stringlengths 14
| label
int32 0
public Integer monthIndex(String candidateMonth) {
if (candidateMonth == null) {
return null;
candidateMonth = candidateMonth.toUpperCase();
// First, try for an exact match
Integer monthIndex = monthMap.get(candidateMonth);
// If no match, try an abbrev of four characters if possible
if (monthIndex == null && candidateMonth.length() > 4) {
monthIndex = monthMap.get(candidateMonth.substring(0, 4));
// If still no match, truncate to 3 characters and retry
// Consider where candidateMonth="DEC." and abbrev="DEC".
if (monthIndex == null && candidateMonth.length() > 3) {
monthIndex = monthMap.get(candidateMonth.substring(0, 3));
return monthIndex;
} | 5 |
public Persistence() {
// AQUI LOS RECUPERO (usarlo cuando abres la iu)
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(pathDB);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
Database database = (Database) ois.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} | 3 |
public static void handleEvent(int eventId)
if(eventId == 1)
System.out.println("Exit load game menu selected");
else if(eventId == 2)
else if(eventId == 3)
else if(eventId == 4)
else if(eventId == 5)
} | 5 |
public boolean exist(char[][] board, String word) {
if (board == null || board.length == 0 || word == null || word.length() == 0) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
char[] rowArray = board[i];
for (int j = 0; j < rowArray.length; j++) {
if (search(board, i, j, word, 0, new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>())) {
return true;
return false;
} | 7 |
public void run() {
if(animationStage == 1)
//System.out.println("Animation stage updated to 2!");
animationStage = 2;
} else
//System.out.println("Animation stage updated to 1!");
animationStage = 1;
} | 1 |
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean displayConsole = true;
if (args.length > 0) {
// it has arguments
if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(Main.help)) {
System.out.println("Starts the KOI server");
System.out.println(Main.noConsoleArg + " - does not create "
+ "a seperate console.");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase(Main.noConsoleArg)) {
displayConsole = false;
// initialize the systems
EventManager.getInstance();// creates the event manager
PackageManager.getInstance();// creates the package manager
if (displayConsole) {
Console c = new Console(EventManager.getInstance());
if (!PackageManager.getInstance().enableOnLoad()) {
if (!PackageManager.getInstance().isEnabled(c.getName())) {
TaskManager manager = new TaskManager(PackageManager.getInstance());
ServerController servController = new ServerController();
EventManager.getInstance().fireEvent(new ServerStarted());
} | 8 |
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
GrowthRate that = (GrowthRate) o;
if (Double.compare(that.rate, rate) != 0) return false;
return true;
} | 4 |
public Ticker(int tickrateMS) {
rate = tickrateMS;
s2 = Ticker.getTime();
} | 0 |
private static final String unescapeHTML(String s, int start) {
int i, j, k, l;
i = s.indexOf("&", start);
start = i + 1;
if (i > -1) {
j = s.indexOf(";", i);
we don't want to start from the beginning
the next time, to handle the case of the &
thanks to Pieter Hertogh for the bug fix!
if (j > i) {
// ok this is not most optimized way to
// do it, a StringBuffer would be better,
// this is left as an exercise to the reader!
String temp = s.substring(i, j + 1);
// search in htmlEscape[][] if temp is there
k = 0;
while (k < htmlEscape.length) {
if (htmlEscape[k][0].equals(temp)) {
} else {
if (k < htmlEscape.length) {
s = s.substring(0, i) + htmlEscape[k][1] + s.substring(j + 1);
return unescapeHTML(s, start); // recursive call
return s;
} | 5 |
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
if(command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("mb")) {
if(args.length == 0){
// TODO show plugin help
getLogger().info("Plugin help coming soon!");
return true;
// ************************************
// TODO make this permanent per map for minigame server
else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("firstbase")) {
GameplayBlocks.firstBase = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName()).getLocation().getBlock();
return true;
else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("secondbase")) {
GameplayBlocks.secondBase = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName()).getLocation().getBlock();
return true;
else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("thirdbase")) {
GameplayBlocks.thirdBase = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName()).getLocation().getBlock();
return true;
else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("homeplate")) {
GameplayBlocks.homePlate = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName()).getLocation().getBlock();
return true;
else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("pitchersmound")) {
if(!GameplayBlocks.pitchersMound.contains(Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(sender.getName()).getLocation().getBlock())) {
return true;
// ************************************
return false;
return false;
} | 8 |
public boolean isValidSudoku(char[][] board) {
if ((board == null) || (board.length % 3 != 0) || (board.length != board[0].length))
return false;
for (int y = 0; y < board.length; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < board.length; x++) {
if (board[y][x] == '.') {
if (isValidInRow(x, y, board) && isValidInColumn(x, y, board) && isValidInRegion(x, y, board)) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
} | 9 |
public void setModifiedDate(Date modifiedDate) {
this.modifiedDate = modifiedDate;
} | 0 |
private static int partition(int data[], int left, int right){
// pre: left <= right
// post: data[left] placed in the correct (returned) location
while (true){
// move right "pointer" toward left
while (left < right && data[left] < data[right]) right--;
if (left < right) swap(data,left++,right);
else return left;
// move left pointer toward right
while (left < right && data[left] < data[right]) left++;
if (left < right) swap(data,left,right--);
else return right;
} | 7 |
public DatagramURL(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
if (url == null) {
throw new MalformedURLException("URL is null");
if (!url.startsWith("udp://")) {
throw new MalformedURLException("URL is not using the udp protocol");
int portSep = url.indexOf(':', 6);
if (portSep == -1) {
throw new MalformedURLException("URL must specify the port");
this.host = url.substring(6, portSep);
try {
this.port = Integer.parseInt(url.substring(portSep + 1));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid port number: " + url);
if (this.port < 1 || this.port > 65535) {
throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid port number: " + url);
} | 6 |
public void setAttribute(String nazwa, String wartosc)
DataRow parametry = new DataRow();
parametry.addAttribute("name", wartosc);
for(AbstractAttribute atrybut : attributes)
row.update(nazwa, wartosc);
} else {
row.insert(nazwa, wartosc);
} | 3 |
public static void main(String [] args) {
boolean done = false;
for (int a = 1; a < 1001 && !done; a++) {
for (int b = 1; b < 1001 && !done; b++) {
for (int c = 1; c < 1001 && !done; c++) {
if (a+b+c == 1000 && (a*a + b*b == c*c)) {
System.out.println("a,b,c" + a + ". " + b + ", " + c);
done = true;
} | 8 |
private static void rsaEncGenKeysText(CryptobyConsole console) {
scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String privateKey;
String publicKey;
// Set Default Key Size
keySize = 1024;
do {
System.out.println("Choose Key Size in Bit");
System.out.println("1 - 1024");
System.out.println("2 - 2048");
System.out.println("3 - 4096");
System.out.println("4 - Back");
System.out.print("Enter Number: ");
while (!scanner.hasNextInt()) {
System.out.print("That's not a number! Enter 1,2,3 or 4: ");
choice = scanner.nextInt();
} while (choice < 1 || choice > 4);
switch (choice) {
case 1:
keySize = 1024;
case 2:
keySize = 2048;
case 3:
keySize = 4096;
case 4:
// Input your String Text to encrypt
plainByte = scanPlainText(console);
// Initial RSA Crypt Object
// Get Public Key in Bytecode
System.out.println("\nGenerate Private and Public RSA Keys...");
publicKeyByte = console.getCore().getKeyGenAsym().getPublicKeyByte();
// Get Public and Private Key as String
publicKey = console.getCore().getKeyGenAsym().getPublicKey();
privateKey = console.getCore().getKeyGenAsym().getPrivateKey();
// Encrypt the String Text with given Key
System.out.println("\nEncryption in progress...");
cryptByte = console.getCore().getCryptAsym().encrypt(plainByte, publicKeyByte);
System.out.println("\nEncryption successfull...");
// Convert crypted byte Array into a Hexcode String
charTextHex = CryptobyHelper.bytesToHexStringUpper(cryptByte).toCharArray();
// Print encrypted Text in Hex Block form
System.out.println(CryptobyHelper.printHexBlock("RSA", keySize, charTextHex));
// Print Private Keys
// Print Public Keys
// Back to Menu rsaCrypter with Enter (Return) Key
System.out.println("\nGo back to RSA Text Crypter Menu: Press Enter");
} | 7 |
public void writeError(String toWrite, Boolean severe) {
if (severe) {
if (toWrite != null) {
this.log.severe(Assignment.logPrefix + toWrite);
} else {
if (toWrite != null) {
this.log.warning(Assignment.logPrefix + toWrite);
} | 3 |
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
long startTime = 0, elapsedTime = 0;
// Parses the command line arguments and collects all data in memory
Util sudoku = new Util(args);
// Constructs Sudoku Boards and stores them in an array
SudokuBoard[] board = sudoku.createSudokuBoards();
Solver solver = null;
// Solver will solve all boards in the array one by one
if (board != null) {
for (int i=0; i < board.length; i++) {
if (board[i] != null) {
// Loads a Sudoku board in to the Solver
solver = new Solver(board[i]);
// Solver Solves Board and times the performance
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
// Displays the state of all boards
for (int i=0; i < board.length; i++) {
if (board[i] != null) {
// if (solver != null) {
// solver.groupCandidates();
// }
System.out.println("Solver took " + elapsedTime + "ms to solve.");
else {
System.out.println("All boards are set to null.");
} | 5 |
public static List<Article> selectArtcile() {
String query = null;
List<Article> listearticle = new ArrayList<Article>();
ResultSet resultat;
try {
query = "SELECT * from ARTICLE ";
PreparedStatement pStatement = (PreparedStatement) ConnectionBDD.getInstance().getPreparedStatement(query);
resultat = pStatement.executeQuery(query);
while (resultat.next()) {
Article aa = new Article(resultat.getInt("ID_ARTICLE"), resultat.getInt("ID_COULEUR"), resultat.getInt("ID_TVA"), resultat.getString("ARTLIBELLE"), resultat.getString("ARTREF"), resultat.getFloat("ARTPRXHT"), resultat.getString("ARTPHOTO"));
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(RequetesArticle.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return listearticle;
} | 2 |
private String scan(OCRImage image, String identifier, boolean spaces, int spaceDistance, int brightness, double tolerance) {
ArrayList<CharacterDataMap> temp = getCharacterArray(image, brightness, spaces, spaceDistance);
ArrayList<CharacterDataMap> characters = characterMap.get(identifier);
String str = "";
for(CharacterDataMap map : characters) {
for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
if(temp.get(i).getImage() == null)
if(temp.get(i).equal(map, tolerance)) {
if(temp.get(i).getCharacter() == null || temp.get(i).getCharacter().isEmpty())
for(CharacterDataMap a : temp) {
if(a.getCharacter() != null)
str += a.getCharacter();
return str.trim();
} | 8 |
public void setResteAFaire(double resteAFaire) throws IllegalArgumentException{
// La user story est modifiée uniquement si son statut est planifié et que le resteAFaire est > 0
if(this.getEtatUserStory() == EtatUserStory.PLANIFIEE && resteAFaire>=0){
this.resteAFaire = resteAFaire;
if(this.getResteAFaire() == 0){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Le RAF ne peut être changé à cause de sont état");
} | 3 |
public static boolean inAWTEventThread() {
try {
return javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return false;
} | 1 |
private synchronized void processOutputs() {
// write status - this has the highest transmission priority, thus it is executed first if thread gets interrupted early
RConsole.println("Status data geflusht.");
// getParkingSlots() returns null until it is implemented
if (hmi.navigation.getParkingSlots() == null)
// do nothing
// write new parking slot - these are aperiodic information, thus should be sent as early as possible,
// but less important than status updates.
//Iterate over complete array to determine number of parking slots that are not null
int i = hmi.noOfParkingSlotsInList;
while(i < hmi.navigation.getParkingSlots().length)
if(hmi.navigation.getParkingSlots()[i] != null)
hmi.noOfParkingSlotsInList = i;
i = hmi.navigation.getParkingSlots().length;
int newSlots = hmi.noOfParkingSlotsInList - hmi.noOfParkingSlots;
hmi.noOfParkingSlots += newSlots; // Record new slots
while (newSlots > 0) {
ParkingSlot newSlot = hmi.navigation.getParkingSlots()[hmi.noOfParkingSlots - newSlots];
//Check if parking slot is null
if(newSlot != null)
// if(newSlot.getStatus() == slotWithGoodStatus.getStatus())
// {
// }
// write position - this has least priority, no damage is caused when position is not delivered during one cycle.
Pose pose = hmi.navigation.getPose();
// Distance sensor values in clockwise directions (front, right, back, left) in mm
} catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("IO-Exception in processOutputs()");
} | 6 |
private boolean clickedOnAcePile(MouseEvent e) {
return e.getX() >= X_BOARD_OFFSET + CARD_WIDTH * 6 + CARD_X_GAP * 6 && e.getX() <= X_BOARD_OFFSET + CARD_WIDTH * 7 + CARD_X_GAP * 6 && e.getY() >= Y_BOARD_OFFSET && e.getY() < Y_BOARD_OFFSET + CARD_HEIGHT * 4 + CARD_Y_GAP * 3;
} | 3 |
private void checkCollision(){
for (int i= 0; i < 4; i++){
int pX= this.player.getX();
int pY= this.player.getY();
int gX= this.ghosts[i].getX();
int gY= this.ghosts[i].getY();
if ((pX == gX) && (pY == gY)){
if (this.ghosts[i].isEatenBy(this.player))
else {
this.isDead= true;
} | 4 |
public void performSaveAsCommand()
JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(
"Timeflecks Database Files", "db");
boolean success = false;
int returnVal = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(menu);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
GlobalLogger.getLogger().logp(Level.INFO, "MenuBar",
"User chose file " + fileChooser.getSelectedFile());
File selectedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
if (FileUtility.fileExistsAndIsNotSame(selectedFile))
// We need to prompt the user to see if they want to
// overwrite the file.
