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Chest radiographs are primarily employed for the screening of pulmonary and cardio-/thoracic conditions. Being undertaken at primary healthcare centers, they require the presence of an on-premise reporting Radiologist, which is a challenge in low and middle income countries. This has inspired the development of machine learning based automation of the screening process. While recent efforts demonstrate a performance benchmark using an ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), our systematic search over multiple standard CNN architectures identified single candidate CNN models whose classification performances were found to be at par with ensembles. Over 63 experiments spanning 400 hours, executed on a 11:3 FP32 TensorTFLOPS compute system, we found the Xception and ResNet-18 architectures to be consistent performers in identifying co-existing disease conditions with an average AUC of 0.87 across nine pathologies. We conclude on the reliability of the models by assessing their saliency maps generated using the randomized input sampling for explanation (RISE) method and qualitatively validating them against manual annotations locally sourced from an experienced Radiologist. We also draw a critical note on the limitations of the publicly available CheXpert dataset primarily on account of disparity in class distribution in training vs. testing sets, and unavailability of sufficient samples for few classes, which hampers quantitative reporting due to sample insufficiency. | A Systematic Search over Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Screening Chest Radiographs |
We present a new interior-point potential-reduction algorithm for solving monotone linear complementarity problems (LCPs) that have a particular special structure: their matrix $M\in{\mathbb R}^{n\times n}$ can be decomposed as $M=\Phi U + \Pi_0$, where the rank of $\Phi$ is $k<n$, and $\Pi_0$ denotes Euclidean projection onto the nullspace of $\Phi^\top$. We call such LCPs projective. Our algorithm solves a monotone projective LCP to relative accuracy $\epsilon$ in $O(\sqrt n \ln(1/\epsilon))$ iterations, with each iteration requiring $O(nk^2)$ flops. This complexity compares favorably with interior-point algorithms for general monotone LCPs: these algorithms also require $O(\sqrt n \ln(1/\epsilon))$ iterations, but each iteration needs to solve an $n\times n$ system of linear equations, a much higher cost than our algorithm when $k\ll n$. Our algorithm works even though the solution to a projective LCP is not restricted to lie in any low-rank subspace. | Fast Solutions to Projective Monotone Linear Complementarity Problems |
It has recently been discovered that for certain rates of mode-exchange collisions analytic solutions can be found for a Hamiltonian describing the two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate. We proceed to study the behavior of the system using perturbation theory if the coupling constants only approximately match these parameter constraints. We find that the model is robust to such perturbations. We study the effects of degeneracy on the perturbations and find that the induced changes differ greatly from the non-degenerate case. We also model inelastic collisions that result in particle loss or condensate decay as external perturbations and use this formalism to examine the effects of three-body recombination and background collisions. | A perturbative approach to inelastic collisions in a Bose-Einstein Condensate |
A conservative constraint on the rest mass of the photon can be estimated under the assumption that the frequency dependence of dispersion from astronomical sources is mainly contributed by the nonzero photon mass effect. Photon mass limits have been earlier set through the optical emissions of the Crab Nebula pulsar, but we prove that these limits can be significantly improved with the dispersion measure (DM) measurements of radio pulsars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The combination of DM measurements of pulsars and distances of the Magellanic Clouds provide a strict upper limit on the photon mass as low as $m_{\gamma} \leq2.0\times10^{-45}~\rm{g}$, which is at least four orders of magnitude smaller than the constraint from the Crab Nebula pulsar. Although our limit is not as tight as the current best result ($\sim10^{-47}~\rm{g}$) from a fast radio burst (FRB 150418) at a cosmological distance, the cosmological origin of FRB 150418 remains under debate; and our limit can reach the same high precision of FRB 150418 when it has an extragalactic origin ($\sim10^{-45}~\rm{g}$). | New Limits on the Photon Mass with Radio Pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds |
We have extended the circuit theory of Andreev conductance [Phys.~Rev.~Lett. {\bf 73}, 1420 (1994)] to diffusive superconducting hybrid structures that contain an Aharonov-Bohm ring. The electrostatic potential distribution in the system is predicted to be flux-dependent with a period of the superconducting flux quantum $\Phi_{0}=h/2e$. When at least one tunnel barrier is present, the conductance of the system oscillates with the same period. | "Electro-flux" effect in superconducting hybrid Aharonov-Bohm rings |
Upper critical field, H_c2, in quasi-1D superconductors is investigated by the weak coupling renormalization group technique. It is shown that H_c2 greatly exceeds not only the Pauli limit, but also the conventional paramagnetic limit of the Flude-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state. This increase is mainly due to quasi-1D fluctuations effect as triggered by interference between unconventional superconductivity and density-wave instabilities. Our results give a novel viewpoint on the large H_c2 observed in TMTSF-salts in terms of a d-wave FFLO state that is predicted to be verified by the H_c2 measurements under pressure. | On the Origin of the Anomalous Upper Critical Field in Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductors |
We present high resolution spectroscopy of the yellow symbiotic star AG Draconis with ESPaDOnS at the {\it Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope}. Our analysis is focused on the profiles of Raman scattered \ion{O}{VI} features centered at 6825 \AA\ and 7082 \AA, which are formed through Raman scattering of \ion{O}{VI}$\lambda\lambda$1032 and 1038 with atomic hydrogen. These features are found to exhibit double component profiles with conspicuously enhanced red parts. Assuming that the \ion{O}{vi} emission region constitutes a part of the accretion flow around the white dwarf, Monte Carlo simulations for \ion{O}{VI} line radiative transfer are performed to find that the overall profiles are well fit with the accretion flow azimuthally asymmetric with more matter on the entering side than on the opposite side. As the mass loss rate of the giant component is increased, we find that the flux ratio $F(6825)/F(7082)$ of Raman 6825 and 7082 features decreases and that our observational data are consistent with a mass loss rate $\dot M\sim 2 \times 10^{-7} {\rm\ M_{\odot}\ yr^{-1}}$. We also find that additional bipolar components moving away with a speed $\sim 70{\rm\ km\ s^{-1}}$ provide considerably improved fit to the red wing parts of Raman features. The possibility that the two Raman profiles differ is briefly discussed in relation to the local variation of the \ion{O}{VI} doublet flux ratio. | Stellar Wind Accretion and Raman Scattered O VI Features in the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis |
The purpose of this paper is to establish a Feynman-Kac formula for the moments of the iterated Malliavin derivatives of the solution to the parabolic Anderson model in terms of pinned Brownian motions. As an application, we obtain estimates for the moments of the iterated derivatives of the solution. | Feynman-Kac formula for iterated derivatives of the parabolic Anderson model |
In this paper I show how to calculate the effect of a nearby Pearl vortex or antivortex upon the critical current $I_c(B)$ when a perpendicular magnetic induction $B$ is applied to a planar Josephson junction in a long, thin superconducting strip of width $W$ much less than the Pearl length $\Lambda = 2\lambda^2/d$, where $\lambda$ is the London penetration depth and $d$ is the thickness ($d < \lambda$). The theoretical results provide a qualitative explanation of unusual features recently observed experimentally by Golod {\it et al.}\cite{Golod10} in a device with a similar geometry. | Effect of nearby Pearl vortices upon the $I_c$ vs $B$ characteristics of planar Josephson junctions in thin and narrow superconducting strips |
In this article, we present an alternative method for simulating charge transport in disordered organic materials by using a buffer lattice at the boundary. This method does not require careful tracking of carrier's hopping pattern across boundaries. Suitability of this method is established by reproducing the field dependence of mobility, carrier relaxation and carrier diffusion in disordered organic systems obtained by simulating the charge transport for the full length of the systems along the field direction without and boundary condition. The significance of the buffer lattice is emphasized by simulating field dependence of mobility without using a buffer lattice, which results in negative field dependence of mobiltiy (NFDM) at low field regime due to the extra bias the carrier gains from the neglected hops and boundaries along field direction. | Monte Carlo simulation of charge transport in disordered organic systems using buffer lattice at boundary |
In this paper we present a very simple and independent argument for the absence of the Boulware-Deser ghost in the recently proposed potentially ghost-free non-linear massive gravity. The limitation is that, in its simple form, the argument is, in a sense, non-constructive and less explicit than the standard approach. However, the formalism developed here may prove to be useful for discussing the formal aspects of the theory. | On the Hamiltonian analysis of non-linear massive gravity |
Synchronous linear constraint system games are nonlocal games that verify whether or not two players share a solution to a given system of equations. Two algebraic objects associated to these games encode information about the existence of perfect strategies. They are called the game algebra and the solution group. Here we show that these objects are essentially the same, i.e., that the game algebra is a suitable quotient of the group algebra of the solution group. We also demonstrate that linear constraint system games are equivalent to graph isomorphism games on a pair of graphs parameterized by the linear system. | Synchronous linear constraint system games |
We show that the numerically exact bold-line diagrammatic theory for the $2d$ Hubbard model exhibits a non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) strange metal state, which is connected to the SYK NFL in the strong-interaction limit. The solution for the doped system features the expected phenomenology with the NFL near half-filling at strong couplings and in a wide temperature range enclosed by the atomic state at high temperatures and a Fermi liquid at low temperatures. We demonstrate, however, that this behavior in the weakly doped regime is due to the unphysical branch of the Luttinger-Ward functional. On the other hand, our analysis shows that the NFL physics is realized at larger doping. | Strange Metal Solution in the Diagrammatic Theory for the $2d$ Hubbard Model |
Deep generative priors offer powerful models for complex-structured data, such as images, audio, and text. Using these priors in inverse problems typically requires estimating the input and/or hidden signals in a multi-layer deep neural network from observation of its output. While these approaches have been successful in practice, rigorous performance analysis is complicated by the non-convex nature of the underlying optimization problems. This paper presents a novel algorithm, Multi-Layer Vector Approximate Message Passing (ML-VAMP), for inference in multi-layer stochastic neural networks. ML-VAMP can be configured to compute maximum a priori (MAP) or approximate minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimates for these networks. We show that the performance of ML-VAMP can be exactly predicted in a certain high-dimensional random limit. Furthermore, under certain conditions, ML-VAMP yields estimates that achieve the minimum (i.e., Bayes-optimal) MSE as predicted by the replica method. In this way, ML-VAMP provides a computationally efficient method for multi-layer inference with an exact performance characterization and testable conditions for optimality in the large-system limit. | Inference with Deep Generative Priors in High Dimensions |
