16 values
'My soul isn't connected to my body parts, the way I see it. Once I'm dead, my soul has moved on. By then, all that is left is a sack of organic material with sentimental value to my loved ones and...\nAt the risk of making things seem too mechanical, here's my addition to the list, I wrapped it in code tags and removed some blank spaces to make it look better. If you disagree, feel free to remove...\nI'm intrinsically better than others? Nope, never. Better at certain things? Sometimes, definetly, sometimes possibly, sometimes not at all. Fairly open-minded, good at noticing social details...\nType 1 Ravenclaw - piscesfish Gryffindor - Thymic Slytherin - Figure Type 2 Slytherin - living dead Ravenclaw - Sharkcorn Hufflepuff - UniqueFinallyAmongPeers\nI tend to actively balance things I encounter as a reflex. Let me explain: I tend to have more of a Thinker mindset and argument when interacting with strong Feelers, and vice versa. I tend to be...\nMaking sweeping generalizations and equating cops with tyrants and bullies might mean one or both of the following: 1: You've had experiences with bad people, firsthand or otherwise, that were...\nThis has to be the only forum I visit that doesn't bat an eyelid when a thread necromancy occurs with a thread that is 3 years old. Not that I mind, though :wink:\nI had moments, but I never had a rebellious phase. Looking back at it, I don't know exactly why, but the reason I jokingly tell people is that I couldn't be bothered being rebellious, it took too...\nI met my first girlfriend here a little over 3 years ago, on this very subforum. She grew to be one of my closest friends over the span of two years; I realized I was romantically interested in her...\nThis test have issues. The question about skydiving/fast cars/rollercoaster would be a big disagree on my part, but that has nothing to do with me being a thrill-seeker or not, it has everything to...\nMy Hogwarts house is just like my favourite super smash bros melee character. 'Puff for life [insert-random-corny-ironic-thug hand gesture]. Hufflepuff - 17 Ravenclaw - 13 Gryffindor - 8...\nI partially agree with you. I agree that it is not fair to judge something by standards that apply to something else, however I disagree with the general notion that qualities that are considered...\nIt's not an insult to a man to be called feminine in my opinion. Nor is it demeaning for a guy to act, or want to be, feminine. That assumes that being feminine is something bad. Then again, I'm...\nIn no particular order (except that the three last ones are super important), here's things that I appreciate in women. These aren't prerequisites, just preferences. It's necessary that at least some...\nHi there PerC. This question isn't really specific for INFJ's per say, but since this is the only forum I visit here, I figured I would post it here. I suppose I could have posted it in the poetry...\n4 months since I said this. 5 months since I realized that was how I felt. 6 months since we broke up. 1 year since I realized I loved you romantically. I lament the fact that nothing has...\nNot really, terrible at being concise.\n27/36, but it's hard without the rest of the face to go with it. Especially without a corresponding mouth.\nNow, I don't own or have played Skyrim. I don't need another Fallout New Vegas time-devourer (300+ hours) when I already am close to 500 hours of DotA 2. Especially since I know as soon as the new...\nGlad you liked it :) I figured why do it half-measured, you know? Better to be verbose. Truth be told, it netted me a really close friend here. She's long-since retired from PerC, but I stop by...\nFor fucks sake, we used to have a very candid and honest two-way street in our communication. You've asked me how I've been feeling and dealing with our break-up, but all you had to say about it on...\nThe hours where the world sleeps around me and all is quiet. Be that late night or early morning, as long as I can live at my pace I don't care about what time it is. I do prefer early morning...\nI think that would have been beneficial. :proud: Here's how I answered and my reasons why. I picked 1 and I don't think the ends always justify the means. I go by the assumption that the...\nI know I'm an Introvert, because socializing drains me of energy. I know I'm an Intuitive, because the description of N fits me extremely much more than S. I know I'm a Feeler and not a Thinker,...\nNo, I'm not. Last time this discussion came around, there as a more extensive test which I took. I'm more sensitive than the average person by a decent margin, but HSP people are a lot more sensitive...\nWell obviously I choose my words wisely :wink: Also, I guess these two helped: http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/43648-infj-pictures-3.html#post973432...\nWhat's this, are you checking me out? :wink: Do note that the vast majority of my posts were around last year when I joined. I've posted very sporadically since then. Also, am I the only one with...\nA semi-clever combination of the actual word to bump something somewhere and the acronym Bring Up My Post. As far as I know, anyway. Liberalist, Environmentalist, Pacifist. Human rights are...\nIn a new group, most would peg me for an Extrovert, because I try and make them all feel comfortable. In a discussion, many would mistake me for a Thinker. Not many would ever mistake me for a P,...\nDepends on what kind of fiction I'm writing. Sci-Fi or Fantasy tend to be in 3rd person limited while Slice-of-Life stories are in 1st person. Actually, now that I think about it, it's probably more...\n[/QUOTE] I've walked into a door whilst looking at it, not noticing it's there and getting shocked that I walked into something, so I agree with this. My xNTP friend couldn't stop laughing for...\nA key to unlock whatever door that is preventing me from accessing and process the latent potential of all the things I could achieve, to become the man I want to be. Well, at least I'm still...\nWhat a silly statement. People who don't drink have something to hide. Ever heard of something called privacy? I'm surprisingly forthcoming with my thoughts and opinions to the people I know....\nSmeagol could have been saved. Gollum... harder to say. But yes, given other circumstances I can see it as a possibility. Not a probability though. However, honestly, Smeagol is the savior of the...\nTesta att läsa saker på svenska på PerC. Lagom ovant kan jag säga. :wink:\n23 years, never been together with anyone romantically. So yeah, it's true for me at least.\nI know I didn't. I'm just not nearly as active here as I was the first month and a half I discovered this place a year ago. I kind of burned myself out on the forums and now I occasionally just pop...\nWould totally depend on which friend tried setting it up. I have few friends I would trust on such matters, for various reasons. But there are two people I know I would listen to if they decided to...\nI'll say the same thing here as I said at my normal D&D forum: I think there is a connection between the J and P preferences and Law and Chaos. Judgment types are the planners, the rule-creating...\nCoffee and I have not much of a relationship. She keeps trying to win me over, but she doesn't do much for me to be honest. People keep telling me that she keeps them up all night, but something is...\nIn my experience, common sense is something of a lie. There is nothing common about common sense :wink:\nI'm affectionate and I like to give hugs to people I like. More inclined to spontaneously hug my female friends though, I'll admit. Also I don't really have any super-affectionate guy friend prone...\nLOL. That was an amusing piece of bullshit.\nChauffeur, no question about it. Why? Well, except for the obvious one being that I have no drivers license, there's few reasons: 1. Not the chef, because I don't have money enough to really...\nI usually get something like RLOAN or RCOAN. I generally don't like reading their descriptions because they list almost only negative qualities and I don't appreciate that.\nIf good is 1, Bittersweet is 6 and bad is 11, I'd say I had a 3.\nYour question is phrased in such a way to say that the two are mutually exclusive. I can tell you they're not, just look at me :cool:\nNot that I know of. But I do have ticklish kneecaps.\nI want to say Neutral Good but I know the test is going to score me Lawful Good. Bah, I don't like playing Paladins, give me a proper Druid any day. Not only are they more fun to play, they're tier...\nI usually don't like discussion these things on an internet forum because you never know who will read it and what reaction it might bring. I'd hate for my thoughts to remind someone of a horrible...'
'Alright, I will finish the story J He never called me, which I guess me turning away in the car was a sign to him I wasn’t interested anymore. We both seemed to move on with our lives. I got...\nSorry I keep getting busier!!! Picking up from where I left off. I was fairly confident this guy was an ENFP. When realizing that his facebook page commented on how he was so confused about who...\nOkay. I will update this. I have been busy lately :) Alright, I will move on to after high school. We chose different colleges but similar colleges (both small and private around the...\nI can't believe it either. I guess he was able to put on a façade that he has really happy when he really wasn't. What was your favorite Robin Williams film? I still love Mrs. Doubtfire. He was...\nI think every season brings its joys as well as things we don't like. I couldn't live anywhere that doesn't have the changes in the seasons\nMy ISFJ mother always has trouble with directions. Every time I go somewhere with her we have to take the same route or she'll get frustrated because she feels lost. Me put me out in the middle of...\nJust out of curiosity. Is grabbing a woman around the waist and pulling her to your side something you do with your female friends? This ENFP male I went to high school with. We weren't really...\nI have been wanting to get this off my chest for a long time. I am still sorting through my thoughts. I have to explain about 14 years worth of experiences, so I will break this up onto different...\nI was just recently told by a married man who I also believe is an INFJ that he wished that he was about twenty years younger and single because he really liked me and wished he could date me. I...\nMy fantasy came when I was 14. It was funny. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. Actually, I hated boys at that age because that was shortly after I was molested. I made up my mine that I was going...\nWhat I thought was funny is how our 30 something year old pastor was going to have a class with people who were not millennials on why millennials aren't coming to church to find out the reasons...\nThere have been a few moments in my life that I think are beyond coincidental.... ...\nI know I'm not an ENFP, but I can't believe how much of this I relate to as an INFJ. -Get lonely at times (definitely. Even though I'm naturally an introvert and very independent, there are many...\nYes, I have always had body image issues. Unfortunately, growing up I went through puberty early (so acne, body forming, etc. came early). Also, my teeth were horribly arranged until I was able to...\nI can relate. I always thought I would be alone. Growing up, I felt alone because everyone (parents, teachers, classmates) held me on a pedestal. I had to be the role model for everyone else. ...\nA. No, everything happens for a reason. If you mess with the past, you are messing with what is meant to be. What is meant to be is better than what your expectations are. Q. If you had the...\nThere are times I feel lonely and then other times more fulfilled than others. The more in my head I am, the happier I am. Sometimes when I am more in reality and in a more extroverted mode, I feel...\nEven though I tested INFJ, I was 50% T and 50% F, so I guess I'm the best of both worlds :)\nMaybe I should provide some background to my post. When I was in college, everyone at least accepted everyone, even if they weren't their best friend. After graduating from college, this is what I...\nI'm 27 and never been in a relationship. There is a lot of reasons for that which is a whole other post. Hope do I cope with it? First, I would rather see myself single for the rest of my life...\nI have noticed that when I went to college people seemed to be so accepting of others and comfortable in their own skin. After graduating from college, it is like everyone has reverted back to...\nI haven't been told I am intimidating but I can see by people's reactions that they feel intimidated. I think it is because I appear so serious and driven most of the time. Once people start to get...\n1) Not feeling I need a relationship-I have been independent as long as I can remember. Honestly, I don't know what it would be like to actually do something with another person or rely on another...\nI have a MBA. I plan to pursue a PhD in Educational Leadership next year.\nGo back to school or work at a college as well as taking classes at the local library, dance classes, etc. Many INFJs love school and love to learn. Go to church or another religious institution. ...\nI'm sorry. I met empathy not sympathy. Sorry for the confusion.\nI think everyone to some degree can sympathize with others. I had this conversation with my ISFJ mother and she said she always felt the weight of the world's problems on her shoulders. What I...\nHonestly, I have been the exact opposite. I have always been a very motivated person. It never really took much to motivate me. Now, that I'm out of college, I notice that I don't seem AS...\nI'm almost 27 and I've never dated. I also know another suspected INFJ who is almost 29 and she has never dated. You're not alone. Honestly, I'm grateful I didn't earlier. If I would have...\n21. We are either taken to a place where this no more suffering. Where we will have eternal happiness. Or we are taken to a place where the suffering is even worse than this world. However, I...\n11. When you can accept your flaws. Realize you can never be perfect. That there is nothing wrong with you. To accept your insecurities, knowing that these insecurities and flaws make you a...\nWow!! These are some pretty heavy questions!! I'll take a stab at a few. 1. I am a person who wants to leave some type of mark on humankind before I leave this place. 2. Yes, God is a being...\nThe only dance I attended in high school was prom. Even then I didn't stay the whole time. The only reason I attended both years is because my mother gave me the speech on how she always regretted...\nI did very well in school. One I loved to learn. Two I had a goal. When I was in junior high, I went to my cousin's graduation. I watched the valedictorian give their speech. I told my mom that...\nMy real type INTJ (which I have tested almost borderline on the F and T). My ideal type ENTJ.\nAmen to this. I always hated that people held me on some type of pedestal. It drove me to absolute insanity at times and there have been many times I felt very lonely because I couldn't really be...\nThe comments that people have said to me over the years that have been the most hurtful are the following (FYI I don't think just INFJs would be hurt)...... 1. You look weird. 2. What's wrong...\nI love this. Thanks for sharing. I could really use this somedays.\nI love this. Thanks for sharing. I could really use this somedays.\nAs an INFJ, I find myself getting disappointed in people all the time. I try to remind myself people aren't perfect, but I can't help but get disappointed and even want to shut certain people out. ...\nI agree with Kyrielle. Actually, I don't think people should be given a life sentence. They are just going to die in prison anyway and we are spending a lot of taxpayer money trying to support...\nI always wanted to grow up in the 60's. I have always felt drawn to the nonviolent protesting. I wished I could have been a part of it. Well, minus the drugs and the sex :)\nI probably have hurt other INFJs and other types because I can be opinionated and passionate about things. In one way that is good, but in another it is bad. I've actually made people cry when I get...\nI don't know if this applies to other INFJs but the hardest friendships I think are between INFJs. I can easily develop a friendship with a secure INFJ. However, finding a young secure INFJ is hard...\nDid that today!\n1. Volunteering. 2. Rainy Days. 3. Eating (especially fast food or junk food). 4. Ballroom Dancing. 5. Listening or playing music or singing.\n1. I have been through a lot (deaths, abuse, betrayal, threats, harassment, battles with depression, etc.) for being under 30. Even though, I am only 26 (soon to be 27), I feel like I am 50. Some...\nThings I find attractive in someone..... People who wear glasses. It is funny. I have heard from people throughout my life that I should get contacts because I would be prettier. However,...\nIt depends on the week. One Friday a month I drive back to my mom's house which is a little over two hours away and stay the weekend to see my dad who is in a nursing home, my grandmother who has a...\nI know the feeling. I used to go to lunch with coworkers just to be somewhat social. First, at times conversations ended up being slamming an individual or a particular office which I absolutely...'
'I like games where you dont have to follow the storyline, games where you can do whatever u want: like WOW, Starcraft. Simcities and simparks etc.. were fun too when I was kid.\nI think it is happening to me kinda too. I was kinda emotional when I was kid but nowdays I think I have very strong thinking side too, maybe I eventually become more like INTP than INFP, dunno....\nYeah Paris Hilton is actually smart girl even tho she act stupid blonde role a lot. ENTP\nLol I dont think INFP is very common hipster type, ISFP, ESFP are most likely hipster types I think.\nI like girls who look like kinda Kristen Stewart - like I like beautiful, sensitive and delicate girls, not hot/sexy/dirty/masculine girls :P\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGE-f1s9XMc&feature=fvwrel This is parody of snoopy dogg ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsVnExzvsLg Great lyrics, too bad most of u cant understand ...\nmum : ISFJ+INTJ dad Sis: = INFJ Grandmum: ESFJ and then me: INFP\nthis test is obviously bullshit, I got 29 and I am way more empathic than average person. This test just shows that INFP:s are kinda private and introverted ppl. Besides the test seems to be showing...\nam I first who says INFJ..... RLY?\nI play starcraft 2 too, Mineralz evolution is best custom game lol\nhhmm Harry kinda acts like great leader: I would say ENTP / ENTJ Ron ESFJ Hermione: INTJ Luna: INFP\nINFP:s are kinda mysterous and feelers so I understand if some ESTJ:s sees us a litte feminine, we are not like stereotypical men. Like Kurt Cobain said: but Kurt Cobain wasnt rly feminine after...\nI like and respect polices, but gotta admit, here in Finland polices behaves differently than in USA so I also understand why most of here hate police.\nI think cynicism may be INFP and FI thing at least to some point. Like if I watch news and I see some dead ppl in news; I dont feel much sympathy/empathy when some Fe ppl are almost crying even tho...\nLol, I have an identical situation than u. Dad INTJ, mum ISFJ, sis INFJ. Kinda makes sense if ISFJ+INTJ make babies they get = INFJ or INFP\nI think the french guy Pip is INFJ or ENFJ\nIf u think hitler was INFP or INFJ you guys must be totally retarded. Hither was most likely NT - great warleader with huge visions.\nYes that is true, but estonia and finnish arent as similar. I bet swedish guy understand at least half what norwegian guy is saying but finnish guy dont understand much what estonia guy is saying.\nAll of those are pretty similar tho... More like dialekts than different languages\nYup, but racism is rising in europe, just in france far-right Le Pen got almost 20% of all votes. We europeans arent used to live in multiracial-multicultural society and many of us think that our...\nI have like since a kid escaped reality, having adventures inside my head or surfing on net etc.. lol\nKyle : ENTJ Stan: ENFJ Cartman: ESTJ Kenny: ISTJ\nBreivik wasnt pro-white, so not very likely scenario. Idk do u live in europe or not but seems that u dont understand whats going on there: watch this video : ...\nI dont like books, I rather watch videos or documents about the topic, than read a book about it. Why to read when u can see?\nHope they legalize most of drugs, I would love to try LSD and shrooms. MDMA is prolly better partydrug than alcohol too, even tho I have heard it may be dangerous so hopefully some scientist develop...\nSex or not, does it rly matter. I dont wanna have kids atm so why I would want to have sex? If I want satisfaction I just watch porn and masturbate lol\nGotta disagree, even tho INFPs are not the most common type of athletics, IFNP can very successful even the best. Isnt perfectionism one INFP personality strait so....\nINFP should get some stress-free job like working in library etc... and focus on freetime. A job isnt most important thing in the world, just get easy job and get enough money needed to buy bills and...\nI am atm in university reading sociology but university seems to be NT:s playground upcoming jobs too so maybe I change it to librarian- it would be stable stress-free job with decent income, I like...\nIt is hard to be successful in this world being sentive and caring male, I just wonder sometimes that maybe I should become total ass.hole alfa-male since they are most successful here. Don`t...\nMum ISFJ Dad INTJ Sister INFJ Me INFP kinda makes sense, I got intuition from dad and feeling from mum.\nWell since their culture is so different than ours they muslim and black from third world country and many finns are racist towards them it aint easy for them and that`s why they start doing...\nI am from europe and I rly dont want that immigrants come to my home-country, especially if they are from Africa. They will barely adapt our culture and I doupt that they never fit in our society...\nWell because many INFP:s are looking soulmates so no wonder if there isnt many potentials profiles. I have been using datesites like an year and havent find many potentials and not many ppl take...\nZeitgeist is utopia and it will not happen any near times..... It is not systems fault that everything is fucked up if the goverment is corrupted and dumb like it is in USA it dosent matter if the...\nINFP guys just have to man-up, not gonna be easy but if you want something u have to do something about it.\nI am not very competitive so I rly dont care much does my team win or not but I like rly much manykind of sports. I am pretty good floorball player I would say, I could play in some high-lvl teams if...\nScience is cool, I like to read some science-magazines a lot , not sure tho will I ever be a scientist xD\nI think INFP:s are idealistically hippies but hippies use drugs, have sex with anybody are very open etc... I think it is not 100% INFP thing, tho I would like to attend some hippies events :D But...\nNot easy task to be a male-INFP xP I dont hate myself but for sure I have sometimes bad self-esteem but in other hand sometimes I have very good self-esteem. I just should be stronger.... and I...\nV for Vendetta movie was inspiring so I have to say Guy Fawkes.\nI think it is because of FI, we tend to keep our feelings inside, also I use positive outlook and humour in serious situations, it is my way to deal stress...\nI have somehow stereotype about ENFJ:s that they dont understand sarcasm very well, am I right?\nYup I use sarcasm a lot and funny onliners. Even about serious issues I make jokes, maybe it is my way to deal with stress. When I was school I did stand-up kinda shows often, even tho I am very...\nHaha I was 6 months in army and it wasnt ideal place for me, I didnt do very well there and I thought in beginning whats wrong with me, eventually thanks to army I ended up taking personalitytests...\nI drink sometimes... when I was younger I drank more because I had friends who tend to do that but nowdays I drink like 4-5x a year, I would tho drink more if I would have more friends who would...\nhmm computer science and programming sounds intresting, too bad though that here in finland there seems to be already too much computer-experts so there is hard to find a job, unless you create new...\nI think my stage is lvl 5-6\nMy guess is: he was xSTJ or xNTJ Typical type of army-leaders\nI would do well but usually I am too lazy, anyways school has always been kinda easy to me.'
'I personally try and prevent myself from categorising people in that way because I find that it doesnt help form good impressions if I focus on the negative. I prefer instead to view people as the...\nI saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers when they toured to the UK. They were phenomenal and I couldnt even hear my own voice in that place, everyone was singing along and jumping around like crazy. And then...\nI've never been diagnosed but I've often wondered. I have the attention span of a gnat and it often takes several hours to write even 1000 words. Also I never got the whole exercise thing, I've...\nHonestly I think I can pull this year together. It's only first, and I already got a 1st (Im in the UK so the system is different) so I should be able to weather the recent fuck ups with that. I...\nThanks very much for the response. No, I haven't been explicitly diagnosed with anything ( I previously heard a fair amount of anecdotal evidence that mental health services in my home area arent the...\nI'm not sure how getting into a fight would help? Even if there was a good enough reason, I don't exactly have any enemies, or reasons to fight anyone.\nThankyou for your kind response. I may try switching counsellor. I honestly dont really think I can relate information very well to the person im going to now. I think that outburst may have helped...\nTY for the input, I'll check it out. Though I dont want to get too reliant on it so I'll work with formatting it myself for the rest of first year I think.\nIf you are averse to explicit language or dont want to read somethign slightly depressing, dont read this post. Thankyou. I feel like I'm just perpetuating a stereotype here, but I'm a first...\nEveryone changes, but whether its for better or worse depends on the individual. Not just women. But no, I dont see any reason why you should think that all u200bwomen are loyal. Who told you that?\nThe MBTI isnt really set in stone. It only tests you on eight functions, and often the standard test itself doesnt even get the right type; sometimes further research is needed. If you dont agree...\nI pressure people a little bit if I think it's something they'll really enjoy, but if someone tells me explicitly to stop bothering them, I'll stop talking about it.\nI have definitely been this way before, but I stopped a while back. Is there any further explanation for while you feel this way toward the mainstream, or is it just something you've always seemed to...\nI was actually kind of one way and the other, but mostly closed off. On one hand, to most I was very reserved to the point at which teachers and parent were often very concerned with my lack of...\nThankyou very much for your input. I've learnt many things about the virtues of time management, data collection technique and taking a bit more of a lead in group work as a a result of this study....\nYeah haha I'm currently going round all the type forums editing the post because I forgot that not everyone uses the British University Grading system.\nHello, this thread is just about a small study I'm taking part in involving peoplex92s perceptions of their studies and university courses. NOTE that you must currently be studying some form of...\nThis simply isn't enough information to go on really. (You could have explained how she shows she likes you, or exactly what you mean by gave her some) Not only that but people are very different...\nI have experienced what I think is something similar. My advice to you? Do let people in sometimes. You can let go of bad relationships and poisonous personal influences anytime you want, really. But...\nThis thread brings back alot of personal thoughts. In order to answer the question, my grandfather was on post in Cyprus as part of the British regiment somewhere around or during WW2. He didnt speak...\nI if I could re-arrange the Alphabet, and add in a bunch of duplicate letters, I'd put U,I and C-O-I-T-U-S together\nI dont have it saved but I was held a convo on omegle for a duration of about 3 hours, just messages every couple minutes with this guy from Denmark. We were discussing philosophy, life in general...\nI have various interesting behaviours with my sleep cycle for my entire life. I used to have the weirdest sleepwalking straight out of a horror movie. I used to sit upright in my bed at night and...\nThankyou very much for your reply. I think I just wanted to let off some steam there. A lack of offline and immediate friendship is probably what spurred that. And, having looked around there are...\nHello. I guess I'm writing this because I want to reach out to strangers. I feel like i dont want to reach out to anyone else. This is pretty much a thread about be being critical of myself, so if...\nTarget ALL the supermarkets and fast food restaurants and keep up to date with their job postings. If they see you there a few times, and you show interest, youll be more likely to get a job. Those...\nAs an update to this thread, management actually gave a apology to said TL and instead came down on me like a ton of bricks. The person who spoke to him was having a pretty bad day and forgot to hold...\nNo. I've passed training, and there was no manager or team leader in at the time. So it just seems remarkably stupid that a punishment is given to someone who wasnt actually there nd who couldnt have...\nOne day I decided that the focus of my ideologies should be keeping my personal world in a balance of good holding its own against 'evil' as it were, instead of being perfect with sunshine and...\nOk so I work in a large supermarket. One day, for reasons I will not disclose, I walked out of my shift. I accept responsibility for that, and this thread isn't about any unjust treatment of me, in...\nThanks for the tips! Ill be using that technique actually, the only time that will get in the way of breathing is if my throat feels somewhat blocked, in which case I will find it difficult to...\nThankyou! Ill be sure to use some simple exercises before I do things, people seem to recommend this often. Also, thankyou very much for the example sound clips!\nIf youre just looking for temporary work, take any reasonable job which pays the salary you and your wife need. Jobs are increasingly hard to win and find these days, so keep posting those CVs and...\nHey. Just wondering if anyone on here is a singer who would care to lend some info. I enjoy singing alot, but I definitely am not naturally equipped for the task. I want to get better, but I'm unsure...\nTheres the story of Dashrath Manjhi. He's a man in India who's wife lost her life on the way to the hospital, as the route around the local mountain was too long. So he cleared a path through the...\nWhen I'm trying to concentrate, or recall information I get an internal monologue. Otherwise it's just near-constant background music in my head.\nIve played games from pretty much every genre I can think of, and enjoyed most :). As for anime, if any of you havent, check out Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's a gripping story with a lot...\nI'm actually almost entirely non-aggressive. I would only get aggressive as some kind of bluff to ward off attackers, or if someone close to me was threatened. Any other reason to me is a useless and...\nI don't have any artistic pursuits, but whenever I need a bit of inspiration or motivation, I usually find it in listening to music, and on occasion, reading. Sometimes just observing the people...\nIt's not exactly funny, but Les Miserables I found very very interesting. Victor Hugo, the author throws in alot of philosophical elements and theres alot of discussion of morality, with some...\nI would imagine this (if it is actually fairly credible at least, as I don't know where your information has come from) would be because of the problem of deciding what to do with your life,...\nWell, males and females will differ slighty due to the social constructs presented to them. Say how men are expected to be strong, fighters, protectors. Women supposedly caring, nurturing. All the...\nThankyou. I will certainly look into it. All things considered, im (on relatively short notice) going to visit a friend in wales. So I guess I'm doing things in a less-dead-and-boring way now. which...\nI guess people need a little bit of stability and a little bit of chaos. Too much of either is kinda bad.\nSometimes life is beautiful even in it's darkest moments. Sometimes when you are on a verge of sorts, you come back ten times stronger. It's strange, I'm on my own alot. Mentally, anyway. So I guess...\nI only know one other person who took a reasonable look into MBTI. They're an INFP, interestingly enough. Though I have to say we are very different examples of INFPs.\nIf I'm honest, I was terrible with this. Im not gonna tell you what to do. Im gonna tell you what NOT to do. 1. miss deadlines. If you do this, it gets worse. tell your procrastinating impulses...\nIm completely agnostic, although I DO have a personal agenda which could be seen as religious. I behave religiously in the sense that I have a set of morals i would like to uphold well and maybe...\nGood. Kinda. Ive always listened to and respected them in many ways, and fallen out, but ive learnt a lot from them. even though my dad has issues, hes good natured and tries to control his issues as...\nI personally get extreme tunnel vision when I get really angry and get verbally explosive, which is why I've conditioned myself to just get angry as little as possible. It just turns me into an idiot...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQSjQuvaiF0&feature=related\nwhat about Saul Silver in Pineapple Express\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od7GUy9XS7c\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no4WViO5P0E\ni got enfj\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9IixYR_p-4\nI follow my own moral compass, and im neutral regarding societies rules.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URTK3iQYAw4&feature=related\nYou are 33.3% Good. You are 28.2% Chaotic. Alignment: Neutral Good You do the best good that a person could be expected to do. You are devoted to helping others. You are willing to...\nBliss by Muse\nFor those who have read the book Frankenstien. YouTube - Victor Frankenstein and the Monster in Purgatory aint that sweet.\nI would also say ESFP\nI can relate to this. And I laugh before I hear the punchline quite often.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFx85CfMvWI\nin this song Dave Mustaine seems alot like an Entp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq8i2i2ZRHA&ob=av2e ''Basically what this song is about is, you take a person - a typical stereotype...\nYouTube - Pirates Metal Party Time: Wenches & Mead (feat. Alestorm)\nYouTube - Hatebreed - Perseverance\nmy mother´s tongue is Faroese. other than that I can speak English, Danish and very poor Spanish\nYes. Because you love me\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQTbLHR-cX4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgLm_rFrnXo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P-iHErFrIA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esWqSqSTFa4\nThe Wicked End by Avenged Sevenfold\nMetallica - No leaf clover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL2hebsJHIk Red Hot Chili Peppers - Hump de bump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohua-puP3js Marvin Gaye - Lets get it on\nSo resolve, reassure and push on without fear, Ignite the flame because only you govern what tomorrow holds, It's inside your soul waiting to be awoken, it's more than words describe, This is the...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKT1P7x_Pzo\nThese are some of my favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx-tPSpg0gY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEDI5S-W2RU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQT6494-TTQ\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd4q0Xx-u1Y one of the most beautiful song ever.\nwell i´m new to all of this, but i think these are ENTP songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srZssVZ5mQc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Gs4xGw1Eg\nBittersweet - Apocalyptica with Ville Valo and Lauri Ylonen Descend the shades of night - Machine Head The burning red - Machine Head I wont see you tonight - A7X\nHoly Diver is my favorit. i was fortunate to see him last year with Heaven and Hell RIP Dio\ni´m listening to The Day of Justice by All Shall Perish\nI really like this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6hz_s2XIAU and for all the metalheads. dark lyrics but positive message. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTpz1bO7DX4\nThe Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Duke of Trannsylvania Known in some parts of the world as: Him of Blood The Great Archives Record: Thirsty, unstoppable and...'
'http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/mz_lyricist816/jumping-dolphins3d.jpg\nOMG....I can so relate!!!\nI would be all over the place. Relating to every conversation possible.\nI want to buy everything on the infomercials.....:blushed: I just talked to someone about not being a good sales person because I couldn't lie to someone to make them buy something...\nIm an ENFP but I love this subject and the exploration of it!:crazy:\nSilas: Peace. Bart: Peace is meant to explain a state of tranquility. Ok? So why don't you try finding a way to say goodbye, now that you're among civilized people. Silas: Well, Mr....\nWhen you really only use these smileys:crazy::wink::happy::laughing::proud::tongue:\nHilarious:laughing::laughing:\nDaydreaming is quite productive....:tongue:\nthis happens to me everyday...... .....of course I nap everyday!\nwhen you are in negotiation with the security gate because it's not accepting your code.... Why aren't you letting me in Was it something I did? lol.....:laughing: Im always talking...\nWrong, I assume you personally have a superiority complex. I don't know enough TJ's to make that assumption about the whole. I can however put two and two together and see that you are a very judging...\nWe are obviously very different in our opinions.....you obviously are the one with the superiority complex I really dont care about all that but you have to keep mentioning it. I can't help if you...\nYou have an interesting way of looking at things....lol Oh yeah! You should watch your language buddy....I'd hate to report you for calling me something so offensive and degrading.\nNo worries, some people only believe in the here and now. Only what they can see in this physical reality. I have an extremely visual reality and have either been able to keep my personal faith...\nReally? No. Just biased. I can totally understand people saying they don't believe in it. I could understand if you strictly didn't believe it and made that be known but you are implying that I am...\nI dont need to ask you anymore questions because this answers everything i need to know about your beliefs in psi. If you dont believe in subconscious ability then I dont expect you to believe in...\nI believe you. I have seen this a lot. Personally I cannot explain many things that happen to me on a day to day basis. Especially in the area of psi. I have strong visions. Just today I had one,...\nI think you just made yourself look stupid by making this remark. There are obviously other enfp's here who may not agree that it is psi ability but they are engaging in more interesting conversation...\nPsychic ability = Conscious and Subconscious ability Ultimately the same thing as intuition and feeling and thinking. Inspiration comes from somewhere. Mine doesn't come from outward sources...\n[QUOTE=tuna;647702]I believe that humans are essentially hopeful creatures who want to believe in a lot of things that aren't necessarily true. (and I probably just set myself up for an awesome...\nGoogle empath you might find some answers. I questioned this myself after watching an episode of Charmed where they encountered and empath and it really resonated with the way I felt sometimes. I...\nWell, I had not heard of this. Thanks for the new research subject:wink:\nAsk yourself these questions: Do you believe that humans typically only use ten percent of the brain? Have you researched psychic healing? Have you researched any mind study period? I am...\nWe all have very intelligent and complex minds that require a workout just as your physical body does. My question to you is what do you feel your strongest psi ability is. Mine is...\nWhat the HELL are you talking about?:tongue:\nwhen you have a mess that has been festering and you dont clean it up until you get something new and pretty for your room....then of course you have to clean up:tongue:\nLol too funny:laughing::crazy:\nwhen you have been in your skin for 27 years and never noticed the freckles on your back.....weird when you change your facebook profile pic every other day because you cannot stand...\nWhat!!!????\nAnother sign I could see associated with ENFP's\nYour doing great\nI have a friend who is a virgo who I thought might be an ENFP. I also know a virgo that is ESTJ so this is very interesting....thanks\ni thought this would definitely be a reply...you guys are so cool:happy:\nI am an Aquarius. I have been very curious about how the zodiac plays into personality so I am curious. What is your sign? Other personality types please feel free to post, It would be nice to...\nI like your Aquarius avi...im an Aquarius too!\nwhen the people who around you get a little irritated with your lack of secrecy because they cant understand why you have nothing to hide...:wink:\nI thought this same thing last night when I was reading something...so incredibly true I hate booooring\ncalm down you....i see you are in an aggressive mood. Put a smile on your face...take a couple of deep deep breaths...:angry::cool::happy::laughing:\nI have lots of black as well\nWow never thought it was a drug... however it works quit well for headaches as opposed to pain killers, as well as menstrual cramps and the erratic behavior that comes with that hormonal change,...\nI know you most of you are probably for legalization...Isn't it ridiculous the billions of dollars that have been spent for decriminalization of the Universal Herb of Healing\nWhen you tell the same story a million times and are equally as excited or tickled by it each time you tell it:crazy:\nI can bake and cook but I was so intrigued by it when my mother was in th kitchen that I just took it up as a hobby myself. Now as far as making a guy THINK he is in control......eh.....no can...\nBeing an ENFP you probably have colors for different moods let me see em.... mine are Yellow - Happy Blue - Calm Red - Sexy Black - anytime White - never - gets to dirty too quick Pink -...\nI think all parents have a hard time accepting this. I have been in a battle with my Dad all of my life because I have never been a girly girl. He used to tell me I was never going to find a husband...\nI was always a tomboy as well but I love being a woman also. I am so unconventional that it is quite hard for men to deal with. I have always had a predominately male entourage and become friends...\nHave you been viewed to be entirely too masculine in your approach to life or to not being the traditional woman. I mean housewife just isnt me and maybe I am too friendly with my daughter. Do you...\nYou know it's time to leave the Cafe but you just cant remove yourself because the conversation is so intriguing:tongue:\nI am glad you have found this safe haven. Everyone needs someone to confide in who will be understanding no matter the circumstance. It is very hard to find people like this, somehow I know now why I...'
I don't have a license so... parents. Oh and curiosity, that's the name of my chauffeur.\nPersonally, I want to roll like a ball. My role model, on the other hand, is... ... ... ... I.. don't know. Time to find a role model I suppose.\nI'll start with bio related fields: Since you said you want to do something you feel will have a positive impact, I wouldn't recommend research... or any other lab oriented jobs. It has a positive...\nWhile I agree that medical school is like this, once you hit the actual being a doctor part, it's very different. If being a Doctor were just about memorizing a lot of facts, it wouldn't be one of...\n5 on BC, 4 on english, 3 on bio... I want to go into Medicine... dammit.\nWhere did the question mark originate?\nThat would defeat the purpose of the secret.\nYou see, I had a very silly idea and this was born. Perhaps you will enjoy it, perhaps not. Be nice, please. I have feelings... occasionally. Writer's Block Ix92m supposed to write but try as I...\nThere is an INTP initiation ceremony. I'd tell you what happens, but it's secret.\nWe still treat it like sh*t.\nWhat, is housing all of humanity not enough of a job for the earth? What about the rest of nature? Still not enough work? We treat spheres worse than we treat condoms! We leave sh*t lying around all...\nThat doesn't mean that spheres have to have a natural enemy. Perhaps each individual sphere has different enemies! Why the sphereotyping?\nNot sure Antartica would fit INTPs that well because we're not that cold, just good at hiding emotions. Besides, research is results oriented and occurs over a long term... I know for a fact that...\nWhy can't spheres be a peaceful shape?\nwhat did you think of my poem though? I'll call it... Ations.\nBut the same is true of INTP males. Does that mean that since neither can find each other, INTPs can not meet (internet excluded)?\nI feel a bit of annoyance at obvious questions, but if the question is deep and pokes a hole into one of my theories, I'm usually happy that I can improve it.\nIt can be a bit annoying. Oh who am I kidding, it annoys the crap out of me to have it not be at 0 for everything.\nI always prefer quotes; perhaps I'm narcissistic. When someone quotes me, it often means either they are using my quote as support for their argument or they are disagreeing with me. The first is...\nCapitalization We all live in a nation of many -ations. Corporations, sensation, acclamation, and abbomination; so why, oh why, must so many forget capitalization? No seriously, there isn't...\nAntimatter spheres.\nWell, I only read the first and last page (so far) of this discussion, so I'll answer the original question (What's on my mind) and then go to the heart-to-heart between INTPs and an ESFJ. I was...\na. read a book b. daydream c. put on sunglasses and sleep\nI think we can all agree that 3.141592...=Pi>Cake=a lie which means that 3.1415...> a lie, through which we can conclude that lies all have numerical values on a decimary (I think that's what it's...\nToo much like me.\nBlame the cat's killer.\nOr perhaps, this thread is in fact an elaborate trap to eliminate a perceived threat and we're waiting for them to show their hand. Nah, too lazy.\nI wonder how this would pan out with other MBTI groups.\nListed in terms of importance: Read Ponder Eat Jump from page to page on wikipedia Chess Science (whatever part of it I'm reading up on that week) Sleep Think about easier ways to answer math...\nI go to an all boys school and rarely leave my room, so I need a bit of clarification in regards to this thread. What is a girl?\nIt's not that we're hard to find, it's just that we keep to ourselves so much that you don't notice that we're INTPs. If you're looking for us, you won't find us, but if you just talk to people who...\nI just put on Jeans and a T shirt with a hoodie when I go out and shorts and a t shirt when I'm home. I don't understand why people dress fancy; clothing is meant to cover the body and t shirts do...\nOnce, as in for approximately one second. AKA birth.\nIf money weren't an object, I'd probably dedicate my life to anything that catches my interest. Poker, psychology, chess, biology, chemistry, and math at the moment. Would that be considered...\nUsually, I go to sleep at four AM on Monday morning and wake up at six for school, so I'm grumpy and blame the day for being after Sunday.\nWell, I didn't even notice. Yeah, I'm an INTP. I just chose the first question mark I could find. The question mark was supposed to represent my name...because I'm unnamed.\nWorst movie: Eragon. The book was great, but the movie was disgusting. Worst book: It's either Twilight or Allegiant. I didn't mind Divergent and Insurgent, though they could've been worst, but...\nWell, I'd try to converse with him on an academic front then. What subjects is he good at? By that age, I basically ignored anyone older than fourteen unless they were willing to teach me something...\nI think you're INFp too. What does mine look like?\nSlasher films: I'd be cozy in my house reading a book. Zombie films: I already go around walking slowly, with little focus i my eyes, and live off intellect. Other horrors: Horrors tend to take...\nA large problem in getting an INTx to open up, I say this from personal experiences where others tried to get me to open up, is that's it a bit like feeding a rabbit. You have to offer us a treat, an...\nOh, you're loud are you? That's just great. Now shut up, I'm thinking. Yes, thinking... a cognitive function that you seem to lack. And honestly, what happened to creativity? Every time you say...\nWell, I'm new. Shocker, right? I'm sure this is where I'm supposed to talk about personal interests of mine like tennis, chess, and psychology, but I'd rather talk about pie. Because really, who...\nWe were once normal.
'I feel like I am in a slump. Day two of Camp Nanowrimo and I have no motivation to write. I have also been feeling super anxious this month, like no one wants to be around me. It has been fun. I...\nINFP, 4w5. Hgwarts house: Gryffindor Wand: Pear Patronus: Weasel Ilvermorny: Thunderbird\nI said no to a birthday invitation of my cousin that I am not that close to earlier and now I feel bad for it, since I said I had other plans, which I do but so much later in the day so it would not...\nugh, why do I even bother putting my opinion on anything or how I feel about anything out there. It is never going to go well. I probably just come out as obnoxious anyway. Should just keep quiet.\nSo fucking stressed out because of a presentation that I have to do tomorrow that I can't sleep, I can't eat and I can't even watch a TV show to take my mind of things. A big fucking fuck you to all...\nI was out shopping with a girl I know and we went to a bunch of beauty shops/makeup-stores and at the one place this girl that was showing us all of these products and stuff asked for the phone...\nOne of my teachers just publicly called me out for not speaking up in her class today and I tried to tell her that I didn't have anything to add, people speak over me and have already said everything...\nI get you are not living your life properly and all of that stuff quite frequently from people that I sort of know because I don't go to parties or like being too long (or at all) at a social...\nSometimes I really miss this place... or being sort of active here, but at the same time I am glad that I don't feel the need to go and vent my passive aggressiveness every other day or so. I hope I...\nHave we done Girl's Day yet? I don't think we have I could give it a try but I find it hard to find things with them that are subbed. I also haven't spend that much time in the MBTI community...\nWhile I often like that I am very emotional and not to ashamed of my emotions, I also tend to hate how rash my feeling are and how emotional I can become very quickly if that makes sense. I often...\nWell I immediately regret heading into a debate on Facebook about gay pride and gay rights and all of that because I know that it won't go down well and that person (my stupid brother-in-law) won't...\nYou can't even take a long relaxing bath in this house to try to ease your menstrual cramps or to try to ease your body that aces all over without people getting mad at you. I am just so fucking...\nOh sure, watching South Park really loudly at 5am because you baby is acting up is fine and not turning it down or muting it when you go back to sleep, so I can't sleep (but I don't feel like going...\nMy twin is telling a very exaggerated tale about how a friendship that we had broke up, some of it is true but a lot of it very exaggerated when she tells our other friends about it or our coworkers...\nI have never thought that I had the voice for speaking, but I have always hoped that I have the right voice for writing... :)\nnever mind... probably overreacting again.\n@lebon: yeah, but I am not too familiar with enneatypes to type her. Yeah my friend really doesn't like her after seeing her with Yonghwa on We Got Married and she really doesn't understand why I...\n@lebon: Don't worry I wasn't offended at all ^^ from what I have experienced and seen Fi users can actually be ridiculously empathetic (but so can Fe users) since we think how will/does this make me...\nlebon: No sorry I can't help you with editing your post. Maybe you should contact the staff or something. Yeah, I watched the first 5 episodes of The Dangerous Boys and I found myself quite...\nlebon: Never thought of Seohyun as an ISTJ, more like ISFJ but then again ISTJ's have Fi but no ISFJ's to maybe that could fit. Other than that I think I could agree to this typing. I remember...\nIt makes me kinda upset that I am not enjoying horseback riding as I used to. I want to enjoy it and when I go I do enjoy it a lot, so I still feel like going but I don't have the urge or the drive...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF3MC8PWgJE\nGetting tired of people thinking that everything that I like is stupid or never smart enough or something, just because I like YA and fantasy books, because that is childish (yeah, like every fantasy...\nYes, I do. I support gender equality wholeheartedly and I think it is great, but there are some people who idk, take it to far(?) and those type of people tend to be what other people think what a...\nOh, you don't have to worry, I don't sit at home by myself 24/7, every day of the year. I go to work/school, to the library to study or just to have fun, take a nice long walks sometimes, during...\nI know that you are trying to be nice, but you sort of come of as most extroverts that I know that want to fix this little introvert problem that I have and trying to find ways to make me more...\nlol, what. I am sorry, you are probably trying to be nice and all but I don't see how this will help me at all with being social. I learned ballroom dancing in school, since we were all made to learn...\nI kinda get this from everyone, regardless if they are introverts or extroverts, the ones that I talked about being kind pushy about it are Extroverts for sure though and they can both be very...\nYeah, I will never understand why people get drunk so much. One beer or whatever is fine, but know your limits people and don't drink to heavily, that really isn't good for you. I often talk about...\nsummertime always goes by so quickly and I never feel like I have time to do anything. All I feel like I do is work, work, work and then try to do something after that is finished but that never...\nI can do a bit of socializing and I do enjoy talking to people, but a lot of the time I feel like I try in some way to socialize and it doesn't work like I want it to or it doesn't seam to be going...\nI have defiantly been an unhealthy one, for sure. Maybe level 7, but I don't think I went to level 8. That was also the time when I used to spend an awful lot of time here, just writing random...\nI am going threw this big as reading/general life slump right now and I have been since Marsh or that is how it feels like. I just want to sleep or kinda do nothing, maybe watch some TV but not...\nWell tbh I am not really sure. I have been trying to read some interviews but it almost looks like she hasn't too many fans that want to translate them or she just hasn't been doing many. I haven't...\nNope, I doubt that she is one tbh, but then again I have been wrong about this in the past so what do I know. Why do you think she is an INFP though, I haven't been following her or T-ara that much...\nI am not that into F(x) but I am pretty sure that Krystal is an Introvert and Luna an Extrovert, just from some interview and variety shows that I have seen. Krystal is definitely an Introvert in my...\nI usually try to power threw. There aren't a large number of books that I have stopped reading half way threw, unless maybe some books for school, but that has sometimes more to do with the fact that...\nI have no idea what I am trying to accomplish on this website anymore...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtj3k_thBE4 Every year after I finish watching Eurovision I always go back to this song <3.\nQue a passive-aggressive post (but then again, when do I not post something passive-aggressive here) about how much I hate the internet here in the Icelandic country side where I will be staying for...\nI used to write stories, and tell them to my siblings when I was younger, and I did write a fanfic with my friend and my sister once (we never finished it, but I think I could do it one day). During...\nI wish that my twin and her boyfriend can move into their new house soon mostly because of selfish reasons (but also because it would be really nice for them to have a place of their own) because I...\nI think about 90% of the music that I listen to is korean or kpop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeqdYqsrsA0 I just posted the kpop song that I have listened to the most according to...\nI have or I think I have. I got this really huge gut feeling when I was riding a bike down the road that leads to my home (I live on a farm) and my dog was running beside me, because I forget to bind...\nI don't really know what kind of sense of humor I have. That might just because I am might not 100% sure of the meanings of all of the different types of humor that have been thrown around here and I...\nYeah, I kinda get what you mean. It isn't easy for people to stop smoking, and it is their lives and they can do whatever they want with it, but that isn't something that I very interested in being...\nI really hate smoking. I can't stand it. It just really makes me upset and angry and it really gets to me on a personal level. I always disliked smoking from an early age. I think I knew very early...\nI made my mom take the test once and she got an ISTP and she found the ISTP description hilarious since it said that she would be good with computers or something and she really isn't. I honestly...\nI wish I could say Harry Potter, I didn't read HP until I was a teenager. I think loved almost any Astrid Lindgren book that I could get my hands on, except Karlsson on the Roof, I think I would him...'
'Swan :) perfect\nFor someone who's supposed to be Fi dominant I'm disturbed.... I'm not like this at all!\nWow, this is very true for me :)\nOkay, I feel awful for commenting on a thread so old but... is there any hope? I'm crushing on an ISTJ right now and I really want it to work out. Are y'all threatened when we say something really...\nYou've successfully taken over my INFJ thread :P congrats\nInteresting way of thinking about it :)\nSounds complex to me :) it's cool how you can put it into words like that, I'll just talk in circles haha And don't you hate it when someone asks you Hi, how are you? I usually answer...\nHaha of course you do :P but who knows, you may be right\nThis makes me so happy... thank you for saying this! I always search for hidden meanings in objects and especially nature, I don't know if this is exactly what you do but I truly resonate with what...\nHaha I love your rant :) I loved how you said that sensing can be just as complex as intuition because it is! I have a knew conclusion to draw... I bet if the world was run by more INFJs than any...\nYou hit the nail on the head for me :) What's funny about this is I feel this way a lot but... I don't believe it :/ I tell myself that it's silly for me to think that I see things differently...\nInteresting thought :) kind of like how feelings can't be measured logically; I never even thought about us being so internal. Perhaps complex is a term used because we don't let people understand...\nI agree with you because I'm very sensitive to criticism as well, however, that doesn't mean I don't welcome it :) I think INFJs are always looking to improve ourselves so even if it hurts, it...\nJust once, I'd like to meet an INFJ in real life... The crazy thing is that I probably already have and never had a real conversation with one.\nEvery INFJ description I come across seems to involve the word complex. Other personality type descriptions, even other intuitive types, aren't characterized in this way as often. Why is that? Is...\nMy dad is an ISTJ and my mom is a ENFP; to this day I'm still not sure how their relationship works haha My mom is very artsy and she's okay with the fact that my dad doesn't really get what she...\nI'm finding a bunch of negative nancies on this thread :p why can't you be proud of who you are? There's nothing wrong with that. If you really feel connected to what those four letters say about...\nFrom what I've experienced, Fe users do not necessarily conform, but are much more able to do so. Because Fe users read other people's emotions before their own, they tend to act accordingly to...\nI find it funny that everyone keeps getting their panties in a wad... Isn't the reason why you all took the personality test just because you wanted to see what it said? Just to see if you were...\nI find this interesting, I read somewhere that gifted children tend to be INFP even though many children as they get older develop a thinking preference. Can intelligence ever truly be measured? Of...\nHaha I don't think we know either :p\nCrud I meant to quote you, look at the post above!\nThis might be because we connect the body and spirit differently; then again, religious beliefs usually have a lot to do with what we think is right. Perhaps different personality types feel more...\nFrom what I read from this, I definitely use Fe haha\nThis one was a little better haha I felt like there were descriptions that sounded much more on target than the last (however, I can still argue each side usually :P) The only problem is that I...\nI took me forever to figure this thing out haha According to this test, I'm either and INFJ or INFP, the problem is that I can make arguments for both sides of some of the questions haha Don't...\nGuess I should have done the post quote for my rant haha It's right above this post!\nOkay, here it goes I feel like I'm supposed to do something big... somehow, some way, God is going to use me to speak to the world, enlighten great numbers of people. To lead but not like a...\nSo I don't want to be something I'm not: I'm very concerned with what makes up my identity so I don't want to think one thing about myself and it be completely wrong. I'm not sure if I trust my test...\nI see the song as a metaphor which I'm sure most people do who really relate to it. And as for that second part... sometimes you need to tell yourself things to try to get past your fears even if...\nThat might be hard to avoid :P haha\nI like this thread :) the only thing I really liked about Frozen was Elsa and now I don't feel so silly for feeling like her :P Maybe one of these days, I'll learn to let it go with my own...\nOh my gosh, I totally agree with you. Wish I said this haha\nWhy did that post twice? haha\nThat sounds really cool :) hopefully I'll have the privilege of having such a friendship one of these days\nI feel like the people who say things like that in a serious way are not INFJs... I was more baffled than bragging when I kept reading that INFJs are the rarest: So I'm not crazy? There is an...\nI feel like the people who say things like that in a serious way are not INFJs... I was more baffled than bragging when I kept reading that INFJs are the rarest: So I'm not crazy? There is an...\nYeah, that's what I've always been worried about... too much emotion. I would still like to meet an ENFJ one day :) ya'll sound so caring and I need a friend like that. I have a great INFP friend but...\nI really love this thread :) lately I've been infatuated with this guy that I'm pretty sure is an ISTJ and reading y'all's perceptions on relationships and what not has greatly increased my...\nI love one of my INFP friends, she's an absolute joy :) For me, I get along with most types, but I seem to be attracted to people I don't understand because they fascinate me or balance me out....\nWell, the reason why I brought this up is because my mom is very happily married to a sensor and I'm sometimes attracted to them. (my mom is an ENFP by the way) I just didn't know if it was a good...\nInteresting, no wonder why I always feel the need to either write my feelings down or verbalize them to other people to better understand myself :) and yes, external feeling is what I meant. I was...\nOk, I want some INFJ opinions :) For the longest time, I've always thought that I needed someone who really understood all my deep, philosophical thoughts. Since I'm trying to become a published...\nIn light of what Humilis said... Do any of y'all find it difficult to tell how y'all feel about someone? I confuse myself all the time with this... Is it because we have external emotions? I mean it...\nHaha very deep stuff, I do think you're on to something however :)\nIn actuality, I'm not sure if I hate anyone... But what's life without being a little facetious? :P\nWell I didn't take it to mean that but oh well :p\nMmk :) thank you\nThat's truly frightening haha Well, at least you aren't held back by the concerns for another's feelings in stating your opinion; this is sometimes a very good trait to have.\nIf it comes up, then I'll use this! Thanks :) this is literally the thing I have most trouble with. I'm seeing how the separate car thing goes right now... I don't want to use this line if I don't...'
'u200e4 SALE : 1 x well worn sense of self control. - Easy to abuse - No discipline required and ideal for the slow learner. Regretful sale, due to current owner moving to outer space. All...\nWhen I was young I'd imagine my way into character roles fairly often , so I can see what your getting at for sure. I find it to be part of a scanning tendency, where you acutely view things...\nEvolving without constraint.\nPunctuality and the ongoing battle to try and rationalise why I do the things I do, from working more often than not to the refusal to put my keys where they belong.....\nJust because I have retreated back into my shell doesn't give you the opportunity to kick me around to score yourself extra points . . . Your name isn't Mario and your not super in any way that I can...\nOnce, when I was around seven and my brother was five , we were dismantling a local banking branch whilst Mom was doing her thing..... when a quietly spoken teller wearing familiar looking glasses...\nYou resemble some kind of yeti creature, covered completely in cat fur, living in a nest of chaos you've created using half written short stories and half eaten food stuffs mashed amongst the other...\nHistory has probably taught me to not fall too easily , but I have learnt the hard way , I do fall deeply in love when it happens .. . . Im like a vampire for Love . . .Its sooo powerful that I...\nCaring is creepy . . .and I guess I'm a creep , but I know that I'm special, and love this infp rollercoaster more than anything . . .\n That was an awfully big sigh.\nCats are cool , they do their thing and I do mine, and quite possibly run most households ... We disagree from time to time and their fur is like itch inducing poison to my skin , but I cant help but...\nI've said it before and I'll say it again , reality shows are the fastest spreading audio visual disease to ever infect television.... But free will prevails ... don't watch em ... astounding how...\n Such shameless destruction of literature I have never seen . . . And why lash out on the full color, Cutie kitten coffee table tittles ? If you weren't the most outgoing, organized and punctual...\n Hey you remind me of that Tony Robbins guy \nMy cats breath smells like cat food . . . . . :tongue:\n On another subject entirely - After you make a completely unrelated comment amidst current conversation. Could you help me word this . . . . ? - When letters, essays or applications need...\nMAINSTREAM NEWS SERVICES NEED ANTI DEPRESSANTS Is it just me . . . Or is the news slanted just a little toward the negative ? . . . . I do admit the odd cat being rescued by fireman goes some of...\nAlmost anything on film can do it for me and I try to embrace a good cry , if the scene itself were in mute I wouldn't register a tear but with a cheesed out musical score my heartstrings get pulled...\nI am Jack's Raging Bile Duct.\nDistinctly distant , fantastic and strange , wayward and flaky , home is my brain.\nThe Idiosyncratic champions of strange. Unusual eccentrics. Mental anomalies who wander in wonderment. Unconventional exceptionals SPECIAL\nMessy back seats , how can you ever get comfortable when theres all this neglected crap flying about ? The forgotten treats that were once tasty to eat are now decomposing on the floor and the sticky...\nYou know you're an INFP when...... your rationale has become a very unpopular member of the coalition in a war you've manufactured against your own peculiar tendencies.\nI only wear the current seasons social camouflage, accessorized with my heart on my sleeve . I have on the rare occasion been known to fashion myself into a semi-functioning human , but it just looks...\nI don't look at myself in the mirror because I'm a narcissist , I simply like to watch myself exist... I obsess over my own internal matters always ... But I don't show it, and try not to...\nI wish I were bio mechanical, having a digital tuner with preset frequencies to every one of my favorite emotional states. I also wish that truth and love were more common motives amongst peoples...\nI really Love Personality Cafe And I send Love to anyone here who could use the pick me up http://www.cheeseslave.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/love.jpg ...\nI listen to rap . . . I think a lot of people detract from it though . . Linguistics and lyricism are tools of some really fantastic contemporary poets. The Roots have an original and positive spin...\nLaughter lines become wrinkles . . Except maybe for those who internalize and neglect to smile . . .. just a theory . .\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA8hzUDXvtk&feature=fvsr Something from a neglected pocket of the music family . . .\nI was one of those kids once upon a time . . . . I was never sure what I was staring at but it wasn't a physicality . . kind of like an attraction to something I couldn't put my finger on , at least...\nI am incomplete I have no concern for being perfect I am welcoming evolution and letting the chips land where they may......\nChin up bucko . . .:happy: This too shall soon pass \nI agree the INFP mindset can release people from certain restrictions of rational process. I am grateful for it and It helps shape my ongoing belief structure I believe Alchemy, Metaphysics and...\nAlone they bare some minor purpose , but together they are the foundations of my comfort zones . . . WHY CANT MY SOCKS JUST GET ALONG AND ACCEPT THEY WORK BEST AS A PAIR !!!!!!\n>> multifaceted << Or use research, probability and developed sensing to tell them what they wanna hear just to get the job . . . if you want it\nDear Murdergina , I was quite content to skim away and post an obscure reference quote , but you well crafted word-smithery grabbed my attention , applause and also respect. Reminds me of...\nI'd say fringe dweller strange-ling would circulate amongst those who know me ... Underestimated and barely notable to the masses I expect.\nFEAR MONGERING COP SHOWS ! ! ! ! THEY ARE THE AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS OF TV PROGRAMMING ! ! ! ! TEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEE , WHAT HAPPENED MAN ? YOU USED TO BE COOL :frustrating: :frustrating:...\nI would like to give back to the world . . . Every negative, cynical , faithless, jaded , resentful ill conceived thought Ive previously expressed toward it. Apologize, and consider myself...\nLast partner was 9 years younger , and strangely the partner before was 10 years older, though I'm conscious I'm lacking in traditional barriers of human attraction. The partner older than me...\nNovelty fridge magnets\nSomehow I learned little in the way linguistics or foreign language in school. Being a long term rebel I pretty much agree with earlier commentary regarding resistance to rulings etc. From...\nI couldn't say either, her persona offered in interviews and public address has changed heaps. I guess as her market value was gradually realized and Interscope hooked her up with some descent acting...\nAnimated avatars to slow motion groin shots ,the light hearted and often insightful commentary of fools are something I really enjoy in life. RIP Bill Hicks\nIve definitely developed an attraction to, or at least increased my interest in the flaws i see in others. Adore would probably be a little too strong. Empathy is a really overwhelming emotion...\nIt still amazes me how much dogs can actually look like their owners , I wonder weather its subconscious or intentional. Puppy's and pets are known as fairly effective antidepressants too , so...\nAside from Kristian Pisstian in junior primary (which set me back years) , the slack talkers just call me Kris and my boss has decided to call me any girls name that starts with a C or a K. I...\nApologies if this is content thats already covered . . . Or if I offend and appear ignorant I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the accumulated use of my space / face book / bloc pages has...\nI realize this distant stare is an infp signature trait , but when someone pulls me up on it and asks what I was actually staring at, its either something obscure like hyper analyzing the shape of an...'
'Idk let me try.\nLying by omission isn't lying...\nWe're all a little introverted, we all need alone time! If someone needs time alone, give it to them. They'll be a lot happier.\nCocaine\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ8W-aq6Yko\nOw!\nSave some for the rest of us! (Me to a rather large woman at the Golden Corral)\nStfu\nYou're really earning your cookie.\nI find myself giving advice ALL THE TIME! I don't think it's just an INFJ thing. I think anyone can give advice!\nThe worst pain I ever felt was shingles (only time I've ever considered suicide.) What about ya'll?\nI'm Korean, Irish, Italian, German, Cherokee Indian. People aren't sure what to stereotype. D:\nTeenagers - My Chemical Romance\nLike a porcupine?\nINTJ women are the same as all women! Treat them with love, attention, honesty, and not overly aggressive affection!\nWhy does it matter? Getting hit on by a girl I am not attracted to is uncomfortable, but being hit on by a dude who plays for the pink team is much more uncomfortable. It's a simple matter of...\nThank you. I had enough stupid for one day.\nHow? I want to block this blueberry. He's totally blowing my mind with his nonsense.\nI would feel much safer inviting a woman over to my house to drop off the wallet then a strange man. I didn't like the vibes he was giving on the phone. And sure enough a day after I stood him up...\nGet over yourself dude. No one is going to read all of that.\nFor your information I haven't gotten high once in the last 30 minutes.\nKilling blueberrrys.\nWhat's a joint have to do with it boy-o? Sorry I didn't have my Wheaties this morning so I'm a little ansy. The gay dude calls them Sweeties.\nI get to see my daughter in a week! ^.^ she's the happiest thing you'll ever find. I still have no idea how Matt Danger could produce something so perfect <3\nI'm not hating on gay people at all. Ya'll petty!!!!\nHe told me how he was into my voice. I was going to hit him.\ni type in all caps at the end of my profound post, my names littledicky and unoriginal should listen to me.\nI'm aware of that! Oh my god give me a revolver so I can blow my head off!! I get it not ALL GAY MEN DO THIS. Each post is verbatim what the last said, it's a tired theme. I don't hate the dude for...\nThis has nothing to do with personality types. This has to do with poor Matt Danger (me) getting sexually harassed by another man. Sadface\nThis is bananas\nyou're missing the point -.-.\nit looked weird lol. it looked like a piece of bacon with a toenail strapped to it >.>\nYa'll petty!\nhe threw it away :/\nDude he sent the pic and then apologized for it. That he was drunk and confused. Idk what else to think? I'm not conceited. Maybe he's into average height half asian men? Idk\nI spent my whole day with my mouth wrapped around a big black cake\nNo one likes a hero.\nPC isn't fun to troll on. Runescape/Yahoo Answers <----my shit nigga\nI'm lost huh?\nI know exactly what violation is. I'm being hit on by someone I don't want to be hit on, and having harassing texts sent to me.\nYes obviously... I'm sexually drawn to women not men. I have nothing against gay men. I don't necessarily understand them.\nFirst of what the fuck is typecasting? This has 0 to do with the wallet at all, and everything to do with the fact I was violated and sexually harassed by a man!\nI'm 5'9 and 150 lbs. I'm pretty average I guess?\nI have never felt so violated before... I lost my wallet at the grocery store and the person who found it reached out to me on facebook. He seemed like a really cool dude just trying to do a good...\nHerro\nI'm comfortable in my own skin. I took my profile picture naked. Contacts are a means of allowing me to function in daily life. I just happen to prefer the blue ones.\nNo one is arguing, Mr. Conflict.\nShe can put her big girl pants on and deal with it! They make me happy! They're not hurting anyone.\nPretty fucking awesome I bet.\nWhat's wrong with half life? You're just a hater.'
'Alas. These cryptic words escape my comprehension. *stares sadly*\n↔ How exciting! The magnificence of all these symbols will outshine the entire PerC some day.\nI thought you could only ask three questions.\nHere you go. Did a quick Google search and these two came up. May be the same. Too bad they only work for Macs though. Security Camera - ZipZapMac...\nThe Soviet Union launched a plinky plonky pink sparkling pony in a spaceship into space to meet other ponies in spaceships from the Soviet Union.\nThank you. Is there an operating manual for this?\n*pokes head in* Might I have some power as well? *holds out petri dish*\nOh god, anyone passes can't be human.\nDefinitions (first result from google) Trust- Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something Respect- a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something...\nWithout too much thought...I'd say intelligence is the ability to rationalize.\nSuccess is the achievement of measurable aims (which may lead to happiness).\nWindows 7 i5 4gb laptop. I want to try Linux in the summer- what does everyone else think about Linux?\nHm, I can't quite decide. But I DO know that my peers consider any comment stuffed full of Ni as bullshit. It's quite funny really.\nAnyone know how to bring an NF out of an existential crisis? I know a friend who sounds like she's going to kill herself soon. Or that may just be my Ni going haywire. Either way, I've never felt...\nUhh, sorry to disrupt your intimate discussions but...fancy getting a room (or chat room) anytime soon? Just thought I'd remind you that you were still chatting in the INTJ porn thread.\nISFJ: Oh my god. Wouldn't it be cool to have a super eraser? Like one which could erase everything? Literally. Like if I rubbed your arm here, a chunk would disappear. And if I rubbed the desk, that...\nI shall try my luck. Have you taken over the world yet?\nSorry, are you mistaking me for someone else? I haven't posted here since I suggested the Jellybaga back on page 1. But please, do explain. I'm curious to know. EDIT: apologies- I didn't see your...\nIn the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to explain why you think the octopus is a suitable mascot, right? I'm not sure I fully understand how an eight-tentacled creature relates to INTJs.\nDominate it- there's nothing left after it's blown up. It would be far more interesting to try to organize the world into a better place- that is, a place I find ideal.\nI don't feel the need to write anything creative because I find it quite difficult to translate emotions into words. Half the time, my distress comes from not fully understanding what I'm even...\nTry unleashing it by talking/ writing with pure Ni. The amount of stuff you can think of without Te and Fi holding back Ni is just amazing.\nSquashing an idea may lead to it's development and improvement. If it can be squashed, does it not mean that it is a flawed idea in need of improvement? Surely the logical squashing of an idea should...\nThe Jellybaga is a divine entity, a cross between a rutabaga and a jellyfish. They are said to be the very reflection of the INTJ identity. If it weren't for the Jellybaga blessing, humanity...\nThe Jellybaga please.\nI still think engineer would be better if we had to use a career.\nNope- I wouldn't consider myself good looking at all. There might be a few random people who might think so though\nI am a female INTJ and I was wondering whether any other INTJs interact with NFs more than they do NTs. Over half my friends are NFs (in fact I only know one other NT), and three of them are INFPs...\nFerrets! They seem so fierce yet cute.\nTo be honest with you, I was in the same situation this time last year. I took a lot more tests and eventually concluded that I was an INTJ. I think the main difference between the two is that the...\nIf you are truly interested in seeing him, the following information may be useful to you. A long and ancient legend states that he may be summoned every seventeen years by piling offerings of...\nI was browsing a store with some friends and we had split up to look at things separately. Other INTJ indicating a mug on display on a table: That is one ugly mug. Me: You know what else is an...\nEntered an NF/ NT Death Spiral recently with an INFJ. Does anyone know how to defeat it?\n-productivity -learning new things -proving people wrong and myself right -physical and mental exertion -puzzles and cracking them (e.g. a tough math question I'd never seen the likes of before)\nbecoming a hobo after all this hard work :/\nOh my god, me too. When I was in Kindergarten, I kept thinking any day now, I'm going to turn into a boy. I gave up waiting after about two years.\nI've gotten used to dumbing things down by breaking them up into tiny steps. That way they don't get confused.\nI would make it work in shifts with me. And thus halve the workload xD\nOh, well sometimes. It's not that I give up. I just need a break to dwell on it a little more.\nWell said! Welcome to the INTJ forum.\nIt's an issue? Are you over-generalizing here? Like I said before, there ARE women out there (of other types) who talk about other things. There ARE also women who learn to expect different reactions...\nHeck- who doesn't love legos. I'm sure it's not just an INTJ thing. I loved building multiple layered buses as a kid and making parking lots. I also liked building towers and houses.\nOh marvelous- I'm not the only one. But I wouldn't call it an issue. Just find other people who aren't extreme girly-girls and BAM. You have friends. I've got an amazing INFJ friend who often only...\nHmmm. Sometimes I just can't tell if people are complimenting me just to boost my ego and get my help on something or if it's genuine. I personally hardly ever compliment someone as I see little...\nI'm not too sure if I'm a 4w5 or 5w4. I need to do more research.\nCheck it refers to the microwave checking the temperature itself with some kind of heat sensor, I hope.\nHmmm, well I'd say it's mainly things to do with socializing. Say, I can't seem to quite arrange my facial muscles into a smile which doesn't appear to be creepy. Or maybe that's just to do with my...\nWoah. What's happening at this party. And yes. I am an INTJ female as well. Let's all play Risk while we wait for everyone to arrive. Or Cluedo. I'm happy with both.\nA clear lack of common sense is slightly irritating. However, a lack of passion for learning is even more irritating. I don't mind teaching people who aren't exactly bright, so long as they listen...\nHmm either atheist or agnostic. I mean its nice to believe in a higher existence and I'd love to do that but I can't quite bring myself to believe it. On a slightly unrelated note, I love debating...'
