Félix Marty
add dana
# Setup
Here are the steps to setup your own dana-bot server.
## Requirements
As a requirement, you need to have node.js installed on your machine. [See nodejs download](https://nodejs.org/en/download/).
## Instructions for Mac/Linux
### Install modules
First, install dependent node modules
$ npm install
### Create config directory
Second, you need to create a **configs** directory. The database and temporary dana-bot working files will be created in this directory.
$ mkdir configs
### Create bot.js configuration file
See [how to create bot.js configuration file](bot.js.md)
### Create project directory
See [how to create a project](project.md)
### Run
You're ready to run the server :)
To start the server, there are two options:
$ node src/server.js
$ npm start
*dana-bot* has a web interface on the port defined in bot.js configuration file. Just open it using the url **http://config.ip:config.port** (for example http://localhost:5051/)
### Configure email account
Dana-bot provides a way to use a gmail account to send emails using Gmail APIs. Follow [these steps](http://pcarion.com/2015/12/06/How-to-send-a-mail-in-node-using-the-gmail-API.html) to get **clientsecret.json** and **gmail-credentials.json**. Then put these 2 files in **configs/** directory and restart Dana-bot server.
## Adding repositories and tasks
See other docs:
- [repositories management](repositories.md)
- [tasks management](tasks.md)