We explore the low energy neutrinos from stopped cosmic ray muons in the Earth. Based on the muon intensity at the sea level and the muon energy loss rate, the depth distributions of stopped muons in the rock and sea water can be derived. Then we estimate the $\mu^-$ decay and nuclear capture probabilities in the rock. Finally, we calculate the low energy neutrino fluxes and find that they depend heavily on the detector depth $d$. For $d = 1000$ m, the $\nu_e$, $\bar{\nu}_e$, $\nu_\mu$ and $\bar{\nu}_\mu$ fluxes in the range of 13 MeV $ \leq E_\nu \leq$ 53 MeV are averagely $10.8 \%$, $6.3\%$, $3.7 \%$ and $6.2 \%$ of the corresponding atmospheric neutrino fluxes, respectively. The above results will be increased by a factor of 1.4 if the detector depth $d < 30$ m. In addition, we find that most neutrinos come from the region within 200 km and the near horizontal direction, and the $\bar{\nu}_e$ flux depends on the local rock and water distributions.
Low energy neutrinos from stopped muons in the Earth
The recent vision transformer(i.e.for image classification) learns non-local attentive interaction of different patch tokens. However, prior arts miss learning the cross-scale dependencies of different pixels, the semantic correspondence of different labels, and the consistency of the feature representations and semantic embeddings, which are critical for biomedical segmentation. In this paper, we tackle the above issues by proposing a unified transformer network, termed Multi-Compound Transformer (MCTrans), which incorporates rich feature learning and semantic structure mining into a unified framework. Specifically, MCTrans embeds the multi-scale convolutional features as a sequence of tokens and performs intra- and inter-scale self-attention, rather than single-scale attention in previous works. In addition, a learnable proxy embedding is also introduced to model semantic relationship and feature enhancement by using self-attention and cross-attention, respectively. MCTrans can be easily plugged into a UNet-like network and attains a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art methods in biomedical image segmentation in six standard benchmarks. For example, MCTrans outperforms UNet by 3.64%, 3.71%, 4.34%, 2.8%, 1.88%, 1.57% in Pannuke, CVC-Clinic, CVC-Colon, Etis, Kavirs, ISIC2018 dataset, respectively. Code is available at https://github.com/JiYuanFeng/MCTrans.
Multi-Compound Transformer for Accurate Biomedical Image Segmentation
Aims. To date, more than 600 multi-planetary systems have been discovered. Due to the limitations of the detection methods, our knowledge of the systems is usually far from complete. In particular, for planetary systems discovered with the radial velocity (RV) technique, the inclinations of the orbital planes, and thus the mutual inclinations and planetary masses, are unknown. Our work aims to constrain the spatial configuration of several RV-detected extrasolar systems that are not in a mean-motion resonance. Methods. Through an analytical study based on a first-order secular Hamiltonian expansion and numerical explorations performed with a chaos detector, we identified ranges of values for the orbital inclinations and the mutual inclinations, which ensure the long-term stability of the system. Our results were validated by comparison with n-body simulations, showing the accuracy of our analytical approach up to high mutual inclinations (approx. 70{\deg}-80{\deg}). Results. We find that, given the current estimations for the parameters of the selected systems, long-term regular evolution of the spatial configurations is observed, for all the systems, i) at low mutual inclinations (typically less than 35{\deg}) and ii) at higher mutual inclinations, preferentially if the system is in a Lidov-Kozai resonance. Indeed, a rapid destabilisation of highly mutually inclined orbits is commonly observed, due to the significant chaos that develops around the stability islands of the Lidov-Kozai resonance. The extent of the Lidov-Kozai resonant region is discussed for ten planetary systems (HD 11506, HD 12661, HD 134987, HD 142, HD 154857, HD 164922, HD 169830, HD 207832, HD 4732, and HD 74156).
On the 3D secular dynamics of radial-velocity-detected planetary systems
We report the discovery of HAT-P-24b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the moderately bright V=11.818 F8 dwarf star GSC 0774-01441, with a period P = 3.3552464 +/- 0.0000071 d, transit epoch Tc = 2455216.97669 +/- 0.00024 (BJD_UTC), and transit duration 3.653 +/- 0.025 hours. The host star has a mass of 1.191 +/- 0.042 Msun, radius of 1.317 +/- 0.068 Rsun, effective temperature 6373 +/- 80 K, and a low metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.16 +/- 0.08. The planetary companion has a mass of 0.681 +/- 0.031 MJ, and radius of 1.243 +/- 0.072 RJ yielding a mean density of 0.439 +/- 0.069 g cm-3 . By repeating our global fits with different parameter sets, we have performed a critical investigation of the fitting techniques used for previous HAT planetary discoveries. We find that the system properties are robust against the choice of priors. The effects of fixed versus fitted limb darkening are also examined. HAT-P-24b probably maintains a small eccentricity of e = 0.052 +0.022 -0.017, which is accepted over the circular orbit model with false alarm probability 5.8%. In the absence of eccentricity pumping, this result suggests HAT-P-24b experiences less tidal dissipation than Jupiter. Due to relatively rapid stellar rotation, we estimate that HAT-P-24b should exhibit one of the largest known Rossiter-McLaughlin effect amplitudes for an exoplanet (deltaVRM ~ 95 m/s) and thus a precise measurement of the sky-projected spin-orbit alignment should be possible.
HAT-P-24b: An inflated hot-Jupiter on a 3.36d period transiting a hot, metal-poor star
We investigate the classical moduli space of D-branes on a nonabelian Calabi-Yau threefold singularity and find that it admits topology-changing transitions. We construct a general formalism of worldvolume field theories in the language of quivers and give a procedure for computing the enlarged Kahler cone of the moduli space. The topology changing transitions achieved by varying the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters correspond to changes of linearization of a geometric invariant theory quotient and can be studied by methods of algebraic geometry. Quite surprisingly, the structure of the enlarged Kahler cone can be computed by toric methods. By using this approach, we give a detailed discussion of two low-rank examples.
D-branes on Nonabelian Threefold Quotient Singularities
In this paper, we consider the approximate acoustic cloaking in inhomogeneous isotropic background space. By employing transformation media, together with the use of a sound-soft layer lining right outside the cloaked region, we show that one can achieve the near-invisibility by the `blow-up-a-small-region' construction. This is based on novel scattering estimates corresponding to small sound-soft obstacles located in isotropic space. One of the major novelties of our scattering estimates is that one cannot make use of the scaling argument in the setting of current study due to the simultaneous presence of asymptotically small obstacle components and regularly sized obstacle components, and one has to decouple the nonlinear scattering interaction between the small obstacle components and, the regular obstacle components together with the background medium.
Approximate Acoustic Cloaking in Inhomogeneous Isotropic Space
Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization poses a serious challenge for modern deep learning (DL). OOD data consists of test data that is significantly different from the model's training data. DL models that perform well on in-domain test data could struggle on OOD data. Overcoming this discrepancy is essential to the reliable deployment of DL. Proper model calibration decreases the number of spurious connections that are made between model features and class outputs. Hence, calibrated DL can improve OOD generalization by only learning features that are truly indicative of the respective classes. Previous work proposed domain-aware model calibration (DOMINO) to improve DL calibration, but it lacks designs for model generalizability to OOD data. In this work, we propose DOMINO++, a dual-guidance and dynamic domain-aware loss regularization focused on OOD generalizability. DOMINO++ integrates expert-guided and data-guided knowledge in its regularization. Unlike DOMINO which imposed a fixed scaling and regularization rate, DOMINO++ designs a dynamic scaling factor and an adaptive regularization rate. Comprehensive evaluations compare DOMINO++ with DOMINO and the baseline model for head tissue segmentation from magnetic resonance images (MRIs) on OOD data. The OOD data consists of synthetic noisy and rotated datasets, as well as real data using a different MRI scanner from a separate site. DOMINO++'s superior performance demonstrates its potential to improve the trustworthy deployment of DL on real clinical data.
DOMINO++: Domain-aware Loss Regularization for Deep Learning Generalizability
Although weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) have long been among the most studied and theoretically attractive classes of candidates for the dark matter of our universe, the lack of their detection in direct detection and collider experiments has begun to dampen enthusiasm for this paradigm. In this study, we set out to appraise the status of the WIMP paradigm, focusing on the case of dark matter candidates that interact with the Standard Model through a new gauge boson. After considering a wide range of $Z'$ mediated dark matter models, we quantitatively evaluate the fraction of the parameter space that has been excluded by existing experiments, and that is projected to fall within the reach of future direct detection experiments. Despite the existence of stringent constraints, we find that a sizable fraction of this parameter space remains viable. More specifically, if the dark matter is a Majorana fermion, we find that an order one fraction of the parameter space is in many cases untested by current experiments. Future direct detection experiments with sensitivity near the irreducible neutrino floor will be able to test a significant fraction of the currently viable parameter space, providing considerable motivation for the next generation of direct detection experiments.
$Z'$ Mediated WIMPs: Dead, Dying, or Soon to be Detected?
A positive muon is a spin-1/2 particle. Beams of muons with all their spins polarized can be prepared and subsequently implanted in various types of condensed matter. The subsequent precession and relaxation of their spins can then be used to investigate a variety of static and dynamic effects in a sample and hence to deduce properties concerning magnetism, superconductivity and molecular dynamics. Though strictly a lepton, and behaving essentially like a heavy electron, it is convenient to think of a muon as a light proton, and it is often found with a captured electron in a hydrogen-like atom known as muonium. This article outlines the principles of various experimental techniques which involve implanted muons and describes some recent applications. The use of muons in condensed matter physics has shed new light on subjects as diverse as passivation in semiconductors, frustrated spin systems, vortex lattice melting, and quantum diffusion of light particles.
Spin-polarized muons in condensed matter physics
The recent realization of twisted, two-dimensional, bilayers exhibiting strongly correlated states has created a platform in which the relation between the properties of the electronic bands and the nature of the correlated states can be studied in unprecedented ways. The reason is that these systems allow extraordinary control of the electronic bands' properties, for example by varying the relative twist angle between the layers forming the system. In particular, in twisted bilayers the low energy bands can be tuned to be very flat and with a nontrivial quantum metric. This allows the quantitative and experimental exploration of the relation between the metric of Bloch quantum states and the properties of correlated states. In this work we first review the general connection between quantum metric and the properties of correlated states that break a continuous symmetry. We then discuss the specific case when the correlated state is a superfluid and show how the quantum metric is related to the superfluid stiffness. To exemplify such relation we show results for the case of superconductivity in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene. We conclude by discussing possible research directions to further elucidate the connection between quantum metric and correlated states' properties.