We consider the problem of recovering elements of a low-dimensional model from under-determined linear measurements. To perform recovery, we consider the minimization of a convex regularizer subject to a data fit constraint. Given a model, we ask ourselves what is the ``best'' convex regularizer to perform its recovery. To answer this question, we define an optimal regularizer as a function that maximizes a compliance measure with respect to the model. We introduce and study several notions of compliance. We give analytical expressions for compliance measures based on the best-known recovery guarantees with the restricted isometry property. These expressions permit to show the optimality of the ${\ell}$1-norm for sparse recovery and of the nuclear norm for low-rank matrix recovery for these compliance measures. We also investigate the construction of an optimal convex regularizer using the examples of sparsity in levels and of sparse plus low-rank models. | A theory of optimal convex regularization for low-dimensional recovery |
The diffusion of substrate material into absorbing layer and oxidation of metal substrate or cermet metal nanoparticles at high temperatures are known as inevitable problems of the solar selective absorbers. In this study, we consider the use of textured stainless steel (SS) surface coated with a protective AlCr oxide layer as a high temperature solar selective absorber. The textured SS surface was prepared by ion etching techniques and AlCr oxide protective layer was deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. The absorptivity and emissivity of the as-prepared absorbers were 0.86-0.92 and 0.151-0.168, respectively. In order to evaluate the thermal stability, the absorbers were annealed at 600-800 C for different time in ambient atmosphere. Absorbers demonstrated a red shift of the onset of the reflectivity at all annealing temperatures. The high activation energy of 315 kJ/mol was calculated. The service lifetime of the absorbers at 500 C was estimated to be about 100 years and at 700 and 800 C the absorbers were stable about 50 and 1 hours, respectively. A detailed examination of the annealed absorber surface revealed growth of surface Mn3O4 nanocrystals, which resulted in observed change of the reflectance spectra, while the textured surface morphology had no significant change. The results show that the protective textured surface has much higher thermal stability in air than iron based cermet absorbers. | AlCrO protected textured stainless steel surface for high temperature solar selective absorber applications |
Let $x \in S^{n-1}$ be a unit eigenvector of an $n \times n$ random matrix. This vector is delocalized if it is distributed roughly uniformly over the real or complex sphere. This intuitive notion can be quantified in various ways. In these lectures, we will concentrate on the no-gaps delocalization. This type of delocalization means that with high probability, any non-negligible subset of the support of $x$ carries a non-negligible mass. Proving the no-gaps delocalization requires establishing small ball probability bounds for the projections of random vector. Using Fourier transform, we will prove such bounds in a simpler case of a random vector having independent coordinates of a bounded density. This will allow us to derive the no-gaps delocalization for matrices with random entries having a bounded density. In the last section, we will discuss the applications of delocalization to the spectral properties of Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs. | Delocalization of eigenvectors of random matrices. Lecture notes |
Change point estimation in its offline version is traditionally performed by optimizing over the data set of interest, by considering each data point as the true location parameter and computing a data fit criterion. Subsequently, the data point that minimizes the criterion is declared as the change point estimate. For estimating multiple change points, the procedures are analogous in spirit, but significantly more involved in execution. Since change-points are local discontinuities, only data points close to the actual change point provide useful information for estimation, while data points far away are superfluous, to the point where using only a few points close to the true parameter is just as precise as using the full data set. Leveraging this "locality principle", we introduce a two-stage procedure for the problem at hand, which in the 1st stage uses a sparse subsample to obtain pilot estimates of the underlying change points, and in the 2nd stage refines these estimates by sampling densely in appropriately defined neighborhoods around them. We establish that this method achieves the same rate of convergence and even virtually the same asymptotic distribution as the analysis of the full data, while reducing computational complexity to O(N^0.5) time (N being the length of data set), as opposed to at least O(N) time for all current procedures, making it promising for the analysis on exceedingly long data sets with adequately spaced out change points. The main results are established under a signal plus noise model with independent and identically distributed error terms, but extensions to dependent data settings, as well as multiple stage (>2) procedures are also provided. The performance of our procedure -- which is coined "intelligent sampling" -- is illustrated on both synthetic and real Internet data streams. | Intelligent sampling for multiple change-points in exceedingly long time series with rate guarantees |
Many Sun-like stars are observed to host close-in super-Earths (SEs) as part of a multi-planetary system. In such a system, the spin of the SE evolves due to spin-orbit resonances and tidal dissipation. In the absence of tides, the planet's obliquity can evolve chaotically to large values. However, for close-in SEs, tidal dissipation is significant and suppresses the chaos, instead driving the spin into various steady states. We find that the attracting steady states of the SE's spin are more numerous than previously thought, due to the discovery of a new class of "mixed-mode" high-obliquity equilibria. These new equilibria arise due to subharmonic responses of the parametrically-driven planetary spin, an unusual phenomenon that arises in nonlinear systems. Many SEs should therefore have significant obliquities, with potentially large impacts on the physical conditions of their surfaces and atmospheres. | Non-Trivial Oblique Spin Equilibria of Super-Earths in Multi-planetary Systems |
In a quantum mechanical model, Diosi, Feldmann and Kosloff arrived at a conjecture stating that the limit of the entropy of certain mixtures is the relative entropy as system size goes to infinity. The conjecture is proven in this paper for density matrices. The first proof is analytic and uses the quantum law of large numbers. The second one clarifies the relation to channel capacity per unit cost for classical-quantum channels. Both proofs lead to generalization of the conjecture. | A limit relation for entropy and channel capacity per unit cost |
We present the results of the second year of exoplanet candidate host speckle observations from the SOAR TESS survey. We find 89 of the 589 newly observed TESS planet candidate hosts have companions within 3\arcsec, resulting in light curve dilution, that if not accounted for leads to underestimated planetary radii. We combined these observations with those from paper I to search for evidence of the impact binary stars have on planetary systems. Removing the quarter of the targets observed identified as false-positive planet detections, we find that transiting planet are suppressed by nearly a factor-of-seven in close solar-type binaries, nearly twice the suppression previously reported. The result on planet occurrence rates that are based on magnitude limited surveys is an overestimation by a factor of two if binary suppression is not taken into account. We also find tentative evidence for similar close binary suppression of planets in M-dwarf systems. Lastly, we find that the high rates of widely separated companions to hot Jupiter hosts previously reported was likely a result of false-positive contamination in our sample. | SOAR TESS Survey. II: The impact of stellar companions on planetary populations |
The effect of deformation on the two-neutrino double decay (2nbb-decay) for ground state transition 76Ge -> 76Se is studied in the framework of the deformed QRPA with separable Gamow-Teller residual interaction. A new suppression mechanism of the 2nbb-decay matrix element based on the difference in deformations of the initial and final nuclei is included. An advantage of this suppression mechanism in comparison with that associated with ground state correlations is that it allows a simultaneous description of the single beta and the 2nbb-decay. By performing a detail calculation of the 2nbb-decay of 76Ge, it is found that the states of intermediate nucleus lying in the region of the Gamow-Teller resonance contribute significantly to the matrix element of this process. | Two-neutrino double beta decay of 76Ge within deformed QRPA: A new suppression mechanism |
We present first results from a simulation of quenched overlap fermions with improved gauge field action. Among the quantities we study are the spectral properties of the overlap operator, the chiral condensate and topological charge, quark and hadron masses, and selected nucleon matrix elements. To make contact with continuum physics, we compute the renormalization constants of quark bilinear operators in perturbation theory and beyond. | Quark spectra and light hadron phenomenology from overlap fermions with improved gauge field action |
Spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type $VI_0$ cosmological models with cosmological constant are investigated in the presence of anisotropic dark energy. We examine the effects of electromagnetic field on the dynamics of the universe and anisotropic behavior of dark energy. The law of variation of the mean Hubble parameter is used to find exact solutions of the Einstein field equations. We find that electromagnetic field promotes anisotropic behavior of dark energy which becomes isotropic for future evolution. It is concluded that the isotropic behavior of the universe model is seen even in the presence of electromagnetic field and anisotropic fluid. | Effects of Electromagnetic Field on the Dynamics of Bianchi type $VI_0$ Universe with Anisotropic Dark Energy |
Deploying active reflecting elements at the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) increases signal amplification capability but incurs higher power consumption. Therefore, it remains a challenging and open problem to determine the optimal number of active/passive elements for maximizing energy efficiency (EE). To answer this question, we consider a hybrid active-passive IRS (H-IRS) assisted wireless communication system, where the H-IRS consists of both active and passive reflecting elements.Specifically, we study the optimization of the number of active/passive elements at the H-IRS to maximize EE. To this end, we first derive the closed-form expression for a near-optimal solution under the line-of-sight (LoS) channel case and obtain its optimal solution under the Rayleigh fading channel case. Then, an efficient algorithm is employed to obtain a high-quality sub-optimal solution for the EE maximization under the general Rician channel case. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the H-IRS for maximizing EE under different Rician factors and IRS locations. | Hybrid Active-Passive IRS Assisted Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication |
Azimuthal asymmetries in exclusive electroproduction of real photons are measured for the first time with respect to transverse target polarisation, providing new constraints on Generalized Parton Distributions. From the same data set on a hydrogen target, new results for the beam-charge asymmetry are also extracted with better precision than those previously reported. By comparing model calculations with measured asymmetries attributed to the interference between the deeply virtual Compton scattering and Bethe-Heitler processes, a model-dependent constraint is obtained on the total angular momenta carried by up and down quarks in the nucleon. | Measurement of Azimuthal Asymmetries With Respect To Both Beam Charge and Transverse Target Polarization in Exclusive Electroproduction of Real Photons |
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a natural hyperbolic material that supports both volume-confined hyperbolic polaritons (HPs) and sidewall-confined hyperbolic surface polaritons (HSPs). In this work, we demonstrate effective excitation, control and steering of HSPs in hBN through engineering the geometry and orientation of hBN sidewalls. By combining infrared (IR) nano-imaging and numerical simulations, we investigate the reflection, transmission and scattering of HSPs at the hBN corners with various apex angles. We show that the sidewall-confined nature of HSPs enables a high degree of control over their propagation by designing the geometry of hBN nanostructures. | Manipulation and steering of hyperbolic surface polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride |
