1 value
porous Si carbide sic is of great potential as catalyst support in several industrially important reactions because of its unique thermophysical characteristics previously porous sic was mostly obtained by a simple sol–gel or reactive replica technique which can only produce a material with low or medium surface area m g− here we report a new hybrid sol–gel RPA to synthesize mesostructured sic with high SA – m g− and tunable porosity the synthesis route involves a facile cocondensation of teos and alkyloxysilane with different alkylchain lengths followed by carbothermalay pnd rhesus monkeys were exposed to no or iso alone or no plus iso for h inhalation of the combination of no iso produces a surgical plane of anesthesia six hours T3 completion of anesthetic administration the monkeys were examined for neurotoxic effects no significant neurotoxic effects were observed for the monkeys exposed to no or iso CT however neuronal damage was apparent when no was combined with iso as indicated by increased numbers of caspase silver IF and fluorojade cpositive cells in the frontal SC temporal gyrus and hippocampus EM indicated typical swelling of the cytoplasm and nuclear condensation in the frontal SC these data suggest that prolonged exposure to inhaled anesthetics a combination of no and iso in the developing rhesus monkey results in neuronal damage and that the cell death observed is AI and necrotic in nature
historically an association between tuberculosis and diabetes was recognised clinically and the recent global rise in diabetes prevalence has reignited interest we therefore quantified the tuberculosisdiabetes association using us survey data a casecontrol analysis was performed using crosssectional data from the second national health and nutrition examination survey civilian noninstitutionalised us population aged cases were respondents ever diagnosed with tuberculosis and controls were respondents who reported never receiving a tuberculosis diagnosis exposure to diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia was defined using a selfreported measure an oral glucose tolerance test or both we used logistic regression to estimate an adjusted odds ratio controlling for potential L1 confounders in relation to the main exposure measure the adjusted odds ratio for the association between tuberculosis and diabetes varied between confidence interval and confidence interval depending on the model no association was found for intermediate hyperglycaemia with adjusted odds ratio varying between confidence interval and confidence interval depending on model irrespective of the SE measure and the confounders controlled for diabetes was associated with an increased tuberculosis risk this study may underestimate the true association due to SE misclassification
the aim was to systematically review genetic testing guidelines in the DUE of children with autism spectrum disorders asds the clinical report published by the american academy of pediatrics aap recommended individualizing the workup including karyotype and specific dna testing for fragile x syndrome a recent publication reported higher rates of abnormalities on cgh microarray cma testing on children with asd the medical records of children seen through the kirch developmental services center were abstracted for genetic testing and AF associated with this testing CA were found on karyotype in and in dna for fragile x in the author concludes that the diagnostic yield of the genetic testing was low in this population furthermore their findings support the theory that cma can be considered as part of the initial genetic screening in children with asd in most situations future studies will need to be done prospectively to evaluate children in a standard fashion
exercise leads to symptom reduction in affective disorders and PET somatic syndromes biological hypotheses of underlying mechanisms include serotonergic and immunological pathways we aimed to investigate biological features in persons with L1 depression and somatoform syndromes and to analyze effects of shortterm graded exercise on these parameters baseline values for depressive and somatoform PS tryptophan kynurenine hydroxyindoleacetic acid neopterin and interleukin were compared with those T3 one week of increased and one week of reduced PCS activity thirtyeight persons with L1 depression persons with a minimum of somatoform PS and HCs participated in the T0 depressive and somatoform PS were reduced T3 the active week and an interaction pointed towards groupspecific reduction of psychopathology participants with L1 depression had lower levels of KYN compared to controls with intermediate concentrations in somatoform patients there were no systematic associations of symptom improvement with biological changes a possible limitation of the design is that a control condition with low physical activity but no placebo condition was included people with multiple somatoform symptoms and major depression benefit from a short and lowgraded exercise intervention these effects do not seem to be mediated by changes in serotonergic and inflammatory parameters
here we demonstrate that a dramatic actin polymerizing activity caused by ectopic expression of the synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin that results in extensive filopodia formation is due to the presence of a lysine rich sequence motif immediately at the cytoplasmic side of the transmembrane domain of the protein this polybasic CS interacts with anionic phospholipids in vitro and consequently the actin CR caused by this CS is interfered with by expression of a phosphatidyl inositol bisphosphate piptargeted phosphatase suggesting that it intervenes with the CF of pipbinding actin control proteins the activity drastically alters the behavior of a range of cultured cells including the neuroblastoma cell line shsyy and primary cortical mouse neurons and since the CS is conserved also in synaptotagmin it may reflect an important finetuning role for these two proteins during synaptic vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter PR
intraembryonic hematopoietic stem cells hsc were first detected in avian chimeras associating an embryo with a YS ys cell markers were used to construct chimeras the results showed that ys blood precursors undergo primitive erythropoiesis and become extinct whereas intraembryonic precursors colonize rudiments of bloodforming organs and settle in the bone marrow as selfrenewable hsc the MM is valid in the mouse as shown by in vitro cultures of cells obtained from embryo structures or ys separated prior to circulation this approach as well as restoration of irradiated adults demonstrates that ys precursors have a limited potential compared with embryo precursors the emergence of heubpopulation belong to the hepatosplenic gammadelta lymphoma entity only a few cases of nonhepatosplenic gammadelta lymphomas have been described in detail previously this T0 presents the clinicopathologic features of consecutive cases of nonhepatosplenic gammadelta lymphoma all were characterized by mucosal or skin initial involvement nasal cavity n gastrointestinal tract n skin n lung n larynx n most patients presented with b PS eight of without IP lymphadenopathy and bone marrow involvement a past history of chronic antigen SE was noted in six cases and four patients had features of immune deficiency on histology they were classified as pleomorphic PT features of epitheliotropism and angiocentrism was observed in most cases RT cells had a cd cd tcell receptor tcrdelta betaf phenotype they were cd of and cdcd of or cd of a clonal gammachain gene rearrangement was detected in all tested cases all cases had an activated cytotoxic tcell intracellular antigen tia granzyme b phenotype epsteinbarr virus ebv sequences were detected in six cases by in situ hybridization ish despite an aggressive clinical course complete remission was obtained in three patients and one of the latter required a IP blood stemcell transplantation nonhepatosplenic gammadelta IP tcell lymphoma can be regarded as a MM of G1 cytotoxic lymphoma occurring in mucosae or skin these appear to be derived from the subpopulation of tissuerestricted gammadelta lymphocytes which are involved in the host epithelial surface surveillance the role of chronic antigen SE in the pathogenesis of these rare lymphomas can be suggested in view of the past history observed in at least some patients
there is a trend to increase the number of prostate biopsies taken to increase the DR of prostate CA we examined radical prostatectomy specimens and correlated the findings to those of preoperative sextant biopsy in an effort to identify the characteristics of PT that went undetected by our biopsy regimen seventyone patients diagnosed with prostate cancer based on sextant biopsy who underwent radical prostatectomy at our institution from june to november had prostatectomy specimens and biopsy slides reviewed these specimens were stepsectioned and wholemounted the location size and grade of individual cancer foci in the prostatectomy specimens were correlated with results of the original sextant biopsies clinically significant tumors were defined as those with volume ml or gleason score or and extracapsular extension in patients there was concordance of biopsy and prostatectomy findings in patients additional lesions were demonstrated in the prostatectomy specimens that were ND by our sextant biopsies these included cases with PT ml and cases in which the lesions were ml in size however of these cases contained PT with gleason score or PT were located in the transition zone in of these cases and the remaining tumors were located in the IP zone no PT with extracapsular extension were missed thus of the cases had clinically significant cancers that went undetected by the traditional sextant biopsy method greater than of patients who underwent sextant biopsy of the prostate had additional PT that were missed when compared to the pathologic specimen as many as of these patients had clinically significant CA based on size and grade criteria a strategy of increased numbers of biopsies would improve the PCD rate of these clinically important PT however the ideal strategy for optimizing cancer detection requires further investigation because increased numbers of biopsies would also increase PCD of clinically insignificant tumors
the results of previous studies comparing bronchodilatation from beta agonists po by metereddose inhaler mdi and NEB solution have been conflicting we therefore evaluated a range of albuterol doses po by these two methods using histamine bronchoprovocation as a bioassay for the amount of drug reaching the beta receptors in the lung twelve SD asthmatic volunteers received in a doubleblind randomized crossover design on different days placebo or one two four or six puffs from an mdi attached to an inspirease device micrograms per puff or or mg of solution delivered in ml of buffered saline through a hudson updraft ii nebulizer the histamine concentration required to decrease fev gnificantly higher than in catheter control fetuses despite the significant elevation in plasma cortisol concentrations in hpdf fetuses between and days plasma iracth concentrations were not different in these fetuses from hpd fetuses infused with saline at days of gestation in hpdf fetuses the proportion of fetaltype corticotrophs in the pars distalis was significantly less than in the hpdsal fetuses however there was no significant NC in the proportion of adulttype corticotrophs in the pars distalis following cortisol infusion we have shown that cortisol has a direct trophic effect on the maturation of the PD corticotrophs however the full maturation of these cells requires an intact hypothalamopituitary axis these findings demonstrate the importance of the fetal hypothalamus in anterior pituitary corticotroph maturation during the last third of gestation
toroidal droplets are inherently unstable due to surface tension they can break up similar to cylindrical jets but also exhibit a shrinking instability which is inherent to the toroidal shape we investigate the evolution of shrinking toroidal droplets using particle image velocimetry we obtain the flow field inside the droplets and show that as the torus evolves its crosssection significantly deviates from circular we then use the experimentally obtained velocities at the torus interface to theoretically reconstruct the internal flow field our calculation correctly describes the experimental results and elucidates the role of those modes that among the many possible ones are required to capture all of the relevant experimental features
graphene is an attractive material for its physicochemical properties but for many applications only chemically synthesized forms such as graphene oxide go and reduced graphene oxide rgo can be produced in sufficient amounts if considered as electrode material the intrinsic defects of go or rgo may have negative influence on the conductivity and electrochemical properties such defects are commonly Ox CS that offer the possibility to be functionalized with other materials in order to improve performance in this work we demonstrate how such ultimately efficient functionalization can be achieved namely through controlled IB of very small amount of materials such as ruo to rgo by atomic layer deposition ald in this way substituting the native defect sites with ruo defects for the example of a supercapacitor we show that defect functionalization results in significantly enhanced specific capacitance of the electrode and that its energy density can be stabilized even at high consumption rates
the diagnosis of chronic beryllium disease cbd relies on the beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test belpt to demonstrate a be specific immune response this test has improved early diagnosis but cannot discriminate beryllium sensitization bes from cbd we previously found high neopterin C2 in cbd patients serum and questioned whether bestimulated neopterin production by IP blood cells in vitro might be useful in the diagnosis of cbd
to investigate the influence of the C/N ratio cnr and temporal resolution of d dynamic contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging on the quantification of pulmonary perfusion parameters by means of montecarlo simulations and a volunteer study
benzoylbenzoic acid inhibits pyridoxal kinase activity competitively with respect to pyridoxal the ki was determined to be x m binding studies showed that benzoylbenzoic acid bound to pyridoxal kinase at a molar ratio and with a KB kd of x m photoirradiation of pyridoxal kinase in the presence of a fold excess of benzoylbenzoic acid at ph resulted in an irreversible loss of enzymatic activity this photoinactivation was prevented by the presence of pyridoxal amino acid analysis revealed that tyrosine residuesubunit was modified during photoinactivation the presence of a IMT residue at the AS site of pyridoxal kinase was confirmed by reaction with TNM in the presence of x m TNM a CR loss of the kinase activity was observed after incubation at degrees c for min with modification of a total of IMT residues the secondorder rate constant k of the reaction between the IMT residues and tetranitromethane was determined to be s m
