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ርትዓዊ መበገሲ ህንፀት ዓብዪ ግድብ ህዳሴ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ መትከላት ፍትሓዊን ምኽንያታዊን ኣጠቓቕማ ሃፍቲ ማይ ዝተመስረተ ከምዝኾነ ኣይተ ገዱ ንሚስተር ፓምፕዮ ከምዘብርሀ ፋና ብሮድካስቲንግ ኮርፖሬሽን ፀብፂቡ። | According to a report from Fana Broadcasting Corporation, Gedu on his part briefed Pompeo stating “Ethiopia’s rationale behind building GERD which stood on the principles of fair and reasonable utilization of its water resources.” |
ሓደ ኣሜሪካዊ ዳይና ነቲ ብመንገዲ ጉግል መፅሓፍቲ ብኢንቴርኔት ንመፅሓፍቲ ዲጂታል ንምግባር ኣብ መንጐ ጉጉልን ኣሓተምቲን ዝተገበረ ስምምዕነት ኣጊድዎ ። | A US judge blocks an agreement between Google and publishers about efforts to digitize books online at Google Books. |
ብተዛማዲ ዜና ኣፈ ጉባኤ ቤት ምኽሪ ተወከልቲ ህዝቢ ታገሰ ጫፎ ነቲ ኣብ ቀረባ ዓብዪ ህዳሰ ግድብ ኢትዮጵያ ኣመልኪቱ ብሊግ ዓረብ ዝጸደቐ ውሳኔ ነጺጎምዎ። | In related news, speaker of the House of Peoples’ Representatives of Ethiopia, Tagesse Chafo slammed the recent resolution by the Arab league over the GERD. |
ኣብ መንጐ ኢትዮጵያን ኤርትራን ንኽልተ ዓሰርተታት ዝፀንሐ ምትፍናን ምስኣብቀዐን እቲ ርክብ ናብ ንቡር ኩነታት ምስተመለሰን ድሕሪ ሓሙሽተ ወርሒ ፕሬዚዳንት ሳህለ ወርቅ ዘውዴ ናይ ኤርትራ ኣምባሳደር ኮይኑ ናይ ዝተሸመ ሰመረ ርእሶም ደብዳቤ ሹመት ኣብ ሃገራዊ ቤተመንግስቲ ብሓሙስ ተቐቢለን። | Five months after Ethiopia and Eritrea officially ended a two-decade old stalemate and somewhat restored normalcy in relations, President Sahle-work Zewde received a credentials letter of the newly appointed Eritrean head of mission, Semere Russom at the National Palace on Thursday. |
ሰመረ ነቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሓምለ ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝተፈረመ ሓበራዊ ስምምዕነት ሰላምን ምሕዝነትን ስዒቡ እዩ ቅድሚ ኣርባዕተ ወርሒ ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ዝመጸ። | Semere came to Ethiopia four months ago following the restored relations with the signing of a joint declaration of Peace and Friendship agreement in Asmara last July. |
ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ሃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ብጥቅምቲ 2017 ዓ.ም.ፈ ንቤት ምኽሪ ተወከልቲ ህዝቢ መብርሂ እንትህቡ መንግስቶም ንሕቶ ብፍቓድ ስራሕ ምልቓቕ በረከት ስምኦን ዝተቐበሎ ምኳኑ ምግላፆም ዝዝከር እዩ። | It is to be recalled that, in October 2017, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn, in his address to the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR), said that his administration has accepted the resignation of Bereket. |
በረከት ኣብቲ ንቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ኣብ ዝላዓሉ ጉዳያት ፖሊሲ ከማኽር ዝተጣየሸ ማእኸል ምርምርን መጽናዕቲን ፖሊሲ ምኽትል ሓላፊ ኮይኑ ክሰርሕ ዝጸንሐ እዩ። | Bereket was serving as deputy head of Policy Studies and Research Centre, an institution set up to aid the PM in high-level policy issues. |
እቲ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ኣብ ዋና ቤት ፅሕፈት ናይ መላእ ኢትዮጵያ ሓድነት ፓርቲ (ኤ.ኢ.ዩ.ፒ) ቅድሚ ቁሩብ ሰሙናት ኣብ ዝተኻየደ ሓፈሻዊ ጉባኤ ሓዱሽ ፕሬዝዳንት ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ኮይኑ ዝተመረፀ የሽዋስ ኣሰፋ ብቐዳም ኣኼባ ብሄራዊ ቤት ምኽሪ ኣብ ዝተኻየደሉ እዋን ሓዱሽ ኣፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ ከምዝተሰየመ ዕላዊ ገይሩ። | Yeshiwas Assefa, the newly elected president of Semayawi (Blue) Party, who assumed the leadership at the general assembly held at the headquarters of the All Ethiopian Union Party (AEUP) a few weeks ago, has announced the establishment of a new executive committee during the National Council meeting that was held last Saturday. |
እቲ ብሄራዊ ቤት ምኽሪ ነቲ በቲ ፕሬዚዳንት ሽዑ ዝቐረበሉ ናይ ኣፈጸሚ ኮሚቴ መረጻ ውጽኢት እውን ኣጽዲቕዎ። | The National Council endorsed the nomination of the executive committee the president presented at the same meeting |
ፌደራል ማእኸላይ ቤት ፍርዲ መበል ዓሰርተ ሓሙሽተ መጋባእያ ገበን ኣብ ነበር ሓላፊ ደህንነት ወልደስላሴ ወልደሚካኤል ዝቐረበ ክሲ ግዕዝይና ኣመልኪቱ ክህቦ ዝነበረ ብይን ኣናዊሕዎ። | The Federal High Court fifteen criminal bench has postponed its ruling on corruption charges involving former intelligence Chief Woldesilassie Woldemichael. |
እቲ ብዓቐብቲ ሕጊ ፌደራል ኮምሽን ስነምግባርን ፀረ ግዕዝይናን ዝቐረበ ክሲ ክመሓየሽ ዘለዎ ምኳኑ ወይ ዘይምኳኑ እውን ውሳኔ ክህብ እዩ። | The criminal bench was set to rule on whether charges filed by prosecutors of Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission should be amended or not. |