By making use of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant theory, the solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the time-dependent linear potential corresponding to the quadratic-form Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant $I_{\rm q}(t)$ is obtained in the present paper. It is emphasized that in order to obtain the general solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation, one should first find the complete set of Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants. For the present quantum system with a time-dependent linear potential, the linear $I_{\rm l}(t)$ and quadratic $I_{\rm q}(t)$ (where the latter $I_{\rm q}(t)$ cannot be written as the squared of the former $I_{\rm l}(t)$, {\it i.e.}, the relation $I_{\rm q}(t)= cI_{\rm l}^{2}(t)$ does not hold true always) will form a complete set of Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants. It is also shown that the solution obtained by Bekkar {\it et al.} more recently is the one corresponding to the linear $I_{\rm l}(t)$, one of the invariants that form the complete set. In addition, we discuss some related topics regarding the comment [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 68}, 016101 (2003)] of Bekkar {\it et al.} on Guedes's work [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 63}, 034102 (2001)] and Guedes's corresponding reply [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 68}, 016102 (2003)]. | Solutions of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the time-dependent linear potential |
We describe limits of line bundles on nodal curves in terms of toric arrangements associated to Voronoi tilings of Euclidean spaces. These tilings encode information on the relationship between the possibly infinitely many limits, and ultimately give rise to a new definition of limit linear series. This article and the first two that preceded it are the first in a series aimed to explore this new approach. In Part I, we set up the combinatorial framework and showed how graphs weighted with integer lengths associated to the edges provide tilings of Euclidean spaces by certain polytopes associated to the graph itself and to its subgraphs. In Part II, we described the arrangements of toric varieties associated to the tilings of Part I in several ways: using normal fans, as unions of orbits, by equations and as degenerations of tori. In the present Part III, we show how these combinatorial and toric frameworks allow us to describe all stable limits of a family of line bundles along a degenerating family of curves. Our main result asserts that the collection of all these limits is parametrized by a connected 0-dimensional closed substack of the Artin stack of all torsion-free rank-one sheaves on the limit curve. Moreover, we thoroughly describe this closed substack and all the closed substacks that arise in this way as certain torus quotients of the arrangements of toric varieties of Part II determined by the Voronoi tilings of Euclidean spaces studied in Part I. | Voronoi tilings, toric arrangements and degenerations of line bundles III |
Recent LEP results on single and pair production of neutral electroweak gauge bosons are reviewed. QED and Electroweak gamma-e Compton scattering at LEP covers gamma-e center-of-mass energies sqrt{shat} in the range from about 20 GeV to 170 GeV, and leads to single production of on-shell gamma, off-shell gamma*, and Z bosons, also known as ``Zee'' process. The latter two final states have been observed for the first time by the OPAL collaboration, while the measurement of the scattered on-shell gamma's by L3 represents the highest energies at which QED Compton scattering has been studied so far. These processes can be used to set limits on excited electrons. Pair production of gamma* and/or Z at the e+e- center-of-mass energy sqrt{s}=183 GeV has been studied by the DELPHI, L3, and OPAL collaborations. The combination of these experiments yields the first significant measurement of Z pair production. With more statistics at higher energies, interesting limits on anomalous gammaZZ and ZZZ couplings can be derived from this process. | Single and Pair Production of Neutral Electroweak Gauge Bosons at LEP |
Real-world data is laden with outlying values. The challenge for machine learning is that the learner typically has no prior knowledge of whether the feedback it receives (losses, gradients, etc.) will be heavy-tailed or not. In this work, we study a simple algorithmic strategy that can be leveraged when both losses and gradients can be heavy-tailed. The core technique introduces a simple robust validation sub-routine, which is used to boost the confidence of inexpensive gradient-based sub-processes. Compared with recent robust gradient descent methods from the literature, dimension dependence (both risk bounds and cost) is substantially improved, without relying upon strong convexity or expensive per-step robustification. Empirically, we also show that under heavy-tailed losses, the proposed procedure cannot simply be replaced with naive cross-validation. Taken together, we have a scalable method with transparent guarantees, which performs well without prior knowledge of how "convenient" the feedback it receives will be. | Improved scalability under heavy tails, without strong convexity |
We study null recurrent renewal Markov chains with renewal distribution in the domain of geometric partial attraction of a semistable law. Using the classical procedure of inversion, we derive a limit theorem similar to the Darling-Kac law along subsequences and obtain some interesting properties of the limit distribution. Also in this context, we obtain a Karamata type theorem along subsequences for positive operators. In both results, we identify the allowed class of subsequences. We provide several examples of nontrivial infinite measure preserving systems to which these results apply. | Darling-Kac theorem for renewal shifts in the absence of regular variation |
The wavelength switching dynamics of two-colour semiconductor lasers with optical injection and feedback are presented. These devices incorporate slotted regions etched into the laser ridge waveguide for tailoring the output spectrum. Experimental measurements are presented demonstrating that optical injection in one or both modes of these devices can induce wavelength bistability. Measured switching dynamics with modulated optical injection are shown to be in excellent agreement with numerical simulations based on a simple rate equation model. We also demonstrate experimentally that time-delayed optical feedback can induce wavelength bistability for short external cavity lengths. Numerical simulations indicate that this two-colour optical feedback system can provide fast optical memory functionality based on injected optical pulses without the need for an external holding beam. | Wavelength switching dynamics of two-colour semiconductor lasers with optical injection and feedback |
Sprawl, according to Glaeser and Kahn, is the 21st century phenomenon that some people are not dependent on city-living due to automobiles and therefore can live outside public transportation spheres and cities. This is usually seen as pleasant and accompanied by improved qualities of life, but as they addressed, the problem remains that sprawl causes loss of jobs for those who cannot afford luxurious alternatives but only inferior substitutes (Glaeser and Kahn 2004). Therefore, through our question, we hope to suggest that sprawl has occurred in the U.S. and poverty is one of the consequences. | Investigating Sprawl using AIC and Recursive Partitioning Trees: A Machine Learning Approach to Assessing the Association between Poverty and Commute Time |
Writing style is a combination of consistent decisions associated with a specific author at different levels of language production, including lexical, syntactic, and structural. In this paper, we introduce a style-aware neural model to encode document information from three stylistic levels and evaluate it in the domain of authorship attribution. First, we propose a simple way to jointly encode syntactic and lexical representations of sentences. Subsequently, we employ an attention-based hierarchical neural network to encode the syntactic and semantic structure of sentences in documents while rewarding the sentences which contribute more to capturing the writing style. Our experimental results, based on four benchmark datasets, reveal the benefits of encoding document information from all three stylistic levels when compared to the baseline methods in the literature. | Style-aware Neural Model with Application in Authorship Attribution |
We describe a real-time spectroscopic program to observe bright gravitational microlensing events toward the Galactic Bulge. The program is carried out using the NTT at ESO. We present the preliminary analysis of the microlensing events we have observed thus far. We demonstrate that these data provide detailed information on the intrinsic properties of the source stars; radial velocities, atmospheric parameters, distances and abundances. A high priority objective of this campaign is to obtain spectra of highly magnified cool dwarfs and subgiants in order to investigate their chemical composition and by implication, the formation and evolution of the bulge. The data will also allow us to investigate the nature of the sources (and the lenses) which in turn may aid the interpretation of the observed optical depth towards the Bulge. | Real-Time Spectroscopy of Gravitational Microlensing Events - Probing the Evolution of the Galactic Bulge |
We analyze an adaptive boundary element method for the weakly-singular and hypersingular integral equations for the 2D and 3D Helmholtz problem. The proposed adaptive algorithm is steered by a residual error estimator and does not rely on any a priori information that the underlying meshes are sufficiently fine. We prove convergence of the error estimator with optimal algebraic rates, independently of the (coarse) initial mesh. As a technical contribution, we prove certain local inverse-type estimates for the boundary integral operators associated with the Helmholtz equation. | Adaptive BEM with optimal convergence rates for the Helmholtz equation |
In recent years, the power system research community has seen an explosion of novel methods for formulating and solving power network optimization problems. These emerging methods range from new power flow approximations, which go beyond the traditional DC power flow by capturing reactive power, to convex relaxations, which provide solution quality and runtime performance guarantees. Unfortunately, the sophistication of these emerging methods often presents a significant barrier to evaluating them on a wide variety of power system optimization applications. To address this issue, this work proposes PowerModels, an open-source platform for comparing power flow formulations. From its inception, PowerModels was designed to streamline the process of evaluating different power flow formulations on shared optimization problem specifications. This work provides a brief introduction to the design of PowerModels, validates its implementation, and demonstrates its effectiveness with a proof-of-concept study analyzing five different formulations of the Optimal Power Flow problem. | PowerModels.jl: An Open-Source Framework for Exploring Power Flow Formulations |
Half-lives of beta+ decay and electron capture are studied in some selected superheavy nuclei produced in hot fusion reactions, namely, 290Fl, 293Mc, 294Lv, and 295Ts. The nuclear structure is described microscopically from deformed self-consistent Skyrme Hartree-Fock mean-field calculations that include pairing correlations. The sensitivity of the half-lives to deformation and to the QEC energies, which are still not determined experimentally, are studied. The results are compared with phenomenological alpha-decay half-lives, showing that the latter decay mode is dominant in this mass region. | Microscopic calculations of weak decays in superheavy nuclei |
We prove that a complete local or graded one-dimensional domain of prime characteristic has finite F-representation type if its residue field is algebraically closed or finite, and present examples of a complete local or graded one-dimensional domain which does not have finite F-representation type with a perfect residue field. We also present some examples of higher dimensional rings of finite F-representation type. | One-dimensional rings of finite F-representation type |
