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An iterative algorithm is established which enables one to compute individual Floquet states even for many-body systems with high-dimensional Hilbert spaces that are not accessible to commonly employed conventional methods. A strategy is proposed for following a Floquet state in response to small changes of a given system's Hamiltonian. The scheme is applied to a periodically driven Bose-Hubbard chain, verifying the possibility of pseudoadiabatic Floquet state following. In particular, it is demonstrated that a driving-induced Mott insulatorlike target Floquet state can be populated with high efficiency if the driving amplitude is turned on smoothly but not too slowly. We conclude that the algorithm constitutes a powerful tool for the future investigation of many-body Floquet systems. | Following Floquet states in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces |
We relate scattering amplitudes in particle physics to maximum likelihood estimation for discrete models in algebraic statistics. The scattering potential plays the role of the log-likelihood function, and its critical points are solutions to rational function equations. We study the ML degree of low-rank tensor models in statistics, and we revisit physical theories proposed by Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo and their collaborators. Recent advances in numerical algebraic geometry are employed to compute and certify critical points. We also discuss positive models and how to compute their string amplitudes. | Likelihood Equations and Scattering Amplitudes |
Consider a connected topological space $X$ with a point $x \in X$ and let $K$ be a field with the discrete topology. We study the Tannakian category of finite dimensional (flat) vector bundles on $X$ and its Tannakian dual $\pi_K (X,x)$ with respect to the fibre functor in $x$. The maximal pro-\'etale quotient of $\pi_K (X,x)$ is the \'etale fundamental group of $X$ studied by Kucharczyk and Scholze. For well behaved topological spaces, $\pi_K (X,x)$ is the pro-algebraic completion of the ordinary fundamental group $\pi_1 (X,x)$. We obtain some structural results on $\pi_K (X,x)$ by studying (pseudo-)torsors attached to its quotients. This approach uses ideas of Nori in algebraic geometry and a result of Deligne on Tannakian categories. We also calculate $\pi_K (X,x)$ for some generalized solenoids. | A pro-algebraic fundamental group for topological spaces |
We study the structure of scalar, vector, and tensor currents for on-shell massive particles of any spin. When considering higher values for the spin of the particle, the number of form factors (FFs) involved in the decomposition of the matrix elements associated with these local currents increases. We identify all the fundamental structures that give rise to the independent FFs, systematically for any spin value. These structures can be conveniently organised using an expansion in covariant multipoles, built solely from the Lorentz generators. This approach allows one to uniquely identify the terms which are universal and those that arise because of spin. We derive counting rules which relate the number of FFs to the total spin $j$ of the state, showing explicitly that these rules match all the well-known cases up to spin 2. | Covariant multipole expansion of local currents for massive states of any spin |
We study cosmological $\alpha$-attractors in superconformal/supergravity models, where $\alpha$ is related to the geometry of the moduli space. For $\alpha=1$ attractors \cite{Kallosh:2013hoa} we present a generalization of the previously known manifestly superconformal higher curvature supergravity model \cite{Cecotti:1987sa}. The relevant standard 2-derivative supergravity with a minimum of two chiral multiplets is shown to be dual to a 4-derivative higher curvature supergravity, where in general one of the chiral superfields is traded for a curvature superfield. There is a degenerate case when both matter superfields become non-dynamical and there is only a chiral curvature superfield, pure higher derivative supergravity. Generic $\alpha$-models \cite{Kallosh:2013yoa} interpolate between the attractor point at $\alpha=0$ and generic chaotic inflation models at large $\alpha$, in the limit when the inflaton moduli space becomes flat. They have higher derivative duals with the same number of matter fields as the original theory or less, but at least one matter multiplet remains. In the context of these models, the detection of primordial gravity waves will provide information on the curvature of the inflaton submanifold of the Kahler manifold, and we will learn if the inflaton is a fundamental matter multiplet, or can be replaced by a higher derivative curvature excitation. | Cosmological Attractor Models and Higher Curvature Supergravity |
The uncertainty relation, as one of the fundamental principles of quantum physics, captures the incompatibility of noncommuting observables in the preparation of quantum states. In this work, we derive two strong and universal uncertainty relations for $N(N\ge2)$ observables with discrete and bounded spectra, one in multiplicative form and the other in additive form. To verify their validity, for illustration, we implement in the spin-1/2 system an experiment with single-photon measurement. The experimental results exhibit the validity and robustness of these uncertainty relations, and indicate the existence of stringent lower bounds. | Tight $N$-observable uncertainty relations and their experimental demonstrations |
In this paper we consider a complete connected noncompact Riemannian manifold M with bounded geometry and spectral gap. We prove that the Hardy type spaces X^k(M), introduced in a previous paper of the authors, have an atomic characterization. As an application, we prove that the Riesz transforms of even order 2k are bounded from X^k(M) to L^1(M)and on L^p(M) for 1<p<\infty. | Atomic decomposition of Hardy type spaces on certain noncompact manifolds |
We present a power counting to include Coulomb effects in the three-nucleon system in a low-energy pionless effective field theory (EFT). With this power counting, the quartet S-wave proton-deuteron elastic scattering amplitude is calculated. The calculation includes next-to-leading order (NLO) Coulomb effects and next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) strong interaction effects, with an estimated theoretical error of about 7 %. The EFT results agree with potential model calculations and phase shift analysis of experimental data within the estimated errors. | Quartet S-wave p-d scattering in EFT |
We study the effects of the confining conditions on the occurrence of stochastic resonance (SR) in continuous bistable systems. We model such systems by means of double-well potentials that diverge like the q-th power of |x| when |x| goes to infinite. For super-harmonic (hard) potentials with q > 2 the SR peak sharpens with increasing q, whereas for sub-harmonic (soft) potentials, q < 2, it gets suppressed. | Stochastic resonance in bistable confining potentials. On the role of confinement |
Two different kinetic theories [J. Solsvik and E. Manger (SM-theory), Phys. Fluids \textbf{33}, 043321 (2021) and V. Garz\'o, J. W. Dufty, and C. M. Hrenya (GDH-theory), Phys. Rev. E \textbf{76}, 031303 (2007)] are considered to determine the shear viscosity $\eta$ for a moderately dense granular binary mixture of smooth hard spheres. The mixture is subjected to a simple shear flow and heated by the action of an external driving force (Gaussian thermostat) that exactly compensates the energy dissipated in collisions. The set of Enskog kinetic equations is the starting point to obtain the dependence of $\eta$ on the control parameters of the mixture: solid fraction, concentration, mass and diameter ratios, and coefficients of normal restitution. While the expression of $\eta$ found in the SM-theory is based on the assumption of Maxwellian distributions for the velocity distribution functions of each species, the GDH-theory solves the Enskog equation by means of the Chapman--Enskog method to first order in the shear rate. To assess the accuracy of both kinetic theories, the Enskog equation is numerically solved by means of the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. The simulation is carried out for a mixture under simple shear flow, using the thermostat to control the cooling effects. Given that the SM-theory predicts a vanishing kinetic contribution to the shear viscosity, the comparison between theory and simulations is essentially made at the level of the collisional contribution $\eta_c$ to the shear viscosity. The results clearly show that the GDH-theory compares with simulations much better than the SM-theory over a wide range of values of the coefficients of restitution, the volume fraction, and the parameters of the mixture (masses, diameters, and concentration). | Assessment of kinetic theories for moderately dense granular binary mixtures: Shear viscosity coefficient |
For binary black holes the lapse function corresponding to the Brill-Lindquist initial value solution for uncharged black holes is given in analytic form under the maximal slicing condition. In the limiting case of very small ratio of mass to separation between the black holes the surface defined by the zero value of the lapse function coincides with the minimal surfaces around the singularities. | Lapse function for maximally sliced Brill-Lindquist initial data |
We have constructed an apparatus to study DC electrical breakdown in liquid helium at temperatures as low as 0.4 K and at pressures between the saturated vapor pressure and $\sim$600 torr. The apparatus can house a set of electrodes that are 12 cm in diameter with a gap of $1-2$ cm between them, and a potential up to $\pm 50$ kV can be applied to each electrode. Initial results demonstrated that it is possible to apply fields exceeding 100 kV/cm in a 1 cm gap between two electropolished stainless steel electrodes 12 cm in diameter for a wide range of pressures at 0.4 K. We also measured the current between two electrodes. Our initial results, $I<1$ pA at 45 kV, correspond to a lower bound on the effective volume resistivity of LHe of $\rho_V > 5\times10^{18}$ $\Omega\cdot$cm. This lower bound is 5 times larger than the bound previously measured. We report the design, construction, and operational experience of the apparatus, as well as initial results. | An apparatus for studying electrical breakdown in liquid helium at 0.4 K and testing electrode materials for the SNS nEDM experiment |
A general formal definition of a theory of space and time compatible with the inertia principle is given. The formal definition of reference frame and inertial equivalence between reference frames are used to construct the class of inertial frames. Then, suitable cocycle relations among the coefficients of space-time transformations between inertial frames are established. The kinematical meaning of coefficients and their reciprocity properties are discussed in some detail. Finally, a rest frame map family is introduced as the most general constitutive assumption to obtain the coefficients and to define a theory of space and time. Four meaningful examples are then presented. | Theories of Space and Time Compatible with the Inertia Principle |
A shell-model study of proton-neutron pairing in f - p shell nuclei using a parametrized hamiltonian that includes deformation and spin-orbit effects as well as isoscalar and isovector pairing is reported. By working in a shell-model framework we are able to assess the role of the various modes of proton-neutron pairing in the presence of nuclear deformation without violating symmetries. Results are presented for $^{44}$Ti, $^{46}$Ti and $^{48}$Cr. | Proton-neutron pairing correlations in the nuclear shell model |
Closed-loop positivity of feedback interconnections of positive monotone nonlinear systems is investigated. It is shown that an instantaneous gain condition on the open-loop systems which implies feedback well-posedness also guarantees feedback positivity. Furthermore, the notion of integral linear constraints (ILC) is utilised as a tool to characterise uncertainty in positive feedback systems. Robustness analysis of positive linear time-varying and nonlinear feedback systems is studied using ILC, paralleling the well-known results based on integral quadratic constraints. | Positive Systems Analysis Via Integral Linear Constraints |
