Occupational segregation is widely considered as one major reason leading to the gender discrimination in labor market. Using large-scale Chinese resume data of online job seekers, we uncover an interesting phenomenon that occupations with higher proportion of men have smaller gender wage gap measured by the female-male ratio on wage. We further show that the severity of occupational segregation in China is low both overall and regionally, and the inter-occupational discrimination is much smaller than the intra-occupational discrimination. That is to say, Chinese women do not face large barriers when changing their occupations. Accordingly, we suggest Chineses women a new way to narrow the gender wage gap: to join male-dominated occupations. Meanwhile, it is worth noticing that although the gender wage gap is smaller in male-dominated occupations, it does not mean that the gender discrimination is smaller there.
Jumping to male-dominated occupations: A novel way to reduce gender wage gap for Chinese women
Pion pion scattering is studied in a generalized linear sigma model which contains two scalar nonets (one of quark-antiquark type and the other of diquark-antidiquark type) and two corresponding pseudoscalar nonets. An interesting feature concerns the mixing of the four isosinglet scalar mesons which yield poles in the scattering amplitude. Some realism is introduced by enforcing exact unitarity via the K-matrix method. It is shown that a reasonable agreement with experimental data is obtained up to about 1 GeV. The poles in the unitarized scattering amplitude are studied in some detail. The lowest pole clearly represents the sigma meson (or f0(600)) with a mass and decay width around 500 MeV. The second pole invites comparison with the f0(980) which has a mass around 1 GeV and decay width around 100 MeV. The third and fourth poles, resemble some of the isosinglet state in the complicated 1-2 GeV region. Some comparison is made to the situation in the usual SU(3) linear sigma model with a single scalar nonet.
Chiral Nonet Mixing in pi pi Scattering
The singular values of products of standard complex Gaussian random matrices, or sub-blocks of Haar distributed unitary matrices, have the property that their probability distribution has an explicit, structured form referred to as a polynomial ensemble. It is furthermore the case that the corresponding bi-orthogonal system can be determined in terms of Meijer G-functions, and the correlation kernel given as an explicit double contour integral. It has recently been shown that the Hermitised product $X_M \cdots X_2 X_1A X_1^T X_2^T \cdots X_M^T$, where each $X_i$ is a standard real complex Gaussian matrix, and $A$ is real anti-symmetric shares exhibits analogous properties. Here we use the theory of spherical functions and transforms to present a theory which, for even dimensions, includes these properties of the latter product as a special case. As an example we show that the theory also allows for a treatment of this class of Hermitised product when the $X_i$ are chosen as sub-blocks of Haar distributed real orthogonal matrices.
Multiplicative Convolution of Real Asymmetric and Real Antisymmetric Matrices
This paper deals with the comparative use of the chemical shift surfaces to simulate experimental 13C CPMAS data on amorphous solid state disaccharides, paying particular attention to -1-1 linkage of trehalose, to -1,4 linkage between pyranose rings (lactose) and to linkage implying a furanose ring (sucrose). The combination of molecular mechanics with DFT/GIAO ab-initio methods provides reliable structural information on the conformational distribution in the glass. The results are interpreted in terms of an enhanced flexibility that trehalose experiences in amorphous solid state compared to the other sugars. An attempt to relate this property to the balance between intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding network in the glass is presented.
Exploring conformational energy landscape of glassy disaccharides by CPMAS 13C NMR and DFT/GIAO simulations. II. Enhanced molecular flexibility in amorphous trehalose
Virtual screening, including molecular docking, plays an essential role in drug discovery. Many traditional and machine-learning based methods are available to fulfil the docking task. The traditional docking methods are normally extensively time-consuming, and their performance in blind docking remains to be improved. Although the runtime of docking based on machine learning is significantly decreased, their accuracy is still limited. In this study, we take the advantage of both traditional and machine-learning based methods, and present a method Deep Site and Docking Pose (DSDP) to improve the performance of blind docking. For the traditional blind docking, the entire protein is covered by a cube, and the initial positions of ligands are randomly generated in the cube. In contract, DSDP can predict the binding site of proteins and provide an accurate searching space and initial positions for the further conformational sampling. The docking task of DSDP makes use of the score function and a similar but modified searching strategy of AutoDock Vina, accelerated by implementation in GPUs. We systematically compare its performance with the state-of-the-art methods, including Autodock Vina, GNINA, QuickVina, SMINA, and DiffDock. DSDP reaches a 29.8% top-1 success rate (RMSD < 2 {\AA}) on an unbiased and challenging test dataset with 1.2 s wall-clock computational time per system. Its performances on DUD-E dataset and the time-split PDBBind dataset used in EquiBind, TankBind, and DiffDock are also effective, presenting a 57.2% and 41.8% top-1 success rate with 0.8 s and 1.0 s per system, respectively.
DSDP: A Blind Docking Strategy Accelerated by GPUs
The analysis of the 21 cm signature of cosmic string wakes is extended in several ways. First we consider the constraints on $G\mu$ from the absorption signal of shock heated wakes laid down much later than matter radiation equality. Secondly we analyze the signal of diffuse wake, that is those wakes in which there is a baryon overdensity but which have not shock heated. Finally we compare the size of these signals compared to the expected thermal noise per pixel which dominates over the background cosmic gas brightness temperature and find that the cosmic string signal will exceed the thermal noise of an individual pixel in the Square Kilometre Array for string tensions $G\mu > 2.5 \times 10^{-8}$.
The 21 cm Signature of Shock Heated and Diffuse Cosmic String Wakes
The joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data is an active area of statistics research that has received a lot of attention in the recent years. More recently, a new and attractive application of this type of models has been to obtain individualized predictions of survival probabilities and/or of future longitudinal responses. The advantageous feature of these predictions is that they are dynamically updated as extra longitudinal responses are collected for the subjects of interest, providing real time risk assessment using all recorded information. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, to highlight the importance of modeling the association structure between the longitudinal and event time responses that can greatly influence the derived predictions, and second, to illustrate how we can improve the accuracy of the derived predictions by suitably combining joint models with different association structures. The second goal is achieved using Bayesian model averaging, which, in this setting, has the very intriguing feature that the model weights are not fixed but they are rather subject- and time-dependent, implying that at different follow-up times predictions for the same subject may be based on different models.
Combining Dynamic Predictions from Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data using Bayesian Model Averaging
For $k \geq 1$ and $n \geq 2k$, the well known Kneser graph $\operatorname{KG}(n,k)$ has all $k$-element subsets of an $n$-element set as vertices; two such subsets are adjacent if they are disjoint. Schrijver constructed a vertex-critical subgraph $\operatorname{SG}(n,k)$ of $\operatorname{KG}(n,k)$ with the same chromatic number. In this paper, we compute the diameter of the graph $\operatorname{SG}(2k+r,k)$ with $r \geq 1$. We obtain an exact value of the diameter of $\operatorname{SG}(2k+r,k)$ when $r \in \{1,2\}$ or when $r \geq k-3$. For the remained cases, when $3 \leq r \leq k-4$, we obtain that the diameter of $\operatorname{SG}(2k+r,k)$ belongs to the integer interval $[4..k-r-1]$.
On the diameter of Schrijver graphs
We formulate a class of angular Gaussian distributions that allows different degrees of isotropy for directional random variables of arbitrary dimension. Through a series of novel reparameterization, this distribution family is indexed by parameters with meaningful statistical interpretations that can range over the entire real space of an adequate dimension. The new parameterization greatly simplifies maximum likelihood estimation of all model parameters, which in turn leads to theoretically sound and numerically stable inference procedures to infer key features of the distribution. Byproducts from the likelihood-based inference are used to develop graphical and numerical diagnostic tools for assessing goodness of fit of this distribution in a data application. Simulation study and application to data from a hydrogeology study are used to demonstrate implementation and performance of the inference procedures and diagnostics methods.
Elliptically symmetric distributions for directional data of arbitrary dimension
We study identification of stochastic Wiener dynamic systems using so-called indirect inference. The main idea is to first fit an auxiliary model to the observed data and then in a second step, often by simulation, fit a more structured model to the estimated auxiliary model. This two-step procedure can be used when the direct maximum-likelihood estimate is difficult or intractable to compute. One such example is the identification of stochastic Wiener systems, i.e.,~linear dynamic systems with process noise where the output is measured using a non-linear sensor with additive measurement noise. It is in principle possible to evaluate the log-likelihood cost function using numerical integration, but the corresponding optimization problem can be quite intricate. This motivates studying consistent, but sub-optimal, identification methods for stochastic Wiener systems. We will consider indirect inference using the best linear approximation as an auxiliary model. We show that the key to obtain a reliable estimate is to use uncertainty weighting when fitting the stochastic Wiener model to the auxiliary model estimate. The main technical contribution of this paper is the corresponding asymptotic variance analysis. A numerical evaluation is presented based on a first-order finite impulse response system with a cubic non-linearity, for which certain illustrative analytic properties are derived.
Identification of Stochastic Wiener Systems using Indirect Inference
We derive from first principles a one-way radiative transfer equation for the wave intensity resolved over directions (Wigner transform of the wave field) in random media. It is an initial value problem with excitation from a source which emits waves in a preferred, forward direction. The equation is derived in a regime with small random fluctuations of the wave speed but long distances of propagation with respect to the wavelength, so that cumulative scattering is significant. The correlation length of the medium and the scale of the support of the source are slightly larger than the wavelength, and the waves propagate in a wide cone with opening angle less than $180^o$, so that the backward and evanescent waves are negligible. The scattering regime is a bridge between that of radiative transfer, where the waves propagate in all directions and the paraxial regime, where the waves propagate in a narrow angular cone. We connect the one-way radiative transport equation with the equations satisfied by the Wigner transform of the wave field in these regimes.
Derivation of a one-way radiative transfer equation in random media
We provide a complete spectral analysis of all self-adjoint operators acting on $\ell^{2}(\mathbb{Z})$ which are associated with two doubly infinite Jacobi matrices with entries given by $$ q^{-n+1}\delta_{m,n-1}+q^{-n}\delta_{m,n+1} $$ and $$ \delta_{m,n-1}+\alpha q^{-n}\delta_{m,n}+\delta_{m,n+1}, $$ respectively, where $q\in(0,1)$ and $\alpha\in\mathbb{R}$. As an application, we derive orthogonality relations for the Ramanujan entire function and the third Jackson $q$-Bessel function.
