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Rest & Relaxation
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail)/Welt Yang
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)
Not Beta Read, Fluff, idk about cannon but, Himeko and Welt are around the same age in this fic
['grumpyblu_e', 'NefelibatepluviophileSolitude', 'heyits_nessie', 'Jaywalksonly', 'HatsuKhione', 'shooting_star', 'percy_soap', '3Whiches', 'JenTheWriter_1001', 'speechlesscolors', 'sgri_sgri', 'sunscares', 'blooming_girl', 'Bana_34', 'Godess_of_the_Moon', 'rhea_krisanta', 'niphredils', 'grey_toiletpaper', 'Redlizard', 'AidanArmageddon', 'FlamingHotGarbage', 'Ender_flow3r', 'malavita15', 'thebooksdoctor', 'DrunkOnTheAMs', 'Hello_Hellooo', 'hngzn', 'hautedlife', 'Cyber_Akitsu', 'VioletRegality', 'Mizhera', 'Kikialaxis', 'WhiffleWaffles', 'GlitchGamerette', 'imilliterate', 'LilianEm', 'Mel_HB23', 'Quiet_Light', 'RollingRudy', 'Coneko_578', 'MitsuyaHaitani', 'Renelia', 'TheNovelArtist', 'Lo0py', 'TheOneWayRoad', 'SueDrawl', 'Shadow124', 'Th3muffinman', '1kara_meldy1', 'Moon_Gardenia']
Movie night had become a tradition for the Astral Express crew. At the end of every week, they would gather in one of the cabins with blankets and snacks, dim the lights, and let Welt project movies until they all fell asleep or returned to their rooms. Usually, March and Dan Heng sat on a pile of pillows on the floor, cocooned in blankets while Himeko and Welt sat on one of the cushioned benches near them. This was the first movie night since Stelle joined the crew, and as Himeko had anticipated, March had dragged Stelle to join her and Dan Heng on the floor. The movie Welt chose was one about a detective who used time travel to solve cases. He chose the movie based on Stelle’s request for a fast-paced mystery. Usually, the crew decided on the movie together, but since it was Stelle’s first time, everyone agreed she should pick. Although Himeko was only half paying attention to the movie, she could tell that Welt had chosen well. At least, if the heated whisper-debate was anything to go by. Dan Heng insisted that the true culprit was obvious, while March claimed he was totally innocent. Stelle stayed quiet for the most part, only occasionally interjecting with completely off the wall theories. After hearing a few of them, Himeko was convinced she was doing it just to mess with the other two. But the majority of her attention was on Welt. She watched him carefully, using the light from the projection to see in the darkened cabin. Knowing that he was prone to getting lost in his work and always putting the other members of the crew before himself, she was worried that he was pushing himself too far. He looked tired, but he always looked tired. That was one of the main reasons Himeko tried to get him to rest more. However tonight, he looked more tired than usual. As if sensing her gaze on him, Welt turned to look at her, offering her a questioning look. She shook her head with a small smile which he returned before turning back to the movie. After a moment of hesitation, Himeko slowly moved closer to Welt so that their bodies were just barely touching. She was not sure where exactly their relationship stood. They had quickly become friends after Welt joined the Express crew, but as time went on, Himeko found herself often wishing they were more than friends. These thoughts seemed to have grown in frequency recently. She often found herself wanting to press a kiss to his cheek or run her fingers through his hair or intertwine their fingers. It was ridiculous. Himeko was leader of the Astral Express, she had gone to countless worlds and risked her life to help the people there. On a few occasions she had nearly died. And yet, here she was, afraid of Welt finding out how she felt. Her and Welt had a good relationship and they worked well together, she didn’t want to ruin that. She let out a breath she had not realized she was holding when, not only did Welt not move away from her, but leaned toward her. Finally, she turned her attention back toward the movie. It was nearly over. All that was left was to catch the elusive criminal mastermind behind a series of seeming unrelated crimes—at least, that’s what Himeko gathered after tuning back in. In the end, Dan Heng’s prediction about the culprit had been correct. Himeko watched fondly as the three of them bickered about the movie’s ending as the credits rolled. “Any suggestions for what to watch next?” Welt asked. The three on the floor turned to look at them. “I want something like that movie we watched last week!” March immediately piped up “Another rom-com?” Dan Heng asked dubiously. Dispite his seeming lack of interest, Himeko could tell he had enjoyed the movie from last week as much as March had. “I like that idea,” Himeko said. “Alright. Any objections?” Welt asked. No one said anything so, after a few moments of thought, Welt began projecting another movie. In this one an astrophysicist follows a series of strange readings which lead her to an alien. The two end up teaming up and, obviously, falling in love along the way. It was rather entertaining. Although romantic comedies we not her favorite genre, Himeko still enjoyed it. About half way through the movie she abruptly stopped paying attention when she felt Welt’s head fall against her shoulder. Looking over slowly, she saw his eyes were closed and he was fast asleep. She couldn’t help but smile, leaning her head to the side to rest on top of his as she turned back to the movie. At some point, he must have woken back up, because she could feel him laugh at a few of the jokes. But despite waking up, he did not move. The thought warmed her. As the credits rolled, she could hear snoring from beneath them. March had fallen asleep. Stelle stretched and yawned as Dan Heng whispered, “I’ll take her back to her room.” “I’m going to sleep as well,” Stelle said, keeping one of the blankets wrapped around her shoulders as she got up. “Goodnight you two,” Himeko told them. Dan Heng carefully picked up March and they left. Himeko glanced at her shoulder. As she had expected, Welt had fallen asleep again. She debated staying here and letting him rest, but she knew if she did, they would both have back pain the following morning, so she nudged him gently and said, “Welt.” He grumbled slightly, but sat up, staring at Himeko with a tired, unfocused gaze. “Everyone else has already gone to sleep.” He hummed and, after a moment, said, “Apologies for falling asleep on you.” “No need, I didn’t mind.” He opened his mouth again, then closed it. He was hesitating about telling her something. Himeko did not move, waiting for him to decide on what he wanted to say. eventually he let his forhead fall against hers and her breath caught as their faces were suddenly brought much closer together. As he spoke, she could feel his breath warm across her face. “Thank you.” Those two words were loaded with an unexpected amount of emotion, as if he was trying to convey something more than just what he said. Himeko knew what she hoped it was, but she pushed that thought away. Now was not the time. “For what?” “For everything you do, for the whole crew, and for me. I know I’m not always the easiest person to be around,” Himeko wanted to object to that, but she kept quiet as Welt continued. “I get lost in my work and forget everything else, but you’re always there for me, I appreciate that. I appreciate you.” Welt moved one hand to cup Himeko’s cheek, “May I?” Himeko couldn’t stop the grin from forming on her face at Welt’s words even if she wanted to. “For the record, I have never found you to be difficult to be around,” Himeko said before moving to close the short distance between them. She could feel his small, surprised gasp at her sudden movement and had to suppress a laugh as she moved her hands to a better position. One ended up curling around the base of his neck and the other, finally, carded through his hair. It was as soft as she had expected. Welt had moved as well. The hand that was not on Himeko’s face wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. When they reluctantly separated, moving just far enough apart to lock eyes, they were both smiling. Welt moved forward to kiss her again but Himeko pulled back slightly, eyes still gleaming with mirth. “You need to sleep,” she told him. Welt sighed. He did not try to kiss her again, but he also did not move away. A comfortable silence stretched out between them. Himeko also didn’t want this moment to end. After some time, Welt said quietly, “I’ve wanted to do that for some time.” “As have I.” Welt chucked softly and they fell back into silence. Less time passed before Welt spoke again, “Will you sleep with me?” It was only after Himeko’s shocked intake of breath that Welt’s tired brain caught up with what he just said. “I mean just sleep, nothing else,” he quickly added. Now Himeko chuckled. “I would like that.” As they walked back to the cabin’s where the crew slept, Himeko added, “And I would like to do that something else with you, just another night.” “We could do it tonight.” “Nope. I’m tired. You’re tired. We’re going to bed.” “I can’t argue with that.” “Good.”
stranger things (have fried my brain)
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail) & Astral Express Team
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
No Archive Warnings Apply - Freeform, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Amnesia, Frostbite, Inaccurate Medical Information, Fake Science, Found Family, Light Angst, Mental Health Themes, March 7th Has Anxiety, Team as Family, No Spoilers, I think lemme know if I missed anything
['Restless_Sheep', 'Cheesepuffthemusical', 'TheAnxiousCamel', 'Smellofsnow', 'Japanesepengi', 'HonestBee', 'Mellonhead', 'PikachuDedInside', 'russetfoxfur', 'StarLadySleeps', 'AzureMilque13', 'Neptune_BlueJewel', 'Ishy', 'winterflame4', 'toiletpapetisunderyourbed', 'aeonicho', 'WitheringWisteria', 'SofSop41', 'Emerald258', 'p3paula', 'EvolutionOfAnIcicle', 'Voxaris', 'keyofjudgment', 'Zena_OCIO', 'Salty_p1geon', 'Luminous27', 'mati21268', 'StormiRose1027', 'the_mighty_macguffin', 'FruitVendor', 'Mirage_Bahamut', 'Confettio_Spaghettio', 'onceAperson', 'SoulMatter', 'PinkPrimrose06', 'TwistBone', 'vluepng', 'AlternateSkies', 'halcyondazed_days', 'Ausmeria', 'Eri0', 'connork', 'CoreOfCats', 'fromagecreme', 'Beabes', 'Keico', 'Ryuuzaki18', 'Rosera', 'toffyu', 'notredamedutemps']
Her consciousness swims back into focus, piecing itself together piece by delicate piece. She becomes aware of herself in splintered fragments—the white-hot pressure in her fingertips, the way frost enters her lungs with each shaky exhale, the deep and biting cold sinking down to the ridges of her spine. It’s so cold; it’s all she can think about. It’s all she is. Cold. Her mind is a blank canvas, and her attempts to dredge up memories, of explanations for the frigid temperatures, leaves her wanting, grasping for the wisps that dance out of her reach. She can’t remember her name, her origin . . . not even something she liked to eat on emotional days. Her head spins, but she regains more feeling in her limbs. Not that it makes much of a difference, given the cold hasn’t changed. Yet it no longer feels all encompassing, as though she were boxed in and buried deep within an icy prison. Warmth slowly enters her sphere, hesitant and fleeting. She thinks she would cry, if she had the energy. Distant, unfamiliar voices bubble forth. Her attention slowly perks up, creeping up on a long, winding path, and begins to struggle to open her eyes. She can feel the frost and crystals caked along her lashes, and a part of her wonders, an uncomfortable ball rising up her chest, if her eyes are frozen shut. Before her panic can completely override her low energy, she feels the warmth of a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Another voice—just as warm and kind, similar to what she thinks a mother’s unconditional love feels like—is by her ear: “It’s alright. You’re alright. We’ve got the best doctor in the interstellar system aboard.” “Please don’t embellish my accomplishments, Himeko,” says another, this one distinctly more masculine than the first voice. Just as warm, she notes. It makes her feel less tense than she may’ve been, surrounded by strangers and empty memories. “But . . . she is correct in that you will be just fine—we’ll be getting you out of that ice in just a moment . . ..” Their voices fade as her consciousness chips away like the ice encasing her. She remembers nothing after that, though it wouldn’t make much of a difference given her current state of mind. The next time she returns to the plane of consciousness, she finds that she’s no longer half-frozen to death, but, in fact, encased in the warmth of a bed. She no longer feels two breaths away from never waking again, no longer feels as though ice splinters her lungs and veins with each intake. She feels . . . warm. So, so warm. Warm enough, even, to open her eyes and greet those who had saved her. After she wades through her depleted energy levels, she manages to open her eyes, blinking tiredly at the lighting. It doesn’t burn, thankfully, though that likely had something to do with the low setting. The unfamiliar room slowly swims into view; the dark wood intermixed with metal. She can sense people at her sides, but she finds that she only has enough energy to turn her head to the left. Her gaze meets another; their eyes just as warm as the bed, though filled with worry and a lack of recognition. “Hello there,” they say, soft as though not to startle her further. “How are you feeling?” It takes her a moment to gather her thoughts and reconnect to her vocal cords. “Ah . . . warm,” she replies, voice distant and crackling by lack of use. “I feel warm . . .” “I should hope so, given the blankets piled onto you.” It’s not the man to her left who speaks then, but another—this one . . . strange to the eyes. Not human, from what she could see, but . . . an anthropomorphic bunny? “I am Pom-Pom! We discovered you trapped in a Six-Phanes Ice, floating along the galaxy.” She stares, uncomprehensive. What? “Pom-Pom, please,” says the man, fixing his glasses with a sigh that reeks of familiarity of the others’ antics. “She’s just woken up; let her at least grasp her bearings before you question her.” Pom-Pom concedes with a harrumph, but she doesn’t feel any anger or vitriol, there. Perhaps it is this beings’ way of showing concern? She finds it within her to speak once more. “Where . . .?” She licks her lips; they’re cracked, some parts burnt from the ice. She can’t feel some parts of her mouth, though. “Where am I?” “Welcome to the Astral Express,” Pom-Pom chirps out, a proud expression on their (her?) face. “I am your wonderful conductor of this train!” That . . . explains everything, yet nothing at the same time. She doesn’t voice that, however, if only to spare the little conductors’ feelings. Besides, these people went out of their way to get her out of that ice, so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to provoke them or be rude. “I . . . I see,” she replies, still not sure what to make of Pom-Pom or, well, anything, really. “Um. Th-thank you for, you know, saving me.” “No problem,” says Pom-Pom. “It is our duty as intergalactic Trailblazers to aid others when possible!” “Just as Pom-Pom said,” says the man, that kind smile still on his face, “it wasn’t any trouble. Ah—before I forget, I’m Welt Yang. I’m curious, though . . . how did you get trapped in that Six-Phanes ice?” Quiet blankets the room much like the blankets on her shoulders. Yet this quiet isn’t as warm, but unsettling. It serves as a reminder to her of the blank canvas in her mind, the memories slipping through her fingers; a distant wisp that never fails to dance out of reach.   “I . . . I don’t know.” Her body is warm, yet she feels that familiar ice sink poison-stained claws deep into her ribcage. It festers. It burns. “I can’t remember a-anything, not . . . not even who I am.”     Her hair is pink. Her eyes are a gradient of pink and blue. Her features are also attractive—pretty, dare she say it. Yet nothing about herself sparks any recognition. Just an hour or so after she had awoken, Mr. Welt and Pom-Pom had given her some warm soup and bread to eat. She had tried to call Mr. Welt by the Dr. title, but she had been corrected by the man, kindly, though firmly, told that it wasn’t necessary. Afterwards, Pom-Pom had shown her to the bathroom, and that leads her to the now: Staring at her reflection in the mirror. A part of her is surprised by the fact that she’s able to stand and move around, given her earlier exhaustion. Mr. Welt explained it was thanks to the medicine and thermoblankets from a place called Herta Space Station. Most of it were meaningless words to her, if she were honest, but nevertheless she was grateful for her recovery. She had already taken a shower and changed into some clothes Pom-Pom had left for her. Her body had some fading bruises from the ice, and her fingers and toes had been a blue darker than her eyes, but slowly warmed back to her skin tone thanks to the blankets and shower. She wonders how long she had been encased in that eternal ice, wonders how she had gotten there, wonders if there were anyone waiting for her to return home . . . Someone knocks on the door, pulling her out of her thoughts, and Pom-Pom’s voice, though muffled, flows through. “Pom-Pom is here to take you to the parlor in preparation for our time warp.” Time warp? She blinks, puzzled, but acquiesces and opens the door, already finished with her business. Some steam drifts out as she opens the door. She can feel a few wet strands of her hair stick to the back of her neck, and she feels like she should be annoyed by it. She isn’t though—it’s a comforting touch. Reminding her that she’s here. Alive. Breathing. No longer trapped in ice. Pom-Pom guides her to the parlor—a sprawling space with couches, smaller armchairs and round tables, and decorations. A part of her thinks it feels empty, still, despite all the furniture. She spies Mr. Welt near one of those smaller tables, squinting at a book in his hands. There are two others in the parlor area that she doesn’t recognize—a taller boy she thinks is around her age (whatever that might be), and a red-haired, elegant looking woman. “Oh?” The woman notices her first. “Looks like our little guest is awake; I was wondering when you’d regain consciousness.” Pom-Pom ushers her to the couches near the woman before she could find another seat. “Ah, yes . . .,” she replies, awkwardly, wincing internally at the shakiness of her voice. The seats are soft, though not as soft as the bed she had awoken on, but comfortable, still. “Thank you for saving me.” “No need to thank me for that,” she responds. “Ah—I’m Himeko . . . and the fellow over there is Dan Heng. Don’t feel too discouraged if he’s not up for a chat.” She spares a glance at Dan Heng, but he’s not looking at her. Rather, his gaze remains fixed on the doors and outside scenery. She isn’t sure where they are, but she has the uncanny feeling that she’ll just be even more confused if she dares to ask. “Welt explained to us about your memory loss,” Himeko goes on to say, her expression dripping in empathy. “I’m so sorry about that. If it helps, you are more than welcome to stay and travel with us on the Express. Perhaps one of the many planets we visit may revive your memories.” She stares at Himeko, unblinking. “Are . . . are you sure? I’m a stranger to you, you know . . ..” Himeko smiles and gives an almost careless shrug. “True . . . yet all friends have been strangers at first. Besides, the Astral Express has always been home to those who wander and are lost. Not to mention,” she shifts, then, her expression turning mischievous as she leans closer to whisper, “Pom-Pom would have quite the tantrum if we hadn’t taken you in.” A laugh startles out of her. She may not have known Pom-Pom for too long, but she feels that’s well within the conductors’ personality. “I see.” She finds herself smiling. “Well, it looks like I’m in Pom-Pom’s debt.” Himeko’s smile doesn’t fade. An intercom crackles overhead, and it’s Pom-Pom. “Attention all passengers~, attention all passengers~. We will now be entering the time jump in 5 . . .4 . . . 3 . . .2 . . .1! Hold onto your seats!” Before she can blink, it feels like the world twists and turns right before her eyes. She isn’t quite sure how to explain the warp jump, only that it leaves her nerves frazzled and her vision spinning a bit. Thanks to the couches, though, she hasn’t fallen to her knees. Pom-Pom chirps out the greeting of the planet they were landing on, but her attention is on the scenery outside the window. Hills of green and flowers bypass them as the Astral Express settles down. Trees tower up in the sky, their branches leaving a dark canopy of little light. “Hmm . . . perhaps this planet follows the Aeon of Preservation or Abundance?” Himeko wonders, examining the outside with a keen gaze. “By the way . . . I know that you don’t remember your name, but is there anything you would like to be referred to as? Calling you our ice princess in my mind might not be the best,” the woman ends in a teasing note. She finds herself falling into a pensive quiet. “Um . . . before that . . . when did you happen to find me?” Himeko blinks at the question and hums. “If I remember correctly . . . it was March 7th, I believe.” Somehow, it feels right – that name. “You can call me that . . . March 7th,” she says, feeling confident in her decision. “Or just March, if that works better.” Himeko raises an eyebrow, but nevertheless smiles. “Welcome to the Astral Express, then, March.”
Starch Oneshots
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th/Stelle - Trail
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Falling In Love, March 7th being cute, Lesbians, Possible smut
['VameVame', 'arayamjpg', 'LazyJayz', 'ErodiumsMnemic', 'TsukasaDidit', 'OctaviaWithAHintOfDepression', 'GrovellingGob', 'stxrry_clover', 'Song8ird', 'MagnustheRed', 'Your_actual_writer', 'kinj0', 'nx1n4', 'Wolfie257', 'Read100', 'ItsSimplyFaith', 'nenekusanyagi', 'AKIthenoob', 'Pen22', 'Kychtyn', 'My_Luvly', 'Kotofeila', 'Mehran199', 'Skye1376', 'Nenita30', 'anhanemybeloved', 'liam1603', 'kayzen', 'SisyphusWorker', 'stonekyul', 'roachgames', 'Dubusstuff', 'Cuzyzy', 'theYukino', 'HRChan', 'LivingThing8', 'Hibikisnguyen', 'LargeChemicalReactor', 'sharkfiz', 'Jeiiii', 'inky_kitsune', 'Zenguinie', 'Bubble_Cat_XYZ', 'AleksandraBlade', 'demibeanie12', 'Midlani', 'SpringY12', 'zainxdumb', 'bellacjili', 'KatiePuh']
Stelle and March 7th had been friends for a long time, but Stelle had always harbored feelings for March 7th that she couldn't express. She had always admired March 7th's energy and childishness, but it was the moments when March 7th would let her guard down and show her vulnerable side that made Stelle's heart skip a beat. March 7th, on the other hand, was oblivious to Stelle's feelings, always considering her as a dear friend. She loved spending time with Stelle, but she didn't realize the effect she had on her. One day, as they were walking in the beautiful city of Belobog, March 7th suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned to Stelle with a huge grin on her face. "Stelle, have you ever been to the city's famous ice cream parlor? I heard they have the best ice cream ever!" March 7th exclaimed, hopping around like a child. Stelle smiled at March 7th's excitement. "No, I haven't. Would you like to go?" March 7th's eyes lit up, "Yes, let's go!" As they walked towards the ice cream parlor, Stelle couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach. She had been hoping for this moment for a long time, and she couldn't believe it was finally happening. They arrived at the parlor, and as they savored the delicious ice cream, March 7th couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush. "Stelle, I know we've been friends for a while now, but there's something I need to tell you," March 7th began, fidgeting with her dress. Stelle's heart raced with anticipation. "What is it?" March 7th took a deep breath, "I...I think I'm in love with you, Stelle." Stelle's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "March 7th, I've been hopelessly in love with you for the longest time," she finally confessed. March 7th's face lit up, "Really? Oh, Stelle, I had no idea." Without any hesitation, March 7th leaned in and captured Stelle's lips in a passionate kiss. Stelle's mind went blank as she melted into the kiss, savoring the taste of March 7th's lips on hers. As they broke the kiss, March 7th giggled, "I can't believe we're really together now." Stelle smiled, "I can't either, but I'm glad we are." The rest of the date was filled with laughter and joy, and they knew that they had found something special in each other. As they walked back to their hotel, hand in hand, Stelle couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. They had finally confessed their love for each other, and everything felt right in the world. March 7th seemed to sense Stelle's thoughts and leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek. "You know, Stelle, I've always admired how calm and collected you are. You're like a steady anchor in my life." Stelle blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, March 7th. You bring so much joy and energy into my life. I couldn't imagine it without you." March 7th grinned, "Well, I'm glad I have a place in your life. I don't know what I'd do without you." As they reached their hotel room, Stelle turned to March 7th, a serious expression on her face. "March 7th, I want to make a promise to you. I promise to always be there for you, to support you, and to love you unconditionally." March 7th's eyes filled with tears, moved by Stelle's words. "Stelle, I promise the same to you. I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens." Stelle smiled, feeling her heart fill with warmth. She knew that March 7th was someone special, and she was grateful to have her in her life. They both slowly walked over to the double bed and went under the covers to sleep. Stelle could feel March 7th's breath on her neck, making her heart race with anticipation. She turned to face her, Stelle could feel the heat between them as March 7th leaned in, her lips hovering just inches from Stelle's. "I want you," March 7th whispered, her voice low and sultry. Stelle's breath caught in her throat as she felt March 7th's fingers trace a line down her cheek. "I want you too," she said, her voice husky with desire. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, tongues exploring and lips locking as their bodies pressed together. Stelle's hands roamed over March 7th's body, feeling the curves and planes of her skin. As they kissed, March 7th's hands slipped under Stelle's shirt, running up and down her back in a sensual caress. Stelle moaned softly, her body responding to March 7th's touch. March 7th's fingers moved lower, finding the waistband of Stelle's pants and slipping inside. Stelle gasped as March 7th's fingers grazed over her sensitive skin. Their kiss deepened, becoming more passionate as they both became lost in the heat of the moment. Stelle's fingers found their way to March 7th's hair, pulling her closer as they moved together. They broke apart, panting and gasping for breath as they shed their clothes. Stelle's eyes roamed over March 7th's body, taking in every inch of her beauty. March 7th lay down on the bed, her body inviting and sensual. Stelle couldn't resist the temptation, her hands and lips exploring every inch of her skin as March 7th moaned softly beneath her touch. As they moved together, their bodies intertwined in a sensual dance, Stelle felt her desire for March 7th growing with each passing moment. She knew that she was hopelessly in love with her, and she would do anything to keep this moment alive forever. Their passion peaked, and they collapsed onto the bed, holding each other close as they caught their breath. "I love you," Stelle whispered, her voice full of emotion. March 7th smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. "I love you too," she replied, her voice soft and loving. They lay there for a moment, their bodies entwined, their hearts beating as one. Stelle knew that this was only the beginning of their sensual journey together, and she couldn't wait to see where it would take them next. Stelle paced back and forth in her room, her nerves getting the best of her. She was excited, of course, but also a little scared. Today was the day that Bronya would be crowned as the Supreme Guardian, and she and March 7th had been invited to attend the ceremony and the party afterwards. Stelle looked over at March, who was sitting on the bed, twirling around in her dress. March was the only one of the two of them who was wearing a dress, but Stelle thought she looked absolutely stunning in it. March caught Stelle's gaze and blushed, looking away quickly. "What?" March asked, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. "Do I look stupid or something?" Stelle smiled at her. "No, you look beautiful," she said. "I just can't believe we're actually going to Bronya's coronation. It feels like it's been so long since we've seen her." March nodded. "Yeah, it has been a while," she said. "But I'm sure she'll be happy to see us." Stelle hoped so. She and March had been through so much with Bronya, fighting against the Honkai and working to protect humanity. She couldn't wait to see her friend again and congratulate her on her new role as the Supreme Guardian. As they made their way to the ceremony, Stelle couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. The halls of the palace were packed with people, all dressed in their finest attire, and there was a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation in the air. Finally, they arrived at the throne room, where Bronya was waiting for them. She looked stunning in her ceremonial robes, and Stelle felt a swell of pride in her chest as she watched her friend take her place on the throne. The ceremony was long and formal, but Stelle couldn't take her eyes off of Bronya. She was so regal and commanding, and Stelle felt a rush of affection for her friend. Finally, the ceremony was over, and the party began. Stelle and March mingled with the other guests, sampling the delicious food and drinks and chatting with their friends. At one point, Stelle found herself alone with Bronya, and she took the opportunity to congratulate her on her new position. "I'm so happy for you, Bronya," Stelle said, smiling at her friend. "You deserve this more than anyone." Bronya smiled back at her. "Thank you, Stelle," she said. "It means a lot coming from you." Stelle felt her heart flutter at the way Bronya was looking at her, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them. But before she could say anything, March appeared at her side, tugging on her arm. "Come on, Stelle, let's dance!" she said, grinning up at Stelle. Stelle hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to stay with Bronya and her love for March. But in the end, she couldn't resist March's infectious energy, and she allowed herself to be led onto the dance floor. As they danced, Stelle couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for March. She loved the way she moved, the way she laughed, the way she looked at her. But she also knew that March could be a little overwhelming at times, and she didn't want to scare her off. She had always been a little bit in awe of March, and she didn't want to risk losing her as a friend. Eventually, the party began to wind down, and St lle and March made their way back to their shared bedroom in the palace. They were both a little tipsy from the drinks they had been drinking, and Stelle couldn't help but feel a little bit giddy. As they entered the room, March let out a little squeal of excitement. "Can you believe it? We just went to a coronation!" she exclaimed, flopping down onto the bed. Stelle couldn't help but smile at March's enthusiasm. She was always so full of energy and life, and it was one of the things that Stelle loved most about her. "Yeah, it was pretty amazing," Stelle said, sitting down next to March. They sat there in silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts. Stelle couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous around March, despite the fact that they had shared a room for years. There was just something about her that made Stelle's heart race and her palms sweat. Finally, March spoke up. "Stelle, can I ask you something?" Stelle looked at her, feeling a little bit apprehensive. "Sure, what is it?" March fidgeted with the hem of her dress, looking down at her lap. "Well, I was just wondering… do you ever think about us? You know, like, in a romantic way?" Stelle felt her cheeks flush at March's words. She had always had a crush on March, but she had never been sure if the feelings were reciprocated. "I… yeah, I do," she admitted, feeling a little bit vulnerable. March looked up at her, a soft smile on her face. "Me too," she said. Stelle felt her heart leap in her chest at March's words. She had never felt so happy in her life. Without another word, March leaned in and pressed her lips to Stelle's. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it sent shivers down Stelle's spine. As they pulled away, March looked at Stelle with a mix of emotions on her face. "I've been wanting to do that for so long," she said. Stelle couldn't help but smile at March's words. "Me too," she said. They kissed again, this time more passionately. Stelle wrapped her arms around March's waist, pulling her closer as they deepened the kiss. Finally, they pulled away, panting and breathless. "I love you, Stelle," March said, looking at her with a mixture of love and awe. Stelle felt her heart swell with emotion. "I love you too, March," she said. They kissed again, lost in each other's embrace. As they made their way to the shared bath, Stelle couldn't believe that this was real. She had always dreamed of being with March, but she never thought it would actually happen. As Stelle and March 7th relaxed in the warm, steamy water of their shared bath, their intimacy deepened, and their passion flared. Their kisses grew more heated, their bodies pressed tightly together as they explored each other with wild abandon. Stelle's hands roamed over March's curves, tracing the lines of her body with urgency. March gasped, her body responding to Stelle's touch with a hunger that she had never felt before. Stelle broke the kiss, her lips trailing down March's neck as she bit and suckled on her skin. March moaned loudly, her fingers tangling in Stelle's hair as she arched her back, surrendering herself to Stelle's touch. As Stelle explored March's body with her hands and mouth, March's mind became consumed with desire. She was lost in a sea of pleasure, her body craving Stelle's touch more than anything else. Stelle looked up, her eyes filled with an intense passion. "I need you, March," she whispered, her voice thick with desire. March's eyes widened with arousal, a smile forming on her lips. "Take me, Stelle," she replied, her voice husky with need. With that, Stelle lifted March out of the bath and onto the nearby towel, her fingers deftly removing March's wet dress. March lay there, naked and vulnerable, as Stelle took in the sight of her lover's body. Without a word, Stelle lowered herself onto March, her lips crashing down on March's in a wild, frenzied kiss. Their bodies moved in unison, their movements growing more and more frantic as they chased their release. Finally, they broke apart, their bodies heaving with desire. Stelle looked into March's eyes, a wild smile on her lips. "March, I can't get enough of you," she said, her voice filled with passion. March's eyes shone with love and desire. "I feel the same way, Stelle. Let's stay like this forever," she replied, her voice full of longing. They leaned in for one final kiss, their lips meeting in a feverish embrace. As they kissed, they knew that they would always be there for each other, through thick and thin, forever and always. They were each other's forever and always, and nothing could ever change that.
Relaxation Time
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Smut, Shameless Smut, Kissing, Established Relationship, Light Bondage, Light BDSM, Handcuffs, Lesbian Sex, Lesbian Character, Aftercare, Not Beta Read, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, One Shot, Reader-Insert, bottom reader, Bunny Girl, Female Reader, Overstimulation, whimpering
['treeswithcherrys', 'Kate_Gayden', 'Tsunyami', 'LewdRamen', 'Vaderman1977', 'airisdreams', 'ihaveseen_Things', 'wildsquirrel98', 'Cherrycatgirl414', 'AnxiousChicken', 'HibikiMiku', 'ph4ntomm_mikaa', 'captinartemis', 'acryll709', 'EsperanZaa', 'spoilt_rice', 'SnowHeartMeow', 'Sr_PringleProngle', 'Rado66', 'Sleepwhothat', 'Magica1', 'ShishuBlack', 'Nousura', 'Maira_67', 'Michi345', 'KagaMVP', 'Skylark_Faroe', 'Msmusicful', 'WolfyKat_0220', 'huputmeinthiscoffin', 'RoseMielle', 'Roselian07', 'e99yolk', 'cailegged', 'TransLucyMTF', 'mandysaster', 'SamaelApolloEnfield', 'CutieDynamic', 'moonvanity', 'currently_dyingg', 'shitmichael', 'AnonEve', 'RachelsStuff', 'ee_lies', 'PerriePlatypus', 'Wonderful_Watergrove', 'AshlynTheCute', 'DcrybabyL', 'riceballandtuna', 'Goober_Snoober']
Kafka arrived home stressed out, which was unusual since she usually comes home amused by her work for the day. But today she just wasn’t having it. She and Silver Wolf were sent out on a mission, only to find out that it was mistaken for another one. When they both reported it, the blame was put on them instead, and the group that they were supposed to capture ended up completing their goal and running off.   She quickly unlocked and opened the front door to her home, wanting to get to her bedroom as soon as possible. As tired as she was though, she preferred not to lie in bed with filth all over her body. Her enemies’ blood served no place in her home.   Closing the door, Kafka then hears faint noises coming from inside her bedroom. All of today’s foolishness made her forget that her girlfriend was able to take the day off. Hearing those muffled noises, she felt the urge to check up to see if she was okay. She placed her hand on the doorknob, turning it. Opening the door,   Was her girlfriend…   …masturbating in a bunny suit.   ”Kafka…” you moaned, rubbing your clit. The bunny suit you were wearing was sliding off as you pleasured yourself. It took a moment until you realized the same woman you were fantasizing about was standing right there at the doorway.   You felt your face instantly heat up. Knowing that your girlfriend witnessed you masturbating while thinking of her… it made you alarmed, but then made you curious. Your girlfriend was Kafka. What would she do in this situation? Would she apologize and let you finish on your own? Would she help you get to your orgasm? Would she even turn it into sex?   Kafka, whose eyes were once wide, closed back to normal as her facial expression filled with lust. It was as if all of her exhaustion snapped out of reality, her only focus being you.   ”Kafka? Are you… okay?” She didn’t respond with words, but instead walked closer, taking off her gloves. “Kafk–”   ”Please what?” Sitting there on the bed, your mind was blank, you were too flustered to think about anything or muttered a single word. "I'll deal with you once I'm done with my shower. For now, stay there and don't do anything until I come back," she said, winking at you.   She slid her clothes off of her body right where you could see. You both shared this bedroom, yet you felt as if she was doing this to tease you. Your eyes were glued onto her body, a once clear mind filling up with lewd fantasies. Tying her robe, Kafka looks in your direction and smirks at you. “Like what you see?” She very well knew that you couldn’t look away, and your desires were slowly building up. You tried saying something, but all that came out were stutters.   "I'm just playing with you darling.. I promise I won't take long." She blew you a kiss before going into the bathroom.   Not even a minute had passed and you were already bored. Staring at the bathroom door, you thought about what she said earlier.   “Don't do anything until I come back”   She didn’t tell you what would happen if she walked in on you continuing to pleasuring yourself. It would be safe to assume that it will most likely result in some sort of kinky punishment. Bondage would be one.   Attempting to focus your attention on other topics, fantasies of Kafka formed in your mind. Her body, her curves, her alluring eyes, how skillful she was…   You were really horny.   When her hands came to mind, you thought of how well she’d be using her hands for pleasuring yourself. Her fingers were long, and she used them in many ways, fingering possibly being one of them.   Without realizing, your fingers had already slid into your suit. You just couldn’t help yourself. It was like you were losing control of your very own body, spilling out moans and whimpers every second. You felt yourself getting close, when–   “Didn’t I tell you to stay still?” Kafka announced. “And what do you do? Pleasure yourself.”   She was now wearing a slightly revealing t-shirt and shorts, her arms crossed. You looked into her eyes. Something had come to her mind, because her face suddenly lit up. She got on her knees, searching under the bed. You hear her taking something out of a box. You were unaware of any belongings she was keeping down there. Standing back up on her two feet, she reveals a pair of handcuffs.   “You don’t mind if I use these on you, right?”   You gulped, slowly nodding your head for approval. She grabbed your two wrists and bound them together using handcuffs. “So tell me,” Kafka began, observing you from top to bottom. “Where did you get this bunny suit from?”   “I bought it a long time ago…”   More like a week ago. A night when she had a longer shift than usual. You originally bought it as a surprise gift for her to wear.   “I’m not mad at you,” she said as she crawled closer to you. “You look gorgeous in it, after all…”   Kafka connected her lips with yours, kissing you in a rough, sloppy manner. Though she made an effort to be more careful, you were feeling aroused again. Knowing this, she moved her big but soft hands to your chest. Pulling down the suit, she began rubbing your nipple with her two fingers.   “Haah…”   “You seem to be enjoying yourself… enjoying yourself too much…”   You didn’t know what she meant by that or her intentions, but you were close to your orgasm. The two of you were aware of this, but–   “Not yet.”   “Huh?”   “Not yet… we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet,” Kafka muttered softly.   Kafka, the woman who always had tricks up her sleeve to get whatever she wants. You, her girlfriend, are no exception to this. You tried moving your hand, but quickly remembered that you were restricted by her handcuffs. You then start rubbing your thighs together, only for Kafka to forcefully separate them.   “I didn’t handcuff you for no reason…” she teases.   She lowered her fingers until it reached in between your legs. She looked at you, asking for consent. “Are you okay with this?” You nodded your head, begging for her touch. She inserted two fingers inside, immediately noticing how wet you were. A whimper came out of your mouth.   “And I thought I’d have to use lube…” Kafka chuckled.   She started to thrust slowly, causing you to whimper even more. “Fuck…” you squirmed from her thrusts that were getting faster by second. “You’ve been fantasizing about this for ages, I can tell,” Kafka claimed as she kissed you.   You were slightly getting annoyed by the handcuffs. The urge to pleasure Kafka herself was growing bigger inside you, but it was near impossible for you to switch positions in this state. She started stimulating you in other areas, playing with your chest again.   Not even a few minutes and you could already feel yourself getting close. If it wasn’t for your masturbation from earlier, you would’ve not been overstimulated or overly turned on.   “Kafka… I think I’m-” Before you finished, you came on her fingers. Kafka took her fingers out, sucking them dry right in front of you. “That was fast,” she said. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Kafka went into the bathroom. She turned around, only to see you still lying in bed.   “I’m exhausted…”   “Yeah, yeah, you’re not ruining the sheets tonight.” ––– “Did I go too hard on you?” Despite having you on edge, she was always concerned for you after intimacy.   “Kafka, I always tell you not to worry so much.”   “I know, but I want to make sure you’re not too hurt.”   Ironic how she, a wanted criminal, gives other people injuries with no mercy, but cares deeply for you. Even the slightest of marks left back would give her a mini heart attack. She began washing your back, mumbling into your ear from behind. “You know, I do wonder… Why do you even own a bunny suit?”   “I can say the same for you and your sex toy box,” you retorted.   “Darling, you do realize I’m one of the hunters, right? Sometimes I have to resort to capturing rather than injuring…” You looked at her with an unbelieving face. “Be honest, that’s not the only reason.” Her face slightly turned red. ––– Luckily, the sheets didn’t get dirty, so you both were able to cuddle in bed. You still had to return to work tomorrow, so you shut your eyes in hopes of being pulled into a deep slumber. You then remembered something.   “Wait, did you even have dinner?” You asked.   “Oh.”   Kafka pushed the sheets off of her. “I’ll go get us some food-”   “I’ll get it,” you interrupted, grabbing her wrist and holding it tightly.   “Whatever you say, darling…”
stuck with you | gepard x sampo
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gepard Landau, Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), Natasha (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Serval Landau, Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Winter, Gepard x Sampo, Enemies to Lovers, Guard x Thief
['LuckySt4r', 'CozyClove', 'Aphrodite_Yi', 'Jojohero_1234', 'KaorusFishsticks', 'Luxiem_supremacy', 'Wildperson', 'radiocarbon', 'Miyaaaaaaaaaaa12345', 'HI__5', 'rodystarz', 'Luide824', 'darklightinu', 'Eunsal', 'honeykogane', 'DD_antepeepoLove', 'heckingperson', 'YoinkaSploink', 'lotoflost', 'MediocreSavant', 'weirdo_alien', 'The_KorkWay', 'ImJackiez', 'Kuritsa', 'Oakviolet', 'Ar0i', 'Lux_in_nocte', 'saltedcheesecracker', 'raiden_amayo', 'axelabloom', 'kaoxx', 'Ayano_Tanaki', 'Izzyisgay', 'Soi_Scrawls', 'Enby_Sif', 'Zloi_Lutik', 'juwupiter', 'LemonRattt', 'bunibunii', 'NurikoGerty94', 'Fortaeggs', 'deluluing', 'Balish', 'AkriaKraine', 'Overviewer', 'flwroe', 'settingstars', 'Amorai', 'goldenmonarch', 'Yukiaon']
the everlasting winter of belebog was not something people enjoyed, obviously. the fragmentum corrosion combined with the severe, shattering cold was enough to make people stay within the city limits and not be too adventurous. after all, who wouldn't prefer the safety of their homes? sampo koski, though, was a self-proclaimed 'one-of-a-kind' guy. he was unique. there was no one in the entire universe whose existence paralleled that of his. at least that's what he liked to think to himself. sampo did have a lot of time on his hands. although most people would spend that time on their phone, sampo was unique. he simply spent his time engaged in his own thoughts and just thinking about the various profitable situations that might arise. but right now, he might not be in the situation to relax. "guards! arrest him!" said a voice that sampo was awfully familiar. "ugh, that uptight asshole." muttered sampo under his breath, sprinting as fast as he could through belebog's everlasting blizzard. oh boy was he going to come down with a bad cold. "it's literally freezing out there and he wants to chase me, oh dear lord, give me a break." sampo couldn't afford to get caught. nah, uh. no way. he had wayyyyyyyyy too many important things to do. lily, a well-known antique collector was leaving town and you know what that meant? things were going to get stolen. oh no, don't get sampo wrong. it's absolutely immoral to steal other people's stuff...but hey, in sampo koski's rule book, which was his bible and he followed it to the T, there was no rule against buying stolen goods. he could always pretend like he never knew they were stolen. sampo continued running as he noticed the number of guards chasing him slowly reduced. he could feel the cold getting to him. sampo koski was unique but he was still a human, after all. but no, he would never ever let himself get caught. sampo dug one his hand into his pocket checking to see if his smoke bombs were there. he didn't want to use them until the situation was dire. well because, the smoke emitted from the smoke bomb was dangerous and could have harmful side effects depending upon the individual. ...and it was expensive as fck. he spent a great deal of his 'earnings' in order to procure it. he wasn't so willing to waste it on a few silvermane guards. my legs won't hold out much longer, thought sampo as he took a sharp left turn, throwing almost all his guards off the trail. only one remained. sampo internally groaned. just why was this man so behind his ass? sure, sampo was involved in quite a illegal dealings and was wanted by the overworld but that doesn't mean he had to be chased like a literal chicken across a snow storm. sampo eventually came to a stop, turning and facing gepard, the dickhead who would never let sampo live in peace. they both looked at each other for a split second before panting loudly, their hands on their knees. maybe stopping was a bad idea. because the minute sampo came to a stop, all the fatigue and the cold came rushing back to him. he collapsed onto the ground, desperate for oxygen. he took in deep breaths through his mouth. it's okay, he'd been in the cold before and few more breaths and he'd be ready and raring to go. and there's no way gepard would recover in that time, he looked pretty spent up himself. but boy was sampo wrong. within a second, although stumbling and swaying, gepard made his way towards sampo, handcuffs out. sampo took a deep breath, no no no no, he was not getting caught like this. sampo looked at gepard and flashed a smile. "how about letting me go just this once? i promise the next time i'll let you catch me." said sampo, his voice raspy from the cold. gepard glared at sampo and within a split second, he put one of the cuffs on sampo and the other one on himself." "sampo koski. you are under arrest" and then he collapsed right in front of sampo. sampo stared at gepard in utter shock. still taking deep breaths, sampo lifted his hand with the handcuff with subsequently lifted gepard's hand. he stared at it. sampo shrugged. well okay, no problem. gepard was right in front of him, unconscious. all he had to do was search gepard for the key right? although looking at gepard's heavy armour, sampo figured it wasn't really an easy task. good luck to him. *5 minutes later* sampo stared at the unconscious body of gepard in disbelief. just where was the key? sampo's was in a more stable condition right now, although the cold was still unbearable and he would do anything to be in a warm and cooler location, he was still able to move properly. unlike the man in front of him. was sampo frustrating? sure as hell was. not only was he caught by this blonde ass silvermane guard, the very guard decided to fall unconscious after cuffing the both of them together and like a cherry on the top, the keys were not on gepard. "this fcking asshole," sampo swore under his breath and he gave up and sat down on the cold ice. these were official handcuffs so breaking it off was not an option considering how sturdy it was. sampo took another look at gepard. "if he didn't have a handsome face, i would've definitely given him at least one punch, it was not like the world would end if he didn't get to arrest me, right? but no, this motherfcker was hell-bent on chasing my ass." sampo got up, pulling gepard up with him. he threw gepard's other arm over his shoulder, propping him up. staying out any longer in the snow was basically a suicide mission for the both of them. sampo sighed. he's gotta do it. ------------------------------------------------- gepard woke up with a sharp pain in his head as the past events came rushing to his mind. he instantly opened his eyes, expecting to find himself stranded in the cold blizzard. but much to his surprise, he was in a warm room. it took gepard's senses some time to realize that he wasn't really in the cold outdoors anymore. but that was not what was important. he could feel something tugging on his right hand. he looked down. oh right, the handcuffs. maybe the cold had made him a bit slow but it took gepard a while to realize that he had handcuffed both him and sampo. the wanted fugitive that gepard was desperate to arrest. gepard look at his left to see the figure sampo staring right back it. he looked annoyed. "great, took you long enough, sleeping beauty. anyways, listen, i'll keep it pretty simple, okay? i will surrender myself to you in 5 days time, if you uncuff me or else we'll be stuck together." gepard frowned. "huh? what kind of a deal is that? sampo koski, i hope you do not forget that i have already legally arrested you under the law." "if legally arresting me merely includes handcuffing me then aren't you also under arrest?" "why you--" "anyways, i don't know if I've made it clear. but i don't like you. which means i want to get out of this handcuffs as soon as possible. so gepard, why don't you be a nice little dearie for me and tell me where the key is? you free, me free, we both happy." "are you dumb?" said gepard. "i was unconscious for quite a while, did you not have the brains to probably, i don't know, search me?" sampo rolled his eyes. "i did, you numb skull but i couldn't find it. you think i would bring you all the way here if i had the key? now tell me, where is the key?" "it's in my pocket. i kept it with the handcuffs." sampo glared at gepard and inched closer to gepard. so close that their noses were barely inches apart. staring straight at gepard, sampo put his hands into gepard's pocket, vigorously moving it around. "see? it's not here." gepard's eyes widened as he looked up, directly into sampo's green eyes. "fck, i think i dropped it when i pulled out the handcuff." sampo dropped down to his knees. are you fcking kidding me? ------------------------------------------------ end of chapter 1 ---------------------------------
Truths thinly (poorly) veiled
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Social Media, Fluff, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Celebrity, Background Relationships, Background Kafka/Himeko, Yanqing is Jing Yuan's son, and now Blade's too
['Red_Pendari', 'Bleep630', 'KuroiShiraiwa', 'loserbedo', 'xitobi', 'yunmi_17', 'Nalamives', 'MiraGaia', 'sadbadblues', 'Marcy74', 'iyxi', 'fangsyyy', 'gominoko', 'Mia_Rose', 'rjsepiphany', 'ALittleLuck', 'Navaleal', 'trasshn', 'raiiyyzz', 'gh_stie', 'ghostyface', 'foldingcrane', 'Harahiri', 'Im_gay', 'prymvere', 'Hammahton', 'BLU3PEARL', 'Julieytte', 'shnjie', 'thisisnotmaru', 'Blair46281', 'Herith_Theo19', 'watercolorwaltz', 'Arnyxwolf', 'feverishigh', 'LoyalFoxAeound2', 'PleaseBeMyEternity', 'Lurien_n_Andrew', 'Anna0706', 'scvrpius', 'XHollowed_Griffin', 'RainyLightsheep', 'azuringblue', 'Nmomns', 'petrichor_vellichor', 'Lu_die_Katze2', 'canaryscoalmine', 'RanPoetry', 'kysserimm', 'sugurukinnie']
Idol Blade spotted working in local McDonald's!    Singer and actor Blade from the band Stellaron was caught behind the register of one of the McDonald's in the Xianzhou. Netizens have been speculating that Blade may be retiring from the idol scene for a minimum wage job.    Comments   Guest: lol maybe the Stellaron gig isn't paying enough      Guest: or maybe, you know, he's trying to experience the hardships of the working class?  BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren INFECTED BY LIFE out now on all platforms!       Daily Blade @dailybladee    ANOTHER BANGER MY KING      blademywife @bladesimpno1    Why were you working at McDonald's can you cook for me instead   Jing Yuan @j_yuan ♥️    BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren      INFECTED BY LIFE out now on all platforms!     JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn    🤨🏳️🌈?          Aeri @aeri102       oh my god shut up it's just a quote tweet            JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn          IT'S A MF HEART         Cloud Knights!!! @ckrules       Stellaron hates CK what are you on??? Anyway CK>>>>         Greenwood @li_mengan       Stfu Jing Yuan isn't gay ~   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Blade and Kafka taking a selfie outside a restaurant window. Kafka glares at them through the glass.)   She's upset that we crashed her date    JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn    Kafkaren shippers awfully silent now huh      Timely Kafka @timely_kafka    WHAT MY WIFE IS TAKEN??? Himeko @navigator_himeko It was lovely hanging out with you! @_kafka      Timely Kafka @timely_kafka    WHAT THEY KNOW EACH OTHER???       Timely Kafka @timely_kafka    WAIT A MINUTE WERE THEY ON A DATE????   ~   This week's top posts   Why do people say Stellaron hates the Cloud Knights?  By Guest User   I've seen everywhere that Stellaron doesn't get along with any other group, but so far the members seem to get along with everyone fine? And why the Cloud Knights specifically?    495 comments   Guest user: Stellaron doesn't really have an entertainment company behind them, they just popped up out of nowhere and blazed to the top. Their leader Elio has said that they will dethrone all of the other groups on the billboards.       Guest user: Elio chill bro   User 10238: They don’t really hate the Cloud Knights, it’s just that CK is popular so they’re the No.1 target   ~   Blade working at Mcdonald’s??? By User 12380   So. I’ve been thinking, and I’ve come up with a few theories on why Blade was working at Mcdonald’s, of all places.   1. He’s broke. Even his acting gigs and modelling jobs can’t keep him afloat anymore. It’s no secret that Stellaron isn’t a conventional idol group. Do the Stellaron Hunters even get paid? Are they just doing this for the lols? No one knows.   But why Mcdonald’s? Blade is famous (or infamous) enough to work a job that doesn’t include flipping burgers at a cheap fast food restaurant. Even if he wanted to go minimum wage, why not Starbucks? It’s weird.   2. He’s bored. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised. Recording and acting and modelling day in day out sounds soul sucking, especially when you're coworkers with the Stellaron bunch.   3. Some major event happened in his life and this is his way of coping, or to collect more funds for an emergency.   But really, why Mcdonald’s????   523 comments   Guest user: He might just really like Mcdonald’s or something   ~   Jing Yuan @j_yuan I am glad to announce I will be starring in Remnants of Faith, set to release next summer!   @blade_ren I look forward to working with you :)      RoF when??? @cupnoodles1    Finally!!!! Can’t wait to see your astounding performance!      X_Mag_X @XmcMajerie    Isn’t this the live action adaptation of that one mlm book series? I hope it doesn’t get censored :/         Jing Yuan No1 Simp @jymybeloved       Really??? Wait he’s co-starring with Blade too?????? Jingren real omfg         JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn       WE FUCKING WOOONNNNNN   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Blade in halfway-done makeup, wearing a blue and red hanfu while holding a cracked sword. Jing Yuan looks over at the camera in the background, dressed in full armour.)   He looks so cool, can’t wait for everyone to see Remnants of Faith      Daily Blade @dailybladee    "He looks so cool" besties supporting besties!!!       Bladee @blademylove    You look so good! Jing Yuan looks so good!      … Jingren? @wdymtheyremarried    They're so sweet wtf   ~   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren  (Attached: image of Jing Yuan in a KFC apron standing across the street, waving at the camera.)    @j_yuan ;)       Jing Yuan No1 Simp @jymybeloved    WHAT Today's recommended articles   Blade and Jing Yuan, McDonald's and KFC. What's next, Starbucks?  Xianzhou Entertainment Daily   The Internet has been in a frenzy over idol Blade's mysterious appearance behind the counter at a local McDonald's, with theories ranging from a lack of funds to being brainwashed by aliens. With the recent reveal of Jing Yuan working at the KFC opposite Blade's McDonald's, fans have gone insane over their surprise appearances. The tags #mcblade and #jfc have positively exploded.    I've had the honour of interviewing Blade himself (the video of the full interview is on our website) to help parse through this mystery. Blade's response?    "It's close to Luofu Entertainment." (Luofu Entertainment is the Cloud Knights' agency) "Quite convenient. Stellaron's headquarters are too far away and… " Blade visibly winced. "Too chaotic."   When asked why Jing Yuan decided to join him in customer service, Blade simply shrugged and said, "Maybe he wants to accompany me."   …    Comments   User: Kind of convenient how y'all forgot #jingren   ~   Jing Yuan @j_yuan (Attached: image of Blade with his hair in a ponytail, practising sword forms in his costume and sneakers.)   I've got you in my sight 😉      … Jingren? @wdymtheyremarried    OMFG      BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren    I'll look even better when I do that in heels         Daily Blade @dailybladee       SIR EXCUSE ME WHAT         blademywife @bladesimpno1       AJSGFGHCHDHDHEGDGDH   ~   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Yanqing standing in front of a McDonald's counter)    His primary sword sponsor didn't listen to him so he's bothering me at work instead @yan_sword_qing       Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    Dad please      Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    A-die1 I need it please      Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    It's an antique sword!!! It's so cool!!! I need it!      Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    @blade_ren      Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    @blade_ren      Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    @blade_ren      Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    😭 Not even my parents hear my woes      JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn    YANQING IS JINGREN'S KID???? WTF       Jing Yuan @j_yuan    @yan_sword_qing please stop bothering your a-die. He's working.    yourlocalghoul  Follow   Okay hear me out. Yanqing is Jingren's lovechild. Blade used to have blonde hair the exact same shade as Yanqing's . Their bangs kind of look similar too. Jing Yuan and Yanqing both have grey??? Yellow??? Amber??? Whatever eyes. And Yanqing runs to Blade whenever Jing Yuan refuses him anything. Jingren started a family right under our noses.    #if blade is a-die does that make jing yuan baba2 #it's like they don't care about pr at all #that's amazing honestly   ~   What you need to know about Remnants of Faith Allxianzhou   With leads Blade and Jing Yuan posting regular updates on their twitter accounts, the hype train for Remnants of Faith is going strong, even when the show isn't set to release until summer. Here's all you need to keep in mind (and more!) before you jump in.    Remnants of Faith is based on a xianxia (think Xianzhou mythology) book series of the same name. While the plot centers heavily on the martial arts aspect, Remnants of Faith rose to stardom for its compelling characterization, intricate worldbuilding, and the prominent, queer romantic relationship between the two main characters. It's no surprise that the Internet has gone insane over the live action adaptation, especially with Jing Yuan and Blade starring as the leads.    The tag Jingren has made its rounds multiple times with Blade and Jing Yuan's blatant flirting on Twitter, and the reveal that Jing Yuan's protégé Yanqing sees them both as his dads only sent the fandom into collective insanity.   However, Jingren may not be fated to shine, because of the possible censorship that has happened to many live action remakes of lgbt novels. Fans are already debating on if romantic scenes will be watered down to very homoerotic platonic ones.       RoF when??? @cupnoodles1      Istg if they delete all the kiss scenes I'm going to riot   …  Comments   User: Ew not j*ngren on an article do you have no shame   User: Why does Xianzhou have censorship laws when their Aeon is obviously trans   ~   Jing Yuan @j_yuan (Attached: image of Blade and Jing Yuan's intertwined hands)    Practising      Jingren!!! @jrendgame    They're not even hiding it at this point   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Blade taking a selfie with his arms wrapped around Jing Yuan)    Practising       JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn     Bro they're so canon   ~   Shameless writer 🦁⚔️ @localfanficdealer #jingren  AU where you can't hear your soulmate's name until you see their face   Jing Yuan never noticed his soulmate. In his defence, he had always known Blade's face before his name. Plastered on billboards, newspapers, blogs… For the longest time, Blade was just "That handsome man with the blue hair".       Palatinus @elanp_    At least censor their names???    ~   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: video of Blade pressing a kiss to the back of Jing Yuan's hand, then smiling up at him, Jing Yuan's face tinged red.)    Practising ;)       JINGREN REAL 🦁⚔️@jingrennnn    AHZBBFNEJRBXBBDBDBEHRJFJJFNFJEJDJDJFHJFJFJFN      RoF when??? @cupnoodles1    WHAT OH MY GOD   Jing Yuan @j_yuan (Attached: image of Blade in full costume with platform boots grinning at the camera, two drinks in hand.)   It gets hot while shooting, @blade_ren how can I ever repay you?       BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren    You, me, 4pm tomorrow, usual place? ;)          Jing Yuan @j_yuan       It's a date! ❤️ JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn "Jingren isn't real" "stop shipping real people" Look me in the eyes and tell me those two aren't dating. Yeah they aren't, because they're married.       Jing Yuan @j_yuan    It's a date! ❤️   JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn Like sure my totally straight bro let's go on a date at "our usual place" *heart emoji*   ~   Today's trending posts   RoF coming soon!!!    RoF is going to air in like a week!!!! And I can't wait. Judging by the crap ton of "" "" practising""" " tweets from Jing Yuan and Blade, I think it's safe to say that the directors didn't cut out most of the juicy sweet romantic bits. Unless Jing Yuan and Blade are the biggest trolls in all of Internet history, that is.    Comments   Guest user: I think it's hard to say. We all know Jingren like to take any chance they can get to flirt, this might just be them making up scenes to be sappy with each other in public   Guest user: I don't think Jing Yuan would be that dishonest though. Blade, eh… But Jing Yuan? No way.      BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren Remnants of Faith will air in 24 hours! Mark your calendars!       RoF when??? @cupnoodles1     FINALLY AHSXHDHDHDHHF   ~   Today's trending tags   #RemnantsofFaith #Jingren   RoF!!! Yes!!! @ramyeon0920 #RemnantsofFaith IT'S SO GOOD   RoF!!! Yes!!! @ramyeon0920 And JINGREN ARE KILLING ME IT'S JUST THE FIRST EPISODE   RoF!!! Yes!!! @ramyeon0920 Now what do I do with my life while I wait for next episode to air :')    ~   Top Jingren scenes in Remnants of Faith Xianzhou Entertainment Daily   It's only been three episodes, but Remnants of Faith already has its fair share of romantic scenes, most of which are between the main characters (and the lead actors. Mostly the leads), leaving fans yearning for more. Here are the top Jingren scenes that are sure to leave you yearning for true love yourself!    Spoiler warning for the first three episodes though. Hop back in after you've binged them!      (Attached: a close up of Jing Yuan reaching out to Blade, the latter taking his hand and pulling him close. The camera zooms into their entwined hands.)   The closeness. The romantic tension. The sappiness of it all. They're so gentle with each other it hurts to watch, in a good way. It's beautiful, and it's just the first episode!      (Attached: a shot of Blade as he falls from a cliff. Jing Yuan leaps into the air and catches him in his arms. Blade then wraps his arms around Jing Yuan, leaning into the crook of his neck.)   I still can't believe they started off the second episode with Blade hurtling off a mountain, and I can't believe that they immediately hit us with a bomb of tooth-rotting fluff. This scene just shows how comfortable they are with each other.      (Attached: a close up on Jing Yuan's flushed face, clearly drunk. Blade leans in and flutters his eyelashes, smirking as he whispers into Jing Yuan's ear. [subtitles read: General, aren't you tired of chasing after me?] Jing Yuan blinks, then immediately stands up and slams his hands on the wall, caging Blade in. He tilts his head. [subtitles read: Now you can't run.])   Of course they had to drop a bombshell like that on us right at the end of the second episode. Neither Blade nor Jing Yuan mentioned this before, and for good reason—it was a really, really welcome surprise. The chemistry! The tension!      (Attached: a long shot of Blade and Jing Yuan facing each other on a mountaintop. The camera zooms in as Blade steps forward to take Jing Yuan's hand. He then goes on one knee and presses a light kiss to Jing Yuan's knuckles, looking up at Jing Yuan with a gentle expression. [subtitles read: I will lay down my life for you.] Jing Yuan has a slight flush on his face.)   This was only the third episode. The third episode! Those two are taking u-hauling to the next level. Maybe next episode they'll be married with a kid, who knows.      (Attached: a close up of Blade in a hot spring. He tilts his head back to rest on the edge, hair fanning out around him. Jing Yuan sits outside the spring right behind Blade, gently cradling his face with one hand and brushing through his hair with the other, running his fingers through the tangles. Blade reaches up to brush a stray strand of hair behind Jing Yuan's ear. Jing Yuan leans down and kisses Blade's temple. Blade then hoists himself out of the water to lie on Jing Yuan's lap. )    Why all the ruckus about it? The sheer intimacy, the fact that they're both very attractive men who are scantily dressed, the whole steamy (pun intended) vibe of the hot springs… What's not to like?   And those are the top Jingren scenes in Remnants of Faith so far! The next episodes are surely going to bring more juicy surprises. Perhaps it's not too much to hope for a proper kiss before season one ends.   Comments   Guest user: I'm going insane it's so good   Guest user: Mhm didn't know there was a Jingren enthusiast in Xianzhou Entertainment Daily.    ~   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Silver Wolf handing Blade a round, yellow bird plush in front of a claw machine.)    @j_yuan It reminds me of you      Silver Wolf | Stellaron @_silverw    Not even a thank you for the person who got it for you?         Jing Yuan @j_yuan       Thank you, Silver Wolf.             Silver Wolf | Stellaron @_silverw          @blade_ren learn from your… Whatever he is.    Jing Yuan @j_yuan (Attached: image of a bouquet of red peonies with cascading amaranthus flowers lying on a coffee table next to a round, yellow bird plush.)   Last shoot!      JINGREN REAL🦁⚔️ @jingrennnn     BIRD PLUSHIE!!!    BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Blade holding a bouquet.)   <3      … Jingren? @wdymtheyremarried    !!!!! Jing Yuan's flowers!!!!  ~   Today's trending tags   #RemnantsofFaith #Jingren #Jingrenkiss   RoF JINGREN??? @cupnoodles1 OH MY GOD   RoF JINGREN??? @cupnoodles1 ISHDHBFBRHDUHSJENNDNF   RoF JINGREN??? @cupnoodles1 AHWBSKSJDHDHDHHRHDHFHFHFHDHHDHHHRHEJJDJEJEJDJHEHEHEHRHRHFHFHFJJFKRKRKFKD Today's trending posts    Remnants of Faith Jingren real!!!    I mean we all knew they're canon but thEY FUCKING KISSED LET'S GOOOOO   (Attached: a close-up of Jing Yuan scooping Blade into his arms, bridal style. Blade tilts Jing Yuan's head with one hand and leans in, drawing him into a deep kiss.)   ASJJFFBEBJFJDJEHHDBBEEBEBBE   Comments   User: I can't believe they aired this how did they get past censorship??? Anyway good for them   ~   Blade and Jing Yuan at the Astral Awards: Is their relationship completely out?  Xianzhou Times   The annual Astral Awards is upon us yet again, with Remnants of Faith (unsurprisingly) snatching Best Picture. Best Actor was more of a gamble, with netizens unable to decide on whether Blade or Jing Yuan would take the crown, or if some sudden dark horse would come to the stage.    During the build up to the announcements, Blade and Jing Yuan were spotted gripping each others' hands tightly, almost leaning on each other as they anxiously awaited the results.    (Attached: 1 image) Image caption: Blade and Jing Yuan holding hands, visibly nervous.    As the announcer opened the envelope and said Jing Yuan's name, Blade immediately jumped up and pulled Jing Yuan into a bridal carry, dipping him into a kiss.    (Attached: 1 video)  Video caption: Blade jumps up from his seat and scoops Jing Yuan into a bridal carry, then leaning down to kiss him on the lips.   The entire venue was shocked into silence, before idol (and supposedly Jing Yuan and Blade's son) Yanqing screamed "Yes!" and the crowd descended into chatter, cheers and confused muttering.    Notably, this show of affection juxtaposes the famous kiss scene from Remnants of Faith, just with their roles reversed.    After the Awards Show ended, the pair left quickly to presumably avoid further media attention.    With silence coming from both parties, netizens have been left to speculate on the situation. Many agree that Jing Yuan and Blade are romantically involved, while some suspect this may be a PR stunt, especially with the overwhelming support for Remnants of Faith.    Comments   Guest user: Who tf thinks this is a PR stunt they're so obviously in love Jing Yuan @j_yuan (Attached: image of Blade and Jing Yuan's linked hands. The light catches on their matching rings.)   I've wanted to wear these openly for a long time ☺️      BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren    <3333      … Jingren? @wdymtheyremarried    RINGS???? THEY'RE ACTUALLY MARRIED???       … Jingren? @wdymtheyremarried    SINCE WHEN         BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren      6 years ago            … Jingren? @wdymtheyremarried          WHAT SJHDHEBSBDJDJ   BLADE | Stellaron @blade_ren (Attached: image of Blade giving Jing Yuan a kiss on his cheek)    Mine. >:)       Kafka | Stellaron @_kafka    Be sappy and disgustingly cheesy somewhere else.       Silver Wolf | Stellaron @_silverw    We're all sick of this bs irl already, stop spreading it to twitter.       Yanqing @yan_sword_qing    Ignore your coworkers you're doing great dad!!! Pleasebuymethatlimitededitionkatana  
ᴀ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ’ꜱ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ, ᴀ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ’ꜱ ʙᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ
Teen And Up Audiences
F/F, M/M
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Gepard & Serval (Honkai: Star Rail)
Clara (Honkai: Star Rail), Serval Landau, Gepard Landau, Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Original Female Character(s), Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Mpreg, OOC, Bottom Gepard Landau, Top DanHeng (Honkai: Star Rail), Implied Sexual Content, Slut Shaming, Betrayal, fast paced, Fluff and Angst, Original Children Of Gepard and Danheng, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Secret Relationship, this is shit, Not Beta Read, I hate autocorrect sometimes, How do you use ao3 again???
['Rizecameleon', 'Xiaohani', 'z_nerd', 'FanficLover9', 'AkiraBlack29', 'Nanami_angel', 'MitsuyaHaitani', 'Ei_Mono', 'hoshi_sora', 'Whavei', 'DarlingStitches', 'Dorokei_taho', 'yanana_duck', 'AIKAACTSJQRZCNKGCHKR', 'Jelly_mr', 'Kiel', 'Mornach_KR', 'hana1998_a2', 'Abyss_Fatui', 'neonzer0', 'Drose1', 'Demon_Spawned_Froglet', 'midorabbit', 'Davivilin', 'CeeOtaku', 'Serial_sugar_experiments', 'laedersire', 'meowui', 'berriBerri_joo', 'Zev_Ruthna37', 'Peachson', 'pitkanenriina', 'GrayImagines130420', 'Hannigramster', 'The_nameless_idiot', 'fengqingsexo', 'Throwing_Ppearls', 'Ann29', 'bxrokenBones', 'BLADESBREASTMILK', 'Kotofeila', 'hyunjinsimp03', 'Lmuiza', 'nanaluvtyun', 'Nossela', 'cheese_sona', 'aizoumybeloved', 'Mto', 'mystearicah', 'hiyoriasyr']
“D-Dan Heng…” Gepard croaked as Dan Heng continued his dance, leaning down to kiss the blonde. Gepard moaned as he felt Dan Heng roam his mouth, their tongues now dancing with one another. One of Passion. Desire. And Love. Dan Heng ended the dance, breaking away the partners from one another causing Gepard to whimper. The end of Dan Heng’s lip to turn upwards in a small smile. Gepard used to see it sometimes but it would quickly flash away, now, ever since they started, Gepard can always see the sweet smile Dan Heng blessed him with. Dan Heng did a light chuckle, ceasing his dance with their bodies. He dove into Gepard’s neck, lightly kissing it, “I love you Gepard…” he muttered, sucking on the delicate skin which made the taller man moan. Dan Heng has always been possessive of him even though their relationship was one of secrecy. “I love you too- Dan Heng-“ He panted out as the man continued to leave marks on his skin. The warm feeling in his stomach was a delighted feeling to Gepard after Dan Heng gave one final thrust. “I love you…” he tiredly slurred out as Dan Heng panted against the crook of his neck. Gepard closed his eyes, allowing all senses to come with him in the dark abyss, sleep draping it's dark grab over him. Gepard awoke to the light chirping of birds. Although tired he did force himself to wake up. He was quite excited for the day though, as Sierra was able to convince him and his sister to go have a break for at least a week which allowed him and Dan Heng to finally have some sort of proper couple bonding. Gepard yawned as he went over to the bathroom to get dressed for the day, not surprised by the lack of warmth in the bed since Dan Heng usually woke up before him. He hummed as he got dressed, surprised that he didn’t hear the sizzling of the pan for breakfast. After all, Dan Heng usually cooked for him on days like these when they were both on break. He shrugged, maybe he had to run a quick errand. Being a part of Astral Express, Trailblazer probably called him for his aid. Gepard walked down stairs, noticing that some of Dan Heng’s clothes and items were missing as well as his shoes. He sighed. A bit bummed out but he could still spend some time by himself. ~~~ Gepard laid sprawled out on his bed in pure boredom. Today was not a good day. He woke up to morning sickness and was quite nauseous. And now he is scrolling through his email and trying to watch some shows he and Dan Heng picked up. But all he saw is him gazing at his messages with Dan Heng. Awaiting for a response of the shorter male. After all, when Dan Heng leaves away mysteriously he would usually message Gepard as soon as possible. ‘Maybe the mission is a big one. Perhaps he isn’t in an area where he could contact me.’ Gepard tried to theorize. Trying to convince himself that Dan Heng would message him. It’s been 4 days already. But nothing made sense, and the stirring of his stomach was telling him otherwise. He pulled out his phone and called Sierra’s partner and his friend, Justlina. The rumble of the phone as it awaited for an answer, he saw the timer beginning to start as she answered. “Hello?” The voice chirped out over the phone. “Hey… are you free?” Gepard asked. ~~~ Gepard walked around the streets of Belobog with Justlina. Humming as they chewed on some Yaki Mochi she made hot and fresh as a snack. Justlina looked at Gepard before stopping, causing him to jolt. “Usually you’d inhale the Yaki Mochi.” She commented, “Why are you so… slow at eating it this time?” She asked. Gepard shrugged, “I-I don’t know. I mean- I think my morning sickness might return…” He mumbled. Justlina was quickly alerted to the prospect, “You didn’t tell me!” She gasped, “It’s really nothing-“ She grabbed the blonde’s hand and immediately began to run, apologizing to every stranger she accidentally bumped into. “Where are we going?” Gepard shouted at her, the wind practically billowing in his ear, being the only thing he could hear. His ears aching from the freezing sensation. Despite being born and breathing in the cold air of Belobog, Gepard never seemed to be able to adapt to the weather a bit too well. They entered the flat, the wind billowed inside before Justlina could slam the door shut. “Rest on the couch, I’ll go make some tea.” She spoke, taking off her shoes. Gepard nodded as she turned on the heater before walking to the kitchen. Gepard rested on the couch as he admired the room around him. The walls were plastered with images of the two owners on their wildest adventures. It reminded Gepard of March’s room when he secretly accompanied Dan Heng on the Astral Express. He even noticed a long cat pillow which too, reminded him of the pink haired girl. “What kind of tea do you want?” She asked, coming out of the kitchen, “we have peach, lemon, peppermint…” she said. Gepard thought for a bit as he stroked the plush’s surface, “I think lemon should be fine for me.” He replied. Justlina hummed before returning to the kitchen. As Gepard looked around, he debated whether or not once Dan Heng returned, if they could decorate their flat. Their flat was kind of bland due to the lack of visits and privacy they could have with one another. Gepard being the Captain of the Silverman Guards and Dan Heng getting into numerous troubles due to affiliating with the Astral Express. So the two would just come home and flop on bed, barely any words said. Gepard sighed, it would be a while until they’re able to decorate the flat. Their relationship was in secrecy after all. Gepard sighed, he remembered that night, when he had too much wine to drink, he drunkenly came and crashed into Dan Heng’s apartment and ended up drunkenly confessing to him and woke up to have Dan Heng to reply to his said confession. The two knew that the Astral Express had a soured relationship with Belobog due to Bronya and her mother, Cocolia. So the two agreed for their love to be a secret, eventually buying a house in a discreet part of the city to not be noticed when they wanted to spend time with one another. “The tea is done, Gepard!” Justlina called from the kitchen. Gepard’s head perked up as he made his way over. “Here.” She handed him the tea cup, “I hope this makes you feel better.” She chuckled. Gepard smiled, “I hope so too. Thank you Justlina for your hospitality.” He chuckled as the girl pouted, protesting against his formal wording since they had been friends for 5 years already. ~~~ “Ow…” Gepard hissed, Justlina turned worryingly back to Gepard. The two of them were on her bed, chatting about nothing in particular. “What’s wrong?” She asked worryingly. “My stomach- it hurts.” He cried out a bit. Justlina gave him a strange look, “Have you’ve had stomach cramps before?” She asked to which Gepard shook his head. “Strange…” She mumbled, looking outside seeing the night sky twinkling in her view. “We could visit the doctors tomorrow.” She said. Gepard sighed, shaking his head, “I think I’ll be alright-“ he groaned out. Justlina looked at him, “Are you sure?” She pressed on. Gepard nodded, “I have dealt- worse pain than this-“ he croaked out. Justlina sighed, shaking her head at her friend’s stubbornness. “I’m going to get some painkillers.” She announced, “rest on my bed. I’ll be back.” ~~~ “Better?” She asked Gepard as he gulped the pills down with the water. Gepard shrugged, “It’s starting to.” He exclaimed. She hummed, “Good.” “You should probably get some rest.” She informed the taller man, “After all, it is pretty late out.” She picked up the glass cup, “You can sleep in my bed. I’ll crash in Sierra’s.” She smiled. Gepard nodded, although a bit embarrassed as he felt pampered by her as she gave him the same brown cat plush to ‘keep him company.’ Gepard laid on the bed again. He did feel quite tired the entire day. A bit of rest won’t hurt. Gepard groaned after the training session with Bronya who gave him a questioning look. “If that one week of break really made you soft. I’ll make sure you don’t get out on one again.” Bronya sighed. It was 2 weeks after the break and Gepard had been slacking more. Complaining about cramps and back pains and having a strange appetite for strange combinations of foods. Like one week, Bronya saw him chowing down on some chocolate covered strawberries with an ice pop and pickles covered in sour cream. She had to make sure she didn’t throw up since it was impolite of her. Gepard sighed, “I guess…” he murmured. Bronya shook her head, “Just go back to your house. I’ll consult my mother tomorrow about this.” She said, Gepard nodded leaving the training ground. ~~~ Gepard sighed solemnly as he looked at the empty spot where Dan Heng would usually lay his shoes. He hasn’t gotten one response to his message about worry for him.These nights he had been trying to convince himself that Dan Heng was busy or some form of excuse that he hadn’t responded. But nothing made sense- nothing added up. He was so confused. He grumbled as he felt his stomach ache once more. He treaded up to the bathroom to run a hot bath for himself. ~~~ Gepard grumbled. He has been pissed recently as well as sad. It has been 3 months and he couldn’t handle his duties as well as Dan Heng’s strange disappearance. “I just don’t understand.” He cried out to Sierra who watched him pace around her living room flat. “I mean- they usually answer me but it’s been 3 months- not to mention my pain has been worse…” he grumbled but then began tearing up. Sierra sighed, “Gepard.” She began, “sit down.” She said, patting the spot next to her. Gepard immediately groaned in annoyance and sat down with a pout. “As much as I would love to help you- who is this person you’ve been pining for?” She questioned. The man gave her a flabbergasted expression, “I-I’m not pining over them.” He said. Sierra shook her head, “you clearly are…” she mumbled. Gepard clicked his tongue in annoyance, “I’m going to go to the restaurant down the street.” He said, getting up. Sierra looked at him confused, “Again? That’s the 5th time this week!” She said. Gepard shrugged, “I’m craving some food right now…” he mumbled shyly. Sierra sighed, getting up, “Alright… let’s go…” she said. Gepard smiled happily. ~~~ Gepard yawned as he returned to the flat where him and Dan Heng stayed. He gazed at the missing shoe place, the hope of Dan Heng returning was fading and was morphing into anger. He grumbled angrily, throwing his luggage on the floor as he went upstairs in a sobbing fit. Why did he leave him? Where was he? Why hasn’t he responded yet? Worry and fear filled him as well as anger and betrayal. Did he leave him for another? Was he so overbearing that he couldn’t stand him? Gepard flopped on the pillow and started to ball his eyes out. If he wasn’t shrouded in emotions, he would be repomanding himself for crying like a baby. But right now all he wanted to do was sulk until dawn came forth. ~~~ Gepard was done. He was so done. It’s been 5 months. He had been looking out the window daily to see if Dan Heng was close to returning. He had dreams about waking up to Dan Heng by his side yet he would always end the day bitterly. ‘One more day.’ He foolishly thought. And his patience had reached its limits. He was so fed up he grabbed his bags and left the flat. He grumbled as he stormed to his sister’s house, knocking on the door. It took a moment before she opened the door. “Gepard?” She gasped, “why are you here?” She asked. Gepard sighed, sorrow immediately washing over the anger, “Can I stay here for a bit- sister?” He requested. Serval, still being the dotting older sister, immediately nodded her head, pulling her brother inside out of the harsh winter breeze. ~~~ “Gepard…” Serval mumbled as she saw her brother chew on a pretzel, “Brother- what about your duties?” She asked. Gepard pouted, shaking his head immediately crying once again. “Gepard. You can’t just stay here…” Gepard shook his head, Serval grumbled, “As much as I do love you, Gepard- you need to stop eating so much it’s bad for your health! Also, Bronya won’t stop bugging me about your absence!” Serval took a deep breath before sitting next to her brother, “Whatever you're going through- maybe you should find another way to distract yourself.” She proposed. Gepard sighed, “I guess you’re right… I should return back to work…” He mumbled. Serval hummed, finally proud that she was able to get through her brother’s dense head, “And remember you can stay here as long as you want!” She smiled, “Until you get back on your feet!” ~~~ Gepard grunted as he was knocked off his feet by Bronya. He charged back, retaliating against her moves. The two panted after the intense training, and Gepard felt like he was going to collapse. Cocolia clapped as she approached the two fighters, “Excellent work.” She grinned, “And Gepard, I can see that you’re doing well again. I’m so glad you came back to your senses.” She smiled. Gepard nodded, panting, “Thank you- Supreme Guardian-“ “As much as I would love to stay and chit chat you have ten more rounds to do, Gepard.” She said,Gepard looked at her in utter shock, his body seemed to be practically screaming at him to get a decent rest. He seriously stumbled 60 times when fighting against Bronya. Cocolia’s gaze hardened, “We don’t want you to become rusty. Do we? Or else, Belobog will fall!” She cried out. Gepard sighed, grudgingly. He did swear to protect Belobog with all his life, if suffering through this pain had to allow him to fulfill his duty then he will. He must. “Of course Supreme Guardian.” “Gepard…” A voice whispered. Gepard looked up as he saw Justlina, “What is it…” he slurred out, he was tired from all the consistent training he had with Bronya and Sierra. His legs buckled as he walked and his entire body burned in pain. “I can call you to have a rest- you’re clearly not feeling well.” Gepard swallowed thickly, his mouth was dry from all of the panting. He shook his head, “no need- as the Captain of the Silvermaun guards- I will not let my body stop me from helping people in need and protecting my country, Belobog…” He croaked out. Justlina shook her head in dissatisfaction and disappointment. Gepard has been working for several weeks refusing to rest. He barely eats too after the comments among the soldiers about his weight and his new found, strange appetite. “Please Gepard-“ She cried out but Gepard shook his head, “I have a bit more work to do.” He stated tiredly as his bagged eyes gazed down at the papers he’s been doing. Justlina clicked her tongue, “Whatever you’re dealing with, forcing yourself to work to distract yourself is killing you!” She stomped her foot. When she was about to speak again a soldier barged into the room, “Captain Gepard- the borders of the city are being under attack!” The man shouted, which made Justlina and Gepard realize that in closer detail, the man was bruised and wounded. His clothes were tattered and his armor was chipping off in big chunks. Gepard got up, highly alerted. He quickly grabbed his weapon that was benched on the side of the shelf but Justlina got in his way. “As much as you want to fulfill your heroic duty for the people, you stay here and rest!” She shouted, “I’ll go instead.” She told the soldier who nodded. She threw out her scythe but Gepard grabbed her shoulder harshly, “Then you’re going is just going to make me obligated to go even more.” He stated, rushing out the door. Justlina grumbled, clearly she is terrible at presauding this stubborn man. ~~~ “Gah!” Gepard grunted as the Everwinter Shadewalker thrusted him off balance. He ached and he felt like he could see stars. His legs were burning again in pain and begged for a rest and so did his stomach. They ached so much. Round after rounds of attacks came in from the Shadewalker and Gepard never felt any weaker then he felt right now. His knees buckled in every attack instead of standing and being on the ground. Then with one powerful strike from the Shadewalker, Gepard practically flew, hitting the harsh and rough surface of the restricted area’s walls. “Gepard!” Justlina shouted. “Bury beneath the ice!” Justlina screamed as she sliced the Shadewalker, finally defeating him, but it was no time for victory, the battle still raged. She immediately ran to the laying blonde man, “Gepard!” She yelled in his face, shaking him as she saw him hiss in pain, “Don’t move-“ “Gepard-“ She shouted again as she realized Gepard’s eyes were flickering. Questioning if they could close. “Gepard- Don’t close your eyes!” Gepard began to cry from the pain, “It hurts-“ he croaked out, “Where?” She asked in a frenzy. “My stomach- my stomach it hurts so much-“ he panted out. He could feel his consciousness slipping away, his eyesight was getting blurry and became droopy. Everything was getting fuzzy.He could see Justlina’s mouth move but he couldn’t hear a word she was saying, only the muffling. He closed his eyes, succumbing to the dark abyss. ~~~ Gepard groaned awake as he could feel his senses coming back to him. There was a tinge of the afternoon and the room had slight murmurs. The pain he felt before he fell unconscious was not agonizing anymore, but he still had the slight fuzz of it being there. He stirs in his bed, regaining his consciousness which alerted the girl beside him. “Gepard!” The voice of Justlina filled the air. “Oh my god you’re awake!” She cried out, sniffling in the process but soon the relief morphed into anger. She grabbed his shoulders and tightened her grip, “I TOLD YOU TO HAVE A REST BUT WHAT DO YOU DO? PUT YOUR LIFE IN LINE? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT DENSE TO NOT UNDERSTAND A BLANTANT ORDER TO FALL BACK?” She shouted, scolding the man who was two years older than him like a child. “Justlina, don't be so harsh. He just woken.” The calm voice chimed in as Sierra approached the bed. “But she is right, Gepard.” She backed her up. Gepard chuckled, “I know, I know. I’m quite foolish… aren’t I?” Justlina sighed, nodding, “Yes, but I still love you either way…” she grumbled. Her face clouded in worry in shock of Gepard since she was yelling at him a few minutes ago. He felt the room’s atmosphere, it was uncomfortable. A beat of silence went before Justlina began again, “Gepard.” She said, gaining the capitain’s attention, “Are you hiding something from us?” She asked. The man gave her a questioning look, “No? Why?” “Your pregnancy.” Bronya said bluntly. Gepard jolted, “Pregnancy?” He mumbled, “But I can’t be…” he said a loud. “That’s in contrast to what the doctor said.” Serval sighed. Gepard looked at her, “I-I guess it does explain my appetite…” he mumbled. Sierra nodded, yet there was anger in her face, “Indeed. You were never the type to enjoy spicy food.” “It also explains your stomach cramps and soreness.” “And your morning sickness, as well as your slacking.” “These are all signs of pregnancy, Gepard.” Justlina said. “Well- maybe not the slacking part…” she chuckled as she looked at Bronya who rolled her eyes.Gepard sighed, then looked down at his stomach, a clear round shape. He lightly grazed it gingerly, regretting all the decisions he made in the past few months, “did I- harm the baby?” He asked with fear in his eyes. “Luckily, no.” Sierra responded, “But if you carried on, you would’ve. Gepard took a deep breath, glad that they were able to catch it on time. “Who’s the father.” A voice with stern and authoritative tone asked. Gepard knew the voice. It was Cocolia. The Supermeme Guardian of Belobog. He looked up at her, seeing the utter anger in her eyes, “Who is it?” She pressed again. Gepard swallowed thickly, debating whether or not he should tell them. He knew that sooner or later they would find out the father. “It’s Dan Heng.” He trembled. His body beginning to overflow him with anxiety. Silence was in the room before Cocolia broke it with a maniacl laughter, “Dan Heng? Dan Heng?” She repeated. Gepard timidly nodded. “Oh Gepard…” she said, tilting his head up by the chin, “You’re such a fucking slut!” She spat, slapping the man on the cheek making a piercing noise causing everyone to gasp. “You seriously beared naked infront of your enemy? You really let him ravage you? To breed you?” She scorned, “What a joke you are- and I thought you were proud to not let anyone get in your way of your duties, but you really wanted to prove me wrong. Huh?” “What a slut you are. I can’t believe I gave you such a high rank, if I knew you’d betrayed us I would’ve have you locked up!” She screamed. Gepard began to cry which angered Cocolia even more, “You're so soft now too! I knew it- the Astral Express was a danger! I’ll have you-” Cocolia was cut off by the pulling and stinging from her wrist, looking up to see the gaze of Sierra. Sierra’s gripped tightened, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She questioned. Cocolia grunted as she tried to get Sierra to let go, but it only got tighter and tighter, “Do you want me to repeat myself?” She asked.“I’m just putting that slut in place.” She hissed, “Well clearly I should put you in place. You do not harm a pregnant person, how childish are you to call him a slut when he only got pregnant once?” She asked, “Gepard does not whore around like you do, Cocolia.” She said. Cocolia’s face turned into a furious one, “You know who I am- I can fire you! I’ll make sure your life is hell! All of you!” She shouted. Sierra looked at her unfazed, “Okay? But didn’t you say I’m one of your strongest allies? I can ‘break your shoulders spines with just my pinky.’” She repeated the words Cocolia said to her when she was trying to recruit her. “And if you fire Gepard, I’ll be the one who actually breaks your spine. Got it, boss?” She hissed out the end. Because both her and Cocolia knew that Sierra actually held more power over Cocolia. After all, when she first arrived she was the talk of Belobog, held in high praise after saving numerous of people. “Fine!” Cocolia snapped. “Good.” Sierra let go over her vipor grip, “Allow Gepard to also have more breaks. After all, since we have a bundle of joy arriving in a few months, he’ll need time to spend with them.” Cocolia tsked, giving in to Sierra’s demands. Sierra hummed, pleased. “Justlina. You can cover Gepard’s shifts while he’s on break, correct?” She asked. Justlina nodded. Sierra smiled, but then it faded as she turned back to Cocolia, “There. That is your compensation.” She said, Cocolia grumbled something under her breath but at this point, Sierra didn’t care. “Now we need some space.” Serval said from the corner. Bronya nodded, immediately beginning to leave as did her mother, but begrudgingly, of course. “Usually she is much more reasonable than this…” Gepard said. Serval sighed, “She’s just mad that there were lots of injured men during the battle under your duty.” “She’ll get over it.” Sierra added, tossing a coin. Gepard nodded. “I hope so…” There was a beat of silence before Gepard spoke again, “Sierra…” There was a hum for a response. “What did you mean by ‘them’?” He asked. “You’re having twins.” “WHAT?” “Have you heard that the Captain of Silvermaun is pregnant?” “Oh my gosh- really?” “Who do you think is the father?” “I never knew a man like him who held honor would sleep around.” “I heard that the father is that Dan Heng man.” “The one of the Astral Express?!” “The ones who are wanted?” “Oh my- I never expected this.” “At best I believed that it would be a lower ranked soldier-“ “I never would’ve thought he stoop that low…” “Why isn’t he fired yet? My son would make a much better captain.” “Keep moving forward…” Sierra commanded, patting the blonde’s back. Gepard nodded, but he could feel the eyes of the citizens of Belobog bore into him. Some trying to have a peek at his stomach, others staring daggers in his back. “Ah- Captain Gepard!” A news reporter shouted as she rushed in front of the duo. “Is it true that the infamous criminal, Dan Heng is the father of your child?” She asked. Sierra looked at the woman with utter disgust which seemed to make her legs buckle and her face drain with life. Gepard was quite surprised by how much Social power Sierra had over the people. “With all due respect, it seems like you are trying to push for personal information.” Sierra stated, “As the deputy of the Superme Guardian of Belobog, Cocolia, I demand you never ask such questions again. It is quite impolite and insulting for both the order that is protecting you and the person themselves.” “Nonetheless, I hope you have a fine day.” She ended, lightly pulling Gepard away. “Who knew you had so much power over the people of Belobog…” Gepard whispered. Sierra shrugged, “I do not know how I gain such respect but if it comes to my aid then I shall use it.” ~~~ “Is the tea helping with the pain?” Justlina dotted as Gepard took a sip of the tea. Justlina would practically make forts of the softest pillows and the most comfortable blankets to adorn him in. Due to him being close to his due date and now being heavily pregnant.She also would give him some soft linen nightgowns to wear since his ‘clothes and armor are much too tight to comfortably wear with a baby.’ Gepard chuckled, “It is much alright, Justlina… say… where is Serval?” Gepard asked. Just as he uttered his sister’s name the door slammed wide open to allow the cold breeze of the outside to rush forth like an ambush much to the dismay of the two, “Guess the Aunt that has arrived!” She announced. Justlina rolled her eyes playfully, “The only aunt.” “Well technically there are more than one aunts in the world!~” she sang. Justlina groaned, “don’t be practical with me you know what I meant!” Serval laughed in response. “What did you waste your salary on this time?” Gepard asked jokingly, his sister wasn’t really well when it came to her buying tendencies. Serval scoffed, “I did not waste my salary on anything, I bought…” and one by one she pulled out everything out of… her 50 bags. “Here are the cute clothes I got him, each and every size for the little munchkin.” She explained, “Here are some toys, made specially by Clara!” “And make sure to include her once the baby comes because she is so excited!” She added. Gepard smiled, nodding, mentally adding that on his list. “Here are some baby bibs, aren’t they so cute? Look, this one!” She beamed, Gepard leaned down a bit to read and saw the words ‘of course I’m cute, haven’t you seen my mommy?’ Which made Gepard’s heart immediately melt. Serval smiled softly at her brother’s expression. Glad that Dan Heng wasn’t able to even flicker his eyes at Gepard’s smile anymore. ~~~ “How is Gepard?” Sierra asked as Serval came out of the room. “Good, snuggling up to Justlina for body warmth.” She chuckled. Sierra hummed as she approached the door to take a peak. Seeing the two snuggled together under the sheets. Sierra hummed, “I’m glad Gepard is doing alright now…” she mumbled. Serval looked down sadly, “Indeed… his first and second trimester had him suffering in silence…” “Especially since the absence of Dan Heng.” Sierra hissed out through gritted teeth. Serval nodded in agreement. Her resentment for the man has risen day by day. How shameful must he have been to ditch Gepard after that one night? Treating him like he was some one night stand. The two looked at one another, giving eachother a knowing look. They’ll both make sure Dan Heng will never find out about the birth of his child. For the happiness of Gepard. ~~~ “Serval?” Serval perked up her head to see her brother and Justlina giving both confusing and worried looks. “Are you zoning out?” Justlina asked. “You know, if you aren’t getting enough rest you don’t need to dote on me too much.” Gepard added.Serval shook her head immediately with protest, “I just remembered I needed to pick up something at the grocery store.” She lied which clearly showed that the two didn’t believe her by giving each other a look. “Whatever you say…” Justlina mumbled. Serval rolled her eyes then pulled out a small box. “This is my favorite.” She spoke, opening the box to reveal a golden necklace with the Landau crest on it, “Serval… was this custom made?!” Gepard gaped as he looked at the fine details and design on it. She nodded, then opened the heart shaped capsule to reveal a spot of where an image could be stored and Gepard’s name on it. “Serval-“ “What? It’s to remind them of their mother!” She defended, “And it’s even adjustable, I also made sure that it wouldn’t rust.” She smirked, proud of her work. Gepard facepalmed, “Serval, as much as I love that you are going to give these to the baby- this is unnecessary…” Serval rolled her eyes, “necessary in my books so ACCEPT IT!” Gepard groaned, “I should really try to limit your spendings…” “Come on Gepard, you can do it!” Justlina said as Gepard grunted, “Just a couple of more pushes, Captain Gepard.” The doctor tried to reassure the screaming man. “You’re not the one who is literally pushing out TWO BABIES!” He snapped back, panting. He couldn’t feel his legs and it’s exhausting. Not to mention his eyes were stinging from crying due to the pain. Gepard howled in pain, “The first one is out!” The nurse announced. “One more to go, Gepard!” Serval cheered. Gepard groaned, “Come on! You’re almost there!” Justlina added. Gepard shook his head, “I can’t feel- anything-“ he cried out. Push after push, Gepard felt like the pain was an eternity. His legs were shaking, sweat was dripping off his face like it was some sort of water fall, his body was so hot and every muscle seemed like it was ready to explode. He tightened his grip on the iron bar of the bed until his knuckles turned weight. “The second one is out, Captain Gepard!” The nurse announced after she cut the cubical cord. Gepard sighed in relief as he felt his body beginning to soothe. The nurse took the babies away to clean them. “You did it-“ Serval exclaimed. Gepard swallowed thickly, nodding in response. A moment passed before the nurse returned with the babies, “Here is your healthy baby boy and girl.” She smiled softly. Gepard hummed as he took them in his arms, “Thank you…” he panted out. The nurse smiled and then walked away, “I’ll leave for some privacy.” She told the group before exiting the room. Gepard gazed at the babies softly, and couldn’t help but cry. “Gepard…” Serval spoke. She knew why her brother was crying. Crying because of the pain. The pain of the absence of their father. His lover. ~~~ “Xuefeng- don’t run around the kitchen!” Justlina shouted as she almost tripped on the water Xuehua spilled. “You two trouble makers!” She cried out as the two twins began jumping on the couch. She loved children, don’t get her wrong but- oh lord are they a doozy to handle. “Their behavior kind of reminds me of March.” A voice expressed. “Mama!” The twins yelled as they rushed to Gepard who arrived back from a mission with Sierra in tow. “How are you two doing?” He asked as he picked them up, Xuehua giggled, “Playing with Auntie Justlina! But she’s too slow for us!” She laughed mischievously as the two blondes turned to see Justlina on the floor. He began to chuckle at her sorrowful state, “I can see that.” He replied. “Well it’s late out. You two should start packing your stuff for home.” Gepard added. The two nodded obediently as they hopped off of Gepard’s arms. Gathering their toys and other trinkets they were gifted. Gepard smiled sadly. He allowed his gaze to follow the window. The stars twinkled from afar. “Thinking about him again?” Sierra asked. Gepard nodded. “Yeah…” he plainly replied. His mouth began to taste bitter. “After all. It’s been 6 years.” ~~~ “We’re almost back landing on Jarilo-VI soon.” A female voice announced, coming forward next to the man who was standing by the window of the Herta Space Station. His eyes gazed longingly at the blue planet. “Xuehua, eat your vegetables.” Gepard sighed to his daughter as the chattering of other residents filled the atmosphere of the restaurant. Xuehua stuck out her tongue and turned her head away in response when Justlina tried to feed her a piece of eggplant. “I can definitely see she’s a part of the Landau family…” Justlina chuckled. Gepard’s brows furrowed as he wiped off his son’s lips from the soy sauce, “And what is that supposed to mean?” Justlina rolled her eyes, “It means that your family is stubborn.” Serval sighed and turned to her brother, a light smile tugging her face, “we can’t counter that Gepard.” She hummed. Gepard huffed, “I guess you’re right…” “Is everyone done?” Sierra asked as she arrived from the restroom, holding Astro in tow. “Mama.” Astro flatly said as he hopped off Sierra’s arms and sat on Justlina’s lap alongside his twin sister, Astra. “It seems like they prefer me more.” Justlina said in a smug tone. Sierra rolled her eyes, sitting down next to her wife. “It’s rare to have chances like these, spending time with all of us.” Sierra began, “we should probably hurry. I heard the market place had some new trinkets the children might like.” “Right, which means Xuehua has to eat her vegetables.” Gepard added, Xuehua pouted. “Please mama… I don’t like them…” “Gepard, perhaps it’s best not to force your daughter to consume the vegetables. You might give her a bad stigma against them.” Sierra spoke. Gepard looked back to his pouting daughter and sighed, successfully lamenting to her pleas. ~~~ “Don’t you think that’s pretty Astra?” Justlina asked as she hooked the floral pin in her hair. She hummed as the shopkeeper held a mirror for her to gaze at her figure. She turned back to her mother and nodded. “Good! What about you Astro?” She turned to her son who held up a hat. “Oh! That’s pretty, want to put it on?” She kneeled down to her son’s level. He nodded. “How’s it going for you, bro?” Serval said as she made her way to her brother, already finished with her shopping. “Ah, they’re going well. Xuehua and Xuefeng finished with their clothes.” He smiled, pulling out the knitted white bear hats the two kids chose, “These should help them for the upcoming blizzard that is suspected to come.” He added. Serval smiled, “Indeed, I suspect the two will have a wondrous time in the snow, remember our snowman?” She asked her brother. Gepard chuckled, “Of course I do.” “Remember crying about him when it became buried in more snow?” She teased. Gepard gave her a peeved look. Huffing as he turned around and headed towards his kids who were looking at the hair clip display. ~~~ “8 churros please.” Serval ordered. The vendor hummed as he began to make their order. “Hey, brother!” Xuehua tugged on Xuefeng’s hand. He hummed in response, “Do you want to play tag?” She asked. Xuefeng looked at her. Considering for a moment before he responded, “Sure.” He smiled. Xuefeng cheered, “Tag!” She shouted as she began running away from her brother. “Hey!” Xuefeng shouted back, running after his sister. “Ah!” Gepard shouted as he realized the children were running, “I’ll go get them Gepard, you can wait.” Serval said, following the children in tow. “You’re it!” Xuefeng said to Xuehua and laughed, “Come back here!” She said, “I gotchu! You’re it!” Xuehua responded, dashing away even further from where they started. “Kids, don’t run!” They heard Serval’s voice coming from the corner, although brushing it off. “AH!” Xuehua shouted as she made contact with a leg, stumbling backwards. “Xuehua!” She heard her brother shout her name. “Oh… are you two alright?” A velvety voice asked. The two looked up to see a man with jet black hair and green eyes. Similar to theirs. “Ah, we are- we’re sorry…” Xuehua apologized, flattening her skirt. “Thank you mister!” She added, smiling. The man hummed, “it’s just a normal thing for someone to do.” “Say, we’re are your two parents?” “Oh, our mama was getting us Churos. We should probably head back.” Xuefeng replied. Xuehua nodded, “Our mama is the best!” She added. Xuefeng nodded in agreement. The man smiled, “Who is your mother? If you don’t mind me asking.” “Our mama is-“ “Kids! Don’t run away!” Serval shouted. The man looked “Serval, are these your children?” “Ah, auntie, you know him?” Xuefeng asked. “Aunt? Who’s your mother then?” The man asked. Serval snarled, “It’s none of your business Dan Heng.” “You two, come here.” She commanded the kids, who frighteningly headed to Serval’s way, scared that their aunt was angry. “Do you have no respect, Dan Heng? After 6 years you return back to Belobog? To reopen the wounds of Gepard?” She asked. Dan Heng was about to open his mouth to reply before Serval turned back to the twins, “And you two.” She took a deep breath, “Your mother is going to be very worried by the way you took off from that.” She castigated. The two frowned, they hated when their mama was sad. “We’re sorry… we should probably go now.” Xuefeng said. Serval nodded, “yes, quickly.” She said, beginning to usher the twins away from Dan Heng. Not before giving him the side eye. “Dan Heng.” A voice said, “Ah, Trailblazer. What is it?” “You’re lagging behind. We need to make haste to our next destination before the Silvermaun Guards catch us and become aware of our presence.” “Right.” He said. ~~~ “Auntie Serval.” Xuehua said, “Are you mad at us?” She asked. Serval sighed, shaking her head. “Then why did you seem so mad back there?” Xuefeng questioned, the two looking up at their aunt for answers. Serval swallowed thickly before replying, “Because I don’t like that man you met.” “Why?” They said at the same time, pressing on. Serval stopped and looked at them, “why do you think your mama looks sad when she looks at you.” “We-“ “Why do you think your mama cries every night?” ~~~ “Ah! There you two are!” Gepard noticed, rushing towards his children, practically throwing the churros he was holding if it wasn’t for Sierra stumbling to catch them in time, “Are you alright? Why did you run away?” He asked them. “Sorry Mama… we were playing tag…” Xuehua said, looking down in shame. Gepard clicked his tongue and shook his head. “You two know what can happen if you go out of my sight. Please don’t do it again.” “Of course, Mama.” Xuefeng replied. “Sierra.” Serval lowly spoke to the other blonde. “What is it?” She asked. “Dan Heng. He’s back.” “What?” Serval nodded, “When I was chasing the kids, they encountered Dan Heng.” “We can’t tell Gepard.” Sierra immediately stated. “Right. I didn’t tell the kid’s the name of Dan Heng, but I made sure they know why we don’t want them to associate themselves with him.” “Let’s hope that they soon pass and we forget.” ~~~ The humming of the music player as well as a human’s voice accompanied it made a great way for Serval to finish up some of her work in the workshop. She was informed by Geppie about the recent curfew that was established in the city. Serval was quite peeved by it, after all, Madam Cocolia was doing her normal method of getting anyone who opposed her off of her back. She did this seventeen years ago after all. During the secret relationship of Dan Heng and Gepard. Thinking about that traitor makes her shiver in anger. The chime of the bell signifies the arrival of a visitor. Assuming that it was her brother, she spoke, “Gepard, if you come to discuss the birthday party for the children you know all they want is the entire day spent with you-“ she stopped as she stared at the four figures in front of her. “Serval, it’s been a long time.” The Astral Express group and Seele. “What do you want?” She questioned immediately. “We need help.“ Trailblazer began. “The Stelloran seems to be in a high level of activity, and we have been gathering information to conclude that Madam Cocolia has been tampering with the Stelloran and you being close to the-“ Her eyes begin to cloud with anger, snapping the gear in half getting a yelp from March. “Out.” She stated. “Serval-“ Serval slammed the gear pieces on the counter, “GET OUT.” She screamed. “WHY DO YOU THINK I WOULD GIVE YOU HELP AFTER FOUR YEARS OF YOUR UNEXPECTED DEPARTURE?” “DID YOU SERIOUSLY USE US TO GET TO YOUR GOALS? IS THAT WHAT WE ARE?” “Serval why are you so mad about our-“ “SHUT UP DAN HENG!” She shouted, causing the man to stagger back a bit by her tone. She took a deep yet annoyed breath, “Do you really expect me to help you guys after you forced my brother to deal with the problem of raising two kids as a single parent?” She asked. “How does your brother’s situation as a single father have anything to do with us?” March whined. Serval clicked her tongue, “Why don’t you ask your buddy ol-pal Dan Heng? Perhaps he might give you a little hand to the answer.” She snapped back. A beat of silence occurred as the group began to process Serval’s comment. Seele turned to Dan Heng, “Dan Heng.” She spoke. “Are you the Captain’s children’s father?” “I-I” “We don’t even know what they look like- how do we know if you’re mistaking the father for someone else?” March interrupted in an attempt to win Serval’s favor. Serval chuckled, “If you’re trying to make me second guess my statement then you’re clearly stupid.” She hissed, “I’ll go get a picture of them since you’re clearly unable to interpret what I said.” Serval grabbed a picture frame from her work desk and put it down on the counter for the group to see. “You’re right- they do look like Dan Heng…” Trailblazer said. He turned to his companion, “Dan Heng. How are you, father?” ~~~ “So you’re telling me you had a secret relationship with Gepard, did the” March did the hand motion for intercourse, “on the same day we left him alone to give birth to the children just for us to come back and for us to get villainized from the allies we’ve forged because you out right and left with no trace?” She summarized. Trailblazer shook his head, “March, you were never good at taking things seriously.” “I am being serious!” She replied with a pout. Dan Heng sighed, “I know this must be a surprise Serval, but I was undercover. I was unable to visit Gepard after our departure. After all, the flat we lived in was empty.” Serval tsked, “That's because you left him while he had to suffer through his pregnancy.” “Look Serval, we know how hurt you and your brother are but we really need your assistance.” Seele spoke, “Please- otherwise humanity will die.” Serval gave her a pointed look. Sighing, she started to consider a bit about the mission. “Fine.” The clashing of metal was heard in the residence of Gepard’s bungalow. The sparrers’ swords clashing with one another loudly. “Xuehua, Xuefeng.” “Mother.” They both said in sync. Gepard chuckled, “Dinners ready, don’t you think you can stop sparring now?” He asked. Xuehua shook her head, “Mother we need to be proficient at any weapon, if not how will we be able to protect you if our weapons are not in grasp?” She asked, her brows furrowing at the concept. Xuefeng nodded in agreement with his sister. Gepard gave the two a soft smile, “I always appreciate you two’s efforts to protect me, but I am able to fight on my own.” Xuefeng sighed, “Please Mother, understand that we must protect you. It is our duty.” Gepard shook his head, “But I brought you in this world, you two are not in debt.” “We know, mother, but we love you.” The two said in sync again. Gepard hummed, “Stubborn just like Landau blood.” He laughed, “Now, let us head inside before the food gets cold.” He told his children who obediently followed. ~~~ “Mother.” Xuehua said, “Do you remember what day it is?” She asked. Gepard rubbed his eyes as he met Xuehua’s blue eyes and Xuefeng’s green eyes. He yawned, “yes I do… it’s your two’s birthday.” He smiled softly but then was handed a tray with breakfast. “Ah, what is this for?” “I got Bronya to get you on a break.” Xuefeng flatly said. “By beating her in a battle.” He added. Gepard nodded but looked down at the tray, “Shouldn’t I be doing this for you two?” He asked. Xuehua shook her head, “Mother, no matter if it’s our birthday, we got you a day off and we will make sure you are able to leisurely go through the day so the day to be comfortable.” She smiled softly while Xuefeng nodded. Gepard chuckled, “Well even if my day is difficult, it will always be comfortable if I see you two’s face, thus, there is no need for this.” “Thank you mother.” They both said. ~~~ “I thought you two hated that movie?” Gepard asked as the movie ended, the two looked at him, “It’s your break day, mother, we will do whatever you want.” They replied in sync. Gepard chuckled but then his phone buzzed. “Bronya. Why would she be messaging you?” Xuefeng said angrily. “I don’t know, maybe it’s important.” Gepard said, his brows furrowed. Bronya: Capitan Gepard, Madam Sierra, and Lady Justlina, report to the restricted zone this instant. An intruder has been detected, Capitan Dunn has been defeated. “I’m sorry kids, it seems like our time is cut short. I need to go to the restricted zone.” “The restricted zone?!” The twins immediately became alerted, their mother nodded, “Captain Dunn has been defeated. This signifies the intruder may be formidable. So I must protect Belobog at all cost.” “No.” Xuehua said, “Mother, let us come with you.” Gepard widened his eyes and immediately shook his head, “You two are still young, I must go. You two will not risk your lives for me.” He said, “But Mother-” “You stay in the house now. I refuse to see you two on the battlefield.” “Please mother! Please- we don’t want you to go- we want to make sure you’re safe and you aren’t in harm nor agony…” “After all, we regretted all of those nights when we heard you cry… Mother…” “You- you heard me-” “Yes. Please mother, we beg, take us with you…” Gepard swallowed thickly. Clenching his fist he sighed, “Alright, please, prepare for a fight.” ~~~ “We’re at our destination-” “Serval?” Gepard asked, notifying the woman of his presence, “Gepard- I know what it looks like but-” “Really betraying our mother like that, Auntie?” Xuehua hissed the title, Serval looked down in shame. “Just like father?” They both asked as their eyes made it towards the black haired man. “Xuehua- Xuefeng-” “No mother, stay back.” “We’ll deal with them.” “And here I thought negotiating would be possible…” Seele sighed. ~~~ “Agh!” Dan Heng hissed as his daughter made a light cut on his chest with her Piandao, March immediately shielding him after the attack. “They- keep up a hard fight-” Seele panted, Xuefeng used his Liuyedao to thrust her off balance. “Ugh, you’re annoying!” March whined as her arrow met with Xuehua’s dagger that she threw out to protect her brother from getting attacked. “Xuehua, Xuefeng, enough.” Gepard announced, the group was surprised how the twins immediately ceased fire. The twins returned to their mother’s side as he shook his head, “Serval.” He called out to his sister, “Can you explain why you joined their side?” He asked. Serval nodded, “Yeah-” she said breathlessly. “Cocolia- she isn’t to be trusted.” The battle with Cocolia was intense just as the group expected. Trailblazer's temporary death was also a scare. Despite that, the group made it out and called it a victory. Gepard stood outside of the black smithing workshop. Xuehua and Xuefeng were inside doing modifications to their weapons. “Gepard.” A voice called out to him, a voice he knew well. “What is it, Dan Heng? Shouldn’t you be with Trailblazer and March?” He snapped. The man looked at him, “I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” He said.Gepard glared at him, “That apology is a bit too late don’t you think?” “Gepard-” “I had to deal with SEVENTEEN whole YEARS Dan Heng, SEVENTEEN WHOLE YEARS BY MYSELF THROUGH MY PREGNANCY, THROUGH THE RAISING OF OUR CHILDREN BECAUSE YOU DECIDED YOU WANTED TO OUT RIGHT AND LEAVE! YOU DECIDED TO OUT RIGHT AND LEAVE ME-” Gepard’s breath began to shake as tears began to flood his eyes, “I questioned why you left me every night- I questioned why after that night you left-” “Gepard… love…” “Why Dan Heng?” He cried out, “Why did you leave me all alone?” “Gepard- I had to leave because we were almost captured.” “We were so close to the Stelloron but Cocolia found us and we had to retreat. We’ve been checking Stelleron's activity as well as Cocolia's. The visits were usually short and quick due to the rise of patrol guards.” “Then why didn’t you contact me?” “I couldn’t. The phone’s technology is under Cocolia’s supervision, remember? She has access to them. I didn’t want to put you in danger. And trying to send letters to you, we were worried that it might’ve alerted someone. We’ve seen how Cocolia does to make sure information isn’t out and the lengths she would go through for it.” “Please Gepard- I didn’t mean to leave you that day…” He spoke, he grabbed hold of Gepard’s cheeks and then kissed him. Gepard groaned as the kiss deepened, feeling Dan Heng’s hand travel to his waist, tightening it like he didn’t want him to slip away again. The kiss broke, allowing Dan Heng to gaze at Gepard’s figure, “How I missed that…” “How I missed you.” He breathed out. Gepard felt more tears flood through his eyes. “I love you Gepard.” Dan Heng said, wiping away the tear that rolled down his cheek. “Me too…” “I love you so much…” “Dan Heng.” (See the end of the chapter for notes.) The chatter of the people filled the air of the Herta Space Station. Dan Heng was chatting to March about her latest pictures, (well more like March was talking about it. It was more of a one-sided conversation.) The door of Herta’s office opened, Dan Heng turned to see Xuehua and Xuefeng coming out with Trailblazer. “Ah, are you two done with your training in the simulation?” He asked his children. They gave him a blank stare before walking away, seemingly looking for their mother. “Seems like you got rejected again?” March chuckled. Dan Heng sighed, “They’ve been like this ever since they moved to the Space Station.” “Gepard is trying to convince me that they’ll warm up to me-“ “But they’re a mommy’s boy and girl!” March interrupted. “…Yes.” ~~~ “Having trouble with the Kids?” Gepard asked as they got ready for the night. Dan Heng groaned, “All of the attempts I’ve made so far are futile. They clearly see me as a villain.” Gepard chuckled, “I’ll go have a chat with them about it tomorrow.” Dan Heng sighed, “Yeah. I can’t deal with March’s teasing anymore.” “She’s still teasing you?” “Yeah, it’s getting embarrassing since she’s introducing me as ‘The man who gets rejected by his own children’.” Gepard shrugged, “she isn’t off the truth.” “Dear, are you on my side or not?” Gepard sighed, putting his hand on his face, “I’ll have a chat with her too.” “We should go to bed now.” Gepard yawned as he walked to the futon, Dan Heng following suit. The lights dimmed as the two men snuggled up to each other, “Goodnight Dan Heng…” Gepard said. “Goodnight Gepard.” Dan Heng responded, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist. Not even a moment later, they hear the sound of the room’s door sliding open. The two opened their eyes to see the figures of Xuehua and Xuefeng. “Mother.” Xuehua began, “Can you sleep in our room?” She asked. Gepard gave her a pointed look, “but I slept with you two yesterday? What’s the matter now?” “We just miss our mother.” The two spoke. Gepard sighed, pulling the blankets off as well as Dan Heng’s arm. “Sorry Dan Heng.” He whispered as he walked towards their children. The three exited, without Xuehua giving Dan Heng a smug look. ~~~ “Why do you hate your father so much?” Gepard asked the two as they got situated in bed. “Cause father abandoned you, mother.” “But-“ “And him trying to redeem himself is terrible.” This was a terrible fic, and I don’t know how anyone was able to read it.