'It was worth letting you in. Glimpsing in to you - I saw myself in a better place. The world wasn't gray, the flowers bloomed. We defied gravity with every word. We let out the rage and left...\nstarlight days and aurora nights how i wish for this\nI'm drawn into the void within, its a place I've been before. Whispers in the dark is all the noise I hear as of late. I've crossed then realms of this world to listen to your heart. Its crowded....\nTime ticks on, my lust for lust increases Seconds rise with each heart beat Love is a world i long to be in Tangled up emotions, withdrawn from reality Time is everything that stands in my way.\nEndless hours become days, months and years I've waited for the hour, the moment it comes along. It seems like eternity searching for what comes next. Words jumbled they're all blocked from the...\nI cradled your heart when the light escaped your very eyes I held you close when the frozen reality sunk in Hell was upon us yet we thrived in the dark I still search for you in moonlight I...\nTime ticks down Words locked behind closed doors Piece by piece this heart crumbles Feelings of solitude scorn this heart Every second time fly's by I stand still Holding, unable to let go..\nLoves beauty lives on in us. Love felt yet never worn. Love has knelt you many times before. Love the wind in your sail. Love the smile in the rain. Love words your heart feels Love courage to...\n@Nightstorm so he's a normal guy thats distant not only from himself but from you too. Can you describe in nearly a year the extent of his emotional connection to you. Cause i mean after nearly a...\nRain drops on this withered heart. Life is but meaning in the feelings. The struggle to withstand. Becoming whole again. Love is hard.\nI feel I'm splitting my soul once more, the emotions rip into me like fine blades. I'm afraid of losing who i am. sigh. i wish i could voice some things out but i don't have anyone left that would...\nAnother day ends with the rise of the sun. Another tear drop felt drop onto the pieces of this tattered heart. I almost lost it, its just hard to see, keeping other at a distance. I feel the need...\nThe journey within presents itself through vengeful sights and hard felt blows Every punch bringing you down further and further.. But do they keep you down.. Every broken experience and heart...\nI'd really appreciate hearing your stories or advice on mastering excessive feelings/emotions and I'm sure other young INFJ/ENFJ would benefit too. Mastering excessive feelings/emotions is a...\nFirst of all this isn't a flaw, more so you just need a bit more understanding of yourself. Giving off vibes and such is a very subconscious thing, we don't necessarily think about it. You are...\nI've come to the realization that I've been suppressing huge amounts of intense anger rage & hostility. I thought I was happy but it was just a lie I was telling myself. Rage anger & hostility is...\nWorlds collide If and when hearts do is up to you. Can I live for a moment Why is it so hard to find the meaning in this pain. I can't keep running... I can't stop running.. I'm outta breath....\nThere's a certain savagery in these words that just portrays the raw emotion of it all so beautifully. I love it so much. Passive yet intimidating, subtle yet fierce, a warning but it feels like an...\nHello, I read the situation your going through from your previous post in this fourm. I want to say that its hard, definitely hard to just tell yourself things are going to be different. Its hard...\nreally?, that is interesting maybe we should be best friends c: mhm but no really that has me quite curious.\nLove Love just hold me close. Hold me close, please. Please just don't let go. Don't let go of who I am. Who I am is everything you want. Everything you wanted, right here standing in front of...\nI'm so very sad to hear you are going through a rough time. If I could reach across this screen i'd give a Long warm hug, if need be a shoulder to cry on. It's definitely not easy to just go through...\nPardon the intrusion xD I personally like to feel like everyone has an aura of sorts, whether it be a color or a feeling with it. I feel we all have a sort of signal we give off, whether vocally...\nmaster of time and space Be strong man, its not easy to watch something like this happen and you definitely feel guilty about it. i'd acknowledge your own thoughts and feelings when you mention it or...\nhttp://youtu.be/iPHjM19j018\nTo be honest just reading that kind of angered me a bit haha. I personally take relationships seriously whether it be friendship or love. So if I knew 2 friends dating over a year and one of them...\nHow do you become at peace with yourself? Hello so i'm gonna take this posts name as essentially what it is your asking along with things you've mentioned. So how do I become at peace with myself,...\nFeeling so conflicted with emotion and thoughts like i got 24 things to say and 50 questions right behind them. then i feel like i just get frustrated with it all and choose to not give a fuck. Its...\n@motherofdragonslover , @Sei35 You two are incredibly adorable <3 that whole back and fourth made smile lots. xD I do feel we should keep her, As long as she doesn't press all the buttons!! ahaha....\nAnother day ends with the rise of the sun Another tear drop felt drop onto the pieces of this tattered heart I almost lost it, its just hard to see, keeping other at a distance I feel the need to...\nGentleLions although its not that its hard for me to share with others, but more so i'm careful whom I share with. thanks for the some what heartfelt reply.\nsometimes i ponder why i understand feelings so well, then other times i feel like i can't even begin to comprehend them...There's so much I am keeping within i feel like i'm slowly shattering...\nYou were there for a moment, distant and unable to see. I grasped at your hands and held them close You were my sun, my rain, my pillow to rest upon you were the night I desperately sought solemn...\nBliss Release The feelings I hold close to me. The incantations I seldom share with another. The feeling of receiving equal affection. The night is my zone, my world, my time. Reflection ...\nWithered by scars, I seek love in whole. I seldom see the light within the dark. Brisked with the words that ended my hearts loving reign. The pain swiftly came with the illusion of a dream....\nThank you for this beautiful reminder.\nin my personal experiences im not sure i hope so, cause after seven years she became more then just my girlfriend she was like a best friend. im sure she's closing herself in and doing things to...\ni just went through 7 years with an infp my relationship ended 3 days ago. sadly i was shut out and closed the door on. i know how it feels. The approach i'd use is simply be not emotional but u...\nIts finally ended 7 years of love... i shed all i can and in the end she wouldn't let me speak. she shut me out and simply closed the door. how you make 7years go away and tell urself it didnt...\nI lay my heart to rest each night, I breath in again. I feel and I feel, these thoughts linger on and on. Peace is light and warm like the love I share with you. Yet the fire stokes beneath those...\nThe darkness of this room seeps in again I'm alone, yet never really alone The words...these words.. they whisper of resentment. i hear them say many things, i dare not shed light to. My voice...\nI feel like the one thing that matters now to me is just the quality of the Love i'm receiving. Other then that i guess i've become super laid back, I used to have a list. maybe its got something to...\nhttp://youtu.be/P_9U-zkEPAI\nI'm in a state of thoughts, just thinking about a lot. Choices..decisions made..any clarity I've strived to gain. I think about a lot at night for years now. I see myself at a distance, I peer...\nRebel Rebel Rebel Rebel the feeling of utter demise Rebel from the dark yet fight to survie Rebel from those whom keep you cornerd Rebel Rebel Rebel Rebel feelings of discouragement Rebel...\nI am the test within myself I feel the need to flow outward, to align these broken thoughts I see the darkness around me, the despair of feeling alone The fierce veil before me does not block the...\njust realized i missed a month on my sr22 :C FUCK MY LIFE... I'm just hoping my license isn't suspended. Even more so that I don't have to do 3 more years cause I am on my last year.....\nI am pretty sure I am a guy and a INFJ. one of my real life friends is a INFJ as well he can be pretty subborn with me, i guess i know what it feels like. So we do exsist, I can be confident and a...\nHow the fuck am I still alive...\nlegit was me for the past 2 weeks. not even playin. V.V I really don't know how I do this. Thanks. I'm still processing.'
aries doesnt seem to fit me that well as a person, capricorn describes me perfect. dont think u can relate personality types and certain signs too well. i think im most attracted to cancer, they...\nHolly Golightly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :shocked:\nidd things suck, sometimes goood, sometimes bad, mainly bad, why cant i be like every1 else and find a perfect course to study etc -.- or get a job. why am i doing vulunteer work at a charity shop at...\ni totally agree with you mate. and its a reason for hooligans too in football(soccer), they love the buzz from being hit in the face. obviously that isnt the only reason for hooligans and its a...\nNatasha Farrow - Calling To The Night YouTube - Natasha Farrow - Calling To The Night (correct lyrics)\nyes, it scared my cat off my bed too wuahahahhaha!. he keeps hijacking it. hairs everywhere:frustrating: dont ask how it scared him >.>\n:laughing: lol :proud: in other words, i got concentration span of 2 seconds! it took me like 4 minutes to write this btw. i discovered i can make some weird noise with my nose tho.\nthat is rly patronizing, if anyone treated me like this i would feel like a 4 year old. u wud just receive a kick in the teeth. grim explains it rly good. for me personally i like caring people,...\nlife is music!!! along with many other things but hell! been playing guitar for 2 years but was on and off. last 2 months i been playing obsessively and learnt more songs than i did in those 2...\nMy best friend, who i can call my brother cuz we are so close is an INTP. we been best friends for 5 years now. we learn so much from eachother. opposite rly is good for eachother. we always have...\nStaind - outside(live) ok how do i paste a utube video on here? ;( (no idea if this works)\n:tongue::crazy: i thought i cleaned my room once for when my gf came around. i was all proud aswell:frustrating: was the most messy room she ever seen, i rly couldnt see why tho. im still convinced...\nthis rly helped thanks, nice to know some people are similar in ways. and ye the starting projects and never finishing is very common. we do things on how we feel, and our feelings change alot. ...\napparently Matt LeBlanc(joey from friends) is isfp:shocked: he makes i laff. my best friend who is istp. michael jackson! (isfp) i seriously need to meet more extroverts.\nif I read handwriting like that for my theory lessons then maybe I would have passed x10 easier:happy:. As for my handwriting, your asking me to multi task here :P I need to think to write neat and...\nhey guys! i was rly wondering what you other isfp's love doing in spare time. i know we have alot of it :tongue: I am mainly interested because i gave up my main hobby not so long ago. i was...\nAs i was in a 2 n half year relationship with another ISFP i should kinda be expert at this. If u want her to open up to u it will take time so just be patient, dont show any frustration towards her,...\n1. yeh 2. ah the government will screw us big time one day. if not then global warming. gods test to see if we fit on this planet.(is rly day dreaming about how terminator movie could come true) 3....\nBlink 182 - Adam's song <3\nim good at creating mess :proud: but my favourite...smiles:happy: ye corny ;< i know we supposed to be good drawers but i have never developed my drawing skill :sad: i get annoyed when i cant...\nhehe study and bearable dont belong together in my world, more like...read the 1st 2 sentences then go off into dream world :crazy: i quit WoW to study better but now i found this place ;P and a...\nThe main way i started getting attraction from girls was when i took up a hobby and became popular with it. that way i made alot of friends, became more open and easygoing with my mates as i got to...\nu seem determined to turn me to the T side:tongue: ur not wearing a black helmet and cloak are ya?\num, one reason like right now i am blushing for no reason while reading what u say:blushed: i mean ye i like some stuff about me, but the negatives of ISFP is kinda getting the better of me...\nwhatever we play we wanna be the best :P i played chess competetively for a while. I think once we start a game we are very fast to adapt to become good. monopoly was just for fun :P I prefer...\nsongs with beautiful guitar harmonies! (A7X) synyster gates ftw. most of my close friends are ISFP, we listen to songs with good lyrics, meaningful and passionate in the sound. Music tends to give...\nthanks ha:laughing: u wud have to knock down 80%:blushed:(is the test calling me dumb btw?) but i can wear disguise:cool: so ur planning an assassin...:shocked:\nthought i'd say hi :happy: my name is luke. I am an ISFP. which i like and hate:unsure: I am currently a part time student in IT, not what i want long term but its about time i get some...
'Abbasid empire, aka Islamic Golden Age. They not only saved all of the texts from the Byzantine Empire (which were later brought back and spawned the Renaissance), but they improved on mathematics...\nSo I recently read a part of a book by Carl Sagan which describes idea behind why animals sleep, why they dream and why they dream about the things that they do. I thought it's be worth sketching out...\nDon't much care for coffee, pass the tea please!\nAnywhere you go, everyone knows the pentatonic scale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXN9FRoBPqg&amp;feature=related\nI recently graduated mechanical engineering BS with a minor in physics and I'm about to begin PhD studies in Laboratory Astrophysics (plasma physics). Basically I'll be shooting lasers at things to...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKQQAv5svkk&amp;feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eob7V_WtAVg note the shocks and jets formed by moving plasma!...\nDoing things quickly and accurately will mostly consist of practicing the same type of skill/problem. Improving your abstract reasoning is an entirely different beast which requires the acquisition...\nNobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Bring out... the comfy chair... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnS49c9KZw8\nDeductiveReasoner Oh you sly little devil you... of course you've set up a trap! It lies here before our very eyes. And how clever of you to tell us directly the very thing which you are seeking;...\nYou don't know the half of it ;)\nWill be obtaining one in plasma physics\nfourtines addendum: How physics may help humanity understand it's place in the universe and how insignificant our petty battles are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pfwY2TNehw\nYou just described sex ed and farming... not bio and earth science. In reality, if we are going for sheer practicality, you don't need to know how to farm, and you don't need to know how animals...\nI'm totally doing physics in the UK for grad school, so you have my approval :P (by doing I mean going to do)\nI think the fundamental differences in the responses are due to varying interpretations of necessity. Some have taken it to mean basic necessities for survival, others to demonstrate intellectual...\nThen I believe that we are mostly in agreement, and it was simply the words that we chose to use that differed. Though I would like to bring this full circle and get back to your original statement:...\nOkay so perhaps a little bit of clarification is in order. Do you mean to say that our senses themselves are flawed, like a systematic error, such that we cannot perceive reality?(by this I mean...\nIn reply to #1: We do not require that our sensory perceptions be accurate, in fact we know that our perceptions are flawed (optical illusions for example) and limited (by temporal and spatial...\nScience has equipped us with a manner of thinking in which we may both ask meaningful questions and probe for meaningful answers experimentally and theoretically. Science has no respect for...\nI think the assumptions are quite simple: 1.) there is an objective reality 2.) our senses communicate information between reality and our mind. You could also add something about the confluence of...\nI agree with the later part of what you said, but not this part. The whole point of discourse is to challenge people's opinions and to develop/enrich them with input. Without the premise that our...\nIf you are replying to me, I said legislatively, and I made the specific point that it has not been sorted out culturally. (As a caveat: I suppose I am referring to sex equality as opposed to gender...\nOf course it's not equality, there are slightly more women graduates and yet they receive exclusive financial aid as if they are being oppressed. Men and Women are essentially equal in education...\nHe's definitely an Idealist, no doubt about that. I do question some of his fiscal policy though. I think he'd be a great idea man, someone for the cabinet, maybe a vice-president, but not the...\nMath and science are forms of art ;)\nThe unexamined life is not worth living for a human being -Socrates\nExporting our problems to the office of the president isn't going to help anything. Rather what we need is a cultural shift, such that individuals start to see the power and responsibility which they...\nThis world is the ideal. We can experience everything in such a way that there is a sense of proportion, so that we may appreciate our experiences. We have sadness so that we may better understand...\nPhilip Zimbardo: The demise of guys? | Video on TED.com\nBut in all seriousness this feminist movement business has gone too far (in the developed world that is, there is still work to be done towards equality in other parts of the world). And it's not the...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FgMLROTqJ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2a5-RrwWZ8\nand Willie I love Romo Lampkin! (especially his speech to Adama in 'Sine Qua Non') What type do you figure he is?\nhttp://jmwisdom.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/thering.jpghttp://jmwisdom.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/thering.jpg\nProbably this more than anything. I think I'm fairly good at asking girls out in a romantic way (though its hard to find ones that really appreciate it). I've never had the flight response, I'm...\nGeorge Whitman: A bibliophile in Paris | The Economist The article is about a guy who saw the world and settled down in Paris to start a bookstore. He runs it very casually, making wisecracks,...\nWell it could be both. It really depends on how you define intelligence. (various types of intelligence, etc) I just think the IQ test is a measure of whether you see patterns in the same way as the...\nHigh on life? And tickles! *attacks*\nBBC News - More time at school 'boosts IQ' I think this makes it official... IQ tests aren't an actual measure of intelligence, but rather a measure of schooling :laughing:\nNope. INFJ getting into engineering/physics\n-Why are you interested in this field? What got you interested in it? (they love well written, enthusiastic stories) -what experiences have you had with subject matter in this field? (jobs,...\nHe's not the messiah he's been a very naughty boy!\nhttp://images.tribe.net/tribe/upload/photo/2b3/2e1/2b32e115-8b23-41c5-b3ab-b4b4d13c7f71 Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence...\nA witch! A witch! Burn her!\nI totally do this! It's like my mind needs to spew all the random shit that's in there and just be crazy for a little bit without worrying. I do this quite often when doing homework with my friends.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr6itOBLVQA\nI have just over a year's worth of research experience which I'm going to continue. (I recently got an undergraduate research scholarship for a project proposal of mine). Yea, my school has a PhD...\nSadly enough it's not just the Republicans (that'd be easy), it's the Democrats as well. The whole system is fueled by money. Any increase in national income goes straight to the upper class through...\nSo I'm applying to grad school, going straight to PhD from undergraduate. I was wondering if anyone had advice on applying to schools and fellowships. Perhaps more specifically, I'm looking for...\nThe good ol' US is ready for that; there's legislation that says that you cannot default on student loans. So all the burden will be placed on the students, a lost generation.\nyesssss! I had it for super nintendo, as well as mortal combat :)'
'I'm moving soon into an apartment that allows pets, so I'm hoping people might hunt down a good birdcage, bird toys, perches, etc, to help with the startup cost of birds. I have trouble thinking of...\nFailure, being trapped, being helpless.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji5ZOeorZIw\nI don't know, but I don't get why people will forgive animals their flaws but not humans. It's easy to love a dog and the simple relationship you can have with one because you almost never have to...\nI grew up with women friends who liked to touch and hug a lot, so even though I'm not the most touchy-feely person I guess I kind of acclimated to it. We used to watch movies on the couch and they'd...\nIf I have to, yes. I don't like it, but I'd rather do it than stagnate somewhere/with someone I don't belong. I'm very sensitive to environments and try to get away from the wrong ones. I even hated...\nHooray! Finally, my calling in life.\nTentacles don't count.\nI feel more like a social brick.\nIs it just me, or do anime openings have a lot of randomly placed occult symbolism? Not even reaching here, Slayers and Evangelion both have a Tree of Life in there for no discernible reason.\nCuteness can be used as a weapon.\nSometimes. In more detail, the more I get to know some people the more I see where we don't understand each other, even if things seemed to resonate perfectly before. That's just where the biggest...\nAlways sad when someone not even a technophobe goes the way of, It's video games' fault I wasted my time on video games! They stopped me from being productive! I'm never letting my kids play! ...\nSitting down and studying for my A+ and remembering why I always hated learning. I have to find a way to study that doesn't involve notes, flashcards, or reading. Ideally I'd just have tons of...\nStopped at Starbuck's and ordered from some nerdy Asian kid with teenage acne. He opens his mouth and he has the voice of an angel, like if Sean Connery was reincarnated into a swan. Just baffled...\nAre you hitting on us? At least take us out to dinner first.\nI don't know if cute is what I'd call actual social awkwardness in women, but I think responses to awkward women are more mild in a broad sense. Both sexes wind up dealing with bullying,...\nAgreed with all of this, but I hesitate at no creep shaming. People who are awkward and inexperienced don't deserve to have names flung at them like they're bad people, worthless, etc. People who...\nSometimes I think I'm less fucked up than the majority of people, although I have always struggled with depression. I'm comfortable trusting people, have passions, know who I am, and am in reasonable...\nI don't. Most people in my family don't. Only my mother and sister use it, and sparsely. Myself, my father, and my two brothers either aren't on so much as Facebook or don't actually log in.\nOne time in high school my friend brought me to meet some friends who liked to have fights with pool noodles wrapped in duct tape as a break from being a giant nerd. I lost.\nMaybe it's location-based, but I haven't seen this as a prevailing cultural belief. Before I started reading forums regularly I had no idea it was even a thing, and it's been something I've had to...\nI often feel the same way. I'm so used to people approaching me with an itch that needs scratching that it's become confusing to hear from a friend that they don't like me for what I do for them,...\nNothing to give you a headache like spending a weekend around people who don't know technology but are too stubborn to listen to someone does. I give up. Enjoy fixing your problem with your...\nIt rankles me a bit whenever someone says that minority and majority groups are exactly the same, such as homo- and heterosexuals. In my experience, the basic humanity is the same while the...\nWrite whatever you think will motivate you to stick to that 50k for a month. Whether it's brilliant or crap, if you lose interest a week in you still haven't finished a novel... My personal take...\nI know how I feel about what I know, the big question is whether or not I have the whole picture. I've had some heated arguments that were over mutual miscommunication, and with those settled there...\nSeeing you awake at 10 AM is like running into Batman at the grocery store.\nI prefer to deal with conflict and move on, so that there's less time and energy spent on it in any shape or form. Most of my past relationships have been with people who were very passive about and...\nFeeling isn't a decision. Committing is. I'm usually surprised by how hard I get hit by feelings when I do have them, and how some people dodge right underneath my guard and bring about a sense of...\nPersonal preference. I'm sociable in video games or in places where it's fairly casual (work, etc). I just don't like to have a lot of obligations to go out or people calling me at home when I'm...\nI'm naturally mistrustful and looking for possible problems, which helps.\nI kind of blame it on my current phase of life. I've had a few long-term relationships (as in, years) that didn't work out and now I'm burnt out on trying to make something that doesn't work work. ...\nI think part of the nervousness is putting pressure on oneself to be highly interesting and in no way awkward. Conversations between strangers are naturally a little awkward most of the time and it's...\nNo, but I do occasionally have people think it means they can cross my boundaries or otherwise be gross, selfish, and nasty. It doesn't mean walk all over me. It's me pretending I didn't see a faux...\n^ Most will run off and never return at this point.\nJust curious, what do you consider the best resources for comparing Fi and Fe? I've found a few passages in the articles section, but I'm wondering if I'm missing anything useful. I need it for......\nYes, but I've given up on trying to define it past that I vibe well enough with someone to feel it through forum posts or a single, short conversation and to really want to see more. In general...\nYou know I'd just be tempted to fuck with people for fun when you put it this way and see how long I can get them to listen to me with my mental filter off.\nSJ: ISFJ, I imagine. I've come to like reasonably mature Fe a lot, probably through some kind of accelerated Stockholm Syndrome from INFJs. SP: ISFPs would be the most similar and I might like the...\nIt's that overwhelming ENTJ sexiness. We're delicate, can't you go a little easier on us?\nI've never been called it, but I worry about it sometimes. I've learned to be more concise, but I feel like I'm leaving a lot unsaid with it that's open to (incorrect) interpretation.\nI just combine things together in ways that are probably going to be delicious, unless it's something like cake or cookies. Baked goods get truly inedible if you don't do it right. I've only had a...\nI've met enough good friends and kind strangers to be hopeful, and enough pretentious assholes, manipulators, and vicious bastards and bitches to be cautious.\nFollowing long written or verbal instructions and keeping things in order. I remember the day my schoolteachers gave up on trying to organize me. So many crushed hopes and dreams. INFP. You...\nThanks is fine for me, although Meltedsorbet has great advice. I just give people things because I like them and want them to feel good, and it makes me feel like I can show them that care and take...\nI think it definitely comes down to your preferences. Most current science fiction bores me and becomes a chore to read after a few chapters, bestsellers included. Discovering Lester del Rey was like...\nYou know if you keep following me around like a lost puppy, I might just start to like you even more.\nI don't understand some people's attachment to having all their friends in one group. Leaving people who don't care whether I'm coming or going shouldn't make things weird with the one friend I have...\nI see a lot of this thread in a friendship I have, but I don't consider any of it to be real problems. I can't see it seriously impacting a relationship of similar quality, either. It's nice to...'
'1. Don't even bother with those people. It's too exhausting in the long run. 2. Why are you so anxious? 3. Just get it done for god's sake. What is wrong with you? 4. You seriously need to stop...\nGerman, English, French, Amharic, and Mandarin (still got a long way to go) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk\nnow imagine going to an all-girls-school from 5th till 12th grade Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk\nI like sticking to my samples. When I have to cook for myself (I rarely eat out) I'm pretty basic and love routine. breakfast: oatmeal with some fruit puree (takes literally 3 mins to make)...\nBalanced? My extremes average each other out. That counts. Edit: Going through the posts I see some astrology. Quick google search resulted in: Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini-born people...\nthis reminds me of something I watched a while ago: https://youtu.be/x_fBYROA7Hk They discuss personality traits that correlate or even predict political leanings like openness,...\n-Atheism: Ugh, what does that even mean. I feel like I'm taking a test and it's that one answer that is just too obvious. -Vegetarian and veganism: Yes, vegan. -Pansexuality, Bisexuality, or...\nYoga has more or less been a constant in my life regarding physical exercise for the last year and a half or so. I just keep coming back to it naturally which doesn't happen with other types of...\nBlack WEEK in Germany -.- We do have Erntedankfest (which roughly translates to 'giving thanks for the harvest'. It is no where near as big as Thanksgiving in the States, it isn't even a national...\nWhen some incompetent gets to play the competent one because of their likability or charisma.\nMe last fall. I failed though.\nI have been told I come across condescending so often that I now tend to end things I say with I think so or not sure though even though I know for a fact that I'm right. I wouldn't say I care...\nI don't tidy up my room until things start piling up. I'm pretty minimal so it takes time for stuff to accumulate. I don't really notice dust piling up though (probably because I spend so much time...\nI agree! I'm from Germany and the hugging experience might only be applicable to younger generations, that's my main source of interaction so I can't exactly make too general statements. Although I'm...\nhehe there are even the huggers! yes, first-encounter-huggers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk\nThey aren't confrontational at all. It basically comes down to a lack of shared interests. Me falling on the high end of the introversion spectrum might have something to do with it. I can...\nHehe yes, thank you! Ok I don't want to sound utilitarian but there is nothing to gain for me from interacting with them. We have practically nothing in common in terms of interests, e.g. they...\nHow do you deal with people who can't take a hint? I have this group of friends who I really do not enjoy hanging out with anymore. In the past I have experienced that friendships will comfortably...\n572330 ^very eloquently put. So if I had a motto it would probably be something along the lines of You might as well.\nI wasn't as fortunate growing up. I probably had the bare minimum of educational resources. So I would end up having to reread lexica for input of random information. Even when I got my laptop the...\n*starts planning how to take over the world* ...couple weeks later... Ok, I'm not finished quite yet. I have accumulated lots of semi-useful information I won't be able to apply in reality. I do...\nInteresting how this thread started out with people suggesting that being vegetarian would be unlike INTPs (depending on the reasons: health->logical, animals->feelings-driven). I would say that...\nAre you sad?\nTchaikovsky : Violin Concerto in D Major op. 35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vHL0UNCa1Q Mendelssohn : Violin Concerto in E Minor op. 64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1dBg__wsuo ...\nSometimes I wonder what the best version of me would be like. Sometimes I like sleeping in until 1 pm.\nWhat does Ti feel like? It feels like you can't spit out words that would perfectly encapsulate what you are thinking in a timely fashion.\nI don't judge people as harshly as I used to. No, wait, I do but now I can justify their way of .. being for them.\nEast of Eden. Impossible to finish for me. I just couldn't and stopped after what felt like a thousand pages.\nsweet spot\nLet's just say that I hate people who think they have something fundamental to say and consider themselves intellectually superior when in fact all that comes out is unnecessary word soup. At uni, at...\nDear INFP, If you want your post to be read in this part of the forum you will have to insert paragraphs. Anyway, back to the title .. I would never make the first move. The stakes are too high.\nI can completely relate to the slow eating. I'm not even particularly talkative at the table whereas other people manage to eat up quickly and blab. On the other hand I can't seem to write quickly...\nhttp://www.buzzfeed.com/tabathaleggett/signs-youre-secretly-a-real-bitch?utm_term=.jqB4V4mXm#.mfN3r3nzn Yes, it's buzzfeed and before you label this as some kind of inferior website take a look....\nI quit.\nOn a more serious note: intellectual humility\na moderately self-confident ENTJ\nSoo, this friends of mine likes to tell how cold-hearted I am. She does so frequently in a joking kind of manner while still being serious about it. I .. it really breaks my .. heart. No, for real...\nI guess the mind is less inhibited in the evening and lets creativity do its thing unlike the über-rational mind during earlier hours that relentlessly derides great ideas\nThe percentage I mentioned was obviously not accurate. I merely wanted to give an idea of where she probably falls on the spectrum from my perspective. I don't see her 24/7 so I wouldn't know. I...\nMy friend just proudly announced that she is definetely an ambivert. Believe me, she is at least 80% extroverted. Is it trendy to be kinda introverted now? Oh, yea, she took a buzzfeed quiz..\nHe most likely also sees all of those possibilities you are talking about but thanks to his dominant Ti he also sees the very fine nuances between all those possibilities and concludes there is only...\nDoes pure intuition even exist?\nExactly. Although sometimes I do hate myself a little bit after having a burst of enthusiasm directed outwardly by accident (the first kind of course). The trigger is mostly a certain kind of idea...\nIntj, entp\n140. Intp.\nUnleash your inner chameleon. Or get drunk.\nYes, we can.\n... except for that one time it was but we didn't think it was but it was.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEULSwE5GEk\nI visualize it like a beautifully interconnected metro network where the dead-ends are only temporary and to be continued'
Indeed!,Critical-Mass i amusing for an INTp. Have you consider APPLYING IT? Consider trying to make your own model, using NetLogo. NetLogo User Community Models Check it out!! @Brainfreeze_237\nFinagle Well, if I only consider the order of the functions, then the possible personalities are 40,320 which is more reasonable, however I find it hard to comprehend the meaning, not of each...\nYou might actually get as high as 170, but then you might find out the test uses the standard deviation of Cattel, such as the Culture Fair III IQ test which is of 24 points. But normal IQ tests use...\nLOL I just realized that if you look at the enneagram start at 1 and follow the line .... 142,857... multiply that by 7 .... you get 999,999 then the 369 are left out..so why not draw a triangle??...\nSame here, from that test I was considered an INTJ which was wierd because it says that my Ni is way more stronger than my Ne function. And I took it several times Ne was way lower than Ni which was...\nIt further complicates your doubts but ... hey, MBTI is just a theory. Why think of personality and modes of thinking as a dichotomy? I'm not saying I disagree with the theory completely because it...\nSignify From the 4w3 personality I can see your confusion. I have a non-dominant 4w5 and as well I question my INTP INFP dilemma. But just read the following paragraph which I copied from this forum...\nHorrorHound your my bestfriend in this forum!!! And I learn new words from you. Seriously\nkoalaroo Its paradoxical though, I took the cognitive function test from this forum and my dominant function was Ni not Ne!!! and then Ti-Te-Ne-Fi-Fe-Si-Se.... and to my surprise, it suggested...\nkoalaroo Yes it was my mistake of puting Ne,Ni it was Fe,Fi ... However why do I tend to fluctate or sometimes test INTP and others INFP? Could it be that I change under stress? Consequently being...\nFinagle I agree with you that the functions are like a preference for the way you understand and perceive reality, or possibilites. However what do you mean An intp and an infp with 50/50 preference...\nIs there such thing as an INXP, because when I take tests there is like like a 1% discrepancy between T and F and sometimes I get INFP. However I consider myself an INTP with a weak T strength. How...\nFrats! and stupid frat invitations mentioning some politician as a former member.\nA solution could be to activate an account but useing it sparingly. You could additionaly deactivate your account every now and then, though people might wonder what happened to you, or feel that you...\nWell, there are pros and cons. When applying to work on a company, they can check your facebook account (is a rumor but probably true for some cases) even if you deleted it, since all the info you...\nYou are writing in this forum and have been analyzing what people have posted before and how Post(n-1) evolves into Post(n). Then taking into consideration the outcome of all the replies from...\nI score from 50 to 195 on internet tests, sometimes my computer shuts down, but in the other cases I take the same test over and over again and then check the answers, and write them down on a piece...\nGraham= Donald Knuth's boyfriend?\nI don't know but do you plan to stay in US? And I don't know if you praised him or made him feel competent intellectualy, meaning you were aware of his competence and made him aware that you also...\nSo far you look hotter than the previous. ;)\nYeah I like to be in the sea swimming in November, freezing is cool. And The look of a gibbon moon. I love it!!! Oh sorry did I say gibbon?? hehe sorry, my bad, its gibbous* gibbon is not a...\nWell, in my case.. 1) I have a strong urge to explore the world. Hate to be living in my nest for the next 20 years. 2) What would happen if that movie didn't ever exist? Whold you post that shit?...
'I like entheos answer because you learn so much more watching people than you would ever learn just knowing their type. My son married an INFP. I don't ask her what her preferences are, I watch...\nWhen an INFP is excitedly animated, there is a deeply felt conviction about whatever they are saying. If you are a catalyst for this kind of excitement in an INFP, they can't help but love you...\nInteresting story. Is she an introvert? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xhVxpx7aCQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4xpDuf84A\nAn interesting insight to idealization... Defense Mechanisms V: Idealization\nI'm very glad you shared your experience. I was hoping to hear from others about this tendency. As for astrology in general, I'm not sure what to think. What is consistent about it is shared...\nI very much agree with this. I don't even make any conscious effort to experience this read on people, it's just there all the time. My friend, Aelthwyn, is a Gemini if I'm not mistaken. What...\nI was at first going to say that those friendships represent a true connection of some kind while those where we hide ourselves are unlikely to be any good in the long run. Okay, there, I did say it....\nThe responses above are good ones and they all hover around one single truth. Nothing you're presently doing in your life at this time has stirred a passion in you. There are things that will in...\nfloatingpoint As a 9, I also appreciate the writeup!\nI haven't found one I enjoyed. The benefits of a book are: You can skip around more easily. The tone of the book is a subjective thing and I don't appreciate a reader interpreting the tone and...\nI think we might be the same person after reading this. Very interesting that your list is so similar. I particularly like: I still cringe over embarassing moments in my past and say out loud...\nA good kisser will have you forget about what you're doing and have you feeling like the greatest joy and pleasure has just come into your life. I have been told many times that I am a good kisser...\nQuestion: if you could be granted the absolute 100% truth about any unsolved mystery in our world, which mystery would you choose to know about? Monadnock, Great question... What is the...\nWhy do we assume that the answers lie outside of ourselves and our own experiences? Why do we expect experts to lead the way in life? Why do we remain spectators rather than participants in life? ...\nAs an INFP and an experienced online dater as well as having had the MOST awkward first date in my youth, I just can't get enough of the awkwardness of first meetings/dates. While they are...\nYou need a reason to strive. If you are comfortable, you obviously do not need to work right now (which is really not true in the long run). You don't need to develop functioning as this MBTI thing...\nI read all up to here and this one gets my vote for biggest pet peeve. Seriously, what does forcing everyone to join in this song prove? It's a most curious practice.\nMirroring is an action word and has to do with aping the behavior of another person. While it does often manifest itself as a mirroring of that other person, I can intuitively and accurately feel...\nPerhaps your motivation has changed. What inspired you in the past was a journey of self discovery that is part of the maturing process. What is your primary motivation to create now? If you...\nINFP Sr.\nI feel that the output from my hobbies speak volumes about who I am and that showing others what I produce saves me the trouble of explaining who I am. One of my favorite books is The Fountainhead...\nMore specifically, yet still a generalization: In real life, only a process of final causation—i.e., the process of choosing a goal, then taking the steps to achieve it—can give logical continuity,...\nKnowledge of yourself improves with age and that's why old people seem insistent and stubborn. They are fighting the subtle pressure in society to conform and want to remain true to themselves.\nI tend to see the people born under the mutable astrological signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, as most chameleon-like. Being a chameleon throughout my life has caused me to have an...\nI don't finish many books. But the ones I have finished were outstanding. The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. My Antonia and Oh Pioneers both by Willa...\nI know this is an old post, but I found I could very much relate to it. I also starting thinking what is meant by someone getting into our heads. Again I can relate to this. What I have...\nI think the greatest satisfaction comes from hands on work. Why? Because you are in control of every aspect of production and your talents shine when you do it right (not someone else's as in the...\nGuitarist for Paul McCartney Tours... Admits he's an introvert forced out of his shell. Good interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ZO2li1g08\nWhy don't you simply realize that what works for extroverts (like the gym) doesn't work to make introverts happy and go from there. After all, that's the great benefit of knowing your type. The...\nI even feel this way about INFPs that post on here.\nShe devised the test because with many women entering the work force for the first time, they wanted a test to better match people to job tasks.\nI don't really like rain. But this is a good idea to post things about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iczdtVWaSHE\nSorry, but the title of this thread reminded me of this... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TCJJ2ejDfek\nGreat musicians... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sLVlkm3m7E\nIt's important to realize that virtual socializing is no substitute for socializing IRL. There are quite a few studies that indicate that virtual socializing leads to depression and feelings of...\nBy the time I read all replies, I couldn't remember the original question. Something about a person's value. Is this the same as, why are we here on this earth? What is the meaning of life? ...\nI attract the desperately lonely type. Show them a little polite respect and they stalk you in subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways. The loneliest people are those who have no close family...\nI have been focussing lately on trying to get more of an understanding of what Jung's original thinking was regarding types. I'm getting a better appreciation for the ambiguity he was satisfied to...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfkppPnHafU\nI have a daughter in law who tested INFP in college. She's also a fire sign like me so we get along quite naturally. She has fit in well with me and my fire sign daughter as well. I think that...\nI can certainly relate to this. I'm in my 50s and love what the OP has to say above. But one of the things I was always aware of in my lifetime was that I was born to be a student of life and a...\nEarly Pink Floyd before the Alan Parsons Project... Go David Gilmore! Echoes (from Meddle LP 1971) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfJtuvAXJfg\nWould it change anything that you're doing now if you knew? That is really the issue. BTW, a funeral director friend of mine said, If you want to know when you'll die, just call your life insurance...\nFor INFPs, I would think that the most important experience is of close connections. This means closest friends and family members. It's not what you're experiencing that's nearly as important as...\nOkay. Maybe this is something. (i'm not sure what synchronicity is.) I keep bottles of windshield washer in my trunk. Every time I go into the trunk, I think, I really ought to check the level of...\nGood stuff... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmd98J8DjzA\nThe pioneers of electronic music... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFkdI7jffhI\nThere's a remarkable difference between INFP, which is a way to categorize people generally by cognitive functioning, and the desire and need to work. Working for others requires a motivation. That...\nI have struggled with anger issues throughout my life. The issue has been that I waited too long to show my displeasure with something going on around me. I found that I needed to be more in touch...\nI happened upon this woman on youtube and I love her albums... Diane Arkenstone Echoes of Egypt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZg4VRJXZFk'
'This makes an excellent point. Dealing with an emotionally charged INTJ can be a frightening thing. We give plenty of emotional cues, but we do it with an understatement that others can...\nWord of advice, don't pick at your scabs.\nLet me see if I have this right... the ENFP version of acting the part of an INTJ is to come off like a misanthropic dick? Aww hell, I guess that's about right.\nHere's an advanced tip. When your wife is talking, nod to the beat of your favorite song playing in your head. Every time you come to the chorus, smile and say something affirmative. Do not use...\nMore than one professional has tried, but I've never been hypnotized. I'm consciously willing, but it seems I'm deep down unwilling to cooperate. I can get pretty relaxed during self-hypnosis, but...\nHaving less people infesting the planet would be a bad thing? :unsure:\nIf the N/S ratio was flipped, even the most basic premises of society as we know it would have been re-written. Ultimately, it begs a science fiction story. Hysterical mobs carrying torches,...\nCurrently, we have a lot of people with a lot of good and even more with stupid ideas, and plenty of people to get both the good and stupid ideas realized. By cutting out a lot of the stupidity,...\nI agree with the others, this is not damaged behavior coming from an INTJ. Emotion can lead us to take a leap that our rationality hasn't yet reconciled. It can take an INTJ some time to make...\nIt can be argued that many of the useless and nonproductive undertakings that employ so many now would not have been be undertaken if the ratios were flipped. There would still be plenty SP's...\nMight you be inclined to get to the fortune teller first, and grease him with a Benjamin (or whatever monopoly money they use over there) to tell her all the things you want her to hear? As long as...\nHow do you make an INFP? I dunno, squeeze his bladder? :tongue:\nI was just thinking how things might be different if the N vs S ratio in the population was reversed, I.E., NT and NF outnumbered SP and SJ ~ 3:1 instead of vice versa. I have to believe society,...\nIt's only good for a scrap of virginity if you were wearing them at time. :wink:\nBy the same token, how many times do we hear this? I just want you to listen to me and not try to solve all my problems or judge... THEN GET A DOG.\nOpeness 54 Conscientiousness 57 Extraversion 44 Agreeableness 47 Neuroticism 51 Not too extreme on anything.\nSociety is one grand scale clusterfuck of confirmation bias... helps to maintain the blissful cluelessness that so many are addicted to. Anything else would be hard... and nooooo, we can't have...\nMy wife just got home and I'm about to spend an hour and a half hearing about how her day went! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ...\nI've always wanted to dot my i's with little hearts, hug people while blathering on about what wonderful people they all are, and generally exercise my inner nitwit. We should all go clubbing; the...\nThis may be controversial, but we'd need an idiot. Any drunk SP type would do. :tongue:\nI find the type one vs five confusion is most easily resolved by looking at the integration/disintegration points. Five will integrate to eight and disintegrate to seven while one will integrate...\nA few things from today: Pressing '1' for English, unless I'm traveling out of the country, I shouldn't have to do a fucking thing for English! I swear on all that is holy that the next...\nThe word you're looking for is fruition. :)\nI like the way you think. Took me a long time to get to that realization!\nIn my teens to mid-twenties, I would provide all the intellectual cues for interest, but I wouldn't be caught dead revealing the emotional underpinnings unless I saw that things were moving toward...\nI start conversations with strangers (but I usually end up regretting it).\nOK.. thanks, I think I see what I was doing wrong.\nAn ESFP with a goal to have a mind like Sherlock Holmes? You might also try to teach a chimp to play guitar... you'll have better luck with the chimp! :crazy:\nI'm having trouble with my signature. I saved the personality type image from mypersonality.info, and then uploaded it as my signature image. It shows up just fine as my sig image in the user CP,...\nI wonder if it's just an NT thing to be more aware of what you don't know than say SJ's who will seize the controls gladly irrespective and often quite oblivious to the possibility that they don't...\nHow'd you get her to sit still long enough?\nI get laughed at for expressing numerical quantities precisely: I'll be done in 17 minutes. It's 3.2 miles to the next trail junction. That's a relative percent difference of 19.34. ...\nI was talking with my ESFP spouse yesterday evening, and in the middle of an otherwise routine conversation which consisted of her careening from topic to topic like a drunk driver bouncing off of...\nMy input on INTJ's with ISFJ's is simple: Run. Run as fast and as far as you can. When you get done running, don't turn around, run some more. If you're tempted to go back, find a good solid...\nI have to agree that maturing of the tertiary and even the inferior function is something that time seems to evoke. Never considered it as part of the mid-life crisis, but as an INTJ that's...\nEquivocation Word-twisting bastards. During an argument, if done unintentionally, it may be forgiven assuming proper remorse is shown. If done intentionally, it will be severely punished.\nWhen I got divorced from an ISFJ some years back, it got my feelings in quite an uproar. It all felt like something primitive and wild boiling in the pit of my stomach, and when they'd make their...\nSounds exactly like a lower-functioning ISFJ. On the enneagram, sounds like a phobic 6w5. And then she gets on you about your rules because she says she can't tell what your rules are from day to...\nCelebrity worship, bleh. In one of the men's room at work, there's a pile of magazines... I find myself compelled to shuffle the People Magazine copies to the bottom of the stack so I don't even...\nSweetSurrender's comment on Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer got me to thinking about how damned annoyed I get whenever I happen to hear Let's Live for Today (Grass Roots) on the radio. Dope and...\nI had an ISFJ wife once upon a time. Let me guess, nothing in the way she does things makes a damned bit of sense to you, and nothing in the way you do things makes a damned bit of sense to her? ...\nNo allergies to speak of though I pretend to be allergic to scented laundry detergents and dryer sheets because, well, dammit, I know what clean smells like and I don't need any help figuring it out!\nJust now my wife asked me if I wanted to go with her on an errand. No, not really, I told her. This was followed by 5 - 10 minutes of her cajoling and pestering me to come with her. If you're...\nJeans and shorts... t-shirts in good condition (unless it's a hiking shirt, then I wear it till it disintegrates)... colors tending to blues, grays, whites... ankle cut athletic socks or wool hiking...\nAw crap... here I've been seeing ESFP the whole time while the discussion was about ENFP's. A thousand and one pardons! If this one doesn't work out, maybe I'll have to take an ENFP for a test...\nI can quite easily see how an INTJ might say, What? to the conclusion that INTJ's and ESFP's are quite alike beneath the surface. Being married to a textbook ESFP gives me ample opportunity to...\nI've been with an ESFP for the past 7 years, and married now for a year or so to her. With both of us having Ni, Te, Fi, and Se flipped back-assward in functional order from each other, the common...\nOn the computer, or with my wife at the local biker bar, or in the lab at work, or by myself up high in the mountains where all my thinking and analyzing doesn't matter, sweating under 30 pounds of...\nIt can get complicated, especially when I have a devious plan that involves me actually wanting to go to the mountains alone... she plays right into that and ends up having a blast with her friends....\nAs an INTJ, making plans with my ESFP wife is an exercise in futility. Me: Let's go to the mountains. Her: Let's go to the beach. [discussion ensues where I remind her that I accompany her to...'
'Hard liquors are not kind to my mother's side of the family. Really brings out the Mr. Hyde in everyone. Hence why I don't drink any form of liquor when I'm already pissed and the source of the...\n- Asking me to get something done then stand there blocking me while talking my ear off only to ask why I haven't gotten that something done yet. :insert internal Scrat spazz here: -...\nMyopic + astigmatism. Cons: can't see someone smile a few feet away from me. Pros: I pull off the naughty librarian without feeling like a complete poser and makes face to face intimacy feel...\nIt depends on how well I know the person and the context of the situation. Some situations I don't bat an eye. Others are pure cringe worthy for me.\nHe's a diabolical closet ENFP. Ne+Fi. All that imagination + internal fuzzies. He's the purple equivalent of Sponge Bob...Now I have Barneys' and Sponge Bobs' theme songs overlapping and playing in...\nAs much as I enjoy the ad homonym of Cheeto von Tweeto (courtesy of an Yahoo user whom I can't remember) for President Trump, to use ad homonyms as a talking point or a basis of discussion about any...\nSo that's why I seriously sucked at dodge ball. This ENTP (?) was an excellent kahuna in teaching how to dodge red, bacteria covered balls...to the face. ...\nPractically any piece of paper will do. Sometimes I'll use a bookmark if the bookmark matches the theme of the book. If it's a really old book that's practically falling apart, sometimes I'll just...\nCome in, look, and touch (if not breakable or not being sorted/catergorized) is ok. But to come in and start rearranging things or take things out of order when it's obvious that I'm sorting is a...\nIt use to be anything and everything that required some thought play. Religion, mysticism, science, dreams, the practical and impractical alike. Now it feels like too much effort for no reward, no...\nI really can't choose. I love them all, well the plot lines of SW 1, 2, and 3 were great but most of the actors and the graphics were meh to me. 1) Star Trek (Classic Trekkie and a HUGE Spock fan)...\nFor years, my handle on here was my user name on a multitude of gaming sites. That was only because Urania and Isis are my two favorite mythic characters. I love playing with the archetypes of...\nMy brother (ISFJ) and I are having a hair growing competition. According to the definitions in this poll, my brother has long hair and I have very long hair. It's a Samson thing for my brother. It's...\nSentimentally, we could say that all souls start off as a single ray of light that has been fractured by a prism and split into different wavelengths. I suppose all souls start off a blank state,...\nWould love to go sunbathing topless, or commando for that matter, in my own backyard. But my darn neighbors are too damn nosy. Don't want any pics leaking of Betty and Betsy that I don't approve of....\nConversationally, no problem. With regards to flirtation...o///o...uh...... ^///^ ...thank you? ^///^;\nOh, Sci-fy hands down. :spacecraft-1:\nI tested ISTJ a lot during my latter teen years when the drinking habits of one of my parents upticked really bad and my heart dropped thinking things wouldn't get better so it was best to give up...\nSatelliting crowds, no problem. Being stuck in the center subjected to the space and the flow of the crowd, just nope. A sparse crowd, no problem. A compact crowd, not at all. I like to see and feel...\nWhen one of your personal values has been crossed and/or you can't think of a dark or sinister joke to spin off from a serious topic? If you can't make a person think Aha ha ha ha...*sigh*...fu*#,...\n*le gasp* No he must not! Too fast, he'll spook her! /jk :tongue: Accidentally brushing his hands against hers might be better. See how receptive she is without risking losing any ground in...\nFire tiger.\nI'm a social rules surfer. I'll follow if the rule has merit. But I will exploit a loophole if I see one. I'm less lenient on the rules I set for myself though. A (wo)man's got to have a code. Helps...\nPerhaps calling out possibilities in search of a possible specific set of common denominators for laxatives and giggles as well as ice breakers with no statistical relevance whatsoever. Additional...\nI am...after a boatload of rough drafts. <--- Has edited that sentence 5x before posting.\n- Carbs, especially breads. - Music (ambient, rock, techno, electro swing, cultural music) - Pets - Family - Friends - Gardening - Occasional solitude - Self-control, specifically emotions. -...\nGotta keep your customer medically dependent. They get kick backs (or something like that) by pedaling the medication that counters the ails that food gives you. Got heartburn from that hotdog,...\n1. What's your Myers Briggs type? INFJ 2. Do you like/appreaciate/find humor in morbid jokes? To a certain degree I do find some humor in certain morbid jokes. #1 did nothing for me. #2 and #3...\nWhen it comes to vacationing I enjoy being close to, but not immersed in, society. Going seaside and enjoying a nearly vacant beach, but not staying in town. Going to the mountains and staying...\nI don't find alcohol evil. But I do see it as a dangerous tool if welded by someone with some really bad inner demons which have really good swimming skills. There's addiction in my family...\nNi doesn't focus on one atom itself. Just hones in, focuses on, and tries to manipulate the seemingly most effective property all the helium are demonstrating together that makes them effective. Is...\nNi is a one-way valve that either pours out into Fe or Te. Ni won't see the food particle get stuck under a tooth even though it knows the potential for it to happen is there. Ni only cares about the...\n10 if I'm sick. 8 at my best. 3 at barely functional. I usually average 3 to 6 hours during the work week and take cat naps where I can get them.\nIf it's the dance of the Grootling, I say DO IT! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4d/aa/fd/4daafd98c2ad6634f300f1ce0f41f791.gif\nSatan Claws is psychic. In lieu of coal, he will place jean patches in your dresser and fill you with the compulsion to mend said holes. Oh what fun that would be.\nI have some old cloth swatches my mother use to use when she attended college for fashion design. Sometimes I'll pull them out just to feel their texture and admire their design compared to most...\nHello, my name is Christine. What things are you referred to as, when, in what context? i.e. Titles, nicknames, etc. Chris, Chrissy, Cristina, Sissy (brother), Monkey Chick (mom & sister),...\nI collect the souls of lost children, kittens, and puppies for my fictitious utopia. Nah, I collect gemstones, colored marbles, movie tickets, novelty penny prints, antiquated books, and cooking...\nMy sister is an ESTP and I'm an INFJ and we frick'n love Rick and Morty. We love the hypothetical dark humor, the dark what if's of all the scenarios with occasional subtle potshots at contemporary...\nUnofficially, since I'm not a licensed psychologist or psychotherapist, I would say this sounds a bit like emotional apathy brought about by compassion fatigue. Being emotionally and mentally taxed...\nI love them, they're adorable, and critical to the sustenance of the local ecosystem. I haven't had a bad experience with them yet so I don't know if I'm allergic or not. I love it when they land on...\nI've been noticing a lot of men selecting female or feminine avatars and all I can think is he is getting in touch with his inner anima and he's not afraid to show it. *kudos to those men, if...\nIt's one of those it's easier to open up to a stranger than a person you know situations. It is easier to use a virtual spray-n-pray method of posting a touch of your inner crazy that if it fails...\nI might be a bit late in saying this but, FFS YES! YOU READ MY MIND! THANK YOU!! These thoughts have been plaguing me my entire existence. Poor Mary getting the short end of the stick either way...\nI’m getting the impression you’re an xxTP in shadow due to your depression. Ti before Fe with Fe further down the ladder. To settle the N or S rift, do you find yourself dwelling/absorbing abstract...\nNot to my face out of ill intent, that I'm aware of. But my sister, mother, and I will refer to each other as badass bitches when we teamwork and kick ass with plenty of humorous sass. *In the...\nI feel proud, happy, and crappy all at the same time. Prohacrappy? Crahapproud? Hacrapproud? I don't know?! Maybe there's some backfiring residual in my gut from that TB XXL burrito I had last night....\nTo be fair, we've never met in person. Although I've seen a picture of him, I'm not drawn to pictures as I'm drawn to pheromones. Besides, at this moment there is another from a distance still...\nI have that with a texting buddy from two counties south of me. I get excited when I think of our conversations and eagerly await future sessions when our work schedules relax a little bit. We have...\nDespite it being a thread in the INFJ section, you're free to answer. It's interesting to hear from other types. INFJs don't bite...much. :tongue: My list: Big Sister Instinct Beware the Nice...'
'I know a lot of people that claim to be isolated but they have social media and many different internet outlets for themselves, otherwise they'd have slid several layers of cheese off their mental...\nI think people hold in reserve their social propensities, because isolation simply builds up tension, if you go long enough without people, it will start to tear at your psyche. The problem is...\nThere's nothing wrong with cynicism, so long as you can mold it into a working solution. I take my social interactions very seriously so that the next time, I go home wanting more. Some people are...\nNietzsche left his cabin every year or so to go down from the mountain into the towns and ramble on to the townsfolk for a while. I feel like I have the same propensity. It's easier when I go out...\nAny social behavior is technically manipulative, so I have no problem with it, in other words. Everyone has their method for jedi mind tricks. It's neutral. Cross over to the Neutral side, Luke.\nRitual just means repetition, or center. I have no problem with the concept. Spirits? Those sp00k me right out. I'm not like other INTPs though, I have a very loose Jungian interpretation of...\nI think the author ONE stated at one point that in the Manga Saitama's True power was the power of plotholes. That's why his power is limitless, and there will never be a Real answer.\nIn my experience ENTPs can't hold down structure to save their lives. They need a strong Te user to keep things organized and running routinely to make it even remotely feasible.\nI don't know about emotional. Some of the public intellectuals seem pretty cold to me. But Stupid? For days.\nHow was I taking Gandhi out of context? I know that you have a chip on your shoulder because I don't slow clap your every sentence, but how is what I just quoted, taken out of context? How? ...\nThis forum is dedicated to a system of psychology grandfathered by one of the greatest minds in psychoanalysis and yet some of you people still don't understand what projection is. Yes I read what...\nIt is demonstrably an issue of some kind of a language barrier. Or maybe you just aren't reading anything you type. At all. Maybe you're just sitting in front of your computer like L Ron Hubbard used...\nThey invite their own destruction? Oh Really? How's that gonna happen? Are you going to throw flowers at them? What are you going to use to stop them? Vuh-iolence perhaps? What in the...\nViolent revolution is suppressed by the state because the state knows that if the public were to realize they have the same power the state does, they would be out of a job very quickly. Everyone...\n@Kumabutt I'm not sure if it is a conspiracy, but it's certainly a convenient justification for more bombs. Because ya know, Freedom n' retribution n' stuff. And freedom.\nSexual Orientation is Who you're doin' it with. Sexuality is Who(person) and How(behavior/relationship). So it covers just about everything there is to say about sexual/sensual expression....\nStop deflecting. Are you or are you not discriminating who is Worthy of aid based on the following vague criterion: I can't be held responsible for your grasp of the English...\nSexuality (as synonymous with eroticism, sensuality) is an extremely broad term, if you saw it as sexual orientation, then I'm sorry for the confusion, but it was meant by its broad definition, not...\nYour argument is that our impoverished are better off? Are you kidding me? How does that make it any better when externalities are completely ignored by an elite? The short answer is yes. The...\nNo, there is no causal link whatsoever. This isn't a meritocracy. That's what I've been trying to get you to understand. Wages are not based on skill, nor are they based on intelligence. There is is...\nI don't know. Chalk it up to fallacies from tradition i guess. It is what it is, that's how it always has to be. Ask our friends the anarcho-capitalists. They think that it has no role to...\nThat is highly debatable and at their own peril. If you don't work within one of the limited functionaries of wage labor, you no havey access to foods. Why does it matter? I don't know, why...\nNT's are only idealists to the extent that we aren't (As prone to) being enslaved by empiricism. We can conceive of that which does not already exist. And in this power, we have an almost...\nReally? I asked for a boss? Did you ask to be put on this earth? There is what is, And then there is what some people think should be. Never confuse the two. Do not enslave yourself to...\nDoes wealth = ability? Why wouldn't anarchists believe in positive rights? Do you believe in divine rights instead? Why is one person more endowed than me? What makes his authority greater?...\nBe sure not to explain what is incoherent or how. You might run the risk of exposing yourself as incoherent.\n.\nBut of course. I must be twisted to think that you didn't finish the job if you still have Masters in the workplace, oh liberty scholars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pTJY-aNpM8\n... Emotional guerilla attack. ...You mean basic human empathy? ... I guess when someone decides to help someone less privileged and fortunate to them, it's because they're being hypnotized...\nWhat you are blind to see is that there's not much different from a monastic approach to hierarchy and a top-down economic one. You just changed the name King for property owner or landlord. It's...\nOne Word: Wittgenstein. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c7/Ludwig_Wittgenstein_by_Ben_Richards.jpg Human beings are not endowed with the ability to transcend the limitations of our...\nDon't you see how your assessment is drawing itself into a contradiction though? Are we capable of cooperation? Or are we not capable of cooperation? Which is it? Moreover, why does anarchy...\nAs oppossed to what? A tiny number of men pretending to own the entire earth and everyone? You mean ALL the men on the ENTIRE earth claiming ownership of it collectively? Yeah, those men. The ones...\nWhat gave you that idea? I've been doing nothing but advocating disengagement from foreign territories. It's interrupting foreign affairs with aggressive strong arm tactics that begat this whole...\nOligopolies don't occur in nature. There's no good reason to think they would Break up naturally. They're not compost. People have to break them up, or pressure their governments to break them...\nThat would be regulation. Anarcho-Capitalists don't believe in regulation. This isn't my first rodeo, cowboy. Ancaps actually believe this. I don't know, what makes them do that today? Desire...\nI actually don't believe that is the case. The average westerner is in a much better position to do something about it than the people being bombed, at least we have the smallest modicum of...\nIf I own all the assets of a town, and enforce this ownership with a private security force, and you do not have the means to leave this town? Then yes, actually, I have every power on this earth...\nRiiiight, and behavior is connected to? ----->Expectations. And when the expectations change, as with a therapist giving you the OK to behave as yourself, lo and behold, the behavior changes! ...\nViewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyLg-isaGhk\nEver seen any kind of pressurized machinery malfunction? Ti is the dominant judgement function of INTPs. It occupies the majority of our inner world. That means, that in order the maintain that...\nThat depends on which flavor of anarchist thought you're talking about. My friend over there @SilverFalcon, is of the newest of the schools. The revisionists, the Anarcho-Capitalists born of the...\nThat depends on how deceptively selective people want to be with their history of the conflicts over there. It has been a land besieged by foreign military forces for almost a century now. It's...\nAs Compared to what? What cover up exactly? It's openly talked about at extremely regular intervals, nearly daily, on every news Station in america. We're talking about it right now. Is this what you...\nThat was not apparent in your comments. like at all. It sounded more like you were saying that the media was covering up Islamic radicalism and this was a conspiracy to cause a backlash. As if there...\nHistory doesn't exist. There's no such thing as exploitation. And Freedom is a verb. Welcome to American Libertarians.\n[/I][/COLOR]Where is the command, order? This does not support your argument. What do you not understand about this concept? [/QUOTE] What do you not understand about reading comprehension?...\nWhat do you think Elevating the conversation looks like, jeremusic? For someone so Insistent on avoiding negativity, you certainly don't posit much of anything. If you're going to tell me my...\nIf you're accusing me of being 'Too' critical of western society, I accept the charge. What? I've known about this stuff for years, and I continue to learn new things every day. What about me...\nAnd that is why your statements carry no weight whatsoever. History didn't begin yesterday. We know who is responsible for what, and when. Sometimes in their own handwriting. These types of Middle...'
Stop. Just...stop. It's not even that one dimensional.... Any kind of relationship can work if the two parties are willing to work on their flaws; Do not look for a personality theory to gauge...\nTime to make a decision. Whether it will hurt or not, I'll see eventually.\nWhen you keep it real, focus on things that benefit you, all the facade that is things that you thought that matter start disappearing. One by one. Weird it is, how things we put so much effort into,...\nAs lonesome as it feels, and as stressful as it can be, all this hard work I'm putting makes me feel alive. Gotta keep it up.\nYeah. I think I just broke myself. Heh..\nDONT DRINK TO FORGET ABOUT DRINKING. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. /rant\nSeems that day by day, parts of my better side die bit by bit. Maybe it's for the better. Who knows, by this point?\nSee the title is really funny, because OP was mistyped. And honestly, what's with the ego-stroke people get from their 'type'? I honestly question how many ENFJs we actually have in here. Not only...\nWell, you're tiny enough for me to pick you up. Literally. <3 Glad it was a good pick-me-up, though. *hugs again, tightly*\nI'm starting to wonder if I could get what I want to get you before you die on me.\nWork, work, work..... *sigh* *Goes back to studying*\n*Tightly hugs A Little Bit of Cheeze * Because you deserve one :kitteh:\nFor one: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120721163839/magi/images/5/55/Sinbad1.png Another one:http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130805134659/lodiogien/pl/images/3/31/Gwardzista_jaime.jpg\nJust when I met a friend again, I screwed up and acted like a douche bag. I didn't mean it, and I would never do that intentionally. Let's hope I get to apologize soon~\nInternal distress really sucks.\nThe fate is to do it, whether you are wide awake or tired as fuck, so carry the fuck on.\nSee, this is an issue I've had with the INFJ section for quite a while. The fact that if you are mistyped, you're not as welcome, and you don't get as much hospitality. This section is much more of a...\nHere's the thing, though..I'm stripped of choice. Even if I don't want to pursue it, I have no choice but to not pursue it anyway. Everything that I have at the moment stems out of fear. I have no...\nMeh....Sometimes, I wonder if I will ever receive happiness..Honestly, I'm just too exhausted..Too many possibilities. Perhaps, too many negative possibilities, and every single one of them could...\nHello ^__^ I've been meaning to ask, how do you guys develop/have developed your inferior Ti? The inferior is critically dangerous, so you need to control it so that it doesn't control you, so I...\nSanity's slowly fading. Hopefully for the better.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAqU-RDnYyY dat RIVERSIDE:proud:\nYep. I pretty much decided I'm ignoring my conscience for the foreseeable future. All I pray for is that it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. At least, not that hard.\nI don't cry easily. I find myself not crying at all, even at moments where I should be crying. Rather annoying sometimes, but yeah. It is how it is.\nPositive vent: Sore from working out..Shoulders, arms, neck and legs are sore like hell, but feeling glorious that i'm doing something for myself :D\nDear Fe, I hate you. I hate your sympathy. I hate your caring. I hate everything you represent. I can't even get me some sleep thanks to you driving me to consider people. I hate everything that...\nI'd probably be somewhere, helping the wounded from both sides.\nMy hands reach out to yours, but you're not there... You make me literally beg my eyes to cry, but I can't cry..not that I don't want to cry, but I literally can't cry...for some reason ^_^ I...\nI do have friends, and that's my source of pain. :( Sadly..Too much lack of consistency, and i'm the only one who tries to bridge between me and them..Like, it's not only one person. Almost...\nMaybe after all, I AM destined not to find everlasting friendships...better get used to my old ways of not befriending no one...\nPositive vent: I FUCKIN DID IT FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!\nPositive vent: Exams start tomorrow...but i'm not really afraid :D Better keep it up :)\nSometimes, I wish you weren't related to me, so then I can slap the shit outta you.\nIntense flashbacks and memories of who I was.. Why???I hated, and still hate...No, I DESPISE who I was, why is it coming back?-_____- I don't want to see that ever again. I already wronged too many...\nTime to study. Better kick some ass or i'm fucked!\nI don't know what's going on on my mind right now, so I apologize if this doesn't make sense. I hate myself when I can't help the ones I love..I just despise myself. And I have been a...\nExtroversion \n\n\n| 40% Orderliness \n\n\n\n|| 54%\nINFJ: Prog Metal Prog Rock Melodeath Metal Death Metal Thrash Metal Nu Metal Rock Hard Rock Jazz\nGonna start watching this tomorrow. So excited! :D Been a while since I watched a thriller, so hopefully this one lives to the hype :3\n-Hunter x Hunter -Fate/Zero (Can be a little bit depressing, though. But the story's strong!) -FullMetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic These are...\nYou're welcome *huggles all INTJs here*\nINTJs... why are you guys so adorable?<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333\nCredits for Seranova Go the F**k to Sleep: Adam Mansbach, Ricardo Cortés: 9781617750250: Amazon.com: Books http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CseO1XRYs9I\nO.O http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/e/e6/If_you_know_what_I_mean..png\nhttps://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDLmD11Vi3OrFmLbO5pVCO5p3JWqohIybwhm7QQwaZgWDTqBBXmA\n20/19 years old, depending on what calendar you're using :P. My mental age definitely is that of a child's, almost all the time unless i'm stressed, if I am, it'd probably shift into the 30-50\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzfAUsCRXcc\nSlammed that quiz like a BOSS\nThis is one of the times where I can only feel disappointed with myself. I wonder how I'll look in the mirror without having the urge to punch it. But what makes it worse is that I can't even redeem...\nDear life, I'll play along with you for now, so be nice, will ya? I know you will ;) Best regards
'What I mean by that is how can an INTJ befriend and ENFP (of opposite sex) without the latter becoming enamored? ENFP guys usually fall hard for me and I typically just want to be friends, at first....\nHow do ENFP males prefer to be approached by interested parties? (And not just interested in a romantic sense, but, platonically as well) I always find I instantly enjoy the company of ENFPs but...\n*reviving thread* ...but I would say Hilary and Bill Clinton are you're classic INTJ/ENFP couple.\nThen who would solve all the great mysteries of the world?\nWe try our best not to meet too many people.\nI've only met one ENFP male in my entire life. It was complicated, but we really got each other.\nThis describes me (currently) extremely well. I imagine the INTJs you've dealt with were young (20's) and subsequently getting to know themselves better and struggling with the Ni-Fi loop or some...\nINTJ/ENFP relationships provide the most perfect and intriguing dichotomy for both parties involved. Mainly for the INTJ we find someone who genuinely appreciates us (all of our quirks and what...\nI don't think ENFPs can ever fall out of love with an INTJ, even if things don't work out.\nHe doesn't sound very INTJ. We don't revolve on the attention of others especially when it's superficial. He may be ISTJ...or something else completely. INTJ's are known for ignoring the...\nAh, but true INTJs love and desire depth in others and can't propagate a relationship without it. We can see through everything superficial and we read people obnoxiously well. So there's no fooling...\nI assure you that INTJs understand (and appreciate) depth in it's entirety and probably much much better than any other type.\ni love minecraft.\nall kinds! except country. Dubstep and any type of electronic top my list. I also really like alternative, classic rock, and 90's hiphop/rap. Honestly, a good song transcend genre\nhaha i wish that were the case, he's 30...\nI was not aware. The only INTJ forum i frequent is intjforum.com\nI do use music to display emotion, but only for myself. I play guitar--I feel awkward/uncomfortable when people watch me play for some reason. Music courses through my veins-- I'd even go as far as...\nlawlz, being a former /b/tard i must say i do.\nNo, i dont think that. I'm just better at hiding my emotions and more cautious as to who I share them with. Dealing with a moody iNTJ I'd say give them their space, but let them know that you're...\n...and i have the social intelligence and emotional maturity level of a 14 year old? Get real, you've obviously been butt hurt by some INTJ in your life and have taken a personal vendetta over the...\nlol I'm sorry, you must have been mistaken for there was never a debate. Clearly you're just a cyber-bully looking to make yourself seem cool, tough and intelligent over the internet. And good I'm...\nI actually did like algebra in high school, i guess it was because adding letters made it seem less mathy to me. And Statistic as well was a fun class for me in high school; I found the concepts...\nyou cannot defeat an INTJ for even if we are wrong we can ALWAYS find a way to be right. It's a complicated process and I do not deem you worthy of such cause. Just know that your mind is not broad...\ni was never a fan of math growing up, but I've always found interest in science. I enjoy dissecting things and figuring out how they work. I'm currently a Neuroscience major learning all I can...\nI'm sorry, I wasn't aware that this was a competition...as i stated before i have better things to do than argue semantics. Why you decided to drag this on is beyond me.\nIn my opinion it's our independence that sets off INFJs. They feel as if they'd die without other people whereas this is clearly not true and they'd rather attribute their own successes to others....\nNarcissism is a mental disorder; I'm a behavioral science major, i know what I'm talking about. quoting the mayo clinic: Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people...\ni'd imagine he'd still be blue, but I'm not sure how you'd go about strangling a cartoon?? o.O\nok, first off, no where was i bragging-- i was simply stating facts then all the NFs had to get all emotional about it. Someone asked me what i looked for in a partner, so i stated such. secondly,...\nhaha this is true. my sister is an INFJ and i've learned that walking away pisses them off more than continuing to argue with them.\nI'm just going to end this now because you fail to reason logically. I can find fault with every statement you make but would rather find more productive ways to spend my time. And there's more to...\nand who's to say i wouldn't have? how do you know that i wouldn't have been able to achieve these things if i lived alone on a secluded island? please inform me as to such... and no that is not...\nyes, but i took it upon MYSELF to pursue such things. No one told me i had to be athletic or funny or smart...i simply wanted to be--so i did and am. Those aforementioned resources mean nothing if I...\nthe fact of the matter is you and only you are directly responsible for who you are. As an INTJ i don't let others influence me. I've built myself to be exactly who i wanted\nlmao yes, actually i did. im a good athlete because i understand sports and workout. I'm smart because i understand complicated concepts and read medical journals, classic literature and philosophy....\nalso i don't know how you could even come to interpret someone as either E or I over the internet...\n*what are no im definitely an INTJ. i've never even scored E on any test i've taken. my dreams and ambitions? I want to be a surgeon; that's all you really need to know.\ni like efficiency\n... an example of jealous undertones?\nIt's not narcissism when it's true.\npersonally, i like guys who are very similar to myself such as: good looking, (very) smart, athletic and funny. Alas, there are not so many people of said criteria\ni prefer alone. things become too complicated when trying to match schedules etc etc\nYou calling us dumb?:tongue:\ntalking about feelings is always awkward with us, but we honestly appreciate having someone we can share them with.\ni loved building things when i was kid. legos and duplos were my favorite toys even lincoln logs were cool to me!\nyou have to just come right out and say it. ENFPs are flirty people we INTJs notice this and, I know for myself this is true, I just cycle through oh he doesn't really like me he's just a nice...\nWell if he's distant and has stated he doesn't want a relationship right now BUT he likes you--I'd say he's just unsure of himself. He'll come around when he's ready. It's harder for us to jump into...\nhaha sometimes i feel like ENFP kryptonite. we don't think we're sexy though. We're just being ourselves--I'm not sure what's sexy about that at all ^_^\nTo digitalceremony:i would say he likes you. If he gives you the time of day and invites you to be one-on-one/alone with him that's saying a lot. We don't waste time with people we don't like. Ask...\nLOL unfortunately math is not my strong suit. Although, I'd be happy to take any science or philosophy question you may have(psychology included)'
'I'm so glad there is a thread about this. I've pondered this phenomena for a very long time. I'm glad others have pondered this as well. (The phenomena is how memory existence/retrieval, if you will,...\nOver analyzing events and negative comments. I for one, am absolutely horrible at debating, and can honestly lose a debate even if the other side is wrong. Usually, this is because I don't want to...\nISTPs are my absolute favorites, next to INFPs. I have a friend ISTP, Tawana, and we just get along so great. I think its because she knows she can say whatever she wants about me, and I won't...\nI myself cannot -stand- esfps. I CANNOT. God. So infuriating. And all that spray tanning and tattoos. Like, what the fuck. They're quick to snap comments and argue and cause drama, but not quick...\nAre you serious? Who are YOU to say what an ENFP should be? I'm not trying to control her, but way to put your personal spin on something you have no idea about. I really wish ENFPs would listen...\nshe said was she was sexually abused as a child, and thats why she has trouble paying her car bill because committment scares her. She lies and creates excuses out of everything so she never has to...\nENFPs are a rocky road. Have an ENFP sister, she has a view of the world that isn't right, and she is kind of crazy. Have an ENFP boss, she's ok... I have an ENFP friend on another forum, she's...\newww i don't like the ipip neo or any of those tests that just say 'ur like 30% extraverted and 22% moody' etc. etc. etc. besides. MBTI is grrrrreat.\nHonestly, it'd be pretty shitty. But then again that goes for a world without any type. Even... -cringes- ESTJs.\nWell, I wrote a rap. Away I spend time trying to innovate I chase the gate, fraid it will close in my face. Walk faster, harder, and slower, contradicting my motives in order to go over...\nBy inventing games like angry birds.\nI'm an ENFJ, with an overdeveloped/overwhelming Ni, and I tend to agree with INFJs more so in this regard, than my fellow ENTJs/ENFJs; thus why I'm posting here. Do you really exist in this world?...\nI think we are talking about two things: I am talking about JCF order of: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti | Fi-Ne-Si-Te In this I mean that Te is our weakest function. But at the same time, I agree with you...\nActually, Te is our weakest function. However, with Si, as our 7th function, makes sense just as much. Because with our 7th function, we aren't really sure when is the proper time to... put it...\nPut a badass cowboy smoking a lone cigarette as the main character. Goldennn\nSomeone who is there for them, but one who doesn't judge, and isn't impersonal. But more importantly, someone real. Fake people disgust me (Me, the Fe dom), and I can't stand them. I'd rather have...\nNo, my introverted thinking is completely inferior (read this article for reference:) The Form of the Inferior - EFJs But also, ENFJs in general need more quiet time alone than other...\nI've taken that test, I didn't really like it though because all the questions did was dissect the definition of a function, then ask 'do you agree with this sentence' basically. like, what. No I...\nPat Robertson and like every single teleevangelist ever existed\nThat's exactly what I'm talking about, haha! So many times I just want to taste food, not eat it. I'd almost consider going bulemic (not serious) just so I could taste all the food I wanted, but...\nI hate inflicting pain, but when I am enraged, I actually enjoy it. When someone does me wrong in such a horrible way, betraying every aspect of me, I can't think of anything else but inflicting the...\nWhat's up ENFJs. So tell me, how do you engage your Se? If you're not sure what that means, we use our tertiary function (Se for us) to 'engage' the world, its how are life is oriented. As Se as...\nNo thanks, I outward (Ne) is less favorable to inward (Ni). I think all the beauty is inward, mainly.\nHAHA! I know right! Like, thats why I hate it when I can tell someone is attracted to me, so they come up and go hi but I'm a) not attracted back or b) not looking for someone like that, I get...\nTake that infps!!\nhaha, I know, right? Btw, at the comparions thing, even worse, you're comparing an Fi Ne Si Te (infp) with Fe Ni Se Ti (enfj). We're going to be opposites. I think I already talked about...\nCan be an ass, usually are. But nice people overall, very stubborn, but usually stubborn for a very good reason (vs, stjs). Bro is one.\nFrankly, stuck up and entitled. But that is just my friends, and is no way a statement against all infps out there.\nI can kinda relate to that, in a sort of way, haha. Sometimes I'll do things JUST TO 'escape that box.'\nI love reading enfj personality descriptions, and i love reading jcf type descriptions. I'm a type 2w3, so I don't really know myself at all, I sometimes think I do, but idk.... at the same time I...\nMaybe its just me being gay, or being an Fe dom, but I'm far from the ESTX version of manliness. At the same time though, I can definitely see what Hung is talking about, just can't really put it...\nThats basically me, haha. Except I don't like family gatherings, so I do the opposite and say my card is the worst, so I can get out of it early. haha.\nHah, you have horny as your mood. I like.\n... :) Hey, what else can I say?\nI love driving fast. And in the rain. The best kind, is the rain rains just right so you can have the windows down and none of it goes into the car.\nHah, 600. Goes like this: Bro wanna join perC? Tons of other ENFJs!!!!! SURE! -joins- -makes 4 posts-\nHi there ENFJs, and visitors from a world so similar to ours. I'm here to make a topic about the restlessness we face in our lives, its meaning, and how widespread it is. To start off, I've...\nAs of this moment I'm signing a warrant to get you evicted out of my brain, this is exactly what my life is like, and thus you are a hazard to my mental health as you know my thoughts all too well. ...\nEnfjs are the opposites of ESTJs, one of the most common types, we are then second opposite to ISTJ, and then ESFJ. These compose of a vast majority of the population, so I think that alone can cause...\nI know about that site! I am confused by what Greatest dissatisfiers were Promotions and Salary. means. Like, we wish we were promoted more/higher paid?\nChristian. Pat Robertson is an enfj. yikes. my dad works for him as well. double yikes.\nI Know what thats like, 100%!!! (Gay enfj also :P) One thing I've also noticed, is when someone is interested in you, you're not sure if they're just being cordial or something, or even if you're...\nI love this post. Like, I feel like I've know this post for years, and yet, love at first sight.\nI have very deep thoughts, But I won't really ever let you know. I don't like opening that kind of thing up to other people. I am also amazed by everything in the world, something I think I share...\nI hate hate hate hate hate being Fe dom/ENFJ. I have an ESTJ roomate and it causes so much conflict. For example, I divulge a lot about my life, and today I ws talking about bills and I didn't...\nso are all these enfjs against this one infp?\nAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TOTALLY. Hah. ha. hahhahahhahahahahahahahahaahahhaha ^^ (IRL JUST NOW) My little esfj sister does that all the time. God. Just, all that stuff in general. Now frankly I...\nAnother thing I noticed about ESFJs vs ENFJs are ESFJs are much more... on the lookout for danger in the environment. So they also tend to get more attention faster because they have to like... freak...\nYES YES YES YES I get that a lot you must love being the center of attention Sam, you just being you are always taking the stage etc. But I don't really like attention like that, in fact, I...\nYup. Now the hard part for me is, once I realized I was incorrect in something, changing that mindset is very difficult. And its aggravating, because I know I'm wrong, but I can't like... For...'
