{ "ak": "...๐’น๐’ˆจ๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’Œ“๐’Š๐’‹ข๐’„ฉ๐’„ ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’€€", "en": "I removed (from his treasury) ... (and) ... and 100 talents of silver and brought (it) to Assyria.", "tr": "... 1 ME GUN KUโ‚ƒ.BABBAR as-su-ha-am-ma a-na KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ra-a " }
{ "ak": "...๐’น๐’ˆ—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’‡ท๐’‹ป๐’‰บ๐’‰Œ๐’†ท๐’…–๐’‰ฟ๐’‡ป๐’ˆ ๐’†ท๐’…–๐’๐’Š๐’…†๐’Œ“๐’‹™๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹ผ๐’†ณ๐’‰บ๐’‹พ๐’…–๐’ˆช๐’‚Š๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’„ฏ๐’‹ฅ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’…€๐’„‘๐’„ฝ๐’‹™๐’ˆ ๐’…•๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹ป๐’Œ“๐’‡ฝ๐’ˆค๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’Šญ๐’‚Š๐’„ซ๐’‡ฝ๐’€ด๐’Œ‘๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’†—๐’„ฉ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’…–๐’๐’Š...", "en": "(As for) ... , ... who had not submitted to the kings, (my) predecessors, and who had not sent his message (to any of them), he heard about the conquest of the land แธชatti (Syria-Palestine). The terrifying radiance of (the god) Aลกลกur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he became distressed. He sent his envoys to Kalแธซu, before me, to do obeisance, ... ", "tr": "... ana LUGAL.MEล -ni a-li-kut pa-ni la iลก-pi-lu-ma la iลก-pu-ra ลกi-pir-ลกuโ‚‚ ki-ลกit-te {KUR}-hat-ti iลก-meโ‚‚-e-ma na-mur-rat aลก-ลกur EN-ia is-hup-ลกuโ‚‚-ma ir-ลกaโ‚‚-a na-kut-tuโ‚‚ {LUโ‚‚}-MAH.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚ ลกa e-peลก {LUโ‚‚}-ARAD-uโ‚‚-ti a-na {URU}-kal-ha a-di mah-ri-ia iลก-pu-ra ... " }
{ "ak": "๐’ฃ๐’„ซ๐’ˆฌ๐’…€๐’ข๐’„ฟ๐’Š’๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹พ๐’‹—๐’…€๐’…€๐’‹—๐’Œ‰๐’Œ“๐’…–๐’ˆช๐’‚Š๐’ˆ ", "en": ", he heard the mention of my exalted name (and) my own extensive conquest(s), and ", "tr": "zi-kir MU-ia แนฃi-i-ru ki-ลกit-ti ล U.II-ia ลกu-tur-tuโ‚‚ iลก-meโ‚‚-e-ma " }
{ "ak": "๐’Šญ๐’Šฉ๐’Š“๐’„ ๐’‹›๐’Šฌ๐’‹ฅ๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’Š‘๐’‰๐’€ธ๐’†ณ๐’Š“๐’„ฃ๐’Œจ๐’Š‘๐’†ณ๐’‚Š๐’‘†๐’…†๐’‰๐’ˆจ๐’ฒ๐’……๐’‹ซ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€€๐’‚", "en": "As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, at Mount Saqurri, I defeated 9,400 (of her people). (25') I took away (from her) ", "tr": "ลกa {f}-sa-am-si ลกar-rat {KUR}-a-ri-bi ina {KUR}-sa-qu-ur-ri KUR-e 9 LIM 4 ME di-ik-ta-ลกuโ‚‚-nu a-duk " }
{ "ak": "๐’‰Œ๐’†ณ๐’‹พ๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’ƒป๐’„‘๐’Œ€๐’‡ท๐’„‘๐’ƒป๐’‰บ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€ญ๐’…–๐’‹ป๐’ƒป๐’ƒป๐’‚ต๐’ƒป๐’‚Š๐’ถ", "en": ", thrones of her gods, the military equipment (and) staffs of her goddess(es), (and) her property. ", "tr": "neโ‚‚-mat-ti DINGIR.MEล -ni-ลกaโ‚‚ {GIล }-til-li {GIล }-NIGโ‚‚.GIDRU.MEล  {d}-iลก-tar-ลกaโ‚‚ NIGโ‚‚.GA-ลกaโ‚‚ e-kim " }
{ "ak": "๐’…‡๐’…†๐’„ฟ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹—๐’ช๐’Œ’๐’ฃ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒป", "en": "Moreover, she, in order to save her life, ", "tr": "uโ‚ƒ ลกi-i a-na ลกu-zu-ub ZI.MEล -ลกaโ‚‚ " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ ๐’€œ๐’€๐’Š‘๐’€€๐’Šฌ๐’ฎ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆจ๐’ถ๐’Šฉ๐’€ฒ๐’‚”๐’ˆพ๐’Œจ๐’†ช๐’ˆพ๐’‰บ๐’‰Œ๐’ƒป๐’‹›๐’‹ซ๐’€œ๐’ƒป๐’‚ต๐’†ฐ๐’‹ซ๐’Š‘๐’ƒป๐’„ท๐’Š๐’•๐’€œ๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒป๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’‰ ๐’† ๐’†˜๐’ƒป๐’€ธ๐’‰ˆ๐’€พ๐’Š’๐’Œ’", "en": "(and) set out like a female onager to the desert, a place (where one is always) thirsty. I set the rest of (her) possessions (and) her tents, her peopleโ€™s safeguard within her camp, on fire.", "tr": "a-na ma-ad-ba-ri a-ลกar แนฃu-ma-me GIM {MUNUS}-ANล E.EDIN.NA taลก-ku-na pa-ni-ลกaโ‚‚ si-ta-at NIGโ‚‚.GA kul-ta-ri-ลกaโ‚‚ hu-ra-da-at UN.MEล -ลกaโ‚‚ i-na MURUBโ‚„ KARAล -ลกaโ‚‚ ina IZI aลกโ‚‚-ru-up " }
{ "ak": "๐’Šฉ๐’Š“๐’„ ๐’‹›๐’†ท๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’†—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œจ๐’„ท๐’Œ“๐’ˆ ๐’€ฒ๐’€€๐’€Š๐’€๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šฉ๐’€ฒ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹ก๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’€ฒ๐’€๐’€๐’…—๐’Š‘๐’…†๐’ˆพ", "en": "Samsi became startled by my mighty weapons and she brought camels, she-camels, with their young, to Assyria, before me.", "tr": "{f}-sa-am-si la-pa-an {GIล }-TUKUL.MEล -ia KAL.MEล  taลก-hu-ut-ma ANล E.A.AB.BA.MEล  {MUNUS}-{ANล E}-a-na-qa-a-te a-di {ANล E}-ba-ak-ka-ri-ลกi-na " }
{ "ak": "๐’…†๐’…†๐’‹™๐’‰บ๐’ˆ ๐’น๐’†ท๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๐’‚Š๐’€ฎ๐’„ฏ๐’† ๐’†˜๐’‹™๐’‚Š๐’ถ๐’‹™๐’ˆพ๐’„ฏ๐’‹ฅ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’…๐’ˆ›๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹—๐’ช๐’Œ’๐’ฃ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’€ธ๐’Šฉ๐’€ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š๐’„ท๐’‹›๐’ˆ ๐’น๐’†ณ๐’‹›๐’ฃ๐’…•๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆฅ๐’ฎ๐’ˆฌ๐’…†๐’Œจ๐’„ด๐’Œจ๐’ˆ ๐’‚Š๐’‡ท", "en": "I utterly defeated him and took his entire camp away from him. He became frightened of the terrifying radiance of my weapons, mounted a mare in order to save his life, escaped during the night <to> Mount Sizir, a rugged mountain, and ascended (it). ", "tr": "BADโ‚….BADโ‚…-ลกuโ‚‚ SIGโ‚ƒ-ma ana la ma-neโ‚‚-e nap-har KARAล -ลกuโ‚‚ e-kim-ลกuโ‚‚ na-mur-rat {GIล }-TUKUL.MEล -ia ip-lahโ‚ƒ-ma a-na ลกu-zu-ub ZI.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚ ina MUNUS.ANล E.KUR.RA Uโ‚…-ma ana {KUR}-si-zi-ir KUR-i mar-แนฃu mu-ลกi-tiลกโ‚‚ ih-liq-ma e-li " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’ŒŒ๐’‡ป๐’€๐’†ณ๐’†ธ๐’„ท๐’Šญ๐’†ช๐’Š‘๐’†ณ๐’ˆพ๐’€ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚‡๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€๐’‹ค๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’๐’‡ด๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’‡ท๐’…Ž๐’ˆจ๐’Š’๐’ŒŒ๐’๐’€ธ๐’† ๐’†—๐’†ณ๐’ŒŒ๐’‡ป๐’€๐’Œท๐’†•๐’‘๐’Œท๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’€๐’ƒป๐’ˆฌ๐’‹™๐’€Š๐’‰๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†ณ๐’†ณ๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹พ๐’‹—๐’…€๐’…€๐’€ธ๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’†—๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "I conquered the lands Ulluba (and) แธชabแธซu, which (are located) behind Mount Nal, in their entirety (and) annexed (them) to Assyria. I set up my royal image on (the face of) Mount Ilimeru. I built a city in the land Ulluba (and) I named it Aลกลกur-iqฤซลกa. I brought the people of (foreign) lands conquered by me therein (and) placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them", "tr": "{KUR}-ul-lu-ba {KUR}-hab-hu ลกa ku-tal {KUR}-na-al a-na gi-mir-ti-ลกuโ‚‚-nu ak-ลกud a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra แนฃa-lam LUGAL-ti-ia i-na {KUR}-i-li-im-me-ru ul-ziz ina qeโ‚‚-reb {KUR}-ul-lu-ba URU DUโ‚ƒ-uลก {URU}-aลก-ลกur-BA-ลกaโ‚‚ MU-ลกuโ‚‚ ab-bi UN.MEล  KUR.KUR ki-ลกit-ti ล U.II-ia ina libโ‚ƒ-bi uโ‚‚-ลกe-rib {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM ina UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’Šญ๐’„Š๐’…€๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’Š‘๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’€๐’‹ค", "en": "I conquered the cities at the foot of the mountain ridge ", "tr": "URU.MEล -ni ลกa GIRโ‚ƒ.II kar-ri KUR-i ak-ลกud " }
{ "ak": "...๐’†ณ๐’ˆพ๐’€ ๐’Œ‘๐’†—๐’Šฉ๐’Œ†๐’ˆ ๐’‚Š๐’๐’‘๐’Œท...๐’‹พ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’ˆฌ๐’‹™๐’€Š๐’‰๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†ณ๐’†ณ๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹พ๐’‹—๐’…€๐’…€๐’€ธ๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’†—๐’‹ซ...๐’†ณ๐’Š“๐’…ˆ๐’บ๐’Š‘๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’‡ป๐’‹›๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’‹ฐ๐’‹›๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’‹ข๐’€๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’ช๐’€€๐’Œท๐’‰๐’Š๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’†—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’…ˆ๐’ฒ๐’‚—๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’Šญ๐’‡ท๐’ˆจ๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€๐’‹ค๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’…†๐’พ๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฅ๐’ฒ", "en": "I built and fortified a city ... Mount Nal (and) I named it ... ti-Aลกลกur. I brought the people of (foreign) lands conquered by me therein. I conquered (an area) from the lands ... , Sardurriana (Sardauriana), Lusia, Tapsia, (and) Suba, as far as the land Bitzua, strong fortresses of the land Urarแนญu, together with cities in their environs. I annexed (those lands and cities) to Assyria (and) added (them) to the province of the chief steward.", "tr": "... {KUR}-na-al uโ‚‚-dan-nin-ma e-pu-uลก {URU}-... ti-aลก-ลกur MU-ลกuโ‚‚ ab-bi UN.MEล  KUR.KUR ki-ลกit-ti ล U.II-ia ina libโ‚ƒ-bi uโ‚‚-ลกe-rib TA ... {KUR}-sa-ar-du-ri-a-na {KUR}-lu-si-a {KUR}-tap-si-a {KUR}-su-ba a-di {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-zu-a {URU}-bi-ra-a-ti KAL.MEล  ลกa {KUR}-uโ‚‚-ra-ar-แนญi EN URU.MEล -ni ลกa li-me-ti-ลกuโ‚‚-nu ak-ลกud a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra ina UGU NAM {LUโ‚‚}-AGRIG uโ‚‚-rad-di " }