With the current emphasis on reproducibility and replicability, there is an increasing need to examine how data analyses are conducted. In order to analyze the between researcher variability in data analysis choices as well as the aspects within the data analysis pipeline that contribute to the variability in results, we have created two R packages: matahari and tidycode. These packages build on methods created for natural language processing; rather than allowing for the processing of natural language, we focus on R code as the substrate of interest. The matahari package facilitates the logging of everything that is typed in the R console or in an R script in a tidy data frame. The tidycode package contains tools to allow for analyzing R calls in a tidy manner. We demonstrate the utility of these packages as well as walk through two examples. | Tools for analyzing R code the tidy way |
We propose a new quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to compute fermion ground-state properties. The ground state is projected from an initial wavefunction by a branching random walk in an over-complete basis space of Slater determinants. By constraining the determinants according to a trial wavefunction $|\Psi_T \rangle$, we remove the exponential decay of signal-to-noise ratio characteristic of the sign problem. The method is variational and is exact if $|\Psi_T\rangle$ is exact. We report results on the two-dimensional Hubbard model up to size $16\times 16$, for various electron fillings and interaction strengths. | A Constrained Path Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Fermion Ground States |
Kohn-Sham density functional theory is one of the most widely used electronic structure theories. In the pseudopotential framework, uniform discretization of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian generally results in a large number of basis functions per atom in order to resolve the rapid oscillations of the Kohn-Sham orbitals around the nuclei. Previous attempts to reduce the number of basis functions per atom include the usage of atomic orbitals and similar objects, but the atomic orbitals generally require fine tuning in order to reach high accuracy. We present a novel discretization scheme that adaptively and systematically builds the rapid oscillations of the Kohn-Sham orbitals around the nuclei as well as environmental effects into the basis functions. The resulting basis functions are localized in the real space, and are discontinuous in the global domain. The continuous Kohn-Sham orbitals and the electron density are evaluated from the discontinuous basis functions using the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) framework. Our method is implemented in parallel and the current implementation is able to handle systems with at least thousands of atoms. Numerical examples indicate that our method can reach very high accuracy (less than 1meV) with a very small number ($4\sim 40$) of basis functions per atom. | Adaptive local basis set for Kohn-Sham density functional theory in a discontinuous Galerkin framework I: Total energy calculation |
The quasi one-dimensional transport of Abelian and non-Abelian anyons is studied in the presence of a random topological background. In particular, we consider the quantum walk of an anyon that braids around islands of randomly filled static anyons of the same type. Two distinct behaviours are identified. We analytically demonstrate that all types of Abelian anyons localise purely due to the statistical phases induced by their random anyonic environment. In contrast, we numerically show that non-Abelian Ising anyons do not localise. This is due to their entanglement with the anyonic environment that effectively induces dephasing. Our study demonstrates that localisation properties strongly depend on non-local topological interactions and it provides a clear distinction in the transport properties of Abelian and non-Abelian statistics. | Transport properties of anyons in random topological environments |
Next generation probes of dark matter and dark energy require high precision reconstruction of faint galaxy shapes from hundreds of dithered exposures. Current practice is to stack the images. While valuable for many applications, this stack is a highly compressed version of the data. Future weak lensing studies will require analysis of the full dataset using the stack and its associated catalog only as a starting point. We describe a "Multi-Fit" algorithm which simultaneously fits individual galaxy exposures to a common profile model convolved with each exposure's point spread function at that position in the image. This technique leads to an enhancement of the number of usable small galaxies at high redshift and, more significantly, a decrease in systematic shear error. | LSST and the Dark Sector: Image Processing Challenges |
The dynamics of impurity atoms introduced into bosonic gases in an optical lattice have generated a lot of recent interest, both in theory and experiment. We investigate to what extent measurements on either the impurity species or the majority species in these systems are affected by their interspecies entanglement. This arises naturally in the dynamics and plays an important role when we measure only one species. We explore the corresponding effects in strongly interacting regimes, using a combination of few-particle analytical calculations and Density Matrix Renormalisation group methods in one dimension. We identify how the resulting effects on impurities can be used to probe the many-body states of the majority species, and separately ask how to enter regimes where this entanglement is small, so that the impurities can be used as probes that do not significantly affect the majority species. The results are accessible in current experiments, and provide important considerations for the measurement of complex systems with using few probe atoms. | Interspecies entanglement with impurity atoms in a lattice gas |
The idea that gauge theory has 'surplus' structure poses a puzzle: in one much discussed sense, this structure is redundant; but on the other hand, it is also widely held to play an essential role in the theory. In this paper, we employ category-theoretic tools to illuminate an aspect of this puzzle. We precisify what is meant by 'surplus' structure by means of functorial comparisons with equivalence classes of gauge fields, and then show that such structure is essential for any theory that represents a rich collection of physically relevant fields which are 'local' in nature. | Why surplus structure is not superfluous |
The evolution of nonlinear density fluctuations around the Jeans mass shortly after cosmological recombination is analyzed using a 3D hydrodynamics/dark--matter code. The Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) exerts Compton friction on free electrons due to peculiar velocities. The dynamics therefore depends strongly on the gas ionization history. Under a variety of ionization conditions and in systems with or without non-baryonic components, the baryons lose angular momentum efficiently and collapse to form a compact optically--thick object which would probably quickly evolve into a massive black hole. Attention is concentrated on elucidating some of the novel physical effects in early cosmological collapses, but ways in which more realistic calculations might be made and in which the scenario could be incorporated into a more complete cosmogonic model are discussed. | Early Cosmic Formation of Massive Black Holes |
We show relations between superposition of macroscopically distinct states and entanglement. These relations lead to the important conclusion that if a state contains superposition of macroscopically distinct states, the state also contains large multipartite entanglement in terms of several measures. Such multipartite entanglement property also suggests that if a state contains superposition of macroscopically distinct states, a measurement on a single particle drastically changes the state of macroscopically many other particles, as in the case of the N-qubit GHZ state. | Superposition of macroscopically distinct states means large multipartite entanglement |
A sizeable fraction of gamma-ray burst (GRB) time profiles consist of a temporal sequence of pulses. The nature of this stochastic process carries information on how GRB inner engines work. The so-called interpulse time defines the interval between adjacent pulses, excluding the long quiescence periods during which the signal drops to the background level. It was found by many authors in the past that interpulse times are lognormally distributed, at variance with the exponential case that is expected for a memoryless process. We investigated whether the simple hypothesis of a temporally uncorrelated sequence of pulses is really to be rejected, as a lognormal distribution necessarily implies. We selected and analysed a number of multi--peaked CGRO/BATSE GRBs and simulated similar time profiles, with the crucial difference that we assumed exponentially distributed interpulse times, as is expected for a memoryless stationary Poisson process. We then identified peaks in both data sets using a novel peak search algorithm, which is more efficient than others used in the past. We independently confirmed that the observed interpulse time distribution is approximately lognormal. However, we found the same results on the simulated profiles, in spite of the intrinsic exponential distribution. Although intrinsic lognormality cannot be ruled out, this shows that intrinsic interpulse time distribution in real data could still be exponential, while the observed lognormal could be ascribed to the low efficiency of peak search algorithms at short values combined with the limitations of a bin-integrated profile. Our result suggests that GRB engines may emit pulses after the fashion of nuclear radioactive decay, that is, as a memoryless process. | Gamma-ray burst engines may have no memory |
The electron-doping-driven collapse of the charge gap and staggered magnetization of the spin-orbit-assisted Mott insulator Sr$_{3}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ is explored via first-principles computational methods. In the antiferromagnetic phase, the gap and magnetization are observed to decrease slowly with increasing doping, with an abrupt collapse of both the gap and the magnetization at an electron concentration corresponding to 4.8\% substitution of Sr with La, in excellent agreement with experiment. Additionally, we describe the structural effects of electron doping in Sr$_{3}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$ via a competition between the steric effect from smaller La atoms substituted within the lattice and the dominant doping-driven deformation-potential effect. Curiously, our first-principles calculations fail to capture the low-temperature structural distortion reported in the low-gap phase of Sr$_{3}$Ir$_{2}$O$_{7}$, supporting the notion that this distortion arises as a secondary manifestation of an unconventional electronic order parameter in this material. | Electron doping in $\text{Sr}_3\text{Ir}_2\text{O}_7$: collapse of band gap and magnetic order |
Metallic glasses have so far attracted considerable attention for their applications as bulk materials. However, new physics and applications often emerge by dimensional reduction from three dimension (3D) to two dimension (2D). Here, we study, by molecular dynamics simulations, how the liquid-to-glass transition of a binary Cu50Zr50 MG is affected by spatial dimensionality. We find clear evidence that crystal-like structural ordering controls both dynamic heterogeneity and slow dynamics, and thus plays a crucial role in the formation of the 2DMG. Although the 2DMG reproduces the dynamical behaviors of its 3D counterpart by considering Mermin-Wagner-type fluctuations specific to 2D, this atomic-scale structural mechanism is essentially different from that for the 3DMG in which icosahedral clusters incompatible with crystallographic symmetry play a key role in glassy behaviors. Our finding provides a new structural mechanism for the formation of 2DMGs, which cannot be inferred from the knowledge of 3DMGs. The results suggest a structural basis for the glass transition in 2DMG and provide possible explanations for some previous experimental observations in ultrathin film MGs. | Impact of Spatial Dimension on Structural Ordering in Metallic Glass |
