We consider an infectious disease spreading along the edges of a network which may have significant clustering. The individuals in the population have heterogeneous infectiousness and/or susceptibility. We define the out-transmissibility of a node to be the marginal probability that it would infect a randomly chosen neighbor given its infectiousness and the distribution of susceptibility. For a given distribution of out-transmissibility, we find the conditions which give the upper [or lower] bounds on size and probability of an epidemic, under weak assumptions on the transmission properties, but very general assumptions on the network. We find similar bounds for a given distribution of in-transmissibility (the marginal probability of being infected by a neighbor). We also find conditions giving global upper bounds on size and probability. The distributions leading to these bounds are network-independent. In the special case of networks with high girth (locally tree-like), we are able to prove stronger results. In general the probability and size of epidemics are maximal when the population is homogeneous and minimal when the variance of in- or out-transmissibility is maximal.
Game dynamics in which three or more strategies are cyclically competitive, as represented by the rock-scissors-paper game, have attracted practical and theoretical interests. In evolutionary dynamics, cyclic competition results in oscillatory dynamics of densities of individual strategists. In finite-size populations, it is known that oscillations blow up until all but one strategies are eradicated if without mutation. In the present paper, we formalize replicator dynamics with players that have different adaptation rates. We show analytically and numerically that the heterogeneous adaptation rate suppresses the oscillation amplitude. In social dilemma games with cyclically competing strategies and homogeneous adaptation rates, altruistic strategies are often relatively weak and cannot survive in finite-size populations. In such situations, heterogeneous adaptation rates save coexistence of different strategies and hence promote altruism. When one strategy dominates the others without cyclic competition, fast adaptors earn more than slow adaptors. When not, mixture of fast and slow adaptors stabilizes population dynamics, and slow adaptation does not imply inefficiency for a player.
We present a non-equilibrium statistical mechanics description of rank abundance relations (RAR) in random community models of ecology. Specifically, we study a multi-species replicator system with quenched random interaction matrices. We here consider symmetric interactions as well as asymmetric and anti-symmetric cases. RARs are obtained analytically via a generating functional analysis, describing fixed-point states of the system in terms of a small set of order parameters, and in dependence on the symmetry or otherwise of interactions and on the productivity of the community. Our work is an extension of Tokita [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93} 178102 (2004)], where the case of symmetric interactions was considered within an equilibrium setup. The species abundance distribution in our model come out as truncated normal distributions or transformations thereof and, in some case, are similar to left-skewed distributions observed in ecology. We also discuss the interaction structure of the resulting food-web of stable species at stationarity, cases of heterogeneous co-operation pressures as well as effects of finite system size and of higher-order interactions.
By analyzing the spacing of genes on chromosomes, we find that transcriptional and RNA-processing regulatory sequences outside coding regions leave footprints on the distribution of intergenic distances. Using analogies between genes on chromosomes and one-dimensional gases, we constructed a statistical null model. We have used this to estimate typical upstream and downstream regulatory sequence sizes in various species. Deviations from this model reveal bi-directional transcriptional regulatory regions in S. cerevisiae and bi-directional terminators in E. coli.
Two mathematical models of macroevolution are studied. These models have population dynamics at the species level, and mutations and extinction of species are also included. The population dynamics are updated by difference equations with stochastic noise terms that characterize population fluctuations. The effects of the stochastic population fluctuations on diversity and total population sizes on evolutionary time scales are studied. In one model, species can make either predator-prey, mutualistic, or competitive interactions, while the other model allows only predator-prey interactions. When the noise in the population dynamics is strong enough, both models show intermittent behavior and their power spectral densities show approximate $1/f$ fluctuations. In the noiseless limit, the two models have different power spectral densities. For the predator-prey model, $1/f^2$ fluctuations appears, indicating random-walk like behavior, while the other model still shows $1/f$ noise. These results indicate that stochastic population fluctuations may significantly affect long-time evolutionary dynamics.
The analysis of complex reaction networks is of great importance in several chemical and biochemical fields (interstellar chemistry, prebiotic chemistry, reaction mechanism, etc). In this article, we propose to simultaneously refine and extend for general chemical reaction systems the formalism initially introduced for the description of metabolic networks. The classical approaches through the computation of the right null space leads to the decomposition of the network into complex ``cycles'' of reactions concerned with all metabolites. We show how, departing from the left null space computation, the flux analysis can be decoupled into linear fluxes and single loops, allowing a more refine qualitative analysis as a function of the antagonisms and connections among these local fluxes. This analysis is made possible by the decomposition of the molecules into elementary subunits, called "reactons" and the consequent decomposition of the whole network into simple first order unary partial reactions related with simple transfers of reactons from one molecule to another. This article explains and justifies the algorithmic steps leading to the total decomposition of the reaction network into its constitutive elementary subpart.
Mechanical unfolding and refolding of ubiquitin are studied by Monte Carlo simulations of a Go model with binary variables. The exponential dependence of the time constants on the force is verified, and folding and unfolding lengths are computed, with good agreement with experimental results. Furthermore, the model exhibits intermediate kinetic states, as observed in experiments. Unfolding and refolding pathways and intermediate states, obtained by tracing single secondary structure elements, are consistent with simulations of previous all-atom models and with the experimentally observed step sizes.
We consider two types of fluctuations in the mass-action equilibrium in protein binding networks. The first type is driven by relatively slow changes in total concentrations (copy numbers) of interacting proteins. The second type, to which we refer to as spontaneous, is caused by quickly decaying thermodynamic deviations away from the equilibrium of the system. As such they are amenable to methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics used in our study. We investigate the effects of network connectivity on these fluctuations and compare them to their upper and lower bounds. The collective effects are shown to sometimes lead to large power-law distributed amplification of spontaneous fluctuations as compared to the expectation for isolated dimers. As a consequence of this, the strength of both types of fluctuations is positively correlated with the overall network connectivity of proteins forming the complex. On the other hand, the relative amplitude of fluctuations is negatively correlated with the abundance of the complex. Our general findings are illustrated using a real network of protein-protein interactions in baker's yeast with experimentally determined protein concentrations.
In this paper we present a new way to understand the timing of branching events in phylogenetic trees. Our method explicitly considers the relative timing of diversification events between sister clades; as such it is complimentary to existing methods using lineages-through-time plots which consider diversification in aggregate. The method looks for evidence of diversification happening in lineage-specific ``bursts'', or the opposite, where diversification between two clades happens in an unusually regular fashion. In order to be able to distinguish interesting events from stochasticity, we propose two classes of neutral models on trees with timing information and develop a statistical framework for testing these models. Our models substantially generalize both the coalescent with ancestral population size variation and the global-rate speciation-extinction models. We end the paper with several example applications: first, we show that the evolution of the Hepatitis C virus appears to proceed in a lineage-specific bursting fashion. Second, we analyze a large tree of ants, demonstrating that a period of elevated diversification rates does not appear to occurred in a bursting manner.
We consider the dynamics of a non-recombining haploid population of finite size which accumulates deleterious mutations irreversibly. This ratchet like process occurs at a finite speed in the absence of epistasis, but it has been suggested that synergistic epistasis can halt the ratchet. Using a diffusion theory, we find explicit analytical expressions for the typical time between successive clicks of the ratchet for both non-epistatic and epistatic fitness functions. Our calculations show that the inter-click time is of a scaling form which in the absence of epistasis gives a speed that is determined by size of the least-loaded class and the selection coefficient. With synergistic interactions, the ratchet speed is found to approach zero rapidly for arbitrary epistasis. Our analytical results are in good agreement with the numerical simulations.