ኣብ መንጐ ኢትዮጵያዊያን፣ ናይ ወፃኢ ዜግነት ዘለዎም ትውልዲ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን መንግስቲን ዝህሉ ርክብ ክጠናኸር ዝሰርሕ ናይ ዲያስፖራ ኣማኻሪ ቤት ምኽሪ ከምዝምስረት እቲ ዳይሬክተር ወሲኹ ገሊፁ። | A Disapora Consultant Council which will strengthen ties between Ethiopians and foreign national of Ethiopian origin and the government will be formed, the director further noted. |
ኣሽሓት ደገፍቲ ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ታይላንድ ነበር ታክሲን ሺናዋትራ ኣብ መንበሪ ገዛ ናይቲ ኣብ 2006 ዓ.ም ኣብ ልዕሊ እቲ ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ናይ ዕልዋ ፍጻሜ ኢድ ዝነበሮ ኣማኻሪ ንጉስ ኣብ ኣፍደገ ተኣኪቦም። | Thousands of supporters of former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra gather outside the home of a royal adviser accused of involvement in the 2006 coup that ousted the Prime Minister. |
ኩባንያ ሓይሊ ኤሌክትሪክ ቶክዮ ብሰንኪ እቲ ብ2011 ዓ.ም.ፈ ኣብ ቶሆኩ ዘጋጠመ ፀገም ርእደ ምድሪን ሱናሚን ዘተኣታተዎ ፖሊሲ ምቁራፅ ኤሌክትሪክ ክቕፅለሉ እዩ። | Tokyo Electric Power Co. resumes its policy of rolling electricity blackouts following ongoing problems caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. |
ብተወሳኺ ብሄራዊ ቤት ምኽሪ ዲያስፖራን ኣብያተ ጽሕፈት ምውዳድ ጉዳያት ዲያስፖራ ብሃገራዊን ክልላዊን ደረጃ ከምዝጣየሹ ገሊጹ። | He added that Diaspora National Council and Diaspora Affairs Coordination Offices will be formed at national and regional levels, respectively. |
ንኢትዮጵያ ምስ ጐረቤት ሱዳን ዘራኽብ ኣውራ ጐዳና ህንፀቱ ተዛዚሙ ንትራፊክ ክፉት ከምዝኾነ በዓል መዚ መንገዲታት ኢትዮጵያ ብሰሉስ ዕላዊ ገይሩ። | The Ethiopian Roads Authority announced on Tuesday that the construction of a highway linking Ethiopia with neighboring Sudan had been completed and was open now for traffic. |
እቲ ካብ ኢትዮጵያ ኣሶሳ ናብ ሱዳን ኩምሩክ(ኮርሙክ)ዝተዘርግሐ 100 ኪሎሜትሮ ዝንውሓቱ ጽርጊያ ኣብ መንጎ ክልቲአን ሃገራት ንዝህሉ ንግዳዊ ርክብን ማሕበረሰባዊ ምትእስሳርን ዘጠናኽር እዩ። | The 100km-long road, stretching from Ethiopia’s Asosa town to Sudan’s Kumruk (Kormuk), will enhance trade relations as well as social ties between the two countries. |
ፕሬዝዳንት ግርማ ዓብዪ ግድብ ህዳሴ ኢትዮጵያ ፅርጊያ፡ መንገዲ ባቡር፣ ቴሌኮሚኒኬሽን፣ ሓይሊ ኤሌክትሪክ፣ ዝስተ ማይን ስራሕቲ መስኖን ኣብዚ ናይ በጀት ዓመት ብፍሉይ ቀዳምነት ከምዝዋሃቦም ገሊፆም። | President Girma said in particular the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, road, railway, telecommunication, electric power, potable water and irrigation development are the projects given priority in this fiscal year. |
ኣብቲ ብሰኑይ ኣብ መኽፈቲ ሓበራዊ ኣኼባ ክልቲኡ ኣብያተ ምኽሪ ዘስምዕዎ መደረ ፕሬዚዳንት ግርማ ከምዝበልዎ እቲ መንግስቲ ነቶም ዝተፈላለዩ መደባት ልምዓት ንምስላጥ ሰናይ ምምሕዳርን ኣሳታፍነት ህዝቢን ንምፍጣር ክነጥፍ አዩ። | In his speech made here on Monday while opening the Joint Session of the two Houses, President Girma said the government will move forward by formulating good governance and public initiation for development to execute the various development programs. |
ከም ሓበሬታ ሳሙኤል እቲ ብዓል ዓብዪ መዋህለሊ ዝኾነ ግድብ ንቅልጣፈ ዋሕዚ ማይ እቲ ሩባ ኣብ ርእሲ ምቁፅፃሩ በብግዚኡ ብውሑጅ ሰባት ዝሞትሉ ሓደጋ፣ ሰፊሕ ምምዝባልን ዕንወት ንብረትን ዝቕንስ እዩ። | According to Samuel, the dam with a big reservoir will regulate a steady flow of water in the river and reduce risky floods that have occasionally been killing people, causing massive displacement, and loss of properties in Sudan. |
ንኣብነት ኣብ ሱዳን ብነሓሰን መስከረምን 2021 ብዘጋጠመ ብርቱዕ ዝናብን ውሑጅን ልዕሊ 314,000 ሰባት ጉድኣት ወሪድዎም እዩ። | In Sudan, heavy rains and flooding during August and September 2021 have, for instance, affected more than 314,000 people. |
ንሱ ወሲኹ ከምዝገለፆ እቲ ኣብ ምሕንፃፅ ትልሚን ትግበራን ዓመታዊ ተበግሶ ተመዝጊቡ ዘሎ ምዕባለ ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ዘፈራት ክድገምን ንዘይተርፍ ብልፅግና ኢትዮጵያ ዘሳልጥን ክኸውን ኣለዎ። | He further remarked that the milestones achieved in the planning and implementation of the annual initiative need to be duplicated in various sectors, facilitating Ethiopia’s inevitable prosperity. |
ኣብዚ ዓመት ብመሰረት መደብ ቖጽላዋይ ውርሻ ካብቲ ብትልሚ ዝተትሓዘ ንላዕሊ 6.7 ቢልዮን ፈልሲታት ዝተተኸሉ ምኻኖም ምኽንያት ብምግባር ቀዳማይ ሚኒስትር ኣብ መላእ ሃገር ንዝርከቡ ኢትዮጵያዊያን እንኻዕ ኣሐጎሰና ኢሎም። | The PM congratulated all Ethiopians in all corners of the country for finalizing a successful Green Legacy season this year with 6.7 billion seedlings planted, surpassing the set target. |