We exploit the pumped spin-current and current noise spectra under equilibrium condition in a single quantum dot connected to two normal leads, as an electrical scheme for detection of the electron spin resonance (ESR) and decoherence. We propose spin-resolved quantum rate equations with correlation functions in Laplace-space for the analytical derivation of the zero-frequency atuo- and cross-shot noise spectra of charge- and spin-current. Our results show that in the strong Coulomb blockade regime, ESR-induced spin flip generates a finite spin-current and the quantum partition noises in the absence of net charge transport. Moreover, spin shot noise is closely related to the magnetic Rabi frequency and decoherence and would be a sensitive tool to measure them. | Pumped spin-current and shot noise spectra in a single quantum dot |
This paper proposes a lossless point cloud (PC) geometry compression method that uses neural networks to estimate the probability distribution of voxel occupancy. First, to take into account the PC sparsity, our method adaptively partitions a point cloud into multiple voxel block sizes. This partitioning is signalled via an octree. Second, we employ a deep auto-regressive generative model to estimate the occupancy probability of each voxel given the previously encoded ones. We then employ the estimated probabilities to code efficiently a block using a context-based arithmetic coder. Our context has variable size and can expand beyond the current block to learn more accurate probabilities. We also consider using data augmentation techniques to increase the generalization capability of the learned probability models, in particular in the presence of noise and lower-density point clouds. Experimental evaluation, performed on a variety of point clouds from four different datasets and with diverse characteristics, demonstrates that our method reduces significantly (by up to 30%) the rate for lossless coding compared to the state-of-the-art MPEG codec. | Lossless Coding of Point Cloud Geometry using a Deep Generative Model |
We address the issue of the second-order coherence of single surface plasmons launched by a quantum source of light into extended gold films. The quantum source of light is made of a scanning fluorescent nanodiamond hosting five nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers. By using a specially designed microscopy that combines near-field optics with far-field leakage-radiation microscopy in the Fourier space and adapted spatial filtering, we find that the quantum statistics of the initial source of light is preserved after conversion to surface plasmons and propagation along the polycrystalline gold film. | Quantum plasmonics: second-order coherence of surface plasmons launched by quantum emitters into a metallic film |
We introduce high order Bellman equations, extending classical Bellman equations to the tensor setting. We introduce weakly chained diagonally dominant (w.c.d.d.) tensors and show that a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of a positive solution to a high order Bellman equation is that the tensors appearing in the equation are w.c.d.d. M-tensors. In this case, we give a policy iteration algorithm to compute this solution. We also prove that a weakly diagonally dominant Z-tensor with nonnegative diagonals is a strong M-tensor if and only if it is w.c.d.d. This last point is analogous to a corresponding result in the matrix setting and tightens a result from [L. Zhang, L. Qi, and G. Zhou. "M-tensors and some applications." SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2014)]. We apply our results to obtain a provably convergent numerical scheme for an optimal control problem using an "optimize then discretize" approach which outperforms (in both computation time and accuracy) a classical "discretize then optimize" approach. To the best of our knowledge, a link between M-tensors and optimal control has not been previously established. | High order Bellman equations and weakly chained diagonally dominant tensors |
Electronic health records and other sources of observational data are increasingly used for drawing causal inferences. The estimation of a causal effect using these data not meant for research purposes is subject to confounding and irregular covariate-driven observation times affecting the inference. A doubly-weighted estimator accounting for these features has previously been proposed that relies on the correct specification of two nuisance models used for the weights. In this work, we propose a novel consistent quadruply robust estimator and demonstrate analytically and in large simulation studies that it is more flexible and more efficient than its only proposed alternative. It is further applied to data from the Add Health study in the United States to estimate the causal effect of therapy counselling on alcohol consumption in American adolescents. | Quadruply robust estimation of marginal structural models in observational studies subject to covariate-driven observations |
The coherent transport of $n$ fermions in disordered networks of $l$ single-particle states connected by $k$-body interactions is studied. These networks are modeled by embedded Gaussian random matrix ensemble (EGE). The conductance bandwidth as well as the ensemble-averaged total current attain their maximal values if the system is highly filled $n \sim l-1$ and $k\sim n/2$. For the cases $k=1$ and $k=n$ the bandwidth is minimal. We show that for all parameters the transport is enhanced significantly whenever centrosymmetric ensemble (csEGE) are considered. In this case the transmission shows numerous resonances of perfect transport. Analyzing the transmission by spectral decomposition, we find that centrosymmetry induces strong correlations and enhances the extrema of the distributions. This suppresses destructive interference effects in the system and thus, causes backscattering-free transmission resonances which enhance the overall transport. The distribution of the total current for the csEGE has a very large dominating peak for $n=l-1$, close to the highest observed currents. | Efficient quantum transport in disordered interacting many-body networks |
The first generation of stars is quite unique. The absence of metals likely affects their formation, with current models suggesting a much more top-heavy initial mass fraction than what we observe today, and some of their other properties, such as rotation rates and binarity, are largely unknown or constrained by direct observations. But even non-rotation single stars of a given mass will evolve quite differently due to the absence of the metals: the stars will mostly remain much more compact until their death, with the hydrogen-rich later reaching down ten teems deeper in radius then in modern stars. When they explode as supernovae, the exposure to the supernova neutrino flux is much enhanced, allowing for copious production of lithium. This production will not be constant for all stars but largely vary across the mass range. Such production even more challenges the presence of the Spite Plateau. | Production of Lithium in Primordial Supernovae |
Vacuum multidimensional cosmological models with internal spaces being compact $n$-dimensional Lie group manifolds are considered. Products of 3-spheres and $SU(3)$ manifold (a novelty in cosmology) are studied. It turns out that the dynamical evolution of the internal space drives an accelerated expansion of the external world (power law inflation). This generic solution (attractor in a phase space) is determined by the Lie group space without any fine tuning or arbitrary inflaton potentials. Matter in the four dimensions appears in the form of a number of scalar fields representing anisotropic scale factors for the internal space. Along the attractor solution the volume of the internal space grows logarithmically in time. This simple and natural model should be completed by mechanisms terminating the inflationary evolution and transforming the geometric scalar fields into ordinary particles. | Anisotropic Inflation from Extra Dimensions |
Algorithmic bias often arises as a result of differential subgroup validity, in which predictive relationships vary across groups. For example, in toxic language detection, comments targeting different demographic groups can vary markedly across groups. In such settings, trained models can be dominated by the relationships that best fit the majority group, leading to disparate performance. We propose framing toxicity detection as multi-task learning (MTL), allowing a model to specialize on the relationships that are relevant to each demographic group while also leveraging shared properties across groups. With toxicity detection, each task corresponds to identifying toxicity against a particular demographic group. However, traditional MTL requires labels for all tasks to be present for every data point. To address this, we propose Conditional MTL (CondMTL), wherein only training examples relevant to the given demographic group are considered by the loss function. This lets us learn group specific representations in each branch which are not cross contaminated by irrelevant labels. Results on synthetic and real data show that using CondMTL improves predictive recall over various baselines in general and for the minority demographic group in particular, while having similar overall accuracy. | Same Same, But Different: Conditional Multi-Task Learning for Demographic-Specific Toxicity Detection |
We report the results of a search for pair production of scalar bottom quarks (sbottom) and scalar third-generation leptoquarks in 5.2 fb-1 of ppbar collisions at the D0 experiment of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Scalar bottom quarks are assumed to decay to a neutralino and a $b$ quark, and we set 95% C.L. lower limits on their production in the (m_sbottom, m_neutralino) mass plane such as m_sbottom>247 GeV for m_neutralino=0 and m_neutralino>110 GeV for 160<m_sbottom<200 GeV. The leptoquarks are assumed to decay to a tau neutrino and a $b$ quark, and we set a 95% C.L. lower limit of 247 GeV on the mass of a charge-1/3 third-generation scalar leptoquark. | Search for scalar bottom quarks and third-generation leptoquarks in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV |
Neutron stars are extremely relativistic objects which abound in our universe and yet are poorly understood, due to the high uncertainty on how matter behaves in the extreme conditions which prevail in the stellar core. It has recently been pointed out that the moment of inertia I, the Love number lambda and the spin-induced quadrupole moment Q of an isolated neutron star, are related through functions which are practically independent of the equation of state. These surprising universal I-lambda-Q relations pave the way for a better understanding of neutron stars, most notably via gravitational-wave emission. Gravitational-wave observations will probe highly-dynamical binaries and it is important to understand whether the universality of the I-lambda-Q relations survives strong-field and finite-size effects. We apply a Post-Newtonian-Affine approach to model tidal deformations in compact binaries and show that the I-lambda relation depends on the inspiral frequency, but is insensitive to the equation of state. We provide a fit for the universal relation, which is valid up to a gravitational wave frequency of ~900 Hz and accurate to within a few percent. Our results strengthen the universality of I-lambda-Q relations, and are relevant for gravitational-wave observations with advanced ground-based interferometers. We also discuss the possibility of using the Love-compactness relation to measure the neutron-star radius with an uncertainty of about 10% or smaller from gravitational-wave observations. | Equation-of-state-independent relations in neutron stars |