Spectral analysis of two doubly infinite Jacobi matrices with exponential entries
We consider a banking network represented by a system of stochastic differential equations coupled by their drift. We assume a core-periphery structure, and that the banks in the core hold a bubbly asset. The banks in the periphery have not direct access to the bubble, but can take initially advantage from its increase by investing on the banks in the core. Investments are modeled by the weight of the links, which is a function of the robustness of the banks. In this way, a preferential attachment mechanism towards the core takes place during the growth of the bubble. We then investigate how the bubble distort the shape of the network, both for finite and infinitely large systems, assuming a non vanishing impact of the core on the periphery. Due to the influence of the bubble, the banks are no longer independent, and the law of large numbers cannot be directly applied at the limit. This results in a term in the drift of the diffusions which does not average out, and that increases systemic risk at the moment of the burst. We test this feature of the model by numerical simulations.
Financial asset bubbles in banking networks
The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes are one of the major transitions in the evolution of life on earth. One of its most interesting aspects is the emergence of cellular organelles, their dynamics, their functions, and their divergence. Cell compartmentalization and architecture in prokaryotes is a less understood complex property. In eukaryotes it is related to cell size, specific genomic architecture, evolution of cell cycles, biogenesis of membranes and endosymbiotic processes. Explaining cell evolution through form and function demands an interdisciplinary approach focused on microbial diversity, phylogenetic and functional cell biology. Two centuries of views on eukaryotic origin have completed the disciplinary tools necessarily to answer these questions. We have moved from Haeckel SCALA NATURAE to the un-rooted tree of life. However, the major relations among cell domains are still elusive and keep the nature of eukaryotic ancestor enigmatic. Here we present a review on state of art views of eukaryogenesis; the background and perspectives of different disciplines involved in this topic
On the ideas of the origin of eukaryotes: a critical review
We consider topological sigma models with generalized Kahler target spaces. The mirror map is constructed explicitly for a special class of target spaces and the topological A and B model are shown to be mirror pairs in the sense that the observables, the instantons and the anomalies are mapped to each other. We also apply the construction to open topological models and show that A branes are mapped to B branes. Furthermore, we demonstrate a relation between the field strength on the brane and a two-vector on the mirror manifold.
Mirror symmetry for topological sigma models with generalized Kahler geometry
For a massive scalar field with a general curvature coupling parameter, we investigate the finite temperature contributions to the Hadamard function and to the charge and current densities in the geometry of a magnetic flux carrying generalized cosmic string embedded in $(D+1)$-dimensional locally AdS spacetime with a compactified spatial dimension. For $D=4$, the geometry on the AdS boundary, in the context of the AdS/CFT duality, corresponds to a cosmic string as a linear defect, compactified along its axis. In contrast to the case of the Minkowski bulk, the upper bound on the chemical potential does not depend on the field mass and is completely determined by the length of compact dimension and by the enclosed magnetic flux. The only nonzero components correspond to the charge density, to the azimuthal current and to the current along the compact dimension. They are periodic functions of magnetic fluxes with the period equal to the flux quantum. The charge density is an odd function and the currents are even functions of the chemical potential. At high temperatures the influence of the gravitational field and topology on the charge density is subdominant and the leading term in the corresponding expansion coincides with that for the charge density in the Minkowski spacetime. The current densities are topology-induced quantities and their behavior at high temperatures is completely different with the linear dependence on the temperature. At small temperatures and for chemical potentials smaller than the critical value, the thermal expectation values are exponentially suppressed for both massive and massless fields.
Finite temperature charge and current densities around a cosmic string in AdS spacetime with compact dimension
We develop a theory of semialgebra Grassmann triples via Hasse-Schmidt derivations, which formally generalizes results such as the Cayley-Hamilton theorem in linear algebra, thereby providing a unified approach to classical linear algebra and tropical algebra.
Grassman semialgebras and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem
Millions of drivers worldwide have enjoyed financial benefits and work schedule flexibility through a ride-sharing economy, but meanwhile they have suffered from the lack of a sense of identity and career achievement. Equipped with social identity and contest theories, financially incentivized team competitions have been an effective instrument to increase drivers' productivity, job satisfaction, and retention, and to improve revenue over cost for ride-sharing platforms. While these competitions are overall effective, the decisive factors behind the treatment effects and how they affect the outcomes of individual drivers have been largely mysterious. In this study, we analyze data collected from more than 500 large-scale team competitions organized by a leading ride-sharing platform, building machine learning models to predict individual treatment effects. Through a careful investigation of features and predictors, we are able to reduce out-sample prediction error by more than 24%. Through interpreting the best-performing models, we discover many novel and actionable insights regarding how to optimize the design and the execution of team competitions on ride-sharing platforms. A simulated analysis demonstrates that by simply changing a few contest design options, the average treatment effect of a real competition is expected to increase by as much as 26%. Our procedure and findings shed light on how to analyze and optimize large-scale online field experiments in general.
Predicting Individual Treatment Effects of Large-scale Team Competitions in a Ride-sharing Economy
We examine the clustering and kinematics of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the North America/Pelican Nebulae, as revealed by Gaia astrometry, in relation to the structure and motions of the molecular gas, as indicated in molecular line maps. The Gaia parallaxes and proper motions allow us to significantly refine previously published lists of YSOs, demonstrating that many of the objects previously thought to form a distributed population turn out to be non-members. The members are subdivided into at least 6 spatio-kinematic groups, each of which is associated with its own molecular cloud component or components. Three of the groups are expanding, with velocity gradients of 0.3-0.5 km/s/pc, up to maximum velocities of ~8 km/s away from the groups' centers. The two known O-type stars associated with the region, 2MASS J20555125+4352246 and HD 199579, are rapidly escaping one of these groups, following the same position-velocity relation as the low-mass stars. We calculate that a combination of gas expulsion and tidal forces from the clumpy distribution of molecular gas could impart the observed velocity gradients within the groups. However, on a global scale, the relative motions of the groups do not appear either divergent or convergent. The velocity dispersion of the whole system is consistent with the kinetic energy gained due to gravitational collapse of the complex. Most of the stellar population has ages similar to the free-fall timescales for the natal clouds. Thus, we suggest the nearly free-fall collapse of a turbulent molecular cloud as the most likely scenario for star formation in this complex.
The Formation of a Stellar Association in the NGC 7000/IC 5070 Complex: Results from Kinematic Analysis of Stars and Gas
Noncritical M-theory in 2+1 dimensions has been defined as a double-scaling limit of a nonrelativistic Fermi liquid on a flat two-dimensional plane. Here we study this noncritical M-theory in the limit of high energies, analogous to the \alpha'\to\infty limit of string theory. In the related case of two-dimensional Type 0A strings, it has been argued that the conformal \alpha'\to\infty limit leads to AdS_2 with a propagating fermion whose mass is set by the value of the RR flux. Here we provide evidence that in the high-energy limit, the natural ground state of noncritical M-theory similarly describes the AdS_2\times S^1 spacetime, with a massless propagating fermion. We argue that the spacetime effective theory in this background is captured by a topological higher-spin extension of conformal Chern-Simons gravity in 2+1 dimensions, consistently coupled to a massless Dirac field. Intriguingly, the two-dimensional plane populated by the original nonrelativistic fermions is essentially the twistor space associated with the symmetry group of the AdS_2\times S^1 spacetime; thus, at least in the high-energy limit, noncritical M-theory can be nonperturbatively described as a "Fermi liquid on twistor space."
Strings on AdS_2 and the High-Energy Limit of Noncritical M-Theory
Real-world generalization, e.g., deciding to approach a never-seen-before animal, relies on contextual information as well as previous experiences. Such a seemingly easy behavioral choice requires the interplay of multiple neural mechanisms, from integrative encoding to category-based inference, weighted differently according to the circumstances. Here, we argue that a comprehensive theory of the neuro-cognitive substrates of real-world generalization will greatly benefit from empirical research with three key elements. First, the ecological validity provided by multimodal, naturalistic paradigms. Second, the model stability afforded by deep sampling. Finally, the statistical rigor granted by predictive modeling and computational controls.
A roadmap to reverse engineering real-world generalization by combining naturalistic paradigms, deep sampling, and predictive computational models
We present a new analysis of $A_N$ in $p^\uparrow p\to \pi\, X$ within the collinear twist-3 factorization formalism. We incorporate recently derived Lorentz invariance relations into our calculation and focus on input from the kinematical twist-3 functions, which are weighted integrals of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) functions. In particular, we use the latest extractions of the Sivers and Collins functions with TMD evolution to compute certain terms in $A_N$. Consequently, we are able to constrain the remaining contributions from the lesser known dynamical twist-3 correlators.
Phenomenological constraints on $A_N$ in $p^\uparrow p\to \pi\, X$ from Lorentz invariance relations
We review the properties and nature of luminous high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs, z > 2) and the environments in which they are located. HzRGs have several distinct constituents which interact with each other - relativistic plasma, gas in various forms, dust, stars and an active galactic nucleus (AGN). These building blocks provide unique diagnostics about conditions in the early Universe. We discuss the properties of each constituent. Evidence is presented that HzRGs are massive forming galaxies and the progenitors of brightest cluster galaxies in the local Universe. HzRGs are located in overdense regions in the early Universe and are frequently surrounded by protoclusters. We review the properties and nature of these radio-selected protoclusters. Finally we consider the potential for future progress in the field during the next few decades. A compendium of known HzRGs is given in an appendix.
Distant Radio Galaxies and their Environments
A common problem affecting neural network (NN) approximations of model predictive control (MPC) policies is the lack of analytical tools to assess the stability of the closed-loop system under the action of the NN-based controller. We present a general procedure to quantify the performance of such a controller, or to design minimum complexity NNs with rectified linear units (ReLUs) that preserve the desirable properties of a given MPC scheme. By quantifying the approximation error between NN-based and MPC-based state-to-input mappings, we first establish suitable conditions involving two key quantities, the worst-case error and the Lipschitz constant, guaranteeing the stability of the closed-loop system. We then develop an offline, mixed-integer optimization-based method to compute those quantities exactly. Together these techniques provide conditions sufficient to certify the stability and performance of a ReLU-based approximation of an MPC control law.
