I wonder if it's a direct remake of THE YAKUZA ( i love that film , i'm quite a big ROBERT MITCHUM fan ) Where have you seen the script ? Is it available online ? As for INTO THE SUN , i'm mega-p*ssed that it's gone straight to DVD , if it's budget is believed to be $35m , then i can't fathom , why it hasn't had a limited cinema release , at least . The cover looks cool though , very old school . Adios
I have yet to see this episode but I dont get why it has to be a musical .
did anyone else in the Georgia / Florida region Laugh Out Loud when they instantly recognized " Pacific Playland " as Wild Adventures ? 2010 Academy Award for Best Picture : Avatar
A professor , his grad student / love interest , and a group of partying teens are terrorized by a soldier that was mutated by atomic waste in a local lake . Made for next to nothing , this is done in the style of a 50s B & W B-movie . The acting is intentionally hammy ( which wears off its cuteness in , oh , about 3 minutes ) and the monster design is intentionally silly . The movie is way overlong - - the titular monster doesn't even show up until after an hour ! Up until that point , the audience is subjected to endless " Will they / won't they " situations among main characters , goofy scientific speculations , and endless campfire dance sequences . While not a terrible movie , the " old B-movie imitation " thing has been done already ( and with significantly more entertaining results ) in movies like The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra , Psycho Beach Party , and The Day It Came to Earth . The Monster of Phantom Lake , while obviously a labor of love , brings nothing new to the table and is hardly fun to watch . Definitely skippable .
I could just imagine if Bob Thompson were to appear and give a politicial rant . WHAT'S NEXT ? ! WHAT'S NEXT ? ! WHAT'S NEXT ? ! All I need is one mic . . .
It's interesting that you say that Cassady because it was a lot better than I expected it to be . I expected a movie filled with useless and stupid sequences and terrible acting and cliche scenes like you said it was . But , I actually thought that it was well-developed with a good plot and side-plot , good acting , and some pretty original scenes . As for Jackie Chan , this was probably the best movie I've seen him in . I haven't seen many of his movies but in all of them he seems to be a one-dimensional martial arts master who just does a lot of cool fighting . In this he actually proved that he can act , for me . His character started out as just a cold janitor to a mentor then to a friend to Jadan's character . It also gave you a big look at his past so I don't really understand why you think his character was bad . And , I agree . The car accident monologue was pretty good . Halfblood # 10 Typography ! I'm " appealing "
If you would like to submit a ballot or change an existing one , do so now . This poll will close in 18 to 24 hours . Results of the 1960 poll will be posted probably next Sunday night . Several days after we dispose of 1960 , the 1983 poll will open for business . Following 1983 , we will do . . . 1942 . Ken
It's 30 years after the original film , and guess what ? Felix Unger and Oscar Madison aren't young men anymore . No problem at all . . . after all , even Odd Couple characters themselves can't stay young forever . So that's why people need to get past that and enjoy this criminally underrated sequel for what it is - - - which is a good , wholesome film that happily re-teams Lemmon and Matthau as that cinematic pair of unlikely roommates . Perhaps this reunion would have been better received if audiences hadn't already been " GRUMPY-OLD MEN'd " out by now ; I don't know . But having Felix and Oscar driving around the country to get to a wedding and meeting all sorts of stumbling blocks ( not the least of which are each other ) is a recipe for easy laughs and a good time . Comedy is a subjective thing , it's true . And I found this film quite humorous throughout . But whether one thinks it's funny or not , I've never understood what often sounds like a lot of unnecessary animosity towards its existence ( especially according to Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide ) . It was just what we needed when it was released in 1998 , and it's about as worthy a followup to the classic 1968 original as a 30-years-later sequel can be .
Sure , them 2 are great cool guys , no question about that ( I especially like Don Baker in THE OUTFIT and CHARLEY VARRICK ) , but no leading men and no real super-stars , therefore not in the same league aus Eastwood , Bronson , McQueen . Also Michael MADSEN is pretty cool , but none of them has s string of great " tough guy " - roles in good action movies ( there aren't many good action movies made today , that's also a problem ) . Also the " training ground " for tough-guy actors is gone , because hardly any western are made today . ALL ( ! ) the cool guys of the 50ies to 70ies have made - usually at the beginning of their careers - at least a couple of western to prove their starpower and their " man with no name " - acting capabilities = to give a performance without many words and play straight , which are capabilities not easily to be found today ( Fred WARD can do it , for example ) . Also everything has to have a comic twist today , whereas the tough-guy movies were targeted at the 16 to 30 years of age male audience , every action movie today has to draw the masses , so straight tough-guy roles are tough ( smile ) to find today . . . . . . but there ain't any actor capable of playing them , so I think that IF there would be one , such movies would still be made more often . Anyway , that's my few cents .
I can't stand Britney . She's seems like a disgustingly useless person , but I can understand why people would dislike Monet more . Monet just sits there and nods her head while Britney yaps her jaw and while Britney is spewing all that hate at least she is doing . . . something . What has Monet done ? Well she cried a little last night and became one of the earliest victims of BB insanity . . . or just has a really bad strategy . I dislike both of them about the same , though . An Empty Bottle - http 1emptybottle blogspot com
Night Of The Living Dead is the story of , well , basically life on Earth as we know it coming to an end ; the title says it all . The dead are " living " , or at least roaming about devouring any human ( that isn't dead ) that they come in to contact with . We see this story through a group of random people gathered together in an empty farm house fighting for their lives . The opening scene of this movie is CLASSIC . One of my favorite scene in the history of film . You have a brother and sister visiting their fathers ( I think ) grave site . The brother continually teases his sister who is obviously disturbed by this . " They're coming to get you Babara . Look There is one now . " He says this pointing to an elderly man walking in their direction . Some of the last words he will ever speak . The elderly man approaching them ( of course they don't know he is a zombie ) attacks the Barbara . Her brother tries to fight him off , but is killed in the struggle . And so begins one of the greatest horror films ever made . The tension is gradually raised through out the film as peoples personalities , and ideas on how to combat the gathering mob of living dead outside of their temporary hideaway , begin to conflict with one another . The acting is not top notch I will admit . There are so many other pluses that this matters little if at all , in fact it may add something for some viewers . The story is original in it's telling , and one of the earliest movies of this type before ten low budget copies came out every year . This is not a gore fest , if you want that check out Dawn Of The Dead , instead more of a psychological thriller . This is one of the smartest horror films I have ever seen , and reccomend that you see it as well . This , along with films like Psycho , Rose Mary's Baby , and The Omen , changed the way horror movies are made , and viewed . Though horror films are generally looked down upon , films like these allow us to not feel guilty for admiring the genre
That's a bit of a stretch . I don't know if I buy it . If it was intentional , what was the director trying to accomplish by making Rabbit resemble Alex ? They have nothing in common . I'm just waiting for the sun to shine .