'I'm not really embarrassed to like much. I could post Backstreet Boys, I Want It That Way, but I'll post an alternative song that masculine culture frowns upon, I guess. ...\nCould take or leave the japanese (or whatever it is), but these songs make me feel like I'm flying over an ocean city. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VunXsRo581g ...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cklw-Yu3moE\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWAT8twFjIs\nWhen I say 'research' I don't mean anything scholarly. Most of this 'research' comes from general interaction with people and Wikipedia. I didn't delve into the topic too much. INTJs and ENTJs appear...\nwhile listening to this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkByOOjqMSw\nI'm wondering because I'm an INTJ. From what I remember during my research a while ago, INTPs are the most similar to INTJs, but one thing that differentiates them is that INTPs typically acquire...\nFree will doesn't exist. It was just made up like man made up God. Based on current evidence, everything ought to be measurable and accounted for eventually. fMRI can predict people's decisions a...\nBecause of styles, people are separated. They are not united together because styles became laws. But the original founder of the style started out hypotheses, and now it has become the grospel...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBG5z6d2ek0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id677yHKNYU\nLawyersAdvocate Nice post...yeah the thing is I don't know hot to make this supposed move because I've already recommended going on a date and also watching movies together...does she just plain...\nI just know people here aren't supposed to be good relationship types...just wondering how you all feel about those games. I flirt with her already. I like her and we have a lot in common. Today is...\nBut it's like I see everything she's doing when she's trying to bullshit me and piss me off. She's trying to hit my ego or challenge me and get a rise out of me. But I can see through it all lol. I...\nhttp://www.pwned.com/gamecovers/nintendo64/1328546085-.jpg\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=uow__z3Qo8c This is a good watch\nDiscerning which drugs are good and wich are bad, and taking advantage of all the good drugs, will greatly magnify the already strong analytical mind of the INTJ.\nSo because some people disagree with me, I'm wrong? That's ad populum fallacy for all of you logic lovers. George Bush was popular once...and then people got smart(er). So I guess I have some waiting...\nI'm having a hard time deciding if you're an idiot or trolling. But the only way this conversation is going to get anywhere is if you stop calling me an idiot, stop saying what I'm posting is...\nUh k\nU trollin brah\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRIcbsRXQ0o This video explains the fact...but just in case you are too lazy to watch, I will sum up the view for you. Your mind is constantly fed thoughts that you...\nThere is no choice. Free will is an illusion.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tiNQ6tScE8&amp;list=FLFgNF20CS5VsM8-DZKBFh8Q\nI missed your comment under the first cat video...the fact that you 'dissed' me by saying I'm high is hilarious to me. Do you even know what pot is, how it affects the brain, or its purpose? Have you...\nThen how about you speak some words of wisdom lord garble...just don't shit anymore cat garble in my topic, especially after implying that your life has any worth.\nI have a philosophy minor. I know what logic is. If you took the time to look at the page, then you would have your evidence. If you don't look at the page then you don't have evidence... Derp....\nI don't care about IFPs. I only have time to research my own type. The scientist, mastermind, etc interested in the big picture and collecting knowledge from one source to the next until he can apply...\nMy cause is based upon fact. If you're not onboard the fact movement then maybe you're the one that belongs over there.\nSo keeping the board advertisement free for one topic which won't be a trendsetter is more important than freedom?! Watch the Joe Rogan podcast with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Lots of bullshit detection...\nGet out.\nStranded on the High Way. (get it? I'm sure you do) Funny thing is I'm a roadside assistance customer service rep. https://www.facebook.com/OnTheWayHigh\nYeah it does but I guess if every government official / politician followed the law then people would never have to crack out the Constitution in court.\nSpiderman... 'the fuck?\nArizona Republicans Propose Bill That Would Not Allow Atheists To Graduate High School Yeah, except the re-fuglycans and the authors of this article forgot one thing. Swearing to god means nothing...\n1. The Legend of Zelda 2. Resident Evil 3. Grand Theft Auto 4. The Elder Scrolls 5. Super Mario 6. Red Dead 7. Uncharted 8. Halo 9. Portal 10. Guitar Hero\nDecided to post this here since I'm considering law school. I'm a very analytical person and can see myself scoring well on the LSAT especially if I put in a few months of preparation. But I don't...\nThis quote makes me remember there is truth in saying 'the possibilities are endless'. There are so many ideas never thought of waiting to be discovered, we just have to think of them. And they can...\nhttp://i.imgur.com/h8vvj.jpg?1\nI could try that maybe\nWell that sounds like a terrible life. Who wants an empire with a 10 mile radius? My hometown is terrible tho...it's not coming back. Had about 100,000 people 30-40 years ago and now it's down to...\nBecause my thoughts are consumed much more by women than buttfucking men so my priority to fuck women is so high that I can't possibly take the time to be interested in anal sex with men. It's just...\nlol no it wouldn't. not if u don't like it. but if u tell other people what to do with their bodies because YOU don't like it then that's closed minded.\nYeah I get it...but I'd also rather be around people that make more sense or are at least are more accepting of people as a whole. It is just a label but I think it would at least have to be...\nYeah I'll have to consider it but my first move will be here in Michigan most likely, if not Chicago. But I wanna stay somewhat close to home and then move farther away after. I like Ann Arbor...\nYeah I'm thinking Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, or Dearborn, MI. Hopefully I can get in with a good company, work my way up, and transfer to California.\nI say this because firstly, we're introverts, but also tend to be more individualistic too. But I feel like I'm sitting on a gold mine right now with about as much potential for life as anyone could...\nhttp://i.imgur.com/lu9KB.jpg?1\nhttp://i.imgur.com/kLgqD.jpg?1?9037\nThat sounds like me but I feel like I'm an INTJ. Maybe having strong Te gives me the confidence to know I'm right which gives me the motivation to spread my ideas because I see how wrong other...\nAnd I suppose, if you want to, mention any entertainers in general. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of INTJ comedians...George Carlin comes to mind...especially in his later years. He...'
'INTP's, did you ever caught yourself talking sh*t, nonrelevant stuff when you actually thinking that you're quiet as F*CK, reserved and smart. And u like : waaaaagdsgklshnsgjhsg... oh, its...\nMusic industry/values being mocked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJQU22Ttpwc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAt6jpBmHHM\nhttp://vimeo.com/10002393# WARNING: you may feel violated\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuQGfk9Gmgo&amp;feature=g-all-f\nLatvian, Lithuanian, Russian, English and German(crappy, jaaahh)\nIt's astonishing how much of a thoughtful and intelligent people this internet site brings together. It would be awesome to collect and convert all these thoughts into a substance .It could easily...\nGood movie, very INTPish soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXvmfI4WCqY\nJeez, lets be a little immature and listen to some skrillex music... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBnmXBSMxvg\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7dzPNlRaZc\nMy avatar is related with my personality.Its a drawing of a Black Panther. As a whole panthers are loners although they do associate with others, they are most comfortable by themselves or within...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njUiXroVTrc\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz8iEJeh26E\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOhuD69xlR8\nKeep in mind that the Universe will continue to expand no matter what.\nYour Age /ufeff 2 + 7 = Okay age to date.:laughing:\nhttp://img560.imageshack.us/img560/2420/thrust123.jpg\nThey're higher dimensional I guess. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYVKBnmGeEo\nNingenExp , you have a good taste, sir.:proud:\nINFJs probably eat only canned, labeled as INFJ foodfood. Kudos for thread author theorycraft , procrastination level detected : high :crazy:\nIts beneficial to those who can't express using words. Especially if you love that person, boils up the transcendental connection.. , not as much as sex, but it shure changes your state.:mellow:\nEvery ENFP I've met was hot enough for me to premature ejaculate.\nWOOOOOOOOOOT MEGA RADICAL STUFF :crazy::crazy::crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9gaVh01Vf8 EDIT::crazy:\nAdderall documentary\nI love complex , layered and ecstatic music in wich I could put myself in those memories that never were real.And its cool to percieve it differently every time you listen . Electronica,...\nI'm too callous to other people. And I spend more time playing computer games and talking with myself than talking to females.\nDear destiny, this is eyes pupils counscious and verbally capable brainy tissue. Our body's admin has went into hyper procrastination mode:blushed: and apparently were runing low on food supplies...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9IODJdi3GA\nHalf eaten dogs falls from the moonlight sky. Not romantic.\nI don't know myself enough to be totaly comfortable with any living object in my proximity. To this day there were two misunderstandings in my existence(OMFG ,sounds like a robot speech ) , those...\nI've got an ENTP friend who would undoubtedly be a partner in burning down old people's appartaments. Whenever we're both in the room I feel a part of some sect.\nHaha.Yeah...3rd year gets you real. College, tourism management ,starting 3rd year(need to find a job or I'm on my parent's ass with this shit):crazy:\n:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfLa32K74Zw\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ4T9CQA0UM&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5Lmkm5EF5E&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L55dKrjxcCY&feature=relmfu\n:crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWtfE1GHNjg&hd=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bomkgXeDkE&feature=player_embedded#! ...\nI love you\nhey guys , I have a printer how can it scan? I need to scan document.\nBe INTP, be odd(don't blurp or fart) : ur not watching tv and shit ur like reading a lot- have a big book shelf at your room just in case.Remember you are NERD a little but you have style, ride a...\nWhen your friend asks to explain what you've said.\nENFP...gosh... They are so f**king real in everything they do.\nThe more you look weird to others, the more you are a personality. That is why I practise ADD, o sh.. pancake rain D: .\nWhats up, I pay for all the drinks for everyone in this thread!!!!!1!!!!!yo, exept guys. Meet me at bar next you. peace out :****\nADD is when I say that the average blood cell makes a round trip through the body's arteries and veins every 60 seconds and then continue painting a beautifull landscape. Wait... thats...\nI 've visited my friend's house while dreaming. Talked with her a little in english(not my native language). Woke up. The same friend I was dreaming about called me and asked me to help her with...\nENFP - The Champion Not a surprise. Since I've already met an ENFP girl long time ago. Its been crazy ever since.I know that she liked me-and I have really strong doubt that I was her first...'
'I've never come across an ENTP IRL, so I could say the same of ENTPs. ENTPs in the Bay Area: holler\nhttps://youtu.be/n5LyTqCfj6E Which of the four are you? Do you see any correlations between your habit type from Gretchen's ideas and your Type Six characteristics?\nHer mentioning an ex is a red flag. Was it a Freudian Slip, or was it a conversation topic? I can only guess she has emotional baggage from not being over her ex. If I were in your position, I...\nI'm trying to imagine what your preferences are, and I also cannot help interjecting my own preferences, lol. There's no 'right' answer to this, but I'll randomly throw out: try messaging her in...\nThis was a cute read for me, thanks for sharing (aside from the heartache I imagine you may be experiencing). I really just wanted to speak to your own insecurities. This is a story coming from...\nHahah, you mentioning you have the ENTJ preference gives me more fuel and a GPS to hypothesize. This is supposed to be enneagram-related, so I'll try to not interject Myers-Briggs ideas too-too much...\nI, too, get super anxious when I'm in a crowd of people. I'm trying to think about what's Type Six specific, though, since I can imagine a general introvert having a similar anxiety among a crowd of...\nI like the theory! I don't put focus on being Phobic/Counterphobic - largely because I am oblivious. I was not aware I had this fear related to being a Type Six when I was younger - for me, I only...\nSp/Sx Female USA, CA In summary, my conscious self sees the first ~25 years of my life as living more in fear and the last ~five years as living more in anger. I mostly lived in fear during...\nAre you into Enneagram theory? I've been trying to get into Enneagram theory, especially delving into the psyche of Enneagram personalities I don't have in my tritype, but reading your thoughts...\nI have an ENTJ Supervisor, who I like and respect, and my psyche hears him saying, WHERE IS YOUR PROJECT PLAN? WHERE ARE YOU AT ON YOUR PROJECT? Define your outcome and work backwards from there....\nEh, I've got the INFJ preference and am OCD about paying bills, even way before it's due. I don't think what you're feeling about your roommate is an ENFP thing, though. My brother has, I believe,...\nI hate when people intrude into my emotional territory. If I were in your position, I would be blunt with the dude and literally say, If you continue like this, I will cut communication with you, at...\nFor me, I'm not sure I've ever been obsessed with a tangible ..hobby for me to feel like I've plateau. One impression I gather from your chess experience reminds me of competition and the idea of...\nI just came from the ENFP threads and saw you asked this question there, but I will respond here because I am INFJ. A majority of the people I interact with who are my age are more night owls, if...\nI am Asian! How has the MBTI become useful and important to you?\nJust curious! What is your MBTI? What country/state are you currently living in? After posting, I see a similar thread:...\nThe title of this thread on its own is a sweeping generalization that I think is unfair to the SJ temperament. I'm reminded of an idea from sociology, the sociological imagination - public/societal...\nMy interpretation of the last sentence by the thread-starter that people are poking at is a distinction between the Dreamers/Talkers vs. the Doers, and the thread-starter is seeking the latter.\nI get what you mean! I think we need some context, first, though! The context I was thinking of when I wrote my post was with someone you might like-like, so you feel all <33 when the person can...\nMaybe instead of focusing on the extravert vs. introvert and/or feeler vs. thinker difference, you can think about how you and the ESTP both share the Ni-Fe-Ti-Se preference, albeit theirs is...\nI don't think I get overwhelmed by extraverted types, but I get intimidated by strong users of extraverted thinking. I don't really care what people think about the way I feel, but I guess I care a...\nWe talking about physical appearance, aesthetically-speaking?\nWhat is your enneagram type, how confident of the typing are you? 6w5, 4w5, 9w8 90% confident Elaborated: I want an inner sense of peace, which I try to tangibly achieve by building my career,...\nWhy don't people go learn about cognitive functions instead of thinking that all there is to the MBTI is the four letters! Uhh, the theory says that ENFPs use Te (extraverted thinking)......\n237994 I skim through the threads and become amused. The first thread (in the image) contradicts with the last thread (in the image), no? HAHAH! ENTP seeks ideas to slow down a relationship...\nI dunno, speaking for myself, I remember I had really hot and cold behavior. If someone were to look at me from the outside and my behavior or lack of response to the object of my affections...\nI think I sometimes have the opposite problem: people think I'm not confident but they don't know that I'm more confident than I would lead them to believe (might be more enneagram related).\nAccording to your questionnaire responses, your attachment-related anxiety score is 2.22, on a scale ranging from 1 (low anxiety) to 7 (high anxiety). Your attachment-related avoidance score is 1.83,...\nPersonally, I used to be really, really avoidant. I'd block even the slightest opportunity to take a relationship to the next level (I let the interaction stay at the acquaintance level). I might...\nI've never come across one. )=\nWhen I am attracted to someone, the giveaway is only to myself, not to the person of interest. I secretly use my sixth sense/intuition - I do not make eye contact because I am hiding my warm...\nDoes not exist.\nDecember 252019: Trapped in the chimney.You decide to surprise your family this Christmas. You wear your Santa Suit and climb into the chimney with your bag of gifts. The gifts unfortunately spill...\nI wonder if some of it is you having an extraverted persona of yourself and then having an introverted persona of yourself, as if they were mutually exclusive identities to the core of who you are?...\nOH MY GOODNESS, YOU ARE AWESOME! I didn't expect anyone to talk about productivity (?)/project management apps/apps in general. You sort of touched on it (ability to easily search, filter, total),...\nRandom babbling: I went around to all the MBTI types in the forum and posted the same questions. I haven't gotten around to the NFs yet, but I don't know why the INTP responses is my favorite one (as...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...\nI'm curious about time management and how people use their time, so I'm thinking of going around the forums and asking the various MBTI personas about how individuals use their precious time and what...'
'Demanding? Not really. However, expecting? Yes.\nTo finish this week and get my finals over with, and then start my summer.\n..specifically Windows 7.\nThe SUMMER. I haven't had a summer to myself in years. I plan to start getting fit and working on some projects.\nCarl's Jr. spicy chicken sandwich.\nI haven't heard of anything like that, you should stick with one site and build on it. If you get traffic, people will mention your site on other blog sites anyway, then you'll get their traffic too.\nHow'd you know!?\nI can't stand it when someone talks small talk, and only small talk.\nHow could I have not thought of those? Fire? Fire's always the solution. Seriously though, I think I'm just gonna treat them to some summer heat and hopefully they'll die out.\nI'm seeing these little buggers (hah) nearly everyday. They're orange colored, and are less than a centimeter in length. I think I have a colony of them growing somewhere in my monitor. Advice?\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLK7hrRijes&feature=related I can't stop looping it...so damn CATCHY. :crazy::crazy::crazy:\nI finished upgrading my turtles' tank from a 10 gallon to a 30 gallon. I also upgraded my guppies' tank too. Lastly, I put some tile in my lizard's terrarium. Believe it or not, this took me two...\nlol, lmao, lmfao, lolz, soz, fail, epic, pwned. Yeah, I know. I know right.\nI do it daily, you're not alone.\nKFC. I tried their grilled chicken for the first time today. I was disappointed.\nI look for people that think similarly and can go above and beyond small talk. Most people I know are just acquaintances. I don't use Failbook. But I do think it's ridiculous how people add...\nHeh, never thought about it that way.\nGonna go to sleep, I have a midterm tomorrow for biology. I plan to study during the 5 hours I have before the class. Go me.\nI figured it out. Next time I shouldn't be so click happy while thinking...what does THIS button do?? Thanks for your tip.\nHas anyone ever tried that sleep every other 2 hours for an hour schedule? I heard it works at first, but over time your lack of sleep will catch up with you.\n...I have no clue. I was messing around with some options earlier, but nothing related to quotes nor notifications.\nI never got a notification for this quote. I found it through the quotes tab in the profile view. I broke my profile.\nThere needs to be more of this.\nI don't watch them. I feel nothing when I stare at the screen...except boredom. I get nothing out of it, and I feel like the plot is always exaggerated. A fairy tale love story? Sure. But how...\n...is there a way to become notified? How do you know if someone responded to your post directly without subscribing?\nProcrastinating from studying for an exam tomorrow.\nSticking to the traditional phones, I see. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.\nWhat's the point of making a random sandwich if you're not gonna eat it?\nI have a sluggish period around 9-11PM, but after that, I get a spontaneous wave of energy. It keeps me going until 4-5AM on the weekends...as you can see right now (it's 4:46AM). :)\nI've been waiting to try this series...damn I'm so behind. Need new computer.\nIf you have to force yourself to do it, motivation can only help so much. If you're just doing it for fun, why don't you do something that's actually fun? If you don't even have the motivation to...\nIt's 4:33AM. I should be catching some Z's.\nYour stats are exactly like mine, except I take one more point out of shy and add it to active.\nI'm at college finishing up on something. About to go home in a few. I can't wait actually...I took a midterm today and only had 3 hours of sleep last night.\nA kick-ass gaming rig and an awesome surround sound system A Lamborghini (not sure which model) A PlayStation 3 Big dreams. Small dreams. I want.\nI dedicated the day to take my mom out shopping to buy some goldfish to add to the family fish tank. I wanted to do more, but sadly neither of us have the time. How 'bout you?\nNot getting any time to myself to unwind.\nThose generic pairs of red eyes that peer through the darkness. I would think that if I opened my eyes after turning out the lights to sleep I would see 'em. Bad nights... ...oh, and gloves.\nSoCal here. What city are you in?\nOf course they did. It was on the Internet, right? And the Internet is always right. Why is this site abbreviated as PerC instead of PC?\nI finally finished crossing off a to-do list today, it was blissful.'
'narcissistic Thank you for taking the time to make that for me! :D I feel so dumb for never noticing it lol\nEarthious wow I can't believe I missed that section under Edit Signature. Thanks for taking the time to respond, you're awesome :)\nHey guys, I would really appreciate it if someone would be super awesome and lemme know how to do this? Thank you!! :)\nI wish I could just *be* instead of taking uppers to wake me up from the downers and downers to take the edge off the uppers and then uppers to wake me up etc. etc. I wish I just had a bottle of...\nmimesis Thanks!! :D\nI would never try to squeeze my life into that kind of framework. Well, I guess I can't say never because I've got a very Oneish side. I guess if I noticed my life was divvied up in a way that...\nMy dreams are really vivid and usually really stressful. Like last night part of a dream was that I was a child, and two other children and I were forced to hang ourselves in my dining room doorway...\nThat's interesting you said Jessa is a 7w8 because 7s are the only people who I don't understand, or rather, can't identify in person. Maybe I just don't know enough 7s. But I was like hmm maybe...\nI started watching Girls yesterday and finished the whole first season, and I thought Hannah seemed exactly like my friend who I've typed as 6, and Marnie was SUCH a 1. Any fans with ideas about the...\nDepending on the situation and the people I'm with, I'll put on a happy face to hide my sadness. This is really true of me. If you see me get even a little angry or passive aggressive with...\nWhen it's nice out, I go for walks around the city, maybe for two hours. It's the closest to exercise that I get, and it hurts my feet (I should really wear orthotics) but the walk is worth it...\nOff the top of my head I can think of procrastination and avoidance, bingeing on sweets, and prescription pills Procrastination and avoidance make me feel stressed about what I'm not getting done...\ndouble post.\nI'm pretty sure that I'm so/sx, and like someone else said, I think I'm bad at taking care of adult responsibilities - granted, I'm still in my last year of undergrad, so I'm arguably not a real...\nI met my current boyfriend because I bought weed from him a few times three years ago. Then we started texting, I told him all about this weird sci-fi book I was reading, and somehow that made him...\nSociety6.com for tons of cool artwork\nI don't really use any social media, but I need to update my LinkedIn. I guess I accept LinkedIn requests when I get emails. Occasionally, I log into Facebook to RSVP for a party when I've been...\nIf she has an issue with stealing, then that could explain her taking your fruit home with her. Then again, it could have just been intelligence and carelessness - planes really don't allow fruit,...\nI don't believe that there's a purpose to life. I think that we're just here because of some combining of cells and whatever else they taught us in school that I forget. I think we're too pompous...\nI'm SP-middle, but I do this, too, except that once I let myself fall asleep, I want to sleep forever. I think it's partially attributable to the go! go! go! society that we live in. We're shaped...\nIdk I'm INFP, and physical torture seems worse for sure. I've dealt with pretty intense psychological pain, so as much as it sucks, I can withstand a lot, but I can't even imagine what the most...\nWhen I was a teenager I felt a lot more misunderstood. People couldn't understand my impulsive actions and sweeping mood swings, but I think that's mostly because I didn't understand them and thus,...\nIt's so weird, I've never been able to imagine dating an ENFJ. It's actually always seems like it would be the most unpleasant relationship! I think maybe it's because I grew up in a household...\nOne of my old best friends is a 6, and she's totally like what you described. I would never consider anxiety to be my best friend, as it's always taxing on me, but when I'm healthy-ish, it...\nHmm I guess I'd choose my best friend from school because she likes exploring weird things and she's been to more strange lands than I have. If you were granted the ability to go back in time and...\n4w5 Hell no! What do you want done to your body when you die?\nI'm typically a happy, funny, and energetic drunk, and I usually jump at the chance to do anything that seems like it'll be some kind of adventure. But then there's the drunk me that, in the middle...\nI've been really close with a number of 2s, and I would add placing a lot of importance on their strong values. And then a strong unwillingness to admit to themselves/others when they've violated...\nIt's definitely possible. I think we can always go upwards, even though when you're low it often feels hopeless. That being said, I don't think you can do it on your own. If you're having...\nI think you can just take the symbol at face value - to me, it just shows the directions of integration and disintegration. I've gotten into the Enneagram without considering it from any type of...\n2w3, 1w2, 4w3, 9w1 - I guess this sorta makes sense since my tri-type is 459 :) 2w3 - She's just a great person. Really, genuinely kindhearted. Concerned about the welfare of others, open-minded,...\nJust tell other people the truth - that you moved recently and don't know of any parties or gatherings, so you decided to spend a quiet night in. There's New Year's Eve every year, so people should...\nI'm a little lost right now as far as moral values go... I used to feel full certainty in my clear-cut morals, but I've compromised them so much that I question whether I...have morals almost. It's...\nThanks for your response, it helps a lot. I'm a psychology major - used to want to be a clinical psychologist to mainly adolescents or to girls and boys with eating disorders but realized that's too...\nDo you feel like you're supposed to make an impact on the world? I'm one semester away from graduation (undergrad), and though I know it's typical to be concerned about which path to head down, it's...\nI don't know if I can actually feel what others are feeling, but I often automatically vividly imagine how they're feeling to the point that I feel that presumption. It's really annoying when it's...\nI don't see why it would be an odd pairing. I've off and on had OCD symptoms (but not full blown OCD) since I was in elementary school. Same with my INFP best friend.\n^^This made me think of my 1w2 sister. Amputated from humanity On some lifelong intellectual retreat Everything is conceptual and All is rhetorical You can feel so powerful When you're...\nYours is the simplest, but for some reason is the most beautiful to me.\nI really like your collage, especially all the quotes :)\nIt's weird, sevens are the ONE enneagram type that I just can't wrap my mind around, and I don't know why!! My movie choices probably make my type obvious: The Turning Point Every Little Step...\nI thought sp because there's a lot of focus on going for what you want, and I feel like self-pres 4s are the most likely to not let their feelings hinder them and hold them back. I feel like they're...\nOut of curiosity, are you SP? Also, I feel like I see a lot of your inner 1 in your collage. :) PS the reason I quoted nothing is bc that silly mention thing doesn't work on my comp.\nI'm so cool that I have enough time on my hands to make a second collage and post it on my own thread... Actually, though, it's just fun. http://s15.postimg.org/m58yiv5tn/Collage_Deux.jpg\nYeah, I get that. Somehow with all the pictures I put on mine, it seems completely incomplete.\nreally? nice :) you should post one if you get the time!\nIdk if anyone else will post haha, but here's mine.... http://s17.postimg.org/4vl4yi9xb/Collage_Thinger.jpg\nI got this idea from a video I watched on YouTube (don't remember which one). I thought it would be cool to see what different personalities put on collages (made on the computer, not expecting...\nI think any type can have musical talent. My sister is an ENFJ, and she's one of the most musical people I've seen dance. I live next to one of the best music colleges in the country, and I...\nFor a short period when I was 15, I had a fantasy that when I got out of high school I would change my name, cut my hair short and dye it, become deathly skinny, get plastic surgery, and move...'
Cheers for the tag! 1. What is your favorite food? I dunno, erm pancakes? But crepes ones or whatever you call them (not the thick American ones) If that even counts.... 2. What is your...\nWell, like others have to disagree with the chart on quite a lot of the stuff- mostly because its trying a little hard to fit them all into one type per character but I wouldn't say it's completely...\nJust to promote the ESFP case for Matt, later on in the season his Fi gets messed up and he sort of Se-Te loops for a while. As well as his poor Ni this season. Also, this persuaded me a little more:...\nRedo of my thoughts on typings after mass re-watching and season 2: Matt: ESFP- the guy sucks at Ni but the SFP argument has already been made else where so I don't wanna re-make it. Foggy: ESFJ...\nThanks for responding, I guess I could see some Se-you make a good case (and I'd love to hand her over to the ENFJs). I still feel everything Blanche does is entirely past-orientated- literally all...\nCould I ask why you think she's written as an NFJ? (I don't see any Ni but I'm interested to know where people are seeing it-I could be persuaded that's she's ENFJ).\nFrom the interviews I've seen I'd suggest ESFP or some Fi-Se combo but I haven't seen all of the above so ,eh, I don't know. I see Se in his hyper-in-the-moment-ness that he displays and his...\nI over compensate Ti, it doesn't come naturally as it should if it was higher up. For example, I love analyzing things but I go way over board some times and perhaps ruin something completely fine...\nJust wanted to say hi from a newly discovered ESFJ (well, last month counts right?) We are essentially unicorns in the land of PC so its nice to see others pleased with their type..... ...\nI think naturally talented people and people who have worked really hard to cry on command can. I can't imagine this has anything to do with cognition though. I think Fe-doms might be more prone to...\nI think Four is hyper-aware of the difference between how to social obligations vary drastically from abnegation and dauntless and behaves accordingly in the novels e.g his behavior towards Tris when...\nI don't think this has been mentioned on the thread (if it has, forgive me) but I think I remember reading somewhere a couple of years ago that Roth wrote Four as an ISFJ as she wanted to base the...\nOooooooo this is interesting...... I have seen half the film (yeah, I'm awful) and have studied the play so I'll just give my thoughts on the play's types to be contrary... Blanche: ESFJ.... I...\nWe'd band together and whine to one another about how terrible our type-stereotypes are.... and enforce a mandatory ESFJ appreciation day wherein everybody has to pat their nearest ESFJ on their...\nI use it when its appropriate to do so..... Wow, that was a great response. I feel like me being short factors a lot into this seeing as for me to look into some people's eyes feels like so much...\nI'm just posting to subscribe to this thread because I don't have anything new to add the discussion but am interested in people's viewpoints (essentially, I agree with the majority in all the...\nThank you, I struggle with abstracting/summarizing what I'm going on about and this is exactly what I meant.\nYeah from my description, I see what you're getting that. I wanted to use a real-life example, unfortunately that one is hard to describe without risk of not getting my point across very well. My...\nI agree with you, you sound like you have inferior Te that is, all the stuff about failing to be able to dismiss your emotions and consider your feelings logically. All this does seem to confirm that...\nEssentially, what everyone else has said. Fe sees something established in the outer realm an obligation; Fi decides what it feels is right to do. For example, I had a conversation with an Fi...\nSorry this reply is late. The things you're saying about Si, are indeed Si, particularly if you're doing this to get as much information about this new thing as to either compare it to something...\nYour probably, from as much as I can tell from this questionnaire, an INFP. You seem particularly Fi heavy in Scenarios 1 and 2 so that would at least rule at ISFJ. You seem Ne/Si too but that's more...\nI've no clue what you mean here, sorry.\nRubberDuckDudette Don't worry, my statement at the end was more cautionary than it was descriptive. That thing with the air-con though, this person is harsh. I think the main thing you can do is...\n[QUOTE=houdini;23231393] Jessica: ISFP (I believe I witnessed Fi-Te) QUOTE] Could explain what makes you think she's an Fi-dom? I'm not sure she has good understanding of her emotions enough for...\nAgreed. And yeah, throughout the show I was unsure whether she was a 7 or an 8. I'd probably go with 8 right now but she's a pretty complex character so I might change my mind later.\n[QUOTE=Rainquility;23220913] I'll do my best. Although I might need to start from the bottom up. I apologize for the elaborate breakdown. As far as I am now, episodically, I believe most...\nNice typings. I agree with a lot of these... I think you've hit the nail on the head with Malcolm being an inferior Se user: he desperately tries to control his chaotic environment or disregards...\nI've just finished watching Jessica Jones. Great series; its nice to see Marvel do really dark plotlines. So, what are people's thoughts on typings? I'm not sure on any of these but I just...\nI'm sorry that this woman is being inconsiderate to your friend but none of these behaviours necessarily indicate that she's an Fe-dom. She just sounds like a person with general inconsiderate...\nThat's great, its nice to see that its given you some guidance (although also remember MBTI is thought-process not a box so if you end up being an engineer or something, I'm sure you'll equally excel...\nAll that sounds very much inferior Se and Fe to me. That is, reacting to circumstances instantly but otherwise being dis-jointed from your surroundings while still wanting to please. Particularly the...\nThose descriptions seem fair but I would say inferior Se leads to ignoring the physical world or over-fixating on it (alike all inferior functions). I've also found these that might be helpful (in...\ncherryfox22 Have you got these from 16personailities? They definitely seem familiar, I know I've read them somewhere. Those descriptions don't reference functions at all. They're just making...\nNo problem, glad to be of use. I'm just adding on to say that I'd also just caution you with the initial tests that you took (such as the above) because they don't look at functions, only the four...\nI very much agree with LolTengu. You seem like a typical INFJ: so much Fe here you poor thing! I would advise (if you haven't already) looking at the functions the INFJ uses that is, Ni-Fe-Ti-Se (in...\nHas anyone given any further thought to Sam's or Dean's enneagram? I know it was a topic on here a few years back but I can't find any recent discussion of it. Anyway, so I thought I'd make a few...\nSx/Sp\nInteresting question. If I'm alone for a day (without interacting with anyone I the real world) I'll absolutely hate it. Its not so much that I don't have my own thoughts and musings: I just need to...\nOdd questions but I see the points you're getting at..... All of these require a lot of knowledge about the trains and their occupants.... How would I know the hammock man was on the train? Did I...\nThis bit rings true for me and, I imagine, most high Fe users: Because of their chameleon quality, they will embody whatever their delicate gyroscope tells them to embody at any given time. INFJs...\nI just finished series one about a week ago! Just as the new series has started which I won't be able to watch..... I clearly suck. Anyway, awesome series. I would post my thoughts about the...\nI agree with most of these. And I feel the same way about Aragorn.... he seems like some weird ISFP/ISTJ mash-up. I might be inclined to think Boromir as an Fe-dom just because of his manipulative...\nThis seems like inferior Fe at work. I too have thoughts like this but as an Fe-dom, I can compare them with my environment and know that I'm being irrational. Inferior Fe is somewhat detached...\nBasically what others have said, If I got to the point when nobody cared about me and there was no way that I could see of meeting new people, I might reach a stage of considering it. However, I...\nlette 9w8-7-3 so/sx apa ENFP 714? atenea INFP 5w4 sx/sp Axwell 3w4 sp/so Bathilda INFP 5w4 so/sp 593 Blue Flare INTJ 7w8 sx/so cerenach ENTP 6w5? sx/sp charlie.elliot INFJ 9w1 so/sx Choice...\nOutwardly, most of us feel the need to be socially acceptable, at least to same extent. But inside our heads, we can be whatever we want.... So how socially acceptable are you inside your head,...\n[QUOTE=mushr00m;19407842] Two [QUOTE] This is a fairly decent description, I wouldn't exactly disagree with it. However, I think I did come across this description when I was first reading into...\nI knew the ENFJ one would be telepathy.... ENFJs always seem to be associated with mind-reading (the film version of Charles Xavier to name one).\nYeah I agree, I think enneagram 2 ENTJ would definitely work for him. In fact, I seem to remember in the season 8 finale when he's being'cured' he screams 'I just want to be loved!' or words to that...
'We'd like you tell us exactly what you'd like, and if we're doing it right. :p\nAh-hah! The truth comes out! It would mean I was reconsidering the relationship. Not that I was done. I'd rather not leave a person hanging.\nWhen I dated an INTJ, it took about a month before we were both ready for sex. And then we went at it like rabbits. That was definitely fun. I would say it is emotional for us, but not in the same...\nAsk to hang out some more. He may pick up on the hint.\nSilence depends on the situation. If you ask me something and receive silence, I'm thinking. If somebody does something I disagree with, but I stay silent, it's because I believe the situation...\nHe's probably not sure about entering a full relationship. He finds you physically attractive and probably enjoys your company, but undergoes strong periods of introversion where he wants nothing but...\nAbsolutely correct. Ni-Te-Fi-Se (using INTJ as an example) Once you know the first function is introverted, you know the next will be extroverted, and then repeat. When the first is an...\nAccording the love languages my primary language is touch. I like roughhousing, hugging, cuddling, kissing, blabla. Which seems strange considering I'm otherwise fairly cold. It's how my friends...\nI have a very strong ENTP mask. Since many of my close friends have been ENTPs, I'm very good at emulating their behavior. The only weakness of the mask is it becomes flimsy when I'm low on mental...\nThe Bad Romance song, Eh Eh song, Money Honey song: I want your loving And I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance I want your loving All your love is revenge You and me...\nI'm self-sufficient, efficient, and I get recognized for it.\nI'm sure others have said this before me, but every time I hear Lady Gaga's lyrics to her songs, I think that she has got to be an INFP. What do you guys think?\nStart meta-gaming, meta-eating, meta-whatevering. Then you'll know what it's like to be an INTJ. ;) We think about the most efficient way to do what we're doing.\nThen I would guess Te and Fi would be stronger. Thanks for clarifying!\nI seem to be in a conundrum. One one hand the INTJ description fits me pretty damn well. But the INFJ description also fits well. While the INTJ description fits me better, some people have told me...\nI'm going to be teaching Biology classes in the next few years. I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations or tips to share? Classroom management techniques, lab techniques, or suggestions...\nThe more you know, the more you realize you don't know.\nMost ENFPs I've known don't tend to lie, but they embellish stories quite a bit.\nI suspect it will end when everything is 2 Kelvin.\nWhy is it that anybody with a high school diploma has a view on evolution they feel is right, despite the fact that they're addressing simple Darwinian evolution?\n*face five*\nIt's a silly thought. Sure, thinking about a goal and working towards it will help you get it. Just imagining that it's yours won't do jack diddly.\nThe comedian from the Watchmen. I'd be Dr. Horrible.\nMy idea of justice? 9mm of JUSTICE!\nActually, I care that I am an INTJ. What I don't care about is that relationships come and go. I don't try to keep in contact with people I no longer regularly see. I almost never talk to my exes....\nNah. Their seriousness makes me tickle them. :D\nThe images... *dies a little bit inside*\nIt's BS. You want a closer measure of somebody's intelligence, just measure the size of their head relative to their body. You'll get a much better estimate.\nI get the same comments all the time, so it's not just you. :D I think any NT is more likely to be negative as they wish to improve circumstances, which requires focusing on negative aspects.\nClearly you haven't met many INTJ women. ;)\nEvery action and word one does or says in the real world or online is merely a translation of what occurs in the mind. I would say the mind is the purest of the domains, as there is no...\nI think there are things that can be taken from both gender roles that are good to know or fun to do, regardless of what you're supposed to do. I also don't immediately think of myself as male -- I...\nFor everything else, there's Mastercard.\nSure. You are aware that there are female ENTPs who could engage in this same exact warfare against you? :wink:\nWanna be my girlfriend? Sure. My idea of romance. :laughing:\nIf you get the reference, kudos. First person to get the reference gets a song. ;) I've found that this phrase best describes ENTPs. Do you agree or disagree?\nMy favorites are subtle manipulations. Like slowly stealing my friend's stuff while they don't notice. Then putting it back after they freak out.\nI seem to be an ENTP magnet. My brother is an ENTP. My good friend at college is an ENTP. My coworker is an ENTP. My boss is an ENTP. And we all get along famously. Except my brother still...\nThat's funny. Sometimes I get ENTP moments of extraversion. :D\nHah. Love you ENTPs. You do realize at some point the charade will have to come down? This is no far-sightedness in your plan. Some third party will step in, or one of them will wise up and tell...\nI was curious. What do other INTJs see about this Jungian type for INTJs? Why does it make you what you are?\nMany of my friends mistake me for an extravert. My mask is an ENTP, and it is a facet of my personality that I regularly use. I am sociable and know all the social graces fairly well. But I still...\nChronic Depressive. Directly linked to my level of stress. Taking medication. Working wonders. Had it ever since the third grade (9 years old), only got it fixed last year (19 years old).\nBest friend is a male ENFP. Current girlfriend is a female ENFP. So far it's working out awesome.\nI'm not too proud. I'm awesome. :cool: I take pride in that which I know I am good at. Otherwise I try to be humble.\nIf there were no INTJs, I wouldn't exist. Wait. *vanishes in a puff of logic*\nSort of a wide-eyed stare if I had to guess. My ENFP best friend is Argentinian, a big guy, but also had big eyes with a sparkle in them. My ENFP girlfriend is French-Canadian, small, but has a...\nThat's why it needs to be INTJ-INTP. ;)\nPhysically male, mentally androgynous.\nI think she's saying the pump needs to be primed -- aka, an INTP is not likely to seek after a relationship if they haven't had one?'
I was fine academically. Hated things where I had to memorize. Kids were usually mean to me in elementary/middle school. By highschool I took more courses that were math-y and didn't need to much...\nI am introvert and I am offence\n!!!!\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Ymd-OCucs\nclose this thread already omg\nYou'd be surprised. Going through your other posts, I gathered you were treated like shit and betrayed by the people you were supposed to trust. I've been too and have developed mental disorders...\nClearly all those things people say are said because they don't understand that not everybody thinks like them. They don't understand what depression does to a person. Hell, I don't even understand...\nI originally typed as INTJ and it took a lot of reading and internal debates to get INFJ of the two. I'd get frustrated but not at them. I'll continue to help them because I understand how it's...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ophnmGWQGsU\nAnd yes I have. My most recent was 5w6, 9w8, 3w2\nThe functions I see in you are fe, si, ti, and ne. So I understand why you typed as an isfj. But I don't agree with the stack since you don't seem to be aux fe. Maybe you're ti > ne > si > fe? INTP?...\nUnsure on my brother and sister but I'm pretty sure my dad's istp and mom isfj. Will confirm when they finally give into taking the test :p\nI shut my mouth and don't argue with them. Keep the peace :laughing:\nActually I've been developing Fe a lot lately. I used to be really indifferent to others and in my own head more. A day dreamer more than anything. So much that my elementary school teachers thought...\nI get where you're coming from when you say I use si but all the cognitive tests say my si is very low. And isfj say that laws are there because they work. I don't believe that. Others believe that...\nDon't mind if someone's occasionally a bit late for a legit reason (stuck in traffic, missed bus, liquid eyeliner mishap poor souls, etc) but flaky people drive me nuts. It takes far too much effort...\nCan you link it here? In your original post preferably so others who see this can see it and can type you\nhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6123pZUQr1qdv2s8o1_500.png\nEgad! Not another INFP!! :laughing: Welcome to PerC!\nFor someone who's loves getting the most possible info, you sure don't give much I kid, I kid. But seriously questionnaire pls ty xxx\nDreamer777 if you're still down for typing me :p\nI type myself as an INFJ but am still pretty doubtful. When I originally took the MBTI I typed as INTJ. Then on my second go INFJ. Related to both pretty much a lot but some of the INFJ stuff were...\nLol'd. But OP you do seem more like like a infj. Intj's don't usually account others in their decision making. And the logical reasoning of feelings thing you mentioned is a ti thing.\nThis questionnaire didn't really bring it out. But I do think I have a fair bit of Ti because I get into the ni-ti loop a lot (apparently it's more in developed ti) and the things im good at are more...\nI used to get bored when I was little (who doesn't) and I would replay movies in my head - by replay I mean take the theme, some key points and make up everything in between. Then I'd get in trouble...\nI had my doubts from the description to the functions and everything I knew from INTJ basically and that was the first thing that made me seriously rethink. Sounds silly I know. I guess I thought...\nAnything. For example I'm pursuing a degree in engineering because I plain like making things. (and I grasp math/physics well :p) But a lot of types of engineering aren't exactly people orientated...\nJobs that involve making or creating things. Or thinking of ways to make things work better. But at the same time I'm keeping people in mind and how these creations will help them\nYep, especially with music. Unless I know that it's within their taste in that case I'll blast that song and play the entire album while I'm at it. :p Kinda easy to figure out what they like too...\nConsidering we have yet to discover most of the universe, there's no way in hell we are alone\nI actually used to type as INTJ. Then I went through the INTJ forums and, well, reevaluated.\nDoubt it. Too cold for Fe dom lol. I like helping people and all that stuff but it really doesn't reflect in my day to day life unless there's a time where someone really needs it. I guess I...\nExaggerated maybe? It happens with cognitive function tests sometimes. Retaking it usually helps in leveling it out. INFP would be my second guess. Retake the test, or take the PerC one...\nYES. Nobody understands when I tell them but it helps me concentrate in a way. I call it a pre-distraction - It acts as background music when I'm focused on the reading and I can listen to it when my...\nAt gatherings I would find a wall to myself and try to stand on my head o_o I would do this rather than playing with the other kids. The entire time. I used to eat paper and dirt from flower pots...\nESTJ. 75 I versus E, 80 N versus S, 60 F versus T, and 60 J versus P Almost the exact opposite hm\nDefinite Ti use. Saw some N but not sure if it was Ni or Ne (most likely Ne because of your test results). Saw some F but funeral thing suggests you use more Fi than Fe (Fe user would absorb...\nNo problem! Let's see if the others who helped out agree though they seem to have a lot more experience typing people than I do :p Thanks, I'll need it :$! TP's are known to be good engineers...\nYep, deffs Si :p. Reflective stuff is Fi but also can be Ti. Hey, I'm in engineering too! Well, starting this fall haha Brainstorming is an Ne thing. The ability to jump from one idea to another...\nYeah to me you're definitely Ne-Si. Two outta four - yes! For the others I'm still thinking you're Fe and Ti. Then again I'm Fe-Ti so I tend to see it a lot in other people :p As for INFJ I see...\nYeah scratch out INTP then. When I read mine (Se inferior for intj/infj) it basically described my life lmao. And I don't even 100% relate to infj or intj! You possibly can be an E. Maybe Si...\nSorry for the double post but idk if you'll see it if I just edited it in Read this super long post and see if you relate to it?...\nINTP would be my guess. Got some hunches that you may be INFP but it's possible for some T's to be a bit feely and vice versa EDIT: Re-read this and now I'm leaning towards you being an S-type.....\nMy life in one sentence\nHello hello hello!! !\nHello!\nAll the time. One friend told me that everyone who doesn't know me thinks I'm a bitch because I'm a quiet person who just happens to be pretty. Which could be part of it. Most of the 'pretty girls'...\nMe liking testing as an INFJ is the #1 reason on why I think I'm mistyped. I'd love to be an extroverted Sensor though. Taking in the world as it is concretely seems really nice to me. I usually...\nMe liking testing as an INFJ is the #1 reason on why I think I'm mistyped. I'd love to be an extroverted Sensor though. Taking in the world as it is concretely seems really nice to me. I usually...\ndouble post
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKCmC6NNNZM It's wedged in there!! :)\nFish and Chips!! (Yeah, I'm very British :-])\nI'm ENFP... I google ALL THE TIME. I don't even know why- I just automatically do... about every 2 minutes :)\nStrange as it seems, I'm ENFP and I'm really into the dark colours... BLACK DARK PURPLE DARK GREEN RED :crazy:\nHey!- welcome to the site :) I was pretty shocked with my results at first too... now I'm just glad to know others of my type :) Have fun! :-]\nWelcome to the forum- always nice to have new ENFPs :) (whoot!)\nENFP!! :laughing: __W :crazy::proud::kitteh: I've been pretty obsessed with the whole MBTI thing lately __E ___S too... it's all fun :) You sound like a really...\nWelcome to the site! I love INFPs :) You seem pretty nice, so I'm sure you'll get some fun out of the site, and hopefully you'll be out of the Newbie zone soon! :P\nI loved the ending, but it was pretty sad... And I hated that woman -.- You've gotta love the old lady though- she's brilliant... And you have to admit, the music playing as they drove off...\nI can't really say any movies have ever made me cry... the part in The Mist (2007) when everyone in the supermarket turns on the little boy got me pretty worked up... That's such a great...\nNope. Never :) It's difficult liking the hard stuff (basically any rock, soft to hard), not the repetitive mainstream crap (don't get me wrong... some of the mainstream songs are actually pretty...\nAhh, thanks for the warm welcome :) I'm looking forwards to being a part of the site :happy:\nYay!:laughing: Well then we'll love you back :)\nI'm generally above average when it comes to many subjects but am not usually amazing, but I excel at the things that come naturally (Art, Music, Drama etc.)... I guess the arts are a pretty...\nAnywhere and everywhere... wherever everyone else wants to go... gotta let other people choose, too :)\nHaa, thanks for the welcome :kitteh: I'm definitely a straight up ENFP, but I guess some people are different... a good friend of mine is an ISTJ (I know- great match, right? :rolleyes:) but she...\nOh dear, my third post on the thread in a row... just to say, the last one is posted twice because it told me that the post wasn't long enough, but posted it anyways... after I'd typed it again and...\nI've been told I use far too many of those... And thanks for the welcome- it's appreciated :) apparently my post is too small so I'm writing this to make it long enough... la di da di...\nI've been told I use far too many of those... And thanks for the welcome- it's appreciated :)\nAhaa... Thanks! =^_^= I wasn't expecting any praise for the introduction... it was the crappest (that's definitely not a word) things I've written for a long, long time... but thanks again :)\nSo I'm a female ENFP... how fun :happy: I suck really badly at introductions, and by that I mean REALLY BADLY. I'm basically your typical ENFP- quirky, outgoing, artistic, generally as...\nPersonal ~ * Name - Haa... On this site, I'll just be Utensils :) * Female :proud: Location - I was born in Birmingham, England... And still live in England :) I lived in Germany for a...\nAs a female ENFP, I can only assume that this girl did not necessarily mean to flirt... I often find that when talking to a person, they start to feel close to me. I think us ENFPs can sometimes...'
'Haven't posted here in some time... 228274\nTurns out the negatives of institutions tend to outweigh the positives. Trapped by contract, bound by pride, and sh** on daily by a never ending avalanche of bs work with little hope in sight. But...\nYEEESSSS!!! Oh how I love INTJ's.... 84652\nWhy thank you! I'd say your profile picture is quite great as well... Oh how I do adore cats of all varieties:P\nOMG, shut up! Sorry, a bit drunk. But seriously...\nWell, I am a guy, but I feel like the sort of beating around the bush followed by directness once the favor is returned would be ideal. In this way, it wouldn't be terribly awkward at first, just...\nGiven this, I wouldn't have much to go off of to be honest. I mean, the seeming intellectuality would probably be appealing, but unless I were to find myself in circumstances that forced interaction,...\nI know I've already hinted at this before, but according to this thread, most INFJ's seem to share 2 common traits... 1) They are cats 2) They adorably fail at whatever they are attempting ...\nIn basic I compulsively checked for a whole bunch of things. The biggest, and seemingly strangest one was the time, though. When I would go to sleep, I would always be sure to have my watch. When I...\nI'll find the meaning of everything....\nI grew up in a family where religion was forced upon me. I am now very lacking in any sense of spirituality, besides perhaps the concept of the enneagram (even that I take more as the nurtured...\nI'm sitting here with this little list in my head, but most of it I think is actually pretty INFJ given the way the functions interact. I suppose the one thing that throws me off is the Family...\nIn no particular order...... 1) Introspective 2) Cautious 3) Playful 4) Procrastinative 5) Zealous 6) Courteous 7) Goofy 8) Adversarial\nRecent picture from the desert! 82441 (Insert The Beast of War reference here)\nI pose like a model when I'm not really doing anything, or when I'm sort of in the background of social scenarios. I also look at myself in basically every reflective surface I pass (usually...\nThread Necromancy! I find eyes to be fascinating. I tend to look at a person as a whole being though. The body parts are just a part of the greater person even though I do find some peoples eye's...\nI tried... I really did. I got tired of feeling all drowsy and hung over though. Plus, I know it's just a temporary escape, so it sort of ruins the effect for me. That being said, drinking and having...\n80890 And then that's me a couple years ago when I was going through this attempt to grow lengthy hair. It ended miserably as I could no longer deal with the abundant curls that refused to allow...\n80885 That's me sticking out of the loaders hatch on an M1A2 Abrams... It's silly because no protective military headgear seems to fit my long head very well :/ 80886 And just before I left...\nSaw that and was like.... 80884 Oh how I can relate.... On a side note, it seems that a lot of the INFJ gifs are cats failing in an adorably miserable way.\nCame in here expecting at least one tasteless your mom joke. Alas.... I'm not INTJ, but I'll share one for you guys. The craziest thing I have ever done while drunk is Eiffel Tower a chick...\n5697756978 Two from my recent vacation to Pennsylvania.\nI see what you did there...\nI just got punished...\nScorpio. But I don't know much beyond basic astrology.\nI've been thinking a bit more on this thread and how it relates to me as a feeler. As an INFJ, I read people pretty well, and it's painfully obvious when people are not receptive to emotional talks....\nYeah, how do we get someone to actually initiate messaging us? I'm going full introvert here....\nIn reality I don't believe I would want someone to ever fully understand me. This is strange because I would probably love to fully understand someone else. How unfair of me (I'll have to Ti that all...\nI do this even with my family. I mean, I think I know who I am, but I compartmentalize my life constantly. I use the word friend group a good bit to separate my social circles from each other as...\nI would rather wear all grey all the time. Neutral colors are basically what I wear anyways, and it's fitting in almost every social scenario. It's also not provocative or standoffish, and comes in...\nNice research, bro. I'm glad someone put some time into clarifying this. Also, most people are on a sliding scale of gayness anyways, and given the right circumstances, almost everyone could do...\nI love how there are so few votes for wealth with INFJ's. Such a superficial desire...\nPerhaps you should review your friendships. If you feel taxed by the emotional needs of your friends, then you may want to find new friends that are more in line with how you think and feel. If...\nOk, but as the poll-maker, would you say wisdom is in the knowledge branch of that poll? If not, which one should I have voted for?\nI'm assuming knowledge encompasses wisdom, and therefore I voted knowledge. Next would be love, then power, then wealth.\nI get used to get this a lot from my really close INTJ friend. I would come off with really harsh, often negative critiques and criticisms of other people and he would question my conclusions which...\nOne reason I may have kept so many INTJ friends is because I often try to think about my feelings objectively. Dealing with not only a lot of NT's, but also an introspective therapist has lead me to...\nDid that last night in so many ways. Went off-roading with a bro who is probably ESFP, and a few others. Very little if any back up plan for getting stuck, through trails that are illegal to be on...\nYou sir are a scholar and a gentleman. On to the question though, I'd imagine spotting me wouldn't actually be all that difficult. I see drinking as a gateway to deeper feelings that many...\nWell yeah, psshhh. That's like a no brainer, bro:tongue:\nAwesome! I live in Frederick, and have for the past 13+ years now:P And you're a 6w7... small world. But yeah, Maryland is pretty cool in my opinion. It's got a bit of everything, really.\nI voted for the NT type(option 2). Many of my close friends are NT's or T's and I believe finding an attractive girl with strong intuitive intellect would probably have my heart beating a little...\nInteresting seeing a girls perspective on the subject. I believe that socially female's are given much more leeway in expressing emotional connection through physical contact, whereas guys that do...\nI have admittedly gone through a few phases myself... I used to be all about communism and bringing down the system (ironic right?). Then it was all gung-ho weight loss and USMC stuff. Then I had my...\nSo I've noticed I'm a bit of a pro when it comes to Bromance. I have had several pretty close friendships with other guys, and outsiders have even commented on it either being very bromantic, or even...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyx5xQfNPaA I like this guy's approach in explaining the functions.\nDo any of you INTJ's have INFJ friends/partners or find interest in INFJ's? I have recently begun asking my friends to take MBTI tests and the majority of my closer friends are testing INTJ. I...\nFrom the USA. I was born in Ohio. Moved to Germany when I was 2 months old. Then South Carolina when I was 5. And then finally here in Maryland when I was 7 or 8. Leaving for the Army soon. Who knows...\nWaiting\nI don't know about that. I don't believe there is anything wrong with appreciating the artwork of another individual. It's just a thumbnail under a made up name after all. To the contrary, I say you...'
'Yeah dude. You can try headspace.com or just follow your breathing bra.\nANOTHER UX DESIGNER OMG. Hey wasup hello? Where'd you get the HCI degree?\nGod it's refreshing to be chatting with an INFJ. I just came from bodybuilding.com. Bunch of ENTJs, INTJs, and jerks (ISTP/ESTJ). Also the occasional ISTJ and INTP.\nI love my family but I feel like other types are wwwaaaaaayyyy more loyal than I am. Is this true?\nI like you being an INFJ\nFerris Bueller or like... Charlie from that movie\nI'm in a coma and I only wake up when I go to sleep, if that makes sense.\nHey was up hello!? I posted this on the INFJ boards because I used to hang out there, but maybe you guys want to see this too. It's a vid of an ENTP (me) at a sword fight thing. On that just...\nBeen a while, INFJs :) Here's a vid of an ENTP sword fighting. The short dude with no shirt is INFJ/ISFJ, btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_75BJRSNHlA\nREIT isn't putting money in your checking account every month. Your investment in a REIT will vary with the real estate prices. This is purely income, low risk, earned from rent. So uh... it's...\nYeah, but we're trying to focus on unlimited earning potential from passive income, not creating value using capital. The whole capitalist class thing was a side discussion. Really the diff between...\nFrom what I understand, the income goes to appreciate the value of the asset. In this scenario, the income goes directly to people's bank accounts or maintenance. The idea is you make investing VERY...\nYeah, it's a model and it's simple. But I like my models to be simpler than the things I'm describing.\n.5 seconds of logic beats all other people's logic\nYeah dude\nDuh. So we all pool our money and suddenly having a shit ton of money is no longer a requirement to invest in something like real estate. It's a question of if we, as not super rich people, have both...\n1. You are oppressed by the very nature of capitalism if you're not in charge 2. No I don't. The rent isn't going to be as variable as the property value, so there's reduced risk. 3. Easy to...\nw00t! Yeah, 1$ a month x 12 months = 12$ every year. Pays for itself in 10 or 11 years. It's like every dollar you spend now, you're giving yourself 2 or 3 over the course of your lifetime. And...\nI think the problem, and I wasn't very clear on this in the video, is that creating wealth (money every month costing 0 time & effort from investments) is something accessible only to the rich. It...\nMore like a few hundred, because at that point, everyone will assume it's legit. Maybe some sort of legally binding contract included with purchase?\nI'm not saying you guys are stupid, but the difference between what value you produce and what you're paid goes to capitalists (people who own the means of production, oppressing you). There's a...\n1000 people * ( 130 $ / person ) * ( 1 apartment complex / 130,000 $ ) = 1 apartment complex 1 apartment complex = 1000$ / month in rent substitution: 1000 people * ( 130 $ / person ) * ( 1...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StyHcWBy5mI\nI love the human element to this thread. You're immediately getting deep into another person's feels. I like it. Also I feel... disdain. For myself? I don't know why. Maybe because I haven't...\nWhy read about it in a book when you can react via webcam? Message me your skype and I'd be willing to entertain you with antics for a while. Free of charge maybe. I mean tips are always...\nTo understand what I'm saying, you need to assume INFJ + ENTP is the perfect pair. Just like men with a lot of testosterone pair up with women with a lot of estrogen. They compliment each other. It...\nGirl: I can't believe you just said that. I... don't even have a response to that. Me: Alpha proud Girl to friend: This kid just asked me why I read when there's tv and internet! Other girl:...\nHuman computer interaction\nIsn't that the point of the personality descriptions, to reinforce and encourage our best behavior? And show us areas where we can improve ourselves?\neh I like em\nESFJs in authority are the best. Flirt with them. They'll do a really good job making everyone else work hard.\nI'm a socio-empath\nThis is tough. But you know the answer... Make it really, really difficult. But don't make it so difficult he has to nail other girls. Part of him is always going to want to nail other girls...\nChaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil\nGuys are so stupid. Like you wouldn't believe. Do you and find someone who makes you feel special.\nI fucking loved an ISFJ She loved me idk what's up with this ISFJ/ENTP incompatibility. She was a sweet heart who I thoroughly enjoyed boning.\nWould date / 10\nYes, our superior intellects are far too intimidating. It's the curse of being this great.\nMy most brutally honest comment: You guys fucking suck at tact\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSvwsforehU\nYou think just thinking poorly of someone is the equivalent of them experiencing hell? Probably not. Plus who's so perfect that they can judge others anyway? Also hell in the Christian sense...\nWhat do you do for fun? What sorts of things interest you? What are you good at? Imagine you already have every person on Earth's approval and admiration. What would you do then?\nValentine's day! I'll be bringing a whip and some rope to the 50 Shades of Gray showing...\nWhy are there so many of them? There's this guy at the gym who's awkward as fuck. I joke around with him and try to build his confidence. He's too shy to approach women, so I ask him if he knows...\nThere's a book your boyfriend could read called The Inmates are Running the Asylum that talks about how stupid software engineers are with people. (I'm a software engineer) Tell him it's written...\nWhat if her solicitude is a reaction formation against cruelty? (No, I probably agree with you)\nDomesticated leopon (leopard + lion = leopon) http://www.bizarbin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Leopon1.jpg\n(looks like I forgot an e in searches. Oops) http://i.imgur.com/2pY7tzb.png Note: I didn't do the math and actually count out 21 days. It takes the 21 most recent days and trims the most recent...\nIt's a really simple script! I can set up a githup repo for you, if that's easier. Are you familiar with the command line or node.js, brother man? It's really easy to get started. Edit: TxWolves I...\nDay 2 Annual Return 355.72 % Account Value (USD) $251,041.00 Original Account Value (USD) $250,000 Total Gain: $1,106.00(0.44 %) http://www.investopedia.com/simulator/portfolio/?gameid=296243'
'Not many things make me sad. However, children's films can slip past my defences. For example: Mars Needs Moms - Sad Ending - YouTube Spoiler alert if you wanted to watch the film, BTW.\nHAHAHA! NOOOOOOO - I nearly died.\nI just remembered another one: ask. Somehow it gets butchered to something like 'arcsked'. ... ... W.T.F. Learn to speak!\nThis could be something specific to Australia, I haven't been outside the country. It's like the word 'bought' never existed. I rage inside every time someone says I brought him a new x.\nDon't get me started on 'bought' and 'brought'. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU! I think locally this is 'worst'. :P\nThat does not bode well for me getting together with another INTJ. Not much good if I have to kill them.\nSouth. New Town/Moonah border.\nNoooo! I like being at the arse-end of the world. (Tas) I have plans for an Ivory Tower and everything.\nI ask you keep your dignity. Bubbly bubble-headed bimbo can go get sucked into her own whirlwind. :proud:\nWhen you regularly finish people's sentences, and weren't wrong about what they would say. There fixed.\nIf Olivia is ENFP... then I love ENFPs all of a sudden. :crazy:\nKatrinSka As much as I agree with gypaetus, I personally would prefer to know. As an INTJ my guess is I and most INTJs would think logically and assess whether it was going to work out, and if not,...\nI don't appear to have any ability art-wise. However I did complete an app for the iPad that is for artists. Does that count? :wink: I don't want to break or push the bounds of the PerC rules, so...\nIt's the new Blue Steel.\nThis all sounds good to me.\nReally? I'd flock to that stare... (I don't find it intimidating at all)\nAh, now it all makes sense...\nTotally understand were you're coming from. Mental disability really gets me too, but I can also easily disconnect a sketch from the real thing. Even movies I find hard to take seriously if I know...\nI challenge you to punch right through your screen! :tongue:\nThat made my day, thank you! I'm pretty sure it's fake though. Still made me 'wet myself' with laughter.\nOh no! Now I'll never post my mugshot. :unsure:\nI usually don't give a damn about lyrics, but my favourite album has good lyrics: Fear of a Blank Planet - Porcupine Tree\nhttp://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/sandwich.png\nI miss those guys. Always testing the line and most of the time crossing it.\nWhat's with all the photos of people? The animals are far more interesting. :tongue: 1164811649 One day you will see my ugly mug, just not today. Sorry.\nIt would be great if the rules could be more explicit like this post is. ^\nRighto, that wasn't clear to me. Ahem, no sexual content outside of the Sex & Relationship forum please. :tongue:\nThat would be great. Thanks.\nHold up, the picture is the issue? I thought it was the comment? If I just go outside I'm bound to see some cleavage, and not that I necessarily agree but this is perfectly normal in western society.\nOk so if I read all the descriptions then. Still silly isn't it? I ask that the rules be updated to include this one. A rule out in the middle of the index is no good if you're like me and never set...\nWell then that's a little bit silly isn't it? Why would I go in there to find out the rule not to post that stuff out here? EDIT: Also having a hard time find the rules is annoying. I actually...\nIs it ironic childish humour is to be kept away from children?\nWell I haven't gone into that forum yet, so yes. Don't bother asking for links, I do not have them. I've seen it in my travels, and to be honest I didn't even know the rules till today. That said,...\nFair enough, but to quote myself: People do use the 'f' word in a sexual way on PerC. I have yet to see them called out on it.\n:shocked: What the? The act of intercourse is less sexual than things that provide food for babies? And I said the word 'boobies' not an picture.\nBahaha how did you know? :tongue:\nErm, LOL? The one ending in 'k'. Just wondering why the 'f' word is used so easily and also when referring to sex, when 'boobies' gets frowned upon.\nWhy is the 'f' word allowed?\nYou assume I assume. :tongue: I actually wonder what you find funny, to get a different POV for the obviously different INTP I see in front of me.\nI think he's providing all the fun at this point. :happy:\nWhat do you find funny? INTPs I know would have laughed at all these pages. (Why??? Why do I ask for more derailment?)\nYou're breaking rule 12! 12. Have Fun! This is of course optional but like we stated, the goal of this forum is to educate and entertain the user\nLOL why aren't we in the http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/38463-things-make-intjs-laugh.html thread?\nWhich PerC rule are we discussing?\nWell really, I get we need to keep it clean for the kiddies. But seriously, couldn't it have just been Please keep it clean, guys. and been left at that?\nI wonder who started it?\nOh sarcasm! WOOOOOOOOO!\nhttp://www.cnet.com/i/bto/20080908/Thread-Offtopic-Derailed.jpg\nI have beard envy. Mine is pathetic in comparison. :sad:\nI love me too. ... I mean us. Hehe'
I suggest watching something by Bergman. Many of his movies deal with loneliness.\nThank you for the website, but unfortunately they don't have Latin.\nHello. I'm interested in studying Latin. Does anybody know any free online courses?\n1. PC 2. Internet 3. Alchohol My list is pretty short.\n0,68193384223918575063613231552163 or somewhere around that number\nHigh school degree. I'm starting uni in October.\nI use shower gell/shampoo, shaving cream and deodorant. Apart from that I'm all natural.\n1. Straight 2. Drugs - no. Alcohol - all the time. 3. 0 4. No. I have a very low self-esteem. 5. Totalitarian state with me being the leader. 6. Daydreaming 7. Black, although it isn't a...\nPopulists Pacifists Academists\nI've learned English. I have also been studying German for 7 years, but I still don't understand a thing. I understand written Russian and Serbian, but I can't speak or write in either of those...\nI still have 3 weeks till the change. I hate having to change the time on the clocks. Usually I end with every clock showing a different time.\nCannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox, Zombi 2, Guinea Pig series. These are the most disgusting horror movies ever created.\nI can't wait for the second season. I hope they handle the Battle of Blackwater better than they did with the Battle of the Green Fork.\nThe volunteers at Shipka by Ivan Vazov (August 11, 1877) What if we still carry shame on our forehead, Marks of the whip, signs of bondage abhorrent; What if remembrance of infamous days...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sb46VD5CmA\nabout 5.765421325483120254869712312024531003545220267942\nHufflepuff\n100% Bulgarian\nI use only cash. I don't have a debit/credit card.\nhttp://farm5.staticflickr.com/4052/4245102549_ec23ea97ac_o.png\nWhen its cold, and when its dark, the freezing moon can obsess you. Everything here is so cold Everything here is so dark I remember it as from a dream In the corner of this time Diabolic...\nStored in a cistern full with alcohol.\nElm Tree(Jan 12 to Jan 24,Jul 15 to Jul 25): Elm tree signifies felicity, self-belief and intuition. You are a believer and never tend to lose hope. Your positivity and resilience are often an...\nA possible pawn.\nWhat's the big deal with 11/11/11? It's just a date.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CchBHB5azvQ&feature=related\nYou are 41.7% Evil. You are 2.6% Lawful. Alignment: Neutral Evil You do whatever you can get away with. You are out for your own self interests. You care little about those who you hurt,...\nBulgaria 1st Grade (7-year-old) - Numbers 1-20 addition and subtraction; comparison; geometrical figures; measurement systems (distance, time, weight) 2nd Grade (8-year-old) - Numbers 20-100...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FKFLJmOQ50&feature=related\nThere is a battle between the Night Watch and the Others in the third book but nothing big.\nCancer - INTP This zodiac thingy is just bullshit pseudoscience.\nHobo With a Shotgun. It's actually a pretty decent movie.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-N1yJyrQRY\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyIIGAy6s40&feature=related\nStupidity.\nI used to catch flies. First I would rip one of their wings and watch them try to fly. Then the other. After that I would start ripping one leg at a time and observe how their movement would change....\n1. Myself 2. Wolf 3. No interaction 4. Small 5. No 6. Candlestick 7. Bronze 8. Put it in the table 9. River 10. Walk through it\nEven if there are some survivors they would soon starve to death. Since so much time has passed all living things have evolved and there is a extremely high possibility that we won't be able to...\nHate to spoil your fun but if we are somehow transported 100 million years into the future, we will all die in the first week. Since our bodies won't have any immunity against the bacterias and...\nhttp://www.clipartguide.com/_named_clipart_images/0511-0907-1220-3972_Cartoon_of_a_Man_Asleep_on_His_Feet_clipart_image.jpg\nStill have it.\nАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЬЮЯ Cyrillic is cooler.\nOh No! The French are invading!!!\nwhen somebody gets offended by something you said, and you have no idea why\nI have a phobia of worms. http://www.24chasa.bg/Images/Cache/Image_532973_6.jpg\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUVzDh1-puc\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihsfVEFvrxA Hmm Hmm Him :)\n1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRe_NNFOAas\nDo you mean the guy from the first Troll movie? The one that has trolls in it.