said he likes crazy girls (he does)
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Kafka/Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
Porn With Plot, the plots like 2 sentences though, Femdom, Pegging, Switching, Topping from the Bottom, Anal Sex, Cunnilingus, Anal Fingering, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Idiots in Love, why is this the first blade/kafka fic, blade and jing yuan are exes, briefly mentioned, Bottom Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Top Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), slightly OOC, Not Canon Compliant, i think, Marathon Sex, Wax Play, briefly, Aftercare, Fluff and Smut, Kissing, So much kissing fr, Riding, Not Beta Read, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Bisexual Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Pansexual Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Explicit Sexual Content, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping
['ColdandFrostea', 'BlossomCherryyy', 'Furinakisser', 'BoredKouhai', 'Julius_Speakk', 'iLumiere', 'kailenabuse', 'IzaIza6969', '0rchidd_ign', 'LeseLille', 'laven_boy', 'Shi_si', 'PaulineWust', 'luv4ragnvindrs', 'Moon_Gayzer', 'Angicecol', 'kittygors', 'Cherrypiechuu', 'moodydiatribes', 'DearATEEZ7', 'Mavrakss', 'cryingfordainlumi', 'roadtrip_system', 'Coneko_578', 'juuniweolli', 'Sax_and_Violins', 'teckter', 'caldasg1', 'helloYOUlooklikeSWAGGERS', 'Neferrious', 'ndrsn', 'riruraq', 'novacainexoxo', 'nana_is_crying', 'Rosebedo', 'KoriSan', 'Kiyomii_23', 'CreamChan', 'PeachyPuffs', 'yiu', 'Bittersweet_Nostalgia', 'mstni', 'yowaimoan', 'Luxia_san', 'itsnotizzy', 'causeimalreadyhighenough', 'Naj29th', 'Blades4you', 'ethereau', 'iamsuchhomogay']
“Ah, would you be a dear and cancel my appointment at 8? I have my entire evening and night booked now, I’m afraid.” The smirk on Kafka’s face could be interpreted in 3 million ways at this point, but her secretary didn’t question her motives. The last one that did was.. dealt with accordingly, and that was common knowledge around these parts. “So soon, though?” Kafka sighed, when the secretary ended up asking a question. Aww, I liked this one too . She decided not to unleash a rain of bullets on him just yet, after all she needed all the energy she could get for her activities tonight.  “It’s matters I have to resolve with Blade. Please notify him as soon as possible.” She said plainly and watched with a raised eyebrow when her secretary nodded and immediately took his leave. “Just as I thought,” she chuckled softly before looking at the time. 7:59–Blade would be here any minute now.  Kafka stood up to go neatly hang her coat up, humming a quiet tune as she counted down the seconds until her favourite underling walked through that door. Underling? She suppressed a laugh, oh, Blade was so much more to her than an underling. Tonight would be the night that he would come to realize that. After all, Kafka was… a rather impatient woman, and she needed to blow off some steam after her encounters with the Trailblazer and the rest of the Astral Express. She reached into one of the cabinets she had in her home office, taking out a rather inconspicuous-looking briefcase, and set it aside for later. Was it her usual weapons that she had in case of emergencies? Not quite. Well, she’d certainly defeat a man with them , but not in the typical way.   A progress report? And Blade had thought he had been doing a good job for his boss. He felt a bead of sweat run down his furrowed brow and couldn’t even bring himself to answer Kafka’s secretary with anything but a nod. Then he checked the time and, well, he only had 30 seconds to get to her office. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the door to Kafka’s quarters, nervousness flashing in his red eyes but he kept that oh-so-tough facade still going. He counted the seconds and when the clock hit exactly 8–when he was about to knock on the door–it opened, and there was Kafka. Blade felt a lump form in his throat, unable to stop himself from looking Kafka up and down. She always looked so good without her coat, remembering his and hers dramatic introduction to the Astral Express. How Kafka had done that entrancing dive off the edge of that structure… Ah, how Blade had longed to jump after her. He shook those thoughts to the side–his relationship with Kafka would always and forever remain fully professional and nothing else. He wouldn’t want to pursue anything unprofessional with his boss, after all, that’s how his relationship with Jing Yuan had fallen through in the first place. Whatever, that was in the past. He wasn’t going to dwell on that. Kafka let Blade in, and Blade tensed up when she grabbed ahold of his hand and brought it to her cheek. “Cheer up Bladie~ Aren’t you happy to see me?” “..I am, boss.” His voice was hesitant–yes, he was happy to see her, but the nature of this meeting… It scared him.   “Oh, and he talks! You haven’t said a peep since that run in with Jing Yuan the other day… Don’t worry your handsome little head about that man, okay? You’re on good terms now, you can move on, Blade.” There goes Kafka, dropping her whole sultry act for a second. She really did care about Blade, maybe more than she let him know–no, definitely more than he knew. Her heart melted when Blade gave her a small nod, and a hushed “thank you”. How polite he was. It was honestly adorable. She led Blade to sit down, and then got in her usual chair at the other side of the desk. “So, you’re aware of why I called you to my office, right?” Kafka herself honestly didn’t remember the reason he called Blade over, she had just made up a random excuse in all honesty. “A progress report, right? Kafka I… I’m sorry if I haven’t been in my best mindset recently. I’ll strive to do better, I promi—” Kafka silenced his worries by leaning over her desk and connecting her lips with his. And oh, how Blade went quiet, how his eyes went wide… Kafka wished she could engrave that image of Blade in her mind. She pulled away after a few moments, a blush dusting her olive complexion as she chuckled softly. “You’re doing amazing, Bladie~ Oh, you’re such a pessimist!” She got comfortable in her seat again, admiring Blade’s flushed complexion and how he just was staring at her still, in complete shock.   “I–.. I should go.” Blade suddenly spoke up, his heart hammering in his chest. He of course loved what just happened, hell he wanted to lean over and kiss Kafka again–but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t allow himself to go through another heartbreak like before. Yet before he could get up and leave Kafka’s office, she was walking out and holding the door open for him. Huh? He walked through, and Kafka followed along. “Are you alright, Blade? You seem quite shaken up. I’m sorry if that was too sudden…. “ “No… It wasn’t. I feel, well, something toward you Kafka. I’m unaware if it’s love or not but, wait–” Blade looked around, his eyes narrowing as he realized Kafka had led him right to her bedroom without him even noticing. Typical Kafka.  Blade looked at her hesitantly, and his gaze went down toward the briefcase she was holding. He didn’t question it though. After all, who would question Kafka? He took a moment to look around. Her duvets and bedframe were what he was expecting for them to look like–red velvet colours and darker undertones through the entire decor. He noticed multiple lit candles around too, probably to set the mood. He felt at home, honestly. Kafka lead him to her bed and he sat down, keeping his space until, well, Kafka closed the distance again. He gulped hard when Kafka climbed into his lap, looking up at him with an almost taunting look. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she leaned in closer, pressing her head to his chest. “Your heart is racing, Bladie~ Cute.” Cute? He huffed quietly, allowing her to have his way with him for the moment. His heartrate definitely accelerated when Kafka lightly pushed him fully onto the mattress and connected her lips with his again.    Blade’s lips were notably soft, contrasting the cold and menacing words he spoke–when he did speak. Kafka felt honoured to be one of the select few that Blade would talk to regularly. She also felt honoured to be one of the two people in this universe to make Blade get excited… down there . She purposefully shifted so she’d be directly ontop of his erection, pulling away from the kiss only to pepper tinier, softer ones down Blade’s flushed face and down his neck. She grinned at how he shuddered under her touches. Already her oh-so-tough bodyguard was coming undone… and Kafka thought it’d be harder to break the man in. Maybe she’ d regret thinking that a little later. Not right now though. She was definitely going to enjoy the time she had with Blade in such a submissive state like this. “Mm, so Bladie. I do have to do a progress report on your physique.. Just so I know my bodyguard is, well, in the proper state to be guarding me.” The sweet lies dripped off her tongue like honey and Blade absolutely knew that she was just making an excuse–but that didn’t stop Blade from unbuttoning his shirt and then undressing the rest of his top half. Kafka stared in awe at the multiple scars littering Blade’s toned torso and arms in such… beautiful ways, honestly.  Kafka could recall the origins of all of them–from small scuffles to huge battles where Blade came to her rescue. How reckless of him.. How loyal of him. He was practically an obedient puppy sometimes! She smiled for seemingly no reason, before signalling for Blade to continue undressing.   He felt… exposed, under Kafka’s eyes. Yet at the same time he felt safe, and grounded to reality for once. No more overthinking or worrying about if he was good enough. Just him and Kafka, in her bedroom… With a raging boner in his pants thanks to her. His hands hesitated when he was going to unzip his fly, which Kafka ‘tsked at and leant down to his level. “Be a good boy, Bladie. Come on~” Oh. Blade was blushing as red as his eyes at this point, nodding shyly before undoing his fly and pulling his pants off. All that was left was his boxers, which were doing quite a poor job at constraining what was between his legs. Before Blade could even take his boxers off by himself, Kafka snaked a hand under the waistband of them and pulled them off in one go. Out sprung Blade’s cock, standing proud and tall. Unlike Blade, who shyly looked away as Kafka awed at his appearance in all its glory. Blade was definitely not small, but he wasn’t packing a monster in his pants either. His veins were prominent, especially when Kafka gave his cock an experimental pump. Blade pathetically thrusted into her hand, a shaky sigh leaving him.   “No more sighing, sweetheart~ I want to hear only good noises from you.” Kafka teased, leaning in to give a soft, wet kiss on the flushed tip of Blade’s cock. His pre was surprisingly not that salty, Kafka savouring the taste of him on her tongue before taking him into her mouth in one go. As much as Kafka would love to give Blade the best blowjob he’d ever have in his life—she had other plans in mind for him. Even if she’d kill to see Blade come undone just from her mouth.  He would definitely come undone from just something else though. She pulled off of his cock for a second, awing at how it pulsed a bit with need. The owner of it, well, he was still suppressing those sweet sounds of his, and Kafka certainly did not like that. She’d give him a reason to be louder, though. She leaned up to loom over Blade again, smirking at how dishevelled he looked already. “Poor thing.. We haven’t even gotten started, yet here you are, falling apart already. I thought you looked after your name well?” She chuckled at how Blade flushed harder at that. She knew reputation meant everything to him, so what would happen to his reputation if word got out that the cold, emotionless Blade was so pathetic and needy for his boss? Kafka enjoyed how much power she had–it was obvious from the slightly manical glint in her eyes. “Don’t worry, Bladie~ I’ll give you a new name for now.” She leaned in close, lips barely blushing against his. “You’re mine, Blade.”    The black-haired man never expected to be in this position. Nor did he expect that Kafka could read him like a book this entire time. It didn’t help that his dick obviously throbbed at her words, and that his heart was racing at a million miles per hour at this point. “I’m yours, Kafka.” He repeated, obedient as ever, and that seemed to make Kafka happy. Happy enough to give him a chaste kiss, the taste of his own pre lingering on his lips now and he couldn’t help but moan softly at how lewd that was. And Kafka, well, seemed to be really happy now that Blade was starting to ease into this a little more. “Don’t be quiet, Bladie~ I want to hear you.” Blade nodded in response, and then watched Kafka as she got off of him and headed to the side of the bed, where she left her briefcase. And as soon as she unclipped it and opened it up, Blade knew he definitely wasn’t going to be quiet soon enough. Instead of the usual assortment of guns, there was a harness, lube, and a rather large ink-black strap. Blade bit his bottom lip, a mix of nervousness and pure excitement racing through his body. On the outside though? He looked a bit scared, and for a good reason too. He had.. Never taken anything up there for a while. The last time he did he was still with Jing Yuan–no. He couldn’t keep thinking of him. Not when he was like this. So, he wondered how on Earth that rubber monster would fit in him. He knew Kafka would find a way but, he was still rather nervous.   “I’ll take good care of you, Blade, don’t worry.” It was like Kafka read Blade’s mind. He could see concern written all over his face, but that ebbed away into a look of desperation when Kafka reassured him. So she was’t going to waste any time–well, maybe she was, when an idea popped into her head. She sat Blade up properly, and climbed into his lap again. “Undress me, Blade.” She ordered, and those nimble, skilled hands immediately went to work on undoing the buttons of her shirt and unclasping the harness on her chest. He struggled a little with her stockings so Kafka decided to keep them on for now, as she didn’t want to keep Blade waiting for too long. After all, how could she deny her most loyal boy? She softly pecked him on the tip of his nose before fully taking her shirt off, revealing a black laced bra underneath–and her rather sizable bust. She could feel Blade staring, and blushed a little herself at that. “Like what you see, love? Keep undressing me, I didn’t say to stop.” The petname rolled naturally off her tongue, and thankfully it did–because Blade seemed to get even more flustered, his hands fumbling a bit with the clasps of Kafka’s bra. She wasn’t about to let him rip it off in frustration, so Kafka did it herself before tossing it to the side. And well, she definitely knew the answer to her question. Blade looked hungry . She better hurry up before he got any ideas about taking control over her. She shivered at how the cold breeze hit her skin and perked her nipples up, another idea coming to her mind which she’d definitely save for later.   Blade couldn’t even think of words to describe how beautiful Kafka looked. Her flawless, olive-toned skin, her crimson hair framing her gorgeously menacing face and her full, heavy boobs. Blade could honestly just stare at them for hours, at how perfect they were. He looked shyly at Kafka, and she nodded—even taking one of Blade’s hands gently and moving it to hold one of her boobs in the palm of his ahnd. He couldn't even hold it fully, taking in a shaky breath at how soft they felt. Blade would definitely use Kafka’s chest as makeshift pillows later tonight. He gave it a squeeze and savoured the soft moan that slipped from Kafka’s lips.   Kafka smirked at how Blade really did seem to enjoy this. Maybe she’d indulge him after she had her fun. She took Blade’s hand off of her chest, pressing kisses against his knuckles before laying him back down. She got up to take the goods out of the briefcase, taking her stockings off and then the rest of her pants as well, leaving her only in her black lace panties and garters. Blade’s gaze on her was enough for Kafka to start getting aroused herself. She ignored the growing wetness in her crotch for now, just wanting to reward Blade first before pleasuring herself. Expertly, she tied the harness around her waist with a click, and then fastened the dildo onto it. She awed at how Blade seemed so nervous, leaning over to lock lips with him again for a few moments. “Don’t worry, Blade. I’ll make you feel good, okay?~ And if you want to stop at any time, just tell me.” Her words seemed to ease Blade, the man nodding and relaxing fully onto the bed. Kafka smiled, satisfied that she was able to take the reigns fully now. She reached into her briefcase again to take out the bottle of lube, going to spread Blade’s legs so she had easy access to his rim. Blade seemed to be nervous again, but more… shy. Cute. Kafka thought, putting a dollop of lube on his hole and then spreading it evenly with all the care in the world. She didn’t want to hurt Blade after all. One hand went to comfortingly caress Blade’s toned thigh, barely grazing his needy shaft–while the other went to insert a finger into his tight entrance. And oh. It barely fit. Kafka chuckled softly, leaning to pepper kisses down Blade’s inner thigh and them gently placed some on his shaft, admiring how Blade bucked up into her touches yet again.   Blade let out a pitiful moan when Kafka added another finger, slowly but surely getting used to the feeling of being spread out like this. After all, it had been a while since he was in a position like this–but admittedly, he missed this. It was even better that Kafka was the one in charge. He loosened up quite a bit at that thought, hearing Kafka laugh quietly before she added a third finger. Blade obviously was getting impatient, giving Kafka a desperate look but wasn’t about to start begging. He never begged, and he wasn’t about to start—  “If you want me, Bladie, you have to beg.” Oh . He should’ve expected Kafka to say that. He shyly looked away from her, which earned him a soft slap on his inner thigh. His breath hitched in his throat, looking back at Kafka again and saw that familiar, sadistic glint in her eyes. Almost like a warning.  So… he decided to indulge Kafka. “..please, Kafka. I need you.” “In what way, Bladie, hm?” Blade blushed harder as he knew exactly what Kafka wanted to hear him say. That woman… She knew how to press all of his buttons and he let her, of course. “I– I need you inside, Kafka. Please.”   “Mm, I was looking more for you to beg me to fuck you, but I’ll take it~ You’ll be begging me to stop later, anyway.” Kafka said the last part in a hushed voice, but loud enough for Blade to shiver in a mix of fear and impatience. She chuckled softly, grabbing ahold of the bottle of lube again and took her fingers out of Blade’s hole for now. She awed at how his rim was flushed now, finding all of Blade absolutely adorable at this point–especially his neglected cock, that was needily dripping all over his toned stomach. She wanted to ruin Blade even more… So she wasn’t going to waste any time. She lathered her strap up with a generous amount of lube, before getting in between Blade’s legs and positioned them so his feet were over her shoulders. “Are you ready, Bladie?~” Blade nodded, and as much as Kafka wanted to tease him even more–she couldn’t wait to get started. She was also getting impatient herself after all. She slowly eased the tip of the strap into Blade, leaning in to kiss him in order to distract the man from the initial stretch. She shushed Blade softly when he let out a pitiful gasp when she slid further into him, moving a hand to caress his flushed cheek and pulled away from the kiss, just to kiss away some stray tears that spilled from Blade’s foggy eyes. She barely saw Blade cry, and felt some sick form of satisfaction that she was the reason for his tears. Suddenly, Kafka thrusted all the way in to the hilt, Blade sobbing quietly and Kafka smirked at his reaction. She decided to let Blade adjust to her size, moving his hands that were laying limply at his sides to go hold onto her soft chest again–to at least give Blade some comfort. Kafka moaned softly at how Blade fondled with her nipples, taking his boldness as a sign that Blade was ready.   As Kafka started moving, he grew more and more needy by the moment. His hands were firmly groping her boobs, letting out pitiful sound that he didn’t even know he was capable of making. He was so lost in his pleasure that he didn’t even realise Kafka reached for something else–a simple red rope she had laying around. Kafka moved Blade’s hands off of her chest, still thrusting hard into him before expertly tieing Blade’s hands above his head, and to the bedpost. Blade gave her a confused look, but his eyes widened when he saw what else Kafka had in her hand. One of the candles–in a beautiful red wax colour. Blade’s lips parted as he knew what was about to happen, taking in a laboured breath in between his pitiful moans. Those moans turned into pained whimpers when the wax dripped onto his abdomen, shuddering under Kafka–and practically had to be held still by her when a dollop of wax dropped onto his flushed cock. “P-please, no more.” Blade moaned, and thankfully Kafka gave him some mercy. The wax started solidifying on Blade, so thankfully those shocks of heat and pain went away–leaving a mess that he’d probably have to struggle with later. For now, he had to struggle with absolutely getting broken in–and he definitely wasn’t complaining. Especially when Kafka thrusted into that one spot that left Blade seeing stars. “Mmh– Kafka– please, please, more–” Blade choked out, and Kafka fondly looked down at him, before targeting that spot inside of him over, and over again. Blade felt his cock throbbing at this point, until suddenly, he cummed. Hard.   “Came untouched, hmm? Cute.” Kafka whispered, leaning in to kiss Blade and caress his cheek comfortingly. Almost like to reward him for being so good. She could tell Blade wanted to hold her, so she quickly went to untie Blade’s hands and let him do exactly that. Kafka also decided to give Blade’s ass a break, not pulling out but she stopped thrusting, just letting Blade come down from his high. When Blade did, he snuggled up close to her, nuzzling his head into Kafka’s soft boobs and she awed at him. Then Blade seemed to suddenly get an idea, looking nervously up at Kafka. “Oh, my sweet boy. No need to be so formal, after all, you were just moaning my name~ What is it?’ Kafka teased, and snickered at how Blade looked away shyly, before he suddenly flipped them around so Blade was ontop. Her strap slipped out of him, and Kafka smirked at how Blade cringed at being empty all of a sudden. She let Blade take over, for now , allowing him to undo the strap and her harness–appreciating how he set them neatly to the side neatly before feeling his hungry gaze focused on the wet spot on her panties. Maybe she came untouched too earlier… Kafka honestly couldn’t help herself, after all, Blade being submissive was definitely a sight to be seen. Now she’d see the other side of him–Blade getting in between her legs and gently taking the last piece of clothing off of her body. She shivered at the cold air that hit her dripping cunt all of a sudden, but still was focusing fully on Blade and how he seemed… nervous? “Never seen a pussy before, love?” Blade blushing hard and looking away gave her exactly the answer she needed. Kafka chuckled, moving into a more comfortable position and giving Blade easier access. “Trust your instincts, Bladie~ I know you’ll make me feel good.”   Blade honestly didn’t know where to start–but at the same time, he was desperate to make Kafka feel good. So he didnt hesitate to slip a finger into Kafka’s soft walls, gasping at how wet and soft she felt. His dick started to harden up again, wanting to replace his fingers with his cock–but at the same time, Kafka deserved to feel good too. So Blade did what Kafka said he should, trusting his instincts–and targetted her clit with his tongue. Blade had some idea of how to pleasure her, but never actually did anything like this. But Kafka’s fingers laced into his long hair, and she moaned softly, so he assumed he was doing something right. He added another finger, and then a third, wanting to see how fast he could make Kafka fall undone. His job only got easier when he found that spot inside of her, groaning at how Kafka tugged on his hair as she shuddered under him. He decided to start pumping his fingers in and out, faster and faster, and before he knew it Kafka gushed on her bedsheets and all over his hand. Blade immediately went to replace the fingers with his tongue, savouring the taste of Kafka on his tongue and oh . He could live between her legs forever, honestly, but now he had his little issue to deal with. His previously soft cock was at full mast now, but before he could even start jacking himself off, Kafka moved so she was on Blade’s lap, sitting him up as well.  He gave her a confused look, but his eyes practically rolled back and he held on tight to Kafka when she dropped herself onto his cock without warning.   “Oh, Bladie~ you’re so big.” Kafka moaned, already bouncing herself up and down Blade’s cock. The way the tip curved perfectly into her sweet spot–this definitely wouldn’t last long at all. She definitely wouldn’t last long either, kissing the beads of sweat away that dripped down from Blade’s face. He was definitely falling apart so quickly, and Kafka loved it. She then leaned in to place kisses all over Blade’s neck, over his adam's apple and down to his collarbone, before sucking small marks onto his skin. Blade whined, thrusting hard up into her and Kafka smirked against his skin. “Are you about to cum, Bladie?” Kafka mumbled, and received a desperate nod in response. With that, Kafka pulled off of Blade, moving so she could take him into her mouth, one of his hands moving to thrust back into his ass and target his prostrate. Blade came undone almost immediately, Kafka drinking down his cum and pulled off, giving him a sultry smirk. “Good boy, Blade. You did so good for me.” She praised, softly moaning as she had been getting herself off with her free hand. Now that both she and Blade were sated after all that just happened, she decided to take control again–climbing up the bed to kiss an exhausted Blade, who was still coming down from his high.   “Ah, there you are.” Kafka mumbled, and Blade ‘mmm’d in response. His brain was still a little fuzzy, but he just wanted to stay in Kafka’s arms now–and she seemed to catch onto that. She did pull away though to get a wet cloth, just to wipe the cum off herself and Blade, along with the hot wax. He shuddered a bit at the cold but warmed up immediately when Kafka spooned him, kissing Blade for the hundredth time that night. Blade couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “I never took you for the touchy type, Kafka.” He admitted, and she just smirked against his lips. “And I didn’t take you for the submissive type, Blade.” Ouch . Blade blushed hard, sighing as he reached for the covers to throw them over himself and Kafka. “So.. what are we now?” Blade mumbled, and Kafka just laughed a bit at him. “Whatever you want us to be, Blade. Though, I might have to promote you from my bodyguard~ Just so the others don’t get jealous.”  Blade turned over so he was facing Kafka now, leaning in to kiss her before smiling, nothing but happiness behind his red eyes. “Then… can I take you out tomorrow?” Kafka nodding made butterflies basically form in his stomach, cuddling up close to Kafka and rested his head against her chest.   Kafka held him close, humming comfortingly until Blade slowly but surely fell asleep in her arms. She leaned down to kiss the top of his head, mumbling a quiet “Goodnight, Bladie~” before falling asleep herself.   And well, maybe they should’ve locked the door, because her secretary definitely was going to hand in his resignation the next day after accidentally walking in on his boss and Blade doing the devil’s tango. At least Kafka had Blade now though, so she’d let her ex-secretary go peacefully.
One Million Photos of Your Smiling Face
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Photography, First Kiss, and second/third/fourth/fifth..., lots of kissing in general really
['migueloharasirlwifesband', 'jellycat_xo', 'divineAfterthought', 'sinfulshell', 'ageekywriter', 'Borty_0', 'lilylilac338', 'WhatAmIDoing_IDontKnow_ButHereIAm', 'TheShyDog', 'ErodiumsMnemic', 'R_Darkstorm', 'DrearySkies', 'karmachen', 'JalapenoPeppe', 'VillagerF', 'DragonRiderCVL', 'leafcereal', 'Mr_Medium_Fry', 'SalamanderMan22', 'TalaraNi', 'twicethetrash', 'FaintestSmile', 'AwesomeJarg', 'MITTENSLOVESKITTENS18', 'rubyakahs', 'randomsoulnix', 'LargeOctahedron', 'AceTempest', 'Go0s', 'Eggtaku', 'Blahblahblah', 'PK_Flunr', 'NamonakiYume', 'rainbow_bees', 'HaruHaruna', 'JusTaFictioN', 'help_im_alive', 'gaylittledaisy', 'CrystalRoseWrites', 'kaism', 'Lva', 'VIBE_Doge', 'appaisbestboy', 't3chn1c', 'Astra_116', 'DasaAria', 'Wolfie257', '00_Natsu_00', 'iwantgaycontent', 'DDracoshaa']
In a rare occasion aboard the Astral Express, March actually found herself in her room for once. She sat atop her bed, countless photos splayed out before her. She sorted idly through them, noting the absurd amount she’d taken recently, even by her own standards. She also couldn’t help but notice just how many of them featured the Astral Express’s newest passenger. With a shrug she figured she must just be happy to not be the newbie on board anymore. There was absolutely no other reason she could possibly have for having so many pictures of Stelle. Not a chance. As if on cue a knock came to her door, and without looking up March chimed, “Come in!” The door slid open to reveal the one and only girl March was just thinking of, and as she sprang up from her bed she asked, “Oh, Stelle! To what do I owe the pleasure?” “I was just coming to get you,” Stelle answered as she walked. “Mr. Yang said he wanted to…” Her train of thought derailed as her eyes wandered, landing on the countless screens on March’s wall, each playing slideshows of entirely different sets of photos. “Every time I come in here, your dedication to photography catches me off guard all over again,” she mused. March puffed her chest out, hands on her hip as she boasted, “Someone’s gotta preserve every memory we make on the Astral Express. I could even tell you exactly when I took each of these.” To prove her point she strided over to the wall, indicating a photo she took of herself and Dan Heng running with panicked expressions. “Look, this is one of the times Dan Heng and I had to flee for our lives after accidentally threatening to assassinate a foreign diplomat!” One of? mused Stelle, absentmindedly nodding along to March’s explanation. At least, until an idea spawned from the aether and wafted down into the cabin, landing directly in her noggin. “March, would you want me to join you in taking pictures?” “Would I?!” March asked in return, her eyes somehow shimmering even more than usual. “I keep trying to get everyone else to join me, but Himeko and Mr. Yang just laugh me off, and Dan Heng just goes ‘the archives are more than enough to keep all records of our adventures’.” Stelle suppressed a laugh at that last line being delivered in a dead ringer for Dan Heng’s typical flat tone, then slid her phone out of her pocket. Inspecting the lens on its back, she asked, “Would just using my phone be okay?” “I guess,” March pouted, “but next time we stop on a planet you gotta let me take you camera shopping!” Stelle nodded as she started to put her phone away, but March intercepted her, snatching her phone and holding it aloft. “In fact, since we’re officially photo buddies now, we should commemorate it by taking your first photo now!” “You can’t come up with a better term than ‘photo buddies’?” Stelle remarked, not resisting as March dragged her close despite her sass. “It’s a work in progress,” March retorted, one of her arms around Stelle’s waist. “Now, say cheese!” “Say what?” Stelle asked as her phone made a shutter snapping sound. The two were quick to inspect Stelle’s official first photo as March’s photo buddy (title pending). However, the picture in question caught the former in the midst of turning her head, the resulting blur making it look more like a cryptid sighting than anything. Stelle narrowed her eyes at the sight. “Should it look like that?” March laughed in response. “No, it’s because you were moving when I took the picture.” “Because you said something about cheese.” “Hm? Oh, ‘say cheese’ is what you say when you want people to know you’re taking the picture.” “But why cheese?” March shrugged. “Beats me.” Stelle’s eyes narrowed further, so much so it was a small wonder she could even still see the picture. “Can we delete this one?” “Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that! We can take another one, but this is a precious memory too.” “Doesn’t feel very precious right now.” “A lot of them don’t at first,” March admitted as she rubbed the back of her head. “Give it a bit of time.” The two sidled close together once more, ready to get it right that time. March made her cheese declaration once more, but this time Stelle was prepared and did not falter. What she did instead however was recall a specific thing March did in a lot of her photos. She wondered idly if there was some special reason for it, especially considering she never did it in photos with her. In the instant between March’s exclamation and her taking the photo, Stelle decided to try it for herself. And so that next photo of the two had Stelle kissing March on the cheek and the kiss’s recipient blushing furiously. March withdrew from Stelle, one hand cradling her cheek. She squeaked, “Where did that come from?” Stelle shrugged. “I’ve seen you do it all the time with the others in pictures, but not with me. I wanted to try it for myself.” Her mind still running a mile a minute, March vividly recalled every time she jokingly gave another member of the Astral Express a peck on the cheek in a picture. But considering Dan Heng would always flatly admonish her for it and anyone else would just laugh it off, she had never thought anything of it. But when it was with Stelle, much less her being on the receiving end… “Th– that was just– all those were…” she started, unable to admit she only ever did it to mess with her fellow trailblazers. “Is it some kind of picture-taking ritual?” “Th– that’s not–” “Does it only work when you’re the one doing it?” “Stelle, I’m trying to tell you…” “C’mon, try it on me now.” March’s words faded before the steadfast look in Stelle’s eyes, resolute in this conclusion she jumped to out of nowhere. The longer she stared into those golden eyes, the faster her heart beat, and the more words she felt being stripped out of her vocabulary. Her sigh was the signal to Stelle that her coaxing had worked, and with a small yet triumphant smile she held her phone aloft. March scooted back next to her, her lips puckering. She inched closer and closer to her face, and for as long as it took Stelle never once wavered, patiently awaiting the perfect moment to capture. And that moment came not one millisecond after March’s lips brushed her cheek. The instant the deed was done March turned away, cradling her intensely blushing face. All her thoughts were on whether she really did just that and why she was only so hesitant to do it with Stelle and why Stelle kept making her feel like this and– “This doesn’t look quite right,” Stelle mused, jolting March right out of her reverie. Looking over she asked, “What do you mean?” “Look how red your face is in this one. It isn’t with anyone else. We must’ve messed up the ritual somehow.” Still unable to admit it wasn’t any sort of ritual, March forced a laugh. “Dang, that’s unfortunate. Guess this whole experience will just be a funny memory then, huh?” “We should try again.” March froze, her face somehow reddening ever more. “Huh?” The cycle repeated countless times more. Stelle would insist on receiving this strange “ritual” from March. March would blush too intensely for whatever Stelle was looking for from it. She would have to calm her pounding heart down before trying again. She swore she ended up kissing Stelle upwards of a dozen times. By some miracle however she managed to get through one particular attempt without even a tinge of red on her face. “There, that looks good!” Stelle declared, gaze fixated on the picture on her phone screen. “Now that’s a memory worth preserving!” “I think we made a lot of those…” March muttered, averting her gaze and brushing a finger over her lips. Until she remembered something, that was. “Wait, what was that about Mr. Yang wanting to see me?” Stelle blinked. “Oh, yeah.” The two rushed to the parlor car and to the waiting Welt, who insisted he was not mad despite every indication to the contrary. They apologized as one, though Stelle’s vague explanations of why they were late and March’s refusal to elaborate upon them did not win them any favors. Despite that incident Welt’s reason for wanting to see March was fleeting and unimportant. As a result life on the Astral Express by and large returned to normal, with only a few minor ripples to the status quo. March saved every picture taken in her room in that moment. She found herself constantly looking over them in rapid succession while splayed on her bed. Every time she did she felt embarrassment mounting in her, but could not find it in herself to stop looking at them. Stelle also saved every one of those pictures. She had worried that she was laying it on a bit too thick with the playing dumb act. After all, would March have really believed that she had no idea what a kiss was? But all the pictures she so admired were clear indication that yes, she would have. And every moment Stelle idled away looking through those pictures again, she was thankful once more that her most ridiculous of lies was not exposed instantly. Unfortunately for Stelle, it didn’t take much longer than that to get exposed. Random small talk March made with other trailblazers blew Stelle’s scheme wide open, and the instant she found out she sought to unleash her righteous fury. Fortunately for Stelle, March’s righteous fury was quick to falter in the face of her own burgeoning affection. And although the moment did come with much petty squabbling and lovers’ quarreling, the two were quick to kiss and make up. Figuratively and literally.
Wound licking
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Dan Heng/Trailblazer
Male Trailblazer, March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, Angst, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Dan Heng, BAMF Caelus, Intimate Wound Cleaning, Himeko as the voice of reason
['indecisivescreams', 'Dipndot', 'a_sleepy_panda', 'HelloMrJones', 'ozzieenjoyer', 'llwydarawn', 'zoroweb', 'Coffeeish', 'LadyImago', 'DreamingDemon', 'XinruH', 'Fantasy_Eldritch', 'TheLoudlyHappy', 'sunzz', 'unLocked_boX', 'srvipers', 'Kunibram', 'Nverchnge', 'Malaruu', 'authortobias', 'minechin', 'prosopography_1', 'keepasecretgetastrawberry', 'PastelOcto', 'Otra_personita', 'YujiEatsFingerz', 'pkmocchi', 'UnicornConnor', 'insertnameheree', 'Weichkeks', 'justskin_bones', 'Silly_Hedgehog', 'YouCanChangeYourUserNameOnceEvery7Days', 'ZackTheFucker', 'petrichor_vellichor', 'feristocrat', 'sneaktheif441', '6cheesejackal9', 'ChewyPrestige', 'Craevis', 'baaiyiayoo', 'Queen_of_White_Lies', 'Babyblack69', 'MaRa_N', 'daechooqiu', 'Skyfallpug', 'klinklang', 'seoushi', 'Eraser_Mist', 'Beanmei']
Dan Heng’s composure was nigh unbreakable. He took his work very seriously and it just so happened that he wasn’t all that great at socialising, interacting, or being a normal human being apparently. That’s what March 7th thinks even if she won’t outwardly say it. He can tell from the way her boundless energy wanes every time he turns down her invitations to do just about anything. If he were normal, he might feel bad but he’s not, so he doesn’t. His pseudo-family is a manic compilation of the most eccentric and diverse personalities one could encounter and he counts himself as lucky that they have an entire train to hole up in. He was wary around Himeko because whilst she was pleasant enough on most days, she was still a formidable woman that demanded respect in her curt smiles. Her business and family personas were vastly different and Dan Heng struggled to reconcile well with either of them. She didn’t seem to mind all that much, so long as he got his work done there were no qualms between them. He didn’t see Welt as often as he would have liked, the austere calmness that the man exudes is something that Dan Heng appreciates even if his attempts to mimic it feel like a child copying their parents without fully understanding what was going on. He could never be as composed or authoritative as Welt but as long as he got his work done he didn't seem to have any issues. Others, most likely March, would begin to wonder as to whether Dan Heng existed purely for the sake of convenience. He rarely kicked up a fuss with his superiors and was regimental about his job; the definition of a perfect soldier.  He had no particular issues being paired up with March 7th on the scouting missions. From an objective point of view, it was logical - they were the youngest in the group and although Himeko would make sly comments about envying their youth, he had a sneaking feeling that she was perfectly content to drink tea and do admin from the comforts of the Astral Express. She was excitable and inspired and sweet, his only qualms were that they rarely got any work done.  “It can’t all be about work, Dan Heng,” March said, snapping a picture of the interior of the Herta space station.  “It can,” Dan Heng grit out. “In fact it is . We’re not getting paid to go sightseeing.” “Just be normal for once and take it all in!”  That shut him up. Normal . Just be normal. As if anyone on that wretched train was anything close to normal and yet Dan Heng was the most abnormal of them all. His heart seemed to ache and he rubbed his chest absently like he was trying to dislodge something that had caught in his rib cage. March hadn’t noticed and he held nothing against her but something about that stray comment had hurt him somehow and it worried him. It didn’t matter after that though. Nothing mattered after that. Because once he and March turned a corner and saw flaxen hair, unconscious, nothing had been the same again.  Barring Dan Heng’s mortifying introduction to Caelus, he was still unsure about how to act around him almost a week later. The discomfort was less of what it was like to talk to Himeko but more along the lines of ‘How do you actually interact normally with a guy you almost kissed and does he even remember and does it bother him as much as it bothers me?’ This was irritating for one of two reasons. Firstly, Dan Heng’s composure and secondly, the fact that Caelus had completely obliterated it. The shock of it all haunted him still and he was struggling to do his work, almost tearing his hair out in his room whilst Caelus, two doors down, remained completely oblivious.  It wasn’t just the near kiss that had thrown Dan Heng off. It was everything else that had come afterwards. There was no issue at first, Dan Heng was given a task to save this boy’s life and by God, he was going to do it because he always got the job done. It hadn’t been anything more but just as he was leaning in, March had let out a cry of surprise. Startled, Dan Heng’s eyes had flown wide open and all he saw were pools of amber staring back at him, bright and inquisitive and curious like a new-born. He felt a soft breath on his lips from a quiet exhalation and soft hair the colour of felled ash tickled his face.  “You’re awake!” March exclaimed and Dan Heng pulled back, rubbing at his chest furtively. His heart had started to ache again.      Caelus was something of an enigma. Literally. He was an anomaly and the product of a Stellaron. With March's support he stood with some difficulty, still disorientated and said that he knew and remembered nothing except for his name. Much later, Dan Heng would realise that this was a lie because late at night when he passed Caelus’ room he’d hear him tossing from a nightmare and he’d call out a very distinct, very recognisable name: Kafka. Over and over again until Dan Heng felt guilty for eavesdropping and quietly snuck away. It didn’t matter. March and her freakish intuition hadn’t picked up a threat and she still hadn’t months later, besides, it was a conversation Dan Heng didn't particularly care for. Asking why his friend was calling out a woman's name in the middle of the night was off-putting. God knows why.  In the beginning, Caelus had been very quiet. He still would be around strangers sometimes, he’d be meek and assessing and it would take a long time for him to finally open up but when he did he could light up a room. Dan Heng would eventually come to know this very well. Caelus was one of the funniest people he had ever met. Sometimes he’d bump Dan Heng’s shoulder and lean over to whisper something so absurd that Dan Heng would choke on his drink and when he turned to look, Caelus would be grinning at him and it was so devastatingly charming that Dan Heng would hide his face behind his drink and rub at his chest. But back then, Caelus was as silent as the grave and Dan Heng’s assumption was that he was still suffering from concussion. All the more reason to get back to safety fast, he didn’t want to endanger any other helpless citizens by carelessly running into the Antimatter Legion.  How wrong he had been about that . Several monsters emerged from the darkness, their plates of armour shifting and folding fluidly over one another with chitinous clinks. It had surprised them, but Dan Heng had recovered quickly, his resolve solidifying into pure focus. No more mistakes, no more fuss, he had a task to do. “Stand behind me,” he said to Caelus, bringing out his spear. “March, provide backup from a distance. Slow them down.” It was inevitable that they’d run into the Legion but Dan Heng had still held onto some foolish hope that their escape would be easy. No matter. He’d clear a path. Three of the Legion soldiers rushed him at once, launching from their powerful calves with incredible speed. Dan Heng narrowly dodged their onslaught with an agile twist of his trunk, ramming the point of his spear into the juncture of one soldier’s clavicle. He twisted again, shifting back onto his left foot. He pushed off, letting the momentum carry his spear into the second soldier’s breastplate then, with a swift pirouette, he struck once, powerfully and decisively, into the third just below the thigh and their leg almost came clean off. It all happened in a matter of seconds but he didn’t have time to think. There were more coming. March struck five of them with her bow, freezing them to the spot and Dan Heng lifted his spear again, charging back into the fray. He slid under the swing of a sword, coming up to one of the frozen soldiers and ducking behind it just as another blow cleaved straight through, sending shards of glistening ice raining down around them like rain. Using this as a distraction, Dan Heng straightened and leapt through the air as if carried by a breeze, his spear came down like thunder and pierced the armour, lancing straight through the soldier’s body until it folded in on itself with an inhumane scream. Another sword came swinging for his head before he had time to assume position so he parried sloppily and the force of the swing made him stagger. Quick as a flash, a soldier kicked him with the full length of their leg and whilst his spear caught the worst of it, Dan Heng was still sent flying backwards, skidding across the floor with a choked gasp.  He heard March scream his name but it was muted from the ringing in his ears. He must have hit his head when he made impact with the floor, and his ribs were either bruised or broken. He rolled onto his side, fingers digging into the ground as he fought and struggled for breath. He felt someone touching his shoulder and he grasped blindly for his spear until he realised that it was Caelus crouching next to him, filling his sight with the closeness of his face. He must have mistaken Dan Heng’s grasping hand for a sign of pain and he took it in his, holding it tightly.  “You okay?” Caelus asked and although his voice was quiet, it carried a soft tremble from concern. “Dan Heng- you’re bleeding.” With his free hand, Dan Heng swiped at his forehead and his fingers came away red. He wiped again and could feel blood trickling down through his hairline and into his eyes. It was bad. He was beginning to feel nauseatingly dizzy but still, he tried to sit up, using Caelus as a crutch but Caelus stopped him with a firm hand.  “Don’t.” He said and his voice was so gentle that Dan Heng could hardly object. “Stay still. I’ll take care of this.” How?! Dan Heng wanted to scream but all that came out was a pathetic groan, his head threatening to droop back into Caelus' cradling hand.. March was still fending off the approaching Legion but it was clear that she was going to get overwhelmed. Then, armed with nothing but the baseball bat that March had given him, Caelus took to the stage, exuding something like calm and like rage, a mixture of both that moved through his body like electricity. He planted his feet shoulder-width apart, firmly rooted to the ground and Dan Heng’s heart leapt into his throat when one of the soldiers came too close, their weapon coming down to crush Caelus’ head. There was a minute shift, the faintest of movements as Caelus moved his weight, it travelled up from his feet to his thighs, up his torso and into his arms. Dan Heng could see muscles rippling under his jacket and then Caelus was gone.  No. Not quite gone. He was moving, but it was so fast that Dan Heng could barely keep track with his eyes. Caelus and the remaining soldiers attacked each other like weasels and they all fought valiantly but one by one, the soldiers started to scream. And die.  Caelus was too quick for them, like a viper he ploughed through the Legion like they were nothing. He twisted his hips with one blow, putting his entire body into the swing and Dan Heng watched in stunned horror and awe as the soldier’s head bent at a 90-degree angle, snapping their neck and dropping to the floor in a clash of metal.  Dan Heng had never seen someone fight like that before. All his life he had been trained to move like the wind, to be light on his feet and to elude his opponents with movements that flowed into one another, to strike quickly and get out, to never be caught standing in one position for too long. Caelus was completely different and despite his unassuming stature, he was knocking down his foes one after another like they were glass bottles on a wall. He stood firm and hit hard, favouring strength over fluidity. It was ugly, brutal, and utterly mesmerising. He made a final, decisive move forward towards his last opponent and struck once, with a backswing so fast that his bat hummed through the air. It was an unorthodox move, Dan Heng would have been reprimanded for something like that because it leaves the defences wide open. But…there was something about this whole thing, the way that Caelus fought - it was like he didn’t care. He was someone who would sacrifice defence and self-preservation for a chance at the killing blow. The opponent parried with a wide stance and used the momentum to carry their sword up into an upper slash from the right, aiming for Caelus’ exposed ribs. The sword cut into him, slicing through his jacket and the tender skin underneath. A moment later there was blood blooming down his side like a paint spill. It surprised him, his mouth opening in a quiet huff of air. His balance was shaken and before he could recover the soldier was coming for him again with a wide diagonal blow.  Everything happened in a fraction of a second. March let out a furious cry and released an arrow, just as Dan Heng leapt to his feet, sweeping his spear into his hands and throwing it so hard that it upended him and sent him sprawling onto his front. He lifted his head, terrified that he had missed his mark but March was already there. Caelus was sitting on the floor as if he had fallen backwards and she was supporting him. In front of them, in a mangled, half-frozen heap, were the remains of the soldier. Dan Heng’s spear had pierced its faceplate and pinned it to the floor like a butterfly.  “Are you alright?!” He called out, pushing himself back onto his feet and staggering his way over. He almost collapsed in front of Caelus, his eyes scanning his face and then his wound. March’s hand was folded over Caelus’ which was already covered in red blood and both were pale and trembling but Caelus nodded once.  “Where did you even learn to fight like that?” March asked.  “Dunno,” Caelus said, shaking his head and then he quickly grimaced. The adrenaline must have worn off.  “What the hell were you thinking?” Dan Heng snapped. “Charging in by yourself like that- were you trying to get killed?” “Sorry, guess m’not much of a team player.” Then, as if to make an ironic joke, he kicked his bat which was lying at his feet.  “You’re an idiot,” Dan Heng said flatly, ignoring March’s chiding look to ‘be nice’. “You’re a fucking moron.” And Caelus, with perfectly convenient timing, nodded once and then swiftly fainted.      Since then, the three of them had been sent on countless recon missions together. Caelus never fainted again which told Dan Heng that either his wound had been worse than expected or he had been disorientated from just being born mere hours before their first meeting. That still baffled him but he tried not to question it too much, it just meant another abnormal addition to the already strange Astral family. Lack of history aside, Dan Heng was growing closer and closer to Caelus whether he liked it or not. He noticed more about him, how he seemed to grow stronger and more experienced with every fight they encountered. It got to the point where it was almost a game to him, he’d come up with goofy one-liners and then turn to Dan Heng with a smile as if he hadn’t just decapitated some poor soldier from a single swing of his bat.  He was still shy and quiet but also very touchy. It started subtly at first, like when he'd tap Dan Heng’s shoulder to get his attention instead of calling out his name. More recently he would lay the entire flat of his palm on the small of Dan Heng’s back and peek over his shoulder to see what he was reading or tinkering with. Dan Heng never questioned it and eventually, he learned to sense Caelus’ presence before even hearing or feeling his touch. Still, he feigned ignorance and would only respond when Caelus chose to make himself known. It was a matter of privacy; that's what he told himself. Any further reason that involved him actually enjoying Caelus' closeness were swiftly locked away in some deeper part of his brain, never to come to light. It was too confusing and too distracting from work. It wouldn't do anyone any good to dwell on it. Caelus also had a tendency to disappear. He would sometimes stand and observe relics, artifacts, or even the most mundane and ordinary of things like a street lamp, and he would just…go somewhere. Dan Heng would watch his eyes turn glassy as he retreated into some deep recess of his mind, his imagination carrying him to a distant world. He’d be practically unresponsive until Dan Heng lightly touched his shoulder to rouse him. Wake up. Come back to me. Then he’d shake his head and smile at him with a sheepish look of apology. His whole new-born nature hadn't faded with time either. From the first time Dan Heng looked into his eyes, he had seen limitless curiosity but now he saw more. He saw a fierce kind of intelligence behind them, one that he couldn't fully comprehend. It reminded him of Welt and Himeko, except Caelus was outwardly kind and unassuming. When he was stuck with a group of people he didn't know he, much like Dan Heng, wasn't one to initiate conversation. Both of them left the diplomatics to March and whilst she chatted away, Dan Heng would observe and Caelus would play video games on his phone. It was unmistakeable though, he was cleverer than he let on and Dan Heng doubted anyone outside of the Astral family knew the true extent of it. More than once he found himself watching Caelus out of the corner of his eye, wishing he could read his thoughts. He wanted to know him better and more intimately than anyone else. Then Caelus would shatter that illusion and do something stupid like hiding in closets, talking or petting inanimate objects or, much to Dan Heng’s dismay and March’s amusement, he'd go dumpster diving in broad daylight. Dan Heng need only take his eyes off of him for no more than five minutes and he'd return to find him elbow-deep in a trashcan, rooting around for God knows what. Then he’d turn to Dan Heng and smile, sheepishly, apologetically, and whatever scolding lecture Dan Heng had prepared would die on his tongue. So long as he does his job, Dan Heng thought, rubbing at his temples in despair. I can take anything. So long as he does his job. Caelus never failed in that respect and it was one of the many things that Dan Heng could really appreciate. When fighting with Caelus, Dan Heng felt near unstoppable, together they formed a powerful force to be reckoned with. But Caelus was just as reckless as the first time they had met, perhaps even more so. He would leave his defences wide open as he chased or set himself up for some absurd coup de grace. The better they got, the more anxious Dan Heng became, his composure threatening to crack with every miracle that Caelus pulled off. For every exposed body part, Dan Heng would push himself to no end to defend him. If Caelus was striking from the right, Dan Heng would cover his left and vice versa. Frustratingly, Dang Heng couldn't even chew him out after fights because most of the time they were perfect, moving in unison like dancers. The rare times that either one of them did get hurt, he'd be too overcome with concern to remember being angry. It was an rewarding but exhausting charade. It made his heart ache. For the very nights where things went awry, they had established a ritual. Most evenings, Caelus would enter Dan Heng’s room and they would look over each other for any scrapes or bruises and dress them for each other. It began months ago when Caelus’ first side wound had reopened. Instead of going to sickbay, he sought out Dan Heng and sat patiently whilst he scolded him for being careless. From there, it happened again and again: a cut on Dan Heng’s shoulder, a black eye when Caelus had taken a sore punch in the fight club. Perhaps it was sick, perhaps he was delusional. Normal people wouldn't revel in moments like that. The formality and intimacy of cutting away each other's clothing and pulling fabric away to inspect each other's bloodied cuts or broken bones. Dan Heng had started keeping med kits by his bed for that exact reason and night after night he started improving. He could map the scars on Caelus' back, the ones that he cleaned and stitched and swiped with alcoholic swabs. However psychotic it sounded, neither of them ever brought it up. For them, at least, it was something sacred and private, just the two of them and the whirring machinery of Dan Heng's room. It was as simple as eating breakfast together. This went on for weeks until it inevitably went wrong. After a particularly nasty fight, Dan Heng had sat down heavily on one of his speakers, trying to swallow his pained groans as Caelus focused on sewing his shoulder back together. He was quieter than usual and Dan Heng could tell from the crease in his brow that he was angry.  “Caelus?” He murmured, gathering his thoughts beyond the black haze of pain. "What's wrong?" Caelus scoffed, tugging harder on the thread than was necessary. Dan Heng winced. “Ow! That hurt , you idiot-” “Oh, I’ll show you hurt,” Caelus said and he tugged again.  “Fuck- stop that! What’s wrong with you?!” “What’s wrong with me?” Caelus shoved his other shoulder and Dan Heng turned around to look at him in anger and surprise. They fought often about this kind of thing but this time it was clearly different. This time Caelus was visibly distraught, more so than his usual degree of flippant concernment. His cheeks were red and his golden eyes were narrowed and shiny. In a terrible, trembling voice he said, "you were so so stupid today." “What?” “This,-” he gestured to Dan Heng’s torn shoulder “- it's bad. You shouldn't have- never jump out like that for me again. I had it covered.” “I was defending you! It’s not my fault you always leave your weak points exposed.” “Uh huh? And you thought being a human shield was a better option? You knew you wouldn't make it in time to protect both me and yourself.” “He would’ve killed you, Caelus!” “No,” Caelus said evenly, his expression was clouded with barely controlled fury. “He would’ve stabbed laterally into my lower left side, just by my spleen. Non-lethal. I said I had it covered.” Dan Heng looked at him in stunned silence. All of a sudden, his mind was startlingly clear, as if pieces of a puzzle had finally aligned. It explained Caelus’ reckless fighting style and the reason why he was so alright with being exposed. It was because he accounted for everything, he accounted for when and where Dan Heng would be and whether he’d be logically capable of covering him or not. This whole time, he was counting on taking hits.  “You…calculated something like that?” “Yeah, but I didn’t calculate you being a self-sacrificial idiot on the battlefield.” “Me? Self-sacrificial?” Dan Heng felt his infamous composure fray at the edges like someone had lit the edge of silk on fire. “You would’ve been long dead if it weren’t for me! You'd be a pin cushion!” “And I count on it,” Caelus replied. “I know what you think of me. You think I fight thoughtlessly. You think I'm naïve, but it’s because I can trust you that we’ve come out alive. You pulling shit like this? It’s fucking unpredictable. It fucks me up.” “Oh, it fucks you up? How do you think this makes me feel? Knowing you'd rather take a stab than just wait a beat and let me help? You- you…” “I what?” “You clearly don’t trust us at all!” Dan Heng blurted out. “If you can’t trust your team to help you win a fight without getting brutally hurt then what does it all mean? I did this because I care about you! Did you account for that, idiot?” “Care?” Caelus’ expression changed into something more hesitant, more vulnerable. Dan Heng didn’t know what to make of it. “Of course,” he said, confused. “You’re my friend.” “Ah,” Caelus intoned, his eyes settling into something defensive, “friend.” “Caelus, wh-” “Sew up your own fucking shoulder.” Caelus threw down the needle and stormed out of the room, slamming the door loudly behind him.       Caelus wasn’t around for breakfast and Dan Heng was feeling downright miserable. It was later than usual and it was only him and Himeko at the table. Himeko, as serene and beautiful as ever, sipped her tea whilst Dan Heng slouched in his seat, pushing his uneaten food around his plate. She eyed him carefully with a quirked eyebrow.  “Dan Heng.” He jolted in his seat, straightening his posture and schooling his expression. “Yes, ma’am?” “Forgive me if this is a breach of privacy but do I sense trouble in paradise?” “What do you mean?” She smiled over the rim of her teacup. “I’m talking about you and Caelus, of course. He left your room quite abruptly last night.” “It was just an argument,” Dan Heng said and then he shook his head, thoroughly confused. “Sorry can we- I’m…we’re not dating .” Himeko, to her credit, masked her surprise very well but it still showed in her wide eyes and her parted lips. “Really?” “What made you think that?”  “I just assumed…well he comes and goes from your room late at night and I suppose all of the physical touches-” “That’s normal,” Dan Heng refuted. “That’s how Caelus is.” “Right…but perhaps…do you find yourself liking him, Dan Heng? You were never one for acts of intimacy and yet it happens rather casually between you two.” Dan Heng furrowed his brow and spoke as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Of course I like him.” Who didn't? “Yes, and would you do what you do with him with anyone else?” “No.” “Ergo…?” “It’s because he’s Caelus. He’s my friend.” “Oh my god,” said Himeko, very softly. There was a long, painful silence between them which sent Dan Heng’s mind reeling. He felt like there was something very obvious in front of his face that he couldn’t see or put into perspective and it was making him feel very dense and embarrassed.  “Look,” Himeko said finally, setting down her cup. “Allow me to be upfront with you. I think Caelus likes you and whatever you two fought about last night has hurt him.” “Huh?” “I’m saying,” Himeko pushed very gently, “that you should talk to him.” Dan Heng felt his cheeks heat up and once again, his composure was cracking under Himeko’s stare. “Um…what? Why do you think he…” “It’s fairly obvious, I should think.” Is it?! Dan Heng thought, bordering on hysterical. “Who else knows? Or- or thinks?” “The residents of this train are rather limited, Dan Heng.” “Everyone?!” “Yes, dear,” she drawled. “All five of us. What a grand total.” Dan Heng didn’t know what to say. Never before in his life had he experienced such emotional whiplash in such a short amount of time. He rarely raised his voice, he rarely stuttered over his sentences, and he very rarely dealt with issues concerning love. He didn’t know what to do with himself except rub at his chest, where his heart had started hurting again. “Why?” He asked.  “Hm?” “Why…does he like me like that?” Himeko’s gaze softened and she looked down at her teacup, when she spoke it was more sympathetic. “Why do you say that, Dan Heng?” “Because I’m not normal,” he said despairingly. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I never even noticed he might...” “Are you being serious? Caelus was born a few months ago out of a Stellaron, someone cracked March out of a block of ice, and our train conductor is a talking rabbit.” “That’s not what I mean. I mean…I can’t think straight. I don’t know how to feel. I’m bad at feeling things.” “Dan Heng,-” he looked up at her, roused by her soft tone of voice, “-you don’t have to worry. What is ‘normal’ anyway? It’s the closest thing to mediocrity. That’s all. To be normal is to be entirely dull. I think that’s what draws Caelus to this family and to you in particular. It's for a reason so simple you'll kick yourself for not realising it sooner. He thinks you're wonderful. “Now go,” she commanded. “Go talk to him. He’s waiting for you.” Dan Heng didn’t need to be told twice. He was halfway out of his chair before Himeko had even finished talking.      He knocked on Caelus’ door several times before he finally answered. The door jerked open and Dan Heng almost fell forward, instead catching himself on the doorframe. He had never been so flustered, never worn his feelings so openly on his sleeve. Now he knew what Caelus felt everyday - to be utterly exposed and vulnerable in the face of life-changing danger.  “Caelus-” He looked tired and his amber eyes seemed dull and downcast. He wouldn’t look at him, instead fixing his gaze on the carpet by his feet. “I’m sorry,” he interrupted, and his voice was flat and quiet. It sounded distant like they were somehow back to being strangers. “I’m sorry for assuming things. This whole time I thought we were something else and it turns out we weren’t on the same page at all. I feel stupid.” “No-” “Do you even know what we were arguing about yesterday?” He asked, “why it hurt me so much to see you bleed like that? Or were we miles away from each other then as well?” “Yes, I know now,” Dan Heng insisted. “I didn’t know what I was feeling before but I know it now. I felt the same-” Caelus snorted incredulously but Dan Heng grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at him. Whatever he said now, he had to make sure that Caelus was hearing him. “Every single time we went into a fight I worried. I worried when you got hurt or when you left yourself open. It hurt me last night when you said you’d easily take hits. Your lack of care about your life hurt more than any of my wounds. Do you understand?” Caelus was unreadable and suddenly Dan Heng was overcome with fear and anxiety that his words wouldn’t be enough. That it was too little too late. “Please,” he said. “I got angry because I really do care about you. More than anyone else and I didn’t know what that feeling was. I need you to value your life more, to be more careful because I don’t think I can take that kind of pain. I’m scared of what you’re doing to me and how you make me feel.” Cavernous silence. Dan Heng let go and took a step back, taking in Caelus and everything that he was. His flaxen hair and amber eyes and his whole presence that had etched itself into Dan Heng's being. He considered that he might never have him, that they would go back to strangers and the thought terrified him. It made his heart ache so painfully that he could barely breathe.  “Please,” he said again, hoping the word could convey everything he was unable to say. Please don’t be distant. Come back to me. Please. And, as if compelled by his thoughts, Caelus finally moved. He stepped forward into Dan Heng’s space, took his face in his hands and kissed him. The final puzzle piece slotted into place and everything made sense. Months ago, when Dan Heng had the ‘almost-kiss’, something profound had been set in motion. Much like the myth of Ouroboros where the snake bites its own tail, a loop had started and finally closed at that very moment.  “Come in,” Caelus breathed when he finally pulled away. “Careful,” Dan Heng said breathlessly, half joking and half serious. “Apparently the walls are very thin here.” “I don’t care.”  Then Caelus dragged him into his room and slammed the door shut behind them.   
This isn’t the way to do CPR!!
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng/Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Oneshot, a drabble even, i just had brainrot, danheng main rn at least until jingyuan.., Not Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence
['Honeycloudress', 'wweareallmadhere17', 'Micheiii', 'Candy_4MA1', 'NovemberNZT', 'RainySho', 'Gohmi', 'Annkagehira', 'ladylune', 'Blanq', 'authortobias', 'WonJae', 'MightyAnubis', 'sleepy_macchi', 'meadowaries', 'insertnameheree', 'pumpkin_leaves', 'sangwoosbasement_69', 'TheOneWhoCanOnly_Dream', 'YaBoiTeeth', 'Jay_y', 'minanan', 'OmniMaiMage', 'II_Moonlight_Rose_II', 'Alekyra21', 'BloodySkies12', 'iLUVWnGJiii', 'LunarFerret', 'Char06', 'Crusty_Pancake', 'nyameyon', 'ms_stealyogirl', 'SodaforSouda', 'XxArantxaxX', 'Moooonrin', 'Toybionny1987', 'Reiler', 'HappySpider', 'JJY221', 'leo_corner', 'Tanaka_TT', 'Jamless_rose', 'EstherHozaki', 'Bookfish', 'ShipConnoisseur', 'KoiKuzushi', 'Nox_Scairbhin', 'Nichlasaj', 'Song_YaoYao', 'randomsoulnix']
Caelus wakes to the feeling of something soft pressing against his mouth, a tongue slipping past his lips to pry them open. A huff was pushed into him as his lungs filled with air, and he was suddenly very aware of what was happening to him. Startling awake, Caelus’s eyes were wide open as he gazed at the man opposite him, lips still glossy with saliva. “I can’t tell if that was mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or frenching,” A girl with pale hair narrows her eyebrows as she glances at the dark-haired male crouching in front of Caelus. He was still processing the fact that the man’s lips had felt soft and warm, the feeling of his tongue still resting heavily in his mouth. Anyways, don’t you usually use mouth-to-mouth for drowning patients?! He seemed inexperienced in the fields of first aid as well, which would explain the fact that the ‘rescue’ felt more like a make out session with a man he barely knew. The girl scoffs as she pushes the man in green aside, beaming at Caelus. “I’m March 7th, but you can just call me March!” Her arms grab Caelus’s shoulders, who answered the contact with a questioning furrow of his brows. “Aw, look, he misses you already, Dan Heng,” March giggles, elbowing the poor man in his ribs. Red tinged Dan Heng’s ears — barely enough to be noticeable, but noticeable nonetheless. Caelus smiles a little at the interaction, causing Dan Heng to redden further and turn away. “Caelus,” he props himself up onto his feet, dusting off specks of dust that had collected on him. “Caelus,” March rolls the syllabus of his name, crunching hard on the ‘C’. “How’d you get here? Where were you from?” March asks curiously, leading Caelus to the hallways toward the master control zone. Caelus frowns, but his past was something he struggled to remember, something out of reach and blurry. For all he knew, he could just be a vessel — an empty shell, just to hold the stellaron within him. Shaking his head, he looks at March who smiles awkwardly. “If you can’t remember then forget it, from now on, just know that we’re your friends!” Friends… Caelus looks to Dan Heng who was now observing him with a calm gaze, but when their eyes meet, Dan Heng averts his eyes quickly, much to Caelus’ amusement. All that thinking could come a little later, but for now, he could do with some water and a piping hot meal.
cupid interventions
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng & March 7th & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng/Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Matchmaker March 7th, Crushes, Pining, trailblazer x trash can is the real ship
['Cat_Communist', 'bandaged_butterfly_3206', 'GhostyShell', 'Taruchinator', 'numa_sein', 'Lizardstep', 'StayingUpTill4', 'Kyuuuuuu', 'hiimhereig', 'natadecoco19', 'HelloMrJones', 'cricket_moncher', 'Kurara66', 'moonlightevie', 'Veterlyn', 'T08Y', 'Hidden_Fox', 'youjustgottawaittofly', 'L3ssa', 'Honeycloudress', 'Omasko422', 'RainySho', 'cyix', 'Lilbon42', 'ikigaipark', 'Rllycoolperson', 'airo_plane', 'Germetel', 'LostWhore', 'lansegerine', 'Yuna_MK', 'kartwheeling_away', 'auxinue', 'BonnataSack', 'Nik_Mim', 'Zinph', 'Aharhel', 'stevnwebs', 'justskin_bones', 'best_usernam3', 'voxdivine', 'Frogs_are_candies', 'v4nta', 'smlspzhnkv', 'balladeersohng', 'Raeli_iluxsm', 'SuperNova2099', 'ozzieenjoyer', 'Soon_tobe_yesterday', 'adorozatorumary']
Travel between planets is a long and monotonous process. It’s a lengthy journey each time, so it’s to no surprise that March quickly finds herself deeply, terribly bored. Caelus is busy in Dan Heng’s room, presumably talking about books and whatever it is dudes like to talk about, so March retreats to her own room to find a new source of entertainment. She has plenty of stuff stashed away there—mostly little trinkets that she’d picked up while journeying on board the Express. Surely she’ll be able to find something capable of providing relief from the mundanity of her existence, no matter how temporary. So March reaches under her bed and finds a cylinder that she’d picked up on one of the planets from a past trailblazing expedition. It’d been a pretty busy adventure and they’d been in a rush to get to their next destination once it’d concluded, so she’d promptly forgotten about her purchase in all the excitement. March’s never had the opportunity to give a try, but now that there’s plenty of time, it’s a good opportunity to make sure it doesn’t go to waste. She uncaps the cylindrical container and shakes the contents out onto her bed—a capsule and a single arrow, tipped not with a metal point, but a soft red foam-like material in the shape of a squishy heart. There’s also a piece of paper containing instructions on its usage, but March ignores that for now. The merchant had already explained the arrow’s use to her—it’s meant to make people fall in love. What use did she foresee having for it at the time? Not much, really. But admittedly, she hadn’t been thinking particularly hard when she’d forked out the money for it—it was an impulse buy, and she’s truthfully rather prone to such things. The natural reaction would be to call such a thing a scam, and the merchant had seemed rather shady, but March had been pretty willing to suspend her disbelief. Taking chances was all part of the adventure process, after all. So when it came to an interesting arrow like that, she’d figured there was no harm in giving it a shot—literally. After all, with its effects purportedly lasting only twelve hours rather than anything permanent, it’d been marketed as being intended for nothing more than prank purposes. And what was the Express but a community of perfectly prank-able people? March studies her purchase, trying to recall how to use it. There’s also that fluid-filled capsule she’s supposed to dip the arrow in for it to work. All she knows is that she has to immerse a piece of human DNA-containing material into it, let it soak for a while, and apparently it’ll cause whoever’s hit by the arrow to develop a strong attraction to the owner of the DNA. How that’s supposed to work, March has no idea. But hey, she’s never been one to particularly concern herself with technological technicalities. More importantly... Who should she use the arrow on? Dan Heng is the immediate answer that jumps into her head, no extensive contemplation required. He’s always so uptight and serious, so it’d be hilarious to watch him be all smitten for once. Yup, the more March thinks about it, he’s the perfect target. Now, who should she make Dan Heng fall in love with? It’s a serious matter worth considering. Welt, for one, would likely not be amused about being involved. She gets plenty of lectures from Dan Heng already, but the difference is that Welt is intimidating. How about Himeko? Nah, but she’s far too busy to bother with a prank like this. And definitely not March herself—she doesn’t exactly want to have to deal with Dan Heng trying to get all kissy or whatever it is he’ll do when he’s in love. Gross. No... wouldn’t it be much funnier to play a prank on Caelus at the same time by having Dan Heng fall in love with him? She’d get to witness someone as serious as Dan Heng acting like a lovesick fool, and also get to watch Caelus struggle to fend off his affections. That’d give them all a good giggle. Great. Then that's settled. Now that she’s decided on the perfect candidate, the next step is to procure some of his DNA. So March slips into Caelus’s room and pokes around a little till she finds a loose strand of his hair lying around on his pillow. Just to be careful, she slips on a glove and holds the strand up to the light, confirming it to match the shade of his hair. Perfect, that will do. So March returns to her room, slips the strand into the fluid capsule and nods to herself. All set. Now she just has to wait an hour... A boring hour, nonetheless, but she thinks she can take a nap to pass the time.     With the arrow ready, March goes on a search for Dan Heng and finds him traversing one of the corridors, back conveniently turned to her. So March raises her bow, fits the arrow onto it and draws back the string. Now, March has plenty of experience with archery, so she isn’t worried about matters like aim accuracy. The real question is where to aim. Naturally, March thinks it’d make sense to go for the heart. It's a hunch of sorts, and she’s always been a believer of following her intuition. She lets the arrow fly. Dan Heng’s back stiffens abruptly when he’s hit, a natural response in his surprise from the impact. The arrow falls uselessly to the ground. Rather anticlimactically, to be honest. He turns around, a frown forming on his face as soon as he catches sight of her. “Sorry!” March grins at him sheepishly, waving her bow at him. “Uh, I was practising!” “Archery practice in a train, really?” There’s that signature expression of his—that special Dan Heng-esque look of exasperation. “I know you’re somewhat lacking in the common sense department, but I still would’ve thought you more reasonable than to try that in an indoor space.” Geez... he’s such a nag. “If it helps,” she says, “I wasn’t aiming for you. I was aiming for, uh,” she points to a random part of the wallpaper, “that flower over there.” Dan Heng’s eyes drift over to the region she’s referring to, which happens to be a good distance off to the side away from him. “You know what?” He shakes his head. “Practise all you want. You clearly need plenty of it.”     March pays extra attention to Dan Heng to see the results of her efforts. At first glance, Dan Heng's behaviour around Caelus appears completely normal. He’s serious and stoic as always, tone flat and no-nonsense. Where is all the swooning and the desperate declarations of affection? When is he going to fall to his knees and propose, or beg Caelus for a kiss? There's none of that, however. Only a substantial amount of eye rolling, as frequent as any other regular day. Naturally, she's disappointed. But now that March’s observing things closely, it’s easier to pick up on some little things that would typically escape her notice otherwise. The way Dan Heng’s gaze lingers on Caelus for a little too long than should be normal. The slight smile that forms on Dan Heng’s face so much more frequently with Caelus than when he’s in other company—a twitch of the lips so small it’d barely be considered a smile on anyone else’s face but Dan Heng’s. The way his cheeks burn when Caelus laughs and gets a little too physically affectionate with all the shoulder bumping and side hugs. So perhaps the arrow worked after all. It seems Dan Heng’s just really good at hiding it. Or at least, enough to escape the notice of anyone not paying attention. Too bad March is paying plenty of it. There’s also dinnertime. Usually March tends to settle her meals separately, but today she decides to join the boys, just so she can observe Dan Heng a little extra. “These eggs,” Caelus moans in delight as he stuffs his face full, cheeks puffed like a chipmunk. “They’re sho gooddd.” Dan Heng wordlessly transfers some of his portion onto Caelus’s plate. “Not a fan of eggs?” March casually slides into the conversation, trying to hold in her smirk. “Not particularly,” he says, which March knows is a lie after being on the Express with him for months. “You can have them all, if you want,” he tells Caelus. “Really?” It’s almost funny, the way Caelus lights up at something so simple. “You’re the best, man.” “Don’t chew with your mouth open,” is all Dan Heng says, sounding indifferent as always, but he doesn’t meet Caelus’ eyes. There also seems to be a slight rosy tinge to his face, so subtle it’s barely perceptible. March swallows a mouthful of food but fails to swallow her grin with it. Well, it’s a little disappointing that she won’t get to witness something dramatic and silly—Dan Heng fawning over Caelus and acting like a total lovesick idiot, to be specific—but whatever. It was a worthwhile attempt at entertainment, and this counts as a success in her book, even if it’s a small one.     The thing that strikes March with great puzzlement is how even after a whole day passes, Dan Heng remains all... feel-y around Caelus, in that weird Dan Heng way of his. He’s still giving Caelus all those glances, getting all those subtle blushes and giving Caelus all his food in the most pathetic courtship ritual March has ever witnessed. Hey, weren’t the effects of the arrow were supposed to wear off after twelve hours? Unless she’d heard the merchant wrongly? So March returns to her room and pulls out the cylinder again, this time going to retrieve the piece of paper containing instructions on its usage. Hmm, yup. Effects last twelve hours. She was right about that. But not about all of it, apparently. Because there’s a line further down there, specifying that the arrow’s foam tip needs to make direct skin contact with the target to allow for cutaneous absorption of the fluid. ...Huh. The arrow most certainly did not make direct skin contact—Dan Heng’s barely got an inch of skin on him exposed except for his face, neck and hands. So... It takes a while. But March sees the dots. And connect them she does. ...No way, March realises. Dan Heng’s had feelings for Caelus all along.     In truth, March has no idea when Dan Heng’s crush on Caelus began. A crush. Is that what this is? Dan Heng—having a crush? That’s just such an odd concept to wrap her head around. Normal people have crushes. Dan Heng is... well, he’s Dan Heng. She has a keen eye when it comes to beautiful things—it’s a big part of why she loves photography—with a tendency to focus on how an image looks as a whole; the literal big picture, so to speak. When it comes to the smaller details, however, she’s never really considered herself particularly observant. So Dan Heng, apparently a master of subtlety, had managed to hide his feelings for Caelus for who knows how long at this point, and she’s just started to realise this only now. It’s been a while since he'd joined the Express, and Dan Heng remains carefully guarded as ever. He's the kind with a wealth of secrets kept well-hidden, and apparently, this is another one of them. March thinks back to how she’d stopped Dan Heng from giving Caelus CPR back when they’d first found him back in Herta’s station. Man, now she kind of wishes she could kick herself.     March continues to observe him, because this revelation is honestly semi-fascinating. No... very fascinating. It’s funny at first, but it soon becomes... well, frustrating. Because months go by on the Express and nothing changes. You'd expect a confession by now, but it seems Dan Heng intends to take this secret to the grave, which is admittedly very on brand for someone like him. Once March started noticing Dan Heng acting like the quiet pining idiot that he is, she's been unable to stop. Sometimes she just wants to focus on their adventures or the task at hand, but it can be a bit difficult when Dan Heng keeps sending those overly drawn out, stupidly soft glances in Caelus's direction when he thinks no one is noticing.  What's even more ridiculous is how he looks at Caelus that way even when Caelus is doing the stupidest of things. His tolerance for nonsense appears to be raised a remarkable amount when it comes to the object of his affections. “You need to stop,” Dan Heng says, as Caelus removes the lid from what must be the seventh trash bin of the day. Yet another detour from their mission. “It’s unsanitary.” “But there might be treasure,” Caelus says, peering inside with the poorly-contained excitement of a five-year-old unwrapping a present. March honestly wonders what goes on in his head. Honestly, sometimes she thinks she’d probably be better off not knowing. Her gaze slides to the side to Dan Heng’s face instead. He’s currently watching Caelus raid the rubbish bin with eyes that clearly spell exasperation. And yet there’s that slight little curve to his lips—the kind that she rarely sees on Dan Heng's face. The kind March would almost consider affectionate. March glances over to witness Caelus in all his trash-raiding glory herself, and honestly fails to find any charm in such behaviour. In fact, she finds it rather gross. Still, that silly little look remains on Dan Heng’s face.  This is ridiculous, March decides. Boy’s got it baddd.  
don’t bring it up!
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng & Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th & Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Ficlet, Humor, Embarrassment, Teasing, the herta space station cpr incident, using caelus bc I picked him, and I think it’s funnier
['Oh_Morrow', 'seitennosinker', 'jongdaddy', 'Babyblack69', 'Salatur', 'Sr_PringleProngle', 'Krownika', 'OmniMaiMage', 'BloodySkies12', 'Potatovermillion', 'Koriiney', 'Salmon_Ahumado', 'JJY221', 'Sharksterr', '310nip', 'Rin_Hawaki', 'randomsoulnix', 'Player_Nic', 'Basic_Potato', 'ichigohaatsu', 's_cappu', 'rvzen', 'Schatt', 'BGcharater', 'PrincessJVio', 'soup_with_broccoli', 'BalVerZar', 'Moon_Gardenia', 'Mellanien', 'H_Faith_Marr', 'galaxy_pegasus', 'Dataco125', 'Predy1', 'akarial27', 'FaeFei_14', 'cinnamo0n', 'ENDMii', 'NightLightSky', 'TexStudmister', 'ace_but_here_for_the_gay', 'Ichigo_Kitsune', 'Riad_NeedSleep_ls', 'JustALazyBish', 'HaruxLD23', 'clouded_glory', 'Crystidnight', 'Qwertson', 'Blink_Ink_Quill', 'thePerfectSon_MightyWarrior', 'akumainoue']
Once everyone was settled on the Astral Express, Himeko decided to pay Dan Heng a visit. He had been acting reserved and even a bit flustered the entire way back, even both during and after all the mishaps along the way. The reserved part was normal, albeit but the flustered? Completely out of character. She intended to find out why.   Dan Heng was in his room, as per usual. However, March was with him, grinning and teasing him about something.   “I can’t believe you—“   “Don’t bring it up!” Dan Heng shouted before clearing his throat. “Uh, really, March, just leave it be. It’s in the past—oh, Himeko…”   It appeared Himeko had been noticed. She moved from the doorway to the interior of his room and tilted her head slightly. “May I ask what you two are talking about?”   “Sure!” March piped up.   “No!” Dan Heng yelled. That made two times he did something that was absolutely not normal for him. “It’s nothing, Himeko, just ignore March—“   “He almost gave Caelus mouth to mouth CPR when he was awake!” March spoke over him.   Dan Heng covered his face with his hands, and Himeko had no doubt his face was flushed red. March seemed to think that this was hilarious, and Himeko was inclined to agree, but for Dan Heng’s sake she chose to keep quiet on the matter.   “Oh, is that it?” Himeko chose to say instead. “That’s hardly something to tease him about, March. Happens to the best of us.” She turned her gaze over to Dan Heng, who had gone from hiding his face to glaring at March for running her mouth. “No need to be embarrassed, Dan Heng. Chances are Caelus has already forgotten all about it. March, leave him be and go to sleep. It’s too late for this.”   March huffed and left the room. Himeko soon followed, bidding Dan Heng good night before she did so. She doubted that Caelus really did remember the CPR incident after everything that had happened, and she figured that Dan Heng would soon be over his embarrassment and back to normal in no time.   But by the look on both his and Caelus’s faces the next day, neither of them had actually forgotten about it… that, or March brought it up again.   Yet another mishap on the Astral Express.
New found fondness?
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
stelle, Female MC - Freeform, Fluff, semi-confessions, theyre lesbians your honour, they're so cute, laying in bed tgt
['ageekywriter', 'ErodiumsMnemic', 'JalapenoPeppe', 'MITTENSLOVESKITTENS18', 'AwesomeJarg', 'gaylittledaisy', 'Blue1314', 'NAECad', 'DasaAria', 't3chn1c', 'TheSinner11979', 'anemxnic', 'Justarandohere', 'Jas_410', 'AntlersPotato', 'cincygirl2301', 'edencamehome', 'AKIthenoob', 'legopenguin2', 'wanderinghyperfixator', 'DashingViridian', 'ObtainableGoose', 'the_blonde_girl', 'SmallCPU', 'Chaosensured', 'Simpchasm_Nyx', 'Peri_Peri', 'Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'moarcmorejan', 'UnionOfPast', 'Asure_Zero', 'kinj0', 'Kotofeila', 'Darlma', 'howtobesleepdeprived', 'superpotstickers', 'ExcaliburLaw', 'otwandomova', 'Lasoona', 'Lunamme', 'ShinigamiHolo', 'simplykyla', 'mutecygnet', 'vinvince', 'Gatex', 'KakumeiNoHi', 'Halfofakleinbottle', 'hoontor', 'K4zuhiko', 'cynossimp']
__________ The door to March's room burst open, and a tired March stormed in, sighing in contentment to be back in her room. Stelle silently trailed behind, she was tired, of course. However, the urge to stay with March was heavier than her exhausted body. "Ah! It's nice to be back home!" March exclaimed, back facing Stelle, she gave herself a long and good body stretch, exciting the eyes of Stelle. After stretching, March turned around and was surprised that Stelle was still following her. "Stelle? What are you doing here? Don't you have your own room now?" March asked, putting her hands on her hips. Stelle didn't answer, instead, her eyes focused on her bed, half folded and half not. March watched as Stelle suddenly moved towards her bed and got under the covers, claiming the bed as her own. Laying on her side, back facing March. "H-Hey! That's my bed! Go to your own bed!" March huffed, walking over to Stelle and trying to pull her off her bed. "No! I'm comfy already." Stelle replied, resisting March's attempts to pull her off. "This is my bed! Get off before I- woah!" Before March could finish, Stelle grabbed her arm and pulled her in, causing to March lose her balance and fall vertically onto the bed. "Fix your position, and rest." Stelle said nonchalantly, snuggling herself back under the covers. March grumbles to herself out of annoyance and positions herself correctly, laying next to Stelle. March was then overwhelmed by the softness and the comfort her bed provided her, her body going into full shut down as the familiar mattress surrounded her body. The whole mission had exhausted her, Stelle included. She was glad to finally enjoy her bed for once. "Comfy?" Stelle asked softly. "Y-Yea..." March agreed. Despite the comfort her bed brought to her, there was something else that felt unfamiliar, the figure resting in her bed right beside her. Realisation dawned over March, however, she was too tired to get flustered at the thought of Stelle being in HER bed with her. Instead, she accepted it, she'll worry about that the next morning. March then hears shuffling coming from beside her, turning her head, she sees Stelle readjusting herself, turning herself to lie on her back, eyes still open and looking at her galaxy ceiling. The two stayed in a comfortable silence, both resting in March's bed and each other's company. "You can take a picture since you're staring at me so much. I know you like taking pictures." Stelle suddenly spoke after a long moment of silence, catching March off guard. "I-I, Whatever!" March flushed, pulling the covers over her slightly tinted cheeks, hearing Stelle chuckle lightly. "I like your ceiling, it's really pretty." Stelle commented. "Thanks." "Pretty, like you." Stelle continued. "H-Hey! Cut it out, would you?!" March exclaimed, hitting Stelle's shoulder lightly, huffing as the red tint on her cheeks grew. Stelle chuckled louder before sighing in contentment. "This mission we had..." Stelle started, March lowered her covers slightly and awaited what she had to say. "It's my first one, and what an outcome it turned out to be." Stelle continued. "I agree. Cocolia was so headstrong on her decision, I hope Bronya is doing alright." March sighed. "I'm sure she is, she was Seele on her side. The two can do wonders together." "Say..." March spoke hesitantly, unsure of how to phrase her question properly, everything happened quickly, it was hard to grasp. Stelle hummed in response, signalling her to continue. "I saw you got impaled, but somehow you came back with a cool weapon and all that, what happened?" March asked. Stelle took a moment to think, before simply shrugging. "I don't know either, I was in some universe, I talked to some guardian, pulled out the weapon and I came back. I guess I got revived." Stelle explained. "I guess I can say I took a bullet for you, twice." March huffed and punched Stelle once again for her last remark, her heart started to sting for some reason, the thought of losing Stelle? She couldn't bare that, and they've only just met a few days ago! "Don't do that again! I don't know how many revives you have, but please don't be reckless! I...I don't want to lose you." March quickly looked away, after spilling her thoughts to Stelle, she couldn't bear to look at her at the moment. Stelle felt her heart race after hearing March's words. Stelle was confused about her feelings for March, She was extremely, of course. However, Stelle would never hesitate to save March, no matter if she couldn't revive back, she would save her. Every time Stelle looks at March, she feels content and safe, her heart would race every time they made eye contact, and she would unintentionally try to follow March where ever she goes, which was how she ended up here in March's bed in the first place. Stelle decided to shift again, turning herself this time towards March, who was already staring at her, making her cheeks flush. Pushing her racing heart aside, Stelle smiled fondly at March as she slowly shuffled closer, not wanting March to get uncomfortable. March continued staring, however, not minding the growing closest. "You will never lose me, March. I'm a part of the Astral Express now, I will always be by your side. I'd do missions with no one else but with you." Stelle comforted. March smiled wider, fully letting her heart race, but she didn't respond. Instead, she shuffled closer. Stelle's breath hitched slightly as March's head was almost against her chest, the two lay there, at a small distance. Both wanted to move closer yet were terrified of what the other would think. So they stayed still, both feeling the stiffness of one another. "You know," March started. "You just joined the express. But I have a feeling that you and I are going to be extremely close." "Oh? I think so too." Stelle paused. "Out of everyone here, besides Pom-pom. I like you the most." "I...I like you too." There was no need to say anything else, no words were needed to say at that moment. Their hearts spoke more than what they expressed, but maybe one day, their feelings would further blossom into something else. The two indulged in each other's company for the night, maybe in the future, they'll indulge in each other's embrace.   __________ i love these 2 sm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!
what Bladie wants, Bladie gets
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Masturbation, Accidental Voyeurism, that turns into an invite?, Foreplay, but it's like separated, Attempt at Humor, Oneshot, Stellaron Hunters, Mild Spoilers, Chapter 2 contains the actual explicit sexual content, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sexual Tension, Vaginal Sex, Men Whimpering, Begging, Mating Press, Co-workers Fucking, Brat-taming but only if you squint, The Author Feels Lukewarm By Their Creation
['treeswithcherrys', 'Naberius_Irene', 'smeepystar', 'Sporkie', 'Deladral', 'JustMiro', 'formeforthemforyou', 'greenteatee', 'raccoonsonelove', 'Shannonigans98', 'mortalcreator', 'Phantom_Lycoris', 'tq_yuval', 'siaglass', 'imsickandsadnow', 'zLiMeu', 'Leina_al', 'SpicyBunny', 'Tsunyami', 'kelutajasmin', 'gunshotkitty', 'grqvure', 'Arty_drawinng', 'Sammantha_20', 'aluillosa', 'YaoiDragon', 'MaRa_N', 'byrdiebytes', 'Zephyraes', 'Aylnia', 'trashy_ebi', 'Gwavy', 'Litkes', 'StrawberryPaladin', 'Keanzbeez', 'ddumGum', 'WorriedSugar', 'parcar', 'yvelk', 'riotcloud', 'Catqueen094', 'Pizzaat7', 'Iroxis', 'gloomymomiji', 'Sspacejelly', 'Reve_luci', 'Cal_L_Writes', 'kit_katzen', 'rinnthepaladin', 'campanulasins']
  “You going to fuck him?”   You choked, giving Kafka a glare that only made her permanent smile grow wider, fiercer.   “No,” You mutter, shaking your head, and looking down at your meal that suddenly seemed too large, too greasy, and largely unappealing, before shooting your head back to glower at her. “Where the hell did you get that from?”   “Hm,” She hums, watching Blade train out of the corner of her eye. “He’s been watching us-” She turns back toward you with a look in her eye that if you were any lesser of a hunter would send you shivering. “Specifically, watching you.”   As you process those words, Kafka meanders her way over towards your meal, not so subtly taking a bite. “I know you’re not stupid, not sure why you’re trying to pretend otherwise,” She chomps her way through it as a slow, but sure unease seeps its way through you. “But you and I both know; what Bladie wants, Bladie gets.”     When you first joined the Stellaron Hunters, Kafka took you under her wing. Her reasoning for which could be summed up as: “I was feeling bored.”   How you met Blade was another situation entirely; an encounter, and a clash of swords on a planet that only heard the dead mourn; it was a world Blade was entirely too familiar with, at home even, and you, the lights of Aeons shimmering underneath your feet.   To be clear, it was a mistake that the both of you were sent out to the same world to retrieve the same stellaron, a mistake that Kafka laughed off, and shrugged, smiling: “You didn’t kill each other, did you?”   You didn’t but the incident left a mark on whatever… relationship the two of you would have.   Because there was always that look in his eyes; a hunger for something as woven, interconnected, and observed as you; a hunger for something his broken mind, body, and soul would never obtain.   But in his dreams, he could.     And that, unfortunately, left you here.   Shaking outside of Blade’s room. A room that wasn’t - as you expected - soundless.   Rather, there were quite a number of loud moans emanating from his room.   Oh my god, your jaw dropped as your eyes bulged out of your head, was he fucking someone???   As if in response, another groan was heard, a groan that petrified you. Because, surely, if he were fucking someone (as crude as that sounded) they would’ve been moaning too. Right??   Because, you presumed at least, he was good in bed. Right???   You weren’t sure what made you more nauseous. The thought process you just had, the thought Blade wasn’t good in bed, or the fact that hey! You’re standing right outside your co-workers’ bedroom right after you just very innocently wanted to talk about the next cooperative world Kafka was going to undoubtedly drag the both of you on. Now, you’re here.   Isn’t this creepy?  You shake yourself out of your daze and refuse the growing heat between your legs, and your heartbeat that continued to grow. He’s just… jerking off. Having fun. Poaching the egg. This is normal. Walk away.   And you do.   Until you hear your name coming from his voice.   “Please,” Oh my god. “Fuck- I need you,” A shuffle from the room. “So fucking bad.” Another groan.   And you’re fucked. Because now it’s personal. Because the stupid, hot co-worker imagined you while he was fucking into his fist. Because you, unbeknownst to him, heard it. Because - and here’s the kicker - it’s turning you on.   There were a few options open to you; you could, like a normal person, walk away. Or you could knock politely, and ask him to stop (which being honest, was only an option to make yourself feel better for the last option). Or, y’know, you could join him.   Why the fuck did you want to join him so badly?   He says your name again, this time too clearly. Worryingly clear. Nothing like the clouded lust a few minutes before, nothing like the desperate whimpers that if you leaned closely could you here - it felt sober, it felt real, it felt like he was standing right on the other side of that door, looking through it and into you.   It felt like a challenge.   And by every groan, moan, whimper, and pleading of your name were you ever so closer to taking that challenge.   You step closer to the door, almost subconsciously yet keenly aware of your body’s reactions. And as you stop at the door, inches away - you know it.   He was right there.   You could hear the heavy exhale, the shuddering inhales, and the mind-numbing sound that was his palm slick, and sliding up, and down, up, and down on what you could only presume (hope) was his cock.   You wondered if the sound of him thrusting into you would be nearly as erotic.   “You,” Your body (and heartbeat) jumped at the sound of his ragged, too-close voice. “You’re just gonna sit out there and tease me huh?” You froze, almost entirely taken with his voice, your body, and his body, and just how damn close-    The door unlocks.   “Join me.”   Get fucked idiot (See the end of the chapter for notes.)   Blade wasn’t a kind lover. Even in bed, he took the motto show no weaknesses too seriously, with the only time he ever became ‘soft’ was when his stamina finally depleted, and he sat at the end of the bed, naked shoulders hunched and drooped as if he was just exhausted. Not at you; rather, something deeper, heavier. Something your eyes would never see.   Maybe that’s why he indulged in you so heavily, so roughly, and wholly. Sweeping grand gestures on your curves, as his large palm arched and his nails began making their mark, his lips following soon after.   He was the type of lover that’d eat you whole and spit you out if you weren’t his favorite flavor.   Fortunately (or unfortunately), you were.     “Fuck,” You gasped, back arching, hips jolting forward as another wave of pleasure coursed through you. “You can, uh, slow down, y’know?”     Blade didn’t respond for a few seconds, too immersed in the sweet indulgences of your weeping cunt. Once he finally went up for air - the lower half of his face absolutely dripping with fluids - he frowned. “No.”   Well, okay. You didn’t even have time to respond as he dove back down, this time targeting your clit and you saw stars, hands pulling at his hair for a semblance of grounding.   As he continued, one of his hands went to scissor you. The pressure only added to the building tightness in your core, and he could feel it, pulling back up just to marvel at your cunt sucking his fingers in.     His eyes turned toward you. “You’re a whore.”      You should’ve been humiliated. Should’ve kicked him in the side, and brought up the embarrassing moments that made your desperation seem pathetic. Should’ve dominated him, made him beg for an inch of your cunt like the man he was.   Instead, you whimpered.   And Blade’s eyes widened as if broken bits that were his mind were just fragmented further.   Suffice it to say, he lost control.     “You-” With a speed you could hardly see, he threw your legs over his shoulders, pressing his hot, hard cock against your cunt. He was smirking lasciviously, a glint in his eyes that only made you more excited. “What a fucking slut.”     Blade wasn’t a kind lover, not at all.    And there wasn’t a better example for it than when he fucked you.   Folding you into a mating press; to say he was rough would be an understatement. It was brutal, merciless fucking; almost unfair.    Head thrown back, mouth open, and singing his praises as tears sprang up from your eyes. Tears that he licked, kissed, and fucked you just a little harder for. You clenched down harder onto him at the action, him groaning at the feeling.   One of his hands tightens its hold on your hip, undoubtedly leaving a bruise as the other holds himself up, sweat dripping down his naked body as haggard breaths, groans, and moans come from him. He was going to lose it soon. It was clear in the way his eyes flitted from your face to the crude union between the both of you.   Not like you weren’t any farther from cumming. Every second was a ruthless thrust inside you, the sweetest spots inside you being hit every time. It was almost too much, and as you meet eyes with Blade, you could tell it was mutual.     “Blade,” You moan, digging your hands into his long hair, him groaning at the action. “Please.”     “What?” He teased, keeping up the insane speed with little to no difficulty, and in your somewhat lucid mind, you considered it bragging. “Be clear.”     “I-” You looked away, you could feel the embarrassment rolling off you. Begging him? “Can’t we negotia-” Then, rather abrasively, he began stroking your clit. “Please, please, please let me cum. Please, Blade.”     “Good job,” He says, actually smiling for the first time that night. “You’re so,” One mind-blowing hard thrust. “Fucking,” Another mind-blowing hard thrust. “Good for me.” And you cum.     You’re sure you saw the Aeons behind your eyes, as your back arched, body tightened, and released at once; and you most definitely left a lasting scar on Blade’s back; a new scar for his admirers to worry over.   And not long after, he cums inside you, panting with his eyes closed as his cock twitches inside your still-recovering cunt.     “God,” You mutter, Blade not reacting toward your wide-eyed, arms splayed out position. “What was up with you today?”     Blade huffs, pulling out with an almost unnoticeable wince. “I made you cum 5 times, and you ask how I’m doing?”      “Uh, yeah,” You roll your eyes, rolling onto your stomach, waiting for him to clean you up. “Usually you make me cum 6 times.”     He stops, clenching the wet towel a little tighter before turning toward you, looking at you with a glint in his eyes. “Is that a challenge?”     What you should’ve said? No.     You smile, eyes quickly flitting down to his half-hard cock. “Sure.”     “So,” Kafka starts rather abruptly, one leg crossed over the other. “You fucked him?”     You deadpan at her, receiving only a pleasant grin. “Why is this our topic of conversation these days?”     “‘Cause,” Kafka nods her head toward Blade who was glowering at a wall. “He’s been cheerier as of late,” She turns back toward you, sporting a smile that made you contemplate just leaving the room. “So, what’d you do? Did you-” Kafka proceeded to do some rather obscene hand gestures.     “Oh my god. What is wrong with you?” You ask, truly in some strange mixture of awe and disgust, and to add even more to your feelings, Blade walked over. Frowning as always.     “What did you do?” He asked, looking at the two of you with his arms crossed, and you pleaded with your eyes for Kafka to shut up.     “Yeahhh,” Kafka slinks back toward you, grin ever widening. “What did you do?”     “We… did stuff…?” Later that night, only to the knowledge of you, Blade, and a few unlucky (lucky?) night guards was the fact that the only stuff that was being done was you.   1800 words of almost entirely of filth. Finishing this at 4 AM, and entirely unedited!
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Honkai: Star Rail Spoilers, Light Dom/sub, Cunnilingus, Dragon Dan Heng
['alexxir', 'catdownthestreet', 'DatPersonaUser', 'probablypadders', 'ladymorgana', 'twofacedangels', 'gogenshiki', 'TimeTravler777master', 'JuliaRangel', 'dontneedawifeneedaman', 'Hellie_shie', 'Starry_roses', 'wishtobefictional', 'w_dana', 'Tataby_Cat', 'ShadowWolf69', 'DecipherADragon', 'Linny_Milly', 'raging_nerd', 'SakanaKana', 'kerhoeppi', 'wanewine', 'PrincessNymphette', 'Bloom_The_Neko', 'webelieve', 'Bitchwhatami', 'lunaminary', 'blinvinsh', 'mauliya', 'LargeHits', 'chardziller', 'efthelia', 'yelanshusband', 'SuRule34', 'shozuro', 'touanz', 'burkholderia', 'cherrybae', 'Dara_Marinete', 'DrunkOnTheAMs', 'bella_donna418', 'JustKazuha', 'littlebutterflyexplores42', 'cuesse', 'sanguinemoon', 'eb223', 'notmaple', 'ryesstl', 'pixel_wolf', 'Red_Glowing_Cinder']
His tongue is soft—velvet, even, as it makes its way up her thigh, slow and dragging. Longer than it is in Dan Heng’s human form, too, and March can’t help but shiver as he nears her heat. “Dan Heng,” she breathes, a silent plea, only for her lover to pull away entirely. “Dan Heng!” “March,” he says, and his voice is so soft and loving that she can’t even be upset with him for stopping. “Tell me what you want.” “You know what I want,” she insists, feeling her cheeks go a bit red as she looks down into his half-lidded eyes. March reaches down between her legs, letting her fingers curl around Dan Heng’s horns, gently pulling him back up to where she wants him. “Come on Dan Heng, we don’t have all day!” “I know, I know.” He doesn’t waste anymore time, now. Closes his eyes and leans in closer, pressing a gentle kiss on her inner thigh before finally, finally getting his mouth on her. A kiss over her clit, too, then he’s tracing his tongue over her pink lips, finally warming her up. March lets out a pleased sigh, thighs closing around the sides of his head. “Right there…” She lets one of her hands go to stroke at Dan Heng’s soft hair around his horn, trying to encourage him to give her more. “C’mon Dan Heng… inside…” He hums against her, sending a wave of pleasure through March’s core, before quickly obliging her request. His tongue feels hot as it pushes into her wet entrance, his nose brushing against her clit as he fills her. A breathless moan escapes March and her fingers tighten in his hair, filled with a pleasant heat that she doesn’t ever want to end. “Just like that,” she murmurs, holding him still as she begins to slowly roll her hips against him, fucking herself on his tongue. “Feels so good…” She would warm herself with his tongue forever, if she could. Despite being a bit more passive, he’s still more than enthusiastic, licking into her hungrily. At some point he brings his hands to hold her thighs open, fingers digging into her soft skin to make sure he has full access. As if she would accept anything less—March is grinding against him even faster, now, close already from all of Dan Heng’s drawn-out foreplay. “Dan Heng,” she whimpers, breath beginning to come in hot pants as she grows closer. Her little thrusts are feverish, sloppy, caring less about technique or what might really feel best and more about just taking more, taking all of Dan Heng that she can handle. She can never get enough of his tongue, his mouth, him. Her thighs are trembling as his tongue pierces her again and again. March pulls herself away before she can come, though, even as a pained cry escapes her at the loss. “Oh my god, Dan Heng.” “Everything alright?” he asks, taking the chance to brush another lingering kiss against her thigh. She lets out a little sigh, leaning back into the bed. “Yeah, don’t worry,” she assures him, reaching out to pet at his hair once more. “Just don’t wanna come yet.” Dan Heng hums his understanding, crawling forward to hover over her. “I see.” March watches him warily, still panting and coming down from the edge as his mouth finds her neck, leaning in close so his body slots against hers. It’s like they were made to fit together, she thinks, as he nips at her neck, tongue laving over each spot his teeth mar. She’s still not used to him being so possessive, but it hasn’t been an entirely unwelcome development. If she gets to use him anytime she wants, it’s only fair that he gets to show her off a little, too. His mouth trails lower after a while, kissing over her collarbones, her shoulders, before landing on her breasts. His lips close over one of her nipples without hesitation and she gasps, shuddering at the little spike of pleasure. “Ah… Dan Heng…” “Does it feel good?” he murmurs, tracing his tongue around the perky nipple before grazing his teeth over sensitive skin. His fingers come up to tweak the other, offering a sort of balance. Eventually, March can’t take it any longer. She lightly pushes him off of her, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment as she tries to regain some composure. She still doesn’t think she’ll last long, especially not with Dan Heng doing everything he can to keep her worked up, but she doesn't want to drag things out forever. “Here, lie down,” she instructs, helping him roll onto his back, pushing his hair out of the way before climbing over him to straddle his chest. She leans forward to press a quick kiss to his lips like that, smiling down at him, before lifting her hips and scooting forward. “So cute,” she chuckles, before lowering herself onto his face. It’s the same as before, and god does it feel just as good. Dan Heng’s tongue flicks her clit and her folds a few times and immediately she’s grinding down against him, eager for more. Each time it smooths over her clit a quiet moan is torn from her lips, unable to help the way her hips jerk down toward the pleasure. March’s hands find her own breasts as she slowly rocks against Dan Heng, pinching her nipples between her fingertips. She can’t quite emulate the way he does it, but she gets close enough, eyes falling shut so she can imagine his hands on her once more. If only she could have it all. His tongue between her legs, his hands on her chest, his lips against her neck. She doubles down in grinding her clit against his tongue in lieu of having the rest, opening her eyes so she can look down at Dan Heng. She can’t see much of his face even when she looks back, but he can see the pretty lashes on his closed eyes, the pink flush of his cheeks. And when she looks over the rest of his body, she can see him rock hard against his boxers, a wet spot forming in the fabric where the tip of his cock sits. That alone has March moaning, tugging at a nipple as she moves. “You should touch yourself,” she says between pants and moans. “Want you to come too, Dan Heng.” It seems to take him a few moments to process her words, but eventually one of his hands makes its way down to his boxers, squeezing his length over the fabric. March swears she sees a little spurt of precome come out from just that one touch and she whimpers once more, helplessly turned on. “Yeah, that’s it… over your boxers. You can come like that, right?” She lifts her hips for a moment, giving Dan Heng a moment to catch his breath, gasping as soon as he can. “Yes,” he says almost immediately, low and gravelly. “March...” March giggles, returning to her seat on his face without so much as a warning. “Good boy,” she praises, leaning forward to let her hands rest on his chest. She watches eagerly as Dan Heng begins to stroke himself over his boxers. She can feel his moans more than she can hear him, strident vibrations against her that have March gasping, toes curling as she nears the point of no return. “Fuck,” she gasps, nails digging into his chest, leaving faint red stripes down pale skin. “Dan Heng, I—gonna come—” It’s not much warning at all before she’s coming onto his tongue, shaking as her lips part in an endless stream of moans. “Oh, oh, Dan Heng, so good, please, oh my god—” That’s really all it takes for him to come too, making a mess of his boxers. March picks herself up and collapses in the bed beside him partway through it, eyes not leaving Dan Heng, who looks away as though that can somehow hide his low moans or the colour painting his skin. “Wow,” is all March can say, voice still unsteady as she leans closer to Dan Heng, trying to get a closer look. “Hey, turn toward me, I wanna see!” It takes a few seconds but he does eventually turn to face her. His bangs are all out of place, plastered to his fair skin with sweat, and March’s juices coat his lips, making a mess of his face. His cheeks are bright red too, gaze still not meeting hers. Probably embarrassed, she thinks, and it’s so endearing it hurts. “You did good!” she promises, before he even says anything. “Your tongue feels so nice when you just listen to me for once.” “I guess,” Dan Heng agrees, turning away from her once more. March doesn’t stop him, but she does reach out to stroke the base of one of his horns, hoping he finds it comforting. “It felt good for you, right? That’s all that matters!” Silence, again. And then, “It did.” “Perfect.” March beams, letting her hand trace down his horn to his hair, following it down his back. “Because now that I know how good you feel, I’m gonna be using you as a seat way more often! You don’t mind, right?” Dan Heng lets out a little sigh, slowly turning to look back at her. “I don’t,” he admits, quickly averting his gaze as soon as March smiles at him. “I’m surprised you have this much energy again so soon.” March laughs, bright. “Maybe it’s time to go again already, then.” “Be my guest.”
had we not met, how delicate would our threads of fate be?
