Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| asin_goal
stringlengths 10
| instruction
stringlengths 29
100 | B01N5WESTU | Find me alcohol free, clinically proven, long lasting mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
101 | B07MQJRK7N | Find me highly pigmented, long lasting makeup palettes |
102 | B008CO4TDK | Find me mouthwash for bad breath, fresh breath |
103 | B095PSJ7QV | Find me cruelty free makeup palettes for eye shadow |
104 | B08GP3CFLC | Find me highly pigmented, easy apply, long lasting, high quality makeup palettes |
105 | B08S6RRMH7 | Find me children's dental care for oral hygiene, fresh breath |
106 | B08NDYQ1PC | Find me easy apply, long lasting makeup palettes with rose gold for eye shadow |
107 | B07X22X145 | Find me highly pigmented, cruelty free, long lasting, easy apply, high quality makeup palettes for eye shadow |
108 | B08BW29DNJ | Find me travel size, long lasting mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
109 | B08R85W3VN | Find me long lasting makeup palettes for eye shadow |
110 | B09LQD2NFM | Find me cruelty free, long lasting makeup palettes |
111 | B07JG4SPLY | Find me highly pigmented, long lasting, easy use makeup palettes for eye shadow |
112 | B01CNZMMV4 | Find me highly pigmented makeup palettes with rose gold for eye shadow |
113 | B073ZBGLJF | Find me highly pigmented, easy carry, long lasting makeup palettes for eye shadow, sensitive skin |
114 | B08QVMN1C4 | Find me highly pigmented, cruelty free, long lasting makeup palettes for eye shadow, sensitive skin |
115 | B09NVLKCLS | Find me highly pigmented, long lasting makeup palettes |
116 | B000YJU21O | Find me alcohol free, easy use children's dental care |
117 | B07Z29PZ9S | Find me cruelty free, animal testing, easy apply, long lasting makeup palettes |
118 | B01IW02HX2 | Find me highly pigmented, cruelty free, high quality makeup palettes for eye shadow |
119 | B004Y9GTOO | Find me anti aging makeup palettes for dark circles, fine lines |
120 | B07PPW5DST | Find me sulfate free, paraben free, cruelty free makeup palettes for eye shadow |
121 | B001ET76AI | Find me clinically proven mouthwash for bad breath, fresh breath, oral hygiene |
122 | B005UKZAJG | Find me alcohol free, highly pigmented, sulfate free, cruelty free makeup palettes |
123 | B087Q614VC | Find me long lasting makeup palettes for eye shadow |
124 | B006L8ANPC | Find me children's dental care with natural ingredients for sensitive teeth |
125 | B07K2ZF65J | Find me highly pigmented, long lasting makeup palettes for eye shadow |
126 | B0863XYJ1Y | Find me long lasting, cruelty free, easy apply makeup palettes for eye shadow |
127 | B005IHSKYS | Find me mouthwash for bad breath, oral hygiene, fresh breath |
128 | B07N1WKZ6K | Find me cruelty free, paraben free, high quality face makeup for fine lines |
129 | B08G3Z3CJ5 | Find me cruelty free, high quality makeup palettes for eye shadow |
130 | B07M5WQTKD | Find me highly pigmented, cruelty free, long lasting, high quality makeup palettes for eye shadow |
131 | B08SMSV6Z3 | Find me mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
132 | B01ACPW2QC | Find me cruelty free, anti aging face makeup for dark circles |
133 | B09F3L5QB2 | Find me long lasting face makeup for dark circles, fine lines, sensitive skin |
134 | B001QKFG48 | Find me alcohol free mouthwash for bad breath |
135 | B0953DY8GH | Find me long lasting face makeup for fine lines, dark circles |
136 | B07WQZBKSX | Find me mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
137 | B014KZJLDW | Find me mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
138 | B004RC4S3M | Find me cruelty free, easy apply face makeup |
139 | B01B4OB2FC | Find me fluoride free, bpa free, high quality children's dental care |
140 | B00HVI8WYU | Find me cruelty free, long lasting face makeup for fine lines |
141 | B01N9KIKZA | Find me long lasting, cruelty free face makeup |
142 | B01B4PPM3O | Find me mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
143 | B000BNG4VU | Find me long lasting face makeup for fine lines |
144 | B005IHSEMQ | Find me mouthwash for fresh breath, bad breath |
145 | B07HJRYLJW | Find me fluoride free, alcohol free, paraben free mouthwash with tea tree for bad breath |
146 | B01CFHSA0M | Find me non toxic, easy apply, easy use face makeup for beauty salon |
147 | B00D2NUPRU | Find me cruelty free, anti aging face makeup for fine lines |
148 | B01M4NFD2N | Find me fragrance free face makeup with green tea for sensitive skin |