{ "ak": "...๐’…†๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’ˆฅ๐’„ฉ๐’‹พ๐’€ญ๐’ƒป๐’Œท๐’‚Š๐’‰ก๐’Œท๐’Š“๐’Š๐’‹ข๐’Œท๐’‡ป๐’Œ’๐’Š“๐’Œท๐’‡ป๐’†ฅ๐’€€๐’Œท๐’…†๐’‚‡๐’Š๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฉ๐’‰ก๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’‹ข๐’Š’๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’๐’†ท๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’„ต๐’•๐’€ญ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’Œท๐’€€๐’‡ท๐’…”๐’ฃ๐’Š๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’Œท๐’Œจ๐’‡ท๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’Œ๐’„ญ๐’…Ž๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’‹›๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’€๐’‹ค๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒฒ๐’‰๐’ˆœ๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒฒ๐’‰๐’ˆœ๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฅ๐’ฒ", "en": "I conquered the land/city ... ลกia, the land Marแธซatianลกa, the cities Enu, Sassu, Lups(u)a, Luqia, ล imirra, Uลกurnu, Usuru, (and) (15') Ubula, as far as Mount Birdanลกa, the cities Alinzirฤnu, Taลกliana, (and) Tirแธซim, as far as Mount Sinia. I added (those lands and cities) to the province of the chief cupbearer.", "tr": "... ลกi-a {KUR}-mar-ha-ti-an-ลกaโ‚‚ {URU}-e-nu {URU}-sa-as-su {URU}-lu-up-sa {URU}-lu-qi-a {URU}-ลกi-mir-ra {URU}-uโ‚‚-ลกur-nu {URU}-uโ‚‚-su-ru {URU}-uโ‚‚-bu-la a-di {KUR}-bir-da-an-ลกaโ‚‚ KUR-i {URU}-a-li-in-zi-ra-a-nu {URU}-taลก-li-a-na {URU}-tir-hi-im a-di {KUR}-si-ni-a KUR-i ak-ลกud ina UGU NAM {LUโ‚‚}-GAL.BI.LUL {LUโ‚‚}-GAL.BI.LUL uโ‚‚-rad-di " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ", "en": "(As for) the land ", "tr": "{KUR}-" }
{ "ak": "๐’‹ซ๐’Œท๐’„ฃ๐’„ฃ๐’Š“๐’€ญ๐’‹™๐’Œท๐’€๐’…ˆ๐’ช๐’Œฆ๐’ˆพ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Œท๐’„ฏ๐’‰๐’‹›๐’…”๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’€Š๐’‰๐’Š“๐’€€๐’Œท๐’‹ซ๐’Š“๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Œ‘๐’‡ป๐’Š’๐’‘๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰ฟ๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’Šญ๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’„˜๐’ƒผ๐’†ณ๐’‡ป๐’‹›๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’ˆ๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’ˆ ๐’ฒ๐’„ฟ๐’‰ก", "en": ", from the cities Ququsanลกu (and) Barzunna to the cities แธชar(a)bisinna, Abbissรข, (and) Tasa, as far as the land Uluruลก, which is above the bank of the Tigris River, the lands Lusia โ€” the land of (the metal) lead โ€” Amadฤซnu, ", "tr": "TA {URU}-qu-qu-sa-an-ลกuโ‚‚ {URU}-ba-ar-zu-un-na a-di {URU}-har-bi-si-in-na {URU}-ab-bi-sa-a {URU}-ta-sa a-di {KUR}-uโ‚‚-lu-ru-uลก UGU pi-a-ti ลกa {IDโ‚‚}-IDIGNA {KUR}-lu-si-a KUR A.BARโ‚‚ {KUR}-a-ma-di-i-nu " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’†ฅ๐’‡ท๐’„‘๐’Š“๐’Œท๐’„‘๐’ฃ๐’‚Š๐’•๐’Œท๐’ฒ๐’Œ‘๐’…€๐’€Š๐’‡ท๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’…€๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚Š๐’Šญ๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰ฟ๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’Šญ๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’„˜๐’ƒผ๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰†๐’†ณ๐’ˆพ๐’€ช๐’„ฟ๐’Š‘๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฅ๐’ฒ", "en": "(and) the cities Qilissa, Ezzฤ“da, (and) Diuyapli of the district of the land Ateia, which is above the bank of the Tigris River, I added (them) to the province of the land Naสพiri.", "tr": "{URU}-qi-li-is-sa {URU}-ez-ze-e-da {URU}-di-uโ‚‚-ia-ap-li ลกa {KUR}-a-te-ia na-ge-e ลกa ina UGU pi-a-te ลกa {IDโ‚‚}-IDIGNA ina UGU NAM {KUR}-na-สพi-i-ri uโ‚‚-rad-di " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’€€๐’Š๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’€ ๐’‡ท๐’€€๐’Œท๐’‹ซ๐’‹ข๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’€๐’ฃ๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚Š...๐’†ณ๐’Œ‘๐’…‹๐’†ท๐’†ณ๐’Œจ๐’€๐’€๐’…—๐’†ณ๐’Œ‘๐’‡ท๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’Š๐’‹›๐’…‹๐’†ท๐’Œท๐’€ ๐’†ฅ...๐’Œ‹๐’๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚Š๐’‹ซ๐’†ณ๐’‚Š๐’Š‘๐’‰๐’†ณ๐’‚Š๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’€€๐’‹ฅ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’†ช๐’Œ๐’ˆฌ๐’„ญ...๐’†ณ๐’‚—๐’ฃ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚‡๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’ฎ๐’Œ’๐’‰บ๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚Š๐’€๐’‹ค๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’Œ‰๐’‹ซ๐’‰Œ๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฅ๐’ฒ", "en": "I conquered the cities Arฤnu, Uallia, Tasu, Ura of the district of the land Bฤzu, ... , the lands Uilla, Urbakka, Ulina, (and) Arasilla, the city Alqi... , ... , eighteen districts, from Mount Eribi to the Euphrates River (and) the border of the land Kummuแธซu, ... the land Enzi in its entirety, as far as the district of the land แนขuppa. I annexed (those lands and cities) to Assyria (and) added (them) to the province of the turtฤnu.", "tr": "{URU}-a-ra-a-nu {URU}-uโ‚‚-al-li-a {URU}-ta-su {URU}-uโ‚‚-ra ลกa {KUR}-ba-zi na-ge-e ... {KUR}-uโ‚‚-il-la {KUR}-ur-ba-ak-ka {KUR}-uโ‚‚-li-na {KUR}-a-ra-si-il-la {URU}-al-qi-... 18 na-ge-e TA {KUR}-e-ri-bi KUR-e a-di UGU {IDโ‚‚}-A.ล ITAโ‚ƒ mi-แนฃir {KUR}-ku-um-mu-hi ... {KUR}-en-zi a-na gi-mir-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ a-di {KUR}-แนฃu-up-pa na-ge-e ak-ลกud a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra ina UGU NAM {LUโ‚‚}-tur-ta-ni uโ‚‚-rad-di " }
{ "ak": "๐’ƒป๐’‚ต", "en": ", property, ", "tr": "NIGโ‚‚.GA " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’Œฆ๐’†ฅ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "I annexed the land Unqi to Assyria (and) placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.", "tr": "a-na KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ra-a {KUR}-un-qi a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’‹ซ๐’‹†๐’…—๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š“๐’Œ‘๐’‚Š๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’Œท๐’…—๐’€พ๐’๐’Œ‘๐’ˆพ๐’Šญ๐’€€๐’„ด๐’Œ“๐’ด๐’‚Š๐’‡ท๐’‹พ๐’Œท๐’ข๐’‚‡๐’Š๐’Œท๐’…ˆ๐’‹ก๐’€€๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’ˆซ๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "I annexed the city แธชatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, the city Kaลกpลซna, which is on the shore of the Upper (text: โ€œLowerโ€) Sea, (and) the cities แนขimirra (and) Arqรข to Assyria (and) I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.", "tr": "{URU}-ha-ta-rik-ka a-di {KUR}-sa-uโ‚‚-e KUR-i {URU}-ka-aลกโ‚‚-pu-uโ‚‚-na ลกa a-ah tam-tim e-li-ti {URU}-แนฃi-mir-ra {URU}-ar-qa-a a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra 2 {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM.MEล  {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM.MEล  UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’น๐’„ฉ๐’๐’€ช๐’„ฟ๐’‡ท๐’Š๐’‹™๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹›๐’†Ÿ๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‹ซ๐’†ณ๐’†—๐’ˆพ๐’ˆพ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’Œท๐’‚ต๐’€ ๐’€ช๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Œท๐’€€๐’‰๐’…‹๐’‹ƒ๐’ฒ๐’Šญ๐’‰ป๐’‹พ๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’น๐’„ท๐’Œ๐’Š‘๐’€€๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "I annexed to Assyria the extensive land of Bฤซt-แธชazaสพili (Damascus) in its entirety, from Mount Lebanon as far as the cities Gilead (and) Abil-ลกiแนญแนญi, which are on the border of the land Bฤซt-แธชumria (Israel), (and) I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.", "tr": "{KUR}-Eโ‚‚-{m}-ha-za-สพi-i-li rap-ลกuโ‚‚ a-na si-hir-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ TA {KUR}-lab-na-na a-di libโ‚ƒ-bi {URU}-ga-al-สพa-a-di {URU}-a-bi-il-ลกiแนญ-แนญi ลกa pat-ti {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-{m}-hu-um-ri-a a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’„ญ๐’Š‘๐’ˆฌ๐’†ณ๐’€ซ๐’Š๐’€€๐’€€๐’Šญ๐’€‰๐’‹พ๐’น๐’Š๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’…–๐’†ช๐’ˆพ๐’‰ฟ๐’„ฟ๐’‹™", "en": "(As for) Hiram of the land Tyre, who conspired with Raแธซiฤnu (Rezin) (against me), ", "tr": "{m}-hi-ri-mu {KUR}-แนฃur-ra-a-a ลกa it-ti {m}-ra-hi-a-ni iลก-ku-na pi-i-ลกuโ‚‚ " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’ˆ ๐’„ฉ๐’†ท๐’€Š๐’Œท๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€๐’‹ค๐’Šฉ๐’†ท๐’‹ข๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท", "en": "โ€” I captured (and) plundered the city Maแธซalab, his fortified city, together with (other) large cities (of his). ", "tr": "{URU}-ma-ha-la-ab URU dan-nu-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ a-di URU.MEล -ni GAL.MEล  ak-ลกud ลกal-la-su-nu aลกโ‚‚-lu-la " }