With quantum groups $U_q(su_n)$ taken as classifying symmetries for hadrons of $n$ flavors, we calculate within irreducible representation $D^+_{12}(p-1,p-3,p-4;p,p-2)$ ($p \in {\bf Z}$) of 'dynamical' quantum group $U_q(u_{4,1})$ the masses of baryons ${1\over 2}^+$ that belong to ${\it 20}$-plet of $U_q(su_4)$. The obtained $q$-analog of mass relation (MR) for $U_q(su_3)$-octet contains unexpected mass-dependent term multiplied by the factor ${A_q\over B_q}$ where $A_q,$ $B_q$ are certain polynomials (resp. of 7-th and 6-th order) in the variable $q+q^{-1}\equiv [2]_q$. Both values $q=1$ and $q=e^{i\pi \over 6}$ turn the polynomial $A_q$ into zero. But, while $q=1$ results in well-known Gell-Mann--Okubo (GMO) baryon MR, the second root of $A_q$ reduces the $q$-MR to some novel mass sum rule which has irrational coefficients and which holds, for empirical masses, even with better accuracy than GMO mass sum rule. | Representations of the $U_q(u_{4,1})$ and a $q$-polynomial that determines baryon mass sum rules |
We consider domain walls obtained by embedding the 1+1-dimensional $\phi^4$-kink in higher dimensions. We show that a suitably adapted dimensional regularization method avoids the intricacies found in other regularization schemes in both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric theories. This method allows us to calculate the one-loop quantum mass of kinks and surface tensions of kink domain walls in a very simple manner, yielding a compact d-dimensional formula which reproduces many of the previous results in the literature. Among the new results is the nontrivial one-loop correction to the surface tension of a 2+1 dimensional N=1 supersymmetric kink domain wall with chiral domain-wall fermions. | One-loop surface tensions of (supersymmetric) kink domain walls from dimensional regularization |
The exact enumeration of pure dimer coverings on the square lattice was obtained by Kasteleyn, Temperley and Fisher in 1961. In this paper, we consider the monomer-dimer covering problem (allowing multiple monomers) which is an outstanding unsolved problem in lattice statistics. We have developed the state matrix recursion method that allows us to compute the number of monomer--dimer coverings and to know the partition function with monomer and dimer activities. This method proceeds with a recurrence relation of so-called state matrices of large size. The enumeration problem of pure dimer coverings and dimer coverings with single boundary monomer is revisited in partition function forms. We also provide the number of dimer coverings with multiple vacant sites. The related Hosoya index and the asymptotic behavior of its growth rate are considered. Lastly, we apply this method to the enumeration study of domino tilings of Aztec diamonds and more generalized regions, so-called Aztec octagons and multi-deficient Aztec octagons. | State matrix recursion method and monomer--dimer problem |
We examine the possible acceleration mechanisms of the relativistic particles responsible for the extended radio emission in Abell 520. We used new LOFAR 145 MHz, archival GMRT 323 MHz and VLA 1.5 GHz data to study the morphological and spectral properties of extended cluster emission. The observational properties are discussed in the framework of particle acceleration models associated with cluster merger turbulence and shocks. In Abell 520, we confirm the presence of extended synchrotron radio emission that has been classified as a radio halo. The comparison between the radio and X-ray brightness suggests that the halo might originate in a cocoon rather than from the central X-ray bright regions of the cluster. The halo spectrum is roughly uniform on the scale of 66 kpc. There is a hint of spectral steepening from the SW edge towards the cluster centre. Assuming DSA, the radio data are suggestive of a shock of $\mathcal{M}_{SW}=2.6_{-0.2}^{+0.3}$ that is consistent with the X-ray derived estimates. This is in line with the scenario in which relativistic electrons in the SW radio edge gain their energies at the shock front via acceleration of either thermal or fossil electrons. We do not detect extended radio emission ahead of the SW shock that is predicted if the emission is the result of adiabatic compression. An X-ray surface brightness discontinuity is detected towards the NE region that may be a counter shock of $\mathcal{M}_{NE}^{X}=1.52\pm0.05$. This is lower than the value predicted from the radio emission ($\mathcal{M}_{NE}=2.1\pm0.2$). Our observations indicate that the SW radio emission in Abell 520 is likely effected by the prominent X-ray detected shock in which radio emitting particles are (re-)accelerated through the Fermi-I mechanism. The NE X-ray discontinuity that is approximately collocated with an edge in the radio emission hints at the presence of a counter shock. | Radio observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 520 |
Thin-plate splines can be used for interpolation of image values, but can also be used to represent a smooth surface, such as the boundary between two structures. We present a method for partitioning vertebra segmentation masks into two substructures, the vertebral body and the posterior elements, using a convolutional neural network that predicts the boundary between the two structures. This boundary is modeled as a thin-plate spline surface defined by a set of control points predicted by the network. The neural network is trained using the reconstruction error of a convolutional autoencoder to enable the use of unpaired data. | Vertebra partitioning with thin-plate spline surfaces steered by a convolutional neural network |
A recent study [Rosati, Dolcini, and Rossi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 243101 (2015)] has predicted that, while in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) an electronic wave packet experiences the typical spatial diffusion of conventional materials, in metallic SWNTs its shape remains essentially unaltered up to micron distances at room temperature, even in the presence of the electron-phonon coupling. Here, by utilizing a Lindblad-based density-matrix approach enabling us to account for both dissipation and decoherence effects, we test such prediction by analyzing various aspects that were so far unexplored. In particular, accounting for initial nonequilibrium excitations, characterized by an excess energy $E_0$, and including both intra- and interband phonon scattering, we show that for realistically high values of $E_0$ the electronic diffusion is extremely small and nearly independent of its energetic distribution, in spite of a significant energy-dissipation and decoherence dynamics. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the effect is robust with respect to the variation of the chemical potential. Our results thus suggest that metallic SWNTs are a promising platform to realise quantum channels for the non-dispersive transmission of electronic wave packets. | Electron-phonon coupling in metallic carbon nanotubes: Dispersionless electron propagation despite dissipation |
The mechanics of a foam typically depends on the bubble geometry, topology, and the material at hand, be it metallic or polymeric, for example. While the foam energy functional for each bubble is typically minimization of surface area for a given volume, biology provides us with a wealth of additional energy functionals, should one consider biological cells as a foam-like material. Here, we focus on a mean field approach to obtain the elastic moduli, within linear response, for an ordered, three-dimensional vertex model using the space-filling shape of a truncated octahedron and whose energy functional is characterized by a restoring surface area spring and a restoring volume spring. The tuning of the three-dimensional shape index exhibits a rigidity transition via a compatible-incompatible transition. Specifically, for smaller shape indices, both the target surface area and volume cannot be achieved, while beyond some critical value of the three-dimensional shape index, they can be, resulting in a zero-energy state. As the elastic moduli depend on curvatures of the energy when the system, we obtain these as well. In addition to analytically determining the location of the transition in mean field, we find that the rigidity transition and the elastic moduli depend on the parameterization of the cell shape with this effect being more pronounced in three dimensions given the array of shapes that a polyhedron can take on (as compared to a polygon). We also uncover nontrivial dependence on the deformation protocol in which some deformations result in affine motion of the vertices, while others result in nonaffine motion. Such dependencies on the shape parameterization and deformation protocol give rise to a nontrivial shape landscape and, therefore, nontrivial mechanical response even in the absence of topology changes. | Mean field elastic moduli of a three-dimensional cell-based vertex model |
We present in this short note an idea about a possible extension of the standard noncommutative algebra to the formal differential operators framework. In this sense, we develop an analysis and derive an extended noncommutative structure given by $[x_{a}, x_{b}]_{\star} = i(\theta + \chi)_{ab}$ where $\theta_{ab}$ is the standard noncommutative parameter and $\chi_{ab}(x)\equiv \chi^{\mu}_{ab}(x)\partial_{\mu} ={1/2}(x_a \theta^{\mu}_{b} - x_b \theta^{\mu}_{a})\partial_\mu$ is an antisymmetric non-constant vector-field shown to play the role of the extended deformation parameter. This idea was motivated by the importance of noncommutative geometry framework, with nonconstant deformation parameter, in the current subject of string theory and D-brane physics. | Non Standard Extended Noncommutativity of Coordinates |
The paradigm of extracting work from isolated quantum system through a cyclic Hamiltonian process is a topic of immense research interest. The optimal work extracted under such process is termed as ergotropy [Europhys. Lett., 67 (4), 565(2004)]. Here, in a multi-party scenario we consider only a class of such cyclic processes that can be implemented locally, giving rise to the concept of local ergotropy. Eventually, presence of quantum correlations result in a non-vanishing thermodynamic quantity called ergotropic gap, measured by the difference between the global and local ergotropy. However the converse does not hold in general, i.e. its nonzero value does not necessarily imply presence of quantum correlations. For arbitrary multi-party states we quantify this gap. We also evaluate the difference between maximum global and local extractable work for arbitrary states when the system is no longer isolated but put in contact with a baths of same local temperature. | The presence of quantum correlations result in non-vanishing ergotropic gap |
The Marcus-Lushnikov process is a finite stochastic particle system, in which each particle is entirely characterized by its mass. Each pair of particles with masses $x$ and $y$ merges into a single particle at a given rate $K(x,y)$. Under certain assumptions, this process converges to the solution to Smoluchowski equation, as the number of particles increases to infinity. The Marcus-Lushnikov process gives at each time the distribution of masses of the particles present in the system, but does not retain the history of formation of the particles. In this paper, we set up a historical analogue of the Marcus-Lushnikov process (built according the rules of construction of the usual Markov-Lushnikov process) each time giving what we call the historical tree of a particle. The historical tree of a particle present in the Marcus-Lushnikov process at a given time $t$ encodes information about the times and masses of the coagulation events that have formed that particle. We prove a law of large numbers for the empirical distribution of such historical trees. The limit is a natural measure on trees which is constructed from a solution to Smoluchowski coagulation equation. | A historical law of large numbers for the Marcus Lushnikov process |
Radiation from accretion discs in cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) provides fundamental information about the properties of these close binary systems and about the physics of accretion in general. The detailed diagnostics of accretion disc structure can be achieved by including in its description all the relevant heating and cooling physical mechanism, in particular the convective energy transport that, although dominant at temperatures less than about 10 000 K, is usually not taken into account when calculating spectra of accretion discs. We constructed a radiative transfer code coupled with a code determining the disc's hydrostatic vertical structure. We have obtained for the first time model spectra of cold, convective accretion discs. As expected, these spectra are mostly flat in the optical wavelengths with no contribution from the UV, which in quiescence must be emitted by the white dwarf. The disc structures obtained with our radiative-transfer code compare well with the solutions of equations used to describe the dwarf-nova outburst cycle according to the thermal-viscous disc instability model thus allowing the two to be combined. Our code allows calculating the spectral evolution of dwarf nova stars through their whole outburst cycle, providing a new tool for testing models of accretion discs in cataclysmic variables. We show that convection plays an important role in determining the vertical disc structure and substantially affects emitted spectra when, as often the case, it is effective at optical depths tau ~ 1. The emergent spectrum is independent of the parameters of the convection model.(Abstract shortened) | Accretion-disc model spectra for dwarf-nova stars |