149 | B07QKNCQK6 | Find me alcohol free mouthwash for bad breath |
150 | B00U2VQZDS | Find me alcohol free, plant based face makeup |
151 | B00NENWQF2 | Find me alcohol free, sulfate free mouthwash for bad breath |
152 | B00I50QVAU | Find me dermatologist tested, fragrance free, oil free, cruelty free face makeup |
153 | B09JSWZDX7 | Find me cruelty free, easy apply face makeup |
154 | B09KRP5RMB | Find me non slip, easy use children's dental care |
155 | B005DYJZ7M | Find me paraben free hair treatment oils with argan oil |
156 | B07TZ3LKGH | Find me long lasting, easy use face makeup |
157 | B07K6JT27X | Find me long lasting makeup palettes for sensitive skin, eye shadow |
158 | B008DF6XB4 | Find me hair treatment oils with argan oil for dry hair |
159 | B08J6PPHQM | Find me easy apply face makeup for nail art |
160 | B09NJLQB66 | Find me long lasting, high quality makeup palettes for eye shadow |
161 | B07MKQYMYW | Find me cruelty free makeup palettes for sensitive skin |
162 | B07RXVK64W | Find me highly pigmented, cruelty free, long lasting makeup palettes for eye shadow, sensitive skin |
163 | B0048EZNR4 | Find me sulfate free, paraben free hair treatment oils with argan oil |
164 | B002S8Z5CK | Find me cruelty free face makeup for dark circles |
165 | B00C3HQB9C | Find me sulfate free, paraben free hair treatment oils for hair treatment |
166 | B00VGTL8BY | Find me face makeup with hyaluronic acid for dark circles |
167 | B01LXJHTSO | Find me sulfate free hair treatment oils with coconut oil for hair growth, damaged hair, hair loss |
168 | B075D8BW8K | Find me animal testing, long lasting hair treatment oils with argan oil for hair treatment, damaged hair |
169 | B00SI35LWS | Find me cruelty free, easy apply face makeup |
170 | B08GBPV5G5 | Find me long lasting, high quality makeup palettes |
171 | B0773PWTY3 | Find me cruelty free, easy use face makeup for eye shadow |
172 | B07L68NFR3 | Find me hair treatment oils for damaged hair, dry hair |
173 | B01NALN8Q9 | Find me certified organic, oil free hair treatment oils for hair treatment, natural hair, fine lines, hair growth, hair loss |
174 | B08VFBWL2Z | Find me easy use hair treatment oils with natural ingredients for hair growth, hair loss |
175 | B01456DJ66 | Find me sulfate free, cruelty free hair treatment oils for damaged hair |
176 | B07MWSRJ89 | Find me cruelty free, easy use face makeup |
177 | B082KZMKV2 | Find me hair treatment oils with coconut oil for dry hair, hair treatment |
178 | B07346X1R5 | Find me fragrance free, cruelty free hair treatment oils with coconut oil for hair growth |
179 | B076RY54J9 | Find me paraben free, sulfate free hair treatment oils with tea tree |
180 | B001KYNTLC | Find me oil free face makeup for fine lines |
181 | B08B485FBV | Find me long lasting hair treatment oils with natural ingredients for hair growth, hair loss, fine lines, dry skin |
182 | B07JHK4S58 | Find me sulfate free, paraben free hair treatment oils with argan oil |
183 | B075QZ3MN3 | Find me long lasting hair treatment oils with tea tree, argan oil for hair loss, hair growth |
184 | B01B12KCGC | Find me hair treatment oils for hair styling, natural hair, dry hair, dry skin, hair growth, sensitive skin |
185 | B000N758A2 | Find me hair treatment oils with coconut oil for hair treatment |
186 | B07DPQB381 | Find me alcohol free, easy use mouthwash |
187 | B07GJYVR5P | Find me hair treatment oils with tea tree for hair growth |
188 | B006X4LU9W | Find me hair treatment oils for hair treatment, damaged hair |
189 | B08R8P3XBM | Find me highly pigmented, long lasting, cruelty free makeup palettes |
190 | B07ZDKMZR2 | Find me hair treatment oils for hair growth, hair loss |
191 | B07Z55TTHR | Find me cruelty free, certified organic, oil free hair treatment oils |
192 | B07WH6YV1Z | Find me easy clean, high quality body makeup with rose gold |
193 | B0967FPJZD | Find me long lasting, highly pigmented, cruelty free makeup palettes for eye shadow |
194 | B07X6HCLK2 | Find me paraben free hair treatment oils for hair treatment |
195 | B00HW8TUHM | Find me fragrance free, long lasting hair treatment oils for hair treatment, damaged hair |
196 | B013IBX87E | Find me easy use body makeup for dry skin |
197 | B07NSZHGY5 | Find me certified organic hair treatment oils for damaged hair, hair treatment, natural hair, dry hair |
198 | B07TDXLP1S | Find me body makeup with green tea, natural ingredients |
199 | B00BC3YL2W | Find me hair treatment oils with argan oil for hair styling, damaged hair |