Object[] options = { "Overwrite File", "Choose New File" };
int reply = JOptionPane
"This file already exists. Would you like to overwrite it with the current data file?",
"File Exists", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options,
if (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
// The user selected to overwrite the file
GlobalLogger.getLogger().logp(Level.INFO, "MenuBar",
"User elected to overwrite existing file.");
// We just keep going
// User selected to not overwrite file
.logp(Level.INFO, "MenuBar",
"User declined to overwrite file, prompting for new file choice.");
success = false;
// Take the file that comes in and try, catch
// IllegalArgumentException, show alert asking for new file -
// they can go back and cancel
// Call switch
success = true;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
"Illegal argument from SQLiteConnector when attempting to switch database. Showing dialog, prompting for proper extension.");
success = false;
"Invalid filename. (1200)\nPlease make sure that your file is valid and has the extension \".db\".",
"Invalid Filename",
catch (Exception e)
ExceptionHandler.handleDatabaseSaveException(e, this
.getClass().getName(), "performSaveAsCommand()",
GlobalLogger.getLogger().logp(Level.INFO, "MenuBar",
"User cancelled Save As operation, continuing.");
success = true;
} while (!success);
} | 6 |
public static int RentsPerMonth(String monthYear)
try {
if(conn == null || conn.isClosed()){
conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
} catch (SQLException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
int x =0;
//ophalen van de data uit de db. deze statement geeft alle transacties terug die "mm/jjjj" formaat hebben. Dus enkel de maand en het jaar met het "/" teken inbegrepen.
try {
PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM RentTransactions WHERE RIGHT(date_out, 7) = ? ");
stmnt.setString(1, monthYear );
ResultSet res;
res = stmnt.executeQuery();
x = res.getInt("total");
catch(SQLException e){
return x;
} | 5 |
private void dropClient() {
if (anInt1011 > 0) {
aFont_1271.drawANCText(0, "Connection lost", 144, 257);
aFont_1271.drawANCText(0xffffff, "Connection lost", 143, 256);
aFont_1271.drawANCText(0, "Please wait - attempting to reestablish", 159, 257);
aFont_1271.drawANCText(0xffffff, "Please wait - attempting to reestablish", 158, 256);
gameScreenCanvas.drawGraphics(4, super.graphics, 4);
anInt1021 = 0;
destX = 0;
Socket rsSocket = socketStream;
loggedIn = false;
loginFailures = 0;
login(myUsername, myPassword, true);
if (!loggedIn) {
try {
} catch (Exception exception) {
} | 3 |
public final double days(final GregorianCalendar from, final GregorianCalendar to) {
if (0 < from.compareTo(to))
return -this.days(to, from);
final GregorianCalendar f = this._Adjust(from);
final GregorianCalendar t = this._Adjust(to);
double difference = Time.Gregorian.belowDateDifference(from, to);
difference += t.get(GregorianCalendar.DATE) - f.get(GregorianCalendar.DATE);
final int fromMonth = f.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH);
final int fromYear = f.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR);
final int toMonth = t.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH);
final int toYear = t.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR);
for (int month = 0; month < 12; month++)
if (month < fromMonth)
difference -= this.month(fromYear, month);
if (month < toMonth)
difference += this.month(toYear, month);
for (int year = fromYear; year < toYear; year++)
difference += this.year(year);
return difference;
} | 5 |
public Map<Integer, Restaurant> readCSVFile(String csvFile) {
Map<Integer, Restaurant> restMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Restaurant>();
BufferedReader br = null;
String line;
try {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile));
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
String[] csvLine = line.split(cvsSplitBy);
int restId = Integer.parseInt(csvLine[0]);
Double itemPrice = Double.parseDouble(csvLine[1]);
Map<String, Double> item_Price_Map = new HashMap<String, Double>();
item_Price_Map.put(getItemLabel(csvLine), itemPrice);
restMap.put(restId, new Restaurant(restId, item_Price_Map));
restMap.get(restId).getItem_PriceMap().put(getItemLabel(csvLine), itemPrice);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
if (br != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return restMap;
} | 6 |
public BusStop(int busStopNumber)
//initialize the bus stop
busStop = new PriorityQueue<Person>();
//set the initial priority at stop
priority = 0;
//set the bus stop number
this.busStopNumber = busStopNumber;
//set minimum passenger
this.minimumPassenger = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
//set maximum passenger
this.maximumPassenger = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//set the average number of person on the stop
averageNumberOfPersons = 0;
//set the average person wait time
averagePersonsWaitTime = 0;
} | 0 |
public int getWidth()
return width;
} | 0 |
public void build () throws ExceptionInvalidParam
if (upperAngleBound <= lowerAngleBound
|| upperHeightBound <= lowerHeightBound
|| destWidth <= 0
|| destHeight <= 0
|| sourceModule == null
|| destNoiseMap == null)
throw new ExceptionInvalidParam ("Invalid Parameter in NoiseMapBuilderCylinder");
// Resize the destination noise map so that it can store the new output
// values from the source model.
destNoiseMap.setSize (destWidth, destHeight);
// Create the cylinder model.
Cylinder cylinderModel = new Cylinder();
cylinderModel.setModule (sourceModule);
double angleExtent = upperAngleBound - lowerAngleBound ;
double heightExtent = upperHeightBound - lowerHeightBound;
double xDelta = angleExtent / (double)destWidth ;
double yDelta = heightExtent / (double)destHeight;
double curAngle = lowerAngleBound ;
double curHeight = lowerHeightBound;
// Fill every point in the noise map with the output values from the model.
for (int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++)
curAngle = lowerAngleBound;
for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++)
float curValue = (float)cylinderModel.getValue (curAngle, curHeight);
destNoiseMap.setValue(x, y, curValue);
curAngle += xDelta;
curHeight += yDelta;
setCallback (y);
} | 8 |
public void sendServerMessage(String message) {
for (int i = clients.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
clients.get(i).getWriter().println("伺服器公告:" + message + "(廣播)");
} | 1 |
public State nextState(Random random) {
State newState;
int value = random.nextInt(100);
if (Utils.isBetween(value, 0, P_NM)) {
newState = new Modified();
} else if (Utils.isBetween(value, P_NM, P_NU)) {
newState = new Unmodified();
} else {
newState = new Deleted();
return newState;
} | 2 |
public String getQuote(){
String quote = null;
try {
crs = qb.selectFrom("qotd").all().executeQuery();
if(crs.next()) {
quote = crs.getString("qotd");
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return quote;
} | 3 |
public static List<Tag> constructTags(Response res) throws WeiboException {
try {
JSONArray list = res.asJSONArray();
int size = list.length();
List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
tags.add(new Tag(list.getJSONObject(i)));
return tags;
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new WeiboException(jsone);
} catch (WeiboException te) {
throw te;
} | 3 |
public void onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e)
if (invulnerable)
if (e.getEntity().getType() == EntityType.PLAYER)
if (this.getPlayers().contains(e.getEntity()))
} | 3 |
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if(e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3)
else if(e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1){
AlienFXProfile profile = profileModel.getProfile();
Color changedColor = c;
if(profile != null){
for(AlienFXProfileSetting s : profile.getSettings()){
for(AlienFXAction a : s.getSequence()){
if(a.getLeadingColor().getRGB() == changedColor.getRGB())
if(a.getTrailingColor().getRGB() == changedColor.getRGB())
} | 7 |
public boolean accept(File file) {
if (this.isExtension)
return file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(this.keyword);
return (file.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(this.keyword) >= 0);
} | 1 |
protected BufferedImage getScaledUpInstance(BufferedImage img,
int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Object hint,
boolean higherQuality) {
int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
BufferedImage ret = (BufferedImage) img;
int w, h;
if (higherQuality) {
// Use multi-step technique: start with original size, then
// scale down in multiple passes with drawImage()
// until the target size is reached
w = img.getWidth();
h = img.getHeight();
} else {
// Use one-step technique: scale directly from original
// size to target size with a single drawImage() call
w = targetWidth;
h = targetHeight;
do {
if (higherQuality && w < targetWidth) {
w *= 2;
if (w > targetWidth) {
w = targetWidth;
if (higherQuality && h < targetHeight) {
h *= 2;
if (h > targetHeight) {
h = targetHeight;
BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(w, h, type);
Graphics2D g2 = tmp.createGraphics();
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, hint);
g2.drawImage(ret, 0, 0, w, h, null);
ret = tmp;
tmp = null;
} while (w != targetWidth || h != targetHeight);
return ret;
} | 9 |
public String[] dataCacheToArray(ArrayList <String> dataCache, String dataField){
* @param: (ArrayList <String> dataCache, "link" || "seed" || "leech" || "size")
* example (BuildDataCache(String[] foo), "size")) will return all the torrent sizes in a string array.