ንግልጋሎት ዜና ኢትዮጵያ (ግ.ዜ.ኢ) ዝተልኣኸ ጋዜጣዊ መግለፂ ከምዝሓበሮ ኣብ ኣልገዳሪፍን:ሴናርን ሱዳን፣ ኣብ ጋሽ ባርካን ዴቡን ኤርትራ ከምኡ እውን ኣብ ክፋል ትግራይ፣ ምዕራብ ኣምሓራን ደቡባዊ ዓፋርን ብርቱዕን ኣዝዩ ብርቱዕን (ዝለዓለ:10 ክሳብ 5 ሚእታዊ ዝምዝገብ) ዝናብ ክወቅዕ ትፅቢት ይግበር። | According to the press release sent to ENA, heavy to very heavy rainfall (top 10 to 5 percent on record) is expected in regions of Al Qadarif and Sennar in Sudan, Gash-Barka and Debu in Eritrea, and parts of Tigray, western Amhara, and southern Afar. |
ናይ ስነ-ቁጽሪ ሊቅ ጆን ሚልነር ኣብ ቶፖሎጂ፣ ጆሜትርን ኣልጀብራን ብዘገበሮ ኣበርክቶ ናይ ዓመት 2011 ሽልማት ኣቤል ዕዉት ኮይኑ። | Mathematician John Milnor wins the 2011 Abel Prize for his contributions to topology, geometry and algebra. |
ኣብዘን ከባቢታት ብድምር ልዕሊ 100 ሚሊሜትር ዝናብ ከምዝወቅዕ ከምዝትተንበየ እውን ወሲኹ ሓቢሩ። | It added that total rainfall above 100mm is forecasted in these regions. |
ሚኒስተር ዴኤታ ክቡር ሬድዋን ሑሴን ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ናይ መኽፈቲ መደረ እቲ ዎርክሾፕ፣ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዛዕባታት ለውጢ ከባቢያዊ ኣየር ኣብ ዓለምለኸ መድረኽ ኣብ ቅድሚት ናይ ምስላፍ ነቕ ዘይብል ውፍይነት ከምዘለዋ ዘመልክት እዩ ኢሉ። | In delivering opening remarks, State Minister H.E. Ambassador Redwan Hussien said the workshop demonstrates Ethiopia’s unwavering determination to be at the forefront of climate change issues in the international arena. |
ነቲ ኣብ ምብራቕ ኣፍሪካ ዘጋጠመ ድርቂ፣ውሑጅን ኣንበጣን ዝጠቐሰ ኣምባሳደር ሬድዋን ንዲፕሎማሲ ንብረት ኣየር ትኹረት ምሃብ ኣዚዩ ኣገዳሲ እዩ እቲ ምንታይ ኣብ ታሕተዋይ ሕብረተሰብ ዝካየድ ዝተዋደደ ናይ ምክልኻል ስራሕ ስለዝሕግዝ ብምባል ኣብሪሁ። | Noting the recurrent drought, flooding, and locust invasions in the Horn of Africa, Ambassador Redwan said, it is vital that we give due attention to climate diplomacy to enhance support to mitigation and adaptation interventions at the grassroots level. |
ሚኒስቴር ከባቢያዊ ኣየር፣ ዱርን ለውጢ ንብረት ኣየርን (ክሊማን) ኣብታ ሃገር ዝነጥፉ ዘለዉ ኣማኸርቲን ውዳበታትን ናብ ሓደ ማሕበር ክጥመሩ እናሰርሐ እዩ። | The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change said that it has been working to bring the consultants and organization operating in the country in one association. |
ከም መብርሂ እቲ ሚኒስቴር ኣብ ገምጋም ጽልዋ ከባብያዊ ኣየር ዝሰርሑ ኣማኸርቲን ውዳበታትን ናብ ሓደ ውዳበ ምስዝጥመሩ እዞም ኣካላት ኣብታ ሃገር እንትንቀሳቐሱ ብሕጊታትን ስሪታትን ተገዚኦም ክሰርሑ ንምሕባር ነቲ ሚኒስቴር ዝቐለለ ይኽ ውን። | According to the Ministry, once consultants and organization working on the environmental impact assessment associated in one entity, it would be so easy from Ministry to communicate and update them with rules and regulations they have to abide by while operating in the country. |
ሚኒስተር ከባብያዊ ኣየርን ዱርን ኣይተ በለጠ ታፈረ ካብ ሃፍቲ ዱር ንምጥቃም ጠንካራ ትካላዊ ስራሕ ግድን ኣድላዪ ከምዝኾነን እቲ ትካል እታ ሃገር ብዓለምለኸ ደረጃ ተቐባልነት ዝረኸበትሉ ውሑሱን ቀፃሊን ቆጽለዋይ ቁጠባ ኣብ ምህናፅ ኣገዳሲ ተራ ከምዘበርክትን ኣብ ስነ-ስርዓት መኽፈቲ ገሊፆም። | At the opening ceremony, Minister of Environment and Forestry Belete Tafere said strong institutional work was necessary to benefit from forest resources and the institute would play a pivotal role in sustaining the continued building of the green economy for which the country has gained recognition internationally. |
እቲ ሚኒስትር ወሲኹ ከምዝሓበሮ እቲ ትካል ነቲ እናትጋፍሐ ዘሎ ምብራስ ኣግራባት ንምንካይን ውሕሉል ኣጠቓቕማ ኣግራባትንምጉልባትን ዝሕግዝ እዩ። | The institute would in particular help to reduce the widespread deforestation and enhance the utilization of forests, the minister added. |
ሚድሮክ ወርቂ ብ1997ዓ.ም.ፈ ብመስርሕ ምቕያር ናብ ውልቀ ሃፍቲ ኣብ ለገ ደምቢ ማዕድን ወርቂ ክኹዕት ብ172 ሚልዮን ዩ.ኤስ ዶላር ፍቓድ ረኺቡ። | In 1997 MIDROC Gold acquired the Legadembi open pit gold mine for 172 million USD through privatization process. |
ካብ 1998 ዓ.ም.ፈ ክሳብ ሕዚ ድማ ወርቂን ብሩርን እናውፀአ ፍሪያቱ ብጅምላ ናብ ስዊዘርላንድ እናሰደደ እዩ። | Since 1998 MIDROC has been mining gold and silver from the gold mine and export the bulk of its product to Switzerland. |
እቲ ኩባንያ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ፈላማይ ትሕቲ ምድሪ ኳዕቲ ማዕድን ብምህናፅ ኣብ ሳካሮን፣ መተከልን ኣብ ዝተፈቐደሉ ቦታታት ሰፊሕ ኣለሻ ብምክያድ ንንግዲ ዝኸውን ዕቑር ቀዳማይ ወርቂ ረኺቡ ኣሎ። | The company built the first underground mining in Ethiopia and undertook a vast exploration work in Sakaro and Metekel license area and discovered commercial primary gold deposits. |
ማይክሮሶፍት ኣብ ቅድሚ ኮሚሽን ኣውሮፓ ኣብ ልዕሊ ንጉግል ናይ እምነትጨምጉዳል ጥርዓን ኣቕሪቡ። | Microsoft lodged an antitrust complaint against Google with the European Commission. |