Quantum Metric and Correlated States in Two-dimensional Systems
Understanding the geometry and pose of objects in 2D images is a fundamental necessity for a wide range of real world applications. Driven by deep neural networks, recent methods have brought significant improvements to object pose estimation. However, they suffer due to scarcity of keypoint/pose-annotated real images and hence can not exploit the object's 3D structural information effectively. In this work, we propose a data-efficient method which utilizes the geometric regularity of intraclass objects for pose estimation. First, we learn pose-invariant local descriptors of object parts from simple 2D RGB images. These descriptors, along with keypoints obtained from renders of a fixed 3D template model are then used to generate keypoint correspondence maps for a given monocular real image. Finally, a pose estimation network predicts 3D pose of the object using these correspondence maps. This pipeline is further extended to a multi-view approach, which assimilates keypoint information from correspondence sets generated from multiple views of the 3D template model. Fusion of multi-view information significantly improves geometric comprehension of the system which in turn enhances the pose estimation performance. Furthermore, use of correspondence framework responsible for the learning of pose invariant keypoint descriptor also allows us to effectively alleviate the data-scarcity problem. This enables our method to achieve state-of-the-art performance on multiple real-image viewpoint estimation datasets, such as Pascal3D+ and ObjectNet3D. To encourage reproducible research, we have released the codes for our proposed approach.
Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image using Multi-View Keypoint Correspondence
We propose a novel inverse-design method that enables brute-force discovery of photonic crystal (PhC) structures with complex spectral degeneracies. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate PhCs exhibiting third-order Dirac points formed by the \emph{accidental} degeneracy of modes of monopolar, dipolar, and quadrupolar nature. We show that under suitable conditions, these modes can coalesce and form a third-order exceptional point (EP3), leading to diverging Petermann factors. We show that the spontaneous emission (SE) rate of emitters at such EP3s, related to the local density of states, can be enhanced by a factor of 8 in purely lossy (passive) structures, with larger enhancements $\sim \sqrt{n^3}$ possible at exceptional points of higher order $n$ or in materials with gain.
Inverse design of third-order Dirac exceptional points in photonic crystals
We replace in the event generator JETSET the color singlet chain connection with the color separate state one as the interface between the hard and soft sectors of hadronic processes. The modified generator is applied to produce the hadronic events in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation. It describes the experimental data at the same level as the original JETSET with default parameters. This should be understood as a demonstration that color singlet chain is not the unique color connection. We also search for the difference in special sets of three-jet events arising from different color connections, which could subject to further experimental test.
Study of color connections in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation
Memory effects in open quantum dynamics are often incorporated in the equation of motion through a superoperator known as the memory kernel, which encodes how past states affect future dynamics. However, the usual prescription for determining the memory kernel requires information about the underlying system-environment dynamics. Here, by deriving the transfer tensor method from first principles, we show how a memory kernel master equation, for any quantum process, can be entirely expressed in terms of a family of completely positive dynamical maps. These can be reconstructed through quantum process tomography on the system alone, either experimentally or numerically, and the resulting equation of motion is equivalent to a generalised Nakajima-Zwanzig equation. For experimental settings, we give a full prescription for the reconstruction procedure, rendering the memory kernel operational. When simulation of an open system is the goal, we show how our procedure yields a considerable advantage for numerically calculating dynamics, even when the system is arbitrarily periodically (or transiently) driven or initially correlated with its environment. Namely, we show that the long time dynamics can be efficiently obtained from a set of reconstructed maps over a much shorter time.
Tomographically reconstructed master equations for any open quantum dynamics
We study a mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) consisting of multiple mobile sensors or robots. Three key factors in MWSNs, sensing quality, energy consumption, and connectivity, have attracted plenty of attention, but the interaction of these factors is not well studied. To take all the three factors into consideration, we model the sensor deployment problem as a constrained source coding problem. %, which can be applied to different coverage tasks, such as area coverage, target coverage, and barrier coverage. Our goal is to find an optimal sensor deployment (or relocation) to optimize the sensing quality with a limited communication range and a specific network lifetime constraint. We derive necessary conditions for the optimal sensor deployment in both homogeneous and heterogeneous MWSNs. According to our derivation, some sensors are idle in the optimal deployment of heterogeneous MWSNs. Using these necessary conditions, we design both centralized and distributed algorithms to provide a flexible and explicit trade-off between sensing uncertainty and network lifetime. The proposed algorithms are successfully extended to more applications, such as area coverage and target coverage, via properly selected density functions. Simulation results show that our algorithms outperform the existing relocation algorithms.
Movement-efficient Sensor Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks with Limited Communication Range
In this paper we have produced different kinds of bimagic squares based on bimagic squares of order 8x8, 16x16, 25x25, 49x49, etc. A different technique is applied to produce bimagic square of order 16x16, 25x25, 49x49, etc. The bimagic square of order 8x8 used is the already known in the literature. The work is neither based on any programming language nor on mathematical results. Just simple combinations are used to produce these bimagic squares. Moreover, in each case we have used consecutive numbers starting from 1
Bimagic Squares of Bimagic Squares and an Open Problem
We propose a new way of visualising the dynamics of iterative eigenvalue algorithms such as the QR algorithm, over the important special case of PSD (positive semi-definite) matrices. Many subtle and important properties of such algorithms are easily found this way. We believe that this may have pedagogical value to both students and researchers of numerical linear algebra. The fixed points of iterative algorithms are obtained visually, and their stability is analysed intuitively. It becomes clear that what it means for an iterative eigenvalue algorithm to "converge quickly" is an ambiguous question, depending on whether eigenvalues or eigenvectors are being sought. The presentation is likely a novel one, and using it, a theorem about the dynamics of general iterative eigenvalue algorithms is proved. There is an accompanying video series, currently hosted on Youtube, that has certain advantages in terms of fully exploiting the interactivity of the visualisation.
A visualisation for conveying the dynamics of iterative eigenvalue algorithms over PSD matrices
The unsupervised classification has a very important role in the analysis of multispectral images, given its ability to assist the extraction of a priori knowledge of images. Algorithms like k-means and fuzzy c-means has long been used in this task. Computational Intelligence has proven to be an important field to assist in building classifiers optimized according to the quality of the grouping of classes and the evaluation of the quality of vector quantization. Several studies have shown that Philosophy, especially the Dialectical Method, has served as an important inspiration for the construction of new computational methods. This paper presents an evaluation of four methods based on the Dialectics: the Objective Dialectical Classifier and the Dialectical Optimization Method adapted to build a version of k-means with optimal quality indices; each of them is presented in two versions: a canonical version and another version obtained by applying the Principle of Maximum Entropy. These methods were compared to k-means, fuzzy c-means and Kohonen's self-organizing maps. The results showed that the methods based on Dialectics are robust to noise, and quantization can achieve results as good as those obtained with the Kohonen map, considered an optimal quantizer.
Avalia\c{c}\~ao do m\'etodo dial\'etico na quantiza\c{c}\~ao de imagens multiespectrais
We propose an approach for semi-automatic annotation of object instances. While most current methods treat object segmentation as a pixel-labeling problem, we here cast it as a polygon prediction task, mimicking how most current datasets have been annotated. In particular, our approach takes as input an image crop and sequentially produces vertices of the polygon outlining the object. This allows a human annotator to interfere at any time and correct a vertex if needed, producing as accurate segmentation as desired by the annotator. We show that our approach speeds up the annotation process by a factor of 4.7 across all classes in Cityscapes, while achieving 78.4% agreement in IoU with original ground-truth, matching the typical agreement between human annotators. For cars, our speed-up factor is 7.3 for an agreement of 82.2%. We further show generalization capabilities of our approach to unseen datasets.
Annotating Object Instances with a Polygon-RNN
We propose local strategies to protect global quantum information. The protocols, which are quantum error correcting codes for dissipative systems, are based on environment measurements, direct feedback control and simple encoding of the logical qubits into physical qutrits whose decaying transitions are indistinguishable and equally probable. The simple addition of one extra level in the description of the subsystems allows for local actions to fully and deterministically protect global resources, such as entanglement. We present codes for both quantum jump and quantum state diffusion measurement strategies and test them against several sources of inefficiency. The use of qutrits in information protocols suggests further characterization of qutrit-qutrit disentanglement dynamics, which we also give together with simple local environment measurement schemes able to prevent distillability sudden death and even enhance entanglement in situations in which our feedback error correction is not possible.
Continuous Quantum Error Correction Through Local Operations
We propose multirate training of neural networks: partitioning neural network parameters into "fast" and "slow" parts which are trained on different time scales, where slow parts are updated less frequently. By choosing appropriate partitionings we can obtain substantial computational speed-up for transfer learning tasks. We show for applications in vision and NLP that we can fine-tune deep neural networks in almost half the time, without reducing the generalization performance of the resulting models. We analyze the convergence properties of our multirate scheme and draw a comparison with vanilla SGD. We also discuss splitting choices for the neural network parameters which could enhance generalization performance when neural networks are trained from scratch. A multirate approach can be used to learn different features present in the data and as a form of regularization. Our paper unlocks the potential of using multirate techniques for neural network training and provides several starting points for future work in this area.
Multirate Training of Neural Networks
We characterize the carrier density profile of the ground state of graphene in the presence of particle-particle interaction and random charged impurity for zero gate voltage. We provide detailed analysis on the resulting spatially inhomogeneous electron gas taking into account the particle-particle interaction and the remote coulomb disorder on an equal footing within the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac theory. We present some general features of the carrier density probability measure of the graphene sheet. We also show that, when viewed as a random surface, the resulting electron-hole puddles at zero chemical potential show peculiar self-similar statistical properties. Although the disorder potential is chosen to be Gaussian, we show that the charge field is non-Gaussian with unusual Kondev relations which can be regarded as a new class of two-dimensional (2D) random-field surfaces.
Scale-invariant puddles in Graphene: Geometric properties of electron-hole distribution at the Dirac point
We study strictly positive solutions to the critical Laplace equation \[ - \Delta u = n(n-2) u^{\frac{n+2}{n-2}}, \] decaying at most like $d(o, x)^{-(n-2)/2}$, on complete noncompact manifolds $(M, g)$ with nonnegative Ricci curvature, of dimension $n \geq 3$. We prove that, under an additional mild assumption on the volume growth, such a solution does not exist, unless $(M, g)$ is isometric to $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $u$ is a Talenti function. The method employs an elementary analysis of a suitable function defined along the level sets of $u$.