Proteins are polymerized by cyclic machines called ribosome which use their messenger RNA (mRNA) track also as the corresponding template and the process is called translation. We explore, in depth and detail, the stochastic nature of the translation. We compute various distributions associated with the translation process; one of them, namely dwell time distribution, has been measured in recent single ribosome experiments (Wen et al. Nature {\bf 452}, 598 (2008)). The form of this distribution predicted by our theory is consistent with that extracted from the experimental data. For our quantitative calculations, we use a model that captures both the mechano-chemistry of each individual ribosome as well as their steric interactions. We also demonstrate the effects of the sequence inhomogeneities of real genes on the fluctuations and noise in translation. In principle, our new predictions can be tested by carrying out {\it in-vitro} experiments.
Nosocomial infection raises a serious public health problem, as implied by the existence of pathogens characteristic to healthcare and hospital-mediated outbreaks of influenza and SARS. We simulate stochastic SIR dynamics on social networks, which are based on observations in a hospital in Tokyo, to explore effective containment strategies against nosocomial infection. The observed networks have hierarchical and modular structure. We show that healthcare workers, particularly medical doctors, are main vectors of diseases on these networks. Intervention methods that restrict interaction between medical doctors and their visits to different wards shrink the final epidemic size more than intervention methods that directly protect patients, such as isolating patients in single rooms. By the same token, vaccinating doctors with priority rather than patients or nurses is more effective. Finally, vaccinating individuals with large betweenness centrality is superior to vaccinating ones with large connectedness to others or randomly chosen individuals, as suggested by previous model studies. [The abstract of the manuscript has more information.]
Active cellular transport is a fundamental mechanism for protein and vesicle delivery, cell cycle and molecular degradation. Viruses can hijack the transport system and use it to reach the nucleus. Most transport processes consist of intermittent dynamics, where the motion of a particle, such as a virus, alternates between pure Brownian and directed movement along microtubules. In this communication, we estimate the mean time for particle to attach to a microtubule network. This computation leads to a coarse grained equation of the intermittent motion in radial and cylindrical geometries. Finally, by using the degradation activity inside the cytoplasm, we obtain refined asymptotic estimations for the probability and the mean time a virus reaches a small nuclear pore.
This study focuses on an alignment-free sequence comparison method: the number of words of length k shared between two sequences, also known as the D_2 statistic. The advantages of the use of this statistic over alignment-based methods are firstly that it does not assume that homologous segments are contiguous, and secondly that the algorithm is computationally extremely fast, the runtime being proportional to the size of the sequence under scrutiny. Existing applications of the D_2 statistic include the clustering of related sequences in large EST databases such as the STACK database. Such applications have typically relied on heuristics without any statistical basis. Rigorous statistical characterisations of the distribution of D_2 have subsequently been undertaken, but have focussed on the distribution's asymptotic behaviour, leaving the distribution of D_2 uncharacterised for most practical cases. The work presented here bridges these two worlds to give usable approximations of the distribution of D_2 for ranges of parameters most frequently encountered in the study of biological sequences.
The stabilizing effects of local enrichment are revisited. Diffusively coupled host-parasitoid and predator-prey metapopulations are shown to admit a stable fixed point, limit cycle or stable torus with a rich bifurcation structure. A linear toy model that yields many of the basic qualitative features of this system is presented. The further nonlinear complications are analyzed in the framework of the marginally stable Lotka-Volterra model, and the continuous time analog of the unstable, host-parasitoid Nicholson-Bailey model. The dependence of the results on the migration rate and level of spatial variations is examined, and the possibility of "nonlocal" effect of enrichment, where local enrichment induces stable oscillations at a distance, is studied. A simple method for basic estimation of the relative importance of this effect in experimental systems is presented and exemplified.
Finite-size fluctuations in coevolutionary dynamics arise in models of biological as well as of social and economic systems. This brief tutorial review surveys a systematic approach starting from a stochastic process discrete both in time and state. The limit $N\to \infty$ of an infinite population can be considered explicitly, generally leading to a replicator-type equation in zero order, and to a Fokker-Planck-type equation in first order in $1/\sqrt{N}$. Consequences and relations to some previous approaches are outlined.
Because human cognition is creative and socially situated, knowledge accumulates, diffuses, and gets applied in new contexts, generating cultural analogs of phenomena observed in population genetics such as adaptation and drift. It is therefore commonly thought that elements of culture evolve through natural selection. However, natural selection was proposed to explain how change accumulates despite lack of inheritance of acquired traits, as occurs with template-mediated replication. It cannot accommodate a process with significant retention of acquired or horizontally (e.g. socially) transmitted traits. Moreover, elements of culture cannot be treated as discrete lineages because they constantly interact and influence one another. It is proposed that what evolves through culture is the mind; ideas and artifacts are merely reflections of its current evolved state. Interacting minds transform (in part) through through a non-Darwinian autopoietic process similar to that by which early life evolved, involving not survival of the fittest but actualization of their potential.
By performing a comprehensive study on 1832 segments of 1212 complete genomes of viruses, we show that in viral genomes the hairpin structures of thermodynamically predicted RNA secondary structures are more abundant than expected under a simple random null hypothesis. The detected hairpin structures of RNA secondary structures are present both in coding and in noncoding regions for the four groups of viruses categorized as dsDNA, dsRNA, ssDNA and ssRNA. For all groups hairpin structures of RNA secondary structures are detected more frequently than expected for a random null hypothesis in noncoding rather than in coding regions. However, potential RNA secondary structures are also present in coding regions of dsDNA group. In fact we detect evolutionary conserved RNA secondary structures in conserved coding and noncoding regions of a large set of complete genomes of dsDNA herpesviruses.
The primary activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has become a prominent target for molecular therapies against several forms of cancer. But despite considerable progress during the last years, many of its aspects remain poorly understood. Experiments on lateral spreading of receptor activity into ligand-free regions challenge the current standard models of EGFR activation. Here, we propose and study a theoretical model, which explains spreading into ligand-free regions without introducing any new, unknown kinetic parameters. The model exhibits bistability of activity, induced by a generic reaction mechanism, which consists of activation via dimerization and deactivation via a Michaelis-Menten reaction. It possesses slow propagating front solutions and faster initial transients. We analyze relevant experiments and find that they are in quantitative accordance with the fast initial modes of spreading, but not with the slow propagating front. We point out that lateral spreading of activity is linked to pathological levels of persistent receptor activity as observed in cancer cells and exemplify uses of this link for the design and quick evaluation of molecular therapies targeting primary activation of EGFR.
The collective behavior of molecular motor proteins have been investigated in the literature using models to describe the long-time dynamics of a unidimensional continuum motor distribution. Here, we consider the phenomena related to the transport of particles (vesicles, organelles, virus, etc) in the realm of these continuum motor systems. We argue that cargo movement may result from its ability to perturb the existing motor distribution and to surf at the resulting shock waves separating regions of different motor densities within the transient regime. In this case, the observed bidirectionality of cargo movement is naturally associated with reversals of shocks directions. Comparison of the quantitative results predicted by this model with available data for cargo velocity allows us to suggest that geometrical characteristics of the transported particle shall determine the extension and intensity of the perturbation it produces and thus, its dynamics. Possible implications of these ideas to virus movement at the cell body are discussed in connection with their distinguished morphological characteristics. Key words: collective effects of molecular motors; cargo transport; non-linear partial differential equations; shock waves.