ለውጢ ንብረት ኣየርን ምብካል ከባብያዊ ኣየርን ንምምካት ብተበግሶ ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ኣብይ ኣሕመድ (ፒ.ኤች.ዲ) ዝተቐረፀ ውጥን ንምስላጥ ኣብ ዝመፅእ ዘሎ ወቕቲ ዝናብ 6 ቢልዮን ፈልሲ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያን ጐረባብቲ ሃገራትን ንምትካል ተሓሲቡ ኣሎ። | Initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) in a bid to combat climate change and environmental degradation, it is part of the six billion seedlings planned to be planted in Ethiopia and neighboring countries in the coming rainy season. |
ብተወሳኺ ድማ መንግስቲ ኣብ 2024 ዓ.ም.ፈ 20 ቢልዮን ፈልሲታት ብምትካል ቁጠባ ቆጽለዋይ ንብረት ኣየር ክጥጥዕ ክስራሕ እዩ። | The government seeks to plant 20 billion seedlings by 2024, to help build a green climate-resilient economy. |
ሲሳይ ከምዝበሎ፣ ኣብ ምክልኻል ሓደጋ ሳዕቤን ከባቢያዊ ኣየር ዝተዋፈሩ መናእሰይ ምስ ብኽለት ድምፂ፣ ፈሳሲን ደረቕ ጓሓፍን ዝተኣሳሰሩ ረቑሓታት ብምምርማር ኣብቶም ፀገማት ዘተኮሩ ናይ መፍትሒ ሓሳባት ከቕርቡ ይግባእ። | Youths who are tasked to control effects of environmental hazards are expected to investigate factors related to noise pollution, liquid and solid waste effluences, among others and bring recommendations to address the problems accordingly, Sisay said. |
ከም መብርሂ እቲ ኮሚሽነር እቶም መናእሰይ ኣብ ትካላት ተወዲቦም ኣብ እታ ከተማ ናብ ዝርከባ ወወረዳኦም ክዋፈሩ እዮም ። | According to the Commissioner, the youths are to be organized under enterprises and deployed to their respective Woredas in the capital. |
ኮሚሽነር ኮሚሽን ከባቢያዊ ኣየር፣ ዱርን ንብረት ኣየርን ፕሮፌሰር ፍቓዱ በየነ ኣብ ጉዳይ ከባቢያዊ ኣየር ኣብ ዝዝቲ ብሄራዊ ዋዕላ ተረኺቦም ኣብ ዘስምዕዎ መደረ እታ ሃገር ንሳዕቤናት ለውጢ ንብረት ኣየር ኣብ ምቕናስን ምላሽ ኣብ ምሃብን ኣድማዒ ውፅኢት ኣመዝጊባ ኢሎም። | During a national discussion forum on the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Sector Commission Commissioner Prof. Fekadu Beyene said that the country has achieved remarkable successes in terms of mitigating and responding to the effects of climate change. |
ፕሮፌሰር ፍቃዱ በየነ" ሽፋን ዱር እታ ሃገር ናብ 17.2 ዓብዩ ኣሎ"ኢሎም ምግላጾም ትካል ፕሬስ ኢትዮጵያ ሓቢሩ። | EPA quoted Prof. Fekadu Beyene saying “The country’s forest cover has hit 17.2 percent. |
ኣብ ኣይ.ኦ.ኤች.ኬ (ኢንተርኔት:ኦንላይን:ሆንግ ኮንግ) ዳይሬክተር ወፍሪታት ኣፍሪካ ዝኾነ ኦህን ኦኮኖር ንምቹው ኩነታት ኢትዮጵያ መሰረት ዝገበረ ብትሑት ወፃኢ ቴክኖሎጂ ፀገማት ዝፈትሕ ስሉጥን ውፅኢታዊን ከምኡ እውን ነቲ ባህላዊ ኣጠቓቕማ ቴክኖሎጂ ብመሰረቱ ዝቕይር ኣሰራርሓ ንምትእትታው ዘለዎ ቅሩብነት ገሊጹ። | ohn O’Connor, Director of African Operations at IOHK, expressed his eagerness to harness Ethiopia’s greatest attributes and discover solutions using technology of lower cost, more efficiency and functionality, leapfrogging the traditional usage of technology. |
ብተወሳኺ ምስ ትጉሃትን ንመፃኢ ዝሓስቡን ሰበስልጣን ሚኒስቴር ሳይንስን ቴክኖሎጂን ብምርኻቡ ከምዝተሓጐሰን ኢትዮጵያ ብቴክኖሎጂ ኣብ ኣፍሪካ ቀዳመይቲ ክትኸውን ዘለዎ ተስፋን ኣብሪሁ። | He said he was excited to meet enthusiastic and forward thinking public officials at MoST and hopes to establish Ethiopia as the tech leader in the continent. |
ኣብ ትካል ልምዓት ኢንዱስትሪ ቆርበት (ኤል.ኣይ.ዲ.ኣይ) ዳይሬክተር ቴክኖሎጂ ከባቢ ኣየር ዝኾነት ዘርፌ መርሻ ንጋዜጣ ሪፖርተር ከምዝገለፀቶ ኣብ ፈሳሲ ርስሓት ክህሉ ተቐባልነት ዘለዎ መጠን ክሮም ኣብ ሊትሮ 2 ሚሊ ግራም እንትኾን ኮይኑ ግና መብዛሕቲኦም ፋብሪካታት ቖርበት ኣብ ዘውፅእዎ ፈሳሲ ርስሓት ኣብ ሊትሮ ካብ 90 ሚሊ ግራም ንላዕሊ ከምዝኾነ እዩ። | Zerfie Mersha, environmental technology director with LIDI, told The Reporter that the acceptable amount of chrome in water waste is 2 mg per liter but most Ethiopian tanneries discharge high concentration of chrome as high as more than 90 mg of chrome per liter. |
ክሮም ብሓፈሻ ንተኽሊታትን ንተኽሊታት ውሽጢ ማይን ዓሳታትን ክምዝምርዝ እውን ዘርፌ ገሊፃ። | Zerfei said the chrome is toxic to plants, aquatic plants and fish. |
ናይ ዩ ኤስ ምምሐዳር ድሕንነት ኣውራጐዳና ኣብ 2010 ዓ.ም ፈ ነቁፅሪ ሞት ሓደጋ መኪና ናብ 32,788 ከምዝወረደ ገሊፁ ፤ እዚ ቁፅሪ ድሕሪ 1949 ዓ.ምፈ. ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ እቲ ዝታሓተ እዩ ። | The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the number of traffic deaths has fallen to 32,788 in 2010, the lowest level since 1949. |
ዘርፌ እቲ ሕዚ ዘሎ ሓዱሽ ቴክኖሎጂ ማይ፣ ጨው፣ ሳልፈሪክ ኣሲድን፣ ፎርሚክ ኣሲድን ምጥቃም ዘየድልዮእዩ ኢላ። | Zerfie said the new technology avoids the use of water, salt and sulfuric acid and formic acid. |
" ስለዝኾነ ናይ ዓዲ ውሽጢ ፋብሪካታት ቆርበት ምስቲ ሓዱሽ ቴክኖሎጂ ክላለዩን ክትግብርዎን ዝተባብዑ ዋላ እኳ እንተኾኑ ምግዳድ ግን ኣይካኣልን" ክትብል ንጋዜጣ ሪፖርተር ሓቢራ። | “We are introducing the technology to local tanneries and we highly encourage them to apply it but we cannot force them to use it,” she told The Reporter. |