'Those people could be anyone, even a normal person can snap and a powerful weapon used with intent is very difficult to stop. Using a weapon in response is reactionary which is far less reliable...\nPeople will always find ways to kill each other and unarmed combat can be even more scary than armed combat.\nYeah its not too bad. 3 1/2 out of 5\nThe red pill and hacksaw ridge were the last 2 movies I saw. The red pill i'd give a 4.5 out of 5 I really enjoyed its break from the norm. Hacksaw ridge is a 5, absolutely fantastic and tells the...\nThey do but they dont have the will to stop evil.\nRepertoire of the Practice of the Security Council what would make them stronger is a large standing force or the will to prioritize human rights over sovereignty. you cant keep the peace if you...\nC.S Lewis' Mere Christianity was probably the start of the journey. Not sure where along the line I fully tipped over.\ndark as a black hole.\nNot US Military but Australian army here, however i'm sure the experiences will be similar. As others have said be prepared to change faster than you have ever changed before, don't try to resist...\nSure\nBack to work today https://s27.postimg.org/qxhx8w60v/20170116_082617_1.jpg\nDuring weekdays yes, usually porridge or muesli with fruit and a coffee after PT. On weekends not as much because I like staying up late haha.\nMy girlfriend (ENFJ) is studying Law(And IR) at the moment and i'm surprised she can do it. This is because law and justice are two different things. The law is terrible in reality and there are way...\n631490 Had to go to a meeting the other day. Not used to ties etc, the uniform feels better. Also that is a birthmark on my forehead XD. Ugh just realized I've gotten fat over the Christmas stand...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUyMpX08xk0\nHyouka - Good anime! Also welcome to the forum gingermouse, the INFJ section is one of the most lively so i'm sure there will be heaps of interesting topics\nHaha INFJ's are the worst for hiding our vulnerabilities, that's our trademark. Well, not neccesarily in a close relationship, but in general life we are one of the most guarded types.\nI'm a huge anime fan myself and no I couldn't care less what people think. Also has anyone else seen Your Name (Kimi no na wa) yet? SO FREAKING GOOD! (watched it like 8 times in a row a couple of...\nAs I mentioned in the other thread, INFJ's should be emotional conduits. We don't absorb the emotions so much but rather we let the emotions of others flow through us. This is why youfelt aggravated...\nMy first girlfriend was an INTP and its a pairing that can have trouble communicating some things. I think you should have a direct conversation about it and she will greatly appreciate it and you...\nSoldier in the Australian Army, and yes and no. It all depends who my direct rank are, that makes or breaks me.\nHmm well I don't actually have a completely peaceful, welcoming worldview. I recognize evil for what it is, good for what it is and the maelstrom that is the in between. But yes, allowing ourselves...\nThank you, but just as you said I am still a long way off true balance. I believe that self observation and being able to judge myself and future steps in a fair and balanced way is important. INFJ's...\nI felt like this a lot too, and being a soldier doesn't exactly give Fe a lot of room to flourish, however I have grown a lot in other ways because of it. I think it was entirely by chance that I...\nIt took me a very long time with a lot of self observation and growth to get here. It certainly isn't perfect but I am starting to understand it. For me I was the same, unless it was strong emotion I...\nI still do have my own emotions, I merely need to be careful otherwise i'd just be breaking down everywhere I go haha. its both really, my Fe allows me to connect to others emotions and my own will...\nThis is something I have only recently started to fully understand. INFJ's heavily repress our emotions most of the time because we are conduits for others' emotions. Other people's emotions flow...\nBeing an ambivert has helped me to fit in in most places. However in my job (Army) there are a lot of XSTJ's who either really don't get or are put off by how radically different we are. having said...\nI'm a Phlegmatic-Sanguine\nPrimary or high school? Primary was heatley and aitkenvale and high school was Kirwan from year 8-11 and year 12 at william ross.\nYeah I lived in Townsville from 1999 till 2014 so we probably have bumped into each other at some point.\nHey you live in my hometown (Townsville), i'm in Brisbane at the moment.\nWithin Australia every state except Tasmania Outside Australia i've been to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand and hopefully later this year America. Singapore is my favourite so far its just...\nHaha indeed, however its more likely that I would not be accepted into the position by those power brokers. However I hope that by the time I am ready and experienced enough to take the role the...\nI do intend to go into politics later in life. I am more of an ambivert but I can still get overwhealmed after awhile. I think my passion to enact lasting social change and improve the world would...\nMusic has always been important to me, and its a great way for me to amplify and focus my thoughts and emotions. Considering i'm the classic world helper type of INFJ I like punk/ska punk the most...\nMy biological mother was emotionally and mentally abusive my whole life and since I left home at 17 I havent looked back. Strange enough I dont feel any ill will towards her. I guess I just decided...\nYeah he's so incredible. Posted to singapore 10 days before it fell he worked on the railway for years seeing his friends die, then was sent to japan to work in a coal mine until the end of the war....\nANZAC day was earlier this week. I was in Thailand doing a Cataflaque party (Rest on arms) (the man behind me was a WW2 POW who worked on the death railway laying a wreath)...\nI have found that the most people who have interested me tge most have been XNTP's and my first relationship was with an INTP so I would tend to agree.\nOh you guys are here too?\nParty time in Phuket http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q668/steven_barker2/Mobile%20Uploads/20160403_124727_zpsyhricm3x.jpg ...\nAh there's the twist, you are moving from the concept of God as a metaphysical entity to the active concept of God. W ed could not possibly know its intentions and its entirely possible that God...\nJust pointing out that the existence of God is not a scientific question. The existence of God is not testable, observable, repetable or falsifiable thus not a matter for science. The evidence for or...\nSorry for another post so soon. I'm third from the left with the GLA attachment http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q668/steven_barker2/Mobile%20Uploads/P3140591_zpsjkktqz7r.jpg Me looking...\nYeah that is me sometimes, however it is genuine warmth. The calculated part is really just me studying people subconsciously.\nunsure what you mean. If you mean what to do with the licenses you accrue while in, i'd assume that it would be the same as here with a civilian cross over based on the type and class.\nOn the way down to Singapore http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q668/steven_barker2/Mobile%20Uploads/20160309_140202-1_zpsmitrgb9e.jpg\nhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DBIHHTsROABE&ved=0ahUKEwjqt_2PrpjLAhXJno4KHbsWDVAQtwIIIDAB&usg=AFQjCNEwROJw_DGIQHJjvqPhWVYur2JkuQ\nI avoid fighting, but if someone takes a swing after I warn them then I take a Ender Wiggin approach with a short and ruthless attack that scares them into never attacking me again.'
'I'm good with tools but I don't own a car, I'm alright with my hands. It's all about context and perspective - like Sarah Connor in the first Terminator (from the 1980s, I recommend watching atleast...\nI'm polite to everyone who is polite to me. On the same hand, do something assholish, too self-centered, too arrogant I tend to not make conversation and cut you out completely. I have zero qualms...\nI just had an epiphany about myself and opening up. I've had a friend for several months, hung out with her and her friends numerous times. I respect her and dig her, she's cool peoples. She's...\nWorld's going to shit and all I can think is; 'boy, I can't wait to make enough money to live somewhere quiet with a bunch of dogs.'\nYes Cinnamon83 I could kiss you. :)\nIt's probably research related. I research and dig up everything I can find on anything I really really want to do. The best example is a job. The current job I'm doing I literally researched it;...\nIt's awesome, I dance like no one's looking and give no cares.\nThis is fine and all but Socionics =/= Myers Briggs Type Indicator. They're completely different.\nI did exceptionally well in English classes and any class that required essay answers. Speeches and presentations were always pretty strong from me as well. Two month update? I am...\nBack, somewhat. I'm a little perturbed by inauthenticity in people this week. Had some issues with my team, one person freaking out and jumping to conclusions - he went behind our backs and did...\nWe're ISTPs. We don't sweat the small stuff. I'll PM you my stuff.\nSure, I play Guild Wars 2. I'm not a pro - but the tournaments that I play in often has the pro teams. A few weeks ago my team got smashed by #1 team in America (could be arguable in the world,...\nI'd be down for a group skype or whatever. Although if I did it it'd probably have to be when I get home. And hey if you're ever in town let's hang. :) I'm pretty much down for hanging out.\nThat works for me. :) We'll chat more when you fully move and what have you. I'm sure both myself and Cinnamon83 can hook you up with some pretty legit awesome places. It really depends on...\nI'm down, name the time and place (hopefully a weekend). :)\nI'm super duper fookin' aggressive in things I'm into. It's like to a whole new level of aggressive. Granted I won't just run off and do something and lose on purpose. I'll run out and test my...\nI'm from MN you know. ;)\nBack, sorta. Haha. New job going well, school is trouble. Haven't started classes yet but I'm having some issues with the facilities, the way their hours line up and the way my work hours line...\nI have no words for this. I yield internet. I yield.\nCool cool. With my new promotion I went from answering phones all day long to making calls out all day long to get people to work for us. :) I start on wednesday. Here's to hoping it works...\nI agree with this whole heartedly. I didn't feel like I could contribute. I love writing, in fact it's my dream profession. I have more books on that subject than any other at the moment....\nSad to see you're not one of us friend. :( Happy for your new job though! WOO HOO! What will you do now if you can disclose? --- side note, musing. Did really well in sPVP tournament. We...\nGot stuck training someone else, but I think this is the last time for this team. I'm going back to school however I need to pay a small fee. Also got that job!!!!!!\nFinally got a break from training people. I'm so happy emotionally because it's really taken it's toll on me personally. Had an interview for a higher position. I'm uncertain with my future here...\nSame, didn't care about parties, dances or other sport things. Also didn't care for the stuff like letterman's jackets and class rings. I thought they were a colossal waste of money, low and...\nI love animals. In terms of cat vs dog vs bird vs rodents vs fish vs lizards - I'm way more of a dog person. I'm also starting to like cats a bit more then I used to. I believe that eventually,...\nI think my interview went well. All things considered if I do well here, I get a raise in pay and a bit less stressful job. I won't be answering phones and when I do answer. The calls won't be 70...\nThings I'm good with; Musical editing/sound stuff, splicing tracks together looping lots of stuff here. Public Speaking (I kind of picked up on it in high school and took classes beyond college,...\nExperiencing highs and lows this week; Highs; No training. Interview. Vacation on the 9th. Got an extra check based on information provided to me. Lows; I'm not going to say anything about...\nI'm mostly chill. I won't stick up for myself unless I know someone's being a complete jerk for whatever reason. I also won't tolerate people mistreating others. I'm not the type that'll stick...\nOne, she might've been INFP or INTP. She messed me up long term. I don't trust anyone anymore.\nOn a more positive note. Not sick, also resolved computer issue at home in very short order. I have a short term bandaid on it, but it might turn into a major problem 4-6 months down the line.\nIt's seriously been over a month where I'm training some person. I haven't had a full week to myself. I don't know... I'm starting to feel at my wit's end. No personal space, hurried up on the phone...\nNow I'm training multiple people at once. My bosses boss really loves my training methods, and we're starving for people.\nWhat a seriously oblivious jerk. I can imagine how you felt because I had a girl I wanted to go do a certain date with. We didn't get to do it because I couldn't afford it, but I saw *she* did it...\nI'm very, very slow to anger. When I do, it's a huge volcano explosion. That being said I *actually* got really ticked off at a co-worker of mine. Co-worker was very... unprofessional and very...\nWhile I'm not attracted to her romantically, I have a buddy who is an ENFP. She's seriously awesome. She's extremely thoughtful and courteous and very loving. She's also very quirky and very much...\nRandom thoughts... Hmm. Potential interview coming up, not sure how this will roll out. I'm hoping I atleast get my foot in the door and get a face to face with the guy hiring. If I can do that I...\nI love cooking and I love really really really deeply listening to music. I'll go pretty deep with it. Break down each instrument I hear in a song, notice the energy I get from it, the words/meaning...\nI do, unfortunately since most of my jobs require human interaction I read people like a book flat out sometimes when they want something from me. I also have little patience for people wanting to...\nThe only difference for me and my birthday is that if I'm not working on that day. Don't wake me up. Leave me the fuck alone. I don't want any presents from anyone, I'll accept cards and like...\nI'm not. I'll like something. I posted a funny comment/status update the other day (i.e. last weekend?) that got around 20 likes.\nI'm in the process of making one myself. Going to go for a raise. Had my year review, went well, got a raise. Got told I'm an all arounder and someone that my boss *loves* to have on her team....\nI typically ignore approval seeking behavior. I just couldn't be bothered. I think it's the non-chalant IDGAF vibe I generally put out. I'm not completely apathetic though. I'm the most positive...\nSo... My ENFP friend knows me well. I was talking to her about someone I was attracted to. She had a light in her eyes when I started speaking about it. Me: Eh... I think by now you know my...\nOh crud, I @ the wrong person. I just realized that. Hahah, it's what I get. They have me training someone yet again at work. = My protege's are getting high, rave reviews though versus the...\nYou know like... Batman's parents were killed in front of him so he trained to enhance his skills and avenge his parents. Spider Man got bit by a radioactive spider, gained powers and used them...\nI'm apathetic in general. Those who I count amongst my bestest of friends are the ones that know that I'm super apathetic. It's not that I don't like people or go through phases of just being busy...\ncool, what's your super hero origin story? I must know. Gotta chance to talk to a very cute girl @ work alone (finally) without anyone there, or pressure. Got her fb, long story short easiest...\nHonestly, I'm a nephew, brother, and an uncle. I have friends that have kids, some without father figures and some with. I can actually see where the woman is coming from in this situation. What the...'
'Ava82, I want to thank you deeply. I have received many good responses from INFJs on this forum, but this one was by far the most humble. I appreciate this. May I ask you more details about what...\nI promised her that I would not contact her at all for three weeks. That's why I rejected your advice. I still appreciate it, regardless.\nAlthough it's very painful to admit because I truly don't want to lose this woman, my intuition is telling me that the above statements are the most accurate in regard to this situation. It hurts, it...\nI appreciate the contrast of your advice. Nevertheless, I think this would be very wrong. It would show that I can't give her space. She has expressed that it's not romance that she wants, she...\nShe did end the relationship. We are on a three week break/rethink period only because I requested it after she broke it off. I want to do anything I can. I am a fighter, I don't give up. But I...\nYour advice is passionate and fills me with me hope. It's uplifting. But there is little that is worse than FALSE hope. You say fight for her. But how? I want to, I want to do anything I can, but I...\nWhat did she do that broke your trust?\nI really appreciate your caring words. You could not be anymore right than what you say about health.\nI see. Just to make it clear: what broke her trust was that I would often show up at her house unannounced during stressful situations. I invaded her personal space. I do believe she still has...\n[QUOTE=Kozokana;3032766]If it was something major, that really upset me I would probably wait a while before trying to rekindle things, if ever. QUOTE] Do you think you could pin-point what the...\nThank you, INFJs. Your advice has been insightful. Please keep it coming. I would like as many opinions and experience reports as possible.\nShe knows that I felt upset about it. I actually got the shakes when she told me about it. But she also knows that I do not want to control her, that I want her to do whatever she wants. You can't...\nYeah, I don't think she ever had a problem understanding why I did it. She basically cannot let the good of our relationship (similar interests, spiritual connectivity, and general good times)...\nIs it ever too late? If so, how can you tell with an INFJ?\nThis is a good point. I think if I valued the person greatly, if I had a deep desire for them to be in my life, if I could see that they were making a serious, earnest attempt to be trusted, then yes...\nI appreciate your response. I would really like to earn her trust back, no matter how much patience it involves. I think it would help you to know the way in which I violated her trust: I showed up...\nHello everyone, I am an INTJ male. I was recently in a serious relationship with an INFJ female. She ended the relationship mainly because of trust issues between us. Although she could easily admit...\nHello everyone, I am an INTJ male. I was recently in a serious relationship with an INFJ female. She ended the relationship mainly because of trust issues between us. Although she could easily admit...\nI can relate completely. I test as INTJ all the time, but I relate way more authentically with the INFJ description. Plus, my intuition tells me I am an INFJ. I just like to think that I have the...\nEvery moment of suffering must be transformed into beauty: The door is locked shut and you are on the street dumbfounded: The disciple has been abandoned by the master. It is finally time for...\nENFP/INFJ interaction is the rhythm of a rushing stream in the midst of a peaceful meadow. Our interaction, when it is flowing freely, is both exhilarating and balanced.\nThis gives me hope that there are more ENFPs with such dedication!\nI would definitely move for someone special, for that is what makes them special, that I would move to them. Location, form, mean nothing, we give home the meaning it contains.\nOkay, that's it: sounds as if it is time to have a big ol' PerCafe INFJs who want to meet other INFJs party! The location? A temple sitting on top of the holiest of mountains. Please RSVP to me.\nI am Ukrainian. And, yes, I appreciate Tolstoy very much. I like hockey but I do not play it. Go on being cryptic, I like it. When you say it has to do with the Goddess, I am led to think that you...\nFemale INFJ: I am not sure why you feel this way; there are plenty of male INFJs out there looking to connect with INFJ women (I'd know, I am one of them). Your fantasy is not so far-fetched and...\nWhy certainly, please come along.\nAllow the experience of beauty to come at you in any way and you have touched infinity, a boundless existence. Rendered limitless, you can step out of time, you can stab time. You can fly forever...\nFor Beauty.\noooooooooo yes, I certainly have danced with the devil many times by moonlight. It was the devil that put that swing into my body, yes, it was the devil that possessed my every move. This source,...\nyessssss, ENFP in pink pants!\nEvery night, before I go to bed I try to focus on what I would like to dream about, on what answers I would like to extract from my unconscious. I aim at lucidity every night.\nThis is beautiful. I love it. You are so right, you know that, right; it's dead on. I appreciate you for putting this on here.\nThanks Sassypjs! Might a say, looking sassy in those new shoes!\nYes I would enjoy that. However, I've always had trouble finding clothes that fit me well at thrift stores. I usually justify paying for a new article of clothing by the fact that it fits me well....\nYou got it; I am with you on this one. I love the costume game of picking what to wear each day. Clothing is an easy outlet for self expression.\nYou took the words right out of my mouth; you've got it, I've been there.\nSaid experience is mutual, friend; I've been in your place many a time.\nSo Little Richard once said that any problem can be solved by dancing. I agree with the man; I resolve much of my stress via manic dancing to my favorite vinyls. If there's one thing I know about...\nDo you cry? Yes. If so, how often? Definitely not as often as I used to; I have become more like a rock when it comes to negative emotions. That is, I am determined to not let my negative...\nI've thought in the past that I wanted be an INTJ because I was under the illusion that they had all my type's good qualities and none of the bad, i.e. they were more rational. But since then I have...\nI am most heavily influenced by the work of Omar Rodriguez-Lopez (the mastermind behind the music project known as The Mars Volta) and Phil Elverum (mt. eerie and the microphones). A week ago, I...\nYes it is. I am flattered that you think my physical features are up to par.\nThat's right! How could I have forgotten the joys of owning a pig?!\nI would like to know which of you are heavily into the work of Phil Elverum/the microphones/mt. eerie.\nDog: Austrailian Shepherd. My Aussie is an ENFP! He is my traditional match.\nDog: Australian Shepherd. My aussie is an ENFP! He is my traditional match.\nYou Puerto Ricans play some sexy guitar. Omar releases a large supply of albums aside from his work w/ the mars volta. Check it out if you are unaware. His music carries a great deal of emotion.\nWho here is a fan? Come on out! I am trying to connect with you on the deepest of levels.\nINFJs who are into the films and projects of Alejandro Jodorowsky: come on outta the woodwork!'
'i tend to be insecure a lot, for various reasons. and sometimes depressed. but things have been going well for me lately :) i'm definitely still sometimes quiet and need alone time. i could never...\nPretty sure I'm INFP, not ENFP, but I'm thinking you guys will have good feedback for me :) I've always been pretty reserved around people, even my closest friends - quiet, cautious, neutral - to...\nI've always been good at writing. My mom used to tell me I was going to write the next great american novel, haha. But it's never been something I've pursued seriously, partly out of stubbornness -...\nMolting, eh? That's a great way to describe it :) I think I do it pretty frequently - in fact, the happier I am in life, the more often I renew. I'd say every couple of weeks I make a small shift...\nI get asked for directions all the time, too. I was living in a big city last semester, which I was not at all familiar with, but every single time I went out I ended up helping some lost tourist. ...\nOh man, are we twins? Same age and timeframe, even. I've been working on the emotions/repression thing for a little longer, though, and I promise it gets easier :) Feel free to PM me if you want...\nI have meditated off and on over the past couple years.... generally it's been a great thing for me. But a couple of months I sat and had a similar experience, to the point that I had a small panic...\nthat was me up until my early teens. i've mellowed out, but occasionally i do get the urge to pick a fight. i always thought i was because i wasn't getting the kind of emotional response i needed...\nOk, I have a question, nothing to share. So, I've been trying to do more creative type things. Just for myself, in a sketchbook or whatever. And, like any good INFP, I have TONS of ideas. ...\nI've wanted to be a vet, travel agent, journalist, photographer, architect, olympic athlete (hah), naturalist, marine biologist, owner of a pet store, dog trainer, and many other things i can't think...\nHah, I'm not looking to feel like the best type ever, just not the worst :P And honestly, I don't really think these are all great traits... I don't find them particularly healthy for me or for a...\nHey, I'm feeling better about things, thanks everyone :) I figure that since there's no way to change my personality type, I should just accept it and use what skills and energy I have to try and be...\nIt does help me to feel better, but I'm not in a position to go seek that out right now... Thankfully I'm not really shy, so it shouldn't be too hard to connect with someone new in a different way....\nThis is a really good point. I should look for something concrete to change in my life instead. Do something different, meet someone new or something. Thanks for the direction :)\njust because it makes life complicated, i suppose. sometimes i just need to do something - make a practical decision, do a job i'm not particularly into, etc - and i always have to sort through a...\ni've actually been doing really well lately as far as taking care of myself. and i'm reasonably self-confident and not depressed. i don't know, i guess i'm just feeling restless and taking it out...\n[warning, self-indulgent whining ahead.] For some reason I'm feeling kind of negative about being infp lately. I can feel all my limitations and I keep blaming them on being too introverted, too...\nI have to point out that there's nothing really wrong with you for not being emotionally-driven. You are who you are and as long as you're not intentionally hurting others, I think you're ok :) ...\nI've been told often that I should consider teaching and I think I would love it, especially at the younger ages. Sadly, I'm not a huge fan of the education system in America, so I don't think I'll...\nI drink only occasionally, but when I do am the OPPOSITE of life of the party. For some reason it completely shuts down my brain and I have almost nothing to say, lol. I wish it were the...\nWow, that conclusion really gave me a whole new understanding of P/J and how it plays out in my own personality. Thanks for this :)\nThere's a theory that deja vu occurs when your brain is attempting to match a new experience to the bank of accumulated experiences in your past. Our minds generally operate by categorizing...\nI'm mostly in the NF, INFP, and ENFP forums. But I didn't know about the unread posts link before... I'll probably try that now!\nOne thing that might help is to be really clear about what you would like her to do. Have a list of specific things - making a meal, cleaning a certain room, the vacuuming, etc. I know that when I...\nHaha, that is terribly true, of course. I find that I can express exactly what I am thinking in writing. On the other hand, sometimes I find out there were things in my mind that I didn't even know...\nI'm pretty terrible at getting what I want or need in general. But I think it's important to be able to do if I want to stay happy and healthy, so I really push myself. I think it's best not to...\nI've run into a personal barrier that is really frustrating me right now, which is: I love abstraction. Abstract ideas, concepts, imagery, discussion. I'm quite good at understanding abstract...\nI definitely internalize my stress and anxiety very easily, and it often affects my breathing. Sometimes I hyperventilate, or forget to breathe, or feel as if I have forgotten how to breathe and...\nOk, I'm going to try and steer things back towards this list: I am definitely HSP - something I've always attributed to being a preemie, but who knows. I've become less sensitive over the...\nI'm looking forward to graduating college, buying a new bike, and living in the same place as my little brother again! And, of course, learning and growing, as always :)\nActually, I am the world's most boring drunk ever! Alcohol doesn't loosen me up, it just slows my brain down so I have nothing to say.. However, I drink very little, partly because there's a...\nI guess I mean why do you use the word disgusted? What would cause disgusted Fi? Just negative emotions?\nBut that's a more typical response for me and I know how to handle that ok.... this is a more subconscious, overwhelming thing. And there's no reason I can think of for a simple suggestion like that...\nHahaha I bet your parents were thrilled :crazy: What do you mean by this? I'm sure I'm not OCD...\nOk this is a long shot, but I'd love to know if others experience this or have any insight into it... Sometimes when I tune into my internal dialogue, I am just kind of silently screaming NO! ...\ni'm more often happy, but it's usually overshadowed by anxiety\nI'm very interested in biology, especially aquatic and marine, and ecology. I love to learn about them and study on my own, but I can't stand the rigidity of actually working in these fields :X ...\nINFP poking in here to say: It's really unnerving when people take of their masks. If that girl thinks she truly knows you one way and then you suddenly switch, she could be confused and maybe...\nYeah, in a situation where I'm emotionally invested and the other person shuts off, I can get pretty panicky. I need to know what the other person is thinking/feeling in order to respond and I need...\nPretty much everything that Ammon wrote rings true to me. I also had to teach myself how to take a compliment after someone I really admired pointed out that it's kind of rude to dodge them. Now...\ndoes anyone here meditate on a regular basis? what's your routine? how has it helped you/what effects have you noticed? i've been very interested in practicing, but of course my struggle has...\nI worked with an ENFP girl for quite a while... it was a food-service job where we had a lot of interaction with customers and of course she loved to talk with EVERYONE. However, there were a couple...\nOk, I've never met anyone else who does this, but I bet there's some infps who know what I'm talking about: I get words stuck in my head. Like, I'll be talking/listening to...\nI'm way too self-conscious to do impressions like that .... I think drifting off half-way through a sentence is my worst trait and I do it more and more often these days. I also always pick at my...\nI've spent a lot of time feeling EXACTLY this way. Eventually someone helped me see that it was just a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with fear and insecurity: if I held this vision of myself at...\nit sounds like religion is a big force in your life. could you speak privately to someone in your church about your problems and concerns? a priest/minister/rabbi/religious leader might be able to...\ncould you explain a little more what you mean by a difference between our extroverted character and introverted feeler and how it would result in you using we in your mind? i used to narrate...\nI sincerely doubt that there is any correlation between type and sexual orientation or gender identity. but, for what it's worth: my bio-sex is female, i suppose i'm somewhat genderqueer (in that...\nI agree with the suggestion to have a study partner. I've always done my best work when I'm working with someone, it's just much more fun and interesting!\nIt's okay to judge people's actions, but I don't think you should judge people's inherent traits. You really can't avoid applying a worldview to anything you experience. And I'm not sure why,...'
'Wow...I am starting to believe that all INFP women really ARE gorgeous.\nWell, I can't speak for other INFPs, but I know that the process of actually wooing and courting somebody usually starts very indirectly...with trying to find some safe way of arranging a...\nIf we didn't keep it inside... Hmmm...interesting thought. Probably because we wouldn't have the same overwhelming Wow! You're the most amazing, understanding, supportive, brilliant, deep,...\nThe only thing those villagers hate worse than ogres are mimes...\nIt's because our love is empathy-fueled, which itself, is pain-fueled, which is usually rejection-fueled...which is fueled by tiny midgets in my back pocket...O_O\nI hate caring for people. I hate caring about what people say and think about me. I hate that I NEED to feel loved, yet am unable to. I hate sardines............O_O I hate that even with INFPs, I...\nAre you a Mime? I don't know... Do mimes type? They don't talk... I don't know if you can be likable as a mime if you're communicating with words.\nI'll admit, it was a little odd to have a guy flirt with me so aggressively, but you were persistent, so congratulations on your award. I wanted to say that before the restraining order was in...\nAn INFP...is like a sad mime that smiles for everybody who stops to appreciate it's unique characteristic of being able to invoke a feeling of familiarity and understanding with whoever looks into...\nWhy do we always have to be such martyrs? Haha!\nI've had a remarkably similar experience... It's actually quite traumatic, and shouldn't be so common, and yet... Do you think that's an INFP thing? We can be so benevolent that we'll forgive...\n3 days... Insomnia sucks. If I know I have to be up early, I can't sleep unless I'm in bed 10 hours before I gotta be up...which sucks, seeing as I go to bed when many people wake up.\nHaha! How true.\nI have excercised my T functions in that department. I've found that truth is an important part of helping people grow, so I put a high value on telling people what they need to hear more than what...\nSame here, actually. It was pretty traumatic, and definitely stayed with me, even up to now. I wonder if that's an ingredient for INFPness...\nWell, INFP females are all adorable and desired. No doubt there. Males? Argh...not as easy. I still like being an INFP, though. Best lovers on the planet. ;)\nWell, you need one good in, and one good out... Okay, I'm done. Couldn't resist.\nOh... I am sure you have some healing powers. All _NFPs do. For example, I give supernaturally blissful massages. ;)\nI think that, in this situation, she should try really hard not to make assumptions, even logical ones. Also, the sister-sister relationship will affect the whole family, so there should be more...\nI don't know... Maybe if you used those powers on me... ;)\nIt's a common mix-up. I ran into some pirates on the way here. My ninjas and I took them out with little effort, but I can see how it would pose a problem to a delicate flower such as yourself. ;)\nI think INFP are wonderful healers, especially if you devote your life to it in some way.\nQuite true. :mellow:\nSame way the rest of us did... A magical portal opned up into the land of unicorns, and then, upon touching a unicorn horn, you used the power of love to teleport here.\nWith you up until the lack of make-up part. Haha!\nI'd love to see your Te come out... ;)\nJust because something is traditional doesn't mean it's wrong. There are two extremes. To be an INFP means to find what is true and beneficial, not just what we prefer.\nHAHAHA! Brilliant deduction.\nAnd there we have a typical INFP/ENFP relationship...in a nutshell.\n:D Marry me.\nWhat!? Oh no you didn't! How dare you!? Just what are you implying? Ugh...I thought you were different. You think you're better than me, is that it!? Argh...\nNo, no...see! That's totally the opposite of what you should practice. Practice holding back everything and becoming a repressed INFP. :)\nMy advice was personalized to her situation with her sister. There's a balance. I don't think there's a one size fits all solution.\nI suppose that can only be the truth.\nAre you sure you're an INFP? Haha! Not much can be said except that I totally disagree with you. You shouldn't just get rid of everything that makes you unhappy! Sometimes the most fulfilling...\nYou should keep in mind that, when it comes to sibling rivalry, they will always be more sensitive when a parent is involved. Having even the appearance of your parent siding with the other sibling...\nWhile I do understand the logic in where you're coming from, I don't think letting even more manipulation into the game would help things in the long run. (That's what I would call the...\nWell, in this case, it may be wise to give each other as much space as possible. That's family for ya.\nIf you didn't already state that she was an ESTJ, I'd say she sounds like a scorned INFP. Haha! You know, the family dynamic is a whole different dynamic than with any other social circle. I have...\nWelcome. The amazing thing is that...you may genuinely be welcomed here. :)\nHey, bro! I am also an INFP Nate. When are INFPs not stressed with females screwing with our minds? We get stressed from anything.\nMy guess is INTP. Possibly INFP, but the making plans part suggests otherwise.\nGet rich. You can buy love.\nI have only read the first sentence. INFP. Why? INFPs use words like Er...' in sentences to convey emotion. Yes. I am a genius. Love me.\nYes...knowing that you will probably have to wait 30 years for people to catch up is a pain in the ass...\nActually, I can totally relate to that. If I really like somebody, chances are, I'll not be anywhere near them. Too overwhelmed. I usually try to manipulate events around us until we just...\nENFP that hates herself. I believe that, to an INFP, that is called a Siren's call. Let me cheer you up... :) :) :)\nYou may be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! Ever! Can I see a pic, by the way?\nWhy have a sea when you can have an ocean of love, instead. ;)\nCrazy... Some people.. You know what...? You're really nice! Funny, too! Actually, I think I'm in love with you! :) :) :) :)'
'Despite...\n:BD (Above- My version of the sagan-smile) Love that man. Thanks for the lulz. :P\nFairly sure SaiKick isn't suggesting that he's anti-gay, or wants to force his friend into anything. He simply realizes now that his friend may have been going through things he wasn't aware of,...\nI know exactly how you feel when it comes to weekends, and I haven't really found the solution either. But one thing I can tell you is that just, say, going out and taking a walk, helps massively. ...\nI was going to post about thinking I was overly rambley and shy, but then I thought I was being too rambley and shy. http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af253/nanacwinchester/Pics/foreveralone.jpg...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrBaV5MvX_4&feature=related I love related videos.\nAH! I've got it. Fart jokes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMX8L7Yxyfk&feature=related (Alternatively, I've always wanted to make a kitchen pot drum set. I haven't played drums, it'd just...\nI always thought of smoking (tobacco, anyway) as something you either don't do at all, or end up doing too much. You don't see too many casual smokers, but, that's because they're casual smokers- ...\nIt's been rainy up here in Schuylkill too. : I'd love it if there were some epic thunderstorms, but it's just... mud and wet. Mud and wet is not desirable, especially since I hate wearing shoes.\nI was born in 1995 [Only caught the butt-end of the good kids'-TV era. ) : ], and I wasted many an hour in front of the tube watching stupid crap like everyone else. But, there was this one show...\nI started getting really good at (and enjoying) a THIRD person shooter... thingy... called Exteel... And then they shut it down because it wasn't making money. -_- Just as I got my good...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ykpwr8K3M4\nAnd why can't I find any god-damned way to put my arms that isn't awkward?\n*Answers roar* Oh man. Even if the gameplay turns out crappy like Oblivion, that game looks friggin gorgeous. I hope they take more than just the musical style of Morrowind (Though that's...\nHaven't seen the movie yet, but the song's good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTOVcREgDZ0\nINFP is my guess. =P\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY5i4-rWh44\nOpposites are tricky... Because, really, if you're going to think of an opposite for something at all, you have to limit yourself to categories. You may think, red is the opposite of blue... but...\nAs one who is 15, with currently very few personal relationships, little to occupy myself and a continual fear that I'll never get out of a cycle of apathy and stagnation... Well... I was just...\nhttp://www.bite.ca/bitedaily/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/ringo-apple.jpg My new Avatar, methinks. :D\nHmm... perhaps I picked out a particularly dumb-in-the-face article. I didn't actually give it more than a brief glance, you see. It's not where I learned of the moist-hate. ^_^; Personally, I...\nOddly enough, that is one of the most generally disliked words in the English language... Poor Moist. Why Do We Hate the Word Moist? Personally, when I pick my brain, I seem to take a liking to...\nVery accurate! :laughing: I always love it when I have the house to myself and I'm in this mood, so I can just act crazy. It's also why I enjoy long, solitary walks... I swear, if I'm with anybody...\nWhat tends to get to me is when I'm trying to share something with somebody that I think would really open their mind; a book/video/et-cetera, or simply speaking to them about it, and they call it...\nI break your hardcore-ness streak! Huhah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgpcpXCq3mw\nVery nice. :proud: I'm aware that the instrument doesn't make the artist- But, in a line of reasoning I'm guessing many here are familiar with, our camera takes film, and gosh darnit that's just...\nI could never really get into chess myself... perhaps I just haven't given it enough of a chance? Who knows. Either way, scrabble's more my kinda game, though not my first choice of activities. I...\nWhatever happened to the wah-wah pedal... and where did all the old ones go? What do you do with an old wah-wah pedal? I mean, you can't just... throw it away... I bet there's a lot of wah-wah...\nI'm definitely interested in photography... I just don't actually have a decent camera yet. :frustrating: I'd like some sort of creative outlet, but I have absolutely no skill as far as drawing...\n-60's-70's music -Good movies (I only recently started watching a bunch) -Tragically... The Sims 3. :unsure: A bit boring. Apologies. :mellow:\nI'm of the opinion that you can't really... define... something like justice entirely. Definitions are built upon certain deeply thought-out assumptions that vary from person to person, and therefore...\nHow different would math be if we had eleven fingers? What about no fingers at all? What would we count with? Would we even have math? Sometimes, listening to bad pop music can be made more...\nWell, philosophy's always good for a bit of learnin's. Don't know if that's your thing, though, or maybe it's nothing new to you. Who knows? :mellow: If you're looking to get random interesting...\nWhen you know your misery at work/school/whatever probably has partly to do with lack of sleep, but you need your internetz time, damnit.\nWell, if you think about it* much polite conduct has its roots in (though I am not saying it necessarily IS) submission. So it's possible that these people simply get viewed, subconsciously or...\n(Feel free to move this to... wherever. Originally was going to post it to NT's forum, but I figured I'd share the headache. I didn't feel that debate was the best forum either, since the person...\nHmm. Funny. That seems to be the opposite of what the general consensus about INTP's is. We always seem to be described as being intensely focused on the big picture. (Intensely focused on not...\n(Sorry if this is a no-duh thing. Just felt the need to bring it up. :crazy: ) I'm fairly sure this just has to do with how the brain works. Since you're doing something repetitive, it doesn't...\nI tend to have some depression just before the physical parts of the fun begins. I generally act more reclusive and nom people's faces a bit more than usual when they interrupt my solitude. xP Not...\nI've never experienced this directly, personally- I'm lucky enough to have parents that don't treat their kids like little manipulable meat-puppets. I'm fairly free to do what I want how I want to do...\nWell, I can't offer much explanation, but I do relate. I've come to simply accept it- Emotions aren't, after all, all there is to life/reality. It has to do, I'm sure, with simply being INTP and that...\nWell, if you feel INTP describes you best, then that's what you (probably) are. But I just want to point out that simply because ISFP is tagged The Artist does not mean all ISFP's have to be good...\nNevermind. o_O It started to work almost immediately after I posted this. Weirdness.\nMy personal experience with an INFP (ONE, just an individual case. Just thought I'd throw it out there, not trying to make generalizations) has been... sort of meh, really. I'm not entirely sure it's...\nI don't think I started out an INTP. It was probably just the fact that the first few grades in school tend to suck a lot less, but I was much more interested in school, seeking the attention of the...\nI am *definitely* argumentative at school, but, since I'm just generally in an awful mood all the time in that place (And nobody there reacts well to their authority-complex being disrupted) I try to...\nThe typical $19.95 commercial that depicts something as far more difficult/painful than it is. : Look!! This knife can't even cut through a sponge! *Woman presses knife lightly against sponge....\nI'm pretty sure that fear is fairly rational. http://www.myptsmail.com/hotdog256/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/charles_manson.jpg\nCuteness overload!! Gaaagh! Logic centers... failing... www.jokelibrary.net/animals/d_to_z/rabbit-bambi.html\nI don't think it's really bashing so much as... observing, and stating an observation. Just thought I'd clarify before the snark-sharks got to it first. >_>'
'I love malapropisms. Carmine 'Little Carmine' Lupertazzi of The Sopranos is king at malapropisms https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=vJggSqCftgA\nhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_WyafRYPxIgBm0tJAIKPFbUTcY-QFGpT Fucking beautiful album this is. Production by DJ Quik, and Battlecat assisted on a couple of tracks. Ruthless Records,...\nOh wow, I didn't notice that about you! I don't understand the instinctual variants as deeply, but I think being SX rather than SP dominant makes a 5 less... 5ish. To a certain extent anyway. My...\nNo, this is the meeting of minds https://youtu.be/0VOUqw4VcsE Jesus Christ Carmine, what the fuck! Why would you possibly bring that up? :laughing: Well met, fellow 5w4 infj :proud:\nI think you will enjoy these too :crazy: https://i.imgur.com/lY3JRE1.gif http://i.imgur.com/TlHmzwR.gif\nhttps://i.imgur.com/kjE5syK.jpg That is so amazing. We have such a beautiful planet. Why must we insist on trashing it instead of preserving it? :sad: It's a game of cricket being enjoyed by...\nI always like the idea of Linux; it is the socialist OS. Socialism is love, socialism is life. Apple and Windows are so capitalist :bored: but I also like to play Rome Total War and Age of Empires,...\nWHAT! How can you be younger than me, it doesn't make any sense, I always thought you were much older because you seem a lot more mature than me haha Happy birthday :)\nReferences: Cassius Dio, Roman History LXII Pliny the Elder, Natural History XXX Livy, From the Foundation of the City XXIII Diodorus of Sicily, Bibliotheca Historica VI\nAs a classicist and a lover of ancient history, I can add that introverted and intuitive activities such as philosophy, or merely the act of writing itself - about anything - is once again something...\nNorthern Europeans did absolutely nothing until the last two, three hundred years. In antiquity, every invention, discovery and intellectual feat of any significance came from hot places: Africa,...\nI think the thing with Putin is he's ex-KGB, so he would have all sorts of excellent combat skills, hand-to-hand, using unconventional weapons, using melee weapons, and firearms. So even though he's...\nWhat did you pick me for, I'm Mumbai-born and my ancestors all come from Tamil Nadu... which is steaming hot 365 days a year: the annual average temperature is 34.2°C (93.6°F). That's what the...\nCarry less things in your bag If you must bring something like a textbook or a laptop that's heavy, carry it in your hand and free up your bag. It's better for your bag, shoulders, and back In...\nPlaying Rome Total War. I FOUND ANOTHER ONE OF ME http://i.imgur.com/tTsaxiE.jpg\nSocialism is love, socialism is life I like that you've made this thread :proud: I will spam it in due time with my ancient history\n:laughing: this is life right now for me too!!\nWhy do you all have to make such a straightforward thing so complicated? It's easy, just don't be a simp. If you like somebody don't try and express that by buying them things or doing favours for...\nwarweasel sorry to hear about your nephew, they can be quite ungrateful as I know first hand! Mine hits me all the time even though I play ball with him every day, which is like his favourite...\nIts probably a male thing rather than a mbti thing. Forearms are love, forearms are life. I wish I had massive forearms :sad: if I did, I'd show them off all the time, regardless of my relationship...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HM3Aow3-q8 Classic robbery track... if at any time in your life you find yourself about to pull a jack move, this is the tune to bang :smileys-sunbathing- ...\nTell me what you like specifically, and I might be able to verse you on it! :proud: This is a massive, long standing debate. Most of the INFJs here that I have gotten to know really well (and...\nSo! I was playing Europa Barbarorum, which is the historically accurate mod of Rome Total War, and guess who showed up on the load screen just then! https://i.imgur.com/S6N7Ngl.jpg These coins...\nI spent a good part of the day turning this abomination https://scontent.fbne1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/21616719_497114037308161_1771536441_o.jpg?oh=59d0906011deb9017fd980b7e4d7e841&oe=59B6102E...\nhttps://i.imgur.com/U19Iv1r.png It really bugs me when I see people upload phone screenshots like this. It's not the content, it's the uncleared notifications. I like things neat and organised....\nI'm 5w4 and I was looking up some profiles just then. The accuracy is so uncanny, it never ceases to make me laugh in amazement, and sometimes tug my collar with a slight sense of discomfort when...\nI'm 5w4 :happy: Sometimes I think I'm more INTJ-ish than INFJ. I do think I make better use of Te than Fe (albeit marginally), but I have absolutely no Fi at all, which makes me think I'm probably...\nFabi is into so many things\nThey are removed from the family tree though On the subject of illegitimate children of Pharoahs, Sigmund Freud once wrote an absolutely terrific book titled Moses and Monotheism, arguing that...\nRight, I have done a little bit of studying and let's now look at the Ptolemies. Before we begin, please accept my apologies for the inaccuracy of my previous post on the subject. Egypt was never...\nThat is an upsetting story, but at least the children should not have had the genetic trauma of such direct incest as was practiced by many ancient royal families. I posted a few weeks ago about the...\nYou have the epitome of so many #relationshipgoals I wish I knew more people who liked, encouraged, and shared in my intellectual curiosity and interests, instead of making me feel weird for being...\nYou guys have to learn something new about ancient history from me everyday (or to be precise, I learn something new in ancient history every day, and I post about it here). Today we're going to be...\nIf you're trying to do some market research, be advised that I ONLY buy things if they have been endorsed in classic hip-hop music. DJ Quik said, I went from wearing khakis to Sergio Tacchinis,...\nI'm under a lot of pressure right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxly4yS6kCw I'm stressed, smoking weed and nicotine But what I really need is promethazine\nWhy are so many conspiracy theorists obsessed with the one world currency, as if it's some new fangled idea? It's been that way since FOREVER. Thousands of years ago, gold was the one world currency....\nI think he's INTJ\nToday I was reading about Arthashastra, by Chanakya, who was an Indian philosopher and advisor to Chandragupta Maurya who lived through the late 4th century BCE. So, he was a contemporary of Plato,...\nI'm not worried about a Skynet style AI takeover at all. AI is shit and stupid, as anybody who's ever played a strategy game would know. Even if you build a self-learning AI, all it can ever learn is...\nMy dad is good at it\nWhat's that mean? I was joking about me turning gay for him\nMithridates VI of Pontus has such gorgeous hair https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Mithradates_VI_of_Pontos.jpg/272px-Mithradates_VI_of_Pontos.jpg ...\nWhat is my avatar It is Vahyavishdapaya, of the Sassanids. What is its story I was watching LegendofTotalWar's (the short tempered, foul mouthed Australian) recent Youtube upload of his...\nHow do you all deal with emotional stress/pain I withdraw into myself, keeping away from the source of my pain, whether that's an institution, event or experience in my life, or if it's an...\nSo basically, as long as something is represented like this https://i.imgur.com/RLH27Hf.png Instead of like this https://i.imgur.com/dQzSCLw.png (These are the exact same tracks:\nI always wanted this too, but when you do find someone like that, turns out they're different in the one way that actually matters most of all - they, unlike me, are not looking for a mirror image of...\nI have some questions for you all What makes something classical music? Does it have to be a certain age? Does it have to use certain instruments? Does it have to not use certain...\nWill to Power is stronger than Will to Life. Even the most powerful living things will risk life for more power. What does not kill me will only make me stronger.\nAll living beings strive to maximize their Will to Power; this is the meaning of life. That doesn't necessarily mean wielding power over others, though. I don't really want that. I mean, I could...\nSounds like me :laughing: while I wouldn't say something like that exactly, I do have a very dry sense of humour'
'Some emotions are easy to ignore. they are kind of like bugs buzzing inyour ear and you just swat them away. But every time I am feeling them none-the-less. I just fail to see how they help me witht...\nThank-you norina.You hit home to several things I was wondering about. I wish I knew more ESFJ's in my life. I need guys like you around in my life. And btw, the way you guys pick up on emotion...\nThank-you so much :) This helped me immensely. What you've said makes a lot of sense and gives me some hope, lol. I appreciate your time. Do you mind me asking your opinion? How might one such as...\nBasically, I'm kind of seeing/getting to know this ESFJ guy. We both know that we like each other, but he is getting over a past five-year relationship and not ready to move on yet, so I'm patiently...\nMe!!! Ize a bible thumper. Independent bible-believing baptist. Old king james only.\nI had never even heard of the five love languages actually. looked it up and I'm definitely a quality time person, possibly followed by acts of service. It's actually kind of eye opening. A lot of...\nTwo words. Sugar and Sleep. And lots of them. especially sleep.\nwow, super helpful. You are the bomb! thanks :)\nlol, totally not awkward and in fact very helpful ;D I'm very self critical so i have a hard time seeing anything about my self as being attractive, though I know others would disagree. What you...\nFirst off, you are the bomb! Thank-you for that reply. :) I can't begin to describe how helpful it is to know what's going through your head during conflicting times and the uhhh... antics?...\nlol, I do notice that everytime I look at a new post I almost always have to skim over the the first reply to see the serious replies below. It almost always is short, unhelpful, sarcastic, or...\nWhen I found out I was INTP, I was ecstatic. I was like I'm not the only one who feels this way!!!!? I studied it like crazy. It's been extremely helpful when trying to understand people who are...\nThank-you so much for your post! Very insightful, and very honest :) I have been studying the mbti types for years now and have applied to almost everything I do socially. It's really helpful and...\nk so...i'm a little awkward asking this, not sure how to word what i want to know and I kind of have several questions in one. So I'll start from the beginning. I really like this ISFP guy :blushed: ...\nThank-you! I have majorly been struggling to understand how fi works. and te for that matter. some functions are hard to explain, and even harder to grasp if they are the ones you struggle in :) your...\nGood. Whimpering is much easier on the ears. ^^Thank-you, however, for overcoming the pain in order to read it. You're a saint. And greatly appreciated. ^^\nlol, so true ^^ Is the post better now? My browser isn't upgraded for the spell-check feature to work, but I did add paragraphs...which I normally do... but didn't this time for some reason. I guess...\nRecomend that he read the book entitled Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking Can't remember the author, but it is rather new and highly educational and uplifting for...\nThe over-amount of credit we get in the math/science department and the lack there-of in the arts/english and even history. It's not what we are better at learning, it's how we are taught and what...\nI GOT THE JOB!!! Yay! In two weeks, I'll be leaving the library and working full time in a mold-making room, where I'll make molds of people's teeth for other people to fit crowns and whatnot to......\nLol, maybe it's an intp thing, cause I HATE paperwork. It's oddly overwhelming.... Even the simple stuff.\nActually, all the employers I've had have really liked me. O.o Their only qualms with me were that I can sometimes be spacey-stacey which usually happens when my stress goes on overload and the...\nI don't beleive in religion. Religious people killed just as many people throughout history as nonreligious people. People don't want a God because the reality of a God means that now we are...\nMy faith in God and my Bible and my sister\nWhen my dark side takes over....I try to fight back... but to no avail....it demands tribute...it demands...sugary treats....:angry:\nFrumpy, hippy soccer mom. Though... I'm only 21, and....I'm not a mom...\nthings I love... My relationship with God and my Bible My home life and my relationship with my family My sister who is my best friend My horse My hobbies My lack of physical disabilities...\nI like Fox news...when I actually watch news. Most of the time, I'd rather not know what's going on...It's depressing...\nLol!! So true! People have done that to me before to be funny or try to make me jump. It never phases me. I turn casually to see who it is and then look at them politely puzzled like can I help...\nI've gotten better over the years, but my room still gets really messy. I usually don't make my bed unless we have company. I usually don't clean my room unless we have company. Laundry is my worse...\nPlanet Bob\nI use hair styling/make-up/accessories when I want to actually look nice... but on average I just look like Jane from the jungle. I take my showers at night and let my hair air dry above my pillow. I...\n#1) Yes. And the Bible in its entirety. #2) Absolutley not. I've loved all the INTJ's that I've met! ^^ #3) Not amounting to anything...Life is short...ya' know? I'm also afraid that I'll never...\nI know, somtimes it'd not about the information they give, because sometimes it comes out sounding flowery and good. Alot of times the thing that sets off my Ti is just the way that they came to...\nI don't need alcohol to get a DUI, just some lack of sleep...\nI'd be happy with four. Then when I go on trips with my hubby, they'll all fit on your living room floor. Yay, off to auntie's house we go! (Eluquise is my sis in RL.)\n*Practically rolling on floor laughing* Ya, that's it all right!\nOh...freakin...yah! My internal Wait, what? has a designated external expression in which I go a little blank because I'm thinking. People don't like it too much. I think they take it the wrong...\n:blushed: lol, Soooo sorry. I never pay attention to these things....\nYo. Hope you can connect and learn from people who struggle with the same things you do. I know I did! ^^\nI'm content with my life so long as I feel free to make my own choices and am actively trying to make a difference around me. I have no drive to be famous, rich or even slightly popular. I just want...\nI also want my house to be made out of an old train. I'd have to wlk from car to car to get to different rooms in my house, an the master bedroom would be in the caboose...\nWouldn't it be totally cool if helium tanks that you buy at the store floated? You could like...tie it to your car and let it whirl around on the way home... I want a floating helium tank...who needs...\nlol, I just noticed how off topic we were... I don't know why it's so amusing at the moment...I think I need to go to bed...\nisfj, intj, istp, infp, istj\nYa, I agree. sometimes it just stinks though, and as an intp, I have a hard time with it. It drains my confidence when I feel like my dad thinks I'm stupid or incapable of understanding, even though...\nChillax...hairy is totally cool! ^^\nYa me and my dad really tend to rub each other the wrong way. He's narrow minded even for an infj, and if I question him in the least he starts to lose his temper and thinks me less intelligent for...\nI know. Sometimes you just know that something is off. And alot of times you really don't know how. And your face turns a little sour while you try to puzzle it out and people think that you are...\nI've always been insecure about my skin. I have a immuno-skin disorder called hydradenitis suppurativa. My body overreacts to irritation in certain glands where I sweat and causes them to inflame and...'
'Oftentimes, that which we are most unsatisfied with, is but a mere reflection of ourselves.\nWhen someone is complaining non-stop about someone else Me: Are you sure you're not describing yourself? Let me get you a mirror. When someone is praising themselves Me: Shoot me now! Who...\nI work with a male INFJ, and I would say we are more similar than different. Actually, we are so similar that I feel both giddy and sad. Giddy in that I can see that we both feel very understood...\nHow did you know that? Are you ok? That was great advice! You should be a therapist or something. I did not know that about you! You need to get out more. That was very insightful. I don't...\nINxJs (using myself, an INFJ coworker, an INTJ coworker, and my INTJ cousin...small pool sample, but it's all I've got) just put on a facade like we've got our game together. But really, when you...\nNot a male, but if you don't mind me chirping in...I operate in the same fashion. Just making yourself available and doing things for them when it isn't necessary (despite maybe feeling annoyed and...\nThis...ditto!\nThis...ditto!\nI walked right into the door...right after witnessing my INFJ colleague do it just 5 minutes before. I spent five minutes looking for my sunglasses, and asking for help...only to have my sister...\nI feel like I can breathe! And just less hesitant, because often, I would have to rephrase, and rephrase again as I gauge people's reactions. And even then, they might not get what I'm trying to...\nI like Ne and Ni most. Ne is much more fun, but Ni is comforting and familiar to me, so there is comraderie there. Second would be Fe.\nAre you not trying to protect the label as well, by means of the actual content? After all, you did write INFJ TALK (in caps, might I add) and for the true INFJs on the forum. If you were after...\nMy female crushes are Rachel McAdams, Monica Bellucci, Gwen Stefani, Charlize Theron, and Kiera Knightley. My INFJ male friend likes Demi Moore, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Lawrence and Emma...\nI normally let people fight their own battles. But, say if one is clearly in the wrong, then I might help later behind closed doors. Inserting yourself where you don't belong can exacerbate the...\nLeft BrainRight Brain 50%51% You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are...\nIt would be INTJ, followed by ENFJ.\nInteract with all sorts of people, from the stoic ones to the insanely hyper (though the later can be extremely exhausting, I myself can only last 10 minutes max with them). Observing helps,...\nTom Hiddleston, James McAvoy, Gerard Butler, Henry Cavill, Pierce Brosnan, Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, Edward Norton, Jon Stewart\nHow can a lady tell when you are interested in her? Turn-offs?\nMaybe a locket with a tiny photo of her and her children (you guys) inside? Anything meaningful and thoughtful will catch our breaths and make our hearts skip a beat, it just shows that you've...\nI get what you're saying, and I believe I do both. I think the reason is that we can often see both sides of the coin, and hence, the feminine/masculine polarity. Appearance and movement-wise,...\nI actually enjoy reading all the crap about INFJs...is that weird? All the saintly descriptions around make me cringe a bit because, geez, I try my best to be a decent person, but I'm not always...\nCraving sweets would cause you to gain weight in the middle more quickly...are your limbs more slender in comparison to the rest of your body? Based on your trouble spots, it sounds like sodium is...\nWhat do you crave? Sweets or do you prefer savory foods? And where do you tend to gain weight first, and what are your trouble areas?\nNo worries about the questions, I don't mind. Ni dominant eyes (shared both by INxJs) are very piercing and/or very focused; some liken them to x-ray eyes. Both types seem to have this shiny...\nVideos from Barracuda57 and Amelia Brown are pretty good. They're young INFJs, and there are quite a few young INFJ members on the forum, so hopefully these are of help. You can see the Ni in their...\nNicely said. Personally, what you hypothesized about INFJ empaths mostly apply to me. To add upon that, when a person recounts his/her interaction with someone else (who isn't present), I can also...\nI enjoy beauty immensely! Anything aesthetically pleasing, I will be drawn to it like a dung beetle to a cow patty! It's kind of hard to put into words why I'm so affected by this too. A sense...\nLovely! And by helping to create and produce healthy individuals can we, as a whole, begin to hopefully enlighten others in a positive sense. A handful of people may not seem much to the world. ...\nThen allow me to lead it back. What do you think you can offer the world at large through your children? What are some values that you would like to leave behind as a legacy through your...\nLiterally, the dumpster. There are quite a number of tragic inewborn deaths caused by young women who have been hiding their pregnancies from their friends and families, secretly give birth in a...\nI don't have children of my own...but I feel like I've been a mother to a loved one from when he was an infant, and I was still just a child then myself. Let's just say someone dropped the ball and...\nThe title of the your thread is so true and honest. ALL things must come to an end, good and bad, whether they be relationships, dilemmas or lives. But one can make anything last longer, and...\nI don't consider myself a flirt, but others sometimes to think so when all I'm doing is simply being nice! Which can send a mountain of messy smoke signals to anyone around. :frustrating: Before...\nIn short, yes...which makes me feel like a sham sometimes. But I believe the reason why they think so of me is because they only see one side of me. In my profession, I preform well and try to be...\nFe gets rejected when they don't like the truth we have just delivered. Thus, leading to what you wrote below. And when Fe gets suppressed, INFJs fall into complete Ni-Ti introversion. If in...\nI'm not a huge touch person, even with close friends. Sure, I'll give my close friends hugs because they want it...key word close friends. Interaction via Fe is healthy, and I recognize the healing...\nWe don't think we're special snowflakes, those that do, well... But despite being able to blend in seamlessly with society, we still feel off and internally out of place. Hence the reason why so...\nWelcome to the forums! And holy shrines! You just described my body language in carbon copy form...and I'm a female. Especially the bit about when being lied to. If it's a friend (that I'm...\nNe-doms are considered ideal matches for INFJs, and theoretically I can see why. They speak with their Ne and we listen with our Ni. With ENFPs, when we speak with our Fe, they listen with...\nI love INTJs, they're one of my favorite types actually. If we're talking about romance, I think male INTJs and female INFJs work better than the other way around. I grew up with a female INTJ,...\nNah, I wasn't trying to imply anything from your end either! I was thinking the same about his Ni threads too, haha. (Let's chalk it up to great minds think alike ;) )\nDitto. Probably because he still doesn't understand Ni. But he can't be blamed, it's rather hard to even describe how Ni works. Chad, have you tried asking INTJs how their Ni works? They share...\nWow, the power of Si! My earliest memory was my first day of kindergarten (so ~5 years old) and even that is hazy! Heck, I'm lucky to even remember what I was supposed to do after I turn the...\nI think the chameleon cloak does run a bit rampant for INFJs. I'm described differently by everyone because I show a different side of me to different people depending on who they are. My...\nIt's understanding without knowing why. Well developed intuition is able to make leaps, going from A to F, bypassing the letters in between. (We just seem smart, but we're actually not?! ...\nI highly recommend watching Michael Pierce's Sixteen Types videos on YouTube for anyone who is questioning their type. I think this thread originally had good intentions, but has morphed into...\nI've got 2 (can't choose!) INTJ cousin and ISTJ sister. I drive them nuts but they're the only ones that really know me inside and out (well, they drive me bonkers too, so we're even!) Outside...\nFrom what I've observed here on the forum, INFJs Ti do tend to be less verbose and get straight to the point, can be a bit jumping the gun and sounding judgmental. But Fe makes sure that we don't...\nSo true about INTJs. Sometimes I feel way more callous than them too.'
'So, I'm a 17 year old high school student whose graduation day is approaching imminently. And all I can say is...God , help me , I am so lost. And..well..I've always been passionate about...\nxSTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNFZX6WvcIs\nESTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Dri9SbaQw\nOr Monday as your favourite weekday for the same reason.\nThat seems very INFP to me definitely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djLJt_HFfX4\nHmm , ISFP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dd4HqNOA4U\nAs I grew up in a religious family , I used to be quite religious myself. However , as I got older I started to ask a lot of questions (all of them which bothered my mother as she wanted me to...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C--vArJtVQ\nWhen the power of love overcomes the love for power, the world will know peace.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSC1ml_xyhM My inner weaboo is showing,damn.\nA life purpose\nA bit sad because my headphones are broken and I have to wait until sunday to buy new ones ;-; . Also I fought with my parents again because they won't let me become a vegetarian..(maybe it seems a...\nTop 3: INFP: 60,31% INFJ:52,98% ISFP:51,88% Like I wasn't already confused if I was ISFP or INFP , thanks test , lol. At least I know for sure i'm not INFJ , I don't find myself in that one. ...\nJust wondering why koala bears are so adorable. Also , why baby sloths are the cutest things ever but adult sloths are...a little..creepy?\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjcvUk8NsuA\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMEpaVL_WsU\nI grew up with both..But Sonic , I guess. Cupcakes or Muffins?\nA friend.\nI hate my class so much. Because of them I come home exhausted every single damn day. I hope I'll meet better people after high school. . Or i'll be friendless forever and ever and ever Also ,...\nSleeping at day , lol. My mind is more awake at night than at day.. Planets or Stars?\nJust wondering what will I do after I finish high school..There are many options but I don't feel competent enough for anything that I am interested in. Maybe I need some more self-esteem or...\nA purpose in life , motivation , restful sleep , summer vacation and some frozen yogurt.\nSnow. Books or Movies?\nI'm kind of lonely. I haven't talked to anyone all day. Not even a bit. . Even I get lonely after a while.\nPasta Running or biking?\nHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Good ol' memories .\nI think I'll go with the spaghetti monster. I don't understand it buuuuuuuuut I like the name. Gravity Falls or Steven Universe?\nI wish everyone in my class wasn't so mean. They fight all the time and bully the ones considered weak. The atmosphere is terrible. . I hope that they'll change , but I honestly doubt it. I can't...\nCookies ♥\nQuite relaxed , and a little guilty because it's been a very long time since I have drawn something and I'm gonna get rusty I'm just so tired lately..not in the mood for the drawing. Art block much...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAIDqt2aUek How I love this man's music ♥\nWaiting to go to a half-marathon for charity.I'm so nervous lol I hope I don;t faint\nHmm , you think so :D? I was considering red as well , but maybe a copper shade or a reddish blonde. I think it would suit pale skin better. Thanks for the suggestion though , anything is...\nI used to LOVE the Sims. I've played Sims 2 , 3 , and 4, but personally I think 3 is the best. I had like 3 or 4 expansion packs. I used to create my characters and create stories for them in game...\nI've been thinking if I should dye my hair , and if I do , which color should I pick? I'm really pale and most hairdressers tell me brown suits me just fine , but I would like something a little...\nHalloween,although we don't celebrate it where I live, it seems much more interesting than Valentine's day. Short hair or long hair?\nI had a dream that my mother killed my younger brother and I woke up crying..\nMy mother is probably an ISFP as well. We are similar in many ways. Art has always been her passion but because of financial difficulties , it never became more than that. But she supports me and...\nJanuary 30 (Aquarius) , Year of The Dragon.\nCats. But I also love dogs. I am just kind of...afraid of them. Pop music or Rock music?\nMy best friend is an INFP and we get along really , really well. But I also like spending time with ISFJ's , ENFP's ..and that one INFJ friend. I just like Feeling persons in general. I get along...\nArmin's death saddened me deeply , even if I did expect it. Isayama focused more than usual in the last few chapters on him , his relationship with Eren and his dreams , so that when he dies , it'll...\nYes , I am. I once tried to talk to a relative I haven't talked to since we were children , and things were going okay until she said she's against LGBT+ people , and also she believes that women...\nAlright , so , embarrassingly , even though I've been interested in MBTI for over a year , I think , I still cannot really figure out my type ;-; I've gotten results such as INFP (the first time I...'
'I think it is absolutely fascinating that almost all INFJ's have Sanpaku. Check it out The Eyes Have It: The Sanpaku Eye Superstition | Tofugu\nISFJ= Mama Bear\nI understand what it feels like. I always felt like I was living in a doll house and everyone and everything around me was playing a part that I couldn't agree with. Just know that meeting an INFJ...\nhttp://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/134377-myer-briggs-animal-representations.html I did one, but I chose fox for ENTP. Although, foxes can seem ESTPish too. It's harder then it looks....\nYou have Tangled as your profile pic and your user name is an aquatic creature + a confectionery treat. Maybe you just dazzle everyone with your apparent harmlessness and then wham* (with a frying...\nI would say castle is usually an ENTP and Kate an INFJ. Although, I would have to argue that the show can be inconsistent with behaviors. Castle seems to flip between ENTP and ENFP. Kate seems to do...\nFeeling others happiness.\nI have been struggling with this topic for a while. I am trying to get to the root of my paranoia and my bad habit of jumping to the wrong conclusions. My main problems are that I usually...\nHazel Greens and yellow with brownish red in the middle.\nHaha hunch habits seems like the perfect way to describe it!\nI'm never quite sure if my intuitions are right and people just deny their accuracy when I point things out...or if I'm paranoid. Do other INFJ's have this problem? How do you get through it?\nHaha....oh my god. That is both disturbing and hilarious.\nWell, parrots are intelligent creatures that can manipulate their surroundings to get what they want. I'm glad you agree with the ESFJ description.\nI think they make great friends! I haven't dated one so I can't speak about a romantic relationship. Truly though, different stages of maturity effect that answer with any type. It depends on how...\nENTP, INFP, ISFP, ENFP I can usually get along well with anyone but I typically gravitate towards intuitives. As far as sensors go, healthy ESFJ's make me feel warm and snuggly. I don't mind being...\nI am also an empath, at first I didn't believe it but it has become extremely strong and now I'm convinced. Last week there was a high level of stress and anxiety in my work environment. I personally...\nThis happened to me when I was developing my Ti. My Fe got short-circuited temporarily and I started to lose my connection to others. It doesn't last forever, but it's something you will have to work...\nQuestions for INFJs. How easily do you trust people? Was there any event (assuming you are weary of people) that made you cautious? -I rarely trust anyone completely. It takes a very long...\nI feel like I switch back and forth, which is determined by my environment. As a child I was very much the Fe subtype but now that I am in college it is more useful to be Ni subtype. I think all...\n^I relate to this so much <3\nI did one of these based off of something I saw online. Comments on Accuracy?61437\nI wrote this out and I don't know if it's accurate for everyone. I would love input. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------ Type Descriptions: INFJ Pt.1 - Common...\nThank you this helps a lot.\nIt makes sense. I feel like my intuition needs to go through a de-clouding process.\nCare to explain further?\nTrue. That does seem more Te than Ti. I've noticed that I have to sort through and analyze the situation objectively to come to an accurate evaluation of what caused emotional distress. Which is...\nI also have the question of when to trust your gut or not. I think if you are in a confident state of mind and get the feeling that someone is talking crap then you can trust it. I am ALWAYS wrong...\nI think I have been accurately reading others emotions but I draw connections that aren't there. For example, I will walk into a room where people will be gossiping and I feel the vibe and believe...\nI think we do all tend to have a certain brightness to our eyes. This picture is a couple years old but oh well... eyes don't change much\nSorry...my functions got turned around, I need to start 'checking my work'. Sometimes I forget which ones have Si dominant function. My question remains. I have a difficult time understanding ISFJ...\nWhat does Individuation look like between the personality types? I am especially interested in how sensing dominant types view the world after listening to their inner voice and following their own...\nI can't imagine an ENTP 6, but I think that the Enneagram is the nurture portion of personality. Anything is possible...\nI'm an INFJ...and a 6w5 ( a bit of a rabbit-heart) n.b.d. That's how I meant it. There is something special about ENTP's. For being so extroverted, it's like they keep their core protected and...\nThat's okay, it's understandable. Funny, I usually like to leave ENTP's breadcrumbs to keep their minds engaged. This happens to be an exception. :P My heart stopped bc I thought that I violated some...\nGoogle images. Idk. ???\nENTP's are teddy bears on the inside but because there personality is pretty much like this...\nWrite what YOU write. Poetry isn't about conformity\nMasquerade You wear your mask. I’ll wear mine. The room spins, as we get nowhere. - Black and hollow eyes of a mask, leave the soul\nhttps://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/181328_10151193404797335_496067463_n.jpg https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/557191_10151080661112335_592479762_n.jpg ...\nMerlin is INFJ!\nYou sound a bit like an Isfj...\nI'm an Fe user (INFJ). I am wondering how Fi works in ISFP? Fi is one of the most difficult processes for me to grasp.\nI'm very insecure but I am also extremely direct. See, I was just direct right there. <---- INFJ being direct. Developing my Ti has helped balance out my over emotional bullshit. I used to be...\nINFJ's don't push in line. ENTP's will observe and investigate their options. They are straightforward about what they find value in. INFJ's love to be valued, especially when they know other options...\n!!! We're WINNING! :D\nWhat about us NF's with highly developed Ti's?...I think Ravenclaw is the place. Maybe NF's that scales tip much more feeling = Hufflepuff or even Gryffindor for the extroverts.\nINFJ-Ravenclaw\nINTJ's function on another plane of understanding. That much is definitely true.\nIt's okay I feel stupid at times too. I think your destiny is now. There's no need to fear dying before your finished. I don't think it's possible. Take a baby that dies during childbirth, it still...\nI seek to understand myself. I seek to live with intelligence, affection and honesty. I want to find a way to care about others without caring what they think about me. I want to be free from anxiety...'
'I haven't posted here in a while. Forgive me if I already posted some of these. https://s.deviantart.com/th/fs71/i/2011/236/4/5/coastal_by_valdyrnordvindr-d47qcdv.jpg ...\nNOT including classical composers: Agalloch Opeth Mono Gojira Wolves in the Throne Room Tenhi Ulver Daft Punk\nPfft, idolatry.\nLudwig Wittgenstein is the most common. Yes, I hang out with people to whom philosophers and scientists and such come to mind before celebrities. Ludwig Wittgenstein - Wikipedia, the free...\nINTJ, social liberal (specifically post-liberal.) Economic arrangements are never intrinsically just or unjust, just instrumental to the goals of the good of the citizens.\nWelp, there you have it *chucks all his philosophy and religion books out the window* Question is now, what are they the gods of?\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbxnnC22gwY\nhttp://arch.413chan.net/Twilight_Sparkle_is_smug-(n1299468485642).jpg The resemblance is seriously terrifying. The facts that I'm not a pastel unicorn and am not female aside, she could be an...\nI doubt there's any causal relationship, probably not even a significant correlation. I'm a gay INTJ, for example.\nClassical Mechanics by John Taylor Probability Theory: The Logic of Science by E.T. Jaynes Moral Discourse and Practice: Some Philosophical Approaches ed. by Stephen Darwall, Allan Gibbard, and...\nI'm an INTJ and I prefer to sit quietly and watch movies as well. I like to get absorbed. I get very annoyed with this. I have to ENTP friends who are constantly asking what's happening? ...\nHell yes. While I do not have a pet dog at the minute, as it would be impractical for my life situation, I work closely with a German Shepherd at my job. I love them.\nIt's a great book. It helped kick off my interest in computer science, AI, and the foundations of mathematics. It also pointed me in the right direction on philosophy of mind. I wouldn't exactly...\nThank you! I posted it earlier in the thread, but I don't bother reading all the way through threads either. :tongue: I really have to do well on these subject tests, because I won't have a...\nUpdate: Decided not to take the ACT, took the SAT again for kicks. Kind of pointless considering I got a 2340 last time, but here's hoping for a perfect score come the 20th of October! I also...\nI'm particularly good at thinking; analyzing, critiquing, and constructing arguments and theories. My non-intellectual talent is photography. It comes absolutely naturally to me.\nI arrived at a new understanding of Kant's categorical imperative.\nThe Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe by Roger Penrose Introduction to Real Analysis by Michael J. Schramm The End of Christianity ed. by John W. Loftus Physics and...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3an8jdsVM3s\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6iBOI2GzOA\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J825uj8DWZc\nLying in intensive care with my third collapsed lung in 18 months. This is getting a little repetitive.\nhttp://farm7.static.flickr.com/6199/6077882307_36cfaa0ea9.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6061/6078423398_7cf1300212.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6197/6077882475_57ab2d3b38.jpg ...\nI write many lists, often just for my own benefit. I love my to-do list. I won't go to the grocery store without a shopping list. I also write lists on a notepad or in a text document (when on a...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQyUxcSTpLo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ll3ODaOH0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPSCOHSmC7k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKpu_e0vHjk\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFTddFk6zb8&feature=relmfu\nI'm jealous. :tongue: The most historically prominent person I'm related to was the chief editor of the official Nazi sports magazine. No, I am not kidding. This is a close relative on my...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAZ8KNsZSCg\n-Classical music composition -Painting (I'm decent at drawing relative to the amount of time I put into it) -Animation -Card playing (poker etc.) -Being a naturalist/field environmental scientist...\nReading On What Matters: Volume 2 by Derek Parfit The Feynman Lectures on Physics by Feynman, Leighton, and Sands. (I've been reading these for a while, but only now added them to the reading...\nI have more whoppers from my latest philosophizing: -Naturalism/physicalism (here I'm using the terms in a loose sense and thus interchangeably) are not merely contingently true, they are...\nI wouldn't call them equally famous, but have you considered Stephen Hawking and Niels Bohr for INTJ? I'm a student of physics myself, and their writings strike me as Ni-Te.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSNmGuxU4oo&feature=related\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFanPE6_nxU\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnwOIuoeFLA\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8atiEPs0bQ\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KHJlRldQEY\nhttp://goofygifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/cartoon-gifs-forever-alone.gif\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zjGvvNDY9M\nAnyway, as we were saying, the best course of action would be to determine how to express dragon and chicken in unit vector notation in order to find the true cross product via cofactor...\nThe Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine\nhttp://www.ponychan.net/chan/pic/src/131276931707.png http://www.ponychan.net/chan/pic/src/131264755454.gif http://www.ponychan.net/chan/pic/src/131200552603.jpg ...\nI like restrained, smart casual clothes. Various sorts of collared shirts (I rarely wear t-shirts unless they are a uniform) untucked/tucked depends on pants. Dark jeans if jeans at all, otherwise...\nI'm less educated than both my parents, as I just finished high school. My mother has a bachelor's in psychology, an M.B.A., and a master's in education (she did a midlife career switch from finance...\nIt depends what it is you're trying to do with math. If you're using math primarily as a tool, which thus involves solving problems/performing mechanical symbol manipulation, I have one word for...\nINTJ- Gamer. I was not. In fact, I'm unusually apathetic about video games compared to my peers. I was only the gamer way back in middle school. This may be atypical for an INT however. ...\nI didn't particularly enjoy it, though I didn't find it terrible either. More in the meh range. I have to say that the contrast between the first half of the movie and second half is what stood...\nI'm a massive dickhead. Anyway, now to talk about Philip K. Dick. Definitely one of my favorite sci-fi authors. I remember being obsessed with A Scanner Darkly and The Man in the High Castle...\nClassical Metal Rock (mostly alternative, post-punk, etc.) EDM\nYou've been spying on me, haven't you?'