A note on the critical Laplace Equation and Ricci curvature
Multiband VRIJHK photometry of the Blazar PKS 0537-441 obtained with the REM telescope from December 2004 to March 2005 is presented. A major period of activity is found with more than four magnitudes variability in the V filter in 50 days and of 2.5 in 10 days. In intensity and duration the activity is similar to that of 1972 reported by Eggen (1973), but it is much better documented. No clear evidence of variability on time-scale of minutes is found. The spectral energy distribution is roughly described by a power-law, with the weaker state being the softer.
Multiband Photometry of the Blazar PKS 0537-441: A Major Active State in December 2004 - March 2005
The ratio of neutral Higgs field vacuum expectation values, tan(beta), is one of the most important parameters to determine in either the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) or a general type-II Two-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM). Assuming an energy and integrated luminosity of sqrts=500 GeV and L=2000 fb-1 at a future linear collider (LC), we show that a very accurate determination of tan(beta) will be possible for low and high tan(beta) values by measuring the production rates of Higgs bosons and reconstructing Higgs boson decays. In particular, based on a TESLA simulation, and assuming no other light Higgs bosons and 100<=mA<=200 GeV, we find that the rate for the process e+e- --> bbA --> bbbb provides a good determination of tan(beta) at high tan(beta). In the MSSM Higgs sector, in the sample case of mA = 200 GeV, we find that the rates for e+e- --> bbA+bbH --> bbbb and for e+e- --> HA --> bbbb provide a good determination of tan(beta) at high and low tan(beta), respectively. We also show that the direct measurement of the average total widths of the H and A in e+e- --> HA --> bbbb events provides an excellent determination of tan(beta) at large values. In addition, the charged Higgs boson process e+e- --> H+H- --> tbtb has been studied. The sensitivity to tan(beta) at the LHC obtained directly from heavy Higgs boson production is briefly compared to the LC results.
Determining $\tan\beta$ with Neutral and Charged Higgs Bosons at a Future $e^+e^-$ Linear Collider
We compute the isolated photon production in association with a charged hadron at mid rapidity in $pp$ and $pA$ based on the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework of high energy QCD where, for the first time, we incorporate the Sudakov effect of soft gluon emissions. Our results are based on the leading order $q g \to q \gamma$ channel in the CGC framework and confronted with the recent data from RHIC and LHC concerning the angular distributions and out-of-plane transverse momentum distributions. We find that, while the CGC computation alone results in too narrow distributions, with the help of the Sudakov effect, we can get a satisfactory description of the data. With this as a benchmark, we provide predictions for the magnitude of the nuclear effect brought by the phenomena of gluon saturation in the CGC.
Isolated photon-hadron production in high energy $pp$ and $pA$ collisions at RHIC and LHC
Planets are observed to orbit the component star(s) of stellar binary systems on so-called circumprimary or circumsecondary orbits, as well as around the entire binary system on so-called circumbinary orbits. Depending on the orbital parameters of the binary system a planet will be dynamically stable if it orbits within some critical separation of the semimajor axis in the circumprimary case, or beyond some critical separation for the circumbinary case. We present N-body simulations of star-forming regions that contain populations of primordial binaries to determine the fraction of binary systems that can host stable planets at various semimajor axes, and how this fraction of stable systems evolves over time. Dynamical encounters in star-forming regions can alter the orbits of some binary systems, which can induce long-term dynamical instabilities in the planetary system and can even change the size of the habitable zone(s) of the component stars. However, the overall fraction of binaries that can host stable planetary systems is not greatly affected by either the assumed binary population, or the density of the star-forming region. Instead, the critical factor in determining how many stable planetary systems exist in the Galaxy is the stellar binary fraction - the more stars that are born as singles in stellar nurseries, the higher the fraction of stable planetary systems.
Long-term stability of planets in and around binary stars
In this paper we address the general applicability of the method pioneered by \citet{Zhang2012} in which the motion of the compact object can be tracked using wind X-ray absorption lines. We present the velocity measurements of the thermal wind lines observed in the X-ray spectrum of a few low-mass X-ray binaries: GX 13+1, H 1743$-$322, GRO J1655$-$40 and GRS 1915+105. We find that the variability in the velocity of the wind lines in about all of the sources is larger than conceivable radial velocity variations of the compact object. GX 13+1 provides a potential exception, although it would require the red giant star to be massive with a mass of $\approx 5-6\ M_{\odot}$. We conclude that the variability of the source luminosity occurring on a time scale of days/months can affect the outflow properties making it difficult to track the orbital motion of the compact object using current observations. Given the intrinsic variability of the outflows we suggest that low-mass X-ray binaries showing stable coronae instead of an outflow (e.g. 4U 1254$-$69, MXB 1659$-$29, 4U 1624$-$49) could be more suitable targets for tracking the orbital motion of the compact object.
Variable Doppler shifts of the thermal wind absorption lines in low-mass X-ray binaries
We discuss how seesaw neutrino models can be graphically represented in lepton flavour space. We examine various popular models and show how this representation helps understanding their properties and connection with experimental data showing in particular how certain texture zero models are ruled out. We also introduce a new matrix, the bridging matrix, that brings from the light to the heavy neutrino mass flavour basis, showing how this is related to the orthogonal matrix and how different quantities are easily expressed through it. We then show how one can randomly generate orthogonal and leptonic mixing matrices uniformly covering all flavour space in an unbiased way (Haar-distributed matrices). Using the isomorphism between the group of complex rotations and the Lorentz group, we also introduce the conceptof Lorentz boost in flavour space for a seesaw model and how this has an insightful physical interpretation. Finally, as a significant application, we consider $N_2$-leptogenesis. Using current experimental values of low energy neutrino parameters, we show that the probability that at least one flavoured decay parameter of the lightest right-handed neutrino is smaller than unity is about $49\%$ (to be compared with the tiny probability that the total decay parameter is smaller than unity, $P(K_{\rm I}< 1)\sim 0.1 \%$, confirming the crucial role played by flavour effects). On the other hand when $m_1 \gtrsim 0.1\,{\rm eV}$ this probability reduces to less than $5\%$, showing how also $N_2$-leptogenesis disfavours degenerate light neutrinos.
Representing seesaw neutrino models and their motion in lepton flavour space
The bipartite entanglement is rigorously examined in the spin-$1/2$ Ising-Heisenberg planar lattice composed of identical inter-connected bipyramidal plaquettes at zero and finite temperatures using the quantity called concurrence. It is shown that the Heisenberg spins of the same plaquette are twice stronger entangled in the two-fold degenerate quantum ground state than in the macroscopically degenerate quantum chiral one. The bipartite entanglement with chiral features completely disappears below or exactly at the critical temperature of the model, while that with no chirality may survive even above the critical temperature of the model. Non-monotonous temperature variations of the concurrence clearly evidence the activation of the entangled Heisenberg states also above classical ground state as well as their re-appearance above the critical temperature of the model.
Bipartite entanglement in the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg planar lattice constituted of identical trigonal bipyramidal plaquettes
Rigorous statistical numerical analysis of the response of a nonspherical dust particle ensemble composed of aggregates of astronomical silicate is presented. It is found that the rotational disruption mechanism is not only likely to occur but to be a key element in explaining many separate observations of cometary dust. Namely, radiative torques are shown to spin-up and align cometary dust within the timescales of cometary activity. Additionally, the radiative torque alignment and disruption mechanisms within certain conditions are shown to be consistent with observations of rapid polarization of dust and spectral bluing of dust. The results indicate that radiative torques should be taken into account nearly universally when considering the evolution of cometary dust.
Rotational Disruption of Nonspherical Cometary Dust Particles by Radiative Torques
In this paper we study a nonlinear transmission problem for a plate which consists of thermoelastic and isothermal parts. The problem generates a dynamical system in a suitable Hilbert space. Main result is the proof of the asymptotic smoothness of this dynamical system. Also we prove the existence of a compact global attractor in particular cases when the nonlinearity is of Berger type or scalar.
A nonlinear transmission problem for a compound plate with thermoelastic part
This paper investigates censorship from a linguistic perspective. We collect a corpus of censored and uncensored posts on a number of topics, build a classifier that predicts censorship decisions independent of discussion topics. Our investigation reveals that the strongest linguistic indicator of censored content of our corpus is its readability.
Linguistic Characteristics of Censorable Language on SinaWeibo
In the framework of the so-called gravitoelectromagnetic formalism, according to which the equations of the gravitational field can be written in analogy with classical electromagnetism, we study the gravitomagnetic field of a rotating ring, orbiting around a central body. We calculate the gravitomagnetic component of the field, both in the intermediate zone between the ring and the central body, and far away from the ring and central body. We evaluate the impact of the gravitomagnetic field on the motion of test particles and, as an application, we study the possibility of using these results, together with the Solar System ephemeris, to infer information on the spin of ring-like structures.
Gravitomagnetic Field of Rotating Rings
We present [OIII]500.7nm and Halpha+[NII] images and long-slit, high resolution echelle spectra in the same spectral regions of Sa2--237, a possible bipolar planetary nebula. The image shows a bipolar nebula of about 34" extent, with a narrow waist, and showing strong point symmetry about the central object, indicating it's likely binary nature. The long slit spectra were taken over the long axis of the nebula, and show a distinct ``eight'' shaped pattern in the velocity--space plot, and a maximum projected outflow velocity of V=106km/s, both typical of expanding bipolar planetary nebulae. By model fitting the shape and spectrum of the nebula simultaneously, we derive the inclination of the long axis to be 70 degrees, and the maximum space velocity of expansion to be 308 km/s. Due to asymmetries in the velocities we adopt a new value for the system's heliocentric radial velocity of -30km/s. We use the IRAS and 21cm radio fluxes, the energy distribution, and the projected size of Sa2-237 to estimate it's distance to be 2.1+-0.37kpc. At this distance Sa2-237 has a luminosity of 340 Lsun, a size of 0.37pc, and -- assuming constant expansion velocity -- a nebular age of 624 years. The above radial velocity and distance place Sa2--237 in the disk of the Galaxy at z=255pc, albeit with somewhat peculiar kinematics.
