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"description": "As ordered reported by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs on April 28, 2023\n",
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118HR1257 | Reducing Helicopter Noise in the District of Columbia Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Reducing Helicopter Noise in the District of Columbia Act</b></p> <p>This bill requires helicopters and other rotorcraft in the District of Columbia to fly at the maximum altitude permitted by the Federal Aviation Administration unless an exception applies. The exceptions specified in the bill allow for lower altitude flights if necessary to</p> <ul> <li>ensure aviation safety,</li> <li>transport the President or Vice President,</li> <li>protect patients in medical-related flights,</li> <li>take off or land, or</li> <li>engage in active law enforcement or rescue operations.</li> </ul>",
"updateDate": "2023-03-23T19:52:19Z",
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118HR1258 | Protecting Gun Rights and Due Process Act | {
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"updateDate": "2023-03-20T13:56:00Z",
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118HR126 | Students Voicing Opinions in Today’s Elections (VOTE) Act | {
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118HR1260 | SALT Relief Act | {
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118HR1261 | Federal Employees Sustainable Investment Act | {
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"text": " <p><strong>Federal Employees Sustainable Investment Act </strong></p> <p> This bill establishes a new fund—the Corporate Responsibility Stock Index Fund—as an investment option under the Thrift Savings Plan.</p> <p>The Corporate Responsibility Stock Index Fund must be invested in a stock portfolio designed to replicate the performance of a commonly recognized, passively managed index comprised of stocks that meet certain minimum criteria related to corporate responsibility.</p>",
"updateDate": "2023-03-21T10:29:15Z",
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118HR1262 | CCU Parity Act of 2023 | {
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"text": " <p> <strong>CCU Parity Act of 2023 </strong></p> This bill increases the tax credit for carbon capture and use to match incentives for carbon capture and sequestration for both direct air capture and the power and industrial sectors.",
"updateDate": "2023-04-25T13:37:17Z",
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118HR1263 | Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act</b></p> <p>This bill addresses employment standards for individuals with disabilities. </p> <p>The bill directs the Department of Labor to award grants to states and certain eligible entities to assist them in transforming their business and program models to support individuals with disabilities by </p> <ul> <li>providing competitive integrated employment, </li> <li>assisting disabled individuals in finding and retaining work in such employment,</li> <li>providing integrated employment and integrated community participation and wraparound services for such individuals, and</li> <li>ensuring that such services comply with federal regulations for individuals receiving home and community-based services. </li> </ul> <p>The bill also prohibits the issuance of new special certificates that allow payment of subminimum wages to disabled individuals and phases out existing certificates over a four-year period. </p> <p>The bill directs Labor's Office of Disability Employment to award grants to provide technical assistance and other strategic support to employers transitioning from special certificates to competitive integrated employment for disabled individuals. </p> <p>Labor must contract with a nonprofit entity to conduct an evaluation of the impact of these transitions. <p>",
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118HR1264 | Commonsense Reporting Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1265 | Debt Solution and Accountability Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Debt Solution and Accountability Act</b></p> <p> This bill requires the Department of the Treasury to submit to Congress a debt report and a statement of intent within 60 days of an increase in the public debt limit. </p> <p>The debt report must include </p> <ul> <li>the historic, current, and projected levels of debt; </li> <li>the drivers and composition of future debt; and</li> <li>how the United States will meet debt obligations.</li> </ul> <p>The statement of intent must include a detailed explanation of</p> <ul> <li>proposals of the President to reduce the debt; </li> <li>the impact the increased debt limit will have on future government spending, debt service, and the position of the U.S. dollar as the international reserve currency; and</li> <li> projections of the fiscal health and sustainability of major entitlement programs (including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid). </li> </ul> <p>Treasury must make the information required by this bill available to the public on its website.</p> <p>Upon request, Treasury must submit to Congress specified financial and economic data relevant to determining the amount of the public debt. </p>",
"updateDate": "2023-03-17T13:33:48Z",
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118HR1266 | Building Credit Access for Veterans Act of 2023 | {
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"text": " <p><strong>Building Credit Access for Veterans Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to implement a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of using alternative credit scoring information or models to improve the determination of creditworthiness of certain individuals and to increase the number of such individuals who are able to obtain VA housing and small business loans. Specifically, the program is for veterans or members of the Armed Forces who are eligible for VA housing or small business loans and have insufficient credit history.</p> <p>Under the program, the VA must assess the feasibility and advisability of establishing criteria for acceptable commercially available credit scoring models to be used by lenders for the purpose of guaranteeing or insuring a VA housing or small business loan.</p> <p>Participation is voluntary on an opt-in basis for lenders, borrowers, and individuals.</p> <p>The VA must conduct outreach to lenders and individuals to inform them of the pilot program.<br> </p>",