{ "ak": "...๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’บ๐’…—๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆพ๐’€พ๐’…†๐’‹ก๐’„Š๐’…€๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’„€...๐’‡ป๐’‡ง๐’‹พ๐’„ต๐’ˆจ๐’Œ†๐’ƒฐ๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‡ฝ๐’ˆœ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šฉ๐’ˆœ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ...๐’€ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’ˆฌ๐’Šป๐’Š‘...๐’„ ๐’„ฏ", "en": "... he came before me and kissed my feet. I received twenty talents of gold, ... , multi-colored garments, linen garments, eunuchs, male (and) female singers, ... , Egyptian horses, ... ", "tr": "... a-di mah-ri-ia DU-ka-ma uโ‚‚-na-aลกโ‚‚-ลกi-qa GIRโ‚ƒ.II.MEล -ia 20 GUN KUโ‚ƒ.GI ... lu-bul-ti bir-me {TUGโ‚‚}-GADA {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG.MEล  {LUโ‚‚}-NAR.MEล  {MUNUS}-NAR.MEล  ... ANล E.KUR.RA.MEล  ลกa {KUR}-mu-uแนฃ-ri ... am-hur " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’„ท๐’Œ๐’Š‘๐’€€๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’„€๐’‚‡๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’€๐’‹ค", "en": "I conquered the land Bฤซt-แธชumria (Israel) in its entirety (and) I brought to Assyria ", "tr": "{KUR}-Eโ‚‚-hu-um-ri-a a-na gi-mir-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ ak-ลกud " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆฅ๐’…†๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’€€", "en": ", together with their belongings. ", "tr": "a-di mar-ลกi-ti-ลกuโ‚‚-nu a-na KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ra-a " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’€€๐’Œ‘๐’‹›๐’€ช๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’Œ‘๐’‹พ๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "(and) I placed Hoshea as king over them. They brought ", "tr": "{m}-a-uโ‚‚-si-สพi a-na LUGAL-uโ‚‚-ti ina UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’Œท๐’Šฌ๐’Š๐’€๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’‰๐’‡ป๐’‰Œ", "en": "to the city Sarrabฤnu, before me.", "tr": "ana {URU}-sar-ra-ba-ni a-di mah-ri-ia uโ‚‚-bi-lu-ni " }
{ "ak": "...๐’น๐’ˆจ๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’Œ“๐’Š๐’‹ข๐’„ฉ๐’„ ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’€€", "en": "I removed ... (and) ... and 100 talents of silver and brought (it) to Assyria.", "tr": "... 1 ME GUN KUโ‚ƒ.BABBAR as-su-ha-am-ma a-na KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ra-a " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’„ฉ๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’Œ‘๐’‰ก๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’Š๐’๐’‹ซ๐’€€๐’€€๐’†ท๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’†—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…๐’ˆ›๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’ˆฌ๐’Šป๐’Š‘๐’…”๐’ˆพ๐’‰๐’€‰๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’Š๐’ช๐’Œ…๐’Œท๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’€๐’‹ค", "en": "(As for) แธชanลซnu of the city Gaza, he became frightened by my powerful weapons and escaped to Egypt. I conquered the city Gaza, his royal city", "tr": "{m}-ha-a-nu-uโ‚‚-nu {URU}-ha-az-za-ta-a-a la-pa-an {GIล }-TUKUL.MEล -ia KAL.MEล  ip-lahโ‚ƒ-ma a-na {KUR}-mu-uแนฃ-ri in-na-bi-it {URU}-ha-az-zu-tu URU LUGAL-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ ak-ลกud " }
{ "ak": "๐’…‡๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’ถ๐’„ท๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’†ณ๐’ˆฌ๐’Šป๐’Š‘๐’…๐’Œ“๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ", "en": "As for him (แธชanลซnu), he flew (back) from Egypt like a bird and ", "tr": "uโ‚ƒ ลกu-uโ‚‚ GIM MUล EN ul-tu {KUR}-mu-uแนฃ-ri ip-par-ลกam-ma " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’† ๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’‹—๐’ˆ ", "en": "I returned him to his position. I considered his ", "tr": "a-na KI-ลกu uโ‚‚-ter-ลกu-ma " }
{ "ak": "๐’‹™๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‚๐’…—๐’€€๐’Š‘๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’„ ๐’‰ก", "en": "as an Assyrian emporium. ", "tr": "ลกuโ‚‚ a-na Eโ‚‚ ka-a-ri ลกa KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} am-nu " }
{ "ak": "๐’ƒป๐’Šฉ๐’Š“๐’„ ๐’‹›๐’Šฌ๐’‹ฅ๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’Š‘๐’‰๐’€ธ๐’†ณ๐’Š“๐’„ฃ๐’Œจ๐’Š‘๐’†ณ๐’‚Š...๐’€ธ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’Œ‘๐’Œ‘๐’†ค๐’ˆ ๐’ถ๐’Š‘๐’† ๐’†˜๐’ƒป...๐’‹†๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’†•๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ท๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’ƒป๐’‚Š๐’ถ", "en": "As for Samsi, queen of the Arabs, at Mount Saqurri, I cut down with the sword (lit. โ€œweaponโ€) ... and I ... her entire camp. I took away (from her) ... all types of aromatics, without number, (and) her gods. ", "tr": "ลกaโ‚‚ {f}-sa-am-si ลกar-rat {KUR}-a-ri-bi ina {KUR}-sa-qu-ur-ri KUR-e ... ina {GIล }-TUKUL uโ‚‚-ลกam-qit-ma gim-ri KARAล -ลกaโ‚‚ ... ล IM.HI.A DUโ‚ƒ-ma a-na la ma-ni DINGIR.MEล -ni-ลกaโ‚‚ e-kim " }
{ "ak": "...๐’Šญ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’‡ท๐’‹ป๐’‰บ๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’†ท๐’…–๐’‰ฟ๐’‡ป๐’ˆ ๐’†ท๐’…–๐’๐’Š๐’…†๐’Œ“๐’‹™...๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹ผ๐’†ณ๐’‰บ๐’‹พ๐’…–๐’ˆช๐’‚Š๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’„ฏ๐’‹ฅ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’…€๐’„‘๐’„ฝ๐’‹™๐’ˆ ๐’…•๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹ป๐’Œ“๐’‡ฝ๐’ˆค๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’Šญ๐’‚Š๐’„ซ๐’‡ฝ๐’€ด๐’Œ‘๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’†—๐’„ฉ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’…–๐’๐’Š", "en": "(As for) ... , ... who had not submitted to the kings, my predecessors, and who had not sent his message (to any of them), ... , heard about the conquest of the land แธชatti (Syria-Palestine). The terrifying radiance of (the god) Aลกลกur, my lord, overwhelmed him, and he became distressed. He sent his envoys to Kalแธซu, before me, to do obeisance.", "tr": "... ลกa a-na LUGAL.MEล -ni a-li-kut pa-ni-ia la iลก-pi-lu-ma la iลก-pu-ra ลกi-pir-ลกuโ‚‚ ... ki-ลกit-te {KUR}-hat-ti iลก-meโ‚‚-e-ma na-mur-rat aลก-ลกur EN-ia is-hup-ลกuโ‚‚-ma ir-ลกaโ‚‚-a na-kut-tuโ‚‚ {LUโ‚‚}-MAH.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚ ลกa e-peลก {LUโ‚‚}-ARAD-uโ‚‚-te a-na {URU}-kal-ha a-di mah-ri-ia iลก-pu-ra " }
{ "ak": "๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒฒ๐’Š•๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’€ซ๐’Š‘๐’€พ๐’“๐’Šญ๐’น๐’ˆช๐’‚Š๐’‹ผ๐’‚—๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’€ซ๐’Š๐’€€๐’€€๐’๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’„€๐’ˆซ๐’…†๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’Œ“๐’‹ซ๐’ˆฅ๐’‹ซ๐’‹™๐’„ ๐’„ฏ", "en": "I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the city Tyre. I received from Metenna of the city Tyre 50 talents of gold (and) 2,000 talents of silver as his audience gift.", "tr": "{LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-GAL SAG a-na {URU}-แนฃur-ri aลกโ‚‚-pur ลกa {m}-meโ‚‚-e-te-en-na {URU}-แนฃur-ra-a-a 50 GUN KUโ‚ƒ.GI 2 LIM GUN KUโ‚ƒ.BABBAR ta-mar-ta-ลกuโ‚‚ am-hur " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’‹ฉ๐’ˆจ๐’†ณ๐’‹ซ๐’„๐’€€๐’€€๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’…๐’‹ƒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆฆ๐’‹ป๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’†ท๐’…‹๐’‡ท๐’…—๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒฒ๐’Š•๐’น๐’†ณ๐’‹ซ๐’„๐’€พ๐’“", "en": "Uassurme of the land Tabal acted as if he were the equal of Assyria and he did not come before me. I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the land Tabal. ", "tr": "{m}-uโ‚‚-as-sur-me {KUR}-ta-bal-a-a a-na ep-ลกet KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-maลก-ลกil-ma a-di mah-ri-ia la il-li-ka {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-GAL SAG ana {KUR}-ta-bal aลกโ‚‚-pur " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’„ท๐’ŒŒ๐’‡ท๐’‚Š๐’Œ‰๐’†ท๐’ˆ ๐’„ ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’€ธ๐’„‘๐’„–๐’๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ‹๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’„€๐’น๐’…†๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’Œ“๐’ˆซ๐’…†๐’€ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š๐’ˆจ๐’Œ", "en": "I placed แธชullรฎ, a commoner (lit. โ€œson of a nobodyโ€) on his royal throne. I received 10 talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver, 2,000 horses, (and) ", "tr": "{m}-hu-ul-le-e DUMU la ma-am-ma-na ina {GIล }-GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ uโ‚‚-ลกe-ลกib 10 GUN KUโ‚ƒ.GI 1 LIM GUN KUโ‚ƒ.BABBAR 2 LIM ANล E.KUR.RA.MEล  " }