We address the effective tight-binding Hamiltonian that describes the insulating Mott state of twisted graphene bilayers at a magic angle. In that configuration, twisted bilayers form a honeycomb superlattice of localized states, characterized by the appearance of flat bands with four-fold degeneracy. After calculating the maximally localized superlattice Wannier wavefunctions, we derive the effective spin model that describes the Mott state. We suggest that the system is an exotic ferromagnetic Mott insulator, with well defined experimental signatures. | Ferromagnetic Mott State in Twisted Graphene Bilayers at the Magic Angle |
We present here results from the X-ray timing and spectral analysis of the X-ray binary Cyg X-3 using observations from Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) on-board AstroSat. Consecutive lightcurves observed over a period of one year show the binary orbital period of 17253.56 +/- 0.19 sec. Another low-amplitude, slow periodicity of the order of 35.8 +/- 1.4 days is observed which may be due to the orbital precession as suggested earlier by Molteni et al. (1980). During the rising binary phase, power density spectra from different observations during flaring hard X-ray state show quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) at ~5-8 mHz, ~12-14 mHz, ~18-24 mHz frequencies at the minimum confidence of 99%. However, during the consecutive binary decay phase, no QPO is detected up to 2-sigma significance. Energy-dependent time-lag spectra show soft lag (soft photons lag hard photons) at the mHz QPO frequency and the fractional rms of the QPO increases with the photon energy. During the binary motion, the observation of mHz QPOs during the rising phase of the flaring hard state may be linked to the increase in the supply of the accreting material in the disk and corona via stellar wind from the companion star. During the decay phase, the compact source moves in the outer wind region causing the decrease in the supply of material for accretion. This may cause weakening of the mHz QPOs below the detection limit. This is also consistent with the preliminary analysis of the orbital phase-resolved energy spectra presented in this paper. | X-ray timing analysis of Cyg X-3 using AstroSat/LAXPC: Detection of milli-hertz quasi-periodic oscillations during the flaring hard X-ray state |
Let G be the group of rational points of a reductive connected group over a finite field (resp. nonarchimedean local field of characteristic p) and R a commutative ring. The unipotent (resp. pro-p Iwahori) invariant functor takes a smooth representation of G to a module over the unipotent (resp. pro-p Iwahori) Hecke R-algebra H of G. We prove that these functors for G and for a Levi subgroup of G commute with the parabolic induction functors, as well as with the right adjoints of the parabolic induction functors. However, they do not commute with the left adjoints of the parabolic induction functors in general; they do if p is invertible in R. When R is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p, we show in the local case that an irreducible admissible R-representation V of G is supercuspidal (or equivalently supersingular) if and only if the H-module V^I of its invariants by the pro-p Iwahori I admits a supersingular subquotient, if and only if V^I is supersingular. | Parabolic induction in characteristic p |
Being motivated in terms of mathematical concepts from the theory of electrical networks, Klein & Ivanciuc introduced and studied a new graph-theoretic cyclicity index--the global cyclicity index (Graph cyclicity, excess conductance, and resistance deficit, J. Math. Chem. 30 (2001) 271--287). In this paper, by utilizing techniques from graph theory, electrical network theory and real analysis, we obtain some further results on this new cyclicity measure, including the strictly monotone increasing property, some lower and upper bounds, and some Nordhuas-Gaddum-type results. In particular, we establish a relationship between the global cyclicity index $C(G)$ and the cyclomatic number $\mu(G)$ of a connected graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges: $$\frac{m}{n-1}\mu(G)\leq C(G)\leq \frac{n}{2}\mu(G).$$ | Further results on the global cyclicity index of graphs |
We investigate the graph isomorphism (GI) in some cospectral networks. Two graph are isomorphic when they are related to each other by a relabeling of the graph vertices. We want to investigate the GI in two scalable (n + 2)-regular graphs G4(n; n + 2) and G5(n; n + 2), analytically by using the multiparticle quantum walk. These two graphs are a pair of non-isomorphic connected cospectral regular graphs for any positive integer n. In order to investigation GI in these two graphs, we rewrite the adjacency matrices of graphs in the antisymmetric fermionic basis and show that they are different for thesepairs of graphs. So the multiparticle quantum walk is able to distinguish pairs of non- isomorph graphs. Also we construct two new graphs T4(n; n + 2) and T5(n; n + 2) and repeat the same process of G4 and G5 to study the GI problem by using multiparticle quantum walk. Then we study GI by using the entanglement entropy. To this aim, we calculate entanglement entropy between two parts of network. In our model the nodes are considered as identical quantum harmonic oscillators. The entanglement entropy between two special parts of G4(n; n+2) and G5(n; n+2) are calculated analytically. It is shown that the entanglement entropy can distinguish pairs of non-isomorphic cospectral graphs too. | Investigating graph isomorphism in cospectral graphs via multiparticle quantum walk in fermionic basis and entanglement entropy |
We investigate experimentally the adherence energy $\Gamma$ of model polyacrylate Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) with combined large strain rheological measurements in uniaxial extension and an instrumented peel test. We develop a nonlinear model for such peel test which captures the dependence of $\Gamma(V)$ with peeling rate $V$ revealing the key role played by the extensional rheology. Our model explains in particular why traditional linear viscoelastic approaches correctly predict the slope of $\Gamma(V)$ curves for sufficiently elastic PSAs characterized by a simple rate-independent debonding criterion. However, for more viscoelastic adhesives, we identified a more complex rate-dependent debonding criterion yielding a significant modification of the $\Gamma(V)$ curves, an effect that has been largely overlooked so far. This investigation opens the way towards the understanding of fibrils debonding, which is the main missing block to predict the adherence of PSAs. | Nonlinear Viscoelastic Modeling of Adhesive Failure for Polyacrylate Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives |
We post-process galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulations with SKIRT radiative transfer calculations to make predictions for the rest-frame near-infrared (NIR) and far-infrared (FIR) properties of galaxies at $z\geq 4$. The rest-frame $K$- and $z$-band galaxy luminosity functions from TNG are overall consistent with observations, despite a $\sim 0.5\,\mathrm{dex}$ underprediction at $z=4$ for $M_{\rm K}\lesssim -25$ and $M_{\rm z}\lesssim -24$. Predictions for the JWST MIRI observed galaxy luminosity functions and number counts are given. Based on theoretical estimations, we show that the next-generation survey conducted by JWST can detect 500 (30) galaxies in F1000W in a survey area of $500\,{\rm arcmin}^{2}$ at $z=6$ ($z=8$). As opposed to the consistency in the UV, optical and NIR, we find that TNG, combined with our dust modelling choices, significantly underpredicts the abundance of most dust-obscured and thus most luminous FIR galaxies. As a result, the obscured cosmic star formation rate density (SFRD) and the SFRD contributed by optical/NIR dark objects are underpredicted. The discrepancies discovered here could provide new constraints on the sub-grid feedback models, or the dust contents, of simulations. Meanwhile, although the TNG predicted dust temperature and its relations with IR luminosity and redshift are qualitatively consistent with observations, the peak dust temperature of $z\geq 6$ galaxies are overestimated by about $20\,{\rm K}$. This could be related to the limited mass resolution of our simulations to fully resolve the porosity of the interstellar medium (or specifically its dust content) at these redshifts. | High redshift JWST predictions from IllustrisTNG: III. Infrared luminosity functions, obscured star formation and dust temperature of high-redshift galaxies |
In a recent paper we gave a sufficient condition for the strong mixing property of the Levy-transformation. In this note we show that it actually implies a much stronger property, namely exactness. | On the exactness of the Levy-transformation |
This preliminary report contains a sketch of the proof of the following result: a slowly divergent Teichmuller geodesic satisfying a certain logarithmic law is determined by a uniquely ergodic measured foliation. | Unique Ergodicity of Translation Flows |
This article traces a brief history of the use of single electron spins to compute. In classical computing schemes, a binary bit is represented by the spin polarization of a single electron confined in a quantum dot. If a weak magnetic field is present, the spin orientation becomes a binary variable which can encode logic 0 and logic 1. Coherent superposition of these two polarizations represent a qubit. By engineering the exchange interaction between closely spaced spins in neighboring quantum dots, it is possible to implement either classical or quantum logic gates. | Computing with spins: From classical to quantum computing |
Geospatial data constitutes a considerable part of (Semantic) Web data, but so far, its sources are inadequately interlinked in the Linked Open Data cloud. Geospatial Interlinking aims to cover this gap by associating geometries with topological relations like those of the Dimensionally Extended 9-Intersection Model. Due to its quadratic time complexity, various algorithms aim to carry out Geospatial Interlinking efficiently. We present JedAI-spatial, a novel, open-source system that organizes these algorithms according to three dimensions: (i) Space Tiling, which determines the approach that reduces the search space, (ii) Budget-awareness, which distinguishes interlinking algorithms into batch and progressive ones, and (iii) Execution mode, which discerns between serial algorithms, running on a single CPU-core, and parallel ones, running on top of Apache Spark. We analytically describe JedAI-spatial's architecture and capabilities and perform thorough experiments to provide interesting insights about the relative performance of its algorithms. | Three-dimensional Geospatial Interlinking with JedAI-spatial |
We have investigated how memory effects on the teleportation of quantum Fisher information(QFI) for a single qubit system using a class of X-states as resources influenced by decoherence channels with memory, including amplitude damping, phase-damping and depolarizing channels. Resort to the definition of QFI, we first derive the explicit analytical results of teleportation of QFI with respect to weight parameter $\theta$ and phase parameter $\phi$ under the decoherence channels. Component percentages, the teleportation of QFI for a two-qubit entanglement system has also been addressed. The remarkable similarities and differences among these two situations are also analyzed in detail and some significant results are presented. | Memory effects teleportation of quantum Fisher information under decoherence |
Attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy is often performed with interferometric experimental setups that require outstanding stability. We demonstrate and characterize in detail an actively stabilized, versatile, high spectral resolution attosecond beamline. The active-stabilization system can remain ultra-stable for several hours with an RMS stability of 13 as and a total pump-probe delay scanning range of \sim 400 fs. A tunable femtosecond laser source to drive high-order harmonic generation allows for precisely addressing atomic and molecular resonances. Furthermore, the interferometer includes a spectral shaper in 4f-geometry in the probe arm as well as a tunable bandpass filter in the pump arm, which offer additional high flexibility in terms of tunability as well as narrowband or polychromatic probe pulses. We show that spectral phase measurements of photoelectron wavepackets with the rainbow RABBIT technique (reconstruction of attosecond beating by two photon transitions) with narrowband probe pulses can significantly improve the photoelectron energy resolution. In this setup, the temporal-spectral resolution of photoelectron spectroscopy can reach a new level of accuracy and precision. | Ultra-stable and versatile high-energy resolution setup for attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy |
There is a deep connection between thermodynamics, information and work extraction. Ever since the birth of thermodynamics, various types of Maxwell demons have been introduced in order to deepen our understanding of the second law. Thanks to them it has been shown that there is a deep connection between thermodynamics and information, and between information and work in a thermal system. In this paper, we study the problem of energy extraction from a thermodynamic system satisfying detailed balance, from an agent with perfect information, e.g. that has an optimal strategy, given by the solution of the Bellman equation, in the context of Ising models. We call these agents kobolds, in contrast to Maxwell's demons which do not necessarily need to satisfy detailed balance. This is in stark contrast with typical Monte Carlo algorithms, which choose an action at random at each time step. It is thus natural to compare the behavior of these kobolds to a Metropolis algorithm. For various Ising models, we study numerically and analytically the properties of the optimal strategies, showing that there is a transition in the behavior of the kobold as a function of the parameter characterizing its strategy. | The Bellman equation and optimal local flipping strategies for kinetic Ising models |
Given a task $\mathcal{T}$, a set of experts $V$ with multiple skills and a social network $G(V, W)$ reflecting the compatibility among the experts, team formation is the problem of identifying a team $C \subseteq V$ that is both competent in performing the task $\mathcal{T}$ and compatible in working together. Existing methods for this problem make too restrictive assumptions and thus cannot model practical scenarios. The goal of this paper is to consider the team formation problem in a realistic setting and present a novel formulation based on densest subgraphs. Our formulation allows modeling of many natural requirements such as (i) inclusion of a designated team leader and/or a group of given experts, (ii) restriction of the size or more generally cost of the team (iii) enforcing locality of the team, e.g., in a geographical sense or social sense, etc. The proposed formulation leads to a generalized version of the classical densest subgraph problem with cardinality constraints (DSP), which is an NP hard problem and has many applications in social network analysis. In this paper, we present a new method for (approximately) solving the generalized DSP (GDSP). Our method, FORTE, is based on solving an equivalent continuous relaxation of GDSP. The solution found by our method has a quality guarantee and always satisfies the constraints of GDSP. Experiments show that the proposed formulation (GDSP) is useful in modeling a broader range of team formation problems and that our method produces more coherent and compact teams of high quality. We also show, with the help of an LP relaxation of GDSP, that our method gives close to optimal solutions to GDSP. | Towards Realistic Team Formation in Social Networks based on Densest Subgraphs |
Spawning duplicate requests, called cloning, is a powerful technique to reduce tail latency by masking service-time variability. However, traditional client-based cloning is static and harmful to performance under high load, while a recent coordinator-based approach is slow and not scalable. Both approaches are insufficient to serve modern microsecond-scale Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). To this end, we present NetClone, a request cloning system that performs cloning decisions dynamically within nanoseconds at scale. Rather than the client or the coordinator, NetClone performs request cloning in the network switch by leveraging the capability of programmable switch ASICs. Specifically, NetClone replicates requests based on server states and blocks redundant responses using request fingerprints in the switch data plane. To realize the idea while satisfying the strict hardware constraints, we address several technical challenges when designing a custom switch data plane. NetClone can be integrated with emerging in-network request schedulers like RackSched. We implement a NetClone prototype with an Intel Tofino switch and a cluster of commodity servers. Our experimental results show that NetClone can improve the tail latency of microsecond-scale RPCs for synthetic and real-world application workloads and is robust to various system conditions. | NetClone: Fast, Scalable, and Dynamic Request Cloning for Microsecond-Scale RPCs |
In this work, a novel artificial viscosity method is proposed using smooth and compactly supported viscosities. These are derived by revisiting the widely used piecewise constant artificial viscosity method of Persson and Peraire as well as the piecewise linear refinement of Kl\"ockner et al. with respect to the fundamental design criteria of conservation and entropy stability. Further investigating the method of modal filtering in the process, it is demonstrated that this strategy has inherent shortcomings, which are related to problems of Legendre viscosities to handle shocks near element boundaries. This problem is overcome by introducing certain functions from the fields of robust reprojection and mollififers as viscosity distributions. To the best of our knowledge, this is proposed for the first time in this work. The resulting $C_0^\infty$ artificial viscosity method is demonstrated to provide sharper profiles, steeper gradients and a higher resolution of small-scale features while still maintaining stability of the method. | Smooth and compactly supported viscous sub-cell shock capturing for Discontinuous Galerkin methods |
The aim of this paper is to show that Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) can be used to efficiently implement complex algorithms. As an example we have chosen the problem of enumerating closed two-dimensional random paths. An Evaluation Module Board (EVM) for TMS320C6201 fixed-point processor is used. The algorithm is implemented in hand-written parallel assembly language. Some techniques are used to fit the algorithm to the parallel structure of the processor and also to avoid Branch and Condition-Checking tasks. Common optimization methods are also employed to improve the execution speed of the code. These methods are shown to yield a good efficiency in using the maximum computation power of the processor. We use these results to obtain the area distribution of the paths. | Exact Enumeration of Two-Dimensional Closed Random Paths Using a DSP Processor |
We have examined the properties of neutron-rich matter and finite nuclei in the modified relativistic Hartree approximation for several values of the renormalization scale, $\mu$, around the standard choice of $\mu$ equal to the nucleon mass $M$. Observed neutron star masses do not effectively constrain the value of $\mu$. However for finite nuclei the value $\mu/M=0.79$, suggested by nuclear matter data, provides a good account of the bulk properties with a sigma mass of about 600 MeV. This value of $\mu/M$ renders the effective three and four body scalar self-couplings to be zero at 60\% of equilibrium nuclear matter density, rather than in the vacuum. We have also found that the matter part of the exchange diagram has little impact on the bulk properties of neutron stars. | Neutron Stars and Nuclei in the Modified Relativistic Hartree Approximation |
Stars with masses in excess of 100 Msun are observed in the Local Universe, but they remain rare objects. Because of the shape of the mass function, they are expected to be present only in the most massive and youngest clusters. They may thus be formed in number in highly star-forming galaxies. Very massive stars (VMSs) experience strong stellar winds that are stronger than those of their less massive OB-type counterparts. These strong winds therefore need to be taken into account in evolutionary models and synthetic spectra to properly predict the appearance of VMS. We present evolutionary models computed with the code STAREVOL. They include a recent mass-loss recipe that is relevant for VMSs. We subsequently calculated atmosphere models and synthetic spectra along the resulting tracks with the code CMFGEN. We studied stars with masses between 150 and 400 Msun and focused on a metallicity Z=1/2.5Zsun. We studied the impact of our VMS spectra on the spectral energy distribution of young starbursts. We show that the optical and UV range is dominated by HeII 4686 and HeII 1640 emission for almost the entire main-sequence evolution of VMSs, in contrast to less massive stars. In the UV spectral range, carbon, nitrogen, and iron lines shape the spectra of VMSs, which appear for most of their evolution as WNh objects. The morphology of the synthetic spectra is similar to that of VMSs in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We show that stars with masses higher than 100 Msun emit nearly as much light as all other stars in young starbursts. The integrated UV spectrum of these starbursts is significantly affected by the presence of VMSs. | Spectroscopic evolution of very massive stars at Z = 1/2.5 Zsun |
Choosing an appropriate parameter set for the designed controller is critical for the final performance but usually requires a tedious and careful tuning process, which implies a strong need for automatic tuning methods. However, among existing methods, derivative-free ones suffer from poor scalability or low efficiency, while gradient-based ones are often unavailable due to possibly non-differentiable controller structure. To resolve the issues, we tackle the controller tuning problem using a novel derivative-free reinforcement learning (RL) framework, which performs timestep-wise perturbation in parameter space during experience collection and integrates derivative-free policy updates into the advanced actor-critic RL architecture to achieve high versatility and efficiency. To demonstrate the framework's efficacy, we conduct numerical experiments on two concrete examples from autonomous driving, namely, adaptive cruise control with PID controller and trajectory tracking with MPC controller. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms popular baselines and highlight its strong potential for controller tuning. | Performance-Driven Controller Tuning via Derivative-Free Reinforcement Learning |
In this paper we construct infinitely many examples of a Riemannian submersion from a simple, compact Lie group $G$ with bi-invariant metric onto a smooth manifold that cannot be a quotient of $G$ by a group action. This partially addresses a question of K. Grove's about Riemannian submersions from Lie groups. | Riemannian submersions from simple, compact Lie groups |
In a first part, we prove Bernstein-type deviation inequalities for bifurcating Markov chains (BMC) under a geometric ergodicity assumption, completing former results of Guyon and Bitseki Penda, Djellout and Guillin. These preliminary results are the key ingredient to implement nonparametric wavelet thresholding estimation procedures: in a second part, we construct nonparametric estimators of the transition density of a BMC, of its mean transition density and of the corresponding invariant density, and show smoothness adaptation over various multivariate Besov classes under $L^p$-loss error, for $1 \leq p < \infty$. We prove that our estimators are (nearly) optimal in a minimax sense. As an application, we obtain new results for the estimation of the splitting size-dependent rate of growth-fragmentation models and we extend the statistical study of bifurcating autoregressive processes. | Adaptive estimation for bifurcating Markov chains |
