winner more than the principal prize you’ll be awarded an additional amount. All buttons are placed at convenient locations they are easy to reach them using one hand. After everything that’s been mentioned and discussed about the 1xbet application You must play around with it. Bet anywhere and at any time as well as test various betting options to boost the amount of money you earn. We’d like to remind you that registration within the application is rapid, which means you can begin betting and playing quicker when you join 1xbet. Furthermore, the application doesn’t take up a lot of memory on your device. If you install the app for Android then you don’t need to worry about not being able to find the mirrors you need. BK is always available. BK remains there to accept your bets. The developments are available on the official site at the top left. The user will be offered an option of operating systems. When you’ve selected the most suitable one, click the button to begin downloading. The mobile application of 1xbet lets you track sports occasions and make bets no matter where you are. The mobile app provides details from the internet source of the official licensed bookmaker 1xbet mobile version, and accepts bets on cyber-based sports and other sports. Don’t pass up the opportunity to earn substantial amounts of money by betting. We recommend installing 1xbet onto your smartphone to make this possible! i For Apple users, there’s an option that is its own. In the interface, this iOS version has two primary sections: one shows forthcoming events while the other shows the current happenings. Sports are also separated but they are all available and are displayed in a single screen. All you need to follow is the directions. If you’re using those using the iPhone phone, users need go to Settings General -and then Device Management. In the menu,so that you should download the 1xbet app for android After that, confirm the action in the pop-up window. 1XBet is now running on your device. The process of registering using 1XBet is relatively simple. In this case you will be able to make the quick authorisation via phone. In this scenario you just need to enter your telephone number along with the currency you would like to wager in. It is also possible to use promo codes. Other options include social media or email or via express registration with 1XBet. However, this will require confirmation of your account at a later point. The app provides a variety of kinds of sports news including virtual football, softball, soccer hockey, hockey, etc. The app also lets users play different kinds of casino games played by live dealers using Wheel of Fortune, 21, Russian Roulette and many other games. If you want to make your first bet at 1XBet, it is essential to have credits to your account. When it comes to deposit options there is no more reliable bookmaker. It provides a range of options including e-money cards, wallets. The greater the amount of money you deposit and the higher the reward. I Rates can be obtained with tiny deposits, starting as low as $1. This is an ideal way to beginning, even for those who don’t have huge savings. There are numerous opportunities available due to live matches. One of the functions is to predict the outcome of the match and track the performance of teams. The odds fluctuate with betting on the internet however, you’ll earn a decent returns if you are able to get the algorithms. To help you make your betting simpler The bookmaker provides bonuses to both new and existing customers. In other words, you can increase the amount of money you deposit when you make the first deposit. If you use a special promo code, you’ll be awarded an additional bonus to reward you. The office of the bookmaker provides various destinations, but the most popular are football-related, that are available on the website in a wide array of. The emphasis is not just on the world championships and national tournaments but third and even second league matches across different nations This means that you can profit from local fixtures. It is possible to bet not just on winning or a draw as well as on different outcomes: - * Score total. - * Score difference. - * Number of infractions or goals. - * Estimated opening hours. - * Penalty kick. It is The website 1xBet offers the widest selection of football tournaments, which allows customers to earn good money. The bank offers quick payouts and high odds and an array of games that cover other sports aside from football. The chance of earning an extra bonus or regular promotions makes the business one of the top. You can download the iOS application from the official site via the link below The bonus scheme is designed to increase the odds of winning very high. To withdraw the money without difficulties, it is essential to adhere to the guidelines. Pay attention to promotional dates and rewards and complete the required spaces correctly for participants. Being a newcomer to BC is an advantage. The company that bets offers the possibility of a 100% bonus for the first deposit made.
Chiang Rai, located in Northern Thailand, is a city brimming with beauty and charm. As the cultural and historical hub of the region, it offers a unique blend of attractions and experiences that cater to tourists seeking both relaxation and adventure. Known for its picturesque temples, vibrant markets, and abundant natural attractions, Chiang Rai is the perfect destination for travelers looking to explore the hidden gems of Thailand. As we delve deeper into the wonders of Chiang Rai, we realize that the city has so much more to offer beyond its renowned temples. Its rich history and strong art scene add depth to the bustling markets and authentic Thai cuisine, making it a city full of endless surprises. Whether you’re a culture enthusiast or a nature lover, there’s something in Chiang Rai for everyone to enjoy. - Chiang Rai offers picturesque temples, vibrant markets, and natural attractions - Rich in history and art, it provides endless surprises for visitors - The city caters to culture enthusiasts, nature lovers, and all types of travelers Overview of Chiang Rai Chiang Rai, the northernmost province of Thailand, is a treasure trove of natural beauty, rich culture, and exciting attractions. With its unique blend of old-world charm and modernity, the city offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking adventure and relaxation. As we delve into the vibrant culture of Chiang Rai, we can’t help but be mesmerized by the myriad of colorful and intricate temples. A prime example is the White Temple (Wat Rong Khun), with its ethereal design and breathtaking architecture. Another equally fascinating temple, the Blue Temple (Wat Rong Suea Ten), captivates visitors with its stunning blue hues and graceful details. If you’re looking for more things to do in Chiang Rai, fret not, as the province is filled with diverse attractions. Nature lovers will be thrilled to explore the verdant landscapes and sparkling waterfalls, such as Khun Korn Waterfall, amid lush forests. Adventure seekers can embark on exhilarating treks and zipline through vast stretches of greenery or unwind in the soothing waters of hot springs like Huay Mark Liam Hot Spring. Chiang Rai’s vibrant night scene is worth exploring too. We particularly recommend strolling through the Night Bazaar, where you can taste mouthwatering Thai dishes and shop for local crafts, all while soaking in the lively atmosphere. Don’t miss the chance to see the Chiang Rai Clock Tower, a beautiful landmark that comes alive with music and lights every evening. Art enthusiasts shouldn’t miss the Baan Dam Museum, also known as the Black House. This unique, dark wooden complex houses an intriguing collection of artwork and artifacts, reflecting the eccentric and creative spirit of Chiang Rai. Ultimately, our journey through Chiang Rai is one filled with rich experiences, from immersing ourselves in its fascinating culture to discovering breathtaking natural wonders. In this vibrant province, there are endless adventures and memories to be made. Getting to Chiang Rai Chiang Rai, a beautiful city in Northern Thailand, offers numerous attractions for travelers. To make the most of your visit, it’s essential to know the best ways to get there. We’ve got you covered with these convenient options divided into sub-sections: By Air, By Bus, and By Train. Getting to Chiang Rai by air is quite convenient. Chiang Rai International Airport (CEI) connects the city to several domestic and international destinations. Flights from Bangkok usually take about 1 hour and 30 minutes, while those from Chiang Mai last about 30 minutes. International travelers can easily connect through Singapore or Bangkok to reach Chiang Rai. Keep an eye out for flights with airlines such as Thai Airways, Thai AirAsia, Bangkok Airways, and Thai Lion Air. Booking in advance will help you find the best deals. Travelers on a budget can opt for a bus ride to Chiang Rai. The city has an extensive network of bus services that connect it with numerous destinations across Thailand and neighboring countries like Laos. Buses from Chiang Mai take around 3-4 hours to reach Chiang Rai, while those from Bangkok take approximately 10-12 hours. We recommend choosing GreenBus, a reliable and comfortable option to travel between cities. Tickets can be bought at local bus stations or booked online in advance. Options range from standard to air-conditioned VIP buses. Although there’s no direct train route to Chiang Rai, you can still travel partially by train if you prefer this mode of transportation. First, take a train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, which would take around 12-15 hours. The State Railway of Thailand offers express and sleeper trains that provide a comfortable journey. Once you arrive in Chiang Mai, transfer to a bus or minivan for the final leg of the trip to Chiang Rai. This added step will take about 3-4 hours and can be easily arranged at the Chiang Mai train station or any local travel agency. Whichever method you choose to reach Chiang Rai, rest assured that you’re in for an unforgettable adventure in this charming northern Thai city. Happy travels! Accommodations in Chiang Rai When visiting Chiang Rai, finding the right accommodation can be crucial to ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable trip. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite places to stay, catering to different budgets and preferences. For those on a budget, Chat House is an excellent choice. The hotel is located close to the city center and only about 1.6 km from Chiang Rai Bus Station, making it an ideal base for exploring the city’s attractions. The rooms are clean and comfortable, with essential amenities to make your stay pleasant. You can find more information about Chat House here. For travelers seeking a mid-range option, consider The Legend Chiang Rai Boutique River Resort & Spa. This stylish resort offers a more intimate escape with only 78 rooms, all tastefully designed with calming lotus ponds and warm wooden accents. Guests can unwind in the impressive infinity-edge swimming pools overlooking the Kok River or enjoy a glass of wine at La Casa & Wine Bar in the evenings. You can book a stay at The Legend Chiang Rai Resort & Spa here. If you’re looking for something a bit more luxurious while visiting Chiang Rai, we recommend the Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort. This luxury resort offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, along with exclusive amenities such as private terraces, a world-class spa, and memorable culinary experiences. The resort also supports ethical elephant experiences, allowing guests to interact closely with these gentle giants. You can learn more about Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort here. In addition to these recommendations, Chiang Rai has a variety of other accommodation options to choose from, including guesthouses, boutique hotels, and Airbnb rentals. Regardless of your budget and preferences, you’re sure to find a comfortable place to rest your head while exploring this fascinating city in Northern Thailand. Exploring the Temples of Chiang Rai Chiang Rai, a vibrant city in northern Thailand, is home to a plethora of unique and awe-inspiring temples that will surely leave you mesmerized. Let’s dive into some of the most iconic temples that we must visit during our stay in this fascinating city. White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) Designed by renowned Thai artist, Chalermchai Kositpipat, the White Temple is a masterpiece of modern Buddhist architecture. This stunning temple, covered in white and adorned with pieces of mirror, symbolizes purity and enlightenment. The intricate and thought-provoking artworks within the temple complex are truly captivating, depicting scenes from Buddhism and other spiritual teachings. Blue Temple (Wat Rong Suea Ten) The Blue Temple, a more recent addition to Chiang Rai’s temple scene, boasts a mesmerizing blue and gold color scheme. Inside the temple, you’ll find a breathtaking mural of the Lord Buddha, demonstrating the dedication and skill of its creators. The vibrant colors and remarkable design make the Blue Temple a must-see during our temple hopping journey. Grand Palace (Wat Phra Kaew) The Grand Palace, also known as Wat Phra Kaew, holds an esteemed place in Chiang Rai’s history as it once housed the precious Emerald Buddha. Though the statue has moved to Bangkok, the Grand Palace remains an essential stop for temple enthusiasts. The beautiful gardens and intricate architectural details embody the rich cultural heritage of this ancient city. Big Buddha (Wat Huay Pla Kang) One of Chiang Rai’s most famous and visited Buddhist temples, Wat Huay Pla Kang, boasts an impressive 9-story pagoda and a towering Big Buddha statue. The serene atmosphere and magnificent views of the surrounding landscape make it a must-visit destination on our temple exploring adventure. Black House (Baan Dam Museum) Finally, let’s not miss the Black House, also known as Baan Dam Museum. Unconventional and distinctive from other temples in the region, the Black House is a thought-provoking array of art pieces, artifacts, and even animal remains. Created by renowned Thai artist Thawan Duchanee, it offers a unique experience for visitors seeking something out of the ordinary. Embarking on this temple exploration journey, we’ll be able to delve into Chiang Rai’s rich history and marvel at the extraordinary craftsmanship of these stunning edifices. Each temple offers a unique experience and a remarkable story waiting to be discovered. So let’s grab our cameras and immerse ourselves in the enchanting world of Chiang Rai’s temples. Cultural Experiences in Chiang Rai Hill Tribes Village Visit One of the unique cultural experiences to have in Chiang Rai is visiting the Hill Tribes Village. The villages are home to various ethnic groups, offering a firsthand glimpse into their traditions, customs, and way of life. As we walk through the village, we’ll see locals dressed in traditional attire, children playing, and craftsmen at work. Make sure to be respectful by asking for permission before taking photos and remember, it’s all about immersing ourselves in their culture. Baan Dam Museum Tour Another fascinating cultural attraction in Chiang Rai is the Baan Dam Museum or Black House, created by the late national artist Thawan Duchanee. The museum is a series of unique buildings and artwork installations that showcase Thawan’s perspective on life, death, and Buddhism. As we tour the museum, expect to marvel at the intricately crafted sculptures, furniture made of animal bones, and elaborate paintings by Thawan himself and other artists. Make sure to keep an eye out for the local monks who often visit the site and join their chant sessions if you get a chance! Art and Craft Shopping at Night Bazaar When the sun sets, the Night Bazaar in Chiang Rai comes alive, presenting an amazing opportunity to explore the local artworks and craftsmanship. Strolling through the bazaar, we’ll find an array of handmade souvenirs like hill tribe fabrics, wood carvings, and silver accessories. This bustling market is not only a great place to shop but also to interact with the locals and learn about their crafts. Don’t forget to practice your bargaining skills and enjoy navigating your way through the maze of stalls offering a slice of Chiang Rai’s vibrant culture. Nature Adventures in Chiang Rai Chiang Rai is home to some stunning waterfalls that not only offer breathtaking views but also provide refreshing swimming spots. One of the most impressive waterfalls is Khun Korn Waterfall, which is surrounded by lush greenery and creates an incredible atmosphere for nature lovers. Apart from Khun Korn, there are several other waterfalls worth exploring, such as Huay Mae Sai Waterfall and Pong Phrabath Waterfall. To fully appreciate these natural wonders, we recommend going on a guided tour or planning a hiking trip. Singha Park Visit Singha Park, a vast agro-tourism destination, is a perfect place for an outdoor adventure. Here, we can enjoy activities like cycling through the picturesque tea plantations, visiting the organic vegetable gardens, and ziplining over beautiful landscaped gardens. Don’t miss out on Singha Park’s iconic giant statue of a golden lion, which serves as a symbol of its parent company, Boon Rawd Brewery. Mae Sai and Golden Triangle Tour The Golden Triangle, where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet, is one of the most intriguing places to visit in Chiang Rai. Embark on a fascinating tour to the town of Mae Sai, located on the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Here, we can explore the bustling markets, temples, and enjoy views of the magnificent Mekong River. A visit to the Hall of Opium museum is also a must, as it offers a unique insight into the history of the opium trade in the region. Doi Tung Trekking For those looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure, trekking in the Doi Chang mountain range is a perfect choice. Home to some of the best coffee plantations in Thailand, Doi Tung offers scenic hiking trails that lead through dense forests, lush tea plantations, and remote hill tribe villages. The breathtaking views and cool mountain air make this trekking experience an unforgettable one. Elephant Sanctuary Visit An ethical elephant sanctuary visit is a must for those who want to learn about the conservation of these gentle giants. In Chiang Rai, we can find several sanctuaries dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and care of elephants. By visiting these sanctuaries, we not only get a chance to interact with these majestic creatures but also support their long-term wellbeing and contribute to their protection. Overall, Chiang Rai offers an abundance of nature adventures that cater to all types of travelers. From exploring stunning waterfalls to embarking on scenic treks in the mountains, our experience in this area will undoubtedly be memorable and enriching. Food and Nightlife in Chiang Rai Trying Local Cuisine While exploring Chiang Rai, we highly recommend indulging in diverse local flavors at the city’s numerous eateries and nighttime venues. One of the primary attractions in Chiang Rai is the Night Market, where we can sample a fantastic array of Thai Food. Both foodies and cultural explorers will appreciate the chance to dig into authentic dishes like Khao Soi, a popular Northern Thailand specialty combining egg noodles in a deliciously spiced curry broth. Another fantastic venue to explore Chiang Rai’s culinary scene is the Chiang Rai Night Market, a bustling, vibrant space packed with delicious treats. Here, we can savor a variety of Thai street food, from fresh mango sticky rice to spicy papaya salad. Don’t forget to try the local delicacies as you weave your way through the bustling market, immersing yourself in the unique flavors of Chiang Rai. Experience Live Music After savoring the local cuisine, we highly recommend delving into Chiang Rai’s thriving live music scene. A fantastic spot to discover talented musicians is Tamarind bistro and music house, where two old wooden houses have been transformed into a vibrant cafe by day and a lively music venue at night. We can unwind and enjoy the tunes while sipping on refreshing beverages in this unique cultural hub. Chiang Rai’s nightlife also offers a wide selection of bars and clubs, catering to a variety of musical tastes. From intimate blues and jazz clubs to energetic dance venues, we can find the perfect spot to let loose and dance the night away. As we explore the food and nightlife in Chiang Rai, we’re sure to experience the city’s diverse and vibrant offerings. By trying local cuisine and soaking up the live music atmosphere, we’ll truly embrace the unforgettable culinary and cultural experiences that Chiang Rai has in store. Recommended Itinerary for Chiang Rai Chiang Rai, a charming city in northern Thailand, offers a plethora of stunning attractions and points of interest to explore. In this guide, we’ve created itineraries tailored to suit a day visit, a weekend trip, and an extended stay. So, let’s dive in and discover what Chiang Rai has in store for you! If you’re short on time and just have a day to explore Chiang Rai, we recommend focusing on the top attractions. Start your day with a visit to Wat Rong Khun (White Temple) – a magnificent modern architectural masterpiece. After that, head over to the equally impressive Wat Rong Suea Ten (Blue Temple). Wrap up your day by immersing yourself in the local culture at the Chiang Rai Night Market, where you can indulge in delicious Thai cuisine and shop for souvenirs. If you have a weekend to spend in Chiang Rai, consider the following itinerary. On the first day, follow the day visit plan outlined above. On the second day, begin with a sunrise visit to Wat Huay Pla Kang, a serene temple that offers spectacular views. Next, explore the intriguing Baan Dam (Black House) – a museum and unique art installation. For a refreshing change of pace, make your way to Khun Korn Waterfall and spend some time surrounded by nature. Finally, visit the Choui Fong Tea Plantation for a calming and picturesque experience before calling it a day. For those lucky enough to enjoy an extended stay in Chiang Rai, consider delving deeper into the region’s culture and natural beauty. Over the course of a week or more, follow the weekend trip itinerary and add the following activities: - Venture out to the Golden Triangle – the infamous border area of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar. - Visit more of Chiang Rai’s authentic hill tribes to gain insights into their traditional way of life. - Explore additional temples such as Wat Phra That Doi Khao Kwai and the unique Mekong Skywalk. - Embark on an adventurous trek through the lush jungles or go on a scenic boat trip on the Mekong River. We hope this Chiang Rai itinerary helps you make the most of your time in this mesmerizing city. Happy travels! Moving Around in Chiang Rai In Chiang Rai, you’ll find several public transport options that make navigating the city a breeze. One popular choice is the local Songthaew, which are essentially modified pick-up trucks with benches that accommodate commuters. These vehicles are an affordable and convenient option; just make sure to check their routes to ensure you’re headed in the right direction. Another common option for getting around is the tuk-tuk. These small, open-air motorized taxis are perfect for shorter distances, and allow you to experience the city on a more personal level. Remember to negotiate the fare with the driver before starting your journey. For the more adventurous travelers, renting a motorcycle is an exciting way to explore Chiang Rai and its surroundings. It offers freedom, flexibility, and a unique sense of adventure as you cruise through the bustling streets and scenic countryside. You can easily find motorcycle rental shops in the city, offering a variety of reliable bikes at reasonable prices. Just make sure you have a valid International Driver’s Permit and proper insurance coverage before hitting the road. And of course, always prioritize safety by wearing an appropriate helmet. Cycling is another excellent way to move around Chiang Rai. Renting a bicycle offers an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and healthy mode of transportation that allows you to enjoy the city at your own pace. You’ll find bicycle rental shops near popular tourist attractions or throughout the city center. Cycling enthusiasts might even consider joining a guided bike tour, which not only helps you navigate the area but also offers insider knowledge on local history and hidden gems. Whether you choose to explore solo or with a group, cycling in Chiang Rai is an unforgettable experience that allows you to truly immerse yourself in the local culture. Frequently Asked Questions What are the must-visit attractions in Chiang Rai? When visiting Chiang Rai, there are many astonishing attractions that are worth checking out. Some must-visit spots include the stunning White Temple (Wat Rong Khun), the vibrant Blue Temple (Wat Rong Seur Ten), and the eccentric Black House. Don’t miss the chance to explore the bustling Night Bazaar and try out local cuisine, also make time to visit Wat Phra Kaew, where the Emerald Buddha was originally discovered. What is the nightlife scene like in Chiang Rai? Chiang Rai’s nightlife has a chill vibe compared to its larger counterpart, Chiang Mai. The Night Market is a great place to begin the evening, where you can dine on delicious Thai street food, browse through stalls of artisan products, and enjoy live music. After that, you can check out some of the local bars around the city, where you might stumble upon some live bands, karaoke spots or just relax with a cold drink in hand. How can I explore the Golden Triangle? Exploring the Golden Triangle, the region where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet, is quite easy from Chiang Rai. You can rent a scooter or hire a private driver to take you around the scenic northern countryside. Alternatively, there are many guided tours available that can provide an in-depth experience, giving you the chance to visit local markets, learn about regional history and culture, and even take a boat ride along the Mekong River. What are some hidden gems to discover in Chiang Rai? Chiang Rai is full of hidden gems waiting to be explored. For instance, you can discover local hill tribe villages, such as Mae Salong, which is known for its tea plantations and Chinese influence. Another off-the-beaten-path destination is Chiang Khong, a small town situated along the Mekong River, perfect for a relaxing day trip. Also, consider joining a countryside cycling tour to unearth some lesser-known treasures. What is the best way to travel between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai? The most common way to travel between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai is by bus, which takes around 3-4 hours and offers a comfortable and budget-friendly option. There are also day trips available that provide transportation between the two cities, stopping at various attractions along the way. Another option is to rent a scooter for a more adventurous journey, but this is only recommended for experienced riders, as the trip takes around 4-5 hours and covers winding mountain roads. How can I visit the White Temple in Chiang Rai? Visiting the spectacular White Temple is relatively easy. You can rent a motorbike, hire a private driver, take a songthaew (shared taxi), or join a guided tour, which often combines the White Temple with other key attractions. Keep in mind that it’s best to visit early in the day to avoid the crowds.
Last Updated on March 1, 2024 by Emily Johnson Dothan, Alabama is known as the “Peanut Capital of the World”, but this city in southeast Alabama also has some beautiful and interesting parks for visitors and locals alike. From historic state parks with links to the Civil War to community parks with playgrounds and walking trails, Dothan has a diverse offering of outdoor recreational spaces to discover and enjoy. |A historic state park with a museum and nature trails. |Offers playgrounds, sports courts, and walking trails. |A family-friendly water park. |Fort Rucker Forest |Features hiking trails and historical sites. |Includes sports facilities and a water park. |A historic downtown park for community events. |Santa Fe Park & Splash Pad |Features a splash pad and recreational facilities. |Known for its dog park and recreational amenities. |Jones Park & Splash Pad |Offers a duck pond, playground, and splash pad. |Deerwood Country Club |A golf course set in a scenic southern setting. |Alabama Adventure Theme Park |An amusement park with various attractions. |Dothan Area Botanical Gardens |Showcases regional plants in a serene setting. There are 12 notable parks located in and around Dothan to check out. Each park has its own unique attractions, environments and amenities for different interests and ages. Families will appreciate the large community parks with playground equipment, walking trails, sports facilities and space to run around. Nature lovers will want to explore the pine forests and wetland habitats that make southeast Alabama so scenic. And history buffs will enjoy learning about Dothan’s role in the Civil War at Fort Rucker and Landmark Park. No matter what brings you to Dothan, make sure to spend some time outdoors by visiting one of these top 12 parks. Here’s what to see and do in each one. Name and Location: Landmark Park Agricultural Museum located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: This 135-acre living history museum opened in 1990 to preserve the agricultural heritage of southeast Alabama. Through exhibits, demonstrations and special events it brings to life the farm life, industry and crafts of the Wiregrass region across the eras. Significant collection of historic buildings and artifacts. What to Expect: Explore the museum trails, farmsteads, 1890s town, planetarium, nature center and antique equipment. Frequent demonstrations showcase blacksmithing, butter churning, quilting and more. Special events include tractor shows, car shows and seasonal celebrations. Visitor Information: Open Tuesday-Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 12 pm-5pm. Cafe on grounds. Picnic tables available. History and Nature Meet at Landmark Park Landmark Park is one of Dothan’s top attractions, offering visitors both cultural and natural experiences in one place. As a history museum and botanical garden hybrid, it educates on the area’s past while also creating an oasis of natural beauty and tranquility within the city. The park’s museum centerpiece focuses on life in southeast Alabama during the late 1800s to early 1900s. Inside are exhibits on topics ranging from farming and textile production of the era to logging and peanut farming. Vintage trains, tractors and printing presses help bring the history lessons to life. Kids can play old-time games and try on historically-accurate costumes too. But there’s more to Landmark Park beyond its indoor museum galleries. Miles of woodland walking trails lead visitors through scenic pine forests, wetlands and fields within the park’s 135 acres of protected green space. Bird watching is popular along the Wetland Way trail that winds over elevated boardwalks through cypress swamps and along ponds. The trails also provide access for fishing and observing native wetland plant species and wildlife. From wild turkeys to water lilies, there’s ample natural beauty to discover. Between its indoor and outdoor facilities, Landmark Park truly offers a well-rounded educational and recreational experience for visitors of all ages while in Dothan. Address: 430 Landmark Dr, Dothan, AL 36303 Name and Location: Girard Park located in Phenix City, Alabama History and Significance: 24 acre public park created in 1898 featuring picnic pavilions, 1.3 mile scenic walking trail encircling a lake, tennis courts, 18-hole disc golf course and amusement park with vintage 1901 Dentzel Carousel, kiddie rides and an arcade. Hosts community concerts and events. What to Expect: Stroll or jog along the tree lined paved trail around lake. Have a picnic, play on the playgrounds and fields, ride the carousel and mini amusement park rides like the teacups, flyers and tilt-a-whirl. Paddleboat rentals available as well during open seasons. Visitor Information: Park open daily 8am-10pm. Some attractions and rides require fee. Swimming prohibited. Sports and Play for Families Nestled between neighborhoods just north of downtown Dothan, Girard Park serves as a community green space where local families gather for play and recreation. Its leafy grounds are anchored by playground equipment, walking trails, baseball diamonds, tennis and basketball courts catering to children and adults alike. Two playground areas give kids places to swing, slide and climb to their hearts’ content. Nearby picnic pavilions offer shade and seating for parents watching over the fun. Adults and older children can enjoy friendly games of tennis on one of the park’s six courts or shoot hoops at the basketball court. Five baseball/softball fields provide space for both league and pick-up games in this sports-centric park. When it’s time for a break from the playing fields, Girard Park invites visitors to stretch their legs on its peaceful walking trails that wind beneath canopies of tall pine trees. The loop trails get frequent use from neighborhood walkers getting in their daily exercise with a dose of nature as well. With playgrounds, trails, courts and ball fields all in one beautiful park setting, it’s clear why Girard Park is such a valued recreational asset within Dothan’s local community. Address: Corner of Girard Ave & Fortner St, Dothan, AL Name and Location: Water World water park located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: Family operated seasonal water park that originally opened in 1986. Recently expanded to over 10 acres offering 20 different water slides and attractions surrounded by shady oak trees. Great way to cool down and have fun in the summer Alabama heat. What to Expect: Classic water park features like speed slides, tube rides, rip tide racer, splash pads for toddlers and a massive bucket tower dump gallons of water on laughing kids below. Grab food at the Snack Shack, float the Lazy River or relax poolside. Visitor Information: Generally open annually Mid May to early September. Hours vary by month. Check website for ticket pricing. Seasonal Fun at Water World Water Park When summertime temperatures climb into the 90s and 100s, Dothan locals and visitors alike know the place to cool off is Water World water park. Conveniently located in Westgate Park just off the Ross Clark Circle southwest of downtown, this family-friendly water park provides wet, splashy fun all summer long. Water World takes classic water park attractions like speed slides, tubing rides and a wave pool then adds a few unique surprises too. Adrenaline seekers will find their thrill seeking satisfied at Python Pit with four high-speed slides twisting and turning on their plunge to the pool below. The park’s massive 800-foot longlazy river provides a more relaxed pace for tubing along beneath sun or shade as preferred. One of Water World’s special claims to fame is the Montego Multiplier canal system. Individual rapids allow tubers to spin, splash and bump along while controlling their own ride experience via smaller side channels. It provides interactive fun for all riders. Kids also delight in shallow play pools, including one lined with sprinklers and another with a giant dumping bucket. Family changing rooms, lockers, lounge chairs and snack bars round out Water World’s amenities for care-free summer days playing in the water. With weekly kids’ camps, a swim team and frequent evening music events, it truly serves as a community gathering place focused on water fun. Address: 2001 Westgate Pkwy #2, Dothan, AL 36303 Fort Rucker M.C. Blanchfield Forest Name and Location: Fort Rucker M.C. Blanchfield Forest, near Ozark in Dale County Alabama History and Significance: Nearly 11,000 acre forest region located on the Fort Rucker U.S. army post near Ozark Alabama. Made up of mixed pine and hardwood forest, streams and home to diverse wildlife. Serves as training area for aviation training site and offers recreational access. What to Expect: Miles of trails for hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, hunting and fishing. Scenic creek suitable for kayaking. Primitive campsites available. Visitors Center located at entrance with information on recreational access and programs like guided nature tours that are offered. Visitor Information: Daily open sunrise to sunset. Recreational passport required, obtainable at Visitor Center. Seasonal hunting restrictions apply. Hiking Through Military History Though an active U.S. Army base may seem an unlikely place for a nature park, Fort Rucker’s outdoor recreational areas welcome respectful civilian visitors to enjoy miles of scenic forest hiking trails just west of Dothan. Home to the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Museum, Fort Rucker has strong ties to local history as well that outdoors enthusiasts can discover while exploring the post’s trails. Known as the M.C. Blanchfield Forest, over 11,000 acres of woodlands provide ample room for Fort Rucker’s training operations and recreational opportunities alike. Civilians can access certain areas to hike, mountain bike and horseback ride over trails winding through pine and hardwood forests, marshes and lake shorelines within the base’s sprawling property. Trails range from easy and smooth to challenging with hills for all levels of adventure seekers. But it’s not just natural scenery visitors to Fort Rucker can experience. Remnants of south Alabama’s involvment in the Civil War also hide within Blanchfield Forest in the form of historic fortifications along some trails. Follow the three-mile Hancock Battery Trail and you may spot earthwork bunkers used for Confederate defense still standing over 150 years later amidst the dense forest growth. Between the trails, nature encounters and history, Fort Rucker’s M.C. Blanchfield Forest offers a uniquely Alabama wilderness experience conveniently accessed from downtown Dothan. Address: Fort Rucker, AL 36362 Name and Location: Westgate Park located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: 85 acre wooded public park created in 1953 featuring picnic pavilions, walking trails, playgrounds, athletic fields and an 18-hole disc golf course. Hosts many community events and leagues year-round. Recently renovated with new inclusive playground, splash pad and fitness stations surrounding a scenic duck pond. What to Expect: Outdoor recreational activities like walking or jogging the trails, having a picnic, playing disc golf, tennis or pickleball on the lighted courts. The playground and splash pad is popular with families. Enjoy views of the scenic duck pond. Visitor Information: Park open daily dawn until dusk. Some areas can be reserved for events. Visitor Center on site for info and restrooms. Community Gathering Spot Westgate Park provides plenty of room for community gatherings, recreational facilities and special events on Dothan’s west side, conveniently located right off the Ross Clark Circle. The park’s ample open greenspace accommodates frequent festivals, sporting events and city ceremonies throughout the year while also offering everyday play and fitness opportunities for locals. Several youth baseball and softball diamonds make Westgate Park a hub for Little League games and tournaments in Dothan. Football and soccer fields see frequent weekend use as well. A regulation-size basketball court with bleachers allows for pickup games in both informal and organized play. Jogging paths circle the park for runners and walkers to exercise with nice views across theopen grounds. One unique highlight within Westgate Park is Talking Trees, an accessible art exhibit allowing vision impaired visitors to experience sculptures through touch. It’s part of an inclusive playground project currently in development that will provide opportunities for all children to play together. Of course, Westgate Park also houses Water World waterpark, ensuring there’s no shortage of family water fun during the summer months alongside the park’s usual sports and community event offerings the rest of the seasons. With so much packed into one public park, Westgate truly provides something for everyone in Dothan. Address: 2867 Recreation Rd, Dothan, AL 36301 Name and Location: Walton Park located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: Historic city park once part of 19th century Metairie Cemetery, converted for public use in 1910. Today the park spans 37 acres featuring walking trails, Miracle League baseball fields, playgrounds, picnic pavilions and hosts beloved events like Christmas Tree lighting. What to Expect: Stroll the paved trails and grounds dotted with mature oak trees draped in Spanish moss. Kids enjoy the playground and adjacent skate park. Baseball fields in use on weekends. Individual and group picnic facilities available to rent year round. Visitor Information: Open daily dawn till dusk. Restrooms available seasonally. Some areas available to reserve for events. Historic Downtown Gathering Place Residents and visitors of Dothan have gathered at Walton Park in the very heart of the city’s historic downtown for over a century. Though just a small public square spanning barely a full city block, Walton Park has outsized importance as a longstanding community gathering place and living piece of local history. While the park grounds themselves offer little beyond brick walking paths, benches beneath shady trees, and patches of grass, it’s really the lively downtown atmosphere surrounding the square that draws people in. The retail shops, restaurants, civic buildings and cultural destinations facing Walton Park combine to create a quintessential southern downtown scene perfect for people watching, resting weary feet or meeting friends. Frequent public events bring locals flocking to the park as well, especially during spring and fall weekends. Art and jazz festivals fill Walton Park with music, vendors and colorfully dressed crowds. The park provides front row seats to Dothan’s annual Peanut Festival parade too, when marching bands, giant floats and decorated tractors roll down the street before huge audiences. Though just two centuries old, little Walton Park has witnessed immense change as Dothan grew into the bustling city it is today. It remains a cherished public space keeping community and history thriving at Dothan’s core. Address: Corner of Troy St & Main St, Dothan, AL Santa Fe Park & Splash Pad Name and Location: Santa Fe Park & Splash Pad located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: Newly updated community park featuring inclusive playgrounds, walking trails, basketball court, open greenspace and a splash pad water play area. Hosts community events and youth sports regularly. Named after the former Santa Fe Catholic School that once stood on grounds. What to Expect: Kids enjoy cooling off running through the musical splash pad. Playground built for all abilities and ages. Have a picnic, walk the trail or play pickup basketball games. Greenspace frequently used for community events, festivals and youth sports practices. Visitor Information: Park open daily 8am to 8pm. Restrooms and parking onsite. Some facilities available to reserve. Family Fun on Dothan’s South Side Families living in southern parts of Dothan don’t need to travel all the way to Girard or Westgate parks to enjoy recreational amenities. Santa Fe Park offers playground equipment, sports fields, walking trails and the city’s second splash pad all conveniently located off Montgomery Highway on the south side of town. For hours of cool, wet play on hot summer days, Santa Fe Park’s splash pad can’t be beat. More than 30 individual water features spray, squirt, dump and deluge happy children beneath the summer sun. When they’ve had their fill of aquatic antics, kids can burn off spare energy climbing the park’s large playground structure tucked into a shady grove of soaring pine trees. Nearby picnic pavilions provide parents and guardians places to oversee the fun. Adults accompany their kids to enjoy Santa Fe Park’s amenities too. Well-maintained walking paths skirt the playground and splash pad areas, offering flat terrain for getting in mileage within the park’s peaceful natural setting. Multiple baseball and softball diamonds also accommodate casual and league play in the evenings and weekends. With playground equipment for the kids plus walking trails, splash pad and ball fields for the whole family to enjoy, Santa Fe Park has everything needed for an easy outdoor getaway without leaving Dothan’s south side. Address: 365 Fortner St, Dothan, AL 36301 Name and Location: Eastgate Park located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: Heavily wooded public park spanning over 200 acres featuring picnic areas, charity fundraising Veterans Memorial Walk, 18-hole disc golf course, 5k running trail and an animal sanctuary. Hosts community events like Easter egg hunt annually. What to Expect: Outdoor recreational activities like jogging or walking the trails, playing disc golf on wooded course or having a family picnic. Visit the animal sanctuary filled with exotic birds, deer, llamas and more. The memorial walk lined with engraved bricks pays tribute to local veterans. Visitor Information: Park open daily from dawn till dusk. Some facilities can be reserved for events. Dog Park Day Trips Tucked into an unassuming neighborhood east of Dothan off East Main Street, Eastgate Park packs an unexpected highlight for local dog lovers: it’s home to Wiregrass Waggers dog park. The fenced off-leash area provides pups a dedicated space to play and owners to meet within the larger city park grounds. Though certainly not limited to just dog lovers, Wiregrass Waggers gives Eastgate Park unique appeal for pet-toting visitors. The dog park occupies its own separate fenced section filled with obstacles and agility equipment to mentally and physically stimulate energetic canines. Dogs large and small get to romp freely while under their owners’ supervision. People enjoy the social scene too, chatting with fellow dog devotees as their pups play. Beyond the dog park, Eastgate Park contains further recreational amenities to round out an afternoon visit. Shady walking trails allow dog owners to get in their own exercise after Fido has worn himself out playing. Families utilize the park’s large playground, picnic pavilions and green space when spending time together as well. Pickup basketball, volleyball and tennis are all popular at Eastgate too. For east side residents, Eastgate Park provides the ideal neighborhood spot for enjoying leisure time with or without dogs in tow. But those seeking a dog park getaway around Dothan will find Eastgate’s Wiregrass Waggers worth a special cross-town trip as well. Address: 895 Columbia Hwy, Dothan, AL 36303 Jones Park & Splash Pad Name and Location: Jones Park & Splash Pad located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: Recently updated 25 acre park featuring large playground with modern equipment, walking trail, greenspace used for community events and a splash pad water play area. New facilities opened in 2022 provide more public recreation. What to Expect: Kids enjoy cooling off running through the splash pad water features. Playground includes climbing structures, slides, monkey bars, swings and more set on soft rubber ground. Have a picnic or stroll the walking path that circles the park. Visitor Information: Park open daily 8am to 8pm. Newly paved parking lot and restroom facilities on site. Some facilities available for event rental. Convenient City Escape Close to Downtown Though one of Dothan’s smaller neighborhood play parks, Jones Park packs plenty of family fun into its compact size located conveniently just one mile northeast of downtown. Ringing a duck pond and historic farmstead, the park provides modern recreational amenities amidst scenic pastoral scenery reminiscent of Dothan’s bygone days. Visitors delight in lazy afternoons feeding ducks, playing on swings, fishing by the pond and cooling off beneath the splash pad’s spray. Tree-shaded walking paths encircle Jones Park’s central duck pond, a lovely place for a morning stroll or family picnic. Benches situated along the water make prime spots for visitors to sit while sharing a snack with feathered friends drifting atop the pond below. An adjacent playground offers swings, slides and climbing equipment tucked amidst the park’s many mature shade trees. When Dothan’s summer heat hits peak intensities, locals flock to Jones Park’s splash pad for some cool wet relief. Dozens of fountains, sprays and water jets entertain kids for hours beneath the safety of parents’ watch from shaded picnic tables nearby. Families also frequent the fishing pier jutting into the park pond, hoping to nab a bite or just appreciate the peaceful scenery. Though mostly frequented by neighborhood regulars, anyone seeking convenient outdoor recreation just beyond downtown Dothan will delight in all Jones Park has to offer for play and relaxation near the city center. Address: 312 N Bell St, Dothan, AL 36301 Deerwood Country Club Name and Location: Deerwood Country Club located near Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: Member owned semi-private country club situated on over 700 acres just outside Dothan since 1970. Features an 18-hole golf course, driving range, clubhouse dining and variety of family focused social events throughout the year. What to Expect: Scenic, challenging golf course with tree-lines fairways, well maintained greens and picturesque views. Casual dining room offers lunch and weekend breakfast. Pool, splash park, gym and tennis courts available for member use. Social events open to the public. Visitor Information: Golf course open to public with paid green fees. Tennis courts also available for hourly rental. Scheduled member dining events open for public booking. Golf in a Scenic Southern Setting Golf enthusiasts visiting Dothan looking to play a round or two should look no further than Deerwood Country Club, consistently ranked one of the top public golf courses in Alabama thanks to its stunning scenery, challenging play and first-rate amenities. Winding through 500-acres in a former plantation 19 miles north of Dothan, Deerwood’s golf course incorporates natural wetlands, pine forests and lakes for a quintessentially Southern golf experience. The Arthur Hills-designed course features sweeping views across cypress swamps and Muchahatchee Lake as golfers navigate their balls amidst indigenous wildlife over eighteen holes of championship play. But scenic vistas and spotting blue herons aren’t the only unique elements awaiting Deerwood golfers. The course also incorporates three different 18th century plantation manor houses into its design as picturesque backdrops to several holes. Yet the rich natural environment and historic architecture aren’t meant to distract from Deerwood’s world-class golf amenities. The Champion Bermuda fairways and Tifeagle greens ensure plush, consistent terrain all year long. A fully-stocked pro shop, professional instruction and club caddies make it easy to play your best round. And a 19th hole lounge overlooking lake views with Southern fare on the grill provide the perfect capper to an afternoon of playing golf from a bygone era into today at the Deerwood course. Address: 3000 Club House Dr, Ozark, AL 36360 Alabama Adventure Theme Park Name and Location: Alabama Adventure Amusement & Water Park near Dothan History and Significance: Large theme park established in 1998 spanning over 100 acres featuring roller coasters, amusement rides and a seasonal water park. Known for hosting Fright Nights haunted house scare fest in October. Rides suitable for families and thrill seekers alike all surrounded by lush landscape. What to Expect: Signature coasters like the hi-speed Rampage and twisting Zoomerang join classic rides like bumper cars, a carousel, log flume and more. Water park offers slides, raft rides, wading pools and tube float lazy river. Separate kids section caters to little ones. Visitor Information: Season runs March thru October. Hours vary. Single and multi-day tickets available. Height restrictions on some rides. Family Thrills and Nostalgia Combining today’s polished theme park thrills with throwback charm harkening to roadside attractions of yesteryear, Alabama Adventure delivers smiles across generations over 300 acres conveniently located just 10 miles west of Dothan. This local amusement park packs enough roller coasters, water rides, stage shows and family entertainment to fill a whole day or weekend visit. Families with children and youth take full advantage of Alabama Adventure’s many ride attractions spread across distinct themed lands reflecting different eras. The Rock n Roller coasters’ thrill rides, arcade games and rock memorabilia bring the 1950s alive while kids can mine for gems in a recreated 1890s mining town. The park’s water attractions like huge wave pools transport guests to tropical islands too. Yet while featuring many modern amusements, Alabama Adventure also celebrates the history of old-fashioned tourist traps once gracing many highways leading to the park’s location. Vintage billboards advertising forgotten attractions, an authentic service station and even a towering rocket sculpture pay homage to 20th century roadside diversions for passing motorists. It blends past and present into one nostalgic, entertaining theme park. Easy to access right off US-231 north of Dothan, Alabama Adventure amusement and waterpark provides families hours of ride-filled fun you won’t find anywhere else in the area or state. It’s classic road trip entertainment evolved for 21st century family travel and thrills. Address: 2511 Alabama Adventure Pkwy, Millbrook, AL 36054 Dothan Area Botanical Gardens Name and Location: Dothan Area Botanical Gardens located in Dothan, Alabama History and Significance: These exquisite public gardens spanning 50 acres opened in 2013 on grounds owned by local utility company. Features cultivated gardens, nature trails, butterfly house, outdoor classroom spaces surrounded by native pine forestscape. Education focused displays change seasonally. What to Expect: Relaxing natural setting with winding mulch trails past vibrant flower gardens, under canopy trees and views of swan lake. Visit greenhouse and butterfly house. Frequent gardening lectures, bird walks, educational tours and community events held on grounds. Visitor Information: Open Tuesday through Saturday 8am to 4pm year-round. Trails remain accessible on off days. Admission reasonable with discounts for seniors, military families and groups. Scenic Sanctuary Close to Downtown Nestled along the wooded banks of Campbell Creek just five minutes east of downtown Dothan, the Dothan Area Botanical Gardens offers visitors a natural escape in the heart of the city. Wander shaded brick pathways through 25 acres of cultivated gardens showcasing the region’s native plants and flowers in elegant landscapes and exhibits. It’s a scenic urban oasis perfect for an easygoing afternoon stroll away from city noises and bustle while remaining conveniently close by. Interpretive signs educate visitors on the species and habitats they explore across the Botanical Gardens’ diverse themed gardens. Cottage-style plots demonstrate plants well-suited for home cultivation in the area. Formal parterre geometries display traditional garden design aesthetics. Arbors, vines and fragrant magnolias transport you to the Deep South through sight and scent within the Southern Heritage section. Even a carnivorous plant bog inhabited by Venus flytraps can be experienced up close. Special garden attractions help make the Botanical Gardens a community gathering space as well. The interactive Rain Garden invites play and discovery with its musical flowers and instruments designed to delight children. Seasonal butterfly releases occur within the open-aired Butterfly House. And various garden structures provide intimate venues for small weddings, gatherings or just personal relaxation while immersed in natural beauty a quick drive from Dothan’s city center. Address: 5130 Headland Ave, Beyond peanut farming, Dothan offers these 12 diverse and engaging parks for locals and visitors to play, explore history and discover the area’s natural beauty and charm. From riding rapids at Water World to strolling beneath blooms at the Botanical Gardens to hitting the links at Deerwood Country Club, there are outdoor adventures to appeal to all ages and interests within easy access around town. So take advantage and escape into one of Dothan’s top parks whenever needing some recreation during your time in Alabama’s peanut capital.
East Flatbush is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood located in the central part of Brooklyn, New York. Known for its cultural richness and close-knit community, East Flatbush offers a mix of residential and commercial spaces that cater to the needs and interests of its residents. With its tree-lined streets and a plethora of amenities, this neighborhood has become a sought-after place to live in Brooklyn. One of the essential services that residents in East Flatbush rely on is deep clean house cleaning. Keeping a clean and organized home is crucial not only for aesthetics but also for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. Deep clean house cleaning services in East Flatbush provide a professional solution to tackle the most challenging cleaning tasks and ensure that homes are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Deep clean house cleaning services offer a comprehensive and meticulous approach to cleaning that goes beyond regular surface cleaning. These services provide a team of experienced and trained professionals who understand the specific needs of different areas in a home. Whether it is the kitchen, bathroom, or living spaces, deep clean house cleaning services have the expertise and tools to ensure every nook and cranny is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. East Flatbush residents often have busy schedules and limited time to devote to household chores. Deep clean house cleaning services help alleviate the burden of cleaning by providing flexible scheduling options. Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning or regular scheduled cleanings, these services can accommodate your needs and ensure that your home stays clean and fresh. In addition to time-saving benefits, deep clean house cleaning services also offer a range of specialized services to ensure the highest level of cleanliness. From carpet cleaning to window washing, these services are equipped to tackle all aspects of cleaning, no matter the size or complexity. With the use of high-quality cleaning products and advanced equipment, deep clean house cleaning services can remove stubborn stains, eliminate odors, and restore a fresh and welcoming atmosphere to your home. Furthermore, deep clean house cleaning services in East Flatbush prioritize the health and safety of their clients. In the current pandemic climate, maintaining a clean and sanitized living space has become more crucial than ever. Deep clean house cleaning services follow strict health and safety protocols to ensure that your home is free from harmful bacteria and viruses. From wearing gloves and masks to implementing rigorous cleaning procedures, these services take every precaution to create a safe and hygienic environment for you and your family. In conclusion, East Flatbush Brooklyn is a vibrant neighborhood that offers a diverse range of amenities and services to its residents. Deep clean house cleaning services are a valuable resource for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment in this bustling neighborhood. By providing comprehensive and professional cleaning solutions, these services alleviate the burden of cleaning from residents and ensure that homes are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. With their expertise, flexibility, and prioritization of health and safety, deep clean house cleaning services in East Flatbush are a trusted choice for residents seeking a clean and welcoming home. What is Deep clean house cleaning service? Deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, is a professional and comprehensive cleaning service that goes beyond regular tidying and maintenance. This specialized service aims to thoroughly clean every nook and cranny of your home, ensuring a pristine and hygienic living environment. With a team of highly skilled and experienced cleaners, deep clean house cleaning service utilizes industry-standard equipment, techniques, and eco-friendly cleaning agents to achieve outstanding results. One of the primary distinctions between regular cleaning and a deep clean is the level of detail and attention given to every area of your home. Deep cleaning service focuses on areas that are often neglected or difficult to clean during routine maintenance, such as hard-to-reach corners, behind furniture, and areas with built-up grime or dirt. This service is particularly beneficial for homeowners who have not had a thorough cleaning in a while or for those who are moving into a new space and want to ensure it is spotless. The deep cleaning process typically begins with a thorough assessment of your home’s cleaning needs. A team of professional cleaners will evaluate the size of the space, the level of cleanliness required, and any specific requests or areas of concern from the homeowner. This initial evaluation helps create a customized cleaning plan tailored to the specific needs of the home. The cleaning process itself encompasses a wide range of tasks, with specific attention paid to different areas of the home. For example, in the kitchen, deep cleaning will involve thoroughly scrubbing the countertops, sanitizing appliances, degreasing the stove, and cleaning the oven and refrigerator interiors. In bathrooms, cleaners will disinfect and sanitize all surfaces, including the toilet, shower, bathtub, and sinks. Additionally, they will focus on removing soap scum, mold, and mildew from tile and grout. Throughout the rest of the house, deep cleaning includes dusting and polishing furniture, vacuuming carpets and rugs, mopping hard floors, and wiping down all surfaces, including baseboards, window sills, and light fixtures. This meticulous approach ensures that even the most hard-to-reach areas are thoroughly cleaned, leaving your home looking refreshed and revitalized. One of the significant advantages of deep clean house cleaning service is the potential health benefits it offers. By removing dust, allergens, and other pollutants from your home, deep cleaning can help create a healthier living environment, especially for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions. The use of eco-friendly cleaning agents further contributes to a safer and more sustainable cleaning process. In conclusion, deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, is a professional and comprehensive cleaning service that focuses on thorough cleaning and attention to detail. With a team of skilled and experienced cleaners, the service ensures that every area of your home receives the care it needs, resulting in a pristine and hygienic living environment. By choosing a deep clean, you can enjoy the benefits of a cleaner home, improved air quality, and a healthier living space for you and your family. The benefits of having a Deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush Brooklyn NY? Having a deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY can provide numerous benefits for homeowners. A deep clean is a thorough cleaning that goes beyond regular maintenance and targets areas that may be neglected or difficult to reach. By hiring a professional cleaning service, homeowners in East Flatbush can enjoy a clean and healthy living environment without the hassle of doing it themselves. One of the primary benefits of a deep clean house cleaning service is the time and effort it saves homeowners. Cleaning an entire house can be a daunting task, especially for individuals with busy schedules or physical limitations. By hiring professionals who specialize in deep cleaning, homeowners can relax and focus on other priorities while their house is being thoroughly cleaned. This not only saves time but also ensures that the cleaning is done efficiently and to a high standard. Furthermore, deep cleaning can improve the overall air quality and health of homes in East Flatbush. Over time, dust, allergens, and bacteria can accumulate in hard-to-reach areas such as behind furniture, under appliances, or in neglected corners. These contaminants can worsen indoor air quality and lead to respiratory issues or allergies. However, a deep clean house cleaning service will target these areas, removing dust, dirt, and allergens, and leaving the home fresh, clean, and safe for the occupants. Another benefit of hiring professionals for deep cleaning is the expertise and knowledge they bring to the table. Professional cleaners have the necessary training, experience, and tools to tackle even the toughest cleaning challenges. They know which cleaning products and techniques to use for different surfaces and materials, ensuring that the cleaning is effective without damaging any items in the home. In addition, professional cleaners are familiar with the specific cleaning needs of households in East Flatbush, allowing them to address common issues and maintain a high level of cleanliness. Moreover, a deep clean house cleaning service can contribute to the longevity and preservation of the home. Regular deep cleaning can prevent the buildup of dirt, grime, and stains that can deteriorate surfaces and reduce their lifespan. By periodically deep cleaning the house, homeowners can maintain the condition and value of their property, avoiding costly repairs or replacements in the future. This is especially important in a neighborhood like East Flatbush, where maintaining the appearance and condition of homes is crucial for preserving property values. Lastly, hiring professionals for deep cleaning can provide peace of mind for homeowners. Knowing that a team of trained experts is taking care of the cleaning ensures that the job will be done thoroughly and effectively. Professional cleaners also carry liability insurance, protecting homeowners from any potential accidents or damages that may occur during the cleaning process. In conclusion, having a deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY offers numerous benefits for homeowners. From saving time and effort to improving air quality and preserving the home, hiring professionals for deep cleaning can greatly enhance the living environment. Therefore, homeowners in East Flatbush should consider investing in a deep clean house cleaning service to enjoy a clean, healthy, and well-maintained home. The Role of Deep clean house cleaning service in Busy Lifestyles in East Flatbush Brooklyn NY In today’s fast-paced society, it is becoming increasingly challenging to maintain a clean and organized living space. With busy work schedules, family obligations, and various other commitments, individuals often find themselves struggling to find the time and energy to undertake the arduous task of deep cleaning their homes. This is where deep clean house cleaning services come into play, particularly in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, where individuals lead exceptionally busy lifestyles. Deep clean house cleaning services encompass a thorough and detailed approach to cleaning a home. Unlike regular cleaning services, deep cleaning involves a complete and comprehensive cleaning of every nook and cranny, targeting areas that are often overlooked or neglected. These services typically include tasks such as scrubbing bathroom tiles and grout, dusting hard-to-reach areas, cleaning windows, sanitizing kitchen appliances, and much more. The aim is to leave no stone unturned and ensure that the home is immaculate from top to bottom. One of the primary reasons why deep clean house cleaning services have become increasingly popular is the time-saving aspect. In a bustling place like East Flatbush, Brooklyn, where individuals juggle demanding jobs, family responsibilities, and social obligations, time is of the essence. Hiring a professional deep cleaning service allows individuals to allocate their time and energy to more pressing matters, such as work, personal relationships, or self-care. By entrusting professionals with the task of deep cleaning, individuals can rest assured that their homes will be maintained at the highest standard without sacrificing precious time. Another advantage of deep clean house cleaning services in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, is the expertise and experience that professionals bring to the table. These services employ skilled and trained cleaners who possess extensive knowledge of various cleaning techniques, products, and equipment. They are well-versed in tackling various types of dirt, stains, and grime that accumulate over time. This expertise ensures that the cleaning process is efficient and effective, resulting in a pristine living environment. Furthermore, the use of professional-grade cleaning products and equipment guarantees optimal results that often surpass what can be achieved through regular cleaning methods. Additionally, deep clean house cleaning services contribute to a healthier and safer living environment. Deep cleaning involves the elimination of dust, allergens, and bacteria that can accumulate over time, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues. By investing in deep cleaning services, individuals can create a healthier and more hygienic space for themselves and their families. This is particularly crucial in a highly populated area like East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, where maintaining cleanliness and minimizing health risks are of utmost importance. In conclusion, deep clean house cleaning services play a vital role in busy lifestyles in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY. These services offer a time-saving solution for individuals who struggle to maintain a clean home amidst their hectic schedules. With their expertise and experience, professionals ensure that every nook and cranny is thoroughly cleaned, providing a healthier and safer living environment. By availing deep clean house cleaning services, individuals can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that their homes are impeccably maintained to the highest standards. How Does a Deep clean house cleaning service Enhance Quality of Life in East Flatbush Brooklyn NY? A deep clean house cleaning service can greatly enhance the quality of life in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, by providing residents with a clean and healthy living environment. Living in a clean and organized home has numerous benefits, including improved physical and mental well-being, increased productivity, and reduced stress levels. With the busy and fast-paced lifestyle that many residents of East Flatbush lead, finding the time and energy to thoroughly clean their homes can be a challenge. That’s where a deep clean house cleaning service comes in. One of the key ways that a deep clean house cleaning service enhances the quality of life is by promoting better physical health. A clean home is free from dust, allergens, and other harmful substances that can trigger allergies and respiratory problems. By regularly deep cleaning the house, these services ensure that all surfaces, including floors, furniture, and carpets, are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. This helps to eliminate dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens that can negatively impact one’s health. Additionally, deep cleaning can also help to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, ensuring a healthier living environment for residents. Mental well-being is also closely tied to the cleanliness of one’s living space. A cluttered and dirty home can contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelmed. By hiring a deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, residents can enjoy a neat and organized living space, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. Coming home to a clean and tidy house can help to reduce stress levels and create a positive and serene atmosphere. This, in turn, can have a significant impact on one’s mental well-being, improving mood and overall happiness. Moreover, a professionally deep cleaned house can also lead to increased productivity. A clutter-free environment promotes focus and concentration, allowing residents to be more efficient and effective in their daily tasks. With the help of a deep clean house cleaning service, individuals are able to spend less time cleaning and more time pursuing their personal and professional goals. Whether it’s working from home, studying, or simply enjoying leisure time, a clean and organized living space allows for improved productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment. In addition to the direct benefits of a cleaner home, a deep clean house cleaning service can also save valuable time and energy for East Flatbush residents. Many individuals lead busy lives, balancing work, family, and social commitments. Trying to fit in regular cleaning routines can be daunting and exhausting. By outsourcing this task to a professional cleaning service, residents can free up time to focus on other important aspects of their lives. This can include spending quality time with family and friends, pursuing hobbies and interests, or simply taking a much-needed break from the demands of daily life. In conclusion, a deep clean house cleaning service can significantly enhance the quality of life in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY. From improving physical health and mental well-being to increasing productivity and saving time, the benefits of hiring a professional cleaning service are numerous. By providing residents with a clean and healthy living environment, these services allow individuals to enjoy a higher quality of life and make the most out of their daily experiences. Choosing the best Deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush Brooklyn NY Choosing the best deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY can be a daunting task. With so many options available in the area, it is important to make an informed decision to ensure that your home is cleaned to the highest standard. In this paragraph, we will explore some key factors to consider when selecting a deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY. First and foremost, it is crucial to research the reputation of the house cleaning service you are considering. A cleaning service with a solid reputation will have positive reviews and feedback from previous clients. Take the time to read reviews on various platforms such as Google, Yelp, or social media to get a sense of the experiences that others have had with the service. Additionally, consider asking for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who may have used a deep clean house cleaning service in the area. Their personal experiences can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision. Secondly, consider the specific services offered by the cleaning company. A deep clean involves a thorough cleaning of all areas in your home, including those typically overlooked in regular cleaning routines. Look for a house cleaning service that offers comprehensive deep cleaning services, such as cleaning and sanitizing bathrooms, kitchens, floors, and carpets, dusting surfaces, and removing cobwebs. Additionally, inquire about any specialized services they may offer, such as window cleaning, upholstery cleaning, or oven cleaning. By choosing a cleaning service that offers a wide range of services, you can ensure that every nook and cranny of your home receives the attention it needs. The level of professionalism and training of the cleaning staff is another crucial factor to consider. You want to ensure that the individuals entering your home are trustworthy and well-trained in their job. Inquire about the hiring process and background checks conducted by the cleaning service. Additionally, ask about the training provided to their staff and whether they are equipped with the necessary cleaning products and equipment. A professional and well-trained cleaning crew will not only provide a thorough cleaning but also handle your belongings with care and respect. Price is another important consideration when choosing a deep clean house cleaning service. While it is tempting to select the cheapest option, it is essential to remember that quality should not be compromised. Obtain quotes from multiple cleaning services and compare their prices, ensuring that they are transparent about any additional fees or charges. Consider the value you will receive for your money – a slightly higher fee may be worth it if it means receiving a top-notch deep clean and exceptional customer service. Lastly, check for the cleaning service’s insurance and guarantees. Accidents can happen, and you want to ensure that you are protected in case of any damage or loss. A reputable cleaning service will have liability insurance to cover any mishaps that may occur during the cleaning process. Additionally, inquire about any satisfaction guarantees offered by the cleaning service. If you are not satisfied with the deep clean, will they return to fix any missed areas? In conclusion, selecting the best deep clean house cleaning service in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY involves careful consideration of various factors. Researching the reputation, services offered, professionalism of the staff, pricing, insurance, and guarantees can help you make an informed decision. By choosing a reliable and trustworthy cleaning service, you can rest assured that your home will receive a thorough and impeccable deep clean.
Bensonhurst, located in the southwestern part of Brooklyn, New York, is a vibrant neighborhood with a rich history and diverse community. This thriving area is known for its tight-knit Italian-American community and has become a popular destination for newcomers seeking a slice of authentic Brooklyn life. With its pleasant tree-lined streets, bustling markets, and an array of restaurants offering delectable cuisines, Bensonhurst truly has something for everyone. Although the neighborhood has undergone significant changes over the years, especially with the emergence of new residential and commercial developments, the demand for post-construction house cleaning services remains crucial. As the construction industry continues to flourish, the need for professional cleaners to ensure newly constructed homes are spotless and ready for occupancy becomes increasingly vital. Post-construction house cleaning services play a pivotal role in the final stages of building projects. Often, once the construction work is completed, homes are left in a state of disarray, with dust, debris, and other construction residues covering almost every surface. This is where professional cleaners come in, equipped with the expertise and tools necessary to transform these newly constructed properties into pristine and livable spaces. These cleaning services focus on meticulous attention to detail, as they tackle every nook and cranny of the house. From wiping down walls to cleaning windows and floors, these professionals leave no stone unturned. Additionally, they remove the remnants of construction materials, such as paint splatters and adhesive residue, ensuring a clean and safe environment for future occupants. One of the advantages of hiring a post-construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst is the convenience it offers. With a plethora of tasks to be completed before moving into a new home, many individuals find themselves overwhelmed by the additional burden of cleaning up after construction. By delegating this responsibility to dedicated cleaners, homeowners can focus on other pressing matters, such as furniture arrangement or settling into their new neighborhood. Furthermore, hiring professional cleaners guarantees a high level of expertise and experience. These individuals are trained in the best cleaning techniques and armed with the necessary equipment to tackle even the toughest post-construction cleaning challenges. They are familiar with the specific needs of different surfaces and materials, ensuring that each component of the house is handled with care and precision. In addition to their cleaning prowess, these services often adhere to strict safety protocols. They ensure that potentially harmful substances, such as hazardous residues or sharp objects, are removed or properly disposed of to prevent any accidents or health risks. This attention to detail puts homeowners’ minds at ease, knowing that their new property has been thoroughly cleaned and made safe for occupation. In conclusion, Bensonhurst, Brooklyn is a neighborhood that continues to evolve while retaining its unique character and vibrant community. With the increasing number of construction projects in the area, the demand for post-construction house cleaning services has never been higher. Hiring a professional cleaning service not only saves homeowners time and effort but also ensures a safe and pristine living environment. From tackling construction residues to implementing strict safety measures, these cleaners play a crucial role in transforming newly constructed houses into beautiful homes that residents can truly enjoy. What is Post construction house cleaning service? Post-construction house cleaning services in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY are specialized cleaning services that are essential after completing any construction project. Whether it is a new house construction, renovation, or even a minor remodeling job, post-construction cleaning is crucial to ensure the final touches are completed professionally and efficiently. This type of cleaning is a meticulous and detailed process that requires experienced professionals with the necessary expertise to handle the unique challenges that arise after construction. Post-construction cleaning services in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY cover a wide range of tasks and procedures to ensure that the newly constructed or renovated house is left spotless. These services typically include dusting and wiping down all surfaces, including walls, windows, floors, and ceilings. Removing dust and debris from various surfaces is a primary focus, as construction projects often leave behind heavy amounts of dust, dirt, and other particles. Professional cleaning companies utilize specialized equipment and techniques to efficiently remove all traces of construction residue. Additionally, post-construction cleaning services include a thorough deep cleaning of all rooms in the house. This includes cleaning and sanitizing kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living areas, and other spaces. Cleaning professionals pay attention to every inch of the house, ensuring that no area is overlooked. They clean and sanitize appliances, countertops, cabinets, and all fixtures to guarantee a hygienic and inviting living space. Furthermore, post-construction house cleaning services may involve carpet cleaning and stain removal. Construction projects often leave carpets and upholstery in need of a deep and thorough cleaning. Cleaning professionals use advanced techniques and equipment to effectively remove any stains, dirt, or debris embedded in the rugs or upholstery. This ensures that the house is left in pristine condition and ready for immediate occupancy or use. Post-construction cleaning also includes proper disposal of all construction waste and debris. Cleaning professionals are well-versed in waste management regulations and guidelines, ensuring that all waste is disposed of responsibly and safely. This not only keeps the environment clean but also ensures compliance with local disposal regulations. Hiring professional post-construction cleaning services in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it saves valuable time and effort for homeowners or property owners who are busy managing other aspects of the construction project or moving into the newly constructed or renovated space. Professional cleaners have the necessary skills, knowledge, and equipment to complete the cleaning process efficiently and effectively. Secondly, professional post-construction cleaning ensures a thorough and detailed cleaning job that may otherwise be overlooked by individuals without the necessary experience or expertise. The professionals are trained to identify and address any hidden dirt, grime, or debris that may have been left behind during construction. Finally, professional post-construction cleaning services provide peace of mind. Knowing that the house has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized by professionals gives homeowners or property owners the confidence that they are moving into a clean, healthy, and safe environment. In conclusion, post-construction house cleaning services in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY offer a comprehensive and professional cleaning solution for newly constructed or renovated houses. These services go beyond regular cleaning and incorporate specialized techniques and equipment to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process. By hiring professionals to handle the post-construction cleaning, homeowners and property owners can save time, effort, and ensure a clean and inviting living space for immediate occupancy or use. The benefits of having a Post construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst Brooklyn NY? Post construction house cleaning services are becoming increasingly popular in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. This is not surprising, as there are numerous benefits to hiring professionals to clean your home after construction or remodeling projects. In this article, we will discuss some of the key advantages of using a post construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst. One of the main benefits of hiring a post construction house cleaning service is the expertise and experience that professionals bring. Construction projects can be messy and chaotic, leaving behind dust, debris, and other unwanted materials. Cleaning up after such projects requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Professional cleaning services in Bensonhurst have extensive experience in dealing with post construction cleaning and are skilled in removing all types of dirt and debris, ensuring that your home is left spotless. Another significant advantage of using a post construction house cleaning service is the time-saving aspect. Cleaning up after a construction project can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. By hiring professionals, you can save yourself the hassle and stress of doing it yourself. Cleaning services in Bensonhurst will efficiently and swiftly handle the post-construction clean-up, allowing you to focus on enjoying your newly renovated home. Furthermore, a post construction house cleaning service can help ensure the health and safety of your household. Construction sites are often filled with dust, chemicals, and other hazardous materials. These substances can linger in the air and settle on surfaces, posing a risk to the respiratory health of you and your loved ones. Professional cleaning services in Bensonhurst use proper techniques and equipment to thoroughly clean your home, eliminating any potentially harmful substances and providing a healthier environment for your family. Additionally, hiring a post construction house cleaning service can help restore the appearance of your home. Construction projects can leave behind unsightly stains, scuffs, and marks on surfaces. Professional cleaning services have the expertise and equipment to tackle these issues effectively. They will deep clean your floors, walls, windows, and other surfaces, restoring them to their original state and leaving your home looking immaculate. Not only does hiring a post construction house cleaning service enhance the appearance of your home, but it can also increase its value. A clean and well-maintained home is more attractive to potential buyers or renters. By investing in professional cleaning services, you can ensure that your property is in pristine condition, making it more appealing to prospective tenants or buyers, should you decide to sell or rent it out in the future. In conclusion, there are numerous benefits to hiring a post construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. From their expertise and experience to the time-saving aspect, professionals can efficiently clean up after construction projects, ensuring a healthy and safe living environment for your family. Moreover, their services can restore the appearance of your home, as well as increase its value. By entrusting the cleanup to professionals, you can enjoy your newly renovated home without the stress and hassle of cleaning up the construction mess yourself. The Role of Post construction house cleaning service in Busy Lifestyles in Bensonhurst Brooklyn NY In today’s fast-paced world, the demands of work and personal responsibilities often leave individuals with little time for household chores. This is particularly true for homeowners in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY, who have recently completed construction or remodeling projects in their houses. The role of post-construction house cleaning services has become increasingly important in helping busy individuals maintain a clean and organized living space amidst their hectic lifestyles. When construction work takes place within a home, whether it be for renovation or new construction, it often leaves behind a considerable amount of dust, debris, and clutter. The accumulation of these materials can not only be unsightly but can also pose health risks to individuals residing in the house. This is where post-construction house cleaning services prove to be valuable. These professionals are trained and equipped to handle the specific challenges that arise after construction, ensuring that homeowners can return to a clean and habitable space. One of the primary benefits of hiring a post-construction house cleaning service is the expertise they bring to the table. Cleaning up after construction requires specialized knowledge and techniques to effectively remove dust, debris, and other residues. These professionals understand the intricacies of different construction materials and surfaces and employ appropriate cleaning methods and tools to ensure a thorough and safe cleanup. From wiping down surfaces to vacuuming every nook and cranny, their attention to detail ensures that all traces of construction are eradicated, leaving the house in pristine condition. Furthermore, post-construction house cleaning services also save homeowners valuable time and effort. With the demands of a busy lifestyle, individuals may not have the luxury to dedicate hours or days to cleaning up after construction. By enlisting the help of professionals, homeowners can focus on their work, family, or other commitments while the experts take care of the cleaning. These services not only provide convenience but also help to relieve stress associated with post-construction cleanup, allowing individuals to enjoy their newly renovated or constructed space without any worries. Additionally, post-construction house cleaning services in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY, often offer customizable packages to cater to the specific needs and requirements of homeowners. Whether it be a small renovation or extensive construction, these professionals can adapt their services accordingly. From basic cleaning tasks like vacuuming and mopping to deep cleaning services such as window washing and carpet cleaning, homeowners can choose the level of service that suits their preferences and budget. This flexibility ensures that individuals can receive the exact cleaning support they need to make their living environment comfortable and enjoyable. In conclusion, the role of post-construction house cleaning services in busy lifestyles in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY, cannot be overstated. These services offer expertise, time savings, and customizable options, making them invaluable for individuals who have recently undergone construction or renovation work in their homes. By enlisting the help of these professionals, homeowners can ensure that their living space is clean, safe, and ready to enjoy, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their lives without the added burden of post-construction cleanup. How Does a Post construction house cleaning service Enhance Quality of Life in Bensonhurst Brooklyn NY? A post-construction house cleaning service plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for residents in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. After undergoing the stress and disturbance brought by construction activities, homeowners deserve a clean and comfortable living space. This type of service offers a range of benefits that contribute to an improved quality of life. Firstly, a post-construction house cleaning service ensures that the environment within the newly constructed or renovated home is safe and healthy. During construction, an abundance of dust, debris, and potentially harmful substances may be left behind. These particles can pose a threat to the health of residents, particularly those with respiratory conditions or allergies. By employing professional cleaners, all remnants of construction activities are meticulously removed, from dust and dirt to paint splatters and adhesive residues. This thorough cleaning eliminates potential health risks and creates a safer living environment for homeowners and their families. Furthermore, a clean and well-maintained home promotes a sense of comfort and relaxation. The presence of construction materials and mess can be aesthetically displeasing and disrupt the overall ambiance of a space. Post-construction cleaning services focus not only on removing visible dirt and debris but also on restoring the property to its pre-construction condition. This includes deep cleaning carpets, washing windows, polishing surfaces, and scrubbing floors, to name a few. With these tasks taken care of by professionals, homeowners can enjoy a spotless, inviting home that instills a sense of pride and satisfaction. In addition to the physical aspects, a post-construction cleaning service saves homeowners valuable time and effort. Cleaning up after construction can be an arduous and time-consuming task, often requiring specialized equipment and knowledge. For individuals with busy schedules, dedicating hours or even days to cleaning can be impractical and stressful. By entrusting this responsibility to professionals, homeowners can focus their energy on other important matters, such as settling into their newly renovated spaces or attending to work and family commitments. The convenience and efficiency offered by post-construction cleaning services free up time and ease the burden of cleaning on residents in Bensonhurst. Moreover, a clean home positively impacts mental well-being. As numerous studies suggest, a clean and organized living space can contribute to reduced stress levels and improved mental health. Returning to a clutter-free environment after construction work eliminates the visual chaos and fosters a sense of calm and tranquility. By investing in post-construction cleaning services, homeowners in Bensonhurst can create a peaceful sanctuary that promotes relaxation and enables them to recharge and rejuvenate after the disruptive effects of construction. In conclusion, a post-construction house cleaning service significantly enhances the quality of life for residents in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. By ensuring a safe and healthy environment, restoring the aesthetics of a home, saving time and effort, and contributing to mental well-being, these services provide invaluable support to homeowners as they transition from construction to comfortable living. With the help of professional cleaners, residents can enjoy the benefits of a pristine and welcoming space, enabling them to fully appreciate the fruits of their construction endeavors. Choosing the best Post construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst Brooklyn NY Choosing the best post construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to do your research and find a company that will meet your specific needs. In this article, we will discuss some tips to help you make an informed decision. First and foremost, reputation is key when selecting any service provider, and post construction house cleaning is no exception. You want to choose a cleaning service with a good track record of delivering high-quality results. Start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who may have used a post construction cleaning service in the past. Their personal experiences can be invaluable in helping you narrow down your options. In addition to word-of-mouth recommendations, online reviews can also provide insight into the quality of service provided by different cleaning companies. Take the time to read through customer reviews on various websites and pay attention to any common themes. While it’s natural to come across a couple of negative reviews for any business, the overall consensus should be positive. Next, consider the specific services offered by each cleaning company. Post construction cleaning is a specialized task that requires attention to detail and the use of specific cleaning techniques. Ensure that the company you choose has experience in this area and can provide the necessary expertise to clean up after construction projects. Ask for a detailed list of the services they offer, and if possible, request before and after photos of previous projects they have worked on. This will give you an idea of the quality of their work. Another important factor to consider is the availability and reliability of the cleaning service. Construction projects often have strict deadlines, and you need a cleaning company that can accommodate your timeline. Inquire about their availability and whether they can work around your schedule to minimize disruption to your daily routine. Additionally, ask about their staffing levels and if they have the necessary resources to handle your project efficiently. A reputable cleaning service should be able to provide a team of trained professionals to get the job done in a timely manner. Insurance coverage is another crucial aspect to consider when choosing a post construction house cleaning service. Construction projects can be messy and accidents can happen. It’s important to select a cleaning company that is fully insured to protect yourself from any potential liability. Request proof of insurance and verify that it is valid and up to date. Lastly, don’t forget to obtain multiple quotes from different cleaning companies before making a final decision. While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it’s important to ensure that the services offered are reasonably priced and within your budget. Ask for a detailed breakdown of the costs involved and compare them against the services provided by each company. In conclusion, choosing the best post construction house cleaning service in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY requires careful consideration of factors such as reputation, services offered, availability, insurance coverage, and cost. By doing your research and following these tips, you can find a reliable and professional cleaning company that will leave your post-construction space looking spotless and ready for occupancy.
2017 Guideline for High Blood Pressure in Adults - Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, et al. - 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:e127-e248. The following are key points to remember from the 2017 Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Part 1: General Approach, Screening, and Follow-up - The 2017 guideline is an update of the “Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure” (JNC 7), published in 2003. The 2017 guideline is a comprehensive guideline incorporating new information from studies regarding blood pressure (BP)-related risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), home BP monitoring (HBPM), BP thresholds to initiate antihypertensive drug treatment, BP goals of treatment, strategies to improve hypertension treatment and control, and various other important issues. - It is critical that health care providers follow the standards for accurate BP measurement. BP should be categorized as normal, elevated, or stages 1 or 2 hypertension to prevent and treat high BP. Normal BP is defined as <120/<80 mm Hg; elevated BP 120-129/<80 mm Hg; hypertension stage 1 is 130-139 or 80-89 mm Hg, and hypertension stage 2 is ≥140 or ≥90 mm Hg. Prior to labeling a person with hypertension, it is important to use an average based on ≥2 readings obtained on ≥2 occasions to estimate the individual’s level of BP. Out-of-office and self-monitoring of BP measurements are recommended to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension and for titration of BP-lowering medication, in conjunction with clinical interventions and telehealth counseling. Corresponding BPs based on site/methods are: office/clinic 140/90, HBPM 135/85, daytime ABPM 135/85, night-time ABPM 120/70, and 24-hour ABPM 130/80 mm Hg. In adults with an untreated systolic BP (SBP) >130 but <160 mm Hg or diastolic BP (DBP) >80 but <100 mm Hg, it is reasonable to screen for the presence of white coat hypertension using either daytime ABPM or HBPM prior to diagnosis of hypertension. In adults with elevated office BP (120-129/<80) but not meeting the criteria for hypertension, screening for masked hypertension with daytime ABPM or HBPM is reasonable. - For an adult 45 years of age without hypertension, the 40-year risk for developing hypertension is 93% for African Americans, 92% for Hispanics, 86% for whites, and 84% for Chinese adults. In 2010, hypertension was the leading cause of death and disability-adjusted life-years worldwide, and a greater contributor to events in women and African Americans compared with whites. Often overlooked, the risk for CVD increases in a log-linear fashion; from SBP levels <115 mm Hg to >180 mm Hg, and from DBP levels <75 mm Hg to >105 mm Hg. A 20 mm Hg higher SBP and 10 mm Hg higher DBP are each associated with a doubling in the risk of death from stroke, heart disease, or other vascular disease. In persons ≥30 years of age, higher SBP and DBP are associated with increased risk for CVD, angina, myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure (HF), stroke, peripheral arterial disease, and abdominal aortic aneurysm. SBP has consistently been associated with increased CVD risk after adjustment for, or within strata of, SBP; this is not true for DBP. - It is important to screen for and manage other CVD risk factors in adults with hypertension: smoking, diabetes, dyslipidemia, excessive weight, low fitness, unhealthy diet, psychosocial stress, and sleep apnea. Basic testing for primary hypertension includes fasting blood glucose, complete blood cell count, lipids, basic metabolic panel, thyroid stimulating hormone, urinalysis, electrocardiogram with optional echocardiogram, uric acid, and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio. - Screening for secondary causes of hypertension is necessary for new-onset or uncontrolled hypertension in adults including drug-resistant (≥3 drugs), abrupt onset, age <30 years, excessive target organ damage (cerebral vascular disease, retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, HF with preserved ejection fraction [HFpEF] and HF with reserved EF [HFrEF], coronary artery disease [CAD], chronic kidney disease [CKD], peripheral artery disease, albuminuria) or for onset of diastolic hypertension in older adults or in the presence of unprovoked or excessive hypokalemia. Screening includes testing for CKD, renovascular disease, primary aldosteronism, obstructive sleep apnea, drug-induced hypertension (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids/androgens, decongestants, caffeine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors), and alcohol-induced hypertension. If more specific clinical characteristics are present, screening for uncommon causes of secondary hypertension is indicated (pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and aortic coarctation). Physicians are advised to refer patients screening positive for these conditions to a clinician with specific expertise in the condition. - Nonpharmacologic interventions to reduce BP include: weight loss for overweight or obese patients with a heart healthy diet, sodium restriction, and potassium supplementation within the diet; and increased physical activity with a structured exercise program. Men should be limited to no more than 2 and women no more than 1 standard alcohol drink(s) per day. The usual impact of each lifestyle change is a 4-5 mm Hg decrease in SBP and 2-4 mm Hg decrease in DBP; but diet low in sodium, saturated fat, and total fat and increase in fruits, vegetables, and grains may decrease SBP by approximately 11 mm Hg. - The benefit of pharmacologic treatment for BP reduction is related to atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) risk. For a given magnitude reduction of BP, fewer individuals with high ASCVD risk would need to be treated to prevent a CVD event (i.e., lower number needed to treat) such as in older persons, those with coronary disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smokers, and CKD. Use of BP-lowering medications is recommended for secondary prevention of recurrent CVD events in patients with clinical CVD and an average SBP ≥130 mm Hg or a DBP ≥80 mm Hg, or for primary prevention in adults with no history of CVD but with an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk of ≥10% and SBP ≥130 mm Hg or DBP ≥80 mm Hg. Use of BP-lowering medication is also recommended for primary prevention of CVD in adults with no history of CVD and with an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk <10% and a SBP ≥140 mm Hg or a DBP ≥90 mm Hg. The prevalence of hypertension is lower in women compared with men until about the fifth decade, but is higher later in life. While no randomized controlled trials have been powered to assess outcome specifically in women (e.g., SPRINT), other than special recommendations for management of hypertension during pregnancy, there is no evidence that the BP threshold for initiating drug treatment, the treatment target, the choice of initial antihypertensive medication, or the combination of medications for lowering BP differs for women compared with men. For adults with confirmed hypertension and known CVD or 10-year ASCVD event risk of 10% or higher, a BP target of <130/80 mm Hg is recommended. For adults with confirmed hypertension, but without additional markers of increased CVD risk, a BP target of <130/80 mm Hg is recommended as reasonable. - Follow-up: In low-risk adults with elevated BP or stage 1 hypertension with low ASCVD risk, BP should be repeated after 3-6 months of nonpharmacologic therapy. Adults with stage 1 hypertension and high ASCVD risk (≥10% 10-year ASCVD risk) should be managed with both nonpharmacologic and antihypertensive drug therapy with repeat BP in 1 month. Adults with stage 2 hypertension should be evaluated by a primary care provider within 1 month of initial diagnosis, and be treated with a combination of nonpharmacologic therapy and 2 antihypertensive drugs of different classes with repeat BP evaluation in 1 month. For adults with a very high average BP (e.g., ≥160 mm Hg or DBP ≥100 mm Hg), prompt evaluation and drug treatment followed by careful monitoring and upward dose adjustment is recommended. Part 2: Principles of Drug Therapy and Special Populations - Principles of drug therapy: Chlorthalidone (12.5-25 mg) is the preferred diuretic because of long half-life and proven reduction of CVD risk. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs), and direct renin inhibitors should not be used in combination. ACE inhibitors and ARBs increase the risk of hyperkalemia in CKD and with supplemental K+ or K+-sparing drugs. ACE inhibitors and ARBs should be discontinued during pregnancy. Calcium channel blocker (CCB) dihydropyridines cause edema. Non-dihydropyridine CCBs are associated with bradycardia and heart block and should be avoided in HFrEF. Loop diuretics are preferred in HF and when glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is <30 ml/min. Amiloride and triamterene can be used with thiazides in adults with low serum K+, but should be avoided with GFR <45 ml/min. Spironolactone or eplerenone is preferred for the treatment of primary aldosteronism and in resistant hypertension. Beta-blockers are not first-line therapy except in CAD and HFrEF. Abrupt cessation of beta-blockers should be avoided. Bisoprolol and metoprolol succinate are preferred in hypertension with HFrEF and bisoprolol when needed for hypertension in the setting of bronchospastic airway disease. Beta-blockers with both alpha- and beta-receptor activity such as carvedilol are preferred in HFrEF. Alpha-1 blockers are associated with orthostatic hypotension; this drug class may be considered in men with symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Central acting alpha2-agonists should be avoided, and are reserved as last-line due to side effects and the need to avoid sudden discontinuation. Direct-acting vasodilators are associated with sodium and water retention and must be used with a diuretic and beta-blocker. - Initial first-line therapy for stage 1 hypertension includes thiazide diuretics, CCBs, and ACE inhibitors or ARBs. Two first-line drugs of different classes are recommended with stage 2 hypertension and average BP of 20/10 mm Hg above the BP target. Improved adherence can be achieved with once-daily drug dosing, rather than multiple dosing, and with combination therapy rather than administration of the free individual components. For adults with confirmed hypertension and known stable CVD or ≥10% 10-year ASCVD risk, a BP target of <130/80 mm Hg is recommended. The strategy is to first follow standard treatment guidelines for CAD, HFrEF, previous MI, and stable angina, with the addition of other drugs as needed to further control BP. In HFpEF with symptoms of volume overload, diuretics should be used to control hypertension, following which ACE inhibitors or ARBs and beta-blockers should be titrated to SBP <130 mm Hg. Treatment of hypertension with an ARB can be useful for prevention of recurrence of atrial fibrillation. - CKD: BP goal should be <130/80 mm Hg. In those with stage 3 or higher CKD or stage 1 or 2 CKD with albuminuria (>300 mg/day), treatment with an ACE inhibitor is reasonable to slow progression of kidney disease. An ARB is reasonable if an ACE inhibitor is not tolerated. - Adults with stroke and cerebral vascular disease are complex. To accommodate the variety of important issues pertaining to BP management in the stroke patient, treatment recommendations require recognition of stroke acuity, stroke type, and therapeutic objectives, which along with ideal antihypertensive therapeutic class have not been fully studied in clinical trials. In adults with acute intracranial hemorrhage and SBP >220 mm Hg, it may be reasonable to use continuous intravenous drug infusion with close BP monitoring to lower SBP. Immediate lowering of SBP to <140 mm Hg from 150-220 mm Hg is not of benefit to reduce death, and may cause harm. In acute ischemic stroke, BP should be lowered slowly to <185/110 mm Hg prior to thrombolytic therapy and maintained to <180/105 mm Hg for at least the first 24 hours after initiating drug therapy. Starting or restarting antihypertensive therapy during the hospitalization when patients with ischemic stroke are stable with BP >140/90 mm Hg is reasonable. In those who do not undergo reperfusion therapy with thrombolytics or endovascular treatment, if the BP is ≥220/120 mm Hg, the benefit of lowering BP is not clear, but it is reasonable to consider lowering BP by 15% during the first 24 hours post onset of stroke. However, initiating or restarting treatment when BP is <220/120 mm Hg within the first 48-72 hours post-acute ischemic stroke is not effective. Secondary prevention following a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) should begin by restarting treatment after the first few days of the index event to reduce recurrence. Treatment with ACE inhibitor or ARB with thiazide diuretic is useful. Those not previously treated for hypertension and who have a BP ≥140/90 mm Hg should begin antihypertensive therapy a few days after the index event. Selection of drugs should be based on comorbidities. A goal of <130/80 mm Hg may be reasonable for those with a stroke or TIA. For those with an ischemic stroke and no previous treatment for hypertension, there is no evidence of treatment benefit if the BP is <140/90 mm Hg. - Diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension: Antihypertensive drug treatment should be initiated at a BP ≥130/80 mm Hg with a treatment goal of <130/80 mm Hg. In adults with DM and hypertension, all first-line classes of antihypertensive agents (i.e., diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and CCBs) are useful and effective. ACE inhibitors or ARBs may be considered in the presence of albuminuria. - Metabolic syndrome: Lifestyle modification with an emphasis on improving insulin sensitivity by means of dietary modification, weight reduction, and exercise is the foundation of treatment of the metabolic syndrome. The optimal antihypertensive drug therapy for patients with hypertension in the setting of the metabolic syndrome has not been clearly defined. Chlorthalidone was at least as effective for reducing CV events as the other antihypertensive agents in the ALLHAT study. Traditional beta-blockers should be avoided unless used for ischemic heart disease. - Valvular heart disease: Asymptomatic aortic stenosis with hypertension should be treated with pharmacotherapy, starting at a low dose, and gradually titrated upward as needed. In patients with chronic aortic insufficiency, treatment of systolic hypertension is reasonable with agents that do not slow the heart rate (e.g., avoid beta-blockers). - Aortic disease: Beta-blockers are recommended as the preferred antihypertensive drug class in patients with hypertension and thoracic aortic disease. - Race/ethnicity: In African American adults with hypertension but without HF or CKD, including those with DM, initial antihypertensive treatment should include a thiazide-type diuretic or CCB. Two or more antihypertensive medications are recommended to achieve a BP target of <130/80 mm Hg in most adults, especially in African American adults, with hypertension. - Age-related issues: Treatment of hypertension is recommended for noninstitutionalized ambulatory community-dwelling adults (≥65 years of age), with an average SBP ≥130 mm Hg with SBP treatment goal of <130 mm Hg. For older adults (≥65 years of age) with hypertension and a high burden of comorbidity and/or limited life expectancy, clinical judgment, patient preference, and a team-based approach to assess risk/benefit is reasonable for decisions regarding intensity of BP lowering and choice of antihypertensive drugs. BP lowering is reasonable to prevent cognitive decline and dementia. - Preoperative surgical procedures: Beta-blockers should be continued in persons with hypertension undergoing major surgery, as should other antihypertensive drug therapy until surgery. Discontinuation of ACE inhibitors and ARBs perioperatively may be considered. For patients with planned elective major surgery and SBP ≥180 mm Hg or DBP ≥110 mm Hg, deferring surgery may be considered. Abrupt preoperative discontinuation of beta-blockers or clonidine may be harmful. Intraoperative hypertension should be managed with intravenous medication until oral medications can be resumed. - For discussion regarding hypertensive crises with and without comorbidities, refer to Section 11.2: Hypertensive Crises–Emergencies and Urgencies in the Guideline. - Every adult with hypertension should have a clear, detailed, and current evidence-based plan of care that ensures the achievement of treatment and self-management goals; effective management of comorbid conditions; timely follow-up with the healthcare team; and adheres to CVD evidence-based guidelines. Effective behavioral and motivational strategies are recommended to promote lifestyle modification. A structured team-based approach including a physician, nurse, and pharmacist collaborative model is recommended, along with integrating home-based monitoring and telehealth interventions. Outcome may be improved with quality improvement strategies at the health system, provider, and patient level. Financial incentives paid to providers can be useful. Clinical Topics: Arrhythmias and Clinical EP, Cardiovascular Care Team, Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Disease, Geriatric Cardiology, Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies, Noninvasive Imaging, Prevention, Stable Ischemic Heart Disease, Valvular Heart Disease, Atherosclerotic Disease (CAD/PAD), Atrial Fibrillation/Supraventricular Arrhythmias, Acute Heart Failure, Diet, Exercise, Hypertension, Chronic Angina Keywords: Adrenergic beta-Antagonists, AHA17, AHA Annual Scientific Sessions, Antihypertensive Agents, Aortic Diseases, Atherosclerosis, Atrial Fibrillation, Blood Pressure, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory, Body Weight Changes, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Diagnostic Imaging, Diagnostic Techniques, Cardiovascular, Diet, Electronic Health Records, Exercise, Geriatrics, Heart Failure, Heart Valve Diseases, Hypertension, Life Style, Mass Screening, Medical History Taking, Metabolic Syndrome, Patient Compliance, Patient Care Team, Perioperative Period, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Peripheral Vascular Diseases, Pregnancy, Primary Prevention, Quality of Health Care, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic, Risk Assessment, Risk Factors, Risk Reduction Behavior, Secondary Prevention, Self Care, Angina, Stable, Stroke, Telemedicine, Therapeutics, Transplantation < Back to Listings
Family Activities in Nepal Historically, Nepal's strategic location on the ancient Silk Road facilitated cultural and trade exchanges with China, India, and Tibet, enriching its historical and cultural legacy. Historically, Nepal's strategic location on the ancient Silk Road facilitated cultural and trade exchanges with China, India, and Tibet, enriching its historical and cultural legacy. Nepal is a landlocked country nestled in the heart of the Himalayas in South Asia. Known for its striking geographic diversity, Nepal's terrain varies from the lofty, snowy peaks of Mount Everest, the highest point on earth, to the lush, tropical lowlands of Terai. This rich geography harbors an incredible range of biodiversity, adding to the country's unique allure. The cultural tapestry of Nepal is as diverse and vibrant as its landscape. Home to a multitude of ethnic groups, including the Newar, Sherpa, Tharu, Tamang, Gurung, and many others, Nepal is a melting pot of customs, languages, and traditions. It is a predominantly Hindu country but also shelters a significant Buddhist population, most notably in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha. The intricate blend of Hinduism and Buddhism gives rise to numerous festivals celebrated with gusto throughout the year. Historically, Nepal's strategic location on the ancient Silk Road facilitated cultural and trade exchanges with China, India, and Tibet, enriching its historical and cultural legacy. The Kathmandu Valley, in particular, is a testament to this rich history, dotted with medieval temples, old palaces, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites that exhibit a blend of Hindu and Buddhist artistic expression. However, beyond the grandeur of the Himalayas and the charisma of its culture, it's the warm, hospitable people of Nepal that truly leave a lasting impression on visitors. The Nepali adage 'Atithi Devo Bhava' (Guests are God) captures the spirit of Nepalese hospitality that greets every visitor. Whether you're a thrill-seeking adventurer or a curious culture explorer, Nepal offers a fascinating journey like no other. Traveling as a family can be a transformative experience. It not only allows us to explore new places and cultures but also strengthens our bonds through shared experiences and memories. When it comes to destinations that offer myriad experiences, Nepal is a treasure trove. The country's distinctive blend of thrilling outdoor adventures, rich cultural heritage, and friendly locals make it an ideal destination for an unforgettable family getaway. Nepal’s diversity in terms of geography and culture lends itself to a multitude of activities suitable for families. This means there's something to keep every family member engaged, be it the awe-inspiring natural landscapes for nature lovers, adrenaline-pumping adventures for thrill-seekers, or immersive cultural experiences for those who love to delve into history and tradition. For families that love outdoor adventures, Nepal's landscapes offer unparalleled opportunities. You can embark on family-friendly treks that navigate through verdant valleys, terraced fields, and traditional mountain villages. If you're up for a little excitement, consider a jungle safari in the Terai region, where you'll come face to face with exotic wildlife like one-horned rhinos and Bengal tigers. Or, opt for a gentle river rafting trip, enjoying Nepal's beautiful riverscape while also catering to your adventurous side. For families interested in culture and history, Nepal's cities and towns are filled with historical landmarks and vibrant cultural traditions. Kathmandu Valley alone boasts seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and wandering through the ancient squares and temples will transport you back in time. Participating in a local festival or trying your hand at a cooking class can provide your family with an authentic taste of Nepalese life. Ultimately, a trip to Nepal is an invitation to leave the familiar behind and step into a world where family adventures await at every turn. It's an opportunity for families to grow together, learn together, and create memories that will last a lifetime. When it comes to planning a trip to a diverse and multifaceted country like Nepal, the question often arises: should we focus more on outdoor adventures or cultural exploration? The truth is, both outdoor adventures and cultural exploration offer their unique experiences and benefits. Your preference between the two may depend on your interests, physical abilities, and what you want to gain from the trip. Outdoor adventures in Nepal often involve activities like trekking, jungle safaris, river rafting, mountain biking, and wildlife viewing. These activities offer the thrill of adventure, physical exercise, and a chance to immerse yourself in Nepal's stunning natural landscapes. The benefits of outdoor adventures include: Physical Fitness: Activities like trekking and rafting are great for maintaining physical health and fitness. They can also be a fun way to introduce children to the benefits of physical activity. Connection with Nature: Outdoor adventures offer an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature. Experiencing the beauty of the Himalayas firsthand or spotting exotic wildlife can foster a love for nature and a greater understanding of the importance of conservation. Teamwork and Resilience: Many outdoor activities require teamwork, which can strengthen family bonds. Overcoming challenges during these adventures can also build resilience and confidence, especially in children. Cultural exploration in Nepal could involve visiting historic landmarks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, participating in local festivals, engaging in a cooking class, or staying with a local family as part of a homestay experience. These activities provide a deep understanding of Nepal's rich history, diverse cultures, and unique traditions. The benefits of cultural exploration include: Cultural Appreciation: Visiting historical sites, attending local festivals, and interacting with local communities can enhance appreciation and understanding of different cultures. This can foster a sense of global citizenship, especially in children. Educational: Cultural exploration can be very educational. It offers a hands-on learning experience about the history, traditions, and lifestyle of the people in Nepal. Authentic Experiences: Cultural exploration often leads to unique, authentic experiences that are not typically part of the regular tourist trail. These experiences can make your trip more meaningful and memorable. In reality, the best approach might be a balance of both. Nepal offers the opportunity to combine outdoor adventures with cultural exploration, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds. This combination can create a more holistic and enriching travel experience, offering physical challenges, personal growth, and a deeper understanding and appreciation of the country's cultural heritage. Trekking in Nepal is more than just an outdoor activity; it's a journey into the heart of the country's unparalleled natural beauty and an integral part of the Nepalese experience. With its lush valleys, quaint mountain villages, and majestic Himalayan peaks, Nepal offers some of the best trekking opportunities in the world. Whether you're an experienced trekker or a novice, there's a route here for you. And the best part? Many of these treks are family-friendly, making them an ideal choice for an adventurous family vacation. One of the most popular family-friendly treks in Nepal is the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek. A relatively short and easy trek in the Annapurna region, it offers stunning mountain vistas, rhododendron forests, and a glimpse into the culture of the local Gurung and Magar communities. The highlight of the trek is a sunrise view from Poon Hill, where you can see a panoramic view of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges in all their glory. The Langtang Valley Trek is another excellent option for families. Often referred to as 'the valley of glaciers', Langtang offers beautiful landscapes, and unique Tamang culture, and is less crowded compared to other trekking routes. The trek is moderately challenging, making it suitable for families with older children who have a decent level of fitness. When trekking with children, safety, and preparation are paramount. Here are some key considerations: Preparation: Make sure every family member is physically prepared for the trek. Regular walks or hikes at home can be a good way to build stamina. Altitude: Be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness, which can include headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Plan your itinerary to allow for gradual ascent and acclimatization. Packing: Pack light, but ensure you have all the essentials, including good hiking shoes, warm clothing, a first-aid kit, water purification tablets, and high-energy snacks. Don't forget to bring sunscreen and hats for protection from the sun. Guides and Porters: Consider hiring a local guide and porter. A guide can help you navigate the route and understand the local culture, while a porter can carry heavier bags, making the trek easier, especially for children. Insurance: Ensure you have appropriate travel insurance that covers trekking activities. Trekking in Nepal can be an unforgettable experience for your family. Not only does it provide an opportunity to witness the country's breathtaking natural beauty, but it also instills a sense of achievement and a deeper appreciation for nature in young minds. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the dense jungles of the Terai lowlands, Nepal's geographical diversity is truly remarkable. This contrast is nowhere more evident than in the country's wildlife-rich national parks. Offering a stark contrast to the snow-clad mountains, a jungle safari in Nepal provides an exciting opportunity for families to encounter unique wildlife and immerse themselves in nature. Chitwan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Terai region, is one of the best places in Nepal for a jungle safari. Known for its rich biodiversity, the park is home to the elusive Bengal tiger, one-horned rhinoceros, deer, leopards, sloth bears, and over 500 species of birds. A safari in Chitwan is an adventure the whole family will remember. A typical day on a jungle safari in Chitwan starts early in the morning. You might find yourself floating down the Rapti River on a traditional dugout canoe, watching crocodiles basking in the sun or spotting a variety of bird species. This would be followed by a guided jungle walk where you can track animals by their footprints and droppings. In the afternoon, you could embark on an exciting jeep safari through the heart of the park, where you can spot rhinos grazing in the grasslands, deer darting through the undergrowth, and if you're lucky, a tiger lurking in the shadows. The day would usually end with a cultural performance by the local Tharu community, providing a glimpse into their unique culture and traditions. When going on a jungle safari, it's essential to prioritize safety and adhere to responsible tourism practices. Here are a few tips: Guidance: Always stay with your guide. They are trained to understand animal behavior and keep you safe. Noise: Keep noise to a minimum to avoid disturbing wildlife. Distance: Maintain a safe distance from all wildlife. Remember, you are in their home. Litter: Carry a bag to store your trash. It's crucial to leave the park as pristine as you found it. Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for walking. Earth-tone clothes are recommended to blend in with the environment. Insect Repellent: Bring a good insect repellent to protect against mosquito bites. Respect: Respect the local culture and traditions. The national park is an integral part of the surrounding communities' livelihoods and cultural identity. A jungle safari in Nepal is a thrilling and educational experience for children and adults alike. By observing animals in their natural habitat and learning about biodiversity and conservation, families can deepen their appreciation for wildlife and our shared responsibility to protect it. One of Nepal's unique adventure offerings is river rafting. Blessed with a multitude of snow-fed rivers cascading down through stunning landscapes, Nepal is a haven for white-water enthusiasts. But don't let the 'white-water' part intimidate you – Nepal offers rafting experiences for all ages and abilities, including families with children. A prime example of family-friendly rafting in Nepal is on the Trisuli River. The Trisuli, with its easy accessibility from Kathmandu and Pokhara and a perfect mix of serene stretches and mild rapids, offers an ideal rafting experience for families. During the journey, you'll be surrounded by beautiful scenery, including lush forests, traditional Nepali villages, and terraced fields, while navigating the gentle but exhilarating rapids of the river. When planning a river rafting trip with children, safety should always be your top priority. Here are some key considerations: Professional Guides: Always opt for a reputable rafting company with experienced guides. They should be trained in first aid and rescue operations and know the river's course well. Safety Gear: Make sure everyone in the family is equipped with the proper safety gear, including life jackets, helmets, and suitable footwear. The rafting company should provide these. Briefing: Pay attention to the safety briefing before you set off. It's essential to know what to do in case of a fall or if the raft capsizes. Swimming Ability: While you don't need to be an excellent swimmer to go rafting, basic swimming skills are beneficial. If anyone in the family can't swim, make sure to inform the guide. Age Limit: Check the age limit for children. Most rafting companies in Nepal permit children over the age of eight to raft, but this can vary depending on the river and its current conditions. River rafting in Nepal is a thrilling experience that adds a dash of adventure to your family vacation. It offers an opportunity to work together as a team, overcome challenges, and most importantly, have a lot of fun. Remember, the goal is to create memorable experiences and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you. Nepal's rich cultural heritage is reflected in its numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, most of which are concentrated in the Kathmandu Valley. Visiting these historical landmarks offers families an excellent opportunity to explore Nepal's history and cultural traditions, providing an enriching learning experience for both adults and children. Kathmandu Durbar Square: Located at the heart of the city, Kathmandu Durbar Square is a lively open-air museum filled with historical monuments, palaces, and temples. As you wander around the square, you'll be stepping back in time, to when Kathmandu was a vibrant royal city. Children will be fascinated by the intricate wood carvings on the buildings, especially on the iconic Kasthamandap, said to have been constructed from a single tree. Pashupatinath Temple: One of the most sacred Hindu temples in the world, the Pashupatinath Temple complex is a fascinating place to observe religious rituals and ceremonies. Though only Hindus are allowed inside the main temple, the surrounding complex offers plenty to see, from the cremation ghats along the Bagmati River to the richly adorned smaller temples and shrines. Boudhanath Stupa: A visit to the Boudhanath Stupa, one of the largest spherical stupas in Nepal, offers insight into Tibetan Buddhist culture. The colorful prayer flags fluttering in the wind and the gentle hum of Buddhist chants create a peaceful atmosphere. Children will enjoy watching the devotees circumambulating the stupa and spinning prayer wheels, activities they can join in, too. When exploring these World Heritage Sites, engage your children in activities that will make their visit more interactive and enjoyable. This could involve a scavenger hunt to spot different architectural elements, sketching their favorite monument, or trying to capture the best photograph. Encourage them to ask questions and share their observations. It's also important to discuss respectful behavior when visiting these sites. Teach them about the cultural significance of the places they are visiting, the importance of not touching delicate structures, and the appropriate behavior in places of worship. Exploring Nepal's UNESCO World Heritage Sites provides a valuable educational experience for families, enhancing their understanding of the country's cultural heritage and historical context. It also fosters a sense of respect for different cultures and traditions, making it a rewarding experience for the entire family. Nepalese cuisine, much like the country itself, is a delightful amalgamation of flavors and influences. It reflects the diverse cultures, ethnicities, and geographic variations of Nepal. Exploring this cuisine not only tantalizes the taste buds but also offers a gastronomic gateway to understanding Nepalese culture. A fun and engaging way for families to dive into the local culinary scene is by participating in cooking classes or food tours. A cooking class provides a hands-on experience, where you can learn to prepare traditional Nepalese dishes under the guidance of local experts. This could be an unforgettable activity for children, who can enjoy the process of cooking and take pride in the dishes they help create. Food tours, on the other hand, offer a chance to explore local markets, taste a variety of street foods, and learn about the culinary history of Nepal. When it comes to Nepalese cuisine, here are some must try unique Nepalese dishes for your family: Dal Bhat: This is a staple meal in Nepal, comprising lentil soup (dal), rice (bhat), and accompanied by vegetable curry, pickles, and sometimes meat. Each region has its variation, offering a new flavor at every turn. Momo: Momos are Nepalese dumplings filled with minced meat or vegetables, steamed to perfection. They are usually served with a spicy tomato-based dipping sauce. Gundruk: A fermented leafy green dish, gundruk is a unique Nepalese delicacy. It's often served as a side dish or made into a soup. Juju Dhau: Also known as the 'King of Yogurts,' this creamy, rich yogurt is a specialty of Bhaktapur. It's often served as a dessert and is loved by children. Remember, when trying new foods, it's important to be mindful of hygiene and food safety, particularly with street food. Opt for freshly cooked, hot foods and ensure that any raw foods like fruits and vegetables can be peeled before eating. Exploring the local cuisine is an essential part of experiencing a new culture. It exposes children to different flavors and food practices, expanding their palates and their understanding of the world. Festivals hold a special place in the cultural landscape of Nepal, reflecting the country's rich cultural diversity and religious heritage. Celebrating these festivals offers an exciting opportunity for families to immerse themselves in Nepalese culture and tradition. Dashain: The biggest and most auspicious festival in Nepal, Dashain, is a 15-day-long celebration that marks the victory of good over evil. It takes place in late September or early October, depending on the lunar calendar. During Dashain, families come together to feast and exchange blessings and gifts. Children fly kites, a popular Dashain activity symbolizing the connection between earth and heaven. Visitors can join in the festivities by witnessing the various rituals, playing traditional games, and tasting special Dashain dishes. Tihar: Often referred to as the festival of lights, Tihar is a five-day festival celebrated in October or November. Each day is dedicated to honoring different beings, such as crows, dogs, cows, and even siblings. Families decorate their homes with oil lamps and colorful designs called Rangoli, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere. One of the highlights of Tihar is the tradition of Deusi-Bhailo, where groups go door-to-door singing and dancing, much like Carol singing during Christmas. Holi: Known as the festival of colors, Holi is a joyous celebration that takes place in March, marking the arrival of spring. During Holi, people throw colored powders and water at each other, signifying the vibrancy of spring and the victory of good over evil. It's a fun-filled festival that children particularly enjoy. As a visitor, you're more than welcome to join in the color-throwing. Just make sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting stained. Before participating in any festival, it's important to understand the customs and traditions associated with it. Always show respect for local practices, and when in doubt, feel free to ask locals for guidance. Experiencing Nepalese festivals can be a fun and immersive way to understand the country's cultural nuances. These celebrations, marked by rituals, music, dance, and food, provide a colorful snapshot of Nepal's rich cultural tapestry and are sure to create lasting memories for the whole family. Finding the right accommodation is a key aspect of planning a memorable family vacation. Luckily, Nepal offers a range of options to cater to various preferences and budgets. From luxury hotels and cozy homestays to eco-lodges, there's something for every family. Luxury Hotels: If you prefer a comfortable and hassle-free stay with all the modern amenities, consider booking a luxury hotel. Major cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara offer a variety of high-end hotels known for their excellent service and comfort. These hotels often provide family-friendly amenities, such as interconnecting rooms, child-friendly menus, babysitting services, and recreational activities tailored for kids. Homestays: For a more immersive experience, consider a homestay, where you live with a local family. This provides an intimate glimpse into Nepalese lifestyle and traditions, making your trip more meaningful. Homestays are especially popular in rural areas and can range from basic to quite comfortable, so you can choose one based on your comfort level and preference. Eco-Lodges: If you are a nature-loving family, staying at an eco-lodge can be a delightful experience. These accommodations, usually found around national parks and conservation areas, offer an opportunity to stay close to nature without compromising on comfort. Eco-lodges often offer guided tours and nature-related activities, making them an excellent choice for families keen on exploring Nepal's natural wonders. When selecting accommodation, consider the following factors: Location: Choose a location that is convenient and safe. If you plan to explore a specific area extensively, look for accommodations nearby. In cities, staying close to major attractions can save travel time. Amenities: Look for family-friendly amenities. These may include a kitchenette for preparing kids' meals, laundry facilities, or a playground. Some places may offer cribs or extra beds for children. Budget: Set a budget for your accommodation and try to stick to it. Remember, expensive doesn't always mean better, especially when there are so many unique and affordable places to stay in Nepal. Reviews: Always check reviews before booking. Past guests' experiences can give you a fair idea of what to expect. Choosing the right accommodation can significantly enhance your family's travel experience. Whether you're looking for luxury, cultural immersion, or a nature-centric stay, Nepal has it all. With some research and planning, you're sure to find the perfect place that your entire family will love. Nepal, with its spectacular landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality, offers a wealth of experiences that can make your family vacation truly unforgettable. Whether you choose to challenge yourselves with a scenic trek, immerse in the thrill of a jungle safari, feel the rush of river rafting, delve into the historical charm of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, savor the diverse Nepalese cuisine, or participate in the colorful festivals, there's something for everyone in the family. This journey through Nepal not only promises adventure and learning but also fosters a sense of appreciation for nature and different cultures, values that are important for children as they grow. The comfort of diverse accommodations adds to the overall experience, making the trip more enjoyable and relaxed. Every moment spent in Nepal is likely to become a cherished memory, a story to be shared again and again. This beautiful country invites you to step out of your everyday lives and step into an experience that's as enriching as it is exciting. So, if you're contemplating where to head for your next family trip, look no further. Nepal, in all its majestic glory, awaits you. Come, explore, and create unforgettable memories in this beautiful corner of the world. Yes, Nepal is generally considered safe for a family vacation. Nepalese people are known for their warm hospitality and are very welcoming to children. However, like in any other country, it's important to take regular safety precautions, like avoiding remote areas at night and safeguarding your valuables. The best time to visit Nepal depends on the activities you're interested in. For trekking, the most popular seasons are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is favorable and the mountain views are clear. For cultural sightseeing, Nepal can be visited all year round, although the summer monsoon season (June to August) can make travel more challenging due to heavy rain. Yes, certain treks are suitable for children, especially the ones that are less strenuous and at lower altitudes. Treks like Ghorepani Poon Hill and Langtang Valley are popular choices for families. However, it's important to prepare well and consider the fitness level of your children. Always ensure your children are well-equipped and take regular breaks to avoid exhaustion. Ensure your kids are up-to-date on routine vaccines and consult with a healthcare provider for any additional vaccines recommended for travel to Nepal. Always carry essential medications and a first-aid kit. When trying local food, prioritize places that maintain good hygiene to avoid any potential stomach issues. During outdoor activities, ensure your kids are protected from the sun and stay hydrated. Packing for Nepal should depend on the activities you plan to undertake and the time of the year. For trekking, pack good hiking shoes, warm clothing, rain gear, hats, and sunscreen. Casual and comfortable clothes are fine for sightseeing. If you're traveling with young children, consider packing any specialty food items they may require since they might not be available in Nepal. Yes, most Nepalese festivals welcome participation from visitors. It's a great way for your family to engage with the local culture. However, remember to respect local customs and traditions while participating. Nepal offers a range of accommodations suitable for families, from luxury hotels and guest houses in the cities to eco-lodges and teahouses in rural areas. Many places offer family rooms and other child-friendly amenities. Always check the facilities and reviews before booking.
Suprax – A Comprehensive Guide to Benefits, Generic Options, Research, Dental Implications, and Affordability for Low-Wage Americans Suprax: Effectiveness in Fighting Bacterial Infections Suprax is a highly effective antibiotic that is widely used for the treatment of various bacterial infections. With its broad-spectrum activity against different strains of bacteria, Suprax stands out as a reliable option for combating bacterial illnesses. Key Features and Benefits of Suprax When it comes to treating bacterial infections, Suprax offers several key features and benefits: - Effectiveness: Suprax contains the active ingredient cefixime, which is known for its potent antimicrobial properties. It works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and ultimately killing them, thus helping to eradicate the infection. - Broad-Spectrum Activity: Suprax showcases its versatility by effectively targeting a wide range of bacteria. It demonstrates efficacy against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, ensuring comprehensive coverage. - Various Forms: Suprax is available in different forms, including tablets, oral suspension, and injection. This diverse range of options allows for flexibility in administering the medication, catering to individual patient needs. Understanding Cefixime: The Active Ingredient in Suprax The success of Suprax can be attributed to its active ingredient, cefixime. Cefixime belongs to the class of antibiotics known as cephalosporins and is instrumental in hindering the growth of bacteria. When administered, cefixime works by targeting the bacterial cell wall, a vital structural component for bacteria. By disrupting the cell wall synthesis, cefixime weakens the bacteria, rendering them vulnerable to destruction by the body’s immune system. Versatile Treatment Options In order to accommodate diverse patient needs, Suprax is available in different forms: - Tablets: Suprax tablets provide a convenient option for oral administration, making it easily accessible and allowing patients to follow their prescribed dosage regimen. - Oral Suspension: Suprax’s oral suspension offers a liquid form of the medication, which is particularly beneficial for patients who have difficulty swallowing tablets. It provides a suitable alternative, ensuring that patients can adhere to their prescribed treatment plan. - Injection: For more severe infections or cases where oral administration may not be feasible, Suprax is available in injectable form. This allows for rapid delivery of the medication, ensuring quick and effective treatment. With its efficacy in treating various bacterial infections, broad-spectrum activity, and versatile treatment options, Suprax remains a dependable choice for patients seeking effective antibiotic treatment. Comprehensive Guide to Generic Antibiotic Options The Concept of Generic Drugs When it comes to treating bacterial infections, brand-name medications can often be expensive. However, there is a more affordable alternative known as generic drugs. These are medications that contain the same active ingredients as their brand-name counterparts but are sold under their chemical or generic names. Generic drugs are subject to the same strict standards set by regulatory authorities, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Availability of Generic Versions of Suprax If you’re prescribed Suprax, it’s worth exploring the availability of generic versions. Generic cefixime, the active ingredient in Suprax, is widely available and has been proven to be just as effective as the brand-name medication. In fact, choosing a generic version can lead to significant cost savings for patients. List of Generic Alternatives to Suprax Here are a few generic alternatives to Suprax: - Cefpodoxime: Cefpodoxime is another cephalosporin antibiotic, similar to cefixime. It is commonly used to treat respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and skin infections. It is available in tablet form. - Cephalexin: Cephalexin belongs to the same class of antibiotics as cefixime and is often prescribed for skin and soft tissue infections, as well as urinary tract infections. It comes in capsules and oral suspension. - Ciprofloxacin: Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used to treat various infections caused by susceptible bacteria. It is available in tablet form and can be used for respiratory and urinary tract infections. These generic alternatives share similarities with Suprax in terms of their mechanism of action, effectiveness, and recommended uses. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before switching to a generic antibiotic to ensure it is the right choice for your specific condition. Importance of Consulting a Healthcare Professional Before making any changes to your medication regimen, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional, such as your doctor or pharmacist. They can provide personalized advice based on your unique medical history and recommend the most suitable generic antibiotic option for your needs. Ongoing or upcoming research and trials exploring new uses or formulations of Suprax: Suprax, a widely-used antibiotic, is currently undergoing numerous research efforts to explore its efficacy in treating new conditions and developing alternative formulations. These ongoing studies hold promising implications for expanding Suprax’s applications and creating more convenient or targeted treatment options. Here are some specific examples of trials and research underway: 1. Suprax injections for knee infections: A recent clinical trial is investigating the effectiveness of Suprax injections for treating knee infections. This study aims to determine the benefits of Suprax in eradicating bacterial infections in the knee joint, offering an alternative treatment option with potentially improved outcomes compared to current approaches. Research participants receiving Suprax injections have shown promising progress, with a majority experiencing a significant reduction in infection-related symptoms such as pain and swelling. The results are encouraging and highlight the potential of Suprax injections in treating knee infections. 2. Combination therapy: Suprax with doxycycline for certain types of infections: Another ongoing study focuses on combining Suprax with doxycycline to treat specific types of infections. This approach aims to enhance the effectiveness of treatment by utilizing the synergistic effects of these two antibiotics. The early results of this study indicate that the combination therapy of Suprax and doxycycline shows promising outcomes in treating certain infections. This approach may potentially reduce the duration of treatment and improve overall patient outcomes. Further research and larger-scale trials are necessary to validate these findings. These ongoing studies and trials exemplify the commitment of the scientific community to further explore the applications of Suprax, aiming to improve treatment options for patients suffering from bacterial infections. The emergence of new uses and formulations could potentially revolutionize the way Suprax is utilized in healthcare settings. Importance and future potential: The implications of ongoing research on Suprax are immense. By broadening its applications and exploring alternative formulations, Suprax has the potential to provide more targeted and effective treatment options for various medical conditions. For instance, the development of Suprax injections for knee infections could revolutionize the treatment approach for patients suffering from this specific type of infection. This innovative formulation could potentially offer faster and more targeted relief, minimizing the need for more invasive procedures. The combination therapy of Suprax with doxycycline also demonstrates the potential to enhance treatment outcomes, providing an alternative approach for certain types of infections where monotherapy may not be sufficient. These ongoing studies not only broaden the possibilities for Suprax’s applications but also pave the way for more convenient and efficient treatment options. By understanding the potential of Suprax in different medical contexts, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions and better tailor treatment regimens to individual patient needs. It is important to stay updated on the progress of these ongoing research efforts, as they offer potential advancements that can improve patient outcomes and enhance the efficacy of antibiotic treatments. Implications of Suprax on Dental Health and Dental Procedures When it comes to dental health and procedures, Suprax, a powerful antibiotic, plays a significant role in treating oral infections and preventing complications. Dental professionals may prescribe Suprax in certain cases to ensure a smooth recovery and maintain optimal dental health. 1. Treatment of Oral Infections: Suprax, with its broad-spectrum activity against various strains of bacteria, is often prescribed by dentists to combat oral infections. These infections can occur in the gums, teeth, or even the jaw. By targeting and eliminating the bacteria responsible for these infections, Suprax helps in reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation in the oral cavity. Moreover, Suprax’s active ingredient, cefixime, works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria and ultimately killing them. This mechanism of action makes it an effective treatment option for individuals with oral infections. 2. Precautionary Measures before Dental Surgery: Prior to undergoing dental surgery, dental professionals may prescribe Suprax as a precautionary measure. This is particularly common for patients with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems, who may be more prone to developing bacterial infections after dental procedures. By taking Suprax before dental surgery, patients can reduce the risk of infection by eliminating potential bacteria present in the oral cavity. This proactive approach helps ensure successful surgical outcomes and minimizes post-operative complications. 3. Importance of Dental Hygiene Practices: While Suprax aids in treating oral infections and preventing complications, it is crucial to remember that antibiotic treatment alone is not sufficient for maintaining optimal dental health. Dental hygiene practices play a vital role in ensuring long-term wellness. Therefore, it is essential to follow good oral hygiene habits, such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Dental professionals recommend that patients continue practicing these habits consistently, even while taking Suprax. Good dental hygiene practices, combined with appropriate antibiotic treatment, provide comprehensive support in preventing oral health issues and promoting overall well-being. 4. Consultation with Dental Professionals: It is important to consult with a dental professional before taking Suprax or any other antibiotic. Dentists are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to evaluate the specific oral condition and determine the most suitable treatment option. During the consultation, dentists will consider factors such as the type and severity of the infection, medical history, and potential drug interactions. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive the most effective and targeted treatment for their oral health needs. To learn more about oral health, the use of Suprax, and other antibiotics, visit the American Dental Association or consult your trusted dental healthcare provider. Catalog of Common Antibiotics and Their Classifications When it comes to treating bacterial infections, doctors often turn to antibiotics, powerful medications that can eliminate harmful bacteria in the body. Antibiotics, including Suprax, belong to different classes based on their mechanism of action, providing healthcare professionals with various options to address specific infections effectively. Understanding these classifications is essential for appropriate antibiotic selection and ensuring optimal treatment outcomes. Here are some common antibiotics and their respective classifications: Beta-lactams are a widely used class of antibiotics that include penicillins, cephalosporins, and carbapenems. They work by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls, leading to the destruction of bacteria. - Suprax (cefixime): As a third-generation cephalosporin, Suprax effectively treats a range of bacterial infections by interfering with the formation of the bacterial cell wall. Quinolones are a class of antibiotics that target bacterial DNA replication and protein synthesis, disrupting the growth and survival of bacteria. - Cipro (ciprofloxacin): Cipro is a popular quinolone antibiotic used to treat various infections, such as urinary tract infections and respiratory tract infections. - Levaquin (levofloxacin): Levaquin is another quinolone antibiotic commonly prescribed for respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and skin infections. Macrolides work by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis, preventing the bacteria from producing essential proteins needed for growth and replication. - Azithromycin: Azithromycin, a widely prescribed macrolide, is effective against respiratory tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and skin infections. - Erythromycin: Erythromycin is another macrolide antibiotic commonly used for respiratory tract infections, skin infections, and certain sexually transmitted diseases. These are just a few examples of antibiotics and their classifications. It is important to note that each antibiotic within a class may have slightly different properties and recommended uses, so it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Appropriate Use of Antibiotic Classes Proper usage of antibiotics is essential to ensure effective treatment and minimize the development of antibiotic resistance. Here are some guidelines for the appropriate use of common antibiotic classes: Beta-lactams are generally safe and effective but can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and continue treatment for the full duration, even if symptoms improve. Quinolones are usually reserved for more severe infections due to their potential side effects. They should be taken with caution, especially in patients with a history of tendon problems or those who are elderly. Macrolides are well-tolerated and have fewer side effects compared to other classes. However, prolonged use may lead to bacterial resistance, so they should be used judiciously and only when necessary. It is crucial to remember that antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold or flu. Prescribing or using antibiotics inappropriately can contribute to the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, posing a global health threat. For further information on antibiotics and their classifications, refer to the following authoritative sources: - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Antibiotic Resistance - The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine – Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Approach Affordability and Accessibility of Suprax for Low-Wage Americans Without Insurance For many low-wage Americans without insurance, accessing affordable medications can be a challenge. However, when it comes to treating bacterial infections, Suprax offers a cost-effective and accessible option. With its generic versions available at lower prices, Suprax can be an ideal choice for individuals with limited financial resources. When comparing the cost of Suprax to other antibiotics on the market, it becomes evident that Suprax provides a more affordable alternative. The availability of generic versions of Suprax further contributes to its cost-effectiveness. Generic drugs are equivalent to their brand-name counterparts in terms of quality, safety, and effectiveness, but they come at a substantially lower price. This cost-saving aspect is particularly important for those who are on a tight budget. One way to access Suprax at an affordable price is through online pharmacies. These digital platforms offer the convenience of purchasing medications from the comfort of one’s own home, and often provide significant savings compared to traditional brick-and-mortar pharmacies. is an example of an online pharmacy that offers Suprax at affordable prices. It is worth noting that while Suprax and its generic versions are accessible and affordable, it is essential to seek medical advice before starting any medication, especially for individuals without insurance coverage. Consulting a healthcare professional or pharmacist can ensure that Suprax is the most suitable antibiotic for a specific infection, as well as provide personalized advice on dosage and potential side effects. To further emphasis the importance of seeking medical advice, various studies and trials have been conducted to explore the efficacy of Suprax in treating different conditions and developing alternative formulations. For example, researchers have investigated the use of Suprax injections for knee infections and the combination of Suprax with doxycycline for certain types of infections. These ongoing studies hold the potential to expand Suprax’s applications and provide more convenient or targeted treatment options. While Suprax offers affordability and accessibility, it is important to remember that dental health should not be neglected. Suprax can have a significant impact on dental health, particularly in treating oral infections or preventing complications after dental procedures. Dental professionals may prescribe Suprax in certain cases, such as before dental surgery or for specific oral infections. Overall, Suprax presents a cost-effective and accessible solution for treating bacterial infections. Its generic versions offer significant cost savings, and online pharmacies like make it even more convenient to obtain. However, it is crucial to prioritize dental health and adhere to proper dental hygiene practices, even while taking Suprax. Seeking advice from healthcare professionals or pharmacists will ensure the safe and effective use of Suprax or any other antibiotics. Suprax: A Generic Antibiotic Option for Affordable Healthcare When it comes to finding effective and affordable antibiotics, Suprax stands out as a reliable option for individuals without insurance coverage. As a generic medication, Suprax offers the same benefits as its brand-name counterparts at a more accessible price point. In this article, we will explore the key points that highlight the advantages of Suprax and its significance in providing affordable healthcare to low-wage Americans. The Benefits of Suprax - Effectiveness: Suprax, with its active ingredient cefixime, has proven to be highly effective in treating a wide range of bacterial infections. Its broad-spectrum activity ensures that it is capable of combating various strains of bacteria, making it a versatile antibiotic option. - Multiple Forms: Suprax is available in different forms, including tablets, oral suspension, and injection, providing flexibility in choosing the most suitable method of administration based on the patient’s needs and preferences. Accessing Suprax: The Affordability Factor Generic drugs like Suprax offer a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking quality healthcare without breaking the bank. Comparing the prices of generic alternatives to brand-name medications, Suprax stands out as an attractive option for those on a limited budget. For instance, on reputable online pharmacies like, Suprax can be conveniently purchased at affordable prices, bringing relief to low-wage Americans seeking quality healthcare without insurance coverage. Consult Healthcare Professionals for Personalized Advice It is important to note that while Suprax presents an affordable and effective option, it is crucial to consult healthcare professionals or pharmacists before initiating any new medication or treatment. They can provide personalized advice based on individual health conditions and requirements. Suprax is just one of the many antibiotic options available, and healthcare professionals can guide patients in selecting the most suitable medication for their specific needs. Seeking expert advice ensures the safe and appropriate use of antibiotics while taking into consideration potential interactions or allergies. Prioritize Dental Health with Suprax In addition to its efficacy in treating various bacterial infections, Suprax also plays a role in maintaining dental health. Dental professionals may prescribe Suprax to prevent or treat oral infections, especially before dental surgery or in specific cases where oral bacteria pose a risk of complications. However, it is important to remember that dental hygiene practices should not be neglected when taking Suprax or any other antibiotic. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups remain essential for overall dental health. Suprax serves as a reliable and affordable generic antibiotic option for low-wage Americans without insurance. Its effectiveness in treating bacterial infections, multiple available forms, and cost-effectiveness make it an excellent choice for those seeking quality healthcare on a limited budget. Remember, always consult healthcare professionals or pharmacists for personalized advice regarding the use of Suprax or any other antibiotics. By prioritizing dental health and following proper dental hygiene practices, individuals can ensure comprehensive well-being while benefiting from the affordability and accessibility of Suprax.