sturgeweber syndrome sws is a disorder involving CNS system CA that may increase the risk of HP dysfunction records of patients with suspected growth hormone deficiency ghd identified from a registry of patients with sws were reviewed nine patients with ghd were found
duplicate carefullycharacterized municipal solid waste msw specimens were reconstituted with waste constituents obtained from a msw landfill and biodegraded in largescale landfill simulators for about a year repeatability and relationships between changes in PCS chemical and microbial characteristics taking place during the biodegradation process were evaluated parameters such as rate of change of soluble chemical oxygen demand in the leachate rscod rate of methane generation rch rate of specimen volume reduction rvt dna concentration in the leachate and archaeal community structures in the leachate and solid waste were monitored during T0 the dna concentration in the leachate was correlated to rch and rvt the rch was related to rscod and rvt when waste biodegradation was intensive the structures of archaeal communities in the leachate and solid waste of both simulators were very similar and methanobacteriaceae were the dominant archaeal family throughout the testing period monitoring the chemical and microbial characteristics of the leachate was informative of the biodegradation process and volume reduction in the simulators suggesting that leachate monitoring could be informative of the extent of biodegradation in a fullscale landfill
septation and spore formation in fission yeast are compartmentalization processes that occur during the MI and meiotic cycles and that are regulated by the septation initiation network sin in mitosis activation of sid protein kinase transduces the signal from the spindle pole body spb to the middle of the cell in order to promote the constriction of the AM ring concomitant with ring contraction membrane vesicles are added at the cleavage site to enable the necessary expansion of the cell membrane in meiosis the forespore membrane is synthesized from the outer layers of the spb by vesicle F0 this membrane grows and eventually engulfs each of the four haploid nuclei the molecular mechanism that connects the sin pathway with synthesis of the forespore membrane is poorly understood here we describe a meiosisspecific sidlike kinase slk which is important for the coordination of the growth of the forespore membrane with the meiotic nuclear divisions slk and sid are required for forespore membrane biosynthesis and seem to be the final output of the sin pathway in meiosis
we explored classification accuracy of english and spanish versions of an experimental semantic language measure with functional monolingualbilingual children with and without language impairment a total of children participated including balanced bilinguals with language impairment with typical development monolingual spanish with language impairment with typical OD and monolingual english with language impairment with typical OD children between and years cut points derived for functionally monolingual children were applied to bilinguals to assess the predictive accuracy of english and spanish semantics correct classification of english monolinguals and spanish monolinguals was discriminant analysis yielded and correct classification for balanced bilingual children in english and spanish respectively this semanticsbased measure has fair to good classification accuracy for functional monolinguals and for spanishenglish bilingual children when one language is tested
in this paper mercaptobenzoic acid mbapmba was designed as a model molecule for theoretical and experimental studies of the molecule structure DFT dft calculations have been performed to predict the ir and raman spectra for the molecule in addition fourier transform infrared ftir and raman spectra of the compound have been obtained experimentally based on the modeling results obtained at the blypg∗∗ level all ftir and raman bands of the compound obtained experimentally were assigned our calculated vibrational frequencies are in good PA with the exp vales the molecular electrostatic potential surface calculation was performed and the result suggested that the mba had two hydrogen bond donors and three hydrogen bond acceptors homolumo gap was also obtained theoretically at blypg∗∗ level
a molecular imprinting technique was applied to the construction of prosthetic groupcoupled tunable IB cavities for bisphenol a bpa a novel template molecule with a structure consisting of bpa covalently conjugated with two allylcarboxyphenyldisulfides through ester bonds bpad was designed T3 copolymerization of bpad with styrene and divinylbenzene the bpa dimercaptobenzoate moieties were removed by reductive cleavage of the disulfide bonds resulting in apotype molecularly imprinted cavities bearing two thiol residues mercaptobenzoic acid was introduced into the apotype cavities as a prosthetic group through a disulfide bond by addition of dithiodibenzoic acid which transformed the apotype cavities into holotype cavities with two carboxylic acid residues for binding bpa when pyridyl prosthetic groups were introduced instead of mercaptobenzoic acid by using dithiodipyridine bpa recognition ability was maintained but with improved selectivity the binding affinity was successfully altered several times by attaching and detaching these prosthetic groups which showed that the apotype scaffold could be reused furthermore noncovalenttype ionpaired cofactors could be introduced when the two thiol CG in the apotype cavities were Ox to sulfonic acid groups when diaminoethane dae was added to the Ox apotype scaffold as a noncovalenttype cofactor the CBA was regulated successively depending upon the concentrations of dae added by using various prosthetic CG and cofactors the IB properties of the holotype cavities could be tusitivity of the performance of the latest mortality probability MM at intensive care unit admission mpmiii to casemix variations and to determine how specialized models for these subgroups would affect intensive care unit performance assessment mpmiii is an important benchmarking tool for intensive care units in project impact overall mpmiii has excellent discrimination and calibration but its performance varies on six common patient subsets
the maximum tolerated dose for intraperitoneal i.t. and oral ingestion of TQ was determined in male and female wistar rats a range of DLs of thymoquinone and mgkg body weight for intraperitoneal i.t. and and mgkg body weight for oral ingestion were tested for LD50 in rats the results showed that the maximum tolerated dose for intraperitoneal injection was mgkg in male rats and mgkg in females whereas for oral ingestion it was mgkg in both male and female rats there were different signs of toxicity shown in rats which received intraperitoneal i.t. from those that received oral ingestion of thymoquinone rats which received intraperitoneal i.t. of thymoquinone showed toxicity signs which were related to AP meanwhile rats which received oral ingestion of thymoquinone showed transient toxicity signs two deaths were reported at dose of mgkg as a result of bowel one complications the data presented in this T0 indicate that the route of administration of TQ could have an influence on TQ toxicity outcome in both genders
the divided VF technique was used to investigate the pattern of brain asymmetry in the perception of positiveapproach and negativewithdrawal facial expressions a total of undergraduate students female male were distributed in five exp CG in order to investigate separately the perception of expressions of happiness surprise fear sadness and the neutral face in each trial a target and a distractor expression were presented simultaneously in a computer screen for ms and participants had to determine the side left or right on which the target expression was presented results indicated that expressions of happiness and fear were identified faster when presented in the left visual field suggesting an advantage of the right hemisphere in the perception of these expressions fewer judgement PE and faster reaction times were also observed for the matching condition in which emotional faces were presented in the left VF and neutral faces in the right VF other results indicated that positive expressions happiness and surprise were perceived faster and more accurately than negative ones sadness and fear main results tend to support the RA hemisphere hypothesis which predicts a better performance of the RA hemisphere to perceive emotions as opposed to the approachwithdrawal hypothesis
recently we synthesized superporous hydrogels which swell fast with high swelling ratios for development of gastric PR devices due to their superabsorbent nature superporous hydrogels are too mechanically weak for gastric retention application the mechanical strength of superporous hydrogels was substantially increased by making superporous hydrogel composites the composite materials used were hydrophilic particulate materials commonly used as disintegrants in pharmaceutical tablets in this study acdisol was used as a model composite material addition of acdisol resulted in significant improvement in the properties of superporous hydrogels the dried superporous hydrogels maintained interconnected channels even T3 drying in the air thus the swelling kinetics and the swelling ratio were not affected by air drying which normally would have resulted in partial or total collapse of the interconnected pores the presence of acdisol also increased the mechanical strength substantially SEM examination showed that the composite material increased the physical crosslinking density which provided high mechanical strength and prevented polymer chains from collapsing during air drying the superporous hydrogel composites possess properties suitable for gastric PR
the RPA of genetargeted animal models is likely the most important exp tool contributing to recent advances in skeletal biology modifying the expression of a gene in vivo and the analysis of the consequences of the mutation are CE to the understanding of gene CF during OD and physiology and therefore to our understanding of the genes role in disease states researchers had been limited to animal models primarily involving pharmaceutical manipulations and spontaneous mutations with the advent of gene targeting however animal models that impact our understanding of metabolic bone disease have evolved dramatically interestingly some genes that were expected to yield dramatic phenotypes in bone such as estrogen receptoralpha or osteopontin proved to have subtle phenotypes whereas other genes such as interleukin or OPG were initially identified as having a role in bone metabolism via the analysis of their phenotype T3 gene ablation or overexpression particularly important has been the advance in knowledge of osteoblast and osteoclast independent and dependent roles via the selective targeting of genes and the consequent disruption of bone formation BR or both our understanding of interactions of the skeletal system with other systems ie the V1 system and homeostatic controls of adipogenesis has evolved via animal models such as the MGP KO and the targeted overexpression of delta fosb challenging transgenic models such as the osteopontindeficient mice with mediators of bone remodeling like parathyroid hormone and mechanical stimuli and extending phenotype characterization to mechanistic in vitro studies of primary bone cells is providing additional insight into the mechanisms involved in pathologic states and their potentials for therapeutic strategies this review segregates characterization of transgenic models based on the category of gene altered eg reproductive hormones calcitropic hormones growth AF and cytokines signaling molecules extracellular matrix molecules and other genes models are also segregated based on phenotypes that are primarily osteoclastic OB or mixed as the technical ability to alter gene expression negatively or positively and in a tissuespecific and temporal manner continues to evolve there are endless possibilities for generating genetically altered animal models with which to gain insight into metabolic bone diseases
the AAC also referred to as the adenine nucleotide translocator of saccharomyces cerevisiae is encoded by a nuclear gene translated in the cytosol and imported into the mitochondrial IM in order to T0 the determinants of mitochondrial import a series of F0 proteins consisting of the first and amino acids of the AAC joined to mouse dihydrofolate reductase were generated dihydrofate reductase is a cytoslic protein that does not bind mitochondria the reticulocyte lysate reaction containing the smethioninelabeled protein was incubated with mitochondria in a buffer containing bsa following incubation for import the reactions were treated with mm pmsf or microgramsml PK mitochondria were reisolated and analyzed by gel electrophoresis the and amino acid hybrid proteins showed a low level of IB to mitochondria the bound form was entirely protease accessible the CAA hybrid protein was imported to a proteaseprotected location within mitochondria it is concluded that the first amino acids of the adpatp carrier do not suffice to import the protein into mitochondria and that the region between amino acids and a region that contains a transmembranespanning domain constitutes at least part of the mitochondrial import signal
the interaction between the CBR and bezoldjarisch bj reflex intravenously po veratridine was studied in anesthetized rabbits after aortic nerve section the carotid sinuses were vascularly isolated to regulate the intrasinus pressure isp the extent of bj reflex bradycardia and hypotension was progressively diminished as the isp was elevated stepwise when the CBR was not operative by holding the isp constant at control the bj reflex changes in heart rate hr and systemic arterial pressure sap were not significantly different from those induced at the normal condition thus the calculated baroreflex static loop gain was greatly decreased during the bj reflex however sinus denervation analogous to keeping isp below mmhg significantly enhanced the bj reflex effects a steadystate infusion of veratridine remarkably reduced the slope of the baroreflex CF ispsap and isphr curves the results indicate that the bj reflex effects are affected by the prevailing arterial baroreceptor input varying inversely with the isp level an attenuation in the baroreflex sinsitivity in terms of the loop gain or slope of the TF curve was observed during the bj reflex the presence of tonic cardiovascular inhibitions exerted by the arterial baroreceptors tends to reduce the bj reflex bradycardia and hypotension but the baroreceptors do not function adequately in buffering the cardiovascular inhibition produced by the cardiogenic reflex