Reliably-stabilizing piecewise-affine neural network controllers
Polar codes are a channel coding scheme for the next generation of wireless communications standard (5G). The belief propagation (BP) decoder allows for parallel decoding of polar codes, making it suitable for high throughput applications. However, the error-correction performance of polar codes under BP decoding is far from the requirements of 5G. It has been shown that the error-correction performance of BP can be improved if the decoding is performed on multiple permuted factor graphs of polar codes. However, a different BP decoding scheduling is required for each factor graph permutation which results in the design of a different decoder for each permutation. Moreover, the selection of the different factor graph permutations is at random, which prevents the decoder to achieve a desirable error-correction performance with a small number of permutations. In this paper, we first show that the permutations on the factor graph can be mapped into suitable permutations on the codeword positions. As a result, we can make use of a single decoder for all the permutations. In addition, we introduce a method to construct a set of predetermined permutations which can provide the correct codeword if the decoding fails on the original permutation. We show that for the 5G polar code of length $1024$, the error-correction performance of the proposed decoder is more than $0.25$ dB better than that of the BP decoder with the same number of random permutations at the frame error rate of $10^{-4}$.
On the Decoding of Polar Codes on Permuted Factor Graphs
Reliable detection of out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs is increasingly understood to be a precondition for deployment of machine learning systems. This paper proposes and investigates the use of contrastive training to boost OOD detection performance. Unlike leading methods for OOD detection, our approach does not require access to examples labeled explicitly as OOD, which can be difficult to collect in practice. We show in extensive experiments that contrastive training significantly helps OOD detection performance on a number of common benchmarks. By introducing and employing the Confusion Log Probability (CLP) score, which quantifies the difficulty of the OOD detection task by capturing the similarity of inlier and outlier datasets, we show that our method especially improves performance in the `near OOD' classes -- a particularly challenging setting for previous methods.
Contrastive Training for Improved Out-of-Distribution Detection
The study examines the relationship between mobile financial services and individual financial behavior in India wherein a sizeable population is yet to be financially included. Addressing the endogeneity associated with the use of mobile financial services using an instrumental variable method, the study finds that the use of mobile financial services increases the likelihood of investment, having insurance and borrowing from formal financial institutions. Further, the analysis highlights that access to mobile financial services have the potential to bridge the gender divide in financial inclusion. Fastening the pace of access to mobile financial services may partially alter pandemic induced poverty.
Effect of mobile financial services on financial behavior in developing economies-Evidence from India
Let $T$ be a `properly metrisable' topological space, that is, locally compact, separable and metrisable. Let $\mathcal{M}^T$ be the non-empty set of all proper metrics $d$ on $T$ compatible with its topology, and equip $\mathcal{M}^T$ with the topology of uniform convergence, where the metrics are regarded as functions on $T^2$. We prove that if $T$ is uncountable then the set $\mathcal{A}^T_f$ of metrics $d\in\mathcal{M}^T$ for which the Lipschitz-free space $\mathcal{F}(T,d)$ fails the approximation property is a dense set in $\mathcal{M}^T$. Combining this with a result of Dalet, we conclude that for any properly metrisable space $T$, $\mathcal{A}^T_f$ is either empty or dense in $\mathcal{M}^T$.
Lipschitz-free spaces over properly metrisable spaces and approximation properties
We study the generation number of massless fermions in compactifications recently found in heterotic supergravity. The internal spaces are products of two-dimensional spaces of constant curvature, and the standard embedding is not assumed. The generation number is constrained by the equations of motion and the Bianchi identity. In the case that the Euler characteristics of the three internal submanifolds are $(2,-2,-2)$, the generation number is three or less. We also show that three-generation solutions exist for arbitrary Euler characteristics of the negatively curved 2-manifolds, and we present some explicit solutions.
Three-generation solutions of equations of motion in heterotic supergravity
The efficiency of recent star formation (SF) in galaxies increases with increasing projected distance from the centre of a cluster out to several times its virial radius (R_v). Using a complete sample of galaxies in 268 clusters from the SDSS DR4, we investigate how, at a given projected radius from the cluster centre, M* and SF properties of a galaxy depend on its absolute line-of-sight velocity in the cluster rest frame, |v_LOS|. We find that for R<0.5 R_v, the fraction of high mass non-BCG galaxies increases towards the centre for low |v_LOS|. At a given projected radius, the fraction of Galaxies with Ongoing or Recent (<1-3 Gyr) Efficient Star Formation (GORES, with EW(H_delta)>2 ang & D_4000>1.5) is slightly but significantly lower for low |v_LOS| galaxies than for their high velocity counterparts. We study these observational trends with the help of a dark matter (DM) cosmological simulation. We find that the backsplash particles account for at least one-third (half) of all particles at projected radii slightly greater than the virial radius and |v_LOS|<sigma_v. The deprojection of the GORES fraction leads to a saturated linear increase with radius. We fit simple models of the fraction of GORES as a function of class only or class and distance to the cluster centre (as in our deprojected fraction). In our best-fitting model GORES account for 13% of galaxies within the virial sphere, 11% of the virial population, 34% of the distant (for projected radii R<2 R_v) infall population and 19% of the backsplash galaxies. Given the 1-3 Gyr lookback time of our GORES indicators, these results suggest that SF in a galaxy is almost completely quenched in a single passage through the cluster.
The velocity modulation of galaxy properties in and near clusters: quantifying the decrease in star formation in backsplash galaxies
McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems are robust and versatile cryptosystems. These cryptosystems work with many linear error-correcting codes. They are popular these days because they can be quantum-secure. In this paper, we study the Niederreiter cryptosystem using non-binary quasi-cyclic codes. We prove, if these quasi-cyclic codes satisfy certain conditions, the corresponding Niederreiter cryptosystem is resistant to the hidden subgroup problem using weak quantum Fourier sampling. Though our work uses the weak Fourier sampling, we argue that its conclusions should remain valid for the strong Fourier sampling as well.
Niederreiter cryptosystems using quasi-cyclic codes that resist quantum Fourier sampling
We show that the local temperature dependence of thermalized electron and phonon populations along metallic carbon nanotubes is the main reason behind this non-linear transport characteristics in the high bias regime. Our model that considers optical and zone boundary phonon emission as well as absorption by charge carriers is based on the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation that assumes a local temperature along the nanotube, determined self-consistently with the heat transport equation. By using realistic transport parameters, our results not only reproduce experimental data for electronic transport, but also provide a coherent interpretation of thermal breakdown under electric stress. In particular, electron and phonon thermalization prohibits ballistic transport in short nanotubes.
Non-linear transport and heat dissipation in metallic carbon nanotubes
This paper proves an integral version of the Riemann-Roch theorem for surface bundles, comparing the standard cohomology classes with the cohomology classes coming from the symplectic group.
An integral Riemann-Roch theorem for surface bundles
The large number of top quarks produced at the LHC and possible future hadron colliders allows to study rare decays of this particle. In many well motivated models of new physics, for example in non-minimal composite-Higgs models, the existence of scalar singlets can induce new flavor-violating top decays surpassing the Higgs contribution by orders of magnitude. We study the discovery prospects of rare top decays within such models and develop new search strategies to test these interactions in top pair-produced events at the LHC. We demonstrate that scales as large as $10$--$50$ TeV can be probed. Improvements by factors of $\sim 1.5$ and $\sim 3$ can be obtained at $\sqrt{s} = 27$ TeV and $\sqrt{s} = 100$ TeV colliders.
Top quark FCNCs in extended Higgs sectors
It is well-known that solutions to the string equation are generated by elements of Sato's Grassmannian which are invariant under action of some differential operator. Here it is shown that this operator is nothing else than the infinitesimal operator of the group of additional symmetries of the KdV flow. This is done for KdV hierarchies of arbitrary orders. Virasoro constraints are obtained in a slightly more general form than they are usually written.
Additional symmetries of KP, Grassmannian, and the string equation
While multifidelity modeling provides a cost-effective way to conduct uncertainty quantification with computationally expensive models, much greater efficiency can be achieved by adaptively deciding the number of required high-fidelity (HF) simulations, depending on the type and complexity of the problem and the desired accuracy in the results. We propose a framework for active learning with multifidelity modeling emphasizing the efficient estimation of rare events. Our framework works by fusing a low-fidelity (LF) prediction with an HF-inferred correction, filtering the corrected LF prediction to decide whether to call the high-fidelity model, and for enhanced subsequent accuracy, adapting the correction for the LF prediction after every HF model call. The framework does not make any assumptions as to the LF model type or its correlations with the HF model. In addition, for improved robustness when estimating smaller failure probabilities, we propose using dynamic active learning functions that decide when to call the HF model. We demonstrate our framework using several academic case studies and two finite element (FE) model case studies: estimating Navier-Stokes velocities using the Stokes approximation and estimating stresses in a transversely isotropic model subjected to displacements via a coarsely meshed isotropic model. Across these case studies, not only did the proposed framework estimate the failure probabilities accurately, but compared with either Monte Carlo or a standard variance reduction method, it also required only a small fraction of the calls to the HF model.
Active Learning with Multifidelity Modeling for Efficient Rare Event Simulation
We present a collection of eight data sets, from state-of-the-art experiments and numerical simulations on turbulent velocity statistics along particle trajectories obtained in different flows with Reynolds numbers in the range $R_\lambda \in [120:740]$. Lagrangian structure functions from all data sets are found to collapse onto each other on a wide range of time lags, revealing a universal statistics, and calling for a unified theoretical description. Parisi-Frisch Multifractal theory, suitable extended to the dissipative scales and to the Lagrangian domain, is found to capture intermittency of velocity statistics over the whole three decades of temporal scales here investigated.
Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows
Channel pruning is broadly recognized as an effective approach to obtain a small compact model through eliminating unimportant channels from a large cumbersome network. Contemporary methods typically perform iterative pruning procedure from the original over-parameterized model, which is both tedious and expensive especially when the pruning is aggressive. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective channel pruning technique, termed network Pruning via rEsource rEalLocation (PEEL), to quickly produce a desired slim model with negligible cost. Specifically, PEEL first constructs a predefined backbone and then conducts resource reallocation on it to shift parameters from less informative layers to more important layers in one round, thus amplifying the positive effect of these informative layers. To demonstrate the effectiveness of PEEL , we perform extensive experiments on ImageNet with ResNet-18, ResNet-50, MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3-small and EfficientNet-B0. Experimental results show that structures uncovered by PEEL exhibit competitive performance with state-of-the-art pruning algorithms under various pruning settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/cardwing/Codes-for-PEEL.