General Audiences
Gen, M/M
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, POV Male Character, How Do I Tag, Misunderstandings, Canon Universe, Almost Kiss, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Dan Heng Needs a Hug (Honkai: Star Rail), Confessions, but not really, its on sight sampo, Dan Heng is Bad at Feelings (Honkai: Star Rail), Spoilers, little bit
['touyarei', 'authortobias', 'Mentefimera', 'meiiiyen', 'Babyblack69', 'ServerNotFound', 'pumpkin_leaves', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'N72', 'YaBoiTeeth', 'midnightsmadness', 'EmpyreanPyxis', 'AphoticEuphemism', 'OmniMaiMage', 'Liviahell', 'Alekyra21', 'silentnote', 'ClickBaitGetsMeEveryTime', 'Night_caVer', 'JJY221', 'Crystaldefeu', 'Ada_chan', 'Crystalfoxflower', 'randomsoulnix', 'Lazy_Azz_Reader', 'Alexandea', 'TheCraziestBitchInTown', 'Xenon_5830', 'BGcharater', 'ineedasoul', 'Zyrenia', 'Balish', 'Why_are_you_asking', 'XxArantxaxX', 'Anonymous_Cupcake', 'H_Faith_Marr', 'Kaeridotcom', 'Stardust_Kisses', 'y33t_m3', 'LuckyStudent77', 'acrosstheuniverse_andbackagain', 'GrapedNPancaked', 'watercooler_romance', 'yourmelodies', 'MacaroniSoup', 'NightLightSky', 'Alix_07', 'Qynx', 'yonix_0', 'Yatzi183']
“Well, hello my dear companions! Isn’t it a lovely coincidence we’re all here right now?” A loud, obnoxious voice rang out in the frigid air of the Underground. It was obvious who it belonged to, none other than the boisterous Sampo. His tendency to disappear in thin air whenever he deemed it suitable became a tendency that really got on Caelus’ nerves. The first time Sampo did that almost jeopardised his life, something he had yet to be forgiven for, though it wasn’t like he cared nonetheless. As Sampo’s unmistakable blue hair approached the group, a strong urge to pull out his bat and hit him where it hurt was undeniable. If only he could get his hands on that disregarding mother- “Woah, easy there Trailblazer, wipe that murderous look on your face. It’s making me nervous,” Sampo chuckled, his hands up in a mocking symbol of surrender. Murderous? I’ll show you murderous- “I don’t blame him. You disappear every time we’re in danger!” March crossed her arms, staring Sampo down. “And you treat him like he’s your silly errand boy!” Using me to get back your mining equipment when you could’ve done it yourself, pathetic. Caelus glared at him, mimicking March’s actions. “Look, your assistance was reciprocated, alright? And I thought we could have a nice, civil conversation?” A sheepish smile from Sampo caused the urge to flare up once again. “Yeah? Like what, huh? You want us to take on an army of Silvermane guards while you sit back and watch?” March asked, tauntingly. Caelus nodded somberly to March’s words, which had never been truer before. Dan Heng observed the situation unfold with his always expressionless face. It almost brought him back to the time he nearly attempted CPR… “Hey! It’s two versus one, can we just relax? Besides, I got a little gift for all of you! Because you’re great friends, might I add. No interior motives.” Sampo pulled out a piece of paper that suspiciously looked like one of the treasure maps he had previously given Caelus. “Ta-da! Treasure! And wealth.” He pointedly glanced at Caelus as he finished his sentence. What? You take me for a money-obsessed fool? Incredulous, all Caelus could do was stare blatantly at him. Does this bastard think of me as shallow and wealth-orientated? “No, no, I’m just saying, who wouldn’t want a little extra treat?” Sampo grinned, arms outstretched. A wonderful offer it could’ve been had it not come from the devil himself. A sudden bout of exhaustion overcame Caelus. Just the sight of Sampo sapped any energy he had left from fighting the Fragmentum. He sighed, having given up on rehabilitating Sampo since they first met. You guys do whatever, I’m taking a rest in the hotel. If you need me, please don’t. — “Was I too much?” March and Dan Heng’s silent stares told Sampo all he needed to know. He groaned loudly. “Man, I just wanted to hang out. He’s great company, you know?” “...I’ll see that he gets to his room safely.” Dan Heng left without a second glance, leaving March and Sampo behind. "So, March-" “Oh, I forgot I had to play hide and seek with the Moles. See you never!” March waved goodbye, humming joyfully as she skipped away. Sampo feigned a shattered look at everyone's seemingly busy schedule. “Ah…this just breaks my heart. Well, I don’t want to bore the audience any longer. Let’s see if Gepard's free.” — In the cheap, dingy hotel room, Caelus lay on the slightly uncomfortable bed, hands folded behind his head. Sampo overall wasn’t a bad guy, he just irked Caelus sometimes. His so-called loyalty, and his unruly personality, both of them together were an unformidable force in Caelus’ dislike of him. Yes, if he ignored the countless times Sampo had used him and his group for any dirty work he didn’t feel like doing, he could be tolerated. But no, he had to have gotten out of his way to vex Caelus no matter what. A perfect trashcan may put him in a better mood but right now, maybe Dan Heng’s face will suffice. His emotionless eyes had always puzzled Caelus. Surely, underneath his mysterious, brooding facade, there would be a hint of sweetness, of the dim humanity within. Eyes were the window to the soul, he told himself, and he thought that he wasn’t at all inept at deciphering emotions. Yet when it came to Dan Heng, he felt…stuck, for lack of a better word. Caelus huffed and turned on his side, determined to rest his mind of such turbulent thoughts. A quiet knock on the door announced his timely presence. Caelus wanted to get on his knees and thank the heavens for this single blessing if it weren’t for the embarrassment that it would later cause him. Perhaps it was meant to be that now was the time for them to get to know each other more. Rarely did they have time to be alone, with their group being inseparable and the whole saving the world escapade. “Caelus? Are you awake? Ah, right. I’m coming in anyways,” Dan Heng’s monotone voice echoed through the wood. Instincts took over and he hid himself under the blanket. “...” A small silence. And then a sigh. “I’ll leave you be, seeing as you got here fine.” “Wait– please, um, don’t leave yet..” His words faltered when he saw the look on Dan Heng’s face. Shock. Right… “Hm, I had always thought you were mute. You’re full of surprises.” Closing the door behind him, Dan Heng sat on a chair nearby. “Talking's tiring sometimes,” Caelus muttered, unwilling to meet his eyes. Green eyes that were now boring in his head, asking too many questions at once. Your windows are wide open, Dan Heng, it will get cold if you don’t close them now. “Talking’s tiring sometimes,” Caelus muttered, unwilling to meet his eyes. Green eyes that were now boring in his head, asking too many questions at once. Your windows are wide open, Dan Heng, it will get cold if you don’t close them now. A pause. “I want to know more about you, Caelus,” Dan Heng stated.  “What are you trying to do, Dan Heng?” He didn’t mind opening up, but it felt as if Dan Heng was trying to make up for something he couldn’t quite place his finger on.  “I thought we could have a one-on-one conversation?” and then, “You should talk more often.”  His last remark left Caelus dumbstruck. There was no other way to describe his situation other than peculiar. Dan Heng wanted him to talk more? He must’ve interpreted his words wrong, because Dan Heng was a man who would never admit that March was his best friend, not even if it were a life or death situation.  “Are you saying..?” “Yes, I do want you to talk more,” Dan Heng said, almost snappily.    Oh.  Forget what Caelus said about Dan Heng’s other remark. This one truly left him at a loss for words. Whatever response he was building up in his head crumbled the moment Dan Heng uttered those few words out of the mouth he really wanted to lock lips with. “I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable speaking in front of me and March.” Dan Heng now was the one refusing eye contact, his speech quickening with every word. “You should’ve told us sooner. March would’ve understood. I would’ve understood.”  A small chuckle escaped Caelus. “I knew there was a soft spot somewhere.” He smiled at his concern for Caelus’ well-being because who would have ever thought there was a universe where Dan Heng did admit that he wanted something? Dan Heng’s face reddened ever so slightly, yet it did not escape Caelus. He had been observing his facial expressions since he questioned Dan Heng’s humanity from day one. One change, no matter how slight, would never escape his keen eyes. And it was because of his eyes, did he realise that something had changed in Dan Heng’s own. Ah…I didn’t realise how much vulnerability human eyes could hold. Caelus gently brushed his hand against Dan Heng’s face, his own heart betraying his brain. And he thought, maybe it was truly fate that brought them to this moment. Dan Heng stiffened at Caelus’ words. Any trace of expression on his face vanished in an instant. He pushed him away without any ill intention, but rather, an act that somehow felt like an act of safety, of boundaries put up to warn others of dangers hidden within. “You don’t know what you’re saying, Caelus.” A heavy sigh. “Go to bed. It’s been a long day.” He promptly left after their minute moment of intimacy and Caelus could only plead with his eyes, but Dan Heng’s face was already hidden from view. I don’t care what you are, Dan Heng. Your eyes, they are no different to a human’s.  It didn’t matter. It was too late for any sort of connection to be restored and Dan Heng had long since left the hotel. He watched him walk past the grimy window, back unnaturally rigid and strides too quick to be casual.  Caelus fell against the bed, accepting defeat the way a tired soldier would surrender. Or the sorrowful way a lady would’ve fallen after hearing the news of her husband’s death, maids coming to her rescue, ensuring that she wouldn’t pass of a heart attack. Except he had no one to comfort him in this death-like rejection. Some god must’ve looked down in disdain and snipped their red threads, just like beheading traitors after a revolution. Perhaps, then, fate was against them both.
prize for the new king
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fight Club References, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kinda
['authortobias', 'OmniMaiMage', 'Alekyra21', 'Starlight24', 'Vas_mun', 'JenPot', 'XxArantxaxX', 'JJY221', 'trvl3r', 'randomsoulnix', 'Fantasy_Eldritch', 'lunalatt3', 'Eldrich_Horror', 'BGcharater', 'Balish', 'Seru_doesthings', 'R_official', 'Runcia', 'TLemongirl', 'silentreze', 'Mellanien', 'Kana_12345', 'Daelyyy', 'Anxie_XX', 'hyacinthlian', 'sunstreakering', 'https_koiwii', 'Bayola_Boy', 'DarkusRising', '9qarytsss', 'Min_J3on', 'finkle', 'ImACloudBoy', 'toxic_stars', 'yourmelodies', 'Ameyyoya', 'fede9', 'chithomapacaran', 'Donnylover12', 'Thatbich', 'Yamikuin', 'LokiCandyAndFandoms', 'Yatzi183', 'YoongiMakingMeUnloyalToTae', 'Little_diablo', 'fragilember', 'datekogyo', 'Eyebugsislife', 'SiLvEr529RaIn', 'PizZazZ1']
“This battle welcomes a new era of evolution for the Boulder Town Fight Club! A new era for freestyle fighting has dawned upon us, and it’s pushed by this season’s ultimate winner – Caelus!”   The crowd gathered around the ring erupted in a deafening roar, with cheers and cries of excitement. The tournament has finally ended and the thick air of tension a few moments ago immediately turned into festivity for the new champion’s triumph.    “Cheer and celebrate! You are all lucky witnesses to the birth of a new king, and a future of the Fight Club!”   “Caelus! Caelus! Caelus!”   The new hero was still trying to catch his own breath as Dr. Dig urged the crowd to shout even more, pumping his fists into the air, hyping everyone inside the club. The energy in the arena was almost electric, that Caelus let himself bask in the audiences’ adulation as he stood in the center of the ring.   Winning five consecutive rounds was exhausting, but he did not find it difficult.   He was the new king and future of this Fight Club, afterall.   That’s not good , a small voice inside his head thought. I’m already letting this win get to my head .   But he deserved it, he immediately reasoned. He was strong, and everyone witnessed that.   At the back of the crowd stood Sampo Koski, who gave him a cheeky grin and a proud thumbs up. It was him who forced Caelus to join that tournament, and now Caelus was thinking maybe Sampo earned some huge amounts of credit from his betting.    This huge scammer … what is he plotting now?   “Congratulations on your season opener win in all five of the matches! And of course, Mr. Scott has arranged for your rich reward. Here you go!”   In the far corner of his eyes, Caelus saw Sampo burst out laughing.   That can’t be good.   But he would start thinking of profanities to throw at Sampo later when he catches him. At the moment, Mr. Scott is entering the arena with a mischievous smirk. A tall figure followed behind him, and Caelus’ jaw immediately dropped upon realizing that it was Dan Heng.   “Congratulations Caelus,” Mr. Scott greeted him, an annoying smirk still plastered on his face. “I specifically asked for Koski’s idea on what would be a reasonable reward for your championship.”   Behind Mr. Scott, Caelus saw Dan Heng shake and lower his head. It looked like he was having a headache. Perhaps he even sighed.   “My reward… What is it?” He asked, palms sweating.    “The new champion’s reward is the previous match’s winner and also a fresh face around here in the Fight Club. You get to have Cold Dragon Young for a day!”   Caelus could see Dan Heng flinch and facepalm. They exchange a quick glance to each other as Dan Heng mouth something he couldn’t understand. The crowd was still loud and alive, but he wanted to leave the ring as soon as possible. Of course, with his reward.   A few more minutes passed. Lots of congratulations and cheers after, Caelus was finally free to go.   He was practically running after Dan Heng as the other male left the arena earlier than the new champion. He caught him by his right wrist, and that was when Dan Heng stopped walking and turned to him.   “Dan Heng, wait…” Catching his breath, Caelus could feel his knees almost collapsing. Dan Heng was a fast walker, it seemed. “Haah… Wait –”   “Take your time.” Dan Heng replied. “I’m not running off. I just want to rest as soon as possible. Or probably hunt down a certain Sampo Koski.”   “Let’s go together, then. What is that guy thinking?” Caelus finally stood straight after catching his breath. That was the first time that night he saw Dan Heng’s expression clearly. He looked extremely pissed.   “I do not care what he thinks. I think he’s asking for one serious punch when he signed you up for that tournament.”   “You’re not mad he thought it would be funny that you’re supposed to be my prize?”   Dan Heng frowned. “That, too. He and Mr. Scott basically scammed you.”   “Scammed?”   “We’re always together anyway, what does it mean that you get to have me for a day?”   Huh…   Dan Heng looked furious earlier, but now it was replaced by a more confused expression.   This was probably the first time Caelus saw Dan Heng be so expressive.   He found it amusing.   He shrugged. “I… don’t know. Actually, I thought…” He felt his face flush red almost immediately.   Dan Heng furrowed his eyebrows, thought about the words again, and then felt himself blushing profusely as well.   “H-Ha… Haha…” Caelus fake laughed, trying to save the sudden awkward tension between them. It wasn’t working. “I-I guess you’re mine for today…”   “I…” Dan Heng started, then hesitated to continue his words. He turned his back to Caelus and started walking towards their hotel again. “...Let’s just go.”   “R-Right? Haha… Ha…”   Okay, but now I can’t stop thinking about it.   Thanks a lot, Sampo Koski. Caelus struggled to sleep. He was tossing and turning around his bed, but his mind wouldn’t wander off the idea of Dan Heng’s delicate facial features, the variety of his expressions that he first witnessed today, the feel of Dan Heng’s wrist when he caught him outside the Fight Club, the beet-red of Dan Heng’s cheeks and how the color extended pink down his neck, with a bead of sweat running down his throat…   Fuck.   Even Caelus himself was surprised by the way his thoughts ran just now. He could feel a certain uncomfortable feeling down below his body that he wanted to ignore.   Except he couldn’t stop thinking about Dan Heng, and it wasn’t helping his already developing erection.   He was so frustrated about it, and he didn’t know what to do.   Would it be awkward later if he masturbated while thinking of Dan Heng?    Caelus couldn’t breathe. He wanted to deny it as much as he could, so he resolved to just take a cold shower. Maybe it’ll help.   Of course, as fate continued mocking him, the decision to take a cold shower just worsened Caelus’ situation.   This hotel room didn’t have its own private bathrooms, instead only a communal one. And as if some great power was having fun teasing him about his nasty thoughts toward his friend, he found himself inside the communal showers at the same time as Dan Heng, who had just finished showering.   Forget Caelus’ thoughts of sweat dripping down Dan Heng’s neck earlier, there stood in front of him now a freshly-showered Dan Heng, complete with water still dripping from his hair, in only a thin robe that was showing the entirety of his sharp collarbones, and the top of his smooth, defined chest.   I’m going insane. I’m sorry Dan Heng.   “...Hey.” Dan Heng started breaking the silence. “Can’t sleep either?”   Fuck it.   “...Dan Heng.”   “Hmn?”   “Since you’re supposed to be mine for today, can you help me with my boner?”
"About Danheng's room..."
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Caelus/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
POV Second Person, invented lore, HTML Tryhard, i play caelus like a bumbling clepto with no impulse control and it shows in this fic, this was a rarepair when i started (three days ago) but now there's like ten fics y'all work fast
['herobrilne', 'acornslol', 'RainySho', 'Talluna', 'JaneDoe666', 'Raeli_iluxsm', 'oso_peanutbutter', 'tomalertop', 'Plumcake13', 'RiversideSlope', 'Crystal_Light_34', 'authortobias', 'cookkiiee771', 'DearBear98', 'Mentefimera', 'just_good_at_writing', 'Nathan_Nate', 'meiiiyen', 'colourmeblack', 'RandomExistHere', 'Babyblack69', 'Ackerjack', 'Altair_Gavin', 'meadowaries', 'Silver5511', 'dragonridergirl2', 'Kaiisleepy', 'howtowritequestionmark', 'muffingod', 'StarlingElliot', 'jinnie_cutie', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'chaosmelodydydy', 'gayboy_advance', 'Rumi69', 'Calamitymon', 'Shadow_the_nidhogg', 'Akuu__A', 'kikozd', 'YaBoiTeeth', 'mylifechoices', 'Mikee_ft_Hawk', 'WhatAmIDoing_IDontKnow_ButHereIAm', 'Joanneb', 'Rasberry_Hibiscus_Tea', 'XxRosaxX', 'Ice_worrl', 'consideratearsonist', 'icebergs10', 'A_Diva_Named_Diva']
"Danheng's room?" says Pom-pom blankly, like the question doesn't compute. "Oh, you mean the Archives! He's just sorta... living in there, I guess?" He's what? "I can't be bothered getting him out." Okay. Well. That's weird. Or maybe it's not? What would you know, you're talking to a sentient talking rabbit who drives a space train. So the man you need to confront is living in the Archives, and the Archives are down the hall, first door to your left. That's easy enough. The confrontation is going to suck, but this ship isn't big enough to avoid him forever. Not to mention, the worst case scenario—where you end up having to work with him directly—seems distressingly likely. If that does happen, you're better off getting this over with now rather than later. You go into the hall and as promised, there are doors to your left. You go up to the first one, but before you've even knocked a voice calls out from the other side. "Who's there?" It's me, Caelus. "I haven't even knocked yet," you say, disturbed. The muffled voice—Danheng, if you had to guess—says, "I learned to sense incoming visitors after people kept barging in so frequently." 'Learned to sense'? Sense how? Is this guy psychic or—no, don't get distracted, you're here for a reason. It takes an awkwardly long moment of standing in front of the closed door before you realize you're not going to get an invitation. Fine, then. The door slides open to reveal the Archives. Despite your best efforts to have no expectations about anything, the interior takes you by surprise. Danheng doesn't acknowledge you as you walk in and look around. There are old-fashioned paper books in shelves built into the walls on either side of you and on the far wall is some sort of detailed star map that spans from floor to ceiling. In front of the map is a desk with some terminals, and some more books. There's also a sleeping mat on the ground, with a rumpled bedspread. So the rabbit was right. Danheng is apparently living in here. After a few more moments of silence, you get tired of being ignored and walk up to Danheng. He finally looks up. "Can I help you?" You open your mouth. But as you try to sort through what you need to say, an extremely unhelpful apprehension bubbles up. Having to talk bring this topic up at all is not your idea of a good time, and the words fail to organize themselves correctly in your head. So what actually comes out is, "...No." Danheng looks at you expectantly. It feels judgmental, which you maybe deserve a little. When it becomes apparent that you're really not going to say anything else, he says, "Well, alright then. You should probably know, the Archive houses our data bank. It can be viewed using the terminal over there." He gestures towards the desk. You watch him make the gesture but don't take your eyes off of him. He looks back, waiting for whatever you're going to say. This is it. You're going to say it. You're going to open your mouth and say your piece and. You still can't figure out the words. They curdle inside of you before they even form a single coherent thought from the sheer mortification of trying to bring them out into the world. Reluctantly looking away, you instead walk up the single step to the desk with the terminals. You force yourself to look down at the screen and page through the information, not so much reading as stalling. There's a lot here—extensive files on Aeons and Light Cones and Factions. Related files are interlinked in what must be a complex backend database structure, and some files include impressive three-dimensional renders. This could be really useful information, especially for someone like you who's missing a lot of key memories about the world you live in. You're too distracted to absorb any useful information whatsoever. This is stupid. Why are you putting it off like a coward? He's right in front of you, and you're just standing here pretending to read. You steel yourself and look over at him, mouth opening to say—something, but Danheng's not paying any attention to you. His head is tilted down as he reads something off of the mobile device in his hand. The sickening apprehension wells back up and you chicken out. You turn on your heel without a word and march yourself back to the door, mad mostly about how pathetic you are. But when you read for the handle of the door, your own self loathing stops you from opening it. Are you really this pathetic? You may not know much about yourself, but you know that's not the kind of person you want to be. Besides, why should you be the one who's embarrassed? Danheng is the one in the wrong. But it's also complicated. You're stuck with these people now, these total strangers who picked you up off a random space station and gave you a chance. If you piss them off it's not like you have anywhere else to go. Maybe keeping the peace is the right thing to do. Yeah, maybe it is—but that won't stop this feeling from festering inside of you forever until you combust. Only confronting Danheng will fix that. You turn away from the closed door and look at him. After a moment, he seems to sense you staring and he looks up, one eyebrow raised. "Did you need something else?" It's a clear dismissal, but you've made up your mind now. "What were you trying to do?" you ask, fists clenched. "Back on Herta Sation." "I'm not sure what you're referring to," he says dryly. "Could you be a bit more specific?" Like he doesn't know. It's such an asshole move, to force you to say it, but you've made up your mind. You're not letting him get out of this. "You tried to—" You feel your face go warm and it's mortifying as hell but you power through. "You tried to kiss me." Danheng blinks, eyes going wide. "I tried to...?" Really? Is he really doing this right now? Are you going to have to beat this asshole up? But a second later, his face lights with realization, then twists into faint amusement. "I suppose that is what it would look like, from your point of view." "What it would look like?" you ask, getting angrier. "If you'll recall, you were unconscious." He does in fact recall correctly. Meaning, he tried to molest you in your sleep and he knows it. "That's not better." Danheng rolls his eyes. "Your pulse was weak but March didn't want to perform CPR, so I was going to do it." CPR? Is he serious? Does he think you're going to fall for that? Your face goes hot, but this time with anger instead of embarrassment. Danheng takes a step towards you, and you square your shoulders and even your stance, in case you do end up having to punch him. It'll be his own fault for getting within range. Danheng is maybe taller than you, but not by enough to be intimidating. Still, he looks down his nose at you with a condescending amusement. "Looks like maybe you were expecting something," he says, and his voice is still calm and even, but it's clearly a taunt. "Sorry for depriving you." Your teeth clench so hard your jaw hurts and you keep your hands pinned to your side so you won't do anything you'll regret with them. "Memory loss doesn't make me stupid," you say through gritted teeth, trying to breathe slowly to calm your swelling anger. The corner of his mouth twitches, like he's suppressing a smile. "Are you sure?" So much for calm. "Did I look like I was drowning to you?" you snap, taking a step forward to get in up in his space. "Maybe you're the stupid one. What was CPR supposed to solve?" He frowns. "CPR isn't just for drowning, you know." That gives you pause, because that... doesn't sound right. CPR is for blocked airways and incorrectly functioning lungs, not unconsciousness. But you can't say whether or not you've ever specifically been taught how to do it and when. The abrupt change in conversational direction leaves you off-balance and your anger struggles to find purchase. You give it a shot anyway. "I'm... pretty sure it is, though?" Okay, well, you'll give that a four out of ten for effort. He shakes his head. "Your pulse was weak enough that I wasn’t sure enough oxygen was getting to your brain. You could have been experiencing an asthmatic episode, or some elemental effect could have been negatively affecting your heart or lungs." That sounds reasonable but also fake at the same time. You're not sure how to feel about it. But if he really did think he was trying to help, then you're the one in the wrong for being pissed off about it. "You did wake up extremely quickly for how faint your heart beat was," Danheng says, looking thoughtful. "I wonder if... May I?" he asks, but doesn't wait for a reply. He reaches towards you and it's only when his hand is at your neck that you realize you're kind of boxed in, with the closed door at your back. You're effectively trapped unless you want to try opening the door blind and risk falling through the entrance like a moron. His fingers press into your neck and your breathing stutters to a halt. This close you can see the sharp lines of the red eyeliner outlining the bottom corner of his eye. You have an inappropriate, impulsive urge to touch it with your thumb and see if it will smudge. Danheng hums. "Like I thought. Your pulse is abnormally weak. You might want to get that checked out." He frowns again as he presses more firmly against your neck and for no particular reason your heart rate picks up. "Oh, that feels more..." He stops and looks, making direct eye contact. His face seems awfully close, all of the sudden. "Are you embarrassed?" "No," you deny automatically. "I think maybe you are." "And I think you're projecting." Amusement flickers across his face again and he moves the hand on your neck to cup your jaw like you're in some kind of romance book. He's making fun of you and you know it, but your body is not getting the memo and the heat on your face radiates all the way to your ears. He leans in and says softly, "I'm not the one whose face is red." His breath tickles your neck in a way that's both tingly and claustrophobic and your stomach tightens with something you very carefully label as nerves. "I wonder," he says, in that same quiet voice that the butterflies in your stomach do not like at all, "how much more embarrassed you'd be if I had actually kissed you." Rise to the bait. Don't rise to the bait. And that's it. It's official, you've had it with this guy. You don't stop to think as you grab the back of his neck and yank him in close and mash your lips against his. It isn't a good kiss, by any measure. By some extremely unfortunate stroke of bad luck—or maybe just your utter lack of foresight—your mouths are both open, and when your teeth clack together the pain reverberates through your skull. You think you might have chipped something. Still, you hold him there for a good handful of seconds, making it count, before pulling back. "There," you say, panting, hand still fisted in his hair. "Who's embarrassed now?" He stares at you, a perfect picture of shock and disbelief. But then he breaks out into a grin—the first real smile you've ever seen on him. "Pretty sure it's still you," he says. His lower lip is bleeding. "You're pretty interesting, you know that? Did you really just kiss me to prove a point?" Face radiating heat, you realize that did not work out at all how you'd planned. Not that you'd had a plan, exactly, but you had somehow thought that you could even the score by kissing him and you had apparently been very, very wrong. He leans in until his nose brushes against yours and his hand settles on your hip by your belt, underneath your open jacket. You can feel the warmth from his skin through your shirt. "Were you going to let me go," he says slowly, "or were you planning on kissing me again?" His eyes dart down then back up, meaningfully. The cold steel-blue of his irises are piercing and make you feel even more painfully self-aware than his words. Your breath stutters and heat shudders up your spine. Take his offer. You jerk your hand away from the back of his head. "I wasn't—You're—!" you start, and then realize you have nothing. You toss out, "That's still not how CPR works!" as you fumble behind you for the door. When it opens with a whoosh of air you just barely catch yourself before you fall on your ass and you use the momentum to dart through the opening and take off down the hall. Danheng doesn't follow you, but his laughter does.  
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)/Himeko, Stelle/Himeko
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle - Character
['NefelibatepluviophileSolitude', 'Babyblack69', 'KweenofThorn', 'd3hara', 'Habitmoon', 'Alehzinho', 'Helbsal', 'Isuki', 'stonks', 'LulamoonLove', 'TheINFJfox', 'Lo0py', 'Terminatorgrl87', 'mei_supremacy', 'Hologram_Hero_Proletius', 'Kai_Tyrant', 'Silverford', 'HelloBye16', 'hazuking', 'BeStillMyTinyGayHeart', 'solomivan', 'iwantgaycontent', 'LiamLestrange93', 'ScarlettWarrior', 'diputsmai', 'AfternoonPancakes', 'Sensei_Sushi8008132', 'NAECad', 'ThatWeebFlux', 'Sif_the_grey_puppy', 'girljs', 'Rewosh', 'MaximumTrekkie', 'ObtainableGoose', 'dontfuckyme', 'TheTrillion', 'Thedeadmansghost', 'Peri_Peri', 'N0z0m1', 'Whrlingx', 'Glazedapples', 'Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'Potato_On_Legs', 'Channel_Prince', 'KiTunes', 'Kotofeila', 'vxztxs', 'NuclearBird', 'badgerattak', 'NarT']
Stelle’s no stranger to the stars—she knows little else really, her past a foggy haze and her present days backdropped by the vast impossibilities of space—but somehow, aboard the Astral Express, it’s like she’s seeing them for the first time. Standing by its ornate windows, her face nearly pressed against the glass, she watches on. The stars before her eyes slowly change as the Express travels through the void, each bright twinkle eventually replaced by another. Every celestial body has its own story, and though she’s no scientist unlike so many of her newfound company, she can’t help but be curious. She might not be able to learn about them all, but who knows where the Express will lead her? She can’t wait to find out. “Gorgeous, aren’t they?” A gentle voice brings Stelle out of her thoughts. Himeko approaches, her dress and cape swaying slightly from side to side with each step, ethereal as always. She stops when she’s beside Stelle, bringing her gaze to the spectacular scene before them. “They are,” Stelle agrees softly. “As silly as it sounds, having known nothing other than space, I can’t help but admire them.” “It’s not silly. No matter how many times I gaze upon them, I feel the same way,” Himeko says. “I could never get sick of them. Someday, I hope to see the entire expanse of the stars, to learn all that there is to know about the universe. That curiosity is what brought me out here, after all.” “Oh?” Stelle turns to Himeko, her interest thoroughly picqued. “Is that why you joined the Express as its navigator?” “Did I not tell you? I didn’t just join it; I brought it back to life!” Himeko declares proudly. “My proudest accomplishment and greatest decision, all in one.” “Sounds like an undertaking. No doubt it took countless hours to restore a machine as great as this.” Stelle can imagine not many would be able to accomplish such a feat. Her respect for Himeko grows. “Oh, it took ages. I was but a young girl then, with dreams of the expanse. I failed hundreds of times before I succeeded, but what is science without its trials and tribulations? The struggle is just as essential to the journey as the ending.” Himeko’s eyes shine with stories untold and memories Stelle wishes she could see. “I’m not sure if I feel the same way,” Stelle admits. “I’d prefer a little less struggling, though perhaps that’s just me.”   Himeko laughs. “You don’t have to! And frankly, I don’t blame you. Life has dealt you a rather unique hand, though I’m sure you’ll find your way. Everyone has their motivations; I’ve always been motivated by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. I must say however, I’m curious: what are yours?” Stelle pauses. It’s a good question, one that she unfortunately lacks the answer to. “I…don’t know.” Himeko places a comforting hand on Stelle’s shoulder. “That’s alright, I’m sure they’ll come to you in time. The Express doesn’t discriminate; no matter the destination, we all share the same journey.” “Thanks, Himeko,” Stelle says, gazing into the taller woman’s eyes. Himeko’s lips curve into a smile. “Of course, Stelle. Though you might be new, you’re one of us now. Don’t you forget it! You’re entitled to all of the same luxuries as the most experienced of us—speaking of which, how do you feel about coffee?” “Coffee?” Stelle toys with the word on her tongue. It’s familiar—a hot drink, if her selective memory is to be believed—but she recalls little else. “I don’t believe I’ve ever tried it.” Himeko gasps. “Oh, the horror! You’ve been missing out. Come, take a seat,” Himeko gestures to the plush red seating centered in the room. “I’ll pour you a cup. My own special brew.” Himeko walks with such determination towards the center of the compartment that Stelle can’t help but laugh as she follows behind. Himeko leads her to a seat, then heads to the corner of the room. “Be one second!” Himeko watches as she pours the contents of a rather large pot into a small porcelain mug. Even from across the room, she can see the steam that wafts from the brown liquid. Himeko prepares a second mug, then places each one on top of a small plate before returning. Himeko takes a seat next to Stelle, sitting so close that their thighs nearly brush. Stelle’s cheeks begin to heat; Himeko is a gorgeous woman with a very revealing dress, her thighs milky and her legs seemingly going on for days. Himeko’s always been attractive, but this close next to her, it’s even more apparent. “Stelle?” Himeko’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. “Are you alright? I’ve been holding your mug out to you for some time.” Stelle hurriedly accepts it. “Sorry,” she apologizes. “No need. Tell me, what do you think?” Stelle sips at her own coffee. “You’re in for a treat; I do believe this is one of the best brews I’ve made in quite some time.” Stelle stares down at the cup in her hand. The warm brown liquid looks appealing, but there’s an almost menacing aroma of bitterness wafting up from it. Something seems off, but she brings it to her lips and takes a tentative sip anyway. For a second, the coffee is quite nice, warming her body from the inside. And then, the bitterness hits her. Stelle’s mouth puckers, and her face scrunches. It takes all of her effort to swallow her meager sip. From beside her, Himeko watches with concern. “Are you alright?” Stelle nods once she’s recovered. “Just a little, uh, bitter,” she lamely answers. Himeko sighs. “I suppose it was too much to assume you’d like black coffee; it almost always is on this train, Dan Heng notwithstanding. Here, this should help—though you’re not to tell anyone of this, alright?” Stelle accepts the packet Himeko discretely passes her, tears it open, and pours it inside her cup. She mixes it with her spoon, watching white powder slowly dissolve, then once again, takes a tentative drink. This time, her coffee is much more pleasant than before. She eagerly takes another draught. “Better?” Himeko asks, her own drink at her lips. “Much.” “Good, I’m glad,” Himeko hums, their conversation fading to natural silence as they enjoy the good coffee and even better company. Stelle could get used to this. Perhaps she will, given the many journeys ahead of her. By the time only forgotten drops remain, the train’s whistle goes off. “Looks like we’re here,” Himeko remarks, setting her empty mug aside. “It’s about time you get going with the others, isn’t it?” “Probably,” Stelle admits, standing up. “Thanks for the drink, Himeko.” “Always,” Himeko affirms. “Would you like to do this again with me sometime?” “Absolutely.” Despite all the uncertainties in her life, Stelle’s motivations are becoming clearer. Seeing the galaxy, discovering her past, but most importantly, getting closer to Himeko. …And perhaps learning how to take a cup of coffee black.
Sheer Cold
['Lulise (Lolory)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
Horror, sci fi, Fantasy, Angst, Mystery, Hallucinations, Alternate Universe, Hypothermia, Celestial Curio AU
['A_bored_writer_for_fun', 'PanicCompany25', 'SayNopeToReality', 'Ansha105', 'InnocentUntilProvenGuilty', 'DefNotMothman', 'Emma_Shiota', 'Taro_Pearl', 'Lilletass6', 'Lavender_Manga', 'CreepyReader', 'Meiyin', 'EisBoreal', 'Ld26', 'FriendlyGamers', 'seiranee', 'Hell_on_Wheels', 'CosmozPictures', 'Novabirds', 'heart_boi', 'Thesis0', 'Ghost_Of_Vivi', 'Alysontn', 'WhenTheFogClears', 'Lspaceship', 'squierd', 'Zenchchcrowme', 'I_have_no_life_I_am_Karma', 'IceQueen_Frostbite', 'Piepuff', 'xxKal_Exx', 'WitheringWisteria', 'dawn_fox', 'Lazorux', 'Allstarall', 'RandomPersonExisting', 'RosettaStone', 'ban_chan0MG', 'CaptainCubert', 'devilryhours', 'EstIgnis', 'EonShark', 'YumeCallMeAReader', 'RandomPersonOnThisAd', 'HaruxLD23', 'Eyebugsislife', 'Sapneis', 'Blueberry358', 'That_One_Trans_Kid', 'Grey133']
All was quiet on the Express after they had drifted off from the Herta Space Station in search of better prospects. Pompom had vowed very proudly that they would do everything in their power to create a new itinerary that led to a better world, and one that was definitely in need of help from a stellaron. “This time there will be no mistakes!” Pompom assured, and Himeko had just smiled kindly at them.    “It wasn’t your fault, Pompom. None of us could have foreseen the state Teyvat was in.” She had tried to reassure them multiple times, but it was clear the little conductor was still shaken by what they’d all seen. March couldn’t get the image out of her mind, either.    When everyone split up to rest that night, she’d stayed up to busily scrapbook and organize all of her photos. Seeing the smiling faces of her friends certainly helped clear her mind of the destroyed world, and so she spent a lot of time in her room reorganizing the photos one by one. A knock sounded on her door, and she looked up from her lap as she sat in her bed, pictures scattered all around her. “Come in!” She called cheerily. The door slid open, and the Trailblazer walked in, an anxious look on their face.    “Hey March…how are you holding up?” They asked. March smirked, as it was obvious they were worried about her spending so much time alone. She hadn’t even gone out to bother Dan Heng in the archives, though something told her he’d appreciate it even less than he normally did.    “I’m fine. I’ve just been scrapbooking is all, see?” She holds some of the photos up. “I’m getting kinda antsy though…I hope Pompom picks a place soon, so I can add new photos to my collection!” She smiled, and the Trailblazer’s shoulders untensed.    “That’s good…everyone’s been so quiet since…you know.” The Trailblazer gestured with their hand vaguely. “I haven’t even seen Himeko and Welt by the record player. Dan’s just been in the archives, and he’s uh…not exactly chatty now. And I feel bad trying to talk to Pompom, they’re taking their job really seriously now.”    March laughed softly, “I think everyone just needs time to adjust to what they saw. It was a pretty big shock after all.” She shuffled her photos in her hands. “Tell you what, why don’t you go talk to Dan again, and we can go photo hunting on the ship? I don’t have many pictures of us on board after all.” March said. The Trailblazer seemed to like that idea, and perked up a little. Their depressing expression vanished with the suggestion.    “I’ll go see him right now. I’m sure he’s still reading through all the data logs.” They said with a chuckle. The Trailblazer turned to leave, closing the door behind them. March flopped back onto her bed, a long sigh escaping her. She looked over at her desk where her camera was still sitting, and picked it up. She turned it over in her hands curiously, before she sat up again, and headed for the door. I can go scout for some good scenic spots while they go talk! She determinedly headed down the long corridors of the Express, as she remembered the layout of all the best places to take pictures.  The Express was a lonely place with so few people on board, especially when everyone was cooped up in their rooms, and not milling about. This didn’t deter March 7th from trying to find different places to take photos, however. She walked onward, down the long empty corridors of the Express, her eyes scanned every inch of wall and sharp corner she could see. She visited the usual spots for pictures, like the auditorium and kitchens, but she felt as if she’d already taken so many photos with Dan Heng there. I need a new place that the Trailblazer hasn’t seen yet… She continued her search, and completely forgot about Dan and the Trailblazer who were probably wondering where she’d sneaked off to.    She had stopped near the planetarium, and thought it was the perfect spot for a photoshoot. She was certain the Trailblazer would love to gaze at the stars and distant planets now that they were docked somewhere.    March excitedly reached into her pocket to take her phone out, and hurriedly texted Dan Heng to come and find her at the planetarium. It was dark in the lonely theater room, the lights were turned off and the stars shined through the big domed window up above. A series of 4 telescopes were situated in a circle, perfectly placed for more than one person to enjoy the night sky.    As she tucked her phone away, and looked around for a switch to turn the lights on, a warm orange glow flickered before her. March gasped softly, as she laid eyes upon an elegant and whimsical flame that floated a little ways in front of her, just past the telescopes. It looked like a dancing candle fire in midair, and as she stepped closer to it she could hear a soft chime come from it. “Woah…what are you…?” She murmured as she reached a hand out to gently pet it. Soft heat came from its body as it moved away from her. It certainly didn’t feel hot enough to burn her, so she tried again, yet still it moved away from her.    It let out a song-like chime, and March smiled a little in disbelief. “Are you… laughing?” She asked with a chuckle. “Well…I have no idea what you are, but you’re beautiful! I’ve gotta get a picture of this!” She reached for her camera and immediately pointed it at the fiery fairy. With a snap, and a wave of the film, she excitedly looked at the photo but frowned when it fully developed. Huh…? There’s nothing here. She looked back up to find that the fairy was still there, singing in its own amusing tone at her. It floated closer to her, soft tendrils of yellow and orange flame flying behind it, and March watched with wide wondrous eyes as it circled around her body.    It chimed louder as it floated away, March tilted her head in confusion. The fairy let out more noise and agitatedly flared its blazed body at March. “You want me to follow you…?” She asked, and stepped closer. The fairy chimed again, and floated off further away, then stopped to look back at March expectantly. She smiled and nodded, “I see. Well then, lead the way!” She strutted after it and followed behind the strange fairy.    It seemed to be going nowhere, but March wanted to see if maybe there was something wrong with her camera. Perhaps she would get a better opportunity to snap a picture of it if she followed it. It led March outside of the Planetarium and further down the corridors of the Express. Her eyes were trained directly on its inviting warm glow, which she found to be extremely helpful for when the lights became dim.    The further they traveled down the Express, the darker the corridors became. Soon, March couldn’t see anything in front of her immediately, not without the help of the flame that guided her. As she walked, she’d wondered just when it would want her to stop following it. She’d stopped midstep many times, and every time it would simply wait for her to continue following it after it trailed a bit forward.    So there she was, alone with nothing but a guiding light to lead her down many darkened halls. Door after door opened before them, yet there were times when it would morph its way through the thick oak doors of the Express, and appear in the next train car. Soon, if she wasn’t outright speed-walking, it could easily leave her behind, and she’d be lost.    She thought only of trying to keep her eye on its orange glow the further she walked, and ignored the pain in her legs as she traveled to nowhere in particular. Whenever she couldn’t immediately see the fairy, she’d panic and just run to the next car until she laid eyes on it again. She wasn’t quite sure of how much time had passed, but she was at least thankful that the fairy wasn’t leading her into crowded parts of the train, otherwise she’d be bumping and fumbling all over the place in the dark.    She hadn’t been keeping track of the doors she’d opened either, but she was always certain that the next one would be the last. And when it wasn’t, she’d repeat the cycle anyways and continue onward to open the next door. The fairy was patient with her, despite the fact that it could float so far ahead of her if she wasn’t careful with keeping up with it.    And then the chill began to set in.    March breathed and a confused look spread across her face as she could swear in the dim light of the fairy’s glow that she could see her breath as a mist in front of her. The air in the car was low, and frosty as if she were in Jarilo VI again. Still, despite the sudden cold she continued to follow after it, her mind a complete blank aside from following her only guide. As she reached for the next door handle, she pulled back and winced at the absolutely frigid sensation of metal that met her palm.   The fairy continued onward without her, and with a frustrated groan she pushed through the pain and opened the door so as not to be left behind. This next car was even colder than the last, and soon her body became wracked with shivers. She soldiered on, and let out a sigh of relief anytime she was remotely close to the fairy, as it briefly staved off the icy air.    But it was too fast.    The more doors that it led her through, the colder the air, and March could swear she felt the bite of wind now, though it was faint. The fairy had left her behind now, she no longer could see its orange glow, or anything in front of her but a dark abyss that didn’t even feel like the Astral Express anymore. The door…I have to find the door… She thought to herself meekly as she trudged along. Her feet felt as if they were deep in snow, and she was without the proper boots. Every part of her body shook from the glacial air around her, and soon it was like every step hurt to take. The longer she was cold, the longer she was in pain.    She wasn’t even aware it was possible to be so cold that it hurt, and it felt ironic now that her of all people could really be in pain from anything wintry, but now here she was. She almost fell to her knees in exhaustion as she finally felt the next door handle. Her hands had become numb, and she couldn’t feel the metal beneath her palm anymore. This will be the last car… She hoped it was anyway. Otherwise, she wasn’t sure she could continue on anymore. The fairy wasn’t anywhere in sight, and now that she was at her breaking point she realized just how tired she was.    She opened the door finally, and all at once the chill and wind disappeared. All that remained was the familiar warm glow of the Astral Express’ main hall, where they’d normally sit to have meetings and such.    Everyone was gathered this time, and they all looked at her with frightened eyes.   “ March? Oh stars, where have you been? We’ve all been looking for you for hours now!” Himeko walked up to her and placed a hand on her arm. She snatched it back immediately, “Oh dear, you’re freezing! What happened, March? Tell us where you’ve been?”    March tried to open her mouth to speak but all that came out was a tired groan before she blacked out, and slumped over in Himeko’s arms.  “And you’re certain she’s okay? You’ve run every test I suggested to you?” Herta’s voice came from the holo screen on Himeko’s wrist as she tiredly sipped on a mug of coffee in her office. She ran a hand through her hair, and sighed.    “Yes, Herta. We’ve run every test you suggested with what’s available on board, though what really scared me was the fact that she was suffering from extreme hypothermia.” Himeko explained. With a pained expression she continued on, “We found nothing on the Express that could’ve done that to her. No monsters, no deep fridge she could’ve locked herself into by accident, nothing. I spent all morning going over every piece of security footage I could, and we did see her. Where she went around the ship. And Herta, it’s…not like March at all…” She shook her head.    Herta looked tensely at Himeko, and leaned forward. “What happened? Where did she go?”    “She walked into the planetarium…and then it seemed like she was trying to take a picture of something?” Himeko shook her head in frustration. “She seemed to be talking to nothing at all, and trying to take a photo of whatever was in front of her, but there was nothing in that planetarium. Not like she described, anyways… She said she saw some kind of ‘fairy’ made of fire. I’ll send you the footage later, but it’s very unlike her. I tried finding her on the other cameras, but she never showed up. The only footage we have of her is when she was alone in the planetarium.”    “How could you have not found her in all that time?” Herta asked in disbelief.    Himeko shrugged, “I have no clue. Dan said he went to the Planetarium since she texted him that she was there, but when he went to go and find her…the planetarium was empty. We all checked every inch of it, and she was nowhere to be found. That’s when we began to panic a bit, I was afraid something had happened to her. And we scoured every inch of the Express to try and find her, but to no avail. Until she showed up at the front of the train, and passed out.” She sipped her coffee and pushed the mug away. “It was like she had vanished, Herta.”    Herta listened intently to this, and crossed her hands in front of her as she leaned against her own desk. “I think you all should come to the station for an evaluation…” Herta said. “I’m…beginning to think that the curio you ran across wasn’t normal. You may have been infected with something, and it’s dangerous for you to travel. You could spread it, and if this story you shared about March 7th is to be believed, then…I fear you may even hurt yourselves if left unattended.”    Himeko nodded, “I have to agree…Pompom is set on taking us to this next planet, however. They’ve finally gotten the itinerary complete. I…think we’ll visit this next stop, and then return as soon as possible.” She said, “Welt has been watching over March for the time being, and those other two youngsters haven’t left her bedside all evening. There shall be no more incidents like this one, thankfully.”    Herta sighed, “Alright then, if that’s what you want…I’m still a bit worried, however. You’re not the only ones who have had strange things happen since contact with the curio was made. Though this is the first time it’s ever been so…severe.” Herta signed off after that, and Himeko placed her head in her hands.    She knew she should feel relieved because they had found March, but anxiety still ate away at her. 
stardust, Star Rail
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail) & Welt Yang, Welt Yang & Murata Himeko
Welt Yang, Murata Himeko, Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, No Spoilers, Drabble, just welt thinking about stars
['Amarald', 'TheRandomHimself', 'Person_in_Closet', 'screamingcryingthrowingup', 'MDWTA', 'Quinnec', 'Acen0gender', 'ribaru', 'rainios', 'froggiemoon', 'Lyr1k', 'Kawaii540', 'quiteuneventful', 'Babyblack69', 'JojIsNotHere', 'Trainrider', 'peachy_pills', 'Bald_bald_malfunction', 'caf34', 'GhostlyTigress', 'Sxin_09', 'GabiC', 'TheRank5Ninja', 'MarshmallowAndCoffee', 'chronic_doppo', 'LavenderAce', 'ReverieSage', 'Hatchiiwa', 'froggy_giant', 'Y0ur_L0cal_Intr0vert', 'MaHaL1337', 'Referencing', 'Tsuru048', 'ShadowWolfHunter', 'GoodGrief_Itsa_drag', 'francitauwu', 'AngelMyst', 'Ana57', 'Amelia_Runa', 'PricklyLamb', 'AzureMilque13', 'allucio', 'chasesgold', 'Patronus_Vents', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'BlueDishwashercat', 'IronSeaweed', 'kuusanagy', 'Awkward_Hooman', 'justonefujioshi']
The stars, Welt thinks as he watches Himeko pore over her textbooks, always shine in her eyes. Himeko is young, so very young, but already she is studying aerospace, including searching for any threads or susurrations of extraterrestrial life with fervor. More so than even her peers at times, whose age groups are sprinkled with a few young adults around her age. She hasn’t even lost the round cheeks of youth yet. “There is more out there,” she mumbles as she packs her things when he nudges her back to reality. “So much more than we could imagine. I want to see it.” Welt could caution her against searching too far, or encourage her to take the leap. He’s seen much of what she could not imagine. Even his name is so much more than anything Himeko’s imagination could explain. “You can’t see it without sleeping enough to live that long,” he says. “Take care not to become a workaholic, yes?” * Kiana mourns her mentor. They’re both still so young. Himeko was barely older than the eighteen year old girl stepping onto the university’s campus hoping to explore the stars – though, perhaps that is a disservice to the woman she became.  Yes, she was more than a starry-eyed girl. Himeko was a star forged by tragedy and her own will. Himeko cannot regret it, he knows. Welt shouldn’t either. Long-lived as he is, regrets will pile up and bog him down until he’s drowning in them, unable to swim up or even stop breathing. He did what she had asked, and guided her as far as he could to the stars. * “Come,” a woman with fiery red hair says, holding a hand out for him to take. “The journey is best traveled with companions, don’t you think?” She looks him in the eyes, hearth-warm and steadfast, but only for a moment. She cannot resist looking back to her Astral Express. Always looking ahead. Welt has wondered, ever since this woman came up to him and introduced herself as Himeko, if she is a ghost. Is Himeko her first name? Is she the heir of the name Himeko, as he is for Welt Joyce? That makes more sense than Himeko coming back from the dead. Welt believes it to be so. He is too old to harbor hope. “It’s not the worst sentiment,” he says, and follows her onto the train. * There are stars, Welt realizes with a great ache in his chest as he watches Himeko gaze out the window of the Astral Express, shining in her eyes. He doesn’t know the journey she walked to make it here, onto a plush seat, listening to a single record over and over, but… Welt is just glad she can chase her dreams now. Himeko deserves to be the protagonist of her own story. * “The Astral Express,” Welt notes, “is impeccable.” Himeko laughs, a touch sheepish. “Yes, well. Pom-Pom would never allow otherwise.” “…Pom-Pom?” Perhaps it’s Welt’s turn to learn from her.
How Do You Feel, Physically?
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Lesbian Sex
['aquatra', 'nomu17', 'p0l_anka', 'RichardPham', 'HikariTheFerretCat', 'Setsubou', 'FreshCyder', 'Melohoney23', 'SilverFox_97', 'kaiswonderland', 'roppytoppy', 'Bl4nk_05', 'Aliarie', 'Rumtzy', 'Ryokucha1407', 'neonlight13', 'GoldenAutumn_AceOfSpades', 'Feilyn_Diva', '225Ash', 'DraconicStella88888', 'ccsjk98', 'LivingThing8', 'living_is_tough', '1quintisfan', 'the_jennster', 'gh0st_fl0wers', 'Meowsmers', 'circesongs', 'Mommylover_Shsk', 'Yuri_luvv', 'deathlyhollow', 'chocolattechlo', 'Fruchroze', 'CherryRoses', 'lilylilac338', 'NightmareWeeb', 'hydilumii', 'Freathien', 'wandering_dream', 'beeeeeelousixa', 'Annflan', 'technicallyanarrow', 'Shadow_Owl', 'Sylster', 'TheBigBadWolf1417', 'SweetTiramisu', 'Dragn12', 'seashale', 'Nate2247', 'vaguely_celestial_being']
The sun was beginning to set on the city of Belobog; a flaming sky gave way to deep purples as the city lights flickered to life. Outside, the patrons of the Administrative District still crowded the streets, with more and more visitors from the Underworld making the journey to the surface for the first time. So many smiling faces and carefree people, and yet Bronya Rand could not join them. Only a day or so into her reign as the Supreme Guardian and she was already drowning in paperwork. The Stellaron was gone, but the Eternal Freeze would not be satiated so easily.  Neither would her counterpart from the Underworld, as a familiar ruckus was heard just outside her chamber door. The words of her guards were audible from the outside, "The Supreme Guardian is no—"  "Like I care!" Her voice brought a reluctant smile to Bronya's face, one she quickly stowed away in favor of her high-class mien.  The entrance swung open with force as dark-haired woman burst through, tailed closely by two Silverman guards. Her clothing was an elaborate mix of vibrant colors with the flair of an experienced warrior; the large scythe strung to her back only furthered this image. Soft violet eyes betrayed her tough nature, but Bronya knew better. "Miss Seele," the guards persisted, "you cannot keep forcing your way into—" "Bronya," Seele ignored them, "tell this creep to walk away, or he's getting my fist in his face." "You are dismissed," Bronya stood from her desk, waving the befuddled guards out of her chambers. The doors latched shut and she turned her attention to her new guest. "Is it really so hard to just make an appointment like everyone else?" "Don't give me that 'appointment' crap," Seele shot back, setting her scythe against one of the large bookshelves lining the chamber walls. "A week ago we were fighting for the freedom of Belobog, fighting together, but now you act like you don't even know me!"  "You know that's not true," Bronya replied. "It's just... " "Well," Seele crossed her arms, "it'd be nice if I could come talk with you when I please." "I have so much work to do," Bronya sat back in her chair, pouring over her cluttered desk as if to demonstrate to her friend just how serious she was. "The Silvermane Guards are asking for requisitions to begin pushing back into the Fragmentum, the Golden Theater wants funds to hold a Ceremony of Reunion in recognition of the unsealing of the Underworld, and the—" A swift swipe from Seele cleared the desk in one clean motion, scattering all of Bronya's papers into the air where they floated to the floor haphazardly.  "Seele!" Bronya stood once more. "Are you out of your..." She paused as Seele brandished a large, dark bottle and placed it heavily upon her now empty desk.  "This is exactly what I thought would happen," Seele grinned. "You took the role of Supreme Guardian, and not even a week into it and you're already stressed to the max! Which is why tonight you and I are going to pop open this special bottle and relax." "I... you... " Bronya was stunned. It would take an hour to clean up her chambers and reorganize all of her paperwork, and the sun was nearly finished descending beyond the snowy horizon. Yet, her curiosity was driven to the bottle; the label on it read Spirits of Aha - Cherry Cider. "What exactly is this?" "Underworld specialty," Seele placed down two glasses she had procured from somewhere and popped the cork from the bottle. A bright red liquid flowed from the bottle and frothed in the glasses. "What does it... do?" Seele chucked, "Oh you poor, sheltered little princess." She raised a glass up and showed it to Bronya, "It loosens you up." She took the entire glass in one go, throwing her head back as she drank, before exhaling with a grin. "That hits the spot! Go on, drink up." "I'm not sure if I should..." Bronya picked up the glass and swirled the liquid around. "Aw, can't hold your alcohol?" Seele teased. Bronya's brow furrowed with irritation. "Very well. I will drink this, and then you will pick up my things." She put the glass to her lips and gingerly tipped it back until she could feel the drink touching her lips. A rush of sweet cherry flavor overtook her, and she drank deeply. A bitter taste quickly followed, with a burning sensation lighting up her esophagus. She coughed, putting the glass back down. "Atta girl!" Seele began pouring two more drinks. "Now you just repeat this until your clothes fall off!" "Excuse me?" Bronya said.  "Relax!" Seele replied. "I'm just kidding, your Guardianship." "That would be highly inappropriate," Bronya put the second glass to her lips and prepared to drink once more. "Suit yourself," Seele said. "I'm kinda hot, myself." Bronya nearly choked on her second drink as Seele began shedding bits and pieces of her outfit. Her scarf and sleeves were tossed to a random corner of the room, followed by her boots and leg ribbons.  "You are out of line!" "And you need to keep drinking." Seele winked. An hour later and the sun had completely vanished, leaving only an inky black sky outside the Qlipoth Fort. Inside the Supreme Guardian's office, Bronya had just downed her sixth glass of cider, while Seele had stopped counting a while ago. Her face was hot, her entire body felt loose and numb. She no longer cared about the mess of papers all over the floor, or Seele's assorted accessories stacked nearby.  "I should open a window," Bronya said, her voice slow and heavy. Seele laughed, "that's why you don't drink in multiple layers."  She was the expert; Bronya's bedroom was nearby and her armoire contained several lighter dresses she could change into. That was preferrable to stripping down in front of Seele. The only challenge was convincing her legs to carry her.  "I'll be... right back," she rose to her feet, placing a good amount of weight on her desk for support.  "Girl, you are gonna hurt yourself," Seele said, getting up and coming to her aid. She put her arm around Bronya and fully supported her. How is she still standing?  "Where are we going?" "To... my bedroom... " Bronya said, lifting a heavy arm to point in the rough direction.  "Tired already?" Seele laughed. "Alright, princess, let's get you tucked in." "I'm... not... " It was no use; Seele was moving now and Bronya simply had to try and keep her legs going at a similar pace. They passed out of the Supreme Guardian's chambers - Seele told the guards outside to mind their own business - and walked slowly down the hall until arriving at Bronya's room. "Wait... here... " Bronya ordered, taking control to open her bedroom door.  "What are you... " Seele stopped herself, "you know what, whatever." Bronya closed the door behind her, turned on the light and made her way to her armoire, opening it and rifling through the clothing hanging inside. It didn't take her long to find one of her evening gowns: a silky white dress with thin straps and a modest neckline. She had only worn it once for one of her mother's dinner parties, but it would be more comfortable than her royal getup.  She began to strip down, her movements slowed by the cider in her veins. Twice, she nearly fell over. After several attempts to remove her thigh-high boots and unhook her bra, she had completely undressed, save for a pair of plain white panties.  "You done yet?"  Bronya jumped, her attention shooting towards the door where Seele had begun to peek in. She instinctively clutched the dress to her bare chest, trying to cover herself. "W-what are you doing?" Bronya said, quickly slipping the dress on and adjusting herself. "Still not relaxed yet," Seele strolled in of her own accord, glancing around the room freely. "We're both girls, no need to be embarrassed." "What does that have to do with anything?" Bronya replied. Seele sighed, approaching Bronya from across the room. "Take a look," she said, pulling down her top and exposing her breasts. Bronya couldn't stop her eyes from going directly to Seele's exposed chest. As she tried to comprehend what she was seeing, the view vanished with Seele fixing her outfit. "Nice, huh? Alright, your turn." "My... what?" "Whip em out," Seele was staring at her chest now; Bronya felt her face getting even hotter. She'd never exposed herself to anyone before; to do it on command... and in front of her... "I... um... " "Forget it," Seele stuck out her tongue before flopping down on Bronya's large bed.  "You want to see... my breasts?" Bronya sat down on the edge of the bed. "Tch... it's not like I wanted to see them," Seele replied. "I could care less. I just don't know why you got all uppity." "I'm... not uppity... " Seele sat up. "All that amazing drink and you're still a frigid little princess." She laughed, before looking over Bronya's figure. "You clean up pretty nice, though. I feel strangely underdressed."  "I really should go clean up my office," Bronya began to get up, before Seele's hand pulled her back down onto the bedside.  "Oh no you don't! Work hours are over; you're not allowed back in that office until tomorrow. Got it?" "Says who?" "Says me, dork." Bronya felt the lingering fear of failure rising back up in her mind again; the sobering reality of the entire city counting on her made her want to work all through the night, if that's what it took. Seele had good intentions, she knew this, but she didn't want to fail so quickly by indulging in personal frivolities. "Listen, Seele," Bronya's tone sharpened. "The people of Belobog need me. They need us. We knew this would be hard when we agreed to take things into our own hands. If the people out there knew we were... they wouldn't approve of this." "And you think they approve of you running yourself ragged?" Seele countered. "You're human, just like any one of those people out there. If there's anything they wouldn't approve of, it's their own Supreme Guardian burying herself in work." Bronya felt a lump in her throat at Seele's words; did her people really want the best for her, just as she did for them? "I... don't want to fail."  "You won't." Seele pulled her close; Bronya let her head fall onto Seele's shoulder. "There's only one person who can do this job, and that's you, Bronya. Nobody could have endured what you did and come out stronger for it." "I'm not as strong as you," Bronya said. "You always have the answers. You charge in headfirst without a doubt... I could never do that." Seele laughed. "You don't think I've ever doubted myself? If it weren't for the Trailblazer and their friends, none of this would be possible. I couldn't have done any of it on my own; I've failed more than you know." "Seele..."  Not sure what to say, Bronya sat there with Seele for several minutes, enjoying the warmth of her embrace. Time was slipping away; soon it would be time for her to retire and for Seele to leave. She didn't want her to go. "I have a idea," Seele released Bronya from her grasp and got behind her on the bed. "How about a nice back massage? That should take care of the remaining stress you've got all cooped up in there." The idea was tempting; Bronya hadn't had a proper massage in years. She wasn't even sure if Seele had the requisite skills to provide one, but it meant that her friend would stay a bit longer.  "Go ahead," Bronya sat up straight and awaited Seele's touch. "Let's loosen you up some more," Seele said, placing her hands on Bronya's shoulders and beginning to knead them slowly. The effect was immediate; waves of pleasure shot through Bronya's body as Seele's soft hands molded and sculpted her muscles. The sensations shot from her neck and across her back; she closed her eyes and savored the experience. "I think I found the problem!" Seele exclaimed. "Bronya, your back is as stiff as Geomarrow." "Aaa... " Bronya moaned at Seele's touch. "So nice..." "I should be charging you for this," Seele joked. She leaned down to whisper in Bronya's ear, "Maybe you can rub me next?" Her phrasing caught Bronya off guard. She whipped her head around to look at Seele, but didn't realize how close she still was.  Their lips touched. Bronya jerked her head back forward. "I'm... I'm so sorry!" Seele stopped her handiwork. "Did you mean to do that?" Did she? They had kissed, if only for a brief second. And yet, Bronya did not regret it. She hadn't felt anything like that in all her life. She wanted more. "Seele..." she turned her head back around. "Yeah, Bronya?" Seele approached.  "Once more..."  Seele lowered her lips to Bronya's again. This time there was purpose; the fleeting accidental touch was nothing compared to this mutual pairing. Bronya brought her hand up and stroked Seele's soft cheeks. Their lips continued to press together; one kiss became two, and then four. Seele had stopped rubbing Bronya's back, and her hands had begun to flirt with the fabric of Bronya's gown.  "I didn't know you wanted this..." Seele said between kisses. "I... didn't know either," Bronya replied.  Seele stopped, looking into her eyes. "Do you... want this?" Bronya's heart was racing. She wanted to cry out 'yes!', but all she could do was nod her head. Seele accepted that graciously, continuing to kiss her with more passion this time. Her hands made their way around Bronya's torso and cupped her breasts, each finger tracing a path across the silky dress. The feeling of Seele's hands was incredible; she massaged her breasts with the same care as her shoulders, letting her fingers dance across Bronya's nipples as they fought to pierce her gown. Seele stopped kissing Bronya's lips and began to kiss her neck, exhaling hot breath as she slipped one of her hands down Bronya's body. It continued until it reached her pelvis, digging into the gown between her legs. Bronya's hand instinctively latched on to Seele's, stopping her. "Is that... not okay?" Seele asked. "I've just... never... " Bronya felt her face flushing again. She was such a sheltered girl; it was too embarrassing to admit she had never felt another's touch.  "Me neither..." Seele replied, shocking Bronya.  "You don't have to lie." "It's the truth."  "Then," Bronya pondered the nature of their predicament. "I'd be your first." "And you'd be mine," Seele replied.  Bronya felt the anxiety wash away. She loosened her grip on Seele's hand, guiding it to her most sensitive area. Seele wasted no time, rubbing Bronya's skin gently. Even through the frabric of her dress, the sensation was electric. Bronya felt her heart beating faster. She had thought of Seele as her better before, but now they were equals. Seele's touch felt incredible, and Bronya wanted to repay it in kind. She took the straps of her dress and pulled them down, letting her gown fall to her waste. Seele's free hand happily fondled her naked breast, squeezing her firmly as Seele's other hand rubbed her.  It felt so good, but Bronya wanted more. She wanted to kiss Seele, to feel her breasts, to touch her.  Bronya stood up abruptly, turning to face Seele; her dress crumpled to the floor, leaving her standing in just her panties once more. Bronya quickly realized the disparity between their clothes, and felt the need to cover herself once more. "N-not fair..." she stammered. "Why am I the only one naked?"  Seele chuckled as she stood up from the bed as well. She walked over to Bronya, moved her hand away from her breast and cupped it. "I knew you had great tits," Seele grinned. "Why don't you lay down while I 'even' things up." Bronya did as ordered, laying down on her bed as Seele began to undress. Her miniscule shorts came off easily, revealing the rest of her leotard underneath. The rest was more intricate, but Bronya's eyes couldn't look away as more of Seele's body was exposed. Her breasts were a bit smaller than Bronya's, but her nipples were just as perky. Her figure was lean and tight all the way down to her thighs where a small butterfly tattoo sat next to her shaved groin. After removing her clothes completely, Seele cast her gaze back to Bronya, looking her over as she lay vulnerable on the bed. "Look who's got more clothes now," Seele grinned. She walked over to the bed, reached down and grabbed hold of Bronya's panties. Without warning, she yanked hard, pulling them clean off, exposing the last bit of hallowed skin Bronya had left. Her hands shot down to cover herself once more. "T-turn off the lights before you do that!" Bronya scolded.  The last thing Bronya saw was Seele sticking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry, then the room went dark.  "Are you.. still there?" Bronya called out.  She felt the bed shifting around her as Seele crawled in. "That better?" she asked, coyly. All at once, Bronya's entire body erupted in fiery sensations as Seele lay down upon her. Every inch of their bodies were touching now: their breasts pressed together while their legs intertwined. Seele's lips pressed against Bronya's again, and her hands began to explore Bronya's naked body freely. Bronya let herself follow, sliding her hands up and down Seele's smooth skin. It was too much; a feeling had been building inside her from the first time Seele's lips and hers met. Their bodies laying together as one was enough to bring that feeling to the forefront, sending lightning all over Bronya's body. She held on to Seele tightly as all her stress and anxiety exited her body, trying hard (and failing) to not cry out at the sensation. Seele looked at Bronya, her face now more visible in the darkness. "Did you just... already?" She had. Bronya could only nod. "You are so adorable," Seele stroked Bronya's hair. "But, I'm not so easy to please."  "I don't know what to do..." Bronya said. Even if they were both new to this, Seele definitely seemed like the more knowledgeable.  "Just do what I do," Seele planted another tender kiss on Bronya's lips before their bodies separated. Bronya felt cold and naked with Seele; she wanted to pull her back. It only took a moment before her warm was felt again, but this time Bronya felt the distinct feeling of Seele's breasts near her waist. She put her hands up and felt Seele's backside only inches from her face. "Remember," Seele said, "Just follow along."  What does that even me— A hot, wet sensation stopped Bronya's train of thought. Seele's head was near her torso, and yet her lips were meeting... her other lips. Seele sucked and licked away at Bronya; it felt like nothing she had even experienced before. Even the sparse nights alone in her room where she had experimented with pleasure seeking; this was completely different. As her eyes adjusted, Bronya could see Seele's body in front of her face now, the lips of her vagina were so close. Just do as she does... Bronya grabbed Seele's body and pulled her backside into her face, letting her mouth begin to work on Seele's lips. From beyond her torso, Seele let out a satisfied moan; Bronya was doing it right. She continued to work her tongue around, licking every part of Seele's pussy, even exploring the wetness inside. All the while, Seele returned the favor, sending waves of heat along Bronya's whole body.  Bronya continued to mimic Seele's motions until her cries began to pitch upwards. "Bron... ya... I'm... " She stopped licking Bronya's lips as her body shook, her lips quivering to Bronya's touch. Barely savoring her own reward, Seele dove back in, furiously rubbing Bronya's pussy until her own body began to climax.  "Aaa... aaaa... " Bronya didn't try to hide it anymore. She let her voice ring out in the small room, embracing the waves of pleasure.  Seele began to move again, changing positions once more. She lay back down beside Bronya, kissing her while lowering a hand to her waist. "You ready for more?" "Seele..." Bronya could barely respond before she felt Seele's fingers moving inside of her. The went deep and fast, exploring every inch of her wet pussy. Seele stopped kissing Bronya and went for her shaking breast, sucking hard on her nipple. The air was so hot now, Bronya's body was dripped in sweat and so was Seele's, but she kept working her fingers in and out at a rapid pace.  "Aaaa... " There was nothing between them anymore; they had known every inch of each other's bodies in the dark of the night. Bronya felt the heat rising in her once more. She wanted to scream, to cry out Seele's name. Every single thrust of her fingers brought Bronya a step closer to the edge. She wanted this moment to last an eternity, here in Seele's grasp. "Aa... S-Seele... aaaa!"  "That's it," Seele replied, "I want you to cum hard for me. Let it all out." Bronya let her own hand assist Seele's, pushing herself over the edge. "I'm... cu... " Her body shook as she climaxed, a rush of hot fluid erupting oozing from her pussy. Seele's thrusting sent it flying all over the bedsheets, letting Bronya's body savor every second of the moment. It was sealed by Seele once again kissing her, their bodies lying together once more in the heat. "Stay with me..."  "Of course." It was nearly noon before Bronya had bothered to clean the papers up in her office, stacking them neatly, though out-of-order, on her desk. She resisted the urge to return to her work, opting instead to leave Qlipoth Fort and spend the day out and about in the city. Seele had left early in the morning, saying something about Wildfire beginning efforts to rebuild Rivet City. She hadn't left without a parting gift, or three. Bronya's mind kept flashing back to the previous night as she walked. She wondered how the people of Belobog might react to that knowledge. "Did you know the Supreme Guardian was up all night having sex with an Underworld girl?" It filled Bronya with a giddy sense of naughtiness - the people who stopped and asked to take photos with her, or the businessman who wanted to know her outlook on the economy, none of them knew what she got up to in the early hours of the morning. The sense of relief it filled her with was liberating. She had made sure to let Seele know that regularly scheduled 'sessions' would be paramount to effectively returning the city to greatness, something Seele was all too happy to oblige with. Later that day, Bronya received a message on her phone from the Astral Express crew. Stelle, the one they called the Trailblazer, had asked "How do you feel, physically?" "Thanks to Seele, I'm fine now."   -THE END-
I'm not trapped here with you, you're trapped here with me
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gepard Landau, Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blackmail, Objectification, Dubious Consent, Dirty Talk
['holky_a_vdolky', 'Shisui_is_the_BEST', 'Nee354', 'SeasondSoap', 'EvilYogurt', 'catbaby', 'MaRa_N', 'Illkmsletmein1509', 'Minithello', 'mirag_e', 'the_voices_in_my_head', 'Sharath', 'heybabyheid', 'itzSpuffy', 'Yunnella', 'Beanmei', 'Erogodiel', 'wiredfiredready2xpire', 'AkiSanada', 'ShiraumeVibes', 'queerlyvampy', 'Tenma_Shiki', 'malaseum', 'abcdefkel', 'hit6kas', 'TuxedoSloth', 'neonzer0', 'Xinon', 'archterigen', 'sra_sucks', 'PokeAsh', 'MaceStarlet', 'Toxic_Fujoshit', 'PointBlank007', 'jinnie_cutie', 'Monica234', 'Ryuuna31', 'goldangels', '4ruityRoyalty', 'Tinyraven1', 'DeviantBlackCat', 'AkaRose522', 'nicole_hartvel', 'Hayaxkei', 'Psychocat666', 'razor_boi', 'NotInCahoots', 'iLUVWnGJiii', 'MediocreSavant', 'ifrainfalls']
A whistle sounds inside the empty room. With a pair of inquisitive eyes, Sampo observes the figure underneath him. He runs his black leather gloves and watches in appreciation as the figure shivers. "Mmph!" "What is it? I'm in the middle of something here," his smirk grows wider when he finally makes eyecontact with the pair of blue currently glaring daggers at him. Without words, they make a silent promise to him that he will die a painful death, but at that point in time, all Sampo can imagine is how beautiful they'll look with a dazed, glazed expression. Even better if they're teary. The rough texture of his glove brushes against a pink bud. The reactional whimper that ensues elicits another whistle from Sampo. He's seen many beautiful antique items in his life, but this is one sight he'll never forget. The enchanting sight of the captain of the Silvermane Guards, tied up with a scarlet ribbon, laying vulnerable under him is something that he can't put a price on. In his line of work, it's a rarity. "I like you better like this, Gep." The response is another muffled curse. "Now, now! None of that attitude, please. You're gonna hurt Sampo's feelings. It's almost as if you don't want to be tied up and used?" The jester fishes out his smartphone and shows the display to his captive. In it is a video that shows Gepard on his knees, serving his men. His pale face is smeared with thick cum that dribbles down his chin and some clumping around his mouth. His hair is sticky, dirtied with dried semen that he's drinking enthusiastically. Despite the fact that he's sucking his men's cock, he looks like he's on cloud nine. His cheeks are flushed all the way to his ears while his tantalisingly skinny waist is gripped by a pair of hands that bounces him up and down another cock. "You look like you enjoyed yourself here! See? You're so happy that you're being treated like a common whore, Captain," he grins before roughly twisting Gepard's nipple. "Mmh!" He arches his back involuntarily, enjoying the jolt of pain and pleasure that runs through his body. "Your reactions are honest, at least," he purrs as he sets down the phone, still playing the video at full blast. Instantly, Gepard's ears are filled with the recorded sound of his moans, along with the gagging noise as a dick is shoved down his throat. Finally paying attention to Gepart's already weeping cock, Sampo leans over and whispers, "Do you know how much profit I can get selling the Captain of Silvermane Guard's sex tape? I'll be set for life." Even amidst his muffled moans, Gepard yells out his objections. "I play dirty, but not that dirty. Still, good ol' me might need to be convinced to keep this to myself. What do you say, Gep?" With one flush movement, he removes the gag covering Gepard's mouth. The man takes a lungful of breath before gritting his teeth like a defensive cat, then hisses at Sampo. With one tweak of the nipple, his entire visage changes. "Ooh!" Sampo chuckles as he continues pumping Gepard's blushing cock. He squeezes the manhood, and fondles the tip while not forgetting to lavish the balls with attention too. Gepard's back arches even more. He leans into the touch, desperately mewling, unable to brush off his basic desire to be dominated and bred. He thrashes his head side to side as his balls tighten up under Sampo's masterful touches that suddenly stops the moment he's about to release. Sampo laughs at the honest reaction. "Come on. Surely, you know how to beg, Gep? Just say, 'Please let me cum, Sampo'," he says, squeezing the throbbing cock as an encouragement. "I-I wo—mmh!" "Who would've thought that the great Captain Gepard is just a slut? You'll spread your legs for any man, won't you?" Teases Sampo while he works on undoing his pants starting from his belt. Seeing the needy blond is enough to make him hot and bothered too. Be it intentionally or not, when his cock finally springs free, Gepard's eyes won't leave it. He's entranced, eyes glazed. "Just the sight of my cock is enough to make you drool, hm? Any of your holes wants a taste?" "H-How dare you speak like that to me—mmh!" "Come on, now. Be honest!" He says in a singsong tone as the tip of his index finger dances against Gepard's throbbing, puckered hole. A sigh is released when Sampo pushes himself inside. As expected, Gepard offers little resistance. With his grin now growing, the captor watches in fascination as he easily slides in and out Gepard's ass. "You're gripping around my fingers so readily. You must really want this. How many men have filled you up? Ten? A hundred? I bet they fuck you every night." "N-no..." he whimpers, but can't stop himself from rocking his hips into Sampo's touch. The underworlder can only smile in amusement as Gepard fucks himself on his fingers. His insides are velvety and warm. It's inviting, and Sampo can only imagine how the inner walls will clench and throb around his cock. He curls his fingers. When he does, Gepard shudders. With a long, drawn-out gasp, he cums all over his chest. "Finishing just like that? My little cockslut needs some more discipline it seems. I'll be more than happy to guide you!" "S-Sampo... I will kill you if you d-don't release me..." Gepard glares at him, but who can take him seriously when his cheeks are red, eyes teary and saliva escaping his lips? His chest is heaving up and down and his hardened nipples are not helping the intimidation he's trying to exert. While running the back of his hand against Gepard's cheek, he purrs. "Aw, when you look at me like that I just want to do nothing but break you... and I'm not the type to break my things," the moment he finishes his sentence, the captain clenches even tighter around his digits. "You like being called a thing, hm? Like it when people treat you like you're just a toy? Then maybe I should treat you like one." "Haa!" He throws his head back the moment both of his nipples are roughly squeezed and pulled. Gepard struggles against his confines while he bucks his hips up at the stimulation. "Feels good to be mistreated, doesn't it?" Sampo continues his mockery. "Just admit it. The Captain likes to be fucked and used. That you were born to take cocks. Gotta say this gap is really lewd. Never thought you'd be squirming under me like this. If I had known all it takes for you to submit is the sight of a cock, I would've had such an easy time running away from you." "S-shut... up—!" Once again, he lets out a cry of pleasure. It continues when he feels Sampo's cock poking against his desperate hole. "Say it, Gep." "N-no..." "Say it." Despite his best efforts, Gepard pushes against the underworlder, hoping to be stretched. That cock is big, and it's ready to breed him. He wants to resist, but he can't. All he can think of is how good it'll feel to be manhandled, to be used like he's just a fleshlight. The cock he so badly craves is so close, yet he's not granted permission to it? It's so thick. So hot. So... so perfect. Gepard swallows thickly as he imagines all the different ways it can ruin him. He wants to be split in half, wants to be gaped by it, but voicing it to Sampo, of all people is more humiliating. He knows that once he crosses that line, he'll never live this day down. However, there's no denying his desire to be debauched. "Please..." he pants. "Please... what?" Sampo chuckles. It takes him everything in his power to not just ram into him. "Fuck me, use me!" He breaks down at last. With the last shred of his dignity finally shed, Gepard begs. "You're right. I-I love it when people use me like a toy. I... I just want to be destroyed..." With that, all patience snaps. Without warning, Sampo slams his entire length in. Gepard's arched back arches further. He melts into the mattress when he feels Sampo's thick cock crushing his prostate. It's the perfect girth, the perfect curve. It fills him up to the stomach so nicely. Gepard's eyes roll to the back of his head while his tongue lolls out. He lets the man grab his waist and piledrive into him. It's sinful indulgence. This is a side of him he doesn't want anyone knowing, yet at that moment, he would be a willing whore for Sampo to be fucked and used wherever and whenever. He's big. Much bigger than any of the cocks he's taken before. If his hands weren't bound, then he would've been clawing all over Sampo's back. He wants to be filled even more. "Yes, yes, yes, yes," Gepard screams it out like it's his lifeline. He sees stars and black patches as his hole is brutalised. His ass inadvertently clenches around Sampo's length like a vice grip not wanting to let go. It's everything he's ever wanted and more. As a Captain who is always required to keep a stony composure, losing control like this is liberating. "So fucking good," Sampo grunts. "You're a perfect cumdump, Captain. I want to fill you up with my cum." "Please," he chokes out. "Cum in me. Please, please—" He screams. "Break me. Ruin me!" The tightness is on a whole other level. Gepard is gripping him so tightly, his searing hot inner walls pulsating like all he ever wants to do in life is to pleasure cocks. Sampo is only human. A sinful one who's more than willing to obey this particular request unconditionally. He spills all of his cum inside, drawing out the same reaction from Gepard who once again releases. Sampo is panting. He went in hard with a relentless pace. When he's about to pull out, Gepard once again tightens around him. "More..." the Captain licks his lips. The ribbon tying his hands together has been ripped to shreds. He lifts himself up, curls his arms around the underworlder and whispers, "I'm not letting you go until I've passed out." Oh, boy.
Notorious Halo
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Late Night Conversations, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Idiots in Love, theyre in love your honor, wikihow to tag, Nonspecified Time Frame, Boys In Love, Comfort No Hurt, Honkai Impact 3rd Reference
['wweareallmadhere17', 'sp00k3s', 'MissPiixie', 'Astella24', 'Gorgeousname', 'LimeClouds_Lenny', 'Anavihh2_0', 'Kuronushi', 'DearBear98', 'heybabyheid', 'meadowaries', 'Neleyah', 'colourmeblack', 'Babyblack69', 'mkay6081', 'jinnie_cutie', 'Laylainthesky', 'Grestar', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'ranorikii', 'Calamitymon', 'YaBoiTeeth', 'Yanno_ily', 'SeasideOpal', 'grudgez', 'Ayquarium', 'EmpyreanPyxis', 'Sad_Gh0st', 'AphoticEuphemism', 'OmniMaiMage', 'gabyp2019', 'shinesignal', 'Yup_the_feels', 'CatsLoveMoney', 'Starlight24', 'skyavol11', 'sanqwhich', 'Cantalis', 'nanoharuka', 'rokutenichi', 'Cabinet_grass', 'aevinett', 'Trsr07', 'Mislady234', 'neveramenhera', 'lucianprince', 'HunterofArtemis16', 'Monkey_bridge', 'EstherHozaki', 'CelestialKitsune']
Dan Heng didn’t know how he got here, tangled in the sheets with the anomaly of his life sleeping barely a breath away from him. He didn’t know how he came to be gently dragging his fingers through messy, grey strands, the softness enrapturing him as he stared through the low light at the stranger— because who else could this person be? Caelus was odd, he numbly thought, shuddering when he felt a puff of breath against his chest and the shifting form of the other. Caelus was different. He was new in a way Dan Heng had never approached before. In a lot of ways, though, the newcomer was like March—confident, outgoing, a little too energetic and inquisitive for his own good. Maybe a bit empty-minded too, from the way he would clearly zone out in conversations. And yet. Caelus had a strange glimmer in those bright eyes, a shine that winked like the last dying sparks of stardust Dan Heng watched passing the Express’ windows. He had the gaze of one looking from another perspective unable to be withheld by another, as if he wasn’t from this world—let alone this universe. Maybe it was the Stellaron. Maybe it’s the insanity that possesses Caleus to dig around in dumpsters and trash cans. Dan Heng found himself watching the other more than he expected. He told himself it was to watch over the anomaly that took in the Stellaron, the newcomer who easily fit into the crew like he was always meant to be, the new star in Dan Heng’s sky that lit up his world like no other had. He watched how Caelus took to using the phone with ease, chatting like he had been using it for years and not just seconds after an amnesiac revelation. He watched how Caelus unconsciously—or perhaps inadvertently—turned to video games and their terms like…well, Dan Heng doesn’t really have a comparison. It took March 7th a while to figure out how to use the devices, and never with the naturalness Caleus had. What life did Caelus have? Dan Heng found himself wondering that tirelessly, entertaining the thought over and over like a stone until it was rounded with his endless turning and shifting. He wanted to know more. He wanted an explanation for why this—this stranger fit in his world like nothing ever had. He wanted to know why Caelus liked those games he played, why Caelus would laugh at random things people say and do, why Caelus liked to look at Dan Heng with a look he could never decipher. He wanted Caelus. The startling revelation made Dan Heng’s breath hitch, fingers unconsciously digging into the other’s scalp. He wanted Caelus, but he was content to sit idle and just—just appreciate the stranger. Because that’s what they were— strangers , barely acquaintances at most. They had the bare minimum, they had the basics—names, light conversations, the few moments. So why did Dan Heng feel so enraptured by Caelus? “Hey,” a raspy voice, heavy with sleep, suddenly interrupted Dan Heng’s spiraling thoughts. “Hey,” he whispered back, barely uttering the words. They floated, unfettered, like a sigh to the wind. But Caelus heard. Dan Heng could almost see, even in the dimness, that grin that stretched through the trailblazer’s features, warm—and directed right at him. “I woke up because of your thinking,” Caelus murmured, an accusatory tone. “Did you, now?” Dan Heng replied, but his mind was elsewhere. A long time ago, around when he started staying in the archives and before Caelus suddenly pulled him out to sleep together with no prompting, Dan Heng had found a journal from an antiquity shop on one of the trailblazing missions. It was well-loved, worn with time and use. The simplicity of it had Dan Heng uninterested—at least, until he started documenting the journal into the archives. It wasn’t just a journal—it was an almost fantastical sort of record, detailing a life that soared high and fell low. It was a life marked by tragedy and heartache, and a life fighting for all that was beautiful in the world. But what mostly stuck with him was the writer’s sudden rants about love, their adoration towards another. Even now, he would think of the writing, long after the completed scan into the Astral Express’ database. “—eng. Dan Heng, are you—“ “I’m here,” he breathed, his reply almost too sharp but that’s what Caelus did to him—he made Dan Heng lost to his thoughts in a way he’d never experienced with anyone else. How does one describe my adoration? Pray, tell me, because I turn your way like the flower does to the sun, like the planets that couldn’t help but revolve around your brilliance. “You’ve been doing that a lot,” Caelus said, somehow shifting impossibly closer, warm body heat tempering with Dan Heng’s own.  “It’s no concern of yours,” Dan Heng replied. “If anything, we should address your mental attendance.” A sleepy laugh felling from Caelus made Dan Heng smile by the barest increment, hidden by the darkness yet projected in body, his being, his once-lonely form as he laid under the comforting sheets with Caleus. You liked me best when I smiled, anyways. It’s difficult not to when I was with you. “If this was like a…a game, all the conversations would be endless dialogue that I wanna skip over because they’re way too wordy ,” Caelus mused, arms slowly snaking around Dan Heng. “But I can’t, so I have to suffer through endless, painfully mind-numbing droning.” How do I tell you how much my heart still aches for your breath, how much this monstrous form yearns for your companionship? How do I explain that the birds fly without fear, that the earth revolves around the sun, that I love you like so? “You need to stop playing games,” Dan Heng huffed after a pause. “You’re not gaining anything by doing so.” “Yeah, but I love these sick combos—hey, Dan Heng, you should totally—“ “I’m not downloading anything,” he quickly cut off, sighing as he felt more than saw the disappointment on Caelus’ face. But that’s okay. He’s content to watch—not the game, but Caelus. Caelus, when he makes it to the next goal, when he wins, when he gets excited at the most strange things. He’s content to watch how Caelus celebrates the things Dan Heng otherwise wouldn’t care for. I want to bid farewell to you, because there’s forever three-hundred thousand miles between us. Yet I feel as though you’re right beside me, as radiant as the day we met. So what use is a goodbye to someone that never left? “Mhm, but back on the topic.” Caelus shifted slightly. “You’re straight to the point, so I care to listen to what you say.” “I find that hard to believe if you’re out of it in a long conversation.” “Well,” a cheeky tone entered Caelus’ voice, making Dan Heng feel a little more than uneasy for the next few words. “I like the sound of your voice, so of course I gotta pay attention.” Dan Heng really did not appreciate the ways Caelus forced him to actually think his next words thoroughly. “Oh,” he replied. Yes, he was a critical thinker—but when Caelus entered a ten-mile vicinity, all his thoughts were occupied by nothing but the other trailblazer. “Mhm,” Caelus hummed, as if he hadn’t just dropped a relationship-altering bomb similar to the demand for Dan Heng to get into the bed with him. “I’m…I’m tired as hell now though, so g’night.” Dan Heng had a sneaking suspicion that the sleepiness was moreso a method to get out of the awkward situation, but Caelus had his way of doing miracles. “Oh, but before I do.” ‘What now? ’ Was what Dan Heng had wanted to say, but before he could get the words out of his mouth, eager lips pressed to his own and chased away any protest. The chaste kiss ended as soon as it began, Caelus chirping out, “That’s to finish the CPR you meant to give me,” and promptly slamming into the pillows, giving very, very over dramatic snoozing sounds. Dan Heng didn’t go to sleep for a while after that. He doesn’t think he ever could, laying here next to Caelus, a form not his own accompanying him in the never-ending night. Caelus was destined for greater things, Dan Heng knew it. It was as clear as the day he met him, the knowledge that his newfound companion would eventually turn to greater heights and forgo his current self. It was clear in his abilities, his ties to the Stellaron, the suddenness of everything that occurred when he entered this world. It was written thoroughly—Caelus was destined for things beyond what Dan Heng could reach. Once, Dan Heng would say that he would be content to stand aside and watch. He would be content to be the bystander, wordlessly documenting everything Caelus could and would be, a silent testimony to bygone moments. But now? Now, when he couldn’t think to call Caelus a stranger anymore, a forlorn acquaintance? When Caelus was clearly more, a heartfelt companion to Dan Heng’s lonely nights? He didn’t know what he was feeling, or thinking, or doing, but he knew he wanted to stay by Caelus’ side. He wanted to see the other trailblazer’s world, he wanted to find finality with Caleus, he wanted—he wanted Caleus. ‘So be it ,’ Dan Heng drowsily pledged, finally falling into Caelus’ embrace. Let him stay however long the other trailblazer would let him. At the end of the day, Caelus lulled Dan Heng to sleep alongside him in a bed meant for one and sheets warmed by two.
experiment one: get a kiss
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Dan Heng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Boys Kissing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, caelus is a man of science, dan heng is tired of him
['Honeycloudress', 'airo_plane', 'USMCcAnthem', 'RainySho', 'Herith_Theo19', 'TouyalikeKFC', 'vishbonk', 'Frogs_are_candies', 'amakiel', 'JamieJewel', 'SmartieQueen', 'Xathras', 'k4zuwu', 'MillieBee', 'RiversideSlope', 'Nudelauflauf', 'Malaruu', 'mimicookies', 'authortobias', 'The_Red_of_a_Single_Rose', 'cookkiiee771', 'idk__1', 'scaraburr', 'Kasenny', 'grassbl0ck', 'heybabyheid', 'cashregisterelectric', 'Babyblack69', 'Ryokucha1407', 'Fourchuna', 'meadowaries', 'pumpkin_leaves', 'IamNiko', 'ikkunnee', 'tirederaserhead', 'Blanq', 'madnexx', 'marieaa', '5kullflow', 'Laylainthesky', 'SavvyChan', 'StarlingElliot', 'jinnie_cutie', 'ThatOneThatGoesByStarAndScar', 'Night_sky_light', 'raiddenmei', 'morninglatte', 'LightWrites', 'Angel2GroundControl', 'mygraine_city']
There’s a murmur of voices above his head, blurry and unfocused, like he’s listening to them through water. Caelus— is it Caelus? It’s a bit embarrassing to not be a hundred percent sure of his own name, but he’d just been hypnotized, or drugged, whatever. Surely that’s a good enough excuse.  He’s getting distracted (not remembering your own name can do that to you). There are hands on his chest, trying to pump his lungs full of air, and the girl’s voice is getting shriller as she gets more and more alarmed. Silly girl. He’s fine. As soon as he figures out how breathing works, he’ll be good to go.  “CPR?” he hears her say, and a faint bell goes off. There’s an argument, and he can’t help but get the feeling something important is about to happen. Wake up, Caelus, if that is your real name , he urges himself.  He’s only just managed to get his fingers to twitch when something draws close to his face and survival instinct kicks in, jolting him awake just to see a young man’s— Dan Heng, his brain supplies— face barely a centimeter away from his own, eyes closed as he leans in.  Is CPR supposed to be this romantic? What’s with this tender mood? Up this close, Caelus can see the fluttering of Dan Heng’s lashes and feel the nervous stuttering of breath wash over his face. It’s not that he minds, really; the other man is quite handsome, at least from the blurry, cross-eyed view he’s getting. Nice voice. And it’s not like he’s in a position to go anywhere else, so why not?  In the split second these deliberations take him, the opportunity is lost. The girl (March? Like… the month?) bats her companion’s face away, noticing Caelus’ state of arousal (as in… wakefulness… hey. Don’t get the wrong idea).  The moments that follow meeting the Astral Express crew on Herta Space Station are too hectic for Caelus to really do anything about the almost-kiss, but he files the way Dan Heng’s placid expression breaks as he pulls back from the interruption, blush dusting his nose and cheeks, for later.  Later comes sooner than he would have thought, all things considered. Sure, there had been some road blocks along the way… something something Doomsday Beast… something something carrying the Cancer of All Worlds… but really, Caelus doesn’t think it’s too bad. He gets to be the hero of the space station, and job offers are throwing themselves at him.  Ok, two offers, but still, not bad for someone who has a day’s worth of real memories to his name. And now that he’s following the Astral Express crew onto their train, he decides that it could be fun to explore that almost-kiss. For science.  Yeah, for science. Not to brag, but his resume so far? Stacked. Ignoring the whole “savior of researchers everywhere, slayer of the Doomsday Beast thing” (if you can ignore that. He understands if it’s too impressive to disregard), he’s the number one research subject of Genius Society member 83. The scientific credentials he has off of that alone mean he’s more than capable of carrying out a little experimentation of his own. The experiment has to wait a little for him to get used to the train, but Caelus doesn’t mind. It’s a great train. Herta space station is impressive, sure, but it’s also just a space station. How often do you get to be on a train that rides through space?  He gets swept up for a while talking to Pom-Pom, the conductor (mascot?), who shows him where a couple things are, and then goes to talk to Welt and Himeko.   It’s also impossible to stop himself from looking around a little on his own, so goes around inspecting every potted plant in the parlor car for posterity. It’s only when he’s done satisfying the curiosities of youth (it’s a real pity there aren’t that many books to steal; the space station was a veritable gold mine in comparison) that he decides to amble along towards the passenger cars.  Caelus is barely able to register the sound of machines whirring in tandem when Dan Heng speaks, disembodied voice muffled by the door. “Who’s there?” He won’t lie; he’s a little caught off guard, but he’s here in the pursuit of scientific excellence. Eccentricities like supernatural hearing are hardly enough to sway a man of his capabilities at this stage in the game.  “It’s me,” he says, then tacks on his name to be polite. He’s familiar enough with Dan Heng’s voice, considering it was one of two that heralded his rebirth into this world, but that doesn’t mean it goes both ways.  Now that he’s getting closer to his goal, though, he feels a brief spark of hesitation. Maybe he had read into things too much earlier, or was too groggy to really process social norms. Savior of space stations or not, he’s only human! Mistakes happen all the time.  And maybe, just maybe, if Caelus is being really honest with himself, Experiment 1: Get a Kiss is more than purely academic. Sue him, he likes Dan Heng, likes listening to him explain things, or watching as he gets increasingly irritated the longer March talks— likes the idea of kissing him.  So he’ll play it cool to start. When Dan Heng invites him inside, he stands close but not too close.  “Can I help you?” he asks Caelus, who takes the opportunity to look around the archives. He picked the train over working for Herta for a reason beyond just a need to avoid sustained contact with Herta’s… difficult personality— its people and purpose are interesting to him. It’s been a day, and he already feels like a part of the family. Hearing about Dan Heng’s work towards maintaining the archives would be downright fascinating at another time, but he has priorities right now.  Caelus lets Dan Heng finish his explanation, and dutifully makes his way over to the terminal, mind distracted, and looks over the couple entries for which curiosity wins over. When he’s done, he has no choice but to cast his eyes around the room, looking for something to fill the silence, and moves back over to stand next to the other man. “So,” he eventually settles on, “this is where you sleep? The Express doesn’t have beds?” Seriously, it’s not even a flirting thing. The man is sleeping on a mattress on the ground surrounded by machines. Caleus is actually concerned. “I can’t imagine March being ok with not having one.” Dan Heng rolls his eyes. “She has a real bed.” He has to double check something. “You two aren’t… uh. I mean. Is there, like, a reason you know, or?” It’s worth the embarrassment for the sheer annoyance that flashes across Dan Heng’s face, paired with the (definitely involuntary) return of the blush that started this whole thing. “Don’t be ridiculous,” his companion tells him.  “Oh. Good.” He can’t control his mouth. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Now this is definitely involuntary. There’s a pause. “Good?” The awkward energy he’s managed to create in the span of two minutes is the real scientific achievement, here. Dan Heng looks a little like he’d rather be anywhere else but here, but he always looks like that. Maybe a blunt approach would be better; he’s already dug his own grave, anyway. “Earlier,” he starts, leaning back on the wall of machines for moral support, “when we met. Why were you trying to kiss me?” The blush spreads across Dan Heng’s entire face. He’s bright pink. It’s very cute. “I— that wasn’t— it was CPR! You were passed in the middle of an invasion. We couldn’t just leave you there.” Caelus isn’t buying it. “Uh huh. Look. I might’ve been born yesterday, but even I know you don’t lean in like that for CPR. Why’d you try, anyway? Not like you’re a medic.” “Uh,” Dan Heng coughs. Watching how flustered he’s getting does wonders at settling Caelus’ own nerves. “Out of the kindness of my heart?”  “Nah.” “My sense of duty?” “Oh, don’t give me that.” He can’t help but roll his eyes. “It wouldn’t be a question at all if that was it— you’d have told me to shut up before we could even have this conversation. No,” he continues, feeling a grin spread over his face as he steps further into Dan Heng’s personal space, tapping his arm. “You wanna know what I think?”  This close, it’s like the first time all over again, minus the whole passed out and delirious thing. So a lot better. Now, when he watches Dan Heng swallow, clearing his throat, it’s like watching in 4K. Front row seats. The whole nine yards. “What do you think?” Right, they’re having a conversation. Better get back to that. “I think you just wanted to kiss someone. And I’m pretty cute, yeah?” That breaks Dan Heng out of his discomfort, anxiety forgotten in favor of exasperation. That’s a good thing. Caelus wants to kiss him, not send him running for the hills. “You’re so full of yourself.” “Notice how you didn’t say no,” Caelus says, pleased despite himself. “So. The offer’s still open, y’know. March 7th isn’t around to stop you this time.” Dan Heng squints like he’s suspicious of something. “The offer? You want me to kiss you?” “Well, duh,” Caelus replies. That’s, like, the whole point of him being here right now. The archives are cool but he can look at them later— he’s kinda stuck with this train for life now, basically. Him and the Astral Express crew have a trauma bond. But wait… “I mean. Only if you also want that.” “I… wouldn’t know how,” Dan Hang says, shifting a little and rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “I’m not that familiar with such things.”  Caelus laughs, and Dan Heng’s expression clouds over, reverting to the calm mask he normally has. “Wait,” he clarifies, because Dan Heng tries to move away in offense, “I’m not laughing at you. I just— what part of ‘basically being born yesterday’ makes you think I’m familiar with these things, either?”  “You could’ve led with that,” Dan Heng snipes, but he lets Caelus drag him back in by the wrist, so he’s clearly not that upset. “So… how do I…?” “I thought we already established that I have no idea? You were so confident last time. Just do your best.” Dan Heng rolls his eyes. “Yeah, because that’s what everyone wants to hear when they’re about to kiss someone. You’re really selling this.” But he closes his eyes and tentatively puts his hand on Caelus’ waist, so really the lesson here is to never believe a word that comes out of his mouth. He totally is selling this, thank you very much.  Dan Heng presses their mouths together slowly, giving Caelus a split second feeling of triumph before drawing back.  “Is that ok?” he ghosts over Caelus’ mouth, breath leaving tingles breaking out over his skin. “I don’t know if—” “Shut up,” Caelus groans, reaching up for Dan Heng’s face to kiss him again. “It’s good. Do I have to do everything here myself?”  Fifteen minutes later, and it’s safe to say they’re both pretty familiar with how it all works now. There’s a pleasant ringing in his ears, and the archives look kind of hazy, like he’s looking at the world through a weird filter. “So,” he tries, picking up Dan Heng’s hand and fiddling with his fingers, “If you had to rate that on a scale of 1-10…”  “Gathering data?” Dan Heng asks back, raising an eyebrow. Caelus already misses the nervous blushing. “Hmm,” he continues, pretending to go along with it, “I think we need to conduct more research.”  Caelus nods. “Reliability is fundamental to a good study. But…” he can’t help but look back over at Dan Heng’s sad little mattress on the floor. “If this is gonna be a regular thing, we’ll need to get you a real bed.”