we have cloned herg uso a cterminal splice variant of the human etherà gogorelated gene herg the gene encoding the rapid component of the delayed rectifier ikr from human heart and we find that its mrna is approximately fold more abundant than that for herg the originally described cdna T3 transfection of herg uso in ltk cells no current was observed however coexpression of herg uso with herg modified ikr by decreasing its amplitude accelerating its activation and shifting the Vc dependence of activation mv negative as with herg uso hergdeltac a herg construct lacking the CT amino acids also produced no current in transfected cells however ikr was rescued by ligation of amino acids from the c terminus of herg to the c terminus of hergdeltac indicating that the c terminus of herg includes a domain amino acids that is critical for faithful recapitulation of ikr the lack of this CTD not only explains the finding that herg uso does not generate ikr but also indicates a similar mechanism for hithertouncharacterized long qt syndrome herg mutations that disrupt the splice site or the cterminal we suggest that the amplitude and gating of cardiac ikr depends on expression of both herg and herg uso
the vp CA protein from RHDV rhdv spanish isolate ast was cloned and expressed in pichia pastoris the transformed yeast was grown at high cell density and an expression level of about g vpl SC was obtained the protein was detected associated with the cell debris fraction of the recombinant yeast T3 mechanical disruption it was purified by a simple method and was obtained nglycosylated with purity of approximately as deduced from densitometry scan analysis the recombinant product was antigenically similar to the native capsid protein as determined with polyclonal antibodies obtained from rabbits vaccinated with vp protein purified from native virus the immunogenicity of vp protein purified from p pastoris was demonstrated by elisa in a vaccination experiment conducted with two CG of rabbits subcutaneously immunized animals vaccinated with vp in freunds incomplete adjuvant developed a significant p virusspecific antibody response while the group injected with placebo remained seronegative preliminary results showed that the antigen po within the cell debris fraction of the transformed yeast protected rabbits immunized by the oral route against an intramuscular challenge with ld HA units of homologous virus
the purpose of the present study was to investigate the antiproliferative and AI effects of mcsc a novel synthetic analogue of the pyrrolodpyrimidine nucleoside toyocamycin and sangivamycin in HL-60 hl cells when treated with microm mcsc inhibited proliferation associated with apoptotic induction was found in the hl cells in a concentrationdependent and timedependent manner plus nuclear dapi staining revealed the typical nuclear features of apoptosis however mcsc showed almost no antiproliferative effect and no AI induction in normal lymphocyte cells used as a control when compared with those in hl CA cells moreover a flow cytometric analysis of the hl cells using fitcdutp and PI pi showed that the apoptotic cell population increased gradually from at h to at h T3 SE to microm mcsc this apoptotic induction was associated with the cleavage of bid and a PR of cytochrome c from mitochondria into the cytosol followed by the activation of ICE and inactivation of polyadpribose polymerase parp however there was no significant NC in any other mitochondrial membrane proteins such as bcl and bax consequently the current findings suggest that the mitochondrial pathway was primarily involved in the mcscinduced apoptosis in the human promyelocytic leukemia hl cells
the objective of this T0 was to determine if access to high level health facility level perinatal center is related to SEL of the mother and to her perception of risk for a twin birth a retrospective questionnaire was administrated to the mothers of twins during the first post parum days in each of the maternity CS within a defined geographical district near paris hauts de seine the survey instrument was designed to precisely characterize the SES of the parents to measure the perceived risk for the twins expressed by the mother to measure the relationship between the choice of a maternity site level or by socioeconomic level and to measure the fetal and neonatal death rates by SES the opinion of mothers of twins about specific risk for her and for her children is very different by socioeconomic C2 as is the choice of level this is discussed with the rates of fetal and neonatal death rates by socioeconomic level in the absence of a policy of regionalization of perinatal care the discriminant factor for access to high level care level maternity site is the SEL
the PVH nucleus pvn of the hypothalamus is an important integrative site for NE control of the circulation we investigated the role of oxytocin receptors ot receptors in pvn in cardiovascular homeostasis
dihydrooxodeoxyguanosine oxodg is a wellknown marker of oxidative stress we report a mechanistic analysis of several pathways by which oxodg is converted to nucleotide triphosphates and incorporated into both dna and rna exposure of mcf cells to coxodg combined with TPS inhibitors of several nucleotide salvage enzymes followed with accelerator mass spectrometry provided precise quantitation of the resulting radiocarbonlabeled species concentrations of exogenously dosed nucleobase in rna reached one per nucleotides fold higher than the maximum observed in dna radiocarbon incorporation into dna and rna was abrogated by immucillin h an inhibitor of human PNPase pnp inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase rr decreased the radiocarbon content of the dna but not in rna indicating an important role for rr in the formation of oxodgderived deoxyribonucleotides inhibition of deoxycytidine kinase had little effect on 14C incorporation in dna which is in contrast to the known ability of mammalian cells to phosphorylate dg our data indicate that pnp and rr enable nucleotide salvage of oxodg in mcf cells a previously unrecognized mechanism that may contribute to mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
the roof plate is a specialized embryonic midline tissue of the central NS that functions as a signaling center regulating dorsal neural patterning in the developing hindbrain roof SP cells express gdf and previous genetic fate mapping studies showed that these cells contribute mostly to nonneural choroid plexus epithelium we demonstrate here that constitutive activation of the sonic Hh signaling pathway in the gdf lineage invariably leads to MB lineage tracing analysis reveals that gdflineage cells not only are a source of choroid plexus epithelial cells but are also present in the cerebellar rhombic lip and contribute to a subset of cerebellar granule neuron precursors the presumed celloforigin for sonic hedgehogdriven medulloblastoma we further show that gdflineage cells also contribute to multiple neuronal and glial cell types in the cerebellum including glutamatergic granule neurons UP brush cells purkinje neurons gabaergic interneurons bergmann glial cells and VWM astrocytes these findings establish hindbrain roof plate as a novel source of diverse neural cell types in the cerebellumly was narrow the vcan deposition in the vcanδδ avc cushion had decreased whereas the ha deposition was maintained and condensed in the tip of ventricular septa both vcan and ha had decreased the cell proliferation based on the number of kipositive cells had remarkably increased in both the avc cushion and VVI septa compared with that of wt embryos vcanδδ seemed to have endocardial and mesenchymal mixed characteristics when the ex vivo explant SC of these regions was performed on the collagen gel hardly any migration to make sufficient space for the ecm construction was apparent our results suggest that the proteoglycan aggregates are necessary in both the avc cushion and ventricular septa to fuse interventricular septa and the vcan a subdomain plays an essential role for the interventricular septal formation by constituting the proteoglycan aggregates
hepatocyte apoptosis and activation of hepatic stellate cells hsc are critical events in fibrogenesis we previously demonstrated that phagocytosis of apoptotic HCs by hsc is profibrogenic based on this as well as the observation that reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase NOX induction is CE to fibrogenesis our aim was to T0 the phagocytic NOX nox
type acid phosphatase acp also known as tartrateresistant acid phosphatase or uteroferrin is a metalloprotein secreted by the endometrial GE of pigs mares sheep and water buffalo in this paper we describe the phylogenetic distribution of endometrial expression of acp and demonstrate that endometrial expression arose early in evolution ie before divergence of prototherian and therian mammals million years ago to determine expression of acp in the pregnant endometrium rna was isolated from Rh mouse rat dog sheep cow horse armadillo opossum and duckbilled platypus results from rtpcr and rnaseq experiments confirmed that acp is expressed in all species examined acp was also demonstrated immunochemically in endometrium of rhesus marmoset sheep cow goat and opossum alignment of inferred CAA sequences shows a high conservation of acp throughout speciation with speciesspecific differences most extensive in the NT and cterminal regions of the protein analysis by selecton indicated that most of the sites in acp are undergoing purifying selection and no sites undergoing positive selection were found in conclusion endometrial expression of acp is a common feature in all orders of mammals and has been subjected to purifying selection expression of acp in the uterus predates the divergence of therians and prototherians acp is an evolutionary conserved gene that likely exerts a common CF important for pregnancy in mammals using a wide range of reproductive strategies
barriers within the patient pathway can prevent early administration of thrombolytic therapy in patients admitted with acute stroke this systematic review aimed to identify such barriers that have been reported in the medical literature
this study investigated the relationships between renal allograft interstitial fibrosis renal function and graft survival a total of consecutive renal Tx immunosuppressed with cyclosporin were studied needle core transplant biopsies were performed before operation and at and months Tx allograft fibrosis was assessed by histomorphometric analysis of graft interstitial volume fraction renal function was measured by isotopic glomerular filtration rate gfr measurement at the same time points ISV fraction was already high in preperfusion biopsies significantly increased with time but stabilized at months after transplantation gfr correlated negatively with ISV fraction at months p ISV fraction at month was not a useful predictor of subsequent VG survival but for allografts surviving to months an ISV fraction above per cent predicted significantly poorer survival p it provides an objective measure of chronic allograft damage and may prove to be a useful surrogate endpoint in the study of therapeutic MI
in metabolomics the purpose is to identify and quantify all the metabolites in a biological system combined gas chromatography and mass spectrometry gcms is one of the most commonly used techniques in metabolomics together with h nmr and it has been shown that more than compounds can be distinguished with gcms T3 deconvolution of overlapping peaks to avoid having to deconvolute all analyzed samples prior to multivariate analysis of the data we have developed a strategy for rapid comparison of nonprocessed ms data files the method includes baseline correction alignment time window determinations AC regression plsda and ID of PR time windows in the chromatograms that explain the differences between the samples use of alternating regression also gives interpretable loadings which retain the information provided by mz values that vary between the samples in each retention time window the method has been applied to plant extracts derived from leaves of different developmental stages and plants subjected to small changes in day length the data show that the new method can detect differences between the samples and that it gives results comparable to those obtained when deconvolution is applied prior to the MVA we suggest that this method can be used for rapid comparison of large sets of gcms data thereby applying timeconsuming deconvolution only to parts of the chromatograms that contribute to explain the differences between the samples
the primary pathology in alzheimers disease dat occurs in the BF cholinergic system bfcs which provides the major ACh innervation to the neocortex hippocampus and amygdala consistent with the ACh hypothesis of dementia in dat the most effective treatments so far developed for dat are drugs which act to boost the functions of the bfcs these include the centrally acting cholinesterase inhibitor tacrine and the cholinergic agonist NIC acute administration of which leads to an improvement in attentional functions in L1 with recent animal studies of the role of the bfcs in cognition we conclude that future research should include the development of more potent longerlasting less toxic ACh agents which appear to be the best candidates for alleviating the cognitive symptomatology of dat such drugs may also be useful in the treatment of a number of other cognitive disorders including lewy body dementia attention deficithyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia
human glioblastoma a gb a cells can apparently recover from potentially lethal xirradiation the authors using a colonyforming assay studied the influence of i.c.v. with aminomethylpyrimidinyl methylchloroethylnitrosourea hydrochloride acnu on the effectiveness of xirradiation against gb a cells grown in monolayers and as multicellular spheroids preexposure to acnu inhibited the REC of irradiated gb a cells in monolayer cells the combination treatment was most effective when acnu was applied to hours prior to irradiation and the larger the xray dose the more potent the effect acnu pretreatment was more ERP against large spheroids enhancement ratio than against small ones C1 spheroids showed necrosis whereas small ones did not isobolographic analysis disclosed that the effect of combining xirradiation and acnu is within an additive env at the surviving fraction of while supraadditive at the SF of these results suggest that the potency of xirradiation is augmented by acnu pretreatment through an interactive mechanism further suppression of recovery from xray induced potentially lethal damage was influenced by the presence of CN