Kinematic and morphological modeling of the bipolar nebula Sa2-237
In this letter, a new generalized matrix spectral problem of Dirac type associated with the super Lie algebra $\mathcal{B}(0,1)$ is proposed and its corresponding super integrable hierarchy is constructed.
A generalized super integrable hierarchy of Dirac type
We review the theory and observations related to the ``superhump'' precession of eccentric accretion discs in close binary sytems. We agree with earlier work, although for different reasons, that the discrepancy between observation and dynamical theory implies that the effect of pressure in the disc cannot be neglected. We extend earlier work that investigates this effect to include the correct expression for the radius at which resonant orbits occur. Using analytic expressions for the accretion disc structure, we derive a relationship between the period excess and mass-ratio with the pressure effects included. This is compared to the observed data, recently derived results for detailed integration of the disc equations and the equivalent empirically derived relations and used to predict values for the mass ratio based on measured values of the period excess for 88 systems.
Superhumps: Confronting Theory with Observation
Very energetic charm and bottom hadrons may be produced in the upper atmosphere when a primary cosmic ray or the leading hadron in an extensive air shower collide with a nucleon. At $E\approx 10^8$ GeV their decay length becomes of the order of 10 km, implying that they tend to interact in the air instead of decaying. Since the inelasticity in these collisions is much smaller than the one in proton and pion collisions, there could be rare events where a heavy-hadron component transports a significant amount of energy deep into the atmosphere. We have developed a module for the detailed simulation of these processes and have included it in a new version of the air shower simulator AIRES. We study the frequency, the energy distribution and the depth of charm and bottom production, as well as the depth and the energy distribution of these quarks when they decay. As an illustration, we consider the production and decay of tau leptons (from $D_s$ decays) and the lepton flux at PeV energies from a 30 EeV proton primary. The proper inclusion of charm and bottom hadrons in AIRES opens the possibility to search for air-shower observables that are sensitive to heavy quark effects.
Production and propagation of heavy hadrons in air-shower simulators
We provide a complete system of invariants for the formal classification of complex analytic unipotent germs of diffeomorphism at $\cn{n}$ fixing the orbits of a regular vector field. We reduce the formal classification problem to solve a linear differential equation. Then we describe the formal invariants; their nature depends on the position of the fixed points set $Fix \phi$ with respect to the regular vector field preserved by $\phi$. We get invariants specifically attached to higher dimension ($n \geq 3$) although generically they are analogous to the one-dimensional ones.
Formal classification of unipotent parameterized diffeomorphisms
The classical Weyl problem (solved by Lewy, Alexandrov, Pogorelov, and others) asks whether any metric of curvature $K\geq 0$ on the sphere is induced on the boundary of a unique convex body in $\R^3$. The answer was extended to surfaces in hyperbolic space by Alexandrov in the 1950s, and a ``dual'' statement, describing convex bodies in terms of the third fundamental form of their boundary (e.g. their dihedral angles, for an ideal polyhedron) was later proved. We describe three conjectural generalizations of the Weyl problem in $\HH^3$ and its dual to unbounded convex subsets and convex surfaces, in ways that are relevant to contemporary geometry since a number of recent results and well-known open problems can be considered as special cases. One focus is on convex domain having a ``thin'' asymptotic boundary, for instance a quasicircle -- this part of the problem is strongly related to the theory of Kleinian groups. A second direction is towards convex subsets with a ``thick'' ideal boundary, for instance a disjoint union of disks -- here one find connections to problems in complex analysis, such as the Koebe circle domain conjecture. A third direction is towards complete, convex disks of infinite area in $\HH^3$ and surfaces in hyperbolic ends -- with connections to questions on circle packings or grafting on the hyperbolic disk. Similar statements are proposed in anti-de Sitter geometry, a Lorentzian cousin of hyperbolic geometry where interesting new phenomena can occur, and in Minkowski and Half-pipe geometry. We also collect some partial new results mostly based on recent works.
On the Weyl problem for complete surfaces in the hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter spaces
Functors from (co)operads to bialgebras relate Hopf algebras that occur in renormalisation to operads, which simplifies the proof of the Hopf algebra axioms, and induces a characterisation of the corresponding group of characters and Lie algebra of primitives of the dual in terms of the operad. In addition, it is shown that the Wick rotation formula leads to canonical algebras for one of these operads.
Operads and the Hopf algebras of renormalisation
Increased data availability has stimulated the interest in studying sports prediction problems via analytical approaches; in particular, with machine learning and simulation. We characterize several models that have been proposed in the literature, all of which suffer from the same drawback: they cannot incorporate rational decision-making and strategies from teams/players effectively. We tackle this issue by proposing hybrid simulation logic that incorporates teams as agents, generalizing the models/methodologies that have been proposed in the past. We perform a case study on the NBA with two goals: i) study the quality of predictions when using only one predictive variable, and ii) study how much historical data should be kept to maximize prediction accuracy. Results indicate that there is an optimal range of data quantity and that studying what data and variables to include is of extreme importance.
Smart Sports Predictions via Hybrid Simulation: NBA Case Study
Over the past two decades, we have seen an exponentially increased amount of point clouds collected with irregular shapes in various areas. Motivated by the importance of solid modeling for point clouds, we develop a novel and efficient smoothing tool based on multivariate splines over the tetrahedral partitions to extract the underlying signal and build up a 3D solid model from the point cloud. The proposed smoothing method can denoise or deblur the point cloud effectively and provide a multi-resolution reconstruction of the actual signal. In addition, it can handle sparse and irregularly distributed point clouds and recover the underlying trajectory. The proposed smoothing and interpolation method also provides a natural way of numerosity data reduction. Furthermore, we establish the theoretical guarantees of the proposed method. Specifically, we derive the convergence rate and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator and illustrate that the convergence rate achieves the optimal nonparametric convergence rate. Through extensive simulation studies and a real data example, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over traditional smoothing methods in terms of estimation accuracy and efficiency of data reduction.
Nonparametric Regression for 3D Point Cloud Learning
The main purpose of this paper is to show that the converse of the known implication weakly action representable implies action accessible is false. In particular we show that both action accessibility, as well as the (at least formally stronger) condition requiring the existence of all normalizers do not imply weakly-action-representability even for varieties. In addition we show that in contrast to both action accessibility and the condition requiring the existence of all normalizers, weakly-action representability is not necessarily inherited by Birkoff subcategories.
A note on the relationship between action accessible and weakly action representable categories
We present a numerical study of the properties of the Fixed Point lattice Dirac operator in the Schwinger model. We verify the theoretical bounds on the spectrum, the existence of exact zero modes with definite chirality, and the Index Theorem. We show by explicit computation that it is possible to find an accurate approximation to the Fixed Point Dirac operator containing only very local couplings.
Properties of the Fixed Point Lattice Dirac Operator in the Schwinger Model
Aims. We define a small and large chemical network which can be used for the quantitative simultaneous analysis of molecular emission from the near-IR to the submm. We revise reactions of excited molecular hydrogen, which are not included in UMIST, to provide a homogeneous database for future applications. Methods. We use the thermo-chemical disk modeling code ProDiMo and a standard T Tauri disk model to evaluate the impact of various chemical networks, reaction rate databases and sets of adsorption energies on a large sample of chemical species and emerging line fluxes from the near-IR to the submm wavelength range. Results. We find large differences in the masses and radial distribution of ice reservoirs when considering freeze-out on bare or polar ice coated grains. Most strongly the ammonia ice mass and the location of the snow line (water) change. As a consequence molecules associated to the ice lines such as N2H+ change their emitting region; none of the line fluxes in the sample considered here changes by more than 25% except CO isotopologues, CN and N2H+ lines. The three-body reaction N+H2+M plays a key role in the formation of water in the outer disk. Besides that, differences between the UMIST 2006 and 2012 database change line fluxes in the sample considered here by less than a factor 2 (a subset of low excitation CO and fine structure lines stays even within 25%); exceptions are OH, CN, HCN, HCO+ and N2H+ lines. However, different networks such as OSU and KIDA 2011 lead to pronounced differences in the chemistry inside 100 au and thus affect emission lines from high excitation CO, OH and CN lines. H2 is easily excited at the disk surface and state-to-state reactions enhance the abundance of CH+ and to a lesser extent HCO+. For sub-mm lines of HCN, N2H+ and HCO+, a more complex larger network is recommended. ABBREVIATED
Consistent dust and gas models for protoplanetary disks: II. Chemical networks and rates
We present low--medium resolution optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing AM Her system MN Hya (RX J0929--24). We determine the magnetic field strength at the primary accretion region of the white dwarf to be 42MG from the spacing of cyclotron features visible during ~0.4--0.7. From spectra taken during the eclipse we find that the secondary has a M3--4 spectral type. Combined with the eclipse photometry of Sekiguchi, Nakada & Bassett and an estimate of the interstellar extinction we find a distance of ~300--700pc. We find unusual line variations at phase ~0.9: Halpha is seen in absorption and emission. This is at the same point in the orbital phase that a prominent absorption dip is seen in soft X-rays.
Spectroscopic observations of the eclipsing Polar MN Hya (RX J0929--24)
In Bayesian statistics, horseshoe prior has attracted increasing attention as an approach to the sparse estimation. The estimation accuracy of compressed sensing with the horseshoe prior is evaluated by statistical mechanical method. It is found that there exists a phase transition in signal recoverability in the plane of the number of observations and the number of nonzero signals and that the recoverability phase is more extended than that using the well-known $l_1$ norm regularization.
Phase transition in compressed sensing with horseshoe prior
This paper proposes the first known universal interference alignment scheme for general $(1\times{}1)^K$ interference networks, either Gaussian or deterministic, with only 2 symbol extension. While interference alignment is theoretically powerful to increase the total network throughput tremendously, no existing scheme can achieve the degree of freedom upper bound exactly with finite complexity. This paper starts with detailed analysis of the diagonality problem of naive symbol extension in small $(1\times1)^3$ networks, a technique widely regarded as necessary to achieve interference alignment with insufficient diversity. Then, a joint bandpass noncoherent demodulation and interference alignment scheme is proposed to solve the diagonality problem by trading signal power for increased system diversity, which is further traded for multiplexing improvement. Finally, the proposed noncoherent interference alignment scheme is extended to general $(1\times{}1)^K$ cases and is proven to achieve the degree of freedom upper bound exactly. Simulation results verify the correctness and powerfulness of the proposed scheme and show significant degree of freedom improvement compared to the conventional orthogonal transmission scheme.