We study the clustering of galaxies in real and redshift space using the Optical Redshift Survey (ORS). We estimate the two point correlation function in redshift space, $\xi(s)$, for several subsamples of ORS, spanning nearly a factor of 30 in volume and detect significant variations in $\xi(s)$ among the subsamples covering small volumes. For volumes \gtsima $(75 h^{-1} {\rm Mpc})^{3}$ the ORS subsamples present very similar clustering patterns. Powerlaw fits to $\xi(s)$ give best-fit values in the range $1.5 \leq \gamma_{s} \leq 1.7 $ and $6.5 \leq s_{0} \leq 8.8 h^{-1}$ Mpc for several samples extending to redshifts of 8000 km s$^{-1}$. We find that $\xi(s)$ is larger for the magnitude-limited sample than for diameter-limited one within a radius of 4000 km s$^{-1}$. We interpret this as an indirect result of morphological segregation coupled with differences in morphological mix. We split ORS into morphological subsamples and confirm the existence of morphological segregation of galaxies out to scales of $s \sim 10 h^{-1}$ Mpc. Our results indicate that the relative bias factor between early type galaxies and late-types may be weakly dependent on scale. If real, this would suggest non-linear biasing. We also compute correlations as a function of radial and projected separations, $\xi(r_p, \pi)$ and derive the real space correlation function, $\xi(r)$. The results obtained in real space confirm those found using $\xi(s)$. | The two-point correlation function and morphological segregation in the Optical Redshift Survey |
Acene molecules (anthracene, tetracene, pentacene) and fullerene (C$_{60}$) are embedded in He nanodroplets (He$_N$) and probed by EUV synchrotron radiation. When resonantly exciting the He nanodroplets, the embedded molecules M are efficiently ionized by the Penning reaction $\mathrm{He}_N^*+\mathrm{M}\rightarrow\mathrm{He}_N + \mathrm{M}^+ + e^-$. However, the Penning electron spectra are broad and structureless -- showing no resemblance neither with those measured by binary Penning collisions, nor with those measured for dopants bound to the He droplet surface. The similarity of all four spectra indicates that electron spectra of embedded species are substantially altered by electron-He scattering. Simulations based on elastic binary electron-He collisions qualitatively reproduce the measured spectra, but require the assumption of unexpectedly large He droplets. | Penning ionization of acene molecules by He nanodroplets |
Mom vloggers are stay-at-home moms who record and share their daily life through short videos. In this exploratory study, we aspire to understand mom vloggers' motivations, practices, and challenges. Our mixed-methods inspection contained interviews with 4 mom vloggers in China and a content analysis of mom vlogs of 5 other mom vloggers. Mom vloggers' primary motivations are to make money, record daily life, and seek their individual identities and values, well meeting their financial and social needs after leaving their paid employment. When creating vlog content, mom bloggers encounter various challenges, such as a lack of video visibility, being stretched by both intensive motherhood and heavy digital work, privacy and self-presentation concerns, and so on. Based on the findings, we propose design implications toward resolving these challenges and benefiting mom vloggers' experiences. | More Than a Wife and a Mom: A Study of Mom Vlogging Practices in China |
Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of 8Li on 9Be and the neutron transfer reactions 9Be(8Li,7Li)10Be and 9Be(8Li,9Li)8Be have been measured with a 27 MeV 8Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for 8Li|n=9Li and 7Li|n=8Li bound systems were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross section and finite-range DWBA calculations with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors obtained are compared to shell model calculations and to other experimental values from (d,p) reactions. Using the present values for the spectroscopic factor, cross sections for the direct neutron-capture reactions 7Li(n,g)8Li and 8Li(n,g)9Li were calculated in the framework of a potential model. | Neutron Transfer reactions induced by 8Li on 9Be |
5G networks provide more bandwidth and more complex control to enhance user's experiences, while also requiring a more accurate estimation of the communication channels compared with previous mobile networks. In this paper, we propose a channel quality indicator (CQI) prediction method in a deep learning approach in that a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm. An online training module is introduced for the downlink scheduling in the 5G New Radio (NR) system, to reduce the negative impact of outdated CQI for communication degradation, especially in high-speed mobility scenarios. First, we analyze the impact of outdated CQI in the downlink scheduling of the 5G NR system. Then, we design a data generation and online training module to evaluate our prediction method in ns-3. The simulation results show that the proposed LSTM method outperforms the Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) method on improving the system performance of the downlink transmission. Our study may provide insights into designing new deep learning algorithms to enhance the network performance of the 5G NR system. | Predicting Channel Quality Indicators for 5G Downlink Scheduling in a Deep Learning Approach |
Various topological laser concepts have recently enabled the demonstration of robust light-emitting devices that are immune to structural deformations and tolerant to fabrication imperfections. Current realizations of photonic cavities with topological boundaries are often limited by outcoupling issues or poor directionality and require complex design and fabrication that hinder operation at small wavelengths. Here we propose a topological cavity design based on interface states between two one-dimensional photonic crystals with distinct Zak phases and demonstrate a lithography-free, single-mode perovskite laser emitting in the green. Few monolayers of solution processed all-inorganic cesium lead halide perovskite quantum dots are used as ultrathin gain medium. The topological laser has planar design with large output aperture, akin to vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and is robust against variations of the thickness of the gain medium, from deeply subwavelength to thick quantum dot films. This experimental observation also unveils the topological nature of VCSELs, that is usually overlooked in the description of conventional Fabry-Perot cavity lasers. The design simplicity and topological characteristics make this perovskite quantum dot laser architecture suitable for low-cost and fabrication tolerant vertical emitting lasers operating across the visible spectral region. | Perovskite quantum dot topological laser |
Some of the Multiferroics [1] form a rare class of materials that exhibit magnetoelectric coupling arising from the coexistence of ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, with potential for many technological applications.[2,3] Over the last decade, an active research on multiferroics has resulted in the identification of a few routes that lead to multiferroicity in bulk materials.[4-6] While ferroelectricity in a classic ferroelectric such as BaTiO3 is expected to diminish with the reducing particle size,[7,8] ferromagnetism cannot occur in its bulk form.[9] Here, we use a combination of experiment and first-principles simulations to demonstrate that multiferroic nature emerges in intermediate size nanocrystalline BaTiO3, ferromagnetism arising from the oxygen vacancies at the surface and ferroelectricity from the core. A strong coupling between a surface polar phonon and spin is shown to result in a magnetocapacitance effect observed at room temperature, which can open up possibilities of new electro-magneto-mechanical devices at the nano-scale. | Multiferroic Properties of Nanocrystalline BaTiO3 |
We present an extension of the classical theory of calculus of variations to generalized functions. The framework is the category of generalized smooth functions, which includes Schwartz distributions while sharing many nonlinear properties with ordinary smooth functions. We prove full connections between extremals and Euler-Lagrange equations, classical necessary and sufficient conditions to have a minimizer, the necessary Legendre condition, Jacobi's theorem on conjugate points and Noether's theorem. We close with an application to low regularity Riemannian geometry. | The classical theory of calculus of variations for generalized functions |
Detectors based upon the noble elements, especially liquid xenon as well as liquid argon, as both single- and dual-phase types, require reconstruction of the energies of interacting particles, both in the field of direct detection of dark matter (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles or WIMPs, axions, etc.) and in neutrino physics. Experimentalists, as well as theorists who reanalyze/reinterpret experimental data, have used a few different techniques over the past few decades. In this paper, we review techniques based on solely the primary scintillation channel, the ionization or secondary channel available at non-zero drift electric fields, and combined techniques that include a simple linear combination and weighted averages, with a brief discussion of the applications of profile likelihood, maximum likelihood, and machine learning. Comparing results for electron recoils (beta and gamma interactions) and nuclear recoils (primarily from neutrons) from the Noble Element Simulation Technique (NEST) simulation to available data, we confirm that combining all available information generates higher-precision means, lower widths (energy resolution), and more symmetric shapes (approximately Gaussian) especially at keV-scale energies, with the symmetry even greater when thresholding is addressed. Near thresholds, bias from upward fluctuations matters. For MeV-GeV scales, if only one channel is utilized, an ionization-only-based energy scale outperforms scintillation; channel combination remains beneficial. We discuss here what major collaborations use. | A Review of Basic Energy Reconstruction Techniques in Liquid Xenon and Argon Detectors for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics Using NEST |
Let $G$ be a non-compact simple Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. Denote with $m(\mathfrak{g})$ the dimension of the smallest non-trivial $\mathfrak{g}$-module with an invariant non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form. For an irreducible finite volume pseudo-Riemannian analytic manifold $M$ it is observed that $\dim(M) \geq \dim(G) + m(\mathfrak{g})$ when $M$ admits an isometric $G$-action with a dense orbit. The Main Theorem considers the case $G = \widetilde{\mathrm{SO}}_0(p,q)$ providing an explicit description of $M$ when the bound is achieved. In such case, $M$ is (up to a finite covering) the quotient by a lattice of either $\widetilde{\mathrm{SO}}_0(p+1,q)$ or $\widetilde{\mathrm{SO}}_0(p,q+1)$. | On low-dimensional manifolds with isometric $\mathrm{SO}_0(p,q)$-actions |
We construct log-modular quantum groups at even order roots of unity, both as finite-dimensional ribbon quasi-Hopf algebras and as finite ribbon tensor categories, via a de-equivariantization procedure. The existence of such quantum groups had been predicted by certain conformal field theory considerations, but constructions had not appeared until recently. We show that our quantum groups can be identified with those of Creutzig-Gainutdinov-Runkel in type A_1, and Gainutdinov-Lentner-Ohrmann in arbitrary Dynkin type. We discuss conjectural relations with vertex operator algebras at (1,p)-central charge. For example, we explain how one can (conjecturally) employ known linear equivalences between the triplet vertex algebra and quantum sl_2, in conjunction with a natural PSL_2-action on quantum sl_2 provided by our de-equivariantization construction, in order to deduce linear equivalences between "extended" quantum groups, the singlet vertex operator algebra, and the (1,p)-Virasoro logarithmic minimal model. We assume some restrictions on the order of our root of unity outside of type A_1, which we intend to eliminate in a subsequent paper. | Log-modular quantum groups at even roots of unity and the quantum Frobenius I |
We report results for the interaction measure, pressure and energy density for nonzero temperature QCD with 2+1 flavors of improved staggered quarks. In our simulations we use a Symanzik improved gauge action and the Asqtad $O(a^2)$ improved staggered quark action for lattices with temporal extent $N_t=4$ and 6. The heavy quark mass $m_s$ is fixed at approximately the physical strange quark mass and the two degenerate light quarks have masses $m_{ud} =0.1m_s$ or $0.2m_s$. The calculation of the thermodynamic observables employs the integral method where energy density and pressure are obtained by integration over the interaction measure. | The Equation of State for QCD with 2+1 Flavors of Quarks |