Dormant Disorder
['Lulise (Lolory)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Asta (Honkai: Star Rail), Herta (Honkai: Star Rail), Arlan (Honkai: Star Rail), mentioned Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail) - Character
scifi, Exploration, Angst, Blood, Crossover, Horror, Celestial Curio AU
['A_bored_writer_for_fun', 'PanicCompany25', 'SayNopeToReality', 'Mai_lin', 'Ansha105', 'InnocentUntilProvenGuilty', 'DefNotMothman', 'Emma_Shiota', 'f1iegenpi1z104', 'Lavender_Manga', 'CreepyReader', 'Meiyin', 'SarcasticSoldier', 'Ld26', 'FriendlyGamers', 'seiranee', 'shinjiswife', 'Hell_on_Wheels', 'CosmozPictures', 'Novabirds', 'heart_boi', 'PleaseBleachMyEyes', 'Pinkkobenisai', 'Alysontn', 'WhenTheFogClears', 'Lspaceship', 'SingularJasmine', 'Zenchchcrowme', 'I_have_no_life_I_am_Karma', 'Jess876', 'TheVoid_A', 'Piepuff', '09Mingie', 'xxKal_Exx', 'dawn_fox', 'IwonderHereandNow', 'Lazorux', 'Allstarall', 'RandomPersonExisting', 'Jason_Theodore_Doan', 'RosettaStone', 'ban_chan0MG', 'CaptainCubert', 'fei_wen', 'devilryhours', 'EstIgnis', 'EonShark', 'starryimai', 'YumeCallMeAReader', 'RandomPersonOnThisAd']
Herta had never seen anything quite like the giant nail that was floating idly between all the rubble surrounding it, but when she finally had a chance to view it in person, the idea that it must belong in her collection solidified. She never left her own place of residency, her dolls would suffice as a means of getting around from place to place. And now she had brought one of them onto her own personal space shuttle to get to this lonely decimated world Himeko had found.    Though the Astral Express crew weren’t used to seeing worlds completely torn apart, Herta had seen a few in her lifetime. She’d studied all sorts of ways a world could be destroyed, and even tracked them down so she could rummage through what was left. However, as she stood in the front of her shuttle with wide gleaming eyes and a smile, it was apparent this world Teyvat had not been destroyed in the usual way. No asteroid could’ve done this…not even an Aeon would leave such a mess… She had rattled all of the possibilities in her mind, but none of them satisfied her curiosity.    Even from that small shuttle however, she could still see it. The giant nail that glowed faintly amongst the debris, right in the planet’s core. It was a faint blue dot, but it was there nonetheless. Asta had seemed apprehensive in this plan of hers, though Herta couldn’t blame her. If the planet was this large, then the nail had to be gigantic. Though she had built the space station precisely for a treasure just like this one. Let’s get a closer look shall we… She went to her control terminal and ordered the shuttle forward. Any other small space shuttle like this one would be groaning under the atmospheric pressure by now, but Herta had made sure to design this one specifically for her own curio spelunking.    The shuttle roved past large chunks of land that had long since withered and blackened away over time. However, if she squinted she could see that there was still something connecting the pieces together. A thin blue line or energy trailed from the base of the largest chunks, back to the nail in the core. It was deeply embedded in the middle of the core, and made for an ugly sight as it had forced apart the core and split it in awkward ways.    Once the shuttle had docked as close as possible, the blue light from the nail emanated from it and filled the shuttle wholly. Herta’s excited smile grew wider. It was even more beautiful up close than the photos had shown. She quickly readied the  equipment needed to haul in such a large curio. Normally for something of this size and mass, she’d just teleport it to the station's cargo hold, however there was a special place that was the perfect size just for this nail. She’d even ordered lead researcher Asta to clear the way for it before she’d left.    With a press of her hand against the terminal, she sent out the small teleporters that'd connected themselves to the nail, and then in the blink of an eye it was gone. She hummed in satisfaction and began to undock to head back to the Space Station.    Moments later as she warped back, she received an instant message from Asta.    “Madame Herta? It seems the curio relocation was a success!” Asta reported with a smile. Her image was clear on a holo screen as she spoke directly to Herta. “I’m here in the cargo hold like you asked…all the preparations have been made to your specifications. Arlan had a pretty tough time moving everything out of here and into other parts of the Station…but the nail is here! Look!” She flipped her camera and Herta smirked at the nail now situated perfectly in the refurbished cargo hold. Thousands of anti-gravity propulsion holds were working overtime to keep it in place and it awkwardly hung from the bottom. Now the station had a strange point coming from its belly, but the blue aura was still present and illuminated the dark cargo hold.    “Perfect. I’m coming back to the station now. We can begin research when I return.” Herta told Asta. “It’s a gorgeous curio, don’t you agree?”    Asta looked back at it, and nodded eagerly. “In all my life, I’ve never seen something so…illustrious! I’m sure the other researchers will be happy to help with the research as well, Madame Herta.” Asta winced in pain and held a hand to her head. “Uh…excuse me, Madame… sorry, I just got this sudden migraine…” She said in a tense voice. “I think it’s all the dust down here…I’ll head back up to greet you, see you when you arrive.”    Asta hung up then, before Herta could question her further. Hm…how strange… She was certain the curio couldn’t have any adverse effects on others. The Express crew had been up close to it, and didn’t report any strange feelings other than abject horror upon finding Teyvat in ruins. Her puppet wasn’t made to simulate feeling at all, and had only the sense of sight and sound, so if the curio was dangerous, there’s no way it’d affect her-   A sharp pain erupted behind her eyes then, and Herta fell to her knees in the shuttle. She could feel her connection with her puppet disconnecting as she was forcefully thrust back into her own apartment millions of light years away. She was quickly able to reconnect to the puppet after the pain subsided, and blinked her eyes repeatedly as she picked herself up from the shuttle floor. What…? She felt as if there was something very wrong with her host body. It’s impossible to feel pain through a puppet…How-     A flash of white pain seared through her head again and she was cut off from the puppet and reconnected with her main body.    Herta sat up then in her bed, now in her own apartment again, and gripped her head painfully as she kept switching between the puppet and her real body repeatedly. Blood seeped from her nose, and she realized this with horror as a slow drip began to form on the sheets covering her. With time, the pain subsided finally, and she awoke in her puppet on the shuttle again. A ringing alarm sounded in the shuttle as she lay on the ground. It was the familiar tone of her phone, it seemed someone was trying to call her. With a groan, she stiffly got up from the floor, and weakly went over to her control terminal. It was Asta again, but when she answered the call it was not Asta’s face that she saw.    “Madame Herta! Captain Arlan speaking, we’re going to have to cordon off the cargo hold for a short while…Lady Asta is concerned about that aura it’s emitting.” He said. Arlan looked worriedly at his screen then. “Oh! Madame Herta, a-are you okay?” He asked.    She rubbed her temple in a soothing circle before looking back up at the screen. “Yes I’m fine…I just had some…difficulties connecting to my puppet here, but everything’s okay now.” She told him.    “Really…?” He didn’t seem convinced. “Because you’re bleeding right now…did you fall?”    With wide eyes she noticed a red dot that had fallen on the terminal, and touched under her nose. Impossible…it had been enough…to harm this simple puppet?! She wiped her nose and quickly regained her composure.    “Don’t worry about me, just- make sure no one else approaches that thing. We should be able to enclose it off with the special barriers I made for such a dangerous curio.” She told Arlan. “I didn’t take into account that it could possibly harm people, even in the state it was in…”    Arlan nodded, “Understood. I’ll lock it down immediately, Madame. Are you…sure you don’t need medical assistance? Lady Asta has already been treated. They see she was close to some kind of aberrated radiation? It’s that strange blue aura, is my guess. Signing off now. You’re clear to dock any time you wish.”    Herta watched as Arlan disconnected. She wasn’t so sure simple radiation was the cause of this. Her puppets weren’t as strong as kevlar, but radiation poisoning through a psychic connection? Unheard of. She’d have to run tests on her own body when she was done researching this nail. With a sigh, she disembarked from the shuttle and hurried into the Space Station.   Well…this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve brought something grievously dangerous onboard.  
Trash Panda and the Innocent Knight: Part 1
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Main Character (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gepard Landau, Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Cute, Silly, carpentry, Trash Panda, Otome - Freeform, Verbal Humiliation
['Kazeaestas', 'Violetviolet123', 'OmniMaiMage', 'rizzo_nero', 'anemoon', 'randomsoulnix', 'Budget_hrdirector', 'berrystar5', 'NoahTheLostTraveler', 'allaysu', 'Der_Laven', 'VULTURV0LANS', 'neadle', 'Rambling_Mochi', 'Qynx', 'ETERNAL_daydream525', 'Digipaw', 'underthebrightsky', 'Amanyaika', 'Fuckthishit25', 'Yume288', 'nock_12345', 'sabbylicious', 'yuliya97', 'ArchivedMind', '3NightmareNeko', 'DrPlonk', 'Sharuru', 'blueflag', 'Trashmouth_Tozier', 'naomidream', 'milkluv', 'Sleepy0Ash', 'Kazurus98', 'astranne', 'Blustarose', 'Kotofeila', 'reading_fiction', 'BlueGenocide', 'Enkay', 'Trixxt33rLee', 'Lycoris135', 'Breezebybreeze', 'iPear_incognit', 'Lirimaer', 'Draone', 'shouki', 'TableFlip', 'Aryblako', 'Sanemii']
                “Throw down your weapons. Now.”                 The silver knight’s clear blue eyes held Stelle in place as much as the sword he pointed at her throat. She furtively glanced at her friends, but March’s colorful appearance decorated only the snowy ground in silence. Dan fell to one knee, trying to catch his ragged breath. His spear rested under a guard’s foot a few feet away.                 After a brief hesitation, Stelle finally let her baseball bat slip from her hands and fall onto the snow with a faint thump.                 “Restrain them,” Gepard ordered, the tip of his blade daring Stelle to resist. Two soldiers walked up to her and pulled her wrists together behind her back. She could only defy the captain with a glare as the ropes began to wind around her arms. Even now she fought the urge to bolt, but she knew that beautiful blade wouldn’t hesitate. She hadn’t given up until the cinch was pulled tight and— * * *                 “Alright, that’s not what happened at all!” March interrupted, sitting cross-legged on top of the prison bunk bed with a frown. Dan took up the rest of the bed in a resigned nap, or at least he pretended to. Stelle laid on the cold stone floor as the only one restrained with a simple wrist tie. She had been regaling her exploits to a roach on the other side of the bars before March rudely interrupted her.                 “We were going to cooperate and follow Gepard back to town before you reach out for his sword! And what did you say after doing that?”                 “…that his sword was as beautiful as the finest trash can?” Stelle muttered with no hint of remorse or awareness of the problem. “He didn’t have to tie me up.”                 “You can’t just compare a knight’s pride and joy to a trash can! Why’d you reach for it anyway!?”                 “I wanted to hold it, maybe stroke the fine steel a little bit. Remember when that letter fell to the ground earlier and I put it back into the mailbox? I did good earlier, so I should be able to do one bad, right?”                 “That’s not how that works,” Dan chimed in. “That’s not how any of this works!”                 “Next time we see him, you better apologize, okay?” March chided, probably shocked to be the one scolding someone instead of being scolded.                 “Okay…” Stelle gave in, silently moping as she watched the roach scurry away.                 My audience gave up on me… * * *                 After silently escorting the prisoners to their cell, Gepard hurried back to his office and unceremoniously slammed the door. Now in the silence of his pristine office, only one single word that women spoke flowed through his mind.                 “Trash.”                 Back in that cold wilderness, she looked up into his eyes, hers a disinterested, tired gray as she looked at him and muttered that word. His face quickly warmed far more than the space heater in his office would normally. He briefly caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror; his usually prim and proper appearance flushed red and uncertain, far from his usual unyielding confidence. Shaking his head to free himself of her image, he briskly walked to the windows and threw them open. The cool air of the city below helped calm his heart. He idly watched the citizens of Belobog walk to and fro as he wondered why that woman reached for his sword. He could not imagine she hoped to disarm him, or even use it.                 And why does her disdainful utterance affect me so…?                 He wondered if those words from his lips would carry the same weight as hers.                 “…t-tra—”                 “Sir!” a voice bellowed from beyond his door, causing him to jump and slam the windows closed. With a cough to reset himself, he briefly tidied his blond hair blown about by the wind and called the soldier in.                 “We found these photos in their belongings, among other strange devices. Their claim of being from another planet may hold up. I don’t know how else they’d get outdoor photos without ice otherwise.”                 “Interesting,” Gepard remarked, fingering through the images. He hesitated on one with the girl, her tired eyes complementing a warm smile as she played with a ragdoll cat that drooped in her arms. “I’ll report this to the Supreme Guardian shortly.”                 “Yes, sir!” the guard responded with a crisp salute before leaving the office once again. Gepard held onto the photo for a few seconds longer before returning it to the stack, resisting the urge to pocket it himself. * * *                 “Upon further inspection of your belongings, we have decided to believe in your story,” Gepard began as another soldier unlocked the travelers’ cell. “The Supreme Guardian would like to discuss matters further. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. Please untie the girl as well.”                 Stelle hobbled up onto her feet, turning her back towards the approaching guard. She rocked back and forth impatiently to the frustration of the man trying to undo the knot behind her. Eventually her hands broke free, and she gave herself a long-deserved stretch.                 “You’ll find your equipment in the next room over. Please check over everything, then meet me upstairs.” With that, Gepard climbed the stairs out of the basement cell area of the station and waited for them in the lobby. * * *                 “Captain Gepard, I’d like to apologize…” Stelle began as they walked through the vibrant, oddly warm streets to what looked like a grand cathedral ahead of them. Well, my friends want me to.                 “Just Gepard is fine,” he responded without looking back.                 “I shouldn’t have reached for your sword back then, that was out of line. But its shine was more brilliant than any (…trash can…) I had ever seen; I couldn’t resist the urge to run my hand along it.”                 A shiver flashed up Gepard’s spine as she quietly muttered the harsh word from before. The way she pretended to be polite only to slide the sharp word into him surprised him all the more.                 She hates me, I know it.                 “W-would you care to see it, if it interests you so?” he asked, averting his gaze as he lifted the sword out of its sheath and presented it to her. Golden lines danced across the silver blade polished to a mirror’s finish. The girl’s dull gray eyes lit up as much as the cloudy color would allow as she accepted the blade and immediately sat on the floor. She laid it across her lap, slowly tracing her hands along the embossed patterns and the cold, hardened steel.                 Maybe she doesn’t hate me…?                 She suddenly popped up and trotted over to a trash can, lifting its lid.                 Oh, she hates me!!                 “Wait!” Gepard called awkwardly, bewildered by what was going on. Surprisingly, she just held the sword next to the open rim, comparing the thickness of the blade to the thin metal of the trash can.                 Okay you know what, I don’t understand her at all.                 “It really is finer than even the best trash can,” she said with a smile as she handed the sword back.                 “Y-yeah…” was the best he could mutter in response. He glanced at her friends, who just shook their heads in shame.                 “It’s a complement from her, trust us,” Dan tried to explain briefly.                 Silently, he nodded and motioned them to continue on their way, but all matters of politics and decorum were blocked out by that smile. I’ve always put my duty first, why am I so distracted today by that… that… trash panda! He surprised himself with the rudeness of that nickname, but the gray colors of a racoon fit the trash-obsessed girl perfectly.                 I better not say that out loud. * * *                 After the audience with the Supreme Guardian, the travelers from beyond the stars were given free rein in the city. They would be helping to rid the planet of the Stellaron, the source of the monsters besieging their city. Gepard gave them a few tips on places to see; partially since he had to get back to work, but also to keep them occupied. There’s no telling what they’d do if they get bored…                 By the time the next dawn rolled around, they hadn’t appeared in his jail cell, which was the most he could have hoped for. He had agreed to find them at the hotel in the morning and get to work right away. As he climbed up the carpeted stairs into the immaculate hotel lobby, the scent of fine tea floated by. The plush couches looked enticing, filled with morning patrons enjoying a warm beverage with breakfast, but he was on duty.                 After letting the man at the reception counter know he was here on peaceful terms, he began to walk up the stairs to the private rooms when a voice called out to him.                 “Captain Gepard, over here!!”                 He turned to see a rather lively girl waving with enthusiasm, her bright pink hair bouncing from side to side.                 “Good morning to you, Lady March,” he said with a smile. “And you, Sir Dan,” he added with a nod to the man sipping tea with an air of sophistication. “We seem to be missing the tr— traveler, your other traveling companion.”                 “Don’t say trash panda out loud!!” he yelled at himself internally.                 “Oh, Stelle. She groaned ‘5 more minutes~’ through the door, then stopped answering. She’s gonna miss out on breakfast at this rate.” March sighed before biting into an especially fluffy muffin.                 “We best bring along a treat or two for her, lest she go through trash cans again,” Dan added matter-of-factly.                 “I’ll go wake her up by force—”                 “No please, Lady March, enjoy the rest of your breakfast. I have nothing to do, so I’ll go rouse her.”                 “If that’s okay, Captain, I’ll leave it to you. Thanks! Just go up the stairs, turn left, then last door on the right.”                 “Last door on the right, got it.”                 With that, he gave a slight nod before turning crisply on his heel and heading up the stairs. His boots were rather quiet on the plush rugs lining the long hallway; he worried he might even be making a mess with his armored boots. Once at the door, he gave it three solid knocks.                 “Lady Stelle, are you awake? Your friends are eating breakfast without you.”                 Not a sound could be heard in response. He pressed his ear up to the door, but still nothing.                 “Lady Stelle? Is everything alright?”                 Still not a word. He began to worry that something had happened.                 “Lady Stelle, I’m coming in, okay?”                 He reached for the doorknob but held it nervously in his hand. One did not enter a lady’s room unexpected. He reminded himself he announced his presence, three times in fact. With a quick twist and a light push, he let himself into the room.                 Nothing.                 “Lady Stelle…?”                 The room was small and comfortable. A plush, warm bed draped in fine winter furs took up most of the space, with bookcases of local literature and decorations occupying the walls. Only the hum of the room’s heater broke the silence.                 “Did she already—”                 “BACK, FOUL DEMON!” rang through the room as the closet doors flashed open. In a blink, Gepard pushed himself away with his lead foot and landed in his battle stance, his back knee bent and ready to spring into action. His hand grasped his sword hilt, ready to draw, when he noticed Stelle’s surprised expression.                 “You’re not a demon,” she responded with a simple head tilt.                 “I am certainly not a demon, on most days at least,” Gepard responded with a slightly irritated smirk, relaxing his stance and lifting his hand from his sword. The familiar gray-haired girl stood in front of him, looking fully ready for the day apart from some untamed bed hair.                 “Your friends are enjoying breakfast as we speak. Do you not wish to join them?”                 “Ah sorry, I just got distracted by this closet,” she said, motioning to a simple wooden closet behind her that stood nearly as tall as the wall.                 “Pardon me?”                 “Do you not understand how grand this closet it?” Stelle began, looking a little annoyed herself. “It’s a beauty of engineering! The way the grain is gentle, yet pronounced. The valleys clear, and the ridges soaring…”                 “I suppose it’s lovely, yes—”                 “And the stain, accentuating the beautiful patterns of the natural wood without stealing the stage.”                 “Yes, it’s quite—”                 “And the smell of that polish, it’s far from a natural smell. Only a modern marvel of mankind could create such an intoxicating aroma.”                 “Okay, that’s—”                 “I saw all of these wonderful things and just knew I had to be one with the closet!”                 “…”                 Stelle looked expectedly at Gepard who in turn failed to show the enthusiasm she wished for.                 “Just come inside the closet with me, you’ll understand!” She reached for his armored hand and began lightly tugging on him.                 “N-now hold on a second!” he protested, resisting her pull. “I cannot share a tiny closet space with a lady such as yourself!”                 “I’m not going to breakfast until you experience the closet,” she countered with a glare before pulling once again and stepping inside. Resigned to his fate, the captain of the guard let the lady pull him into the closet and close the doors behind them.                 “A-ah, yes, this is quite… a closet, yes,” Gepard muttered, pushing himself against the opposite wall to avoid brushing up against Stelle.                 “You’re fidgeting too much!” she complained, grabbing onto his hand. “Just relax and take in that artificial scent.”                 His heart did the opposite of that, threatening to tear out of his chest and escape the closet itself.                 “Really, this is quite eno—”                 “Just focus on the texture of the wood, okay?” she interrupted, pushing his hand against the back wall. Even through his heavy gloves, he could feel the ridges and valleys of the wood as he slid his fingers down.                 “It really is high-quality wood,” he replied meekly, realizing the only way he’d get out of this was by playing along.                 “See? You just gotta take it slow sometimes and enjoy the simple things.”                 He couldn’t see her in the dark, but he imagined her soft smile and cloudy eyes once again. Certainly he was not in a state to be seen either.                 “I appreciate you giving me this lesson, Lady Stelle, but we must—”                 “STELLE, RUN!” A man’s voice suddenly caught their attention from down the hallway. “IT’S AN AMBUSH! THE SILVERMANE GUARDS BETRAYED US! GET OUT OF THERE!!!”                 The situation rapidly changed course as the clattering of boots trampled the rug outside. Stelle suddenly let go of Gepard’s hand. He could hear her pushing back away from him.                 “Y-you’re here to capture me, aren’t you?” she asked coldly, unable to hide the nervousness in her voice.                 “N-no!” Gepard quickly answered. “I was not informed of this! There must be a mistake…”                 Could the Supreme Guardian have changed her mind suddenly? Was Bronya wary of the visitors? Or something else?                 Soon the hotel room door was forced open. They could hear a man stepping into the room.                 “…get behind me,” Gepard ordered quietly. Before Stelle could respond, he grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him just as the closet doors flew open.                 “C-Captain Gepard…?” the low-ranking soldier muttered in confusion. Gepard just looked back at him with his arms crossed and an icy stare.                 “May I help you, private?”                 “A-ah no, we’re just looking for the fugitives… Why are you in the closet, sir?”                 “What I do in my spare time is none of your business.”                 “Y-yes, of course, sir… Please excuse me.”                 With a hurried bow, the soldier turned and quickly ran away.                 “You protected me…” Stelle muttered quietly, carefully stepping outside the closet.                 “I don’t like what’s going on here,” Gepard answered, turning to look at Stelle. “And you and your friends haven’t done anything to warrant such foul treatment.”                 “Thank you,” Stelle replied with a quick bow before grabbing her trusty baseball bat and bag.                 “It sounded like the guards cut off your friends from you. Do you have any ideas where they ran off to?”                 Stelle began to rack her brain as she paced around the room. “Dan would have suggested some place quiet, where the soldiers did not want to go.”                 “The quarantined section of town?”                 “I was going to say the sewers, but that sounds better.”                 “…you would have picked the sewers, Sir Dan probably would not have.” He couldn’t resist giving a slight smile as he felt more and more like he knew this trash panda well.                 Gepard walked to the door and slowly opened it. He quietly peeked his head out, but there was no sign of the guards.                 “Seems they’ve given up on the hotel, let’s hurry out of here.”                 Stelle hesitated, giving Gepard a wary look.                 “You can trust me, alright?” Gepard said with confidence, extending his hand towards her.                 “…right,” Stelle replied, eventually taking Gepard’s hand and letting him pull her out the door and bounding down the stairs.                 “Nothing to worry about sir, duty calls!” Gepard called as he ran past the receptionist. As he passed a vacant table, he snagged a spare pasty and tossed it to Stelle, who lightly caught it in surprise as they kept running.                 “Got to make sure you have something to eat!”                 Stelle quickly nibbled on the muffin, looking both in a hurry and like she could stop to enjoy it at any minute. Thankfully for the both of them, she finished it rather quickly and washed it down with a swig of water just as they reached the front door.                 Gepard paused to check outside again, this time clicking his tongue in annoyance at the guard presence outside.                 “The sealed off sector is just ahead, but there’s guards all over the street. We’ll never get by unseen.”                 “I’ll make a run for it then. Pretend you’re chasing me and hinder them.”                 Gepard raised his eyebrows in surprise at her quick thinking. It wasn’t the best plan, sure, but it was leagues better than just waiting around. He nodded, then opened the door for her. She carefully slipped out and ran down the chilly streets.                 Gepard waited for the inevitable “THERE SHE IS!” before loudly pushing the door open and sprinting after her.                 “Get back here, you scoundrel!!” he shouted, attempting to blend into the other guards.                 “You’ll never catch me, you third-rate trash!”                 Gepard nearly stumbled in surprise. N-now’s not the time to be flustered, focus! Another guard rounded the corner just ahead of him, closing in on Stelle. Gepard picked up the pace, then just as he passed the guard, accidentally caught the man’s foot and sent the soldier sprawling.                 “Sorry, private! I’ll apologize better after we catch this criminal!”                 I just knocked over one of my own men!! I’m losing my job or getting demoted for sure!!! He may have thought these things, but he strangely didn’t feel as concerned as he expected. Right now, he was having more fun than he had in a long time following this silly yet serious girl as they barreled down the street towards her friends.                 In just a few hundred yards, they sailed past the checkpoint into the quieter blocked-off streets.                 The streets should be quieter, he thought, though the sound of clashing steel echoed further ahead.                 “I hear Dan and March!” Stelle exclaimed, quickening her sprint down the road. Gepard swiftly followed, weaving through a few city blocks until they could see March and Dan staring down Bronya and her soldiers.                 “This was her doing,” Gepard muttered under her breath.                 “And there’s your third friend,” Bronya called out, seeing her fellow Silvermane Knight next to the other traveler. Her fluttering silver hair flowing against a shimmering dress of pure white and blue did little to dull the edge of her commanding presence over her men.                 “Stelle, are you okay!?” a panicked March asked, quickly glancing over at them before looking back at Bronya.                 “We’re fine over here!” Stelle called back. A splash of joy flowed over Gepard, knowing she counted him amongst her allies. Bronya on the other hand, redirected her sharp glare towards him instead.                 “Bring her over here, Captain Gepard. Now.”                 “She thinks I’ve captured you, let’s—” Gepard began, but a haze of smoke washed over them before he could continue. His muscles began to tighten, his body feeling weighed down by an increasingly heavy blanket.                 “Stelle, are you okay!?” he called, but she staggered and fell before she could respond.                 He didn’t have time to think about whose attack this was; he needed to get her to safety right away. His muscles screamed as he pushed himself to her and scooped her into his arms. Blackness crept over his vision and threatened to take him, but he was not ready to go yet. He blindly stumbled away from the smoke but smacked into a low railing. Unable to catch himself, he felt his body slipping over the side and falling a long way, with his trash panda still in his arms. He had just enough sense to rotate his body to protect her from the fall before he lost his consciousness to the rushing air around him.
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng/ Caelus | trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng & March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng & March 7th & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Violence, Blood, Fights, Love Confessions, Emotional Baggage, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hugs, Demon Dan Heng, Dan Heng II, Dan Heng needs a hug, he gets one :), Written Before 1.1 Update (Honkai: Star Rail)
['wweareallmadhere17', 'Wehhhhhh', 'Nudelauflauf', 'Saturn_Lemon', 'my_heart_is_a_gh0st_t0wn', 'Toothless_the_puppy2005', 'Ciileo', 'beomajesty', 'Kaiisleepy', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'Winter3965', 'Yuixyuna', 'aliaes', 'Eyriegirl', 'Rhrhrh_2263', 'mkay6081', 'Liviahell', 'Ihatelovetriangles', 'rokutenichi', 'TheSpockFather', 'MyBlues_n_a_Green', 'ksi_ssss', 'XxArantxaxX', 'Moooonrin', 'DumbassKagehina', 'Sakura_039', 'Im_Dying_Help', 'Kiyo_ki', 'Yup_the_feels', 'Mas04', 'Gayce69', 'Vvisama', 'summerflurry', 'BlackChat095', 'Yatsumi', 'VoltronBNHAfan', 'Song_YaoYao', 'JN0th1ng', 'Fantasy_Eldritch', 'Yuki_ikuy', 'Katzutora', 'lucrecia998', 'negentr6pys', 'lunalatt3', 'ayamamamiya', 'svarturmorir', 'BGcharater', 'Disof', 'narinari777', 'SilentlLanie']
Dan Heng's long hair fell over one shoulder elegantly, and his horns pointed to the sky. His ears pointed out, and his eyes seemed sharper. More focused. More angry. Caelus found him beautiful, even now, when he'd been hit in the leg by his spear and forced to the ground. His friend- were they even still friends?- glared down at him, his true self revealed. Caelus had given up. He wasn't going to kill his friend, so using the stellaron was out of the question, and he was nowhere near good enough to fight Dan Heng. Not like this, anyway. He looked up, tears in his eyes. "You look good." He muttered, and Dan Heng's serious glare seemed to break, being replaced with a confused frown. "Why are you so nice?" He whispered, and the trailblazer smiled, even if the pain he was in was evident. "I like being nice." "No. No you don't. That doesn't happen." "Doesn't it?" Their voices stayed hushed, the wasteland around them burning and falling apart. Dan's spear moved back, away from his neck, and Caelus breathed out in relief, wincing from the pain of trying to move his leg a second later. "Why? I was so mean to you. I basically ignored you most of the time, so why are you trying to bargain with me? I'm a demon. I'm not supposed to be liked." His voice got louder as he got more confused. The trailblazer shrugged, maintaining eye contact. "I like you." Dan Heng's eyebrows furrowed, and he tried to find a hint of humour or sarcasm in the gentle features of his second ever friend. "I don't get it!" He shouted, and Caelus flinched. "I don't understand! I'm not made for this! I'm not made for friends, but you and March- you're so... kind! Why?!" Desparation appeared on his face, and it was clear these weren't rhetorical questions. "And why do you spend so much time around me? Nobody wants to do that! I'm not meant-" Dan Heng's eyes glistened. "I'm not here to be friends with a stellaron, and I keep trying to get rid of you, but you never! Leave!" He shouted, and Caelus seemed to be physically hurt by his words. "Why?! Why won't you leave me alone?!" "Because I love you!" It went silent, apart from Dan's heavy breathing. They stared at each other, Caelus on the floor clutching his bleeding leg and Dan Heng holding the spear that did it. "...what?" There was no venom in his tone. Just quiet, terrified confusion. "I love you. I've loved you for ages. How have you not-" He choked up and laughed, the pain searing from his leg removing any hesitancy from his brain. "How have you not noticed? I spend all my time in the archives. Did you think that was just because I was curious? If I was really reading, I'd have finished every article three times! No, I'm in there because I like your presence! I like being near you, and I like the conversations we have when I'm there! Why do you think I get so happy while we fight enemies? Because I love watching you! The way you fight, it- it's elegant, but it's brutal! You destroy them so easily! You're so powerful! I want to be like you, and I want to be near you, and I want you. God, I've wanted you for months!" Dan Heng stared at his injured friend, his spear heavy in his hands. He blinked back tears. "Why... why didn't you tell me?" "I don't know. I don't know. I'm sorry." It felt wrong, Caelus apologising while covered in his own blood. "...that's not..." Everything he had been taught. Everything he had been told. It was all crushing him, and being crushed. He watched the person before him. The man who was bleeding, who was severely injured and still chose to show... affection for him. He had a stellaron in his body. Why was he not...? Why hadn't he killed Dan Heng yet? This wasn't supposed to be a fight either of them returned alive from. He had just had his spear at this man's throat. He had planned to kill him and be killed by the immense power coming from him. But he was still alive. And he was being told that someone loved him. Like, really, truly felt love. For him. He blinked away tears, and Caelus tried to stand up but failed, groaning in pain.   "Can you help? You kinda fucked up my leg." "...okay." His voice was quiet, and he stayed silent as he helped him stand and supported him. "You're not gonna try to kill me again, are you?" "No." "Okay." Caelus directed him towards where he thought help would be, and Dan Heng followed, his brain foggy from the absolute anarchy in his brain. Humans hate demons. They will kill you. He will kill you. He has the power to do so. So why? Kindness? That wasn't real. Just a false face they used to get about. He was supposed to be angry. To end his life in the best way he could. An explosion of stars. But now he was finding other humans, and they were running over and taking Caelus from him and they didn't try to hurt him. They didn't glare at his horns or hurt him, they just helped their friend. He watched Caelus be helped to the floor and have his leg wrapped in fabric to stop the bleeding, people asking him questions and making sure he was otherwise okay. He watched, and he felt like an outsider. He felt like these humans... they had made a community. One that cared and loved and took care of each of them. He had almost been part of it. His disguise, it had worked for a few months. He had been on the star rail and gathered information and it had worked. But now... The group all checked up on each other, and he watched the crowd of different faces talk and hug. Not one of them looked his way. That was, until he saw two of them do exactly that. Caelus and March looked at him, and he took a step back. Surely, he had hurt them too badly for them to...   March ran over and hugged him, her face going over his shoulder. "Don't do that again. Ever. I was so scared." He stayed frozen, entirely unsure of how to react. Caelus smiled at him and he stayed stood still as March hugged him and again, his views were shattered. "I tricked you. Why are you welcoming me?" "Because I care about you. Surely some of your emotions were real, right?" She was right. He hadn't meant to, but he had really formed some kind of bond with her. "Right." She hugged him tighter, and he cautiously hugged back, burying his face in her pink hair. "I'm sorry." "You should be." He nodded and closed his eyes.   Humans will try to kill you. No knife was in his back or throat. No supernova had blown him to pieces. Humans will kill you. His heart beat on. The stellaron will kill you. But they shared a glance and their conversation replayed in his mind. His heart ached, and he didn't know why. It wasn't poison, and it wasn't pain. Weeks, months later, he buried his head in Caelus's neck and felt his touch and breathed his air. Oh. His heart felt right again. He felt human.
himeko and march 7th
['ren (aeily)']
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko & March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Short & Sweet
['irisgf', 'DarlingStitches', 'Salty_p1geon', 'Kotofeila', 'Miss_Yanfei', 'Manticor']
March 7th and her team return to the Astral Express. "Helloooo~ Himeko, Welt?" March said as she looked around the Astral Express. "Where are you guys?" "March, I don't think they're here. I'm going to my room and getting some rest, you should too." Dan Heng shook his head. "Ah.. okay then." March 7th turned her head to the traiblazer. "Hey, what about you?" The trailblazer looked at her and proceeded to say, "Same as Dan Heng. See you later, March." "Oh well, just me." March 7th sighed. Great. Inside March 7th's room A lump under the blankets signals that someone is sleeping. As a figure slowly opens the door with a and enters the room, the golden light of the corridor shines onto the figure. "H-Himeko?" March 7th looked at the door with sleepy eyes and murmured. "I'm back, March," the figure said as they sat next to March. " was the adventure?" "Oh, Himeko, it is you! Ugh, we met this terrible lady and she tried to kill us and we were forced into the Underground a-and we had to kill so many monsters- and also! it was awfully cold!" March 7th complained. "You should've been there with us, Himeko~" Himeko smiled as she tucked March's hair behind their ears. "I'm sorry, my love, but I couldn't leave the Space Station as it is. You know how they are still recovering from the last Legion attack.." March 7th's eyes watered as Himeko's words sank her deeper into memory. "I know...I understand all of that...but I really missed you." she said. "All that matters is that we're here now, yes?" Himeko pulled March up into a hug. "I missed you too, my sweet March." The two embraced and sank into a deep kiss full of unspoken words and strong feelings.
A Cold, Bitter Thing
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya & Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, story spoilers
['crimes_for_castoria', 'Der_Unlisted8448', 'Laserwise', 'Shocker1576', 'camifiction', 'Neophilic', 'steelsilver', 'akkz11', 'bleblebl', 'VillagerF', 'Flavourse', 'EnraptureEnchanted', 'zehiriavi', 'D33JAYYY', 'MiharuError', 'ghost_a3', 'electrobirb', 'Whrlingx', 'DefNotMothman', 'Nyph', 'Manarkin_Ket', 'MariFaye', 'Azuos', 'LeSkye', 'SoManyQuestions', 'soulstar17', 'aeonicho', 'VertexDrifter', 'Myx_Shinuro', 'EarlGraysHuman', 'AfternoonReverie', 'solomivan', 'plutoniium', 'mystigrin', 'theYukino', 'SinNombre__185', 'EP_Jinxed_C929', 'SnowSakura_01', 'pseudosmug', 'madaooo', 'andreacen', 'Tally_Technicolor', 'czar_taro', 'HRChan', 'Kotofeila', 'MishatheWTF', 'Enarec', 'YO1M1Y4', 'minuseven', 'chieguevara']
“It’s like a shooting star,” Seele said, looking through the window at the ribbon of light that raced through the sky. Bronya pressed her hand against the glass, following its arc with her eyes. It was like a shooting star… but backwards. Because instead of falling to the ground it was rising, onwards to the heavens. Bundled up in that light was that strange trio who had arrived so suddenly, changed the world as Bronya knew it, and then left. She still struggled to believe it, really. The gravity of it all had yet to fully hit her, and in a way it almost didn’t feel like real — as if the past few days were a fever dream that she would wake up from any moment now. Of course, it was never that simple. The truth was heavier, and it was more bitter by far. Everything she had learned about the Architects, about the stellaron, even about her own mother… The weight of those truths was so painful that she thought they would crush her. Even now she recalled her mother’s smile in that last moment, in that brief flash of clarity before her life faded. She saw that smile every time she closed her eyes. Its warmth haunted her. Something about the stellaron had changed her. Or rather, it had been changing her. The Cocolia Rand that raised her had been strict but kind, tough but loving. Yet as the years went on she had grown more demanding, more distrustful, more prone to paranoia. Bronya had always figured that was simply the natural progression of things. Her mother was getting older, and the Eternal Freeze was inching closer. With issue after issue piling up it was no wonder that the Supreme Guardian might be affected. It was easy to tell herself that. It was an easy way to explain why she sometimes didn’t recognize the woman who called her ‘daughter.’ But upon learning the truth — that the stellaron had been influencing her, corrupting her for so long… Well, she couldn’t help but wonder. How much of the mother she knew was even still there, towards the end? Perhaps Cocolia Rand had lost the fight a long time ago, long before the trailblazers arrived. But that smile said otherwise. She knew, somehow. Even if Bronya wasn’t her flesh-and-blood daughter, she knew. That wasn’t something faked by a stellaron’s delusion. It was… It was… “You gonna miss them that much?” Seele asked, giving her a sidelong glance. “You better shed some tears for me too, when I head back Underground.” “Huh?” Bronya blinked, and found that she was still standing with her palm against the window, looking up at the sky. What’s more, there was a wetness upon her cheeks. “Sorry, I… I was just overwhelmed.” Seele nodded, and her expression softened slightly. “Can’t blame you. I’m honestly struggling a bit myself.” “Really?” That took Bronya by surprise. Seele always seemed so sure of herself that it was hard to imagine her struggling with… well, anything. But perhaps that was unrealistic. Seele probably had worries just like anyone else, even if she didn’t quite show them. In a way, that was sort of comforting to— “Yeah,” she said, snorting. “I mean really, Jarilo-VI? What the hell happened to the other five?” Bronya stared at her. For a long, long moment. And then she laughed. Tears still fresh upon her cheeks, she laughed. She couldn’t help it. It was like all the stress that had been collecting in her these past few days finally boiled over, draining from her in one cathartic outburst spurred on by the other woman’s words. “Um, Bronya?” Seele blinked. “Are you having a factory reset or something? I didn’t even whack you this time…” Bronya wiped her cheeks, fighting to regain her breath. “It’s an odd name, huh? But I guess that’s what they call us, out amongst the stars.” Jarilo-IV. That was the name of their planet, apparently. March had showed her a photo of it, but even then it was nearly incomprehensible to her. Such a massive place, to the point where Belobog couldn’t even be seen on its surface… And that was merely the tip of the iceberg. As it turned out that Jarilo-IV in and of itself was only a tiny pinprick in a vast sea of stars, connected by the star rail. Or… something to that effect. She was getting dizzy just thinking of it, really. “Think we’ll get more visitors?” Seele asked, rubbing her chin. “After all, they said we’re kinda a big deal.” Apparently their planet resonated strongly with Preservation, which was one of many paths that underlaid the universe. Even the name of the fortress they were in now was a reflection of that. “I suppose it’s possible.” Bronya took a deep breath. “As if I didn’t already have enough to worry about…” Seele laughed. “Turns out fighting was the easy part. Who knew governing was the realchallenge?” Though she meant it as a joke, Bronya couldn’t help but think that her mother had probably felt the same. She wanted to cast away the old world and birth a new one. She decided that it would be easier to do so than to cling to a dying city. A dying world. Perhaps the path of Preservation was a challenging one to follow, then. But cradled in that path was a tiny ember of hope. The Underground would once more be connected with the Surface. The children who had never known the sky would be free to bask beneath it. And the endless frost that threatened their home… Maybe it, too, would be melted away by that hope. When Bronya stepped up to the mantle of Guardian, she had told the masses that her mother died for that very cause — losing her life in an effort to rekindle the warmth of Preservation. And while it was a lie, perhaps that was okay. Because truth was a cold, bitter thing. The people of Belobog didn’t need any more cold in their lives. Better that they remember her mother for her warmth. Bronya would try and do the same. “Hey, Seele. You said you were leaving to head back Underground?” Seele turned to look at her. “Hm? Well soon enough, yeah. Why?” The truth was a secret she intended to take to her grave. It was a weight she would have to carry for the rest of her life. But at the very least… “Could you… stay just a while longer?” she asked, in a quiet voice. “Please?” “Huh?” Seele’s face flushed scarlet, but she didn’t look away. “Well… I guess I don’t mind.” Bronya gave her a smile, hoping that the other woman could feel its warmth. “Thank you.” Yes, at the very least, she wouldn’t have to carry it alone.
You won't remember a thing except...
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Not Beta Read, Lesbian Sex
['Cherrycatgirl414', 'Pancakes_shall_rise_up', 'DeviantBlackCat', 'Gunkansushipikura', 'VixN', 'Rado66', 'Tevdoughh', 'Morgul01', 'collqrd', 'Ratittue', 'WolfyKat_0220', 'RoseMielle', 'a_poetic_galaxy', 'mandysaster', 'NZ_trans_girlie', 'AnonEve', 'Aki0204', 'J4nn4h', 'FandomTrash52', 'Aixeko', 'Cle_ziel', 'glitzyy', 'coyvex', 'StarTears', 'sena_yo', 'PeachPrice', 'Faelinn', 'Avidreader0910', 'firstloved', 'EP1CFang', 'GethPrim', 'ConsumeMeYesMe', 'chichip', 'Aikieez', 'WritingSerendipities', 'MochiTao0715', 'MiniTCup', 'Wonderful_Watergrove', 'KatiePuh', 'sofaemae', 'ItsSimplyFaith', 'Ashe_Tree', 'asher_thestars', 'WalterMagni', 'Ahreum09', 'LusclousDaemien', 'NakadaYoichi_kenp', 'dianaonice', 'hamzzy', 'kocampo']
"Would you give us a minute?" "But Kafka…" the girl whined, "they will catch you.""Oh…do not worry, Silver Wolf. I won't take long." You were laying on the ground, watching the exchange between the two women. You didn't know the one that just left the room, the other one however, you knew her. There were no memories about her coming up in your brain, no matter how hard you tried, but she was familiar. You knew her name before her companion said it. You felt the unwavering pull towards her, the butterflies wreaking havoc in your stomach as she took the two steps towards you and knelt down, hovering above you, lips turning into a smug smirk as your eyes scanned her face, trying to remember. "Don't force it," she leaned down, her mouth next to your ear, "you won't remember a thing except me." "I-""Shh," Kafka chuckled, fingers quickly sneaking under the skirt, "less noise you make, more time we have. I can't tell you who you are…" she pressed them right against your clit, "or how we know each other…" you whimpered as she started to move, playing with the bundle of nerves over the fabric of your underpants, "still…I couldn't just leave without giving you something else to remember." "Kafka…" you moaned out as her lips sucked on your pulse point. There was nothing you could do to stop the reactions coming from your body. It all just felt natural, like this was exactly where you should be. Under this gorgeous woman that brought you back from darkness and who was the reason why your underpants were a soaking mess. "Y/n…" her voice dropped lower, Kafka pushed the fabric out of the way and slipped two fingers into you, "promise that you'll find me…"  Your eyes closed shut at the sudden intrusion. The pleasure made you momentarily speechless, it spread through every inch of your body and every thrust of her fingers sent a new wave of sensations. For a moment there was nothing else but her, you could swear the time had stopped and everything around was absolutely insignificant. The faint noise in the distance tugged you back into reality. By the pace Kafka picked up, you were sure she noticed too. Someone was docking at the station. "Promise…" she spoke again, lips brushing against your ear as she picked up the pace, clearly aware of the time issue, "please…" you could barely hear the last part."I will…I p-promise…" your thighs started to tremble which only encouraged her more. Then it all went fast, she pushed another finger in, her other hand muffling the moans constantly spilling from your mouth. Her eyes on you, taking in your wriggling form as she pushed you over the edge. She continued sliding her fingers in and out, eagerly fucking you through your orgasm.  "No…wait…" Kafka stood up and you cried out at the lack of contact, "don't…don't leave…""Oh darling," she smiled at you, somewhat sad, "I can not stay.""Why?" You tried to stand up, but she kept you down with her foot, "take me with you then?""No. That is not a possibility either. You have to go with them," she looked at the door, "do not fight it… everything will all work out how it should…""Are you sure?" You felt your eyelids closing, exhausting momentarily taking over. "Hmm…" she nodded, your gaze followed her fingers, disappearing in her mouth as she licked them clean, "I am quite certain."  With that you dozed off and next time you opened your eyes, there was someone else in front of you. Kafka was gone, goosebumps on your skin were the only reminder of her presence. The new people seemed excited to rescue you. You went with them, just as she said you should. You listened to them, talking about Astral Express and someone called Herta. None of that meant anything to you, none of that brought any memories back. You told them your name, you didn't know if that was your true name, but that was how Kafka called you. You trusted her and fully intended to keep your promise of finding her, not realizing how much effort that will cost you. However, that changed as soon as you said her name out loud in front of everyone. "Did you say Kafka? She's one of the wanted criminals…"
Brain Freeze
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Stelle/March 7th
Stelle - Character, March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, Tan Kou | Dān Héng, Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail)
['Weebified', 'migueloharasirlwifesband', 'NefelibatepluviophileSolitude', 'KweenofThorn', 'RuffyTulfo', 'Inko_sayso', 'sunscares', 'ageekywriter', 'Ephthell', 'Sixerry', 'LewdRamen', 'There5', 'BlueElysium', 'TheShyDog', 'Viel0424', 'fuyuKyra', 'DrearySkies', 'ErodiumsMnemic', 'VillagerF', 'russetfoxfur', 'JalapenoPeppe', 'LazyJayz', 'Violett89', 'Vylans', 'Troiah', 'heart_boi', 'AwesomeJarg', 'StarbrightBunny', 'rubyakahs', 'GrovellingGob', 'Frenchy1008', 'stonks', 'VixRose', 'RandomPersonExisting', 'Blue1314', 'I_amSleepy', 'NamonakiYume', 'ilovemizuki', 'ooreocake', 'R0xy_R0cks', 'Arimaticus', 'ILOVESTARCH', 'Darmaz', 'colortemperature', 'kinj0', 'makimastoe', 'DasaAria', 'nx1n4', 'NAECad', 'riayussuf']
“Oh no… My ice cream is missing from the freezer!” March lamented from across the long supply car, and Stelle made sure to push the ‘perfect pink and berry blue ice cream’ container a bit deeper into the trash can next to her. “Did Himeko…? No, she’s too busy looking out for her figure. Did Pom-Pom…? I guess it’s ok if Pom-Pom…” her voice trailed off, and Stelle breathed a sigh of relief as the sound of March leaving the room let her breath easily. March slammed the door back open, “Stelle!” she called out, as if she had just remembered “Mmmm?” March ran up to her. “Did YOU eat it?” “Nnnn-nnnn..” March folded her arms, and narrowed her eyes as she got a little closer, staring down Stelle into the corner. “You wouldn’t be trying to hide your tongue, would you?” As March got closer, Stelle was running out of ideas. In a stroke of genius (or so she thought) she grabbed and pulled March’s face (that had already closed most of the gap between them) to her own, kissing her and sticking her tongue straight into her mouth. “ ‘She can’t see it, AND she’ll forget all about the ice cream.’ Stelle was convinced her plan was bulletproof. March, taken by surprise, wasn’t ready for this change in balance and immediately toppled over onto her, and on the way down, the trash can was tipped over by an errant limb. The ice cream container rolled right behind March and narrowly in Stelle’s field of vision. ‘Ok, now I just need to prevent her from turning around.’ In for a dime, in for a dollar. Or something like that, anyway. Stelle pulled herself into another kiss, and some light protests were coming from March in the form of her fists softly hitting her shoulder, though with so little force behind them it was endearing. The door slid open, and Himeko peeked in. “Is everything alright? I heard a thud—“ The pair entangled on the ground both looked back at her. “Don’t mind me. Have fun, kids.” She shut the door. “AaAaAaAaA???!!” March, with a decidedly red and not pink blush, had her hands over her ears and shook her head back and forth quickly, as if this were the secret to undoing the last minute of her life. Stelle smiled, and March pouted. “Wha-who-why-where—“ March needed answers. She wasn’t sure which, so she went for all of them at once. Stelle got up and began picking up the trash and putting it back in the can. By the time she had finished, March had composed herself enough to get up. She avoided eye contact as she ran away in the direction of her room. ‘She doesn’t suspect a thing. Mission accomplished.’ A minute later, her phone began to ding with notifications. “Dummy.” “Idiot.” Stelle began to wonder if she had hurt March’s feelings, “Do you hate me?” March answered instantly.“Yes.” March answered twice. “Yes.” “Okay.” Stelle went back to her room, and lied down for a nap. — Stelle woke up to a handful of notifications. “I still hate you.” “You owe me ice cream.” Stelle sighed. Was it all for naught? She had a final gambit. “As emotional compensation for kissing you without permission?” “Yes.” Stelle fistpumped to herself. “Wait, and because you ate my ice cream!!!” Stelle decided she had nothing left to lose. “I didn’t eat your ice cream.” “Are you telling me that your kisses just happen to taste a lot like perfect pink and berry blue???” “Yes. Come to my room and find out.” “…” Stelle saw March typing, but no reply came. After a few minutes, a soft knock on her door arrived instead. Stelle opened the door, only to receive a forceful slap. As she saw stars, March pinned her against the wall and kissed her, holding her there. Stelle noticed that something wasn’t quite right, and as March pulled away, found that her tongue was numb. She tried to speak. “Whfff.” Stelle realized her tongue was now encased in six-phase ice. ‘Well, I guess it was inevitable that you’d lose your speaking privileges eventually.’ Stelle thought to herself. March had left the room. Another ding came from her phone. March had sent a smug sticker. — A navigation meeting was being held on the Astral Express. Stelle had been adjusting to life without speaking for several days. Welt asked her a question, “Stelle. Are you familiar with the common thread of planets inhabited by followers of the Abundance?” She shook her head. “Well…” Welt launched into an explanation. A few minutes and a lot of historical commentary later… “So, what do you think about our destination?” Stelle nodded. “I wasn’t asking if you approved, I want your genuine feelings on the matter.” Stelle pulled out her phone. “I feel that the risk of the Hunt taking us down is low if we haven’t had the gaze of abundance.” Welt tilted his head as he pulled out his phone. March couldn’t contain her laughter any longer, and lost it. “Ahaha!” Stelle crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows at March. “Err, alright. Stelle, feel free to answer however you’d like in the future.” Welt scratched his head. Stelle nodded. “Ahahahah!” March was still laughing. Himeko raised her palm to her face. Dan Heng stared at the ground, deep in thought. “Oy! Stelle, why’s the cat got your tongue?” Pom-pom spoke up. Stelle pulled her phone back out. “Tongue stuck in six-phase ice.” Pom-Pom pulled out their phone. Pom-pom looked at the message, and spoke aloud. “What?! Isn’t that a big problem? We should ask everyone for help. How did your tongue get stuck in six-phase ice anyway? Let Pom-Pom see.” Stelle sighed, and stuck out her six-phase iced tongue. “That looks like six-phase ice alright. What should we do?!” Pom-Pom anxiously looked to the rest of the Astral Express. Himeko sighed, then spoke up. “Oh, I forgot something. Stelle, would you be a dear and bring my bag here? March, make sure she doesn’t get lost.” Stelle nodded and marched off towards Himeko’s room with March herself giggling in pursuit. Once they were in the hall, March pulled Stelle into a kiss that melted her six-phase ice. “There, now you can speak again.” Stelle nodded, and dutifully proceeded to Himeko’s room, grabbing her bag off of the table, and made her way back to the meeting, which continued uneventfully. Stelle spoke normally, and the Astral Express continued its journey without fanfare.
Beyond the Stars
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng/Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Gentle Kissing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleeping Together, Feelings Realization, Love Confessions, Teasing, Gentleness, Acceptance, Romantic Fluff, Comedy, Friendship, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like Cocolia
['Nounours05022004', 'Anavihh2_0', 'Nudelauflauf', 'Zephineros', 'authortobias', 'gumifan12331', 'meiiiyen', 'TheOneWhoCanOnly_Dream', 'AnodeAntarcSkywalker', 'Yuixyuna', 'mkay6081', 'Hiidkwhattoputhere', 'Humanities_Trash', 'BuryMeDeeper', 'Starlight24', 'Soi_Scrawls', 'TheSpockFather', 'Shiariari', 'Rianthian', 'JJY221', 'EstherHozaki', 'Yup_the_feels', 'Soul_8129', 'Nox_Scairbhin', 'Song_YaoYao', 'randomsoulnix', 'Ameria_Riever', 'Yu_04', 'ReadingonaPSP', 'Uchiha_Hikari', 'Lone_night', 'BGcharater', 'xxchocobunM', 'Myosotis_Moon', 'Do_Ray_Mi', 'SilentlLanie', 'HiddenEmo', 'MossyMika', 'kavkavkav', 'Milk2008', 'HotomeAkari', 'iLuniri', 'Athasshi', 'SunStar_Shadow_Aizawa', 'DearBear98', 'Anastasiz', 'https_koiwii', 'Noecilla', 'GrapedNPancaked', 'Alexandea']
Its over, their journey in Jarilo-VI was over. And now they have to start another journey in another world. " ended so soon! I'll miss everyone there.." March exclaimed as she started pouting. "You'll be fine once you enter the Astral Express." Dan heng replied at March's whine. "Well, not everyone is as heartless as you!" March then relaxed herself, with Caelus chuckling at the background, clearly amused. "Hey! And what're you laughing at!?" March tried to act annoyed but failed and also started laughing with Caelus. "Pfft..Nothing, March." Caelus chuckled once more before they were going to leave this world. "Relax yourselves. We'll be going on to the Astral Express by now." Dan heng crossed his arms while speaking, unamused at the two's behavior. Although his eyes scream that he's grateful to be with them as well." " pooperr!" March said as she quickly relaxed herself, making her ready to leave this world aswell. A few moments later, they finally depart from the world, the stars moving out of Jarilo-VI and moving towards the space and onto the Astral Express. The Trio stepped inside the Astral Express, greeted by Pom-Pom, Himeko and Welt. "Ah, your back. Did you have fun in your journey?" Himeko asked the lot while smiling. "Theres no need to rush your journeys as well. Its also important to have energy for your next journey." Welt assured the three, well, mainly Caelus. Due to Caelus being new, to trailblazing and life overall. "Yeah Caelus! If you have any questions you can ask me! Ah and now im in the mood for some juice! I'll go see Pom-Pom! Caelus, Dan heng!" March remembered as she runs towards Pom-Pom to ask for fruit juice, while Caelus chuckled at her a bit. He found her quite amusing. "In that case, I'll might as well go to my room to rest. I'll see you later then, Caelus." Dan Heng said, Caelus nodded as Dan Heng walked towards the door of the train, exiting the lounge and entering his room. Once Dan Heng escaped from the view and presence of Caelus the moment he entered the room, he took a seat at the wooden chair on his room, thinking briefly. He's unsure what this..certain feeling he had whenever he saw or thought of Caelus was. What made those worse is that, Caelus was unable to leave his mind as well. Was this a punishment of some sort? But if it was, what wrong did he do to achieve it? Dan Heng then shakes his head, thinking that maybe March may have the answer to this. "Wait no..what if its something even March couldn't puzzle out..?" Dan Heng's worries got worse and worse the moment he kept thinking. Thankfully though, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. "Hey, Dan Heng. Pom-Pom said me to give this thing to you, Mind if i open the door? Intruding in anything that isn't an enemies base isn't really my thing, you know." A voice that sounded like Caelus's suddenly appeared behind his door, well not suddenly but it was sudden enough for Dan Heng to stop thinking about the things he was thinking before. "Don't worry about that, come in." Dan Heng reassured the person, whether it may or not be Caelus. Accusations aren't pretty, afterall. "Alrighty then!~" The voice seemed pretty happy through its tone, after the voice finished speaking the door squeaked open, grey hair, yellow eyes entering the room, yes, it was Caelus. This caught Dan Heng off-guard. Though he suddenly got a new idea. What if he told Caelus about the things he was feeling? he thought for a moment until he snapped back to reality, that wouldn't do. Caelus was new, new in literally at life too. Would he know about this strange feeling? A part of Dan Heng wanted to ask Himeko and Welt, another part wanted him to ask March, and a quarter of him wanted to tell everything to Caelus directly. He wasn't sure of what to do now. "Is there something wrong, Dan Heng? You've been spacing out a lot recently." Caelus announced in worry, afraid something might have happened to Dan Heng. "Are you perhaps sick? Should i ask Pom-Pom to make you some ginger tea? I heard Ginger tea is good especially for colds.." Caelus softly let the items he was holding on to Dan Heng's desk while walking to his way to Dan Heng.   "Im not sick, no need to worry Caelus. Though.." Dan Heng cut himself off at his words while speaking to Caelus.   "Though..? Is something wrong Dan Heng?..if your injured I'll get help right away! If its something you need to talk about that's bothering you, im always here to listen, you know. Im willing to hear your thoughts! As a friend." Caelus took Dan Heng's hand and slowly caressed it. Trying to make Dan Heng feel better, only to see ears as red as a tomato once Caelus adjusted his head.   "W-well, I'll get to the chase then. Whenever i look at you, i get this sudden feeling in my stomach. It feels weird. I can't get you out of my head either. I.." Dan Heng tried to speak and let out words but merely failed to. After all, his dream person is standing before him and he's confessing to him as well.   "Mm..i think March told me about this..? Are you feeling..jealousy..? Ah, i don't know. Sorry." Caelus, spoke while scratching the back of his head with his voice sounding unsure.   "No, i love you. I love you, Caelus." Dan Heng blurted out words unwillingly, leaving Caelus wide-eyed and surprised. even he, Dan Heng, the one who spoke those words, was shocked. He wasn't sure about his feelings too so maybe he did feel love for Caelus.   "..I.." Caelus only managed to spell out a small word from his mouth, due to him being shocked beyond belief.   "Its alright if you don't share the same feelings-"    "No, stop cutting me off. I do share the same feelings. I love you too." Caelus, who left his shook, embarrassment and dignity all together to confess his feelings to Dan Heng as well. He was surprised that Dan Heng returned his feelings.   "Ha..i was worried and overthinking for nothing, it seems." Dan Heng sighed as he put a hand on his forehead, suddenly he felt something to his other hand, the hand Caelus took. Once Dan Heng averted his eyes towards Caelus, he realized that Caelus has kissed it. Before Dan Heng knew it, his face had become a blushing mess.   "I like the face your making. Continue with the reactions, please." Caelus exclaimed, making Dan Heng chuckle a bit.   "Hey, can i kiss you?" Caelus asked Dan Heng. He didn't want to be sudden or make Dan Heng uncomfortable after all. They just formed a relationship. A type of one where the feeling is new to both.    "Go ahead. There's nothing stopping you." Dan Heng disclosed, however, soon after he said those words he felt a hand under his chin, and not long later that Caelus had begun kissing him. He was kissing him. Dan Heng could feel his lovers soft lips brush against his. The kiss was soft and sweet. It ended a little too early for Dan Heng's liking.    Caelus ended the kiss, stepping back from Dan Heng as well. "I.." Dan Heng barely spoke a word, with his current state being dangerously red that it could be mistaken as if he was a rose.   " looks like its late already, hey, Dan Heng do you mind if i sleep with you as well? Ah, its also alright if you decline. After all we just started this relationship and doing drastic measures so soon isn't good." Caelus asked Dan Heng a bit tired-ly. He felt sleepy, and he wanted nothing more than to feel his lovers touch.   "Mhm. Don't worry, its alright. We can sleep together if you want that." Dan Heng nodded slowly, with his voice being lovely and caring towards the other.   The two then hopped on the bed, arms around each other. One putting their legs on the other like as if they're a pillow. "Night. Love you." Caelus said as he pat Dan Heng's head.   "Goodnight." Dan Heng said to Caelus as well before sleeping.   --- next day later   "Hey, Himeko, is it just me or has the vibe between Dan Heng and Caelus changed?" March asked, curious.   "Hm, maybe. But who knows." Himeko chuckled as she stared at the stars.   "Eh, your right maybe im just seeing things or something." March joins in with Himeko to watch the stars.   "Not what i said but if that's what you'll believe then i can't stop you." Himeko left the window and walked towards the sofas, and took a seat at it 
Just signal for me, and I'll be there
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Established Relationship, Seele and Bronya being soft for each other, Light spoilers for the Jarilo-VI quests
['E77Y', 'RichardPham', 'Silent_butterfly', 'Marrokf64', 'fourswords', 'AtreosLastStar', 'Biorule', 'Olympia_pride', 'Rdash13', 'LivingThing8', 'Tekkiboom', 'Mayhemba', 'oxi2cin', 'littleperegrine', 'Laserwise', 'O_Muhomor', 'lSnozin', 'lilylilac338', 'Freathien', 'TheBigBadWolf1417', 'PerceNotPurse', 'n7aloy', 'Sangais_Lupus', 'Arisdean', 'AuroraMoon0268', 'PixelVixen', 'VillagerF', 'augpt', 'Camelia_Sumori', 'Neophilic', 'campanulacheesecake', 'Elemental_Lord', 'skimguest1234', 'akkz11', 'Dragneel_02', 'vicksvaporubtm', 'bleblebl', 'fyeb', 'jellycat_xo', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'mellyfluousMC', 'DesertGale', 'The_Productive_Procrastinator', 'Brendu', 'Kyo_ka2', 'rubyakahs', 'pizzakiller128', 'Glaucouss', 'geniuswhale', 'Vareemthei']
The all-too-familiar sight of a Fragmentum monster crumbling to dust was of no relief to Seele. Letting her scythe dematerialise, She stretched her aching muscles screaming at her to take a break. However, she resolved to carry on, these Fragmentum monsters wouldn’t clear themselves. As part of the efforts to reclaim Rivet town from the Fragmentum, Seele was tasked with wiping the monster that inhibited it off the face of Jarilo-VI. Officially, this was by the order from the supreme guardian and a joint effort by the Silvermane guards and Widefire. The goal of the mission was for the overworld to show support and make up for the seventy years of isolation and neglect to the underworld. Unofficially, this was a task close to Seele and Bronya’s hearts, wanting to liberate their childhood home from the monsters and Seele would have done it herself. With or without official clearance and support. The place was just too important to her and Bronya. As part of the mission, Seele commanded a small contingent of Silvermane guards a so-called elite unit according to Bronya. Pfft, amateurs, more like it. She could clear out three packs of monsters before the guards even cleared one. Of course, she didn’t expect them to but really it was pitiful. Admittingly, they were at least useful in securing the areas Seele had cut through ensuring no more monsters came. She had already been at this for approximately half a day this was nothing. They hadn’t made much space today with the front line expanding at a snail’s crawl the deeper they went. Of course, it wasn’t even close to the infestation the overworld had when the Stellaron was still active but admittingly it was tiring. A Silvermane guard she somewhat recognised as the captain but she long forgot the name of approached. His pace gave away that the matter was urgent and couldn't be brushed off like she sometimes did. Giving a salute, the captain addressed her way too formally for her taste. “Lady Seele, the Supreme Guardian has sent an urgent call for you.” “I’ll go right away.” She replied immediately. On the outside, she thanked and dismissed the captain but the second he left the area Seele dashed out navigating the streets of the underworld like the back of her hand. Her heart felt like it could leap out of her chest as worry and fearful thoughts filled her mind. This was the first time Bronya had signalled for her in the months after the Stellaron was sealed and Seele would uphold the promise. She would be there for Bronya at any time, just signal. The streets of the much less familiar administrative district passed by her as she phased in and out of the quantum realm scaring some of the Overworlders not familiar to the sight as she blinked in and out of reality. Thankfully due to the freezing cold temperature at night, there were barely any pedestrians to stop her sprint. Stopping briefly at the gates of Qlipoth fort, Seele immediately went up to the guard on duty. “What’s the situation?” The guard saluted her as well, probably recognising her from her now numerous visits to the fort either for business or leisure. At first, she would get stopped at every turn by guards thinking she was just some Underworlder who wanted to air their complaints to the Supreme Guardian directly. They quickly learnt she wasn’t just some Underworlder with grievances with the supreme guardian but an Underworlder who wanted to air her complaints to the supreme guardian but also the Supreme Guardian’s closest and dearest friend. “Umm, situation? My apologies, There hasn’t been anything of note tonight Lady Seele.” The guard replied after taking a moment to think confusion lacing his voice. Seele furrowed her eyebrows, if there was an urgent situation that needed her kind of help the guard would have definitely been aware of it. “Nevermind, do you know where Bronya is then?” “The supreme guardian should currently be at her office.” Seele nodded resuming her route to Qlipoth fort at a speedy pace climbing the long stairs up as theories filled her mind. Maybe it was an urgent top-secret matter that the guard wouldn’t be privy to? Maybe Assains somehow snuck into the office and Bronya had to get the message out in secret? All Seele knew is that Bronya needed her and now. Blinking past the door to the fort much to the fright of the guards, Selee dashed past the halls of towards the Supreme Guardian’s office which was rapidly getting familiar to her. The regulars of the fort seemed to also be used to her presence, quickly making way for her some even greeting her although she was in too much of a rush to return the sentiment. Bursting into the office popping out of the Quantum realm again scythe in hand ready for Fragmentum monster, assassins and any sort of hostile Seele looked around. Only to see Bronya at her desk humming a song she didn’t recognise as she seemingly worked on a few documents. Seele’s not-really soft entrance, caused Bronya to stop humming and instead look up and upon spotting her a gentle smile formed on her face. “Seele, you came.” Ignoring the very normal sight she had barged into Seele was still on high alert letting her arm rest on her scythe as she spoke. “Bronya, what’s the matter? Where are the hostiles? Or the people you need gone?” To her confusion, Bronya giggled and in one smooth motion filing away the document she was working on and stood up making her way to Seele before she spoke. “There are no hostiles” “What? Why did you signal for me then?” Seele asked completely confused now as she let her scythe fade away her grip on her scythe being replaced with Bronya’s hand as the Supreme Guardian grabbed her hand. “Come with me,” Bronya replied not bothering to answer the Underworlder’s question instead dragging along the now very confused girl. Seele too confused to speak instead followed quietly seeing where this would go. Walking through the halls again and passing by the same onlookers this time they were pointing and looking at the two hushed rumours going around as they spoke. The sight of the Supreme Guardian holding hands with an Underworlder was probably front of the news page worthy but Seele trusted no one here would leak it. Although it didn’t stop her face from flaring up as she followed Bronya. Sure, they had been dating for a while now but it was a secret shared between just them and this was almost a giant billboard advertising their relationship to the staff members on duty. Finally, they came to a stop at the room Seele recognised as Bronya’s quarters the large doors giving way to an even larger room. Inside was furniture plated in jewels and carvings so exquisite that just one item was probably more expensive than everything she owned combined. She had been past the room a few times now but never had she actually stepped in. Bronya finally let go of her hand instead stepping away an amused look on her face probably from Seele’s reaction to the room. “Welcome, to my quarters Seele. What do you think?” “It’s nice. Very high class fits you in other words.” Seele replied. Bronya chuckled at her response instead rifling through her closet and throwing a towel and a dark blue night dress to Seele who caught it and looked at Bronya as if asking “What do you want me to do with this?” “Go take a shower, silly, you smell like dirt and gunk.” Seele huffed. “Well excuse me, princess” The word came out a little sharper than she intended but Bronya didn’t seem affected. “I’m not the one sitting around the office all day looking at reports, I’m actually down there fighting.” Of course, Seele knew Bronya’s job was just important and maybe even more important but she couldn’t help but use the jab every time. Instead of retaliating in the usual argument they had, Bronya instead sighed and pushed her into the nearby bathroom. “Just go shower, you better smell like butterflies when you’re done.” “Fine, fine” Seele got out before the bathroom shut behind her. Finishing her shower, and putting on the nightdress which somehow fit her perfectly (Which Seele just chose to not question how Bronya knew her measurements). Bronya had long since finished getting ready for bed apparently, now in a nightdress relaxing on the sofa reading one of those fancy books Seele couldn’t be bothered to understand. “Come here” Bronya beckoned her over the request being one Seele followed without question. “So are you going to finally tell me why you called me?” Seele asked plopping down on the sofa with a thud. “It’s simple really, I wanted you to have a break. I know you would never take it if i just asked so I signalled for you.” Bronya replied an all too proud smirk on her face as she paused reading her book. Instead looking at her girlfriend as if she had just won a game. “Really! You called me for this!” Seele yelled out a little anger sipping out as she growled at the other girl. Bronya laughed pulling Seele closer as she spoke. “Well it wasn’t just for you, I wanted a break as well from all the work. And I just wanted to see you is that so wrong?” “I- Well- I mean-” Seele stuttered attempting to think of an argument before she finally gave up instead of resting her head on Bronya’s shoulder. “F-fine, just this once I’ll let it go.” Bronya only laughed picking back up the book as she continued to read. Seele sighed feeling the tenseness in her muscles start to dissipate the soft breathing of her girlfriend was like music to her ears as she finally let herself relax for the first time in a few days. If someone told her even a few months ago that she would be in the Supreme Guardian’s private quarters she would have laughed at their face. If they told her she would be dating the Supreme Guardian she would have taken them to Natasha by force to get them checked for brain damage. But now, stealing a glance at Bronya quietly reading a serene look on her face Seele couldn’t help but feel content as all the worries she had seemed to vanish. Her eyes slowly closed as the exhaustion she had long put off caught up to her as she enjoyed the comfort of Bronya’s company. “This is nice.” The words left Seele’s mouth before she could filter them. “Yes, yes it is.” The next thing Seele knew, a light shake woke her up as she woke up to a sight she wished would greet her every time she opened her eyes. Bronya, looked at her fondly as if she was the greatest treasure she had. “Tired, sleepyhead?” “How long was out?” Seele asked ignoring the cutesy nickname this time. “Not long, an hour, come on your neck will hurt if you sleep here lets get to bed.” Bronya replied. The bed was the softest she had ever knew, sinking in the second she layed down, Bronya following quickly. She could feel Bronya wrap her arms around her as she pulled her close causing Seele’s brain to once again melt unconsciously reciprocating cuddling up the girl by tucking her head into Bronya’s. “You know next time you can just message me.” Seele murmured as she hid her face. Chuckling Bronya whispered back. “But you’ll come if i signal you right?” “Of course, I will, and I always will. I love you.” The pledge to her being one Seele knew she would go to the ends of the planet to fulfil. “I’m counting on it. I love you.” Was the last thing she heard before exhaustion and comfort caught up to her and sleep once again arrived. The last thing she felt was Bronya lightly brushing away her hair as she entered the most refreshing rest she ever had.  
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng/Caelus
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blow Jobs, Rimming, Porn with Feelings, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
['nutnouffin', 'EmiLissa27_tf', 'airo_plane', 'tacobot', 'CreizyOne', 'huilovski', 'Nik_Mim', 'electroids', 'MARVELousLady', 'Fourchuna', 'pupregard', 'Notabeehihii', 'Eliseisse', 'MarianKage', 'Swiftfeatherz', '0168', 'dandanhung', 'e_tzu', 'KatrinaHaidara', 'Agni_Nim310', 'ikeunoo', 'notsohaylee', 'Nagalyn_Ren', 'Its_Aru', 'mortalcreator', 'GrasveBon', 'srvipers', 'Weichkeks', 'nico_moon', 'zophyne', 'ImStillAlive98', 'Bi_the_Dice', 'ijah', 'prosopography_1', 'rembulan', 'wake_me_when_it_updates', 'clairsentient', 'Purple_fairy', 'all_ivvant', 'Maira_67', 'Azusaya12', 'KeigoGDK_01', 'legendoftheotherside', 'SquidLawd', 'constantlydaydreamingthings', 'ZenPudding', 'bay_beeee', 'Nicki04', 'walkingencyclopedia', 'Sofa_uwu']
They weren’t excuses in the beginning. A nightmare carrying images of broken bodies and bloodied snow. Fear creeping through his slumbering frame, seizing his muscles and quickening his heartbeat. Awaking in a cold sweat, Caelus gravitated naturally to comfort, to safety, his mind in disarray and footsteps guided by instinct rather than rationale. Ending up in the frame of Dan Heng’s door, the smell of yellowed pages and mechanical wires and him seeped into his senses. Dan Heng, disheveled from his own slumber, peered out at him in confusion. “I had a nightmare,” he whispered, fingers trembling and eyes wide with terror. His guard dropped instantly, and Caelus was pulled into a careful embrace. So gentle, as if the other man was afraid he might crumble into dust, slipping through his fingers to be scattered amongst the stars. From there, Caelus found himself within the archives whenever the Stellaron inflicted him with new fears and temptations. Dan Heng’s presence was soothing. A mere breath upon his cheek was enough to quiet the raging storm within him.  The night his fears swallowed him, Dan Heng guided him free from the darkness. Sprawled across the archive floor, panting and clutching his chest as the anxiety coiled like a snake around his lungs, his image was closer to a wild animal than a man. “I am artificial, powered by a device which only seeks to destroy; how can I know that I am good? That I am alive? ” Dan Heng dropped to his knees before him, cupping Caelus’ cheeks. His palms were rough, speaking volumes of his proficiency with his weaponry. “You’re here, and you’re breathing; that is enough,” he murmured, thumb swiping away a stray tear.  After that, Caelus found himself arriving at Dan Heng’s door more than any other. Sometimes he would lounge around outside, ruminating in thought as he waited for the other man to walk out. Dan Heng was already a rather isolated person. He preferred being alone than entertaining human company. Most days were duds as a result. The time between missions, of visiting other planets to begin their next set of quests, was agonizing. Days, weeks, months—they all blended together in space, where night and day had no correlation and the windows only revealed the vast expanse of nothingness.  “It’s not technically his room,” March giggled one night. “You can just walk in, make up some excuse about looking for a book or something.” “I bother him enough,” Caelus sighed, drawing his knees against his cheek.  “Things will never go anywhere if you think like that.” His teammate sighed when silence followed her words. “Dan Heng only pretends to like solitude. He just doesn’t want to lose someone important to him.” Caelus didn’t respond further; his mind was blank, devoid of any proper words. The next two weeks were spent in awkward harmony. No anger, no malice— never malice. Rather, uncertainty. What should they say? How should they act? He had no idea, and there weren’t any memories for him to recall for aid. Nothing aside from the recollection of fluttering lashes and sweet breath upon his cheek. The first time he opened his eyes, Dan Heng above him, dangerously close; all the pieces suddenly clicked together in his brain. The spark in his chest, the yawning desire for something unknown melting a hole in his stomach … It was all because of him. Caelus had occupied the space in that door frame countless times. It was different this round, a new rush of purpose making his heartbeat flutter inexplicably in his chest. His fingerprints were a staple upon the cool metal. His feet knew exactly where to rest. The smell of his shampoo still lingered within the air. The archive remembered him the same way it remembered Dan Heng.   Dan Heng, who regarded him with a cool head tilt, a book resting half-finished in relaxed fingers. Caelus knew nothing of love but the rush of desire steered him all the same. They came together at the center, and he knew their thoughts were aligned. Had been on the same wavelength for entirely too long. Wandering hands, breathless kisses, body heat, soft gasps—they blended together, filling the empty spaces between each book.  I need you. I know. It did not matter who said what; they both knew it was true regardless. The weeks of pining, of desire, had come to fruition, and little else mattered in that moment aside from each other. Then came the excuses, the stolen moments between expeditions and weeks of fearing for their safety. They were measly at best; their teammates were not blind. If anything, they noticed the absence of chaotic curiosity. It staved Caelus’ endless flow of questions, temporarily sated when the proprietor of knowledge was a bit more preoccupied with documenting his body. For research purposes, he argued. Dan Heng was a master of many things. Years of knowledge had soaked into his bones, manifesting via his quick wit and meticulous approach. A question would find an equal answer no matter if input into a computer or asked directly to him. When seeking some niche fact from a forgotten section of space, he was the one to interrogate. As such, learning Caelus was no trouble at all. He learned a great deal about himself too. His neck was sensitive to touch. Dan Heng often ghosted his lips upon his throat, teeth tickling his Adam’s apple and making his breath catch. The dip of his collarbones offered the perfect space for bites and bruises, just the faintest hint peeking from his shirt collar. The small of his back was the perfect size for Dan Heng’s hand to splay upon it, pulling their bodies close together. It felt good when his hair was pulled. It felt good when he was treated gently. It felt divine when he was treated roughly.  Caelus loved all of it, and Dan Heng, who he was quick to learn had surprising possessiveness to him, loved giving it. Dan Heng, who currently had him sequestered away in the archive, pinned against the railing. Fingers in his hair, head pulled back and throat exposed, lips ghosting along a fading bruise. There was no heart to flutter, no breath to lose, but the man pushed up against him convinced his body of what it lacked. Caelus allowed himself to be directed, giving in with no resistance as butterfly kisses laced his jaw.  His own hands wandered, thumbing the edges of Dan Heng’s untucked shirt. His overcoat and belt had already been tossed to the side. Caelus mirrored him in various undress, down to just his usual white shirt and previously unfastened pants. They clung precariously to his hips, held in place only by hopes and dreams and Dan Heng’s closeness. Caelus loved it though. Their closeness was felt via radiating heat and a shimmer of gold. He could feel the sharpness of Dan Heng’s hips even through the fabric, the press of his toned stomach tempting all the raucous desire pooling at his heels. Dan Heng loved it too, mapping and re-mapping all of the places he was intimately familiar with. Peppering him in kisses fit for gods, worshiping that which had stolen his affections—their eyes met, a jolt of need traveling down Caelus’ spine.  “Fuck,” the other man gasped. The expletive sounded unnatural in his voice. “Can’t take my eyes off of you.” “Where’d you learn such a word?” Caelus teased, weaseling his fingers beneath the edge of Dan Heng’s shirt; his skin was warm and smooth to the touch.  “The archives,” came a humored reply, the hold on his hair tightening. “Something I can teach you.” His reply came out before he could absorb how truly laughable it was, “I’m a visual learner.” Dan Heng snorted, the only answer he would receive, before kissing him. Nice and slow, making his mind fuzzy in the aftermath. Their hands continued their exploration of each other, their kisses breaking and meeting again with messy noises. One shirt removed, then the other, leaving bare skin and temptations. Next went their pants, then both sets of boxers, until they were truly on display for each other. There was no shame, no attempt to hide; only closeness and desire.  Caelus allowed his legs to be knocked apart, forcing him to sink further back against the railing. A hand palmed at his waist, rough from years of combat. Fingers traced along the dip of his navel, trailing dangerously close to the warmth between his legs. His cock was heavy from passion and entirely too eager for stimulation. Dan Heng began to trail lower as a result, kissing along his collarbones, lips ghosting against one erect nipple, teeth grazing the skin taut along his stomach. Further down, until he dropped to his knees and slotted himself perfectly between Caelus’ splayed thighs.  Breath drew dangerously close to his tip. He trembled at the closeness, staring down through glazed vision at the intensely focused eyes peering back. Dan Heng’s expression was dangerous, long lashes obscuring his pupil, lips quirked into a rare smirk, a faint hint of tongue poking from the edge.  Caelus suddenly felt weak in the knees. Dan Heng did not advance. Not yet. He let him squirm for a moment—let the anticipation build, thumbs massaging idle circles into his thighs. Then slowly, carefully, a hand rose, trailing up with eternity’s measure. The same roughness from before met him fully, curling around the base of his shaft.  One of his hands flew to the railing, squeezing it tightly for support. The other reached for Dan Heng but it was denied with a gentle slap, the most pathetic whimper spilling from his lips.  “No.”  Dangerous, how a single word could wreck him entirely. Dan Heng’s breath drew closer. He was not teased this time, warm lips placing a gentle kiss to the edge of his tip. His body trembled in response, Caelus watching the softest shimmer of pre-cum stick to the other man’s skin. Golden and viscous, a result of the Stellaron crackling in his chest. Embarrassing at first, but a staple now, just another factor in their quest for pleasure. A tongue appeared next, the tip knocking against his own. It was warm and wet, gold spreading quickly along the rough surface. Dan Heng trailed up, simultaneously tracing the slit and cleaning him of pre-cum.  Caelus arched, chasing the pleasure, but he was not rewarded. A hand pinned him against the railing in one fluid movement, the tongue returning to tease at him once more. Methodical movements, like a cat taking care of its coat, lulling Caelus into sharp gasps and trembling hips—and then Dan Heng struck. His lips enveloped his tip, hot and unexpected. Caelus’ breathy moan was muffled by the back of his hand, teeth digging into soft flesh. Honey sweet filled his senses, blood pooling along his tongue, until Dan Heng pulled off only long enough to bark out an order. “Let me hear you.” Then he was right back to work. Caelus was powerless to disagree. “D-dan— ah ,” he whimpered, words catching in his throat as Dan Heng hollowed out his cheeks and began to lave at his tip. Dan Heng was no professional but he got the job done, unraveling him at the seams with every slow, careful suck. Further he slid, easing himself down Caelus’ cock, until he felt a nose tickle into pale curls. He was completely seated in Dan Heng’s throat, the man between his legs gazing up at him with wanton eyes, a mix of saliva and gold running down his chin.  Neither could tell who was enjoying it more, not until he caught sight of Dan Heng roughly stroking his own length.  The hand pinning him moved then, shifting down to find purchase against his soft thigh. It was only a moment before the true pleasure began. Slow at first, both of them adjusting to the new pace, as Dan Heng began to service him. His tongue dragged along the underside in perfect harmony with each suck, the grazing of his canines making Caelus feel dizzy with building euphoria.  When his knees finally quit, Dan Heng’s stubbornness prevailed, and Caelus allowed his legs to be wrapped around the other man’s shoulders. He was now completely unbalanced, held up only by the railing and their determination. Once situated, he swallowed his cock once again, somehow deeper than before. Caelus felt his tip meet the back of Dan Heng’s throat and his head flew back, the window above providing a true visualization for the stars he felt in that moment. One of his hands rose to his own chest, fingers pinching and rolling one of his nipples for extra stimulation. It worked, sending a jolt of desire deep within his stomach. He wasn’t sure when he lost control of his vocal cords. He only knew the pleasure causing his toes to curl, every bob of Dan Heng’s head spiraling him further. Caelus was entirely on display, openly panting and whining and surely making the entire train wish they were literally anywhere else. But in the moment he cared not for the logistics of others. There was only Dan Heng, the stench of sweat and sex permeating the archive. Surprisingly, it was not Caelus who came first. Dan Heng seized up, sinking down around his cock fully. Ragged breath fanned across his waist and then he moaned. It reverberated through his own body, Caelus crying out at the sparks of pleasure seizing his muscles. He felt a warm splash against the bottom of his thighs as Dan Heng released his pent up need upon him. There was a pause as breath was regained and then he went right back to it, somehow drawing newfound vigor from his orgasm. Caelus was helpless in his hands. Dan Heng shifted them closer to the railing, until his back was flush with the metal bar, allowing him to fully wrap his thighs around the man’s head. The position was divine, allowing him to tangle fingers into soft curls. But this was not the true intention of the new position. Instead, Dan Heng pulled free from his servicing. A comical pop echoed throughout the archive, gold sparkles littering swollen lips. No time was given to admire as Caelus was hoisted just a bit higher. And when Dan Heng grew frustrated with trying to find the angle he was looking for, Caelus was tossed onto the messy bed of blankets, legs parted roughly. Dan Heng quite literally folded him in half, exposing his backside to the room. Air brushed along his ass, something feral flashing within those pretty steel eyes. “Hold these,” he mumbled. Caelus did not need clarification to know what, his own hands hooking behind his knees and aiding in keeping himself folded. Once that was out of the way, the other man descended with impatience. Dan Heng kissed a line from his tip to his base, bequeathing a few gentle nips and sucks to his balls, before moving to the true prize of the evening. Hands cupped his cheeks, thumbs pulling him open. Caelus couldn’t help the involuntary twitch as he was exposed completely. No time was wasted here either, for Dan Heng could sense the precipice upon which Caelus was dangling.  “You’re so fucking pretty, Cae,” Dan Heng groaned. “So pink and wet. All mine.” He wasn’t gentle; it wasn’t what Caelus needed anyway. Dan Heng drew his tongue up along his entrance, quick and rough. He did so until Caelus stopped flinching beneath each one, before Dan Heng dove right in. Their bodies remembered each other—it did not take long for him to open up, Dan Heng’s tongue dipping as deep into him as it could reach. Caelus squirmed against the blankets, drowning in pleasure and scent, picked apart with every lick. Soon the room was nothing but his sweet moans and Dan Heng’s wet noises, louder even than the hum of the computers all around them.  And, just as quickly as it began, it was over. Dan Heng wrapped his hand around Caelus’ neglected cock and gave it a sharp jerk. The budding euphoria finally snapped, streaks of gold painting his body. It laced his chest, pooled in his neck—even splashed along his chin. His grip upon his legs weakened then, splaying along Dan Heng’s shoulders as he scrambled for something to hold. Even the Stellaron, crafted only for destruction, hissed its glee, whispering words he cared not to pay attention to. Caelus felt intoxicated in the aftermath, regarding Dan Heng through glassy eyes. His vision swam as the other man pulled his tongue free, spit dripping from the end. Dan Heng carefully extracted himself from his position, allowing him to lay flat upon his back for the first time in hours. “You look pretty in gold,” Dan Heng murmured after awhile, shifting a strand of stray hair from Caelus’ face. “Almost a shame to clean you of it.” “You say that everytime,” he replied, reaching up to cup the other man’s cheek.  “And it’s true every time.” Dan Heng leaned down, giving him a gentle kiss. “Wait here.” Caelus did not argue, watching as the other man rose. It was a moment of peace before they continued, Dan Heng sorting through various things to locate something capable of cleaning him with. They never planned their meetups, always spontaneous and full of unsaid feelings, excuses whispered on honeyed lips. Never enough supplies, never enough time for all they wished to do, but time spent together enjoyed all the same. In a world of dangers and temptations, where nothing was guaranteed, they found solace. No matter what tomorrow would bring, no matter what challenges the future would hold, for the moment, they had each other—and that was enough.
Daffodil, Daffodil
General Audiences
F/F, M/M
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Void Archives/Welt Yang, Luocha/Welt Yang, Void Archives/Welt Yang/Luocha, Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko/Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Guinaifen/Sushang (Honkai: Star Rail)
Void Archives (Honkai Impact 3rd), Welt Yang, Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Guinaifen (Honkai: Star Rail), Sushang (Honkai: Star Rail)
Honkai Impact 3rd References, Genshin Impact References, Neon Genesis Evangelion References
['Strawbry_Crepe', 'Jaywalksonly', 'Birb106', 'Y0ur_L0cal_Intr0vert', 'fangsyyy', 'FlyingShibaInu', 'sepho_rd', 'Anelime', 'Wiserwords', 'Jaybirdsdelight', 'Gummy_smlie', 'RyokoMasa', 'DrakonsNest', 'themomentibecameavillain', 'Laserwise', 'Mirrow_lady', 'Kitenne', 'churlious', 'RichardPham', 'rokii', 'astr0_nomy', 'LilianMortis', 'Archive_of_love', 'Reinhardtloves_WeltYang567', 'assushi', 'Hjalmprimul', 'Aeaeeaeaeaeaeaaeeea', 'ThatPurpleDragon', 'modorenai', 'Yoru_zuki', 'wrobelsolos', 'Masha_Kaiser', 'I_cant_tell_if_I_am_dramatic', 'strandy', 'listgro', 'Space__Cryptid', 'Bald_bald_malfunction', 'Diana___B', 'Siren_Queen', 'lyne_liz15', 'neonzer0', 'MOON65', 'Sxin_09', 'ps1nka', 'Ch33ryb10ss0m', 'cxnstantine', 'MagicLucky', 'ShusBananaHair', 'Iyrs', 'Snaksss']
Sometimes, Welt thought about the world he came from. That beautiful world where so many of his friends, and even family, still were. That beautiful world he fought for.   Sometimes, he remembered all that he had done there, but other times, the reason his mind wandered back to that place was not exactly the same.   There's no way. Welt corrected his glasses. He really had the talent of finding people that looked like they stole the faces floating around in his memories and superimposed them on themselves.   "... My name is Welt Yang, pleased to meet your acquaintance," he said, as calmly as he could.   "Bronya Rand, heir to the Supreme Guardian, Commander of the Silvermane Guards. It is my pleasure, too."   Yeah. Welt had to thank the Imaginary Tree for this.   As much as he had anticipated that more familiar faces would show up on his journey ever since meeting Himeko, the version that was the navigator of the Astral Express, he didn't think fate would be so kind as to shove these people in his face wherever he went.   A sudden resurgence of Fragmentum monsters had drawn the Astral Express back to Belobog this week. Himeko had finally—Welt couldn't help but smile—let him off the train to experience this place.   In his excitement to put his two feet onto Jarilo-VI soil, he had brushed it off when Dan Heng mentioned a 'Lady Bronya' from his travels. In hindsight, he shouldn't have believed that she could be anyone else. It was too much of a coincidence.   The trip Welt made with Bronya underground was a little strange.   Bronya flipped between being a perfect mimicry of the one he knew and being someone else entirely. Bronya's words were aloof and professional at times, even the intonation was so painfully similar to the girl that had once been under his tutelage. And then, the next second, Bronya went back to talking about the current issues Belobog was having and the illusion vanished.   It wasn't until the two of them met someone unexpected that Welt could say, with confidence, that Bronya was similar to someone he knew. Not identical. Never.   The monster they had been fighting crumbled in a flurry of purple and Quantum energy. A voice rang out from the darkness.   "Bronya."   Bronya's gaze was sharp as she said, "Seele. You're here."   Welt felt a shiver go up his spine, because he had never heard either of them speak to one another without some form of soft affection or longing. Belobog sure was icy.   "Your guards missed a few to the west of here. I dealt with them, but they were careless," Seele said. She flicked her scythe before strolling up to them. "Who's this?"   "Welt Yang of the Astral Express. I came to help with defeating rampant monsters. It seems that Belobog has no shortage of... fighters willing to defend it," he observed, almost stepping between the two in case a nasty fight broke out.   "You could say that." Bronya was still staring at Seele with much more intensity than Welt was comfortable with.   But then Seele's eyes met Bronya's and they both looked away abashedly. Full of unspoken words and budding feelings. Welt didn't know what to feel about that. The Bronya he knew had long been robbed of her emotive faculties and this was the moment Welt's could tell that this was no Bronya Zaychik, but his chest felt a little warmer anyways and he wanted to smile.   The strings of fate were stubborn when they wanted to be, persisting from universe to universe without snapping or unravelling.   In the midst of it all, he felt he could draw parallels between this interaction and his relationship with Void Archives', but that was a topic for another day.   "I... There's something I want to check out," Welt raised his voice. "By myself. I will be back soon. Thank you, Bronya, Seele."   Welt left with as much tact as he could muster. He tried to listen for any amiable conversation between the companions he'd just parted with, but he only heard something resembling bickering.   They would figure it out some day. Bronya would always find Seele.     "Why are you here?" Welt asked, holding his cane tensely.   The Astral Express did not welcome Stellaron Hunters on board. Especially not Kafka.   "Mm," Kafka hummed. "How about you move aside? I'm running late... for an engagement , of sorts."   "I will not repeat my question."   Welt had half a mind to form a black hole in the middle of the train compartment to ward off Kafka's dangerous presence. He didn't want to put any of the crew at risk though, nor did he want to tear up the train. The repairs would cost too much. Ugh.   "As you wish." Kafka laughed softly. "I'm just paying a visit to one of the passengers. Take your guess."   Welt thought to the Trailblazer with the Stellaron trapped within them. He thought back to what happened at the Herta Space Station, then the Xianzhou Luofu. His eyes flitted uncertainly between the door to where the bedrooms were and the approaching threat.   Welt stood firmly at the doorway, as if he had a way to effectively stop her. He could feel cold beads of sweat forming at the back of his neck.   "I hope her reception is warmer than yours. Fiery, even," Kafka whispered, right into Welt's ear as she brushed past.   Oh. Oh. So this was what it's about.   Welt was wary as he eyed Kafka walk up to Himeko's room, with all the air of an artist in a gallery, relaxed and appreciative. He didn't exactly detect any ill intentions, but he didn't quite trust her either.   Kafka held her knuckles up, ready to knock on the door, and really , Welt should be showing her the way out by any means, violently, calmly, whatever, but he hesitated...   Instead, he said, "Himeko is in the parlour compartment."   "Is she?" Kafka said flippantly.   "I'll send her a message to tell her there's someone seeking her attention. I hope that satisfies you."   "Well, thank you ."   Welt couldn't tell if those words were sincere or not—there was always something about a Stellaron Hunter's tone that suggested they were lying through their teeth—but he didn't really have the time to mull over it. Himeko had bundled into the corridor as soon as he contacted her.   "Kafka," Himeko breathed out. Her eyes danced between starstruck and guarded as she looked at Kafka.   "Welt here was nice enough to... show me the way." Kafka circled her wrist with her hand.   "Don't make it a habit," Welt found himself saying. "Please give me a warning next time, Himeko."   "Will do. Sorry for that." Welt had never seen Himeko blush so brightly before, so this was definitely a first.   The other Himeko... Just thinking about her brought a pang of sorrow to Welt's heart. Too many aspirations. Too many sacrifices. Too much love. Too little time. Her life had been a tragedy through and through. Welt was willing to start believing in reincarnation if it meant all her pains from the world that he came from could be exchanged for a peaceful, fulfilling existence here.   Welt waved those thoughts away. He had got to get out of the exercise of being stuck in the past.   He watched the two women amble into the room that smelled like rich coffee without any more idling around. Welt didn't miss the way Kafka's hand came up to caress Himeko's cheek so tenderly, he almost forgot that same hand was used to wield a katana and a gun.   Next time... Yes, next time , it would do him some good if he just turned a blind eye without a fuss.   Some easy chatter flowed out from the room and Welt hoped Himeko found her happiness.     It was a sunny day—or unusually bright anyways, Welt wasn't sure where the light came from—on the Xianzhou Luofu. Just as Welt wished for some shade, a paper umbrella was hoisted above his head.   "What's on your mind?" The tone was not accusatory, but soft.   "Sushang and her... friend. What's her name again?"   "Guinaifen. I'm not sure which characters they are myself, I could ask if you want," Luocha said.   "Thanks, but there's really no need," Welt answered. In response, Luocha leaned closer to cover him better from the brightness.   That orange-haired girl spurred no recognition from himself, but he spared a glance towards Sushang.    He knew a little about Sushang from the files he read ages ago back in his old world. He had an idea that the enthusiasm she bubbled with overflowed all the way from her alternative self to here, if just with a bit more childlike wonder.    Welt had made several loops around the Exalting Sanctum by now, by tagging along with Luocha, who was trailing behind Sushang—to keep them out of trouble, of course—who was getting dragged around by Guinaifen. The leader of this pack of rats was vlogging without a care in the world for Welt's sore feet.   "Oh, oh! The Spare Time Book Shop! We have to go in!" Guinaifen exclaimed, tugging at Sushang's hand and somehow still being able to keep her phone steady.   "Sure!" Sushang seemed excited enough, though Welt saw a hint of hesitance in her eyes. She squeezed Guinaifen's hand.   "Anywhere you want!"   They burst in like a whirlwind through the bookstore. Guinaifen leafed through all the most popular novels on display, narrating everything interesting about the whole thing, even though Welt didn't quite know what was so interesting about it. It just seemed like a lot of animated screaming.   Sushang, on the other hand, picked up a thick book and stared at it very hard.   "She's not very good at reading," Luocha said beside Welt. "I suppose I should help her..."   Then, Guinaifen swooped in just in time to assist Sushang in her assimilation of Xianzhou literature. The concept of 'personal space' seemed to have disappeared for a moment, Guinaifen leaning on Sushang's shoulder with such an affectionate gaze that told Welt that Sushang was her entire world.   "I guess I'm out of my job." Luocha chuckled.   Their little trip around the tourist spots of the Luofu ended up at a quaint drink shop. The items were wildly overpriced, but Guinaifen insisted that her vlog had to end with the perfect drink at the perfect place.   Welt stood right behind them, some shopping bags in hand that he had taken off Luocha, who was given them by Sushang. He was starting to think he was just a glorified babysitter.   "Hmm, what should we get?" Guinaifen asked. "How about caramel milk tea with milk foam?"   "I think I, er, won't get anything." Sushang quickly hid her thin, flat wallet behind her back and out of sight from Guinaifen.   "Why?"   "We're going to have dinner soon," Sushang said a bit embarrassedly. "Can't have such a big drink bogging down my appetite... Yeah..."   "Don't you wanna try it?" Guinaifen whined. "Oh, how about you just take a sip from mine?"   Welt interjected right there. He would regret it later if he didn’t.   "I could pay for the extra large size for both of you to share. My treat."   "Oh! Thanks, Mr. Yang!" Guinaifen pumped up her fist.   "I can't trouble you like that-" Sushang said at the same time, ever the bastion of kindness.   Too bad Welt was already walking up to the counter, relaying the very specific, 10-step order Guinaifen had muttered under her breath before.   "Here you go," Welt said after he got the drink.   "Wooh!"   "Welp, I guess I really can't refuse!"   Guinaifen took a beautiful picture of the beverage. Welt didn't know how good or bad it tasted, but he was pretty sure the photo made up for everything the drink was not.   Welt watched Guinaifen leave with Sushang after he and Luocha parted with them. Guinaifen and Sushang were drinking the latte in turn, arms linked. Suhang pecked Guinaifen's cheek sloppily and Guinaifen grumbled that she had to wipe her face now, albeit looking more flustered than annoyed.   "They're good for each other," whispered Luocha.   "I can tell," Welt said.     "I know you from a different universe," Raiden Mei said resolutely, but Welt saw her purple eyes mist over.   "There was a world where I loved you and you took care of me, but there are so many more where you mattered as much as a stranger to me. I feel terrible. Distant."   Yae Sakura answered in kind, "We were different people then."   Welt hadn't expected this when he invited Raiden, who had been just so curious about the Astral Express. Welt knew her as the sweet, caring girl who always gave her all to the person she loved. She had never known a person called Yae Sakura in his old world, and Welt had never known anyone other than himself and Void Archives acknowledge memories from the parallel universes.   The Imaginary Tree must be playing tricks today.   "I-" Raiden hiccuped. "There's so much to say."   She was about to take a step back, maybe even bolt out of the train in a hurry, but Yae braved forward and tentatively put a soft hand on her shoulder.   "Yes. Yes, I know."   "How about I bring you two some tea while you talk things over?" Welt suggested, stuck between the want to fade into the background and dissipate the tension the sat heavy in the air like smoke.   Raiden nodded.   "I'll be back soon," Welt called over his shoulder, but he lingered around the doorway as he was about to leave the room.   He was just able to catch Sakura say, the phrase weakened to a whisper with distance:   " I've missed you. "     There was a piano on the Astral Express.   Himeko salvaged the antique from one of their trips and settled it in one of the compartments. Welt appreciated it. Nothing like a piano to play and pass the time with, with the added bonus that it reminded him of the better memories in his childhood.   There was music coming from the piano today, without Welt's fingers at the keys. It was a lively and vibrant duet for two, but was now played by one.   "That's a beautiful song there," Welt commented, standing off to the side.   "Thank you. I composed it myself. I've always thought music to be the height of human culture," the grey-haired passenger said. He was hitching a ride to his destination and Welt found his temporary presence on the Astral Express pleasant and friendly.   "Would you like me to play the other part? I'm no musician, but I can try," Welt offered, already eyeing the sheet music.   "There's no need. I'm waiting for the person who plays it best." Then the red eyes of the man widened. "Oh and by that, it has nothing to do with your skill at all. He is just... special to me."   "I see," Welt said softly.   And almost a week later, Welt understood what those words meant back then.   The man whose fingers danced so gracefully over piano keys pounced on an unsuspecting brunet in the clumsiest way possible.    The brunet fumbled around for a bit, claiming that he had no idea who the other was, but then his eyes widened almost comically. The two collapsed in a pile of laughter and sobs, smack dab in the middle of the train station.   Welt asked just to make sure.   The mysterious passenger that would be leaving the Astral Express said, "I'm excited to live this new life with him."     "Stop trying to ruin my relationship," Welt said.   "Stop messaging Luocha at midnight and ignoring everything else," Void Archives said.   "If by 'everything else', you mean your incessant complaints via chat about whichever planet you were on, then I have a valid reason: a headache."   Void Archives had pressed himself on top of Welt, immobilising him in his place on the couch. Welt really wasn't in the mood to placate his jealous partner.   "We had an agreement, if you remember. I love you both equally," Welt added.   "There's nothing wrong with my memory."   Welt saw with the way Void Archives twisted his lips that there was something on his mind, so he urged, "What is it?"   "Nothing." Void Archives glared.   "Really?"   Void Archives glared even harder, then he relented by putting on an imitation of what could be interpreted as a pout. A very sour one though, like lemons. "Human emotions are complicated."   Welt sighed. "Would you like a hug?"   Void Archives didn't say anything, so Welt took it as permission to wrap his hands around the other and tuck his head into his chest. He held on tightly, unwilling to let go.   "Is that alright?"   "... it will suffice."   Welt almost laughed. It reminded him all over again why he had never even entertained the idea of leaving Void Archives behind to fend for himself.   Welt knew he had to bring up his lunch date with Luocha in two days' time with Void Archives soon and risk another bout of envy-induced coldness, but that could wait.   They almost fell asleep, if not for the startling snap and flash of March 7th's camera.   Right. They had been on the sofa in the parlour car of the Express.   Right. Their picture would be going up on the wall with all the others; another precious memory to treasure.
Trailblazer hangout(gone wrong)
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th/Stelle - Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Smut, No Plot/Plotless, Gay, Lesbian Sex, Multiple Orgasms
['Whiterose999', 'Amari_Kage2', 'YoriWillEatYourWork', 'fyeb', 'Aime_Simp', 'LazyJayz', 'Knight_Star', 'GrovellingGob', 'ayamamamiya', 'MagnustheRed', 'Blue1314', 'Xenpachii', 'Wolfie257', 'Goodbye_Galaxy', 'AntlersPotato', 'Jas_410', 'AKIthenoob', 'Danpal23', 'MarkIsNotGay', 'xiaoty', '6atsujun', 'Leafred', 'N0z0m1', 'ItsSimplyFaith', 'Kiave', 'PHEMEFL0RIA', 'nenekusanyagi', 'Taikenshi', 'kinj0', 'Kotofeila', 'Plskillme2233', 'Mehran199', 'Avorgs', 'vinvince', 'NarT', 'Kimiliana', 'laesis', 'Viflok', 'LivingThing8', 'milky_guilt', 'iilumies', 'Honeyxilia', 'TaidanaFenryrr', 'FenrirV1', 'xX_Rouge_Xx', 'Vizii', 'RingoSai', 'Lonelyste', 'Deuxo', 'SushiCut']
"Stelle..." The girl underneath her moaned as Stelle kept teasing her enterance... "Use ur words March...You know i wont get what you mean when you just say my name now do i?" Stelle said as she bit the smaller girl's neck..."Ur so wet already just from some teasing i wonder how you will end up when i start actually fucking you..." Stelle kept her fingers at a slow speed on March's enterance as she kept moaning... Theres not really an explenation on how they ended up here...Maybe cuz of March's teasing and Stelle getting her fucking her.. "Fuck..Stelle please....I need it." March moaned at her touch, she sounded so desperated, so needy it made Stelle gave in and finally put 2 fingers into her enterance...March moaned but then was covered by Stelle kissing her...she went slow at first to keep her down....But when she pulled away she went alot more faster.. "It went in so easily....Have you been masturbating to the thought of me?" Stelle teased as March just kept reaching her was pretty obvious she did...I meann who could resist a tall gray haired women? Whos also strong...God the thaught just got March even more turned on...Especially since that women was fucking her right now... "I-im close!" March moaned as Stelle just went faster and faster...till she came on her hand..Stelle slowly pulled out of March who was breathless as she began licking off her finger.. The smaller girl just blushed at the sight of Stelle licking off her cum...God it sent shivers down her spine. "We are not finished yet." Stelle said in a low tone as she spread March's legs to the sight of her wet pussy...March already knew she shouldnt have teased her....Now there she is.....Not going to be able to walk for a few days.. Stelle licked her lips as she slowly went down..first licking off her cum which made March cover her mouth...Afterall they didnt wanna get caught by anyone... March grabbed onto Stelle's hair pulling her tears from pleasure fell down her face..It felt so good she couldnt never imagine this...She kept moaning her name trying to keep down...(spoiler it didn't work...) March was close again as she came all over the other one's face, Stelle didn't mind she took it all before pulling away... She was taking deep breaths but so was her.... "We should do this again once...Seeing you all flustered and moaning kinda got to me" Stelle chuckled as she went to cuddle with March afterall she just made her cum 2 times..
that closet incident
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Goethe Hotel Closet
['BlueRosariv', 'Kaitslyn', 'Omasko422', 'Candy_4MA1', 'Honeycloudress', 'Reex_waltz', 'paruparo', 'snowskinrabbits', 'Crimsy', 'Yuno_Len', 'Blacklily', 'WaywardKeener', 'Nik_Mim', '00000000000002', 'lotzo4139', 'Frogs_are_candies', 'Raeli_iluxsm', 'euxeris', '0k3an0s', 'Mmmoooomo', 'Yumeuwu', 'JaneDoe666', 'GhostPlane', 'FizzyWizzyOof', 'HasilBallward', 'SHrimp2500', 'Bulbasaurtheexplorer', 'Xathras', 'hello962', 'Eliasss', 'Pangu', 'alolameowth', 'poketism', 'Winter_Core', 'seitennosinker', 'Umicchi', 'Yoshi3011', 'SquidLawd', 'Lynn_Fong_Bee', 'yunshi_cchi', 'Olipopp', 'Crystal_Light_34', 'srvipers', 'Evrana', 'Glassed', 'Anxious_suoixnA', 'hahze', '3snakes_in_a_trenchcoat', 'Vetta', 'cozysleepycats']
Caelus was, for a lack of better words, exhausted. After a long day of being dragged around the city – observing the sights new to himself, dodging the massive train casually running around Belobog, forced to pose in front of March 7th’s camera, and then likewise obliged to hold the camera and take pictures of March – it was indeed an eventful day. Following all that, the only thing he wanted was to go to Goethe Hotel and rest.   Except there was a very interesting closet beside his bed. Really interesting in fact, as he verified that it is certainly a perfect closet, in all aspects of design, capacity, tactility, build quality, and scent. There is no better closet than this , he thought, and so all reason flew out of his brain. The temptation to go inside the closet won, and so he did.   He felt a sense of excitement bubbling up within him as he crouched inside the closet. He was taking deep breaths for some reason, but also he wanted to sneeze upon being enveloped by the scent of a weird mix of sandalwood and cleaning chemicals. Despite this, Caelus closed the closet door as firmly as he could.   Caelus grinned to himself.   What was the point of all this? Nothing.   But he was having fun.   His long limbs were starting to feel numb, and he couldn’t see anything inside except darkness.   Should he go out soon?    Just as he was starting to rethink his life choices that led him up to that point, he heard a sound closing in from outside his hotel room. Whose footsteps were those?   He hurried to straighten himself up, but it proved to be difficult as he was practically huddled into a ball inside the cramped closet space. He pushed the closet doors quickly, at the same time the door to his room opened. Caelus could feel his face flush with embarrassment.   It was an awkward quiet few seconds before Dan Heng managed to say something.   “... Caelus, what are you doing inside the closet?”   Dan Heng stood by the door, but stopped himself from entering. March 7th followed suit, peeking inside the room through Dan Heng’s shoulder.   “Oh my gosh, Dan Heng! You can’t just ask that out of nowhere!” March said, with shock on her face. “He’ll come out when he’s ready!”   Caelus couldn’t even raise his head, he could still feel Dan Heng and March staring at him.   “... Please knock next time.”   Caelus couldn’t get himself to sleep that night. Dan Heng and March immediately left his room even before he could fully get himself out of the closet. So now aside from being embarrassed, he was also extremely curious about why they even went to his room in the first place.   Did I look stupid? What does Dan Heng think of me now? March would tease me about this for sure.     He hated thinking about it, so he stopped trying to sleep and let his impulsive thoughts win. Again. He stood up and ran to the door.   Upon opening it though, he was greeted by an equally surprised Dan Heng awkwardly standing right outside his room.   “Uhm..” Caelus tried to grasp for words, and then failed.   “... Hi.” Dan Heng said. He was looking around, like he was trying to avoid looking directly at Caelus. “Sorry, I can’t sleep.”    “Me neither.” He replied, holding back a laugh. “I can’t explain why I entered the closet earlier, if that’s what you’re here for.”   Dan Heng grinned, “That’s what I supposed. You really just do weird things like that whenever you want.”   “Are you saying I don’t think before doing things…”   “...Kind of, yes. But you’re amazing like that.”   Caelus raised an eyebrow at Dan Heng. “You think I’m amazing when I do weird things like that?”   “No.” He answered quickly, clearing his throat. “I won’t elaborate.”   Caelus opened the door wider, motioning for Dan Heng to enter his room.   “Come in, we have enough time. I’ll make you elaborate.”
Lilies in the Sky!