{ "ak": "...๐’Šญ๐’€ธ๐’ˆ—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’€œ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’Šฉ๐’ˆ ๐’†ท...๐’‹ซ๐’ˆฅ๐’‹ซ๐’‹™๐’„ ๐’„ฏ", "en": "... , who nobody among the kings, my ancestors, ... I received ... as his audience gift. ", "tr": "... ลกa ina LUGAL.MEล -ni AD.MEล -ia mamโ‚‚-ma la ... ta-mar-ta-ลกuโ‚‚ am-hur " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’Œฆ๐’†ฅ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‰ป๐’ถ๐’Š‘๐’ƒป๐’€๐’‹ค๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’†ฌ๐’„€", "en": "I conquered the land Unqi to its full extent (and) I brought to Assyria twenty talents of gold, ", "tr": "{KUR}-un-qi a-na paแนญ gim-ri-ลกaโ‚‚ ak-ลกud 20 GUN KUโ‚ƒ.GI " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’‹ซ๐’‹†๐’…—๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š“๐’Œ‘๐’‚Š๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’Œท๐’…—๐’€พ๐’๐’Œ‘๐’ˆพ๐’Šญ๐’€€๐’„ด๐’Œ“๐’ด๐’‚Š๐’‡ท๐’‹พ๐’Œท๐’ข๐’‚‡๐’Š๐’Œท๐’…ˆ๐’‹ก๐’€€๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’ˆซ๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "I annexed the city แธชatarikka, as far as Mount Saue, the city Kaลกpลซna, which is on the shore of the Upper (text: โ€œLowerโ€) Sea, (and) the cities แนขimirra (and) Arqรข to Assyria (and) I placed two eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.", "tr": "{URU}-ha-ta-rik-ka a-di {KUR}-sa-uโ‚‚-e KUR-i {URU}-ka-aลกโ‚‚-pu-uโ‚‚-na ลกa a-ah tam-tim e-li-ti {URU}-แนฃi-mir-ra {URU}-ar-qa-a a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra 2 {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM.MEล  {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM.MEล  UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’„ญ๐’Š‘๐’ˆฌ๐’†ณ๐’€ซ๐’Š๐’€€๐’€€๐’Šญ๐’€‰๐’‹พ๐’น๐’Š๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’…–๐’†ช๐’ˆพ๐’‰ฟ๐’„ฟ๐’‹™", "en": "(As for) Hiram of the land Tyre, who conspired with Raแธซiฤnu (Rezin) (against me), ", "tr": "{m}-hi-ri-mu {KUR}-แนฃur-ra-a-a ลกa it-ti {m}-ra-hi-a-ni iลก-ku-na pi-i-ลกuโ‚‚ " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’ˆ—๐’ƒฒ๐’Œ‹๐’ˆ—๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’ˆ—๐’†ง๐’ˆ—๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’ˆ—๐’†๐’€ญ๐’† ๐’ˆ—๐’†ณ๐’‹—๐’ˆจ๐’Š‘๐’Œ‹๐’Œต๐’† ๐’ˆ—๐’„’๐’‹ฅ๐’‡น๐’‹พ๐’„จ๐’ƒผ๐’บ๐’Šญ๐’€ธ๐’Œ…๐’†ฐ๐’‹พ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’‹™๐’†ฐ๐’†ณ๐’†ท๐’ˆ ๐’„€๐’Š‘๐’‹—๐’ถ๐’‹ป๐’๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’–๐’†ฅ๐’„ฃ๐’€€๐’๐’„ซ๐’„‘๐’๐’‰ก๐’ˆ ๐’ฃ๐’†ฅ๐’†ง๐’…Ž๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’ˆ—๐’ƒป๐’€ธ๐’ฃ๐’„ซ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’€ญ๐’ƒป๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’€ญ๐’€ซ๐’Œ“๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’บ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ˆ ๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’ˆฅ๐’Š๐’‹พ๐’Šญ๐’‚๐’น๐’…€๐’† ๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’‰๐’……๐’‰Œ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’€ญ๐’Œ‘๐’…†๐’…‡๐’Œ“๐’ด๐’Šญ๐’‚„๐’ˆช๐’€ญ๐’Œ‘๐’…†๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ณ๐’ˆฌ๐’Šป๐’Š‘๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’€ญ๐’Œซ๐’€ญ๐’Œซ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’€ญ๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’‰บ๐’†ณ๐’†ณ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’„ฟ๐’‰ฟ๐’‡ป๐’ˆ ๐’‚Š๐’๐’‹—๐’Šฌ๐’Š’๐’Šป๐’‹›๐’…”", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser (III), great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters (of the world); valiant man who, with the help of (the god) Aลกลกur, his lord, smashed like pots all who were unsubmissive to him, swept over (them) like the Deluge, (and) considered (them) as (mere) ghosts; the king who marched about at the command of the gods Aลกลกur, ล amaลก, and Marduk, the great gods, and exercised authority over lands from the Bitter Sea of Bฤซt-Yakฤซn, as far as Mount Bikni in the east, up to the Sea of the Setting Sun, as far as Egypt, from the horizon to the zenith, and exercised kingship over them.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra LUGAL GAL-u LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KIล  LUGAL KUR aลก-ลกur LUGAL KAโ‚‚.DINGIR {KI} LUGAL KUR ลกu-me-ri u URI {KI} LUGAL kib-rat LIMMUโ‚‚-ti GURUล  qar-du ลกa ina tu-kul-ti aลก-ลกur EN-ลกuโ‚‚ kul-lat la ma-gi-ri-ลกu GIM haแนฃ-bat-ti uโ‚‚-daq-qi-qu a-bu-biลก is-pu-nu-ma zi-qi-qiลก im-nu-u LUGAL ลกaโ‚‚ ina zi-kir aลก-ลกur {d}-ลกaโ‚‚-maลก u {d}-AMAR.UTU DINGIR.MEล  GAL.MEล  DU.MEล -ma ul-tu {IDโ‚‚}-mar-ra-ti ลกa Eโ‚‚-{m}-ia-ki-ni a-di {KUR}-bi-ik-ni ลกa KUR {d}-ลกam-ลกi uโ‚ƒ tam-tim ลกa ลกul-mi {d}-ลกam-ลกi a-di {KUR}-mu-uแนฃ-ri ul-tu AN.URโ‚‚ AN.URโ‚‚ a-di AN.PA AN.PA KUR.KUR.MEล  i-pe-lu-ma e-pu-ลกu ลกar-ru-us-si-in " }
{ "ak": "๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’Œ“๐’„’๐’‰ฃ๐’† ๐’‚—๐’†ค๐’† ๐’†๐’€ญ๐’Š๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’‰บ๐’‡ป๐’† ๐’„˜๐’ƒฎ๐’€€๐’† ๐’†ง๐’† ๐’€ธ๐’๐’† ๐’€•๐’† ๐’ˆ ๐’„ฉ๐’ฃ๐’†ท๐’ƒป๐’ˆพ๐’€ญ๐’‡ป๐’€ฌ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†ฌ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’€ญ๐’‚—๐’€ญ๐’‡ก๐’‰บ๐’‰Œ๐’Œˆ๐’€ญ๐’€๐’€ญ๐’Œจ๐’ˆจ๐’Œˆ๐’€ญ๐’Œ‹๐’„ฅ๐’Œ‹๐’€ญ๐’†ท๐’Š๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‚—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’€๐’†ฅ๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’‹ก๐’„ฟ๐’ƒป๐’†ฅ๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’‹พ", "en": "In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, (and) Uruk, cult centers without rival, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bฤ“l (Marduk), Zarpanฤซtu, Nabรป, Taลกmฤ“tu, Nergal, and Laแนฃ, the gods, my lords, and presented gifts (to them). ", "tr": "i-na ZIMBIR {KI} NIBRU {KI} KAโ‚‚.DINGIR.RA {KI} barโ‚‚-sipa {KI} GUโ‚‚.DUโ‚ˆ.A {KI} kiลก {KI} dil-bat {KI} UNUG {KI} ma-ha-zi la ลกaโ‚‚-na-an {UDU}-SISKUR.MEล  KUโ‚ƒ.MEล  a-na {d}-EN {d}-zar-pa-ni-tum {d}-AG {d}-taลก-me-tum {d}-U.GUR u {d}-la-aแนฃ DINGIR.MEล  EN.MEล -ia aq-qi-ma uโ‚‚-qa-i-ลกaโ‚‚ qi-ลกaโ‚‚-a-ti " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’ƒธ๐’€ญ๐’บ๐’‰Œ๐’€พ๐’‚ผ๐’Œ…๐’€€๐’‰‹๐’ˆ ๐’‚Š๐’๐’ƒป๐’Šฌ๐’Š’๐’Šป๐’Š“", "en": "I exercised authority over the extensive land of Karduniaลก (Babylonia) and exercised kingship over it.", "tr": "{KUR}-karโ‚‚-{d}-du-ni-aลกโ‚‚ DAGAL-tu a-belโ‚‚-ma e-pu-ลกaโ‚‚ ลกar-ru-us-sa " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’น๐’‹›๐’†ท๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’น๐’Š“๐’€ช๐’€ ๐’‡ท๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‰ป๐’ถ๐’Š‘๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’Š๐’‹ข๐’„ฉ๐’„ ๐’ˆ ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’€๐’Œ‘๐’‰บ๐’…๐’…†๐’น๐’๐’†ฅ๐’Š’๐’ˆ—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’‹ก๐’‹พ๐’……๐’‹ค๐’Œท๐’Š“๐’…ˆ๐’Š๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’Œท๐’‹ป๐’€๐’ฎ๐’Œท๐’…€๐’„๐’‡ป๐’Œท๐’‚ฆ๐’€ญ๐’†œ๐’†ณ๐’€€๐’€€๐’Œท๐’ˆ ๐’‡ท๐’†ท๐’Œ…๐’Œท๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’‹—๐’‰ก๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’…†๐’‰ฟ๐’……๐’…–๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’…‡๐’„‘๐’‹—๐’‰ฟ๐’„ฟ๐’€๐’‹ค๐’น๐’ˆจ๐’๐’…†๐’Š๐’…†๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆฅ๐’…†๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ƒป๐’‹—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ƒป๐’‚ต๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ˆง๐’€ฒ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ท๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท๐’†ณ๐’†ณ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹—๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’ˆพ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š", "en": "I eradicated the lands Bฤซt-Silฤni (Bฤซt-ล ilฤni) (and) Bฤซt-Saสพalli (Bฤซt-ล aสพalli) to their full extent. I personally captured Nabรป-uลกabลกi (and) Zaqiru, their kings. By means of earthworks and battering rams, I captured the cities Sarrabฤnu, Tarbaแนฃu, Yaballu, Dลซr-Baliแธซฤya, (and) Malilatu, their large royal cities. I carried off 155,000 people, with their possessions, (15) their goods, their property, (and) their livestock, without number. I annexed those lands to Assyria.", "tr": "{KUR}-Eโ‚‚-{m}-si-la-a-ni {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-{m}-sa-สพa-al-li a-na paแนญ gim-ri-ลกuโ‚‚-nu as-su-ha-am-ma {m}-{d}-AG-uโ‚‚-ลกab-ลกi {m}-za-qi-ru LUGAL.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚-nu qa-ti ik-ลกud {URU}-sa-ar-rab-a-nu {URU}-tar-ba-แนฃu {URU}-ia-bal-lu {URU}-BADโ‚ƒ-{d}-KASKAL.KUR-a-a {URU}-ma-li-la-tu URU LUGAL-ti-ลกu-nu GAL.MEล  i-na ลกi-pi-ik SAHAR.HI.A uโ‚ƒ {GIล }-ลกu-pi-i ak-ลกud 1 ME 50 LIM 5 LIM UN.MEล  a-di mar-ลกi-ti-ลกuโ‚‚-nu NIGโ‚‚.ล U-ลกuโ‚‚-nu NIGโ‚‚.GA-ลกuโ‚‚-nu MAล โ‚‚.ANล E-ลกuโ‚‚-nu a-na la ma-ni aลกโ‚‚-lu-la KUR.KUR.MEล  ลกu-a-ti-na a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur uโ‚‚-ter-ra " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’„ญ๐’‡ท๐’…Ž๐’ˆฌ๐’Œท๐’‰ฟ๐’…‹๐’‡ป๐’Œ…๐’Šญ๐’‰ป๐’‹พ๐’†ณ๐’‚Š๐’‡ด๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’€ธ๐’‹—๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’Œท๐’‡น๐’„ฉ๐’„ ๐’‰ก", "en": "I annexed to Assyria the cities แธชilimmu (and) Pillatu, (cities) on the border of the land Elam (and) I placed (them) under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the city Arrapแธซa.", "tr": "{URU}-hi-li-im-mu {URU}-pi-il-lu-tu ลกa pat-ti {KUR}-e-lam-ti a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra ina ล U.II {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-GAR.KUR {LUโ‚‚}-GAR.KUR {URU}-LIMMUโ‚‚-ha am-nu " }