Budding from the plasma membrane of the host cell is an indispensable step in the life cycle of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which belongs to a large family of enveloped RNA viruses, retroviruses. Unlike regular enveloped viruses, retrovirus budding happens {\em concurrently} with the self-assembly of retrovirus protein subunits (Gags) into spherical virus capsids on the cell membrane. Led by this unique budding and assembly mechanism, we study the free energy profile of retrovirus budding, taking into account of the Gag-Gag attraction energy and the membrane elastic energy. We find that if the Gag-Gag attraction is strong, budding always proceeds to completion. During early stage of budding, the zenith angle of partial budded capsids, $\alpha$, increases with time as $\alpha \propto t^{1/3}$. However, when Gag-Gag attraction is weak, a metastable state of partial budding appears. The zenith angle of these partially spherical capsids is given by $\alpha_0\simeq(\tau^2/\kappa\sigma)^{1/4}$ in a linear approximation, where $\kappa$ and $\sigma$ are the bending modulus and the surface tension of the membrane, and $\tau$ is a line tension of the capsid proportional to the strength of Gag-Gag attraction. Numerically, we find $\alpha_0<0.3\pi$ without any approximations. Using experimental parameters, we show that HIV budding and assembly always proceed to completion in normal biological conditions. On the other hand, by changing Gag-Gag interaction strength or membrane rigidity, it is relatively easy to tune it back and forth between complete budding and partial budding. Our model agrees reasonably well with experiments observing partial budding of retroviruses including HIV.
The presence of reticulate evolutionary events in phylogenies turn phylogenetic trees into phylogenetic networks. These events imply in particular that there may exist multiple evolutionary paths from a non-extant species to an extant one, and this multiplicity makes the comparison of phylogenetic networks much more difficult than the comparison of phylogenetic trees. In fact, all attempts to define a sound distance measure on the class of all phylogenetic networks have failed so far. Thus, the only practical solutions have been either the use of rough estimates of similarity (based on comparison of the trees embedded in the networks), or narrowing the class of phylogenetic networks to a certain class where such a distance is known and can be efficiently computed. The first approach has the problem that one may identify two networks as equivalent, when they are not; the second one has the drawback that there may not exist algorithms to reconstruct such networks from biological sequences. We present in this paper a distance measure on the class of tree-sibling time consistent phylogenetic networks, which generalize tree-child time consistent phylogenetic networks, and thus also galled-trees. The practical interest of this distance measure is twofold: it can be computed in polynomial time by means of simple algorithms, and there also exist polynomial-time algorithms for reconstructing networks of this class from DNA sequence data. The Perl package Bio::PhyloNetwork, included in the BioPerl bundle, implements many algorithms on phylogenetic networks, including the computation of the distance presented in this paper.
This hypothesis can provide an opportunity to trace logically the process of the emergence of the DNA double helix. AT-enrichment in this hypothesis is main factor of evolution of DNA double helix from RNA double helix.
Gene regulation in higher eukaryotes involves a complex interplay between the gene proximal promoter and distal genomic elements (such as enhancers) which work in concert to drive spatio-temporal expression. The experimental characterization of gene regulatory elements is a very complex and resource-intensive process. One of the major goals in computational biology is the \textit{in-silico} annotation of previously uncharacterized elements using results from the subset of known, annotated, regulatory elements. The computational annotation of these hitherto uncharacterized regions would require an identification of features that have good predictive value for regulatory behavior. In this work, we study transcriptional regulation as a problem in heterogeneous data integration, across sequence, expression and interactome level attributes. Using the example of the \textit{Gata2} gene and its recently discovered urogenital enhancers \cite{Khandekar2004} as a case study, we examine the predictive value of various high throughput functional genomic assays in characterizing these enhancers and their regulatory role. Observing results from the application of modern statistical learning methodologies for each of these data modalities, we propose a set of attributes that are most discriminatory in the localization and behavior of these enhancers.
Algebraic properties of the genetic code are analyzed. The investigations of the genetic code on the basis of matrix approaches ("matrix genetics") are described. The degeneracy of the vertebrate mitochondria genetic code is reflected in the black-and-white mosaic of the (8*8)-matrix of 64 triplets, 20 amino acids and stop-signals. This mosaic genetic matrix is connected with the matrix form of presentation of the special 8-dimensional Yin-Yang-algebra and of its particular 4-dimensional case. The special algorithm, which is based on features of genetic molecules, exists to transform the mosaic genomatrix into the matrices of these algebras. Two new numeric systems are defined by these 8-dimensional and 4-dimensional algebras: genetic Yin-Yang-octaves and genetic tetrions. Their comparison with quaternions by Hamilton is presented. Elements of new "genovector calculation" and ideas of "genetic mechanics" are discussed. These algebras are considered as models of the genetic code and as its possible pre-code basis. They are related with binary oppositions of the Yin-Yang type and they give new opportunities to investigate evolution of the genetic code. The revealed fact of the relation between the genetic code and these genetic algebras is discussed in connection with the idea by Pythagoras: "All things are numbers". Simultaneously these genetic algebras can be utilized as the algebras of genetic operators in biological organisms. The described results are related with the problem of algebraization of bioinformatics. They take attention to the question: what is life from the viewpoint of algebra?
We analyze an interacting particle system with a Markov evolution of birth-and-death type. We have shown that a local competition mechanism (realized via a density dependent mortality) leads to a globally regular behavior of the population in course of the stochastic evolution.
The design of large libraries of oligonucleotides having constant GC-content and satisfying Hamming distance constraints between oligonucleotides and their Watson-Crick complements is important in reducing hybridization errors in DNA computing, DNA microarray technologies, and molecular bar coding. Various techniques have been studied for the construction of such oligonucleotide libraries, ranging from algorithmic constructions via stochastic local search to theoretical constructions via coding theory. We introduce a new stochastic local search method which yields improvements up to more than one third of the benchmark lower bounds of Gaborit and King (2005) for n-mer oligonucleotide libraries when n <= 14. We also found several optimal libraries by computing maximum cliques on certain graphs.
A complex two-parameter model resembling the classical voter model is introduced to describe macroecological properties of tropical tree communities. Monte-Carlo type computer simulations are performed on the model, investigating species abundances and the spatial distribution of individuals and species. Simulation results are critically compared with the experimental data obtained from a tree census on a 50 hectares area of the Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The model parameters are optimized for reproducing quantitatively the experimental results from the BCI dataset.
We introduce a minimal model description for the dynamics of transcriptional regulatory networks. It is studied within a mean-field approximation, i.e., by deterministic ode's representing the reaction kinetics, and by stochastic simulations employing the Gillespie algorithm. We elucidate the different results both approaches can deliver, depending on the network under study, and in particular depending on the level of detail retained in the respective description. Two examples are addressed in detail: the repressilator, a transcriptional clock based on a three-gene network realized experimentally in E. coli, and a bistable two-gene circuit under external driving, a transcriptional network motif recently proposed to play a role in cellular development.
We give a Large Deviation Principle (LDP) with explicit rate function for the distribution of vertex degrees in plane trees, a combinatorial model of RNA secondary structures. We calculate the typical degree distributions based on nearest neighbor free energies, and compare our results with the branching configurations found in two sets of large RNA secondary structures. We find substantial agreement overall, with some interesting deviations which merit further study.
Evolutionary games are studied where the teaching activity of players can evolve in time. Initially all players following either the cooperative or defecting strategy are distributed on a square lattice. The rate of strategy adoption is determined by the payoff difference and a teaching activity characterizing the donor's capability to enforce its strategy on the opponent. Each successful strategy adoption process is accompanied with an increase in the donor's teaching activity. By applying an optimum value of the increment this simple mechanism spontaneously creates relevant inhomogeneities in the teaching activities that support the maintenance of cooperation for both the prisoner's dilemma and the snowdrift game.