Noncoherent Interference Alignment: Trade Signal Power for Diversity Towards Multiplexing
An excellent laboratory for studying large scale magnetic fields is the grand de- sign face-on spiral galaxy M51. Due to wavelength-dependent Faraday depolarization, linearly polarized synchrotron emission at different radio frequencies gives a picture of the galaxy at different depths: Observations at L-band (1-2 GHz) probe the halo region while at C- and X- band (4-8 GHz) the linearly polarized emission probe the disk region of M51. We present new observations of M51 using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) at S-band (2-4 GHz), where previously no polarization observations existed, to shed new light on the transition region between the disk and the halo. We discuss a model of the depolarization of synchrotron radiation in a multilayer magneto-ionic medium and compare the model predictions to the multi-frequency polarization data of M51 between 1-8GHz. The new S-band data are essential to distinguish between different models. Our study shows that the initial model parameters, i.e. the total reg- ular and turbulent magnetic field strengths in the disk and halo of M51, need to be adjusted to successfully fit the models to the data.
The Magnetized Disk-Halo Transition Region of M51
We show that the asymmetric inter-particle interactions can induce rapid decay of the heat current correlation in one-dimensional momentum conserving lattices. When the asymmetry degree is appropriate, even exponential decay may arise. This fact suggests that the power-law decay predicted by the hydrodynamics may not be applied to the lattices with asymmetric inter-particle interactions, and as a result, the Green-Kubo formula may instead lead to a convergent heat conductivity in the thermodynamic limit. The mechanism of the rapid decay is traced back to the fact that the heat current has to drive a mass current additionally in the presence of the asymmetric inter-particle interactions.
Breakdown of the power-law decay prediction of the heat current correlation in one-dimensional momentum conserving lattices
In this paper we present the perturbative evaluation of the difference between the renormalization functions of flavor singlet and nonsinglet bilinear quark operators on the lattice. The computation is performed to two loops and to lowest order in the lattice spacing, for a class of improved lattice actions, including Wilson, tree-level (TL) Symanzik and Iwasaki gluons, twisted mass and SLiNC Wilson fermions, as well as staggered fermions with twice stout-smeared links. In the staggered formalism, the stout smearing procedure is also applied to the definition of bilinear operators.
Singlet vs Nonsinglet Perturbative Renormalization of Fermion Bilinears
The interaction of light beams with resonant structures has led to the development of various optical platforms for sensing, particle manipulation, and strong light-matter interaction. In the current study, we investigate the manifestations of the bound states in continuum (BIC) on the in plane and out of plane shifts (referred to as Goos-Hanchen (GH) and Imbert-Fedorov (IF) shifts, respectively) of a finite beam with specific polarization incident at an arbitrary angle. Based on the angular spectrum decomposition, we develop a generic formalism for understanding the interaction of the finite beam with an arbitrary stratified medium with isotropic and homogeneous components. it is applied to the case of a Gaussian beam with p and circularly polarized light incident on a symmetric structure containing two polar dielectric layers separated by a spacer layer. For p-polarized plane wave incidence one of the coupled Berreman modes of the structure was recently shown to evolve to the bound state with infinite localization and diverging quality factor coexisting with the other mode with large radiation leakage (Remesh et al. Optics Communications, 498:127223, 2021). A small deviation from the ideal BIC resonance still offers resonances with very high quality factors and these are exploited in this study to report giant GH shifts. A notable enhancement in the IF shift for circularly polarized light is also shown. Moreover, the reflected beam is shown to undergo distortion leading to a satellite spot. The origin of such a splitting of the reflected beam is traced to a destructive interference due to the left and right halves of the corresponding spectra.
Enhanced beam shifts mediated by Bound States in Continuum
For large-scale discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations (DAREs) with high-rank nonlinear and constant terms, the stabilizing solutions are no longer numerically low-rank, resulting in the obstacle in the computation and storage. However, in some proper control problems such as power systems, the potential structure of the state matrix -- banded-plus-low-rank, might make the large-scale computation essentially workable. In this paper, a factorized structure-preserving doubling algorithm (FSDA) is developed under the frame of the banded inverse of nonlinear and constant terms. The detailed iterations format, as well as a deflation process of FSDA, are analyzed in detail. A partial truncation and compression technique is introduced to shrink the dimension of columns of low-rank factors as much as possible. The computation of residual, together with the termination condition of the structured version, is also redesigned.
Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations with High-Rank Nonlinear Terms and Constant Terms
We introduce the driven discrete time quantum walk, where walkers are added during the walk instead of only at the beginning. This leads to interference in walker number and very different dynamics when compared to the original quantum walk. These dynamics have two regimes, which we illustrate using the one-dimensional line. Then, we explore a search application which has certain advantages over current search protocols, namely that it does not require a complicated initial state nor a specific measurement time to observe the marked state. Finally, we describe a potential experimental implementation using existing technology.
Driven Discrete Time Quantum Walks
Leakage of polarized Galactic diffuse emission into total intensity can potentially mimic the 21-cm signal coming from the epoch of reionization (EoR), as both of them might have fluctuating spectral structure. Although we are sensitive to the EoR signal only in small fields of view, chromatic sidelobes from further away can contaminate the inner region. Here, we explore the effects of leakage into the 'EoR window' of the cylindrically averaged power spectra (PS) within wide fields of view using both observation and simulation of the 3C196 and NCP fields, two observing fields of the LOFAR-EoR project. We present the polarization PS of two one-night observations of the two fields and find that the NCP field has higher fluctuations along frequency, and consequently exhibits more power at high-$k_\parallel$ that could potentially leak to Stokes $I$. Subsequently, we simulate LOFAR observations of Galactic diffuse polarized emission based on a model to assess what fraction of polarized power leaks into Stokes $I$ because of the primary beam. We find that the rms fractional leakage over the instrumental $k$-space is $0.35\%$ in the 3C196 field and $0.27\%$ in the NCP field, and it does not change significantly within the diameters of $15^\circ$, $9^\circ$ and $4^\circ$. Based on the observed PS and simulated fractional leakage, we show that a similar level of leakage into Stokes $I$ is expected in the 3C196 and NCP fields, and the leakage can be considered to be a bias in the PS.
Polarization leakage in epoch of reionization windows: III. Wide-field effects of narrow-field arrays
Deep Learning based diagnostics systems can provide accurate and robust quantitative analysis in digital pathology. These algorithms require large amounts of annotated training data which is impractical in pathology due to the high resolution of histopathological images. Hence, self-supervised methods have been proposed to learn features using ad-hoc pretext tasks. The self-supervised training process is time consuming and often leads to subpar feature representation due to a lack of constrain on the learnt feature space, particularly prominent under data imbalance. In this work, we propose to actively sample the training set using a handful of labels and a small proxy network, decreasing sample requirement by 93% and training time by 62%.
Data Efficient Contrastive Learning in Histopathology using Active Sampling
Incorporating full duplex operation in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems provides the potential of boosting throughput performance. However, the hardware complexity of the analog self-interference canceller scales with the number of transmit and receive antennas, thus exploiting the benefits of analog cancellation becomes impractical for full duplex MIMO transceivers. In this paper, we present a novel architecture for the analog canceller comprising of reduced number of taps (tap refers to a line of fixed delay and variable phase shifter and attenuator) and simple multiplexers for efficient signal routing among the transmit and receive radio frequency chains. In contrast to the available analog cancellation architectures, the values for each tap and the configuration of the multiplexers are jointly designed with the digital beamforming filters according to certain performance objectives. Focusing on a narrowband flat fading channel model as an example, we present a general optimization framework for the joint design of analog cancellation and digital beamforming. We also detail a particular optimization objective together with its derived solution for the latter architectural components. Representative computer simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed low complexity full duplex MIMO system over lately available ones.
Joint Design of Multi-Tap Analog Cancellation and Digital Beamforming for Reduced Complexity Full Duplex MIMO Systems
We prove that an outer action of a locally compact group $G$ on a full factor $M$ is automatically strictly outer, meaning that the relative commutant of $M$ in the crossed product is trivial. If moreover the image of $G$ in the outer automorphism group $\operatorname{Out} M$ is closed, we prove that the crossed product remains full. We obtain this result by proving that the inclusion of $M$ in the crossed product automatically has a spectral gap property. Such results had only been proven for actions of discrete groups and for actions of compact groups, by using quite different methods in both cases. Even for the canonical Bogoljubov actions on free group factors or free Araki-Woods factors, these results are new.
Spectral gap and strict outerness for actions of locally compact groups on full factors
We analyze the world-volume solitons of a D3-brane probe in the background of parallel (p,q) five-branes. The D3-brane is embedded along the directions transverse to the five-branes of the background. By using the S-duality invariance of the D3-brane, we find a first-order differential equation whose solutions saturate an energy bound. The SO(3) invariant solutions of this equation are found analytically. They represent world-volume solitons which can be interpreted as formed by parallel (-q,p) strings emanating from the D3-brane world-volume. It is shown that these configurations are 1/4 supersymmetric and provide a world-volume realization of the Hanany-Witten effect.
World-volume Solitons of the D3-brane in the Background of (p,q) Five-branes
We calculate the first-order perturbation correction to the ground state energy and chemical potential of a harmonically trapped boson gas with contact interactions about the infinite repulsion Tonks-Girardeau limit. With $c$ denoting the interaction strength, we find that for a large number of particles $N$ the $1/c$ correction to the ground state energy increases as $N^{5/2}$, in contrast to the unperturbed Tonks-Girardeau value that is proportional to $N^2$. We describe a thermodynamic scaling limit for the trapping frequency that yields an extensive ground state energy and reproduces the zero temperature thermodynamics obtained by a local density approximation.
Perturbative correction to the ground state properties of one-dimensional strongly interacting bosons in a harmonic trap
We identify a time-dependent class of metrics with potential applications to cosmology, which emerge from negative-tension branes. The cosmology is based on a general class of solutions to Einstein-dilaton-Maxwell theory, presented in {hep-th/0106120}. We argue that solutions with hyperbolic or planar symmetry describe the gravitational interactions of a pair of negative-tension $q$-branes. These spacetimes are static near each brane, but become time-dependent and expanding at late epoch -- in some cases asymptotically approaching flat space. We interpret this expansion as being the spacetime's response to the branes' presence. The time-dependent regions provide explicit examples of cosmological spacetimes with past horizons and no past naked singularities. The past horizons can be interpreted as S-branes. We prove that the singularities in the static regions are repulsive to time-like geodesics, extract a cosmological `bounce' interpretation, compute the explicit charge and tension of the branes, analyse the classical stability of the solution (in particular of the horizons) and study particle production, deriving a general expression for Hawking's temperature as well as the associated entropy.