'Kurosawa infj Bergman infp Godard entp\nI doubt that would happen. He clearly isn't a ni type, and as you said is about as intp as they come.\nAssuming this is off the anime not the manga? Manga is quite different.\nxxxHolic- Yuko The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- Kyon A vast majority of the trickster archetypes.\nWhen someone outsmarts me I get smitten. It's a clear signal there is really some light shining from behind their eyes.\nDeep Blue annihilated chess. It is too static. I'd argue that there really is little room left for strategy in it.\nHolo basically has ti and se in her stack somewhere, I can't really see enfp at all.\nI don't see whats wrong with the 'ice queen' moniker. It just means one isn't overly superficial.\nI give it some real consideration if it is warranted. If not I go on the attack, and I don't really stop.\nSlytherin. And you list deceitfulness as if it were a bad thing.\nNot in the slightest. If the dead think actions are disrespectful they are free to voice their concerns, otherwise it's just people projecting. Also it is quite hard to be cruel to something that...\nWhile I wouldn't classify this as dark it was apparently macabre enough to get me suspended from high school back in the day. During biology when we had to dissect a pig fetus, I was feeling...\nAre thoughts of killing people really dark? I'd associate them with anger or rage. Darkness is something different, more ominous and grotesque.\nLikely that it comes from a specific part of the brain, it is an accident that lumps different sensations together.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5abruK4N86o\nI find it humorous that the video in the op does more to objectify women than the trope could possibly do. Pegging a muse as someone who solely exist to give inspiration? Chemical reactions don't...\nHitchens using Fe? Not a chance.\nENTP all the way, just watch A Woman is a Woman.\nDo you really think that the writers of this bill have anything other than the judeo-christian god on their mind? The fact that the currency says 'in god we trust' is sickening enough.\n'Merica! As Hitchens said, religion poisons everything.\nTertiary as a relief function and all that. Bottle up and explode.\nI'll have to check up again, too polluted by Asakura from Suzimiya-chan. http://youtu.be/kKEwKszRTTc As for Kyon. Cynicism (the real kind) tends to be associated with the deconstruction that...\nWhere is there a shred of introverted sensing in Kyon? itsj is such a terrible typing of him (in both the novels and the anime), he is a clear introverted thinking dom. edit:kyon is basically dog...\nsora no otoshimono/ heaven's lost property Tomoki- istp Suhara- esfj Sugata- intp Mikako- entj Ikaros- watermelon? develops into isfp Nymph- intj\nHolo and Lawrence are really hard to type correctly (then there is the whole light novel versus anime thing). I'd say you've got the functions right for her, but I think a well developed istp fits...\nYes, you're argument was so compelling I ran to almighty google to back me up:rolleyes: Anyway care to explain where you see a Fe-Ti axis in Hitchens as apparently nobody else does?\nChristopher Hitchens, INTJs, and Extroverted Sensing (Se) | CelebrityTypes.com This sums it up well. And HItch is clear te-fi so estp does not work.\nBased on?\nShe appears isfp to me.\nNietzsche and Heidegger as sterotypical intjs. There isn't anything infp about them. Compare to Camus. Dostoyevsky is likely infj, while Kierkegaard infp.\nHangovers.\nMlodinow gives a really good account of him from the outside in Feynman's Rainbow.\nSomehow I forgot this: 1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? Outside perspective. Sometimes its hardest to see what is closest to us. 2) What do you yearn for in life?...\n29. male. Bored. This is more of a test for everyone else. I've taken both the mbti and mbti step ii (verified). Curious to get a few outside views. 1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look...\nI'm going to try and track down the interview where he states it, but Anno has said that all of the main characters are introverted (and given his knowledge of psychology I'd say probably knew what...\nBoredom tends to be one of the defining characteristics of my existence. So I don't really relate.\nFind some Woody Allen films. Annie Hall is a safe start.\nGodard and Kurosawa are two of my favorites. une femme est une femme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-BK0XiXfPU 'Is this a comedy or a tragedy? Either way it's a masterpiece' Brilliant! ...\nMurder is murder. The act is the same. Barbaric cultures have kept this 'eye for an eye' concept alive, while the more enlightened ones have moved past this. One has to understand that laws are...\nGovernment sanctioned murder is still murder. It just puts the blame on a faceless system to absolve guilt. We, as humans, are better than that.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmO48lOXVe4\nKenshin is a infj (the fe!) and Saito is an istj. Watching the two of them interact it's obvious that they don't share any functions. Also Kenshin is a clearly social dominate, but why sx over sp?\nYeah, she seems Se+Fe well done, the world must be ending in 2012:laughing:\nEverybody gets one. If after that they are unrepentant, I'll be the first to burn the bridges.\nA good possibility, if only as a mirror to the Avatar.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr0YZzL8KCI Does the job well enough.\nWhy istj for Kyon when he shows no signs of introverted sensing?\nFinch is such a hypocrite it's sickening.\nThe reasoning generally stems from the martyrdom complex. But no mistake about it, Lelouch is ni+te.\nIn our defense, this is because when the mothership does come we can be the first to say 'I told you so', and show that we aren't crazy (completely at least).'
Yep, finally doing it. I've seen similar in different threads always wanted to do one for ours but never had the courage. Now, I'm just procrastinating and throwing it out there for whoever to grab...\nReact in action.1 Breathing 2 Awareness of body 3 Releasing tension 4 Raising attentiveness\nThis is a story about four people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and NOBODY. There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it,...\nI don't think there's a thread on this already. But I am curious to see the results. Degree: BS - Secondary Education, Communications with a minor in Theater. MS - Computer information Systems...\nI Am thinking about the thought and good behavior...\nThe Improve The Typing Skill and Improve Knowledge to get the better jobs...\nThe New Robort Launched IN Usa\nINTJ Laugh in 2012\nYes INTJ is Good...\nMy Native Language Is Tamil...\nYes I Like Approval....\nI Am good Atmosphere and Good Decision making....\nThis is very nice..\nYES I LIKE Songs....\nI grew up super poor (and still am lol) so expensive things are not taken for granted. :) Mostly I would like spending money on food and literally ignore the price because food is life.\nThis is nice robort...\nYes it Is a good decision...\nI was always late. I married an ISFJ who is always early.\nthis is very nice...\nYES I LIKE Chemist...\nIntj\nSure, but I pride myself in being xNTP rather than INTx.\nyes i like song...\nDisrespect from someone I considered a good friend or from family.\nINTJ is a fovour thinks\nhttps://intj.university/\nWhat you listed was accurate for me,but I don't think its related to type,its mostly your culture.\nThey are Two types of women\nThis Is Nice Fourm..
'I've recently realized all my love interests and ex'es have been ISFP. Which means it's the type I'm mainly attracted to. But the selfishness bother me a bit being an idealist, while understanding it...\nThanks alot!\nShe's 26. I'd say she's becoming more comfortable with her J'ness rather as she gets older. She's been sort of borderline about alot of things. Her process lately has been about her giving up the...\nWe've been best friends, but I still can't type her. I'm way too well on the other hand. She's quite introverted, a bit of a tomboy, she loves books, her childhood dream was becoming a writer,...\nSaffron from Firefly Sensual and knows how to switch from innocent to bold. She'd crush me like a bug! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCW9k7ogOI4\nI have some ENFP-tendencies, so I can't really relate. If you find the right people you're not boring and they're not.\nHumans are both individuals and part of a collective, you could say it's biology. This iswhy I reject both communism and extreme liberalism. Neither is adapted to human nature.\nGot friendzoned by my best friend for 4-5 years, so got nobody to hang with anymore. Makes sense because I was a bit of a doormat.\nI wouldn't call the bible the hight of human litterature... no it's not a good book.\nTo be honest I think society has hit a point where, if a chick doesn't love... stop crying about it and go to the gym. Are you good looking enough you won't get this problem.\nSingle, totally friend zoned by a girl for quite some time Forever alone\nJesus can be whatever you want him to be, imaginary things tend have that quality\nI'm not only an atheist, I'm also an anti-theist! Maybe I just fought against my wishful thinking.\nLove comes in all forms and different shapes, most of the dubious. If you're serious about life you should go for the gold.\nIt's probably like everything else, there has to be some minimum level of it. My longest relationship was with a girl that had no interest in anything intellectual, basically. So it was obviously not...\nWe are extra prone to believe in the supernatural and have a tendency to suffer easily!\nI don't like pretending such childish things exists, I'm not as special as I like to think. I'm an empathic person, but I don't have any mystical powers. My body is all I have.\n3/4 Swedish and 1/4 Finnish laplander (native people that live on the nordic tundra and have raindeers) http://www.queendom.se/blogg/wp-content/samer.jpg more modern:...\nMy ex girlfriend and my female roommate were abused. I think I'm pretty much a healer, yes.\nRAVENCLAW! You scored 28% Slytherin, 48% Ravenclaw, 24% Gryffindor, and 40% Hufflepuff! ...\nYou're an NPC! (Non-Player Character) Sorry to say this, but you didn't score high enough in any category to be assigned a class. Simply put: You have no class. But, hey, don't take it too...\nINFPs are nice guys. More likely to be pansies? Yes! Are we totally baller anyway? Ofcourse!\nDoesn't make it less true :)\n1. Don't do religion, it poisons everything. 2. Don't do politics, it will only give you a messiah complex and alot of enemies. 3. Don't endulge in wishful thinking, even if it's hard not to,...\nThis really stuck to my head... stop trying to save the world, you'll only get a messiah complex and alot of enemies! Been following it ever since and never talk politics.\nI dislike this thread! Not really attractive stuff to hear for an INFP guy.\nI don't think I'd get the chance to be honest, I'm beta deluxe :P\nI'm not so sure forestpeople are so happy, I'm sure they'd want to be able to provide for their families, have healthcare etc.\nCurrently studying for an exam in Linear Algebra and differential equations that I will fail, but fortunally there's re-exams. This is my last math exam I need for graduation though, so... guess it's...\nI have not read alot of books in my life (doubt more than 10), I just don't think any is worth reading. I'm more of a movie person. Allthough I have an easy time with poetry, but it's rare that...\nI had the exact same struggles in my life earlier. After watching alot of Christopher Hitchens that is no longer the case. He's available in audio and books but I prefer him when he holds speeches...\nFeels like people are just throwing out characters without motivating it, kind of pointless? I heard Harry Potter isn't an INFP and they made good arguments for it. So... stop it! :)\nIn 1on1 situations I'm mostly being sarcastic about all the women I'd try to score and discussing life problems usually. Women being the main one, but not the only one. When I'm with more than...\nYou should use a more informative description in the title, think about it next time.\nHaha, trying to get INFP's to skype. Priceless! I'm quite used to it by now, so not a big problem. I might be up for it if you ask nicely, but I'm hardly an expert on Jung. Chatting could work...\nIt's just recently I've found out about INFP's, so I've never really gotten a complete understanding of why I'm like I am. But it's not like I haven't been able to figure out bits and pieces. Been...\nThis site keeps completely overwhelming me... blah! I still have all this wisdom but I'm hindered by something to take action.\nI'm pretty good with saying things that are hard to say. It has pretty much never backfired on me, atleast in a way that wouldn't happen eventually anyway. I'm currently thinking about asking a...\nIt's a good argument in that it atleast makes you think, I didn't mean it's hard to refute :)\nThat enneagram basically told me what I've been trying to tell myself, keep succeeding and failing in for many years.\nPerfectionist? Where? :crazy:\nI have left my options open by studying to become a civil engineer, which is super boring but should enable me to work in any field I want to. Was thinking about becoming a police or shrink, but I...\nWe're good listeners We'll help you with your boring issues We'll probably put up with your bullshit We'll likely never pick a fight with you\nPlayed counter-strike on a top Swedish ranked team back in 2000, been Swedish captain in RTCW: Enemy Territory and in the best PVP guild in Europe in WOW.\nI just disconnection from the real world and analyze or feel, no gummy bears or rainbows here. Overthinking and feeling is also what keeps me from action. I don't have this vivid fantasy world...\nYes, please explain to me why I'm so god damn lazy and have a hard time to take initatives! I'm ½ a year away from finishing my studies, but I can't even open up a book without dying inside. Even...\nMy own mental weakness sometimes, the boundaries I have inside my head that is so hard to break Ehm... mean people?\nI think it's just a part of the default human condition. Blame evolution! The cure for this void is apparently culture according to Ernest Becker. It's because humans are self aware and also aware...\nThere are a few good arguments against atheism, for example the fine-tuning of the universe. But it's just not convincing enough in the large scheme of things. You can't blame us for wishful...\nHeartbreaks is a part of life, the sooner you learn to embrace it the better. The pain is as much a part of you as the love! Or something :)'
'The one time I didn't backtrack and this happens. Thanks. How about another good/bad design video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY96hTb8WgI\nFlag designs... Ugh... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnv5iKB2hl4 DudeGuy Not for you though. I think your design meets the criteria. =O\nI sometimes feel like INTPs are the physical embodiment of the scientific method: http://personalitycafe.com/attachments/intp-forum-thinkers/463298d1452870083-confessions-intp-science.jpg ...\nThis. Find an interest and the people will follow. Why? Because you're not actually interested in people. You're interested in ideas. Well, specifically, the sharing of ideas. Have lot's of ideas but...\nINTPoetry Sorry. I didn't mean to intentionally tag you. :tongue: And nice advice/feedback by the way. The editing dilemma was something I've learned with time. It always did continuously...\nMiss Anne Thrope I URGE YOU TO SHARE YOUR DEEP DARK AND DIRTY MUSINGS ON THE INEXPLICABILITY OF LIFE! Ialti *raises hand for all.* Well, not yet for networking. I don't really get what it...\nstarvingautist Nihilist tendencies? I feel you. To all the others here: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/old_files.png I'm sure many of you have things like these on the recesses of your...\nThen would the answer not depend on the definition then? :laughing: But seriously though, what you just said about free will and determinism made me think of something... Assuming that actions...\nAdventure Time? Though it is targeted for kids, it's actually not a kid's show at the same time. Other than the complex character development and background, I just noticed recently that there are...\nI'd like to vouch for the solution of writing things down. I have to say that it can be a great help. I just started it recently and every time that my mind goes into overdrive, I try to type at...\nAh yes...Pig tails. Someone did it already. Many said it was adorable and cute on me. No comment. I then jokingly said that a dress was the only thing missing. One of them seriously offered...\nINTonyP In between hair length does indeed suck and hot weather is indeed really a killer for the goal of growing your hair. Having drastically reduced your options for hiding your hair with...\n*thought of C'mon. We don't feel, we think. :laughing: But seriously though, It has happened many times. And as on how you've phrase it, is usually just up to that, it only stays as...\nActually, just do it when you get a chance. If it works, it works. If you fucked up, you fucked up. In any case, you get to gain new experiences and you will learn what to do and what not to do next...\nPro-Choice also. I pretty much have the same stance as Lonewaer. The way I look at it is I'd rather let a child die before birth rather than let this being go out into this world knowing that he may...\nAtheistGod, confronting 'The Man™' usually does indeed pay off. do what was said by letsrunlikecrazy. These people are usually open to things you say as long you're smart about it while not being a...\nCan you elaborate more what you mean by 'wishing of goodwill'? Because with your example, you seem to be implying that the object of 'appreciation' is the workout routine and the trainer because...\nI am indeed conflating 'love' with 'a relationship'. Wasn't that the context of the discussion? I do still somewhat agree with your points, however, aren't you now conflating 'love' with...\n^This. InMediasRes He's probably REALLY taken you for granted. You put up with him for 3 years? Uhm... Congratulations? Don't know what to say... But do try to leave him alone and give him some...\nMeet the Robin Hood of Science | Big Think I don't remember where I found the link above but I remember noting it down for future viewing. But as of right now, I just finished reading it and I...\nAs many have said, your dad is likely to be lonely. Probably distracting himself to avoid confronting the feels? And as something to note: He'll continue to act like that until he gets it out of his...\n^ This. Look at images below for reference: PC Building: http://media.bestofmicro.com/Z/P/243637/original/atx.jpg 5 year olds:...\nHmm... Valid points. What you've said seems to have flown over my head. But then again, what if the business succeeds? That'll be a huge plus for the relationship, no? However, I think it would...\nSangam swadik Do you really have that much faith in this 'logic' you speak of? How about ask yourself this: Is logic really stable and really set in stone? If yes, what is the foundation of logic...\nJuggernaut If you're on a budget, custom builds are probably the way to go. If you are not confident in building one your own, from what I know, some shops can provide the parts and build it for...\nIt seems I'm not far off then? Oh, and I'm curious on how you and your ex BFs got started... Would you mind telling us about it? (If your okay with it of course.) It is just that I'm currently very...\nWait... is that reverse sarcasm? I can't follow now... But as for the OP, if you really don't feel like answering the question properly, being sarcastic should help. =D\nAh, but do you also point to some random guy standing around then proceed to tell the person that you are actually currently under strict monitoring? Bonus points if you can show an ankle monitor.\nThis is something that I can relate with. But to put it in another perspective, speaking from my own experience now, we do of course actually initiate relationships. However, we don't just usually...\nI'm legally not allowed to tell you. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.\nHow would you go about this 'not caring'? To be blunt about it, what about your sexual desire then? How do you deal with it? Or is it really non-existent? No attraction to anyone at all? Because if...\nPeople pleaser - Do you mean people in general? Well, screw them. To people that matter? Somewhat and people don't just get to matter. Self-deprecating - Perception that if something goes...\nJust follow any recipe and then add changes to taste? Oh! And also, I don't know if it was posted already but I would like to suggest to try checking The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through...\nPhysical labor is becoming obsolete. Mental Labor is the new thing. It is the future. :crazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU\nThere is probably someone going at it now? But for how close, here: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/fermirotica.png\nAnd that is why I try to stick to being in INTP listener/admirer mode as much as possible. Nevertheless, I can't disagree with what was said in the link. And also, probably not rank-ordered. I think...\nYou did not actually misunderstood because you pretty much hit the nail on the head. =) So to elaborate: 1) Technically, it is really still an attempt at getting their T function to work by...\nThat's what I've been trying to say you silly. =D I think the proper word/phrase which I just noticed now in another reply is it is basically playing devil's advocate. I also always enjoy doing that....\nI probably have an ISTJ dad (wrote about it at a length here. Oh! Hello Geonerd =D) I completely relate to everything with what you've said. Especially the small big issue that we have about how...\nWell, it will indeed be probably less effective. However, I would just like to ask: What else will be effective when a Fi-pumped INTJ is concerned? Based on my experience, you'd have to choose...\nI've watched the video a long time ago but I wasn't really aware of the channel. New favorite channel. =D Looking through the videos, this one cracked me up: ...\nIt may just be semantics but I prefer discussing over debating. It is just that I find debating as something along the lines of I'm right, you're wrong. I'm smarter than you! kind of stuff....\nWait... I'd like to clarify the point about agreeing with him. Because rereading it now, it does seem manipulative. What I wanted to say was uhm.. How about I play out a scenario: ...\nHmm... Instant connection vs developing it over time... This makes me think... How about this: For developing relationships over time, other than the positive aspects of the relationship, you'll...\nI complete agree with this. However, as an addition to arguing with INTJs, I'd suggest trying to avoid contradicting them bluntly because this usually heat things up very quickly. This can usually...\nDo you believe in soulmate-like connections? So something like a connection where you resonate very well? Having deep connections? Being on the same wavelength? Having the same vibes? Compatible...\nI'm currently away from my parent's home for my first job training at a faraway company. A new prospect and a new experience. However, I just realized that living alone with no familiar places and...\nRedPandas I just recently noticed this one. Try also checking out the artist's other work, it seems like something that will be enjoyed. =D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V93Ocy4mH7s\nI know what you mean about acquaintances trying to kick it up a notch and trying to level up. However, I would like to suggest that you just give them a chance when they do that. Stop overthinking,...\nInteresting... If this this is true and any ENTJs are interested, below is a possible plan of action for you. :crazy: 1. Be non-catholic. 2. Enter catholic Seminary. 3. Become priest. 4....'
'I'm going to see a doc to get a subscription for Dealing With It next week.\n26/8 2: Cooperation 6: Vision 8: Influence tl;dr be awesome, get rich\nIt seems like I'll be writing in Vermin Supreme and My Current Favorite Anime Character again. God bless the men and women who died for my right to do this.\nIt Ends Like This The river got so quiet: it burbled less and less, til it slept. And like it, the trees found silence best. The wind settled on grasses what didn't wave much anymore. A...\nFinnish. I started studying it a week ago. Kolme kuukausi, tiedän kaikki, puhun hyvin, vai minä tapan itse.\nI don't get meditation at all.\nEveryone dies, too. Why don't we talk about death? Let's talk about death. Dying is just another activity. We're oversaturated in it (check out the death toll in the movies, there's entire genres of...\nIt's just basic assimilation, I guess. People are likely to begin to combine sounds which are pronounced in the same part of the mouth (like T and N, the tongue against the upper teeth, or...\n15 Most of that score is likely due to my (undiagnosed) social phobia or agoraphobia.\nAlright, you got me on body posture. https://a2ua.com/thinking/thinking-007.jpg There's just no way to convey that with tech, I'll concede that. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ And there's no way to convey a fucking...\nYes, absolutely, if you can make it work. I like how bottles look; I've always wanted to set up an assortment of them somewhere.\nWhy not?\nOutside of YouTube comments, which are conveniently directly below/after the product, I've never written a review of anything.\nDraining, nervous, affairs of chance and situation. :/\nHave You Heard The News? Inspired by the Woman inherits the earth. line from Jurassic Park, and the most depressing thing that has ever hit the blogosphere. :crying: Have you heard the news,...\nOn Being Born without Common Sense I used to think that it was the thoughts that count and then I learned that it doesn't matter what I think but what I say because thinking is nothing...\nI've always understood girl code to be ways of communicating and helping among females, not some social ranking scheme. Like if you want to leave a situation for any reason, but don't want to be...\neverything is what it is and isn't what it's not she counts to ten and down again and then her breathing stops , finale in peace and quiet repose in blind respite i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm...\nI can't, even, like, right now. she says, and they recoil in horror. In a single utterance she has razed their culture, and brought terror. Their world is laid low now, not by murder, rape, or...\nwhy is it that* I can't believe there's still no edit function.\nO! Rock, on the yard, firm of mind, stout of heart, impassable, immutable, not (without strain) removable, without a doubt, and neither care,\nhttps://media4.giphy.com/media/RmI2cfxlNNV6/200_s.gif\nShe rolls a cup in her hands on the little kitchen table, passing left to right and right to left, glass bottom dancing in a single ring between her fingers, almost like making pottery. The rain...\nI kill them because they are the bad guys? More likely, I would just GTFO. Set them free? Excuse me, what? From who? Who are these people who have taken my captors captive? Way too much would...\nEngligh As A Sekonk Lanquaque Violet violent violence violins, vile inns via lens vie ole ends. Vial lends. Bile ents buy awl ants by all lance-pile lands! Pie 'o' limbs? (Bio limp.) Spy...\n- Absolutely mandatory sweater. - Shirt. I really love tees with dumb prints - I have way too many shirts. - Skirt or shorts with sheer tights or thermal leggings, sometimes a colored jean. - 99%...\nI wish I was able to stand socializing better, while also doing less of it. :rolleyes:\nwho would rather stay awake counting hours as they creep staying up to stay asleep wasting hours meant to keep the body in a better state\nMisandry Balance in all things, he says as he tips the scales in his favor. A man is built of winnings, and women are the ones he savors. You see, a lady is like a gentle light and a man...\nYou did see that I said that I don't follow any of the bolded text, right? :rolleyes:\nMy thoughts on gender stereotypes are: 1. Down with them. 2. If I had a nickel for every time a guy said some variant on Yeah, but it's this way because that's the way it is. (Also, I like it this...\nQuantum Romance He was near. Disappear. Turn my leer away. Glance a bit sneaky quick. Love slips\nIt's not a minute past nine, and yet we've fallen far behind. It's always just seconds of time before we lose our way of mind. If I could have said then what I can't say to you now, if we could...\nDear Elise, sweet Belize, where can you be? Waiting on the street at three for me? I hold up an eye, cast about for you. Standing up, stood up, what am I to do but sit down? My Elise, in...\nI enjoyed the way a certain character said the word 'valiums' in the British version of Death At A Funeral. Surprise, I've never done anything harder than aspirin.\nThat was great.\nSaying that you need to be able to be sad to be happy, that one must be able to feel melancholy to enjoy joy, or that one must have been angry to know calm, makes about as much sense to me now as...\nEdit: You know what, scratch my reply. I just saw your other thread. Where you are now, anything I might say is just noise and bitching. Good luck getting out of your funk. Sorry life isn't going...\nCan you link me to these tweets because I'm having a hard time seeing them. It must be my mixed http://puu.sh/7L9Th.png black http://puu.sh/7L9JW.png http://puu.sh/7L9Lh.png feminist...\nThis makes me think of someone who has only ever walked, and is now terrified for all these children who are suddenly running and skipping and jumping. How will they ever walk if all they do is run...\nJust a few hours ago someone told me Good morning. How are you? to which I responded to by -thinking about the incredibly slow tone she said that in. I know I have a reputation for being shy,...\nI have a very hard time unconvincing myself of the idea that if I don't want to do something it's because I actually don't have to do it. As if the simple fact that I don't want to do it. is...\nI am uncomfortable around everyone; I am slightly more uncomfortable around the disabled, because I figure they think I'm uncomfortable with them because they are disabled.\nI think I'll try it.\nMaybe I only need 2Breaths Air/Month\nI am generally annoyed, and act pretty passive-aggressively as a result. I have never been mad enough to explode. This is of course for things other than myself. I have been mad enough at...\na lot of zzzzzzzzzzz a man shrugging A+ blah blah blah\nVarious people have accused my of being distracted or too deep into some thought. (Of going both too fast and too slow, somehow. I just wasn't focused on whatever they figured I should be focused...\naah TSFSJGFSTHEUS I've always hated my sneeze. It's an industrial sort of sneeze. It doesn't dress itself down. It doesn't consider sensitivities.\nI chameleon, of course. If they say Hi., I do too. I don't like doing it, but it takes a split second. I can't really stress myself out anymore over a second or two of what amounts to nothing....'
'I'm not the forgiving type - I won't waste my time and empathy on bad people. I can forgive a simple error, but if someone does something bad deliberately, I dust my hands of them. No vengeance,...\n- When people use me as an emotional dumping ground. I am not a band aid to be used to patch others up and be discarded when no longer 'useful'. - People who get on the machine next to me at the...\nMaking acquaintances is easy. I'm woeful at making friends. Like hopeless :P\nA pencil, a white feather, my fantasy novel collection, a block of cruelty free soap, and my plush cat that I've had since I was little\nI probably won't have my own children. If I do decide to become a parent (and I really don't know how likely that is - I'm 26 and don't even remotely feel ready), I would probably try and adopt....\nI used to enjoy it, but my husband gradually just stopped showing any interest in me (this began before we were married, which shows you how little importance I place on sexuality) and so I stopped...\nNever back and forth like that - but I think I was an extraverted child...\nDon't panic. This is not a reflection on you. Sometimes these things just happen. I don't know where you're from, but in Australia we have the Crisis Assessment Team (CAT) - you call them up when...\nINFP Height: 5'7 Weight: Heavier than I look. Eyes: Pond scum green Hair: Always changing colour. Usually pastel colours, white or blonde. Synthetic dreadlocks.\nI have very strange thought processes. I feel cursed, like if I am happy for too long, something bad will happen (and it usually does). I'm bad luck or something.\nPeople. I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but I was thinking about it the other day. Humans are the most frightening thing in the world.\nI watch cat videos mostly :P But my favourite you tubers are Jenna Marbles and Grav3yardgirl (she's such a lovely person) ^_^\nLike you said, I hang on to stuff that has a history/story. For example, I keep all birthday cards given to me.. It also drags up sad memories at times, which can be frustrating.. Aaaand very...\nMy dog is an ISFJ for sure My sisters cat is an ENTP My mums cat is probably ISTJ My cat is ENFP aaaand my Fiance's cat is ENTJ. I have thought about this several times and I'm really glad to...\nI have extremely broad taste.. Industrial, rock, hip-hop, dubstep, pop, classical, baroque, world, folk, etc. There isn't much music I don't enjoy. Except for Red Hot Chili Peppers. They annoy the...\nI think I may have already posted here.. can't remember. But - I'm INFP, Ravenclaw. Gryffindor = SP Hufflepuff = SJ Slytherin = NX Ravenclaw = NX\nLike OP said - we're not all space cadets. I don't just vacate a conversation to make squee-ing noises over a squirrel. And we're not all whiny little b****s, either.\nI LOVE Christmas! I put my tree up yesterday ^_^ It will be my first Christmas married to my INTP,, who unfortunately, doesn't like christmas. And makes a point of letting everyone know about it....\nI think the mean and spiteful behaviours are more caused by BPD rather than personality type. I know an ISFP with BPD and she's a beautiful person, but when she's having an 'episode' (for lack of a...\nIf it's someone yelling at me for something I've done wrong, or if they're making me look incompetent/dumb Sympathetic nervous system kicks in and I start to feel a bit shaky. But I just sort of...\nI'm aware of the rules and I follow them if it's for safety or (respectful?) reasons. I don't break road rules for example, because they're there for a very good reason. If they're stupid, though.....\nPineapple. A bit prickly on the outside, but sweet enough once you get rid of the outer layers ^_^\nI really do hate being underestimated, haha. I'm not entirely sure of my type - I'm still trying to get a definite answer. I've listed INFP for now as I'm reasonably sure i'm INXX. Functions-wise.....\nWhen someone downplays the work I've done. For example, i'm currently working nearly full time, i'm studying full time in an incredibly competitive course at university, i'm planning my wedding and...\nBlack singlet (long) Black sweater Black leggings Black Dr Martens Chunky swarovski pendant All black forever :p >.<\nAustralia J-E-R-K I need to leave this country. Some here are okay, but everyone hates us because we have a reputation for being racist bogans with a racist, sexist classist prime minister.\nSo true. I would so cry.. then go the way of the ENFP :P\nI do not like lying. But if my best friend came to me and asked if I thought they were ugly, I'm going to say no. Even if they're not physically attractive, if I'm friends with them, i'm going to...\nA great big pile of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff :P It's a giant mess. There are some memories at the top of the pile that can be retrieved easily enough, but the rest.. really hard to retrieve....\nIt really is - its incredible how different people deal with different stressors. Fascinating. Quite possibly.. Occasionally i'll replay events from my childhood, which can drag my mood right down...\nI've been thinking about this recently.. I think I have only really grown into my personality recently. I'm 26, and I feel like I've been delayed by several years. My childhood wasn't exactly happy...\nIt's a creme brulee flavoured black tea ^_^\nDo the zombies run? Because my plans change dramatically if they're shufflers :P\nI get angry from time to time, and I usually just bottle it up and don't say anything. But, once every few years, and I really do mean years, when I get really, really, really angry - it's horrible....\nTo begin with, I really thought he was ISTJ. I got loads of Si off him, constantly referring to what he was, what his TARDIS used to look like - his childhood! That blunt Te sledgehammer thing he's...\nINFP. I like reading and writing (fantasy and sci-fi), psychology, history, gaming, dancing, doing weird stuff to my hair, running, and making plans for the zombie apocalypse.\nUghh nooooo. Bores the hell out of me. And I always sucked at it... :P\nHm :S I would say my depression began at around 13, but even at around 14, I think I may have been extraverted.. I don't really remember. It's only recently that my depression has gone away (it's...\nMASSIVE HP fan ^_^\nI used to test as ISFJ years ago..\nNope. I think that would be an extraordinarily bad idea. Look how certain types are viewed among the community here, and then multiply that by 10000000000000. Discrimination. Discrimination...\nI really hate the way I look. People have been calling me ugly since I was like, 7 or 8, so that didn't help with my self esteem. I am not a naturally nice looking person - I'm have a huge frame,...\nIt can take me along time to get to sleep if i'm stressed. All I can think about at the moment is my wedding - I'm trying to plan and pay for it, same with my honeymoon, work full time, study full...\nI have great trouble telling someone I love them, if I don't actually really love them romantically or platonically. I love maybe... 4 people. Seriously. I tell them I love them all the time (even...\nI've been described as 'gentle' ^_^\nBe patient with me. I have a roundabout way of saying things sometimes. Please don't make me do small talk for an extended period of time. Anything past Nice weather we're having and I start to...\nI was bullied mercilessly from the age of 5-18. I went to 6 different schools because the teachers did nothing to help me. It was endless. I don't know why. I guess they thought I was weird. My...\nI'm a good dancer My writing skills are pretty good I'm good at doing makeup and hair I am good at conflict resolution and mediating I've been told my shortbread is amazing (which is a good...\nI was clinically depressed for many years (as of 3 months ago, I no longer fit the criteria - yay! All thanks to intense exercise) But, my Si would drag up every horrible memory I had, every thing...\nINFP Phone Wallet (packed full with loyalty cards I never use but was too soft to say no to) Keys (with my favourite alpaca keychain) Headphones Planner/diary (overfilled with important bits...'
'I think Trump is a fabulous gay icon. His taste is gaudy and extravagant, and he's so larger than life. He's also the first ever president to have supported gay marriage upon election. He is...\nYou sound like a typical intellectual over analyzing their low self esteem. INFJs can be great in almost every way others can. It's time to stop your circular defeatist thinking, and begin...\nI think this is because as INFJs we are extremely accustom to living in our own inner worlds, and can only really express that main part of ourselves when in conversation with one or two close...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhVOXnB-0KQ There are people who are living incredible lives with the same disorder. You can live the life you want.\nThat's your special challenge in life! Think of all the respect you'll gain from people, especially those who have to deal with hemophilia when you live so wonderfully despite it. See it as a game,...\nWhether you want to realize it or not you're doing this to yourself. You are in a state of dis empowerment that's clouding your vision with regard to everything. If people becoming great human...\nSince INFJs are such careful, thoughtful people, it makes sense that you're finding yourself easily intimidated. I am no longer easily intimidated, but a few years ago, I very much was. Getting...\nBy your wistfulness for this girl, it sounds like you may love her more than you love yourself. It seems young INFJ have a habit of indulging in their weaker emotions to the point of their own...\nEgo: Sufficiently Fed.\nI have been through something similar. I think the ideal of fame is very attractive when you lack the feeling of being valued and having purpose. Once you start to acquire these things, fame can...\nThe grass is always greener on the other side. There does however seem to be a breaking point in numbers where people no longer connect. We're just flat sided Legos sent back to the factory as...\nI'm the same way. I get like no physiological pleasure when I'm alone, unless I'm riding off a phone call I'm having/had with my partner. I feel like the sexual part of me shuts down without...\nHad double jaw surgery a few months ago, because my jaws/chin were set at a drastically asymmetric angle. Slowly getting feeling in my mouth back, and seeing residual swelling reduce. It's pretty...\nEver since you can remember, you somehow knew never to take your anger out on other people.\n*Goes out with friends for 2 hours, comes home* Man! Friendships really are what life is all about :) *Goes out with friends for 6 hours, comes home* I'm EXHAUSTED. Why do I subject myself to...\nA little nose and pantyhose Her tiny figure called my desire I'd crane my neck from the kitchen sink To glimpse the girl for hire. Long ago, her eager eyes, Plucked my wallet thin, Her hands...\nDon't most girls just write a letter to Ellen Degeneres these days?\nWe tend to be extremely careful in how we treat others. If we treated another how you treated your friend, we would never be able to forgive ourselves. And thus, I doubt he will ever be able to...\nI have always had a pretty absurdist sense of humor. My mind works in very silly, satirical ways, and I am wondering if this is common among other INFJs. I realized today that I probably have to...\nHello everyone! I have recently come to realize just how brutal I feel when I do anything that is an affront to my value system. I have always understood how awful I feel when I treat others...\nAhah, maybe it's' time for mass INFJ unraveling! <3\nLumosaria You're super welcome! I sometimes say things a bit more drastically than I mean them, in order to encourage thought. I think there is a difference between seeking meaning when in a...\nI was going to let you out sooner, but then this wouldn't have made such a great thread. But I digress. Anyway, I think there is great value in disrupting people by using a controversial...\nAhah ! Gotta stir the pot a bit to ruffle up some debate! :P I wasn't sure how used to a purposefully edgy post PerC would be. I had to rekindle my relationship with writing poetry because I...\nI am glad that you and your friends are not convoluting yourselves into X-File marathons. However, I do think that this is a common stumbling block many INFJs hit at some point in their lives. Self...\nYour are in a vicious cycle of feelings of powerlessness, which deters you from taking the action that is required to overcome these feelings. Your lack of belief in your ability to change your...\nWhat habits have you developed that most positively contribute to your wellbeing?\nFrom my own experience being an INFJ, and interacting with others I have met online, I've come to realize that we have a HUGE tendency to over complicate our understanding of ourselves. Because of...\nI was speaking with someone the other day, and at one point they said, really driven people who know what they want in life are super rare. So tell me, how rare do you think these people are in...\nHey there Zosio! I know exactly how you're feeling and I think I know exactly the issue. I have felt this way myself to quite a drastic degree, just a short while ago, particularly when walking...\n2 year relationship with a guy that I would very happily spend the rest of my life with. The trouble is he's a military pilot and due to circumstances, this past year we've spent separate will be...\nI'm not gonna post a pic in here or anything But I just wanted to say that I rate myself a solid 10/10\nYou're ultra attractive You're the smartest person I know Your charisma is like none other You're more special than all the rest I wish I was you I have never known anyone so great...\nHey guys, If anyone could help me make sense of this mental condition of mine I would be very grateful. It has been a source of huge distress for me for quite some time. If you have any advice or...\nI'm an INFJ male and am contemplating joining the Canadian Forces as either a medical/nursing officer or pilot. A year or two ago I never would have dreamed I would ever be considering this. I...\nHi guys So last summer, when I was 20 I met who is now my first boyfriend (I'm gay). He's extremely kind and smart and funny, and all that good stuff. We are very close and we have every intention...\nWrote a couple quotes today that really helped me out. Hopefully they'll help someone else On the road to defining ourselves Every demon, every thorn will snag our side Until we realize that the...\nThroughout my life, whenever I have felt unfulfilled or depressed, I've gone into a very wistful state like most INFJs. Growing up, I felt like I didn't fit in, so I'd happily tag myself as a sort...\nHey guys I haven't been on here for so long but I have an emergency for which I'd really love advice So a couple months ago I met a guy on a dating website (Plentyoffish) and found him cute and...\nAh you said that beautifully. I will remember that\nThank you so much Jacqueline :) Admittedly, I'm kind of embarrassed that after a long time not talking, this is what you see of me, aha :/ Things have been great though, I just have to deal with...\n@PandaBear THank you! That's actually very good advice. I considered doing it one time, but then decided not to thinking that I was not going to feel this way again soon. I guess I was wrong ...\nHey everyone I feel very uncomfortable writing and posting this, but I am going to anyway because in my experience, staying quiet about these things has never done me any good. This time of...\nHey guys! Thank you for your comments! It has been awhile since I've been on here and awhile since I've posted this thread. I'm no longer insecure about being tall. Woohoo! aha I find it...\nHey guys. For a long time now I have had a very crusty feeling thought process. My mind is stuck in such a rut of thinking about the same old things, such as the monitoring of a couple of my...\nDear Same Old, I'm going to be leaving you alone for a long while now, maybe even the rest of my life. You've made me feel too cozy for too long. I'll still be around you every day, but just know...\nWow. Sara sounds like a real mess.\nA better relationship with my Mom. I'm going to be working at this for awhile. We've been totally disconnected for such a long time, and I've finally realized the effects of it\nThe best gift that you can give to other people is your best self\nYES!! This is the case for me! It is almost impossible for me to take a picture that it doesn't look like I'm dying in. I feel so uncomfortable with the idea of looking good for the camera. It...'
'Thanks!\nI have the same stance as you although I've never followed my own stance.\nOK. I understand how to fix my sleep schedule. The only part I don't understand is the part about going to sleep the same time every night if you have already slept late into the day the night...\nWell, it sounds like you have a plan. You're ready to have a girlfriend and you really like her. That's awesome! Have you thought about passing your phone number to her after you ask her out again?\nI didn't intend to put a lot of focus on rebound because maybe I used the wrong word. Before you are thoroughly confused, allow me to suggest that maybe none of us know what was going through her...\nI really just needed to understand where you were coming from. I found it difficult to understand why you didn't believe preferences were fluid. I understand now. It seems that I don't believe much...\nOK. First, what criteria are you referring to? I ask because my response only took into consideration what criteria I have changed, but it may not be what you even meant.\nI may be wrong. It actually sounds like she had some emotional hangups and baggage. It seems like you sensed that by her response and didn't want to be that guy. That guy who is treated like a...\nI did.\nGraficha, I read some research that Melatonin has been known to stop ovulation in a woman.\nIf you truly have encountered a real Sociopath, you would not have said what you said.\nHonesty is always the best policy. 100% pure honesty. Pure. We can't expect men to just read our minds, or anyone else for that matter. We need to learn to ask for what we need. If someone is...\n!!!\nWait. I suppose that could describe me too though, but I take action.\nTotally how he is I think. He says he likes when I tell him what to do, but I'm not so sure. lol Hmm. I'm thinking . . .\nHe thinks I'm stubborn, only when I'm standing up to him. But if I'm not standing up to him, he tells me to do so! He is also a Taurus. oooooooooooooh\nYou're not being an asshole. If anything, I see that you understand that a relationship requires sacrificing innate personality traits (understanding that her resisting your natural type does not...\nI completely understand what you are saying, but your premise defies logic. No matter the explanations. Your interpretation of the definition suggests a subjective impression.\nOh. I see what you mean. Then I would disagree with you. The definition of preference does not address fluidity at all. Since that, then it is not logical to say, Preferences are by definition not...\nI totally appreciate your advice. I agree with you about it being a team effort and taking charge.\nOh, I have already suggested this method to him. I researched it and found this solution. As of now, he still has not tried it lol\nAcerbusvenator, Premise: Preferences are not fluid. Argument: if you were an INTP you'd always prefer to do it in the Ti Ne Si Fe order, but people are not that solid, we are dynamic....\nBahahahahaahaha!\nTouche :D\nI was referring to this. You are correct. Also this just now, right here: You contradict yourself here. In one statement, you say that preferences are not fluid. In another statement,...\nI think what emerald is speaking of is how for women, everything is touching. Men have the ability to compartmentalize more. For instance, a couple gets into a fight in the kitchen. It doesn't...\nYour very last sentence is true for me. I have already figured it out for myself. I was curious to see how other INFJs feel about it and if they deal with it. Your post was a huge confirmation...\nNo. Actually you weren't supplying the definition of the word preference. You specifically said that a preference is not fluid. That is not accurate or logical.\nNo. It's not strange.\nAs a kid: Charlottes Webb, Indian In The Cupboard, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Hatchett, Andromeda Strain, 1984, Sheila The Great, Of Mice and Men, Goosebumps, Babysitters Club, Readers Digest,...\nbwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!\nI very closely relate to ISFJ at another time in my life before I started working on myself to become strong. I can't tell whether my high N score is real or if I just want it to be, but people tell...\nCan anyone help me figure out the slight preference thing?\nPreferences actually can be fluid. A number of lesbian women, and some heterosexual women as well, perceive choice as an important element in their sexual orientations.\nI was highly extraverted growing up. I suffered abuse from age 2-18 by authority figures--multiple traumas. I sought out a therapist several years ago. I have always been highly N. I don't know...\nMy Dad took the MBTI test today. He said after some research, he found that the tests are not accurate because it requires a trained professional to interpret the results. Is this true?\nI know. I don't know if he is as concerned as I am. When I talk to him about it, he doesn't really respond to all of that part of it--the dangers. But he does at least seem interested in the idea of...\nYou have. Thank you very much. It really just put everything back into perspective for me. I just got back from my therapist appointment for the week lol So, I got a double whammy. Thank you. I...\nHave you ever volunteered at an animal shelter?\nThanks ^^^^^^ My mood has changed since my OP. It never lasts lol I just wondered if it was type specific. I do have a therapist that I've been seeing for 3 years. I talk to her about it. It used...\nWhere do you live? What are your interests/hobbies?\nI'm actually not totally sure on this. It's only my opinion. He hasn't taken the test yet lol\nI need some advice. I'm not sleeping at night. In fact, I have not been to bed yet and it is 9:16 am. My husband is having the same issue, but his is more that he sleeps, but not on a deep level. We...\nFeeling hyper critical is one of my signals to stress. When I detach, go inside and practice self care, it goes away. It is my belief that my personality type can be very draining. If I am not...\nPssst! I zeroed in on only one of your points in my comment. Some of your other points were helpful. Plus, It's possible that I misinterpreted you ARE mean to her to mean intent when you weren't...\nI'm not really sure what your first question means. To your second question, I'm not sure how to answer that either since I sense a condescending undertone.\nHere is what the Human Metrics test says: INFJ Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(75%) Feeling(12%) Judging(22%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) You have...\nAre you a Gemini?\ndelete\nemerald sea, bravo! Yes, that explains the dynamic perfectly. Brady, books about this topic are very helpful. My hubby and I read them all of the time. We have grown so so so much in our marriage...'
Huh? Maybe try to explain your choice? Why fives should be poor in spirit, why should seven mourn? And so on... Nope, I can't see any relation.\nI think I have balanced wings. I don't feel particular influences from them.\nAnd it looks like your sense of loyalty is similar to mine. I guess it may be more of a personal thing, maybe a matter of growing up. I actually was taught about loyalty as a child, as well as other...\nI wonder... I have kinda similar approach to envy. Compared to many people, I seem to not be so envious. I rarely feel very oriented envy, I think I rather envy more general things, like luck....\nI'm not shy, I'm just not very social. I know it i.e. because I tried that kind of exercise - and I can do that, it's just I don't find it interesting nor particularly rewarding. However there are...\nI'm not sure how to understand avarice in context of enneagram. I have tendency to be possessive about people, but I know it for long, long time, since childhood, and I always keep it in mind and try...\nMaybe all healthy types are loyal. That's why judging by own experience is tricky. Hm, I don't think so... Loyal to knowledge? Adventures? You can't be loyal to knowledge. I think loyalty applies...\nWhat you write about 6 and 8 sounds pretty convincing. In fact I often feel mistrust towards sixes and while I don't find 8s more attractive, I would be probably more likely to trust an 8's...\nDepends on their type... sometimes you know they act like that out of malice. Actually I don't expect everybody to act like an INTP, especially not people I know, who aren't INTP. There's a huge...\nOk, thanks for stating so clearly what transcendence you were talking about. What I had in mind was more spiritual meaning of it, so it turns out we probably talked about two different things. ...\nThat actually sounds pretty similar to what I think about illusion, just I don't feel like trying to explore it with psychoactive substances. Maybe my idea is fluffy, probably because it's so...\nI just tried to explain, in relation to the thread topic, why I agree with attitude 'I don't want to be connect with the universe' etc. and at the same time use enneagram. I was asked whether I...\nThis argument about having to try everything to be able to have opinion about it is quite weak, in my opinion. There are a lot of substances or states that make people feel like they experience...\nI believe they are just effects of brain acting weird. Just because somebody experiences amazing and moving feelings doesn't mean they are transpersonal. As far as I know, things like joining minds...\nYeah, I agree with you. I have similar feelings and I wrote about them similar times around the forums, once even getting into an argument :rolleyes: I just don't like mysticism at all. I'm an...\nWe can't be sure if these people really are 5w6 or even 5. Famous people who have anything to do with widely understood 'smartness' are often typed as 5.\nI don't recommend following the charts. You may try on various colours, so called self-draping. It's not as hard as it may seem, you just need good light and patience. If you do it at home you may do...\nYes, it is. Any type can have dark hair and brown eyes. Soft summer looks best in muted colours that are close to neutral, but more on cool side. Bright, pure colours (including stark white and...\nYeah, but I have tendency to feel like that about everyone - friends, family, etc. Of course I'm not a small child, so I can see it and correct it. Also I dislike clinginess myself, so I'm not happy...\nYep, people may see as as very argumentative, smug, negative or shy, depending on their own issues. People unsure of their position, competitive - most likely to see standing by our opinion,...\nEh, I think I may be Sp/Sx then and I dislike that tendency. :(\nYou probably never got real interest in clothing, because if you had, you would know all differences. :) We INTP just have that quality and I think that's why some of us are careful about clothing...\nBlack is really flattering and natural for Winters and also for Bright Springs, though they look better in slightly softer black or contrasting patterns including black (like black and red, black and...\nReally the best way is for you to try on different colours, in good lighting, without make up and observe how each colour affect your appearance. The most flattering colours that make you appear...\nAre they too bright or maybe too cool? Take a look at this palette, it's better: http://pinterest.com/pin/211880357438467284/\nI'd say it's more about realising that though in general we don't care about opinion about us, there are some instances when we do, for example: -when having a bad reputation can be harmful to us...\nStrange definition of normal... People in general tend to do fashionable things, you just need to find people who generally like similar things as you do. As for facebook, remember that people...\nClear Springs are the only Springs who look really good in black. My friend is a Clear Spring and her mum has been dressing her in black and red since she was a little child ^^ Most people...\nOften people who look good in most colours are Brights or just young and good looking :) What you should do is DYI colour analysis, using various textiles you have at home instead of drapings -...\nIf deep, deep black and stark white are your colours then you are a winter, if not then it's autumn. Sometimes it's very hard to distinguish between sister types, but matching colours should tell....\nHm... Maybe I misunderstood it, but I'm not really that focused on my interests, in fact I have random interests, I've never had a real hobby and I'm annoyed when people ask me about it... If...\nFives understand. :pats back:\nAgreed. At least in modern Western society INTP is rather stereotyped as nerd or asocial, in best case 'kinda weird but nice once you get to know him'. I admit that in some environments INTP...\nI don't think in leagues. I've read that mentally healthy people tend to overestimate their looks, intelligence etc. so that most people think they are somewhat above average) ;) I guess in my case...\nSomehow it reminds me of clothing in Star Trek: The Next Generation...\nOh no, we actually give a lot of signs, but not everyone bothers to see them, they are probably too subtle and are only visible to those who really watch for them. Remember that every type...\nOr having a boring life. Which actually doesn't mean to be bored all the time, around the clock, just being bored pretty often. For example, if person is for some reason stuck in an environment...\nDunno, I'm not that different irl than online, except that online I put more effort into being clear and delicate, as lack of non-verbal communication creates a lot of misunderstanding. I don't think...\nHa, than we have opposite views, as I see tan as somewhat unnatural, an 'added' colour, and untanned as 'real' colour. Of course I don't think of using some harsh means to make skin lighter than...\nYeah, that's what I was talking about - lightening skin actually makes it look better... Just it is lightening as keeping it on lightest natural level, not going lighter than one is, as some people...\nTo a Chinese? Insanely difficult, as far as I know.\nThat's how it works, it's how racism affected people's thinking. Theirs is aesthetic choice, yours are racial issues. From a purely cosmetological point of view, lightening skin as much as...\nOh this. I don't see is a monologue. Rather as an observational skill. I'm sometimes surprised that people let themselves show some stuff by body language or babbling and I wonder if they realise how...\nI don't. But I replay stuff or plan. I kinda exercise things I could say. I also can replay songs instead of listening to them. If course I do it when I'm not focused on anything particular, like...\nPerceiving irony in oneself, having distance to oneself.\nIf you keep having disturbing dreams and feel alert there may be actually something bad going on - maybe you just don't want to acknowledge it? Also, some conditions may result in changes in...\nIt seems you already did a good job by defining your problems and planning to deal with them. Continue to aim to be your old self. Though it may not be exactly as your childhood self, as we grow up...\nI agree. I usually don't look into eyes of strangers, but sometimes I get impression that people try to pin me down with their stare, I read it as a signal they want me to stare back, so that's...\nI'm afraid you just have to bear it until you grow up and become independent.\nYes, but legacy of racism make people assume that the sense of inferiority is the reason. For example Asians are very often accused by Western media of trying to look more Western, to worship...
'I think kind behaviour can come from inner strength or weakness, and that there's a difference between being genuinely kind and being an overly accommodating doormat. When I am kind it's usually...\nToo many sticky threads for my taste... </disagreeable grumbling>\nI think I have feelings. Ew. Should I stomp them? It wouldn't be pleasant, but I can't let them run around like this! What if they bite? I could get rabies and die!\nSo she went behind my back and complained to the landlord about me. When that didn't work, she went behind the landlord's back and complained to the tenancy tribunal about him. That didn't work...\nISFJ is the big one for me. I know a few of them and we actually get along really well... until we start getting too close. A specific ISFJ and I have ongoing problems because neither of us has the...\nI received my first summons yesterday. My flatmate's reaction was 'HA HA YOU HAVE TO DO JURY DUTY LOL' My mum once told me that my granddad was really unlucky because he apparently got summoned so...\nYour words struck me that way. Whether you're actually like that, I don't know. Any proof that liking efficiency reduces the value you place on human life in the pipeline?\nNever. I read some school reports my mum saved from when I was six years old. They describe a 6-year-old INTP haha. However, I have been known to behave more like a different type (ENTP or ENTJ...\nI used to live with an ENTJ who could be quite critical. Not actually arrogant, but easily misinterpreted as such. As in, I'm going to explain this to you step-by-step. That way, you won't keep...\nThat is much more familiar. Still can't say I'm sold on INTP as his type. The whole goal-setting, high ambition thing seems a bit out of character for an INTP. An INTP on a mission to implement some...\nAgreed. That seems like some kind of wizardry to me. INTPs like to dissect and check and build things. I could see ideas coming out of nowhere, but then they would be taken apart and recombined...\nI do that. I also do it when I'm reading music... can't really use 'but I preserved the meaning' as an excuse there haha.\nHmm... well, Shostakovich 11 is conveniently an hour long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO2gqtw3rbw\nYeah, I majored in music and there were a few INTPs and INTJs around. There were people of all types, actually. I don't think type affects your inclination towards art, but it might affect how the...\nI agreed to give a dude my number because he said he needed musicians for his studio. Several irritating text messages later, I'm certain he never had any intention of employing me and is only...\nVideo: How to Do a Flat on the Viola | eHow - Something about this lady's demeanour scares the crap out of me. It's almost as if she's being extremely sarcastic or biting back barely suppressed...\nI don't know about being an assassin, but can tell you from experience that competition is fierce in the slacker field. Long hours, too.\nThis is weird. Attraction is not something I experience very often. Nobody has distracted me like this in... well... ever? And the stupid thing is that I don't actually know anything about him, not...\nWithout a degree I have nothing in the eyes of an employer. To pursue my ultimate dream and that is to work in the game industry. Games? I wanna make games is what most of my classmates...\nI feel lucky that so many of my friends are classical musicians. Of course it doesn't mean we all have the same taste, haha. People are looking for different experiences from music. Some people only...\nBut what does it mean to you? I hate this question above all others.\nWe did pretty much the same test over here: http://personalitycafe.com/personality-test-resources/11281-reading-peoples-facial-expressions.html I was surprised to score 36. I tried to ignore my...\nPeople just want to stay in their safe little bubble and not have you come along and burst it. #322 & #323 “My friend group has a case of the Creepy Dude. How do we clear that up?” |...\nRPG whinge: it's annoying when NPCs keep referring to how attractive your character is when you're trying to roleplay a character who's ugly :P\nif(INTP.shouldStudy()){ perC.browse(); }\nI know what you're talking about. Luckily, I don't mind walking in front of lines. As for why it happens, here's my guess: People who are talking to each other naturally stick together. Some people...\nCompliments are a band-aid solution for insecurities. They don't really get at the root of the problem. Unfortunately I'm not socially awesome enough to tell you what to say, but maybe you can try to...\nI have successfully subscribed. Thanks for the videos, looking forward to seeing more (:\nI normally just tell people that I majored in violin, but it was properly titled Classical Performance. Love performing in an orchestra. Hate performing solo. Tangent: classical performance screws...\nAll of them haha. I got to play symphony no. 6 a couple of months ago, and no. 5 is coming up in August (excite!) If I wasn't a violinist, I'd want to play the french horn. ...\nNot today. I have exams in two weeks, so I quit coffee just this past Monday and replaced it with hot chocolate. They say it's addictive but I don't really feel any different, except that I...\nEven the language is unprofessional. I'm surprised anyone actually gives money to this website. There is almost nothing the INFP will do in order to avoid conflict. Eh?\nI have one eyeliner pencil and some lip glosses but they are all very old and almost unused. Sometimes I feel like looking pretty is a game that other people play but I don't really understand. On...\nHow to be an idiot: Put pie in oven. Wait an hour. Retrieve delicious pie! - oh. Oven not turned on. No delicious pie... yet.\nSometimes I teach violin. I recently asked a student if I could tune his violin for him and his mother said, 'No, we've already had it professionally tuned.' I mean, it's okay for her not to know...\n'As a woman, I find it difficult to reverse into angled car parks.' She then looked at me as though I was going to corroborate that I, too, cannot park a car, and it is indeed because I am female. I...\nInformation is interpreted data. Information is barely sufficient. These are the only things I can remember from INFO101.\nRepetition? Unfortunately repetition is essential, but if you can focus you can make it rewarding instead of boring. If you feel bored, you are practising wrong and you should either work on...\nHuh? I find that they treat the nerds like total caricatures who have to fail at everyday life just so we can have a way to laugh down at them. Whoever said you can't think too much while watching...\nI did a BMus in performance but I'm no concert soloist, haha. It is an incredibly, incredibly hard path that you want to walk, and I suspect that might be why your teacher doesn't encourage you to...\nAlways an INTP, though I did go through a stage of trying my very best to be an ESFP. The things that happen to you can easily affect your behaviour, but won't necessarily change you at your core. I...\nJane Eyre, then I'll read Sense and Sensibility. I'm on a mission to read the classics.\nI don't suppose there's anyone who sees the value in both small talk and the pursuit of knowledge.\nEat and sleep properly. Don't stay up til 2am unless you can afford to stay in bed til 10 the next morning. Focus in class so you don't have to spend as much of your valuable internet-browsing time...\nI suspect you can score up to 100% in either direction, otherwise the maximum score in anything would be 50%. You could think of it as scoring -11 extraverted.\nMusical > Logical > Visual/Spatial I'm studying, but sometimes I work as a violinist.\nIt's pretty! Reminds me a little bit of Stravinsky and a little bit of Sibelius. And quite a lot of playing video games and watching movies :P\nYou casually throw a witty, flirty, original pick-up line at someone... without meaning it that way. When you finally realise how forward it must have seemed, you get confused and clam up for a day...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2_F42A6cFs It's a bit long because there are two movements here. It's all good stuff but the first 9 minutes or so (Passacaglia) is definitely recommended listening.\n1) I don't know how to answer this question other than I don't put myself into situations like that. I guess I'd go borrow $200 from the bank to replace it. 2) Apparently I'm an idiot and I'd...'
'Tell me the stories of how you fell for people in past or current relationships! How did you figure out those were ones worth keeping around? Very curious to hear the stories on the INFJ side,...\nIn need of some insight here; Since I've first taken the MBTI test, I've tested as INTP multiple times. It wasn't until I started to try and type my friends that I started learning about the way...\nIn need of some advice! Any cance the wise and knowledgeable people on PerC can help me out? I'm posting on this sticky as I know this question will have been asked before, and don't want to start...\nINTPs, do you feel a disconnect from the people around you often? If so, why do you think that is, what does it make you feel?\nUse blanket statements to comfort her. It always works on the F types.\nPerhaps I should have said 'if this person could be compatible and worthy' instead. Since at that time that is still a big part of the questions at hand.\nAnyone also listens to a bit at the start, then fast forwards to about the last half minute? The changes are a delight to hear, nearly everyone sounds a lot more comfortable at the end, and it makes...\nBefore I realise this I'm normally pretty laid back and in no hurry to get anywhere soon (except perhaps for getting my hands on as much info about their personality as I can). However, when I am...\nThere are two things I absolutely love doing in this world and I've been lucky enough to have found a way to mainly just do that in my life. I love making things with my hands, the research...\nThanks! It's like receiving a 'Get out of jail free' card, for if I ever give in to the violent impulses (No but really, I'm glad to hear this annoyance is a little more common than I thought,...\nPeople who chew loudly. Swear to god it does my fucking head in and I am not to be held accountable for my actions when someone in my near vicinity is chewing loudly.\nI don't know about the rest of you, but the questions asked are definitely on a path I have found myself on at times as well. NipNip seems to offer quite the insight on it though, at least one...\nE_Goldstein I went on a few dates with someone I assume to be a ISFJ. From what I've gathered they don't offer insight into themselves too freely but are still willing to give in to an INTPs...\nDo you ever stop yourself from doing so as to not lose that control? Or is that, also, out of your control? I can't decide if I've just never really fallen in love as people have described, or if...\nShh, 's all good. I know that as an ENTJ you probably just want to feel like you're right, but let it go man.\nAlthough I'm not sure in which context they were presented exactly, I do relate to them. I'm a go-getter when it comes to things I have set my mind to do, personal goals if you will. But I'm very...\nThis has been an extremely helpful thread so far. I went to therapy once as well for a brief three months, and I ended up only feeling weirder about myself. In hindsight I know it wasn't the...\nVery much agree here as well. Once it is time for ye old breakup, I will have spent a whole lotta time pining over this. Going over the pros and cons and coming to a conclusion. And when that...\nWhen I just get to know someone, I'll try to figure out as much as I possibly can about them. From there it can go two ways depending on how comfortable I feel around them. I'll initiate contact if I...\n<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention --> @<b><a href=http://personalitycafe.com/member.php?u=179738 target=_blank>lunagattina</a></b> <!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention --> I'm...\nNo word fuzz, to the point, correct use of punctuation. I'd say accurately typed.\nBut finally seeing leaves on trees after you get glasses/lenses is just the best feeling!\nI suppose calling it a rebound relationship says enough, no? Being with someone else after a break up can be nice, it can help you take your mind of things and let you see your previous...\nInteresting question. I couldn't tell you for sure, as I can only speak about my personal experiences. What I can say is that growing up as a female, I have always felt that it was more expected...\nAh yes, it's good to be reminded of that every now and again as I know I can be quite blind to that - which is a strange thing because you all just seem to ooze kindness all the time :) ...\nAlthough megmento is on the right track, a more accurate definition would be Introversion - gets their energy from being by themselves Extroversion - gets energised by being around others ...\nSo much love for that post! However, here's what happens to bad sausage! ;) https://media.giphy.com/media/3ornjP5gec0MXhswb6/giphy.gif\nThat's some murky waters you're putting yourself in if you choose to proceed. Sexual satisfaction has nothing to do with outer appearances, and him making that point should be nothing else than a...\nThat I become rather apathetic when I've spent too long a time away from mountains and people. It doesn't matter if the other things I do in life are going brilliant, mountains and solitude are a...\nHAL no. No it is not a sad thing! I end up only eating salads because you can throw anything you want to eat in there. Little to no cooking, mainly chopping. Few dishes, no waiting times for things...\nIf I don't ask any follow up questions it's safe to say I don't give a damn about anything that comes out of your mouth. Plus I don't care much if I'm being rude if you're really not worth my...\nI've been trying to get better at understanding my emotions for a while now, and knowing how to call a certain thing helps to give it a place, makes you feel more harmonious. Which in turn also lets...\nHeadofHudet sayin' it true. For me it's about getting out of your head for a while and really feeling the moment. To do that you need to be able to make a connection to someone on mainly a...\nIt is with me. The reason I do this is not to be blunt, but because I'll probably think that whatever there is to say isn't worth saying, and probably only used as conversation filler. And if it's...\nJust sticking with the van for now ;)\nIDontThinkSo not every question needs background info. I was merely curious about how the ENTPs here respond to hurt and what works on them if someone is trying to get back on their good side. Gather...\nThe first time I read that I laughed so hard I had to keep myself from falling. I live in a van so I suppose I'm keeping up the stereotype. Confession: An ENFP who for a while was a friend...\nI think I hurt the feelings of a ENTP. Something or other about certain understandings we had, which he ended up not 100% agreeing with, although he said he did. Very confusing as he normally doesn't...\nAs an INTP I am baffled and occasionally stand in awe of all you ISFJs. I would love to know how you interact with the INTPs or other NTs in your life, as I might be falling for an ISFJ, I'm just...\nINTPs might need time to figure their feelings out, but it's a data thing. We need it all before making decisions. He has the data, and has not replied. Although you can never be absolutely certain...\nThere's very little to go on here. Has he told you he's an INTP? Are there things that do confirm to you he is? There's also different ways of talking about feelings. Personally I can express...\nExcuse the double post, but I have just reached image posting privileges and I've been saving these up: http://i.giphy.com/oWtvmhyo5tl5e.gif http://i.giphy.com/SztNh2RqJmXVC.gif\nwhere do i sign up?\nClose! Just a little less cosy, fewer smiles, a slight yet palpable unease at the close proximity of everyone. You know, the usual. Anyone find a more suitable sausage image yet?\nI... I thought this was going to be about the sausage fest that is the INTP population. But now, now I am weirdly enjoying this thread. I would have repaid the favour by posting a sausage gif...\nTo preserve sanity? You make no sense to me. Especially if it's a product of raping? You have me baffled. So you're saying that it's better for a woman's sanity to have a child? Have you ever seen...\nhttps://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/539066_10151813863984802_1856054007_n.jpg?oh=4356f458364bdc7bc3c41ac9a661c078&oe=581E0342 ...\nTeam sports hold absolutely no appeal to me. However, I'm pretty big on climbing and find bouldering a lot of fun as it requires you to think of your body as a puzzle, figuring out where to put your...\nPro choice. Although I believe this isn't much of an issue in Europe, and that that's the general consensus here. Where is OP from if I may ask? Also, there is a big support system over here. Many...\nYeah. It's a blessing and a curse. I'm extremely sensitive to sounds, quite sensitive to sights, and I jump up like a frog whenever startled. Other than that I also take on the feelings of those...'
'Less presumptuous about incoming experiences. Being an Infj is terribly impractical, and if you want to join society, you kinda... gotta... get out of it, unless you are pursuing careers or...\nNFP deals in untangibles, SFP deals in tangibles. That doesn't mean they can't both be artistic and seemingly abstract, as in the case of the Isfp, but the difference is unmistakable. Sorry, I'm...\nIts dependent on genre, and the particular style of the director. I know that Infjs are known for method acting, and actually becoming the person they are trying to act. Movies are a lot different...\nCertain types are more likely to have greater barriers and irritations towards religion. I hate that term, religion. Its almost like liberal, very negative and full of contempt. Religion is a...\nI mean... I really want to help you here but we don't have enough information. You have to come up with some details of what you guys talked about. Your reactions, feelings, etc. He probably lost...\nI understand that. I had my fiancee too. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just exaggerate when I want to make a point as clear as I possibly can. Prove me wrong in your successes, and I will only be...\nI find it so funny that you posted this today. I have a year and half of experience with this relationship. I am a male Infj, who was with a female Isfj. This relationship can only work if each...\nWay to go. You tried to passively discredit anything I said, all in the name of #HippiePeace420 Might as well call me your worst insult. You fat fraudulent piece of shit. With upvotes like you...\nIntjs, and to a lesser extent Infjs, can be pretty conceited. I think its equal but Infjs are more likely to hold it inside and perhaps have insights or values that conflict with that attitude. I...\nHell no.\nBoth are bad and each possess their own unique dangers. They both ruin lives, and any of the benefits are an illusion. Stick to Meth and you'll be ok.\nIxxj's are fogies.\nI think that it could conceivably get close, but in this world, I can only think of a few things that are truly unconditional.\nIf I wasn't a Christian, my normal inclination would be to sleep with as many women as possible. Not just meet and bang, but just have fun with many different girls. I do have that side. I chose a...\nIf they did something like that, its probably nothing new to them. There are people who have no remorse, that doesn't make it your battle to fight, sounds like you have little on them anyway.\nDouble post. Get her out of the house or something, exercise or go hiking in a peaceful spot or something. To me that sounds constructive. Try to go have fun in ways that won't make her anxious if...\nThis is sort of a weird phenomenon and its hard to describe. When someone you love is in anguish, loved ones try to rush in and aid however they can, usually in the name of worry, and an ego...\nJust let it go, bad people exist, nothing will change that, including revenge. Appealing to some metaphysical concept like karma, to feel a mental satisfaction of justice, that doesn't do anything....\nOk then. Well, a couple of things from my own experience. Anyone when they're super self-absorbed like that, realize that there's a limit to what you can do. She has to decide if she wants to go...\nJust like every other type, maturation tends to wise up the dominate functions. Early on, Infjs are oversensitive and give too much of a shit about things that really are of no practical concern....\nProbably Njs\nI think its a trap caused by self-absorption.\nFunny\nI'm Infj not Isfj, but I can relate fully. Fe, if it isn't working in unison with a well developed Ti, tends to be very empty. It flatters all the time, it has no backbone, and it can't truly...\nThe one universal trait I've seen in Intjs is keeping their words as short and direct as possible. You can tell that their thinking style is very efficient. This is contrasted with XNFPs, who...\nI really wouldn't count any of the atheists you mentioned as noble or honest. They are supremely shallow, disrespectful, and argue like propagandists. They appeal to the masses, and the way to do...\n#1 Realize that philosophical pondering is a waste if you don't go about it with a practical and challenging attitude. Otherwise its a very easy timesink that can compromise your happiness and...\nIm pretty picky about who I choose to connect with. With people who still live in the matrix, I'll convincingly pretend I care but its only to feed them mini red pills that will one day equate to a...\nThe Istp one gave me a chuckle.\nYou might try to get into therapy. That isn't an insult to your intelligence, but trauma sucks. It won't really leave until you put it behind you and therefore.... not adapt your life and mind around...\nThat might just be because you're female jkjk. Initiative is my weakness. I lack the drive.\nLooks good to me.\nInfj, 10 years old. Thought the towers falling that way was fishy.\nYou need to have a solid framework about what MBTI is, and what its not. Those tests can only go so far. You can't change type unless you want to be in a mental institution, in my opinion. You can...\nWell thought out, I won't deny that. But, How do Infps despite their hardheadedness go into a bunch of hippie and childish shit, while an ascetic Infj who sought for something was Adolf Hitler...\nIn the short scheme maybe. You're pretty much my favorite poster. Mind giving me a little insight brother?\nI know you all do a lot of reading but Infjs are judgers. Ni takes information and structures it, with or without Fe or Te. You judge with every waking breath.\nThis has nothing to do with type. Give me your heart and I will love it just as much as your pussy. Source: Married\nSo lets turn this into a discussion on how to fix the problem. The problem is essentially that we are too busy worrying about things that won't be fixed, because there are too many people with too...\nUm, you're wrong. If you are an Infj, you know that from the minute you came out of your mother's womb, you wanted an ultimate answer and that you were not content to stargaze at the information you...\nJustice 100%. To illustrate, I don't believe in the death penalty precisely because it isn't harsh enough. Getting injected with something that kills you in 5 minutes is not a proper deterrent. I...\nI think that's kind of funny since he sounds like a huge asshole, but you could've dealt with it far better. In fact, blowing a hundred dollars, and buying a phone just to do that makes you sound...\nMy best friend who is an Istp, and I (Infj) grew up in the Lutheran faith. We were both kind of pissed simply with being 'forced' into spiritual ideas. We both admit that we got a lot from it, but to...\nI work in 55 hours/week in construction and I have a broad frame, so yea. Don't let muscular appearance deceive you though. Body building or gym visits, unless you're instructed by an expert, will...\nWell, a weakness in my life has been that I feel pretty small in comparison to my Ni understanding of the world. This caused a strange melancholic tendency to not be interested in very many things or...\nYou're not Infj.\nThis is politically incorrect, but the culture as of now is of no single persuasion. People are social creatures. Historical pillars of society are decreasing, while terrible replacements fill the...\nI vote Infps as being the most bigoted and dogmatic.\nYou're both retarded\nI think all Inxx types suck at it unless there is a common bridge between the initiator and the subject. ES' will try to establish a bridge, IN's just expect it to be there.'