"updateDate": "2023-03-23T10:58:39Z",
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118HR1267 | Air Carrier Access Amendments Act of 2023 | {
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"text": " <p><strong>Air Carrier Access Amendments Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill expands protections for airline passengers with disabilities and requires air carriers to meet certain minimum accessibility standards. </p> <p>The Department of Transportation (DOT) must prescribe regulations setting minimum accessibility standards for new and existing aircraft, airport facilities, websites, and kiosks. The accessibility standards must address topics including</p> <ul> <li> boarding and deplaning equipment, including ensuring individuals can board and deplane an aircraft from their personal assistive devices (e.g., wheelchairs);</li> <li>seating accommodations;</li> <li>lavatories;</li> <li>visually accessible announcements; and </li> <li>proper stowage of assistive devices in the cargo hold to prevent damage.</li> </ul> <p>Existing aircraft have five years from the effective date of the regulations to comply with the standards. DOT must assess civil penalties against an air carrier for violations of these provisions and refer patterns of discrimination to the Department of Justice (DOJ).</p> <p>DOT must also ensure that passengers with disabilities may (1) file a complaint with the agency in response to disability-related discrimination, and (2) receive assistance through a toll-free hotline or other electronic method.</p> <p>Further, the bill authorizes DOJ and aggrieved passengers to bring civil actions for discrimination against an air carrier.</p>",
"updateDate": "2023-05-31T20:10:00Z",
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118HR1269 | Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act of 2023 | {
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"title": "To amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to increase reimbursement rates of school meals, and for other purposes.",
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118HR127 | Protection from Obamacare Mandates and Congressional Equity Act | {
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"updateDate": "2023-01-23T20:01:15Z",
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"type": "IntroReferral"
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118HR1270 | To exclude certain amounts relating to compensating victims of the East Palestine train derailment, and for other purposes. | {
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"text": " <p>This bill excludes from gross income, for income tax purposes, compensation received by individuals and businesses for losses resulting from the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment on February 3, 2023. This includes lost business income paid by a federal, state, or local government agency, Norfolk Southern Railway, or any subsidiary, insurer, or agent of the railway, or any related person.</p>",
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118HR1271 | No Retaining Every Gun In a System That Restricts Your Rights Act | {
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"url": ""
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"url": ""
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"url": ""
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118HR1272 | To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4400 East Paisano Drive in El Paso, Texas, as the "Enedina Sanchez Cordero Post Office Building". | {
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118HR1275 | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to carry out Executive Order 14091. | {
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118HR1276 | Protect Minors from Medical Malpractice Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1277 | Military Spouse Hiring Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Military Spouse Hiring Act </b></p> <p>This bill expands the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) to include the hiring of a qualified military spouse. (The WOTC permits employers who hire individuals who are members of a targeted group such as qualified veterans, ex-felons, or long-term unemployment recipients to claim a tax credit equal to a portion of the wages paid to those individuals.) </p> <p>A <em>qualified military spouse</em> is any individual who is certified by the designated local agency as being (as of the hiring date) a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces.</p>",
"updateDate": "2023-03-21T13:04:15Z",
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"constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 39 (Wednesday, March 1, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. BEYER:\nH.R. 1277.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle 1, Section 8\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo expand the Work Opportunity Tax Credit to include\nmilitary spouses.\n[Page H1050]\n</pre>",
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118HR1278 | DRIVE Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Driver Reimbursement Increase for Veteran Equity Act or the DRIVE Act</b></p> <p>This bill increases the mileage reimbursement rate available to beneficiaries for travel to or from Department of Veterans Affairs facilities in connection with vocational rehabilitation, required counseling, or for the purpose of examination, treatment, or care. Specifically, the bill makes the reimbursement rate for such travel equal to or greater than the mileage reimbursement rate for government employees using private vehicles when no government vehicle is available.</p>",