Network Pruning via Resource Reallocation
We present our analysis on high energy hadron-hadron scattering in the framework of the holographic QCD. Combining the Brower-Polchinski-Strassler-Tan Pomeron exchange kernel and gravitational form factors of the involved hadrons which are obtained by using the bottom-up AdS/QCD models in the five-dimensional AdS space, we calculate the total cross sections at high energies. We show that our calculations for the nucleon-nucleon scattering agree with the experimental data including the recent ones taken by the TOTEM collaboration at the LHC. The present framework is applicable to any high energy process, in which the strong interaction can be approximated by the Pomeron exchange. We present the results for the pion-nucleon and pion-pion scattering as examples, which can be obtained without any additional parameter because all the adjustable parameters are fixed via the analysis on the nucleon-nucleon scattering. The resulting total cross section ratios are $\sigma_{tot}^{\pi N} / \sigma_{tot}^{N N} = 0.63$ and $\sigma_{tot}^{\pi \pi} / \sigma_{tot}^{N N} = 0.45$, respectively.
Total hadronic cross sections at high energies in holographic QCD
In ``Rips complexes and covers in the uniform category'' the authors define, following James, covering maps of uniform spaces and introduce the concept of generalized uniform covering maps. Conditions for the existence of universal uniform covering maps and generalized uniform covering maps are given. This paper notes that the universal generalized uniform covering map is uniformly equivalent to the inverse limit of uniform covering maps and is therefore approximated by uniform covering maps. A characterization of generalized uniform covering maps that are approximated by uniform covering maps is provided as well as a characterization of generalized uniform covering maps that are uniformly equivalent to the inverse limit of uniform covering maps. Inverse limits of group actions that induce generalized uniform covering maps are also treated.
Inverse Limits of Uniform Covering Maps
Hashing has been widely used for efficient similarity search based on its query and storage efficiency. To obtain better precision, most studies focus on designing different objective functions with different constraints or penalty terms that consider neighborhood information. In this paper, in contrast to existing hashing methods, we propose a novel generalized framework called fusion hashing (FH) to improve the precision of existing hashing methods without adding new constraints or penalty terms. In the proposed FH, given an existing hashing method, we first execute it several times to get several different hash codes for a set of training samples. We then propose two novel fusion strategies that combine these different hash codes into one set of final hash codes. Based on the final hash codes, we learn a simple linear hash function for the samples that can significantly improve model precision. In general, the proposed FH can be adopted in existing hashing method and achieve more precise and stable performance compared to the original hashing method with little extra expenditure in terms of time and space. Extensive experiments were performed based on three benchmark datasets and the results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed framework
Fusion Hashing: A General Framework for Self-improvement of Hashing
Federated learning is a recently proposed paradigm that enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a joint model. It allows clients to train models locally, and leverages the parameter server to generate a global model by aggregating the locally submitted gradient updates at each round. Although the incentive model for federated learning has not been fully developed, it is supposed that participants are able to get rewards or the privilege to use the final global model, as a compensation for taking efforts to train the model. Therefore, a client who does not have any local data has the incentive to construct local gradient updates in order to deceive for rewards. In this paper, we are the first to propose the notion of free rider attacks, to explore possible ways that an attacker may construct gradient updates, without any local training data. Furthermore, we explore possible defenses that could detect the proposed attacks, and propose a new high dimensional detection method called STD-DAGMM, which particularly works well for anomaly detection of model parameters. We extend the attacks and defenses to consider more free riders as well as differential privacy, which sheds light on and calls for future research in this field.
Free-riders in Federated Learning: Attacks and Defenses
Scalar-tensor gravity, with the screening mechanisms to avoid the severe constraints of the fifth force in the Solar System, can be described with a unified theoretical framework, the so-called screened modified gravity (SMG). Within this framework, in this paper we calculate the waveforms of gravitational-waves (GWs) emitted by inspiral compact binaries, which include four polarization modes, the plus $h_{+}$, cross $h_{\times}$, breathing $h_{b}$, and longitudinal $h_{L}$ modes. The scalar polarizations $h_b$ and $h_L$ are both caused by the scalar field of SMG, and satisfy a simple linear relation. With the stationary phase approximations, we obtain their Fourier transforms, and derive the correction terms in the amplitude, phase, and polarizations of GWs, relative to the corresponding results in general relativity. The corresponding parametrized post-Einsteinian parameters in the general SMG are also identified. Imposing the noise level of the ground-based Einstein Telescope, we find that GW detections from inspiral compact binaries composed of a neutron star and a black hole can place stringent constraints on the sensitivities of neutron stars, and the bound is applicable to any SMG theory. Finally, we apply these results to some specific theories of SMG, including chameleon, symmetron, dilaton and $f(R)$.
Waveforms of compact binary inspiral gravitational radiation in screened modified gravity
We consider the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with combined nonlinearities, one of which is defocusing mass-critical and the other is focusing energy-critical or energy-subcritical. The threshold is given by means of variational argument. We establish the profile decomposition in $H^1(\Bbb R^d)$ and then utilize the concentration-compactness method to show the global wellposedness and scattering versus blowup in $H^1(\Bbb R^d)$ below the threshold for radial data when $d\leq4$.
Global well-posedness and scattering for nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with combined nonlinearities in the radial case
We discuss generalized global symmetries and their breaking. We extend Goldstone's theorem to higher form symmetries by showing that a perimeter law for an extended $p$-dimensional defect operator charged under a continuous $p$-form generalized global symmetry necessarily results in a gapless mode in the spectrum. We also show that a $p$-form symmetry in a conformal theory in $2(p+1)$ dimensions has a free realization. In four dimensions this means any 1-form symmetry in a $CFT_4$ can be realized by free Maxwell electrodynamics, i.e. the current can be photonized. The photonized theory has infinitely many conserved 0-form charges that are constructed by integrating the symmetry currents against suitable 1-forms. We study these charges by developing a twistor-based formalism that is a 4d analogue of the usual holomorphic complex analysis familiar in $CFT_2$. The charges are shown to obey an algebra with central extension, which is an analogue of the 2d Abelian Kac-Moody algebra for higher form symmetries.
Goldstone modes and photonization for higher form symmetries
Recent chemical exfoliation of layered MAX phase compounds to novel two-dimensional transition metal carbides and nitrides, so called MXenes, has brought new opportunity to materials science and technology. This review highlights the computational attempts that have been made to understand the physics and chemistry of this very promising family of advanced two-dimensional materials, and to exploit their novel and exceptional properties for electronic and energy harvesting applications.
Electronic properties and applications of MXenes: a theoretical review
A Lax system in three variables is presented, two equations of which form the Lax pair of the stationary Davey-Stewartson II equation. With certain nonlinear constraints, the full integrability condition of this Lax system contains the hyperbolic Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation and its standard Lax pair. The Darboux transformation for the Davey-Stewartson II equation is used to solve the hyperbolic Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation. Using Darboux transformation, global $n$-soliton solutions are obtained. It is proved that each $n$-soliton solution approaches zero uniformly and exponentially at spatial infinity and is asymptotic to $n^2$ lumps of peaks at temporal infinity.
Relation between hyperbolic Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equation and stationary Davey-Stewartson II equation
New observations of SN 1980K made with the VLA at 20 and 6 cm from 1994 April through 1996 October show that the supernova (SN) has undergone a significant change in its radio emission evolution, dropping by a factor of ~2 below the flux density S \propto t^{-0.73} power-law decline with time t observed earlier. However, although S at all observed frequencies has decreased significantly, its current spectral index of \alpha= -0.42\pm0.15 (S \propto \nu^{+\alpha}) is consistent with the previous spectral index of \alpha=-0.60_{-0.07}^{+0.04}. It is suggested that this decrease in emission may be due to the SN shock entering a new region of the circumstellar material which has a lower density than that expected for a constant speed (w), constant mass-loss rate (Mdot) wind from the progenitor. If such an interpretation is correct, the difference in wind and shock speeds appears to indicate a significant evolution in the mass-loss history of the SN progenitor ~10^4 years before explosion, with a change in circumstellar density (\propto Mdot/w) occurring over a time span of \lesssim 4 kyr. Such features could be explained in terms of a fast ``blue-loop'' evolutionary phase of a relatively massive pre-SN progenitor star. If so, we may, for the first time, provide a stringent constraint on the mass of the SN progenitor based solely on the SN's radio emission.
Radio Observations of SN 1980K: Evidence for Rapid Presupernova Evolution
ChaNGa is an N-body cosmology simulation application implemented using Charm++. In this paper, we present the parallel design of ChaNGa and address many challenges arising due to the high dynamic ranges of clustered datasets. We focus on optimizations based on adaptive techniques for scaling to more than 128K cores. We demonstrate strong scaling on up to 512K cores of Blue Waters evolving 12 and 24 billion particles. We also show strong scaling of highly clustered datasets on up to 128K cores.
Adaptive Techniques for Clustered N-Body Cosmological Simulations
Hidden links are designed solely for search engines rather than visitors. To get high search engine rankings, link hiding techniques are usually used for the profitability of black industries, such as illicit game servers, false medical services, illegal gambling, and less attractive high-profit industry, etc. This paper investigates hyperlink hiding techniques on the Web, and gives a detailed taxonomy. We believe the taxonomy can help develop appropriate countermeasures. Study on 5,583,451 Chinese sites' home pages indicate that link hidden techniques are very prevalent on the Web. We also tried to explore the attitude of Google towards link hiding spam by analyzing the PageRank values of relative links. The results show that more should be done to punish the hidden link spam.
A Taxonomy of Hyperlink Hiding Techniques
Text-based games are a natural challenge domain for deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Their state and action spaces are combinatorially large, their reward function is sparse, and they are partially observable: the agent is informed of the consequences of its actions through textual feedback. In this paper we emphasize this latter point and consider the design of a deep reinforcement learning agent that can play from feedback alone. Our design recognizes and takes advantage of the structural characteristics of text-based games. We first propose a contextualisation mechanism, based on accumulated reward, which simplifies the learning problem and mitigates partial observability. We then study different methods that rely on the notion that most actions are ineffectual in any given situation, following Zahavy et al.'s idea of an admissible action. We evaluate these techniques in a series of text-based games of increasing difficulty based on the TextWorld framework, as well as the iconic game Zork. Empirically, we find that these techniques improve the performance of a baseline deep reinforcement learning agent applied to text-based games.