ግብፂ ብቀፃሊ ሳዕቤን ዓብዪ ግድብ ህዳሴ ኢትዮጵያን ኣብ ዋሕዚ እቲ ሩባ ብዝፍጠር ፅልዋን ክትሻቐል ከምዘይግባኣ ኣይተ ሃይለሚካኤል ገሊፁ። | “Egypt should not worry about the effect of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and its potential impact on the flow of the river downstream,” Hailemichael explains. |
"ብሳላ እቲ ካብ ባሕሪ ጨው ፈሊኻ ናይ ምውፃእ ቴክኖሎጂ ንሓዋሩ ማይ ባሕሪ ዝስተየሉ ኩነታት ተፈጢሩ እዩ"ክብል እውን ወሲኹ ሓቢሩ። | “Since it would be possible to drink from sea water in the near future thanks mainly to the salt being separated from the water by using technology.” |
እቲ ናይ ጃፓን ንእሽተይ ኩባንያ ቶሚዛዋ ሓላፊነቱ ዝተወሰነ ኩባንያ ምህርቲ ዝኾነ ኣድፓወር ቅድሚ ዒስራ ዓመት ዝተምሃዘ ፍሉይ ቴክኖሎጂ ምኳኑ ፕሬዝዳንት እቲ ኩባንያ ቶሩ ቶሚዛዋ ብሓሙስ ብዛዕባ እቲ ፍርያት ንጋዜጠኛታት እንተብርህ ንጋዜጣ ሪፖርተር ኣረዲኡ። | Manufactured by Tomizawa & Co. Ltd, a small Japanese company, AdPower is a unique technology developed twenty years ago, Toru Tomizawa, President, told The Reporter on Thursday, while briefing reporters about the product. |
ከም መብርሂ ቶሚዛዋ ኣድፓወር ብፍሉይ ቀለም፣ ብፍሉይ ሓፂንን (ብበዝሒ ካብ መዳብ ዝተዋሃሃደ) ብብርጭቆ ወረቐትን ዝተሰርሐ ኮይኑ ሞተር ተሽከርከርቲ ክሃድእን ካርቦን ዳይ ኦክሳይድ ምውፃእ ሓዲጉ ብኤሌክትሮኒክስ ኣቢሉ ዝተፃረየ ኦክሲጂን ዘቕርብን ከምዝኾነ እዩ። | According to Tomizawa, ADPower is made of special pigments, special alloy (that mainly is composed of copper) and fiber glass which help vehicles’ engines neutralize and contain CO2 emissions and in turn supplies purified oxygen via discharging electrons. |
ኣንዱኣለም ቦሬቻ ሌሜቻ መስራቲ፣ ዋና ዲዛይነርን መሃንዲስ ምህርቲን ኢዱዋንስን ኢዱቴክ ስታርትኣፕን እንትኾን ትካሉ ናይ ውልቀ ኤሌክትሮናዊ ትምህርቲን ፍሉይ ናይ ምስትምሃር ቴክኖሎጂን ዘቕርብ እዩ። ኣብዚ ጽሑፍ ዝሰፈሩ ሓሳባት ንቅዋም ጋዜጣ ሪፖርተር ግድን ዘየንጸባርቑ ምኻኖም ንገልጽ። | Andualem Borecha Lemecha is a founder, chief designer and product engineer at Eduance, and EduTech startup that provides personalized e-learning and adaptive teaching technology. |
ኣብዚ ፅሑፍ ዝሰፈሩ ሓሳባት ንቅዋም ጋዜጣ ሪፖርተር ግድን ዘየንፃባርቑ ምኳኖም ንገልፅ። | The views expressed in the article do not necessarily reflect the views of The Reporter. |
ዋና ኣፈፃሚ ስራሕ ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም ፍሬህይወት ታምሩ ኣብ ትግበራ እቲ ሓዱሽ ቴክኖሎጂ ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ብርኪታት ንዝተሳተፉ ሰራሕተኛታት ኣፍልጦ ዝሃበት እንትኾን ውፅኢታዊ ስራሕ ከምዝትዓመመ እውን ገሊፃ። | Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot Tamiru acknowledged the employees of the company who participated in the implementation of the new technology at various levels and pointed out that effective work has been done. |
ሕዚ ቴክኖሎጂ ጉዳይ ህልውና እዩ ምስበለት "ብዝትዋደደ ኣገባብን ብጽቡቕ ኣመራርሓን ዝተፈለመ ከምዝዕወት ብተግባር ኣመስኪርና ኣለና"ብምባል ወሲኻ ገሊጻ። | Noting the technology is now a matter of existence said, adding “We have shown that it is possible to start and finish with the help of coordination and good leadership.” |
ኣብ ቻይና ሓድሽ ቁፅፅር ኣብ ግብሪ ድሕሪ ምውዓሉ ንቲ መዐቀኒ ዘየማልኡ ዳርጋ ፍርቂ ዝበፅሑ መራብሒ ከፍቲ ክዕፀው እዮም። | Almost half of China's dairies are to close after failing to obtain new licenses following a safety audit. |
ኣብ ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ኣምባሳደር ኢትዮጵያ ፍፁም ኣረጋ ብመንገዲ ዌቢናር (ዘተ ብኢንተርኔት) ኣቢሉ ከምዝገለፆ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ምቹው ሃዋህው ንግዲ ንምፍጣርን ሰብሃብቲ ወፃኢ ንምስሓብን ብምዕላም ብዙሓት ናይ ሕጊ ምምሕያሻት ከምዝገበረ እዩ። | Addressing the Webinar, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Fistum Arega said the government of Ethiopia is undertaking various legal amendments with the view to create conducive business environment and attract foreign investors. |
ንሱ ከምዝበሎ ንዘፈር ውልቀ ዘተባብዕ ኣዋጅ ኢንቨስትመንት ዝተሓንጸጸ ኣብ ርእሲ ምኻኑ ኣብ ሕጊ ንግዲ ምምሕያሽ ተገይሩ እዩ። | According to him, amendment is made on Trade Law besides drafting investment proclamation to encourage the private sector. |
"ከም መጠን ንዓማዊልና ዝምቹ ዲጂታል ጆርኒይስ ዝማሃዘ ኩባንያ ንዓና ኣዝዮም ንዝደልዩ ኣባላት ማሕበረሰብ ኣብ ቀጻሊ ንምኽሓስ ዘኽእል ብቕዓትን ክእለትን ኣለና። | “As a company that creates digital journeys for our customers, we have the skills and capabilities to pay it forward to the communities that need us the most. |
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመት ዳርጋ ኩሉ ስራሕትና ካብ ቤት ዝሕፈት ርሒቕና ኣብ ገዛናን ኣብ ካሊእ ቦታን ኮይንና ዝዓየና እንትኾን ኣብ ኢንተርኔት ናይ ምጥቃም ዓቕሚና ኣብ ምዕባይ ቀዳማይ ትኩረትና ኮይኑ እዩ።" | The past year has resulted in just about everything going remote, and our ability to accelerate digital inclusion has become our number one focus.” |