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"constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 39 (Wednesday, March 1, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Ms. BROWNLEY:\nH.R. 1278.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nVeterans\n[Page H1050]\n</pre>",
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"title": "To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the rate of payments provided by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for beneficiary travel.",
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118HR1279 | Sunshine Protection Act of 2023 | {
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"updateDate": "2023-03-28T19:53:06Z",
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118HR128 | Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1281 | Housing Accountability Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1282 | Major Richard Star Act | {
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"updateDate": "2023-04-11T14:28:41Z",
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118HR1286 | Lone Star Reimbursement Act | {
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118HR1288 | Holding Countries Accountable for Negligent Chemical and Biological Programs Act | {
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118HR1289 | Dollar-for-Dollar Deficit Reduction Act | {
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118HR129 | To require the Secretary of Defense to ensure drop boxes are maintained on military installations for the deposit of unused prescription drugs, and for other purposes. | {
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118HR1290 | To amend the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to clarify propane storage as an eligible use for funds provided under the storage facility loan program, and for other purposes. | {
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118HR1291 | Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act | {
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118HR1292 | BADGES for Native Communities Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Bridging Agency Data Gaps and Ensuring Safety for Native Communities Act or the BADGES for Native Communities Act</b></p> <p>This bill revises federal policies and procedures related to information sharing, reporting, and investigating cases of missing, unidentified, or murdered Indians. </p> <p>Among other elements, the bill requires the Department of Justice to (1) establish a grant program for specified entities (e.g., tribes) to implement changes to enhance their responses to missing person cases and death investigations of interest to tribes, and (2) work with the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that federal training resources and culturally appropriate mental health and wellness programs are available to tribal and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) law enforcement officers experiencing occupational stress. </p> <p>The Department of the Interior must establish a five-year demonstration program for the purpose of conducting or adjudicating personnel background investigations for applicants for law enforcement positions in the BIA.</p> <p>The bill also requires the Government Accountability Office to conduct specified studies, including a study on the evidence collection, handling, and processing procedures and practices of federal law enforcement agencies.</p>",
"updateDate": "2023-03-24T16:17:20Z",
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118HR1293 | Cabin Air Safety Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1294 | 9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding Correction Act of 2023 | {
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"sponsorshipDate": "2023-03-01",
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"url": ""
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"lastName": "LaLota",
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118HR1295 | Early Voting Act | {
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"constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 39 (Wednesday, March 1, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. GOLDMAN of New York:\nH.R. 1295.\n=========================== NOTE ===========================\nOn page H1051, March 1, 2023, the following appeared: By Mr.\nGOLDMAN: H.R. 1295.\nThe online version has been corrected to read: By Mr. GOLDMAN of\nNew York: H.R. 1295.\n========================= END NOTE =========================\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nUnder Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress\nhas the power ``to make all Laws which shall be necessary and\nproper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and\nall other Powers vested by this Constitution in the\nGovernment of the United States, or any Department or Officer\nthereof''.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nThe subject of the bill is voting rights.\n[Page H1051]\n</pre>",
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118HR1296 | Restoration of Employment Choice for Adults with Disabilities Act | {
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118HR1297 | To amend title 10, United States Code, to prohibit the Secretary of Defense from paying or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services, and for other purposes. | {
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118HR1298 | United States Foundation for International Conservation Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1300 | IRS Whistleblower Program Improvement Act of 2023 | {