a unique opportunity was presented to observe the potentially toxic effects of an acute exposure to the vapors of petroleum naphtha distillate on a relatively C1 number of individuals the immediate manifestation in all was dyspnea the action on motor VH combustion suggested that some of this could have been due to oxygen ED however all individuals were dyspneic for several minutes T3 exposure a few were cyanotic for several minutes after SE all were excited tremulousness and mild nausea followed the initial PS but were of bred influence min a day of the strong magnetic field of ersted for days inhibits synthetic processes in the liver tissue a more prolonged days exposure to the field produces insignificant histochemical changes which seem to be induced by the occuring compensatory reaction it is shown that a month long stay of animals in the environment shielded from the geomagnetic field may enhance synthetic processes in some cells and inhibit them in others
the SS concentrations of the P1CP of COL1A1 picp were monitored in serum samples from patients receiving renal transplants and the values compared with bone alkaline phosphatase bap concentrations and IN PTH C2 there was a significant correlation between bap and picp values in all serum samples examined r p before transplantation bap p but not picp p was correlated with intact parathyrin levels bap concentrations increased from microgramsl median sem before transplantation to microgramsl months Tx p there was a concomitant rise in picp levels from microgramsl to microgramsl p no correlation was found between bap or picp levels on the one hand and IN parathyrin concentrations on the other at any time following renal transplantation p in conclusion picp may be a useful parameter for monitoring bone formation following renal transplantation
WM wm encompasses both ST memory storage and executive functions that play an essential role in all forms of cognition in this T0 the genetic structure of storage and executive functions engaged in both a spatial and verbal wm span task is investigated using a twin sample the sample consists of monozygotic mz and dizygotic dz japanese twin pairs ages to years in mz dz of these pairs cognitive ability scores from the kyodai japanese iq test are also obtained the phenotypic relationship between wm and cognitive ability is confirmed r individual differences in wm storage and executive functions are found to be significantly influenced by genes with heritability estimates all moderately high and estimates for cognitive ability comparable to previous studies a large part of the genetic variance in storage and executive functions in both spatial and verbal modalities is due to a common genetic factor that accounts for to of the variance in the reduced sample this common genetic factor accounts for and of the variance in spatial and verbal cognitive ability respectively additional genetic variance in wm is due to modality specific factors spatial and verbal and a storage TPS factor that may be particularly important for the verbal modality none of the variance in cognitive ability is accounted for by the modality and storage genetic factors suggesting these may be TPS to wm
this T0 examines the question of which type of gastroenteral anastomosis is predisposed to carcinoma of the gastric stump evaluation of operative or autopsy reports of patients with carcinomas of the gastric stump following ulcer resection was undertaken the interval T3 resection for ulcer was on the average years in cases a BII resection with retrocolic anastomosis polya type had been performed patients had a billroth ii resection with enteroanastomosis brauns type only cases of billroth i resection were found in the whole collective from the results it may be concluded that carcinoma of the gastric stump develops predominantly in the remaining stomach following BII resection with retrocolic anastomosis without brauns enteroanastomosis when retrocolic anastomosis is performed the duodenogastric reflux definitely passes through via atrophic gastritis to the OD of a stump carcinoma however when Bi resection or billroth ii resection with enteroanastomosis is performed the duodenogastric reflux is low or is quantitatively derived into the jejunum
diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic renal failure myofibroblasts play a major role in the synthesis and secretion of extracellular matrix in diabetic renal fibrosis increasing evidence suggests that endothelial cells may undergo endothelialmyofibroblast transition under physiological and pathophysiological circumstances therefore this T0 investigates whether endothelialmyofibroblast transition occurs and contributes to the OD of diabetic renal interstitial fibrosis diabetes was induced by administration of streptozotocin to tiecreloxpegfp mice an EC lineagetraceable mouse line generated by crossbreeding bcgtgtekcrefvj mice with bcgtgactbbgeogfplbej mice the endothelialmyofibroblast transition was also studied in mmecs a mouse pancreatic microvascular endothelial cell line and primary cultures of cdeyfp enhanced yellow fluorescent protein endothelial cells isolated from adult normal alphasmooth muscle actin promoterdriveneyfp alphasmaeyfp mouse kidneys confocal microscopy demonstrated that and of renal interstitial myofibroblasts alphasma in and month streptozotocininduced diabetic kidneys were of endothelial origin egfpalphasma cells comparnthesis of visible CS responsive nitrogen doped anatase tio sheets with dominant facets from tin the synthesized anatase tio sheets show a strong and stable capability of generating photocatalysis AS species of oh radicals and hydrogen evolution from splitting water under visible light irradiation
in the past two years we have treated patients at our clinic for regional changes in the macula lutea the results of the electrophysiological investigations carried out on these patients are reported scotopic and photopic wholefield electroretinography erg PERG and analysis of the visual flash and patternevoked potentials these different tests are suitable for assessing various types of pathological retinal CF EP methods are appropriate for evaluating the degree and progression of the disease in certain hereditary diseases of the retina such as in stargardt macular degeneration and in a few early cases of sexrelated retinoschisis EP data can also be valuable in making a differential diagnosis
soft tissue sarcoma is a rare and heterogeneous group of PT in terms of histological subtypes molecular alterations clinical presentation and prognosis yet these tumors are most often treated similarly in the localized phase the ST of these patients requires multidisciplinary management in particular careful diagnostic procedures and surgery by an expert physician preceded or followed by external radiotherapy the utility of adjuvant chemotherapy has been explored in trials comparing adjuvant chemotherapy with no treatment several trials reported a lower risk for local relapse and lower risk for metastatic relapse but only a few small trials reported longer overall survival a metaanalysis of all trials failed to demonstrate a significant difference in the RFS survival rfs or overall survival rates two additional trials reported afterward presented conflicting results with a significant benefit in terms of the rfs rate for the trial of the italian sarcoma group but no difference in the rfs or overall survival rate in the most recent european organization for research and treatment of CA trial we conclude that adjuvant chemotherapy has not been proven to improve the outcome of an unselected population of patients several hypotheses are proposed to account for this observation
the successful covalent functionalization of quartz and ntype hsic with organosilanes and benzoghiperylenedicarboxylic dye is demonstrated in particular wetchemically processed selfassembled layers of aminopropyltriethoxysilane aptes and benzoghiperylenedicarboxylic anhydride are investigated the structural and chemical properties of these layers are studied by contact angle measurements attenuated total reflection infrared atrir spectroscopy and XPS xps the optical properties are measured by confocal microscopy the wetting angles observed for the organic layers are α ° for the aptesfunctionalized surface while angles of α ° and ° are determined for dyefunctionalized quartz and hsic surfaces respectively however not all amino CG of the aptesfunctionalized surfaces react to bind dye molecules further dye functionalization is not uniform throughout the surface showing different island sizes of the dye and including different chemical environments the quartz surface exhibits a higher packing density of dyes than the hsic surface the fluorescence lifetimes of the surfaceattached dye show double exponential decays of about and ns largely independent of the substrates
in a problembased learning pbl program students are encouraged to develop selfmotivation selfconfidence communication skills and problemsolving skills measuring these attributes when selecting students into medical schools is a formidable task admission to medical school typically depends upon students academic achievement in their prior education in the past years the college of medicine and medical science cmms at the arabian gulf university which has a pbl curriculum adopted an admission policy that utilizes final high school scores a written admission examination in english and science as well as a strucunctional consequences on immune responses a heterogenous constitutive and interferongamma inducible hlag mrna and protein expression was found in rcc cell lines and tumor lesions but not in autologous normal kidney epithelium hlag transcription and protein expression was detected at a VHF in primary rcc lesions and rcc cell lines PET studies performed with alloreactive NK and lymphokine activated killer cells as well as antigenspecific cd t cell populations demonstrated that hlag expression inhibits lysis of rcc cells by these different immune effector cells whereas hlag normal kidney cells were recognized thus aberrant hlag expression might participate in evasion of these tumor cells from immunosurveillance
scapholunate sl AL injury is among the most common injuries of the intrinsic ligaments of the carpus arthroscopic treatment in CR and nonacute injuries has had poor results these cases have typically been treated using open surgical techniques that require a broad dorsal RPA and produce soft tissue impairment which leads to reduced wrist mobility the development of wrist arthroscopy techniques has allowed the treatment of CR and nonacute injuries of the sl ligament without the disadvantages of OS respecting the soft tissues and avoiding injury of the posterior interosseous nerve in an attempt to preserve the proprioception of the wrist and the secondary dorsal stabilizers this arthroscopically assisted technique reconstructs the sl ligament using a tendon graft placed between the scaphoid and lunate and complemented by the reconstruction of the dorsal portion of the sl AL with the aim of creating an axial and dorsal tendinous ligamentoplasty between both bones
the present T0 examined the effects of calories on salivary habituation the rate of habituation to lemon taste was studied over trials in normal weight nondieting yearold females between each of the trials half the subjects ate low calorie lemon gelatin total kcal and the others ate high calorie lemon gelatin total kcal a dishabituating novel chocolate taste was presented on trial and recovery of salivation was assessed by presenting lemon flavor on trial subjective ratings were taken before and after salivary habituation for hunger C2 and hedonics for lemon taste results show that high and lowcalorie groups both habituated to the repeated presentation of lemon taste but with no significant differences as a function of calories in salivation volume rate of habituation hunger level decreases and hedonic decreases subjects in both groups perceived equal caloric intake these results suggest that salivary habituation may be affected more by the sensory characteristics of the food than by differences in caloric intake the generalization of these data to the development of satiety are discussed
two groundbased methods of weightlessness simulationa computer model of IDE feedback regulation and bedrestwere used to investigate the mechanisms which lead to loss of RCM during spaceflight both methods were used to simulate the first skylab mission of days human bedrest subjects lose RCM linearly with time and in this T0 the loss was at the end of four weeks compared to in skylab postbedrest REC of red cell mass was delayed for two weeks during which time a further decline in this quantity was noted this is consistent with the first skylab mission but not with the two longer flights of two and three months hemoconcentration observed early in the study was essentially maintained despite red cell loss because of continued loss of CPV the computer model using the timevarying hematocrit data to estimate red cell production rates predicted dynamic behavior of plasma volume and RCM that was in close agreement with the measured values the results support the hypothesis that red cell loss during supine bedrest is a normal physiological FB process in response to hemoconcentration enhanced PO2 and suppression of red cell production in contrast the delayed postbedrest recovery of RCM was more difficult to explain especially in the CS of enhanced reticulocyte indices observed at the onset on ambulation MM simulation suggested the possibilities still to be experimentally demonstrated that this period was marked by some combination of increased oxygenhemoglobin affinity small reductions in mean red cell life span ineffective erythropoiesis or abnormal reticulocytosis the question of whether hemoconcentration is the sole contributor to spaceflight red cell losses also remains to be resolved