He wrote and directed it , and I can't help but wonder if the monster is supposed ( if perhaps unintentionally ) to represent the worst aspects of the director himself on some level . " You're from the 60s ! Peace love dope ! Back , back to the 60s ! No place for you in the future ! "
It's probably coincidence . For example , Ken is a popular name in both the English speaking world and in Japan . In English , Ken is short for Kenneth or Kendall . In Japanese , Ken is short for Kenshiro . Just like you have Russian males named Yuri and Japanese females named Yuri . Or how about German and Scandinavian males named Kai and Chinese males named Kai . You get the point ? " When I'm good , I'm GOOD . When I'm bad , I'm BETTER . "
If they crahs , they crash . You think MTV is going to pay for a car twice ? ? ? They've since shown a " Where Are They Now " ep several times , look for it . That Josh kid had the nerve to ask for his Civic to be redone after he near demolished it . BTW - You can read what we've said about it under the so named thread in here . The " big knives " were a gift because the kid is an aspiring Chef and he is / was on the grill as a way to support himself in some burger joint , if I'm correct . I thought the coffin styled case they were in was real neat ! ! Rewind to X in the beginning . . . if he wasn't trying to be in a hearse , he surely was not trying be in a coffin either . That much I did catch . . . wait , He did say something related , didn't he ? ? ? I love me , do you love you ?
While I'd have been interested in this film regardless , given its genre ( Noir ) and star ( Vincent Price ) , I knew not to expect much from it in view of Leonard Maltin's dismissive rating . With this in mind , I was amazed to see this programmer restored and released as part of Fox's vaunted Noir series on DVD ahead of much more renowned titles - - but that may have had more to do with the fact that SHOCK has lingered in Public Domain hell for a long time , and the studio was eager to ' reclaim ' its property by preparing an edition that was clearly superior to every other available version ( with respect to print quality , transfer and supplements ) and sell it at a very affordable price ! That said , I've purchased all of Fox's Noir titles save 3 - - SHOCK itself , VICKI ( 1953 ) and NIGHTMARE ALLEY ( 1947 ; though I do own this via the superior " Masters Of Cinema " R2 disc ) - - but , ashamedly , I must admit that I've yet to check out any of them ( and there are even 5 first-time viewings in there ! ) . . . Anyway , after this longish introduction , let's talk about the film proper : watchable ( being a mere 70 minutes long helps ) , not uninteresting in itself ( if decidedly unoriginal - - the doctor who's been commissioned to help restore a girl's sanity is actually the perpetrator of the murder which drove her into a catatonic state to begin with ! ) and quite atmospheric ( a surreal dream sequence is nicely done and the film's highlight is the rather irrelevant sequence where a homicidal inmate attacks the head nurse in the heroine's room one stormy night ) but it's also very formulaic , thus predictable every step of the way ( who could Price be but the villain , albeit a fairly sympathetic one ? ) . . . and , ultimately , too low-key for its own good ( the leading lady is a non-entity - - which considerably dilutes the suspense - - the femme fatale bland and the abrupt wrap-up concludes the film on something of a whimper ) ! I watched this via the Madacy " Vincent Price Collection " DVD which , ostensibly , also includes 3 other PD titles featuring the iconic star - - THE BAT ( 1959 ) and THE LAST MAN ON EARTH ( 1964 ) are there , yes , but HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL ( 1958 ) is nowhere to be found , despite its name appearing on the " Main Menu " screen ( admittedly , the disc I have is a DVD-R and the film may not have been replicated due to a technical glitch ) . . .
If DeFoe's character were the killer he wouldn't suffer from such profound guilt over the death of the girl . Serial killers are sociopaths who don't have empathy for other human beings .
It's strange this movie has not a single French comment . More than any Godard movie ( I must confess I'm not a Godard fan , by a long shot ) , this one depicts a world now gone , the world of the French sixties youth , of the " Mademoiselle Age Tendre " magazine , the world where a " pop " singer Chantal Goya used to sing " Si Tu Gagnes Au flipper " ( " Should you win if you played pinball , you lost my heart , ' cause I know you dated my best friend " exciting huh ? ) . Every year the trendy girls used to elect their " Mademoiselle Age Tendre " and the winner had tons of presents and had the privilege of dining with Johnny Hallyday , Françoise Hardy and other " pop " stars of the era . Godard shows one of the lucky recipients and for once he displays some humor . Abortion and suicide did not exist in the sixties youth world they ( magazines and radios ) built for them , but in Godard's flick , they loom in the background . The director makes a tricky use of the words " féminin " and " fin " . It's Marlene Jobert's first important part . You had to be here , I guess . For people who did not live in France in the sixties , it is an honest time capsule
I 3rd that . Also , she kinda looks like Alexis Bledel . . .
In Her Shoes is Cameron Diaz's best performance . Anton Chigurh is dead and Spider-Man 3 is superior in every way to Funny Games .
I like most of you , almost decided to put him on my ignore list . However , something stopped me , and I'm glad it did . If you read his more recent posts , I'm sure you'll see that HCOI , or at least the one I've seen , isn't a troll . Sounds crazy , but read what he's put and you'll see what I mean . Half Blood # 15 I think I am a son of Poseidon Release the Kraken !
Technically yes , but they werent particularly plot heavy . MGS had a summary of the previous games storylines ( MGS2 may have had those as well as the MGS story , I can ; t remember . ) I have to disagree , MG1 hasn't really got a plot but MG2 Solid Snake has an awesome plot , and it's a game well worth playing . Subsistence is worth owning for Metal Gear 2 alone , which is my favourite game of the series .
Did anyone else notice that there looks like a huge face in the hole in the wall that Ricky punches at the end ? Also , if Ricky could punch a hole in the wall , why didn't he just do that in the very beginning ? Hah . .
http www spoilertv com 2010 01 things very positive for being erica html
It will certainly prolong his career since he won't be subjected to harsh weather conditions nearly as often .
I can't argue with logic like that . Especially when you give props to Lea Thompson . Your Favorite Band Sucks .
Superbowl XXXVI was the final stop for the arrival of the New England Patriots as champions . With uncertainty surrounding the Patriots ' quarterback situation , the team was not favored by anyone outside of the organization , but proved the doubters wrong .
Excellent news ! I was getting sick and tired of those * beep * snap cases those warner weasels kept packaging great films in . Hopefully they will re-release Blade Runner or The Exorcist next , because both those films also need better treatment . Or any of Kubrick's films . I mean Dr . Strangelove got such a nice 2-disc edition , I think it would be nice to see his other films receive the same treatment .
You're a retard . All the turtles are free , as turtles , and maybe all creatures , should be .
Stop ! !
Good for you .