{ "ak": "๐’ˆ ๐’•๐’Œ…๐’Šญ๐’‡ฝ๐’Š๐’€ช๐’Š“๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’†—๐’ฒ๐’Šญ๐’น๐’€๐’†ท๐’‹›๐’Œ‰๐’น๐’•๐’†ช๐’Š‘๐’น๐’ˆพ๐’ฒ๐’‰Œ๐’Œ“๐’Œ“๐’€๐’† ๐’€€๐’€€๐’…‡๐’น๐’€ญ๐’€ซ๐’Œ“๐’€€๐’‹ง๐’ˆพ๐’Œ‰๐’น๐’…€๐’† ๐’‰Œ๐’ˆ—๐’†ณ๐’Œ“๐’ด๐’†ฌ๐’„€๐’‚Š๐’Œ“๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’‹™๐’†ฌ๐’Œ“๐’‰Œ๐’‹๐’‹พ๐’‰Œ๐’Œ“๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’„‘๐’†—๐’„‘๐’‚Š๐’‡ป๐’Œ…๐’„ž๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ข๐’‚Š๐’‰Œ๐’„ ๐’„ฏ", "en": "I received payment from the chieftains of Chaldea, Balฤssu of (the land Bฤซt)-Dakkลซri (lit. โ€œson of Dakkลซriโ€), Nฤdinu of (the city) Larak, Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan) of (the land Bฤซt)-Yakฤซn (lit. โ€œson of Yakฤซnโ€), king of the Sealand: natural, unrefined gold, silver, precious stones, ebony, ellลซtu-wood, oxen, (and) sheep and goats.", "tr": "ma-da-tu ลกa {LUโ‚‚}-ra-aสพ-sa-a-ni ลกa {KUR}-kal-di ลกa {m}-ba-la-si DUMU {m}-da-ku-ri {m}-na-di-ni UD.UD.AG {KI} a-a uโ‚ƒ {m}-{d}-AMAR.UTU-A-SUM.NA DUMU {m}-ia-ki-ni LUGAL KUR tam-tim KUโ‚ƒ.GI e-per KUR-i-ลกuโ‚‚ KUโ‚ƒ.BABBAR ni-siq-ti NAโ‚„.MEล  {GIล }-ESI {GIล }-e-lu-tu GUโ‚„.MEล  แนฃe-e-ni am-hur " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ณ๐’‰†๐’Š‘๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’Š“๐’€ญ๐’„€๐’๐’‹พ๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’„ฉ๐’€ญ๐’‰ผ๐’†ณ๐’‹ข๐’„ฏ๐’ช๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’‡๐’Š’๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’ช๐’€ ๐’๐’€พ", "en": "The lands Namri, Bฤซt-Sangibลซti, Bฤซt-แธชamban, Sumurzu, Bฤซt-Barrลซa, Bฤซt-Zualzaลก, ", "tr": "{KUR}-nam-ri {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-sa-an-gi-bu-ti {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-ha-an-ban {KUR}-su-mur-zu {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-bar-ru-a {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-zu-al-za-aลกโ‚‚ " }
{ "ak": "๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’Š•๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ๐’„๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’†ณ๐’„ฟ๐’Œ…๐’€ช๐’†ณ๐’Š’๐’๐’€ช๐’‡ฝ๐’„ฉ๐’ˆฅ๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’‡ฝ๐’‡ป๐’„ท๐’Œ‘๐’€€๐’Œ…๐’‡ฝ๐’„ฉ๐’Š‘๐’‡ป๐’‡ฝ๐’Š’๐’Œ’๐’๐’‡ฝ๐’Š๐’‰ฟ๐’„ฃ๐’‡ฝ๐’ˆพ๐’€๐’Œ…๐’‡ฝ๐’„–๐’Š’๐’ˆฌ๐’‡ฝ๐’บ๐’ˆพ๐’‰ก๐’‡ฝ๐’Œ‘๐’๐’‡ป๐’‡ฝ๐’Š’๐’€ช๐’Œ‘๐’€€๐’‡ฝ๐’‡ท๐’€ช๐’‹ซ๐’€€๐’Œ‘๐’‡ฝ๐’ˆ ๐’Š’๐’‹ข๐’Œท๐’‚ฆ๐’†ช๐’Š‘๐’ƒฒ๐’ฃ๐’Œท๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’…”๐’‰Œ๐’Œท๐’„ต๐’Œ…๐’Šญ๐’Š“๐’Š๐’„€๐’‹พ๐’Œท๐’„ต๐’Œ…๐’Šญ๐’†ท๐’€Š๐’ˆพ๐’€œ๐’‡ฝ๐’€€๐’Š’๐’ˆฌ๐’†•๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’Šญ๐’‹ƒ๐’ฒ๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’„˜๐’ƒผ๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’€€๐’‹ฅ๐’…‡๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’‹ข๐’Š๐’‰ฟ๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’ŠŒ๐’‰Œ๐’‚Š๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Œ“๐’ด๐’‰บ๐’…๐’‡ท๐’‹พ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’€ญ๐’Œ‘๐’…†๐’€๐’‹ค๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’†ฒ", "en": "From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palรป, I captured the (tribes) Ituสพu, Rubuสพu, แธชamarฤnu, Luแธซuสพatu, แธชaแนญallu, Rubbรป, Rapiqu, Nabฤtu, Gurumu, Dunanu, Ubulu, Ruสพuสพa, Liสพtaสพu, Marusu, (and those living in) the cities Dลซr-Kurigalzu, Adinni, the fortresses of Sarragitu (and) Labbanat, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Surappu, (and) Uqnรป Rivers, as far as the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun. I annexed (those areas) to Assyria (and) placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.", "tr": "ul-tu SAG LUGAL-ti-ia a-di 17 BALA.MEล -ia {KUR}-i-tu-สพu {KUR}-ru-bu-สพu {LUโ‚‚}-ha-mar-a-nu {LUโ‚‚}-lu-hu-uโ‚‚-a-tu {LUโ‚‚}-ha-แนญal-lu {LUโ‚‚}-ru-ub-bu {LUโ‚‚}-ra-pi-qu {LUโ‚‚}-na-ba-tu {LUโ‚‚}-gu-ru-mu {LUโ‚‚}-du-na-nu {LUโ‚‚}-uโ‚‚-bu-lu {LUโ‚‚}-ru-สพu-uโ‚‚-a {LUโ‚‚}-li-iสพ-ta-a-uโ‚‚ {LUโ‚‚}-ma-ru-su {URU}-BADโ‚ƒ-ku-ri-gal-zi {URU}-a-di-in-ni {URU}-bir-tu ลกa sa-ra-gi-ti {URU}-bir-tu ลกa la-ab-na-at {LUโ‚‚}-a-ru-mu DUโ‚ƒ-ลกuโ‚‚-nu ลกa ลกid-di {IDโ‚‚}-IDIGNA {IDโ‚‚}-A.ล ITAโ‚ƒ uโ‚ƒ {IDโ‚‚}-su-rap-pi {IDโ‚‚}-uq-neโ‚‚-e a-di tam-tim ลกap-li-ti ลกa KUR {d}-ลกam-ลกi ak-ลกud a-na mi-แนฃir KUR aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ter-ra {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM UGU-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-kun " }
{ "ak": "๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’Œ“๐’„’๐’‰ฃ๐’† ๐’‚—๐’†ค๐’† ๐’†๐’€ญ๐’Š๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’‰บ๐’‡ป๐’† ๐’„˜๐’ƒฎ๐’€€๐’† ๐’†ง๐’† ๐’€ธ๐’๐’† ๐’€•๐’† ", "en": "In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, (and) Uruk,", "tr": "i-na ZIMBIR {KI} NIBRU {KI} KAโ‚‚.DINGIR.RA {KI} barโ‚‚-sipa {KI} GUโ‚‚.DUโ‚ˆ.A {KI} kiลก {KI} dil-bat {KI} UNUG {KI} " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ƒฒ", "en": "Tiglath-pileser (III), great king, ", "tr": "{m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN GAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’…—๐’‹ƒ", "en": ", conqueror of ", "tr": "ka-ลกid " }
{ "ak": "๐’…—๐’‹ƒ๐’‡ฝ๐’„ฟ๐’Œ…๐’€ช๐’‡ฝ๐’Š’๐’๐’€ช", "en": ", conqueror of the (tribes) Ituสพu, Rubuสพu, ", "tr": "ka-ลกid {LUโ‚‚}-i-tu-สพu {LUโ‚‚}-ru-bu-สพu " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’Œ‡", "en": "I defeated ", "tr": "a-dukโ‚‚ " }
{ "ak": "...๐’†ณ๐’„ฉ๐’Œ‹๐’Š๐’‰ก๐’†ณ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ๐’‡ท...๐’…†๐’‡ป๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šฉ๐’†ท๐’‹ข๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท...๐’†ณ๐’Œ“๐’…‡๐’…†๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’„ฏ๐’‹ฅ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’…€๐’„‘๐’„ฝ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ ...๐’น๐’†•๐’‡ธ๐’‚Š๐’ฆ๐’…†...๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’ˆจ๐’Œ", "en": "I filled Mount แธชauranu (Hauran) with ... (15) I carried off ... (and) ... thousand sheep. I conquered ... Moreover, as for her (Samsi?), the terrifying radiance of (the god) Aลกลกur, my lord, overwhelmed her and ... I spared her so (she would) praise (the victory of the god Aลกลกur)... I set up ... as governors. ", "tr": "... {KUR}-ha-u-ra-nu KUR uโ‚‚-ma-li ... LIM UDU.MEล  ลกal-la-su-nu aลกโ‚‚-lu-la ... KUR-ud uโ‚ƒ ลกi-i na-mur-rat aลก-ลกur EN-ia is-hup-ลกaโ‚‚-ma ... ana daโ‚ƒ-lil e-zib-ลกi ... {LUโ‚‚}-GAR.MEล  " }
{ "ak": "...๐’ˆจ๐’Œ...๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’ˆ ...๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€๐’‰๐’†๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€‰๐’†ท๐’‹ผ๐’Œ‘๐’‰ป๐’Œ“๐’ˆ ...๐’† ๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’…†๐’๐’Œ“๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’‹™๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท...๐’‹พ...๐’€พ๐’‹ซ๐’…—๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ...๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’‹ซ๐’†ณ๐’ˆพ๐’€ญ๐’‰ฟ๐’„€...๐’„ฅ๐’Š...๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท", "en": "... them and ... I ordered their ... I forced open their locked gates and ... I carried off the people living inside it... whom I had appointed. The kings (of) (5) ... my ... from the land Nanpigi ... I annexed to Assyria. I carried off ... ", "tr": "... MEล  ... ลกuโ‚‚-nu-ti-ma ... ลกuโ‚‚-nu aq-bi KAโ‚‚.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚-nu ed-la-te uโ‚‚-pat-tam-ma ... KI UN.MEล  a-ลกi-bu-ut libโ‚ƒ-bi-ลกuโ‚‚ aลกโ‚‚-lu-la ... ti ... aลกโ‚‚-ta-ka-nu MAN.MEล -ni ... MEล -ia TA {KUR}-na-an-pi-gi ... GUR-ra ... aลกโ‚‚-lu-la " }