humic acids are known for their overall positive health and productivity effects in animal feeding trials and controversially as an aetiological factor of cancer we tried to assess the in vitro effect of humic acids from a selected source in slovakia when used at recommended prophylactic dosage we investigated antioxidant properties enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defence system in CL mitochondria and cultured CA cell lines in vitro we observed a significant decrease in superoxide dismutase activity T3 humic acids treatment irrespective of dissolving in dimethyl sulphoxide or direct addition to mitochondria suspension in a respiration medium MICs of other antioxidant enzymes measured such as glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase showed no significant differences from the control as well as the reduced glutathione content percentage of inhibition by humic acids of superoxide radical indicated lower tau compared with that of hydroxyl radical survival of six different cancer cells lines indicated that only the acute t lymphoblastic leukaemia cell line was sensitive to the tested humic acids despite relatively low solubility in aqueous solutions humic acids from the selected source participated in redox regulation by recapturing the radicals humic acids reloaded the antioxidant defensive mechanism results from in vitro study conducted with humic acids from the NK source showed potential of these substances as promising immunity enhancing agents
apoptosis occurs in atrial cardiomyocytes in mitral and tricuspid valve disease the purpose of this study was to examine the respective roles of the mitochondrial and TN factorα receptor associated death domain traddmediated death receptor pathways for apoptosis in the atrial cardiomyocytes of HF patients due to severe mitral and moderatetosevere tricuspid regurgitation this study comprised eighteen patients patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and in sinus rhythm atrial appendage tissues were obtained during surgery three purchased normal human left atrial tissues served as normal controls moderatelytoseverely myolytic cardiomyocytes comprised ± of the cardiomyocytes in the RA atria and ± of the cardiomyocytes in the left atria of mitral and TR patients with atrial fibrillation group and comprised ± of the cardiomyocytes in the RA atria of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with SR in contrast no myolysis was observed in the normal human AD left atrial tissue samples IHC showed expression of cleaved ICE an effector of the mitochondrial pathways in the majority of RA atrial cardiomyocytes ± of mitral and TR patients with SR and RA atrial cardiomyocytes ± and left atrial cardiomyocytes ± of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with atrial fibrillation in contrast only of cardiomyocytes of the normal left atrial tissues showed strongly positive expression of cleaved caspase of note none of the atrial cardiomyocytes in RA atrial tissue in SR and in the fibrillating RA and left atria of mitral and TR patients and in the normal human adult left atrial tissue samples showed cleaved caspase expression which is a downstream effector of tradd of the DR pathway immunoblotting of atrial extracts showed that there was enhanced expression of cytosolic cytochrome c an effector of the mitochondrial pathways but no expression of membrane tradd and cytosolic ICE in the right atrial tissue of mitral and TR patients with sinus rhythm and RA atrial and left atrial tissues of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with atrial fibrillation tr size and number of oysters per consumption event although reaching nondetectable v vulnificus levels most MPN per gram throughout the year and a sv were estimated not possible at the confidence level depuration for and days would reduce the warm season june through september risk from cases to and cases per million consumption events respectively at the confidence level and h of depuration would reduce the warm and transition season april through may and october through november risk respectively to cases per million consumption events which is assumed to be an acceptable risk case per million events would be the risk when consuming UT raw oysters in the cold season december through march
the past years have witnessed an explosion in our knowledge of KC accompanied by a radical transformation of management options a hit hypothesis proposes an underlying genetic predisposition coupled with external environmental AF including eye rubbing and atopy the variable prevalence and natural history have been better defined including significant cone progression in middle age therefore current management must include early diagnosis regular monitoring and treatment of environmental cofactors spectacles and CLs remain fundamental to the optical management of KC intrastromal corneal ring segments have been increasingly used providing improvement in the corneal shape corrected VA and contact lens wear however like contact lenses ICRS do not treat the underlying disease process therefore current approaches must also consider treatments to minimize KC progression fortunately there is increasing evidence that corneal collagen crosslinking will halt or slow progression in most cases until relatively recently penetrating keratoplasty was the preferred MI for advanced keratoconus with longterm success in the region of however the greatest risk of failure remains endothelial allograft AAR deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty has emerged in the new millennium as a preferred RPA to conserve the host endothelium and avoid AAR nonetheless the overall superiority of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty compared with penetrating keratoplasty in terms of optical and survival benefits is still debated this perspective provides an overview of our current knowledge of KC and current management options a stepladder RPA to managing keratoconus is outlined to provide the practitioner with a contemporary management paradigm
the resourcebased relative value scale rbrvs was introduced in by medicare for payments to physicians this replaced the previous system based on the physicians customary prevailing and reasonable cpr charges this paper analyzes the rbrvs from two perspectives the economic logic of the system and how itay corrected gh respectively and the fourth group received PL for the first months and iumday mgmday gh for the subsequent months gh treatment resulted in an increase of CT from to mm p but trabecular bone volume did not NC bone formation variables increased significantly osteoid surface increased from to p mineralizing surface increased from to p and bone formation rate increased from to mmmmday p eroded surface did not change but osteoclast number increased from to ocmm p the relative formation period increased significantly p whereas the resorption period including reversal phase decreased from to days p activation frequency increased from to y p these data indicate a stimulated bone turnover as a result of gh treatment and a shorter resorption and reversal time the increased turnover did not result in an increased TBV but the cortical thickness increased significantly
sleep and circadian disorders in alzheimers disease ad are more frequent than in the GP and appear early in the course of the disease SQ of sleep and quality of life are parallel in these patients and such disorders also represent a heavy burden for caregivers although alterations in melatonin and hypocretins orexins seem to play a key role in the origin of these disturbances the etiology of these disorders is multifactorial including many AF such as environment behavior treatments and comorbidities among others a comprehensive evaluation of sleep in each patient is essential in the design of the treatment that includes nonpharmacological and pharmacological approaches one particularly interesting point is the possibility of a role of sleep disorders in the pathogenesis of ad raising the possibility that treating the sleep disorder may alter the course of the disease in this review we present an update on the role of SD in ad the bidirectional influence of sleep problems and ad and treatment options behavioral measures bright light therapy blt melatonin and other drugs are likely well known and correctly managed by the physicians in charge of these patients in spite of the multiple treatments used evidence of efficacy is scarce and more randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled studies are needed future directions for treatment are the establishment of blt protocols and the OD of drugs with new mechanisms of action especially hypocretin IL-1ra melatonin receptor agonists and molecules that modulate the circadian clock
urinary thromboxane b C2 increased threefold to fold in infants with neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis compared with healthy infants and infants with benign causes of hemepositive stools increased urinary thromboxane b levels were detection of one of the four to five thermodynamically equivalent weak eaca sites on human plasminogen from this particular study it is concluded that the weak IB site for eaca on the k domain of glupg is either inpart or inwhole responsible for the enhancing effect of eaca on human glupg activation by uk
the bacteriocin butyricin inhibited the activity of the membrane h atpase bfof of vegetative cells of clostridium pasteurianum but not that of its soluble bf component in vitro studies with the hatpases of mutant strains selected for diminished sensitivity sensitivity a to butyricin and b to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide confirmed that butyricin interacts with the bfo component of this enzyme complex even so certain other mutant strains displaying decreased sensitivity to butyricin possessed hatpases which in vitro showed undiminished sensitivity to inhibition by the bacteriocin furthermore from the changes in intracellular atp concentration and in the rates and net extent of efflux of intracellular rb ions that were provoked by exposure of the parent and several of the mutant strains to butyricin it was concluded that its primary bactericidal action was not attributable to stoichiometric inhibition of the membrane hatpase high extracellular concentrations of k ions enabled cl pasteurianum to survive exposure to low concentration of this membrane AS bacteriocin
this T0 compared the changes in plasma oxytocin intraoperative hemodynamics and postoperative uterine activity in patients who underwent elective shirodkar cerclage for cervical incompetence with GA or spinal anesthesia
extracorporeal shock wave therapy eswt is a noninvasive and innovative technology for the management of specific tendinopathies in order to elucidate the eswtmediated clinical benefits human tendonderived stemprogenitor cells htspcs explanted from healthy ST st and ruptured achilles at tendons were established while htspcs from the two groups showed similar proliferation rates and stem cell surface marker profiles we found that the clonogenic potential was maintained only in cells derived from healthy donors interestingly eswt significantly accelerated htspcs differentiation suggesting that the clinical benefits of eswt may be ascribed to increased efficiency of tendon repair T3 injury
the concentrations of total fatty acids and free cholesterol in the plasma of ayrshire calves decreased following but not during shortterm SE to heat lower concentrations of total fatty acids and FC were maintained on prolonged heat exposure blood and plasma volumes were little affected by either shortterm or prolonged heat exposure haematocrit rose during ST heat stress and on prolonged heat exposure there was a decrease in EA fragility
purified simian virus sv dna is reconstituted into chromatin and transcribed by endogenous rna polymerase ii when microinjected into nuclei of xenopus laevis oocytes we have correlated the kinetics of chromatin reconstitution with that of accumulation of virusspecific rna in this system a delay of approximately h was found in the appearance of appreciable numbers of both fully supercoiled molecules and transcriptionally active templates sv minichromosomes isolated from virusinfected monkey cells with m nacl also exhibited this lag in onset of transcriptional activity when microinjected into oocytes these findings indicate that neither purified sv dna nor sv dna containing a full complement of nucleosomes can function as a template for transcription in vivo before association with AGA cellular nonhistone chromosomal factors has taken place in addition the gradual degradation of linear sv dna in oocytes was not sufficient to account for the fact that it was much less transcriptionally AS than circular sv dna taken together these results indicate that the conformational state of the dna can affect its ability to function as a template for transcription in vivo by rna polymerase ii in contrast transcription by rna polymerase iii of purified circularized cloned dnas encoding genes for s rrna was detectable long before the injected dnas had time to reconstitute into chromatin therefore the template structural requirements for transcription in vivo by rna polymerases ii and iii are different
cdna and genomic dna clones for the precursor of a mammalian NPY tachykinin neuromedin k have been isolated and characterized by molecular cloning and sequence analysis the deduced CAA sequence indicates that the bovine neuromedin k F0 preprotachykinin b consists of amino acid residues including a putative signal peptide there are two PPT b mrnas that differ only at the extremity of the untranslated regions the L1 mrna species is encoded by seven exon sequences while the minor species includes two extra exon sequences and lacks the terminus of the first exon CS for the L1 mrna species the above gene organization for the major preprotachykinin b mrna closely resembles that for the preprotachykinin a mrna encoding the F0 for substance p and substance k this structural resemblance strongly suggests that the two PPT genes have evolved from a common ancestor gene furthermore we have found that the preprotachykinin a and b mrnas markedly differ in their L1 ESs the results described thus indicate that the diversity of the rat tachykinin system has been acquired through various cellular mechanisms including gene duplication and differential expression of duplicated genes
BR studies have shown that high load hl resistance training can mitigate the loss of muscle size and strength during musculoskeletal unloading however not all individuals are able to perform hl resistance exercise blood flow restricted bfr resistance exercise may be a novel way to prevent maladaptation to unloading without requiring hl exercise equipment this study evaluated the muscular training adaptations to hl and bfr resistance training during unilateral lower limb suspension ulls a human limb unloading MM ulls allows for DUE of exercise training in both WB and nonweightbearing legs within the same individual
we report a yearold female with hypersensitivity syndrome hs due to phenytoin her disease course was typical with elevation of the antibody titer for human herpes virus three courses of methylpredonisolone pulse therapy were required to control the SLEDAI since the pathogenic mechanism and treatments for hs have not been established further clinical analyses are warranted