The Boss , filmed from a script by the blacklisted and hence uncredited Dalton Trumbo , starts in 1919 and ends somewhere in the Great Depression . It's about the corruption of a municipal machine that focuses on demobbed doughboy John Payne who , when his older brother dies , inherits his political clout . On the night of his return he godrunk and married a stranger he comes to scorn ( Gloria McGhee , whomakes you yearn for more of her ) . His only unwavering loyalty lies withan old wartime buddy ( William Bishop ) , who has married the girl Payne loved . So all his passion goes into strengthening his hold over the city , including forging an unholy alliance with the ( unnamed ) Mafia . Despite a precisely staged shootout in the train depot ( did Brian De Palma borrow from this as well as from The Battleship Potemkin , for The Untouchables ? ) , The Boss is really a somewhat Kane-ish look at the rise and fall of a lone wolf ; Payne's tough yet touching performance lends an almost tragic tinge . The result is an involving period piece that dwells on the late fringes of film noir . ( One topical note : the men's costumes were by Dick Cheney . )
After watching " The Dark Knight " with some friends of mine , they all said it was too thrilling with non-stop action . I thought it barely had ANY of this , which is why I didn't like it . " Eagle Eye has a whole lot of it that I wish it would slow down a bit . The story focuses around a boy who works at a photocopy machine store named Jerry Shaw ( Shia LeBeouf ) who just finds out that his twin brother died . After coming home to his apartment he discovers a lot of illegal weapons and such in his room . That's when he gets " The Mysterious Phone Call " about the FBI coming . He soon starts to wonder if they meant to ship the stuff to his brother whom the FBI thought was a terrorist . He finds himself getting a bunch of phone calls from a female computer voice commanding him what to do and where to go . So Jerry and a lady he finds along the way who has just sent her son on a train to the white house to perform for the president learns that if SHE doesn't do what the computer tells her to , then her son dies . So the computer is basically trying to lead Jerry to her to unlock her , because she is an extremely smart computer created by a secret group called " Eagle Eye " . There's a bit of a weird twist in the middle , and the ending just kinda ends . I thought there was too much action and suspense for any character development , and a lot of the time you just want to pause the movie to catch your breath . The acting was fairly good for what little there was , and a very creepy death scene that made me gasp out loud . So if you're a fan of Shia or Spielberg , or you want a fun action movie , Eagle Eye is probably what you're looking for .
I haven't ! I really like my hair color but im thinking of getting highlights . maybe . possibly . it depends how much i chicken out . But i refuse to ever dye the whole thing . Blanket !
Fear in the Night brings to mind Edgar G . Ulmer's legendary Detour in its brevity , its cast of unknowns , and its technical primitiveness . It doesn't have that film's crude and daring originality , though . Basically it's the story of a nightmare that turns out to be true ( in fact it was remade in the 50s as Nightmare , with Edward G . Robinson ) . The whole premise of the plot is of such an implausibility that it's hard to take seriously , but if you close your mind and swallow it , the film develops a certain sleazy integrity . If you clicked onto this movie during a long , sleepless night of the soul , you'd probably stay till the ( metaphorical ) dawn .
The reason he ignored corporate handouts is because that isn't wasting taxpayer money . A corporation can do what it wants with it's profits . You don't know what you're talking about . I was referring to handouts that the government GIVES to corporations . That's why the corporations hire all those well-paid lobbyists who spend all day long wining and dining our politicians . That's why Republicans passed laws that actually GIVE TAXPAYER MONEY AWARDS to corporations that relocate their factories OVERSEAS , thus robbing Americans of jobs . Because the coroporations bribed Republican politicians to make that the law .
Oshima's last film to date is only the fourth of his that I've watched - following IN THE REALM OF THE SENSES ( 1976 ) , EMPIRE OF PASSION ( 1978 ) and , more recently while in Hollywood , DEATH BY HANGING ( 1968 ) - and it's arguably one of his strongest and most compelling efforts , proving that his considerable talent didn't dissipate with the passage of time . As is the director's fashion and , indeed , the title itself would suggest , the film treats the controversial issue of homosexuality in a school for samurai during the 1900s . Thankfully , though , there's no graphic display of sexuality here - as was the case with the pornographic REALM ; what we do get , however , is an exquisitely photographed recreation of the period ( utilizing red and blue filters for maximum effect ) , set to a simple but evocative score from Ryuichi Sakamoto . The cast is surprisingly headed by Takeshi Kitano under his acting nom-de-plume of " Beat " Takeshi and , as always , he delivers a quietly impressive performance ; the fight scenes , while not particularly spectacular apart from a couple of bloody beheadings , create the required tension and certainly keep one watching . The latter stages of the film , which involves a hunt for the serial killer of homosexual samurai ( ! ) , provide a welcome touch of mystery and lead to an unexpected but wholly satisfying conclusion .
Wow , I can't access that a-ladye account anymore but this is my user name and here's my DVD set and the titles on it from Ebay . Disc One Pilot Show Dog Hot Dog At The Zoo Doggone Girl Is Mine Enemy Dog Eye On The Sparrow Disc 2 Call of the Mild Dog Days of Summer Party Animal Family Dog Goes Homeless Family God Gets Good & Sick Bonus - Mummy Daddy . I've forgotten how the quality is because I have not watched this since . . . wooooah , 2005 or 6 . Will let you know . Does anyone remember Family Dog ? He was soooo cute ! !
Don't get me wrong , I love Thora birch in pretty much everything I've seen her in . ( Anyone see her in The Hole . That was crazy . ) But Lauren Ambrose is , IMO , a better actor . And Claire was a better character than Birch's in American Beauty . Birch in Ghost World is a tougher call , but Ambrose wins that one out too .
Raptor : " Where the heck's my agent ? I was supposed to be in a Speilberg movie ! Why am I even in this low-budget dreck ? "
It's not a direct adaptation of any of the games . SURPRISE ! ! The movie series has gone off in its own direction from the beginning . The first and second movies were the most similar to the games , and they really shared little with them beyond the locations , monsters , and character names . These are action movies . I haven't seen anything in them that's any more ridiculous than what you would see in a movie from the Transporter series or a similar fantasy action flick like a superhero movie . If you don't like the series , that's fine . I definitely don't see them as shining cinematic achievements , myself . But complaining that they're not the way that you want them to be is just pointless . Movies I've seen in 2010 : http www flixster com movie list 2010 movies 6
I think the $5 goodie bags with the cheap toys is normal . When I was a kid it was usually those little plastic bags with some cartoon printed on it , filled with those party favors ( toy water guns , maze tops , kazoos ) and candy . Giving children $100's worth goodie bags is ridiculous . Goodie bags in general is stupid . Celebrities shouldn't get even more free sh-t when they can already afford everything . I don't care if it is free publcity . Rarely do I look at a celeb and say I want something because so-and-so has it . Of course I realize those kinds of people do exist , but I'd like to think they make up a small portion of the population . Besides it's that kids day , not the others . I can only imagine what the parents have to give them when they see 80 kids walking out with $100 good bags each . All money , no sense . If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise , we don't believe in it at all
on micheal bays imdb page , its BACK in the " under devolopment " section hooray !
No . I would have been iffy on getting it with the episode that year holds , and the lack of extra features just put it over the top . It was mostly a marketing product for the 20th anniversary . I suspect they'll end up releasing a season 20 set that isn't so bare bones in a few years , so I'd rather not waste money on this one . I would imagine I would feel the same way even if it was a season I actually liked .
When an eccentric millionaire is killed in a train accident - - that's what you get for standing on the rail tracks , bub - - his family contests his will , which leaves his estate intact for three years and then leaves it to the idiot ( Ernesto Colli , who looks a bit like Royal Dano ) adopted into the family . ( When I say idiot , I mean it in the old-fashioned way . ) Greedy daughter Simone ( Femi Benussi ) and the rest of the family are determined to get their hands on the money , and will stop at nothing - - including murder - - to get it . This Italian thriller is relatively intriguing , well-paced , and features a wonderful go-go score by Stefano Torossi . I'd love to know who the band is that mime Torossi's music , because the bass player was clearly enjoying himself !