{ "ak": "...๐’Œ‹๐’ˆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’‰บ๐’‹พ...๐’•๐’€€๐’€€๐’น๐’Š๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’‰ก...๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’„‘๐’‡€๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒป๐’น๐’‹ข๐’‡ป๐’ˆ ๐’€ ...๐’€€๐’ˆพ...๐’ข๐’‹™...๐’†ณ...๐’Š‘๐’†ณ๐’‚Š...๐’†ณ...๐’€€๐’‹ƒ๐’ˆ ๐’†ณ...๐’€€๐’† ๐’†ณ๐’‹™...๐’€€๐’€€...", "en": "... thirteen kings of the land แธชatti (Syria-Palestine), ... , Raแธซiฤnu (Rezin), (10) ... (and) chariots of Sulumal, ... Mount ... ri ... I left behind ... and ... together with his land... ", "tr": "... 13 MAN.MEล  ลกa {KUR}-hat-ti ... แนญa-a-a {m}-ra-hi-a-nu ... MEล  {GIล }-GIGIR.HI.A.MEล  ลกaโ‚‚ {m}-su-lu-ma-al ... a-na ... แนฃi-ลกuโ‚‚ ... {KUR}-... ri KUR-e ... KUR ... a-ลกit-ma KUR ... a KI KUR-ลกuโ‚‚ ... a-a ... " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’‰บ", "en": "The city Upa.", "tr": "{URU}-uโ‚‚-pa " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’Š๐’‹ป๐’‹ป๐’Œ…", "en": "The city Astaratu.", "tr": "{URU}-as-tar/tara-tu " }
{ "ak": "๐’Œท๐’‚ต๐’Š๐’Š’", "en": "The city Gazru.", "tr": "{URU}-ga-az-ru " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’€€๐’น๐’Œ‹๐’‚Ÿ๐’ƒฎ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’Šญ๐’† ๐’ƒฒ๐’‡ท๐’Šญ๐’‚๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser (III), king of Assyria, son of Adad-nฤrฤrฤซ (III), king of Assyria: (this brick) belongs to the platform of the temple of (the god) Aลกลกur.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN KUR aลก-ลกur A {m}-10-ERIM.TAHโ‚‚ MAN KUR aลก-ลกur ลกa ki-gal-li ลกa Eโ‚‚ aลก-ลกur " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ƒฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’Šญ๐’† ๐’ƒฒ๐’‡ท๐’„ž๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’†๐’‚๐’€ญ๐’…Ž", "en": "Tiglath-pileser (III), great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: (this brick) belongs to the pedestal (under) the bulls of the gateway of the temple of the god Adad.", "tr": "{m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN GAL MAN dan-nu MAN ล Uโ‚‚ MAN KUR Aล  ลกa ki-gal-li GUโ‚„.MEล  ลกa KAโ‚‚ Eโ‚‚ {d}-Iล KUR " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ƒฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’Šญ๐’† ๐’ƒฒ๐’„ž๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’†๐’‚๐’€ญ๐’…Ž", "en": "(Palace of) Tiglath-pileser (III), great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: (this brick) belongs to the pedestal (under) the bulls of the gateway of the temple of the god Adad.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN GAL MAN dan-nu MAN ล Uโ‚‚ MAN KUR aลก-ลกur ลกa KI.GAL GUโ‚„.MEล  ลกa KAโ‚‚ Eโ‚‚ {d}-Iล KUR " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser (III), king of the world, king of Assyria.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN ล Uโ‚‚ MAN KUR aลก-ลกur " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ƒฒ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’Œ‹๐’Š๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser (III), great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria: fifteen minas.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN GAL-uโ‚‚ MAN dan-nu MAN ล Uโ‚‚ MAN KUR aลก-ลกur 15 MA.NA " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’ˆซ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’Šญ๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser (III), king of Assyria: two minas of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-TUKUL-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚ MAN KUR Aล  2 MA.NA ลกa LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN KUR Aล  " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN KUR aลก-ลกur " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser, king of the world, king of Assyria.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-TUKUL-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚ MAN ล Uโ‚‚ MAN aลก-ลกur " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ช๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ˆฆ๐’‚—๐’‰ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’Œท๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’ˆ ๐’‰ก๐’ˆฆ๐’Œจ๐’ˆค๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’Œ“๐’€œ๐’‡๐’† ๐’ˆฒ๐’†ณ๐’‚Š", "en": "I, Ninurta-bฤ“lu-uแนฃur, provincial governor of the city Kฤr-Shalmaneser, erected solid basalt lions ", "tr": "a-na-ku {m}-{d}-MAล -EN-PAP EN.NAM EN.NAM {URU}-kar-{m}-{d}-SILIM-ma-nu-MAล  UR.MAH.MEล  {NAโ‚„}-AD.BAR ki-แนฃir KUR-e " }
{ "ak": "๐’ƒป๐’€ธ๐’†๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’•๐’Œ“๐’ŒŒ๐’", "en": "(which are) in the gates of the city แธชadattu. ", "tr": "ลกaโ‚‚ ina KAโ‚‚.GAL.MEล  {URU}-ha-da-tuโ‚‚ ul-ziz " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ˆฆ๐’‚—๐’‰ฝ๐’ƒป๐’Œท๐’ข๐’Š๐’‰Œ๐’ƒป๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’Œ“๐’„ญ๐’ƒป๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’Œท๐’‡ท๐’‰บ๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’†ณ๐’‚Š๐’Œท๐’‚๐’€œ๐’€€", "en": "Ninurta-bฤ“lu-uแนฃur, of the city แนขirani, which is (in the area of) the city แธชalaแธซแธซi, which is in front of the city Lipapan in the mountains, (and) my ancestral city: ", "tr": "{m}-{d}-MAล -EN-PAP ลกaโ‚‚ {URU}-แนฃi-ra-ni ลกaโ‚‚ {URU}-ha-lah-hi ลกaโ‚‚ pa-an {URU}-li-pa-pa-an KUR-e URU Eโ‚‚ AD-a " }
{ "ak": "๐’€ธ๐’Œ“๐’ˆจ๐’‹™๐’ˆ ๐’Œท๐’„ฉ๐’•๐’Œ“๐’€Š๐’‰Œ๐’…ˆ๐’ฆ๐’Œ‘๐’Š•๐’‡ธ", "en": "At that time, I created, built, (and) completed the city แธชadattu.", "tr": "ina uโ‚„-me-ลกuโ‚‚-ma {URU}-ha-da-tuโ‚‚ ab-ni ar-แนฃip uโ‚‚-ลกak-lil " }
{ "ak": "๐’‰ฃ๐’Œ‘๐’‚•๐’ƒป๐’€ญ๐’„ท๐’‹ข๐’Œ“๐’น๐’‹™๐’ƒป๐’ˆฌ๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’„ฟ๐’‰บ๐’…†๐’‚…๐’ˆ ๐’ˆฌ๐’‹™๐’„ฟ๐’†ณ๐’‹ป๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’ƒฒ๐’Œ‘๐’€ธ๐’Œบ๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’„ฉ๐’€€๐’‹™๐’Œจ๐’‰๐’ˆ ๐’€ช๐’†•", "en": "(As for) a future ruler who repairs its dilapidated section(s but) erases my inscribed name and inscribes his (own) name (in its place), may (the god) Aลกลกur, the great lord, (10) in the assembly of the gods verily order his destruction, ", "tr": "NUN-uโ‚‚ EGIR ลกaโ‚‚ an-hu-su ud-diลก-ลกuโ‚‚ ลกaโ‚‚ MU ลกaแนญ-ruโ‚ƒ i-pa-ลกi-แนญu-ma MU-ลกuโ‚‚ i-ลกaแนญ-แนญar aลก-ลกur EN GAL-uโ‚‚ ina UKKIN DINGIR.MEล  ZAHโ‚‚-ลกuโ‚‚ liq-bi ma-aสพ-daโ‚ƒ " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ท๐’€๐’…‡๐’ˆฌ๐’‹™๐’„ฝ๐’๐’ƒป๐’…—๐’Š๐’ฒ", "en": "and his name ", "tr": "la ba uโ‚ƒ MU-ลกuโ‚‚ hup-pu-ลกaโ‚‚ KA-ra-di " }
{ "ak": "๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’€ญ๐’…Ž๐’„˜๐’ƒฒ๐’€ญ๐’‚Š๐’† ๐’ด๐’‚—๐’ƒฒ๐’‚Š๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’น๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’€–๐’‰Œ๐’น๐’‹พ๐’น๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’น๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’€๐’Œ", "en": "To the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, his lord: Aลกลกur-rฤ“manni presented (this object) for the life of Tiglath-pileser (III), king of Assyria, his lord, and for his (own) life.", "tr": "a-na {d}-Iล KUR GUโ‚‚.GAL AN-e KI-tim EN GAL-e UMUN-ลกuโ‚‚ {m}-aลก-ลกur-remโ‚‚-ni ana TI {m}-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚ MAN KUR aลก-ลกur EN-ลกuโ‚‚ u ana TI-ลกuโ‚‚ BA-iลกโ‚ƒ " }
{ "ak": "๐’ˆฌ๐’€ญ๐’Œ“๐’€ญ๐’Šฉ๐’Œ†๐’† ๐’ƒฒ๐’€ญ๐’€€๐’‰ฃ๐’€€๐’† ๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒป๐’† ๐’‹พ๐’Šฉ๐’…€๐’€๐’€€๐’Šฉ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’Šฉ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’€ธ๐’ˆฌ๐’‹ผ๐’‰†๐’ฃ๐’‹พ๐’……๐’‹™๐’•๐’Šบ๐’ˆ ๐’Œจ๐’„ท๐’€œ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’‹ซ๐’Œจ", "en": "On the life of the god ล amaลก, the goddess Ereลกkigal, (and) the Anunnakลซ gods, the great gods of the netherworld, the destiny of a (mortal) life took Yabรข, the queen, into death and she went the way of her (text: โ€œhisโ€) ancestors.", "tr": "MU {d}-UTU {d}-ereลก-ki-gal {d}-a-nun-a-ki DINGIR.MEล  GAL.MEล  ลกaโ‚‚ KI-ti {f}-ia-ba-a MUNUS.Eโ‚‚.GAL MUNUS.Eโ‚‚.GAL ina mu-te NAM ZI-ti ik-ลกuโ‚‚-da-ลกe-ma ur-hu AD.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚ ta-lik " }
{ "ak": "๐’€ญ๐’Šฉ๐’Œ†๐’„‘๐’ฃ๐’•๐’€ญ๐’‰๐’‚…๐’„ญ๐’บ๐’„ข๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒป๐’† ๐’ด๐’Šญ๐’‡ด๐’ฒ๐’ฃ๐’†ฅ๐’†ฅ๐’†ท๐’๐’†ท๐’ˆ๐’‡ท๐’ˆจ๐’บ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’บ๐’Š‘๐’•๐’Š‘๐’…–", "en": "May the gods Ningiลกzida (and) Piแนญuแธซ-idugul, the great gods (20) of the netherworld, inflict (her) corpse (and) phantom with sleeplessness forever.", "tr": "{d}-nin-giลก-zi-da {d}-piโ‚‚-แนญu-hi-du-gul DINGIR.MEล  GAL.MEล  ลกaโ‚‚ KI-tim ลกa-lam-di zi-qi-qi la แนฃa-la-lum li-miโ‚ƒ-du a-na du-ri da-ri-iลก " }