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"constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 39 (Wednesday, March 1, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania:\nH.R. 1300.\n=========================== NOTE ===========================\nOn page H1051, March 1, 2023, the following appeared: By Mr.\nKELLY: H.R. 1300.\nThe online version has been corrected to read: By Mr. KELLY of\nPennsylvania: H.R. 1300.\n========================= END NOTE =========================\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I Section 8 of the United States Constitution.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify and\nreform rules relating to investigations and whistleblowers,\nand for other purposes.\n[Page H1051]\n</pre>",
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118HR1301 | Federal Employees Civil Relief Act | {
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118HR1302 | Gun Records Restoration and Preservation Act | {
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"updateDate": "2023-05-15T18:28:21Z",
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118HR1303 | Cerro de la Olla Wilderness Establishment Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Cerro de la Olla Wilderness Establishment Act</b></p> <p>This bill designates specified federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in Taos County, New Mexico, comprising 12,898 acres in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, to be known as the Cerro de la Olla Wilderness.</p> <p>The Department of the Interior shall enter into a cooperative agreement with New Mexico that specifies, subject to certain prohibition provisions under the Wilderness Act, the terms and conditions under which wildlife management activities in the wilderness may be carried out.</p> <p>Subject to such agreement and such prohibition provisions, Interior may authorize the maintenance of any existing structure or facility for wildlife water development projects (including guzzlers) in the wilderness, if </p> <ul> <li>the structure or facility would enhance wilderness values by promoting healthy, viable, and more naturally distributed wildlife populations; and </li> <li>the visual impacts of the structure or facility on the wilderness can reasonably be minimized. </li> </ul> <p>The bill modifies the boundary of the monument. </p>",
"updateDate": "2023-04-03T15:32:44Z",
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118HR1304 | Rio San José and Rio Jemez Water Settlements Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1307 | To repeal the mandatory flood insurance coverage requirement for commercial properties located in flood hazard areas, and for other purposes. | {
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118HR1309 | To require the use of replacement cost value in determining the premium rates for flood insurance coverage under the National Flood Insurance Act, and for other purposes. | {
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118HR1312 | Deerfield River Wild and Scenic River Study Act of 2023 | {
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"updateDate": "2023-04-14T15:15:19Z",
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118HR1313 | Transparency in CFPB Cost-Benefit Analysis Act | {
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"text": " <p><strong>Lodging Options Developed for Government Employees Act or the LODGE Act</strong></p> <p>This bill expands the authority of the Department of the Interior to enter into agreements with housing entities to provide rental housing for employees. </p> <p>The bill allows Interior to enter agreements with other federal agencies, state or local governments, tribal governments, or other public or private organizations to develop, construct, rehabilitate, or manage housing for rent to field employees and members of the public</p> <ul> <li>on public lands, including National Park System units;</li> <li>off public lands in the vicinity of system units; or</li> <li>on a combination of such lands.</li> </ul> <p>Interior may allow field employees and members of the public to occupy and lease project quarters. </p> <p>Field employees and members of the public shall be prohibited from subleasing housing established pursuant to this bill. </p> <p>To the maximum extent practicable, priority for occupancy in project quarters shall be given to field employees. </p> <p>Interior may allow partners in agreements to collect rents directly from housing occupants.</p> <p>Interior, upon the expiration of a term of ownership, may renew the housing partnership agreement for terms not to exceed 10 years or may take other specified actions.</p> <p>The bill modifies the lease-to-build program to allow Interior to lease federal land and interests in land to qualified persons for the construction of field employee quarters for any period not to exceed 60 years (under current law not to exceed 50 years).</p>",
"updateDate": "2023-04-28T14:30:12Z",
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118HR1317 | Continental Divide Trail Completion Act | {
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118HR1318 | Women’s Suffrage National Monument Location Act | {
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118HR1319 | Biking on Long-Distance Trails Act | {
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"updateDate": "2023-04-03T15:53:14Z",
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} | Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2] | {
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118HR132 | Protecting Local Communities from Harmful Algal Blooms Act | {
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"title": "To amend title 5, United States Code, to include certain Federal positions within the definition of law enforcement officer for retirement purposes, and for other purposes.",
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118HR1324 | Uyghur Human Rights Sanctions Review Act | {
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118HR1326 | SALT Act | {