This paper presents an efficient technique to prune deep and/or wide convolutional neural network models by eliminating redundant features (or filters). Previous studies have shown that over-sized deep neural network models tend to produce a lot of redundant features that are either shifted version of one another or are very similar and show little or no variations; thus resulting in filtering redundancy. We propose to prune these redundant features along with their connecting feature maps according to their differentiation and based on their relative cosine distances in the feature space, thus yielding smaller network size with reduced inference costs and competitive performance. We empirically show on select models and CIFAR-10 dataset that inference costs can be reduced by 40% for VGG-16, 27% for ResNet-56, and 39% for ResNet-110. | Building Efficient ConvNets using Redundant Feature Pruning |
In this paper, two dimensional modulation of the potential in sexithiophene (T6) / N,N-bis(n-octyl)-dicyanoperylenediimide (PDI-8CN2) heterojunction field effect transistors due to the specific microstructure at the interface is used to explain the negative transconductance effect (NTC) experienced in sexithiophene (T6) / N,N-bis(n-octyl)-dicyanoperylenediimide (PDI-8CN2) heterojunction field effect transistors. The NTC effect has been experienced in tunnel devices, such as the tunnel diode, the resonant tunneling field effect transistors (RT-FETs), resonant tunneling double barrier devices. In grid-gate modulation-doped field effect transistors, instead, a periodic potential barriers in the direction of the transport of charges was used to explain the negative transconductance (NDR). Since in T6 / PDI-8CN2 heterojunction field effect transistors the NTC effect is irrespective of the order of the semiconductor layer and since the modulation of the transport properties is deeply influenced by the island dimension of the semiconductor layer, we argue that the origin of the NTC effect resides in the achievement of a specific microstructure of the heterostructure in the charge transport plane. | Microstructured tunable two dimensional potential modulation in organic heterostructure field effect transistors |
Type I X-ray bursts are thermonuclear explosions that occur in the envelopes of accreting neutron stars. Detailed observations of these phenomena have prompted numerous studies in theoretical astrophysics and experimental nuclear physics since their discovery over 35 years ago. In this review, we begin by discussing key observational features of these phenomena that may be sensitive to the particular patterns of nucleosynthesis from the associated thermonuclear burning. We then summarize efforts to model type I X-ray bursts, with emphasis on determining the nuclear physics processes involved throughout these bursts. We discuss and evaluate limitations in the models, particularly with regard to key uncertainties in the nuclear physics input. Finally, we examine recent, relevant experimental measurements and outline future prospects to improve our understanding of these unique environments from observational, theoretical and experimental perspectives. | Nucleosynthesis in Type I X-ray Bursts |
We present a micro-macro strategy able to describe the dynamics of crowds in heterogeneous media. Herein we focus on the example of pedestrian counterflow. The main working tools include the use of mass and porosity measures together with their transport as well as suitable application of a version of Radon-Nikodym Theorem formulated for finite measures. Finally, we illustrate numerically our microscopic model and emphasize the effects produced by an implicitly defined social velocity. Keywords: Crowd dynamics; mass measures; porosity measure; social networks | Modeling micro-macro pedestrian counterflow in heterogeneous domains |
We report quantum and semi-classical calculations of spin current and spin-transfer torque in a free-electron Stoner model for systems where the magnetization varies continuously in one dimension.Analytic results are obtained for an infinite spin spiral and numerical results are obtained for realistic domain wall profiles. The adiabatic limit describes conduction electron spins that follow the sum of the exchange field and an effective, velocity-dependent field produced by the gradient of the magnetization in the wall. Non-adiabatic effects arise for short domain walls but their magnitude decreases exponentially as the wall width increases. Our results cast doubt on the existence of a recently proposed non-adiabatic contribution to the spin-transfer torque due to spin flip scattering. | Spin Transfer Torque for Continuously Variable Magnetization |
Although the dynamic type system of Python facilitates the developers in writing Python programs, it also brings type errors at run-time. There exist rule-based approaches for automatically repairing Python type errors. The approaches can generate accurate patches but they require domain experts to design patch synthesis rules and suffer from low template coverage of real-world type errors. Learning-based approaches alleviate the manual efforts in designing patch synthesis rules. Among the learning-based approaches, the prompt-based approach which leverages the knowledge base of code pre-trained models via pre-defined prompts, obtains state-of-the-art performance in general program repair tasks. However, such prompts are manually defined and do not involve any specific clues for repairing Python type errors, resulting in limited effectiveness. How to automatically improve prompts with the domain knowledge for type error repair is challenging yet under-explored. In this paper, we present TypeFix, a novel prompt-based approach with fix templates incorporated for repairing Python type errors. TypeFix first mines generalized fix templates via a novel hierarchical clustering algorithm. The identified fix templates indicate the common edit patterns and contexts of existing type error fixes. TypeFix then generates code prompts for code pre-trained models by employing the generalized fix templates as domain knowledge, in which the masks are adaptively located for each type error instead of being pre-determined. Experiments on two benchmarks, including BugsInPy and TypeBugs, show that TypeFix successfully repairs 26 and 55 type errors, outperforming the best baseline approach by 9 and 14, respectively. Besides, the proposed fix template mining approach can cover 75% of developers' patches in both benchmarks, increasing the best rule-based approach PyTER by more than 30%. | Domain Knowledge Matters: Improving Prompts with Fix Templates for Repairing Python Type Errors |
Miniaturized mechanical resonators have proven to be excellent force sensors. However, they usually rely on resonant sensing schemes, and their excellent performance cannot be utilized for the detection of static forces. Here, we report on a novel static-force sensing scheme and demonstrate it using optically levitated nanoparticles in vacuum. Our technique relies on an off-resonant interaction of the particle with a weak static force, and a resonant read-out of the displacement caused by this interaction. We demonstrate a force sensitivity of $10\,\mathrm{aN}$ to static gravitational and electric forces acting on the particle. Our work not only provides a tool for the closer investigation of short-range forces, but also marks an important step towards the realization of matter-wave interferometry with macroscopic objects. | Sensing of Static Forces with Free-Falling Nanoparticles |
In this work, we propose an event-triggered con- trol framework for dynamical systems with temporal logical constraints. Event-triggered control methodologies have proven to be very efficient in reducing sensing, communication and computation costs. When a continuous feedback control is re- placed with an event-triggered strategy, the corresponding state trajectories also differ. In a system with logical constraints, such small deviation in the trajectory might lead to unsatisfiability of the logical constraints. In this work, we develop an approach where we ensure that the event-triggered state trajectory is confined within an tube of the ideal trajectory associated with the continuous state feedback. At the same time, we will ensure satisfiability of the logical constraints as well. Furthermore, we show that the proposed method works for delayed systems as long as the delay is bounded by a certain quantity. | Event-Triggered Controller Synthesis for Dynamical Systems with Temporal Logic Constraints |
LIGO's third observing run (O3) has reported several neutron star-black hole (NSBH) merger candidates. From a theoretical point of view, NSBH mergers have received less attention in the community than either binary black holes (BBHs), or binary neutron stars (BNSs). Here we examine single-single (sin-sin) gravitational wave (GW) captures in different types of star clusters -- galactic nuclei (GN), globular clusters (GC), and young stellar clusters (YSC) -- and compare the merger rates from this channel to other proposed merger channels in the literature. There are currently large uncertainties associated with every merger channel, making a definitive conclusion about the origin of NSBH mergers impossible. However, keeping these uncertainties in mind, we find that sin-sin GW capture is unlikely to significantly contribute to the overall NSBH merger rate. In general, it appears that isolated binary evolution in the field or in clusters, and dynamically interacting binaries in triple configurations, may result in a higher merger rate. | Neutron Star-Black Hole Mergers from Gravitational Wave Captures |
We aim to address the problem of Natural Language Video Localization (NLVL)-localizing the video segment corresponding to a natural language description in a long and untrimmed video. State-of-the-art NLVL methods are almost in one-stage fashion, which can be typically grouped into two categories: 1) anchor-based approach: it first pre-defines a series of video segment candidates (e.g., by sliding window), and then does classification for each candidate; 2) anchor-free approach: it directly predicts the probabilities for each video frame as a boundary or intermediate frame inside the positive segment. However, both kinds of one-stage approaches have inherent drawbacks: the anchor-based approach is susceptible to the heuristic rules, further limiting the capability of handling videos with variant length. While the anchor-free approach fails to exploit the segment-level interaction thus achieving inferior results. In this paper, we propose a novel Boundary Proposal Network (BPNet), a universal two-stage framework that gets rid of the issues mentioned above. Specifically, in the first stage, BPNet utilizes an anchor-free model to generate a group of high-quality candidate video segments with their boundaries. In the second stage, a visual-language fusion layer is proposed to jointly model the multi-modal interaction between the candidate and the language query, followed by a matching score rating layer that outputs the alignment score for each candidate. We evaluate our BPNet on three challenging NLVL benchmarks (i.e., Charades-STA, TACoS and ActivityNet-Captions). Extensive experiments and ablative studies on these datasets demonstrate that the BPNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. | Boundary Proposal Network for Two-Stage Natural Language Video Localization |
In this article, we introduce the BNPqte R package which implements the Bayesian nonparametric approach of Xu, Daniels and Winterstein (2018) for estimating quantile treatment effects in observational studies. This approach provides flexible modeling of the distributions of potential outcomes, so it is capable of capturing a variety of underlying relationships among the outcomes, treatments and confounders and estimating multiple quantile treatment effects simultaneously. Specifically, this approach uses a Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) model to estimate the propensity score and a Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) of multivariate normals model to estimate the conditional distribution of the potential outcome given the estimated propensity score. The BNPqte R package provides a fast implementation for this approach by designing efficient R functions for the DPM of multivariate normals model in joint and conditional density estimation. These R functions largely improve the efficiency of the DPM model in density estimation, compared to the popular DPpackage. BART-related R functions in the BNPqte R package are inherited from the BART R package with two modifications on variable importance and split probability. To maximize computational efficiency, the actual sampling and computation for each model are carried out in C++ code. The Armadillo C++ library is also used for fast linear algebra calculations. | BNPqte: A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Causal Inference on Quantiles in R |