The denaturation dynamics of a long double-stranded DNA is studied by means of a model of the Poland-Scheraga type. We note that the linking of the two strands is a locally conserved quantity, hence we introduce local updates that respect this symmetry. Linking dissipation via untwist is allowed only at the two ends of the double strand. The result is a slow denaturation characterized by two time scales that depend on the chain length $L$. In a regime up to a first characteristic time $\tau_1\sim L^{2.15}$ the chain embodies an increasing number of small bubbles. Then, in a second regime, bubbles coalesce and form entropic barriers that effectively trap residual double-stranded segments within the chain, slowing down the relaxation to fully molten configurations, which takes place at $\tau_2\sim L^3$. This scenario is different from the picture in which the helical constraints are neglected.
We report an experimental evaluation of the "input-output surface" for a biochemical AND gate. The obtained data are modeled within the rate-equation approach, with the aim to map out the gate function and cast it in the language of logic variables appropriate for analysis of Boolean logic for scalability. In order to minimize "analog" noise, we consider a theoretical approach for determining an optimal set for the process parameters to minimize "analog" noise amplification for gate concatenation. We establish that under optimized conditions, presently studied biochemical gates can be concatenated for up to order 10 processing steps. Beyond that, new paradigms for avoiding noise build-up will have to be developed. We offer a general discussion of the ideas and possible future challenges for both experimental and theoretical research for advancing scalable biochemical computing.
The problem of detecting a binding site -- a substring of DNA where transcription factors attach -- on a long DNA sequence requires the recognition of a small pattern in a large background. For short binding sites, the matching probability can display large fluctuations from one putative binding site to another. Here we use a self-consistent statistical procedure that accounts correctly for the large deviations of the matching probability to predict the location of short binding sites. We apply it in two distinct situations: (a) the detection of the binding sites for three specific transcription factors on a set of 134 estrogen-regulated genes; (b) the identification, in a set of 138 possible transcription factors, of the ones binding a specific set of nine genes. In both instances, experimental findings are reproduced (when available) and the number of false positives is significantly reduced with respect to the other methods commonly employed.
There is a whole range of emergent phenomena in non-equilibrium behaviors can be well described by a set of stochastic differential equations. Inspired by an insight gained during our study of robustness and stability in phage lambda genetic switch in modern biology, we found that there exists a classification of generic nonequilibrium processes: In the continuous description in terms of stochastic differential equations, there exists four dynamical elements: the potential function $\phi$, the friction matrix $ S$, the anti-symmetric matrix $ T $, and the noise. The generic feature of absence of detailed balance is then precisely represented by $T$. For dynamical near a fixed point, whether or not it is stable or not, the stochastic dynamics is linear. A rather complete analysis has been carried out (Kwon, Ao, Thouless, cond-mat/0506280; PNAS, {\bf 102} (2005) 13029), referred to as SDS I. One important and persistent question is the existence of a potential function with nonlinear force and with multiplicative noise, with both nice local dynamical and global steady state properties. Here we demonstrate that a dynamical structure built into stochastic differential equation allows us to construct such a global optimization potential function. First, we provide the construction. One of most important ingredient is the generalized Einstein relation. We then present an approximation scheme: The gradient expansion which turns every order into linear matrix equations. The consistent of such methodology with other known stochastic treatments will be discussed in next paper, SDS III; and the explicitly connection to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics will be discussed in a forthcoming paper, SDS IV.
We revisit the dynamics of a gene repressed by its own protein in the case where the transcription rate does not adapt instantaneously to protein concentration but is a dynamical variable. We derive analytical criteria for the appearance of sustained oscillations and find that they require degradation mechanisms much less nonlinear than for infinitely fast regulation. Deterministic predictions are also compared with stochastic simulations of this minimal genetic oscillator.
This paper develops a quasispecies model that incorporates the SOS response. We consider a unicellular, asexually replicating population of organisms, whose genomes consist of a single, double-stranded DNA molecule, i.e. one chromosome. We assume that repair of post-replication mismatched base-pairs occurs with probability $ \lambda $, and that the SOS response is triggered when the total number of mismatched base-pairs exceeds $ l_S $. We further assume that the per-mismatch SOS elimination rate is characterized by a first-order rate constant $ \kappa_{SOS} $. For a single fitness peak landscape where the master genome can sustain up to $ l $ mismatches and remain viable, this model is analytically solvable in the limit of infinite sequence length. The results, which are confirmed by stochastic simulations, indicate that the SOS response does indeed confer a fitness advantage to a population, provided that it is only activated when DNA damage is so extensive that a cell will die if it does not attempt to repair its DNA.
We analyze the thermodynamic properties of a simplified model for folded RNA molecules recently studied by G. Vernizzi, H. Orland, A. Zee (in {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 94} (2005) 168103). The model consists of a chain of one-flavor base molecules with a flexible backbone and all possible pairing interactions equally allowed. The spatial pseudoknot structure of the model can be efficiently studied by introducing a $N \times N$ hermitian random matrix model at each chain site, and associating Feynman diagrams of these models to spatial configurations of the molecules. We obtain an exact expression for the topological expansion of the partition function of the system. We calculate exact and asymptotic expressions for the free energy, specific heat, entanglement and chemical potential and study their behavior as a function of temperature. Our results are consistent with the interpretation of $1/N$ as being a measure of the concentration of $\rm{Mg}^{++}$ in solution.
From a logic point of view this is the third in the series to solve the problem of absence of detailed balance. This paper will be denoted as SDS III. The existence of a dynamical potential with both local and global meanings in general nonequilibrium processes has been controversial. Following an earlier explicit construction by one of us (Ao, J. Phys. {\bf A37}, L25 '04, arXiv:0803.4356, referred to as SDS II), in the present paper we show rigorously its existence for a generic class of situations in physical and biological sciences. The local dynamical meaning of this potential function is demonstrated via a special stochastic differential equation and its global steady-state meaning via a novel and explicit form of Fokker-Planck equation, the zero mass limit. We also give a procedure to obtain the special stochastic differential equation for any given Fokker-Planck equation. No detailed balance condition is required in our demonstration. For the first time we obtain here a formula to describe the noise induced shift in drift force comparing to the steady state distribution, a phenomenon extensively observed in numerical studies. The comparison to two well known stochastic integration methods, Ito and Stratonovich, are made ready. Such comparison was made elsewhere (Ao, Phys. Life Rev. {\bf 2} (2005) 117. q-bio/0605020).
We address the problem of proteasomal protein translocation and introduce a new stochastic model of the proteasomal digestion (cleavage) of proteins. In this model we account for the protein translocation and the positioning of cleavage sites of a proteasome from first principles. We show by test examples and by processing experimental data that our model allows reconstruction of the translocation and cleavage rates from mass spectroscopy data on digestion patterns and can be used to investigate the properties of transport in different experimental set-ups. Detailed investigation with this model will enable theoretical quantitative prediction of the proteasomal activity.
We present a novel flow instability that can arise in thin films of cytoskeletal fluids if the friction with the substrate on which the film lies is sufficiently strong. We consider a two dimensional, membrane-bound fragment containing actin filaments that is perturbed from its initially circular state, where actin polymerizes at the edge and flows radially inward while depolymerizing in the fragment. Performing a linear stability analysis of the initial state due to perturbations of the fragment boundary, we find, in the limit of very large friction, that the perturbed actin velocity and pressure fields obey the very same laws governing the viscous fingering instability of an interface between immiscible fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell. A feature of this instability that is remarkable in the context of cell motility, is that its existence is independent of the strength of the interaction between cytoskeletal filaments and myosin motors, and moreover that it is completely driven by the free energy of actin polymerization at the fragment edge.