INTP, Ravenclaw, not a huge surprise.\nWelcome, welcome.\n5w6 or 7w6 depending on the day, apparently. INTP or ENTP depending on the mood, Ravenclaw Dogwood Dragon 12.5 inches hard\nI loved Arrested Development, it was just so ridiculous. My current favorites are Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.\nI feel a definite pirate vs. ninja vibe here. I like it.\nAs long as I can do the robot. It's one of the few dances I'm good at! :laughing: Also, I don't scare easily, so bring it on lady!\nI am confused by this thread. That is all.\nThe books are totally worth reading! The show is great though.\nHello INFJs, I have ventured far from my normal haunt on the INTP forum to come visit some cool people. Are there cool people here? I hear you guys give out free hugs.:cool:\n35074 Most recent picture minus my winter beard!\nINFP mom ISTP dad As far as I can tell at least.\nI mean, I guess I could watch it and see what all the fuss is about...\nAm I the only person on here that hasn't watched Death Note?:laughing: Anyway... Sousuke from Full Metal Panic Al from Full Metal Alchemist Butters from South Park Shaggy from Scooby Doo! Urd...\nhttp://img593.imageshack.us/img593/6601/desktopix.jpg It's entirely possible I'm a nerd. Just sayin'.\nI recently shaved off my monstrously awesome beard. I live in the mountains, and I only wear it when it's cold. Summer's on the way, so beard is gone now!\nI'm not good at smiling for no reason. I do generally have a smirk on my face though, since the world is a terribly funny joke.\nThat doesn't seem pleasant at all.\nMy brain is it's own soap opera, the board should have one too!\nI have fun with all animals! Haven't found a dog or cat that hasn't liked me yet. Volunteering at the animal shelter is fun :3\nWell, if by calling me a nerd you mean that I'm super-intelligent? Thanks for the compliment!\nI also feel gratitude for bacon! Also for the ability to think logically. The ability to read too.\nWelcome to the land of ne'erdowells and nogoodniks!\nHello hello! Good to see a new face on the forum. :D\nIt's posts like this that make me love INFJs. :O\nI'm typically drawn to girls with dark hair or red hair. :3\nSometimes I have horrible insomnia and other times I can sleep any time I lie down, I haven't been able to get a handle on what causes it for me though.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnmzins2Uow&feature=related\nLast time I totally bawled was when we had to put my cat to sleep. Doesn't happen all the often.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyLx0qc_gKc&feature=autoplay&list=AL94UKMTqg-9CwGV190qCkph_f_biZ99Q8&lf=list_related&playnext=16\nWhy do people feel the need to engage in small talk? I feel much more comfortable in silence unless there's something important to say. Stupid society and it's norms.\nI got a 60. >.> I probably could have worked on it longer, but I got fed up.\nI was early by a couple weeks, but I picked on time, since it's more or less on time. I was a big baby. :3\nThe Assassin Mage 27% Strength, 25% Bloodlust, 42% Intelligence, 33% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 37% Agility! ...\nWelcome to the insanity that is the INTP board! Nice to have another lady around, haha.\nI wanna see more T-Dog lines next season or I'll start a revolution!\nDave Grohl All the band members of Rush Beethoven\nStephen King's It still creeps me out to this day, even though it's been years since I first saw it. Evil clowns man, too much. XD It's hard to think of a movie that honestly scared me, most...\nFairly certain my mom is an INFP, but not 100% sure.\nINTJ I think.\nI've heard arguments that Shawn is an ENTP with an overdeveloped Se in comparison to other ENTPs. I've also heard that Henry is ESTJ.\nI'm chewing gum!\n9w1 7w6 2w3\nListening to the white stripes and pretty much nothing. I wish I had something to do though, lol.\nProm, I think you need to slow your coffee roll! CLAM DOWN\nLots of rope A knife Flint Bear Grylls for survivor skills Chuck Norris for killing animals for food Gilligan for comic relief\nYeah, I bet I would. This thread makes me feel like a manwhore sometimes. :laughing:\nSure :wink:\nQuite possibly.\nI got INFP, woo?\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o5VebvWnjE
'One thing about asking ISFPs to be honest is that some ISFPs aren't used to verbally sharing their feelings and might not know how to put it. Depending on her she might have a quick reaction and deny...\nTakes official MBTI test in Highscool Careers class. ENFP. Pretty much described as the perfect type from highschool me's perspective. Heck, it was even called The Champion Oooh, you're a creative...\nI'm finally finishing the Ender's Game tetralogy after reading the first one as a kid. Ender's such an awesome sci-fi character that actually pays intelligent attention to people and how they think...\n9s. But only when watching alone. There's too much over-thinking and worrying if the others are too scared/not scared enough. I feel like 5 is the typical answer here. 4s and 6s can also go...\nWatch out guys, don't cross us ISFPs. https://dotsofcolor.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/20121006-152951.jpg?w=627\nMight you be an ISFP? Do you find that it's hard to communicate your feelings to others, like your mind works in a certain ignitable way and trying to talk about it with people is like translating...\nI know my ESFJ friend hates this. She definitely fit's the mothering friend stereotype, but really doesn't like it how that's just assumed of her after awhile. She was especially disappointed with...\nGrizz is totally ESFJ. He is definitely a dominant Fe user: His prime directive is to make sure everyone else is happy and having a good time, even if the way he goes about it isn't always right. My...\nI got Scientific Pantheist.\nDear ENTP I'm so glad you're doing some introspection and getting so much more out of life now. These are things that you needed to figure out for yourself so you'd actually take them seriously. I...\nI'm a healthy weight with an average bmi, but only because I keep fit and really don't like feeling sluggish. I have very little self control with food though. I'll find myself eating a lot of junk...\nI would love to be teacher. Not only would I be able to teach people new info (so satisfying) but I would have an opportunity to help them frame their lives in a healthy way before they turn into...\nI got Wild Cat. But might also be a Sea Lion or Zebra.\nWhen it comes to people I don't really know, Introverts are the hardest for me to read. You tend to have a lot more to work with with Extroverts So unless the Introvert is genuinely interested in the...\nI thought the same thing as you at first. I originally typed myself as a socially anxious ESFP. This only intesified when I went through a really lonely year and found myself craving social...\nSP jumped at me, but I suppose FP could be just as valid. And for anyone who wants to keep track: ISFP: IP, IP, IF(FP), SP(FP) ISFJ: IF, ISTP: IS, IT, SP ISTJ: TJ(IJ IS), IT, IT, IT, IT(TJ)...\nIt's very rare, but could just take they're totally dead to pop into my head for my imagination to go wild. For example, when I was a kid there was a huge snowstorm and my dad still wasn't home...\nIn my first year of high school my class took the official test. I got ENFP. Even when I'm answering the online tests now, now that I know more about Myers Briggs and my real type, I tend to get a...\nA lot of these things have been mentioned already, and I've got a ESFP housemate/friend I can compare with. Our flighty-ness can be annoying. From minor, mentioning that you're considering doing...\nI'm sure I'm not the only one who identified as a few other types before figuring out they were ISFP. So what were yours and why? For me I was typed as ENFP in High School Careers class with the...\nHey you guys, I'd love a bit of help here. I'm trying to figure out a friend's type with her so we can see if it gives us some insight into how she can cope with some stresses. - A big problem in...\nQuality Time 8 Physical Touch 8 Acts of Service 6 Words of Affirmation 6 Receiving Gifts 1 Gifts often put me in a tight situation. I feel an obligation to reciprocate it, equally if not...\nIs it sort of like how once you smell those certain smells you know its winter/spring/summer/autumn and you're immediately flooded with a sort of nostalgic contentedness? Smells or sounds or feelings...\nAny type can have problems with the school system, and this sort of image is pretty enticing to artists, but I didn't know this was (apparently) one of the parts of our type definition? So why are...\nhttp://\nTeleportation: so I can keep working on that one thing until the very last possible moment. Though, even with instant teleportation I'll probably still have chronic lateness. But bonus, I can sneak...\nAh, I found a good one I'd heard about a while ago, it was this one. I understand the functions, but I felt that having her do a functions quiz would be more engaging and I would be able to get a...\nI need to actually like the person emotionally. Not as if it's some moral requirement, but I just don't feel anything otherwise. Like, my bod just doesn't react.\nI find it funny that my best friend and a super close friend are both ESFJs. A lot of their friends and every one of my best friend's boyfriends have been introverts. Though I think it can stress...\nI'm helping my friend figure out the order of her Cognitive functions. Anyone have a link to a good free online quiz?\nYeah, I'm pretty sure I'm an ISFJ, after being so sure I was an ESFP for so long. I was so sure that I was a strong Se user when in fact I'm pretty sure it's just strong Si with an appreciation for...\nThat was pretty cool. It was like the earth is above and space is grass. The picture itself is sort of disorienting; I'm having trouble not seeing the movement and only processing it as a square,...\nI don't know, I would think it would be more dependent on self-confidence that's not related to mbti. Granted, if being in the presence of people is exhausting, then a job where you're surrounded by...\nI tend to get INFP, rarely with a huge bias towards either letter (except in tests that have major iNtuition bias).\nI was going to post how the OP's argument relies on stereotypes blown out of proportion in a way that victimizes their 'side' to fulfill some sort of superiority complex, but it looks like that's...\nWhen it comes to personal emotional problems I almost never share them with anyone, thinking that this is something only I can really solve. Telling them won't help and will just make them worried. ...\nMy thoughts are that perhaps people are born and live with their MBTI, their preferred method of thinking, and their behaviors that lead to the classification of each MBTI type are learned. Perhaps...\nTo ESFJs, What's your opinion on being typed as The Caregivers? Does this fit for you? Or do you feel like it's a stereotype that doesn't fit you?\nHmm, well it all comes down to the person, but I know from experience that showing emotion does put me ease. I'm a External Sensor and when it comes to people who don't express their opinion verbally...\nESFP 6w5 Pottermore put me in the Gryffindor, though I was always on the fence as to whether or not I was Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, leaning towards the latter. Wand: Length: 13 inches Wood:...\nTrue, but a major thing for sensors is the need of empirical evidence and this episode is all about scientific empirical evidence. I've always heard that Sensors tend to be more focused on what...\nI've always thought that Twilight was an ISTJ. She needs hard evidence before she's going to believe something. Her dominant Si drives her need to collect data with the auxiliary Te focused on...\nI don't know about you, but I tend to think in a way that doesn't correspond to well to the spoken word. Textures, colours, feelings, etc are how I classify the world around me, which is why it's so...\nI am an ESxP and my teachers thought that I had ADD, to the point of them recommending my parents to have me tested. I went and went to psychoanalysis sessions for a couple of months and it was...\nI don't think this is the explanation to this particular situation, but if you don't say anything there's no way for people to know whether or not the information has stuck. This is especially true...\nJust took the survey, I hope that helped. I would love to see the results once it's done if you're willing to post them too!\nThe biggest issue I find is that people tend to blame their problems on their introversion. While a valid point can be made here, heck my social awkwardness can been extremely frustrating and...\nLook, I'm sorry that your family has treated you this way. Situations where the last two quotes in particular are used earnestly can really mess a kid up and I'm wondering if part of the reason you...\nAs for my Doer...ness, I would say the main reason I would consider myself to fit as well under that label is because of my bad habit of procrastination. If by doing things that aren't forced upon me...\nNone of us exist. While we're still here superficially, our core, our profile, was withered away and finally collapsed. We're walking shadows of or former selves. Forever cursed to wander the boards,...'
Hehe, astrology does seem far more like crazy talk than MBTI could ever be, it was just an example of the type of logic used. Like Ziggurat so lovely linked above^^ wayward_raven Big Five...\nRight, like with astrology or religion, you cannot really know you just have to feel it. Which is something you shouldnt base anything on in my opinion. As such I agree with the title of the thread,...\nWell I am overstating it a bit. One of the things in this article, is that it is made to have you feel good (like astrology or religion can), so it might very well describe a good part of you...\nBig Five is scientifically based, MBTI is generally disregarded by psychologist. But I doubt you could ever find anything that would successfully encapsulate all of personality.. Even if it...\nWould you not rather base your holistic knowledge of the world on a scientifically founded theory, rather than something thought up by a couple of people with no psychological background and with no...\nThen get on your knees for me\nLet him weep, crybaby\nIndubitably yes\nboobs\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1c2KzJbcGA\nPifan had been told, the only relevant person to talk to about it to when it was just to mess with him. You knowing was nowhere close to relevant And yes, I had been giving her information on fun...\nI never used her screen name. I dont know about the confidentiality thing, dont care. Emotions are irrational and were involved in that. Why did you need to do that, she had been gone for 1,5...\nSounds a lot better, I did not notice before now I would rather prefer this thread to be deleted though, it is not the place for this needless discussion.\n5 other people prove nothing? Since they got their information from you, and you have a skewed overanalyzed view. I can asure you I am not delusional, and know full well every single aspect of it. ...\nChat boyfriend here, I am not really a boyfriend though. More like potential love interest if we find ourselves living on the same continent in the future. You are grossly overanalyzing pretty...\nIf you have a convincing argument then feel free to give me a pm, I am always open to new input. =) To me, doubt is needed for any human to remain themselves, otherwise they will just succumb to...\nShort religion tangent: It was back then it only took an hour and I went on living my life with no change in it, as it does not have much of a part in danish society. About 2-3 years ago I went on a...\nHellow So I will have to approach a difficult subject with an ESFJ in the near future, here is the story. My mother is an ESFJ, I am quite certain of this even after trying to account for the...\nI have little to no experience with ENFJ's, but you could try going to their sub-forum in order to gain greater insight =)\nOther than the thing that 'nice' behaviour is sort of the default positions for human beings with any sort of morals. Then yes I do believe that INTP can be viewed as generally nice people compared...\nNative speaking Danish, and then I am quite fluent in English. Otherwise I have a basic level of German and Spanish. Although I am quite a bit more proficient in German, perhaps also due to the...\nYou have probably gone into over-analysis of the situation. INTP-INTP action is very blunt when you finally open up, so it can work wonders for any relationship. If you doubt, then say that and...\nI have not met many delusional people, but when I do, I try to break it easily to them before I smack them with the hammer of truth (only if I care enough about them to actually do that) ...\nI have some subjects where I might become a cynic, but mostly I am what you would call a skeptical optimist. I generally expect myself to be able to deliver a favourable outcome in a situation,...\nI never really had this need, if I wanted space I would just move into my brain (frequent occurrence) =)\nI think not necessarily wanting a relationship is the best way to approach a relationship. Then you will only chose it because it is beneficial and not for some 'need' of intimacy which could lead...\nI have hated once I think, but I quickly dismissed it as needless. Someone who has engendered hate with me is not worth spending time on. I think if I was ever to have a long lasting hate towards...\nI chose 'means justifies the end' I chose this because there will always be a load of ends that are beneficial, but the process is what forms society, the process/means is as much of an end as the...\nFirst of all you should figure out each others love languages. Love Language Profile for Couples | The 5 Love Languages® The test might do it, but otherwise talk openly about your needs in relation...\nhttp://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/404906-any-otakus.html =)\nIf he showed up, and happened to be the god of the old testament, I would probably try to fight agaisnt his power. However futile it might be. There would still be a choice between Lucifer and...\nemberfly you should take a look at one of our stickies, it is called the vocaroo 'something' 'something' http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/333834-intp-voices-vocaroo-commentary-20.html ...\nI have never really had a problem with patience, I just retreat into my head instead of caring about stuff that would frustrate me. =)\nI think it is very good for him that he has parents who can follow him. That reasoning for doing something would be more acceptable xD Hah, that last part sounds very familiar. If you have some...\nThis article is decent: http://personalitycafe.com/intp-articles/15683-development-intp-children.html I was an active child up until about 5, then I retreated into my head and has been there ever...\nThere is also the aspect of nature vs nurture, someone of the same type can be widely different from you but just think in the same patterns.\nDo people poop? Yes, if your friend is incapable of enjoying thrills then something is off about him or he is probably lying. Having a release from thrills is enjoyable in its nature. MBTI shouldn't...\nThe difference was most obvious in your argumentation with Shahada, whereas Shahada was more concerned with the immediate effects of the legislation. You leaped into a principled approach and argued...\nI just read through this discussion, you definitely do not seem like an INTP here, making leaps I can follow but would never take myself. =)\nI am definitely not an INFJ as you then =) Hmm.. I remember a bit of that from my Ideology thread a while back, was quite interesting. I wonder if I will be able to spot some of your INFJ patterns...\nI never suspected it for a second, you seemed as INTP as me.. Maybe I have to doubt my type as well now. I have apparently begun using these annoying dots a lot... Despite type you always...\nHmmm..... hmmm.... hmm.. pseudo-perhaps, that is a possible maybe not really a possibility among doubt of whether or not the possibility of something more or less is vaguely wonderful. QED maybe ...\nThere should be an international insult competition.. Where every single major religion and viewpoint is ridiculed.. Just to make people used to it.\nIt might be, but I really wanted the french ideas with more diplomatic relationships =) Russia is already getting super-powerful though\nGoing for a world conquest, I figured I should start with an easy nation before Ryukyu (no lucky nations though). Currently almost have the HRE electors as vassals, also.. got Portugal in a personal...\nSo you are saying that you are a master of socialism? =P I am sure we can get you there whenever I get an internet connection and we can try playing online >> I am currently crushing Castile,...\nAll hail the mighty Shahada! Master of socialism and EU4(?) =D\nWhat is your evidence for this? and does it matter for those states, people and institutions who do not do it?\nFrom what I have heard, many muslim states, institutions and other vocal muslims have denounced it. It just does not get to the news. The real problem is those people who say that it was their own...\nS33K3RZ Couldn't you just take a philisophical/metaphorical approach to it and see it as original sin being a metaphor for the human origin? Where our evolutionary beginnings causing us to have...
'1. How do you feel about this or that type questions? (ex: Coke or Pepsi?) I love these questions?!?!?? God, I might be annoying bc I also love asking these questions, somehow I think I can learn...\ndeath incurable sadness\nimmortality, FOR SURE! I hate death\nSometimes I get uncomfortable with physical touch... I always loved hugging ppl from my family, but never hugged friends till I went to a new school and made friends that hugged me, like, 5 times...\n277994\n277642\nand: small moments of intensity that help you understand something greater, whether that be intense pain or shock or even being super cold or something. Sometimes those things, whether or not...\nLaughter Absolute silence Hugs High speed (on cars, roller coasters) Strong wind\n277537 277545 277553 277561 idk why it's so small :~(\nnice melody i just dont like that kind of voice soooo....... hummm....... 7.5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyN9_5LUSZY\nbeautiful\nahh but i tend to write too much i send long textings, when i write about something on my notebook it take pages... so i guess that when i'm writing things coming from my head, not from knowledge,...\nomg haahahha...i think that may be true. I've just remembered the history exams... what there's left to say about this for god's sake?!?!?!\nI hate my city and always complain that there's nothing to do here but I've just remembered some cool stuff I like to do... it's not so bad after all... oh Go drink coconut water nearby my house....\nFrom scenes I see when I'm outside. Or from emotions: anger or sadness. My best creations happened when I was angry.\nPringles 276946 Yummmy\nold friend tears\ni don't\nI give my best commentaries when there's a group discussing something like crazy. I just watch, listen to everything they're saying... till suddenly my brain creates a whole original thought about...\nArgh, this time thing sucks. I had a hard time writing essays at school because 30 lines was always the max. and it was very hard for me to summarize everything I wanted to say in 30 lines. So my...\nactually, the 1st thing I do when I wake up is look at this bee and laugh: http://personalitycafe.com/members/vangogh-albums-acaso-picture276201-my-bee.jpg i find it so cute. and cute and funny...\nI have just realized that a lot of things don't bother me. For example, when we are at a public space and start reading, people just suddenly start talking to us, don't they? What book are you...\nThis headphones thing makes me sad I used to talk to people if they were with headphones, because when I'm with headphones I can talk and listen to music at the same time, so I just assumed everyone...\nyes. I LOVE when I wake up and there's nobody home!!!! I need 1 hour without voices after I get up It's so peaceful ♥\nI've just seen this one thing and I remembered of you guys that avoid people: Do you want to avoid people? Drink water. Not only will you be hydrated, you don’t have to talk to people while...\nBut I can relate to a lot of things here: i love empty spaces, the night and doing things by myself. Ummm.... I always manage to run away from people who talks nonstop and don't let you say a...\nI have no problem with small talk. I think of that as a way of starting conversations. And I'm always in the mood of having conversations with strangers. I love talking to strangers, all I need is...\nNow I'm curious. Pleaseee say what you say to them\n“Anything seems possible at night... when the rest of the world has gone to sleep.”\nor whatever that is hahahahahahah.....\nHoohooHARHAR loved your laugh\ni water my plant\nI feel agony when people are counting numbers out loud. Even if I have nothing to do with that counting. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... ...7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 are the worst\nwhat do you do\nto me just traveling alone is an adventure, I'd love to do those things this trip you want to do seems pretty cool, you're reminding me of Christopher Mccandless!!!!1 I still don't have a most...\nVolare ♥ I used to play metallophone while my school coral sang this song Nostalgia\nfroo-oo-oot la la la la la la ♫\nWorst book: The Shack so boring Worst movie: Mean Girls 2\nISFJ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEkN5Lk0pcw\nOhhh Nice melody, didn't like her voice very much but liked the melody lots If I was in a sad mood I'd enjoy it way more, if very very sad - emotional hell - i'd cry Lyrics are ok ...\nSo many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all...\nMedianeras an argentine movie about urban loneliness with lots of cool quotes\nOne by Richard Bach, started today, seems goooood!!!!! parallel universes ♥ The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh by guess who......Van Gogh A Brief History of Time by Hawking\nWhat's yours?\nyes! hahahah But I use this forum better because only subscribers can see my profile\nplotting something evil hahahhahahah.... Never happened to me. Funny\nohhh I wanted to be pediatrician too... But I gave up on going to medical school In elderly care a person can learn a lot by listening to patients, might be inspiring. I've just remembered of...\nyes! 20 rarely I find old people in a young bodies :~( people my age are so boring, if you're not like them you're disqualified argh\nI am very happy today because I met such funny people and I love laughing so... It was fun :) Also I have decided today that I want to be poor Maybe I'll change my mind about the 'poor' thing but...\nI think this has to do with maturity or the people she dealt in her life I used to be like that when i was a child, but i grew up around people who always complained about these things and said to...'
'Same here:D! You are so positive Thaaaanks:DD!!\nWhere is this thank you button ? I ca..aooo!! Ok I got it :D Aaaa ENFP thread!!!\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-1HNnxb0WE\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5dFe-WKuPs\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rTHjLffQAU\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EekMjh3YtVM\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owz_JVQuxkA\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2tAEdZt1uw\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWK6dQOdri0\n...And i forgot that i love ENFPs so much. I am an ENFP, and i forgot that we are such the same And that i even don't need to say anything becouse i agree and I like most of things that you saying...\nBut please don't laugh at me..;D that was 3,5 years ago!!! http://personalitycafe.com/members/vanilambrozja-albums-bbbb-picture26706-enfpsfashion-dd.jpg Ps: what's happend with emoticons-Why they...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2xQV31d7Rc\nhaha exactly! ^^\nDisco disco:D-or shop or just nowhere-if people coming to me or i feel depressed-anywhere where the people are:))\nRight now vacuum cleaner ;PP :D\nhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_kjwbKU0L1zw/S7EZuDcjJiI/AAAAAAAAACA/V_BZn-QWxa4/s1600/Brother-Bear.jpg\nhttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/_kjwbKU0L1zw/S7EZuDcjJiI/AAAAAAAAACA/V_BZn-QWxa4/s1600/Brother-Bear.jpg\nhahahaaha you are so great people;D we have all the same behaviors:P\nHelloo:D!! I wasn`t on Per C so long time becouse didn`t have time:P. I moved to the UK. I miss times that i spend with you. I am ENFP and I am CLUMSY:DDD (Side of perC look diferent:D!! Whyy??)...\nMy 30 best songs:((( It's unfair!!!\nWait! Am I crazy or blind or sth:P??:shocked:-I am:proud: but where is my list?? Yyy I don't understand:unsure: ??:tongue:\nENFPIE Haaa dancing in the street is so awesome:D! I was doing this a few days ago:D in the rain:))\nHiiii great topic:P Wrappers on the floor -2 bags with garbage, Wizardolology's book many candlesticks postcards bags head band with bat cardboard boxes\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EIeUlvHAiM&ob=av2n\nIn Summer a lot, but now only Tea:-)!! I'm a tea monster:P Happy Halloween:-)!!!\nHi, I'm an ENFP and I .. Love You love you love you my ENFP friends and all PerC friends-You're so fuckin' fantastic:proud:!!! Happy Halloween:)!!!\nSpanish:proud:!!!!!\nThat's so beauti:crying::''( YouTube - Moodswings Moodfood Hairy Piano\nAlways:-)))\nANd I Love You so much my ENFPs friends and I miss you!!!!\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivMa1B3cRdw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWzC-V3HtVI :happy:\nI love dancehall and reggaeton because with this music I can be really myself-Wild, crazy and sexy:D\nWhen Others told that they lOVE You!!!:happy: When you are happy even if others are pissed of:P\nPubs, Disco:-)!! Dancing on the street: and Everywere:laughing: Dancehall rlz:P\nDanse Macabre-I just love Your fashion!!!!:proud:\nI love Anime so much!!! SailorMoon:D!! And DragonBall, Nana, CowboyBeebop, YataMan!!, Pokemon:P:laughing:\nHahh Surely we are and we know that;DD\nI LOVE YOU PEOPLE!! WOOOOHOOOO:laughing:!!!!!\nhttp://i42.tinypic.com/6dvi1j.jpg From Barbie presents Thumbelina-She is like I am:)!!!\nYes-I could seen as easy too-especially when I'am drunk and dont remember anything:P. But in real I am a bit aloof, I must be sure that this guy is truly important to me-But I think our spontaneity...\nUuu (crying at now):crying: Essay: Hugs Hugs and more hugs!!!:happy: We should found broken hearts's circle:proud: Good Niight:-)!!\nAnd I want to say sth egoistic:P Today I writed the most long post in my whole life-Huraaa:proud: Cheers:-)!!!\nDamienCoold-Yea Love is hard:-( :crying: But still have hope... Thanks for beauty song:-)!!!\nHahaha:laughing:!!! I love All of You:-)!!!!:proud:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cicdjletXD4 Song's title: Every men is a pig:D\nHahah Cancer here too:-)\nHi Everyone:tongue:!! :happy:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tztSqGGhmgk\nI love WisinYYandel:D!! And Don Omar ,and DaddyYankee and..All Reggaeton:-)!!\nHaaa Thank You:D-I have family in Canada so-who knows..;)?? :tongue:'
'For those of you out there who have a unique name or foreign name with a different/possibly difficult pronounication, how do you introduce yourself? Do you have a different way of pronouncing your...\nI just finished my first semester of freshman year of college and my gpa is not looking so good. I'm (hopefully) gonna end up with just a 3.03 gpa for this semester and a 3.23 counting my not so good...\nI asked my professor about it today and he said that I could talk about different industries like the health industry and alternative energy and everything. About outcomes, he said to remember that...\na1b2c3d4 thismustbetheplace Thank you soo much!! I was hoping to be able to do it over some sort of health research, so I think I'll try to find a specific area of interest and ask him about that....\nI'm taking Intro to Microeconimics and we have to write a 6-7 page paper over this prompt: Do government subsidies for new technology or services lead to the desired outcome? Use 3-4 historical...\n@entheos 1. Favourite planet? I did a project on Uranus in 8th grade, so I guess that's it! 2. Can you bake? Kinda... I haven't baked much, but really want to start. 3. Do you keep a journal?...\nYou're definitely not the only one dealing with procrastination. I'm like the queen of procrastinating. It's bad. For me, trying to do things in parts usually doesn't work. If I have to write a...\nOh my goodness. This. I do this all the time, haha! I have these fake conversations and what not. :laughing:\nI do it all the time! I've even done it just walking on the sidewalks a few times... People probably thought I was crazy since I was talking to and giggling to myself...\nEven though they won't see this, I just kinda wanted to apologize to the people sitting near me in the library right now. I'm sitting in the quiet study section in the library and this chair and...\nI'm really disappointed because I turned on the fan without thinking and it popped my pretty silver balloon I got from prom last night :sad:\nThank you all for the suggestions and tips!! :D @deemarlene That's such a cute and funny idea! I want to try now, haha. Maybe I'll do that in the library someday... @dubba_dee Hahaha, I actually...\nAmazing spoken word poetry. I've listened to this so many times.... If you repeat something over and over, it loses it's meaning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EILQTDBqhPA\nIm FiNe I was looking for a piece of art for a class and that's the song my friend recommended! What a coincidence!\nAw, thank you, you're so sweet :) Haha, I guess people are weird in that sense at times...\nOh dear. Good luck!! :) Haha, that is good, I'm the same way. I usually pull one or two all-nighters in the couple of days before it's due, not a great habit, haha.\nRight now, I'm reading Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney.\nI'm lying in bed, considering going to sleep when I really should be studying for a test (I don't understand or enjoy the material...Calculus. Eugh.)\nI'll be attending the university in my hometown as a freshman this coming fall. I can't afford to live on campus, so I'll be living at home, but that worries me because I'm not very good at making...\nI don't know if I would quite describe myself as versatile, at least not right now... That's great that you've had that realization! I hope I will have a similar one day. May I ask what your job is?\nI have a test tomorrow and a 5 page paper due on Tuesday, which I haven't even chosen my topic for... This is going to be fun....\nThis is my profile pic on facebook. So, obviously, I look much better here than I do normally. 110546 With my best friend before a dance! 110594 And this.... is what I'm wearing to prom on...\nI sometimes feel as if all the talent is concentrated in just a few people. I mean, there are people who can do it all! Draw, sing, dance, play instruments, you name it, they can do it. Pleaasseee,...\nI'm sorry, this is really long and rambly and probably just a waste of space, but I just kinda felt like I was about to explode, so yeah... Also, sorry, reading over this, a lot of is just me sinking...\nThese are all kinda YA books, but still really good! Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma -- It's a different and taboo topic, but an amzing book! Delirium by Lauren Oliver --About a world where love...\nYes, all the time! I can never think of what to say that really tells who I am.\nShort version: I'm a very envious person who envies basically everyone and am very average with no talent of my own. And I tend to wallow in self pity sometimes. Kinda annoying. Long and overly...\nOh so many! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO0iGlV2wbE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqkdw8-D0wY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9Y69p1Lx48\nI don't think you ever stop loving someone. The feelings may get weaker and be buried, but I don't think if you truly loved them, they'll ever go away completely.\nWhat was the point of that conversation? I don't know what I was trying to get out of it. I basically told him I wasn't over him yet, but I don't know why I was expecting that somehow telling him...\nI feel exactly this way so much. I don't understand why we feel this way either, but I really hope we can learn to let it go soon. It really does make things harder than they need to be.\nOh my goodness, I was just about to make a thread just like this! I'm going through the same thing. I broke up with my ex (of one year) last June, due to some family problems. I still talk to him on...\nIt's really hard to choose. Guilt is definitely one. I hate the feeling of having hurt someone or even saying something and then later realizing that they could have taken it the wrong way, it drives...\nSkimp\nWhims\n@FreeBirdfood Hmm.... I guess there are some things that I believe that don't really have a rational reasoning (everything happening for a reason, reincarnation, destiny (kinda)). ...\nWell, I've typed as an INFP on many tests and my friend who is really quite good at typing, also said he was pretty sure I was an INFP. But one thing that sometimes makes me doubt my typing is the...\nIndian! :)\nI can't seem to form opinions on anything. And this drives me nuts. I don't know if Im crazy or just lazy, but seriously, I just don't have a view. I can usually see both sides of the argument and...\nPowerShell Oh wow, 2.5 years? How did you manage to take 29 hours? At the schools I'm looking at the limits are like 19-20 hours/semester. Aah ok... For ultimate goals, I'm not too sure. As of now,...\nbluekitdon I don't know, the idea of going to community college and then transferring doesn't appeal to me, despite the amount of money that could be saved. Yes, I think I'll probably just the full...\nWanderingAlways Ah, thank you! What degree did you pursue? Yeah, the extra year of salary was one factor that was pulling toward trying to finish within 3 years, but now I'm rethinking cause I'm...\njbking Ok... So... By 4th year course, do you mean that they're higher level courses? Or that the pre-reqs for those classes would typically take 4 years? Would you say this would apply to most...\nWilliam I am I wasn't sure that there was a thing or major just called pre-med. I was told it was just a general path or something.. Thank you!! :) Oh ok, I'll do that.\njbking Well, I guess it would depend on what types of scholarships I got. Because I'm aiming for a full ride (34 on ACT), which is highly unlikely, but it might save a little bit of money, I'm not...\nWilliam I am I guess I'm thinking of microbiology right now because I'm kind of considering going into medicine. My sister is about to start med school and she recommended to do a science-y major so...\nOk... Thank you very much! I was already mainly leaning toward just taking the full 4 years, but just wanted to know why people recommend not to do it in 3 years. And I was kind of swayed by the...\nRandom2d thismustbetheplace What exactly is an internship? Is it like a research job/working in a lab? How do you get an internship?\nOh ok.. Well, I'm kind of doubting I'll have too much of a social life anyway cause it's not likely I'll live in dorms and I'm really quite slow at making friends :P Anyway... I'm kind of thinking of...\nArghh... I have so many things I think of writing in this thread , but always feel stupid when they're written out... AAAAHHH! I'm soooo hopelessly confused about every freaking thing! Like really, I...'
'What I mean to say is our current state of bureaucracy can do some improvements, more fine-tuning.\nI think bureaucracy is a necessary evil. I mean, how well can a big corporation function without an organisational system that can help run its transactions in an efficient way? However, efficiency...\nAt the moment, I like the word androgynous as this is what perfectly describes me at where I work. I recently had my hair chopped off really short, and I work at this aged care facility where all...\nIn all seriousness and honesty, what I fear the most is when a potential serial killer stalks me in the woods.\nI guess a more realistic answer would be....Why?! :shocked:\nEveryone of all personalities ask this question. I don't believe it is right for only one personality type to monopolise this questioning, because I think it is inherent as human beings to have the...\nEntering my room without knocking the door. Privacy is very important to me, and I hate to be surprised by unscrupulous intrusion. On the other hand, if I have to take this question literally......\nA book made of fresh onions. ... and March of the Penguins. I seriously cried when I realised the beauty of emperor penguin courtships, monogamous love, how much they endure and brave through...\nWhen it comes to intelligent humour, I take my hat off and bow down to the great George Carlin! :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cjRGee5ipM\n*raises my hand* :D Aiming for neuroscience!\nThis calls for an intervention by the Labour Union. And yes, this is very disturbing.\nAre there NGO social services there that could help? You appear to have classic symptoms of depression. *gives you a hug* Just offering a listening ear if you need someone to talk to. :)\nboth. this shouldn't exclusively come down to personality typing, but there are lots of factors that come into play on orderliness... like culture and upbringing.\nResearcher. Period.\nseems like everyone wants to retire in NZ. The population of older adults is actually larger that that of the youth. :3\n...watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians.:bored: Somehow the sneaky onion ninja pops up from nowhere!:shocked:\nI try to be careful reading others as I could be projecting. Objective empathy takes a lot of mental effort than I thought, since I have to ask myself whether I'm feeling a particular emotion and...\nhodgepodge\nI have already mapped out how I want my life to turn out to be, but then I have left enough room for spontaneity and for adjustment to arbitrary life changes that are likely to occur as I carry on...\nTo my original question, I shall take your answer as a yes. :3\n1. Environmentalist 2. Pacifist 3. Academist .... The reason why I didn't choose Liberalist is that, personally I have observed that humans are too caught up with promoting their rights and ...\nIf I asked you guys a sarcastic question, would you guys give me a stupid answer? :P\nI love to play.... mainly I do it privately, inside my mind. :3 I love how my imagination consumes me like a giant wave washing the vast expanse of a shoreline. *wink wink* xP\n...degrading/looking down at people who are already downtrodden (e.g. discriminating people from lower socioeconomic status just coz they are not as well off as you are).... ugh. that loosens the...\nGosh, this is such a late reply, But THANK YOU Zech!! This has definitely made my geeky day! =D *hug* I hope you're doing great!\nlow.... SSAD (subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder). i think i have that.\nIt can get cheesy listening to it for long... but indeed you can't deny the beautiful concept it shares about genuine love. :)\nquiet internal turmoil.\nevery opportunity hides a possibility of a new beautiful journey. a new-found friend can be a treasure of your lifetime.\nThey also see red, probably because they have more red conical photoreceptor cells than they have blue and green (though I'm not entirely sure if they do have even just a residual amount of the...\nI've been secretly trying to encourage myself to embrace those feelings of romance. I had been trying to deny it, avoid it, ignore it, confound it. But this time, I'm trying to teach myself to feel...\nThese aren't the exact words, but it'll try to recapture the the sentiment spoken by one of the senior nurses who I worked with before. On establishing rapport with patients: You must share a bit...\nI share the same hobbies as the other INFJs that have posted here, more or less. However, my new found interest is: burning paper with a magnifying lens. :P woot~~~\nYes, mom. :)\nI find it hard to relate to the wider population of females I'm surrounded with. If I'm dropped into a convention hall full of women, I'd probably be an island and stand at one corner, observing the...\nPescetarian (but would want to be full vegetarian). INFJ.\nI want to have a trip to Rwanda and volunteer for community work. While being there, I want to see a real-life elephant! :D\nI talk to myself like how a schizophrenic would respond when they're hearing auditory hallucinations. With hand gestures. Privately, I strive. But sometimes I do get caught, especially if they don't...\nMy first dozen: 1. Writer 2. Medical scientist 3. College professor [What a dream. :)] 4. Psychologist [I love this. Plus a neuro at the beginning....\ntwo slices of toast with avocado + vegemite/strawberry jam on either slices [I eat the vegemite combination first then the jam, such a playful transition of salty to sweet flavour] ..... and some...\nEven if this thread has only got one response, this is by far the most comprehensive response I've ever received on any thread I've started on any category. Thank you very much. :)\nshould of <---- I often come across this, then I think ----> should have (or in this case, should've ) [?] I don't think it really should be annoying, but it kind of is. hmmmmm...\nlol... looks really tempting, isn't it? xD hence the change. :3 ironic coz pretty cupcakes can look really delectable, but are usually grossly too sweet. :P\nthis made my night. <3 thanks for sharing!\nI'm actually glad to see that INTJs have this thread. I have a clandestine naive urge of making it known to the general society that you're not wholly robots. Although I had clashed with some INTJs...\ndon't be silly. anecdotes are good. ;]\nSensitivity is indeed a bane... On the other hand, back in high school I was quite notorious for being a motherly-know-it-all-i-know-what's-best-for-you kind of jerk. lol\nIn response to your thought of how we all are connected, living and non-living, micro and macro, here's a video that @unsung truth once shared to me before that rendered a profound inspirational...\nI find humour in your editing out the details which you thought was irrelevant to the original question of this thread. :3\nprobably individual preference. I love sciences too, but I really don't mind whether it's micro or macro, I find them all interesting. However, I'm particularly attracted to abstract matters, such...'
'i was also wondering, are INFJs easily or typically manipulated or whipped per se, or any other personality types more dominant than the INFJ? Im kinda in a situation where this girl is really nice...\ni hate that i made these people look so bad, i really love hanging out with these people when I'm sober, they help me with a lot. I found out from my friends that they actually enjoy my company. But...\nsorry for the late reply, but here it goes. Ive been feeling more depressed lately, and even suicidal thoughts come in to mind but I discard them after. The thing is, I am very self conscious when...\nHaven't posted for awhile but just wanted to get some insight on the situation I'm in. I tend to get really quiet around my friends, at times they would ask if I'm alright. I know these guys for...\ni dont plan to just have the BA.. here is my plan so far.... im doing a joint program in college that will transfer to university after two years... if i keep a GPA of 3.0 or more i can go straight...\nwell one thing about teaching in asia is that there are racial preferences. for example if i were Caucasian it wouldnt matter, but im asian so they would treat me a little different. they would treat...\nyes i took that in to consideration. i am from Canada, and i need at least a masters to teach in college. i know psychology can not give you a definite job, but it is an interesting field. other than...\nwell.... i think i just sparked something inside me... now that i realized i am passionate about cars... i want to become a professional race car driver... i know it may seem far fetched. but with...\ncrap... i totally left out the aspect that you have to stand in front of a lot of people when teaching... im really bad at that.... so im really sad right now thinking that teaching might be a bad...\ntrue... i forgot i suck at speaking in front of people.... wow... that just totally smacked me in the face... im so down right now...\nim half way through my freshman year in college. im liberal arts which gives me a bachelor of arts in the end. i dont know what that can do for me. i find psychology pretty interesting and might be...\nhey man i completely understand this.. im stuck in this situation too.. im half through my freshman year in college and still havent decided what i want to be. my decisions are either i teach ESL...\nI guess that is the main reason why I try to get away from my friend. The one thing that annoys me the most is when she is with me she doesn't keep up with me. I have to say I do walk fast but it...\nit makes a lot of sense... i dont know why, but i like to be alone most of the time when i go out, but at the same time, i suffer loneliness... usually i want to be alone from people that i do not...\nthanks man.. i completely agree with you.. and will definitely give it a try... i guess me letting out a little of my inner self may be a good way to attract girls...\nwhat i meant is when i talk i would want the girl to be able to have a conversation with me without being totally clueless. i dont want the girl to know me in and out, just be able to empathize.\nlol yes I did not mean it literally...\ndude that was awesome. you basically just described how i am. although i guess us INFJs are wired that way. I guess I'm starting to feel comfortable being me. I guess if girls don't like me who I...\nI think my eye just had an orgasm reading the post above. Whoever you are Alisha, you are the one human being that I want to meet one day. You seem so, amazing. Keep in touch?\ntechno, progressive house, trance.. are amazing. some artists i recommend are deadmau5, and Bonobo.\nFirst and foremost, I would like to thank all of you for your generous support, and for understanding me. I truly appreciate the time you guys took to read my posts and reply helpfully. I also want...\nWell my college is joint with a university. There are approximately 50,000 students. I don't think it is hard to approach a random girl, but the idea of approaching a random girl just wanting to...\nOk I just want to make one thing clear. I am comfortable talking to women, I can talk for a long time as long as its a topic which I can relate on and know much about. I don't know if that is...\nThanks Goodewitch.. that helped out.. only if there were mature women like you but around my age... the funny thing is I enjoy the company of older people than of my own age. I can carry on a great...\nOnly you guys will ever see this side of me. This forum is where I pour out my heart and soul. In reality, I'm just an average guy minding my own business. You won't see any of what I discussed above...\nI guess it is all about being self confident. Accepting ones self. I understand these concepts. I just don't know how. Right now I don't know what to do. I need that momentum to get me started. I...\nSuicide thoughts come and go, I don't ever take them in to consideration. Life has to much too offer to just throw it out the window that easily. What I am trying to get at is, the way I perceive the...\nHey.. to start things off, I'm single and have been single... I do not think girls see anything in me, especially the way I look. I hate how my natural relaxed face is so serious. I honestly think...\nsorry i clicked the send button too many times because the page didnt load\nsorry i clicked the send button too many times because the page didnt load\nhey sorry for being a newb to this. but how do go about knowing which type they are? do you all know the characteristics of each type? like i know i cant look at a person and know which of the...\ncool... i never express these feelings simply because i havent been in a relationship ever. i dont think i can be with anyone. im too private and introverted. but i do have them, and i have countless...\nahaha tell me about it.. when im sad i take it out on my PS3.... i need to hit to gym... but ive said that so many times its become a habit... i guess i dont really want to.. but its good to... and i...\nhmm.. although i have nothing against ice cream.... eating ice cream while your sad can be really bad because you wont stop... and since shes is fit... all those calories will be counterproductive...\nwell.. im planning to get a teaching degree in english and teach ESL in other countries.. and help kids likes me in their childhood.. i wasnt so fortunate growing up..i hated my childhood.... and...\nthe more you think about it. the more its going to make you nervous and confused... just do what you feel is right. whether it be the subtle hand hold.. or the more romantic kiss. just read her body...\nwow.... we are so alike... i feel the exact same way.... i always feel that when talking to a friend of mine.. i try to hold back.. but then he goes and tells me stuff.. i feel obligated to tell...\nhmm.. im one of those guys that really puts off hugs... my body language says so..... i dont cross my arms ... i just usually stand arms length from people... but occasionally when im around friends...\ni understand your point, and i guess your right. i guess i have to be stronger in order to help others get stronger as well.. i keep forgetting the fact that i should be the understanding one. maybe...\nthats what i mean... i am a very quiet person... if you see me you would think i was mentally ill or something... im always in my own world doing my own things.... i dont involve many. and i always...\nhmm.. its hard to list because i have a music library of over 7000 songs... but off the top of my head i can think of Coldplay and deadmau5... meh... ill throw in Leona Lewis and OneRupublic... maybe...\nso yea... i tried telling a few of my friends that i have the rarest personality type in the world and they were like... so who cares.... and from then on im keeping it to myself.. i guess being rare...\nwhats up... im also new and an INFJ myself... i dont have many INFJ friends and dont know how to spot one really.... but yea...we are pretty rare..\nto be honest im pretty surprised that there are people out there that understand how i feel and have felt the same way before. it reassures me that im not the only human being that feels this way....\nok.... well itll be nice to be able to talk to other INFJ.. so if you have skype pm me it or email me at http://scr.im/freshob\nand one other thing... since INFJ are 1% of the worlds population... it seems there are many of us from the looks of this site. and i was wondering where the INFJ are coming from like what country...\nthanks for the warm welcoming guys its making me feel great. im just trying to live a casual life. while most guys are out there trying to bang as many girls as possible, i just feel like im not...\ni feel so awesome here. i love the fact that there are infj people out there who found this forum. i wish i found it earlier but its better late than never. i feel that i cant connect with ppl my age...\ncool, and yea i guess your right, i do tend to look at my weaknesses more than i do my strengths. I feel unattractive because no girls find me attractive. I cant keep a conversation with a girl for...\nWhats good guys, I'm an INFJ male, in college and living a very casual life. I question and talk to myself a lot. I tend to judge myself a lot. I don't know many people that I call friends. I'm...'
'Dear ENTJs, I seem to like people. I like looking for their best aspects and listen to them and I find compulsions and feelings fascinating. Please tell me that it's okay and I don't have to hand...\nToughLilCookie It's tempting to say that I am/might have cornered myself into the wrong field of work entirely, but I'm-- wondering whether I can make it work anyway. Unsure yet how exactly, but it...\nmyGTI That's pretty much it really, I like how my anonymity allows me to be more open about what I share in these boards (which, atleast for my standards, quite a lot. Especially in sex/relationship...\nenfpeeved Is this the same ENTJ you have been asking about? (If yes) How are both of you doing?\nDating another extrovert is a new.. experience. I have only dated introverts before.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfM_PJDk0r8\nIrrational decision-making.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfM_PJDk0r8\nTook a (work) strength assessment test, having no/very little idea how to apply the result into my field of work (I don't intend to drastically change fields). I'll sit on it for a bit while, for now.\nDo not ask questions you yourself are not willing to answer.\nNot putting up my picture keeps me honest. Honesty > wanting to show my face.\nHandsome Jack Then a very unhealthy one? Since ENFPs seem to be all about possibilities. Taking people down is the act of someone who feels trapped.\n(My) insecurities (currently, about my relationship) are like 1-foot long transparent fat blind cockroaches that only thrive in deep darkness. In bright light they're not threatening at all. ...\nHappiness is a vine.\nI don't want one. Alright, let's try this: I cannot imagine (the use of imagining) of having another-type alter ego. I'd take/would be interested in having a male version of myself, maybe.\nDo ENTJs see themselves as superior to other types? To some of them. Or to everyone else in general? To some of them. Are ye all Steve Jobs, Napoleon-esque hard-charging types? I prefer...\nI'm still unsure how much/how to communicate in a relationship. How much to leave out, what to adjust. What to do with this feeling of uncertainty. It is very easy to rush this but all of my...\nWhat's left of you is (only) smoke, now. Dissipating? Lingering?\n@Prada the ESFJ I know is firmly operating on being emotionally manipulative/emotional blackmailing, I could see them wanting to keep the 'peace' would strike down those who stand out. They'll do it...\nxSFJ ('getting along'/ against people who stand out/ preserves 'the niceness of' status quo), some strains of INFx (against materialism/idealistic, they can be quite vocal + aggressive). ExTJ might...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Oni8_k5twU\nAs I recognize what someone wants (of me), somehow ... there's a sadness in it. I will comply, of course. I am not against it, and maybe pleasing them is what I've been created to be, anyway. It's...\nThat my parents/older brother wouldn't like them.\nMy INFP ex is (I'm still in contact with him) one of the most stable, down to earth guys that I know. The way we disastrously crashed and burned might have been mostly because we were immature and...\nButter cookies or shortbreads? As peace offering.\nDIY Planners.\nThis. I need to know that they won't only 'behave' (functioning well?) when I'm there/ keeping tabs. I don't want a child to take care of, 'home' should be a place where I can take off my armor and...\nHanging out with friends, baking, feeding people, lately, hogging my significant other, as well.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_3d6GntKbk\n@furryfury Thank you. I'm thinking of keeping a Google sheet file for it, it should be making it easier to highlight/designate a color and move around. It's pretty obvious that a lot has been...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFGPSx6cPN0\nAny advice for household/everyday financial planning? I have been vaguely aware of how horrible my family's day-to-day spending habits are (ENFP mother, ESTP brother), but when actually starting...\nWere you quick to get hurt as a child? No. I was a rather jockish child, in retrospect. Was there someone that bullied you for being a crybaby? I was the bully. I did get into fights, however,...\nAnimal Oh, nothing so dire/anguished. I just ... slightly misbehaved and having absolutely no regrets about it. Good song though, I'm not familiar with the artist/singer.\nI have no intention to make excuses, nor apologies. Sorry.\nThat's figuring out feelings for me, it's often not worth it. And most of the time, it's irrelevant/not that important anyway, but not so when dealing with personal relationships with a Feeler. ...\nI've been thinking about this. My ENFP (still getting used to that) said several times Don't think (about it) too much, as he saw me processing something that just happened/a remark/a conversation....\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs9X8NhQJF4\nIn my case... it was mostly a realization of-- in order trying not to get hurt, one often end up hurting oneself. But it is scary, choosing to be vulnerable without being careless. How to balance...\nGenes do not care about human happiness. Physical compatibility and dizzying chemistry do not mean that happiness will surely follow. I want to be happy.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK3fVJtFTh0\nI have not. Thank you. Well, except this one(s), As I finished writing the above post I realized I cannot/ would not actually contact him. Because it would be.. somewhere between disrespectful...\n.... Hello, I'll attempt to keep it brief, - It was a long distance relationship and we were friends for years before we dated, - We talked about everything, everyday, and it was-- wonderful...\n@enfpeeved Personally (I don't know how other ENTJs approach it), not at all? Feelings are difficult, so by default I don't open up to many about that-- because it's confusing, but experiences tend...\nI decided to trust you. For now.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37Z_bIqIWpg\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL4uhaQ58Rk Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see Take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night...\n@Little_Bird @series0 I realized at some point that one can choose not to be jaded -- without being unwise. Around late 20s - early 30s (or even lower), it seemed that plenty women are already burnt...\nenfpeeved ... define 'closed off'?\n.... In some ways I was impressed by how it came together, I suppose. It felt more like 'fate' than effort, though. A series of coincidences that forced me (us?) to consider the prospect somewhat...'
'Definitions I tend to get definitions from other people through discussion and asking questions. I will also get them from online since it is the most accessible resource. Idea I tend to...\n1. I don't really notice a flaw on someone's clothes, unless they are mine, then I can't stand it. The details I slip up on in school are usually math problems. I find that editing a paper can be...\n1. I can never really give a clear answer on this, so theres that. In school subjects, I tend to be subject to having a very good understanding of the topic, but I slip up on small details. I've...\nDo you feel mentally shut down, like you are tired of thinking? Do you feel as though the whole world is against you, throwing up every possible obstacle to plague you? (loss of healthy Ni...\nI did two of the surveys and put them in the spoiler tags. After testing INFJ, I've been trying to figure out if that is really my type. Thanks for any suggestions! 1) What aspect of your...\nSCENARIO 1 I honestly don't know how I would exactly react; no one could possibly prepare for something like that. Even with the horrible things happening to her, I would probably still have some...\nYou are funny. On a serious note, getting rid of those networks would be kind of against the First Amendment. The way I see it is that we need people who are cynical about this country. We...\nDon't care for having them right now, but that might change as I am only a teenager right now. I might want one once I am in my 20s-30s and have a spouse. I have decided that if I have kids, I...\nIf you bring good will, then welcome! If not- Release the Unicorns! 382090\nI do it kinda like Mai 381466\nESFJ Type most likely to become a paranoid conspiracy theorist?\n- Do you agree or disagree with this idea of an expiration date? Why? Honestly, don't know if I fully agree or disagree to this concept. The notion is very intriguing, however. I feel that if...\nIsfp\nNah, I wouldn't. Don't really feel like I have the... authority? moral high ground? eh, something along those lines, to make that kind of decision. I feel that it takes away the free will of...\nMy friends have given me three nicknames over the years. I was always called Shaggy Dog at Boy Scout campouts because when I woke up in the mornings, my hair would be extremely shaggy. After...\nOh, this happens to me all the time. Been going on for as long as I can remember. Most of the time it is like I will fully hear what the person said, but not understand it or the entire meaning...\nMy three best friends are ENFP, ISTP, and ISFJ.\nINFJ. The general fields that I would like to possibly be in are Music, English/Writing/Journalism, or Psychology. My dream job is to be an author, but I will need to have a regular job before I go...\nMy best friends are ENFP, ESFP, ISTP, and ISFJ.\nYeah, the one for INFJ would probably mar me internally. I don't know what I would do if I was stuck in that situation. I also think that the ESFP one is also harsh. Despite being an Introvert, I...\nINFJ I don't really know. I guess anywhere from a 5 to an 8. I'm somewhat acquainted with most people in my grade since they generally find me very polite and friendly. My school isn't that...\nFor me, it's * Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix * Persona 3 FES * SMT Devil Survivor Overclocked * Demon's Souls * Batman Arkham City * Tales of Xillia * Portal 2 * The World Ends With You * My...\nThe way I see it is that in INFJs the Ni is dominant, so the focus would be their plan for the future or thier internal vision. ENFJs have dominant Fe, so they might value bonds with others and...\nI prefer bittersweet endings overall because I feel that it just fits with the feeling of finishing something you've invested your time with well. If it is a happy ending though, I do prefer it to...\nIntj\nThis made me think about that one scene from Cabin in the Woods. This is what happens when you anger the NFs. *slight warning* 298810298802\nTo all outsiders *ahem* I mean guests in our lovely forum, this is absolutely 100% true. Follow this to truly understand us.\nI knew the TPs would want payback soon...\nI don't know if this is the poor Si, but I am notorious for forgetting and mixing up names. I seem to just have a hard time memorizing details and will usually forget them if they do not pertain to...\nIf it is limited to America, probably Colorado, specifically Durango. I went there last summer with my scouting troop and got to see many of the landmarks and sights. I loved the weather, scenery,...\nGoing to have to say INFP\n1. The lighting. This is just a personal thing, but I really like lighting and how it came around the corner and lit up the area. I also noticed the contrast between the light and the dark. I also...\nDeterminated\nBlue is definitely my favorite. Especially the darker or grayish deep blues. It just has a sort of feeling it gives off that I really like. Others that are close to my favorite are black, green,...\nScience Fiction and Fantasy are my two favorites with Fantasy coming out on top. I really appreciate when an author is creative with his or her work and can put me in the character's shoes and show...\nI'm fairly good at math, but I hate it for the most part. The only branch I can say I enjoyed is Geometry because it felt a lot like putting a puzzle together.\nWell, A heavy winter coat might look nicer, but it isn't as useful if the temperature is unstable that day. I'd probably go for multiple layers, as you can shed one if it gets too hot. Hiking or...\nDragons! I've always loved them since I can first remember.\nI used to use Facebook back in middle school, however I can't stand it now. It's just become so cluttered that I can't really be bothered to use it. I have moved onto much more streamlined social...\nI completely understand what you are saying. Something similar happened to me a while ago. Back last spring I was attending a scouting event with my troop and a few members of another in the same...\nIn most cases no, but in some cases yes. I find that I'm able to handle a slow-paced plot quite well. I'm not good on waiting for things to happen, though. It irks me when something does not...\nWhen I first discovered MBTI, I initially identified as an INFJ. As time went on and I learned of the cognitive functions, I began to question myself on my type and sought help on the forum. So far...\nBoth my parents are ISFJs (though my dad just might be an ISTJ.) They both are very caring and I have gotten along very well with them. They both truly want what is best for me and have done their...\nOne person told me I was one of the sweetest people she had ever met. Ten minutes later someone else told me I had the eyes of a serial killer.\nOddly enough, both are ISFJs.\nI completely understand what you said about having to wait until I am older to get a full grasp on everything. In fact, I was just thinking about how I probably needed to wait to see if my shy phase...\nWow, I think you just broke me... I am truly finding all of this fascinating and it has shown me a few things about myself that will prove useful. For some reason, though, I still am finding it...\nI've read through the the profiles, and I don't quite relate to a lot of the descriptions shown. I'll list some of the ones I did relate to. May feel quite lonely even when surrounded by people....\nGonna go with INTP.\nWell, when I was younger, I was much more vocal and eager to voice my opinion. I was more outgoing. I started to become really shy around fifth and sixth grade. I have always wanted to go into...'
'Employers would have trouble digging up dirt on me digitally as well. Always give a fresh e-mail address on a resume. And just don't use social networking sites. It's as simple as that.\nNumber one should be, You don't lie very well.\nWith a graduate degree in English, shouldn't you be able to teach that subject at many different levels?\nMy definition of stupidity comes from an intuitive perception of a person's total capacity for learning & knowing. If the person doesn't have much capacity, then I label that person stupid. Hence,...\nhttp://www.fireworks.com/images/contest/fireworks-60372561.jpg Show me something phantasmagoric.\nYou'll be pleased to learn that you match the profile of a: Survivor As a Survivor, you have a strong focus on getting what you want and getting it quickly. You believe in the survival of the...\nHi. What I wrote in my first post to this thread wasn't meant as rhetoric. I figured that according to my past observations into the realm of spirituality, psychology, and the occult, I had...\nUse infrasonic weaponry.\nPeople are fundamentally neutral. The interactions between the mind and the environment are too numerous and complex for people to be labelled fundamentally good or evil.\nMy room. It has a door with a lock, a computer, books, paper, and supplies.\nI would say, personally, that I think that the Enneagram types do exist, and perhaps the wings as well. The instinctual variants are what I note to be present in most people's personalities rather...\nIt takes a lot for me to feel comfortable with a new pair of shoes. I usually have to spend about two hours in a store trying stuff on to make sure that it fits before I feel safe to buy. I have...\nI think ESTP.\nOne of my favorite Fantasy authors is David Eddings. He wrote some pretty neat series, with one character whom I found to be extremely memorable, Polgara the Sorceress! All of his characters were...\nhttp://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/2815438.jpg\nConsidering that it is indeed possible for people to hack a webcam and stream footage from it at their whim, I have become paranoid about this and I normally tilt my cam away from me when I'm not...\nI've already written 666 on the palm of my right hand before. Does this count?\n1. Yep. 2. Sometimes. 3. Never. 4. Always. 5. Never. 6. Epitome 7. Without trying 8. I'm both totally serious and not serious at all simultaneously. So I can't say. 9. Occasionally....\nI'm an apatheist. I used to be religious, then decided that it was bullshit. Now, just in case I've missed any corners, I don't care whether or not God exists.\nWhen most people say this, they aren't asking me to listen to them but to believe what they say. Of course I'll listen, but that doesn't mean I'll agree.\nI'm feeling worn out, listening to Animal Alpha, exploring a new game, and thinking about reading a book.\nAnything by Terry Brooks. Including the Shannara series. He's INFJ :). (NiFe)\nI don't yell very often because I don't find a reason to. There are times when my voice can be loud and times when i vacillate to it seeming suppressed. If I do yell at maximum volume, there is a...\nChances are that you're already as intelligent as you want to be. Give yourself more credit and don't measure your mind by the standards of others.\nSun, Mercury, Venus in Gemini. Moon in Cancer. Ascendant in Sagittarius. :>\n^ No replies or further input?\nI think going my own way defines me. And not in a non-conformist conformist way ;).\nSpeak not, whisper not, I know all that ye would tell, But to speak might break the spell Which would bend the Invincible, The stern of thought; He yet defies the deepest power of Hell. -P....\nOooh! Another ENTP! Hi! I like reading generally. As well as playing text-based roleplaying games called MUDs. If I can get myself to doing anything productive, I like programming. Sitting...\nI'm currently eating an apple. Red Delicious variety.\nMy most favorite subject in school was either something to do with computers, or chemistry. Least favorite would have been Geometry. Or P.E. I think that if I tried to learn Geometry on my own...\nI would like to have some snow here. Hi :).\nMy favorite color is either indigo or electric blue.\n(I know I'm not INTP, but I still wanted to make some comments. The two types are related, no?) This is something that I've thought a lot about personally. I know I have a pretty big ego when it...\nNo, I don't. *sprinkles cinnamon on the cream* *hands a napkin*\n*hands it to you, with whipped cream dabbed with a hazelnut covered in maple syrup* Hi :).\nYeah, people aren't monolithic. We all have different building blocks. I'm technically an extrovert but I act like an introvert. I'm quite shy. I'm also a Gemini, so one might say that every...\nWhat makes me mad? When other people tell me what to do, or if I feel as if I'm being controlled. I like to go my own way. Anyone that interferes is going to get smacked in some way, shape, or...\nSame here. An ounce of the stuff will give me the shakes. I stay away from most teas too for that reason.\nHave you ever read the books or seen the movies about the rats of NIMH? They are some of my favorites!!!\nHehe, I'd say my favorite animal of all would have to be the wolf. Secondly, the raven. And lastly, the wise old owl. ...\nI've thought about possibilities of personality relating to the types of the parents involved. But I don't think it's a simple correlation between introversion and extroversion. There's one guy...\nMy dad is an ISTP, and my mom was an INFP. I think I got along with my mom better because she was always into crafts and stuff like that. We did activities etc together. My dad has a hard worker...\nBut not the taste. :). Hey guys. I'm a 20 year old guy living in the USA. What's up?'
'This. I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Close friends are incredibly important to me; I consider about four of my closest friends to be my best friends. However, a lot of what I do...\nA cotton dress that's dark grey on the bottom half, and a white tank top on the top; a belt; and a green flannel. I'm too cool. :cool:\nThat I get distracted too easily to be a very good driver.\nEr... I'm not sure. I had a pretty polarizing personality in middle school. I got harassed pretty mercilessly in seventh grade PE, but the bullying was reported by another girl in my class. I guess...\nI try to be self-confident, and I usually am. I'm the type of person who tells people, Well of course you love me, I'm amazing! I can come off as really arrogant, I suppose, but it's usually...\nWOT. That's where I'm from!! But I go to college on the east coast. Anyway, I feel your pain and boredom, friend.\nI definitely see what you mean. I'd say that there's more to MBTI than there is to a horoscope, because horoscopes are assigned, if you think about it, rather arbitrarily and by chance. However, I...\nI hate that I feel the need to people-please, all the time. It's so hard getting to know people when you don't really act like yourself around people you don't know. Several of my very close friends...\nGah, I consider most of my close friends best friends!! One (INTP) I met during fifth grade; I was brat with the huge temper problems, and one of the only people that would talk to me was my...\nI love Te, too! Then again, my entire friend group is essentially NTs... Can't quite survive without it. Anyhoo, sorry for the girlishness, but you know you're an ENFP when you get an ISTJ to...\nI wish the first one weren't so true...\nI went to take my instrument out during band, and someone had written I love you on the back of my namecard. <3\nI have no sense of style. xD I'm a jeans and t-shirt sort of gal, and the type of person who wears sweatshirts with shorts and tennis shoes everyday. Everything is very low maintenance. But I'm also...\nI looked in the mirror and saw someone I actually liked.\nHumans are ridiculous. The world is unexplainable and absurd. The only meaning to the world is the meaning you make for it and for your own life.\nHaha, oh PerC, how do you always know how I'm feeling? Explosion. Today, being the case in point, I asked my teacher a question, she snapped at me, and instead of doing what all of the other...\nI was thinking this exact thing earlier!\nI confess that I always procrastinate so much, it almost inevitably ends up with a panic attack.\nI wish my emotions weren't so volatile. :/ There's only so often you can blame hormones and stress before you start wondering if there's something seriously wrong with you. I'm pretty sure I can't...\nI can kind of relate. :/ But I have to agree with hmwith- there'll come a point where you just have to jump in (or wade very, very slowly), and try, and the worst that could happen is you end up back...\nI love watching those, too! Though, the last time I did, I ended up wandering around the house with a knife, because if the Apocalypse happens, it will drive the world into chaos, anarchy, etc., our...\nI loved the new Star Trek, too. :) And you haven't read the books?! They are, in my opinion, so much better than the movie. Douglas Adams is brilliant, hilarious, and a man to be completely admired....\nGood luck! Wherever it takes you, it'll be worth it :) Personally, I'm enjoying not knowing who I am, at least for a few more years. It's terribly exciting. It's a universe of possibilities!\nI know exactly what you mean. :/ We were once having a discussion circle in my lit class about the Great Gatsby, and people immediately started generalizing- all rich people are immoral, for...\nVery simply, like this-> :D\n3:35 PM- Oh man, I really want to go read in the living room, but then I'll see the backyard and feel guilty about not helping to put the fence up... Even though I'd probably saw a thumb off...\nHi! I'm an ENFP and I need to get my life in order.\nMy first crush was in Kindergarten, on a boy named Daniel. I longed to be the Jill to his Jack in the school play Mother Goose's Goose is Loose. Instead, I was cast as a pig. xD\nWhen I was younger (elementary/middle school young, that is), I was always the crushed. I fell in and out of love every couple of months. When I got older, I stopped having crushes (I haven't had a...\nPerfume: Story of a Murderer, or alternatively, Das Parfum - Die Geschichte eines Mörders. Love that movie/book. It's brilliant. Das Versprechen- a German film about two teenagers in love, Sophie...\n1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible 7...\nI know what you mean; this is the first time I've actually felt appreciated in a really long time. xD I really am really lucky though, but the thing about being the person who's always helping means...\nYES. I once had a conversation that literally consisted of Yeah, isn't that funny? And then I kept talking at you to fill up the silence because you haven't been talking yeah I know I talk a lot...\nIt's not bands in particular who inspire me (except for the Beatles. Until this month, I think I've been completely deprived), but specific song. At the moment, in fact, this song makes me smile- ...\nUsername: variablestar Age: Seventeen Location: Southern California! Relationship status: Single What do you look like?: Around 5'3, 5'4, average build. I have wavy, sometimes curly,...\nI completely agree. :D Best group of people to be stuck with.\nBookmark it! Because there will definitely be a time when the exact opposite happens. >.<\nI think the part that really touched me about that was the fact that there are twice as many listeners as venters. x3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6BKhvhSehc\nI'll start this thread off with one of my favorite (and sometimes true!) stereotypes- ENFPs make great friends. We listen, we give advice, we're supportive, funny, the ones people come to when they...\nI'd love it. :] I don't know if the would be able to handle it, though! xD My two best friends are both INTPs, and we know how to handle each other's boundaries. There could be issues with me knowing...\nOh man, I have to agree with everyone on this thread. I've been accused of being a huge flirt and leading people so many times... And it's only when I don't try! This ended up being a huge problem,...\nI'm an ENFP, and I wish I could pay for the college of my choice!\nHi, I'm an ENFP, and I feel guilty when I get tired of/annoyed by people. :D\nINTP, without a doubt.\nTell that to the men in the white coats!\nRomance! Time! A special off button for when I start babbling would be nice, too.\nYeees. Not only do I always misplace things, I forget what someone tells me within a few minutes, and ask the same question multiple times within the span of one conversation. But my long term memory...\nThe best kinds are the loud ones that kind of hurt.\nI apologize a lot, I've gotten told off for it several times. I always feel justified when I do it, though, but when people ask why I'm apologizing, all I can do is flail and say because. xD It's...\nExactly! The things you find are so much more interesting than cleaning!'
'I'm shy at the beginning. I need to get my bearings, get to know people. Then I'm more than happy to say hello to people.\nVank you very much! :laughing: (It's vark as in aardvark. :D )\nNot offended.\nOur personalities don't lock us into doing things. If you'd like to start to chew on these specific topics then please start a thread of your own but what I'd like to talk about here is the ENFP's...\nYou're absolutely right. There's nothing wrong with picking a side, and to say that you think you are right. It's when people want you to pick a side just because their worldview depends on...\nI've balanced my work with my personality. I'm a night shift front desk attendant in a fancy apartment building. People ask how can you work alone? You're a people person!, but it's perfect. ...\nI like to be on the fence. I'm not wishy-washy or can't make a decision, I just see all the angles and can see when making a decision on a topic isn't really necessary. Even when I am firmly on one...\nWhen some feminists cannot stand you because you're a man but you're thinking like a woman.\nMost of the time I have no trouble falling asleep. I lay down, put my arm over my face, daydream and I'm out. My problem is I'm an early riser and a morning person - up at 4am. So while I'm never...\nI like everything, too. My parents were Classical/Opera/Folk music/Beatles hippy-nerds. My sister and I grew up in the video music era. I have an incredibly soft spot for 80's music. I was also...\nI'm not a big fan of tats. That being said, there is nothing whatsoever wrong with getting them, having them, enjoying them. It's your body. I have seen very well done tats that I admired. I...\nI love being an ENFP but sometimes it feels like a girly personality profile. I feel kind of bulldozed by all the guys who are T's and J's thinking that's how a guy is supposed to be.\nOnly... I've been here a hair less than a month. This morning I got three rapid fire achievements: 30 days, 90 days and a year. Fastest year I've ever known.\nHippy strikes me as an antiquated term, like greaser.\nNot sure which forum to put this in.... I was walking to my car in the parking garage at my work - I work in a fancy apartment building. I saw a license plate that said: ENT1 And I thought...\nI've got so much spirit, I run a Monk in Diablo 3. :D\nMy wife says I'm obnoxious when I drink. I get giggly and silly. One time with four beers in me I was singing the Star Spangled Banner using only the words Paper plate. I'm not much of a...\nHere's my FB quotes box: Freedom is not a license for chaos - Norton Juster A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the...\nFalling in love is druglike. Everything is fine. Everything will work. But... it's something that wears off. Why? Well, from a biological standpoint, life wants to make more babies. It makes it...\nYou're fine. Everyone thinks. Everyone feels. There are thinkers out there who feel too much, too. Remember, you're an N and a P. You're not necessarily thinking, you could be intuiting and...\nThe poll is skewed. College students and high school students probably tend to have more free time to hang around on Internet forums than adults. These folks - by definition - would be some...\nAll good suggestions. The big issue is exactly that: she doesn't communicate. I think her problem goes beyond being an introvert. I have friends who are introverts who can and do talk. If I could...\nGood thing you're non-specific. We can learn everything about you down to your shoe size if you would have told us your exact age. :proud:\nAt home the deck is kind of stacked for the introverts because they're in their comfort zone AND have someone to talk to if they're feeling social. The extrovert is stuck because they have to go out...\nI would suggest a mutual loosening of restrictions. You can still keep in contact, etc, but leave things open. Discuss the fact that it is a LDR and discuss what the two of you would do if either...\nDelete double post.\nNot quite. ENFPs can and do crash. Its hard for other people to notice because when we have others around it's easy to run off that energy. When you're alone though, with no one around to work off...\nIs there any other kind? :D My wife is an INFP and I practically have to drag her to social events - drag is a strong word, but I spend many nights quietly at home with her, and it's only fair...\nI'm apprehensive entering new situations. Takes me a while to warm up. Even then I put off my full extrovert as long as I can. Once that cat is out of the bag you can't stuff it back in.\nHere, this will make you feel better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84WpcmJ28Yg\nMy wife and I are ENFP and INFP. Place is pretty cluttered.\nOkay, fellow ENFPs, here's a tour I did of my hometown of Bellevue, Pennsylvania. I go by rufushonkeriv in this, which was/is my LiveJournal username. ...\nThe rattle of the air conditioner. It's pretty darned hot.\nI attract introverts. Not sure why.\nThank you. I'm moving along, good to get tips.\nIndeed. Kind of related - when I was in high school I had a phobia of asking out girls who were older than I was. Felt like they were off limits. It's silly in retrospect.\nWell MY hand... DUH!! What hand do you think I would write with? (I'm right handed.)\nI LOVE the feel of warm, wet cement under bare feet after it rains after a hot day. I like radio towers. They're just cool! The smell of fresh ground coffee when you first open the can. I...\nI find that because I'm loud and silly, people feel comfortable around me and thus stand closer than I'd like. And it's almost never people who you would enjoy standing close.\nI was only ENFP at home in elementary school and junior high. At school I was teased mercilessly to the point that I couldn't tell who was being mean or who was making an innocent joke. I was...\nI was at a thrift store once and found the UGLIEST shirt I had ever come across in my life. Of COURSE I bought it! It had a collar and long sleeves, buttoned down the front - was orange and had...\nI was a junior high/high school youth leader for ten years. I have three kids. (11, 9, 7: two girls and a boy) Yep, I get along fine with kids. As I get older I do have periods of having had...\n-I'll make loud and annoying sounds in the car when I'm driving to work and back - you know, just making the kind of strange sounds that (for lack of a better term) special needs people make. I'm...\nSorry, can't read through 77 pages worth. Posting first. (That's kind of ENFP, isn't it?) Why are you even THINKING that? You're really... unique. Okay does anyone OTHER THAN [your...\nThat's an interesting take, about being the most introverted of the extroverts. I've always gotten along with introverts best. My father, wife and best friend are all introverts. I always assumed...\nI've been going through a rough patch. No worries, I know it's going to end. I've felt this way before. There's some relationship issues going on with my wife, who is an INFP, but a VERY STRONG...\nHi. I'm Kevin. I'm 38, married, three kids. I joined the forum to see what other people with my temperament are like. ENFP isn't really common, best as I can tell. I've always been bouncy...'