Algorithmic Improvements for Deep Reinforcement Learning applied to Interactive Fiction
We theoretically consider the temporal dynamics of two coupled spin qubits (e.g., semiconductor quantum dots) driven by the inter-qubit spin-spin coupling. The presence of environmental noise (e.g., charge traps, nuclear spins, random magnetic impurities) is accounted for by including random magnetic field and random inter-qubit coupling terms in the Hamiltonian. Both Heisenberg coupling and Ising coupling between the spin qubits are considered, corresponding respectively to exchange and capacitive gates as appropriate for single spin and singlet-triplet semiconductor qubit systems, respectively. Both exchange (Heisenberg) and capacitive (Ising) coupling situations can be solved numerically exactly even in the presence of noise, leading to the key findings that (i) the steady-state return probability to the initial state remains close to unity in the presence of strong noise for many, but not all, starting spin configurations, and (ii) the return probability as a function of time is oscillatory with a characteristic noise-controlled decay toward the steady-state value. We also provide results for the magnetization dynamics of the coupled two-qubit system. Our predicted dynamics can be directly tested in the already existing semiconductor spin qubit setups providing insight into their coherent interaction dynamics. Retention of the initial state spin memory even in the presence of strong environmental noise has important implications for quantum computation using spin qubits.
Dynamics of two coupled semiconductor spin qubits in a noisy environment
The transport of scalar quantities passively advected by velocity fields with a small-scale component can be modeled at meso-scale level by means of an effective drift and an effective diffusivity, which can be determined by means of multiple-scale techniques. We show that the presence of a weak large-scale flow induces interesting effects on the meso-scale scalar transport. In particular, it gives rise to non-isotropic and non-homogeneous corrections to the meso-scale drift and diffusivity. We discuss an approximation that allows us to retain the second-order effects caused by the large-scale flow. This provides a rather accurate meso-scale modeling for both asymptotic and pre-asymptotic scalar transport properties. Numerical simulations in model flows are used to illustrate the importance of such large-scale effects.
Large-scale effects on meso-scale modeling for scalar transport
We compare gravitational-wave (GW) signals from eight three-dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae, using two different progenitors with zero-age main sequence masses of 9 and 20 solar masses. The collapse of each progenitor was simulated four times, at two different grid resolutions and with two different neutrino transport methods, using the Aenus-Alcar code. The main goal of this study is to assess the validity of recent concerns that the so-called "Ray-by-Ray+" (RbR+) approximation is problematic in core-collapse simulations and can adversely affect theoretical GW predictions. Therefore, signals from simulations using RbR+ are compared to signals from corresponding simulations using a fully multidimensional (FMD) transport scheme. The 9 solar-mass progenitor successfully explodes, whereas the 20 solar-mass model does not. Both the standing accretion shock instability and hot-bubble convection develop in the postshock layer of the non-exploding models. In the exploding models, neutrino-driven convection in the postshock flow is established around 100 ms after core bounce and lasts until the onset of shock revival. We can, therefore, judge the impact of the numerical resolution and neutrino transport under all conditions typically seen in non-rotating core-collapse simulations. We find excellent qualitative agreement in all GW features. We find minor quantitative differences between simulations, but find no systematic differences between simulations using different transport schemes. Resolution-dependent differences in the hydrodynamic behaviour of low-resolution and high-resolution models have a greater impact on the GW signals than consequences of the different transport methods. Furthermore, increasing the resolution decreases the discrepancies between models with different neutrino transport.
Gravitational-wave Signals From Three-dimensional Supernova Simulations With Different Neutrino-Transport Methods
An asymmetric break-down of the integer quantized Hall effect is investigated. This rectification effect is observed as a function of the current value and its direction in conjunction with an asymmetric lateral confinement potential defining the Hall-bar. Our electrostatic definition of the Hall-bar via Schottky-gates allows a systematic control of the steepness of the confinement potential at the edges of the Hall-bar. A softer edge (flatter confinement potential) results in more stable Hall-plateaus, i.e. a break-down at a larger current density. For one soft and one hard edge the break-down current depends on the current direction, resembling rectification. This non-linear magneto-transport effect confirms the predictions of an emerging screening theory of the IQHE.
Asymmetric non-linear response of the IQHE
We calculate the induced elastic-interaction between pointwise membrane inclusions that locally interact up to quadratic order with the membrane curvature tensor. For isotropic inclusions, we recover the usual interaction proportional to the inverse fourth power of the separation, however with a prefactor showing a non-trivial dependence on the rigidity $\Gamma$ of the quadratic potential. In the large $\Gamma$ limit, corresponding to ``hard'' inclusions, we recover the standard prefactor first obtained by Goulian et al. [Europhys. Lett. \textbf{22}, 145 (1993)]. In the small $\Gamma$ limit, corresponding to "soft" inclusions, we recover the recent result of Marchenko and Misbah [Eur. Phys. J. E \textbf{8}, 477 (2002)]. This shows that the latter result bears no fundamental discrepancy with previous works, but simply corresponds to the limit of soft inclusions. We discuss how the same inclusion can be depicted as hard or soft according to the degree of coarse-graining of the pointwise description. Finally, we argue that conical transmembrane proteins should be fundamentally considered as hard inclusions.
Elastic interaction between "hard'' or "soft" pointwise inclusions on biological membranes
Model-independent parametrisations of modified gravity have attracted a lot of attention over the past few years; numerous combinations of experiments and observables have been suggested to constrain these parameterisations, and future surveys look very promising. Galaxy Clusters have been mentioned, but not looked at as extensively in the literature as some other probes. Here we look at adding Galaxy Clusters into the mix of observables and examine whether they could improve the constraints on the modified gravity parameters. In particular, we forecast the constraints from combining the Planck CMB spectrum and SZ cluster catalogue and a DES-like Weak Lensing survey. We've found that adding cluster counts improves the constraints obtained from combining CMB and WL data.
Beyond Einstein: Cosmological Tests of Model Independent Modified Gravity
We show that the holographic entropy bound for gravitational systems and the Bekenstein entropy bound for nongravitational systems are holographically related. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we find that the Bekenstein bound on the boundary is obtained from the holographic bound in the bulk by minimizing the boundary energy with respect the AdS radius or the cosmological constant. This relation may also ameliorate some problems associated with the Bekenstein bound.
On Entropy Bounds and Holography
SR (synchronizing resources) is a PASCAL - style language enhanced with constructs for concurrent programming developed at the University of Arizona in the late 1980s. MPD (presented in Gregory Andrews' book about Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming) is its successor, providing the same language primitives with a different, more C-style, syntax. The run-time system (in theory, identical, but not designed for sharing) of those languages provides the illusion of a multiprocessor machine on a single Unix-like system or a (local area) network of Unix-like machines. Chair V of the Computer Science Department of the University of Bonn is operating a laboratory for a practical course in parallel programming consisting of computing nodes running NetBSD/arm, normally used via PVM, MPI etc. We are considering to offer SR and MPD for this, too. As the original language distributions were only targeted at a few commercial Unix systems, some porting effort is needed. However, some of the porting effort of our earlier SR port should be reusable. The integrated POSIX threads support of NetBSD-2.0 and later allows us to use library primitives provided for NetBSD's phtread system to implement the primitives needed by the SR run-time system, thus implementing 13 target CPUs at once and automatically making use of SMP on VAX, Alpha, PowerPC, Sparc, 32-bit Intel and 64 bit AMD CPUs. We'll present some methods used for the impementation and compare some performance values to the traditional implementation.
A Machine-Independent port of the MPD language run time system to NetBSD
The neutron star spin down imposes a balance between the energy and angular momentum (E/L) losses of a pulsar. This translates into constraints on the region of emission. The E/L balance may be cogent in discriminating among the models of gamma-ray production. Hence, models which require the release of the entire luminosity at the polar caps should be excluded. Also models where the radiative zone is well inside the speed of light radius have some difficulties. It is argued that a local unbalance of E/L should generate a global instability of the magnetosphere, possibly quenching the emission at the polar caps.
On Energy- Angular Momentum- Loss and Pulsar Spark Gaps
We study the category whose objects are graphs of fixed genus and whose morphisms are contractions. We show that the corresponding contravariant module categories are Noetherian and we study two families of modules over these categories. The first takes a graph to a graded piece of the homology of its unordered configuration space and the second takes a graph to an intersection homology group whose dimension is given by a Kazhdan-Lusztig coefficient; in both cases we prove that the module is finitely generated. This allows us to draw conclusions about torsion in the homology groups of graph configuration spaces, and about the growth of Betti numbers of graph configuration spaces and Kazhdan-Lusztig coefficients of graphical matroids. We also explore the relationship between our category and outer space, which is used in the study of outer automorphisms of free groups.
The contraction category of graphs
It is well known that, under certain conditions, it is possible to split logic programs under stable model semantics, i.e. to divide such a program into a number of different "levels", such that the models of the entire program can be constructed by incrementally constructing models for each level. Similar results exist for other non-monotonic formalisms, such as auto-epistemic logic and default logic. In this work, we present a general, algebraicsplitting theory for logics with a fixpoint semantics. Together with the framework of approximation theory, a general fixpoint theory for arbitrary operators, this gives us a uniform and powerful way of deriving splitting results for each logic with a fixpoint semantics. We demonstrate the usefulness of these results, by generalizing existing results for logic programming, auto-epistemic logic and default logic.
Splitting an operator: Algebraic modularity results for logics with fixpoint semantics
Tsfasman-Boguslavsky Conjecture predicts the maximum number of zeros that a system of linearly independent homogeneous polynomials of the same positive degree with coefficients in a finite field can have in the corresponding projective space. We give a self-contained proof to show that this conjecture holds in the affirmative in the case of systems of three homogeneous polynomials, and also to show that the conjecture is false in the case of five quadrics in the 3-dimensional projective space over a finite field. Connections between the Tsfasman-Boguslavsky Conjecture and the determination of generalized Hamming weights of projective Reed-Muller codes are outlined and these are also exploited to show that this conjecture holds in the affirmative in the case of systems of a "large" number of three homogeneous polynomials, and to deduce the counterexample of 5 quadrics. An application to the nonexistence of lines in certain Veronese varieties over finite fields is also included.