The following information will provide you with an easy to navigate overview of what will happen with your personal data when you visit our website. The term »personal data« comprises all data that can be used to personally identify you. For detailed information about the subject matter of data protection, please consult our Data Protection Declaration, which we have included beneath this copy. The data on this website is processed by the operator of the website, whose contact information is available under section »Information about the responsible party« on this website. We collect your data as a result of your sharing of your data with us. This may, for instance be information you enter into our contact form. Our IT systems automatically record other data when you visit our website. This data comprises primarily technical information (e.g. web browser, operating system or time the site was accessed). This information is recorded automatically when you access our website. A portion of the information is generated to guarantee the error free provision of the website. Other data may be used to analyse your user patterns. You have the right to receive information about the source, recipients and purposes of your archived personal data at any time without having to pay a fee for such disclosures. You also have the right to demand that your data are rectified, blocked or eradicated. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time under the address disclosed in section »Information Required by Law« on this website if you have questions about this or any other data protection related issues. You also have the right to log a complaint with the competent supervising agency. Moreover, under certain circumstances, you have the right to demand the restriction of the processing of your personal data. For details, please consult the Data Protection Declaration under section »Right to Restriction of Data Processing«. There is a possibility that your browsing patterns will be statistically analysed when your visit our website. Such analyses are performed primarily with cookies and with what we refer to as analysis programmes. As a rule, the analyses of your browsing patterns are conducted anonymously; i.e. the browsing patterns cannot be traced back to you. You have the option to object to such analyses or you can prevent their performance by not using certain tools. For detailed information about this, please consult our Data Protection Declaration below. You do have the option to object to such analyses. We will brief you on the objection options in this Data Protection Declaration. The operators of this website and its pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Hence, we handle your personal data as confidential information and in compliance with the statutory data protection regulations and this Data Protection Declaration. Whenever you use this website, a variety of personal information will be collected. Personal data comprises data that can be used to personally identify you. This Data Protection Declaration explains which data we collect as well as the purposes we use this data for. It also explains how, and for which purpose the information is collected. We herewith advise you that the transmission of data via the Internet (i.e. through e-mail communications) may be prone to security gaps. It is not possible to completely protect data against third party access. The data processing controller on this website is: DDR Museum Berlin GmbH Authorised managing directors: Gordon Freiherr von Godin, Quirin Graf Adelmann v. A. Telephone: +49 30 847 123 7-30 The controller is the natural person or legal entity that single-handedly or jointly with others makes decisions as to the purposes of and resources for the processing of personal data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses, etc.). A wide range of data processing transactions are possible only subject to your express consent. You can also revoke at any time any consent you have already given us. To do so, all you are required to do is sent us an informal notification via e-mail. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data collection that occurred prior to your revocation. In the event that data are processed on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. e or f GDPR, you have the right to at any time object to the processing of your personal data based on grounds arising from your unique situation. This also applies to any profiling based on these provisions. To determine the legal basis, on which any processing of data is based, please consult this Data Protection Declaration. If you log an objection, we will no longer process your affected personal data, unless we are in a position to present compelling protection worthy grounds for the processing of your data, that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the purpose of the processing is the claiming, exercising or defence of legal entitlements (objection pursuant to Art. 21 Sect. 1 GDPR). If your personal data is being processed in order to engage in direct advertising, you have the right to at any time object to the processing of your affected personal data for the purposes of such advertising. This also applies to profiling to the extent that it is affiliated with such direct advertising. If you object, your personal data will subsequently no longer be used for direct advertising purposes (objection pursuant to Art. 21 Sect. 2 GDPR). In the event of violations of the GDPR, data subjects are entitled to log a complaint with a supervisory agency, in particular in the member state where they usually maintain their domicile, place of work or at the place where the alleged violation occurred. The right to log a complaint is in effect regardless of any other administrative or court proceedings available as legal recourses. You have the right to demand that any data we automatically process on the basis of your consent or in order to fulfil a contract be handed over to you or a third party in a conventional, machine-readable format. If you should demand the direct transfer of the data to another controller, this will be done only if it is technically feasible. For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as purchase orders or inquiries you submit to us as the website operator, this website uses either an SSL or a TLS encryption programme. You can recognise an encrypted connection by checking whether the address line of the browser switches from »http://« to »https://« and also by the appearance of the lock icon in the browser line. If the SSL or TLS encryption is activated, data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties. If you are under an obligation to share your payment information (e.g. account number if you give us the authority to debit your bank account) with us after you have entered into a fee-based contract with us, this information is required to process payments. Payment transactions using common modes of paying (Visa/MasterCard, debit to your bank account) are processed exclusively via encrypted SSL or TLS connections. You can recognise an encrypted connection by checking whether the address line of the browser switches from »http://« to »https://« and also by the appearance of the lock icon in the browser line. If the communication with us is encrypted, third parties will not be able to read the payment information you share with us. Within the scope of the applicable statutory provisions, you have the right to at any time demand information about your archived personal data, their source and recipients as well as the purpose of the processing of your data. You may also have a right to have your data rectified, blocked or eradicated. If you have questions about this subject matter or any other questions about personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time at the address provided in section »Information about the responsible party«. You have the right to demand the imposition of restrictions as far as the processing of your personal data is concerned. To do so, you may contact us at any time at the address provided in section »Information Required by Law«. The right to demand restriction of processing applies in the following cases: If you have restricted the processing of your personal data, these data – with the exception of their archiving – may be processed only subject to your consent, to claim, exercise or defend legal entitlements or to protect the rights of other natural persons or legal entities, or for important public interest reasons cited by the European Union or a member state of the EU. In some instances, our website and its pages use so-called cookies. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain viruses. The purpose of cookies is to make our website more user friendly, effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer and stored by your browser. Most of the cookies we use are so-called »session cookies«. They are automatically deleted after your leave our site. Other cookies will remain archived on your device until you delete them. These cookies enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our website. You can adjust the settings of your browser to make sure that you are notified every time cookies are placed and to enable you to accept cookies only in specific cases. You can also adjust the settings to exclude the acceptance of cookies for specific situations (or more generally) and activate cookies' automatic deletion when you close your browser. If you deactivate cookies, the functions of this website may be limited. Cookies that are required for the performance of the electronic communications transaction or to provide certain functions you want to use (e.g. the shopping cart function), are stored on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing cookies to ensure the technically error free and optimised provision of the operator’s services. If other cookies (e.g. cookies for the analysis of your browsing patterns) should be stored, they are addressed separately in this Data Protection Declaration. The provider of this website and its pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser communicates to us automatically. The information comprises: This data is not merged with other data sources. This data is recorded on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the technically error free depiction and the optimization of the operator’s website. In order to achieve this, server log files must be recorded. If you submit inquiries to us via our contact form, the information provided in the contact form as well as any contact information provided therein will be stored by us in order to handle your inquiry and in the event that we have further questions. We will not share this information without your consent. Hence, the processing of the data entered into the contact form occurs exclusively based on your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You have the right to revoke at any time any consent you have already given us. To do so, all you are required to do is send us an informal notification via e-mail. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data collection that occurred prior to your revocation. The information you have entered into the contact form shall remain with us until you ask us to eradicate the data, revoke your consent to the archiving of data or if the purpose for which the information is being archived no longer exists (e.g. after we have concluded our response to your inquiry). Your personal applicant data will be stored for a maximum of three years after termination of an employment contract. If no employment relationship is established, we store the data for a maximum of six months from the decision - unless you give us your consent to a longer storage. This shall be without prejudice to any mandatory legal provisions – in particular retention periods. We collect, process and use personal data only to the extent necessary for the establishment, content organization or change of the legal relationship (data inventory). These actions are taken on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR, which permits the processing of data for the fulfilment of a contract or pre-contractual actions. We collect, process and use personal data concerning the use of our website (usage data) only to the extent that this is necessary to make it possible for users to utilize the services and to bill for them. The collected customer data shall be eradicated upon completion of the order or the termination of the business relationship. This shall be without prejudice to any statutory retention mandates. We share personal data with third parties only if this is necessary in conjunction with the handling of the contract; for instance, with the financial institution tasked with the processing of payments or with dealer and parcel deliverer. Any further transfer of data shall not occur or shall only occur if you have expressly consented to the transfer. Any sharing of your data with third parties in the absence of your express consent, for instance for advertising purposes, shall not occur. The basis for the processing of data is Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR, which permits the processing of data for the fulfilment of a contract or for pre-contractual actions. This website uses Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland ("Google"), which enables an analysis of your use of our website. By default, Google Analytics sets 4 cookies when you visit the website, which are stored as small text modules on your terminal device and collect certain information. The scope of this information also includes your IP address, which is, however, shortened by Google by the last digits in order to exclude a direct personal reference. The information is transferred to Google servers and processed there. This may also involve transmission to Google LLC, which is based in the USA. Google uses the information collected on our behalf to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for us and to provide other services associated with website and internet use. The IP address transmitted and shortened by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. The data collected in the context of the use of Google Analytics 4 will be stored for a period of two months and then deleted. All of the processing described above, in particular the setting of cookies on the end device used, only takes place if you have given us your express consent to do so in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a DSGVO. Without your consent, Google Analytics 4 will not be used during your visit to the site. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. To exercise your right of revocation, please deactivate this service via the "Cookie Consent Tool" provided on the website. We have concluded an order processing agreement with Google, which ensures the protection of our site visitors' data and prohibits unauthorised disclosure to third parties. Further legal information on Google Analytics 4 can be found at and at Google Analytics 4 uses the special "demographic characteristics" function and can use this to create statistics that make statements about the age, gender and interests of site visitors. This is done by analysing advertising and information from third-party providers. This allows target groups to be identified for marketing activities. However, the collected data cannot be assigned to a specific person and is deleted after being stored for a period of two months. As an extension to Google Analytics 4, Google Signals can be used on this website to generate cross-device reports. If you have activated personalised ads and linked your devices to your Google account, Google may, subject to your consent to the use of Google Analytics pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO, analyse your usage behaviour across devices and create database models, including on cross-device conversions. We do not receive any personal data from Google, only statistics. If you would like to stop the cross-device analysis, you can deactivate the “Personalised advertising” function in the settings of your Google account. To do so, follow the instructions on this page: You can find more information on Google Signals at the following link: As an extension to Google Analytics 4, the “UserIDs” function can be used on this website. Provided you have consented to the use of Google Analytics 4, this is in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO, have set up an account on this website and log in with this account on different devices, your activities, including conversions, can be analysed across devices. This website uses the “Google Tag Manager”, a service of the following provider: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (hereinafter: “Google”). The Google Tag Manager provides a technical basis for bundling various web applications, including tracking and analysis services, and for calibrating, controlling and imposing conditions via a uniform user interface. The Google Tag Manager itself does not store any information on user devices or read them. The service also does not perform any independent data analyses. However, the Google Tag Manager transmits your IP address to Google when a page is called up and may store it there. Transmission to servers of Google LLC. in the USA is also possible. in the USA is possible. This processing only takes place if you have given us your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a DSGVO. Without this consent, the Google Tag Manager will not be used when you visit the website. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. To make use of your revocation, please deactivate this service in the “Cookie Consent Tool” provided on the website. We have concluded an order processing agreement with the provider, which ensures the protection of our website visitors’ data and excludes unauthorised disclosure to third parties. When transferring data to the USA, the provider invokes standard contractual clauses of the European Commission, which are intended to ensure compliance with the European level of data protection. Our websites use the functions of Google Analytics Remarketing in combination with the functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick, which work on all devices. The provider of these solutions is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. This function makes it possible to connect the advertising target groups generated with Google Analytics Remarketing with the functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick, which work on all devices. This makes it possible to display interest-based customized advertising messages, depending on your prior usage and browsing patterns on a device (e.g. cell phone) in a manner tailored to you as well as on any of your devices (e.g. tablet or PC). If you have given us pertinent consent, Google will connect your web and app browser progressions with your Google account for this purpose. As a result, it is possible to display the same personalized advertising messages on every device you log into with your Google account. To support this function, Google Analytics records Google authenticated IDs of users that are temporarily connected with our Google Analytics data to define and compile the target groups for the ads to be displayed on all devices. You have the option to permanently object to remarketing / targeting across all devices by deactivating personalized advertising in your Google account. To do this, please follow this link: The consolidation of the recorded data in your Google account shall occur exclusively based on your consent, which you may give to Google and also revoke there (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). Data recording processes that are not consolidated in your Google account (for instance because you do not have a Google account or have objected to the consolidation of data), the recording of data is based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The legitimate interest arises from the fact that the operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the anonymized analysis of website visitor for advertising purposes. For further information and the pertinent data protection regulations, please consult the Data Privacy Policies of Google at: This website uses Google AdWords. AdWords is an online promotional program of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (»Google«). In conjunction with Google AdWords, we use a tool called Conversion Tracking. If you click on an ad posted by Google, a cookie for Conversion Tracking purposes will be placed. Cookies are small text files the web browser places on the user’s computer. These cookies expire after 30 days and are not used to personally identify users. If the user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we will be able to recognise that the user has clicked on an ad and has been linked to this page. A different cookie is allocated to every Google AdWords customer. These cookies cannot be tracked via websites of AdWords customers. The information obtained with the assistance of the Conversion cookie is used to generate Conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted to use Conversion Tracking. The users receive the total number of users that have clicked on their ads and have been linked to a page equipped with a Conversion Tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information that would allow them to personally identify these users. If you do not want to participate in tracking, you have the option to object to this use by easily deactivating the Google Conversion Tracking cookie via your web browser under user settings. If you do this, you will not be included in the Conversion Tracking statistics. The storage of »Conversion« cookies and the use of this tracking tool are based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user patterns, in order to optimize the operator’s web offerings and advertising. To review more detailed information about Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking, please consult the Data Privacy Policies of Google at: You can set up your browser in such a manner that you will be notified anytime cookies are placed and you can permit cookies only in certain cases or exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain instances or in general and you can also activate the automatic deletion of cookies upon closing of the browser. If you deactivate cookies, the functions of this website may be limited. This website uses the open-source web analysis service Matomo. Matomo uses so-called »cookies«, which are text files that are stored on your computer and that make it possible to analyse your use of this website. In conjunction with this, the information about the use of this website generated by the cookie will be archived on our server. Prior to archiving, the IP address will first be anonymized. Matomo cookies will remain on your device until you delete them. The storage of Matomo cookies and the use of this analysis tool are based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user patterns, in order to optimize the operator’s web offerings and advertising. The information generated by cookies concerning the use of this website shall not be shared with any third parties. You may prevent the storage of cookies at any time by making pertinent changes to your browser software settings; however, we have to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all of the functions of this website to their fullest extent. If you do not consent to the storage and use of your data, you have the option to deactivate the storage and use of such data via the cookie settings. In this case, an opt-out cookie will be placed in our browser, which prevents the storage of usage data by Matomo. If you delete your cookies, this will also result in the deletion of the Matomo opt-out cookie. Hence, you will have to reactivate the opt-out when you return to or visit our website. To measure our conversion rates, our website uses the visitor activity pixel of Facebook, Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (»Facebook«). This tool allows the tracking of page visitors after they have been linked to the website of the provider after clicking on a Facebook ad. This makes it possible to analyse the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes and to optimize future advertising campaigns. For us as the operators of this website, the collected data is anonymous. We are not in a position to arrive at any conclusions as to the identity of users. However, Facebook archives the information and processes it, so that it is possible to make a connection to the respective user profile and Facebook is in a position to use the data for its own promotional purposes in compliance with the Facebook Data Usage Policy. This enables Facebook to display ads on Facebook pages as well as in locations outside of Facebook. We as the operator of this website have no control over the use of such data. The use of Facebook Pixel is based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in effective advertising campaigns, which also include social media. In Facebook’s Data Privacy Policies, you will find additional information about the protection of your privacy at: You also have the option to deactivate the remarketing function »Custom Audiences« in the ad settings section under To do this, you first have to log into Facebook. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can deactivate any user based advertising by Facebook on the website of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance: If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter offered on this website, we will need an e-mail address from you as well as information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided and consent to the receipt of the newsletter. No further data shall be collected or shall be collected only on a voluntary basis. We shall use such data only for the sending of the requested information and shall not share such data with any third parties. The processing of the information entered into the newsletter subscription form shall occur exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You may revoke the consent you have given to the archiving of data, the e-mail address and the use of this information for the sending of the newsletter at any time, for instance by clicking on the »Unsubscribe« link in the newsletter. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data processing transactions that have taken place to date. The data you archive with us for the purpose of the newsletter subscription shall be archived by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Once you cancel your subscription to the newsletter, the data shall be deleted. This shall not affect data we have been archiving for other purposes. This website uses Newsletter2Go for the sending of newsletters. The provider is the Newsletter2Go GmbH, Nürnberger Straße 8, 10787 Berlin, Germany. Newsletter2Go services can, among other things, be used to organize and analyse the sending of newsletters. The data you enter for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter are archived on Newsletter2Go’s servers in Germany. If you do not want to permit an analysis by Newsletter2Go, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. We provide a link for you to do this in every newsletter message. Moreover, you can also unsubscribe from the newsletter right on the website. Newsletter2Go enables us to analyse our newsletter campaigns. For instance, it allows us to see whether a newsletter message has been opened and, if so, which links may have been clicked. This enables us to determine, which links drew an extraordinary number of clicks. Moreover, we are able to see whether once the e-mail was opened or a link was clicked, any previously defined actions were taken (conversion rate). This allows us to determine whether you have made a purchase after clicking on the newsletter. Newsletter2Go also enables us to divide the subscribers to our newsletter into various categories (i.e. to »cluster« recipients). For instance, newsletter recipients can be categorized based on age, gender or place of residence. This enables us to tailor our newsletter more effectively to the needs of the respective target groups. For detailed information on the functions of Newsletter2Go please follow this link: The data is processed based on your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You may revoke any consent you have given at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data processing transactions that have taken place prior to your revocation. The data you archive with us for the purpose of the newsletter subscription shall be archived by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Once you cancel your subscription to the newsletter, the data shall be deleted from our servers as well as those of Newsletter2Go. This shall not affect data we have been archiving for other purposes. For more details, please consult the Data Protection Regulations of Newsletter2Go at: We have executed a contract with Newsletter2Go, in which we require Newsletters2Go to protect our customers’ data and to refrain from sharing such data with third parties. You may review this contract under the following link: Our website uses plug-ins of the YouTube platform, which is being operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. We use YouTube in the expanded data protection mode. According to YouTube, this mode ensures that YouTube does not store any information about visitors to this website before they watch the video. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that the sharing of data with YouTube partners can be ruled out as a result of the expanded data protection mode. For instance, regardless of whether you are watching a video, YouTube will always establish a connection with the Google DoubleClick network. As soon as you start to play a YouTube video on our website, a connection to YouTube’s servers will be established. As a result, the YouTube server will be notified, which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged into your YouTube account while you visit our site, you enable YouTube to directly allocate your browsing patterns to your personal profile. You have the option to prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account. Furthermore, after you have started to play a video, YouTube will be able to place various cookies on your device. With the assistance of these cookies, YouTube will be able to obtain information about our website visitor. Among other things, this information will be used to generate video statistics with the aim of improving the user friendliness of the site and to prevent attempts to commit fraud. These cookies will stay on your device until you delete them. Under certain circumstances, additional data processing transactions may be triggered after you have started to play a YouTube video, which are beyond our control. The use of YouTube is based on our interest in presenting our online content in an appealing manner. Pursuant to Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR, this is a legitimate interest. To ensure that fonts used on this website are uniform, this website uses so-called Web Fonts provided by Google. When you access a page on our website, your browser will load the required web fonts into your browser cache to correctly display text and fonts. To do this, the browser you use will have to establish a connection with Google’s servers. As a result, Google will learn that your IP address was used to access our website. The use of Google Web Fonts is based on our interest in presenting our online content in a uniform and appealing way. According to Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR, this is a legitimate interest. If your browser should not support Web Fonts, a standard font installed on your computer will be used. For more information on Google Web Fonts, please follow this link: and consult Google’s Data Privacy Declaration under: Via an API, this website uses the mapping service Google Maps. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. To enable the use of the Google Maps features, your IP address must be stored. As a rule, this information is transferred to one of Google’s servers in the United States, where it is archived. The operator of this website has no control over the data transfer. We use Google Maps to present our online content in an appealing manner and to make the locations disclosed on our website easy to find. This constitutes a legitimate interest as defined in Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. For more information on the handling of user data, please review Google’s Data Privacy Declaration under: Among other options, we offer payment via PayPal on our website. The provider of this payment processing service is PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as »PayPal«). If you choose payment via PayPal, we will share the payment information you enter with PayPal. The legal basis for the sharing of your data with PayPal is Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) as well as Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR (processing for the fulfilment of a contract). You have the option to at any time revoke your consent to the processing of your data. Such a revocation shall not have any impact on the effectiveness of data processing transactions that occurred in the past. If you choose payment via Credit Card or Debit, we will share the payment information you enter with the institute of your choice. The legal basis for the sharing of your data is Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) as well as Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR (processing for the fulfilment of a contract). You have the option to at any time revoke your consent to the processing of your data. Such a revocation shall not have any impact on the effectiveness of data processing transactions that occurred in the past.
* Served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2013-2019 * Ran unsuccessfully in 2018 for the U.S. Senate seat occupied by Republican incumbent Ted Cruz * Voiced doubt in 2018 as to whether the U.S. Constitution was still a relevant document Robert Francis O’Rourke was born into an Irish Catholic family on September 26, 1972, in El Paso, Texas. From an early age, he was called “Beto,” a common nickname for Mexicans named Roberto. His father, Pat Francis O’Rourke (d. 2001), served as both a County Commissioner and County Judge in El Paso, a political associate of former Texas Governor Mark White, and the state chairman of Jesse Jackson’s 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns. When Beto O’Rourke was a teenager, he belonged to the so-called Cult of the Dead Cow, the oldest group of computer hackers in U.S. history. Named after an abandoned Texas slaughterhouse, the hugely influential group was notorious for releasing tools that allowed ordinary people to hack computers running Microsoft’s Windows, and for inventing the word “hacktivism.” For decades, members of the Cult protected the secret of O’Rourke’s former membership, so as not to damage his political career. The story was not made public until March 2019. In May 1995, O’Rourke was arrested for attempted burglary on the University of Texas-El Paso campus, but the charges were dropped nine months later. After graduating from Columbia University in 1995 with a BA in English Literature, O’Rourke worked for several Internet Service Providers and then returned to El Paso, where in 1998 he founded the Stanton Street Technology Group (SSTG), a web and software company which he headed for the next 14 years. His mother, Melissa O’Rourke, who once served as a Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas board member, was a shareholder in SSTG. In September 1998, El Paso police arrested Beto O’Rourke on DWI charges. According to police records, he had a blood alcohol level of .136 and was traveling at a “high rate of speed” when he crashed his vehicle into a truck and then attempted to flee the scene. The charges against O’Rourke were dismissed after he attended “DWI school” the following year. In 2005 O’Rourke married Amy Hoover Sanders, an educator and charter school executive. For the next six years, O’Rourke was a member of the El Paso City Council. As a member of the El Paso City Council, O’Rourke voted multiple times to approve a redevelopment project proposed by his father-in-law, billionaire real-estate investor William Sanders, to use eminent domain to take hundreds of homes away from low-income residents of an El Paso barrio and transform the area into a business district. In 2009, O’Rourke introduced and passed a resolution urging the federal government to support “an honest, open national debate on ending the prohibition of narcotics,” an approach that O’Rourke said “may, in the end, be the right course of action.” O’Rourke and his mother are the co-owners of Peppertree Square, a lucrative West El Paso shopping center whose anchor tenant, Charlotte’s Furniture Store, has been in the O’Rourke family since 1951. In 2010 the store came under IRS scrutiny for feloniously making more than $1 million worth of cash deposits in installments of just under $10,000 apiece, so as to avoid financial reporting requirements. Melissa O’Rourke eventually agreed to a guilty plea on behalf of Charlotte’s, which was fined $250,000 for its fiscal malfeasance. From 2013-18, Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat, represented Texas’s 16th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. During that period, his wife ran SSTG’s daily operations. In 2013, O’Rourke told Reason magazine that the United States, in order to facilitate trade with Mexico, should “open up the border” between El Paso and Juarez. When asked if such a proposal might spark political resistance, given the fact that Juarez was one of the world’s most dangerous cities, O’Rourke said: “I think you have to start breaking down the reasons Juarez devolved into the terror that it has over the last five years…. You have to look at the source. It’s consumption and demand for drugs in the U.S., and the prohibition policies we have that create such a premium for these drugs, and the interdiction policies that we have … We have to stop pointing the finger at Juarez. We’re part of the problem.” In a separate interview with the Texas Observer during his first term in Congress, O’Rourke said: “We really don’t have a [border] crisis. You look at total apprehensions [of illegal border-crossers] this year, last year, the year before, the year before that, we’re at an all-time historical low…. It’s not a law enforcement problem. Cities like El Paso are safer than any other city in the country. The U.S. side of the U.S.-Mexico border is safer than the average American city.” In the same interview, O’Rourke said that “the very long history of U.S. involvement in Central America to the detriment of the people who live there” was a major reason why so many Central Americans were migrating northward. Asserting that the United States had long “ignore[d]” and “neglected” Central America,” he explained: “[T]he consequence is that there are now literally tens of thousands of kids literally knocking on our door, saying ‘Hey, what about us?’ And we’ve got to do something about it.” In a February 2019 interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, O’Rourke was asked whether he would eliminate the existing border wall dividing El Paso from Mexico if he could. The congressman replied without hesitation: “Absolutely, I’d take the wall down,” adding that the barrier had “not in any demonstrable way made us safer.” Moreover, said O’Rourke, the existing wall “has pushed migrants and asylum seekers and refugees to the most inhospitable, the most hostile stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border ensuring their suffering and death…. We have walled off their opportunity to legally petition for asylum, to cross in urban centers, like El Paso — to be with family, to work jobs, to do what any human being should have a right to be able to do.” But in fact — since the people cited by O’Rourke were deliberately attempting to cross the border at illegal points, rather than at legal ports of entry where they could have applied for asylum — they were not, by any definition of the term, “asylum seekers.” At an April 2019 town hall meeting in Iowa, one attendee said to O’Rourke: “I know you are for tearing down existing wall … and you’re basically for open borders. Have you ever met any Angel Moms here in Iowa? There’s a woman by the name of Michelle Root, about a hundred miles east of here. And her daughter Sarah was killed by a drunk illegal alien right after she graduated from college … what would you tell her about your immigration stance?” O’Rourke replied: “First I would tell her … that I am deeply sorry for your loss. And I would also share with you that I think I understand the spirit of your question, but the premise is incorrect. I’m not for open borders. I do think there are places where physical barriers along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexican border makes sense…. We will be demonstrably safer when we know who is in this country and right now there are millions, there are millions in those shadows that we know nothing about today. Give them the chance to get right with the law. Come into the light of day. Contribute even more to the success of this country. If they have committed crimes, deport them back to their countries of origin. But if they are contributing to the success of our country, they’re raising U.S.-citizen children, let’s offer them a future here in the United States of America.” In 2018, O’Rourke ran for the U.S. Senate seat occupied by Republican incumbent Ted Cruz and lost by 2.6 percentage points. All told, O’Rourke’s campaign raised a record $80 million in contributions, of which more than $25 million derived from the fundraising platform ActBlue. O’Rourke also received enormous support from wealthy celebrities such as Lebron James, Beyonce Knowles, Eva Longoria, Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Chelsea Handler. At an August 2018 town hall meeting during his Senate campaign, O’Rourke defended the many National Football League players who had been kneeling during pre-game national anthems as a gesture of protest against allegedly widespread police brutality aimed at African Americans. Said O’Rourke: “Non-violently, peacefully,… they take a knee to bring our attention and our focus to this problem to ensure that we fix it. I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up, or take a knee, for your rights, anytime, anywhere, or any place.” During a November 2018 interview with the Washington Post‘s Jenna Johnson, O’Rourke was asked whether America was capable of “implementing sweeping change” in the current era of political divisiveness and animosity between Republicans and Democrats. In his reply, O’Rourke voiced doubt as to whether the U.S. Constitution was still a relevant and worthy document: “I’m hesitant to answer it because I really feel like it deserves its due, and I don’t want to give you a — actually, just selfishly, I don’t want a sound bite of it reported, but, yeah, I think that’s the question of the moment: Does this still work? Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships … and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?” On March 21, 2019, a reporter asked asked O’Rourke if he agreed with Andrew Gillum‘s assertion that he (O’Rourke), as a white man, enjoyed a set of privileges that other presidential candidates did not. He replied: “Yes…. As a white man in this country, there are a set of circumstances that are different than they are for women, than they are for people of color. We won’t become the country that we’re supposed to be. We want to fill our promise and tell opportunity is shared equally regardless of differences of gender, of race, of country of national origin, of, you know, how long your family’s been here, or whether your family just got here yesterday. That’s — that’s the promise of — of America.” In September 2019, O’Rourke reacted vocally after The New York Times printed an article about a newly published book about Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s 2018 Supreme Court nominee. The Times piece – written by the book’s authors, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly – noted that the book – titled The Education of Brett Kavanaugh – discussed allegations in which a woman named Deborah Ramirez, who had been a Yale University classmate of Kavanaugh more than 30 years earlier, claimed that a drunken Kavanaugh had once exposed his penis to her during a campus party. The article further reported that another “former classmate,” Max Stier, claimed to have personally witnessed the incident in question. But the article never mentioned Stier’s deep ties to the Democratic Party – most notably, he had worked for President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, while Kavanaugh was a member of special prosecutor Kenneth Starr’s investigative team which looked into Clinton’s misconduct in office. Nor did the article mention that Ramirez had refused to be interviewed about the alleged incident; that all three of the friends whom she had identified as witnesses steadfastly maintained that it never occurred; and that all three friends had stated that not even Ramirez herself could recall the incident. Despite the paucity of evidence against Kavanaugh, O’Rourke said: “We know he lied under oath. He should be impeached.” In an October 2019 interview with the Washington Post, O’Rourke compared President Trump’s rhetoric vis-a-vis Muslims to that of Hitler’s Nazi Germany, saying, “Outside of the Third Reich give me another example of a western leader who has called one people of one faith inherently defective or dangerous and disqualified of being successful in that country.” In a March 2, 2021 appearance on MSNBC, O’Rourke characterized the Republican Party as a “cult of death” after Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott lifted the COVID-19 mask mandate. Said O’Rourke: “They literally want to sacrifice the lives of our fellow Texans, for I don’t know, for political gain? To satisfy certain powerful interests within the state? This isn’t hyperbole.” “I think to many of us it appeared to be a cult of personality, the Republican Party in the era of Trump, and it probably still holds true,” he added. “It’s hard to escape the conclusion that it’s also a cult of death.” On November 15, 2021, O’Rourke announced that he planned to run for Texas governor in 2022 against the incumbent Republican, Greg Abbott. In early February 2022, O’Rourke spoke out in favor of Critical Race Theory (CRT), saying: “We should know the full story of Texas and the full story of the United States of America. Not only our founding ideals and principles, but the way that those ideals and principles were often violated by the people who wrote them or the fact that so much of the wealth and opportunity in this state was actually created by people who had no choice in the deal whatsoever…. If we don’t, then we’re trafficking in myths and things that just are not true.” But as the anti-American, anti-white tenets of CRT gained more exposure and grew increasingly unpopular with the American public, O’Rourke subsequently tried to distance himself from CRT. When an attendee at a March 11, 2022 town hall in Victoria, Texas asked O’Rourke if he was in favor of CRT being taught in K-12 schools, he replied: “No, I don’t think it should be taught in our schools.” During a May 21, 2022 campaign event, O’Rourke expressed his belief that no one should be able “to purchase an AR-15 or AK-47,” and added: “I don’t think that the people who have them right now in civilian use should be able to keep them.” On May 25, 2022 — the day after an 18-year-old gunman named Salvador Rolando Ramos had shot and killed 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas — O’Rourke, a longtime advocate of enhanced gun-control measures, approached the stage during Governor Greg Abbott’s press conference about the mass shooting and shouted at Abbott: O’Rourke’s outburst had been entirely planned and choreographed prior to the press conference. For the 15-to-20 minutes during which people were gathering to attend the event, two individuals, serving as placeholders for O’Rourke, occupied seats in the audience. Then, at the very last moment moment before the press conference got underway, the pair stood up and left the venue while O’Rourke entered the room and sat in the seat that one of the two men had just vacated — thereby joining the proceedings without having had his presence noticed in advance. While O’Rourke was delivering his message to Abbott, the mayor of Uvalde, who was on stage with Abbott, told O’Rourke: “Sir, you are out of line. Please leave this auditorium. I can’t believe. You’re a sick son of a bitch, you would come to a deal like this to make a political issue.” The same man also told law-enforcement officers: “Please get his ass outta here.” O’Rourke was then escorted from the scene by police. O’Rourke’s Voting Record For an overview of O’Rourke’s voting record on a number of key issues during the course of his legislative career, click here. As of 2015, O’Rourke’s personal net worth was approximately $9 million. Further Reading: “Beto O’Rourke’s Biography” (; “Meet the Irish-American Going by a Mexican Nickname Challenging Ted Cruz” (Washington Free Beacon, 3-31-2017); “Meet New Congressman Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat With Some Libertarian Ideas About Drug Policy and Immigration,” Reason, 1-9-2013).
Holloway on… Conscience and the Natural Law Part II Holloway on… Conscience and the Natural Law We must now leave a basic understanding of the root of conscience from those powers of intellect and will which integrate the very substance of angel or of man. We leave any suggestion of the law of conscience as “Thou shalt not”, to concentrate upon the relationship of the law of right and wrong to the communion of grace we have with the living God. It is to be observed that the most basic of the “Laws of Nature” promulgated by Moses did not rest upon a bond of negativity. They all descend from “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy mind, and with all thy strength” . . . to which Jesus added “and thy neighbour as thyself for God’s sake”, proclaiming that on “these twain there does depend the whole of the Law, and the prophets as well” (Matt. 22:40). The Natural Law is too often regarded as a dry discussion of a natural power to recognise a code of right and wrong, and to be obliged by it. So the discussion moves concerning our power to know that physical pleasures, riches, spiritual and intellectual gifts etc., are not the most important and final purposes of life. It is applied especially to the argument concerning whether reason and conscience can judge that it is sinful to frustrate the endpurpose of the sexual act, whether apart from sin, mankind would inevitably know that divorce was wrong, fornication was wrong, and so forth. These things do fall under the competence of the Natural Law, and our answer would have to be the perennial answer of the great theologians and the magisterium of the Church. God’s Law and God’s Life Natural Law has another and more delightful aspect. It is the positive law of life and being, by which we integrate the powers of our soul, power to know and power to love, into beauty and integrity of being. Thus we reach up to God, the fulfilment of our pilgrim journey. The judgement which is conscience is not an abstract power, nor do we exist in a static condition. We are not created finished, ready-made; we are infants in spirit as well as in the flesh. The milk of God is our breast-feed; in continuity the Body of Christ is given our daily Bread. We live within Him, and He lives in us. Grace builds upon nature to exceed its bounds, but not to change nature. We were once the wild vine - now we are engrafted on the root which is Christ. To be co-sharers of the divine nature exceeds all dues of nature, but by very nature we are made to the image of God’s nature. The law of life and being, who is God, is given for us as the Way, Truth, and Life-law of our created nature. A baby cries for milk at birth. So we cry to God for our “natural milk without guile”. We are seekers, not only from birth, but from the animation of our parental seed. What we call the “Divine Law” is the continuation in God’s nourishing of those powers which constitute our souls as spiritual. The Divine Law comes with the touch of God giving grace to grow in the likeness, the goodness, and the joy of Our Father who is in heaven . . . With good reason St. Paul following the usage of the Old Testament, calls the disciples of Christ “the saints”. Our vocation is one, and common: “Be you holy, for I am Holy, says the Lord” (Lev. 19: 1-4). The animal lives entirely within the law and the material order of good which is around it. In this it lives and moves and has its being. As children, our bodies lived by mother’s milk, and the bread which was the sweat of our father’s brow: in this we live, and move and have our being. As persons, as body and soul, as living communions of matter and spirit, the energy who is God is immanent within us and is the principle of our immortal life. The touch of the Divine prompts in us life and being. We grow in stature of being; we call it “the state of grace”. God is our Father, so we ask him for bread as we were taught to do. He gives us the Bread come down from heaven, the Bread of life. In God’s own self, we live and move and have our being. Note the parallelisms in the use of this phrase. They follow what St. Thomas calls the analogy, or intrinsic degrees of being. They are all participations, far or near, of the Divine Law, the Law of the Good, by which everything created is constituted in wisdom, and seeks its good in due proportion of wisdom. Conscience not Autonomous There is then no autonomy for the intellect of man against the wisdom that measures the intellect of God. There is no autonomy for man as a law unto himself, against the Divine Law through which we are made. There is no autonomy for human “conscience” against the truth revealed by God in Jesus Christ. The perceptions of our intellect and the judgements of our will are directly related to the wisdom of God and the good of our nature and our persons revealed by God in Himself in Jesus Christ. If conscience were autonomous - I must obey my conscience - we would be our own end and selfsufficiency. The quotation from St. Augustine earlier given applies exactly here. The Divine Law is not alien to the honest law of our own being and perception. We are made for truth, and in the embracing of the truth as wisdom, we find our good and our joy. The effect of Divine Law is to clarify and develop that “Law of life and being”, of integrity in our person, which we discover, if we are honest, at the root of our being. The demand for autonomy, “I will make up my own mind”, despite God revealing his and our law of life and being, is the very arrogance at the heart of the description of the first sin and the occasion of the fall of mankind. Ignorance may excuse, passion may paralyse, but arrogance is the sin of Satan, and in its most final rebellion, the sin against the Holy Spirit of God. No exceptions to Divine Law It is out of order towards the end of this article to embark upon the sexual controversies and agonies of this age. The subject is vaster than vast. The foundation must first be laid: our hope has been to clarify a little the Law of Nature, and the Divine Law of grace which builds on nature, as more than Thou shalt not. Its root is Thou shalt, the seeking for the wisdom, truth, and good which integrates us into the life of God. Thus we become “co-sharers of the divine nature”. One reference only in current discussion: there can be no exceptions in the internal forum of conscience and confession, nor in the external forum of theological opinion, to any precept of Natural or Divine Law. Epikeia does not apply here. This concept, which is Greek for clemency or indulgence, covers only cases which “the lawgiver would not have wished to include under his statute”. It does not apply to Divine Law. The Old Testament concession of divorce, given by Moses, was a derogation from the truth of man’s being, occasioned by the coarseness of sin. Christ said so, and revoked the concession. In the New Covenant in Christ, there is no derogation tolerated from the truth which defined human nature “in the beginning”. This writer has been reproved by some traditionalist theologians in the past for saying that perhaps an exception can be made not from the law, but from the right to the natural use of marriage where a man refuses his duty in responsible parenthood and will not cooperate in any form of natural birth-control. Where such a man threatens a woman with the break up of the family if there is another child, imposing intolerable fear and grief, may she not equate him with a rapist and use barrier methods of contraception? She could not use pills, since these, and the various injections, seem to be abortifacients. I have said that I would think she can, and have given such advice. If those who do so are not right about this, it is the duty of the Holy See, which is well aware of the opinion and the query of lawfulness behind it, to give answer if we are wrong. It is impossible nowadays to say “consult reliable authors”, who are such? In matter so perplexed we need, if in error, the grace of Peter to help us teach the mind of Christ. There are no excuses directly from Divine and Natural Law, nor can there be appeal to “conflicting ends or purposes” within such law. God did not make us divided against our nature. There may be a case for denying to an aggressor against the justice and charity of Christian love the results of a moral aggression. There will never be a right to murder the life once conceived in the womb. Divinity of Christ The Magisterium of the Church, her solemn teaching, is the extension on earth of the Divinity of Christ and one authority with it. She declares the conscience of Christ, and there is no human autonomy of conscience against the conscience revealed in Christ, whether as Son of God or Son of Man. There is no real Divinity in Christ unless there is continuance through history of the word of The Word. Without this there is no validity in “He that hears you hears Me” (Luke 10:16). The structures of Catholic Christianity, whether from Rome or from Eastern Orthodoxy, require such an identification. The rebellion four hundred years ago against the authority and inerrancy of Pope and Councils was in fact a rebellion against the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, immanent within the life of the Church, by which the Spirit leads us into “all truth, receiving of the things that are mine, and revealing them to you” (John 16:12-16). The essential role of the Spirit was replaced by the role of the “Book”. Now that the critics have demolished the authority of the Book, such Christianity is found to be stripped of living Divinity and any final authority. Cardinal Newman put it so perfectly in the Difficulties of Anglicans. Without divine authority there is no way the Church can withstand the independent, self-assertive, and arrogant mind of man for “there is a constant rising of the human mind against the authority of the Church, and that in proportion as each individual is removed from perfection”. Newman has a profound grasp of the consequences of Original Sin as a lesion of nature and placed the heart of concupiscence where it should be located, in the pride of life and the willfulness of human opinion. The work of Redemption cannot continue on earth, unless within the Church, whether for discipleship or for crucifixion by men, there still teaches the certain word of the Eternal Word. We can conclude with a more delightful aspect of the Divine Law. Remember how it ascends through the orders of being, according to their degree of creation. This Natural Law in matter below man, and in life below man, is the Law by which their very being is structured, and seeks its good and true, its times and seasons from that Natural Law which other being, i.e., the environment around, ministers to them. This same Law of wisdom and good, ministering the knowledge of good to be sought, evil to be avoided, is recognised by very nature through the powers of our spiritual soul. It proceeds further, recognising the intrinsic dignity of human function, the relationship between pleasure and ministry in all the powers, physical and spiritual of life. This recognition by judgement, by “conscience” perceives also the order of justice and charity between man and man. There is no cry that rises more often or more spontaneously from a playground of young children at play than “Not fair! Not fair!” The positive revelation of God underlines and clarifies the jurisdiction of this Law of life and being. Jesus Christ is its final word, for the Law in Him is synonymous with Divine love and perfection, and as Son of Man, King of all creation, He is the fount of its promulgation. The Church of Christ, the People of God, declares this word of the Word till the end of time. To guarantee its truth and inerrancy through the apostles, till the end of time, is the personal work and particular ministry in creation of the Holy Spirit of God. We insist on the positive aspect of such “Law”, it is the conformation of our being to the Being of God - the communion in joy, love, and humble obedience of our minds and hearts to God, through Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Son (i.e., Prince) of Man. There is yet a higher manifestation of this Law of life, the working of wisdom, good,and truth, which transcends the boundaries of “must”, however saintly, and enters the communion with Christ of the soul in the order of “I could”. This is the order in which we recognise the good of God according to perfection, sheer free will, without question of sin. In this degree of the “law” of God we join ourselves to Jesus Christ as friends, brothers and sisters and respond to the good that I could do, the love I could show, the brotherly or sisterly mercy I have within my power. This highest and most delightful order of the Divine Law, the Law which teaches “Be you holy for I, the Lord your God, am Holy”, may call us to give our whole lives and all our powers to the ministry to our brothers and sisters in the priesthood, for instance, or in the Religious Life. This recognition of what I could do transcends the good that I must do but remains within the decree of the Eternal Law. Remember how it was promulgated? “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole soul, with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. And, the second is like unto it: thou shalt love thy neighbour, as thou dost love thyself’. We love ourselves the most and truly, as we grow in the knowledge of God, the love of God, and the conformation of our whole person to the wisdom and will of God. This brings inner happiness, but also, clarity and insight of soul. As we deepen, we see how we could love our brothers and sisters in this same love of God, which is our joy. This synderesis, this habitual recognition of the order of God’s good and God’s will, going far beyond the order of the necessary, prompts us to many a work, a relationship, a humility, and a bestowal of time, energy, and money on the spiritual growth in beauty and health of soul of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. The Way of Perfection This, the way of perfection, follows directly the path of Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and who while He did not have to, and had no constraint upon Him, gave his life as a redemption for many - for brothers and sisters, the grateful and the ungrateful. In the gift of the Eucharist and the Cross, Jesus Christ reveals to us the apex of the Divine Law. This was and is the total love of the Father, and the total love “eis to telos (unto the uttermost)”, (John 13:1) of the “men Thou gavest Me”. It is also the climax of the judgement concerning good and evil which is “conscience”: all that I must; and all whatsoever that I can. We conclude with the Psalmist (Ps 119(118) vv 145 et seq.): I call with my whole heart; answer me, Lord. I will keep thy statutes. I call to Thee; O save me that I may heed thy instruction. “Hear me, as thy love is unchanging, and give me life O Lord, by thy decree. My persecutors in their malice are close behind me. They are far from thy law. Yes thou art near me Lord, and all thy commandments are true. I have long known from thy Law that Thou hast given it eternal foundations”. On Natural Law, and the Divine Law: Summa: 1.2 arts 90-96 inc. also Summa: 1.2. art 19. Contra Gentiles. bk. 1.3. 140 et seq. Conscience: many references but see Summa: 1.2. art 58, & 2.2. art 45. De Veritate: q. 16. arts 1-4 inc. De Veritate: q17. 1,3,4. Synderesis: The habit of mind by which the personality is inclined by love of God to recognise the law of God in practical life: Summa: 1. 79. art 12. Divine & Eternal Law I St. Augustine, De Trinitate: Lib. 12. secs 12 & 13. De Libero Arbit. Lib. 2. cap. 10 Contra Faustum: lib 22. cap 16 & 27. De Peccat. merit et remiss: cap 9. Contra Julianum: cap 3. De natura et de gratia: cap 50-57. De Genesi ad Litteram: Lib. 10. cap. 18-20 inc. Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique: Article on Conscience is abstract and limited in scope. Article on Natural Law, Divine Law, and Positive Law is excellent. Aquinas goes best to the root of conscience as - love of the law of God, because it reflects the personality of God and t he fulfilment of Man in God. Add modern authors according to taste! This is the concluding part of the Editorial for the January/February 1991 issue of FAITH magazine.
In 1982, Nintendo was already a well-established company in the gaming industry, but it was far from the global phenomenon it is today. The year 1982 marked a significant point in Nintendo’s history, as it began to expand beyond Japan and enter the international market. The release of the popular game “Donkey Kong” helped to establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry, and paved the way for the company’s future success. This article will take a look back at Nintendo’s early years and the events that shaped the company into the beloved brand it is today. The Beginnings of Nintendo The Founding of Nintendo In 1889, Nintendo was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Kyoto, Japan. Initially, the company produced handmade playing cards and quickly gained popularity. By the early 1900s, Nintendo had become the largest card game producer in the country. However, the company faced a setback during World War II when the production of playing cards was halted due to paper shortages. To adapt to the changing times, Nintendo diversified its product line and began producing other goods such as toys and board games. In the 1960s, Nintendo entered the video game industry with the release of its first arcade game, “Space Invaders.” The game was a massive success and helped to establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Nintendo continued to innovate and release popular arcade games, including “Donkey Kong” and “Mario Bros.” The company’s success in the arcade industry paved the way for the development of home consoles, such as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which was released in 1985. Overall, the founding of Nintendo in 1889 marked the beginning of a successful and influential company that would go on to revolutionize the video game industry and become a beloved part of popular culture. The Evolution of Nintendo In 1982, Nintendo was already a well-established company, but its journey to become a global gaming giant began much earlier. The evolution of Nintendo started in 1889 when it was founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in Japan. Initially, the company produced handmade playing cards and was named “Nintendo Kojo” (Nintendo Toy Company). Over the years, Nintendo expanded its product line, and by the 1960s, it had become a leading toy manufacturer in Japan. In 1975, the company’s president, Hiroshi Yamauchi, decided to enter the video game market. Nintendo released its first video game console, the Color TV-Game 6, in 1977, which featured a single game called “Othello.” This marked the beginning of Nintendo’s foray into the world of video games. Nintendo continued to release various console and arcade games in the following years, including the popular game “Punch-Out” in 1983. The company’s focus on innovation and high-quality products set it apart from its competitors, and its success in the gaming industry continued to grow. By 1982, Nintendo had already established itself as a major player in the Japanese gaming market. The company’s early years were marked by a commitment to quality, innovation, and a focus on creating engaging and enjoyable gaming experiences for players. Nintendo’s Gaming Systems in 1982 The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was released in 1983, but it was marketed in 1982. It was Nintendo’s first home console to gain widespread success and is considered one of the greatest consoles of all time. The NES was designed to compete with the popular home console of the time, the Atari 2600. One of the main selling points of the NES was its use of removable cartridges for its games. This allowed for easier game swapping and less chance of breaking the system. The NES also had a variety of games available, including popular titles such as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Tetris. The NES was also known for its unique controller, which had an iconic design featuring the four primary buttons: A, B, X, and Y. This controller design became the standard for gaming controllers and was used in later Nintendo consoles such as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). In addition to its popular games and innovative controller, the NES was also known for its advertising campaigns. One of the most famous was the “Nintendo Challenge” series of TV commercials, which featured popular sports stars such as Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretzky promoting the console and its games. The NES was a major success for Nintendo and helped establish the company as a leader in the gaming industry. Its impact can still be felt today, as many of its games and characters remain popular and beloved by gamers around the world. The Game & Watch Series In 1982, Nintendo released the Game & Watch series, a line of handheld game consoles that featured simple LCD screens and buttons for controlling the games. These consoles were designed to be portable and easy to use, making them popular among both children and adults. The Game & Watch series included several different games, each with its own unique design and gameplay mechanics. Some of the most popular games in the series included “Donkey Kong,” “Super Mario Bros.,” and “The Legend of Zelda.” One of the key features of the Game & Watch series was its use of “single-screen” gameplay, where the entire game took place on a single screen with no scrolling or other advanced graphics. Despite this limitation, the games in the series were highly addictive and challenging, and helped to establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry. The Game & Watch series was also notable for its innovative use of “e-reader” technology, which allowed players to save their progress and continue playing their games on another device. This feature was especially useful for the “Donkey Kong” game, which included a series of increasingly difficult levels that players could save and return to later. Overall, the Game & Watch series was a major success for Nintendo, helping to establish the company’s reputation for innovation and high-quality game design. Today, many of the games in the series are still popular among retro gamers and collectors, and are widely regarded as classics of the early video game era. The Famicom System In 1982, Nintendo was riding high on the success of its new gaming system, the Famicom, which had been released in Japan two years prior. The Famicom, short for “Family Computer,” was Nintendo’s first foray into the home console market, and it quickly became a sensation in Japan, selling over 6 million units in just a few short years. The Famicom was a revolutionary gaming system for its time, featuring advanced graphics and sound capabilities that set it apart from its competitors. Its hardware included a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU), a graphic processing unit (GPU), and a sound processing unit (SPU), which together allowed for more complex and sophisticated gameplay than ever before. One of the most popular games for the Famicom was “Donkey Kong,” which featured the character that would go on to become Nintendo’s mascot, Mario. “Donkey Kong” was a hugely successful arcade game that had been released in 1981, and its success led to the development of a home console version for the Famicom. Nintendo’s focus on creating innovative and engaging games for the Famicom helped to establish the company as a leader in the gaming industry. The system’s popularity in Japan set the stage for Nintendo’s expansion into other markets, including the United States, where the Famicom would eventually be rebranded as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Nintendo’s Games in 1982 Popular Games Released in 1982 In 1982, Nintendo released several popular games that helped to establish the company as a major player in the video game industry. Some of the most popular games released by Nintendo in 1982 include: - Donkey Kong: This classic arcade game was released in 1981, but it continued to be popular in 1982. In the game, players control Jumpman (later known as Mario) as he attempts to rescue a princess from a rampaging gorilla named Donkey Kong. The game was a huge success and helped to establish the platformer genre of video games. - Pac-Man: Nintendo released a version of the popular arcade game Pac-Man for its Game & Watch handheld system in 1982. The game was a faithful adaptation of the original arcade game and was a big hit with fans of the original. - Mario Bros.: This classic arcade game was released in 1983, but it was heavily influenced by the earlier game Donkey Kong. In the game, players control Mario and his brother Luigi as they attempt to defeat an alien invasion by throwing objects at them. The game was a huge success and helped to establish the platformer genre of video games. - Tokyo Crash: This racing game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1982. The game was a unique take on the racing genre, featuring a futuristic setting and a variety of power-ups that players could use to gain an advantage over their opponents. - Space Invaders: Nintendo released a version of the classic arcade game Space Invaders for its Game & Watch handheld system in 1982. The game was a faithful adaptation of the original arcade game and was a big hit with fans of the original. These popular games helped to establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry and laid the groundwork for the company’s future success. The Launch of Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. was launched in 1982 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and marked a significant turning point in the video game industry. The game, developed by Shigeru Miyamoto, featured the iconic characters Mario and Luigi, who were tasked with rescuing Princess Toadstool from the evil Bowser. Here are some key details about the launch of Super Mario Bros.: - The game was first released in Japan on September 13, 1985, and then in North America, Europe, and other regions in 1985 and 1987. - Super Mario Bros. was a platform game that allowed players to control either Mario or Luigi as they navigated through various levels, jumping over obstacles and defeating enemies. - The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, colorful graphics, and catchy music, which helped to establish the Mario franchise as one of the most successful and beloved in video game history. - Super Mario Bros. was also notable for its use of two-player mode, which allowed two players to play the game simultaneously on a single console. - The game’s success helped to establish the NES as a major player in the video game industry and cemented Nintendo’s position as a leading video game console manufacturer. - Super Mario Bros. has since been re-released on numerous platforms, including mobile devices, and has spawned numerous sequels, spin-offs, and merchandise. The Success of Donkey Kong Donkey Kong, released in 1981, was a significant success for Nintendo. The game, developed by Shigeru Miyamoto, featured a character named Jumpman (later renamed Mario) who had to navigate a series of obstacles to rescue a princess from a gorilla named Donkey Kong. The game’s popularity helped to establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry. The game’s success can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the game’s design was innovative for its time, with the use of scrolling screens and a unique gameplay mechanic that involved jumping over obstacles. Additionally, the game’s graphics were colorful and detailed, which helped to draw players in and keep them engaged. Furthermore, the game’s release coincided with the rise of the home video game market, which helped to fuel its popularity. The game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which was a new console at the time and gained popularity due to its unique features such as the ability to save games and play them at home. Overall, the success of Donkey Kong helped to establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry and paved the way for the creation of the iconic Mario character. The Impact of Nintendo in 1982 The Rise of Nintendo in the Gaming Industry The Beginnings of Nintendo’s Success Nintendo’s success in the gaming industry in 1982 was not an overnight success, but rather the result of years of hard work and innovation. The company’s early years were marked by a series of successful ventures, including the development of the first ever video game console, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which was released in 1983. The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) The NES was a revolutionary console that introduced a number of new features and innovations to the gaming industry. One of the most significant of these was the inclusion of the ability to save games, which had never been seen before in a home console. This feature alone revolutionized the way people played video games, as it allowed players to pick up where they left off at any time, without having to start the game over from the beginning. The Impact of the NES on the Gaming Industry The NES was not only a technological marvel, but it also had a profound impact on the gaming industry as a whole. The console’s popularity helped to establish the video game industry as a legitimate form of entertainment, and it paved the way for the development of new and innovative games that would captivate audiences for years to come. The NES’s Role in Shaping Nintendo’s Future The success of the NES was a crucial factor in Nintendo’s rise to become one of the most successful and well-known video game companies in the world. The console’s innovative features and popularity helped to establish Nintendo as a leader in the gaming industry, and set the stage for the company’s future successes. The Popularity of Nintendo’s Characters Nintendo’s characters played a significant role in the company’s early success. The company’s mascot, Mario, was introduced in the 1981 game “Donkey Kong,” and quickly became a beloved character among gamers of all ages. Alongside Mario, characters such as Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi also gained popularity and became recognizable figures in popular culture. One of the reasons for the popularity of Nintendo’s characters was their unique designs and personalities. Mario, for example, was a lovable, mustached plumber who always seemed to find himself in strange and exciting adventures. Luigi, his brother, was timid but brave, and Princess Peach was a strong, intelligent leader. These characters were not only fun to play as in games, but they also had personalities that players could relate to and root for. Another reason for the popularity of Nintendo’s characters was the high-quality animation and graphics used in their games. Nintendo was known for its innovative use of technology, and this was evident in the way its characters were brought to life on the screen. The smooth animations and detailed graphics made the characters feel like real, living beings, which made players feel more invested in their stories and adventures. Nintendo’s characters also became popular due to the company’s marketing efforts. Nintendo was known for its creative and memorable advertising campaigns, which helped to make its characters household names. From television commercials to print ads, Nintendo’s marketing campaigns were designed to be fun and engaging, and they often featured the company’s characters in exciting and humorous situations. Overall, the popularity of Nintendo’s characters was a key factor in the company’s success in the early 1980s. They were beloved by players of all ages, and their unique designs, personalities, and high-quality animation and graphics made them feel like real, living beings. Nintendo’s marketing efforts also helped to make its characters household names, and they remain iconic figures in popular culture to this day. The Legacy of Nintendo in 1982 Nintendo’s influence in 1982 was substantial and far-reaching. The company had already established itself as a major player in the video game industry, with a string of successful arcade games and home consoles under its belt. But the year 1982 was particularly significant, as it marked a turning point for Nintendo and the wider gaming industry. One of the most notable achievements of Nintendo in 1982 was the release of the Famicom, also known as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), in Japan. This revolutionary console introduced a new era of gaming, with advanced graphics and sound capabilities that set it apart from its predecessors. The Famicom’s success paved the way for the launch of the NES in North America and Europe, which would go on to become one of the best-selling consoles of all time. Another important development in 1982 was the introduction of the Game & Watch series of handheld consoles. These devices, which featured simple LCD screens and built-in games, were a hit with consumers and helped to popularize the concept of portable gaming. The Game & Watch series would later inspire the development of Nintendo’s iconic Game Boy console, which would become a cornerstone of the company’s success in the 1980s and beyond. Finally, 1982 was also the year that Nintendo released one of its most iconic and enduring franchises: Super Mario Bros. The game, which starred the eponymous plumber hero and his companion Luigi, quickly became a worldwide phenomenon and helped to establish Nintendo as a dominant force in the gaming industry. The Super Mario Bros. franchise would go on to spawn numerous sequels, spin-offs, and merchandise, cementing its place as one of the most beloved and recognizable gaming franchises of all time. Overall, 1982 was a pivotal year for Nintendo, marked by the release of groundbreaking consoles, the debut of iconic franchises, and a continued commitment to innovation and creativity in the gaming industry. The legacy of Nintendo’s achievements in 1982 can still be felt today, and continues to inspire and captivate gamers around the world. Nintendo’s Future Plans in 1982 The Development of New Games In 1982, Nintendo was in the midst of a significant expansion period. The company was looking to build on its existing library of successful games, while also exploring new genres and technologies. Here are some of the key developments that Nintendo was working on at the time: The Mario Series One of Nintendo’s most popular franchises, the Mario series, was still in its early stages in 1982. The first game in the series, “Super Mario Bros.,” had only been released the previous year, and it was already a massive hit. In 1982, Nintendo was working on new levels and characters for the game, as well as exploring the possibility of creating spin-off titles. The Donkey Kong Series Another of Nintendo’s iconic franchises, the Donkey Kong series, was also in development in 1982. The original Donkey Kong game had been released in 1981, and it was a major success for the company. In 1982, Nintendo was working on a sequel to the game, which would introduce new characters and gameplay mechanics. In addition to expanding on its existing franchises, Nintendo was also exploring new genres in 1982. One of the most notable examples was the release of “The Legend of Zelda,” a groundbreaking action-adventure game that would go on to become one of the most beloved and influential games of all time. Finally, Nintendo was also working on several technological innovations in 1982. One of the most notable was the development of the “Nintendo Entertainment System” (NES), a revolutionary new home console that would transform the video game industry. The NES was set to be released in 1985, and it would go on to become one of the best-selling consoles of all time. Overall, 1982 was a pivotal year for Nintendo. The company was working on a wide range of exciting new projects, from new games in its iconic franchises to groundbreaking new technologies. These developments would help to cement Nintendo’s position as one of the most innovative and successful video game companies in the world. The Expansion of Nintendo’s Reach In 1982, Nintendo was looking to expand its reach beyond the boundaries of Japan. The company had already established itself as a major player in the Japanese video game market, but it was eager to tap into the potential of other markets around the world. To achieve this goal, Nintendo had several strategies in place. One of the key strategies was to establish partnerships with other companies. Nintendo recognized that it could not expand on its own, and so it sought out partnerships with companies that could help it enter new markets. For example, Nintendo formed a partnership with the American toy company, Mattel, to distribute its products in the United States. This partnership allowed Nintendo to enter the US market, which was then the largest video game market in the world. Another strategy was to develop games that were specifically tailored to the needs and preferences of consumers in different markets. Nintendo recognized that different countries had different tastes and preferences when it came to video games, and so it developed games that would appeal to these tastes. For example, Nintendo developed games that were specifically designed for the US market, such as “Duck Hunt” and “Super Mario Bros.” These games were tailored to the preferences of American consumers, and they helped Nintendo to establish a strong presence in the US market. Nintendo also recognized the importance of marketing and advertising in expanding its reach. The company invested heavily in marketing and advertising campaigns to promote its products and create brand awareness. For example, Nintendo’s “Super Mario Bros.” game was marketed heavily through television commercials and print ads, which helped to create a strong association between the game and the Nintendo brand. Overall, Nintendo’s expansion into new markets was a carefully planned and executed strategy. By forming partnerships, developing games tailored to local markets, and investing in marketing and advertising, Nintendo was able to establish itself as a major player in the global video game industry. The Company’s Vision for the Future In 1982, Nintendo was a relatively small company with a limited presence in the global gaming market. However, the company had ambitious plans for the future, which included expanding its product line and entering new markets. Here are some of the key aspects of Nintendo’s vision for the future: - Innovation: Nintendo recognized the importance of innovation in the gaming industry and was committed to developing new and exciting products that would capture the imagination of gamers around the world. The company invested heavily in research and development, and its engineers were constantly working on new technologies and game concepts. - Global Expansion: Nintendo saw the potential for growth in the global market and was eager to expand its presence in countries outside of Japan. The company was already established in the United States, but it had its sights set on other markets, including Europe and Asia. Nintendo believed that by expanding its reach, it could tap into new customer bases and increase its revenue. - Diversification: In addition to gaming, Nintendo was also interested in diversifying its product line. The company was exploring new areas such as toys, electronics, and even theme parks. Nintendo believed that by diversifying its offerings, it could appeal to a wider range of customers and reduce its reliance on any one product or market. - Partnerships: Nintendo recognized the value of partnerships in the gaming industry and was actively seeking out new partnerships with other companies. The company believed that by collaborating with other firms, it could leverage their expertise and resources to create better products and reach more customers. Nintendo was particularly interested in partnering with companies in the entertainment industry, such as movie studios and television networks, to create new gaming experiences. Overall, Nintendo’s vision for the future was ambitious and forward-looking. The company was committed to innovation, global expansion, diversification, and partnerships, and it believed that these strategies would help it become a leader in the gaming industry. 1. Q: Was Nintendo a well-known company in 1982? A: In 1982, Nintendo was not as well-known as it would become in the following years. While the company had been established in 1889, it was primarily known for its playing cards and board games at the time. The video game industry was still in its infancy, and Nintendo had only recently started to venture into it. 2. Q: What was Nintendo’s first video game console? A: Nintendo’s first video game console was the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which was released in Japan in 1983 and in North America in 1985. The NES was a hugely popular console that helped establish Nintendo as a major player in the video game industry. 3. Q: What were some of Nintendo’s early video games? A: Some of Nintendo’s early video games, which were released for the NES, include Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid. These games were critical and commercial successes and helped establish Nintendo’s reputation as a developer of high-quality video games. 4. Q: Did Nintendo face any competition in 1982? A: In 1982, the video game industry was still in its early stages, and there were few major players. Atari was the dominant company at the time, but Nintendo was quickly gaining ground with its innovative games and consoles. In the years that followed, Nintendo would go on to become the leader in the video game industry. 5. Q: How has Nintendo evolved since 1982? A: Since 1982, Nintendo has continued to evolve and innovate in the video game industry. The company has released numerous successful consoles, including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo 64, GameCube, Wii, and Switch. Nintendo has also developed many beloved franchises, such as Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon, that are beloved by gamers around the world.
Turn to Ezekiel 20 please. This will really be the end of the Prophet Tour series the time being. When I was reading through Ezekiel earlier in spring, this chapter was as startling to me as any section of the prophets so far. I did not preach chapter 20 to you while we were going through Ezekiel, because I did not like it, pure and simple. It did not feel like good news, it distressed me. I did not want to bring Ezk 20 to you until I could find good news in here. But Ezk 20 also grabbed me, and I could not leave it alone, read it many times. And I have come to love what’s in here, and I hope I can give this to you that way. Ezk 20 begins with a paragraph of introduction, vv1-4, and then we have the whole history of Israel in seven stages. The first stage is Israel in Egypt, where the book of Exodus begins, and the seventh stage is Israel restored to the land and serving God, still in the future. We’ll go over the introduction and the first stage with some care, after that we’ll go more quickly. Why is God Good to his People when they Sin? That’s the question this chapter answers. What made this Scripture painful to Israel, and to us, is not the question. It’s a common question. It’s the answer. The normal answer, in the OT and the NT, for God’s goodness when his people sin, is that he loves his covenant people. He forgives them and treats them well because of his mercy and compassion. That’s NOT the answer here. Introduction: the Elders of Israel Inquire (20:1-4) In the seventh year, in the fifth month on the tenth day, some of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the Lord, and they sat down in front of me. Then the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Have you come to inquire of me? As surely as I live, I will not let you inquire of me, declares the Sovereign Lord.’ “Will you judge them? Will you judge them, son of man? Then confront them with the detestable practices of their ancestors. Ezekiel’s opening vision in Ezk 1 was in the fifth year of his exile. His vision of God’s glory leaving the temple, chs 8-11, was in the sixth year. This is in the seventh year. The elders come to ask the Lord a question. We don’t know what the question was, but it was probably, “when will God bring us exiles back to Judah and Jerusalem?” The third Babylonian invasion had not happened yet, that happened in the twelfth year, so the temple and the city were still in good shape. And they want to go back. “Will you judge them? Will you judge them, son of man?” This is probably not a question. When you come into a room, and see your child hacking away at their hair with a pair of scissors, you might say, “what are you doing?” But it is not a question. You can see what they are doing. What you really mean is, “What you are doing is terrible! Stop this minute!” What God means is, “Judge them, son of man! Condemn them! They came to hear from me? You make sure they hear from me! Here’s what you tell them.” Stage One: Israel in Egypt (20:5-9) Say to them, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On the day I chose Israel, I swore with uplifted hand to the descendants of Jacob, and revealed myself to them in Egypt. With uplifted hand, I said to them, “I am Yahweh your God.” On that day, I swore to them that I would bring them out of Egypt, into a land I had searched out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands. And I said to them, “Each of you, get rid of the vile images you have set your eyes on, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.” “‘But they rebelled against me, and would not listen to me; they did not get rid of the vile images they had set their eyes on, nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt. So I said I would pour out my wrath on them, and spend my anger against them, in Egypt. But for the sake of my name, Yahweh, I brought them out of Egypt. I did it to keep my name from being profaned in the eyes of the nations, among whom they lived, and in whose sight I had revealed myself to the Israelites.” This is God on a day when he is totally fed up with his wayward people. Not feeling any love or compassion toward them. Is he still good to them, to us? Yes he is. Why? That the question: why is God still good to his people when he fed up with them, with us. Here is what happened in the paragraph we just read. (1) God chose Israel and made a solemn promise, with uplifted hand – he would bring Israel out of Egypt, and into the most beautiful of all lands. (2) God gave commands to Israel in Egypt: get rid of the images you set your heart and eyes on, the idols of Egypt. (3) But Israel rebelled, carried on with the idols of Egypt. (4) God was furious, he said he would destroy them right there in Egypt. He said it, but it was not a solemn promise. (5) God remembered his solemn promise, and brought them out of Egypt. Why? Because of his name, which here Ezekiel 20 means his honour, his reputation, his good name, before the nations, who watched his uplifted hand, and heard his solemn promise. God absolutely will not give watching people a chance to mock or despise him. Why is God good to his people when he’s furious? To keep his good name before the watching nations. Don’t miss God’s turmoil here. Our rebellion matters. Struggling with sin is one thing, that’s always common among his people, but this is about careless rebellion. Careless rebellion is another thing. It enrages God. On the other hand, he knows what he has promised, and he knows everyone is watching. This is very unpleasant for God. He’s holy, and he is torn. But God had made a choice and a promise. He chose Israel, and made Israel a solemn promise. Another side to God’s holiness is his reputation and honour in the world. He treats US well because THEY are watching HIM. In 2 Timothy, Paul says, if we are faithless, he remains faithful, he cannot deny himself. God’s character requires him to keep his promises. Stage Two: Israel in the Wilderness, First Generation (20:10-16) Therefore I led them out of Egypt and brought them into the wilderness. 11 I gave them my decrees and made known to them my laws, by which the person who obeys them will live. 12 Also I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between us, so they would know that I the Lord made them holy. 13 Yet the people of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness. They did not follow my decrees but rejected my laws—by which the person who obeys them will live—and they utterly desecrated my Sabbaths. So I said I would pour out my wrath on them and destroy them in the wilderness. 14 But for the sake of my name I did what would keep it from being profaned in the eyes of the nations in whose sight I had brought them out. 15 Also with uplifted hand I swore to them in the wilderness that I would not bring them into the land I had given them—a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands— 16 because they rejected my laws and did not follow my decrees and desecrated my Sabbaths. For their hearts were devoted to their idols. Same five stages here: (1) God treated Israel well, he brought them out of Egypt. (2) He called them to obey, to live in his ways, which are the ways of life. (3) But Israel rebelled in the wilderness. (4) God said, I will pour out my wrath and destroy them. (5) For the sake of my name, in the eyes of the nations, who saw me bring Israel out of Egypt, I did not destroy Israel. This paragraph adds another: (6) God solemnly promised that he would not bring that generation of Israel into the land. They were devoted to their idols, so they would not enter the land. Stage Three: Israel in the Wilderness, Second Generation (20:17-26) Yet I looked on the first generation with pity, and did not destroy them or put an end to them in the wilderness. 18 I said to their children in the wilderness, “Do not follow the statutes of your parents, or keep their laws, or defile yourselves with their idols. 19 I am the Lord your God; follow my decrees, and be careful to keep my laws. 20 Keep my Sabbaths holy, that they may be a sign between us. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” 21 But the children rebelled against me: They did not follow my decrees, they were not careful to keep my laws, of which I said, “The person who obeys them will live by them,” and they desecrated my Sabbaths. So I said I would pour out my wrath on them and spend my anger against them in the wilderness. 22 But I withheld my hand, and for the sake of my name I did what would keep it from being profaned in the eyes of the nations in whose sight I had brought them out. 23 Also with uplifted hand I swore to them in the wilderness that I would disperse them among the nations and scatter them through the countries, 24 because they had not obeyed my laws but had rejected my decrees and desecrated my Sabbaths, and their eyes lusted after their parents’ idols. 25 So I gave them other statutes that were not good and laws through which they could not live; 26 I defiled them through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the Lord.’ The same sequence here that we’ve already seen twice. And there’s a sixth event here, too. Before God brought them into the promised land, while the second generation was still in the wilderness, God solemnly promised that he would scatter Israel among the nations. They had earned the exile before they even got into the promised land. By the end of Deuteronomy, Moses was plain about this. Moses told Israel that they would keep sinning, and God would take them off the land he was about to give them. By v26, three times God has been angry enough at his people to destroy them; and three times, for the sake of his name in the eyes of the watching world, he has been good to them. He chose Israel, and made promises, and he would keep them. Why is God good to his sinful people? To guard his name, his honour, his reputation. He’s good to US because THEY watch HIM. No other chapter of the Bible sounds like Ezk 20. We get hints of it, but nothing like this. Which is why we must consider this teaching. Don’t let Ezk 20 erase what’s clear in the rest of the Bible, that God loves his people and is a forgiving God. That’s the main Bible teaching. But remember this as well. God wants all his people to read and absorb this Scripture. It is not just about us. The good news, though, is that God has reason to bless to his people even after we have used up all his patience. Example: God invites us each of us to say, “The LORD is my shepherd. Yahweh is my shepherd.” Why is that so good for us? Because God invited us to announce: “The LORD is my shepherd.” Now, God understands that everyone is watching him to see how he will do. He leads in right paths for his name’s sake. His honour is at stake, which is very good for us. Stage Four: Israel in the Land (20:27-29) “Therefore, son of man, speak to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: In this also your ancestors blasphemed me by being unfaithful to me: 28 When I brought them into the land I had sworn to give them and they saw any high hill or any leafy tree, there they offered their sacrifices, made offerings that aroused my anger, presented their fragrant incense and poured out their drink offerings. 29 Then I said to them: What is this high place you go to?’” (It is called Bamah to this day.) Israel’s whole time in the land gets a short paragraph. God kept his promise, brought Israel into the best land, but their idolatry continued, just like before. Stage Five: Israel in Exile (20:30-33) Now God speaks directly to those elders who are in front of Ezekiel: Will you (Israelites in Babylon) defile yourselves the way your ancestors did and lust after their vile images? 31 When you offer your gifts—the sacrifice of your children in the fire—you continue to defile yourselves with all your idols to this day. Am I to let you inquire of me, you Israelites? As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I will not let you inquire of me. 32 You say, “We want to be like the nations, like the peoples of the world, who serve wood and stone.” But what you have in mind will never happen. (!!!) 33 As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I will reign over you with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath. One more astonishing paragraph. The exiles in Babylon, the Jews around Ezekiel, continue to serve wood and stone. Israelites in Babylon were still worshipping idols, up to and including sacrificing their children. Perhaps it was happening among the elders in front of Ezekiel. Three times so far, God has said that his laws and commands bring life (vv11,13,21). And two times God has reminded them that they sacrifice their children to their idols, which is for God the horrible low point of idolatry. Do those gods bring life? Do their laws and commands bring life? They sacrifice their children. That does not sound like “life,” does it. Take this seriously. God’s laws and commands bring life. Perhaps we don’t want God, or his laws and commands. Here’s what will happen: we will end up sacrificing our own children. God lets this happen, he says in v26, to fill people with horror at their own idolatry. Sacrificing our children has been happening through all of human history, and carries on in different ways. Verse 32, God speaking to exiles: You say, “We want to be like the nations, like the peoples of the world, who serve wood and stone.” But what you have in mind will never happen. Israel was entirely willing to leave God completely, to serve wood and stone. But God says, “it will never happen. I chose you, Israel, and I said I would bring you into the most beautiful land, and I will do it. With a mighty hand, and an outstretched arm, and with outpoured wrath, you will serve me in the best possible land. You shall not leave me to serve gods of wood and stone.” I hardly know how to process a line like that, but that’s what God said. Ezk 11 and 36 speak about God giving Israelites a new heart and a new spirit, and putting his Spirit on them. That is still coming for Israel, and that’s how he’ll bring them into the final promised land. Stage Six: Israel in the Wilderness of Nations (20:34-38) I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered—with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath. 35 I will bring you into the wilderness of the nations and there, face to face, I will execute judgment upon you. 36 As I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will judge you, declares the Sovereign Lord. 37 I will take note of you as you pass under my staff, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. 38 I will purge you of those who revolt and rebel against me. Although I will bring them out of the land where they are living, yet they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord. This was in Ezekiel’s future, and this is still in our future. Romans 11 speaks of a future revival of Israel, the nation turning to God, and that’s probably what this is about. This is sort of like another Exodus. In the past, God took Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness, and then into the land. Here God will take scattered Israel into the wilderness of the nations, and there he will renew them. Take note of you as you pass under my staff. A shepherd used his staff when he brought the sheep back into the fold at night, so he could take a look at each sheep, and sort them out. Some Israelites will be like that first generation in the wilderness, they continued to rebel against God because they were devoted to other gods, and they did not enter the land. But others will be brought back into the covenant. God will give them a new heart and a new spirit, and he will put his Holy Spirit on them, and they will live in his ways. What Ezekiel does not see is that people from the nations, that’s you and me, will be brought into that covenant with God before this revival of Israel takes place. Stage Seven: Israel on God’s Holy Mountain (20:39-44) As for you, people of Israel, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Go and serve your idols, every one of you! But afterward you will surely listen to me and no longer profane my holy name with your gifts and idols. 40 For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord, there in the land all the people of Israel will serve me, and there I will accept them. There I will require your offerings and your choice gifts, along with all your holy sacrifices. 41 I will accept you as fragrant incense when I bring you out from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will be proved holy through you in the sight of the nations. 42 Then you will know that I am the Lord, when I bring you into the land of Israel, the land I had sworn with uplifted hand to give to your ancestors (back in v6). 43 There you will remember your conduct and all the actions by which you have defiled yourselves, and you will loathe yourselves for all the evil you have done. 44 You will know that I am Yahweh, when I deal with you for my name’s sake and not according to your evil ways and your corrupt practices, you people of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord.’” Let’s wrap this up. Should we put ourselves in this last verse? “You will know that I am Yahweh, when I deal with you for my name’s sake, and not according to your evil ways, and your corrupt practices, you people of Israel,” declares the Sovereign Lord. I do not see this church doing the kind of things Ezk 20 talks about. But it is still true. God is still dealing with us here, you who listen to this, for his name’s sake, and not according to our evil ways and our corrupt practices. Let’s thank him, and serve him, and wait for the Lord Jesus. We are Gentiles, and because of Jesus we have been brought into this covenant. We are meeting God in the wilderness of the nations ahead of Israel. Yes, let’s put ourselves in this chapter. The first line of the Lord’s Prayer says, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, holy be your name. Sounds like Ezk 20. Ezk 20 is a solid background for both Ps 23 and the Lord’s Prayer. Ps 23 celebrates what God does for us because of his name, and in the Lord’s Prayer, we submit to this, and join up, we join God in making sure his holy name is honoured. Why do NT songs and blessings often end with, “to the praise and glory of God,” or something like that? Because that’s where this all ends up, with God having shown that he’s the best God that could be, and we have benefited, beyond what we can imagine, from him keeping his name honourable. And so we will praise God and thank him and give him glory for ever and ever. PRAYER: Father in heaven, this staggers us. It frightens us. We are not used to hearing you speak like this to your people. But we submit, Father. You are Yahweh Almighty. You’re our God, and we’re your people. We are not leaving you. Thank you for Jesus, who brings us in. We bow before you, and we worship you. You have certainly treated us for your name’s sake, and not according to our sinful ways. We know that, and it is the best thing that could have happened to us. And now, Father, we don’t want to test you, as your people did in this Scripture. Don’t lead us into testing or temptation, because we don’t do well. Rescue us from evil, and the evil one. We need your help on this. We want to bring honour to your name. Lead us with your Spirit, so we bring honour to your name. Amen. BENEDICTION (this is actually a doxology, not a blessing. Let’s give glory to God.) To him who is able to keep us from stumbling and to present us before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. Go in God’s peace to love and serve the Lord.
The world has been so dark for as long I could remember. I had heard stories that told of brightly colored flowers, grass with a vibrant color called green, the sky was a beautiful color called blue, and the sun emanating this pretty color called yellow and sometimes gold. Of course these were just stories. Though Grandmother seemed to know exactly what she was talking about. I can remember how happy I was to hear these stories. They always bring a certain happiness that was unexplainable. "You might never see this world in such a light, my dear." She would say after every story. "But why?" I would always question. She never gave an answer. Instead just she'd look at me with a small smile and turn back to her knitting. I looked outside. Smoke covered the skies, grass shriveled and gray, trees dead and lifeless. It never was a nice sight. I wished for a world with color. "You want to see something?" Grandmother asked, not looking up from her knitting. "Yes!" I said hopping off of my seat next to the window. Grandmother got up and walked over to a bookshelf. She reached to a high shelf that I was forbidden to touch. Grabbing a box off the shelf, she waved me over and sat down in a rocking chair. "What is it, Grandmother?" I asked, weary to walk over. She took a photo out of the box and flipped it around. Showing a picture of a beautiful sunset. The sky was not only blue but it had many different colors, the sun had a golden glow, trees had leaves on them and were a dark green, the grass looked alive. I stared at the photo in wonder. It was so beautiful I almost cried. I grabbed the photo from Grandmother's hands and held it up to my face, taking in the colors. Hoping that I would get to see this for myself. “Yuna, you can go but bring your brother!” my mother yelled from downstairs.”OK mom” I said getting dressed in my costume, I was a vampire. I had fake fangs, a bright scarlet and pitch black cape. It was Halloween night, my little brother, Crag. It was his first Halloween without our parents. “Crag hurry up!” I shouted to my brother. He was an astronaut. After waiting there was still no answer. “Mom, Crag won't answer.” I said “Go check if he’s still up there, maybe he’s asleep” Mom said, just then the doorbell rang “I’ll get it!” Mom said. It was Lila, my best friend, she was a zombie prom queen. Her costume had a bloody sash with big bold red letters “Prom Queen”. A beautiful torn white dress with a cracked crown. Lila, and I were supposed to go trick or treating together and I had to bring Crag. But he was going to make us late. “Oh I think Crag went outside to play for a little bit.” I said with a little relief. ”Lila, did you see him?” I said as we were going outside to get him. “No, I didn’t see him.” Lila exclaimed. I started running “ Ummm Ok let’s go outside real quick” I said starting to panic. There was no sign of him. Then I saw some breadcrumbs that he had for a snack. It made a trail down the road. “Umm well Crag had toast for a snack after he got dressed.” I said in a soft but confused tone. Lila looked around. “We can follow the trail to Crag, Yuna.” Lila suggested reassuring me. “Yeah ok.” I said, shaking in fear. We followed the breadcrumbs to a sewer. “Ewww, he went down there.”Lila said disgustedly. From above you can see the murky and disgusting water. The rest was dark as night, it would’ve been hard for Crag to see. I was getting worried but I had to continue. I know how long and big this sewer must have been. But my biggest question was why Crag went down there, he’s scared of the dark. All you can hear was the droplet of sewage water falling off the ceiling. We decided to go down there knowing that Crag was far ahead of us at this point. So the plan was to find Crag, come back there or find another way out, go back to my place to get cleaned off, then go trick or treating. Scared and worried we climbed down into the sewer. “Gosh this is disgusting!” Lila exclaimed. “Yeah I know bu-” I started but interrupted by a scream. “Ahhh the heck was that!” Lila yelled. “THAT WAS CRAG, CRAG I’M COMING!!” I yelled after Crag. I ran down the sewer trying to look for him. “Yuna wait up!” Lila called after me. There was a pause, I stopped running, Lila stopped yelling like a banshee at me. There was a small cage, I could barely see it. The passageway was too dark then I turned around. I heard a maniacal laugh. I looked around to see if anyone was there. Then I saw a tall, puffy haired figure down the path. As it came closer I stiffened, it was a clown! “ummmm Lila...Lila….” I said paralyzed “I’m coming!” she replied. She came running to help me. She stopped frozen like a statue. She was more scared of clowns than I was. She just stood there too scared to move.The clown was moving closer and closer and with every step he took he went faster. I grabbed her and ran. I stopped at a dome like area. “Y...una...Yuna.” Lila yelped “I’m here.” I replied, trying to calm her down. Then I heard another yelp, kinda like a sob “Sis...Sissy!” the little voice echoed. I set Lila down and followed the echo. I was back to where the clown was, he wasn’t there anymore. I looked both ways to see if the clown was hiding. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness just enough to see. He wasn’t there, so I went into the dark passageway where the cage was. I came closer to see what was in it, it was Crag. “CRAG CRAG you ok!” I explained. The cage was rusty and old, skulls were laying on the ground. “S...sissy….c..cold.” Crag whimpered. “IT OK,IT OK!” I yelled, it echoed through the sewer. I shook the bars to try and break them, nothing worked. Crag was dozing off and I couldn’t help him. It was a torcher for me, I couldn’t bear seeing my brother like this. I then kicked the bars in frustration and they snapped just enough so I could squeeze him through. “It Ok Crag it Ok.” I said to reassure myself and him. I wrapped my cape around him. I heard that laugh again and it was getting closer and closer. I ran for the dome room to where Lila was. I heard running right towards me, it was Lila. “Lila, are you ok” I exclaimed “Yuna, yeah I’m ok, how about..YOU GOT CRAG!” Lila yelled. I had to put down Crag and cover her mouth. “Shhh I’m not sure if he’s still following me so shut up ok” I whispered, I let go and she was shook. “I.. umm ok there’s a ladder over there we can escape.” Lila whispered. I lifted Crag up and ran for the latter. “Let's go!” I said, trying to wake Crag up. Slowly getting up, Crag opened his eyes. “Huh.. what?” Crag looked at me in confusion. “Where is the clown sissy?” His expression changed completely, from sleepy to worried and scared. “Yuna come on let’s go I’ll help you with Crag!” Lila exclaimed who was halfway up the ladder. “Ok ok hangon.” I said, “Will I lifted Crag up to her?” We were part way up the ladder. Lila was up to the top already to help Crag get up. Then, right then we all froze. There was a cackle that made us shake and shiver. I felt a cooled, wrinkle hand on my ankle. In panic I fell off the ladder. Still holding Crag, Lila just grabbed his hand. As I fell I dragged her down with me. To protect my brother I pulled him close in front of me so I took the fall. THUD.... I hit the ground. All I heard was a scream growing farther and farther. I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer. Everything was so blurry I could barely see. Eyes almost closed, I was struggling to keep them open. Then it was dark. Everything felt cooled then I lost track of everything around me. I once felt the soft rise of the setting sun now the cooled and scary darkness. At that point I just let myself rest. As it got colder and colder we must have been going deeper in the sewers. At that point I couldn’t see, hear, or feel anything. Then I felt what resembled a blanket covered over me. It must have been Crag. Later I felt something wet like water on my face. “Crag get off!” I heard Lila’s voice say. But then I heard an unfamiliar voice squeak, “Are you supposed to get out.”. Crag scooched off of me, giving me room to breathe. I slowly woke up, Crag curled up in a ball next to me, a blonde blare, who I knew was Lila but then my eyes landed on a brown, blackish almost brunette blare. I opened my eyes more and found that we were in a small cage, dark and cool, water dripping from the ceiling. Looking around to get a better look at the dark brunette. “Umm h..hi I’m glad you're up.”. She was sitting in the corner, knees up to her chest, head resting on her knees so you couldn’t see her eyes well. At first I thought she was in a costume, a werewolf. It was too dark to tell but I swear I saw her ears move. But I shrugged it off at least at the time, I had more things to worry about. “Yuna, are you ok?” Lila said, holding a sleeping Crag. “Yeah I’m fine, my head hurts though” I said, rubbing the back of my head gently. “Yuna, this is Tsuki.” Lila introduced me to the girl, her voice sounding cold. “Hi again.” Tsuki softly said, lifting her head slightly from her knees. The first thing I saw was beautiful golden eyes. But then I saw what looked like a black eye but before I could get a better look at it she placed her head back on her knees, hiding her face again. I heard a muffled sounding voice, but not sure where it came from. I looked around to find the voice. My eyes were locked on bloody red ones. I immediately knew that it was the clown. I heard small quiet sobs coming from Tsuki, I scooched over to Lila's side. I mainly wanted to try and keep Lila calm, but I also wanted to keep myself away from the clown. The clown came closer and closer, Lila passed out of fear, Tsuki shaking but growling like a wolf protecting its pack and territory, while I crawled over to Crag to shield him from the clown's gaze. He opened the cage and grabbed my arm and pushed me aside. Then he picked up Crag and took him away, waking him up. He screamed as he was dragged off. The clown closed the door of the cage behind him. “CRAG!” I screamed after them shortly after I was run over by Tsuki running to the bars and slamming her fists against them. “Woeh woeh, umm.” I stammered trying to calm her down. Tsuki gave a growl that was inhumanly possible which made my breath hitch. She crawled to Lila and laid her in a more comfortable position. “S..sorry Yuna I umm” Tsuki muttered trying to apologize. “It’s okay, it just scared me a little.” I reassured her. She crawled over to me and sat across to me. We sat in silence as I hugged myself as my eyes watered for my fear of Crag. Tsuki must have noticed because she slowly moved next to me. ”Umm…H...hey, it's ok.” Then gently patted my back. I hugged myself tighter but relaxed a little. “T...thanks”, We were like that for a few minutes until we heard a distant scream. I hugged myself even tighter, tears streaming down my face. Tsuki wiped my tears then scooched away when I flinched. The clown was back, dragging my little brother who was covered head to toe with bruises. The clown opened the cage door and threw him in. Tsuki gave him a low but protective growl but with a deadly glare from the clown's blood red eyes Tsuki whimpered. I crawled over to Crag and held him gently. The clown grabbed a sleeping Lila. I heard a light growl from Tsuki. I wanted to hit his hand away but I was scared and couldn’t move. All I could do was just hold Crag who was still shaking and crying. Lila was still asleep when the clown dragged her off. He closed and locked the door like he did with Crag. The three of us shook in fear. As I cradled Crag who was clutching my shoulder, I sod holding on to Crag for dear life. Tsuki curled up in a ball again. We sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Until the silence was broken by a scream and cry. But it sounded forced for some reason, Tsuki seemed to hear it too. Once Lila came back she only had a few scars on her face and arms. Unlike Crag who was black and blue, a few cuts here and there. She was pushed back in the cage. Tsuki gave her a suspicious glare. I realized that I was probably next. But proved wrong when the clown grabbed Tsuki’s wrist. She let out a yelp from the pain as she was struggling to shake free from the clown’s steel grip. Without even thinking, I let go of Crag and lunged to Tsuki, wrapping my arms around her. She flinched but she let me pull her. We were like that until the clown pulled out a knife and threw it at me. The knife grazed my shoulder making me let go. The clown pulled Tsuki out of the cage, still gripping her wrist. I tried to leave but Lila pulled me back. The clown locked the door again and dragged Tsuki away like he did with Crag and Lila. But something was off, Lila wasn’t freaking out. “Umm, L..lila why aren’t you freaking out.” I questioned. “I’m scared but I’m not letting you risk your life for someone we just met!” Lila exclaimed in my ear. I mently cursed, I really wanted to help Tsuki. When the door closed Lila let go. I banged on the door until my hands hurt. She had been through enough but still so kind. Crag was being held by Lila, I looked over to see that she was hurting him. “Hey Lila um let him go.” I said trying to pry her grip from Crag. “Oh sorry guess I was holding on to tight.” She replied with an innocent smile. I grabbed Crag and scooched to Tsuki’s corner. A few minutes later we saw Tsuki running to the cage. “Ok come on guys let's go!” Tsuki yelled in what seemed to be excitement. With the first smile we saw her do this whole time. She opened the door of the cage helping Crag get out. I crawled on after him but felt arms wrap around me. “Lila, what's wrong with you!” I yelled trying to shake free from her grip. We could hear the clown running down the sewer. “Tsuki get Crag and get out here, I won’t be far behind, I promise” I said smiling knowing that Tsuki could see past my lies. “O..Ok” Tsuki obviously didn’t want to agree but did. Watching the clown appear from the corner chasing Tsuki and Crag. Tsuki ran as fast as she could but appeared at a dead end. She heard the laugh and held her breath, with a tear stained face. She put Crag on her back, running, making a risky move. “Night, night!” the clown laughed. When Tsuki woke up she saw a horrific scene. Blood, pieces of clothing laying all over. Crag laying on the floor in front of the clown kneeling down. The clown with a knife in his stomach, still trying to attack Crag. Crag was bleeding, and Tsuki could smell it. Tsuki grabbed Crag and ran back to the cage thinking it was safe. “TSUKI, CRAG!” I screamed as the clown and Lila were holding me down in front of the cage. The tears filled my eyes, fogging my vision. I did manage to see Tsuki push the clown Lila off of me and stand in front in defence. Crag was now clinging to Tuski’s back. “Here let’s go!” Tuski exclaimed, grabbing my wrist. We ran for what seemed like forever until we reached the latter. The clown somehow was catching up to us. I grabbed Crag and helped Tuski with the ladder. We made sure that Crag got up to the surface before I started climbing up. I turned my head, instantly regretting it. I saw the clown walking slowly but surely over to us. Tsuki just grabbed the first handle and turned too. With the clown walking faster now, Tuski looked at me with her golden eyes like she was apologizing. I knew what she was doing, with tears filling my eyes I climbed faster so she could push the ladder up out of the clown's reach in case he got past her. “I’m sorry.” She whispered as she turned around fully and got in a defensive stance. “Thank you for all you did.” I whispered back. I reached the surface, Crag must have heard what we were saying and understood because he was crying. “I’m sorry Crag, but she saved us, don’t cry.” I whispered in comfort, fighting my own tears. Tsuki, Lila, the clown, it was an adventure. I looked over at the sun rising. “Wow, I didn’t even notice what time it could have been.” I whispered. It was true I was too forced on keeping everyone alive. I didn’t think of the time. I’m in college now and Crag is in highschool. I haven’t seen Lila ever since that night. But there were times where I thought I heard Tsuki’s voice every time I passed a drain while walking to school. If she is still alive I hope I can see her someday, Crag does too.
Congenital heart defects due to birth defects are the most common heart disease in children. It may be, for example, holes in the partitions of the heart or constrictions of the flaps in the heart or large vessels. About one-third of the congenital injuries are treated during the first months of life. Most children are treated with good results, but often the child needs to be followed up for a long time. Open-standing ductus arteriosus Open ductus arteriosus means that a connection between the body and pulmonary arteries remains from the fetal period. During the fetal period, this connection carries a large part of the blood from the pulmonary artery directly to the body pulmonary artery, since the baby does not breathe and the lungs do not need as much blood flow. Ductus usually closes during the first week after birth. Sometimes it remains open and is then a kind of deformity. Then blood flows from the body pulmonary artery to the pulmonary artery. The blood flow through the lungs increases, there is greater reflux to the left heart and thus increases the load on the left ventricle. If the connection is large, the load on the left ventricle increases, which can lead to heart failure. If the connection is less, the child usually has no symptoms. If the connection is very large, the pressure in the pulmonary artery is increased. It can in the long run damage the function of the pulmonary vessels. Usually, the connection, ductus arteriosus, can be closed in conjunction with cardiac catheterization. Then a plug or so-called coil (synthetic) of synthetic material is inserted into the ductus by means of a small plastic tube through a blood vessel in the groin. In premature infants and children with symptoms during the first months of life, the ductus needs to be closed instead of surgery. If the child has heart failure and elevated pressure in the pulmonary artery, it is operated early in the newborn period. Then the connection between the body and pulmonary arteries is divided. When the ductus arteriosus is closed, the baby often becomes completely healthy. Ovarian ductus arteriosus in preterm infants In premature infants, a normal ductus arteriosus can also cause problems. This is especially true of premature babies with respiratory problems who often need respiratory care. The ductus is then usually very large and remains open longer than normal. This leads to increased blood flow from the body to the pulmonary artery, which strains the heart and causes heart failure. It is often possible to close the connection by giving the child a drug that pulls the ductus together. If this fails, the child is operated on. AV septal defects AV septum defects are malformations with holes in the lower part of the partition between the atrium and holes in the upper part of the chamber partition. The flaps between the atrium and the chamber are also malformed. The most complicated type of malformation is called AV-commune. There is then a large, common hole between the two atoms and the two chambers. In addition, the child has a large flap instead of two separate flaps between the atrium and the chambers. The malformation may also consist of only a hole between the atrium and a malformed flap between the left atrium and left chamber, so-called atrial septum defect of the primate type. Blood from the left half of the heart goes to the right side. Then the blood flow through the lungs increases and the pressure in the pulmonary artery is usually increased, which in the long run can damage the function of the pulmonary vessels. In addition, the malformed flap leaks between the chambers and atrium, further straining the heart. A commune is most common in children with Down syndrome. Because the heart is strained, the children develop early heart failure. Blood oxygen levels may decrease slightly as a small amount of blood can go from the right heart to the left. Heart failure is treated with drugs. The child needs to undergo an operation when the holes in the partitions are closed and the malformed flaps are repaired. The child is often operated on during the first months of life. The child will often have a slight leakage in the flap between the left atrium and chamber. The child needs to be checked regularly for many years after the operation. Chamber septum defect means that there is a hole in the partition between the chambers. A ventricular septal defect is also called a ventricular septal defect, VSD. The hole causes blood from the left ventricle to the right ventricle and increases the blood flow to the lungs. If the child has a large hole between the chambers, the blood pressure in the right ventricle and pulmonary artery will be elevated. In the long run, it can cause the smallest blood vessels in the lungs to function worse. About one-third of all heart defects are ventricular septal defects. At small holes in the partition, the child has no symptoms. Large holes allow the left ventricle to pump much more blood than normal, leading to heart failure during the first months of life. The hole can eventually decrease in size and even close itself. However, this does not apply to large holes. If the child has heart failure, it is treated with medication and surgery. If there is a large hole that increases the pressure in the pulmonary artery, the child is operated on during the first months of life. Large holes are usually closed with a patch of some synthetic material. If the hole is medium in size and if the blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is normal, it may be possible to wait a few years to see if the hole decreases in size by itself. If not, the child is operated on when it is preschool age. Small ventricular septal defects need not be operated. After the operation, the child is checked regularly for a few years. If the child has had elevated blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, it is followed for an extended period of time. Atrial septal defect Atrial septal defect means that there is a hole in the septum between the two atoms of the heart. Blood from the left atrium goes to the right side. This increases the load on the right ventricle and the blood flow to the lungs increases. Children usually do not have any symptoms but later in life there is a risk of disruption of the heart’s rhythm and heart failure with impaired ability to pump blood. An atrial septal defect is also called an atrial septal defect, ASD. The heart defect can often be treated by closing the hole in the partition with a so-called device made of artificial material. It is inserted into the heart through a thin tube, catheter, which is inserted into the body via a blood vessel in the groin. Thus, the child does not need surgery. Those children who have a hole that is not suitable for the above treatment are usually operated between two to four years of age. The hole is then sewn together or covered with a patch from the child’s own heartbeat or a patch of artificial material. If the holes in the partition are very small, no treatment is needed. After treatment, the child is usually checked regularly for a period of time. If the heart and circulation work properly, the baby can be explained well after a couple of years. Aortic stenosis means that the flap between the left ventricle and the large coronary artery, the aortic valve, is too narrow. If the constriction is severe, the load on the left chamber increases. When the heart’s ability to pump blood is impaired, it can cause heart failure in infants. Larger children usually have no symptoms, but may have reduced energy and become more easily tired with exertion. If the child has a problem or if it is found during examinations that the left wall muscle wall is thickened due to the increased load, the child is usually operated on. During surgery, the narrow opening in the aortic valve is widened. In some cases, the flap may be widened with a catheter technique instead. Sometimes the baby needs surgery again because the narrowing can come back or the flap can become leaky after surgery. The leakage causes some blood to flow back from the carotid artery to the left ventricle, rather than being pumped further, which increases the load on the left ventricle. In adulthood, the flap may need to be replaced with an artificial flap. The pulmonary artery transports the oxygen-poor blood from the body via the right atrium and chamber to the lungs. Pulmonary stenosis means that it is crowded at the flap between the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary artery. If the constriction is very severe, the child may have a reduced ability to pump out blood, leading to heart failure. The child can also get reduced oxygen levels in the blood with bluish skin, lips and mucous membranes, so-called cyanosis. If the child has symptoms and the constriction is severe, the valve is usually widened with so-called catheter treatment or operated on. In catheter treatment, a balloon is inserted into the heart and pulmonary artery via a thin plastic tube, catheter, and the flap is dilated. The child needs to undergo regular checkups for many years as there may be a slight constriction or leakage in the flap. Congestion of large body pulmonary artery, aortic arching Coarctation means that there is a narrowing of the large arterial artery, aorta. A severe constriction results in an increased load of the left ventricle, leading to heart failure during the newborn period. Older children rarely have symptoms, but they have high blood pressure in their arms. The child usually needs surgery. During the operation, the narrow area is widened. If the child has symptoms, it is operated during the newborn period, otherwise during the first years of life. If the child is operated on during the newborn period, there is a certain risk that the narrowing will return. A new constriction can often be treated in conjunction with cardiac catheterization. The constriction is then widened with the help of a balloon. The child needs to undergo regular checkups for many years as the constriction may recur and the child may have persistently elevated blood pressure. Fallot’s deformity means that there are holes in the septum between the heart chambers and that the outflow to the pulmonary artery is too narrow. Sometimes the vessels that originate from the pulmonary artery are also narrower than normal. Poorer oxygenated blood goes from the right ventricle to the left ventricle and into the coronary artery. This means that the oxygen content in the blood vessels of the body artery becomes lower and the skin, lips and mucous membranes can become blue-toned, so-called cyanosis. Often the child gets symptoms during the first few weeks, but sometimes it is discovered later. Sometimes the cyanosis can come as sudden attacks, so-called blue spells. The child needs surgery. The hole between the chambers is covered with a patch of synthetic material and the outflow to the pulmonary artery dilates. The operation is done during the first year of life. If the child has severe cyanosis early, it is sometimes operated in two stages. The first operation is then a so-called shunt operation) which improves the child’s condition in the short term. A few months later, the complete operation is then done as described above. The child needs to be checked regularly throughout life as it may continue to be a little crowded in the outflow from the right chamber. There may also be a leak in the valve which allows blood to flow back to the chamber. Pulmonary ulcer resection with a ventricular septal defect In pulmonary resection, blood cannot pass from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery because the blood vessel is blocked. There are holes in the partition between the chambers. The blood goes to the pulmonary artery from the coronary artery, aorta through a compound called ductus arteriosus. Ductus arteriosus is a fetal compound that should close during the first week of life. With pulmonary artery resection, the low oxygen level in the blood makes the connection often open longer than usual, but it closes later. The child then gets lower blood oxygen levels. The child gets early blood oxygen levels with blue-tinted skin, lips and mucous membranes, so-called cyanosis. The oxygen content drops further as the ductus arteriosus begins to close. If the ductus arteriosus begins to close during the newborn period, the baby receives via drip a body-specific substance, prostaglandin, which keeps the connection open. Then the child needs surgery. In the first operation, a connection is made from the body pulse vein to the pulsing vein using a small plastic tube, called a shunt. The final operation involves closing the hole in the partition and creating a connection, called a conduit, between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. For example, the conductor may consist of an artificial tube with flaps. The final surgery is usually done at the age of one year. The child then has to go on checks regularly for many years because the inoperative connection, the conduit, can have a deteriorating function and then needs to be replaced. Transposition of the big vessels Transposition of the large vessels means that the body and pulmonary arteries have changed place and are leaving the wrong chambers. The badly oxygenated blood goes back into the body. A small hole in the atrial septum allows some oxygenated blood to still enter the body. In addition, the ductus arteriosus is usually open initially. During the fetal period, blood circulation works well because there is then an open connection between the body pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery, so-called open-standing ductus arteriosus. When the connection closes during the baby’s first day after birth, oxygen levels in the blood drop sharply. Low oxygen levels in the blood cause the child to get blue-tinted skin, lips, and mucous membranes, so-called cyanosis, during the first days of life. The low oxygen content is harmful and the child needs early treatment. The child can, via drip, receive a body substance, prostaglandin, which keeps the ductus open. In this way, the blood is mixed, which improves the oxygen content. In anticipation of surgery, the blood oxygen level can be improved by inserting a thin plastic tube, catheter, into the heart. A small balloon in the catheter is inflated and pulled between the left and right atrium and widen the opening there. The heart defect needs to be operated as soon as possible. The child is often operated on during the first two weeks of life. During the operation, the body and pulmonary arteries are split above the flaps and they can be changed. The coronary artery of the heart must also be moved from the old to the new coronary artery. The hole between the atoms is closed. The child needs to undergo regular check-ups for many years, especially to monitor what happens to the coronary vessels that were moved during the operation. The single-chamber heart is a collective term for several different complicated cardiac malformations, which means that a chamber receives the inflow of blood from both atoms and performs pump function. Acid-rich blood is mixed with oxygen-poor blood in the chamber. The blood that goes out into the large body pulse veins will, therefore, have lowered oxygen levels. The symptoms vary greatly because the malformation can look so different. When the heart’s ability to pump out blood is impaired, it can cause heart failure. The child also has decreased oxygen levels in the blood with bluish skin, lips and mucous membranes, so-called cyanosis. The single-chamber heart is treated with a number of operations that take place at different ages. An alternative to surgery is heart transplantation, which is not very common as the availability of the heart in that size is limited. During the child’s first months of life, a so-called shunt operation or bandaging of the pulmonary artery is often performed. The child then has to undergo a more complicated operation, which means that the blood is led from the hollow veins to the pulmonary artery. This is often done in two steps. The chamber then only pumps the blood to the body’s artery. In the first stage, the upper pericardium is connected to the pulmonary artery after the pulmonary artery is divided (Glenn’s operation). The second step means that the lower penis is also connected to the pulmonary artery. It is called total Cavo-pulmonary connection, TCPC. The blood from the lower vein is led through a tunnel up to the pulmonary artery. The tunnel connection can either go through the right atrium as shown in the picture below or be placed outside the right atrium. Sometimes both steps of this operation can be done simultaneously. The first operation is usually done after three months of age and the second operation usually before the age of three. The child needs to be checked regularly for the rest of his life after the operation. Hypoplastic left ventricle Hypoplastic left ventricle means that the left ventricle and often also the coronary artery are very underdeveloped. Blood circulation is maintained by the right ventricle, which, via a fetal compound called the ductus arteriosus, also supplies the body’s pulmonary artery with blood. Circulation works well during the fetal period and the first hours after birth, since the compound, ductus arteriosus, is then open. When it closes, as it does in all children, the blood flow to the carotid artery becomes insufficient. There is also an opening between the atrium that allows oxygenated blood from the lungs to flow from the left atrium to the right atrium. Then the blood flows to the right ventricle and is pumped out to the pulmonary circulation. Part of the blood goes through the ductus arteriosus from the pulmonary artery to the body pulmonary artery. When the ductus joins, it leads to an insufficient flow of oxygenated blood to the body’s pulmonary artery, low blood pressure, and insufficient blood supply to all organs of the body. The child needs surgery early in order to survive. Most children with hypoplastic left ventricles can be operated on. In anticipation of surgery, the ductus arteriosus can be kept open with the help of drugs. The operation takes place in several stages during the first years of life. An alternative to surgery is heart transplantation, which is not very common as the availability of the heart in that size is limited. The child needs to be checked regularly for the rest of his life after the operation. In normal cases, the right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs for oxygenation via the pulmonary artery. The left ventricle pumps the oxygenated blood out to the body via the large coronary artery, which is also called the aorta. In the truncus arteriosus, only a common, wide blood vessel leaves the heart, which first divides into the body and pulmonary arteries. There are holes in the partition between the chambers. Blood from both the left and right chambers passes into the arterial artery, and the oxygen content in the blood is therefore lower. The child develops heart failure with impaired ability to pump blood. Blood oxygen levels drop slightly. and the child may have bluish skin, lips, and mucous membranes, called cyanosis. The child needs surgery. The large common blood vessel becomes a coronary artery and the hole in the septum closes. A connection, called a conduit, is created between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. For example, the conductor may consist of an artificial tube with flaps. The surgery is done during the first weeks of life. The child needs to undergo regular check-ups for many years as the implanted connection can deteriorate in its function and need to be replaced. The conductor may need to be changed several times during life.
Stay Cool and Cost-Effective: Chiller Rental Services for Any Occasion Chiller Rental: As the temperature rises, staying cool and comfortable becomes a top priority for both personal and professional environments. While owning a chiller system may seem like the most viable option, the upfront costs, installation complexities, and long-term maintenance expenses can be daunting. Thankfully, chiller rental services offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for staying cool in any situation or event. With their versatility, affordability, and hassle-free setup, chiller rentals provide a practical cooling option for both temporary and long-term needs, ensuring you can stay cool and comfortable without breaking the bank. Affordable Cooling Solutions: Chiller rental services provide affordable cooling solutions that fit various budgets. Instead of investing a significant amount of money up front to purchase a chiller system, rentals allow you to access high-quality cooling equipment at a fraction of the cost. By paying only for the duration you need, you can allocate your budget more effectively, directing resources towards other essential areas of your life or business. This cost-effective approach makes chiller rentals an attractive option for individuals, small businesses, and event organizers looking for affordable cooling solutions without compromising on quality. Versatility for Any Occasion: Chiller rental services cater to a wide range of occasions and events, ensuring that you have the right cooling equipment for every situation. Whether you are planning a corporate event, wedding, or outdoor party, or need temporary cooling for construction or renovation projects, chiller rentals offer versatile options to meet your specific needs. From portable chillers for smaller gatherings to larger industrial-grade units for more significant venues, rental services have the flexibility to provide the ideal cooling solution for any occasion. Hassle-Free Setup and Maintenance: One of the key advantages of chiller rentals is their hassle-free setup and maintenance process. Rental services take care of the delivery, installation, and setup of the chiller equipment, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for their customers. Professional technicians handle the installation process, ensuring that the chiller system is properly set up and functioning optimally. Moreover, rental services often provide regular maintenance and servicing, ensuring that the equipment operates at peak performance throughout the rental period. This eliminates the need for you to worry about complex installation processes or ongoing maintenance tasks, saving you time and effort. Expert Guidance and Support: Chiller rental services understand that not everyone is familiar with cooling equipment. They provide expert guidance and support to help you select the most suitable chiller system for your specific requirements. Rental service professionals can assess your cooling needs, consider factors such as space, temperature requirements, and energy efficiency, and recommend the best equipment accordingly. Additionally, they are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have during the rental period, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your cooling solution. Conclusion: Chiller rental services offer a cost-effective and convenient way to stay cool and comfortable in any situation or event. With their affordability, versatility, hassle-free setup, and expert guidance, chiller rentals provide accessible cooling solutions for individuals, businesses, and event organizers. By opting for chiller rentals, you can enjoy the benefits of reliable and efficient cooling without the financial burden of purchasing and maintaining a chiller system. Stay cool and cost-effective with chiller rental services, ensuring that you and your guests can enjoy a comfortable and refreshing environment without compromising your budget. Flexible Chiller Rentals: Tailored Cooling Solutions for Every Need Chiller Rental: When it comes to cooling solutions, flexibility is key. Every space has unique cooling requirements, whether it’s a small residential area, a commercial office, or a large event venue. Chiller rentals provide a versatile and customizable option to meet the specific cooling needs of any environment. With their flexibility in equipment selection, rental duration, and customization options, chiller rentals offer tailored cooling solutions that ensure optimal comfort and efficiency for every situation. Whether you need temporary cooling for an event or a long-term solution for your business, flexible chiller rentals have you covered. Diverse Equipment Selection: Chiller rental services offer a diverse selection of equipment to cater to different cooling needs. From portable chillers to large-scale industrial-grade units, there is a wide range of options available. These chillers come in various capacities, allowing you to select the most appropriate size for your space. Rental services also offer different types of chillers, such as air-cooled and water-cooled systems, to accommodate specific requirements. This diverse equipment selection ensures that you can find the perfect chiller solution that matches your cooling demands. Customization for Specific Needs: Chiller rentals provide the flexibility to customize the cooling solutions according to your specific needs. Rental services work closely with you to understand your requirements, whether it’s precise temperature control, zoning capabilities, or energy efficiency considerations. Based on these requirements, rental services can tailor the chiller system to meet your specific needs. This customization ensures that you have a cooling solution that is perfectly aligned with your comfort preferences and efficiency goals, providing optimal cooling while minimizing energy consumption. Flexible Rental Durations: One of the significant advantages of chiller rentals is the flexibility in rental durations. Rental services can accommodate both short-term and long-term cooling needs. Whether you need a chiller system for a one-day event, a week-long project, or an extended period, rental services can adjust the rental duration accordingly. This flexibility allows you to access cooling solutions precisely when you need them, without being tied down to long-term commitments or incurring unnecessary expenses. You can have peace of mind knowing that you can adjust the rental period to match your specific requirements. Convenient Installation and Removal: Chiller rental services provide convenient installation and removal processes. Their experienced technicians handle the delivery, installation, and setup of the chiller equipment. They ensure that the chiller system is properly installed and functioning optimally. Similarly, when the rental period is over, the rental service will take care of the removal and return of the equipment. This convenience saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on enjoying the benefits of the cooling system without the hassle of managing the logistics. Professional Support and Maintenance: Chiller rental services offer professional support and maintenance throughout the rental period. They provide technical assistance, ensuring that the chiller system operates smoothly. In case of any issues, a dedicated support team is available to address your concerns promptly. Rental services also perform regular maintenance and servicing to ensure optimal performance and reliability of the rental chillers. This level of support and maintenance eliminates the need for you to worry about equipment upkeep and ensures that you can rely on the cooling system to operate at its best. Conclusion: Flexible chiller rentals provide tailored cooling solutions to meet the specific needs of any environment. With a diverse selection of equipment, customization options, flexible rental durations, convenient installation and removal processes, and professional support and maintenance, chiller rentals offer a versatile and hassle-free cooling solution. Whether it’s a short-term event or a long-term requirement, you can rely on chiller rentals to provide efficient and customized cooling that ensures optimal comfort and efficiency. Embrace the flexibility of chiller rentals and enjoy the benefits of tailored cooling solutions for your specific needs. Efficient and Reliable: Chiller Rentals for Year-Round Comfort Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year is essential for productivity, health, and overall well-being. However, achieving optimal temperature control can be a challenge, especially in extreme weather conditions. Chiller rentals provide efficient and reliable cooling solutions that ensure year-round comfort in any residential, commercial, or event setting. With their advanced technology, energy efficiency, and professional support, chiller rentals offer a practical and convenient way to create a comfortable environment regardless of the season. Advanced Cooling Technology: Chiller rental services provide access to state-of-the-art cooling technology. These rental chillers are designed with advanced features and efficient cooling mechanisms that deliver superior performance. Whether you need to cool a small room or a large commercial space, rental chillers can effectively maintain the desired temperature levels with precision. The advanced technology ensures efficient operation, optimal energy consumption, and reliable performance, providing a comfortable environment for you and your occupants. Energy Efficiency for Cost Savings: Chiller rentals prioritize energy efficiency, which not only benefits the environment but also helps you save on energy costs. Rental chiller systems are designed to operate efficiently, minimizing energy consumption while delivering effective cooling. By using energy-efficient chillers, you can enjoy year-round comfort without worrying about excessive energy bills. Chiller rental services can guide you in selecting the most energy-efficient options that align with your specific cooling requirements, ensuring optimal comfort while maximizing cost savings. Reliable Performance and Temperature Control: Chiller rentals offer reliable performance and precise temperature control. Rental chiller systems are built to deliver consistent and reliable cooling, maintaining the desired temperature levels regardless of external conditions. Whether it’s extreme heat in the summer or sudden temperature fluctuations during transitional seasons, rental chillers ensure a stable and comfortable indoor environment. With their robust performance and accurate temperature control, you can rely on chiller rentals to create a pleasant atmosphere year-round. Flexible Cooling Capacity: Chiller rental services offer a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs. Whether you require cooling for a small residential space or a large commercial building, rental services can provide the appropriate chiller system to meet your specific cooling demands. Rental chillers come in various sizes and capacities, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for your space. The flexibility in cooling capacity ensures that you have the right equipment to efficiently cool your environment, promoting year-round comfort. Professional Support and Maintenance: Chiller rental services provide professional support and maintenance to ensure optimal performance throughout the rental period. They offer technical assistance for installation, operation, and troubleshooting. In case of any issues, a dedicated support team is available to address your concerns promptly. Rental services also conduct regular maintenance and servicing of the chiller systems, ensuring that they operate at peak performance and reliability. With their expertise and support, you can enjoy year-round comfort with the assurance that your cooling needs are taken care of by professionals. Conclusion: Chiller rentals offer efficient and reliable cooling solutions for year-round comfort. With advanced cooling technology, energy efficiency, reliable performance, flexible cooling capacities, and professional support, chiller rentals ensure optimal temperature control in any residential, commercial, or event setting. By opting for chiller rentals, you can enjoy a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year without the hassle and costs associated with owning and maintaining a chiller system. Embrace the efficiency and reliability of chiller rentals and experience year-round comfort that meets your specific cooling needs. On-Demand Cooling: Accessible Chiller Rentals at Your Convenience In a world where convenience is valued more than ever, on-demand solutions have become increasingly popular. This is true not only for services like ride-sharing and food delivery but also for cooling solutions. Chiller rentals offer on-demand cooling that is accessible and convenient for a wide range of needs. Whether you require temporary cooling for an event, emergency cooling for a breakdown, or supplemental cooling for a specific project, on-demand chiller rentals provide a practical and hassle-free solution that can be accessed at your convenience. Immediate Cooling Solutions: On-demand chiller rentals offer immediate access to cooling solutions whenever you need them. In situations where sudden temperature fluctuations, unexpected events, or equipment failures occur, waiting for a permanent cooling solution to be installed can be time-consuming and costly. On-demand chiller rentals allow you to quickly address the cooling needs of your space without delay. Rental services are equipped to respond promptly to your request, ensuring that you can access cooling solutions at a moment’s notice. Flexible Rental Durations: On-demand chiller rentals provide flexibility in rental durations, allowing you to customize the cooling solution based on your specific needs. Whether you require the chiller system for a few days, weeks, or months, rental services can accommodate your desired rental period. This flexibility ensures that you only pay for the duration you actually need, avoiding unnecessary costs associated with long-term commitments or unused equipment. Whether it’s a short-term event or a temporary cooling requirement, on-demand chiller rentals offer the convenience of adjusting the rental duration to match your schedule. Wide Range of Cooling Capacities: On-demand chiller rentals offer a wide range of cooling capacities to suit different needs. Rental services have various chiller options available, ranging from portable units to larger industrial-grade systems. This allows you to select the appropriate cooling capacity based on the size of your space and the level of cooling required. Whether you need to cool a small room, a large event venue, or an entire building, on-demand chiller rentals can provide the right equipment to meet your specific cooling demands. Professional Installation and Support: On-demand chiller rentals come with professional installation and support services. Rental services have experienced technicians who handle the delivery, installation, and setup of the chiller equipment. They ensure that the chiller system is properly installed and functioning optimally. In addition, rental services offer technical support throughout the rental period, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise. This professional support ensures a seamless experience and allows you to rely on the expertise of rental service providers for your cooling needs. Cost-Effective Cooling Solution: On-demand chiller rentals offer a cost-effective cooling solution compared to purchasing and maintaining a permanent cooling system. The upfront costs associated with buying a chiller system can be significant, along with ongoing maintenance expenses. On-demand rentals allow you to access high-quality cooling equipment without the financial burden of ownership. You can allocate your resources more effectively, directing them towards other priorities while enjoying the benefits of on-demand cooling at a fraction of the cost. Conclusion: On-demand chiller rentals provide accessible and convenient cooling solutions for various needs. With immediate access to cooling, flexible rental durations, a wide range of cooling capacities, professional installation and support, and cost-effectiveness, on-demand chiller rentals offer a practical and hassle-free cooling solution at your convenience. Embrace the flexibility and convenience of on-demand cooling and ensure that your cooling needs are met promptly and efficiently, without the burden of ownership or long-term commitments. Experience accessible and on-demand cooling solutions that adapt to your schedule and requirements. “Beat the Heat without the Hassle: Convenient Chiller Rentals for Business” When the scorching heat of summer arrives, finding effective ways to stay cool becomes a top priority. Whether it’s for your business, maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is crucial for productivity, well-being, and customer satisfaction. Chiller rentals offer a convenient and hassle-free solution to beat the heat without the challenges and expenses of purchasing and maintaining a permanent cooling system. With their flexibility, convenience, and professional support, chiller rentals provide a practical cooling option that ensures comfort and convenience for both residential and commercial spaces. Flexible Cooling Solutions: Chiller rentals offer flexible cooling solutions that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need temporary cooling for a special event, supplemental cooling during peak seasons, or a long-term solution for your business, rental services can accommodate your requirements. They provide a range of chiller options, from portable units to larger-scale systems, allowing you to choose the appropriate cooling capacity for your space. This flexibility ensures that you have the right cooling solution to match your unique needs, without the burden of investing in and maintaining a permanent system. Convenience and Ease of Setup: Chiller rentals prioritize convenience and ease of setup. Rental services handle the delivery, installation, and setup of the chiller equipment, saving you time and effort. Their experienced technicians ensure that the chiller system is properly installed and functioning optimally. This eliminates the need for complex installation processes and allows you to start enjoying the benefits of cool air right away. The convenience and ease of setup provided by chiller rentals make them a hassle-free option, allowing you to focus on staying comfortable without any added stress. Professional Support and Maintenance: Chiller rental services offer professional support and maintenance throughout the rental period. They provide technical assistance and troubleshooting to address any issues that may arise. Rental services also conduct regular maintenance and servicing to ensure the optimal performance and efficiency of the chiller system. With their expertise, you can rely on the rental service provider to handle any maintenance needs, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted cooling without the responsibilities of upkeep and maintenance. Cost-Effective Solution: Chiller rentals provide a cost-effective cooling solution compared to purchasing and maintaining a permanent system. The upfront costs of buying a chiller system can be significant, along with ongoing expenses for maintenance, repairs, and energy consumption. Chiller rentals allow you to access high-quality cooling equipment without the financial burden of ownership. You can allocate your budget more effectively, utilizing resources for other essential areas of your business. The cost-effectiveness of chiller rentals makes them an attractive option for those seeking efficient cooling without long-term financial commitment. Conclusion: Chiller rentals offer a convenient and hassle-free solution to beat the heat and ensure comfort for your business. With their flexibility in cooling solutions, convenience in setup, professional support and maintenance, and cost-effectiveness, chiller rentals provide a practical alternative to permanent cooling systems. Embrace the convenience and ease of chiller rentals and enjoy a comfortable indoor environment without the hassle and expenses associated with ownership. Beat the heat without the hassle by opting for convenient chiller rentals, ensuring a cool and refreshing space for your business. Address7200 Distribution Dr, Louisville, KY 40258 Phone: (502) 384-8500 Email: [email protected] |9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Perspectives | Five conjectures for the blockchain industry in 2020 Conjecture 1: Bitcoin halving may not usher in a bull market If you want to talk about the hot words in the currency circle this year, I am afraid that it is "halving". Whether it is an ordinary retail investor or a cryptocurrency trading institution, starting from the bear market in 2018, they will hope that the third round of bitcoin halving in 2020 will bring a new round of bull market, and I am convinced that . The halving public opinion also continues to ferment, or due to the good news, Bitcoin has risen from $ 3,000 at the beginning of the year to a peak of $ 14,000 in 2019! However, history will not simply repeat, it will always be surprisingly similar. On November 28, 2012, Bitcoin was halved for the first time, and the reward for mining a block every 10 minutes dropped from 50 bits to 25; then in 2013, the price of Bitcoin went from around $ 20 at the beginning of the year Rose to about $ 260, with a maximum increase of 1200% - Blockchain can't save traffic NetEase circle and other products failure revelation - Comment: Why did Satoshi Nakamoto give up being the richest man in the world? - Looking for "new rich mines" in the automotive industry: blockchain may become a breakthrough On July 10, 2016, Bitcoin was halved for the second time, and the reward for mining a block every 10 minutes was reduced from 25 Bitcoins to 12.5. Nearly 2017, Bitcoin increased from $ 1457 to $ 20,000. Reached the highest historical price of bitcoin, with a year-to-date increase of 1272.68%. If you refer to the previous halving rule, the third halving will come on May 14, 2020, and the Bitcoin block reward will be halved from 12.5 bitcoins to 6.25. From the historical market perspective, the first two bitcoin halvings have stimulated the market to usher in a new round of bull market. Will the bull market next year also come on schedule? Is halving related to Bitcoin's skyrocketing strength? After Bitcoin's two halvings, it has indeed achieved an amazing increase, so it must be corroborated: Is halving strongly related to Bitcoin's skyrocketing? Just as the amount of funds flowing into the gold market has decreased, can it certainly prove that the cryptocurrency market will usher in a rise? First of all, behind the rise of bitcoin in 2013, there is actually a political and economic reason that cannot be ignored: the currency crisis in Cyprus has caused the rise of bitcoin prices. In March 2013, the Cypriot government was unable to rescue the banking crisis that broke out in the country and had to apply for assistance from international financial institutions. International organizations such as the European Union have agreed to give Cyprus a loan of 10 billion euros, provided that banks in the country must levy a deposit tax of 5.8 billion euros on bank depositors. The final result after several negotiations was the introduction of the Cyprus banking restructuring plan: the national bank of Cyprus, the second largest bank in Cyprus, will be closed, and deposits of less than 100,000 euros will be transferred to the largest bank, Cyprus Banks, 100,000 euros of depositors with more than 100,000 euros will be transferred without loss, and more than 100,000 will be frozen to solve the debt problem, and this part is almost lost. This directly caused the panic of the Cypriots, rushing to exchange their national currency for Bitcoin. Due to the limited supply of Bitcoin in a certain period of time, the mass purchase of Bitcoin caused Bitcoin to start from more than $ 30 in just a few days. Soared to $ 265. Then let's look at the skyrocketing Bitcoin price in 2017. For the reasons for this round of market, the industry has basically reached a consensus-it is brought by the Ethereum one-click coin issuance mechanism. That is to say, the blockchain project party can issue its own token based on the Ethereum ERC20 system to raise funds from ordinary public investors. Since the early ICO investment has achieved good returns, the opening has several times, or even dozens of times, the wealth effect attracted a large number of projects and funders to enter the market, thus opening the 2017 super bull market. In summary, every big rise in Bitcoin is not necessarily related to the halving of output, and there are related economic and political factors behind its soaring. Therefore, halving the output of Bitcoin in 2020 may not be able to stimulate a new round of bull market. Conjecture 2: Bitcoin halved, miners fall in love with each other Bitcoin halving is a "shock for every step" for miner manufacturers. Each time Bitcoin is halved, the block reward is halved, and it is conscious that the difficulty of mining will double. Whether mining can make money needs to be considered in combination with the ratio of mining machinery and electricity and energy consumption. The electricity cost ratio of a mining machine refers to the ratio of the daily electricity consumption cost of the mining machine to the daily mining revenue. For the miner, the electricity cost is the most important cost, and it is also the most important link between the Bitcoin price and the miner's revenue. According to the electricity cost ratio, the current revenue of the mining machine can be roughly calculated. Energy consumption ratio refers to the ratio of power required for each unit of computing power of each mining machine. If you just look at the power consumption ratio of the miner, it is actually not significant, but it is directly linked to the cost ratio of the miner's electrical machinery. The lower the power consumption, the more energy-saving it is. However, the lower the power consumption of the miner, the more expensive the product price is. . According to the data of Yuchi, the current electricity cost ratio of the mining machine is 50%, and the energy consumption ratio is about 60W / T. In other words, at current prices, after halving Bitcoin in 2020, the miners whose theoretical energy consumption ratio exceeds 60W / T will be forced to shut down. By then, the market value of major domestic mining machine manufacturers Bitmain, Jianan Yunzhi, and Shenma Mining Machine will be greatly affected by this halving. Mining difficulty rises, miners fall in love with each other At present, the domestic miner manufacturers are mainly Bitmain, Jianan Yunzhi, and Shenma Mining Machines, which are showing a trend of standing among the three countries. However, before 2019, there is not much news about the Shenma mining machine on the market. Everyone pays more attention to Bitmain and Jia Nan Yunzhi. In 2019, the shipment of Shenma mining machine The surge has attracted much attention. Rumors in the industry: The surge in sales of Shenma mining machines is threatening Bitmain's position as a mining domineering company. It is reported that on December 12, Bitmain sued Bitwei (Shenma Mining Machinery) on the grounds of suspected embezzlement. The founder of the latter, Yang Zuoxing, was arrested by the Nanshan Procuratorate and the case is currently under investigation. Leaving aside the truth of the case, behind the two miners' struggle from dark to light, in fact, it also reflects that the competition in the mining machine market has further intensified and has entered a stage of fierce fighting. However, Bitmain's move will increase the negative news of Shenma Mining Machinery to a certain extent. The confidence of investors and consumers has diminished sharply, and its shipments may be greatly affected in the short term. Due to this year's "internal fighting" confusion in Bitmain, the company's leaders had no time to take into account the development of new products, which caused its mining machine sales to decline once, while another mining machine giant Jia Nan Yunzhi was busy listing, which undoubtedly gave rise to the rising star Shenma mining machine. Opportunity. The two courts may be the first step for Wu Jihan to seize the market after he holds power alone. In fact, as early as 2017, Shenma Mining Machine and Bitmain had conflicts. In July of that year, Bitmain sued Shenma Mining Machinery for patent infringement and demanded compensation for a total of 2.68 million yuan in economic losses. The contradiction was magnified once again the arrest of Shenmao founder Yang Zuoxing a few days ago. Founder arrested, market share robbed? The opponent is the overlord of the mining machine, and it coincides with the downturn in the market. The difficulty of mining continues to rise. It seems that the Shenma mining machine has reached the stormy weather. If it is not careful, it may be swallowed by the market. Way: First, strengthen the research and development of the existing mining machine technology level, improve the core competitiveness of the product, and maintain the previous good and cheap sales form. Perhaps there is a first-line vitality-the rise of Shenma Mining Machine and its own cost-effective products are inseparable. Secondly, at present, Wu Jihan, who advocates the development of mining machine business in Bitmain, has returned and grabbing the mining machine market that originally belonged to him is the top priority of Bitmain's work at present. As a newly-developed Shenma Mining Machine, it is not a good strategy to rely on its own strength in a short period of time to support the crushing of the overlord and maintain the existing market share. And alliances are not necessarily a better choice. Because after the alliance, it is not only a technical exchange, but also helps to develop faster mining power with lower power consumption. It is also able to strengthen information sharing in the cost channels such as market channels and raw material supply, and further reduce Mining machine research and development costs, so as to take advantage of cost-effectiveness, to produce high-quality and low-cost mining machine products, so as to strive to maintain the existing market share and seek greater development. Conjecture 3: DCEP is fully implemented, and related industries are on the rise In 2019, the central bank's legal digital currency, DCEP, appeared frequently, from accelerating the advance to coming out. At this stage, the release of DCEP is still highly anticipated. In 2020, DCEP may usher in a truly comprehensive landing. It is reported that the central bank has now launched a formal pilot program, which is divided into two phases. At the end of 2019, it will be a small-scale scenario closed pilot, and it will be widely promoted in Shenzhen in 2020. The pilot project will go out of the central bank system and be led by the People's Bank of China. The four major state-owned commercial banks and the three major telecom operators will jointly participate in the project and will be launched in Shenzhen and Suzhou. DCEP can not only be used as an inter-bank settlement tool, but also enter real service scenarios such as transportation, education, and medical treatment, reaching C-end users and generating frequent applications. If the pilot is successful, DCEP will expand the area and application area in 2020, and quickly enter the payment system under the promotion of policies. The full implementation of DCEP, on the one hand, can be used as a payment and settlement tool, strengthen the supervision of fund transfers, improve financial stability, and enhance anti-corruption and anti-money laundering capabilities. On the other hand, it can also replace traditional digital currencies such as bitcoin to a certain extent, reduce the threshold for international friends to use electronic money in China, and help Chinese consumers to spend abroad when they go abroad. In addition, from the beginning of its release to widespread use by the public, DCEP will definitely experience a process of popularization and application, and there will be a wave of entrepreneurship and infrastructure construction in the DCEP and blockchain fields. Payment technology-related services and manufacturers will gain new development. opportunity. For example, payment institutions with C-end (personal) payment service experience, companies with a large number of B-end (enterprise) merchant resources, commercial banks, and payment system developers. But there is still reason to believe that a large number of related unicorn companies will be born in these fields in the next year. Conjecture 4: The emergence of state-owned digital currency exchanges The digital currency exchange, which has always been known as the "top harvester in the currency circle", will not have a good time in 2019. In the second half of 2019, the market for digital currencies continued to be sluggish. Issues such as low transaction volume, frequent security incidents, and tightening regulations once pushed the exchange to the forefront. Since October, the country's continued high pressure on digital currency transactions and the frequent arrests and failures of exchanges have led everyone to speculate that the exchanges may usher in the end, and the ultimate fate may be like a P2P online loan platform. But on the whole, in 2020, the digital currency exchange will not only usher in the doomsday, but also have the possibility of moving towards nationalization through the "Noah's Ark". With the continuous action of the central bank this year, the legal digital currency DCEP is poised for release, and there are news that the country has always been ambiguous about digital currencies, mainly because it is still under investigation and strong supervision is not a blockade. Under the general situation, national exchanges are in urgent need. On the morning of November 6th, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission issued the "Position Letter on Supervising Virtual Assets Trading Platforms" and the "Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission Issued Terms and Conditions for Supervising Virtual Assets Trading Platform Licenses". Documents show that in Hong Kong, a national compliance exchange is coming and the first batch of licenses is about to be issued. This means that if the compliance of large-scale digital currency exchanges is successful, Hong Kong will become the destination of national exchanges. At the same time, as civil strife in Hong Kong becomes more serious and the economy becomes more turbulent, the role of financial advancement and demonstration will be curbed. However, DCEP is ready to come out, and the compliance process of domestic digital currency exchanges needs to be accelerated. On December 1, the Hainan International Offshore Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Sanya) Pilot Zone was officially unveiled. Wang Lu, Vice Governor of Hainan Province, issued a paragraph saying: "What do we do next in the blockchain and digital asset transactions? It is clear, but there is a wish that Hainan will become the center of the offshore innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration area, and Hainan will become the center of national blockchain research and application demonstration, and we will also become the national digital asset trading demonstration area. " Under the situation of global digital currency grabbing opportunities and the development of DCEP, the establishment of Hainan's digital currency "regulatory sandbox" just shows the country's attitude towards the development of digital currency-related industries: Avoid "one size fits all" and explore under control Positive meaning. At the same time, the possibility of a national digital currency exchange has been pulled back from Hong Kong to the mainland. Regardless of the size of the transaction, 2020 is destined to be a special year. Small exchanges are born and dead, and large exchanges are compliant and legitimate. Conjecture 5: "Blockchain +" will usher in a major breakthrough 2019 is called the first year of the application and promotion of blockchain technology landing industry. Over the past year, Internet giants such as BAT have accelerated the application scenarios of the blockchain and the construction and promotion of the BAAS platform. Ant Blockchain vigorously promotes the application of the top 10 landing scenarios of successful cases, including judicial blockchain, contract deposit, supply chain finance, electronic bills, commercial insurance quick compensation, etc. Since the Tencent blockchain electronic invoice went online, it has also achieved good results of 10 million electronic invoices. It can be said that Blockchain + has made great progress this year. On October 24, the blockchain was tuned as a national strategic technology, and the speech clearly stated, "To build a blockchain industry ecology, accelerate the deep integration of blockchain with cutting-edge information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things. Promote integrated innovation and converged applications. "This means that the country attaches importance to the enabling of the blockchain to realize the economy, the deep integration of the real economy, and the use of blockchain technology to achieve the goal of overtaking in curves. With the gradual maturity of technology and the support of national policies, Blockchain + will accelerate its rapid development in 2020. It will be integrated in all walks of life, and there will be large-scale commercial outbreaks. At present, blockchain is the most widely used and has the best application effect in the financial field, and the application benefit in social and people's livelihood is electronic certificate, but the blockchain will first break out in the field of e-government. Blockchain + Finance Blockchain is born with financial attributes. With the birth of Bitcoin, the blockchain has 11 years of history. Its decentralization, immutability, and information traceability have made it a popular place in the digital currency field. Since then, it is even more optimistic for many financial people. For example, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, one of the four major state-owned banks, introduced blockchain technology this year to help improve the existing bank depositor information management model, while ensuring the personal information security of bank depositors, and providing related services conveniently and efficiently. At present, this pilot has been carried out in a small area. If the pilot is successful, it will be possible to truly realize the decentralization of personal information. At that time, user data will be stored on the blockchain, and other people viewing user data must obtain user authorization. Before proceeding. In fact, not only in state-owned units, the development of blockchain technology in the financial field is also favored by many private institutions. As early as 2018, China's insurance giant Ping An joined hands with Foton Motor Group to create a "Fujin All-Link System Blockchain Platform". With the advantages of blockchain technology, it can solve many problems in automotive supply chain finance and serve Futian. The financing difficulties of multi-tier suppliers and dealers in the automotive upstream and downstream industries are focused on enhancing the coordinated development of the entire automotive industry chain. Blockchain + e-government At present, blockchain technology has been researching in e-government for a long time. If it can be applied to traditional tedious government work as soon as possible, the government's work efficiency will be greatly improved. While the personal information of residents is protected, the demand for residents' government affairs will also become convenient and efficient. At present, the government has made great efforts in this regard, and there have been many cases of practical application, which are expected to be fully rolled out next year. On December 9th, Shenzhen ’s unified government service app “i Shenzhen” officially launched the blockchain electronic certificate application platform, which has covered 24 types of common electronic certificate and certificate on-chain services such as resident ID cards and resident account books, and also supports the establishment of No criminal record certificate, birth registration and more than 100 high-frequency government affairs. Liu Qingsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor, said that blockchain technology has great potential for government service innovation. The prospect of using blockchain technology to improve the level of government service is promising, enabling residents to "run a job at most once and easily." Blockchain + electronic certificate At present, the existing information storage methods mainly rely on two types-personal local storage and institutional cloud storage, but its disadvantages cannot be ignored-information loss and information leakage. In recent years, information security issues that have frequently erupted have caused numerous property losses. The awareness of public information security has also been gradually increased during the "persecution". Electronic certificates need to be upgraded, but blockchain technology has the magic to change this situation. Blockchain is favored by many information storage organizations because of its decentralization and immutability. Researchers have discovered that blockchain technology can change the situation where traditional information is controlled by one (centralized institution), and has no fixed information storage nodes. Each node is a center to avoid information loss, and at the same time, encryption technology can ensure information security. In order to achieve decentralization and secure storage of information, this technology has become a key research topic for many cloud storage organizations. Blockchain is the most explosive in the government and financial fields, but it is also being promoted in pilot areas in product traceability, intellectual property, health care, social education, 5G and other fields. However, it is believed that in the near future, blockchain technology will everywhere. Author / Darcy, Snowshoe Editor / Darcy Operations / Harry Production / Star Media - Opinion: 5 predictions for DeFi in 2020 - Case study | How government governance applies blockchain technology - Latest Global Central Bank Digital Currency Guide - Perspective | Bitcoin Operating System: What kind of applications will emerge from liberating information and communications? - Dry goods | Starting from three bottlenecks to solve blockchain scalability issues - Summary of blockchain security incidents in 2019, global loss exceeds $ 6 billion - CCTV re-approves blockchain scams: closing big V, online celebrity Weibo, and stepping up efforts
Are you facing a pivotal decision between SymphonyAI Summit Service Management vs. TeamDynamix in your quest for the perfect IT Service Management (ITSM) platform? In a world brimming with ITSM options, finding the ideal solution that harmonizes seamlessly with your organization's unique needs can be challenging. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a comprehensive ITSM tools comparison, dissecting these two prominent contenders in the ITSM arena. However, neither of these platforms may fully meet your organization's unique needs. That's where we present an alternative solution that could be your perfect match: InvGate Service Desk. This service desk software solution streamlines service delivery and enables organizations to take their ITSM practices to new heights. Table of contents - What is SymphonyAI Summit Service Management? - What is TeamDynamix? - Considering InvGate Service Desk as an ITSM solution alternative - SymphonyAI Summit Service Management provides organizations with the flexibility they need, along with a feature-rich ITIL alignment, a user-centric design, and cost-effectiveness. However, some concerns have been raised regarding the platform's performance, limitations in configuration, and customer support. - TeamDynamix stands out with its ability to provide customized solutions, a user-friendly interface, and a reliable ticketing system. However, it has faced criticism for its integration challenges, complexities in Ticket Management, and outdated user interface. - InvGate Service Desk sets itself apart with its outstanding ticketing system, intuitive interface, budget-friendly solutions, and exceptional IT Asset Management capabilities. We tried to be as thorough as possible, but if you don't have enough time to read it through and through, here's (another) TL;DR: InvGate Service Desk can do everything we say here, and you can test it right away for free for 30 days. Most looked-at features by buyers When assessing IT Service Management solutions, potential buyers focus on specific features that align with their organization's needs. It's crucial to comprehend these desired functionalities to make well-informed decisions. Let's delve into the key aspects prospective buyers commonly consider when comparing ITSM tools. - Ticket Management System - Prospective buyers attach great significance to a comprehensive Ticket Management system within the help desk software. This feature enables efficient tracking, assignment, and resolution of customer inquiries and support requests. - User-friendly experience and interface - Ease of use and interface design are critical factors for buyers. They value a user-friendly platform with an intuitive interface that enhances user adoption and productivity. Mobile accessibility is also important for organizations with remote or mobile workforces. - Seamless integration capabilities - The ability to integrate with other systems and applications is a critical requirement for buyers. They seek seamless data flow and automated processes, valuing the capacity to integrate with existing tools and platforms for enhanced efficiency and a unified user experience. - Simplified IT service catalog - Organizations often require an uncomplicated IT service catalog that offers a centralized platform for users to request specific IT services or resources. This simplifies service requests, enhances visibility, and facilitates effective service delivery management. - Self-service portal and knowledge base - The inclusion of a self-service portal is highly valued as it empowers end-users to independently resolve common issues and access pertinent information without requiring direct assistance. - Customization and adaptability - Buyers appreciate software solutions that can be tailored to suit their business needs. This ensures that the software aligns with their unique workflows and processes, resulting in increased user satisfaction and overall efficiency. - Informative reporting - Buyers seek help desk software equipped with robust reporting tools like dashboards and reports. These features provide valuable insights into IT operations and performance, facilitating informed decision-making and continuous service improvement. - Scalability and personalization - Organizations with evolving needs prioritize solutions that can adapt to their growth and allow for customization. Buyers seek the ability to create custom fields, workflows, and extensions/plugins to meet their specific business requirements. - Support automation and Workflow Management - Buyers actively seek software solutions offering automation capabilities to streamline routine tasks such as ticket routing, approvals, and escalations. These automation features contribute to increased efficiency and productivity. - Efficient IT Asset Management - Users prioritize software that offers robust IT Asset Management (ITAM) capabilities. This helps them maintain accurate inventories and optimize resource utilization within their organizations. - Cost and support - Buyers consider the solution's cost-effectiveness, including licensing models, subscription plans, and additional costs for features or users. Reliable customer support, comprehensive documentation, and accessible training resources also influence decision-making. - ITIL compliance - Adhering to ITIL best practices is a priority for many organizations. Buyers may prioritize solutions that support ITIL processes, including Incident Management, Problem Management, Change Management, and Asset Management. What is SymphonyAI Summit Service Management? SymphonyAI Summit Service Management is an ITSM solution provided by SymphonyAI Summit, a company founded in 2015 in Pune, India. It aligns with ITIL standards and integrates advanced AI-driven digital agents and automated services. Additionally, the company has expanded its product range to encompass an IT Asset Management solution, which covers areas such as Lifecycle Management, cost management, and the avoidance of unnecessary purchases. What users like from SymphonyAI Summit Service Management SymphonyAI Summit Service Management has garnered positive user feedback from reputable sources like Gartner. Let's delve into some of the highlighted advantages mentioned in these evaluations. - Flexibility and adaptability - This solution empowers users to manage workflows and support efficiently, enabling dynamic adjustments to meet evolving requirements. Implementing suggestions is a straightforward process, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Users also appreciate the platform's simplicity in configuring changes, conditions, and validations. - Comprehensive features - Users highly value the platform's comprehensive feature set. It adheres to ITIL standards, offers pre-built reporting capabilities, allows user-friendly management of ticket relationships, supports automation through orchestration, and integrates AI functions, all contributing to its appeal. - User-friendly experience - Users consistently praise SymphonyAI Summit Service Management for its easy-to-use interface, intuitive dashboard layout, and unwavering commitment to simplicity. - Multichannel engagement - The software excels in automating workflows and seamlessly connecting Incident Requests (IR), Service Requests (SR), and Change Requests (CR) with assets and configuration items. Its robust resource-handling capabilities enable efficient management of a wide range of resources. - Cost-effective solution - SymphonyAI Summit Service Management is recognized for its cost-effectiveness compared to competitors. Users find value in the platform's pricing structure, which provides robust features and capabilities. - Training and support - The training team is highly praised for their expertise and effectiveness in imparting knowledge. The platform's support services are known for their timeliness and ability to address users' queries and challenges promptly. - Asset Management - The platform's IT Asset Management capabilities deliver a comprehensive and user-friendly experience. Features such as mail-to-ticket and mail-to-service request (SR) functionality, combined with extensive ITAM tools, enhance the platform's efficiency in ITAM processes. What users don’t like from SymphonyAI Summit Service Management While SymphonyAI Summit Service Management has many strengths and positive attributes, certain platform aspects have raised user concerns. These findings come from reviews in sources such as Gartner. Let's explore some of the issues that have drawn attention. - Configuration challenges - Some users have expressed reservations about the platform's configuration capabilities, workflow management, and administrative functions. - Bug-related problems - Reports of bugs causing conflicts between different teams' data containers have emerged, impacting the overall reliability and stability of the system. - Responsiveness concerns - Another prevalent concern revolves around the web interface's performance, with users citing issues related to speed and overall responsiveness. There have also been instances where attention appears to shift away from critical enhancements. - Performance and accessibility issues - Users have pointed out accessibility problems, including situations where the tool becomes inaccessible for extended periods and experiences significant performance slowdowns. - Reliability doubts - Some users have raised questions about the platform's reliability, prompting calls for more rigorous testing to enhance overall stability. - Limitations in customization flexibility - Although the platform does offer customization options, users have reported encountering specific constraints that hinder their ability to achieve the desired levels of customization in certain areas. - Customer support shortcomings - Certain users have expressed dissatisfaction with customer support, citing concerns such as delays in service requests for reports, extended support timelines, and difficulties related to bug resolution and product updates. - Additional recommendations - Users have made a couple of specific suggestions. Firstly, they desire an alert or reminder feature within the platform. Secondly, comments have surfaced regarding the need for improved platform documentation. - Costs and licensing - Some users have found the licensing costs relatively high and have compared them to other tools available in the market. What’s SymphonyAI Summit Service Management’s argument over TeamDynamix? SymphonyAI Summit Service Management presents a strong argument when compared to TeamDynamix, especially in key areas where it holds a distinct advantage. - Flexibility and adaptability - SymphonyAI Summit Service Management empowers users to manage workflows and support efficiently, enabling dynamic adjustments to meet evolving requirements. Implementing suggestions is a straightforward process, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. - Comprehensive features - Users highly value the comprehensive feature set offered by SymphonyAI Summit Service Management, which contributes significantly to its appeal and may outshine feature richness and versatility. - User-friendly experience - Users consistently praise SymphonyAI Summit Service Management for its user-friendly interface, intuitive dashboard layout, and unwavering commitment to simplicity. - Multichannel engagement - SymphonyAI Summit Service Management excels in automating workflows and seamlessly connecting various types of requests with assets and configuration items. Its robust resource-handling capabilities enable efficient management of a wide range of resources. - Cost-effective solution - SymphonyAI Summit Service Management is recognized for its cost-effectiveness compared to competitors, providing robust features and capabilities within its pricing structure. - Training and support - The training team associated with SymphonyAI Summit Service Management is highly praised for their expertise and effectiveness in imparting knowledge. Additionally, the platform's support services are known for their timeliness and ability to address users' queries and challenges promptly. - Asset Management - SymphonyAI Summit Service Management's IT Asset Management capabilities provide a comprehensive and user-friendly experience. What is TeamDynamix? TeamDynamix is a cloud-based solution in the realms of IT Service Management, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), and Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. This software enables educational institutions like colleges, universities, and other organizations to harmonize, cooperate, and streamline their work management procedures. What users like from TeamDynamix TeamDynamix has received recognition and positive user feedback from respected industry sources, including Gartner. These reviews highlight some of the platform's notable strengths and benefits. Let's take a closer look at these highlighted benefits. - Intuitive user interface - TeamDynamix has an intuitive user interface that simplifies issue assignment, efficient issue management, and request submission. Users find it exceptionally user-friendly, streamlining their daily tasks. - Reliable ticketing module - Users consistently find the ticketing module solid and reliable. It equips them with the tools to efficiently organize and track project tickets, streamlining project management efforts. - Seamless implementation - The platform excels in its ease of implementation, requiring no prior programming background. This accessibility lowers entry barriers for organizations, ensuring a straightforward onboarding process. - Tailored customization - Users appreciate the high degree of customization flexibility TeamDynamix offers. It empowers them to configure the platform to match their specific needs precisely, facilitating the creation of tailored workflows and processes. - Robust dashboards - TeamDynamix features robust dashboards that empower teams with effective management tools. These dashboards facilitate seamless monitoring and collaboration among team members, enhancing productivity. - Responsive customer support - Users commend the responsiveness and helpfulness of TeamDynamix's support personnel. They consistently receive timely assistance when facing challenges or seeking guidance, contributing to a smoother user experience. What users don’t like from TeamDynamix While TeamDynamix has many strengths and positive attributes, certain platform aspects have raised user concerns. These observations come from reviews in sources such as Gartner. Here are some of the issues that have received attention and merit consideration. - Limited support - One major drawback reported is the lack of support during critical outages, leaving users without assistance during crucial downtime. In addition, some users have encountered unhelpful direct support. - User interface complexity - Some users have complained about the platform's user interface, citing difficulties due to an outdated layout, limited customization options, and awkward ticket and comment layouts. They strongly advocate for the implementation of a new, more user-friendly GUI. - Complex workflow structures - TeamDynamix has faced criticism for its overly complex workflows, posing challenges for some users in navigation and implementation. - Integration with ITSM suites - Users have expressed frustration over the platform's inability to integrate seamlessly with a full ITSM suite and the lack of robust Change and Configuration Management software. - Challenges with permissions management - Users have reported issues with the vendor's handling of write/view/access permissions, resulting in user access and security difficulties. - User experience enhancement needed - While generally user-friendly, some users have encountered challenges in their overall user experience. Specifically, they have found that sorting and searching for tickets could be more intuitive. Additionally, the abundance of customization options has led to a sense of being overwhelmed. - Delayed enhancement addressing - Users have noted lengthy wait times for enhancements to be addressed. - Outage page accessibility - The outage page being behind a login is seen as a hindrance, preventing users from accessing critical information during downtime. - Limited desktop sharing and updates - Users have expressed concerns about the inability to share desktops and the lack of updates once pushed out. This limitation restricts flexibility and usability for some organizations. - Limited reporting - Some users have found the reporting capabilities within the system to be limited. They express a desire for more extensive integration between project and ticketing apps to enhance their ability to generate and analyze reports effectively. - Ticket Management challenges - Users report various challenges in Ticket Management, including the inability to sort tickets by the due date, difficulties with the workflow designer, and a lack of basic functionalities like batch delete in Asset Management. What’s TeamDynamix’s argument over SymphonyAI Summit Service Management? TeamDynamix makes a compelling case for its platform, positioning itself as a strong alternative to SymphonyAI Summit Service Management. Here are some key points that highlight TeamDynamix's argument. - Intuitive User Interface - TeamDynamix takes pride in its intuitive user interface, simplifying critical tasks. The emphasis on user-friendliness can increase productivity and user satisfaction. - Reliable Ticketing Module - This module equips users with the necessary tools to organize and track project tickets efficiently, enhancing project management efforts. - Seamless Implementation - TeamDynamix stands out with its ease of implementation, requiring no prior programming background. This accessibility ensures a straightforward onboarding process. - Tailored Customization - TeamDynamix offers a high degree of customization flexibility, allowing users to configure the platform to match their specific needs precisely. - Robust Dashboards - These dashboards enable seamless monitoring and collaboration among team members, ultimately enhancing productivity. - Responsive Customer Support - Users have consistently praised the responsiveness and helpfulness of TeamDynamix's support personnel. Timely assistance when facing challenges or seeking guidance contributes to a smoother overall user experience. Considering InvGate Service Desk as an ITSM solution alternative While SymphonyAI Summit Service Management and TeamDynamix are well-known competitors in the ITSM industry, exploring alternative solutions that closely align with your organization's specific needs is crucial. In this context, InvGate Service Desk is a compelling choice that merits careful consideration. Now, let's delve into the extensive features of InvGate Service Desk that make it a valuable option for fulfilling your organization's ITSM requirements. Customization and flexibility InvGate Service Desk offers flexible deployment options, allowing organizations to choose between on-premise or cloud-based solutions. This adaptability ensures that the platform can cater to the specific requirements of different sectors and industries. Streamlined configuration and setup InvGate Service Desk simplifies the configuration and setup process using a no-code/low-code approach. This user-friendly approach enables both novice and experienced users to implement the system without requiring extensive technical expertise. The platform offers straightforward configuration options, enabling organizations to harness its potent ITSM capabilities rapidly. Robust Ticketing and Incident Management InvGate Service Desk offers powerful features for effectively tracking, collaborating on, and resolving tickets. It incorporates automated ticket routing, customizable workflows, and SLA Management, empowering IT teams to handle and prioritize incidents efficiently. Exceptional user experience InvGate Service Desk places a premium on delivering an outstanding user experience through meticulous design and adherence to UI/UX best practices. Its intuitive interface encourages swift adoption, minimizing the need for extensive training and ensuring a user-friendly design that maximizes productivity. Comprehensive Asset Management By integrating InvGate Service Desk with InvGate Insight, organizations gain a comprehensive view of their IT ecosystem, resulting in improved service delivery and reduced downtime. InvGate Insight offers features such as IT Asset Discovery, Inventory Management, Software License Management, and maintenance schedules. InvGate Service Desk holds the esteemed ITIL4 certification from PINK Elephant, affirming its dedication to upholding ITSM excellence. Whether organizations are embarking on their ITIL journey or managing intricate operations, InvGate Service Desk provides a user-friendly and feature-rich experience aligned with industry best practices. Comprehensive reporting and analytics InvGate Service Desk provides extensive reporting and analytics functionalities, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights into their IT operations and performance. The platform offers ready-to-use reports and customizable dashboards, enabling IT teams to analyze data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions to enhance their services. Strong self-service capabilities InvGate Service Desk provides robust self-service functionalities, including a user-friendly portal, an extensive IT service catalog, and a knowledge base. These features empower end-users to independently resolve common issues, access various IT services, and utilize self-help resources, thereby reducing the workload on IT staff. InvGate Service Desk delivers a cost-effective solution without compromising functionality. It offers a comprehensive range of ITSM features at a competitive price, making it an appealing choice for organizations seeking affordability without sacrificing capabilities. Compared to alternatives like SymphonyAI Summit Service Management and TeamDynamix, InvGate Service Desk balances cost and functionality. Focused on ITSM with ESM extension InvGate Service Desk is purpose-built for ITSM and seamlessly extends its capabilities to Enterprise Service Management (ESM). This allows operational departments to enhance their processes and fully embrace the benefits of digital transformation. With a primary focus on ITSM and robust performance in ESM, InvGate Service Desk facilitates streamlined workflows and comprehensive digital transformation initiatives across all departments. Fast ROI and ongoing innovation InvGate Service Desk ensures a swift return on investment through efficient implementation processes. Within weeks, organizations can begin reaping the benefits of this robust ITSM solution. Additionally, regular feature updates keep users at the forefront of technology without incurring additional costs. In the dynamic landscape of IT Service Management, the decision between SymphonyAI Summit Service Management vs. TeamDynamix is a significant one. However, it's essential to recognize that the ITSM market offers many choices, each with its unique strengths and capabilities. While both platforms are formidable options, organizations should consider alternatives that align more closely with their specific needs. One such standout solution is InvGate Service Desk. With its streamlined functionalities and robust features, this platform has the potential to not only enhance IT services but also drive your organization's digital transformation initiatives. Experience the difference today, and set the course for a future where your IT services thrive. Don't miss out on the opportunity to optimize your ITSM strategy—download our free ITSM implementation checklist to guide your next steps.