'Maybe somebody can explain this one to me: Why is it that people who are convinced the world will end in 2012 are writing and publishing books about it? Saving all that cash up for what, a bonfire...\n2012 is the end of the current cycle, the name of which (granted, it was coined by historians but still) escapes me but I believe it might be the Bak'tun. The calendar doesn't end on 2012 it just...\nObama isn't an American The Health Care Plan is communism and gives free health care to everyone! Communism and Socialism are the same The new Arizona law allows police to pull over...\nI have already used this image today. I'm ok with this. And what the hell you mean if?? http://img-www.theonering.net/theonering/contests/images/092502_19first.jpg\nPride is fine, it's the fanatical WE SHOULD SECEDE FROM THE UNION craziness that gets to me, personally. There's a difference between pride and nationalism. Avoid nationalism, it lead to the...\nThere is always at least a little bit of caring in every I don't care. If you don't care, how can you be hurt? But the fear of being hurt implies you do care. So there is not merely caring but...\nUsed to get into noble fights all the time in Elementary school because I felt the need to protect people. I don't remember it, but my parents tell me stories. Apparently one time some kid was...\nAs a social studies teacher I have certainly made efforts to KNOW about politics, so as to teach and inform and guide, but I seem to be irreversibly moving towards something more. My parents are...\nSan Antonio Texas. Stay away. I have been trying to move to California, Washington, Oregon, or God help me New Zealand for some time now. I will never understand why this bloody state...\nSherlock Holmes definitely for his competence, also Indiana Jones for those of us that do believe he's one. Batman for his justified crusader mentality (sometimes you just have to get the job done,...\nSpeaking of staring, has anyone else noticed that INTJ pretty much have the exact same expression on their faces while being photographed? Seriously. Go take a look at the forum users portraits...\nWhad'ya mean go and get some ENFPs? What, you people roam in packs or something? All it takes is the long, drawn out call of...\nI LOVE to fight. There's a connection there, when you square off against someone who is your equal and knows it. It's intensely cerebral. See that new Sherlock Holmes movie? The fight scenes...\nWhen you use knowledge of string theory to spark up a conversation with a women you're attracted to so you can find out if she's worth asking out or not. I did this last week. :mellow:\nI don't mean to put out the spot of hope in your heart, I mean for you to get out there and reveal all of this to him. I ask you why you tell US about these thoughts and not him. And I mean every...\nAm I the only one finding this entire thread exceptionally entertaining?\nWell see there's a problem there in that I do my best work while standing. And which mask? I wear many, each to its own purpose.\nI was professionally diagnosed about 4 years ago, though I didn't take this test. Mine is apparent in little quirks of behavior. I can't, for example, drink the last bit of soda/water/anything out...\nHoping for an INTJ to wake up to things like this is like hoping a religious fanatic will suddenly think to themselves You know, I think Atheism is the way to go. Honesty. Up-front,...\nI can't begin to understand why I never thought to do this before. It seems so much more simple than blindly flailing about, however much I may enjoy flailing in all its glorious forms. Please...\nI don't know if love is real. The historian in me questions it and says that it is possible, even likely, that it is a construct of society. It certainly isn't universal. Comparisons of what is...\nLOL that's what I get for typing something at 5 AM and not paying much attention. You clever catcher of my mistakes you. ESTJ. Wow. Phale.\nThrow in some fruit snacks and whiskey and you've got yourself a deal. I am booked till December, however, but I'll put you on the waiting list.\nWherever I am needed, Bionic. Wherever I am needed.\nHmm... I only bother to get to know people who are within the realm of what I would consider interesting. Anyone outside that gets professional-type remarks and interaction, nothing more. If I...\nJust to say: Morale = the psychological state of a person, good or bad, used often to refer to the military. There's a topic where morality is being discussed to death too. Personally, I think...\nYou defended OneiricEntropy's argument, which makes it your argument. Nobody is a true utilitarian, since utilitarianism depends on knowledge of every possible outcome and nobody knows every...\nTouche. I misread your previous comment as asking to show a society where such an action would be perceived as good by the society, not where such an action would be considered good in general...\nObviously it isn't obvious since I obviously didn't catch it. It still doesn't make sense. I present a hypothetical situation wherein a culture believes that raping that child will result in the...\nI never said it made it right, I said it didn't make it evil and I said it makes it right IN THEIR EYES. If you aren't them, your opinion of their actions is irrelevant. Who the hell are you to...\nBecause despite the efficiency and convenience of it, a bayoneted weapon is still a pretty terrible weapon for melee. I'd rather have twice the length, lugs, and a cutting edge, even if it means...\nWhen did wonder woman become so damn skinny? Rifle though, Russian 1932 Mosin Nagant. Close range- lugged spear with a leaf broad head for cutting. Pwns just about everything.\nYou know I've read this about seven times and it may just be that I'm tired, but I absolutely have no idea what you are trying to say. What proposition? What answer? If they believe that not...\nYou know to be honest, I'd be willing to bet a considerable sum that there has been a culture in the history of the Earth that has done this, likely for religious purposes. I'd definitely be...\nNever would have allowed for it to happen in the first place. Seriously, the idiot in charge who put profits ahead of safety/efficiency/longterm investment needs to hang his head in shame, and then...\nWow this is still floating around? I haven't talked to this girl in over a year... it didn't work out... :sad: You know the funny thing is I don't think it worked out because we were TOO...\n^ This is correct.\nYou're arguing with an admittedly spartan person, so my response to this is: if you enjoy something to the extent that you feel the need to do it routinely, then you are addicted. I don't think...\nMarijuana isn't destructive? Bull. I chortle when people try to defend the stuff. I've had my fair share of friends who did it. One friend... well, the last I ever saw of him was him being half...\nA physical addiction is unnecessary. The addiction is psychological. The need for this nonsensical experience of theirs. What a wasteful excuse to do anything. I may as well cut off all my...\nDrugs are a pathetic dependency and self-destructive behavior. I find most people who use them, whatever their excuse, disgusting and I don't give a damn what anybody thinks of my thoughts on the...\nThankfully I have my cold spear of logic to deal with mood swings. Right? ... ... ... right? uh oh...\nSo most of my life I've associated with a very, very select few people. These people are as follows: One ESFJ who amuses me. I give him advice that he ignores and he comes to me for emotional...\n1. Justification for the masses 2. EMP devices 3. An effective and absolutely loyal secret police. Preferably artificial. I'm a historian. I not only think about this every day, I even...\nThe MBTI is a foundation, not a complete floor plan.\nWhy are you bothering will all this second-guessing nonsense? Ask him. All this INTJ's are so mysterious nonsense is annoying. We appreciate straightforwardness and direct questions more...\nIn my time in Japan I never once received a fortune cookie. Of course, curry shops and Pan-ya's aren't the best places for them... but still. You'd think (insert horrible stereotype scenario) and...\nI'm male, but I did spend a night at an apartment with two INTJ females. We talked about physics and powered armour and how the stuff COULD work if only we could just figure out a way to harness all...\nDo fortune cookies even tell fortunes anymore? All I ever see are like... pathetic little pseudo wisdom anecdotes or quotes or phrases or some other nonsense... I can already quote Sun Tzu, I...\nIf the thread is amusing, relevant, or otherwise worth the time to look at, what does it matter who made it and how long ago?'
'guys, i think i feel love... what should i do next\nMy INFP friend that I was interested in her being sick, how to show my concern to her with reasonable limits. I know I'm not anyone by it, i'm still in area that really adore her. I'm not her closer...\nGentle spirit? Can you explain more..\nwooooww just woooow\ncalm down, you know what i mean *sigh\nyou two really need someone to win your heart,\nWant to ask one thing, how to win your heart INFP? And maybe, if you INFP have some stories that someone can win your heart... really appreciate it if you want to share in here...\nthat's it, i want to know what's making her sad but she didn't want to talk for awhile really? how to make her understand, that i really love her too. i know sometimes i become insensitive and...\nSo, yesterday i ask some song from my INFP, i know she's not in good mood. But then, she gave me this song...here's the lyrics You know, because INTJ little bit hard to swallow any kind of...\nINFP INFP INFP INFP they are so adorable\njust agree with that shit and ummmm\nyes, she exhibiting some of these behaviors and i want to handle it without hurt her, i want to, express my feelings...but last time i've tell her, she's told me why you can't just ignore me if...\nreally? i just think the same, would not that be make a double edges? what if my INFPs become angry and disappointed when I do not mean to make her angry and disappointed and what if she's gonna...\nSo, i read this so many times and little bit creepy And my question is, your suggestion for another type to handle it. To handle your dark side, INFPs :)\nInterstellar When tears, sunlight, stars, moon, hope, and outer space dancing under a heavy dose of love. Incredibly epic. Almost 10.\ntoo noisy\nOkee, i've read so many articles about INTJs weaknesses and now how about you INTJs fellas? What is your weakness and how did you to overcome it As far i know, INTJs are the most passionate to...\nINFPs, what's it like to be you?\nsometimes to understand an INFP is stop to try to understand them for a while, right or false?\nyupp, thread close request\nshhh, yeah...i do prepare for everything, for the bad and the good thanks,\nyes i hate infp's emotionality yet adore them soooooooo much\nGuys... if you fall in love with INFPs don't let them go, maybe you need some compromises for your self, but it's worth it...they're collisions that you worth having\nentheos and Sangoire thanks for bunch of advices, i really appreciate it, now, can i ask some favor? i will learn from the beginning, tell me how to handle INFP what should i do's and don'ts in...\nSangoire everything you say exactly same as her, *sigh I mean here is, perfect isn't talk about her personality, her looks, but perfect for me, show things and weakness that make me to be a...\nfirst, thanks for your time to give me some advice, I do not want to be arrogant, but for INTJs if this not something important I would not ask a lot of :sad: and yes!! she is mature INFP, that's...\nthank you!! you know what i mean very well!! yeaaah, patient... thanksss a lot!! i know it's easy to me to figure everything right now, but not for her...thanks again!!\nI'm INTJ, and i know...romance is the biggest challenge for ours (INTJ's), and i want to ask something about it. Here we go! I knew a woman, she is INFP, she is the most adorable woman i've met, I...\nI'm INTJ, and i know...romance is the biggest challenge for ours (INTJ's), and i want to ask something about it. Here we go! I knew a woman, she is INFP, she is the most adorable woman i've met, I...\nI'm INTJ, and i know...romance is the biggest challenge for ours (INTJ's), and i want to ask something about it. Here we go! I knew a woman, she is INFP, she is the most adorable woman i've met, I...\nYes, she give me a lot attention...but, you know...INFP tend to give attetion to everyone, nah...how I could distinguish her attention, i mean that was normally attetion or deep attention, how do i...\njust want to know, true sign if an infp love you -_-\nAsk something !! LOL How to get know, an INFP loves me?? I mean, an INFP always spread love and kindness to everyone, that's make confuse...is she do that things only to me or just another...\nnope, you're not...it's just because INFP's are so true then make misunderstood for being manipulating people\nwhen you always blame yourself -_-\nWhat do you know about critical thinking? I can relate it with myself. Because we intj's, we can see multiple perspectivesx94, right??More than another types, IMO Here some article about critical...\nbecause she's so nice and i'm not deserve at all :( i mean, i'm the most annyoying person no bro, this infp is different, she crushes my mind with her treat to me ahahahah\nwhy are you so adorable? how to avoid infp?\ni know that feel bro, really 100% match with my thoughts and circumtances\nher smile\ninfp are totally adorable, but sometimes is very hard to catch her and i have enfp's friend...she always get me, that's a different\nreally agree with this :crazy:\nwatching movies, listen music, read\ni think myself mix of both, but i'm more interested about humanities intj\nlook their's eyes :D 18/20 2 of them just an short smile :(\ntoo much feeling/emotion in one place, i can't give right response\nINTJ - The Solver INFP/ENFP - The Teacher (teach me how to feel :p )\nCognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************* (25.5) average use introverted Sensing (Si)...\nAre you okay irritating me, a lot\n1. observe her (what makes her angry)'
'My response would be something like: WTF WHY!? You're an idiot! *reassesses the reasoning* It depends on the idea I'm communicating, but that's basically it.\nIt's helped me in further understanding myself and other people, not much beyond that.\nNi is such a pain to describe, but it basically goes something like this. I don't think I'll go to Wal-Mart today *the very next day* Hey Vasoline! Guess what! What?\nI prefer to type myself by the Jungian functions rather than the MBTI tests. Though I have found that the two match up for me, but it stepping back and looking at it all from a fundamental viewpoint...\nEstp........\nEllo thar!\nI know personally... 1 ISTJ He's a hardcore Asian student. 2 INTPs They're cool... but I hate to hear their philosophical thoughts /snore 2 INTJs Awesome guys 1 ISFP Otaku chick 1 ISFJ You...\nThis is true... :wink: QFT\nI have two little sisters, so I'm the first of three.\nI guess we are, but usually I don't go for the whole vengeance thing unless I'm really ticked off about something. Ex. My sister broke my Lego city I worked for ours on when I was really little, so...\nInvisibility, I'd have a hell of a time just fucking with people.\nI'd be rich if I had a dollar for every individual freedom the government took.\nIf you're willing to go the extra distance in your work your personality type won't matter much if at all, but it seems wrong to judge people by personality types over references, experience and...\nI've known some very vengeful P's, so I disagree. In this case, I would think N's would be the best, as they tend to be more far sighted than Ss, correct?\nIn JROTC (I was forced in >_>) some kid did a report on new technology in the military, and a lot of the high tech gear was built for suburban warfare (to fight street gang, though it'll probably be...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enTPV_wkKbA\nIf this shit does hit the fan, I may seriously go underground. Though I won't give it any credence until it happens.\nMeet the new boss... same as the old boss...\nNo, it doesn't. I'm just saying that IQ is biased against people without an education.\nSorry about that then, I can be very vague when I post. I'll try to work on that. :P I'm trying to get to the fact that NT's have higher IQ's because IQ seems to be very correlated with...\nI think so, but measuring and ultimately defining intelligence is an extremely subjective matter. In my past posts, replace intelligence with academic and logical prowess. Though still, you can have...\nHence traditional sense... and intelligence cannot be measured as it is an extremely subjective term. IQ would be bullshit even if intelligence could be fully defined. Well yeah, no trait can...\nI think your type can be affected up until the end of puberty, but after that I don't think you could have a permanent type change. I was raised in a two parent household with 2 siblings other...\nWell it seems logical that the people who spend their lives with their heads in the clouds would strengthen their neural connections by doing so and thus have a higher intelligence in the traditional...\nI was not speaking economically when I said cost. I meant it would cost them a great deal of ideological support if people were disappearing all around the country with no apparent cause. There would...\nMy IQ falls somewhere between 120-130. I am inclined to say that the more intelligent people would tend to be NT's, but it is quite possible for a sensor or a feeler to have a much greater IQ then I...\nI act like an ESFP when in the presence of friends, but it really wears me down, and eventually I'm right back to being my normal INTJ self.\nI really do dislike this. People will sometimes ask my opinion and when I reply with a bit of criticism they get all pissy.\nI tell you what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful that my ancestors were hard workers and did the best they could to improve the lives of their children, alll without government intervention. I may not...\nThere are so many things that can go wrong in big government, it's almost impossible not to oversimplify. Here are the things the Big Government has failed with. Criticism of government...\nI feel your pain bro. I found out about this MBTI thing just a couple of weeks ago and was relieved to find that there was a name to what I had been dealing with my whole life. My mother may still...\nIt's not that mind a militia so much, but I would prefer it to be run by the States rather than the Feds, and I would rather it be run by the citizens than the State. The thing that frightens me is...\nI get this gut feeling that they're bullshitting me. Then I usually don't say anything but I always remember to keep my distance from said person.\nHazel INTJ\nI don't see any purpose in them building concentration camps. Sorry, but I don't. They know their citizens don't dare rise against them lest they become extremely abusive, so theirs no point in...\nWelcome my fellow INTJ.\n1. Indefinitely, people drain me. Alone time is rejuvenating. 2. 5 hours, then I'd need a break.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vAqekT-GuA\nIf you're comfortable with it like me, I see nothing wrong in doing it. I'd only do it with someone I really trust though. No homo\nWelcome master. :wink:\nThat's awesome.\nEllo thar!\nhttp://www.advancedpt.com/graphics/congratulations.jpg\nhttp://www.uwec.edu/jolhm/EH3/Group2/Pictures/lightning.jpg Lightning inspires me. It's power and rejuvenating to see.\nI store it all until I want to buy something I need or really want.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svR3iXKTJvc\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJeWySiuq1I\nHop into my black van and you'll find out. /hides knife\nI'd be far more naive then I am now, that's for sure.\nHey there amberheadlights. I hope you enjoy your time here. :laughing:'
'What is so amazing that keeps us star gazing? What do we think we might see? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSFLZ-MzIhM\nI was driving to work today and an idea got stuck in my head and kept making me laugh. On my first break I wrote this silly poem. Let me know what you think. It is rough around the edges since I...\nI had a terrible day today but all it took was a little effort by a stranger to turn everything around. I thought I'd pass it along. You're awesome! Wanna know why? The fact you've made...\nI'm so mellow right now, I had the worst day at work. I came home, hugged my dog, had a glass of wine for the first time in months and decided to get creative with dinner and put this song on...\nI have to disagree with the original post. I think the quality of music available is better now than it has ever been it has just moved to different media. 100 years ago people had barely any access...\nTonight while you're sleeping somebody will slip a giant saltwater crocodile in bed with you. I want to be able to play the harmonica and guitar well.\n***Every time you lust after another woman, eat something heavy in calories and gross. You'll either start associating your lustful feelings towards women not your wife with some gross food. Or...\nNot a Youtube link but this is totally how I feel. One of my favorite songs in the world Born to Wander by Shilelagh Law on One & Nine - Free Music Streaming, Online Music, Videos - Grooveshark\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5peqCDJi0A\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8q0xe8oqDE\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEjutUbgpH8\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmDakhg45rk\nThis is my favorite version of this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqH5H5aSVQA\nMartin Eden by Jack London. Who is your celebrity crush that nobody would guess, and why?\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU615FaODCg\nI had I really bad fever today and stayed home from work and laid in bed to day dream. So I don't know if it was the fever but I had some interesting thoughts. I started off thinking about the idea...\nAs a moderate (fiscal conservative, social progressive) I have to agree with the protests. I normally voted a pretty conservative ticket up up until the 2006 elections. Since that period of time...\nI find the best way to attract women is to fill their pockets with iron and carry around a giant magnet. It took some trial and error to figure that out. My first attempt I tried filling their...\nI have weird luck with the ladies. When I was younger somehow I got the reputation of being a manwhore. No idea how it started, because I had only dated about two girls in my entire life. It was...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOZkNnvt2Y4&feature=related I'm not a cowboy but I'd say this is a pretty good summary INFPs ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold. They'd rather give...\nI've heard INFPs referred to as Healer, Harmonizer and Idealist. We're not the type to let others define us. So what do you feel is the best one word to describe our personality and why? I think...\nI love the movie this is based on, I watched it just yesterday. For those who haven't seen falling down. Do it! Very clever and one of a kind movie.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKDgkcx9ric\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5peqCDJi0A\nThe whole rubberneck CD is awesome, but that is my favorite song on it too.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt7MVy6cN_Q&feature=youtu.be\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2ZO6CU9a0M\nI called it earlier. You can't get through to people like this. Even when you disprove their argument they resort to attacking the individual. To people like this, only men are capable of sexism. ...\nI think that true men should be masculine and virile in the way they act. This statement says that if you don't act in this way you're not a true man. And congratulations on learning the...\nIt is my experience is that if you point out something that is sexist against men the first thing they'll do is attack your masculinity, then your ability to meet women, then your ability to make...\nI know, I appreciate it. You put for a compelling argument. You know they're never going to accept sexism works both ways. You can't win the argument. They'll just attack you as a person instead...\nYou mean you're not going to stick around for when they run out of arguments and decide to attack your manhood or ability to find a girlfriend. Because you know that is coming next.\nTrue. To me, happy guys are just cute, but not something I strive for. But I'm not really into the sulking type either...those just kind of piss me off sometime because in my opinion I...\nI am not sore at all. I was just sarcastically responding to an obviously sexist statement. How bout I take it a little further and just switch the genders in her quote? True. To me, smart...\nAnd I think true women should be barefoot and pregnant.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6IYyvypJ4o&NR=1 Video footage!\nI think that may be the issue, I traveled quite a bit when I was younger, Between the age of 6 and 16 I went to every US state, been to almost every major US city, been to all the major national...\nI agree with that to an extent. My point is that even using this as inspiration to visit the place, you're not gaining much more than you would have from the internet. For example, you plan to see...\nDealing with those experiences are just part of being a good person. Every person I meet I treat as an equal, I don't feel pity, superiority or inferior, no matter who they are and their station in...\nI feel that as a modern society we've moved to compartmentalize as much of life as possible. The mindset is to reduce human interaction at every step. For example self check out lanes, drive-thru...\nhttp://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumapc/aquarium-pictures/files/2/1/2/180cmfull_original.jpg\nBorn to Wander | Shilelagh Law Song - Yahoo! Music There is no youtube video for this. But it resonates my every bone. If you were to capture my essence and turn it into a song, this would be...\nIt depends, when it comes to communicating I have two modes, listening mode and talking mode. When I'm in a situation where I have to switch between those two modes quickly I get overwhelmed. If I...\nI read the first page and last page. If there is something immediately interesting on the last few posts I'll comment immediately. If there isn't anything immediate I'll read the whole thread to...\nI can see where you get that he is an INFP. From the song you posted, the lyrics aren't that moving, but the way he delivers the lyrics makes you think that he feels something deeper than he is...\nThat sounds a lot like me. Getting out of a funk is easy, it is realizing that you're in one that is the difficult part. I swear I have the pioneering spirit in me and get hit with bouts of...\nAs it has been said before, I'd rather be perceived as attractive with a cold heart. As a guy I've learned the less weakness you show, the better. I think I'm fairly attractive, but I have a big...\nHave you ever listened to a song and were so moved by the depth and sincerity of a lyric that you fell in love? For me its I can be alone, I can watch the sunset on my own. I think everybody...\nThis thread made me really think about crying and the last time I did. I can see the appeal in it. Releasing all that negative energy and feeling of helplessness in one intensely passionate moment...\nI have difficulty living in the moment too. Sure, I'm really spontaneous and do lots of interesting things. But I still don't live in the moment. The whole time I'm doing something it feels like...'
'If you can make it work it will be amazing. My ex (ENTJ) and I were pretty much inseparable while we were together but she was something of an emotional hard ass. She never really gave me the...\nI've been feeling down lately, and normally I curl up in bed and go through the motions until it passes but this time feels different. I feel as though my personality is crashing down around me and...\nI think this thread has unraveled and I feel we should abandon our posts.\nI had to do this recently and the only way it worked was both of us agreeing not to talk to each other. By staying in contact we just ended up in bed together which didn't help anything.\nI wanted to be Bill Nye the Science guy!\nWell have sex a few more times and get back to us. :P\nSuccess breeds confidence my dear. :tongue: I do remember losing mine and yeah it wasn't as big a deal as my friends and everyone made it out to be. When I have sex with someone that I'm head over...\nWell you have apparently found someone who is unskilled, not to boast or anything but the words of the great George Thorogood They all leave satisfied applies to my bedroom antics.\nThe real problem is that nice guys give women what they need emotionally without making them reciprocate physically. So my question to you guys is why would a woman that is getting her emotional...\nWell from what you say early on in the post she was definitely flirting with him so at one point she was attracted to him so there could be some residual chemistry there if he didn't land himself in...\nAll my exes have found my weirdness endearing. :cool:\nI didn't read these books to be a player or bang random women. I read them to gain a greater understanding of why and how men attract women. I really was oblivious when a woman was flirting with me...\nThe best advice I can give you is to read The Game by Neil Strauss and then subsequently David DeAngelo's Double your Dating. They'll change your life dude.\nYou know you're an INFP when the relationship that you've constructed in your head is an order of magnitude better than the one rooted in reality.\nI think a lot of this INFP male attraction or draw comes from the fact that when we are comfortable with someone and we like them the sexual tension is freaking insane. I was dating an ENTJ about a...\nAs an INFP programmer I recommend that you start with C and then move on to the more abstract languages. Most programming languages are based off C and this will give you a great foundation and give...\nStop being so bitchy and depressing all the time and learn to have a bit of fun. One of my really good friends is an INFJ and I swear to god he just needs a smack sometimes. So this is your digital...\nLike @MasterJediSoda my username comes from a Star Wars origin. I used to play a Star Wars total conversion mod of the space sim, freelancer. The first time I logged onto the server I used the name...\nI hear you there I'm dating an ENTJ now and before we got together I think I had seen her smile a handful of times now when we see eachother our faces light right up! I get to see a very romantic...\n@JerseyDevil While what you say is true. There are times that people are attracted instinctually to eachother and I think that learning to recognize a Woman's indicators of interest should be...\nI was like you then I met an ENTJ that turned my life upside down. Anyway we started as friends and things just developed into a romantic relationship rather quickly. I hate to tell you this but...\nI don't understand people who can't let themselves be happy.\nWell I'll go a step further and say XNFP XNTJ sexual chemistry is amazing. It's not just a sexual thing though there is some kind of magic that happens when our types meet it's almost instant...\nIt was really sad. I hurt a person I care about because I thought I could trust a good friend to keep what I said in confidence.\nYeah that would probably be awkward.\nIf you're ever in Vermont shoot me a PM and I'll show you how we do things in the Green Mountain State. :)\nHa ha yeah if you ever date one you'll find out real quick that it's their way or the highway. That's part of the fun sometimes though seeing their faces going all red and watching them get...\nThis thread makes me smile. I got in trouble early on in my relationship for taking sex too lightly. I was talking to a friend about how amazing it was in bed with my ENTJ and then he told his...\nI'm right with KindOfBlue06 there is a point at which I become a complete Extravert and I turn into the life of the party! ^_^\nThere are a lot of people in my my life that know me but I'm not really friends with and they tend use me as a sounding board for relationship and other problems. The other day a guy who I know just...\nHa if you think ENFJ's are bad try dating an ENTJ if you don't go crazy in the first month you'll probably be with them for life! Anyway I know an INFP male / ENFJ female couple and they are...\nMonkey King What kind of tablet do you have?\nThe fact that you need to ask means your a Sensor now GTFO :P Just kidding IDK do you find yourself daydreaming a lot or thinking about how things could be better instead of how they are?\nnontransferable\nMike75 OMG this guy actually understands INFP's!!! I think someone should throw Lucifer a blanket because hell just froze over.\nYeah I hear ya that's kinda what I had in the back of my mind, because we are very emotionally intense when we are together and I honestly forget she is a Thinking type. Which is kinda nice in some...\nThanks yeah idk she gets pretty wrapped up in equine stuff, which is her passion, I was just wondering because when I say hey what's up with dissapearing act she just says she is busy and if I push...\nSo I've been dating an entj female for about 2 months now and some weeks she wants to spend all her time with me and then she just sorta goes cold for 4-7 days. Is this normal? Am I being a crazy NF...\nI'm an INFP male with an ENTJ female, and what we have is beautiful. We don't try and make eachother happy because just being near oneanother is enough to make us both happy. We went through a bit...\nI wouldn't say I am lazy because when I am trying to accomplish a task for another person I don't have this problem as long as I don't get invested in the project. Once I invest in a project I hold...\nSo I have this sort of character flaw, and I was wondering if others shared it. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to completing tasks, if I set my mind to something I have to do it perfectly. If I...\nBelieve me after all the hard science fiction and space operas I've read it's a wonder I haven't offed myself already. In 7th grade I read Ben Bova's Jupiter (444 pages) in a single night although...\nI'm really pulling for some Zombie apocalypse, I'm mostly hoping that all those hours at the range and thousands of rounds of ammunition weren't for naught!\nWell we are the best! :tongue: I love people who develop their intuition!\nOh thank God someone finally verbalized how I have to learn math!\nThe King Of Dreams snail Oh get a room you two :tongue: Anyway back on topic, I started dating an ENTJ two months ago and the only word that accurately describes our relationship is electric. ...\nWell our situation is a little different she is actually really great at dealing with others feelings and has no problem telling me how it is or to put it more accurately how she thinks it should be....\nYeah the way that lady did it is the traditional method of smoking hookah and that is how it is done in the middle east, but if you're an occasional smoker this way is much more pleasurable.\nI'm absolutely terrible at math that isn't geometry. I think my Ne helps me there.\nAs an engineer I use my Te a lot when I have to explain/understand concepts. My fellow employees most of whom were NT's And ST's thought that my written and verbal communication skills were...'
'Are there any INFJs out there who found meaning with a career in nursing? I have an extremely high level of compassion towards others and I wish I could use it. It's just a bit annoying...love and...\nHello, update here. I still don't have a job. There have been a few interviews where they really liked me, but end up not extending a job offer. I'm concerned my previous employer is slandering my...\nGraphic Design has interested me in the past, but I can't really commit to the field. It's very difficult to find jobs, and I'm simply not in a position where I can go back to school. I know my way...\nTo be fair, what really kills me is the whole corporate structure. Working with all of these people who think they're smarter than you, and you have nothing to offer. The drudgery of the same thing...\nHello, I've recently lost me job as a software developer I'm not quite sure where I should go next. I worked there for two years and pretty much spent all of my time maintaining a C# WinForms code...\nHmmm, a number of factors: 1. I'm quiet, and it's hard to get a word in with most social groups. 2. I'm an INFJ and am different from everyone else. My interests tend to differ from others,...\nI get frustrated by the same thing. I don't enjoy hanging out with most people, so I don't get invited back when they see me looking bored. I mostly just sit around at home, alone. I just don't...\nTrue that. You can many deals that are just as lucrative as Black Friday simply by hopping on Amazon. It is rather silly.\nPeople only reach out to others when they have something to gain. Those with compassion do not exist. People only seek to use others until they are no longer useful to them, and then drop them from...\nOr by someone who has seen the truth far too many times.\nLove is a lie spread to give people false dreams of hope.\nYoutube series my friend and I are working on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwjM-UPOzRY&amp;feature=plcp\nFellow NFs... I have come to bring you the sad news that this thread is dying! Despite repeated attempts to bring this thread back to life, it seems that this thread has no choice but to die,...\nI'm sorry, I can't give you any useful information. I live in the U.S. so the laws are a bit different here. If you're an INFJ, I can imagine that you're seething with rage. Sorry about the...\nCollege and education are insanely innefficient, and are structured to waste our money.\nFine then, I shall rephrase my statement: On a standard Gaussian Distribution of this world's population of mindless sheep, religious people are more likely to fall towards the right side of the...\nHow does one go about getting an INFP girlfriend? They are just so damn cute, and meeting one sets off my need to be there and love them. I wish I could find one, but it seems INFPs are as scared...\nReligious people are mindless sheep.\nWhen you run around screaming My drill will pierce the heavens after watching the anime Gurren Laggan.\n7:30 AM : Wake up 8:15 AM : Arrive at work (15 minutes late...always). I program stuff. 12:00 PM : Lunch, and play a game of Dominion. 1:00 PM: Back to work programming 5:15 PM : Leave...\nI don't trust people. It takes a very long time (years) for me to trust someone, and even then not fully. I've never met a person whom I could fully trust. Sucks, but I have good reasons.\nDo you have a goal in life? The answer should be clear if you have one. But if you don't, perhaps then just living life instead of a 9-5 job is the answer.\nYou'll grow out of it. Try to see through the bullshit of a game. It's not real. Games trick us into believing that we live in this fantasy world where we can become heroes. It's so real that you...\nIsn't there anything you can do with legal authorities in situations such as this? Find a new job.\nI would just tell him to fuck off. But that's me, and I can be a complete dick.\nI recommend learning some more about atheism before coming out and telling your parents. You want to be able to do it maturely, and I think many people in this situation rush out telling their...\nHonestly, you should focus on keeping yourself healthy and build a future where you can get away from that. Maybe you have some friends you can get an apartment with and you could live with them? ...\nGreetings INFPs! I just wanted to let you all know that you are all freaking amazing. That is all!!!\nI would buy...this! Pallet of 500,000 Magic: the Gathering Cards - Magic: The Gathering Lots & Bundles - Magic: The Gathering I would buy a house along with some nice things. And then give the...\nI just flat out...can't deal with sensors. I've always tried, but they always seem to miss the point of something by filling it in with pointless talking. I remember reading papers in college that...\nI really need to ask, why do people like Paranormal so much? I found the characters to be 1-dimensional, the humor to fall flat, and the story just flat out doesn't make sense.\nI remember reading that as a child and found it intersting, but didn't have the higher level thinking capacities to really relate to it.\nOne Litre of Tears. An incredibly moving diary from a girl who had a degenerative brain disease. It's from Japan, but you might be able to find an English translation around.\nDesigning With the Mind in Mind. It's about GUI design from the perspective of psychology.\nOkami is the greatest freaking game...ever!\nWhy does everyone hate Cars so much?\nI studied Japanese in college on the side. Fascinating language, but it's a ton of work.\nIn all honesty, I've heard that it's best to go straight computer science to get into computing. CIS is considerred to be the less valuable degree. Some employers don't care which degree you have,...\nComputer Science'
'I t hink its safe to say it's every INTP's dream to be asked out :D my first gf asked me out as well\nso....how did he recover from that?\nI've always been naturally interested in human psychology and I think that's really important to help motivate me to learn social cues, body language, and other stuff that help me blend in and get...\noh god....wreaks of neediness. You are putting WAY too much weight on all the little things of what a friendship is.... Lower your expectations. a lot.And you gotta get some more friends man....\nI become friendlier, open body posture, use my humor (because I know Im funny) to eek a smile out of her, and try to get to know her more before I make a final decision\nThat is your perception. Your perception creates your opinion. THat is your opinion\nhttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qGqwFYuRsrI/Ubppfqnf7yI/AAAAAAAABSU/SGw1qXqdagI/s1600/Sloth+-+How+About+No.gif no.\n1) you have to trick his thinking process to recognize the importance of improving communication skills through his Ti, not Fe or whatever other functions 2) fail fail fail. The more you fail,...\nexactly! and i didnt even know that was a quote haha\nthere's no such thing as being a stupid person or smart person. That is what ignorant people think. There is only wisdom and ignorance for example, a stupid person could be defined as stupid in...\nyup, and then theres when theoden dies, when frodo FINALLY toss's the ring and when they are just sitting on the rocks of lava. Extended version is the ONLY way to go btw\nbasically any plot where the odds are against the good guys but they manage to overcome hardships one way or another will shed some tears. Lord of the rings, at the end always makes me cry...\nedit: too rascist nvm\nhmm i can't seem to see what the problem could have possibly been\nMy weakness is that I have no weaknesses.\nI actually don't have one. My height has never hindered me in anything, I actually don't really even feel or consider myself short even though other people do. I feel like my short height adds...\nhey a short introvert should be an even harder thug life then a short extrovert\nthat shit won't happen if the spliff is rolled tight yo\nnot short, just vertically challeneged\nbeing understood is a very underrated pleasure\nI felt that way too when I was 18. Then I turned 19 and realized I should have SOME fun or else id turn into a screwge/grinch character every christmas\nI always floated between groups of friends in high school. I didn't change until last year, first year in college when I started to realize the importance of emotions and other peoples emotions...\nwhenever I am bored, I think about my feelings, in thought form.\n19, still no kiss, no girlfriend yet\nI was really excited about seeing all my friends in college when they got back from break, but after spending a couple days with them, It's too hard not to ignore how much they changed. My best...\nno spenders....great way to fuel a capitalistic economy\nI spent about 130$ on a couple tshirts and a sweater, bought a video game for my brother for a christmas present, and then spent another 190$ online for a couple shirts and some pants, kinda over my...\nas a fellow INTP, I can see how there would be conflict situations. You're not emphathizing well enough with your gf. I think you are too concerned with your side being understood and you are...\nmake him read dale carnegi'es book how to win friends and i nfluence people\nany advice on convincing yourself to chase someone whom you might deem as interesting before your brain talks you out of it?\nget out of the house or start conflict (similar to a rebellion against tyrant rule)\ni don't have one O_O\nomniscient\nOmg. I had this problem too, well similar. I randomly chanced upon a stash of benjamins in an envelope. I probably took loke 200-300 $ about like 8-10 times from that envelope. Them after that ran...\nMaturity, first of all is varies from person to person. A more mature person will see a larger amount of people as less mature and everyone will always find someone else who is more mature than them....\nit's a skill that can be learned, not a trait that you are born with.\ni used to steal. a lot. I think that would fall under lying & manipulation right?\ngoal = future future = unpredictable goal = unpredictable\nI definitly have to look away when I am doing logistics, but as soon as it's figured out and I have my point in my mind, I go right back to l ooking at the other person, so like glance away while...\nthat's what your supposed to do. The eyes are the eyes to the soul\nbond over shots & beers\nask him why hitler was created or why tests show the earth being more than 6000 years old\nIts actually eat, sleep, rave, repeat. eat, sleep, rave, repeat.\ni was a happy little fucker until my teenage years...then I started supressing emotions and would have occasional outbursts like 5-10 times a year in which all my emotions came out. but I regulate...\ni didn't know elves knew what cats were...talk about all knowing\n100 euros says your INTP\ntalkin about ENTP, INTP, INTJ, everything !\ndifferent ball for different type...unless you cloned a crap ton of master balls\ntry using a super rod, to the south of pallet town. And make sure you bring a lot of Lure Balls, they tend to work better than pokeballs!\ni chase knowledge outside of the classroom/degrees'
'He's moving on because he feels that he's accomplished what he set out to do in the first place: get us talking, engaging in dialogue about being ISTJ that he's learned through the years, and seeing...\nThere's something about knowing how to cook my own meals that makes me feel good. It help keeps my mind occupied, away from some of the unpleasant events that happened earlier this year. I just...\nWhen I was together with my ex-girlfriend, she pointed out to me that crossing my arms while ordering food in a restaurant could be construed as me being rude or standoffish at the least. In terms of...\nEver since I moved back to California, I've been using what I've learned. I've been talking to my friends more often, sharing what I'm feeling with my parents, and making sure I'm actually seeing the...\nI feel good because I just found out that my new PS3 is able to participate in the Folding@home project of Stanford University, a distributed computing project meant to simulate protein folding for...\nI had a conversation with a friend earlier. I ended up talking about Daylight Saving Time with him and like I usually do when I'm recalling whether or not I had told a friend something or not, I said...\nI feel good because I just finished eating a bowl of udon noodles in a broth I made by tweaking a recipe I saw online.\nIP Law, with an emphasis on patent law. To me it would be interesting to see all the crazy shit that people propose for a patent. All the paperwork involved in essentially saying, UR IDEA SUKS LOL...\nLast night I had a talk with my parents about a bunch of troubles that we were having much earlier in the year; troubles that had years of building up due to a combination of me not wanting to say...\nMy avatar comes from a Sonic the Hedgehog fancomic I found to be hilarious, mainly due to the facial expression of the character. As for my user name, it's a legacy one for me because I've been using...\nDid I ever feel more mature as child compared to my peers? No. I felt more knowledgeable and more intelligent in the sense of Why can't you answer this simple question? 'Halite' is the term used for...\nI use one plate for most of my meals, though I keep the items separate from each other. With the cultural background I come from, this means that I keep my rice separate from the rest of the meal. I...\nI agree that school can get monotonous. With my own fantasy, I started off with the ideas for me/my character about 12 years ago, back when I was in eighth grade. I say me/my character because...\nTo me, I think the fact that you fantasize as a hero is rather mundane really, since I would imagine that a good deal of people do something similar. In other words, you're human. As for the...\nWhen you hug this particular ISTJ man, he likes them. At worst, he is not apprehensive to them. As it turns out, I'm a fairly affectionate person, which is something my ex pointed out to me. While...\nIn my mind I was thinking in the sense of habitual manipulation as portrayed on this webpage: Dealing With Manipulative People.\nI would say that manipulation, whether it's active or passive-aggressive, is something that is a relationship breaker for me. Doing something like that, with the implication that if certain things...\nWinter, Autumn, Spring, Summer. As you can see, I don't really like heat all that much. An exception is if the heat is tropical, like Guam or Hawaii. Temperatures in those two places hold a special...\nI take it that this is a television channel. If it is, what channel is it?\nI like playing video games. Bicycling is also a fun thing to do too. Another thing I do for fun is share video links with friends of mine and discuss how stupid/funny/profound/etc. they happen to be.\nI always read the manual for things, even if it is something I would easily be able to figure out just by using it. My reasoning is that there may be something in the manual that isn't obvious to...\nI've been practicing on backtracking my way through my thoughts and asking myself why I feel the way I do for a few months now. The way I would backtrack before is that I would do so, and either...\nWow. I just watched the clip. I know I would have said the exact same thing or at least said something along those lines if I was in that sort of situation. What I was going to contribute has...\nIt's as if though you're describing the story of my life when it comes to learning things. I've referred to it as being used to being an instant expert in things and when that doesn't happen, I get...\nI do this too. For me, rather than detract from the experience I find that it enhances it because I can laugh about the odd inconsistencies in the movie while still enjoying the movie for what it is....\nSomething that always bothered me about learning about INFPs is the fact that while many things are internalized with them (thus the stereotype of them having their head in the clouds), when it comes...\nAt the time of this writing I'm 25 years old. I was first exposed to the MBTI when I was 15, which was when I found out that I was an ISTJ person. I found it amusing that one of my recommended jobs...\nAB........................DC, ISTJ male here. The length of the ellipsis shows the distances among what I tend to do. Both D and C are far removed from what I usually do so they usually don't...\nYou're welcome. Some of the questions had me going, what the hell does this even mean? (or worse) so I definitely knew that I had to put down not me for those questions. Others had me going,...\nNote: I'm comfortable sharing this because this doesn't involve any personal details other than my own thoughts. What prompted these thoughts was the idea of authenticity as well as the idea...\nAs it turns out, the test was also testing your understanding of what the questions meant to you. I quote the author of the page, bold emphasis added on my part: Therefore the results you got are...\nWhile I haven't been writing much in terms of creativity, I have started to keep logs of what I've been thinking and reading about, as well as the plans I have for myself in terms of change. It's...\nI am a 25-year-old male. extraverted Sensing (Se) ************** (14.9) unused introverted Sensing (Si) ********************************************************** (58.9) excellent use ...\nQuoted for truth. Sometimes when I'm reading up on emotional intelligence, I get wary. This is because I think to myself, Do I really want to give myself over to the full gamut of emotions we humans...\nSomething I found out over the past several days is that I can be so obsessed with control over my emotional reactions that I end up doing the opposite and they bleed over, so to speak. As in, my...\nWhat are your religious beliefs? I am an atheist. What is your political party? I am located in the United States. It depends on the circumstances and the candidates, though I am less likely to...\nI hardly ever get sick. For example, the last time I got the flu was over five years ago. Colds usually amount to a case of the sniffles and sore throat; symptoms which are mild by the way. I guess...\nI've never been thought of as an asshole. Boring, cold, or taciturn perhaps, but never an out-and-out asshole.\nNegative aspects...I've read things about how INFP people can get into ruts due to a combination of the negative aspects of their personality. Namely the taking of a martyr mentality, the keeping of...\nLike with most things, I tend not to express jealous feelings at the moment, whether on my face or in my words. This sort of thing usually happens when a mutual friend of ours is making her laugh....\nI'm the sort of person who finds it unnecessary to clap after every performance. I think it devalues the whole concept of complimenting if I do that and I, personally, am not impressed. I think to...\nHuh, water in the form of plasma. That's pretty cool I think. That's also different but not surprising considering where they found the water. It seems like they've found a portion of space with the...\nI think that makes sense. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Here's something to think about though: we're not ultimate beings, we're human beings. So it does matter in another sense, because it matters...\nYou're welcome. As for the type of work I do, I work best as a general office clerk with customer service skills. Those were the skills I gained in my previous job after all, though I am looking...\nI wonder about it all the time. There's a sense of amazement whenever I think about how vast the universe is and how it's been going on long before we came in existence and how it'll likely go on...\nThe scale he came up with goes from 1 to 7 where one means, and I quote: Strong theist. 100 per cent probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung, 'I do not believe, I know.' Whereas 7 ranks as...\nWhen I'm on the receiving end of hearing about problems, I default to listening and asking questions for clarification. Depending on the person, they feel better that I understand (at least a little)...\nIn my case, it depends on the sort of interruption. Task-wise, I don't mind interruptions too much, as long as you let me know ahead of time that you're going to interrupt me. This could range...\nIn my case, I do not think of myself as having no emotions. On the contrary, I do have them, and sometimes very strong ones. I wouldn't have been able to fall in love if I had no emotions, for...\nThere are two answers to this for me. The first one is based solely on the descriptions about them I read on MBTI and MBTI-related websites (which is why I find the descriptions to be lacking and not...'
You do have the power, but only when He-Man doesn't. I wish I had an attack dog.\nYou know the answer, but you now have Alzheimer's and you forgot them. I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner.\nThe ability to regenerate, degenerate, create, transfer, and manipulate matter.\nThis holds true in my life as well. I do need 'validation'. I know people love me, but it doesn't seem to matter (I wish I knew why) unless they show it, notice me and/or my problems, or just...\nI usually just hate working with people, let alone brainstorming. I'm the only one who ever does any actual work, so I prefer to work alone, but no I actually do not have a hard time brainstorming,...\nRight handed. Yeah, I'm not special at all.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBYy59UgUSk\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xRWKOkDqnY\nElog Anolamag Pylagev\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVebMKT3uDs\nI try to sleep or just sit in a dark room alone to think. I said try to sleep because I have insomnia, which sucks. If it's really bad, I get hot tea (Preferably green but I do have a Native American...\nI don't usually look like a girl, so I posted the one of my hair in its normal style so as to not confuse anyone.\nYes and I am on medication, but I honestly don't feel better. I haven't told my parents this because I don't want them to worry.\nIf you have ever heard of the situation where a person can size up a person by their handshake, I am pretty sure that is similar to our stare. We can get a general sense about someone and we know its...\nWell...I guess I shall start it off. I am going through a period in my life where I have an intense hatred for everyone. I have recently been in a mental health centre for aggressive behaviour and...\nI have never met another INFJ. However, my mother has Hypertrophiccardiomyopethy. This being said, I was told at 11 that she wouldn't live for six months because she was in an extreme case. I have...\nI think that this and some of the other things mentioned here is because we are generally sensitive to others' feelings and we are almost always perfectionists and we are rarely satisfied with...\nMine are music (Not writing or performing...I have no music talent. I only enjoy listening to it.), writing, airsoft, and video games. I have a theory why I like video games and well...here goes....\nI always take things personally. If people at school are having a bad day, then I have a bad day. If someone says something bad to me, even jokingly, I have a bad day. The list gets exceedingly...\nWhat I hate is when people tell you to stop being pessimistic. 1. I am not pessimistic. 2. Just because I can see the negative outcomes AS WELL as the positive ones doesn't mean that I am a...\nIt depends upon which argument we are talking about. For gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, and stuff like that I tend to be very conservative. I have no ill will against people who...\nI hate mornings. Whenever I do not have classes, I stay awake till 6 in the morning and sleep until six at night, becoming entirely nocturnal. I even go running at 2 or three in the morning, but as...\nI am moderately surprised that no one really addressed this. I have never met another INFJ in real life before so I could not truly say, but I know that I am a realist. I am not pessimistic or...\nI think the reason why these people ask us to smile more is because they don't care. Now let me explain because that seems paradoxical. They want a façade of happiness, or for us to put on a mask so...\nAmens all around dude.\nI love your analogy. :) If I knew you in real life, I would love to be your peabuddy. ^o^\nWell, from my personal experience. I value being accepted, fitting in, and being normal a lot. However, I am in no way normal so I try to seem normal as much as I can (even though I am not.) We...\nI ran over to her. x93Veg, I love you. I would have slowed you down anyways.x94 x93No Ix92ll get you...x94 I stopped as I saw it was no use. My healing killed people slowly, and had to be done as soon as the...\nI looked up to see Kritan enter the hatchway. He looked at me, grinned, then, before my eyes, disappeared. I knew his tactics; he would disappear then reappear behind his victim. The images came back...\nI handed him the vial containing the flower along with several others. x93Perfect specimens. We can now grow them here. Thank you for making that long trek up the mountain, anyone else would have been...\nIt was apparent that we would have to swim. We swam to where the rubble provided a cause way for us to exit the Abyss, as we called it, and we alertly left the area which we were made to call home....\nMy eyes opened. I took my first glance at the new world I was in. Vegetation had overrun some of the auditorium. Then I experienced intense fear. I couldnx92t see Anja, Sirus, or Sentinel. I started to...\nAll I remember after that is Sitaisx92 howls of laughter, and the kick he delivered into my skull sending me unconscious. I dreamt of them. Not just Sentinel and Metallurgy, but of all of them....\nHe pointed to a general area none of us had been to. x93It isnx92t. This is not a maze, but a labyrinth. I saw Sitais mess with it myself.x94 Then a pain tugged at my neck where Sitais had hit me with...\nJust to let you know, my story was too large for the forum to post, so I shall post it in sections. So about 20 posts later, we might have a story. :) Alpha Prologue I remember when Xalu...\nNo it's not idiotic. It's very sweet and surreal. The situation reminds me of a friend that passed away in all honesty.\nI tried but the site disapproved of me using so much space. (Only 100 kb) I could do like 50 posts, but I fear that would inconvenience the reader.\nMy brother is an INTJ and it allows me to have very vivid conversations with him. He has no imagination at all so I have to use only logic, and cannot describe abstract ideas because he never...\nI have short stories but they are too long for the forum to accept. They are 20+ pages. I guess they are not really short stories but I think they are.\nIt depends. Formal writing (Essays I am unparalleled at in my school, but something is always lost in on-line, written, and non-face to face communication. I sound more sophisticated in writing, and...\nEvery single joke I tell has this effect: No one laughs. Others tell a joke and I don't laugh. It is either degrading, not funny, or I do not understand it. (Usually for the best from what I...\nIt's that gut feeling that people say is stupid,but somehow we are almost always right isn't it? We just...know.\n1. It seems rude not to make eye contact. 2. Men typically avert their gaze when I look into their eyes, so I guess its easier to look into the eyes of a female. 3. When I have failed, messed...\nWhich I have been doing for years, but now the pain of doing so has finally come to a head and I needed to find out if there were others like me.\nNever met another male, save now of course. Glad to meet someone like me. :)\nI am Vegalyp. I am the person that can wake up at two in the morning if you want to talk. I am the person who has no problem missing school to help out a friend, even though school is number two on...\nI tend to believe that I am in love somewhat frequently. I have been called a puppy because I typically go back to the same person after they mistreat me, but love is supposed to be painful,...\nI happen to be a male INFJ, and the rarity of a male INFJ is disheartening, but not unexpected. Very few people focus more on the others that encompass their lives than on themselves. Specifically...
'Marinashutup is a self confirmed INFP. She's truly fantastic.\nOlgakay seems very ENFP to me uwu\nShirley: ESFJ Annie: ESFJ Britta: ISFP Pierce: ESTJ Jeff: ENTP Dean: omfg Abed: INFJ or INTP Troy: ENFP Can someone explain why they think that Britta is an ENFJ? She's one of the fictional...\n9: ISTP Rose: ISFP Jackie: ESFP Mickey: ESFJ Jack: ESTP 10: ENTP Martha: ISTJ Donna: ESFP 11: ENTP (ugh) Amy: ESFP\nJohn's... one of my less favourite characters in homestuck unfortunately. I never cared to give him much thought. But, I don't think I see very much Fe in him either. The way he reacted to Jade and...\nOn another subject, what do you guys think John's type is? His typings have been kinda all over the place.\nOkidoki, so those are the only two I disagree with. Maizono, in my opinion is a fairly obvious ESFJ. Fe: She killed attempted murder over interpersonal relationships, for one, which should be a...\nSuper Dangan Ronpa 2: Hinata: ISTJ Saionji: ENTJ Nidai: ESTJ Koizumi: ISTJ Kuzuryuu: ISTJ Sonia: ENFJ Hanamura: ESTP Tanaka: ????\nMASSIVE SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!! DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED ALL OF DR. I love Dangan Ronpa. It is the very best thing. Anyhoo I'm just going to point out the ones I disagree with ^w^ ...\nI haven't watched this show much, but I'm fairly sure that Armin is an INFJ rather than an ISFJ. Jean might be an ESTJ instead of an ISTJ. Eren seems like an ENFP I think, he reeks of NF. Also!...\nCan someone explain to me how Marina Diamandis is an ESFP? She definitely seems like an ENFP. Her Mowgli's Road song does not sound like something an ESFP would write. Her lyrics are very very...\nAlrighty then! I'm convinced. I'll change it :)\nWhat do you guys think of the Midnight Crew? What are your best guesses as to what their type is? SS: INTJ? DD: ENTP? INTJ? ????? CD: ESFJ? (oh god he's so cute) HB: ESTP? I'm at a loss for...\nI think what you said with Aranea is true though, that she's an extrovert. I mean, her focus is ENTIRELY on other people, and she dosen't seem to spend any time on herself. Constantly accumulating...\nAlrighty! The chart has been updated on Tumblr. Aranea has been changed to ESFJ, Sollux to ISTP and Gamzee to ISFP. Dirk is still an INTP atm but that can easily change, you'll just have to do a bit...\nThank you! ^_^ I picked Si>Ni for Eridan because of his fascination with history, and the fact that he refuses to let anything go. It has been stated that he loves reading old books about...\nOh my thank you for that website. I will treasure this forever holy heck. I still feel inclined to call her an ENFP, but it's mostly a hunch. Don't be sorry. I don't react to anything in a way...\nA couple of them... I'm super iffy about the midnight crew members, that's for sure. Kurloz and Porrim are super iffy as well. I'm thinking Jadey might be an ENFP. Seeing as though I made the chart,...\nMy favourite characters tend to be Ns and FJs, a lot of them being xNFJs. There are a lot of ISTPs, ENFxs, INxJs and ESFJs. Hm. I can only think of one debatably ISFJ character I relate to (Chihiro...\n80475 Here's a thing I put on tumblr. What are your thoughts? I agree with most but some are downright silly guesses.\nI can't decide between E and I for Aranea... they both seem to make equal sense.\nWhat makes you think that Zayn's an INFJ? He comes off more as an ISFP to me.\nWhat do you think Grace Helbig/Dailygrace's type is?\nZoella: ENFJ. There is no doubt in my mind. Jenna Marbles: ESFP Olgakay: ESFJ IIsuperwomanII: ENFP BREEessrig: ISFP DailyGrace: ISFP? I have no idea. But I'd like to know.\nWowie. Hey there friend, nice to meet you! I might need a little favor done here if it isn't too much trouble. See, I've been having some difficulties typing myself. Although I've known of MBTI for a...\nI'll give this a go too. I'm not well-versed in enneagram, but I'll give the MBTI a shot Damara: INFP Rufioh: ISFP Mituna: ESTP with extra Ni. Why do you guys type him as an intovert? Just...\nKarkat is an ESxJ. I go back and forth on whether he's led by Te or Fe, it's kind of confusing. He always tries to be rational and make everything, even love and relationships, into a neat little...\nDirk is a mystery. I have no earthly idea. As for Damara, I can't see that Fe on her, she seems like she has a shitload of Fi. I'm 95% sure she's IxFP in that way, I almost want to say INFP with...\nI agree with you about her being xSFJ now, my vote goes to ISFJ because she has a shit ton of Si, and isn't socially apt enough to be a Fe-dom. As for Meenah, I've suspected that she's...\nI guess it's decided! Thank you everyone. :wink: I decided to do the questionnaire because I've tested as ISFP, INFJ, ENFJ and INFP before. I score fairly closely on all four dichtonomies...\n0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...\nI agree with a lot of them :3 I can't say as I can see Dave's introversion, he seems like an ESTP to me. Sollux seems to have more Ne than Se to me, so I'd say INTP. Tavros on the other hand, seems...\nHm. I've thought about it too actually. Have you guys heard of thepageofhopes test? It's a very popular test on tumblr, it uses enneagram among other tests to determine your god tier. Apparently I'm...\nThe celebritytypes websites has her down as an ESFP. Excuse me, what.\nI can see Calliope being INFP; it's a near-tie with INFJ in my mind. As for Cronus, either works. I vote ENTJ Vris and ENTP Terezi. For cherubs though, I feel like it has much more to do with...\nJane is definitely ISFJ Dirk is his own breed. An xNTP breed, but his own breed nevertheless. Jake seems like a socially awkward ESFP. Roxy actually strikes me as an ENFP rather than ESFP. ...\nHmm... Jenna Marbles: ESTP Shane Dawson (ew): ENFP Olga Kay: ENFJ Bree Essrig: ISFP Shanna Malcolm: ESTP IIsuperwomanII (she is so funny): ESFP Daily Grace: INFP Hannah Hart: ENFJ?\nI agree about Jake and the others, but I'm still skeptical about Karkat... I don't really see it :-/ What do you think the exile's & Doc Scratch's types are? I'm not sure how to make those posts,...\nI see her as an Ni-dom for SURE. She's very in control of everything in her music. And I know judging an artist by their lyrics is bad but I can't see anything other than INxJ in them.\nI think anyone would let loose on Kankri after a literal eternity with him. God. She's sweet to him too though; I doubt any of the other beforus trolls would've made him that sweater. She's the...\nAranea was definitely an introvert: she didn't interact with the other trolls much, pretty much only Meenah and Porrim, really. I think she's an INFJ for sure. Porrim seems like an ISFP to me; I...\nSounds good!\nI think that if anyones an INFJ, it's Aranea. I have to say I don't really see it in Nepeta (that being said I'd be honored if she is an INFJ =^_^= she's amazing). It's too bad Hussie didn't use her...\nI agree; I've never been able to see her as an ESTP (especially the T). Personally, she's always struck me as an ISFJ.\nFrom what I know of ENFJs (I have a lot of ENFJ friends) I think them and INFPs is a match made in heaven. Makes me wonder if there's such thing as an MBTI OTP?\nI have a hard time seeing Latula as an ESTP, I always look at her as an ENFP personally As for Porrim... I think ISFP, she has a go against the grain attitude towards most things (her tattoos, her...\nI figured I might as well join in since I love homestuck (: Just my two cents: I don't really understand where you guys are getting Jade's E from, I think she's definitely an introvert The...\nHello everyone! I've known about and taken an interest in this website for about two or three months, and have known about MBTI for around half a year. Being a fourteen year old boy, I know very...'
'Today: - Oatmeal with agave syrup - Quinoa bowl - Water Got some Excedrin for my head and then I was okay. I ate the oatmeal around eleven, and I don't know if it was adrenaline or what, but...\nMaybe something like that, but I don't want to make women who devote their lives-careers to looking like that a goal per se. lol.\nI'm not really sure since no two bodies are the same. I have long legs and wide hip bones too, and I feel like a lot of bodies I admire are more one or the other. (Narrow, thin, tall or shorter,...\nYesterday I was admittedly feeling a little moody-emotional. Not sure if it was the fasting thing, my time of the month, both, neither, wine, what. Didn't feel like eating much or working out. ...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3tkFOtM6go\nNetflix original - American Vandal: Truth. Justice. Dicks. A student filmmaker seeks the naked truth in a school parking lot defiled by painted penises\nYesterday I came in a little over my calories probably, but not by too much. I succeeded at waking up with my period though, which was my main aim. - Starbucks turkey bacon sandwich sans turkey...\nI actually don't even like the feeling of being full. I usually try to eat just shy of it. What website out of curiosity?\nYea, I've been avoiding it, and it's yet another reason why I've shied away from this all for a while. Several years ago I ended up fasting-not sleeping (couldn't, and couldn't eat) for about three...\nThat's amazing. That's what I'm after. I was sorta fasting for a little under a week or so earlier this summer (think I only broke it with carrots, hummus, berries, yogurt - maybe some wine), and I...\nWomen supposedly experience the same effects of HGH, but not at the same levels that men do. (Still significant though). That kinda got me excited about all this again earlier. Anything that...\nI've been watching a bunch of videos on YouTube today to try to get my mind back on track and out of the types of places where I refer to groups of dudes as litters and think that joining a Pagan...\nThe only sim I have atm is this black dude I'm training to become a chef and trying to get really fat so probably not. I just bought Sims 4 expansions and I was too impatient to create a family...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkGfjtu4HBA\nI'm gonna explore the recesses of my mind a little more if I do think some of my obstacles are psychological. Welcome to the labyrinth xD I'm really interested in how enneagram plays into this...\nYea - armor's a good word for it. I'm sexual instinct first, and that drive tends to manifest as... nakedness maybe? But apparently our instinct that we're more blind to according to the theory...\nI drank a lot of water today but then I had half a beer. I blame Jennifer Lawrence for my drinking decisions this weekend :laughing: I was watching this interview on YouTube Friday and I was like...\nYea, if I don't pass out while drinking at night I usually try to re-hydrate some before I fall asleep. I'm sure that was part of it. I've also been sweating a lot more than I usually do too.\nhal0hal0 - Yea, I didn't either. It really is like he's entering another dimension like I think he says at one point. The craziest part is how he can just drive to an abandoned baseball park or...\nYesterday I went on an evening-nighttime hike at Confederate mountain park. (Well, it's not actually called that, but that's what I call it. lol. It's like the south's Mt Rushmore. Kinda funny...\nSo the class was kinda early this morning and I didn't get there in time to do the elliptical beforehand, but I did stick to the no vaping. Different teachers do different dance routines, and this...\nI traded in salsa dancing and walking outside for a kickboxing class. Original plan was actually to do the barre class I didn't stay for last night, but then I hit really bad traffic and I was...\nOh God no, I never hope. Hope is pouting in advance. Hope is Faith's richer bitchier sister. Hope is the deformed addict bound incest monster offspring of entitlement and fear. My life results...\n715170715178715186\nHaha, yea that quinoa bowl is awesome. Especially with the peanut dressing. Once I made that change from whatever they'd been putting on it before I was like omg, I could eat this everyday. I...\nSo I don't know if doubling up on classes was the best idea. I was cramping up hard like ten minutes into my zumba class. It was annoying, because I'm thinking - this would be so much fun and I bet...\nIt's from the Community GI Joe episode. Was my favorite show for a while, and I just got the last couple seasons on Amazon. Plus I kinda relate to Britta's character in a couple ways.\nMy cousin who's in jail for murder. Wasn't a nightmare or a warped afterlife family reunion like usual though. I don't remember details, but my brain was constructing separate timelines with him in...\nYesterday I was in an absolute crap mood and it was sort of a comfort food day. Probably came in around-ish my calories, likely (well, definitely) a bit higher, but it was hard to measure. It was...\nI didn't lose power, but a large tree did go down in front of my house so I stayed in. And I got an email from my gym this afternoon that they were closing for the day. Forecast looks like things...\nI was in an art class in my high school's basement, and an office aide came in with a notice that our teacher read to us out loud. I already felt a lot of foreboding at that, before she spoke,...\nI feel like I'm being pushed to finish the parts of my to do list that are less pressing - but stress me out with their existence. Irma is supposed to hit southwest of me so I should be safe, but...\nI've hit my calories for today and I'm actually feeling sorta hungry. But I got the distribution and number nearly perfect, so water and coffee for the rest of the night. I also keep craving...\nFelt pretty hungover today and spent a good bit of the afternoon napping. Then got a bunch of food. Went over my calories but I should still be under 2,000 so it wasn't super excessive. And I...\nGot an invite to go downtown with this dude I've been talking to and his friends early yesterday and decided to save my calories for that. And I wanted a flat tummy. Not my healthiest day but life...\nToday my body hurt all over (did I do a barre class or was I hit by a truck?) without my even moving it, so I decided to rest. lol. Definitely worked my core it would seem too. Will probably do...\nWhy would you be betting on me. What are you talking about lol.\nThanks! Keep me updated if you make changes :) I've always thought this matters most (I don't usually eat much that requires pantry storage rather than refrigeration for example, and being...\nOh hi Blue. And thanks :proud: Why do I belong here though I'm confused.\nGot everything cleaned and organized again, went to the gym, and had a good day. I did an hour of the barre class - basically a mix of Pilates and ballet? The weight work was kinda painful. Was...\nToday's food: - Starbucks spinach feta egg white wrap - Black coffee - Oatmeal, plain - Carrots and garlic hummus - Unsweetened green tea - Koia cocoa almond milk-plant protein shake (or at...\nBig arms. I don't care so much if he's really lean. I kinda prefer the more bear-ish look. Though I was recently seeing a guy who was pretty cut (and big) and I found myself literally gaping at...\nI've done research about fasting generally. I used to do juice fasts a lot (a couple to several days), and then I'd try to be careful how I eased back into eating afterwards. One of the reasons why...\nThat's wise and all in it's way but I have a hard time with that (getting better). I want to reach and really exceed it or I find it deflating. When I was younger someone told me that I come into...\nI feel like I was one of those who was maybe seen as projecting negativity. lol. So, there's usually a back story there, right? Haha. I've dated meat heads and I know a lot of work and...\nAlso I think I'm confused about what you're asking exactly :p I mean, I'm not saying that either picture looks bad. Just that I don't see a large difference between the two. And I'm not entirely...\nHe looks fairly average in both imo tbh. I feel like if you aren't gonna go all in, you may as well just stay with the before (unless you're genuinely doing it for you and you're in it for the feel...\nI enjoy the feeling of powering through hunger. I remember a roommate in college was dieting and said something about being hungry and I was nonchalantly like - so go distract yourself. You'll...\nSo I can't sleep and I'll log food for today. - Perfect Bar (protein, organic, peanut butter) - 2 unsweetened green teas - Half of this Koia protein drink (almond milk, plant protein, nutmeg,...\nFruits of my labor - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGkRFM5T0Ng https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bmr_calculator.htm Waist-to-Hip Ratio Calculator | Belly Fat Calculator Macronutrient...'
mandingoooooooo\nan ESTP would be good as a gym partner i think\nYou people seem to have brothels and gyms mixed up b\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRsPheErBj8\nI do not know who I am though\noily oily\nhaha\natamagasuita x whitey's job\naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but pls teach\nhttps://pics.me.me/who-is-donald-j-trump-oh-hes-only-the-man-8998658.png http://media.2oceansvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/hattrump5.jpg...\nan asian trying 2 take whitey's job, typical\ni didn refuse i forgott sry here is moneys https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/132A7/production/_88630587_trumpfin.jpg\ni want more! giv a man a fish, he will eat 4 a day, teach a man 2 fish, he will fish 4 liftim\naw yay!\nno normies use gramar\n10/10 no lie detect\ni ned interernt poitns\nu stealin my ship? pull up brah http://i.imgur.com/lB5zEZc.jpg\nyes ffs FUCKING YES FFS\nyou read lolicons and paedophiles i read beta peadophiles and alpha paedophiles\nI nominate awildjazmin http://personalitycafe.com/members/awildjazmin.html\nok imma head to the introduction thread and find a newbie to nominate\nToru Okada x Invalidation\nNabbit x Mail\nthe hysterics of a monster\ncourse u dont, ur entp jk am sorry u are loved\nThank you for making me feel good. I misunderstood you. Look forward to seeing you on saturday. :happy:\nkeyboard x perc\nVeil's fingers x keyboard\nVeil x Chronic Disorder\nIt started like 2 weeks ago when i delved into the gossip section for the first time, and now i cant stop shipping people, things even! like when i make cereal, when adding the milk to the cereal,...\ni feel this rn :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJlyMjtszLI\nthis has lasted like 2 weeks now y u do dis 2 me??????\nbenty x craycray taco\ndicsucs\nis there anything that you enjoy?\n(I only just searched 'hard fact' on google images to see that at some point, it was Cools slogan. Kinda fitting seeing as people that say such phrases in real life seem like this brand of beer. The...\nthe finest refreshment in spam world! http://a.espncdn.com/media/motion/2010/0930/dm_100930_sc_coldhardfacts.jpg http://a.espncdn.com/wireless/mw5/r1/images/chfacts/handset/header.r2.jpg ...\nall chinese cartoon watchers over the age of 13 are paedophiles https://www.greenwayhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/fact-image-e1407765998270-260x170.png\nhard facts!\nur avatar is alpha af\nhard fact: as a student, this is my diet 80% of the time\nyay! aww!\ni do not nominate u i do not think that anybody nominates u or maybe 3 ppl do\nwhen there is a will, there is a way\n...why i hurl abuse towards the mods so much, it just feels so natural, so wrong but so right, makes u feel like a big man against goliath, the rush u get when you press reply on that insult...\na shit mod\nu r insult urself? u r lyk animal when introduced 2 mirror\ntyy\n*help!*
'I was only diagnosed with PTSD when I was 15, after being diagnosed with Bipolar and anxiety disorder. After being diagnosed, I was put through intensive therapy and given medication. Not much of it...\nZim has spoken. Earth-stink must listen. :crazy: It's okay. I'll be on a train for approximately four days here in an hour or so. :crying:\nThe bold part there really got me thinking. People who say they despise conflict will often also state that they would fight if they were being personally attacked or offended and felt they had no...\nYou're contagious, I swear. <-- Said to me after convincing someone to do something they wouldn't normally do because I'm so enthusiastic about it that they get that way too.\nI'm an ENFP and I wish that it was Sunday afternoon already. Four days on a train to move across the country (again) isn't my idea of fun.\nOh, oh! ISTJ talk! :laughing: ISTJs are very interesting, especially on a philosophical level. I enjoy conversing with them, and they're challenging. As I believe some of you have gathered from...\nI miss these aspects of the INTJ the most. There is no measure of how much I miss my INTJ room mate's intelligence. It seems California is riddled with idiots, or at least the people I'm surrounded...\nYeah, I know. In dealings with people who have an Introverted preference, I've found that being perceptive of body language and inflections can be very useful in determining whether said person wants...\nIt is oddly satisfying. I thought I was the only one. :laughing:\nBeen there, done that. This is a very prominent reason that I've refused to speak to certain people that I associated with in high school. They seem to swarm to me, asking for advice from me. I give...\nAnd another one joins our side! World domination is one step closer. :D\nIndeed. On the irritating note that PerC posting will not allow me to simply leave it at Indeed., I am forced to add. I have added.\nWhoo! I like being called Allie. It's my favourate nickname. :D I have totally done that! Well, not exactly while on the track. But I have run into poles, people, traffic... A good book is too...\nPETA is simple to get rid of. Confuse them. Ask them the most technical questions about their president/cause/lifestyles. Explain, without giving reliable evidence, that everything we eat is...\nAgreed. Every time I see that poster, I start laughing without fail. Wonderful! :)\nNot quite, I would hope. Because I'm not domineering unless people are submissive and quiet. I'm talented at complimenting people (personality-wise and actually complimenting). Haha. Friends it is....\nYou'll love it! ...Nah, I'm alright. C'mon. It will be awesome. I don't want to. Seriously, you HAVE to try it. -physically tries to introduce new movie/item/activity by attempting to force...\nMy optimism/pessimism issues are still being worked on, but I've been told I can find a silver lining after I freak out and feel hopeless. I'll be panicking and feeling miserably helpless one minute,...\nI nitpick, argue, and take pride in correct grammar/spelling. I'm an ENFP. Also, many web browsers come with a built-in spell checker. It's not too difficult, actually. Taking over the world may be a...\nThe third, fifth, and sixth are usually said to me within five minutes of the movie starting. Haha. Allie, I miss you. I miss your hugs and silly comments and how you were always willing to...\n...You steal my name, age, most of my personality, three of my MBTI letters, and then you make an amazing reference to my favourate action movie involving hot Irish vigilantes. Allie also approves of...\nWhat Rube said. :)\nOh dear. I'm sorry tooboku. I try to Americanize (please note it pains me to type a z in the stead of an s) my spelling. I was unaware that it troubled you so. I will, in the future, attempt to...\nTrue, true. See, somewhere in Imagineland of the internet and text, the ENFP ability to read people and interact accordingly is lost. This gives us a clear disadvantage to understanding the Ni at...\nAnti, dearest. I merely jest. I wasn't meaning to make your humour lose its luster or meaning. Matching wit for wit is fun sometimes. As you were joking in your initial post, I was joking with my...\nNice save. :)\nThis post would have been very entertaining if I had not been horrified by your inability to use humour when you tried to spell the words from 'you' to 'read'. It is mildly insulting to see such an...\nYour living room would entertain me for hours. Design ideas and questions about the comfy chairs, fascination by the chess board and challenging you to a couple games (I call black!), conversation on...\nDepends on which area of the world you are from, or how you were raised to spell. I spell properly. Valour, favourate, colour, theatre, and realise are so much prettier with their proper letters....\nI mildly resent that statement. Though I don't blame you. Many ENFP's tend to annoy INTJs when in a bubbly or excited mood. However, there are always exceptions to the rule. I had an INTJ room...\nGatts: There is a great tragedy in our society today, the loss of original thought. Too much mass media and internet use have made people sheep. Great minds think for themselves. Copy and paste...\nThe world would explode and the universe would reset itself. Not necessarily in that order, though. You know you're an ENFP when you get awkwardly quiet if your friend says, I HATE -insert...\nI had a guitar. I know/knew how to play it. I sold it because I can't play it anymore (arthritis in fingers is painful), and I needed money to get across the country to survive. BUT I CAN STILL PLAY...\nThe lady I'm staying with til Wednesday was bragging about her online college professors (she attends the University of Phoenix). She was saying that her Astrology teacher has a PhD in Astrology....\n-hugs Lokkye- :) You cannot be told what love is. You must see it for yourself. Oh yes, Matrix reference strikes again! I think my best description of love is this: Love is giving...\n.... This one scared me. Not because of the message or the girl in the bikini. THE MONSTER IS CREEPY AND SCARY AND AHHHHHH. :shocked::crying: -hides behind a rock- :unsure: Is it gone...?\nBecause sales people get paid to act warm and happy and friendly. We do it naturally. :)\nYes, I am. I am high on life and the chemicals a body produces when lack of sleep causes an overdrive function to kick in. Adrenaline and such. Fun times.\nI'm an ENFP and I haven't slept in 26 or so hours. The strangest thing, though, is that I feel very energetic and not abnormally tired.\nAgreed. Homeless people are soooo interesting. They have the most amazing outlooks and stories. :) And jobs are great, until they tell you what to do and stifle your creativity.\nToday, I was arguing with the woman who owns the house I'm staying at (she and her husband live here too) about how everyone's planning my life for me and then telling me what's going on after plans...\nI am very guilty of this. My sketch books are riddled with drawings and sketches that were started and never finished because I bored of them so easily.\nI'm glad it didn't end differently, and that you met great people that helped you. I don't think I'd be living if it wasn't for some very dedicated friends and a few interventions from said friends...\nI was bullied terribly as a child. I don't mean the occasional teasing or that one kid on the play ground that bullies everyone. I was the kid in school everyone teased. I was, as one of the bullies...\nHm. I've learned that arguing with an INTJ about something they 'know' everything about tends to piss them off. Tired ENFP + irritated INTJ + being alone in the apartment = disastrous results. ...\nThat's a much more appropriate list for an INTJ. Your list mirrors that of my former INTJ room mate. He was awesome, though slightly strange. He would give me odd looks for listening to certain songs...\nThis... This made me laugh. I got strange looks from people in the next room. XD\nCleanliness is a pet peeve for you? Goodness gracious, what a strange INTJ you are. :shocked: I do assume that you listed these things because they were important to you, not annoy you....\nNo, Allie! Don't put that in your mouth! <-- Usually after I try to eat something very bright and colourful.\nThough I'm not clinically diagnosed with BPD, I am diagnosed with Bipolar NOS(not otherwise specified, which means they don't know how else to describe it), anxiety disorder, and PTSD (Post-traumatic...'