“ባዮቴክኖሎጂ ኣብ ምዕባይ ኣፍራይነት፣ ምቕናስ ለውጢ ኣየር ንብረት፣ ምምሕያሽ ጥዕናን ኣብ ምምፃእ ቁጠባዊ ዕብየትን ኣገዳሲ ግደ ስለዘበርክት ፖሊሲ እታ ሃገር ፀገማታ ንምስዓር ዘኽእላ እዩ” ክብል ኣይተ ካሳሁን ገሊፁ። | Kassahun noted that the policy would enable the country to conquer its challenges as biotechnology plays important role in enhancing productivity, reducing climate change, improving health, and bringing about economic growth. |
“ኣብዛ ሃገር ኤሌክትሮኒክስ፣ ሶፍትዌር፣ ኢንፎርሜሽን ቴክኖሎጂን ኣውቶሞቲቭ ኢሌክትሮኒክስን ዘፍርዩ ደቀቕቲን ኣናእሽቱን ትካላት ክንውንን እምነተይ እዩ። | “I believe we will have micro and small-scale enterprises that can be produce electronics, software, IT and automotive electronics. |
ብዘይካ እዚ ኤሌክትሮናዊ ማሺናት ናይ ምፍራይ ዓቕሚ ዘለዎም ኣናእሽቱን ማእኸሎትን ኣፍረይቲ ኩባንያታት ኣብዛ ሃገር ክህልዉ እዮም ” ክብል ኣይተ ጌታሁን ገሊፁ። | There will be also small and medium scale manufacturing companies that have the capacity to produce electronics machines in this country,” Getahun stated. |
ኣካያዲ ስራሕ ሓበራዊ ዜግነትን ርክብ ህዝቢን ሳምሰንግ ኣቤይ ታኡ ኣብ መድረኽ ሳምሰንግ ኣፍሪካ 2016 ኣብ ዘስምዖ መደረ ‘ንሕና ከም መጠን ዓለማዊ ዜጋታት ቴክኖሎጂና ተመሊሱ ንሕብረተሰብ ከገልግል ኣገዳሲ ምኳኑ ንኣምን ኢና። | Speaking at the 2016 Samsung Africa Forum, Abey Tau, Corporate Citizenship and Public Affairs Manager, said: “As a global citizen, we felt it was important to use our technology to give back to society. |
ነዚ ድማ ብኣርባዕተ ኣገባባት ነተግብሮ፣ ሓደሽቲ ናይ ምስትምሃር ኣማራፂታት ብምምሃዝ መናእሰይ ዝሓሸ ትምህርቲ ዕድል ክረኽቡ ምግባር፣ ቴክኒካዊ ብቕዓትና ብምጥቃም ሓደሽቲ ሜላታት ክንክን ጥዕና ምሂዝና ተበፃሓይ ምግባር፣ ብመንገዲ ሞያዊ ስልጠናን ህንፅትን መናእሰይ ስራሕ ክረኽቡ ምሕጋዝ ከምኡ እውን ኣብ ከባቢያዊ ኣየር ንዝፈጥሮ ፅዕንቶ ብምቕናስ” እዩ ብምባል ገሊፁ። | We do this in four ways: by creating new learning opportunities so that young people can enjoy access to better education; by using our technical expertise to develop and provide access to new healthcare solutions; by supporting youth employment through vocational training and skills development; and by reducing our impact on the environment.” |
ዕድል ስራሕ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ዜጋታት ዘዕቢ ውጥን ሚኒስቴር ጥዕና፣ ኮሚሽን ምህዞ ስራሕ ኢትዮጵያን ኣብ ሕቡራት ኢሚሬት ዓረብ ማእኸሉ ዝገበረ ሪስፖንስ ፕላስ ሆልዲንግስ ፒ ጄይ ኤስ ሲ ስሉስ መባእታዊ ሓበራዊ ስምምዕነት ተፈራሪሞም። | In a bid to boost employment opportunities for Ethiopian nationals, the Ministry of Health as well as the Job Creation Commission (JCC) of Ethiopia has signed a trilateral MoU with the UAE-based Response Plus Holdings PJSC. |
ውድብ ሜትሮሎጂ ዓለም ኣብ ኣርክቲክ ዝርከብ ናሕሲ ኦዞን ኣዝዩ ብዝኸፍአ ደረጃ ከምዝተጎድአ ሓቢሩ። | The World Meteorological Organisation reports that the ozone layer is damaged to its worst extent ever in the Arctic. |
እቲ ስምምዕነት ዝተፈረመ ሚኒስትር ጥዕና ዶክተር ሊያ ታደሰ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን ኣብ ኣቡዳቢ ኣብ ዘካየደቶ ምብጻሕ እ ዩ። | The signing ceremony took place during the Ethiopian Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadesse’s visit to Abu Dhabi last week. |
ከም መብርሂ ሚኒስቴር ጥዕና ብመጋቢት 2020ዓ.ም.ፈ ኣብታ ሃገር ፈላማይ ለበዳ ኮሮና ቫይረስ ምእታዉ ካብ ዝፅብፀብ ንነዘ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ቁፅሪ ብኮሮና ቫይረስ ዝተትሓዙ ሰባት 123,145 በፂሑ። | Coronavirus cases in Ethiopia have reached 123,145 since the first Coronavirus outbreak in the country reported in March 2020, according to the Ministry of Health. |
ክሳብ ሕዚ 1,785,132 መርኣዪ ምርመራታት ዝተኻየዱ እንትኾን 109,846 ብኮቪድ 19 ዝተትሓዙ ሕሙማት ሓውዮም 231 ሕሙማን ድማ ተመግዲሮም ኣለዉ። | To date some 1,785,132 sample tests have been conducted, 109,846 COVID-19 patients recovered and 231 patients are currently in severe condition. |
ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ናይ ህንዲ ኤምባሲ ምስ ማሕበረሰብ ህንዲ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ብምትሕብባር ሎሚ መዓልቲ መበል 150 ዓመት ልደት ማህተማ ጋንዲ ኣብ ርእሰ ከተማ እታ ሃገር ኣብ ዝርከብ ናይ ጋንዲ መዘከርታ ሆስፒታል ኣኽቢሩ። | Indian Embassy to Ethiopia in collaboration with Indian community in Addis Abeba marked today the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in the capital at Gandhi Memorial Hospital. |