Based on the third author's thesis in this article we complete the local recognition of commuting reflection graphs of spherical Coxeter groups arising from irreducible crystallographic root systems. | The local recognition of reflection graphs of spherical Coxeter groups |
By using combination of detailed experimental studies, we identify the metastable and stable energy levels of EL2 in semi-insulating GaAs. These results are discussed in the light of the recently proposed models for stable and metastable configurations of EL2 in GaAs. | Observation of Metastable and Stable Energy Levels of EL2 in Semi-insulating GaAs |
We construct a recursive formula for a complete system of primitive orthogonal idempotents for any $R$-trivial monoid. This uses the newly proved equivalence between the notions of $R$-trivial monoid and weakly ordered monoid. | Primitive orthogonal idempotents for R-trivial monoids |
We construct the first analytic examples of non-homogeneous condensates in the Georgi-Glashow model at finite density in $(2+1)$ dimensions. The non-homogeneous condensates, which live within a cylinder of finite spatial volume, possess a novel topological charge that prevents them from decaying in the trivial vacuum. Also the non-Abelian magnetic flux can be computed explicitly. These solutions exist for constant and non-constant Higgs profile and, depending on the length of the cylinder, finite density transitions occur. In the case in which the Higgs profile is not constant, the full system of coupled field equations reduce to the Lam\'e equation for the gauge field (the Higgs field being an elliptic function). For large values of this length, the energetically favored configuration is the one with a constant Higgs profile, while, for small values, it is the one with non-constant Higgs profile. The non-Abelian Chern-Simons term can also be included without spoiling the integrability properties of these configurations. Finally, we study the stability of the solutions under a particular type of perturbations. | Analytic non-homogeneous condensates in the $(2+1)$-dimensional Yang-Mills-Higgs-Chern-Simons theory at finite density |
Here I explore a novel no-collapse interpretation of quantum mechanics which combines aspects of two familiar and well-developed alternatives, Bohmian mechanics and the many-worlds interpretation. Despite reproducing the empirical predictions of quantum mechanics, the theory looks surprisingly classical. All there is at the fundamental level are particles interacting via Newtonian forces. There is no wave function. However, there are many worlds. | Quantum Mechanics as Classical Physics |
The characterization of an operator by its eigenvectors and eigenvalues allows us to know its action over any quantum state. Here, we propose a protocol to obtain an approximation of the eigenvectors of an arbitrary Hermitian quantum operator. This protocol is based on measurement and feedback processes, which characterize a reinforcement learning protocol. Our proposal is composed of two systems, a black box named environment and a quantum state named agent. The role of the environment is to change any quantum state by a unitary matrix $\hat{U}_E=e^{-i\tau\hat{\mathcal{O}}_E}$ where $\hat{\mathcal{O}}_E$ is a Hermitian operator, and $\tau$ is a real parameter. The agent is a quantum state which adapts to some eigenvector of $\hat{\mathcal{O}}_E$ by repeated interactions with the environment, feedback process, and semi-random rotations. With this proposal, we can obtain an approximation of the eigenvectors of a random qubit operator with average fidelity over 90\% in less than 10 iterations, and surpass 98\% in less than 300 iterations. Moreover, for the two-qubit cases, the four eigenvectors are obtained with fidelities above 89\% in 8000 iterations for a random operator, and fidelities of $99\%$ for an operator with the Bell states as eigenvectors. This protocol can be useful to implement semi-autonomous quantum devices which should be capable of extracting information and deciding with minimal resources and without human intervention. | Reinforcement learning for semi-autonomous approximate quantum eigensolver |
It is shown that the phase space of a dynamical system subject to second class constraints can be extended by ghost variables in such a way that some formal analogies of the $\Omega$-charge and the unitarizing Hamiltonian can be constructed. Then BFV-type path integral representation for the generating functional of Green's functions is written and shown to coincide with the standard one. | BFV-Type Representation of Path-Integral for Dynamical System with second class constraints |
Along with the development of systems for natural language understanding and generation, dialog systems have been widely adopted for language learning and practicing. Many current educational dialog systems perform chitchat, where the generated content and vocabulary are not constrained. However, for learners in a school setting, practice through dialog is more effective if it aligns with students' curriculum and focuses on textbook vocabulary. Therefore, we adapt lexically constrained decoding to a dialog system, which urges the dialog system to include curriculum-aligned words and phrases in its generated utterances. We adopt a generative dialog system, BlenderBot3, as our backbone model and evaluate our curriculum-based dialog system with middle school students learning English as their second language. The constrained words and phrases are derived from their textbooks, suggested by their English teachers. The evaluation result demonstrates that the dialog system with curriculum infusion improves students' understanding of target words and increases their interest in practicing English. | User Adaptive Language Learning Chatbots with a Curriculum |
All-perovskite tandem solar cells promise high photovoltaic performance at low cost. So far however, their efficiencies cannot compete with traditional inorganic multi-junction solar cells and they generally underperform in comparison to what is expected from the isolated single junction devices. Understanding performance losses in all-perovskite tandem solar cells is a crucial aspect that will accelerate advancement. Here, we perform extensive selective characterization of the individual sub-cells to disentangle the different losses and limiting factors in these tandem devices. We find that non-radiative losses in the high-gap subcell dominate the overall recombination losses in our baseline system as well as in the majority of literature reports. We consecutively improve the high-gap perovskite subcell through a multi-faceted approach, allowing us to enhance the open-circuit voltage ($V_{OC}$) of the subcell by up to 120 mV. Due to the (quasi) lossless indium oxide interconnect which we employ for the first time in all-perovskite tandems, the $V_{OC}$ improvements achieved in the high-gap perovskites translate directly to improved all-perovskite tandem solar cells with a champion $V_{OC}$ of 2.00 V and a stabilized efficiency of 23.7%. The efficiency potential of our optimized all-perovskite tandems reaches 25.2% and 27.0% when determined from electro- and photo-luminescence respectively, indicating significant transport losses as well as imperfect energy-alignment between the perovskite and the transport layers in the experimental devices. Further improvements to 28.4% are possible considering the bulk quality of both absorbers measured using photo-luminescence on isolated perovskite layers. Our insights therefore not only show an optimization example but a generalizable evidence-based strategy for optimization utilizing optical sub-cell characterization. | Understanding and Minimizing $V_{OC}$ Losses in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaics |
To mitigate errors induced by the cell's heterogeneous noisy environment, its main information channels and production networks utilize the kinetic proofreading (KPR) mechanism. Here, we examine two extensively-studied KPR circuits, DNA replication by the T7 DNA polymerase and translation by the E. coli ribosome. Using experimental data, we analyze the performance of these two vital systems in light of the fundamental bounds set by the recently-discovered thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR), which places an inherent trade-off between the precision of a desirable output and the amount of energy dissipation required. We show that the DNA polymerase operates close to the TUR lower bound, while the ribosome operates $\sim5$ times farther from this bound. This difference originates from the enhanced binding discrimination of the polymerase which allows it to operate effectively as a reduced reaction cycle prioritizing correct product formation. We show that approaching this limit also decouples the thermodynamic uncertainty factor from speed and error, thereby relaxing the accuracy-speed trade-off of the system. Altogether, our results show that operating near this reduced cycle limit not only minimizes thermodynamic uncertainty, but also results in global performance enhancement of KPR circuits. | Kinetic Proofreading and the Limits of Thermodynamic Uncertainty |
In this note, we give a new characterization for an algebra to be $\qo$-compact in terms of {\em super-product operations} on the lattice of congruences of the relative free algebra. | A new characterization of $q_{\omega}$-compact algebras |
The mixings between BMN operators with two scalar impurities and those with a scalar fermion pair are discussed to the lowest order at planar level. For this purpose, matrix model effective vertices are calculated to O(g^3). All the mixing patterns are explicitly obtained. | BMN operators with a scalar fermion pair and operator mixing in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory |
We have studied the electronic structure of the skutterudite compounds Co(Sb$_{1-x}$Te$_{x}$)$_3$ (x= 0, 0.02, 0.04) by photoemission spectroscopy. Valence-band spectra revealed that Sb 5p states are dominant near the Fermi level and are hybridized with Co 3d states just below it. The spectra of {\it p}-type CoSb$_3$ are well reproduced by the band-structure calculation, which suggests that the effect of electron correlations is not strong in CoSb$_3$. When Te is substituted for Sb and n-type carriers are doped into CoSb$_3$, the spectra are shifted to higher binding energies as predicted by the rigid-band model. From this shift and the free-electron model for the conduction and valence bands, we have estimated the band gap of CoSb$_3$ to be 0.03-0.04 eV, which is consistent with the result of transport measurements. Photoemission spectra of RhSb$_3$ have also been measured and revealed similarities to and differences from those of CoSb$_3$. | Photoemission study of the skutterudite compounds Co(Sb$_{1-x}$Te$_{x}$)$_3$ and RhSb$_3$ |
We show how to integrate a weak morphism of Lie algebra crossed-modules to a weak morphism of Lie 2-groups. To do so we develop a theory of butterflies for 2-term L_infty algebras. In particular, we obtain a new description of the bicategory of 2-term L_infty algebras. We use butterflies to give a functorial construction of connected covers of Lie 2-groups. We also discuss the notion of homotopy fiber of a morphism of 2-term L_infty algebras. | Integrating morphisms of Lie 2-algebras |
I give three descriptions of the Mukai flop of type $E\_{6,I}$, one in terms of Jordan algebras, one in terms of projective geometry over the octonions, and one in terms of O-blow-ups. Each description shows that it is very similar to certain flops of type $A$. The Mukai flop of type $E\_{6,II}$ is also described. | On Mukai flops for Scorza varieties |
We present a point value characterization for elements of the elementary full Colombeau algebra G^e and the diffeomorphism invariant full Colombeau algebra G^d. Moreover, several results from the special algebra G^s about generalized numbers and invertibility are extended to the elementary full algebra. | Point value characterizations and related results in the full Colombeau algebras G^e and G^d |