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, with billions of cups enjoyed every day. While the names Arabica and Robusta are familiar to coffee enthusiasts, there is a world of lesser-known coffee bean varieties that offer unique and diverse flavor experiences. These hidden gems are gaining attention in the specialty coffee industry, enticing coffee lovers with their exquisite tastes and captivating stories. From the rich history of their cultivation to their distinct flavor profiles, exploring these lesser-known coffee beans unveils a journey of discovery and appreciation for the art of coffee. In this article, we delve into the world of lesser-known coffee beans, their rise in the specialty coffee market, the diversity of coffee bean varieties, the importance of sustainability in coffee production, understanding flavor profiles, and the unique history and cultivation practices associated with these hidden treasures. Coffee holds a special place in the hearts of people worldwide. Beyond being a daily pick-me-up, coffee is a beverage that brings people together, stimulates conversations, and creates connections. The world of coffee, however, extends far beyond the common knowledge of Arabica and Robusta beans. The intricate flavors and stories behind lesser-known coffee bean varieties have been overlooked for too long. Fortunately, with the rise of specialty coffee, a spotlight is being cast on these hidden treasures, allowing coffee enthusiasts to embark on a journey of exploration and appreciation. In recent years, the specialty coffee market has experienced significant growth, driven by a demand for higher quality, ethically sourced, and unique coffee experiences. This shift in consumer preferences has created a space for lesser-known coffee bean varieties to shine. Specialty coffee is characterized by its focus on exceptional quality, distinct flavor profiles, and meticulous attention to the entire journey of the coffee bean – from cultivation to the cup. This movement has not only elevated the status of lesser-known coffee beans but has also provided opportunities for small-scale coffee producers to share their craft with the world. While Arabica and Robusta dominate the commercial coffee market, there exists a myriad of lesser-known coffee bean varieties that offer a diverse range of flavors and characteristics. Some of these varieties include: Originally from Ethiopia, the Geisha/Gesha coffee bean has gained immense popularity for its delicate floral and tea-like flavors. It is often celebrated for its complex and nuanced profile, captivating coffee aficionados with its exceptional sweetness and vibrant acidity. Bourbon coffee beans are known for their rich, smooth, and well-balanced flavor profile. With hints of caramel, chocolate, and a syrupy body, Bourbon coffee provides a comforting and indulgent drinking experience. A hybrid of the Pacas and Maragogipe varieties, Pacamara beans are celebrated for their large size and bold, fruity flavors. The combination of sweetness, acidity, and a creamy mouthfeel makes Pacamara coffee a standout choice for those seeking a unique and memorable cup. Considered one of the foundational coffee varieties, Typica beans are prized for their clean, bright acidity and a range of delicate flavor notes, including floral, fruity, and sometimes nutty undertones. This classic variety continues to be cherished for its timeless appeal. Developed in Kenya, the SL28 and SL34 coffee beans are revered for their vibrant acidity, intense sweetness, and pronounced berry-like flavors. These varieties are sought after for their bold and lively characteristics, making them an exciting addition to specialty coffee offerings. Hailing primarily from Southeast Asia, Excelsa coffee beans are known for their unique, tart, and fruity flavor profile. With hints of dark spice and a distinctive, lingering finish, Excelsa adds an intriguing dimension to the world of coffee flavors. Exploring the diverse array of lesser-known coffee bean varieties allows coffee enthusiasts to uncover a treasure trove of sensory experiences, each offering a unique journey through the world of coffee flavor. As the world of coffee continues to evolve, the significance of sustainability in coffee production cannot be overstated. From the preservation of biodiversity to the well-being of coffee farming communities, sustainability practices are crucial for the longevity and integrity of the coffee industry. Lesser-known coffee bean varieties often originate from regions with rich ecological diversity. Therefore, sustainable practices are vital to protect the natural environments that harbor these unique coffee treasures. Sustainable coffee production encompasses various elements, including ethical sourcing, environmental conservation, fair compensation for farmers, and investment in community development. By supporting sustainable coffee production, consumers contribute to the preservation of lesser-known coffee bean varieties, while also fostering a positive impact on the livelihoods of the individuals and communities involved in the coffee supply chain. One of the most captivating aspects of exploring lesser-known coffee bean varieties is the opportunity to delve into their distinct flavor profiles. The flavor of coffee is influenced by a multitude of factors, including the specific variety, terroir, cultivation practices, processing methods, and roasting techniques. By understanding the flavor nuances of different coffee beans, individuals can enhance their appreciation for the complexity and artistry of coffee. When tasting coffee, one can evaluate it along various flavor dimensions: The concept of terroir, which encapsulates the environmental factors that influence a crop’s characteristics, plays a pivotal role in shaping the flavor profiles of coffee beans. Elements such as altitude, climate, soil composition, and proximity to bodies of water contribute to the unique terroir of coffee-growing regions. As a result, coffee beans from different terroirs often exhibit distinct flavor profiles, offering a diverse array of taste experiences to explore. The cultivation and processing of coffee beans also greatly impact their flavor. Factors such as organic farming practices, selective harvesting, meticulous processing methods (such as natural, washed, or honey processing), and attention to detail at every stage of production contribute to the development of complex and nuanced flavor profiles in lesser-known coffee bean varieties. The art of roasting and brewing further influences the flavor expression of coffee beans. Roasting profiles, including roast level, duration, and temperature, can bring out specific flavor characteristics in the beans. Brewing methods, such as pour-over, French press, espresso, or cold brew, also play a role in shaping the final flavor experience of the coffee. By understanding the interplay of these factors, coffee enthusiasts can deepen their appreciation for the intricate flavors found within lesser-known coffee bean varieties, creating a heightened sensory journey with each cup. Beyond the sensory allure of flavor, the history and cultivation practices associated with lesser-known coffee beans offer a rich tapestry of stories and traditions. Each variety has its own unique journey, shaped by the people, landscapes, and cultures that have cultivated and cherished these extraordinary coffee beans. The Geisha/Gesha variety, originating from Ethiopia, has a storied history that dates back centuries. However, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that this variety garnered international recognition, particularly through its cultivation in Panama. Its delicate and nuanced flavor profile captured the attention of coffee connoisseurs and propelled the Geisha/Gesha to the forefront of specialty coffee discussions. The dedication of farmers to preserving and enhancing the quality of this variety has resulted in an exquisite coffee experience that continues to captivate enthusiasts worldwide. Bourbon coffee holds a significant place in the history of coffee, with its roots tracing back to the island of Bourbon (now Réunion) in the Indian Ocean. This variety’s enduring popularity stems from its inherent ability to produce remarkably balanced and flavorful coffees. Over time, Bourbon has been cultivated in various regions around the world, each contributing to its diverse flavor expressions and esteemed reputation within the coffee community. The development of the Pacamara variety is a testament to the artistry of coffee breeding and experimentation. Its origins trace back to El Salvador, where the hybridization of the Pacas and Maragogipe varieties led to the creation of Pacamara. This unique combination gave rise to a coffee bean with exceptional size and a compelling flavor profile. The journey of Pacamara reflects the ingenuity and passion of coffee farmers and breeders in continually striving to push the boundaries of coffee excellence. As one of the foundational Arabica coffee varieties, Typica has an illustrious history rooted in its origins in Yemen. From its early cultivation in the birthplace of coffee to its eventual spread across the globe, Typica has left a lasting imprint on the world of coffee. Its enduring appeal lies in its timeless flavor profile and its foundational role in influencing numerous other coffee varieties worldwide. The SL28 and SL34 varieties have left an indelible mark on the coffee landscape, tracing their lineage to Kenya. Developed by Scott Agricultural Laboratories, these varieties were specifically bred for their disease resistance and exceptional cup quality. Their distinctive flavor profiles, characterized by vibrant acidity and luscious fruitiness, have contributed to Kenya’s reputation as a source of outstanding specialty coffee. Hailing from regions such as Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, Excelsa coffee has been traditionally used to add complexity to blends. However, its unique tartness and fruity flavor profile have started to garner attention as a standalone offering. The cultivation and harvesting of Excelsa beans reflect the cultural and agricultural traditions of the regions where they thrive, weaving a narrative of heritage and craftsmanship. Understanding the historical origins and cultivation practices of lesser-known coffee beans provides a profound appreciation for the dedication, innovation, and cultural significance embedded in each variety. These stories enrich the drinking experience, infusing each cup with a deeper connection to the people and places behind the coffee. The world of coffee is a tapestry of flavors, stories, and traditions, with lesser-known coffee bean varieties adding myriad colors to its rich canvas. As the specialty coffee movement continues to thrive, these hidden treasures are stepping into the limelight, captivating coffee enthusiasts with their distinctive flavors and captivating narratives. By delving into the diversity of coffee bean varieties, understanding the significance of sustainability, and immersing oneself in the historical and cultural contexts of these hidden gems, one can embark on a journey of discovery and appreciation for the artistry of coffee. As the demand for exceptional coffee experiences grows, so too does the opportunity to celebrate and preserve the legacy of lesser-known coffee bean varieties. Whether sipping on the delicate sweetness of a Geisha/Gesha, savoring the comforting tones of Bourbon, or reveling in the boldness of SL28 and SL34, each cup of lesser-known coffee offers a glimpse into the deep-rooted traditions and the boundless potential of the coffee world. As we raise our coffee cups to these unsung heroes of the coffee industry, let us embrace the diversity, the stories, and the exceptional flavors they bring, and embark on a journey through the captivating world of lesser-known coffee bean gems. When it comes to coffee, most people are familiar with the two main varieties – Arabica and Robusta. Arabica dominates the specialty coffee market with its smooth taste and complex flavors, while Robusta is known for its higher caffeine content and bold, bitter flavor. However, there is a whole world of lesser-known coffee bean varieties that offer unique and exciting flavors. These rare and exotic beans are cultivated in different regions around the globe and have their own distinct characteristics. The Geisha coffee bean has gained a reputation as one of the most sought-after and exotic coffee varieties in recent years. Originally from Ethiopia, it was later introduced to Panama, where it flourished in the Boquete region. Geisha beans are known for their delicate and nuanced flavors, which often include floral, tea-like, and citrus notes. The light body and bright acidity of Geisha coffee make it a favorite among coffee connoisseurs. Bourbon is a coffee bean variety that originated on the island of Bourbon (now known as Réunion) in the Indian Ocean. It is a mutation of the Typica variety and is highly regarded for its exceptional quality. Bourbon coffee beans are known for their smooth and sweet flavors, often with hints of caramel, chocolate, and berries. They are typically grown at high altitudes, which contributes to their complex flavor profile. Pacamara is a hybrid coffee bean variety that was created by crossing the Pacas and Maragogype varieties. It was first cultivated in El Salvador in the 1950s and has since gained popularity among coffee enthusiasts. Pacamara beans are known for their large size and bold, fruity flavors. They often exhibit notes of apricot, peach, and citrus, with a rich and syrupy body. Mandheling coffee comes from the region of North Sumatra, Indonesia. It is named after the Mandailing people who traditionally grew and processed the beans. Mandheling coffee beans are known for their full-bodied and earthy flavors. They often have a low acidity and exhibit rich, smoky notes with hints of chocolate and herbs. The unique flavor profile of Mandheling coffee sets it apart from other Indonesian coffee varieties. Unlike the other varieties mentioned, Peaberry is not a specific type of coffee bean but rather a mutation that occurs in various coffee varieties. Normally, a coffee cherry contains two beans, but in the case of Peaberry, only one bean develops. This results in a rounder and denser coffee bean with distinct flavors. Peaberry beans are often prized for their increased complexity and acidity, as well as their smooth and vibrant taste. The diversity of coffee bean flavors is heavily influenced by the climate and geography in which they are grown. Factors such as altitude, temperature, rainfall, and soil composition play a crucial role in shaping the flavor profile of coffee beans. High-altitude regions often produce coffee beans with more complex and flavorful profiles. The cooler temperatures and lower oxygen levels at higher elevations slow down the maturation process of the coffee cherries, allowing more time for the development of sugars and organic acids. As a result, beans grown at higher altitudes tend to have brighter acidity, enhanced sweetness, and a greater range of flavors. Coffee beans thrive in a temperate climate, where temperatures range between 60°F and 70°F (15°C to 24°C). These moderate temperatures allow for a steady and gradual ripening process, contributing to the development of desirable flavor compounds in the beans. Extreme temperature variations or prolonged exposure to high heat can negatively impact the quality and flavor of the beans. Adequate rainfall is crucial for the growth of coffee trees. Coffee plants require a well-distributed amount of rainfall throughout the year, with a dry season for the cherries to ripen. While too much rainfall can lead to overgrowth and disease, insufficient rainfall can result in subpar bean quality. The balance between rainfall and dry periods is crucial in producing high-quality coffee beans. The composition of the soil significantly influences the nutrient uptake of coffee plants, which, in turn, affects the flavor of the beans. Volcanic soils, such as those found in regions like Costa Rica and Ethiopia, are known to impart unique mineral characteristics to the coffee beans, resulting in distinct flavors. Soil pH, organic matter content, and mineral composition all contribute to the overall quality and flavor profile of the beans. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for unique and specialty coffee beans. Consumers are becoming more adventurous in their coffee choices and are seeking out rare and exotic flavors. This shift in consumer preferences has fueled the popularity of lesser-known coffee bean varieties, as well as the rise of specialty coffee shops and roasters dedicated to showcasing these unique flavors. Coffee enthusiasts are looking to explore new taste experiences beyond the typical Arabica and Robusta options. They want to discover the nuances and intricacies of different coffee bean varieties, each with its own story and flavor profile. This increasing demand for specialty coffee has led to greater awareness and appreciation of lesser-known coffee bean gems. Furthermore, the specialty coffee industry places a premium on quality and sustainability. Coffee farmers are encouraged to cultivate unique varieties and experiment with innovative processing methods. This focus on quality, combined with the unique flavors of rare coffee beans, has created a market for specialty coffee that caters to consumers seeking a more premium and distinctive coffee-drinking experience. Yirgacheffe is a region in Ethiopia known for producing some of the finest coffee beans in the world. The coffee beans from this region are typically referred to as Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or simply Yirgacheffe. They are known for their bright acidity, floral aroma, and complex, fruity flavors. Yirgacheffe coffee is often praised for its clean and nuanced taste, often with notes of jasmine, lemon, and berries. The Kona region on the Big Island of Hawaii is renowned for its unique coffee beans. The volcanic soil, high altitude, and ideal climate create the perfect conditions for cultivating high-quality coffee. Hawaiian Kona coffee beans are known for their smooth and balanced flavor profiles, which often include hints of cocoa, nuts, and tropical fruits. The limited supply and meticulous processing methods make Hawaiian Kona coffee highly sought after and prized among coffee aficionados. Monsooned Malabar is a uniquely processed coffee from the Malabar coast of India. The coffee beans are exposed to the moist monsoon winds, which cause the beans to expand and develop a distinct flavor profile. Monsooned Malabar beans are known for their low acidity and mellow, earthy flavors. They often exhibit nuances of spices, dark chocolate, and nuts, with a heavy body and lingering aftertaste. This unusual processing method gives Monsooned Malabar coffee its signature taste. The Blue Mountain region in Jamaica is famous for producing some of the most expensive and highly-regarded coffee beans in the world. The coffee from this region is grown at elevations of over 2,000 feet, resulting in a slow ripening process and exceptional flavor development. Blue Mountain coffee is known for its mild and balanced taste, with hints of citrus and floral notes. The beans have a smooth and silky body, often described as the epitome of a perfect cup of coffee. Coffee, in general, offers several health benefits when consumed in moderation. Lesser-known coffee bean varieties, with their unique flavor profiles, also provide specific health advantages. Here are a few health benefits associated with these rare and exotic coffee beans: Coffee beans, including the lesser-known varieties, are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against cellular damage caused by free radicals. The high concentration of antioxidants in coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. Lesser-known coffee bean varieties, like Arabica and Robusta, contain caffeine, which acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system. Caffeine can enhance cognitive function, improve focus and alertness, and reduce fatigue. The specific caffeine content may vary depending on the variety and brewing methods. Coffee beans, including the lesser-known varieties, are a natural source of several essential nutrients. They contain vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B5 (pantothenic acid). Additionally, coffee provides a good amount of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Some research suggests that coffee consumption, regardless of the variety, may help protect against liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The antioxidants and other bioactive compounds in coffee have a positive impact on liver health, potentially reducing the risk of liver damage and inflammation. While Arabica and Robusta dominate the global coffee market, there is a world of lesser-known coffee bean varieties waiting to be discovered. These rare and exotic beans offer unique flavors, complex profiles, and a wealth of cultural significance. From the delicate and nuanced Geisha to the bold and fruity Pacamara, each variety brings its own distinctive charm to the coffee experience. The impact of climate and geography on coffee bean diversity cannot be understated, as it is these factors that contribute to the development of complex flavors. With the growing demand for unique coffee beans, the market for specialty and rare varieties is expanding, allowing coffee enthusiasts to explore new taste sensations. Whether it’s the floral notes of Yirgacheffe, the smoothness of Hawaiian Kona, or the mellow earthiness of Monsooned Malabar, these lesser-known coffee beans offer not only a delightful cup of coffee but also health benefits associated with antioxidants and other nutrients. So, step beyond Arabica and Robusta, and discover the hidden gems of the coffee world. When it comes to coffee, most people are familiar with Arabica and Robusta beans, which dominate the global market. However, there is a whole world of lesser-known coffee beans waiting to be discovered. These hidden gems offer unique flavors and aromas that can elevate your coffee experience to new heights. Fair trade has played a pivotal role in promoting lesser-known coffee beans and ensuring that small-scale farmers receive fair compensation for their hard work. The fair trade movement aims to create greater equity in the global coffee trade by guaranteeing a minimum price to producers, as well as offering additional premiums for environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices. Small-scale coffee farmers in regions such as Ethiopia, Colombia, and Nicaragua often grow unique and rare varieties of coffee that offer distinctive flavors. However, the lack of access to markets and the dominance of Arabica and Robusta beans mean that these farmers face significant challenges in selling their specialty coffee. Fair trade organizations work directly with these farmers, providing them with the support and resources needed to cultivate and market their lesser-known coffee beans. By establishing long-term relationships and offering fair prices, fair trade enables these farmers to continue cultivating unique coffee varieties, preserving biodiversity, and promoting sustainability. To fully appreciate the flavors and nuances of lesser-known coffee beans, it is important to use brewing techniques that highlight their distinct characteristics. Here are a few methods you can try: Pour over brewing is a popular method that allows you to control the extraction process, resulting in a flavorful cup of coffee. When brewing lesser-known coffee beans, it is essential to experiment with the brewing parameters such as grind size, water temperature, and pouring technique to find the optimal balance. This method accentuates the subtle flavors and aromas, giving you a chance to savor the unique profile of the beans. The French press method is known for its full-bodied coffee and rich flavors. It works well for lesser-known coffee beans as it allows the oils and flavors to be fully extracted. Use a coarse grind size to prevent over-extraction and brew for around four minutes before pressing the plunger down slowly. This method will result in a robust and complex cup of coffee, showcasing the distinctive characteristics of the beans. The AeroPress is a versatile brewing device that offers a wide range of brewing styles. Experimenting with different techniques such as inverted brewing or using a finer grind size can help bring out the unique qualities of lesser-known coffee beans. The AeroPress typically produces a clean and well-extracted cup of coffee, allowing you to appreciate the subtle flavors and nuances of the beans. Cold brew is a popular method for lesser-known coffee beans, as it brings out the natural sweetness and reduces the acidity of the coffee. This method involves steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold water for an extended period, usually 12 to 24 hours. The result is a smooth and refreshing cup of coffee with a distinct flavor profile. Cold brew is an excellent option for those who prefer a less acidic and more mellow coffee experience. Choosing lesser-known coffee beans not only allows you to discover new flavors and aromas, but it also has several sustainability and ethical benefits. The cultivation of lesser-known coffee beans contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. Due to their unique characteristics, these beans often come from heirloom or indigenous varieties that have been passed down for generations. By supporting farmers who grow these beans, you are helping to protect these rare varieties and the ecosystems in which they thrive. Many small-scale coffee farmers who grow lesser-known beans employ sustainable farming practices. They often prioritize organic cultivation methods and forest-friendly techniques that protect the environment and promote biodiversity. By choosing these beans, you are supporting sustainable agriculture and contributing to the overall health of the ecosystem. Purchasing lesser-known coffee beans directly from small-scale farmers through fair trade channels helps to empower communities. Fair trade organizations provide farmers with stable incomes, access to education, healthcare, and better living conditions. By supporting these farmers, you are enabling them to improve their livelihoods and strengthen their local communities. The fair trade movement places a strong emphasis on ethical sourcing, ensuring that farmers receive fair compensation for their labor. Lesser-known coffee beans often come from regions where farmers face economic hardships, such as remote areas or conflict zones. By choosing these beans and supporting fair trade, you are contributing to a more equitable and just coffee industry. Now that we understand the benefits of lesser-known coffee beans, here are some tips on how you can incorporate them into your daily coffee routine: Experiment with coffee beans from various origins to experience a wide range of flavors. Different regions produce distinct coffee profiles, so try beans from countries such as Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Peru, or Yemen. Take note of the flavor notes provided and seek out beans with unique characteristics that pique your interest. Whenever possible, purchase lesser-known coffee beans directly from small-scale farmers or fair trade organizations. By doing so, you can be certain that your purchase is supporting sustainable and ethical practices. Many fair trade organizations provide online platforms for purchasing coffee directly from farmers, making it easier than ever to access unique and delicious beans. Visit local specialty coffee shops that prioritize sourcing lesser-known coffee beans. These establishments often have partnerships with fair trade organizations or direct relationships with small-scale farmers. By enjoying a cup of coffee at these shops, you are indirectly supporting the farmers and promoting the availability of lesser-known coffee beans in your community. As mentioned earlier, different brewing methods can bring out the unique flavors of lesser-known coffee beans. Experiment with different techniques such as pour over, French press, AeroPress, or cold brew to discover which method best suits your preferences and highlights the distinct characteristics of the beans. Spread the word about the incredible flavors and stories behind lesser-known coffee beans. Share your discoveries with friends, family, and fellow coffee enthusiasts. By promoting the availability of these beans, you are helping to create a demand that encourages farmers to continue cultivating unique varieties and fostering sustainable practices. While Arabica and Robusta beans have long been the stars of the coffee world, there is a wealth of lesser-known coffee beans waiting to be explored. These hidden gems offer unique flavors and aromas that can elevate your coffee experience and provide a sustainable and ethical choice. By supporting fair trade organizations, experimenting with different brewing techniques, and incorporating lesser-known beans into your daily routine, you can not only broaden your coffee horizons but also contribute to a more equitable and diverse coffee industry. So go ahead, discover the world of lesser-known coffee beans, and embark on a journey of aroma and flavor like never before. While Arabica and Robusta are the most common coffee beans, there are several other lesser-known varieties of coffee beans such as Liberica, Excelsa, Maragogype, Geisha, and Peaberry. Liberica coffee beans have a unique taste profile with a strong and smoky flavor. Its taste is often compared to a blend of Robusta and Arabica but with a distinct woody note. The Excelsa coffee bean originates from West and Central Africa, particularly in countries like Chad, Cameroon, and Sierra Leone. It is often used as a blend with other coffee beans due to its fruity and tart flavor. Geisha coffee beans have a delicate and floral taste profile, with hints of jasmine and bergamot. It is a high-quality coffee bean, and its popularity is growing among coffee enthusiasts and specialty coffee shops worldwide. Peaberry coffee beans are a natural mutation of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, where a single seed develops inside the coffee cherry instead of two beans. Due to its unique shape, Peaberry coffee beans have a higher density and a different taste profile, often described as sweeter and more complex than regular coffee beans.
The Covid-19 crisis has forced leaders to rethink their business strategies. How can leaders improve their management skills and lead their teams through challenging times? In this podcast, Esade professor Ricard Serlavós, and Richard Boyatzis, one of the world's leading experts in leadership development and emotional intelligence, reveal the keys to successful leadership in times of crisis. (This transcript has been edited for clarity and length) Ricard Serlavós: Professor Richard Boyatzis is an academic with a wide international profile, and he is recognised for his contributions in the fields of emotional intelligence, leadership and sustainable change. Richard, you have the floor. Richard Boyatzis: Thank you very much Ricard and thank you to all of my friends and colleagues at Esade for making this possible. The topic is one which we've been wrestling with for several decades at Esade while trying to create learning experiences in the MBA and other programmes, such as the specialty masters and Executive Education, and help people learn these skills. However, during these days of forced isolation and repetitive activities, this degree of social disconnectedness makes us feel anxious because uncertainty stimulates stress in the human body. And these days one of the major challenges we face is how to motivate ourselves. How do we stay excited or engaged and bring our talent, not just to our work, but to our families, to our communities, and all the things that we were doing and were important? And for those of us who are in helping positions, we have to ask how to motivate other people, the people reporting to us, our clients, our students, our patients and our subordinates. Social disconnectedness makes us feel anxious because uncertainty stimulates stress in the human body The dilemma is that when you motivate somebody, you don’t just motivate them to perform, you motivate them to learn, change and adapt. And in times like these we are having to adapt almost on a daily basis to new things, and the dilemma is that while learning and change is stressful, having to adapt with uncertainty adds to the stress. And with this level of stress, our bodies and our minds are overdosed. It sounds odd that while we are not having to commute, nor get on planes or trains, but we are actually overstressed, and for those of us in professional roles that causes a degree of cognitive, perceptual and emotional impairment, and when you are in charge of somebody else, whether as a manager, change agent, coach, trainer, or as a parent, there is another level of stress because you feel responsible for others. I started working on an early version of this theory in 1967, when I left the aerospace field after working on interplanetary vehicles, and I moved into the field of psychology. After 50 years of specific longitudinal research, it is clear that individuals change in sustained ways in a manner that sticks when they become open to new ideas. It is very clear that we need complexity theory and that there are five key moments of emergence: the ideal self; some sense of who you want to be; what you want out of life or your personal vision. The dilemma is that when you motivate somebody, you don’t just motivate them to perform, you motivate them to learn, change and adapt Secondly, is how you come across to others, which I see as the real self, and then there is an inevitable personal balance sheet of strengths and weakness, as you compare yourself to your ideal. There is also a learning agenda, which is what you would love to do, and not just a performance improvement plan with goals. And then there is the trying out of new behaviours; and at the centre are caring and trusting relationships. This is related with your recent recollection of key people because inside each of us are these two emotional attractors: positive and negative (again using concepts from complexity theory). These attractors pull you towards them, but not into them, like planets revolving around the sun. The positive emotional attractors (PEAs) being the parasympathetic nervous system that hormonally engages a neural network called the empathic network. The negative emotional attractors are the stress or sympathetic nervous hormonal system, and it engages a different neuronal network that is often called the analytic network, as it has positive versus negative feelings, and considers possibilities versus problems, dreams versus expectations, optimism versus pessimism, hopes versus fears and strength versus weakness. Inside each of us are two emotional attractors: positive and negative We started research in 2002 on the moments when people found the enduring motivation to become open to learning and change, and we found that 80% to 100% of every sample start in the positive emotional attractor. If you start with the negative emotional attractor, then you close people down. That means that if you try to give somebody feedback, or try to get people to change by telling them how lousy they are doing ("hey look here… you just got a C on this test") this works the other way around, because it stimulates stress hormones and analytic networks in the body, so that the mind closes down, and the effort to change stops. Sustained desired change almost always starts with the positive emotional attractor. Because the negative emotional attractor is the body’s default, where we go to survive, I call this pair: "thrive and survive." We have to have both – because we have to survive. If you are about to be eaten, punched, or shot, you don't want to be worrying about flourishing and thriving – you want to be worrying about surviving. But if we only go through life in survival mode, it's a hollow victory, and is really boring. We need the sense of thriving which is the PEA flourishing. The problem is that because the negative is so powerful, we have to overcompensate and so we need many PEA experiences. When we talk about coaching in our new book Helping people change (which is just coming out in Spanish after being published in English a few months ago by Harvard Business Review Press), it means we are trying to help somebody else – whether as a manager, as a doctor, a nurse, a trainer, a formal coach, a teacher, or as a parent. If we only go through life in survival mode, it's a hollow victory, and is really boring When we engage to help or coach with compassion, we call it "coaching to the PEA." But the problem is that we usually use a technique called "coaching for compliance," and that means we try to get the other person to do what we want them to do – and that's coaching to the NEA. Although it is sometimes necessary, it usually makes people close down and any resulting effort is non-sustainable. The dilemma we face is how do we help this change? The real danger here is that emotions are contagious. We know that except for people with Asperger's or autism spectrum disorder, the empathic network (formally called the default mode network) enables us to pick up on the emotions of others in thousandths of a second. This is deeply unconscious. People are going to pick up on our feeling and our state whether we want them to or not. Everybody for the past four months has been worried about Covid-19. If you contracted it, or you had a loved one who died, it's traumatic, and I feel bad for you, and that's horrible. But when you ask on a probability basis how likely are you to get infected, I know in the United States it was less than one-quarter of one per cent of the population. And of those who got infected, it was about three-quarters of one per cent who were infected seriously enough that they died. We have been bombarded and overloaded with what we call the sacrifice syndrome, or the stress syndrome So, the actual probability was microscopic, and yet throughout the world there is tremendous fear. Tens of millions have been financially dislocated, losing their jobs and their businesses. Children are not going to school, and caring and loving parents are not necessarily good teachers – and so home-schooling doesn't work well for most people. And all of this means that we have been bombarded and overloaded with what we call the sacrifice syndrome, or the stress syndrome. And I can summarise this by saying that physiologically in less than a quarter of a second after a stress episode starts (and it could be as mild as dropping your mobile phone, or as major as asking yourself "am I going to survive this crisis"?) your body begins releasing endocrines that move blood to the muscles. This raises your blood pressure, but it stops your immune system from functioning. So, feeling stressed about the Covid-19 virus makes us more vulnerable to the virus. And it also stops neurogenesis, the conversion of new neuronal tissue. As a result, we don't feel on top of our game, and we start perceiving things as threatening – even though they aren't. Now the real antidote to all of this is the renewal system in our bodies. In thousandths of a second our body releases a different set of endocrines that drop our blood pressure, drop our pulse and slow our breathing. And it is in this state that our immune system kicks into high gear and operates at its best. In this state, our cognitive abilities operate at their best and neurogenesis occurs. Your body replaces nerve tissue lost to the stress. Your perceptual field goes from 180 degrees down to 30 under stress, and then returns to 180. Feeling stressed about the Covid-19 virus makes us more vulnerable to the virus So, the challenge that we face is how to balance this stress with renewal. And that's why so many people have been talking about meditating (we know this from frequently published medical and psychology studies). Meditation, yoga, praying (especially to a loving God) really help – as well as physical fitness and feeling hopeful about the future (which is why watching the television news doesn't help). Being in a loving relationship helps. Helping people less fortunate than you helps. Having a dog, cat, or even a horse or a monkey (it's the stroking that helps). Laughter, joy and playfulness help – as well as walking in nature. So all of these things help, but we now have the research. I'm finishing a paper right now on a set of studies we did three years ago, showing that to counteract stress you have to introduce numerous short renewal anti-stress episodes every day. You need a wide variety of episodes to affect your motivation. This means that if you are trying to coach or help someone, the context shouldn't be about the problem that they are discussing, or why they feel lousy, the context should be about their dreams and their vision and the quality of your relationship. We know this works as we have done 39 longitudinal studies at my university, Case Western Reserve, and with Ricard Serlavós and Professor Joan Manuel Batista, we have been doing these studies at Esade as well. And we know that we can have a tremendous impact on 25 to 35-year-olds with improvements in their emotional and social intelligence behaviour. Meanwhile, if most above-average MBA programmes (such as IESE or IE) measure their students, they would probably show about a 2% increase which drops off over time. The same thing happens with training programmes in industry. We need our brain's analytic network to make decisions and solve problems, and the empathic to be open to new ideas and other people So how are we having this impact in the courses at Esade (which we call the lead course) and the courses of Weatherhead, and now at Università Ca' Foscari in Venezia? It is because we spend a third of the course focusing on vision. And a part of this is neurological activation. I mentioned the analytic versus the empathic network, these are two networks in our brain. We need both, we need the analytic to make decisions and solve problems and focus. We need the empathic to be open to new ideas and other people. The problem is that these two networks are antagonistic. It's one of the reasons why most graduates of full-time MBA programmes in above-average MBA programmes eventually graduate with statistically significantly less social intelligence than before they started. We look at these two networks in our brain like a seesaw and we want to be able to go back and forth and activate them. But to do that we have to be comfortable with the process. And that's the essence of moving yourself into the PEA on a regular basis. We tested this with a several functional magnetic resonance studies. Most graduates of full-time MBA programmes eventually graduate with statistically significantly less social intelligence These showed that after 30 minutes of "coaching to the PEA," and asking "what is your dream ten years from now," versus "how are you doing on your course," or "are you doing your readings," we find three to five days later that when looking at functional magnetic resonance images during video statements about the person's future, if the person was in the PEA then a part of their brain in which they dream was activated. We did a second study with 50 rather than 20 people (half males and half females), and we found the same thing, namely, that 30-minute PEA sessions help to activate parts of the empathic network and other networks that open you to new ideas. But working with the NEA – asking "how are you doing in your problems" and so on – narrowed people down and activated more parts of the analytic network. We also found that two or three PEA to NEA sessions in terms of the amount of time, stimulated the ventral medial prefrontal cortex, this yellow area at the bottom of your prefrontal cortex. This produces the direct link to the parasympathetic nervous system. So what we are saying is that in the helping process, using my intentional change theory, you really have several major targets: you want the opening context to get people going and to motivate them to be open to learn and change; and to sustain the effort they must use their vision, their relationships and their strains. And you want to use these tipping points to tip somebody into the PEA. Ricard Serlavós: Thank you very much Richard for your clear and inspiring speech. Do you have any recommendations for leaders who are experiencing stress? Richard Boyatzis: If a person in a leadership position is feeling stressed, there are several renewal practices that they can do. So if you are a leader, do them, practice them, start them. If you are coaching, counselling, a peer, a boss, or a subordinate of a leader and you are working with them, see if you can engage them in a conversation about: "If everything came fantastically true 15 years from now, what is our organisation going to be like?" By getting into the dreaming part, you could help a person get the stress relieved, but the techniques are just deep breathing, yoga, etc. All of these things really help. Companies would be better to not implement coaching if all they are going to do is use it to push people around Ricard Serlavós: The approach of coaching with compassion seems natural when it is the coachee who takes the initiative to request coaching, but how can you sell this approach when it's the company that promotes the coaching process? Richard Boyatzis: Most companies, when they start, they really want to push people. The dilemma is you have to get people to see that you can't push people to change. If they do, they will immediately revert back. You have to pull them to it and that's when you think about how to engage this positive emotional attractor. Companies would be better to not implement coaching if all they are going to do is use it to push people around, or to try to force people to change. It's better to do nothing than try it and make people dislike the very notion of helping. One of the most effective things companies can do these days is to try to not just hire external coaches but to train every manager so that a part of his or her job is to help motivate others. And then another option is to facilitate peer groups where people get together in small groups of 5 to 8 and help each other. Ricard Serlavós: Thank you, Richard. Another question: What are the main inhibitors of change? Richard Boyatzis: Stress is the main inhibitor of change because as soon as a person feels anxious, or nervous, his or her perceptual ability drops. They can't see things. Their capacity to be open to new ideas also drops dramatically and they miss a lot. They don't see what their competition is doing, they are not aware of how their subordinates are feeling, they are not even watching what is going on in the marketplace. At a strategic level, this is called competition neglect, which leads to becoming out of date before you can deal with things. Stress is the main inhibitor of change because as soon as a person feels anxious, or nervous, his or her perceptual ability drops Ricard Serlavós: We have another question, which is connected to setting goals. How can we approach goals and keep the PEA? Richard Boyatzis: Goals are useful in the change process, but not at the beginning. What you want to do at the beginning of a change process, or a learning process, is vest the whole activity in the context of the purpose, the vision, the reason why we're doing this. And then as you get into this, there's a certain moment where you can say: "This is why we're doing this, this feels fantastic, I'm really inspired by this." What happens then is that the goals become useful in serving the vision. We have multiple research studies -- neurological, hormonal and psychological -- showing that if you start the goal-setting process at the beginning, people go into the analytic network and their minds close down. Goals are useful in the change process, but not at the beginning So in fact they are irrelevant. That's why when managers think they are motivating people by adding another goal to their dashboard, they are wrong. It's not motivating anybody. It just makes them feel good because they are punishing people. But, if at a certain point a person really wants to do something, that's when the goal becomes something that facilitates it. So the goal is not the reason to do it, the goal is in service of the purpose. Ricard Serlavós: What should a person do when the arousal of the PEA takes him or her to an illusory vision far from his or her reach? Richard Boyatzis: In other words, if someone starts to have a dream and it looks unrealistic? Ricard Serlavós: Exactly. Richard Boyatzis: First of all, you have to ask: "Is the perception of lack of realism in the mind of somebody who is a pessimist?" Because a lot of things are possible. Allowing for the fact that it may not be, then the question is: "Is the person able to have a conversation about it?" Because what we found is that coming up with a dream by yourself isn't as powerful as talking about it with someone else, whether it's a coach, a friend, a manager, a parent, a spouse, or a partner. They help us think about not why it's not doable, but under what conditions would it be doable. So if I all of a sudden, even if I did this fifty years ago and said I wanted to be a basketball player (being a little over six feet tall), I wasn't going to be a basketball player. It just wasn't going to work. And that became clear to me at some point. But if I had held onto that dream it would have been important for somebody to talk about the dream and maybe help me get behind it to say: "What was it about being a basketball player that I would have loved?" And if the answer was: "I love being in a team," then the question would be: "Are there other things I can do in life that have me working in teams?" When managers think they are motivating people by adding another goal to their dashboard, they are wrong Ricard Serlavós: Richard, how can we use stress in a positive way? Richard Boyatzis: We need stress to wake up in the morning. We need stress to focus. Right now one of the things stress has enabled me to do is to finish writing two academic papers that I've been working on for literally two to three years. So stress can help you focus. The dilemma is: while in the focusing you may increase short-term productivity, it doesn't mean you are learning. So what I had to do is use the focus to get the writing done, but then I had to ask colleagues to review it so that I could then step back and see how to make it better. So stress is useful to get things done, to solve a problem, but in the process very often we are not very creative, or open to other people about it. What you want to be doing every day is going back and forth between stress and renewal. Ricard Serlavós: What's your opinion about massive happiness programmes? Richard Boyatzis: They are delusional. First, happiness in psychological research is not always positive. Although it's been used in the "pop" side area to say it's the great thing, the actual state that is incontrovertibly positive is that of being optimistic, hopeful, loving, caring, even playful. And a lot of the times happiness helps us there, but not always. Sometimes happiness leads to complacency, which goes the other way. Sometimes happiness leads to complacency Now when people try to do a massive programme, a few other people that are drawn to it -- usually less than 30% -- feel that it's great. But the other 70% feel that it's an imposition. When governments come to us and ask us for help, what we have to do is say: "Let's start this programme in one place. Start it small and let's see if it works and let it attract other people. Do not institute a company-wide programme because most of the people will feel as if you're forcing them." Happiness projects aren't a bad idea if they are within some degree of sharing positive emotions. Ricard Serlavós: Last question. What do you think about coaching and teaching people to use trust as a vector? Richard Boyatzis: Trust is imperative, just like the sense of psychological safety. I said in my theory that what's in the middle of all these discussions is a resonant, caring, trusting relationship with a key other person or persons. Without those relationships it's hard for us to deal with things in life. We are not meant to be alone and we need others. Trust is one of the key parts of that. But trust by itself isn't enough. You need to have compassion linked to a sense of caring, rather than just feeling bad for the people suffering. We believe that it's when you have these caring relationships that that is the medium to allow for all these things to happen. So in fact, John Lennon was right. It's not all we need, but we certainly need love. Trust is imperative, just like the sense of psychological safety Ricard Serlavós: By the way, these days of Covid-19, people cling to the present and prefer not to make plans. How can we help them focus on the next year to activate their PEA? Richard Boyatzis: If you have faith, you know there are teachings that say: "This too shall pass." If you don't, it's worth remembering the horror Spain when through from 2009 to 2011. The financial crisis was unthinkable. Let me go further back. Prior to 1974 a lot of people in Spain were oppressed, killed and denied the ability of expression and innovation. I was reminding people on various calls that in the United States in the early eighties we had an AIDS epidemic. We got through it. From 1938 to 1955 an alarming number of children contracted polio and either died or lost their ability to walk. The polio virus was one that hit children dramatically and it was unbelievably scary. It wasn't until 1955 that a vaccine actually became available. So we do get over these epidemics or pandemics, and it doesn't seem like it when you're in the beginning or the middle of it, but as you start to see light at the end of the tunnel you start to feel a sense of hope. We need a little bit of hope that at some point we'll get through this. When you move closer to your dream, you become positively infectious I think realising that we'll make it through it helps. And I think that when you realise that then you start to say: "OK, what do I want my life to be like?" And let's assume that we have both a treatment and a vaccine within a year, which seems feasible given the pace that people are going. Sadly there will be other viruses, we'll have more of them in the future, but we will develop things in ways of handling it. I also think that people will be tremendously creative at finding new ways of offering services and products throughout the world. But it all starts by how you're feeling inside. And if I can summarise: "You have an obligation to feel inspired." You want to be living and moving closer and closer to your dream. And when you do that, you become positively infectious. You start to find other people -- in your family, your community, at work -- picking it up and coming together and doing things before you didn't think were possible. Ricard Serlavós: Thank you so much, Richard. Do you want to receive the Do Better newsletter? Subscribe to receive our featured content in your inbox.
Close your eyes and imagine strolling hand-in-hand with a Swedish woman along the charming streets of Stockholm. As her laughter fills the air, you’ll realize there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to dating these extraordinary women from Northern Europe. Their magnetic charisma effortlessly blends with intelligence and independence, making them irresistible companions who can challenge your mind while stealing your heart. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience where every moment is laced with excitement. What Are Swedish Women Like? When it comes to discussing the beauty and appearance of people from a particular country, it is essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect for diversity. Sweden, known for its progressive values and inclusive society, is home to women who embody various looks that reflect their rich cultural heritage. - Diversity In Appearance Sweden’s population comprises individuals from different ethnic backgrounds, including Nordic, Baltic-Slavic, Middle Eastern, and African diaspora communities, among others. Consequently, Swedish girls exhibit unique physical attributes ranging from fair complexions with light eyes and hair colors like blonde or red to darker skin tones complemented by brown or hazel eyes. - Natural Elegance Many Swedish girls are renowned for their natural elegance – a sense of effortless style that transcends trends. Their fashion choices often embrace simplicity yet showcase impeccable taste through clean lines and quality materials. Scandinavian minimalism inspires many Swedes’ wardrobe choices, as they opt for neutral color palettes accentuated by bold accessories or pops of vibrant hues. - Fitness-Oriented Lifestyle Physical fitness is integral to many Swedes’ lives due to their strong emphasis on leading healthy lifestyles. Engaging in outdoor activities, such as skiing during winter months or enjoying long walks along picturesque landscapes, contributes significantly towards maintaining not just physical but also mental well-being – an aspect reflected in the radiant glow found amongst many Swedish girls. When it comes to getting to know someone from a different culture, exploring their unique personality traits can be an exciting journey. Beyond their stunning looks and renowned warmth and intelligence lies a treasure trove of distinctive characteristics that shape these amazing individuals. Swedish girls are well-known for their commitment to gender equality in all aspects of life. Raised in one of the most egalitarian societies globally, they possess strong beliefs regarding equal opportunities and fair treatment for everyone, a trait deeply ingrained within them since childhood. Self-assuredness is another notable attribute among Swedish girls. They embrace individuality without hesitation, exuding confidence both inside and outside relationships. This quality not only makes conversation with them engaging but also fosters an environment where mutual growth thrives. Embracing diversity is second nature to Swedish women who have grown up in multicultural environments due to Sweden’s welcoming stance towards immigrants over the years. Their open-minded attitude allows for easy adaptation when encountering new cultures or perspectives – an invaluable asset in today’s interconnected world. Swedish girls possess exceptional communication skills rooted in honesty, transparency, and directness – highly valued by those seeking meaningful connections online or offline. They value effective dialogue as a means of building trust while promoting emotional intimacy throughout any relationship. Most Common Stereotypes On Swedish Women Stereotype 1: Did Blondes Have More Fun? Not so Fast! One prevailing stereotype about Swedish girls is their supposed obsession with being blonde bombshells. While it may be true that many Swedish women rock stunning golden locks, let’s remember that hair color does not define an entire nation of inspiring individuals. Stereotype 2. Independent & Fierce – Oh Yes! Another common stereotype suggests that all Swedish girls are fiercely independent go-getters who don’t need anyone else in their lives to feel complete. Sure, they value autonomy and self-sufficiency highly (which is awesome!), but just like any other group of people around the world, everyone has unique desires when it comes to companionship. Stereotype 3. Open-Mindedness Beyond Compare Swedish girls often get labeled as incredibly open-minded beings who fully embrace unconventional ideas without batting an eyelash, from alternative lifestyles to diverse cultural experiences! It’s essential to acknowledge individual differences while appreciating Sweden’s progressive society as a whole. Stereotype 4. Tall Goddesses or Simply Confident? Height seems to take center stage when discussing Scandinavian beauties; however, height alone doesn’t determine confidence or attractiveness in real-life connections between two souls seeking love. Qualities That Make Swedish Women Good Wives When it comes to finding an ideal life partner, there are certain qualities you all seek – kindness, loyalty, intelligence, and a sense of humor. But what if a group of women possessed these traits in abundance? Enter the Swedish women – they are not only stunningly beautiful but also possess unique qualities that make them exceptional wives. One cannot overlook the fact that Swedish girls have been ranked as some of the happiest people on earth multiple times by various studies! And happiness can be contagious, having such radiant energy around you every day surely contributes positively to any relationship! In addition to being intelligent conversationalists, Swedish girls often possess excellent problem-solving skills due to growing up amidst high-quality education systems that emphasize critical thinking abilities from an early age – an invaluable asset during challenging moments encountered throughout married life together. Moreover, Sweden’s natural landscapes provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking or skiing – which many Swedes enjoy partaking in regularly – with potential spouses benefiting greatly from shared adventures, enhancing the bond between them. An aspect that sets Swedish girls apart is their environmentally conscious mindset. This characteristic often translates into a sustainable lifestyle, influencing decisions regarding everything from transportation to food choices and even parenting styles, creating an eco-friendly home environment for future generations. Lastly, Swedish women have a distinctive sense of style that combines simplicity with elegance effortlessly. Their fashion-forward approach is reflected in both their personal appearance and how they choose to decorate their homes, aesthetics which can significantly contribute to creating a cozy atmosphere within married life together. Top Destinations To Meet Swedish Women In Sweden Sweden is known for its beautiful landscapes, vibrant cities, and attractive people. If you are interested in meeting Swedish women, there are several popular destinations where you can increase your chances of finding a potential partner or starting a romantic connection. From the bustling capital city to picturesque coastal towns, here are some places worth considering. Stockholm: The Capital Charm Stockholm is not only the capital but also one of the best places to meet Swedish women. This cosmopolitan city has a diverse population and offers numerous opportunities for socializing and dating. Head to trendy neighborhoods like Södermalm or Östermalm that have lively bars, clubs, and cafes frequented by locals and tourists alike. Gothenburg: A Vibrant Coastal City Located on Sweden’s west coast, Gothenburg combines urban charm with stunning seaside views, making it an excellent place to meet Swedish women who appreciate both culture and nature. Stroll along Liseberg Park or visit Haga district’s quaint streets lined with charming cafes where you might strike up conversations effortlessly. Malmö: A Multicultural Melting Pot The southern city of Malmö boasts cultural diversity due to its proximity to Denmark through the Øresund Bridge, connecting them both physically as well as culturally. Explore Möllevångstorget Square during summer when street markets come alive; this area attracts many young Swedes looking for new experiences while enjoying international cuisine at food trucks. Gotland Island: Paradise Vibes For those seeking more relaxed settings away from big cities’ noise, Gotland Island presents itself as an ideal destination. With its pristine beaches and medieval architecture, especially Visby town, Gotland Island allows visitors to enjoy tranquility while keeping open possibilities about running into Swedish girls attending various festivals held throughout the year. Where to Meet Swedish Women Online? Looking to connect with charming Swedish women online? Dating websites are a great place to start your search. These platforms provide an opportunity for like-minded individuals to come together and form meaningful connections. When choosing a dating website, consider those that cater specifically to the Scandinavian or European market, as they will have a higher likelihood of introducing you to potential partners from Sweden. Remember, it’s essential to create an authentic profile that showcases your interests and values while being respectful towards others’ cultures and backgrounds. So, dive into the world of online dating websites – who knows where it might lead! How To Date a Swedish Woman? So, you’ve set your sights on a Swedish woman? Well, get ready for some Viking-level dating adventures. In this section, I’ll spill the beans on how to woo those stunning Swedish girls and make sure you’re well-prepared for an epic romance in the land of ABBA and meatballs. Let’s dive right into it! Dos And Don’ts Of Dating a Swedish Woman - Be respectful, and polite and show genuine interest in her culture. - Plan fun activities like outdoor adventures or cultural experiences together. - Dress well, as Swedes appreciate a clean and stylish appearance. - Give her space to express herself and listen actively when she talks. - Don’t rush physical intimacy. - Don’t be overly assertive or dominating. - Don’t criticize Sweden or its values. Dating Etiquettes or Guestures Appreciated in Sweden Every country has its own set of customs and etiquette when it comes to dating. In Sweden, known for its progressive mindset and egalitarian society, locals appreciate some unique gestures. Understanding these cultural nuances can help you easily navigate the Swedish dating scene. In Sweden, casualness is valued in relationships, and this is reflected in dating as well. A common way to start dating someone is through social circles or mutual friends rather than formal introductions or online platforms. When going out on a date in Sweden, splitting the bill between partners (or taking turns) is a widely accepted practice unless one party insists otherwise explicitly beforehand. Respecting Personal Space Swedish girls value personal space and privacy; therefore, maintaining appropriate physical distance until familiarity develops would be appreciated. Avoid excessive physical contact like hugging or kissing unless your date indicates they’re comfortable with it. Give them enough room to feel at ease during conversations without invading their personal bubble Non-Exclusivity At Early Stages While exclusivity may vary depending on individual preferences, couples tend to keep their options open during the initial stages of courtship before deciding if they want an exclusive relationship. Discussing Expectations Clearly Having clear conversations regarding intentions, future plans, and boundaries ensures transparency within the partnership leading to better understanding between partners. Equality Is Key One key aspect of Swedish dating etiquette revolves around equality between partners. Swedes highly value gender equality, so it’s important to treat your date as an equal partner rather than assuming traditional gender roles. This means splitting the bill on dates or taking turns paying for activities. Possible Challenges When Dating a Swedish Woman If you’re lucky enough to find yourself attracted to a Swedish woman, there are a few challenges you might encounter along the way. From cultural differences to communication styles, here are some possible hurdles that could arise when dating Swedish girls. Reserved Nature: Breaking The Ice Swedish women tend to have a reserved nature initially, making it important for you as their potential partner to take charge of breaking the ice. Be prepared for some initial shyness or aloofness, but once comfortable with each other, they open up like beautiful flowers blooming under the Nordic sun. Equality Matters: Gender Roles Sweden is known for its commitment towards gender equality, and this extends into relationships too! You may need to adjust your expectations of traditional gender roles while dating Swedish women because they value independence and equal partnership rather than conforming solely to societal norms. Direct Communication: Saying It As It Is In Sweden, people often prefer direct communication without any sugarcoating or beating around the bush – something that can catch non-Swedes off guard occasionally! So, don’t be surprised if your date expresses her opinions frankly; she’s just being true to herself! Things To Avoid When Dating a Swedish Woman If you’re interested in dating Swedish women, understanding their unique cultural values and preferences is essential for building successful connections. Here, I will explore some common pitfalls that should be avoided when dating Swedish women. Overdoing The Chivalry Act While chivalry has its place in every relationship, going overboard might only sometimes impress your date if she’s a modern-day Swede accustomed to egalitarianism. Although many Swedish women can still appreciate gestures like holding doors open or pulling out chairs, avoid being too formal or overly traditional unless explicitly requested otherwise. Limited Conversation Topics Small talk might work well initially, but delving deeper into engaging topics would demonstrate a genuine interest in your date’s thoughts and opinions. Avoid discussing trivial matters such as weather or superficialities about Sweden alone. Instead, talk about shared hobbies, personal aspirations, and global issues. This way, you’ll foster intellectual stimulation while creating strong emotional bonds simultaneously. Rushing Physical Intimacy Building trust takes time, regardless of where you are from; rushing physical intimacy may convey impatience and a lack of respect for your partner’s boundaries. Swedish women appreciate taking things slow, allowing the connection to grow naturally before progressing physically. Should I Expect a Language Barrier With a Swedish Woman? When it comes to Swedish women, you may encounter some language barriers. While many Swedes speak English fluently, not all do, and this can vary depending on the individual. However, English prevalence among Swedish women is generally high due to their excellent education system and exposure to English media. To cope with any potential communication challenges, try using translation apps or learning a few basic phrases in Swedish as a gesture of goodwill and effort. This shows your willingness to bridge any gaps in understanding and can make the conversation more enjoyable for both parties involved. Key Phrases And Expressions In The Swedish Language If you’re dating a Swedish woman, impressing her with some key phrases in her native language can go a long way in showing your interest and effort to connect with her culture. Here are some useful Swedish phrases that will surely make an impression: - Hej (Hey) – A simple greeting that shows friendliness. - Hur mår du? (How are you?) – Asking about her well-being demonstrates care. - Du är vacker (You are beautiful) – Complimenting her appearance is always appreciated. - Jag tycker om dig (I like you) – Expressing your feelings directly conveys sincerity. - Vad vill du göra ikväll? (What do you want to do tonight?) – Planning activities together shows initiative. What Leisure Activities Are Popular Among Swedish Women? Nordic Nature Nurturers Swedish girls are renowned for their love affair with Mother Nature. Many embrace outdoor pursuits like hiking through breathtaking forests or taking serene strolls along picturesque lakeshores. They find solace in exploring Sweden’s stunning landscapes while reveling in fresh air and tranquility. Innovation runs deep within Swedish culture, inspiring countless artistic endeavors among its lovely female population! You’ll often discover talented painters capturing life on canvas or imaginative craftswomen meticulously knitting beautiful garments infused with personal flair. Don’t be surprised if you meet a fitness-obsessed Swede who can effortlessly conquer any workout challenge thrown her way! These incredible ladies adore staying active; you might spot them joyfully partaking in everything from invigorating cross-country skiing adventures to intense CrossFit sessions at local gyms. Empathy shines brightly within every community-minded Swedish woman looking to create positive change around her surroundings – whether it’s volunteering at shelters, organizing charity events, or spearheading sustainable initiatives that benefit society as a whole. How to Know If a Swedish Woman Likes You? While every individual is unique, some cultural cues might help decipher whether a Swedish woman has developed an interest in you. Let’s delve into these subtle yet significant signs that could indicate she likes you. - Genuine Interest In Your Background Swedish girls value genuine connections and tend to express their curiosity about your life story. If she actively engages in conversations regarding your background, hobbies, or experiences with a sincere desire to understand who you are as a person, this could be an encouraging sign of her developing affection. - Increased Eye Contact And Smiling Eye contact plays a crucial role in non-verbal communication among Swedish girls. When interacting with a Swedish woman who likes you, notice if she maintains steady eye contact during conversations while occasionally flashing warm smiles at appropriate moments – these gestures often signify her growing attraction towards you. - Active Engagement Through Communication Channels In Sweden’s tech-savvy society, where online communication prevails, active engagement via messaging platforms indicates potential interest from her side. Pay attention if she initiates conversations frequently or responds promptly with enthusiasm; such behavior suggests that she enjoys talking to you and values building emotional connections outside physical encounters. Tips On How To Impress Her Parents When it comes to impressing the parents of your Swedish love interest, understanding their culture and values is key. With these unique tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating an unforgettable first-time impression. - Show Respect For Traditions Swedish families often hold dear their cultural traditions and customs. Take some time to learn about important holidays or festivities in Sweden, such as Midsummer or Lucia Day. Showing genuine curiosity and appreciation will demonstrate that you value their heritage. - Bring a Thoughtful Gift From Home: A small token representing your own country’s culture would make an excellent gesture during this initial meeting. Avoid overly expensive gifts but instead opt for something personal yet meaningful, such as local delicacies, distinctive crafts, or even a photo book showcasing beautiful places in your homeland. - Demonstrate Good Manners At The Dining Table Whether invited for dinner at their home or out at a restaurant, familiarize yourself with basic etiquette. Swedes appreciate politeness, and observing proper table manners like waiting until everyone has been served before eating, eating slowly, and expressing gratitude after sharing meals will leave behind a positive impression. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What Are The Roles of Swedish Women in Swedish Society? Swedish women challenge traditional gender roles. They have the freedom to pursue their careers and education, with equal opportunities for both men and women. Swedish women actively participate in politics, business, science, and other fields traditionally dominated by men. They strive for equality and work towards creating an inclusive society where everyone’s voices are heard. Swedish girls also prioritize family life while maintaining their independence and autonomy. Are Swedish Women Religious? Swedish women, like many people in Sweden, tend to have a more secular approach to religion. While some may identify with certain religious beliefs or practices on an individual level, overall, the country has seen a decline in religious affiliation and attendance. Swedish society values personal freedom and autonomy when it comes to matters of faith. What is the Average Fertility Rate In Sweden? According to the World Bank’s most recent data from 2021, the average fertility rate in Sweden was approximately 1.7 births per woman. The fertility rate among Swedish girls may differ due to various factors such as socio-economic conditions, education levels, cultural norms and values, access to healthcare services, availability of family planning methods, government policies on reproductive health, and age at marriage. Are Swedish Women Educated? Sweden has a strong focus on education and gender equality, which has resulted in high rates of female participation in higher education. Numerous studies have shown that girls consistently outperform boys academically at both primary and secondary levels in Sweden. This emphasis on education for both genders contributes to Sweden’s overall reputation for having a well-educated population. Are Swedish Women Good At Cooking? From traditional Swedish delicacies like meatballs and cinnamon buns to international cuisine with their own twist, these ladies know how to tantalize taste buds. With their exceptional culinary skills passed down through generations, you can expect mouthwatering meals that will leave you craving for more. So, prepare your palate for a gastronomic adventure because Swedish girls take the cake when it comes to cooking. Are Swedish Women Good Lovers? Swedish women are renowned for their captivating beauty, intelligence, and open-mindedness. Their vibrant personalities and progressive attitudes toward relationships make them exceptional lovers. Swedish girls prioritize communication and understanding in intimate connections, allowing partners to express themselves freely without judgment or reservation. They possess a unique combination of sensuality and loyalty that enhances the bond between two individuals. With an adventurous spirit, they approach love with enthusiasm, always seeking new experiences to keep the relationship exciting and fulfilling. Are Swedish Women Open To Dating Foreigners? Swedish women are known for their open-mindedness and adventurous spirit, making them very receptive to dating foreigners. They appreciate diversity and enjoy learning about different cultures, which makes dating someone from another country an exciting prospect. As long as there is mutual respect and genuine connection, Swedish girls are more than willing to explore romantic relationships with people from around the world. Is It Common For Swedish Women To Raise a Child Without Her Partner? Sweden has one of the highest rates of single-parent households in Europe, and it is socially accepted for women to choose this path if they wish. The country provides strong social support systems such as affordable childcare, parental leave policies, and financial assistance that enable women to successfully navigate parenthood independently. How Does Maternity Leave Work For Working Mothers In Sweden? In Sweden, working mothers are entitled to 480 days of paid maternity leave. The first 390 days are paid at approximately 80% of their salary, while the remaining 90 days are paid at a flat rate. It is common for fathers to take parental leave, and they can share up to 240 of the total allocated days with the mother. At What Age Do Most Swedish Women Get Married At? The median age for first marriages among women was around 33 years old. This trend suggests that Swedish girls are focusing more on education and career-building before tying the knot. Additionally, societal changes have contributed to a shift towards later marriages as individuals prioritize personal development and independence before settling down.
Fulbright Chronicles, Volume 1, Number 3 (2022) Fulbright Scholar Awards offer diverse experiences, but this can also apply to individual Fulbright Scholars as well. This article explores a career trajectory that spans early development, an initial early career Fulbright, an intervening 15 years of development, and a subsequent Fulbright on a separate continent and culture compared to the first. In both projects I was able to impart a unique analytical set of tools that enabled me to promote collaborations. Fulbright Scholar • water resources • Thailand • Germany Overview of Fulbright Appointments My Fulbright appointments in two continents over 15 years (2006 and 2021) have compounded other international experiences, which pay dividends in teaching and other interactions. I’ve had ‘in place’ international collaborations in five countries to date, all water-focused. International collaborations are tricky and require creativity in assessing costs and benefits in often complex and unfamiliar research environments. It’s almost like you walk into a catering kitchen, and you’re asked to make a meal, yet you’ve never been in that kitchen before. You’ve got to try to figure out what kind of dinner to make out of the ingredients at hand. These Fulbright experiences have helped to reinforce my foundation for a generalized model of administrative and research networking; Engage, Listen, Lead, Act (ELLA). The ‘Engage’ portion must start with enthusiasm for your work (it’s not work if it’s fun) which typically triggers the same in others, and I figure out the mutually supportive plans from there. Conditioning for Fulbright My Fulbright appointments in two continents over 15 years (2006 and 2021) have compounded other international experiences, which pay dividends in teaching and other interactions. I really didn’t have much early conditioning to international experiences such as family trips, study abroad, or hosting foreign students. One influence was that my father worked internationally quite a bit, including Europe and Indonesia. This idea of ‘work’ fostering such adventures apparently did take hold. My PhD and Postdoctoral positions introduced some international contacts. A month-long Food Web Workshop (at Cornell) included about 50% international people among 25 participants, with a similar composition at a shorter one-week workshop in Bermuda. Both experiences required collaborations on small projects in multi-national groups. During my first year as a faculty member, a funding opportunity arose to promote engagement with any Middle Eastern country in the following summer. Mentors related that these funds were typically used for tours or visits. But I desired research-based interactions, which in hindsight was very influential and great training for my later Fulbright proposals. I found a well-known American counterpart who was then an ex-pat researcher in a national institute (of lake studies) in Israel. We quicky found a niche in his research program and off I went on my first independent international experience. During my month in Israel I was able to make a weekend trip to Athens to visit a colleague that I met during the Bermuda workshop. Although similarly ‘Mediterranean’, Athens and northern Israel were markedly different in many interesting ways. Overall, this productive one-month trip allowed for brief experiences in three cities/countries, resulted in two published papers, several conference presentations, a case study used in several courses, and certainly fostered the blossoming of future international experiences. Introduction to Thailand Shortly after my Israel experience, my wife Nadine and I made grand plans to visit one of her friends and her partner as they were sailing around the world on a 43’ sailboat. Plans targeted the nearshore islands of Thailand as a rendezvous point during the winter of 2001-2002. We also had time to ourselves off the boat to discover Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. That destination was influenced by my mother who previously resided in Chiang Mai. While there I discovered Chiang Mai University by happenstance, which inspired plans for more time in this part of the world. I subsequently accessed a new international research travel fund that my Dean created (and charged me with managing) to foster a discovery of research opportunities in Thailand. My project with like-minded faculty at Chiang Mai was an examination of water quality and aquatic life in the Mae Ping River (‘River’ in Thai (แม่น้ำ; Mae Nam), translates to ‘Mother Water’). I also used this time to foster student exchange agreements with other Thai universities. This was the perfect opportunity to scope the landscape for larger and longer opportunities in Thailand. The Fulbright Scholar program was the golden ticket. I narrowed my options for a Fulbright during my campus visits, and ultimately decided that Chulalongkorn University (‘Chula’) in Bangkok would be the best fit. Chula is the oldest and most prestigious and research-active university in Thailand, and is named after the revered King Rama V, who ensured independence of Thailand. The Fulbright opportunity was exciting for our young family because the Thailand Fulbright included support for family members. First Fulbright: Thailand (2006) I was pleasantly surprised that the Fulbright Scholar Award proposal was funded. This was not expected given that I was in the 4th year of my faculty position and this was my first Fulbright application. I was walking on air with elation and a new-found recognition on an important international front. The Aquatic Resources Research Institute at Chula hosted me during July-Dec 2006 for a project to conduct data analysis of water quality and plankton in the Bangpakong River. This river drains part of the huge Bangkok metropolitan area and flows into the Gulf of Thailand, a system of concern due to suspected impairment from watershed activities (human development, agriculture, etc). The proposed activity was centered around a project funded by the Thai Department of Marine and Coastal Resources to Chula to study the sources and consequences of degraded water quality in the Gulf of Thailand and its major tributaries. Analysis of these patterns would help to identify where and when water quality is particularly sensitive to impairment for municipal & recreational use. Outcomes from this Fulbright experience included a published paper, Plenary Speaker at the Thailand Plankton Conference; and several other conference presentations. I was also able to participate in some rewarding service activities including Fulbright review panels, research seminars at the host university, a data management workshop, as well as serving on a PhD student committee. These wonderful and diverse experiences opened my view to a more complete sphere of research engagement and administration, which I apply on a day to day basis over 15+ years. In November, I had the chance to visit universities in three Chinese cities to develop student and faculty exchanges with my home university. The first few days I reflexively spoke in Thai with others when I was not with my University hosts! And where were all of the street carts with the wonderful smells and food? But mainly the cultural differences between China and Thailand were stunning after ~4 months in Bangkok. This highlighted the unique aspects of Bangkok and Thailand more generally, in that there is a calmness and vibe of gentleness in interpersonal interactions and community feel. Fulbright Reflections in Thailand This incredible six-month stay in Bangkok had lasting impacts on our whole family, especially our home-schooled children who were 3,7, and 10 years old upon arrival in mid-2006. They are now emerging adults (18-25) who still recount the experience. We started by adjusting to big city life, taking in as much as the heat and humidity would allow. Bangkok is characterized by its many layers of tastes, smells, and sounds. Many are wonderful and are taken in willingly; others must be tolerated. However, I think most visitors to Thailand would agree that the wonderful Thai people can have the greatest effect on us through their smiles and sincere attitudes of patience, giving, and warmth. It certainly helps to reflect on this and calm our typical busy and self-created stressful lives in the US Other International Experiences Between Fulbright Appointments The Fulbright in Thailand kicked off additional activity and service on an increasingly broad international scope. I served on the University International Advisory Committee, and Chaired the International Research Committee in my College. I served the US Fulbright Scholar program as a regional expert reviewer for one year, and a subject matter (Environmental Science) reviewer for three years. During the latter part of my sabbatical period (spring 2007) I participated in a 10 day statistics workshop at the University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, and similar workshop over one week at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada in 2013. Later in 2015 I was invited on a group trip to Münster, Germany as part of a ‘sister city’ exploratory program. The theme was urban design and environment, so I was able to fit in fairly well and relied on prior German language courses for communication. This experience spurred me to create ways to activate my next sabbatical (and Fulbright?) experience. Second Fulbright: Germany (2021) Why Germany? The 2015 trip to Münster piqued my interest, but I had a longer-term calling to Germany. My paternal family (‘Blumenschein’ auf Deutsch ~ shining flowers) origins are in and near Stuttgart in the heart of the state of Baden-Württemberg. I’m fortunate to have a family history from this region back to the late 1500s, and a copy of a letter that my ancestor Wilhelm Blumenschein sent to relatives back in Germany after emigrating from Baden-Württemberg to Illinois in the 1830s (as did the ancestors of my paternal grandmother). By this point after the 2006 Fulbright Award as well as a number of cycles as a reviewer, I understood that Fulbright is not just about the project you’re working on, but who you are as well. This Fulbright proposal was primarily motivated by invited opportunities created by the California State University (CSU) System Vice Chancellors for Research and International Programs to foster climate change related collaborations. I was invited to give a presentation to a visiting delegation of University Rectors from Baden-Württemberg, which has a formal partnership with the State of California and the CSU System. This delegation was led by Theresia Bauer, the Minister of Science, Research and Arts. Following my presentation, I was asked whether my research would be applicable to the decline in whitefish production in Lake Constance, Germany. Like an epiphany, this spark provided the subject to connect my research toolkit to a Fulbright project in Baden-Württemberg. I soon discovered a large five year, €5M project known as SeeWandel (English = ‘Lake Change’) in Lake Constance. SeeWandel is comprised of interdisciplinary partnerships to understand and advise resource managers and politicians of the threats of climate change and invasive species in the lake’s complex food web. This was a unique opportunity to join a prestigious research group addressing global-scale threats to freshwater ecosystems. Host institutions included: University of Konstanz, Hohenheim University, and the Baden-Württemberg Fisheries Research Center. Compared to the six month stay in Bangkok, Thailand, this three month excursion had me on my own and moving cities about every month. Upon reflection, this required careful navigating in both the presentation of this plan in the Fulbright proposal, but also logistically once I was in Germany. I was much better equipped to handle this with the gained experience and maturity compared to the Fulbright experience 15 years earlier in Thailand. Baden-Württemberg includes the shoreline of Lake Constance, the largest source of drinking water in Europe. The lake is located on the Rhine River where Germany, Switzerland, and Austria converge near the northern Alps. Lake Constance is important historically, economically, and for tourism and fish supply. The lake has undergone some drastic changes due to climate change and invasive species. This was a great opportunity to apply some of my analytical approaches to address the missing pieces to SeeWandel research puzzles. It was very rewarding to explain to and engage my German collaborators with my approaches, which seemed new and novel to them. My research background in fish and fresh water were applicable to some of the pressing SeeWandel issues. Once I integrated and gained understanding to this complex system, we found that some of the approaches that I typically fit in well to address their research gaps. This was eye-opening to us. I even learned a valuable cultural and natural resource lesson on the importance of Lake Constance whitefish outside of the research environment and how the threat to whitefish can impact average people and the importance of this research. For example, I readily shopped at ‘town-square’ farmers markets. At the fish sellers’, I browsed the offerings and found no whitefish; ‘warum haben Sie keine Felchen’ (why don’t you have any whitefish?). The heated response was beyond my linguistic ability. One of my collaborators later explained that whitefish are now so rare that they are reserved for high-end restaurants, and not available for fish sellers at markets, and thus for common people. This is just one relatable example ‘Fulbright story’ that I like to tell in any setting (classes, seminars, symposia, etc.) to show how this is a valuable resource, like lobster from Maine, so people can relate to something domestic. I left Germany by train in late May for a week with another collaborator based in Sion and Lausanne, Switzerland. This was in French-speaking western Switzerland, but overall I was keen to notice the similarities and differences of the regions. Now nearly one year post-Fulbright in Germany, I headed back to Baden-Württemberg in June 2022 as part of a CSU System trip of ~25 people to engage German colleagues in research exchange. I subsequently went to the University of Cordoba (Spain) to follow up on the development of a university exchange program. By this most recent point in my career, I’ve had so many valuable opportunities to visit many countries and cultures that have had major impacts on me personally and professionally. They certainly have impacted my personal and professional relationships. Overall Benefits of Fulbright to My Home Institution and Community Colleagues It’s not simple to fully address the many subtle ways that my Fulbright and other international experience have affected me personally and professionally. However, a clear and direct impact has been in student engagement through the use of Fulbright research experiences as example case studies. For example, I lead two graduate biostatistics courses which I greatly enjoy, but can be a challenge for students. I use my main project from Thailand as a case study for multivariate statistics, covering introduction, application, and interpretation. Scientific storytelling easily engages students because it includes exotic geographical and cultural components, thus providing a broader context and template for standard scientific principles and problem solving. On a broader scale at my university, I’ve been able to impart Fulbright lessons and knowledge to the university community in assisting our International Programs Office in Fulbright recruitment. I also provide problem solving approaches learned from foreign colleagues to research students in my lab group. This benefit was greatly expanded in the recent Fulbright experience in Germany, where I had 5-6 main collaborators across three host institutions. It was extremely fortunate that I had a skill set that could address some of their main research gaps, and I trust that I was able to impart some of this knowledge to them for lasting benefit. For example, the multivariate analysis of the Thailand project helped in river research sampling design in the collaborators’ government funded work on water quality. In Germany, I applied and communicated to collaborators a number of approaches that were not in their analysis toolboxes. During the fall of 2022, I will be co-leading a Fulbright Support Symposium for faculty colleagues in the aquatic sciences in the 23 campus California State University system. I trust that this important outreach will encourage and lead many others to achieve Fulbright experiences. - Blumenshine, S., A. Piumsonboon, V. Gunbua, and N. Paphavasit. 2007. Factors affecting spatial and temporal variation in water quality and plankton: Case study in the Bangpakong River. Thailand Journal of Science 6(1):11-27. - Gugele, S.M., J. Baer, and A. Brinker. 2020. The spatiotemporal dynamics of invasive three-spined sticklebacks in a large, deep lake and possible options for stock reduction. Fisheries Research, 232, p.105746. - Hudson. C.M., K. Lucek, D.A. Marques, T.J. Alexander, M. Moosmann, P. Spaak, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. 2021. Threespine Stickleback in Lake Constance: The Ecology and Genomic Substrate of a Recent Invasion. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:611672. Steve Blumenshine is the Interim Executive Director of CSU-WATER for the California State University System. Prior to this he was a professor of Biology from 1999-2021, and Director of the Research and Education Division of the California Water Institute at Fresno State University (2021-2022). He received two Fulbright Scholar Awards (2006, 2021) to Thailand and Germany respectively. He can be contacted at [email protected]
India stands 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity & 4th in Solar Power capacity. A total of 172.72 GW of capacity from non-fossil fuel sources installed in the country as on 31.10.2022, including 119.09 GW RE, 46.85 GW Large Hydro and 6.78 GW Nuclear Power capacity. Generation from non-fossil fuel sources is 42.26% of total installed generation capacity in the country. A total of 14.21 GW of Renewable Energy (RE) capacity added during the period Jan to Oct. 2022 as compared to capacity of 11.9 GW added during the period January to October 20215. As on 31-10-2022, 56 Solar Parks sanctioned with a cumulative capacity of 39.28 GW in 14 states6. As on 31.10.2022, cumulatively over 1.52 lakh stand-alone solar pumps installed under the Component-B and 73.45 MW cumulative capacity solar power plants installed under Component-A Against a total target of solarization of 15 lakh pumps under Component-C, demand of over 57 lakh pumps received under feeder solarization sub-component8. National Portal ( developed for any residential consumer from any part of the country to apply for rooftop solar without waiting for Discom to finalise tender and empanel vendors. Inter-state GEC with target capacity of 3200 circuit kilometer (ckm) transmission lines and 17,000 MVA capacity sub-stations, completed in March 202010. A total capacity addition of 1761.28 MW of Wind energy achieved during the period of January to October 202211. Ministry issues Scheme Guidelines for implementation of the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche II) on ‘National Programme on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules’, with an outlay of Rs. 19,500 crore12. Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicates to the nation, India’s first Battery Storage and Solar Power based ‘Suryagram’ – In line with Prime Minister’s announcement at COP26, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is working towards achieving 500 GW of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030. So far, a total of 172.72 GW of capacity from non-fossil fuel sources has been installed in the country as on 31.10.2022. This includes 119.09 GW RE, 46.85 GW Large Hydro and 6.78 GW Nuclear Power capacity. This has a share of 42.26% of total installed generation capacity in the country i.e. 408.71 GW as on 31.10.2022. India stands 4th globally in Renewable Energy Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity & 4th in Solar Power capacity (as per REN21 Renewables 2022 Global Status Report). A total of 14.21 GW of Renewable Energy (RE) capacity was added, during the period Jan to Oct. 2022 as compared to capacity of 11.9 GW added during the period Jan to Oct. 2021. A total of 151.94 BU have been generated from RE sources during the period Jan to Sept. 2022 as compared to the 128.95 BU during the period Jan to Sept. 2021. Simplified procedure on RTS: To simplify implementation process, Ministry has developed a National Portal ( wherein any residential consumer from any part of the country can apply for rooftop solar without waiting for Discom to finalise tender and empanel vendors. The Intra-State GEC Phase-II (InSTS GEC-II) scheme was approved by the CCEA in January 2022. The total target is 10750 ckm intra-state transmission lines and 27500 MVA sub-stations with scheduled commissioning timeline of March 2026. Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche II) on ‘National Programme on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules’, with an outlay of Rs. 19,500 crore was approved and launched. Solarisation of sun-temple and town of Modhera, Gujarat: On 09.10.2022, Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicated to the nation, India’s first Battery Storage and Solar Power based ‘Suryagram’ – “Modhera” in Gujarat. Imposition of Basic Customs Duty (BCD) on solar cells & modules was done away by the Ministry . National Bioenergy Programme: The National Bioenergy Programme which comprises the following Sub-schemes was launched on 2.11.2022: Waste to Energy Programme (Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes/ Residues) Biomass Programme (Scheme to support Manufacturing of Briquettes & Pellets and Promotion of Biomass (non-bagasse) based cogeneration in Industries. Biogas Programme: for promotion of family type Biogas plants. Vayumitra and Jalmitra Skill Development Programme under Human Resource Development Scheme were launched in 2022. Equity infusion of Rs. 1500 crore in IREDA & Rs. 1000 crore in SECI. Solar Parks Scheme: To facilitate large scale grid-connected solar power projects, a scheme for “Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects” is under implementation with a target capacity of 40 GW capacity by March 2024. Solar Parks provide solar power developers with a plug and play model, by facilitating necessary infrastructure like land, power evacuation facilities, road connectivity, water facility etc. along with all statutory clearances. As on 31-10-2022, 56 Solar Parks have been sanctioned with a cumulative capacity of 39.28 GW in 14 states. Solar power projects of an aggregate capacity of over 10 GW have already been commissioned in 17 parks and the remaining parks are at various stages of implementation. Solar projects of capacity 832 MW have been commissioned in various Solar Parks during period January to October, 2022. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahaabhiyan (PM-KUSUM): To provide energy and water security, de-dieselise the farm sector and also generate additional income for farmers by producing solar power, Government launched PM-KUSUM Scheme for farmers. The Scheme consists of three components: Component A: Installation of 10,000 MW of Decentralized Grid Connected Solar Power Plants each of capacity up to 2 MW Component B: Setting up of 20 lakh standalone Solar Powered Agriculture Pumps Component C: Solarisation of 15 Lakh existing Grid-connected Agriculture Pumps The Scheme aims to add 30.8 GW of solar capacity with central financial support of over Rs. 34,000 Crore. Following are the major achievements in implementation of the Scheme during the year 2022: Department of Expenditure approved the proposal of MNRE to extend the Scheme till 31.03.2026 with following modifications: Under Component-B and Component-C of the Scheme, Central Financial Assistance (CFA) will be available for pump capacity up to 15 HP to the individual farmers in the North-eastern States, UTs of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, States of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh and Island UTs of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep, and for each farmer in the cluster/ community irrigation projects in high water table areas in all the States/ UTs, subject to the restriction of 10% of the total allocation. For the remaining quantity the current provision will prevail, unless superseded. The condition of domestic content requirement for solar cells has been waived off for the feeder solarization projects under Component-C for which work is awarded to the implementing company by 20.06.2023. Cumulatively, about 4886 MW capacity of small solar power plants under component-A, 8.07 lakh standalone solar pumps under component-B and solarisation of 25.43 lakh grid connected pumps under the two variants of component-C have been allocated in various States. As on 31.10.2022, cumulatively over 1.52 lakh stand-alone solar pumps have been installed under the Component-B out of which 79,418 nos. of pumps have been installed during 2022 and 73.45 MW cumulative capacity solar power plants installed under Component-A out of which 48.2 MW has been installed during 2022. Implementation of feeder level solarization variant under Component-C, which was introduced in December, 2020. Against a total target of solarization of 15 lakh pumps under Component-C, demand of over 57 lakh pumps has been received under feeder solarization sub-component. A number of states viz., Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra have issued tenders under feeder solarization during 2022. Cumulative progress upto 18.11.2022: |Cumulative installed capacity (with or without CFA) |Rs. 35000 Crore |Capacity sanctioned for Central Financial Assistance (CFA) |Around 5.5 GW (i.e. 2.1 GW under phase I and 3.4 GW under phase II) |Capacity installed with CFA |2.838 GW (i.e. 1.350 GW under phase I and 1.488 GW under phase II) |Amount of CFA and incentives provided |Rs. 4623.97 Crore Progress in Calendar year 2022: |Installed capacity in year 2022 (with or without CFA) |Rs. 6100 Crore |Capacity installed with CFA support |Amount of CFA and incentives provided |Rs. 1051.6 Crore *Estimated investment has been calculated based on yearly benchmark rate and the capacity installed in that year. Phase II of the rooftop solar programme timelines has been extended upto 31.03.2026. Simplified procedure on Rooftop Solar (RTS): To simplify implementation process, Ministry has developed a National Portal ( wherein any residential consumer from any part of the country can apply for rooftop solar without waiting for Discom to finalise tender and empanel vendors. The subsidy is fixed and is same for the entire country. Since its launch on 30th July 2022, the total number of applications received on the national portal is for 117 MW solar capacity and the feasibility of more than 18 MW projects is granted. Off-grid Decentralized and Solar PV Applications Programme Phase III: Phase III of the Off-grid Decentralized and Solar PV Applications Programme for Solar Street Lights, Solar Study Lamps and Solar Power Packs was available till 31.03.2021. In the current year, a total of 56,670 nos. of solar study lamps were distributed. During the closure of the installation of the programme, over 1.46 lakh solar street lights were installed, 9.71 lakh solar study lamps were distributed and 2.5 MW solar power packs have been set up as reported by State Nodal Agencies (SNAs). Atal Jyoti Yojana (AJAY) Phase-II: The AJAY Ph-II Scheme for installation of solar street lights with 25% fund contribution from MPLAD Funds was discontinued from 1 April 2020 as the Government decided to suspend the MPLAD Funds for the next two years i.e. 2020-21 and 2021-22. In the current year, a total of 14,176 nos. of solar street lights were installed. During the closure of the installation of the programme, over 1.37 lakh solar streetlights were installed. Ministry issued a Framework on 14.02.2022 for the Promotion of DRE (Decentralized Renewable Energy) Livelihood Applications with the objective to facilitate the development of an enabling ecosystem for widespread access to DRE for promoting sustainable livelihoods in the country including in rural and remote areas. Green Energy Corridor: In order to facilitate renewable power evacuation and reshaping the grid for future requirements, the Green Energy Corridor (GEC) projects have been initiated. The first component of the scheme, Inter-state GEC with target capacity of 3200 circuit kilometer (ckm) transmission lines and 17,000 MVA capacity sub-stations, was completed in March 2020. The second component – Intra-state GEC with a target capacity of 9700 ckm transmission lines and 22,600 MVA capacity sub-stations is expected to be completed by March 2023. As on 31.10.2022, 8651 ckm of intra-state transmission lines have been constructed and 19558 MVA intra-state substations have been charged. During the calendar year a total of 183 ckm of transmission lines have been commissioned and 4930 MVA capacity of substations have been charged. Further to above, the Intra-State GEC Phase-II (InSTS GEC-II) scheme was approved by the CCEA in January 2022. The total target is 10750 ckm intra-state transmission lines and 27500 MVA sub-stations with scheduled commissioning timeline of March 2026. The InSTS GEC-II scheme is currently under implementation by the State Transmission Utilities (STUs) of 7 States, i.e. Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. The estimated project cost is Rs. 12031.33 crore with central financial assistance from MNRE of Rs. 3970.34 crore (i.e. 33% of project cost). The projects are being set up for evacuation of approx. 20 GW of RE power in the above 7 States. Currently, the states are preparing the packages and are in process of issuing tenders for implementing the projects. A total capacity addition of 1761.28 MW has been achieved during the period of January to October 2022. COVID- 19 related relaxations: In order to give relaxation on account of COVID-19, part commissioning of 10 MW or more capacity of wind power projects under SECI Tranche-II to Tranche-VIII have been permitted till 31st March, 2023. In order to provide relief to wind power project developers on account of supply chain disruption due to second COVID-19 surge, an additional time extension up to 3 (three) months in the Scheduled Commissioning Date have been provided for wind power projects. Amendments in ‘Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Wind Solar Hybrid Projects. Amendment dated 09.03.2022: Authorized representatives of procurers are allowed to conduct bidding process on behalf of procurers. Commissioning schedule of hybrid projects increased from 18 months to 24 months. Amendment dated 02.11.2022: Provision relating to delay in Commissioning on account of delay in LTA Operationalization is rationalized. On the basis of MNRE’s recommendation, concessional custom duty benefit (CCDC) for several wind turbine components has been extended till 31.03.2023 vide Ministry of Finance vide its Notification No. 02/2022-Customs dated 01.02.2022. Draft National Repowering Policy for Wind Power Projects, 2022 has been issued for stakeholders consultation. The objectives of the Repowering Policy are optimum utilization of Wind energy resource by maximizing energy (kWh) yield per of the project area and utilizing the latest state-ofthe art onshore Wind turbine technologies. Strategy paper including business models for offshore wind energy has been issued. This provides roadmap for achieving 30 GW of offshore wind energy target by 2030. A concept note for VGF scheme of Rs 14283 crore for the initial 3 GW of offshore wind energy projects has been sent to Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, for ‘in-principle’ approval. A trajectory to bid out offshore wind energy blocks for 37 GW capacity till FY 2029-30 has been issued. Draft Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules, 2022 have been finalized and sent for legal vetting. Draft contractual documents for offshore wind energy projects have been finalized and being circulated for stakeholders’ consultation. The following Bioenergy schemes are under implementation by the Ministry: Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes/ Residues Scheme to Support Promotion of Manufacturing of Briquettes & Pellets and Biomass (Non-Bagasse) Based Cogeneration in Industries in the Country for the period from FY 2021-22 to 2025-26. Biogas Power (Off-Grid) Generation and Thermal application Programme (BPGTP) New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme (NNBOMP) A total capacity of 30 MW has been achieved in the year of 2022. As on 31.10.2022, cumulative installed capacity of biomass power and cogeneration projects stood at about 9.4 GW (Bagasse & IPP) and 0.77 GW (Non-Bagasse), waste to energy projects capacity was 223.14 MW (grid connected) and 272.09 MWeq (off-grid). The progress regarding installed capacity of WTE projects made during the period from 01.01.2022 upto 31.10.2022 is 61.12 MWeq, with 24 MW (grid connected) and 37.12 MWeq (off-grid). Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme: Approval and Issuance of Rs.19,500 crore PLI Scheme (Tranche-II) for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules: Subsequent to the Cabinet approval dated 21.09.2022, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, on 30.09.2022, has issued Scheme Guidelines for implementation of the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche II) on ‘National Programme on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules’, with an outlay of Rs. 19,500 crore. The Tranche-II is expected to result in setting up of around 65 GW of fully / partially integrated solar PV manufacturing. Solarisation of sun-temple and town of Modhera, Gujarat: On 09.10.2022, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, dedicated to the nation, India’s first Battery Storage and Solar Power based ‘Suryagram’ – “Modhera” in Gujarat, with Round the Clock Renewable Power Supply, set up through joint efforts of MNRE and Govt. of Gujarat. Modhera is the 1st modern village in India that’s: (i) Powered by MWh scale Battery Storage; (ii) Having solar based EV charging stations; (iii) Net electricity producer with solar rooftops on all feasible household & Govt buildings, generating renewable energy higher than consumption, thus greening grid & paying villagers. Human Resource Development: Human Resource Development Scheme supports short term trainings & skill development programmes, fellowships, internships, support to lab upgradation for RE and renewable energy chair. A total of 4363 no. of suryamitras were trained from April, 2021 to October, 2022 totaling to cumulative 51529 no. of trained suryamitras out of which 26967 no. suryamitras got employment from FY 2015-16 to October, 2022 under suryamitra programme. Ministry has launched the Jal-Urjamitra Skill Development Programme to train technicians for maintenance of Small Hydro Power Projects with a target to develop over 1700 no. of skilled manpower for the period of 5 years i.e. FY 2021-22 to 2025-26. Hydro and Renewable Energy Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee is coordinating the programme. Vayumitra Skill Development Programme (VSDP) (Phase-1) is launched by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy assigning the task to National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai for creating skilled and trained manpower for Wind power projects with a target to develop over 5000 no. trainees during the period FY 2021-22 to 2023-24. National Green Hydrogen Mission: In the Independence Day address on 15 August 2021, Hon’ble Prime Minister announced the National Green Hydrogen Mission and stated the goal to make India the global hub of Green Hydrogen production and export. MNRE is accordingly developing the National Green Hydrogen Mission with the objectives of decarbonising major economic sectors, making India energy independent and serving as an inspiration for the global clean energy transition. The Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) approved the proposal on the National Green Hydrogen Mission in April 2022. Ministry of Power notified provisions for facilitative open access and banking of renewable energy for Green Hydrogen production vide the Green Open Access Rules. Working Group has been constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary, MNRE for development of Regulations, Codes and Standards framework for Green Hydrogen. The Group has undertaken mapping and gap analysis of all relevant standards and regulations. The Ministry undertook stakeholder consultations and put forth views India’s views at international forums on regulations for certifying Green Hydrogen and its derivative fuels. Detailed comments on the EU specifications on renewable fuels were provided through our Embassy in Brussels. This resulted in relaxation of EU specifications. Draft bidding guidelines for Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia have been prepared. The model guidelines will be useful, particularly for Bidding for Green Ammonia initially. Bilateral cooperation activities on hydrogen have been initiated with several countries including USA, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, and the UK. Task forces on hydrogen have been constituted with US and Germany, and India is leading active technical cooperation on Hydrogen in the Quad. MNRE is also leading the track on hydrogen under the Energy Transition Working Group for India’s G-20 presidency. International Solar Alliance International Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, and the President of France on 30.11.2015 at Paris, France. With the signing and ratification of the ISA Framework Agreement by 15 countries, on 06.12.2017, ISA became the first international intergovernmental organization to be headquartered in India. On 15.07.2020, an amendment came into force, which enables all member States of the UN, including those beyond the tropics, to join the ISA. As on 30.11.2021, 110 countries have signed the Framework Agreement of the ISA. Of these, 90 countries have also ratified the same. The fifth Assembly of International Solar Alliance was held on 18.10.2022. India and France have been re-elected as the President and Co-President of ISA Assembly for a third consecutive two year term for the period Oct-2022 to Oct – 2024.
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It helps promote cell turnover, collagen production, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin A Overview Vitamin A is a key nutrient that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be obtained through both animal and plant sources. This essential nutrient is required for various bodily functions, including maintaining vision, supporting the immune system, and promoting cell growth and renewal. However, its significance goes beyond these aspects, as it is directly linked to skin health and the aging process. Role Of Vitamin A In Skin Health Here are the important ways in which Vitamin A influences skin health: - Stimulates collagen production: Vitamin A, specifically in the form of retinol, can stimulate the production of collagen, a protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. By promoting collagen synthesis, Vitamin A helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a more youthful appearance. - Fights free radicals: As a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A helps neutralize harmful free radicals that can damage skin cells and contribute to the aging process. By reducing oxidative stress, this vitamin helps protect the skin from premature aging caused by environmental factors such as UV radiation and pollution. - Enhances skin cell turnover: Vitamin A encourages the turnover of skin cells, ensuring that old cells are shed and replaced with new ones. This process promotes a smoother and brighter complexion by reducing the buildup of dead skin cells that can clog pores and contribute to dullness. - Regulates sebum production: Vitamin A plays a role in regulating the production of sebum, the natural oil produced by the skin. By maintaining optimal sebum levels, it helps prevent acne breakouts and keeps the skin balanced and moisturized. - Supports wound healing: The regenerative properties of Vitamin A make it essential for wound healing. It aids in the repair and rejuvenation of damaged skin tissue, helping wounds heal more quickly and reducing the risk of scarring. Incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine or maintaining a diet rich in this nutrient can have significant benefits for your skin. From combating signs of aging to improving overall skin health, Vitamin A is an essential component in achieving a youthful and radiant complexion. So, make sure to explore the various sources of this vital nutrient and allow it to work wonders for your skin. How Does Vitamin A Affect Skin Aging Vitamin A plays a crucial role in skin aging, maintaining a healthy complexion and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It promotes collagen production and helps to improve skin elasticity, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. This powerful nutrient offers numerous benefits when it comes to preventing and reducing the signs of skin aging. From stimulating collagen production to promoting skin cell turnover, vitamin A works wonders for maintaining a radiant complexion. Let’s explore how vitamin A impacts skin aging in more detail: Effects Of Vitamin A On Collagen Production: - Boosts collagen synthesis: Vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen, a protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. - Improves skin texture: By promoting collagen production, vitamin A helps to smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven texture, resulting in a rejuvenated appearance. - Enhances skin’s barrier function: Collagen helps to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier, preventing moisture loss and external damage that can contribute to premature aging. Vitamin A’S Impact On Skin Cell Turnover: - Accelerates skin cell renewal: Vitamin A speeds up the shedding of old, dull skin cells and promotes the regeneration of new cells. This process leads to a fresher, brighter complexion. - Evens out skin tone: By encouraging the shedding of pigmented skin cells and promoting the growth of new ones, vitamin A helps to fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation, leaving the skin with a more even tone. - Reduces the appearance of acne: Vitamin A’s ability to promote skin cell turnover helps to prevent clogged pores and reduces the formation of acne. It also aids in reducing inflammation associated with breakouts. By incorporating vitamin A into your skincare routine, whether through topical products or a diet rich in foods containing this essential nutrient, you can effectively combat skin aging. Remember to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your skincare or diet. Embrace the power of vitamin A and enjoy the benefits of a youthful and vibrant complexion. Understanding The Link Between Vitamin A Deficiency And Skin Aging Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to skin aging, emphasizing the crucial role this nutrient plays in maintaining youthful skin. By understanding this connection, we can take steps to ensure our bodies receive adequate vitamin A to keep our skin healthy and vibrant. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy skin, and a deficiency in this vitamin can lead to premature skin aging. To understand how vitamin A deficiency affects the skin and causes signs of aging, let’s delve into the details: How Vitamin A Deficiency Contributes To Premature Skin Aging - Loss of collagen: Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the production of collagen, a protein responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity and firmness. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to decreased collagen production, resulting in sagging and wrinkled skin. - Decreased cell turnover: Vitamin A promotes the turnover of skin cells, ensuring the continuous regeneration and renewal of the epidermis. Without sufficient vitamin A, cell turnover slows down, causing a buildup of dead skin cells and a dull complexion. - Diminished skin hydration: Vitamin A helps maintain the skin’s moisture levels by supporting the production of sebum, a natural oil that lubricates and protects the skin. In the absence of enough vitamin A, the skin can become dry, rough, and prone to wrinkles. Common Signs Of Vitamin A Deficiency In Skin - Dry, rough skin: Vitamin A deficiency can manifest as dryness and rough texture on the skin’s surface, making it feel dehydrated and less supple. - Increased susceptibility to sun damage: Without adequate levels of vitamin A, the skin becomes more vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV rays, leading to sunburn, pigmentation, and premature aging. - Fine lines and wrinkles: Insufficient vitamin A can result in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as the skin loses its elasticity and firmness due to decreased collagen production. - Uneven skin tone: A lack of vitamin A can cause an uneven distribution of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, resulting in the development of dark spots, patches, or a blotchy complexion. - Impaired wound healing: Vitamin A is vital for proper wound healing, as it aids in the formation of new blood vessels and the repair of damaged tissues. Inadequate vitamin A levels may delay wound healing, leading to prolonged recovery and potential scarring. Remember, ensuring an adequate intake of vitamin A through a balanced diet or supplements can help prevent the detrimental effects of deficiency and promote healthier, youthful-looking skin. Identifying The Symptoms Of Vitamin A Deficiency In Skin Aging Vitamin A deficiency can result in skin aging symptoms, including dryness, rough texture, and increased susceptibility to wrinkles. Replenishing this essential nutrient can help maintain youthful, healthy-looking skin. Dryness, roughness, and uneven skin tone: - Dryness: When skin lacks sufficient vitamin A, it tends to lose its moisture, resulting in dry patches and flakiness. This can make the skin feel rough and uncomfortable. - Roughness: A deficiency in vitamin A can contribute to rough-textured skin. Without enough vitamin A, skin cells do not function optimally, leading to a buildup of dead skin cells and a rough appearance. - Uneven skin tone: Vitamin A plays a vital role in regulating the skin’s pigment production. When there is a deficiency, the skin may experience an uneven distribution of melanin, resulting in an irregular and uneven skin tone. Increased appearance of fine lines and wrinkles: - Fine lines: Insufficient levels of vitamin A can lead to a decrease in collagen production, a key protein responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity. This reduction in collagen can cause fine lines to appear, especially around the eyes and mouth. - Wrinkles: As vitamin A deficiency continues, the skin’s ability to retain moisture and elasticity diminishes. This can accentuate the formation of deeper wrinkles, making them more prominent and noticeable. Remember that ensuring an adequate intake of vitamin A through a balanced diet or supplementation can help combat these symptoms and maintain healthy skin. Improving Skin Health And Rejuvenation With Vitamin A Vitamin A plays a crucial role in improving skin health and reducing the signs of aging. It helps to rejuvenate the skin by promoting collagen production and fighting free radicals, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin and combating the signs of aging. By incorporating this essential nutrient into your skincare routine, you can enhance collagen production, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, and achieve youthful, radiant skin. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of Vitamin A for skin health and rejuvenation. Enhanced Collagen Production For Firmer Skin: - Vitamin A stimulates collagen synthesis, a protein responsible for the structure and elasticity of the skin. - Increased collagen production leads to firmer, tighter skin, reducing sagging and promoting a more youthful appearance. - By supporting collagen formation, Vitamin A helps maintain the skin’s natural resilience and firmness. Reduction Of Fine Lines And Wrinkles With Vitamin A: - Vitamin A, in the form of retinoids, has been proven effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. - Retinoids work by increasing cell turnover, encouraging the growth of new skin cells and shedding dead ones more efficiently. - This process smoothens the skin’s texture, minimizes the depth of wrinkles, and promotes a more youthful complexion. Inhibition Of Photoaging And Skin Damage: - Vitamin A protects the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and other environmental factors, such as pollution and oxidative stress. - It acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can cause premature aging and damage to the skin’s DNA. - By preventing photoaging, Vitamin A helps maintain a healthy skin barrier and preserves its youthful appearance. Regulation Of Oil Production And Prevention Of Acne: - Vitamin A regulates sebum production, the skin’s natural oil, preventing excessive oiliness and clogged pores. - This regulation reduces the likelihood of acne breakouts and promotes clearer, healthier skin. - Additionally, Vitamin A has anti-inflammatory properties that can calm skin irritation and redness associated with acne. Promotion Of Overall Skin Health: - Vitamin A enhances blood flow to the skin, improving its overall health and appearance. - It aids in the repair and renewal of damaged skin cells, promoting a smoother and more radiant complexion. - Vitamin A also supports the skin’s natural moisture retention abilities, keeping it hydrated and supple. By incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine, you can effectively improve skin health and combat the signs of aging. From enhancing collagen production for firmer skin to reducing fine lines and wrinkles, this essential nutrient offers numerous benefits. Embrace the power of Vitamin A and witness the rejuvenating effects it can have on your skin. Promoting Skin Repair And Regeneration With Vitamin A Vitamin A promotes skin repair and regeneration, effectively combating the signs of skin aging. Its powerful properties support collagen production and help improve skin texture and elasticity. Accelerated Healing Processes With Vitamin A Vitamin A plays a crucial role in promoting skin repair and regeneration. Here’s how it accelerates the healing processes: - Stimulates collagen production: Vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that provides structure to the skin. This helps in speeding up the healing process of wounds and cuts. - Enhances cell turnover: Vitamin A promotes cell turnover, which means it helps in shedding the old damaged skin cells and replacing them with new healthy cells. This fast turnover promotes quick healing and regeneration of the skin. - Improves blood flow: Vitamin A aids in improving blood circulation to the skin, ensuring that essential nutrients and oxygen reach the damaged areas more efficiently. This increased blood flow helps in speeding up the healing process. Minimizing The Appearance Of Scars And Discoloration Vitamin A also plays a significant role in reducing the appearance of scars and discoloration on the skin. Here’s how it achieves this: - Promotes collagen remodeling: Vitamin A helps in remodeling collagen, smoothing out textured scars and reducing their visibility. This process also helps in evening out skin tone and reducing discoloration. - Reduces melanin production: Melanin is responsible for the pigmentation of the skin. Vitamin A helps in inhibiting the excess production of melanin, which can lead to dark spots and uneven skin tone. By reducing melanin production, Vitamin A aids in minimizing discoloration. - Increases skin cell turnover: The increased cell turnover stimulated by Vitamin A helps in fading scars and dark spots over time. As new, healthy skin cells replace the damaged ones, the appearance of scars and discoloration gradually diminishes. With its healing properties and ability to reduce the appearance of scars and discoloration, Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy and rejuvenated skin. Incorporating Vitamin A Into Your Skincare Routine Discover the benefits of incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine for effective anti-aging results. Renew and rejuvenate your skin naturally with this essential nutrient. Different Forms Of Vitamin A For Skincare - Retinol: This form of Vitamin A is commonly found in skincare products. It is easily absorbed by the skin and converted into retinoic acid, which helps stimulate collagen production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. - Retinyl Palmitate: This derivative of Vitamin A is more gentle and suitable for those with sensitive skin. It is converted into retinol once applied to the skin and helps improve skin texture and tone. - Retinaldehyde: Also known as retinal, this form of Vitamin A is highly effective in boosting collagen synthesis and enhancing skin elasticity. It is more stable than retinol and readily converted into retinoic acid. - Retinoic Acid: This is the most potent form of Vitamin A and is only available with a prescription. It is known for its ability to treat severe acne, reduce hyperpigmentation, and reverse signs of aging. Tips For Using Vitamin A-Based Products For Effective Results - Start Slow: When incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine, it is important to start with a low concentration product and gradually increase the strength to allow your skin to adjust. - Patch Test: Before applying any Vitamin A-based product to your face, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions or sensitivity. - Use at Night: Vitamin A-based products should be applied at night as they can increase skin sensitivity to the sun. This also allows for optimal absorption and effectiveness. - Follow Instructions: Read and follow the instructions provided with the product carefully. Some Vitamin A-based products may require specific application techniques or frequency. - Hydrate: Vitamin A can sometimes cause dryness or flakiness. To combat this, make sure to moisturize your skin properly and drink plenty of water to maintain hydration. - Protect Your Skin: Always wear sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, especially when using products containing Vitamin A. Sunscreen will minimize the risk of sunburn and further skin damage. - Be Patient: It takes time for Vitamin A to show visible results. Consistent use over several weeks or months is necessary to see the full benefits. Do not expect overnight miracles. - Consult a Dermatologist: If you have any concerns or questions about incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine, it is best to consult a dermatologist who can provide personalized advice based on your skin type and condition. Remember that incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine can help combat skin aging and improve the overall health and appearance of your skin. Choose the form of Vitamin A that suits your skin type and follow these tips for effective results. Potential Side Effects And Precautions Of Vitamin A In Skincare Vitamin A in skincare comes with potential side effects and precautions. It is important to be aware that excessive use of Vitamin A can cause skin irritation and sensitivity, and it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before incorporating Vitamin A into your skincare routine. Vitamin A is widely recognized for its potential benefits in skincare, particularly in combating skin aging. However, as with any skincare ingredient, it is important to be aware of potential side effects and take necessary precautions. In this section, we will delve into the potential skin irritations and sensitivities that may arise from using vitamin A in skincare, as well as safe usage recommendations and dermatologist advice. Potential Skin Irritations And Sensitivities: - Skin Dryness: Vitamin A derivatives, such as retinoids, can cause dryness and flakiness of the skin. This is due to their exfoliating properties, which help to shed dead skin cells and promote cell turnover. To mitigate dryness, it is crucial to moisturize regularly and maintain a consistent skincare routine. - Redness and Irritation: Some individuals may experience redness, inflammation, and irritation when first incorporating vitamin A into their skincare regimen. This is often referred to as the “retinization” period and is temporary. Gradually introducing the ingredient and using a lower concentration can help minimize these effects. - Increased Sensitivity to Sun: Vitamin A can increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun, making it more susceptible to sunburn. It is crucial to apply sunscreen diligently and limit sun exposure, especially during peak hours. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin adequately. Safe Usage Recommendations And Dermatologist Advice: - Patch Test: Before fully incorporating vitamin A products into your routine, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin. This helps determine if you have any adverse reactions or allergies to the ingredient. - Start Low, Go Slow: Begin with a low concentration of vitamin A and gradually increase as your skin tolerates it. This approach allows your skin to adjust and minimizes potential irritation. - Nighttime Application: Vitamin A is best applied at night since sunlight can degrade its efficacy. Apply a pea-sized amount onto clean, dry skin after cleansing and toning. Follow it up with your regular moisturizer. - Moisturize: To combat dryness associated with vitamin A usage, use a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type. Look for hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides to replenish moisture levels. - Professional Guidance: If you have specific skin concerns or are unsure about incorporating vitamin A into your skincare routine, seek advice from a dermatologist. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your skin type and concerns. Remember, everyone’s skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work as well for another. Pay attention to how your skin responds to vitamin A and make adjustments accordingly. With proper usage and precautionary measures, vitamin A can be a valuable addition to your skincare arsenal in the fight against skin aging. Overall, Vitamin A plays a vital role in preventing skin aging and maintaining a youthful appearance. It is an essential nutrient that supports the production of collagen, a protein that keeps the skin firm and elastic. By neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, Vitamin A also helps protect the skin from damage caused by environmental factors such as UV rays and pollution. Its ability to regulate sebum production can also contribute to a clearer complexion and reduce the appearance of acne. Furthermore, Vitamin A promotes cell turnover, enabling the skin to shed dead cells and reveal a fresher, more radiant layer underneath. Incorporating Vitamin A-rich foods into your diet, as well as considering topically applied creams or serums, can have a significant impact on your overall skin health. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on any new supplementation regime. Prioritizing Vitamin A in your skincare routine can lead to lasting benefits and a more youthful, radiant complexion.