in this report we sought to elucidate whether multiwall carbon nanotubes are involved in the modulation of the proliferation and differentiation of the skeletal muscle cell line cc skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for of total body weight and of SE consumption we focused on the differentiation pathway of myoblasts after SE to a vaporgrown carbon fiber htt which is one of the most HP carbon nanotubes this treatment leads in parallel to the expression of a typical adipose differentiation program we found that htt stimulated intracellular lipid accumulation in cc cells we have also shown by quantified pcr analysis that the expression of adiposerelated genes was markedly upregulated during htt exposure taken together these results suggest that htt specifically converts the differentiation pathway of cc myoblasts to that of adipoblastlike cells
the presence of direct current dc injury currents in ICM tissue is an important diagnostic indicator of pathophysiology in cortical spreading depression and particularly in myocardial infarction to date no measurements of dc injury currents in the alimentary tract have been reported we used a squid magnetometer to measure changes in the baseline of the magnetic field of intestinal electrical activity during induced segmental ischemia we computed the magnetic field dc baseline by subtracting sequential recordings made while the bowel segment was first directly beneath the squid and then pulled away we observed a significant baseline decrease of in exp animals while the control group decreased by only this magnetic field baseline decrease is consistent with the flow of injury currents between normally perfused and hypoxic tissue regions this T0 is the first report of dc injury currents in ICM smooth muscle of the alimentary tract
orally available direct thrombin inhibitors dti and direct G1 factor x inhibitors dfxai may replace vitamin k antagonists in patients needing longterm anticoagulant treatment we investigated the influence on the fibrin network of anticoagulants with different modes of action arh dti the AS metabolite of azd apixaban dfxai fondaparinux indirect fxai and warfarin counteraction of the AC effect by feiba® factor eight inhibitor bypass activity was also investigated tissue factor phospholipids and calcium were used to initiate coagulation in human platelet poor plasma the permeability constant ks reflecting the amount of buffer passing through the coagulum was calculated and the Fn network was visualized by d confocal microscopy warfarin international normalized ratio increased ks in plasma by compared with control therapeutic PC of arh ·· μmoll apixaban ·· μmoll and fondaparinux ·· μmoll increased ks by and respectively addition of feiba® totally reversed the warfarin effect but only partially reversed effects of the other anticoagulants at concentrations that increased ks by or more Fn network observed with d confocal microscopy agreed well with the permeability results in conclusion all examined anticoagulants rendered the fibrin network more porous feiba® reversed the increased permeability in warfarin plasma but had only partial effects on the other anticoagulants
lysbradykinin bk a mitogen for human foreskin fibroblasts hswp cells owen n e and villereal m l cell elicits a rapid transient elevation of intracellular free ca concentration cai in these cells we have used image analysis of furaloaded hswp cells to examine the bkinduced cai changes in individual cells bkstimulated ca entry and release of intracellular ca stores can be distinguished by stimulating cells in the presence or absence of extracellular ca or by inhibiting ca entry with mm nicl bksensitive intracellular ca stores can be depleted by SE of the cells to bk in cafree medium refilling of the stores requires extracellular ca a component of bkstimulated ca entry persists T3 removal of agonist but inactivates with a t of approximately min although previous studies have attributed the ca entry which persists after agonist removal to a capacitative ca entry pathway G1 by the SD of the intracellular ca stores we find that a large component of this bkstimulated ca entry is not due to capacitative ca entry since ionomycin can deplete the bksensitive intracellular ca stores without appreciably stimulating ca entry and without inhibiting the bkstimulated ca entry and this ca entry pathway inactivates at a time when the ca pools are still empty and a capacitance entry pathway should still be open on the other hand refilling of the intracellular ca stores can occur after the noncapacitative ca entry component has inactivated or when it is inhibited by ni in these cases refilling occurs without a detectable elevation of cai suggesting that refilling of internal ca pools might occur by a capacitative route
venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ecmo is increasingly used in patients with respiratory failure who fail CT postoperative pneumonia is the most common infection LT imipenem is frequently used for empirical treatment of NP in the intensive ECU nevertheless few data are available on the impact of ecmo on pharmacokinetics and no data on imipenem dosing during ecmo currently no guidelines exist for antibiotic dosing during ecmo support we report the cases of patients supported with venovenous ecmo for refractory acute respiratory distress syndrome following single lung transplantation for PF treated empirically with g of imipenem intravenously every h enterobacter cloacae was isolated from the respiratory sample of patient and klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated from the respiratory sample of patient MICs of the isolated strains were and mgl respectively both patients were still alive on day this is the first report to our knowledge of imipenem concentrations in lung transplantation patients supported with ecmo this study confirms high variability in imipenem trough concentrations in patients on ecmo and with preserved renal CF an elevated dosing regimen g h is more likely to optimize drug exposure and TDM is recommended where available population pharmacokinetic studies are indicated to develop evidencebased dosing guidelines for ecmo patients
pancreatictype group i phospholipase a plai ec long thought to act as a digestive enzyme has a TPS IB site in several types of tissues and cells and these CS promote plaistimulated dna synthesis in this T0 we report a plai action on the migration of rat embryonic TA smooth muscle cells ar ar cells had a single class of plai IB site with an equilibrium binding constant kd value of nm and a maximum binding capacity bmax of sitescell the migration activity of plai for ar cells was examined using modified boyden chambers plai stimulated the migration dosedependently and the ed value was about nm which was almost the same as the kd value for plai binding checkerboard analysis showed that the response of ar cells to plai was chemokinetic but not chemotactic these findings reveal a new aspect of plai in the modulation of vascular function
a complete CAA CS for the rubredoxin from the photosynthetic bacterium chlorobium thiosulphatophilum is proposed the sequence a single polypeptide chain of amino acids was deduced from the sequences of peptides obtained by chymotryptic tryptic thermolytic or mild acid digestion the rubredoxin shows a high degree of sequence homology with rubredoxins from nonphotosynthetic bacteria and the evolutionary implications of this are considered
the mantle edge gland of helisoma duryi is innervated by NS axons from the pallial SN synaptoid contacts occur between axons and gland cells and there is ultrastructural evidence for the PR of neurosecretory material the mantle edge gland contributes to the deposition of periostracum during shell formation and direct neurosecretory innervation may control shell growth and regeneration
we applied SC plates with bored holes covered with formvar and coated with carbon to replace the gold grids used in conventional whole mount tem T0 human erythroleukemia cell line k cells plated on the plate surface were extracted using a modified protocol to study scaffolds of NM nm and intermediate filament if the nm of the k cells was found to be composed of interweaving filaments of different diameters while the cytoplasmic if were mainly distributed in a radialized DP compared with other techniques of whole mount tem sample S9 this one is much more practical and economical yielding clear nmif structures with few artifacts T0 of nmif scaffolds in k cells might provide a basis for further elucidation of the involvement of nmif in the denucleation of rat erythroblasts
the first aim of the present study was to evaluate the changes in SS levels of cortisol testosterone dehydroepiandrosterone dhea dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate dheas and sex hormonebinding globulin shbg in response to WL induced by one month of treatment with a very LCD vlcd in twelve pairs of female obese MZ the second aim of the T0 was to investigate any withinpair resemblance in serum levels of steroids and shbg before and after a negative balance protocol as well as the resemblance in changes in response to therapeutic weight loss vlcdinduced WL of kg was associated with significant increases in serum testosterone p and shbg p levels whereas no significant changes in serum levels of cortisol dhea and dheas were observed significant withinpair resemblances for both i.c.v. and posttreatment concentrations were revealed for dheas pretreatment icc p posttreatment icc p and for testosterone pretreatment icc p PT icc p the baseline withintwinpair resemblance in serum cortisol level at am icc p was lost with vlcd treatment while its concentration at pm developed a withinpair similarity with weight loss icc p similarly vlcd treatment led to a significant withinpair resemblance in PT level of dhea icc p while no withintwinpair resemblance was shown for either i.c.v. or PT shbg C2 none of the hormones measured exhibited any withinpair resemblance in response to vlcdinduced SE deficit except for serum cortisol C2 a significant withintwinpair resemblance in the changes in serum cortisol C2 at a m icc f p at pm icc f p and at pm icc f p were demonstrated even T3 adjustment for fat mass loss an absence of any withinpair similarity was observed in both i.c.v. and PT C2 of shbg while a significant withinpair resemblance in shbg response to vlcd treatment icc p was recorded we conclude that the significant withintwinpair resemblance demonstrated for androgens and cortisol might suggest an important role for genetic AF in the regulation of their serum levels our results also suggest that the mechanisms controlling baseline levels of cortisol and shbg differ from those influencing their responses to SE deficit induced by vlcd
we characterized a new iodinated high affinity linear va vasopressin antagonist phenylacetyldtyretpheglnasnlysproargtyrnh the antagonist bound specifically to the va vasopressin receptor in crude rat CL CM with an apparent kd value of nm this affinity is approximately order of magnitude greater than that of the natural agonist vasopressin the GABA activity of the antagonist can be demonstrated by its inability to elicit activation and uncoupling of g proteins from the receptor thus T3 occupancy of receptor CS in rat liver CM with labeled antagonist and detergent solubilization the labeled receptor approximately kda was eluted as a stable kda complex on sizeexclusion chromatography in contrast when the receptor CS were occupied by the agonist hvasopressin the receptor eluted as a kda peak coincubation of CM with iodinated antagonist and an excess of unlabeled vasopressin caused both reduced antagonist binding and a CR shift from the kda to the kda peak the addition of vasopressin to unliganded kda fractions resulted in a increase in sguanosineothiotriphosphate binding activity indicating that the kda fraction contains complexes between the va receptor and g proteins the vasopressinelicited increase was inhibited by antagonist using TPS antibodies and immunoadsorption to protein asepharose columns we found that g protein isotypes galpha q galpha i and galpha s and effector enzymes plcbeta plcgamma and pla were associated with the antagonistlabeled receptor in the kda fraction because the kda complex was found in the absence of ligand the va receptor and the AGA g proteins and effector enzymes are likely preassociated with each other and do not aggregate after antagonist addition the association of va receptor with the different TPS g proteins and effector enzymes is consistent with the multiple actions of vasopressin on liver cells antibodies directed against a portion of the carboxylterminal domain of the va receptor interacted with kda antagonistoccupied receptor but not with receptor in the kda complex these results suggest that the carboxylterminal region of the receptor is sterically hindered when coupled to g proteins the iodinated linear vasopressin antagonist therefore allows stable receptorg protein complexes and can be an important tool along with the antisera for use in the study of AF that control va receptorg protein coupling
magnetotactic bacteria naturally produce magnetosomes ie biological membrane bound nanomagnets at ambient conditions it is important to understand simultaneously the possible size variations and the magnetic behavior of nanomagnets inside intact bacterial cells for both applicational purposes as well as to enhance the basic understanding of biomineralization leading to intracellular nanomagnet synthesis in this work we utilize highresolution transmission electron microscopy and nearfield scanning optical microscopy based measurements on IN nonfixed single cells to rigorously and quantitatively understand the intracellular magnetospatial distribution of nanomagnets synthesized by magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense we demonstrate that it is possible to measure the relative magnetic moments along the intracellular magnetosomal chains for intact and nonfixed bacterial cells using our in vivo measurements on several single cells we report that magnetic SMB of intracellular nanomagnets synthesized by magnetotactic bacteria depend on their relative location in the magnetosomal chains our work opens promising avenues in the direction of measuring the magnetic SMB of nanomagnets inside living systems by utilizing an operationally straightforward approach
eighteen freshfrozen cadaver foot specimens underwent PR of the plantar fascia via a newly described endoscopic technique a release was attempted on each specimen in order to represent a partial fascial release each specimen was then dissected to assess the success of the procedure five separate measurements were recorded evaluating the reproducibility of the procedure adequacy of the release considering accepted etiologies for chronic heel pain and the possibility of damage to local structures partial PR was noted to be possible but controlling the exact percentage of the incision was difficult the release averaged of the width of the fascia with a range of to there was no damage in any specimen to the first CB of the lateral plantar nerve the structure considered most at risk during the procedure PR of the deep fascia of the abductor hallucis muscle was not possible with this RPA