* Parses the SizeStats ArrayList into one dimensional array (seeders, leechers, links, size)
String[] parsedArray = new String[dataCache.size()];
int listPos = 0;
if(dataField.equals("link")) listPos = 3;
if(dataField.equals("leech"))listPos = 2;
if(dataField.equals("seed")) listPos = 1;
if(dataField.equals("size")) listPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dataCache.size()/4; i++){
parsedArray[i] = dataCache.get(listPos);
listPos = listPos+4;
return parsedArray;
}catch(Exception e){
return null;
} | 6 |
public Polygon2D deleteVertexBefore(int k) {
int n = vertex.length;
if (n < 4)
return this;
float[] x = new float[n - 1];
float[] y = new float[n - 1];
if (k > 0 && k < n) {
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
x[i] = vertex[i].x;
y[i] = vertex[i].y;
for (int i = k + 1; i < n; i++) {
x[i - 1] = vertex[i].x;
y[i - 1] = vertex[i].y;
} else if (k == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
x[i - 1] = vertex[i - 1].x;
y[i - 1] = vertex[i - 1].y;
} else {
return this;
return new Polygon2D(x, y);
} | 7 |
protected static void extractComments(Metadata metadata, XHTMLContentHandler xhtml,
VorbisStyleComments comments) throws TikaException, SAXException {
// Get the specific know comments
metadata.set(TikaCoreProperties.TITLE, comments.getTitle());
metadata.set(TikaCoreProperties.CREATOR, comments.getArtist());
metadata.set(XMPDM.ARTIST, comments.getArtist());
metadata.set(XMPDM.ALBUM, comments.getAlbum());
metadata.set(XMPDM.GENRE, comments.getGenre());
metadata.set(XMPDM.RELEASE_DATE, comments.getDate());
metadata.add(XMP.CREATOR_TOOL, comments.getVendor());
metadata.add("vendor", comments.getVendor());
for(String comment : comments.getComments("comment")) {
metadata.add(XMPDM.LOG_COMMENT.getName(), comment);
// Grab the rest just in case
List<String> done = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
VorbisComments.KEY_TITLE, VorbisComments.KEY_ARTIST,
VorbisComments.KEY_ALBUM, VorbisComments.KEY_GENRE,
VorbisComments.KEY_DATE, VorbisComments.KEY_TRACKNUMBER,
"vendor", "comment"
for(String key : comments.getAllComments().keySet()) {
if(! done.contains(key)) {
for(String value : comments.getAllComments().get(key)) {
metadata.add(key, value);
// Output as text too
xhtml.element("h1", comments.getTitle());
xhtml.element("p", comments.getArtist());
// Album and Track number
if (comments.getTrackNumber() != null) {
xhtml.element("p", comments.getAlbum() + ", track " + comments.getTrackNumber());
metadata.set(XMPDM.TRACK_NUMBER, comments.getTrackNumber());
} else {
xhtml.element("p", comments.getAlbum());
// A few other bits
xhtml.element("p", comments.getDate());
for(String comment : comments.getComments("comment")) {
xhtml.element("p", comment);
xhtml.element("p", comments.getGenre());
} | 6 |
private List<RouteLeg> createRoute(String string)
List<RouteLeg> route = new ArrayList<RouteLeg>();
for (int index = 1; index < string.length(); index++)
route.add(new RouteLeg(string.substring(index-1, index), string.substring(index, index+1)));
return route;
} | 1 |
public void input(ArrayList<Action> history, int handStrength) {
int numRaises = 0;
for(Action a : history) {
if(a == Action.RAISE) {
int ahs = adjustedHandStrength(handStrength);
if(historyToHandStrength.get(numRaises) == null) {
int[] histogram = new int[] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
historyToHandStrength.put(numRaises, histogram);
int[] histogram = historyToHandStrength.get(numRaises);
histogram[ahs] = histogram[ahs] + 1;
System.out.print("OpponentModel["+numRaises+"] <- ");
for(int i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) {
System.out.print(histogram[i] + " - ");
} | 4 |
public void rebondProjectilesStructures(Projectiles proj, Structures struc) {
if (proj.getPosition().getX() + proj.getBound().getX() > struc.getPosition().getX() && proj.getPosition().getX() < (struc.getPosition().getX() + struc.getBound().getX()) && proj.getPosition().getY() + proj.getBound().getY() > struc.getPosition().getY()) {
if (proj.getVitesse().getX() < 0) {
if (Math.abs((struc.getPosition().getX() + struc.getBound().getX()) - proj.getPosition().getX()) > Math.abs(struc.getPosition().getY() - proj.getPosition().getY())) {
module.rebond(proj, 'y');
} else {
proj.getPosition().setX((struc.getPosition().getX() + struc.getBound().getX()));
module.rebond(proj, 'x');
else {
if (Math.abs(struc.getPosition().getX() - proj.getPosition().getX()- proj.getBound().getX()) > Math.abs(struc.getPosition().getY() - (proj.getPosition().getY() + proj.getBound().getY() ) )) {
module.rebond(proj, 'y');
} else {
module.rebond(proj, 'x');
} | 6 |
private static EnumOS2 getOS() {
String s = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
if (s.contains("win")) {
return EnumOS2.windows;
if (s.contains("mac")) {
return EnumOS2.macos;
if (s.contains("solaris")) {
return EnumOS2.solaris;
if (s.contains("sunos")) {
return EnumOS2.solaris;
if (s.contains("linux")) {
return EnumOS2.linux;
if (s.contains("unix")) {
return EnumOS2.linux;
} else {
return EnumOS2.unknown;
} | 6 |
private void objectString(J_PositionTrackingPushbackReader var1, J_JsonListener var2) throws J_InvalidSyntaxException, IOException {
char var3 = (char)this.readNextNonWhitespaceChar(var1);
if(var3 != 123) {
throw new J_InvalidSyntaxException("Expected object to start with { but got [" + var3 + "].", var1);
} else {
char var4 = (char)this.readNextNonWhitespaceChar(var1);
if(var4 != 125) {
this.aFieldToken(var1, var2);
boolean var5 = false;
while(!var5) {
char var6 = (char)this.readNextNonWhitespaceChar(var1);
switch(var6) {
case 44:
this.aFieldToken(var1, var2);
case 125:
var5 = true;
throw new J_InvalidSyntaxException("Expected either , or } but got [" + var6 + "].", var1);
} | 5 |
private InterfaceCommand getCommand(DebuggerVirtualMachine dvm) {
UserInterface.print(": ");
StringTokenizer tokenizer = null;
InterfaceCommand command = null;
try {
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer((new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
return null;
String keyboardCommand = (tokenizer.nextToken()).toLowerCase();
if ((command = CommandTable.get(keyboardCommand)) == null) {
UserInterface.println("Invalid command. Enter h for help.\n");
return null;
List<String> argumentList = new ArrayList<String>();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (!command.init(argumentList, dvm)) {
return null;
return command;
} | 5 |
protected int setArmorModel(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, int par2, float par3)
ItemStack var4 = par1EntityPlayer.inventory.armorItemInSlot(3 - par2);
if (var4 != null)
Item var5 = var4.getItem();
if (var5 instanceof ItemArmor)
ItemArmor var6 = (ItemArmor)var5;
if (var5 instanceof IArmorTextureProvider)
this.loadTexture("/armor/" + armorFilenamePrefix[var6.renderIndex] + "_" + (par2 == 2 ? 2 : 1) + ".png");
ModelBiped var7 = par2 == 2 ? this.modelArmor : this.modelArmorChestplate;
var7.bipedHead.showModel = par2 == 0;
var7.bipedHeadwear.showModel = par2 == 0;
var7.bipedBody.showModel = par2 == 1 || par2 == 2;
var7.bipedRightArm.showModel = par2 == 1;
var7.bipedLeftArm.showModel = par2 == 1;
var7.bipedRightLeg.showModel = par2 == 2 || par2 == 3;
var7.bipedLeftLeg.showModel = par2 == 2 || par2 == 3;
if (var4.isItemEnchanted())
return 15;
return 1;
return -1;
} | 9 |
private void sortEntitiesToMap() {
// Iterate the entities that need rendered and check if they're
// visible