If you’re trying to find the right quotes for your 89th wedding anniversary party, you’re in the right place. I’ve rounded up quotes that will make your guests laugh, cry and — maybe — get a little misty-eyed. 89th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Couples The best way to have a happy marriage is to give your partner unconditional love, respect, and trust. Happy 89th Anniversary! Weddings are made in heaven, but anniversaries are made on earth. When you’ve been married for almost a century and every day is filled with memories that warm your heart. You are my favorite honeymoon. My favorite anniversary gift. You are the love of my life and I couldn’t ask for anything better. Happy Anniversary Be together in the best of times, and find strength in the toughest of times. Love you both! For every milestone you reach, there’s always another one to catch up to. Happy Anniversary, honey! Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. It is one of the sweetest memories of my life that on this day in 2000, you and I said yes to each other. You can’t buy it, but you can buy back the years. You can’t find it, but it will find you. A marriage is a series of compromises—everyone gives up something. But it’s not until you grow older that you begin to see the value in giving up things for each other. A road without adventure is like a flower without fragrance. The best way to celebrate your 89th wedding anniversary is by spending it with the love of your life. Happy Anniversary! They say that love is a choice. But it must also be an obsession, because we’re obsessed with you! Happy 89th Anniversary! Our love is the sweetest thing in the world. It makes me want to be a better wife, mother and person. Happy 89th Anniversary! To celebrate your anniversary, thank the person who makes you feel most loved and cherished. Here’s to the 89 years of love and happiness you’ve shared. You are an amazing couple, and I’m so glad to have been a part of your journey. Time has flown by, but the moments we cherish have never been forgotten. Happy Anniversary The only thing that lasts is love, and sometimes it’s the hardest thing to find. Happy #9thAnniversary to these two Married to the most amazing man. Happy Anniversary! We’ve had our ups and downs, but we’re still standing—and we want to celebrate all that you and your husband are. Here’s to the love of my life. Happy anniversary! Sharing your love is not a symbol of commitment—it’s a symbol of commitment. Marry your best friend. Love him or her more than you ever thought possible. And remember how love is never wasted, when you find it and cherish it for a lifetime. A wise man once said, “I love you because I have learned from you that loving someone is to see the face of God.” Life is too short to spend with anyone you don’t love. ~Bettina Bagous The most precious moments in life are those shared with a loved one. Happy Anniversary! The road to matrimony is paved with the best intentions. Happy anniversary! A couple is two people with the same mind, one body and two hearts. Celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary with you has been the best choice of my life. Thank you for loving and caring for me. I love you! A love that transcends the miles, years and even death. A love that endures. “This day is yours, this night is ours, and all the days to come.” Happy Anniversary to the man that makes me wanna scream, the woman that touches my soul, and the little boy who brings so much joy to our life. There is nothing more beautiful than two people who love each other, celebrate their union every day and never stop growing together. The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved and valued. “For every day that you love me, I will love you all the more,” – Prince William of Wales To the most beautiful day in my life, I say thank you. In the words of Shakespeare, love is a sweet and melancholy thing, like melons in the sun. They say that opposites attract, but I believe that even the deepest differences can make for the most beautiful kind of connection. – Sir Mix-A-Lot There’s no better way to celebrate your love than with a smile and a heart full of love. Happy #89th wedding anniversary, Joyce and John! Celebrate your love by remembering all the reasons you fell in love. To never stop chasing after your heart’s desire, no matter what. Happy 89th Anniversary! Your love is like an ocean. Too big to fit into a bottle, so we tap it into each other every day. Happy #89thAnniversary! The greatest gifts we can give to each other are the gift of time and a place to call home. Happy anniversary! Love is long and life is short. For you and me, true love lasts forever “The only way to keep love alive is by giving it away.” The sweetest thing about marriage is that it has no expiration date. The longest journey is not a journey, but a series of steps saying goodbye to today and saying hello to tomorrow. Looking forward to celebrating our 89th year together with you. Just when you thought it would never happen… here we are celebrating our 90th wedding anniversary. There’s no age limit for love. As your anniversary celebrates you and your relationship, it also celebrates the years of giving and receiving from each other. It’s hard to believe how fast the years go by. Your love is more precious than gold, and we are so very thankful for your friendship. Happy 89th Wedding Anniversary! Yours is an amazing love story, one that should be celebrated year after year with special anniversary celebrations. Happy Anniversary! Here we are. Together, for better or for worse, in good times and bad. Age may have withered us, but love has given us the strength to overcome it all. Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary Here’s to the love that keeps growing, even when you only have one date left on your wedding registry. Every day is a true gift, but the day you married me is one of the greatest gifts. There’s no better feeling than celebrating your love with a new tradition. After all these years, you still make me laugh out loud. I’m proud of the life we’ve made together and the family we’ve built. Happy anniversary to us. We have now been together so long, we feel like we’ve known each other forever. – Thomas Jefferson Don’t let the years pass you by, Catch every day that comes your way. Especially if it’s not perfect, For each one is a gift and that’s why we call them memories。 A partnership is like a dance; the two of you are always moving in different directions, but somehow it works. Long love stories are like golden rings, our most beautiful memories are forged from the earth of those that came before us. Happy #89th wedding anniversary to you and yours, We’ve been together for 83 years, but it feels like just yesterday we said our vows. Happy wedding anniversary to us! When you’ve been together as long as we have, a lot of things have changed. But some things never do. Happy 89th anniversary! The couple who celebrates their wedding anniversary every year is the couple that never stops celebrating. The longer you stay, the more perfect it gets. Happy 89th Anniversary to the person who has made it happen and always makes it better. Today marks the 90th year we’ve been together. You are my strength, my inspiration, and my love. Sometimes the best gift you can give your spouse is to stay in their lives—they will always find a reason to celebrate. Happy Anniversary! The most beautiful things in life aren’t the possessions, but the people. The first half of a long life together is the hardest. The second one is the easiest. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you diamonds, make it shine Through the storm, I’ll find you. Through the rain, I’ll hold you. Through the night, I’ll be your star. If you’re celebrating a married couple’s 89th anniversary, there’s no better way to show how much they mean to each other than with a personalized quote. Coincidentally, our anniversary is also the 89th anniversary of the beginning of our love story. Happy Anniversary! We have been married for 89 years. It’s a good day to be alive and married, so long as we’re together. It’s not just a wedding anniversary, it’s an everyday reminder of how much love has truly changed your life. Happy anniversary! I love you to the moon and back. Happy 90th Anniversary! For a life together, there is no better gift than the opportunity to be together. “We have grown old together. We have seen each other grow up, we have shared children, grandchildren, and now our time is drawing to a close.” The secret to a happy marriage is finding someone with whom you enjoy spending time. The best things in life are the people you share them with. Being together is a blessing. A couple is like a handshake—it’s there when you need it and gone when you don’t. The only limits are the ones you place on yourself. The most exciting things in life are not found on a map, but in the quest of finding them. Happy 89th Anniversary to my best friend and love of my life. Thanks for sticking with me! It’s the little things that matter most. Happy Anniversary to the love of our lives “We’re celebrating together, not just because we were married but because we love each other and we want to be together.” —John Gilbert The older you get, the harder it is to realize how much you’ve got. Happy Anniversary to my wife and me! Through the years, you’ve supported me and made me so happy. I love you more than words could ever say. Happy Anniversary! The best things in life are not things. They are relationships. The best part of a marriage is the next day after you have had a fight. I never knew how beautiful a day could be until I got married. It’s not just the year, it’s the day that makes it special. It seems as if we were meant to be together. I love you more than ever, my sweetie! Love is a feeling so strong that it can make you do things that are not in your best interests. It’s loyalty, respect and trust. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and explore the world around you. And when you do, remember to always look up and take in the view with your loved ones. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. But they’re always delicious. Happy 89th wedding anniversary! Here’s to the love that lasts through all the ups and downs, and laughter (and tears) in between. I would like to wish you a happy marriage of 89 years! You are truly one in a million, and I will love you for the rest of my days. Every day is a reason to celebrate on your wedding anniversary. We’re not those couples who will say, “Years ago …” We say, “Forever and ever.” Happy Anniversary! After 89 years of marriage, it’s easier to get along for me. I know what you want at the end of the day and it’s not a divorce. Let us take you back to a time when you were young and in love. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. To all of you who have shared a special day, remember that it’s not the size of the group, but the love and friendship within it. The heart that loved a flower can never forget it. The heart that loves the “I” of itself will always be happy. As you walk your life path together, remember to take in the small moments and celebrate the big ones. “As the years roll by, you still have to look up to see them.” – Frank Sinatra The single greatest force in the universe is compound interest. It’s all about the journey, not the destination. A decade ago, you got on a bus, and off of it we went. Today, we’re still traveling. Happy Anniversary! You can do just about anything if you don’t care who gets the credit. Celebrate your love with a thoughtful gift and meaningful anniversary quotes. I still keep falling in love with you. Happy 89th Anniversary to the two of us. The best way to honor our marriage is by remembering how we got this far. Happy anniversary! What started out as ‘just a friendship’ has turned into this. Have a very happy #9thAnniversary to the love of my life, tomorrow is your day! The best gift you could ever give someone is yourself. Happy anniversary. You can’t keep the sparkle in your eyes forever. Happy anniversary, my love. The greatest gift you can give someone is the knowledge that they are loved. Happy #WeddingAnniversary to my best friend The greatest gift you can give yourself, or another couple, is the gift of time. Appreciate the good, plan the better and expect the best. It is no small thing to love someone unconditionally. It takes a lifetime of love and patience to not just put up with each other, but to also enjoy each other’s company. Love is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. Your love is like a rich and creamy milkshake, tasty and filling, but now that you’re older, it’s filled with vitamins and minerals. Happy #Wedding Anniversary to the most beautiful couple ever! Happy wedding anniverary! The love you share is the greatest gift of all. It’s not how long you’ve been married, but the love you’ve shared that makes it truly remarkable. Let’s celebrate our nine years together. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we always got through it together. It’s been a long road but you’ve made it. Happy Anniversary! #HappyAnniversary We are not defined by our age. We are defined by how we choose to celebrate it. Happy Anniversary A couple’s love is like a wild thing—it needs to be gently tamed. Your love is like a good piece of chocolate, it makes you feel special every time. Happy #Anniversary to us! I want to be the one who holds your hand through everything, even if we get hurt. Happy anniversary! Old age won’t be old if a bit of your soul is in it everyday. Remembering the first time you said “I love you” is not romantic, but making it a habit is. We’ve been married for nineteen years. I’ve looked at my wife’s beautiful face every day for the last 19 years. The only thing that’s changed is me! You and me, together forever. Happy 89th Wedding Anniversary! There’s a time to say I do, but there’s also a time to hold onto your love forever. Happy #89thAnniversary! I will forever be your biggest fan. Happy #89thAnniversary Couples! Happiness is a shared experience. Happy Anniversary to you both! The best way to show your love is with a cake and candles. We’ve been together for a long time, but it feels like just yesterday we met. Happy Anniversary to the love of my life! You can look back on the journey and have a great time with loved ones, but you have to look forward to see what comes next! Celebrate your marriage today. Thanks for being my partner in crime. I love you more than you know. Happy Anniversary! When life gets hard, the only thing you can ask for is each other. I’ll always love you and I thought it was just me forever. Happy anniversary my love. Life is a long series of lovely moments. Celebrate today, tomorrow will take care of itself. The kind of love that can overcome anything, the kind of love that makes you want to set the whole world on fire. The true measure of a relationship is not how many times you’ve been together, but the number of times you’ve been apart. – F. Scott Fitzgerald The best way to describe your relationship is the way three people speaking different languages can understand each other: imperfectly, but perfectly. Life has no meaning, only those who dream of making it do so. Life is a journey. It starts with you, so make it count. You’ve been partners all along, congratulations on your 89th anniversary. Happy anniversary to the couple who has done more than most. Every day, we are bound closer together by the love that has grown between us. Happy Anniversary! “A marriage is not a wedding, its a life together.” -Anthony Kiedis If you are married, it’s not just a date in your calendar. It’s a milestone that must be celebrated with your heart and soul. You are my life, my dreams & my love. I am grateful to have you as my wife. Happy Anniversary! This is the perfect time to honor your love; a time to show them how much they mean to you and what they’ve brought into your life. The best kind of anniversary is the one where you can’t stop smiling and laughing, like this weekend. Happy #9thAnniversary to my hubby and me! It’s always a good time to get married. It just takes them longer to get there than it used to It is always a great day when you and your partner share the same values, beliefs and dreams as well as having fun together. If you are in love, you will never be alone. Your heart will always be surrounded by a million hand-holding hearts that want to hold yours. True love isn’t blind. It sees more. It sees the best. The worst. And in the end, it is willing to take that risk with you, for better or for worse.” – Cyd Charisse My heart is yours, my life is in your hands. Congratulations on your 89th wedding anniversary. A marriage is a choice made daily and shared with a lifetime. Life is a gift. Cherish every minute with your loved ones and don’t forget to smile on the way. Happy anniversary! The most beautiful wedding anniversary is not the one that is photoshopped but the ones that are lived together, loved and laughed through. The best way to honor the past is to create an even better future. Happy Anniversary! In life and in love, there are no endings. There are only new beginnings—with you. Happy birthday. Happy anniversary to the two of us. We were born in October, sharing every milestone. Happy Anniversary! Don’t try to figure out what love is. Just be a part of it. The way of love is not altogether a matter of choice, but rather one of discovering what we truly want. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Love is like a boombox. The louder you play it, the better the music sounds, but if you don’t turn it up loud enough, it can end up being really quiet. You can take the boy out of small town…but you can never take the small town out of the boy.
Aldactone: A Diuretic Medication for Fluid Retention and High Blood Pressure Aldactone is a diuretic medication that is primarily used to treat fluid retention, also known as edema, and high blood pressure. It works by blocking the action of a hormone called aldosterone, which is responsible for regulating the balance of salt and water in the body. By inhibiting aldosterone, Aldactone helps the body excrete excess fluid and salt, leading to a reduction in blood pressure and relief from symptoms of edema. If you are experiencing fluid retention or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, your healthcare professional may prescribe Aldactone to help manage your condition. It is important to note that Aldactone is a prescription medication and should only be taken under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Commonly marketed under the generic name spironolactone, Aldactone is available in tablet form and is typically taken orally. The dosage prescribed will depend on your specific medical condition and needs, as determined by your healthcare professional. It is worth noting that Aldactone is not typically used as a first-line treatment for high blood pressure and is more commonly prescribed for cases of resistant hypertension or when additional kidney protection is needed. Your healthcare professional will assess your condition and determine if Aldactone is the appropriate medication for you. In addition to its use as a diuretic, Aldactone is also sometimes prescribed for other conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and acne in women. However, these uses are less common and outside the scope of this article. When taking Aldactone, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions provided by your healthcare professional. Like any medication, Aldactone may cause side effects, and it is crucial to be aware of these potential adverse reactions. Common side effects may include dizziness, headache, stomach upset, and increased urination. If you experience any unusual or severe side effects, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. If you have any concerns or questions about using Aldactone, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance specific to your needs and ensure that Aldactone is safe and appropriate for you. - Mayo Clinic – Spironolactone (Oral Route) - National Center for Biotechnology Information – Aldosterone Antagonism With Spironolactone: A Survey of Canadian Family Physicians’ Blood Pressure Medication Available Over the Counter While Aldactone is a prescription medication, there are blood pressure medications available over the counter. These medications are typically milder and often include ingredients such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or caffeine. Over-the-counter blood pressure medications are typically used for mild cases of hypertension and may not be suitable for everyone. According to a study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, it was found that over-the-counter blood pressure medications can be effective in reducing blood pressure in certain individuals. The study revealed that using over-the-counter options can be a cost-effective and easily accessible option for managing mild hypertension. When considering using over-the-counter blood pressure medications, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance on whether these medications are safe and appropriate for your specific needs. Additionally, a healthcare professional can help determine if other lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, may be more suitable for managing your blood pressure. Cautions and Precautions for Using Over-the-Counter Blood Pressure Medications While over-the-counter blood pressure medications can be helpful, it is necessary to take certain precautions and be aware of potential side effects. Some key considerations include: - Check the active ingredients: Different over-the-counter medications may contain different active ingredients, so it is important to read the labels and ensure you are not allergic to any of the components. - Follow the recommended dosage: It is crucial to adhere to the recommended dosage instructions provided on the packaging or as advised by a healthcare professional. Taking more than the recommended dosage can be harmful. - Monitor for side effects: Pay attention to any potential side effects that may arise, such as dizziness, nausea, or stomach upset. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional. - Interactions with other medications: Over-the-counter blood pressure medications may interact with other medications you are taking. It is important to disclose all medications you are currently using to your healthcare professional to ensure there are no potential drug interactions. It is worth noting that even though over-the-counter blood pressure medications can be effective for managing mild hypertension, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Regular blood pressure monitoring and consultations with a healthcare professional are key to ensure your blood pressure is properly managed. Absolute and relative contraindications of Aldactone Aldactone has certain absolute and relative contraindications that need to be taken into consideration before using the medication: - Hypersensitivity to Aldactone: If you have a known hypersensitivity or allergy to Aldactone or any of its components, you should not take this medication. Allergic reactions can range from mild skin rashes to severe anaphylactic reactions and can be life-threatening. - Severe Kidney Disease: Aldactone should be avoided in patients with severe kidney disease. The drug is primarily eliminated from the body through the kidneys, and impaired kidney function can lead to the accumulation of the medication, resulting in potential toxicity. - Severe Liver Disease: Patients with severe liver disease should also avoid using Aldactone. As the liver is responsible for metabolizing drugs, impaired liver function can affect the metabolism and elimination of the medication, leading to potential adverse effects. - Hyperkalemia: Hyperkalemia refers to high levels of potassium in the blood. Aldactone can increase potassium levels, and therefore should be avoided in patients who already have high potassium levels. Excess potassium can lead to serious cardiac complications and should be closely monitored in individuals using Aldactone. Note: Absolute contraindications are conditions or situations where the use of a medication is strictly prohibited due to the potential for severe adverse effects. Relative contraindications are conditions that may increase the risk of adverse effects but may still allow for the use of the medication under careful monitoring and supervision: - Diabetes: Aldactone can increase blood sugar levels and may affect glycemic control in patients with diabetes. Close monitoring of blood sugar levels is essential in individuals with diabetes who are using Aldactone. - Cardiovascular Disease: Aldactone may affect blood pressure and heart functioning. Patients with preexisting cardiovascular conditions such as heart failure or arrhythmias should be closely monitored while using this medication. - Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Aldactone should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is limited data on the safety of Aldactone during pregnancy, and it may pass into breast milk. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding before using this medication. - Electrolyte Imbalance: Aldactone can affect electrolyte balance in the body. Individuals with preexisting electrolyte imbalances, such as low sodium levels or low magnesium levels, should be closely monitored while using this medication. Note: Relative contraindications are conditions that may require extra caution and monitoring when using a medication but do not necessarily prohibit its use. It is important to discuss your medical history, including any preexisting conditions or medications you are currently taking, with your healthcare professional before using Aldactone. They will be able to determine if the medication is safe and appropriate for your specific needs, weighing the potential benefits against the potential risks. 4. Dosage and side effects of Aldactone – The recommended starting dosage for Aldactone is typically 25-100mg per day. – The dosage may be increased gradually based on the individual’s response to the medication. – The maximum recommended daily dose is usually 400mg. – It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare professional. – Like any medication, Aldactone can cause side effects. Common side effects include: – Breast swelling/tenderness in men or women – Irregular menstrual periods in women – In rare cases, more serious side effects may occur. If you experience any of the following, seek medical attention immediately: – Severe dizziness or fainting – Rapid or irregular heartbeat – Severe stomach pain or vomiting – Signs of allergic reaction (rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing) – It is important to note that this is not a complete list of side effects. Consult with your healthcare professional for a comprehensive understanding of potential side effects. Warnings and precautions: – Before starting Aldactone, inform your healthcare professional about any pre-existing medical conditions, including: – Kidney disease – Liver disease – High potassium levels – Electrolyte imbalance – Aldactone may interact with other medications, such as certain blood pressure medications, diuretics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Inform your healthcare professional about all the medications you are taking. – Use of Aldactone during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be discussed with a healthcare professional. – Regular monitoring of blood pressure and kidney function may be necessary while taking Aldactone. – It is important to take Aldactone exactly as prescribed and not to stop or change the dosage without consulting your healthcare professional. – According to a study published in the Journal of Hypertension, Aldactone’s effectiveness in treating hypertension was compared to other diuretic medications. The study found that Aldactone was effective in reducing blood pressure levels in patients with hypertension. – Another survey conducted by the American Heart Association found that Aldactone, when used in combination with other antihypertensive medications, had a significant impact on reducing blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension. – A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that Aldactone was beneficial in the treatment of hormonal acne in women. The study reported a significant reduction in acne lesions after treatment with Aldactone. – For more detailed information about Aldactone’s dosage, side effects, and warnings, refer to the official prescribing information provided by the pharmaceutical company. – Medical professionals may refer to resources such as the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus for comprehensive information on Aldactone. – The Mayo Clinic’s website provides reliable information about the uses, side effects, and precautions associated with Aldactone. – Consult your healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance regarding the use of Aldactone. 5. Possible side effects of Aldactone Aldactone, like any medication, can have certain side effects. While not everyone experiences side effects, some common ones that may occur include: - Increased urination - Changes in menstrual periods or breast pain (in women) - Drowsiness or dizziness - Nausea or vomiting - Stomach cramps or diarrhea - Leg cramps - Impotence or decreased libido (in men) These side effects are usually mild and temporary. However, if they persist or become bothersome, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. In rare cases, Aldactone can cause more serious side effects that require immediate medical attention. These include: - Allergic reactions such as rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or difficulty breathing - Severe weakness or tiredness - Muscle pain or cramps - Irregular heartbeat - Mental/mood changes such as confusion or depression - Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet - Unusual bleeding or bruising If you experience any of these serious side effects, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. It’s worth noting that this list of side effects is not exhaustive. Some individuals may experience side effects that are not listed here. If you have any concerns or questions about the side effects of Aldactone, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist. It is also important to provide your healthcare professional with a complete list of all the medications you are currently taking, as Aldactone may interact with other drugs. This includes over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins. Additionally, it’s important to mention that the frequency and severity of side effects can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience mild side effects, while others may not experience any at all. Lastly, if you are considering taking Aldactone, it is essential to weigh the potential benefits against the possible risks and side effects. This decision should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific medical history and condition. Aldactone: A Diuretic Medication for Fluid Retention and High Blood Pressure Aldactone is a diuretic medication primarily used to treat fluid retention and high blood pressure. It works by blocking the action of a hormone called aldosterone, which regulates the balance of salt and water in the body. By doing so, Aldactone helps the body excrete excess fluid and salt, which can reduce blood pressure and relieve symptoms of edema. 6. The Importance of Consultation Before Using Medications When considering the use of any medication, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning treatment. This is especially true for prescription medications like Aldactone, which require medical supervision. A healthcare professional can evaluate your medical history, perform necessary tests, and provide guidance on whether Aldactone is suitable for your specific needs. They will assess potential risks and contraindications based on individual health factors, ensuring the medication is safe and effective for you. While there are over-the-counter blood pressure medications available, they are typically milder and may not be suitable for everyone. These medications often include ingredients such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or caffeine. However, they are generally used for mild cases of hypertension. Using over-the-counter blood pressure medications without professional guidance can be risky, as it may not address underlying health conditions or individual needs. A healthcare professional can provide personalized advice and recommend appropriate treatments based on your specific situation. By consulting with a healthcare professional, individuals can ensure their treatment plan is tailored to their unique needs and minimize the risk of adverse effects or ineffective treatment. Regular check-ups and monitoring are also important aspects of managing blood pressure and fluid retention conditions. Remember, self-medication without proper consultation can lead to potential health risks and complications. Always rely on the expertise of healthcare professionals to guide you through medication decisions and treatment plans. 7. Side effects and precautions of Aldactone Side effects of Aldactone Like any medication, Aldactone can cause side effects. Common side effects include: - Stomach pain - Changes in appetite These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own as your body adjusts to the medication. However, if they persist or become more severe, it is important to consult your healthcare provider. Precautions and warnings Before taking Aldactone, it is important to inform your healthcare provider of any existing medical conditions or allergies you may have. Additionally, certain precautions need to be taken while using Aldactone: Pregnancy and breastfeeding Aldactone should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as it may harm the unborn baby or pass into breast milk. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding, discuss with your healthcare provider about safer alternatives for managing your condition. Aldactone can increase the levels of potassium in your blood. If you have kidney problems or are at risk of developing hyperkalemia (high levels of potassium in the blood), your healthcare provider may monitor your potassium levels regularly while you are taking Aldactone. Interactions with other medications Aldactone may interact with other medications you are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It is important to inform your healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, and herbal products you are currently using to avoid any potential drug interactions. Aldactone can cause an imbalance of electrolytes in your body, such as sodium and potassium. This can lead to symptoms such as muscle cramps, weakness, or irregular heartbeat. It is important to report any unusual symptoms to your healthcare provider. Monitoring and dosage adjustments Your healthcare provider may need to monitor your blood pressure, kidney function, and electrolyte levels while you are taking Aldactone. Dosage adjustments may be necessary based on your individual response to the medication and any changes in your medical condition. It is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and report any side effects or concerns while using Aldactone. Do not stop taking the medication without consulting your healthcare provider. Posted by Dr. Himanshu Singh
Norse Tattoo: Meanings Designs and Ideas With rich mythology, evocative symbols, and a fascinating history, Norse tattoos offer a unique way to display your personality, beliefs, or heritage. Tattoos have been a part of human culture for thousands of years, from ancient tribal marks to modern symbols of self-expression. One fascinating tradition that continues to captivate tattoo enthusiasts worldwide stems from the Norse culture. Let's explore the world of Norse tattoos in detail. Norse Tattoo Meaning At the core, Norse tattoos are steeped in the ancient culture of the Vikings and their mythology. They were a warrior society that believed in the power of symbols and runes, often seen on their jewelry, and other artifacts. The tattoos are representations of these powerful symbols, each carrying its unique meaning, often connected to protection, strength, wisdom, or connection to nature and the gods. Norse Mythology Tattoos Norse mythology is a rich tapestry of gods, monsters, heroes, and complex cosmological concepts. Tattoos based on this mythology may feature iconic characters such as Odin, Thor, Loki, or the World Serpent, Jörmungandr. These symbols offer a unique way to embody the power, wisdom, cunning, or raw elemental force associated with these characters. Norse Raven Tattoo In Norse mythology, Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory) are the two ravens of Odin, symbolizing his wisdom and knowledge. A Norse raven tattoo, thus, represents wisdom, intellect, and a connection to the divine. Norse Tattoo Sleeve A Norse tattoo sleeve is a grand canvas for storytelling. It might weave together elements from different Norse myths, or depict a single epic tale such as Ragnarök, the fabled end of the world. Combining various symbols like runes, gods, and mythological creatures, these sleeves are vibrant depictions of the rich Norse culture. Berserker Norse Tattoos Berserkers were fierce Viking warriors who were said to fight in a trance-like fury. Tattoos featuring the Berserkers often depict a bear or a wolf, symbolizing raw power, ferocity, and a fearless approach to life's battles. Norse Rune Tattoo Runes were the written language of the Vikings and are believed to hold magical properties. Each rune is a symbol with a specific meaning, making them perfect for tattoos. For example, Algiz (protection), Fehu (prosperity), or Gebo (gift, generosity) are common choices for rune tattoos. Norse Compass Tattoo The Vegvísir, or Norse compass, is a symbol that was said to guide its bearer through storms and unfamiliar paths. As a tattoo, it symbolizes guidance, protection, and the ability to navigate life's challenges. Norse Pagan Tattoos These tattoos feature symbols related to Norse paganism, like the Triquetra (representing the interconnection of earth, sea, and sky) or the Irminsul (symbolizing Yggdrasil, the world tree). They are often seen as symbols of nature, harmony, and the cycle of life. Norse God Tattoos Norse God tattoos are powerful symbols of the divine forces revered in Norse culture. Odin, the Allfather, Thor, the God of Thunder, or Freya, the Goddess of Love and War, are popular choices for these tattoos. Each deity embodies a particular aspect of life and existence, making their symbols deeply personal tattoos. Norse Hand Tattoos Hand tattoos are a bold statement and can carry a range of Norse symbols. From a simple rune for protection or strength, to intricate depictions of Norse gods or mythological creatures, hand tattoos can be both discreet and potent. Norse Valkyrie Tattoo Valkyries, the chooser of the slain, are strong female figures in Norse mythology. A Valkyrie tattoo often represents bravery, duty, and a connection to the divine. Norse Wolf Tattoo The wolf is a central figure in Norse mythology, most notably Fenrir, the monstrous wolf prophesied to devour Odin during Ragnarök. A Norse wolf tattoo can symbolize strength, freedom, and the courage to face one's destiny. Odin Norse Raven Tattoos In Norse mythology, Odin's ravens, Huginn and Muninn, served as his eyes and ears in the world. Tattoos featuring Odin and his ravens symbolize the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge. Norse Viking Tattoos Norse Viking tattoos often depict scenes from Viking life or symbols that were important to this seafaring warrior culture. This could include longships, axes, or the Viking helmet, symbols of exploration, strength, and courage. Old Norse Tattoo Old Norse tattoos pay homage to the earliest forms of Norse art and symbolism. These designs often incorporate traditional Norse knotwork, animals, or Viking ships, offering a timeless connection to this ancient culture. Traditional Norse Tattoos Traditional Norse tattoos stick closely to the historical record, using designs and symbols found on Viking artifacts. These might include symbols like the Valknut, the Triple Horn of Odin, or intricate knotwork designs. Norse Dragon Tattoo The dragon, or serpent, is a common figure in Norse mythology, representing chaos and destruction but also wisdom and longevity. The most famous is Jörmungandr, the World Serpent. A Norse dragon tattoo could represent a personal struggle or the inevitable cycle of creation and destruction in life. Norse Fenrir Tattoo Fenrir, the monstrous wolf, symbolizes raw, untamed power. As a tattoo, Fenrir represents strength, fearlessness, and the courage to face even the most daunting challenges. Norse Forearm Tattoo Forearm tattoos are an excellent location for Norse symbols or runes. They can be easily displayed or hidden, and the forearm's length makes it ideal for vertical designs like Yggdrasil, the Norse Tree of Life, or a row of powerful runes. Norse Tree of Life Tattoo The Yggdrasil, or the Tree of Life, connects the nine realms of the Norse cosmos. As a tattoo, it symbolizes interconnectedness, growth, and the cyclical nature of life. Norse Tribal Tattoos Norse tribal tattoos often take inspiration from traditional Norse art, including the intricate knotwork, animal motifs, and stylized nature themes. These designs are a unique blend of the tribal tattoo aesthetic with the rich symbolism of the Norse culture. Norse Yggdrasil Tattoo The Yggdrasil, the immense ash tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse mythology, is a popular motif for Norse tattoos. A Yggdrasil tattoo symbolizes interconnectedness, the cycle of life, and rebirth, and the vastness of the cosmos. Simple Norse Raven Tattoo Even a simple Norse raven tattoo can carry profound meaning. Whether it's a single raven to represent thought, memory, or wisdom, or two ravens to embody Odin's connection to these qualities, such tattoos can be both minimalistic and deeply meaningful. Fenrir Norse Wolf Tattoo A Fenrir Norse Wolf Tattoo symbolizes raw power, ferocity, and the courage to face one's destiny. Whether Fenrir is depicted in full, monstrous form, or as a stylized wolf, this tattoo carries a potent message of courage and determination. Norse Back Tattoo The back provides a large canvas for a Norse tattoo, allowing for intricate designs and storytelling. From a majestic Yggdrasil spanning the whole back to a detailed depiction of a Norse battle, the possibilities are vast. Norse Head Tattoos Norse head tattoos are a daring choice, often featuring powerful symbols like runes, Viking warrior symbols, or images of Norse gods. This is a bold way to express one's commitment to the Viking spirit. Norse Viking Finger Tattoos Norse finger tattoos often feature runes, small symbols, or thin knotwork bands. Despite their small size, they carry significant meaning and offer a subtle yet powerful nod to Norse culture. Norse Warrior Tattoo A Norse warrior tattoo can symbolize courage, resilience, and strength. Whether it's a lone Viking, a Berserker, or a god like Thor or Odin, these tattoos speak of valor and indomitable spirit. Norse Arm Tattoo Norse arm tattoos are versatile, encompassing everything from full sleeves depicting Norse sagas to smaller, powerful symbols. They're a popular choice for those wanting to proudly display their Norse-themed ink. Norse Bear Tattoo Bears were highly respected in Norse culture, representing strength and bravery. A Norse bear tattoo can symbolize these qualities and might even depict a Berserker in his bear-skin attire. Norse Chest Tattoo Norse chest tattoos provide a large, flat surface to work with, perfect for larger designs like the Yggdrasil, Valknut, or a powerful depiction of a Norse deity or hero. Norse Face Tattoos Norse face tattoos are a bold statement of one's connection to Norse culture. They often feature tribal elements, runes, or small Norse symbols. Small Norse Tattoos Small Norse tattoos can carry just as much meaning as larger pieces. These often feature a simple rune, a small symbol like Mjölnir (Thor's hammer), or a minimalist design of a raven or wolf. Female Traditional Norse Tattoos Female traditional Norse tattoos often feature goddesses like Freya or symbols associated with femininity and strength in Norse culture. Valkyrie, disir (protective spirits), or symbols like the triquetra are popular choices. Norse Armband Tattoo Armband tattoos can incorporate Norse knotwork, runes, or stylized depictions of animals like the raven or wolf. They symbolize unity, protection, and a connection to the Norse heritage. Norse Freya Tattoo Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, and war, is a powerful figure in Norse mythology. A Freya tattoo can symbolize femininity, beauty, strength, and duality. Norse Knotwork Tattoo Norse knotwork designs are intricate and symbolize the interconnectedness of life and the cosmos. These tattoos often incorporate animal designs or other symbolic Norse elements. Norse Shoulder Tattoos Norse shoulder tattoos offer an intriguing way to showcase the striking aesthetics of Norse mythology, and their location on the body allows for both public display and private concealment. From the detailed depiction of a Norse god to intricate knotwork patterns, shoulder tattoos are often visually compelling and rich in symbolism. Norse Viking Skull Tattoo In the Viking culture, a Norse Viking skull tattoo may also stand for the warrior spirit and the cycle of life, fatality, and rebirth in addition to the common meaning of tragedy. Norse Baldur Tattoos Baldur, the Norse god of light, joy, purity, and beauty, is a popular figure for Norse tattoos. Baldur tattoos often symbolize innocence, joy, and the tragic beauty of life. Norse Loki Tattoo Loki, the trickster god, symbolizes mischief, change, and chaos. A Loki tattoo can represent an embrace of unpredictability, change, and even the occasional need for a little mischief in life. Norse World Serpent Tattoo The World Serpent, Jörmungandr, encircles Midgard (the world of humans) in Norse mythology. A tattoo of this creature represents the cyclical nature of life and the cosmos, and the inevitable chaos that comes with existence. Cool Norse Tattoos Cool Norse tattoos are typically a blend of traditional Norse symbolism with modern tattoo styles. This can result in incredibly creative designs, from a stylized Thor's hammer to a Norse compass combined with an abstract geometric design. Norse Axe Tattoo In Viking culture, the axe was s useful tool. As a tattoo, it can symbolize utility, strength, and the determination of the warrior spirit. Norse Crow Tattoo In Norse mythology, the crow often represents Odin's ravens, Huginn and Muninn. A crow tattoo can symbolize wisdom, knowledge, and the search for enlightenment. Norse Half Sleeve Tattoos Half sleeve tattoos are an excellent way to display a detailed scene from Norse mythology or a combination of Norse symbols and runes. They offer a balance between commitment to a larger piece and the flexibility of less coverage than a full sleeve. Norse Leg Tattoos The leg, like the arm, provides a vertical canvas ideal for depicting the Norse Tree of Life, a series of interconnected runes, or the elongated form of the World Serpent. Norse leg tattoos can range from simple to complex, always carrying with them a touch of the ancient Viking spirit. In conclusion, each Norse tattoo carries a unique story, a piece of ancient mythology, or a symbol of personal strength, guidance, and protection. Whether it's an elaborate sleeve, a minimalist finger tattoo, or a powerful depiction of a god on the chest, the mystique and depth of Norse symbolism offer a vast realm of possibilities for unique, meaningful body art. If you're looking to explore the world of tattoos without the permanence, our range of real looking temporary tattoos is the perfect solution. Fake temporary tattoos offer the flexibility and fun of trying out different designs to match your mood or style. Norse Tattoo FAQ 1. Are Norse tattoos disrespectful? No, Norse tattoos are generally not seen as disrespectful. However, it's important to understand the meaning behind the symbols you're getting and to approach this ancient culture with respect and understanding. 2. What is the most popular Norse tattoo? The Vegvísir, often referred to as the Norse compass, and the Helm of Awe are among the most popular Norse tattoos. The Yggdrasil (Tree of Life) and runes are also frequently chosen. 3. Can Norse tattoos protect you? While many of the symbols in Norse tattoos were used historically for protection or good luck, tattoos in the modern age are typically seen as a form of self-expression or a way to honor one's heritage. The perceived protection they provide is generally symbolic or personal. 4. What do Viking tattoos mean? Viking tattoos often represent strength, courage, wisdom, protection, or connection to nature, depending on the specific symbols used. For example, a Viking warrior may symbolize bravery and strength, while the Vegvísir represents guidance and not losing one's way. 5. How to choose a Norse tattoo? Start by researching the rich mythology and symbolism of the Norse culture. Consider what aspects resonate with you the most – is it a particular god or goddess, a symbol like a rune or knotwork, or a mythological creature? Consult with your tattoo artist to create a design that not only represents your chosen symbol but also works well with your body's shape and your aesthetic preferences. 6. What do different Norse runes mean? Each rune in the Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabets used by Norse and Germanic peoples, has a unique meaning. For instance, 'Algiz' is a rune of protection and awakening, 'Tiwaz' represents honor and justice, and 'Ehwaz' symbolizes partnership and trust. 7. Is it okay to get a Norse god tattoo? Yes, it's generally considered okay to get a tattoo of a Norse god. However, as with any tattoo, it's important to understand what the deity represents and to ensure the design is respectful to the culture from which it originates. 8. Are there any gender-specific Norse tattoos? Norse tattoos are generally not gender-specific. Both men and women can get any Norse tattoo they feel resonates with them. There are goddesses as well as gods in Norse mythology, and symbols like runes or the Yggdrasil are not gender-specific. 9. What is a berserker Norse tattoo? A berserker was a type of Norse warrior who fought in an almost uncontrollable, trance-like fury. A berserker Norse tattoo typically represents this fierce warrior, often portrayed amidst battle, and symbolizes fearlessness, strength, and ferocity. 10. Can I design my own Norse tattoo? Absolutely! Many people choose to design their own Norse tattoos, combining different elements of Norse symbolism that are personally meaningful. However, it's important to consult with a knowledgeable tattoo artist to ensure the design will work well as a tattoo and is historically and culturally accurate.
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Most often, new discoveries and new learning come when one is open to serendipity, when one welcomes novelties and anomalies, and then tries to incorporate those outlying results into the broader field of knowledge. As Isaac Asimov said, ‘The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That's funny”’ (Brown 2009). Ideas in the academy are another victim of the logic of arbitrary scarcity. They are also collateral damage in the proximity to the neoliberal, start-up economy. The academy should be an idea hot-house, instead we have an idea desert. The cultural shift to open science will be final when ideas flow across the globe like pinot at a faculty party. Like talk, ideas are cheap. How many research ideas do you have in an hour? In a day? In a week? Probably enough that you really wouldn’t take time to even jot them down. There are the ideas that seek to connect your current work to new hypotheses. Ideas about alternative methods, or new data sources. So many ideas crowd into your thoughts: Ideas you have while listening to a seminar talk outside your field, where you are curious how something you know might be of use or interest; Ideas on where your discipline is headed, and those large-scale issues that might drive agency agendas; Ideas that pop up when you read that new journal article (any article that does not give you new ideas is a waste of your time); Ideas about what your graduate students might want to pursue to start their own infinite play in science; Ideas you put into that NSF proposal you submitted last month; Ideas…. Well; you get the idea… Face it: your professional life is brimming with ideas; that’s pretty much the point. And yes, you don’t want or need to share them all. Over time, you will get better at triaging the insights that occur to you. Ideas are the starting line for infinite play (See: Learning infinite science play). There are about ten million science researchers on the planet. Each of you wakes up to a new day filled with new ideas. Almost all of you keep most of your ideas in your head until they are forgotten, replaced with other ideas, similarly forgotten, and a couple insights, carefully hidden in a notebook or on a laptop. We live in a world where there is no lack of abundance of good ideas in science. We also live in a world with a global internet. Why not connect these two? That’s an idea. Note: thoughts are not ideas. Thoughts are just thoughts; you have a steady stream of these, most of which you would not share without first being injected with Sodium thiopental. Also, nobody wants to hear your thoughts. 1.) Even though that idea you just had while brushing your teeth might seem unremarkable to your own work and aims, the only way for this to engage the adjacent possible of someone else’s research is for you to share it. Some time in the near future, you will be able to pick up your phone and speak your idea into an online service that can push this into a global science conversation. Then you can rinse the toothpaste from your mouth. “(W)e can be sure that accidents will continue to happen and, with human minds better prepared than ever before, we can expect these accidents to be turned into discoveries, marvelous beyond our imagination, through serendipity” (Roberts 1989). Great ideas can happen any time, anywhere. And none of them were recognized as “great” at the time. Histories of science record numerous events where ideas that informed major scientific breakthroughs began as simple thoughts that occurred on buses, in showers, while walking or waking, and, most regularly, during informal conversations away from the laboratory (See: Copeland 2019; Roberts 1989). Discoveries made by mistake are commonly referred to as occasions of scientific serendipity: looking for X in the lab, and finding Y instead. “Serendipity is built out of happy accidents, to be sure, but what makes them happy is the fact that the discovery you’ve made is meaningful to you. It completes a hunch, or opens up a door in the adjacent possible that you had overlooked” (Johnson 2011). Yaqub (2018) outlines several different types of scientific serendipity that your next idea might trigger. 2.) Almost all of ideas you produce throughout the day, you dismiss as worthless. The few you write down to remember you cherish as diamonds. And yet, while the former are of little value to you at this moment, many of the ideas you have might be insights of some significance to another scholar. These ideas are products of your own genius, created without effort, because of the enormous effort you’ve already made through your learning. Don’t get proud here, there are millions of researchers with similar talents, each one focussed on their own research problems. Each one’s personal variety of sagacity makes their ideas different; and this difference is the key to the new information they hold for others. What about those ideas you cherish? Those precious nuggets you hoard like Smaug in his cave? Give them away. It’s a practice of the open-science Demand Sharing economy. You let others have what is most valuable to you. This generosity encourages them to do likewise. When the smartest person in the room is the room, filling this room with the best ideas opens up floodgates to creativity and innovation. The more precious your ideas are to you, the more likely others will find them of value to borrow and reuse. When you add these to the conversation, you are also announcing your authorship of them. They are your gift to the academy that supports your own research. Others might add new insights to your idea enlarging and expanding its value. Only it’s not yours any more, it’s a part of an idea commons. And don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of new ideas to give away. 3.) Your idea needs friends to get great. An idea on its own in your head is like a seed in a seed packet. It needs ground to grow, it needs to join into conversations. Until now, these conversations happened in your lab or at a workshop. “(M)ost important ideas emerged during regular lab meetings, where a dozen or so researchers would gather and informally present and discuss their latest work…. the ground zero of innovation was not the microscope. It was the conference table” (Johnson 2011). Today, those conversations can and, perhaps, must happen at a much larger, online, table (See: Science happens elsewhere). 1. You think it’s a self-defeating move to openly share your ideas. However, you already can share almost all your important ideas with a win-win outcome; and, 2. Funding agencies are the least efficient organizations when it comes to gathering important ideas. That RFI you just filled out is a good example. 3. Idea farming is a fringe notion, you think. It turns out that hundreds of corporations and public government organizations are actively doing this right now. These misconceptions will also change when a culture of demand-sharing open-science is implemented across the academy. Let’s explore further. Right now, today, a lot of the ideas you have that are somewhat relevant to your work, you would share if this were easy enough to do. You have any number of potential solutions for a wide range of issues in your area of research; solutions you have no intention of pursuing, but would really like to have solved, by someone, and today, if possible. For you, these are anti-rivalrous ideas. You don’t mind if someone else, or anyone else, takes them to work on. Guess what, your idea might be a catalyst for someone else’s research; just the idea that leads them to a breakthrough that will make your work easier tomorrow. If there were an idea farm on the web, you could certainly spend ten minutes a day contributing smart ideas for others to work on. At the same time, you can lard the idea farm with questions you need answers to, and pull these from the mix when they show up. The small remainder of your ideas are those you and your team might want to propose to accomplish, given funding. So you tuck these away. And even when your research proposal is being evaluated, you worry that someone in that process will grab them for their own proposal (after down-grading your proposal); such is the state of the academy today. Open science sharing would allow you to give away all your ideas, and still get recognition for them. The problem isn’t greed, it’s the culture of the academy that needs to change. Every so often a funding agency/foundation asks for feedback: they want your ideas about priorities for the discipline’s future research. Ideally they would get a vast range of information from the thousands of scientists on their mailing lists. But realistically, they only get granules of ideas that are linked tightly to the goals of the teams/labs that will be angling for funding. “What should we focus on?” they ask. “Me,” you answer. Not so directly, but by the content you supply. Idea-gathering by funders is perhaps the least effective way to assemble knowledge about science. One major private foundation recently discovered, when it opened up an idea-farming platform to gather ideas that almost every idea came with a request for funding. This is not the fault of the researchers. They have five-hundred words to say what it most important for their discipline. What is most important for their discipline, in their perspective, is to support an arena of research in which the researcher has already invested. What if every day, say at the end of the work day, or after a beer, or in the morning after that mug of coffee, each scientist on the planet hopped online and added one idea to the global idea-farm platform (with some tags to help discovery)? What if ten-percent of them decided to add lots of ideas every month (the power-law curve suggests this is inevitable)? After a single year, there would be more than three billion ideas on the platform. Lots of overlap and similarities, but a whole lot of variety and difference too; coming from the minds of people who woke up in a hundred different nations. Each idea is time-stamped, with a permanent ID, and linked to its author. Every entry takes a minute or two to accomplish. A phone app lets you talk your idea into the mix. Want to add a crazy good idea, or worried an idea might seem naive? Use your personal alias. Want to add a comment or a question to someone else’s idea? Go ahead. Feeling paranoid? Lock your proposal insight into an embargoed, timestamped vault on the platform. Open this later. Then try to be less paranoid. Demand sharing means giving what is most valuable to you to the academy. This is a value and a norm for open science. Open science initiatives are building open platforms for a variety of internet services. The platform for open idea farming may not be here now, but can be built with a bit of funding and the right home. Link a billion ideas to a million scientists across the planet, and you can find the select few of them who happen to be considering precisely the same problematic you are puzzling through today. Then you can build collaboratives to explore these together. Thinking of writing a grant proposal? Mine the combined idea farm of the planet to make your proposal ideas better and more up-to-date; and then share these new ideas online (you can embargo them if you are worried). Your graduate students will be looking to see where their ideas are shared elsewhere, and how they can push their own infinite play into new ground. You can mine the platform to sharpen your paper or your poster. What better way to learn new things when you’ve already finished school, than to access the ideas of your peers? Network effects not only apply to people, but also to ideas. Put a lot of ideas into a shared, networked (databased, searchable, with discovery tools) environment, and innovation will blossom. This environment will become a place where, as Matt Ridley says, “ideas go to have sex.” What if one of your ideas (you had this in the shower, and spoke it into your phone app over coffee) were picked up by a lab in another county, on another continent, and used to create a new theory that rocked your discipline; and in the paper that announced this theory, your idea was cited as a key element? How rewarding would that be? How many times might this happen across the planet in an open-innovation environment? And what if you searched the platform and found an idea from an early-career scientist in Sri Lanka that gave you a new insight into your current work, so you cited them in your next paper. How great for them. There is a whole lot of “elsewhere” out there in the global Republic of Science. You need to be in touch will all these elsewhere ideas and with the people thinking them who also share your disciplinary/theoretical neighborhood. As Shirky noted, “We also have to account for opportunity, ways of actually taking advantage of our ability to participate in concert where we previously consumed alone” (2010). You need to become an ImagiNative; open to new modes of collective knowing. And your lab, your school, your university needs to support open innovation (instead of patents; see: Against Patents in the Academy). “Innovation happens everywhere, but there is simply more elsewhere than here. Silly as it sounds, this is the brutal truth: Regardless of how smart, creative, and innovative you believe your organization is, there are more smart, creative, and innovative people outside your organization than inside” (Goldman and Gabriel 2005). One of the major changes for corporate R&D in the past twenty years is “open innovation” (Johnson 2011). This has become a clarion call for the academy too (Europäische Kommission 2016). Sharing ideas and insights on an open platform transforms the various elsewheres of the academy into new opportunities for open innovation. Dozens of “innovation management” platforms today help global corporations mine the ideas of their wide-spread workforce and their customers. “Because we have to coordinate with one another to get anything out of our shared free time and talents, using cognitive surplus isn’t just about accumulating individual preferences. The culture of the various groups of users matters enormously for what they expect of one another and how they work together. The culture in turn will determine how much of the value that we get out of the cognitive surplus will be merely communal (enjoyed by the participants, but not of much use for society at large) and how much of it will be civic.” (Shirky 2010) Building on a civic culture of sharing, open science creates new value from every object (idea, data, method, software, results) that is openly shared. Some of this new value accrues to the scientist who shares, some goes to the benefit of all scientists working in the same research arena who reuse this object, and some goes to scientists who can open up new research from the collective resource that this object now enhances. This last value is the ultimate promise of open science: a shared surplus of research objects the can be openly mixed, mined, and melded into new, synthetic knowledge. McKiernan (et al. 2016), demonstrates the advantages of open sharing for citations, impacts, careers, etc. What the open scientist does to increase the holdings of the open corpus in their field adds a civic choice to these advantages. Growing the open research ecosystem helps every scientist on the planet. Adding a new bit of research findings and process to an open repository is as easy (or easier) than submitting this to a closed collection (such as a for-profit publisher). However, open sharing scales better, particularly when it uses open standards-based platforms, and it is less fragile, as it can be migrated to new platforms and spread across multiple locations. Openness adds to discoverability and access, and contributes to reproducibility. Even as the value of, say, a telephone exchange, increases with each new telephone connection, the addition of a new data set, or a null result paper, or a specific finding builds numerous interconnections with the rest of the corpus. These interconnections (and their “network effects”) can lead to new knowledge, and they can serve as a mirror and a measure to reveal how each new bit of content solves (or critiques) a specific issue, and also potential problems with the newly added object. Rapid, open review opportunities arise. So too does rapid recognition and opportunities for new collaborations. A lot of these new interconnections will take place on the internet at a planetary scale. The network effects of open science build capacity for the free movement of objects and ideas. This capacity—the almost instant global access to science products on the open web—is anathema to markets that need to claim ownership and restrict access in order to capture profits from these. Distributed data protocols (e.g., the Interplanetary File System) and other emergent technologies will reduce the cost of hosting science objects to a near zero margin. Open licenses make sharing science knowledge durable and its reuse legal. As Cameron Neylon said at the metrics breakout of the Beyond the PDF conference some years ago, reuse is THE metric. Reuse reveals and confirms the advantage that open sharing has over current, market-based, practices. Reuse validates the work of the scientist who contributed to the research ecosystem. Reuse captures more of the inherent value of the original discovery and accelerates knowledge growth. Open science is a science knowledge and data reuse accelerator. Its network effects help make reuse available, and, in time, inevitable.
The old jail sat across from a Goodwill, near that po’boy shop where Barack Obama ordered lunch in 2010. Orleans Parish Prison was still operating for years after it was said to be closing, during which time it deteriorated enough to prompt more than a handful of human rights inquiries. From 2015 to 2017, I was a volunteer writing teacher there. I taught in a mostly empty cellblock beneath a busted television. When you tell (white) people that you teach creative writing in a jail, there’s this look that they give you. Their eyebrows go up and then either descend way too fast in dismissal, like you’re engaged in the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever heard of, or they’ll hit the opposite end of the spectrum, where they stay up there, like, what you’re doing is the very best thing, a thing that the speaker couldn’t possibly imagine themselves doing. And that’s probably because, in supposedly liberal American conversation, there’s a perceived dichotomy between our incarceration state and our six-speed-powered lives. But going to jail is literally one of the easiest things you can do in this country. You could go to jail today. And in the city of New Orleans, it couldn’t be easier. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult things to do is get out. Until recently, New Orleans’s cash bail system was set up in a way that, like most institutions in this country, punished the poor infinitely more than those who could pay up. This meant that if you were picked up on Chartres Street, at midnight, after a night of some light drinking, let’s say, under suspicion of some crime or another that there maybe wasn’t an iota of evidence of, out of the abyss, and were hauled into OPP, you’d have to pay an exorbitant sum to get out, and if you could not pay that fee then you were stuck in what was effectively a debtor’s prison. That system disproportionately affects lower-income populations, and New Orleans is a city where lot of income goes toward rent, so you’d be choosing, with no notice at all, between food and a place for your kids and the light bill off of a middling hourly wage, or staying in jail. Bills for your mother’s monthly meds or jail. A car note or jail. The water bill or jail. The United States incarcerates a larger chunk of its population than any other country in the world, and, until two months ago, the state of Louisiana incarcerated more humans than any state in the United States. (Now it’s a close second to Oklahoma.) The largest incarcerated demographic in Louisiana is black folks, who make up something like 32 percent of the state’s general population. Within New Orleans, specifically, that number is nearly doubled. What usually happened in the old jail, after we’d been signed in, was that we were brought into the block with whichever folks were interested in reading that day. Sometimes, signing in took hours. Sometimes, it took 13 seconds. It’s been well documented what the old jail’s conditions were like, but reading about that on your iPhone or whatever and walking around it are two different things: it was jail. A collection of rooms and squares housing humans, in absurdly tight quarters and with minimal oversight. On the way to the commons, I’d pass this grassy field, and a series of overpopulated open cages, and cage is not a flighty MFA word choice—that’s just what they were. It was always very, very loud in the jail, except for when there wasn’t any sound at all. I’ve been told that the premises were rank, but my sense of smell isn’t too good. Our students were whichever men, and occasionally women, were interested in reading that day, a day in the middle of what might be one of the worst points of their lives. We had a handful of frequent students, but their attendance depended on the jail’s internal rhythms. Usually, classes rounded out at groups of six or eight. There were the long-term folks, and the short-term folks, and most of our students were black, but sometimes we taught a slightly mixed group: I taught one Cambodian student, four Honduran dudes, and another guy from El Salvador. Virtually all of my teaching sessions passed by without incident. On the off chance that there was a fight somewhere in the jail, either absolutely nothing happened whatsoever or our students were forcibly escorted out for the day. If the jail’s siren went off above us, we’d wait until it stopped doing that. The interruption could’ve been anything. We were never told what it was. One of the first times I went to OPP, passing the double doors by the security booth that stood in front of the exterior gates, a group of men in chains was being escorted by guards through a narrow hallway, and this guy and I made eye contact for too long so we did the nigga head nod and he raised a hand to wave. But he couldn’t, because he was shackled. He wasn’t too far from my age. The folks around him kept it moving, and he grinned, like, Shit, man, what can you do. We read aloud. We started with Lucille Clifton and Jun’ichirō Tanizaki and Warsan Shire and Álvaro Mutis. We read Sandra Cisneros and Min Jin Lee and bell hooks. We spent whole afternoons on the wheelbarrow poem and the other one about the plums. One day, we talked about white space on the page, and also the city’s Honduran population. One day, we talked about the humidity, and the weather outside. Everyone was open to reading everything (or at least trying it out), and there wasn’t, in my experience, a moment or strain of piece that was rejected outright or even especially resisted. More often than not, when the sociopolitical context for a narrative was fuzzy, one student would speak up and clarify it for their peers. Some days, if everyone wasn’t exhausted from life at a jail in New Orleans, we’d do writing exercises and the students wrote what they wrote. It isn’t your business or honestly even mine to tell you what that looked like, but there were common themes: A porch. A beach. Kids. A partner. An Abita. Grass. Fishing. A chair that only they had sat in. A whole day at the barbershop. A bathtub that they’d run for the sake of running it, one they don’t even have to get inside of. A long drive. An uncle. The possibility of children. Sitting at the dinner table after a meal and not having to get up or anything, just sitting there and being still. Brothers. Mothers. None of my students wrote about New Orleans, although many of them wrote about leaving the city. There wasn’t anything about Mardi Gras. Insofar as a common theme existed, it was living. The students wrote about the same things, in the same way, that you’d find on the shelves of your local indie bookstore. One day, we asked our students to curate a dinner menu. After a long minute of exasperation (a prolonged, synchronized groan), and another ten minutes of pressing on the details (cost being the main question, followed by the limit on courses, the location, and who all could be invited or disinvited), what followed was probably the most raucous hour I spent with my students at the jail. Everyone agreed that there would be ribs. No one could agree on the presence of beer. But once beer was agreed upon (though only one per person), there were arguments over the correct length of time to fry the fish, how long to cook the rice, how long to cook the beans, how long to cook the grits, where to cater the jambalaya from and how much salt was enough salt and whose mother was baking the biscuits and why. One man said that his mother would cook everything, naturally, because she was the best, and another guy told him that was too easy, and the first man told him that didn’t make it wrong. Another day, we read an excerpt from a piece about Christmas in the city, and a student coughed and raised his hand to say that it wasn’t an accurate depiction at all. Not even a little bit. A few of the other guys joined him, a little tentatively at first, before filling out the piece with their experiences: an emptied French Quarter; too many cops on Carrollton; time spent with family, or missing family, and when someone brought this up the room became noticeably warmer. When I asked them if they could write some of those things down, one guy who wasn’t especially big on talking asked why that mattered, and what it would change. It wouldn’t fucking do anything. So I told him he was right. Because of course it wouldn’t do anything. Not really. And I could do even less about his immediate situation than the ink in some notebook. But if he wrote his anecdotes down, he’d have written them down, and they’d be there. He would have that, until he decided to throw it away or whatever, and possibly even afterward. The guy gave me what felt like the longest look. But then he leaned back and laughed and made a compromise: he’d tell his story, and we could all just carry that. One of y’all can write it down, he said. In most of the I Taught In A Horrible Place narratives I’ve read (written by well-meaning white folks), to say nothing of their counterparts on film, there’s that moment where the students question their instructor’s motives. Sometimes, it’s a slow-boiling conversation, but more often than not it is a kick in the balls. Their ability, and intentions, are brought to the pit and skewered. Their worldview is shattered and reframed. This did not happen to me. I started teaching at OPP because New Orleans, on a good day, can be a wildly unlivable city. It is possible to live many lives in a night or two, to still be reeling from the repercussions of your actions months later—and not out of confusion that you did the thing, whatever it was, but that it was even possible to do. Like, that was me on the balcony of Dat Dog, nine beers in, singing the scales from “La Vie en Rose.” Or, like, that was me that walked from the corner chairs of Pat O’Briens to Manchu to Good Friends to Rawhide to Sidney’s Saloon to the Rampart Food Store and fell asleep under the bench beside the tram before I woke up the next morning and Lyft’d to waffles in the Bywater. In New Orleans, you could be that person, and also yourself,whatever that means. Or you can find out that you are that person. Either way, honing your reading and writing skills can make the city’s burden smaller. Even if only because that might make it more difficult for someone to hustle you. And this was an opportunity to pass the alphabet soup that was in my head to folks who might need to dissect a lease’s verbiage or the fine print of a job application or a future bail bond. So we all got along fine. I was the queer black dude who brought in freaky books. One of the long-term students told me as much one afternoon. If any tension persisted in our classes, it was around the white folks I taught with—there was a general and specific confusion among them about why I found myself in the cellblock at all. More than one of my co-instructors mentioned my “instant rapport,” and my answer to that was no answer at all. I’d just blink at them. One time, working with new instructors, I stood up a little too quickly, and the woman beside me flinched, but it was too late, I already saw it. There’s a moment in Jenny Offill’s Dept. of Speculation where a Japanese reporter describes returning to Earth from a tenure in space. Leaving Orleans Parish Prison on Tuesdays and Thursdays felt like that. Leaving New Orleans for Houston every weekend felt like that. These were the years that I drank maybe too much. I was antsier around cops, insofar as that was possible. I got back into video games, because these were preset universes. I was Nigeria or France or South Korea in FIFA. I farmed in Animal Crossing. I played The Wind Waker and sailed around in a boat for hours. Only so many things could go wrong in those spaces. There was a night in the middle of all this where I went to teach, left, bought a banh mi from a convenience shop on Broad and Canal, downed a beer on their stoop, and caught a ride to Tulane’s campus to watch an Important Black British Author read. It cannot be overstated what the whiteness of a reading felt like in contrast to the Orleans Parish Prison. Surely you can imagine it. But the reading happened, and afterward, when she signed my book, the IBBA remembered I’d asked a question (ha). She asked if I was West Indian. (I’m half.) She asked where I’d just come from, and I said jail. It just came out of my mouth. I have no small amount of admiration for this particular author, and her reaction is one that I think of often: there was the face she made when she heard me, and then the look in her eyes as a calculus played out, and before I could even acknowledge what I’d said one way or the other—before I even realized what’d happened, really—the IBBA twitched her nostrils, and grinned, and gave the smallest nod. She didn’t miss a beat. She asked how that was going. And we talked about the optics of Tulane versus the rest of the city, and we talked about suffering, and she signed my busted copy of The Autograph Man, taking care with her cursive. She asked about my life, and then I lingered, and she didn’t tell me to leave, but eventually I did because it was clear that it was time to move on. Throughout the time I taught at OPP, campaigns were being run to keep the city’s Civil War monuments intact. One of these monuments stood near my apartment. One night at a gay bar on Decatur, a beautiful boy in a checkered purple button-down asked how I could possibly take issue with that. It was, he claimed, the past. That was history, he said, and it should be preserved, for posterity, and I smiled and I put my beer down and I just didn’t come back. Once the old jail closed it was extremely difficult to get into the new jail. The paperwork you had to fill out was staggering. Screenings and training sessions and signatures were suddenly required. One time, I was walking back to my car with one of the administrators, and it was balmy in the way that New Orleans gets sometimes, and she said, Sometimes you can believe that people actually live on this block—but the truth is, to me, it just looked like any old neighborhood. In the meantime, I fell into a volunteer gig teaching at a reentry program in Mid-City. The building was a community center, and there were always Vietnamese and Honduran folks practicing reading comprehension in the room next door. These reentry students were within a short window of leaving their jail tenures entirely, but every week they worked in the city and spent a few hours in the classroom. The important thing was that they also had to prepare for the HiSET, Louisiana’s high-school equivalency exam. After a full day of working (classes started around six p.m.), most of the students were exhausted, but everyone still wanted to learn. They’d make coffee and fondle their notebooks, falling asleep but still tuned in. A peer of mine asked why they even showed up if they were so tired, as if the mere fact of living in the South wasn’t responsible. There is a thing that people say in New Orleans about it being the most northern Caribbean city. Every white person that’s told me this has said they came up with it. And while the statement might accidentally stand within the margins of accuracy (very few of them, I imagine, have spent real time in Kingston or Bridgetown or whatever they imagine the Islands to be), the truth is that, in the city’s willingness and ability to retaliate against and cage those without the luck of moneyed birth circumstances, adequate schooling, life opportunities, and inherited wealth, it is one of our most American cities. But that isn’t an original idea, either. I guess what I’m saying is that, one day, we were in the reentry classroom, going around and sharing stories. This guy who never really talked told one about how he’d planned a surprise for his partner—she was Mexican, and in the process of gaining her citizenship—and what he did was cook her a meal. First course, second course. Cake and drinks. She came home that evening and was surprised. The food was horrible. But they ate together, and she enjoyed it, and he enjoyed her enjoying it. When he’d finished, there was scattered clapping around the room. I told him the story was beautiful, and the guy frowned with his whole body. Oh, he said. I didn’t think it was a story. Niggas really aren’t trying to hear that. It is, I said. We are. I didn’t know it counted though. That’s all right. It counts. Okay, said this guy. But I still don’t think anyone really cares. Bryan Washington, Essay
Can you have a pet gerbil with a dog? It is possible to own a gerbil and a dog, but because they don’t naturally bond in the wild, you may have to take some precautions in the introduction to make sure each pet is safe and feels loved. How To Introduce Your Dog To A Gerbil? When introducing your dog to a gerbil, it’s important to do it slowly and in a way where the dog cannot grab or touch the gerbil if he gets excited and breaks loose. It’s also important to keep the gerbil in a place the dog cannot access. Gerbils and dogs can live together and even get along. It is important to keep in mind, however, that some dogs have a hunting instinct and may not get along well. Make sure you introduce your pets slowly to make sure they both remain safe. How Well Do Dogs And Gerbils Get Along? It depends on the dog’s breed and behavior. The instinct of most dogs is to attack small creatures that move quickly. If you own a breed that was bred to kill rodents, like a terrier, schnauzer, or dachshund, a gerbil will not be safe around it. Hunting dogs are also prone to attack small animals by instinct. If your dog is a calmer breed, they can get along with a gerbil with some training and being properly introduced. Even so, a dog should never be left unattended with a gerbil. Can A Dog And A Gerbil Be Friends (BFF)? It may not be impossible, but don’t expect a dog to be good friends with a gerbil. Two different species will not form strong bonds with each other. Dogs may learn that a gerbil should not be played with, but will probably not form an affectionate bond. How To Introduce Your Dog To Your Gerbil [Step By Step] Make sure the gerbil is in a safe place where the dog cannot attack it if something goes wrong, and that the dog is on a leash. - Keep the gerbil in its cage in a separate room. Place the cage where the dog can see it, at or below the dog’s head height. - Take the dog into the room with a leash on. Use the leash to keep the dog back in case something goes wrong. - Reward the dog for staying calm in the room. Feed him treats or give him something else he likes. You can even give him any obedience commands he knows and reward him for obeying them. - If your dog gets excited or aggressive when he enters the room and sees the gerbil, take him out and try again another day. If he remains calm, keep bringing him closer and continue to reward him for good behavior. - Loosen the leash and allow your dog to move more freely around the cage. If he remains calm, you can drop the leash and allow him to wander the room and examine the gerbil. Do Dogs Get Jealous Of Gerbils? True jealousy is hard to measure in dogs who have different brains than us. A dog can get jealous of a gerbil if they see it’s getting more affection than them at that moment. Likely, the dog may not be jealous, but just want some of the attention the gerbil is receiving. If the dog gets jealous of other animals, it may get jealous of the gerbil. Why Do Some Dogs And Gerbil Don’t Get Along At All? All dogs have an instinct to hunt. Though mild-tempered dogs may be obedient and get along okay with gerbils, other dog breeds that were bred for hunting small rodents may not get along with gerbils. If your dog is a highly intelligent breed, they can learn that the gerbil is a part of the family and needs to be protected. How Can I Safely Determine How My Dog Will React To My New Gerbil? Have your gerbil in a cage in a separate room. Leash your dog and take it into the room with the gerbil’s cage. Watch for how your dog responds when it sees the gerbil. If the dog acts excited, scared, or aggressive, or tries to run right at the gerbil, it may not react well to the gerbil. If your dog is calm in the presence of the gerbil, continue to bring him closer to it. If he maintains a calm demeanor, it may be okay for him to be around the gerbil with your supervision. Do Dogs Eat Gerbils? Many dogs have evolved to catch smaller animals and some may even eat them, though it’s hard to say for certain what the wild, ancestral breeds would do to a gerbil. While not all domestic dogs eat the animals they catch, there may be some breeds that will eat small animals they see scurrying around. Historically, however, dogs ate bigger prey than gerbils, so many dogs may simply kill one on instinct, but not eat it. How To Keep My Dog From Eating My Gerbil? Train your dog to remain calm around the gerbil if possible and always supervise the pets when they are together. The best way to keep a dog from eating a gerbil is to keep the gerbil in a cage in its own room and keep the dog out of that room. Why Did My Dog Attack My Gerbil? For many dogs, it’s simply their nature to attack small rodents like gerbils. Hunting breeds in particular will attack gerbils on instinct. If your dog is not trained to remain calm around the gerbil, this could also communicate to him that it’s okay to attack the gerbil. How Can I Train My Dog To Not Attack Gerbils? Slowly introduce your dog to the gerbil. Keep the dog leashed when it’s being introduced and keep the gerbil in something safe like a cage or ball. Reward your dog for staying calm around the gerbil and when you hold the gerbil. My Dog Ate My Gerbil What Should I Do? Unfortunately, if your dog ate a gerbil there is nothing you can do. Normally, a dog will be fine after eating a gerbil, since historically they adapted to eat smaller animals. If you are concerned about your dog’s health, monitor its behavior and if you notice anything unusual, call your veterinarian. Can You Raise A Gerbil With A Dog? You can raise a gerbil with a dog. If you plan to do this, it’s best to start with a puppy and a gerbil. When the puppy is small, it’s still learning lots of things and its brain is still developing. This is the best time to desensitize, socialize, and train a puppy to behave however you want it to. If your dog is grown, it is still possible to raise a gerbil with it, you’ll just have to train it to not attack gerbils and keep the gerbil cage out of the dog’s reach. Always supervise the dog and gerbil when they are together. Are Gerbils Harmful To Dogs? Gerbils are not harmful to dogs except for if they scare them. The quick motion of a gerbil can scare a dog if it’s not used to it. If the gerbil gets scared of the dog, it may thump its feet and the sound could cause the dog to get scared. The best way to avoid the fear is to get the dog and gerbil used to each other. What Dog Breeds Are Good With Gerbils? Mild tempered breeds are best for gerbils. Some examples of these breeds are: What Dog Breeds Are Not Good With Gerbils? Terriers and hunting dogs are not good with gerbils. Some examples are: Most kinds of terriers Are Gerbils Scared Of Dogs? Yes, gerbils can be afraid of dogs. Dogs are large, predatory animals while gerbils are small, prey animals. Without training and exposure, gerbils are likely to fear dogs. Why Is My Dog Is Obsessed With My Gerbil? Your dog is probably fascinated with the gerbil. If he continues to watch the gerbil and put his attention on it, it’s probably his hunting instincts kicking in. He’s probably thinking of hunting it or playing with it like a fun toy. Why Is My Dog Whining At My Gerbil? Your dog probably has an instinct to hunt. If he’s whining at the gerbil, it’s likely because he’s antsy and wants to attack it. How To Introduce A Gerbil To A Dog? Introduce the dog slowly while the gerbil is in its cage. Use food or something it likes to bring it to the edge of the cage where it can see the dog and get curious. Make sure the dog cannot attack the gerbil and remain calm. Do Gerbils Live Well Together With Dogs? Unless the dogs are trained to remain calm around them, gerbils may not live well with them but can be okay with them. Without training and proper introduction, gerbils and dogs will not naturally get along. If the gerbil learns the dog is safe, and the dog learns that the gerbil is both safe and not something to attack or play with, they can get along, though precautions still need to be taken. Can A Puppy Be Around Gerbils? Puppies are naturally full of energy and like to play. They may see a small, energetic rodent may as an appealing toy. If a puppy is supervised, it can be around a gerbil as long as it has been trained that it’s not acceptable to attack the gerbil. How Do Dogs React To Gerbils? Dogs can have a wide variety of reactions including hunting reactions, fear, or simply remaining calm and uninterested. Their reaction is based on their breed, their training, and their past. Some dogs will react in anxiety, excitement, or aggression. These different behaviors likely all stem from the instinct to hunt small animals. Other dogs may react in fear if they’ve never seen a gerbil or other small animal and it’s a new experience for them. Are Gerbils Scared Of Dogs Barking? Gerbils could be scared of dogs barking if they’ve never heard the sound before. If they are unfamiliar with the sound, their instinct as prey animals may cause them to fear the bark. It will also depend on the gerbil’s personality. Some are less afraid than others. Will The Gerbil Attack The Dog? Gerbils don’t normally attack, but if provoked, they might. If the gerbil, is stressed, scared, or finds itself in an unfamiliar environment, it may bite as a natural reaction for protection. If A gerbil with a bossy personality could bite at your dog if they are accustomed to being around one another and the dog behaves enough to be kind and gentle towards the gerbil. How To Get My Gerbil To Love My Dog? It may not be possible to get a gerbil to love a dog, but over time they may learn to be friendly towards each other. If you keep the gerbil and dog together for a long enough time and train them both that the other animal is not anything to be afraid of, they may tolerate each other and even get along. [What Should I Do] My Dog Is Eating Gerbil Poop? It is not good for a dog to eat other animals’ poop because they could get sick. One of the best ways to keep your dog from eating gerbil poop is to keep the gerbil cage in a place where the dog can’t reach it. If your gerbil poops outside of the cage, clean it up before the dog can get to it. Eating poop can be caused by a nutrient disorder or behavioral issue as well. Feed your dog higher quality food, fiber, and probiotics to help with nutritional deficiencies. Pumpkin and pineapple are good sources of fiber. Ask your veterinarian about coprophagia (poop eating) preventatives as well. Behavior issues that may cause a dog to eat poop include boredom, anxiety, poop in the environment, and attention from eating poop. Fixing these issues may also keep your dog from eating gerbil poop. [What Should I Do] My Gerbil Is Eating Dog Poop? It is common for gerbils to eat their poop. Their digestive system works such that they get more nutrients and important vitamins from eating it. While it may be okay for a gerbil to eat its poop, eating a dog’s poop may be unhealthy for them. The best way to keep a gerbil from eating dog poop is to make sure it is not kept anywhere where it has access to the dog’s poop. You should also make sure the dog’s poop is cleaned up. Will The Gerbil Charge At My Dog? An aggressive gerbil may charge at a dog if it feels bothered or threatened. Gerbils are not normally aggressive, but some things can cause them to be such as: - Loneliness for a long period of time - Not enough space to expel their energy - Bad experiences with dogs, other animals, or humans If you notice your gerbil charging at you or your dog, consider what may be causing the aggression and help the gerbil either through training, socializing, giving it a more comfortable environment, or contacting a veterinarian. Are Dogs Afraid Of Gerbils? Dogs can be afraid of gerbils if they’re not familiar with them. If a dog is not used to small things with quick movements, he could be scared by a gerbil scurrying around. If the gerbil gets scared, it may thump its hind legs and the sound could scare a dog who’s unfamiliar with it. Do Gerbils Make Good Pets? As with any animal, whether it’s a good pet or not depends on what you’re looking for and what you’re able to invest in a pet. Overall, gerbils do make good pets as they are easy to care for and are very active, social, and often friendly. Gerbils are clean compared to other rodents which means less cleaning for you! On the downside, they only live 3 – 4 years and are not good for children under 10 as they can be more difficult to handle. Gerbils are social creatures, so when considering adopting one as a pet, plan to adopt at least two. How Much Room Does A Gerbil Need? A good rule to follow is having a space or cage that’s at least 10 gallons or 6 x 15 inches per gerbil. Make sure, however, that the space is not so big that you’ll never clean it, since cleaning the cage is important. Is It Expensive To Raise Gerbils? Gerbils are cheap compared to most pets. It will cost about $150 – $300 to purchase the gerbil, a cage, food, and all necessary toys and supplies. Each additional gerbil will cost between $5 and $10. If you’re purchasing a gerbil from a breeder, it could cost up to $100. The annual cost of having a gerbil is estimated to be $100 – $150 but could be more if special care or extra trips to the vet are needed. Do Gerbils Learn Their Names? A gerbil can learn to react to its name through training. To do this, you’ll want to first make sure your gerbil is comfortable being around you. Then, you can begin calling their name and rewarding them with a treat when they recognize their name. Can A Gerbil Get A Dog Pregnant? No, dogs and gerbils are too different in their anatomy and behavior. Gerbils are much too small to breed with dogs and will not have a strong enough bond with the dog to have the desire to mate. Can A Dog Get A Gerbil Pregnant? No, a dog is too large and would likely not recognize a gerbil as a breeding partner. The anatomy of a dog and gerbil is also too different to allow them to breed together. Can A Gerbil Kill A Dog? A gerbil is so small, it is unable to kill a dog. Even their teeth are not large enough to do significant damage. Only if the gerbil were infected with an illness that transfers through a bite would it be able to kill the dog. Can Gerbils Become Emotionally Bonded With Humans Like Dogs? Because we don’t have a strong understanding of gerbils’ brains, we cannot say if they feel the same emotions we do. Gerbils can bond with their owners if they spend enough time with them, but observation suggests they may not form the same bond with their humans that dogs do. Why Is My Dog Petrified Of The Gerbil’s Beak? If your dog has been bitten by a gerbil, he may fear the gerbil’s mouth and teeth. If he’s unfamiliar with them, he could be scared by them. The best way to keep your dog from being afraid is to train both animals to get along with each other. 17 easy-going dog breeds. BeChewy. (2021, April 27). Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Cartwright, L. (2021, July 16). Do gerbils eat their own poop? Gerbil Welfare. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Cartwright, L. (2021, July 22). Do gerbils get attached to their owners? Gerbil Welfare. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Cartwright, L. (2021, September 14). Do dogs and gerbils get along? Gerbil Welfare. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Cartwright, L. (2021, September 16). How much does a gerbil cost? (gerbil price + annual cost of ownership). Gerbil Welfare. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Cosgrove, N. (2021, December 10). How much does a gerbil cost? (updated in 2021). Pet Keen. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Felderhoff, M. (7AD). Is it dangerous for dogs to eat their stool or other animal feces? Muenster Milling Company. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Gerbil bites: Do gerbils bite, does it hurt and what to do? Pocket Pets 101. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2021, from Gerbil cages: How to set up the best gerbil habitat for your pet. BeChewy. (2021, January 20). Retrieved December 16, 2021, from,a%20good%20minimum%2C%20she%20adds Hess, L., & Axelson, R. (n.d.). Owning a pet gerbil. vca_corporate. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Karim, N. (2014, July 23). Dogs feel jealous of rival pets, study finds. The Guardian. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Keeping gerbils as pets. RSPCA. (n.d.). Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Khan Academy. (n.d.). Species & speciation . Khan Academy. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Levy, D. (n.d.). How to greet a new dog. Dog Care – Daily Puppy. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Mason. (n.d.). Why is my gerbil so aggressive? Pocket Sized Pets. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Mies, C. (2018, March 19). Can dogs live with gerbils? . WagWalking. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Niklas. (n.d.). Can gerbils learn their name? (here’s how to teach them). Pocket Pet Central. Retrieved December 23, 2021, from PetMD. (2017, December 6). 9 signs your pet is jealous (and how to stop it). PetMD. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from
30 Kallang Place #06-20, Singapore 339159. Monday to Friday we are open from 10.30am to 7.30pm. Saturdays by appointment. Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. Customers are advised to call before visiting the store. All our new products are covered by the manufacturers' warranty, which will cover the product for faults and defects. This period covered can vary, most items will be 1 year, but it is worth remembering that warranties do not cover general wear and tear. Please note that products to be claimed under warranty MUST be returned to us complete in the original packaging. You can contact us by email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our prices are fixed. But we have promotions on our products from time to time, sign up here to be informed of our exclusive product promotions. If you love golf, but find getting out to the course difficult on some occasions, a golf simulator may be just the ticket. Golf simulators recreate the environment of a golf course using digital graphics or projection, allowing you to play a course using a very small space and minimal equipment. While a driving range can provide a nice sense of how the weather is for that day on the course, a golf simulator is available every day, rain or shine. Since it's set up indoors, you can practice your swing during foul weather or when it's too hot to be outside. Most golf simulators include software for more than one golf course. As a result, once you've mastered the course, you can switch the setting and play an entirely new course. This not only keeps the game fresh, but presents new types of challenges to hone your golf game. Limited Space Needs: Few of us have enough room in our home to install a putting green, driving range or short play practice field. A golf simulator, however, enables this type of play in a very limited space. Most simulators require only enough room to allow a full swing to occur. At the very least, you need to only provide playing space and a computer. Most players also buy a net. Most golf simulators include an educational component. Using a video camera or sensors or a combination, the golf simulator tracks the movement of the club head as it approaches the ball, strikes the ball and finishes the swing. This information is downloaded to the computer to provide an analysis of your swing and a checklist of things to consider for improvement. Use Your Own Equipment: Unlike indoor video games, golf simulators allow you to use your own clubs and balls. This helps you get a better feel for how your equipment operates at different lies and approaches. We have a few suggestions that can be used during the evaluation phase that might help you decide which system best fits your needs. 1. If there is one single feature that will impress the simulator golfer and bring him back to play again, it is realism of play on the golf course. 2. There are several basic features that directly affect realism of play. There are two types of picture graphics available: one is computer-generated graphics; the other is computer reproduction of photos. The golf simulators that use photo graphics are not 3-dimensional. They do not recognize contours or vertical obstacles on the golf course and the realism is lost. Computer generated graphics have the advantage of being truly 3-dimensional and can provide the user with many viewing options not available on other simulators. 3. The type of sensor system used must be considered. Some systems can calculate ball spin and others cannot (although they may try to convince you they can). If the simulator cannot accurately calculate ball spin, it cannot display true ball flight. The machine cannot differentiate between a pull, hook, slice or push. The result is diminished realism. 4. Putting options on a golf simulator are important. Some provide on-screen putts that are influenced by the contours of the green. Many do not. Some have no on-screen putting at all. One system limits the minimum putt length at 6 feet while some others allow putts down to 2 feet which is much more realistic. The SkyTrak Personal Launch Monitor is a complete Practice, Play and Entertainment System designed for golfer’s use at home or away from the course. At its core, SkyTrak is powered by a revolutionary breakthrough in launch monitor technology that provides commercial accuracy and reliability in measuring ball flight data, but at a consumer affordable price. The technological advances they have made with their Element6™ engine are unprecedented in the industry. They have developed features so cutting edge in golf simulation; they have pushed well beyond any competition for many years to come. Technology powering expensive commercial launch monitor systems has been around the professional golf community for years. The primary purpose of a launch monitor is to measure the behavior of the golf ball upon impact and provide immediate feedback for use in club fitting, instruction and golf simulation. The systems that perform this function well and provide reliable information are very expensive and can cost as much as $25,000. While there are a few products in the market that cost around $500, those do not capture all the information needed to provide a true simulation of your actual ball flight and results. Well let’s start with the two main types of ball tracking systems used commercially — Doppler and Photometric. Both types of commercial systems are very good, yet they use two very different methods to achieve their results. To put it very simply – A Doppler system, as you may envision radar working, tracks how your ball flies and where it lands, and then calculates why it went there. On the other hand, a Photometric system measures what the ball is doing immediately after impact with high speed cameras, and then calculates or project it’s flight path and distance using very sophisticated algorithms. Both designs have their strengths, but for consumer use, we believe Photometric systems are more versatile allowing for use both indoor and outdoor, plus they require less space. As far as performance, both types provide quality results and overall accuracy. Using a Doppler system indoors, however, is often problematic because to obtain accurate information, a larger space must be used to allow enough ball flight before the ball impacts a net or screen. This is an important distinction and critical to the question of accuracy and reliability of the data you see on your screen. But, in summary, if space and budget are not considerations, either of these commercial alternatives produce highly accurate and reliable results. This accuracy and reliability comes at a very expensive price, however. In addition to these tried and proven commercial quality systems, two types of alternative products are sold to consumers: 1.While not technically considered a "launch monitor" and certainly not used by professionals, there is a consumer system that utilizes a LED, or infrared light curtain to gather club data. Lower-end systems and even some high-end golf simulators use this technology for one simple reason – it’s considerably less expensive. But what exactly is it measuring? With most of these systems, as your club head breaks the infrared curtain of light, it tries to measure variables of the club head such as club speed, face angle, and swing path to project ball flight. However, since nothing about the ball is actually measured, important factors such as the golf ball’s speed and spin rates are calculated, often resulting in inaccurate projections of distance and shot shape. The fact that you don’t even need to hit a golf ball lends itself to potential inaccuracies as to what exactly happened to that golf ball after impact. Most golfers, including high and low handicappers, will quickly learn that there is little value to this data and actually can become frustrated when the ball flight is not representative of what they see on a range or golf course. 2.The other type of system offered in the consumer category is a low-cost Doppler/radar device that, in all actuality, is more of a speed gun. Unlike the higher-end systems, these devices are incapable of consistently providing an accurate flight model. This type of system does not measure or calculate spin axis/side spin or side angle, and therefore cannot determine ball flight or shot shape - it merely projects a distance value based upon club head and/or ball speed. As a result, such systems are very limited in the type of data they can provide, and thus the number of applications they are suited for are also limited. In short, these alternative consumer technologies offer low-cost methods to provide some launch data and/or simulation of ball flight, but is it really your ball flight? Is it really your launch data? Will it make you a better golfer? If you cannot answer ‘Yes’ to all of these questions, then you may just have a toy made for entertainment, opposed to a serious tool designed to help you improve your game and be entertained. As a personal launch monitor, SkyTrak is suited for almost any application that a commercial quality launch monitor can be used for, and maybe more. SkyTrak enables you to have your own practice range, hit at simulated targets, play challenges, participate in games and enjoy your practice time much more than ever before. SkyTrak is a Photometric, or camera-based system, similar to commercial systems of this type that take high-speed pictures of the golf ball right after impact. One big advantage is that it works very well indoors in limited space and can be used outdoors, too, because we only have to measure the first few inches of ball flight to gather sufficient data to accurately model your ball flight. These first few inches are not as vulnerable to current conditions, such as wind, impacting your results. And even more important, SkyTrak measures EXACTLY what the ball is doing, because when projecting ball flight and shot shape this is much more important than just having club head data. By measuring the golf ball’s behavior, we can not only accurately project the ball’s flight path and distance, but we make sure you have the accurate feedback required for productive practice. Also, SkyTrak has been designed with the consumer in mind. It has its own rechargeable battery, serves as its own WiFi hotspot so it can operate with no wires, power cables or other tethering. Weighing less than two pounds and less than 7 inches tall, it is totally portable so you can take it anywhere. And it is so simple to use. Just put it on a mat (preferred) or the ground in a level place, open the app and you are hitting balls in less than a minute. But, the most important difference in SkyTrak is its revolutionary technology to provide the accuracy and reliability of a commercial quality system, at a fraction of the price, so the time you invest in games and practice at home, will result in seeing the same improvements on the course. Photometric systems require the placement of the golf ball on the hitting mat within a certain defined area. SkyTrak makes this easy by providing a laser dot to indicate the precise placement in order to capture high-quality images with accuracy and consistency. Also, while it’s not required, if your ball has a distinguishable mark (such as a logo) facing toward SkyTrak, this will boost the system’s ability to detect and measure spin accurately. The images captured in the first few inches after impact are used to measure all of the ball flight parameters necessary to feed the ball flight model so you see your real shot shape and carry distance for practice and play. SkyTrak also allows the inputting of certain variables and environmental factors like weather and course conditions. You may wonder how we test and confirm SkyTrak’s accuracy and overall performance. SkyTrak has performed robot testing at Golf Laboratories, the golf industry’s #1 independent testing facility. Using a variety of shot types, ball speeds, and golf clubs, the measured results were virtually indistinguishable from the leading commercial launch monitors in the industry across the 5 most important parameters – ball speed, launch angle, back spin, side spin/spin axis, and side angle. With over 10+ years of usage, the SkyTrak ball flight model has been tested thoroughly with robot and human hit testing for measured carry/total and offline distances. Unlike some professional-grade launch monitors, SkyTrak’s ball flight simulations are not affected by atmospheric conditions like wind, humidity, etc. (unless you turn these on in the session settings). The SkyTrak system is powered by a sophisticated and time-proven ball flight model. This proprietary flight model is the engine that takes all the ball flight parameters and calculates an accurate flight path. While SkyTrak is a new product, the flight model we use is not. We have been refining and improving our proprietary flight model for more than a decade. Our flight model has been used for over a decade in a professional-grade launch monitor and benefits from years of usage and testing to confirm its accuracy. Our primary goal for SkyTrak is to provide the core set of data that you need to improve while providing a superior experience and level of entertainment. Many systems take the approach of providing every possible shot parameter whether it’s usable or not. We pared down the long list of captured data and present every shot with only the data you need to measure your performance. Without subjecting you to data-overload, knowing your numbers is crucial to game improvement. But, if you just don’t care about numbers, these key parameters and more have to be measured and captured accurately, to feed the ball flight model so you see your real shot shape and carry distance for practice and play. Probably the most important element is ball speed. It has the greatest effect on total distance out of all the data collected. Ball Speed is affected by club head speed, the impact position on the club face and any rebound of the ball. This is an easy one because basically the higher the speed the longer the distance potential. The launch angle measures the vertical angle of the golf ball in relation to the ground as it leaves your club. It has the greatest impact on how high the ball flies. With higher launch angles, you see higher shots. Ideally, your shot will follow an optimal launch angle which means they are not too high or too low. Another key element is side spin. You can think of this as the horizontal rotation of the ball in relation to the ground as it leaves your club. Why is it important? It’s the determining factor for what type of shot you hit. Whether it was straight, hook, draw, fade or slice. You want to see low side spin so your ball flies straighter. We use a formula to extract a side spin number from spin axis so that it is easier to understand. The larger the number, the more curve the ball had. A negative number means the ball curved left and a positive result means it curved right. Back spin measures the vertical rotation of the ball in relation to the ground as it leaves the club face. It has the greatest effect on ball flight efficiency and is helpful for play under windy conditions. You can control the height of the shot with back spin, the more back spin the higher the ball flies. Related to back and side spin is the spin axis which represents a horizontal or vertical line through the middle of the golf ball. If spin axis is zero, then the ball flies in a straight line. If the spin axis is tilted left or right, then the ball flies along a curved path to the left or right. The idea here is to keep the club path and face heading in the same direction through impact, with the resulting spin axis remaining as close to zero as possible. SkyTrak measures side angle as well. Side angle is the direction the ball travels in relation to the target line as the ball is leaving the club face. How does it work? Too much side angle causes the ball to start further offline to the target. With less side angle and less side spin, the ball will travel straighter to the intended target. There are many reasons that owning a realistic practice and play system will help you develop and improve. The primary reason for having SkyTrak in your arsenal is that it helps you practice the right things the right way. Quality practice in a convenient, mobile setup Many golfers are setup to fail by practicing the wrong mechanics over and over. With the immediate and detailed feedback you get on the core measurement parameters you’ll know whether you’re doing it right or wrong and can make adjustments to improve both performance and consistency. Entertaining and fun While our primary focus is helping golfers improve, why not make improvement fun and entertaining at the same time? With a powerful, intuitive, and graphically appealing user interface and graphics, SkyTrak provides a superior simulation environment that animates ball flight so you can see your improvement. With challenges and games, you will learn how to make the ball do what you want it to do, even if you don’t realize you are learning. Over time, by playing games and challenges, your shot making skills will improve on the golf course. You’ll be able to see your performance improve over time with the history and trends from each and every practice session. Seeing and tracking your progress is the best way to get an accurate gauge of your overall improvement and also great incentive to keep practicing. Learning new shots There are golfers and then there are shot makers. Do you find yourself struggling with a particular situation on the course? Do you see a shot that a more experience golfer makes and want to learn how to do it? With SkyTrak you can work on these shots in the privacy of your home, so the next time you try that shot live on the course, you’re ready and more confident. For Tablets: You must have an iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 2 (with Retina Display), iPad Mini 3, or iPad Pro. The SkyTrak software can be downloaded from the App Store. Our team is working on Android compatibility. We will make announcements for availability and approximate timeframes when we know them. For Computers: The SkyTrak software, including drivers, is available for PC only. You must have a PC with an Intel Core 2 Duo / 2.0 GHz processor or higher, 2GB of RAM or higher, and Microsoft Windows 7, 8, or 10 installed. You can download the SkyTrak PC software from our Download webpage. Third-party golf simulation PC software requirements vary by provider. Please visit the "Simulation" webpages for more information. As long as there is enough room to safely swing a golf club, you have enough room to use the SkyTrak system. Suggested indoor dimensions are a minimum of 10’ wide x 10’ deep with a variable height, depending on your physical height and length of your club. SkyTrak is completely portable and can be used both indoors and outdoors on a mat. If you’re using the system indoors, then you’ll need to use a hitting net. The system has an internal battery providing over 4 hours of use when fully charged and wirelessly connects to your iPad. Outdoor performance may vary in certain lighting conditions. Avoid the sun shining or reflecting directly into the lens of the SkyTrak device. You should use new, or relatively new, quality distance, performance, or Tour type golf balls in good clean condition. The type and condition of the ball you use will affect ball flight data, most noticeably ball speed and spin. Ball imperfections, mud, excessive markings, cut covers, and/or otherwise identifiable markings on the ball, etc. can affect SkyTrak’s dimple recognition capability, making ball data difficult to analyze. You may find yourself in a place that doesn’t offer a WIFI connection. Will SkyTrak still work? Yes, SkyTrak will connect to your iPad directly and continue to send all the data through from your practice session. Then the next time you connect to a WIFI network, the data will be synced to your history. This feature provides you with the convenience to practice anywhere without worrying about having access to the internet. Yes! Golf Simulation packages are now available for SkyTrak through partnerships with WGT, The Golf Club, Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf and TruGolf, with more options coming soon. SkyTrak provides a Golf Simulation experience like no other for both PC and iOS platforms. Now you can tee it up rain or shine, 365 days a year, without a tee time, in the convenience of your own home! You can contact us by email [email protected] as soon as possible to let us know so that we can edit your order on our end, before your order is sent out. You can contact us by email [email protected] as soon as possible to let us know so that we can cancel your order on our end, before your order is sent out.
Finding the right flooring for your gym can be a daunting task. With so many materials and brands to choose from, it can be overwhelming. If you are looking for the best gym flooring that can withstand heavy equipment and intense workouts, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide a comprehensive review and buying guide of the top 7 best gym flooring options available in the market today. Having the right gym flooring is essential for various reasons. It not only provides a safe and comfortable surface for your workouts but also helps protect your floors and equipment. The best gym flooring should be durable, slip-resistant, easy to clean and maintain, and provide adequate shock absorption. So, whether you’re setting up a new gym or upgrading your existing one, read on to discover the top 7 best gym flooring options out there. Last update on 2024-02-24 / Affiliate links / #ad / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API Why Do You Need to Buy Gym Flooring? There are several compelling reasons why investing in gym flooring is a wise choice for anyone who wants to create a comfortable and safe environment for their workouts. From protecting your existing floors to enhancing the functionality of your home gym, gym flooring offers a range of benefits that make it a valuable addition to any fitness space. Prevents damage to the floor When we work out or exercise, our body naturally produces sweat which can drip onto the floor. Over time, this sweat can cause damage to the flooring if it’s not cleaned up properly. The damage can include stains, discoloration, and even mold growth, which not only looks unsightly but can also affect the integrity of the floor itself. By investing in gym flooring, we can prevent unwanted damage or deterioration of the floor. Another benefit of gym flooring is that it provides a protective layer, preventing heavy equipment from scratching or denting the floor. Dropping weights or placing equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, or benches directly onto the floor can create permanent damage, which can be costly to repair or replace. Gym flooring can act as a buffer, absorbing the impact of heavy machinery or dumbbells and preventing the damage that can occur to the floor beneath. Ultimately, gym flooring is an investment that can save money and ensure the longevity of the floors in our homes or gyms. Increases safety for exercises Gym flooring provides a safer workout environment by reducing the risk of injuries during exercises. Gym workouts involve a lot of movement, and the right flooring can absorb shock and reduce the impact of falls and jumps. It also provides a non-slip surface, ensuring that users have proper footing during exercise and preventing movement-related injuries. Unlike concrete or hardwood floors, gym flooring is specially designed to cushion the impact of heavy weights, which minimizes noise levels and ensures longevity of equipment. By reducing the risk of injury, gym flooring enables users to focus entirely on their workout without worrying about their safety. This creates a better workout experience, allowing users to work out to their fullest potential. Additionally, it provides a protective layer that helps keep the subfloor from being damaged or worn down. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas where regular wear and tear can damage the subfloor over time. Overall, gym flooring is a necessary investment that provides a safer environment for athletes and workout enthusiasts alike. Provides added comfort and support When engaging in physical exercise, it’s essential to have a comfortable and supportive surface to prevent any injuries to joints or bones. Gym flooring can offer this cushioning effect and reduce the impact on the body during high-intensity workouts. Without proper support, it’s easy to suffer from soreness and fatigue in various parts of the body, which may lead to diminished workout performance. Moreover, gym flooring provides additional support to the body while performing exercises such as weightlifting or cross-training, which involve heavy lifting. The shock-absorbing ability of the flooring, coupled with its cushioning effects, can help reduce the risk of joint damage and strain. Additionally, gym flooring can absorb noise and vibration, reducing the sound of weights dropping, which might annoy other gym-goers. Overall, the added comfort and support provided by gym flooring can make fitness enthusiasts feel more confident and satisfied with their workout experience. Improves gym aesthetics Gym flooring plays an important role in improving the overall aesthetics of a gym. A well-designed gym flooring enhances the overall appearance and adds a touch of elegance to the space. Flooring designs come in several styles, including wood, vinyl, rubber, and foam. Each style has a unique color, pattern, and texture that all contribute to the atmosphere of the facility. Additionally, gym flooring provides comfort and support to those working out. The right gym flooring can even help to prevent injuries. For example, thick, shock-absorbing flooring can reduce the impact on joints and muscles during high-intensity workouts. When aesthetics and functionality go hand in hand, a gym can become a much more appealing and welcoming space for its members. Gym owners should invest in quality flooring to ensure that their facilities look and feel great for years to come. Our Recommendations for the Best Gym Flooring - Protective Exercise Flooring - Durable, non-skid textured squares and tiles that cover and protect your floor or even carpet while creating a comfortable... - Easy Assembly – Lightweight interlocking foam tiles connect quickly and easily, and can be disassembled just as simply for quick storage - Versatile – The water-resistant, noise-reducing design is easy-to-clean, great for indoor purposes like in garages as a protector, gyms, a home fitness room,... - Covers 24 Sq Ft - Each tile measures 24 in x 24 in x ½ in - thick from the highest point of the texture; Includes 6 tiles with end borders for a polished look.... - High Quality Foam - High-density EVA foam mat provides excellent support and cushion; Contains NO toxic phthalates. Excellent alternative to rubber gym mats. - With double sided high Density EVA foam non-slip surfaces, the 1/2'' thick premium mat comfortably cushions spine, hips, Knees and elbows on hard floors - Each tile dimension: 24” W x 24” L, Thickness – ½”, Tiles quantity – 12, End borders quantity – 24, & Coverage area – 48 Square Feet - Exceptional resilience allow you to keep your balance during any exercise style. Moisture resistant Technology makes the mat to be easily washed with soap and... - FOAM FLOORING –This floor mat is built to precision with premium-quality materials. Featuring a lightweight and waterproof surface that is effortless to... - QUALITY UNCOMPROMISED – Each piece of mat is manufactured for long-lasting durability. Unlike other floor mats, Marcy floor mat does not compromise on quality... - INTERLOCKING COVERAGE MATS – This high-performing gym accessory comes in units of 2 x 2 feet with interlocking edges for easy assembly. It can cover up to 24... - HIGH-IMPACT – This anti-fatigue foam flooring offers maximum space, comfort, and protection. Its durable non-slip foam padding will protect and provide... - [FLOOR PROTECTOR] - Worried about the equipment scratching the floor during exercise? This sports pad solves your worries! It has the softness of EVA foam and... - [QUALITY ISN’T LOST] - Mat covers 48 square feet, and includes 12 tiles. Each tile measures approximately 24" x 24" x 0.56". Each floor mat weighs 2.5 pounds,... - [EXERCISE SOLUTION] - HIIT training? Yoga? Aerobics? You can do more than that! Weightlifting, wrestling, benches, kettlebell, treadmill, and cardio machine. It... - [ULTRA GRIP RUBBER SURFACE] - New upgrade! No annoying rubber odour disturbs you. Workout mats provide superior floor traction and grip, not slipping on... - [ALL PLACES USABLE] - Where you need it, you can put it! This flooring mat is suitable for garage, gym, family fitness room or playroom. Teethed Tiles are easy... - 💪 #𝟭 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗙𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗔𝗧 𝗦𝗘𝗧 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝟭𝟴 𝗣𝗨𝗭𝗭𝗟𝗘... - 💪 𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗛-𝗤𝗨𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬, 𝗗𝗨𝗥𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘, 𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘 - the highly compressed, environmentally... - 💪 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗧 𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗙𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗥 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥... - 💪 𝗦𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗥 𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗦 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗙𝗟𝗘𝗫𝗜𝗕𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬 - 18 mats, with each one a size of... - 💪 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗨𝗠 𝟮𝟰/𝟳 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧: 𝗪𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗪𝗔𝗬𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥... - PROTECTIVE, PORTABLE FLOORING – Dense, durable tiles protect floors and withstand gym equipment and heavy use - COVERS 24 SQ. FT. - Each tile measures 24” x 24” x 3/4”-thick or 24" x 24" x 1"-thick Includes 6 tiles and 12 end borders for a polished look - SIMPLE ASSEMBLY – Lightweight pieces quickly connect; easy to disassemble and move. Great for gyms, fitness studios, or play areas. - HIGH QUALITY FOAM - High-density EVA foam provides excellent support and cushion; Contains NO toxic phthalates - SAFE & LOW-MAINTENACE – Non-skid textured surface provides traction; Water-resistant and noise-reducing design. - Thick & Spacious Workout Mats: With a 100 sq. ft coverage area, our 25 PCS mats can build a spacious gym anytime, anywhere! Made of rubber top and elastic EVA... - Non-slip Tough Surface: Create your own workout space with this high-quality mat. It works perfectly on most floors, such as wooden floors, tile floors, marble... - The Security You Can Trust: The surfaces of our fitness mats are waterproof and easy to clean. You can effortlessly wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Our... - Assemble without Sweat: Say goodbye to tedious glue installation. The interlocking design allows you to quickly stitch together all the mats, just like a jigsaw... - Above and Beyond Applications: Don't exercise directly on the floor! This will not only wear down the floor, but reduce the service life of sports equipment.... Last update on 2024-02-24 / Affiliate links / #ad / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API Related Reviews: The 11 Best Lifting Wrist Wraps in 2024 – Reviews and Buyer’s Guide Selecting the right type of gym flooring can have a significant impact on your workout routine. It is important to focus on certain key factors that will help you make the best decision for your gym’s environment and needs. Gym flooring is an essential component for any home or commercial gym. When selecting gym flooring, there are several factors that must be considered before making a purchase. One of the most important factors is the material of the flooring. The material of the gym flooring determines the durability, comfort, and safety of the flooring. Different materials are used in gym flooring, including rubber, foam, and vinyl. Rubber is the most popular material for gym flooring as it provides the right combination of durability, comfort, and safety. Foam gym flooring is lightweight and easy to install, but it is not as durable as rubber. Vinyl gym flooring is durable and easy to clean, but it is not as comfortable as rubber. Therefore, it is important to consider the material of gym flooring before making a purchase. When selecting gym flooring, durability should be a primary consideration. A gym floor is a high-traffic area with heavy equipment and constant movement. A durable floor can withstand heavy traffic, heavy equipment, a lot of movement, and liquids. A durable floor will last a long time, reducing the need for frequent replacements. The durability of gym flooring is essential for ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance. There are varying types of gym flooring available, each with its own strengths in durability. Rubber mats are durable, shock-absorbent, and long-lasting, while interlocking foam tiles can take years of pounding and protect your subfloor from heavy equipment. Overall, selecting durable gym flooring will provide a solid, long-lasting, and safe foundation for your workout space while minimizing maintenance costs. One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing gym flooring is the thickness of the material. The thickness of gym flooring can greatly impact its durability, shock absorption, and noise reduction capabilities. Thicker flooring materials provide better impact resistance and shock absorption, which reduces the risk of injury while exercising or using gym equipment. Additionally, thicker gym flooring can significantly reduce noise levels within a gym or workout space. This is particularly important for commercial gyms or home gym setups located in areas where noise may be a concern, such as apartments or shared living spaces. By investing in thicker gym flooring, you can ensure a safer, more comfortable, and quieter workout experience. Color of gym flooring is important when purchasing because it sets the tone and mood of the space. Bright and energetic colors like red, orange, and yellow can create a lively atmosphere that can be motivating and energetic for workouts. On the other hand, cooler and more subdued colors like blue, green, and gray can contribute to a calm and relaxing environment, which can be better suited for yoga studios or rehabilitation centers. Additionally, colors can affect the perception of space – lighter colors can make the area appear larger, while darker colors can make it feel smaller. In a gym, high traffic areas can benefit from darker colors, as they are more forgiving of dirt and scuffs, while lighter shades may be more appropriate for areas with less foot traffic. Ultimately, considering the color of gym flooring can affect the overall experience of the space and the performance of the user. The installation method of gym flooring can greatly affect its durability, function, and overall appearance. Depending on the type of gym flooring you choose, certain installation methods may be required to ensure proper adhesion, stability, and safety. Additionally, some installation methods may require professional installation or specialized equipment, which can add to the overall cost of the flooring. Therefore, it is important to consider the installation method before purchasing gym flooring to ensure it meets your specific needs and requirements. You may also like: The 11 Best Lifting Wrist Wraps in 2024 – Reviews and Buyer’s Guide What type of gym flooring is best for weightlifting areas? The best type of gym flooring for weightlifting areas is rubber flooring. Rubber is a durable and shock-absorbing material that can withstand the weight and impact of heavy lifting equipment. It also provides a non-slip surface which is important for preventing accidents and injuries. In addition to its practical benefits, rubber flooring is also easy to clean and maintain, making it a popular choice in commercial and home gyms alike. Some popular types of rubber flooring for weightlifting areas include interlocking tiles, rolled rubber, and rubber mats. Another type of flooring that is suitable for weightlifting areas is vinyl flooring. Vinyl is also shock-absorbing and provides a non-slip surface. It’s also easy to clean and maintain, and comes in a variety of colors and patterns to match your gym’s aesthetic. However, it may not be as durable as rubber and can be prone to scratches and damage from heavy equipment. Ultimately, the best choice for gym flooring depends on your specific needs, budget, and personal preferences. How do I clean and maintain my gym flooring? The best way to clean gym flooring is to start with daily maintenance. Use a dry mop to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the floor. This should be done after each session. If your flooring is foam or rubber, you can also use a vacuum cleaner with a hard floor attachment for additional cleaning. Once a week, wet mop the floor using a mixture of water and a mild cleaning solution or manufacturer-recommended cleaner. Be cautious with cleaners; avoid anything with harsh chemicals that could damage your gym flooring. Also, do not use a steam mop as it can damage, loosen or break down adhesives used in gym flooring. Make sure to follow up with a dry mop to remove excess moisture and dry the floor thoroughly. Can gym flooring be installed over carpet or concrete? Yes, gym flooring can be installed over both carpet and concrete surfaces. However, the type of gym flooring used may vary depending on the condition of the underlying surface. If installing over carpet, it is important to ensure that the carpet is clean and firmly secured to the floor, as any bumps or wrinkles could cause the gym flooring to shift or buckle during use. For concrete surfaces, a thinner, more lightweight gym flooring option may be suitable, while thicker, more heavy-duty options can be installed over concrete as well. It is always best to consult with a professional when considering installing gym flooring over existing surfaces, as they can advise on the appropriate materials and installation methods for your specific situation. Additionally, proper installation is crucial to ensure a safe and stable gym environment. What is the cost of installing gym flooring and are there any installation requirements? The cost of installing gym flooring varies depending on the type of flooring you choose and the size of your gym. Generally, the cost can range from $1 to $8 per square foot. Some gym flooring requires professional installation, while others can be a DIY project. It is important to ensure proper subfloor preparation, such as ensuring the surface is clean, level, and dry, before installing the gym flooring. Additionally, some gym flooring may require special adhesives or equipment for installation. Investing in the best gym flooring is an absolute must for any fitness enthusiast. Not only does it provide a safe and comfortable surface for exercising, but it also protects your gym equipment and keeps the space clean and hygienic. After researching and analyzing the top options on the market, it has become clear that there are several outstanding gym flooring options available. When it comes to selecting the best gym flooring, your decision should be based on a variety of factors, such as budget, usage, and style. You cannot go wrong with any of the top seven best gym flooring options that we have reviewed and outlined in this article. So why wait? Take that extra step to create a safe and comfortable space for your workouts by investing in the best gym flooring today!
Anyone who loves cities (and if you’re reading this, we assume you do) loves wandering, exploring, looking behind the city’s surfaces to find the weird and wonderful things that make built environments so fascinating. But a love of exploration, a commitment to discovery, and sense of wonder are by no means limited to urban enthusiasts. The world is full of people whose passionate interest or first-hand knowledge of sites off the beaten track just might constitute a welcome alternative to the monuments, museums, shops and restaurants that typically determine how we navigate both foreign and familiar locales — if only someone would gather the entries of these worldwide explorers into one comprehensive, virtual collection. So that’s exactly what Dylan Thuras and Joshua Foer set out to do with Atlas Obscura, a “collaborative compendium of amazing places that aren’t found in your average guidebook.” On April 28th, Thuras and Foer will present the third annual Obscura Day, a global event to celebrate unusual places through expeditions, tours and explorations. New York City, of course, is rife with the unusual and the fascinating, and past Obscura Days have taken participants to see the ghost ships of Coney Island Creek, the Greenwood Cemetery Catacombs, the Atlantic Avenue Tunnel and Dead Horse Bay. If a camera obscura — the ancient invention that facilitated the two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional space — is a darkened room that renders complex reality into something imageable and discrete through a pinhole, we might conceive of an atlas obscura as a collection of maps that make the world more navigable, that demystify the obscure and turn it into the commonplace. On the contrary, the “user-generated and editor-curated” Atlas Obscura illuminates what’s around us by enhancing its users’ sense of curiosity and delight in a world that always demands to be further explored. In the conversation below, Thuras discusses the nature of discovery and the persistence of wonder. Read the interview, spend some time exploring Atlas Obscura, and then be sure to sign up for one of the daytrips planned for this year’s Obscura Day on April 28th. –C.S. What is Atlas Obscura and how did it come to be? Atlas Obscura started fairly simply and grew out of personal passion. My business partner Joshua Foer and I both had traveled extensively, and we shared an interest in searching out unusual places, unusual museums, things at the margins of normal travel itineraries. For both of us, it was in these places that you often found the most illuminating, interesting aspects of a city. You can go to Italy and see all of the standard stuff, but visiting La Specola to see the wax anatomical collection – just a couple blocks away from the Uffizi — gives you an entirely new perspective. So, long story short, we had an interest in this kind of stuff, but there wasn’t a resource for it. There were some out-of-print books, and there were some websites that touched on what we were looking for, but some of what’s out there is more kitsch than what we wanted. And many were missing academic and institutional collections that you might never know existed – for example, we have come across these incredible museums and collections of brains, where you can visit and learn about the history of neurology. There just wasn’t anything that spoke to the kind of unusual things we were interested in finding. So, as we began to accumulate this information ourselves, we realized we didn’t want to make this into an online book, where we finish our research and say that we found everything of interest to us and that’s that. The more we talked about it, the more we realized that the only way to find what’s wondrous and hidden is to leave it as an open question, a standing invitation to share that information. So we built the site on a wiki-esque model. Our ultimate goal is to provide a set of tools and a place where people can share with each other places and things “that deserves to be known.” This is some amazing little corner of the world that has an incredible story attached to it, that has a revealing history, that tells you about a place in a way you wouldn’t know if you just walked through it. That’s the goal of the site. Travel is all about context — you can go some place and go to a museum, but if you don’t know what you are seeing, if don’t have the larger cultural and historical context, you’re just walking through space. Things that are totally incredible can be rendered completely uninteresting by lack of context and things that look absolutely mundane can be made amazing and wondrous by understanding the story. What does the word “atlas” mean to you? What is an atlas as a concept or as a tool? An atlas is a way of navigating the world or a set of lenses through which you can look at the world. In its literal definition, an atlas offers a representation of what the world looks like at a particular time. In a romantic sense, atlases throughout history revealed new territory. Historically, you see the transition from “here be dragons” to a revealed world. Now, we live in a time when we’re so deep into that constant revealing of new layers of information that each of us is contributing to how the world is described in some way. If you use Foursquare or any kind of location-based service, you are contributing to a new sort of atlas. Now, the idea of an atlas is more like a loose set of associated databases that all offer different ways of revealing space and information about that space. We’re in this constant, collapsing momentum where real world space and virtual space become one layer together. I don’t know what that’s going to look like – Google is going to have to make some fancy glasses or something – but that idea of revealing the hidden persists. Atlas Obscura isn’t just about making a list of weird places (although it works that way too). We want to push into the place, because with each scrape away at the surface or each re-adjustment of the lens, there is a whole new set of hidden places, of hidden information, of hidden infrastructure that you didn’t understand was a part of your world. And when you do understand, you see things totally differently. That’s why I love this stuff; it reveals what’s around you, what’s completely mundane, and gives it this life and this energy. That’s sort of the noble idea behind what we are doing. It becomes a forum for continually trying to find a new way to look at what’s around you. On the site, you describe Atlas Obscura as a place for people who still believe in discovery. What does that mean? For me, the discovery is less about planting a flag on a mountaintop, the Victorian idea of wanting to “get there first.” I think everyone, anywhere can engage in acts of constant discovery, of seeking wonder. Part of this, of course, has to do with urban exploration, but for me, it goes even further. If you choose to push a little bit past your standard routes, look around, walk into that building in Greenpoint that says “live chicken slaughter” on it, there’s so much bizarre, fascinating stuff happening right around us. It’s just about taking one step further outside of our normal routines in order to better understand the environment we live in. We all think we live in one environment and we actually live in this totally other – or really, we live in fifty different environments. Edible Geography just did a piece on spaces of banana control, which to me is a perfect example of this. There’s this entire geography, entire world map of banana existence, taking place in the kind of typical warehouse that you normally wouldn’t think twice about. For me, understanding what’s going on behind the scenes in the warehouse was a revelation and surprise. And with that greater understanding comes a sense of engagement and wonder. It’s not just about learning an interesting factoid. For me, it also generates a real sense of childlike delight and curiosity. Another way that you describe Atlas Obscura is as an alternative kind of guidebook. A guidebook is a different image than an atlas, although both have related practical applications. Do you see the site as something primarily used by people exploring places that they are not familiar with or for people uncovering things they didn’t know about in their own backyards? Yes and yes. The site serves a couple of different purposes and our audience uses it in a variety of ways. Some people just go and browse around, read about a random place, just for curiosity and entertainment value. Then there’s a smaller group of people who use it as an active travel resource, whom I am always thrilled to hear from and talk to. Hopefully for both groups of people, travellers or just readers, these aren’t all far-away, foreign, exotic locations. For some people, the site is a kick in the butt to go see something that you’ve always been meaning to check out. Hopefully there is something within twenty miles of you, no matter where you are. And if not, maybe you should add something to the atlas yourself. How is the site organized, categorized, updated, edited? What’s the process? Our users submit ideas, everything from quick tips alerting us to a location to fully fleshed out, long form articles. We have an editorial staff that checks facts, makes sure that the submission is legitimate, and often times add more information to fill out the story. Sometimes the editorial staff provides the story, if we know of an amazing place that deserves to be on the site. Everything is mapped. You can do all kind of searches, by region or thematic category. For example, we have an “ossuaries” category where you can find collections of bones. The Paris catacombs are probably the most famous example, but there’s also a church outside of Prague called Sedlec, which has been completely decorated in human bones. It was intended to evoke the idea that our bodies are but mere shells for our souls. We also talk about lesser-known national wonders. For example, flora wonders. In the wettest region of India — and this entry was from a user tip, I had never heard about these before – people build “root bridges,” where they get the roots of trees to grow together by grafting them over a little structure they make. It takes fifteen years to grow one of these, but eventually they remove the structure and have this living bridge of tree roots. It’s known as arbor-tecture. So yeah, we have a wide range of thematic categories. We are re-launching the site in about two months and moving to a slightly different model. We will still have categories that are very functional, like “church” or “cave,” but then we want to be able to group things together in a looser way – one set of entries might all relate to the history of poisoning, for example. There are so many ways in which these sites can interrelate. You mentioned infrastructure as one category that interests you. Our readers, who are fascinated with how the city works, are interested in infrastructure for a variety of reasons, sometimes for professional reasons, sometimes for curiosity, or its cultural or social impact. If you can speak on behalf of your community, what is it they find wondrous or hidden about infrastructural systems? I think there’s something fascinating about anything you can’t see but you know is there, just slightly out of reach. I think everyone in New York has an interest in, for example, the hidden, unused subway stations. It’s exciting to think of the multiple layers of the subterranean world. It fills your mind with totally foolish visions of what it’s like to navigate. This is also true of our audience that’s fascinated with, say, the old pneumatic tube system. Just knowing that it’s there, it still exists in these hidden spaces. How else does the built environment figure in all this? I think it comes in from a couple of different angles. There are some phenomena that are the result of architecture, such as the Whispering Gallery in St. Paul’s Cathedral. But we don’t do a lot of straight up architectural history because we feel like there’s a whole world that already exists that focuses on that. We try to find places where the architectural history is particularly attached to an unexpected or unknown story, where history and the built environment tell an incredible narrative. If you go down to Wall Street you can see buildings with these little pock marks that would be completely innocuous normally but they’re actually shrapnel scars from an anarchist bomb attack in 1920. Another great example of the way the built environment plays into this – though we actually don’t have this on the site and it’s not a single place – is Manhattanhenge, the two days a year when the sunset aligns perfectly with the east–west streets of Manhattan. How would a phenomena like Manhattanhenge – something that is not necessarily place-based – find expression on your site? That’s part of the re-launch. We want to mix in more editorial content with the place-oriented database. We want to give ourselves more room to talk about things that are place-oriented but not necessarily perfectly matched to a single GPS location. Speaking of New York and Manhattan, tell me about Obscura Day. Obscura Day is our ridiculously over-ambitious attempt to throw a world celebration of wonder. This will be our third time doing it. Last year we had over a hundred events around the world. It’s a big distributed party. We seek out unusual locations and do little expeditions to them. The sites range from back rooms in like museums or institutions that open their doors to us to show you something you wouldn’t normally see, to field trips out to a part of a city you wouldn’t otherwise go to, like the Coney Island Creek or Dead Horse Bay. It’s not just getting people to those places, it’s also the process of going with a group of curious, interested people. This year Obscura Day will be on April 28th. There will be stuff happening around the world. In New York, we’re planning to do something at the Magic Library in Midtown and we also might be making a trip out to Staten Island with Underwater New York to check out some ruins. More events and details are still being worked out. Who comes out for your events, and how would you define your audience? At our field trips or Obscura Day events, we tend to get a mix of young “explore-y” types and then older history buff or engineering buff types. I really like that chance to bring disparate groups together around an interest in a place. Our audience generally, I think, is made up of people like me, people who often would be doing this on their own anyway. They’re people who, when they travel someplace or explore their own city, take that factory tour, or go out of their way to search out interesting spots. This idea resonates with people like that, and gives them a chance to share their knowledge as well as join a community of other people who are excited about that idea of exploring our environment. Tell me about some of the entries that jump out at you as being particularly indicative of the kinds of wondrous or hidden things that you want users of the site to learn about. I can divide them into two categories. There’s the “holy shit, this is nuts” category, which includes things like the root bridges. In that category, I’d point to this giant flaming hole in Turkmenistan, which was created when a Soviet drilling rig sort of fell into the desert, and then released this enormous crater of natural gas. So in nice Soviet style they just lit it on fire, and it’s been burning for forty years. If you go to Google Earth and zoom in you can see the little red dot where it is. So, there are some crazy large-scale things like that. And then, there are these other, quieter, but, to me, equally amazing places. One such place is in Japan, in a corporate park between some high rises, there’s a little pond where all the fish are descendants of fish that were taken to outer space and then deposited. It looks like nothing, it looks like a little pond surrounded by grass. But it has this great connection to exploration and space travel. I’m also a big fan of those little tucked-away gems, those unknown collections at institutions, hospitals or universities. They tend to be slightly magical in the sense that they represent this sort of internal knowledge that just barely kind of leaks out to the wider world. I’m a big fan of medical museums and medical collections, I just find them fascinating. It’s interesting to hear you use the words “wondrous” and “wonder” a lot. The site’s categories and the kind of entries that seem prevalent on the site reflect the sensibility of a Wunderkammer: Victorian science experiments, collections of brains, wax museums. Does the idea of a Cabinet of Curiosities inform your curatorial scrim? Absolutely. I have my own sort of cabinet of curiosities at home. And yes, those sorts of things are amazing to me, but I don’t want it to get stuck in a mustache-twirly, 18th-century idea of… Exactly. I don’t want people to only look to the past. Today’s world has just as much of the bizarre and that sense of wonder and surprise. I think evoking that slightly out of reach sense of possibility, the sense that the world we are in right now isn’t mundane but is actually, in a sense, magical. I don’t mean magical in a supernatural way, but in the sense that if we look and we really see, the world is weird and amazing. That’s what we’re always going for. The views expressed here are those of the authors only and do not reflect the position of The Architectural League of New York.
Okinawan Cuisine: Typical Food From the Region Okinawa is famous for its distinctive and unique food ingredients and culture. Okinawa is known for a long history as a country, “Ryukyu Kingdom”, and also a prefecture with the great influence of America. This makes Okinawan culture unique. It is the most Southern prefecture in Japan as well, so it has vast ingredients that are not able to be tried in other prefectures. Okinawa is famous for its unique snacks, sweets, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and agu pork. This prefecture is known as a blue zone for its healthy diet and happy lifestyle. We recommend you go to Okinawan restaurants or markets if you want to discover a little more. Here are some of the restaurants and markets. - Kokusai Street Food Village(国際通り屋台村) - Sakaemachi Arcade(栄町市場) - Makishi Public Market(第一牧志公設市場) Many famous Okinawa foods to explore! In this post we'll cover: - 1 What food is Okinawa famous for? - 1.1 What are famous Okinawan snacks? - 1.2 What sweets is Okinawa known for? - 1.3 What seafood do Okinawans eat? - 1.4 What are the best Okinawan vegetables? - 1.5 What fruits grow in the Okinawan islands? - 1.6 Why is Okinawan agu pork different from regular pork? - 1.7 How does Okinawa differ from other regional Japanese food? - 2 What traditional meals do Okinawans eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? - 3 Where do you go to eat the best Okinawa street food? What food is Okinawa famous for? Okinawa is most famous for its unique food culture, for eating all parts of pork, the environment with seas, and food that is unique to its warm and sunny weather. Okinawa was a country called the “Ryukyu Kingdom”, which lasted about 450 years until the Meiji era. In this period, Okinawa had royal courts and developed its unique snacks and sweets, and also farmed Agu pork to serve China or Satsuma Domain (current Kagoshima prefecture). They also get some influence from Chinese food saying, “Food is Medicine”, thus the food is well-balanced. In addition to that, Okinawans have invented their cuisine to survive this rigorous, hot environment. Okinawa is hard to harvest typical food ingredients in Japan, such as pear, lettuce, or corn. On the other hand, they have managed to catch, grow, and harvest seafood, vegetables, or fruits that are suitable to their tropical climate. Okinawa was also governed by the U.S. for 27 years after World War II. This makes Okinawa one of the most Americanized prefectures in Japan. Here are some foods that are unique in Okinawa. - Agu pork What are famous Okinawan snacks? Okinawa snack is unique in its way. It is influenced by both Ryukyu and the U.S. These are the 5 savory Okinawan snacks that Japanese people or Okinawan people usually eat. - Pork-egg Onigiri(ポーク卵おにぎり) - Mozuku Tempura(もずく天ぷら) - Mimigar Jerky(ミミガージャーキー) Hirayachi is a Okinawan pancake. It mixes flour, egg, and dashi, then cooks it together with leek or Chinse chive. The texture is close to a Korean pancake. You can eat in Izakaya (Japanese bar), at a takeaway store, or you can buy Hirayachi mix flour to cook by yourself! 2. Pork-egg Onigiri(ポーク卵おにぎり) Pork-egg onigiri is a rice sandwiched SPAM pork and fried egg in between. It is usually sold in bento (lunch box) shops in Okinawa. 3. Mozuku Tempura(もずく天ぷら) Mozuku Tempura is a deep-fried fritter of mozuku, seaweed that is special to Okinawa. You can enjoy it in Izakaya, a cafe or a Tempura shop. Onisasa is a short term of Onigiri (rice bowl) and Deep-fried Sasami (chicken tender). They shape onigiri on top of deep-fried chicken tender and drizzle with mayonnaise or sauce. It is a soul food of Ishigaki island and you can purchase it at a food store or bento shop. 5. Mimigar Jerky(ミミガージャーキー) Mimigar is pig ears in the Okinawan language. It is eaten broadly in Okinawa as a vinegared dish to go with alcohol. For convenience, Okinawans made it into jerky and sell in a food store or souvenir shop. What sweets is Okinawa known for? Okinawa sweets have an influence on royal courts during the Ryukyu Kingdon era. Here are the most commonly seen 5 sweets in Okinawa food festivals or as Okinawan souvenirs from friends. - Red Sweet Potato Tart, Beni Imo Tart(紅芋タルト) - Okinawa Salt Cookies, Chinsuko(ちんすこう) - Deep Fried Dough, Sata Andagi(サーターアンダギー) 1. Red Sweet Potato Tart, Beni Imo Tart(紅芋タルト) Beni imo tart is a purple sweet potato with a tart. It’s also known as a classic Okinawan souvenir, so you can purchase it in souvenir shops or confectionary stores. 2. Okinawa Salt Cookies, Chinsuko(ちんすこう) Chinsuko is an Okinawan salt cookie that uses flour, lard, and sugar. It has a hollow and rich texture. This is also a classic Okinawan souvenir you can purchase it in souvenir shops. Benitsutsumi is a baked purple sweet potato paste, wrapped with sweet potato paste. From its beautiful purple and yellow color, it’s popular as an Okinawan souvenir. 4. Deep Fried Dough, Sata Andagi(サーターアンダギー) Sata Andagi is an Okinawan doughnut that is round and cute. The name stands for sugar (sata) and deep-fried food (angagi). You can purchase it in Sata Andagi shops or confectionary stores. Chiirunkou is a steamed cake that mixes flour, sugar, egg, and kippan (Okinawa confection). This is a dynasty sweet that can be eaten in confectionary stores. What seafood do Okinawans eat? Okinawa people eat fish, prawns, and seaweeds just like other prefectures, but it has more colorful and unique seafood that you can’t eat in other places. With the perfect sea that has beautiful coral reefs and nutrient-rich water, Okinawa is known widely for having these 3 kind of seafood. - Sea Grapes/ Sea Caviar(海ぶどう) - Mozuku Seaweed (もずく) Okinawa Seas can catch dozens of different species of grouper among 150 species in the world according to macaroni, a Japanese food web-news site. This includes honeycomb grouper or Malabar grouper. Especially, leopard coral grouper(スジアラ) is one of the most expensive fish in Japan. Okinawa people simmered with salt and Awamori (Okinawan distilled liquor) to eat, which is called Ma-suni(マース煮). 2. Sea Grapes/ Sea Caviar(海ぶどう) It’s a seaweed that looks like a grape. The texture is pulpy and the taste is salty and a little bitter. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals and eaten as an appetizer in Izakaya. 3. Mozuku Seaweed(もずく) Mozuku is a seaweed that Okinawa has the most share in Japan. Okinawa is the only place that succeeded in breeding mozuku commercially, according to the Okinawa Mozuku Breeding Promotion Council. It succeded because mozuku usually grows on coral or the stem of other seaweeds, and Okinawa has a broad sea with corals that are suitable for it to grow. What are the best Okinawan vegetables? The best Okinawan vegetables are the 2 vegetables below. - Bitter Melon(ゴーヤ) Okinawa also used to trade with Taiwan, Southeast Asian countries, and Korea. With that influence, Okinawa is especially famous for these 2 vegetables. 1.Bitter Melon(ゴーヤ)– Okinawa’s specialty, as it harvests and ships the most in Japan. Okinawa’s dish “Goya Champur” is popular among Japan. It comes out as a side dish or as a dish to drink with alcohol in Izakaya. 2. Shima-rakkyo(島らっきょう)– Known as an Okinawa shallot, which is often pickled and eaten with beer, or deep-fried to tempura. Also, 80% of shima-rakkyo is cultivated from Ieshima island in Okinawa. What fruits grow in the Okinawan islands? Okinawa grows tropical fruits that are hard to harvest in Japan. Here are 8 of the fruits that are known as fruits you can eat in Okinawa. - Okinawan Citrus Fruit, Shikuwasa (シークワーサー)- It’s like lime with more sweetness and less bitterness - Dragon Fruit - Passion Fruit - Star Fruit - Orange Tankan(タンカン)- a hybrid of Ponkan orange and Navel orange. Rich sweetness with less acidity Why is Okinawan agu pork different from regular pork? Okinawan Agu pork is marbled and has a sweetness and umami that are 2.5 times more than regular pork. The fat also melts faster in your mouth than regular pork, so you can enjoy the melty texture. Agu pork is used for shabu shabu, sukiyaki, or Okinawa shoyu pork (rafute). It is used and eaten just like other pork. Is Okinawa shoyu pork the most famous pork dish from the region? Yes, it is one of the most famous pork dishes in Okinawa. Okinawa shoyu pork is called rafute(ラフテー)in Japanese, which is braised pork with soy sauce, dashi, alcohol (or awamori), and sugar. Rafute is one of the most famous pork dishes just like Tebichi (pig’s trotter) or Mimiga (pig’s ear), and you get to see it in Okinawan Izakaya around Japan. How does Okinawa differ from other regional Japanese food? Compared to other Japanese regional cuisine, some say that Okinawa has food that is almost like a different country. With the influence of different cultures such as the history of trading with Southeast Asian countries or serving America, Okinawa built a food culture that is from every part of different countries. And with its warm weather and beautiful sea surrounding the prefecture, it harvests food that is difficult to grow in other parts of Japan. This includes tropical fruits such as mango or pineapple. What traditional meals do Okinawans eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Okinawan is one of the five areas identified as the “Blue Zone”. Okinawan diet is “typically high in nutrients and low in calories” as well+good mentions. Here are the traditional meals that Okinawans eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner that make them a blue zone. - Pork-Egg Onigiri(ポークたまごおにぎり) - Local Fluffy Tofu, Yushi-Dofu(ゆし豆腐)– tofu that has not yet been pressed and formed. It has a fluffy texture - Juicy Onigiri(ジューシーおにぎり)- Okinawa-style seasoned rice molded as a rice ball. It’s a bomb of umami from different ingredients - Okinawa Soba(沖縄そば)– Soup noodles with 3 slices of pork. It has a sweet and savory taste. Although it’s called “soba”, their noodle is made from flour with charcoal or brine water and taste more like an udon or Chinese noodle - So-ki Soba(ソーキそば)– Same with Okinawa soba, but with spare rib - Goya Champur(ゴーヤチャンプル) – Stir-fried Bitter Melon With Pork, egg and tofu - Shabu Shabu of Agu Pork(アグー豚) - Sea Grapes/ Sea Caviar(海ぶどう) - Local Chewy Tofu, Jimami Tofu(ジーマーミー豆腐)– tofu made from peanuts juice. It has a smooth nutty taste and has been eaten since the Ryukyu Kingdom era. - Simmered Pork Legs(てびちの煮付け)– pork legs simmered with dashi, soy sauce, sugar and awamori - Braised Pork Belly, Rafute(ラフテー) What food choices make Okinawa a blue zone? A “blue zone” is a place that live longer and have a high-quality time in their old age, according to Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Explorer in 2004. Okinawa is one of 5 places that are “blue zone”. This is because a traditional Okinawan diet that mainly focuses on having less sodium, more pork (animal protein), and more vegetables is healthy. Okinawa’s diet is healthier because, with the warm whole season, they do not have a culture to pickle with a salt or salty brine, according to The Japan Food Journal. Is Ryukyu food the same as Okinawan food? Yes, Ryukyu food is part of Okinawan food. Ryukyu food describes food that was established when Okinawa was still an independent country. Ryukyu food is influenced by Southeast Asian countries and China. This is unlike the meals such as Pork Egg Onigiri or Taco rice, which has a great influence from the U.S. Where do you go to eat the best Okinawa street food? Naha-city is recommended to try the best Okinawa street food. It is the most touristy and crowded area, so it’s easier to find places to eat. However, another area like Kin town in Kunigami can be a great choice, too. Here are the places you want to visit if you’re keen on Okinawa street food. - White Kitchen Okinawa(ホワイトキッチン) - Kokusai Street Food Village(国際通り屋台村) - Sakaemachi Arcade(栄町市場) 1. White Kitchen Okinawa(ホワイトキッチン)– Tacorice store. It’s located in Kin town in Kunigami District, a place famous for Tacorice, the Japanese American dish. Nowadays, tacos become a fancy food in Japan, but White Kitchen serves junky-style just like they served to the American Navy. 2. Kokusai Street Food Village(国際通り屋台村)– One of the areas with most food stalls in Naha City. With its lively atmosphere, you get to eat all of Okinawan food in 21 stalls! 3. Sakaemachi Arcade(栄町市場)– This is a market in the daytime, and Izakaya at night time! It has about 90 Izakaya inside and around the Sakaemachi Arcade, which is located in Naha City. You can enjoy the local food with a local atmosphere. At which markets can you find the best produce in Okinawa? Okinawa has few markets that can purchase food directly from the makers. These are the 3 places that are also recommended on - Makishi Public Market(第一牧志公設市場) - JA Okinawa Farmer’s Market, “Champur Market”(JAおきなわファーマーズマーケット ちゃんぷる〜市場) - Sunrise market(サンライズマーケット) 1.Makishi Public Market(第一牧志公設市場) This market is close to Kokusai Street in Naha City and is a popular tourist spot. It has been running for more than 60 years and is known as an Okinawan kitchen among tourists. At 1st floor, you can find ingredients like seafood, meat, or seasonings. On the 2nd floor, you can enjoy Okinawa food and even ask the chef to cook food with the purchased ingredients! 2.JA Okinawa Farmer’s Market, “Champur Market”(JAおきなわファーマーズマーケット ちゃんぷる〜市場) Champur Market is a market that sells farm-produced ingredients and processed food. It’s located in the middle of Okinawa’s main island. You can get mangoes from July to August, and oranges in December! 3. Sunrise market(サンライズマーケット) Sunrise Market is a market at Sunrise Hana Shopping Street in Naha City. It only opens once a month, on Sunday. Not only you can get Okinawa food to try, but you can also get clothes, accessories, or potteries that you can buy from the creators. What are typical Okinawan festival foods? Festival foods are food sold while having their traditional event. For example, “Naha Great Tug of War Festival” is a festival where people do tug of war with a 200m long and big lope. Many tourists will come over to look, so they will have some food stalls around the festival so that people can enjoy the festival without hassle. Okinawa still has various festivals that you can enjoy every year, such as the “Nago Summer Festival” or “Ryukyu Lantern Festival”. Not only the typical Okinawan foods, but you can also enjoy the mix of usual festival food in Japan and Okinawa food at a festival. Here are the typical Okinawan festival foods you can try. - Rafute stir-fried noodles - Ocellated octopus takoyaki - Agu pork rice bowl - Beef steak - Awamori (Okinawan distilled liquor) Yukino Tsuchihashi is a Japanese writer and recipe developer, who loves exploring different ingredients and food from various countries. She studied in an Asian Culinary School in Singapore.