just a few years ago becoming an entrepreneur was pretty simple all you needed was some ideaany ideaa little experience and venture capital funds to get you going many young people started to believe that entrepreneurship was a viable even safe career choice older folks too underestimated the risks of financing startups and as a result they ended up throwing millions of dollars into doomed ventures the economic downturn has laid waste to those illusions so now is a good time to ask potential entrepreneurs and their financial backers the hard questions unheeded in the days of the internet boom what makes an entrepreneur what characteristics set successful entrepreneurs apart enabling them to keep their company alive even when the going gets tough this article addresses those questions reminding us that becoming a successful entrepreneur is decidedly not a squeakyclean affair youipheral and placental infection and placental blood pcr was TPS compared to placental histology cord blood parasitaemia was more frequently detected by pcr than microscopy versus genotype numbers in peripheral blood mean range placental blood mean range and cord mean range were similar the frequency of PCD of each allelic family did not differ between sites genotypes from different sites in each patient were compared in of women genotypes were detected in peripheral blood and not placenta or vice versa suggesting possible differential sequestration of different parasite populations CB genotypes were usually a subset of those in peripheral and placental blood but in some cases genotypes were found in cord blood that were absent from the mother transplacental infection before term and clearance of maternal infection is postulated
adenoassociated virus aav vectors are promising tools for gene therapy currently their potential is limited by difficulties in producing high vector yields with which to generate Tg protein product aav vector production depends in part upon the replication rep proteins required for viral replication we tested the hypothesis that mutations in the start codon and UP RII elements of rep in aav helper plasmids can regulate recombinant aav raav vector production we further tested whether the resulting raav vector preparation augments the production of the potentially therapeutic Tg insulinlike growth factor i igfi
EE2 ee is an extremely potent synthetic estrogen and a common component in oral contraceptives the drug has a wellcharacterized pharmacological profile and is used as a positive control in toxicological investigations of EDC having estrogenic activity an analytical method developed for the determination of low microgkg levels of ee in a caseinbased rodent diet is presented a methanol extract of casein diet is purified for instrumental analysis by a fold SPE process the sample extract is derivatized with pentafluoropropionic anhydride to the pentafluoropropionyl product and analyzed by capillary gas chromatography with electroncapture PCD recoveries of ee from casein diet fortified at and microgkg average and have a relative standard deviation of the method limit of detection in a caseinbased diet is microgkg
women recover faster from propofol anaesthesia and have been described to have a higher incidence of awareness during surgery compared to men an effect that may be inherent in sex differences in propofol metabolism in an observational study asa iii patients treated with continuous propofol infusion were recruited the associations between sex and cypb and ugta polymorphisms with dose and weightadjusted area under the total plasma level time curves auc for propofol and its metabolites propofol glucuronide pg hydroxypropofol ohp and hydroxyl glucuronide metabolites hydroxypropofoloβdglucuronide qg and hydroxypropofoloβdglucuronide qg were analysed significantly higher auc of pg times p qg times p qg times p and ohp times p were found in women n than in men n after intravenous infusion of propofol using targetcontrolled infusion system there was however no significant impact of gene polymorphisms on propofol biotransformation the results which are supported by a previous pilot study using a propofol bolus dose suggest that compared to men more rapid propofol metabolism may occur in women a factor that may contribute to the mentioned differences in the tau of propofol anaesthesia between male and female patients
BNC therapy bnct is based on selective accumulation of ¹⁰b carriers in tumor followed by neutron irradiation we previously proved the therapeutic success of bnct mediated by the boron compounds boronophenylalanine and sodium decahydrodecaborate gb in the hamster cheek pouch oral CA MM based on the clinical relevance of the boron carrier BSH bsh and the knowledge that the most ERP way to optimize bnct is to improve RT boron targeting the TPS aim of this study was to perform biodistribution studies of bsh in the hamster cheek pouch oral CA MM and evaluate the feasibility of bnct mediated by bsh at nuclear reactor ra the GA aim of these studies is to contribute to the knowledge of bnct radiobiology and optimize bnct for head and neck cancer BSH mg ¹⁰bkg was po to tumorbearing hamsters CG of animals were killed humanely at nine timepoints h postadministration samples of blood RT precancerous pouch tissue normal pouch tissue and other clinically relevant normal tissues were processed for boron measurement by optic emission spectroscopy RT boron concentration peaked to therapeutically useful boron concentration values of ppm the boron concentration ratio T/N pouch tissue ranged from to pharmacokinetic curves showed that the optimum interval between bsh administration and neutron irradiation was h it is concluded that bnct mediated by bsh at nuclear reactor ra would be feasible
the remission rates achieved with the combination of vincristine and etoposide are comparable with other frequently employed therapeutic regimens acoepico cisplatinetoposide the combination of etoposide with vincristine represents an alternative in particular with respect to a merely palliative approach to treatment
cytoplasmic ph phi was monitored using the phsensitive absorbance of carboxydimethylfluorescein in monolayers of a cell clone derived from bovine pigmented ciliary epithelium pe transformed with the simian virus changing extracellular media from a nominally hcofree solution to a solution containing mm hco co at constant extracellular ph resulted in a delayed alkalinization of phi which was diisothiocyanostilbenedisulfonic acid dids CS and was inhibited in nafree medium and in cldepleted cells dids pretreatment acidified phi in hcocontaining media replacing extracellular cl resulted in a didssensitive hcodependent and naindependent alkalinization replacing extracellular na in hcocontaining media led to a partly didssensitive intracellular acidification REC of phi after an alkali load acetate prepulse had a hcodependent and didssensitive component two nadependent components participated in phi regulation T3 an acid load nh prepulse in hcocontaining solution one was amiloride CS the other was dids sensitive and was inhibited in hcofree media and T3 cl SD we conclude that in cultured pe in addition to nah exchange two hcotransporters participate in phi regulation cldependent nahcosymport regulates phi during steady state and after an acid load and naindependent clhcoexchange is involved in phi recovery T3 an alkali load
we evaluated efficacy and safety of recombinant G1 factor vii rfviia in nonhemophilia children with lifethreatening or severe one using data from the sevenbleep registry we analyzed demographic clinical laboratory and treatment data for children who received rfviia to treat severe hemorrhage the sevenbleep registry was international registry formed in to collect information on the use of rfviia in the offlabel setting of severe bleeding in nonhemophilia patients there were patient records entered into this registry of which were validated of the records in patient records rfviia was used for treatment of bleeding episodes of these treatment episodes were in neonates and infants under year of age use of rfviia significantly improved laboratory parameters prothrombin time international normalized ratio APTT time hematocrit reduced estimated blood loss and reduced requirements for blood products packed red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma in those more than year of age there was no significant reduction in requirements for blood products after rfviia administration in the neonates and infants but there was a trend to lower frequency of ffp use after rfviia administration there was one TE event in an infant that was related to administration of rfviia no other serious adverse events were reported that were related to administration of rfviia in nonhemophiliaassociated one in children rfviia appears to be safe and efficacious in reducing estimated blood loss in children over year of age although its effectiveness in infants below year of age was less clear
to evaluate the association between nocturia and medical diseases medication urinary incontinence ui recurrent cystitis smoking alcohol parity hysterectomy pelvic organ prolapse surgery ui surgery and prostate surgery
relative regional CBF blood flow rrcbf was measured by singlephoton emission tomography spet using technetiummdlhexamethylpropylene amine oxime hmpao as flow tracer in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus nph mbq mtchmpao was given intravenously and the rrcbf calculated as regionalcerebellar count level ratios the patients were examined before and months after ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery rrcbf was also determined in ten healthy aged matched volunteers who served as controls the nph patients had decreased rrcbf in the hippocampal regions and in the FC and parietal VWM as compared to the controls the frontalparietal rrcbf ratio correlated with both psychiatric disability and the preoperative degree of incontinence decreased flow in frontal white matter frontoparietal and hippval SSG a number of these early puffs b ef and b contain complex transcription units broadcomplex e and e respectively encoding families of regulatory proteins which are expressed in most if not all tissues in vitro transcripts of the different isoforms of these early genes as well as the ecdysone receptor ecr present varying dose response characteristics karim and thummel embo j we have developed an in vivo approach using a reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction assay rtpcr so as to visualise these transcripts in the rna extracted from a single salivary gland using one SSG lobe for developmental puff staging and the sister lobe for rtpcr we have obtained precise developmental profiles for these transcripts and have D2 our T0 to other tissues and stages where puffing studies were not possible in the salivary gland we have characterised three distinct ecdysone responses for the mid and late third larval instar responses our results confirm and extend the conclusions of the in vitro studies concerning the temporal expression of the early gene isoforms the relatively brief prepupal response contains elements in common with each of the larval responses and all three can be explained by the profiles of the respective ecdysone peaks interestingly ecr transcripts respond differently during each response the analysis of different tissues of the same animal reveals subtle differences in the timing of the ecdysone response and isoform expression and suggests that this may reflect tissue differences in the ecdysone profiles as these molecules have homologues in vertebrates our analysis may have GA implications for the organisation of hormonal responses in vivo
the role of excitotoxicity on the neuropathology of glutaric acidemia type i ga i is still under debate therefore in the present work we evaluated glu uptake by brain slices and glutamate binding to synaptic CM as well as glutamine synthetase activity in CBF SC and striatum from glutarylcoa dehydrogenase deficient gcdh mice along OD and days of life in the hopes of clarifying this matter we also tested the influence of glutaric acid ga added exogenously on these parameters hglutamate uptake was not significantly altered in CBF cortex and striatum from gcdh mice as compared to wt mice however ga provoked a significant decrease of hglutamate uptake in striatum from both wt and gcdh mice older than days this GABA effect was more pronounced in gcdh as compared to wt mice the use of a competitive inhibitor of glutamate astrocytic transporters indicated that the decrease of hglutamate uptake caused by ga was due to the competition between this organic acid and glutamate for the same astrocytic transporter site we also found that nadependent hglutamate IB IB to transporters was increased in the striatum from gcdh mice and that ga significantly diminished this binding both in striatum and cerebral cortex from gcdh but not from wt mice finally we observed that glutamine synthetase activity was not changed in brain cortex and striatum from gcdh and wt mice and that ga was not able to alter this activity it is therefore presumed that a disturbance of the glutamatergic neurotransmission system caused by ga may potentially be involved in the neuropathology of ga i particularly in the striatum