['Blacketh (Plasmatic)', 'Plasmatic']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th/Stelle - Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail), March 7th/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Humor, No Angst, Coming Out, Lily you are HERE, march IS trans right, Pining, Trans March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
['aquatra', 'migueloharasirlwifesband', 'Luzerad', 'rainbuckets', 'Inko_sayso', 'Barbara788', 'Avena87', 'addeus', 'captinartemis', 'Squishy_Sky', 'NobleHeroine', 'Sixerry', 'baba_booey', 'lilylilac338', 'anemosys', 'Just_Uta', 'Esthesilly', 'Gyrazal618', 'unhealthy_obsessions', 'OggyWoogy', 'Senscawfee', 'asiangamer413', 'pxemma', 'nyctueia', 'BasilBunches', 'Mister_Milquetoast', 'Jennanby', 'StarryArii', 'DrearySkies', 'VeveHoshizora', 'ReturnNull', 'Biorule', 'Devyn333', 'Troiah', 'Aime_Simp', 'Some_random_person_Hi', 'LazyJayz', 'Vylans', 'leafcereal', 'mishystellar', 'TalaraNi', 'rossweisse567', 'ErodiumsMnemic', 'HomieGoose', 'MITTENSLOVESKITTENS18', 'NZ_trans_girlie', 'MorgMoons', 'CAT_2005', 'AbbyWaifu_Warrior', 'rubyakahs']
March hadn’t wished her a good morning yet. Stelle was not having a good morning because of it. In every aspect, it was silly for Stelle to overthink small matters like this, but when small matters fell out of routine, then it becomes a big matter, and now she was at her wit’s end over it. Her fingers must have been floating over March’s texts for minutes now, refreshing all in the hopes for a response.     — December 20th —   March 7th: Good Morning!!! Stelle: good morning   — December 21st —   Marth 7th: Good Morning!!!! Stelle: good morning   — December 22nd —   March 7th: Good Morning!!!!! Stelle: good morning     Now it was December 23rd, and exactly 24 minutes after the usual ‘good morning’. That also meant a full 1440 seconds of having a bad morning, and overthinking when March would send that something! Stelle groaned. This was doing her head over, and certainly far more than it should. The last time she had cared this much for a person was someone she had probably forgotten, and subsequently that meant she had no idea how to go about things in the first place! Both Arlan and Asta were no help, both answering with vague responses, and her second best idea, which was ti scout every room of the Station for just a strand of pink hair, was all to no avail! … … Okay, perhaps she was overthinking again, but March was special . Stelle still remembers the time her eyes opened to her smile; the laugh she would make, skipping along that long passageway; her warmth as she was cradled in her arms, before she fell unconscious— Stelle blushed, suddenly rocking herself back and forth… again. Whatever feelings Stelle harboured were foreign, and strange , and indescribable, and was certainly the reason why she had refreshed her feed another five time in the last minute… Alas, she couldn’t help but worry for her… her acquaintance. Yes, her acquaintance. Thankfully for her, the search must end here: an hour of this routine culminated to this one, lonely hallway in the Storage Room, and if March wasn’t there, then she’d likely run to Herta and pray for some universal alert! It may be a leap of sorts, but a necessary one nevertheless, and a bubbly girl like March couldn’t stay contained forever ! And so, as Stelle walked along the hall, she held her breath, waiting, pleading. …   Tap. Tap. Tap. Huh? Suddenly, her ears perked: from the distance, Stelle could hear the distinct sound of… drumming fingers? echoing from the hall. And within the blanket of silence, a whisper could be heard. A very soft, unmarchlike voice, but one full of pure elation. “Rye? You’re really coming tomorrow?” “Is someone there?” At that, the drumming stopped, and so did the voice, which probably didn’t help their case. Undisturbed by the silence, Stelle edged closer, still adamant to uncover the source.  What she had hoped to be, was instead a women with brunette hair. She sat on a lone bench, looking up with wide eyes back at her. “…” The girl — Lily from the nametag — said nothing, first dropping her phone onto her lap, and then the eye-contact. “Oh, sorry to interrupt.” Stelle responded instinctively, taking a step back. “I was just looking for March. I was wondering if you—“ “March!?” And for just that second, her face glows. A warm, gentle fire that flickers in the irises of her eyes. The sight takes Stelle aback, but as quickly as it comes, the glint disappears, and her head drops. “Um… No, no… I haven’t seen her.” She believes her, though the inflection in the girl’s voice tells a story she would like to know. Stelle’s lips purse in the brink of curiosity, but as Lily’s hands fiddled in place again, she dismisses the thought. Considering who March was, it wouldn’t be a surprise if everybody knew her, not to mention get along with them too. Stelle sighed, turning back and ready to crumple on the floor in her misery. “It’s okay. Thanks for the help, anyway…” “Wait.” Stelle turned back. She was looking up again. “Um, S-Sophie just DM’d me. She’s, um, in her room?” She replied — whispered — with that familiar tremor in her leg. Her face remained expressionless, though the shine in her eyes returned, certainly proving her keenness. And Stelle could almost die in her idiocy. It was clear now. Why wouldn’t March be in the Express, frolicking in the comfort of her own bedroom, and being… ‘Adorable’. Her smile returned at the thought: of her and her bed, full of plushies, full of fluffiness; and in the centre of it all, March. With so much joy always surrounding her, Stelle couldn’t fault her for always being so happy— “Um, c-can I come too? I, um, need to see her too.” Lily broke her dreamlike thoughts. “Uuh, sure. Not a problem.” Ever the quieter, Lily nods, meekly standing up. Stelle feigned ignorance to it, letting the girl silently walk behind her. It wasn’t her business to pry into detail, and the thought of a cute March was far more essential to the forefront of her mind.     The knocks on her bedroom door were perhaps too desperate in hindsight, and maybe too quick in succession. Stelle almost leans against the door, wishing to take it all back. All regret, however, vanished the moment the door clicks open. Just March’s smile alone brings one to her own, as she makes an exaggerative gasp of surprise. “Stelle? … Lily!? I thought you bailed from us! You came too late.” Bashfully, Lily smiles and twirls a strand of hair with two fingers. “Sorry, I forgot we were hanging out in your room today.” “Well, you better not forget next time. You were supposed to be our test subject for tonight!” At that, Lily’s face noticeably drops, which follows with March’s, and therefore her own. “Um, about that… I ran out of my estr—“ the girl stops, grips her arm loosely, turns to Stelle, and then back, “y-yeah. Can I borrow some of yours?” “Oh, sure! Let me get some for you.” March quickly jumps back into her room, but returns quickly with bottle of pills. Somehow, the sight makes Lily’s face shine — that same sparkle in her brown eyes — before she takes the strange offering and clutches it against her chest. “I got some spare yesterday, but it looks like you need it more than me.” March playfully winked. And for the first time, Lily’s voice breaks that quiet register. Into a cheery, exhilarated mess. “Thank you so much, March! I’ll see you tonight, I promise!” With her two hands dearly gripping the bottle, Lily skips away. Despite the happiness swelling in Stelle’s chest after that interaction, it only managed to toy further with Stelle’s growing confusion: What was that bottle? Why did it make her so happy? What meeting? “Hi March.”  Instead of those logical questions, that was the first that came to mouth. March chose not to respond yet, only turning her focus once she had finished waving the girl away. “Oh! Oh…” March’s preppy voice falters for only a fraction, before it returns again. “Oh, silly me! You don’t know yet, do you?” “Know what?” “Well, I thought I made it obvious from my clothes, y’know… my badge.” March steps back, presenting herself. While she remained as remarkable as ever, she also looks no different. “But right, you may have forgotten your memory...” Stelle kept silent, awaiting the plot twist. “Well, here goes. I’m… um, trans!” Stelle blinked, and then again. “Oh.” Pink. Blue. White. Now that it was mentioned, she really did resemble nothing but those colours. Her badge, with those primary colours decorating it. Her bow in battle, with those beautiful blue and pink arrows. Her clothes with that distinct colour scheme… Her eyes— “Oh.” Uneasily, March begins rambling. Just as she always does whenever she’s nervous. “You do know what that word means right? Or did you lose that part of your memory too—“ “No, no. I know what it means.” March‘s uneasiness seemingly grows at that. The usual cheeriness dissolves from March’s face as she looks up expectantly; the soft, puppy-like eyes which somehow manages to make her look even more adorable than usual. “And…?” “You’re still the pretty girl I know.” It spills out. And for the second time, Stelle could almost die.  But instead, she could only watch as March gave a watery smile, a heavy sigh of relief, and then a tight pull into an even tighter embrace. “Yeah.” March smiles tearfully, and Stelle could feel the shaky breath of every word against her body. “Yeah. I know I am.” And Stelle, hiding the blush on her face, would never see March’s own, as she returned the embrace with a smile of her own.   — December 27th —   March 7th: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!! Stelle: good morning   — December 28th —   Marth 7th: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!! Stelle: good morning   — December 28th —   Stelle: good morning March 7th: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fear of the dark
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele is crying, useless lesbians (come to think at it, bronya was really helpful), i made this in the morning, Light Angst, Fear, Fluff
['Arlecchino_supremacy', 'D33JAYYY', 'DesertGale', 'MiharuError', 'Azuos', 'Korablick', 'Sanitywaslost', 'KatiePuh', 'Kotofeila', 'ichiroo', 'stonekyul', 'juzoux', 'chichip', 'agayperson', 'VannessaCloud', 'RinuZen', 'Levski', 'Hibikisnguyen', 'Wali', 'Seeles_Omega', 'U53R']
It was dark in her room, Bronya hasnt come back yet, she usually comes home at 7pm but today she was late, but it seems that there are a power outages, Seele didnt expect this however, and desperately waited for Bronya to come, her expression covered in sweat, in agonsing tears, as she waited for Bronya to come, the girl in blue was very anxious about her surroudings, these eerie sightings made her think of what something scary in her mind, and she covered herself up in her blanket, wanting for the thoughts to dissapear, but instead she thought more and more, making her hyperventilating, and she desperately grabbed her phone on the side of the bed, hoping for Bron's messeages to come but it was nothing"Ahhh darn it wheres Bronya" said Seele with a panicking voice, then she called Bronya to ask bronya to come home faster, Bronya then picks up the phone then asks,"Whats the matter Seele? ""P-Please….come home fast, im scar-" answers Seele with fear and she freezed in the last sentenced, "What? What happened in the house? " Asks Bronya cautiously, "I- just, theres a power outages and uh, its ah im scared" said Seele with so much fear in her tone"I see, well that cant be helped, then wait 15 minutes, im on my way home, theres a traffic jam thats bern plaging the streets so sorry for being late" explains Bronya, Seele with shivers said " Thank you, please be fast". Seele was somehow relieved but shes still anxious about her surroundings, shes just waiting for her only hope, Bronya, ah its clear how much she misses her right now, eventhough she just met her on the way home, but Bronya said she still has something to do on her job so she'll come home late, but she didnt expect this to be this late."ahh Bronya… where are you"The sightings became more and more real after Seele's mind started to belive it was somehow existant,"The figures, please ahh bron, bron come home fast"There the figures started creeping slowly and slowly towards her side of the bed, and she desperately cried for bronya, bronya, and bronya, and after a pain stakingly amount of time, Bronya unlocks the door with her spare keys and rushes down to Seele's room, all she can see is a fragile child, covered with tears and hyperventilating for her to cope but she was almost on her limit, and there she came, her saviour, and after Seele saw Bronya standing there, she lunged to Bronya's direction to hug her so hard."Bronya… i miss you so much, im scared, i wanna be with you till the end ah", Bronya didnt bother much about the hug being too tight because she understand."Now now its fine, Bronya's here, Seele doesnt need to be scared of, Now that im here, i should take a shower first""B-but i dont wanna go back to bed, im scared, can i come with you" asks Seele with anxiousness in her aura."Fine, you can go with me, if you really are scared then fine" said Bronya, After that Seele folled Bronya, while being a scaredy cat, she'd hug her back and forth when she feels she's scared or might be able to lose Bronya in the dark, Bronya didnt mind however, she knows a phobia can do much to a person so shes fine with Seele's actions,and She went to the bathroom to take a simple bath,while Seele looks at her,feeling relieved after all this mess, she decided to break the silence."You know Bronya, when i was a little im used to sleep in the dark, it wasnt until that night happened" said Seele, "Mhm, what happened", "Perhaps it was just my imagination that ran wild but i can feel that, back in the orphanage….when theres a power outages, when i was about to sleep, i feel like theres a figure in the dark, they didnt do something, but after all im a curious kid so i looked at them dearly, and it appears that they can move, but they move closer and closer to me, and they kinda went close to my face and started screaming loudly, and after that i freaked out and passed out instantly, no one knew about this so i guess you're the first one to know it" explains Seele about her trauma, "Hey… i didnt knew it was that much of a trauma you're holding on, im sorry, i wasnt being able to drive home as usual, it was really chaotic outside so- ""Its fine, atleast you're here now" Bronya finished her shower and takes Seele hand, for her to guide her back to her room, there Seele followed the what to be called an angel, it feels like Seele was captivated by this so called Bronya, She felt nothing but a calm and content feeling in her heart, after arriving at the bed, she went first and bronya came in last, after that both were being sleepy but Bronya cuddles Seele before going to sleep so She can ensures Seele her safety with her, now that Seele is with Bronya now, she feels safe, the figures are gone and shes with her lover and they finnaly slept peacefully.
Fear of the Dark
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Seele Vollerei/Bronya Zaychik
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Light Angst, Fear, Seele afraid of the dark, Bronya comes to the rescue, Hinted Trauma, (perhaps it was her imagination), Bronya just got off work, Useless Lesbians, i made this only 30 minutes
['Korablick', 'sigmabsd0', 'Draco_Voice', 'Sanitywaslost', 'Shiroreo', 'Kotofeila', 'Rjsuduwjdbe', 'CANAD', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Nipoki', 'Thelainn', 'jamjamx']
It was dark in her room, Bronya hasnt come back yet, she usually comes home at 7pm but today she was late, but it seems that there are a power outages, Seele didnt expect this however, and desperately waited for Bronya to come, her expression covered in sweat, in agonsing tears, as she waited for Bronya to come, the girl in blue was very anxious about her surroudings, these eerie sightings made her think of what something scary in her mind, and she covered herself up in her blanket, wanting for the thoughts to dissapear, but instead she thought more and more, making her hyperventilating, and she desperately grabbed her phone on the side of the bed, hoping for Bron's messeages to come but it was nothing "Ahhh darn it wheres Bronya" said Seele with a panicking voice, then she called Bronya to ask bronya to come home faster, Bronya then picks up the phone then asks, "Whats the matter Seele? " "P-Please….come home fast, im scar-" answers Seele with fear and she freezed in the last sentenced, "What? What happened in the house? " Asks Bronya cautiously, "I- just, theres a power outages and uh, its ah im scared" said Seele with so much fear in her tone "I see, well that cant be helped, then wait 15 minutes, im on my way home, theres a traffic jam thats bern plaging the streets so sorry for being late" explains Bronya, Seele with shivers said " Thank you, please be fast". Seele was somehow relieved but shes still anxious about her surroundings, shes just waiting for her only hope, Bronya, ah its clear how much she misses her right now, eventhough she just met her on the way home, but Bronya said she still has something to do on her job so she'll come home late, but she didnt expect this to be this late. "ahh Bronya… where are you" The sightings became more and more real after Seele's mind started to belive it was somehow existant, "The figures, please ahh bron, bron come home fast" There the figures started creeping slowly and slowly towards her side of the bed, and she desperately cried for bronya, bronya, and bronya, and after a pain stakingly amount of time, Bronya unlocks the door with her spare keys and rushes down to Seele's room, all she can see is a fragile child, covered with tears and hyperventilating for her to cope but she was almost on her limit, and there she came, her saviour, and after Seele saw Bronya standing there, she lunged to Bronya's direction to hug her so hard. "Bronya… i miss you so much, im scared, i wanna be with you till the end ah", Bronya didnt bother much about the hug being too tight because she understand. "Now now its fine, Bronya's here, Seele doesnt need to be scared of, Now that im here, i should take a shower first" "B-but i dont wanna go back to bed, im scared, can i come with you" asks Seele with anxiousness in her aura. "Fine, you can go with me, if you really are scared then fine" said Bronya, After that Seele folled Bronya, while being a scaredy cat, she'd hug her back and forth when she feels she's scared or might be able to lose Bronya in the dark, Bronya didnt mind however, she knows a phobia can do much to a person so shes fine with Seele's actions,and She went to the bathroom to take a simple bath,while Seele looks at her,feeling relieved after all this mess, she decided to break the silence. "You know Bronya, when i was a little im used to sleep in the dark, it wasnt until that night happened" said Seele, "Mhm, what happened", "Perhaps it was just my imagination that ran wild but i can feel that, back in the orphanage….when theres a power outages, when i was about to sleep, i feel like theres a figure in the dark, they didnt do something, but after all im a curious kid so i looked at them dearly, and it appears that they can move, but they move closer and closer to me, and they kinda went close to my face and started screaming loudly, and after that i freaked out and passed out instantly, no one knew about this so i guess you're the first one to know it" explains Seele about her trauma, "Hey… i didnt knew it was that much of a trauma you're holding on, im sorry, i wasnt being able to drive home as usual, it was really chaotic outside so- " "Its fine, atleast you're here now" Bronya finished her shower and takes Seele hand, for her to guide her back to her room, there Seele followed the what to be called an angel, it feels like Seele was captivated by this so called Bronya, She felt nothing but a calm and content feeling in her heart, after arriving at the bed, she went first and bronya came in last, after that both were being sleepy but Bronya cuddles Seele before going to sleep so She can ensures Seele her safety with her, now that Seele is with Bronya now, she feels safe, the figures are gone and shes with her lover and they finnaly slept peacefully.
A Trailblazer’s First Love
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Trailblazer/trashcan, Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)/Trashcan
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Himiko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)
Crack Relationships, Female Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Everyone’s probably OOC, No beta we die like my soul, Kafka’s only mentioned, Crack
['warlord_znij', 'Lorrane', 'Snow_Drop_Blue', 'chikk', 'LovelessAro', 'Sr_PringleProngle', 'WhatAmIDoing_IDontKnow_ButHereIAm', 'castilla_cake', 'Gida', 'Lost_otter9776', 'biglingu', 'Troom', 'Nameless_Enigma', 'EsmerayWolf14', 'White_Kettle', 'Lo0py', 'YggDagaz', 'Ase_the_idiot', 'Sunny__Dandelions', 'Jocuulatrix', 'JackAndersen', 'kitty5cat2', 'NAECad', 'Meanbrowncat', 'Gggghht', 'Juunee', 'TheOnlyReader4951', 'Dany_Kei', 'nekcihc_yerewolf', 'rxsaria', 'YesAndSerialKillers', 'Suzuki_Suki', 'Blue98', 'awes_spring4', 'Ada_re', 'AKIthenoob', 'milyei', 'smol_reversetrap', 'clouded_glory', 'CleberCereja', 'AnAwkwardPerson', 'thedemonatyourbedside', 'SalunaAgi', 'akaaneq', 'Songofnight10', 'Yuelqnn', 'Green_Naruto38', 'BluCorvus', 'Kotofeila', 'LunarSun']
Shortly after the… shit storm the Trailblazers had gotten themselves into on Jarilo-VI had been cleared up the Trailblazers were taking a leisurely stroll through Belebog’s Administrative District before they depart onto their next adventure.   “So… whatcha think we should do now?” March 7th asked Dan Heng and Stelle, swinging her hands widely as she walks forwards.   “Why don’t we try checking up on Serval and say our goodbyes before we leave?” Dan Heng responded in that insufferably wise tone of his.   “That doesn’t seem like a bad idea! What about you, Stelle?” March 7th responds, looking at Stelle.   Or where she was, anyways.   “Where’d Stelle go?” March 7th asks, raising her hand above her eyes as she looks around. “D’ya think we lost her in the crowd?”   “I doubt it, there isn’t much of a crowd to begin with.” Dan Heng responds, looking around himself. Looking back at the Goethe Grand Hotel he catches a glimpse of Stelle’s gray hair. “Over there, by the side of the hotel.” He says, gesturing in the direction of the hotel as he begins to walk. March 7th follows along with a shout of ‘wait up!’     Stelle wasn’t really listening to what March 7th and Dan Heng were talking about as they walked the streets. How could she pay attention after seeing that beautiful, gleaming hunk by the hotel!? She couldn’t stop thinking about it as she walked with her two companions, nodding along to whatever they were saying. She could just imagine being swallowed up by it’s protective embrace, pulling her into a deep sleep! Aeons, is this what a crush was!? She’s only heard about them in passing back on the Herta Space Station, but she never expected to feel one so soon! She was barely a month old at this point!   ‘I need to go back.’ Stelle said, a serious expression overtaking her visage. Looking to her right to see March 7th and Dan Heng caught up in their conversation, she took the chance and made a mad dash to one who’s claimed her heart.     “Dan Heng… is she…” March 7th… asked? Pondered, maybe? She didn’t really know what kind of verb applied to this situation.   “…” Dan Heng tried to respond to March 7th, he truly did! But nothing came out. He just… didn’t know. “Yes?” He responded, shock and a little bit of awe on his face.   Passersby looked in equal amounts of shock at the sight before them, some people sending up prayers for the lost soul infront of them.   Stelle was in her own little world, elation on her face as she spread her arms and legs around the trash can like a sloth. She giggled a little to herself, taking in the cool touch of the trash can’s hard exterior.   “Stelle… whatcha doing?” March 7th bravely asked after taking a moment to compose herself and to check that yes that is Stelle and yes she is hugging a trash can and giggling like a school girl.   Stelle didn’t respond, still seemingly lost in her own world.   “You know, she did almost just die the other day…” Dan Heng pondered, bringing his hand up to his chin in what is his trademarked I’m thinking pose. “Maybe it’s a trauma response?” He said aloud, honestly just hoping for something.   “…but why a trash can?” March 7th asked again, scratching her head.   “Maybe she’s just insane?” a member of the now growing audience proposed, leaning back after the gaze of Dan Heng finds them. Dan Heng really wants to defend Stelle here, but then he begins to think. The dumpster in the Underworld, the light pole in the Underworld and apparently the toilet if the rumors at the space station are to be believed. “…I think you’ve just realized what we’ve failed to.” Dan Heng applauds the audience member.   March 7th walks up to Stelle and taps her shoulder, breaking her out of her stupor. “So… whatcha doin’ there?” March 7th asks for the upteenth time that day, sweet grin on her face and hands behind her back.   “Nuthin’…” Stelle mumbles, hugging the trash can harder.   “We should uh… get going, y’know?” March 7th presses, watching as Stelle stays in place with the trash can.   “Nuh-uh.” Stelle responds, “Not without Moskov.”   “…who’s Moskov?” March 7th responds, confusing etching over her face.   “This is Moskov.” Stelle responds, completely seriously as she stares up at the March 7th. March 7th looks around, seeing a green bottle sticking out of the top of the trash can. ‘Ah.’ she realizes, having seen an alcohol brand with that colored bottle named Moskovskaya in a general store earlier that day.   March 7th sighs, looking defeated for the first time. “You can take… Moskov with us.” she says, flinching back at the pure unadulterated joy that spreads across Stelle’s face.   Getting up off the ground, Stelle picked up Moskov with two hands and walked through the crowd, humming happily and skipping as she begins to walk back to the pickup point for the Express.   Dan Heng and March 7th just look at each other and begrudgingly begin to follow the Trailblazer. Dan Heng debated sending a message to Himiko or Mr. Yang, but decided against it. If he and March 7th had to suffer to shock of the situation, so would they.     Himiko was flabbergasted. Mr. Yang was at a loss for words. Pom-Pom looked like they were about to have an aneurysm.   “Stelle, why do you have a trash can?” Himiko managed to get out. What shocked her however was the fierce expression that overcame Stelle.   “He has a name, you know.” She replied, turning to her side and holding dear Moskov safe from the judgement of Himiko, Mr. Yang and Pom-Pom.   “What is… his name?” Mr. Yang got out, trying his best to look supportive.   Stelle’s visage instantly cheered up as she introduced everyone. “This is my dear Moskov.” She giggled out.   “Nice to… meet you, Moskov?” Himiko. Just… Himiko. No verb exists that I care to find to explain the sheer amount of confusion she’s feeling. Mr. Yang nods along in greeting.   They all looked to Pom-Pom, only to see Pom-Pom’s eyes roll to the back of their head as they fall backwards, foaming at the mouth.   “Me too, Pom-Pom, me too.” Stelle nodded sagely a few times, turning around and walking to the next carriage to presumably take Moskov to her room.   Himiko’s and Mr. Yang’s eyes went to Dan Heng and March 7th who simply shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads.   “Well, it looks like we have a seventh crew member… I guess.” Himiko got out, turning around to go… honestly? Himiko just wanted to go. Mr. Yang followed her out of the parlor carriage, saying something about whiskey and needing more of it.   March 7th and Dan Heng turned their attention to the foaming conductor. They didn’t really know what to do, so they just settled with poking Pom-Pom.     “Oh, you dirty dirty boy.” Stelle said, giggling as she wiped Moskov down. “You’re all I need, Moskov.” She sighed contently. “I wonder how life-giver would react, you have to meet her eventually, right?” Stelle thought aloud before shrugging and hugging Moskov.     When Kafka did eventually find out, she broke down laughing the hardest she ever had.
Remnants of a world long gone
['Lulise (Lolory)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang, March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail), Herta (Honkai: Star Rail), Asta (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, Crossover, Sad, Sci-Fi, everyone in teyvat dies, Alternate Universe, Post-Apocalypse, Celestial Curio AU
['A_bored_writer_for_fun', 'DecipherADragon', 'PanicCompany25', 'MidnightBunnyy', 'SayNopeToReality', 'Mai_lin', 'Sr_PringleProngle', 'Ansha105', 'InnocentUntilProvenGuilty', 'UnvisRu', 'DefNotMothman', 'Emma_Shiota', 'Lilletass6', 'Lavender_Manga', 'CreepyReader', 'Meiyin', 'Natuz', 'EisBoreal', 'Dingo_12', 'Ld26', 'FriendlyGamers', 'seiranee', 'shinjiswife', 'junkreading_account', 'maurellia', 'Hell_on_Wheels', 'CosmozPictures', 'Lusinaria', 'Novabirds', 'heart_boi', 'Saroth', '9ThRose', 'Eredffe', 'Hexx_reader1942', 'PleaseBleachMyEyes', 'Draconic_Nebula', 'kaedehara_rynn', 'Ghost_Of_Vivi', 'Pinkkobenisai', 'Alexandria2021', 'Olivok_ne_oil', 'Alysontn', 'WhenTheFogClears', 'Lspaceship', 'AtheistAllAround', 'Styraen', 'Zenchchcrowme', 'I_have_no_life_I_am_Karma', 'IceQueen_Frostbite', 'Ariam_s']
Himeko sat idly by on the plush, leather red coach seats of the Express and watched Pompom idle their way down the line to make sure everyone was seated properly this time. She chuckled as Pompom tried, and failed yet again, to convince March to sit with the rest of them. Welt leaned back in his seat, and closed his eyes, a nap close at hand any moment now. Dan Heng had busied himself elsewhere, Himeko and the others never saw him when the Express jumped worlds. And the Trailblazer they’d picked up not long ago was entertaining March’s antics.    “Ah, they’ve all certainly gotten along now, haven’t they?” She commented to Welt, who just nodded.    Pompom gave one final warning for the Express’s take off. “ Attention all passengers, please hold on! The Astral Express is about to warp!” They called out loud. Himeko decided to lean back into the seat, mimicking Welt. The jumps never took long, though they could be disorienting for those still new to it. She glanced at the Trailblazer with slight amusement, they had a sick look on their face as the Express jumped to the next world. They’ll get used to it…with time, she thought with a smirk.    “This next world is quite an old one, though I’ve heard many amazing stories about it.” Himeko explained as everyone had gathered once more in the main hall. Dan Heng materialized from his room the moment the Express had stopped. He was the more serious out of the trio, and proved it as he asked the most questions about this new world they’d approached.    “What’s it called? I…can’t seem to see it outside any of the windows.” He said as he craned his head a little. March leaned against one of the large windows, her face almost pressed to it.    “Oh! Dan’s right, there’s…just space? Are you guys sure we’re at the right spot?” March roved all over the window in various places as if she could better see the planet from a different angle. The Trailblazer casually turned their head to look behind them as well, and just shrugged with a raised eyebrow at Himeko.    “I don’t see anything either…” they commented. Himeko wasn’t too alarmed at this, sometimes it was common for Pompom to dock farther from the planet than was necessary.    “This world is known as Teyvat. Or at least that’s the oldest name the records had kept.” Welt said. “It’s an ancient world that has a long, long history of war and ruin. But in later years, all that quieted down…at least, it should have.” He worriedly stood up just then. “I…feel as if something is wrong. Perhaps I shall find Pompom, and they can explain.”    “No need to go anywhere, Pompom’s right here!” Pompom entered the hall with a clouded expression on their face. They waddled excitedly, before stopping in front of the group. Anxiety seemed to waft off of them in waves. “There’s a big, big problem! Pompom doesn’t think anyone will be disembarking today…The whole world is gone!”    Himeko shook her head in disbelief as the others voiced their confusion. “What? That’s impossible, I made sure we were tracking the planet’s core. It can’t just be… gone.” Otherwise…what was the Express using to find its way here? She looked up at Welt, “Are the records on Teyvat still available? I was certain they were up to date to at least 50 years prior…an entire world can’t just disappear…are we perhaps, lost? ”    “B-but it’s true! Pompom wouldn’t lie about anything, especially not this!” the tiny conductor exclaimed. “Come see for yourselves!” They waddled away, and the group got up as they were led to the front of the Express. There, at the head of the train, in plain view was…not exactly a world, but clearly the remnants of one long gone. Chunks of what was weathered down rock floated idly in space. They weren’t normal rocks, but planetary sized. Big enough for the shape of what was once a planet to be seen if you pieced them all together in your mind.    Himeko gasped in horror, her voice lost completely. This was the first time they’d ever truly come across a world that was destroyed beyond all recognition. It was worse than when they’d landed on Jarilo VI and found it covered in ice instead of lush fauna. At least then there was still land to stand on…people who lived in such a harsh environment. She couldn’t fathom anyone living on debris. She struggled to find words to speak, and noticed with clarity that nobody else in the group knew what to say either.    “What did this…?” March asked in a hushed tone.    Welt had gone startlingly pale as he looked out the front of the train, “This is impossible…this doesn’t match what the data reports-” He stopped then, and took a deep breath. “Could something so terrible as to cause this really.. happen in such a short amount of time?” It was unheard of in this day and age. What was before them was a story that only existed in the past, when Aeons would dwarf and snuff out the light of worlds in an instant. This certainly didn’t look like the destruction of an Aeon.    “Could a Stellaron have caused this?” Dan Heng suggested. Himeko shook her head.    “While Stellarons are known for being harmful to worlds all over…I’ve never known one to be capable of this.” She shuddered. “Stellarons aren’t able to… rend a world apart, and make it into debris. Whatever happened here, happened because of violent brute force.”    “Well…Welt did say this place was rife with war and violence. Maybe this is the cause of a war?” The Trailblazer spoke up with a blanched face. Clearly seeing a destroyed planet hadn’t done anything good for their already sickly disposition from the warp. “In any case…are we going to stick around?”    “I would say no…but I am a bit curious about this destroyed world.” Himeko said. “The Express usually tracks large universal bodies from their core, since they produce enough energy to show up on the radar. It’s also how we’re able to receive accurate geographical data on the planet without having to be on it, and millions of light years away. However…the Express still led us here, despite Teyvat being gone.”    Welt placed a hand on his chin, “There’s no way the core could still be intact, it would be rubble along with the rest of the world…meaning, there’s something that’s still there, drawing the Express towards it. Something without power that it registers as a universal body.” He looked down at the conductor. “Pompom, can you send anything down there to get a closer look, maybe?”    Pompom nodded eagerly, “Of course, of course! The Astral Express is always prepared even for moments like this! Pompom will prepare the Star rovers immediately.” “Star Rovers?” The Trailblazer asked.    “Star Rovers are bots built to handle harsh exploration among the stars. I’ve seen them before, though I had no idea the Express had their own…” Dan Heng answered. “They usually come equipped with a camera that’s able to handle all sorts of environments. I don’t know about getting close to an exposed core, though.” He watched skeptically as Pompom headed for the control terminal.    They waited with bated breath as time passed. It seemed the Star Rovers were only able to cover a certain amount of ground before it had to report back. It took about a day and a half for them to return with photographic information.   However, the photos did nothing to alleviate the crew’s worries. It just added onto their confusion. The Star Rovers had gotten as close as they could to the middle of the debris, before having to return due to a high amount of adverse energy that was corroding away its circuitry. It did manage to snap a few photos despite the danger.    “Is that some kind of… nail?” March squinted at the picture. In the very middle, floating pristinely amongst the debris and rubble, was a large elongated sharp object that had elegant curves and decorative work etched into its side. It ended in a point, and had a flat head much like that of a nail. It radiated a faint blue aura that was unusual for the very, gray and dull looking rocks that were next to it.    “I think this is what the Express was tracking…it’s even radiating some strange aura.” Welt pushed his glasses up as he studied the photos closely. “I’m not sure what this is…we should tell Madame Herta about what we found, at least.”    Himeko nodded, “You’re right. She’ll be interested in this. And maybe she’ll even know what it is.” And so, Himeko gathered the photos and quickly sent them over to the Herta Space Station. Pompom left for the control terminal to warp away, they seemed anxious about having to stay any longer around the destroyed world. Himeko didn’t like the look of the strange object, and the other crew members quickly busied themselves with other chores to get their mind off of what they had seen.    Welt even retired to the archives for the night, and Himeko could tell his mind was still racing with the image of Teyvat in ruins. She sighed, and decided she’d also head to bed for the night. Herta would be a buzz with questions for her tomorrow about the destroyed world, and the strange nail in its core. As she got up to leave the main hall, she decided she’d refrain from thinking about it for the rest of the night.     “Well it’s certainly an astrological marvel, that’s for certain…” Herta murmured as she looked over the photos that Himeko had sent her. She had never seen anything like it in all her years of travel, and she was even less familiar with the world “Teyvat”. When she got the message from Himeko, and she set her eyes upon the nail, she almost couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Asta studied the photos next to her, her eyes widened as she fully took them in.    “Oh my stars…how could something so tiny cause such…such destruction?” Asta asked.    Herta shrugged, placing the photos down on her desk. “Not sure…but I do know one thing, and that’s that I want it in my collection.” her face split into a slow smirk. “I just have to figure out how to get it over here, what I need to contain it…something of this caliber can’t just be left to drift forever, certainly not after I’ve laid my eyes on it for the first time. I want to run many experiments on it, for sure!”    Asta looked at Herta incredulously. “But Madame Herta, this thing is huge! I don’t think it could possibly fit in the space station…” She said warily.    “I have my ways, don’t worry Miss Asta. The Space Station is the perfect place to keep such an artifact.” Herta said smugly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…I have plans to make an excursion out towards that part of space. I’ll ask Himeko for directions.” 
New in Town
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gepard Landau, Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gay Sex, Smut, Lemon, Heist, Funny, Sneaking Around, Hotel Sex, First Time, First Meetings, Love, Enemies to Lovers, First Kiss, Anal Sex, Anal Play, First Time Blow Jobs, Blow Jobs, Shower Sex, Gepard can’t cum without anal play
['michikohxd', 'holky_a_vdolky', 'ShanksNr1Fan', 'IncoherentTalesofTails', 'xtty', 'SugarCubedBear', 'Queen__bee__of__blue', 'otzzy', 'Zlik', 'EvilYogurt', 'Amnivari', 'MistyFoxtail', 'SparkleKawa', 'Sharath', 'Clould', 'candydosvale', 'DatPersonaUser', 'the_voices_in_my_head', 'XieVii', 'wiredfiredready2xpire', 'Mr_flowertea', 'Jun1per_b3rries', 'LorrayneTC', 'anxsys', 'Beruthiels', 'Abyss_Fatui', 'Sweatyballs', 'makasako', 'jinnie_cutie', 'paper_ravenstag', 'sra_sucks', 'PokeAsh', 'keeganDOTexe', 'hyuniversse', 'malaseum', 'ruiesque', 'Jaipev', 'ZevGame', 'CapitanaEmoji24', 'Junoaki', 'KawaiiCinnamonroll', 'Tinyraven1', 'pigeonegg', 'Kandy_99', 'Seekind', 'kitty_jess', 'KaylaCutieStarPop', 'Ayoms', 'HVoika18', 'urururu']
New in town The sun was harsh to Sampo’s squinting eyes. It had been a while since he popped above ground. He had a contact he was supposed to be meeting in the overworld, but it was tricky seeing as there were a few slighted merchants in the overworld who were pretty sure he had cheated them one time too many and had started to ask around claiming that he had been cheating them out of profits. They were right of course. He’d been taking a cut of the deal on both ends and forging documents showing both that their profits were less than they were so he could take an extra cut off the top. No one had really been hurt, although the merchants likely wouldn’t see it that way. It didn’t help that the Architects had begun to reform the Silvermane Guards. Most of the old geezers who had made up the standing force were retiring and fresh faces were being brought in. He had even heard on the streets that a new captain was being sworn in next week. He would always prefer the devil he knew to the devil he didn’t, and the new captain had a reputation as a total hardass. He hadn’t met the guy, but he figured that he’d just keep an eye out for someone grizzled and capable and then do his best to keep out of sight.  Sampo ducked through the square and slipped into the alley behind Goethe Hotel to meet his contact. Geoff worked in the kitchen part time for Goethe, but that was mostly to maintain a salaried position that he needed for a particularly complex tax evasion scheme. Sampo didn’t fully understand how the scheme worked, but that’s why he kept Geoff on as his accountant. He wasn’t used to the man being late, but he had to wait by the hotel dumpster for an extra half hour before Geoff hurried out the back door of the hotel. “Sorry, Boss-ki,” said the huffing Geoff, “Old Man Goethe is being a tyrant today. Some VIP checked into the hotel for the night and Goethe has us working overtime to accommodate. There’s apparently big money tied up in the visit and he’s maintains impressions.” Sampo smiled extra-wide and cooed sympathetically. It was a favorite strategy of his when someone had annoyed him. The bigger and falser his reaction, the more the other would know Sampo was barely concealing his irritation. Other big fish in Belobog’s black market had to get angry or act violently to keep their subordinates in line. Sampo found those performances exhausting to maintain. His way was cleaner and easier.  “I really do apologize for making you wait, Sampo. I have your fresh books right here,” he offered a  briefcase filled with papers. “These show that you had been cheated by the supplier and didn’t take any cash from the merchants aside from your fee, just like you asked. I hope you have a way to make sure that when the supplier gets investigated for swindling merchants that there’s evidence they really did. Cooked books won’t save you if only your numbers are off.” “Oh, don’t worry about me, Geoffery my dear, dear friend! I used this supplier in the first place because I knew they have corrupt business practices. I was the one who tipped off their assistant head of finance to the trick a few years back. Once the guards find their cooked books, they’ll be toast and I’ll be free to walk Belobog again. I might even receive an apology banquet from my business partners!” Sampo grinned wickedly, “maybe I’ll ask them if Goethe can host us. I’ve heard your roast duck is really quite good.” Through the back door of the hotel, Sampo heard a crash and a slam and an old man’s voice hurling obscenities. “You know, Geoff, Old Man Goethe really does know how to curse. I should come around more often and treat it like a vocabulary lesson!” Geoff grimaced, “he’s pissed that the footman for the VIP never arrived. There’s luggage that needs moving and Goethe says it hurts his reputation to have regular uniformed staff carry the luggage for a VIP.” “Old man Goethe needs a footman? Well it’s a good thing that you have access to the uniform closet and a willing assistant right here!” Sampo started bouncing on his heels like always did when he had thought of a good scheme. “In fact! I’ve already thought of the excuse on why I’m late. Say - what kind of important luggage do you think a VIP in Belobog might be carrying? Surely he wouldn’t miss a trinket or two…” “No-” Geoff began to shout and then, realizing where he was, began again more softly, “Sampo. Bosski. Please. You can’t go stealing from this guy! It’ll come back down on Goethe and he’ll try to root out who did it. I won’t protect you for this if it’s between my job and you staying out of prison.” “Oh, fine,” Sampo cooed, “you’re right, of course. A foolish idea to steal from something that only you have access to.” Sampo watched for Geoff’s sigh of relief before presenting his true request, “but, tell me, what information would such an esteemed member of society have in their private documents? Surely no one would notice if I snuck a peek?” Sampo fixed his footman’s cap atop his head and straightened his posture. Geoff had promised Goethe he had found a reliable man of good breeding to cover for the footman and Goethe himself couldn’t be more grateful. Sampo retrieved the luggage from the motor-carriage that had been stalling outside. Reaching in, he checked for luggage tags but found only a pure geomarrow insignia. Sampo smiler wider - this VIP was important. He may even have direct ties to the Architects. This has turned to a good day for the smuggler. Reaching his white gloved hands into the trunk, he lifted the metallic silver cases and carried them indoors. Sampo climbed the staircase while reviewing his plan. High ranking officials were entirely unreliable for most things that mattered - Belobog administration was known for its incompetence and tangled bureaucracy. However, they were beautifully reliable in one thing - their arrogance. Sampo had yet to meet an official in Belobog who kept a close enough eye on his tab at the bar or who checked for snooping ears carefully before divulging important bits of gossip. In the instance where a footman had been late to bring his luggage, an official would stay in a side room until the help had left the living area before retrieving their things. This left a perfect opportunity for Sampo to look through the documents and take his leave before anything odd had been noticed.  Entering into the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, Sampo slipped the cases into place and unlatched the briefcase. He could hear the shower in the other room running, and he smiled. That should give him plenty of time to look through the documents and take notes on important details. To his surprise, instead of documents, the case contained old fashioned records and CDs. Physical copies of music still existed, of course, but they were less common as digital music players had long been popularized. Confused, he checked the artist only to realize that the albums were all by a band he had only heard of in downtown Belobog. It was strange that a local group like this even had physical copies of their music - and much stranger that some Belobog VIP would have their entire discography on hand. Before he could check further in the case, Sampo heard the shower curtain draw back and realized that the sounds of the shower had already stopped. Snapping the case shut, Sampo turned around right as the door to the bathroom opened and a tall, well muscled man stepped out wearing nothing but an embroidered Goethe hotel towel.  Sampo was enamored for a moment. Expecting an older man slouched over from boring office work in the city, Sampo was surprised to be met with a physique that he could only describe as pornographic. The man’s features were youthful  - certainly no older than 19 or 20. He stood, perfect abs dripping with moisture which sank happily in to the v-cut muscles that were most obscured by  his towel.  “Oh! My word! Excuse me!” The man turned scarlet and Sampo snapped from his revelry. “I didn’t expect there to be any staff!” He stepped back and was about to close the bathroom door when Sampo, thinking quickly, performed a formal bow. “My apologies for startling you, sir. I am the maître d'hôtel at this establishment. Sampo Kosski, at your dutiful service.”  Sampo cursed himself immediately for using his real name instead of a pseudonym. This had the potential to get very messy very fast, but he didn’t intent to leave this heist empty handed and he had yet to find any worthwhile information.  The young man pushed a hand through his wet blonde hair and a few strands of it fell stubbornly back towards his face. Preservation! That handsome face with high cheekbones and striking eyes with lips that Sampo couldn’t help but picture wrapping around his- “Mr. Sampo, it is good to meet you. I am Gepard,” the younger man said, striking Sampo out  of the very dangerous thought he had been having. Now that Sampo looked at him again, he could see that Gepard still looked uncomfortable at his nakedness. Just then, he realized that all of the man’s clothes were directly behind him sitting underneath the briefcase that Sampo had snapped shut in a disarrayed mess. As useless as the information was, it would go poorly if this Gepard boy immediately discovered that someone had gone through his things. It wouldn’t take long to find that the Goethe hotel had no maître d'hôtel and that Sampo Koski was a well known local scoundrel. He would have to distract the VIP for long enough that he could fix the case and escape unnoticed.  “Lord Gepard,” Sampo said, thinking fast while advancing towards the bathroom, “it would be my honor if you would accept the full services of the Goethe Grand Hotel. Please, feel comfortable to remain unclothed as often as you like during your stay - our staff is unbothered by your attempts to remain comfortable and are all highly discreet.” He removed his cap and gloves slowly and placed them on a side table.  Gepard flushed again, “oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“ stumbling for a moment be caught his words. “Mr. Sampo, I have never stayed in a hotel as a VIP before and feel as though I am being improper to be dressed in such a revealing way-“ Sampo allowed a coy smile. “It is the height of luxury,” he interrupted, “to rest upon the luxurious fabrics of our beds unencumbered, sir. Would you like for me to prepare the bedsheets for you?” “Oh, um, well everything does look rather comfortable.” “But of course, my lord.” Sampo made a show of drawing the curtains to the room. “One of the privileges of the presidential suite is being able to enjoy the view of the city in total comfort.”  “Thank you, Sampo, but I think I will rest on the couches here in the living for a while. It’s too early for me to return to bed just yet.” Gepard smiled placatingly, but Sampo still cursed internally. He couldn’t leave until he’d gotten the hotel client to the bedroom so he could fix the case and take his exit. As he worried, he noticed that the young man had left one hand - casual, but unmoving, trying to obscure a notable rise underneath his towel.  In a last ditch attempt, Sampo acted as though a thought had just occurred, and forced another bow as he blocked Gepard’s path to the couches.   “I understand now, sir,” he apologized fervently. “I had not realized my own indiscretion. I offered the full services of the Goethe hotel but failed to make my self available to a most discerning guest. Please, come with me.” Sampo took Gepard’s hand and pulled him through the bedroom door and motioned for him to sit on the edge of the bed. Gepard flushed and stumbled over his words while Sampo blithely ignored him. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I fully understand. I appreciate all of your help, but I really am-“ The man’s words trailed off as Sampo suddenly stepped in close and lowered to his knees in between Gepard’s legs.  Sampo earnestly looked up at Gepard. “Please sir. My staff are all trained carefully in relieving the stress of our patrons.”  As he spoke, he reached forward and drew back the towel. “Jackpot,” he thought as his suspicions were confirmed. Gepard’s stiff member slid out of confinement and stood at attention.  “Please, sir, allow me.” He said as he took Gepard’s stiff cock in his hand, licking his lips. “O- ok!” Gepard said, “I mean so long as you really don’t mind, I suppose. I really didn’t know that the service hear was- ngh!” His words cut off abruptly as Sampo leaned forward and licked his warm shaft from base to tip and gauging the distance to be at least 8 inches. He did this a few more times before kissing the tip and then taking the entire dick into his mouth in one smooth motion, feeling its warmth fill his entire mouth and bottom out in the back of his throat. Gepard’s entire body tensed up before he collapsed backwards onto the bed, relief filling him. Sampo pulled back, leaving a trail of saliva and precum from the tip of the cock to his flushed lips. Gepard absentmindedly reached a hand down to brush through Sampo’s hair, eventually tightening in the back. Sampo took this as his cue to begin working his gorgeous mark’s cock in and out of his mouth. As he found his rhythm, the moaning and begging from Gepard made his own stiff cock throb and drip. While Gepard pushed further backwards onto the bed, Sampo adjusted so that the other man’s muscular thighs were wrapped over his shoulders with his legs draped down his back, desperately pulling him in closer. Minutes stretched on and to Sampo’s surprise, the younger man had an incredible amount of stamina. Some men blew their loads mere moments after Sampo began his masterful work, but the better part of a half hour had gone by with the muscular man gradually becoming a writhing, heaving mess but without making him orgasm. Lifting up, Sampo took deep breaths and rested the side of his head on Gepard’s thigh, sniffing and breathing in on his pubes, slick with sweat and spittle, the towel and sheets beneath him damp. Looking up, Sampo made eye contact with an apologetic Gepard. “That was… amazing.” Gepard panted. “You’re free to go if you wish.” Pouting, Sampo pulled himself up and over Gepard, sliding his clothed leg in between the other man’s and absentmindedly rubbing his slick cock. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself, and yet it seems I’ve lost my touch.” He was surprised to see that the damp and flushed man beneath him could still blush.  “I’m sorry,” he whined. “I’ve gotten too accustomed to, um, other stimulation. I suppose I can’t cum without it anymore.” Sampo felt warmth rise to his cheeks as his cock throbbed again. “Perhaps… if you’re prepared, I could still help?” He guided Gepard’s hand to the crotch of his pants and saw the boy’s eyes widened as his hand felt the thickness of his hardened dick. “Surely, this has to be outside of your duties for the hotel!” Gepard protested. “I consider it to be a perk of the job, my lord.” Sampo said before placing a warm and wet kiss to the other man’s neck, moving behind his ear with the occasional scrape of teeth. “But a moment.” Sampo withdrew, doffing his coat, shirt, and shoes. He was pleased as he felt Gepard’s eyes trace his torso. Stepping to the side, he opened a side cabinet and retrieved the lube that he knew any presidential suite would have on hand. Turning around, he found Gepard sitting up the edge of the bed again, watching him greedily.  “Sampo. Come here.” Gepard said, his need barely hidden by his new confidence. Sampo obeyed and let Gepard unfasten his belt. Gepard swallowed before unbuttoning the trousers and pulling them down. “Is it ok if you keep your stockings on?” Surprised by the change, Sampo nodded mutely while stepping out of his pants. Reaching out, he touched Gepard’s hair and was surprised at how silken and smooth it was. Golden strands between his fingers, he waited while Gepard removed his tight underwear. He felt tension as his painfully stiff cock was pulled down with the undergarment and watched in surprise as his swollen head rebounded up and slapped his gorgeous partner’s beautiful face.  “Sampo, sir, your dick is incredible. By the eternal frost! It’s so beautiful.”   Gepard reached up and gripped his cock with both hands - one over the other, barely able to reach the entire way around. Sampo was too stunned to speak for a moment until Gepard reached up, taking the lubricant out of his hand, and took a large amount of it into his hand. Gripping Sampo again, he began to work his hand up and down the shaft. Sampo went so weak in the knees he nearly fell and had to steady himself on Gepard’s shoulders. Gepard became encouraged at this and began licking the tip and head - swirling them with his tongue while working the shaft with his right hand.  Unable to take much more teasing, Sampo shoved both shoulders hard and Gepard fell back, startled. Wordlessly, he hiked Gepard’s legs up and onto his shoulders again and positioned himself at the entrance of the blonde man’s twitching hole. The warmth pressed up against his tip was intoxicating. “Are you ready?” Sampo whispered breathlessly, meeting Gepard’s piercing blue gaze.  Gepard replied by tangling a lube messed hand in Sampo’s already messed hair and pulling him into a crashing kiss which startled Gepard immediately. From what he knew of this kind of encounter, it was rare for the client to initiate kissing with his servant. Unwilling to be beaten, Sampo began to slip a tongue through the kiss, tasting that the other man’s mouth was minty and refreshing with a hint of something deeper. He began to insert the head of his throbbing cock into the warm and welcome hole, planning to insert and remove more and more ever so slowly until the other man was a gasping and writhing mess. He felt Gepard’s heels pressing into his back until they suddenly squeezed him in hard. With a smooth thrust, he felt the entire hilt of his member slide into the blonde. Gepard gasped and bit his lip hard.  Sampo saw stars and did his best to hold himself together. Pulling back, he spat into the blonde’s mouth who quickly swallowed and opened his mouth again expectantly. As an answer, Sampo pulled his hips back and thrust again hard. For his reward, he felt fingernails scratch into his back and an illicit moan into his ear as Gepard pulled him close. Encouraged, Sampo began to find a new rhythm. Pumping in and out, he would occasionally fully remove himself before plunging back in with a slap. The two continued to exchange bites and kisses. Gepard alternated gripping the sheets, pulling Sampo’s hair, and placing scratches over his back. Sampo meanwhile increasingly had to hold himself together, arms locked in an embrace around his prize while his thrusts lost any pattern until they became dysrhythmic and frantic. Both men were entirely full of need and began losing track of where one ended and the other began. Sampo was determined to last longer than the other and so he leaned so there was space between them, slick with sweat, dripping onto the other man while bottomed out, fully inside of him.   Grinning, Gepard reached up and began biting and sucking on his neck with intensity. Feeling a wave of arousal, Sampo pulled the other man’s hair hard, jerking him down and replacing his hand on the other’s well defined chest began to pinch and squeeze his pectorals and nipple while resuming his frantic thrusts.   Gepard moaned, “oh FUCK me, love” and Sampo felt a wave pass from his head to his toes while his dick began to shoot thick hot ropes that tangled up inside Gepard and coated his dick. Determined, he decided to ride out the orgasm, thrusting until he had none left to give.   He growled in Gepard’s ear “take my FUCKING cream pie” who let out a hot moan and who let lose ropes of cum that coated both men including his face, hair, and the sheets. Gepard lapped it off his neck and then kissed him again, both men slowing down, Sampo still well inside.  “Is that always how it is?” Sampo heard. He turned over and saw the blonde, gorgeous in sweat and cum and bruised kiss-marks.   “Was that your first?” Sampo asked, momentarily aghast. Gepard blushed again but did not answer. After a moment, Gepard drug himself upright and walked to the bathroom. Sampo could hear the water start again. Grabbing a towel, he began to wipe himself off and began to dress again in the half-ruined borrowed clothes. “That’s going to be fucking difficult to explain to Geoff” he thought absently. Walking back to the living room of the suite, he opened the case again, straightening out the vinyls and CDs before shutting and replacing the case as it had originally been. Strutting out, he snuck through the kitchen and retrieved his clothes while making sure to avoid any of the staff - especially Geoff. Dressed again, albeit with sex-ruined hair and leaving the footman clothes trampled, he exited out the back and slipped away into the early evening.  The rest of the week was a bust. His contact at the supplier had gotten spooked and turned over the information to the relevant authorities. After an investigation, it was confirmed that Sampo had set up the embezzlement scheme there in the first place and had profited unfairly from the scheme in not three but four separate and illegal ways. He would need to disappear for a while until the bureaucrats got distracted and the merchants retired. Now he would likely have to work on actual smuggling, but with rumor of plans to shut off access between the overworld and underworld there was a whole new market for his services.   Sampo went around the city for a few days the next week to settle accounts with some contacts he would need to maintain for the future. Pockets distressingly empty of funds, he climbed in the back window of his apartment to grab a cache of supplies he would need before heading out of the city for a while. As he gathered his things, he heard a voice shout “NOW!” as the front door was kicked in and Silvermane guards stormed in.   He had known there was a chance that there would be lookouts for his return here, but he never expected a group of this size. He had a plan for this eventuality. A weak spot in the boards in the back corner of the room that he could stomp through. He would fall 3 stories through broken boards onto a prepared mattress where he could make his escape. He began to back up, hands in the air.  A voice from outside began to speak, approaching the door supported by the other armed guards. “Halt! You are under arrest for the crimes of forgery, embezzlement, tax evasion, and theft. Codename “Bosski”, I, Captain Gepard,  in the name of the Architects and the Supreme Guardian, order you to stand down.” The familiar name struck Sampo at the same time as the man entered the room - ambient light striking his silver and blue armor. His hair was still tousled, although this time in a stylish rather than vulgar way, and his striking eyes widened in recognition.  “You are under arrest…. Sampo Koski?!?”  Sampo kicked hard and fell through the floorboards, casting a mischievous smirk before disappearing from view. He heard a gasp from above before a confident voice broke through shouting, “Downstairs! After him!” He slipped behind a curtain in the dusty room, through a hidden passage in the wall, and ran out like a shot. He and Gepard would have to meet again - just not today. 
even the sun sets in paradise
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng & March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, there are actually no works 4 dan heng & march, this is the first apparently??, cause the rest are ships, and this is NOT a ship for the record, speaking of which though, ill probs edit later, im posting this rn cause i want to have one of the first dan heng works LMAO, bragging rights yeahhh, Out of Character, i mean the game just released what. 3 days ago, and this is based off of something that has yet to even be announced, so yeah dont hate me plz, honkai star rail LEAKS!!, and spoilers, for dan heng tho thats it, One Shot, Dragon Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail), there’s finally a tag for it god bless
['NPennyworth', 'Krownika', 'HanMisWi', 'MorenaEnima', 'Lizard_of_Legends', '310nip', 'Pono7412', 'Dancinginstarlight', 'God_of_contradiction', 'Nikomii', 'Sokushi13', 'Asimar', 'xXAstraM1dnight', 'pan_peterparker', 'Kiquebi', 'galaxy_pegasus', 'angelica_x', 'darlix', 'CysieqWritesAngst', 'I_am_amazing_wright', 'Rio15_SilenceLover', 'silver_wolf', 'Ill_Change_My_Name_Later', 'Kotofeila', 'Yoimiya_cutie', 'dontMindme_bye', 'kkevco_amr', 'Yunisha_Syfor', 'halficinghalfcakeFULLABOMINATION', 'remembertheburntsienna', 'LunarAura', 'yanip', 'xiaoyanya0n', 'intostardust', 'waterflies', 'nagisashiotafan', 'Hellothere102938', 'bubble_trouble', 'Polarber', 'MangoZilla', 'mushroooz', 'mothblue', 'blackswanswife', 'Sunset_Tragedy', 'Diligentreader', 'sidereals', 'GrandDragon5', 'Akiya77', '09Mingie', 'Nervous_Little_Cupcake']
Dan Heng’s ability to sense visitors before they approached had become equal parts useful and annoying within the past few hours. Following his recent.. Transformation, it seemed that most passengers- despite their good intentions- became overwhelmed with a sudden change of heart upon hovering their fists in front of his door to knock. Although Dan Heng didn’t exactly want to deal with any confrontation, he also couldn’t deny the spell of forlornness that seized his body when each set of footsteps inevitably subsided. ..It wasn’t that bad, right? Amidst his overthinking, Dan Heng’s newly pointed ears nearly failed to pick up on the faint, yet familiar, breathing pattern that once again lingered outside the room. Sighing, his eyes trailed down to the pool rushing beneath his floor, barely contained by the shackles of- Oh. Well. ..Perhaps, Dan Heng thinks- despite previously lacking any physical Vidyadharan traits- he’d still retained some of their other characteristics all along. It would certainly explain his odd affinity for water, at least. March 7th, being the absolute savior that she is, interrupted his thoughts for a second time. Although she carried herself rather awkwardly, the look of determination on her face almost betrayed any aura of shyness Dan Heng may or may not have noticed. “..Can I braid your hair?” She asked, cautiously.   It’s a ruse, Dan Heng thinks. …   It’s for my own well-being, he knows.   “Sure.” March approaches, not without an air of timidity- but she can’t be blamed for that, he supposed. Nobody else had dared to even knock, after all. She began by sifting a comb from God knows where through Dan Heng’s hair, analyzing its fresh appearance. The dark color had been preserved for the most part- although, a deep turquoise now crept up the ends of any longer sections, and a vivid streak of red tore through one such segment. As March continued to fix his fine hairs into place, the initial awkwardness surrounding Dan Heng and his eager companion slowly lifted. They settled into a light-hearted (and slightly one-sided) conversation of various subjects- (“What have you had to eat today?” “Oh, I’ve heard this one place was good. We should totally check it out sometime!” “No, I didn’t forget to charge my phone- Okay, fine, it’s dead!”) Before long, however, a more comfortable silence had fallen over the pair. March politely pretended not to notice her friend’s gaze boring into the pelagic tiles, instead opting to work his unruly bangs into a relatively intricate braid. Unfortunately, she was just a bit too unfamiliar with Dan Heng’s new ‘form’ that it became increasingly hard to fight off the amusement- and Dan Heng was just a bit too perceptive for her liking. “What?” He questioned. “What is it?” At his rigid tone, March instantly lost the composure she’d been trying so desperately to hold. Clutching her free hand to her chest, she doubled over in laughter. “Dan Heng,” the girl snorted, motioning towards his body. “Your- your tail.” The man in question turned, blissfully unaware that the extra appendage had been thumping against the ground in a rare, public display of satisfaction. He blushed, actually blushed- and snatched it into his arms protectively. March only giggled, “You don’t have to do that. I just..” She inhaled softly before resuming, “You’re not really one to show affection, y’know? I’m glad you aren’t.. Uncomfortable around me.” The girl teased, a knowing smile reappearing on her face. Dan Heng shifted, “Why would I be uncomfortable around you?” He questioned, not necessarily expecting an answer. March only hummed, adjusting her position to secure the sections of his hairstyle that had come undone. Her hand briefly nicked one of his antlers, causing them both to pause. “...Can I touch them? Please?” Dan Heng only sighed, not for the first time that night (and it definitely wouldn’t be the last). “I suppose there’s no harm in it.”
forever is the sweetest con
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Character Death, What Have I Done, I'm Sorry, Sad Ending, Alternate Universe - Royalty
['OmniMaiMage', 'Ayquarium', 'Rhrhrh_2263', 'Poofyy', 'Kaeridotcom', 'Amaya_Rains', 'NCtheWeeb', 'fei_wen', 'Ash_Filled_skyz', 'bittlu', 'NascentesMorimus', 'ehcxis', 'SnakeWithFeet', 'TakeMyHeart17', 'BreakMyFall', 'Ngoc_Yamanda', 'Bitmoji', 'diabolic_deceiver', 'Nuxxity', 'Riddlezz', 'gh_stie', 'danganropa', 'Jaecheondaesong', 'vasilissk', 'LilyAlistair', 'Angelicbastard', 'PAPAPAPAPAPizza', 'Kokonatt', '032912_034', 'Aggiepleh', 'oswaldsfriend', 'yaakuuu', 'HEXXAG0NAL', 'rerarurara', 'MoxxyKo', 'StrawberryMochiii123', 'Regulus_drowned1979', 'Owossum', 'jonghyvk', 'Hisheartfeltgoodbye', 'Agno_V', '09Mingie', 'laislays', 'Call_me_Otter', 'loner_but_not_lonely', 'inushis', 'riangsty', 'Tatertotts', 'Nezzie08', 'Miriannn']
Danheng sat at the bedside of Caelus, his hand tightly holding onto the other. Caelus got severely hurt, and despite Danheng's best efforts to aid in his recovery, it appeared that his condition was only becoming worse. Danheng looked down at Caelus' face, and his heart ached at the sight of the normally vibrant and lively man looking so weak and frail. "I'm sorry." he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help you." Danheng hated himself for not being able to do anything. How could he let Caelus be the one to suffer as a consequence of his own lapse of judgement? Caelus weakly squeezed Danheng's hand. "It's not your fault, your highness." he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "You've already done everything you can." Danheng's eyes filled with tears. "Please don't leave me," he pleaded. "I can't bear the thought of living without you." Danheng had no one else he cared about more in this world than Caelus. All his siblings wanted to kill him, his parents could not care less about him, and all his friends were taken away from him. If he loses Caelus as well... he'll really be all alone. Caelus smiled weakly. "You won't have to be alone." he said. "You have your subordinates, your people, and me. I'll always be with you." '...because I love you.' Caelus could not muster up the courage to say those last few words. Danheng was sobbing uncontrollably and Caelus raised his hand to wipe the tears falling from his cheek. Danheng's tears were warm compared to his own cold hands. 'Ah, I'm really about to die aren't I?' Caelus thought, it hadn't sunk in until just now. Caelus tried let go of Danheng but before he could retract his hands, Danheng reached out and hugged him, the warmth of his embrace soaked into Caelus. "Please don't cry your highness, please don't make it harder for me to leave you." Caelus pleaded. Danheng hugged him tighter. "I won't allow you to leave me." He bellowed out. 'I don't want to leave you either.' Caelus wanted to say these words but he couldn't. Caelus knew that the feelings he had for the prince were forbidden. He was just a commoner. Who was he to even have these impure feelings towards the prince? Caelus would rather die along with these untold feelings than be hated by the one he loves. All he could do was take his love for him to the grave. "It is my honor to die for your highness." Caelus said. "Please don't be sad." Caelus was a knight after all, it was his sworn duty to give up his life for his Danheng, he didn't want him to feel guilty. Caelus felt the weight on his chest finally ease as the energy in his body seeped away with every breath he took. He knew it was almost time for death to take him, but just before all his senses numbed down, he felt a warm sensation on his lips. Danheng kissed him. "You are so selfish, Caelus." Danheng finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've loved you from the moment I met you, and I'll love you always, even beyond death." Danheng moved closer, his heart swelled with emotion. "Caelus..." he said, his voice choked with tears. In the shadows, his face was so close to Caelus that he could feel the warmth of his breath. 'What...?' Caelus was taken aback. He just stared with wide open lifeless eyes that cannot shut. He saw the whole world around him crumble apart, but he didn't even shake... he couldn't. He was just there, in total paralysis, without ever knowing what will happen next. 'Ah.' he thought. 'Fate is cruel.' 'I love you so much, your highness.' 'More than anything in this world.' Danheng watched as Caelus' breathing slowed, and then stopped altogether. He clutched his hand tightly, tears streaming down his face.
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Gay Sex, Smut, Anal Sex, Dirty Talk
['charliedantonie', 'Yuririna', 'xarrisx', 'BuryMeDeeper', 'Starlight24', 'mkay6081', 'Otra_personita', 'Toybionny1987', 'jojo190', 'm8lju', 'Ayano_san', 'Ameria_Riever', 'Fantasy_Eldritch', 'Saolin', 'Blades4you', 'GooseNoodles', 'QueenOfDeadMemes', 'bubblehoba', 'xtty', 'Just_flow_with_life', 'FinralTris', 'vehni', 'Fuuyuk0', 'chithomapacaran', 'YukiHinamori', 'iLuniri', 'applenoii', 'Spencer_mors', 'Eggi3', 'Astridiot', 'primmmerr09', 'Maxkun', 'gyurikiz', 'Near9', 'Na_tty', 'LilacKings_27', 'Lotus_Writings', 'karikzha', 'zeiaya', 'Scherw00d', 'Sleep_y_k', 'ace_but_here_for_the_gay', 'timeofsorrow', 'idkanymiore', 'Athena_Viviana_Soulhunter', 'Misty_Vaporeon', 'dilucm00n', 'KittylovesFerrari', 'MoonChub', 'hey_youwill']
That day was hot, but what makes it hotter was no other than Danheng himself. Well, he's always been hot, but seeing him without his coat and just wearing a tight casual black shirt, and those pair of trousers hugging his perfectly *cough plum butt *cough. That sight is really is something for Caelus. Caelus know that he shouldn't look at Danheng like that, but he just look so ethereal that moment. Caelus shamelessly eye on Danheng's perfect body, shit, his waist, how can a man's waist be so petite like that? Caelus didn't realize he had a boner that time. But Danheng noticed, he noticed how Caelus had been looking at him the past few minutes. Danheng was shy at first when he caught Caelus eyeing him like a hungry animal, but a part of him was actually happy. Wait, why would he be happy for someone who's definitely having a boner after looking at him like that? And it seems like Caelus' boner was getting worse, should he help or... Danheng coughed "Caelus, um, I think you need to take care of something..." He told Caelus to the point. It took a few seconds for Caelus to understand what was Danheng talking about, and uh oh he finally catch it. Caelus was deeply embarrassed by this, but instead of running immediately to the bathroom, he apologized to Danheng instead. "It's fine Caelus... Really" So the boner probably cause a little damaged to Caelus' brain that he ended up being there doing nothing after Danheng accept his apology. Danheng in the other hand, misunderstood this situation, he thought that Caelus really want him to do something about it. So he walk closer to Caelus, with a nervous hand, he stroked Caelus' boner. Caelus was so shocked by Danheng's sudden touch, but he wants more, so he lead Danheng's hand to open his zipper and continue stroking his cock. Caelus' size was impressive that it starts to send shivers on Danheng's body the moment he touched them, It's long, veiny, and thick. "So big" Danheng gasped, it made Caelus blushed even more. After a short silence, Caelus grabbed Danheng's hand to stop stroking his cock. "Thank you for your help Danheng, but I think I can take it from here, I apologized once again for making you feel uncomfortable" Surely the both of them don't wanna stop yet, Caelus haven't reach his climax, and Danheng is secretly curious about taking that cock up in his ass. "B-but I still want to help you" Danheng looked at Caelus in the eyes, he's not shy anymore. Seeing the lust in Danheng's eyes, Caelus can't hold back anymore. He kissed Danheng softly, "Do you really want this?" Caelus whispered as he groped Danheng's perfect ass. Danheng nods fastly "Please" After licking Danheng's left ear, Caelus undress himself and starts undressing Danheng. "Danheng, I wanna eat your ass so bad, may I?" And by this Caelus licked Danheng's hole hungryly, it's so tight and hot, his tongue made a mess, and now Danheng's hole is wet and sloppy, his talented tongue was able to make Danheng came quickly and make him more impatient. "Ah put in now nghh ♡" Caelus shoved his cock inside Danheng's already wet hole. It was heavenly inside, everything about Danheng is perfect. Danheng moaned in pain and pleasure, too much, Caelus' cock is ruining his inside. "Ah soo big Caelus ♡ mhh I love it" Caelus didn't need a lot of effort to find Danheng's prostrate. Caelus keep praising Danheng for how tight his hole is, taking his cock so well. Caelus brought Danheng into a passionate kiss before both of them reaching their climax together, Caelus came a lot inside Danheng.
control me
['iecherry (orphan_account)']
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko/Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Vaginal Fingering, Finger Sucking, Sex Toys, Strap-Ons, short orgasm delay/denial, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, BDSM, Dom/sub Undertones, Praise Kink, Mirror Sex, sex in front of a mirror. so slight exhibitionism there, Humiliation, /degradation kink, Submission, kafka tops (no surprise there)
['um213', 'aquatra', 'migueloharasirlwifesband', 'Rizzypuff', 'AelinaXY', 'Ashe8960', 'RadioactiveRuBBish', 'Lorexon', 'WolfyKat_0220', 'ApolLu', 'Defer', 'TatsumiAtsui', 'bloomingmoonrise', 'roppytoppy', 'espressoo', 'itakalva', 'branovytska', 'FadedReality', 'Avangarda', 'CyclopeLeXelor', 'penguinsarefluffy', 'Iris_Stillwater', 'fernfrogae', 'hannahvilijn', 'A_random_idiot_passing_by', 'aroundtheorigin', 'rxwrdext0x', 'Northstarx', 'TheLoneSentinel', 'GoldenAutumn_AceOfSpades', 'DemonicCathra', 'p0l_anka', 'IvoryKichan', 'KiraFiq', 'Sifer31', 'CryptsArchive', 'Albugear', 'shitmichael', 'miko0', 'raidenses', 'EsperanZaa', 'Saera_Targaryen', 'craz_b', 'RayGill', 'Layf', 'riuema', '9rtemis', 'RichardPham', 'monochrome14', 'mimiisoverit']
What they have right now— it's a strange little arrangement, honestly. Himeko doesn't know what to call it, but she's sure as hell enjoying all of whatever this is.She kneels naked and tied on the floor below Kafka, red hair adorning her shoulders as she pants lightly, flushed, head tilted up by the tip of Kafka’s shoe. In contrast, Kafka is very much clothed, leaning back on the chair in front of Himeko and lazily tapping her finger against the armrest while she rests her hand on her fist. Magenta eyes inspect every inch of Himeko, to the matching purple-red color of the bindings along her wrists kept behind her back, to the small, pink vibrator sitting nicely on her clit, to the chin resting softly on the tip of her shoe as little gasps leave Himeko’s mouth. She nudges it up ever so slightly, and hums, pleased when Himeko obliges with her and looks up.“So— Kafka— are you going to fuck me or what?” She challenges Kafka’s steel will with her golden eyes, grinning ear to ear and subtly telling her to hurry up.“It's on my to-do list,” she responds in a monotone voice, eyes dull and looking actually, bored, right now. Himeko almost gets angry— if it wasn't such a priority for her to get off right now, she would tell her off for the utter disrespect. So, she huffs a bit and returns to struggling against the bondage. What she fails is to notice is the hand with the remote nudging the setting to max, combined with the Kafka’s dangerous gleam in her eyes and the sharp bzzt sound suddenly echoing through the empty of the room. Himeko chokes as she tries to bite back a moan, eyes squeezing shut and tilting her head downward, but when Kafka forcibly nudges her chin up with a little tch, she's given no time to adjust to the immense pressure.“C’mon, Himeko…” Kafka whispers, almost to no one as the moonlight illuminates her face, “…you’re doing so well,” She’s left a little breathless and shaky in response.She's really not doing well. Himeko has been playing this game on the edge for about an hour, and all Kafka can blab about is how good she's doing, but still— taking away her reward every time she gets close. She grunts, frustrated, desperately rutting her hips into the floor to get something to tip her over if it wasn't going to be Kafka. Himeko whimpers pathetically— she's just so close, just one more roll of her hips away, just——And with that, Kafka shuts off the vibrator completely, not bothering to respond to the sob Himeko yells out as she's denied of her orgasm for the second time tonight. Kafka releases her chin of her shoe and scoffs, clearly enjoying the way Himeko pleads to her with a pathetic expression. “Look at that,” she sneers, getting up from her chair, “Two ruined orgasms and you're screaming like a whore.” Kafka circles Himeko’s tied up body on the ground, and kneels behind her, pushing her front against her back, nearly laughing at the lewd moan Himeko lets out. Two of her fingers delve deeper as the other hand cups her breast and tweaks at her nipple, watching her arch her back at the sudden stimulation.“Ah— then, fuck— fuck more screams out of me,” two fingers remove the vibrator and circle her clit roughly as the other hand moves down to tease her entrance, “—right there, Kafka, please!—” but her hands don't bother to move any faster. All she does is move agonizingly slow, letting her slick gather on the tips of her fingers, holding her down by her stomach with her other hand. She doesn't mind playing with her patience a bit, nose almost bleeding at the thought of Himeko all messy and desperate for her, so pathetic. So she teases, and teases, barely moving her fingers and breathing down Himeko’s neck, peppering kisses to her collarbone as a finger teases her entrance playfully and her thumb rubs her clit around."Go faster— please, just,” Himeko fights against the bondage as much as possible just to let Kafka get the hint that she needs her now, and if Kafka wasn't such a fucking tease, she'd get what she needed. Kafka takes it, but she doesn't give Himeko the satisfaction, she just keeps teasing, and teasing, until Himeko breaks. With the lipstick staining her neck and her eyes half lidded, Himeko is going to break very soon.“Shh, shh, you can handle this, love,” she nuzzles into the crook of her shoulder, unexpectedly speeding up her movements and fucking into Himeko’s hole with two fingers, feeling how she clenches and writhes under her, circling her clit faster. “Do you hear how wet you are?”Himeko cringes when she realizes the sound of Kafka ruining her with nothing but her fingers echoes in their chambers. “Ah— that's— fuck, don't stop— that's embarrassing— right there, oh, Kafka, don't say— mmh!” Kafka knows there’s no point in listening to her anymore, when her mouth is open, eyes glazed with lust, whimpers leaving her rhythmically. Because fuck, it feels right, how Kafka skillfully scissors her fingers inside and effortlessly slides in a third one, how Himeko feels the stretch and adjusts to it until it becomes nothing but delicious friction, how she hears sweet nothings whispered into her ear and how her lipstick is probably smeared like how Kafka’s lipstick is scattered in kisses around her jaw and collarbone, how she lets her back arch and toes curl as she’s so, so lovingly close.“Are you about to cum?” Kafka mumbles in her ear, biting her earlobe softly, then suckling on a sensitive part of her neck.“Mmh- yes, yes, please let me— ah— cum, Kafka, please—” It does nothing but add to the sensation, and she lets her do her thing, bitemarks appearing just underneath the hem of her clothes. So considerate. “Oh, so close,”“Go on then,” Kafka replies languidly, “Cum for me.”“Gonna— gonna… ah—” Himeko speaks incoherently, mixed with sobs and moans she can't quite bite back, so she gives up on it and breaks, cumming all over Kafka’s fingers and almost seeing stars in her vision. Why doesn’t she do this more often?Kafka lays more kisses on her upper back and nape and brushes her crimson hair aside, pulling out her fingers. Himeko sobs a little, gasping when Kafka’s hand then shoves itself into her mouth and forces her fingers deeper in. “Look at you,’ she chides, “dripping all over my hand.” Himeko relaxes a bit and allows Kafka’s three fingers to fuck her mouth, choking a little when her other hand starts circling her clit again.“Clean it up for me, won’t you?” Kafka urges her, voice hushed, talking into Himeko’s ear and nibbling at it. She wants to tell her she’s still sensitive and to wait a little, but it feels so overwhelmingly good that she can’t help but listen to orders— her tongue moves around in her mouth and she sucks on her fingers, tasting herself like Kafka wanted. Though from this angle, she can’t see Kafka, she knows she’s smiling mischeviously while she fucks her fingers in deeper— so deep that when her hand is pulled away with a heavy gasp and pants from Himeko, there’s a little tendril of saliva still connecting the two. Kafka rests her head on Himeko’s shoulder teasingly, bringing her hand to the kisses along her upper body, pressing down on her abdomen with her other, using her wet finger to trace the shape of a heart along her collarbone slowly. “Messy,” she chides, “but the best I can take from a whore like you, if anything.”"Yes,” she says, panting, “anything for you, Kafka,” Kafka grins at her, retracting her hands, instead caressing every sensitive part of her body with ghostly touches. She kisses her cheek, the nape of her neck, even picking up a lock of her hair and giving it a little peck. She’s gentle when she stands up and kisses along her back muscles, lifting her up by the wrists and moving her to the bed near them. Himeko now waits comfortably on the silk sheets, face buried, knees bent and ass up, surprisingly facing the other end of the bed instead of the headstand.The latter stands in front of her and throws her clothes to the side quickly, exposing the leather harness around her waist and the garter belt that connects it to her lower thigh. She gives Himeko a charming wink, silently asking you like what you see? and sauntering over to the drawer in the nightstand table by the bed. Himeko really can’t do anything here but wait for her, wrists still bound in purple-red ribbon and basically on all fours— all she has to do right now is beg, and she’s half sure Kafka will be making her do that very soon.In the meanwhile, Kafka ruffles around their private drawer, noticing the way Himeko squirms just a little, patience running thin. She scoffs jokingly, and pulls out a thick, black dildo, matching with the leather around her hips. Himeko’s favorite— her little reward for tonight. It’s attached to the harness quickly before Kafka places herself on the bed before Himeko, and letting her notice her last surprise for the night.The mirror in front of Himeko is nothing but humilating, as she opens her eyes to her reflection laid out in front of her, ass up, back arched, red locks falling all over the bed around her, golden eyes staring back at her clouded with pure, unfiltered lust, ribbons binding her wrists that match the cherry purple lipstick Kafka has kissed all over her, her own lipstick smeared with drool falling from her lips onto the sheets, Kafka’s slender hands running up and down her back to her ass lightly, the dildo resting just at her clit. It’s humiliating, but all so perfect, like the final piece of the puzzle. She stares into her own reflection’s eyes, and maybe, just maybe, loses her last scrap of dignity.“So?” Kafka asks her, running her hand up and down from the tip to the base, pressing ever so light pressure against her clit, lubricating it with her slick. “What do you think, cutie?”She’s already hot for it. Kafka doesn’t even have to fuck her senseless yet. Himeko responds in whimpers and open mouthed whines, but Kafka doesn’t seem to get the fucking hint. “Use your words, Himeko,” she taunts, still stroking the strap against her pussy and lightly pressing on her abdomen, bending down and once again, kissing the curve of her spine as her back arches into the bed and her hips rut into Kafka. “Do you want me to fill you up, hm?”“Yes! Kafka— fuck, I want— I need—” she sobs, broken, pathetic, but Kafka really wants to play with her just a bit more, just until she reaches that one level of desperate that only Kafka can see, can experience. “Want, want, need,” Kafka scolds, “If you’re so needy, then do it yourself.” Himeko outright moans at Kafka’s words, her demanding glare, her hands grazing her thighs and the slick that drips down onto them.When Kafka moves the tip up to her entrance, she doesn’t hesitate— immediately moving her hips back and forth slowly, taking in its whole length gradually. And fuck— it’s amazing, the stretch of it, the hand pressing on her womb, the feeling Himeko gets when Kafka finally bottoms out, the feeling she gets especially when she looks at herself in the mirror, legs obscenely spread, slick glistening as it drips down her thighs, the little sounds she makes whenever she moves back and forth, the way her reflection’s and Kafka’s stare pierce her just where it hits. “Ah… Aeons, Kafka—”“Look at yourself, Himeko.” Kafka runs her hand along the sides of her waist, aiding her as she thrusts back and forth on her length. “One command, and you’re following it like a mindless dog.” With a sudden yank, Himeko’s head is pulled up by her hair, drool sticking to the sheets below her. Kafka takes her other hand and leans down, holding her by the chin and the hair, roughly tugging to emphasize her point. She picks up the pace herself, bottoming out with every snap of her hips and tight grip on the side of her waist. “Really, look at you,” she smirks, fucking lengthy moans and short whines out of her with every thrust, “Someone as important as you so, so desperate for me, really. How badly did you want this?”“Y… yes, fuck, Kafka, Kafka, f—fuc….k….” With every sound of their skin slapping together echoing into the night, the dildo beginning to easily slip in and out because of how wet she is, she can’t respond with a coherent sentence while she mumbles indistinctly, so Kafka decides to leave it be and plant more kisses along her shoulders.“Oh, honey…” Kafka nibbles along the nape of her neck, still roughly pulling her up by her hair, “taking me so well, so, so, good… good girl…” Himeko can’t think about anything else anymore— oh, she loves the way the strap fucks her out, the way she squeezes and clenches around it, the way Kafka looms over her with her shadow, pulling her hair roughly so she can see the way her mouth is held in an O shape in the mirror, the way drool dribbles down her chin, the way her Kafka’s eyes shine hungrily at her, the way Kafka’s so focused. She loves the way her arms ache and her legs threaten to give out, the way electric shocks rush through her body whenever Kafka bottoms out, the way she’s moaning Kafka like a prayer.And like that, again, she’s close, she’s just so close, as Kafka releases her hair and instead grabs the ribbons on her wrists, furiously thrusting harder and deeper, a hand sneaking down to rub her swollen clit. “Kafka, my— ah, yes, t—there, Aeons, please…lease, just— don’t— ah, don’t stop,” her words are broken, pleading to Kafka for Aeons knows what, back inappropiately arching, desperately, looking for her release, finding herself in the mirror broken— a remnant of what the real Himeko is like. She looks like nothing but a fucked out toy right now, cherry purple kisses spread all around.“I won’t, love,” Kafka indulges her, hitting all the right places, quickening her pace until she notices the telltale signs of how Himeko is gonna cum— her quaking legs, the way her moans turn to sighs, gasps and whimpers, how she forgets to try to struggle to get out of her bindings. “You’re doing so well, Aeons, Himeko…” Kafka leans down and indulges herself now, locking lips with her until Himeko’s makeup is ruined, she drools more out of the corners of her mouth—“Ah— ohh…. Kaf—Kafka, really— close— I’m, ah, I—” Himeko tries to find the words, lost in the pleasure and heady lust.”Cum for me, Himeko.”—she’s squeezing hard on Kafka’s cock, legs giving out, screaming Kafka’s name and repeating it in little breaths until she can’t think straight enough to formulate words inside her mind. She sees white little stars in the back of her eyes, she feels breathless and she feels mindless when she looks back into the eyes of her reflection in the mirror, empty and so hungry, she hears Kafka pulling out of her with an obscene, lewd sound that she won’t be able to forget for the next couple of weeks. Her legs are weak, like she won’t be able to stand up properly tomorrow, and she starts chuckling a bit insanely. Kafka removes the harness and the dildo, cleaning them off before putting it to the side, sitting by the top of the bed with the pillows, while Himeko struggles to get up a just a bit and kneel, turning to face her, speechless.“Aeons— Kafka, that was so,” she giggles to herself, a little taken back.”Did you like it?— I mean, was the mirror okay—?”“Yes, of course, it was beautiful, don’t worry your pretty little head off about it.” Himeko weakly gets up a bit and snuggles against Kafka’s chest, adjusting the glasses on her head and giving her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll have to return the favor someday, of course.””Not now, Himeko,” and this time, it’s Kafka’s turn to whine the other’s name, “I wanna stay like this, with you,”The way she says it is a bit dreamily, and Himeko rests onto her chest more as Kafka strokes her back, tracing her forefinger over the smeared lipstick marks and the hickeys she’s left. It’ll be a pain to cover those up.“For now,” Himeko talks into the night, moving to hold, then kiss Kafka’s hand.”Let’s get cleaned up now, shall we?”
Welcome home
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Stelle & Himeko
Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail)
Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Stelle's POV
['NefelibatepluviophileSolitude', 'percy_soap', 'Heart_In_The_Clouds', 'Estnov', 'kuni_loaf', 'HappilyHopeless1', 'wildjokar', 'Hologram_Hero_Proletius', 'Moonsong2003', 'cynossimp', 'Tingyunspoorlilneck', 'AdmiralVictoria', 'Zynie', 'tyu121', 'Lo0py', 'Ferniejvp', 'Kai_Tyrant', 'NoPersonIsHere', 'appaisbestboy', 'King_of_the_metal_birdies', 'Kaeriin', 'Thedeadmansghost', 'vlelp', 'ValkyrieShinki', 'Kotofeila', 'ikcnik', 'Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'GhostGirl29', 'Last261003', 'Lilac_06', 'Blue_rose999', 'NarT', 'themoonsOnavia', 'LivingThing8', 'Nuk3_Simp', 'stonekyul', 'nettyy', 'Hi_IM_DOOT', 'Cereus14', 'Celian_17', 'Khanhlinh6809', 'Alba743', 'HRChan', 'LinniLotus', 'DaOneAndOnly747', 'St4r1ight', 'Read100', 'GrandDragon5', 'HikigaerutheDH', 'Ryuuzaki18']
You’re sitting on one of the couches in the Astral Express’s Parlor Car and you couldn’t help feeling a little bit lonely and lost - after all, it’s only been a week at most since you first set foot aboard the train. Welt, Himeko, Dan Heng and March seemed to be like family to each other and then there was you who only woke up a few days ago and remembers nothing that happened before. You don’t even have a room to call your own yet. Himeko noticed this when she happened to be walking by. “Hey there Stelle. You seem to be quite down. Is everything alright?” The leader of the Astral Express – it was her who repaired it and took it to the stars once more. She cared a great deal both about it and its’ passengers and made sure they were well so they could enjoy their journey on the path of Akivili. She was an ambitious, hardworking, honest, gentle and kind – but what struck you the most about her was her looks. She was the most beautiful woman you’ve seen during your short “life”. You hesitated a bit but thought, “What’s the worst that could happen?” and told her about the feelings troubling you. She put her hand on your shoulder, smiled softly and said, “I know this must be hard for you. I really do.” “But you’re one of us now. And as long as you want to keep sharing this journey with us – you’ll always be welcome aboard the Astral Express.” She gently wiped the tears off from your face and held you with her arms. You felt awkward at first but you gave in and leaned into her embrace. Warmth of an another person is something you haven’t experienced since you remember. You were surprised at how nice and comforting it felt. You could stay like this forever. Himeko’s hair and clothes carried the gentle, soothing aroma of home-brewed coffee which only added onto those feelings. “You know-”, she started talking again after a few seconds of silence. “March was just like you when we first found her. She also lost her memory of who she is and where is she from. It was very difficult for her to come to terms with it and make her new home in this place.”, she continued to hold you and stroke your hair as she talked. “But look at her now – I’d say she’s a lot better and that would be an understatement.” - Himeko chuckled. You two stayed like this and talked about different things relating to the Astral Express – and not for a long time until your body started to feel weary, your eyelids started to feel heavy and you were asleep before you knew it. You slept well and had many pleasant dreams that night.
This sanctuary is but a vision
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus - Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Kissing, Boys Kissing, Dan Heng's sanctuary, Visions, Smut, Hand Jobs, My First Smut
['Kai_lazy', 'Zephineros', 'Heart_In_The_Clouds', 'sparklycaprisun', 'sangwoosbasement_69', 'ChihiroYena', 'culveres', 'Moth_Starz', 'I_Love_Reading', 'Fleuretty', 'jewelsandjems', 'OmniMaiMage', 'neoiyte', 'swatchie', 'RJ_Silver', 'DumbassKagehina', 'Reiler', 'Ariru_kuri', 'Katzutora', 'XiaoLynn', 'dilfs_unison', 'lunalatt3', 'Thatonecrazyauthorthatlivesnextdoor', 'Typeliketyphoon', 'BGcharater', 'hanweu', 'SleepiKibi', 'AkiraCerber', '0_TanTan_0', 'sweetiebabysleeptight', 'iLuniri', 'ToastyNotes', 'SunStar_Shadow_Aizawa', 'chinchillavirus', 'darknessOMW', 'xZzzephyr', 'GhostWritingStuff', 'StrayMoon96', 'Abductor_Of_Magic', 'Im_Meriel', 'TheStarfox', 'bay_beeee', 'solarrbeam', 'Aaaech', 'StasenKarp', 'ShimmeringObsidian', 'Hiya_There_Ima_Stranger', 'Sayaka_Neko_24', 'Alexandea', 'Mizukitty']
Dan Heng often summoned visions of his sanctuary, a calming place where he could sit and think. It was a sort of mind realm, and he had found that his actions in there didn't affect the outside world. It was peaceful, somewhere he could be alone. Outside of battle, nobody else was ever in here.   Today, he was sat against the tree, watching the leaves fall. He hadn't decided to think about Caelus. He'd just... stumbled upon it while he reviewed his day. Today, they'd basically just stayed on the star rail. They were all tired, and so a rest day was needed. That meant he'd spent a lot of time sat in the parlor cabin with March and Caelus, watching the stars go by. Well, March and Caelus had been watching the stars. He'd been watching Caelus, and pretending to watch the stars when anyone looked over. He hated to admit it, but he'd found himself developing feelings for the man. He'd been watching him, but not in a normal way, in the way that meant he'd been staring at his smile and his eyes and the way his arms flexed when he threw his bat into the air and caught it again. He felt his face turn warm, and he sighed. He really needed to try and stop that. If March noticed, he'd never hear the end of it. If Caelus noticed...   A weight leant against his shoulder, and he jumped, turning to see grey hair. He paused, confusion blocking out his thoughts. Nobody managed to come in here unless he let them, and he certainly hadn't let Caelus in. Why was he leaning against him? The man looked up, keeping his head on Dan Heng's shoulder. His yellow eyes shone in the white sanctuary, and he smiled softly. "Hi." "Uh..." Caelus leant upwards, cupping Dan Heng's cheek in his hand and pulling their faces close. Dan Heng flushed red. "What are you doing?!" "Kissing you. Is that OK?" He thought about it, staring at the face directly in front of his. He'd thought about this a lot, actually. Ever since almost performing CPR on the new trailblazer, he'd been thinking about it. He didn't understand why Caelus was suddenly doing this, or why he was in here, but... he wasn't going to interrupt his chance. He nodded and soft lips brushed against his but didn't touch properly yet, a smirk appearing on Caelus's face. Dan Heng rolled his eyes, closed them, and then closed the gap between them and felt Caelus's hand on his neck, gently keeping them together. His heart fluttered, and Caelus sat up fully, reaching the same height as him and moving a hand from his cheek to hold onto his jacket.   It felt like he'd been wanting this for so long, but... Was this really correct? He frowned and pulled back from the kiss, and when the trailblazer tried to follow his face forward, he placed a finger on his lips. "Are you really... real?" Dan Heng muttered, and suddenly the light in Caelus's eyes seemed fake. He smiled, and it didn't reach further than his mouth. "Why would you ask that?" He whispered against Dan's finger. "...This place isn't real. I made it. Nobody is here, ever, unless I force them into it. I didn't invite you at all, nevermind force you. I don't... think you're really Caelus." "I'm whatever you'd like." He tugged at Dan's jacket. "What?" He frowned, and "Caelus" let go of his jacket and trailed a hand down his front, making him shiver. "I might not be him, but I'm close enough, aren't I?" His voice was Caelus, his face was Caelus... it didn't make sense. "What are you?" It leaned forward, whispering in his ear. "This sanctuary is but a vision. You control it. You choose what appears here, right?" Dan Heng frowned, and realised it made sense. He must have somehow summoned this... fake through his thoughts about Caelus. How embarrassing...   The fake slid a hand around his waist under his jacket, and he watched it. "You're controlling all my actions, even if it's just subconscious. You want this." The warm hand that was around his neck started playing with his hair, and he blushed. Yes. He did want this, he realised. He wanted this so badly, it had manifested as a false person directly in front of him. This wasn't Caelus, but damn it, it was his face, and it was his voice and body and... The fake kissed him again, and he accepted it, placing a hand on the arm around his waist and tilting his head.   He sat there against the tree, kissing a ghost of the man he wished it was, and let himself indulge in the fantasy. Fake leaves fell around them, their descent slower than real life. He kept his eyes shut so he wouldn't see them and wished, hoped, dreamed that maybe one day they'd be real. Maybe one day this would be real. This is my first time writing smut, sorry if it's bad or awkward The sanctuary was silent. Dan Heng was alone again. Yesterday, he'd come across the false Caelus he had manifested. Today, he'd spent time with the real one, which proved to be a lot harder after making out with something that looked exactly like him. He'd been thinking about it all day, as much as he wanted to distract himself. It didn't help they were still taking a break from exploring, so he'd not really had anything else to think about. All he had was memories Caelus didn't share with him. Honestly, if he did know, it might even be worse than now. Caelus hadn't exactly shown any signs of feelings back for him, and it was embarrassing to imagine the possibility of rejection, so he instead chose to try and imagine the opposite. What he wanted. What he desperately, hopelessly wanted.   A hand rested on his thigh, and he looked to his left. The face engraved in his brain was there, golden eyes watching him. "You're bolder than yesterday. Your hand..." He muttered. He didn't know why, but speaking quietly in the sanctuary felt right. Anything louder seemed like it would break it. The false Caelus smiled and leant in to kiss Dan Heng, not saying anything. His thumb rubbed Dan Heng's inner thigh, and he gasped a little when it sent shivers through him. "Jeez.. you're not hesitating at all." "Why should I?" "...I don't know." 'Caelus' nodded and went back to kissing Dan Heng, his touch gentle and soft, but not shy. His right hand, the one on his thigh, was replaced with his left and moved up to hold the back of his neck. Dan Heng felt his face warm up, and 'Caelus' moved back, smiling again. "You blush easily."   His hand moved slightly higher up his leg, getting dangerously close to a certain area, and the archivist cleared his throat. "Is it appropriate to do... this in the sanctuary?" "It's yours. Whatever you want to do is appropriate." "...Right." He looked at the hand on his thigh, the thumb moving in circles. He got distracted by it, and didn't notice 'Caelus' moving until he felt breathing on his neck, followed by lips kissing the soft skin. He heard an involuntary sound come out of his own mouth out of shock and flushed bright red. He didn't dislike it, though. The vision did what he wanted it to do, and even if he hadn't known he wanted this... he absolutely did. The hands swapped again, and the one on his thigh landed a little higher, but just enough to make him breathe a shaky, little-too-loud breath out and feel 'Caelus' breathe a chuckle onto his neck. It was exactly the same as the real man's laughter, which made him feel a pang of guilt. This wasn't really him. It wasn't... it didn't feel right.   He pushed the fake off of him and the sanctuary faded away around him, being replaced with the walls of the archives. His face was red even here, and as he thought about what just happened, he noticed a certain issue he had. He cleared his throat, sitting up straight in his bed on the floor and raising a hand to his own neck, brushing the place the vision had kissed. His hand was cold, not like his, which he knew was warm and soft. It wasn't right.   He frowned, imagining what the real Caelus would say if he was here. His imagination seemed to be heavily influenced by his issue, though, and dirty thoughts filled his mind. He felt himself grow harder, and breathed out slowly. His hand seemed to move on it's own to try and deal with it, his fingers gliding over his pants. He sighed and let himself continue, slowly rubbing it through the fabric.   Someone knocked on his door and he panicked, grabbing his blanket and covering himself below the waist. "Dan heng?" It was Caelus. His eyes widened and he forgot to answer for a second. "Are you in there? I don't wanna intrude." "Uh, yeah. Yes, I'm in here." "Ok. I'm coming in." He started to object, but the door opened anyway and Caelus wandered in, smiling and waving at him. "I just need to use the data bank a second." He walked up to the big blue wall, the door sliding shut behind him, and Dan Heng moved backwards, trying to bunch his blanket up enough to hide his problem. Caelus paused, frowning at him. "Are you ok? You're really red." "I'm fine. What are you searching for?" "Are you sure you're ok?" He stepped forward, kneeling on his bed and reaching forward to try and feel his forehead for a temperature. Dan Heng panicked and slapped his hand away, and Caelus raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, it's just you look like you could be sick." "I'm fine. Can you leave?" They maintained eye contact for a few seconds and Dan Heng prayed he wouldn't look down and notice. He did, the blanket having moved just enough for him to see. He turned pink and his eyes widened, and the black haired man looked away, covering his face in embarrassment. "Can you go now? ...Please?" It was quiet, and Caelus tried to look back at him, but Dan Heng still had his face covered. "Uh... um, well..." He stuttered, struggling for words. "What?" "Do you... want me to leave?" They both went bright red, and Dan Heng lowered his hand to make eye contact again. He tried to search for sarcasm or teasing in Caelus's tone or face, but he found none. And truth was, he didn't. "...No." "Okay. Do you want me to... help?" Dan Heng nodded, just a bit, and warm hands went to move the green blanket fully out of the way.   Dan Heng helt his heart beating so fast, he was sure it would explode. He watched Caelus's gentle fingers rest on his thigh and move cautiously upwards. When they touched it, he let out a little gasp, and the trailblazer smiled, getting a bit bolder and slowly moving his hand, stroking him through his pants. Dan breathed shakily, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, and Caelus stopped, removing himself. He let a little whimper out, instantly slapping his palm against his own mouth, and his friend raised his eyebrows. "Wow. I was just gonna..." He unbuckled Dan Heng's trousers, pulling them down to the middle of his thighs and revealing his black boxers. In response, he put his arm around Caelus's shoulders and shifted around, trying to get him to touch him again, god, please. Instead, Caelus took off his jacket and gloves and leaned close to Dan Heng's face again, gently moving his hand from his mouth. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered, and he nodded. Their lips touched, gentle and sweet, and it was a thousand times better than kissing a fake. It was real, for a start. Caelus's hand went back to above his boxers, slowly rubbing. Dan Heng made tiny, low noises and he pulled away, smiling. "Shh. There's other people on this train." He whispered, still moving his hand, and Dan frowned. "I'm being quie-haaah-" He snapped his mouth shut. "That wasn't quiet." "Well what do you expect?!" He hissed, and Caelus lifted his hand up, lifting Dan's black shirt to reveal the band of his underwear and tracing the skin just above, making him glare. "Don't tease me." "I'm doing you a favour, I'm allowed to have fun." That was fair, he supposed. It didn't make it less irritating, though. He tried to move and Caelus's other hand held his hips still, making him groan, partly out of exasperation and partly because he found that really hot. He leaned his head back against the wall, and Caelus watched him. He felt a breath against his neck, and then lips, and the hand holding him still moved to cover his mouth to stop the noises he was making. The other one caressed the skin on his lower stomach, just above where he needed it to be. His own hand ran through the grey hair it was touching. He rolled his hips and Caelus breathed out a laugh against his neck, sitting up and letting go of his mouth. Dan Heng glared at him again. "Stop being a dick. You know what I want." "Hm? I don't seem to recall." He pulled an annoyingly amused face. They both kept their voices low. "Your hand is almost on my cock, stop teasing." "Tell me what you want, so I can remember." His smile became more of a smirk, his eyelids lowering. One finger trailed the band of his boxers. Dan Heng hesitated, trying to find some kind of leniency. He didn't find it. "There are people on this train, Caelus." "Then whisper it." He paused, his hand twirling around a strand of hair. "...I want you to..." He looked away, and Caelus hummed. "What?" "I want you to touch me." "You're not being polite." "I'll kill you." "You wouldn't get to finish then." Dan Heng sighed, and Caelus's hand slid under the band of his boxers. He groaned quietly and looked back at his golden eyes, his own blue ones suddenly desperate and needy. "Say please." "...please. Happy?" He hummed and his hand went further down, grabbing and rubbing, earning a few stifled noises from Dan Heng, who was keeping his lips sealed shut. "Say please again. I liked it." "Hhhm- please." Caelus grinned and pulled Dan Heng's boxers down further, his hand going back to stroking. He twisted his hand, watching the expressions that crossed Dan's face. "Fuck- please, Caelus, please~" "Ok, ok, shh now. That's enough, someone's gonna hear." "Shut me up then." "Fine." He leaned forward and kissed him again, using one hand to keep them both upright on the bed and one to take care of his 'friend'. Dan Heng was embarrassed at the noises he was making, at the mess Caelus had made of him, but he didn't hate it. That much was obvious. He tilted his head into the kiss and rolled his hips, desperate for more. Meanwhile, the trailblazer found delight in his own handiwork, how he'd reduced the serious, stoic member of the team to this. He sped his hand up a little and Dan Heng pulled away from the kiss, burying his face in Caelus's shoulder and squeezing his eyes closed. "Fuck," He groan-whispered. "I'm- hnn- close-" He bit his lip to shut himself up, thrusting his hips into Caelus's hand and squeezing his shoulder. The trailblazer looked down at the beautiful scene and smiled to himself. Perfect. Dan Heng felt the pressure in his stomach build and release suddenly. He covered his mouth with his own hand and tensed up, grabbing tightly onto the white fabric of Caelus's shirt, and the hand slowed down but didn't stop until he reached down and moved it. He looked up, catching his breath, and Caelus met his gaze, a gentle smile in his eyes. "You look so pretty right now." The grey-haired man whispered, and he rolled his eyes, clearing his throat and sitting up, blushing at the mess he'd left on his 'friend's' hand. "...Sorry. And thank you. For that." "No problem. Uh, do you need help cleaning up?" "Do you need help, full stop?" Dan Heng glanced downwards, and Caelus flushed red. "Oh. I, uh- oops?" "I'm serious. I'll return the favour if you want." "Uh..." He stared at Dan Heng's face, and then down at his... other parts. His pants were noticeably tighter. "...I won't say no." He tilted his head, black hair falling over his forehead and his jacket, which he still had on for some reason, falling off of his shoulder. "Will you say yes?" "Yeah." He couldn't exactly pass on that.