Saying you follow Velikovsky is like admitting to following von Däniken . David Down is one of the Adventist archaeologists I mentioned . Your question would be better asked of worov - he's discussed The Sign of the Cross before , if I recall . http www imdb com user ur0780943 boards profile § " The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters . " §
The movie relies on keeping the threat mysterious for its suspense and scares , which is good , and works . But in a movie with so many necessary " unknowns " the filmmakers added in too many further confusing elements that didn't need to be mysterious or confusing . Examples : * The after-credits scene . I guess based on threads here , the director put this in as a personal in-joke / get-well card for the lead actress . Fine , but for the actual audience of the film trying to understand what happened in the movie this is kind of like an unintentional ( ? ) slap in the face , like the director is making fun of us for trying to understand what we just saw by throwing in pure nonsense . * The obituaries scene . Grant reads obituaries of whole families who slaughtered each other . How did he manage to get this information when the entire town is in chaos ? Who supposedly witnessed all of these deaths and how each one occurred ? Or is he just making stuff up like in the earlier scene where he improvises a drunken tall tale on top of the story about the ice-hut hostage crisis ? When did they collect all of this information ? The story seems to take place in near real time , but somewhere along the way they got on the phone and took down the information for all of these obituaries ? * The scene where Grant wants to leave the station . He looks outside and says that nothing appears to be going wrong outside , then seconds later they slam the door shut and there is a huge crowd instantly banging on the doors and windows that were close enough to hear and start chanting a line from the argument between Grant and Sydney when they were still inside the building , before they even took a look outside . Eh ? I liked the movie and found it intriguing , but it seems like it could have been better without some of the unnecessary vagueness .
It's London's autumn of terror - - 1888 - - when Jack the Ripper stalked the slums of Whitechapel to eviscerate gin-soaked prostitutes and shake the capital of the British Empire to its foundations . John Brahm's movie opens on the gas-lit and fog-wreathed cobblestones , evocatively shot by Lucien Ballard , in this umpteenth recension of Marie Belloc Lowndes ' evergreen chiller The Lodger ( Alfred Hitchcock did a silent treatment in 1927 , and Jack Palance would star in Man in the Attic in 1954 , to name but two of its closest cousins ) . The crafty Mrs . Lowndes may have been the first to use that surefire scare tactic ' the call is coming from inside the house ! ' The gimmick of her story is that the fiend has a respectable face and may have taken lodgings under a respectable roof while its respectable occupants remain oblivious but imperiled . Brahm's choice of lodger is Laird Cregar , whose enormous bulk - - he was six-three and 300 pounds - - made him look perpetually 45 , though he was only 28 when he died , shortly after making this movie . ( His last , released posthumously the following year , was the somewhat similar Hangover Square , which Brahm also directed ) . The rooms he takes ( including an attic ' laboratory ' complete with gas fire for his experiments ) belong to Cedric Hardwicke and Sara Allgood , whose niece Merle Oberon , a music-hall star , lives there as well . When Laird is invited to attend one of Oberon's can-can numbers , he rants and raves about painted and powdered woman and finally erupts : ' I can show you something more beautiful than a beautiful woman , ' whereupon he produces a photograph of his dead brother , who came to ruin through consorting with wicked women ( there's the merest insinuation of syphilitic insanity ) . Clearly , the lodger has unresolved issues . The Ripper legend and Lowndes ' telling of it are so familiar it needs no retracing , save to note that George Sanders plays the smitten Scotland Yard Detective and that Brahm delivers all the expected chills . But then this German emigrant always fared better with the spooky and the Victorian than with the hard-boiled and American . The Lodger counts among his finer hours-and-a-half .
A quick Google search turned up numerous stories of orca and beluga whales being shipped via 767s . A humpback is significantly larger than an orca , but then again a 747 is significantly larger than a 767 . I'm not saying I know they could do it , but I don't share your conviction that they couldn't .
Although I liked the film's visual and musical style , and the production design was good , " Friends And Family " suffers from a terrible script and poor casting . The idea that two gay lovers would be part of a mafia ring is both silly and not credible . And the subplot of the paramilitary militia , as comedy , is stupid in the extreme . When you take these two plot contrivances out of the script , you don't have a story . I don't know what the screenwriter and the director were thinking ; but this dreadful concept does not work . The other big problem here is the casting . The two male lead actors ( Greg Lauren and Christopher Gartin , both of whom are obviously straight ) have zero chemistry as gay lovers . Did they have in their contracts some stipulation that they would play gay roles only if they didn't have to touch each other ? That's the impression that their so-called " performances " convey . Whatever reason , their on-screen " relationship " is more like best buddies with girlfriends who never show up . Casting truly gay actors , no matter how little talent they had , would have been more convincing . With the gay Richard character so flamboyant , and with all those drag queens , one wonders if the real intent of this film was actually to perpetuate gay stereotypes . As such , this movie seems like some cheaply made cinematic throwback to an earlier era , say the early 1980s , closer in time to " The Godfather " , and when " gay " TV sitcoms and movies like " Tootsie " existed for viewers to laugh at gay people . " Friends And Family " is strictly for the Disney crowd and retro viewers . It's comfy , palatable , shallow fluff lacking in both real-world credibility and thematic depth .
I mentioned the speech in my review when I said Omi was the saving grace of the entire film . The call back to the Bimal Roy / Guru Dutt art-films of the 1950's was great and would expect it from Hirani , it was one of the only scenes where the film's well made comedy scenes . But see , the film is 3 hours long . Kareena's sisters marriage was not funny . Such comedy has been done , it's become cliche by now . Javed's house scene was again typical overused comedy . Switched ash tray ? Been there , done that . Ever watched RUSH HOUR ?
Picture-perfect movie about a tobacco lobbyist who makes a living out of shilling fags and selling the message : hey , so cigarettes are deadly , but let's for the love of god not ever think about banning them . The movie loosely follows the concept of " Meet The Osbournes " , porn documentaries and " Goodfellas " in that it allows us to spend time with people who fascinate us , but whom we'd rather avoid actually meeting , and would in all truth prefer to have shot or locked up . Director Jason Reitman ( son of director Ivan Reitman of Ghostbusters fame ) deftly uses Christopher Buckley's novel ( Chris being the son of William F . Buckley ) by adopting much of the dialogue while focusing much of the story on our antihero's surprisingly unglamorous , everyday trials and tribulations , such as dealing with his estranged son and the ruins of his marriage . I think that this is a very smart move as it gives the movie depth and story , and compliments the sardonic dialogue nicely . The lead is played by Aaron Eckhart , by the way , who is the son of Eckhart the elder , who also had a very big chin but never amounted to anything . Fascinating bit of trivia there .