Cosmological Spacetimes from Negative Tension Brane Backgrounds
This paper explores contexts associated with errors in transcrip-tion of spontaneous speech, shedding light on human perceptionof disfluencies and other conversational speech phenomena. Anew version of the Switchboard corpus is provided with disfluency annotations for careful speech transcripts, together with results showing the impact of transcription errors on evaluation of automatic disfluency detection.
Disfluencies and Human Speech Transcription Errors
We investigate the distribution of mass M and orbital period P of extra-solar planets, taking account of selection effects due to the limited velocity precision and duration of existing surveys. We fit the data on 63 planets to a power-law distribution of the form dn=CM^{-alpha}P^{-beta}(dM/M)(dP/P), and find alpha=0.12+-0.10, beta=-0.26+-0.06 for M<10M_J, where M_J is the Jupiter mass. The correlation coefficient between these two exponents is -0.32, indicating that uncertainties in the two distributions are coupled. We estimate that 3% of solar-type stars have companions in the range 1M_J<M<10M_J, 2d<P<10yr.
Maximum likelihood method for estimating the mass and period distributions of extra-solar planets
This paper is concerned with fixed-point free $S^1$-actions (smooth or locally linear) on orientable 4-manifolds. We show that the fundamental group plays a predominant role in the equivariant classification of such 4-manifolds. In particular, it is shown that for any finitely presented group with infinite center, there are at most finitely many distinct smooth (resp. topological) 4-manifolds which support a fixed-point free smooth (resp. locally linear) $S^1$-action and realize the given group as the fundamental group. A similar statement holds for the number of equivalence classes of fixed-point free $S^1$-actions under some further conditions on the fundamental group. The connection between the classification of the $S^1$-manifolds and the fundamental group is given by a certain decomposition, called fiber-sum decomposition, of the $S^1$-manifolds. More concretely, each fiber-sum decomposition naturally gives rise to a Z-splitting of the fundamental group. There are two technical results in this paper which play a central role in our considerations. One states that the Z-splitting is a canonical JSJ decomposition of the fundamental group in the sense of Rips and Sela. Another asserts that if the fundamental group has infinite center, then the homotopy class of principal orbits of any fixed-point free $S^1$-action on the 4-manifold must be infinite, unless the 4-manifold is the mapping torus of a periodic diffeomorphism of some elliptic 3-manifold. The paper ends with two questions concerning the topological nature of the smooth classification and the Seiberg-Witten invariants of 4-manifolds admitting a smooth fixed-point free $S^1$-action.
Fixed-point free circle actions on 4-manifolds
In this paper we derive the mass function of seed black holes that result from the central mass concentrated via disc accretion in collapsed haloes at redshift $z\approx 15$. Using standard arguments including stability, we show that these pre-galactic discs can assemble a significant mass concentration in the inner regions, providing fuel for the formation and initial growth of super-massive black holes. Assuming that these mass concentrations do result in central seed black holes, we determine the mass distribution of these seeds as a function of key halo properties. The seed mass distribution determined here turns out to be asymmetric and skewed to higher masses. Starting with these initial seeds, building up to $10^9$ solar masses by $z = 6$ to power the bright quasars is not a problem in the standard LCDM cosmogony. These seed black holes in gas rich environments are likely to grow into the supermassive black holes at later times via mergers and accretion. Gas accretion onto these seeds at high redshift will produce miniquasars that likely play an important role in the reionization of the Universe. Some of these seed black holes on the other hand could be wandering in galaxy haloes as a consequence of frequent mergers, powering the off-nuclear ultra-luminous X-ray sources detected in nearby galaxies.
The mass function of high redshift seed black holes
Suppose that a locally finite group $G$ has a $2$-element $g$ with Chernikov centralizer. It is proved that if the involution in $\langle g\rangle$ has nilpotent centralizer, then $G$ has a soluble subgroup of finite index.
Locally finite groups containing a $2$-element with Chernikov centralizer
When real networks are considered, coupled networks with connectivity and feedback-dependency links are not rare but more general. Here we develop a mathematical framework and study numerically and analytically percolation of interacting networks with feedback-dependency links. We find that when nodes of between networks are lowly connected, the system undergoes from second order transition through hybrid order transition to first order transition as coupling strength increases. And, as average degree of each inter-network increases, first order region becomes smaller and second-order region becomes larger but hybrid order region almost keep constant. Especially, the results implies that average degree \bar{k} between intra-networks has a little influence on robustness of system for weak coupling strength, but for strong coupling strength corresponding to first order transition system become robust as \bar{k} increases. However, when average degree k of inter-network is increased, the system become robust for all coupling strength. Additionally, when nodes of between networks are highly connected, the hybrid order region disappears and the system first order region becomes larger and secondorder region becomes smaller. Moreover, we find that the existence of feedback dependency links between interconnecting networks makes the system extremely vulnerable by comparing non-feedback condition for the same parameters.
Percolation on interacting networks with feedback-dependency links
A model is suggested for the bursting x-ray pulsar, GRO J1744-28, where the compact object of the pulsar is proposed to be a strange matter star with crusts. It is suggested that two envelope crusts shield the two polar caps of an accreting strange stars owing to strong polar-cap magnetic fields. GRO J1744-28 might not have a unified crust, but two polar crusts. Bursts are the result of phase transition of polar crusts if one accreting crust is heavier than that the Coulomb force can support. It is shown that there should be phase-lags when bursting crust is expanded about one hundred meters. Many calculated properties of this model, such as the phase-lags, the bursting luminosity and the characteristic photon energy, are in agreement with observations.
A strange star model for GRO J1744-28
We present a discontinuous Galerkin method for moist atmospheric dynamics, with and without warm rain. By considering a combined density for water vapour and cloud water, we avoid the need to model and compute a source term for condensation. We recover the vapour and cloud densities by solving a pointwise non-linear problem each time step. Consequently, we enforce the requirement for the water vapour not to be supersaturated implicitly. Together with an explicit time-stepping scheme, the method is highly parallelisable and can utilise high-performance computing hardware. Furthermore, the discretisation works on structured and unstructured meshes in two and three spatial dimensions. We illustrate the performance of our approach using several test cases in two and three spatial dimensions. In the case of a smooth, exact solution, we illustrate the optimal higher-order convergence rates of the method.
A discontinuous Galerkin approach for atmospheric flows with implicit condensation
It is generally accepted that the phonon gas of a superfluid always enters a weak coupling regime at sufficiently low temperatures, whatever the strength of the interactions between the underlying particles (constitutive of the superfluid). Thus, in this limit, we should always be able to calculate the damping rate of thermal phonons by applying Fermi's golden rule to the $H\_3$ Hamiltonian of cubic phonon-phonon coupling taken from quantum hydrodynamics, at least in the case of a convex acoustic branch and in the collisionless regime (where the eigenfrequency of the considered phonons remains much greater than the gas thermalization rate). Using the many-body Green's function method, we predict that, unexpectedly, this is not true in two dimensions, contrary to the three-dimensional case. We confirm this prediction with classical phonon-field simulations and a non-perturbative theory in $H\_3$, where the fourth order is regularized by hand, giving a complex energy to the virtual phonons of the four-phonon collisional processes. For a weakly interacting fluid and a phonon mode in the long-wavelength limit, we predict a damping rate about three times lower than that of the golden rule.
Phonon damping in a 2D superfluid: insufficiency of Fermi's golden rule at low temperature
Modern deep learning systems successfully solve many perception tasks such as object pose estimation when the input image is of high quality. However, in challenging imaging conditions such as on low-resolution images or when the image is corrupted by imaging artifacts, current systems degrade considerably in accuracy. While a loss in performance is unavoidable, we would like our models to quantify their uncertainty in order to achieve robustness against images of varying quality. Probabilistic deep learning models combine the expressive power of deep learning with uncertainty quantification. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic deep learning model for the task of angular regression. Our model uses von Mises distributions to predict a distribution over object pose angle. Whereas a single von Mises distribution is making strong assumptions about the shape of the distribution, we extend the basic model to predict a mixture of von Mises distributions. We show how to learn a mixture model using a finite and infinite number of mixture components. Our model allows for likelihood-based training and efficient inference at test time. We demonstrate on a number of challenging pose estimation datasets that our model produces calibrated probability predictions and competitive or superior point estimates compared to the current state-of-the-art.
Deep Directional Statistics: Pose Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification
Coronene, a polyaromatic hydrocarbon, has been crystallized for the first time in a different polymorph using a crystal growth method that utilizes magnetic fields to access a unit cell configuration that was hitherto unknown. Crystals grown in magnetic field of 1 T are larger, have a different appearance to those grown in zero field and retain their structure in ambient conditions. We identify the new form, beta-coronene, as the most stable at low temperatures. As a result of the new supramolecular configuration we report significantly altered electronic, optical and mechanical properties.
Control of polymorphism in coronene by the application of magnetic fields
Our research presents the case-study of a mobile phone based, voice-driven platform - Mobile Vaani, established with a goal to empower poor and marginalized communities to create their own local media. In this paper, we derive a comprehensive theory of change for Mobile Vaani from data gathered using the Most Significant Change technique. This paper contributes towards formulating a theory of change for technology-driven community media platforms which can be adapted to other ICTD interventions too.
An Analysis of Impact Pathways arising from a Mobile-based Community Media Platform in Rural India
Gauge-invariant descriptions for a free bosonic scalar field of continuous spin in a $d$-dimensional Minkowski space-time using a metric-like formulation are constructed on the basis of a constrained BRST-BFV approach we propose. The resulting BRST-BFV equations of motion for a scalar field augmented by ghost operators contains different sets of auxiliary fields, depending on the manner of a partial gauge-fixing and a resolution of some of the equations of motion for a BRST-unfolded first-stage reducible gauge theory. To achieve an equivalence of the resulting BRST-unfolded constrained equations of motion with the initial irreducible Poincare group conditions of a Bargmann--Wigner type, it is demonstrated that one should replace the field in these conditions by a class of gauge-equivalent configurations. Triplet-like, doublet-like constrained descriptions, as well as an unconstrained quartet-like non-Lagrangian and Lagrangian formulations, are derived using both Fronsdal-like and new tensor fields. In particular, the BRST--BV equations of motion and Lagrangian using an appropriate set of Lagrangian multipliers in the minimal sector of the respective field and antifield configurations are constructed in a manifest way.