Remarks on Tsfasman-Boguslavsky Conjecture and Higher Weights of Projective Reed-Muller Codes
A magnetic flux tube may be considered both as a separate body and as a confined field. As a field, it is affected both by the cyclonic convection ($\alpha$-effect) and differential rotation ($\Omega$-effect). As a body, the tube experiences not only a buoyant force, but also a dynamic pressure due to downflows above the tube. When these two dynamic effects are incorporated into the $\alpha\Omega$ dynamo equations, we obtain a dynamo operating in the convection zone. We analyze and solve the extended dynamo equations in the linear approximation by using observed solar internal rotation and assuming a downflow suggested by numerical simulations of the solar convection zone. The results produce: (i) the 22-year cycle period; (ii) the extended butterfly diagram; (iii) the confinement of strong activity to low heliographic latitudes $|\Phi|\le 35^\circ$; (iv) at low latitudes the radial field is in an approximately $\pi$ phase lag compared to the toroidal field at the same latitude; (v) the poleward branch is in a $\pi/2$ phase lag with respect to the equatorward branch; (vi) most of the magnetic flux is present in a strongly intermittent form, concentraed into strong flux tubes; (vii) the magnetic field peaks at a depth of $r=0.96 R_{\sun}$; (viii) total solar irradiance varies in phase with the solar cycle activity, having an amplitude of 0.1%; (ix) solar effective temperature varies in phase with the solar cycle activity, having an amplitude of 1.5 $^\circ C$; and (x) solar radius also varies in phase with the solar cycle activity, having an amplitude of 20 mas. All these results are in agreement with the corresponding observations.
A convection zone dynamo including the effects of magnetic buoyancy and downward flows
Several planetary formation models have been proposed to explain the observed abundance and variety of compositions of super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. In this context, multitransiting systems orbiting low-mass stars whose planets are close to the radius valley are benchmark systems, which help to elucidate which formation model dominates. We report the discovery, validation, and initial characterization of one such system, TOI-2096, composed of a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune hosted by a mid-type M dwarf located 48 pc away. We first characterized the host star by combining different methods. Then, we derived the planetary properties by modeling the photometric data from TESS and ground-based facilities. We used archival data, high-resolution imaging, and statistical validation to support our planetary interpretation. We found that TOI-2096 corresponds to a dwarf star of spectral type M4. It harbors a super-Earth (R$\sim1.2 R_{\oplus}$) and a mini-Neptune (R$\sim1.90 R_{\oplus}$) in likely slightly eccentric orbits with orbital periods of 3.12 d and 6.39 d, respectively. These orbital periods are close to the first-order 2:1 mean-motion resonance (MMR), which may lead to measurable transit timing variations (TTVs). We computed the expected TTVs amplitude for each planet and found that they might be measurable with high-precision photometry delivering mid-transit times with accuracies of $\lesssim$2 min. Moreover, measuring the planetary masses via radial velocities (RVs) is also possible. Lastly, we found that these planets are among the best in their class to conduct atmospheric studies using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The properties of this system make it a suitable candidate for further studies, particularly for mass determination using RVs and/or TTVs, decreasing the scarcity of systems that can be used to test planetary formation models around low-mass stars.
A super-Earth and a mini-Neptune near the 2:1 MMR straddling the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf TOI-2096
The discrete subgroup Delta(27) of SU(3) has some interesting properties which may be useful for understanding charged-lepton and neutrino mass matrices. Assigning leptons to the 3 and 3* representations of Delta(27), a simple form of the Majorana neutrino mass matrix is obtained and compared to present data.
Neutrino Mass Matrix from Delta(27) Symmetry
We present an update of the D meson decay constant f_D using the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action for valence charm and light quarks on MILC N_f = 2+1 lattices. The new determination incorporates HPQCD's improved scale r_1^{N_f = 2+1} = 0.3133(23) fm, accurately retuned bare charm quark masses and data from an ensemble that is more chiral than in our previous calculations. We find f_D = 208.3(3.4) MeV. Combining the new f_D with D -> \mu \nu\ branching fraction data from CLEO-c, we extract the CKM matrix element |V_cd| = 0.223(10)_{exp.}(4)_{lat.}. This value is in excellent agreement with |V_cd| from D semileptonic decays and from neutrino scattering experiments and has comparable total errors. We determine the ratio between semileptonic form factor and decay constant and find [f^{D -> \pi}_+(0) / f_D ]_{lat.} = 3.20(15) GeV^{-1} to be compared with the experimental value of [f^{D -> \pi}_+(0) / f_D ]_{exp.} = 3.19(18) GeV^{-1}. Finally, we mention recent preliminary but already more accurate D -> \mu \nu\ branching fraction measurements from BES III and discuss their impact on precision |V_cd| determinations in the future.
|V_cd| from D Meson Leptonic Decays
We report results from multicanonical simulations of polyglutamic acid chains of length of ten residues. For this simple polypeptide we observe a decoupling of backbone and side-chain ordering in the folding process. While the details of the two transitions vary between the peptide in gas phase and in an implicit solvent, our results indicate that, independent of the specific surroundings, upon continuously lowering the temperature side-chain ordering occurs only after the backbone topology is completely formed.
Side chain and backbone ordering in a polypeptide
Distributed Stream Processing Systems (DSPS) like Apache Storm and Spark Streaming enable composition of continuous dataflows that execute persistently over data streams. They are used by Internet of Things (IoT) applications to analyze sensor data from Smart City cyber-infrastructure, and make active utility management decisions. As the ecosystem of such IoT applications that leverage shared urban sensor streams continue to grow, applications will perform duplicate pre-processing and analytics tasks. This offers the opportunity to collaboratively reuse the outputs of overlapping dataflows, thereby improving the resource efficiency. In this paper, we propose \emph{dataflow reuse algorithms} that given a submitted dataflow, identifies the intersection of reusable tasks and streams from a collection of running dataflows to form a \emph{merged dataflow}. Similar algorithms to unmerge dataflows when they are removed are also proposed. We implement these algorithms for the popular Apache Storm DSPS, and validate their performance and resource savings for 35 synthetic dataflows based on public OPMW workflows with diverse arrival and departure distributions, and on 21 real IoT dataflows from RIoTBench.
Collaborative Reuse of Streaming Dataflows in IoT Applications
In this paper we prove the existence of coupled K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on complex manifolds whose canonical bundle is ample. These metrics were introduced and their existence in the said case was proven by Hultgren and Nystr\"om using calculus of variations. We prove the result using the method of continuity. In the process of proving estimates, akin to the usual K\"ahler-Einstein metrics, we reduce existence in the Fano case to a C^0 estimate.
Existence of coupled K\"ahler-Einstein metrics using the continuity method
Due to lack of data, overfitting ubiquitously exists in real-world applications of deep neural networks (DNNs). We propose advanced dropout, a model-free methodology, to mitigate overfitting and improve the performance of DNNs. The advanced dropout technique applies a model-free and easily implemented distribution with parametric prior, and adaptively adjusts dropout rate. Specifically, the distribution parameters are optimized by stochastic gradient variational Bayes in order to carry out an end-to-end training. We evaluate the effectiveness of the advanced dropout against nine dropout techniques on seven computer vision datasets (five small-scale datasets and two large-scale datasets) with various base models. The advanced dropout outperforms all the referred techniques on all the datasets.We further compare the effectiveness ratios and find that advanced dropout achieves the highest one on most cases. Next, we conduct a set of analysis of dropout rate characteristics, including convergence of the adaptive dropout rate, the learned distributions of dropout masks, and a comparison with dropout rate generation without an explicit distribution. In addition, the ability of overfitting prevention is evaluated and confirmed. Finally, we extend the application of the advanced dropout to uncertainty inference, network pruning, text classification, and regression. The proposed advanced dropout is also superior to the corresponding referred methods. Codes are available at https://github.com/PRIS-CV/AdvancedDropout.
Advanced Dropout: A Model-free Methodology for Bayesian Dropout Optimization
The increased complexity of infrastructure systems has resulted in critical interdependencies between multiple networks---communication systems require electricity, while the normal functioning of the power grid relies on communication systems. These interdependencies have inspired an extensive literature on coupled multilayer networks, assuming that a component failure in one network causes failures in the other network, a hard interdependence that results in a cascade of failures across multiple systems. While empirical evidence of such hard coupling is limited, the repair and recovery of a network requires resources typically supplied by other networks, resulting in well documented interdependencies induced by the recovery process. If the support networks are not functional, recovery will be slowed. Here we collected data on the recovery time of millions of power grid failures, finding evidence of universal nonlinear behavior in recovery following large perturbations. We develop a theoretical framework to address recovery coupling, predicting quantitative signatures different from the multilayer cascading failures. We then rely on controlled natural experiments to separate the role of recovery coupling from other effects like resource limitations, offering direct evidence of how recovery coupling affects a system's functionality. The resulting insights have implications beyond infrastructure systems, offering insights on the fragility and senescence of biological systems.
Recovery Coupling in Multilayer Networks
Quantum fluid (or hydrodynamic) models provide an attractive alternative for the modeling and simulation of the electron dynamics in nano-scale objects. Compared to more standard approaches, such as density functional theory or phase-space methods based on Wigner functions, fluid models require the solution of a small number of equations in ordinary space, implying a lesser computational cost. They are therefore well suited to study systems composed of a very large number of particles, such as large metallic nano-objects. They can be generalized to include the spin degrees of freedom, as well as semirelativistic effects such as the spin-orbit coupling. Here, we review the basic properties, advantages and limitations of quantum fluid models, and provide some examples of their applications.
Fluid descriptions of quantum plasmas
With the development of deep learning, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become widely used in multimedia forensics for tasks such as detecting and identifying image forgeries. Meanwhile, anti-forensic attacks have been developed to fool these CNN-based forensic algorithms. Previous anti-forensic attacks often were designed to remove forgery traces left by a single manipulation operation as opposed to a set of manipulations. Additionally, recent research has shown that existing anti-forensic attacks against forensic CNNs have poor transferability, i.e. they are unable to fool other forensic CNNs that were not explicitly used during training. In this paper, we propose a new anti-forensic attack framework designed to remove forensic traces left by a variety of manipulation operations. This attack is transferable, i.e. it can be used to attack forensic CNNs are unknown to the attacker, and it introduces only minimal distortions that are imperceptible to human eyes. Our proposed attack utilizes a generative adversarial network (GAN) to build a generator that can attack color images of any size. We achieve attack transferability through the use of a new training strategy and loss function. We conduct extensive experiment to demonstrate that our attack can fool many state-of-art forensic CNNs with varying levels of knowledge available to the attacker.