There's more Hammer horror ( and other horror ) on TCM in October than just in those few days listed above . It's a regular feature that month , in fact . Fri . , Oct . 1 : 8 : 00 PM Horror of Dracula ( 1958 ) The legendary count tries to turn his enemies ' women into his bloodthirsty brides . Cast : Peter Cushing , Christopher Lee , Michael Gough . Dir : Terence Fisher . C-82 mins , TV-PG 9 : 30 PM Brides Of Dracula , The ( 1960 ) A handsome vampire stalks the students at a remote girl's school . Cast : Peter Cushing , Martita Hunt , Yvonne Monlaur . Dir : Terence Fisher . C-85 mins , 11 : 00 PM Dracula , Prince of Darkness ( 1966 ) Four travelers unwittingly revive the bloodsucking count . Cast : Christopher Lee , Barbara Shelley , Andrew Keir . Dir : Terence Fisher . C-90 mins , TV-14 12 : 45 AM Dracula Has Risen From the Grave ( 1969 ) Dracula goes after the niece of the monsignor who destroyed his castle . Cast : Christopher Lee , Rupert Davies , Veronica Carlson . Dir : Freddie Francis . C-92 mins , 2 : 30 AM Psychomania ( 1973 ) When her son and his motorcycle gang are killed , a witch brings them back to life . Cast : Beryl Reid , George Sanders , Nicky Henson . Dir : Don Sharpe . C-86 mins , TV-14 , Letterbox Format Fri . , Oct . 8 : 8 : 00 PM Plague of the Zombies , The ( 1966 ) A small town noble uses zombies to work his tin mine and kill his enemies . Cast : Andre Morell , Diane Clare , John Carson . Dir : John Gilling . C-90 mins , TV-14 9 : 45 PM Devil's Bride , The ( 1968 ) Small town Satanists lure an innocent brother and sister into their coven . Cast : Christopher Lee , Charles Gray , Nike Arrighi . Dir : Terence Fisher . C-96 mins , TV-14 11 : 30 PM Reptile , The ( 1966 ) Indian snake worshippers turn an explorer's daughter into a hideous monster . Cast : Noel Willman , Jennifer Daniel , Jacqueline Pearce . Dir : John Gilling . C-90 mins , TV-PG 1 : 15 AM Gorgon , The ( 1964 ) A mythical monster turns men to stone in a remote European village . Cast : Christopher Lee , Peter Cushing , Richard Pasco . Dir : Terence Fisher . C-83 mins , TV-PG , Letterbox Format 2 : 45 AM Let's Kill Uncle ( 1966 ) When his orphaned nephew inherits a fortune , a former spy plots to kill him . Cast : Nigel Green , Mary Badham , Pat Cardi . Dir : William Castle . C-92 mins , 4 : 30 AM Thirteen Frightened Girls ( 1963 ) A diplomat's daughter gets mixed up in international intrigue and murder . Cast : Murray Hamilton , Joyce Taylor , Hugh Marlowe . Dir : William Castle . C-88 mins , TV-PG , CC , Letterbox Format Fri . , Oct . 15 : 8 : 00 PM Mummy , The ( 1959 ) A resurrected mummy stalks the archaeologists who defiled his tomb . Cast : Peter Cushing , Christopher Lee , Yvonne Furneaux . Dir : Terence Fisher . C-88 mins , TV-PG , CC , Letterbox Format 9 : 45 PM Curse of the Mummy's Tomb , The ( 1964 ) An unearthed mummy returns to life to claim the reincarnation of his lost love . Cast : Terence Morgan , Jeanne Roland , Fred Clark . Dir : Michael Carreras . C-80 mins , TV-PG , CC , Letterbox Format 11 : 15 PM Mummy's Shroud , The ( 1967 ) The words on an Egyptian prince's burial shroud revive a vengeful mummy . Cast : Andre Morell , John Phillips , Elizabeth Sellars . Dir : John Gilling . C-90 mins , 1 : 00 AM Blood From the Mummy's Tomb ( 1971 ) An evil Egyptian princess ' sprit possesses an Egyptologist's daughter . Cast : Andrew Keir , Valerie Leon , James Villiers . Dir : Seth Holt . C-94 mins Fri . , Oct . 22 : 8 : 00 PM X The Unknown ( 1956 ) A radioactive ooze terrorizes a remote Scottish village . Cast : Dean Jagger , Leo McKern , Anthony Newley . Dir : Leslie Norman . BW-81 mins , 9 : 30 PM Five Million Years To Earth ( 1968 ) Subway excavations unearth a deadly force from beyond space and time . Cast : Andrew Keir , James Donald , Barbara Shelley . Dir : Roy Ward Baker . C-98 mins , TV-PG , Letterbox Format 11 : 15 PM These Are the Damned ( 1963 ) Children bred to survive a nuclear holocaust escape from a top-secret military facility . Cast : Macdonald Carey , Shirley Anne Field , Oliver Reed . Dir : Joseph Losey . BW-95 mins , TV-PG , Letterbox Format 1 : 00 AM Stranglers of Bombay , The ( 1960 ) Interoffice politics complicate a British agent's fight to stop a murderous cult in India . Cast : Guy Rolfe , Jan Holden , Andrew Cruickshank . Dir : Terence Fisher . BW-80 mins , 2 : 30 AM Boogens , The ( 1982 ) Four vacationing college students unearth deadly creatures locked up in an abandoned mine . Cast : Rebecca Balding , Fred McCarren , Anne-Marie Martin . Dir : James L . Conway . C-95 mins , 4 : 15 AM Night Of The Lepus ( 1972 ) Husband-and-wife scientists unwittingly unleash a horde of giant man-eating rabbits . Cast : Stuart Whitman , Janet Leigh , Rory Calhoun . Dir : William F . Claxton . C-89 mins , TV-14 , Letterbox Format Sun . Oct . 24 / early Mon . , Oct . 25 12 : 00 AM Nosferatu ( 1922 ) In this silent film , a beautiful woman risks her life to end a vampire's plague of death and pestilence . Cast : Max Schreck , Gustav von Wangenheim , Greta Schroder . Dir : F . W . Murnau . BW-89 mins , TV-PG 2 : 00 AM Vampyr - Der Traum des Allan Grey ( 1932 ) Classic tale of a young traveler finding himself in a sinister castle . Cast : Julian West , Maurice Schutz , Rena Mandel . Dir : Carl Theodor Dreyer . BW-72 mins , TV-PG 3 : 30 AM Return of the Vampire , The ( 1944 ) A vampire terrorizes a British family during World War II . Cast : Bela Lugosi , Frieda Inescort , Nina Foch . Dir : Lew Landers . BW-69 mins , TV-PG 4 : 45 AM Count Yorga , Vampire ( 1970 ) Two couples at a siance are taken in by a slick count who's really a vampire . Cast : Robert Quarry , Roger Perry , Michael Murphy . Dir : Bob Kelijan . C-93 mins , TV-14 , CC , Letterbox Format And there are others ( like ALIEN and EARTH VS . THE FLYING SAUCERS ) scattered throughout the month . - - - " The Dig " http cinemarchaeologist blogspot com
Awww man , I bought the DVD collection b / c I was trying to remember why that song is stuck in my head . OK , does the mummy ever unravel in an ep ? I am having trouble remember this show except for where they are all at their instruments playing . It is the only show with these same characters in it around that time period right ? ! ? ! ? So lost . . . . and about to go sell this DVD set because at today's age , it is boring me . Sorry . Thanks loads to both of you for your help . I love me , do you love you ?