BRST-BFV and BRST-BV Descriptions for Bosonic Fields with Continuous Spin on $R^{1,d-1}$
We investigate charge relaxation in disordered and quasi-periodic quantum-wires of spin-less fermions ($t{-}V$-model) at different inhomogeneity strength $W$ in the localized and nearly-localized regime. Our observable is the time-dependent density correlation function, $\Phi(x,t)$, at infinite temperature. We find that disordered and quasi-periodic models behave qualitatively similar: Although even at longest observation times the width $\Delta x(t)$ of $\Phi(x,t)$ does not exceed significantly the non-interacting localization length, $\xi_0$, strong finite-size effects are encountered. Our findings appear difficult to reconcile with the rare-region physics (Griffiths effects) that often is invoked as an explanation for the slow dynamics observed by us and earlier computational studies. As a relatively reliable indicator for the boundary towards the many-body localized (MBL) regime even under these conditions, we consider the exponent function $\beta(t) {=} d\ln \Delta x(t) / d\ln t$. Motivated by our numerical data for $\beta$, we discuss a scenario in which the MBL-phase splits into two subphases: in MBL$_\text{A}$ $\Delta x(t)$ diverges slower than any power, while it converges towards a finite value in MBL$_\text{B}$. Within the scenario the transition between MBL$_\text{A}$ and the ergodic phase is characterized by a length scale, $\xi$, that exhibits an essential singularity $\ln \xi \sim 1/|W-W_\text{c}|$. Relations to earlier numerics and proposals of two-phase scenarios will be discussed.
Slow dynamics and strong finite-size effects in many-body localization with random and quasi-periodic potential
This paper proposes an indoor visible light communication (VLC) system with multiple transmitters and receivers. Due to diffusivity of LED light beams, photodiode receive signals from many directions. We use one concave and one convex lens as optical antenna, and obtain the optimal lens structure by optimizing which corresponds to the minimum condition number of channel gain matrix. In this way the light emitted by different LED can be separated well from each other then minimize signal interference. However, interference increases in the case of system deviation, so we explore the system mobility. Then subsequent signal processing is carried out, including signal combining and successive interference cancellation (SIC). We combine the same signal received by different receivers to improve signal to interference noise ratio (SINR). And SIC can effectively restore interference and eliminate its impact. The simulation results show that channel capacity can be increased by more than 5 times and up to 20 times under the condition of receiver and transmitter alignment. In the case of movement, channel capacity can also be increased by about 4 times on average. Moreover, the mobile range of system is also significantly expanded.
Channel Modeling and Signal Processing for Array-based Visible Light Communication System in Misalignment
In this paper we introduce and study the topology of clique complexes of multigraphs without loops. These clique complexes generalize tournaplexes, which were recently introduced by Govc, Levi, and Smith for the topological study of brain functional networks. We study a general construction of edge-inflated simplicial posets, which generalize clique complexes of multigraphs. The poset fiber theorem of Bj\"{o}rner, Wachs, and Welker is applied to obtain the homotopy wedge decomposition of an edge-inflated simplicial poset. The homological corollary of this result allows to parallelize the homology computations for edge inflated complexes, in particular, for clique complexes of multigraphs and tournaplexes. We provide functorial versions of some results to be used in computations of persistent homology. Finally, we introduce a general notion of simplex inflations and prove homotopy wedge decompositions for this class of spaces.
Clique complexes of multigraphs, edge inflations, and tournaplexes
This paper presents a new synthesis-based approach for batch image processing. Unlike existing tools that can only apply global edits to the entire image, our method can apply fine-grained edits to individual objects within the image. For example, our method can selectively blur or crop specific objects that have a certain property. To facilitate such fine-grained image editing tasks, we propose a neuro-symbolic domain-specific language (DSL) that combines pre-trained neural networks for image classification with other language constructs that enable symbolic reasoning. Our method can automatically learn programs in this DSL from user demonstrations by utilizing a novel synthesis algorithm. We have implemented the proposed technique in a tool called ImageEye and evaluated it on 50 image editing tasks. Our evaluation shows that ImageEye is able to automate 96% of these tasks.
ImageEye: Batch Image Processing Using Program Synthesis
We show that contrary to the claim made by Hallin and Liljenberg in Phys. Rev. D52 1150,(1995), (hep-th/9412188) the thermal correction to the thermal decay or pair production rate for a system placed in a heat bath in the presence of an external electric field, is always nonzero in the finite as well as infinite time limit. Using the formalism outlined there, we reestimate the decay rate for different values of temperature, mass and time.We also try to identify the parameter ranges where the quantity of interest agrees with that computed previously, at high temperature (in the infinite time limit), from the imaginary part of the effective action using imaginary time and real time formalism of thermal field theory. We also point out that in the strictly infinite time limit, the correct decay rate as obtained from the work of Hallin et. al. tends to diverge.
Comment on Fermionic and Bosonic Pair-creation in an External Electric Field at Finite Temperature
We report final measurements of direct $\mathit{CP}$--violating asymmetries in charmless decays of neutral bottom hadrons to pairs of charged hadrons with the upgraded Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. Using the complete $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV proton-antiproton collisions data set, corresponding to 9.3 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, we measure $\mathcal{A}(\Lambda^0_b \rightarrow p\pi^{-}) = +0.06 \pm 0.07\mathrm{(stat)} \pm 0.03\mathrm{(syst)}$ and $\mathcal{A}(\Lambda^0_b \rightarrow pK^{-}) = -0.10 \pm 0.08\mathrm{(stat)} \pm 0.04\mathrm{(syst)}$, compatible with no asymmetry. In addition we measure the $\mathit{CP}$--violating asymmetries in $B^0_s \rightarrow K^{-}\pi^{+}$ and $B^0 \rightarrow K^{+}\pi^{-}$ decays to be $\mathcal{A}(B^0_s \rightarrow K^{-}\pi^{+}) = +0.22 \pm 0.07\mathrm{stat)} \pm 0.02\mathrm{(syst)}$ and $\mathcal{A}(B^0 \rightarrow K^{+}\pi^{-}) = -0.083\pm 0.013 \mathrm{(stat)} \pm 0.004\mathrm{(syst)}$, respectively, which are significantly different from zero and consistent with current world averages.
Measurements of Direct CP-Violating Asymmetries in Charmless Decays of Bottom Baryons
Despite recent progress which settled the complexity of the reachability problem for Vector Addition Systems with States (VASSes) as being Ackermann-complete we still lack much understanding for that problem. A striking example is the reachability problem for three-dimensional VASSes (3-VASSes): it is only known to be PSpace-hard and not known to be elementary. One possible approach which turned out to be successful for many VASS subclasses is to prove that to check reachability it suffices to inspect only runs of some bounded length. This approach however has its limitations, it is usually hard to design an algorithm substantially faster than the possible size of finite reachability sets in that VASS subclass. It motivates a search for other techniques, which may be suitable for designing fast algorithms. In 2010 Leroux has proven that non-reachability between two configurations implies separability of the source from the target by some semilinear set, which is an inductive invariant. There can be a reasonable hope that it suffices to look for separators of bounded size, which would deliver an efficient algorithm for VASS reachability. In the paper we show that also this approach meets an obstacle: in VASSes fulfilling some rather natural conditions existence of only long runs between some configurations implies existence of only big separators between some other configurations (and in a slightly modified VASS). Additionally we prove that a few known examples of involved VASSes fulfil the mentioned conditions. Therefore improving the complexity of the reachability problem (for any subclass) using the separators approach may not be simpler than using the short run approach.
Long Runs Imply Big Separators in Vector Addition Systems
The cornerstone of structural biology is the unique relationship between protein sequence and the 3D structure at equilibrium. Although intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) do not fold into a specific 3D structure, breaking this paradigm, some IDPs exhibit large-scale organization, such as liquid-liquid phase separation. In such cases, the structural plasticity has the potential to form numerous self-assembled structures out of thermal equilibrium. Here, we report that high-temperature incubation time is a defining parameter for micro and nanoscale self-assembly of resilin-like IDPs. Interestingly, high-resolution scanning electron microscopy micrographs reveal that an extended incubation time leads to the formation of micron-size rods and ellipsoids that depend on the amino acid sequence. More surprisingly, a prolonged incubation time also induces amino acid composition-dependent formation of short-range nanoscale order, such as periodic lamellar nanostructures. We can correlate the lamellar structures to \b{eta}-sheet formation and demonstrate similarities between the observed nanoscopic structural arrangement and spider silk. We, therefore, suggest that regulating the period of high-temperature incubation, in the one-phase regime, can serve as a unique method of controlling the hierarchical self-assembly mechanism of structurally disordered proteins.
Modulating Hierarchical Self-Assembly In Thermoresponsive Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Through High-Temperature Incubation Time
We analyze the influence of different quadratic interactions giving rise to time reversal invariant topological insulating phases in mono and bilayer graphene. We make use of the effective action formalism to determine the dependence of the Chern Simons coefficient on the different interactions.
Topological insulating phases in mono and bilayer graphene
Registering accurately point clouds from a cheap low-resolution sensor is a challenging task. Existing rigid registration methods failed to use the physical 3D uncertainty distribution of each point from a real sensor in the dynamic alignment process mainly because the uncertainty model for a point is static and invariant and it is hard to describe the change of these physical uncertainty models in the registration process. Additionally, the existing Gaussian mixture alignment architecture cannot be efficiently implement these dynamic changes. This paper proposes a simple architecture combining error estimation from sample covariances and dual dynamic global probability alignment using the convolution of uncertainty-based Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) from point clouds. Firstly, we propose an efficient way to describe the change of each 3D uncertainty model, which represents the structure of the point cloud much better. Unlike the invariant GMM (representing a fixed point cloud) in traditional Gaussian mixture alignment, we use two uncertainty-based GMMs that change and interact with each other in each iteration. In order to have a wider basin of convergence than other local algorithms, we design a more robust energy function by convolving efficiently the two GMMs over the whole 3D space. Tens of thousands of trials have been conducted on hundreds of models from multiple datasets to demonstrate the proposed method's superior performance compared with the current state-of-the-art methods. The new dataset and code is available from https://github.com/Canpu999
DUGMA: Dynamic Uncertainty-Based Gaussian Mixture Alignment
The general set of HCI and Educational principles are considered and a classification system constructed. A frequency analysis of principles is used to obtain the most significant set. Metrics are devised to provide objective measures of these principles and a consistent testing regime devised. These principles are used to analyse Blackboard and Moodle.