'It's not something I'd personally look forward to. If it somehow happens, I'd make the best out of it, but I'll still avoid it if possible. I need physical closeness and activity with a person I care...\nI tend to abandon people just like they do with me. It's mostly this I would like to talk to people more, but I have nothing to talk to them about and forcing something never really does anything...\nI'll be starting university again next month. After studying biology for a year, more like half a year, I figured it's not what I want to do and switched to computer science. I just hope I'll somehow...\nI may not have the most extensive experience, but I've been to 3 different therapists in the past 3 years and I'm still seeing one. The first one was female and actually focussing on my anxiety,...\nIt's really annoying since I perceive criticism as a personal attack most of the time. It just hurts my ego because I relate it to my inability to do something correctly, even though I rationally...\nhttp://i.imgur.com/AdiBPrO.jpg\nDo I get a cookie? :3\nPitch black, like my soul. Dark humor is like food. Some people have it, some don't.\nFerrum is the correct Latin name of iron, but in coordination complexes, where a central atom binds with (surrounding) ligands, ferro/ferrate is used as a prefix/suffix in naming those compounds....\nFerro means containing iron and is usually used in the naming of chemical compounds, for example, ferrocyanide. Equine is simply referring to horses or horse-like species/creatures. He...\nThat, kids, was the day I managed to fit 3 dicks into my ass. - Albert Einstein\nDo I not exist? Do I exist simply because I'm thinking? Am I the only existence there is? Is everything (else) an illusion? Just kidding, I'm not healthy. At least not for now. Have I ever been,...\nIt actually depends on what you value more. I've often thought about this conflict between living a beautiful lie or living with the cold, hard truth. If you value (ignorant) happiness, choose the...\nFor me that would be clean sheets + plushies ^w^\n2]How does Ni, Se and Fi work in you? I will skip this question because I still struggle with the subjective definitions of the functions scattered throughout my brain. 3]What is your behaviour...\nIt seems so pointless realizing the evanescence of everything. Everything will eventually cease to exist, so why even try? I guess I can't enjoy living in the present when I'm constantly afraid of...\nAside from being anxious and depressed, I'm feeling more and more lonely.\nInteresting post and question. I so see myself in your post and Mr. Robot is an awesome show and I can see myself in Elliot in a lot of situations. I'm also a very cynical and pessimistic ISFP with...\nI'd love to be a dolphin for obvious reasons.\nI mostly play Pokémon for the battles which they completely fucked up in GO. If it had normal Pokémon battles, I'd play it. Uninstalled it pretty much instantly. I also hate in-app purchases with a...\nGender: male Age: -5-5 Intelligence: average Openness: conservative MBTI personality profile: INTJ Closest alternative we found: ENTJ Whatever that age is meant to resemble, I don't think the...\nIt's mostly said that ISFPs are the most intuitive sensors. Nothing to do with (social) introversion. We tend to be very quiet and focused on our internal world.\nLife is suffering. We're more inclined to see the negative aspects in life rather than the positive ones. It's kind of sad, but positive memories are always surpassed by negative ones.\nSimple, I stop doing anything and say Fuck it all.\nINFP, even though your avatar and posts make you seem very ISFP to me xP\nI really like this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4\nThe irrational fear of dying .-. It's pretty annoying.\nI can laugh about my jokes. Someone has to. 10/10.\nMyself?! Can you date yourself?\nWe truly are the kindest and loving people :3 And we will kill you if you say otherwise ^w^\nYour Total: 5 Narcissistic Trait Authority: 1.00 Self-Sufficiency: 0.00 Superiority: 0.00 Exhibitionism: 0.00 Exploitativeness: 2.00 Vanity: 0.00 Entitlement: 2.00\nIt may not fit the INTP stereotype in general, but like already mentioned, it heavily depends on the conversation topic, the person you're talking to, your current mood (bored, mad, sad etc.) and...\nTi dom, IxTP, which I might actually be :P\nInteresting question, because I began questioning the difference between Ti and Fi myself, and came to no satisfying conclusion. The cognitive functions and their defninitions seem pretty subjective...\nI've presumably had an INFP friend who I was also romantically interested in - I met him online and we never actually met. We had/have a lot in common and similar interests. He was very shy and...\nhttp://i.imgur.com/0tJoRAO.jpg\nI have high standards for other people because I have even higher standards for myself.\nI can relate so well to this problem xD I don't feel like I can open up to people because I don't want to hurt them or want to expose myself to potentially being hurt. This has more negative than...\nI dislike the superfluous use of love for any kind of infatuation that isn't even close to love. I prefer simply stating I like someone or using the German term Ich hab dich lieb which is somewhere...\nI wouldn't completely dismiss the possibility of you being ISFP. Try exploring the cognitive functions more in depth and see which you use. You sound more Fi than Fe to me - I don't really see you as...\nThat's a good question because I think I've lost my connection with Se and am in a pretty annoying Fi-Ni loop. I used to do a lot of sports and I've almost completely avoided any activity in the last...\nHello, fellow ISFPs, I've finally found my type after failing to see behind my own perception bias. It was hard because concerning personality I'm pretty close to the INTP archetype with a few INTJ...\nI never liked the taste and despite appreciating the influence occasionally for some fun, it wasn't hard to quit alcohol all together and I didn't drink since roughly 3 years now, not counting the...\nI don't know, I haven't been present and don't know the tone that was used in the comments. It seems like it had a negative connotation to you, so I'll assume it was in a negative way.\nYes, I'm very afraid of dying at the moment. In my sleep. Not really, I wish I could. I'd want to be reborn as a dolphin with all my human memories ^w^\nI hate everyone I prefer to live alone People make me sick ^w^\nWell, I love cute and adorable things or living beings, so calling something or someone cute is a compliment and an expression of my affection. Just take it as a compliment unless it's uttered in a...\nAfter being mistyped for a pretty long time and still not having the feeling of having fully understood the functions, I'll be exceptionally careful with typing other people.\nI don't really look up to people or draw inspiration from other people - it comes more from within. I really do admire Einstein, though ^w^\nI find philosophy to be very interesting and would've liked it as a subject in school but my German teacher was teaching the class I was in and I hated that bastard, so I had to change to religion......'
'Why not both? It's more fun to be open to diffrent possibilities! ;)\nI imagine INFPs as dreamy space prince, dyed hair (natural color or not) and oversized sweater. Idk if i'm wrong but if anyone want to argue my stereotypes please go ahead :'')\nThey're cute! A bit awkward, but sensible and gentle.. Their femininity is actually pretty attractive, you just want to hug them and never let go <3\nhey guys ;)\nI often get asked to BE quiet but yeah............\nI really like boy names that start with A, so probably Adam or Alan. In girls, I really like names that are already an existing word like Justice or Hope, I guess it's a cultural thing :p\nDepends in what, if it's something insignificant like who is going to print paper copies faster then I'll just think that the other person competing is an idiot. If it's something big like a sport...\nI wasn't good in school at all lol I would always get distracted by other people and things, I prefered having fun with my friends rather than working and would always get grounded or get a bad...\nI want a dognut but I'm already fat so I can't eat one :( I like the ones with pink topping and rainbow sprinkles.. yum.\nI've got 90, INFJ, 3w2.\nAll the time.\nNever happened to me lol Well, maybe one time :crazy: I am either doing other things or I forget that your texted me because I like to keep my notifications clean and tidy and when I get one from...\nWhat makes you very very sad?\nI've known an ENFJ once. 1) He was one of the most beautiful people I known and still know. Seriously. Eye-candy. 2) He was really fun to be with, he's really like a big brother I felt really...\nMe like drawing, riding motocycle, shooting from gun, wrestling bears and vodka.\nI wonder~ lol Some people mature faster I guess.. I've been an extrovert when I was a little kido, I believe that my introversion is not permanent since I'm naturally an extrovert. Basically I...\nI have gotten confused for an Extrovert before because of my ennegram, it's totally possible. Even though it makes you confused as fuk yourself.\n1) What are your goals/aspirations? Why? I want to help and protect people I love. 2) Out of all of the things you could accomplish, what is the one thing that if you did would make you think...\nThese girls that go and cry on tumblr about their mental illnesses and issues..... Aren't INFJ supossed to have at least something in their brain? Also, Hitler. even though i kind of feel bad for...\nPlz help, oh people! You see I am an INFJ. But not a simple INFJ. An INFJ type 3! My INFJ side wants to work in psycology, calm and peace while also helping people. So forensic or criminal...\nMost of my family are Fs, exept my dad and uncle. My mom is INFP and my grandma is INFJ while my grandpa is ENFP. Uncle is ESTP and dad is ISTJ though.\nidk if i want too much but 702353 and i also don'y know what's wrong with the lips but when i first saw the image I was like *_________*-omg\nsome\nAre you thinking I'm an idiot?\nAnd here we go, the most embarassing part of highschool that you actually will remember forever. As I am not the stupidest creature in this bulding I will just frame my thoughts that I can look back...\nOne of those stereotypical gay best friends.\nI can't keep secrets......... I try though, and if my sense of friendship and pride is strong enough I will keep it.\nI do lift. Ice-cream from the freezer.\nI've eaten a bag of cheetos and snacked on dryied apples today.. no, i'm not starving myself, i just wasn'y hungry okay???? I'm probably going to end up pigging out in the middle of the...\nWHY THE FUCK DO MY PEDIATRICIAN DOES THAT???? FUCK!!!!!! You know, when they look you in the eyes and say Is everything okay? and then you start to histerically cry saying that nothing is okay?...\nYeah but still.................... iz scary.\nWat... I call my black friends nigga and they're fine with it.....\nI guess cuz we make good eye contact and it may seem that we like you romantically, so you like us back? Idk, I believe that attraction, care and love is reflective among humans and as we, INFJs...\nSometimes i wonder if i am an extremely stupid human and everyone around me had never ever told the truth about anything and they are just very good acctors and that's how the world is set up so...\nWell it's just that logic and feeling are always contradicting themselves for me, and it's hard to figure out when i will be nice or spice, i guess?\nI read about angy ENFPs, haven't read the other one, I'll check it out. Even when they are angry they are facinating lol\nSi?\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPRy1B4t5YA&list=RDhDIgwdHJXu8&index=3 Isn't it the most cute and adorable song/music video ever?\nLike, have you EVER seen ENFPs? They are like big dogs full of love that will never break your trust and that will love you until oceans disapear, the sky turns red and chickens learn how to fly....\nMy closest friend is an INFP, ad that's it cuz i just don't realise why you have so much close friends tbh\nWhat happens if you boil a banana?\nHow to become fiends with ENFP? Get in their eyesight.\nI was a white knight. Introverted though. From giving my lunch to the poor kid to getting in fights with boys because they were bulliying others. I used to get in trouble because of that though, my...\nThat INFJs are unsocial creatures that never come out of their cave. I like doing new things and experiencing new people and places, it's just out of my comfort zone. That INFJs are these...\nI'm feeling like shit because i just ate frenchfries and yesterday before sleep i had bananas with nutella and i feel like a fat piece of shit and i'm so gross i need to go to the gym and clean my...\n*Morning light shining through the window creating geometrical paterns in the room. *The smell of night air mixed with tobacco smoke. <--- one of the strongest ones, can literally stop my panic...\nI don't read books. Books are for intellectuals.\nI want to be the ceregate mother for Milo Yiannopoulos and his future husband.\nNormal hug: Stranger hugs INFJ: INFJ stiffens and starts to panic internally while trying to understand to motifs of the stranger. Friend hugs INFJ: INFJ hugs the friend back. Best friend hugs...\n*goes in with magical INFJ hug*'
'This got a little bit off-topic but I don't mind because I love typing Disney characters and I feel kind of silly posting this to begin with. I agree that I am an INFP, but I was doing this thing...\nOh, I didn't leave out the main princesses. I just referred to them as the 6 main princesses so I didn't have to write their names out individually. I was under the impression that Belle was an...\nBefore I begin, I feel I should point out that I realise this probably doesn't belong here because it is not really about the MBTI or Enneagram or psychological personality typing systems. But this...\nYeah. After that little brain loopy I went on, I got like eight books on the subject and was reading through them last night. After a thorough investigation and A LOT of reading, I agree that I am...\nI swear to God, I hate being a perceiver. I can never settle on any damn thing. Just when I was convinced about my type, a bunch of things came up that started to make me question it again. For...\nWell, like I said, when it comes to paying attention to the external world, I am sort of in between. Again, it is like Belle's stroll through her village where she is engrossed in her thoughts, but...\nThanks so much LiquidLight. This was unbelievably helpful. I am pretty certain I am an INFP now after out discussion. I definitely lean more towards Ne and Si than Se and Ni. And I definitely know...\nAnother thing I thought would be worth mentioning is that I read somewhere the Se functions sees and remembers objects as they are while Si functions sees objects but touches it up slightly,...\nOkay, I think I get it. Just one more thing. How would one perceive their inner mental world. I'm slightly confused on that point because the very nature of perception (at least the way I...\nOkay, so I tend to do this thing where I am watching a film or tv show and every so often, I will pause and let my mind imagine different ways the scene could have gone or will go. I insert other...\nI'm starting to see the difference now. Out of curiosity and clarity, what is the difference between Se and Ne. I know the INFPs have and auxiliary Ne function and ISFPs have an auxiliary Se...\nI just thought I might also mention another intuitive thing I tend to do. Usually when I read something I can tell the gender of the person who wrote it (obviously without looking at the name and...\nWell, I definitely think that I tend to posit all the possibilities and move on from there. I'm very much a what if kind of person. I tend to look at all possible ways a scenario might go so I am...\nI wouldn't say I prefer common sense to intuition or fantasy. I appreciate them both. As for experiencing intuitive feelings, I have experienced like that quite often. For instance, usually when I...\nOkay, so I type as an INFP when taking tests (both Myers-Briggs and Cognitive Functions), but I am starting to have doubts about whether I am really an N or an S. I definitely value common sense...\nI don't really mean to turn this into a discussion of type, but I have been questioning whether I am an INFP or an ISFP and am having trouble telling the difference between N and S. From what I am...\nI think that is the perfect way to describe how I see the world too. I don't suffer from the illusion that humanity is all wonderful and honourable, but I do hold some flickering hope that they can...\nI read on numerous occasions that the NFs are very idealistic and optimistic in their view of people and the world. They think that the world is an innately good place and people are all good and...\nI was just thinking today how many superheroes usually have powers that fit their personality. Not always, but sometimes. Then it got me thinking what types of powers would each of the MBTI types...\nI was just thinking today how many superheroes usually have powers that fit their personality. Not always, but sometimes. Then it got me thinking what types of powers would each of the nine enneagram...\nI feel like when it comes to the concept of Batman, he is very much a 5w6. He is known in the DC verse as being a spectacular detective and is is described as remarkably intelligent. He is quite a...\nKiki's Delivery Service is one of my favourite films because I feel it is a movie about myself. I identify so much with Kiki. There is not one aspect of her that does not apply to me (except of...\nI'm not sure, but I don't even know if the two types are compatible. I recently got into the enneagram and was debating on whether I was a 5w4, 4w5, or 9w1. I was having difficulty however and so I...\nThank you. :proud: It is at least comforting to know that some people can relate to these problems and I am not alone in that regard. It already helps me feel less isolated. I can't tell you how...\nWell, that is true. My INFP friend is my best friend (though she is currently far away from me in Israel), and it took us all of 15 minutes to become super close. I honestly only found out she was an...\nAlthough I am grateful for all of you guys for making me feel less alone, I totally agree that internet relationships aren't enough to satisfy a desire for connection and friendship. I think the...\nI am currently in the middle of my second year in college and I am sorting out a whole host of complicated emotions about my friend, both old and new, and my ability (or lack thereof) to make...\nI sometimes wish that someone would physically attack me so I would know what it felt like. On the same note, that would also give me a reason to attack the person back. Then I would also know what...\nWhen you feel very antsy and uncomfortable riding in anything that is pulled/carried by an animal/person because you don't think that animal/person should have to carry your weight. You would much...\nYou too?! :crazy: I cried at the end of Prince Caspian as well. How on Earth could they voluntarily leave Narnia. :crying: I could never do it. And it doesn't help when the music really drives home...\nWhy would someone try to ban free hugs?! If you ask me, I think everyone should go around hugging random strangers. What a great world that would be. :laughing:\nWhy on earth wear people cheering?! I was practically in tears. I knew he would become Darth Vader no matter what, but I couldn't help but hope against hope that he would change his mind. Kudos to...\nOh boy. This reminded me of a show I watched yesterday. Do you know those times when your friends find out that there is this person (most likely it is you or another INFP) who firmly believes in...\nLol! Wrong place to post that question. If anyone on this forum has an answer I too would be grateful for some insight into this foreign practice. Why on earth do so many people enjoy getting drunk...\nWhen you cry at the end of Prince Caspian because you don't understand why they have to leave. :sad: (Just watched it recently and those 4 kids must have the willpower of gods because I don't think I...\nI do this ALL the time. I don't know if it's only the INFP's who do this. If it is, that is really sad. Some of my best moments are spent walking somewhere completely enveloped in my own thoughts....\nIn true INFP fashion, the sympathetic idealist emerges. :happy: I'm right there with you. Sometimes I wonder what these corporate executives are thinking when they... I don't know... abandon a...\nI honestly don't think there is anything wrong with this. I don't really understand the stigma of porn or why people think it is disgusting because, lets face it, serious romantic relationships...\nI'm not sure if people notice, and if they do, I'm not sure how many really appreciate it. For example, I love those times when a strong rain is coming and you can kind of sense it coming hours...\nYou know you are an INFP when... * You love art but you cannot suffer through a formal art class because you prefer to draw the things from your imagination instead of something that is already...\nSo absolutely true! Mine gets longer before it gets shorter.\nThis is a personal peeve of mine. I totally respect gay relationships and if two characters on a show turn out to be gay lovers, I am absolutely fine with that (we need a more diverse representation...\nOH GOD! Thank the Lord I'm not the only one like this. I don't drink at all, and my friends are constantly trying to get me to have some kind of alcoholic beverage. I always tell them it's...\nI don't think there is anything wrong with that. I used to be the same way before. But eventually I did meet someone (my best friend) who I love to death. Admittedly, as an INFP I still need my alone...\nOh boy. I know both of these situations SO well. My mom likes to move around. She can never sit still for too long, which is why she makes a bad movie-going buddy. So she used to come into my room...\nI am totally fascinated by anti-heroes too. I think its because INFPs are all about redemption, second chances, and seeing past the exterior evil to the interior good of people. This is why Beauty...\nWhen your fantasies are so real that you aren't sure how much of your memories actually happened and how much you imagined and/or edited to make better.\nThis one might just be me being weird, but I'll post anyway. When you were a child and had a huge identity crisis over your gender because you were wondering what exactly makes a boy a boy and a...\nI saw a clip of this movie and I couldn't stop crying. This song is so hauntingly beautiful. Its these small acts of complete and utter kindness and love that convince me the world can be a beautiful...\nMy aunt got really worried about me once because my eating and sleeping schedule isn't really a schedule. I had to tell her that I eat and sleep when it's most convenient (a.k.a. whenever I want...'
'Dunno about other ENTPs but I tend to swing wildly in my confidence. When I'm working hard, getting exercise and kicking ass nothing can stop me. But then the cycle takes a downturn and I tend to...\nSerendipity requires a mind receptive to the suggestion. I realise that the apple from a tree story is apocryphal, but there is no way such an ordinary event would spark a ground-breaking idea...\nApocalypse Now. I've seen horrors … horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that … but you have no right to...\nLittle busy at the moment but do want to discuss this topic, I'll tap a few keys later on. That said: I consider this one of the greatest accolades a human being can bestow upon another.\nHere is a fantastic comparison of Ni and Ne. Schwinger and Feynman both discovered Quantum Electrodynamics. Feynman, ENTP, is the crow and Schwinger, INTJ, is the mole. Dyson is the fox, Dirac is the...\nNi isn't based on nothing - it's developed over time from all the data in a particular field. In contrast, Ne is developed instantaneously from all the present variables across all fields. What's...\nI notice a lot of ENxP similarities here. Mhmm, I swing wildly from ludicrously ambitious and optimstic to depression and volatility. The polarity between the two is a roller-coaster ride...\nYup. Lack of Fi and dominant Ne means the grass is always greener. I suspect that once Si develops we may become more inclined to commit. Maybe not - I don't think I could ever really settle down. ...\nDo you find that sticking to one person - romantically, long term - feels claustrophobic? Also, if you want to tag someone in a post just type Theirnamehere If there is someone called...\nHeh, was about to say. Interesting to note the ENFP-INTJ thing. ENTP-INFJ also click well, short term. The same feeling/thinking functions with different intuition lead to delightfully flirty...\nCurrently going through what I think is the later stages of Fe development and it can be a little painful, especially when Ne lends its well-structured and calmly logical approach to nothing. ...\nThese are good, although: Disagree with this to an extent. Doing your research is a must but having complete knowledge about a situation is an impossibility. Analysis cannot conclude and...\nSet up an expectation, break it verbally but maintain the original tone. Hey, I need to ask you a pretty big question and I need an honest response. *sincere, concerned eyes* Uhh... ok,...\nI think I should hang here more often. Anyway, there is a sort of Zen to be found in social interaction as there is in all things. Approaching someone in conversation without intentions and a...\nI've read your discussion with interest, Animal and Oak. I don't wish to interrupt your conversation but I do have one or two questions... How can knowledge of a system such as the Enneagram -...\nScholar is a good word - it implies an interest in the esoteric and a more individualistic nature than say Researcher which is 145. While the 1 wishes to work within the framework set out by...\nYou know the feeling. Your brain is sparking out, you can't concentrate and you can't stop yourself from adding further stimulation; skipping from one activity to the next with no real engagement. ...\nYeah, realist. If you understand reality then why would you need ideals or plans? Both detract from the truth of the situation and neither will be genuinely connected to the actuality. Easier...\nUnsure of the difference between realist and pragmatist, could someone clarify?\nThing I love about psychedelics is how it allows me to do a lot of emotional processing that I don't really have the ability to do otherwise. Whereas LSD allows you to control the trip to a certain...\nGive the girl a fucking gold star.\nHeh.\nI can see why you might think that from the video but his passion for bongo playing, drawing, safe cracking, practical jokes and all sorts of other crazy things has me convinced he's an ENTP. Man was...\nRichard Feynman, probably the greatest physicist of the post-war era. The man redefined the word genius and is the archetypal ENTP. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kirzr6lnSs\nI see you're new here. ;)\nThis semester you're over-committed, over-stretched (possibly overdosing) and yet reasonably confident of your abilities to hit the ground running with an utter lack of preparation. You turn up -...\nI was gonna make a joke regarding this and the post above but I'm on my best behaviour today. Anyway, exercise and diet will work wonders crack on with that if possible. More specifically for...\nWhat would you do with the truth once you got it?\nEnlightenment has been described as just like real life, only about 2 inches off the ground. Sure, you can achieve it and then just sit there and bliss out for the rest of your life. These sort...\nHeh.\nOh yeah. The law. Of alchemy. I getchya. And the whole thing about the true self being the opposite of the false self? Fucking genius. I for one am glad that you've managed to keep yourself...\nAesop Rock - 584 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW6_4LNZPDo I wanna be something spectacular on the day the sun runs outta batteries. Attach my fashion to the casualties of anarchy. Save...\nYeah I think this would be my definition of a true friend and I still censor myself even amongst my closest. Secrets create a distance that is nigh-impossible to bridge. C'est las vis.\nI have a fair few close friends but perhaps not in the way that most people would define it. I have moments of feeling emotionally engaged with them but I think they would feel disappointed/upset...\nENTP:The Anti-fragile Lunatic ISTJ: The Rule-bound Doormat ENTJ: The Anti-materialist Materialist INFJ: The Psychic, ever undermined by reality ESTP: The short sighted Psychopath ESFP: The...\nCombining neural networks, nano-tech and genetic engineering to allow each individual to alter their DNA and biochemical make-up on the fly with just thought. Increase rate of mutations to encourage...\nI think extraverted perceiving backed up by Ti probably gives people the ability to remain grounded while engaging in a hectic situation. ESTPs and ENTPs are generally regarded as the quickest on...\nDuring such situations people often get a massive dump of adrenaline. This shuts down the more advanced regions of the brain so that the animal part takes over, so called Fight or Flight response....\nExtraverted perception combined with NT: All information is taken in regardless of personal beliefs/objectives and analysed logically above and beyond the surface. ENTJs may dismiss information...\nScootin' about rooftops in Renaissance Italy and slaying bad guys is my idea of a good time. Ideal life would be a twisted combo of Thief/Assassin's Creed/Deus Ex. Plus some Physics and Guitar on the...\n78802 Robert Oppenheimer - 584 We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the...\nOh yeah, never thought of that... what if... like... I wonder...hmmm... Zones out and doesn't speak for half an hour.\nSocratic method. With a bit of practise you can lure someone into agreeing with a statement that contradicts themselves. Me: But that game is just a variation on a pretty standard puzzle motif....\nI think you're right - mistaking Psycho-camouflage for Fe probably. He is an interesting one though.\nMy initial reaction was XNTJ but upon reflection I think XNTP is more likely - strong Fe and Ti I think...? Psychoanalysis hardly seems the pursuit of a sensor. He's incredibly intelligent and quite...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqSxHzqm1pw\nExperiencing something similar. You build your own mental block, dragging yourself every inch of the way and failing because you're just throwing yourself at the task with pure willpower and each...\nAt my core I'm independent, my long term behaviour reflects this but in the short term all can emerge depending upon the environment: Balanced is where I'd try to stay in a team work environment,...\nI was thinking about this earlier today. Listening to some electronic music I reflected upon how devoid of feeling a great deal of it is, or at least a little inhuman. I thought that in some way this...\nCan I ask why? At first I was all iz kuul But then I was like say whuuut?'
'Well. On my previous workplace I had a ESTJ-boss instead. He was actually pretty good... ESTJ and ESFJ just differ one letter but they are FAR apart in my opinion. The ESTJ-boss I had was much more...\nI have a ESFJ boss at my work. I have learned that a ESFJ should never ever EVER have the position as a boss. Or wait, if the job need a irrational-thinking boss driven by emotions and traditions,...\nThis made me laugh big time: https://49.media.tumblr.com/e74fe2eb4154d737022385aad9da5056/tumblr_nzo5m9z3uX1u9o3mxo1_500.gif\nFe vs Fi Types with Fe often has the same type of tone/voice regardless of who they are talking to. Types with Fi tend to change tone/voice depending how they want to be projected to someone....\nNoFap: Get a new grip on life. I am serius.\nWhy would I care about the reason behind it ?\nInfj\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfG-GSwUhSU\nI used to do it alot in the past. Actually got caught by police one time, as we have very strictly laws about cannabis here in sweden. Nowadays I get mostly anxious when I smoke. Specially if I...\n283522\nStart to getting somewhere with my sound: https://soundcloud.com/velocity-19/house-test Still sounds abit empty :) I work in FL.\nDear ISxJ friend/coworker. Why did you throw a snowball at me? Of course I throw one back so don't be a bitch about it. Why do you always leave the gym BEFORE you start sweating? Its not dangerous...\nI need a bigger gaming mouse... http://i.imgur.com/95n1O6C.jpg\nStop masturbating sure is one unspoken thing that can do wonders, especially for those who masturbate 5 times or more in a week, and do you masturbate 1-2 times a day it definitely gonna magic things...\nOkay I totally missed that. I just thought that you did an alone statement about ISTPs being unable to work if others don't.\nWell is there anyone out there that would work if your boss tells you to work and in the same time tells your colleague (with exact same task and salary) to have a 30 minute break for no reason what...\nOh there you are completely wrong. First of all I really think that is a Feeler trait - being bothered about what others are doing. I couldn't care less about what my colleagues are doing. Actually,...\nMy ISTJ colleague is annoyingly good on being on time. He actually drops in at the exact same time everyday, well not seconds, but 90% always the same minute. In a way I think it is a stupid...\nPragmatic Thinkers Edit, (for matching with the other titles): The Pragmatic Thinker\nI love my colleagues at work. Hahah, we work 1-1 and its all a bunch of ESFJ-ESTJ-ENFJ, I just plug my MP3 on for whole day and they all gets suicidal when working with me :kitteh:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5ZZzY87cLE Thats your humor right ?\nThats pretty accurate man. I am 201 cm so I have those problems to.\nI really need new friends. People that lives in the here and now, people that can enjoy simple things like going and play some basketball or just take a walk in the woods. My friends are so caught up...\nWell thats the basics: Extroverts gain energy when socializing with others. Introverts gain energy when spending time alone. You will figure it all out pretty soon, you are an INTP after all...\nIntroverts does appear more shy in relation to Extroverts. That is because Extroverts only gain energy by interacting and share ideas with others, so they learn in an early stage to socialize and...\nWhat I did wear today: http://i.imgur.com/nExWvv0.jpg Comfy and practical. And shoes that is ready for the most but still looks nice.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiBLgEx6svA\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5o-yIsReUQ This takes me away to a warm and tropcial place where the sun is shining and your skin is burning. That synth that drops in and out have a very...\nI listen to a LOTS of music. 4-5 hours a day. But I probably cannot sing along with more than 10 songs, that's how important lyrics is to me. I would say that if one value lyrics and meaning before...\nDear ENTJ boss. You need to think through ideas you come up with. You cannot just make absolute facts from ideas you create faster than a Bugatti Veyron. You need to follow them through. I don't...\nJust watched Interstellar at cinema and damn my brain hurts. It was a good movie though and Cooper probably was an ISTP?\nI love cars. There is two cars that I dream of to have some day. First one is a Toyota Supra 94 (in stock condition). http://i.imgur.com/eimJtJt.jpg I loved it long before the movie fast and the...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKZQF4tUwFc He has a cool voice.\nOn friday we are going to have a gocart race with the job. Some of the colleagues already speculates about who is going to win and it seems to be about four of them that will fight about the top, but...\nOP, you really sound like an healthy ISTP.\nWhen I was a kid a loved to take my bicycle out and just drift away somewhere. Its like the only thing I remember when I think of my childhood, me+my bicycle+random place somewhere.\nIs this some excellent use of Ne? Happens at 1:15, Its like he intuitively knows that somebody is gonna say backwards before he does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPl7MHThE0k\nI like many type of girls. But one instant fall-trait is those girls with really open and intensive eyes. When you look them in the eyes it feels like they scanning your brain. And that would be Se...\nYes you can come over to my place whenever you feel for it\nI did that once but instead of getting reminded of it I actually completley forgot about it, so the next day when I wanted to microwave a pan-pizza there already was one pizza there in the microwave....\nVentrilo + Minecraft problem solved.\nI think it became quite clear when his car broke down. First of all he just stands there and watch, he doesnt even pop the hood. But then when he gets a lift from his dad all he askes is if the car...\nJust came over this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoXP2tMmv7Y Damn when I was a kid Sonic was easiest the best show out there imo.\nWhat do you think about Takumi in Initial D, he probably was ISTP 5 right?. Edit: I take that back hes an INTP.\nI have many skills. One is to design cars: http://i.imgur.com/cSMeCPY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0azRGiy.jpg Other is to make boring car look cool: http://images.gtcarlot.com/pictures/9771040.jpg...\nThis have become my favorite youtube clip. Its here in sweden, but they have a nice small party and at 1:37 he lays a AXE spray can in the fire and then...wait for it. ...\nI love the progressive feeling in this song, it just flows on... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvfoyXfcwVU\nStandard answer when someone is telling me something: - Yeah man, really........... What did you say? Some Ti-Fe issues I guess.\nWhy do I feel that every time I discuss anything with you IRL, it feels like you've already like pre-decided what your thoughts is about it and completely dismiss everything I have to say so you can...\nSome swedish rap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd89jmI1PxM That beat and flow give me the chills.'
'Thanks everyone for sharing. I've been feeling very lonely and isolated myself lately, and it's sent me into my head in a way that isn't alwys good. I also have realized that a lot of the things I'm...\nI am a West Coast Swing dancer, and I've done all the ballroom dances. I also dance Salsa every week and I used to assist a Hustle (New York style) class.\nI'm a Capricorn. I find it annoying that I'm supposed to avoid my own sign when dating. But, I always say that Capricorns don't really believe in astrology. :)\n^^^ What she said.\nDear Friend, I think I need to walk away from you. I am tired of only being the person you turn to when things are bad. Last week you wanted to die, and I was the person who was there to listen,...\nI rarely doorslam, however, when I have, it's more like a switch in my brain. One example is my relationship with my ex-spouse. I had been fighting to save our marriage for years, and then suddenly...\nYou know what I really haven't missed? Stress migraines. How do I know I haven't missed them? Because I am sitting at my desk trying to stave one off before it bcomes any worse and dealing with the...\nI am very selective about who I open up to because I have become accustomed to people opening up to me and then not reciprocating when I need someone to talk to. I am also careful with people who...\nDear friend, I am very sorry that things have come to the point where you feel that I have betrayed you, but those few hours on Wednesday night when you were driving around with a bottle of vodka...\nSo, I am a 47-year-old divorced, female INFJ who has spent most of my life doing for others, and not a whole heck of a lot doing for myself. This summer, an emotional hurricane basically blew throw...\nEvery time you post something about introversion on Facebook, the people who don't really know you well respond with Why are you posting this? You aren't an introvert! And then you have to explain...\nMy desire to talk about hard stuff with you directly correlates to my desire to keep you in my life. I will be more likely to have those conversations with a lover, but I have them with my closest...\nI hate this quote.\nDear Lover who has decided to be a friend instead, You were the first person I talked to in the morning and the last one I talked to before sleeping for over a month. You are someone with whom I...\nWhen you can't get angry and walk away from someone who has decided to pursue friendship instead of more because you have been so emotionally intimate that you can't lose them. So you forgive them...\nI have never been an indiscriminately touchy person, however I crave meaningful physical contact. If I am upset, I usually don't want to be touched by anyone unless I am in a safe place where tears...\nI saw an internet meme the other day that said something like I have 99 problems and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head. Yeah... if I find it again, it may become my profile...\nI use that. also my sly sense of humour and my intesely awkward demeanor. In other words, I'm not entirely sure how to flirt, and and normally take a really long time to figure out that someone is...\nSo much YES. Mine for the day: When you laugh out loud and then have to peel your friend off the ceiling because he was so startled by the noise that came out of your body.\nOr a mixed-race gay couple with children of yet another race... ...with lesbian next-door neighbors one of whom acted as their surrogate.\nI love to write and implement good process and procedure at work and am deeply offended by bad process. Really. It hurts my heart.\nFWIW, I second everything chimeric says. I stayed in a verbally abusive relationship for 10 years, and I will be carrying the scars for the rest of my life. I don't know what MBTI type your BF is,...\nI haven't read any other responses to this, but the question hit me in an interesting place because I'm NOT attracted to assholes. Unfortunately, they are VERY attracted to me. I am fairly shy...\nSaw a t-shirt that said something like: Let me tell you about my attention deficit disorder. Or cake. I like pie. Do you like dogs? I have a cat. What's today? I saw a rock. Hi. I kind of want...\nEven when that wasn't your intention.\nSo, I am being flirted with at work. One of my co-workers who has been expressing interest for a few months but not making a move was recently assogned to a different yard where I won't see him as...\nWhen you have been supportive of a friend who is going through a rough patch for days on end but still feel bad when you have to gently explain to them that you are overtired and need to walk away...\nI take your meaning, and I'm not talking about the thing where we all need to adapt in order to maintain healthy relationships. That is a part of life and growth, and I try very hard to never hurt...\nI concur with all of this, but there's one other important way that my criteria have changed. I have learned the hard way that it is not possible to make another person truly happy. You are not...\nJebediah Thank you!\nSometimes your thought processes move too fast for even you to keep up with. But that could just be the ADD...\nWaltz, please. Also, does anyone know how to mention someone in a post so that they are actually aware of it? I cannot grok how this is done from my searches of this site. I'm talking about the...\nWarweasel, I get where you are coming from. Sometimes I am deeply grateful that I work with adults, and sometimes I am freaked out by the knowledge that I am talking to a 37 year-old man who has been...\nI get really upset when people try to ascribe motives to me without actually asking me why I am saying or doing something.\nOcelot is a great word... kind of like platypus. They roll off the tongue.\nPhilosophizer, you read in a lot of intentions that were not there. You asked for an assessment and I gave you one. It was pretty blunt. I told you how I would feel in her position and gave you...\nEven now. And even with new friends who are 10-20 years younger than me.\nAnother note: it is very possible to be interested in someone but not ready to be in a relationship with them. Sometimes one needs recovery time. I didn't even consider dating for over two years...\nShe told you what day she was free. That was an invite to make plans. Probably something small like coffee someplace public. She chose not to give you her phone number, which says that, although she...\nYes to everything on Veggie's list.\nPhilosophizer, she was interested. If she's anything like me at that age (time to use that handy grain of salt you should always have nearby when interacting on the Internet), she would have met up...\nA friend of mine said something interesting the other night. I can't play hard to get because I never realize someone is pursuing me until he's about to walk away. That's kind of the story of my...\nI have never thought that I had psychic powers. I'm a helper sort and highly attuned to other people, so, yes, frequently I can tell when people are hurting. I can easily discern (through...\nPlatypus!\nI often know what other people need to hear in order to feel better. It's something I've been able to do for as long as I can remember. I also frequently know what the most hurtful thing I could...\nHere as well.\nWhy would he be gone for some time as a result of this? I read the full exchange, and it makes no sense to me. He is blunt, but he is not, IMO, inappropriate.\nAnd you put them on and take them off at the drop of a hat without realizing that you are doing it until later. Then you obsess about how you have no idea if anyone actually knows who you are.\nI am almost 46, and I still don't do casual sex. I have no issues with people who can and do, but I know that I don't do well in those situations. In my 20s I was in two situations where I was...\nHypathia, I am not ignoring you, I just had no power and therefore no access to this site yesterday. I will need to think about this question sometime when I am not preoccupied with work. Two...'
'I plan to withdraw myself from it, it can become so addicting and just to focused on it.\nI'm 24, I can understand were you're coming from. I've lived with a parent (father), who was verbally abusive and that really messed me up. I've been trying to work on myself a lot. How I got away...\nIt could mean that your introvert side is INFP but your extrovert side might switch to an ESFP qualities. I know because it happened to me, I've become more social than usual and tested an ESFP when...\nMy life has been slow and I'm in my early 20's. Its like none stop setback, once I move forward something is bound to happen. Its not very consistent, it must be something that I need to experience...\nOver the years, I have become more socialize but still have my struggles. I tend to blank out with words, not sure why and that can create some anxiety. I get bored of most people :S, unless they're...\nI'm becoming a rebel in my life, my other side wants me to be perfect/nice. Except, I'm sick of caring and stressing over things. My rebel side is like 'f*** it'. Seriously who cares what others...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5AAcgtMjUI ^ In a mood for a sexy tune\nSagittarius sun sign. For anyone who wants to find a good daily horoscope, this one is the best Astrology/Horoscopes - Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts. Its crazy accurate for me. Being a fire...\nI'm a Triangle 5'9 height around 126-127 weight Slimmer on the top w/ broad shoulders and long arms Normal on my lower body, I have my small curves so its not all straight (which I actually like...\nSecond category for me in high school. Found school tremendously boring, it really lack creativity and just the same repetitiveness. School nowadays only care for the mental side, left brain but when...\nPasta w/ avocados.\nI've had the same thing, meaningful friendships they seem to never happen. People come and go, in my life and they never stay. When I was younger, I was like the one that like being the clown but for...\n- People who are unsympathetic (they say they don't give an F but they do) - People who just want attention all for themselves and when you get some attention, for some reason you can get the vibe...\nSo agree, if I don't dream my life will be without meaning it will just be boring. One thing I like about being INFP, sometimes it feels like a curse but wouldn't change it.\nSoul Agreements by Dick Sutphen with Tara Sutphen\nI'm going through the same thing, trust me when were in that situation we think it must be only us. Not sure if you heard about the dark night of the soul, but it might shine some light with some...\nPeople will consider me boring, because I'm not entertaining them and I have no desire. If someone has curiosity, fun, and dorky; than I'm all for it. My inner child will come alive. I also seem to...\nI usually ignore their harsh truth, but to an extend. When you mirror the same attitude towards them, they also take it offensively. They usually think they're the only ones who are entitled to just...\nI get that, one co-worker kept mentioning how quiet I'm. When I'm not that quiet, I just stay quiet sometimes because I have nothing to say. Once I'm comfortable with my atmosphere, it is when I'm...\nRight now, I work in a normal job. Standing up for 6 hours, making drinks and ice cream treats. Its hard sometimes because I've had a few burn outs and so I'm trying to keep all good. I'm not sure...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D8NeFKhCmg\nI can relate to your situation. It gets easier over time, sometimes people are late bloomer when it comes to understanding the opposite sex. The way I do it, is that I don't worry about it anymore....\nYes, I can relate about the job situation. I've been trying to find another job, and I've been getting stress because of no luck. I moved out to a new state as well, the last state I at least had...\n^ Yes while people dream about owning cars, houses, money, family, and etc the simple things. Which I find incredibly boring, I'm dreaming about being able to visit other planets/outer space and...\nI have given up on friendships, I don't know how to develop them and its hard for me to connect with people. I try to relate to others but others have trouble relating to me, because they think I'm...\nWork Tired Disappointed\nI wish I was high 24/7 with energy. I'm so tired all the time, that I have dark eye circles even though I sleep 7-8 hours and I still need more.\nYes, I'm struggling living in the moment because of current issues. Right now, I don't focus in the past and for some reason I don't see a future at all; its all blurry. Because of that, I'm living...\nLots of people have been in your situation. I'm also in the same sort situation, having a hard time finding a second job and supporting myself. All I can say is to have prayer, something that can...\nBeing able to explore the universe, go hiking, sleep/wake up at any time, eating any foods I desire, create my own home, being able to teleport anywhere. Being able to do things without some sort of...\nIn my situation I had no choice I had to move out. My family thought I was lazy and because I didn't know what to study they told me move out. I have no transportation of my own and I'm now renting a...\nI wouldn't say I hate it because I did enjoy my childhood even through my dysfunctional father creating chaos. But once you grow up, its like mirror being chattered when everyone around changes there...\nI feel the same way but also lost in this world. Not knowing what to do but also having no interest in following what others do. Money/career, I sometimes feel repulsed by it because I see no value...\nJust wanted to butt in :blushed:. But this is one of my favorite songs that is comforting when crying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXsAtWbEoRU\nIts normal of wanting to withdraw yourself from the physical energy of others and re-charge once in a while. As we get older the energy starts to slow down depending on the person. That's why when we...\nJeep wrangler is one of my dream car :crazy:. I've been researching about buying parts for the car because you can customize the top (roof) how you want or put focus lights on top of the roof and...\nI go to bed late, hoping that the clock and the world would just stop plus morning will never come. When I wake up the next day, I wish I kept dreaming.\nUhmm ok, not all INFP like to share emotions or are need for you to feel them. Some INFPs might realize that not everyone is bound to share their feelings. Who knows, I grew in an environment were...\nThat's one of the reasons why its hard to tell who is really introvert because everyone is trying to blend in the extrovert world.\nINTJ The Mastermind You scored 50 I versus E, 0 N versus S, 80 F versus T, and 80 J versus P! Your ideal romantic partner is known as the Mastermind. As a romantic partner, this type can be both...\nWell a job doesn't define who I am because I don't feel attach to it. Now if it was a career that I have passion for, and study it or feel the need to keep going after I'm done working than in a way...\nStill a v and 21, don't plan to loose it until I find the right person I'm comfortable with.\nThe reason why we have trouble finding someone is that we see imperfections, while others are quickly to jump in. This could be a good thing sometimes. Now if we find someone right we sort of dont...\nRecently I've had people talk infront of me about planning to go out but don't include me. Did it bother me? Of course, but I was like whatever. It goes away quickly anyways. Its worst with people...\nIt's normal to be frustrated being an INFP, but if you're trying to change your ways because of how others are than you're going to be more unhappy. When you start caring less about how others are...\nI've never been good at schooling and tests. I would sometimes study, and still would get a horrible scores. So I guess I would give up. My brain works differently, I seem to get wiser as I keep...\nYikes, that does not sound like a good school with people who are closed minded.\nBoA(보아)_COPY&PASTE_뮤직비디오(MusicVideo) I laugh every time she says Youx92re gonna hit Control-C for copy and then youx92re gonna hit Control-V for paste. And create the man of my desire. Such a...\nCognitive Process - Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) ***************************** (29.8) average use introverted Sensing (Si)...\nRight now its 0 in real life. I've made a friend online that I could feel I can connect for the first time. In real life I have acquaintances but that's about it. Its always been like that in life...'
'INTJ, ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP and ISFP.\nIt's so nice to have found a sort of musical twin soul here on PerC in emilia!\nWell, my point was that tests aren't a very good indicator of type, so whether you get INFJ all the time or not doesn't really matter. I'm not saying that you're not INFJ, just that most tests aren't...\nAnd I have an ISFP friend who tests ISFJ all the time despite not being even remotely close to being an ISFJ. Getting a J/P as an introvert is in no way a clear indication of type since the J/P is...\nI've tested as all INXX types in dichotomy tests. Even as an ENFP before I figured out that my aux Fe isn't actual extraversion. I decided by studying the functions and reading well-written...\nhttp://i.imgur.com/lLf2gzO.jpg\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=gTPLa36FabM\nNo, not in the literal, psychotic sense.\nhttp://youtu.be/Lk60nAZr9dM\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sALMDNtSUMQ\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8GZ_W5XjW0\nYes, that's our Ni-Ti loop.\nGuts by Chuck Palahniuk Guts | The Cult And also, anything by Cormac McCarthy.\nIt's probably not draining because they really understand eachother completely. That happens a lot with INFJ and/or INTJ pairings.\nNot sure if I'm going crazy or not.\nThey're not enigmatic enough to be fascinating. It's not hard to figure out how they tick, which is why I think INFPs are sort of naturally drawn to INFJs. It's rewarding for them to feel special,...\nWell, I have the exact same problems, and I'm a woman. Great rant!\nErr, what? No, it doesn't. A person failing to recognize their dominant function probably has another dominant function. There's nothing wrong with that.\nS/N -> Si/Se or Ne/Ni -> Pe/Ji or Je/Pi -> Fi/Ti or Fe/Te -> result. See why I don't get how so many INFJs came out as xNxP? The test looks fine to me.\nYes, I know the first is a dichotomy, and the following alternatives are Ne/Ni, not another S/N.\nHrm, the one I took tested the functions. Pg. 1 S/N-> Pg. 2 (Pg. 17) Ne/Ni\nSo many of you relate to Ne over Ni?\nYou mean you got ISFJ but really wanted INFJ?\nYoung, shy, sweet, quirky and wants to stand out among their peers.\nI got INFJ and yes, the profile page resonates perfectly with me.\nDear INTJ, I guess you must've been very special, because I didn't think I could develop feelings like these in such a short amount of time and I miss you. I want us to be friends, but you don't...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVcfpEO4GPs\nYou had a clash of visions and with you both being stubborn as hell you'll never reach a solution to your problem. Her vision allows for paradoxes, she's too emotionally involved and identifies with...\nComplex, as cliché as that may sound. I'm an abundance of many different (sometimes paradoxal) things and I don't think I could ever describe myself with just one word, but 'complex' is the cleareast...\nHow old are you two? It sounds like a very immature and irrational argument, so I'm not sure if I should give you grown-up tips or not.\nNo, there's no risk of me thinking too much about it. I'll just leave it be, no problem.\nI have several ISFP friends and we get along great. I also have two ISFP family members, and we seldom get along at all. My friends know me much better and thus understands me better than my ISFP...\nIstp\nYou're not even pretentious snobs, you just want to look cool and unique. Please talk about your experimental living with someone else, I'm not interested in your hippie sh*t.\n299866\nI find them equal parts annoying and interesting.\nThe boy is definitely an INFJ. Look at him. His first love (girl) is also an INFJ, very small chance she is an INFP.. no, she's an INFJ too. DK about other two girls.[/QUOTE] Nah, I don't...\nI like it, but I can't really agree with you OP on 5 centimeters per second being about INFJs. More like ISTP and INFP. The Garden of Words is about an ISFP and INFJ relationship, though.\nSuede – Stay Together\nI wish I could stop thinking about it, just accept the explanations and move on, but something about this is really gnawing me. Something's off.\nI had the same thing with an INTJ. It was quite amazing.\nJane Eyre and Mr Rochester. Their deep and intense connection is what I'm looking for.\nYou've already talked about this girl in the INTJ relationship thread for umpteen pages now. I think the only sound advice you need is to let it go, because you're obsessing over her and it's bound...\nEmpathetic, not necessarily sympathetic.\nINTJ all the way.\nMother ISFP Half-sister ISFP Stepfather ISTP Biological father (most likely) INFJ\nInfj!'
Thank you for acknowledging the ESFP persona…. People seem to automatically type every pop star as some kind of ESXX, but so much is just for image/career/etc.\nI remember thinking she was an ENFJ 7 after watching that documentary movie of hers, but then again that film's a product and whatever she wants us to believe….\nI think she's probably a 7w6…maybe a 9?\nI agree that she's an ENFJ and probably 6w7, but I don't know enough about her to agree to the rest.\nYeah, I think that's it.\nYes, I am a synesthete! :)\nI don't think I've watched the show as much as you probably have, but from what I've seen, your typings seem accurate.\nI always thought Lana was an ISFP 4w3. I love her and her work, she's great.\nI also always thought he was INFP.\nThat's what I've always thought too.\nMy guess is ENFJ.\nI've heard INTP for him, but that's as much as I know. Sorry.\nI'm an INFJ and an attention seeker, but I've always thought that was just because I'm a Type 3.\nActually, I learned this in my college psychology course.... It was in our textbook, which I no longer have. Sorry! I am sure you can find out about it online though.\nI personally just always assumed it was because those two types were most often interested in this kind of psychology and/or more likely to be online reading about it. LOL.\nWhich do you think are most often mistyped by others and/or by themselves, or more likely to appear different from their type's stereotype? Or do you think there's no correlation at all?\nIt's actually scientifically proven that some general personality traits (i.e., open-mindedness, etc.) correlate with music tastes.\nI agree with the above poster, although I think Tiffany was more likely introverted.\nI really love INFPs and their capacity for emotion. It really takes my breath away. You can see what they're feeling in their eyes; so much feeling is pooled in their eyes. They just seem closer to...\nI'm pretty sure that Matilda is an INFJ. And Trunchbull does sound like an ESTJ now that I think about it.\nIf I had to guess, I'd say ISFP. Not sure though.\nI still think she's an INFP 7w6. Just thought I'd add this. Besides the quotes I posted on the first page of this thread, they asked her in this interview if she'd like to be a hermit, and she said...\nPM'ed you guys too :)\nThank you all! I PM'd. :)\nHi guys! I'm currently writing a book in which a main character is an ENFP 7w6. Now, I usually don't attribute Myers-Briggs types to characters, but this character is based off an ENFP 7w6 girl that...\nAlright, @Scootaloo – this is the gist of it. Here are some quotes first: In the December 2009 issue of InStyle, she said about how she writes her songs:\nThe last three were PR.\nI don't want to clog up this thread, so I'll PM you.\n@theorycraft Yep, Taylor Swift is an INFJ. I've been a huge fan for years. @tiredsighs Unfortunately the media (and her PR team, which has screwed up) has made it seem like she's dated tons of...\nI promise you she's an INFJ, I've been a fan for years. I think she seems like an ESFJ because she's a Type 3. I'm also an INFJ 3w4, and people never believe me when I tell them I'm an introvert. ...\nI know, I'm just saying.\nTaylor Swift is definitely an INFJ, but I know she's also a 3, which sometimes makes her look like other types. Cobain is an INFP. Einstein is INTP. I don't know enough about the others to say. ...\nThis is definitely true. She gets really nervous in front of crowds (which she says is why she begins to talk non-stop and without thinking, but that's also why she often is tipsy interviews (she...\nWait, I change my mind about her enneagram. She seems like a 7. I don't see how people see Se in her; she's said countless times that she couldn't care less about aesthetics or clothes or any of...\nI think Jennifer is a Type 3 enneagram. She's always talked about how driven she was to be successful in acting and how competitive she is. Thoughts?\nI don't think this really means anything. I also don't like shy people and am usually way too talkative, but I'm still introverted....\nGosh, I used to be a huge fangirl for her, LOL. I had her typed in my mind as an ESFP, but I could be wrong; it's been a long time since I've read anything about her.\nShe's an INFP. We proved this in the Hunger Games thread that's stickied. I'll bring some stuff over:\nThe difference is that your soulmate is your soulmate and is perfect for you, whereas the other person you like and get along with but...it just ain't the same.\nI would rather get caught in the rain on a cold night without an umbrella. That sounds rather fun and romantic. Haha. Would you rather 1) meet your soulmate in your 20s but only get to spend 7...\nDan - INFP - Josh Schwartz basically put himself in Dan, and Schwartz himself is an INFP (and he did the same with Seth Cohen in The O.C., who's also an INFP.) Blair - ENFJ Rufus - ENFP Lily -...\nThis is a song Taylor wrote when she was about twelve: Isn't that Ni?\nWow, that's almost exactly what I was going to post, although I think you worded it better than I could have. I'm under very deep stress right now, which has worsened my insecurities, and at this...\nConsidering that J.K. Rowling is an INFJ, and that J.K. Rowling based Hermione off herself as a child, I'm going to say that Hermione is INFJ. Not to mention, she's also exactly like how I was at her...\nI really have no idea what I'm going to do. I still have no idea what I'm going to choose as a major in college. And I need to decide rather soon. :sad: I don't like feeling so directionless, not one...\nmistakenforstranger Taylor has actually said she doesn't want people to know who she's singing about. She says she loves reading people's guesses and laughs to herself when they're wrong, because...\nThe enneagram tests are rarely right. I wouldn't put much (if any) weight on them. The best thing to do is to read the descriptions of the enneagrams and see which fits you best. That might take a...\nYeah, haha, Perks of Being a Wallflower made me cry, too! What else.... I cried in Titanic, The Notebook, and the last Harry Potter. Those are the ones I can think of right now.\nYou're welcome! Go by the cognitive functions. They aren't as clean to work with as plain I or J and etc., but they are most accurate. I do think INFP also fits you. There are Ps who learn to be...\nI'm in the U.S. I would celebrate Christmas if it weren't for the fact that Christmas is basically what separates my religion from Christianity. So it just would be a betrayal of my own religion,...
'I could but I'm a thousand miles away\nYes, I wish I could understand too. Sometimes I feel invisible. And no, I never tried online dating, but I'm really tired of being alone. And it's ok to vent right, there are a lot of Introverted...\nIt's very hard. Sometimes I think that I will stay forever alone.\n#foreveralone http://i.imgur.com/2p40A.png\nYes, if we have mutual feelings, you don't choose who you will love.\nBeing alone forever http://theorange.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/ForeverAloneBlackTextSS.png\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8LfI_pTodA Well, it's a deep song, I can't really explain much... it's only a instrumental song\nA hardcore crime bro. http://images.politico.com/global/2012/10/121010_biden_simonsays_ap_328.jpg I would steal some money from big companies though\nNight because it is perfect\nhttp://i.imgur.com/J5gEyhC.png I really can relate to this\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuqbAfSs-BE\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuqbAfSs-BE\n2013 believing in astrology ;) My astrological sign is Gemini but I really don't care about it\nDo you guys believe in IQ tests? I did this once (WAIS IV) when I was seeing a psychologist and I got a good grade, but I really don't think that I am smart. I don't know, I have so many flaws...\nWell http://i.imgur.com/EoVJkVy.jpg\nIdeas, the perfect brain response of an ideal dreamer; A mind that is always flying, in the clouds absolutely.\nRight-handed. Why? :)\nhttp://i.imgur.com/CV16ltF.jpg Yeah, sucks\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWY1BpMTEE\nI love randomness in the evening.\nElegant, the undefined beauty, subjective charming Charming like a woman in red, elegantly dressed to meet her tragic fate, obnoxiously unexpected. -- Not sure If I am good enough for this ^^\nhttp://i.imgur.com/TlIvRJf.jpg Animals are so awesome\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdF8UK4fZoI\nI thought that I was the only one :o\nAny character, It's crazy, you know... I don't know how to explain but when I'm daydreaming I don't choose a character, I just think and it comes to my mind\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cKWY1BpMTEE\nI found more photos Another Point of view from the 1st one http://media.sothebysrealty.com/SIRImages/643c6de6-ad90-4e4c-9270-a77c44c576e8_PMAS.jpg Outside...\nAny cold place with snow in the winter and beaches in the summer Must rain too... Sweden, Italy maybe... ...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EA8g4-vEAQ\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp3UVX6z9L8\nDate a girl, as a girl. Would be a very interesting experience\nhello bro we all love you\nThank you hornet\nI'm scared to get close and I hate being lonely I long for that feeling to not feel at all The higher I get, the lower I'll sink I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim\nHey INFP ladies, I'm single :laughing:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wMEo_gmHSEg\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mFHh_KVzew\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PfT_X-6VJZk\nI really dislike routines, they are plain boring. I don't know, I prefer do whatever I want in the time that I want. Following a schedule ruins everything I am so random D:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3cUzhkd0OM&feature=player_embedded\nhaha, Ken is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE4zF36dPxE\n////// It's really interesting.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hW6G3z2vkA\nBelieve or not, I cleaned my room today :)\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Ta0oXRtxo\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYG-dwA47Sg\nI work for some government agency and we would never classify someone who fights for an utopian movement as a spy but anyway, interesting life story\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSwhg-4H1J0\nNo favorite here I consider myself an eclectic listener. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rMyAUqWV3Y - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMHu6PjK5UU - ...\nIf they hate us, INFPs, might be there a reason, so I agree with you Epicurus92 And I'm open to discuss it :)'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy6MpsDPKts\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duE2-jR9q5o\nDear self, You should really work on a system to use up the ingredients you buy before they go bad. You wanted to make some chicken kara-age (Japanese chicken nuggets) today only to find out your...\nDear cheesecake-flavored pocky, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE Sincerely, An INFJ scarfing you down. NEED MOAR.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A03gILpvBII I'm having a nostalgia trip and Mandarin listening practice session at the same time (been listening to this diva for 8 years now :D)\nDear friend visiting from Canada, I keep giving you snarky responses when you ask what the weather looks like because as a Californian, I deal with a type of whether that is never consistent...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSfVMc9EOyM If you don't simply adore this whole damn movie, we can't be friends\nDear self, Stop feeling sorry for yourself. If at first you don't succeed, try try again. You vowed to pass an audition by the end of the year and you shall! But not as long as you keep sulking....\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTOvmmzN5nM Not sure if I posted this before, but I just rediscovered this song and it's been on repeat (I don't have the album it's on, so...)\nDear sexist dude, Clitocrat is not clever. Like, at all. Besides, I'm an Anarchist. I know you think you're clever, but really, you're not. Miss Mammy is also a racially loaded term that...\nDear Skype buddy from Canada, I'm still trying to figure out this bagged milk thing you keep telling me about. I'm sorry, but we Americans don't put liquids in bags unless it's water. And it...\nDear Sony, Your E3 conference was a thing of beauty and I am totally sold. I told myself I would'nt get a Ps4 BUT THEN YOU TEMPT ME WITH KINGDOM HEARTS 3 AND FINAL FANTASY 15! Not that I'm...\nDear ESFP friend, I really don't care about Kim Kardashian. I really, really don't. Until someone can explain to me what the hell she actually does, she will remain irrelevant to me. Her and...\nDear Microsoft, I should've seen your conference at last year's E3 as a prophecy of sorts, but you have to be on something. You don't have any friends in the gaming industry, because a good...\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udWTbr6znko *fans self*\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl06L_baJGM\nDear self, What have we learned today? That no matter what you are shopping for, you always manage to go overboard. You only planned too spend 30-- at most 40 dollars at the Little Tokyo grocery...\nIdealization might play a part, but it's mostly because of high standards. That disappointment stuff (The You're not the person I knew when we met shit) usually happens before we even get to the...\nPlease stop talking. Please. [When someone talks fast(and I'm interested)] I'm philosophizing every syllable you say, SLOW DOWN You know I can read your thoughts, right? Because I totally...\nDear PerC, Oop, sorry for my absence. I missed y'all :) A little update: 1. My dad cut off my Wifi so I has sad :( 2. I changed my avatar to one of my creations from another dollmaker I'm...\nDear Sony, You've shot yourself in the foot with the PS4. Repeatedly. I hope you realize this. Judging you, An INFJ gamer chick\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMnibatw-_8\nDear cat that I'm cat-sitting, I know you like me and feel entitled to get comfy on my lap, but that's where my laptop sits. Don't give me the stink eye. Unlike you, it's actually productive. ...\nDear mermaid doll maker, WHY ARE YOU SO ADDICTING AHHHH I'M GONNA MAKE SO MANY POTENTIAL AVATARS/ICONS OUT OF YOU Whoever made you is a genius. Making endless mermaids, A whimsical INFJ ...\nDear variables, FIND YOURSELF, DAMMIT! Irritable, A math-hating INFJ\nDear random guys who message me on gothic social sites, Stop demanding me to cam for you and fucking listen when I tell you my laptop and therefore my webcam is down so even if I wanted to (which...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8FDOTwS0tg\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wxEZObCO_g Old school Hyori is the best~\nI actually don't want a wedding if I can avoid it :/ A huge waste of money to me. Plus, the memories and crap will just make me bitter if we decide to divorce. Can't have that with my...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZyCLAXPxGw One of my all-time favorite Ayumi songs ♥♥♥\nWhy's this thread leaning towards LA/San Diego? There are other counties and cities, damn. Orange County? Newport Beach? Cerritos? Anyone? SoCal is wonderful; I've lived here all my life. LA...\nDear teacher, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for allowing me the option of spending less than $100 on my books this semester. I can work with the digital textbook; I'm used to doing most of my...\nI speak seven languages (conversational-level; not totally fluent in any of them yet), my top three best being Japanese, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese. EVERYONE says I have a gift but I'm...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q59arJu1EY ♥♥♥\nI'm a lefty. I only use my right hand when absolutely necessary.\nDear former crush, Um, what? You pass me up for another girl and expect me to come groveling to you because she didn't work out? So I'm basically a back-up to you? Because that's basically what...\nN64 hand-me-downed from my brother when I was about 6 or 7. I am now a Nintendo fangirl. I still have it, but I mostly play N64 games on my emulators nowadays.\nAbout a week. I may not like interacting with people on a constant basis but the keyword there is constant. I still need people in my environment after a certain number of days.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac4e7PRl_Ec\nThey ended a couple years ago, they just have some real longevity. They had a real impact on the U.S.; they're different from the kiddie anime we were used to getting up until that point. Death...\nDear teen years, Goodbye, I had fun with you, even if I spent the later part of you wallowing in self-pity from heartbreak. My solar return rising sign is Leo in my 11th house of friends and...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpyW55OfwJA\nMath's too fact-based for my touchy-feely self :x I hate it with the passion of 1000 suns. I'm generally pretty slow when it comes to math (any kind, even arithmetic). Any other subject I do...\nDear new phone, I like you. I like you a lot. Sincerely, A tech nerd INFJ -------------- Dear whatever is in my yard that keeps giving me rashes,\nDear crush, I had my friend tell you I liked you and I was totally lost when she told me your response. She told me you were really surprised and downplayed your looks (which we both know is a...\nAre you trying to prove something? Your reality isn't the same for everyone else. I mean, fine, you don't think any less of shy people, but that's you; you're not the spokesperson for all...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAC5KRMyiQk#\nI think that's a cultural bias against shy folk in the US. In more introverted countries, shy people aren't met with so much...uh...I wanna say animosity? But that seems a little strong :/ When I...\nDear ESTJ gamer friend, STOP SAYING THE LOS GANADOS WHEN YOU TALK TO ME ABOUT RESIDENT EVIL 4. LOS MEANS THE IN SPANISH, YOU SOUND SO FUCKING REPETITIVE AND GAH. You do realize you're...\nDear Red Velvet Cake, Holy fuck, it's been way too long since I've had a slice of you. High on a cakegasm, An INFJ'
'What kinds of conversations do you enjoy the most? Edit: A lot of the replies seem to say the shorter the conversation, the better... That's good to know, but could you imagine any kind of...\nTwo thoughts I'd like to offer: 1) If you're dissatisfied with how the INTP is responding, then it would be completely fine for you to stop mediating for him. Honestly, he probably doesn't care...\nJust in general, I try to express it when I don't like something. Not necessarily by directly saying so, but by expressing reluctance, or doubt, or whatever -- the point is that I want a (reasonably...\nDo you form judgments about people shortly after meeting them? Or do you withhold judgment until you've interacted with them more? What do you judge people on?\nI think it rocks to be me, actually.\nMy highest personal value is truth. I always seek to know the truth (which is always more useful than ignorance), and it helps when other people speak truthfully to me.\nWhat separates your close friends from your average friends or acquaintances?\nBut what if they choose to talk about conventional topics, despite having interesting ideas, because they don't know anything about you yet and that's what most people want to talk about? (Okay,...\nA 4000 word essay on what subject? And what would the interview entail?\nIn your experience, with most people who wanted to be friends with you, were you willing to be friends with them, or not?\nWhich fictional characters have inhumanly good Fe? (Bonus points if they're not an unrealistically idealized character without any flaws.)\nDo you have a long-term plan for your life? In what areas (career, relationships, etc.)? Is it important to you to stick to the plan, or do you expect that you'll probably end up changing it?\nSame! But I wonder why INTPs are willing to forgive but not forget, while INTJs are willing to neither forgive nor forget?\nI've found that reading a book often helps me really experience a certain way of thinking. I appreciate your recommendations. :)\nI've found that reading a book often helps me really experience a certain way of thinking. I appreciate any and all recommendations. :)\nThanks for the recs! I read Stargirl years ago, but I don't remember the details anymore... I'll give it another look. What type do you think Stargirl is? (Do you think she's an INFP, or is it the...\nI've found that reading a book often helps me really experience a certain way of thinking. I appreciate your recommendations. :)\nI've heard a lot of INTJs say that when their trust is broken, you'll never get it back, while INTPs don't seem to make a point of saying that. Are INTPs more willing to forgive than INTJs? Why would...\nI thought it'd be interesting to read an autobiography by an INTP, to see how their type developed and maybe learn things that I could apply to my own type development. Any recommendations? ...\nWe could probably learn a lot by reading a biography of someone of our own type who did really well in life, so that we can use it as an example/inspiration for our type development. What...\nHmm, what's your anchor?\nIf it's not too much trouble, I'd love to hear a specific example. But if it's too much trouble, don't worry about it. :)\nHaha, that reminds me of a quote I read once, Sad is happy for deep people. :) (I think it's paraphrased from Doctor Who.) I feel that way sometimes, too.\nWhat kinds/applications of philosophy are you interested in, then?\nI know that philosophy tends to be an N interest, but I wonder if there are any SPs who are into philosophy? If so, why do you find it interesting? Who are your favorite philosophers?\nI know that philosophy tends to be an N interest, but I wonder if there are any SJs who are into philosophy? If so, why do you find it interesting? Who are your favorite philosophers?\nThanks for your thoughts! Does this mean that you can feel happy whenever you want, by listening to happy music?\nSo it's stuff that's hard to summarize? But that makes it more interesting. :)\nAnd do they have different political styles?\nThat's interesting -- do you usually try to hurt back people who hurt you? My impression was that INTPs are not very retaliatory.\nAnd do they take different approaches toward philosophy, and if so, how are they different?\nAre there any ISFPs who have no interest in art or have no artistic talents?\nI feel like I know what you mean by the scary stage of a relationship, but I'm curious to know how you'd define it.\nThis is a pretty significant problem for me, to the extent where it's one of my primary stressors in life (to be fair, I have a good life overall)... especially when things are going well in general...\nWould you still remember it months later?\nThat's interesting -- do you mean someone telling you that you seem emotionally vulnerable? Does that happen a lot?\nShould I interpret this to mean that you believe that you have no emotional weaknesses at all?\nWhen you create improved theories that work better, do you have any interest in popularizing your improved version, so that others can use it too?\nI have a friend who types himself as INTJ, but who seems like an INTP to me. Another INTJ friend, I initially guessed was ENTJ (has very strong leadership skills and is involved in starting/leading...\nINTJs have an image of being a rational type that isn't susceptible to being hurt by others. But we all have 'chinks in the armor', so to speak. In what situations are you prone to getting hurt?\nWe like to think of ourselves as rational people who aren't very susceptible to being hurt by others. But where are our weak points? In what situations are we prone to getting (emotionally) hurt?\nWhat's your experience with mindfulness meditation?\nBy sensitive, I mean more likely to be hurt by something that someone did. Or are they sensitive in different ways? If so, how are they different?\nThat's interesting that you'd say that chess is an Ni game! I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes sense. And I guess Ni + Te types do best. I've wondered every now and then why I'm not...\nI'm quite comfortable with Ti, Ne, and even Fe. But I've never paid much attention to my Si, and I've recently noticed that it's probably a weak point/blind spot of mine. What can I do to develop it?...\nExamples of theories? I'd love to have created something like MBTI, for instance - a generalization of human behavior.\nAs an INTP, I like creating theories of how things work (the more generalized and broadly applicable, the better). Is that an INTP thing, or do INTJs like to do that too? How do INTJs relate to...\nDo you/have you had a crush on any celebrities or fictional characters? What attracted you to them?\nEgotistical... but INTP is my favorite. I find the ESTP type intriguing. Se and Ti seem rather opposing to me (Se - sensory details, Ti - logic), and with Se/Ti dominant/auxiliary, it's a bit hard...\nHave you been great friends with a type that wasn't supposed to be compatible with yours? I'd love to hear about what the friendship was like (what you guys did together, what you liked and didn't...'