I give it a 9 . 5 out of 10 . 1 . The Marshall Mathers LP - 10 / 10 2 . The Eminem Show - 10 / 10 3 . Recovery - 9 . 5 / 10 4 . Relapse - 8 . 5 / 10 5 . The Slim Shady LP - 8 . 5 / 10 6 . Encore - 6 . 5 / 10 Best tracks - " Space Bound " , " Almost Famous " , " 25 to Life " . FYC : Toy Story 3 , Scorcese , Stiller , Sarah Polley , Moretz , Jackie Earle Haley .
This was pretty disappointing . Especially considering it was only released nine months after Spiderman , which was a great superhero movie . Ben Affleck's wooden acting does no justice to the movie , and the ending was disappointing . The story follows Matt Murdock . When he was a boy , he was blinded by toxic waste . This waste also enhanced his senses . When he grows up , he uses these enhanced senses to become a superhero known as Daredevil . Matt Murdock eventually becomes a target of Kingpin . A hit-man named Bullseye is hired by Kingpin to kill Daredevil . Matt Murdock's love interest , Elektra , becomes involved after Bullseye kills her father . She believes that Daredevil killed him . She is very unaware that Matt Murdock is Daredevil . Daredevil has an okay plot , but I still think it tries too hard to live up to Spiderman . This is a dark movie , and it does have a lot of action , with style , but it still failed to be a good movie . I would recommend this for someone who is a fan of superhero movies . While I didn't really like this movie , it is head and shoulders above The Hulk . However , if you want to watch a good superhero movie , watch Spiderman . You'll spend your time more wisely with that movie .
I have the same exact problem .
Wholesome gal Phyllis Thaxter lives with her upper-middle-class parents and plans to wed soon . But she's beginning to cause some concern ; she's prone to odd fainting spells - - blackouts , really - - and to wandering the deserted streets of her midwestern city at night . Scant wonder , because living inside her , and clawing to get out , is Audrey Totter ! Totter , in fact , gives perhaps the most chilling voice-of-the-demon performance until Mercedes McCambridge gave us Pazuzu in The Exorcist . Capitalizing on the heightened interest in abnormal psychology spurred by the return of shell-shocked veterans , Bewitched latches onto a tabloid-worthy subject - - multiple personality disorder . It's noteworthy in doing so a dozen years before both Lizzie and The Three Faces of Eve , in which , respectively , Eleanor Parker and Joanne Woodward ( who nabbed the Oscar ) displayed similar symptoms . Footnotes in medical journals probably do not cite any of these movies , so facile is their treatment of a troubling and controversial syndrome . Thaxter tries a geographical cure , fleeing to New York where she falls in love with a lawyer ( Stephen McNally ) . But when her old fiancé tracks her down , Totter , who apparently wasn't left behind , emerges to kill him with a pair of scissors . Then comes a stylized courtroom fantasy lifted all but intact from Boris Ingster's Stranger On The Third Floor , followed by a real murder trial . Wise old psychiatrist Edmund Gwynne explains everything to us , along with the Governor and his wife , and then proceeds to exorcize Totter ( who , by the way , calls herself Karen ) . Apart from Thaxter's nocturnal excursion , there's little original or striking about the movie . That we see the good girl but only hear the bad one is a big part of the problem . The extra energy that might have come from seeing Karen in action - - for that matter , from casting Totter on-screen - - gets thrown away . They picked the wrong personality .
I think he looks like Greg Proops from Whose Line Is It Anyway
It's pretty much an up-and-down affair , with recent SEAGAL movies . SUBMERGED is ' middle ground ' , as it's better than OUT OF REACH , but not as good as INTO THE SUN . The plot of SUBMERGED ( as with most SEAGAL movies ) is simple , yet all these recent euro-productions feel the need to compensate with too much plot threads ( that usually go nowhere , and are therefore filler ) . . . . . . SUBMERGED is full of filler . SEAGAL looks bored in this one , but it's hard to tell , because most ( and i mean MOST ) of his lines are dubbed ( ? ) This dubbing must surely contribute to about 70 % of his dialogue ( but to be fair , other characters sound dubbed at some time or other ) The movie opens up , with some pretty cool images of nightmarish visions ( product of a mind controlling machine , no less ! ) then cuts to a team of commando's ( led by s-t-v martial-arts maestro GARY DANIELS ) being captured ( apparently set up ) and subsequently brain-washed . The shadowy government , then spring ' anti-terrorist-agent ' SEAGAL from military prison ( for a crime he didn't . . . blah , blah ) and also release his crack team of soldiers , to find the missing commando's and capture the bad guys . But the government is lying to SEAGAL , as they consider him and his team " expendable " . It seems that certain members of the government have connections with the sinister inventor of the mind controlling device . On paper , this sounds good . . . . . . . . but on screen it does drag a little . The expected ' rumble ' between SEAGAL and DANIELS is short ( yet only one of the TWO short fight scenes , the ' stout sensei ' has ) The cast , however is slightly better , than some recent SEAGAL epics . VINNIE JONES gives his usual ' cockney tough guy ' performance ( and he's certainly enjoying himself ! ) and it's good to see P . H MORIARTY ( a legend to any self respecting fan of THE LONG GOOD Friday ) NICK BRIMBLE ( who also turned up in the dull OUT OF REACH ) gives a good turn as the megalomaniac inventor . SEAGAL is still a bad-ass ( when given the chance ) but the dubbing issue , is slightly off-putting ( and in this day and age , not necessary ) ANTHONY HICKOX does a good job directing ( given the limited budget ) and to be fair , SUBMERGED has pretty much non-stop action ( but not many SEAGAL fighting scenes ) The scenes at the opera are professionally done , and betray the small budget ( more scenes of this calibre , would have helped ) Overall , SUBMERGED is good when it's good , but terrible when it's bad . It helps being a SEAGAL fan , when watching these movies . Hopefully recent ( rumoured ) law-suits against SEAGAL ( for a distinct and evergrowing general lack of interest ) for future film releases , forces SEAGAL to make more of an effort . His fans know exactly what he's capable of , but phoning in his performances , certainly gives great ammo for his critics . SUBMERGED is watchable action fare , with echoes of TIMEBOMB ( bizzare 1991 MICHAEL BIEHN movie ) and THE DIRTY DOZEN ( but with some rather iffy CGI work ) This is , however , a high amount of blood and violence ( a welcome return , in SEAGAL movies ) Against all these odds , i liked it , but most regular movie fans may be wary . I'm looking forward to the upcoming TODAY YOU DIE , hopefully it feature more SEAGAL-ism , than this one . Big lee gives this film
I've watched this three times in the last few days , and I feel like watching it again as I write this . It's extremely complex ; even more so than the other Paul Thomas Anderson movies . I know how I feel about it , but it's almost impossible to communicate it with words .   There are so many characters and so many loosely connected plot lines , but I  never once felt lost . The fact that this three hour movie never once feels tedious or drawn-out , is absolutely amazing . It's incredibly easy to watch and get swept up in the events of these people's lives . Some of them are much more interesting than others . A few of the characters and story lines held little interest for me , but what John C . Reilly , Tom Cruise , and ( especially ) Melora Walters do here is just amazing . I never thought I'd see a movie with Philip Seymour Hoffman and William H . Macy in it where they weren't the best actors , but as good as they were , they can't hold a candle to the three performances I just mentioned . This isn't for everyone . That's an understatement . Some people will find it pretentious . Others , will find certain events absurd . And most people will find themselves searching for the meaning of it all , after it ends . Magnolia is the kind of movie that requires repeated viewings , so be aware of that . Every single time I've watched it , I've understood and loved it a little bit more . Once you watch that final scene and feel something click inside you , you'll know that you've seen something special . Something so ambitious and unique that there's really little I can compare it to .        