ኣብቲ ስነስርዓት ዝተረኸቡ ኣምባሳደር ህንዲ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ኣኑራግ ሲርቫስታቫ "እዚ ናይ ሎሚ ዓመት በዓል ኣብቲ ማሕበረሰብ ህንዲን ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ንህንጸቱ ኣስተዋጽኦ ዝገበሩሉ ኣዚዩ ፍሉይን ታሪኻዊን ኣብ ዝኾነ ኣዳራሽ ጋንዲ መዘከርታ ሆስፒታል ክካየድ ኢና ወሲንና"ብምባል ገሊጾም። | On the occasion, Indian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Anurag Srivastava said “we decided to make this year’s celebration at the very special and historic venue of Gandhi memorial Hospital, where Indian communities and Ethiopians contributed to build the hospital.” |
ኢትዮጵያ ነቲ ኣብ ዴሞክራቲክ ኮንጐ ዝተኸሰተ ቫይረስ ኢቦላ ንምክልኻል ዝዓለመ ሓደ ላዕለዋይ ብሄራዊ ግብረ ሃይል መስሪታ። | Ethiopia has established a high level national taskforce to prevent Ebola virus that has occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo. |
ዋና ኣካያዲ ስራሕ ትካል ጥዕና ሕብረተሰብ ዶክተር ኤባ ኣባተ ንጋዜጠኛታት ከምዘብርህዎ ኣብ ክልላት ዝተጣየሹ ተመሳሳልቲ ግብረ ሃይል ነቲ ቫይረስ ንምምካት ምድላዋት እናገበሩ እዮም። | Briefing journalists, Public Health Institute Director-General Dr. Eba Abate said similar taskforces formed in regions are making preparations to prevent the virus. |
ዋና ዳይሬክተር ውድብ ጥዕና ዓለም ቴድሮስ ኣብ መበል 32 ስሩዕ ኣኼባ ዋዕላ መራሕቲ ሃገራትን መንግስታትን ሕብረት ኣፍሪካ ክሳተፉ እዮም። | WHO Director-General Tedros will attend the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union. |
ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዝጸንሑሉ እዋን ኣብቲ ብሕብረት ኣፍሪካ፣ብውድብ ጥዕና ዓለምን ብውድብ ምግቢ ዓለምን ዝተዳለወ ደመር ደሕንነት ምግቢ ክሳተፉ እዮም። | During his stay in Ethiopia, he will also attend Food Safety Conference organized by the African Union, World Health Organization and World Food Program that will begin next Tuesday. |
ኣብ ሚኒስተር ጥዕና ጠርናፊት መደብ ምክልኻል ዓሶ ዝኾነት ህይወት ሰለሞን ንዓሶ ተቓላዕቲ ኣብ ዝኾኑ ከባቢታት ምስፍሕፋሕ ዓሶ ኣብ ጠርዚ ኣብ ዝበፅሓሉ እዋን ዝተፈላለዩ ናይ ምክልኻል ኣገባባት ተግባራዊ ከምዝኾኑ ንዋልታ ኢንፎርሜሽን ማእኸል ገሊፃ። | Malaria Program Coordinator with the Ministry, Hiwot Solomon, told WIC that various prevention mechanisms are implemented in area vulnerable to the pandemic during peak periods of spread. |
ኮኸብ ኩዕሶ ስክዒት ሌብሮን ጄምስ ካብ ተሳታፊ ፕሪምዮር ሊግ ዝኾነ ጋንታ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ሊቨር ፑል ኣክሲዮን ገዚኡ። | Basketball star LeBron James buys a minority interest in Premier League team Liverpool Football Club. |
ካብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመት ኣትሒዙ 30 ሚልዮን ጸረ ጣንጡ መርበብ ከም ዝተኽፋፈለ እውን ንሳ ሓቢራ። | More than 30 million anti-mosquito nets are distributed to such areas since last year, she noted. |
ጥዕናዊ ግልጋሎት ኢትዮጵያ መባእታዊ ክንክን ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ንኹሉ ክባፃሕ ብምግባር ጥራሕ እንተይኮነስ ፅርየት ግልጋሎት ካብ ግዜ ናብ ግዜ ኣብ ምምሕያሽ እውን ዕውት ምኻኑ ተገሊጹ። | Ethiopia’s health care service has been proved successful in not only by making primary health care service accessible but also by improving quality of service from time to time. |
እቲ ኣብ ምክልኻል ዝጠመተ ኣንፈት ፖሊሲ ብዝዓበየ ንሕብረተሰብ ተጠቃሚ ኣብ ምግባር ውፅኢታዊ ከምዝኾነ እውንኣይተ ይበልጣል ገሊፆም። | The policy direction geared toward prevention has also been successful in engaging the public at large, said Yibeltal. |
ፌደራል ሚኒስቴር ጥዕና ኢትዮጵያን ሃገራዊ መደብ ሕማም ሳምቡእን ምስ ውድብ ጥዕና ዓለምን መዳርግቲ ኣካላትን ብምትሕብባር ኣብ ዘምለጡ ጉዳያት ሕማም ሳምቡእ ተመስሪቱ ኣብ ዝተዳለወ ሓዱሽ መምርሒ ዝዝቲ ዎርክሾፕ ኣካይዶም። | The Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health and the National tuberclosis (TB) Program in collaboration with WHO and partners conducted a workshop from December 17 to 18, 2018 to launch a new guideline for reaching missed tuberculosis cases. |
ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ ጥዕና ዶክተር ሊያ ታደሰ ኣብ ዘስመዐቶ ናይ መኽፈቲ መደረ ሕማም ሳምቡእ ሚኒስቴር ጥዕና ቀዳምነት ሂቡ ሕገዝ ካብ ዝገብረሎም ሕማማት ሓደ ከምዝኾነን ኣብዚ ጉዳይ ምስ መሓዙት፣ዘፈር ውልቀ፣ሲቪክ ማሕበረሰብ፣ዩኒቨርሲቲታትን ካልኦት ኣገደስቲ መዳርግቲ ኣካላትን ብቐጻልነት ብሓባር ብምስራሕ ዘምለጡ ጉዳያት ሕማም ሳምቡእ ንምፍላይ፣ኣብ መንጎ ቤተሰብ ብዝዓበየ ድማ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብ እቲ ሕማም ከይተሓላለፍ ንምግባር ሚኒስቴር ጥዕና ይነጥፍ ከምዘሎ ሓቢራ። | In her opening remark, Dr Lia Tadesse, State Minister of Health, noted that TB is one of the priority diseases closely supported in the Ministry of Health and the MoH continues to work very closely with partners, private sectors, civic societies, universities and other important stakeholders in order to identify missed TB cases, abort TB transmission to familiies, and public as well. |