Dynamin is a ubiquitous GTPase that tubulates lipid bilayers and is implicated in many membrane severing processes in eukaryotic cells. Setting the grounds for a better understanding of this biological function, we develop a generalized hydrodynamics description of the conformational change of large dynamin-membrane tubes taking into account GTP consumption as a free energy source. On observable time scales, dissipation is dominated by an effective dynamin/membrane friction and the deformation field of the tube has a simple diffusive behavior, which could be tested experimentally. A more involved, semi-microscopic model yields complete predictions for the dynamics of the tube and possibly accounts for contradictory experimental results concerning its change of conformation as well as for plectonemic supercoiling.
The recent discovery of universal principles underlying many complex networks occurring across a wide range of length scales in the biological world has spurred physicists in trying to understand such features using techniques from statistical physics and non-linear dynamics. In this paper, we look at a few examples of biological networks to see how similar questions can come up in very different contexts. We review some of our recent work that looks at how network structure (e.g., its connection topology) can dictate the nature of its dynamics, and conversely, how dynamical considerations constrain the network structure. We also see how networks occurring in nature can evolve to modular configurations as a result of simultaneously trying to satisfy multiple structural and dynamical constraints. The resulting optimal networks possess hubs and have heterogeneous degree distribution similar to those seen in biological systems.
DNA inversion is an important mechanism by which bacteria and bacteriophage switch reversibly between phenotypic states. In such switches, the orientation of a short DNA element is flipped by a site-specific recombinase enzyme. We propose a simple model for a DNA inversion switch in which recombinase production is dependent on the switch state (orientational control). Our model is inspired by the fim switch in Escherichia coli. We present an exact analytical solution of the chemical master equation for the model switch, as well as stochastic simulations. Orientational control causes the switch to deviate from Poissonian behaviour: the distribution of times in the on state shows a peak and successive flip times are correlated.
We study a statistical model describing the steady state distribution of the fluxes in a metabolic network. The resulting model on continuous variables can be solved by the cavity method. In particular analytical tractability is possible solving the cavity equation over an ensemble of networks with the same degree distribution of the real metabolic network. The flux distribution that optimizes production of biomass has a fat tail with a power-law exponent independent on the structural properties of the underling network. These results are in complete agreement with the Flux-Balance-Analysis outcome of the same system and in qualitative agreement with the experimental results.
Two important problems affect the ability of asexual populations to accumulate beneficial mutations, and hence to adapt. First, clonal interference causes some beneficial mutations to be outcompeted by more-fit mutations which occur in the same genetic background. Second, multiple mutations occur in some individuals, so even mutations of large effect can be outcompeted unless they occur in a good genetic background which contains other beneficial mutations. In this paper, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to study how these two factors influence the adaptation of asexual populations. We find that the results depend qualitatively on the shape of the distribution of the effects of possible beneficial mutations. When this distribution falls off slower than exponentially, clonal interference alone reasonably describes which mutations dominate the adaptation, although it gives a misleading picture of the evolutionary dynamics. When the distribution falls off faster than exponentially, an analysis based on multiple mutations is more appropriate. Using our simulations, we are able to explore the limits of validity of both of these approaches, and we explore the complex dynamics in the regimes where neither are fully applicable.
Protein identification is one of the major task of Proteomics researchers. Protein identification could be resumed by searching the best match between an experimental mass spectrum and proteins from a database. Nevertheless this approach can not be used to identify new proteins or protein variants. In this paper an evolutionary approach is proposed to discover new proteins or protein variants thanks a "de novo sequencing" method. This approach has been experimented on a specific grid called Grid5000 with simulated spectra and also real spectra.
{\it Transcription} is the process whereby RNA molecules are polymerized by molecular machines, called RNA polymerase (RNAP), using the corresponding DNA as the template. Recent {\it in-vivo} experiments with single cells have established that transcription takes place in "bursts" or "pulses". In this letter we present a model that captures not only the mechano-chemistry of individual RNAPs and their steric interactions but also the switching of the gene between the ON and OFF states. This model accounts for the statistical properties of the transcriptional bursts. It also shows how the quantitative features of the distributions of these bursts can be tuned by controlling the appropriate steps of operation of the RNAP machines.
The statistical mechanics of a treelike polymer in a confining volume is relevant to the packaging of the genome in RNA viruses. Making use of the mapping of the grand partition function of this system onto the statistical mechanics of a hard-core gas in two fewer spatial dimensions and of techniques developed for the evaluation of the equilibrium properties of a one-dimensional hard rod gas, we show how it is possible to determine the density and other key properties of a collection of rooted excluded-volume tress confined between two walls, both in the absence and in the presence of a one-dimensional external potential. We find, somewhat surprisingly, that in the case of key quantities, the statistical mechanics of the excluded volume, randomly branched polymer map exactly into corresponding problems for an unrestricted linear polymer.
We consider the problem of detecting and estimating the strength of association between a trait of interest and alleles or haplotypes in a small genomic region (e.g. a gene or a gene complex), when no direct information on that region is available but the values of neighbouring DNA-markers are at hand. We argue that the effects of the non-observable haplotypes of the genomic regions can and should be represented by factors representing disjoint groups of marker-alleles. A theoretical argument based on a hypothetical phylogenetic tree supports this general claim. The techniques described allow to identify and to infer the number of detectable haplotypes in the genomic region that are associated with a trait. The methods proposed use an exhaustive combinatorial search coupled with the maximization of a version of the likelihood function penalized for the number of parameters. This procedure can easily be implemented with standard statistical methods for a moderate number of marker-alleles.
When moving from native to light activated bacteriorhodopsin, modification of charge transport consisting of an increase of conductance is correlated to the protein conformational change. A theoretical model based on a map of the protein tertiary structure into a resistor network is implemented to account for a sequential tunneling mechanism of charge transfer through neighbouring amino acids. The model is validated by comparison with current-voltage experiments. The predictability of the model is further tested on bovine rhodopsin, a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) also sensitive to light. In this case, results show an opposite behaviour with a decrease of conductance in the presence of light.
Mathematical models of infectious diseases, which are in principle analytically tractable, use two general approaches. The first approach, generally known as compartmental modeling, addresses the time evolution of disease propagation at the expense of simplifying the pattern of transmission. The second approach uses network theory to incorporate detailed information pertaining to the underlying contact structure among individuals while disregarding the progression of time during outbreaks. So far, the only alternative that enables the integration of both aspects of disease propagation simultaneously while preserving the variety of outcomes has been to abandon the analytical approach and rely on computer simulations. We offer a new analytical framework, which incorporates both the complexity of contact network structure and the time progression of disease spread. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this framework is equally effective on finite- and "infinite"-size networks. This formalism can be equally applied to similar percolation phenomena on networks in other areas of science and technology.
Fueled by the hydrolysis of ATP, the motor protein kinesin literally walks on two legs along the biopolymer microtubule. The number of accidental backsteps that kinesin takes appears to be much larger than what one would expect given the amount of free energy that ATP hydrolysis makes available. This is puzzling as more than a billion years of natural selection should have optimized the motor protein for its speed and efficiency. But more backstepping allows for the production of more entropy. Such entropy production will make free energy available. With this additional free energy, the catalytic cycle of the kinesin can be speeded up. We show how measured backstep percentages represent an optimum at which maximal net forward speed is achieved.