I don't really know , everyone is entitled to their own opinion .
the fact that it came out of a thread by Chof or Vinod itself makes it void of any sense , logic or understanding .
Men Of War , Silent Trigger , The Defender , Dark Angel ( I Come In Peace ) . . . http www rocknload net http www dolph ultimate com
Exactly . I respect Reese as an actress , but movies like Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama are a definite far cry from this one . This was before she made a name for herself . I did like her in Election though . " English ? Who needs that ? I'm never going to England . "
Best Film - - The Wizard of Oz Best Tornadoes - - Twister ^ ^ Is anyone really going to disagree with this ?
then do not watch CID ! Juhi fans , stay away from this one at any cost !
give 1 and take 1 point . you can only vote once a day . each performance / actor starts with 20 . carry on until we have a winner . simples . ( Oh , and if the actor / performance you'd choose isn't up here , tough sh ! t . . . ) River Phoenix IS Chris Chambers in Stand By Me - 22 Wil Weaton IS Gordie Lachance in Stand By Me - 15 Corey Feldman IS Teddy Duchamp in Stand By Me - 20 Jerry O Connel IS Vern Tessio in Stand By Me - 18 Drew Barrymore IS Gertie in ET : The Extra-Terrestrial - 51 ( + 1 ) Brad Renfro IS Mark Sway in The Client - 9 ( - 1 ) Thomas Turgoose IS Shaun in This Is England - 7 Leonardo Dicaprio IS Arnie Grape in What's Eating Gilbert Grape ? - 16 Christian Bale IS Jamie Graham in Empire of the Sun - 20 Anna Paquin IS Flora Mcgrath in The Piano - 20 Dakota Fanning IS Lucy Diamond Dawson in I Am Sam - 20 Edward Furlong IS John Connor in Terminator 2 : Judgement Day - 21 Jeff Cohen IS Chunk Cohen in The Goonies - 21 Sean Astin IS Mikey Walsh in The Goonies - 20 ELIMINATED :
Rocky III .
Whispering City's locale is Quebec City , that odd European fortress set high over the St . Lawrence River ; it comes to Gallic life more fully here than in Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess , made a few years later . The death in an auto accident of a long-retired actress spurs crime reporter Mary Anderson to work up a feature story ; the woman was sent to a sanitarium years before for insisting that her fiance's death was actually murder . Pursuing a lead , Anderson interviews a prosperous benefactor of the arts ( Paul Lukas ) , who seems curiously bothered by the visit . Currently , Lukas serves as the patron of an impoverished young pianist / composer ( Helmut Dantine ; the two actors both appeared in Watch on the Rhine ) . Dantine is working on something called The Quebec Concerto ; an oddly scored work , its orchestra features a Sousaphone rearing its brassy bell . An overcomplicated but still compelling plot involves Dantine's disturbed shrew of a wife , who's dependent on injections to make her sleep ; the discovery of her suicide , which is made to look like murder ( well , it seemed to work once ) ; a blackmail scheme to engineer another murder ; and a faked death made to look like yet another murder . ( Eagle-Lion was not known for the elegant simplicity of its plots . ) Oddly , it all works , if a bit creakily . Mary Anderson suggests two-thirds Teresa Wright and a third Bonita Granville ; the latter impression no doubt derives from her sleuthing around in a jaunty tam , like Nancy Drew . She has the distinction ( as does the director , the short-lived Fedor Ozep , as he's credited here ) of helping to make the best Nancy Drew mystery ever released . That's faint praise , but praise nonetheless .
^ That's what I'm thinking , even though he doesn't save them . Half Blood # 15 I think I am a son of Poseidon Release the Kraken !
Nothing etched in stone about these two , ladies and gentleman . But it is a theory that has gained much currency over the last half-century . As for the notion of Eve being gay as absurd , consider this - - this is a woman who would do ( literally and figuratively ) anything to get ahead . Though she fails , she tries to use her wiles on leading playwright and a successful director . Again , not really taking a positon here , but if you use her behavior toward men as as a gauge , there are at least ten reasons why she can still be a lesbian . Indeed , it may even reinforce that view . Don't you snap your finger at ME , lady .
A sequel for Driven To Kill would be great . In fact , it would make great series . wrecks havoc on various Russian Mafia incarnations around his sunny resort . Every episode should start with him reciting from the book that he's writing and the recitation should hint at what would the episode be about . Then he's called in to do the job , then at the end he's back finishing his chapter and reciting the conclusions with that spotless accent of his . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dance godammit
Well , I think FARGO is overrated and so I'm going to continue to say so . As for MAGUIRE and it's catchphrases , I'm not the biggest " catchphrase " person anyway . That stuff doesn't blow me away or hook me into liking a movie ; it's the more genuine moments that draw me in and that I remember . Cruise's entirely credible performance and chemistry with the cast is what convinces me of that film's value . With JFK , well , I guess my point is that I don't believe all that stuff in it and I can't see how many people could ; that's not why I think the film is great . JFK , however , is great filmmaking and vivid in it's presentation , however " fictional " it all might be . It puts the viewer in that time and place and that mindset and still has a LOT of authentic details that makes one THINK that this could have happened . Guess we differ .
By " Jeff Fahey " , I mean Eddie Kaye . And by " Don Johnson " , I mean Sonny Crockett . And by 1986 , I mean Miami Vice . I sorta doubt that these two have worked together since that time , and the Ferrari explosion ( http www youtube com watch v IkJvfET2 L0 ) was so pivotal in the series . It must have been interesting for the two of them to work together again after all these years .