HCI and Educational Metrics as Tools for VLE Evaluation
A simple characterization of the action of symmetries on conservation laws of partial differential equations is studied by using the general method of conservation law multipliers. This action is used to define symmetry-invariant and symmetry-homogeneous conservation laws. The main results are applied to several examples of physically interest, including the generalized Korteveg-de Vries equation, a non-Newtonian generalization of Burger's equation, the b-family of peakon equations, and the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible, viscous fluids in two dimensions.
Symmetry invariance of conservation laws of partial differential equations
Using the Newman-Penrose formalism, we obtain the explicit expressions for the polarization modes of weak, plane gravitational waves with a massive graviton. Our analysis is restricted for a specific bimetric theory whose term of mass, for the graviton, appears as an effective extra contribution to the stress-energy tensor. We obtain for such kind of theory that the extra states of polarization have amplitude several orders of magnitude smaller than the polarizations purely general relativity (GR), h_(+) and h_(x), in the VIRGO-LIGO frequency band. This result appears using the best limit to the graviton mass inferred from solar system observations and if we consider that all the components of the metric perturbation have the same amplitude h. However, if we consider low frequency gravitational waves (e.g., f_(GW) ~ 10^(-7) Hz), the extra polarization states produce similar Newman-Penrose amplitudes that the polarization states purely GR. This particular characteristic of the bimetric theory studied here could be used, for example, to directly impose limits on the mass of the graviton from future experiments that study the cosmic microwave background (CMB).
Polarization states of gravitational waves with a massive graviton
A significant theoretical advantage of search-and-score methods for learning Bayesian Networks is that they can accept informative prior beliefs for each possible network, thus complementing the data. In this paper, a method is presented for assigning priors based on beliefs on the presence or absence of certain paths in the true network. Such beliefs correspond to knowledge about the possible causal and associative relations between pairs of variables. This type of knowledge naturally arises from prior experimental and observational data, among others. In addition, a novel search-operator is proposed to take advantage of such prior knowledge. Experiments show that, using path beliefs improves the learning of the skeleton, as well as the edge directions in the network.
Scoring and Searching over Bayesian Networks with Causal and Associative Priors
Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy (FPM) is a computational imaging method that is able to super-resolve features beyond the diffraction-limit set by the objective lens of a traditional microscope. This is accomplished by using synthetic aperture and phase retrieval algorithms to combine many measurements captured by an LED array microscope with programmable source patterns. FPM provides simultaneous large field-of-view and high resolution imaging, but at the cost of reduced temporal resolution, thereby limiting live cell applications. In this work, we learn LED source pattern designs that compress the many required measurements into only a few, with negligible loss in reconstruction quality or resolution. This is accomplished by recasting the super-resolution reconstruction as a Physics-based Neural Network and learning the experimental design to optimize the network's overall performance. Specifically, we learn LED patterns for different applications (e.g. amplitude contrast and quantitative phase imaging) and show that the designs we learn through simulation generalize well in the experimental setting. Further, we discuss a context-specific loss function, practical memory limitations, and interpretability of our learned designs.
Data-Driven Design for Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy
Contemporary ways of doing business are heavily dependent on the e-Commerce/e-Business paradigm. The highest priority of an e-Commerce Web site's management is to assure pertinent Quality-of-Service (QoS) levels of their Web services continually, in order to keep the potential e-Customers satisfied. Otherwise, it faces an immense possibility of losing both e-Customers and revenues, along with a big possibility of gaining bad reputation due to either poor performance or unavailability of the e-Commerce Web site. In order to avoid numerous unpleasant consequences, by designing and implementing e-Commerce Web sites that will always meet e-Customer's high expectations, a relevant performance models have to be utilized to obtain appropriate performance metrics. A continuous assessment of current performances and especially predicting future needs are the subjects of capacity planning methodologies. Within this paper, such a predictive model has been described and evaluated by using discrete-event simulation of both the client-side and server-side processes involved. In addition, the paper discusses the performance metrics obtained as a function of the intensity and quality of the workload parameters.
Simulating e-Commerce Client-Server Interaction for Capacity Planning
We implemented radio frequency-assisted electrostatic force microscopy (RF-EFM) to investigate the electric field response of biaxially strained molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) monolayers (MLs), produced via hydrogen (H)-ion irradiation. MoS2 ML, a semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide, has recently attracted significant attention due to its promising opto-electronic properties, further tunable by strain. Here, we take advantage of the RF assistance to distinguish the electrostatic response of atomic scale defects, such as sulfur vacancies or H-passivated sulfur vacancies, from that of the intrinsic quantum capacitance of the strained ML. In addition, measurements at fixed frequency (fRF = 300 MHz) elucidate the spatial variation of the quantum capacitance over mesoscopic length scales, due to the local modulation of the defect-driven n-type nature of the strained ML. Our finite-frequency capacitance imaging technique, which is non-invasive and nanoscale, opens up new possibilities for the investigation of frequency and spatial-dependent phenomena, such as the electron compressibility in quantum materials, which are difficult to measure by other methods.
Imaging the Quantum Capacitance of Strained MoS2 Monolayer by Electrostatic Force Microscopy
The Restricted Invertibility problem is the problem of selecting the largest subset of columns of a given matrix $X$, while keeping the smallest singular value of the extracted submatrix above a certain threshold. In this paper, we address this problem in the simpler case where $X$ is a random matrix but with the additional constraint that the selected columns be almost orthogonal to a given vector $v$. Our main result is a lower bound on the number of columns we can extract from a normalized i.i.d. Gaussian matrix for the worst $v$.
On the restricted invertibility problem with an additional orthogonality constraint for random matrices
Quantum Gaussian states on Bosonic Fock spaces are quantum versions of Gaussian distributions. In this paper, we explore infinite mode quantum Gaussian states. We extend many of the results of Parthasarathy in \cite{Par10} and \cite{Par13} to the infinite mode case, which includes various characterizations, convexity and symmetry properties.
Infinite Mode Quantum Gaussian States
We present a new scheme for performing optical spectroscopy on single molecules. A glass capillary with a diameter of 600 nm filled with an organic crystal tightly guides the excitation light and provides a maximum spontaneous emission coupling factor ($\beta$) of 18% for the dye molecules doped in the organic crystal. Combination of extinction, fluorescence excitation and resonance fluorescence spectroscopy with microscopy provides high-resolution spatio-spectral access to a very large number of single molecules in a linear geometry. We discuss strategies for exploring a range of quantum optical phenomena, including coherent cooperative interactions in a mesoscopic ensemble of molecules mediated by a single mode of propagating photons.
Coherent Interaction of Light and Single Molecules in a Dielectric Nanoguide
We devise a novel neural network-based universal denoiser for the finite-input, general-output (FIGO) channel. Based on the assumption of known noisy channel densities, which is realistic in many practical scenarios, we train the network such that it can denoise as well as the best sliding window denoiser for any given underlying clean source data. Our algorithm, dubbed as Generalized CUDE (Gen-CUDE), enjoys several desirable properties; it can be trained in an unsupervised manner (solely based on the noisy observation data), has much smaller computational complexity compared to the previously developed universal denoiser for the same setting, and has much tighter upper bound on the denoising performance, which is obtained by a theoretical analysis. In our experiments, we show such tighter upper bound is also realized in practice by showing that Gen-CUDE achieves much better denoising results compared to other strong baselines for both synthetic and real underlying clean sequences.
Unsupervised Neural Universal Denoiser for Finite-Input General-Output Noisy Channel
The local structure of liquid water plays a key role in determining the anomalous properties of water. We run all-atom simulations for three microscopic water models, and use multiple order parameters to analyse the local structure of water. We identify three types of local structures. In addition to the well known low-density-liquid and high-density-liquid structures, the newly identified third type possesses an ultra high density and overcoordinated H-bonds. The existence of this third type decreases the rate of transition from the high-density-structure to low-density-structure and increases the rate of the reverse one, leading to the enhancement of the high-density-structure stability.
Ultra-high-density local structure of liquid water
The subject of this article is to examine the triangles with integer sides and medians with the aim to define the existence or absence of such triangles with integer area. This article also studies the medians behavior of triangles with integer sides and medians. The relevance of the problem under study lies in the fact that it is one of unsolved problems of number theory [1]. The purpose of the article is to prove that the triangle with integer sides, medians and area does not exist.
Does the triangle with integer sides, medians and area exist?
We study one-photon transitions between heavy baryon states in the framework of a relativistic three-quark model. We calculate the one-photon transition rates for ground-state to ground-state transitions and for some specific excited state to ground-state transitions. Our rate predictions for the most important transitions are: $\Gamma(\Sigma^{+}_{c}\to \Lambda_c^+\gamma)= 60.7\pm 1.5 $ KeV, $\Gamma(\Xi^{'+}_{c}\to \Xi_c^+\gamma) = 12.7\pm 1.5$ KeV, $\Gamma(\Lambda_{c1}(2593)\to\Lambda_c^+\gamma)=104.3\pm 1.3$ KeV.
One-Photon Transitions between Heavy Baryons in a Relativistic Three-Quark Model
The $\alpha$ cluster states are discussed in a model frame of extended quantum molecular dynamics. Different alpha cluster structures are studied in details, such as $^8$Be two-$\alpha$ cluster structure, $^{12}$C triangle structure, $^{12}$C chain structure, $^{16}$O chain structure, $^{16}$O kite structure, and $^{16}$O square structure. The properties studied, include as the width of wave packets for different $\alpha$ clusters, momentum distribution, and the binding energy among $\alpha$ clusters. It is also discussed how the $\alpha$ cluster degree of freedom affects nuclear collective vibrations. The cluster configurations in $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O are found to have corresponding characteristic spectra of giant dipole resonance (GDR), and the coherences of different $\alpha$ clusters's dipole oscillation are described in details. The geometrical and dynamical symmetries of $\alpha$-clustering configurations are responsible for the number and centroid energies of peaks of GDR spectra. Therefore, the GDR can be regarded as an effective probe to diagnose different $\alpha$ cluster configurations in light nuclei.
Dipole oscillation modes in light $\alpha$-clustering nuclei