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Top Danheng/Bottom March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Alpha Danheng/Omega March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Mating Cycles/In Heat, Breeding Kink, Friends With Benefits, a little bit of pining as a treat
['SteveTheActualMan', 'Helpy', 'Hoshidanbum', 'bea_nie', 'jinxies913', 'Thatonedeadgirl', 'catdownthestreet', 'StarPolaroid', 'DatPersonaUser', 'sliceofcheese', 'Juvalle', 'ProcrastinationHours', 'water_sheep', 'Dreamfoxreader', 'UserHazyn', 'Arcluchiel', 'ladymorgana', 'Hyunho_seok', 'Bana_34', 'KhalidNamikaze2022', 'gogenshiki', 'MintySweetheart', 'dontneedawifeneedaman', 'MistDaughter', 'Enby_Sif', 'ElodieS', 'kahate', 'NoamMine', 'Seraphim_Whispers', 'Mellonhead', 'MarineCat', 'Starry_roses', 'Aquakanameow', 'wishtobefictional', 'aqua_aria', 'jielle', 'dazaisjizzsock', 'Moly_SM', 'Safrog', 'MarsmellowMozara', 'wlfglxy', 'SilverStarPack', 'Hellie_shie', 'ToMitsuki', 'SakanaKana', 'Koss', 'Lystrate', 'Amethystory', 'Onyx098', 'nightlywispr']
“March…” Her delicate fingers are lingering over the blue patch on her neck, toying with the frayed edge. Even just the idea of her tugging it off has Dan Heng’s breath catching, and when he sees the beginnings of tears pooling up in her eyes, he knows he doesn’t stand a chance. He reaches out to grab her wrist, too quickly, pulling her hand away from the patch. She jumps a little bit, but quickly relaxes into the touch, leaning in closer like she can’t get enough. “March,” he repeats, shaky—perhaps being around her is already getting to him, too. “You should go back to your room.” But she’s shaking her head before he can even finish speaking. “Only if you come with me,” she insists. Following her would be a mistake. But she’s already trying to step toward the hall with their rooms, tugging him along, and Dan Heng can really only follow. “We can’t!” he starts to say, but it’s not strong enough to stop her. He’s never been strong enough to say no to March, not when she’s like this. When he steps into the room, he’s largely unsurprised to see the nest already formed on her bed, all of her blankets and plushies piled up haphazardly, along with a shirt that Dan Heng hadn’t even realised was missing. That part has him inhaling sharply, fingers twitching at his sides, desperate to reach out and get a piece of her. The idea that she would go so far out of her way, just to make sure she has Dan Heng’s scent with her during her heat… March shuts the door behind him. Slams it, really, all-too-eager to turn the lock and start on her clothes, fingers trembling. Dan Heng simply watches for a second, mind catching up with the reality of the situation, before he reaches out to undo the top two buttons for her. She sighs out a silent thanks, eyes fluttering shut from that slight bit of contact through the white fabric of her shirt. “Beautiful,” Dan Heng says, almost thoughtlessly, as he pushes the top of the shirt down and gropes lazily at one of her breasts through her bra. March lets out a surprised little whimper and squeezes her thighs together, eyes wide as she looks up at Dan Heng. “D—Dan Heng… I…” Before he can stop himself, Dan Heng leans in to press a little kiss to her neck, then takes the edge of her scent patch between his teeth and tugs it off, letting it fall to the floor. Her scent hits him all at once. Vanilla with a hint of strawberry, sweet and suffocating and suddenly Dan Heng isn’t sure that he can resist her at all. His mouth latches back onto her neck, lapping at her scent gland with a hunger he hasn’t felt since the last time they did this. “March,” he murmurs, feeling himself heat up as he massages her breasts, lips not leaving her skin, taking as much of her as he can get. “God, March…” They need to stop. Dan Heng tells himself as much each time March comes to him, but as he nuzzles into her neck, breathing in her pheromones, he knows he’ll never be able to get enough. Neither of them will—addicted to each other already, if March coming back to him again is anything to go by. He pulls away from her long enough to help remove the rest of her clothes, lacy bra and soaked panties, revealing flushed skin and wet thighs. It’s impressive that her patch had been able to keep up, with her already being so far gone. It’s more impressive, maybe, that she’d been able to make it out and ask Dan Heng to join her at all. She’s soaking wet as soon as he gets his hands on her, dripping, and Dan Heng is tempted to go in for a taste. There’ll be time for that later, though. He guides March to lie back into her nest, smiling a little as she curls up into the blankets easily, letting her legs fall open. “Dan Heng…” “I’m here,” he assures her, reaching down to rub at her thighs. He feels her shiver under his touch, spreading her legs apart further still. He wonders how long she’s been waiting for this.  His first finger slides in easily, aided by the slick pouring out. Wet, and hot, and loose, and fuck, Dan Heng can’t wait to be inside of her. He can feel his erection straining at his pants already, aching. Each gentle moan that spills from her lips only makes it worse, too. “More, alpha,” she says, quiet. Dan Heng nods, wasting no time in pushing in a second digit, spreading them apart inside of her. She’s already ready for him, he thinks. She opens up so easily, body recognizing the alpha before her and doing everything it can to accommodate him. March is already practically shaking, too, thighs quivering each time he moves his fingers. She could probably come just from this; she’s always been greedy when it comes to being filled, wanting nothing more than to be stuffed full 24/7 when she’s in heat. He’s not one to complain, of course. “So wet, March,” he groans, and she whimpers in turn. She’s always liked it when he’s a bit more vocal. Not typical for Dan Heng, but he can’t help it, surrounded by the sugar of her pheromones. Her heat is hitting in full force now, thick enough in the air that he thinks he could choke. It probably wouldn’t be such a bad way to go. He brings his thumb up to brush over her clit and she gasps, face bright red as her hips jerk up into the touch. It’s cute how sensitive she is, especially now. “Dan Heng!” “You should come,” he murmurs, nuzzling against her neck as he circles her clit, not taking it slow for even a moment. “Think you can do that, angel?” “Yes!” Dan Heng feels her tighten up around his fingers, just a bit, as more slick gushes out. It’s difficult to focus on fingering her and stimulating her clit at the same time so he decides to abandon the former; she’ll get her fill, in due time. “Ah—ah, Dan Heng—” “That good?” As though the answer isn’t obvious. March is letting out a constant stream of moans as Dan Heng touches her, high and breathy. “Yes, yes, please!” She squeezes her thighs together and he pulls his fingers out to push them back apart, earning a pleasured gasp. “Too much,” she cries, but he refuses to let up, keeping up with that same quick pace until March is coming, hard. “Alpha! So—ah—so much, I—I…” “Good girl.” This time, when she closes her legs and tries to pull away, he lets her. March is pretty when she gets overstimulated, but he figures it won’t hurt to give her a break now, while she’s still a little bit coherent. It’s only a few moments of rubbing at her thighs and letting her relax before he sees water in her eyes though. The poor omega is so needy she doesn’t know what to do with herself, he thinks, trailing a hand higher just to tease. “Fuck me,” she almost immediately pleads, blinking away crystalline tears as she reaches down to curl her fingers around Dan Heng’s wrist. “Dan Heng, alpha, I—” “I’ll take care of you,” he promises, tone soft as he wipes his hand off on the sheets. It’s all the restraint he has to fully strip himself, setting aside his clothes with care and not immediately jumping onto the waiting omega. Slick clings to March’s skin, some fresh and wet, some drying, and Dan Heng thinks once more about ducking down and kissing her there, licking the wetness from her thighs and eating her out until she forgets how to speak. He’s already hard and throbbing though, body reacting to the pliant omega before him, and he can’t wait any longer. He spreads her open with one hand, rubbing against her wet folds, unable to help a moan as soon as they make contact. “So pretty,” he says as he lines himself up, wishing he could just admire her forever. When she’s tired out in a few hours, maybe. He bottoms out in one quick thrust. It’s not gentle in the slightest, but he knows she can take it. She has before, after all, and she is in heat. She’s warm and soft, drawing him in, body not complaining even a bit at the rough start. It’s what she was made for, after all—made to be fucked and filled by Dan Heng. She wraps her legs around his waist, locking him into place, and it’s almost like a reward. He wants nothing more than to be as close to her as possible, to keep her there with him forever. He starts fucking her without hesitation and pink nails dig into his back, scratching. Part of him hopes she leaves marks, so he can look at himself and be reminded of their deeds. Dan Heng’s breath comes hot against her neck as he thinks about it, pounding all the way into her again and again. She takes it so well, squeezing him tight, keeping him close, jerking into each thrust. March really is the best omega he could ever ask for. “Dan Heng,” she whimpers, circling her hips, grinding onto his length so she can rub her clit against him. “Please, please, please—” “Quiet, March,” he says. A futile endeavour, even when she’s not in heat. “You can come whenever you need to. But I won’t stop until I’ve knotted you.” “Yes!” she cries, nodding almost feverishly. “Breed me, alpha!” Dan Heng knows it’s only the heat talking, but her words have heat pooling low in his belly, somehow more turned on than before. March would look so beautiful—fucked out and full of his pups, the perfect omega. (His perfect omega.) He won’t last long at all. He growls as he fucks her, unable to stop himself from scenting her as he does. The exposed skin of her neck is ever-so-tempting as he brushes up against it, but Dan Heng knows better. Mating and breeding and pups are all out of the question, no matter what March thinks she wants. Instead he contents himself with dragging his lips over the pale expanse of her collarbones and shoulders, teeth grazing skin—never biting though, tempting as it may be. “Yeah, I’ll breed you,” Dan Heng mumbles, reaching down to rub at her clit. March keens and meets his thrusts with renewed fervour. Head thrown back, lips parted, eyes squeezed shut. Dan Heng wants nothing more than to see her come. “Please, I’m so close! Please, please, just like that, I—Dan Heng, I—gonna come, please!” “Let go for me,” Dan Heng says, low, and that's all it takes. She sobs as she comes, slick gushing out onto Dan Heng’s cock. He fucks her through it, panting against her flushed neck as she whimpers and cries, clinging to Dan Heng like her life depends on it. “March,” he breathes, fingers digging into soft thighs. “So wet, March, good girl…” Her response isn’t really coherent—the only thing he can make out from her babbling is the sound of his own name, and her gasps of please as she comes for what feels like forever. Her walls flutter around him, trying desperately to milk him and take what she needs. “Gonna breed you now,” Dan Heng promises. He readjusts his hold on her to get a better angle, not letting her escape. Fucking her relentlessly, carving out her walls in his shape. “Dan Heng, Dan Heng, Dan Heng, please,” she sobs, and the alpha is certain he’d die if he could never have this again. Even if he knows this is only temporary, he can’t help but want. He fucks into her as deeply as he can. Roughly, mercilessly, holding her up so he can hit the deepest angle possible with each thrust. She lets out a cry each time he bottoms back out, unable to do much but moan and take it, slick coating her thighs. The way an omega should be. “Good girl,” Dan Heng says again, hardly thinking about it, and that earns a little moan too. “Yes, good!” March gasps, the first thing she’s really managed to say since she came. “I’ll be good, I’ll—please just breed me, alpha!” It only takes another thrust or two for Dan Heng’s knot to start swelling. One more and it’s catching on her greedy hole, March’s body sucking him in, unwilling to let him go. Dan Heng can only groan and keep going, rutting into her, small, staccato movements, all that he can manage. He comes with March’s name on his lips. “March, angel, so good,” he breathes, still shallowly fucking her as he fills her with his seed, hot and deep, painting her insides white. She clenches around him, moaning softly, content to finally have what she needs. Eventually he stills, slowly rocking into her as the last bits of come spill out. March’s room is quiet as they come down from the high, Dan Heng slowly rolling them over them onto their sides and wrapping his arms around her. “March…” he says softly, sighing into her bare shoulder, fingers digging into supple hips. “Stay,” March whispers back, voice still shaky, and Dan Heng manages a faint smile. “As if I could leave you now,” he sighs, pulling back to press a careful kiss to her neck before following it up with one to her cheek, soft and chaste. He doesn’t dare push it any further, even if his eyes do catch on her lips for the briefest of moments. March doesn’t seem to notice. Just smiles, bright and cheery as always, and for a moment, Dan Heng can almost pretend that she isn’t in heat. That they’re together because she wants him, not just because she wants an alpha. That the vanilla seeping into the sheets is meant for him, and him alone. “Not sure you’d make it long without me,” he continues, punctuating his words with a thrust up into her. It tears a cry from March and he feels even more slick spill out around him, wet and desperate. “Ready to go again and my knot hasn’t even gone down yet.” “It’s not my fault! You’re the one who’s still on top of me!” March says, offering a dramatic pout. It’s difficult to take it too seriously though, when she’s still moaning every time Dan Heng shifts just a centimetre. “Whatever you say, angel.”
himeko and you
['ren (aeily)']
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Short & Sweet
['Ecchiwolf', 'The_Wolve', 'Lasnxra', 'Yue111']
"You're back, Himeko." You look over your shoulder and said to the tall figure standing at the door. "Ah, yes..I just returned from the Space Station." she smiled a bit and walked over to sit down next to you. You put your book down and run your fingers through her ruby red hair, pulling Himeko closer for a small kiss. "Oh!" Himeko let out a surprised noise, as a slight shade of pink starts to appear on her face. "I'll go make you a cup of coffee, Himeko." you let out a chuckle as she looks into your eyes and blushes again. "Thank you!" she murmurs. When you return with the coffee, Himeko was already deep in slumber. "Pfft, Himeko must have been really tired from work today," you smile. "she's such a workaholic..I really need to make sure she's getting enough rest every night." You set the coffee on the table, then carrying Himeko back to her room and tucking her into bed. As Himeko lets out small snores that you could barely hear, a grin slowly spread across your face. She's so cute... you think to yourself.
Take Me to the Sea
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
['littleperegrine', 'steelsilver', 'bleblebl', 'D33JAYYY', 'NullNadia', 'MiharuError', 'MariFaye', 'Nyph', 'Azuos', 'csal07', 'Astrealiaa', 'AnonX', 'SoManyQuestions', 'VertexDrifter', 'Myx_Shinuro', 'YuriLover7', 'Izzy101', 'EP_Jinxed_C929', 'Geester_02', 'MrMogi', 'czar_taro', 'I_am_amazing_wright', 'Palka', 'guiyun', 'kleponrebus', 'LittleGhostlyRose', 'Kotofeila', 'd0anmy', 'notdeadforlong', 'ItzBlueRiders', 'Spiritual_Rock_Janitor', 'stonekyul', 'forallyourtragediesillwritehappyendings', 'chifuyuenthusiast', 'ReinesYatogami647', 'SinGala', 'goehsten', 'phoenjx', 'bruh_itz_lily', 'electrobirb', 'theYukino', 'tsunlip', 'KakumeiNoHi', 'queengin', 'Peri_Peri', 'the_blonde_girl', 'Zenguinie', 'Eha', 'Hisun', 'ExLuck']
The Boulder Town Library was a modest establishment with a good variety of books ranging from fictional stories to informational reference books. Of course, the number of books in the library paled in comparison to the Grand Archives of Belobog which contained a significantly larger collection. One bookshelf in the Grand Archives could hold all the books the Boulder Town Library stored. For Seele, the books she liked to read the most were about Jarilo-VI’s ecosystems. Growing in the underground provided little variety in scenery; all Seele knew was the damp, cold rocks surrounding her and the faintly glowing geomarrow. So, seeing images of Jarilo-VI before the Eternal Freeze was just as fantastical as fiction. From deserts to forests, it was all so foreign to her. However, there was one place she always found herself drawn to: the sea. Seele sat at a table by herself, while Natasha read a children's story to the Moles, who were intently listening. Flipping through the pages of an ocean encyclopedia, she looked at the various images of the rolling azure waters and beaches. The people living in the images didn’t have to worry about the deathly cold and enjoyed spending their time on the sandy shores under warm and comforting sunlight. She couldn’t believe that this was her home. The sights she saw were as alien as the trailblazers that saved her world. Like she has done countless times before, she closed her eyes and imagined herself walking along the shore. However, for some reason, now it felt unfulfilling. Almost like her dream wasn't enough for her anymore, and it caused her to wonder why she had this longing manifest within her. What happened to her? What changed? The door to the library swung open and the tranquil atmosphere was quickly pushed aside as March 7th entered the building, carrying a stack of books. It seemed a vibrant energy always accompanied the young trailblazer. Dan Heng followed behind her and also carried some books. When March saw Seele, she quickly walked over to the table and plopped the books down onto it. “Hiya Seele!” Dan sighed as he gently lowered the books down. “March, this is a library. You should keep your voice down. “Oops…” March let out a nervous chuckle as she sat down at the table. Seele looked at the books that the two of them brought in. “What is all this?” “Books from the Astral Express.” March wiped the sweat off her forehead. “I don’t know why we couldn’t have sent this digitally, so we didn’t have to carry all this weight…” “I apologize for the inconvenience, March.” An elegant voice came from the entrance as Bronya entered the room. She looked over at Seele and softly smiled. “Good Morning, Seele.” “Sup.” Seele closed the book she was reading and put it to the side. “So, what are these books about?” Bronya walked over and picked up one of the books March brought in. “It’s the Astral Express’s catalogue of the various planets they visited.” “Wait, I thought they weren’t going to give us a hand?” “Well, I asked Mr. Yang if we could have information about the other worlds out there. He was hesitant at first, but then decided to give us these.” Bronya opened the book and showed it to Seele. The only things in the book were images and an accompanying caption. On the page Bronya was showing there was nothing but pictures of shores and seas from various planets. Seele resisted her urge to take the book and look at everything in it. “So, it’s a picture book?” “Yes.” “And I took some of those pictures too!” March said excitedly. “March…” Dan gestured for her to lower her voice. March covered her mouth with her hand and whispered. “Sorry…” Bronya let out a soft giggle before looking back at the book. “I asked for them to print out two sets. One for here and one for the Grand Archives. At least with these books, our people can see what is in hold for us past the skies of our home.” Seele’s eyes turned their gaze onto the book she was reading. But I’d rather see what we had here… March’s phone rang loudly in the library, prompting another sigh from Dan. She quickly answered the call. “Hello? Oh, Stelle, what’s up? Ah! Ok, we’ll be up there right away.” “What did she say?” Dan asked. “She said that Serval and Clara have something to show us, so we better not keep ‘em waiting.” March stood up and started running to the door. “Last one there is a rotten egg!” Dan pinched the bridge of his nose. “That girl… I’ll see you two later.” “Farewell.” Bronya bowed her head. “See ya.” Seele waved goodbye. Bronya then looked at the books on the table. “So, do you mind if I ask for your help in sorting these books?” Seele scoffed with a smile. “Well, I suppose it’d be rude to let the princess do any heavy lifting. Don’t want you to break a nail or anything.” … After having lunch with Bronya, Seele and her stood on a balcony at Qlipoth Fort. This balcony gave them a view that looked past the walls of Belobog and out into the frozen and desolate wasteland around them. “Thanks for the lunch,” Seele said. “Y’know, I’m surprised you can cook.” Bronya raised an eyebrow. “Why does that surprise you?” “Because I thought a princess like you would just have servants make you food.” “Well, to be honest, I had little time to cook for myself, so you are right about that, but it didn’t stop me from learning when I could,” Bronya said. “Call me sentimental, but there’s something about eating food you cooked yourself makes it that more filling.” “Maybe you can teach me a thing or two then,” Seele joked. Bronya didn’t seem to catch the joke. “If you want, I can find time in my schedule.” “Oh… Well, I-I don’t want to take time out of the Supreme Guardian’s busy schedule. You probably have more important things to work on than teaching me how to cook.” “Nonsense, I think spending time with you is important.” “Really?” Bronya’s cheeks suddenly turned red as she realized what she said. “I-I mean as a friend. Yes, spending time with friends is important.” Seele chuckled at her reaction which caused Bronya to furrow her eyebrows. “What are you laughing at?” “I just think it’s funny to see you so flustered.” Seele admitted. “When we first met all I saw was a cold and stuck-up Silvermane guard.” “Well, your first impression was a hot-tempered and rambunctious Wildfire lieutenant.” Bronya gazed into Seele’s eyes. “It seems we balanced each other out in a way.” Now it was Seele’s turn to get flustered as she blushed. She quickly turned to look out the balcony and towards the frozen expanse, wanting to change the topic to avoid any embarrassment. “Do you think we’ll see our home back to normal?” “I’m… not sure. From what the trailblazers told me, it’ll take a long time.” Bronya told her. “For all my life, the only world I knew was one of an unfeeling and deathly cold, and it’s something I tire of.” “Yea…” Seele closed her eyes and felt the gentle, but cold breeze against her skin. “Is something on your mind?” Bronya asked. Seele opened her eyes which had a dreamy look behind them. “Ever since I was little, I always wanted to go to the sea. I read about it a lot in the books at the library and imagined how it’d be to live on Jarilo before the Eternal Freeze. I want to feel the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze as I walk alongside the waters on the shore. To watch the sunset as it sinks down into the horizon of the sea.” Seele looked at Bronya who had a surprised expression on her face which caused Seele to grow a little embarrassed. “S-Sorry, that must sound childish.” “No, not at all. Having such dreams is something everyone has.” Bronya assured her. "Yea..." Bronya then took hold of Seele’s hand. “You made me a promise once. So, I ask you to allow me to make you a promise.” Seele was surprised by the sudden request. "Ok, I think it's only fair." “I promise that I’ll take you to the sea where we can walk along the shore and feel the gentle breeze and warm sunlight. Where we can watch the sunset together as the blue sky turns into a spectacular twilight, and where we can gaze up at the stars dotting the black canvas of the sky and towards a grander future.” Bronya said with nothing but a smile on her face and a hopeful look in her eyes. “I promise we’ll do this together.” Seele looked down at her hand before looking into Bronya’s eyes. She gently squeezed Bronya’s hand and realized why she felt so unfulfilled about her dream when she was in the library. Even though she knew it was unlikely that she would see Jarilo’s seas once more, it didn’t matter to Seele. That promise meant everything to her, and she couldn't ask for anyone else to make the promise other than Bronya. Surprising Bronya, Seele pulled her close and wrapped her arms around the young Supreme Guardian's waist. Bronya let herself melt into Seele's arms and looked up into those soft azure eyes of the Wildfire lieutenant. The coldness around them felt non-existent as the two of them enjoyed the caring and loving warmth of their embrace.
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Semi-Public Sex, Hand Jobs, dan heng whimpers for sure, Top Caelus, Bottom Dan Heng
['cilovecek', 'LunarCrystal27', 'SavanaSirin', 'Honeycloudress', 'airo_plane', 'rose_june', 'RainySho', 'archivisteism', 'Blacklily', 'Nik_Mim', 'stevnwebs', 'electroids', '0k3an0s', 'katsukin', 'LadyImago', 'clairsentient', 'Kara_01', 'a_monochrome_iris', 'HasilBallward', 'dandanhung', 'Hellenn0_0', 'AccidentsHappen', 'StellarSpace', 'mortalcreator', 'SquidLawd', 'IDontKnowHer', 'StarconchTheGamer', 'I_really_like_sunflowers', 'DefinetlyNotME', 'srvipers', 'Ribes', 'GrasveBon', 'meadowaries', 'Marc_is_weird_af', 'lumenspars', 'charismagiselle', 'todotouya', 'Knockoff_Naruto', 'all_ivvant', 'doriechili', 'DearBear98', 'pandandango', 'simakovk9', 'v1v1sH', 'KeigoGDK_01', 'alexxir', 'Okashi_GasterWhoOccasionallyGoesByLumine', 'Shatterroc', 'Chocolate25', 'kissedkitsch']
If you asked Caelus how it was that he ended up in this situation, he would be unable to answer. He was here, he was the one pinning Dan Heng to the wall, careful to press the palm of his hand against his mouth, silencing him, as he worked at getting the clasps and zipper of his pants undone as Dan Heng tried to help him along with clumsy fingers. He was here, doing this, and was still unable to fathom how he had gotten himself into this situation. They had to be quiet, and yes Caelus was intimately aware of the fact that doing this in a hallway, no matter how abandoned it was, was a poor idea. He just couldn’t help himself, and had little hope of regaining any semblance of control with the way Dan Heng goaded him further, encouraging him to keep going. The final clasp was finally undone, Dan Heng’s shuddery exhale warming the skin of his hand, and Caelus swallowed, thick in his throat. Caelus looked up, into Dan Heng’s gunmetal gray eyes, something inside him churning at the way the man’s eyes already looked glassy. It was good to know that he wasn’t the only one that was eager to start. Caelus brought his free palm, the one that wasn’t pressing against Dan Heng’s lips to silence him, up to his own mouth. He had to avert his eyes for a small moment in order to spit into his palm, slicking it up. He didn’t need his eyes to hear the way the sight of what he had done was enough to draw a small whimper from the back of Dan Heng’s throat. He was careful to avoid unnecessary mess when he brought his hand back down, holding it in a particular way to keep from smearing mess against Dan Heng’s clothes. Caelus was delicate, unable to see where exactly his hand was going, as he slipped his fingers past the fabric of Dan Heng’s underwear. Beneath his hold, the man himself was shivering, and Caelus could not smother the grin that rose when Dan Heng brought up weak hands to grab at his coat in order to brace himself even if he tried. Caelus was certain, absolutely certain that he would never forget the first initial feeling of wrapping his hand around Dan Heng’s cock. He looked up, tried looking into the man’s eyes, but smiled instead at the sight of Dan Heng screwing his eyes shut tightly. Dan Heng was heavy in his palm, already hard and straining against the confines of his clothing, and Caelus was more than willing to help him out. The saliva on his palm made it almost painfully easy to pull his hand up from the base to the tip, and when Caelus pressed a curious thumb against the head of his cock, he could feel Dan Heng tremble beneath him. The ambient noise of the surrounding hallways was almost overwhelming, but Caelus found himself more interested in Dan Heng in front of him. “You’re warm,” he said, unable to keep the breathiness out of his words, and Dan Heng answered him with a strained, muffled groan. Caelus grinned again, and got to work, pulling at Dan Heng’s cock, gentle enough to not hurt, but enough that it had the muscles of the man’s stomach tightening and straining as he braced himself against nothing. The puffs of air from Dan Heng’s nose grew faster, more frantic, as Caelus repeated the same motion, over and over again. His own cock almost ached against the inside of his pants, but he was unsure he would be able to tear his gaze away from Dan Heng if he even tried. The hands that Dan Heng used to clutch at Caelus’s coat tightened, gripping and tugging at the fibers and Caelus huffed out a breath of air, passable as a laugh. Dan Heng shuddered, and Caelus could feel the way his cock twitched in his hand, responsive, almost overreacting to the way Caelus touched him. Another strained, small whimper got stuck in Dan Heng’s throat, this time, followed quickly by another, and then another one. Caelus knew what to do. He shifted, pressing Dan Heng further into the wall, feeling the man shudder out an exhale at the pressure, and adjusted his wrist, picking up speed, savoring the way Dan Heng’s thighs trembled as the man struggled to hold himself upright. The only sounds between them were the wet ones from Dan Heng’s cock, and the frantic puffs of air that Dan Heng strained to let out. All it took was a final press of the pad of his thumb against the slit of Dan Heng’s cock, precut wetting it further, and the man shuddered apart in Caelus’s arms. The warmth of his cum spattering against his hand was enough to heat his cheeks with a blush, and he swallowed, working Dan Heng through his orgasm as the man shuddered and shook. Caelus had to adjust his grip on him when one of the man’s knees gave out, threatening to send him to the floor. For a moment, all they did was breathe, Caelus finally drawing his palm away from Dan Heng’s mouth, something in his chest burning at the red mark he’d left from the pressure. It looked lurid against his pale skin. He ignored the straining in his own pants in order to zip Dan Heng up with his newly freed hand, wiping the mess that Dan Heng had made off in his underwear before re-buckling the few clasps that sat in the same spot. The man himself was entirely unhelpful, and for half a moment, Caelus was worried he had gone too far, but another look up at him was enough to sate his worries. Dan Heng had opened his eyes again, but barely, his eyebrows scrunching up in the middle as he tried to relax his breathing. Caelus savored the way his face pinked with a new flush at the eye contact, Dan Heng having to look away from his gaze as Caelus fixed him up. He huffed out a laugh, Dan Heng grumbling out something quiet that Caelus didn’t quite catch. He kept grinning, though, an odd giddiness running through him. “Your room later?” Caelus asked, pleased to see the way a small grin toyed at the corner of Dan Heng’s lips. “Of course, just message me before you come over.” And Caelus chuckled again, leaning forward far enough to press a kiss against Dan Heng’s jawline, the man grumbling out another ineffective word, but giving Caelus a bracing squeeze as he straightened. Caelus really hoped that there had been no cameras in this hallway.
Estelle's [MC] daily life in Astral Express
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Family Fluff, Astral Express as found family, I will add the tag as the chapter going
['Lunarlyssa', 'NarT', 'Mayhem_Anarchy', 'sp0ade', 'GhostGirl29', 'LivingThing8', 'stonekyul', 'LinniLotus', 'Anglea', 'Bag_Rat', 'Mehran199', 'Renova_Deen', 'Fiugk17', 'MrWolfyWifi', 'ReadingWanderer', 'Alba743', 'str4wb4bie', 'AlainBv', 'xxKal_Exx', 'Khanhlinh6809', 'deasiaj', 'tyu121']
It had been about a month since she had joined Astral Express, time had flown by quickly. Estelle has almost always wondered how it was possible for the Astral Express crew to look so much like a family. She knew that they weren't really related by blood or anything, but for some unknown reason they were able to act like a real family.   There's Himeko, a Navigator from Astral Express who is said to often collect a collection of "unique" items and repair them to like new and to be honest, their condition can be said to be perfect.   Himeko is like a mother to the Astral Express crew members because she always patiently tells you something you want to know and teaches you patiently. She even often reminds you of something that you have forgotten and from that alone, it is something that you really appreciate from her presence in your life.   But, even there are times when Himeko becomes careless and pushes herself when it comes to one of the things she researches.   Just like what happened about a week ago, I knocked on Himeko's cabin door to wake her up because breakfast was ready. But for some reason, she doesn't even answer my calls one bit. That made me really worried about her. So I tried to open the cabin door, only to find it locked. I became even more worried, so I finally decided to kick open her door and find her on the floor asleep with various research papers she was working on.   I heaved a sigh of relief seeing that nothing dangerous had happened to her and entered her room. I'm confused how and what to do. She looked tired, but she had to eat her breakfast so she wouldn't end up sick later. I looked at her face and could see the dark circles under her eyes. So I decided to give up on waking her up, and instead I lifted her onto her bed so she could sleep comfortably of course I didn't forget to tuck her in too. Afterwards, I brought her the breakfast I had made and placed it on her study table. A day later, I saw her back in full spirits at breakfast and felt grateful that I made the right decision yesterday. Himeko watched me and smiled at my father as I walked over to sit on the chair next to her.   "Estelle, come and have tea with me. There are also snacks that you like. I prepared them specially for you," Himeko said while winking at me. I saw my favorite biscuit, and ended up unable to refuse it and finally sat happily beside it.   Himeko just smiled when she saw me eating the snacks she prepared with a happy heart. Then she finally opened the conversation for the first time after she observed for a while, "Estelle, I have to thank you for transferring me to the bed yesterday so that I don't have to end up having back pain when I wake up later... hahaha," Himeko expressed her gratitude to Estelle before she finally started laughing after seeing Estelle eat.   Estelle who was wholeheartedly eating the prepared snacks was confused as to why Himeko started laughing after seeing her face but knowing her priority she decided not to ask what she was laughing about. "I don't mind helping you at all, Himeko. After all you have brought me to this Astral Express and made me have a place to live and not have to stay in places that are not fit for sleeping. On top of that, the Astral Express has an amazing view of the stars in outer space that I can't even begin to complain about how I have to repay you guys for the amount I owe you guys. And also, if it wasn't for Himeko inviting me to ride the Astral Express, I would never have known what it was like to be one Trailblazer and exploring various places on other planets. So, I feel very grateful since you brought it and feel that I have to repay you somehow," said Estelle who spoke at length and width which even made her wonder how she could talk so much.   Himeko who paid attention to Estelle's sentence was stunned, "Fufu.. you look very cute when you're trying to explain what you're doing, but you don't need to try to do that. I decided to accept you as part of us because I want you to think that you are accepted, here as part of us... not to repay me. I just thought that it would be good for March 7th as well as Dan Heng if you joined us. Welt also agreed with that, so you don't need to feel relieved by this, Okay?" She said while stroking Estelle's head.   "By the way, Estelle-chan?" "Yes?" "How can you not realize that there are crumbs of biscuits on your cheeks hahaha," Himeko laughed while cleaning the crumbs of biscuits that were on Estelle's cheeks. "E- eh?!" Estelle felt very embarrassed because she had shown something that was so inappropriate to see like this. She felt like burying herself in a hole, so that she wouldn't have to feel this immense shame.   Estelle opened her eyes after she finished remembering the embarrassing incident that happened last week. She is very embarrassed when it happens, but sometimes even the most embarrassing events can make her realize something. The fact that she is so loved, is one of them. And it made her very happy because she never thought that something like that could happen to her. She doesn't remember her past after all, but it doesn't matter now. What matters is the fact that she is here and now she is loved. That's the only thing that matters to her. Estelle closed her eyes in the hope that she would see more things to make her feel grateful that she was on the Astral Express.
mutual understanding
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail)
hsr spoilers, Short & Sweet, Romantic Fluff, can be viewed as platonic too, Headaches & Migraines
['Demnlex', 'Gentlewriter58', 'Sirius_Liv', 'Lisa_Libao', 'Sand_A_Man', 'UwU_KreizI_UwU', 'seventysix', 'ruiwa', 'wishtobefictional', 'wanewine', 'nightlywispr', 'Kallan123', 'annavalentina', 'aimixx', 'otchayannyy_shipper', 'RhymesAndDaydreams', 'MysteriousMagic', 'Sophiebear2622', 'greenmaple', 'Quackers645', 'minaviolet', 'nishaaaahhhh', 'bella_donna418', 'whitea_crow', 'Melonieu', 'GoldenheartXx', 'MiYukie_7', 'probablypadders', 'Wanderingdogs', 'satircallyhere', 'BasketofFruit', 'traumaticfanficwriter', 'keka_firefrog', 'Immortal_Divinity', 'Lei_Re', 'JTSkibbles', 'Emerald258', 'jmayworks', 'DespicablyCharming', 'WhiffleWaffles', 'sheennone22', 'Lyniestte', 'peachpaladin', 'Coneko_578', 'featherykiss', 'Togape', 'Lxgan_23', 'trixiyahoo', 'RakanMain', 'Zoey_Creates']
Polar opposites they are. While he yearns for moments of comfortable, tranquil silence, all she wanted was to go on yet another adventure that had a fifty-fifty chance of turning into an ambush.    Danheng silently thanks whoever has been watching over him. Ever since the arrival of their new travelling companion, March has visibly been holding herself back a lot more. He still sees the way her eyes sparkle upon catching a glimpse of a place of interest when they roam the streets of Jarilo-IV, but that spark would be snuffed out the moment she took into account Stelle’s presence.   He knows it is because she is concerned for Stelle’s safety, and doesn't want to bring her to places that might pose a threat to her well-being.    Sometimes, March will catch Danheng’s silent, observing gaze and something will pass between them. She regains that little spark of light that never stops clinging onto her, while he just nods. He doesn't know what to call these short, seemingly insignificant moments of understanding between them. Friendship?   Danfeng doesn't get the opportunity to speak to her privately the moment they set foot into Jarilo, until a certain blue-haired man poisons them with gas.             March wakes up with a migraine that makes her feel as though her head is in the process of being ripped apart from the insides. Memories from the night before come rushing back like a tidal wave. A vivid image of being surrounded by Bronya and the Silvermane Guards flashes into her mind, followed by the distinct dark blue of Sampo’s dark blue hair as she lost consciousness.   And now, here she is.   “What the hell was in that gas, seriously?”    Slowly, March turns her head towards Danheng, who happens to be laying right beside her. She does not think about the very few inches between their bodies.    March laughs. Or at least, she tries to. What comes out of her mouth sounds more like a strangled gasp. She feels her face heat from embarrassment.    “...Are you alright?” Danheng tilted his head to get a better look at her, his eyes filled with concern.    “Of course,” she replies, keeping the worsening pain of the migraine out of her voice. March doesn’t want to think about the embarrassment of Danheng finding out about the suffering she’s enduring. “Why wouldn’t I be?”   He hesitates. “It’s just that you sound as if someone took your camera away.”   Alarmed, she pats her sides to find the camera still on her person. A soft sigh of relief escapes her.    A snort can be heard from beside her, and March almost shifts to hit Danheng’s shoulder before her head starts to throb even more painfully. She hardly holds back her wince.   Danheng sits up on his elbows, looking down at her in obvious worry now. “March, what’s wrong?”   She averts her gaze and wills her attention away from the pain and towards his voice. “Nothing.”   “Doesn’t sound like it.”   “It’s just a minor headache, jeez.” she snaps and regret hits her instantly. “...I didn’t mean to say it like that.”   To her surprise, Danheng gets up and rummages through his pockets before handing her a blister pack, half of the bubbles already empty. “I always carry these with me in case I get a migraine. I know how debilitating it can be, take one.” he explains.   She blinks, not knowing what to say to him. March has never seen him suffer through a migraine before, which should’ve happened at least once since they have been travelling companions for so long. Why is she only finding out now?   “Thank you.” March accepts it and swallows one, scrunching her face up at the bitter aftertaste.    Silence ensues.    She wonders how many other things she doesn’t know about Danheng, and the number that she ends up with turns out to be a lot. She’s always been curious about him, but also knows that he’s not always down for chit-chat or retellings of life stories.    March has never pried much and only listens when he’s willing to share, which happens to be on rare occasions. It occurred mostly5 during the aftermath of dangerous missions, where they would be in an infirmary in the dark of night and he would bring up some detail about his childhood in a moment of vulnerability. There was an unspoken vow to never talk about it the next day, but March would find herself looking at him differently in the week that followed.   She is looking at him differently now, as well.   “Do you miss adventuring?”   The sudden question throws her off guard, and she jerks her head towards him just a little too quickly. “Everyday is an adventure.”   He raises an eyebrow at March, calling bullshit on her.   “It’s not as fun as it used to be, but I’m still liking it a lot,” she says, deciding on a half-truth.    A smirk plays on his lips, and March frowns at him. “What?”   “Liar,” he replies, almost teasingly. “I know you better than you might think, March.”   She huffs out a breath. “I’m not lying.”   His smirk only grows. “Your hands fidget a lot when you lie.”   Looking down at her fingers, she scoffs and stills them. “So what if I’m lying?”   Danheng shrugs. “You don’t have a reason to lie. I won’t tell Stelle and cause unnecessary worry.”   March almost chokes on her own saliva. “Y-you won’t?”   “I don’t have a reason to…”   Determined, she sits up and faces him. “Swear on it.”   He stares at her outstretched pinky with incredulity, like he can’t believe what she’s saying. “Are you five years old?”   March rolls her eyes at him but stands her ground. “C’mon.”   Resigned, he holds out his pinky and intertwines it with hers. The warmth of Danheng’s pinky alone takes her by surprise, feeling her heart leap in her chest.   “Happy now?” he asks, disconnecting their hands while laughing.    March nods, feeling a little light-headed, and it wasn’t from just the migraine. 
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['RichardPham', 'WolfyKnight5071', 'Maxxo', 'Glaucouss', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'the_blonde_girl', 'godcats', 'n1cole_0726', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Thelainn', 'jamjamx', 'Anastasiz', 'Wali']
Bronya was at work, as always waiting for Seele to come visit her while working on her documents. She really likes it when Seele’s around, though she thinks it’s weird how Seele only smiles and nods at her and doesn’t talk, but she still appreciates Seele’s presence. Although there might be something the Silvermane princess doesn’t know about.. Bronya was focused on her work when she suddenly sensed another presence in the room, she looked up and saw Seele standing in front of the desk. ‘’Hey Seele! Welcome back, how was it at the underground?’’ Bronya asked as she watched Seele take a chair to sit beside Bronya. ‘’Just as usual’’ Seele spoke out as she sat down beside Bronya and then started watching Bronya work. Bronya gave Seele a smile before continuing working, not seeing Seele’s worried face. She was quite focused on her work and in denial. Bronya suddenly jumped as she heard Seele sighed and turned her head to look at Seele, the sigh sounds quite worrying for her that she couldn’t ignore. ‘’Seele, are you okay?’’ The Silvermane woman asked, she didn’t see Seele smile anymore, instead having a worried face ‘’You should stop being in denial, you know..’’ The undergrounder woman replied, Bronya was confused by what she heard. ‘’What do you mean, Seele?’’ Bronya asked, confused. It was then she remembered — It was a busy day for the people at the surface and below the surface. It was also quite worrying for Bronya because Seele wasn’t back yet, but she tried to be less worried because Seele might have just more stuff to do at the Underground. That was until she received the news. No one knew what or who attacked the blue haired woman, but she was found dead at Rivet town. No one knew why she was there, no one knew what happened there. She was shocked by the news that she started overworking, trying to forget it. But, every night she curled up in bed and cried, she missed Seele so much that even though she’s dead she still hallucinated that Seele’s there and alive. — ‘’Oh..’’ Bronya could feel herself tearing up again as she wiped her tears. The princess looked at where Seele was again and she realised that the chair was never even there or was Seele. She was alone since just now, all alone focusing on her work and talking with no one Bronya took a deep breath as she rubbed her eyes, she really missed that woman.
Cold skin warmed by metal hands
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Clara (Honkai: Star Rail) & Svarog (Honkai: Star Rail)
Clara (Honkai: Star Rail), Svarog (Honkai: Star Rail)
Clara is so cute wtf, Clara and svarog family goals, why aren't there more tags for them, there's no fics for them, ... - Freeform, fine i'll do it myself, Found Family, Fluff, Light Angst, Comfort, i dont even have her dude i just am so fixated on her and svarog im foaming at the mouth, OOC, cool friends beta read 4 me, cried so hard and loud reading their dialogue, Nightmares, Crying, Cuddling & Snuggling, Family Fluff, svarog the father, Short One Shot
['Buiju_dame99', 'best_usernam3', 'ShadowSpir1t', 'Stardraw', 'randomness40', 'GiGiTori', 'lwjsmilkies', 'H_Beans_sayshello', 'Clockwork_Chimera', 'xluathebluex', 'Moonlight_Dragonfire', 'Radiobeeps', 'WatashiwaFlorayka', 'holysxxb', 'Cheese_Cryptid', 'egg_egg_egg', 'R3_l', 'Veronika23', 'shiro_tora', 'whiteReaper', 'Dramatic_thespian_girl', 'BrokenMemories', 'DigimonLover09', 'DrTeddy', 'Renelia', 'Enby_Sif', 'Nyolou', 'CryingFORSYTHIA', 'JJeLL', 'Bk32', 'Drowning_In_Sorrow', 'SL33PP4R4LYS1S', 'Rii02', 'ConsumeTheBread', 'squierd', 'StarIsSleepy', 'breathinglung', 'SauronsDemise', 'Commander_Druson', 'Hopeless_Asexual_Bread', 'mureow', 'mango_nutz', 'ShmoreyIsShmepic', 'StickyHoneycombKitty', 'moon_13', 'Inobi_Yo_Powa', 'Theunicornpotatoequeen', 'Xavierisanemo', 'krunchie', 'fwescy']
Clara was awoken up by a strange, loud noise, that abruptly stopped as soon as she came to clarity. her throat hurt. was.. that her? did she scream in her sleep? she became suddenly aware of the sweat that slicked her skin and the tears that dampened her face. the pounding of her heart and lightheadedness. did,, she have a nightmare? what happened? the nightmare came back in bits and pieces, her tears returning and increasing with each little detail. Mr Svarog! he was hurt in her dream, and she couldn't help him. he got too hurt and- and then.. Clara whimpered lowly, curling up with her pillows and blankets, wrapping them as tightly around her as she could to simulate the feeling of being held. She desperately wanted to get out of bed to creep down and see him, knowing he often stood stationary by the front door. But- but she couldn't! She couldn't do that! it'd disturb him- and- and- she would never want to distract him from his important duties. but.. maybe.. maybe she could just take a little peak? maybe just check a little bit and see if he's okay- see if he's still there! she doesn't even need to talk to him, just look for a little. yeah! that's what she'll do- clara decided with a nod and sniffle. she shuffled out of bed, a squeak escaping her as her feet touched the ice-cold floor, shivering and leaning over to drag a heavy blanket around her shoulders before making her way towards her door, slowly creaking it open and tip-toeing towards the main entrance. she peeked around the corner, catching the sight of glinting metal by the door and sighing out of relief. he's there! now just to creep a little closer to make sure he's okay and everything is running right. she pulled closer to the wall and pushed towards him some more- but, to her dismay- the sight of him alright and there brought more tears to her eyes. she sniffled again, a bit too loudly this time, however, because when she glanced back up at Mr Svarog, he was walking closer, the heavy thumps of his footsteps familiar and calming. however, she knew he would notice something was wrong, and that panicked her a little. she backed up a little too fast, heel catching on the blanket pooled around her feet and slipped backwards with a loud yelp. only, she never hit the ground. She could feel the cold seeping through her blanket and clothes from his familiar hands- one on her back and the other lightly holding her arm. he spoke. "Miss Clara. Are you alright? You are not hurt, are you?" and- though she knew he could tell whether or not she was hurt, she appreciated the gesture in asking and letting her talk. clara shook her head, trying to steel her nerves to tell him that she was okay, but her throat closed up. tears built in her eyes once again and her lips formed into a shaky frown. she sobbed, pulling herself towards his chest desperately with a few soft whimpers, curling into him and clutching at his coat. her blanket lay abandoned on the floor as she cried quietly. "Miss Clara. Why is it that you cry?" He asked, robotic voice sounding soft in a way it only did around her, and it made her cry harder. she couldn't speak. she sniffled weakly and forced out an anguished hum as he gently placed the blanket back over her shoulders and then held her firmly. she didn't startle even when he scooped her legs up and stood while holding her, trusting in him completely to keep her safe and steady. Svarog began moving. slow, calm steps back towards her warm bed with a large, comforting hand pressed firmly to her back was enough to calm her enough to speak, even though it was but only a whisper; "i.. had a nightmare.. mr svarog. 'm sorry for bothering you with it.." clara apologized, sniffles and little sad whines breaking up her words as he listened silently. Svarog paused for a moment to place her down on her bed and bring the blanket close to her with gentle movements. "It is alright, Miss Clara. You are not bothering me. By my calculations, there was nothing that you could have interrupted or kept me from doing regardless." he assured, hesitating only slightly to sit down on the bed next to the trembling girl and ever so gently wipe away the fat tears running down her cheeks. she, very slowly, scooted closer and tugged lightly at his coat, shyly peeking up at him with her sad, watery eyes. he realized what she wanted and was silently asking for by doing this and laid down, very gently curling a protective arm around her small frame. she breathed a heavy breath, wiping at her eyes and scrubbing at her nose a little. only just now did she realize how sleepy she still was. it must be very late, clara decided, distractedly pulling a tad closer and curling into his side. the warmth of his internal heater felt wonderful, and the dull sounds of his machinery lulled her into a soft haze. her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, but in a pleasant, floaty way. she wanted to stay like this forever, and promptly mumbled out something of that meaning. though, clara couldn't exactly be sure of what she really said. Svarog very carefully carded his fingers through her snowy hair, listening as her breathing grew softer and paying attention to how her muscles relaxed in his hold. She was so very tiny in comparison. it made something within him feel a strange urge to protect her. though, he didn't mind it too much. not when it came to her. never when it came to her. he glanced down when she began mumbling a little, leaning up into him and sleepily peeking her eyes open, a soft little grin splitting her lips as she looked at him adoringly. "m'svarog. h'ppy y're here..." she slurred out, words strange with how her face was squished against the pillow against his metal side. Svarog rumbled out a soft response- "I am happy you are here too, miss Clara." by his calculations, she'd like hearing that, and he did always find himself a little warm in the chest when she was happy. of course, he was correct. her grin widened into a tired smile, and her red eyes sparkled despite their tired, barely lucid gaze. she giggled just a little bit, and snuggled into her spot tucked safely against him. "L've you dad,," Clara trailed off on her final word, sleep finally taking her. Svarog stilled, internal fan kicking up a notch when he processed what she said, warmth radiating from him as he mulled over clara's words. He had calculated that it was a possibility that she had seen him this way- the way a child would see a father- however it stirred something within him to have it confirmed. something warm and protective. he turned closer to Clara, gathering her in his arms and pulling her closer. She truly is something special.
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Welt Yang/Reader, Welt Yang & Reader
Welt Yang, Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blow Jobs, Fingerfucking, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Praise Kink, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, i hope i made the reader have an ambiguous no no area i try, anyway, Pet Names, Hurt/Comfort, welt yang and the case of the emotional baggage in chapter two, I am still bad at tagging
['Kokopoofs', 'nichiyoubi', 'feldear', 'Ok_kelpie', 'Fern_Birdie', 'snow_cold', 'creepypastah', 'SaoirsEtoile', 'Shalllyy_73', 'Yuki_Doragon', 'cloudywachanceofme', 'Mrkujoh1', 'margotlovesu', 'MangoAisu', 'ghostie_bin', 'chadzuu', 'rabbitts', 'shitmichael', 'drinkingmaitais', 'Elly_Elly', 'gaylydefault', '5TAR', 'scp2256', 'bellamythebased', 'alexeiii', 'MidSummer_Night_Love', 'lilicore', 'I_we_rr', 'TBR', 'THPuppeteer', 'drifts_wife', 'Saylynn', 'LadyQuetzalli', 'fr_nka', 'therealestunreal', 'Ewiiissu', 'EmotionalDamagePerson', 'YoureNotEvenReady', 'molgam', 'Fuuyuk0', 'ryotacchii', 'Salmonsal', 'IAm_Mink', 'MoonlitTeaByTrainTracks', 'Sspideath', 'Kawaiineko_heichou', 'kunikuzushii', 'youaskedfurret', 'kaojiro', 'Neam_stanmdzs']
"You have to be more quiet," Welt moaned, gloved hand tangled within your hair. The load slurping of your mouth wrapped around his rosy cock filled the room, completely dark save for the starlight entering in through the cabin window. "God... you know Himeko might hear..." He brings a free hand up to his mouth to muffle a particularly sinful noise that manages to escape. You look up at him, eyes half-lidded, and pull off of him with a long suck to the tip. "Okay? We both know she won't be in her room." You lick at the pearl beading at the tip of your thumb, causing Welt to shudder and buck up into your hand. "I suppose you... might be right..." Smirking at him, you trail your tongue up the length of his dick, his head throwing back in pleasure. Whispering an expletive under his breath, he opens his legs wider, jerking his hips up needily. "You look cute like this," you say sweetly, making the man grunt in acknowledgment. Welt looks down at you, eyes glazed over in ecstasy, chest heaving while you shamelessly pump his length, grinding against the heel of your foot as you do. Your sensitive spot runs over your heel in a way that makes you groan, nearly unraveling in front of the lust-driven man. Breath hitching, you pause your hand, eyes fluttering shut as you catch your breath. "Mmn, sorry..." you mutter, the blush on your cheeks growing by the second. He shakes his head weakly. "No it's fine... let me... feel you, please..." he begged, sweat covering his face. His breathing becomes ragged and hot in the air as he brushes your hair back with his fingers. Hand wrapped around him, you plant a cute kiss on his tip, making him grunt as you stand up and lead him to his bed. Laying down, you pull the disheveled man in for a deep kiss. He hovers over you, needy, and presses his knee in between your legs. You whimper, bucking your hips against him, but he gently collects your wrists and pins your hands over your head with his gloved hand, the other sliding down your sides down to your hips and opening your legs to trail to your crotch. His hand, hot and gentle, rubs gingerly against clothed skin, making you whimper. The more he teases you, the better it feels. He'd tease you on missions, during meetings, at lunch, but you've finally gotten free time to yourselves and the opportunity to do something like this properly. You could barely count the number of times he'd tell the others that he had to speak with you alone before he'd press you up against the wall of a towering building just to press himself deep within you. You've both been so busy, however, to the point that you and Welt couldn't easily hide away like that, and it was obvious to you that he was getting needy and impatient. Leaning down, he brushes your hair back. "I'm going to prep you, do your best to stay still and quiet for me," he breathes, stressing the volume. He moves your underwear off your body and onto the floor as he teases your hole. " ready?" he inquires, an innocent blush on his cheeks. Your breath gets caught in your throat by the sight. You always thought it was cute how much he cared to make sure you were okay in every situation. You start pushing your crotch onto his fingers and grunt. "Yes... please, go ahead, I'm begging," you exhale. He slides his middle and ring finger in you, the stretch making you emit an erotic moan that makes him start fucking you with just his hand. Your hips start fucking him back, and he curses, fingers sliding against your sensitive bundle of nerves inside you. He adds a finger inside you, and you arch your back and let out a choked moan, eyes fluttering shut. His pace quickens and you look up at him, eyes glistening. "Welt, if you keep this up..." He kisses your forehead and nods. "I know dear, but I want you to feel good after waiting with me all this time," he sighs. Your vision grays out and you push yourself up against his fingers helplessly as you moan and climax against his fingers.  You take the time to catch your breath and look at him, some of his hair sticking to his forehead while the rest drape down over his eye. He's had yet to take off his waistcoat or his pants properly, and you can tell that he's pent up and needs to be in you now. Eyeing his appearance, you let out a sigh. "You really look hot right now, you know... Stay like that." His blush grows and he hums in response, positioning himself at your entrance. He lets go of your wrists and takes off his glove. "I didn't hurt you, right?" You shake your head and smile. "No, I'm okay. I'd be even better if you come here and--" A knock a the door. "Welt," a woman's voice calls from behind the door. He swallows, looking at you in a way that makes your heart flutter. "Yes, Himeko?" "Sorry to disturb you, but can you find the others when you're done with what you're doing? We all need to discuss our next destination whenever we can, and I can't just do that with Dan Heng alone." He sits up, rolling his sleeves to his forearm before responding. "You mean March 7th and... yes, I understand. I'll try and wrap this up as fast as I can." Himeko hums. "Take your time, don't want to rush you." The sound of her heels makes it down the hallway before disappearing. After a few seconds of monitoring the sounds from the hallway, he inches his hips closer to yours. His hand makes its way down to your mouth. "My fingers, suck on them," he demands softly. You could've sworn you saw him blushing more, and you giggle. "You into that?" He looks out the window, reddening. "Does it matter right now? We can talk about that after the meeting." You chuckle and take his fingers into your mouth, sucking gently. Welt hums, and pushes his tip inside you, watching your mouth as it parts his fingers and sucks them happily. "That's it... just like that..." His praise makes you moan against his hand, and he smirks, pushing himself deeper within you until his entire length is buried deep within you.  You throw your head back, gripping the sheets. "Ngh, Welt..." you start. "Missed this... missed you..." He leans down to kiss you lovingly, resting his forehead upon yours. "I missed you too, starlight." You smile at the nickname. "Come on, aren't you going to take me?" He hums and starts rolling his hips, the movement of his cock making you clench around him with want. Welt feels this, and he starts hitting your spot harder, a long moan exiting your mouth. "What did I say about you being quiet?" Welt asks, a small grin on his face. "I might have to find new ways to keep you silent the next time Ido this with you, although I think you'd like that, wouldn't you?" You chew on the inside of your cheek and nod, no shame between the two of you. Welt sighs and starts moving harder, faster, and deeper. You exhale sharply and bite down on his pillow to try and silence yourself, your hand trailing down to add more stimulation to yourself, adding to the high that you had when you fucked Welt's hand like it was all you had. Your soft moans turn into silent begging, your hips bucking with each stroke he gives you. The lewd slapping of skin fills the room and turns you on more than you already were before. Your thoughts are on him, only on him, and you feel his hand snake up to intertwine his fingers with yours. The room is filled with both of your sighs and moans while you both call out each other's names as if your minds were wandering anywhere else but to each other. It almost feels like a dream, the way Welt loves you so wholesomely and tenderly, your sex only being a symbol of your deep bond together. You remember how you both have your own stories, how you came to be on the Express in the first place, and remember how your past doesn't matter because Welt doesn't judge you. Nobody on the Express judges you. Your other hand cups Welt's cheek and in between moans, you smile. "I love you, Welt," you sigh, and He kisses your palm. "I love you too, so much." He bends down and buries his head at your shoulder, biting and sucking the skin at your collarbone. You gasp and grab at his back as you clench his hand. "Welt, I think I might..." He nods against you, a high-pitched moan escaping his lips. "Y-yeah..." He begins. "Just keep doing what you were doing... I'll give you what you want, I promise..." You hum and start giving yourself more stimulation again, your rubbing and palming adding to the knot that had been forming for a while at the bottom of your stomach. Welt's praises of you had your pace becoming sloppier, and soon, you find yourself cumming around him, a strained moan leaving your mouth in an attempt to be quiet.  Welt's pace doesn't slow down though, he himself chasing after your climax as you clench around him. With a swift snap of his hips, he fills you up entirely until he can't go any deeper, and cums inside of you, moaning into your neck deeply. You feel his cock twitch within you as he empties himself, and he sits up to look at you, his brow furrowed and his breath heaving as if he ran a marathon. His hand that was still holding yours gets brought up to his lips, and he kisses the back of your hand. "I love you," he whispers. "Now let's get ourselves cleaned up, quick, before Himeko grows impatient, okay?" You nod. "Can we stay like this for a little longer though?" you ask sheepishly. He chuckles. "Whatever you need, my starlight." You love Welt. And there's nothing more rewarding than being his starlight. Welt's come back from the Luofu much more angrier than he usually is. letting the public know i am essentially the most qualified person to write about traumatized welt. i will not elaborate further but just know i do have qualifications and none of them involve a degree super super minor spoilers if you havent done A Knight Stranger (luocha companion quest) and if you dont know anything about honkai (impact 3rd) and/or apho you might be very clueless kinda but that's ok too i dont judge (See the end of the chapter for more notes.) When the door slid open and Welt stomped in through the door with a furrowed brow and his breath heaving, you figured something was up. The same man who doesn’t normally show his emotions, who keeps most things to himself, who doesn’t open up about anything unless it’s alone with you, has just stormed down the hall and into his room, throwing his coat onto the seat with a frustrated grunt.  Normally, you wouldn’t be too worried. Welt does get mad, of course, anyone does from time to time. It was just that this time, Welt seemed so upset to a strange degree. Muttering something under his breath, he pulled off more of the layers around his torso, his skin making brief contact with the air before he pulled a black t-shirt out of his closet to pull on with annoyed force. You didn’t utter a word, watching patiently as he huffed to himself, fumbling with his slacks to change into lounge pants, watching him like he was an animal in the wild. You wondered to yourself what had gotten him so worked up when he was out with Dan Heng and March 7th, but saved it as he made his way to his desk and started penning down different memos and notes in his piles of documents, pulling out new sheets of paper every so often to make new notes. His pen scribbled loudly in the room, and you watched his back wordlessly. Getting up from his bed where you sat to read a book to yourself to pass the time, you walked over and gently rested a hand on his shoulder. He sighed under your touch and looked up at you, the wrinkles at his brow softening. “Welcome home,” you whispered with a light smile. He placed the pen down to brush his fingers over yours and rest them on top of them. His other hand took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. “Sorry,” he mumbled, sounding obviously ashamed by his behavior. “I just didn’t have a good experience out there today, there was this person that made me feel on edge and…” He sighed, the hand on the bridge of his nose opening up to rub at the stress that’s appeared on his face. “It’s been a long day. I’m not in the best of moods.” His hand gently slammed the table as he stood back up to turn towards you. He brought his arms around your torso gently and pulled you in. “I’m home, starlight.” You hugged him back tightly and hummed against his chest, running your hand up and down his back soothingly. “Do you want to tell me about it more?” you inquired, pulling back to look at his face. He hesitated for a bit but nodded, picking his glasses up and walking over to the bed to climb in and set them down at the nightstand. Walking over to the other side, you joined him, climbing in and settling your head on his lap to look up at him, lost in thought over the events of the day. “So about that person?” You inquired, tucking an arm under the blanket and wrapping it around his leg, your hand settling on his thigh. He hummed low in his chest in thought. “A suspicious man on the Luofu… Reminded me of a few people of my past. To make a long story short, neither of them are… the best people that I’ve met. While I know I can’t judge this person at face value…” His sentence drifted off. He stared out the window at the stars that twinkled brightly in the universe. Studying his face, you felt as if it was something that bothered him deeply, something that must’ve stayed with him for a very long time. His brow furrowed and he huffed. “Honestly though, I still can’t shake the possibility from my mind. As it turned out, he was just being a Good Samaritan, but I can’t say either of the people I’ve dealt with have only done horrible deeds, so what happens if he too is just like that? What if I was right and he’ll cause ruin to this world too?” His eyes shut tight, and you could almost hear his heart thumping anxiously in his chest. “What if he ends up getting to you too?” You figure that he didn’t mean to have the last part of his sentence slip out, because you’re sure that his last intention is to make you worry. You wonder what he had to have dealt with for him to have to add “ too ” to his sentence, who else the people in his mind have hurt for him to be so scared and angry. Your other hand lifts up to his cheek and strokes it gently, staring gently in his eyes with a comforting gaze. He exhales shakily when he turns to you and leans into your palm, and an angry tear runs down into the muscle of your hand. You lift your head up and let go of his leg to gently cup his other cheek, thumb wiping away his tears. He doesn’t cry often, so when he does, you always tried your best to make him feel safe. His face fell and he let out a choked out sob, bringing his hands up to rest on top of yours, tears rushing like waterfalls as he brought his knees to his chest. He looked so small like this, as if he had been subconsciously running away from this man since the day he found himself on the express, and had only now accepted that, yes, he’s affected by it all. He shook his head and his body shook gently in your hands. “I don’t want him to hurt you,” he sputtered, hiccuping tears. “I don’t want to lose you too, I really don’t.” You took in a sharp inhale and pulled your hands off his cheeks. He dropped his head to his knees and wrapped his arms around his legs and let himself be overtaken with emotion, allowing you to wrap your arms around his compressed body. “I’m not going anywhere, Welt.” He sniffled underneath you. “You don’t know that,” he started. “You might even be gone tomorrow, and it’ll be my fault for not taking better care of you and keeping you safe.” You hummed, squeezing him tight and drawing him closer. “Hold me close tonight then, and make sure you don’t let go, okay?” Welt hummed ambiguously, and sniffled. “I’ve never been safer, Welt. You make me feel safe. You’ll keep me safe, I know you will. Okay?” He nodded and you smiled to yourself and placed a gentle kiss on the crown of his head, bringing your head down to cocoon him with your body. “I love you,” he weakly crooned, the tension in his body loosening up. You brought a hand overtop his and squeezed it gently. “I love you too, Welt.” i am sorry. i will make it up to you by writing about welt shibari next time. and he will not cry. though i cant promise anything for chapter 4
Unexpected Aid
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Not Beta Read, No Romance, Minor Injuries, trailblazer is caelus(male), author is unsure how to incorporate luocha's splash with belobog, luocha and danheng a bit ooc, mid writing, march and trailblazer appear only at the start, they're not part of the story.... that much, not accurate to the story but it's set right before they meet gepard, they get arrested w/o danheng
['rose_june', 'Zan_Kuma', 'Emma_Shiota', '5unny_deez', 'Feldherr', 'Arashi_Hiromako', 'bluemperor', 'yu_qingxi', 'shroomcritic', 'cealix', 'I_have_no_life_I_am_Karma', 'Pipa25', 'PolarIN', 'nn_uu', 'Emoriae', 'CinnamonLover', 'I_get_paid_to_be_trash', 'ra19', 'Atemins', 'desertradio', '0_TanTan_0', 'Mosssy_Chi', 'TetsymiK', 'seraphimchord', 'Predy1', 'V1NYLQVEEN', 'Nekogami16', 'bookwhizz', 'xjqpp', 'vanessa_deathchild', 'Sky_Fr0st', 'RiJunKyun', 'Giiih_7', 'flegetoni', 'I_am_amazing_wright', 'Kiquebi', 'Nio_needs_sleep', 'Infinit', 'Tree_Owl', 'Sun_solar', 'megumikitty', 'b_uhjasklbg', 'chessprawn', 'CatInAFedora', 'fishfryonmybed', 'Kotofeila', 'Polarber', 'brenda1810018', 'dudeimexhausted', 'Jeanne_fan_nr_1']
"....!" "Dan Heng—!" March 7th cries out as her fellow teammate is suddenly targeted by the beasts, unable to do anything as he hits the ground. "Tsk." Dan Heng would respond, hissing at the feeling of the beast's attack. Although, despite being seriously injured, he still finds it in himself to stagger up and wield his weapon, pointing at an enemy. March would look at him in puzzled feelings as she shoots a worried glance over to Caelus. Caelus shook his head once he noticed what the dark haired male was up to. "Dan Heng, maybe you should stay down. You're injured." Dan Heng scoffed at that worried remark. "There's better things to worry about, watch yourselves instead." And immediately, he charges at the largest enemy, landing a strong enough attack to stun it. Caelus and March, in mixed shock and awe, observe Dan Heng's precise cut— especially with an injury. Dan Heng's feet touch the ground, sighing to himself in relief. That was a close one. Had he not timed his abilities properly, it would've ended in something worse. He mused to himself as he lowered his spear. As he begins to make his way over to his teammates, he notices their puzzled and terrified expressions. Huh? What was going on with these two? "What? What are you two looking at?" "Dan Heng—! Your injury!" ….. ……… Touching his robe, he feels something rather moist at his fingertips. As he looks over, his eyes slightly widen at the presence of blood soiling his clothing. Had he overexerted it to the point where it opened up by itself? March and Caelus immediately exchange looks. "Let's head back, now." Caelus would suggest, although, before they could come and nod with each other at the idea— They hear thumping— strangely loud, at that. As the trailblazers look back at the source of the sound, numerous monsters, ten times bigger than the trio, unveil themselves, roaring fiercely as they begin chasing them. March is quick to screech out, already turning back to look at their point of escape— "Run!" She exclaims, and Caelus and Dan Heng obediently follow her, sprinting away from the monsters chasing them. Unfortunately, as if Dan Heng's luck drained after his impressive attack, he trips on a conveniently hidden rock beneath the snow, causing him to hit the floor as his blood slowly seeps from his robes onto the pure white snow. The footsteps get nearer too, as he can hear March scream out his name. That's the last thing he heard before blacking out due to exhaustion. – … ….. Wa…ke? ….. Ar…e …. Wa…ke? The first thing Dan Heng hears as his consciousness fades into existence again is the sound of birds chirping, paired with the sound of water running eagerly along a plain. A warm light hits his face, effectively waking him up from his slumber as he sits up in frantic movements, completely expecting something terrible to have happened to his body as the events that had previously happened rushed through his head. Much to his surprise, the sharp pain had lessened by a ton than last time. That was a good thing, although…. Where was he? Contrast to the blankets of snow and icy blizzards of Jarilo-VI, this place was warm, evergreen— quite like those illustrations in March's fairytale story books she'd constantly read around the parlor car. Dan Heng wasn't sure of the security of this place, though. Monsters could be lurking anywhere, eager to claw his strangely healed wound. And he was right. The rustling of the bushes in front of him quickly sent him up his feet, drawing his spear to charge at the monster that was eager to pounce at him already. He was already healed anyways, he could probably defeat it in a flash if he was careful enough. The sound of the rustling bushes got louder, why was this monster taking its damn time? Dan Heng monologues, irritatedly, but patiently waiting for the monster to jump out, weapon already in stance as if he were hunting something big. And all of a sudden— A finely dressed, tall, blonde man emerges from the bushes. …………….. What? Dan Heng takes a few moments to register what was in front of him before shaking his head in silence, unable to believe it. If anything, a monster would've been better to deal with right now. "Those herbs aren't much help.. But where would I find a substitute— Oh?" Mid-ramble, the man notices the emerald spear pointed at his direction, relaxed eyebrows now raised slightly at the view of Dan Heng. ".... Who are you?" Dan Heng is cautious, still not dropping his weapon. The intruder only gives a small smile, not afraid of coming closer to the cautious man. "Luo Cha." He'd stretch his arm out in warm welcome, expecting Dan Heng to shake his hand. Once denied, his smile falters slightly, though, he poses a rather calm facial expression instead. (which was ironic since Dan Heng had not lowered his weapon still) "Where am I? Is this your doing?" Dan Heng follows up his question with two more, still not ceasing his serious expression. The man— who called himself Luo Cha, answered diligently despite the tough introduction. "You are in a nearby forest, out of the sheer cold. Don't worry, you're still in Jarilo-VI, even then." Luo Cha smiled mindlessly. "As for your second question.. I had found you fainted in the snow with an open wound, so I took you over here to treat you. I am a wandering doctor— er.. Merchant… Whatever you wish to call me, I am both of those." "...." Dan Heng lowered his spear as both of his questions were provided with an acceptable answer. He stares at the floor in thought for a moment before meeting Luo Cha's eyes. "You did not have to do that." He finally answers, slightly embarrassed by the fact that he was taken care of. (although, that was only by a tiny spec) "But thank you, I suppose." Clearly, it was not in his vocabulary to "thank" someone outright, it was usually March's duty most of the time while he acted cool and mysterious. It sounded weird when it came out of his mouth. Luo Cha, despite the awkward thank you, chuckles a little, crossing his arms in interest. "I am a doctor after all, it's my duty to treat others. Even wanderers like you." Dan Heng most definitely analyzed what he had just said, although, when he failed to find anything to analyze from the blonde, he sighed in defeat, dropping any means to bring up anything. "... I'd best be going, I need to find my way back." Dan Heng finally concludes, turning his back at the mysterious doctor before any awkward talks start again. He had to find Caelus and March by now, and there was no time to fool around anymore. "So, farewell." "Are you perhaps headed to Belobog? What a coincidence, that's where I am headed as well." Well. That's a shame. Dan Heng definitely wished to have left by now. Had he ran off when the bushes were rustling, perhaps, he'd have been on the road to Belobog once more? Also, how did this man even know he was going back to Belobog? Well, in any case, Belobog is the nearest city… ".... I wish you good luck on your trip to Belobog." "Not going to join me in leaving this forest?" Luo Cha sounded a bit disappointed, but maybe that's how he talked. "Directions around here are confusing, I had to mark numerous places on my map just to form the path to get out of here. Maybe I should help you out?" "There's really no need." Dan Heng rejects the offer, he can do things on his own anyways. "I'll be fine on my own." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Truly?" "...... Why does it matter so much?" — The two men exit the forest entrance, greeted by the gust of wind and the many blankets of pure, white, snow. Dan Heng sighed from defeat as he walked together, side-by-side with Luo Cha, who had a slightly teasing smile on his face. "I told you, you were prone to getting lost here." Luo Cha snickered, earning a cold shoulder from his companion. ".. I was just saying." "Quiet, we won't be able to follow a proper trail from here." "Haha, I apologize, truly." Sure, you really were. Dan Heng mused as he rolled his eyes at the attempt at an apology. Luo Cha pouts at this, catching up to him. "I truly am, I'm sorry." "... Whatever." Dan Heng would respond blankly, refusing to look at Luo Cha at all. … …. ….. …… …….. "Um," Luo Cha breaks the minute-long silence with a question. "I forgot to bring this up to you, but I never quite caught your name." "Why does it matter?" "You know mine, it's quite unfair that I cannot bring up yours." The doctor's reason is probably a valid one, but Dan Heng shakes his head. "We will part by the time we reach the city anyways, why does it matter?" "..." Luo Cha stayed silent, unable to respond anymore. Or perhaps, he didn't want to, anymore. Dan Heng enjoyed the sudden silence from the other party. …… Though he didn't mind the questions at all.. — "And here we are, Belobog. Is this your stop?" Luo Cha fully expected Dan Heng to ignore him and walk past, just like how he'd rejected the handshake from their first meeting. "I suppose this is farewell, nameless traveler?" "..... Heng." "Pardon, what was that?" "Dan Heng." Dan Heng turns to look at the doctor, a hint of gratitude written on his face. Though, he immediately turns away, walking off from the stunned blonde as he enters Belobog. Before completely setting off, he turns around momentarily, as if to show his thanks for the last time before leaving his companion in the snowy entrance of the city. As Dan Heng leaves him, Luo Cha stands in complete astonishment at the lack of rejection. Dan Heng, huh? Mentally noting, the blonde gazes over at the fading silhouette. He couldn't help but crack an amused smile.
discovery channel
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Belligerent Sexual Tension
['Abyss_Fatui', 'TheOneWhoCanOnly_Dream', 'sciseven', 'mylifechoices', 'onewomanarmy', 'Sunshine_3248', 'OmniMaiMage', 'YourUnusualFandomLurker', 'That_One_Lunatic', 'JJY221', 'Sleeping_Jellyfish', 'Ariru_kuri', 'randomsoulnix', 'settingstars', 'jodiiiiii', 'Erif_Of_Taloma', 'BGcharater', 'bystakeorbysword', 'Zen018', 'Penthisilea', 'AlsheBluebells', 'iLuniri', 'In_search_of_cheese', 'Sroom', 'Red_vines83', 'Akishi', 'Airisu_Kino', 'Reyasy', 'dewa_hop', 'Yatzi183', 'TexStudmister', 'Riad_NeedSleep_ls', 'ace_but_here_for_the_gay', 'astracrx', 'JustALazyBish', 'Thatbich', 'Sevenhourflight', 'Kyrayaeger', 'setdownthetea', 'Blink_Ink_Quill', 'Scinn', 'Kokiri_kid', 'Connon', 'Crystal18', 'bloominglille', 'Sicklefang', 'zzura_z', 'Slothiccc', 'SleepyLyf', 'hapipuppy']
Danheng returns to camp with a boar in tow. The early, wet night he'd departed on is gone - and in its place, an orange glow, a slow crackle, the curling white heat of smoke. March bounds over, grinning - a little too happy, he thinks, for someone who'd been complaining so pitifully about starving, but she shoulders into him and helps him heft the boar through the grove. He steps over through the clutter, and March trips once, and it's only after they've settled into the campsite that he reminds himself to ask, "What happened here?" "Carnage," she says, cheerfully. "You weren't attacked." "Well - I suppose not. Wish you'd been there to see it!" He doesn't see Caelus. "The two of you had an argument," he assumes, scanning the periphery - though that seems unlikely. March eyes him, mouth twitching. He can't read her flittering thoughts and he doesn't try to. "Just tell me," he says, and she manages to hold on for only a moment before she collapses into him, laughing into his shoulder.  "He," she snickers, " - he's in hiding, yeah. Did all this and then can't even come out to face us - " March dissolves into incoherency, so Danheng, waiting, drums his fingers against the log they're sitting on and mulls over the possibilities. His absence had been brief - there's only so much the two of them could have managed to ruin in that small a time frame. The lack of forest fire seems to be a stroke of luck; what few supplies they've been ferrying through their trek appear to be unharmed. The ground is singed, and the air thick. "Is it hard to control?" he asks. Caelus's new aptitude for ignition. "You got it!" March declares. She scrubs her cheeks, sighing, "Sorry, sorry, it really was funny. We were going to light a fire, y'know, before you got back. But everything out here's wet 'cause of the snow, and it's cold, and it was tough trying to strike one up naturally. We thought he could give it a try! Then he, well, blew up." "Blew up," Danheng says, thoughtfully. March gestures. "Boom." "Is he alive," Danheng asks. "And intact! Beyond his ego, I guess." Danheng nods and stands. He hovers over the debris, shuffles some of the rubble apart. The embers are dull and dying, not warm enough for a roast. "He's going to have to do it again," he says, and March, triumphantly, tells him, "See, that's what I told him, too!" + They find Caelus deeper in the woods, crouched down, rolling his bat through the dirt. "Stop sulking!"  "Who's sulking," he mutters, and March doesn't reply because he's doing enough to cripple his dignity without her input. March elbows Danheng: see, this is what I had to deal with, but Danheng's focus is elsewhere - where? Oh, gee, and March rolls her eyes, tugging him forward. They stand over Caelus together; Caelus looks up, then down, unamused. "At least you're back," Caelus says. "Tell her to let me have my bag. I bought spare - spare clothes." March ignores this and says, "Danheng, he's wearing shorts!" "Shorts," Caelus echoes. He stares down at his bare knees, forlorn. "You're not funny. I scorched my pants off, I'm not wearing shorts." "But you managed to salvage your shirt and coat," says Danheng. "Radius was waist down," March supplies. "But I was nearby and I didn't get burned - honestly, I'm thinking he just wanted to go starkers." This earns her a a threatening tap to the foot, and she kicks the bat away, warns, "I'll make you sit on that, y'know," and Caelus says, "What the hell? I'd die," and Danheng asks, "Why can't he have his bag?" Caelus, blank-faced, deigns not to answer. Tellingly, his bat retreats, cresting back over his knee. "Yeah, why don't you explain why?" "I could just take it from you." "Oh? Oh, you could, could you? That's why you need Danheng to back you up here, huh?" Caelus's shoulders kind of collapse but he thankfully remains crouching, no skin on the brittle ground beyond his soles. March has already caved once because she's stupid soft but she can't offer him another of her jackets to sit on, just to watch him reduce it to char - again. "This is pitiful," says Danheng, finally. With Caelus's affronted expression: paired with his hunched, sad frame, it seems as though he really is paying his dues for obliterating two pairs of (their only!) clothing off the face of the planet for no good reason. On one hand, she begins to pantomime, standing up means I won't be sulking in the dirt anymore. Am I five years old? No, I'm probably three. That's why I like making out with garbage cans, for the hygienic nutrition.  "What?" On the flipside, standing up means Big Bad March will be able to measure how I'm now showing more thigh than her and that is going to ruin my life. Caelus's brow furrows. "Am I really?" "Sulking?" "Not that, and also I wasn't," Caelus says, and he dusts at his legs, wobbles to his feet. The singed end of his belt peters off at his thigh, and his coat, mostly whole, hangs behind his knees. He frowns down at himself, swiping at ash. "I could sell this," he says, glancing between March's legs and his own. "Maybe I'm just adopting some sort of dress sense from you." "Aren't you embarrassed? Do you hear yourself." "It looks like someone put you in a toaster," says Danheng, helpfully. Caelus casts his legs a dark look. "That'd at least make for even edges." "I would not make you look like this," March declares, before his mouth can even close. "If anyone bothers confronting you about this - if it really takes us that long to get you under control - you're going to blame your own fashion sense." She thinks over it. "But you might be hauled in for public indecency if you're too brazen about it." Caelus says, "What's that," just as Danheng steps forward to steer him back to camp, so he remains unanswered. Danheng levels her with an unimpressed look from behind Caelus's back, to which she responds with a marginally more unimpressed look: because he can be reserved with his words all he wants but she can still see where he's looking, thanks, and that part isn't reserved at all. "You have to try for another fire, by the way," she calls out. "Otherwise we're going to starve and die!" Caelus makes a shameless noise that's probably meant to be griping. It comes with the added accomplishment of making Danheng's fingers twitch, so March laughs.
warmth found in cold
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus/Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Platonic Kissing, (not for long though), Misunderstandings, Kissing Lessons
['Kaitslyn', 'T08Y', 'sillygaycat', 'Micheiii', 'ThornTheBarbarian', 'Honeycloudress', 'YikesCapricorn', 'Drazil25', 'Nelanovela', 'Jjtkz', 'Hendyo_98', 'airo_plane', 'TouyalikeKFC', 'winterscaldwell', 'Amethyst_6', 'Aharhel', 'sleepy_macchi', 'adorozatorumary', 'beethaven', 'karkinides', 'lumiruchi', 'amakiel', 'Yumeuwu', 'Cursedcucumber06', 'Eliseisse', 'Pass_donothing', 'touyarei', 'Kai_lazy', 'jinnie_cutie', 'monowrite', 'bluegummiworm', 'FoundFamilyCactus', 'alolameowth', 'Eliasss', 'Hellenn0_0', 'MillieBee', 'ViaIsaWannabe', 'Nyanjet', 'ilyweiying1', 'draw_my_future_like_Picasso', 'Nudelauflauf', 'Karukur', 'iibsaro', 'dothemario', 'Umicchi', 'Olipopp', 'denniell', 'mapofthesouls', 'PastelWolf209', 'I_am_a_fujoshi']
He didn’t quite… feel in the way he was utterly certain the others did. It was easy enough for him to respond in suit during conversation, to banter with the others on the astral express, but Caelus couldn’t shake the nagging sensation of falling behind in a few aspects. He struggled, a bit, with talking to the others, like something inside him was simply different on an innate level. The others seemed to like him well enough, Arlan and March eager enough to speak with him, Welt and Himeko had warmed up to him over time. But then, well, there was the case of Dan Heng. Dan Heng vexed him. Caelus hadn’t thought that he’d made that much of an impression on the other man, but the way Dan Heng had politely cornered him a handful of days into their knowing each other and asked, sweetly enough, but still in that mild-voiced way of his, if Caelus were into men or if he preferred women had floored him. “Oh but don’t worry about answering if you’re uncomfortable, Caelus, I would never want to-“ It had all startled Caelus so severely that he’d had to reach for Dan Heng’s hands in order to make him be silent so he could think. To Dan Heng’s credit, the man knew when to be silent. It had taken Caelus a few moments to wrack his mind and simply think before he had been able to choke out his answer, his palms sweating and growing tacky against Dan Heng’s own. The other man seemed entirely unbothered, and had even deigned to give Caelus a bracing squeeze as he fought to find the words for what he wished to say. At the end of it all, Caelus had confessed a simple “I have little preference either way, and saying that does not make me uncomfortable.” Because it was the truth, he cared little, but to say it out loud felt… odd. Dan Heng had looked pleased enough with his answer, though, giving him a small smile before separating their hands and giving a bracing nod. And then that had been the end of it. If Caelus were a different man, perhaps he would be offended. He didn’t think that Dan Heng had asked with the intent to force information from him, there would be little for the man to gain and it hardly made any sense for him to do so. It seemed as if Caelus would simply have to accept the fact that Dan Heng had asked to sate his own curiosity. At least, that was his working theory, Dan Heng insisted on making Caelus intimately aware of the fact that he was capable of being unpredictable. The next time Dan Heng cornered him was just as polite, his voice just as sweet (or, as sweet as Dan Heng could manage) and Caelus was already bracing himself before he even got his question out. “Have you ever kissed a man? Considering you have no preference, after all.” Another question meant to poke and prod information from him, this one entirely too bold, bolder than Caelus had thought Dan Heng capable of. But clearly, the man was quite capable of many things. Caelus paused, allowing himself the moment to think. He hadn’t, not at all, be it from a man, woman, or anyone else in between. He hadn’t exactly… had much time to try. “No,” he said, honest, “I haven’t kissed anyone, for that matter.” He could see the myriad of emotions that crossed Dan Heng’s face, and he prepared himself for the man’s next words. “Would you… like to kiss a man?” Caelus had expected something along the lines of that. He peered at the other man’s face, at the sincerity in his eyes. He didn’t look as if he were joking, didn’t seem to be hiding a laugh behind his lips, and looked utterly genuine as he asked. Caelus couldn’t see a blush anywhere on his face, though Dan Heng may simply be the clinical sort. He wouldn’t be too surprised. There was little Dan Heng could do to surprise him at this point. “I would, yes,” and Dan Heng nodded, his eyes darting down to Caelus’s lips as he spoke, and Caelus’s heart hammered behind his ribcage, almost hard enough to hurt. Dan Heng moved his hand up, snaking it around Caelus’s neck, careful to hold on the back of his head gently. A shudder passed through him, Caelus feeling far, far more alive at the touch of Dan Heng’s palm against his hair than he had during most of his time here. He didn’t have long to brace himself, the moment sneaking up on him even though Dan Heng was careful to telegraph his movements. Caelus felt like an easily startled animal, but when Dan Heng pressed his chapped lips against Caelus’s own softer pair, some wild thing inside him finally settled. He sighed, leaning into the kiss, his own hands edging forward to touch at the edges of Dan Heng’s coat. The moment was nice enough, sweet, if Caelus had to describe it, and it was over far too fast for his liking. Just as quickly as it had began, it ended, Dan Heng breaking them apart by leaning backwards, careful to look Caelus directly in the eyes as he did so. The stare felt far more intimate than the kiss had. He felt his face heat beneath the scrutiny, and Dan Heng’s answering puff of laughter threatened to deepen his blush. “Thank you,” he settled on murmuring, embarrassed, despite how unnecessary it was to feel that way. Dan Heng gave him a quick squeeze, a small show of affection, his hand settling down against the back of Caelus’ neck for a moment before moving fully away. If Caelus hadn’t seen the small smile Dan Heng sent his way before leaving, he would have been a bit irritated, but he did seen it, and it made his chest ache. ✩ They settled into a strange little routine. Dan Heng, whenever he got the apparent urge to, would ask Caelus if he were in the mood for a kiss, and Caelus would generally answer in the positive. Dan Heng would then kiss him, nothing more intense than a lingering peck, always dry and without tongue, and it still managed to fluster Caelus like nothing else. It had taken at least a half dozen kiss requests from Dan Heng before Caelus had felt brave enough to ask for his own kisses. The embarrassment of the request had quickly been swept away from the enjoyment of seeing the tips of Dan Heng’s ears pink with a small flush. Their routine continued after that, just small pecks, nothing more intimate than that, save for some cloying touches and intimate looks. Caelus hadn’t quite realized just how odd the routine was until one day Dan Heng requested a kiss, he nodded in confirmation, and they shared another one, chaste as always, before March’s voice shattered through the space. “There’s no way!” Mortification burned through him, and with the way Dan Heng stiffened against him, the other man felt the same. He blinked, watching briefly as Dan Heng pulled away, before forcing himself to look over at March 7th. The woman was grinning, bright, her smile splitting her face ear-to-ear, wide and vibrant. “No way, really!? Wow, you two are good at hiding it from me, I didn’t even know I was third wheeling this whole time!” Caelus really and truly had no idea what to even begin to try to say. “We aren’t together,” Dan Heng said, his voice faltering for the first time since Caelus had known him and he was quick to nod, agreeing with the man. March gave them an amused look, brow quirking, and she grinned, sly. “Alright, alright, I get it.” The over-exaggerated wink she sent their way gave Caelus an inkling about what she was so certain she apparently understood. “I won’t tell anyone, you don’t have to worry about a thing!” Somehow, the idea that March may have felt the need to tell the others hadn’t even crossed his mind before she’d offhandedly mentioned it. With the way Dan Heng’s face paled, it was clear the other man hadn’t either. “Okay, thank you, March,” Caelus rasped, ignoring the look Dan Heng sent his way. Satisfied, March began chattering again, going off on some tangent about what she had originally come in here for, and Caelus had to force himself to nod along, despite her words hardly registering in his mind. When she left the two of them, Dan Heng sent him a look, unreadable, and Caelus could only shrug, weak. “I didn’t know what else to say,” he offered, the excuse sounding half-assed at best even to himself, and he watched as Dan Heng swallowed. Nothing else was said between them, and Caelus had to tamp down the urge to panic as Dan Heng gave him a faltering smile and turned to leave. He watched, feeling uniquely helpless at the sight of the door shutting behind Dan Heng’s back. Well, Caelus hadn’t quite anticipated that. ✩ Their strange routine crumbled entirely after that. Caelus hadn’t realized just how badly it had gotten until he had decided to brave the situation and be the first to ask for a kiss. Dan Heng had looked up at him, eyes wide, before shifting his gaze back down to the floor, his voice faltering for a second time. “Maybe later, Caelus.” Somehow, the fact that he had made an effort to say his name made it feel all the more serious. He did not like what had become of their interactions, the new way Dan Heng seemingly refused to meet his eyes for more than a moment, the way Dan Heng continued to falter around him when he had been so full of confidence before. So, Caelus made the choice to be bold, just as Dan Heng had been. Confrontation, especially the type that necessitated delicacy, had never been Caelus’ strong point. He waited, and waited, until he was absolutely, utterly, and entirely certain that they would have space to themselves, and that the chances of them being walked in on were zero to none. And then, Caelus struck. “Dan Heng,” he spoke, making absolutely sure to enunciate his name, to take care in making sure Dan Heng heard him and knew that he was talking to him. Caelus watched, analyzing the way his shoulders stiffened, and even if he didn’t want to do so, he continued to speak. “We don’t have to kiss any more, but I would like it if you would at least look me in the eyes when we see each other.” Saying it out loud made it feel crueler than Caelus had intended, but- “I know,” Dan Heng cut his thoughts off in the middle, and Caelus blinked as the man continued, flustered. “I… apologize, I apologize for ignoring you, it was childish of me.” “If you’re upset that March walked in, I understand.” Caelus said, trying to get his voice to be gentle. “She’s not the judgmental type, though, so-“ He was cut off again, this time out loud. “I know, Caelus, I know that she isn’t. I’ve known her for longer than you, I know that much about her.” It was hard not to feel stung at his words. Caelus was beginning to think that they were having two separate conversations, here. Silence fell between them for a moment, Caelus taking care to mull his words over for a long while before speaking. Dan Heng allowed him his time, less eager to interrupt than he had been before, and if Caelus dared to let the thought fully form, he would say that he looked cowed. “What are you upset about?” He settled on, trying, some part of him desperate to know just what it was that was bothering Dan Heng so terribly. It was Dan Heng’s turn to take pause, and Caelus gave him the opportunity to do so. He could see the way his brows furrowed, the way he bit at his lips, needing something to fuss at. Caelus watched, interested, at the way Dan Heng inhaled and exhaled heavily before finally speaking. “I don’t want to pretend to be in a relationship when we aren’t in one, even if it’s just to one person in an attempt to keep her quiet.” Ah, okay, that made sense. Caelus didn’t appreciate it much either and Dan Heng did seem like he cared a bit more about- “Especially when I know that my feelings are clear, Caelus. I didn’t like the way that you implied that as if it’s not a serious thing.” Caelus… understood that part less. “Feelings?” He prompted, unable to help himself, and the look that Dan Heng sent him was absolutely wretched, the man upset beyond anything that Caelus had ever seen from him. And Caelus, despite what the smarter half of him wanted, moved forward, reaching his hands out, touching at the other man, trying to find somewhere to rest his hands on Dan Heng’s arms that would offer comfort just as Dan Heng had done for him before. “I’m confused,” he started, halting, not liking the way Dan Heng’s shoulders tightened beneath his touch. “You’re going to have to spell it out for me, I really don’t understand.” The look Dan Heng sent him made him feel ignorant. “Caelus, we’ve been kissing each other for weeks, we’ve gone on things I would consider dates if we were actually officially dating.” Oh, so that’s what those outings were. His confusion must have been apparent on his face because Dan Heng’s expression shifted into something entirely mortified. “I didn’t know,” Caelus confessed, his voice sounding small even to his own ears, and despite the clear upset Dan Heng was experiencing, the man shifted enough to be able to press a steady palm against Caelus’ thigh, trying to ground him. “I don’t know what I thought, but I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Perhaps if Caelus weren’t so useless at emotions he would have understood what was happening the instant it had. Perhaps he would have saved Dan Heng a considerable amount of heartbreak. “Okay,” Dan Heng said, voice tight, and Caelus could only listen as he struggled through his words. “So, it was simply a matter of you not knowing what my real intent was, yes?” And Caelus nodded, quick, Dan Heng’s hand moving from where it had settled against his thigh. It shifted up, his fingers carefully pressing against the underside of his jawline, directing his face to look at Dan Heng’s own. “Let me be blunt, just to be certain. Would you like to date me, Caelus? You can say no if you’d like to but-“ This time, Caelus was able to be the one doing the interrupting. ”Yes, of course I would,” he said, nodding once, sharp and easy, soaking in the way Dan Heng’s eyes widened, a flush finally, finally creeping across the heights of his cheekbones. Dan Heng’s initial way of expressing interest was backwards and strange, but when the other man moved to press their lips together again, open-mouthed and filthy this time, Caelus could only be grateful that he had gotten the practice in already.
when anger blossoms and turns into something beautiful
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Natasha (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
Pre-Relationship, Developing Relationship, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Headcanon, Kissing, Dan Heng is emotionally intelligent in my eyes, Might be OOC, Romance, Fluff, Worried Dan Heng, Dan Heng mains unite, non canon elements, No Smut, Beta Read, lowercase intended
['mikaaaa_vi', 'The_AnarchistTicketMachine', 'Sspacejelly', 'ThienLam', 'Loulielale', 'SkyStarzz', 'k4zuwu', 'kuromikkyu', 'malmare', 'Takashyys', 'Genderisgone', 'FireFoxFiasco', 'venvenn', 'sleepycryptid', 'aiikkoo', 'xXK4thiXx', 'Sakura_039', 'Yvonne_15', 'hestia_zehera', 'linda131214', 'rizzo_nero', 'Fuuyuk0', 'saichuu', 'Captain_Firefly99', 'cosbronaut', 'vhstape', 'skay__34', 'Licilynn02', 'https_kvr0mi', 'moravna', 'SelkieJ', 'yeenma', 'Feyre_Ashryver', 'TheResidentLurker', 'https_nymzureii', 'pinklycake', 'Airy_Hell', 'Heartyyx', 'auruminexx', 'ABlueEcho', 'kanasaurus', 'berrystar5', 'every_chrysanthemum', 'nx1n4', 'https_koiwii', 'qatusa', 'yourmelodies', 'Itsreene', 'Bee_Arrow', 'bliztbika']
the crimson-red stain on your bright - nearly eyeball-gauging light - white shirt hasn’t gone unnoticed by the young man when you slipped through the exit of the express earlier, eagerness overflowing your mind and paving the way to the one and only trustworthy doctor nearby. unbeknownst to you, your dark haired co-worker has dropped his remaining responsibilities that he ought to finish this evening, just to follow the traces you have left carelessly on your way to natasha. generally, you do not refrain from telling the rest of the crew about recently inflicted injuries on your body, since negligence of your own safety could potentially lead to more casualties in the end. nevertheless, the pride lingering in your chest has gotten the better of you in the end and had driven you to the point of sneaking out stealthily at the break of dawn. upon arriving at the designated spot, the pewter haired girl appears to be slightly more concerned about the flesh wound right besides your abdomen than you originally anticipated her to react. „you need to learn to prioritize cleaning your open wounds before doing anything, literally ANYTHING, beforehand. this seems to be more detrimental than you probably thought it would be, correct?“ the girl‘s head perks up, her eyes peering through your skull as if it was transparent paper. a deep frown is thrown onto her face that leaves you petrified in your halfway sitting, halfway laying down position on the freshly and neatly assembled bed wear. natasha can be quite frightening on switch if she wants to. that face will undoubtedly haunt you for a very long time to come. after further examination of your current condition, the doctor ends up cleaning the blood-soaked skin around your wound, cautiously in order to not provoke another surge of the metallic smelling fluid to leak out. she cannot fathom how you still appear to be completely fine after all that loss of vital energy before arriving at her place. scrunching her nose and squeezing her brows together, she opts to emergency-stitch your injury in order to oppose the dreaded reappearance of a possible blood-flow that could leave you unconscious or even with long-lasting damages on your body. a grateful smile graces your lips as you shift your weight to the side to accommodate natasha’s upright-standing position. you really want to declare your gratitude for her gentleness and patience with you, albeit your visit being unannounced and reluctantly robbing the doctor off other crucial tasks she has to fulfill before midnight strikes. coincidentally, that seems to be the exact same case for dan heng, who has been eavesdropping on the two of you since your arrival at the healer‘s place. in spite of the fact that listening to someone else‘s conversation - not meant to reach his ears as well - is a terrible thing to do, he couldn’t have successfully fought the urge to abstain from committing to this. the curiosity and anger that have fired through his veins prior have merely added to his ultimate decision of following after you, trying to ascertain your motives. his ear is placed against the door, close to the frame holding it in place, careful to not endeavor in acts that could potentially draw attention to his presence. a sudden mutter of someone close behind him makes him flinch tremendously in his stance, turning around in fear while his heart pounds heavily and alarmingly quickly against his chest. adrenaline-striven, he presses his back against the door, his weight ending up opening the door by the pressure and making him stumble over his feet. struggling to hold his balance, he lands flat on his butt, eyes closed on reflex from the impact, three pairs of eyes glaring down at him now, burning and engraving themselves into his back. after the initial crash into someone else‘s privacy, his ears are enriched by the color red from sheer embarrassment and the lingering hefty feeling in his alerted limbs. devoid of any explanation of his presence for the people scattered around him, he accepts the incorrigible incident, hoping to be spared at least. a long and exhausted sigh escapes the culprit‘s lips as he hands over a stack of paper to the doctor, whereas the addressee simply snickers at what has just unfolded in front of her. standing up from the place on the ground, dan heng clears his throat and stiffens his back the moment his eyes meet your‘s, even if it’s just for a second before bowing apologetically before the girl whose house he just infiltrated. she only waves it off instead of turning to yell or scold him for what he has done, recognizing the deep care the man in front of her holds for her patient who is still obediently seated on the bed, flabbergasted with her mouth nearly reaching the bottom of the floor. approaching the young man leisurely, natasha - arriving at her destination - then puts her hand onto his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, following it up by whispering something into his ear, which only leaves him deep in thought. the sound of the door closing makes you jump slightly in the bed, an awkward silence being bestowed upon the remaining two of you in the room. your gaze is fixated on the bedsheets you‘re holding in order to hide away the recently treated wound from the eyes of the man standing only a few feet away from your bed. the man slowly opts to open his mouth before shutting it close moments after reevaluating what to say in this weird situation. before he can act on the initiative again, you quickly jump in first : „why did you follow me here?“ your question sounds innocent and pure, being the complete opposites to dan heng‘s motives of doing the exact thing. he sighs, now turning his full attention back onto your form on the bed, scanning and discovering the rather weak state you are in right now. carefully, he advances further towards you before sitting down onto the chair located directly next to your bed, his shoulders dropping from the no longer tolerated stiffness gushing through his entire body. „i don‘t have an excuse for my very questionable and stupid… actions. but i have a reason as to why i ended up doing it“, he starts, patiently awaiting your reaction. with merely a single nod of your head, you give requested permission to him continuing on with his explanation. you are unaware of the look on his face due to your insistence on perpetually avoiding his gaze, but you are certain that your colleague is looking right at you with a puzzled expression. „well… i saw something extremely bright red on your shirt when we returned from that planet and made a halt at belobog to recover. i didn‘t want to invade your privacy too much, so i decided to keep quiet and wait for you to tell us about it. but… you never did and instead fled the train.“ the frown on his face only deepens as his voice becomes louder and more radiant than what he originally started with. profound concern seeps through his facade, making it impossible for him to hide his anger and frustration with your actions any longer. on impulse, he jumps up from his seat, his eyes burning into your skull since you‘re still turned away from him. his breath hitches as it simultaneously fastens instantaneously in pace, his face turning a bright shade of red of pure displeasure about this situation as his hands clench into fists, so strongly that the whiteness of his knuckles becomes apparent. „do you even know how worried i was when you just straight up left us there?! how confused i was when you didn‘t even tell anyone about where you‘re going and what the reason could be??“ dan heng is never really this ridden up about a seemingly „trivial matter“ and can contain his strong feelings in most instances, especially in situations that require utmost rationality. however, even the most self-controlled and calm person can react on an extreme basis in times of hefty urges that are impossible to war against. pulling you out of your daze, the man forcefully - still carefully at core - twists you around to meet his gaze, brawny hands on both of your arms to keep you in place and prevent you from turning your back on him again. you yelp at his sudden action, expressing your disapproval of it by scrunching your entire face. his finger nails bore into your skin beneath the clothes you are wearing. you start to tremble under the painful touch that only shakes at your pride even more. contemplating the aggressive expression on his face, you‘re certain that he‘s not yet done with disclosing the most profound contents of his heart. despite being in pain, you relentlessly comply to his on-going fit he‘s throwing at you. „what if you had fatigued on your way here, huh?? you could be fucking dead now, are you aware of that??“ not waiting for your response, he begins to shake you by your arms, while you make no advances to withdraw from your current position, accepting this as your punishment for your reckless behavior. „this is not the first time this has happened, you know. i’m certain that you didn‘t even consider keeping track of this, but you can be assured that i indeed did.“ he suddenly stops, not letting go of your arms though. afraid that you might drop your head low again if he chooses to step away from you now, he instead reaches up to place his index- and middle finger under your chin, triumphant in earning the entirety of your undivided attention now. another deep sigh escapes the depths of his mouth as the anger slowly dissipates from his body, merely leaving a trace of irritation inside of him. it all quickly transforms into a form of concern and by further examination, you even discover a flicker of panic within his eyes that bury themselves vastly into yours. unknowingly to you, dan heng has ended up sitting on his knees in front of your bed in order to ensure a face-to-face confrontation. you can feel his hot breath on your lips, a shiver running down your spine at the realization of the intimate position you two are situated in now. the proximity between your faces is so small that you can catch on your own reflection in his eyes while you two gaze at each other. radiating a wave of honest affection, dan heng subconsciously moves even closer to you. his voice is merely a whisper, holding onto the burden that has been eating at him unceasingly since the first time you were hurt he had felt that panicky fear of possibly losing you that time around, it was without a doubt the most terrified he has ever truly felt. as he closes his eyes, he begins to speak again, the nonstop rustling of the bedsheets in your tight grip finally ceasing. „do you know… how fucking dangerous that was today..? do you not value your life enough to look beyond your pride once in a while for the sake of your own survival?“ the question submerges deep into your brain, making you widen your eyes at the realization of your own stupidity. in fact, since meeting the man you have earned an even profounder appreciation of your life than before, wanting to sustain it as long as possible in order to spend as much of your precious time with him and the rest, but specifically with dan heng, as humanly achievable. the thought of your actions potentially causing a life-threatening situation has not crossed your mind when you sneaked out of the train two hours ago since you felt healthy. maybe it was the adrenaline, the survival instinct, streaming through your veins and numbing the pain receptors temporarily that evoked the delusion of actually being in a good condition. you cup his cheeks in response to his intimate advances towards you, - whether they are intentional or not - catching him by surprise as his eyes slightly widen. the chronic frown that has captured his face before slowly vanishes and turns into a warm and soft gaze instead. his fingers on your chin cautiously wander up your jaw line, ultimately caressing your cheek as his places the rest of his fingers there, thumb on your skin while the remaining four are sitting behind your ear. „you wager with your life too much. you‘re going to give me an actual heart attack one day if you continue with this unhealthy habit.“ he chuckles shortly, it somehow appearing to be more attractive than you‘d ever openly admit to anyone. „fuck you, [y/n]. fuck you for making me feel this way.“ not wanting to further feed into the suspense, dan heng finally leans in closer, capturing your lips gently with his own while tugging you in closer now, his arm having slipped around your waist slyly while you were distracted. letting out a hum of approval, you reciprocate the touch, pressing against his lips with your own in alignment with him, one hand dropping from his cheek and loosely grab the hand that holds onto your side. the man immediately intertwines your fingers, your hands comfortably sitting on his thigh while he draws small and soft circles on your heated skin. relishing in each other‘s affections, you finally allow your extremely suppressed harbored feelings for your co-worker to emerge to the surface. pulling him in closer, you lean back against the headrest of the metal-bed, he now halfway sits on the mattress with one knee pressed into the soft material. instead of keeping your palm on his cheek, you release both hands from their original position to encircle his neck with your arms, completely enchanted by the way his chaste lips move against yours. catching your breath shortly, dan heng looks at you with an uncommon expression on his face. the usually deadpanning and resting-bitch-faced man holds a sort of fondness hidden beneath his eyes that has never been seen before by mankind. „remind me to punch myself next time i yell at you, kay?“, he gently states, an unspoken but yet accepted apology soothing your nervousness indefinitely. giggling, you nod your head in agreement before then attempting to liberate him from your grip. but instead the brown haired man invites himself onto the bed, his head resting just above your chest, careful to not touch any areas that could inflict pain onto you. „hold me just a little while longer, okay? i need this right now.“ he grabs your hand softly, displaying a side of him that he barely ever unveils, making your chest swell in honor and gratitude. a blow of hot air reaches the skin on your neck. you turn your head to the source and lift your free hand up to curl your fingers through his soft looking hair. breaking the cycle of dan heng continuously monologing, you fetch the courage to speak up now : „first you come here, eavesdrop on my treatment like a pervert.“ called man buries his face in the crook of your neck at you repeating what just lead to this weird and confusing situation you are in. he let‘s out a low and quiet growl, clearly disapproving of you taking advantage of this discussion in order to tease him. „i’m not a pervert“, he scoffs before you carry on your narrative. „well, mister „i’m-not-a-pervert“, you ended up falling into the room because you got scared of natasha’s assistant, then you started shouting at me for being a dumb and tired-of-life bitch and now you are laying semi on top of me after professing your fondness of me through a very veeeery passionate kiss.“ a small chuckle erupts from your chest as the man remains silent after your confrontation, your fingers starting to brain his hair aimlessly. the atmosphere in the room has cooled down, the heat disappeared into thin air and the unresolved emotions plaguing both of your mind‘s finally blossomed into a fruit yet to be discovered by you. you are certain that what happened today is not doomed to be a one-time-thing and will definitely lead to a thorough conversation about what exactly it is that you two seek from the other. even if there is impatience prolonged in your chest about this uncertainty now, you trust dan heng enough to not let you succumb to your own doubts and thought about this topic and to explore it in your company eventually. as a yawn flees from within your mouth, you move your head to the tired and entirely worn out stair rail member, whose eyes are fluttering open gracefully the moment he feels the impact of your stare. amused, you shake your head at his behavior, before allowing both of you to grasp reality again. „we should probably head back to the train before anyone suspects anything, don‘t you think?“ „mhm… only if we continue this in my room later.“   bonus : „by the way, what did natasha whisper to you before she went out the door?“ the question has been burning on your tongue for quite a long time now. you have finally returned to the star rail express safely, now sitting on the ground with genius invokation tcg cards and elemental die scattered around on the floor in front of you. dan heng raises an eyebrow before sighing in defeat, not coming up with any reason as to why he should stall on telling you about it. „she just said to wait until you have completely recovered to not worsen the injury.“ catching onto the suggestive underlying tone that natasha expressed earlier, you take your cyno card and throw it onto him in embarrassment, the man now leaning back at the impact and groaning in surprise. „why are you punishing me now? i didn‘t even intend to do anything like that in the first place“, he calmly discloses, feeling auspicious since he‘s speaking with sheer honesty. rearranging your deck and then blindly randomizing your action cards in your hand while staring daggers at your now lover, you cannot help but to laugh at his expression. „i just wanted to throw cyno at you. you know. ‚justice is served through me’ typa style, nothing more. that wasn‘t because of what you said.“ you roll your eyes, waiting for dan heng to finish the arrangement of his cards as well so you can finally beat him in this god forsaken game after - downright - thirty-four total losses. „liar.“
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th/Stelle - Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Humor, Light Angst
['capricorn54', 'edensplained', 'dwarvenspirits', 'lottiematthewsgirl', 'Weebified', 'hydlotus', 'migueloharasirlwifesband', 'aquatra', 'Glassed', 'NefelibatepluviophileSolitude', 'dumplingcatho', 'Nightynightmare14', 'a_aahnn1es', 'NinjaPenguin21', 'Inko_sayso', 'shuamadu', 'Azure_Chrysanthemum', 'PoachedEgg64', 'Wolf_Of_The_West', 'DizzyAce', 'mark_a', 'ArcobalenoBlue', 'rainbuckets', 'popoi', 'CapWolfBane', 'HarmonicNautilus', 'Vega320', 'kaiswonderland', 'Mithramel', 'condroix', 'Gallu', 'Forceduck243', 'hideandseekinwaterfalls', 'Rat_In_The_Floorboards', 'TheSecondShootingStar', 'Kise_tk14', 'mahzk', 'iexist_thatsit', 'NemoMarx', 'JayBirdxX', 'ImGlitteringStar', 'IRFF_89', 'Avena87', 'TheYoungPyromancer', 'AisareTai', 'Echo25', 'UrRealDad', 'divineAfterthought', 'kiyochs', 'RandomAxolotl']
“March,” Stelle said, rapping on her cabin door, “Pom-Pom wants to see you.” The curious little conductor of the Astral Express was having trouble sleeping, and wanted March to sing them a lullaby. Stelle had offered to sing one herself, but Pom-Pom was quick to reject, saying that they had heard her sing earlier. That didn’t make much sense to her — seeing as how she had an incredible singing voice — until she considered the possibility that her singing was so good that Pom-Pom would rather stay awake and listen to it than fall asleep. Once she saw it from that perspective, it all made perfect sense. Unfortunately for Pom-Pom, however, March wasn’t answering the door. The Astral Express was currently parked at Herta Space Station, so maybe she was out begging Asta to let her play frisbee with Peppy. Or running around the station trying to capture a wubbaboo on camera. Pretty standard March stuff. Let me shoot her a text, Stelle thought. She opened her phone and went to message March, catching sight of their last conversation in the process. March had recently downloaded a sticker pack themed after herself — which Stelle chose not to question — and sent her a few of them, saying stuff like OMG! Doesn’t this one like just like me!? and so on. When that happened, Stelle had had a strong urge to tease her. March was very teasable, not only in the sense that it was easy, but also in that she tended to have really cute reactions when flustered. For example, if Stelle had sent a crying sticker and said I think this one looks more like you… However! As a paragon of goodness and morality, Stelle had resisted the urge. Instead, she sent over a flattering sticker with that same tagline. And March had sent the sticker back, responding all like Hehe, that means I’m cute! Her messages were always so silly. The past few days since joining the crew of the Astral Express had been eventful, to say the least, but having someone like March to chat with really took the stress off. It was like she had this aura about her… Wait, what was I supposed to be doing? Stelle looked up from her phone, at March’s cabin door. Ah, right… hmm… She placed her hand on the door handle, entertaining an idea. Now, it was true that March hadn’t answered the door. But that didn’t necessarily mean she wasn’t in there, did it? Maybe she couldn’t answer the door for some reason. For example, if she had accidentally climbed into her closet and gotten too enraptured by its beauty to perceive the outside world. Despite what some might think, those kinds of things really did happen. Well, there was only one way to find out. And for the record, Stelle wasn’t doing this because she was curious to see what March’s room really looked like. Absolutely not. No, it was on the off-chance that she was trapped in the closet and needed help. Because Stelle was just that good of a friend. And besides, a little peek never hurt anyone… So without further ado she materialized her baseball bat and— Oh, the door opened automatically. Stelle looked down either side of the hall and, upon ensuring that no one was watching, stepped into what was probably the cutest room she had ever seen in her life. Stuffed animal plushies, pink bedsheets, a holoboard mounted on one wall continuously scrolling through photographs… there was even a clothes rack with Pom-Pom shaped onesies. It was all so very March. What really caught Stelle’s attention, though, was the ceiling. The light fixtures above the room were styled after a little miniature star system, complete with a cosmic background. It was pretty, but more than that it made Stelle think back on what March had said during the warp jump to Jarilo-VI. After the Astral Express had thawed her from the ice, they brought her onboard. And when she first woke, she reached out to the carriage lights overhead, mistaking them for the starry sky… Huh. Stelle reached up with her own hand, trying to imagine that moment. Dazed, confused, struggling to make sense of what was in front of you. She felt like she understood what March must have felt then. After all, her own situation was very similar. When Stelle first awoke, it was to darkness. Punctuated only by the name Kafka rumbling around in her head. She didn’t know how long that darkness lasted, whether it was as short as a few minutes or as long as an eternity, but eventually it gave way to two voices — belonging to a young man and a young girl. Something about CPR… And then her vision returned to her. Just in time for a set of pink-and-blue eyes to lock onto her own, inches away. Stelle remembered the look of surprise in those eyes, followed by the realization that her lips were nearly brushing against— The sound of the door opening broke Stelle out of her reverie, and she spun her head around to catch the intruder. Only to be reminded, of course, that she was the intruder. “Stelle?” March wore an expression like she had just seen a ghost. “Um… what are you doing in here?” To which Stelle, who was frozen in the same position with her arm outstretched towards the ceiling, flashed a nervous smile. “I can explain…” “Trapped in my own closet?” March frowned. “Stelle, do I really seem like that kind of person to you?” Huh? she thought. Does that kind of thing only happen to certain people? Stelle bowed her head. “…I’m sorry for sneaking into your room.” “Apology accepted, although I feel like you avoided the question…” She cleared her throat, putting on a bright smile. “Honestly, I wanted to show you my room sooner or later — so if anything, this is the perfect opportunity!” They were seated on March’s bed, plushies and printed photographs strewn about between them. Beside the bed was a large window with the curtains drawn open, showing off the boundless expanse of the stars. “Really?” Stelle asked. “You wanted to show me your room?” March nodded. “See, I’m always looking for opinions on decorations, but no one here gets my style. Himeko was the only other girl for a long time, but between you and me, she usually just agrees with everything I say… basically, it’s good to have another girl my age onboard!” Stelle tilted her head. “How long were you floating in ice again?” “Hey, let’s not get caught up in the details!” she said, pouting. “Anyway, now that you’ve had a good look around… what do you think?” She set her palms atop the mattress, an expectant look in her eye. Like she was both excited and nervous at the prospect of hearing Stelle’s thoughts. And in a way, Stelle understood the feeling. It was said that one’s room was a reflection of one’s self. So in a way, it was almost as if March was asking What do you think of me? Anyone would be expectant after asking that. And March’s room really was a true reflection of her personality. Colorful, cute, and a tiny bit eccentric. Though those were all answers she was probably used to hearing. They were surface-level. But if Stelle dug just a little deeper… “It’s sentimental.” March blinked. “Huh? How do you mean?” “The photos.” Stelle gestured towards the ones on the bed, then at the holoboard rotating through her camera roll. “Those are the first things you see when you wake up, and the last things you see when you fall asleep, right?” She touched a finger to her cheek. “They add a nice touch. You can feel the memories in this place.” Photos of her having her hair brushed by Himeko. Photos of her eating dinner with Welt. Photos of her on the back of a snowmobile with Dan Heng. Her previous adventures on other planets were all on show here. And they created a sort of atmosphere that was hard to put into words. A little nostalgic, a little inspiring, and very March. Sentimental. March, for her part, looked surprised by her answer. Not in a bad way, however. If anything the expression on her face was a warm one. Though there was just a hint of sadness to her eyes. “I told you before,” she said, in a voice that seemed almost too quiet to be hers, “that I don’t really remember anything of my past. It’s a bit frustrating, you know? And, um, I know this sounds silly but… I’m kinda scared of losing my memories again somehow, so…” “You hang up these photos to make sure you remember?” Stelle asked. She reached out and took March’s hand into her own. “I don’t think that’s silly.” If anything, she kinda wished she had photos like that herself. Everything before being rescued by the Astral Express was so hazy. “Thank you.” March smiled. “It makes me happy this way. Like I have my own little Garden of Recollection.” She squeezed Stelle’s hand. “You don’t remember much either, right? Maybe you could start your own garden. Or, um… maybe you could become part of mine?” Stelle felt her heartbeat quicken, though she couldn’t really say why. Something about the question just seemed… it gave her a similar feeling to when she first awoke, with March’s lips almost pressed against hers. “S-Say something!” March took one of her pillows and raised it overhead, a completely flustered look to her face. “Or I’ll hit you with this!” Her words had the opposite effect, however, because Stelle couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter. It was one of those rare, full-bodied laughs that would probably put the Aeon Aha to shame. The kind of laugh that you physically couldn’t stop. Not even with a pillow to the face. “You’re the worst!” March said, straddling Stelle’s waist as she fell back onto the mattress, readying for another hit. Her cheeks were totally flushed as she did so. “I take it back, you’re not allowed in here!” With great effort, Stelle managed to regain her breath. “You know, we never got to have that pillow fight back at the hotel on Belobog…” “Hmph. Well I’m ready if you are.” Stelle looked up at her then. Her light pink hair was slightly tousled from all the movement, but it sort of looked even prettier that way. Even her eyes, filled with violent intent as they were, were somehow pleasant to look at. …She also noticed that their position was a bit precarious. March was solidly on top of her, to the point that Stelle probably wouldn’t have been able to get up unless she moved. If someone were to walk through that door again, it would be even harder to explain than last time. “Um… this is the part where you grab my other pillow,” March said, and while she didn’t look upset anymore, her face was still just as red. “Otherwise it’s a bit…” “R-Right,” Stelle sputtered, feeling heat rise to her own cheeks. Her previous laughing fit had her breathing heavily, which didn’t help things at all. “Hey… March?” “Yeah?” Stelle locked eyes with her, gazing into their pink-and-blue depths. “I’d love to become part of yours.”
bleeding heart ( renascence )
['orphxus (impxria)']
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)/Reader
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Gender Neutral Reader - Character
ive known him for 2 hrs i owe him my life, desc from agust d
['justagayjoke', 'kuromikkyu', 'threefreerats', 'skay__34', 'randomsoulnix', 'yeenma', 'pyr6maniac9', 'dyingstars', 'sylleblossom', 'dreamingmarbles', 'xXAstraM1dnight', 'Ariadneyuu', 'MellowzArt', 'maoiist_milk', 'monicaharrr', 'sunsquidd', 'Kotofeila', 'Selkah', 'Yukinoarts', 'khjjjro', 'peachiests', 'animae5', 'partychip', 'TraumatizedQueer', 'frostkisser', 'reisinbran', 'n7e_1x', 'LudiKris', 'MeteorGarden', 'hexenzirkel']
THE PAST IS A DESIRE DEMON / A DEVIL IN DISGUISE : INTOXICATING, ALLURING, AND EVERYTHING HE THOUGHT HE ONCE SURVIVED. THE PAST IS AN ILLUSION, A DREAM, A RECKONING : THE WOOL PULLED OVER ONE'S EYES, AN OBSCURE SMOKESCREEN, AND THE INABILITY TO DISTINGUISH WHAT WAS REAL AND WHAT WAS NOT IN MEANS OF COPING WITH WHAT WAS LOST. the past is something dan heng cannot escape. journey after journey, battle after battle, the tides grow in their cruelty, threaten to drown a dragon in the waves of penitence. there is something that lingers in the strings of the heart-- a memory waning, the bitter taste of rust on his tongue-- how it anchors him so, prays for a downfall that one deems deserved. the past is not something dan heng wishes to remember, but he does, anyway, because somewhere, there is the breaking of a seemingly cold soul that reminds him that even he cannot ignore his own humanity. defeat the spirit and it will return even stronger, suppress the sins of the past and they will return with even more hatred and anguish. somewhere, he's drowning. his vision fills with a clear blue-- tranquil. silent. forlorn. a clear blue, a violent storm, the harsh ebb and flow, then a muddled mess of blue and black. everything distorts, turns into white noise. he cannot see, cannot hear, feels his senses being stolen away, left in a limbo of uncertainty. something presses against his chest. something is pressing down and down -- a slow descent, the rapid rise and fall in attempt to breathe breathe breathe BREATHE -- dan heng cannot regain himself. he shuts his eyes, reminds himself that there is a way out of all things. composure and focus aligned, he controls his breathing. in and out, inhale and exhale. deep breath. there is a way out of all things. there is no need to be afraid. the pressure eases. the weight is lighter, but remains present, but the sway of the waters persists, and he cannot stabilize himself, find harbor and safety in the tides. he opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is you. his head throbs, the floor beneath him far from comfortable. he cannot remember much, not really, recalls fighting beast after beast before seeing you in danger. he has always been a protector, a shield, but even then, he does not think his heart has ever raced so quickly in the desperation of guarding another. how quick he was, covering your body with his in order to save you from harm's way. --ah. he remembers it all now. the way you cried out for him, that terrifying pain that engulfed his body, the quiet relief he felt when he realized you were okay, then the losing of himself and the welcoming of darkness. you hover over him, concern etched all over your features, scratches and bruises adorning your face. your hand lingers on his chest, desperate. you seek comfort in the knowing of a beating heart, a weak apology spilling from your lips for about -- well, everything. dan heng doesn't quite understand it all-- an apology for shaking him so hard in means to wake him ( and maybe that's what it was, that weight, the strange instability in the tides. it was you all along, trying to pull your lover from the depths of the sea ). another apology for letting him get hurt, then another for-- his body hurts. his limbs ache, but he will be alright. he has to be. he smiles despite the panic and adrenaline that continues to rush through your bloodstream, and the mere sight means more than you could ever tell him. your words cut short, voice nearly breaking, and you cry the moment he places his hand over yours. he does not speak of love so casually, finds that actions speak louder than words. in the way he squeezes your hand, utmost ardor found in blue hues, there is the silent confirmation that he is alright, that he's here with you. "thank you." you whisper, and there are so many things you wish to say, but the words lodge themselves in your throat, heavy with the realization of what could have been. "thank you, dan heng." you repeat this like a mantra unheard, the tears shamelessly spilling. he doesn't like the sight, feels the guilt rest on heavy shoulders, so he sits up, holds your hand a little tighter before he pulls you into a hug. how warm your tears are, he thinks, when you bury your face into the crook of his neck, and how grateful he is that you are able to share this moment, even if you are both injured. it doesn't matter in the end, he supposes. you are both alive and together, and that's all he needs. "i won't leave you." he tells you. "you have me until the end."