for (Entity entity : entityList) {
Spatial entitySpatial = entity.getComponent(Spatial.class);
// I'll obviously offer an overloaded contains method for
// spatials in the future (potentially)
if (viewPort.contains(entitySpatial.x, entitySpatial.y, entitySpatial.width, entitySpatial.height)) {
// Add it to be rendered
addToRenderMap(entity, entitySpatial);
} | 2 |
public Long getSocialId() {
return socialId;
} | 0 |
public void BlazeRegeneration(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
Entity e = event.getEntity();
Entity damager = event.getDamager();
String world = e.getWorld().getName();
boolean dodged = false;
Random random = new Random();
double randomChance = plugin.getBlazeConfig().getDouble("Blaze.Regeneration.DodgeChance") / 100;
final double ChanceOfHappening = random.nextDouble();
if (ChanceOfHappening >= randomChance) {
dodged = true;
if (plugin.getBlazeConfig().getBoolean("Blaze.Regeneration.Enabled", true) && damager instanceof Blaze && e instanceof Player && plugin.getConfig().getStringList("Worlds").contains(world) && !dodged) {
Player player = (Player) e;
player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION, plugin.getBlazeConfig().getInt("Blaze.Regeneration.Time"), plugin.getBlazeConfig().getInt("Blaze.Regeneration.Power")));
} | 6 |
public Map<String, Link> makeLinkMap(Map<String, Mass> massMap){
Map<String, Link> linkMap = new HashMap<String, Link>();
NodeList[] linkArray = {springs, muscles};
for (NodeList linkType: linkArray){
for (int i = 0; i < linkType.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = linkType.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element element = (Element) node;
String id1 = element.getAttribute("a");
String id2 = element.getAttribute("b");
double restLength = Double.parseDouble(element.getAttribute("restlength"));
double k = getK(element, "contanst");
if (element.getNodeName().equals("spring")){
Spring spring = new Spring(massMap.get(id1), massMap.get(id2), restLength, k, springColor);
linkMap.put("s"+id1+id2, spring);
double amplitude = Double.parseDouble(element.getAttribute("amplitude"));
Muscle muscle = new Muscle(massMap.get(id1), massMap.get(id2), restLength, k, amplitude, muscleColor);
linkMap.put("m"+id1+id2, muscle);
return linkMap;
} | 4 |
public void setCurrentLine(int lineNumber) {
} | 0 |
public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e){
Player p = e.getPlayer();
if(e.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && p.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("kitpvp") && e.getClickedBlock().getState() instanceof Sign){
Sign sign = (Sign) e.getClickedBlock().getState();
if(sign.getLine(0).equals(ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "[Armory]")){
Integer price = Integer.parseInt(sign.getLine(3));
Integer amount = Integer.parseInt(sign.getLine(1));
if(p.getLevel() < price){
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You do not have enough xp to purchase this item!");
p.setLevel(p.getLevel() - price);
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "give " + p.getName() + " " + sign.getLine(2) + " " + amount);
} | 5 |
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Activity other = (Activity) obj;
if (project == null) {
if (other.project != null)
return false;
} else if (!project.equals(other.project))
return false;
if (task == null) {
if (other.task != null)
return false;
} else if (!task.equals(other.task))
return false;
return true;
} | 9 |
public static final void copyDirectory(File source, File destination) throws IOException
if (!source.isDirectory())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source (" + source.getPath() + ") must be a directory.");
if (!source.exists())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source directory (" + source.getPath() + ") doesn't exist.");
if (destination.exists())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination (" + destination.getPath() + ") exists.");
File[] files = source.listFiles();
for (File file : files)
if (file.isDirectory())
copyDirectory(file, new File(destination, file.getName()));
copyFile(file, new File(destination, file.getName()));
} | 5 |
public static GetProjects_Result getProjects(Database database, GetProjects_Param params) {
Logger.getLogger(API.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Entering API.getProjects()");
GetProjects_Result result;
try {
ValidateUser_Result vResult = validateUser(database, new ValidateUser_Param(params.username(), params.password()));
if (vResult == null || !vResult.validated()) {
result = null;
else {
// Get all Projects
ArrayList<Project> projects = (ArrayList) database.get(new Project());
// Add them to GetProjects_Result
ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
for (Project project : projects) {
ids.add(new Integer(project.projectId()));
result = new GetProjects_Result(ids, names);
catch (DatabaseException | GetFailedException ex) {
result = null;
Logger.getLogger(API.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "getProjects request failed.", ex);
catch (GetProjects_Result.GetProjects_ResultException ex) {
result = null;
Logger.getLogger(API.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Logger.getLogger(API.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Exiting API.getProjects()");
return result;
} | 5 |
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Define loop to go through each number
for (int i = 2; i <= 69; i++) {
//if i is less than 20 and divisible by 2
if (i <= 20 && i % 2 == 0) {
//output number
//if i is between 21 and 41, and has been incremented by 3
} else if (i > 20 && i <= 41 && i % 3 == 2) {
//output number
//if i is between 32 and 69 and has been incremented by 4
} else if (i > 41 && i <= 69 && i % 4 == 1) {
//output number
} | 9 |
public static void swapWords(Text text) {
log.trace("Subtask N5");
LinkedList<Sentence> allElements = (LinkedList<Sentence>) text.getAllElements();
for (Sentence sentenceOrListing : allElements) {
if (sentenceOrListing.getClass() != Listing.class) {
int indexFirst = 0;
int indexLast = 0;
Sentence sentence = (Sentence) sentenceOrListing;
List<SentencePart> sentenceParts = sentence.getAllElements();
for (int i = 0; i < sentenceParts.size(); i++) {
SentencePart part = sentenceParts.get(i);
if (part instanceof Word) {
indexFirst = i;
for (int i = sentenceParts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
SentencePart part = sentenceParts.get(i);
if (part instanceof Word) {
indexLast = i;
Collections.swap(sentenceParts, indexFirst, indexLast);
} | 6 |
public JSONObject countMetadataColors(JSONObject[] countMetadata, Color[] colors, float[] weights)
throws TinEyeServiceException
MultipartEntity postEntity = new MultipartEntity();
JSONObject responseJSON = null;
if (weights.length > 0 && colors.length != weights.length)
throw new TinEyeServiceException("colors and weights lists must have the same number of entries");
int i = 0;
for(JSONObject metaData: countMetadata)
postEntity.addPart("count_metadata[" + i + "]", new StringBody(metaData.toString()));
i += 1;
// Store list of colors in hex format, and disgard
// the alpha component from each color (which by default is white)
int j = 0;
for(Color color: colors)
String hexColor = Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB()).substring(2);
postEntity.addPart("colors[" + j + "]", new StringBody(hexColor));
// weights must be the same length as the colors if the weights list is not empty.