Oddly enough , they're about the calmest act on the whole comp . Sort of a shame since they do noise so well . But still , not bad . And in other news If you ever make your way by the " No Longer Forgetten Music " blog , look for XX Committee's " Steel Negro Music " . I gave it some rather high praise in a thread above - probably too high , but that's just the nature of the beast . I love rythmic clanging . Cheers , Schizo http www youtube com watch v r2DVsQDOGkc
Happy Birthday ! CELTICS 2008 CHAMPIONS ! ! GO 2008 CELTICS ! ! ! ( 56-19 ) PATRIOTS FINAL RECORD ( 11-5 )
I hate to join this because I am an Anglophile and could care less about the OP but , meneliks - It is true that we did not join WWII until after Pearl Harbor was bombed but if you bothered to read your history you'd know that long before then we were constantly sending aid to England and because of that we lost thousands thanks to German U-boats lurking in the Atlantic picking us off . Britain needed the aid and being friends off course we should have sent it them , but DO NOT dare to downplay our role in helping England or try to paint America as selfish because we didn't " offically " join until after the attacks of 1941 . Your comment spits in the faces of the thousands that lost their lives helping to feed Britian . As for the Queen , maybe I'm not a total Anglophile because I could give two * beep * about Royalty but I know most ( some ) of the English are still in love with the Monarchy , however it would be best to stop putting them on a pedestal for what little they did during WWII . If anything Winston Chruchill should be more revered for if it weren't for him England would have entered into an alliance with Hitler . The Moanrchy was willing to hand Hilter England on a silver platter , granted it would have saved lives but had Chruchill not gone behind their backs who knows how WWII would have turned out . As for the OP stop hiding behind " America " . It's cowardly to try to back yourslf up by trying to say all Americans hate the English or that we all hate English films . You're an idiot and you certainly don't need to try to pass your comments off as supported by all Americans . " Look lady I don't come down to where you work and slap the d ! ck out of your mouth " .
I enjoyed " Cell , " it was the first Stephen King book I'd read in quite a few years . I'm sure Hollywood will find a way to f # # # it up eventually . Your Favorite Band Sucks .
well , i thought Urmila's character was well written and brilliantly played . Mahima was charming nevertheless but it was a very small role .
i think the future of her career largely rests on the success of Taken if it flops i think she's done with big roles
I haven't . : ) Never will . I love my toys and am constantly expanding my little family . same here ! I'm 18 , and still play with and collect toys . But people on youtube say I need to get a life . And I do have life . I actually have many friends , because they like how someone like me ( one you'd never expect plays with toys ) would play with toys . Most of my " playing " involves film-making like stop-motion . I have a car , friends , girl-friend , and I go on dates and to parties , make pretty-some-what-good-ish grades ( lol ) , and I still play with toys , and if someone wants to stop being my friend because they find out I do this , I don't care . It's their loss , lol . to quote " JamesCameronTheMoron " : " typical Cameron sheep " - his 1 response to everything .
I want a hot sexy Spanish man to play Alejandro If there even is an Alejandro guy in it " Fxck you . " " You just did partner . " Blanket !
It's like a masterpiece really .
As well as Benjamin ' Ben ' Knox ( Bonk ) and Charles Buntz ( Chucko ) ? Far as I know , the bad guys ' real names aren't listed anywhere else . " Scientists make these deductions by examining a rat , or your landlord who won't cut the rent . "
To the person who said non-black hispanics are turned off by anyone with black in them , I think you are wrong . I am Mexican , and I actually do think that black women are attractive . A lot of them I do find attractive . Make no mistake about that . Without pain , without sacrifice , we would have nothing .
Sorry I copied the wrong URL it was supposed to be the wiki page . I'm not an idiot
It's harder to beat cops , which I think is fine . You can't dive anymore , though . So . . . stay away from rickety piers or suffer the wrath of design-flaws .
MotionCitySoundtrack12-21 ztmillers-21 RadioactiveCookie-21 ANightToRemember-21 MentorDude-21 LittleShadow-21 SonOfPosidon-21 RavenousArmBiter-7 - LordLorcan-21 PierreWheredYouGo-21 I-Don't-LOL-20 Atlas-20 SilverRandomocity-21 CouchPotatoKid-21 Monocle-20 ShoopDaWoop-21 + gimmieacookie-21 Guy-who-gave-us-typography-20 Halfblood # 10 Typography ! I'm " appealing "
I agree ! ! She was awesome & coming here I'm amazed she's not from East Europe . . her accent was great Important advice [ url ] [ / url ] [ quote ] [ / quote ] [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ]
I like What Up With That though i can see why some would hate it . . but Gillie , for the love of God please cancel it . I don't know a single person who likes it . Also hate the one where Armisen is a court stenographer . . never funny Important advice ( I i k , ) [ url ] [ / url ] [ quote ] [ / quote ] [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ]
. . . and DAMN , Sandra looks gorgeous in this movie ! ! Unfortunately , that's the only good thing I can say about it thus far . Not a very good film otherwise . Your Favorite Band Sucks .
01 . BORN in the USA - Bruce Springsteen 02 . Amused to DEATH - Roger Waters 03 . A Ship Arriving to Late to Save a DROWNING Witch - Frank Zappa 04 . By The Time I Get To PHOENIX - Glen Campbell 05 . BORN Under a Bad Sign - Albert King 06 . When I Was BORN for the 7th Time - Cornershop 07 . John Barleycorn Must DIE - Traffic 08 . The First Rays of the New RISING Sun - Jimi Hendrix 09 . MURDER Ballads - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 10 . Viva la Vida or DEATH and All His Friends - Coldplay 11 . Love It to DEATH - Alice Cooper
Just curious . " Fluoride doesn't prevent tooth decay . It does render teeth detectable by spy satellite . " - JL
1 ) Ancient Greece was a very dangerous place . 2 ) There were scorpions as big a Abrams tanks in Ancient Greece . What else ? I'm a Conservative , and thats my opinion on this matter .
Bump .
LOL . . . This is true . . . But through all of the steaminess , I am still sick of it ! You people are the disease , but I've got the cure . - Morgan on " Chuck "
That's cool . I don't tend to like character maps though . I prefer to get to know them sort of like I get to know anyone . I'll see the actions that they do . Sometimes I'll take a character and put them in different situations and see what they would do . That's how I get to know my characters . Guy-who-didn't-win-any-awards # 1 Halfblood # 10 Typography !
I came on here looking for an answer to the same question and someone seems to have answered it in another thread . The reason for the dodgy atmopsphere at the end was because the soldiers weren't sure who was in the truck . For all they knew , it could've been the Cajuns who'd found the dead poachers and were coming after them . It was only in the last shot that you see that it's actually an army truck , but like I say , I didn't connect the dots until I read it on here , so perhaps it wasn't that well-executed . As for the chopper , I suppose that has some significance too , but it's probably meant to be open to interpretation . Maybe it's supposed to represent the American government , who were always too far out of reach of the soldiers ' rescue in Vietnam .
Despite this , if you watch the movie carefully , you can pick up quite a few subtle clues that Holly was only seeing Paul in order to wring money out of him to finance her dalliance and long-planned escape from New York with Mr . Yunioshi ( it was no mere coincidence that he lived in the same apartment building ) . It's interesting , but I don't know that I buy this business about Holly manipulating money out of Paul . He's a kept man himself and , after his split with 2-E , he's forced to move out . He can barely afford to buy her a sterling silver telephone dialer . What exactly are these subtle clues I've been missing lo these many years ? Holly was a constant source of aggravation to Yunioshi , she tantalized him , promising him that she'd pose for ' those pictures we talked about ' and Yunioshi is right there with the Narcotics Squad , just drooling to nab her once and for all . This was the man who would ultimately aid her in her escape ? It seems a huge disconnect between Capote's novella and what is presented in the film - - all the more reason to return to the original source material and remake this film , in my view . By the way , much of what is mentioned here about Rooney and Yunioshi ( which I've always thought was so much ado about absolutely nothing ) , was included in the documentary TCM ran last month on Johnny Mercer . A tree is best measured when it's down .