Na Na Na
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard/Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Gepard Landau
Alternate Universe - Crack, Fluff and Crack, Out of Character, Headcanon, Cowboy Hats
['KaorusFishsticks', 'LivingThing8', 'the_voices_in_my_head', 'Rasberry_Hibiscus_Tea', 'heckingperson', 'Av4ra', 'kiittyfication', 'Moraskan14', 'Penguinpoodle', 'lemeeks420', 'bunibunii', 'stressedmoons', 'Kotofeila', 'Astridiot', 'DaughterOfHades22', 'Liberovista', 'freylun', 'Pancakes_lvs_707', 'AsterQR_360', 'crimewave_5', 'Georgewasfound', 'RAHHHHHHHH', 'tsukishima_tadashi', 'Cage_Azrail', 'Kaosacchi', 'GrandDragon5', 'Joko_Joestar', 'stxr_wxrs', 'candelee', 'Enanane', 'Almighty_Fish', 'HOSHITAMTAM', 'JaxyKedo', 'n3oasp3ct', 'Beat_Drop']
Sampo Koski does NOT get lost. In fact, he knows to get around everywhere in this small town, whether it be by horse or his ford pick-up truck. Today was a different story though, he was going to pick up his friend, who wasn’t really his friend, Gepard Landau.Sampo absolutely hated Gepard, he was such a rule biding citizen, but he listens to what Sampo thinks is the worse band ever! My Chemical Romance. Ugh what an emo! Not to mention his sister, she’s approves of it. Actually she plays shows outside his shop all the time.A few days ago, he had asked her to stop and that’s what has lead to his current situation.“I cannot believe she’s tricked me into going down a road she knows isn’t good for Sampo Jr’s tires,” he’s sighs as he grabs his cowboy hat, that he swears is to block out the sun and not because he wanted to resemble the typical Hollywood cowboy, to put on.He gets out of his ford, or what he calls Sampo Jr. He looks at all his tires, but they seem to be fine. “What in tarnation did she do?,” he accuses Serval of this because she was the one who offered to put some gas into it.He goes to check the engine and everything is fine. “I wasn’t low on gas either so why did my baby stop in the middle of god knows where!,” Sampo sobs.“I should’ve brought Meadow, she would’ve known what to done,” Meadow being his horse who is a purebred Appaloosa.“Sampo ?? What are you doing going this way? You know this place leads to nowhere right?,” Sampo turned around to see Seele with Bronya.“If there’s nothing there than uh whyre you ladies going?,” he ask.“Gepard is giving out free merchandise, and well we aren’t into My Chemical Romance, but Serval is. With my mother finally reconciling with her…,” Bronya doesn’t finish her statement, but Sampo understood what she meant.“Well are we close then? I may just walk there myself dear ol’ Sampo jr quit workin’ on me,” Seele nodded and the three of them walked all the way to wherever they were going.It all happened way too quickly, but when he got there he was tackled to the ground. “Ha finally! You feel into my trap,” Gepard said.Sampo could have been paying attention to the fact Gepard had him pinned to the ground, but his poor hat had fell off his head. He wanted to retrieve it, but the wind blew it away.“Well howdy to you too partner,” Sampo said with a grunt. He tried pushing Gepard away, but failed miserably.“No you’re not getting away this time Sampo Koski. Today you and I are going out for a karaoke session! Maybe if you’re good enough, I’ll let you play those cringy western songs you like,” Gepard got up and pulled Sampo up with him. He then hugs the slightly older man.“Maybe next time Partner,” Sampo said, because alas this reality wasn’t real. It was one Sampo begged the Trailblazer to ask Herta to make.
A Cold Comfort
Teen And Up Audiences
F/M, Gen
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Dan Heng/Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle & Everyone (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng & March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng & Everyone (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng & Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt Yang
Not Beta Read, Hurt/Comfort, Astral Express (Honkai: Star Rail), Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Nightmares, Trashcan-Loving Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, One-Sided Attraction, Xianzhou Alliance (Honkai: Star Rail), Running Away, Emotionally Repressed, Slow Burn, Trauma, Written During 1.0 Release (Honkai: Star Rail)
['Darky_Cat', 'Mai_th3_Lemonade', 'Lunar_Abyss89', 'sanri0miku', 'Leyrina', 'Euinoia', 'Onyx098', 'Kitsuma', 'Saeski', 'lunarsteria', 'nerujikan', 'FatLazyDoge', 'Sa1ka', 'randomsoulnix', 'EsmerayWolf14', 'Kaname5', 'Emila363', 'Lo0py', 'krysrouge', 'sequelsparkroses', 'Zie_Oneatta', 'Miinni', 'Ferniejvp', 'Kai_Tyrant', 'Lspaceship', 'Paperbag34', 'Rai_is_tired', 'Shadowfox03', 'Salkinsh', 'kitty5cat2', 'tsukuyomine', 'clover_charms', 'NAECad', 'Fallen_Wings8Tears', 'risoa', 'LenoxSS', 'Ququququ', 'Kqloryfer', 'Anoshiki', 'onceAperson', 'reicchan', 'rahh_insanity', 'kanaire', 'hollowpurplx', 'OddOneAnonymous', 'ultimateyeehaw', 'ShockReaper', 'Trashmouth_Tozier', 'LivingThing8', 'Agusfagus']
He's always been guided by the wind. Following its path and even keeping his cards close to his chest, Dan Heng has always been shrouded in mystery. He even kept his treasured weapon, Cloud-Piercer, with him at all times, so that if any conflicts arose, he'd never be caught unarmed. When Stelle asked about his identity, March 7th mentioned that he never spoke of his past with any of them. Not to her, to Welt, or even Himeko, the Express train's owner. Even when Stelle asked Pom-Pom about him, Pom-Pom only shrugged, mentioning that it'd given up on even moving Dan Heng out of his living space in the archives. March 7th had amnesia. Himeko wanted to follow in the footsteps of the Trailblazing Aeon, Akivili. Welt... Stelle wasn't quite too sure why Welt boarded the train. Perhaps his strength had landed him in trouble? And as for Dan Heng... "So he's running from his past," Stelle murmured in March's presence. "Silly, how would you know?" March 7th giggled at Stelle, her words coming off as lighthearted banter. "Maybe he just likes the moments of now! At least, that's what I'm doing." She positioned her camera to face the duo in the parlor car and Stelle smiled, giving a small peace sign in front of its lens as March yelled 'smile'. As always, Dan Heng was in the archives, browsing through the plentiful amounts of information the Astral Express had gone through and experienced. He flipped through several books on the limited bookshelves in the archives, lazily skimming through its contents. He'd read them thousands of times before, yet flipping through them always gave him a sense of normalcy, even if he couldn't learn anything new from any of the dozens of words in the texts. An introvert. That was his nature. Footsteps prodded near the exterior of the room—footsteps that Dan Heng couldn't recognize as a pattern from anyone else on the train currently. March 7th had a distinct way of skipping her steps every now and then, and Himeko's heels always made a very prominent entrance whenever she passed by. Even Welt's shoes made shuffled movement when he went past the archives, but this one wasn't any of theirs. It was a movement pattern new to him, yet similar to both Himeko's and Welt's all at once. "Who's there?" The footsteps stopped as soon as he spoke. After a moment of hesitation, the owner of the unknown movements answered him. "...It's me, Stelle." Dan Heng immediately put his guard up. Unlike the other passengers of the train, Stelle was both an unknown entity with a Stellaron in her body and an unknown presence. She was like March 7th, who had a cheerful, almost obnoxiously annoying nature, as the two shared the trait of recalling little to no prior memories. But unlike March, Stelle could put up a fight without hesitation—just like him. He was already serving as the Astral Express's guard, so they couldn't have another, right? Though, with the size of the train, perhaps having another fighter on board didn't hurt. Needless to say, the fact of the matter was that Stelle was dangerous, even if the Stellaron in her was stable now. Despite this, Dan Heng had to treat her equally, since Himeko had already accepted her in. "...Oh, it's you." The movements of her shoes didn't have the signature sound of heels to them, yet didn't ruffle against the carpet as much, either. It was a sort of neutral sound. One that Dan Heng could only describe as... indifferent to the world. "The door's not locked, so you can come in if you'd like." The door slid open without any word of greeting as Stelle went straight to the bookshelf opposite of where Dan Heng was. "...Can I help you?" Dan Heng started the conversation, hoping to gauge Stelle's intent towards him. Of course, this was the archives, so on normal occasions, they wouldn't need to speak. But as this was Stelle's first time on the express, an initial judgment, as well as knowing her intent to enter, would certainly be reassuring. "No. I'm just looking around," Stelle responded flatly. "Feel free. This is open to everyone on the Express." He then added, "I enter the collected data from our trailblazing adventures into the Astral Express's data bank. Cataloging the people and places we go to, comparing and contrasting them with the already preexisting records... you could say that I'm like the archivist here." He turned to Stelle, noticing that she was still looking at the other bookshelf's contents. She gave a sound of acknowledgement as Dan Heng came to a conclusion about her. Just like he was, she didn't seem all that keen on talking, either. Her intent was still unknown, however. But that worked just fine to him, having also never truly told anyone of his own intents on the train. He turned back around to gaze at his side of the books once more, before pointing in the direction of a terminal near his own living area. "See the terminal over there? It can be used to view information already stored in the data bank, so do give it a go if you're interested." He could hear her footsteps moving then, shifting over from the bookshelf to the small space he used as his living quarters. She looked at the data bank, tapping its surface nonchalantly. After a few moments, she stopped fiddling with it, instead going over into his peripheral vision as she examined his bed, of all things. He could sense her figure at an arm's length distance away. He couldn't figure out if she was acting strange, but given that the other passengers all lived in their own respective cabins, perhaps his living quarters were odd to her. "A hard bed is good for your spine." He could see her jump at his comment, but his face remained steadfastly expressionless as he looked ahead. Pulling a different book off the shelf, he replicated the motion of flipping through it without much concern for its contents. He could sense her thoughts, adding another statement to try to rectify himself. "It's much easier for me to index everything when I'm at the point of contact than if I was located elsewhere. It's a win-win situation." Stelle said nothing back, but the footsteps emanating from her gave her retreating location away. He could hear the one chair in the room scoot over just a bit, with Stelle sitting on it a moment later. That was when Dan Heng finally decided to walk towards her, pushing the book he'd been eyeing through back in its original place. He placed an arm on the top of the chair, leaning over to gaze at the book Stelle had picked up. Some of its contents were barely legible, and he noticed some of the notes he'd written in its already densely-packed contents. Stelle burrowed her brows at the words, and Dan Heng watched her as she flipped through it, page by page. She didn't seem to understand most of what it was saying, given the speed at which she was flipping through each singular page at, but she seemed to be making an effort at it. She didn't seem hostile—at least in the moment—and he could respect her based on what she'd done for them in the past, and of her actions now. Her quiet nature was a welcoming addition in his eyes.
lemony snicket
['Silver (insolidarity_withyou)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Dan Heng/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail)
i'm surprised this is a rarepair!, they have lots of potential for angst, but this is fluff!, Flash Fic
['Micheiii', 'CosmicDramaChaser', 'CherryDemon64', 'Alter_1', 'Emma_Shiota', 'Justanothersoft_problomatic_shipper', 'caravanofdreams4death', 'Starlight24', 'kristinab09', 'Pipa25', 'AlexaRouge', 'Dabriaaa', 'shroomcritic', 'fantasticaldaydreams', 'SpectreV2', 'TraumatizedQueer', 'AkiraBlack29', 'a_distant_murmuration', 'o0_paradisaea_0o', 'sasanqua', 'The_ace_of_sharks', 'Chiclete_com_Manga', 'Kuroooi', 'snowwieyu', 'HorneeHai', 'Marisul', 'Soft_Hoodie_Sire', 'Sxnny', 'Staby_stav', 'vanessa_deathchild', 'wintermelon_baby', 'Charry_chai', 'EggiestEgg', 'ivsx', 'Emoriae', 'Lyria_Locke', 'Tabiary', 'Nio_needs_sleep', 'reiject', 'Witch_of_Helvetica', 'Rakshiem', 'deersehuna', 'MorenaEnima', 'Flalery', 'Fujin_Patata', 'KunishiroKei', 'Eyebugsislife', 'Yovernya', 'alasta1r_s', 'MrStealYoGurll']
“Have you ever tried the Xianzhou Luofu's lemons before?”  Dan Heng resists the urge to laugh at Jing Yuan’s question. They’re at a formal gathering in the latter's palace—it wouldn’t be appropriate. “The Astral Express travels from universe to universe. Any live fruit will decay as time warps around us. If you’re asking if I’ve seen one before, I documented one in the train’s archives. That’s…about it.”  Jing Yuan’s large white cowlick, probably from him sleeping on his wrong side last night, daintily bounces in the night wind. His long, sleek hair smells citrusy up close. The fact that Dan Heng might be the only one on the Express who knows that smell makes him a little sad.  “Well, do I have a birthday present for you.” Jing Yuan’s arms reappear from behind his back. He’s procured a small, airtight bag of lemons. They’re ripe yellow, with all the leaves carefully pruned. Not a single spot on any lemon’s skin is blemished with brown decay or rot. Dan Heng’s throat constricts. He slowly reaches out and takes the package in his hands, careful to not jostle any of them. “You shouldn’t have.” “You shouldn’t have had to come back here,” Jing Yuan counters softly. “But here you are, running from this world’s bad apples. I’m glad you came, Dan Heng. Even if it’s only for a moment of moonlight.”  Dan Heng can already taste the sweet tartness of the lemons prick the sides of his tongue, feel rough bark on his feet from climbing up a tall tree to grab handfuls of them out of their boughs. In its early days, the Xianzhou Luofu used to be a trading powerhouse and a luscious fleet full of greenery. Now, even the last blade of grass wilts to dust in the face of the Stellaron anomalies. Young Dan Heng would be devastated. As it goes, the Dan Heng of this time has no reason to be devastated. He’s on a mission and on the run—and he has a purpose now.  “Thank you.” He smiles. Jing Yuan does too. “Welcome home, Dan Heng.” 
Good Luck Charm
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
March 7th/Stelle - Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail)
March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail)
Canon Compliant, Fluff, Falling In Love, March 7th being cute, I Love March 7th
['edensplained', 'dwarvenspirits', 'Weebified', 'Glassed', 'aquatra', 'Silent_butterfly', 'Vaderman1977', 'Grapejuicexx', 'Nightynightmare14', 'MissVerruckt', 'DizzyAce', 'Just_Uta', 'rainbuckets', 'Luzerad', 'captinartemis', 'SpaghettiHoops', 'Alohamiya', 'Kise_tk14', 'mercel_nem', 'Caliph', 'divineAfterthought', 'addeus', 'KweenofThorn', 'ageekywriter', 'DiaForte', 'opalthehappypanda', 'gh0st_fl0wers', 'Mayhemba', 'Sixerry', 'Heart_In_The_Clouds', 'nico_nicotine', 'Fruchroze', 'EdelweissMax', 'xX_Rouge_Xx', 'JustAnotherLesbionageSpy', 'InaDoshin', 'lilylilac338', 'softDemonThing', 'Esthesilly', 'l__matthew__l', 'Aripato', 'soggne', 'Miini', 'Senscawfee', 'DrAntlers', 'Laryssea', 'EonShark', 'Rabba', 'JadePagoda25', 'Sad_Gh0st']
Although there hadn't been a lot of time for Stelle to think, she certainly didn't expect to find herself riding among the stars. Her eyes were still adjusting to the sight of them, seemingly so close to the windows that lined the Astral Express. After waking up in the gloom of a half-lit room, she hadn’t known quite what to expect of the outside world. After all, from her first few moments awake there had been something bigger going on: a battle to fight, a mission to complete. A goal to get to. And then there had been all the talk about a Stellaron… An issue that plagued her thoughts even in the apparent tranquility of the train that awaited for departure. Most of the other passengers were already seated, including Stelle herself. Mostly because she felt it was easier to brace herself not against the jump which was still a few minutes away according to Pom-Pom, but against the myriad of doubts that resonated within her mind. Her eyes wandered, sometimes focusing on the station outside, the many glittering stars that shone and soothed her—a reminder that the world would continue to just be, regardless of what she decided, where those new people would take her. Then she would glance inside, and smile at a certain someone who refused to take a seat. Apparently it was common for that to happen, if Himeko’s words could be trusted. March 7th was always one to challenge herself, to try and remain on her feet when the Astral Express roared to life; no matter how many times she had failed and how many bumps had been the result of that act of courage. No matter how impossible it seemingly was for one to keep their balance upright due to how violent the process was, Stelle had a feeling she would attempt that again and again. Just because. Her attitude was a breath of fresh air amidst that much seriousness, the grim battles and sense of danger which had surrounded Stelle from the moment she had woken up. The sound of March’s voice had been an anchor to her, especially during their last, perilous fight. To see her standing among the rows of plush, red seats lining the windows, proudly making her stand with a smile on her face no matter what Pom-Pom said, was somewhat… cute. Stelle found herself beaming as well, finally able to pay attention to something or someone rather than her own weird, grim situation. It wasn’t the novelty of it all, or the pretty lights inside the  Express, that had eventually dissolved her questions—no, it was March’s demeanor, the sweetness to her acts. The way she smiled even wider, once their eyes met and the other girl placed both hands on  her hips as if to show how determined she was. “They don’t believe I’ll be able to stay up when the train goes, but I know this time I will! Because you’ll give me luck, won’t you, Stelle?” “Do we have to go through this again…” A tired voice complained from the other side of the room; Dan Heng shook his head, another confirmation that maybe that was a familiar sight. That maybe it could become a familiar sight to Stelle as well, if she so desired to stay with the others in that strange adventure. “I believe in you,” she said after turning back to address March. It wasn’t a lie, though part of her didn’t exactly understand what the issue was with it. Maybe the excitement of a new trip was too much for the other girl to sit still like Himeko. Maybe she was just as antsy as Stelle, willing to discover what other places could be lying out there.  Or maybe, just maybe, doing the predictable was just too boring, and March was forever one to look for the exciting part of life. If it was the former, well, Stelle herself might do well in trying to be a bit more like her, what with how uncertain things were when she was concerned. “All passengers, get to your seats!” Pom-Pom announced, and somehow she knew that was the last warning: there was a tired note to their voice, almost as if they had finally given up dealing with the likes of a certain archer girl. “The Astral Express shall move in 5…4…” “I won’t fall, I won’t fall…” March 7th braced herself, bending her knees. It was probably something she had learned from fighting or with one of her companions, a way to have better control over her balance since she was closer to the ground. Still, the more Stelle examined her posture, heard the sound of her gentle voice growing more doubtful with time and making a countdown of its own, the more she was sure there was something wrong with the entire thing. That no matter what, she wasn’t stable enough to keep standing due to how uneven her feet were, or how unsuited to sudden, fast movement her whole position was as well. The final numbers barely reached the newcomer’s ears or registered in her brain. Her mind was focused not on where they would be going and how the train operated (which would be very valid points to consider since she couldn’t answer either question) but on March’s position, the way she held herself taut. Too taut, even, to the point that it would be almost impossible for her to react to the way the train would move. Hence it came as no surprise to Stelle that the second she heard the loud noise of engines getting to work and sensed movement in the whole around her, March 7th’s litany of “I won’t fall”s turned into a squeak, her torso tilting forward a millisecond after the Express did. Stelle had almost no time to react; it was mere luck that she had been sitting that close to where the pink-haired girl had chosen to stand, or so she justified as soon as she had another, coherent thought. Before she could stop herself, talk some sense into what was going on and what her muscles wanted her to do, she was already on her feet, standing behind March and gripping her. Pulling her backwards until her body could get its bearings, weight leaving the points of her feet and reaching the ankles as both of them wobbled the slightest. They were sure they had an audience even before the entire thing was over. Both of them could feel surprised gazes on them, as well as hear a gentle chuckle that came from none other than Himeko. The sound barely registered in the back of Stelle’s mind, however, as she tried her best to hold them upright and stop her own body from going back. Yet it was her first time riding a train as far as she knew, and her first time aboard the Astral Express as well. The jump had been more than a machine simply roaring to life and lurching them forward: there was a lot more to it, sensations she couldn’t explain running through her spine. A queasy feeling took over her stomach and she clamped down on it, clamped down on everything that wasn’t related to keeping her and March standing up. The moment she was about to give in and let them both fall was the same in which the girl in her arms took action, leaning a bit forward so they wouldn’t overbalance to the other side. “W-we’ve got this, Elle!” March exclaimed, holding on to the arms that circled her torso. Holding on to the warm sensation in her chest that had nothing to do with the fact that for once it seemed like she was about to make her dream come true, to stand up with the train left the station. Rather, it had everything to do with Stelle, the mysterious woman that had made her feel so many things all of a sudden… and who had almost sacrificed herself during their way there, too. She had been sure that the newcomer would laugh at her face like the others had, when they were safe and waiting for the train to depart. To have her holding March by the waist, helping her balance so she could do what she had wanted to since her first trip on board of the Astral Express was… new. Fun. Amazing. No, none of those words really described it well. It was, it was… “Cute.”  She mumbled it without realizing, her cheeks glowing with heat for no reason as well. Her voice was even softer, especially when she felt the arms around her waist loosen their hold on her but not let go still. It was easier to take a deep breath, then, and to enjoy the warmth which coursed through her. The thrill of exhilaration, at the fact that she and Stelle were indeed standing up together in the middle of the train that by then, had stabilized in its course. “Hm?” The newcomer asked, tilting her head. She wasn’t sure if she should let go, or why that should be a question to begin with. They were both safe, still, standing.  The train was moving, and unless they hit something, stable enough for everyone else to be on their feet on their own. Then March 7th put an end to her doubts once more by turning around, enveloping her in an embrace that was so gentle she couldn’t think about anything else. “We did it, we did it!” She cheered, the joy in her voice making Stelle’s heart skip a beat, her cheeks glow with a small tinge of pink. Even more so when she pulled away and regarded the newcomer with an earnest, excited glance. “See? I told you you're my good luck charm.” Stelle couldn’t argue and simply beamed back, caressed her companion’s back before letting gop. Not because she was uncomfortable with the closeness, or since she wanted to go back to silently brooding over what her life had become, what it would become.  But only since she was pretty sure she would combust if she stood another second that close to March 7th, without understanding what those feelings were. “I uh, I did nothing,” she stammered, even though a portion of her mind was quick to say that she had pretty much stopped the other girl from falling. Everything else had been just them working together in amazing tandem, managing to find their sense of balance not apart, but together. “But I’m glad you were able to—” “Bah, don’t be silly. Thank you for believing in me.” March took one step closer to Stelle, then apparently thought better about it and shied away, glanced at the windows as if something outside was more impressive. “H-here, let us sit now and enjoy the ride. And see if Pom-Pom still remembers I asked them for a drink.” They took seats together, hands brushing as they turned sideways in order to look outside at the vast space. A lot more would happen in the days to come, they could feel it. What they wished for the most, secretly so, was that they would be able to rely on each other and grow closer still, every passing day.
Tough Love
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Gepard Landau
Reader-Insert, fem reader - Freeform, Handcuffs, Blow Jobs, Dom/sub
['LeenaIHD', 'briiinaaa', 'gunmetaldaisies', 'krsrj', 'zeddcxz', 'gloomymomiji', 'Kalypso_Fox', 'finnessedyourgal_25', 'Lolikl', 'halafterlight', 'Chesmin', 'Doublecheseeburger', 'SpaghetInMyBowl', 'Lexigottaken', 'YourFavoritePiglin', 'kimuras', 'Furai', 'cKyla_02', 'jasstane', 'riruraq', 'Akiiiiiii102938', 'bastian_idle', 'tornpomegranate', 'azzurre', 'what_is_wrong_with_everyone', 'Peachy_Patrol', 'Felixx12', 'Shizuia', 'kodzu420', 'Rezuri', 'asukahayami', 'yanoreizu', 'Dream_drop33', 'Ekklesia', '682ILVU', 'anemoon', 'Kawaiineko_heichou', 'Liz_ZZZZ', 'Ccxrlx_Pexrl', 'BakaBakaGo', 'TheLadyLokia', 'fayeisdead', 'Snerpie', 'JeonghanIsLoveJeonghanIsLife', 'Nalulover827', 'Sasaki_12', 'Solar_Sunflower', 'adachisrose', 'Sirnah', 'swithrika']
The cool metal of Gepard’s cuffs warms against your skin as he gently nudges you into an office of some kind. As you fiddle with them and try to pop them open he gives you a distinctly annoyed look. You grin back. “Really? Petty Thievery? Again?” He asks, looking over some papers in a file and shaking his head. “And then you just stood around. It’s almost like you wanted to get caught” he added. You straighten your spine a little, trying not to make it obvious the words had an affect on you. “Yes, well, it did get me somewhere new it would seem” you notice looking around what you assume is his office rather than the jail cells he normally tossed you in for the night. “My line of work isn’t just about tossing people in the cells. I have to think about motive, reasoning. I’m trying to help you.” He grunts, his blonde hair falling a little into his eyes. “But you don’t make any sense, thief.” He adds. You grin sly, and soft. You stand and begin to walk yourself around his office, eyeing his trinkets. “And... just how long have you been looking into me?” You ask, looking over your shoulder. “...That’s irrelevant.” He insists, still standing near his desk. “What Is relevant is that before these strings of incidents, you never had a criminal record. In fact it would seem you still have a pretty steady job at the hotel despite everything.” he murmurs. “Why? What is spurring this on? Do you need help with something? Are you in a bad spot?” He asks rapid fire making you sigh with impatience. You pick up one of the priceless trinkets without answering, fingering the glass ornament with deliberate movements and pretending to try and pocket it. He is at your side in an instant. You put the trinket back as his hand grasps around your bicep, and he presses you hard into the adjacent wall. You whimper softly, unable to help yourself with his hands actually on you now, just as he’s speaking. “That doesn’t belong to-” he stops, your face flushing as he catalogs your response to what’s just happened. He is pressing himself to you, you assume for slight intimidation, but as the realization of exactly what you’re after hits him you grasp his collar in your shackled hands. You pull him closer, your breath shaking as you do. “I know. Everything in this office belongs to you.” you assert, eyes roaming over his face and his ever widening pupils. “And everyone” you add as you watch his eyes flick down to your lips before backing up to your eyes. When he doesn’t respond you let go of his lapels. “Isn’t that right?” you ask. It is a tense stalemate as he seems to enjoy watching you squirm in the silence, and you seem to enjoy the closeness despite it all. “Yes. That’s right.” He murmurs softly after long moments. Your mouth goes dry as his eyes darken just a little. “And I suppose I should do something about your little transgression before you leave this office and become someone else’s problem” he adds, taking the cuffs by the link and slowly backing up to tug you along with him to the desk. He walks you to the side of the desk, pulling a book free from the shelf. “A little community service never hurts. Perhaps you’ll learn a better lesson this way.” he murmurs, making a shiver run up your spine again. He opens the book, setting it on the desk and motions for you to read. It’s a history tome, completely boring and all at once you wonder if he’s playing you for a fool. “Belobog’s natural warmth stems from-” You slowly begin to read before feeling his hands on your back, easing you to bend over the book. You nearly stutter the words before feeling a sharp pinch to your backside. “Don’t stop reading until I say so, or I’ll have to assign you more punishment” He breathes near your ear. You nod, and keep going. “-T-the architects build this city-” you continue as his hands slowly roam over your clothes. He undoes clasps and ribbons, belts and buckles. Not enough to fully disrobe you, but enough to make it much easier to glide skin to skin. The cool air of the room makes your nipples peak under your shirt as you breathlessly recount the history of humanity’s last bastion against the cold. “Good girl.” He murmurs, settling himself behind you as he takes off his own gloves. When the cool skin of his hands rests against the swell of your breasts you almost lose your place again. He waits patiently as you restart your sentence and continue on. He slowly feels you, the fullness of your chest in his hands seeming to like taking his time, before his fingers brush the hardened bud of your nipple. “A-and they built the city, oh fuck, they built the city together~” you whimper through the next few lines. He brings his lips to the spot right beneath your ear and you can feel a smile stretching across your skin as he kisses you there. “That’s right, collaboration can work very well if you let it, hm?” He teased, one hand sliding down your body and pressing beneath your waistband as you can't help but roll your hips back into his. He moans softly in your ear at the brief friction between your ass and his hardened length before his fingers finally find your clit. You take the minutes he’s spending to tease you verbally to pant wanton as his fingers warm against your slick folds. “You’re so wet” he murmurs, rolling back to your clit with the expert precision of a man who was very well versed in bodies. “To think, this is what you wanted my attention for so desperately. I think I should really make you regret that.” he whispers playfully. He pulls his fingers from you before you can get any good relief making you whine pathetically. “Come here, on your knees” He asserts, tugging the chain between the cuffs again. You do exactly as he says without even thinking, on your knees against the hardwood before him. He walks away a moment to lock the door and close the curtains before standing before you again. His cock is making a hard line in his pants before your eyes, and you reach out tentatively to run a hand over it. He shudders and sighs softly. “That’s it.” he murmurs encouragingly, slowly unbuttoning the ridiculous uniform and presenting you with such a pretty cock your mouth has to water. “Oh Aeons” You breathe, pulling him closer and running your hands over him excitedly. You look up and watch his stern face turn to something cockier, softer, pleased with your reaction. You open your mouth slowly to run an experimental tongue along his shaft. He groans softly, taking your hair into his hands and gripping tighter and tighter. “You're awfully teasing for someone in your position” He groaned softly, pulling your hair harder and pushing his length deep into your mouth all at once. You moan around his cock as he begins to roll his hips fucking deeper and deeper into your mouth. You feel saliva start to roll out of your mouth onto your chin and chest, cooling you further and heightening your awareness on your skin. You lift your eyes up to watch his face as the usually so kept together Gepard becomes a groaning panting mess as he fucks your mouth with a fervor. Like he's wanted to shut you up this way for a long time. The idea alone is enough to soak you through, your hands moving to try and get a good angle to give yourself some relief as he stretches your jaw. "If you touch yourself without my permission I'll make sure you won't cum today" he promises darkly, your eyes snapping back to his as you realize that he's still watching you. You hold your hands out against his legs as penance and proof that you won’t inflict such a punishment on yourself willingly and he moans appreciatively. After a few more steady thrusts he pulls you back abruptly by your hair, tilting your head up to look at him. “Tell me... How badly do you want it?” He asked softly, making you huff a soft indignant breath as you try and collect yourself enough to speak. “Want...what exactly?” You ask, looking up through your lashes. “My cock. Inside of you specifically.” He insists, his eyes staring down at you unamused and impatient. “We can return to your other community service act if you’re not interested-” he warns, making you shake your head in his hold. “N-no! No, I want it! I want it please, so bad. I’d rather have this a thousand times than any more of that” You whine, “I’ll do anything, just don’t make me go back to reading that gods forsaken book” you add, and he’s already scooping you up into his arms. Your back is pressed to the same wall as earlier and you can already feel his hard cock nestled perfectly against you.“Is that right?” He purrs in your ear, “And here I thought that was a pretty nice punishment. I’ll have to get more creative” He teases, before biting down on the meat of your shoulder and pushing inside of you with one fluid motion. “Fuck!” You scream, realizing in that moment that there are two guards outside the door and that he hasn’t once tried to silence you, and you clench tightly around his cock in response. He loops your bound hands behind his head, and your legs lock around him instinctively allowing him to just start thrusting roughly. Your hands work their way into his hair, just long enough to give you something to anchor too as he screws every coherent thought from your brain and all you can think is finally as it dawns on you how long you’ve been trying to get this man to fuck you. He pulls nearly all the way out each time before slamming back deep inside of you, shaking the glass trinkets on the shelves each time as he moans just as loud in your ear, nursing the bite mark he left with his soft tongue. “That’s so good” You praise breathlessly, it being nearly the only thing you could even think to say as the chorus of moans and tinkling glass fills the small office. “Yeah? Enough to- fuck~ to stop stealing?” He asks in your ear, and you can feel another knowing smile pressing into the skin of your neck. You can’t help but laugh softly, and nod your rolling head. “I’ll never steal again if you keep fucking me like this” You promise, making him moan harder, his hips picking up speed and truly robbing you of air or any reasonable thought to speak with. You can feel yourself thundering to your release the faster he moves and the deeper he hits, and you tug his hair harshly in response. “Gepard I’m close-” You warn, but that only seems to spur him on, one of his hands bruising your thigh with its grip and the other moving to tug harshly at your nipple. “Cum.” He demands, his firm word sending you careening over the edge. You curse, your back arching and head knocking into the wall behind you as you orgasm against his still rock hard length. “Good, good girl” He praises, making your post orgasm high feel even shinier. “Please” you beg breathless, and it’s almost like he knows exactly what you want already, pulling free from you and letting you sink to the ground again. “Open your mouth” He demands, your mouth hanging open in instant reply, your cuffed hands reaching for him before he could stroke himself. You move fast against him, listening to him moan before finally he shouts and covers your tongue and lips in his release. “Oh fuck” He curses softly, stumbling a little both of you more than spent. You lick his seed from your lips and swallow it without a word, sighing in delight at the turn of events. He bends low, using a small key to take the cuffs from your hands. You both slowly spend some time putting yourselves back together and not saying anything. “That was-” You start, unsure of how exactly to describe it. “Eye opening” You finish, smiling ruefully at him. He returns that smile. He uses a blue handkerchief to wipe down your legs and help clean you up before taking it and the cuffs and stuffing it in the small hip pouch on your belt. “What-?” you try to ask but he silences you. “Keep these. If you stay out of trouble, I’ll come find you for... more of this.” He promises, and surprises you with a gentle and tender kiss to the cheek. “Promise?” you ask in a small voice, slowly smirking deeper. “It’s not just a promise, it’s a threat” He joked, winking.
CPR turned crush
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng/Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng & March 7th & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng & March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th & Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail)
Accidental Kissing, Boys Kissing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Kissing, Better Than Canon, Muteness, Sign Language, Male Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail), CPR turned kissing, dan heng is so silly love him mwah, March 7th is a little shit, in a /pos way, Fluff, dan heng has cold hands because I say so
['Honeycloudress', 'Oh_Morrow', 'Candy_4MA1', 'VentiLatay', 'Gam3_0v3r_sUck3rs', 'StellarSpace', 'mortalcreator', 'Sharath', 'Azusaya12', 'Sr_PringleProngle', 'Nmomns', 'PaNiaJuni01', 'Malassiss', 'sparklycaprisun', 'jinnie_cutie', 'notsohaylee', 'DaryGlee', 'Yanno_ily', 'I_really_like_sunflowers', 'mylifechoices', 'Angel2GroundControl', 'TheBunnyGod', 'LeesBitch69', '5kullflow', 'CloudFlames', 'jewelsandjems', 'OmniMaiMage', 'voxdivine', 'neoiyte', 'ReadintheReeds', 'sleppthrough', 'GamzeeIsBestBoy', 'Meh_3454', 'Gothicsludge', 'OHnananna', 'YourUnusualFandomLurker', 'Linny_Milly', 'krlkdk', 'Mokakoto', 'Pancham_707', 'DumbassKagehina', 'JJY221', 'Uuuummmmm7', 'eatCannoli_beHappy', 'silentnote', 'pumiinpatches', 'Sharksterr', 'oceanwavepufferfish', 'DearestTree_Twee', 'koosimp']
"No, you do it! I don't know this bit." March 7th shoved Dan Heng's shoulder towards the unconscious stranger. She had done chest compressions already, and the guy's heart was beating, but he didn't seem to be breathing. "If you know the first bit..." He muttered. "Just do it! He might die!" Dan Heng hesitated, but went ahead, kneeling and leaning in to try and give the kiss of life to the gray-haired man that was now lying on the floor. Their lips touched and he breathed out, praying that he wouldn't have a dead man's germs on him. He moved back after breathing out as much as he could, and the now awake man watched from below him, bright red. He gasped and moved back, covering his mouth with his hand. March's jaw was open in shock. The stranger sat up, wincing at the light. He stared at Dan Heng, and it was silent for a moment. His hand fell from his face. "I'm sorry. I was, uh... trying to save you." He muttered, feeling his face grow hot. The stranger hesitated and began signing. "It's OK." He paused, then added "thank you", which seemed entirely embarrassing right now. March snickered, and both of the men looked away from each other, the stranger looking at her and Dan heng looking away. "Sorry, just- I was scared to do that for exactly this reason!" She giggled, and her friend rolled his eyes, desperately trying to forget how their lips had felt against each other. "Um... hehe! Sorry. What's your name, now you're awake?" The man finger spelt "Caelus" and March nodded. Dan Heng watched him sign from the corner of his eye. Caelus was a very nice name, he thought to himself. Mysterious. Very fitting for someone who just appeared unconscious on the ground of the space station. Caelus, Caelus, Caelus... He could feel that he was still red, and shielded his face from the view of the other two. He heard March laugh, and Caelus breathed out in a half-chuckle. It pissed him off how it made his heart flutter. You just met him, chill the hell out! "That's Dan Heng, he's usually a bit grumpy, but I think he's a bit embarrassed as well right now, for obvious reasons!" He heard more movement, assuming it was Caelus signing, and listened to March's side of the conversation. "I'm March 7th, but people call me March. It's a long story. Uh, you're on the Herta space station. Do you know how you got knocked out?" "Hm... that sucks. Either way, there's an attack going on right now. Getting people safe is the most important thing, so come with us. We'll get you to someone who can help!" He heard her help the new man up and she poked his back with the tip of her shoe. "Get up, grumpy. He's not holding a grudge, and he can only read your lips for an apology if you look at- oh. Never mind, he's not deaf. Wait, why do you sign, then? Oh, mute? Ok! Then come on, Dan! You can only see him accept your apology if you face him!" She poked him again and he grumbled and stood up straight, facing the other two and crossing his arms. "I'm sorry. Again." Caelus smiled and waved his hands in a dismissive way, his cheeks still a bit pink, and Dan heng watched him smile for a second, then saw March's raised eyebrow and quickly averted his gaze.   Oh, god he hated himself for agreeing to save this man's life. On purpose kiss :) (See the end of the chapter for notes.) The door slid open to reveal the archives- or, apparently, Dan Heng's room. Caelus marvelled at the decoration, a moving mural of the night sky on the far wall.Beeps and clicks sounded throughout the room from the various archival banks built into the wall, next to thin bookshelves. "If you're going to be here, at least let me help. What are you looking for?"Dan Heng spoke from a chair to Caelus's left, making him jump.He had his arms crossed, and was facing a bookshelf, an open volume in his lap. He turned his head over his shoulder to watch Caelus sign. "I was coming in to say hi. Is this where you sleep?"He caught sight of a sleeping bag on the floor near the back of the room.Dan Heng grunted. "This isn't a room for chatting. It's for learning.""Do you like reading? I don't think you've mentioned it."The man's shoulders tensed."Mhm." Caelus looked around the room again."I like that wall." He pointed to the mural, and Dan Heng's eyes followed his hands. "It's a data bank. I can basically search for anything on it.""Nice! That must be useful?""Yeah. I can show you, come."He got up from his chair, placing a piece of scrap paper into the page of the book he was reading, and walked to the far wall. Caelus followed him."Careful. There's steps."They ended up stood next to each other, and Dan Heng started swiping at a small screen just below the wall. The golden lights above started glowing in certain spots, and the trailblazer watched them, his lips parted in a smile. His friend watched him smile, then forced himself to focus on the data bank. "Look, we have records on you."He looked down again at the screen, and saw a picture March must have taken of him when he wasn't looking and a few lines of text."We have a bunch of information about basically everyone on this ship, different light cones, factions, enemies, aeons... a lot of stuff. It's pretty interesting.""That's so cool! You must be really smart if you put this together" He signed, an excited expression on his face. Dan Heng smiled a tiny smile."I didn't do all of this. I really just sleep here and spend time here, it's not all my work.""It's still awesome!""Thanks."It went silent, and both of them seemed to realise how close they were standing, Caelus's shoulder brushing against Dan Heng's to try and see the screen.Neither of them moved. They made eye contact for a second, and it seemed like the beeps and clicks of the tech around them entirely phased out.Dan Heng looked down at the screen, his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning pink.Caelus didn't look away, smiling. He started signing again, and blue eyes watched his hands move while he watched them. "About the way we met...""I've said sorry twice already. It was an accident." Dan Heng cleared his throat, still embarrased by his own mistake."You don't need to apologise." He signed, smiling and tilting his head. The archivist hummed, and he watched his friend's smile for a moment, his cheeks turning pinker as he recalled their meeting."I think I do."Caelus's smile turned sly, and he raised his eyebrows."I wouldn't stop you from doing it again." Dan Heng balked, and he blinked once, twice, and stared."What?""I wouldn't stop you from doing it again." They both stayed still for a moment more, blue eyes meeting yellow. Their proximity made it so that they could see every tiny microexpression made by each other, so Caelus saw when Dan Heng glanced at his lips and pressed his own together, his eyes lingering. He saw when his eyebrows furrowed slightly, his cheeks still pink. Dan Heng saw when Caelus's eyes went from teasing to sincere, and when the trailblazer's hand reached up to brush his jaw, he didn't stop him. When they grew closer, both of their hearts beating faster, he didn't stop him. He just closed his eyes and kissed him, this time on purpose. It was better than the first time. They only kissed for a moment, but when they parted lips and opened their eyes, neither of them moved away.This time, Dan Heng moved back in, catching Caelus by suprise. He lifted his hand to hold the one on his jaw, his cold and calloused, Caelus's warm and soft. They stood there, their eyes closed and their lips together and nothing else mattered to either of them. The stars on the wall shone, and the bookshelves beeped and clicked and they didn't care, because this time it was on purpose and it was real.   March poked her head into the open doorway, ready to annoy Dan Heng into playing a card game or chess with her, and her jaw went agape at the sight of the two kissing. It was quite pretty, though, the blue and gold behind them like the night sky...She took her camera from her belt and snapped a picture, the click alerting them to her presence.They jumped and moved back from each other, both bright red. Dan Heng cleared his throat, turning to face the door."March. Delete that picture.""No. It's cute. It's actually going on the wall in the parlor car, some of my best work yet!" She teased, and both of the men's eyes widened."Do not. I will throw you off of this train if you do that, I'm not joking.""What? You embarrassed? It's not like this is your first time kissing in front of me."March mustered a shit-eating grin, and Dan Heng very nearly threw himself over the rail in front of him to get to her. "Delete it!""No! They're memories, I won't delete it unless both of you want me to!"Their eyes went to Caelus, and he paused."Maybe just don't put it in the parlor car? Please?"She sighed and nodded, and Dan Heng shrugged."Fine. Compromise. If you want a physical copy for the archives, just let me know, Dan Heng! I'll leave you two to it."She laughed, slid the door closed and skipped back to her room. Dan Heng and Caelus looked back at each other, still blushing. Their hands touched, and the gray-haired man laughed his half-breath laugh, lighting up the archivists heart again and forcing a hint of a smile onto his own face, making him agree to file away the March problem until later. For now, he was busy. I didn't mean to make a second chapter but I did, here you go!I think the archive is very pretty and I entirely relate to dan heng for seeing it and immediately deciding to sleep in there (Also!! There is a fic inspired by this one!!! Omg!!! It's so cute it should be linked somewhere on here go and read it!)
Really? While at work?
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko/Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
AU, Office AU, head - Freeform, headcannon, Transfem Himiko, Himiko has a dick, blowjob, Public Sex, Under the Table, Porn With Plot (kinda)
['ErodiumsMnemic', 'Nameless_Something', 'CzarYuu18', 'Goodbye_Galaxy', 'Artemis_by_Design', 'ReinesYatogami647', 'fyeb', 'Yullisayswhy', 'memoga', 'Girlslovemetoo', 'iidxae', 'MagnustheRed', 'strannel', 'Graphic_Sapphic', 'AkariOMJ', 'dntkn', 'Reqxired', 'Emmsalos', 'Mischiefs', 'Inory12', 'Oolet7', 'Kotofeila', 'Dragonwolf100', 'alxvilgy', 'Olympia_pride', 'Taengthetic', 'juzoux', 'WOMEN0_0', 'HelloBye16', 'unusualpupils', 'Ksyukixzy', 'zainxdumb', 'Kemana', 'Roguedj', 'roma_roman', 'Elesther', 'delixir', 'EddyTay', 'lesbianyaemikofan', 'RinuZen', 'CyznPr', 'VNeseFkingGei', 'Thelainn', 'Anarchy17', 'Rono36', 'UmiMinami', 'Honeyxilia', 'Ryuguji_Kaiser', 'Seeles_Omega']
Himeko was trying her best to keep her composure at the head of the meeting table, but the lips wrapped around her dick weren’t making that easy… just under the table, Kafka was sucking on Himeko relentlessly, if there wasn’t ambient music playing the noises of Kafka slurping and gagging would be all too apparent… “Ms. Himeko, is everything alright?” One concerned man asked, worried due to her facial expressions. “Y-yes, everything is Ngh~ f-fine” Himeko replied, trying to play it off. Just then, Himeko felt hands fondling her balls and had to cover her mouth. Thankfully, the meeting was coming to an end and everyone was packing up their things, once the meeting room was cleared Kafka released Himeko’s cock with a pop. “Well, that sure was fun~” She chuckled, Himeko dragged her out from beneath the table, “I haven’t gotten to cum yet, doll~” She smiled, placing Kafka on her lap. “Hump me like the slut you are.” She commanded, Kafka couldn’t help but oblige, grinding against Himeko as the two’s moans echoed throughout. The two came with a loud moan, Kafka’s pants soaked in her own juices and both her and Himeko covered in semen.
A shameless mission
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko/Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail)
Transmasc Kafka, Transfem Himeko, Dry Humping, Shameless Smut, Porn Without Plot, Kafka is a lesbian, Himeko is a bisexual, Himeko has a dick, Porn with Plot (sorta), This is my first smut I’m posting but I’m orphaning it because I’m easily embarrassed
['Moon_Gayzer', 'eimikoTV', 'daniyasu', 'ReinesYatogami647', 'Girlslovemetoo', 'MagnustheRed', 'Cat99', 'chichip', 'Demonslayer28', 'Constellation_WatcherOfLife', 'dntkn', 'Ariki5', 'Eimikocuzwhynot', 'Reqxired', 'wanewine', 'RidleHeghedog', 'Inory12', 'Oolet7', 'Kotofeila', 'Dragonwolf100', 'Olympia_pride', 'Unknownlyn', 'KatiePuh', 'HelloBye16', 'Ksyukixzy', 'zainxdumb', 'Cuzyzy', 'Hyechaetzu', 'Kemana', 'ny4nny4n', 'hamzzy', 'lesbianyaemikofan', 'CyznPr', 'juzoux', 'alxvilgy', 'R4C3R', 'starkindred', 'Seeles_Omega']
Beep beep beep, the endless and annoying robotic beeps of the ship rung in Himeko’s ears as she walked down the hall. Most people were running away from where the corruption was, but Himeko wasn’t most people. “Ah, as I expected, it’s you…” Himeko huffed, she was annoyed that those she cared for were startled. Kafka looked up and a smile spread across her face. “What’s up, Rose? I’m so very excited to see you” The purple haired girl said with a slight grin across her face, Himeko only scoffed, “You know, if you wanted my attention you could have just broken into my quarters and not disrupted the work of everyone here.” Kafka only chuckled, “What can I say? I have a flare for the dramatic!” “You annoy me endlessly, my love… you’re lucky you’re so cute” Himeko giggled, “Awww~ you flatter me, Rose” Without warning, Himeko had Kafka pushed up against a wall. “So, shall I give you what you came here for?” “Fuck you’re hot- yes please!” And with that, Himeko pressed herself in between Kafka’s thighs, the purple haired girl groaned. “Can you feel me, Kafka? This is what you do to me, I just can’t wait to see you squirming beneath me, begging for me. I can’t wait to feel myself inside you…” Himeko giggled, Kafka’s face was red with blush, here eyes full of lust. She began trying to grind against Himeko for some sort of friction, only for Himeko to yank her on to the ground, pinning her to the floor, grinding herself against Kafka. “Fuck~ Even just pressing myself against your pussy feels so good, my dear~” Kafka was moaning as well before Himeko pulled away. “Himeko? What are you up to?” Without warning, Himeko dipped her head in between Kafka’s thighs and began kissing and sucking on her sex through her clothes, Kafka was already getting close and Himeko could tell. Himeko pulled down Kafka’s pants, revealing her soaking wet pussy, before pulling out her own cock and shoving into Kafka, thrusting at a relentless pace as the two’s moans echoes throughout the ship. “F-Fuck- Kafka I’m gonna-” And with that, Himeko came inside of Kafka, the purple haired girls own release coming soon after. Himeko pulled out to admire her work, seeing her semen drip out of Kafka’s pussy was especially arousing~
Anyone but him!
Teen And Up Audiences
F/M, M/M
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), Reader
honestly more seele/bronya than sampo and reader, Enemies to Lovers, sampo is a himbo i love him, no beta we die like ambushed voidrangers, first sampo/reader insert hell yeah, reader is in wildfire, Misunderstandings, well technically its friends to drunk one night stand to lovers to enemies to god knows what we are, Angst
['NicTheNameless', 'sexylilneko', 'Kiwislittlecorner', 'ilikecheesesticks', 'WhiteAV', 'DesertLetters', 'dokjapilled', 'swithrika', 'Camillyy', 'eatingbeansoutthecan', 'Mawco', 'ThePersonInTooManyFandoms', 'idle_cass', 'facelessarea', 'Chapapapa', 'oneandonlycheesecake', 'spacebunny0828', '7racha', 'Sspideath', 'Svehyoung12', 'HSK1603', 'TTrashuu', 'Not_living_soul', 'August_Honey', 'ShiraDv', 'mkknshwed', 'terrible_object_permanence', 'mioara', 'Abyss_Menace', 'DBFoxx', 'Kkat999', 'Tapiotsaa', 'bliztbika', 'deasiaj', 'NachtslilDevil', 'StormheroX', 'jonkerjonkling', 'LocustsNotFound', 'ilmpUwU', 'Ryugetsu', 'icantfeelmyeyes', 'CryptidDater', 'DemonChester055', 'Pastel_Nightmare', 'Beyond_The_Land_of_Oz', 'Phaticserpent', 'itadaru', 'lokidbrain', 'Thererza', 'super_glu3']
“So, who do I have to work with for this mission? Is it lil' Seele? A tad too aggressive for my liking, but she always gets the job done!” Oleg clears his throat and looks away. “I’m afraid Seele has business with that Silvermane guard.” You tilt your head and glare at him. Why does your fearless leader look embarrassed? Maybe it’s because everyone can feel the romantic tension between lil Seele and that Silvermane guard. Anyone would feel like a third wheel and awkward if they had to deal with their old married couple like spats every so often. Or maybe they already confessed? Actually, knowing lil’ Selle probably not. And probably not for a while. “So if not her? Natasha is always reliable! Or is it a collaboration with Hook? That lil’ gang of hers is great at gathering information-” “Well, your partner is-” Oleg’s statement is interrupted by someone loudly barging into his office. “Friends, Sampo Koski is here, ready to-” yells a familiar irritating voice. As though your body is on auto-pilot, you immediately turn around and punch Sampo Koski with all your might. ( ) “I’m not sure if I can trust you, Sampo. You’re always so desperate for “customers” and quick to turn them into ‘commodities’.” You can’t trust this man. Your head is telling you to run away. But your heart? Your heart so badly wants to fall. Sampo, like the suave and smooth salesman he is, puts his hands on your waist and pulls you in closer. There’s a twinkle in his eye. The same twinkle in his eye when the price is just right. “Double-crossing? That’s a bit harsh. I prefer…hmm, what did you call it? Ah yes! The end of a partnership.” You giggle with him and don’t move away from his touch. For as long as you remember, this city has always been stuck in eternal winter. Yet when you’re with him. You feel as though you’re stuck in an eternal spring, You fiddle with the lapels of his jacket - avoiding his gaze. He doesn’t need to see you flustering and blushing like a fool. His head is already too big. “I’ll consider your confession but on one condition.” “I would do anything for you.” He doesn’t bargain or haggle. Nor is he running away. You’re surprised by this. Could this mean he is serious? “I-I do love you! B-But promise me you won’t ever abandon me! I’m so sick and tired of losing people, and you’re always so reckless and a little dumb-” He gently tilts your head, treating you as though you are a fragile wounded dear — forcing you to meet his surprisingly pure and honest gaze. His thumb glides over your chapped lips. Your breath hitches, and your mind goes numb. You always dreamed of this. Sometimes even daring to daydream when he was right next to you. “I promise.” He says with unflinching clarity. You can’t resist. You let yourself fall.
Transmitted Audio Log of Project: Dimension Jade
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Herta Space Station Researcher
No Spoilers, Short One Shot
['Kotofeila', 'mallow_chara']
[PROJECT: DIMENSIONAL JADE] Research Log by Chief Researcher of the Herta Space Station, Samuel Granbel. [Herta Space Station | 08.07.XXXX 15:00] This is Samuel Granbel, This marks the first official log of the project dimensional jade. This project is a personal project of mine due to not many of the researchers under me being interested in the extra dimensional properties of this mysterious jade found in sector 19-03-232 of this galaxy. Normally no vessel would go that far but thank fully some Xianzhou merchants were lost in deep space and they stumbled across this jade along the way, eventually I found these jade for sale for their luxurious shine and gleam that seems other-worldly. This research shall be one of humanity's first steps into the dimensional planes. --Audio Cut-- [Herta Space Station | 09.08.XXXX 12:00] Today I shall log what I have observed about the Jade, which I coin as "Stellar Jade". The Jade seems to generate the prismatic lights inside it from another dimension as if there was a White Hole inside the Jade expelling out light and due to the structure of the jade it creates a unique ever color changing crystal sometimes a sunset yellow whilst other times a warm red. The jade itself seems to be highly resistant to heat, however it seems like unlike normal jadeite which normally is very hard and resistant to constant pressure this gemstone seems to be very fragile, much like glass in fact, however I've determined that this is in fact still Jadeite due to its structure of interweaving microcrystalline crystal grains akin to that of the jadeite, the only difference would be that the material itself cannot be identified to be from this dimension or galaxy, maybe it's from a different galaxy and an asteroid floated between galaxy to galaxy contained these or it simply manifested itself from outside out dimension into ours out of sheer luck, I cannot determine the possible reasons why this gemstone could and would exist. The interesting part of this "Stellar Jade" is that it's split parts that were but, crushed, or reduced to molecules naturally magnetized to each other and fused into one structure again perfectly as if nothing happened, this happened even with other pieces of "Stellar Jade" as long as they were heated together in a vacuum. That is all I have observed for now, I'll make another log when there is another property I discover. This is Chief Researcher Samuel Granbel out. --Audio Cut-- [Herta Space Station | 25.11.XXXX 17:00] Hello, today i shall log the potential uses of the Stellar Jade. Practically there is little to no uses, as a gemstone it is quite valuable due to its color changing properties and high transparency with very good sought after qualities of a gemstone and can even self-repair itself in case of damage. It is even more precious than any piece of imperial jade and quite frankly I am surprised the merchant did not try and ask for far more for this gem, I suppose that is the benefit of studying unknown gemstones and rocks they are often mispriced due to not having any information on them. There is no practical use for this jade other than making good jewelry, it is simply TOO fragile and TOO brittle. I have tried melt it to mix into metal so we can possibly have self-restoring metal gem alloys however when it fused with any kind of material other than the mysterious material it was originally made of, it lost all its original properties. I have invited experts upon expert to try and find uses for it and the only one to respond was the jeweler. It is a fruitless venture to try and apply it somewhere other than jewelry and... dimensional research. after everything done to the jewel the "white hole" inside it never dissipated nor did it respond to anything, it simply existed inside the jade constantly expelling light out of seemingly another dimension. With further research into this jade I believe I can try and make the White Hole expel objects out of this dimension. This has been another step into my research, next log you hear from me will be about my hopefully successful experiment. Chief Researcher Samuel out. --Audio Cut-- [??? | 28.11.XXXX ??:??] This is Chief Researcher Samuel Granbel. I've made a mistake. I can now only hope the information in this log wont be corrupted in transit via the black hole. After combining over 500 kilo grams of Stellar Jade the White Hole inside it changed... It didn't expel anymore and it started absorbing... It turned into a blackhole contained temporarily in jade. I tried to split it at that very moment but the jade broke and the black hole sucked in everything, my papers, my tools and... Me. It seems like everything that was sucked in has been expelled into another dimension, this includes my entire lab, however past this door there is nothing so it is safe to assume it is just my entire air sealed lab that managed to get sucked in before somehow the black hole fizzling out... I do not know how i survived nor how this is possible, but I believe that the Stellar Jade has properties in which nullify the Black Hole's "lethality" and or destructive power to render anything it absorbs useless and turns it into a simple gateway into another dimension... It is both the Exit and the Entrance to other dimensions. To anyone who can receive this log, continue on the research on my stead as I see no way to return, I only have my lab and enough jade to try and stimulate a black hole... Certainly not big enough for but I believe with enough energy given to the jade I can create a doorway for at least information to pass through. This is all I have left, and this is all I can give to the world as a memento. Goodbye, this has been Chief Researcher Samuel Granbel. It has been an honor to serve Humanity's future.
HSR Cocolia x Stellaron Surrealist Smut
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail), Belobog's Stellaron
Wet Dream, Non-Explicit Sex, POV Second Person
['RichardPham', 'haigokurarabai', 'mintsoir', 'Kotofeila', 'minuseven', 'Ryuuzaki18', 'rxsaria', 'wraiith', 'bellacjili', 'CerpinTheMute', 'AugustBee_13', 'Nualie', 'LJs_Nuclear_Idiocies']
Awareness of it comes gradually, like frost creeping over an unheated room: a whisper, a hint, the slight urge to tuck your chin into your scarf, but leave it long enough and one day you wake to the sight of ice sealing shut the window and crawling down the walls and floor. The cold was always there, you see. You simply chose not to know. But there will always come a time when the ice becomes too much, when its grasping fingers crack the window and warp the walls, when its seeking tendrils block the door and set your breath to freeze before you. Then, there is nothing left but loneliness and desperation, and the memory of a warmth that might never have existed. Cocolia, it whispers, listen. Cocolia, it demands, hear us. Cocolia, it pleads, dream for us, and you? You turn your hope toward the ice. - It's calling again.  Cocolia, it sighs. Cocolia. What do you dream? These are the bad dreams: you do nothing, and the eternal winter encroaches as it always has. One by one the heaters fail, one by one the districts fall. When you are gone Bronya's back bends under the burden that generations of guardians before you have shouldered, and after her generations more. The years turn, and Belobog becomes only a memory of the snow. These are the good dreams: the ice does not recede, but it does not matter, because the world is born anew. There is no longer cold, there is no longer suffering; there is only the endless, glorious radiance, and the open future. These are the stranger dreams: you are light, you are crystal, you are burning, you are frozen, you are the heart of a star and the timeless glacier. You are the pounding of the storm against the walls. You are the sun and the reflection of its light upon the snow.  Cocolia, Cocolia. Is this what you wish? In your dream, the sensation of power trickles into you, a drop, a taste, like a gentle caress across your neck. It curls up somewhere lower, where your heart would be were you corporeal, its languid heat spreading with the flush upon your would-be skin. Cocolia, it whispers, a breath upon the hairs at your nape. Cocolia, it breathes, into the space between your collarbones and your mind. More power, then, of the ruddiest sort: it traces its languid way down the imagined curves of your breasts, through the spaces between your thought-formed ribs, embracing you like a long lost lover. It lavishes your consciousness with sharp points and dull throbs of muggy heat, it sends trails of fire racing down your shoulder blades and your spine. Its breath would be hot and harsh against your cheek, you think, if it could breathe and you had any cheek to speak of. And then even more, power like a roaring bonfire, deep and fearsome. It smooths itself down what would be your waist, weaves its way through your abdomen, shoots down the dream forged marrow of your thighs. If you had toes you would be curling them, if you had hands they would be fists. You breathe in, but you have no lungs and there is no air besides, only the rawness of power that has yet to feed into you.  More, you nearly think to demand, but it is already giving you more, an incandescent flame curling tight within your core, dense as the heart of a dying star. Tongues of flame lick across the boundaries of all that is you, as gentle as a lover's kiss, as passionate as a lover's kiss, as frenzied as a lover's kiss. Cocolia, Cocolia, it whispers from between your legs, from beside your ear, from between your breasts. Sing for us, sing.  It is too much for you to hold within you. It is not enough to satisfy your thirst. It is not ecstasy, for that is too sharp a word, but nowhere near sharp enough. It is the dawn and the first rays of the sun, it is the aurora that spills its radiation across the polar skies, it is the apex of a jump before the fall. It rips through you, like wildfire, like a solar flare, power and pleasure like binary stars forever caught in each other's orbit, and for one perfect, endless moment, you are remade in liquid sunlight. You gasp awake to nightclothes soaked in sweat and something more, the phantom tingle of power still running through your body, your greedy mind still chasing the last vestiges of that dreamed euphoria. The room is silent but for your breaths, and the constant wind beyond the window. You are alone. Cocolia, Cocolia, it whispers, from nowhere and everywhere, directly into your mind. Is this what you wish? You do not know. You will, it promises. You will.
The Forgotten appointment
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazers (With the name of Vel, the self insert mc)
Fluff, Bathing/Washing, Sleeping Together, Late for appointment, Vel barged into their room, Useless Lesbians, Having a bath together for the first time, Seele didnt want to let Bronya go, thats it
['HelloBye16', 'Astrealiaa', 'AnonX', 'Kotofeila', 'Celian_17', '0daalaalegria', 'Wali', 'Dragn12', 'RinuZen', 'VannessaCloud', 'Draco_180601', 'Seeles_Omega']
Bronya wakes up at a certain time where she used to wake up, she looks at the clock and its 5am , but she couldnt move, nothing but her girlfriend hugging her tight, she gently took her hands off but still somehow Seele wrapped her hand back on her belly, unconsciously Seele doesn't want Bronya to leave, after many tries Bronya gave up, "ah She's so relentless, Ill just sleep again", Bronya then put the blanket again and slept with seele. The alarm rings after a few hours.   Seele wakes up to find that Bronya was still sleeping, she didnt even bother to wake up when the alarm ranged, oh my Seele was flabbergasted to see Bronya still sleeping during this time, where she usually gets up in the morning and do something instead, Seele cant help but to tease Bronya by pinching her cheeks " Wake up Sleepy head, its already 8am", Bronya didnt bother, instead she gave out a faint snoring, "I guess, she's still wanting to sleep, besides its the off day anyway, ill just sleep it through like normal", Seele then went to bed again sleeping soundly They have forgotten that they should've meet Vel (female mc) at a certain time, but it seems like Vel doesnt want to wait any longer so She barged in to their house, with somewhat of a lockpicking skill then searches around the house but didnt find anything. "Weird, its already 10am they shouldve awaken by now, could it possibly be that they are still sleeping" said Vel Seele then checks on the unlocked room door only to find Seele and Bronya still sleeping and heck their bed is messy, but it only seems to her that they seems to move a lot in bed not the other way around, "Wake up you lazy heads its already 10am, i thought we were gonna have a nice walk together and you Bronya its uncommon to see you still sleeping whats wrong with you?" said Vel while she grabbed those pillows and started punching their face with the pillows Then after that they had awakened from their deep slumber, "Ehhh– Seele??!! Why didn't you wake me up" said Bronya with embarrassment as She looks down to the messy clothing and bed to the point that her shoulders and her thighs can almost certainly be seen "I, uh Bronya was too cute when sleeping i couldn't help myself but to sleep tightly with you, and i completely forgot about the appointment hehhee im sorry Vel" said Seel while she's as confused as bronya are, with the messy bed and clothes "Yeah yeah thats fine, just go clean your room" Said Vel "Seele, ah actually… i woke up at 5am but you hugged so tightly i cant move, and for all the mess, i didnt want to bother you anymore, the looks on your face was so priceless and when you hugged me unconsciously after i carefully put your hands on the bed you spranged your hand back again, as if you didnt want to let me go….soo thats why" said Bronya Seele after hearing that turns red from embarrassment, "eh i did-?!?, ah that was so embarrassing sorry ahh, i, i'm sorry" "Its fine, i like it when you held me back" "You like it?!?! Thats even embarrassing" said seele with a low tone of voice suggesting that shes flustered "Hehe you two seem like so lovey-dovey today" teased Vel "Shut up!! " said both of them while being flustered "Oh my, dont lie just now im sure you guys like it when i get to " compliment " you guys like that" said Vel "Stop it….. Ur making me embarrassed even more" said both of e. "Heh, ill wait on the porch, you guys can prepare" said vel "O-okay" said both of them   So then they clean up their room deliberately, occasionally making eye contact but was too red to stay in line so they tilt their head to focus onto the cleaning process, in their heads they still thought it was so embarrassing that they slept so heavily when they had an appointment with Vel but then bronya asks this, "Uhm Seele? " "Yes bronya". "Since Vel had waited us for such long time, and we still have to take a bath, so why don't we shower together" asks bronya with mild embarrassment "Oh-, uh that uhh… .. But i get to see you naked, but if thats fine with you i guess its fine" said Seele "I mean-, for the sake of efficiency, its fine" said Bronya Then they hurriedly took off their clothes and went to the bathroom together, still embarrassed when all they can see is their naked body together, and the only thing that covers them up is their hands, but only two hands ofc, the other region can still be seen. "So uhm, Lets-lets shower then eh " said Bronya "Yea, yeah" Then they shouldve waited turns for each other but it seems like they didnt want to bother Vel much longer so in that one shower place they literally showered together with little to no space left as they would occasionally bump into each others body , they too would sometimes stares at their partners body in an admiring gaze but as soon as they noticed they waved their head to the other side, oh my sometimes seele can see Bronya red cheeks while holding her blushing face, "oh my Bronya so pretty" slipped out Seele "Se-, please dont tease me, i cant concentrate" as she blushed even more "eh I slipped oh my god sorry bronya" said seele "y, yours too are beautiful, ah cyka i slipped" said Bronya "Bronya….. Ah my eyes wonders again" said Seele "cant be helped cant it, oh my you are full of surprises" "oi oi oi come on Vel's waiting you know" said Vel "Блят, sorry Bronya got a little bit too carried there", " ah Гавно, Right right" They finished their shower at ease but stopped a moment before they put on their towel, a neuron activation, "Лихой" said Seele, but after that they covered themselves up with a towel so they aren't down the captivating thoughts on their head and they then dresses up immediately then put on the shoes while Vel waiting on the outside, and after that they took a walk in belobog, a city of winter.
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Seele Vollerei/Bronya Zaychik
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Domestic Fluff, Sleep, Teasing, short fic, pure fluff
['irisgf', 'Leonides2434a', 'Glaucouss', 'Azuos', 'Ur_favorite_ging3r', 'Kotofeila', 'Avorgs', 'jamjamx', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Seeles_Omega']
Seele looks angy cause she just had a bad day, and its night, bronya was around then kisses her on the lips, she was flustered, heck she was red all the way, bronya giggles but she wanted to see her red face, "oh my seele why are you so cute" "of course you had to be mine ,seele" seele's red face is the epitome of her whole embarresment, and she went to the bed, without saying anything but her heart is full of blooming flowers, she cant help but to be embarresed infront of her gf, oh my she cant handle it, but bronya didnt stop there my goodness, she snuggled herself to the bed and hugged seele from the back, licks her most vulnarble area which was trhe neck, "ahn", seele said " Oh my seele, you can be like that too huh , fine then ill leave you to sleep, good night my dear~", "g-ggood night bro- i mean ba- i mean dear"said seele Bronya then hugs seele even tighter in a gentle way " ah"as seele let out of her happines seele slept happily ever after
Taking Care
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Seele Vollerei/Bronya Zaychik
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bruised up, dying, taking care, Domestic Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Seele is cute Bronya is damned Cute, Bronseele all the way
['Wali', 'Korablick', 'juzoux', 'AntlersPotato', 'Kotofeila', 'AlexFoxDream07']
Seele's panting heavily after having to infiltrate an enemy base,but it didn't end well, they found Seele and she had to abort the mission, it was too late enemies all over her, yet she lives, with a stroke of luck, she clears the enemy but having to get cuts and bruises, but she was heavily injured, despite on how she can get out so fast, cuts were deep as it was a mix between bullets and blades, she cant keep her composure well, she almost fainted but she kept on walking, walking home, she saw a faint light of hope, she cant help but to feel light, her head is just blank and she fell to the ground, but Bronya held her, she carried Seele back home, "Oh my, She really is injured, i guess i should patch some of her cuts first", Bronya then wrapped the bandage around her hands but it seemed like her chest and her backs bleed too, so bronya carefully loosens her clothing and wrapped the bandage around the wounded area, after everything was patched up, She carried the unconscious Seele back to her home, as Seele was unsconsicus Bronya would mumble along the way , " ah why is she so careless, cant she take care of herself" "what trouble did she cause today hm", "but eh her face when shes asleep so cute, i just hope she wake up when i finished patching her up", and Bronya finnaly got home, carefully putting Seele on the couch, She light up the fireplace to make things hotter, the weather is still cold as today a snow blizzard happened, luckyly Bronya came home before it happen, its all good now, Seele's on the couch, still unconcsious and Bronya tending her wounds with enough precision, it will heal fast, " ah these wounds are deep, ofc she'll passed out sooner or later, ah why is she so careless", said Bronya. After few awhile Seele woke up with so much pain "Ahhgh what is this, im hurtin", yelled Seele "Ah Of course my careless dear has awakened now", teased Bronya "B-Bronya-?, you patched me up?I see ah, all of it too?? ", Said Seele after seeing her body with bandages all over. "Of course Seele, you were wounded pretty bad, besides I'm the one that took care of you when you messed up anyway, don't mind it" said Bronya. " *flustered*, you.. That's true, thank you… Bronya, ah but that mission was a bust, i can't walk myself up, my hands still numb" said Seele "Just rest for a few days, itll get better, besides you almost died so just take some days off" said Bronya "Fine…..i, you dont have to go all the way to take care of me you know…" said Seele while her face slowly turns red "Heh its not like you didnt want to be taken care of me, hehe" giggles Bronya "Well yes of course who doesn't wan-, wait oh… *blushes.."said seele " See!, your heart doesn't lie" teased Bronya "Well i me-, whos gonna fool anyone with this, of course, when i almost fainted, i thought to myself, where's my dear bronya, i really need her this time, i messed up real bad, i don't wanna die but i saw a glimmer of light,as if it was you, i couldnt hold it anymore so i rest my head,knowing i'll be fine in the end,yet it was really you…thank you *tears falling* " vents Seele "Well… . That was unexpected, im.. Flattered and i-i" suddenly bronya lost at words while her face becomes flustered "Ah, even the princess can get flustered" said Seele "Seele you.. Damn it, your welcome" said Bronya with embarrassment "Ah, i'm gettin tired now, my dear, can you turn the fire off" said Seele "Alright, but you wont sleep here, let me sleep with you in my room" said Bronya "Eh-, Ehh–.....okay" seele's face turns a little red again Bronya put out the light and carries Seele to the bed, while Seele covered some of her face due to the embarrassment, then bronya mumbles "why are you so cute today ah", after Bronya went in to the room she placed Seele to the bed and bops on her nose cause she couldnt help but to think, why is she so cute so much that she wanted to tease her even more, then Bronya get into the bed, hugged Seele on the back, get the blanket on, and whispers on her ears, "Good night dear seele", and kissed her neck before sleeping for real, and Seele was crimson red on her face, she couldn't stop it from happening, She was so happy to be taken care of, to have someone that she trust, to have someone that genuinely cares for her, she just can't help but to feel flustered, she slipped a good night to bronya, and She slept with so much happiness and she sleeps eagerly.
Don’t Mention It
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Danheng & March 7th & Himeko & Welt (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Welt (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Humor, Found Family
['waterlelie', 'Glassed', 'migueloharasirlwifesband', 'rose_june', 'Xantre', 'Llamafication', 'GabiC', 'Smellofsnow', 'Bulbasaurtheexplorer', 'Acornnn', 'SkyHeart1004', 'dazaisnoose', 'MirrorAlice_01', 'Emeraldhaze', 'Jason_Theodore_Doan', 'MyGoodnessLove', 'oliwritestimes', 'redhuntress16', 'Mayhemba', 'nova_186', 'Kiruoris', 'Snow_Drop_Blue', 'Akanda', 'captinartemis', 'sinfulshell', 'MarshmallowAndCoffee', 'li_fe', 'ShiftHaze', 'chrysanthex', 'stackataka', 'luc3k', 'Mr_Ninja', 'HonestBee', 'Idyllic_Valentine', 'AlbahacaBasil_ene', 'Silent_Cottage', 'MaHaL1337', 'eaflower123', 'pyronight', 'LeyasWorld', 'camifiction', 'Neophilic', 'Referencing', 'NPennyworth', 'MeLinda2008', 'Yamii_Kira10', 'Abrax_82', 'snorlave', 'StarLadySleeps', 'Kallan123']
“Aren’t you a little too old for those?” Dan Heng asked, watching as March grabbed one of the coloring booklets on the table. She threw him a smug look. “Is that jealousy I hear? Should I ask the waitress for another one when she comes back?” “…No thanks.” Welt leveled a finger at him from across the table. “Nothing wrong with enjoying your youth, you know — you only experience it once. Well, unless you’re a vidyadhara.” “Ah, from the Xianzhou Luofu?” Himeko asked, an amused expression on her face. “Would that mean he’s hiding a set of antlers somewhere?” March’s eyes glittered, and she went for the purple crayon. “That would be so cool…” “Are you about to draw me?” Dan Heng asked, eyebrows furrowed. She nodded. “You should be flattered — I’m the best artist on this side of the galaxy!” At that, Welt frowned. “March, this galaxy is almost entirely uninhabi—“ “So what does everyone want?” Himeko asked, quickly cutting in. “Let’s get our orders ready before the waitress arrives.” The Astral Express was fully stocked with provisions, so while it wasn’t strictly necessary for the crew to stop at intermediate stations for their meals, it had become something of a habit. None of them really remembered how it started, though, and if you asked you were likely to get a different answer from each one.  Perhaps it was because March thought the stations were ‘cute’ and wanted to stop at one for a few quick photos. Or maybe Himeko and Welt woke up one morning too lazy to brew their own coffees. Oh, or was it because Dan Heng received a coupon for half off his next order at select locations? Whatever the case may have been, it was tradition now for the crew to find a station and dine-in between hyperwarps. Because while eating in the comfort of their own rooms was all good and well… …sometimes it was nice to enjoy a meal together. “I want the pancakes and eggs,” March said, taking her eyes off her coloring so she could look at the menu. “Also, can I get a biscuit? To take back for Pom-Pom?” Dan Heng sighed. “It’s going to be cold by then.” “iT’s GoInG tO bE cOlD bY tHeN,” March said, imitating his voice. Himeko almost laughed, but turned it into a cough at the last second. “Alright, settle down you two. In any case, I think I’ll get one of those bacon and egg croissants…” “Oh, it comes with a side of hash browns?” Welt rubbed his chin. “I’ll take one too. Dan Heng?” All eyes fell on him, and he evidently felt their weight because he leaned back in his seat just slightly.  “Ah…” He scanned through the menu, scratching his head. “I’ll also get the pancakes, I suppose.” “Copycat!” March said, huffing. He narrowed his eyes. “I’m not—“ “Sorry to keep you all waiting,” the waitress said, arriving at the table with a notepad in hand. It was incredibly difficult to source parchment in this corner of the galaxy, but the establishment pushed for it anyway in order to ‘create an authentic experience,’ or something along those lines. “Are you all ready to order?” Himeko nodded, then proceeded to tell the waitress their selections. After each one she scribbled into her notepad, but from where March was sitting she could see that it was all just random doodles and chickenscratch. That seemed odd to her, but it did feel authentic, so she couldn’t complain. After placing orders for their food, Himeko threw in something extra. “…and then, may I have a plain black coffee? No sugar or cream.” “Me too!” March raised her hand. “I’ll also take one!” Himeko shook her head. “March, you don’t even like coffee.” “It’s an acquired taste, right? Maybe I just haven’t acquired it yet! But if I just keep trying then—“ “I’ll let you have a sip of mine, then.” March pouted. “But mom I—“ What followed was the sound of March clapping her own hand to her mouth. Everyone, even the waitress, was staring at her — causing her face to burn red with embarrassment. The awkward silence that followed was so unbearable that she almost felt like sealing herself back into six-phased ice and floating away. But then… “Excuse me,” Dan Heng said, fighting to maintain a serious expression. “Could you also bring me a coloring booklet?” The waitress blinked at him. “A… coloring booklet? “And crayons, yes.” Her mouth hung open for just a second, and then she nodded, scribbling into her notebook. “C-Certainly. I’ll have everything out as soon as possible.” “…Thank you.” As soon as she left, Himeko and Welt broke into a fit of laughter. “Did you see her expression?” he asked, slapping his hands onto the table. She hid her smile behind her hands. “Oh, now that was priceless.” March also seemed amused. But the emotion reflected in her eyes was something slightly more complex. Something warmer. “Um… thanks for the save,” she whispered, lightly jabbing Dan Heng with her elbow. To which he grunted, rubbing his neck. “Don’t mention it.”
Earth to Welt
General Audiences
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Lieserl Albert Einstein/Frederica Nikola Tesla (Honkai Impact 3rd), Frederica Nikola Tesla/Welt Yang
Frederica Nikola Tesla (Honkai Impact 3rd), Lieserl Albert Einstein (Honkai Impact 3rd), Welt Yang, Raiden Mei, Herrscher of the Void (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release
['Goddess_of_Chaos_butnotLoki', 'Just_Uta', 'Eaylo', 'GabiC', 'Zamian347', 'RandomNovels', 'Anonymous_Reader82', 'LucidDreamLight', 'deyeeted', 'Trainrider', 'MDGrissomV', 'EonShark', 'Misinfor_mation', 'IceTheCrystal08', 'HungryGhostForKatsudons', 'captinartemis', 'VoyagerStannie', 'Atapo131', 'Bald_bald_malfunction', 'Simply_Spider616', 'Biorule', 'Yuna2Yoko', 'ConfusedFrog32', 'thecomfortofanembrace', 'castilla_cake', 'Illnami', 'MaHaL1337', 'beaamber', 'Reddaemon', 'Ivyx_Sakura', 'solentestuaries', 'Sassy99', '22eMeralds', 'Yeziel_Moore', 'Gravesinger', 'Referencing', 'Hello_Hellooo', 'Amelia_Runa', 'SeleneSchnee', 'Muneo', 'alphacassiopeiae', 'kimsquirtle', 'mikannix', 'Atukanuva', 'hautedlife', 'Nerinashope', 'MoonlitTeaByTrainTracks', 'RandomFangirlLookinforFanfics', 'space_marshmallow', 'AmuUnfortunate']
The Herrscher of the Void drifts across an array of antennae and aerials, waiting for the signal to begin her work. The creation of a trans-dimensional gate is not unheard of, but it's a difficult task, even for her, not that she'd ever admit that. What could compel her to perform such a feat? The answer is simple; Mei promised her ramen. Her earpiece crackles as it comes to life with Tesla's voice. "Void, we're ready down here. You can begin." With a deep breath, she casts her awareness beyond the physical plane, burrowing beneath what normal humans can perceive, what with their limited senses. Then she's standing upon The Imaginary Tree, the first Life upon which all realities depend. Her feet fly over the gnarled bark. She doesn't want to spend any more time in this not-dimension than she must. Golden thread streams from her home universe to a loop around her wrist. As she moves, the wormhole stretches with her She zeroes in on a fat, purple fruit hanging from a hale twig. The loop unwinds from her wrist in a few quick turns, and it glows softly when she sticks it to the surface of the other world. Void allows herself a satisfied smile before she touches the thread and follows it home.   -- "Tether established." The Herrscher of the Void sounds like she just ran a marathon. "You may begin the next phase." Einstein taps her earpiece to activate the mic. "Understood, Void. Get some rest." Her fingers dance across the keyboard, its mechanical switches saturating the air with a satisfying rhythm. Above ground, a transmission array springs to life and fires a tight beam of energy at the roiling proto-portal that Void left behind. A hole in existence snaps into place, pure black save for a ring of orange where reality and unreality collide. Data streams in at a trickle that quickly becomes deluge. Isolating Welt's signal would be like finding a needle in a haystack the size of the sol system. Unless of course, you are the Herrscher of Thunder.   -- Mei floats in an ocean of EM signals. They pass around her and through her as the waves hurtle towards the nearby shore, only to crash and ricochet back towards open sea. The GENIUS signal brushes against her. It's in her hands in an instant. She pours her power into it so it fluoresces against the dark. "Dr. Tesla? Do you see it?" "Signal locked in. Good job, Mei. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Beginning handshake protocols." Mei smiles with relief and returns to her body. Void is staring at her, lit by a setting sun. "Well? We had a bargain." Ah. The ramen. Of course. "There's a place in Hokkaido I think you'd like..."   -- Tesla fusses over her appearance. Her GENIUS device whirs and clicks as it forges an encryption protocol with its partner in another world. "You look great." Einstein says as she plants a kiss on her cheek. Tesla smiles and leans into her girlfriend's embrace. "Thanks, mophead." "Anytime, love." A beep signals a successful handshake, and the holo-projectors come to life. "I'll leave you two to it," Ein says as she makes her exit. The room flickers, and the image of Welt Yang steps into her lab, handsome as ever. "Hello, Frederica." His usual measured countenance falls apart at the sight of her. Maybe it's a calibration error in the holo-projectors, but Tesla swears he looks brighter when he smiles. "Hey honey," she says. Her eyes narrow as she takes in his surroundings as relayed by his camera drones. "Are you on a train? In space?"
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
dead bron, ahaha, ahahahaaha, Angst, i didn't get any sleep
['WolfyKnight5071', 'Whrlingx', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Kotofeila', 'Avorgs', 'IzukiFan', 'RinuZen', 'Oolet7', 'Nipoki', 'velseelity', 'b3las3', 'jamjamx']
Seele was at the underground, it was peaceful and there was no one around as she sat on the ground and curled up as she started to tear up little by little, she couldn’t hold it anymore. She missed the Silver haired woman so much, she blames herself, she wasn’t fast enough to grab and pull Bronya before Bronya got to Cocolia. She watched Bronya get.. Fucking destroyed by the stupid stellaron alongside with Cocolia. — ‘’MOTHER!’’ Bronya screamed out as she ran towards Cocolia, Seele tried to hold her back, but Bronya broke free of her hold and quickly ran to Cocolia before Seele could react, Bronya was beside Cocolia and got overwhelmed by the Stellaron too while Seele was pushed away. She tried breaking the barrier but it just couldn’t be broken as she saw both Bronya and Cocolia disappear. She felt her knees drop to the ground as she started to hit the ground out of rage. ‘’WHY WHY WHY.. WHY! WHY?! YOU FUCKING RECKLESS PRINCESS!’’ Seele screamed out of anger and sadness. Just when she thought that maybe everything would change, her hope is gone, her lover is gone. She couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t believe the fact that Bronya is gone, she couldn’t believe that she didn’t manage to drag Bronya away in time, she just could feel so much anger and sadness within her as she watched the lights fade away. They all return back to Belobog, bringing the news of course the citizens thought it was the outsider’s fault so they kicked them out. Seele immediately just rushed to the underground, they told her to do that anyway. She doesn’t know what else happened at the Overworld, all she knows is that nothing is going to get better. — ‘’Really no more future for us, huh?’’ Seele mumbled as she wiped her tears, ‘’Ya know what now, Bronya? Maybe I just want you, I love you.. But, did you really have to go like that you reckless princess..’’ Seele complained as she started sobbing more, she can’t believe herself that she fell in love with this overworld princess but she did and she can’t change that fact, even if she’s gone the feelings for her are still here. The memories, the feelings, it all just.. hurts.
A heated night
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), smut - Character, kinda kinky ig - Character
['MW_Patata', 'Leonides2434a', 'Wolfie257', 'akxk0108', 'DanielSprings_3065', 'Solas_CS', 'Astrealiaa', 'Vizii', 'Azuos', 'LittleGoober', 'Oolet7', 'ConsumeMeYesMe', 'iramsq', 'AlexkiiWantsTheirSleep', 'hachimirai', 'Mishux', 'EdelweissMax', 'Whrlingx', 'Owlmannnnnn', 'Ainswrath', 'Kotofeila', 'Read100', 'CristalXz', 'Avorgs', 'xChilXChilx', 'umbrgella', 'french_t0ast', 'Sasuke_teme', 'Dark_Lady1215', 'kujousara_is_hot', 'chichip', 'rasp_berry', 'arisu_saya', 'JeongMi0123', 'ruiko', 'zainxdumb', 'HunterPrincess', 'NakadaYoichi_kenp', 'hey_youwill', 'Dragn12', 'Shonyx', 'b3las3', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'rainzb0w', 'TTaylor8t', 'KatiePuh', 'Wali', 'Nipoki', 'Thelainn', 'SneakyTrinky']
In the bedroom with the door locked, the overworld and undergrounder women are.. Having fun.. One’s on their knees with their hands tied up behind their back and being leashed while one’s on the bed. The silver haired woman is on their knees and is on the floor while the blue haired woman holds the lead, sitting on the bed, looking down at the Silvermane Princess. Both of them are naked ‘’S-Seele, a-are you sure about this?’’ Bronya asked, she wants this but is nervous at the same time. ‘’Bron, darling.. I’m very sure about this~’’ Seele said as she pulled the lead, pulling Bronya towards her, making Bronya gasp in surprise. ‘’Be a good girl, Bronya and put your tongue to work~’’ Seele said as she spread her legs, showing Bronya her pussy Bronya gulped, she was afraid she would not satisfy Seele enough but she still got to work and started licking Seele, receiving some breathy moans and gasps from Seele. She knew as long as Seele kept letting out those noises, she’s satisfied. ‘’G-Good girl, keep going- Mm~! Keep d-doing good li-ke this and you’ll ge-t your rew-ards’’ Seele spoke out, her voice slowly cracking up, the pleasure she’s receiving just feels too good for her. Bronya just kept licking and swallowing, Seele tastes good on her tongue. She kept licking Seele’s pussy. She licked Seele’s clit, which caused Seele’s back to arch from pleasure and her thighs started to wrap around Bronya’s head, sandwiching Bronya with her thighs as she grabbed Bronya’s hair and pulled her closer to her area. Bronya’s tongue got in the entrance, licking more and more of Seele’s juices, doing what she could best to satisfy Seele. Seele could feel her orgasm building up while Bronya kept eating her out, she kept shaking more and more from the amazing pleasure she kept receiving, smirking on knowing on what to reward Bronya for this. ‘’Good girl- Keep going like that~ I-I’m close~!’’ Seele moaned out as she arched her back and cummed, moaning out Bronya’s name, loud but not loud enough for the people outside of the building to hear. Bronya just kept licking and swallowing the fluids that came out of Seele until Seele stopped sandwiching Bronya with her thighs and letting go of her hair, she pulled the lead up, signalling Bronya to stop and for her to look at Seele. ‘’Such a good girl, ain’t ya?’’ Seele said even though she’s out of breath, she pulled the lead again, which made Bronya to go closer to Seele. Seele pulled Bronya until their faces were barely 1 inch away and kissed Bronya passionately, Bronya was surprised for a second but also kissed Seele back, they both tasted each other. Seele also tasted herself on Bronya’s tongue. When both of the naked women were out of breath they pulled away, leaving a thread of saliva hanging on their lips. ‘’Time for your reward, Bronya~’’ Seele said as she got off the bed, Bronya looked at Seele confused until Seele told her to get on the bed. Bronya wasn’t really used to this but she trusts Seele would know what to do and would give her one of the best nights she ever had. ‘’Lay on your stomach and ass up, head down’’ Seele spoke out, grabbing a whip from the closet, she had been hiding this for Bronya for quite long, waiting for this perfect time. Bronya thought it was such a weird thing for Seele to order her to do but she did it anyway. She whimpered in surprise when Seele started to hit her ass with the whip, ‘’Don’t worry, I won’t hit too hard, just try to enjoy it.’’ Seele spoke out as she started whipping Bronya, not hard but hard enough to make Bronya feel slight pain. But, being in this kind of situation and position also managed to make Bronya also feel some kind of pleasure from the whipping as the whimpers started to sound needy and Seele could see that Bronya’s pussy started getting wet and dripping fluids. ‘’I never knew you’d get turned on by this~ Starting to get kinky huh, princess?~’’ Seele teased as she stopped whipping Bronya and got on the bed and started to lick the fluids from Bronya’s pussy, earning moans from the silver haired woman. ‘’Don’t worry, I’ll let you cum~’’ Seele said as she dropped the whip to the floor and started rubbing Bronya’s clit, surprised by the fact that Bronya is very much wet, she slipped 2 fingers in, earning a loud and very needy moan from Bronya.‘’Be patient, I’ll give you your release’’ Seele said as she started pumping her fingers in and out of Bronya at a fast pace, earning more loud breathy moans from Bronya. The sounds Bronya made are just very satisfying for Seele to hear, Seele shoved another finger into Bronya, all 3 fingers pumping in and out of Bronya while all Bronya could do was moan and moan, her hands are tied up behind her back after all. Seele continued pumping her fingers into Bronya while her face got closer to Bronya and bite on the Silvermane’s shoulder, earning a loud whine from the princess and also leaving a bite mark there. Seele licked the blood off Bronya clean. She didn’t just leave a mark there. Seele got on top of Bronya’s back while her fingers are still fucking Bronya’s hole. Seele started to leave marks on Bronya’s back, whimpers and moans came out of Bronya’s mouth while her body started to shake. ‘’S-Seele~! I-I’m-’’ Seele slowed down and pulled out her fingers. ‘’Not yet, darling~’’ Seele teasingly spoke out. ‘’S-Seele, P-Please..’’ Bronya begged Seele, she wanted her release too but the undergrounder is just there teasing her. ‘’Don’t worry, just hold for a while more, darling~’’ The undergrounder spoke out as she flipped Bronya’s position, causing Bronya to lay on her back now with Seele who is still on top of her. ‘’I haven’t got to enjoy these boobs yet~’’ Seele teasingly spoke out as she started sucking Bronya’s nipple while the free hand started to grope and played with Bronya’s other boob , earning low moans from the person under her. Seele sucked and bit hard enough to leave a mark and not hurt Bronya too much, she was indeed enjoying what she was doing to Bronya, but she knew that she had to give Bronya her release soon enough too. ‘’S-Seele, p-please- L-let me c-cum’’ Bronya begged, it was embarrassing but she managed to get it out of her mouth as she spread her legs wider for Seele. Seele did what Bronya had begged her to do as she shoved 3 fingers into Bronya’s hole again and started pumping it in and out at a fast pace which sent huge amounts of pleasure throughout Bronya’s body. Bronya started to tear up from the pleasure and let out loud moans, her body also started shaking as her orgasm started building up. ‘’Relax, Darling.’’ Seele said as she kissed Bronya’s neck, comforting Bronya as Bronya screamed out Seele’s name as she released on Seele's fingers. Seele continued to pump her fingers in and out of Bronya, milking every drop of it as she watched Bronya’s body slowly relax from the orgasm then she pulled out, receiving a low breathy moan from Bronya. ‘’Did you enjoy that, dear?’’ Seele asked as she untied Bronya’s hands and undid the leash on Bronya’s neck. ‘’Mhmm, just don’t tease me that much next time, please’’ Bronya spoke out as she let out a weak soft laugh, tired from what she had just experienced ‘’I’ll try not to tease ya, but you look so cute I just can’t hold myself’’ Seele said as she kissed Bronya on the cheek and laid down beside Bronya as she dropped the leash and the rope she used to tie Bronya’s hands together on the floor. ‘’Let’s just- change the sheets at the morning, I’m tired’’ Bronya said with a yawn as she hugged Seele ‘’Mhmm, me too’’ Seele replied as she hugged Bronya back Both of them cuddled for the whole night
i'll be the only dream you seek
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Jing Yuan/Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sleepy Kisses, Established Relationship, Not Canon Compliant, No Plot/Plotless, Biting, Drabble, Short & Sweet, Jing Yuan shows his affection by biting
['fraisebees', 'artemiswontmind', 'fangsyyy', 'azuringblue', 'Kami_kokoro', 'chogiwao', 'ElIbArRa_BiTcH', 'Aeri_Joy_Winston', 'thatrinsley', 'oleandertheoil', 'Adxryn_Am_Ddim', 'Novae_Asteron', 'Wenning', 'chocoprompt', 'mikumo', 'SilverTheDumb1', 'isomalt', 'bl00dy_r0ses', 'Wh0re4or', 'wh1t3_dwarf', 'd1squ13t', 'LeiSBIAN', 'AsheWilt', 'Chasenaomi', 'Yuumabg', 'BatatinhaOli', 'badghosts', 'SkittishKitt', 'A_potato3', 'ArchiveOfStars', 'goldlikememories', 'ForbiddenHoney', 'nneyv', 'stillalosturl', 'hieroclesx', 'Reea_o2', 'CrystalRedfox24', 'kristinab09', 'atinynctzen', 'achromatichearts', 'Hellie_shie', 'lydslogic', 'heavenlyheart', 'pianono_99', 'Qweaenr', 'NocturnalOwl', 'Assaliko', 'windfalldreams', 'Lalay_03', 'HimeNova']
The afternoon was warm and silent, unconcerned by the noise of the Luofu so far away. It was perfect to doze off and let oneself succumb to the invite of dreams, basked by the familiar scent of white lilies. "General..." Jing Yuan hummed sleepily, blinking his eyes open at the voice that was calling for him. However, the softness of the plush pillow under his head made it hard to even want to wake up from his nap. "General." The voice called again and this time, it came with the feeling of a soft hand cupping his face, a thumb gently caressing his cheek, tracing his features with a feather-light touch. "Come on, wake up." "Hrmph..." Despite his grumbling, Jing Yuan still forced himself to somehow rouse from his slumber, moved by some strange desire to comply with the voice's orders. "There you are." A handsome face observing him from above greeted his sight once he fully opened his eyes, elegant features twisted into an amused smile. The sight, however, was so ethereal Jing Yuan momentarily doubted whether he had awoken or was still dreaming. "Welcome back to the waking world, General." Ah, yes, Jing Yuan slowly remembered where he was, with who, and why. He was comfortably napping with Luocha's plush thighs as his pillow before getting rudely woken up. It seemed his unhappiness was showing in his expression, because the blond doctor chuckled, not stopping his gentle caresses of Jing Yuan’s face. He briefly leaned down to press a slow kiss on his lover's pursed lips, coaxing him into softening his expression before leaning back into his previous position. "Don't look at me like that. You asked me to wake you up." Luocha tilted his head with a mischievous glint in his pretty eyes. "Aeons, who would have thought the infamous dozing General so childish?" Jing Yuan did not deign to entertain the taunt, and instead wrapped his hand around Luocha's slim wrist, leading it to his lips to press a chaste kiss against his palm. The action had the merchant's teasing smile freeze as pink dusted his cheeks. For all his renown of being a fearsome warrior, Jing Yuan was a surprisingly affectionate lover, so much so that it often had the blond scramble to gather his composure, unused to such treatment. Yet it made his heart flutter with affection. Truly, who knew the General was such a clingy, gentle– "Ah!" The feeling of sharp teeth digging into his palm shook Luocha out of any nice thought he was having about the white-haired man still resting on his lap. Said man was looking extremely smug at the clean, pink ring of indents that marked Luocha's hand. "Jing Yuan, you..!" Ah, not so silent of an afternoon after all...
A little tipsy
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Drunk Bronya
['Melohoney23', 'Rdash13', 'Slayer_light', 'Mystisys', 'Maxxo', 'Glaucouss', 'Zoid_01', 'starkindred', 'iloveolderwomannnnnn', 'Whrlingx', 'DefNotMothman', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'MercerScott', 'IMGAYASFUCKNOCAP', 'Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'KatiePuh', 'pastelstuffed', 'Kotofeila', 'Xenpachii', 'kayzen', 'Dark_Lady1215', 'APokeMa', 'Lalalibs', 'hey_youwill', 'steelbreaker418', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'rainzb0w', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Joko_Joestar', 'MartZeam', 'Thelainn', 'CyznPr', 'jamjamx', 'Tyrux', 'Muppener', 'Seeles_Omega']
It was a very entertaining Silvermane Guard honorary dance. She got a little drunk and staggered on Seele’s shoulder. Bronya was cracking up and poking Seele’s face. Bronya kissed her finger and tapped Seele’s cheek. “Kiss.”  Seele sighed. “I get you’re drunk, but I love you. You are so gay.” She kissed her forehead and picked her up bridal style. Bronya couldn’t stop laughing. It made Seele smile so hard. Her face hurt because she was in love with her.  Bronya clutched Seele. “Protect your dear guardian!” She shouted. She looked over Seele’s shoulder and waved at Gepard and Pela who were chatting at the entrance.  Seele clasped Bronya’s legs as Bronya practically clambered over her. She yanked Bronya down. Bronya hugged Seele and whispered, “Im sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.” She slurred. She kissed her sloppily and then she fell asleep. Seele brought her home. She plopped her in bed and fell into slumbering next to her. 
Worse than what I had imagined.