if (weights.length > 0)
postEntity.addPart("weights[" + j + "]", new StringBody(Float.toString(weights[j])));
j += 1;
responseJSON = postAPIRequest("count_metadata", postEntity);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("'countMetadataColors' failed: " + e.toString());
throw new TinEyeServiceException("'countMetadataColors' failed", e);
return responseJSON;
} | 6 |
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String nick = GUIMain.userList.getSelectedValue().toString();
if (nick.startsWith("@")) {
nick = nick.replace("@", "");
} else if (nick.startsWith("$")) {
nick = nick.replace("$", "");
} else if (nick.startsWith("+")) {
nick = nick.replace("+", "");
} else if (nick.startsWith("%")) {
nick = nick.replace("%", "");
} else if (nick.startsWith("~")) {
nick = nick.replace("~", "");
} | 5 |
private void updateBalance(TextField operation, BigDecimal value) throws IOException{
balance = balance.add(value);
else if(operation.equals(subtractField)){
balance = balance.subtract(value);
balance = balance.setScale(2, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
logWriter.writeToFile("The new balance is:");
balanceField.setText("$" + balance.toString());
} | 2 |
public static void ConstructBox(int side)
for (int i = 1; i <= side; i++)
if (i == 1 || i == side)
for (int j = 1; j <= side; j++)
System.out.print("$ ");
else if (i != 1 || i != side)
for (int k = 1; k <= side; k++)
if (k == 1 || k == side)
System.out.print("$ ");
System.out.print(" ");
} | 9 |
public float calculate(List<Book> liste) {
float result = 0f;
try {
List<BundleBook> listBundleBook = new ArrayList<BundleBook>();
for (Book bookActu : liste) {
boolean inserted = false;
for (BundleBook bundleActu : listBundleBook) {
if (!bundleActu.contains(bookActu)) {
inserted = true;
if (!inserted) {
BundleBook newBundle = new BundleBook();
for (BundleBook bundleActu : listBundleBook) {
result += bundleActu.calculate();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Erreur lors du calcul");
return result;
} | 6 |
public void setjScrollPane1(JScrollPane jScrollPane1) {
this.jScrollPane1 = jScrollPane1;
} | 0 |
public IToken nextToken() {
if (m_currentOffset >= (m_docOffset + m_docLength)) {
return Token.EOF;
IToken result = Token.UNDEFINED;
int startOffset = m_currentOffset;
int length = 0;
try {
// Get line information
IRegion lineRegion = m_document.getLineInformationOfOffset(m_currentOffset);
int lineMinOffset = lineRegion.getOffset();
int lineMaxOffset = lineMinOffset + lineRegion.getLength();
// Read char
char current = m_document.getChar(m_currentOffset++);
// Check if we are at the end of the line
if (current == '\n')
result = Token.WHITESPACE;
m_tokenOffset = startOffset;
m_tokenLength = length;
m_currentColumn = 0;
else if (current == m_delimiter) {
result = new CSVToken(CSVTokenType.SEPARATOR,
m_tokenOffset = startOffset;
m_tokenLength = length;
//System.out.println("Token found [" + m_document.get(m_tokenOffset, m_tokenLength) + "]");
} else {
// Look for the next delimiter or the next line
boolean scan = true;
while (scan) {
// check if we are at the end of the line
if (m_currentOffset >= lineMaxOffset) {
CSVTokenType type = ((m_currentColumn % 2) == 0) ? CSVTokenType.ODD_COLUMN : CSVTokenType.EVEN_COLUMN;
result = new CSVToken(type, m_currentColumn);
m_tokenOffset = startOffset;
m_tokenLength = length;
m_currentColumn= 0;
//System.out.println("Token found [" + m_document.get(m_tokenOffset, m_tokenLength) + "]");
scan = false;
// iterate until a delimiter is found
char next = m_document.getChar(m_currentOffset);
if (next == m_delimiter) {
CSVTokenType type = ((m_currentColumn % 2) == 0) ? CSVTokenType.ODD_COLUMN : CSVTokenType.EVEN_COLUMN;
result = new CSVToken(type, m_currentColumn);
m_tokenOffset = startOffset;
m_tokenLength = length;
//System.out.println("Token found [" + m_document.get(m_tokenOffset, m_tokenLength) + "]");
scan = false;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
result = Token.EOF;
return result;
} | 9 |
public static void main(String args[]) {
* Set the Nimbus look and feel
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Look and feel setting code (optional) ">
* If Nimbus (introduced in Java SE 6) is not available, stay with the
* default look and feel. For details see
* http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/plaf.html
try {
for (javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(AltaLib.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (InstantiationException ex) {
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(AltaLib.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(AltaLib.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(AltaLib.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
* Create and display the form
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new AltaLib().setVisible(true);
} | 6 |
public void setFrame(int frameNum, byte[] theFrame) throws SoundException
if(frameNum >= getAudioFileFormat().getFrameLength())
printError("That frame, number "+frameNum+", does not exist. "+
"The last valid frame number is " +
(getAudioFileFormat().getFrameLength() - 1));
int frameSize = getAudioFileFormat().getFormat().getFrameSize();
if(frameSize != theFrame.length)
printError("Frame size doesn't match, line 383. This should" +
" never happen. Please report the problem to a TA.");
for(int i = 0; i < frameSize; i++)
buffer[frameNum*frameSize+i] = theFrame[i];
} | 3 |
public byte[] encrypt(byte[] input) {
int kl = key.length, il = input.length;
int iterations = il / kl;
if(il % kl > 0) iterations++;
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
byte[] keystream = new byte[kl];
salsa20.crypto_stream(keystream, kl, nonce, 0, key);
int lim = (i+1) * kl;
// In the last iteration, the input length is our limit
if(lim > il) lim = il;
for(int n = i * kl; n < lim; n++) {
input[n] ^= keystream[n % kl];
return input;
} | 4 |
private List<SpriteInfoBlock> parseMetadata(String data) throws IOException
// Prepare a "syntax tree" to return
List<SpriteInfoBlock> nodes = new ArrayList<SpriteInfoBlock>();
// Split the metadata into individual lines and parse them individually
String[] lines = data.split("\n");
for(String line : lines) {
// If the line is all spaces, or begins with #, ignore it
if(line.matches("\\s*") || line.matches("#.*"))
// Create a regular expression to parse lines of the type:
// key = value
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\s*)([^\\s]+)\\s*=\\s*(.*[^\\s])\\s*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
// Try to match our line against the key = value pattern
boolean matchFound = matcher.matches();
if(!matchFound) throw new IOException("Malformed .DMI metadata");
// Extract key, value and indentation
String indentation = matcher.group(1);
String key = matcher.group(2);
String value = matcher.group(3);
// Build a new entry in our parsetree for it
SpriteInfoBlock new_block = new SpriteInfoBlock();
new_block.indent = (indentation.length() != 0);
new_block.key = key;
new_block.value = value;