{ "ak": "๐’ƒป๐’Šฉ๐’…€๐’€๐’€€๐’Šฉ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’Šฉ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’€ ๐’‹พ๐’น๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ", "en": "Belonging to Yabรข, queen (and) wife of Tiglath-pileser (III), king of Assyria.", "tr": "ลกaโ‚‚ {f}-ia-ba-a MUNUS.Eโ‚‚.GAL MUNUS.Eโ‚‚.GAL al-ti {m}-{GIล }-TUKUL-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN KUR Aล  " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’Š๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: five minas of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  5 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’ฒ๐’ˆ ๐’‰ก๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’ˆ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: three minas of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-SILIM-ma-nu-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  3 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’ˆซ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: two minas of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  2 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’ˆซ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: two minas of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  2 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’น๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: one mina of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  1 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ MAN " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‘›๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: two-thirds mina of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  2/3 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’‰๐’Œ“๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: one-fourth (mina) of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  4-tuโ‚‚ ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’Š๐’‹ข๐’ƒป๐’ˆ—", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: one-fifth (mina) of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  5-su ลกaโ‚‚ LUGAL " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ๐’น๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹", "en": "Palace of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria: one mina of the king.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-{d}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  1 MA.NA ลกaโ‚‚ MAN " }
{ "ak": "๐’ƒป๐’Šฉ๐’†•๐’‹พ๐’Šฉ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’Šฉ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’ƒป๐’น๐’ฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ", "en": "Belonging to Bฤnฤซtu, queen of Shalmaneser (V), king of Assyria.", "tr": "ลกaโ‚‚ {f}-DUโ‚ƒ-ti MUNUS.Eโ‚‚.GAL MUNUS.Eโ‚‚.GAL ลกaโ‚‚ {m}-SILIM-man-MAล  MAN KUR Aล  " }
{ "ak": "๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’น๐’†ช๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ƒฒ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†—๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹™๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ", "en": "Palace of Tiglath-pileser (III), great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria.", "tr": "Eโ‚‚.GAL {m}-TUKUL-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN GAL MAN KAL MAN ล Uโ‚‚ MAN KUR Aล  " }
{ "ak": "๐’น๐’† ๐’ฒ๐’‹ผ๐’‚Š๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ...๐’…‡๐’…ˆ๐’Š๐’„ฉ๐’…€...๐’‹พ๐’Š‘๐’„‘๐’‹—๐’…€๐’น๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‚๐’Šน๐’Š๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’€ธ...๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’„ท๐’Œ“๐’Šฎ๐’‰...", "en": "Kฤซdฤซtรช, provincial governor of ... and of (the city) Arrapha ... , protรฉgรฉ of Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, (... ) ... for the palace of joy ... dedicated/built.", "tr": "{m}-ki-di-te-e GAR.KUR GAR.KUR ... uโ‚ƒ ar-rap-ha-ia ... ti-ri-iแนฃ ล U.II {m}-{GIล }-tukul-ti-A-eโ‚‚-ลกarโ‚‚-ra MAN KUR Aล  ... a-na Eโ‚‚.GAL hu-ud libโ‚ƒ-bi ... " }
{ "ak": "...๐’…–๐’€พ๐’†ฒ๐’ˆ ๐’น๐’‰บ๐’‡ป๐’€ช๐’‡ฝ๐’Œ‰๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’‹—๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’† ๐’€‰๐’Š‘๐’‹—๐’€‰๐’ท๐’‹™๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‚Š๐’„ซ๐’ƒฎ๐’‡ท๐’…‡๐’‹ซ๐’„ฉ๐’ฃ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ƒฎ๐’…€๐’€‰๐’€๐’€€๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’ฃ๐’„ซ๐’€ญ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’…€๐’…†๐’…†๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’„ ๐’‹ป๐’ˆ ๐’น๐’‰บ๐’‡ป๐’€ช๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’‡ฝ๐’‰บ๐’‡ป๐’Šญ๐’ข๐’ˆพ๐’‹—๐’†ธ๐’‹ซ๐’‚Š๐’•๐’‰ก๐’‘๐’‹—๐’…๐’Œ“๐’‹ƒ๐’ˆ ๐’‚Š๐’‡ท๐’น๐’„ฉ๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’‰ก๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’‹ก๐’‹พ๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’…—๐’ˆฌ๐’Šป๐’‹ข๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’…€๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’† ๐’Œ‘๐’Š๐’€พ๐’‹ณ๐’ˆ ๐’Œท๐’Š๐’‰ฟ๐’„ท๐’€Š๐’‡ง๐’€๐’„ฅ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’‰ˆ๐’€พ๐’Š’๐’Œ’๐’‘†๐’…†๐’Œ๐’ˆ๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ƒป๐’‚ต๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ˆ ๐’€ช๐’ฒ๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท", "en": "he/I established ... , he gave him Rฤ“สพe, his field marshal, to help him, and he rose up against me to do war and battle... At the command of the god Aลกลกur, my lord, I inflicted a defeat on them. Rฤ“สพe then fled off by himself, like a shepherd whose flock had been stolen, and got away. I captured แธชanลซnu (แธชanno) and brought him in bondage to my city Aลกลกur; I then destroyed, demolished, (and) burned down with fire the city Rapแธซia... I carried off as booty 9,033 people together with their numerous possessions.", "tr": "... iลก/aลกโ‚‚-kun-ma {m}-SIPA-สพe {LUโ‚‚}-tur-tan-nu-ลกu a-na ki-it-ri-ลกu id-din-ลกuโ‚‚-ma a-na e-peลก qab-li uโ‚ƒ ta-ha-zi a-na GABA-ia it-ba-a i-na zi-kir {d}-aลก-ลกur EN-ia BADโ‚….BADโ‚…-ลกuโ‚‚-nu am-haแนฃ-ma {m}-SIPA-สพe ki-i {LUโ‚‚}-SIPA ลกa แนฃe-na-ลกu hab-ta e-da-nu-uลก-ลกu ip-par-ลกid-ma e-li {m}-ha-a-nu-nu i-na qa-ti aแนฃ-bat-ma ka-mu-us-su a-na URU-ia aลก-ลกur {KI} uโ‚‚-ra-aลกโ‚‚-ลกum-ma {URU}-ra-pi-hu ap-pul aq-qur i-na IZI aลกโ‚‚-ru-up 9 LIM 33 UN.MEล  a-di NIGโ‚‚.GA-ลกuโ‚‚-nu ma-aสพ-di aลกโ‚‚-lu-la " }
{ "ak": "๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ๐’„๐’…€๐’Œท๐’‹—๐’€ญ๐’•๐’„ท๐’ŒŒ๐’Œท๐’บ๐’Œจ๐’‚๐’…—๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†—๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’€‰๐’‹พ๐’น๐’…•๐’€ญ๐’ฃ๐’†ณ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ˆพ๐’€€๐’€€๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ƒป๐’ฒ๐’€‰๐’‰Œ๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’‹ƒ๐’‰ฃ๐’Œ…๐’€‰๐’๐’๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’น๐’ˆช๐’‹ซ๐’€œ๐’‹พ๐’†ณ๐’ฃ๐’„ซ๐’‹ซ๐’€€๐’€€๐’€‰๐’‹ณ๐’‡ป๐’น๐’ˆช๐’‹ซ๐’€œ๐’‹พ๐’†ณ๐’ฃ๐’„ซ๐’‹ซ๐’€€๐’€€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚Ÿ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹พ๐’บ๐’† ๐’‹™๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’€ฒ๐’๐’„ฌ๐’…†๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€‰๐’ท๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’ˆ ๐’…–๐’ƒป๐’† ๐’…”๐’Š‘๐’ฎ๐’Šป๐’‹ข๐’Œฆ๐’Œ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆพ๐’€œ๐’€ญ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’ƒฎ๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’€œ๐’† ๐’‚Š๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’…—๐’†ณ๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’‹—๐’€€๐’Œ…๐’‰ก๐’€€๐’Œจ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’„‘๐’€€๐’…†๐’‰๐’†—๐’‰Œ๐’‚ฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’‚„๐’‰ก๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ“๐’Š‘๐’…•๐’ˆ ๐’†•๐’‹ก๐’Š•๐’„ ๐’‰ก๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆฅ๐’…†๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’‹—๐’€€๐’Œ…๐’‰ก๐’€Š๐’‡ง๐’€๐’„ฅ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’‰ˆ๐’€พ๐’Š’๐’Œ’", "en": "In my third regnal year, (the people of) the cities ล uandaแธซul (and) Durdukka, fortified cities, plotted resistance against Iranzi, the Mannean, the king, their lord, one who pulls my yoke, and put their trust in Mitatti of the land Zikirtu... Mitatti of the land Zikirtu gave them his combat troops, together with their cavalry and (thus) aid was provided to them... I mustered the numerous troops of the god Aลกลกur and marched (forth) to conquer those cities... I shattered their very strong walls with a mighty battering ram, leveling (them) to the ground... I carried off as booty the people, together with their property... I destroyed, demolished, (and) burned down those cities with fire.", "tr": "i-na 3 BALA-ia {URU}-ลกu-an-da-hu-ul {URU}-du-ur-duk-ka URU.MEล  dan-nu-ti it-ti {m}-ir-an-zi {KUR}-man-na-a-a LUGAL be-liโ‚‚-ลกuโ‚‚-nu ลกaโ‚‚-di-id ni-ri-ia ลกit-nun-tu id-bu-bu-uโ‚‚-ma a-na {m}-mi-ta-at-ti {KUR}-zi-kir-ta-a-a it-tak-lu {m}-mi-ta-at-ti {KUR}-zi-kir-ta-a-a {LUโ‚‚}-ERIM.MEล  ti-du-ki-ลกuโ‚‚ a-di {ANล E}-petโ‚‚-hal-liโ‚ƒ-ลกuโ‚‚-nu id-din-ลกuโ‚‚-nu-ti-ma iลก-ลกaโ‚‚-ki-in re-แนฃu-us-su-un um-ma-na-at {d}-aลก-ลกur gap-ลกaโ‚‚-a-te ad-ke-e-ma a-na ka-ลกad URU.MEล -ni ลกu-a-tu-nu a-lik i-na {GIล }-a-ลกi-bi dan-ni BADโ‚ƒ.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚-nu dun-nu-nu-ti uโ‚‚-par-ri-ir-ma qaq-qa-riลก am-nu UN.MEล  a-di mar-ลกi-ti-ลกuโ‚‚-nu aลกโ‚‚-lu-la URU.MEล -ni ลกu-a-tu-nu ap-pul aq-qur i-na IZI aลกโ‚‚-ru-up " }