መደብ ምምሕያሽ ፋይናንስ ጥዕና ዩኤስ ኤይድ ኣብ ከም ኢንቨስትመንት ማሕበረሰብ ተኮር ኢንሹራንስ ጥዕና ዝተመዝገቡ ዓወታት ተወሰኽቲ መደባት ብምዝርጋሕን ኣብ መላእ እታ ሃገር 20 ሚልዮን ዝፅግዑ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ተጠቀምቲ ዝኾኑሉ ሽፋን ሕክምናኣቕሪቡ። | USAID’s Health Financing Improvement Program builds upon the successes of earlier investments like USAID’s community-based health insurance initiative, which currently provides medical coverage to nearly 20 million Ethiopians nationwide. |
እዚ ሓዱሽ መደብ ኣብ ቀጻሊ ሓሙሽተ ዓመታት ናይ ዓዲ ውሽጢ ሃብቲ ብምጥቃም ምዕሩይ ሕክምናዊ ኢንሹራንስ ብምግፋሕ ተወሰኽቲ ሚልዮናት ሰባት ሽፋን ዝረኽቡሉ ኩነታት ከመቻቹ እዩ። | Over the next five years, the new program will focus on mobilizing increased domestic resources and streamlining medical insurance schemes to expand coverage to millions more people. |
እዚ ፕሮጀክት ብተወሳኺ ምስ ህዝባዊን ውልቃዊን ወሃብቲ ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ብሓባር ብምስራሕ ዘለዎም ሃብቲን ኣታዊኦምን ዝያዳ ብምጥቃም ንግልጋሎቶም ብገንዘብ ዝድጉሙሉ ኩነታት ዝፈጥር እዩ። | The project will also work with public and private healthcare providers to better utilize resources and revenues to finance their services. |
ብሚኒስትር ጥዕና ዶክተር ዓሚር ኣማን ዝምራሕ ልኡኽ ኢትዮጵያ ሎሚ ኣብ ዝተጀመሩ መበል 72 ዓለምለኸ መድረኽ ጥዕና ኣብ ጄኒቫ እናተሳተፈ እዩ። | The Ethiopian delegation led by the Health Minister, Dr Amir Aman, is attending the 72nd international health forum commenced today in Geneva. |
እቲ ልኡኽ ኢትዮጵያ ዘዳለወቶ ክልተ ውጥን ሓሳባት ኣብቲ ኣኼባ ኣቕሪቡ ከወስን ትጽቢት ይግበረሉ። | The delegation is expected to submit two proposals that Ethiopia has prepared to be discussed and decided up on the meeting. |
ገዛኢ ደርቢ ዓሳድ ንተቓወምቲ ሰልፈኛታት ንምጥባር ኣብ ሃሳካ ንዝርከቡ ብኣሽሓት ዝቑፀሩ ኩርዳውያን ዜግነት ሂቡ። | The Assad regime grants nationality to thousands of Kurds in al-Hasaka in a bid to appease protesters. |
ቱሪዝም ባሌ ኦሮሚያ ንምፍላጥ ዝዓለመ ጉያ ጎዳና ኣብ ከተማ ባሌ ሮባ ተኻይዱ። | A road run with the aim of promoting the tourism of Bale, in Oromia, has been held in the town of Bale Robe. |
ከንቲባ ባሌ ሮባ ገዛሀኝ ደጄኔ ንዝትፈላለዩ መስህባት ቱሪዝም ባሌ ኣመልኪቱ ከምዝበሎ እቲ ኩነት ንቱሪዝም ንምፍላጥ ኣብ ርእሲ ምጥቃሙ ካልኦት ንግዳዊ ንጥፈታት ክዓብዩ እውን ዝሕግዝ እዩ። | Noting the varied tourist attractions of Bale, Mayor of Bale Robe, Gezahegn Dejene, says, apart from promoting tourism, the event will have a role in enhancing other commercial activities. |
እታ ኣብ ዱባይ ማራቶን ኣብ መጅመርታ እዚ ዓመት 2፡19፡41 ብምፍፃም ንዓለም ዝመርሕ ሰዓት ዘለዋ ትርፌ ፀጋየን ኣብ ለንደን ማራቶን ኣብ 2015 ዓ.ም.ፈ ዝተዓወተትን ኣብ’ዚ ዓመት ግጥም ድማ ካልኣይ ዝወፀትን ትእግስት ቱፋ ኣብታ ጋንታ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ተተካእቲ ኮይነን ኣለዋ። | Dubai Marathon champion Tirfi Tsegaye, who clocked a world-leading 2:19:41 earlier this year, and Tigist Tufa, who won the 2015 London Marathon and finished second in this year’s race, are the reserves for the women’s team. |
እቲ ስሙይ ጐያዪ ነዊሕ ርሕቐት ሃይሌ ገብረስላሴ ኣብ ካሊእ ዓይነት ግጥም ማለት እውን ፕሬዚደንት ፌዴሬሽን ኣትሌቲክስ ኢትዮጵያ ንምኻን ክወዳደር እዩ። | Ethiopian long distance running legend, Haile Gebrselassie, will be running a different race—he will be running for the presidency of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation (EAF). |
እቲ መረፃ ፅባሕ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ክካየድ እዩ። ሃይሌ ንኣዲስ ኣበባ ወኪሉ ምስ ካልኦት ካብ ክልላት ዝተወከሉ ክወዳደር እዩ። | The election will be held on tomorrow in Addis Ababa. Haile will be representing Addis Ababa competing with other officials from regional states. |
ኢትዮጵያ ንኣሰልጣኒ ጋንታ ኩዕሶ እግሪ ኣዳማ ንኣሸናፊ በቀለ ኣሰልጣኒ ሃገራዊ ጋንታ ኣወዳት ገይራ ሸይማቶ። | Ethiopia have appointed former Adama City FC coach Ashenafi Bekele as the new man in charge of the men’s national team. |
ናቱ ሹመት ኣብ’ዚ ሰሙን ኣብ ኢንተርኮንቲኔንታል ኣዲስ እዩ ዕላዊ ኮይኑ። | His appointment was announced this week at Intercontinental Addis. |
ናይ 2018 ዓ.ም.ፈ ናይ ቶታል ካፍ (ሲ.ኤ.ኤፍ) ግጥም ፅዋዕ ኣፍሪካ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ካብ 17 ሕዳር ክሳብ ባሕቲ ጥሪ 2018 ዓ.ም.ፈ ኣብ ዘሎ ግዜ ኣብ ጋና ክካየድ እዩ። | The 2018 Total CAF Women’s African Cup of Nations will be held in Ghana from November 17 to December 1, 2018. |
እቲ ዝካየድ ግጥም ኣብ 2019 ዓ.ም.ፈ ንኣፍሪካ ወኪለን ኣብ ግጥም ፅዋዕ ዓለም ፊፋ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ንዝሳተፋ ናይ ምፍላይ ድርብ ግደ ኣለዎ። | The tournament also doubles as the African qualifiers to the 2019 Women FIFA World cup. |