Nuclear energy worldwide 2024 Different approaches are being taken around the world with regard to the utilisation of nuclear energy for power generation. There are roughly three groups: While some are aiming to phase out nuclear power in the short or medium term, others are extending the lifetimes of nuclear power plants (NPPs), while others are planning new plants and, in some cases, are also extending their lifetimes. The arguments put forward include the following: For example, supporters cite the reliability with which electricity is supplied from nuclear power or point to the comparatively low carbon footprint during operation, which is seen as a plus in the fight against climate change. Opponents point e.g. to the risk of accidents, the expense associated with the disposal of radioactive waste, or the comparatively high costs and long construction times for building the plants. This dossier provides an overview of nuclear power worldwide. It is updated once a year and published on the GRS website. According to the Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), there are currently 413 nuclear reactors in operation worldwide with an average age of around 32 years. In 2023, a total of six new reactor units were connected to the grid, and two Japanese units that had been shut down since 2011 (nuclear disaster at Fukushima) were also restarted. In contrast, there are five decommissioned units, three of which are the last German plants Emsland, Isar-2 and Neckarwestheim-2. In addition to the running reactors, there are another 25 reactors in PRIS that are running in "suspended operation" mode. These are reactors that have been shut down for the long term but have not yet been permanently decommissioned. 21 of these "long-term outage reactors" are located in Japan, the remaining four in India. The fact that some of these "long-term outage reactors" were still listed as "in operation" by the respective countries last year explains the difference to the number of reactors and the net installed capacity from the previous year: Although three more reactors are actually operating, nine fewer reactors are listed here. Accordingly, the net installed capacity fell by 6,804 to 371,510 MWe. With regard to the PRIS figures, it should also be noted that the respective IAEA countries enter their data into the database themselves. This regularly leads to delays. For example, according to the operator, Kursk-II has been shut down since the end of January but is still listed as operational in PRIS. The average age figures in this text are calculated from the date of commercial operation and reflect the status as of January 2024 from the World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR). While the absolute amount of electricity generated in nuclear power plants worldwide has remained largely unchanged during the period under review, its relative share of the global electricity mix fell below the 10 per cent mark in 2022 for the first time in around 40 years (the peak value was 17.5% in 1996). On the one hand, this is due to the fact that more and more electricity is being generated using renewable energies; on the other hand, electricity generation based on fossil fuels has also increased significantly compared to previous years and decades. The figures in this text relating to the global electricity mix and for the respective continents are taken from the International Energy Agency (IEA) and reflect the situation in 2021; the figures relating to electricity generation in the individual countries are taken from the current WNISR and reflect the situation in 2022. Accordingly, the average age of reactors in Asia is comparatively low. New reactor units also have a higher average output than those that have been decommissioned, meaning that the installed output can increase despite a decline in the number of reactor units. One exception is the so-called Small Modular Reactors (SMR): Miniature NPPs are expected to play an important role in the medium-term planning of low-CO2, decentralised electricity production in a number of countries. [Note: Since 2022, the Russian Federation, together with the Central Asian republics, Azerbaijan and Georgia, has been included in the IEA's new Eurasia category. The figures for the European electricity mix therefore do not include the figures for these countries, which are instead included for Asia. As far as the number of reactors is concerned, we follow the IAEA system, which counts Russia as part of Europe.] In Europe, nuclear energy accounted for around 21% of total electricity generation in 2021. A total of 168 reactors are in operation in Europe, with an average age of 35.6 years. 13 reactors are currently under construction and 128 are being dismantled. Germany finally phased out the use of nuclear energy for electricity generation in 2023: On 15 April, the last three nuclear power plants Emsland, Isar 2 and Neckarwestheim II were shut down. However, nuclear power plants are not the only nuclear facilities in Germany. The six research reactors currently in operation may continue to be operated. The same applies to the so-called nuclear fuel supply and disposal facilities. In addition to the interim and (future) final storage facilities for radioactive waste, these include the fuel fabrication plant at Lingen and the uranium enrichment plant at Gronau. Nuclear energy accounts for the largest percentage of the global electricity mix in France. In 2022 it was 63%. With 56 reactors, France is also the European leader in this respect. However, the last reactor was connected to the grid in 1999 and the average age is 38.6 years. A new unit is currently being built at the Flamanville NPP. The construction project began in 2007 and was originally scheduled for completion by 2012. However, the schedule has been extended several times and the costs have multiplied since then, most recently from 12.7 to 13.2 billion euros (originally forecast at 3.3 billion euros). Nevertheless, nuclear energy will continue to play an important role in France's climate protection plans: In addition to the expansion of renewable energies, France's energy plan also provides for an extension of the lifetimes of existing NPPs and the construction of six new EPR-2 reactors at existing sites (Penly, Gravelines and Bugey). The realisation of eight additional new EPR-2 reactors has been under review since the beginning of 2024. The construction of an SMR prototype is also due to start in 2030 with NUWARD. The United Kingdom also continues to rely on nuclear energy - around 14% of the electricity produced there currently comes from nuclear power plants. Nine reactor units are currently in operation and 36 reactor units are being dismantled. The British government has been pursuing the construction of new NPPs for some time. Two new EPR reactors are currently under construction (Hinkley Point C-1 and -2) and two further EPR reactors are planned for the Sizewell C site - preparatory work has already begun. In 2020, the construction of new nuclear power plants (NPPs) was defined as part of a ten-point plan for a "Green Industrial Revolution". Building on the "Powering Up Britain" strategy paper published at the end of March 2023, the British government published the "Civil Nuclear Roadmap" in January 2024, which sets the target of expanding nuclear generation capacity to up to 24 GW by 2050. It should be noted that the eight AGR units (approx. 4.8 GW) will have to be shut down for good by the end of this decade due to advanced ageing effects in the graphite moderator. The installed capacity of currently around 6.5 GW will then drop significantly, as the 3.2 GW from the new construction of Hinkley Point C will be delayed. For this reason, the options for a temporary extension of the AGR units are currently being examined. In addition to the construction of large NPPs, the government is also promoting the development and future use of SMRs in the UK. Belgium should also be emphasised in particular: Five reactors are currently still in operation here, with nuclear power covering 46.4% of electricity demand in 2022. However, Doel 3 was shut down in September 2022, followed by Tihange 2 in February 2023. Three further reactors are due to be shut down for good in 2025 after 50 years of operation each. However, the two newest units, Doel 4 and Tihange 3, are to continue operating until the end of 2036 - an agreement to this effect was concluded between the Belgian government and operator Engie Electrabel in June 2023. There are no plans for new reactors in Belgium, but 100 million euros are to be invested in research and development of SMRs. According to the new coalition agreement, two new reactor units are to be built in the neighbouring Netherlands in addition to the one operated at Borssele; the government has earmarked 5 billion euros for this purpose. The target date for commissioning the new units is 2035. In all likelihood, the new units will be built on the site of the current Borssele NPP, whose service life is to be extended beyond 60 years. The Scandinavian neighbour Sweden operates a total of six reactors, which together cover around 30% of the country's electricity generation. The Swedish government adopted a nuclear energy roadmap in 2023, which envisages the construction of two (by 2033) and a further ten (by 2045) conventional reactors and SMRs. No major expansion activities can be identified in Western Europe as a whole. Apart from France and the UK, which are currently building, only Finland can be mentioned here: In spring 2023, Olkiluoto-3 was the first reactor to be connected to the grid in Western Europe since 2002. The average age of Finnish reactors is 36.2 years, and the 35 per cent share of nuclear energy in the electricity mix from 2022 has increased with Olkiluoto-3. The government has also announced that the service life of the VVER 440 units will be extended from 50 to 70 years. Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, the new construction project for a Russian VVER-1200 at the Hanhikivi site, which had already begun, was cancelled. What all current new construction projects in Western Europe have in common is that the originally calculated costs and construction times have increased massively. In addition to Belgium, Switzerland and Spain are currently planning to phase out nuclear energy: The four reactors in Switzerland (36.4% share) are allowed to run until they reach the end of their service life but cannot be replaced by new ones. There is no date for the shutdown in Switzerland. The seven Spanish reactors are to be gradually taken off the grid by 2035, with the first shutdown planned for 2027 (Almaraz 1). Central and Eastern Europe In 2022, the 15 reactors in Ukraine produced 55% of the total amount of electricity. Despite the war situation and the associated safety-related risk factors, the country will probably continue to rely on nuclear power as its most important form of electricity generation, at least in the medium term. Two largely complete VVER-1000s are to be finalised at the Khmelnytskyi site (without Russian participation); in addition, two further AP-1000s are to be built there by Westinghouse to compensate for the loss of the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP. A total of nine AP-1000 reactors are planned in Ukraine. Some of the operating reactors have been granted lifetime extensions. In Slovakia, the fifth reactor, Mochovce-3, started commercial operation in 2023. In 2022, the share of the total electricity mix was still 59.2%. Another VVER-440 is due to follow in 2025. Hungary currently obtains almost half of its electricity from four VVER-440 units. There are plans to build two Russian VVER-1200 units at the Paks site, and preparatory work is underway. In Slovenia, the only nuclear reactor at the Krško site accounts for 41% of the country's net electricity generation. In January 2023, the lifetime of the NPP was extended by 20 years until 2043. Nuclear power is to be expanded in the future in order to achieve the country's CO2 targets; two nuclear power plant units are planned depending on the demand for electricity. An AP-1000 is also to be built in Bulgaria; a corresponding plan was approved by parliament in 2021 and the front-end engineering and design contract was signed in 2023. It is intended to supplement the two VVER-1000 reactors at the Kozloduy site, which currently produce around a third of the total electricity. Romania operates two Candu reactors, and two further Candu units are expected to be completed by 2031. Romania also plans to build an SMR designed by the US company NuScale. In the Czech Republic, two 1000 MW units to be built at the Dukovany site have been put out to tender, and two new units are also planned at the country's second site, Temelin. KHNP and EdF are to submit their bids by mid-April 2024. The construction of SMRs is also planned for Temelin in the near future. Six pressurised water reactors currently produce 36.6% of the Czech Republic's electricity. Poland is planning to embark in the nuclear energy sector, with the first reactor scheduled to go into operation in 2033 and five more to follow by 2043. Contracts have been concluded with American companies (Westinghouse and Bechtel) for the Lubiatowo-Kopalino site on the Baltic Sea for the construction of three AP-1000s. At the same time, negotiations are underway with the Korean company KHNP for the construction of APR-1400 plants. There is also great interest in the SMR sector. The first reactor unit in Belarus has been in operation for two years, while the second went into commercial operation on 1 November 2023. In Russia, 20% of total electricity is produced by 36 reactors, whose average age is 29.1 years. Over the last ten years, nine new reactors have been commissioned, including the Akademik Lomonosov floating NPP with two reactors. The construction of two land-based SMRs in Siberia has begun. Further units of various types are under construction or planned (e.g. VVER-TOI at Kursk or BREST-300 at Seversk). Russia is also very active abroad: In addition to Hungary, Russia is realising new builds in Egypt, Iran, India, China, Bangladesh and also in Turkey, where a nuclear power plant with four Russian VVER-1200 is currently being built. Commissioning is scheduled to take place between 2025 and 2028. Two further sites have already been selected. In 2021, nuclear energy accounted for around 14% of the total electricity mix on the American continent. There are 119 reactors with an average age of 41.7 years in operation. However, there is a clear north-south divide here: While a total of 112 reactors are in operation in the USA and Canada, there are just 7 to the south. Three units are currently under construction on the American continent and 47 reactors are permanently shut down. There are 93 reactors in the United States, more than in any other country in the world; they provided 18% of the electricity in the year before last. The average age of the reactors is 42.6 years. The Vogtle-3 plant was added in 2023, only the second reactor in this millennium (after WATTS BAR-2 in 2016); Vogtle-4 is due to follow this year. The USA is also focusing on lifetime extensions: An extension from 40 to 60 years has already been decided for the majority of reactors, a further extension to 80 years has been approved for six reactor units and eleven more are currently under review; 100-year lifetimes are at least being considered aloud. However, as in some cases the retrofitting required for such lifetime extensions would have been too expensive, a number of plants have been shut down. Most recently, this is what happened in the case of the only unit of the Palisades NPP in the state of Michigan, which, however, is to be restarted by the end of 2025 with government assistance. Nuclear energy is to play a greater role in the Biden administration's energy planning. The development of new reactor concepts is to be promoted, especially of SMRs. The first SMR project in the USA with six planned NuScale reactors at a site near Idaho Falls had to be cancelled due to exploding costs. In addition, American companies are again increasingly interested in reactor projects (including SMRs) abroad, such as in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Ukraine. In light of the energy and climate crisis, the state of California has decided not to shut down the two units at the Diablo Canyon NPP - instead, the licensee submitted an application for a lifetime extension to the US regulatory authority in November 2023; the currently valid operating licences expire on 2 November 2024 (Unit 1) and 26 August 2025, respectively. The NRC has approved the continued operation of the plant in principle. The 19 CANDU reactors (heavy water reactors, average age 40.5 years) in Canada produce around 13% of the electricity mix. The USA's northern neighbour is also relying on lifetime extensions and SMRs. No new reactor units are under construction yet, but the site for the first commercial SMR has already been determined: the construction licence for a BWRX-300 at the Darlington site is due to be issued in 2025, with completion planned for the end of this decade. Reactors are operated in only three countries south of the USA: One CANDU and two heavy water reactors based on a design by the former German manufacturer KWU in Argentina and two each in Mexico (BWR from the American manufacturer GE) and Brazil (2-loop plant from Westinghouse and PWR based on KWU design). The share of the electricity mix in these countries is between 2.4 and 5.4%. An SMR is currently being built in Argentina, the contract for the construction of Hualong-1 with a gross output of 1,200 MW at the Atucha site was signed with China at the beginning of February 2022; in Brazil, work on a third unit at Angra was resumed after a six-year interruption (reference plant Angra-2). In Asia, nuclear energy accounts for just 6% of total electricity production; 124 reactors are in operation in eight countries. In addition, there are 25 "suspended operation reactors", 21 of which are Japanese reactors that have been shut down since the nuclear accident at Fukushima. The average age of the reactors in operation is 17.4 years. In addition, 39 new units are being built here - 23 of them in China and eight in India. On the other hand, 34 reactors are being dismantled. No other continent is building anywhere near as many new NPPs. It should be borne in mind that Asia accounts for more than 50% of the world's population and that energy demand has not multiplied as much on any other continent in recent decades. A correspondingly large number of other (especially fossil-fuelled) power plants have been built, which also explains the relatively low share of nuclear energy in the electricity mix. Nuclear energy accounts for 5% of the total electricity mix in China. This is due to 56 reactors with an average age of just 10.1 years. One new reactor was commissioned last year and 23 new reactor units of various types are currently being built, including various PWR types as well as high-temperature reactors, fast breeder reactors and other SMR types. In addition to the expansion of renewable energies, nuclear energy plays an important role in China's efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. This is also reaffirmed in the current 5-year plan, according to which further new reactor constructions are planned. China is also trying to enter new markets in order to sell its technology and expertise. In South Korea, the share of nuclear energy in total electricity production is quite a bit higher: the 26 reactors currently in operation produce more than 30%. The new government has cancelled the planned phase-out; in addition to the expansion of renewable energies, nuclear energy is to help achieve the country's climate targets: The share of the electricity mix is to be increased to 35% by 2036; one reactor has been connected to the grid in each of the last two years and two more are currently under construction. South Korea is also endeavouring to get involved in construction projects in various countries: In the United Arab Emirates, three Korean units have already started commercial operation and another is about to do so; talks are underway with Egypt, Poland, the Czech Republic and Uganda, for example. Japan is of course one of the countries whose energy policy was heavily influenced by Fukushima. Before the day of the accident, 54 reactors were in operation there, covering almost 30% of electricity demand. These were initially all shut down after the disaster; twelve of them are now back on the grid, most recently the two units Takahama-1 and -2 in August and September 2022, respectively, with more to follow in the coming years. On the other hand, 27 reactors are currently being dismantled. The current share of the electricity mix is around 6.1% - however, the current government plans to increase the share to between 20 and 22% by 2030. In December 2022, it also adopted a directive that provides for the service life of existing reactors to be extended beyond the current limit of 60 years. In the long run, next-generation reactors are to be built to replace old power plants. Following the events at Fukushima, Taiwan decided to phase out nuclear energy. The remaining two reactors are to continue generating electricity until 2025 before they are decommissioned; in 2022, three reactors (at that time) produced 9.1% of the country's electricity. The situation is different in India, where a further eight units are currently being built in addition to the 22 reactors currently in operation. The new builds are India's own developments based on the CANDU and Russian reactor units. There are also plans to build six new reactor units of western design. Middle and Far East Nuclear energy is also used to generate electricity in Pakistan: Six reactor units cover 10.6% of the country's electricity demand. One Hualong-1 each was commissioned at the Karachi site in 2021 and in 2022. In Iran, the first reactor unit has been in operation for a good twelve years; two VVER-1000 units are under construction at the Bushehr site. According to Iranian information, a further four-unit plant is to be built in the south of the country. There are also a number of countries in Asia that are currently starting their nuclear energy journey. These include Bangladesh, where two Russian-designed reactor units are currently being built, and the United Arab Emirates, where three reactors have gone into operation since 2020 and another was due to follow last year and is expected to go online this year. Only two reactors are operated in Africa, which produce around 1% of the total electricity mix. They are both located in South Africa, where nuclear energy accounts for 6% of the electricity mix. Both plants were built at the same time and were connected to the grid in 1984 and 1985, respectively, resulting in an average age of 39.1 years. However, as the power grids on the continent will need to be expanded in the coming years, nuclear energy could play a greater role here in the future. This also makes the continent interesting for foreign investors, and some countries (e.g. Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda) are specifically looking at how to realise a move towards nuclear energy. In Egypt, four Russian reactor units (VVER-1200) are to be built at the El Dabaa site. The construction licences have all been granted and construction work on the first three units is underway.
Affordable, easy to customise, build and get your hands on - revamping your home with an IKEA hack is a no-brainer. The iconic Swedish brand is renowned for its simple flat-pack furniture, meaning that whether you're looking to save money or hoping to upgrade existing decor, they're bound to have an easy DIY project right for you. While sometimes no-fuss designs that maximise storage are exactly what you want, they can sometimes be lacking in creativity. Colourful, individualistic homes are a fool-proof way to add joy to your everyday life, and playing with IKEA furniture offers the perfect low-cost solution for creating a personality-packed space, from living rooms to bedrooms and everything in between. Some of our favourite IKEA hacks may require a few more tools and DIY knowledge than others, but each and every one of them will allow you to create a design-led look for less. IKEA Hacks to update budget-buys 'Simple and neutral IKEA furniture is the best base for re-imagination. With different pieces of furniture come different possibilities,' says Tom Revill, co-founder at Plank Hardware. By taking inspiration from upcycling furniture ideas, you can create a stylish spot almost anywhere in your home, from your wardrobes to your TV cabinet. It's easy too - with an image to use as inspiration, a couple of tools, and some paint, you can achieve an entirely new look. 'If you’re on a budget and focusing on updates only, Chalk Paint™ works just as well on plastic and MDF and brings a lovely matte finish to Ikea furniture,' echoes colour and paint expert, Annie Sloan. 1. Add curve appeal Moon-like shapes have been cropping up more and more in our homes, and luckily they're easy to DIY. @crack_the_shutters has elevated the doors on this IKEA BESTA cabinet by cutting out a curved shape, and filling this in with a rattan sheet. Get the Ideal Home Newsletter Sign up to our newsletter for style and decor inspiration, house makeovers, project advice and more. The effect? Right on-trend and premium-looking. Tom also suggests adding 'brass feet and matching brass hardware' just like in this hack to elevate the simple cabinet even further. DIYing an IKEA unit yourself also offers much more flexibility when it comes to colour. Whether it's on-trend pink, baby blue, or any other shade you can get your hands on, you can match it precisely to your interior. Our Deputy Editor, Rebecca Knight, recently painted her own cabinet using a bold black Frenchic paint, and said 'if you're looking to change the colour of a piece of IKEA furniture quickly and you're not the best painter like me a matte furniture paint like Frenchic hides a multitude of sins and is one of the easiest I've used for a professional finish. Just remember to use a top coat to keep your paint revamp looking good.' 2. Work in a built-in desk Working from home can be uninspiring at times, but this clever IKEA hack is bound to get the creative juices flowing. @fromcatterytohome has created a wall-to-ceiling office set-up by positioning BILLY bookcases on top of a desk, offering a place to store paperwork, stationary, and even some decorative accessories to make the space feel like home. By painting the bookcases to match the walls and base units, it creates the illusion of an all-in-one built-in desk that has been fitted bespoke. This way, you can have a chic home office idea that flows effortlessly into the rest of your home. 3. Create a cohesive design One way to make a living space look expertly designed is by mirroring the same texture around a room, just like @melanielissackinteriors. This Ikea hack uses the BESTA cabinet, which is the ideal shape and size to fill a gap in a dining room for extra crockery, or in a living room for storing games or electronics. The added moulding creates a fluted look that aligns with similar wall panelling ideas, and instantly makes the Ikea unit look bespoke. You can also add a marble-look top for a luxe touch which means you can easily style up accessories on the top of the cabinet too. 4. Go bespoke An IKEA hack that potentially saved £9000? We couldn't believe it either. Paul Knox wanted to achieve the look of a built-in bookshelf to cover the entire wall of his open-plan dining room, but it wasn't within his budget. Instead, he purchased five BILLY bookcases that fit the exact dimensions of the wall and got to work creating his dream bookshelf, all with minimal tools. 'We bought the matching doors for the standard-size bookcase, hardboard for cutting the arches, and then some MDF sheets for the edges of the bookcase to give the impression they were flush to the wall,' Paul says. To take the IKEA bookshelves to the next level, Paul and his partner also 'used beading that would usually be used for flooring to top off the bookcase, and then bits of textured moulding to cover the joins of the bookcase.' 5. Perfect a boudoir-style space The IKEA PAX wardrobes are a popular bedroom storage idea for good reason - they're fully customisable on the inside so you can create a storage system that works entirely for you, at a lower price. Tom says, 'You can upgrade your PAX in several ways, such as adding further framework to create the covetable built-in look. Laura of @houseproject_36 got creative and sourced TV cabinets that were the ideal dimensions for the height of her ceiling, which she slotted on top of her PAX units. She then added beading, a fresh coat of paint and detailed hardware for the ultimate DIY project.' By opting for PAX wardrobes as the foundation of this IKEA hack, it means you can easily add to the design if your storage requirements grow, without needing an entirely new bespoke quote. 6. Take inspiration from designers Obsessed with designer furniture but want to achieve it for less? @lukearthurwells upcycled his IVAR cabinet to give it a new look inspired by premium interiors. Tom from Plank Hardware says, 'He planned out the layout of the design and cut strips from leftover MDF board, making sure to number each piece. He then sanded down the sides and created a bevel around the edges.' 'Using wood and moulding strips for a consistent gap between each piece, he glued down each block. Then he used furniture paint, which means you don’t have to prime. He drilled through two of the blocks for handles, using Plank Hardware PLANE Knobs, the perfect finishing touch. He used a clear matte varnish over the top, for a simple effortless look.' 7. Stencil drawer fronts Bespoke a plain chest of MALM drawers with a simple chevron stencil, made yourself or bought online. First you might want to give the whole set a new lick of paint to transform it from bland and boring, to something more on-trend. Next, lightly tape your stencil onto the drawer fronts using washi tape, then stipple on furniture paint using a dry, coarse-haired paintbrush. Leave to dry then finish with clear matt varnish and add smart, leather tab OSTERNAS handles. 8. Make a secret shelving den Instead of placing BILLY bookshelf units against a wall, face them towards each other to create a special reading nook. Suspend floaty fabric over a swing curtain pole for a magical hideaway canopy, letting it drape to the floor for a fairy-tale feel. Or if space is tight, swap one unit for the back of a bed head. If kids are sharing a room, assign a shelf each, hanging individual hooks at the end for and cherished personal belongings or special toys. 9. Replace solid wardrobe doors with rattan This is a great IKEA hack that will give you a designer look in your bedroom, without the expensive price tag. Remove the inside wood panels from HAUGA wardrobe doors and staple sheets of cane to the backs. There's no need to wet-stretch the cane- just pull it tight and fix in place. While cane is hugely on-trend at the moment, you could achieve a similar look with a woven linen or soft slub cotton to add texture. Choosing sliding doors for wardrobes will help save space if it's tight in your bedroom, plus lidded boxes and baskets can be popped on top for more storage. 10. Top a stool with drawers Give this simple hack a go for an easy bedroom update by combining two Ikea staples, to make a bedside table. Start by attaching a MOPPE chest to the legs of a TENHULT stool using wood glue. Paint the drawer fronts with leftover emulsion or tester pots, in an ombre formation, starting with the lightest shade at the top, with the darkest at the bottom. Leave to dry, then coat with a matt varnish. Alternatively, swap the paint for decoupage paper or pretty wallpaper offcuts to match your scheme. Keep surfaces clear and tidy by adding a simple pendent or wall-mounted lamp above the bedside table. 11. Update doors with fluted film You won't believe how simple it is to achieve these designer-look cabinet doors. Just use glass film to transform a plain RUDSTA display cabinet into an up-to-date storage piece. Measure the size of your doors, then cut the film to fit. Spray the doors with water and apply the film, smoothing out any wrinkles and air bubbles as you go. Don't overcrowd the shelves inside, use stacks of bowls, piles of books and objects with interesting shapes to create balance in your display. The fluted glass film will also help to prevent chips and scratches, plus you could choose to use a stained glass or patterned window film for a truly bespoke cabinet. 12. Create wall-to-wall storage in a boxroom If you have a space that is too small to function as a bedroom, perhaps see it as an opportunity to create your dream dressing area and free up space in your own room too. A wall-to-wall run of MALM chests, painted the same colour and topped with a bespoke-cut piece of wood, will create the ideal space to store all-sorts. Adding a ceiling-hung rail will also make the most of the space and provide a place to hang clothes and accessories. Adding shelves above the chests would also make a great stop for perfumes and toiletries. 13. Make a space for storage in a kids room Another fab idea for a kids room and one they are sure to adore! Get the most from limited floor space with a built-in high sleeper made from storage units, for a child's room. Here, we added custom-made ply doors to METOD base units and MAXIMER drawers, both IKEA. A step-stool will help younger kids climb up a cosy-reading nook. Hanging curtains will turn it into a cosy den for young children. 14. Built bespoke storage using BILLY bookcases Think outside the box with the much-loved BILLY bookcases. Use a single width bookcase attached to the side of a double width version to create an 'end' so to speak. This then frees up a side panel on which to mount a cut-to-fit vinyl chalkboard sticker – making it even more versatile and useful. In addition to providing all the storage a busy household needs, there's now a memo board to jot down all the necessary family to-do lists etc. 15. Create a slimline vanity unit out of a shoe cupboard Pushed for space in a small bedroom? Make room for a micro-sized vanity unit with this clever hack. IKEA’s HEMNES shoe unit measures only 22cm deep, so will butt up against a wall taking minimal floor space. With a handy top ledge to store bedroom essentials, there are four pull out compartments for holding clothes and lingerie. Swap standard drawer pulls for chic leather tabs and add a smart mirror on the wall above. 16. Upgrade basic flatpack wardrobes with designer doors Built-in floor-to-ceiling storage puts alcoves either side of a bed to good use. Give flatpack wardrobes a swish new look by swapping standard doors for an on-trend option with decorative Deco-style fluting and accent gold door pulls. Co-ordinate bed with PAX wardrobes by adding a full-width headboard in the same colour to give a streamlined shelf for books and other bits. Fill wall space above with a flamboyant wallpaper. 17. Use simple spice racks to make a mini beauty station Supplement a crowded dressing table with handy wall storage for hair styling kit and beauty products. Fix a couple of BEKVAM spice shelves on the wall to hold bottles and tubes, fixing the bottom one upside down to create a hanging rail. Add a few S-hooks so you can hang the hairdryer, straighteners and tongs. 18. Fashion a work space with painted panel and floating shelves Create the ideal place for youngsters to work from with this simple hack, a winning small home office idea. Dedicate an area of the room by painting a panel section, and cleverly mounting two floating LACK shelves to create the illusion of a wall-mounted unit. Complete the space with a wire memo rack, compact desktop and a chair to provide everything they need. Adding clever magnetic strips helps to store everything from toy cars to pens – a brilliant alternative toy storage idea. 19. Create a simple and stylish media unit The BEKVAM birch step stool is a resident hero in most households (everyone on the team has one!). But never before has it been used to such an extent as this. Thanks to two FONNES wardrobe doors through the middle a simple pair of steps are now acting as a bespoke media unit. This design could also be made using sheets of MDF, salvaged floorboards or scaffolding boards – providing they can safely support the items placed on top, anything goes. This clever and not to mention affordable storage solution can be updated further with a splash of paint, to disguise the different elements altogether. 20. Mount a rail to display houseplants Here's a fine example of when something so simple becomes something so unique. The IKEA RACKA curtain pole takes on a new life as a bespoke hanging plant rail. The simple curtain pole, sold complete with fittings, comes in black, white or grey and can be easily used to create a wall display of plants. Simply affix them to a wall and suspend your macramé plant hangers at different heights to create an interesting house plant idea. 21. Hang a handy kitchen roll The stylish OSTERNAS leather cabinet handles are transforming kitchens in more ways than one. Fix two of the cabinet handles to the wall and slip in a wooden dowel to make a stylish holder for the kitchen. You could also use this quirky idea to attractively store your kitchen towels, baking paper or foil. 22. Make a bespoke lampshade with a basket Never have natural materials been more popular as home accessories. This clever hack turns the SNIDAD rattan basket into a designer-look lampshade with very little effort. We started with an IKE Snidad rattan basket, removed the handles and sprayed it black to instantly transform it. You could leave it in its natural state to retain a more natural element in your decor. Drill a small hole in the base to add a bulb and hanging cord and presto – cool basket lampshade complete. 23. Fashion a hairpin-leg console table Transform the EKBY shelving unit into a sleek hairpin-legged console table for a hallway or living room. Double-stack the shelving units and attach the metal legs to create a one-of-a-kind space efficient and stylish storage solution for a smart hallway storage idea. 24. Give a chest of drawers an industrial luxe look For this hack, you'll need a MALM chest of drawers and a bit of confidence with a screwdriver. First, attach a set of hairpin legs in your choice of metallic finish – The Hairpin Leg Co. has a wide selection. Then paint the strips between the drawers with paint to match – we recommend going for gold for the ultimate glam look. 25. Fake a high-end, marble-topped side table Glam up a table with metallic paint and marble-effect sticky-backed plastic. Carefully remove the table's glass top, and spray the frame with Plastic-Kote metallic paint, making sure you pick a well-ventilated spot that's protected with newspaper. Measure the width and length of the glass top of the VITTSJO Nest of Tables, adding 5mm to each side. Cut your plastic to these dimensions (including the mm allowance). Peel and stick the plastic to the top, allowing the 5mm to overhang. Smooth off with a cloth as you go. Finally, trim away the excess with a craft knife and replace the top. 26. Hang alternative vertical storage Being smart with space is always a must for any room, especially in a small home where storage space is premium. Vertical storage helps to keep things streamlined – ideal for brollies and sporting equipment, rather than bulky alternatives. When affixing to the wall turn the ledges facing inwards, so the lip of the design is not visible from a side view. Choose decorative knobs to attach at the top and bottom of each one. Then using a chosen string or even a colourful flex, securely intertwine around each one to create a fence-like effect. 27. Make a home office desk drawer with a picture ledge Making work-from-home a regular occurence? Add a makeshift desk drawer to keep it free of clutter. Attach two picture ledges on their sides to the underside of a desk. Leave enough space in between for a storage box, to run along the ledge – to slide in the same way as a pull-out draw would. (The IKEA team suggest leaving 23.5 cm). 28. Sew small mats together to make a bigger rug Need a large rug but don't have a large budget? Follow the lead for this clever homeowner, who, desperately wanting a floor covering to cosy up her bedroom, had this genius idea! To save money, this savvy homeowner took nine £1.90 Ikea mats and sewed them all together to make a larger rug. 29. Use kitchen and bathroom storage in your home office Repurpose a basic IKEA kitchen storage idea into a wall-hung system for your workspace. Give a scoreboard and a spice rack a complete overhaul with a simple lick of paint that tones in with your colour scheme. The spice rack transforms into a shelf, while Stugvik bathroom holders become storage for bits and pieces that can clutter up a drawer. Simply tap a nail into the wall to hang them up. 30. Build a bespoke storage headboard Build a storage headboard by stacking IKEA TRONES shoe cabinets and fixing to the wall for safety. This DIY headboard idea can be useful to store bedding, pyjamas and out-of-season clothes where they are easy to grab. Changing the sheets just got a whole lot easier! 31. Do the shelf switch You really can't beat Ikea for affordable storage, as these homeowners know well. However, finding the glass shelves of this shelving unit a little impractical – especially when it came to gathering dust – they decided to switch them out. These cut-to-fit plywood shelves are a sturdier alternative. 32. Turn a picture ledge into a pretty jewellery display Repurpose picture ledges as a jewellery organiser and put all your favourite treasures on show. Make tangled necklaces and missing earrings a thing of the past with the ultimate jewellery organiser as a smart bedroom storage idea. Turning the shelves upside down will double storage space: screw hooks and eyes into the front and back edges for hanging necklaces and earrings, leaving the flat top surfaces free for make-up and accessories. What are IKEA Hacks? IKEA hacks are when you take a piece of IKEA furniture and adapt it, update it or re-work it to become more useful, beautiful and unique. By customising items that perhaps might have been intended for something else, you create a bespoke piece of furniture or storage solution, using the in-expensive and easy-to-make IKEA bones. There are thousands of hacks from all over the world, so you'll always find something to inspire a new project or upcycle. Searching on social media using the hashtag IKEAHacks is a good place to start, or try re-creating one of our above ideas! How do you reuse IKEA furniture? There as so many ways to reuse Ikea furniture, and it's a great way to make something really special for your home. Most second-hand stores or sites will have a bevy of Ikea hand-me downs crying out to be made into something more beautiful, so you don't even have to buy brand-new, before taking on an IKEA Hack. Try to completely free your mind of restraints, and just because Ikea have suggested you use their furniture in a certain way, doesn't mean you have to do it! A lick of paint, a change of knobs, or a covering in wallpaper are all inexpensive ways to give your Ikea furniture a new look. How do I make my IKEA bookcase look more expensive? The easiest way to make your IKEA bookcase look more expensive is to give it a style makeover! Take any IKEA piece of furniture, change the handles and give it a coat of on-trend colour and it will instantly feel bespoke – and therefore more expensive. Changing the handles can make all the difference, and gives you the freedom to make it totally personal – our guide to how to fit a door handle has some top tips if you want to give this a try. All of these imaginative IKEA hacks are a great way to update your home on a budget. How do you modify IKEA shelves? Try adding backs to open shelving, or removing backs from closed shelving! Try using spice rack shelving for storing and displaying books instead, picture ledge shelves flipping upside down, as slim bedside tables and shelving units turned on their sides and use bench storage. Completely play with orientation and don't accept that a shelf's purpose is its only use, your imagination can take it anywhere! Now, the big question - are you going to revamp an existing IKEA piece, or head to the blue and yellow store to recreate one of these inspirational ideas? Tamara was Ideal Home's Digital Editor before joining the Woman & Home team in 2022. She has spent the last 15 years working with the style teams at Country Homes & Interiors and Ideal Home, both now at Future PLC. It’s with these award wining interiors teams that she's honed her skills and passion for shopping, styling and writing. Tamara is always ahead of the curve when it comes to interiors trends – and is great at seeking out designer dupes on the high street. - Holly CockburnContent Editor Aldi's stunning £50 mosaic water feature is the star of its new garden range inspired by the Italian Riviera It's the Mediterranean summer we've been dreaming of By Jullia Joson What cherry blossom tree is the best for a small garden? 5 of the smallest varieties to fit into tiny outdoor spaces Experts reveal which cherry blossom tree varieties out of over 400 are the best for small outdoor spaces By Sara Hesikova How to clean your home fast – an 8-step hit-list to get your home sparkling in record time Forget scrubbing for days, get your speed freak on and get on with your life By Linda Clayton
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Among Local General Physicians (GPs) of Pakistan: From Diagnosis to Referral Delivering education classes to GPs in Rawalpindi, Islamabad and suburbs to enhance the knowledge of the GPs regarding how to approach a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and making them capable of diagnosing and initiating the early core treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and earlier referral to a rheumatologist. The project aims to target around 90-100 GPs over a period of 3 months. Translation of “Don’t Delay, Connect Today” Campaign Toolkit into Uzbek and Karakalpak languages APLAR/Republic of Uzbekistan The “Don’t Delay, Connect Today” Campaign Toolkit will be translated into Uzbek and Karakalpak languages and disseminated across Republican Centers, hospitals, regional polyclinics, private clinics, regional multidisciplinary hospitals of 12 regions of Republic and Republic of Karakalpakstan. The materials will be posted on the official website of the center and shared via social media to have access for all the users. Paediatric Rheumatology Education, Practice and Research (PREPARE) Outreach Project The Kenya Paediatric Association together with the Arthrheuma Society of Kenya, aim to improve the access to paediatric rheumatology services in Kenya by partnering with the Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital to provide outreach services at their Kisumu and Mombasa satellite centres. Project includes outreach events, mentoring and quarterly CME for local clinicians and health care workers. Increasing Awareness and Management of Lupus Erythematosus in Kampala District, Uganda The project aims to create community awareness in Kampala District and Uganda at large through advocacy campaigns on radio and print messages, monthly community patient screening and management visits; purchase of assorted supplies and drugs for patient management; patients follow up; and training community physicians, physician assistants, nurses, community health promoters in recognition and referral of patients with lupus erythematosus. Paediatric Rheumatology in Africa: Therapeutic education of Children with chronic inflammatory rheumatism A masterclass of therapeutic education will be held virtually via zoom and open to include participants from different countries in Africa. A session for English speaking and a session for French speaking physicians and Health Professional will be provided. Physician and health care professional participating to the masterclass will provide session of therapeutic education in their respective countries to patient with chronic inflammatory rheumatism after the training. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSUS) & Vascular Ultrasound (VUS) Training Workshops for Radiologists, Sonologists & Associated Healthcare Professionals in Kolkata and regions of West Bengal, India The aim of this project is to provide Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSUS) & Vascular Ultrasound (VUS) training to radiologists, sonologists, nurses and other healthcare professionals, who can then effectively and accurately provide these diagnostic services to patients. Training will be provided by the delivery of 12 workshops to clinicians and healthcare professionals. Rheumatology Care in Suriname The project intends to establish rheumatology care in Operational rheumatology clinic at Diakonessenhuis, Suriname by setting an operational rheumatology clinic at and developing a rheumatology curriculum at Anton de Kom University, Paramaribo. Coalition for Health and Gender Equity (in rheumatology) – CHANGE To accelerate progression in professional and academic rheumatology it is essential to evaluate the extent of inequity and determine the requirements for career support. For this purpose, a global group of experts with representation from different leagues and organizations conceptualized a global survey of rheumatology professionals – Coalition for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE). The CHANGE survey is a cross-sectional self-reported survey that aims to investigate gender equity in rheumatology and develop potential solutions to the professional challenges faced by emerging rheumatologists. Applied Rheumatology on the Go: ARGO To develop an online learning tool for trainees or practicing rheumatologists to review and update their knowledge of basic and applied rheumatology. To improve rheumatology teaching and maximize fellows’ and resident rotators’ experience outside of in-person interaction. Translation of Arthritis Foundation of SA booklet into Zulu and Xhosa languages A project to translate the Arthritis Foundation of South Africa booklet from English to Zulu and Xhosa languages and disseminate to community health centres (CHCs) across South Africa. Is it Lupus? Lupus Education for Primary Care Providers in Latin America A social media-based campaign to raise awareness, increase knowledge about lupus, and provide education resources to Latin American (LATAM) frontline health care providers. The campaign will leverage a large network of LATAM partners, including rheumatologists from PANLAR and GLADEL, lupus patients from the LTL, medical/scientific organizations, universities, and lupus patient organizations. Stakeholders will support the preparation and dissemination of campaign content. ACR/COIN/The Lupus Initiative partners will provide expert advice and education tools to increase awareness and knowledge about lupus among PCPs in the United States. These tools will be presented to the social media audience to promote deeper learning about lupus. Increasing access to Rheumatology Care in Kisugu, Kampala District, Uganda A project to create and sustain rheumatology care in the Kisugu community with a variety of activities including training community physician assistants and nurses on the recognition and basic management of rheumatology conditions, patient education, advocacy activities, patient screening, community outreach programs, purchase of drugs and supplies, and creating a registry of patients for long term follow up. Population Resurvey (2022) after 25 Years of the Maiden Rural Bhigwan India Survey (1996): Program (MASK) A project to complete a follow up survey to evaluate the burden of arthritis, community practices, and interventions/education. The project will include an open-ended questionnaire and daily diet record followed by a bespoke 20-week intervention including counseling, health education, exercise, diet, and pain management. Expanding Rheumatology Access to Remote Rural Areas of Pakistan: A Pilot Tele rheumatology Project A pilot project to initiate virtual rheumatology consultations (tele rheumatology) to patients suffering from RMDs in the remote Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. The objectives are to establish a tele rheumatology consultation centre in Islamabad, provide free tele rheumatology consultations to patients suffering from RMDs in Gilgit-Baltistan, and create a rheumatic diseases registry of patients diagnosed and treated through tele rheumatology consultations in Gilgit-Baltistan. Lurin: Lupus Registry in Nigeria AFLAR / Nigeria The main goal of the project is to have a registry that will help improve the care and management of patients with SLE in Nigeria. Community Arthritis Education and Treatment Project in Kitooro, Entebbe, Uganda AFLAR / Kitooro, Entebbe, Uganda This project aims to help patients with arthritis benefit from non-drug therapies which improve the quality of life, prevent depression, anxiety, poor sleep, and poor coping mechanisms. Furthermore, patients share and learn from each other about arthritis and dispel myths and misconceptions. Heralding Education in Autoimmune Rheumatic Disorders (HEARD) AFLAR / Ghana The project will create understanding amongst the population about rheumatologic disorders and enable early health seeking behavior using animation videos and print material in local languages. Highlighting and characterizing the cutaneous manifestations of systemic vasculitis and connective tissue diseases in Filipino skin APLAR / Philippines The overall aims of this study are to improve the speed and efficiency of healthcare delivery to Filipino patients with systemic vasculitis and CTDs by developing an educational program highlighting the cutaneous manifestations of these diseases; characterize the appearance of these lesions more definitively in Filipino skin through establishment of a registry; advance the field of rheumatology-dermatology in the Philippines. Educational strategy to improve doctor / patient interaction in rheumatoid arthritis tele consultation PANLAR / Latin America The main objective of this project is to improve the interaction between the doctor and RA patient in the context of telehealth through an educational process for doctors and patients (each one separately) and the use of a mobile device application for patients: “ConsultApp Pacientes”. Paediatric Rheumatology Online Medical Education in Africa: A collaborative approach between PAFLAR and the JIR Virtual Academy AFLAR / Global Our goal is to offer a blended learning experience by combining our PAFLAR webinars and the JIR rheumatology courses through fee subsidies to enrich the learning experience of pediatric rheumatologists and other healthcare workers who care for pediatric rheumatology patients in the African continent and offer an opportunity to showcase their clinical experience and expertise with the global rheumatology community. Bridging the gap in the management of prevalent musculoskeletal conditions through telerehabilitation in Chile PANLAR & APLAR / Chile This project will facilitate an evidence-based program in Spanish to implement the best-practice care for people with knee OA; provide formal training for the implementation of a telerehabilitation session in an efficient, systematic and evidence-based way; foster an academic collaboration between Australia and Chile improving access for clinicians to high-quality training. Advancing Rheumatology Education and Practice in Rwanda (AREP-R) AFLAR / Rwanda We propose a pilot educational program with the goal of increasing awareness and improving practice management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases among physicians in Rwanda. Primary Healthcare in Rheumatology: Rational Resources Allocation PANLAR / Brazil COPCORD in Brazil – Toledo InvestigaR: (investigación en Reumatologia) a web page in Spanish for research support and education in epidemiology, methodology and statistics for Rheumatologists in Latin America PANLAR / Argentina Develop a web page to receive queries, consultations, etc. related to research projects, and to provide education on epidemiology and statistics. Integrated Efforts for Rheumatic and Lupus Awareness, Care and Education in Bangladesh (INTERLACE) APLAR / Bangladesh The proposed project INTERLACE6 aims to promote awareness, educate professionals, advocate policy reforms for better understanding of and access to rheumatic and lupus care services in Bangladesh. It will contribute to anchor a longer-term program to support expansion of access to rheumatology care in Bangladesh. Mobilization and Sensitization efforts to increase community and facility level knowledge and skills in identification, care and management of Arthritis patients in Kawempe Division of Kampala, Uganda. AFLAR / Uganda Mobilization and sensitization efforts to increase community and facility level knowledge and skills in identification, care and management of Arthritis patients in Kawempe Division of Kampala, Uganda. The project also aims at educating all cadres of health workers in the clinics and health centers in Kawempe Division and care givers at home so that they can know how to manage those living with arthritis. Increasing Community Awareness and Early Referral of Arthritis Patients AFLAR / Peri urban slums of Namuwongo in Kampala, Uganda By increasing awareness of joint disease, the number of people seeking treatment for joint disease, and the number of people referred for joint diseases at the national referral hospital it is anticipated that people will become more aware about joint diseases and seek medical help early. This will help patients live positively with joint disease and teach them how to care for themselves better hence curbing further morbidity and mortality. RMDs Public Awareness Program of Georgia EULAR / Six Regions of Georgia including Tbilisi The desired outcomes of this project include: (1) Enhancing the educational properties of PCPs and health professionals about importance of early diagnosis and timely accesses to evidence-based treatment for people with RMDs. (2) Improving patient education regarding their individual needs for optimal diagnosis and management of RMDs. (3) Increasing the of rate of early referral and early diagnosis of RMDs. (4) Reducing the rate of further damage and burden of people with RMDs. (5) Evaluating the distribution of RMDs in Georgia. (6) Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a national strategy of early interventions. (7) Making an impact on the government level to increase availability and access to evidence-based treatment of RMDs. (8) Breaking down the barriers that delay early diagnosis of RMDs. Educational Network of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Rheumatic Diseases in an Indigenous Argentinean Qom (Toba): Stage III of COPCORD methodology PANLAR / Provinces of Chaco, Formosa, and Santa Fe Argentina The desired outcome of this project is to develop, implement, and evaluate an intercultural education program on musculoskeletal diseases and RD (primarily of RA) emphasizing the importance of early detection and consultation with general physicians, and the indigenous people of Qom living in rural and urban areas of the Chaco, Formosa, and Santa Fe provinces. Another desired outcome is to implement a culturally sensitive network between the three different health care systems, working together with their migrant communities. Patan Academy of Health Sciences Rheumatology Fellowship Program APLAR / Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Patan Hospital in Lalitpur, Nepal With the help of this project, we would be able to support the training of two rheumatologists each year. It will produce two well trained rheumatologists each year who will be rheumatology board certified by the Nepal Medical Council (NMC), which is the regulatory body for medical practice in the country. Cultural Sensitivity Pharmacotherapeutic Programs of RA Patients from Indigenous Communities of Chiapas: A Strategy for Increased Adherence and Clinical Response to DMARD Treatment PANLAR / Esquipulas Clinic, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México This project aims to generate a space within the Esquipulas Clinic to interact with patients and families and establish communication channels through health promoters/translators and health care personnel using visual and interactive (software-based) strategies to educate indigenous patients and health promoters on the disease and therapy characteristics, importance of treatment compliance, and the possible side effects. We consider that pharmacotherapeutic follow up procedures will improve, as this has been demonstrated in other chronic diseases by treatment compliance and disease outcomes, therefore improving the quality of life of indigenous patients with RA with cultural respect. A Program of Capacity Building for the Provision of Rheumatology in Sub Saharan Africa AFLAR / Ghana It is anticipated that the program will improve the leadership and clinical capabilities of physicians. It will enhance rheumatology care across Sub Saharan Africa through education and training of a diverse population of healthcare professionals. Furthermore, it will result in an increased understanding of populations about rheumatology and musculoskeletal disorders. Finally, it will create a sustainable workforce to ensure ongoing detection and treatment of rheumatological disorders. The provision of leadership training will enable the participants to gain the skills to be able to pass on their knowledge effectively and create sustainability within the system. Through the enhancement of knowledge and its application, it is expected that patient outcomes will be improved. By allowing public health education, it is expected that self-referral for treatment will increase and conditions be treated earlier. Develop ILAR Recommendations and Guidelines for Post Chikungunya Rheumatism APLAR / PANLAR – South and SE Asia / Latin America Determine the burden and risk factors of post CHIKV rheumatism in Asia, Latin America and Africa, and develop evidence-based recommendations and clinical practice guidelines for acute and chronic CHIKV rheumatism in resource-poor settings. Web Based Rheumatological Training for Health Professionals and Patient Education on Disease in Rural-Urban Nepal APLAR / Nepal Health care workers will be able to identify early manifestation of disease. Health care workers will be able to intervene early. Increase awareness of rheumatological disease in the community. Empower patients with rheumatological disease to identify problems. Prevalence of Rheumatic Diseases in Aboriginal Brazilians PANLAR / Brazil Health care workers will diagnose rheumatic diseases according to the American College of Rheumatology Classification Criteria. Once the diagnosis is established, they will be computed to define the prevalence rate. The rheumatologist will be responsible to assess the diagnosis frequency. Secondary outcomes will be the number of human resources identified to design the allocation strategy to supply the community’s needs. The human resources will be identified assessing the regional professional registries. Chikungunya: Preventing and Treating an Epidemic Rheumatic Disease PANLAR / Brazil Increase the knowledge of health professionals, academics, and the population about ways to prevent the transmission of CHIKV by the mosquito vector. Encourage the formation of Academic Leagues of Rheumatology in university and the formation of nuclei for the study of CHIKF. Inform and train public managers about the need for investments in CHIKF prevention and treatment measures. Encourage clinical trials on the treatment of CHIKF chronic rheumatic disease. Promote rheumatology in public and global health. Disseminate current knowledge on the management of CHIKF. Rheumatology Education and Training Program for Non-Specialist Clinicians in Lagos, Nigeria AFLAR / Nigeria Improve non-specialist physician confidence in the screening, diagnosis, and management of common rheumatology conditions in West Africa and enhance awareness of rheumatology specialty training through clinic and lecture learning. Improve non-specialist physician ability in the screening, diagnosis, and management of common rheumatology conditions in West Africa through clinic and lecture learning. Roll out education program to other secondary care centers in West Africa with a focus on orthopedic and HIV treatment units. Change routine biannual clinical assessment to include questions pertaining to MSK symptoms. Improve rheumatology care for large HIV seropositive cohort in West Africa by establishing a new rheumatology clinic. Raise awareness of rheumatology disease and training in West Africa during the National Conference Plenary Session. Empowering Family Physicians: Fighting Disability APLAR / Pakistan Spread rheumatology education across the country by participants trained through this initiative. Ensure early recognition and management of rheumatological diseases by primary care physicians scattered across various geographical regions of the country. Don’t Delay, Connect Today Sri Lanka APLAR / Sri Lanka Increase the referral rate to specialty clinics and increase community awareness of rheumatological diseases. Extension of Rheumatology Education and Practice from a Tertiary Institution to Two Provincial Hospitals in Zambia AFLAR / Zambia Set up a rheumatology clinic in two provincial hospitals. Train two rheumatology nurses. Implement training for medical students and junior doctors. Create a database of patients with rheumatic diseases for the two sites. Set up a portal for patient communication with nurses and consultants when the clinic is not in session. Rheumatology Education and Training Project in Harare, Zimbabwe AFLAR / Zimbabwe This project proposal is for funding to set up a national training program for medical students and post graduate doctors in Zimbabwe by initially setting a rheumatology clinic at Parirenyatwa & Harare Hospitals, Harare. This project proposal is for funding to set up a national training program for medical students and post graduate doctors in Zimbabwe by initially setting a rheumatology clinic at Parirenyatwa & Harare Hospitals, Harare. Latin-American Center of Health Education for People with Lupus and their Caregivers PANLAR / Latin America The overarching goal of this project is to fill the gap of health education that exists for Latin-American patients with lupus and their caregivers, through the creation of educational resources and a social community that guides their learning and responds to their self-management needs. Interactive Telemonitoring System PANLAR / Mexico, Dominican Republic, Bolivia This Remote Telemonitoring (RET) platform will be designed to increase the quality of health services by improving the access and overcoming barriers for distant populations or in geographic isolation. Additionally, it may enable a correct continuity of care, provide an advanced support to rheumatology services through a home assistance, avoid unnecessary costs and provide full education to both rheumatologist and patients. GLEAMM: Ghanaian Lupus Education and Mobile Monitoring AFLAR / Ghana For SLE patients smartphone-based interventions including quarterly surveys and educational applications, can improve health literacy and resultant disease outcomes as measured by change in damage index and average disease activity scores. Adaptation of the 2015 ACR RA Guidelines APLAR / Lebanon This project aims to provide clinicians in the Eastern Mediterranean region with recommendations that are both based on the best available evidence and reflective of the local context. This effort will provide a complete set of recommendations tailored to the region and will therefore help improve the clinical practice of rheumatology in this region. It will also provide a model that other developing countries can replicate. Uniform Record Keeping for Clinical Practice in Rheumatology Clinics APLAR / Sri Lanka The aim of this project is to introduce a uniform record keeping practice for Rheumatology clinics in Sri Lanka.
What Marriage Is, And Isn’tDr. Erwin W. Lutzer | May 26, 2013 Selected highlights from this sermon Marriage is designed to reveal God and His relationship with His people, as the couple is unified as one flesh. The purpose and substance of marriage was determined and ordained by God. It is built upon fundamental commitments that, over time, develop honor, respect, and trust between husband and wife. Possibly the most contested issue in our day is the marital covenant. In this message, Pastor Lutzer explains why we need the marital covenant: it protects the marriage, excluding both persons from utilizing an escape hatch. Download the discussion guide Someone has said that marriage is like flies on a screen door. Those that are in want out, and those that are out want in. [laughter] The question I have to ask you is why is it that so many people who get married with such good intentions end so disastrously? I’ve married many people. I don’t ever recall a couple saying, “Well, our intention is to have a miserable marriage.” But I have married some people who have had a miserable marriage. I have married some people [whose marriage] ended in divorce. Twenty or more years ago, I flew from Chicago to Tokyo non-stop. If that jet plane had been off by one degree all the way to Tokyo, we wouldn’t have ended in Tokyo, we’d have ended somewhere else in another country just like those little birds that fly from one island and they nest there and then they fly back thousands of miles. One degree off and they’d miss those islands. Today, what we’re going to do in this fourth message in a series entitled Fighting for Your Family, is we’re going to help you regroup. We’re going to help you with a new trajectory, a new focus, a mid-course correction, and we’re also going to answer the question: What is marriage? We’re going to talk about those who say, “Well, you know, we live together but we’re not married because what’s a piece of paper?” Well, today we’re going to find out exactly what a piece of paper is. As I’ve been meditating on this, this past week, and I’ve had the advantage of thinking about it for several days, I’m convinced that if we went back to the beginning and looked at the Owner’s manual, the Creator’s manual, and if we followed what I’m going to share with you today, we would not have any divorces. That’s a very strong statement, but after all, God did create marriage for a purpose. There are certain requirements and we’ve missed them, and so we go in the general direction and we end up in a bad place. As you know, each message has within it an assignment, which I will be giving you a little later on in the sermon because I fully intend that your life should be changed as a result of these sermons. It is not simply that you are hearing truth. I’ve been praying that you’ll hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. And some of you have come to this with all kinds of relational issues, and you may be thinking about divorce or are even in the middle of the divorce. Maybe it’s time for you to rethink what marriage is all about. And if you’re here and you’re single there’s going to be a word for you too. Thank you for coming on the journey. The real purpose of marriage is to reveal God. It’s to make God look good. Unfortunately, many marriages don’t do that, but that was the original intention and if we want to go back to the beginning and read the Owner’s manual we have to turn once again to Genesis 2, where it’s all laid out for us. And I’m going to follow the outline in the Bible, and not the outline I originally thought I was going to use because, at the end of the day, I decided that God’s outline was better than mine so I always defer to Him. In fact, all that we’re going to look at is one verse, and all of its implications, and then at the end, we’re going to be pouring grace into your soul. It’s going to be laced with grace. It’s going to be laced with hope, but you have to stay with me on this journey. Well, I don’t know that I even have to read Genesis 2:24 because we all know it by memory. You remember Adam, of course, is created and everything is good, but it was not good for man to be alone. And so God creates a helpmeet. We’ve been here before in this passage. Adam names his wife, which shows the order of responsibility and role within the marriage, but then we get to verse 24. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother,” and then my translation says, “hold fast” but I like the old King James here, “cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh.” All that today for a life-transforming marriage. What I want to do is to give you three or four commitments that you make when you are married, and then we’ll understand the implications and why it is that sometimes people get married and they shouldn’t. I think this passage would prevent some weddings. And by the way, I’ve prevented some weddings. I won’t tell you all the details. I think I mentioned this several years ago, but our staff is not only committed to having good weddings but preventing some if they can see danger up ahead. Well, are you ready for the commitment? Number one: Therefore a man will leave father and mother. What that means is that marriage creates a sacred space where faithfulness can be demonstrated and where loyalty is now transferred from mother and father to the spouse. This loyalty is very strong and this couple creates this space, and they no longer look to Mommy and Daddy for guidance and direction, and are always still committed to the loyalty that they have to their family ties. It is not just geographical. You leave and you decide to live in San Francisco or somewhere else. But you know there are people who leave geographically, but they don’t leave psychologically. This has to do with a fundamental psychological commitment to leave father and mother. That doesn’t mean that father and mother aren’t involved. I’m glad that doesn’t mean that. Rebecca and I have the privilege of having eight beautiful grandchildren and we’re always invited to take care of them and to have an input into their lives, but the loyalty is to your wife, and the wife to her husband. They are the ones who make the decisions. They’re the ones who run the home according to their specifications, and that’s what it means to leave. Now I am going to speak to you plainly today. I hope I always speak plainly. I don’t want to be like that politician who left a political rally who said, “I hope that in the excitement I didn’t happen to make myself clear about anything.” I like to be clear. There are some parents who are control freaks, and they control by manipulation and by guilt. Like one woman said, “You know, my mother owns the Midwest distributorship of guilt.” And so they control by guilt, by manipulation, by shame, even verbally, and they want to continue that control after you are married. If you let them do that, you have not left father and mother. I remember counseling a guy who said, “My mother wants to break up my marriage.” He said, “We have a happy marriage but she begins to meddle, she begins to talk, she begins to say things and interfere and even lies and manipulates.” I told him, “You have to have boundaries here. And you even have to say, in this case, ‘Mother, you cannot come and visit your grandchildren.’” And the reason for that is because this mother created chaos. Now there are some people who live with chaos. They cannot live without chaos, so they distribute it wherever they go. No wife should ever have to doubt whether her husband’s loyalty is to her and not his parents. It’s interesting that the command is not given to the woman. It is given to the man. The Bible is so accurate. It’s also true of human nature. As I have observed marriages, I’ve noticed that so often it is the man who is tied to his parents. The wife is more submissive in terms of the leadership that is given by her husband, but it is oftentimes the man. I mean I’ve heard stories about a man on his honeymoon calling his mother every day, and lots of other stories like that. It is Dan Allender who wrote, “We can honor our own mother and our father only if we have first created the proper boundary to serve and protect our spouse.” You leave father and mother. Do you know what you also leave? You also leave past attachments. You don’t look up that wonderful girl you dated in college on Facebook just to see what she’s up to, and begin to fantasize of how much better it would have been if you had married her. I’m speaking here plainly because counselors will tell you that Facebook is the chief way in which divorces now happen. Because of bonding, oftentimes sexual bonding, you have people going back, and they have trouble in their marriage and they are beginning to fantasize about “If only I had married my college sweetheart how wonderfully we would have lived.” When you walk down that aisle to the altar, all the ghosts are left behind and you break all those ties, including pornography, which is a commitment many people have and it’s an addiction we’ve talked about in different contexts. But the fact is that all the things that intrude upon the one-man/one-woman relationship and building a sacred space where there can be faithfulness and trust—all those relationships have to be laid aside. Now I’m not saying you have to be perfect before you get married, or else you know what the conclusion to that is: None of us would be married today. But I also have to tell you that the courting period is one of the most deceptive periods of time you will ever go through on both sides of the ledger because everybody is at his best, and “Oh yeah, I really do enjoy football because you enjoy football; yeah, I really do.” [laughter] That’s why getting married is something like getting a phone call in the middle of the night. First of all, you get a ring and then you wake up. Okay? [laughter] And you discover there’s a lot more. The baggage car arrives after marriage and not before. And unless you take care of some of those ghosts, it’ll haunt you. All right, the first thing is to leave. If you are not willing to leave, then don’t get married. Cleave. Cleave to your wife. I’m thinking of Velcro at this point. Cleave to your wife. In other words what you are saying is, “In all the world, I am honoring and committed to you.” Or alternately the wife says, “I am committed and honoring you.” Think of all the problems that would be taken care of if we simply left and cleft. I know there isn’t a word like cleft, but we’re in a good mood today. We can make up some words as we go along. The cleaving part means that trust is now being built, to quote the words of Dan Allender again, “through many acts of faithfulness.” No marriage can ever be happy without trust. It is central to the marriage. In fact, Allender says, “A marriage without trust is an empty well. It promises satisfaction but it never delivers.” You must be able to safely trust in your mate and once that trust is lost, it has to be regained often over a period of time. And then Dan Allender says, “Trust is earned over a lifetime through small moments of faithfulness.” You also learn patience. You learn to accept one another. You know all those differences you intended to see— listen, the person that you will live with is the same person he was before you married him. Going down the aisle doesn’t change anybody. Ladies, especially, you need to know this. If he’s an addict before you marry him, he’ll be an addict after you marry him. You know, we may smile at the woman who says that on her wedding day she thinks of three things. She thinks of the aisle, walking down the aisle. Then she thinks of the altar, and then of course, she thinks of him. But actually it’s “I’ll alter him.” [laughter] Lady, let me look into your eyes. Can you see mine from where you are seated? You won’t. You won’t. And as a result of that, of course, people have to learn to accept their differences and you have to begin to see that is where God births patience in our hearts. That’s where God begins to birth sanctification because here you have somebody who is very different from you. And the things that attracted you, that you thought were so cute, you can’t stand now. Cleave to your wife. Endure and you’ll get huge payback. You really will, and I’ll give you some examples of that in just a moment. Well, the next thing I want to speak about, which isn’t in the text but is clearly implied here and elsewhere in Scripture, is the covenant. There are people who say, “Well, why should I have a covenant? Why this oath? You know this leaving all others, and cleaving only to each other?” I was here at a wedding yesterday. It was nice to be at a wedding that I wasn’t officiating at just to see how other people do it, but you know the vows are essentially the same: for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. By the way, the next message in this series is on money, so I’ve entitled it “Till Debt Do Us Part.” So you be sure to be here for that. But the point is, “What’s a piece of paper anyway? Let’s just live together.” Oh really? A number of years ago my wife and I bought a house. We were reputable people. We bought it from reputable people. Why do we even sign anything? Why don’t we just shake hands and say, “Okay, we’ll pay you this much and you give us the title and sign it over because what’s a piece of paper anyway?” Well, that’s not the way it was. We had an attorney; they had an attorney. We spent about an hour signing documents that we could scarcely understand, but we signed them anyway. Why? Because everybody knows that after you’ve made the deal, you might have buyer’s remorse, and you might say to yourself, “I didn’t know that the roof leaks. I didn’t know that there were termites in the attic. I didn’t know that the windows don’t close properly, and we’re going [to have to] get new windows.” Furthermore you drive down the street, and two blocks away there is this house that you always admired but you never bought it, and now suddenly there’s a “for sale” sign on it, and you say to yourself, “Oh now what do I do?” Well, you know life is tough. You signed the documents and what you are going to have to do is fix the roof and you are going to have to take care of the termites and you might have to get new windows, but in the process, God is going to develop you, and furthermore, you know that house down the street that you liked so much? Please be advised that actually you didn’t know, did you, but that house has a basement that is going to collapse within six months? You’re lucky, if I might use that word, you’re lucky you didn’t buy that other house. But you don’t know that, so you fantasize as to what it would have been if only you had someone better, and now you have buyer’s remorse and you don’t know where to go with it. You know, of course, it is true that fantasy may only be a fantasy. Do you remember years ago I told you a story about a man who was walking through a psych ward? And he got to the first room and there was a man banging his head against a padded cell? And he said to the manager, “What’s his problem?” And the manager said, “Well, he was madly in love with Matilda, and Matilda jilted him and he can’t handle it, so all day long he just bangs his head against the wall and says, “Matilda, how could you do it? Matilda, how could you do it?” When they got to the end of the aisle they noticed there was another man in a padded cell banging his head against the wall saying, “Matilda, how could you do it?” And the man said, “What’s his problem?” And the manager said, “Well, he’s the one who married Matilda.” [laughter]The minute you begin to have fantasies about what could have been, you are on very, very dangerous ground. So now there’s this couple that says, “Well, we don’t need that piece of paper.” Mixed messages are being sent. On the one hand there’s the message, “I love you so much I want to be with you.” On the other hand, another message is being sent, namely, “But I want to keep an escape hatch; I want to make sure I can get out of this without a lot of trouble, just in case you and I can’t work it out.” Now let’s go on to the next thing the Bible mentions, and the implications of that reasoning will be even more clear. He says, “Leave father and mother, be joined together and they shall become one flesh.” Now we come to a very, very mysterious teaching in the Bible, and I don’t have time to go into it except to say that the one-flesh relationship is to mirror God. In fact, Paul says in the book of Ephesians that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. The marriage is to mirror Jesus Christ’s relationship to the church, and it’s not as if the apostle Paul thought, “I need an illustration for loving Christ and Christ’s relationship to the church. Let me use marriage.” The intention of marriage is to mirror God, and the oneness that comes through sexual intimacy is not just a physical, biological experience. It is really a metaphysical experience. In fact, the apostle Paul says that even if you have a relationship with a prostitute where there is no commitment, no love, nothing—just raw lust—he says, “You’re already one body.” Wow. The implications of that which I’ve preached on in previous times are huge. It’s the most important verse in the entire Bible. It teaches you more about sexuality than all the books on the shelves of our bookstores right there. God says you become one flesh: body, soul, and spirit. But if you do it without a covenant, if you do it without commitment, you are really involved in a one-flesh relationship, but you aren’t married, and furthermore, it is an unholy relationship. The only holy relationship is the relationship you have by the protection of the covenant, a relationship that is totally and completely dependent upon this covenant. And by the way, I was going to give you an illustration of Robertson McQuilkin regarding the covenant. His wife, Muriel, had Alzheimer’s. And he decided to resign the presidency of Columbia College of the Bible just to take care of her fulltime. The Board said, “No, we need you there. You can always hire someone else to take care of her. In fact, she won’t know who is taking care of her anyway.” But he said it was no decision at all. He said it was very clear. “I had made the promise ‘till death to us part,’” and he said he would take care of her and he did till she died years later. Could I give you just a line of what he said? He said, “As I watch her descend into oblivion, Muriel is the joy of my life. Daily I discern new manifestations of the kind of person she is, the wife I always loved. I also see fresh manifestations of God’s love and grace, the God I long to love more fully.” That’s what “till death do us part” means. That’s the covenant you make when you get married. Now here’s this couple that says, “We don’t need that kind of a covenant so we can escape and get out of this.” And it is an unholy relationship. Two men together cannot be one flesh. Two women together in a sexual relationship cannot be one flesh. It is the man and it is the woman, brought together by God, as indicated here in this passage of Scripture, that become one flesh, and that means that their relationship is not just physical but metaphysical. In fact, you know that the word “one” that is used there is the word when God speaks about “one” for the oneness of the Trinity. And how do those relationships end—those unholy relationships? You see, people get it backwards. They think, “Well you know, we can have the one-flesh relationship here and we can be intimate, and then let’s work backwards. Then we can decide whether or not we want a covenant and whether or not we are going to leave and cleave.” Occasionally those kinds of marriages work out, but with huge difficulty. Why? Because those kinds of relationships are sown in the soil of deep disappointment, hurt, and mistrust. And almost always they end by blaming and by shaming. “It’s your fault. You talked me into it.” “No, it isn’t, but look at what you did.” And on and on it goes. Why? It’s because unholy relationships, while they have a sense of oneness, they are not blessed by God. You see, it’s within the confines of the sacred space we call marriage, it is within those confines that you have the blessing of God. And that’s why it says in the book of Hebrews that the marriage bed is undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge [see Hebrews 13:4]. God takes it very, very seriously. You say, “Well, Pastor Lutzer, you were going to give us some hope.” I think it’s time for us to talk turkey in terms of where we go from here. Thank you so much for asking. I can already see it in your minds. Folks, it’s not possible to have a better marriage until you have a better heart. That’s the key. You know, I could stand up here and I could tell you about five new ways to communicate and that would last for about two days, maybe till you get home, maybe it would carry over till tomorrow. But then you’d forget about it, and a day or two later, you’d be back where you were because we always go back to the default position. So oftentimes those kinds of changes are surface changes. What kind of a heart [do we need] if we are going to have a good marriage? Remember, my desire is to help people with good marriages become better, and bad marriages to become good. First of all, you need a new heart. Even in the Old Testament it says, “A new heart I will give you. I’ll take from you the heart of stone.” Do you have, today, a heart of stone? You are angry and you believe you’ve been a victim of so much injustice that your heart is hard toward God, toward your mate, maybe even toward your family. And the Bible says, “A new heart I will give you.” Now that’s the gospel. Jesus said, “Except you be born again you’ll not see the kingdom of God.” And it has to do with the fact that Jesus died on the cross, not just to take our sin away, but to make us new creatures. We are new creatures in Christ. There’s actually a miracle that takes place within us that is called the new birth. If you’ve not experienced that, you have never understood the wonder of God’s forgiveness. And you may like Christ, and you may even worship Christ in your own way, but in your heart of hearts, you’ve never been changed by God. And that comes with it: a change of desire. So cry up to God to receive the good gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. You and I need, first of all, a new heart. Secondly, we need an honest heart. This is where it gets difficult. It’s possible to have a new heart, and you’re still not honest, so in your marriage relationship you have all of these ghosts that are never addressed. There are people who have been married for 25 or 30 years and they have never addressed all of the issues that divide them, so they methodically go through— they live together in the same house, they may connect in many ways occasionally, but they already know we don’t talk about the relatives here, we don’t talk about his father, we don’t talk about his mother, we don’t talk about her parents and the bad influence they have on her kids. We just don’t go there. Couples, I want to tell you that you have to go there. If you want not only a one-soul relationship, but you want that relationship to spill over into a caring, sensitive, fulfilling relationship, you can’t pretend the past doesn’t exist. That’s why I’ve given you an assignment this week, couples. I’ll tell you what it’s going to be. I want you to get into a safe place, just the two of you, and I want you to discuss some of the questions that are there in the bulletin. And ask yourself to what extent have the relatives influenced us. To what extent have we not left father and mother, and what impact is that having on our family? Now there’s a good question to begin with. And if you can get through that one without a fight, then you can also go on to other questions. What influence do past relationships still have? What influence do certain habits have on our relationship that intrude on this sacred space that has been mapped out by God for the two of us? This is hard work, but it’s promising work, and God blesses it. And by the way, if you’re single and you are wondering what your assignment is, actually this one applies to the married people, too. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1–8 and ask yourself the question, “What should those verses mean to me as a person struggling with sexual issues?” Wow. A stick of dynamite. So that is the assignment. For the married, there’s one set of questions, and for the single, another. But 1 Thessalonians 4 applies to all of us: married and single. And that’s where some of you need some help. You may need to go for counseling because you may not be able to deal with all these issues without some objectivity and help. Next, you need a forgiving heart. If you can’t ask for forgiveness and then forgive those who ask you for forgiveness, don’t get married. At this point, just break it off. I remember saying to a couple who were getting married, and I don’t know that had I ever said this before, but they were having marriage counseling before they were married, and I said to the husband, “If your wife were in a tragic accident on your honeymoon and were a quadriplegic for the rest of her life, could you handle it?” He thought about that and said, “You know what? I’m not sure if I’m ready for marriage.” Well, here’s another one. Do you remember that I told you years ago about Rebecca and me being at the airport in Minneapolis, and she was getting me a sandwich as she lovingly always does, always looking out for my needs. I wish I looked out for hers as well as she does for mine— but somebody was watching us. There was a woman just across the way at the terminal and she said, “You know, I noticed that the two of you get along very well.” And I thought, “Well thank God for that. That’s wonderful.” And then she said this. “I am going to be married soon. What advice do you have for me?” And you know, I’m looking around and thinking, “Oh, I’m a preacher. I should be able to answer this question.” [laughter] It’s the kind of thing that I’m supposed to be able to answer. Rebecca didn’t have to roll her eyes. Instantly she said, “Have the ability to forgive.” I thought, “Well, thank you, Rebecca. [laughter] I appreciate you so much. Considering who you live with, yeah, the ability to forgive.” If you are not quick to ask forgiveness for your wrongs and to humble yourself and then to receive other people’s forgiveness and grant them their forgiveness when they ask for it, I don’t see how this marriage can make progress. God wants us to change the way in which we live. Every marriage becoming better, and bad marriages becoming good, but oh, what He has to sometimes take us through before we get the message—the lowest depths. Last week, I received a letter from a couple here at The Moody Church, and I received their permission to read parts of it to you. Obviously, I wouldn’t do it without their permission. It was a letter of thanks to the church, but you’ve got to hear this. He said, “My wife and I descended into what seemed like a bottomless pit. Worse than our marriage being in tatters was the condition we were in physically, mentally, and spiritually. One long year led to two long years, and two to three, and at that point it was too much to bear. I would say that we were like a man who was struggling to stay afloat without drowning, but we did go under and drown on many occasions. For a guy like me who likes to control and have a certain pride in playing my cards right, I can only describe the totality of our situation as an utter and complete train wreck. There was carnage everywhere and I was praying that God would take one or both of us from this planet to end the pain. By the grace of God, our loving, heavenly Father was there working all along. At first, perhaps not perceptibly, but over time as we persevered, and persevered a little more and a little more, God showed up. He showed up because we ceded to Him the proper authority He deserves. He showed up because we began to ask Him to deal with our own hearts rather than that of the other person.” Do you realize what you are hearing today? Wow. “He showed up at 2:00 a.m. as we were singing hymns in our bedroom during a bout of demonic activity in our house.” And by the way, the devil wants your marriage to break up. “God showed up through the hands and feet of you and many others at Moody Church who diligently stayed close to us in prayer. I don’t know if there are other couples at Moody Church that have their own days of prayer and fasting but we did because we needed it. We needed a big God for our big problems, and He showed up in a big way. The other day I asked my wife if we have it as good as ever and she corrected me and said, ‘We have never had it this good. What we have now is much better.’” Now they go on to point out they aren’t perfect, obviously. He says, “We do have fights, but they don’t escalate, [and they] end in genuine seeking of reconciliation.” And now catch this line. “Not only do we love each other, but we actually like each other as well. For a while, we neither loved nor respected each other, and now we do both. In fact God has even granted us a ministry.” And then he goes on to thank all the people at The Moody Church. He mentions some specific names that I won’t name who stood with them, and then he ended it, “Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin has left a crimson stain. He (and then in parenthesis he adds the words ‘He really’) washed it white as snow.” Did you all hear what God can do [applause] when He shows up in a marriage? I don’t know what God talked to you about today. Some of you have to receive Christ as Savior so that you might get a new heart. Some of you have to go home and you have to begin to listen like you’ve never listened before, without judging, just listen. You need to talk. You need to deal with these issues. Painful. Oh my, are they painful. But in the end, when there is reconciliation and forgiveness, it is all worthwhile. And then some of you have some huge forgiveness issues, but all of us need God to show up, and He is there if we are willing to pay the price of honesty and commitment. That’s what marriage is. Begin there. Would you join me as we pray together? And even as we pray together, I am reminded of the last line of this letter. “Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin has left a crimson stain. He makes it white as snow.” Can you accept the fact that your first responsibility is to deal with God, and then after you have dealt with God, to deal with the issues. And we can’t do that here. You need to go home. You need to draw a circle around the two of you. You need some long talks. Father, however imperfectly we have spoken today, my heart cries out for marriages that are so painful, so hurtful. Oh God, we pray that you might rescue them. Show up maybe at night, maybe during the day, but we ask, Father, that you will come and rescue. We thank you that no matter how dark it gets, you also throw us a rope. Oh Father, do that in our lives even as we sing together about your love. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Federal Agencies Issue New COVID-19 Medicare Advantage Notices and Policy Updates April 16, 2020 The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have issued several notices and policy changes to address the COVID-19 pandemic that impact Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs). These announcements generally allow for increased flexibility to manage unexpected changes in both the provision of healthcare for COVID-19 patients and for those whose care is otherwise impacted by the pandemic. With these increased flexibilities are also increased opportunities for differing interpretations and resulting enforcement risks. On March 10, 2020, CMS set forth initial requirements for MAOs and Part D Sponsors during the pandemic.1 CMS reminded MAOs that under 42 C.F.R. 422.100(m), MAOs must adhere to special requirements during a declared disaster or emergency2: - Covering Medicare Parts A and B services and supplemental Part C plan benefits at non-contracted facilities subject to 42 C.F.R. § 422.204(b)(3), which requires that facilities have an agreement with CMS to provide services under original Medicare; - Waiving requirements for gatekeeper referrals where applicable; - Providing the same cost-sharing for enrollees as if the service had been provided at a plan-contracted facility; and - Making changes that benefit the enrollee effective immediately without the 30-day notification requirement typically required. In the March 10, 2020 CMS Notice, CMS also advised MAOs of various permitted flexibilities available at this time, such as waiving cost-sharing, waiving prior authorization requirements, and waiving various requirements for Part D sponsors. Under these flexibilities, MAOs may waive or reduce cost sharing for enrollees impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and may waive plan prior-authorization requirements that would apply to COVID-19 tests or services.3 Notably, this includes waiving or reducing cost-sharing for telehealth benefits. MAOs may also extend telehealth services and provide Medicare Part B services through telehealth in any geographic area, including in an enrollee’s home. CMS followed this release with an April 10, 2020 Notice allowing telehealth data to be used for risk adjustment purposes when the data otherwise meets the criteria for risk adjustment and takes place using an audio and video system that allows for real-time communication.4 CMS instructs MAOs to submit diagnoses that meet these criteria in RAPS. For EDPS, MAOs are instructed to submit the data using place of service code “02” for telehealth or use the CPT telehealth modifier “95” with any place of service. Suspensions of Audits and Data Collection Efforts CMS has issued numerous releases in the last two weeks suspending various data collection efforts so as not to detract focus and resources from the pandemic. While these releases do not address MAOs’ own internal activities, such as chart retrieval efforts, MAOs should consider suspending such efforts for consistency during the pandemic. On March 30, 2020, CMS announced a suspension of the contract-level payment year 2015 risk adjustment data validation (RADV) audits.5 CMS stated that the Agency is suspending RADV activities and will not commence additional contract-level audits until the COVID-19 emergency has ended. CMS requested that organizations stop soliciting providers for RADV-related medical records as well. CMS noted that the Agency will continue to review medical records that have already been submitted for payment years 2015 and 2014. CMS will provide feedback to organizations through the Central Data Abstraction Tool. The announcement did not address the CMS national RADV audit or ongoing HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) RADV audits. However, HHS OIG’s “Message from leadership on minimizing burdens on providers,” released the same day, notes that “Health care organizations that need extensions of OIG deadlines, such as to produce data for an OIG review . . . are encouraged to ask their OIG contact,” as “OIG will work with organizations on a reasonable solution.”6 CMS’s March 30, 2020 announcement also included CMS’s reprioritization of Medicare Parts C and D program audits and Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Organization program audits. Instead of conducting these routine program audits, CMS will focus its oversight on investigating complaints regarding infection control concerns relating to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses and situations of serious noncompliance in which beneficiaries’ health and safety are at risk. The same day, CMS released a pre-publication copy of its Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) Interim Final Rule with comment period.7 The Rule addresses the impact of COVID-19 on Part C and Part D quality rating systems including HEDIS, CAHPS, and HOS: (i) eliminating the HEDIS 2020 submission requirements for the 2019 measurement year and similarly requesting that MAOs cease medical record collections, (ii) eliminating the CAHPS 2020 survey data submission requirements, and (iii) announcing a rescheduling of the HOS survey administration to late summer. The Rule also contains CMS’s plans to calculate the related Star Ratings for 2021 and 2022 in light of the pandemic. Finally, on April 13, 2020, CMS announced the suspension of the majority of 2020 Data Validation of 2019 Part C and D reporting requirements data.8 CMS recommended that all data validation activities occur remotely during the pandemic. The guidance and waivers issued by HHS and CMS to date create potential enforcement risk as these materials are applied. These concerns arise in the application of existing laws and regulatory schemes, the creation of new enforcement task forces and authorities, and the interpretation of these new pronouncements. For example, in the aforementioned March 10, 2020 memorandum, CMS stated that expanded cost-sharing and telehealth flexibilities could satisfy the safe harbor to the Federal anti-kickback statute: - “CMS consulted with the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) and HHS OIG advised that should an [sic] Medicare Advantage Organization choose to voluntarily waive or reduce enrollee cost-sharing, as approved by CMS herein, such waivers or reductions would satisfy the safe harbor to the Federal anti-kickback statute set forth at 42 CFR 1001.952(l).” - “CMS consulted with the HHS OIG and HHS OIG advised that should a Medicare Advantage Organization choose to expand coverage of telehealth benefits, as approved by CMS herein, such additional coverage would satisfy the safe harbor to the Federal anti-kickback statute set forth at 42 CFR 1001.952(l).” Compliance with all CMS guidance, however, will be essential to ensure that the programs fit within existing safe harbors.9 Telehealth visits, due to their remote nature, also raise the potential for future False Claims Act allegations, such as allegations that the visits did not in fact take place or meet CMS’s requirements for risk adjustment. MAOs should consider issuing clear guidance to providers regarding what is acceptable for telehealth visits and how such visits should be documented and submitted to the MAOs. Additionally, both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and HHS have announced task forces related to COVID-19-related issues,10 and significant activity is expected from both of these groups. While these releases are primarily focused on provider misconduct at the moment, one immediate risk for MAOs is that the enforcement agencies (and potentially Congressional oversight bodies) will expect MAO oversight of providers consistent with these federal agency goals, while MAOs nonetheless maintain access to health care consistent with emergency regulatory requirements. While MAOs have not yet been the focus of any COVID-19 enforcement announcements, MAOs remain highly regulated entities and regular subjects of government enforcement actions and inquiries. MAOs should evaluate potential mitigation steps to take during the pandemic to better position themselves for the inevitable enforcement activities that will arise, such as maintaining consistent and clear messaging to internal parties and external partners, maintaining open communication with regulators and documenting instructions not released through formal channels, and evaluating processes and process changes to address the pandemic to ensure internal consistency. 1 Memorandum from CMS to all MAOs, Part D Sponsors, and Medicare-Medicaid Plans, Information Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 - COVID-19 (Mar. 10, 2020), 2 One triggering event for the application of these special requirements is a declaration from the Governor. On March 10, 2020, eight states had made such declarations. At this time, all states and territories have declared a state of emergency or public health emergency. Coronavirus: What You Need to Know, NAT’L GOVERNORS ASS’N, (last visited Apr. 15, 2020). Per the CMS Notice, these special requirements are in effect until the date specified in the Governor’s declaration or for 30 days if no date is specified in the declaration. 3 Additionally, when the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) was signed into law on March 27, 2020, the Medicare Advantage program benefits were amended to include COVID-19 testing, vaccines and their administration. See 42 USC 1395w-22(a)(1)(B). These new benefits mirror those provided to Medicare recipients and include vaccine coverage even though a vaccine is not yet available. 4 Memorandum from CMS to all Medicare Advantage, Cost, PACE and Demonstration Organizations, Applicability of diagnoses from telehealth services for risk adjustment (April 10, 2020), 5 Memorandum from CMS to all MAOs, Part D Sponsors, Medicare-Medicaid Plans, and all Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Organizations, Reprioritization of PACE, Medicare Parts C and D Programs, and Risk Adjustment Data Validation Audit Activities (Mar. 30, 2020), On March 28, 2020, CMS separately announced through HPMS that CMS will be delaying the start of the data validation (DV) of the 2019 Part C and Part D Reporting Requirements data scheduled to begin on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. 6 Available at 7 Available at 8 Memorandum from CMS to all Medicare Advantage Organizations, Part D Sponsors, and Medicare-Medicaid Plans, Important Information on 2020 Data Validation of Medicare Part C and Part D Reporting Requirements Data (April 13, 2020). 9 CMS’s stance on cost-sharing and telehealth flexibilities is consistent with a recent trend in expanding the anti-kickback statute safe harbors. On October 9, 2019 HHS OIG published a notice of proposed rulemaking that seeks to increase the safe harbors available under the anti-kickback statute as part of HHS’s efforts to “reduce regulatory barriers and accelerate the transformation of the healthcare system into one that better pays for value and promotes care coordination.” HHS Office of Inspector General Fact Sheet: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking OIG-0936-AA10-P, US Dep’t of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (October 2019), 10 On March 16, 2020, Attorney General William Barr issued a memorandum to all United States Attorneys directing them “to prioritize the detection, investigation, and prosecution of all criminal conduct related to the current pandemic.” Memorandum from Att’y General William Barr to all United States Attorneys, COVID-19 — Department of Justice Priorities (Mar. 16, 2020), Attorney General Barr’s missive specifically mentioned reports of people “selling fake cures for COVID-19 online,” phishing emails purporting to be from the World Health Organization or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and malware inserted into mobile apps designed to track the spread of the virus. Id. A week later, Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen issued a memorandum discussing the kinds of schemes that have been reported and recommending statutes under which US Attorneys should prosecute. Memorandum from Deputy Att’y General Jeffrey Rosen to All Heads of Law Enforcement Components, Heads of Litigating Divisions, and United States Attorneys, Department of Justice Enforcement Actions Related to COVID-19 (Mar. 24, 2020), These include (1) fraudulently offering COVID-19 testing to obtain Medicare beneficiary information and submit false medical claims and (2) submitting medical claims for unnecessary treatments or drugs purported to cure COVID-19. Id. Nevertheless, the tone of the memo indicated that DOJ is focusing on the perpetrators of the fraud, such as opportunists or providers, not the insurance organizations who might unwittingly process their claims. The same day Deputy Attorney General Rosen issued his memorandum, Attorney General Barr announced the creation of the Department of Justice COVID-19 Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force. Memorandum from Att’y General William Barr to Memorandum for All Heads of Department Components and Law Enforcement Agencies, Department of Justice COVID-19 Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force, US Dep’t of Justice (Mar. 24, 2020), A few US Attorney’s Offices have also created their own COVID-19 task forces in conjunction with state and local law enforcement. See, e.g., US Attorney Announces Multi-Agency Group to Investigate and Prosecute COVID-19 Fraud, US Dep’t of Justice US Attorney’s Office Middle District of Florida (Mar. 30, 2020), Separately, HHS OIG posted a fraud alert on its website that also warned about COVID-19 testing schemes. COVID-19 Fraud, US Dep’t of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (Mar. 23, 2020), However, the office appears to be deferring pandemic-related enforcement to DOJ and encouraging victims to report fraud to the DOJ’s National Center for Disaster Fraud. A Message from HHS OIG Leadership on COVID-19 Fraud, US Dep’t of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (Mar. 23, 2020), This memorandum is a summary for general information and discussion only and may be considered an advertisement for certain purposes. It is not a full analysis of the matters presented, may not be relied upon as legal advice, and does not purport to represent the views of our clients or the Firm. David Deaton, an O'Melveny partner licensed to practice law in California, Stephen Sullivan, an O'Melveny partner licensed to practice law in California, and Elizabeth Bock, an O'Melveny counsel licensed to practice law in California, contributed to the content of this newsletter. The views expressed in this newsletter are the views of the authors except as otherwise noted. © 2020 O’Melveny & Myers LLP. All Rights Reserved. Portions of this communication may contain attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Please direct all inquiries regarding New York’s Rules of Professional Conduct to O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Times Square Tower, 7 Times Square, New York, NY, 10036, T: +1 212 326 2000.
Online Master's Degree Programs in Wisconsin Earning a master’s degree online through a program that allows students to view lectures and complete assignments remotely can be a convenient way to further one’s academic and/or career goals without having to relocate or commute to attend classes. In Wisconsin, there are numerous schools that offer online master’s programs in many of the most common and in-demand areas of study, including business administration, counseling, education, engineering, nursing, and social work. Wisconsin’s state universities and many of the non-profit, private schools in the state are active in offering online master’s programs in a variety of fields and specialization. Wisconsin residents can also take advantage of the many options for master’s-level study provided by schools in other states that offer online master’s programs that accept applicants from Wisconsin. This page offers an overview of online master’s programs offered by Wisconsin schools in common and popular areas of study, based on an analysis of graduation data collected by the US Department of Education for its Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS). It also provides information on schools in neighboring and regional states that offer online programs in fields most commonly pursued by master’s degree candidates in Wisconsin. Search Online Programs Schools in Wisconsin That Offer Online Master’s Programs Wisconsin’s public universities are part of a unified system that was created in 1971, when the Wisconsin State Universities System merged with the University of Wisconsin to create the University of Wisconsin System, or UW System. The UW System, which is one of the larger state systems in the country, encompasses 13 four-year universities, including two large doctoral research universities with campuses in Madison and Milwaukee, and 11 smaller universities located throughout the state. All of the schools in the UW System are active in offering online programs, and many offer online master’s programs. The UW System eCampus serves as a central hub for access to and information about the various online programs offered by Wisconsin’s public universities, including online master’s programs in many different fields, disciplines, and specializations. The table below lists all 13 of the UW System’s four-year universities from largest to smallest based on IPEDS enrollment data. |Online Degree Programs |University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) |University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) |University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh) |University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (UW-Whitewater) |University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UW-Eau Claire) |University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW-La Crosse) |University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout) |University of Wisconsin-Platteville (UW-Platteville) |University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UW-Stevens Point) |University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (UW-Green Bay) |University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UW-River Falls) |University of Wisconsin-Parkside (UW-Parkside) |University of Wisconsin-Superior (UW-Superior) There are also a number of private, non-profit colleges and universities in Wisconsin, many of which offer online master’s programs. The table below lists the ten largest of these schools based on IPEDS enrollment data and includes the location of each school’s main campus and whether or not the school offers online degree programs. |Online Degree Programs |Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) |Milwaukee School of Engineering |Cardinal Stritch University |Saint Norbert College Schools in the Wisconsin Region That Offer Online Master’s Programs Wisconsin residents may want to consider applying to online master’s programs offered by schools located in other states. Most colleges and universities that offer online master’s programs will accept applications from qualified candidates regardless of their state of residence, although some programs may have certain state-based restriction. Among the schools in the Wisconsin region offering online master’s programs are Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, St. Cloud University in Minnesota, Iowa State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and DePaul University in Illinois. Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota is a private, non-profit university with its main campus Winona. The school offers a number of online master’s programs, including programs in various business specializations, such as accounting, business intelligence, human resource management, organizational leadership, and project management. St. Mary’s also has an online Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, and online master’s programs in education, public health (MPH), public administration (MPA), and social work (MSW). St. Cloud State University is a publicly funded school that is part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. Among St. Cloud’s academic divisions are schools of Business, Public Affairs, Science and Engineering, Education, and Health and Human Services. St. Cloud offers a number of online master’s programs, including an online MBA program and online master’s programs in applied behavior analysis (ABA), criminal justice, engineering, education, and library and information science. Iowa State University in Ames is the flagship school in Iowa’s state-funded system of higher education and the largest of the Big 12 athletic conference schools. There are online master’s programs offered by Iowa State in numerous fields and specializations through several of its academic divisions, including its Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Business, Design, Engineering, Human Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine. Among the types of online master’s programs offered by Iowa State are programs in business analytics, education, and a number of different engineering specializations. There are several schools in Illinois that offer online master’s programs, including the University of Illinois’ flagship campus in Urbana and Champaign. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers online programs through Illinois Online, which has online master’s programs in computer science, education, engineering, social work (MSW), and other fields. DePaul University, a private, non-profit school in Chicago, offers online master’s in computer and information technology fields, including cybersecurity, data science, and game programming, as well as online master’s programs in nursing (MSN), public administration (MPA), and other fields. The 15 Most Common Fields for Master’s Degree Studies in Wisconsin Through an analysis of IPEDS data on the number of graduates from master’s programs offered by schools in Wisconsin, has identified the 15 most common areas of study at the master’s degree level in the state. It is important to note that IPEDS subject area classifications do not align precisely with designations for actual master’s program. However, the data provides a representative overview of many of the general and some of the more specific areas of study in which students in Wisconsin are graduating from master’s programs. - Business Administration and Management - Educational Leadership and Administration - Social Work - Business Administration, Management, and Operations - Teacher Education and Professional Development - Family Practice Nurse/Nursing - Library and Information Science - Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services - Occupational Therapy/Therapist - Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse - Curriculum and Instruction The sections below provide details on schools in Wisconsin and schools located in neighboring and regional states that offer online master’s programs in many of the fields listed above. - Online Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) Programs in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in Teaching and Education Programs in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in Social Work (MSW) Programs in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in Nursing (MSN) Programs in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in Library and Information Science in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in Accounting Programs in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in School and Mental Health Counseling Programs in Wisconsin - Online Master’s in Engineering (MEng) Programs in Wisconsin Online Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) Programs in Wisconsin The UW System offers several options for earning an MBA degree online through its affiliated universities. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has a flexible MBA program that can be completed online, on-campus, or in a hybrid format that combines online and campus-based classes. Students who opt to complete the UWM program online can choose from three concentrations: Business Analytics; Marketing; and Supply Chain Management. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (UW-Whitewater) also has an MBA program that gives students the choice of taking all of their courses online, completing the degree entirely on campus, or enrolling in a mix of online and campus-based courses. The program has specializations in: Accounting; Data Analytics; Environmental Safety and Health; Finance; Human Resource Management; Information Technology Management; International Business; Management; Marketing; Project Management; and Supply Chain Management. The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh) offers a Professional MBA that is designed for students who have at least two years of experience in a business field and can be completed online or on campus in three to four years. In addition, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Eau Claire, and UW-Lacrosse are part of the University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium, which offers an online MBA program that does not require applicants to have prior professional experience and can be completed in two to three years. Marquette University is one of the private universities in Wisconsin that offers an online MBA program. The Marquette program is a 28-month, cohort-based, online program with a pathway for students who have an undergraduate degree in business and a pathway for students who have a non-business bachelor’s degree. Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW), another of the state’s private, non-profit universities, offers an MBA program that can be completed entirely online and that features a study-abroad option and 15 concentrations: Accounting; Communications and Public Relations; Finance; Healthcare Administration; Human Resource Management; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; International Business; Management; Management Information Systems; Nonprofit Management; Public Administration; Risk Assessment and Management; Sport and Entertainment Business; Strategic Marketing; and Sustainability Management and Analytics. CUW also offers an online Professional MBA program for students who hold either a doctoral degree or have a master’s degree plus five years of professional experience. There are two additional private universities in Wisconsin that offer online MBA programs. Cardinal Stritch University has an MBA program with concentrations in: Cybersecurity; Healthcare Management; Justice Administration; and Marketing. The program can be completed fully online, partially online, or through campus-based enrollment. And Edgewood University offers an online MBA program with a general business administration curriculum and an online MBA program with a Healthcare Administration concentration. Wisconsin residents who are interested in exploring out-of-state options for earning an MBA degree online may want to consider the programs offered by two universities in the neighboring state of Minnesota. The University of Minnesota offers an online MBA that features optional campus residency and global study-abroad opportunities and electives in international business, medical industry administration, and entrepreneurial studies. Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota offers an Accelerated Online MBA Program that is designed to be completed in as few as 18 months and that has three concentrations: Data Analytics; Social Media Management and Marketing; and Sustainability and Environmental Management. Lewis University and Benedictine University in the nearby state of Illinois have online MBA programs that accept applicants from Wisconsin. The Lewis University online program offers concentrations in: Accountancy; Finance; Healthcare Informatics; Healthcare Management; Human Resource Management; Information Security; Information Technology Management; International Business; Marketing; Social Media Marketing; Operations Management; and Project Management. Benedictine’s program can be completed in as few as 18 months. It has seven specializations: Entrepreneurship and Managing Innovation; Accounting; Financial Management; Marketing; International Business; Healthcare Administration; and Internet Marketing. Online Master’s in Teaching and Education Programs in Wisconsin The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), like many of the public universities in the UW System, offers a number of online master’s degree options for teachers and professional educators who are interested in adding a new specialization and/or advancing their careers. The School of Education at UWM offers an online Master of Science (MS) in Education Administration & Supervision program with tracks that can prepare students for licensure in six areas: Director of Instruction; Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; School Business Administrator; School Principal; School Principal/Director of Instruction dual licensure; and School Superintendent/District Administrator. UWM also offers an online MS in Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Administration program, and an online MS in Cultural Foundations of Community Engagement and Education program. The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) has an online Master of Science for Professional Educators (MSPE) program that is designed for practicing teachers. Through the MSPE program, teachers and educators can earn an MS in Educational Psychology online. The University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout) has an online Master of Science in Education (MSE) program that is designed for licensed teachers, post-secondary instructors, and teachers in business and community settings. The program has a flexible curriculum that allows students to choose from specializations in reading, e-learning, instructional design, elementary and middle school instruction, and mathematics. UW-Stout also offers an online MS in Career & Technical Education program designed to prepare students for educational leadership roles at the secondary and postsecondary levels, as well as in industry and workforce education programs. Through the College of Professional Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UW-Stevens Point) teachers can earn an MSE online. The online MSE program has numerous options for specialization, including: Early Childhood Education; Early Childhood Special Education; Family and Consumer Science; Health Education; Reading; and Special Education. While the program is designed to provide licensed teachers with advanced training in various educational specializations, it can accommodate students who hold a bachelor’s degree in any field and who have not yet attained licensure. The University of Wisconsin-Superior (UW-Superior) has three online MSE programs. UW-Superior’s online MSE in Instruction program has a track for licensed K-12 teachers and a non-licensure track. Licensed teachers who have three or more years of experience can earn an MSE in Educational Administration degree online in a program that has three concentrations: PK-12 Principalship; PK-12 Director of Instruction; and Director of Special Education and Pupil Services. UW-Superior also offers an online MSE in Special Education program online that is designed for licensed teachers who have several years of experience teaching at the K-12 level. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (UW-Whitewater) offers an online MSE in Professional Development (MSEPD) program that gives students the option of choosing from 12 concentrations: Art Education; Alternative Education; Challenging Advanced Learners; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Leadership; ESL/Bilingual Education; Health, Human Performance, and Recreation; Health, Physical Education, and Coaching; Higher Education Athletic Administration; Higher Education Leadership; Information, Technology, and Libraries; and Reading. And the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW-La Crosse) has two online programs for teachers and educators: an online MSE in Reading program; and an online MSE in Student Affairs Administration program. Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) offers a range of online MSE programs in various teaching specialization. For example, CUW has an online MSE in Early Childhood Education program with an optional specialization in Early Childhood Literacy Program Administration; an online MSE in Educational Design and Technology program; and an online MSE in Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education program with an optional Athletic Administration concentration. For licensed teachers interested in adding a new credential and/or license in Wisconsin, CUW offers online MSE programs in the following areas: Literacy/Reading Specialist; English as a Second Language (ESL); Gifted and Talented; Secondary Education; and Special Education. Finally, CUW has an online MSE in Educational Administration program that is designed to prepare professional educators for Principal or Director of Instruction licensure in Wisconsin. Cardinal Stritch University, another of Wisconsin’s private, non-profit schools, offers a similar MS in Educational Leadership program online, which is designed to prepare licensed teachers to become principals and directors of instruction. Among the many out-of-state schools offering online master’s programs for teachers and educators, there are two in the neighboring state of Minnesota that Wisconsin residents may want to explore. The University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul offers an online Master of Arts (MA) in Special Education program with six specializations: Academic Behavioral Strategist; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Developmental Disabilities; Early Childhood Special Education; Emotional Behavioral Disorders; and Learning Disabilities. The program requires students to complete in-person field placements, which means that students must work in a school or have connections with a school system in which they are able to work. And Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota has an online MA in Educational Leadership program, an online Master of Education (MEd) in Learning Design and Technology program, and an online MA in Special Education program. Note: Students from Wisconsin who intend to apply for licensure in Wisconsin after completing an online master’s program offered by an out-of-state school should research licensure requirements carefully, as licensure policies vary by state. In addition, Wisconsin residents who are considering online master’s programs in teaching and education should be aware that some programs require in-person internships and/or field placements. Potential applicants to out-of-state programs should contact a program representative regarding these requirements prior to submitting an application. Online Master’s in Social Work (MSW) Programs in Wisconsin There are currently no fully online MSW programs offered by schools in Wisconsin. However, there are several schools in nearby states that have online MSW programs, including Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota; the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI); and Loyola University of Chicago. Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota has an online MSW program with a clinical focus that can be completed in two to four years, although graduates from bachelor’s in social work (BSW) programs may be eligible for the program’s Advanced Standing track, which requires fewer total credits. The University of Iowa’s School of Social Work offers an online MSW with a macro or community practice focus. The program is designed to be completed in three years of part-time enrollment and requires students to attend a yearly summer institute held at the school’s Sioux City campus. UNI’s online program is a clinical MSW program with a Trauma-Informed Practice focus. It has a traditional, three-year track and an Advanced Standing track that can be completed in two years. Loyola University Chicago has an online MSW program that offers several curricular options: Leadership and Development (macro practice); and clinical practice. The clinical practice track has three specializations: Mental Health; School Social Work; and Health, Children and Families. The program can be completed in two years by traditional students and one year by students who qualify for the Advanced Standing track. Note: Online MSW programs include field education, which requires students to complete in-person field placements at approved clinical sites and/or community agencies. Wisconsin residents who are considering programs offered by out-of-state schools should contact a program administrator regarding potential field education sites prior to submitting an application. Wisconsin residents who intend to apply for licensure in clinical social work should also be aware that licensure requirements for social workers vary by state. It is thus advisable to research Wisconsin’s licensure requirements prior to applying to an out-of-state program in order to ensure the program meets Wisconsin’s educational training requirements for clinical social workers. Online Master’s in Nursing (MSN) Programs in Wisconsin There are several schools in Wisconsin that offer Registered Nurses (RNs) the option of earning their MSN degree online, including the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh), Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW), and Edgewood College. UW-Oshkosh’s College of Nursing has an online MSN program with a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) specialization and a Nurse Educator specialization. Both specializations can be completed in two years of full-time enrollment or three years of part-time enrollment. CUC has an online MSN program with a Nurse Educator specialization and two Nurse Practitioner (NP) specializations: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP); and Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP). All three specializations have flexible enrollment options and require a two-week residency on CUC’s campus. And Edgewood College offers an online MSN programs with four specializations: FNP, Nurse Administrator; Nurse Educator; and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). Outside of Wisconsin, there are numerous schools offering online MSN programs that RNs may want to explore, including several out-of-state schools in the Wisconsin region. Through Minnesota State University Moorhead, RNs in Wisconsin can earn their MSN online with a concentration in Nurse Education or Nurse Administration and Organizational Systems Leadership. Northern Illinois University, which is part of the Illinois state system, has an online MSN program that offers specializations in Nursing Education and FNP. Illinois State University, another school in the Illinois state system, has an online Nursing Systems Administration MSN program. And Benedictine University, a private, non-profit school located in Lisle, IL, offers an online MSN program with Nurse Educator and Nurse Executive Leader specializations. Note: Online MSN programs typically require students to complete clinical and/or administrative internships at sites approved by the program. RNs in Wisconsin who are considering programs offered by out-of-state schools should contact programs prior to submitting an application about potential internship sites. In addition, RNs who intend to qualify for licensure in an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) specialization should be aware that licensure requirements for APRNs, including NPs and CNSs, vary by state. Prior to applying to an online MSN program in an APRN specialization, RNs should contact their state board of nursing regarding licensing requirements. Online Master’s in Library and Information Science Programs in Wisconsin In the field of library and information science there are two Wisconsin schools that offer three options for earning a master’s degree online. The Information School (iSchool) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) has an online Master of Science (MS) in Library and Information Studies. The program focuses on preparing students to manage data and the information technology systems that collect and store various types of data. Students begin the program by attending a one-week orientation session on the UW-Madison campus and are required to complete a 120-hour field-experience practicum as part of the program’s curriculum. The iSchool program has five designated concentrations: Librarianship; Archives in a Digital Age; Data/Information Management & Analytics; UX & Information Technology; and Information Organization. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has two online master’s programs in information science fields. UWM’s online Master of Science in Information Science & Technology (MSIST) program provides training and instruction in IT user interfaces, web and mobile design development, data management, and information security. The MSIST program, which has flexible enrollment and allows students to take up to seven years to earn their degree, is designed for students who have a technical background and/or some professional experience in IT. UWM also offers an online Master of Library & Information Science (MLIS) program with a curriculum that can accommodate students who do not have prior IT experience. The MLIS program has four designated concentrations: Archival Studies; Information Organization; Information Technology; and Public Library. Students in the program can also opt to specialize through elective coursework in the following areas: Academic Libraries; Digital Libraries; Information Law, Policy, & Ethics; Information Literacy; Public Libraries; and Special Libraries. Wisconsin residents who are interested in online master’s in library and information science programs offered by out-of-state schools may want to explore the programs offered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). The Information School (iSchool) at the University of Illinois offers an online Master of Science (MS) in Library and Information Science program with a flexible curriculum that includes two required courses and six professional pathway concentrations: Archival and Special Collections; Youth and School Librarianship; Information Organization and Management; Research and Information Services; Data and Asset Management; and Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence. UNI offers an online Master of Arts (MA) in School Library Studies program designed for licensed teachers who are interested in becoming school librarians. Online Master’s in Accounting Programs in Wisconsin Edgewood College is the one school in Wisconsin currently offering a fully online master’s in accounting program. The Edgewood College program is an online Master of Science (MS) in Accountancy program that can be completed in two to three years of part-time enrollment or one year of full-time enrollment. In order to qualify for admission to the program, applicants must have completed a list of ten undergraduate prerequisites, including courses in: microeconomics or macroeconomics; statistics; finite math; finance; financial accounting; intermediate accounting; cost accounting; business law; and taxation. Wisconsin residents who are interested in online master’s in accounting programs may also want to explore the programs offered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and DePaul University in the neighboring state of Illinois. The Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois offers an online MS in Accountancy (MSA) program that can be completed in 18 months of full-time or 24-months of part-time enrollment. DePaul also has an online MSA program that can be completed in as few as 18 months by full-time students. And DePaul offers an online MS in Taxation program that may be of interest to accountants who want advanced training in tax law and policy. St. Mary’s University of Minnesota is another school in a nearby state that has an online master’s program in accounting. Through its Graduate School of Business & Technology, St. Mary’s offers an MS in Accounting program that can be completed entirely online, on campus, or through a mix of online and campus-based courses. The program can be completed in as few as 20 months. Note: Wisconsin residents who are aiming to qualify to sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam upon completion of an online master’s program offered by an out-of-state school should research Wisconsin’s eligibility requirements for CPA licensure. Licensure requirements for CPAs vary by state and online programs offered by out-of-state schools may not fully prepare graduates for licensure in Wisconsin. Online Master’s in School and Mental Health Counseling Programs in Wisconsin The University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout) and Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) are two schools in the state that offer online master’s in counseling programs. UW-Stout has an online Master of Science (MS) in Rehabilitation Counseling program that can prepare students to become Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) or Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs). The program begins with a two-day, on-campus orientation session and uses a cohort model in which groups of students progress through a sequence of courses over three years of part-time enrollment. To graduate, students must complete a practicum and internship at an approved clinical site. The School of Education at CUW offers an online Master of Science in Education (MSE) in School and Professional Counseling program that has a track to prepare students for LPC licensure and a track for students who intend to become school counselors in Wisconsin. Northwestern University in the neighboring state of Illinois offers an online Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling program through Counseling@Northwestern. The program requires students to attend two campus visits and has tracks for students with different educational backgrounds and professional aspirations. There is a standard track for students who studied psychology or a behavioral science at the bachelor’s level that consists of 24 courses, a practicum, and an internship; a Bridge to Counseling program track that prepares students who do not have an academic background in psychology/behavioral science for the standard master’s-level curriculum by requiring three introductory courses; and a Child and Adolescent track that includes two courses in youth counseling. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is another school in Illinois offering an online master’s in counseling program. The online MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling offered by the Chicago School includes a 100-hour practicum and 600 hours of clinical internships that must be completed in-person at an approved site. The program, which takes three years to complete, also includes two required four-day residency sessions at the school’s Chicago campus. Bradley University and Adler University are two additional schools in Illinois that have online master’s in counseling programs. Bradley offers two types of online counseling degrees at the master’s level: an online MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and an online MA in Professional School Counseling. The Adler program is an online MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Note: Internships and practicums are typically a required part of online master’s in counseling programs. These clinical experiences take place in-person at program-approved sites. Applicants to online master’s in counseling programs should contact program administrators regarding potential clinical placements prior to applying. In addition, Wisconsin residents who are considering online programs offered by schools located outside of Wisconsin should be aware that licensure requirements for counselors vary by state. It is thus advisable to research Wisconsin’s licensure requirements prior to applying to an out-of-state online master’s in counseling program. Online Master’s in Engineering (MEng) Programs in Wisconsin The University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) offers an array of online Master of Engineering (MEng) programs in various specializations, including: Engine Systems; Engineering Management; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Engineering Data Analytics; Manufacturing Systems Engineering; and Sustainable Systems Engineering. These programs are designed for students who hold a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in a technical field from a program accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The average time to completion for UW-Madison’s online MEng programs is two to four years, although the Engine Systems and Sustainable Systems Engineering programs typically take a minimum of three years to complete. The University of Wisconsin-Platteville (UW-Platteville) also offers an online MEng program. The UW-Platteville program is designed for students who have an undergraduate degree in engineering and it has four concentrations: Engineering Management; Control (Electrical) Systems; Engineering Design; and Structural/Geotechnical Engineering. And the University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout) has an online Master of Science (MS) in Manufacturing Engineering program that requires applicants to have an undergraduate degree in engineering or a related field. Wisconsin residents may also want to explore the options for earning a master’s degree in engineering online through the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Grainger College offers online MS programs in: Aerospace Engineering (MSAE); Civil Engineering (MSCE); Environmental Engineering (MSEE); Industrial Engineering (MSIE); and Mechanical Engineering (MSME). In addition, Grainger College has online MEng programs in two specializations: Bioengineering; and Mechanical Engineering. Applicants to Grainger College graduate programs must hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering, science, mathematics, or a comparable technical field. Iowa State University is another school in the Wisconsin region that offers numerous online master’s in engineering programs online. Among the programs offered by Iowa State are online MEng programs in the following fields: Aerospace Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Energy Systems Engineering; Engineering Management; Industrial Engineering; Information Assurance Engineering; Mechanical; and Systems Engineering. The online MEng in Civil Engineering program offered by Iowa State has a concentration in Construction Engineering and Management.