return nodes;
} | 4 |
public ArrayList<DonneeArgos> getPositions() {
return positions;
} | 0 |
public void updateTimePanel () {
JPanel tripComponentPanel = new JPanel (new GridBagLayout ());
GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
c.gridx = 0;
c.gridy = 0;
for (Object o: tripListModel.toArray()) {
TripComponent tc = (TripComponent) o;
tripComponentPanel.add (new TripTimeLabelComponent (tc.getTrip()), c);
c.gridx = 1;
tripComponentPanel.add (new TripTimeIndicatorComponent (tc.getTrip()),c);
c.gridy += 1;
c.gridx = 0;
} | 1 |
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Point p = (Point)obj;
if(this.type== p.type && Math.abs(this.x - p.x) < 0.00001 && Math.abs(this.y - p.y) <0.00001 && this.a.id == p.a.id){
if(this.b != null && p.b != null) {
return (this.b.id == p.b.id)?true:false;
else if(this.b == null && p.b == null) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
} | 9 |
public void start() {
} | 0 |
public Object nextContent() throws JSONException {
char c;
StringBuilder sb;
do {
c = next();
} while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
if (c == 0) {
return null;
if (c == '<') {
return XML.LT;
sb = new StringBuilder();
for (; ; ) {
if (c == '<' || c == 0) {
return sb.toString().trim();
if (c == '&') {
} else {
c = next();
} | 7 |
public static boolean checkSumUsingHash(int[] A, int x) { // Time complexity - O(n)
if(A == null || A.length < 2)
return false;
int i, flag = 0;
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for(i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
map.put(A[i], i);
for(i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
if(map.get(x - A[i]) != null && map.get(x - A[i]) != i) {
System.out.println("Pair " + A[i] + ", " + A[map.get(x - A[i])] + " has sum " + x);
flag = 1;
if(flag == 1)
return true;
return false;
} | 7 |
private void start() {
try {
System.out.println("Accepting connections.");
while (true) {
// recieve new connections
net = new Network(this, ssocket.accept());
Thread t = new Thread(net);
} catch (IOException e) {
} | 2 |
Node applyExtensionRule2( Node node, int edgeLabelBegin, int edgeLabelEnd,
int pathPos, int edgePos, Rule2Type type ) throws MVDException
Node newLeaf,newInternal,son;
// newSon
if ( type == Rule2Type.newSon )
if ( debug )
System.out.println("rule 2: new leaf ("+edgeLabelBegin+","
// create a new leaf (4) with the characters of the extension
newLeaf = new Node( node, edgeLabelBegin, edgeLabelEnd, pathPos );
// connect newLeaf (4) as the new son of node (1)
son = node.sons;
while ( son.rightSibling != null )
son = son.rightSibling;
connectSiblings(son, newLeaf);
// return (4)
return newLeaf;
// split
if ( debug )
System.out.println( "rule 2: split ("+edgeLabelBegin+","
+edgeLabelEnd+")" );
// create a new internal node (3) at the split point
newInternal = new Node( node.father, node.edgeLabelStart,
node.edgeLabelStart+edgePos, node.pathPosition );
// update the node (1) incoming edge starting index (it now starts
// where node (3) incoming edge ends)
node.edgeLabelStart += edgePos+1;
// create a new leaf (2) with the characters of the extension
newLeaf = new Node( newInternal, edgeLabelBegin, edgeLabelEnd, pathPos );
// connect newInternal (3) where node (1) was
// connect (3) with (1)'s left sibling
connectSiblings( node.leftSibling, newInternal );
// connect (3) with (1)'s right sibling
connectSiblings( newInternal, node.rightSibling );
node.leftSibling = null;
// connect (3) with (1)'s father
if ( newInternal.father.sons == node )
newInternal.father.sons = newInternal;
// connect newLeaf (2) and node (1) as sons of newInternal (3)
newInternal.sons = node;
node.father = newInternal;
connectSiblings( node, newLeaf );
// return (3)
return newInternal;
} | 5 |
public void Lands (Player P)
//If nobody owns it
if (Owner == -1)
//Ask if you want to buy.
Game.requestBuy(P, this);
//If you land on enemy players shipping line
else if (Owner != Game.players.indexOf(P))
if ((Game.players.get(Owner)).InPrison == false)
//Pay to your enemy depending on how many shipping lines your enemy owns
int Pay = 0;
int cnt = CountShippingLines();
Player OPlayer = Game.players.get(Owner);
if (cnt == 1)
Pay = 500;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Du betaler leje: " + Pay + " til ejeren");
else if (cnt == 2)
Pay = 1000;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Du betaler leje: " + Pay + " til ejeren");
else if (cnt == 3)
Pay = 2000;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Du betaler leje: " + Pay + " til ejeren");
else if (cnt == 4)
Pay = 4000;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Du betaler leje: " + Pay + " til ejeren");
} | 7 |
public static boolean isSimilarDel(String a, String b, int similarityAcceptError)
a = Normalizer.normalize(a, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "").toUpperCase();
b = Normalizer.normalize(b, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "").toUpperCase();
if (a.equals(b)) return true;
return levenshteinDelOK(a, b, a.length() - 1, b.length() - 1, similarityAcceptError,
Math.min(0, a.length() - b.length()), Math.min(0, b.length() - a.length()));
} | 1 |
public String toString(){
return "CellCreature("+ID+")";
} | 0 |
private static boolean loadConfig() {
File file = new File(configFilename);
serverList = defaultServerList;
port = defaultPort;
authList = new HashMap<String, String>(defaultAuthList);
if (file.exists()) {
System.out.print("Load config ... ");
Document doc = null;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
throw e;
public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
System.out.println("Fatal error validating the config file:");
public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
System.out.println("Warning validating the config file:");
doc = builder.parse(file);
Node node = doc.getDocumentElement();
Node config = XMLUtil.getChildByName(node, "config");
name = XMLUtil.getAttributeValue(XMLUtil.getChildByName(config, "name"),
"value", defaultName);
port = Integer.valueOf(XMLUtil.getAttributeValue(XMLUtil.getChildByName(config, "port"),
"number", Integer.toString(defaultPort)));
serverList = XMLUtil.getAttributeValue(XMLUtil.getChildByName(config, "serverlist"),
"url", defaultServerList);
Node auth = XMLUtil.getChildByName(node, "auth");
NodeList list = auth.getChildNodes();
if (list != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
if (list.item(i).getNodeName().equals("user")) {
authList.put(XMLUtil.getAttributeValue(list.item(i), "name"), XMLUtil
.getAttributeValue(list.item(i), "password"));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("An error ocurred loading the config file");
return false;
} else {
System.out.println("No config file exists. Using default data.");
return true;
} | 5 |
public double outputValue(boolean calculate) {
if (Double.isNaN(m_unitValue) && calculate) {
if (m_input) {
if (m_currentInstance.isMissing(m_link)) {
m_unitValue = 0;
else {
m_unitValue = m_currentInstance.value(m_link);
else {
//node is an output.