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118HR1329 | To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for an increase in the maximum number of judges who may be appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. | {
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118HR133 | Mandating Exclusive Review of Individual Treatments (MERIT) Act | {
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118HR1330 | Taiwan Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1331 | To treat Hurricane Ian as a qualified disaster for purposes of determining the tax treatment of certain disaster-related personal casualty losses. | {
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118HR1333 | Safe Temperature Act of 2023 | {
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"updateDate": "2023-05-24T16:10:55Z",
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118HR1334 | Liberty City Rising Act | {
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"text": " <p><strong>Liberty City Rising Act</strong></p> <p>This bill requires the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to establish standards to ensure the safety and security of federally assisted housing in high-crime areas. Public housing agencies serving high-crime areas must also establish anonymous hotlines for tenants to report suspicious activity and crimes in the community. In addition, HUD must prioritize public housing projects located in high-crime areas when awarding certain public housing grants for safety and security measures.</p> <p>Under the bill, a high-crime area is designated by HUD based on the most recent violent crime data available.</p>",
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118HR1335 | Transparency, Accountability, Permitting, and Production of American Resources Act | {
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118HR1336 | IRS Whistleblower Program Improvement Act of 2023 | {
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"text": " <p><strong>IRS Whistleblower Program Improvement Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill modifies provisions of the Internal Revenue Code relating to whistleblower protections. Specifically, the bill\t</p> <ul> <li>revises the standard for review of whistleblower awards in the Tax Court to require a<em> de novo</em> review standard (currently, the standard is abuse of discretion); </li> <li>exempts whistleblower awards from reductions due to budget sequestration; </li> <li>allows whistleblowers anonymity in proceedings before the Tax Court;</li> <li>modifies the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower report to require inclusion of a list and description of the top 10 tax avoidance schemes disclosed by whistleblowers;</li> <li>requires the IRS to pay interest on whistleblower awards if not paid within one year of receipt of proceeds collected from whistleblower disclosures; and </li> <li>allows payment of the attorney fees of whistleblowers regardless of whether the whistleblower award was paid through the mandatory or the discretionary whistleblower award program.</li></ul>",
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118HR1339 | Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act | {
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"text": " <p><b>Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act</b></p> <p>This bill requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to review, and recommend changes to, its rules for fixed, mobile, and earth exploration satellites to promote precision agriculture (an information- and technology-based management system used to identify, analyze, and manage variability in agricultural production for optimum profitability, sustainability, and environmental protection).</p> <p>In conducting its review, the FCC must consult with a task force that advises the FCC on ways to assess and advance broadband internet on unserved agricultural land and promote precision agriculture.</p>",
"updateDate": "2023-05-01T16:05:53Z",
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"constitutionalAuthorityStatementText": "<pre>\n[Congressional Record Volume 169, Number 41 (Friday, March 3, 2023)]\n[House]\nFrom the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [<a href=\"\"></a>]\nBy Mr. LATTA:\nH.R. 1339.\nCongress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant\nto the following:\nArticle I, Section 8, Clause 18:\nThe Congress shall have Power to make all Laws which shall\nbe necessary and proper for carrying into Executive the\nforegoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this\nConstitution in the Government of the United States, or in\nany Department or Officer thereof.\nThe single subject of this legislation is:\nTo modernize FCC satellite regulations as it related to\nprecision agriculture.\n[Page H1114]\n</pre>",
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118HR134 | To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to remove geographic requirements and expand originating sites for telehealth services. | {
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118HR1340 | Open RAN Outreach Act | {
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118HR1342 | Medicaid Dental Benefit Act of 2023 | {
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118HR1343 | ITS Codification Act | {
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"updateDate": "2023-05-01T13:42:30Z",
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"description": "As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on March 24, 2023\n",
"pubDate": "2023-04-03T14:51:00Z",
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118HR1344 | To rename the Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, as the "Eddie Bernice Johnson VA Medical Center". | {
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"description": "As ordered reported by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on March 24, 2023\n",
"pubDate": "2023-04-03T18:33:00Z",
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