We have studied the effect of tidal deformability constraint given by the binary neutron star merger event GW170817 on the equations of state (EOS) of hybrid stars. The EOS are constructed by matching the hadronic EOS described by relativistic mean field (RMF) model and parameter sets NL3, TM1 and NL3$\omega\rho$ with the quark matter EOS described by modified MIT bag model, via Gibbs' construction. It is found that the tidal deformability constraints along with the lower bound on maximum mass ($M_{\rm max}=2.01\pm0.04M_\odot$) significantly limit the bag model parameter space ($B_{\rm eff}^{1/4}$, $a_4$). We also obtain upper limits on the radius of $1.4M_\odot$ and $1.6M_\odot$ stars as $R_{1.4}\leq13.2-13.5$ km and $R_{1.6}\leq13.2-13.4$ km, respectively for different hadronic EOS considered here. | Hybrid stars in the light of GW170817 |
A new physics scenario shows that four-fermion operators of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) type have a strong-coupling UV fixed point, where composite fermions $F$ (bosons $\Pi$) form as bound states of three (two) SM elementary fermions and they couple to their constituents via effective contact interactions at the composite scale $\Lambda \approx {\cal O} $(TeV). We present a phenomenological study to investigate such composite particles at the LHC by computing the production cross sections and decay widths of composite fermions in the context of the relevant experiments at the LHC with $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}={\rm 13}$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}={\rm 14}$ TeV. Systematically examining all the different composite particles $F$ and the signatures with which they can manifest, we found a vast spectrum of composite particles $F$ that has not yet been explored at the LHC. Recasting the recent CMS results of the resonant channel $pp\rightarrow e^+F \rightarrow e^+e^- q\bar{q}'$, we find that the composite fermion mass $m_F$ below 4.25 TeV is excluded for $\Lambda$/$m_F$ = 1. We further highlight the region of parameter space where this specific composite particle $F$ can appear using 3 ab$^{-1}$, expected by the High-Luminosity LHC, computing 3 and 5 $\sigma$ contour plots of its statistical significance. | Phenomenology at the LHC of composite particles from strongly interacting Standard Model fermions via four-fermion operators of NJL type |
We present a model of the precession dynamics of the Moon that comprises a fluid outer core and a solid inner core. We show that three Cassini states associated with the inner core exist. The tilt angle of the inner core in each of these states is determined by the ratio between the free inner core nutation frequency ($\omega_{ficn}$) and the precession frequency $\Omega_p = 2\pi/18.6$ yr $^{-1}$. All three Cassini states are possible if $|\omega_{ficn}| > 2\pi/16.4$ yr $^{-1}$, but only one is possible otherwise. Assuming that the lowest energy state is favoured, this transition marks a discontinuity in the tilt angle of the inner core, transiting from $-33^\circ$ to $17^\circ$ as measured with respect to the mantle figure axis, where negative angles indicate a tilt towards the orbit normal. Possible Lunar interior density structures cover a range of $\omega_{ficn}$, from approximately half to twice as large as $\Omega_p$, so the precise tilt angle of the inner core remains unknown, though it is likely large because $\Omega_p$ is within the resonant band of $\omega_{ficn}$. Adopting one specific density model, we suggest an inner core tilt of approximately $-17^\circ$. Viscoelastic deformations within the inner core and melt and growth at the surface of a tilted inner core, both neglected in our model, should reduce this amplitude. If the inner core is larger than approximately 200 km, it may contribute by as much as a few thousandths of a degree on the observed mantle precession angle of $1.543^\circ$. | The Cassini State of the Moon's inner core |
We present tight bounds and heuristics for personalized, multi-product pricing problems. Under mild conditions we show that the best price in the direction of a positive vector results in profits that are guaranteed to be at least as large as a fraction of the profits from optimal personalized pricing. For unconstrained problems, the fraction depends on the factor and on optimal price vectors for the different customer types. For constrained problems the factor depends on the factor and a ratio of the constraints. Using a factor vector with equal components results in uniform pricing and has exceedingly mild sufficient conditions for the bound to hold. A robust factor is presented that achieves the best possible performance guarantee. As an application, our model yields a tight lower-bound on the performance of linear pricing relative to optimal personalized non-linear pricing, and suggests effective non-linear price heuristics relative to personalized solutions. Additionally, our model provides guarantees for simple strategies such as bundle-size pricing and component-pricing with respect to optimal personalized mixed bundle pricing. Heuristics to cluster customer types are also developed with the goal of improving performance by allowing each cluster to price along its own factor. Numerical results are presented for a variety of demand models that illustrate the tradeoffs between using the economic factor and the robust factor for each cluster, as well as the tradeoffs between using a clustering heuristic with a worst case performance of two and a machine learning clustering algorithm. In our experiments economically motivated factors coupled with machine learning clustering heuristics performed best. | Bounds and Heuristics for Multi-Product Personalized Pricing |
We derive stellar masses, ages and star formation histories of massive early-type galaxies in the z=1.237 RDCS1252.9-2927 cluster and compare them with those measured in a similarly mass-selected sample of field contemporaries drawn from the GOODS South Field. Robust estimates of these parameters are obtained by comparing a large grid of composite stellar population models with 8-9 band photometry in the rest-frame NUV, optical and IR, thus sampling the entire relevant domain of emission of the different stellar populations. Additionally, we present new, deep $U$-band photometry of both fields, giving access to the critical FUV rest-frame, in order to constrain empirically the dependence on the environment of the most recent star formation processes. We find that early-type galaxies, both in the cluster and in the field, show analogous optical morphologies, follow comparable mass vs. size relation, have congruent average surface stellar mass densities and lie on the same Kormendy relation. We also that a fraction of early-type galaxies in the field employ longer timescales, $\tau$, to assemble their mass than their cluster contemporaries. Hence we conclude that, while the formation epoch of early-type only depends on their mass, the environment does regulate the timescales of their star formation histories. Our deep $U$-band imaging strongly supports this conclusions. It shows that cluster galaxies are at least 0.5 mag fainter than their field contemporaries of similar mass and optical-to-infrared colors, implying that the last episode of star formation must have happened more recently in the field than in the cluster. | Formation epochs, star formation histories and sizes of massive early-type galaxies in cluster and field environments at z=1.2: insights from the rest-frame UV |
We present an ultra-deep survey for Neptune Trojans using the Subaru 8.2-m and Magellan 6.5-m telescopes. The survey reached a 50% detection efficiency in the R-band at 25.7 magnitudes and covered 49 square degrees of sky. This depth corresponds to Neptune Trojans that are about 16 km in radius (assuming an albedo of 0.05). A paucity of smaller Neptune Trojans (radii < 45 km) compared to larger ones was found. The brightest Neptune Trojans appear to follow a steep power-law slope (q = 5+-1) similar to the brightest objects in the other known stable reservoirs such as the Kuiper Belt, Jupiter Trojans and main belt asteroids. We find a roll-over for the Neptune Trojans that occurs around a radii of r=45+-10 km (23.5+-0.3 mags), which is also very similar to the other stable reservoirs. All the observed stable regions in the the solar system show evidence for Missing Intermediate Sized Planetesimals (MISPs). This indicates a primordial and not collisional origin, which suggests planetesimal formation proceeded directly from small to large objects. The scarcity of intermediate and smaller sized Neptune Trojans may limit them as being a strong source for the short period comets. | The Size Distribution of the Neptune Trojans and the Missing Intermediate Sized Planetesimals |
For a quiver with potential $(Q,W)$ with an action of a finite cyclic group $G$, we study the skew group algebra $\Lambda G$ of the Jacobian algebra $\Lambda = \mathcal P(Q, W)$. By a result of Reiten and Riedtmann, the quiver $Q_G$ of a basic algebra $\eta( \Lambda G) \eta$ Morita equivalent to $\Lambda G$ is known. Under some assumptions on the action of $G$, we explicitly construct a potential $W_G$ on $Q_G$ such that $\eta(\Lambda G) \eta\cong \mathcal P(Q_G , W_G)$. The original quiver with potential can then be recovered by the skew group algebra construction with a natural action of the dual group of $G$. If $\Lambda$ is self-injective, then $\Lambda G$ is as well, and we investigate this case. Motivated by Herschend and Iyama's characterisation of 2-representation finite algebras, we study how cuts on $(Q,W)$ behave with respect to our construction. | Skew group algebras of Jacobian algebras |
We consider the problem of finding optimal policies for a Markov Decision Process with almost sure constraints on state transitions and action triplets. We define value and action-value functions that satisfy a barrier-based decomposition which allows for the identification of feasible policies independently of the reward process. We prove that, given a policy {\pi}, certifying whether certain state-action pairs lead to feasible trajectories under {\pi} is equivalent to solving an auxiliary problem aimed at finding the probability of performing an unfeasible transition. Using this interpretation,we develop a Barrier-learning algorithm, based on Q-Learning, that identifies such unsafe state-action pairs. Our analysis motivates the need to enhance the Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework with an additional signal, besides rewards, called here damage function that provides feasibility information and enables the solution of RL problems with model-free constraints. Moreover, our Barrier-learning algorithm wraps around existing RL algorithms, such as Q-Learning and SARSA, giving them the ability to solve almost-surely constrained problems. | Assured RL: Reinforcement Learning with Almost Sure Constraints |
We consider the motion of n point particles of positive masses that interact gravitationally on the 2-dimensional hyperbolic sphere, which has negative constant Gaussian curvature. Using the stereographic projection, we derive the equations of motion of this curved n-body problem in the Poincar\'e disk, where we study the elliptic relative equilibria. Then we obtain the equations of motion in the Poincar\'e upper half plane in order to analyze the hyperbolic and parabolic relative equilibria. Using techniques of Riemannian geometry, we characterize each of the above classes of periodic orbits. For n=2 and n=3 we recover some previously known results and find new qualitative results about relative equilibria that were not apparent in an extrinsic setting. | An intrinsic approach in the curved n-body problem: the negative curvature case |