A Transferable Anti-Forensic Attack on Forensic CNNs Using A Generative Adversarial Network
We obtain the Page curves of an eternal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in the presence of higher derivative terms in four dimensions. We consider two cases: gravitational action with general ${\cal O}(R^2)$ terms plus Maxwell term and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity plus Maxwell term. In both the cases entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation in the absence of island surface is increasing linearly with time. After including contribution from the island surface, we find that after the Page time, entanglement entropy of the Hawking radiation in both the cases reaches a constant value which is the twice of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole and we obtain the Page curves. We find that Page curves appear at later or earlier time when the Gauss-Bonnet coupling increases or decreases. Further, scrambling time of Reissner-Nordstr\"om is increasing or decreasing depending upon whether the correction term (coming from ${\cal O}(R^2)$ terms in the gravitational action) is increasing or decreasing in the first case whereas scrambling time remains unaffected in the second case (Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity case). As a consistency check, in the limit of vanishing GB coupling we obtain the Page curve of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole obtained in arXiv:2101.06867.
Page Curves of Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole in HD Gravity
We propose a scheme for generating two-mode squeezing in high-Q resonators using a beam of atoms with random arrival times, which acts as a reservoir for the field. The scheme is based on four-wave mixing processes leading to emission into two cavity modes, which are resonant with the Rabi sidebands of the atomic dipole transition, driven by a saturating classical field. At steady state the cavity modes are in an Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) state, whose degree of entanglement is controlled by the intensity and the frequency of the transverse field. This scheme is robust against stochastic fluctuations in the atomic beam, does not require atomic detection nor velocity selection, and can be realized by presently available experimental setups with microwave resonators.
Generation of EPR-entangled radiation through an atomic reservoir
Under the recent negative interest rate situation, the Bachelier model has been attracting attention and adopted for evaluating the price of interest rate options. In this paper we find the Lie point symmetries of the Bachelier partial differential equation (PDE) and use them in order to generate new classes of denumerably infinite elementary function solutions to the Bachelier model from elementary function solutions to it which we derived in a previous publication.
Elementary functions solutions to the Bachelier model generated by Lie point symmetries
Recently, deep learning based facial landmark detection has achieved great success. Despite this, we notice that the semantic ambiguity greatly degrades the detection performance. Specifically, the semantic ambiguity means that some landmarks (e.g. those evenly distributed along the face contour) do not have clear and accurate definition, causing inconsistent annotations by annotators. Accordingly, these inconsistent annotations, which are usually provided by public databases, commonly work as the ground-truth to supervise network training, leading to the degraded accuracy. To our knowledge, little research has investigated this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic model which introduces a latent variable, i.e. the 'real' ground-truth which is semantically consistent, to optimize. This framework couples two parts (1) training landmark detection CNN and (2) searching the 'real' ground-truth. These two parts are alternatively optimized: the searched 'real' ground-truth supervises the CNN training; and the trained CNN assists the searching of 'real' ground-truth. In addition, to recover the unconfidently predicted landmarks due to occlusion and low quality, we propose a global heatmap correction unit (GHCU) to correct outliers by considering the global face shape as a constraint. Extensive experiments on both image-based (300W and AFLW) and video-based (300-VW) databases demonstrate that our method effectively improves the landmark detection accuracy and achieves the state of the art performance.
Semantic Alignment: Finding Semantically Consistent Ground-truth for Facial Landmark Detection
An ideal network troubleshooting system would be an almost fully automated system, monitoring the whole network at once, feeding the results to a knowledge-based decision making system that suggests actions to the operator or corrects the failure automatically. Reality is quite the contrary: operators separated in their offices try to track down complex networking failures in their own way, which is generally a long sequence of manually edited parallel shell commands (mostly ping, traceroute, route, iperf, ofctl etc.). This process requires operators to be "masters of complexity" (which they often are) and continuous interaction. In this paper we aim at narrowing this huge gap between vision and reality by introducing a modular framework capable of (i) formalizing troubleshooting processes as the concatenation of executable functions [called Troubleshooting Graphs (TSGs)], (ii) executing these graphs via an interpreter, (iii) evaluating and navigating between the outputs of the functions and (iv) sharing troubleshooting know-hows in a formalized manner.
A Little Less Interaction, A Little More Action: A Modular Framework for Network Troubleshooting
In the recent period of time with a lot of social platforms emerging, the relationships among various units can be framed with respect to either positive, negative or no relation. These units can be individuals, countries or others that form the basic structural component of a signed network. These signed networks picture a dynamic characteristic of the graph so formed allowing only few combinations of signs that brings the structural balance theorem in picture. Structural balance theory affirms that signed social networks tend to be organized so as to avoid conflictual situations, corresponding to cycles of unstable relations. The aim of structural balance in networks is to find proper partitions of nodes that guarantee equilibrium in the system allowing only few combination triangles with signed edges to be permitted in graph. Most of the works in this field of networking have either explained the importance of signed graph or have applied the balance theorem and tried to solve problems. Following the recent time trends with each nation emerging to be superior and competing to be the best, the probable doubt of happening of WW-III(World War-III) comes into every individuals mind. Nevertheless, our paper aims at answering some of the interesting questions on World War-III. In this project we have worked with the creation of a signed graph picturing the World War-III participating countries as nodes and have predicted the best possible coalition of countries that will be formed during war. Also, we have visually depicted the number of communities that will be formed in this war and the participating countries in each communities.
World War III Analysis using Signed Social Networks
High resolution OVRO aperture synthesis maps of the 12CO 1-0 emission in the `Medusa' galaxy merger (NGC4194) reveal the molecular emission being surprisingly extended. It is distributed on a total scale of 25$''$ (4.7 kpc) - despite the apparent advanced stage of the merger. The complex, striking CO morphology occupies mainly the center and the north-eastern part of the main optical body. The extended 12CO flux is tracing two prominent dust lanes: one which is crossing the central region at right angle and a second which curves to the north-east and then into the beginning of the northern tidal tail. The bulk of the 12CO emission (67%) can be found in a complex starburst region encompassing the central 2kpc. The molecular gas is distributed in five major emission regions of typical size 300pc. About 15% of the total 12CO flux is found in a bright region 1.5'' south of the radio continuum nucleus. We suggest that this region together with the kpc sized central starburst is being fueled by gas flows along the central dust lane. We discuss the merger history of NGC4194 and suggest that it may be the result of an early-type/spiral merger with a shell emerging to the south of the center. The total molecular mass in the system is estimated to be at most 2 X 10^9 M_sun (depending on the CO - H_2 conversion factor). The high 12CO/13CO 1-0 intensity ratio, ~20, indicates highly excited physical conditions in the interstellar medium showing that the starburst has a big impact on its surrounding ISM. At the current rate of star formation, the gas will be consumed within 40 million years.
Complex molecular gas structure in the Medusa merger
We describe the split extension classifiers in the semi-abelian category of cocommutative Hopf algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. The categorical notions of centralizer and of center in the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras is then explored. We show that the categorical notion of center coincides with the one that is considered in the theory of general Hopf algebras.
Split extension classifiers in the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras
The extended semantic realism (ESR) model embodies the mathematical formalism of standard (Hilbert space) quantum mechanics in a noncontextual framework, reinterpreting quantum probabilities as conditional instead of absolute. We provide here an improved version of this model and show that it predicts that, whenever idealized measurements are performed, a modified Bell-Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (BCHSH) inequality holds if one takes into account all individual systems that are prepared, standard quantum predictions hold if one considers only the individual systems that are detected, and a standard BCHSH inequality holds at a microscopic (purely theoretical) level. These results admit an intuitive explanation in terms of an unconventional kind of unfair sampling and constitute a first example of the unified perspective that can be attained by adopting the ESR model.
Embedding Quantum Mechanics Into a Broader Noncontextual Theory: A Conciliatory Result
We present PEGASE-HR, a new stellar population synthesis program generating high resolution spectra (R=10 000) over the optical range lambda=400--680 nm. It links the spectro-photometric model of galaxy evolution PEGASE.2 (Fioc & Rocca-Volmerange 1997) to an updated version of the ELODIE library of stellar spectra observed with the 193 cm telescope at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (Prugniel & Soubiran 2001a). The ELODIE star set gives a fairly complete coverage of the Hertzprung-Russell (HR) diagram and makes it possible to synthesize populations in the range [Fe/H]=-2 to +0.4. This code is an exceptional tool for exploring signatures of metallicity, age, and kinematics. We focus on a detailed study of the sensitivity to age and metallicity of the high-resolution stellar absorption lines and of the classical metallic indices proposed until now to solve the age-metallicity degeneracy. Validity tests on several stellar lines are performed by comparing our predictions for Lick indices to the models of other groups. The comparison with the lower resolution library BaSeL (Lejeune et al. 1997) confirms the quality of the ELODIE library when used for simple stellar populations (SSPs) from 10 Myr to 20 Gyr. Predictions for the evolved populations of globular clusters and elliptical galaxies are given and compared to observational data. Two new high-resolution indices are proposed around the Hgamma line. They should prove useful in the analysis of spectra from the new generation of telescopes and spectrographs.
Evolutionary synthesis of galaxies at high spectral resolution with the code PEGASE-HR
With the increase in amount of Big Data being generated each year, tools and technologies developed and used for the purpose of storing, processing and analyzing Big Data has also improved. Open-Source software has been an important factor in the success and innovation in the field of Big Data while Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has played a crucial role in this success and innovation by providing a number of state-of-the-art projects, free and open to the public. ASF has classified its project in different categories. In this report, projects listed under Big Data category are deeply analyzed and discussed with reference to one-of-the seven sub-categories defined. Our investigation has shown that many of the Apache Big Data projects are autonomous but some are built based on other Apache projects and some work in conjunction with other projects to improve and ease development in Big Data space.