A method for estimating the cross-correlation $C_{xy}(\tau)$ of long-range correlated series $x(t)$ and $y(t)$, at varying lags $\tau$ and scales $n$, is proposed. For fractional Brownian motions with Hurst exponents $H_1$ and $H_2$, the asymptotic expression of $C_{xy}(\tau)$ depends only on the lag $\tau$ (wide-sense stationarity) and scales as a power of $n$ with exponent ${H_1+H_2}$ for $\tau\to 0$. The method is illustrated on (i) financial series, to show the leverage effect; (ii) genomic sequences, to estimate the correlations between structural parameters along the chromosomes.
In their classical work (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1981, 78:6840-6844), Goldbeter and Koshland mathematically analyzed a reversible covalent modification system which is highly sensitive to the concentration of effectors. Its signal-response curve appears sigmoidal, constituting a biochemical switch. However, the switch behavior only emerges in the "zero-order region", i.e. when the signal molecule concentration is much lower than that of the substrate it modifies. In this work we showed that the switching behavior can also occur under comparable concentrations of signals and substrates, provided that the signal molecules catalyze the modification reaction in cooperation. We also studied the effect of dynamic disorders on the proposed biochemical switch, in which the enzymatic reaction rates, instead of constant, appear as stochastic functions of time. We showed that the system is robust to dynamic disorder at bulk concentration. But if the dynamic disorder is quasi-static, large fluctuations of the switch response behavior may be observed at low concentrations. Such fluctuation is relevant to many biological functions. It can be reduced by either increasing the conformation interconversion rate of the protein, or correlating the enzymatic reaction rates in the network.
Pristine coastal shallow systems are usually dominated by extensive meadows of seagrass species, which are assumed to take advantage of nutrient supply from sediment. An increasing nutrient input is thought to favour phytoplankton, epiphytic microalgae, as well as opportunistic ephemeral macroalgae that coexist with seagrasses. The primary cause of shifts and succession in the macrophyte community is the increase of nutrient load to water; however temperature plays also an important role. A competition model between rooted seagrass (Zostera marina), macroalgae (Ulva sp), and phytoplankton has been developed to analyse the succession of primary producer communities in these systems. Successions of dominance states, with different resilience characteristics, are found when modifying the input of nutrients and the seasonal temperature and light intensity forcing.
The intricate biochemical processes underlying avian magnetoreception, the sensory ability of migratory birds to navigate using earths magnetic field, have been narrowed down to spin-dependent recombination of radical-ion pairs to be found in avian species retinal proteins. The avian magnetic field detection is governed by the interplay between magnetic interactions of the radicals unpaired electrons and the radicals recombination dynamics. Critical to this mechanism is the long lifetime of the radical-pair spin coherence, so that the weak geomagnetic field will have a chance to signal its presence. It is here shown that a fundamental quantum phenomenon, the quantum Zeno effect, is at the basis of the radical-ion-pair magnetoreception mechanism. The quantum Zeno effect naturally leads to long spin coherence lifetimes, without any constraints on the systems physical parameters, ensuring the robustness of this sensory mechanism. Basic experimental observations regarding avian magnetic sensitivity are seamlessly derived. These include the magnetic sensitivity functional window and the heading error of oriented bird ensembles, which so far evaded theoretical justification. The findings presented here could be highly relevant to similar mechanisms at work in photosynthetic reactions. They also trigger fundamental questions about the evolutionary mechanisms that enabled avian species to make optimal use of quantum measurement laws.
The ancestral selection graph in population genetics was introduced by KroneNeuhauser (1997) as an analogue of the coalescent genealogy of a sample of genes from a neutrally evolving population. The number of particles in this graph, followed backwards in time, is a birth and death process with quadratic death and linear birth rates. In this paper an explicit form of the probability distribution of the number of particles is obtained by using the density of the allele frequency in the corresponding diffusion model obtained by Kimura (1955). It is shown that the process of fixation of the allele in the diffusion model corresponds to convergence of the ancestral process to its stationary measure. The time to fixation of the allele conditional on fixation is studied in terms of the ancestral process.
A mechanism for relationship of solvent viscosity with reaction rate constant at enzyme action is suggested. It is based on fluctuations of electric field in enzyme active site produced by thermally equilibrium rocking (cranckshaft motion) of the rigid plane (in which the dipole moment $\approx 3.6 D$ lies) of a favourably located and oriented peptide group (or may be a few of them). Thus the rocking of the plane leads to fluctuations of the electric field of the dipole moment. These fluctuations can interact with the reaction coordinate because the latter in its turn has transition dipole moment due to separation of charges at movement of the reacting system along it. The rocking of the plane of the peptide group is sensitive to the microviscosity of its environment in protein interior and the latter is a function of the solvent viscosity. Thus we obtain an additional factor of interrelationship for these characteristics with the reaction rate constant. We argue that due to the properties of the cranckshaft motion the frequency spectrum of the electric field fluctuations has a sharp resonance peak at some frequency and the corresponding Fourier mode can be approximated as oscillations. We employ a known result from the theory of thermally activated escape with periodic driving to obtain the reaction rate constant and argue that it yields reliable description of the preexponent where the dependence on solvent viscosity manifests itself. The suggested mechanism is shown to grasp the main feature of this dependence known from the experiment and satisfactorily yields the upper limit of the fractional index of a power in it.
The mechanical unfolding of an engineered protein composed of eight domains of Ig27 is investigated by using atomic force microscopy. Exploiting a fluctuation relation, the equilibrium free energy as a function of the molecule elongation is estimated from pulling experiments. Such a free energy exhibits a regular shape that sets a typical unfolding length at zero force of the order of 20 nm. This length scale turns out to be much larger than the kinetic unfolding length that is also estimated by analyzing the typical rupture force of the molecule under dynamic loading.
Identification of dynamics underlying biochemical pathways of interest in oncology is a primary goal in current systems biology. Understanding structures and interactions that govern the evolution of such systems is believed to be a cornerstone in this research. Systems theory and systems identification theory are primary resources for this task since they both provide a self consistent framework for modelling and manipulating models of dynamical systems that are best suited for the problem under investigation. We address herein the issue of obtaining an informative dataset ZN to be used as starting point for identification of EGFR pathway dynamics. In order to match experimental identifiability criteria we propose a theoretical framework for input stimulus design based on dynamical properties of the system under investigation. A feasible optofluidic design has been designed on the basis of the spectral properties of the driving inputs that maximize information content after the theoretical studies.
The asymptotic behavior of estimates and information criteria in linear models are studied in the context of hierarchically correlated sampling units. The work is motivated by biological data collected on species where autocorrelation is based on the species' genealogical tree. Hierarchical autocorrelation is also found in many other kinds of data, such as from microarray experiments or human languages. Similar correlation also arises in ANOVA models with nested effects. I show that the best linear unbiased estimators are almost surely convergent but may not be consistent for some parameters such as the intercept and lineage effects, in the context of Brownian motion evolution on the genealogical tree. For the purpose of model selection I show that the usual BIC does not provide an appropriate approximation to the posterior probability of a model. To correct for this, an effective sample size is introduced for parameters that are inconsistently estimated. For biological studies, this work implies that tree-aware sampling design is desirable; adding more sampling units may not help ancestral reconstruction and only strong lineage effects may be detected with high power.