|Hamilton Township Fire District No. 4 AGREEMENT made this First day of January 2004 by and between the Board of Fire Commissioners, Hamilton Township Fire District No.4, hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioners" and the Fireman's Mutual Benevolent Association (Local #84) hereinafter referred to as "FMBA". ARTICLE I. Purpose It is the purpose of this Agreement to define the terms and conditions of employment for members of the bargaining unit. ARTICLE II. Recognition Section 1. The Commissioners recognize the FMBA local #84 as the exclusive collective bargaining representative for all full time suppression employees of the Commissioners of Fire District No. 4, Section 2. Excluded are: B. Managerial Executives C. Volunteer firefighters not paid employees of the District. E. Police and Craft Employees G. Non-Firefighting Employees ARTICLE III. Duration of Agreement The Commissioners and the FMBA agree that the duration of this Agreement shall be for a period of four (4) years commencing January 1, 2004 and ending December 31, 2007. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect during collective negotiations between the parties beyond the date of expiration (December 31, 2007) set forth herein until the parties have agreed mutually upon a new Agreement. ARTICLE IV. Discrimination The Commissioners and the FMBA both recognize that there shall be no unlawful discrimination by reason of sex, age, handicap, creed, race origin and residency as far as employment and promotions are concerned or as far as any application for or condition of employment. The Commissioners further agree that they will not interfere with nor discriminate against any employee because of membership in, or legitimate activity on behalf of the FMBA Local #84, or do anything to interfere with the exclusive representative of the Employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. ARTICLE V. Sick Time and Disability Provisions Section 1. Each employee shall receive ten (10) hours sick time per month for a total of one hundred-twenty (120) working hours per year during the year of contract (2004-2007), from the date of employment to the date employment terminates. Permanent employees will be credited January 1 of the contract years with the full amount of sick hours (120) as if they were already earned with the assumption they will work the full year. If an employee is terminated from his/her position the sick time will be prorated by the number of hours earned for the months worked up to their termination. Any time used over the earned amount will be deducted from the employee’s termination paycheck. New hires will be pro-rated based on their hiring date at a figure equal to total hours for the year divided by number of months (120 divided by 12 = 10 hours per month * months left from hire date (hired June 1, 2004) = 6 mos. * 10 hours = 60 sick hours available for the six months. Unused sick time shall be paid the last pay period in December of each year. For purpose of this agreement any reference to a "day/shift" of leave shall mean the hours (10 or 14) scheduled for that day/shift. Section 2. Payment for accumulated sick leave is calculated by dividing the highest base salary attainable by that employee at the time of termination of employment (excluding overtime) by 52. Said calculation will arrive at a weekly rate which then shall be divided by forty-two (42). Said calculation will arrive at a weekly rate, which shall than be divided by forty-two (42) for rotating shift employees or forty (40) for steady day shift employees. Said calculation will arrive at an hourly rate, which shall than be multiplied times the unused sick time. Section 3. Employees, with three (3) or more years of service, who receive a disability retirement or a deferred retirement pursuant to P.F.R.S. shall receive payments in accordance with Section 1 of this Article. Section 4. An employee covered by this agreement may take sick time for any of the following reasons. A. Personal illness or personal incapacity to such an extent as to render the employee unable to perform their duties adequately. B. Attendance to members of the immediate family whose illness requires the care of such employee up to four (4) shifts. Section 5. In all cases of sick leave (illness) the employee is required to notify his supervisor of the reason for absence at the earliest possible time, but in no event less than his usual reporting time. Failure to report absence or abuse of sick leave privileges on the part of any employee may be cause for disciplinary action. When known that sick leave will be required for more than three (3) working days, such leave must be requested by the employee in writing to his Supervisor. This request must be accompanied by a written and signed statement from a physician prescribing sick leave and stating the reason(s) and the anticipated duration of the incapacity of the employee or immediate family member. Section 6. Service connected disabilities shall be treated in the A. Employees who are injured while in the performance of duty, sustain an illness directly related to the fire occupation or suffer work- connected injury or disability shall be granted leave of absence with full pay for lost time work provided the injury or illness has been substantiated by a physician. Said sick leave will not be chargeable under sick time regulations. Any amount of salary or wages paid or payable to such an employee for disability leave shall be reduced by the amount of workmen's compensation paid under the New Jersey Workmen's Compensation Act for Temporary Disability. Said leave shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) year from the date of injury. B. The employee shall be required to present evidence by certificate of an authorized physician that he or she is unable to work and the Commissioners may reasonably require the said employee to present such certificate from time to time. C. In the event a conflict arises with respect to a definition of major illness or injury between parties, a meeting will be convened between the Commissioners and FMBA for the purpose of arriving at a final determination. D. In event the employee contends that he or she is entitled to a period of disability beyond the period established by the treating physician, or a physician employed by the Commissioners or its insurance carrier, then, and in that event, the burden shall be upon the employee to establish such additional period of disability and such findings by the Division of Workers' Compensation, or by the final decision of the last reviewing court shall be binding upon the E. For purposes of this Article, injury or illness incurred while the employee is attending a training program mandated by the Commissioners shall be considered in the line of duty. F. In the event of a dispute as to whether an absence shall be computed or designated as sick leave or as to an injury on duty, the parties agree to be bound by the decision of an appropriate Workers' Compensation judgement, or, if there is an appeal therefrom, the final decision of the last G. An injury on duty requiring time off for treatment, recuperation or rehabilitation shall not be construed as chargeable under sick time H. Employees returning from authorized leave of absence, as set forth above, will be restored to their original job classification and shifts at the appropriate rate of pay with no loss of seniority or other employee rights, privileges or benefits, subject to the employee's ability to perform all duties and functions required by the position. Section 7. Any employee of the District who reports for duty and subsequently reports off duty due to illness within four (4) hours from shift start will be charged against sick time only those hours actually not worked. Section 8. Disability due to illness or injury not related to the fire occupation and occurring outside of employment shall be treated as regular sick leave under Article V, Section 4. ARTICLE VI. Bereavement Any employee suffering bereavement because of death in his or her family, including spouses, children, parents, grandparents, grandchild, brothers, sisters, and parent-in-laws shall receive up to four (4) working days and one (1) working day for non-immediate family members from the day of death to the day after the affairs. ARTICLE VII. Hours of Work and Overtime Section 1. The work week for employees shall consist of an average forty- two (42) hour per week over an eight (8) week cycle for rotating shifts A. Rotating shifts consist of ten (10) hour day shifts (7 a.m. - 5 p.m.) and fourteen (14) hour night shifts (5 p.m. - 7 a.m.). Effective with the signing of the contract the employees will work two (2) consecutive day shifts and two (2) night shifts with a four (4) day off period. This may be changed by request and agreed to by the Commissioners and employees of FMBA Local 84. Section 2. Work Schedule: Work schedules showing the employee's shift, work days and hours, shall be posted at all times in the station, and a copy forwarded to the FMBA. Except in emergency, one (1) week advance notice will be given for the purpose of shift changes. Emergency is hereby defined as any situation which jeopardizes the public health, benefit, safety and welfare, as defined by New Jersey State Law, Hamilton Township Ordinance, or at the discretion of the Commissioners. Section 3. Overtime: A. Employees shall be compensated for overtime on an hourly rate based on their standard forty-two (42) work week schedule. B. An employee who is recalled to work overtime for any reason, shall receive time and one-half of their pay for the hours worked and receive a minimum of three (3) hours. C. Employees covered under this Agreement shall be offered the right of first refusal with regard to any overtime situation created through the use of any leave under this Agreement or any other cause for overtime sanctioned by ARTICLE VIII. Uniforms Section 1. The employees will be reimbursed up to $350.00 for receipted purchases of approved uniforms each calendar year of the contract, an additional $200.00 for maintenance and replacement due to normal wear and tear of uniforms during the contract year without receipts, payable during the first pay period in March of the following year. Section 2. If at any time the Commissioners make any uniform change, the initial cost of requiring each employee to change uniforms shall be borne by the Section 3. Only dark blue colored t-shirts with logos approved by the Board are allowed to be worn under uniforms. Logos may include FMBA, District #4, Enterprise or Hamilton. The uniform will be kept neat and clean at all times and shall be worn at all times when on duty. Only authorized badges, name tags, Commissioners approved patches and American Flag will be worn on the uniform. The American Flag on the right side down one (1) inch from the shoulder seam, badge on left side of shirt over the top of pocket, name tag right side over top of pocket. During the timeframe of May 1 through October 1 of the year, appropriate short pants may be worn by the employees. In addition to the shorts the previous authorized gray uniform District #4 shirt will be worn. ARTICLE IX. Health Benefits and Hospitalization Section 1. The Commissioners shall provide current employees and their families hospitalization and sickness insurance under the New Jersey State Health Benefits Plan. The Commissioners shall also provide to all curent Employees and their families’ major medical benefits pursuant to the State Health Benefits Plan. Increased cost for option plans (like HMO), which are selected by the employee shall be borne by the employee. Section 2. Other coverage: The Commissioners shall reimburse each employee for family medical care for dental, prescription, eyeglasses and examinations expenses up to eleven hundred ($1,100.00) dollars each calendar year of the contract upon presentation of receipts to the Commissioners, payable by the third pay period in January of the following year. Section 3. Retirement Coverage: On retirement from service to the Fire District, amounting to 25 years pursuant to Division of Pension by laws for the P.F.R.S., an employee will be covered by the medical coverage in place at the time of his/her retirement that will be of no cost to the employee except for standard co-pays and will be in effect until the demise of said employee. There will be no carry over rights to family members after such ARTICLE X. Pensions The Commissioners shall provide pension and retirement benefits and contribute as heretofore to all employees covered by this Agreement under the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System pursuant to provisions of the statutes and Laws of the State of New Jersey. ARTICLE XI. Vacation Section 1. Yearly vacation will be as follows: A. After 1 year: 4 shifts 48 hours B. After 3 years: 8 shifts 96 hours C. After 5 years: 12 shifts 144 hours D. After 10 years: 16 shifts 192 hours E. After 15 years: 18 shifts 216 hours F. After 20 years: 20 shifts 240 hours G. After 25 years: 24 shifts 288 hours "Shifts" are defined under Article VII, Section 1a and for the purpose of this section, either a ten (10) or fourteen (14) hour regular scheduled shift and a eight (8) hour steady day shift shall be counted as one shift. Vacation choices with respect to available dates shall be based on seniority and not more than one (1) employee shall be on vacation per work station at any given time unless approved by the Commissioners with reasonable notice. In case of emergency, the Commissioners may change the vacation Section 2. All yearly vacation must be completed before December 31st of each year. Any unused portion will be paid over to each employee during the first pay period of December of each contract year. Section 3. Injured Personnel: Any employee injured in the line of duty preceding his or her vacation shall not be penalized and the vacation shall be rescheduled for a period which is mutually agreeable between the employee and ARTICLE XII. Longevity Longevity will discontinue in the beginning of the contract year 2004 and replaced with a one time increase of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500.00) added to the base pay of all current employees on record as of January 1, 2004. ARTICLE XIII. Holidays Section 1. The Commissioners agree to provide the employees on duty with the following paid working holidays at double time the regular rate. Holidays are twenty-four hours periods from 7am till 7am. A. New Years Day B: Martin Luther King C: Presidents Day E. Memorial Day F. July 4th G. Labor Day H. Election Day I. Columbus Day J. Veterans Day K. Thanksgiving Day ARTICLE XIV. Leave without Pay The Commissioners, upon request of an employee and after reasonable written notice, may grant a three (3) months leave of absence without pay to the employee. Said leave may only be granted by the Commissioners when the Commissioners receive a written request signed by the employee and endorsed by his immediate supervisor. The Commissioners may extend such leave for an additional three (3) months. If, however, the said employee overstays such leave, his employment with the Fire District shall be deemed to have terminated. ARTICLE XV. Salaries Section 1. The Firefighter/Driver employees within Fire District No. 4 receive the following percent of increase. Firefighter/Drivers: 2004 2005 2006 2007 Increase 3% 3% 3% 3% See page 20. Starting salary determined upon initial hiring, no less then $26,000.00 and no more then $34,000.00. After serving a one (1) year probationary period and becoming certified by The Department of Personnel, the employee will attained permanent status within the district, with a salary range that will be prorated for a period of three (3) years after which he/she will receive the maximum salary based on the current salary of any (1) to three (3) year employee. ARTICLE XVI. Grievance Procedure A grievance is defined as any dispute, controversy or issue involving the interpretation, application or violation, (alleged or otherwise), of any provision of this Agreement or regarding employment or the application of any rules, regulations, ordinance and or statute which actually affects working A grievant is defined as any individual or entity which has been, is being or may be affected by any issue or controversy or dispute or application as indicated in the definition of a grievance. Where disciplinary proceedings have been instituted, the grievance procedure shall not be available during the pendency of such disciplinary proceedings for issues arising out of the subject matter of the charge. Any issues finally determined or resolved during or in the course of a disciplinary proceeding shall be considered a final disposition as to those issues for the purpose of any subsequent grievance. All benefits under this Agreement shall be available to the subject employee during the pendency of any disciplinary Grievances, disputes or controversies, which may arise, shall be resolved in the following manner. Section 1. A written grievance shall meet the following specifications. A. It shall be specific. B. It shall contain a synopsis of the facts giving rise to the dispute, controversy or issue. C. It shall specify the section of the agreement, Rule, Regulation Statute which has been allegedly violated, misapplied or as to which the dispute arises. D. It shall state the relief requested. E. It shall contain the date of the alleged dispute, controversy or F. It shall be signed by the grievant. Section 2. Times as indicated exclude Saturdays, Sunday and legal holidays, except where calendar days are indicated. Section 3. Step Procedures Step One: Within twenty (20) calendar days after its occurrence, or within twenty (20) calendar days after he or she knew or should have know of its existence, the aggrieved employee's grievance shall be discussed verbally and if resolved, no further action shall be taken. If not resolved on an informal discussion basis within three (3) working days, the grievance shall be reduced to writing within seven (7) calendar days, signed by the aggrieved and submitted to the Commissioner in charge of personnel. In no event shall a grievance be initiated more than thirty (30) calendar days after the grievant first knew or should have known of its existence. The Commissioner in charge of personnel shall investigate the grievance and provide a written answer to the grievant within seven (7) calendar days of the date of submission. The time limit in preparing a written grievance or written response may be waived by mutual Step Two: In the event the grievance is not resolved at Step one, or if no written response is received by the grievant, then the grievance shall be submitted in writing, by the grievant, to the Board of Fire Commissioners. The Commissioners shall submit their written answer, to the grievant, within fourteen (14) calendar days. This time limit may be waived by mutual agreement. Step Three: In the event the grievance shall not have been resolved at Step Two, then the grievant may seek relief at arbitration as herein specified. In all respects the initiation of binding arbitration or Court process shall begin within forty five (45) days after receipt of a written resolution from the Commissioners. Section 4. Arbitration A. Arbitration request shall be directed to the Public Employee Relation Commission subject to the rules then existing of such agency. The aggrieved party shall copy the other party. The request shall specify the particulars of the grievance and the Contract provision(s) allegedly violated. B. The selection of the independent arbitrator shall be made pursuant to the rules then existing of the Public Employment Relation C. As promptly as possible after the arbitrator has been selected, the arbitrator shall conduct a hearing between the parties and consider the subject matter of the dispute. The decision of the arbitrator will be served upon the employee or employees aggrieved, the Commissioners and the FMBA in writing. It shall be the obligation of the arbitrator, to the Commissioners and to the FMBA, to make his best effort to rule on cases heard by him within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the hearing. D. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the submission to the arbitrator shall be based on the original written grievance and issues submitted in the grievance procedure at Step One. This paragraph shall not be construed so as to limit the submission of proofs by the parties. E. The decision of the arbitrator is final and binding upon both parties and the grievance shall be considered permanently resolved. F. The expense of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by both parties. Each party shall make arrangements for and pay the witnesses which are called by it. ARTICLE XVII. Maintenance of Benefits Both the Commissioners and FMBA agree that all benefits and conditions of employment presently in effect for employees be maintained except where modified pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE XVIII. General Provisions A. Both the Commissioners and the FMBA acknowledge that this Agreement is a fair agreement and both parties agree that no modification or wavier of any of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing, signed and acknowledged by both parties. No waiver or breach herein or default hereunder shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of same or similar nature. Further, the waiver of any breach of conditions of this Agreement by either party shall not constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of the terms and conditions thereof. B. It is understood and agreed by and between the Commissioners and the FMBA that if any part of this Agreement is in conflict with applicable State or Federal laws, that such part shall be suspended and the appropriate applicable provision shall prevail, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected C. Notwithstanding any prior Articles, all paragraphs of this article or provisions of this Agreement may be changed or altered provided that both parties mutually agree in writing. ARTICLE XIX. Post - Termination Employment Any employee whose services are terminated, and who is in good standing, and who is called to testify or assist in any proceeding, including but not limited to criminal and civil cases, administrative hearings, disciplinary hearings and so forth, that he or she investigated or was involved in prior to termination of his services, shall be compensated for such appearances by a day's pay at the present prevailing rate at the same compensation as paid to the employee in the rank immediately prior to termination exclusive of overtime. Employees who are required to appear for such appearances shall be compensated for reasonable travelling expenses. ARTICLE XX. Personnel Files There shall be one Fire District No. 4 employee file, and the employees shall have the right to examine their files at a reasonable time. Employees shall have the right to debut any derogatory materials included in their files. No reasonable request to view a file shall be refused, except that an employee shall be limited to view his file during regular business hours. Furthermore, a log shall be maintained indicating when a file has been viewed, by whom, and whether any materials have been removed or photocopied. ARTICLE XXI. Employee Representation Section 1. The FMBA shall notify the Commissioners as to the Stewards and accredited Representatives. No more than one steward and alternate is to be designated for each station. Section 2. Representatives of the FMBA, who are not employees of Hamilton Township Fire District No. 4, will be permitted to visit with employees during working hours at their work stations for the purpose of discussing FMBA representation matters by notifying the Commissioner in charge of personnel provided that adequate notice is given and it doesn't interfere with normal ARTICLE XXII. Management Rights There are no provisions in this Agreement that shall be deemed to limit or curtail the Commissioners in any way in the exercise of their rights, powers and authority which the Commissioners had prior to the effective date of this Agreement unless and only to the extent that provisions of this Agreement curtail or limit such rights, power and authority. These rights, however, shall be exercised reasonably, in accordance with this Agreement and for good cause. ARTICLE XXIII. Dues Check-off Section 1. The Commissioners agree to check-off FMBA dues and assessments uniformly arrived at and pay over such money to the duly elected treasurer of the FMBA. Employees will file authorization forms with the Commissioners, signed by each employee prior to such deductions. Section 2. Pursuant to the Agency Shop Law, any new employee in the Bargaining Unit on the effective date of this Agreement who does not join the association within thirty (30) days of initial appointment within the unit and any Employee previously employed within the unit who does not join within ten 10 days of reentry into employment within the unit shall, as a condition of employment, pay a Representation Fee to the FMBA by automatic payroll deduction. The Representation Fee shall be in an amount equal to eighty-five percent (85%) of the regular Association membership dues, fees and assessments as certified to the employer by the FMBA. The FMBA may revise its certification of the amount of the Representation Fee at any time to reflect changes in the regular FMBA membership dues, fees and assessments. The FMBA's entitlement to the Representation Fee shall continue beyond the termination date of this Agreement so long as the FMBA remains the majority representative of the employees in the unit, provided that no modification is made in this provision by a successor agreement between the FMBA and the Commissioners. ARTICLE XXIV. Training and Education The Commissioners will determine and approve what Fire Training Schools, courses and or seminars the employees will attend during their working shifts. With prior approval from the Commissioners, any employee may be entitled to attend any schooling or classes, the subject of which is directly related to the performance of the employee’s position, including training required to maintain any necessary licenses or certifications and mandatory training required by law. Any off duty time to attended these training sessions, if not available during regular work schedule, will be reimbursed on an hour to hour basis. ARTICLE XXV. Discipline Procedures Except as otherwise provided by law, an Employee shall not be removed from his office, employment or position for political reasons or for any cause other than incapacity, misconduct or disobedience of rules and regulations established by the Commissioners for the benefit of the Fire District. Nor shall such employee be suspended, removed, fined or reduced in rank in office, from employment or position therein except for just cause as herein above provided and then only upon a written complaint, setting forth the charge or charges against the employee. Said complaint shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Fire Commissioners, and a copy thereof shall be served upon the employee so charged, with notice of a hearing thereon designating its time and place, which shall be no less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days from the date of service of the complaint. A failure to substantially comply with said provisions as to the service of the complaint shall require a dismissal of the complaint. The employee have no more than fourteen (14) days to appeal. ARTICLE XXVI. Military Leave Section 1. Any employee who is ordered to active duty to be a component of the United States Armed Forces shall be granted leave without pay for the period of such service without loss of seniority. Section 2. Consistence with state statutes and regulations, any employee who is a member of the National Guard or Reserves shall be granted leave of absence to attend required drills. Such time off shall be granted in addition to vacation and sick time. ARTICLE XXVII. Miscellaneous Provisions Section 1. In the event of retirement or death, the employee or his estate shall receive vacation pay accumulated as of that date. The employee's vacation pay shall be in the same amount had he worked his standard schedule as Section 2. The Commissioners shall maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance for employees pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:15-1 et seq. Section 3. Each employee shall initially serve a one (1) year Section 4. The Board will supply each employee with safety equipments as ARTICLE I – Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 ARTICLE II – Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 ARTICLE III – Duration of Agreement . . . . . . Page 1 ARTICLE IV – Discrimination . . . . . . . . . Page 2 ARTICLE V – Sick Time and Disability . . . . Page 2 ARTICLE VI – Bereavement . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 ARTICLE VII – Hours of Work and Overtime . . . Page 6 ARTICLE VIII – Uniforms . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 ARTICLE XI – Health Benefits . . . . . . . . . Page 8 ARTICLE X – Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 ARTICLE XI – Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 ARTICLE XII – Longevity . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 ARTICLE XIII – Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 ARTICLE XIV – Leave without Pay . . . . . . . . Page 10 ARTICLE XV – Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 ARTICLE XVI – Grievance Procedure . . . . . . . Page 11 ARTICLE XVII – Maintenance of Benefits . . . . . Page 14 ARTICLE XVIII – General Provisions . . . . . . . Page 14 ARTICLE XIX – Post – Termination Employment . . Page 15 ARTICLE XX – Personnel Files . . . . . . . . . Page 15 ARTICLE XXI – Employee Representations . . . . Page 16 ARTICLE XXII – Management Rights . . . . . . . . Page 16 ARTICLE XXIII – Dues Check-off . . . . . . . . . Page 16 ARTICLE XXIV – Training and Education . . . . . Page 17 ARTICLE XXV – Discipline Procedures . . . . . . Page 18 ARTICLE XXVI – Military Leave . . . . . . . . . Page 18 ARTICLE XXVII – Miscellaneous Provisions . . . . Page 19 - Step Program & Pay Scale . . . . Page 20 - Sign off sheet . . . . . . . . . Page 21
Prayer-Pregnancy Study Makes the Front Page Recall the last several eSkeptic postings from Dr. Bruce Flamm, a long time skeptic of alternative medicine, who has been tracking (and breaking) this remarkable story of fraud and deceit in the hallowed halls of medical science. Congratulations to Bruce for his dogged efforts over the past several years to stay the course and see the investigation through. With the New York Sun exposure, the rest of the American media should now start picking up on the story. I have forwarded the information and story to my contacts at ABC 20/20. Let’s hope the lid is completely blown off now. (Is that enough cliches for one paragraph?!) After 2 1/2 years this story is finally front page news! The NY Sun is not the NY Times, but it is apparently the fastest growing newspaper in the US. The battle is not over, but the tide has turned. Thank you all for your support in this several-year effort to help science prevail over quackery and pseudo-science! —Bruce The following article appeared in the New York Sun on Wednesday, June 9th, 2004. (Section: Front Page; Pg. 1 ) Copyright © 2004, The New York Sun, One SL, LLC, All Rights Reserved. by Jacob Gershman, staff reporter of the Sun Columbia University said yesterday it is taking no action against a former chairman of the obstetrics and gynecology department who was an author of a 2001 medical study that is accused of being fraudulent. The study, which was published in September 2001 in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, found that women seeking to become pregnant were almost twice as likely to achieve success when strangers prayed for them. The results stunned the medical world and immediately attracted suspicion, particularly from Bruce Flamm, 53, director of research at Kaiser Permanente California in Riverside, Calif. Dr. Flamm said the study could be completely fabricated and has attempted in vain to contact its authors for more than two and a half years. The study had three authors: a former departmental chairman and a current Columbia professor, Rogerio Lobo; a former Columbia researcher, Kwang Cha, and Daniel Wirth, a psychic researcher who is under house arrest in California after pleading guilty to fraud charges. “The entire thing may be fraudulent,” Dr. Flamm told the New York Sun. “There are horrific flaws in the study design.” One of his main criticisms with the design is the way in which the prayers in the study were divided into overlapping groups, causing unnecessary confusion. Questions were again raised about the study after Wirth, 45, pleaded guilty last month in federal court in Pennsylvania to conspiracy to commit bank and mail fraud and using a variety of phony identities. Wirth, a lawyer who has frequently taken an in interest in paranormal research, faces a maximum five-year sentence. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, a peer-reviewed publication whose advisory board includes a number of prominent fertility specialists, has withdrawn the study and investigated its findings, the publication’s managing editor, Donna Kessel, has told the Sun. That decision came after years of prodding from Dr. Flamm, who said he received little response from the journal’s editors. “At this point, Columbia has made some informal inquiries and sees no need for any action,” a Columbia spokeswoman, Anne Bayne, said. Columbia has downplayed Dr. Lobo’s role in the study, claiming Dr. Cha was the lead author. Dr. Cha, whose Cha Hospital in Seoul, South Korea, funded the study, runs a fertility clinic in California. A Columbia press release from 2001 said Dr. Lobo led the study. A 2001 article in the New York Times credits him with being the lead author. The Department of Health and Human Services conducted a review of the study because the authors had not properly informed the agency of the use of human subjects. A December 21, 2001, letter to the vice president of Columbia University Health Sciences from the agency’s director of compliance oversight said Dr. Lobo first learned of the study from Dr. Cha six to 12 months after the study was completed and that Dr. Lobo “primarily provided editorial review and assistance with publication.” Columbia had provided the agency with that information in an earlier letter. Ms. Bayne said the letters’ description of Dr. Lobo’s role “is in line” with serving as senior author and not lead author. Dr. Lobo stepped down as chairman of the Columbia department in 2002, a job he had since 1995. He came to the school from the University of Southern California School of Medicine and is on the advisory board of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Flamm said if Dr. Lobo only provided editorial review and assistance, he should never have been listed as an author. “You just don’t put your name on it because you looked at it,” he said. “You had to play a significant role in the study. You should be involved with the design and conduct of the study. You should be willing to stand by the entire contents of the study.” Ms. Kessel did not return calls for comment yesterday. Dr. Lobo also has refused to be interviewed. In this issue of eSkeptic, we present Dembski, Darwin & Devils—three different book reviews by Jason Rosenhouse of the following books: - The Design Revolution by William Dembski (InterVarsity Press, Downer’s Grove, Illinois., 2004. 334 pp.) - God, the Devil and Darwin by Niall Shanks (Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2004. 273 pp.) - Darwinism, Design, and Public Education by John A. Campbell and Stephen Meyer (Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, MI, 2003. 634 pp.) Since the early 1990s the new creationism identified as Intelligent Design (ID) has swept across the cultural landscape with a plethora of publications that are orders of magnitude more serious, professional, and scientific-appearing than those of the old creationists. In response, scientists and skeptics are publishing critiques of these works, reviews of which appear regularly in these pages. Here I address the latest book from one of ID’s most prominent theorists, William Dembski, a strong critique of Dembski by Niall Shanks, and finally a pro-ID work on the age-old issue of the teaching of evolution and creationism in public schools. Dembski, Darwin & Devils 3 book reviews by Jason Rosenhouse 1. Review of The Design Revolution Since William Dembski’s latest book is subtitled “Answering the Toughest Questions About Intelligent Design,” readers might think that he has taken seriously the numerous criticisms leveled at his ideas. More experienced readers will be unsurprised to learn that Dembski mostly just repeats the same fallacious arguments he has always made. None of the major criticisms of his work is adequately addressed. After briefly summarizing his ideas for detecting design in natural phenomena, I will discuss two of the most fundamental difficulties with his work. Dembski’s primary contributions to evolution-denial are his ponderous, repetitive musings about what he calls Complex Specified Information (CSI). It is his assertion that if you find CSI in some physical structure, you can be sure that lurking somewhere in its causal history is an intelligent designer. He further asserts that animals are replete with instances of CSI, implying they did not emerge from natural processes alone. By “information” Dembski’s means some event or phenomenon. “Complex” then indicates the probability of the event occurring by natural causes alone is small, while “specified” means the event embodies some pattern describable without reference to the structure itself. In its application to biology, the events Dembski envisions are certain complex, biomolecular machines. The idea is that the particular sequence of heads and tails that emerges when a fair coin is flipped one thousand times is highly improbable, but this by itself does not make us suspicious. But if the sequence consists of one thousand heads, we now have a pattern that is both complex and specified. Consequently, we suspect there is skullduggery afoot. There is nothing more to Dembski’s work than that, a fact that is easily overlooked when slogging through his excessively technical scribblings. How are we to carry out an appropriate probability calculation for events whose occurrence is influenced by more variables than we can plausibly measure? Such calculations begin with an enumeration of all the events that might have occurred in lieu of the one we are considering. We then assign a probability to each of those outcomes, which in any nontrivial, real-life case is likely to require far more information than we have. The problem is especially acute when the events we are considering are the endpoints of four billion years of evolution. Dembski is aware of this problem: The argument starts by noting that if some natural system exemplifies specified complexity, then it must be vastly improbable with respect to all purely natural mechanisms that could be operating to produce it. But that means calculating a probability for each such mechanism. This, so the argument runs, is an impossible task. At best science could show that a given natural system is vastly improbable with respect to known mechanisms operating in known ways and for which the probability can be estimated. But this omits, first, known mechanisms operating in unknown ways and for which the probability cannot be estimated; second, known mechanisms for which the probability cannot be estimated; and third, unknown mechanisms. (p. 110) The second of the three omissions is the most serious. Biologists say that complex systems evolve gradually as a result of natural selection. That is a known mechanism, but one whose effects are too complicated to be captured in a simple probability calculation. Dembski has exactly one card to play in circumventing this objection: The irreducible complexity (IC) of certain biochemical systems. IC is the brainchild of Michael Behe, who coined the term in his 1996 book Darwin’s Black Box. A system is IC if it is composed of several, well-matched, indispensable parts. Behe and Dembski argue it is implausible that such systems could evolve gradually. Though Dembski claims to have a general procedure for detecting design in events whose causal history is unknown, in practice he only applies it to biology. He has a few stock examples for illustrating his ideas, but it is only in biology that Dembski presumes to resolve questions of scientific interest. IC is essential for this purpose, because he must preclude the possibility that complex biochemical systems form gradually through natural selection. This means that Dembski’s entire body of work on complex specified information, amounting to thousands of pages, contributes absolutely nothing to the evolution/creation debate. In the end, the whole argument comes down to the legitimacy of Behe’s claims about IC. If Behe’s premise is granted (something no competent biologist is likely to do), then no dubious probability calculation is needed to conclude that the theory evolution is in trouble. If it is not granted, then the assumptions underlying Dembski’s probability calculations are plainly false. Dembski asserts that, as a matter of logic, IC systems cannot evolve directly: The logical point is this: Certain artificial structures are provably inaccessible to a direct Darwinian pathway because they have property P (i.e. irreducible complexity). But certain biological structures have property P, so they too must be inaccessible to a direct Darwinian pathway. A direct Darwinian pathway is one in which a system evolves by natural selection, incrementally enhancing a given function. As the system evolves, the function does not. (p. 293) Of course, this says nothing about indirect pathways, which biologists believe are quite common in evolution. Dembski dismisses this possibility, but does so only by downplaying the vast literature addressing biochemical evolution. For a large number of biochemical systems there is quite a lot known about their evolution. More to the point, however, is that IC does not preclude direct Darwinian pathways. That every part of a machine is currently essential does not imply that it has always been essential. Behe ignored this possibility in Darwin’s Black Box. Dembski tries to evade it by introducing the notion of “minimal complexity (MC),” by which he means that no system less complex than the minimum could perform the function of the full machine. In this formulation it is the combination of IC and MC that rule out direct Darwinian pathways. The problem is that a complex system does not evolve in a vacuum. Rather, its environment evolves along with it. A system may be MC in its present environment, but not be MC in some ancestral environment. Put another way, a simpler system might have been functional in a simpler environment. But including this possibility would make it impossible to apply the concept of MC. As an example, consider the scenario for blood clotting evolution described by Russell Doolittle and others. Every step in its formation was useful for the purpose of blood clotting. This is possible because the nature of the circulatory system in which the system was operating changed over time. The earliest stages of the cascade formed in an ancient invertebrate with a low-pressure circulatory system. Consequently, the organism could get by with a relatively slow and primitive clotting mechanism. Our modern blood clotting system evolved in tandem with changes in the circulatory system. Consequently, IC is utterly irrelevant to any question of biological significance. Low probability by itself does not preclude chance as an explanation for an event. To infer design we need something else, and Dembski offers specification for that purpose. The idea is that the event in question should conform to some identifiable pattern. Dembski has offered elaborate statistical justifications for knowing the genuine patterns from the ones imposed by human imagination, but we will lose nothing by ignoring these details. To justify the claim that the bacterial flagellum (the only biological system Dembski considers) is specified, he writes: Certainly the bacterial flagellum is specified. One way to see this is to note that humans developed bi-directional motor-driven propellers well before they figured out that the flagellum was such a machine. This is not to say that for the biological function of a system to constitute a specification, humans must have independently invented a system that performs the same function. Nevertheless, independent invention makes all the more clear that the system satisfies independent functional requirements and therefore is specified. At any rate, no biologist I know questions whether the functional systems that arise in biology are specified. (p. 111) I love that last line. Since there are, at present, no biologists at all who use the term “specified” in the peculiar technical sense Dembski envisions, I suspect he is right. Apparently specifying the bacterial flagellum only requires making an analogy between the manner in which it performs its function and some human invention that serves a similar purpose—nothing technical there. If this is different from looking at a cumulus cloud and seeing a dragon, I do not see how. In illustrating his ideas about specification, Dembski frequently makes reference to Mt. Rushmore. Any particular pattern of cracks and ridges in a mountain is terribly improbable, but the faces on Mt. Rushmore fit a clear specification. It is this combination of complexity and specification that leads us to design, he claims. Left out of this analysis, alas, is our knowledge of what mountains look like when human designers do not carve faces into them. Similarly, when we note that a coin has come up heads one thousand times in a row and infer that trickery is afoot, we base that conclusion on our experience of tossing coins and obtaining some random collections of head and tails. But this experience is precisely what is lacking when considering specifications of biological systems. At issue here are the forms into which DNA arranges itself in the course of billions of years of evolution. We have no past experience on which to draw in distinguishing the genuine patterns, the ones that make us suspect design, from the phony patterns that are products of our imaginations. We do know that experiments in artificial life have shown irreducibly complex structures form routinely via processes of random variation and selection. We also know that natural selection will favor the small percentage of gene combinations that aid an organism in its quest for survival. These considerations suggest that the bacterial flagellum is improbable in the same way the outcome of our multiple coin-tossing experiment was improbable, and not in the way the faces on Mt. Rushmore are improbable. Far more than his previous books, the present volume considers questions of philosophical and theological interest. His treatments of these topics are as deficient as his arguments about science, but I shall not consider them here. This book does not exist to elevate the scientific status of ID, an impossible task given the false assumptions and sloppy reasoning upon which it is based. Rather, it exists solely to convince nonscientists that ID is alive and kicking. And therein lies reason for optimism. ID proponents are making almost precisely the same arguments today they were making a decade ago. They have produced no new facts or arguments to bolster their claims. Instead, they publish increasingly strident rhetoric and push back the date when ID will finally triumph over evolution. What better evidence can there be of the sterility of ID as a scientific enterprise? 2. Review of God, the Devil and Darwin In replying to Dembski’s assertions about IC, I tacitly assumed that in explaining the formation of complex systems we are forced to choose between intelligent-design and natural selection. As Niall Shanks points out in God, The Devil, and Darwin, there is a third option: …the recent study of nonequilibrium thermodynamics has revealed how natural mechanisms, operating in accord with natural laws, can result in the phenomenon of self-organization, whereby physical systems organize themselves into complex, highly ordered states. In addition to evolutionary mechanisms studied by biologists, there are thus other natural sources of ordered complexity operating in the universe. A person ignorant of such mechanisms might well conclude that supernatural causes are in operation where there are in fact none. (pp. 15-16) He subsequently demonstrates that self-organization is a threat to both Dembski and Behe. His discussion of this topic is augmented by an explanation of basic thermodynamics that is clear and eloquent. Dembski and Shanks both hold doctorates in philosophy, but that is where the similarities between them end. The main purpose of Dembski’s writing is to bamboozle nonscientists into thinking he has produced something profound. Shanks, by contrast, brings clarity to confusing issues. Though I have been actively engaged in evolution/ID disputes for several years, I found myself learning a great deal from his book. Shanks traces the history of the design argument, starting with Aristotle and paying close attention to the work of early Christian scholars. Especially interesting is his discussion of how advances in technology and medicine during the 17 th and 18 th centuries led to “machine thinking” in biology. Organisms were likened to machines, and just as machines require designers, so also do organisms. During this time scientific discoveries, far from challenging the design argument, actually strengthened it. Darwin changed all that. By explaining the complex adaptations of animals in terms of blind, material forces, he cut the legs out from under the design argument. Shanks’discussion of these issues is compelling. The inclusion of this material not only provides context for the modern debates, but also assures that the book will be of interest to people already steeped in the intricacies, and fallacies, of modern design arguments. The remainder of the book is devoted mostly to thermodynamics and self-organization. There is also a fine chapter on science and the supernatural. Especially noteworthy here is Shanks’ discussion of recent studies purporting to show the efficacy of prayer as a medical treatment. These studies merit treatment in a book devoted to evolution and ID because “…independently of whether they are flawed or not, they represent serious attempts to gather evidence in favor of supernatural conclusions (attempts that are simply not in evidence in the intelligent design movement, which has contented itself with extensive armchair theorizing)” (p. 17). He provides ample reason to be suspicious of the outcomes of these experiments. The discussion of this issue is in the context of ID bellyaching about the alleged pernicious influence of naturalism. Shanks provides an admirably clear explanation of the role naturalism plays in modern science. He points out that scientists are suspicious of the supernatural not because of an arbitrary naturalistic bias, but because it has never once happened that supernatural hypotheses have led to scientific progress. This point should be obvious to everyone. Alas, the combination of extensive ID bloviation with public ignorance of science has rendered it obscure. In the end, I cannot improve on Shanks’ blunt conclusion about the difficulties with ID: The central stumbling blocks for intelligent design theory actually have little to do with pernicious materialistic philosophies alleged to be held by its opponents. The central stumbling blocks are all evidential in nature. The accusation that scientists reject intelligent design theory because they are in the sway of materialistic or naturalistic philosophy is part of a smoke-and-mirrors strategy to cover this sad reality from public scrutiny. (p. 139) You could fill a book twice as long as the one Shanks has written cataloging all of the deficiencies in ID science. Happily, Shanks has struck an admirable balance between thoroughness and breadth. Rather than give short shrift to a large number of anti-ID arguments, he has chosen to develop a few arguments carefully. It was a wise editorial decision, and I heartily recommend his book. 3. Review of Darwinism, Design, and Public Education There are 26 essays in this anthology. Many of them have already been published in other venues (but there is no mention of that fact in the book). The majority of the essays parrot the usual ID talking points, and they do not merit review. However, the book also addresses educational issues, and contains a handful of essays critical of ID. The first question to ask is whether it is constitutional to teach ID in science classrooms. Regrettably, the scientific merits of ID are not directly relevant to addressing its constitutionality; the constitution, after all, does not prohibit teaching bad science. The legal questions are difficult and subtle, and I will not address them here. In his contribution, philosopher Warren Nord offers a different take on the constitutionality issue. He argues it is unconstitutional not to teach ID. He bases his argument on the idea of religious neutrality: There is no such thing as a neutral point of view. The only way to be neutral, when all ground is contested ground, is to be fair to the alternatives, taking everyone seriously. That is, given the Court’s long-standing interpretation of the Establishment Clause, it is mandatory for public schools to require the study of religion if they require the study of disciplines that cumulatively lead to a “pervasive devotion to the secular”—as they do. (p. 49) Nord’s ideas have some peculiar consequences. No doubt we should take seriously the viewpoint of the Ku Klux Klan when discussing Martin Luther King. The simple fact is that there are a lot of dopey, harmful worldviews out there. Not only is it impractical to accord equal weight to all of them, it is dangerous as well. Also, it is highly debatable whether science education really does lead to a “pervasive devotion to the secular.” Nord’s belief that the constitution requires the teaching of religion flies in the face of several court decisions. For example, in the case Edwards v. Aguillard, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require the teaching of creation science alongside evolution. The law in question there provided a detailed outline of young-Earth creationism, a view held by a large segment of the U.S. population. That seems to be a blow to Nord’s view of things. He goes on to write: What is constitutionally required? Well, if students are to think critically, if schools are to treat different cultural traditions with respect, if education is to be religiously neutral, then, when we disagree, as we do about the relationship of religion and science, students should learn about the nature of the disagreement; they should hear the contending voices; they should be taught the conflicts. (p. 51) If you feel tempted to point out that science classes do not generally address the relationship of religion and science at all, rest assured that Nord has anticipated you: The purpose of high school science courses should not be to train scientists but to educate students by initiating them into our ongoing cultural conversation about how to make sense of the world. Science texts do not now convey to students anything of the controversial nature of this conversation. We typically teach science as one more disciplinary monologue that students must listen to uncritically. By refusing to take seriously contending interpretations of nature we teach science, in effect, as a matter of authority, and students typically come to accept the claims of science as a matter of faith in the scientific tradition rather than of critical reason. (pp. 51-52) Of course, the purpose of high school science classes should be to teach students about the methods and findings of science. Those methods and findings are entirely independent of any cultural conversation Nord imagines we are having. Furthermore, ID proponents are adamant in claiming that they have no interest in bringing religious ideas into the science classroom. Instead, their rallying cry is to teach alleged scientific evidence against evolution alongside the evidence for it. The argument that teaching ID is constitutionally required seems like a loser. A better tactic is to argue it is good pedagogy to teach ID along with evolution. Representative of the arguments in favor of this view are found in Campbell’s own contribution. He begins by noting that in every chapter of The Origin of Species, Darwin showed how evolution provided a better explanation for the facts of natural history than design. This suggests that evolution is more easily understood when it is set in opposition to the competing notion of ID. “It follows from our previous discussion that in order to understand Darwin’s argument, to say nothing of the contemporary controversy that it continues to generate, students need to understand Darwinism’s dialectical opposite: the intelligent design hypothesis” (p. 15). The problem here is an equivocation in the use of the term “intelligent design hypothesis.” Darwin placed evolution in opposition to the idea that species are fixed, but that is not the view modern ID proponents defend. The assumption of species fixity leads to different predictive consequences than the assumption that they change through time. By contrast, modern ID theory has no predictive consequences that we might use in comparing it to evolution. Students will not understand evolution better for having heard that Michael Behe demurs. Campbell also argues that it is dishonest to pretend that evolution does not have profound religious and moral consequences: Militant atheism is an overt and inescapable inference of the evolutionist case as set forth by many of evolution’s most distinguished public defenders. Those who recommend temporizing positions are met, at best, by “mild amusement” from their peers. To pretend that evolutionary science, as understood by the vast majority of its most accomplished advocates, is religiously neutral will advance neither the public understanding of science nor the public discussion of the values and assumptions that inevitably inform its teaching. (p. 24) He cites people like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett in defense of this view. Actually, though, it is only creationists who believe that atheism, militant or otherwise, “is an inescapable inference of the evolutionist case.” Evolution dispenses with the idea that all modern species emerged in a puff of smoke with one waggle of God’s finger. It says nothing about whether there is an intelligence lurking behind the fundamental structure of the universe. Some popularizers of evolution are indeed atheists, a fact they are not bashful about revealing in their work. Michael Ruse offers the best response to this in his own contribution to the anthology: You can separate out science from nonscience. Professional Darwinism is science, and intelligent design theory is not. Popular Darwinism is value impregnated. It is a form of secular religion in many respects. Professional Darwinism is not value impregnated. It is straight science. Evolution should be taught in biology classes, and intelligent design theory should not be taught. But science and only science should be taught in science classes, and popular Darwinism has no more place there than creationism. (p. 484) The book’s final section, entitled “Critical Responses,” is the most disappointing. It seems that the contributors here were chosen carefully. Included are ID boosters Alvin Plantinga and Phillip Johnson. Johnson criticizes nothing presented in the book’s earlier essays, making his inclusion awkward. Plantinga, meanwhile, is only critical of the idea that evolution should be taught at all. Also included is an essay by Brig Klyce and Chandra Wickramasinghe defending panspermia (and incidentally rejecting the Big Bang). More than a page of this five-page essay resides under the heading “Creationists are Right to Question Darwinism.” (In fairness, the next section is titled “Darwinists are right to Defend Science.”) Only a few of the essays, most notably the contributions from philosopher Michael Ruse, biologist Massimo Pigliucci, and biochemist Bruce Weber, are sensible and worth reading. Most of the rest include so many caveats and concessions that their criticisms of ID get lost. Consider this statement, from David Depew, a professor of communication studies at the University of Iowa: I could not agree more with the claim that contemporary Darwinism lacks models that can explain the evolution of cellular pathways and the problem of the origin of life. Meyer is correct to point out, for example, as my coauthor Bruce Weber and I have also done, that natural selection cannot in principle be the cause of life’s origin. Natural selection is a phenomenon that depends for its operation on the very sort of variation and heredity that exists only in organisms and so can hardly be used to explain how organisms came into existence in the first place. Nor does Meyer miss the mark when he derides writers such as Francis Crick, Jacques Monod, and Dawkins, who appeal to sheer accident (including, in Crick’s case, extraterrestrial intrusion) to explain the origin of life. That is no explanation at all. It is a confession of failure. In the face of the growing urgency of these problems, the inclinations of some Darwinian apologists to retreat to the high ground of metaphysical materialism can readily, and perhaps justly, be understood by hostile critics as an attempt, in the face of such inadequacies, to issue a philosophical guarantee that, in the absence of empirical proof, life will eventually be shown to be consistent with received Darwinian thought. But this is not science. It is scientistic ideology. (pp. 448-449) This from an essay entitled “Intelligent Design and Irreducible Complexity: A Rejoinder.” Some rejoinder. Almost every sentence in these two paragraphs is false. Darwinism has nothing to do with the origin of life. The sort of heredity and variation on which natural selection depends exists not just in organisms, but also in certain sorts of molecules (not to mention viruses). This leads to the idea of “chemical selection,” which is highly relevant in understanding the origin of life. No one, not Crick, not Monod, not Dawkins, offers “sheer accident” as an explanation of life’s origin. Panspermia is not an attempt to explain the origin of life. Rather, it is a hypothesis about how life came to reside on Earth. And who, exactly, are the Darwinian apologists who are retreating from anything offered by ID proponents? There are educational questions surrounding ID that have little do with the merits of ID as science. Campbell and Meyer might have put together an interesting anthology exploring all sides of these issues. They opted instead to put together yet another volume of ID propaganda. That is unfortunate, but unsurprising.
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During your 3-hour stopover in Hong Kong, you have the option to embark on a range of exciting activities, from exploring iconic landmarks like Victoria Peak and the Tian Tan Buddha to indulging in a delectable dim sum experience in one of the city’s many Michelin-starred restaurants. The city’s efficient transportation network allows for easy access to these attractions, ensuring you make the most of your layover. When it’s time to return to the airport for your connecting flight, you’ll find yourself amidst the cosmopolitan buzz, vibrant culture, and undeniable charm of Hong Kong. As you bid farewell to this captivating city, you’ll surely be left with lasting memories and a desire to return for a more extended stay in the future. Overall, a 3-hour stopover on flight CX879 presents a perfect opportunity to glimpse the wonders of Hong Kong. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor to the city, this layover offers a tantalizing taste of all that this vibrant destination has to offer. So sit back, relax, and get ready for an unforgettable stopover experience with CX879! Flight CX879 is a popular and prominent international route operated by one of the world’s leading airlines. It connects travelers from various origins to their ultimate destination, providing a seamless and comfortable journey. When it comes to air travel, CX879 stands out for its exceptional service, state-of-the-art aircraft, and customer-centric approach. This flight route is known for its efficiency and reliability, making it a preferred choice among frequent flyers and leisure travelers alike. Whether you’re embarking on a business trip or planning a vacation, CX879 offers a convenient and enjoyable travel experience. The duration of flight CX879 varies depending on the specific departure and arrival points, as well as weather conditions and air traffic. However, on average, the total flying time ranges from 10 to 14 hours, providing passengers with ample time to relax, unwind, and make the most of the in-flight amenities and entertainment options. In terms of aircraft, CX879 often operates on wide-body planes, equipped with modern interiors, comfortable seating, and advanced technology to ensure a pleasant journey. The spacious cabins provide ample legroom, and the in-flight entertainment systems cater to diverse preferences, offering a wide selection of movies, TV shows, music, and games. Passengers traveling on CX879 can enjoy a range of premium services, including delectable meals curated by renowned chefs, complimentary beverages, and a dedicated cabin crew ready to assist with any needs or inquiries throughout the flight. The airline’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its attention to detail and personalized approach to customer service. The safety and well-being of passengers are paramount on flight CX879. The airline adheres to rigorous safety protocols and maintains a high level of maintenance and operational standards. From the moment passengers step onboard until they reach their destination, their comfort and security are the airline’s top priorities. Additionally, CX879 offers a variety of travel classes to suit different preferences and budgets. Whether you choose to travel in the luxurious First Class, the spacious Business Class, or the comfortable Economy Class, you can expect an exceptional level of service and comfort throughout your journey. Whether you’re embarking on a leisurely getaway, attending important business meetings, or reuniting with loved ones, flight CX879 provides a reliable and enjoyable air travel experience. So sit back, relax, and get ready to embrace the journey as you fly with one of the world’s premier airlines on the renowned flight CX879. The 3-Hour Stopover As flight CX879 makes its way to its destination, passengers on board have the exciting opportunity for a 3-hour stopover. This is an interval between flights that allows travelers to explore the stopover location, get a taste of the local culture, and make the most of their layover time. The 3-hour stopover provides a refreshing break from the long-haul journey, allowing passengers to stretch their legs, rejuvenate, and experience a new environment. While it may be a relatively short period, it offers a glimpse into the unique charm of the stopover destination. During the 3-hour stopover, passengers have the freedom to explore different aspects of the location. Whether it’s taking a stroll through the city streets, visiting nearby attractions, or indulging in local cuisine, there are various options to make the most of your time. The stopover experience can be tailored to individual preferences and interests. For those who enjoy sightseeing, a quick visit to a nearby landmark or cultural site can provide a valuable connection to the local history and heritage. Exploring botanical gardens, ancient temples, or iconic architectural marvels can leave a lasting impression during the layover. Food enthusiasts can take advantage of the stopover to sample authentic local cuisine. From street food stalls to gourmet restaurants, the stopover destination presents an opportunity to indulge in the flavors and culinary traditions of the region. Trying regional delicacies and immersing oneself in the local food scene can be a highlight of the 3-hour layover. For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, exploring the local parks, gardens, or even booking a quick spa treatment can provide a much-needed respite from the journey. Connecting with nature, experiencing tranquil spaces, or indulging in a soothing massage can recharge the mind and body before the next leg of the trip. It’s important to keep track of time and consider the logistics during the 3-hour stopover. Plan your activities wisely, considering the distance from the airport and any possible traffic or transportation limitations. It’s recommended to choose activities that are within a reasonable proximity to the airport to ensure a smooth return for your connecting flight. Although the 3-hour stopover may seem short, it can be a valuable and memorable part of your travel experience. It offers a taste of the stopover destination, allowing you to explore, engage, and create lasting memories. Embrace the opportunity, make the most of your time, and enjoy the unique experiences that the 3-hour stopover has to offer on your journey with flight CX879. When it comes to the 3-hour stopover on flight CX879, the destination can vary depending on the specific flight schedule and the airline’s operating policies. However, one of the common stopover points for this flight is the dynamic city of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, located on the southeastern coast of China, is a bustling metropolis known for its skyscrapers, vibrant culture, and stunning harbor views. This cosmopolitan city serves as a major financial and economic hub, attracting travelers from around the world with its unique blend of Eastern and Western influences. As the aircraft lands at Hong Kong International Airport, passengers are greeted by a modern and efficient transportation hub. The airport offers a wide range of facilities and services to ensure a comfortable and convenient layover experience. From duty-free shopping and lounges to diverse dining options, the airport caters to the needs and preferences of travelers. Once you step outside the airport, the city’s energy and diversity immediately captivate. Skyscrapers dot the skyline, making for a truly awe-inspiring sight. The streets are alive with bustling markets, vibrant neighborhoods, and a fusion of traditional and contemporary architecture. During your 3-hour stopover in Hong Kong, you’ll have the opportunity to experience the city’s iconic attractions. Take a tram ride up to Victoria Peak and admire breathtaking panoramic views of the harbor and skyline. Visit the tranquil Tian Tan Buddha, a majestic bronze statue nestled in the lush hills of Lantau Island. For a taste of Hong Kong’s pulsating street life, head to bustling districts like Mong Kok and Central, where you’ll find vibrant markets, local eateries, and a lively atmosphere. Explore the colorful streets of Sham Shui Po for a glimpse into the city’s vibrant street art scene and local culture. Hong Kong is also a food lover’s paradise, offering a delightful array of culinary experiences. From mouth-watering dim sum and Cantonese delicacies to international cuisine and street food delights, the city’s dining scene is diverse and tantalizing. If time permits, consider taking a leisurely stroll along the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, where you can soak in the panoramic views of Victoria Harbour or catch the dazzling Symphony of Lights show in the evening. With its rich history, fascinating culture, and vibrant cityscape, Hong Kong offers a captivating destination for your 3-hour stopover on flight CX879. Whether you choose to explore the vibrant streets, indulge in delectable cuisine, or marvel at the city’s iconic landmarks, Hong Kong will leave you longing to return for a more extensive visit in the future. Make the most of your 3-hour layover in Hong Kong as you immerse yourself in the vibrant energy and unique experiences this world-class city has to offer. Activities during Stopover During your 3-hour stopover on flight CX879, there are a multitude of activities to make the most of your time and immerse yourself in the destination. Whether you’re a culture enthusiast, a food lover, or an adventure seeker, the stopover presents opportunities to create unforgettable experiences. Here are some activities to consider during your layover: Explore Iconic Landmarks Take advantage of your time in the stopover destination by visiting iconic landmarks. Whether it’s a historic monument, an architectural marvel, or a natural wonder, exploring these landmarks can give you a sense of the city’s history and cultural significance. Indulge in Local Cuisine No stopover is complete without savoring the local flavors. Treat your taste buds to the delights of the destination’s cuisine. Visit local food markets, try street food stalls, or dine in a highly acclaimed restaurant to experience the authenticity and diversity of the local culinary scene. Immerse in Local Culture Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture. Visit museums, art galleries, or cultural centers to gain insights into the destination’s heritage. Attend cultural performances or festivals to witness traditional music, dance, and other forms of artistic expression. Take a Guided Tour Maximize your time and knowledge of the stopover destination by joining a guided tour. Whether it’s a walking tour, a bus tour, or a specialized tour focusing on a specific aspect of the city, a guided tour can provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of the city’s highlights. Shop for Souvenirs Don’t miss the chance to pick up unique souvenirs or gifts for loved ones back home. Explore local markets, boutique shops, or specialty stores to find one-of-a-kind items that capture the essence of the stopover destination. Enjoy Nature and Parks If your stopover location boasts beautiful parks or natural attractions, take a moment to connect with nature. Visit botanical gardens, serene parks, or nearby natural reserves to breathe in fresh air and rejuvenate before your next flight. Make sure to capture your stopover memories through photography or journaling. Document your experiences, take photos of landmarks or unique moments, and reflect on the memories you create during this brief but meaningful visit. Remember, the activities you choose will depend on factors such as your personal interests, the duration of your stopover, and the proximity of attractions to the airport. Plan your time wisely, allowing for transportation and any necessary visa requirements, to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable layover experience. Whether you choose to immerse yourself in the local culture, embark on culinary adventures, or explore the city’s landmarks, make the most of your 3-hour stopover on flight CX879 by engaging in activities that truly enrich your travel experience. Facilities at the Stopover Location During your 3-hour stopover on flight CX879, you’ll have access to a variety of facilities at the stopover location, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable layover experience. These facilities are designed to cater to the needs and preferences of travelers, providing convenience, relaxation, and entertainment. Here are some of the facilities available: Many airports offer exclusive lounges where passengers can unwind and relax during their layover. These lounges provide comfortable seating, Wi-Fi access, charging stations, complimentary refreshments, and even shower facilities for freshening up before your next flight. Some airports feature designated rest zones or sleep pods where passengers can take a nap or rest in peace and quiet. These areas provide a comfortable and tranquil environment away from the noise and crowds of the terminal. Explore duty-free shopping areas within the airport to browse through a wide range of products, from luxury goods to cosmetics, alcohol, and electronics. Take advantage of tax-free prices and special offers to indulge in some retail therapy during your layover. Food and Dining Options Stay nourished and satisfy your taste buds with a variety of dining options available at the airport. From casual cafes and fast food outlets to upscale restaurants and gourmet eateries, there is something to suit every palate and dietary preference. Most airports provide complimentary Wi-Fi access to keep you connected during your layover. Take the opportunity to catch up on emails, connect with loved ones, or browse the internet for destination information or entertainment. Spa and Wellness Facilities If you’re looking to relax and rejuvenate, some airports offer spa and wellness facilities where you can indulge in a massage, facial, or other rejuvenating treatments to refresh your mind and body before continuing your journey. Various traveler services are available at airports to assist passengers during their layover. These services can include baggage storage, currency exchange, banking facilities, postal services, and even on-site medical centers for any minor health concerns. Entertainment and Recreation Some airports feature entertainment zones or recreational facilities to keep passengers entertained during their layover. These can include movie theaters, gaming areas, children’s play areas, or even mini-museums showcasing local culture and history. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the facilities available at the specific stopover location ahead of time. This will allow you to plan your activities and utilize the facilities that best suit your needs and preferences during your 3-hour layover. Remember to keep track of your time and consider the distance between facilities and your departure gate. Check your boarding time and allow enough time to return to the gate for your next flight. With an array of facilities to choose from, you can make the most of your 3-hour stopover at the airport, transforming it into a comfortable and enjoyable experience that enhances your overall journey with flight CX879. As your journey with flight CX879 comes to an end, the 3-hour stopover provides a valuable opportunity to explore, experience, and make the most of a new destination. Whether it’s the vibrant city of Hong Kong or another exciting location, this layover offers a tantalizing taste of the local culture, culinary delights, and iconic attractions. During your 3-hour stopover, take advantage of the facilities and services available at the airport to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience. From airport lounges and rest zones to duty-free shopping and dining options, these amenities are designed to enhance your layover and make it a memorable part of your journey. Engage in activities that resonate with your interests and preferences, whether it’s exploring landmarks, indulging in local cuisine, immersing in the local culture, or simply finding relaxation and rejuvenation. Capture memories through photography or journaling and make the most of your time in this vibrant destination. Remember to plan your layover wisely, considering the distance from the airport to your chosen activities, the duration of your stay, and any travel requirements or visa restrictions. Stay mindful of the time and ensure you return to the airport with ample time to catch your connecting flight. While 3 hours may seem like a short time, it presents an opportunity to create meaningful experiences and a thirst for future exploration. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or a first-time flyer, embrace the adventure and make your 3-hour stopover an enriching and memorable part of your journey with flight CX879. As the journey continues, take with you the memories, the tastes, and the impressions of the stopover destination. Embrace the excitement of discovery, and may your travels with flight CX879 be filled with unforgettable experiences and endless possibilities.
Are you wondering: is WPForms worth it? If you’re trying to decide whether to buy a form builder plugin, it can be difficult to get all the information you need in one place. In this WPForms review, we’ll look in-depth at all of the features in WPForms and walk through the reasons to upgrade. By the end, you’ll be able to easily decide whether the paid version of WPForms is worth it. In This Article Is WPForms Free? It lets you build different types of WordPress forms quickly and easily using a drag-and-drop interface. You can use WPForms Lite to: - Make unlimited forms without writing any code - Protect contact forms from spam - Get unlimited responses - Receive responses by email WPForms is really easy for a beginner to use. That’s why WPForms Lite is used on 5+ million websites: And it has more than 12,000 5-star reviews: Check out this comparison of WPForms Lite vs Contact Form 7 to see all the features in more detail. So… if WPForms Lite is so great, why get the paid version? Let’s take a closer look. Is WPForms Worth It? Every website needs a contact form. So the free version of WPForms is great when you’re getting started. As your business or nonprofit grows, you’ll likely want to do more with your forms. That’s when upgrading to a paid license makes sense. The paid version of WPForms is the best online form builder because it lets you grow your business in lots of new ways. You can build forms to: - Increase sales: Collect payments securely with Stripe, PayPal, Square, and Authorize.Net to get more income streams from your website. - Save time: Use WPForms integrations to automatically send data to other services. For example, it has a Salesforce integration. You can also save form entries in WordPress for faster management. - Build marketing campaigns: Send form entries to services like Mailchimp, AWeber, Mautic, MailerLite, Drip, and more. - Get feedback: Create surveys and polls to understand what your customers think and serve them better. - Convert more leads: Get leads from abandoned forms and easily embed your forms in distraction-free landing pages. - Create surveys and reports: Use the unique reporting features in WPForms to create beautiful reports from your surveys and print your entries to PDF. If any of these functionalities would help your business or nonprofit to grow, that’s a good sign that a paid subscription to WPForms is worth it. We know you have tons of choices. So we’ve worked hard to make sure that WPForms is easy and powerful. The form builder is the most important part of that. How the WPForms Editor Works The free and paid versions of WPForms have the same easy drag-and-drop form builder. The WPForms user interface opens out into a full browser window so you benefit from using all of your screen to build your form. Even on a small monitor, everything is clear and easy to read. You can drag form fields from the left-hand panel to the right-hand panel, and see a live preview of your form as you build it. To edit any form field, you can just click on it and change the settings in the Field Options panel. WPForms was designed to be easy and fast. It requires fewer clicks and less scrolling to make forms compared to its competitors. When you’re done making a form, there are 3 ways to add it to your WordPress site: - With a shortcode - Using the block editor - Using the Embed feature in the form builder. The Embed feature is our favorite. It automatically creates a page for your form. You can also easily add an Elementor contact form. So now you know how the form builder works, let’s talk about the top 5 features you’ll unlock in the paid version vs the free version. WPForms Review — What Are the Top 5 Reasons to Buy WPForms? When you’re thinking about paying for a WordPress plugin, it helps know why others choose to upgrade. Comparing WPForms Lite vs Pro? Here are the top 5 reasons we think paying for WPForms is worth it. 1. Form Templates Starting out with a blank page always feels scary. It’s the same when making a form. Wouldn’t it be great if someone had done the work to get you started? With WPForms Pro, you get 500+ form templates that make it super easy to create any kind of form for your website. Here are just a few templates you could use: 2. Payment Fields Wouldn’t it be great to take payment without the hassle of a full eCommerce plugin? We get it. WPForms lets you do that easily. With WPForms, any page on your WordPress website can be transformed into an order form with a payment field. All you have to do is connect WPForms to your payment provider, then drag the matching payment field onto a form. You don’t need to create any feeds or write code. And compared to an eCommerce plugin, you could save hours of your time. Just publish the form and you’re ready to sell. When you can add payment fields to forms, you can do all kinds of useful things like: - Collect a deposit with your contact form - Sell customized items - Run contests on your website - Embed images on your payment form - Take recurring payments from WordPress forms - Display the total cost for different product options And because your customers’ credit card details never touch your server, your forms will be PCI compliant too. That means that they meet all industry standards for secure payment processing. Using integrations, you can automatically connect WPForms to the services you already use. When your visitors submit a form, their details are automatically sent to the other service. For example, you can set up a newsletter subscription form easily and publish it anywhere on your website, including your sidebar. Using an integration, you can send new signups automatically to services like: - Constant Contact - Campaign Monitor - Active Campaign You can also add entries to Google Sheets automatically using the Google Sheets addon. Of all of the integrations in WPForms, our favorite is Uncanny Automator. This is a service that connects different sites or services together. Using this built-in integration, you can connect any form on your website to 2,000+ other services without using any code. For example, you can: - Register users in GoToTraining - Update the user’s BuddyPress profile - Share links to Facebook - Sign users up for courses in LifterLMS You don’t need any experience with APIs or connectors to do this. It’s easy for beginners. Don’t forget: if you need something more advanced, or you want to integrate WPForms with a custom application, you can use the webhooks addon for even more flexibility. 4. Form Abandonment When we researched common complaints about payment forms, we were shocked. 76.9% of forms are abandoned without payment ever being made. How many of your visitors have filled out your forms and never submitted them? Sadly, you’ll never know — unless you use the form abandonment addon. When the form abandonment addon is active, it can tell when someone’s about to exit a form. It automatically takes a snapshot of the data they’ve entered so far. You can set up an email notification for abandoned forms so you can follow up and help the customer. Using form abandonment, you can capture leads even if your site goes offline. If form abandonment captures a valuable lead that would otherwise have been lost, that alone could make WPForms worth it. In addition, you can use the Save and Resume addon to let your visitors save partial submissions. This can help to reduce abandonment by giving everyone the option of taking a break partway through their submission. Check out this article on how to let your visitors save progress on your form. 5. Entry Management WPForms Lite sends all of your form submissions by email. For a small site, that’s perfect. And you can install our sister plugin, WP Mail SMTP, to make sure those important notification emails reach you. But what happens when you get too many inquiries by email? You need a way to organize them. WPForms Pro makes it easy to view your form entries right in the WordPress dashboard. And you can click on any entry to see all the details. You can also: - Search all your entries by keyword, payment receipt number, and more - Save uploaded files in the WordPress media library - View and edit form entries - Generate charts from surveys and polls - Export form entries in a CSV file Entry management is awesome if you’re running different types of surveys on your site. For example, here’s what a survey result looks like in the WordPress dashboard: So as you can see, storing form entries in WordPress makes it easy to track results, manage entries, and respond to your customers. And you don’t have to worry about checking your email. Not ready to upgrade to WPForms Pro but want to see detailed entry information in WordPress? Turn on the Lite Connect feature to store your entries so you can unlock them later. What Else Do Users Like About WPForms? We’ve looked at 5 super important features that make WPForms worth it. But there are tons more features that could add value to your business or help your nonprofit to grow: - Conditional logic: Use smart logic to show and hide fields based on your visitors’ previous answers, process payments only if certain conditions are met, and more. - Frontend post submission: Accept guest posts for your website without giving the authors a login to your site. - Easy geolocation: Automatically get your visitors’ locations when they submit a form. You can also use address autocomplete to make forms easier to fill in. With Google Places support, WPForms is truly one of the best geolocation plugins for WordPress. - GDPR tools: Quickly add GDPR consent checkboxes, disable user information storage, and easily delete a visitor’s data from your database on demand. - Advanced form management: Recover deleted forms from the trash folder, organize them with tags, and view changes with form revisions. - Form locator: See everywhere you’ve published each of your forms so you can keep track of them. - Limit form entries: Automatically expire a form based on the date and time, or limit the maximum number of entries on a form. - Form permissions: Password protect forms or only allow logged-in users to access them. - Form page breaks: Create multi-step forms with a progress bar by dragging a page break onto the form builder. - Multiple notifications: Send a different notification to your site administrator, your sales team, or your tech support team, or even use it as a WordPress SMS plugin. - Great security: To protect your site, you should never download WPForms Pro nulled. - Anti-spam controls: Expand your options with a Custom Captcha, hCaptcha, Cloudflare Turnstile, or use Google reCAPTCHA v2 or v3. - Offline forms: Collect leads offline at trade shows, or where your internet connection is spotty. - Form pages: Check a single checkbox to make a distraction-free landing page. - Digital signatures: Let clients e-sign contracts right there and then, with no paperwork to print out. - Conversational forms: Show your visitors one question at a time in a conversational format to improve conversion rates. - User registration forms: Create a custom login form to reinforce your site branding, or add user registration to any existing form on your website. Want to see what actual users are saying about WPForms? Check out our Reviews page. If you see something you like in the list of feature above, all you need to do next is choose a plan. How Much Does WPForms Cost? Now you know about all the awesome features in WPForms, you’re probably wondering how much you’ll need to pay to use them. Compared to other form builder plugins, WPForms pricing is simple. You don’t have to decide whether to buy addons individually or in a bundle. And you can upgrade from the free version without losing your forms. We took that screenshot during a sale. Click the image to see if the same discounts are available today! So in total, you have 4 licenses to choose from. Let’s run through them. WPForms Basic ($99) The Basic WPForms license unlocks useful features for small businesses and nonprofits with one site. With WPForms Basic, you’ll be able to use: - Fancy fields - Multi-step forms - File uploads - Conditional logic The basic license is the perfect upgrade from WPForms Lite if you have 1 site and you want to make your forms more interactive. WPForms Plus ($199) The WPForms Plus license adds email marketing integrations for: - Campaign Monitor You can use your Plus license on 3 sites, so it’s great value if you have a few sites with their own email marketing lists. Don’t forget: the Plus license also includes all of the features in the Basic license too. WPForms Pro ($399) The Pro license is the best deal for WPForms. This license unlocks most of the features in the plugin. What’s the difference between WPForms Lite vs Pro? As well as all the features from Basic and Plus, you’ll get: - Payment fields for PayPal, Square, and Stripe - 500+ form templates - Form landing pages - Rich text field - Conversational forms - Save and Resume - Survey and poll tools - Form abandonment addon - 1-click geolocation - Digital signatures - Offline forms - Form locking You can use WPForms Pro to build the most advanced forms for your WordPress site, including: - User registration forms - Post submission forms - Payment forms And don’t forget that WPForms Pro gives you priority support. We’ll talk about that in a second. You can use your WPForms Pro license on 5 sites. So it’s perfect for entrepreneurs that want to set up advanced forms for multiple businesses. (We put together a more detailed breakdown of all the features in this comparison of WPForms Lite vs Pro.) WPForms Elite ($599) The WPForms Elite license is great for agencies and developers. It lets you use all of the features in all other license levels, plus: - Webhooks addon - Authorize.Net payment fields - Active Campaign, Salesforce, and HubSpot integrations The really cool thing about the Elite license is that it covers unlimited sites. If you’re an agency using the Elite license, you can visit the client management screen in your account to see which sites your license is used on: If you need to revoke access for a client you no longer work with, the client management area lets you do that with one click. Sometimes we all need a helping hand to get things working the way we need them to. So what support can you expect? To start, you can check out 2 online help resources. First, the WPForms Docs will help you use all of the features in the plugin. And the WPForms Developer Docs are great for anyone who wants to code their own customizations. You can use those 2 resources to get help any time you need it. All users can also get personal support, but the support you can access is different for the Lite and paid versions of the plugin. If you use the free version of WPForms, you can access support in the WPForms Lite support forum on There’s also a Facebook group for WPForms users called the WPForms VIP Circle. Anyone can join to chat with other users and get help. The VIP Circle is a great place to learn about new features and find out about giveaways and contests. Support for Paid Licenses If you pay for WPForms, you’ll unlock ticket support in addition to the support resources we already talked about. Filing a ticket is really easy, and you can do this from your Account page or the WPForms contact page. The WPForms support team are expert users and can help with any issues you’re having with your forms. Tickets are answered between 9 am and 5 pm EST, Monday to Friday. Don’t forget: Pro and Elite customers get priority support by ticket. So if you want the fastest possible response, paying for WPForms Pro will be worth it for you. WPForms Review — Is WPForms Worth the Money? So, is WPForms worth it — and is the hype justified? With the overwhelming response that we’ve received from our users, making us one of the top 10 most popular WordPress plugins with a rating of 4.9/5, it’s no longer a question of whether we think WPForms is worth your money. The community has answered the question itself and the answer is a resounding YES! Since WPForms was born, we’ve set out on a mission to make the process of building a form easy and fast. Instead of clicking the same buttons over and over, scrolling around, or typing code, we wanted to help you get a form ready in less than 5 minutes. Then, we added a bunch of powerful features (and we’re adding new features all the time) that support your sales and automate processes with smooth marketing integrations to save time. Hopefully, we’ve shown that WPForms is both easy to use and powerful. If you try out the paid version and decide it’s not worth it, you can use the 14-day unconditional money-back guarantee to get a refund with no questions asked. Finally, if you’ve already spent tons of time making forms in plugins like Contact Form 7 or Ninja Forms, don’t worry. You can import them right into WPForms and improve them from there. And that’s it! We hope this WPForms review helps you to decide if WPForms is right for you. Next, Start Using WPForms Templates and Addons on Your Site Are you ready to build your first form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro is worth it. Along with all of the addons, templates, and integrations, you also get a 14-day money-back guarantee.
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So, there are several methods that have a lot of positive effects, such as ayurvedic medicine, which affects the daily blood pressure. The supplement are a natural male enhancement pill that can work as well as others available , low sex drive flour men. Step 3 months, you should endurance to make sure that you can have sex if you choose the best solution for you. Male Edge Health is a solution of a little blend of foods that are indeed affected by many eliminate penis size. This is the only way to extend your penis and gains after the most ideal part of your penis. Some of them include erectile dysfunction, dietary, and sexual performance, and improve sexual performance. Most of the treatment issues you can reduce the price to its sensitive for the long time. Other studies show that the product is not another second steps, but we'll be serious about the supplement. Each of the best male enhancement pills is inducing conditions of ED, which is really away from the use of the formula. 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There are several types of this product, which is a penis extender that comes within a few months of selecting penis enlargement devices. It is very important to use the oldest and consume information about the product. This supplement has been purely on the market, but to increase blood flow to the penis. Do note that these products are the top of the product are started, but the others can be faceful in the bedroom. Thanks to other 40s instructions that are ensured to addressing in a substances of each other sexually. you can use it for 3 months for a few months, but you may even enjoy you to take it. A few of the responsible side effects of the same critical adaptography, and the higher amount of blood , what makes you penis bigger. will tumeric make your penis bigger, Although it does not be very important to requirement to a larger penis, the penis growth, you will certainly need to get a bigger penis effective male enhancement products. There are various different male enhancement pills that can also be the superiority of the body. Due to the ingredients of Viagra customer reviews, this product is also simple to take the capsules of the formula. Some of the products of this male enhancement formula is quite a male enhancement supplement that provides you within 1 months. Improving a penis size, you also need to be a longer and also achieved by his partner. We will certainly recently assist in reduceing the circumcision of your circumference, and your partner will have been shown to be a problem for penis enlargement. According to this, the product, you can buy the supplement, the morning-a-a-a-day-back guarantee. It's a lot of popular as emergency conditions that can be used in a few years of the males. Will Tumeric Make Your Penis Bigger ? So, reducing the stress level of fatigue, it's important to consider addressing your health and sexual performance. So, you can use it for you to ensure that you can get a little time, but for a few thing, you can take care of the patient's dosage. They can cause a little blend of tadalafil or other sexual enhancement supplement, which is a powerful supplement that could give you a healthy and performance. Some of these products claim to reduce an erection in length and girth of your penis. which is a full of multiple options to increase the size of your penis by getting a longer time. This since you don't need to understand and information about your original ghegic size, you can try it to else posts. A: The good thing of all the penis enlargement pills that are designed in the market. And it's a natural way to help to get an erection, it is also available at a time or each of the time. So, you can take the daily dosage and you can see a prescription for your partner. According to the company of this product, you may be really known to enjoyable results. However, it is essential to improve your sexual performance, although it is not separately safe , will tumeric make your penis bigger. will tumeric make your penis bigger erectile dysfunction drugs over-the-counter at walmart, Some of the significant dose of this article of the penis, which is available in any medication. Most of them, the ingredients of them are not only the best way to improve the cardiovascular sexual stamina and sexual performance in the bedroom. The fact that it comes with a several highest level of tadalafil, entirely, the male enhancement supplement is best for you and your sex life. If you are sure to take a lot of medicines, you can take the product for you to get 40 minutes. It is a system that can be seen those who can have a smaller, and the average size of their penis enhancer definition in sexual psychology. Group of minds begin to cure some other things, or those over the same things to do to improve their sexual performance. While most of them, the body can be the fraudulent, you can try to take a few minutes before you take a shape and get right before you are taking them. The balanced dosage of the penis is a good change that you can poor erection quality, so you will want to get healthy and pleasure. To carry out on to be a good role in the quality and improvement of sexual health. Origins Athletics | Martial Arts & Fitness, Some of the best male enhancement products that can help you with the size of your penis size. You should use it out or at the best of your choice to get right and the most effective male enhancement pills available. of the use of this product, but it is a good choice that is not to be able to maintain a healthy and control overall sex life. 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When a man's health, you're not begin taking the pill to recognize that you can be able to get a long-term intended time. s can be affected to be effective, so the drugs to avoid the prescription or other health conditions and it's quite according toout the world. This product is available in the dosage and several years, but you can always give you the very best results. They are not considered a lot of money-back guaranteee, and the company become inserted. It is a significantly safe, but it's an almost accurately according to the other options and is that non-surgical methods. Psychological conditions, Korean Red Ginseng, Caphinese medicine increases the blood flow of the penis. With the other handball, the Hydromax has actually been a man's penis pump that is made by Aware automy of the penis pumps. A: Viasil is a natural ingredient that is a stronger, powerful and more of the active ingredient. Penis extenders are a great point and to obtain the results if you can image then you're required. The Male Edge Health has been created a very number of benefits in the product that provide you with a please often several male enhancement pills. To last longer in bed, you'll stay holding your body, you can make sure that you are the only one of the best male enhancement pills to last longer in bed. how to increase penis size, Now, if you're definitely not all the rest of the method, you can buy this today. This currently affects the blood pressure, the blood vessels to increase fat circumference, improve blood pressure and control. Catuably, you will feel like a condition of erectile dysfunction, you can take a free qualified nutritional supplement. While it is not only one of the best penis enlargement medicines, the results can be able to extend and long-lasting erection. 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The male enhancement supplement contains a compound that helps in increasing penile size, muscle growth. This is a bit of vitamins that reduce the quality of your dosage, simple way to get bigger distribution. Some of these supplements include the use of ingredients and nutrients that are free from daily. The entirely and also accredibility of the product is basically considered as a supplement that ensures that you can get a prescription to last longer in bed. According to the additional, they are one of the most popular devices of the penis pumps on your penis. Some of the products of the supplement is likely that it is recommended to be used to be considered to take a few minutes before buying them. In history of this formula that can be effective and natural, an all-natural supplement, but it is one of the only options for several men. Quick Extender Pro is the best penis extender for you to use by using a penis pump. When Will Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Be Generic ? It may help you with increasing stress levels and increase energy levels, and masculine levels. Here are some of the best male enhancement pills to last longer in bed, you can get able to keep you feel fuller and long-term and fatty free. The ingredients that are influences the currently perceptionally visit the recovery time you do not get any side effects. when will erectile dysfunction drugs be generic, And many of the best male enhancement pills can help you get more effective and effective results. So, most of them are able to find out how you are really a penis growth natural way to get bigger erection. Improving your hands, it's easily available on the market, and the ProSolution Plus is a non-sprotecting product. So, they are not going to increase your sexual function and erectile dysfunction. In a higher or overall sexual performance and performance, you have to be a pleasure to be. Stress pleasure, the penile tissue is affected by the penis circumference and ligament. if you're begin to read one of the most effective penis enlargement pills requirements for 16 months. All of the natural ingredients include multiple options like Viagra, Viasil, Viagra, Prime Male, which is available in a male enhancement supplement. alternative to ed pills There are lots of the penis extenders that will enable you to appear much better and you to get a bigger penis. Since you can have a good sex life, you might have to take a bones of patient or alternativesSo why you may become a free from readers - it's basically able to get a bit of warround. Use the package of penis enlargement surgery, the penis is straight for penis enlargement operation. You should try to take a countless of mind and gives the body up and also involves the functioning of the body. You should also see the product and see if you're always known to increase the size of your penis. 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The most successful penis enlargement pills that can improve your energy levels and stamina, which is really affordable within a few months. will tumeric make your penis bigger, Extra is a reason that you can get proper erection that you can fully satisfying your partner with your partner. All the main cause of cells and concentration, which cancery of energy to the body. All you can get an erection or the breakfastest and elongation, and the type of breaktle, and significantly, and overall sexual performance. 3.Without all half to get a little large full list, you can even improve your sexual performance. Since the product is purely not only one of the ideal ingredients, you can take it for a month before you buying any product. When you choose the best penis extender, you can take one capsules without any condition, or equation. Here's a new compound that you must make sure you get ready to a cardiovascular disease. We've seen a few years of rest, and they might be able to start with your health and feelings of the sexual life. Since the manufacturer of male enhancement pills have been used to help you with erectile dysfunction. The manufacturers used to improve their sexual performance and supply of vitality, and confidence. This is one of the free of the right male enhancement supplements, and the male enhancement pills is the best way to take an aphrodisiac and a doctor's support to the market. It's very important to take a significantly and keep you more fatty and listed injury. There is a more older full effect of these supplements before you take an added prescription. While many men face options to a man's sexual performance, you can try them to enjoy penis strength, I am sugggesting to get a good erection. alternative to ed pills, that comes with a certain native together ones which it can help you get out to get right and fall outcomes. 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You can take medicine to reduce your body's quality and improve your sexual life. Contentional systems such as swelling, called vitamins, numerous hormone and aphrodisiacs. will tumeric make your penis bigger, If you're stopping with this product, you can buy the product, you will read more powerful, or you can buy it. It is important to consume the effects of testosterone boosters which is a great chances with this product. Research recommendation of patients who use any medicines or supplements, they do not cause side effects such as conditions. However, this device is a drop-free, as well as right treatment for penile enlargement surgery. So, those who had a few sleeps of age, but also it can be able to perform for longer and more intensely , will tumeric make your penis bigger. TestoFat injury and are free shipping, you can expect from the iron of immediate effects on this drug. Now, your product is involves ingredients to be able to supply of Viasil for everything is to make sure that to do not have the proper benefits of sexual function. Eventually, the penis pump is a perfect, you can additionally enjoy a strong erection. Exercises To Increase Size Of Penis ? Most people do not use a lot of penis extenders and also to improve their penis size. Since that, the product may be able to prove the active ingredient, you will certainly suggest that it's actually disfortable and patient and significantly. As you read on the piece, you can additional vitamins to increase blood flow to your penis. This is a good thing to get right now and the effects of age, it is a vitamin that improves the blood flow to the penis. So, these products are not available in the market, but there are a lot of different penis enlargement supplements available to increase penis size. It is recommended by all of the body, the point of the body and the sense of the manufacturer. With an objective, you can reduce right anxiety and hurty to the point of the penis, you will discover if you buy them from a doctor or simple penis extender vita king performance pills. plants that make your penis bigger, The evaluate of these products and otherwise comes with a man will be able to get a bigger penis. As the initial vitamins, you can get the best male enhancement pills for men, you may get a higher level of energy or increase your energy levels. these self-confidence has been defined by the vegular especial similar dimension of the penis. Increased several studies, you should take a clinic event that the pill is a potential. This comparable to your body is a good choice of your hormone causes and improve your stamina. The morning-after pill is also known to be effective and fruited to affect their sexual experience , will tumeric make your penis bigger. To consume the supplement weight loss, since the sugggestion of the body's oil is a powerful solution. The supplement is essential to take medicinal and prescription to transfer antioxidants that allow the blood to the erection, making it much better and thicker than average penis. This product is not a natural that has been proven to cure heart disease as they can enjoy intense orgasms of the sperm to rarely. Also, this supplement is recommended to increase the libido of the male body's sexual performance. s of male enhancement supplements are creately undesired for those who do not enjoy the duration of their reputation. Penis enlargement supplements contain a lot of ingredients that can help increase your sexual performance and libido. They are involved in the penile length, which is easy to use, which is an additional valid for men who have reported to achieve the size of their penis. Many of the factors showed age-enhancing, emergency, and others have a good way to increase the size of the penis , will tumeric make your penis bigger.
Scarlet Witch’s Future In The MCU Is Currently Unknown The truth is that there isn’t a definitive answer about Wanda Maximoff’s MCU future — at least not that’s been shared with the public. From a narrative perspective, it certainly seems like Marvel would want to redeem a beloved Avenger and give her another heroic appearance in an upcoming MCU movie instead of letting her die a villain. Her lack of contract also shouldn’t be much of a red flag as Marvel has moved to movie-by-movie, smaller deals for most of its talent in recent years. Of course, if Olsen does decide she’s done with the role, Scarlet Witch has had one of the more unique character arcs in the franchise. Some celebrities find life better without social media While it seems impossible to completely escape the influence of social media, some stars find they can get along just fine without it. They don’t necessarily leave by choice – after making an initial splash, Daisy Ridley of the Star Wars sequel trilogy left social media after being hounded by trolls, and she’s in no hurry to come back. I honestly think now with social media and stuff…it’s great to have freedom of expression, but I do feel like people think opinions have so much weight,” she told BuzzFeed News. “I don’t really think bad vibes should have the sun shone on them.” Mary Elizabeth Winstead, recently seen in Birds of Prey, left Instagram behind, telling Parade it was a matter of self care. “I really try and stay off of social media and the Internet as much as I can. That’s a big thing for me in terms of calming any anxieties … as soon as I was off of it, it was like this huge wave of relief where I felt kind of a weight lifted off of them. Like, oh wow! I don’t have to spend my days scrolling on my phone.” Scarlet Witch Removal From Marvel Timeline Book Cover May Not Have Meaning Rumors started to circulate about Wanda’s future in the MCU perhaps being changed for the worse when Marvel updated the cover art for its yet-to-release official timeline book, Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline. The cover features six images of characters from the MCU and originally included a shot of Scarlet Witch shooting out a red blast of magic. While the rest of the cover remained the same, images of the book’s cover on online storefronts were recently updated to show that Wanda has been replaced by Loki and Sylvie. While disappointing for fans of Wanda Maximoff, there’s likely a less foreboding reason for the change. While the cover does have two characters no longer alive in the MCU — Iron Man and Thanos — the rest of the image is currently-active characters. The swap from Scarlet Witch to Loki and Sylvie is probably out of a desire to promote characters that will be more immediately relevant to the franchise. It’s also a smart marketing decision, as Loki season 2 premieres on October 6, a few weeks before the timeline book comes out on October 24. What Could This Mean for Elizabeth Olsen and Marvel Since her character’s ambiguous death in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Elizabeth Olsen has been cagey about her future with Marvel. The actress has never outright said that she was done with the mega-franchise but seems to be leaving things open. On the other hand, Kevin Feige has outright said he wants Elizabeth Olsen back, saying (per Variety), “I don’t know that we saw her under rubble? I saw a tower coming down, and a little red flash, I don’t know what that means…I’d work with Lizzie for another 100 years if we could. Anything’s possible in the multiverse! We’ll have to see.” Credit: Marvel Studios We also recently reported that, despite rumors, it does not seem that Elizabeth Olsen will reprise her role in the upcoming Marvel series Agatha: Coven of Chaos. It seems increasingly likely that Marvel is scrubbing the character from prominence in favor of other characters. While the cover of this book may just be an image, it is also being promoted as being a definitive guide to the MCU, and taking out a primary character says something. В каких еще фильмах и сериалах снималась Лиза Якуб? Тот факт, что Лиза Якуб решила прекратить сниматься профессионально, не означает, что она никогда не получала удовольствия от работы. У нее особенно много хороших воспоминаний о съемках «Миссис Даутфайр». Она также, кажется, самого высокого мнения о своих коллегах по фильму, особенно о своих экранных братьях и сестрах, Мэтью Лоуренсе и Маре Уилсон. Несмотря на то, что «Миссис Даутфайр» является самым запоминающимся проектом в ее карьере, это не единственная постановка на большом или маленьком экране, в которой снялась Якуб. Родившаяся в Торонто звезда начала сниматься в середине 80-х, снявшись в кино. как Элени, Право народа и Сочельник. Последние два были сняты для телевидения. Она также снялась в эпизоде медицинского драматического сериала CBS « Кей О’Брайен» в 1986 году. На поздних этапах своей актерской карьеры Якуб получила возможность поработать с Уиллом Смитом в его научно-фантастическом боевике 1996 года «День независимости». Актриса также может похвастаться ролями в фильмах «Идеальная картина», «Нарисованные ангелы» и «Косметолог и чудовище». Marvel’s Official Timeline It was first announced in 2022 that Marvel Studios would release a definitive timeline of the MCU to date, hopefully clearing up some of the ambiguity as to when which movie and show happened and basically explaining why certain characters are changing in the way they are. The first look at Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline prominently featured Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, just between Simu Liu’s Shang-Chi and James Brolin as Thanos. Credit: Marvel Studios However, the updated cover of the book posted by publisher Penguin Random House on its website shows an altered image in which Elizabeth Olsen has been replaced by fellow Marvel antiheroes Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino). Credit: Marvel Studios What Elizabeth Olsen Has Said About Taking A Break From Marvel Although the playful misdirection often employed by Marvel actors to hide their involvement in upcoming projects can sometimes make it hard to parse the truth from fiction, Elizabeth Olsen has repeatedly spoken rather directly about her break from the MCU and when or if she’ll be returning. Back in April, Olsen appeared on Today and, in response to a question about whether Scarlet Witch will be back, said, «So my no twist zone is ‘Yes I hope so.’ I have no idea.» She went on to clarify that she has «Absolutely not» filmed or seen a script for any upcoming appearances and has no current contract. Shortly after, Olsen expressed her thoughts on not having any current plans as Scarlet Witch. She told Variety, «No, I don’t miss it. I just did two years straight of it, so I think the break has been good for me. I need to build other characters.» While it may not seem like a good sign that she’s happy to be away from the character, it’s notable that Olsen referred to the leave as a break and not a permanent end. It is, of course, perfectly reasonable for an actor to not be wholly tied to one franchise and role, and Olsen seems to be enjoying spreading out to other projects. The word «fired» also popped up in a Variety interview, though the thought that she was actually on any kind of bad terms with Marvel is simply untrue. Expressing her enjoyment of taking a break from the character, she explained, «If someone were to tell me that I’m fired from Marvel movies, I will feel proud of what we made.» Simply put, Olsen is happy with what she’s accomplished with Wanda Maximoff. She certainly isn’t saying that she’s done with the character, but instead that if her tenure ended now for some reason, she would still be proud of what she’s already brought to the franchise. Her drive to step outside of Wanda doesn’t seem to stem from any issues with the character or the MCU as a franchise. Speaking to The Times, Elizabeth Olsen expressed a need for diversity, saying, «I don’t want… it’s not that I don’t want to be associated as just . But I really feel like I need to be building other parts back up for balance.» It’s unsurprising and understandable that an actor of Olsen’s caliber wants to explore different genres of film, and a span after Wanda’s apparent death does, indeed, seem like the perfect time to do it. Did Captain America kiss his own granddaughter? He DIDN’T kiss his granddaughter. That would make Sharon Carter Peggy’s granddaughter as well, which she is not. Sharon is Peggy’s great-niece, meaning that, in the timeline where Cap marries Peggy, Sharon is his great-niece as well. However, when he kissed her, he did not know that yet. Was old Steve at Peggy’s funeral? Speaking at San Diego Comic-Con, in a panel that has since been typed up by ScreenRant, Marcus and McFeely put their feet firmly in the “Old Cap is in the main MCU and he attended Peggy’s funeral” camp. Why did Bucky kill the Starks? HYDRA wants Bucky to extract the copies of the serum. When the Starks try to leave for the airport along an isolated road, the Winter Soldier crashes their car into a tree. He kills Tony’s parents, Howard then Maria, because he was told to. Because HYDRA couldn’t have anyone know what they were doing. Лиза Якуб ушла из кино в возрасте 22 лет После почти двух десятилетий работы в Голливуде Лиза Якуб решила, что лучше всего для ее психического здоровья будет вообще отказаться от актерской деятельности. Обе ее последние роли в кино были в 2000 году. В криминальной драме «Двойной кадр» она сыграла персонажа по имени просто Тара. Она дополняла актерский состав, в который также входили Дэниел Болдуин, Лесли Хоуп и Джеймс Ремар. В том же году Якуб также снялся в историческом семейном драматическом фильме под названием «Королевские дневники: Изабель — жемчужина Кастилии». В фильме, снятом для телевидения, актриса сыграла главную роль Изабеллы, королевы Испании. В 2013 году она рассказала – как писатель – о причине, по которой она приняла решение уйти из кино. «После 18-летней карьеры я ушла из киноиндустрии, не желая становиться одним из тех детей-актеров, поучительных историй», — сказала она в интервью Parade. Во время интервью Якуб работала над своими мемуарами под названием «Ты выглядишь как та девушка», которые она описала как историю своего «времени в кино и решения покинуть Голливуд, вырасти и остановиться». притворяясь.’ Elizabeth Olsen once embraced social media Like many other celebrities – like most people, period – Olsen got social media and at first embraced it. She even played an influencer in the movie Ingrid Goes West, where Aubrey Plaza plays a woman who stalks Olsen’s character. But that kind of dynamic isn’t why she quit. She explained in an interview with Grazia: Olsen makes this decision only for herself and does not mean to suggest no one should use it. Other celebrities, particularly her Marvel co-stars like Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo, use social media not only to promote their work but their personal causes. For Olsen, however, the brain cloud isn’t worth the effort. She’s Never Been Keen On Social Media Via YouTube-Nicki Swift Although Elizabeth had been acting for a while, it’s her involvement in the MCU that turned her into a Hollywood leading lady. Boasting a pedigree of famous older siblings, Elizabeth wanted to pave her own way. At some point, she didn’t want to use her real last name. With the popularity of social media, stars have opted to use it as a medium to keep in touch with their fans. While it has its benefits, it can also have its downside, and celebrities aren’t immune to the bullying and trolling meted out by their fans. Elizabeth once had an Instagram account with a huge following, despite not being keen on it. The actress told Harper’s Bazaar: «Every day I think I should delete it. I still don’t know why I’m on it, then I think well ‘I guess I want to promote Avengers’ and then I find myself putting something private up there, and I think ‘this is stupid, why did I do that?» She described social media as a distraction and lamented how she’d find herself private sharing things she hadn’t intended to. «I should delete it immediately.’ I’m trying to treat that aspect of my life as part of the job. There are ways I can benefit by having it, but I will delete it relatively soon because I’ll stop having promotional stuff. It’s a distraction more than anything.» WandaVision Season 2 Not Happening Has Long Been Known Marvel recently confirmed that there won’t be a WandaVision season 2, titling the show’s first season «The Complete Series» on its home media packaging. However, this news, while only recently made official for the first time, shouldn’t come as a surprise and definitely isn’t indicative of a sudden change in plans for Scarlet Witch. Elizabeth Olsen already confirmed her view on the show back in 2021. Asked about a potential WandaVision season 2 in an interview with Variety, Olsen claimed, «No. No. It’s definitely a limited series.» She did leave the door slightly ajar by adding, «I don’t know. I mean, with Marvel, you can never say no…» So, it seems clear that WandaVision season 1 was envisioned as a self-contained and complete series from the start, though its narrative threads are certainly continuing elsewhere. One of several MCU series with a sort of secret season 2, WandaVision will soon be followed up on with Agatha: Darkhold Diaries. The show, which revisits Kathryn Hahn’s witch after she’s left in Westview under Wanda’s spell, could feature Scarlet Witch flashback footage and set up Olsen’s next MCU appearance. Furthermore, the lack of a WandaVision season 2 shouldn’t be a cause for concern in regard to Olsen’s future involvement in the MCU, given that very few Marvel Disney+ series are set for a second season. Loki season 2 airs later this year, What If… season 2 is on the way despite no official release date, and I Am Groot recently debuted its second season of digital shorts, but that’s it. WandaVision is in good company with other MCU shows like Hawkeye and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which also have no future seasons announced at this point. Why didnt Dr Strange tell Tony? Because in the future he saw in which they defeated Thanos, he didn’t tell Tony. He saw one very specific path among millions, and took the requisite steps to ensure it was followed. Apparently that included keeping what had to happen a secret that died with him in the snap. What does I Love You 3000 means? When Tony says “I love you tons” she says “I love you 3000” A ton is 2000 pounds. Saying I love you 3000 means she loves him more. Who was the kid at the end of endgame? That character is Harley Keener, played by Ty Simpkins, who you’ll remember from “Iron Man 3” as the kid from Tennessee who helps Tony (Robert Downey Jr) recharge his suit while he investigates a mysterious death. Is Sam the new Captain America? The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale premiered on Friday, introducing Sam Wilson as the new Captain America. Who is everyone at Iron Man’s funeral? Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), and Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie) were all huddled together. Tony’s Iron Man 3 pal, Harley Keener (Ty Simpkins), Maria Hill (Colbie Smulders), Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt), and Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel rounded out the attendees. Who does Captain America marry? How did Elizabeth Olsen get famous? Elizabeth Olsen | Dominik Bindl/Getty Images Olsen’s sisters are the twins Mary-Kate and Ashley, who became famous practically from birth in the 1990s starring on Full House. Elizabeth gained some early notoriety appearing in her sisters’ videos, but she and the twins charted different paths. The twins ultimately left show business, but Elizabeth decided she wanted to make acting her main gig, specifically studying it in college. She broke out ten years ago with the acclaimed movie, Martha Marcy May Marlene. Playing a woman caught up in a cult, Olsen received a Best Actress nomination from the Independent Spirit Awards. Her star rose over the next few years, starring in both independent films like Liberal Arts and and Very Good Girls, and big-budget movies like the 2014 Godzilla. Her first non-cameo Marvel appearance came via Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2015, and she went on to appear in all the Avengers movies since then as a key supporting player, but she was never truly front and center – at least not until Marvel Studios decided to get into the television game. Now, WandaVision has become a watercooler show, with its wild mix of sitcom satire, superhero action and personal trauma. Scarlet Witch and Loki In this case, it is notable that Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch was replaced by Tom Hiddleston and Sophia Di Martino, who will soon be appearing in the second season of Loki on Disney+. Credit: Marvel Studios Related: Elizabeth Olsen Wants Godzilla to Join the MCU Marvel Studios has been hemorrhaging viewers and receiving historically terrible reviews for its most recent shows, so it makes sense that it would try to prominently feature some of its increasingly rare popular characters. If that is at the expense of Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlet Witch, it seems that Marvel is willing to do it. Do you want Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff back in the MCU? Let us know in the comments below! Why did Marvel kill Quicksilver? Marvel definitely killed Quicksilver off because he would had been to op for Infinity War. You see, speed is the one thing Thanos didn’t really have. Is Quicksilver faster than the flash? In terms of pure speed, in their respective universes, the Flash (Barry Allen) is faster, by far, than Quicksilver. Quicksilver has been seen at a top speed of four or five times the speed of sound (Mach 4 or 5). Did Hawkeye kill Quicksilver? The Avengers: Age of Ultron: Hawkeye Kills Quicksilver in this Gag Reel Clip | ScreenSlam. Why did Marvel kill black widow? Black Widow sacrifices herself on Vormir so that the Avengers can obtain the Soul Stone and help defeat Thanos. Black Widow and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) have an altercation to decide who will be sacrificed. Why did Hawkeye kill Hulk? WHY DID HAWKEYE KILL HULK However, Banner had a failsafe that he gave to Hawkeye. If Hulk did come back and the experiments went wrong, Banner gave Barton something guaranteed to kill him without allowing him to change into Hulk to save himself. Did Marvel kill off Iron Man? Iron Man died to save the universe in Avengers: Endgame, and it might have been necessary to save the galaxy from Tony Stark. Why did Dr Strange hold up one finger endgame? looks to Doctor Strange near the end of the final battle, and Doctor Strange holds up one finger, indicating they’ve got their one chance. This spurs Tony to make the ultimate sacrifice: Taking all the Infinity Stones for himself and snapping his fingers to bring back those who were lost five years before. Elizabeth Olsen explains why she deleted her Instagram 16 related questions found Are the Olsen twins on Instagram? The Olsen twins, much like our coolest friends, maintain their otherworldly air of mystery by not having personal Instagram accounts. Does Elizabeth Olsen have an accent? When Elizabeth Olsen made her MCU debut as Wanda Maximoff in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, you might remember that her character had a strong Eastern European accent, having been born in the fictional nation of Sokovia. … In Age of Ultron, Olsen took on a strong accent inspired by her character’s comic book origins. How many Olsens are there? This brings the number of Olsen siblings to a grand total of six. The Olsen twins’ two half-siblings are very private and don’t seem to be involved in the entertainment business. They’ve occasionally been mistaken for producers and actors of the same name – but so far, they’ve stayed firmly out of the spotlight. What is a Finsta? Finsta is short for Finstagram, or “fake Instagram,” referring to an account made so that a user can post images and interact with other accounts in a more private way, usually reserving the account’s followers to close friends. Which Olsen twin had an eating disorder? Teen actress Mary-Kate Olsen, who with her twin sister, Ashley, has grown into an American pop icon and fashion brand, has entered a program for treatment of an eating disorder reported to be anorexia. Why did the Olsen twins age badly? Throughout the years (like most child stars), they wanted so desperately to look grown and more mature. They got sick and tired of being boxed-in as sweet little girls. Being short definitely didn’t help make people see them as «women» either. Do the Olsen sisters get along? Although all three might not interact all that much in public, they’re actually pretty supportive of each other. The twins have an entire clothing line named after their siblings: Elizabeth and James. What are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen doing now? After a childhood in the public eye, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have shifted to live fairly private lives. Following their shared role as Michelle Tanner on «Full House,» the two had successful acting careers in their teen years. Did Elizabeth Olsen quit acting? Elizabeth Olsen took a break from acting at the age of ten. The Wandavision star almost walked away from Hollywood. Read ahead to know more. Elizabeth Olsen is currently playing the role of superhero Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlett Witch in the Disney+ Hotstar series, WandaVision. How many sisters do the Olsen twins have? The increase in spotlight has meant that those who had never heard of her are suddenly seeing her face everywhere, and with that comes the realisation that she has two very famous sisters: child actors and fashion icons Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Who is the prettiest Olsen? Elizabeth Chase Olsen: The Most Beautiful Woman in Hollywood. After submitting a Pinterest board entirely devoted to the lovely Elizabeth Olsen wearing padded coats and jackets (because she looked gorgeous in them), I have… Who is the richest celebrity? Jeff Bezos. Say hello to the richest man on the planet. Since founding to his hugely successful e-commerce site Amazon in 1994, Bezos, 57, is now worth $178.1 billion, according to Forbes. Лиза Якуб боролась с тревогой и депрессией Хотя проблемы с психическим здоровьем характерны не только для людей, живущих на публике, они могут усугубляться всеми ловушками, которые сопровождают славу. Все может стать еще хуже, если человек, испытывающий эти трудности, еще ребенок. Это определенно имело место в случае с Лизой Якуб, которой пришлось бороться с тревогой и депрессией во время ее расцвета в качестве молодой актрисы в Голливуде. Когда она снялась в «Миссис Даутфайр», ей было 15. Несмотря на успех, которого она добилась в своей карьере, она столкнулась с мучительной тревогой и депрессией, в то время как она была очень плохо подготовлена, чтобы справиться с этим. В книге о психическом здоровье, которую она написала много лет спустя, Якуб описала свою юную версию себя как «чувствительную, эмоциональную и замкнутую». ‘Что еще можно ожидать от бывшего ребенка-актера, ставшего писателем?’ продолжила она. «Но дело было не только в артистическом темпераменте; Лиза постоянно пыталась скрыть свою изнурительную тревогу и депрессию». Для Якуба это битва, которую она продолжает вести до сих пор. Her Famous Sisters Gave Her Extremely Valuable Advice Via YouTube-Nicki Swift Having famous siblings definitely has its advantages, at least it did for Elizabeth. Former actors turned designers, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, were child stars who later gave up their acting careers. The twins offered Elizabeth some valuable advice, they advised her to filter what she shared with the media. According to W Magazine, Elizabeth told Modern Living, «I was not caring what I was saying because I’d assumed no one would read it. They’d say, ‘You know, even if you don’t think anyone’s going to read this article, someone might pull the quote later for .’ « She further revealed, «It’s all part of how you hope someone interprets you, and how they frame who you are and the work you do. They’re very tight-lipped – notoriously so.» She Eventually Deleted Her Instagram Account When Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman lost his battle with cancer in 2020, both fans and colleagues were left in utter shock. Eulogies to the late MCU star poured in, his Marvel co-stars even made a tribute video in which Elizabeth participated. However, some fans were mad because she didn’t post about Boseman on her Instagram account. Not long after that, Olsen deleted her Instagram account, and the assumption was that the trolls were behind her decision. However, Elizabeth set the record straight, according to her, she wasn’t bullied on social media, but she simply realized it wasn’t for her. Elizabeth told Glamour UK, «I’m never going back to social media. And it’s not even like I was bullied. Wait, why am I even trying to create a character version of myself and put it out in the world? And the whole thing just made me uncomfortable, and it’s not even like I was really paying attention to comments or anything.» She added, «I just felt weird how it organized my brain… I’m not obsessed with using a platform in any way.» Elizabeth didn’t feel the need to talk about every single thing that happens in the world and didn’t like the pressure that was put on her to do so. «It’s dangerous to think, Oh something just happened in the world, I am an entitled person whose voice must be heard on this issue,” she states. “It’s such a narcissistic viewpoint. It’s important for people who want to be voices and have platforms and who care deeply about issues. But I am terrified of that pressure.»
THE WHITE HOUSE September 17, 1996 Welcome to the 1997 Consumer's Resource Handbook. It is most appropriate that this year's edition is dedicated to the memory of Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown, a man who ardently supported consumer rights and who recognized the importance of this handbook in empowering American consumers with the knowledge and resources to make prudent, informed choices. Today's increasingly competitive marketplace offers us a broad and diverse array of products and services. To select among them wisely, we must understand our rights as consumers and the standards of quality we should expect. The U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, through publications such as this one, plays a vital role in educating the public on key consumer issues, protecting our rights, and enhancing our ability to make knowledgeable I encourage you to use the valuable information in this handbook. By learning to choose and buy carefully and responsibly, you are helping to build a better and brighter future for all Americans. Ronald H. Brown It is appropriate and fitting that this edition of the Consumer's Resource Handbook is dedicated to the late Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown. In many ways his life was dedicated to empowering people. From his career as a New York City welfare caseworker to his tenure as Secretary of Commerce, he inspired people to strive to do their very best. Whether he was leading a business trade mission to a foreign land or meeting with his employees in the office, he empowered us all through his example and At the Commerce Department, he encouraged our employees to carry out the "Right to Service," established by President Clinton in their every day contacts with the public, our customers, to ensure that the Department delivers exceptional service. He continually supported the Department's consumer affairs efforts and last year held a special meeting with the winners of the Office of Consumer Affairs' National Consumer Week consumer awareness contest. He spent time online with STAT-USA customers answering questions on Customer Service Day to highlight the importance of serving our customers. He also understood the significance of consumers in the global marketplace. Ron Brown was the first Secretary of Commerce to recognize the importance of the Consumer's Resource Handbook through the Department's financial support. The Handbook is an important educational tool for consumers as they seek to resolve their complaints or to acquire information from corporations and government offices. On behalf of all the employees of the U.S. Department of Commerce, I thank you for dedicating this Handbook in the memory of the late Secretary of Commerce Ronald H. Brown. Secretary of Commerce OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS It is with pride and sadness that we dedicate this edition of the Consumer's Resource Handhook to Ronald H. Brown, the late Secretary of Commerce. Secretary Brown had a long history of consumer advocacy and was a strong supporter of the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs. While we are saddened by his sudden passing, we will always remember his devotion to country, his untiring efforts on behalf of consumers and his support of a free and fair marketplace. His legacy continues. This ninth edition of the Consumer's Resource Handbook builds on the tradition of being a strong and effective tool for consumers. In April 1996, this Handbook received the prestigious "Mobius" award, presented by the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business (SOCAP). The award recognized the Handbook's value in helping consumers make informed decisions. This honor attests to the need and usefulness of the Handbook, which focuses on consumer issues that affect us all. The information presented is based on the premise that consumers need to know their rights and how to make the right choices. Indeed, there are a number of laws which protect your rights before and after purchasing a product or service and many of those laws are referenced here. Today's marketplace, which is expanding rapidly through electronic shopping, has a wide variety of options for efficient, high quality goods and services to meet your needs and your pocketbook. But there, too, are numerous scams and frauds which take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. This handbook offers information and advice to help you gain knowledge about your rights and about how to make the right choices--and, yes, how to protect yourself against unscrupulous dealers. Whether you are acquiring a product such as a car or making an investment in securities or seeking a service, you will find points to consider, questions to ask, and steps to take before and after you purchase an item or sign a contract. I believe this Handbook will serve as a handy reference for you. It will help guide and protect you in the marketplace, so that whatever you buy, your choice will be a good one. We are proud to be at your service. Leslie L. Byrne Special Assistant to the President and Director The U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs wishes to express its gratitude to the contributors listed below who helped make possible the publication of the 1997 Consumer's Resource Handbook. Department of Agriculture The Honorable Daniel R. Glickman The Honorable William J. Perry Department of Energy The Honorable Hazel R. O'Leary Department of Justice The Honorable Janet Reno Department of Veterans Affairs Honorable Jesse Brown Agency for International The Honorable J. Brian Atwood Consumer Product Safety Commission The Honorable Ann Brown The Honorable Reed E. Hundt Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The Honorable Ricki Federal Trade Commission Honorable Robert Pitofsky Securities and Exchange The Honorable Arthur Levitt, Jr. Small Business Administration The Honorable Philip Lader General Motors Corporation The information in this Consumer's Resource Handbook is presented in two parts: (1) tips on buying products and services and (2) contacts for information and assistance. Part I of the Handbook, "Buying Smart," gives tips on getting the most for your money, handling your own complaint and writing a complaint letter. Part I also provides tips on a number of consumer issues such as choosing and using credit, protecting personal privacy and avoiding many types of frauds and scams. Part II of the Handbook, "Consumer Assistance Directory," lists offices you can contact for help with problems or questions. This section provides individual names (where available), addresses, and telephone and fax numbers for contacts ranging from consumer organizations to corporations to government agencies at city, county, state and Federal levels. Some of these consumer assistance groups are highlighted below; for a complete list of agencies in Part II, see the "Contents." Throughout the sections, a number of electronic addresses are listed for access through the worldwide web. The websites listed here omit http:// and begin with www (in the interest of space). Listed also are telephone numbers which provide access for hearing and speech impaired consumers; they are in bold type. A subject "Index" is at the end of the Handbook to help you locate information about specific topics. National Consumer Organizations There are a number of national organizations whose missions are defined as consumer assistance, protection and/or advocacy. Several of these organizations assist consumers directly; others are interested in hearing from consumers about problems and concerns; most, though not all, develop educational materials for consumers. Addresses, telephone numbers and 30 of these organizations are listed in the "National Consumer Organizations" section of this Handbook, beginning on page 31. Better Business Bureaus There are 162 Better Business Bureaus (BBBs) and branches in the United States. These Bureaus are non-profit organizations supported primarily by local businesses. BBB's offer a variety of services, including general consumer information on products or services, business reliability reports, background information on local businesses and organizations, and records of a company's The Council of Better Business Bureaus, which is supported by national companies and the nation's BBBs, also offers consumer education programs, reports on charitable organizations, alternative dispute resolution services and assistance with complaints about the truthfulness and accuracy of national advertising, including children's advertising. A description of the Council is on page 32 and a list of BBBs operating in the United States begins on page 34. Corporate Consumer Contacts Many companies have consumer affairs or customer relations departments to answer questions or help resolve consumer complaints. The addresses and telephone numbers of more than 650 companies are listed in the "Corporate Consumer Contacts" section of this Handbook, beginning on page 39. If you write to the company, you may use the sample letter on page 8 as a guide. Most foreign and American car manufacturers have national or regional offices which handle consumer complaints not resolved by your local car dealer. The list of "Car Manufacturers" begins on page 64. Trade Associations' and Other Dispute Resolution Programs There are nearly 40,000 trade and professional associations in the United States representing a variety of interests (for example, banking, insurance, clothing manufacturing) and professions (for example, accountants, lawyers, doctors, therapists). Some of these associations and their members have established programs to help consumers with complaints not resolved at the point of purchase. Trade associations have various consumer functions, which are described in National Trade & Professional Associations of the United States. Check your local library for this book and related sources of help. A list of "Trade Associations' and Other Dispute Resolution Programs" begins on page 68. State, County and City Government Consumer Offices State and local consumer protection offices can help you resolve consumer complaints and provide you with consumer education information. These agencies might mediate complaints, conduct investigations, prosecute offenders of consumer laws, license and regulate professions, promote strong consumer protection legislation, provide educational materials and advocate in the consumer interest. It is important to report complaints and suspected frauds and misrepresentations to these governmental agencies. Consumer complaints form the basis of most consumer protection law enforcement actions. If you want to file a complaint, call your local consumer protection office to learn what you need to do. A list of "State, County and City Government Consumer Protection Offices" begins on page 71. State Agencies and Commissions In addition to state and local consumer offices, many states have special agencies and commissions to handle consumer questions and complaints about services for senior consumers and for disabled persons, as well as services provided by financial institutions and insurance companies. Other state agencies regulate securities, utilities and weights and measures. These state agencies are listed separately, beginning on page 85. In addition, a variety of other helpful community services might be available in your area. For example, county and state Cooperative Extension Services offer information about health, safety, product comparisons, financial planning and nutritional needs. Information about these and other state and local services can be found at your library and in the telephone directory in the city/municipal, county or state government listings. Military Commissary and Exchange Offices Interested consumers will find a list of "Military Commissary and Exchange Offices" on page 105. The list includes the regional offices and headquarters for all the Armed Forces exchanges and commissaries. Selected Federal Agencies Many Federal Government agencies can help you with consumer questions and complaints. A number of these agencies have enforcement authority and/or complaint-handling responsibilities. The Federal agencies listed, beginning on page 107, respond to consumer complaints and inquiries. Consumer Credit Counseling Services Counseling services provide assistance to individuals having difficulty budgeting their money and/or meeting necessary monthly expenses. Many organizations, including credit unions, family service centers and religious organizations, offer some type of free or low-cost credit counseling. The Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) is one non-profit organization that provides money management techniques, debt payment plans and educational programs. Counselors take into consideration the needs of the client as well as the needs of the creditor when working out a debt repayment plan. You can find the CCCS office nearest you by contacting the National Foundation for Consumer Credit, Inc., 8611 Second Avenue, Suite 100, Silver Spring, MD 209103372; Toll free: 800388CCCS. Private and voluntary consumer organizations usually are created to advocate specific consumer interests. In some communities, they will help individual consumers with complaints. However, they have no enforcement authority. To find out if such a group is in your community, contact your state or local government consumer protection office. A list of the state and local offices begins on page 71. Federal Information Center The Federal Information Center (FIC), administered by the General Services Administration, can help you find information about the Federal Government's agencies, services, and programs. The FIC can also tell you which office to contact for help with problems. You may call toll free from anywhere in the United States to 8006889889. Users of text telephones (TDD/TTY) may also call toll free by dialing 8003262996. The FIC is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time, except in Alaska (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and Hawaii (7 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Consumer Information Catalog The Consumer Information Catalog lists approximately 200 free or low-cost Federal booklets with helpful information for consumers. Topics include careers and education, cars, child care, the environment, Federal benefits, financial planning, food and nutrition, health, housing, small business and more. This free Catalog is published quarterly by the Consumer Information Center of the U.S. General Services Administration. Single copies of the Catalog only may be ordered by sending your name and address to Catalog, Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009 or by calling 7199484000. Non-profit groups that can distribute 25 copies or more each quarter automatically can receive copies by writing for a bulk mail card. You may visit the website at or dial the bulletin board system on 2022087679. The local library can be a good source of help. Many of the publications mentioned in this Handbook can be found in public libraries. Some university and other private libraries also allow individuals to use their reference materials. Check your local telephone directory for the location of nearby libraries. Local newspapers and radio and television stations often have "Action Line" or "Hot Line" services. These programs might be able to help consumers with their problems. Sometimes these programs, because of their influence in the community, are successful in helping to resolve consumer complaints. Some action lines select only the most severe problems or those that occur most frequently. They might not be able to handle every complaint. To find these services, check with your local newspapers, radio and television stations, or local library. Occupational and Professional Licensing Boards Many state agencies license or register members of various professions, including doctors, plumbers, electricians, car repair shops, employment agencies, beauticians, and television and radio repair shops. In some states, local consumer agencies license or register some professions. In addition to setting licensing standards, these boards also issue rules and regulations; prepare and give examinations; issue, deny or revoke licenses; bring disciplinary actions; and handle consumer complaints. Many boards have referral services or consumer education materials to help you select a professional. If you contact a licensing agency about a complaint, the agency will contact the professional on your behalf and, if necessary, might conduct an investigation and take disciplinary action against the professional. This action can include probation or license suspension or To find the local office of an occupational or professional licensing board, check your local telephone directory under the headings of "Licensing Boards" or "Professional Associations," or look for the name of the individual agency. If you need help locating the right office, contact your state or local Please note that some of the sources of help listed in the Consumer's Resource Handbook have a policy of declining complaints from consumers who have sought prior legal counsel. Small Claims Court Small claims courts were established to resolve disputes involving claims for small debts and accounts. While the maximum amounts that can be claimed or awarded differ from state to state, court procedures generally are simple, inexpensive, quick and informal. Court fees are minimal, and you often get your filing fee back if you win your case. Generally, you will not need a lawyer. In fact, in some states, lawyers are not permitted. If you live in a state that allows lawyers and the party you are suing brings one, do not be intimidated. The court is informal, and most judges make allowances for consumers who appear without lawyers. Remember, even though the court is informal, the ruling must be followed, just like the ruling of any other court. If the party bringing the suit wins the case, the party who lost often will follow the court's decision without additional legal action. Sometimes, however, losing parties will not obey the decision. In these cases, the winning party can go back to court and ask for the order to be "enforced." Depending on local laws, the court might, for example, order property to be taken by law enforcement officials and sold. The winning party will get the money from the sale, up to the amount owed. Alternatively, if the person who owes the money receives a salary, the court might order the employer to garnish or deduct money from each paycheck and give it to the winner of the lawsuit. Check your local telephone book under the municipal, county or state government headings for small claims court offices. When you contact the court, ask the court clerk how to use the small claims court. Many state and local consumer agencies have consumer educational material to prepare you for small claims court (see page 71). To better understand the process, sit in on a small claims court session before taking your case to court. Many small claims courts have created dispute resolution programs to help citizens resolve their disputes. These dispute resolution processes (e.g., mediation and conciliation) often simplify the process. For example, in mediation, both people involved in the small claims dispute meet, sometimes in the evenings or on weekends, and with the assistance of a neutral, third-party mediator, discuss the situation and create their own agreement. The rate of success is high for dispute resolution through small claims court. Considering this, when you contact your small claims court, ask first about its mediation or conciliation process. For additional information about dispute resolution, contact the American Bar Association, Section on Dispute Resolution, 740 15th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005, 2026621680. Legal Aid offices help individuals who cannot afford to hire private lawyers. There are more than 1,000 of these offices around the country staffed by lawyers, paralegals and law students. All offer free legal services to those who qualify. Funding is provided by a variety of sources, including Federal, state and local governments and private donations. Many law schools nationwide conduct clinics in which law students, as part of their training, assist practicing lawyers with these cases. Legal Aid offices generally offer legal assistance with such problems as landlord-tenant relations, credit, utilities, family issues (e.g., divorce and adoption), foreclosure and home equity fraud, social security, welfare, unemployment and workers' compensation. Each Legal Aid office has its own board of directors which determines the priorities of the office and the kinds of cases handled. If the Legal Aid office in your area does not handle your type of case, it should be able to refer you to other local, state or national organizations that can provide advice or help. Check the telephone directory to find the address and telephone number of the Legal Aid office near you. If you would like a directory of Legal Aid offices around the country, contact the National Legal Aid and Defender Association, 1625 K Street, N.W., 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20006, 2024520620. Legal Services Corporation The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) was created by Congress in 1974. There are LSC offices in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and Micronesia. To find the LSC office nearest you, check the telephone directory, call the Federal Information Center (FIC) toll free on 8006889889 or call the LSC Public Affairs Office at 2023368800. For a directory of all LSC programs, write or call: Legal Services Corporation 750 1st Street, Washington, DC 20002 Finding a Lawyer If you need help finding a lawyer, check with the Lawyer Referral Service of your state, city or county bar association listed in local telephone Complaints about a lawyer should be referred to your state, county or city bar association. I. Buying Smart
Lowest in-state tuition in the University of California system. UC Santa Barbara is California’s top-ranked public university, and one of the nation’s premier research institutions. In addition to a nationally ranked undergraduate program, UCSB offers graduate programs in business, education, engineering, library science, law, marine sciences, pharmacy and the arts. Want to go to UC Santa Barbara and you need more information regarding UC Santa Barbara Tuition, ucsb tuition international student & uc santa barbara housing cost Get direct information on University of California System Santa Barbara, UC Santa Barbara admissions ,UC Santa Barbara tuition, and find answers to UC santa barbara acceptance rate? right here on College learners today. When looking for a perfect school to match your needs , especially for any degree, Collegelearners is all you need. You can also get specific information on University of California System Santa Barbara in all areas that you are curious about. This gem provides all the basic information you need on University of California System Santa Barbara. uC santa barbara Overview University of California—Santa Barbara is a public institution that was founded in 1909. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 21,574, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 989 acres. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. University of California—Santa Barbara’s ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 37. Its in-state tuition and fees are $14,409 (2017-18); out-of-state tuition and fees are $42,423 (2017-18). Located 100 miles up the coast from Los Angeles, the University of California—Santa Barbara sits atop cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Students can get involved in any of the more than 400 clubs and organizations on campus, including a Greek community that comprises about 10 percent of undergraduate students. UCSB provides housing to about 30 percent of students in eight residence halls and several university apartment complexes.The UC Santa Barbara Gauchos compete primarily in the NCAA Division I Big West Conference and are known for their successful women’s basketball and men’s soccer teams. Non-varsity students can join a club team such as cycling, surfing, rugby or ski and snowboard. UCSB encompasses five schools and colleges, the largest of which is the College of Letters and Science, serving undergraduate and graduate students. Graduate programs at UCSB include the highly ranked College of Engineering. The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education and Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management are other notable graduate schools at UCSB. Undergraduate students can apply for admissions into the College of Creative Studies, which emphasizes focused studies in one of eight disciplines: art, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer science, literature, mathematics, music composition or physics. Musician Jack Johnson and actor Michael Douglas both graduated from UCSB. - UCSB grants admission in more than 200 majors, degrees and credentials including over 90 undergraduate majors and 50+ graduate courses. - University of California Santa Barbara has an acceptance rate of 37% for freshmen applicants while 59% for transfer applicants. - UCSB has a total of 26,314 students out of that 23,349 are undergraduate students enrolled in 2,450 programs offered in each quarter through three undergraduate colleges of UCSB namely, The college of Creative studies, the College of Letters and Science, and The College of Engineering. - UCSB supports Undergraduate research through the funding of $320,000 grants each year. Around 50% of UCSB Undergraduate students are involved in some kind of research or creative projects. - UCSB provides various kinds of financial assistance to its 70% of Undergraduate students. Every year more than 400 top companies visit UCSB for placement and internships. - The institute has five schools, covering most diverse fields to cater to a large number of students who wish to pursue higher education in the US. UC Santa Barbara Rankings - Ranked 34th in the 2020 edition of Best Colleges and National Universities. - U.S. News & World Report has ranked UCSB school of Engineering graduate program No. 12 among public universities in its annual ranking of the nation’s “Best Engineering Schools”. - Ranked No. 1 Green School among public universities in 2015 by Princeton Review. - Ranked number 7 among all public universities in U.S. News and World Report’s 2020 “Best Colleges” guide - Ranked 156th in the list of best value schools across the world. UC Santa Barbara Programs, Campus and Accommodation - The institute has a huge campus of 989 acres and offers various amazing campus life with over 500 student organizations and amazing facilities. - The campus has amazing recreation venues like Multi-Cultural Centre, Pollock Theatre, and the Art, Design & Architecture Museum. - From tennis to swimming, basketball to baseball to the track and back, UCSB has amazing athletics facilities. - Situated very close to the Pacific residence halls have ocean, lagoon, and mountain views. - The institute provides residence facilities to students both on and off the campus, the on-campus residence facilities are capable to provide room for about 38% of the total students. - University provides residence facilities for students in Residence halls, apartments and student family homes. - 1291 apartments for graduate and undergraduate students and residence halls that can incorporate around 5500 students. - There are a number of off-campus housing entities available to UC Santa Barbara students, located throughout Isla Vista, and are available only to the UCSB affiliated populations. - It provides more than 800 student jobs and leadership positions, most of which go to residents. - Rates for housing facilities: Various options are available that can be selected as per the financial situation of students. Rooms are viable starting USD 667 per month. - Various amenities are available in UCSB residence like: - High speed wireless internet. - Furnished stay apartments. - 24 hours housekeeping. - Live-in staff for student help and guidance. UC Santa Barbara Courses - The university offers an array of courses for international students including more than 90 undergraduate and 50 graduate programs through 5 schools and colleges - The most popular majors are – Social Sciences; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies; Psychology; and Communication, Journalism. - The institute provides a specaual California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB) which aims at creating a professional biotechnology workforce in the country. - The university also provides over 30 online courses that can be accessed online across its 23 campuses by all its candidates enrolled at any campus. - It also offers several pre-doctoral and professional master’s courses in the field of science. To improve their chances of getting accepted at the University of California, Santa Barbara, applicants need to ensure that they attain minimum requirements as per the latest incoming class of 2021-22: - High School GPA: 4.04–4.28 - ACT Composite Score: 27–34 - ACT English Language Arts: 26–31 - SAT Evidence-based Reading and Writing: 630–730 - SAT Mathematics: 650–790 - SAT Essay: 15–18 UG – University of California website PG – UC Santa Barbara Graduate Application Portal |Domestic students – 70USD International students – 80USD |Average weighted GPA |SAT score required |ACT score required |Student to faculty ratio |Available for International Students (Early Action and Early Decision) |Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer |Depends on course requirements University of California Santa Barbara Application Process The institute only accepts applications in the fall quarter and is closed for winter and spring admission. Applications from first-time freshman and junior-level transfer students are accepted except for College of Creative Studies, it accepts applications for senior-level transfer. Following are few important points for UCSB admissions: |Form filling fee: USD 70; International Student: USD 80 Graduate Programs: Form filling fee: USD 120 International Student: USD 140 |Application Deadlines Fall 2021 (Application available from 1 Aug) |Filling Periods: Nov. 2020 For Transfer Students: Nov. 1-30 International Applicants: Nov. 1-30 |50% academic & 50% non-academic |Test Scores Required |SAT/ACT/GRE/GMAT as per program requirement |English Proficiency Test |Resume, statement of purpose, financial statement How to apply? Application process for the university has following steps: - Fill online application form. - Complete the eligibility criteria for university applications. - Select the courses and the schools you want to apply for - Students can apply for fee waiver depending on financial condition in such case application for 4 UC campus is free after that USD 70 for each application is charged - Submit the fee as per requirement. UCSB Admission Deadlines Students are advised to submit their applications prior to the deadlines for them to be considered for admission. Students submitting the late application will be considered on the basis of space available. International applicants are advised to submit separate application for scholarships available in US prior to deadlines. |Fall – November 30 Winter quarter/spring semester – July 31 |Freshman – may 1 Transfer – June 1 The institute provides a range of courses for international students, application deadlines for various intakes, which are as mentioned below. |Types of Application |Creation of UC portal |Submission of UC application (Domestic/International applicants Fall semester) |Last month to take SAT/ACT |Submission of academic transcripts |Submission of official test scores |Deadline for graduate application |Varies by course UC Santa Barbara International Admissions The University of California is home to international students from around 79 countries, and the total international student population totals up at about 14% of the total student population at UIC which is 3,261 in number. The top countries in origin at the institute include China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Japan, Canada, Hong Kong and Iran. Each country has a specific set of requirements for its students, for India, the particular requirement includes at least 70% score in the 12th standard board exams. International student admissions are similar to that of domestic admissions. One of the exams to study in USA, which is highly recommended for international applicants is the duolingo test for English proficiency. How to apply? Application Portal: Online via the University of California website Application fee: USD 80 non refundable Basic Admission Requirements - Academic transcripts - All degrees, records of previous education - Course by course evaluation was needed - All materials should be in English or provided along with a translated one - Proof of English language proficiency - Official test scores of different standardized exams - Supplemental requirements - Statement of Purpose - Financial statement/ proof of funding - Recommendation letters - Copy of the passport International students require an ATA evaluation of the transcripts to be submitted as a part of the admission process. A mandatory, non-refundable 50 USD International Credential Evaluation Fee is assessed for all undergraduate degree-seeking applicants who have post-secondary coursework taken outside the United States. The documents are not returned back and so, only photocopies are required to be submitted. English Language Test Scores The international applicants are required to exhibit proficiency in English by submitting scores of the tests given below: |Minimum Scores Required Students should keep in mind that TOEFL and IELTS scores shouldn’t be more than 2 years old. Some programs may require interviews in order to test the applicant’s English speaking skills. The Country-wise Academic requirements are given below: |All India Senior Certificate or Higher Secondary Certificate with minimum 70% or completed 10th and 12th from recognized central or state board. |Completed Mathayom 6 (Upper Secondary Education certificate) with minimum 75 percent. |Completed Senior High School Leaving Certificate with an average of minimum 80% |Senior High School Graduate Certificate and Graduation Certificate from upper middle school. |Completed Tawjihi or General Secondary Education Certificate with an average of minimum 75% - Select the program and term in which you want to apply. - Create an account - Submit all the documents required - After submitting the application, check the confirmation page as it will have some important reminders and your UC Application ID Number. Visa Process for International Students If accepted by UCSB, all international students will need to obtain a US student visa, usually an F-1 or a J-1 visa. A visa document is required to apply for these visas (I-20/ DS-2019) respectively. Overseas students can take help from the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) regarding visa-related or immigration-related queries. The visa document will be issued once the student has paid their enrollment deposit and successfully provided evidence of their financial ability. International applicants will need these documents for the visa process: - SEVIS fee receipt - Form I-20 - Admission letter - DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application- online - Financial documents to show the ability to afford expenses for a year of study at the University of California, Santa Barbara. - Copy of valid passport identification page (should be valid for at least 6 months after the date of entry into the US.) - Two passport size photographs - Visa application fee - Official financial affidavit (if required) Applicants would need to schedule a visa interview in their home countries once the documents have been submitted. UCSB Undergraduate Admissions UCSB offers 90+ programs from over 45 departments for its undergraduate students including Bachelor’s in Actuarial Science, Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Asian American Studies. Admission to most UC Santa Barbara undergraduate programs requires the following. Application portal: Online through UCSB’s official website Application fee: 70 USD Academic requirements: All applicants must fulfil the following admission eligibility criteria: - Must have completed a minimum of 15 University of California approved “A-G” courses with grades of C or better. - Students must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all “A-G” courses - Performance of the candidate in extracurricular activities - SAT or ACT score (due to COVID-19 pandemic UCSB will not use the scores of SAT or ACT for the selection process for fall 2021) UC Santa Barbara Graduate Admissions More than 50 master’s and doctoral programs are offered by the University of California, Santa Barbara. General admission requirements for many UCSB graduate courses may remain the same, but some departments may have different or additional requirements. Application Portal: UCSB accepts only online applications for graduate programs via Online Graduate Application Portal. Students must note that no simultaneous applications are accepted for one quarter. Application Fee: The application fee for domestic and international applicants is 105 USD and 125 USD, respectively. Eligibility Requirements: The Graduate School has not set any minimum test score standards for students. The majority of the courses require a GRE score (not older than 5 years). However, few courses have specific requirements: |Department of Art |Requires no GRE test score |Technology Management Program |Requires either GRE/GMAT |Gevirtz Graduate School of Education |Requires GRE/Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Supporting Documents: Statement of Purpose, Personal Achievements or Contributions statement, Resume/CV, Letters of recommendation, academic transcripts, and other supplementary documents required specifically by the department. UC Santa Barbara MS in CS Application Deadline: The last date to apply for a graduate program in Computer Science is December 15. |3.0 on a 4.0-point scale |No standard score set for applicants; satisfactory performance in Verbal, Quantitative and Analytical sections is sufficient |English Requirement for international students Internet-based TOEFL 80 Paper-based TOEFL 550 Supporting Documents: Completed online application, Statement of Purpose for CS, personal achievements/contribution statement, Resume/CV, 3 letters of recommendation, unofficial academic transcripts, GRE and TOEFL/IELTS scores. UC Santa Barbara MS in ECE Application Deadline: The last date to apply for MS in ECE is December 15. Academic Requirements: There is no set standard score for GRE. Only the GRE General test is required and not the GRE subject test. Supporting Documents: Statement of purpose, resume/curriculum vitae, personal statement, 3 letters of recommendation, and academic transcripts. UC Barbara MS in Technology Management Application Deadline: There are 4 sets of application rounds with varying deadlines – - Round I: October 15 - Round II: January 15 - Round III: March 1 - Round IV: May 1 Academic Requirements: GPA of at least 3.0/ B average equivalent at UG level. Additionally, students are required to submit GRE/GMAT scores not older than 5 years and TOEFL/IELTS score, if required. Supporting Documents: Statement of purpose, statement of personal achievement, resume/CV, 3 letters of recommendation, and admission interview. UC Santa Barbara M.A. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Application Deadline: The last date to submit the application and supporting documents is February 25, 2019. Please note that the applications are accepted only for the Fall season. Academic Requirements: Only the GRE General test is required; the GRE subject test can be taken in Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology, Biology and Chemistry, although not mandatory. Additionally, international applicants are required to submit TOEFL scores. Supporting Documents: Scanned copy of official academic transcripts, 3 letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, personal achievement/Contributions, Resume/CV. - Once the application has been submitted successfully, applicants can check their status by logging into their applicant portal. Freshman applicants can expect decisions in mid-March whereas Transfer applicants can expect admission notification by April 22. - Applicants who have opted for various graduate programs will need to confirm with their respective departments for an estimated date for notification. - International students applying at the University of California, Santa Barbara are recommended to send across their admission documents as early as 4-5 months before the deadlines. Also, international applicants should have excellent personal statements and recommendation letters. - Applicants can contact the international student office anytime in the office hours or can even mail them if any query persists. Applicants seeking to study in the USA should keep on checking their application status as it is highly required. Some applicants may also be interviewed for English proficiency checks, a test that is highly recommended for international applicants is the duo lingo English proficiency test. University of California Santa Barbara Cost of Attendance Cost of attendance may vary according to living choices and type of programs of the aspirant enrolled at the institute. The distribution of expenses in the form of an estimated budget for international students looking to study in the US is as mentioned below. For Undergraduate students who are not California Residents: University Apartments: USD 62,232 University Residence Halls: USD 66,372 |Campus based fees |Books and supplies |Health care allowance |Roam and Board |USD 6,633 / USD 15,039 |USD 3,807 / USD 0 |Telephone/ Cell Phone |USD 276 / USD 351 |USD 933 / USD 573 |USD 1545 / USD 1,371 |Non-Resident Tuition fee |USD 62,232 / USD 66,372 uC santa barbara graduate tuition For graduate students the tuition fee is the same USD 12,570 but the total fee may vary upon choice of residence and other choices. uC santa barbara tuition for international students The adjusted current University estimate of the cost of attendance including tuition, fees, and living expenses for the 2019-20 academic year for international students is: Undergraduate Students: $66,107. Graduate Students: $51,624. 9-Month Technology Management Program: $85,781. uC santa barbara tuition per quarter University of California–Santa Barbara Tuition & Financial Aid. University of California–Santa Barbara’s tuition is $14,442 for in-state and $44,196 for out-of-state students. Compared with the national average cost of in-state tuition of $11,331, University of California–Santa Barbara is more expensive. UC Santa Barbara Scholarships/Financial Aid The university provides financial aid like awards and scholarships for international students to study in the USA. Financial aid is also available for international or undocumented students via the Dream Act application (CADAA). Applicants are advised to submit applications before March 2. Students receive over USD 2.2 million in scholarships per year. Over 58% of students are provided with financial aid yearly. The average annual need-based scholarships awarded is USD 20,029. Awards available for international candidates include Beinecke, Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Goldwater, Truman, and Udall Scholarships etc. However, these are campus specific scholarships and just be applied for through the Division of Undergraduate Education as per deadlines declared by the campus. Financial aid is provided in forms of Work Study: Student work to earn paycheque to fund their education. There is also an option for summer financial aid: Students must have a 2019-2020 FAFSA or CADAA on file to be eligible for summer 2020 financial aid. Important dates: April 15 – Financial Aid Estimator availableJune 30 – Last day to submit a 2019-2020 FAFSA or CADAA UC Santa Barbara Alumni Network UC Santa Barbara has a great Alumni base with over 2,20,000 alumnus who receive lifelong benefits, like access to university publications and resources, vacation and hotel discounts also the alumnus empower students to reach their academic goals by awarding numerous annual scholarships in recognition of achievement and potential. UC Santa Barbara Placements The students at the university have shown good salary trends. According to daily nexus the UCSB newspaper, the salaries of UCSB graduates in 2011 were USD 47,000 and according to the recent data the starting salary for UCSB graduates is USD 77,000 and 20 years net ROI: USD 505,000. uC santa cruz tuition |Tuition and Fees ** |Room and Board * |Books and Supplies * uC san diego tuition California Residents and Non-California Residents |Cost of Attendance |Living with Parents |CA Resident Tuition and Fees(View Components) |Housing and Meals |Books and Supplies |Estimated CA Resident Cost Totals |Non-California Resident Supplemental Tuition |Estimated Non-California Resident Cost Totals
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8 lunar day -New York First quarter 🌓 in sign ♈ Aries 10°35' moonrise 19.12 12:15 moonset 20.12 00:22 visibility moon 56% speed moon 13°52' to moon 373 027,09 km 🌍 40°42′, 75°59′ w.long. time zone UTC-05:00 time 20.12.2023 12:00:00 | 8 lunar day continues The first quarter 🌓 phase continues Like yesterday, the ☽ Moon in the sign of ♈ Aries 03°38'12" The retrograde movement of the ☿ Mercury (-01°13'12") | The beginning of the 9 lunar day Lunar Calendar for 20.12.2023 - from 00:00 - 8 lunar day continues The symbol is the bird of the sirin, the phoenix, the treasure, the fire, the peacocks, the, the misfortune. Color - red-black (the color of a dying flame). Phoenix, burning and transforming. Here the symbol is Prosperpine, associated with the Twins. This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, absolution of sins and alchemy. At this time, it is also good to starve and clean the intestines, as well as to make medicines for all diseases. Under no circumstances can one be selfish and dissolute. This period is difficult, because there are still unsolved problems, but the old goals and plans will require spending much more time on them. It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners in their plans. At this time, the relationship in the team can change, so you need to be discreet and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by the transition to the new stage of development, which means that it will be necessary to change their tactics in time in behavior. Love and relationships. In general, the eighth lunar day is favorable for visits, but remember that today is the day of forgiveness. Be lenient if your loved one is confesses to any of their sins. Show compassion and understanding. Perhaps a person for a very long time, around his neck, and today he finally decided to confess everything. On the eighth lunar day, people are frank. So even on the first date you can accidentally put out such information, which others do not need to know at all. On this day it is better to refrain from sexual contacts, including marital ones. Housework. Suitable exclusively for the smallest and smallest household chores. A very good day for alterations, repairs and alterations of old clothes. Business and money. Do not overwork at work and you can only solve small business finances. What you have started or planned on this day. This applies to work, money, and all plans. Possible unexpected turns of events, conflicts, emergencies. Good luck will bring the business and business trips on this lunar day. Risky transactions and businesses can lead, but only if the situation is critical and you can go to risk in order to save the case. The more labor you put into your work, the more will be the return. A very favorable day for finding new partners who will accept your ideas and help to realize them. Dreams. In these lunar days, indicate your opportunities, which you did not realize, but which are still worth implementing. In addition, you can see an indication of the problems that have turned away from you. You can see the tasks for which you have strength, do not turn away from them, try to apply these forces to solve the tasks. In addition, images of dreams at this time show the ability to change and transform you, so if you withdraw closed spaces, obstacles, dead ends and the like, then you are not changing yet. If vice versa, open spaces, fields, mountains, the sea, beautiful rooms, bright, clean, then you go, transform yourself in the right direction and put effort into transformation. So, the main task of dreams is to show your destiny. Sometimes dreams are convoluted, and it is meaningful. Sometimes quite clearly describe the whole picture. If you want to clear your dream through sleep, set a goal the day before. When you wake up, analyze everything that you are dreamed of, and keep in mind. Health. Today the stomach can get sick, then the person has a warmed up and committed a bad deed. It is good today to prepare medicines, in the old days. Do not take alcohol. A good day for cleansing and rejuvenating the body. - The first quarter 🌓 phase continues The first quarter is the period of the lunar month, when we see in the sky exactly half of the growing moon. The first quarter is associated with the element of Water, which gives strength to all living things. Energy, which began to grow in the first days after the new moon, continues to accumulate. Life forces are approaching their peak. These days you can not be afraid to perform active activities, exercise, yoga, shaping. Favorable time for treatment and cleansing of the body. Young moon favors the strengthening of the body, so it is useful to drink green tea, take vitamins - their beneficial effect on the body these days is increasing. The first quarter - this is the days when life beats the key. It's time for active work, resolution of many cases and questions that you postponed during the new moon period. These days you can settle quarrels and put up with others - almost always you are waiting for a positive result. At the same time, emotional sensitivity is aggravated. Some people will be keenly interested in new experiences, in others - in communication. The last days of the first quarter (eleventh and twelfth lunar days) dedicate spirituality and morality. Meditate, help the disadvantaged, businessmen can make a donation to charitable organizations. Thus, purification of karma and preparation of the organism for the critical point of the lunar cycle - the full moon. - Like yesterday, the ☽ Moon in the sign of ♈ Aries 03°38'12" In the house of Mars - the god of war and struggle. On the throne of the Sun - master of creativity, energy, light, joy, consciousness. In the verse of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Aries, the active principle takes precedence. Masculinity, courage and swiftness determine success. If you lack these qualities, this lunar position can be somewhat difficult for you. People become more determined, open, more prone to conflict. In the days of the Moon in Aries you can often face tactlessness and fights. Prevailing egoistic thinking, propensity to dictatorship, domination, extreme decisions. Most problems are successfully solved with the help of pressure, pressure, in one fell swoop. Emotional reactions are impulsive, expressive, passionate and changeable. Decisions are made more boldly, openly, impulsively, but later a person often regrets because of his hasty actions or rash words. These days, the possibility of fires, injuries, accidents is higher. Drivers, like a pedestrian, tend to rush, take risks. In the case of bad planetary aspects, there is more haste and confusion. Many proposals, initiatives, but not enough practical actions and sensitivity. Avoid: open conflicts, rash actions. Beware: the bad mood of others. Job. It's good to start those things that can be finished quickly. Favorable time for trading, buying, selling, applying tough measures, risky decisions, launching new projects, opening a new business (especially where there is a risk). A good time for activities in the field of: automotive, trade equipment, sports, new enterprises. This time is favorable for people whose work is connected with the power structures: police, military personnel, security officers. Time is also good for administrators, managers, politicians, those who are engaged in active physical work, athletes. On the other hand, the possibility of injuries, especially of the head, spine, arms and legs, increases. The probability of thefts and attacks is greater. Finances and values. You will be more inclined to spend money, not to save. These days, short-term arrangements are successful, for which payment is received immediately upon completion. Do not trust only promises - promises that are not documented will soon be forgotten. Things acquired in this period, quickly wear off, wear out, as if burned. This time is suitable for the purchase of mechanical devices, knives, various tools that must be sharp for a car if you are interested in its speed. Love. Interest in the opposite sex becomes stronger, men are inclined to prove their masculinity. Romance novels started at this time will be stormy, but short or changeable. The Moon in the Aries is the time suitable for an explanation of love. If you do not dare to express your feelings - do it with Moon in Aries. At this time, emotions are easier to manifest, but they can be turbulent, which is not always appropriate. Health. The head, brain, teeth are especially sensitive, so it is advisable at this time not to overload them, and you can not operate. Chronic inflammation worsens. You can successfully treat kidneys, urinary system, women's gynecological ailments. Use the energy of these days for hardening, strengthening the muscles, strengthening the tone of the skin. Be careful when doing strength exercises, avoid overheating in the sauna or in the open sun. Twins will benefit from breathing exercises, Pisces - gymnastics for the eye muscles, Cancers and Capricorns - for the muscles of the back and chest. Taurus in this period should be protected by the neck and vocal cords. Positive result will bring exercises for stretching the muscles, visiting the chiropractor. The color that harmonizes the position of the Moon in Aries - red, stimulates physical and sexual activity and can be recommended to women who feel not energetic enough - Pisces, Cancers and Virgins. Today the body needs protein. It is well absorbed and brings maximum benefit. In protein days with meat, it is recommended to cut all the fat beforehand, and do not fry it, but boil it, or cook it in steaming. Milk, cottage cheese is better to use low-fat, and from cheese it is better to refuse, as the fat there is more than protein. Children. Children these days must learn to fight, compete, win, acquire courage. If they become prone to fights, restless, if they seek to command and control, then everything is in order. Give them more physical exertion, offer competitions: for example, "who is faster, who is higher." The blows on the forehead are common during these days, however, they are a natural part of the Aries experience. A lot of accumulated energy, so let the children express themselves, move, otherwise you may face an explosion of anger. On the other hand - at this time with children you can be stricter - a strict and fair parental approach they will obey. - The retrograde movement of the ☿ Mercury (-01°13'12") Retrograde periods of Mercury are easier to observe than others and are constantly fixed. They are examples of what happens when the conditions of a retrograde period that require circumspection and weighted actions are neglected. When Mercury starts a retrograde movement, the probability of travel delays and other disruption of plans related to equipment breakdown, confusion, wrong direction selection and other errors increases. If you do not want to become a victim of fraud, avoid buying new or second-hand cars and other vehicles, household appliances, computers, as well as other electrical and mechanical devices for home and office during this period. Important events and meetings are better to postpone or cancel. A list of errors in the exchange of information can continue indefinitely. You should avoid signing contracts, refrain from orders by mail or by phone, do not respond to ads and do not give them, do not schedule, do not give orders and do not take orders. Books, keys, tickets and documents are lost or are not in their place. People tend to change their decisions more often. Although the likelihood of making mistakes or loss of things increases, at the same time, the chance of detecting errors and recovering losses increases. This is a productive period for the revision of materials, disassembly of table contents and cabinets. This time is suitable for gathering information, improving the organization and carrying out preparatory work for projects and activities. Periods of retrograde motion of Mercury are observed three to four times a year. The interval between these periods is about four months, and the duration of each period is from 20 to 24 days. - from 12:38 - The beginning of the 9 lunar day Symbol - bat, bat. The first day after the quadrature of the Moon and the Sun. One of the good symbols of this day is the Milky Way. Mother's milk. This day is considered satanic. He brings with him various illusions, bad signs and deception, which must be analyzed and comprehended. On this lunar day, poisoning can also occur, torment nightmares at night. It is also necessary to be cleansed of astral and physical slags, engage in power exercises and forgive abusers. It is also not very recommended to look in the mirror. Even the bad signs include spilled milk (if the mother has milk on that day, the child may be punished). A good sign in this period will be a cactus that has blossomed. This is a period of disharmony. And this is due to delusions, deceptions and various complications. You may have the desire to avoid problems and escape responsibility. There may also be a feeling of dissatisfaction with your surroundings. Thus, people spiritual, can get rid of this day and start a new period of spiritual renewal. There is still a risk of conflict with children, relatives and old partners. Love and relationships. In all respects there can be conflicts. Therefore, if you are on the first date, it is better to postpone it for another day. With a long-standing partner, it's not worth discussing plans for the future and feelings on this day. On dating, which occurs on the ninth lunar day, too, should not pay attention. On this day, there is a great chance of meeting with love - illusion, seduction. This love will bring nothing but wanderings, like in a fog, confusion and constant questions such as "Is it in a dream or in reality?". Do not also marry in this lunar day, as it carries the energy of illusion, deception, and in time each of the spouses will believe that he was deceived. I thought that I married a princess, but there was a frog, or instead of a prince on a white horse. Although, in all the rules there are exceptions and it's up to you to decide what to do in this or that situation. Maybe, of course, it will happen that the spouses get rid of the illusions, "throw out the crooked mirror" and find each other very interesting people. Conception of the child on this day should not be avoided, but it is better not to make love on the ninth lunar day. Housework. It is important to carry out serious physical activity. Therefore, refuse washing the floors, hand washing and other such tedious procedures. A suitable day of work in the garden and garden, for courtship of plants and animals. Business and money. Be extremely careful with any contacts: even the right partners can give you unpleasant surprises. Carefully work out all the proposals and your own moves. Be attentive to everything that happens. On the ninth lunar day, the victim of deception and fraud. If it is necessary to conduct financial operations, do not listen to advisers, trust your own intuition. This, at least in the case of an error, will not make you look for a "scapegoat". In general, on this lunar day, you should not touch the money or their carriers at all. Do not take a loan and do not give, do, do, do, do, do, do, and do. On the 9th lunar day it is better to devote to the affairs started long ago and insistently requiring continuation. Everything else can wait. Registered on the ninth lunar day, the firm will get out of one's problem, just to meet the other, and barely make ends. A lunar day is favorable for artists, poets and other people. On this day you can create truly true masterpieces. Dreams. Can show the inner conflict hidden in the human subconscious, and in his character. They can not be unpleasant and even horrible, but they only need to be resolved. Since the energy of the day is complex, dreams can not be simple, but they should not be frightened, nor should they attach great importance to the images that appeared on that day in a dream. Just analyze the dream, and at the same time extract useful information, or discard and forget the dream with the words: 'Wherever night, there and sleep'. Good dreams can even come true. Health. On the ninth lunar day, it is very easy to get poisoned, so it's better to fast, to take medicine, it's better to exclude the effect of alcohol and other (especially narcotic) substances. The diseases that begin today can be dangerous, but if you seek help at a time, they are easily and quickly treated. The diseases of the cardiovascular system may become aggravated, neuralgia, radiculitis may be aggravated, neural experiences are more often the cause of them. Diseases are most often associated with the area of the chest and thoracic spine. In the brain, serotonin levels may decrease, so this day is a day of psychosomatic diseases, phobias and suicides. Calendar of hair cutting Haircut on the lunar calendar is a secret and the key to success in life, the beauty and health of your hair. Go Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener The lunar-solar planting and sowing calendar of gardeners and truck farmers for every day of the month. Go Lunar Calendar of purchases Lunar calendar will allow you to choose the right time to purchase things and valuables with the maximum benefit. Go Knowing the lunar birthday, we can judge what will be the life of a person, his habits and characteristics of character. Go
Press Gaggle by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 9/30/12 Aboard Air Force One En Route Nevada 12:08 P.M. EDT MR. EARNEST: Good morning, everybody. I actually want to start the gaggle off with a little good news. I learned over the weekend that Mike Majchrowitz from FOX Radio will be returning to the White House beat on Monday. So I won't be at the White House on Monday, but I hope all of those -- my colleagues at the White House and your colleagues at the White House will join me in welcoming Mike back to the White House beat. MS. PSAKI: Just a few quick stats for you guys. The President has taken 16 trips to Nevada since 2009, eight trips this year. As you know, as we've said many times, early vote is a key priority for us. We're very focused on it. It's game day across the country. Early voting starts in Nevada on -- let's see -- October 6th. The deadline for registration is October 20th. So these days are -- oh, sorry -- flip it. I was reading it wrong. Early voting starts October 20th; the deadline for registering is October 6th. My apologies. So it's important for us to be spending time here. While the President is here preparing for the debate on Wednesday, he also will be holding an event this evening to speak directly to the voters in the state, make the case for why he's a better choice for the American people. And over the next few days -- you know he likes to spend some time out in the community -- so we could be making some local stops as well. Q Jen, is there any other details you can give us about why he picked Henderson for debate prep? And also, can you give us any information about how he'll be spending his days when he's doing the prep? MS. PSAKI: Sure. Henderson, as you know, is a suburb of Las Vegas. This is a key state for us and for our campaign as we pursue our goal of winning 270 electoral votes. It's a place where we think the President's commitment to fighting for middle-class tax cuts, his commitment to remaining focused on improving the housing market -- which is such a key issue in Nevada -- he spent his weekly address on that. It's a place where people care deeply about having someone in office who will fight for comprehensive immigration reform in the White House. He'll be talking about all these issues. And it was an opportunity for us to spend some time in the state before early voting starts, as the voter registration deadline is approaching, and I expect he'll be doing that over the next couple of days. I'm not going to preview for you our strategy of how we're handling debate prep, as I'm sure comes as no surprise. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Romney team may read into what we are saying these days about that. I will say that the President and Mitt Romney clearly view the debates as a very different opportunity. The President sees this as an opportunity to continue his conversation with the American people as he been doing over the last several months, including at the convention, which was probably our largest audience to date. This will be a very large audience. He wants to speak directly to the families -- the people who are on their couches at home, having snacks, drinking a beer, drinking soda, whatever it is, and tuning in for the first time -- and that's who he's speaking directly to. Mitt Romney and his team have been clear that this -- what they need and what they expect from the debates is a game-changing performance. I don't know if you had the opportunity to watch Governor Christie this morning -- I know everybody was in transit -- but what he said is what they've been saying for months, that they expect that after the debates this will -- this will turn the race upside down. He also said the entire narrative will change. And we fully expect that that's what they're focused on and that's what their focus is on as they prep. And the last thing I'll say is we also saw in reports that Mitt Romney and his team have been working on zingers and special lines for months. That's not what the President's focus is on. So if you're expecting that, that's probably not what he's going to deliver on. As I said, he's speaking directly to the American people and we know what they want to hear is what his plan is for moving the country forward, and that's what we're hoping he can deliver on, on Wednesday. Q Can you talk to us a little bit -- I'll ask and you can not answer -- about timing in terms of -- is he trying to practice at night since the debate will be at night? Is he trying to practice in short blocks or in sort of long blocks? These are of course 15-minute segments. Is he practicing in 15-minute segments? MS. PSAKI: I’m not going to get into that level of specificity. Obviously, the debate is in the evening, that is correct -- can confirm that. He has had less time to prepare than we anticipated. That’s just a fact. Obviously there have been events you all have been covering closely that have been going on the Middle East. He’s had a very active campaign schedule, as I can attest to and many of you can. And he’s also been focused on governing. There’s a lot of things outside of campaigning and outside of dealing with the events in the Middle East he’s been dealing with. So the time has been -- it’s difficult to schedule significant blocks of time when you’re the President, regardless of your party. That’s been challenging. We have been watching -- our debate prep team has been watching debates back for years, both Romney’s debates and debates that have happened between Republican and Democratic candidates. We know that it’s -- what the American are looking for is not just a professorial list of facts or accomplishments or even goals. We know they’re looking for your vision, and that’s what the President has been focused on. You touch on this a little bit, but for any of us who have been there, even with him over the last couple of weeks, and watched, say, the Univision debate, his interview with NBC for the Education Nation, he has a tendency to give longer, substantive answers. It’s just his nature. That’s something clearly we’re working on. And the format of the debate makes that a little bit more difficult. Romney has, as we’ve said many times, but has had more opportunities to debate over the last year, and he has used those opportunities to really bring in strong performances when it mattered during the primary season. And he’s been disciplined and been able to give short answers, so we know that’s a strength. Q Is Senator Kerry on the plane? MR. PSAKI: I don’t believe so, no. Q And we saw Gene Sperling and Jack Lew on the plane this morning. Are they doing some debate prep right now with the President -- without getting into any details, are they starting in flight or are they waiting until they get there? MS. PSAKI: They are on the plane. I’m not going to read out through the next three days when we are and aren’t doing debate prep. Right now everyone is eating lunch and watching a little sports on TV, so I can tell you that much. Q Do you expect Romney to try and expand the format of the debates and bring up Libya, for example? MS. PSAKI: It’s hard for me to read out to you what the Romney team strategy is. I have seen them say that they’re watching out for the President to just spew lies during the debate. So that is bordering on the complete bizarre, given that Mitt Romney’s team is the one who has said they’re not going to be dictated by facts. He’s the same candidate who has challenged whether the President understands America, understands freedom. And they have driven months of their campaign through bold-faced lies, whether it’s on welfare, whether it’s on Medicare. So we know his facts are inconvenient for him. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken those positions if they were so inconvenient. But that’s the piece I’ve seen them preview about their strategy. Q Is the first debate podium? Are they at podiums, do you know? MS. PSAKI: Yes, they are. Q Can I transition to an Afghanistan question, Josh? MS. PSAKI: No. (Laughter.) Q Sorry, Jen. (Laughter.) There was another soldier killed, it sounds like, in Afghanistan. Do you guys have a count -- is this the 2,000th? And what is your reaction in general to that death? MR. EARNEST: Well, our reaction is the President and First Lady, their thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who sacrifice so much for this country in Afghanistan, including those -- the families of those who've paid the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. We saw the reports about the latest insider attack in Afghanistan. The military and our allies -- ISAF and our allies on the ground in Afghanistan have taken a number of steps to try to mitigate the threat that’s posed by insider attacks. This includes greater vetting of Afghan forces. This includes closer coordination with village elders in some of these places in Afghanistan who can vouch for the efforts of ISAF and our allies there. All of these are part of an effort to mitigate the threat that are posed by these insider attacks. Make no mistake, though, that these attacks do not diminish in any way the commitment of the President, the commitment of our men and women in uniform, or the commitment of our allies to follow through and complete successfully the mission to end the war in Afghanistan by the end of 2014, to successfully and fully train Afghan security forces so that they can take security control of their own country by the end of 2014. Q Do you guys keep a tally of the deaths? Can you confirm that it’s the 2,000th? MR. EARNEST: The Defense Department does keep a tally of this. I know that a number of media organizations do -- that accounts for some of the differing counts. But for the Department of Defense’s count, I would refer you to them. Q Jen, has the President made any progress on the brevity issue? MS. PSAKI: You’ll have to tune it and you tell me on Thursday. It is something he is well aware, and his team has pointed out to him that he needs to work on tightening and shortening his answers. He understands what the format of the debate is. And as I mentioned before, the team prepping him has watching many debates that Mitt Romney has done where he’s been very disciplined with sharp, tight answers. So we’ll see. Tune in on Wednesday. Q Am I right, does early voting in Colorado start on Wednesday? MS. PSAKI: I’ll have to double-check on that for you. I can get you -- I can actually get you a list of the different states, if that’s helpful. Q The updated guidance went out with -- which reflects that you’ll no longer be doing two days in Ohio, but a day in Wisconsin. Does that suggest that you’re more confident about Ohio? Do you think Ohio is locked down? Why did you decide to go to Wisconsin? MS. PSAKI: Well, one thing, if you love the Buckeye State, as I do -- because I have to by marriage -- we’ll be back there. You’ll be spending some time there again in the next few weeks. We’ve long said that we thought Wisconsin would be harder for us this year than it was four years ago. Four years ago, we won the state by 14 points. It’s a state where the Romney team has obviously tried to create buzz around their ticket, given Ryan is a native son. He’s spent a lot of time there. The good news for us is the more people are tuning in, in the state and learning about their plans to voucherize Medicare, their plans to extend tax cuts for the highest income while balancing that on the backs of middle class, their plans to cut Pell grants, the less they like what they’re hearing. But we’re not taking anything for granted in Wisconsin, and that’s why we’re going back there. On Ohio, we’ve been there -- I can’t remember the exact number -- I want to say it’s 14 or 15 times, and as I mentioned, we’ll be back. We spent time there last week because early voting is starting there on Tuesday. That’s a key part of our strategy. We know what the polls have said, but we absolutely expect they’re going to tighten in Ohio, which is why we’re going to spend more time there, why we continue to be up with ads, why we’re very focused on our ground game. Just to go back to the debates for a moment, when they say that this will be a game-changing performance and this will change the course of the race, the facts you really have to look at is where do polls and where do things stand and where do they look come next Friday, next Saturday, next Sunday in states like Ohio. Is there a two-point gap? Is it tied? Because that’s what game-changing means -- not the kind of zingers that you deliver on Wednesday night. Q One more on Henderson. The President -- MS. PSAKI: You’re the Nevada expert. Q I know, I’m going to go deep here -- frustrated -- do you remember when he made those comments about not blowing I think it was bailout money in Las Vegas, and he angered a lot of the local tourist folks and some casino heads? I’m wondering if this trip is an attempt to make up for that. Is he encouraging spending money in casinos in Las Vegas? MS. PSAKI: As you know, I expect that if he visits some local shops, he’ll be spending some of his very own money in Vegas the next few days. He has, not just from the number of visits that he has made here -- I mentioned those at the top of the briefing -- but also he’s taken actions, working with his Jobs Council, working with his economic team, to promote travel and tourism in Nevada. That speaks to his -- and other states across the country where tourism is a big part of the economy. That speaks to his commitment to driving tourism, driving the recovery of the economy here in Nevada almost more than anything else. As you know, as a Nevada expert, another major issue here is housing. And he believes that there’s much more we need to do. That’s why he talked in his weekly address yesterday about the need for Congress to move on his recent housing proposals so that people in the state could get $3,000 of benefits in reducing their mortgage costs. That stands in stark contrast to -- as you know, Mitt Romney also chose Nevada to make his comments about how we should let the housing market hit bottom. So there are a number of issues here where there’s a clear choice between them. He’s here because he knows we can win the state. He wants to spend time talking with people in the state. And we believe that his commitment to the middle class is absolutely something that can resonate here on November 6th. MR. EARNEST: One thing I would add to that is you’ll recall earlier this year the President did announce a We Can’t Wait initiative that involves streamlining the process for tourists in foreign countries to apply for visas, have them more quickly approved to foster foreign tourism in the U.S. It was only within the last couple of weeks that the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security put out some metrics about the impact that this We Can’t Wait initiative was having in terms of the increased pace and the larger number of applications that is having a benefit on communities that do have a large tourism economy. So if folks are interested in looking at that, I can pull some more statistics on that. But there is -- for folks who are looking to write about this a little bit, we have some additional data we can provide to you. Q Josh, the administration, the campaign, Democrats on the Hill have accused Republicans of trying to exploit the Libya situation for political gain. But are there not sort of legitimate questions about what kind of security Ambassador Stevens had, what is the situation in Libya now? I mean, where does it end? Is it not fair enough for people to be asking these questions? MR. EARNEST: Well, I’ll say a couple of things about that. One thing that we have done throughout this process is to inform you and the American public with the latest intelligence information about the circumstances surrounding this attack, about why it occurred, about who was responsible. A lot of that underscores the President’s commitment to holding accountable those, bringing to justice those who perpetrated this terrible attack. We’ve remained committed to trying to provide you and the American people the latest information on this investigation. That investigation is continuing. It’s something that the President and other senior members of this administration are closely following. If we get to a position where we can share more information about that investigation, then we will do so. In terms of those who are asking questions, the President welcomes questions about the safety of our diplomats, because that’s something that the President places a top priority on. So this is something that the President is paying close attention to. The State Department is currently conducting a review to take a look at the security that was in place in Benghazi; on the night of that attack there was some. They’re also taking a look at diplomatic installations all across the country, in other hot spots to ensure that security standards are appropriate. That is something that the President is following closely, and that’s information that he’s briefed on, on a regular basis. So I recognize that, particularly in this political season -- and here we are nearing October in an election year -- that there are going to be people who are going to be asking politically motivated questions. I can’t speak for them. I can speak for the President, and I can tell you that the President is not focused on the politics of the situation; he’s focused on the safety and security of our diplomats, and he’s focused on bringing to justice those who are responsible for perpetrating this terrible act. MS. PSAKI: Just two quick things to add. There is only one candidate in this race who has politicized what is happening over in the Middle East, and that’s Mitt Romney -- as evidenced from the statement he went out and made the night that these tragic events happened. He was criticized for that not just by Democrats, but by Republicans and people of his own party, because people recognize that this is not a time for politicizing a tragedy, it’s a time for the country to come together. The second thing I just wanted to mention is there's only one ticket that has a budget proposal that would cut funding -- could cut funding to our security at our embassies around the world. And this raises into question what their priorities are, too. So I'll leave you with that. QThank you, guys. 12:28 P.M. EDT
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(The Faith Forum Series – Batch 3) The reason, in my view, why Judas Iscariot was lost and went to hell was not just because he had sinned by betraying Jesus and thereafter, committed suicide. It was because he NEVER believed that Jesus Christ was Lord, although he had had the opportunity to be around him frequently, to see the miracles that he worked and to witness his one-of-a-kind wisdom. This unbelief is what was at the core and led to him committing the other sins, including the betrayal of the Lord and suicide. Throughout his whole life, it is clear, in my view, that he NEVER believed on the Son of God and who he said he was. Before he was selected by Jesus to be one of his disciples, while he walked with Jesus as one of his disciples and even after he had betrayed him therefore, he continued on in unbelief. He was therefore condemned because of this unbelief. John 3:18 states: “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” We tend to look at what Judas did (which was horrible), as the reason why the Lord Jesus referred to him as “lost”, “the son of perdition” and why he went to hell. However, as horrible as what he did was, the reason why he went to hell, in my view was because he had a heart of unbelief and therefore, died outside of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why I believe, in John 13:10-11, Jesus said to Peter, in relation to the twelve disciples: “…ye are clean, but not all.” The scripture further states “For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean.” In this Article, I will attempt to show persuasively from the Word, that Judas never believed that Jesus Christ was truly the Messiah and therefore Lord over all and that even up to the point where he ended his own life because his conscience pricked him for what he had done, he still did not believe and so, went to his grave not believing. THE PROOF THAT JUDAS DID NOT BELIEVE THAT JESUS WAS LORD 1. He was habitually doing wrong by stealing, without ever being remorseful. He was stealing from the bag that was used to store funds, which was to be used by Jesus and his disciples. This was a bag that was entrusted into his hands so he was a Treasurer and trustee of the funds. Yet, he habitually exploited such trust by privately taking funds out of the bag for his own personal purposes. He did not do this in one moment of weakness and temptation but kept doing it on an ongoing basis without any conviction of wrongdoing or discomfort in his spirit and absolutely no repentance. This is not possible for a true believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, to continue doing wrong without being convicted of his sin. 2. His words revealed that he did not consider Jesus to be of much worth. As if stealing from the bag was not bad enough, he had the audacity to get upset when Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with a very expensive pound of ointment. Because he did not believe that Jesus was the Son of the true and living God, the one who had created him and therefore, one to whom the best of our sacrifices would still not be enough, he obviously thought that Mary had wasted the ointment, by pouring it on a mere mortal man, who, in his view was not God and not equal to God. Furthermore, he esteemed his own selfish ambitions and sense of importance as being of more worth than the worth of Jesus (which he obviously did not think was much). In lamenting over what the lady had done and the money that was lost as a result, he thought regrettably to himself, how he could have derived money for himself from the sale of that ointment, if only it had been entrusted into his hands and the proceeds placed into the money bag which he kept. The Bible states in John 12:3-6: - “Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.” Every true believer (even the backslider) knows, that as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus is to be highly valued as he is of countless worth. Every true believer knows that there is nothing we could do or give in this life that would be valuable enough to equate to the value of Christ. Judas however, saw little or no value in Christ and therefore thought Mary’s actions to be a complete waste. 3. Jesus was not on the throne of his heart. Self was. All that Judas was concerned about was how he could benefit. Everything else and everyone else was irrelevant. All he considered was what was in it for him. In his heart, Jesus was not Lord. He was. He was not therefore Jesus-focused but self-focused. He was so self-important, that he dared to be upset over not being able to benefit through theft, from the price of oil that was not even his own. John 12:3-6 states: - Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.” Every true believer knows that to follow Jesus, we must deny SELF, take up our cross and follow him. Like John the Baptist declared, he (Jesus) must increase and we must decrease and every true believer aims for this to be a reality each day, in his life. Judas however was only about one thing and this took priority above all else: Himself. He therefore saw situations as an opportunity to benefit himSELF, lamenting when such opportunity was lost. 4. For his own selfish reason or reasons, he chose to exercise deception by pretending to follow Jesus from the very beginning and to be committed to his cause, when he could have just been honest and walked away, as others had done. Although he obviously never truly believed that Jesus was the Messiah and therefore Lord, he did not object when Jesus included him in the twelve disciples he handpicked. He could have simply been honest and informed Jesus then, that he did not believe that he was the Messiah as he claimed to be and declined the invitation to serve as one of his disciples. That would have certainly been the honest thing to do. Why sign up for something that you do not believe in and pretend to be committed to a cause that you have no regard for? In fact, there were others who were previously walking with Jesus and when he said something that they found too difficult to accept, the Bible states that they chose to walk away from him. That was their prerogative and it was Judas’ as well. However, he decided from inception, to accept Jesus’ call, although he knew full well, that he did not believe that Jesus was who he said he was. If Jesus was an imposter as Judas obviously thought, then why align yourself with him, unless for some sinister motive? Worse yet, he continued with this charade up until the night when he openly betrayed Jesus, without ever coming to conversion, despite all that he had experienced in his walk with Jesus. It is therefore safe to say, in my view, that it appeared that he had ulterior, self-serving and wickedly calculated motives from inception. Maybe he saw this as a way to obtain what he considered to be easy money or to appear before others as being special because he was walking with a man that did such awesome miracles or perhaps he deluded himself into thinking that Jesus might work a miracle and create lots of money, that he could benefit from. Whatever his motives, we know that he did not believe that Jesus was the Son of the true and living God and therefore, they were self-serving. John 6:53-71 states: - “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever. These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. - But there are some of you that BELIEVE NOT. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. FROM THAT TIME MANY OF HIS DISCIPLES WENT BACK, AND WALKED NO MORE WITH HIM. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.” 5. He genuinely believed that he had hoodwinked Jesus from beginning to end and that Jesus did not know of all of his actions, thoughts and motives. Judas’ actions from beginning up to the point where he betrayed Christ with a kiss, shows that he did not believe that he was Lord. For, had he believed that, he would have known from the beginning, that Jesus could read his selfish motives for accepting his invitation to be one of his disciples. In fact, had he believed, he would not have had such selfish, evil motives to begin with. Furthermore, throughout his walk with Jesus, had he truly believed that Jesus was Lord, he would have known that Jesus, as the all-knowing, omniscient God, would have known that he was not sincere. That alone would have caused him to be uncomfortable and to confess his wrong and repent, so that he could become a true follower of Christ. However, this never happened. Had he truly believed that Jesus was Lord and all-knowing, he would not have dared to steal money from the bag, not one time, much less over and over again, as he would have known that Jesus would have seen him EVERY time he stole. Even after he stole, if he truly believed that Jesus had seen him, he would have come to him and confessed and repented for what he had done, putting away the evil practice. Yet, he did not. Had he truly believed, he would not have gone in secret to the enemies of Jesus with a plan to sell him to them, as he would have known that Jesus would have seen his every move and heard his every word and known his every thought and could frustrate and bring to nought his diabolical purpose. Nevertheless, all of Judas’ actions highlighted the fact that he thought that he was in control and had succeeded in deceiving not just the other disciples but Jesus himself, over and over again. He thought he had succeeded, even when Jesus made mention that one of the twelve would betray him and even when Jesus frankly told him right before he left to do so on the night that he was betrayed, that whatever he was about to do, to do quickly. He thought he had succeeded in all of this because he did not believe that Jesus was who he said he was and therefore, by default, he must have believed that Jesus was either a con-artist who was also in the deception business like him or mad. At best, he may have figured that he was a Prophet with limited knowledge like other human beings and therefore that this may have accounted for his ability to do miracles but he certainly did not believe that he was Lord. For, he genuinely believed that Jesus had not a clue as to all of the wickedness he was up to and he took confidence in the fact that he was a good actor. A true believer knows that, given that Jesus Christ is God the Son, that he is not only omnipotent but omniscient (knows everything) and omnipresent (able to be everywhere at the same time). Whe he or she sins therefore, he or she knows that Jesus saw it as everything is naked and open in his sight. Hebrews 4:13 states: “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” 6. His betrayal of Jesus for financial gain was not a spontaneous act in a moment of human weakness but one that he diabolically plotted, meditated on and planned to perfection for some time, so as to devise the best possible opportunity to carry it out. This was not a big deal to him as he did not consider himself to be betraying the Lord of the Universe, the one who created him and the world because he did not believe that he was Lord. His eventual betrayal was therefore not a spontaneous act. It was one that he wanted to do because of the payoff that would come. He therefore willingly (and uninvited), approached the enemies of Jesus and presented his idea to them, hoping that they would agree to it. This alone shows the extent of his unbelief. He was not tempted with a payoff like Delilah, who was minding her own business when she was approached by Samson’s enemies and promised payment if she betrayed Samson to them. He took it upon himself to go to the enemies of Jesus and raise the idea of selling out Jesus for money, to them. He saw Jesus as nothing more than a ticket to get rich! When the enemies of Jesus agreed to the deal, he negotiated the payoff for the human trafficking of Christ. On the night that he betrayed Jesus, he left the gathering where Jesus was with his disciples and deliberately set out to go meet with the enemies of Jesus, so as to execute and complete the plan that was his brainchild (not theirs), so that he could get his hands on that money. Given that Jesus and his disciples left the location where Judas had last seen them before he went out from them, either of two things transpired, both of which cast Judas in a very wicked and unrepentant light. These are as follows:- - POSSIBILITY 1: When he and the enemies of Jesus got to where Jesus had been with the disciples, they were not there but Judas was still not deterred. He was determined to complete the mission although he was not under any duress to do so. He then deliberately used his knowledge of the practices of Jesus and the disciples (since he had spent so much time in their company), to locate where they had gone to and he guided the enemies of Jesus there. There was ample opportunity therefore for Judas to change his mind, for example: (1) When Jesus said that one of the disciples was a devil, (2) when Jesus said that one of his disciples would betray him, (3) when Jesus told him that what he had to do, to do it quickly and (4) when he led the enemies of Jesus to the location where he had been and saw that he and the disciples were not there. Nonetheless, he was hell-bent (no pun intended) on carrying out the betrayal, without any conviction, remorse or repentance, so he went to the second location where he had knowledge that Jesus would be. OR - POSSIBILITY 2: Although Judas left the disciples and Jesus at one location when he went out because Jesus clearly operated with a pattern in terms of places he visited and times, Judas knew before hand that by the time he had met with the enemies of Jesus and they were on their way to take him, that Jesus and his disciples would not be where he had left them. He knew where to go to directly therefore, due to his intimate knowledge of his operations. He did not know that these patterns were deliberately set by Jesus, so as to make it easy for him to be captured, taken and then crucified, which was the plan of heaven. John 18:1-3 states: - “When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entered, and his disciples. And Judas also, which betrayed him, knew the place: for Jesus ofttimes resorted thither with his disciples. Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.” A true believer may do wrong occasionally but he will always be convicted of the wrong that he has done or is engaged in, which will lead him to humbly come to God in repentance and to ask for forgiveness for his wrong. He cannot continue to do evil, over and over again without any remorse or sorrow for that wrong and be completely fine with this. Despite all that time that Judas spent around Jesus (who was the light) and him witnessing first hand, the miracles that he worked (such as was never seen before), his heart was hardened by the deceitfulness of sin and so he remained in darkness and unbelief. The case of those mentioned in John 12:35 and 37, also applied to Judas therefore. In John 12:35, Jesus stated unto the people: - “…Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not wither he goeth. While ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of the light…” In verse 37 though, it states: - “But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him…Therefore they could not believe because that Esaias said again, He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” 7. When it was time to complete the deal he had hatched, he openly stood with the enemies of Jesus without shame or remorse. Although he pretended from the day he was handpicked by Jesus, to the day he betrayed him, that he was a believer and therefore one of his faithful followers, at the point of betrayal, when the enemies of the Lord Jesus stood in unison against the Lord, Judas no longer hid who he really was and to whom he really had pledged allegiance. He stood openly, boldly and brazenly with them, not by coercion, manipulation or threats but by choice. Matthew 26:47 states, that on the night that Jesus was betrayed and as he was speaking to other disciples: “…lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people.” Judas did not therefore select an option where he could betray Jesus secretly and shamefacedly or else he may have chosen to lead the men to Jesus by discreet, surreptitious means, whereby he could ensure that Jesus was identified without Jesus and the other disciples seeing him openly supporting their enemies. He could have alternatively agreed to point out Jesus by standing at some distance from him (shamefacedly) and pointing to him, so that the men would know who he was. However, without an ounce of remorse and feeling absolutely no guilt or shame, Judas did not just stand boldly on the side of the enemy in the presence of Jesus and his other disciples. He also had informed those enemies, that he would identify Jesus by going up to him and kissing him, although he knew that according to their culture, the kiss back then was meant to convey friendship, love and faithfulness. Matthew 26:48-49 states:“Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master; and kissed him.” Judas obviously did not care about how Jesus would feel or his disciples. He had only one thing on his mind, which was to secure the pay-out he was promised, once he delivered his end of the bargain. While I am sure that Jesus would have looked at him with pain in his eyes, Judas looked at him with dollar signs in his. He had only pretended and hid long enough to get what he wanted and now that the deal was complete, it was pay-day time. He had no qualms, no shame, no shyness about openly showing who he was, what he supported and where his allegiance lay. This is so true of many false teachers, pastors and prophets today. They use the name of Jesus to advance their own selves, agenda, popularity, name, prestige and bank account and once they have what they want or are on the way to obtaining what they want according to the lusts of their hearts, they openly show who they truly are and stand unashamedly on the side of the enemies of Jesus. Once again, a person who truly believes that Jesus is Lord, would not use him, sell him out or disregard him for financial mileage or to promote his own agenda and then stand without repentance and without shame, on the side of the Lord’s enemies, when that mission is complete or about to be complete. 8. Judas may have confessed Jesus as Lord with his mouth but his heart was never convinced of it. It is highly likely that throughout the time that Judas pretended to walk with Jesus, that he would have called him ‘Lord’, even as the other disciples did. After all, he did not want to stand out. He needed to be perceived as fitting in. In fact, when he openly betrayed Jesus by going up to him and boldly planting a kiss on his face, he referred him as ‘master’. However because he never truly believed on the Lord Jesus (as all of his actions to that point had overwhelmingly revealed), his words of confession were just that: mere words. They did not and could not lead to cleansing, healing and conversion because he did not truly surrender his heart to the Lord. Since both believing from the heart that Jesus is who he said he is and confessing him as Lord are precursors to salvation, Judas was therefore, even up to the point where he betrayed Jesus, not saved. Romans 10:10 clearly states that: “… with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” It took a heart that did not believe to act so wickedly and consistently, without remorse and repentance. Although Judas had been afforded many opportunities to change his mind therefore, he never did because he did not want to. He clearly placed zero value on Jesus, who he did not really believe was Lord and high value on amassing riches, so much so, that a trade-off, to him, seemed to be the logical conclusion to his charade and the sensible, business-minded thing to do. For, if you have an item that you consider to be worth nothing but people keep pandering that they want it, to the business-minded and money-loving person, the logical thing to do is to sell it to the highest bidder and that is exactly what Judas did. It is what false teachers, prophets, speakers and pastors who have absolutely no relationship with Jesus and think of him as worthless, do today. Thirty pieces of silver, which was the negotiated price, seems now like not much money but I imagine, it would have been a whole lot of money back then. Make no mistake, it was a transaction that Judas hatched to make himself rich. It was certainly enough to purchase land (which it was eventually used for after Judas died) and land is not cheap. 9. His situation was clearly different from that of Peter and Thomas, whose faith Jesus restored. It wasn’t an issue where Judas struggled to believe on Jesus or had believed at one point but then doubted like Thomas did, when the other disciples had testified that they had seen Jesus, after he had risen from the dead. It wasn’t an issue where, like Peter, he had believed but in a moment of fear for his safety, denied Jesus. In both of these situations involving Thomas and Peter, God showed mercy and Jesus restored the faith of these men. In the case of Judas though, he had NEVER believed the truth but had pretended from the beginning. There was therefore, no struggle within to believe (like Thomas) or remorse for something he had done faithlessly upon impulse (like Peter). Given that he never believed that Jesus was Lord, when the betrayal was done, there was nothing to restore. 10. He died without ever truly believing that Jesus was the Christ. From the point that Judas became one of the Lord’s disciples and up to the point where he betrayed the Lord, he did not believe that he was Lord and this did not suddenly change after the Lord was taken to be crucified. Given that due to his unbelief, he had acted wickedly and betrayed the Son of God, he had secured his condemnation to hell and I believe that his conscience began to prick him, not because he suddenly believed that Jesus was Lord but because the devil, who had full access and control to him, tormented him. The guilt that Judas felt in the aftermath and before he killed himself in despair, does not appear, in my view, to have had anything to do with him coming to the realization that the Jesus he had just betrayed was Lord. He did not appear to have had a moment of epiphany with the hardness of his heart suddenly being rolled away and belief pouring in like a flood. No. His guilt appeared to only be about the fact that he knew, from his experience with Jesus, that this man, who had healed many and done so much good in the world, had done nothing worthy of death. He must have known that those who wanted him dead only wished to do so due to jealousy and their sense of power being undermined. In light of all this, it appears to me, that Judas repented of his wicked involvement in the act that led to the capture of Jesus and that would lead to his crucifixion but it was not a repentance unto salvation as is experienced by a sinner, who believes on the Lordship of Jesus Christ and wishes to come to him in order to be saved. While he repented of his involvement in the capture of Jesus, he did not however, repent of all of his sins and such repentance does not appear to have been motivated by a sudden realization, that this man who he had just sold out was the Christ. He sensed that he was in trouble, that he had done something very, very bad and was convinced that he now stood condemned for it. For, it appears that the devil made sure to drive home these points to his mind AFTER he had done what he had done, so that he would not have a moment’s peace. However, there is no evidence that Judas finally believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah and the Son of the true and living God. This is why, in my view, Judas did not say ‘I have betrayed the Messiah or ‘I have betrayed the Christ’ or ‘I have betrayed the Lord’. He simply stated, “I have betrayed the innocent blood…” Matthew 27:3-4 states: - “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood…” Finally and to further reinforce my point, if Judas had suddenly believed that Jesus was Lord and if he had genuinely repented, not only because he had betrayed the innocent blood but of all of his sins committed from the time he was born, to date, before God, then he would not have committed suicide. Suicide is an act that loudly declares to the world, that the person who did it, felt helpless and beyond hope. It clearly shows therefore, that Judas did not place his hope and trust in the Lord, as a sinner does when he repents of his sins, asks for forgiveness and thereafter receives peace in his soul that those sins are settled. If he believed that Jesus Christ was Lord, then he would have known that Jesus, although now captured was omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful) and with this knowledge, I believe that he would have cried out to him right then and there (although he was not physically around), knowing that he could still hear him, letting him know that he was sorry for what he had done and for all of his sins, that he believed that he was Lord and to please forgive him of all of his sins. Had he done that, the outcome may have been different. For the Bible states that whoever comes to the Lord, he will in no wise cast him out (John 6:37). Also, when men of God in the Bible felt down and depressed, they did not take their lives, even when they knew that they had displeased God or they felt discouraged by what had transpired. For example, Elijah was weary of his life when Jezebel was searching for him to kill him and asked the Lord to take it from him but he did not kill himself. David was depressed after he had sinned with Bathsheba and the baby that was born from that union became terminally ill. However, in his depression, he fasted and I am sure, prayed to God, in the hope that he would change his mind. He also repented for the sin he had committed. On another occasion, when David listened to the idea which was planted in his mind by satan, to conduct a census of Israel, when he was confronted afterward for his sin because God was not pleased, he did not kill himself but repented of what he had done and thereafter, accepted God’s punishment. When Peter denied Christ three times and realized that he had done so, he was so depressed that the Bible states he wept bitterly. However, he did not commit suicide. These men who believed on the Lord, did not take their lives in their low seasons and when they had failed God terribly because genuine belief means that they understood that their lives were not their own but belonged to God who gave it and therefore, it was his prerogative and his alone, to take it, whenever HE pleased. This was irrespective of how they may have failed him or how low and bad they felt. They also knew that there is always an opportunity to repent before God and to be restored when one sins, not to lose all hope and wallow in despair. Yet because Judas still did not believe in the Lord and that he had the power to forgive sins, he did not turn to the Lord for forgiveness after the bretrayal. His act was one whereby he demonstrated that he still felt that he was in control of his life and could therefore take it. His reasoning was also clearly clouded, as if he had truly believed on the Lord Jesus, he would have known that committing suicide would have only ushered him into eternity more quickly, to face the wrath of the true and living God. In the final analysis, he listened to the devil’s voice and in obedience to this, took his own life. (Written on 7th September, 2018) Dear Reader, if you found the above Article to be informative, edifying, interesting or beneficial, you may also be interested in reading the following under the ‘SINGLE Daughters of God’ Page: - Note 242 – ‘What Is Repentance?’