{ "ak": "๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’† ๐’‚๐’€ญ๐’‚—๐’ƒฒ๐’„ฟ๐’€ญ๐’ˆฉ๐’ข๐’…”๐’ฒ๐’…€๐’‘๐’‹ผ๐’Šบ๐’Š๐’€๐’ฎ๐’Š๐’‘๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‡ฝ๐’†—๐’ฒ...๐’…†๐’‰Œ๐’‚Š๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’†ท๐’†ช๐’€๐’‰๐’…‡๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’น๐’€ญ๐’€ซ๐’Œ“๐’Œ‰๐’‘๐’‹ง๐’ˆพ๐’€€๐’‹ƒ๐’„ซ๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’…–๐’ˆจ๐’ˆ ๐’Œท๐’„ฌ๐’ฎ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’Œ‘๐’•๐’€ญ๐’‰Œ๐’ˆพ๐’Œ‘๐’‰บ๐’„ด๐’„ญ๐’Š๐’† ๐’„‘๐’Š‘๐’‚Š๐’‹—๐’‡ฝ๐’‚ต๐’„ ๐’๐’‡ป๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‹›๐’†Ÿ๐’‹พ๐’‹—๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œท๐’‚ฆ๐’น๐’€œ๐’„ฉ๐’Š๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’Š‘๐’…๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆช๐’‹พ๐’……๐’„ซ๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’†—๐’‰Œ๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ ๐’‡ก๐’Œ…๐’‹๐’ˆจ๐’€ฒ๐’๐’„ฌ๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’…†๐’‡ฝ๐’‚Ÿ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹—๐’‡ป๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’‡ท๐’‹ป๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’Œ๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๐’‹—๐’„ฟ๐’ฒ๐’…”๐’‹—๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’ƒป๐’…ˆ๐’„ญ๐’‹ข๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’ˆœ๐’๐’‚ฆ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’ƒป๐’‰บ๐’ˆพ๐’Œ‘๐’ ๐’† ๐’Š’๐’ˆ ๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’€€๐’‡‰๐’‹ข๐’Š๐’€Š๐’‰ฟ๐’๐’Œ‡๐’Œ…๐’…๐’Œ…๐’„ฃ๐’‰๐’ˆ ๐’† ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’†—๐’†ง๐’ƒป๐’‹พ๐’……๐’๐’๐’‡ท๐’ˆจ๐’„‘๐’‹ข๐’Œท๐’‹™๐’€€๐’Œ…๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’†ท๐’ƒป๐’‡ด๐’€ญ๐’Œ“๐’…†๐’†ณ๐’Œ“๐’Œ‹๐’๐’…†๐’‰๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆฅ๐’…†๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก", "en": "At the command of the great divine lord, the god Marduk, I got my (chariot) teams ready, prepared my (military) camp, (and) ordered the march against the Chaldean, a doer of evil (deeds)... However, (when) that (man), Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-Baladan) heard of the advance of my expeditionary force, he strengthened his fortresses (and) assembled his (military) contingents... He brought the Gambulu (tribe) in its entirety (275) into Dลซr-Abi-แธซฤra and, at the approach of my expeditionary force, strengthened (its) garrison... He gave them six hundred cavalry (and) four thousand garrison soldiers, the vanguard of his army, and (thereby) made them confident. They raised their (city) wall higher than before, cut a channel from the Surappu River, and surrounded its environs as if with cresting flood (waters). I conquered that city before sunset... I carried off as booty 18,430 people, together with their property, horses, oxen, (and) sheep and goats.", "tr": "i-na qiโ‚‚-bit {d}-EN GAL-i {d}-MES แนฃi-in-di-ia uลก-te-ลกe-ra ak-แนฃu-ra uลก-ma-ni a-na {LUโ‚‚}-kal-di ... lem-neโ‚‚-e-te a-la-ku aq-bi uโ‚ƒ ลกu-uโ‚‚ {m}-{d}-AMAR.UTU-IBILA-SUM.NA a-lak ger-ri-ia iลก-me-ma {URU}-HAL.แนขU.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚ uโ‚‚-da-an-ni-na uโ‚‚-pa-ah-hi-ra ki-iแนฃ-re-e-ลกu {LUโ‚‚}-ga-am-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-ลกu a-na {URU}-BADโ‚ƒ-{m}-AD-ha-ra uโ‚‚-ลกe-ri-ib-ma a-na meโ‚‚-ti-iq ger-ri-ia uโ‚‚-dan-ni-na ma-แนฃar-tu 6 ME {ANล E}-petโ‚‚-hal-lum 4 LIM {LUโ‚‚}-ERIM.MEล  ลกu-lu-ti a-li-kut pa-an um-ma-ni-ลกu i-di-in-ลกu-nu-ti-ma uโ‚‚-ลกaโ‚‚-ar-hi-su-nu-ti lib-bu BADโ‚ƒ-ลกuโ‚‚-nu UGU ลกaโ‚‚ pa-na uโ‚‚-zaq-qiโ‚‚-ru-ma ul-tu libโ‚ƒ-bi {IDโ‚‚}-su-ra-ap-pi bu-tuq-tu ib-tu-qu-nim-ma ki-ma ILLU kiลก-ลกaโ‚‚-ti ik-pu-pu li-me-es-su URU ลกuโ‚‚-a-tu a-di la ลกaโ‚‚-lam {d}-UTU-ลกi KUR-ud 18 LIM 4 ME 30 UN.MEล  a-di mar-ลกi-ti-ลกuโ‚‚-nu " }
{ "ak": "...", "en": "Not preserved", "tr": "... " }
{ "ak": "...๐’€ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š๐’ˆจ๐’Œ...๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Œ๐’‹—๐’‹พ...๐’น๐’€€๐’€€๐’‡ป๐’‰ก๐’น๐’•๐’„‘๐’๐’‰ก๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’†ท๐’„ญ๐’Š‘...๐’Œท๐’‹ข๐’†ท๐’…€๐’Š๐’‡ฝ๐’ˆพ๐’‹๐’…—๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’…€๐’€œ๐’๐’Š‘๐’€ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š๐’ˆจ๐’Œ...๐’Œท๐’†ท๐’„ญ๐’Š๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’…€๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’‰๐’Š‘๐’Œท๐’‹ข๐’†ท๐’€€๐’Œท...๐’Œท๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’†ณ๐’…€๐’€œ๐’๐’Š‘๐’Œท๐’„ญ๐’‡ท๐’…Ž๐’ˆฌ...", "en": "I carried off as booty ... wagons, horses, mules, donkeys, (and) camels, together with their abundant property. I reorganized (the administration of) the city Samโ€™ลซna, changed its name, and gave it the name Enlil-iqฤซลกa... , Aya-lลซnu, (and) Daiแนฃแนฃฤnu of the land Laแธซฤซru (and) ... of the city Sulฤya โ€” (a total of) five sheikhs of the land Yadburu โ€” brought horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats into my (military) camp and grasped hold of my feet in order to do obeisance. I considered the city Lahฤซru of the land Yadburu, the cities Sulฤya, ... , fortified cities of the land Yadburu, the cities แธชilimmu (and) Pillatu that are on the border of the land Elam, together with the settlements in their environs that are (located) along the Naแนญฤซtu River, as (part) of my territory.", "tr": "... ANล E.KUR.RA.MEล  ... a-na eลก-ลกu-ti ... {m}-a-a-lu-nu {m}-da-iแนฃ-แนฃa-nu ลกaโ‚‚ {KUR}-la-hi-ri ... {URU}-su-la-ia 5 {LUโ‚‚}-na-sik-ka-a-te ลกa {KUR}-ia-ad-bu-ri ANล E.KUR.RA.MEล  ... {URU}-la-hi-ra ลกa {KUR}-ia-a-di-bi-ri {URU}-su-la-a {URU}-... URU.MEล  KAL.MEล  ลกa {KUR}-ia-ad-bu-ri {URU}-hi-li-im-mu ... " }
{ "ak": "๐’†ฐ๐’†ณ๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’€€๐’…†๐’๐’Œ“๐’•๐’„‰๐’ˆจ๐’‹›๐’†Ÿ๐’‹พ๐’†ณ๐’‹™๐’Šญ๐’‹ซ๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ...๐’ฒ๐’€ญ๐’‚ฆ...๐’„ฟ...๐’‹—...", "en": "(As for) all his people, the inhabitants of the settlements of all of his land, whom he had ... from before my weapons, ... ", "tr": "kul-lat UN.MEล -ลกuโ‚‚ a-ลกi-bu-ut da-adโ‚‚-me si-hir-ti KUR-ลกuโ‚‚ ลกa TA pa-an {GIล }-TUKUL.MEล -ia uโ‚‚-ลกe-... DI AN BADโ‚ƒ ... I ... ล U ... " }
{ "ak": "...๐’ƒป๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’„‘๐’„–๐’๐’น๐’€€๐’๐’€€๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’…†๐’๐’ˆ ๐’„€๐’‚‡...๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹—๐’…๐’…†๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’น๐’Œจ๐’Š“๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’Œจ๐’…ˆ๐’•๐’€€๐’€€...", "en": "(As for) Ullusunu, whom they had set on the throne of Azรข and to whom they had entrusted all of the wide land Mannea, the wrath of the god Aลกลกur was directed against Ullusunu, the Mannean, (ordaining) the destruction of his land. He (Ullusunu) then put his trust in Ursรข (Rusรข), the Urarแนญian, ... ", "tr": "... ลกaโ‚‚ i-na {GIล }-GU.ZA {m}-a-za-a uโ‚‚-ลกe-ลกi-bu-ma gi-mir ... ina UGU-ลกu ib-ลกi-ma a-na {m}-ur-sa-a {KUR}-ur-ar-แนญa-a-a ... " }
{ "ak": "...๐’...๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’‡ฝ๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’Œท๐’‹™๐’€พ๐’†ฒ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€€๐’‡ท๐’‹ป๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’„ซ๐’ˆ ๐’† ๐’†—๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’Šฌ๐’ˆจ๐’Œท๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’€ญ๐’ˆฆ๐’ˆฆ๐’ˆฌ๐’‹™๐’€Š๐’‰๐’๐’‡ด๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’ŒŒ๐’๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’Š“๐’€๐’๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’„ญ๐’…•๐’ˆ ๐’ˆช๐’†ณ๐’‚๐’Œ‘๐’ˆฅ๐’„€๐’Œท๐’„ฏ๐’„ท๐’‡๐’‰ผ๐’Œท๐’† ๐’‡ด๐’€๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’Œท๐’…ˆ๐’ˆ ๐’€ญ๐’„–๐’€๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‰ฟ๐’„ฉ๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฅ๐’ฒ", "en": "... I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over his city. I had the weapon(s) of the (great) gods who go before me made and I installed (them) inside it (the city Kiลกesim). I (re)named it (the city Kiลกesim) Kฤr-Nergal (and) erected a royal image of myself there. I conquered the lands Bฤซt-Sagbat, Bฤซt-แธชirmami, (and) Bฤซt-Umargi, (and) the cities แธชarแธซubarban, Kilambฤti, (and) Armangu; and I added (them) to its province.", "tr": "... BAD ... {LUโ‚‚}-ลกu-ut SAG-ia {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM {LUโ‚‚}-EN.NAM UGU URU-ลกuโ‚‚ aลกโ‚‚-kun {GIล }-TUKUL DINGIR.MEล  GAL.MEล  a-li-kut mah-ri-ia uโ‚‚-ลกe-piลก-ma qeโ‚‚-reb-ลกu uโ‚‚-ลกar-me {URU}-kar-{d}-MAล .MAล  MU-ลกuโ‚‚ ab-bi แนฃa-lam LUGAL-ti-ia i-na libโ‚ƒ-bi ul-ziz {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-sa-ag-bat {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-hi-ir-ma-mi {KUR}-Eโ‚‚-uโ‚‚-mar-gi {URU}-har-hu-bar-ban {URU}-ki-lam-ba-a-ti {URU}-ar-ma-an-gu ak-ลกu-ud-ma UGU pi-ha-ti-ลกuโ‚‚ uโ‚‚-rad-di " }