In contrast to the conventional wisdom that scale-free networks are prone to epidemic propagation, in the paper we present that disease spreading is inhibited in fractal scale-free networks. We first propose a novel network model and show that it simultaneously has the following rich topological properties: scale-free degree distribution, tunable clustering coefficient, "large-world" behavior, and fractal scaling. Existing network models do not display these characteristics. Then, we investigate the susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model of the propagation of diseases in our fractal scale-free networks by mapping it to bond percolation process. We find an existence of nonzero tunable epidemic thresholds by making use of the renormalization group technique, which implies that power-law degree distribution does not suffice to characterize the epidemic dynamics on top of scale-free networks. We argue that the epidemic dynamics are determined by the topological properties, especially the fractality and its accompanying "large-world" behavior.
Blueprints of polyhedral cages with icosahedral symmetry made of circular DNA molecules are provided. The basic rule is that every edge of the cage is met twice in opposite directions by the DNA strand, and vertex junctions are realised by a set of admissible junction types. As nanocontainers for cargo storage and delivery, the icosidodecahedral cages are of special interest as they have the largest volume per surface ratio of all cages discussed here.
Conventional kinesin is a motor protein, which is able to walk along a microtubule processively. The exact mechanism of the stepping motion and force generation of kinesin is still far from clear. In this paper we argue that neck linker docking is a crucial element of this mechanism, without which the experimentally observed dwell times of the steps could not be explained under a wide range of loading forces. We also show that the experimental data impose very strict constraints on the lengths of both the neck linker and its docking section, which are compatible with the known structure of kinesin.
Conventional population genetics considers the evolution of a limited number of genotypes corresponding to phenotypes with different fitness. As model phenotypes, in particular RNA secondary structure, have become computationally tractable, however, it has become apparent that the context dependent effect of mutations and the many-to-one nature inherent in these genotype-phenotype maps can have fundamental evolutionary consequences. It has previously been demonstrated that populations of genotypes evolving on the neutral networks corresponding to all genotypes with the same secondary structure only through neutral mutations can evolve mutational robustness [Nimwegen {\it et al.} Neutral evolution of mutational robustness, 1999 PNAS], by concentrating the population on regions of high neutrality. Introducing recombination we demonstrate, through numerically calculating the stationary distribution of an infinite population on ensembles of random neutral networks that mutational robustness is significantly enhanced and further that the magnitude of this enhancement is sensitive to details of the neutral network topology. Through the simulation of finite populations of genotypes evolving on random neutral networks and a scaled down microRNA neutral network, we show that even in finite populations recombination will still act to focus the population on regions of locally high neutrality.
A mechanism of extraction of tubular membranes from a lipid vesicle is presented. A concentration gradient of anchoring amphiphilic polymers generates tubes from bud-like vesicle protrusions. We explain this mechanism in the framework of the Canham-Helfrich model. The energy profile is analytically calculated and a tube with a fixed length, corresponding to an energy minimum, is obtained in a certain regime of parameters. Further, using a phase-field model, we corroborate these results numerically. We obtain the growth of tubes when a polymer source is added, and the bud-like shape after removal of the polymer source, in accordance with recent experimental results.
We present an agent-based model inspired by the Evolutionary Minority Game (EMG), albeit strongly adapted to the case of competition for limited resources in ecology. The agents in this game become able, after some time, to predict the a priori best option as a result of an evolution-driven learning process. We show that a self-segregated social structure can emerge from this process, i.e., extreme learning strategies are always favoured while intermediate learning strategies tend to die out. This result may contribute to understanding some levels of organization and cooperative behaviour in ecological and social systems. We use the ideas and results reported here to discuss an issue of current interest in ecology: the mistimings in egg laying observed for some species of bird as a consequence of their slower rate of adaptation to climate change in comparison with that shown by their prey. Our model supports the hypothesis that habitat-specific constraints could explain why different populations are adapting differently to this situation, in agreement with recent experiments.
Radical-ion pairs are ubiquitous in a wide range of biochemical reactions, ranging from photosynthesis to magnetic sensitive chemical reactions underlying avian magnetic navigation. We here show that the charge recombination of a radical-ion-pair is a continuous quantum measurement process that interrogates the spin state of the pair. This naturally leads to the appearance of the quantum Zeno effect, explaining a large amount of data on unusually long-lived radical-ion-pairs.
We study the critical dynamics of the generalized Smoluchowski-Poisson system (for self-gravitating Langevin particles) or generalized Keller-Segel model (for the chemotaxis of bacterial populations). These models [Chavanis & Sire, PRE, 69, 016116 (2004)] are based on generalized stochastic processes leading to the Tsallis statistics. The equilibrium states correspond to polytropic configurations with index $n$ similar to polytropic stars in astrophysics. At the critical index $n_{3}=d/(d-2)$ (where $d\ge 2$ is the dimension of space), there exists a critical temperature $\Theta_{c}$ (for a given mass) or a critical mass $M_{c}$ (for a given temperature). For $\Theta>\Theta_{c}$ or $M<M_{c}$ the system tends to an incomplete polytrope confined by the box (in a bounded domain) or evaporates (in an unbounded domain). For $\Theta<\Theta_{c}$ or $M>M_{c}$ the system collapses and forms, in a finite time, a Dirac peak containing a finite fraction $M_c$ of the total mass surrounded by a halo. This study extends the critical dynamics of the ordinary Smoluchowski-Poisson system and Keller-Segel model in $d=2$ corresponding to isothermal configurations with $n_{3}\to +\infty$. We also stress the analogy between the limiting mass of white dwarf stars (Chandrasekhar's limit) and the critical mass of bacterial populations in the generalized Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis.
A geometric analysis of the global properties of the energy landscape of a minimalistic model of a polypeptide is presented, which is based on the relation between dynamical trajectories and geodesics of a suitable manifold, whose metric is completely determined by the potential energy. We consider different sequences, some with a definite protein-like behavior, a unique native state and a folding transition, and the others undergoing a hydrophobic collapse with no tendency to a unique native state. The global geometry of the energy landscape appears to contain relevant information on the behavior of the various sequences: in particular, the fluctuations of the curvature of the energy landscape, measured by means of numerical simulations, clearly mark the folding transition and allow to distinguish the protein-like sequences from the others.
It is known that amphibians are especially susceptible to the combination of heightened UVB radiation and increased nitrate concentrations. Various astrophysical events have been suggested as sources of ionizing radiation that could pose a threat to life on Earth, through destruction of the ozone layer and subsequent increase in UVB, followed by deposition of nitrate. In this study, we investigate whether the nitrate deposition following an ionizing event is sufficiently large to cause an additional stress beyond that of the heightened UVB previously considered. We have converted predicted nitrate depositions to concentration values, utilizing data from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Acid Rain Monitoring Network web site. Our results show that the increase in nitrate concentration in bodies of water following the most intense ionization event likely in the last billion years would not be sufficient to cause a serious additional stress on amphibian populations and may actually provide some benefit by acting as fertilizer.
The question of the onset of the homochirality on prebiotic Earth still remains a fundamental question in the quest for the origin of life. Recent works in this field introduce the concept of recycling, rather than the traditional open-flow system described by Frank. This approach has been criticized by Blackmond et al. They claimed that such systems are thermodynamically impossible, except in the cases where non-microreversible reactions are introduced, like in photochemical reactions, or under the influence of physical actions (e.g. by crystal crushing). This point of view reveals misunderstandings about this model of a recycled system, overlooks the possibility of energy exchanges that could take place in prebiotic systems, and leads the authors to unawarely remove the activation reaction and energy source from their "non-equilibrium" models. It is especially important to understand what are the concepts behind the notion of recycled systems, and of activation reactions. These points are fundamental to comprehending how chemical systems -- and especially prebiotic chemical systems -- can be maintained in non-equilibrium steady states, and how free energy can be used and exchanged between systems. The proposed approach aims at the decomposition of the problem, avoiding to embrace the whole system at the same time.