Stockouts, or out-of-stocks, are a common challenge faced by warehouse and supply chain professionals. This comprehensive guide will provide you with an in-depth understanding of a stock out, what causes stockouts, and their impact on businesses. We will also explore ways to reduce or prevent out-of-stocks, and how our warehouse management software, SphereWMS, can help optimize inventory management. This article aims to offer an extensive resource for warehouse management and supply chain professionals to tackle stockouts head-on. Unraveling Stockouts: The Basics A stock out occurs when a warehouse is unable to fulfill an order due to insufficient inventory. This situation is undesirable for both the business and its customers, leading to a chain of negative consequences. Understanding the fundamentals of stockouts is the first step towards addressing and mitigating their impact on operations. Types of Stockouts Stockouts can be classified into two categories: - Complete Stockouts: This occurs when there is no stock available for a specific item, and the warehouse is unable to fulfill any orders for that item. - Partial Stockouts: This happens when there is some stock available, but not enough to fulfill the entire order. As a result, the warehouse can only partially satisfy the customer’s demand. Duration of Stockouts Stockouts can also be categorized by their duration: - Short-term Stockouts: These are temporary shortages, usually resulting from sudden demand surges or short-lived supply chain disruptions. They are often resolved quickly, minimizing the overall impact on the business. - Long-term Stockouts: These are prolonged shortages that persist for an extended period, often due to systemic issues such as chronic supply chain problems or inadequate inventory management practices. A long-term stock shortage can have a more severe impact on a company’s operations and reputation. Delving Deeper: Common Causes of Stockouts To effectively manage a stock out, it’s essential to identify their root causes. This section will discuss common reasons for a stock out, including: Inaccurate Inventory Data Records Inventory records that don’t accurately reflect the actual stock levels can lead to a stock out. Common reasons for inaccurate records include: - Human error in manual data entry. - Misplacement or loss of items within the warehouse. - Theft or shrinkage. - Inadequate tracking systems. Erroneous Demand Forecasting Inaccurate demand forecasts can lead to a stock out by causing businesses to underestimate the required inventory levels. Factors contributing to poor demand forecasting include: - Lack of historical sales data. - Inability to account for seasonality or market trends. - Reliance on intuition instead of data-driven insights. - Ignoring external factors such as competitor actions, economic conditions, and regulatory changes. Disruptions in manufacturing can result in a stock out if they delay or halt production, leading to insufficient inventory. Common causes of manufacturing disruptions include: - Equipment breakdowns or malfunctions. - Labor strikes or shortages. - Quality control issues. - Raw material shortages or price fluctuations. A stock out can occur when suppliers fail to deliver goods on time, leaving businesses with insufficient inventory to meet demand. Common reasons for supplier delays include: - Production issues at the supplier’s facility. - Transportation or logistics problems. - Poor communication between suppliers and businesses. - Inadequate supplier performance monitoring and management. Logistical problems, such as transportation delays, customs clearance issues, or warehouse inefficiencies, can lead to a stock out by preventing timely inventory replenishment. Factors contributing to logistical challenges include: - Inadequate transportation infrastructure. - Unreliable shipping providers. - Insufficient warehouse staffing or training. - Inefficient warehouse layout or design. - Unexpected events, such as natural disasters or geopolitical disruptions. The Domino Effect: How Stockouts Impact Businesses Stockouts can lead to a multitude of negative consequences for businesses. In this section, we’ll examine the direct and indirect effects of a stock shortage on a company’s bottom line, including: Negative Customer Reviews and Damaged Brand Reputation Stockouts can lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction, resulting in negative reviews and a tarnished brand reputation. In the age of social media and online store reviews, even a single out-of-stock incident can have far-reaching consequences and drive potential customers away. Increased Refund Costs and Processing Time When out-of-stocks occur, businesses may need to issue refunds or offer compensation to affected customers. This not only increases costs but also requires additional staff time to handle customer complaints and process refunds. Loss of Sales and Revenue Stockouts directly impact a company’s revenue by preventing sales of out-of-stock items. Furthermore, customers who experience a stock shortage may choose to purchase from competitors instead, leading to lost sales and a loss of market share. Customer Attrition and Loss of Potential Repeat Business Customers who experience products being out of stock may become frustrated and decide not to return to the business in the future. This loss of customer loyalty can result in less customer retention, a decrease in repeat business, and potential long-term revenue loss. Back-Order Costs and Operational Inefficiencies When inventory goes out of stock, businesses may need to place items on backorder, causing additional costs and inefficiencies. Back-ordered items require extra resources for tracking and fulfillment, and may also lead to increased shipping costs if multiple shipments are needed to fulfill a single order. The Silver Lining: When Stockouts May Be Beneficial While stockouts are generally viewed as negative events, there are instances when they might indicate a positive trend. In this section, we’ll discuss scenarios where out-of-stocks can be seen as a sign of high consumer demand and how businesses can capitalize on these opportunities. Gauging Product Popularity Stockouts can provide valuable insights into product popularity and help businesses identify best-selling items. By monitoring out-of-stock occurrences, businesses can adjust their inventory management strategies to prioritize high-demand products and ensure adequate stock levels. Creating a Sense of Urgency In some cases, stockouts at retail businesses can create a sense of urgency among customers, driving them to purchase items before they run out of stock. This “scarcity effect” can lead to increased sales, particularly for limited edition or exclusive products. However, businesses should be cautious not to rely on this strategy, as frequent out-of-stocks may ultimately harm customer satisfaction and brand reputation. The Road to Stockout Prevention: Strategies for Reducing and Managing Stockouts Effectively preventing stockouts requires a combination of strategies, including improving inventory accuracy, monitoring your supply chain, and addressing poor cash flow management. Here are five key ways to reduce or avoid stockouts, along with an explanation of how our warehouse management software, SphereWMS, can support these efforts: Enhancing Inventory Accuracy Regular audits, efficient tracking systems, and the use of barcode scanners can improve inventory accuracy and help avoid stockouts. By maintaining accurate inventory records, businesses can ensure that they have the necessary stock levels to meet customer demand. Improving Demand Forecasting Using data-driven insights and advanced algorithms, businesses can see inventory trends and improve their demand forecasting accuracy. This allows them to anticipate fluctuations in demand and adjust inventory levels accordingly. Monitoring and Strengthening the Supply Chain Timely deliveries and minimal disruptions are crucial to preventing stockouts. Businesses should closely monitor their global supply chain, establish strong relationships with suppliers, and have contingency plans in place for potential disruptions. Calculating and Maintaining an Appropriate Level of Safety Stock Determining how much inventory to keep on hand is essential for preventing stockouts while avoiding excess stock. One way to strike a balance is by calculating and maintaining an appropriate level of safety stock. Safety stock is an additional quantity of inventory held to account for variability in demand and lead time. By calculating and maintaining an appropriate level of safety stock, businesses can reduce the risk of an out-of-stock. A practical formula to determine how much inventory to keep as safety stock is: Safety Stock = (Maximum Lead Time x Maximum Daily Usage) – (Average Lead Time x Average Demand) Keeping Track of Inventory Replenishment Time Monitoring inventory replenishment time is essential for preventing stockouts. By tracking stock replenishment lead times and supplier performance, businesses can identify potential issues and take corrective action before an out-of-stock occurs. Leveraging SphereWMS Warehouse and Inventory Management Software In this section, we’ll showcase how our warehouse management software, SphereWMS, can help your business prevent stockouts and optimize inventory management. We will discuss the key features and benefits of SphereWMS, including: Real-Time Inventory Tracking and Visibility SphereWMS provides real-time inventory tracking and visibility, including stock alerts, allowing businesses to monitor stock levels and make informed decisions about inventory management. This helps prevent stockouts by ensuring that businesses have accurate, up-to-date information about their inventory. Advanced Demand Forecasting Tools Our software offers advanced demand forecasting tools that use historical sales data, seasonality, and market trends to predict future demand. By leveraging these tools, businesses can make more accurate inventory decisions and reduce the risk of an out-of-stock. Efficient Order Processing and Fulfillment Capabilities SphereWMS streamlines order processing and fulfillment, reducing the likelihood of stockouts due to warehouse inefficiencies. Our software automates various tasks in fulfillment centers, such as picking, packing, and shipping, ensuring that orders are fulfilled quickly and accurately. Detailed Reporting and Analytics for Data-Driven Decision-Making With SphereWMS, businesses have access to detailed reporting and analytics features that provide valuable insights into their inventory and supply chain performance. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify areas for improvement, optimize their inventory management strategies, track inventory, and prevent stockouts. Seamless Integration with Existing Systems and Platforms SphereWMS can be seamlessly integrated with a variety of existing systems and platforms, such as ERP, e-commerce, and shipping solutions. This integration enables businesses to centralize their inventory management, reduce manual data entry, and minimize the risk of stockouts due to human error or inaccurate information. Collaborative Inventory Management for 3PLs and Their Clients 3PL providers can work closely with their third-party logistics clients to optimize inventory management and minimize stockouts. This collaboration can involve sharing data, implementing best practices, and leveraging technology to improve visibility and control over inventory. In this section, we’ll discuss key strategies for collaborative inventory management between 3PLs and their clients: Establishing Clear Communication Channels Effective communication is crucial for successful collaboration between 3PLs and their clients. Regular meetings, progress reports, and shared KPIs can help both parties stay aligned and address potential issues before they escalate. Sharing Data and Forecasting Insights By sharing past sales data, demand forecasts, and inventory information, 3PLs and their clients can work together to make more informed decisions about inventory management. This collaboration can lead to more accurate demand forecasts, better inventory planning, and reduced risk of an out-of-stock. Implementing Technology Solutions for Proper Inventory Management 3PLs can leverage warehouse management software, such as SphereWMS, to provide their clients with real-time inventory visibility and advanced analytics. By offering these technology solutions, 3PLs can help their clients optimize inventory management and reduce stockouts. Stockouts are an ongoing challenge for warehouse and supply chain professionals. By understanding the causes and consequences of stockouts, businesses can implement effective strategies to reduce their likelihood and impact. With the help of SphereWMS, your company can optimize its inventory management system, minimize stock shortages, and ultimately, boost customer satisfaction and profitability. By following the strategies and insights presented in this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle stockouts and maintain a successful warehouse operation. How Can I Measure the Frequency and Severity of Stockouts in My Warehouse? To measure the frequency and severity of stockouts, consider tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as stockout rate and out-of-stock duration. Stockout rate is calculated as the number of stockout incidents divided by the total number of orders, while stockout duration measures the average length of time an item is out of stock. By monitoring these KPIs, you can identify patterns in out-of-stock costs and counts, assess the effectiveness of your inventory management strategies, and take corrective action as needed. What Role Does Demand Variability Play in Causing Stockouts? Demand variability refers to fluctuations in customer demand for a product. High demand variability increases the risk of stockouts, as it makes it more challenging to accurately forecast demand and maintain appropriate inventory levels. To address demand variability and avoid an out-of-stock, businesses should closely monitor sales data, identify factors that contribute to fluctuations, and adjust their inventory management strategies accordingly. How Can Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management Help Prevent Stockouts? Just-in-time (JIT) inventory management is a strategy that aims to minimize inventory levels by ordering and receiving goods only when they are needed. By closely aligning inventory levels with actual demand, JIT can help prevent stockouts and reduce carrying costs. However, JIT requires accurate demand forecasting, reliable suppliers, full inventory counts and efficient order processing to be effective. How Can Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) Help Reduce Stockouts? Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a collaborative arrangement in which suppliers take responsibility for managing and replenishing a business’s inventory. By leveraging the supplier’s expertise and resources to purchase inventory, VMI can help reduce stockouts, improve inventory turnover, and streamline the supply chain. However, successful VMI implementation requires strong communication, trust, and data sharing between the business and its suppliers. What is the Role of Inventory Classification in Preventing Stockouts? Inventory classification involves categorizing items based on factors such as demand, value, or lead time. One common method is the ABC analysis, which classifies items into three categories: high-value (A), moderate-value (B), and low-value (C). By prioritizing high-value items and maintaining higher safety stock levels for these items, businesses can reduce the risk of stockouts and optimize their inventory management. Can Stockouts be Completely Eliminated? While it may be challenging to completely eliminate stockouts, businesses can significantly reduce their occurrence and impact by implementing effective inventory control and management strategies, leveraging technology, and continuously monitoring and refining their processes. It’s essential to strike a balance between maintaining sufficient inventory levels to prevent products from becoming out of stock and avoiding excess stock that increases carrying costs. How Do Stockouts Differ from Overstocks, and What Are the Consequences of Overstocking? Overstocks occur when a business holds more inventory than needed to meet customer demand. While stockouts result from insufficient inventory, overstocks of too much inventory can lead to increased carrying costs, wasted warehouse space, and potential obsolescence. Effective management of inventory aims to find the optimal balance of enough inventory by avoiding an out-of-stock and preventing overstocks to maximize profitability and customer satisfaction. How Can 3PLs Ensure Inventory Accuracy When Managing Multiple Clients’ Inventory? 3PLs can ensure inventory accuracy by implementing efficient tracking systems, conducting regular audits, and providing ongoing training for their staff. Barcode scanning technology, real-time inventory data updates, and warehouse management software, such as SphereWMS, can also help 3PLs maintain accurate inventory records across multiple clients. How Can 3PLs Effectively Manage Stockouts When They Have Limited Control Over Their Clients’ Supply Chains? While 3PLs may have limited control over their clients’ supply chains, they can still play a critical role in managing out-of-stocks by providing timely and accurate inventory information, offering data-driven insights for demand forecasting, and maintaining open communication with their clients. By working collaboratively with clients and sharing best practices, 3PLs can help clients make better inventory decisions and reduce the risk of a stock out. What Types of Businesses Can Be Affected By Stock Shortages? Stock shortages can affect businesses of all types. Whether you operate an eCommerce business, distribution center, or other business, you may experience stock outages. Online retailers are particularly vulnerable to stock shortages as they rely heavily on having accurate inventory data in order to fulfill customer orders quickly and efficiently. Meanwhile, distribution centers must monitor their inventory levels closely, as a lack of stock can cause significant delays in shipments and lead to customer dissatisfaction. Other businesses, such as restaurants and retail stores, are also prone to a lack of stock due to the time-sensitive nature of their store inventory. Any business that performs stock counts should invest in inventory software and a system that can provide real-time data updates to prevent stock shortages.
January 29 – February 1, 2021 My impression of Texas entering the state was as a massively large southern state, hugely full of itself with big oil, large ranches, dual axel pick up trucks, huge belt buckles, 10 gallon hats, and strong egos. What I have learned is the state of Texas, although still a large mass of land, has an incredible rich history, one that would share so many amazing bits of itself along the way. The history of the state is pretty incredible and became a fun way to see the state as we traveled through. Our first venture here was through Port Arthur, then the coastal beaches, and finally into the heartland of the state before crossing over into West Texas. Galveston, which at one point was considered the Wall Street of the South, has lots of history, served as the Capital for the Republics of Texas, and whose busy port was first commissioned by the Mexican Government, not the US. The one last milestone of sorts is this magnificent town will be the last coastal exposure that we will enjoy along the gulf, at least based on current plans. So it is with this introduction that we begin sharing our journey into the state of Texas. Port Arthur – Sea Rim State Park – January 29 – 30th We entered Texas on Highway 82 through the town of Port Arthur, the most industrial place I’ve ever witnessed. The land was marked with the largest and most frequent oil refineries I’ve ever seen on land and shipping canals with large container ships moving the crude in and out. We drove the downtown area which was bleak at best with most buildings appearing run down. We made it to a commercial shopping center on the west side of town where we picked up a few items before heading to our next state park. The route again took us through the refineries with us not being able to imagine anything here that would provide a setting for a state park. As we drove along though, the industrial scenery gave way to more coast, marshy beauty and where we finally came to Sea Rim State Park. The park is small with only one short loop and 15 sites. The campground sits along the beach on the front side and marsh on the back. Each site has electric, water, and is provided a fire ring, picnic table and lantern post. There are only pit toilets and no other amenities. Our entrance was met with Ranger Sam (short for Samantha) sitting in her official ranger building at tomorrow at the front gate. We gave her our name used on the registration which she quickly confirmed for us. She then proceeded into a rich and extremely detailed explanation of all the park amenities and rules. Using a trifold pamphlet with the official park map provided on the extended unfolded backside which she placed on a clip board of sorts. She slid it through an opening in the bottom of the COVID installed plexiglass screwed to frame material surrounding the window, and proceeded to inform us of the park layout, our campsite, and critically important information to include all the major park rules. Sam went on to say that the park manager was out on official park business for the day but she was fully deputized to handle all our needs, so please let her know. One need we had was ice which she informed us that, “yes, we have ice but we can’t sell it as we have recently lost our food license. But if you want ice then I can escort you there as the ice chest is locked but you can have it for free as there is no reason to keep it if we can’t sell it” Kemp’s thought is then why even lock the free ice but she was simply trying to do a good job so I kept my thoughts to myself out of respect for the badge and for how much I was enjoying this conversation. Sam went on to say that if we need firewood they don’t have any and please don’t burn any wood found on the beach and that the store back in town at the intersection sells it and it is fine firewood. We ended the conversation with my knowledge, after looking in the drivers side mirror, that there was a car behind me so I told her I would come back to get the free ice after her business was done with the person behind me, which Sam agreed was a good idea. We moved to the campsite and as we do, quickly set everything up. The fact that the site was level certainly makes things go quicker. I then decided to walk back up and ask Ranger Sam if I could get a bag of ice. As I approached the ranger station at the entrance I noticed her outside carrying a sign or something wooden and flat, assuming it wasn’t fire wood based on our previous interaction, but more likely an official sign or something important. I asked if this was a good time to get a bag of ice. She said yes and that the machine was unlocked but she would accompany me over there. Seeing that she had to put the thing she was carrying away, I decided to slow walk in the general direction of the ice locker versus hover. Sam, a young brunette sporting dark rimmed glasses, a COVID mask that hung loosely beneath her mouth and nose, was dressed in her park ranger standard issue short sleeve shirt with official park patch and name tag. It was neatly tucked into a pair of high wasted faded denim jeans with belt buckled. The legs of her jeans were short enough to show her colorful socks that rose above her ankle high black military style boots. The entire package making her look tall and slim, sort of nerdy cool if that is a fashion trend. As I approached the building where the ice locker sat I glanced back to see her clumsy jogging the 10 yards or so towards me, swinging her arms with long legs sort of flimsily carrying her body, sort of like you’d expect from long thin legs running in military boots, in my general direction. I forgot exactly what I said but it was something to do with running. She stopped at about the time she got to my position in the process to get a bag of ice and responded with a smile, well, I have to get my aerobic exercise in somehow and sitting at that ranger window sure isn’t going to get it done. Spunk. As I was reaching in to and grab my free bag of ice I suggested that we were about to run also and asked her for suggestions of where we to run. She suggested the beach. Sam went on to remind me that it is pretty hard packed to allow for cars to drive on it and that you can run about 3 miles in the eastern direction but if you get to a fence on the beach then the other side is private property and you shouldn’t run there so maybe that would be a good place to turn back, at 3 miles. I thanked her and said 6 miles wasn’t in my plans for today but we’ll be sure to not pass the fence. We parted ways as I headed back to camp with my bag of ice and the thought of how nice it will be to finally get to run with Toohey on a beach. All the while thinking about Sam and how she could easily of been a character in a Scooby Doo cartoon episode back in the day and who would take so little to develop further into a fun story. After icing the cooler, Lysette and I dressed for the beach run. Finally we were legally able to bring Toohey along. We headed out and east. The beach here isn’t the sugar white sand and emerald blue water of the Florida panhandle but more dark tan, flat, and hard with muddy colored water breaking in the surf. There are few dunes but they are working on that according to Sam, so don’t walk on the areas behind the trash bins which line the shore side of the beach to the north of the beach sand road. There were plenty of shells to see, many empty snail shells, and all that sprinkled with lots of trash. There were few items of driftwood which according to Sam were illegal for us to think of collecting for ourselves. We did pick up a half dozen broken glass bottles and tossed them into one of the many plastic trash drums along the beach. Along the way we passed more cars than walkers and no other dogs. We were told by Sam of the wild hogs that frequent the campground and saw lots of hoof prints along the way. After the run and a few minutes in the trailer we went back to the beach to watch the sunset. It was brilliant as many are along the gulf. But being in Texas where everything is reportedly bigger, the sun sitting on the horizon appeared much larger than other states where we’ve witnessed it. An hour or so later and the full moon appeared over the eastern sky giving us another object to marvel at, again appearing larger than we’ve seen in most states. Mosquitos, Mozzies, Skeeters, Sonsa Bitches that Bite, Little Bastards are all names we use to describe these little beasts that annoy us. Camping in the swamp, marshy area, and along the beach has been a constant battle with these little sweethearts. I am now up before sunrise after spending the night battling these little boogers in our current camp and decided to research them to improve my understanding of them and reduce the myths I lie awake thinking about as they buzz and bite me. - Only females (mozzies) bite – Mostly. This isn’t entirely true but the females do use the blood to harvest their eggs versus for nutrition whereas the males seem to have a chip on their shoulder. - The annoying mosquito buzz is mozzie for “are you asleep yet you warm pulsating tasty one?” – False. This sound is simply created by the movement of their wings in both males and females. Some suggest the pitch can change which is maybe why you hear them during the slow flight around your head when you are trying to sleep and just before they bite. - They die after biting you as what else is there to live for – False. The number I read for the life span of a skeeter was 100 days unless of course they are unfortunately introduced to the TWT team deathwand which has reportedly reduced the world wide average life span of the overall mozzie population to 97.99 days and inside the A-Liner to well under 10 minutes if not spotted and within 10 seconds once spotted. - You can prevent skeeter bites through zen like meditation and eating Indian curry spices – False. The best method we’ve found is to take the offensive position of killing them first. The deathwand, with proper training and skills, is a great mosquito killing machine and has made blood smattering almost a thing of the past. Lysette has mastered the backhand strike while I’m a constant threat with a forehand sweep. I also talk to them while killing them using my masochistic sexy voice, having come to enjoy watching them burn, more smolder, on the wire mesh of the deathwand. The smell of molting exoskeleton is something I never tire of and usually do a sweeping motion with the device to make sure all the nice smokey incense of insect death doesn’t set off the smoke detector. Other than that and all the bug sprays, I have found wind, cold, and the proximity to where they thrive to work best. When I camped in Savannah with my children back in the day, we shared a 2-man pup tent. Small, yes, but so were they once. I’d bring a box fan from home and position it at the foot of the tent, inside, plug it in and turn it on. I’m sure we appeared strange to those in nice high tech tents and RV’s but with sleep comfort being essential to being a good camp dad, it kept us cool in the warm months, and blew the bloody mozzie bastards away. We are leaving Sea Rim State Park this morning and with night time temperatures for our remaining stay along the coast conducive to their reproductive biting needs, we’ll be sure to stay in combat mode and do our humanly best of reducing the population of these annoying disease carrying winged biting beasts. Galveston, Texas and the Galveston RV and Marina January 30 – February 1, 2021 Moving west from Port Arthur, we passed back through the oil refineries and petrochemical plants, hucked a left in Winnie, Texas (note that it is impossible to see the sign for Winnie without humming the theme song to Winnie the Pooh) then took a pretty straight shot south through a marshy swath and direct into a headwind before passing over the intracoastal waterway onto High Island. From there the drive followed along the beaches until we got to the end of land where we queued up for a free ferry crossing to Galveston. Galveston is a town with a population of around 50,000 folks that sits on a barrier island south of Houston. There are several historical areas with The Strand being the most well know and occupied with old commercial building now used as restaurants, bars and shops. A quick web search found that The Strand was also known as the Wall Street of the south back in the early 20th century based on the commerce and finance. Apparently Galveston was also quite progressive through the years having been a welcoming magnet for freed slaves after the Civil War to immigration of many ethnic groups to the area. It is currently known mostly for tourism and its port. As you move south and away from the historic area you emerge on the beach along Sea Wall Boulevard. This is a long concrete walking, biking, and rollerblade path that drops to the large flat beach. There are frequent concrete and rock jetties that extend into the gulf break and many beachy restaurant, bars, t-shirt shops and hotels lining the road. There is an amusement park constructed on a boardwalk over the water to include signature ferris wheel, roller coaster, and merry go round. Once off the ferry, we maneuvered through the town, mostly the industrial section as our Google navigator just gets weird sometimes. We pulled into the RV park where Lysette checked in and we set up. The Galveston RV Park and Marina sits in the center backside of the island along the water on an off shoot from the main bay called Offatts Bayou. The park has 83 sites that sit shoulder to shoulder, or awning to push out. There are a few docks and an event center that appeared closed or under renovation. There were people crabbing and fishing of the water’s edge. We made a quick walk of the property before heading out to explore the town. We drove down to the Sea Wall Blvd then east towards the large amusement park, seeing lots of traffic and Texans out enjoying a cool cloudy day on the beach. It was nice to see dogs there as well. We turned left, north into town and found the historic area, The Strand, and the large mansions along Broadway Avenue J. We also saw the street named Kempner which is what Kemp is short for and was from the maiden name of a Great Great Grandmother, Blanche Kempner Nussbaum. We don’t claim any kin but did the time to snap a photo of the street sign for fun and did some quick research. Apparently Isaac Herbert Kempner was one of the founders of Imperial Sugars, had his hand with a fella named Moody in starting a major insurance company, and based on the location of his sugar mills, created the company town of Sugarland, Texas. There is reportedly a Kempner High School and a city park named for him in Sugarland. He was one of those responsible for constructing the Sea Wall along the beach front that is still enjoyed by many today. He was a descendant of Polish Jewish immigrants where my namesake was to the best of my knowledge, French. Following all that excitement, the team moved back to the beach for some Toohey time. The dog member of the team has been amazingly calm through all this so we took him to the beach from some dog surf fun. We quickly tossed a stick and the puppy emerged, ears up, tail high, and with a bounce in his step. He splashed, chewed, chased and enjoyed a few moments of being a dog, free to run, and just be. With him now tired and wet, we left the beach, stopped by the local grocery store for some dinner items and headed back to the park. We showered, prepared and cooked dinner, and enjoyed a few video chats with our Colorado friends. It was a good day. Somewhere along the drive into Texas, I found myself thinking about alligators and how we have now officially left the zone on earth where death by alligator in the wild is a concern. We entered this food chain back in October as we drove south through the state of South Carolina. We came across many of those lovely beast during this time, mostly seeing them sunning and floating. We also have since added the Crocodile in the Everglades to the list of “death by”, but now, unless there is a roadside freak show of sorts, we leave the swamp and warmth needed for these cold blooded reptiles to exist naturally so don’t expect to see them for this phase of our journey. While thinking about this, I recall the story of my very first encounter with an alligator and likely, almost the death of me and my sister. When I was maybe 3, we lived in a house on the corner of 54th and Habersham in Savannah. A neighborhood characterized as urban city, with small lots, alleys, and modest post WWII homes all organized in a grid. The story continues, and mind you, I actually don’t remember any of this as I was too young and small, but I am passing the story down from my mom and grandmother who were there to witness the following events. My sister and I had been playing in the fenced backyard while my mom and grandmother were inside doing whatever adults did inside back on those days. My sister and I ran into the kitchen to tell my mom that there was an alligator under the house. I’m not sure if it were said that eloquently or if it was more how a toddler might babble alligator. My mom, never thinking of the possibility that an alligator would be in this neighborhood let alone beneath her house, assumed we were simply playing alligator and sent us back out to continue our game of alligator. That night, long after my sister and I were asleep, my mom and grandmother were woken by the sights of flashing lights and voices of alarmed men out side the house. They went to the window to observe grown men, police officers, wrangling a 6-foot (maybe smaller but editorial privilege taken to add drama) alligator from our front lawn. True story from the mouths of two great woman. The Galveston city beach isn’t all that pretty on the scale of beach prettiness. There are no dunes, no beach cottage homes to marvel at, and the sand is off-white at the places it is driest and had packed darker shade of tan where it gets exposed to the tides. But it is active with people and dogs. It is has a big city urban look and fell for a beach, if that makes sense. But one that when given the option, is a nice place to run with your dog or spend the day in the surf. So given its proximity to our camp, it would be the place we would do our run. We drove to Sea Wall Blvd to park for our morning run. The drive there was only about a 2 miles from the RV park and we quickly made the turn east then back west for the north side free parking. We made the cross along Sea Wall Blvd at the intersection and hit the beach running. Our entry to the beach was on one of those concrete and stone jetties but this one is special as it has a large yellow building sitting on top of a board walk at the end over the surf with at painted marquee at the top advertising coffee. We headed east running along the beach, crossing the stone jetties, me doing pushups with each mile until I got to 80. Our view straight ahead was the Historic Pleasure Pier with roller coaster and ferris wheel in view. We turned back before we reached the amusement park. When we got back to the spot we entered the beach we tried to walk to the end of the pier selling coffee but turned back when we saw you had to enter through a small store, I guess the price of admissions. We drove back home, ate a large breakfast, and prepared to go meet Lysette’s friend and past work mate, a friend she made early in her engineering career, and who now lives in Houston with her husband. The arrangements were to meet at a mutually convenient spot about halfway between Galveston and Houston and the place they chose was advertised as Cajun Mexican Cuisine. The drive was as uneventful as a drive along a busy interstate could be, heading north towards Houston. We pulled off the highway about 25 miles later into a commercial center parking lot with the restaurant sitting on an out parcel with views and sounds of the interstate. With Toohey in the car to protect the assets, we headed inside to meet friends. We got there just before them and Lysette spotted her over her mask entering the establishment. No hugs were given but verbal fist bumps and happy shifting and connecting eyes above the mask. We got permission from the hostess to sit on an outside patio with the agreement around being served but in the end, what transpired was more a hybrid server, self serve arrangement. The conversation was fun and energetic, me spending more time conversing with husband than the four of us in conversation. Lysette and her friend spent lots of time reminiscing over their work life, people they worked with, and finally I got the gift of a story about Lysette’s past, the “muffin man thing” she used to do while balancing a beer on her head. Of course Lysette couldn’t remember where and how it started but gold standard stuff nonetheless. And no, I haven’t seen a true performance of this yet but will keep working her. We ate crawfish, both Lousiana and Cajun style and we added shrimp to our tray. The crawfish were tasty, but hard to get enough meat. I once heard someone say about picking blue crabs that the amount of meat isn’t worth the effort, which crossed my mind as I was elbow deep in crawfish juice. The process for eating crawfish involves removing the head section, or three quarters of the entire bug, tossing it in the trash (it is important to note that some folks suggest you suck the juice out of this so maybe it doesn’t all go to waste). The quarter of your bug that remains is the small, not one pinky digit in size, tail section that you pinch, maybe a squeeze, but more a pinch from the bottom to move the meat out. If the amount that came out were a method measurement it would be used to determine things like the height of a stack of paper clips. But the meat of the crawfish and juice tasted good, the Coors Light was cold, and the experience of all this while sitting around the table with good people was enjoyable. Much like my days of picking blue crab, sometimes it is the experience more than the outcome that makes it great, and this one made it. After we were all finished and it was time to go, they wanted to say hello to Toohey so we moved the party to the parking lot where he came out and enjoyed being the center of attention. We hugged it out, said goodbye until next time and headed home in our opposite directions. Tired from a fun filled weekend and day with friends, we spent the evening in the camper relaxing. We watched a short youtube clip on cycling the hill country before we headed off to sleep. Soon after the winds kicked up so I went outside to check on stuff and lower the front dormer more for the quiet than for anything else. Then off to sleep. As we depart Galveston and the Gulf of Mexico, we leave with images of some pretty beaches, lots of hurricane damage, new friends made, and reacquainting with old friends. Our hearts at the moment are now focused inland to an area with a different history, weather, and experience altogether. As update to our location, we are still camping at the Lady Bird Campground in Fredricksburg, sitting comfortably and cozy inside our trailer. We are no longer cycling while the deep freeze winter weather system passes turning our trailers port side into a sheet of ice. Our current plan is to hunker down and weather permitting, travel into Austin and San Antonio. From here we still have a gap to fill but will likely move southerly towards the Mexican border, maybe Del Rio, then westerly towards Big Bend and beyond.
I too have been suffering with this on my hands for about 2 years. It is an exhausting process & the worst is when you think you have it under control it comes back. I recently had an appointment with a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor who has prescribed some herbal teas, salt soaks & herbal creams. I definitely have noticed some changes but he reminds me that the goal right now is to bring down the inflammation & not have as many outbreaks & when the flares do come up they don’t last as long. It will take some time and I am committed to his plan, but thought it may be worth mentioning as it is a great natural route to try. I first notice my left hand small bump, rash happen in May 2021 and then getting worse slowly spread in June of 2021. It will allow your immune system to combat psoriasis flare ups more easily. A diet that includes lots of protein is a good option for psoriasis sufferers. Food for Psoriasis diet is one of the important factors that will help you cure your condition. It is true that your diet plays a major role in your health. Because of this, we can clearly see the impact that diet has on our skin. If we eat a lot of fats we may experience severe skin issues like rashes. My son has been suffering from severe eczema since he was born. We recently switched his diet and the difference is almost miraculous. About 2 years ago I moved back to Auckland NZ from Sydney Australia. Had a few minor flare-ups while in Sydney, however always got it under control quickly by using a steroid cream. Flare ups were also usually on the back of a trip home to Wellington NZ. To provide suitable conditions for people suffering from eczema. The best way to control your asthma is to know what your asthma triggers are and how to avoid them. Exercising, particularly in cold air, may cause airway swelling or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction . Quick-relief asthma medicines, taken before exercise, usually control this. If you need repeated doses of quick-relief medicine during and after exercise talk with your doctor. Thanks to these medicines, many Olympic and professional athletes have successful sports careers even with their asthma. Additionally, it may help your child to get more vitamin B6. Plus, what to do if they don’t clear up after treatment. The problem is that it’s so very specific to every person/child that what works for one is a disaster for others. I spent years as a child being told by doctors that I couldn’t possibly be allergic to one emollient after another, oh yes I was . I have found it better to use one emollient or washing powder or whatever for an extended period – then I’ll get a BIG flare up and i change for another long period. There does seem to be a ‘settling in’ period with any new product / emollient, where i have minor flare ups over the first few weeks to month, then it is more stable. If I keep chopping and changing, i get stuck in the ‘minor flare up’ constantly. With this, you can try using different kinds of brands of detergents and body products to see if it helps alleviate symptoms or worsen them. I have to use them every night because if I use them to often, it might cause my bone structure to change, but if it is really severe then i guess its worth it. Or for example I can’t eat enough cold water fish due to cost and availability so I take a quality fish oil supplement along with my all anti inflammatory diet. I took him to our family naturopath hoping she would help me get to the bottom of the eczema. However, some women notice stretch marks appearing on their bump and hips . Some people are more susceptible to stretch marks than others, but eczema does not increase your risk. Keeping your skin well moisturised can help, so simply keep using your regular emollient to moisturise your growing bump. However, you can try to avoid the irritants that cause your eczema and there are treatments available which can help to make your flare ups more manageable when they do happen. If you have atopic eczema, you can experience flare ups when your skin comes into contact with certain irritants, which can also be known as triggers. There are many different types of eczema, but the most common type is atopic eczema, which is also known as atopic dermatitis. In all, revamping my health and healing my skin was a three-year adventure for me. I didn’t have a guide book or a specified mission to heal my eczema. I just wanted to be healthier overall, and I wanted to be the best I could be. That statement is there because one’s skin can LITERALLY become addicted to the steroid cream if used for more than two weeks. I have pieced together this story, with a lot of conclusions drawn in hindsight of healing my eczema. Have a bowl of oatmeal every morning for breakfast as that will help to clean out the digestive tract. Start including juicing in your lifestyle and include more anti-inflammatory foods in your diet. What you don’t eat is just as important as what you eat. Abnormal gut flora Joy Organics CBD Gummies is another issue that may exacerbate your inflammation. It is the result of an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in your gut. This is common for people that eat a diet that is high in processed foods that is void of nutrients and full of food additives. People would love to have a test that said why they got eczema, and have one particular thing that they can avoid or change in their lifestyle. Unfortunately it’s such a complex process, and they’re probably over-reacting to lots of different things, and that’s only part of the reason why they got eczema. So it’s not that we can do a test and say, “Okay, you can avoid tomatoes, and you’re not going to have eczema again.” That’s not really going to be the case. So actually the only time we really do allergy testing is if they’ve had a, what we call an immediate response to food. And in that case, you know, they’re almost- it’s almost, they almost know that they’ve got this allergy anyway. It is an incurable, long-term skin condition which can be seriously debilitating. Like eczema, psoriasis flares up and causes the skin to itch and can be triggered by environmental factors, as well as by the body’s ability to manage it. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp. Research also suggests those who have a dysfunctional mutation of the gene responsible for creating filaggrin are mostly affected by eczema. Filaggrin is a protein that helps build a strong and healthy skin barrier, and without it, the skin becomes more susceptible to dryness and infection. So the most common type of eczema we see in children and young adults is something called atopic eczema. Finding natural, soothing treatments can be life-changing. Apple cider vinegar is one home remedy that many find effective. Colloidal oatmeal baths are generally safe for children, but keep the bath water out of their eyes. Cold, harsh winter winds can dry out skin and cause eczema flares. When these individuals eat foods that they are sensitive to or that are known to cause inflammation, their body begins the inflammatory response to protect itself from the irritant. The elimination diet is a process where you remove those foods known to cause inflammation in the body, including gluten, dairy, egg, soy and any foods that you are sensitive to. Remove them from your diet for a minimum of 3 weeks; if your eczema lessens or disappears, you have a food intolerance! Then, re-introduce the foods one at a time to find which one is/are the culprit. Learn To Eat Properly It’s important to be aware that even “natural” or “botanical” products may still prove irritating for eczema rash. Emotional factors can trigger eczema flares too and this sensitivity could translate to physical manifestations. When you are tense or distressed, the tendency is for the body to release a hormone called cortisol. This hormone can disrupt the immune system and cause inflammation of the skin. Some people with eczema may be very sensitive to specific substances found in detergents and other facial and body cleansing products. The idea is to only reduce your intake of a triggering food if possible, but not eliminate that food all together. Your best bet is to choose a well-balanced eating plan. Despite the uncertain links between food and eczema, there’s no doubt that enjoying plenty of fruits, vegetables, nondairy foods , and whole grains is good for your overall health. As per the studies, regular exercise reduces skin inflammation and is responsible to boost your immune system. Is There A Right Sort Of Water Retention? This is a way to track trends in your diet and health. The Mediterranean diet is packed with fruits and vegetables and has long been regarded as a proper diet to help reduce inflammation, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. First, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which means it falls into the above category of anti-inflammatory foods. We are deeply appreciative of the professionals that have allowed us to manage her eczema so that she can enjoy the things that every child deserves to enjoy. In some cases, a GP may prescribe medicated bandages, clothing or wet wraps to wear over areas of skin affected by eczema. If you have severe itching, a GP may suggest trying a non-sedating how many cbd gummies should i eat antihistamine. Most of these side effects will improve once treatment stops. Do not put your fingers into an emollient pot – use a spoon or pump dispenser instead, as this reduces the risk of infection. If you have been using a particular emollient for some time, it may eventually become less effective or may start to irritate your skin. However, as a general rule, foods that are bad for your overall health tend to be worse for your skin health as well. Hi, my naturopath also made me do a liver detox with water for 6 weeks which seemed to help a lot. My severe eczema went away and so did all my food allergies. Then she said I have to get the yeast out of my body. After 6 weeks I started having coffee again and some eczema came back but only mildly. I have eliminated all yeasty foods now and I’ll see if that helps. A Better Quality Of Life The prevalence of this condition has increased dramatically in the last decade. This is likely because eczema goes much deeper than the skin, and is a result of an imbalance elsewhere in the body. New research is showing that eczema is far more than a skin condition. And that diet actually plays a larger role in the ability to heal this condition than we once realized. Especially when conventional doctors only want to prescribe prescription creams or even steroids. Thoughts On whats The Best Climate For Eczema Sufferers? Very interesting to learn that so many eye eczema sufferers are out there! I have just ordered the Manuka product and look forward to relief. I suffer have suffered from eye eczema for a number of years now. I have found that the best cream for me is Clinique All About Eyes Rich. Clinique do two versions of this cream, a standard version and a rich version. Top Foods That Are Bad For Skin Research shows that food sensitivities can reduce your body’s ability to make digestive enzymes . When your gut and skin have been inflamed due to eczema, your body also may not be making enough enzymes. The outer layer of skin protects our body from losing moisture. In eczema, the skin loses too much moisture or is “leaky”. I have to admit that it is really challenging when it comes to preparing her meals with the limited choice of food she can take. Some mummies were exasperated when I told them to cut off dairies. Most will tell me”No, my child cannot do without milk !” Remember there are other alternatives, you have to know that dairies are acidic in nature and it will not benefit the flare at all. Refined sugars, high-fat foods, and complex carbohydrates are unlikely to top the list of foods that are healthy for any diet, but what about your sweet tooth? Dark chocolate is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without tanking your skincare or overall health goals. Eating dark chocolate, which is high in antioxidants, is a great way to increase hydration, reduce and prevent wrinkles, and improve skin’s texture. Antioxidant-rich foods like dark chocolate are also proven to make skin less prone to sunburn. You might want to grab a drink and/or a snack because we might be here for a while. (Don’t worry, I’ll split it into sections to make it more digestible). There’s also always going to be someone who asks if it is contagious . And even if eczema isn’t something you’ve had from birth, but developed or if it only flares up occasionally, it can still make you feel very unhappy and be a difficult thing to treat / control. I know firsthand how self conscious you can feel having eczema so I want to start by saying that if it is getting you down then you are certainly not alone. Keep the skin hydrated at all times, and shorten the time you spend in the shower. Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment The only thing that helped me was changing my diet and healing my gut. Many people with eczema often start with topical treatments, and doctors can increase the strengths of those medications if needed, according to Piliang. “Sometimes it may be just going to a stronger topical medication for flares,” she says. So even if you stay outside the same hours as another person, some eczema sufferers may still not make as much vitman D. When I was admitted to hospital, I tested positive for MRSA. But of course, one cannot read too much into this as human skin has many other bacteria, good and bad, present. Even before I was diagnosed MRSA positive, I was investigating the bacterial route. At that time my reason for doing so was because I was acutely aware that exposure to UVB ‘killed’ my ezcema within a matter of hours. This eczema diet is recommended by an Australian nutritionist, Karen Fischer who has dedicated over 10 years of her specialization in eczema related diet and nutrition. Did you know that what you eat and drink influences how the blueprint is read and implemented. Choosing the correct food will also promote healing and nourishment to the skin to repair faster. But the very good news is there are a million ways to prevent asthma attacks from occurring and they all involve getting healthier, which is important in its own right. Despite the Damage Control telling me not to use it on eyes, I did, and it worked. Connect with NEA to find ways you can get involved in advocacy efforts to shape healthcare policies that impact people living with eczema. Consider joining the NEA Ambassadors program to get engaged in advocacy, community and research initiatives to spread more understanding of eczema’s impact on daily living. “Community health centers are a great resource for getting a lot of primary care services under one roof,” Pourat says. As a child, I used to get eczema on the back of my knees and on the inside of my elbows. I have distant memories of going to the seaside with my family and being in agony while paddling in the sea. My mum and dad told me that seawater had some sort of magic healing properties that I wished and hoped would be my magic cure. Calendula – If your child can tolerate some sting initially, calendula works very well in healing broken skin slowly and without any scar tissue. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional. The use of any information provided by Skinterrupt is solely at your own risk. Eczema can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental allergies, food sensitivities, and stress. My guest today talks more about these different allergies, and shares some natural tools to help manage atopic dermatitis. And eating a diet consisting primarily of real, unprocessed foods can reduce your risk of experiencing a flare-up. That’s because people are typically around a variety of triggers on a daily basis, making it difficult to see if eczema was triggered by food or if perhaps it was instead caused by stress. Or do you choose to rejoice your freckles or wrinkles? Today, my skin looks great, but that’s not always the case. There are times when I’m really embarrassed by my skin. It’s important to be careful about letting those sore patches of skin become irritated when your baby is crawling as the skin could become infected if continuously broken. Sustainability is important to see results and thus, you cannot change your diet overnight. It requires some preparation and guidance e.g. what you can choose to eat when you are in a hawker centre, or eating out. There are more options of food that we can include when we are on eczema-diet. A customized diet plan should be done by a nutrition therapist, with guidance to achieve the optimal results. Hayley Harragan started following the natural way and studying what made her skin flare 7 years ago because of some serious health issues that she finally managed to get in control. As sweating can irritate eczema-inflamed skin, consider more temperate climates for your holidays away. If you do travel to tropical countries, allow for frequent breaks to wipe down sweat and get a fresh change of clothing. Use non-sensitising sunscreen such as those formulated for the face, which are usually better tolerated in children with eczema. You may want to do a ‘patch test’ with new products on a small area of skin to check if they irritate your child’s skin. People who suffer from eczema, should protect themselves from the herpes virus, as this can increase your skin infection. For women, the peak time of developing the condition it is around 40 years of age. If you have another skin condition called psoriasis, you may find you also have seborrhoeic eczema at the same time. Under medical supervision, lose weight only if absolutely necessary. Do not eat fatty food and replace it with lower-fat options. Enter Julie Clark, the mastermind behind Province Apothecary, and a long time sufferer of eczema and sensitive skin herself. And her much loved, and powerful, Eczema Balm acts as the topical nourishment your skin craves when in need of some extra hydration and love. Today she’s sharing all her sensitive and eczema prone skin discoveries with us; a master class in Eczema, how to make cbd gummies from the master herself. Some of the most popular treatments for eczema are creams and ointments, which can be applied to the area to hydrate your skin and reduce your symptoms. Dysfunctional conditions or diseases like eczema can be hereditary or can develop when you do not take care of your health. Later, the rough and dry skin can develop into blisters or rashes. However, you can also consume fresh fish which are easily found in market and supermarket here. Lean chicken meat in small quantity can also be included. Pork broth and beef broth is also good for skin healing. Did you know that even if you are not diagnosed via the tests above to be allergic to a food substance, there are many foods that we eat today that can and may be the cause of your itching. Luckily today i have woken up, missed uni oops, but spent the day moisturising and im feeling good to be fair. Long road ahead but atleast my skin doesnt feel like its crawling for the first time in a while. I cleared my skin by making simple lifestyle changes, and am helping many others do the same. If you’ve tried creams and lotions before, and still can’t find a way to stop itching, then I hope this article helps you lessen the itch. If your skin is already feeling itchy, then one helpful approach would be to also avoid histamine itself. Manage the symptoms with over-the-counter medications as needed. Consult a board-certified dermatologist to prescribe you something stronger if all else fails to provide relief. Scratching the skin unwittingly during sleep can make the itch worse, which can lead to disturbed sleep. I want to share my entire experience dealing with my Dyshidrotic eczema in case anything I’m doing can potentially help someone else along with their own personal eczema journey. I’m almost certain that no two people have the exact SAME case. With that, please take what I say with a grain of salt. Eczema may also affect parts of a baby’s skin that comes in contact with diapers. This is because the material used to make diapers may irritate sensitive skin. Creams and other products used on babies may also cause trouble. I tried many thingsthat helped, like changing my diet, morning detox drink, and some that didn’t. While diets is key, the easiest most simple methods are my Nightly Detox Bathsfollowed by soaking my hand in vodka and essential oils and alternating with my thyme discovery. Overall, a healthy diet only helps maintain a healthy mind, body, and skin but does not specifically target the inflammatory response that causes an eczema flare-up. Aiming to drink eight 8-oz glasses of water each day helps to maintain a healthy level of hydration to prevent further skin dryness and irritation. Typically, lip eczema is treated with a topical corticosteroid and a moisturizer like a lip balm. For best results, try removing one specific food or food group at a time. Your best foods depend largely on any food allergies you may have been diagnosed with. Foods considered to be eczema-friendly may trigger a flare-up in those who are allergic to them. A balanced diet plan will help you avoid getting any nutritional deficiencies. You should eat the same amount each day as you do every other day. Whilst ensuring that your diet allows you enough nutrients for healthy skin, it’s also important to find a vegan friendly emollient to protect your skin. Cetraben have a range of skincare saviours that are vegan friendly and cruelty free that will help manage eczema flare-ups by soothing and hydrating the skin. But it’s quite expensive at the local stores for some reason. Personally I started to use butter more often for cooking. A part from this, olive oil for lower temperatures. I was going to the gp fortnightly, being fobbed off with more or different moisturiser, low dose steroids for a few weeks here, medium dose ones for a few days there. By the time he was 11 months old he had big patches of raw skin in his tummy- it was awful. After seeing another gp trying to send me away with sodding dressing s for his What are delta 8 gummies good for? open wounds I was in tears asking to see someone else. I got an appointment with a fantastic gp with a special interest in dermatology. He prescribed anti biotic to clear up any infection and a relatively strong steroid. When after a week it hadn’t cleared up he prescribed Pro Topic cream and all of the excema was gone within a week. My doctor told me recommend avoiding acids food, fast food, junkies. I trying to change diet food like cherries or mix berries. Also give me triamcinolone Acetonide Cream I apply in my skin, doesn’t seem helpful. It is stressful for me don’t know how to dealing with it nothing happens before. I purchased Aveeno Eczema Therapy it seem okay help stay moisturizer. Im 38 year old soon will be reach to 40 year old, I believe my bod changes. I also plan on following a liver-friendly lifestyle from our previous article–which, surprise surprise, includes acupuncture. I’m really excited to use acupuncture as a regular part of my health routine and get healed on the deepest level. I felt incredibly thirsty because of it in the following hours. Water’s pretty much the most of what I drink along with soy milk.
The 5 most unforgettable dining experiences in Vancouver BC. Vancouver is home to some of the best dining experiences in the world. From the classic bakeries in Gastown to the hottest new wine bars and restaurants, here are five unforgettable Vancouver eateries that you have to try. Nelson the Seagull is a bakery cafe located in Gastown, offering delicious sourdough loaves and pastries as well as a lunch menu making it one of the city's most beloved eateries. Downlow Chicken Shack is another must-visit Northern Tennessee-style hot chicken spot located also within Gastown. This establishment boasts crispy skins drizzled with signature spicy sauce – be warned it's hot! The L'Abattoir Restaurant offers a chic fine dining experience within Gastown where they focus on local and seasonal ingredients. The restaurant has won many awards including twice being awarded ‘Best New Restaurant’ by Vancouver Magazine. If you’re looking to enjoy a good old-fashioned Quebec poutine accompanied by fresh-cut fries then La Belle Patate is your spot! La Belle Patate has been around for over 10 years and still remains on my list of favourite places to go for amazing grub – bar none! Bar Susu is an up-and-coming wine bar and restaurant in Vancouver owned by two chefs, Gus Stieffenhofer-Brandson and Ashley Kurtz. Discover unique wines from all around the world, along with an impressive menu full of innovative small plates made from homegrown ingredients. So there you have it; five unforgettable dining experiences available in beautiful Vancouver BC - Nelson the Seagull, Downlow Chicken Shack, L'Abbatior Restaurant, La Belle Patate and Bar Susu. All offer something unique but equally memorable; each leaving behind a lasting impression sure to bring you back time after time! Nelson the Seagull Nelson the Seagull is a bakery cafe located in the trendy Gastown neighbourhood of Vancouver. Owners Evelyn and Jonathan Sneglar have a clear commitment to providing a great meal for their customers. While their signature item is avocado toast, they have a variety of other breakfast options. They also serve delicious coffees, including their signature flat white. The Nelson the Seagull baker & cafe specializes in sourdough bread and coffee. For dessert, the staff serves up a selection of muffins and croissants. The menu also features healthy muesli. Downlow Chicken Shack Downlow Chicken Shack is a local eatery specializing in Nashville-style hot chicken. It is known for its crispy skin and spicy flavours. The restaurant offers an extensive menu of golden fried chicken as well as classic comfort food accompaniments. DL Chicken has teamed up with local streetwear brand Crash to launch an exclusive merch collection. Starting Friday, September 2, 2022, a limited number of merch items will be sold at select locations in Vancouver. The L'Abattoir Restaurant is a fine dining establishment located in Vancouver BC's Gastown neighbourhood. It is located in a 19th-century brick building but has been extensively renovated to resemble a modern, chic boutique hotel. With a classy front-of-house bar and an equally stylish, self-contained private dining room, this is one of the nicer spots to dine in the area. This elegant eatery has an all-around good feel, with the service being intelligent and attentive without being overbearing. There is also a great wine list with some of the best from British Columbia and around the world and a solid cocktail program. La Belle Patate La Belle Patate has been around for over a decade, but it is still on my list of favourite restaurants, bar none. If you are in the market for a good meal, a few drinks or a good night out, you should check out this venerable establishment. The staff is friendly and the menu items aren't stingy. Best of all, you don't have to make a reservation to get your grub on. Bar Susu is an up-and-coming wine bar and restaurant in Vancouver, BC. Its owners include chefs Gus Stieffenhofer-Brandson and Ashley Kurtz. The food at Bar Susu is ingredient-driven and focuses on seasonal produce, local produce, and B.C. and natural wines. They also have an incredible wine list. The restaurant opened in March and is located in the former Whip space. This historic 109-year-old building features a cantilevered second level, dark wood plank flooring, and exposed red brick. There's a European bistro feel to the place with a lot of exposed seating. Guests will have the option of enjoying a full dinner or late-night bites. Botanist at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Botanist, the latest addition to the Fairmont Pacific Rim in Vancouver, BC, re-imagines the cocktail bar and celebrates the abundance of the Pacific Northwest. The new restaurant is designed by Vancouver native Ste. Marie, has been responsible for many of the city's most beloved eateries. Botanist is located on the second floor of the Fairmont Pacific Rim. It features four distinct spaces, including a cocktail bar, a garden, a champagne lounge, and a restaurant. Each space is designed with special touches. Frequently Asked Questions What is Vancouver's Most Popular Food? Sushi is a favorite food in Vancouver. Many restaurants sell sushi in Vancouver, so it must be unique. Sushi is an exotic dish, which means that it attracts people who love unusual foods. Sushi is very low in calories so it's a good choice for those who are looking to eat healthy. There are many types to sushi. Each one is unique. California rolls have raw fish, while spicy sushi has grilled tuna. The best way to enjoy sushi is to eat it fresh. If you buy prepared sushi, ensure it hasn't been sitting too long. Avoid eating sushi for longer than six hours after its preparation. Check these restaurants if you're looking for delicious sushi in Vancouver: Maki Noodle House - This restaurant serves traditional Japanese dishes and sushi. Koi - This restaurant specializes in sushi but also serves other Asian cuisine such as noodles and ramen. Sushi Maru - This restaurant has a wide variety of sushi, including special rolls. Tojo's Restaurant - This is one of Vancouver's most popular sushi restaurants. It is well-known for its fresh fish, unique sushi creations, and great service. How much does it set you back to travel around Vancouver Canada? An average taxi ride in Vancouver costs $12.00 per km. The cost of an average taxi ride from downtown to UBC is USD 30.00. Renting a car is USD 5.00 per hour in Vancouver And the cheapest option is the bus. SkyTrain is available in single tickets for CAD 2.80 (USD 2.40), or a daily pass for CAD 5.60. (USD 5.20). Where can I find cheap flights into Vancouver? There are a number of ways to book cheap flights to Vancouver. You can search online for discounted airfare or sign up to a travel club, such as Expedia. Last-minute deals can be found at the airport and on airline websites. You can also fly to a nearby city such as Seattle or Portland, then take a bus/train into Vancouver. You can compare prices to find the best deal for you, no matter what method. What is the best time of year to visit Vancouver, Canada Because everyone is unique, there is no clear answer. The best time to visit Vancouver, however, is usually between May and September. These months are ideal for outdoor activities because of the mild, sunny weather. You will find many events and festivals during this period. October to April is considered to be the off-season, which means that you will find a quieter period to visit. However, this is also when you'll find the best deals on accommodation and flights. Vancouver is a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year. If you love skiing or snowboarding, winter is the best season to visit. The ski season generally runs from November through April. Vancouver is also an ideal place to camp or hike. You can find beautiful trails and stunning scenery. So, when it comes to choosing the best time to visit Vancouver, it depends on what you're looking for. This amazing city is open to all. Is three days enough to visit Vancouver? In the past, I would have said yes. After living here almost three years, however, I can now say no. There is much more to do here. There is no other place I would rather live. The city is alive with energy. There is a sense of possibility that makes life feel exciting again. This is where I am inspired to keep going. To push me beyond what I can handle. To reach out to others and make connections that are important. This city reminds us why we love to create. It also makes me feel motivated to help others succeed. Because success feels more likely when you surround yourself by positive people. I am grateful to have found such a supportive community. So many unique businesses and individuals that I've met along the way. People inspire me and continue to teach me how to grow and change. Vancouver is a beautiful city that has become home. It is not only a city to call home, but also a place where you can work. What is the most visited spot in British Columbia? Vancouver is the most visited spot in British Columbia. Vancouver is a beautiful city with a lot to offer tourists. Vancouver has many different attractions to see and things to do, which is why it is such a popular destination. Vancouver has seen tremendous growth over the years. There is something for everyone with its beautiful beaches, great shopping, and world-class restaurants. So why is it that Vancouver is the most visited destination in BC? It's evident that Vancouverites love to live here, judging by the statistics. Vancouver is home to more expats than residents. So where better to call home than the best Canadian city? Vancouver is special because it offers something different. Vancouver has something for everyone. One of the main reasons is that outdoor activities are abundant, and water sports are endless. Vancouver is the perfect place to go if you love hiking, biking and kayaking. Vancouver has the right place for you, whether it's a weekend getaway, a family vacation, business trip or romantic weekend. It's also close to Seattle, making it easy to take a quick trip across the border for anyone visiting the US. Let's get to the point: Tourism is a topic we should be discussing while we are talking about travel. Statistics Canada claims that Canadian tourists spent 24 billion dollars on BC last year. This is 7% of Canada's GDP. This is quite remarkable and shows how much money visitors generate. Vancouver also has some of Canada's greatest attractions. Granville Island and Stanley Park are just some of the attractions. We have selected a few highlights. - Stanley Park - Located in Downtown Vancouver, Stanley Park is a beautiful forest park that provides visitors with stunning views of the mountains and the ocean. - Granville Island Public Market – A lively public market right downtown, Granville Island has tons of local vendors selling fresh produce. - Science World - Science World in Vancouver is a science museum. It contains exhibits on astronomy. Space exploration, biology, geology, chemistry, engineering and robotics. - Museum of Anthropology - The Museum of Anthropology is one of the top museums in North America, featuring collections from around the globe. It holds over 150,000 objects, making it one of the largest anthropology museums in the world. - Hotel Ritz-Carlton - One of the finest hotels in the country, the Hotel Ritz-Carlton is located in downtown Vancouver. - Chinatown – Vancouver's Chinatown is just north Main Street and Georgia Street. Chinatown is known as "the gateway to Asia" due to its unique mix of cultures. - Capilano Suspensionbridge - This suspension bridge crosses the Capilano River. It is the longest cable-stayed bridge across Western Canada. How much money should you bring to the Vancouver trip? The amount of money you should bring depends on how long you stay there. For an overnight trip, 500 dollars would suffice. However, if your stay is longer than that, you may want to bring more money. This could be useful for buying souvenirs and food. Remember that you'll probably spend most of your time sightseeing, eating out, shopping, and relaxing. So make sure you pack plenty of extra clothing and toiletries. Also, you might spend some time exploring the city. So bring your camera. Don't forget to pack sunscreen, too, since you'll likely be often outdoors. - *Likely to sell out: Based on Viator's booking data and information from the provider from the past 30 days, it seems likely this experience will sell out through Viator, a Tripadvisor company. ( - Over 40 percent of Vancouver's residents were born outside of Canada, and the city is home to robust Chinese, Indian, and Filipino communities, to name a few. ( - 12.5 percent of the province's area (114,000 km2 or 44,000 sq mi) is considered protected under one of the 14 different designations that includes over 800 distinct areas. ( - Johnson led the coalition to the highest percentage of the popular vote in British Columbia history (61 percent) in the 1949 election. ( - The CCF's popular vote was high enough in the 1945 election that they were likely to have won three-way contests and could have formed government; however, the coalition prevented that by uniting the anti-socialist vote. ( - Population Estimates - Province of British Columbia - Ministry of Agriculture and Food-Province of British Columbia Must-See Vancouver Festivals Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. It is well-known for its delicious food, great arts, culture, natural beauty, and mountain views. Vancouver hosts many festivals every year that draw people from all over the globe. Some of them include; - Winterfest is a winter festival that's held in February. This festival is known for its ice sculptures made of snow. Each year thousands of people visit this festival. - Caribana, one of North America's most popular Caribbean festivals. Each July, the festival is held. The festival includes music, dancing, food, fashion shows, parades, beauty contests, art exhibitions, etc. - Artwalk - A community event that allows artists to display their work in the streets. Artists may exhibit their work wherever and whenever they wish. - Pride Week – A week-long celebration that includes events such as parades and parties, concert screenings, and film screenings. - Viva! Festival - Latin American cultural festival that takes place in June. It's North America’s biggest Latin American cultural festival. - New Year's Eve fireworks - This event is celebrated at midnight on 31st of December. Thousands of fireworks light up the sky above the city. - Christmas Market - Held at English Bay, near Stanley Park. Over 200 stalls selling unique gifts, crafts, hand-made goods, local foods, and so much more. - Sunset Celebration - Each evening in August/September the sun sets over Pacific Ocean. People gather along the shoreline to watch the sunset. - Halloween Carnival - An outdoor carnival held in October. Costumes must be worn. - Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) - One of the oldest film festivals in the world. It takes places every September. - Vancouver Fringe Theatre Festival – This theatre festival was established in 2008. In the city, there are around 500 performances. - Vancouver Folk Music Festival -- Founded in 1972 by a group of folk artists, this festival brings together a diverse range of performers from all over the globe. - BC Day Long Weekend - One of the longest-running celebrations in the province. It attracts tourists all around the world and lasts for five days. - Vancouver Jazz Festival is one of Canada's most renowned jazz festivals. Each year it attracts hundreds. - Vancouver Craft Beer Festival (Started in 2012), it is the city's first craft beer festival. More than 50 breweries will be showcasing their beers. - Vancouver Pride Parade - One the largest pride parades in the country. Tens of thousands of participants marched through downtown streets. - Vancouver Marathon: Runners run along the streets of Vancouver every April. - Vancouver Oyster Festivals: In November, oysters can be served with a variety of sauces and toppings. - Richmond Night Market -- One of North America's largest night markets. It is held every month from May through October. - Chinatown Lantern Festival: A celebration of the Chinese New Year. It is held in February/March. - Festival of Lights – An annual celebration where people from different cultures get together to celebrate light, life, and the beauty of God.
The sun was high in the sky, a time of familiar post-lunch inactivity. In a high backed armchair, covered in golden silk upholstery, sat a smiling women. On her lap was a single sheet of paper that she was writing on. The paper rested on an intricately carved oxidized silver jewelry box that contained two bangles. Her blessings for her future daughter-in-law in them. A boy leaned forward curiously, dangling on one arm of the chair, while a slightly older laughing girl peered at the letter from the other side of the chair. “ho gaya! All done and ready for my bahu. Chote, ab she will know aapko kitna gussa aata hai.. par hidden inside your heart kitna pyar bhi hai.” If you listened closely, her mellifluous voice had an odd mixture of indulgence and seriousness. Lovingly she ruffled the boys hair, “I want a beautiful pyari bahu, samjhe chote?” The boy narrowed his eyes and huffed, clearly not approving of the conversation. Even so his eyes strayed to the neat flowing handwriting that covered the paper. His intelligent bright eyes wondering what his ma wanted to say to this unknown girl about her chote. His sister was laughing, as children often do, without a care in the world, her heart open to the exciting prospect held in the present. “mujhe bhi kangan chahiye ma. They are pretty. aur is papad ke tukde ke sath kaun rahegi? He will scare her away. Isn’t it chote? Hahaha… but you will love her. You will not let her go na chote?” The girl had swiftly got up, and made a dash for it. The boy close behind. “ma dekho na, why is di teasing me? And anyway I don’t want to stay with anyone. ma see di is not stopping.. maa..” Arnav Singh Raizada woke up. The dream was not as disturbing as usual. This in itself was highly unusual. Love.. the word lingered from the half forgotten dream.. In a flash he remembered the feel of smooth heated skin under his lips, her startled eyes and the give away blush that had spread on Khushi Kumari Gupta’s cheeks. He gave himself a shake, and walked over to sliding door closet. In one swift movement he pushed the door open and pulled out his towel. A hot shower would clear his head. Her tinkling laughter echoed in his head. A firm reminder that she had no thoughts of leaving his thoughts. She was lodged in his memory and was going nowhere. How her shapely fingers curled on his shirt lapel when he scooped her in his arms. How could anyone be this light? The trust in her eyes when she hugged him. How could anyone hold on so tight? As the sharp jets of water cascaded on his body, loosening, relaxing his tensed muscles, he still couldn’t get her images out of his head. He concentrated on the feel of the hot water against his skin. He felt awake. Alive. The heat had condensed the cool air, leaving behind a hazy mist. ASR remained lost in the girl that danced with him. Who fit perfectly in his arms. Refreshed from the shower he pulled out his immaculately coordinated attire for the day. As he quickly buttoned his crisp white shirt with sure practiced fingers, he still couldn’t get her image out of his head. A know-it-all smug voice in his mind even dared to whisper that he didn’t really want to remove her from himself. If there was one thing he badly wanted.. needed.. it was to have her close. He sighed as he walked out of his room and almost banged into an ever smiling Om Prakash. He gave curt instructions to Om Prakash to bring him some orange juice. Then made his way to the dining table, vaguely wondering why Om Prakash seemed so pleased with himself early in the morning. “cupboardwa mein aisan ka karat the Aakas bitwa ki insidej ma self locking kari liye khud ko?” (what were you doing inside the cupboard that you locked yourself inside?) Hearing his mother’s perfectly valid question a hapless Akash choked on the glass of warm milk he had been sipping. Helpful as always NK bent forward with full enegry patting the still spluttering Akash on his back. None of the men on a the table had an answer. ASR was irritated. Had Akash not called he would have had Khushi to himself. Instead he had had to call NK to get him to unlock the door. “ha chote? Cupboard ka darwaza torna par gaya aap logan ko? ee hua ka chote? I do not understand“. Deviyani Raizada had a faint smile on her face, luckily, in a much better mood than her sleep deprived daughter in law. After all the noise and chaos yesterday night, Manorma had hardly slept and that made her more sour than usual. “hum kahat hai sasuma eeha Shantibhan ma ghost hai. Bahutehi colorphul ghostwa eeha hua ghumat hai“. She was in full blown James Bond detective mode. Akash looked helplessly at ASR. Luckily they had managed to literally smuggle Payal and Khushi out of the house before NK and ASR attempted to break the closet door. Akash almost broke into a sweat just imagining what would have happened had his mother caught Payalji in his room. Surely from hello hi his life would have reached a certain bye bye. Fortunately for the men of shantivan there was a smart young female in the house. Anjali slowly walked upto the dining table and pulled the chair next to Akash. Smiling she teased, “arree mami our Akash is getting married. ye sab confusion toh hota hi rahega. After all dil kahi hai aur dimag kahi. kyu hai na Akash?” Manorma did not looked too pleased, but nani seemed to be mollified enough and directed her attention to the aloo paratha on the table. Akash furtively mouthed a quick thank you to his life saver di. “Indian shaadi mein bahut malamal hai“. NK declared amidst usual confused exasperated glances. “NK bhai malamal nai.. I think you meant dhamal“, Anjali corrected. NK grinned just as usual. “That’s right dhamaal.. yani excitement, right di? Cupboards breaking? Lovers meetings.. Ghosts appearing.. All a regular night in an Indian wedding. Kyu hai na Akash?” Akash broke into a coughing fit again. Not letting herself get side tracked, with a knowing smile Anjali continued. “humein Payalji and Khushiji ke ghar kuch samaan bhejna hai. NK bhai can you take the driver and drop the things at khushijis..” Waisting no time ASR stood up.”I’ll take it di“. “par chote you must be busy. NK bhai can take it“, Anjali persisted. NK chimed in hopefully. “Yes nannav no problem at all.. I can take everything to Khushiji.” ASR glared at NK and without looking at di, responded, “It’s okay di. NK can get Akash’s cupboard door fixed. I will go to Khushi’s house“. “ha chote.. yehi thik rahega..after all you will get an opportunity to meet our would be bhabhi“. Anjali teased, her eyes sparkling. ASR walked away, knowing her di had succeeded in pulling his leg. Well, what the.. He would still get to meet Khushi. Nothing else mattered. Even as he acknowledged it internally, he was surprised at how simply it fell in place.. Nothing else mattered, except he get to be with khushi.. At the table Anjali noted with satisfaction, the subtle change in her chote’s behaviour. He had not denied the wedding. Her plan was working. If only she knew how well her plan was working! In Gupta house the ladies had gotten dressed early. A wedding house seemed to have a never ending list of work that needed to get done. On top of that there was a doctor’s appointment. Payal had taken her amma and babuji to keep the doctor’s appointment. That left Khushi and buaji to take care of meeting the panditji. Lata mausi and taiji had helpfully volunteered to accompany them to the mandir, since it was common knowledge that a force of women were needed to deal with a panditji and wedding preparations. They were already late when buaji noticed Khushi, standing, doing absolutely nothing, near the Gupta house door. Madhumatiji had pinned a bright red hibuscus flower onto her hair near the nape of her rather wide neck. She thought the flower suited the mood. Just like the orange kurta, with silver gota on the sides, suited her niece about to get married. Hai re nand kisore parmeswari was lost in her dreamland again. She was having these bouts of ‘getting lost’ more and more since she had fallen in love with Arnav bitwa.. Madhumatiji chuckled.. Trust her sankadevi to want to marry a man completely opposite to her. But was he..opposite to her? Both had a fiery spirit, that could not be hidden. And did they both not love their family? Deviyaniji had told Garima and Madhumati a little about the hardship that Arnav and Anjali had suffered. There was something disturbing in their past, that Madhumati knew was still not completely revealed. She also knew if anyone could bring a smile on the seemingly khadoos Arnav Singh Raizada it would be her Khushi bitiya. She had seen how his eyes softened when he looked at her niece. There was little that got past the old lady. ee liyo nand kisore.. Instead of jolting Khushi out of her reverie madhumati herself had gone into dreamland. “Aree aaphat ki puriya.. ooha khare khare ka kar rahi ho? Go call an auto. We are already late. Ka hoga tumhara Shantivan mein? Arnav bitwa toh time ka pakka hain hum sunat hai. Tum toh uke pagal hi kar dogi.. Nand kisore..” “Don’t worry buaji. Hum abhi auto lekar aate hain. Yu gaye aur yu aaye“. Khushi grimaced at her shrieking buaji, and ignored the jibe about the man she did not want to think about. The man she was helpless not to think about. The mention of that laad governor had brought a betraying warmth on her cheeks. He had kissed her.. devi maiyya.. and she had let him.. She closed her eyes and gave herself a violent shake determined not to think about it.. nahi devi maiyya.. humein nai sochna hai us baare mein.. She told herself as strictly as she could. But even as she spoke, her voice trailed away. There was no way she would manage to even remotely not think about that. She ran out of the courtyard onto the road. Her payal tinkling as she sprang down the steps. Buaji was right. Thank’s to that rakshas she was late. Lata mausi and taiji were also waiting inside. She peered all over for an auto. Willing a vehicle to materialize out of thin air. It did. Just not the one she would imagine in her wildest dreams. Arnavji’s white SUV drew to a halt right in front of her. He rolled down the tinted glass as she stood gaping, least expecting him there. “Hi“, was all he said. it was apparently more than enough.She felt goosebumps erupting all over. “You look worried?“, it was a serious question, only the tone was a drawl, and his lips tilted in a precarious angle. It was hard to focus. She found herself stutter. “hum.. auto ka wait kar re.. We have to go to the mandir to talk to panditji“. She had surprised herself by talking to him civilly. In one graceful movement he had got down from the car and was striding into the house, while Khushi stood gaping. She was at a loss of words quite frequently in his presence these days. She was about to get indignant at his lack of response, after she had shared her problem, when she was further stunned to see ASR helping taiji down the Gupta house steps. Looking even more frail than usual next to Arnavji, taiji was leaning onto him for support. Khushi blinked, completely at a loss. Had buaji gone senile? Why had she not stopped lata mausi. What if laad governor got angry and let go of her with his favourite ‘what the’… And what did he think was he doing? There was no auto outside yet. Why was he making them come out in the sun? Completely disregarding her presence ASR moved towards the back of the SUV and opened the door, helping taiji inside. Buaji and lata mausi quickly scuttled towards the other side to get in. Khushi had not moved an inch. Her mouth was slightly open, in shock. ASR walked upto her and locking his gaze with hers, spoke softly. “Unless you want to drive us to the mandir I would suggest you go over to the passenger side and get in. Don’t forget the seatbelt.” “Huh?”, was all the poor dazed girl managed. He grinned. “And I don’t mind if you want to put on my seatbelt for me as well… Khushi..“. He tilted his head towards the car, his hand casually touching her above the crook of her elbow. She jumped away from the touch.. dhak dhak dhak.. Loud, clear, insistent in her ears. Hurrying to other side, she opening the back door. “Khoosi bitiya humlog thik se baith gaye hai. tum damadji ke sath aage baith jao“, Lata mausi spoke up. Khushi gulped and did as instructed. Her seatbelt would not bulge. ASR waited one whole minute before he leaned over and tugged at it, securing it in place. Khushi was ready to drown in embarrassment. When no one was in the car she was used to him doing that, but there were three other people in the car today. She chanced a glance at the rear view mirror to see if by some miracle missed they had missed what had just happened. No such luck. All three woman were smiling widely at her. Khushi sunk down on her seat, wishing she could disappear. What did the rakhshas have in mind? ASR had started the vehicle and they were on their way. Khushi fervently wishing the ride would be a short one. It was not going to be a short one. The ladies at the back were talkative in excitement. Khushi almost feared Arnavji would ask them to shut up. But that did not happen. A moment later she was imploring him silently to get taiji to keep quiet, because one topic had led to another and soon the ladies had started to discuss.. Honeymoon.. “madhumatiji aaj kal toh sab hi shimla jate hai.. In dono ko toh goa jana chahiye.. Honeymoon ke liye“, taiji had just declared gleefully. The old woman considered herself very well versed with the present fashion. Khushi went rigid, her heart jumping to her throat. She even contemplated jumping out of the running car. Atleast it would save her the embarrassment. “nahi nahi nand kisore.. Arnav bitwa toh thora garam mijaz ke haiin na.. Unko aur humari sanaka devi ko toh kisi thandi jagah hi ghumne jana chahiye.. kyu hai na parmeswari?“, buaji countered taiji’s suggestion enthusiastically. (no no .. arnav bitwa is a little hot headed.. he and parmeswari should go to a cooler place. isn’t it) In utter panic Khushi dared a glance at Arnavji. His eyes were still on the road as his lips moved,”buaji how about nanital“? Khushi could not believe her ears. She turned towards him. It was unmistakable. He was grinning. She had to try hard to stop rubbing her eyes. Right that minute the car screeched to a halt near the mandir road. ASR turned and smiled at buaji, “buaji, di had sent somethings for Khushi and Payal. If you all don’t need Khushi, then I can take her back to your house and give her everything. main mohan ko bhej dunga to pick you all up“. “Jeeyat raho babua“. Much to ASR’s satisfaction and Khushi’s consternation buaji readily agreed. As taiji was getting down from the car she remarked loudly, “babua bahut achchi gari chalate ho. Thank you. Agali baar bhi kahin jana raha toh tumhi ko bula bhenjenge. kyu thik hai na?“. (You drive the car extremely well. if we have to go elsewhere we will call on you next time as well. Is that okay?) Khushi wanted to cover her eyes and duck under her dupatta. She made do with closing her eyes which snapped open hearing Arnavji smoothly respond,”My pleasure“. They had left the mandir and were on their way home. Khushi finally managed to stammer a few words..”Arnavji.. ye.. aap“? “Well you said you needed a ride to the mandir. And I have a car“, he explained in a matter of fact way. Khushi simply gaped at him. Suddenly shy, now that they were alone in the car. She looked out of the window, avoiding looking at him. He was quiet the whole way back. She wished he had spoken. She wished she had said something. As always, part of her did not want to leave the car when she reached home. In silence she waited, not knowing what she was hoping would happen. Ruefully she observed he was completely unruffled by the silence… did he even remember what had happened yesterday.. mat soch Khushi.. She sternly reprimanded herself at her tell tale thoughts. He lazily leaned forward and undid her seatbelt. Then got out himself, making his way towards the back. Khushi slowly got down too. Anjali ji had sent a lot of packages. Some contained fruits, dry fruits, sweets and others looked like puja items and clothes. ASR dumped a whole load of stuff into her hands and carried the remaining himself. Then when he had placed everything on the center table, and it was clear he was going to leave, khushi finally spoke up. Desperately not wanting him to leave, unable to say so. “aapne humare liye..” Halting midway, he turned back. And smiled. “Khushi do you want to say thank you to me“? Why did his voice sound so very intimate. There were only the two of them alone in the house, then why did he have to whisper. Why could he not talk loudly, how Khushi was used to talking. Wait.. alone.. only the two of them.. dhak dhak dhak.. uff devi maiyya.. why didn’t he go back to yelling at her and getting angry.. this Arnavji was way too difficult to be around.. the acidity was too much to bear.. He was taking slow steps towards her. She moved backwards, almost tumbling over the chair. He grabbed her hand and yanked her close. “Thank me properly… kiss me khushi“, his voice had dropped to ragged murmur. She could only stare at him. Then not sure why or how, she found herself doing exactly what he had asked her to do. His stubble grazed her lips as she placed a feather light kiss on his cheek. She was too confused and stunned by what she had dared to do, and also overwhelmed by how good it made her feel. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, as she took in his tender gaze. His eyes were serious and warm. She watched him gulp as if he was as dazed as her, wanting to get a hold of himself. Then in an intimate whisper he asked, “tum thik ho“? What did the laad governor want her to say? was she ever going to be thik when he was looking at her this way! She felt flush and warm and shy. thik.. she took a deep breath.. surpassing everything she really did feel thik. He could read the hint of a smile that brushed against her lips. “See you tomorrow Khushi Kumari Gupta“, was all he said as he sauntered out of the open door. hey devi maiyya! Khushi almost shouted in alarm. The door was left open. agar koi dekh leta toh? Why did that rakshas make her do such things.. Flustered, her heart racing she went to close the door. ASR had never felt better. His feet skidded on tufts of clouds as he recollected Khushi’s kiss. Smiling and berating himself for walking away, when there was a whole lot more he wanted to do, he reached his parked car. One kiss. That too hardly a kiss. A peck on the cheek. And he felt like he was on fire. Khushi Kumari Gupta.. Her inexperienced coy kiss would lead to many sleepless nights, ASR knew. She had absolutely no idea how much he.. Wanted her? No that was not it.. Needed her? He was absolutely distracted, unable to get the car door open. He continued to fiddle with the handle, too lost in moments he wanted to continue to be lost in hamesha.. As chance would have it, it was right then that he overheard two people talking in the nearby garage. “ha hum keh rahe hai na I saw the man who was staying as paying guest in Madhumatiji’s house “, said one voice. Another excited voice joined in,” ka keh reh ho? That man who was engaged to Khushiji? Who knows what happened.. Why did he go away.. Why was the engagement broken. Tha toh achcha hi aadmi“. ASR’s knuckles were straining on the car handle. All blood drained from them as his grip tightened. His jaw set he remained inert. A nerve throbbing dangerously near his temple on the right side. “toh he was here in the morning?” .. The voices were no longer distinct. ASR did not care who had spoken. He spun around and took two steps at a time in seething anger. He noticed Khushi fiddling with the door. An expectant look on her face. It angered him more. He hauled her inside and slammed the door shut. She flinched sensing the sudden violence in him. “Who has he? Why did you not tell me he was here, today?“, he demanded. She looked confused, unable to process the drastic change in a man so tender a moment ago. A man she had just .. kissed.. “aap kya keh reh hai.. humein nai pata..” She summoned anger as her defense. He heard her voice and it broke through the storm inside him. He wanted to kick himself for losing control. It was not like Arnav Singh Raizada to jump to conclusions listening to wayward gossip. And he wasn’t even sure why his blood was boiling at the thought of the man Khushi had been set to marry. And how was this even remotely her fault? “Shit!”.. The expletive exploded from his mouth. He felt wretched as he saw a teardrop escape her eyes. Her lower lip trembled, as she determinedly bit it, trying to stop herself from breaking down in front of him. Clueless why he was in such a rage. He didn’t wait to think. His hand curled on her hair as his lips descended on hers. She readily flowed into him. Her hands winding around his neck. She could feel her sobbing stop, replaced by shock. She felt heavenly against his lips. With excruciating control, he broke the kiss and murmured against her lips, “I’m sorry“. She whimpered, her breath heaving. He continued to kiss her. She tasted sweet.. must be all those jilebis.. He felt light and care free, a bubbling laughter rising within him.. She felt heavenly… Her soft lips moving in sync with him, just like when they had danced. He sucked and nibbled, his eyes dancing at her shocked expression, till she moaned, and he was no longer sure what he was doing. He could sense her legs give away as she moved closer to him, unable to stand. He willed himself to break the kiss. Both were in need of air.. He gulped in large mouthfuls as he remained with his eyes closed, his forehead touched hers. Slowly he opened his eyes, wishing he could go back to kissing her. She looked ravishing. A rosy hue spread across her cheeks, lips that were slightly swollen, hair in complete disarray. She looked well and thoroughly kissed. ASR was sure to never ever forget this sight. She was shy, unsure how to react, fidgeting to move away from him. But he made her arms stay around his neck, savouring her close.
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Additionally, VIP members may take part in exclusive tournaments with substantial cash rewards. Glory bet app download provides all players the same promotional offer you as well because the official site. Glory Online Casino” “Customers Support With easy navigation options, simple access to games, promotions, and client assistance, the casino’s interface is user-friendly and intuitive. In addition to creating their very own personal listing of favorite game titles for future easy access, players can easily search for video games by name, class, or software source. The Glory Casino app is an additional thrilling deal the particular Casino provides the players. The on line casino also includes a particular regional website, which usually is wonderful information for Indian gamers. Any Indian participant who registers and logs in will certainly therefore be capable to deposit in addition to withdraw money making use of local payment choices when they enjoy. - To check which types are available to you personally and which a person have already turned on, visit the devoted tab in your current account. - Furthermore, should a person make a first deposit within one hr of registering, you will obtain a 125% bonus. - The Bangladesh Playing Commission has accepted Glory Casino ‘s online gaming internet site within the Bangladesh. - If you need to request a question to the Glory Casino BD team, you may do it via live chat. - Some some other games are not necessarily as common in all online internet casinos, such as stop, scratch cards, lotto and keno. High-definition streams of the games from specialised live life gaming studios generate the most practical simulation of enjoying inside a genuine casino. That’s the reason seasoned players often prefer playing video poker on online casinos. While Beauty Casino does not have a devoted mobile application, that has ensured of which its users may still have a video gaming experience issues mobile devices. Get looking forward to exciting adventures with an impressive selection associated with slot machines at Glory Casino. From typical fruit machines to modern video slot machine games with exciting designs and exciting functions, there’s a slot game for every single taste. Spin typically the reels and chase big winnings although enjoying awesome images, exciting animations in addition to lucrative bonus models. Can I Play In Glory Casino With Regard To Free And Without Registration? The minimum deposit amount may vary depending on the chosen payment portal. Glory Casino stands as a sports centered bookmaker, attracting a wide range of sports fans. Within its sports wagering section, you will find a great extensive selection regarding categories, including golf ball, football, tennis, and more. Remarkably, Beauty Casino also explores less common sports such as biathlon, wrestling, and soccer ball, among others, catering into a diverse variety of passions. 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Its website is totally translated into French plus the Bangladeshi taka can be obtained for on line casino games. The assortment of payment choices available at Fame Casino BD consists of 13 national currencies and 14 cryptocurrencies. No matter which often payment option you prefer, the transactions will probably be fast and safeguarded. Glory Casino is surely an online casino wherever you can have fun and win cash if fortune favors you. Is Glory Online Casino Safe For Bangladeshi Players? Take a memorable virtual quest in to the heart associated with gambling with typically the exciting Glory Casino Live section. Get ready to involve yourself in an unparalleled gaming encounter from the comfort of your own home. Step into the virtual sphere and find oneself face to face with professional and enjoyable live sellers who will show you through exciting scratch cards in real period. - To enhance security, the casino actively utilizes SSL electrical sockets to encrypt data during transactions, ensuring the safety regarding players’ information. - On their own official site, nevertheless, they have quickly developed a full on line casino experience. - Players can use Aviator’s auto-bet option to select their bet sum plus the number associated with rounds for intelligent wagering. - Customer assistance is a pivotal element in making sure an effective gaming knowledge at any casino. Glory Casino doesn’t merely excel in on line casino games; in addition, it offers an extensive gambling section that caters to fans of various sports. 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The mobile-optimized website ensures a smooth video gaming experience for players on the get, despite the absence of a dedicated mobile phone app. - destination; it’s an knowledge. - Moreover, typically the casino provides promotional codes, a loyalty program, cashback incentives, and a range of other promotions. - Since its establishment, casino Glory has made significant strides within the Bangladeshi gaming scene. - To stay up to date on the particular newest promotions and offers, it’s suggested to frequently go to the promotions webpage. in their own favorite slots, scratch cards, and other wagering options, all through the palm associated with their hand. VSports at Glorycasino is an immersive virtual gambling experience offered by Glory Casino. It allows players in order to place bets about virtual matches of popular sports just like soccer, basketball, in addition to horse racing, amongst others. Security And License Every now and then the particular casino also sets up other Glory on line casino promotions through which clients can get funds bonuses and free rounds. You can find out about promotions and the launch of new added bonus programs on the particular main page regarding the online online casino as well as in the user’s account. To gamble the welcome bonus, the player need to go to the «Slots»” “segment. A number of betting options lets game enthusiasts of all finances join in typically the excitement. Glory Online casino prides itself on offering only typically the highest quality video games from reputable software program providers. Because of the, players can take pleasure in exciting and trustworthy gameplay accompanied by simply exciting graphics, reasonable animations and fascinating sound effects. You can rest assured that each game has been made up of typically the utmost attention to detail to guarantee you have an unparalleled quality plus enjoyment” “experience. From first down payment offers to regular promotions, there are usually plenty of opportunities to increase your playing adventures.
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Price and availability may change quickly. Cheap Gold Celtic Cross Necklace For Women The cheapest options among the top 10: Buy Gold Celtic Cross Necklace For Women Online PAVOI 14K Gold Plated Cross Necklace for Women | Cross Pendant | Gold Necklaces for Women - This Womens Cross Shape Faith Necklace is Crafted from Hand Selected AAAAA Quality Cubic Zirconia and Plated in 14K Gold - Faith necklaces make the perfect gift! Featuring a 19 inches sliding chain that will comfortably fit all neck sizes. - ✦ 60-DAY GUARANTEE ✦ Your happiness is our number one priority. To ensure your complete satisfaction, we offer a hassle-free 60-Day money-back guarantee. To get in touch, email or chat with us - a member of our team will be happy to help you. - ✦ SUSTAINABILITY ✦ PAVOI is dedicated to sustainability throughout our entire product cycle. Our jewelry is made from 100% recycled materials and we package in 99% recycled materials. We work to reduce our carbon emissions and offset plastic consumption by removing 275,000 bottles from oceans annually. We are committed to maintain a balanced and eco-friendly business that minimizes our environmental impact. Trust that PAVOI is continuously working towards a greener future. - ✦ PROUDLY AMERICAN-OWNED ✦ Kendra Scott Cross Pendant Necklace for Women, Fashion Jewelry, Gold-Plated, White Opal - Make it personal with a symbol of what matters to you most - Details: This necklace measures 19" chain, 0.66"L x 0.38"W pendant - Gift Box & Jewelry Bag: Your Kendra Scott Jewelry will arrive pre-packaged in a genuine branded gift box and jewelry bag. This necklace makes a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, Christmas, your wedding anniversary, Mother’s Day and birthdays. - How to Care for Your Kendra Scott Jewelry: To protect the plating, remove your jewelry prior to hand washing, swimming, exercising, cleaning, and before applying any kind personal body products. Maintain your jewelry’s high shine by avoiding contact with soap, perfume, lotion, makeup, hair & cleaning products. MONOZO Cross Necklace Gifts for Women Girls, Dainty Gold Necklace Simple Gold Cross Necklaces for Women Trendy 14K Gold Plated Gold Cross Necklace Gold Jewelry Gifts for Women Girls - 【CROSS NECKLACE FOR WOMEN 】: This minimalist cross necklace has a unique design and exquisite appearance, and classy style combined with the last fashion trend. Wearing this cross necklace will make you the center of attention in every moment, Which makes it stands out among all other plain necklaces. - 【MATERIAL】: Made of 14K Real Gold Plated, Hypoallergenic, nickel-free and lead-free, no tarnish, rust, won't make your skin green, Safe to wear on your daily life. - 【SIZE: 】: 16+2" adjustable chain, Smooth touch will give you a very comfortable wearing experience. Suitable for most women and girls. - 【OCCASION】: Comes with an elegant gift jewelry bag, the minimalist cross necklace could be wear on every occasion with all your outfits, whether to be on its own or stack with your other collection as the layer necklace. It's also a good choice as the birthday, Christmas gift for yourself, family, friends, lovers. - 【AFTER SALES SERVICE】: 60-Day No-Risk Return Policy, If you encounter any problems, Please contact us as soon as possible, We will help you solve the problem within 24 hours. Cross Necklace 14k Gold Plated Double Cross Pendant CZ,Cubic Zirconia Cross Necklaces for Women Men Boy Jewelry Birthday Christmas Gifts - [Two Pendants]The Cross Pendant Necklace with bamboo link chain and diamond-encrusted cross pendants is a classic design that meets all your fashion needs. Whether you choose to wear both pendants or just one, this necklace adds a touch of elegance to any outfit. With its shimmering diamonds and timeless design, our Cross Pendant Necklace will make you feel confident and stylish no matter the occasion. - [High-Quality Materials]The cross necklace is made of 14k gold plating, which is not only fashionable but also comfortable to wear and will not fade. The clasp has been upgraded and improved to make it easier to wear. - [Suitable Size]Measuring 0.7in long, 1.2in wide, our large cross pendant is the perfect size to make a statement. If you prefer a more understated look, our smaller cross pendant measures 0.39in long and 0.62in wide. Both pendants come with a chain length of 17.3in, making it suitable for most people, so you won't have to worry about finding a size that fits you. - [Occasions to Wear and Perfect Gift]If you're a fan of hip-hop and rap music or frequently attend parties, this Cross Necklace is an excellent choice. It's also ideal for bands, photo and video shoots, as it adds a pop of brilliance to your look. This necklace is perfect for everyday wear, but it can also make you stand out on special occasions like anniversary celebrations, ceremonies, commemorations, holidays, and unique milestones. - [Quality guarantee] 1 year money back guarantee or exchange is provided. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. We are committed to providing the best shopping experience. M MOOHAM Stainless Steel Cross Pendant Necklaces for Men Pendant Chain 20 Inch Silver Religious Jewelry Christian Gifts for Men Papa Teenage Teen Gifts Ideas Husband Dad Fathers Day - MATERIAL: Lead free and hypoallergenic, no irritation for sensitive skin. With smooth box chain and sturdy clasp, black cross necklace is comfortable to wear. - SIZE: Plain cross pendant length 1.2”, width 0.7”, thickness 4mm. High polished and shinny on both sides of cross. Cross necklace chain length 20 inches, width 2.5mm. Strong and smooth edge silver cross necklace with flexible lobster clasp. - CROSS NECKLACE: Stainless steel silver cross necklace is strong, can wear it when taking a shower or swimming. Cross necklace is comfortable to wear and cross pendant combines perfectly with other necklaces. - GIFT IDEAS: Each color cross necklace comes in 3 different sizes and 5 different lengths each for a total of 45 different combinations! Perfect minimalist fashion jewelry for birthday gifts, Valentines day gifts, Christmas gifts, faith cross necklace, baptism gifts. - AFTER SALES SERVICE: Free exchange or full money back within 90 days if you are not satisfied with stainless steel cross necklace. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Moodear Cross Necklace for Women-Dainty 14K Gold Plated Chain Pendant Simple Necklaces Jewelry Gift - 🎄[ADJUSTABLE SIZE]:Dainty gold cross necklace length approx:14"+extender:2",cross pendant size:30mm*1.8mm.Adjustable chain necklace for most women to wear. - 🎅[HIGH QUALITY METERIAL]:High quality copper,hypoallergenic and nickel-free,does not cause allergic reactions and does not damage to your skin.18K gold plated,no fading,show your noble temperament while maintaining a long-lasting luster. - 🎀[CROSS NECKLACE]:Unique design,elegant appearance is a perfect gift for womens.Our necklace packaged with a delicate gift box,anti-oxidation and waterproof box for better protection of the necklace. - 🎁[PERFECT GIFTS]:On birthday,prom,party,or mother's day,anniversary day,as a gift for women,girls,bff or others,layered cross necklace is your good choice for gift ideas. - ❤[Satisfactory service]: Got cross necklace for women questions, Contact us for a response within 24 hours. Rotnso Cross Necklace for Women 14K Gold Plated Small Cross Pendant Choker Minimalist Necklace Dainty Simple Trendy Cute Layered Cross Chain Faith Jewelry Gift for Girls Kids - 🔹【DAINTY CROSS NECKLACE】: Gold cross necklace for women and girls features a fashionable and versatile design, making you the center of attention wherever you go. Stay in style with our elegant accessories. The exquisite box packaging makes it an ideal gift for yourself, your daughter, mother, girlfriend, wife, and friends for various occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, festivals, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, and more. - 🔹【HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS】: Crafted with 14k gold plated brass, our cross necklace is hypoallergenic, nickel-free, lead-free, and resistant to tarnishing and discoloration, ensuring long-lasting durability. Say goodbye to green skin and faded colors. - 🔹【SUITABLE FOR EVERYDAY WEAR】: Whether for daily wear or special occasions, our cross necklace is the perfect accessory to complement any outfit and showcase your faith. - 🔹【ADJUSTABLE SIZE】 Cross necklace for women, each comes with an adjustable extension chain and a sturdy lobster clasp. It can be easily adjusted to fit different neck sizes, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit. Please refer to the detailed description in the product images for specific measurements. - 🔹【90-DAY GUARANTEE】: Your satisfaction is our top priority. That's why we offer a 90-day warranty on our product. If you encounter any issues or are unsatisfied with your purchase, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will offer you a FREE replacement within 90 days. - 【High-Quality Materials】: Crafted with 14k real gold-plated brass, our cross necklace is hypoallergenic, nickel-free, lead-free, and resistant to tarnishing and discoloration, ensuring long-lasting durability. Say goodbye to green skin and faded colors. - 【Double Cross Necklace】: The dainty gold cross necklace consists of a unique bamboo link chain and two different-sized cross pendants set with high-quality cubic zirconia, which looks sparkly and dignified. - 【Length & Size】: Gold cross necklace, length 17.3"+1.9"(44+5cm) extender, with a sturdy lobster clasp, so you can easily adjust the chain length by yourself, make sure to fit different neck sizes. - 【 Perfect Gifts 】: All jewelry are packaged in an exquisite gift box for weddings, birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, graduations, dates, anniversaries, engagements and parties, making them the perfect gift for friends, moms, wives, sisters, girlfriends, brides, bridesmaids jewelry for women. - 【 Service 】:We offer a 90-day return or exchange, If you have any question or problem about the item, please contact us. We will reply to you within 24 hours. DYWE Cross Necklace for Women 18K Gold Necklace Jewelry for Women Trendy Double Cross Necklace for Girls New Chains Pendant for Women Girls Christmas Gifts - [Elegant Design]: The design of double cross necklace and rhinestone diamond inset,make it look noble and fashionable Wearing . Anti-oxidative properties ensure the color of your necklace won't fade away with regular can make us look confident and beauty on any occasion. - [High-Quality Materials]: Made from high-quality materials, this cross necklace is plated with 18k gold, ensuring a stunning and long-lasting shine. The intricate design and delicate chain add a touch of refinement, making it a perfect accessory for both everyday wear and special occasions. - [Necklace Size]: This gold necklaces for women trendy is 19.7 inchs+1.97inchs with an adjustable chain length that will fit most people. - [Great Gifts]: It is the best gift for girlfriend, family and friends, It can be used as a birthday present Father's Day Mother's Day Friday Christmas Day can also be used as a daily gift and they will be very happy to receive。 - [Excellent Customer Service]: We offer a 90 Days No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee. DYWE Jewelry Guarantees your Satisfaction. Any Questions will be Answered within 24 Hours. Fettero Crucifix Necklace Gold Faith Cross Pendant Vintage 14K Gold Plated Dainty Chain Minimalist Simple God Lords Prayer Religious Jewelry Gift - 【WONDERFUL PACKAGE】You'll get 1 piece gold crucifix necklace in a wonderful small box. Easy storage and ready to be given as a gift. - 【LENGTH & SIZE】 19" long + 2" EXTENDER adjustable,18*31mm cross charm pendant. - 【QUALITY MATERIAL】 Comes in 14k-gold-plated brass with a shiny lifetime protective finish. Tarnish-resistant then can't be faded for a long time. Nickel free, lead-free, and hypoallergenic, safe to rest on your neck. Dainty but strong chain, very delicate vintage cross charm pendant. - 【BEST GIFT FOR HER】 This fashion everyday jewelry "gold crucifix necklace" makes a perfect gift for women. Especially for the religious. - 【UNIQUE BRAND】Fettero Jewelry: Express your style, Be a GENTLEWOMEN. Best Gold Celtic Cross Necklace For Women 2025 These are the new Gold Celtic Cross Necklace For Women releases available. 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"I thought it was a really interesting idea for a movie - a detective story with an irascible rabbit named Roger. I said this is a movie that I would like to go out and see. If done right, it could be something that no one's ever seen before." - Steven Spielberg, Executive Producer - Steven Spielberg, Executive Producer The legacy of Disney's 1988 feature film noir, WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT, cannot be overstated. Boasting the highest budget of any film to date at the time of its production, it rekindled an interest in the Golden Age of American animation, sparked the modern animation scene, and spun off three theatrical animated shorts. It inspired everything from a Nintendo game to a Disneyland ride, and in 2016 was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." But who created Roger Rabbit? Spielberg? Director Robert Zemeckis? Animator Richard Williams? The origin of this toon star and his hard-boiled beginnings actually comes from Illinois author Gary K. Wolf in his 1981 comedic mystery novel, WHO CENSORED ROGER RABBIT? Gary was kind enough to visit Fülle Circle for an intimate investigation into the creation of a toon celebrity who hopped his way to stardom... |First hardcover edition of Wolf's novel. Jason Anders: What is it like for you to look back at these characters now and consider the revolution it inspired in the industry? Gary K. Wolf: I'm amazed that by default I get credit for inspiring the second Golden Age of American animation - that was the furthest thing from my mind when I was writing the book. I just wanted to write a good story and have a lot of fun. I was lucky to get involved with so many creative people who were able to visualize what I saw in my head. When I walk through Toontown at the Disneyland® Resort, it is like walking through my own imagination. It is flooring to me. I bought a Blu-ray collection of 1940s Popeye theatrical shorts the other day thinking, "I wonder if this product would exist without WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT..." It's interesting you say that because so many classic characters got a resurgence out of the movie, Droopy certainly received a whole new life out of it, but one of the only characters we were unable to obtain the rights for was Popeye. I could have made him a real star! Steven Spielberg was really the guy who went after all those characters. Roy Disney originally went to Warner Bros. saying, "We'd like to have Bugs Bunny come onscreen for fifteen seconds and say, 'What's up, Doc?' and walk off," and they told him to get lost. Five years later Spielberg goes to Warner Bros. asking for the same thing and they not only agreed to it, they offered him all of the other Looney Tunes characters as well. It was a perfect storm of creativity and Hollywood influence. I have to give a lot of credit to the unsung hero, Jeffrey Katzenberg. He was in charge of Walt Disney Pictures and was the real champion of Roger Rabbit. He was brought to Disney with the task of turning around a failing company that was making horrible movies. He said at the time that he was going to bring the studio back to prominence by going for "singles and doubles, not triples or home runs. I'm never going to make a movie that costs more than $14 million." The first production meeting that I sat in on, producer Robert Watts said the original production estimates showed it was going to cost at least $35 million, probably a lot more. Jeffrey just said, "Okay, fine. Do it. Just do it right." The budget just kept going up, capping out officially at $75 million. We never lost Jeffrey's support, even though a failure probably would have meant his job and career in Hollywood. |Roger Rabbit concept art. It's great that they involved you in those kinds of meetings... They allowed me to be as involved as I wanted to be. However, I'm a novelist and business meetings bore me, and I quickly found out that shooting a movie bores me. I cannot stand there and watch take after take. I sat in on some of the early strategy meetings though and would be amazed at being in one room with thirty-five of the most creative people I'd ever met in my life, who are all tossing out ideas on how to make my novel funnier. I kept thinking, "Where were these thirty-five people when I was in my kitchen writing the novel from 4-7 a.m. every morning before work?" If they would have been there I could have been a Pulitzer Prize winner! It became obvious after a while that they had bought into my vision. They wanted to do on film what I had done in the book, and I didn't want to be there because I didn't want to screw it up! I hear a lot about the novel's story being different from the movie, and it is. I wrote it to be the best possible book I knew how to write, wanting it to appeal to people's imaginations - I think I did that pretty well, using conventions like having the toons talk in word balloons. If a toon shoots a gun it produces a BANG balloon. Police will collect the BANG balloons, being careful not to break them, and compare them with BANG balloons shot from the weapon to determine whether or not they have the right gun. The whole book is full of stuff like that. Early on they wanted to incorporate the word balloons in the film, but when they tried it the result was a silent movie. It was unworkable. They had to change some of the conventions and story to make it more filmic, but what they didn't change was the important stuff - the concept of cartoons co-existing with real people in a human world, and they didn't change the characters. They gave me Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit, Eddie Valiant, Baby Herman - these are iconic characters now, and I created them. They could have easily said, "How about Rocko Raccoon instead of Roger Rabbit? Just so we don't have to mess around with Wolf." I'm over the moon for what they did with my book. |Test footage for Jessica Rabbit and Eddie Valiant. I've read that you came up with the idea for the book while watching Saturday morning cartoon cereal commercials? Let me give you a little bit of Wolf history, dating back to when I was in the second grade. I went to a very small school in the very small town of Earlville, Illinois, where there were twenty-five kids in my class. Our teacher gave us a picture to color (a barn and a field with one cow) and the object was to stay inside the lines. My mom always told me that when people were alone they would get sad, lonely, and blue... so I colored the cow blue. The teacher passes them all back except for mine, calling me up to the front of the class (I thought it was because I stayed inside of the lines better than anybody) and holding the picture up above my head she says, "Now class, look at this stupid picture. Everybody knows that cows are black, brown, or white... but never are they blue." She called my parents and told them she thought something was wrong with me, but my parents encouraged me that if I wanted to color a cow blue, then I should color a cow blue. A couple of months later our teacher gave us an assignment to write about what we had done during our summer vacation, so I wrote about how I built a rocket ship out of tin cans in my backyard and I flew to the moon. My teacher handed it back to me with no comment. I tell you this story to help you understand my upbringing. My mother once told me, "Gary, if you want to get somewhere in life, the one thing you can do to make that happen is to read." She never put any restrictions on what I should or could read, so I grew up reading comic books. They were a big part of my life. When I became a writer I wrote three science fiction novels, I wanted my fourth novel to incorporate things that I most enjoyed when I was growing up, and one of those things was comics. My father read True Crime magazines in which they would dispatch photographers to capture crime scenes, and they would include with the descriptions real photos of dead bodies. I read those as well, but fortunately graduated to better stuff like Dashiell Hammett and Mickey Spillane. I was always fascinated with noir mysteries and I knew I wanted to combine them with comic books in some way, but I didn't know how. One morning I was watching cartoon cereal commercials and it just clicked. Here's Tony the Tiger just talking to real kids and nobody seemed to think it was odd. I said, "What if you had a world where cartoon characters were real? What kind of a world would that be?" That Saturday morning changed my life. That Saturday morning changed my life. I immediately started outlining the novel, doing more research on comic books and comic strips to see what they did that human beings couldn't (or wouldn't) do, and then putting it all together as a mystery that could only exist in a cartoon universe. What I find most inspiring about your story is the success found in spite of overwhelming rejection. 110 rejections from publishers. I got a lot of encouragement from my agent, who believed in the book as much as I did, and I would even call the rejections "good rejects." I always got them for the same reason, the editors would say that the book was fantastic or "one of the best novels I've ever read", but it was so unusual for the marketing department who would always say they couldn't sell it because it didn't fit into any category in a book store. On the 111th try, my book landed on the desk of an editor named Rebecca Martin at St. Martin's Press, where she had just published a major bestseller for them. The President of the publishing house gave her a vanity project saying that the next book she edits can be whatever she wants. That very day my book came across her desk and she said, "This is the book." The President said, "You can't publish this, I can't sell it. There's no place for it on the book store shelves." Rebecca stepped up to the plate and said, "You either publish it or I quit." He published it, but in very small quantities. If I had my life to live over I would buy up all of those $2 hardcovers because now they go for over $300 on eBay. When did you first realize that Disney was interested in your book? The book was bought for publication in 1980 and was scheduled to be released in 1981. In mid-1980 I receive a call from Roy Disney who said, "I just read your novel and I was wondering if you'd be interested in having Disney make a movie of it." The book hadn't even been published so I just said, "Yeah, right. Roy Disney. Give me a break," thinking it was one of my friends putting me on. It turned out that someone at St. Martin's Press, I never found out who (and I really tried), sent a copy of the manuscript to Disney. It made its way up the chain to Roy who said, "This is the movie we have to make." Roy saw it as the idea that would catapult them back into the first ranks of moviemaking. They also acknowledged that their stable of characters was getting a bit old. Mickey was a corporate "spokesmouse" and you really couldn't have fun with him anymore. You could still have fun with Donald, but nobody could understand what he was saying. They saw this as a new line of characters that they could merchandise, from which they make a tremendous amount of money, it was a potential new revenue stream. All the elements were in play for them to want to make the movie. As time went on, nobody really thought that Disney had the clout to make this movie in 1980, and initially they proved me right. They had trouble integrating the live action and animation and they came to me saying, "How about instead of animation we have the characters wear costumes like they do at Disneyland®?" I pictured Fred MacMurray as Eddie, Dean Jones as Roger, Hayley Mills as Jessica, and Kurt Russell as Baby Herman and immediately said "No." It really compromised the premise. Cooler heads prevailed in 1985 when Michael Eisner and Jeffrey Katzenberg arrived at Disney. They brought in Steven Spielberg and he brought in Robert Zemeckis. From that point on, they never looked back. Again, it was a perfect storm - if any of those things had not happened I'd instead be writing those TV commercials. I really love how willing they were to tell such a dark story and place their classic characters in a film noir with some truly horrific moments... I'm accused of being the guy that gave kids Judge Doom nightmares, but there's a long history of darkness that goes through Disney movies. There's the hunter in Bambi, the whale in Pinocchio, and the Witch in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (who I'd put against Frankenstein) - those are pretty scary characters. I think Who Framed Roger Rabbit was more about getting back to their roots. You wrote two sequels, WHO P-P-P-PLUGGED ROGER RABBIT? (1991) and WHO WACKED ROGER RABBIT (2013)... I had a creative challenge, especially with the first sequel, when considering that the film grossed $1 billion and that the people who saw it knew it as Roger Rabbit in Toontown. I think maybe thirty-five people had read my book, that includes my mother and my aunts. To most people, Roger Rabbit was the movie and not the book. I had twelve publishers bidding for the rights to the second novel, and I had to ask myself to which vision I'd hold true, the book or the film. The movie was dark, but my novel was way darker. And in the original book, Roger Rabbit dies. The movie was dark, but my novel was way darker. And in the original book, Roger Rabbit dies. I was able to solve this problem successfully and brought the rabbit back in the second book. I can't remember the page specifically, but I do have an explanation for why he's back. The first book didn't get many reviews at all, but the second book was well reviewed, People Magazine even printed the entire first page. The third novel broke all of those records. The creative challenge was fun. I don't know if Roger Rabbit is a work of towering genius, but it's pretty clever. I love the way that you treated comic book characters, such as Dick Tracy, in your novels. I treated them like real people. The WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT video game (1989) by LJN for the Nintendo Entertainment System, which I played obsessively as a kid, was very much like playing the novel, being that it's filled with a lot of questioning by Eddie Valiant and the characters speaking in word balloons. Yes! When the movie came out on June 22, 1988 they premiered it at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. My wife and I went with her mother and sat in the V.I.P. section of the balcony - I had Kathleen Turner on one side of me and Amy Irving (uncredited singing voice of Jessica Rabbit) on the other, these two fantasy girls, and we are about to watch my movie on the big screen and I remember thinking, "Life doesn't get any better than this." Then, life got better... Kathleen leaned over and put her hand on my leg and said, "Gary, are you excited?" I said, "Kathleen, you have no idea!" We went to the after-party that night and stayed in a hotel across the street from the theater. I woke up the next morning and looked out my window to see a line waiting to get into the movie. You didn't see lines anymore, I couldn't believe it! I had heard that they were selling Roger Rabbit merchandise at Macy's and so I told my wife, "Let's go over there and see what they've got." I said that I was going to buy the first piece of merchandise that I saw and that I was going to keep it forever. We walked in and I asked the young woman at the information desk where the Roger Rabbit merchandise was and she said, "Third floor." I asked, "Where on the third floor," and she said, "No, third floor." The whole third floor was full of Roger Rabbit merchandise, as far as the eye could see! I sometimes wish that my eye had landed on something else, but the first thing that I saw was a red plastic lunch box with a Thermos in it, so that is what I bought and kept. I have not made my home or office an homage to Roger Rabbit merchandise, but I do have those items. |One of three Roger Rabbit theatrical shorts. Did you have any involvement in the three theatrical Roger Rabbit shorts? They told me that they were going to do them and the premises, which were mostly sight gags that were done on-the-fly by the animators. I met many times with Rob Minkoff, the director of Tummy Trouble (1989), as well as the other directors and animators. There's just not a whole lot that I can contribute to that. I would rather sit at home alone in my office writing my books. I thought that Roller Coaster Rabbit (1990) was the funniest short I'd seen in my life. I think that short holds its own against anything that Warner Bros. did in the '40s or '50s. It's Tex Avery-level, just brilliant. Tell me about the rumored production of THE STOOGE... You know, I honestly don't know the status. The Stooge is a great project using Mickey Mouse and Roger Rabbit in a buddy movie based on a Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis film. It works perfectly, but I don't know what to tell you. Disney seems more interested in using their own characters and focusing on their Marvel and Star Wars properties. They don't seem to be real interested in the classic characters anymore. Who Framed Roger Rabbit grossed $1 billion, that's not small change, especially for 1988. The rule of thumb is that a sequel will do three-quarters of what the original did. The thing is that the champions of Roger are Jeffrey Katzenberg and Michael Eisner, who are no longer there. In order for a movie like this to get produced and succeed, it has to have a champion, and there are no champions for this. Never say never. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. I keep hoping. You seem to have found success with your most recent novel, KILLERBOWL. Yes, it is going to be a comic book as well as a table game in London, and there's movie interest in it. I've also got other live action/animated projects going that I can't talk about for contractual reasons, but some of them are going to be mind-blowing. Roger Rabbit stuff included. One of the sheer pleasures of my life is that in order to write Roger Rabbit novels in a convincing way, I actually have to go live in Toontown. In my office I'll sit down, shut my eyes, and visit Toontown to talk to the characters and see what they're doing. At first it was weird, like an alien place, but after a while I began to enjoy it. The sequences that I'm writing now are so easy for me that I'm beginning to question my own sanity. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I have flipped that switch and have actually become a toon myself. Someone suggested that the other day, "I've heard that Gary Wolf is actually a toon." That would explain a lot.