Human behavior refers to the way humans act and interact. Understanding human behavior is a cornerstone of observational practice, especially in psychotherapy. An important cue of behavior analysis is the dynamical changes of emotions during the conversation. Domain experts integrate emotional information in a highly nonlinear manner, thus, it is challenging to explicitly quantify the relationship between emotions and behaviors. In this work, we employ deep transfer learning to analyze their inferential capacity and contextual importance. We first train a network to quantify emotions from acoustic signals and then use information from the emotion recognition network as features for behavior recognition. We treat this emotion-related information as behavioral primitives and further train higher level layers towards behavior quantification. Through our analysis, we find that emotion-related information is an important cue for behavior recognition. Further, we investigate the importance of emotional-context in the expression of behavior by constraining (or not) the neural networks' contextual view of the data. This demonstrates that the sequence of emotions is critical in behavior expression. To achieve these frameworks we employ hybrid architectures of convolutional networks and recurrent networks to extract emotion-related behavior primitives and facilitate automatic behavior recognition from speech. | Linking emotions to behaviors through deep transfer learning |
Using the result that an electric charge - magnetic charge system carries an internal field angular momentum of $e g / 4 \pi$ we arrive at two restrictions on magnetic monopoles via the requirement of angular momentum quantization and/or conservation. First we show that magnetic charge should scale in the opposite way from electric charge. Second we show that free, unconfined monopoles seem to be inconsistent when one considers a magnetic charge in the vicinity of more than one electric charge. | Restrictions on Magnetic Charge from Quantized Angular Momentum |
Spectral properties of many finite convolution integral operators have been understood by finding differential operators that commute with them. In this paper we compile a complete list of such commuting pairs, extending previous work to complex-valued and non self-adjoint operators. In addition, we introduce a new kind of commutation relation, which we call sesquicommutation, that also has implications for the spectral properties of the integral operator. In this case we also compute a complete list of sequicommuting pairs of integral and differential operators. | On the commutation properties of finite convolution and differential operators I: commutation |
Who is more important in a network? Who controls the flow between the nodes or whose contribution is significant for connections? Centrality metrics play an important role while answering these questions. The betweenness metric is useful for network analysis and implemented in various tools. Since it is one of the most computationally expensive kernels in graph mining, several techniques have been proposed for fast computation of betweenness centrality. In this work, we propose and investigate techniques which compress a network and shatter it into pieces so that the rest of the computation can be handled independently for each piece. Although we designed and tuned the shattering process for betweenness, it can be adapted for other centrality metrics in a straightforward manner. Experimental results show that the proposed techniques can be a great arsenal to reduce the centrality computation time for various types of networks. | Shattering and Compressing Networks for Centrality Analysis |
This preprint concerns Banach spaces of functions converging at infinity. In particular, spaces of continuous functions, Lebesgue spaces and sequence spaces. In each framework we show versions of Riesz's representation theorem. | Notes on Spaces of Functions Converging at Infinity |
We use a combination of X-ray diffraction, total scattering and quantum mechanical calculations to determine the mechanism responsible for hydration-driven contraction in ZrW$_2$O$_8$. Inclusion of H$_2$O molecules within the ZrW$_2$O$_8$ network drives the concerted formation of new W--O bonds to give one-dimensional (--W--O--)$_n$ strings. The topology of the ZrW$_2$O$_8$ network is such that there is no unique choice for the string trajectories: the same local changes in coordination can propagate with a large number of different periodicities. Consequently, ZrW$_2$O$_8$ is heavily disordered, with each configuration of strings forming a dense aperiodic `spaghetti'. This new connectivity contracts the unit cell \emph{via} large shifts in the Zr and W atom positions. Fluctuations of the undistorted parent structure towards this spaghetti phase emerge as the key NTE phonon modes in ZrW$_2$O$_8$ itself. The large relative density of NTE phonon modes in ZrW$_2$O$_8$ actually reflect the degeneracy of volume-contracting spaghetti excitations, itself a function of the particular topology of this remarkable material. | Negative Hydration Expansion in ZrW2O8: Microscopic Mechanism, Spaghetti Dynamics, and Negative Thermal Expansion |
In the past few years, an action of $\mathrm{PGL}_2(\mathbb F_q)$ on the set of irreducible polynomials in $\mathbb F_q[x]$ has been introduced and many questions have been discussed, such as the characterization and number of invariant elements. In this paper, we analyze some recent works on this action and provide full generalizations of them, yielding final theoretical results on the characterization and number of invariant elements. | Invariant theory of a special group action on irreducible polynomials over finite fields |
In 2016 and 2017, Haihui Fan, Don Hadwin and Wenjing Liu proved a commutative and noncommutative version of Beurling's theorems for a continuous unitarily invariant norm $\alpha $ on $L^{\infty}(\mathbb{T},\mu)$ and tracial finite von Neumann algebras $\left( \mathcal{M},\tau \right) $, respectively. In the paper, we study unitarily $\|\|_{1}$-dominating invariant norms $\alpha $ on finite von Neumann algebras. First we get a Burling theorem in commutative von Neumann algebras by defining $H^{\alpha}(\mathbb{T},\mu)=\overline {H^{\infty}(\mathbb{T},\mu)}^{\sigma(L^{\alpha}\left( \mathbb{T} \right),\mathcal{L}^{\alpha^{'}}\left( \mathbb{T} \right))}\cap L^{\alpha}(\mathbb{T},\mu)$, then prove that the generalized Beurling theorem holds. Moreover, we get similar result in noncommutative case. The key ingredients in the proof of our result include a factorization theorem and a density theorem for $L^{\alpha }\left(\mathcal{M},\tau \right) $. | A Generalized Beurling Theorem in Finite von Neumann Algebras |
Extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) sources including high-harmonic generation, free-electron lasers, soft x-ray lasers and laser-driven plasmas are widely used for applications ranging from femtochemistry and attosecond science to coherent diffractive imaging and EUV lithography. The bandwidth of the XUV light emitted by these sources reflects the XUV generation process used. While light from soft-x-ray lasers and XUV FELs typically has a relatively narrow bandwidth, plasma sources and HHG sources driven by few-cycle laser pulses emit broadband XUV pulses. Since these characteristic properties of a given XUV source impose limitations to applications, techniques enabling modification of the XUV bandwidth are highly desirable. Here we demonstrate a concept for efficient spectral compression of a broadband XUV pulse via four-wave mixing (FWM) in the presence of a broadband near-infrared (NIR) pulse in a krypton gas jet, exploiting a phase-matching scheme based on closely-spaced resonances. Our concept provides new possibilities for tailoring the spectral bandwidth of XUV beams. | XUV Spectral Compression by Four-Wave Mixing |
Heterotic orbifolds provide promising constructions of MSSM-like models in string theory. We investigate the connection of such orbifold models with smooth Calabi-Yau compactifications by examining resolutions of the T^6/Z6-II orbifold (which are far from unique) with Abelian gauge fluxes. These gauge backgrounds are topologically characterized by weight vectors of twisted states; one per fixed point or fixed line. The VEV's of these states generate the blowup from the orbifold perspective, and they reappear as axions on the blowup. We explain methods to solve the 24 resolution dependent Bianchi identities and present an explicit solution. Despite that a solution may contain the MSSM particle spectrum, the hypercharge turns out to be anomalous: Since all heterotic MSSM orbifolds analyzed so far have fixed points where only SM charged states appear, its gauge group can only be preserved provided that those singularities are not blown up. Going beyond the comparison of purely topological quantities (e.g. anomalous U(1) masses) may be hampered by the fact that in the orbifold limit the supergravity approximation to lowest order in alpha prime is breaking down. | Heterotic Z6-II MSSM Orbifolds in Blowup |
The power graph $G = P(\Omega)$ of a finite group $\Omega$ is a graph with the vertex set $\Omega$ and two vertices $u, v \in \Omega$ form an edge if and only if one is an integral power of the other. Let $D(G)$, $A(G)$, $RT(G)$, and $RD(G)$ denote the degree diagonal matrix, adjacency matrix, the diagonal matrix of the vertex reciprocal transmission, and Harary matrix of the power graph $G$ respectively. Then the $A_{\alpha}$ and $RD_{\alpha}$ matrices of $G$ are defined as $A_{\alpha}(G) = \alpha D(G) + (1-\alpha)A(G)$ and $RD_{\alpha}(G) = \alpha RT(G) + (1-\alpha)RD(G)$. In this article, we determine the eigenvalues of $A_{\alpha}$ and $RD_{\alpha}$ matrices of the power graph of group $ \mathcal{G} = \langle s,r \, : r^{2^kp} = s^2 = e,~ srs^{-1} = r^{2^{k-1}p-1}\rangle$. In addition, we calculate its distant and detotar distance degree sequences, metric dimension, and strong metric dimension. | On the $A_{\alpha}$ and $RD_{\alpha}$ matrices over certain groups |
Recent years have witnessed growing interest in the application of deep neural networks (DNNs) for receiver design, which can potentially be applied in complex environments without relying on knowledge of the channel model. However, the dynamic nature of communication channels often leads to rapid distribution shifts, which may require periodically retraining. This paper formulates a data-efficient two-stage training method that facilitates rapid online adaptation. Our training mechanism uses a predictive meta-learning scheme to train rapidly from data corresponding to both current and past channel realizations. Our method is applicable to any deep neural network (DNN)-based receiver, and does not require transmission of new pilot data for training. To illustrate the proposed approach, we study DNN-aided receivers that utilize an interpretable model-based architecture, and introduce a modular training strategy based on predictive meta-learning. We demonstrate our techniques in simulations on a synthetic linear channel, a synthetic non-linear channel, and a COST 2100 channel. Our results demonstrate that the proposed online training scheme allows receivers to outperform previous techniques based on self-supervision and joint-learning by a margin of up to 2.5 dB in coded bit error rate in rapidly-varying scenarios. | Online Meta-Learning For Hybrid Model-Based Deep Receivers |
The combined measurements of proton's structure functions in deeply inelastic scattering at the HERA collider provide high-precision data capable of constraining parton density functions over a wide range of the kinematic variables. We perform fits to these data using transverse momentum dependent QCD factorization and CCFM evolution. The results of the fits to precision measurements are used to make a determination of the nonperturbative transverse momentum dependent gluon density function, including experimental and theoretical uncertainties. We present an application of this density function to vector boson + jet production processes at the LHC. | Transverse momentum dependent gluon density from DIS precision data |
This paper proposes an ultra-wideband (UWB) aided localization and mapping system that leverages on inertial sensor and depth camera. Inspired by the fact that visual odometry (VO) system, regardless of its accuracy in the short term, still faces challenges with accumulated errors in the long run or under unfavourable environments, the UWB ranging measurements are fused to remove the visual drift and improve the robustness. A general framework is developed which consists of three parallel threads, two of which carry out the visual-inertial odometry (VIO) and UWB localization respectively. The other mapping thread integrates visual tracking constraints into a pose graph with the proposed smooth and virtual range constraints, such that an optimization is performed to provide robust trajectory estimation. Experiments show that the proposed system is able to create dense drift-free maps in real-time even running on an ultra-low power processor in featureless environments. | Ultra-Wideband Aided Fast Localization and Mapping System |