m_unitValue = 0;
for (int noa = 0; noa < m_numInputs; noa++) {
m_unitValue += m_inputList[noa].outputValue(true);
if (m_numeric && m_normalizeClass) {
//then scale the value;
//this scales linearly from between -1 and 1
m_unitValue = m_unitValue *
m_attributeRanges[m_instances.classIndex()] +
return m_unitValue;
} | 7 |
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.println("Please enter number of rows for a matrix operation");
int rows = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
System.out.println("Please enter number of columns for a matrix operation");
int columns = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
int[][] matrix = new int[rows][columns];
System.out.println("Please enter row elements the matrix");
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
System.out.println("Please enter row " + i + " elements");
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
matrix[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
System.out.println("Your Matrix is : ");
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrix.length; rowIndex++) {
int[] row = matrix[rowIndex];
if (row != null) {
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < row.length; columnIndex++) {
System.out.print(matrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] + "\t");
int[][] updatedMatrix = setRowColumnZero(matrix);
System.out.println("Updatedf Matrix is : ");
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < updatedMatrix.length; rowIndex++) {
int[] row = updatedMatrix[rowIndex];
if (row != null) {
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < row.length; columnIndex++) {
System.out.print(updatedMatrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] + "\t");
} | 8 |
final void method3940(int i) {
if (anIDirect3DVertexShader9794 == null
&& ((((DirectxToolkit) this).aClass251Array8113
[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175])
!= Class348_Sub42_Sub18.aClass251_9685)) {
if (Class239_Sub18.aClass251_6030
== (((DirectxToolkit) this).aClass251Array8113
[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175]))
((DirectxToolkit) this).anIDirect3DDevice9810.SetTransform
(((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175 + 16,
((DirectxToolkit) this).aClass101_Sub2Array8131
[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175]
.method928(aFloatArray9797, i ^ 0x0));
((DirectxToolkit) this).anIDirect3DDevice9810.SetTransform
(16 - -((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175,
((DirectxToolkit) this).aClass101_Sub2Array8131
[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175]
.method918(aFloatArray9797, i ^ 0x1));
int i_72_ = method3963(594, (((DirectxToolkit) this).aClass251Array8113
[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175]));
if ((i_72_ ^ 0xffffffff)
!= (anIntArray9805[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175]
^ 0xffffffff)) {
((DirectxToolkit) this).anIDirect3DDevice9810.SetTextureStageState
(((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175, 24, i_72_);
anIntArray9805[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175] = i_72_;
} else {
((DirectxToolkit) this).anIDirect3DDevice9810
.SetTextureStageState(((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175, 24, 0);
anIntArray9805[((DirectxToolkit) this).anInt8175] = 0;
if (i != 1)
aBoolean9801 = true;
} | 5 |
public String batchSubscribe(final BatchSubscription batchSubscription) throws MailChimpException {
return post("/lists/batch-subscribe", batchSubscription, new Function<BatchSubscription, String>() {
@Override public String apply(BatchSubscription input) {
return gson.toJson(input);
} | 0 |
public int getResult() {
for (int sum = 6; ; sum++) {
if (sum % 300 == 0) {
System.out.println(sum + " debug ");
System.out.println(sqrs.size() + " siize ");
for (int i = sum - 3; i > sum / 2; i--) {
for (int j = i - 1; j > 2; j--) {
//for (int k = 1; k<j; k++){
int k = sum - i - j;
if (k >= j || k <= 0) continue;
if (i + j + k == sum) {
if (checkSum(i, j, k)) {
System.out.println(i + " " + j + " " + k + " sum " + sum);
return sum;
} | 8 |
public boolean hasNext() {
return current.getNext()!=null;
return false;
} | 1 |
public void run()
}catch(Exception ee){}
} | 4 |
public JSONObject main(Map<String, String> params, Session session)
throws Exception {
JSONObject rtn = new JSONObject();
JSONArray jaUserId = new JSONArray(params.get("aUserId"));
long[] aUserId = new long[jaUserId.length()];
for(int i=0;i<jaUserId.length();i++) {
aUserId[i] = jaUserId.getLong(i);
rtn.put("rtnCode", this.getRtnCode(200));
rtn.put("msg", Appointment.getAvailableTimeSlot(aUserId));
return rtn;
} catch (JSONException e1)
return CommonResponses.showParamError();
} | 2 |
public static double dist(Mat src1, Mat src2, NormType normType) {
assert(src1.cols == src2.cols && src1.rows == src2.rows);
if (src1.isEmpty()) { // is this proper way?
return norm(src2, normType); // if src1 is empty , return norm of src2
if (src2.isEmpty()) { // is this proper way?
return norm(src1, normType); // if src1 is empty , return norm of src2
double sum = 0.0;
double diff;
switch (normType) {
// L1 norm, get absolute value of all elements, return the squared
// root of sum
case NORM_L1: {
for (int i = 0; i < src1.data.length; i++) {
diff = src1.data[i] - src2.data[i];
sum += diff > 0 ? diff : -diff;
// L2 norm, get sum of squared of all elements, return the squared
// root of sum
case NORM_L2: {
for (int i = 0; i < src1.data.length; i++) {
diff = src1.data[i] - src2.data[i];
sum += diff * diff;
sum = Math.sqrt(sum);
return sum;
} | 8 |
public void visitTypeInsn(final int opcode, final String type) {
buf.append(tab2).append(OPCODES[opcode]).append(' ');
appendDescriptor(INTERNAL_NAME, type);
if (mv != null) {
mv.visitTypeInsn(opcode, type);
} | 1 |
public void startSetup(Attributes atts) {
} | 0 |
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if(isEmpty()) {
for(UIElement ui : uiElements) {
if(e.isConsumed()) {
if(ui.getBoundsAsRect().contains(((MouseEvent) e).getPosition())) {
} | 4 |
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof TestIntervalCategoryDataset)) {
return false;
TestIntervalCategoryDataset that = (TestIntervalCategoryDataset) obj;
if (!getRowKeys().equals(that.getRowKeys())) {
return false;
if (!getColumnKeys().equals(that.getColumnKeys())) {
return false;
int rowCount = getRowCount();
int colCount = getColumnCount();
for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < colCount; c++) {
Number v1 = getValue(r, c);
Number v2 = that.getValue(r, c);
if (v1 == null) {
if (v2 != null) {
return false;
else if (!v1.equals(v2)) {
return false;
return true;
} | 9 |
private void print() {
if ( ( getCurrentTreePanel() == null ) || ( getCurrentTreePanel().getPhylogeny() == null )
|| getCurrentTreePanel().getPhylogeny().isEmpty() ) {
if ( !getOptions().isPrintUsingActualSize() ) {
getCurrentTreePanel().setParametersForPainting( getOptions().getPrintSizeX() - 80,
getOptions().getPrintSizeY() - 140,
true );
final String job_name = Constants.PRG_NAME;
boolean error = false;
String printer_name = null;
try {
printer_name = Printer.print( getCurrentTreePanel(), job_name );
catch ( final Exception e ) {
error = true;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, e.getMessage(), "Printing Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
if ( !error && ( printer_name != null ) ) {
String msg = "Printing data sent to printer";
if ( printer_name.length() > 1 ) {
msg += " [" + printer_name + "]";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, msg, "Printing...", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
if ( !getOptions().isPrintUsingActualSize() ) {
} | 9 |