seventythree patients were studied with a discordant atrioventricular connexion ages months to years in the diagnosis was proved by angiography and in the other at necropsy fortyeight had usual atrial arrangement and mirrorimage atria fiftytwo patients had VA discordance double outlet RA IVT ventriculoarterial concordance single outlet of the heart and double outlet left IVT nine with ventriculoarterial discordance had no other associated defects the spatial relationship of the ventricles was variable but in usual atrial arrangement the morphologically LV tended to be on the right and in mirrorimage arrangement to the left of the morphologically RA ventricle the spatial relationship between the arterial valves was also VL but in VA discordance and double outlet right IVT the aortic valve was anterior and either to the right or left of the pulmonary valve in all but cases there is no typical clinical picture for these malformations symptoms depend upon the associated anomalies or the presence of atrioventricular dissociation the diagnosis of a discordant atrioventricular connexion is best achieved by the echocardiographic and haemodynamic studies but the electrocardiogram chest radiograph and nuclear medicine studies may suggest its presence most patients are asymptomatic and progress normally to AD life only the symptomatic patients require surgical correction postoperative followup in the survivors is excellent only of patients dying afterescription of transsexuals in its present forms working with biological males and biological females the author suggests substituting sexuel and sexué in french for the distinction made in english between sex and gender the follow up should give a crucial value in order to justify turning a healthy subject into one who lives between the two genders unfortunately such studies are neither numerous nor completely satisfactory because of insurmountable hurdles a limited number of subjects who have been followed up the impossibility of making up a test group etc over the past few years a reaction has sprung up giving psychotherapy a more important role in treating patients taking advantage of the treatment borderline cases have been given and what it has taught us in all fairness no one can speak of transsexual or transvestite children as has been done in the past but only of feminine or effeminate boys and tomboy girls when samples of such children have been followed longitudinally one realizes that an extremely small number of them becomes transsexual becoming for the most part homo or bisexual though some become heterosexual treating these children and their parents seems very important to everyone given how hard it is to treat adult transsexuals only a few kinds of treatment have been published and more especially there is no data on the LT future of those children having received treatment we are trying to bring together data on the childhood of AD patients often they have little to say about their own childhood interviews with parents give still another point of view most of the cases seen in consultation resulting from problems with genderidentity are mixed and secondary rarely in a pure clearcut stateabstract truncated at words
BL treatment is the most potent melatonin suppressor and circadian phase shifter and is a safe nonpharmacologic antidepressant for seasonal depression in addition bright light treatment may restore performance in conditions of sleep debt and misalignment between peak performance and the athletic event this article discusses the therapeutic use of bright CS treatment its side effects and mechanisms of action
dendritic cells dcs accumulate in the cns during inflammatory diseases but the exact mechanism regulating their traffic into the cns remains to be defined we now report that mipalpha increases the transmigration of bone marrowderived gfplabeled dcs across BB microvessel EC cell monolayers furthermore occludin an important element of endothelial tight junctions is reorganized when dcs migrate across BB capillary endothelial cell monolayers without causing significant changes in the barrier integrity as measured by transendothelial electrical resistance we show that dcs produce matrix MPs mmp and and gm an mmp inhibitor decreases both baseline and mipalphainduced dc transmigration these observations suggest that dc transmigration across brain ECM is partly mmp dependent the migrated dcs express higher C2 of cd cd and cd costimulatory molecules and induce t cell proliferation indicating that the transmigration of dcs across BB ECM contributes to the maintenance of dc agpresenting CF the mmp dependence of dc migration across BB ECM raises the possibility that mmp blockers may decrease the initiation of t cell recruitment and neuroinflammation in the cns
threedimensional SL models sl models made of solid acrylic resin derived from computedtomography ct data are an established tool for preoperative treatment planning in numerous fields of medicine an innovative RPA combining stereolithography with computerassisted pointtopoint navigation can support the precise surgical realization of a plan that has been defined on an sl model preoperatively the essential prerequisites for the application of such an approach are the accuracy of the sl models including accuracy of the ct scan and correspondence of the MM with the patients anatomy and the registration method used for the transfer of the plan from the sl model to the patient ie whether the applied registration markers can be added to the sl MM corresponding to the markers at the patient with an accuracy that keeps the cumulative error at the end of the chain of errors in the order of the accuracy of contemporary navigation systems in this T0 we focus on these two topics by applying imagematching techniques we fuse the original ct data of the patient with the corresponding ct data of the scanned sl model and measure the deviations of defined parameter eg distances between anatomical points to evaluate the registration method used for the planning transfer we apply a pointmerge algorithm using four marker points that should be located at exactly corresponding positions at the patient and at connective bars that are added to the surface of the sl model again deviations at defined anatomical structures are measured and analyzed statistically our results prove sufficient correspondence of the two data sets and accuracy of the registration method for routine clinical application the DUE of the sl MM accuracy revealed an arithmetic mean of the relative deviations from to with an overall mean deviation of mean deviations of the investigated anatomical structures ranged from mm to mm an overall mean comprising all structures of mm was found the fiducial registration error of the pointmerge algorithm ranged from mm to mm the evaluated chain of errors showed a mean deviation of mm this study verifies that preoperative planning on sl models and intraoperative transfer of this plan with computer assisted navigation is a suitable and sufficiently reliable method for clinical applications
approaches through the MCF directed at reaching the internal auditory canal iac invariably employ exposure of the geniculate ganglion the superior semicircular canal ssc or the epitympanum this involves risk to the FN and hearing apparatus to minimize this risk we conducted a laboratory T0 on cadaver temporal bones by using an imageinteractive guidance system stealthstation to provide topographic orientation in the middle fossa approach surface anatomic fiducials such as the umbo of the Tty membrane henles spine the root of the zygoma and various sutures were used as fiducials for registration of ctimages of the temporal bone accurate localization of the iac was achieved in every specimen mean target localization error varied from to mm for critical structures in the temporal bone such as the apex of the cochlea crus commune ampula of the ssc and facial hiatus our results suggest that frameless stereotaxy may be used as an alternative to current methods in localizing the iac in patients with small vestibular schwannomas or intractable vertigo undergoing middle fossa surgery
angiotensin ii has been reported to be a hormonal stimulus of cardiac growth a response that may involve myocyte hypertrophy as well as growth of nonmyocytes this study was designed to determine whether neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts have an angiotensin ii receptor that is coupled with hypertrophic andor proliferative growth competitive radioligand IB studies showed that CFs have a single class of highaffinity ic nm angiotensin ii binding CS bmax fmolmg protein that are CS to the competitive nonpeptide at receptor antagonist losartan ic nm other angiotensin MMP competed for iangiotensin ii binding in the following rank order angiotensin ii angiotensin iii angiotensin i desaspdesargangiotensin ii a nonhydrolyzable analogue of guanosine triphosphate increased the dissociation rate of bound iangiotensin ii and decreased hormone binding to the receptor at equilibrium the angiotensin ii receptor was coupled with increases in intracellular calcium incorporation of precursors into protein dna and rna in response to angiotensin ii was determined in serumdeprived cultures a hour SE to microm sarangiotensin ii increased rates of phenylalanine thymidine and UR incorporation by and respectively these increases were blocked by the noncompetitive at receptor antagoniintake of the racemic drug five of the subjects were pm confidence interval a prevalence lower than in other caucasian populations but only significantly lower than in studies in france and switzerland p we suggest that this difference might be due to the use of different phenotyping procedures
studies of the folate chemotactic receptor of vegetative dictyostelium discoideum cells have been hampered by the presence of the degradative enzyme folate deaminase the diaminopterin compounds aminopterin and methotrexate mtx are chemoattractants but are not attacked by the deaminase hmethotrexate hmtx is a nondegraded radioligand for the folate receptor binding to the receptor is rapid reaching steady state in less than one min and reversible in less than s by an excess of unlabeled mtx a single class of binding sites is found with a kd of x m which correlates well with the concentration dependence of chemotaxis folate aminopterin and mtx all compete for hmtx binding whereas pterin paminobenzoate and nucleotides do not analysis of the receptor during differentiation indicates a decrease in site number by a factor of with no change in affinity during the first hr during this time the directional response chemotaxis to mtx and folate is lost but a nondirectional stimulation of motility rate chemokinesis is retained the response to cAMP displays reciprocal behavior first appearing as a chemokinetic response and then as a chemotactic response
isocitrate lyase of germinating castor seed endosperm catalyzes the reactions of succinate and of isocitrate but not of glyoxylate with tetranitromethane tnm giving rise to the nitroform anion cno analogous to the reaction of tnm with carbanions op malhotra and un dwivedi ind j biochem biophys the kinetics of this reaction have been investigated under a variety of conditions at a fixed tnm concentration the initial rate of reaction exhibits a hyperbolic saturation of the enzyme with isocitrate the reaction with succinate however shows negative cooperativity in succinate saturation and the data are consistent with the existence of two sets of succinate IB sites of unequal affinity tight and loose sites equal reaction rates are observed at enzymesaturating concentrations of succinate and isocitrate in every case the rate of reaction is proportional to the tnm concentration in the presence of alphaketoglutarate hyperbolic saturation curves are obtained for all the substrates tnm and succinate or tnm and isocitrate in the presence of this effector the km of succinate and tnm are independent of the concentration of the second substrate on the other hand sets of parallel straight lines are obtained in the doublereciprocal plots for the enzymatic reaction of tnm with isocitrate in the presence of alphaketoglutarate studies on the effect of ph on the isocitrate lyasecatalyzed reactions of tnm with succinate tnm with isocitrate and succinate with glyoxylate in the absence as well as in the presence of alphaketoglutarate show that the proton behaves as an uncompetitive inhibitor in all these reactions suggesting the presence of a masked basic group at the enzyme site which is protonated in the presence of ATP only the pka value of this group lies in the range the enzymatic reactions of tnm with succinate and isocitrate exhibit identical mg ion dependence from a comparison of the data on the enzymatic reactions of tnm with the corresponding results on the physiological reaction catalyzed by this enzyme it has been suggested that an ion pair intermediate e x s in which e s and s stand for enzyme succinate and succinate carbanion respectively lies on the pathway of catalysis by isocitrate lyase
using timeresolved photoluminescence spectroscopy we analyze single and multiexciton emission energies and decay dynamics of cdsznse coreshell nanocrystals ncs the ncs exhibit a characteristic typeii band alignment that leads to spatially separated charges this effect is at the origin of long radiative exciton lifetimes repulsive biexciton interaction energies and reduced auger recombination efficiencies we determine these properties as a CF of znse ST and find that the exciton emission energies and the decay times depend little on this parameter in contrast the spectral and dynamic properties of biexcitons vary strongly with the shell thickness the considerable shell dependence of the biexciton decay lets us conclude that the associated auger process involves the excitation of holes localized in the znse shell in ncs with thick shells the large blue shift of the biexciton emission energy is mainly caused by coulomb repulsion between electrons localized in the cds core the different sensitivity of exciton and multiexciton characteristics on the znse ST provides a unique opportunity to tune them independently
previous findings suggested that a fourprotein complex including sterolregulatory elementbinding protein srebp srebpcleavageactivating protein scap insulininduced gene insig and Rp membrane component pgrmc within the endoplasmic reticulum appears to be an important regulator responsible for atypical AP drug aapdinduced lipid disturbances in the present T0 effects of typical AP drug and aapds as well as treatment outcome of steroid antagonist MIF mif on the pgrmcinsigscapsrebp pathway were investigated in rat liver using realtime quantitative polymerase chain reaction qpcr and western blot analysis in addition serum triacylglycerol total cholesterol free fatty acids and various hormones including progesterone corticosterone and insulin were measured simultaneously following treatment with clozapine or ris both lipogenesis and cholesterogenesis were enhanced via inhibition of pgrmcinsig and activation of scapsrebp expressions such metabolic disturbances however were not demonstrated in rats treated with aripiprazole ari or haloperidol hal moreover the addon treatment of mif was ERP in reversing the aapdinduced lipid disturbances by upregulating the expression of pgrmcinsig and subsequent downregulation of scapsrebp taken together our findings suggest that disturbances in lipid metabolism can occur at an early stage of aapd treatment before the presence of WG such metabolic defects can be modified by an addon treatment of steroid antagonist mif enhancing the pgrmc pathway thus it is likely that pgrmcinsig signaling may be a therapeutic target for aapdinduced weight gain
photosensitive epilepsy is a type of reflex epilepsy five percent of epileptics are photosensitive ie they show photoconvulsive response pcr during IPS patients with photogenic or PSE have seizures with flickering CS they also exhibit heliotaxis sodium valproate and ESM are the common drugs used even though benzodiazepines are useful the TPS effect of lorazepam is not mentioned we report cases of photosensitive epilepsy with inadequate response to usual AEDs who had complete or near pCR with lorazepam