Continuous long-term monitoring of electrocardiography (ECG) signals is crucial for the early detection of cardiac abnormalities such as arrhythmia. Non-clinical ECG recordings acquired by Holter and wearable ECG sensors often suffer from severe artifacts such as baseline wander, signal cuts, motion artifacts, variations on QRS amplitude, noise, and other interferences. Usually, a set of such artifacts occur on the same ECG signal with varying severity and duration, and this makes an accurate diagnosis by machines or medical doctors extremely difficult. Despite numerous studies that have attempted ECG denoising, they naturally fail to restore the actual ECG signal corrupted with such artifacts due to their simple and naive noise model. In this study, we propose a novel approach for blind ECG restoration using cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks (Cycle-GANs) where the quality of the signal can be improved to a clinical level ECG regardless of the type and severity of the artifacts corrupting the signal. To further boost the restoration performance, we propose 1D operational Cycle-GANs with the generative neuron model. The proposed approach has been evaluated extensively using one of the largest benchmark ECG datasets from the China Physiological Signal Challenge (CPSC-2020) with more than one million beats. Besides the quantitative and qualitative evaluations, a group of cardiologists performed medical evaluations to validate the quality and usability of the restored ECG, especially for an accurate arrhythmia diagnosis. | Blind ECG Restoration by Operational Cycle-GANs |
Recently, there has been significant interest in applying machine learning (ML) techniques to X-ray scattering experiments, which proves to be a valuable tool for enhancing research that involves large or rapidly generated datasets. ML allows for the automated interpretation of experimental results, particularly those obtained from synchrotron or neutron facilities. The speed at which ML models can process data presents an important opportunity to establish a closed-loop feedback system, enabling real-time decision-making based on online data analysis. In this study, we describe the incorporation of ML into a closed-loop workflow for X-ray reflectometry (XRR), using the growth of organic thin films as an example. Our focus lies on the beamline integration of ML-based online data analysis and closed-loop feedback. We present solutions that provide an elementary data analysis in real time during the experiment without introducing the additional software dependencies in the beamline control software environment. Our data demonstrates the accuracy and robustness of ML methods for analyzing XRR curves and Bragg reflections and its autonomous control over a vacuum deposition setup. | Closing the loop: Autonomous experiments enabled by machine-learning-based online data analysis in synchrotron beamline environments |
This work presents a fairly complete account on various topological and metrical aspects of feedback stabilization for single-input-single-output (SISO) continuous and discrete time linear-time-invariant (LTI) systems. In particular, we prove that the set of stabilizing output feedback gains for a SISO system with n states has at most $\lceil{\frac{n}{2}}\rceil$ connected components. Furthermore, our analysis yields an algorithm for determining intervals of stabilizing gains for general continuous and discrete LIT systems; the proposed algorithm also computes the number of unstable roots in each unstable interval. Along the way, we also make a number of observations on the set of stabilizing state feedback gains for MIMO systems. | On Topological Properties of the Set of Stabilizing Feedback Gains |
A key feature of integrable systems is that they can be solved to obtain exact analytical solutions. We show how new models can be constructed through generalisations of some well known nonlinear partial differential equations with PT-symmetries whilst preserving integrability. Subsequently, we develop new methods from well-known ones to obtain exact analytical soliton solutions for these new systems. The first PT-symmetric generalization we take are extensions to the complex and multicomplex fields. In agreement with the reality property present in PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum systems, we find PT-symmetries also play a key role in the reality of conserved charges here. We then extend our investigations to explore degenerate multi-soliton solutions for the sine-Gordon and Hirota equations. In particular, we find the usual time-delays from degenerate soliton solution scattering are time-dependent, unlike the non-degenerate multi-soliton solutions, and provide a universal formula to compute the exact time-delay values for the scattering of N-soliton solutions. Other PT-symmetric extensions of integrable systems we take are of nonlocal nature, with nonlocalities in space and/or in time, of time crystal type. Whilst developing new methods for the construction of soliton solutions for these systems, we find new types of solutions with different parameter dependence and qualitative behaviour even in the one-soliton solution cases. We exploit gauge equivalence between the Hirota system with continuous Heisenberg and Landau-Lifschitz systems to see how nonlocality is inherited from one system to another and vice versa. Extending investigations to the quantum regime, we generalize the scheme of Darboux transformations for fully time-dependent non-Hermitian quantum systems, which allows us to create an infinite tower of solvable models. | Nonlinear Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems with PT-symmetries |
A photon-positron conversion target of the undulator or laser based polarized positron source is optimized using a modified GEANT-3 program adapted to count the spin transfer. High intensity positron beam with around 0.75 polarisation could be achieved choosing tungsten conversion target of 0.3 and 0.7 radiation lengths for the undulator and laser case respectively. | ILC Positron Production Target Simulation |
We have developed a low-cost off-the-shelf component star sensor (StarSense) for use in minisatellites and CubeSats to determine the attitude of a satellite in orbit. StarSense is an imaging camera with a limiting magnitude of 6.5, which extracts information from star patterns it records in the images. The star sensor implements a centroiding algorithm to find centroids of the stars in the image, a Geometric Voting algorithm for star pattern identification, and a QUEST algorithm for attitude quaternion calculation. Here, we describe the software package to evaluate the performance of these algorithms as a star sensor single operating system. We simulate the ideal case where sky background and instrument errors are omitted, and a more realistic case where noise and camera parameters are added to the simulated images. We evaluate such performance parameters of the algorithms as attitude accuracy, calculation time, required memory, star catalog size, sky coverage, etc., and estimate the errors introduced by each algorithm. This software package is written for use in MATLAB. The testing is parametrized for different hardware parameters, such as the focal length of the imaging setup, the field of view (FOV) of the camera, angle measurement accuracy, distortion effects, etc., and therefore, can be applied to evaluate the performance of such algorithms in any star sensor. For its hardware implementation on our StarSense, we are currently porting the codes in form of functions written in C. This is done keeping in view its easy implementation on any star sensor electronics hardware. | A software package for evaluating the performance of a star sensor operation |
The particle flow approach to calorimetry benefits from highly granular calorimeters and sophisticated software algorithms in order to reconstruct and identify individual particles in complex event topologies. The high spatial granularity, together with analogue energy information, can be further exploited in software compensation. In this approach, the local energy density is used to discriminate electromagnetic and purely hadronic sub-showers within hadron showers in the detector to improve the energy resolution for single particles by correcting for the intrinsic non-compensation of the calorimeter system. This improvement in the single particle energy resolution also results in a better overall jet energy resolution by improving the energy measurement of identified neutral hadrons and improvements in the pattern recognition stage by a more accurate matching of calorimeter energies to tracker measurements. This paper describes the software compensation technique and its implementation in particle flow reconstruction with the Pandora Particle Flow Algorithm (PandoraPFA). The impact of software compensation on the choice of optimal transverse granularity for the analogue hadronic calorimeter option of the International Large Detector (ILD) concept is also discussed. | Software compensation in Particle Flow reconstruction |
A Symplectic Effective Field Theory that unveils the observed emergence of symplectic symmetry in atomic nuclei is advanced. Specifically, starting from a simple extension of the harmonic-oscillator Lagrangian, an effective field theory applied against symplectic basis states is shown to yield a Hamiltonian system with one fitted parameter. The scale of the system can be determined self consistently as the ratio of the average volume of a nucleus assumed to be spherical to its volume as determined by the average number of oscillator quanta, which is stretched by the fact that the plane-wave solution satisfies the equations of motion at every order without the need for perturbative corrections. As an application of the theory, results for 20Ne, 22Ne and 22Mg are presented that yield energy spectra, B(E2) values, and matter radii in good agreement with experimentally measured results. | Symplectic Effective Field Theory for Nuclear Structure Studies |
We study the Lorentzian static traversable wormholes coupled to quadratic scalar fields. We also obtain the solutions of the scalar fields and matters in the wormhole background and find that the minimal size of the wormhole should be quantized under the appropriate boundary conditions for the positive non-minimal massive scalar field. | The traversable wormhole with classical scalar fields |
In this paper, we report our discovery of blobs in the recurrent and homologous jets that occurred at the western edge of NOAA active region 11259 on 2011 July 22. The jets were observed in the seven extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) filters of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Using the base-difference images of the six filters (94, 131, 171, 211, 193, and 335 {\AA}), we carried out the differential emission measure (DEM) analyses to explore the thermodynamic evolutions of the jets. The jets were accompanied by cool surges observed in the H$\alpha$ line center of the ground-based telescope in the Big Bear Solar Observatory. The jets that had lifetimes of 20$-$30 min recurred at the same place for three times with interval of 40$-$45 min. Interestingly, each of the jets intermittently experienced several upward eruptions at the speed of 120$-$450 km s$^{-1}$. After reaching the maximum heights, they returned back to the solar surface, showing near-parabolic trajectories. The falling phases were more evident in the low-$T$ filters than in the high-$T$ filters, indicating that the jets experienced cooling after the onset of eruptions. We identified bright and compact blobs in the jets during their rising phases. The simultaneous presences of blobs in all the EUV filters were consistent with the broad ranges of the DEM profiles of the blobs ($5.5\le \log T\le7.5$), indicating their multi-thermal nature. The median temperatures of the blobs were $\sim$2.3 MK. The blobs that were $\sim$3 Mm in diameter had lifetimes of 24$-$60 s. To our knowledge, this is the first report of blobs in coronal jets. We propose that these blobs are plasmoids created by the magnetic reconnection as a result of tearing-mode instability and ejected out along the jets. | Blobs in recurring EUV jets |
In 1980, I. Morrison proved that slope stability of a vector bundle of rank 2 over a compact Riemann surface implies Chow stability of the projectivization of the bundle with respect to certain polarizations. Using the notion of balanced metrics and recent work of Donaldson, Wang, and Phong-Sturm, we show that the statement holds for higher rank vector bundles over compact algebraic manifolds of arbitrary dimension that admit constant scalar curvature metric and have discrete automorphism group. | Balanced Metrics and Chow Stability of Projective Bundles over K\"ahler Manifolds |
We perform a detailed and quasi model-independent analysis of direct annihilation of Dark Matter into neutrinos. Considering different cases for scalar and fermionic Dark Matter, we identify several settings in which this annihilation is enhanced, contrary to some statements in the literature. They key point is that several restrictions of, e.g., a supersymmetric framework do not hold in general. The mass generation mechanism of the neutrinos plays an important role, too. We illustrate our considerations by two examples that are not (as usually) suppressed by the smallness of the neutrino mass, for which we also present a numerical analysis. Our results can be easily used as guidelines for model building. | Enhancing Dark Matter Annihilation into Neutrinos |