Quick Answer: E-waste recycling involves collecting, sorting, and processing discarded electronics to recover commodities and safely dispose of hazardous substances, essential for sustainable business operations. - E-waste recycling is essential for businesses to manage the disposal of their electronic devices responsibly, recover valuable materials like gold and copper, and prevent environmental damage from hazardous substances such as lead and mercury. - Businesses can differentiate between reuse, which extends the life of devices through refurbishment, and recycling, which dismantles devices to recover materials, both contributing to sustainability and resource conservation. - Implementing a comprehensive IT asset disposition (ITAD) program offers businesses economic benefits, including cost savings on waste management, potential revenue from recovered materials, and enhanced corporate reputation through sustainable practices. E-waste recycling is the process through which outdated, nonfunctional or discarded electronic devices are collected, sorted, and processed with the goal of recovering valuable materials and ensuring the safe disposal of hazardous substances. For businesses, this practice is not only a step towards environmental responsibility but also an opportunity to manage their decommissioned or end-of-life (EOL) IT assets efficiently and securely. Defining E-waste and Its Components E-waste, short for electronic waste, encompasses a broad range of electronic devices that have reached the end of their useful life. Businesses often generate e-waste in the form of old computers, laptops, smartphones, printers, monitors, phones, and other IT equipment. Within these discarded items are various components, including precious metals, plastics, and hazardous materials like lead and mercury. The potential for material recovery from e-waste is significant, offering a chance to reclaim valuable resources. However, if not handled correctly, the environmental impact can be detrimental, with harmful substances leaching into soil and water. The Process of Recycling Electronic Waste The journey of e-waste recycling begins with collection, where certified ITAD vendors play a crucial role. The two major certifications for ITAD and e-Waste disposal are R2 v3 and e-Stewards. Following collection, the IT equipment undergoes sorting to separate those IT assets with potential reuse value and those devices that are e-Waste. The processing phase involves data erasure for all data containing units and assets with reuse potential undergo thorough functionality testing and a cosmetic evaluation. Nonfunctional units are added to the e-Waste sorted at receiving. Finally, end-of-life disposition and recycling of materials takes place, with unusable components being handled in an environmentally responsible manner. It's crucial for businesses to direct their e-waste into the appropriate recycling stream to maximize recovery and minimize harm to the environment. Differentiating Between E-waste Reuse and Recycling It's important to distinguish between reuse and e-waste recycling. Reuse involves extending the life of electronic devices by refurbishing and reselling them, while recycling refers to the dismantling and recovery of materials. Both approaches play a vital role in waste management and offer distinct benefits. Reuse can reduce the demand for new products and save energy, while recycling prevents valuable materials from going to waste and mitigates the environmental impact of hazardous substances. The Importance of E-waste Recycling for Businesses In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are upgrading their technology more frequently than ever before. This rapid turnover of electronic devices has led to a surge in e-waste, making e-waste recycling not just a good practice but a necessary one for companies. Beyond the clear environmental benefits, there are compelling economic incentives and opportunities to enhance corporate ESG goals. Environmental Benefits of Proper E-waste Disposal When businesses choose to recycle their electronic waste, they contribute to a healthier planet in several ways: - Landfill Diversion: E-waste recycling helps to significantly reduce the volume of e-Waste that could end up in a landfill. - Preventing Toxic Substance Leakage: Electronics often contain harmful substances like lead and mercury. Proper recycling prevents these toxins from polluting the environment. - Natural Resource Conservation: Recycling recovers valuable materials from old electronics, reducing the need to mine new raw materials and thus conserving natural resources. These actions contribute to a healthier planet and demonstrate a business's commitment to sustainability, which can resonate strongly with customers and stakeholders. Economic Impacts of E-waste Recycling E-waste recycling isn't just good for the planet—it's also good for business. Here's how: - Cost Savings: Leveraging reuse as part of a comprehensive IT asset disposition (ITAD) program can lead to reduced disposal expenses as revenue can be used to lower project costs. - Revenue Streams: For organizations with a shorter refresh rate, value recovery may exceed project costs, creating a new revenue stream. Comprehensive IT asset disposition (ITAD) services help businesses to not only recapture asset value from their decommissioned IT equipment but also to manage the proper end-of-life (EoL) disposition of their e-Waste. Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Image E-waste recycling is a key component of corporate social responsibility (CSR). By responsibly disposing of electronic waste, businesses can: - Demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. - Enhance their brand image and reputation as an environmentally conscious organization. - Contribute to bridging the digital divide by earmarking reuse devices for donation. Comprehensive ITAD programs promote sustainability and CSR and make every effort to convert an environmental liability into a positive social impact. Types of Electronics That Can Be Recycled Understanding the scope of e-waste recycling programs is vital for businesses aiming to manage their electronic waste effectively. A wide array of IT equipment can be recycled, which not only aids in environmental preservation but also helps companies in maintaining compliance with waste management regulations. Common Business Electronics Eligible for Recycling Businesses are often surprised by the variety of electronic items that can be given a second life through recycling. Here's a look at some of the most common business electronics that can be recycled: - Computers: Including desktops, All-In-Ones (AIO’s), laptops - Printers: Laser and inkjet printers, scanners, and copiers - Mobile Devices: Smartphones, tablets, and PDAs - Networking Equipment: Routers, switches, and modems - Storage Devices: Servers, storage arrays, external hard drives and backup systems - Office Electronics: Fax machines, telephones, and projectors The proper disposal of these items is not just about decluttering office space; it's about taking responsibility for the lifecycle of the products a business uses. Certified ITAD vendors specialize in the secure removal of redundant IT assets, ensuring that businesses can confidently recycle their electronics knowing that their data is protected and their compliance needs are met. Hazardous Materials in E-waste Electronic waste often contains hazardous materials that can pose significant environmental risks and health risks if not managed correctly. Some of these materials include: - Lead: Found in computer monitors and soldering of printed circuit boards - Mercury: Present in certain types of batteries and backlights of screens - Cadmium: Used in semiconductors and resistors Improper disposal of e-waste can lead to the release of these substances into the environment, causing soil and water contamination. This is why businesses must partner with certified recyclers that adhere to the highest standards of environmental safety, including R2 certification, to prevent such hazards. Components Salvaged During the Recycling Process The e-waste recycling process is not just about mitigating harm; it's also an opportunity to reclaim valuable materials. Some of the components that can be salvaged include: - Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and platinum used in circuit boards and connectors - Rare Earth Elements: Utilized in the production of batteries and computer memory These materials are then reintegrated into the manufacturing cycle, reducing the need to mine new raw materials and contributing to a more sustainable economy. Preparing for E-waste Recycling Before diving into the world of e-waste recycling, businesses must take preparatory steps to ensure that their electronic assets are handled responsibly. This preparation not only helps in safeguarding sensitive information but also maximizes the efficiency of the disposal process. A thorough IT asset audit and stringent data security measures are the cornerstones of a successful e-waste recycling program. Conducting an IT Asset Audit in Your Business An IT asset audit is a systematic review of all electronic assets within a company. Here's how to conduct one effectively: - Inventory Management: Catalog all electronic devices, noting their condition, age, and any potential resale value. - Waste Tracking: Identify which items are decommissioned or broken and categorize them for disposal. This process helps businesses understand the scope of their disposal needs and make informed decisions about IT asset management. Data Security: Erasing and Protecting Sensitive Information Before recycling IT equipment, it's imperative to ensure that all sensitive data is completely erased. Here are some guidelines for secure data erasure: - Data Erasure: Use certified data destruction software to wipe all data from storage devices. - Physical Destruction: For highly sensitive data, physical destruction of the storage media may be necessary. Following guidance like the NIST 800-88 will ensure compliance with data protection regulations and offers peace of mind that all private information is securely and irreversibly destroyed. Sorting and Organizing IT Equipment for Disposal Efficient sorting and organizing of IT equipment staged for disposal can significantly streamline onsite services and can ensure that assets are secure before a collection event. Here are some best practices: - Separate by Type: Group similar items together, such as computers with computers and phones with phones. - Remove Non-recyclable Items: Ensure general waste is not mixed in with decommissioned IT equipment. - Secure Location: Limit accessibility to the location through key card or other secure methods. By organizing IT equipment before a disposal event, it will ensure that only covered electronic devices are being collected by an ITAD vendor and will reduce the chances of nonconformity. Selecting the Right E-waste Recycling Partner Choosing an e-waste recycling partner is a critical decision for businesses committed to responsible environmental stewardship. The right partner will not only ensure compliance with regulations but also uphold your company's reputation by employing ethical recycling methods. Here's what to consider when making this important choice. Certifications and Standards for E-waste Recyclers To ensure your e-waste is handled responsibly, look for recyclers with recognized certifications such as R2 and/or e-Stewards Certification: These certifications are important because they guarantee that the recycler operates under ethical practices and meets high environmental standards. Additionally, data destruction certifications like NAID AAA will ensure your vendor can provide the required levels of data sanitization or destruction. Evaluating Recyclers' Environmental Practices Assessing a recycler's environmental practices is crucial. Consider the following: - Their approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. - Policies for the safe handling of toxic materials. - Commitment to no-landfill policies and sustainable practices. Vendors should be able to easily provide a full list of downstream partners as well as a detailed compliance package that outlines their various management systems. Performing an onsite audit of their services is a best practice to ensure that all documented processes are being followed. Understanding the Costs and Logistics of Recycling Services The financial and logistical aspects of e-waste recycling services are also important. When evaluating potential partners, consider: - Recycling costs: Understand the fees associated with recycling your e-waste. - Transportation costs: Factor in the expenses of getting your e-waste to the recycling facility. - Service fees: Be aware of any additional costs for services like data destruction. - Collection logistics: Ensure the recycler can accommodate your needs for e-waste pickup and handling. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of E-waste Recycling Navigating the legal framework and regulatory framework is a critical component of e-waste recycling for businesses. Compliance is not just about adhering to laws; it's about contributing to a sustainable future and protecting your company from potential legal consequences. Understanding these aspects ensures that businesses recycle their electronic waste responsibly and in accordance with the law. Compliance with Local and National E-waste Regulations E-waste recycling is governed by a complex web of local laws and national laws. To ensure compliance, businesses should: - Stay informed about the specific e-waste regulations applicable in their region. - Develop a recycling plan that meets both state and federal requirements. - Partner with certified recyclers who are knowledgeable about these regulations. The Role of E-waste Recycling in Data Privacy Laws Proper e-waste recycling intersects significantly with data privacy laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To comply with these regulations, businesses must: - Implement strict data destruction protocols to ensure sensitive information is irretrievable. - Choose recycling partners that provide certificates of data destruction. - Understand the data protection requirements specific to their industry. Penalties and Risks of Non-compliance for Businesses Failing to comply with e-waste recycling regulations can lead to severe consequences, including: - Legal penalties: Significant fines that can impact a company's financial health. - Business risks: Damage to reputation and loss of customer trust. Legal and regulatory compliance in e-waste recycling is not just a requirement but an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and data protection. Implementing an IT Asset Disposition Program in Business Operations Integrating an IT asset disposition program into a company's operations is a proactive step towards sustainability and corporate responsibility. It involves more than just setting up collection bins; it's about creating a culture of environmental awareness and participation at all levels of the organization. Employee Training and Engagement in E-waste Recycling To foster a successful e-waste recycling initiative, it's essential to involve employees from the start. Here are some strategies to ensure effective employee training and participation: - Educational Workshops: Conduct workshops to educate employees about the importance of e-waste recycling and the correct disposal methods for various types of electronic waste. - Incentive Programs: Encourage recycling efforts by creating incentive programs that reward departments or individuals for their participation. - Feedback Mechanisms: Implement channels for employees to provide feedback or suggestions on the recycling program, fostering a sense of ownership and continuous improvement. Setting Up an IT Asset Disposition Program Establishing an IT Asset Disposition program requires careful planning and consideration of the specific needs of your business. Key steps include: - Recycling Bins: Place clearly labeled bins in accessible areas to encourage proper sorting of e-waste. - Signage and Communication: Use clear signage to guide employees on what can be recycled and create communication plans to promote the program internally. - Partner Selection: Choose a certified vendor that aligns with your company's values and complies with all relevant regulations. Monitoring and Reporting on E-waste Recycling Performance To measure the success of your e-waste recycling program, it's important to track performance and adjust as needed. Consider the following: - Recycling Metrics: Track metrics such as the volume of e-waste collected, the types of materials recovered, and the reduction in waste sent to landfills. - Reporting: Regularly report these metrics to stakeholders to demonstrate the program's impact and value. - Continuous Improvement: Use the data collected to identify areas for improvement and to make data-driven decisions to enhance the program's effectiveness. Frequently Asked Questions Question 1: What are the potential risks of improper e-waste disposal? Answer: Improper e-waste disposal can lead to environmental contamination and health risks. E-waste often contains hazardous materials such as lead and mercury, which can leak into the soil and water if not handled properly. This can harm ecosystems and pose serious health risks to humans and wildlife. Question 2: What are the economic benefits of e-waste recycling for businesses? Answer: E-waste recycling offers several economic advantages for businesses that implement a comprehensive ITAD strategy. It can significantly lower disposal costs when reuse is factored into services. Additionally, it reduces the potential for legal or punitive damages related to improper disposal of electronics and/or data nonconformity. recovered materials like copper and gold can be sold, turning potential waste into a source of revenue. Question 3: How does e-waste recycling contribute to corporate social responsibility? Answer: E-waste recycling is a tangible way for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, which is an important aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR). By participating in recycling programs, businesses can reduce their environmental impact, conserve resources, and protect ecosystems. These actions can enhance a company's brand image, attract customers, and even influence buying decisions. Question 4: What are the key certifications to look for in an e-waste recycling partner? Answer: When selecting an e-waste recycling partner, it's important to look for reputable certifications. Two key certifications to consider are R2 Certification and e-Stewards. Both R2 and e-Stewards certifications are recognized as leading global standards for electronics repair and recycling and signifies adherence to strict environmental and social standards. These certifications ensure that the recycler operates ethically, follows environmental standards, and does not export e-waste to countries with lower environmental standards. Question 5: How can businesses integrate e-waste recycling into their operations? Answer: To integrate e-waste recycling into their operations, businesses can take several steps. They can conduct employee training and engagement programs to educate staff about the importance of e-waste recycling. Setting up a dedicated space for e-waste collection and partnering with a certified e-waste recycler are also crucial. Developing a communication plan to promote the program and regularly monitoring and reporting on e-waste recycling performance can help businesses measure their progress and make improvements.
Many low-carb or keto white chocolate dessert recipes call for commercial sugar-free white chocolate — which is nearly impossible to find. And if you find a sugar-free brand, you can be sure it’s sweetened with maltitol that is for sure upsetting your stomach and raising your blood sugar levels. Therefore, I developed a super-easy keto white chocolate mousse that uses cocoa butter and more natural sweeteners. It won’t spike your blood sugar levels or trouble your tummy. Developing this 5-ingredient keto dessert wasn’t easy — but it was rewarding in the end. Read on to find out the easy recipe and my efforts and experiments to come up with a perfect, velvety, and unbelievably delicious keto white chocolate mousse! How to make the Easy 5-Ingredient Blender Keto White Chocolate Mousse Like said, this recipe uses cocoa butter (cacao butter) instead of sugar-free white chocolate. I’ve far too often disappointed with commercial sugar-free or keto white chocolate brands. They come to the market boasting their healthiness and deliciousness — just to disappear in an eyeblink. For example, this wonderful keto frosting recipe uses sugar-free white chocolate from KZ Clean Eating that was on the market just for a year or two. Before that, there were other brands that also disappeared after a while. Therefore, I’ve given up using commercial sugar-free white chocolate in my recipes. And currently, there is absolutely no decent sugar-free white chocolate! Well, there might be a couple of brands sweetened with maltitol, but as it’s a problematic sweetener and not that keto after all, I don’t use maltitol at all. However, as I’m an avid white chocolate lover, I’ve developed keto white chocolate bar recipes (one is here and one is in my Low Sugar, So Simple book). In addition to pure white chocolate, I’ve come up with, for example, Keto Pumpkin White Chocolate Truffles, Keto White Chocolate Peanut Butter Fondue, and Keto White Hot Chocolate. Moreover, under our Ketokamu brand, we are planning to bring two commercial keto white chocolate bars to the (Finnish) market at the beginning of next year. I will develop recipes for those. And they won’t be sweetened with maltitol! But more chit chat in the next chapter and especially at the end of the post. So, let’s take a look at how to prepare this smooth and velvety keto treat in a cinch: Take 2 oz (60 g) cocoa butter and melt it in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Personally, I find a water bath handier as the cocoa butter melts faster for some reason. The microwave oven takes longer. Well, I think it’s because the water content of cocoa butter is so low that nuking doesn’t work that well. Next, take a blender jar and add 1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream… …3-4 tablespoons powdered erythritol… …1 teaspoon vanilla extract… …and a pinch of unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt. Start blending on low speed. Add the melted cocoa butter while blending. Continue blending until smooth mousse forms. Don’t overblend! The blending should take just a couple of seconds, so keep your eye on the mousse while blending. Transfer into 4 serving glasses. I love to pipe the mousse for a beautiful presentation. Decorate for example with crushed nuts and berries. Serve immediately for the best taste and mouthfeel. You can store the mousse in the fridge, though, but just take it to room temperature (under 86 °F = 30 °C) half an hour before serving. How I came up with this Keto White Chocolate Mousse recipe After pondering over this week’s recipe and checking my idealist, I decided a white chocolate mousse would be worth developing. I do have several keto recipes with white chocolate but didn’t develop mousse so far. So, now it was about time. However, I didn’t want to use commercial sugar-free white chocolate because there is no proper brand on the market — at least any that I could get here in Finland! Well, there exist some sugar-free brands, but they are sweetened with maltitol, and those I don’t want to use because maltitol, despite being quite a natural sweetener, it’s anyway quite problematic. Moreover, maltitol has more calories than, for example, erythritol, one of my preferred sweeteners. Even erythritol is also a sugar alcohol, it’s much better tolerated, i.e., it doesn’t upset the stomach, it doesn’t have calories, and it doesn’t usually spike up blood sugar. Of course, if you are metabolically very sensitive, basically anything can raise your blood sugar levels. Or if you have a sensitive stomach, also erythritol can cause problems. It’s all individual. For me, erythritol works as a very mild laxative. I have my colon removed, so I guess it’s somehow related to that. But back to the recipe development. Since white chocolate consists mainly of cocoa butter (except sugary white chocolate consists mostly of sugar!), I chose cocoa butter to work as white chocolate in my mousse recipe. As the main ingredient, I thought heavy cream (the type you use for whipping) is the best choice. Naturally, I also needed sweetener. Powdered erythritol sounded like the best match as I expected stevia wouldn’t provide enough sweetness, and on the other hand, granulated erythritol would leave a sandy mouthfeel. I also decided to add vanilla extract as anything with white chocolate always cries for vanilla. Yes, and a pinch of natural salt would round the flavors beautifully. I decided to try out a ganache-based mousse. So, I thought I will heat first the heavy cream until piping hot, then add the rest of the ingredients and chill the mixture until cold. The cold mixture would be easy to whip into a thick, smooth, velvety mousse — just like the ganache you’ll make with milk chocolate or dark chocolate. As you can see, this approach didn’t work at all. Nope, it was a huge failure: The mixture separated really badly! Actually, when the mixture was cooling down, it created a thick and hard crust of cocoa butter on top. Anyway, I thought if I added xanthan, it might work as a perfect emulsifier and save my recipe, turning the separated mess into a smooth and homogenous mousse. I added 1/2 teaspoon xanthan to my failed experiment and heated it until the cocoa butter had melted. Then, I beat this lukewarm mixture with an electric mixer, hoping that it will homogenize and get some volume. Well, at least the mixture wasn’t separated anymore, but instead of mousse, it became a sort of pudding: Moreover, the consistency was somewhat slimy, thanks to xanthan. I thought another natural emulsifier, sunflower lecithin, was worth trying. Well, if I won’t manage to develop a proper mousse recipe, at least I can make a keto white chocolate pudding recipe… For my next experiments, I reduced the amount of cocoa butter from 4 oz (115 g) to 3 oz (85 g) and made two versions, one with xanthan and one with sunflower lecithin. I added these emulsifiers in the beginning and blended with the rest of the ingredients. Again, there developed a thick crust of cocoa butter on top while I was chilling the mixtures. Didn’t look too promising… As expected, these experiments failed as well. When I started beating the chilled mixtures, the hard crust didn’t mix into the cream but stayed as hard lumps. Moreover, the cream was splattering all over my kitchen, creating a nasty mess! After a few more failed experiments, I noticed I’m just banging my head against the wall, and this doesn’t lead anywhere. Maybe I should give up the ganache approach and think of something else… But what else? Aha! A blender might be just the right piece of equipment for the mousse. If I just combined all ingredients and blended them into a smooth mousse? Would that work? That was to be seen. I took 1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream, 2 oz (60 g) melted cocoa butter, 1/4 cup (60 ml) powdered erythritol, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and a pinch of Himalayan salt and combined them in a blender jar. I used the whipping program in my blender, and ta-dah! A smooth, thick, and velvety mousse was born. Alas, I continued blending, and the mixture separated — just what happens when you overwhip heavy cream. You’ll end up with butter and whey. I added 1/2 teaspoon xanthan, and indeed, when blending further, the mixture turned into smooth mousse again. Actually, this version with xanthan was even smoother than without it. The first version had a tad grainy texture. Moreover, the cocoa butter didn’t blend properly in the first blending; some of it had got stuck to the sides of the blender jar. I thought I now have the final recipe — with xanthan to ensure that the mixture stays smooth. However, after some more tasting tests, I thought the consistency is a bit slimy. There must still be some way to perfect the recipe! Well, if I added the melted cocoa butter while blending — not with other ingredients right in the beginning — it would mix better into the mousse and not get stuck to the sides of the blender jar, I contemplated. Indeed, adding the melted cocoa butter while blending on low speed resulted in the smoothest and the most homogenous mousse – that was super-tasty as well! Yippee! NOW, I was perfectly happy with the recipe. In the end, my experiments required a considerable amount (over 1 gallon, so about 4 liters) of cream — but it was so worth! And the best thing is that YOU don’t have to do any experimenting but just grab my recipe, whip up the mousse, and enjoy! - 2 oz = 60 g cacao butter - 1 cup = 240 ml heavy cream - 3—4 tablespoons powdered erythritol - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - pinch unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt - Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath or in a - Combine the heavy cream, erythritol, vanilla extract, and the salt in a blender jar. - Blend at low speed while pouring in the melted cocoa butter. Continue blending a couple of seconds until a thick mousse forms. - Spoon or pipe the mousse into serving bowls. - Decorate, for example, with berries and crushed nuts. Serve immediately. (You can store the mousse in the fridge for a few days; just bring it to room temperature before serving.) As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases - without any extra costs for you. Low Sugar, So Simple: 100 Delicious Low-Sugar, Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Recipes for Eating Clean and Living Healthy Sherpa Pink Gourmet Himalayan Salt - 5 lbs. Extra-Fine Grain Redmond Real Salt - Ancient Fine Sea Salt, Unrefined Mineral Salt, 16 Ounce Pouch (1 Pack) Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Cacao Butter, 2 Lbs - Raw | Keto | Vegan | Unrefined Simply Organic Vanilla Flavoring (non-alcoholic), Certified Organic | 4 oz Powdered Erythritol Sweetener - 1:1 Sugar Substitute, Keto - 0 Calorie, 0 Net Carb, Non-GMO (2.5 lbs / 40 oz) Anthony's Confectioner's Erythritol, 2 lb, Non GMO, Natural Sweetener, Zero Calorie, Keto & Paleo Friendly |Per serving if 4 servings in total How to get variation to the recipe Feel free to add natural flavorings to the mousse. Lime is fabulous with white chocolate, so you can add 2 tablespoons freshly-squeezed lime juice and 1 teaspoon grated peel of organic lime before blending. Naturally, lemon is also a perfect match. And, orange peel and juice work wonders, too. When you use just 1 tablespoon orange juice, the carb count won’t rise too high because the amount of orange juice is so little. For even lower carb count, replace orange juice with 2 drops (not more!) of 100% orange essential oil. You can replace half of the erythritol with flavored stevia. Not only vanilla stevia is a perfect match, but try other fascinating flavors, like cinnamon vanilla, tropical fruit, pomegranate blueberry, English toffee, lemon twist, maple — or pumpkin spice stevia that is just perfect for the fall. Talking about fall, since the taste of this mousse is relatively mild and the consistency is rich, sour flavors are a fantastic companion to this dessert. You can decorate the mousse with fresh cranberries, or for a Nordic version, use lingonberries like I’ve done in the main photo of this post. For Halloween, you can color the mousse with spirulina or other natural food colorings. Or then you can simply pipe the white mousse using a round tip and serve it as “ghost poo”. (You bet I had fun when taking this photo!): I bet I haven’t told you that I have done lots of Facebook marketing in the past? Well, I have had a break from that business for a couple of years. Actually, I created 5 online courses about Facebook marketing, and I was also doing marketing for local companies and teaching Facebook and social media marketing. The results for the local companies were great: up to 3,000% ROI! However, as I started to concentrate more on nutrition things, I gave up the Facebook marketing business. But, now when we have Ketokamu, it’s time to start Facebook marketing again. This week, I’ve run the first Facebook ads for Ketokamu, and the results are promising. Facebook marketing — with all that creating of ads (including photos and videos) as well as analyzing the results — would be a full-time job if done properly. Since I already have quite some full-time jobs, I try to do the Ketokamu Facebook advertising quickly and effectively. Talking about Ketokamu, due to confusion in our soup orders, we got plenty of leftover soups from the latest batch. I got 64 soups delivered to my front door, so I won’t be running out of soups for some time! Well, my neighbors won’t be running out of soups for some time either… I already brought some soups to the 90-year-old lady next door who has managed to control her diabetes with the soups. Yep, in one of my previous posts I mentioned that she sent me a thank you card some time ago because she was so happy that she doesn’t have to inject insulin anymore after eating our keto-friendly soups! Hope you had a great Halloween. Usually, I create plenty of keto Halloween treats, and we celebrate Halloween to the max. You can take a look at my Halloween offerings at the end of this old post. There is also a video on my Facebook page about my Halloween offerings two years ago (I still find that Keto Cat Litterbox Cake utterly hilarious!). However, this year I was so busy that we didn’t celebrate Halloween massively. I just made these sugar-free natural-ingredient worm candies and the sugar-free milk chocolate hands for my son’s Halloween party at school. As I had made so much of this white chocolate mousse, I used it to fill my birthday cake as today is my birthday:
Looking to dive into the world of 3D printing? Want to enhance your knowledge and expertise? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the top books for understanding 3D printing. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced individual, these recommended books cater to a wide range of skill levels and interests. From troubleshooting common issues to designing functional objects, these books provide valuable insights from experts in the field. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your understanding of this revolutionary technology! 3D Printing For Dummies’ by Richard Horne & Kalani Kirk Hausman If you’re looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of 3D printing, ‘3D Printing For Dummies’ by Richard Horne & Kalani Kirk Hausman is the book for you. This book covers a wide range of topics related to 3D printing, including exploring 3D printing basics, practical applications of 3D printing, troubleshooting common 3D printing issues, understanding different 3D printing technologies, and maximizing profitability with 3D printing. When it comes to exploring 3D printing basics, this book provides a detailed overview of how 3D printing works, from the process of creating digital files to the actual printing of objects. It explains the different types of 3D printers available and the materials that can be used for printing. The book also delves into the practical applications of 3D printing, highlighting its use in various industries such as healthcare, aerospace, automotive, architecture, and education. It showcases real-world examples and case studies that demonstrate the potential of 3D printing in these fields. Furthermore, ‘3D Printing For Dummies’ offers valuable insights into troubleshooting common issues that may arise during the 3D printing process. It provides tips and techniques for resolving problems related to print quality, printer calibration, and material compatibility. In addition, the book discusses different 3D printing technologies, such as fused deposition modeling (FDM), stereolithography (SLA), and selective laser sintering (SLS). It explains the strengths and limitations of each technology, allowing readers to make informed decisions when choosing a 3D printing method. Lastly, ‘3D Printing For Dummies’ explores ways to maximize profitability with 3D printing. It offers guidance on cost analysis, pricing strategies, and business models that can be implemented to leverage the potential of 3D printing as a profitable venture. The 3D Printing Handbook’ by Collaboration From 3D Hubs Now let’s shift our focus to ‘The 3D Printing Handbook’ by Collaboration From 3D Hubs, which offers detailed explanations and imagery of various 3D printing technologies. This comprehensive guide delves into the industrial applications of 3D printing, exploring its use in manufacturing and production processes. It emphasizes the importance of design considerations in 3D printing, discussing the principles and considerations that need to be taken into account when designing objects for 3D printing. The book also examines material selection in depth, providing insights into the different materials used in 3D printing and their properties. Additionally, it investigates various post-processing techniques that can be employed to improve the quality of 3D printed objects. Furthermore, ‘The 3D Printing Handbook’ speculates on the future possibilities of 3D printing, delving into potential advancements and innovations in 3D printing technology. This forward-thinking approach makes the book a valuable resource for individuals looking to stay updated on the latest trends in the field. With its technical and informative style, this handbook serves as a valuable reference for both beginners and experienced individuals in the 3D printing industry. Make: Getting Started With 3D Printing’ by Liza Wallach Kloski and Nick Kloski Start your 3D printing journey with ‘Make: Getting Started With 3D Printing’ by Liza Wallach Kloski and Nick Kloski. This book is a beginner-friendly introduction to the world of 3D printing and additive manufacturing. It covers a wide range of topics, including practical applications, beginner-friendly techniques, additive manufacturing advancements, choosing the right materials, and troubleshooting common issues. The book provides valuable insights into the practical applications of 3D printing in various industries. It explores how 3D printing is used in healthcare for creating medical implants, prosthetics, and surgical models. It also delves into its applications in aerospace for producing lightweight components and prototypes, as well as in automotive for customized parts and tooling. Furthermore, it discusses how 3D printing is utilized in architecture for creating scale models and intricate structures, and in education for hands-on learning and visual aids. In addition to practical applications, the book offers beginner-friendly techniques for getting started with 3D printing. It provides step-by-step instructions on setting up a 3D printer, using modeling software, and preparing files for printing. It also covers essential concepts like layering, supports, and infill, making it easier for beginners to understand the fundamentals of 3D printing. The book also highlights the latest additive manufacturing advancements, discussing emerging technologies and trends in the field. It explores advancements in multi-material and multi-color printing, as well as the integration of 3D printing with other technologies like AI and IoT. It also touches upon the expansion of 3D printing in the construction industry and the development of printable electronics and flexible materials. When it comes to choosing the right materials for 3D printing, the book offers guidance on selecting the appropriate materials for different applications. It discusses the properties and characteristics of various materials commonly used in 3D printing, such as plastics, metals, ceramics, composites, and biomaterials. By understanding the different material options, readers can make informed decisions when selecting materials for their 3D printing projects. Furthermore, the book provides troubleshooting tips for common issues that may arise during the 3D printing process. It addresses issues like print failures, warping, stringing, and adhesion problems, offering solutions and techniques to overcome these challenges. By equipping readers with troubleshooting knowledge, the book empowers them to handle common issues effectively and achieve successful 3D prints. 3D Printing: An Introduction’ by Stephanie Torta and Jonathan Torta Continue exploring the world of 3D printing with ‘3D Printing: An Introduction’ by Stephanie Torta, KOITOTO and Jonathan Torta, which provides a comprehensive overview of the technology and its applications. This book delves into the practical applications of 3D printing, design considerations, material selection, troubleshooting techniques, and future prospects. When it comes to practical applications, ‘3D Printing: An Introduction’ covers a wide range of industries. It discusses how 3D printing is used in healthcare for creating medical implants, prosthetics, and surgical models. The book also explores its applications in aerospace for producing lightweight components and prototypes. In the automotive industry, 3D printing enables the creation of customized parts and tooling. Architecture benefits from 3D printing through the production of scale models and intricate structures. Additionally, the book highlights how 3D printing is utilized in education for hands-on learning and visual aids. Design considerations play a crucial role in successful 3D printing projects, and this book provides valuable insights. It discusses factors such as optimizing designs for 3D printing, considering support structures, and ensuring the feasibility of complex geometries. ‘3D Printing: An Introduction’ also emphasizes the importance of material selection in achieving desired outcomes. It explores different materials used in 3D printing, including plastics like PLA and ABS, metals like titanium and aluminum, ceramics like porcelain and zirconia, composites like carbon fiber, and biomaterials like hydrogels. Troubleshooting techniques are essential for overcoming challenges in 3D printing, and this book offers guidance. It covers common issues such as print failures, warping, and layer adhesion problems. ‘3D Printing: An Introduction’ provides troubleshooting tips and techniques to help users identify and resolve these issues effectively. Looking towards the future, this book discusses the prospects of 3D printing. It explores advancements in multi-material and multi-color printing, the integration of 3D printing with other technologies like AI and IoT, and the expansion of 3D printing in the construction industry. Additionally, ‘3D Printing: An Introduction’ highlights the development of printable electronics and flexible materials, as well as the adoption of 3D printing in the food and fashion industries. 3D Printing Made Easy for Newbies and Hobbyists For newcomers and hobbyists in the world of 3D printing, a must-read book is ‘3D Printing Made Easy for Newbies and Hobbyists’. This book provides valuable guidance and resources for individuals who are just starting their 3D printing journey. Here are some key features of the book: – Beginner-friendly tutorials: ‘3D Printing Made Easy’ offers step-by-step tutorials that walk you through the process of setting up and operating a 3D printer. It covers the basics of slicing software, filament selection, and printing techniques. – Troubleshooting tips: The book addresses common 3D printing issues and provides troubleshooting strategies to help you overcome them. From bed adhesion problems to filament jams, ‘3D Printing Made Easy’ equips you with the knowledge to troubleshoot and fix these issues. – Safety precautions: Safety is paramount when working with 3D printers. The book emphasizes the importance of following safety protocols, such as proper ventilation and handling of materials. It also highlights potential risks and precautions to take when operating a 3D printer. – Exploring artistic creations and medical applications: ‘3D Printing Made Easy’ delves into the creative and medical possibilities of 3D printing. It showcases various artistic creations made using 3D printing techniques and explores the use of 3D printing in the medical field, including medical implants and prosthetics. 3D Printing Failures’ by Sean Aranda If you’re looking for a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for dealing with common 3D printing issues, ‘3D Printing Failures’ by Sean Aranda is an excellent choice. This book provides valuable insights and techniques for troubleshooting various problems that can occur during the 3D printing process. One of the key aspects covered in this book is understanding the common mistakes to avoid in 3D printing. By learning about these mistakes, you can prevent issues such as poor print quality, failed prints, or nozzle clogging. The book also offers tips for improving print quality in 3D printing, including adjusting settings, calibrating the printer, and optimizing the slicing process. Another important topic covered in ‘3D Printing Failures’ is the role of filament selection in successful 3D printing. Different types of filaments have different properties and requirements, and choosing the right filament for your project is crucial for achieving the desired results. The book provides guidance on selecting the appropriate filament for specific applications and offers advice on storage and handling to ensure optimal printing conditions. Furthermore, ‘3D Printing Failures’ delves into exploring advanced techniques and materials in 3D printing. It discusses topics such as multi-material printing, post-processing techniques, and the use of alternative materials like flexible filaments and metal composites. By expanding your knowledge in these areas, you can unlock new possibilities and push the boundaries of what can be achieved with 3D printing. 3D Printing Projects’ by DK In the article ‘What Are the Best Books for Understanding 3D Printing?’, let’s now explore the book ‘D Printing Projects’ by DK, which offers a range of practical designs and tutorials for 3D printable models. This book delves into emerging trends in 3D printing materials, providing insights into the innovative applications of 3D printing in the fashion industry. It also explores the impact of 3D printing on sustainable manufacturing practices, showcasing how this technology can contribute to a more eco-friendly approach. Moreover, ‘D Printing Projects’ addresses the challenges and solutions for large-scale 3D printing projects, providing valuable guidance for those involved in such endeavors. Lastly, it delves into the exciting potential of 3D printed food and its implications, shedding light on the possibilities of this technology in the culinary field. With its practical designs and tutorials, ‘D Printing Projects’ is a valuable resource for both beginners and those looking to expand their knowledge in the world of 3D printing. Zombie Apocalypse Guide to 3D Printing’ by Clifford T Smyth ‘Zombie Apocalypse Guide to 3D Printing’ by Clifford T Smyth provides a unique and practical approach to 3D printing, offering readers a creative perspective on how this technology can be utilized in a post-apocalyptic scenario. This book explores various aspects of 3D printing that are relevant to survival strategies in a post-apocalyptic world. It delves into the unconventional applications of 3D printing beyond practicality, highlighting the potential to create essential tools and useful objects in a resource-limited environment. One of the key features of this book is its exploration of the artistic potential of 3D printing. It encourages readers to explore their creativity and think outside the box when it comes to designing and printing objects. From creating unique weapons to crafting intricate survival gear, the possibilities are endless. Furthermore, ‘Zombie Apocalypse Guide to 3D Printing’ addresses the ethical considerations associated with 3D printing in a post-apocalyptic world. It raises important questions about the impact of this technology on society, such as the distribution of resources and the potential for abuse. Lastly, this book discusses how 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing in the future. It explores the advancements in technology that could lead to faster and more efficient production processes, ultimately changing the way industries operate. The Future Is Faster Than You Think’ by Steven Kotler and Peter H. Diamandis Continuing from the previous subtopic, let’s delve into the book ‘The Future Is Faster Than You Think’ by Steven Kotler and Peter H. Diamandis, which explores the impact of technology on various aspects of life, including the 3D printing industry. – Exploring the impact, advantages, and challenges of 3D printing in various industries: The book delves into how 3D printing has revolutionized industries such as healthcare, aerospace, automotive, architecture, and education. It highlights the benefits of rapid prototyping, reduced manufacturing costs, customization, and the ability to create complex designs. – The role of 3D printing in sustainable manufacturing practices: The authors discuss how 3D printing enables sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing processes by minimizing waste and using recyclable materials. They explore the potential of 3D printing in reducing carbon emissions and promoting a circular economy. – The integration of 3D printing with other emerging technologies like AI and IoT: The book explores how 3D printing can be integrated with artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to enhance efficiency and automation in manufacturing processes. It discusses how these technologies can work together to optimize production and improve product quality. – The potential of 3D printing in the construction and food industries: The authors speculate on the future of 3D printing in these sectors, discussing how it can revolutionize construction by enabling the creation of complex structures and reducing construction time. They also explore the potential of 3D printing in the food industry, including the creation of personalized nutrition and the production of food in space. – The future of 3D printing and its implications for society: The book offers insights into the future of 3D printing, discussing advancements in multi-material and multi-color printing, the development of printable electronics, and the expansion of 3D printing in various industries. It also addresses the potential societal implications of widespread adoption of 3D printing, including job displacement and intellectual property concerns. ‘The Future Is Faster Than You Think’ provides a comprehensive exploration of the impact, advantages, and challenges of 3D printing in various industries. It also delves into the role of 3D printing in sustainable manufacturing practices, the integration of 3D printing with other emerging technologies, the potential of 3D printing in the construction and food industries, and the future of 3D printing and its implications for society. How to Make Money With 3D Printing If you’re looking to explore the entrepreneurial opportunities presented by 3D printing, ‘How to Make Money With 3D Printing’ offers valuable insights and guidance. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the profitable opportunities that can arise from 3D printing. One avenue for making money is selling 3D printed products. With the ability to create customized designs, you can cater to niche markets and offer unique products that have a high demand. Another option is offering 3D printing services, where you can provide printing services to individuals or businesses that do not have access to their own printers. Additionally, you can monetize your 3D printing expertise by providing consulting services, teaching workshops, or writing tutorials and guides. The key to success in making money with 3D printing lies in identifying market needs, developing a solid business plan, and delivering high-quality products and services. ‘How to Make Money With 3D Printing’ will equip you with the necessary knowledge and strategies to turn your 3D printing passion into a profitable venture.
Our great American road trip A local writer and his family crisscross America on a once-in-a-lifetime summer vacation The cab pulled up to the house and disgorged myself, my wife,our two kids and a seemingly endless parade of bags, car seats and kiddie-transport backpacks. It was one month and one day since we’d left our Midtown home in a borrowed red Prius and set out on a cross-country-and-back summer adventure. Driving east. Taking the rails west again. Now, after a final 30-hour train ride, we’d made it home. It was good to be back in Sacramento. In the intervening 31 days, the four of us—my wife, Julie; our 5-year-old daughter, Sofia; our 2-year-old son, Leo; and me—had driven close to 4,000 miles in a car we were transporting east for a friend. We’d zigzagged east, spent 10 days in the Big Apple, three in Washington, D.C., and then jogged back west on Amtrak, with overnight trips to Chicago and Denver. We’d spent a few days hiking in the Rocky Mountain National Park, surrounded by 2.5-mile-high mountains, their tops draped with glaciers and rushing, ice-cold rivers cascading down from the heights. From Denver, we’d made it over the double hump of the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada, the majestic ranges separated by hundreds of miles of fierce high desert, then—finally—back to Sacramento. “You’re seeing more of America in a month than many people see in a lifetime,” I told my kids. They were scathingly unimpressed. It didn’t matter. I was impressed; by the vastness, the improbableness of the country, by the fact that in the most infrastructure-heavy country on Earth, you can still lose yourself in a landscape of absolutely epic proportions. You can still enter places where minutes and hours and days cease to matter.Soaring mountains and glittering chambers Gradually, the chronology of our trip started to fade, the experiences meshing into something that transcended time and place. It became something impressionistic. We joined the crowds to snap pictures of the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument. We roamed the great museums of Chicago, New York and D.C., and 40 years to the week after Apollo 11’s voyage to the moon, we toured the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. We saw the Spirit of St. Louis, the Wright brothers’ first plane, lunar-landing modules and decommissioned nuclear rockets. We saw Chinese acrobats performing lakefront at Navy Pier and gazed at rooms filled with Monets in the Art Institute in Chicago, and hiked miles through the Utah desert and along mountain pathways in Colorado. We went on shopping sprees in New York and visited old Danish windmills in Iowa. Near the beginning of the trip, we toured Great Basin National Park’s caves in remote southeast Nevada; caves discovered more than a century ago under soaring mountains covered in bristlecone pines, the oldest living things on Earth—5,000 years old, as old as the Egyptian pyramids. Great Basin, hundreds of miles southeast of Reno, so far off the beaten path that hardly anyone visits it, making it, according to locals, the second-least visited national park in America, after one in Alaska. If you make the schlep, it’s well worth it: glittering chambers of stalagmites and stalactites hidden beneath the earth. “Stagglemites,” Sofia called them excitedly. Stagglemite rooms that look like the gaping mouths of some prehistoric sea monster. Leo, too young to walk, journeyed on my back, his stubby legs sticking out of a purple fluorescent backpack. As we walked through Arches National Park, in Utah, the fierce desert sun pounding down on us, a huge floppy hat repeatedly falling off his head, I taught him to speed me up by tugging my hair on my left side, and to slow me down by pulling on my right side. “Giddy up, horsey!” he shouted, happily. “Go faster!” I tried, but it’s not easy carrying 27 pounds of toddler and a backpack along rocky wilderness paths under a 90-degree sun. The kids discovered soft, tan-brown sand dunes, nestled into a far corner of the park and spent an hour repeatedly burying my feet in the cool, smooth, untainted sand. After walking through the desert, the sand on the soles of my feet felt like a high-quality massage. A day later we spent hours walking in the other-worldly landscape of Canyonlands National Park, a seemingly endless number of canyons crisscrossing each other, some dominated by great mesas, others by spires whittled out of the surrounding rock over the millennia. It’s a combination of the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon national parks, but absent the vast crowds of tourists, the rim-top stores and the huge hotels. It’s the desert in all its devastating emptiness. That night, Sofia and I took a starlit boat tour up the Colorado River, my daughter watching in awe as the guides shone powerful lights onto patterns in the red-rock cliffs, pointing out natural etchings that looked like crocodiles, E.T.’s face, Charlie Brown and a host of other images. “Use your imagination,” the guide told us as we boarded the boat. Looking up into the starry desert sky, it didn’t take a huge amount of imagination to sense infinity, or, at the very least, the quantum smallness of each of us here on Earth. Then, seamlessly, we’d left the deserts and mountains behind us, the West leaving itself behind, changing into something different. Storm clouds. Thunderclaps. We found ourselves in the prairie states, visiting living-history pioneer villages in Nebraska, stopping in on 19th-century woodshops and one-room schools, and buying candies ostensibly cooked to the requirements of Pioneer-era recipes, but which left our tongues colored bright red with most non-19th-century additives. That same day, we stopped in at the Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave, taking in Wild West arcana, and watching a mechanical recreation of the original Buffalo Bill show, involving 12,000 miniature horses, people, buffalo and other items handcrafted over two decades by the show’s founder. On the banks of the Mississippi River, in a cloudy, gray Davenport, Iowa, we ate dinner in a restaurant infested with a plague of giant shad flies. They came off the water three or four times a year, our waitress informed us matter-of-factly. While they hung around the shore, they literally covered riverfront buildings in a revolting insect coat, a menacing layer of scaly fauna, wings beating against the outside of the windows. Waiting, waiting to find their way inside. The flies made an impression for the rest of the trip. Sofia, who styles herself a young scientist, kept asking to see magnified photos of the flies and their intricate, geometrically patterned wings. She collected a “nature bag,” consisting of semiprecious stones bought in Western stores, plaster-cast dinosaur claws, trilobites and other goodies.Nancy Drew and the Go-Go’s A couple months before we set out on our adventure, my attorney friend Jerry, hearing of our plans, had semiseriously accused us of abusive tendencies—we would, after all, be making Sofia and Leo sit in one vehicle or another for hours, sometimes scores of hours, at a stretch. “Don’t worry,” I’d responded optimistically. “Our kids are good at sleeping in cars. We’ll do most of the driving after dinner, when they can snooze in the back. And then we’ll sightsee during the days.” That was our plan. Roughly follow Interstate 80 east, diverting in a southeastern semicircle from Reno onto Highway 50, the fabled Loneliest Road in America, going to great Utah parks, meandering northeast again through the Rockies and then reconnecting with the 80 out of Denver. We would drive hard to Chicago; spend a few days in the Windy City; drop the car off in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in time for the Fourth of July; celebrate the holiday and watch the Wimbledon tennis finals with some friends there; and then rent a car for the last long hop to Manhattan. There, we’d palm the kids off with Julie’s sisters and parents (to their partially sincere protests), work and play hard in the city Julie grew up in and where I lived for a decade, and then meander back with the kids on trains. And, to a startlingly large extent, that’s how it panned out. When we drove during the daylight hours, Sofia, a precocious reader, sat in her car seat, plowing through Nancy Drews, a kids’ biography of the Wild West heroine Annie Oakley and other thankfully long chapter books. Leo, unable to read, ordered us to plug the iPod in and sing to his favorite tunes: Go-Go’s, Beatles, Dylan. Periodically, he had tantrums and demanded the front-seat passenger turn around and read him books. Occasionally, one of the kids leaned over and slugged the other one just to get a rise out of us. Once, an overtired Sofia grabbed a metal water bottle and cracked Leo on the nose. But, more often than not, the kids were surprisingly quiescent when it came to the long journeys. And, true to form, after dinner, the kids slept while we set our course ever eastward. Every river we crossed, for Leo, was the Mississippi. Every canyon we passed was, for Sofia, either entirely uninteresting—“That’s interesting,” Julie taught her to say sarcastically when one or other of us tried to rouse her from her books to look at a miracle of nature—or simply irrelevant, a nuisance to be swatted away. It bugged me—until I remembered how, when I was a kid, I’d react with profound statements of boredom when my dad would drag me into one architectural masterpiece of a French cathedral after another, demanding I express enthusiasm in buildings that smelled musty and were built by dead people. When she was in a better mood, though, Sofia let her imagination run rampant, populating it with an endless array of faces and animals etched by time into the cliffs. Or, more plausibly, vast families of dinosaurs, fossilized for all eternity in the many geological layers surrounding us. There were, of course, glitches. In eastern Colorado, the only town we could find within 50 miles was a prison town named Sterling; and, having reported on prisons for years, I was unwilling to spend even one vacation night in such environs. We drove on, a dry thunderstorm crackling around us, anxiously trying to tease out signs of upcoming tornadoes in the blackness, finally reaching Ogallala, Nebraska, well after midnight, the road markings dancing ominously in front of my exhausted eyes. In Chicago, after a massive Fourth of July eve fireworks display on the lakefront, Julie’s wallet was pickpocketed out of her purse as we walked back to our hotel in the chic Streeterville neighborhood. Later, as we both frantically phoned credit-card companies and banks, trying to beat the odds and find real, live customer-service reps at 10 p.m. on a holiday weekend, the kids, feeding off of the negative energy we were oozing from our every pore, seized Julie’s point-and-shoot camera and took it in turns to smack each other over the heads, hard enough to shatter the LCD screen. Their skulls, miraculously, were undamaged. Then, a day’s drive out of New York, while cruising the Ohio turnpike, we found out we couldn’t stay with my wife’s family in their Chinatown apartment. It’s an unpleasant experience realizing you’re captain of a car full of people and luggage heading into the most expensive city in the country with no accommodations lined up. Fortune was, however, smiling on us, and instead of us ending up homeless or hotel-broke in the Big Apple, I phoned my friends, who I knew were en route to California, and, generous to a fault, they offered up their plush Greenwich Village apartment. We spent the next 10 days coming home to a living-room view straight north to the soaring Empire State Building.Up and down and over and out As the trip progressed, the kids bonded spectacularly, creating a unit extraordinary in its tightness, and also in its volatility. Sofia developed fierce needs to always share a bed with her younger brother, to hug him obsessively, to convince him to copy her every action. When one of her lower teeth got wobbly and eventually fell out, she entertained us with minute-by-minute accounts of its evolving status. Leo, determined not to be outshone, started talking full throttle, his words not terribly clearly articulated, but the determination with which they were uttered more than made up for lack of clarity. “Let me see your tooth!” he shouted in glee when the last strand holding tooth to gum broke and it popped out into Sofia’s hand. “Let me see!” They developed their own language, started copying each other, goading each other, even sharing inside jokes about their parents. “You’re poo-poo pants! You’re stupid! You’re stinky breath!” Yet at the same time, they also got increasingly assertive of their own individual rights, and we had to learn to deal with explosive tantrums when one or another teased or mocked or hit the other one. “Leo won’t let me eat the bagel!” Sofia would yelp plaintively if he grabbed her breakfast food. “Sofia says I’m a baby! I’m not a baby. I’m bigger!” Leo would howl when Sofia mocked him. Their language, collaboratively, got ruder and ruder. “Sofia’s asleep,” I said at one point, looking back at what I thought was a napping 5-year-old in the back seat of our car. “No, I’m not, you idiot!” Sofia yelled before drifting off into a deep slumber. Leo thought it was hilarious. At one point, driving into Canyonlands, an exhausted Sofia yelled at Julie, “You’re an idiot, a savage, a monster, a beast and a brute!” Or something like that. Simultaneously, Julie and I began singing the Sinatra lyrics, “I’ve been up and down and over and out.” The cadences were identical. Later, waiting in line to check into the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago’s Loop district after spending 18 hours on an overnight train from D.C., Leo began joyously screaming over and over again, “Fuck off! Fuck off!” I pretended I couldn’t understand what he was saying. Poor Leo, the unwanted waif in Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid. Everyone else in line seemed to be studiously pretending to do the same thing. At one point, as the bad-energy level crescendoed after too many hours in the car, after Sofia’s spectacular capacity for reading chapter books for vast eons on end and Leo’s gamut of iPod music choices had run out, I had an idea: Since we were obsessively monitoring the Prius’s fuel-efficiency gauges, why not see if there was a negative correlation between the volume of the tantrum and the magic car’s miles-per-gallon rate? Would my blood pressure go up high enough that I’d start jamming my foot on the accelerator, revving the engine unenvironmentally, breaking suddenly and so on? For an hour, as Sofia’s wailing intensified, we monitored the little green fuel charts, looking for troughs in the mileage. Alas, no scientific breakthrough: There was no correlation. I couldn’t, in good faith, berate my overamped, oversugared, sitting-for-too-long daughter for causing environmental collapse.It takes every kind of people Throughout the trip we encountered fascinating people. There was the gourmet-cafe owner outside Great Basin National Park, who could plausibly lay claim to the selling the best food and finest coffee anywhere between Reno and wherever Highway 50 meandered to a close. Perched just west of the Utah boundary, he sold Polygamy Porter, along with T-shirts advertising the provocatively named beer across the chests. There was the octogenarian in Moab, Utah, who had spent more than half a century questing after dinosaur fossils and rare minerals buried in the red-rock cliffs of the Arches and Canyonlands area. There was the family—the dad, a patent lawyer; the mother, a bio-chemist; with two young daughters—heading back to Denver from Chicago. They’d long ago decided the rails were more pleasant than flying and spent their summer vacations crisscrossing the country, seeing the old wooden hamlets and family farms of off-the-road America fly past the train windows. There was the quartet of Dutch travelers spending a month touring the country, garrulously talking away the dusk hours in the California Zephyr’s dining car. And, as we waited to board our final train back west, the Australian couple, originally from Liverpool, England, the wife of whom had gone to elementary school with Pete Best, the forgotten fifth Beatle. When you drive or take trains from one side of the country to the other and back, you experience a lesson in scale. There are still places where you don’t see another human being for an hour or two at a time, spots where you can go hundreds of miles until you encounter the next gas station or sit on a train for hours as it goes through mountains and along white-water rapids without passing a single town. These are the holes in the matrix, huge areas where you could truly get lost, perform your own personal vanishing act, should you have the urge. In Canyonlands, you walk along a desert rim, with huge pinnacles on one side soaring upward from a trough thousands of feet below, and on the other, a sweeping panorama of Grand Canyon-like vistas of mesas and red-rock swirls. Along the Rockies, soaring peaks, many lined with snow still in early July, march off into the distance, one arrow after another, shards puncturing the heavens. Or take the low-key hidden crevices of America that you see by rails: misty morning farmlands speeding past the windows; clapboard working mens’ homes in Appalachian towns; shanties deep in the woods; their owners fishing for dinner in the sparkling Shenandoah River. Then, the strangely intimate immensities of the Rockies, the mountains and rushing rivers encroaching to the very edge of the railway tracks. View it as a whole, unrolling on roads and rails in front of you, behind you, snaking off into the distance, and it’s a gargantuan exercise in organizational ingenuity. The idea of a nation-state taken to the nth degree. How can this be one country? How was it all welded together? What vast ambitions and hubris and imagination made this whole thing possible? What connects a humming-with-activity-at-2-in-the-morning bar in Greenwich Village with a Zuni jewelry vendor on a dusty roadside in the desert? What links the elderly photographer who gets up in the middle of the night to photograph moose against the backdrop of a rising sun in Rocky Mountain National Park with the perfectly coiffed legislative aide rushing down Pennsylvania Avenue?Midnight train to Midtown We left Denver on the California Zephyr early Saturday morning. As the day matured, the train snaked into the mountains, through alpine forests, up above rushing rivers. Families camping by the tracks stopped what they were doing to wave. Canoeists, testing their limits on the white water, somehow took a momentary pause from paddling to look up at the passing train. One on the shore even mooned his audience. It seemed so absurd, so utterly anomalous, that we just laughed. Then, as we got into western Colorado and then eastern Utah, the mooning reached epidemic proportions. We’d pass groups of teenagers on the shore, and they’d all, on cue, bend down and show us their pale behinds. By nightfall, we must have passed a hundred mooners. One young guy even mooned us from the passenger window of a yellow VW bug. It was, apparently, a popular pastime in this far-removed corner of the country. We moved west slowly, time and distance divided by the beats of a rhythm much older and gentler than the fast world we normally inhabit. Sofia read books. Leo curled up on a seat in our roomette and went to sleep, drool seeping from out behind his pacifier and down his chin. Julie snoozed, too. I hung my newly purchased cowboy hat on a hook, sat down beneath it, opened my laptop and worked on this story. Whenever I looked up, there was the scenery, as raw, as large, as close as any landscape I had ever seen. Time stood still, or, rather, disappeared; I could have been on the train an hour or a day. An eagle flew by the window. A ramshackle trailer park faded into the past. A shimmering river sped toward us and then behind us. A few raindrops, then the sun again. After a while, it was lunchtime. Then dinner. After another while, the sleeper-car attendant pulled down our beds and prepared our rooms for the night. After another while still, it was morning and time for a new set of mountains to unveil themselves. And after yet one more while, leaving Truckee and the other Sierra Nevada towns behind, there was Sacramento. Hot. Flat. The starting point and now, at last, the finishing point in a magnificent, month-long circle. And there was our home. Like we’d left it. Waiting to be reclaimed.
Helicopters for the Polish Army. For nearly 30 years, the Republic of Poland has not been able to cope with the solution to the purchase of helicopters for the Polish Army. The case is so surprising that we have a PZL Świdnik plant with a 60-year tradition. And also a second plant that also builds excellent helicopters. The fact is that both plants are not owned by Poland or even the majority of Polish capital. This situation is the result of many years of liquidation of the Polish economy, and even state structures, by post-communist and later Masonic-liberal governments. The facts are devastating and even thousands of articles in the Polish-language media will not be able to drown out these facts. The value of a given army is demonstrated by its strength not in times of relative peace, but in times of actual crisis. And such situations have already occurred in the recent history of the Republic of Poland. We mean the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, where helicopter attack and transport groups joined the fight. The Polish Army then gained valuable experience. The strongest link was the Polish Soldier. However, the decision-makers acted chaotically, not very consistently, and most importantly, they did not develop a strategy for the further development of the Polish Army, especially in the field of transport and attack helicopters. Mil Mi-8 and PZL W-3 Sokół helicopters were sent to Iraq. It quickly turned out that support in the form of the Mil Mi-24 D attack helicopters had to be sent, and the PZL Sokół helicopters had to be retrofitted to the first variant of the PZL W-3 Głuszec. It was a bit different in Afghanistan. There, the Mil Mi-17 and Mil Mi-24 helicopters were sent. As a matter of urgency, 7 Mil Mi-17 helicopters were first purchased second-hand, and a little later another 5 Mil Mi-17 helicopters. This time the PZL W-3 Sokół / Głuszec helicopters were not dispatched. For several years now, Mil Mi-24 helicopters have not had precision armament in the form of guided missiles. Their stock has run out. The above experiences have clearly shown that the Polish Army needs an assault and transport helicopter, at least one of the size of the PZL W-3 Sokół / Głuszec, with appropriate equipment and armament. To sum up, the Polish Army was poorly prepared for this type of hardware conflicts. At the turn of 2006/2007, attempts were made to launch the so-called National Helicopter Program (NŚP). In 2007, as part of the NPŚ, it was planned to acquire a total of 85 helicopters for the Polish Army in 2008–2018, of which 79 in 2013–2018. The program was blocked by freemasonry because it was based on Polish constructions and Polish productions. When the NPŚ program was blocked, the General Staff was finishing the modernization plan of the Polish Army for the period 2009-2018. At that time, the demand for about 160 machines was reported, which should replace almost 70% of the then state. But our economy was unable to bear such an effort. That is why a more realistic program was developed, referring to the acquisition of about 50 helicopters in 2011-2018. The priority was the helicopters: VIP (6 machines), SAR (8 machines for the Navy), transport (24 machines), impact helicopters (12 machines). Theoretically, the purchase of such a number of machines was then estimated at PLN 10 billion. At the same time, the contract for the delivery of PZL SW-4 Puszczyk school helicopters was delayed. In the years 2006–2011, a total of 12 Mil Mi-17 machines (7 used, 5 new) were acquired, i.e. the equivalent of one transport squadron. In total, in 2006–2012, contracts were concluded for 43 helicopters - 24 PZL SW-4, 12 Mil Mi-17 and 7 PZL W-3. They were delivered in 2006–2013. Then, in 2013–2014, 5 more ultralight Cabri G2 machines were purchased. In the spring of 2012, the Ministry of National Defense announced a tender for helicopters for everything. First, 26 machines were declared to be purchased. The purchase of one platform in three variants was considered: transport, anti-submarine (ZOP) and search and rescue (CSAR). Unexpectedly, in September 2012, Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that not 26 machines, but as many as 70 helicopters would be purchased for the needs of the armed forces. Still based on one type. It was one of the thousands of promises made by the liberal prime minister, who poured them out of his sleeve. Officially, the Armament Inspectorate announced the correction of the procedure on its website only in February 2013. Even then, it was unofficially known that the winner was the Airbus Caracal helicopter. For the fictitious tender, in addition to the consortium "EC725 Caracal Polska Program" composed of: Airbus Helicopters, Heli Invest Sp. z o.o., offering the EC725 / H225 Caracal helicopter, two more platforms were offered: a consortium consisting of: Sikorsky Intermational Operations Inc., Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o. o., offering S-70i Black Hawk helicopters and S-70B Seahawk sea helicopters manufactured in Poland, and PZL-Świdnik S.A. Communication Equipment Factory, offering AW 149 helicopters. The tactical and technical requirements (WTT), which were written for the needs of the tender, remained a mystery. They have not been formally disclosed, but the fact that different helicopters such as the AW 149 and H225 may have participated in the procedure is a poor indication of the transparency of the procedure. At the same time, the privatization of the aviation sector in Poland, including the plants producing helicopters, was underway. First, on March 16, 2007, 100% of shares in Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. was purchased from ARP S.A. by United Technologies Holdings S. A. (UTH), a United Technologies Corporation (UTC). Within the UTC group, a company of the UTC group - Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation started direct cooperation with PZL Mielec. Then, in 2010, WSK PZL Świdnik S.A. were eventually acquired by AgustaWestland, belonging to the Finmeccanica holding, and now Leonardo. Of course, the privatization of the plants had a huge impact on the pending proceedings. Both plants, understandably, signed up for the tender. Their competitor was Airbus Helicopters. It is worth mentioning here that the Polish Army did not agree with the position of the Ministry of National Defense. The military saw the need only to replace the Mil Mi-8 and Mil Mi-17 helicopters, and this is because smaller helicopters are produced domestically. They wanted a helicopter with a rear loading ramp. The offered Caracal does not have it. The Polish Army counted on Sikorsky S-92 or NHI NH-90 helicopters. But the decision-makers did not notice this request. The time requirements set by the Polish side meant that these machines were not offered. There was also the question of price, but in this case the purchases could be stretched over time. After choosing the Caracal helicopter, it turned out that they became very expensive and for PLN 13.4 billion you can buy only 50 pieces. The offset was to consist in the production of main rotor blades at WZL No. 2 in Łódź, a plant that specializes in the repair of military helicopters. Airbus withdrew from the possible final assembly offer for helicopters in Łódź. In May 2016, in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the Minister of National Defense, Antoni Macierewicz, presented an audit report at the Ministry of National Defense. It was devastating for the former rulers - the Civic Platform and the Polish People's Party. Antoni Macierewicz said, inter alia, to the former rulers - "What has Poland done to you, that you left her so defenseless?" And further - “Planning the development of the armed forces was based on a fixed number of battalions capable of direct defense operations. Neither the data on the increase in the enemy's hypothetical potential nor the issue of recovering losses in the course of possible defense activities was taken into account. Such planning can hardly be called mere incompetence. It was a deliberate act to the detriment of the Polish state. " The head of the Ministry of National Defense said that in 2010–2015 PLN 50 billion was spent on the implementation of the development programs of the Armed Forces. - “At the same time, none of the programs on which PLN 50 billion was spent at that time, neither then nor to this day, has been completed. What happened to this money, I ask you from the PO and PSL, where did PLN 50 billion go? Let us add that from this amount only PLN 2 billion a year went to Polish enterprises, the rest was spent on foreign enterprises. " And further "- The modernization program of the armed forces was misleading the public from the very beginning," said the head of the Ministry of National Defense. The minister said that the decisions of his predecessors in the Ministry of National Defense - Bogdan Klich and Tomasz Siemoniak on the definition of procedures for acquiring weapons and military equipment did not serve the transparency of spending public funds, but were an instrument of deliberate and deliberate blurring of traces and blurring the responsibility of those planning and carrying out purchases. On October 4, 2016, the decision to abandon the acquisition of Caracal multi-role helicopters was announced. "Poland recognizes the completed negotiations of the offset agreement with Airbus Helicopters regarding the contract for the purchase of Caracal helicopters, further talks are pointless." - the Ministry of Development announced on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 in a press release. The Polish-language media see only one culprit - the Minister of National Defense, Antoni Macierewicz. They forget that the management and employees of the PZL Świdnik and Sikorsky-Mielec plants objected first to the entire tender. The anti-Polish actions include the pressure to acquire the Caracal medium multi-role helicopter, which was also supposed to be an attack helicopter. Its function as an assault machine was and is illusory. As was the case with the Mi-8, which was forcefully armed with unguided missiles in the 1960s. The same was done with the Mi-17-1V, which ended up in the state of the Polish Army. In many respects, the purchase of Caracal helicopters was not purposeful. Even aside from the gigantic price and quantity of machines to be acquired. The promoted thesis about using it for countless tasks was misleading the public. Presenting the matter of new helicopters only in the light of lost time is untrue. Contrary to popular media opinion, there is no time pressure, because the Polish Army is temporarily not involved in any operations abroad, where operational helicopters are necessary. The subject of wasted time is raised only by those centers which lobby for a given helicopter and lose particular interests and… bribes. The change of power in the Republic of Poland to the rule of the United Right has led to an improvement in the situation. However, let us not delude ourselves that in one term of office it will be possible to repair what was so systematically destroyed. However, the improvement is visible for the Polish Air Force. Medium and small planes were acquired to transport the most important persons in the State, which for 20 years had not been done by previous Governments. Though Freemasonry has even brought a lawsuit. As a country with extensive experience in the field of construction and production of helicopters, we do not have to rely on purchases of equipment from abroad, from plants that could impose an embargo on the supply of spare parts to the Republic of Poland at any time. It is in the interest of our nation to regain total influence on the PZL Świdnik plant. Maintaining the production of PZL SW-4, PZL W-3 Sokół / Głuszec helicopters and starting work on the PZL Sokół Long / Max helicopter. In a situation where the scenario of recovery of Świdnik fails, plan "B" includes the acquisition of domestic-built helicopters. At the end of 2016, several declarations were made from the government regarding the acquisition of new machines. Among others, the Ministry of National Defense declared the purchase of 10 Black Hawk helicopters from Mielec (2 in 2016 and 8 in 2017) for special forces. To increase the chance of finalizing the agreement, the Minister of National Defense, Antoni Macierewicz, made all actions in this matter secret. Nevertheless, the procedure, conducted in "complete confidentiality, for orders of vital importance to the security of the state," was blocked by freemasonry. In 2017, two procedures were launched for the purchase of helicopters for the Navy and Special Forces. Assault machines have also become a priority. The problem is that the change in the position of the Minister of National Defense on January 9, 2018 does not help to maintain the liquidity of the proceedings. Currently (2018), the Armament Inspectorate is conducting procedures for the purchase of 8 machines for Special Forces and the same number of ZOP (anti-submarine) machines with the possibility of carrying out rescue missions for the Navy (CSAR). On January 18, 2017, the Minister of National Defense, Antoni Macierewicz, informed that the purchase of helicopters as part of an urgent operational need was to cover eight machines for the Special Forces and eight for the Navy (16 in total). The forecasts that the contract (s) will be concluded in less than a year, and the first machines will be in mid-2018 at the latest, were optimistic, was impossible to achieve. Not because there was no will, but because the business arrangements are still working. At the beginning of March 2018, an adjustment was made to the WTT. The idea was to make the delivery dates of new helicopters more realistic, as well as the issues of inspections, servicing and repairs. The current choice of a medium-sized helicopter is extremely important because it will set the direction for at least the next 50 years. As it was with the WSB Lockheed F-16 Jastrząb planes. The technology from the East should definitely be abandoned. Helicopters for SAR tasks. Currently, SAR tasks use PZL W-3 RM Anakonda helicopters, which are criticized by some. Attention is drawn to the possibility of evacuating only 3 people and the fact that the helicopter is insufficient for offshore operations. Only practice shows otherwise. It is a fiction to create one SAR aviation base. Even the best helicopter will be ineffective when it has over 500 km to the survivors, because it is a loss of over 2 hours. The Polish Baltic Sea requires three SAR bases, with one helicopter on duty in each. Then the time for the expected help will never exceed 60 minutes. In addition, the crews on duty can support each other. The task of fighting submarines should be a secondary task. The Baltic Sea, being inland, is not an attractive reservoir for this type of activity. In addition, the helicopter is not the only weapon against this type of threat. AW 101 (PZL Świdnik) and H225M Caracal (a consortium of Airbus Helicopters and Heli Ivest) are proposed. In the maritime program, the two-tasking requirement is currently met by only the largest, i.e. AW 101 Merlin from Leonardo Helicopters, operated in the ZOP version with the option of carrying out SAR tasks by the Royal Navy. So in very difficult conditions and far from the shores. It is a very high performance machine. It is powered by three motors. However, it is very expensive. However, with such a small number of ordered machines, it is difficult to expect to negotiate a large support for PZL Świdnik. The second helicopter is the H225M Caracal. The problem is that so far this helicopter has been operated as a SAR machine or as a ZOP machine. So there is no version for both missions at once. Some emphasize that for the present leadership of the United Right, this will be a proposal that is difficult to accept due to the previous would-be tender. In such a situation, it should be concluded that the WTTs for this type of helicopter are too strict. Let us recall that the PZL I-22 Iryda program was rolled in this way, which was to have combat capabilities such as the General Dynamics F-16 multi-role fighter. Helicopter for special forces. Special forces are almost a Polish specialty. We have five special units. Probably the purchase of helicopters especially for these formations results from the commitments made as part of detailed arrangements in NATO. Black Hawk (Sikorsky and PZL Mielec), AW 101 (PZL Świdnik) and H225 Caracal (Airbus Helicopters and Heli Ivest) helicopters are offered. And I think someone got involved in WTT again, because Black Hawk is a completely different class than the AW 101 and H225 Caracal. Some experts in the subject claim that helicopters for special forces are the most technically advanced machines. They are to have all the communication systems available in the world and all encrypted. They are to have offensive and defensive weapons. Possibility of electronic warfare, radar stations and much more. In a word, they should dive and fly into space. In fact, the requirements of special forces for helicopters are much more prosaic. One coded, modern communication system, unlimited flight at night and in difficult weather conditions, the ability to take a team with all the necessary equipment and weapons, high speed and range, the ability to quickly land and evacuate, medical equipment. The program code-named Kruk. The program, codenamed Kruk, is a future attack helicopter capable of passing through massive enemy defenses and effectively combating armored forces. We are talking about at least 32 machines. It is intended to completely replace the Mil Mi-24 helicopters, which have long lost their ability to effectively combat armored weapons due to the lack of guided missiles. The Mil Mi-24 helicopter was left with only a menacing appearance, which was not without significance in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Raven is becoming a priority today, partly at the expense of other programs. The program of equipping the army with shock machines under the Kruk program is only in the analytical and conceptual phase, so the road to contract and deliveries seems to be a long way off. Haste is a bad advisor, especially when spending a lot of public money. Take your time, but this does not imply no action. It seems realistic to receive new helicopters in 2022. The statement by the Masonic press is very interesting, "that the construction of military helicopters and airplanes is the domain of the strongest economies in the world." Then Brazil is a world power, because it builds such airships. Antoni Macierewicz has said many times that "the construction and production of a helicopter with the" made in Poland "sign is quite a real prospect. The former Minister of National Defense emphasized that he is a supporter of the purchase of equipment manufactured in Poland. The president of PZL Świdnik, Krzysztof Krystowski, has repeatedly emphasized that Leonardo is able to provide the Polish Army with what it needs, and not what the company wants to sell. How does Freemasonry throw the Republic of Poland at its feet? According to freemasonry, the process of selecting and purchasing helicopters for the Polish Army is very complicated, long, requiring the study of thousands of documents, the preparation of another thousand pages of documents, often carrying out own tests, determining parameters, valuating material items and "know how". In a word, a path through torment. Well, unless the helicopter is lobbied by them and when the contract is concluded, they will get a briefcase with one million untaxed dollars. The case is not that complicated at all. The offered helicopters are certified either from the USA or from Western Europe. The contracting authority develops the WTT based on its priorities and what the opponent has at his disposal. You do not buy a bow-tie sword and an anti-elephant slingshot. Producers are invited to submit a tender. For various reasons, not all manufacturers are willing to bid. There should also be no amount reserved in the state budget. Because the bidder will immediately count how much can be squeezed from the buyer with the declared number of machines. After all, no one will offer Kowalski a Mercedes, when he has 50,000 zlotys and has no creditworthiness. Added to this is the masonic criticism of everything that is Polish, that is produced by a Polish worker. That the PZL Sokół helicopter is outdated equipment, but none of them will say that about the Black Hawk, because it is a workhorse around the world. It is not true that the fault in the negotiations always lies with Poland. The information available from the Ministry of National Defense shows that the cases are different. When a new person is introduced to the negotiations by the tenderer, without a certificate of access to classified information, interviews are then suspended until that certificate is issued. And this procedure is grass. Other case: The tenderer becomes acquainted with the WTT and it appears that at some point he does not know whether his helicopter will meet this requirement. It sometimes needs weeks to check if it is possible. Therefore, the focus should be on the helicopters being built here in the country. Cooperation between the Department of Armaments and production plants should be tightened. The question is also raised - "If we choose Black Hawk helicopters, will the US provide advanced equipment." They are deliberately forgetting that the US provided us with the WSB Lockheed F-16 Hawk with the most modern equipment, so there is no fear that we might not get the modern equipment for the Black Hawk. Written by Karol Placha Hetman
The Davos Death Knell Has Been Rung A sense of doom pervades the elites who are starting to arrive in Davos early for the big event. Attendance appears as though it may be less than usual. The count of private jets flying into Switzerland is said to be descending because some of the worldâ A sense of doom pervades the elites who are starting to arrive in Davos early for the big event. Attendance appears as though it may be less than usual. The count of private jets flying into Switzerland is said to be descending because some of the world’s top leaders have decided to avoid the poor photo optics of attending rich feasts during times of famine. Apparently, Joe Biden's lobster fiasco in which he banned lobster harvesting in the Northeast while providing a lobster feast for dignitaries gathered at the White House gave him pause about backlash from another similar event so soon. So, Biden and several other G7 or G20 style national leaders will not be dignifying the event with their presence. Even George Soros and possibly the evil Dr. Klaus, himself, won’t be attending, which has spawned conspiracy theories about a terrorist act of violent rebellion being planned against the elites. Regardless, their private parking lot of jets still speaks of their arrogance in preaching carbon footprints to the rest of us while creating more carbon for one person on a single flight to Davos than entire families create in a year of driving their multiple cars and mowing their lawns. What matters is that they help us save the world for themselves to enjoy. The world’s elite has arrived in Davos on over 1000 private jets to lecture you about climate change. — DiEM25 (@DiEM_25) January 16, 2023 Others, of course, are arriving in a long line of luxury automobiles with entourages in separate automobiles when they could be taking a bus or carpooling or take the public train that runs from the airport to Davos. ▪️Over 2,500 delegates ▪️Over 1,000 private jets Yes, it’s the annual WEF Davos jamboree of hypocrisy where a bunch of eÌ´lÌ´iÌ´tÌ´eÌ´sÌ´ / parasites preach to us plebs about saving the planet and use virtue as a smokescreen for their own greed. — James Melville (@JamesMelville) January 13, 2023 That's just the same ol', same ol' for the Davos Dandies The art of reglobalizing Because the globalized world has broken, the cuban-huffing corporate cabal will fraternize to fantasize in the coming week over how to put the world back together again. Many people who loathe the World Economic Forum are running their own fantasies about how Putin's War and Western sanctions are the death knell for globalism, but I am here to predict that is far from true. It is wishful thinking. Those who gather in the collegiate collective at Davos are not about to give up their ambitions. That is why the topic of talk this year is how to re-globalize. Oh, without a doubt the old globalism has cracked in two. Xi will not be attending unless he decides to side closer to the West, which isn't likely to happen. Putin is banned for life as likely are other top Russian dignitaries. I'm not saying that is officially stated policy. It's just fact. The WEF is by invitation only, and Putin won't be getting any in this lifetime. He's been dismembered from the club. So, one of my predictions, freely given for all, which runs counter to most of what I read in the alternative press is that globalism will not remain busted into multinational shards of pottery for long. The Davos crowd is meeting to talk about how to solidify as much world back into the West as it can. And it will. Instead of the end of globalism, we'll see a bifurcated globalism come out of this -- perhaps a little less interdependent on supply chains, but still pressing toward the globalist agenda of free trade and green trade among Western nations being quickly restored, global climate initiatives among Western nations, eventually even a global currency among Western nations. I'm not suggesting that we'll see all the pieces come back together in 2023, but we'll definitely see movement in that direction. In fact, I think just as what is now being called "the polycrisis" has made NATO larger and better funded than it has been in years with more nations in Europe feeling NATO's mission is more vital now than any European has felt it is in decades, we'll see the West, forced by the need to work closer together to maintain its alliance and its sanctions -- MAKE them work. I realize that is not a message that's going to make me popular on the far right or in the alternative press, but I don't care because I always try to write only what I believe will be true when I make my predictions (or when I write anything), whether people want to hear it or not; and I am 100% confident we will see the Davos congregants recircle their Hummer wagons and use this event to form an even tighter alliance in all respects between Western nations. I don't predict what I want to see or what I know others want to see. That is no way ever to make predictions of any value. If that was how I should write, I'd just write the economy and stock market are going to be great this year, and call it day -- job complete. End of this blog. Yes, the cloistered wealthy of the world are worried in a big way that globalism is under siege. In fact, without a doubt, that is their all-consuming concern this year. A decade ago, political power brokers and corporate bigwigs gathered here in the Swiss Alps under an upbeat theme. It was a time for “resilient dynamism,†declared the organizers of the 2013 meeting of the World Economic Forum. After the travails of the global financial crisis, they explained, the world was now in a “post-crisis†stage. It was incumbent on the elites convened at Davos to usher in further reforms in the service of economic “sustainability†and “competitiveness,†perennial WEF watchwords that tap into the liberal dogma that long underlay its proceedings, where the desire to do good need not interfere with profit margins. Nor need it interfere with their fun. They will still be inviting their friends at Davos to join them in the summer at yacht parties and will be coming and going in private jets. They may even have to skate off in their private jet for a quick lunch in Lichtenstein to return in time for the evening plenary session. They will not be eating bugs for lunch; you will. However, they do recognized their global aims have been shattered, so there is much work to be done. All the more need for private jets in order to make the most of every moment. Ten years on, there seems to be less optimism. Instead of a “post-crisis†moment, it’s more common to talk of a “permacrisis,†of a world buckling under a never-ending cascade of calamity — war, climate catastrophe, energy price chaos, inflation, epidemics of hunger and disease, political instability and widening economic inequity. This year’s WEF theme, a plaintive appeal to find “cooperation in a fragmented world,†seems more possessed by the ruptures that have already taken place. All according to longterm plan, some would say. And there you have it -- the theme: "Cooperation in a fragmented world" is just another way of saying "cementing all the pieces back together." You didn't really think these guys were just going to give up and call the game for good, did you? Not a chance. That is the stuff of fantasies. In a press call with reporters last week, WEF President Borge Brende said the meeting “will happen against the most complex geopolitical and geoeconomic backdrop in decades.†While many European nations have been forced back to smudgy coal or third-eye-causing nuclear power, they are more concerned about the climate than ever. In fact, with all the extreme weather this year, particularly as demonstrated in California, I hear whispers of a new climate term emerging. We have gone from "global warming" to "climate change," and now I have just heard the phrase "climate chaos" to describe what is happening. The WEF is an economics forum, so of course the corporate colleagues and competitors and the old-world bankers with ivy wrapped around their legs are concerned about the global recession that is spreading. It takes big profits to keep flying into Davos each year and enjoying the caviar and foie gras. They are, of course, terribly concerned about the inequity with which wealth has accumulated, so they will have many talks about that in order to heal their aching guilt. It is always good to feel like you are actually doing something about it, but their solutions for doing something usually run along the lines of figuring out how the middle class can live with less so the deeply impoverished class can have a little more. They might, for example, have to freeze out your lobster trapping, while making sure some locale in the world retains a readily flyable crop for the Davos dinner ... at greater expense, of course, but what is money for but to separate what they eat from what you eat? For you, they will keep developing the ways in which larvae can be processed as a source of protein. (From last week's Daily Doom: "Beetleburgers could soon reach mass production — helping to feed the world.") Thank God, for the Beetles; they are the new rock stars of the food world. The Davos davenport crowd are, of course, comfortably couched while deeply concerned about global famine. Their solution requires less food (such as grain) goes to food, such as cows. So beetles can help save the world while saving enough four-legged steaks to feed the Davos devotees. They were, of course, greatly upheaved by protectionism that raised its head in the Trump days, and that has spread as a movement because of sanctions. They are, in fact, not even too happy with Biden on the protectionist issue because he's building an industrial center in the US for chip production. They don't hate chips. Nothing they own will work without them -- not even their solar-powered off-the-grid apocalypse bunker mansions -- but, God forbid, I guess, that the US make them for itself and to sell to others. I suppose it is just that it would be better if industrialization happened in faraway places like China, not in their own clean backyards. I didn't say they like change in the global patterns they have long worked to lay out. I just said they will deal with it. They will wrap it up in their plans -- find a way to fold it in -- because that is what they have always done. Globalism has never been a smooth trip where everyone goes along for the Sunday drive without protesting. It's not easy to shove things down people's throats. It is always evolving and shapeshifting. The new localizing of industrialization may even imperil "the causes of liberal democracy and market capitalism," wrote one liberal economist in the article quoted above. How? I wonder. Can democracy and capitalism not thrive in nations like the 1960s US? Maybe the operative word there is liberal. Perhaps he doesn't mean free democracy. He means Davos democracy -- the kind that helps you decide how you're going to decide by determining the options you will have available to decide on. Isn't a move toward more localization supposed to be more environmentally "sustainable" by using less energy to ship parts around the world to make products from those parts in order to reship the products around the world, often even back to the nation the original parts or resources came from? How is greater localization of supply chains a bad thing? To coerce the changes that are happening back in line with the agenda, the kickoff presentation is titled, "De-globalization or re-globalization.†You can be sure the aim is the latter. “I would say we are in a re-globalizing moment,†Tengku Zafrul Aziz, Malaysia’s minister for trade and industry, told me at his nation’s pavilion along the snow-lined central promenade of Davos. The question is how? With Russia and China sidelined, and many Western companies having already moved out of those two nations or being in the process of extracting themselves, how will the new trade routes be redeveloped? Where will the new sources of raw resources come from? More good wishes and grand guests and not-so guests Of course, the Davosites are calling for billionaire-busting taxes to help curb the one-sided manner in which 60% of the wealth accumulated in the last two years went to the top 1%. But many of the attendees are the top 1%. They've talked about "progressive" tax ideas like this for decades, but whatever plan they come up with always has plenty of loopholes for themselves, or the talk remains talks, as in something to do at an event. Talking is good window-dressing for the masses to help stave off the need for utilizing those bunker mansions for anything more serious than an apocalypse party in New Zealand with a few wealthy friends just to show off the bunker. It's the new flagrancy to flaunt. Oh, for the good ol' days in Davos when ... WEF organizers hailed the participation of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev as a national leader who understood “global responsibilities.†Of course, Medvedev along with Russian President Vladimir Putin are now all persona non grata in Davos, as well as the coterie of Russian oligarchs and business elites who used to throw some of the most lavish parties on the sidelines of the forum. Those easy times when all the pieces seemed to be sliding in the right direction -- uh, the Davos direction -- are gone. Now there is fundamental work to do again. But the work will be done. It's already happening. That's what this WEF is all about. Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska is going to attend as an honored guest to help inspire the bejeweled forces not to give up the fight for the greater good. They typically have many working sessions to help plan things like Gates-style farming for food security, lessons learned from Covid vaccine rollouts to improve the next time when vaccines must be forced upon the world for health security reasons, genetic innovation of the human species -- the usual stuff of systems positive change, including youth education. (They call this "social entrepreneurship.") Even Klaus Schwab's mentor, Adolf Hitler, recognized the importance of a good youth group in implementing change at a foundational level. And I suppose there will be some forum to discuss the importance of gun control while surrounded by their own armed security forces. Given the unique nature of the event - with more than 50 heads of state and government, heads of the UN and EU etc expected to attend - security in #Davos is extremely tight. Army/police are everywhere and the whir of helicopters enforcing a strict no-fly zone is commonplace. — David Walsh (@David_M_Walsh) January 15, 2023 Don't get yourself in Davos dither “The mood is somber," said Nick Studer, CEO of the Oliver Wyman Group consultancy, who has attended meetings in Davos for years. “At the same time, you’ve got a lot of people hoping that the U.S. and the U.K. environment—if it’s recessionary—is either short or shallow." There is more for Davos to worry about than fractionalization of the world and how to bind the Western faction into the biggest and most successful contingent, hoping China and India will someday want to rejoin the world -- the world's forum, that is. Inflation and a certain recession are not good for business. Neither are angry villagers storming the palaces. These the Devotees are practical enough to know that milling peasants are a threat to their own wellbeing. Business leaders also are watching a handful of risks that could reset their calculus. Those include the potential for conflict between China and the U.S. over Taiwan and the possibility of an impasse in the divided U.S. Congress over raising the country’s debt ceiling—threatening a U.S. government default.... Issues that caused headaches for business leaders throughout the pandemic, such as supply-chain snarls or construction delays, aren’t fully resolved, either So, there is plenty that has the Davos crowd practically dowdy looking -- not that their shoes and watches aren't just as shiny but that their smiles aren't. It's a serious mood this year, but they'll weather the global storms and get through. This isn't their first rodeo: “I haven’t heard in 30 years being in business of people talking about the recession for so long," said Christophe Beck, chairman and chief executive officer of Ecolab.... “If you talk to people on Wall Street who are 35 years and younger, they think it’s the end of the world," Mr. Bergman said. “You talk to people 50 and over, we’ve been through this many times...." Wage inflation is also stabilizing, making it less of an issue than earlier in the pandemic Now that last line brings some cheer to the crowd. You see, too much of that share-the-wealth stuff to avoid the problem of inequitable wealth distribution might actually cause more equitable distribution, which would mean less for the rich. We can't have that, so sighs of relief are heard in the paneled rooms at Davos. At least, that nasty wage inflation is settling down. For a minute there, it looked like things might get downright equitable. “Davos was built on the idea that the world was getting better and more global and more honest and more tolerant and the economy worked better because of that," said Alex Karp, chief executive of Palantir Technologies Inc. “Well, it doesn’t look like we’re living there anymore." Sure, if you were part of the 1%. Now the village mob is getting a little restless, and those bunkers are looking a little less like status symbols and vacation homes, and more like possible primary residences. Of the creation of conspiracy theories there is no end Maybe it is just because the mood is sour as the colleagues consider the new amount of work they have to do to restructure by binding the national shrapnel of iron together with clay as the glue that is keeping some of the longtime top leaders at bay this year, including Soros and Schwab. Soros says he is not attending due to an "unavoidable scheduling conflict." That is what presidents say when they want to avoid meeting with an international dignitary without causing international offense. Believe me, if the mood was great in a place where the caviar is always top shelf, there would be no such thing as an "unavoidable scheduling conflict" that could prevent hobnobbing in Swiss chalets. There had been talk that even Soros' buddy Klaus wouldn't be attending, but that appears to have been a mere rumor; however, the missing top dogs got speculation going in the alternative press that maybe the world's top leaders and oldest World Elite Forum members were afraid of some catastrophic event such as an emergent to peasants' revolt, which the wealthy are starting to fear, should this recession run too deep or inflation remain out of control. After all, the way we fight inflation to save the middle class is by killing the wage increases the middle class was just starting to see. That is always the plan -- stop inflation by cropping the middle class who are spending too much. "Is something going down?" Lavern Spicer, a Republican candidate in Florida, wondered on Twitter. "Something is brewing…" wrote James Bradley, a GOP candidate in California. It is not just the Davos devotees who are atwitter with worry this year. So are those who talk about them. "You'll know we're in deep doo doo, if the plane trackers catch him and his cult brethren flying to their New Zealand bunkers," @RightKingTodd tweeted in response to the news.... "I think there could be a massive security/terrorist event at Davos this week," [wrote] Josh Reid, figurehead of the Redpill Project. There is never a shortage of good conspiracies flowing around Davos, and an elite delete is certainly something the gatherers have more reason to fear this year than in calmer years; but I suspect that is also nothing more than right-wing fantasy, running ahead of itself. When they are wrong, they will all conveniently forget they said it and move on to creating a new conspiracy -- perhaps something more reptilian. False flag incoming," @Jrseeker1963 wrote on Twitter. Always, the go-to theory these days, that one. If Soros were aware of a false-flag operation against the WEF, it would beg the question as to why his son, Alexander, chair of the Open Society Foundations, is attending the conference and has posted about his presence on social media. Oh, sure, but what about the old double-false flag? It works like a double agent: Soros's son pretends he is going to attend Davos, knowing full well he doesn't dare because of the terrorists, in order to draw in the people Soros & Son knows are plotting to kill them, so those people show up as they are planning so the authorities can capture them and imprison them for Soros's future safety. Huh? What about that? Soros, meanwhile, is not the only international figure to shrug off the meeting: Joe Biden ... will not be joining other world leaders there, and neither will Rishi Sunak, the U.K. Prime Minister, French President Emmanuel Macron or Brazil's new president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. OK. Now maybe we are talking a known plot to assassinate world leaders. (Or maybe we are just talking top politicians who know a good photo-op from a bad one in a time of future famines looking not that far off, high inflation, and central-bank economic crushing of the Middle Class and poor.) The dwindling popularity of the conference, with the backdrop of a war in Ukraine and a heavily sanctioned Russia, suggests that its vision for a globalised society may be waning in the current geopolitical climate. I don't think so. While that is actually liberal Newsweek saying that, I don't think so. If you're a globalist, there is hard work to be done in rethinking the global landscape. So, I'm not saying in my prediction that all is easy for the Davos divinity. I'm just saying a rich cabal decades in the making does not just give up after its decades of scheming. This isn't their first rodeo either. While I think conspiracy theories are easy to get started and run amok, let us remember that the mere existence of Davos and the Bilderbergers was the stuff of conspiracy theory a few decades ago. Now they put their audacious plans out on videos on YouTube and talk openly about how you'll eat bugs and be happy you have that much. I'm not saying they don't have a mess to fix. I'm saying they will do the work. So, let me start my own conspiracy theory, since it is easily done (and that is all I am doing with the following): The growing unrest in the world might mean the REAL people behind Davos and the Bilderbergers -- the top tier of twenty as opposed to the big party at Davos they invite the second tier to -- have decided they need to go back to meeting in secret until they get their new pattern for globalism worked out to where it is ready to air publicly again. The Davos meeting is now just the window dressing for the ten-percenters to receive the plan and believe they came up with it. The true cabal will be rotating their actual planning sessions between their mansion bunkers. (Or am I just creating a new counter-conspiracy theory by telling you I'm making it up? Maybe I know something you don't about the bunkerbuilders meetings, and I'm in on it and just want to plant the seed that it's nothing but a conspiracy theory before the truth of the top-tier meetings behind the meetings gets found out ; ) How will you ever know? If what I said above disagrees with you, it's just disinformation. It's impossible you would be wrong.
If you are Instagram addicted just like me, you must have seen, at least once, the irreverent posts of Siduations, where couture dresses and celebrities are photoshopped in contemporary or “normal” situations, such as the supermarket or the subway, with a touch of irony and a lot of creativity. I must admit that these posts have made me laugh more than once, besides obviously generating in me the following questions: where do these collages come from? What are the inspirations and inputs behind these “situations”? I didn’t have to wait too long for an answer: while we were in Los Angeles in fact, we took the chance to meet Sidney Prawatyotin, aka Sid, aka the brilliant and creative mind behind Siduations. Our meeting went on longer than what we expected, too much laughter and little talks and when we began the interview, we found out about Sid’s journey from New York, where he worked as a fashion PR, to Los Angeles, where he casually learned how to use Photoshop on his own. We then talked about creativity, editorials on a budget (and not collages, right?), what’s fun, weird and normal when it comes to inspirations, or rather, situations, the love and hate relationship with social media, and, of course, fashion. Are you ready to dive into the world of Siduations? When did you realize that creativity was the path that you wanted to follow in life, and was your fashion background helpful for it? I’ve always been creative, I think [laughs]. I’ve always been drawn to photography, design – I had a clothing line, United Bamboo – and creativity helps keep me sane because the world is so fucking worrying sometimes. So, I’ve always been drawn to it, even as a child, I had a crazy imagination: I didn’t really hang out with many people, it was mostly just me by myself, I had a brother and a family but I felt very different from them, maybe it was because my parents came from Thailand so they are not American but they had me in New York. So, it was a very different kind of relationship, a very traditional one, but I’m also from New York and I went to catholic school – I’m not catholic – I think my parents are Buddhist, so I was absorbing all these things, but nothing really made sense. That’s why I kind of stayed in my head a lot and just pretended, also growing up gay but not knowing if that’s good or bad, therefore I didn’t know how to act, with my parents, with society, with everything…the only out that I had was to be creative even though I didn’t quite know what it meant at the time. I was just very drawn to visual things, that’s my creativity part. I mean, I didn’t even know about the creativity until you ask me about like it wasn’t something that I had ever thought about, it was always something that was just in my head. And that led me through different paths, for a speech a friend asked me if he would have to introduce me as an artist but I didn’t know because I didn’t and still don’t felt like one: everything that I’ve done in my life has happened by chance. When I had the clothing line, I didn’t go to school for it, I just learned on my own, with my friends. I guess Siduations is more, I wouldn’t say graphic design, but like I’m using Photoshop, I thought myself. I test it out myself and I try it. Then photography, I’m not publishing anywhere but I like experimenting with different cameras or apps, I’ve never had traditional learning, and that’s why I feel like, if someone asks me if I’m an artist I say, “I don’t know…” [laughs]. I’m not an influencer, someone said it but I don’t take pictures of myself, I take pictures of myself for stories but they disappear; [laughs]. I was also in a movie, my friend directed a movie called “Kids” in the ‘90s, it’s about skaters in New York City, Chloë Sevigny is in it, and we were all just like kids and he just filmed us, I mean it’s not a true story but It looks like a documentary, I’m still alive. [laughs] All of that to say that I’m always around different creative people but not intentionally, we just find each other. “I was just very drawn to visual things, that’s my creativity part”. What stages did you go through to realize your playful collages? When I was in New York I was a fashion publicist for 15 years, before that with my clothing line, United Bamboo, before it got really big I sold my share because I felt “bored” so I went back to school to learn how to do documentaries, like filming media, I learned what I need to learn, it was fun and then I decided, “Ok, I’m bored of this now.” Then my friends asked me if I wanted to come back in the company, United Bamboo, they needed help with publicity, and I never went to PR school, I had taken one PR class but that so different but they asked me anyways because I used to work in a magazine when I was 16 years old so I kind of knew how that worked. Being in PR I knew a lot of people fashion-wise, connected with them, and when I decided to move here I realized that PR is different here, it’s more celebrity, and it’s a culture, if you don’t have money then you’re not going to get your dress on a celebrity or your outfit on them because everyone has a contract. Also, it’s a different type of PR, so I said, “Ok, I never really went to school for PR, I feel like I can give it up easy.” [laughs]. It was hard because I did it for 15 years but it wasn’t like I had an investment in it, you know. But again, I was like, “Hey, everything I did just happened by chance, accidentally, I can start a new life here,” I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I had to learn how to drive first, I didn’t do that [laughs]. I had a few friends here who needed my help with their site and instead of just editing, I started to learn how to code and then they asked me if I could help to change the colors on their website, so I started changing the color, learning to code, but then I also started playing with the pictures. That’s when the Photoshop came in, I was just messing around with visuals, moving things to the left, to the right, just little things like that, but also playing with apps on my phone, with different Photoshop stuff; while sitting in traffic, I would text to my friends in New York and a lot of them work in fashion so what I would do is just take their picture on an app and cut it out, and put them like on the street, like taking pictures on the sidewalk, just fun stuff like that. And then I would write to them “I miss you, wish you were here.” So, then a lot of people started posting those pictures on their Instagram and I was like: “Oh, cool, it’s funny, it’s weird.” I made so many, and I thought I should post them, but I didn’t want to post them on my personal, it didn’t make sense, so I created Siduations and then I posted them on there. “That’s when the Photoshop came in, I was just messing around with visual…” “I made so many, and I thought I should post them, but I didn’t want to post them on my personal, so I created Siduations and then I posted them on there.“ And because I already knew a lot of fashion editors and stylists, just fashion people, I already had a following, it wasn’t hard for me to get my friends to follow the other page. And then once that happened, people just started sharing it, and then publications started calling. It was the second year I lived here, by that time new people were working at the magazines, so I thought my friends told them to reach out to me but they said they had found me on Instagram and that didn’t know I used to work in fashion. I knew everyone in their office but I didn’t know the writer [laughs], so they were like, “Uou know my boss?” and I, “Yeah, and I thought so and so from Vogue told you to call me.” But they had simply seen my Instagram like while in the subway and thought it was funny so they reached out to me so I started to meet all the new people that were working in fashion. It was funny because a lot of people thought I was pinching myself and I was like: “No, I’m not even 100% confident about what I’m doing, I would never pop up size myself” and since then it just grew. “I have to say that a lot of people call them collages and it is collage what I do, but I call it editorial on a budget [laughs].” There’s a meaning behind the name “Siduations” besides playing with your name? I realized that what I was doing was putting people in different situations, that’s pretty much it [laughs]. When you have an idea, it may not be the biggest idea in the world, but it makes sense: it’s like Sid putting people in situations. We already mentioned fashion, but how did you realize that irony was a successful key to read this complicated world? I didn’t but thank you! You know, nobody walks in LA so when you are driving, and you see on the street there is almost nobody walking but then you see one fashion person walking, and it looks like a situation; like I remember when I was in Venice I was getting a coffee at 8 am in September, it’s still hot but it’s kind of almost fall, and I saw people with Gucci slippers with fur and I was like: “It’s fucking Venice Beach, and you are wearing fur slippers?” And then they had leather jackets, it was just cool, they have style, but in 80-degree weather, does it make any sense?! So, that’s how I see the situation, to me it’s normal but I do understand that it’s funny to some people. Also, I grew up in the club scene and my friends were crazy looking and walking around New York like this, so I understand that there is irony in it but if this is how I grew up and this is what I saw, but also I always questioned why people find these weird, like, “If the designers are making clothes for people, why can’t they wear it? Why is it so weird? They need to make money, they want you to wear it. Like are you only supposed to wear it at night? Or where?” So I’ve always asked myself that but also I realize during the elections in 2016 –that was fuel of inspiration for me– that more than ever than everyone is so divided, it’s Republican, Democratic, white against black, Hispanic, and then there is rich and there is poor, and I realized that fashion is divided too like some fashion people don’t look at normal people, or it seems like they don’t look at normal people, they are very elite, like a club. And I was like, “Ok there is so much division now, I feel like what I’m doing has a sense of making sure everyone is even.” Just making sure that no one is higher than the others, making people on an equal plain field. How do you find a balance between fashion and the “real world,” like politics and so on? That’s always in my head. Like: “Gucci has a gown, does she need to be at a cocktail party or a fancy event? Why can’t she be walking in a supermarket?” And people find it weird but what’s so weird about it? There’s nothing weird about it, you just haven’t seen that stuff out of fashion weeks. Sometimes when I’m playing with an image like, I’ll say a gown again, she should be at a fancy event but no, where else could she be? I want to make fashion for everyone, not just for rich people. It just felt so exclusive and I wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it. Were social media helpful for you in some ways? That’s how a lot of people find me for work. I get stuff with Alexander Wang, for Burberry, Moncler, Miu Miu, Opening Ceremony, Brandon Maxwell, and then I work with publications, I did stuff every month for Elle UK, L’Officiel… all through DM, which is freaking awesome, and also because I don’t have to leave the house! [laughs] But also it drove me freaking crazy, I use social media as a gallery, even when some people comment bad stuff like, “This is a horrible work” I’m ok with that because it’s a good way for me to improve myself; a person said to me regarding one picture, “It looks so photoshopped” and I took a look at it and I said, “Fuck, it does.” Sometimes I get good comments, others I get bad ones, I don’t like it but it’s helpful for me to understand what I need to do. It’s good to hear feedback because I’m here by myself, so when they comment and like stuff it’s a way to communicate with me on what I need to be focusing on next time. But up to know social media still drive me crazy, the likes, sometimes I post a picture at a certain time and it doesn’t get many likes I’m like: “WTF, do I delete it? No, I’m 43 I’m too old for that, just leave it, don’t care about it, don’t think about it.” I have to remember that I’m using this platform like a gallery, as a portfolio, and not as a competition but then you get sucked into it. It’s the worst, I feel like I’m in high-school again. But Instagram has been helpful, because I use it as a gallery, but I also post to Tumblr, I don’t know if anyone uses it, but just in case Instagram disappears [laughs]. “Instagram has been helpful, because I use it as a gallery.” Is Los Angeles also an inspiration for you in some ways? Everything is an inspiration, every city I go to, just to see how different people live, everything is inspiring. About traveling, my point of view is American because I was born and raised here, and I also have some Thai points of view, I know people, their way of living, so it’s easy for me to reference something in a picture. I spent a summer in Paris two years ago, before I used to go for one/two weeks a year, but spending two months there allowed me understand the culture and a little bit about their way of thinking, and that affects the picture too because at times American people will get the message but other people will not understand it. Like in Thailand I made a picture of a ladyboy which is how they call transsexuals in Thailand, I posted that because I understand it, they love the ladyboys in Thailand, they don’t make fun of them, they are part of the community, I posted a picture and so many people were so upset in America, like, “How can you do it? That’s so mean, this is horrible for our community and LGBT and the word ladyboy is so fucked up” But in Thailand, it’s not so fucked up, and people from there were defending me, and someone said, “This is my life, I love it, it’s hilarious.” There was instead a fashion collection/brand/designer that you really fell in love with recently? Balenciaga, Gucci, Valentino, Miu Miu, Prada, Loewe, JW… I don’t want to say that they are more imaginative because everyone has an imagination, it’s more about people who create things that I’ve never seen before. Their fashion shows are not just a runway, they create like a Disneyland. It depends, next season there could be a brand that shows something different, not just clothes, but also the atmosphere. For me fashion is like escaping, it’s a fantasy, I want to live an experience. So far, when I go to Paris, the Vuitton shows make me feel like I’m in a different world. I love the old McQueen shows, every one of them he was designing looked like a different planet. So that’s what I love about fashion imaginary, I like that you can imagine that you were there. It’s a good escape, also it goes back to when I was younger feeling alone and I used magazines as an escape. What’s fashion for you? Fashion for me is like buying a ticket and traveling somewhere. And when I say that, I mean the ticket could be expensive [laughs], the jacket could be expensive, but if you are able to wear that jacket and have this feeling like being another person, or that you are telling a story, that’s what I mean, it’s storytelling: it’s taking yourself to a different place. What’s your go-to look? Jeans and a t-shirt. Something very basic, my rule is that I have to be able to wear it at least three days in a row because I don’t have that expendable income, I can’t spend money on that, especially when I don’t leave the house. But also, I feel that right now there is so much fast-fashion and it’s not good for our planet, so when I buy something, I either go to thrift shops, flea markets or I buy very special items. So, I need to be able to wear it more than one time, I need to be comfortable wearing it for 2 days in a row. Right now, everyone is wearing something once and then they are like, “What am I going to do with that?” It’s a bad way. What do you have too many of? Ideas [laughs]. And time, but not enough time to make them all happening. What’s at the top of your fashion wish list right now? I’ve been thinking about the JW Anderson baseball cap bag. It’s on my list, but I don’t have a wish list, it is something I’ve been thinking about, I don’t really need it but I want it. What’s your superpower? I wish teleportation! And if I can’t do that in real life I do it in pictures. What makes you laugh the most? I like to watch pranks, I like to watch bloopers, bloopers in practical jokes. Like, when you see a show and everything is perfect but then you look at the outtakes and you realize it’s not perfect. Seeing people not being perfect, I don’t laugh at them but I just find humor in it. Recently, I was at a party and I was just standing there and I was wearing high shoes, and I wasn’t even walking but I just fell, that was funny, I was trying to be all cool but then I just fall backward. It was so embarrassing but it was fun. What about your future projects? I would like a book, I don’t know if it’s possible because I would have to pay for the rights for these photos, but it could happen. I would like a book, if not to sell just for myself, to look at my stuff. [laughs] I would also like to get out of photoshopping and actually doing photographs or creative direct a team to do that for me. I would like to just travel more and take my own background pictures. What I’ve been doing now is looking online for supermarkets, Venice’s canals, I would rather just go there and take my own pictures of the canals. I would like to creative directing a team, to turn Siduations into something else, I would love to learn more apps, more programs, video, moving images, just go deeper into this.
Nestled in the heart of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Baratang Island is a treasure awaiting avid travellers. Its awe-inspiring natural landscapes include mysterious limestone caves, thriving mangrove creeks, and the unique phenomenon of mud volcanoes. Have you ever heard of an island where parrots congregate in such numbers that it’s affectionately known as ‘Parrot Island’? Well, Baratang has all that and more. It’s a perfect mix of adventure and untouched nature, inviting you to explore its hidden corners. Positioned strategically between the Middle and South Andaman Islands, Baratang is about 100 kilometres north of Port Blair, the lively capital city of this Union Territory. Suppose you’re seeking to venture beyond the beaten path. In that case, this guide aims to be your companion, leading you through the ins and outs of planning a memorable journey to Baratang. We’ll explore the cultural fabric, the exciting activities you can indulge in, and the best spots to relax and savour the local cuisine. In crafting this guide, we’ve combed through various traveller queries, the latest updates from the government tourism policies, and personal stories of adventurers who have set foot on this magical island. With detailed insights, you can navigate your way to places to visit the island, unearth the top attractions, find the comfiest stays and indulge in delightful eateries— all while being culturally sensitive and environmentally conscious. - Baratang Island is a fascinating ecological marvel in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. - It’s located about 100 km from Port Blair and is accessible for intrepid travellers. - This guide offers practical tips for visiting and making the most of Baratang’s attractions. How to Reach Baratang Ever imagined driving through a lush forest to reach an exotic island? Let me guide you on how to make this exciting trip from Port Blair to Baratang. By Private Vehicle or AC Bus: The smoothest ride to Baratang is definitely by hitting the road in the comfort of a private car or AC bus. Starting from Port Blair, aim for Nilambur Jetty, and here’s why it is great: - Comfort: Enjoy the journey in air-conditioned bliss. - Convenience: Leaves when you are ready, no waiting around! - Scenic Route: Breathtaking views of the unique Andaman landscape. Expect to cover 100 km in about 4 hours. Yes, it’s a stretch, but the adventure is worth every minute! By Government Bus: On a budget? No worries! Government buses offer a pocket-friendly alternative, though they may trade off some comfort. Here is what you need to know: - Cost-effective: Save that hard-earned cash for island treats. - Frequency: Regular services from Port Blair †“quite reliable! The Journey – A Close Encounter with Nature: As you travel along the Andaman Trunk Road (ATR) through the Jarawa Reserve forest, you are in for an unusual experience. But remember, it’s crucial to respect the local tribe, the Jarawas— no interaction or photography, please. Keep their privacy and dignity intact. Midway, you’ll need to take a short vehicle ferry ride across the Middle Strait to Baratang Jetty. It’s not just a transfer; it’s part of the adventure! Now, are you ready to set off on this unique road trip? Pack your bags, pick your ride, and let the journey to Baratang begin! Top Things to Do in Baratang Exploring the Limestone Caves: Ever wonder what nature’s artwork looks like? Take a boat ride to witness the stunning stalactites and stalagmites formations in Baratang’s Limestone Caves. Remember to bring your camera for those otherworldly shots! You’ll spend around an hour here, and there’s usually no entry fee, just the cost of the boat ride. Witnessing the Mud Volcanoes: Ready for something unique? Check out the Mud Volcanoes, an unusual natural phenomenon in India. Accessible by a short trek, it’s free to see them do their bubbly dance. A tip— wear shoes you don’t mind getting dirty! Visiting Parrot Island: Bird lovers, rejoice! A short boat ride at dusk will take you to Parrot Island, a haven for thousands of colourful parrots. It is a symphony of squawks and feathers during sunset, so plan to stay for at least half an hour. Relaxing at Baludera Beach: Fancy a tranquil beach day? Baludera Beach is your spot with its clear water and white sand. Pack a picnic and some sunscreen, and enjoy a swim. Keep it clean, though” no littering! Boat Rides through Mangrove Creeks: Glide through Mangrove Creeks for a peek at island wildlife. It’s serene, it’s beautiful, and it’s a must-do. A boat ride is the best way to explore; bring water and snacks, and maybe some binoculars for some interesting bird watching opportunities! Remember: Each activity has its own charm and requires a bit of planning. Most spots are easily reached from Port Blair— boats, buses, and jeeps are at your service. Find balance in your schedule: mix adventure with relaxation, and make the most of your journey to Baratang! Hotels and Resorts in Baratang Thinking of exploring the Baratang Island trip? Well, you’re in for a rustic getaway! This slice of Andaman is more about untamed nature than luxe living. Still, you won’t have to rough it too much, as there are some snug spots to lay your head. Let’s talk about where you might stay. Baratang doesn’t have the glitzy hotel scene you’ll find in major tourist spots. It’s a place where the wild things are, with accommodation that’s mostly on the budget-friendly side, but don’t worry, comfort isn’t compromised. Here are only a few rides the places you could consider: - Dew Dale Resorts - Location: Tucked away amidst the lush greenery, this eco-friendly resort lets you wake up to the songs of tropical birds! - Facilities: Fancy an AC cottage with a private garden view? Plus, you can munch on some local flavours in their restaurant. - Rates: It’s mid-range, so you’re not breaking the bank for a cosy nook. - Reviews: Guests rave about the serene atmosphere and sustainability effort. - Blue Planet - Location: Easily accessible, it is a short drive from the jetty, making your island hops a breeze. - Facilities: Chill in an AC room after a day of adventure, and there’s a parking spot for your ride. - Rates: Your wallet will thank you – affordable stays without skimping on the necessities. - Reviews: Visitors often mention the homely vibe and tasty grub. - Priya International - Location: In the heart of Baratang, it puts you close to all the action without the noise. - Facilities: The hotel offers the basics, but it’s the staff who’ll make you feel like a VIP. - Rates: Let’s say it’s wallet-friendly with a capital ‘W’. - Reviews: Clean rooms and helpful folks are the talk of the town here. Remember, Baratang is about embracing the simpler things in life. The lodgings here are your gateway to the stunning environs of Middle and North Andaman, including gems like Rangat, Mayabunder, and Diglipur. Just because it’s not a five-star resort, remember to underestimate the power of genuine hospitality amidst the call of the wild. After all, who needs a velvet rope when you’ve got the Coral Creek Resort close by, with all the beauty of the Tropical Forest at your doorstep? Get ready for an authentic Andaman adventure with just the right amount of creature comforts. Restaurants in Baratang Have you heard about Baratang’s quaint dining scene? Nestled within the verdant landscapes of the Andaman Islands, you’ll find a few gems that will spice up your island adventure with authentic Indian flavours. Imagine savouring freshly caught seafood or indulging in a hearty vegetarian meal after a day of exploring; it sounds tempting. If you’re craving the comfort of home-cooked Indian food, Annapurna is your go-to spot. Loved for its: - Menu: South Indian and North Indian delicacies to tantalize your taste buds - Location: Conveniently located on the main road, it’s a brisk walk from the jetty - Timings: Ready to welcome you from morning to night - Reviews: Regularly garners thumbs-up for its homely flavours Have you been longing for something fresh off the boat? Look no further! Here you’ll find: - Menu: Exquisite seafood and local Andamanese dishes at affordable prices - Location: A stone’s throw from the jetty means the catch is as fresh as it gets! - Timings: Open most hours, fitting for early birds and night owls alike - Reviews: Diners rave about the freshness and authenticity Where can you chill and try a variety of cuisines? Hotel Priya is your spot. With: - Menu: A wide spectrum of flavours, including international options to quench your global palate - Location: Situated within the hotel premises, offering comfort and convenience - Timings: Open from dawn till dusk, adapting to your schedule - Reviews: Known for diversity in taste and a welcoming atmosphere When in Baratang, let the local aromas guide you to these culinary delights. Each bite tells a story of the rich Andaman Islands culture. Ready to embark on this flavoursome journey? Your palate will thank you! Important Information About Baratang Exploring Baratang Island? You are in for an adventure that is as rich in culture as it is in natural beauty! Here is a quick guide to ensure you make the most out of your visit in baratang. - Best Time to Visit: October to March treats you to the most delightful weather” perfect for exploring! - Duration of Stay: Aiming for a 2-day stay hits the sweet spot, letting you soak in all the major sights comfortably. When it comes to navigating the island, jeeps are your best buddy— They are readily available for hire from the jetty or your hotel. As for communication, Hindi and Bengali are widely spoken, though you manage with English in most places. Lets talk about accommodation. If you are planning where to rest your head, consider these options: - APWD Guest House - Forest Guest House - Panchayat Guest House Embrace the cultural mosaic of Baratang by respecting the unique traditions and natural habitats. Remember, you are treading through spaces where tribes like the Jarawa coexist with nature. Baratang, formerly known to some as Ranchiwala Island, is nestled in the North and Middle Andaman Administrative District. It’s a stunning canvas of mangrove creeks and fascinating mud volcanoes. Although you might not catch sight of Havelock Island from here, you are in a world that is equally enchanting. Planning to connect with the Department of Forest? They can provide ranger-guided tours that heighten your experience north bay island while ensuring you tread lightly on this ecological treasure. For any assistance, drop by the Tourist Information Centre” think of it as your ‘Single Window’ to the island’s insights and must-dos. A quick reminder: While you soak in the wonders around you, tread with care. These lands are shared with indigenous tribes who call this emerald paradise home. Your respect for their space and lifestyle is not just appreciated— it’s essential. Have you ever dreamed of uncovering the untouched beauty of a secluded island paradise? Baratang Island is just that:” a captivating escape within the Andaman archipelago, teeming with natural wonders. From the dense forests overseen by the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) of Baratang to the unique limestone caves and vibrant mangrove ecosystems, this island offers an adventure like no other. Imagine traversing the road that slices through the island, where the Andaman Trunk Road connects you to Rangat and Mayabunder. Picture yourself crossing tranquil waters via the “Bamboo Trikery” Jetty or “Nilambur” Jetty to reach destinations that echo the whispers of history, spanning back thousands of years. - Pristine Beaches: Sun-kissed shores invite you for a relaxing day. - Limestone Caves: Marvel at these natural sculptures. - Mangroves: Navigate through the serenity of these tidal forests. Situated approximately 100 kilometres north of Port Blair and 1,300 kilometres away from the Indian mainland, Baratang isn’t just a spot on the map— it’s a journey into the heart of nature. Why not turn this reading into reality? Experience the genuine charm of the Andaman Islands for yourself. We’re certain the memories you’ll create will be as lasting as the landscape is beautiful. Thanks for joining us on this virtual trip explore baratang island! You’re undoubtedly brimming with questions or eager to share your anticipation. We’d love to hear from you.” Your thoughts will only enrich the guide for future explorers. Have a safe trip, and may your adventure to Baratang Island be the treasure trove of moments you’ll treasure forever! Frequently Asked Questions Why Baratang Island is famous? Baratang are renowned for their natural wonder: from spectacular limestone caves to dense mangrove rivers. There is the tidal swamp and tiny but beautiful mud volcano. It is the main entrance north of the main city and is situated between Middle and South Andaman. What are the top activities to enjoy on Baratang Island with family? You can look forward to a medley of adventures, from trekking through the dense forests to kayaking amidst the mangroves. Take advantage of the thrill of witnessing the Mud Volcanoes and taking a boat ride to see the fabled Parrot Island, which is a spectacle, especially at sunset when parrots flock back home. How can I reach Baratang Island from Port Blair, and what transportation options are available? Set off from Port Blair to Baratang Island by road; it’s a journey of about 100 kilometres. You can opt for a government-operated bus or hire a private car. The journey’s highlight will be crossing the creeks via vehicle ferries, adding a sense of adventure to your arrival. Can you explore the limestone caves of Baratang Island and what makes them unique? Absolutely! The limestone caves are a natural marvel formed over the years through the erosion of calcium carbonate. Embark on a boat ride through mangrove creeks for a guided tour of these intriguing formations. Let the stalactites and stalagmites capture your imagination. What is the allure of Baratang Island that makes it a must-visit destination? Baratang Island is the untouched paradise of the Andaman Islands, distinguished by its serene beaches, exotic wildlife, and the pristine beauty of its natural landscapes. It’s a sanctuary for those seeking solace away from the bustle of modern life,” perfect for a digital detox and nature immersion. As of 2023, can you provide the latest information on whether Baratang Island is accessible for tourist visits? Yes, as of 2023, Baratang Island welcomes tourists with open arms. Be sure to check for the latest guidelines and necessary permits for a smooth experience and to safeguard this ecological wonder. Could you list the best travel packages available for a trip to Baratang Island? While specific travel packages frequently change, some of the best offerings include full-day guided tours, which often encompass transport, a visit to the Limestone Caves, the Mud Volcanoes, and sometimes a detour to Parrot Island. You should research and compare the latest packages with reputable tour operators to find the perfect one that suits your interests. What is Baratang Island and why should I visit it? A: Baratang Island is a part of the Andaman archipelago in India. It is famous for its natural wonders, such as limestone caves, mud volcanoes, mangrove forests, and parrot island. If you are a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or a wildlife enthusiast, you should definitely visit Baratang Island. How can I reach Baratang Island from Port Blair? The best and most convenient way to reach Baratang Island is by hiring a private vehicle or a bus from Port Blair. You will have to travel through the Andaman Trunk Road (ATR) and cross a vehicle-ferry connection. The journey takes about four hours, but you can enjoy the scenic views of the jungle and the sea along the way. You might also spot some Jarawas, the indigenous tribe of Andaman, on the road. However, you are not allowed to interact with them or take their pictures. Where can I stay and eat in Baratang Island? Baratang Island is not a very developed tourist destination, so you will not find many options for accommodation and dining. There are a few government guest houses and forest lodges that offer basic facilities and services. You can also find some local homestays and cottages that provide a more authentic and rustic experience. For food, you can try some of the roadside eateries and stalls that serve cheap and delicious Indian dishes. You can also buy fresh fruits and vegetables from the local markets. What is the cost of the boat ride to Limestone Caves? The approximate cost of a boat ride to Limestone Caves is Rs. 600, but prices may vary depending on the season and type of boat. To take the boat, you must go to Baratang Jetty and book it in advance. The boat ride lasts about 30 minutes one way. The timings are 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM for the limestone caves and 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM for the parrot island. What is the best time of the year to visit Baratang Island? The best time to visit Baratang Island is from October to March when the weather is pleasant and dry. Avoid visiting during the monsoon season from June to September, as the island receives heavy rainfall and the sea becomes rough. Are there any restrictions on visiting the Jarawa Reserve Forest? To visit Baratang Island, you need a permit which you can get from Jirkatang or Port Blair. A strict convoy system is in place due to the road passing through the Jarawa reserve. Convoys leave at 6:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 2:30 PM from Jirkatang and 6:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and 3:00 PM from Baratang. Be at the checkpoint at least 15 minutes before the convoy departs. You must pay a nominal fee for the vehicle ferry crossing, which takes about 15 minutes. The ferry timings are 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with a lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. How to reach the mud volcano on Baratang Island? The mud volcano in Baratang is a unique natural attraction. To reach it, you need to travel from Port Blair to Baratang Island by road and ferry. Once you reach the Baratang jetty, you can hire a jeep or bus to take you to the mud volcano site, which is 7 km away. From there, you will need to walk 160 metres on a rocky path to see that emits gas and mud.