Role of Apache Software Foundation in Big Data Projects
Based on a phenomenological model with $s_{\pm}$ or s-wave pairing symmetry, the mixed-state effect on the low-energy spin dynamics in optimally-doped iron pnictide superconductors is studied by solving Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. Our results of the spin susceptibility at $\mathbf{q}=\mathbf{Q}$ in the normal, superconducting and mixed states agree qualitatively with recent neutron scattering experiments. We also propose that the field-induced intensity change shows different behaviors between the $s_{\pm}$ and s-wave symmetries in both momentum and real space, thus it can be used to distinguish these two pairing symmetries.
Mixed-State Effect on the Low-Energy Spin Dynamics in Optimally-doped Iron Pnictide Superconductors
In 1888 Hilbert showed that every nonnegative homogeneous polynomial with real coefficients of degree $2d$ in $n$ variables is a sum of squares if and only if $d=1$ (quadratic forms), $n=2$ (binary forms) or $(n,d)=(3,2)$ (ternary quartics). In these cases, it is interesting to compute canonical expressions for these decompositions. Starting from Carath\'eodory's Theorem, we compute the Carath\'eodory number of Hilbert cones of nonnegative quadratic and binary forms.
Nonnegative polynomials and their Carath\'eodory number
We consider the Landau-de Gennes variational problem on a bound\-ed, two dimensional domain, subject to Dirichlet smooth boundary conditions. We prove that minimizers are maximally biaxial near the singularities, that is, their biaxiality parameter reaches the maximum value $1$. Moreover, we discuss the convergence of minimizers in the vanishing elastic constant limit. Our asymptotic analysis is performed in a general setting, which recovers the Landau-de Gennes problem as a specific case.
Biaxiality in the asymptotic analysis of a 2-D Landau-de Gennes model for liquid crystals
Euler operators are partial differential operators of the form $P(\theta)$ where $P$ is a polynomial and $\theta_j = x_j \partial/\partial x_j$. We show that every non-trivial Euler operator is surjective on the space of temperate distributions on $R^d$. This is in sharp contrast to the behaviour of such operators when acting on spaces of differentiable or analytic functions.
Surjectivity of Euler operators on temperate distributions
In this article, we present a new data type agnostic algorithm calculating a concept lattice from heterogeneous and complex data. Our NextPriorityConcept algorithm is first introduced and proved in the binary case as an extension of Bordat's algorithm with the notion of strategies to select only some predecessors of each concept, avoiding the generation of unreasonably large lattices. The algorithm is then extended to any type of data in a generic way. It is inspired from pattern structure theory, where data are locally described by predicates independent of their types, allowing the management of heterogeneous data.
Next Priority Concept: A new and generic algorithm computing concepts from complex and heterogeneous data
Attacks to networks are becoming more complex and sophisticated every day. Beyond the so-called script-kiddies and hacking newbies, there is a myriad of professional attackers seeking to make serious profits infiltrating in corporate networks. Either hostile governments, big corporations or mafias are constantly increasing their resources and skills in cybercrime in order to spy, steal or cause damage more effectively. traditional approaches to Network Security seem to start hitting their limits and it is being recognized the need for a smarter approach to threat detections. This paper provides an introduction on the need for evolution of Cyber Security techniques and how Artificial Intelligence could be of application to help solving some of the problems. It provides also, a high-level overview of some state of the art AI Network Security techniques, to finish analysing what is the foreseeable future of the application of AI to Network Security.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Network Security
The scaling properties of post-mortem fracture surfaces of brittle (silica glass), ductile (aluminum alloy) and quasi-brittle (mortar and wood) materials have been investigated. These surfaces, studied far from the initiation, were shown to be self-affine. However, the Hurst exponent measured along the crack direction is found to be different from the one measured along the propagation direction. More generally, a complete description of the scaling properties of these surfaces call for the use of the 2D height-height correlation function that involves three exponents zeta = 0.75, beta = 0.6 and z = 1.25 independent of the material considered as well as of the crack growth velocity. These exponents are shown to correspond to the roughness, growth and dynamic exponents respectively, as introduced in interface growth models. They are conjectured to be universal.
Anisotropic self-affine properties of experimental fracture surfaces
Core accretion models of massive star formation require the existence of stable massive starless cores, but robust observational examples of such objects have proven elusive. We report subarcsecond-resolution SMA 1.3 mm, 1.1 mm, and 0.88 mm and VLA 1.3 cm observations of an excellent massive starless core candidate, G11.92-0.61-MM2, initially identified in the course of studies of GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs). Separated by ~7.2" from the nearby MM1 protostellar hot core, MM2 is a strong, compact dust continuum source (submillimeter spectral index alpha=2.6+/-0.1), but is devoid of star formation indicators. In contrast to MM1, MM2 has no masers, no centimeter continuum, and no (sub)millimeter wavelength line emission in ~24 GHz of bandwidth observed with the SMA, including N2H+(3-2), HCO+(3-2), and HCN(3-2). Additionally, there is no evidence for an outflow driven by MM2. The (sub)millimeter spectral energy distribution (SED) of MM2 is best fit with a dust temperature of ~17-19 K and luminosity of ~5-7 L_sun. The combined physical properties of MM2, as inferred from its dust continuum emission, are extreme: M>30 M_sun within a radius<1000 AU, N(H2)>10^25 cm^-2 and n(H2)>10^9 cm^-3. Comparison of the molecular abundance limits derived from our SMA observations with gas-grain chemical models indicates that extremely dense (n(H)>>10^8 cm^-3), cold (<20 K) conditions are required to explain the lack of observed (sub)millimeter line emission, consistent with the dust continuum results. Our data suggest that G11.92-0.61-MM2 is the best candidate for a bonafide massive prestellar core found to date, and a promising target for future, higher-sensitivity observations.
G11.92-0.61-MM2: A Bonafide Massive Prestellar Core?
We review understanding of kinetics of fluid phase separation in various space dimensions. Morphological differences, percolating or disconnected, based on overall composition in a binary liquid or density in a vapor-liquid system, have been pointed out. Depending upon the morphology, various possible mechanisms and corresponding theoretical predictions for domain growth are discussed. On computational front, useful models and simulation methodologies have been presented. Theoretically predicted growth laws have been tested via molecular dynamics simulations of vapor-liquid transitions. In case of disconnected structure, the mechanism has been confirmed directly. This is a brief review on the topic for a special issue on coarsening dynamics, expected to appear in Comptes Rendus Physique.
Kinetics of Fluid Phase Separation
By applying the Newton-Gregory expansion to the polynomial associated with the sum of powers of integers $S_k(n) = 1^k + 2^k + \cdots + n^k$, we derive a couple of infinite families of explicit formulas for $S_k(n)$. One of the families involves the $r$-Stirling numbers of the second kind $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_r$, $j=0,1,\ldots,k$, while the other involves their duals $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{-r}$, with both families of formulas being indexed by the non-negative integer $r$. As a by-product, we obtain three additional formulas for $S_k(n)$ involving the numbers $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{n+m}$, $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{n-m}$ (where $m$ is any given non-negative integer), and $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{k-j}$, respectively. Moreover, we provide a formula for the Bernoulli polynomials $B_k(x-1)$ in terms of $\genfrac{\{}{\}}{0pt}{}{k}{j}_{x}$ and the harmonic numbers.
Sums of powers of integers and generalized Stirling numbers of the second kind
We use the arithmetic of ideals in orders to parameterize the roots $\mu \pmod m$ of the polynomial congruence $F(\mu) \equiv 0 \pmod m$, $F(X) \in \mathbb{Z}[X]$ monic, irreducible and degree $d$. Our parameterization generalizes Gauss's classic parameterization of the roots of quadratic congruences using binary quadratic forms, which had previously only been extended to the cubic polynomial $F(X) = X^3 - 2$. We show that only a special class of ideals are needed to parameterize the roots $\mu \pmod m$, and that in the cubic setting, $d = 3$, general ideals correspond to pairs of roots $\mu_1 \pmod{m_1}$, $\mu_2 \pmod {m_2}$ satisfying $\gcd(m_1, m_2, \mu_1 - \mu_2) = 1$. At the end we illustrate our parameterization and this correspondence between roots and ideals with a few applications, including finding approximations to $\frac{\mu}{m} \in \mathbb{R}/ \mathbb{Z}$, finding an explicit Euler product for the co-type zeta function of $\mathbb{Z}[2^{\frac{1}{3}}]$, and computing the composition of cubic ideals in terms of the roots $\mu_1 \pmod {m_1}$ and $\mu_2 \pmod {m_2}$.
Parameterizing roots of polynomial congruences
We generalize the two-loop renormalization group equations for the parameters of the softly broken SUSY gauge theories given in the literature to the most general case when the gauge group contains more than a single abelian gauge factor. The complete method is illustrated at two-loop within a specific example and compared to some of the previously proposed partial treatments.
Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors
Cyber security is one of the most significant challenges in connected vehicular systems and connected vehicles are prone to different cybersecurity attacks that endanger passengers' safety. Cyber security in intelligent connected vehicles is composed of in-vehicle security and security of inter-vehicle communications. Security of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and the Control Area Network (CAN) bus are the most significant parts of in-vehicle security. Besides, with the development of 4G LTE and 5G remote communication technologies for vehicle-toeverything (V2X) communications, the security of inter-vehicle communications is another potential problem. After giving a short introduction to the architecture of next-generation vehicles including driverless and intelligent vehicles, this review paper identifies a few major security attacks on the intelligent connected vehicles. Based on these attacks, we provide a comprehensive survey of available defences against these attacks and classify them into four categories, i.e. cryptography, network security, software vulnerability detection, and malware detection. We also explore the future directions for preventing attacks on intelligent vehicle systems.
An Overview of Attacks and Defences on Intelligent Connected Vehicles
In this note we present a method for obtaining a wide class of combinatorial identities. We give several examples, in particular, based on the Gamma and Beta functions. Some of them have already been considered by previously, and other are new.
Gamma function, Beta function and combinatorial identities
We show that fractional Brownian motion(fBM) defined via Volterra integral representation with Hurst parameter $H\geq\frac{1}{2}$ is a quasi-surely defined Wiener functional on classical Wiener space,and we establish the large deviation principle(LDP) for such fBM with respect to $(p,r)$-capacity on classical Wiener space in Malliavin's sense.
Large deviation principle for fractional Brownian motion with respect to capacity