Although deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to be susceptible to image-agnostic adversarial attacks on natural image classification problems, the effects of such attacks on DNN-based texture recognition have yet to be explored. As part of our work, we find that limiting the perturbation's $l_p$ norm in the spatial domain may not be a suitable way to restrict the perceptibility of universal adversarial perturbations for texture images. Based on the fact that human perception is affected by local visual frequency characteristics, we propose a frequency-tuned universal attack method to compute universal perturbations in the frequency domain. Our experiments indicate that our proposed method can produce less perceptible perturbations yet with a similar or higher white-box fooling rates on various DNN texture classifiers and texture datasets as compared to existing universal attack techniques. We also demonstrate that our approach can improve the attack robustness against defended models as well as the cross-dataset transferability for texture recognition problems. | Towards Imperceptible Universal Attacks on Texture Recognition |
Compact X-rays detectors made of 1/2 inch Ce:LaBr3 crystals of cubic shape with SiPM array readout have been developed for the FAMUexperiment at RIKEN-RAL, to instrument regions of difficult access. Due to the high photon yield of Ce:LaBr3 it was possible to use a simple readout scheme based on CAEN V1730 digitizers, without a dedicated amplification stage. The drift with temperature of SiPM gain was corrected by using CAEN A7885D regulated power supply chips with temperature feedback. Energy resolutions (FWHM) around 3:5% at the 137Cs peak and around 9% at the 57Co peak were obtained. | Ce:LaBr$_3$ crystals with SiPM array readout and temperature control for the FAMU experiment at RAL |
In numerical simulations a smooth domain occupied by a fluid has to be approximated by a computational domain that typically does not coincide with a physical domain. Consequently, in order to study convergence and error estimates of a numerical method domain-related discretization errors, the so-called variational crimes, need to be taken into account. In this paper we present an elegant alternative to a direct, but rather technical, analysis of variational crimes by means of the penalty approach. We embed the physical domain into a large enough cubed domain and study the convergence of a finite volume method for the corresponding domain-penalized problem. We show that numerical solutions of the penalized problem converge to a generalized, the so-called dissipative weak, solution of the original problem. If a strong solution exists, the dissipative weak solution emanating from the same initial data coincides with the strong solution. In this case, we apply a novel tool of the relative energy and derive the error estimates between the numerical solution and the strong solution. Extensive numerical experiments that confirm theoretical results are presented. | Convergence and error estimates of a penalization finite volume method for the compressible Navier-Stokes system |
Increased variability in performance has been associated with the emergence of several neurological and psychiatric pathologies. However, whether and how consistency of neuronal activity may also be indicative of an underlying pathology is still poorly understood. Here we propose a novel method for evaluating consistency from non-invasive brain recordings. We evaluate the consistency of the cortical activity recorded with magnetoencephalography in a group of subjects diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition sometimes prodromal of dementia, during the execution of a memory task. We use metrics coming from nonlinear dynamics to evaluate the consistency of cortical regions. A representation known as (parenclitic networks) is constructed, where atypical features are endowed with a network structure, the topological properties of which can be studied at various scales. Pathological conditions correspond to strongly heterogeneous networks, whereas typical or normative conditions are characterized by sparsely connected networks with homogeneous nodes. The analysis of this kind of networks allows identifying the extent to which consistency is affecting the MCI group and the focal points where MCI is specially severe. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first attempt at evaluating the consistency of brain functional activity using complex networks theory. | Anomalous Consistency in Mild Cognitive Impairment: a complex networks approach |
Variable order structures model situations in which the comparison between two points depends on a point-to-cone map. In this paper, an inexact projected gradient method for solving smooth constrained vector optimization problems on variable ordered spaces is presented. It is shown that every accumulation point of the generated sequence satisfies the first order necessary optimality condition. The convergence of all accumulation points to a weakly efficient point is established under suitable convexity assumptions for the objective function. The convergence results are also derived in the particular case in which the problem is unconstrained and if exact directions are taken as descent directions. Furthermore, we investigate the application of the proposed method to optimization models where the domain of the variable order map and the objective function are the same. In this case, similar concepts and convergence results are presented. Finally, some computational experiments designed to illustrate the behavior of the proposed inexact methods versus the exact ones (in terms of CPU time) are performed. | An inexact strategy for the projected gradient algorithm in vector optimization problems on variable ordered spaces |
Calculation of energy of migration for number of molecular crystals consisting of centrosymmetrical and non-centrosymmetrical molecules was carried out by using a method of atom-atom potentials. It is shown, that the potential barrier is symmetrical for crystals consisting of centrosymmetrical molecules, but not symmetrical for the mixed crystals and crystals consisting of non-centrosymmetrical molecules. Thus it is possible to influence quantity of migration energy, growing the mixed crystals with a particular arrangement of components. | Influence of the Random Arrangement of Molecules on Energy of Vacancies Migration |
We revisit the two-site Hubbard-Holstein model by using extended phonon coherent states. The nontrivial singlet bipolaron is studied exactly in the whole coupling regime. The ground-state (GS) energy and the double occupancy probability are calculated. The linear entropy is exploited successfully to quantify bipartite entanglement between electrons and their environment phonons, displaying a maximum entanglement of the singlet-bipolaron in strong coupling regime. A dramatic drop in the crossover regime is observed in the GS fidelity and its susceptibility. The bipolaron properties is also characterized classically by correlation functions. It is found that the crossover from a two-site to single-site bipolaron is more abrupt and shifts to a larger electron-phonon coupling strength as electron-electron Coulomb repulsion increases. | Ground-state properties of the two-site Hubbard-Holstein model: an exact solution |
Science has become more collaborative over the past years, a phenomenon that is related to the increase in the number of authors per paper and the emergence of interdisciplinary works featuring specialists of different fields. In such a environment, it is not trivial to quantify the individual impact of researchers. Here we analyze how the most prolific collaboration tie (in terms of co-produced works) of an established researcher influences their productivity and visibility metrics. In particular, we check how the number of produced works, citations and h-index rank of an researcher changes when their works also coauthored by their prolific collaborators are not considered. We observed different patterns of prolific collaborator influence across the major fields of knowledge. More specifically, in formal and applied sciences, the prolific collaborators seem to play an important role to the visibility metrics of authors even when they are among the highly cited. Such a results can help stakeholders to better understand the collaboration patterns and draw measures of success that also consider collaboration ties. | Analyzing the influence of prolific collaborations on authors productivity and visibility |
Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $r_{3}(G)$ represent the size of the largest subset of $G$ without non-trivial three-term progressions. In a recent breakthrough, Croot, Lev and Pach proved that $r_{3}(C_{4}^{n}) \leqslant (3.61)^{n}$, where $C_{m}$ denotes the cyclic group of order $m$. For finite abelian groups $G \cong \prod_{i=1}^{n} C_{m_{i}}$, where $m_{1},\ldots,m_{n}$ denote positive integers such that $m_{1} | \ldots | m_{n}$, this also yields a bound of the form $r_{3}(G) \leqslant (0.903)^{\operatorname{rk}_{4}(G)} |G|$, with $\operatorname{rk}_{4}(G)$ representing the number of indices $i \in \left\{1,\ldots,n\right\}$ with $4\ |\ m_{i}$. In particular, $r_{3}(C_{8}^{n}) \leqslant (7.22)^{n}$. In this paper, we provide an exponential improvement for this bound, namely $r_{3}(C_{8}^{n}) \leq (7.09)^{n}$. | Improved Bounds for Progression-Free Sets in $C_{8}^{n}$ |
In these lectures I discuss the possibility that superstrings of cosmic length might exist and be observable. I first review the original idea of cosmic strings arising as gauge theory solitons, and discuss in particular their network properties and the observational bounds that rule out cosmic strings as the principal origin of structure in our universe. I then consider cosmic superstrings, including the `fundamental' F-strings and also D-strings and strings arising from wrapped branes. I discuss the conditions under which these will exist and be observable, and ways in which different kinds of string might be distinguished. We will see that each of these issues is model-dependent, but that some of the simplest models of inflation in string theory do lead to cosmic superstrings. Moreover, these could be the first objects seen in gravitational wave astronomy, and might have distinctive network properties. The outline of these lectures follows hep-th/0410082, but the treatment is more detailed and pedagogical. | Introduction to Cosmic F- and D-Strings |
We show that the representation theory for the toroidal extended affine Lie algebras is controlled by a vertex operator algebra which is a tensor product of four VOAs: a sub-VOA of the hyperbolic lattice VOA, two affine VOAs and a Virasoro VOA. A tensor product of irreducible modules for these VOAs admits the structure of an irreducible module for the toroidal extended affine Lie algebra. We also show that for N=12, the sub-VOA of the hyperbolic lattice VOA becomes an exceptional irreducible module for the extended affine Lie algebra of rank 0. | Representations of toroidal extended affine Lie algebras |
This note is inspired by the work of Deligne on the local behavior of Hodge structures at infinity. We study limit mixed Hodge structures of degenerating families of compact hyperk\"ahler manifolds. We show that when the monodromy action on $H^2$ has maximal index of unipotency, the limit mixed Hodge structures on all cohomology groups are of Hodge-Tate type. | Limit mixed Hodge structures of hyperk\"ahler manifolds |
Social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook have been shown to function as effective social sensors that can "feel the pulse" of a community. The aim of the current study is to test the feasibility of designing, implementing and evaluating a bespoke social media-enabled intervention that can be effective for sharing and changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours in meaningful ways to promote public health, specifically with regards to prevention of skin cancer. We present the design and implementation details of the campaign followed by summary findings and analysis. | Feasibility Study of Social Media for Public Health Behaviour Changes |
The Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Detector requires new electronics for the readout of the MDT drift tubes. The first processing stage, the Amplifier-Shaper-Discriminator (ASD), determines the performance of the readout for crucial parameters like time resolution, gain uniformity, efficiency and noise rejection. An 8-channel ASD chip, using the IBM 130 nm CMOS 8RF-DM technology, has been designed, produced and tested. The area of the chip is 2.2 x 2.9 square mm size. We present results of detailed measurements as well as a comparision with simulation results of the chip behaviour at three different levels of detail. | Performance of the new amplifier-shaper-discriminator chip for the ATLAS MDT chambers at the HL-LHC |