Teen And Up Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Seele (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Death, Character Death, Angst
['Whrlingx', 'ImaginaryBass', 'HelloBye16', 'Kotofeila', 'KuroToNoir', 'juzoux', 'Oolet7', 'jamjamx']
Bronya sat down on her chair as she stared at the works, then started doing it. The undergrounders kept being mad at her because of what her Mother did, as she answered for them all, fixing what her Mother had done. Is this what she’s doing now? Fixing her Mother’s crimes? Bronya sighed as she just laid back against the chair, then suddenly remembered that she needed to do her work, so she sat straight up again and continued doing her work.   She felt tired from doing all that, she felt as if her life had no other purpose other than fixing Belobog, as if she wouldn’t be needed anymore after it’s all finished. It was just too overwhelming for the newly made Supreme Guardian to handle, even sometimes she felt like her mind was blank and couldn't think of anything anymore, as if it’s completely shutted down. Sometimes when Seele’s finally free she just snuggle up to Seele and completely shutted down on Seele, while Seele let her stay like that while running her fingers through Bronya’s hair   And that’s all not going to happen when there’s reports of something going on outside of Belobog that Bronya might need to check too. She received reports of a few sightings of a monster that killed the guards, that was enough to make her feel the need to check it out and kill the monster. She needs to protect Belobog from all causes of harm, she needed to do it, she just felt like she needed to.   ‘’Bronya, please.. Let me go with you, this is dangerous!’’ Seele spoke out, begging Bronya to let her go with her, she doesn’t want the silver haired woman to die this fast after all.   ‘’Seele, please.. I need to do this alone, they need you too, Seele. I promise I’ll be careful and will come back’’ Bronya said to reassure Seele, and the undergrounder felt like she shouldn’t trust her, but trusted Bronya in the end. Which is probably going to be her biggest regret ever.   Bronya was outside, in the freezing cold, with other guards by her side, searching for what had murdered the other guards. Through the storm, she lost sight of the other guard, but she kept moving forward, hoping to see the other guards too, but instead encountering the monster as she quickly got ready for battle and took out her sniper. Only to have her promise to Seele broken when she died alongside with the monster, getting stabbed at the heart by the claws as she took her one last shot at the monster, killing the monster. But her life ended in the process too.   She took her last breath, her body had gone cold, her heart stopped as her vision slowly started to fade, she had one last look at this cruel planet, as she spoke out something.. ‘’Sorry, I won’t be able to come back alive, Seele. I.. Love.. y-you, Se-Seele..’’ Bronya choked on the last 3 words, making it the last words she spoke before her vision faded, all black, nothing to see anymore, the recently made Supreme Guardian is also gone. Wonder how the undergrounder person feels now.   ‘’Quick QUICK! The.. princess is’’ The guard finally found her body, dead, no longer alive, signalling others to come towards the body, none of them believed what they saw as they kept checking if the silver haired woman is still alive or not, after many tries, they confirmed that the recently made Supreme Guardian is no longer alive. Tears escaped out of their eyes as they desperately tried to hold it back. One of them carried Bronya, trying to keep the respect and confident look as they tried not to be emotional.   They quickly made their journey back to Belobog, encountering Seele who waited at the entrance, shocked seeing Bronya in that state as Seele hurriedly took Bronya out of the guard’s arm and carried Bronya, holding back her tears trying to look mad and not emotional as she looked at Bronya’s state.   ‘’FUCK DID YOU EVEN DO OUT THERE?! HOW COULD YOU LET HER DIE LIKE THIS?!’’ Seele screamed out, scolding the guards, she couldn’t hold back her anger.   ‘’We tried, Seele. We lost sight of her and when we found her, she’s at this state, and the monster.. It was defeated too.’’ One of the guards spoke out, Seele gave them one last disappointed look as she looked back at her dear Bronya. She never knew it would feel this bad, this felt worse than what she had imagined, she wished she had never trusted Bronya’s words.    Is she really going to be alone again? Is it really over? She didn’t even get to be with Bronya that long and she had to go, she felt so much rage and sadness inside her. Just what will happen to her without Bronya. Will her life get worse or better, will it stay the same? Will she die?
Going home
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Fluff, Light Angst, Honkai: Star Rail Closed Beta 1 Spoilers, Sick Character, Sleeping Together, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Returning Home
['Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'Kotofeila', 'new_watch', 'Muppener', 'Korablick', 'Seeles_Omega']
"I thought you said you'd go back home early ? Why are you still here at this hour?" "Ah. Seele Is it that late? I did not notice…"   "Come' Just pack it up, Bronya ,we're going home now! You look like crap already" "I still have these documents to review... Seele, you can go ahead, I'll follow after this." Seele then rushes towards bronya's face and said "You stupid workaholic Bronya! You're running 9 fever and you still want to work? Stop being so stubborn! " Bronya went red and she didnt know what to say, seele backs up and she packs up her stuff, seemingly still fazed, she tailed Seele like a dog, while trying to get rid of her embarrassment, she didnt knew what to say, she never felt doki doki like that before. "That was bold of her" said bronya As Seele turns back toward Bronya, she sees a blushing face of Bronya "Ehh Princess are you alright, is your fever acting up?" asks seele Bronya while still in embarrassment muttered "No-no its… fine, just walk us home" Seele then put her hand to Bronya's head "Ahh your fever's really acting up, shall I carry you? " Bronya, still blushing was surprised by seele's actions and her request, it is true that she cared for bronya but still she couldn't forget seele's face when her face got close her face, it was so romantic that Bronya felt so cherished.   "Ah you don't have to Seele, i can walk just fine" Utter bronya "You sure?, You seem so tired from all of your work, and you have a fever too" said Seele Her words make her even happier than before, she knew that she wanted to be carried home because she was really just tired and cant walk for long but it would break her character, perhaps if Seele took the initiative, then Bronya would probably accept it. Seele then, knowing she won't ask for it, she stopped for a bit and wrap her hands under bronya's knee and her back, then lifts her up, at the same time, bronya willingly accepts this offer and covered her face. "Don't be too harsh on yourself Bronya,your body will get the better of you" As Seele walks them home, putting Bronya in her bed, and tucks herself in the bed as they prepared to sleep,lights off and seele looks at the clock, its 2.45 am, so late, then seele wrapped her hands around the sleeping bronya then she slept in her hazy dreams Next day Bronya woke up, her surroundings was still hazy of course, shes half awake and she wanted to get up but something holding her stomach gently but tight, she was stunned to see whats behind her, Seele's still asleep soundly, she wanted to let go Seele's arm but she hesitated, thinking it'll make Seele wake up, but after some time she decided to slowly letting go of Seele's hand, and before she left she just can't resist the the temptation to pat seele on the head, while saying, "Thank you seele for carrying me home, i was actually really tired and cant hold my body anymore", Bronya felt embarrassed to say this, after all she's the legendary captain of silvermane guard, how could she be carried by someone, but well even Bronya has limits too, and that made her realize that Seele cared for her that much, though thinking this only made her blushed even more, at least now its her day off and she can spend time with seele again, after Bronya examined seele's sleeping face for awhile, Bronya notices that she still has a fever, she quickly reaches to her medicine and drank them instantly, Bronya was actually gonna take shower but she herself was worried that the shower might make the fever even worser so she went back to the bed, covering her with the blanket, seeing seele's sleeping with so much fondness, and she sleeps again, but this time she experienced a dream. "Wait, where am i, where's seele???!?" As she rushed to find seele The surroundings is eerily gray, with obnoxious sounds that made Bronya felt uncomfortable, all sorts of memory like fragments in her mind, all of which scared her to death because in the memory, Seele's either gone, left, or never returned back,felt like she was living in this dream for a long time, causing her to feel nostalgic or rather sad in this occasion, where as she breaks down to the ground and she screams in pain, agony, hoping to find seele again "AHHHHHH SEELE WHERE ARE YOU, PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU, i'm scared….. I miss you seele, i miss your smile i miss your warmth, i miss all of the things that you've done to me i, honestly couldn't leave without you, Please come to me… please….." Said bronya while shedding tears, feeling agonised, she laid down to the ground, hoping this to end, but a scythe like appereance, pierces her heart, in pain she woke up only to find Seele was still asleep. Bronya then hugs seele tightly and whimpering towards the half awake seele while seele was still confused about what happened, Bronya with teary eyes explained to seele "I-i, i thought i lost you aaaaa, i thought you're gone, in the dream i i saw a memory, too many memories leading to your disappearance, your death your ignorance ah ah" as Bronya continued to cry "Hey hey calm down Bronya im still here, i wont leave you that's for sure" as seele pats bronya's head with such a gentle and kind gesture "You.. You promise? " "Yes yes i promise" "Now now just calm down, your fever's been acting up just stay in the bed right now, Ahn i knew i should've went faster" Seele then kisses Bronya's forehead after that she was about to leave before bronya held the cuff of seele's dress with teary eyes and such saddening face, "Please don't leave me seele" "Dont worry ill go make us some tea, ill be fast" "I still.. Wanna go sleep with you… is that okay" "Yes yes, ill be right back" Seele then off to make the tea, after waiting few minutes, Seele came with a hot tea, asking bronya to drink some, and snuggles into the bed and hugged Bronya while she adjust herself into a sleeping position, Bronya in the end was happy that such a nice girl would be with her, atleast now they can sleep, dreaming happily.
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['RichardPham', 'Hakotgf', 'Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'ImaginaryBass', 'MercerScott', 'EdelweissMax', 'Sanitywaslost', 'KatiePuh', 'pastelstuffed', 'Kotofeila', 'Nerdy_Insomniac', 'hihi_oml', 'hey_youwill', 'Shonyx', 'rainzb0w', 'notsosillyanymoresprouts', 'Joko_Joestar', 'Galaxy_Wish05', 'Muppener', 'Seeles_Omega', 'jamjamx']
Seele sat across from Bronya. She snickered. "You can, uh… do the thing now." She glanced directly at Bronya. She blushed. Bronya blushed. "Y-yeah…" Bronya paused for a second. She leaned in, timely. A kiss. She blushed and smiled awkwardly. "Does that work?" Bronya implored. "Y-yeah…" Seele answered.  Bronya sighed. "I love you, Seele." She chuckled, making Seele smile for merely a minute. Seele turned red and scowled. "Stop flattering me." She clasped Bronya’s hand. Bronya laughed. "What? I'm not—" "I know you're not." Seele blushed. She sighed. "I love you too." She positioned her head on Bronya's shoulder. "Can we…" "Please, we're dating. Don't do this every time we're intimate." Bronya kissed her.  "Right… not used to it, you know." Seele kissed Bronya on the cheek. “There, now we’re even.”  Bronya furrowed her brow in reflection. “But I… Never mind, we’re even.”
['MyFireMoth (HareHunter)']
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['WolfyKnight5071', 'hyperfixations_and_toothrottingfluff', 'Glaucouss', 'imbibitortunae', 'Whrlingx', 'Nyph', 'PikachuDedInside', 'ImaginaryBass', 'Idontknowwhattowritehere', 'HelloBye16', 'superpotstickers', 'Kotofeila', 'Hakotgf', 'APokeMa', 'hey_youwill', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Joko_Joestar', 'Nipoki', 'Galaxy_Wish05', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx', 'Seeles_Omega']
Bronya had been bothering Seele all day. It was beginning to get infuriating. It made Seele want to go back to the underworld, but Bronya was going to come to be tolerable sometime soon.  A thoughtful sigh grazed the room as Seele and Bronya reclined around doing their activities. Bronya was doing paperwork and Seele doing nothing. The sigh came from Bronya. "I'm so tired." "Then sleep." "I'm not that tired." Seele grumbled. "Come here, Bronya." She patted the couch next to her.  Bronya raised an eyebrow. She sauntered over and sat down. "What am I-" Seele leaned in and came for the kiss. Her eyes narrowed in on Bronya. But she hesitated. "Hey Bronya…" she grumbled. "I'll kiss you if you take a nap." Bronya's face simmered. "Uhm… haha uh… sure, I'll take a nap!" She was away in her room and Seele had solved her dilemma. 
Crying and hoping for you to wake up
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, angst with fluff at the end, bron in a coma, 2nd chapter is the ending with Bronya ending up dying, 1st chapter is good ending
['MW_Patata', 'MiharuError', 'Whrlingx', 'csal07', 'Astrealiaa', 'envii', 'Hakotgf', 'Kotofeila', 'Ews1220', 'KuroToNoir', 'juzoux', 'Oolet7', 'new_watch', 'Korablick', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx']
When she just met ‘her’ she thought that she was just some person who is self-centered and a crybaby, having to do some stuff with the Silvermane seems like hell with her the first time. When she slowly got to know the Overworld princess, she slowly changed the way she sees her. She is just following rules and that she’s not self-centered, kind of a crybaby, but who cares? The past her would be kind of shocked to see her protecting the new Supreme Guardian with her whole life. As she did her daily stuff and now since they got access to the overworld she often visits Bronya, days passed as she slowly fell in love with the Silver haired woman more and more. She usually waits for the silver haired girl to finish her work, then they get to spend time together. It’s usually Bronya who drags her around and shows her stuff and explains about the stuff she learned from Cocolia when she was alive. The undergrounder just listened to it all, she thought that maybe learning what Bronya had learned would help her. Well, it did. The Silvermane princess got wounded badly outside of Belobog, the other guards quickly carried her back in and got her to the hospital. Seele didn’t know, she wished she knew, Bronya didn’t let her come with her.. She wished that she hadn’t put that much trust in Bornya when she said she would be fine, she wished that she had followed her, that she could protect her. Now she’s in coma and Seele visits her everyday, talking with her, hoping that she could listen even though she might not respond, wishing that Bronya would wake up soon. Seele got roses and placed them in the vase, she took a chair and placed it beside the bed as she sat down. ‘’Hey, Bron. I hope you’re going to be well soon. Today not much happened, just the usual day, ya know? It’s kind of boring here without you, please wake up soon..’’ Seele spoke out as she kissed the Silver haired woman on the forehead with a smile and a few drops of tear that she managed to wipe off with her hand before it rolled onto her cheeks. ‘’I love you’’ She whispers before getting up and going out of the room, giving one last look at the silver haired woman who is in a coma before going out. Seele went into Bronya’s bedroom, looking at all the pictures Bronya took of them. They don’t have a shared room yet, Bronya is planning to share a room with Seele after she finished the mission, but it was too sad that she couldn’t do it yet since she’s in a coma. She took off her boots as she sat down on the bed as she looked at the pictures as she slowly cried out, even though it might’ve not been a month since Bronya is in a coma, she just misses her. She missed her so much, her heart felt like it was broken into pieces. More tears started coming out as she cried more and more silently. Tears rolled down her cheeks more and more as she cried on Bronya’s bed, not being able to stop the tears from coming out of her eyes as more and more tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘’God damn it, Bron. You better wake up soon.. You stupid princess.’’ Seele mumbled as she slowly laid down on Bronya’s bed as she cried more and more, slowly crying herself to sleep in Bronya’s bed. Hoping that Bronya would wake up from the coma as soon as possible. The next day she woke up, got off the bed, put on her boots and went out of the room, giving one last look at the picture. She almost teared up again, but she took a deep breath and calmed herself down, ready to go and visit her dear Bronya and see if she had woken up or not. When she was there, she was so happy. At first she was confused why the room Bronya’s in is crowded, she entered and saw Bronya, she had woken up already.. She cried tears of joy, but tried to hide it to keep her cool as she waited for people to go first. She doesn’t like crowded places that much, especially when she’s about to cry out happily at the fact that Bronya isn’t dead, and that Bronya had woken up. As it slowly got crowded until it’s only Bronya in the room, Seele got in and closed the door. Bronya saw Seele and waved at her with a soft smile. Seele blushed as she took a chair and placed it beside Bronya’s bed. ‘’So, how ya doing so far?’’ Seele asked with a slight worry in her voice ‘’I’m doing better, the doc said that I will be released tomorrow’’ Bronya answered ‘’That’s good..’’ Seele spoke out, she just wanted to say her feelings to Bronya, but it just can’t seem to speak it out as if something’s stopping her to confess. ‘’Hey, Seele.. Uhm, I kinda remembered or heard some of the things you said while I was unconscious, not sure if it’s really you or made up..’’ Bronya spoke out with a giggle, Seele’s cheeks turned red when Bronya said that ‘’I- Uhm, It’s probably your memory messing with you!’’ Seele spoke out with an awkward laugh at the end ‘’Seele, don’t lie to me, please..’’ Bronya said to the blue haired woman. Seele took a deep breath and exhale ‘’Fine.. It was me.. I-I just love you okay?! I missed you so much, when you were in a coma the days were lonelier without you! Y-You fucking reckless bitch!’’ Seele confessed, her eyes started tearing up a little but she took a deep breath and wiped her tears. ‘’Seele, I love you too.. I’m sorry that I wasn’t careful enough, I’ll be more careful next time.. I swear..’’ Bronya spoke out, confessing her love to Seele too. Seele was happy that Bronya returned her feelings, that her confession isn’t that awkward. ‘’I-I, Holy fuck I’m going to fucking explode right now from all this emotions you are making me feel you stupid idiot!’’ Seele spoke out with a pout ‘’Ahaha, sorry Seele. You’re really adorable like this. I can’t wait to get out of here and spend more time with you’’ Bronya spoke out. Seele smiled as she took this as a chance to hold Bronya’s hand softly and kissed her on the lips. Bronya was surprised but slowly melted into the kiss, both pulled away when they’re out of breath. ‘’Holy shit, that was great’’ Seele spoke out, her face is red as hell, I mean it’s her first kiss afterall! ‘’You took my first kiss, dear~’’ Bronya spoke out with a chuckle ‘’Glad I’m first, would suck if I ain’t yo first one~’’ Seele spoke out, she feels so happy with the moment they’re having ‘’Hm.. Is this your first kiss too?’’ Bronya asked and Seele nodded. ‘’Ah, I’m glad, it would suck for me too if it was someone else first.’’ Bronya said with a chuckle at the end Bronya did some catching up on what else happened when she was in a coma, and also spent time with her beloved girlfriend, Seele. Can’t let anything stop you from spending time with your loved ones, right? When she just met ‘her’ she thought that she was just some person who is self-centered and a crybaby, having to do some stuff with the Silvermane seems like hell with her the first time. When she slowly got to know the Overworld princess, she slowly changed the way she sees her. She is just following rules and that she’s not self-centered, kind of a crybaby, but who cares? The past her would be kind of shocked to see her protecting the new Supreme Guardian with her whole life. As she did her daily stuff and now since they got access to the overworld she often visits Bronya, days passed as she slowly fell in love with the Silver haired woman more and more. She usually waits for the silver haired girl to finish her work, then they get to spend time together. It’s usually Bronya who drags her around and shows her stuff and explains about the stuff she learned from Cocolia when she was alive. The undergrounder just listened to it all, she thought that maybe learning what Bronya had learned would help her. Well, it did. The Silvermane princess got wounded badly outside of Belobog, the other guards quickly carried her back in and got her to the hospital. Seele didn’t know, she wished she knew, Bronya didn’t let her come with her.. She wished that she hadn’t put that much trust in Bornya when she said she would be fine, she wished that she had followed her, that she could protect her. Now she’s in coma and Seele visits her everyday, talking with her, hoping that she could listen even though she might not respond, wishing that Bronya would wake up soon. Seele got roses and placed them in the vase, she took a chair and placed it beside the bed as she sat down. ‘’Hey, Bron. I hope you’re going to be well soon. Today not much happened, just the usual day, ya know? It’s kind of boring here without you, please wake up soon..’’ Seele spoke out as she kissed the Silver haired woman on the forehead with a smile and a few drops of tear that she managed to wipe off with her hand before it rolled onto her cheeks. ‘’I love you’’ She whispers before getting up and going out of the room, giving one last look at the silver haired woman who is in a coma before going out. Seele went into Bronya’s bedroom, looking at all the pictures Bronya took of them. They don’t have a shared room yet, Bronya is planning to share a room with Seele after she finished the mission, but it was too sad that she couldn’t do it yet since she’s in a coma. She took off her boots as she sat down on the bed as she looked at the pictures as she slowly cried out, even though it might’ve not been a month since Bronya is in a coma, she just misses her. She missed her so much, her heart felt like it was broken into pieces. More tears started coming out as she cried more and more silently. Tears rolled down her cheeks more and more as she cried on Bronya’s bed, not being able to stop the tears from coming out of her eyes as more and more tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘’God damn it, Bron. You better wake up soon.. You stupid princess.’’ Seele mumbled as she slowly laid down on Bronya’s bed as she cried more and more, slowly crying herself to sleep in Bronya’s bed. Hoping that Bronya would wake up from the coma as soon as possible. The next day she woke up, got off the bed, put on her boots and went out of the room, giving one last look at the picture. She almost teared up again, but she took a deep breath and calmed herself down, ready to go and visit her dear Bronya and see if she had woken up or not. When she was there, her whole body shook. Bronya’s dead, everyone’s there crying. Seele immediately got into the room without hesitation, and looked at her dear Bronya. She looked at the doctor with worried eyes and he shook his head, meaning that Bronya’s dead, she gone, SHE’S FUCKING GONE. ‘’She’s.. Gone..?’’ Seele spoke out, in denial, serval was gladly there since Natasha was still busy taking care of patients at the underground. ‘’Yeah.. The doctor said her heartbeat stopped and no matter what they did, they couldn’t get her heart to start beating again…’’ Serval spoke out, Seele was shocked, her eyes started tearing up, she couldn’t stop it as she tried to hide it. She didn’t want to get involved in this crowd, she didn’t want to, she wanted to see Bronya alone. But, she didn’t care anymore when she saw everyone’s sad expressions, meaning something had happened and what happened is Bronya died. ‘’No.. No,no.. Serval, there’s still something we can do about it.. Right?’’ Seele asked, another one of the overworld people she’d trust, not as much as she trusts Bronya, but she still trusts Serval. ‘’Seele.. Bronya’s gone, we can’t help her anymore, we have to let her go.. Peacefully..’’ Serval answered, her eyes started tearing up more as she continued to wipe her tears. ‘’God damn it, you stupid princess..’’ Seele spoke out of anger and sadness, she can’t help the overwhelming feelings she is having right now, just because of the Silver haired girl’s death. She tried her best to hide it from everyone in the room, she doesn’t want anyone else to see her in this state. ‘’Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, why did you have to go so early huh?! You stupid fucking princess…’’ Seele mumbled in anger, but also trying not to get anyone else’s attention ‘’Hey, Seele. Be there for the funeral okay, it’s okay to be this evening around 7 pm..’’ Serval spoke out as kept crying, this person.. It was her.. Lover’s daughter or you could say ex’s daughter, she cared for her, she had also watched her grow up, everyday she would see Bronya walking around the city because of her schedule, seeing her since she was a child when Cocolia took her out to let her see the view of the place she is supposed to protect once she’s the Supreme Guardian, she saw her since she was a child until now. Her heart just felt like it broke to pieces, one of the last memories, family she had of Cocolia is now gone. ‘’Mhm.. I’ll be there..’’ Seele answered, she can’t believe the first overworld person she had ever trusted would go before her. She regretted everything, not going with Bronya, trusting Bronya too much that she believed that Bronya wouldn’t hurt herself outside of Belobog, she is blaming herself for all this. It was the time for Bronya’s funeral, Seele and the others watched as Bronya got buried, everyone was crying, especially the guards and the ones who are close to Bronya. They all cried as they got to her grave and said their last words to Bronya before going back home. As everyone slowly left and Serval said her goodbye to Bronya, then Seele. Seele was the only one left there.. As she got closer to Bronya’s grave and got on her knees, tears started coming out, she’s crying again.. crying for the silver haired girl who had just recently died. She had some feelings she hadn’t told her, she felt like she wants to scream out of anger and sadness ‘’Bron.. I’m sorry I didn’t say this when you were here.., But I love you.. I love you so much.. WHY DIDN’T YOU LET ME GO WITH YOU..?! You stupid fucking princess! Why.. just why?! Why the fuck did you leave me, Bron..? I missed you so fucking much you know..’’ Seele spoke out loud, not loud enough for anyone else to hear but only herself. She continued crying and crying at Bronya’s grave, she didn’t care if her body was touching the dirt, she just wanted her dear Bronya back, but that’ll be impossible until their next life together. ‘’You stupid princess, you better wait for me there… I hope I can finally be with you in the next life, maybe without all these.. Problems and responsibilities!’’ Seele spoke, trying to smile, but she kept crying as she continued wiping her tears as the sky started to cry, it started raining.. But, Seele didn’t care as she stayed there.‘’Wait for me there.. Okay? Don’t run off without me again, I’m worried for you.. Bronya..’’ Seele spoke out with a sad tone as she took a deep breath and stood up as she used her hands to clean her knee and leg from the dirt that sticked on it. ‘’Goodbye, Bron.. Don’t forget to wait for me there!’’ Seele spoke out and waved to Bronya’s grave, the sky started crying harder, more rain started to drop. Could it be a signal of Bronya crying? Maybe it is. Maybe she didn’t want to leave Seele too.. Maybe she is there blaming herself for not staying at Belobog only. Well,They just need to wait for the next life.. Right? Poor them.
the cloud knight needs a break
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Female Trailblazer, March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
guess which fuckers writing a honkai star rail fic, ME - Freeform, im fucker, written for my dad lmaooo, beta read by my father, does this count as PTSD?, idrk, putting it in either way, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, its inspired by that one trailer, yk, the nightmare one, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, tbh the ship is blink and you’ll miss it
['Kotofeila', 'Fever_Forever', 'meowmiumau', 'penguinsnowman', 'honkEna', 'M3ik0']
stellar looked around the ship in awe. she expected a grand spectacle, but this? this was different. so, very different. it was enormous and had chinese architecture meeting modern architecture in one world. “cmon, trailblazer! i’ll take you to see the cloud knight himself~” stellar followed march 7th into the bowels of the ship. the cloud knight sighed as he continued to fill in the papers littering his already overcrowded desk. mostly about matters with the astral express - didn’t he already agree on things with them? the dozing general sighed. the door opened and in came two children. blade followed after, visibly bored. “general! my name is march 7th, and this-“ march 7th gestured to the other child, “is the trailblazer!” blade sighed and rolled his eyes. “hm. what do you require?” she grinned. “we need to turn in a favour from dan heng!” and that, a name, made something inside of jing yuan crack. “what. i need to complete a paper that has use, unlike your stalling.” blade smirked at his small outburst. “w-well, something about… trials?” the general stormed out. march 7th frowned at the general storming out. he didn’t usually do that. stellar sighed as if she’d expected this. blade gave a tight smile. “i apologise. the cloud knight has… a lot on his plate. usually he is more agreeable.” stellar nodded. “sorry for intruding. we’ll be on our way.” and she dragged march 7th away.
I could've prevented it..
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, ded bron
['MW_Patata', 'Whrlingx', 'Kotofeila', 'KuroToNoir', 'new_watch', 'CyznPr', 'Wali', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx', 'Chaven27']
It’s been quite long since her lover died.. Her wife. The one who grew up at the underground took up after the Silvermane princess’ job after she died, she just doesn’t want to let her down. Her lover used to always drag her to study with her and sometimes she just waited for her to finish her work and just watched her work while waiting, which helped her at doing the job that was once used to be the Supreme Guardian’s job. She missed feeling the silver haired girl’s presence around, the one who always dragged her to do ‘’boring’’ stuff, which happened to help her do the Silvermane’s work now that she’s gone, gone, dead. She wished that she did more, maybe she could’ve prevented it from happening, she hated the fact that Bronya is now gone. It was late at night when she finished the work her late lover used to do, now she’s gone and she took the work to herself, she doesn’t want ‘’her’’ work to go to someone else’s hand, she just doesn’t feel like it. She went to their shared bedroom, and flopped into the bed, she missed feeling the warm hug of the silver haired girl. She just missed her so much that she would often cry as she held Bronya’s stuff. She felt like she couldn’t and never could ever forget Bronya, they already arranged their wedding.. But just before a week of it she’s gone. She was calmer and doesn’t get angry often anymore when she was with Bronya, now? She just can’t seem to control her anger and pushed everyone away from her. And till now she still remembered the day Bronya died. She was going outside for a patrol with the other guards, and said to Seele that she will be fine and that Seele doesn’t need to worry. Came back without her left arm and her heart no longer beats, carried by the other guards back as they announced the unfortunate news to everyone. Seele cried as she saw Bronya’s conditions, asking the guards to bring her to the doctor or Natasha, but the guards said that she can’t be helped, especially with how long they were out there carrying her dead body back. She asked the guards what happened, they said that they didn’t really know, Bronya was lost in the snow and when they found her, she’s already dead with no heartbeats, they tried everything while they could when they just found her but nothing works, her body already went cold, no longer warm… Seele looked around the bedroom, looking at the photos they had taken, the moments they had together, how happy they were. She was so upset, too upset by the fact that Bronya’s no longer here that she distanced herself from everyone, even from Natasha. As the blue haired girl cried more and more, missing Bronya and needing her to be beside her, she felt like she just couldn’t survive any longer without her loved one. Maybe soon they will be reunited in the afterlife.. ‘’Goodnight, Bron..’’ Seele spoke out as she closed her eyes, tears still rolling down her cheeks as she sunk into the pillow and slept, hoping that she’d dream of Bronya. She just couldn’t wait to see Bronya’s face anymore.
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Pela (Honkai: Star Rail), Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
Trans Female Character, Bed Sex, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Oral Sex, If they’re out of character it’s because Hoyoverse didn’t let me in the beta., Trans Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail)
['shootroot16', 'ARoseForMelanie', 'CristalXz', 'Minerenzzz', 'Kalypso_Fox', 'Beidoussy13', 'dxrkxess', 'DemonicNatsu', 'MagnustheRed', 'Kogash1', 'Faelinn', 'chronodust', 'fervorritas', 'Yooooshie', 'A_Weird_Pancake', 'bwbies', 'FrillyMimi', 'Kotofeila', 'j1nN1310', 'tearsandlaw', 'TamoWan6338', 'Atukanuva', 'GetJinxed_LZ', 'zainxdumb', 'NakadaYoichi_kenp', 'Skry_mika', 'bukiyos', 'french_t0ast']
Bronya had always been told that Pela was a bad influence. She was an adult now though, and as commander, it would be unprofessional of her to avoid the young officer. Though Pela’s request was far from professional. The sheltered commander had had a hard time understanding the innuendo filled text messages, though they had already had an energy which excited her. Finally, Pela became more direct. She had wanted to feature a transgender character in her fan fiction, and wanted to study Bronya’s body. The request excited her, and came at a perfectly rebellious time in her life. Bronya caught the occasional onlooker stare as she walked. Her cheeks felt warm against the cold Belobog air. She thought she must have looked like an idiot. Finally, she approached the door to Pela’s home and looked around. No one was watching. Pela seemingly also had a hard time containing her blush as she opened the door. Unlike her commander though, she wore it proudly. The officer’s smile was a sort of smirk Bronya had never seen before. It made her feel an emotion she was totally unfamiliar with. She had felt fear, and had certainly felt happiness. No sheltering could have prevented her from ever feeling horny. So, what was she feeling now? Pela gestured for her to come into her house, and Bronya reluctantly obeyed. “Good girl.” Whatever that emotion was, it intensified at the words. She felt her cheeks burn as she whimpered. The officer chuckled softly at how easily the commander had been subdued. Bronya stared at Pela as she took off her boots. Pela’s hand reached out and rested on Bronya’s head. Bronya could only close her eyes as she rubbed into the palm. What sort of spell was she under, to respond to Pela’s affection as if she were a cat? Pela’s smirk melted into a warm smile as she grabbed Bronya’s hand and began walking upstairs. Being the good girl she is, Bronya followed along. Pela’s bedroom was filled with merchandise of various fandoms. Bronya was familiar with some but not all. Her examination was interrupted as she was shoved onto the bed with a gentle chuckle. “Are you comfortable, commander?” The question felt strange after being shoved along, but she only nodded her head in response. Pela adjusted her glasses before tracing her eyes down her commander’s body. The eyes fixed between Bronya’s legs before darting back up to meet Bronya’s own eyes. “Do you still want to do this?” The commander felt her cheeks burn as she nodded. The officer’s hands reached forward and began to free Bronya’s body. After much work, the dress opened in the front and allowed Pela to see her body. Bronya felt as if she was a gift being unwrapped as the now loose dress fell behind her. Pela’s hand trailed along Bronya’s hips and grabbed onto her tights. The commander let out a soft gasp as the fingers came between her hips and her panties and began dragging them down. Bronya laid back and closed her eyes, whimpering softly. “Has anyone else touched it before?” Bronya shook her head. She had been sheltered from any of that as a teenager. “Do you touch it?” The growing excitement was evident in Pela’s voice. Embarrassed, Bronya nodded at the question. “Can I?” Bronya whimpered softly as she nodded. Soft fingertips rubbed along. One finger began to rub the edge of her tip, while the others stroked her properly. Bronya’s legs opened wide, welcoming Pela eagerly. Another hand examined Bronya’s balls, feeling their size. Two fingers began to explore underneath, seemingly searching for something not present. Bronya let out a loud, cute squeak. “Can I use my mouth?” Pela’s voice had by now completely transformed, no longer with any attempt to temper her excitement. “Do as you please, P-.” Before Bronya could finish speaking, soft lips wrapped around her tip. A loud gasp forced its way out of Bronya’s mouth as she gripped the blankets. Her thighs rested on Pela’s shoulders and squished her face as the lips began moving down, then up again. Bronya whimpered and squirmed as Pela continued. It was not long, in fact a pathetically short amount of time before she was close to orgasm. Pela moved faster as the moment approach as Bronya’s whimpering became loud desperate moaning, louder, more desperate each breath. A final loud moan came from her mouth as she released into Pela’s mouth. Pela release Bronya from her lips and crawled on top of her. She wore the same smirk as earlier as Bronya finally opened her eyes. As if instinct, Bronya wrapped her arms tightly around Pela’s nude body and pulled her into a warm embrace. The smirk melted and Pela’s hand began to stroke Bronya’s hair. “Good girl.” The praise made Bronya tighten her hug and whimper. ”Is your rifle shooting blanks, commander?” Bronya stared at her with burning cheeks. Pela chuckled softly as she caressed Bronya’s warm cheek. The commander in question shut her eyes tightly as she nodded her head. “I’m infertile, yes.” ”I hope you’re not spent then.” Bronya could only shake her head and hug Pela tightly into her in reply. “Good girl~” The officer freed herself from Bronya’s embrace and laid on her back. The hand caressing Bronya’s head dragged her down between Pela’s thighs. Bronya stared up at Pela’s face as her thighs rested on her shoulders and squished her warm cheeks. The hand continued to stroke her hair while pulling her further in. Bronya nodded her head before the hand made the final pull, squishing her face in. Bronya obediently began nibbling on Pela’s labia, the officer chuckling softly at her attempts. “Use your tongue.” The commander pushed her tongue in and began to explore, finally earning a gasp from the officer. “Good girl! A little further in~” Bronya eagerly obeyed every command as her tongue was lead to its destination. Pela’s voice grew louder and more desperate. “There! Yes!” Good girl~” Bronya was encouraged to continue at the same spot until the vaginal walls began to squeeze around her tongue. Pela’s hands finally grabbed onto her head, signaling got her to relent. The officer’s limbs laid limp as she caught her breath. Bronya unmounted her face from between her legs to see what was happening. “Good girl…” Pela’s voice was breathless. Bronya rested on top of the officer and hugged into her. The hand continued to stroke Bronya’s hair as they snuggled. As her breath normalized, Pela unhooked Bronya’s bra and squished their breasts together. The commander hid her face in the officer’s neck as their nipples rubbed. Pela’s legs wrapped tightly around Bronya’s body and held her into position. A hand pulled her away from Pela’s neck and pressed their noses together. The officer wore an earnest smile. “Do you want to continue?” The commander shut her eyes and let out a desperate squeak. “Please, P-Pela.” The hand continued to stroke her hair as Pela tried to coax a more clear answer. “Please what~? That’s not enough~” Bronya felt her cheeks burn and her brows strain as Pela used the teasing voice. Her arms wrapped tightly around Pela’s body as she tried to return to hiding in her neck. The officer chuckled softly and wrapped her own arms around Bronya. ”Say yes if you want to be inside or no if you want to stop.” Bronya squeaked softly before finally nodding yes. The moment dragged on, before the words came weakly out of her mouth. Pela stroked her hand along Bronya’s hair. “Good girl.” Pela rolled Bronya onto her back and sat on her lap. Her hands rested on Bronya’s shoulders and legs on either side of Bronya’s body. The commander closed her eyes with a soft squeak as a hand wrapped around her penis to hold it in place. Peal’s folds wrapped around her tip before the canal suddenly sank down onto her and swallowed her whole, forcing a soft gasp from both of them. Bronya opened her eyes as she felt Plea’s hand caress her cheek. The Officer’s eyes locked with hers as her face moved in closer. Bronya’s arms wrapped tightly around Pela and squished their bodies together. Their eyes closed as Pela locked their lips together. Bronya was held into the kiss as she felt the officer begin to move. Her soft, pathetic moans were captured by Pela’s mouth. Without warning, a tongue slipped into her mouth and pinned her own into submission. Bronya opened her eyes as her mouth was freed. The hand which had held her head into the kiss stroked her hair as Pela smirked down at her. “Good girl.” The commanders eyes widened as the officer’s hands moved onto her shoulders and gripped tightly. The smirk became more intense as Pela began to move faster and tougher than Bronya thought possible. With each thrust downward, Pela’s clitoris ground onto Bronya’s base. She held tightly onto her body as she felt herself approach orgasm. “P-Pela, I-“ Bronya gasped as the movement grew faster. “I-I’m close!” Pela grinned deviously and rode as fast and rough as she could. “Inside~” The officer’s own voice was dominated by excitement as her eyes closed. Bronya hugged tightly into Pela’s body and closed her own eyes as she allowed herself to release. The cervix kissed her tip as Pela held her body down onto Bronya. Bronya’s arms squeezed tighter around Pela as she felt her continue. Her tip felt like it was on fire as she let out pathetic squeaks and whimpers. Pela’s own moans filled her ears, louder, more desperate. The vaginal walls squeezed around her as the moans peaked and began to trail. Finally, their bodies relaxed. Bronya opened her eyes to the sight of Pela nuzzling into her face. After a soft chuckle, Pela’s own eyes opened. “Are you okay, commander?” A hand returned to stroke her hair. Bronya only nodded softly. “Was all of this for research?” The officer chuckled softly in response. “I forgot about that.”
It's over, Isn't it?
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Angst, inspired by It's over, isn't it, i almsot cried, ahhh, ahhhhhh, Pain, seele dead au
['MW_Patata', 'Maxxo', 'Glaucouss', 'Whrlingx', 'Kotofeila', 'stonekyul', 'starkindred', 'Muppener', 'jamjamx', 'Chaven27']
The tired looking silvermane was in her own bedroom, works all finished and it’s 2 am, thinking of her lover who is gone. She went to the window and looked out, the sky, stars, moon, all just somehow reminded her of Seele.. Maybe because the undergrounder was more like the night time while the Silvermane’s the day time. ‘’She’s gone, it’s already over.. But why is she still stuck in my head.. I can still hear her voice..’’ Bronya mumbled as she opened the window, and looked out as she felt the cold wind. ‘’God damn it.. Just what am I now in this world without you… Even though I did it for Belobog you made me realize that the underground also needed help and fixing..’’ Bronya cried out, tears rolling down the cheeks as she remembered her dear blue haired lover, and her beautiful Azure eyes. ‘’Why couldn’t you wait.. Why did you have to go first.. WHY WHY WHY…?!’’ Bronya silently screamed out, tears dripping as she cried more and more, it felt like her voice was gone. The poor Silvermane just couldn’t accept her lover’s death, huh? She cried more and more as she continued wiping her tears, she wanted it to stop but it just couldn’t stop as she continued to tear up more and more, wanting to feel her lover’s presence, her hands around her, hugging her and she just couldn’t forget the part where she scolds her at why she’s not asleep yet. Remembered that sometimes she would wait for her dear lover to come to sleep with her so they could cuddle together, even though Seele scolded her for that, she didn’t care as long as Seele can be here with here and not dead, forever will not be seen anymore, gone.. And all the Silvermane could do was crying out her name, missing her. She still remembers when Seele recklessly went out to do a mission that she and Bronya and lots of other guards are supposed to do together since it was said to be a risk. When they got there, Seele was dead.. All the enemies are defeated too, but Seele’s gone.. Forever. Bronya sobs wishing that she could’ve stopped Seele from going there first, the azure eyes woman was reckless but Bronya loved her, now she’s gone and she feels like she is missing a part of her, as if it’s gone. ‘’Why can’t I move on already..? It’s been 3 months.. She’s gone.. You’re still here, you did most of it for her, she’s gone and you’re still doing it for her. You kept all her stuff like it’s a treasure. I never thought I'd lose you… Why Seele.. Why..?!’’ Bronya cried out more, it was hard to keep it all as more tears kept appearing. Her heart needed Seele to feel complete, she can’t even move on as she remembers Seele everyday.. ‘’Oh, dear.. I hope I can meet you soon.. Just wait for me.. Please.’’ Bronya said as she closed the window, giving one last look to the sky with a smile. Flopping into the bed as she held a doll that looked like Seele, she made it for Seele but she’s gone and she kept it and hugged it all night, if not she just can’t sleep.. ‘’Good night.. Seele..’’ Bronya said as she gave a peck on the doll before closing her eyes as she sunk into her pillow.
you're too far away (too far away to touch)
['gvnnhildr (latestnite)']
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Himeko/Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail)
Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail), Kafka (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail)
Ex Sex, Fluff and Angst, Family Dynamics, Post-Divorce, Porn with Feelings, Lesbian writer, Canon Divergence, Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Heavy Angst, Nightmares, happy himeko day!!!! hsr is so close now
['kailopscia', 'branovytska', 'yejidle', 'IvoryKichan', 'Meridian_Prime', 'EsperanZaa', 'Nameless_Something', 'Y07', 'Jack0lantern0o0', 'CzarYuu18', 'Sixerry', 'Goodbye_Galaxy', 'mahougirlys', 'floralblur', 'OpticalFlares', 'Astraeus_the_rey_of_moonlight', 'flooringdemon', 'Helbsal', 'Rosieposiewap', 'simp_for_profession', 'sigmabsd0', 'igarashixx', 'setangkaiMawar', '0mniessence', 'gobes', 'SapphicSapphire12', 'nyXz3n', 'Selestial', 'n3p', 'Kyo_ka2', 'widowmakersimp', 'laurentbond', 'Harmbinger', 'Ace_Mefa', 'Toasty117', 'minuseven', 'vj_lxsh', 'Luxy', 'supergaycorp', 'DashingViridian', 'Avorgs', 'Mangakyu', 'RaiNoAme', 'Colluctancy', 'la_solune', 'VanillaPan', 'kiwcse', 'Eimikocuzwhynot', 'Midnightpeach', 'Ste99carol']
“I’m sorry. I love you.” The words just fell out of Kafka’s lips before she could stop them, the weight of them like a rock crushing down on her and the illusion she tried to build of a life where she could be genuinely happy without Himeko and March 7th by her side. “Kafka…” Tears flowed with less intensity now, face hidden on the crook of Kafka’s neck, begging her mind to stop reminding her of times long gone. “I—I should go. You need to check on March, and Silver Wolf is probably wondering why I haven’t signalled my return yet.” Kafka cleared her throat but her hands couldn’t let go of Himeko, holding her soundly, lovingly, as if that act alone could make up for all the things that went wrong. “Hm—” Himeko squeezed her eyes shut, hands balling into fists behind Kafka’s back. She leaned onto the hug and sighed, her mind still hazy and her emotions like a stormcloud over her judgement, “Or you could stay.”  Himeko could feel Kafka tense up against her body, hands a bit stiffer than they were a moment ago. A chill ran down her spine as her mind raced with a sudden wave of emotions; just four words and Kafka was already rendered to a statue, unable to reply, to move, to tell Himeko that, if she could, she’d never leave her again—never let her go. “Stay.” Her voice washed over Kafka, untangling their bodies to cradle her face with her hands, thumbs caressing her cheeks in circular motions. “Stay, and let me take care of you.” She shuffled slightly and pressed her knee between Kafka’s legs, the pressure like a tidal wave lighting Kafka’s body up. “Then, we’ll have lunch with March.” Kafka swallowed hard and nodded slowly, lips pursed as Himeko moved her knee ever so slightly, hands running along the curves of her body until they reached the waistband of her pants, undoing the buttons easily, one by one, and signaling for Kafka to lift her hips, pushing the fabric down her legs to reveal yet another collection of bruises dotting her flesh, scars marking her skin in abstract lines along the muscle. Free from her clothes and boots, Kafka laboured deep breaths through her lungs, her body now completely exposed; breasts framed by black lingerie, leaving her skin at the mercy of the cold air inside the suite. Goosebumps causing the hair at the nape of her neck to stand up in anticipation. Her hands rested on her thighs awkwardly, unsure of how to behave in this particular scenario—before, this came with ease, their hands already deeply familiar with each other’s bodies, every touch translated into lust and devotion, fingers tracing along the curves with care, kisses peppering their skins lovingly, the comfort of being in each other’s embrace leaving no room for uncertainty—but that was before everything. Himeko could see Kafka’s hesitation and a silver of guilt ran across her chest—it was selfish, and she was aware of that. There was never doubt before, Himeko would have Kafka wrapped around her finger, eagerly waiting for her next move, for the next touch. Their words like a prayer to each other, carrying nothing but adoration and admiration—but Himeko wasn’t sure if that followed into whatever this was, and her hands froze, resting atop Kafka’s, caressing her knuckles and kneeling in front of her, knees jutting against the marble beneath her as they locked eyes. “I’m sorry. Do you—do you want this? We don’t need to do anything—” Himeko sighed, dropping her head slightly and looking down at her reflection staring up at her from the glassy floor. “I mean, we don’t have to go further, if you don’t want to.” She squeezed Kafka’s hands and found courage to look up again, watching as her shoulders dropped and her face softened, the lines on her forehead disappearing. A hand untangled itself from Himeko’s to cup her cheek. “I do want it. I’m just… not sure what to do.” Her thumb grazed Himeko’s cheek slowly, a smile making its way to her lips, looking at Himeko with so much fondness she could feel her ribcage expanding, almost unable to bear the love housed there, sheltered but desperate to be let out. It had been a simple question, but Kafka appreciated Himeko’s concern. “Though it’s fancy of you to only ask this after I was done with you.” Himeko let out a small chuckle, her eyes turning into crescents, shaking her head, ginger hair framing her flushed cheeks, falling past shoulders and partially covering her breasts. “Would you have stopped? Had I asked you before?” “Of course. If you wanted me to stop, I would. But you seemed eager enough.” Kafka grinned happily and leaned down to meet Himeko’s lips, fingers holding her jaw upward, tracing along the edges of her face. “Now, let me return the favour.” She whispered against Kafka’s lips and placed a hand on her abdomen, settling her back on the couch. Her fingers made quick work of Kafka’s underwear, tossing it aside. Shivers coursed through Kafka’s body as Himeko held her waist, fingers slowly trailing down her sides, following the dip of her pelvis until they met her center.  Kafka’s breath hitched, eyes focused on Himeko, sharing one last glance before she circled her tongue around Kafka’s folds, hands resting on the inside of her thighs and grazing the flesh there. Electricity rippled under Kafka’s skin. Himeko finally licked Kafka’s clit slowly, moving her tongue in short motions before pressing a kiss there, lips closing over her folds and sucking it to add just enough pressure to feel Kafka’s thigh twitching under her touch. She continued her ministrations, increasing the pace when she could taste Kafka on her tongue, slick smearing around her lips. Kafka’s heavy breaths echoing through the room but absent of her voice. “Let me hear you, baby, come on.” Himeko looked up to see Kafka’s head thrown back, eyes closed shut, body still twitching ever so slightly; the lines on her abdomen becoming more defined as her muscles tensed up. Kafka has never been too vocal, always keeping her lips tight while Himeko pleasured her—but Himeko liked to hear her, know how much she could bring Kafka’s guard down, make her fall apart under her touch. Kafka took a deep breath and looked down at Himeko between her legs, cheeks still flushed and lips glistening under the lights. She rounded her lips but swallowed hard before any sounds could come out. “I can’t. Not here.” She shook her head and sighed, eyes darting towards the door. Himeko's lips became a pout, but she nodded; Kafka was right and for a split second she forgot where they were and what this actually is. She supposed if she wishes to hear Kafka moaning her name again, they’d just have to do this more often, and more appropriately.  She licked along Kafka’s folds once again and felt her hand find purchase in her hair, pulling at it with care, her high inching down from the flames in her core, raging inside her since their lips met for the first time in what had felt like a lifetime, now finally seeking their release. “Ah… Himeko…” Kafka brought a hand up to cover her mouth, tightening the grip on Himeko’s hair, legs twitching as she came on Himeko’s mouth. Her taste overwhelmed Himeko’s senses, fingers entwining in her hair and pulling with just enough force to cause shivers to run under her skin at the sight of Kafka squirming from her tongue, chest heaving up and down in slow intervals, head still thrown back as her body felt the waves of her orgasm wash through her. Himeko wiped her lips with the back of her hand and pressed kisses on the inside of Kafka’s thighs, trailing up to her hips, her abdomen, her cleavage, dragging her lips over her skin as she made her way up to Kafka’s neck, resting her head on her shoulder, snuggling on Kafka’s lap and whispering hot against her throat. “We need to clean up.”  “Yeah.” Kafka brought Himeko closer, hugging her waist with one hand and covering her eyes with the other, chuckling. “March’s probably wondering where you are.” “She’s going to be really happy you stayed.” Himeko drew circles over Kafka’s sternum, face nestled on the crook of her neck, enjoying this small moment of tenderness she had longed for, the comfortable warmth like a bubble around them where nothing else mattered but the way she could hear their heartbeats in sync. Kafka smiled against Himeko’s hair, guilt trickling down her spine. She took a deep breath and squeezed Himeko’s waist, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before gathering the courage to move and break this moment, afraid that it’d just slip through her fingers. “Come.” Himeko stood up, leading their way to the bathroom. Her red hair flowed behind her and Kafka found her hands reaching for it, combing the strands gently and twisting them loosely, throwing her hair over her shoulder once inside. Her hands wrapped around Himeko’s waist, glueing their bodies together. She pressed kisses to her cheek, Himeko’s fingers weaving through Kafka’s hair, lips curving into a smile that lit up her entire face. Bliss falling over them as they soaked in this moment. “I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you…” Kafka’s voice caressed Himeko’s skin, her lips still dotted kisses over her cheek and temple, hugging her soundly. Himeko looked at their reflection in the mirror—it felt like a dream, like this was always supposed to happen, like whatever led to their divorce seemed foolish and exaggerate and they had no more worries besides how long it’d take for them to shower to make it in time for lunch without raising too much suspicion.  “Love, we need to—” A shiver caught her off guard, Kafka’s hand moving down her abdomen, leisurely approaching her center. “To… to shower and—” Kafka hummed in response and shuffled slightly, enough to capture Himeko’s lips, licking into her mouth with ease, savouring the slightly bitter taste still present on her tongue. Before her fingers could reach Himeko’s clit, however, a hand wrapped around her wrist and the kiss was broken. “Baby,” Himeko let out a giggle against Kafka’s cheek, bringing her hand up to rest on her abdomen again. “I’d love a second round, but we really do need to meet March for lunch before we are too late.” She pressed a kiss to Kafka’s cheek and untangled their bodies, turning around to face Kafka. The cold surface of the marble against her hip caused a shudder to travel up her spine, eyes fluttering when Kafka leaned over her, hands gripping at the stone behind them. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to be, just… I don’t know, 30 more minutes late? I’ll try to be quick.” The mischievous smile on Kafka’s lips made it hard for Himeko to put reason over desire, inhaling forcefully to avoid looking down and give into temptation. "Kafka," A soft kiss to the corner of her lips. "We can have more fun after lunch. And after that. And maybe even after dinner if you… decide to stay the night." Himeko took a deep breath and traced Kafka’s shoulders with her fingertips; rough skin under her touch, in odds with the softness in her eyes, a shy smile rarely seen now shaping her lips slightly upward. “Oh…” Kafka joined their forehands and hugged Himeko again, hands splayed over her back to bring her closer. “Let’s shower, then.” Himeko pressed a kiss against Kafka’s mouth before reaching her hands behind Kafka’s back to undo the hooks of her bra, freeing her of the last piece of clothing between them and dragging Kafka inside the shower box.  “Turn,” Himeko tugged at Kafka’s shoulder lightly, hairpin in one hand. “Let me put your hair up, we don’t have time to wash it.” “Sure, baby.” The smile on Kafka’s face was contagious; Himeko couldn’t help the way her cheeks framed her lips and the joy blooming in her chest.  She washed Kafka’s back with care, feeling Kafka flinch whenever pressure was applied onto one of the scarlet bruises staining her skin. Himeko felt tears pool on the corner of her eyes once more, but refused to let them fall, spreading the foam to Kafka’s arms, taking her hands in her own, shifting their positions so they’re facing each other. “You need to take better care of yourself.” Her voice was low, almost inaudible amongst the pitter-patter of the shower against the tile. Her fingers secured Kafka’s wrists tightly, bringing them to rest on her hips. “You can’t keep going like this.” Kafka inhaled sharply, caressing Himeko’s wet skin with her thumbs. “I try. But sometimes—” She swallowed hard. There was no excuse, there was no way around it other than Kafka’s job was a dangerous one. As experienced as she was, she couldn’t dodge every bullet, tackle every enemy, counter every blow—sometimes she’d just let herself get injured, as if she deserved it, that pain; to make up for the pain she had caused, and to somehow soothe the unbearable pain seeping from her within her. “I will. I promise.” Himeko’s eyebrows furrowed, a bittersweet smile on her lips knowing that it was an empty promise, but there was nothing she could do about it, only fool herself—hope—that Kafka would come back to her whole. “Okay.” The next few minutes went by in silence, only the echoes of water filling the bathroom. Kafka helped Himeko finish up, looks of adoration exchanged between them despite the heaviness in their hearts.  Kafka stepped out first, wrapping a towel around her body and returning to the suite to retrieve their clothes. She picked them up from the floor and smiled to herself, thinking about the times they’d leave their clothes behind like a trail to the bedroom, unable to keep their hands off each other, giving into hunger. She returned to the bathroom to find Himeko applying lotion on her arms. Kafka bit her lip and placed the folded clothes on the sink, shedding her own towel. “Let me help you.”  Himeko looked over her shoulder—her hair was secured in a bun, leaving her neck exposed. Kafka couldn’t resist, slotting their bodies together and leaving a string of kisses on her freckled skin. She took the vial of lotion from Himeko’s hand and spread the cream over her back, from her shoulders to the small of her back. Himeko closed her eyes and hummed softly, almost leaning into the touch. “Done.” Kafka squeezed her waist and kissed her cheek, extending her hand for their clothes. “Here.” “Thank you.” Himeko exhaled and put her dress back on with almost no effort, freeing her hair from the tight bun. She turned around to see Kafka throwing her shirt over her shoulders, instinctively reaching out to do her buttons.  “Ah…” Kafka pressed a kiss to her forehead and thanked her in a whisper, playing with the strings of her dress. “What do we have for lunch, hm?” “Danheng was in charge of cooking today. He’s probably making some of March’s favourites: gyoza, wonton, dim suns, donburi, goulash… a lot of duck too.” Himeko smoothed the fabric on her shoulders once she was done with the buttons, fingers tracing the hems of the shirt. "I see…" Kafka nodded and wondered if she'd be able to name March 7th's favourite dishes had Himeko asked her—but goulash was a surprise. Her eyes widened, running her fingers along the length of Himeko's arms. "She still eats goulash?" "Yeah. She asks me to make it sometimes. Sauerkraut, and koláčky too." Himeko smiled kindly and brought her hands up to frame Kafka’s face. “You’re still a big part of our life, you know.” With a squeeze of her eyes, a single tear rolled across Kafka’s cheek. There haven't been a lot of things in her life she could consider home—Himeko was one of those very few, before she’d lost her. But food was also something that could bring her a sense of comfort and familiarity; memories of her childhood were scarce—a blur—but the ones that remained were those of her oma making her pies as a child; a plate of schnitzel awaiting her after hours of playing in the snow with no one around: just her, a couple playful stoats, snowy owls watching from their frail branches, and a lonely caribou marching across the white fields. She had held onto those flavours through her time at the orphanage, going out of her way to source ingredients even if that meant punishment when she returned, making sure to store them in secret places so as to not lose them when the guards came to make rounds.  Himeko was the only person with whom she had shared those memories with, allowing her to peek behind Kafka’s walls and into places she would shelter at all costs; but the smile across Himeko’s face whenever Kafka would bring her some cooked goods made the fear seem nonsensical, the warmth in her chest being the only feeling that mattered. It was only natural that those habits followed them after March 7th came into their lives—goulash quickly becoming a favourite. Kafka would cook it whenever the weather in Belobog was unbearably cold, serving them a steaming bowl of soup and gathering their small family around the fireplace to talk and laugh together. Kafka cleared her throat before Himeko could say anything, “We should get going.” “Yes.” Himeko sighed and circled Kafka’s cheek one last time before letting go. She led their way out of the suite and across the cars of the Astral Express, flashes of a blue infinity could be seen on the windows, until they reached the dining compartment. The doors slid open with a ding. March 7th broke off the argument she’d been having with Danheng to greet her mother, eyes widening when she realised she wasn’t alone, “Mom! …Uhm, Mom…s?” “Hi, sweetheart. Danheng, Trailblazer, I’m sure you all remember March 7th’s mother, Kafka.” Himeko stepped inside the car and gestured towards Kafka, who suddenly felt awkward at March 7th’s reaction, unsure of how to stand. “Yes, of course. Welcome aboard the Astral Express, Miss Kafka.” Danheng quickly stood up and bowed slightly, face carrying a neutral expression. “We are familiar, yes.” The Trailblazer nodded and waved shortly, not moving from her position at the far end of the long wooden table at the center of the car. March 7th walked up to her parents and took a deep breath, sorting out her feelings—she was confused, yes. But also glad, in a way. It had been way too long since she’d seen her mothers in the same room long enough before it ended in a heated argument and Himeko crying in her cabin at the front of the Express. So she assumed that if her mom had invited Kafka to lunch, their talk must’ve gone well, and perhaps that tightness in her heart could start to ease. “Hi, moms.” She had an excited smile lighting up her face. “I… I didn’t expect you to stay. But I’m happy you did! Come, Danheng made strudel today!” She turned to Kafka and pointed at the trays distributed over the table, making her way back to her chair between Danheng and a smaller seat in an odd shape, most likely belonging to Pom-Pom. “Told you.” Himeko whispered and squeezed Kafka’s hand, guiding her to their seats across from their daughter, shiny plates and fine silverware decorating the red cloth that covered the center of the table. “Moms, we have dim suns here, strudel there, and this big bowl is pork goulash!” March 7th gestured to different dishes, opening the trays and allowing their aromas to swirl into the air. “Oh, and of course, Danheng made gyoza for you!”  “Thank you, March! And thank you for taking care of the food today, Danheng.” Himeko smiled at them and started serving food to her crew, placing a couple gyozas and dim suns on her plate once everyone had had their fill.  “Love? Aren’t you going to eat?” Kafka had been staring at all the food, hands hesitant to reach out, silverware left untouched. Himeko furrowed her brows slightly and smiled at her, waiting for any reaction. “March informed me that goulash was a dish you used to make for her. I hope I’ve done it justice.” Danheng said, perhaps out of encouragement, earning a coy smile from Kafka. “I’m sure it’s great, thank you.” She reached out for the bowl and poured a little of the soup into her plate. Himeko placed her hand on top of hers and caressed it with her thumb, eating gyozas and chatting cheerfully. “It doesn’t compare to yours, but he does a good job, wouldn’t you say?” March 7th inquired with a mouth full of dim suns, elbowing an unbothered Danheng. “It’s delicious! Why didn’t you ask me to make you some goulash in these last three weeks?”  “Well… you were never home.” March 7th lowered her gaze, staring at her plate awkwardly. “And when you were, you seemed so tired, I didn’t want to bother you.” Kafka inhaled sharply and swirled her portion of soup slowly, losing her appetite. She felt guilt sprout in her ribcage again, seeping into her veins and burning through her body. “Darling, why don’t you share with us the things you did while your mother was too busy to take care of you?” Himeko sounded sweet, but her words caught Kafka off guard, piercing through chest and knocking the air out of her lungs. “I walked around town, took some pictures—” “Did you know that Kafka once lost March around Belobog?” Himeko cut March 7th mid-sentence, a half eaten gyoza hanging from her chopsticks as she gestured to Danheng and the Trailblazer across the table. “Right after we divorced. She just lost her daughter!” “Himeko? What…” Kafka placed a hand over Himeko’s thigh, eyes darting around the room. She noticed the windows didn’t frame small fragments of the universe anymore—no glints of shining stars and galaxies far away, now all that could be seen from the square glass was a pitch black void, her panicked reflection staring at her from it. "That... That wasn't what happened—" “You don’t even love me, do you? You just wanted me to try and fix whatever was going on between you and mom. But it wasn’t enough, she got tired of you in the end, anyway.” March 7th had a sneer in her tone, a twisted smile pulling her lips upwards as she slowly stood up. “You’re just a failure, Kafka. You couldn’t be there for my mom, how could you think that you’d be there for me?” “M-March, no…” Hot tears blurred Kafka’s vision as they burned across her cheeks, falling helplessly. “That’s not true, I—” Her eyes were wide and her voice failed her, a hole opening up in her chest. “You’re a coward. You are the good-for-nothing child from the Underworld everybody warned me about, but I was dumb enough to pursue you regardless.” Himeko had a knife secured in her fist, maniac eyes paralysing Kafka in place. Suddenly, Danheng had disappeared, along with the Trailblazer, both nowhere to be seen. Kafka scanned the car desperately; the door had vanished, the walls seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with the heavy air. Her eyes closed shut and her hands shot up to cover her ears when Himeko resumed talking, voices growing more and more distorted with every word. “That was my biggest mistake. You. I should’ve left you when I had the chance. But I guess I pitied you—” Kafka was scared to open her eyes, Himeko’s words surrounding her, increasing in pitch into something almost deafening. She felt her mouth hang open but nothing would come out, body shaking violently, trying to hide from whatever Himeko had become, feeling a weight crashing down on her, heat engulfing her as fingers sank into her arms and dragged her from the chair, pushing her into the ground. “You’re nothing, Kafka.” Her eyes shot open when her head hit the marble floor, but all she could see was darkness swallowing her whole. She tried to move and realised she couldn’t feel the cold stone floor, but soft fabric against her skin and pillows around her head. She looked around the pitch black void searching for answers, for anything, her hands carefully scanning her surroundings. The knot in her heart loosened ever so slightly once her brain began to process where she actually found herself in, slowly understanding she was out of danger, for now. Kafka grabbed fistfuls of her blanket, hands trying to ground her, body still refusing to move, feeling it ache sharply just from the laboured breaths forcing her chest up and down, mind still numb from the horrors it’d experienced. Tears had stained her pillow and still flowed insistently from her eyes, an unbearable heaviness crushing down on her, as if she kept sinking into the mattress and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Minutes crawled by, excruciatingly slow, the tick of the clock hanging on the wall taking up all the space between her and the blinding void, pounding in her head. She couldn’t tell how much time she spent lying awake in her bed waiting for her body to respond in any way, mind begging for her to move, to do something to leave this room confining her.  When she finally managed to move, all she could afford was to bring her hands to her face, sighing as she wiped the remaining tears weakly overflowing. She urged her upper body to stand by propping herself up on her elbows. Legs still rejecting any stimulus, she reached for the curtains behind the bedframe, struggling to pull them open. Once she managed to, with a rather forceful tug, the moonshine permeated the room, breaking away the darkness. Kafka finally felt like she could breathe, strained lungs welcoming the chilly breeze, dissipating the heat smouldering her since she’d returned to her senses. How foolish of her, to think that Himeko would simply take her back, that everything would be erased because they fucked once—when she knew very well Himeko was only indulging herself and Kafka was merely available and compliant. How utterly naïve of her to believe that kind of tenderness could ever exist between them again, as if Himeko would forgive all her faults and failures and hold her like she was worth something, safe within her embrace, whispering sweet nothings in her ears to muffle the voices tearing her apart from inside-out; promises of a life together, of dreams that once seemed possible and now were nothing but absurd pretenses of problems they’d rather ignore.  It was stupid. It’d never happen again.
heaven and hell, intertwined
Not Rated
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Blade/Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Blade/Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail)
Blade (Honkai: Star Rail), Danheng (Honkai: Star Rail), Jing Yuan (Honkai: Star Rail), Luocha (Honkai: Star Rail)
Written Pre-Honkai: Star Rail Release, Found Family, Xianxia, Wuxia, AU so may be OOC, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, implied renheng, implied jingren, no beta we die like kim dokja, Civil War, an introduction to the setting of future fics hopefully, jing yuan has survivor syndrome, Honkai: Star Rail Closed Beta 2 Spoilers, Unrequited Love
['kysserimm', 'wandererofwords', 'Lalalaloo', 'ArchiveOfStars', 'Mackenzie_18', 'Lunarlyssa', 'Dabriaaa', 'Alter_1', 'lovers_flowers9', 'Mayu_Zoldyck', 'thesimurgh', 'last_spring', '07cake', 'CatBanshee', 'LeftyTheBear', 'Arcaea', 'Matoki_Li', 'Miuixyunamai', 'diabolic_deceiver', 'Staby_stav', 'Eyebugsislife', 'hbaovyy', 'A_Duckling101', 'Delululu', 'v1vienne', 'Emerald_Hikari', 'alasta1r_s', 'anginkencang', 'Crystal_chan', 'countlessbliss', 'intostardust', 'jae_bird', 'Rio15_SilenceLover', 'Kotofeila', 'Yoimiya_cutie', 'YourOrdinaryAndNotSuspicoiusSquid', 'BrainRot69', 'kissingeichi', 'MentrixHadley', 'JustAnIntrovertPassingBy', 'KhancaMar', 'teenbullshit', 'auugustus', 'Danunino', 'MeguBabie', 'Biggers', 'Grimmjow14', 'Helpme45611', 'Diana___B', 'Fever_Forever']
Everything stirs up, as the new sun rises. Warm clouds of air emerge from a man’s mouth as he tries to breathe through this dawn. Jing Yuan smashes his sword in the soil and sits down on one knee, panting, his whole frame covered in a mixture of dirt and blood It has never been this tough before  Never   A hand lands on his shoulder and Jing Yuan turns to see a young boy, whose face is tense with worry and adorned with splashes of blood that have already started to dry down. His breath hitches and his eyes dart on the boy’s body looking for a source of blood: an injury, a fresh one, or an old one that got opened again A fatal perhaps  But Yanqing shakes his head and rubs his face from the dried blood -It is not mine. Jiangjun, are you alright? The white-haired man looks down at his own boots and tries to steady the world around him that is spinning. The young swordsman before him  is alright, that is the most important fact right now -Yanqing. What was my order yesterday morning? -But, Jiangjun… -What was my order? Boy’s wheat-colored eyes looked for an answer. On an empty battlefield, no one could find that for him, not even crows who already came to feed themselves a tasty corpse breakfast  -For me to not engage in the upcoming battle Jing Yuan nodded, carefully standing up and sighing -Yet here you are. Was there something this urgent to disobey my order? He gave his sword to the boy and began slowly moving toward the leftover troops. Yanqing rushed after his general, holding the sacred weapon close to his chest -I am your personal guard, Jiangjun. How can I call myself that when I am not near you on the battlefield? Upon hearing these words, the lion general stopped, and the swordsman bumped into his broad back that was clothed in dirty armor which somehow still shone with the glory  -I am tired of my dear ones dying for me, Yanqing. I hope you understand that and will respect my decisions Then Jing Yuan turned over to face the boy. It was the first time he looked so…debauched while reflected in the eyes of a young admirer of his -My decisions not as a Xianzhou general, but as a human being. A seemingly helpless one  ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ It was a nice autumn day some years ago. Steam from dumplings traveled across an open-air kitchen in a small courtyard. Two young men in cotton robes were sparring on wooden swords  Jing Yuan drank warm tea while sitting on the bench, head resting on his right hand. Eyes glowing yellow, his irises followed the course of the situation unfolding before him Two swordsmen were grunting and breathing heavily, their facial expressions contrasting with one another. A devilish grin along with flames inside one’s eyes met with the calm depths of a cold moon in the others. One of the wooden swords broke down with a loud crack from the pressure both men put on it  -This is the tenth one  The taller swordsman looked at the broken piece of wood in his hands and his red eyes lit up with an idea.  He went towards the stove, throwing the wooden remains of a training sword into the fire, using them as fuel to heat up the flames -Be careful, you will burn our food! Jiangjun, tell him! The white-haired general did not do anything, pretending to doze off, corners of his lips curled up in a mischievous smile -See, everyone likes to bully you, Dan Heng, even our senior! Anyhow, there are no more wooden swords left, so let’s spar with our hands as real heroes do! -If Jingliu jiejie was here she would not let you go so easily, Ren. You’ve lost to me today  The short-haired man tossed aside the last remaining sword and wanted to walk away, but the other swiftly caught up to him and knocked him down while trying to continue sparring  -Okay, you win, oh Dragon Lord! What do you wish me to do, I can serve you anything, and I mean anything, my lovely… Jing Yuan coughed, looking at the image of Ren sitting on top of his “friend” in front of him. The one pushed down to the dirt was trying to break free but his frame was strangled by Blade’s thighs -Enough for today you two, you will exhaust yourself. We still have lots to do, get up  Vermilion eyes a swordsman rolled back at the fact of being interrupted during his antics -You were sleeping a moment ago, Jiangjun. Did we wake you up from your pleasant dreams? The general smiled, his eyes turning into crescents while he stood up and smoothed out the sleeves of his in-house robes  -The one who lost today’s sparring will be cleaning the stables. Ren, make sure you brush out my Beihe’s tail with a wooden comb, she likes that  Dan Heng couldn’t suppress his laughter, as he watched Blade’s eyes grow wide at the realization. The brunette stood up, coming over to the eldest of them, tugging at the sleeves Jing Yuan straightened out a second ago -Jiangjun! You can’t do this to me! I beg of you, I already cleaned after the horses this week, you can’t do this to me again! Is it because Dan Heng is from a noble family, you favor him so much? Jing Yuan knew that Blade was just trying to provoke him as he does to anyone and always, but he couldn’t ignore the way his junior’s expression turned from mischievous to one resembling a lost puppy -Dan Heng does not specialize in swords, right, Ren? I wonder, if you were to fight him using a spear, what punishment would I need to prepare for you then? The swordsman was already almost at his knees, gripping the general’s robes so the fabric became crumpled. From the side, if you ignored the attire of these two and the background of an average residence, this situation looked like a betrayal scene at the imperial palace. Jing Yuan almost felt pity for the other, when he saw Blade losing his acting stance and smiling. The other then stood up, cleaning the dust from his knees -So this is how our Lion General shows favoritism, huh? I’ve lost only because the sword broke down, so if I were to fight our precious Yinyue Jun on spears, please provide us with proper ones next time He bowed down, folding his hands in front of him, and looked at Dan Heng, who was standing and checking if the food was ready near the stove. Blade almost turned around, coming to get cleaning supplies from the servants when he heard Jing Yuan say -If I were to show favoritism, Ren, do you think that you would be one at a loss? Red eyes looked puzzled at this answer, but the general immediately coughed, turning away and leaving for the house. The tips of his ears flushed, turning almost the same color as the ribbon in his white hair Some time later The sky above three of them was clear and blue, unusual for autumn. Dan Heng’s orbs reflected the birds flying around, playing with each other like they did today. Two birds yelling and one resting somewhere on a tree’s branch, watching over them Soon enough dark clouds were approaching and the roaring of thunder emerged, scaring the birds. They rushed in separate directions, Ren following the movement of the one whose wings seemed to be injured -It will surely die soon, what a pity. A stray animal or a human child will get to it With a loud sound a plate full of jiaozi was placed on the table under the big tree in the middle of the courtyard, Jing Yuan picked one dumpling with chopsticks and blew on it -Such is fate. Now come here, or I will eat everything  Two men felt their stomach rumble in excitement and they got up from a stargazing position on the ground and ran to the table, trying to compete even in this. The white-haired man tossed a cup of soy sauce closer to his junior -Have you finished cleaning the stalls, Ren? How are the horses? Blade dipped one dumpling in the sauce and put it in his mouth, breathing heavily to cool it off -They are fine. Jixin got better after the new medicine and rest. I hope that he will recover soon before we set off to battle Dan Heng put his hand on the other’s shoulder. He knew how Ren treasured his horse which was the last gift of his grandfather. The other’s vermillion eyes met with his light blue ones yet again and for a second a mutual wordless understanding grew between the two warriors, but the peace wasn’t long until Blade spoke -Your damned Tianguan kicked me again! Like master, like the horse, both spoiled rotten and do not reciprocate my honest feelings towards them! The blue-eyed man snorted, rolling his eyes -Maybe it’s you here who is too blind to notice Blade froze in place and even stopped chewing, processing other’s words -Oh, Heavens! Indeed, I survived up until that day when the Dragon Warrior bestowed a blessing of his affection upon this worthless peasant! Dan Heng’s face turned red as marinated tomatoes on their table. Who knew if it was from anger or embarrassment, the outcome would be only one: Blade gets another beating. So, before the possibility of that happening rose up, Jing Yuan interrupted -Eat your food, or it will cool down. Both of you worked well today, have a rest  -Thank you, Jiangjun! The warmth that emerged inside the general’s chest when he looked at the way these two ate messily, eager to steal the last dumpling from the platter was able to get them through the whole winter without having to burn down coal and wood He would surely die for them But most importantly, he would live and kill for them  But fate always had a plan of its own. Where the battlefield is unruled, there is no life and death There is only a kaleidoscope of possibilities for this both. An endless game of tug of war Jing Yuan went past the rooms of his younger sworn brothers, checking if they were preparing to sleep and wishing them pleasant dreams. He stopped, hearing a quiet dialogue  In an opening of a door frame with a dragon silhouette carved out on it, he saw Ren and Dan Heng sitting on the latter's bed, going through some books. They already washed up and changed into bed robes, the swordsman’s silky dark hair being gently brushed by the other warrior. Blade was reading the book out loud, asking questions from time to time and Dan Heng answered calmly and thoroughly Many people would find it unusual for them to be like this, but Jing Yuan knew And this knowledge tugged on his heartstrings in thousands of ways He sighed, deciding not to disturb his juniors, and left for his room Rich white hair fell on his muscular back when the general untied the red ribbon and began to undress. While changing, he burned incense and looked at a scroll lying on his table near a weiqi board “The enemy’s army began to advance north. The palace urges you to respond as soon as possible if you are willing to participate in the war. In case of refusal, the Xianzhou alliance will be considered a traitor of the imperial court of His Majesty, and will be dealt with accordingly.” Jing Yuan sighed, his gaze darting to an armor kept neatly on a mannequin in his room and weapons resting in their sheaths. There was no choice, and in truth, he was more than happy acting on the behalf of his country, but… alone Amber eyes filled with worry, when Blade’s laughter passed through thin walls and Dan Heng’s hushed for the other to keep quiet  There was no other choice, and he knew that his juniors would do anything for their land and loved ones just as he personally would ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ The armor of Xianzhou Jiangjun shone in the sunlight, the golden and sharp claws of a lion digging inside foe’s head, burying them down in the dirt, right, precise, and  never wrong His staff delivered swift attacks both while sitting on the horse and standing in the middle of a circle made out of enemy’s soldiers, red cape glistening with glory When attacked from the back, the enemy could not even dream of getting closer because Ren emerged like a shadow of the underworld, knocking the threat down from his general’s shoulder and laughing them in the face until there was only red  Red, red, red   Blade coughed, and red was seen on the cloth he used to wipe his mouth with -That’s fine, I’m using the meridian purifying essence that Luocha made for me, see? Everything is going to be alright, Jiangjun Jing Yuan furrowed his brows, not trusting a word, even though he would give away the whole world to be able to do so The red spider lily clouded his dreams like a drug, making them feverish and insufferable. Yellow eyes could not stop staring at the ceiling when he heard a swordsman breathe in agony in the next room, clearing his throat  On the next day, he called out the troops -Where is Ren? Young men exchanged glances -Jiangjun, he…left for the battlefield border because he heard of Yinyue Jun returning earlier  Jing Yuan did not answer, instead, he saddled the horse and darted out of the camp -Ren…you…why are you so impatient! The horse was running at the top of her might, and the lion general remembered a day when he first met the swordsman He was following the stray assassin just like that, the silvery white horse catching up with the one as black as the darkest night that could ever befall their world.  And when Jing Yuan finally caught up…he saw Jixin standing alone, waiting for his owner while Ren was standing some meters away, holding Dan Heng close The latter saw their general approaching them with mixed expressions and quickly separated from Blade, bowing his head down -Jiangjun, I have something to tell you… Jing Yuan shook his hand, signaling that they will talk later. Drops of sweat were still running down his forehead, and his chest rose up and down in ragged breaths. The look in amber eyes was fierce, but at the same time worried  -Dan Heng, give me a second to talk with Ren Blade’s brows furrowed, but he followed the general. When they were walking away, he looked back at the blue-eyed warrior and then glanced at the lion general’s cape. It was dirty from the long pursuit and a drop of guilt rushed through the swordsman’s body -Jiangjun, this was an urgent matter so I… -Ren. Jing Yuan turned around abruptly and Blade ran into him, stepping back in embarrassment. The fierce look inside golden eyes began to fade, now replaced with worry and sadness -Yinyue was sent back home to try to convince his family clan to join our forces. I get that you were worried about him, and I was too. Still am, because I don’t know what news he brought back. But both me and Luocha had told you numerous times about your health and that you should not act so recklessly as to rush the whole day to the enemy border to see your… He hesitated for a moment, sighing - …Loved one. You have to care about your state as well Ren exhaled, a smirk appearing on his lips. This always happened when he tried to turn the wheel of the dialogue away from his own self and his condition -I rushed for a whole day to see my beloved, Jiangjun. And you, being the first general of the army, left for the same entire day just to bring me back. Are we not the same here? Or…do I misunderstand? Jing Yuan’s breath hitched and he clenched his fists, golden claws of armor digging into the skin of his palms. He knew that this was a trick to turn his attention away and not answer the question, yet for unknown reasons, he was not able to withstand the meaning of it that Blade implied -You…all I wish for is just for you and Dan Heng to be safe and happy. I am willing to give away everything, yet why is it that you here are standing in the way of your own happiness? That is your choice to make, Ren, and I made myself clear that I will be near you whenever you need me. And Yinyue will be The swordsman stepped closer, putting his hand on the general’s shoulder -Yes, it is my choice to make. And maybe because I am so sure that you, Jiangjun, and my beloved Yinyue are here with me, do I act so “recklessly”  He smiled, vermillion eyes lighting up with warmth  -But, there is a thing that you will never understand, Jing Yuan -gege . When you are aware of your own death comes sooner than expected, every moment with those you cherish is counted. And I do not wish to lose any of them The lion general lowered his head, looking at the other’s hand on his shoulder. His bangs fell on his golden eyes, hiding tears glistening in them -Have you told Dan Heng of your illness? -No. And never will Their eyes met. Blade coughed, his whole body tensed up, as Jing Yuan caught him in his arms -I understood you, Ren. But please, try to understand me too They returned to the place where Dan Heng was waiting for them. The attire of a dragon warrior was crumpled and covered in dirt, a young man anxiously tugging at the sleeves. When he saw his friends, his eyes looked for the general and he rushed over to them -Jiangjun, I… -Happy to see that you are well, Yinyue That was a lie, dragon warrior did not look well. The blue depths of his eyes looked muddy from tiredness, and the color disappeared from his cheeks. Dan Heng always had a slim, but well-trained body, however, now he has become bonier than he ever was. Something was clearly going down -Jiangjun, my family…refused your request. Moreover, they formed an alliance with our enemy long before I came to ask for their help. My father…did not even bother to notify me about this decision  Jing Yuan saw that the younger was under lots of pressure, so he reached out to run a hand through the other's black hair -That’s alright. If you wish to go back, there is nothing wrong  -No! It came out of Dan Heng’s mouth more fiercely than anything he said before in his life -I will not join them, I might as well leave the clan and declare them my own enemy! I will stay by your side no matter the consequences, Jiangjun. By your and Ren’s side Warmth bloomed inside the general’s chest, yet it sting like thousands of thorns. The white-haired man knew that this brings them more problems, yet now all of them are together And if together, everything shall be overcome  ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ Dan Heng never fought. He danced , swinging his staff around, taking out countless warriors in the most enchanting manner a human could ever imagine  To die the death by his hand was an honor The lion general would not lie if he said that he envied their enemies that would receive such opportunities  He did not blame Ren in the slightest when he saw the way the swordsman was spying on the dragon warrior’s practices and wanted to spar with him at any given moment the first time they all started living together.    Dan Heng was a descendant of a noble family who passed down their hidden arts since the time of creation, and who betrayed his blood family to protect his found one.  Looking back now, it was truly foolish to have even a glimpse of hope that the Dragon clan would leave this untouched  -Jiangjun, slow down! The howls of his troops resonated in the distance, the lion general hearing them as if they were sealed away from him An unexpected ambush, that their strategy could not overlook, yet someone predicted their next steps Blood ran down from amber eyes instead of tears, Jing Yuan felt his whole being crushed down as the sky pressed against his back, knees failing and burying themselves in the ground of the battlefield  The image of his two young brothers in their little courtyard appeared. Dan Heng that always made a fuss but then gave in and let himself be held in another’s arms, explaining to the dark-haired swordsman some complicated things while holding a red maple leaf, and Ren who always listened to him attentively and carefully, examining every breath of the other boy  Ren, who did not hear that boy breathing anymore, Ren, whose eyes were filled with bloody tears looked at his general’s face like the answer was entombed in it, begging him because there was nothing ever that Jing Yuan could not fix for them  -Jiangjun, I’m afraid…I can’t live anymore… He whispered, continuing to hold Dan Heng close because the maple boy may still wake up and tell him something Tell him that this was a snapback for all times Blade had bullied him during their lifetime. A prank, a joke But their general knew this would not happen. And he could not bring himself to tell this out loud.  Ren’s bandaged fingers were shaking, but he stroked the other man’s cheek gently, removing his own tears from the other's pale skin. Dan Heng looked peaceful, Blade has seen this expression numerous times when he sneaks into the other bedroom, pretending to be scared from nightmares But not in the wildest of his nightmares had the swordsman seen this scene. Blood already drying on the wound left by an arrow going exactly through the third eye, a place where Jing Yuan always drew a mark with cinnabar paint when the three of them went out for seasonal festivals Blade bowed down and pressed a kiss on the wound, squinting his eyes, hot tears continuing to spill from them He saw their general sitting down and stroking Dan Heng’s hair, saw Jing Yuan clutching the weapon he was holding in the other hand -Let the dragon receive his soul well, and give him a pleasant afterlife or rebirth. Let him be happy, and we will do everything to avenge his death  -Jiangjun… Amber eyes met with crimson ones and it was the first time when the lion general saw the red abyss looking so…lifeless When Dan Heng died, Blade became just a shadow roaming this world  And if Blade dies, Jing Yuan will feel as if his whole world disappeared  ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ Autumn came, and Jing Yuan dressed in warm clothing, finally freeing from the armor. The red fabric was sewn together using golden threads, a silhouette of a lion shining proudly on the back. He also let the rich white hair flow freely, bound only by a hair clip gifted by young lord Yinyue when they just met This thought sent a pool of sadness down his body, but when he was just starting to sink into these thoughts, someone knocked on the frame of the tent  Right, today at Autumn Festival they had an important mission to do A moment after a tall man went inside the tent, his long blond hair braided elegantly. Jing Yuan saw the other reflection in the mirror he was using and smiled  -Like I said, emerald green suits you more than anything. It brings out the color of your eyes perfectly, dear healer  An outer robe similar in material and style adorned the blonde man’s body, showing the slim waist and wide shoulders ideally. Luocha blushed a little at the compliment, holding a black robe in his hand -This is for Ren. Shall we pay him a visit? -I will do that myself  The general went closer to the doctor, looking into the green eyes reflecting his own golden ones -Gege, you look exceptionally beautiful today. Not like you don’t usually…maybe it’s just that I missed you while away  Luocha bit his lower lip and slapped the other’s shoulder -What would your juniors and subordinates say if they knew how a lion is actually an annoying lazy cat on the inside!  -Hey, I’ve always been the eldest among them before you came back, can I not enjoy having someone older to toy with? The doctor turned away with a humph, stepping out of the tent. His cheeks still blossomed with a faint blush. Jing Yuan laughed and they strolled together down the campsite  -It is still great that at times like this we could hold at least a small Autumn festival. People need to disburden their minds -That is true Jing Yuan lifted the curtain of the tent and Luocha went in first. The inside of the tent was dark and filled with the smell of medicine Blade was sitting on the bed, carving something out of the wood. He did not bat an eye when someone walked in, just slowed down the moves of a knife The general exchanged glances with the green-eyed man and stepped forward -Ren, Sushang had sent us over warm clothing. Look, the one for you has a red spider lily sewn out  -Oh. Tell her thank you The swordsman finally left his carving alone and stood up to take the robe from Luocha’s hands -We are planning to send out lanterns down the river…do you wish to come with us? Blade chuckled  -Just how many lanterns did we have to prepare? For everyone who left us… Jing Yuan took the other’s cold hand in his.  -We did enough. Remember that this is not for the dead, all of the rituals are for… -For the inner peace of the living  When Ren dressed up, three of them left for the festival, wishing everyone they met their way blessings and receiving them as well -May the new year bestow you with luck, Jiangjun! -Luocha-daren, let the blessings fall on your shoulders continuously just like you healed us for all this time! -Ren-xiansheng. Let your mind be at peace and without a worry this year  Blade smiled stiffly, his hands holding a lantern that had “The lord who drinks under the moon, my beloved Dan Heng” written on it Everyone sent their lanterns down the river, praying for the dead to be at ease Jing Yuan remembered the way Ren stood then, his hands closed in prayer.  On their way back, he stopped Luocha and handed him a wooden box. The blonde man looked at him, puzzled and when the box was opened it revealed an elegant fan with a jade pendant hanging down from it -I thought that it was time to give it to you, gege. Thank you for saving me and my family for all this time. And…are you crying? Luocha had flicked off tears from his eyes with a sleeve, his other hand shaking while holding a gifted fan -Ren…will not live another year…I cannot…save him… Both of them turned back, finding the swordsman’s black silhouette still at the riverside, looking at the way the water moved Jing Yuan brought the other man close in a hug, his own eyes watering -This world is too cruel, but we all do everything we can. I am the luckiest person in the universe for having met all of you and having you as my family “Jiangjun, I am truly the luckiest person to have ever met you in this life. Promise me that in the next you will find me as well, it will be lonely without you, but I will wait. I and Dan Heng will meet you again” The lion general held his beloved swordsman in his arms. The other’s body was already cooling down -Was it my fault? I failed to keep you both alive, now what is left for me to do? He stroke his junior’s cheek with the hands still covered in blood from the other’s wound -At least, you did not suffer for long without your loved one, Ren. And did not die from the illness you so despised. You went down like the best warrior you are, now finally take a rest. I will join you soon Jing Yuan brushed away dark hair from the other’s forehead and kissed it  -I love you. I hope you always knew it  And when one of them goes, how will the two live? Go on without him?  And when…the other one goes as well…what can the last one do? Grieve, and seek forgiveness in that grief? Two birds sit down on his shoulders, yelling and playing with one another, tangling his already messed-up hair  He smiles A red spider lily bird and a red maple bird, playing with a lion, not afraid in the slightest. Because the lion will protect them from the whole world, and go against the whole world if it was necessary  Now left all alone in this world, can he finally afford to cry?  Can he afford to find someone that is going to help him ? Hot tears are running down his cheeks when he sends two lanterns on the next Autumn festival Yes, the rituals are for those who are left in this world So they can ease their minds, thinking that they did the right thing A warm wind touched his hair, covering the general in a soft embrace Someday, there will be time to move on For now, can he cling to what passed a bit more? ˚✧₊⁎⁎⁺˳✧༚ Jing Yuan watches a young blonde boy running around the training ground. His sword moves as swiftly as waves, turning the fight into a dance  -Yanqing, your back is your blind zone, try to focus on that. Yes, like that. Don’t swing too much, your body weight will slow you down Nothing will last for eternity.  Yet the times that I spent with you are going to be entombed in my heart till the end of the world Luocha approached the general and his subordinate, a rare smile shining on his face  -After five long years, the war is over. What happened and what is next are other stories The general took the healer’s hands in his, stroking the knuckles gently. They both looked at Yanqing In the young swordsman’s shadow, Jing Yuan saw someone who he lost long ago Sorry, I didn’t fulfill my last promise to you, I still have something worth protecting here, and I know you would understand  And would do the same if you were in my place  I will still join you someday, wait for a bit more
Thou art the greatest p'rson ev'r, Steven
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Screwllum/Steven "Weirdo" Lloyd
Screwllum (Honkai: Star Rail), Steven "Weirdo" Lloyd (Honkai: Star Rail), Ruan Mei (Honkai: Star Rail), Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
Screwllum is a discord mod btw
['rain_BOWxx', 'imbibitortunae', 'Lefebvreque', '1silverberry1', 'starryimai', 'Kotofeila', 'blackswanswife', 'LazyKatie', 'Dogstar9069']
“Oh… mine own god, Steven, mine own fav'rite disc'rd kitten,” Screwllum said. Him and his cat ears head set bright pink with bright neon lights as he hammer dramatically into his piece of the Simulated Universe in which he didnt need to hammer. “I did miss thee.” “Oh I missed you too.” Steven shrugged. “How art thee doing?” Screwllum asked. “Good?” “yond is v'ry nice, disc'rd kitten.” Ruan Mei and Herta stood in the back like they hated everything of this situation. “Steven may i holp thee with thy w'rk the present day?” Screwllum asked. “Yeah, sure.” Steven stood and started working on the little task that Herta assigned. Screwllum did every other task assigned like a holy angel. He was so wildly powerful with his skill of that. “Steven prithee beest m're careful” “I literally just started.” “thee hath heard me” Ruan Mei stood dramatically. “Screwllum.” She walked over girlbossly. “What up?” Screwllum asked “STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP” Ruan Mei cried. She rolled on the floor. Herta stood in the back. She was so normal
Waiting to be in each other's arms
General Audiences
崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Bronya/Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
Bronya (Honkai: Star Rail), Seele (Honkai: Star Rail)
['Whrlingx', 'Astrealiaa', 'Azuos', 'Kotofeila', 'hey_youwill', 'AlexFoxDream07', 'Snackeater', 'new_watch', 'Wali', 'Muppener', 'Korablick', 'jamjamx']
It can be seen that the two women, Seele and Bronya had a tiring day. Both of them are laying down on the bed, arms wrapped around each other’s body as they rests against each other, with the Silvermane woman's head resting on the undergrounder’s neck and the undergrounder’s head buried into the silver haired woman’s neck. Both of them having one of the best rest they’ve ever gotten with each other. Having to wake up with someone doesn’t seem that bad, especially when you got lots of damn affections! ‘’Seele!’’ The silver haired woman kept giving smooches to her blue haired girlfriend, it seems like she really can’t wait to give her girlfriend some love even when they just woke up. ‘’Come on, Bronya. Let’s go get ourselves ready for the day first.’’ Seele spoke out as she gave Bronya a few pecks on the cheeks before getting up and got off the bed. ‘’Okay, Seele’’ The Silvermane woman answered and went to get prepared, she cherishes every single moment she got with the long beautiful blue haired woman, both of them are busy people and can’t stay in one place which means that they can rarely spend time together unless they finished all their works. For the undergrounder woman, she wasn’t really used to affections since her past at the underground was just full of challenges that she had to face since little. She also cherishes every moment she has with her beautiful silver haired girlfriend, who wouldn’t love a beautiful woman like Bronya? Well if someone doesn’t, she will still love Bronya with her whole heart. Even though she doesn’t really know how to give out affections to her dear lover she still tries and that’s what’s important to the Silvermane princess . As both of them finished getting ready, saying their see you’s to each other as they both are waiting to meet each other again when they’re done with everything. Waiting to spend time with each other again, sleeping against each other, giving out affections to each other even though it might be quite not easy for the Undergrounder, she still tried and that’s what is important, right?
Cosmic Un/Love
崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game)
Ryusuke Murata/Welt Yang, Welt Yang/Tentacles
Welt Yang, Murata Ryusuke
Tentacles, Tentacle Sex, Tentacle Rape, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Ryusuke is a little shit, Pleasure Drug, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
['hornetteanon', 'Newbudder64', 'Merciless_Medic', 'castilla_cake', 'ReaderKun', 'eiiioiiojej', 'isakjussirsak', 'kiragamezera', 'SamanthaBumblebree', 'Hazalo', 'e_b_a', 'scyhia', 'Aravesk', 'Chppy', 'noale', 'AHawrnyBypasser', 'Amethyst_chan101', 'Flowerbloomer', 'sanjisnumberone', 'Lichtsnow', 'hautedlife', 'Tellt', 'DrMare', 'YorozuyaAko__Taru412', 'MetallicMango', 'Wisdom_6', 'Neptune_BlueJewel', 'mxrasmith', 'Dolphinus', 'HornDoggo4', 'Blueblackocean03', 'cqrazan', 'squierd', 'sneeps', 'bookwhizz', 'kiwi_03', 'Artisabang', 'revivalritual', 'akioautumn', 'FallenRosemary', 'Anan0408', 'imilliterate', 'Nealovisa', 'naganoharen', 'leorook', 'Sxin_09', 'Red__Fox', 'a_kry', 'sultio', 'dottmaroon']
“Oh dear, Doctor Welt... You seem confused about the mechanisms of this Key...” Murata’s voice is taunting, annoyingly so. And Welt, he still has not figured out how to counter the Alien Key’s attacks. One step to the side, and Murata disappears into nothingness. He just vanished is the worried thought of Welt. Spatial distortion and manipulation is tricky to begin with, not to mention all the possibly hidden powers the Alien Key might possess. It’s a split second. Behind Welt, Murata’s voice rings clear “Allow me to demonstrate the powers of a Dimensional Weapon!” I have a solution just in case material physics no longer work… Welt’s enhanced reflexes help him deploy his Imaginary Barrier just in time, as a pointy tentacle clashes with it. But with whooshing sound, the tentacle passes right through it without any real effort. The imaginary Barrier failed to stop him! Welt dashes back, avoiding the tentacle. He’s already sporting a gash on his arm from before, and doesn’t want to replicate. Meanwhile, Murata snickers. “Very amusing. It turns out that the First Herrscher fights by running about like a wet hen” Welt is stuck. He’s not using the Void-Space! Trying to figure out the nature of Murata’s powers and at the same time avoiding his attacks is proving to be a difficult task. “You disappoint me, Doctor Welt. I expected the warrior guardian of the human race to stand and fight with honor” More tentacles lash at Welt, forcing him to continuously jump around as they destroy the ground and send rocks flying everywhere. “It’s obvious you make poor use of your Herrscher powers” Murata is full on madman now, and Welt finds him annoying, and distracting. Not even Otto Apocalypse has even been this much arrogant, something Welt didn’t think was possible. “So why don’t you give them to me instead?” Welt makes a tsk sound as he dodges more tentacles trying to flat him like pizza dough. Murata wasn’t the first to try and steal the powers of the Herrscher of Reason from him, and won’t be the last. A tentacle smashes the rock he’s on and he leaps away, again and again, until the rocks left to jump on are terribly low in number. Plenty of debris lazily float around him, and it’s one of those that finally give Welt the answer he was looking for. “I got it now… You weren’t teleporting about this space. This entire place is a single, contiguous dimension from the start” “Bravo. The First Herrscher finally figure it out. You’re finally living up to your reputation, Doctor Welt” Murata snickers, arrogant “And you’re right. This is the power of the Alien Key” A tentacle with a pointy tip materializes right next to Welt’s face. “Everything you see here, the Alien Key, this entire Bastion, and even me form a contiguous entity that exists at a higher dimension. You, however, are stuck at a lower plane of existence. You’ll only see fragments while I see the entire picture” This is definitely not going well at all… With light speed tentacles sever Welt’s arm, yet no blood spills, for Welt is still able to control his hand although it’s separate from his body. My arm… “Very impressive, First Herrscher. But I know that severing your limb won’t deal lasting damage. Yet even Herrschers aren’t truly immortal…” “…But maybe I will take something else first” The statement comes as a surprise, just like the lone tentacle sprouting from a blind corner and coiling around his ankle. Welt is about to dodge, but as soon as the tentacle touches his skin, the scratch on his arm starts to hurt like HELL, burning so much to stagger Welt for a moment, leaving him breathless. Due to that instant of hesitation, multiple tentacles coil around his arms and legs. “Finally, I was wondering how long it’d take to have an effect on you, Mister Herrscher” Murata appears behind him again, whispering in his ear. “I know about you, Welt Yang. You never give up, don’t you? I could cut you to pieces over and over, and you wouldn’t give up. And even if I steal your core right here, right now” and he places a hand over Welt’s chest, their bodies now pressing together “you will still fight me, correct? This power might not be mine while you still live, and for Herrschers, death is often meaningless, isn’t it? Thus, the most obvious course of action…” The tentacles tighten up a bit, and Welt can feel them slithering on him, even through the pain. “…is to break you first” Just how it started, the pain abruptly stops, and Welt feels nothing. But after a moment, he realizes that he’s not just not feeling pain anymore. He’s not feeling anything. He sees Murata’s hand still on his chest, he knows the other man’s body is still pressed on his back and his tentacles are still holding out his limbs, but he can’t feel them at all. Even thinking is hard now, as if he was trying to read small letters underneath turbulent water. “I wonder what’s the effect of my poison on an Herrscher” whispers Murata, and Welt needs a moment to realize he’s speaking “I did try it on humans, and the effects lasted for days” “What… are you doing…” Welt can barely ask. He tries to flex his fingers, but he doesn’t know if they actually moved or not. “Why don’t you look for yourself?” said that arrogant voice. Only now Welt looked down, only to see that Murata’s hand had left his chest to slide down, and now was unbuttoning his belt. Panic flashes in Welt’s eyes. This is even worse that he thought. He tries to move his arms, his legs, but he they simply refuse to obey him. He then tries to create Star of Eden, a gun, a knife, anything, but it all flickers and disappear before he can complete the creation. Not only it stills my libs and muddle my thoughts, but it also interferes with Herrscher powers…?   All this while Murata unbuckles Welt’s belt and unbuttons his trousers and a tentacle slides up on his leg towards his crotch. Powerless. Welt is powerless. He watches with detached embarrassment the tentacle writhing against him, still unable to feel anything. But, just like the two times before, the new sensations are brought him unexpectedly and fast. A pleasure such he has never felt before enflames his nerves all at once, and he can’t help but moan at that assault of sensations. Now he can feel again, he feels the tentacles cold, soft but firm around his limbs, he feels the faint heat of Murata’s body still pressed against his back, but more importantly he feels the tentacle writhing against his cock, which is rapidly filling under the ministrations. “Hm, quite a rapid effect it had. I see” and Murata leaves his back, reappearing in front of Welt with a grin on his face, the grin of a scientist who’s observing his experiment going well. “Sorry Doctor Welt, it seems we have to skip the preliminaries this time” Murata theatrically snaps his fingers, and more tentacles coil around Welt’s body. Still unable to move, Welt feels them sliding under his clothes, their cool touch refreshing against his heated skin, and feels them ripping his clothes to shreds until he’s spread out naked for the madman in front of him to see. “I must say you keep your body in an impeccable shape, Doctor Welt. I suppose being a semi-immortal Herrscher has its perks. To be fair, I was not sure this concoction of mine would’ve worked on an Herrscher such as yourself. But you’re not born an Herrscher, aren’t you? You inherited the core of the Herrscher of Reason, and this makes you partly human” One lone, slim tentacle coils around Welt’s neck, not tight enough to hinder his breathing, but forcing Welt to look at Murata as he did his villainous monologue like the most cliché of stories. “This poison first takes over the user’s nerves, making them feeling an unbearable pain and then a complete numbness. It then heightens any pleasure tenfold for hours. You went to the first two phases really quick, so I’m afraid if won’t give you the full package of pleasure, but it should give you enough time to play. Rejoice, Welt Yang, shield of humanity, for I’m going to give you the highest pleasure on Earth before you meet your inevitable demise” Welt barely registers the monologue as a tentacle resumes touching his dick. Light touches, just the tip running up and down his length, but this is already maddening. It’s like liquid fire is flowing through his veins instead of blood, and he’s barely being touched. It’s been a long while since anyone (or anything) has touched him with an eye for pleasure, and he realizes a small, hidden part of him is interested and excited. Fighting the part of his mind that just wants to abandon itself to pleasure, he manages to ask “S-stop it… Why… are you… doing this?” Welt’s breathing is heavy with the artificial lust running through his nerves, his eyes hazy already, and he fears this is just the beginning. He was right. “So you still can talk… interesting, interesting. Herrschers are really a fascinating specimen. You ask why I do this? Because I can very well break your body, Doctor Welt” and the tentacle around Welt’s neck tightens, making breathing even harder “but that alone won’t break your mind. So I wondered, why not try to break them both at once? It’s only a matter of time, Welt Yang, and your Herrscher powers will be mine. Enjoy yourself while you can” The tentacle around Welt’s neck loosens its grip, Welt inhales deeply and that turns into a moan as the tentacle now fully strokes his cock, from base to head, the tip of it teasing the slit. Welt has never been so hard in his life. The pleasure burns high, and yet it can’t take him over the edge. All his protests, all his thoughts, even all his embarrassment and anger at the assault are dissolved into pleasure. Two tentacles rise from his sides, sliding over toned muscles of his abdomen, over his ribcage, and start teasing his nipples, flicking the rosy buds, coiling gently around them, the tips of the tentacles widening around them, and sucking. “Ahh~ Aahh~” Welt moans and groans louder, his mouth agape and letting out delicious sounds of pleasure, drool dripping over. A tentacle enters it, cool and soft. It curls around Welt’s tongue, engorges a bit, and Welt is forced to keep his mouth wide open. He tries to bite down on it but he completely fails, only managing to let his saliva drool down his chin. The tentacles are still cool no matter how long they’ve been in touch with his hot body, and it’s a weird sensation as they play with his tongue, tease his nipples, and stroke his dick. If Welt’s mind had been lucid, he would’ve guessed what was left. Welt’s eyes jolts open in sheer surprise and panic as a cool tip brushes ever so slightly against his hole. It’s an instant of lucidity, terror and disgust, but it’s only an instant and pleasure takes over his hazed, drugged mind as the tip of the tentacle, this one also slick, pushes more firmly against him. It breaches the ring of muscles, Welt’s eyes roll back in pure pleasure, and it’s just the tip. The rest of the tentacle is cool and slick as well as it slowly makes its way into Welt’s body. He feels like crying, but then...what is it? The tentacle doesn’t feel smooth like the others. A little bump makes the surface uneven, hindering its entrance. It presses just a little more and it slides in. Welt cries and moan around the tentacle in his mouth as the bumps and ridges catch on his rim, the tentacle enters him, its width getting progressively bigger. The tentacles holding him up shifts around, taking him with them in a more “prone” position. Welt casts a glance back and gulps at the sheer size of the tentacle entering him. But there’s no pain, no discomfort. Only pleasure is left to feel as the uneven texture stokes his insides, brushes against his prostate. The tentacle is fully inside now, Welt can feel it moving but even this weird, unusual sensation, so different from the only other thing he ever tried using, his own fingers, but even that is pleasurable, and Welt’s eyes waters and he can barely see Murata still in front of him, unmoving, hovering with crossed arms and tentacles lazily moving around. Welt clenches down as the tentacle founds his prostate properly, and the pressure applied there is maddening, and Welt’s head spins, hazelnut eyes rolled back again as he struggles to breathe through his nose. Saliva is dripping down his chin and neck, and his dick has been leaking out precum for a while now. His skin is reddened, hot, glistening with perspiration and body fluids. The tentacles pull his arms behind him, making Welt arch and show off his blushing chest, his nipples red and puffy and slick with the tentacles’ secretion, and incredibly sensitive as even the smallest of touches would send electricity down his spine. Every bit of skin feels as if it was on fire. Everything remains still, for a moment, and the tentacle starts to pull out, and for every bump it’s a moan that spills from Welt’s sore throat, more tears filling his eyes and running down his cheeks for every centimeter of that huge, delicious length filling him. When only the tip is left and Welt starts to feel empty, it pushes back inside, but a little faster. It picks up speed every time it slides in and out and Welt feels like he can’t take it anymore. Suddenly, the tentacle occupying his mouth retreats, and his moans of ecstasy fill the room. “M-mo…re…” is the only thing he manages to utter in between his cries of pleasure. He can’t think straight, he should be screaming, try to escape, and yet he’s writhing in pleasure and begging for more. The tentacle doesn’t disappoint, it angles itself and it presses and abuses Welt’s prostate at each movement. Welt cries out, and he’s loud, uncaring, the poison still heightening his pleasure and taking over his mind as the tentacle circling his cock and balls speeds up a bit more, presses a bit stronger. Pleasure is mounting to impossible levels, and it needs only a little more, just the tiniest nudge to fall over the edge. Noticing this, the tentacle stretching his hole engorges just a bit, and then squeezes out, filling up Welt’s insides with hot liquid, so much it oozes outside Welt’s hole and down his legs. This is too much for Welt. With a shout he comes too, against the tentacle, against himself. Pleasure washes over him like a tsunami, a maelstrom, enchanting and terrible at the same time, Welt’s spine making a beautiful curve as his entire being, his very soul is set ablaze by his desired climax, his vision blurring out into white as the whole world crumbles around him. After a while Welt’s vision, and more importantly, his lucid mind comes back to him, all the tentacles aside from the ones binding him are gone, and all that’s left is the pleasurable, soothing ache of the afterglow and some slimy substance dripping from his puffy, abused hole. “What a surprise, you’re still conscious” Murata checks his pocket watch, and it’s the first movement he made since the beginning of… all this. “You lasted almost twenty minutes, in opposition to the hours it lasts on normal human beings. I can also theorize that climaxing accelerated the expulsion of the poison from your organism. What an interesting result” Murata’s careless grin was really unnerving. “Struggle all you want, there’s nothing you can do when you can’t even lift a finger” Fiery rage, not only for himself, but for Himeko, for all the people this man damaged, burns in Welt’s eyes, and he knows what he can do.     ------------------------     Welt has managed to defeat Ryusuke Murata and his Alien Key, bid farewell to the Sugars, and saw Himeko leave from the distance. After him and Ein got back to their rooms, Welt is finally alone. He discards all his clothes, throwing them carelessly on the ground. This isn’t like him, but right now he doesn’t care, he’ll get angry at himself later. His had put on a façade for the others, but his skin still tingles and burns, nothing like before, but it’s still unnerving. One hand behind him, and he feels the sticky liquid still clinging on his ass and thighs. A wave of lust and disgust fills him. He runs a scalding hot shower, and steps under it immediately. The temperature difference hurts but the doesn’t care right now, he just wants to… feel clean. But as he stays there, hands on the wall and hot water running down his spine, he wonders how much of him is actually disgusted by that horrible act, and how much, in fact, enjoyed it.