A simple model of species origin resulted from dynamic features of a population, solely, is developed. The model is based on the evolution optimality in space distribution, and the selection is gone over the mobility. Some biological issues are discussed.
We explore the role of cellular life cycles for viruses and host cells in an infection process. For this purpose, we derive a generalized version of the basic model of virus dynamics (Nowak, M.A., Bangham, C.R.M., 1996. Population dynamics of immune responses to persistent viruses. Science 272, 74-79) from a mesoscopic description. In its final form the model can be written as a set of Volterra integrodifferential equations. We consider the role of age-distributed delays for death times and the intracellular (eclipse) phase. These processes are implemented by means of probability distribution functions. The basic reproductive ratio $R_0$ of the infection is properly defined in terms of such distributions by using an analysis of the equilibrium states and their stability. It is concluded that the introduction of distributed delays can strongly modify both the value of $R_0$ and the predictions for the virus loads, so the effects on the infection dynamics are of major importance. We also show how the model presented here can be applied to some simple situations where direct comparison with experiments is possible. Specifically, phage-bacteria interactions are analysed. The dynamics of the eclipse phase for phages is characterized analytically, which allows us to compare the performance of three different fittings proposed before for the one-step growth curve.
Brownian Dynamics algorithms are widely used for simulating soft-matter and biochemical systems. In recent times, their application has been extended to the simulation of coarse-grained models of cellular networks in simple organisms. In these models, components move by diffusion, and can react with one another upon contact. However, when reactions are incorporated into a Brownian Dynamics algorithm, attention must be paid to avoid violations of the detailed-balance rule, and therefore introducing systematic errors in the simulation. We present a Brownian Dynamics algorithm for reaction-diffusion systems that rigorously obeys detailed balance for equilibrium reactions. By comparing the simulation results to exact analytical results for a bimolecular reaction, we show that the algorithm correctly reproduces both equilibrium and dynamical quantities. We apply our scheme to a ``push-pull'' network in which two antagonistic enzymes covalently modify a substrate. Our results highlight that the diffusive behaviour of the reacting species can reduce the gain of the response curve of this network.
We study the influence of spatially varying reaction rates on a spatial stochastic two-species Lotka-Volterra lattice model for predator-prey interactions using two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. The effects of this quenched randomness on population densities, transient oscillations, spatial correlations, and invasion fronts are investigated. We find that spatial variability in the predation rate results in more localized activity patches, which in turn causes a remarkable increase in the asymptotic population densities of both predators and prey, and accelerated front propagation.
We present a simple analytical tool which gives an approximate insight into the stationary behavior of nonlinear systems undergoing the influence of a weak and rapid noise from one dominating source, e.g. the kinetic equations describing a genetic switch with the concentration of one substrate fluctuating around a constant mean. The proposed method allows for predicting the asymmetric response of the genetic switch to noise, arising from the noise-induced shift of stationary states. The method has been tested on an example model of the lac operon regulatory network: a reduced Yildirim-Mackey model with fluctuating extracellular lactose concentration. We calculate analytically the shift of the system's stationary states in the presence of noise. The results of the analytical calculation are in excellent agreement with the results of numerical simulation of the noisy system. The simulation results suggest that the structure of the kinetics of the underlying biochemical reactions protects the bistability of the lactose utilization mechanism from environmental fluctuations. We also show that, in the consequence of the noise-induced shift of stationary states, the presence of fluctuations stabilizes the behavior of the system in a selective way: although the extrinsic noise facilitates, to some extent, switching off the lactose metabolism, the same noise prevents it from switching on.
Group theoretical arguments combined with normal mode analysis techniques are applied to a coarse-grained approximation of icosahedral viral capsids which incorporates areas of variable flexibility. This highlights a remarkable structure of the low-frequency spectrum in this approximation, namely the existence of a plateau of 24 near zero-modes with universal group theory content.
The idea of the evolution of the genetic code from the CG to the CGUA alphabet has been developed further. The assumption of the originally triplet structure of the genetic code has been substantiated. The hypothesis of the emergence of stop codons at the early stage of the evolution of the genetic code has been additionally supported. The existence of strong and weak letter doublets of codons and the symmetry of strong doublets in the genetic code table, discovered by Rumer, have been explained. A hypothesis concerning the primary structure of the first gene and the first protein has been proposed.
Genetic data obtained on population samples convey information about their evolutionary history. Inference methods can extract this information (at least partially) but they require sophisticated statistical techniques that have been made available to the biologist community (through computer programs) only for simple and standard situations typically involving a small number of samples. We propose here a computer program (DIYABC) for inference based on Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), in which scenarios can be customized by the user to fit many complex situations involving any number of populations and samples. Such scenarios involve any combination of population divergences, admixtures and stepwise population size changes. DIYABC can be used to compare competing scenarios, estimate parameters for one or more scenarios, and compute bias and precision measures for a given scenario and known values of parameters (the current version applies to unlinked microsatellite data). This article describes key methods used in the program and provides its main features. The analysis of one simulated and one real data set, both with complex evolutionary scenarios, illustrates the main possibilities of DIYABC
Motivation: Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) is used to scan the entire genome for variations in DNA copy number. A central task in the analysis of aCGH data is the segmentation into groups of probes sharing the same DNA copy number. Some well known segmentation methods suffer from very long running times, preventing interactive data analysis. Results: We suggest a new segmentation method based on wavelet decomposition and thresholding, which detects significant breakpoints in the data. Our algorithm is over 1,000 times faster than leading approaches, with similar performance. Another key advantage of the proposed method is its simplicity and flexibility. Due to its intuitive structure it can be easily generalized to incorporate several types of side information. Here we consider two extensions which include side information indicating the reliability of each measurement, and compensating for a changing variability in the measurement noise. The resulting algorithm outperforms existing methods, both in terms of speed and performance, when applied on real high density CGH data. Availability: Implementation is available under software tab at: http://www.ee.technion.ac.il/Sites/People/YoninaEldar/ Contact: [email protected]
We systematically study and compare damage spreading for random Boolean and threshold networks under small external perturbations (damage), a problem which is relevant to many biological networks. We identify a new characteristic connectivity $K_s$, at which the average number of damaged nodes after a large number of dynamical updates is independent of the total number of nodes $N$. We estimate the critical connectivity for finite $N$ and show that it systematically deviates from the annealed approximation. Extending the approach followed in a previous study, we present new results indicating that internal dynamical correlations tend to increase not only the probability for small, but also for very large damage events, leading to a broad, fat-tailed distribution of damage sizes. These findings indicate that the descriptive and predictive value of averaged order parameters for finite size networks - even for biologically highly relevant sizes up to several thousand nodes - is limited.
A simple and surprisingly accurate description of spectral diffusion in deeply frozen globular proteins is constructed directly using the concept of ultrametricity of protein dynamics. Earlier the similar concept has been used for successful description of ligand-rebinding kinetics of myoglobin at temperatures about of 200 K. Hence the ultrametricity offers a universal background for the protein dynamics in a wide range of scales of protein motions.
Genetic regulation is a key component in development, but a clear understanding of the structure and dynamics of genetic networks is not yet at hand. In this work we investigate these properties within an artificial genome model originally introduced by Reil. We analyze statistical properties of randomly generated genomes both on the sequence- and network level, and show that this model correctly predicts the frequency of genes in genomes as found in experimental data. Using an evolutionary algorithm based on stabilizing selection for a phenotype, we show that robustness against single base mutations, as well as against random changes in initial network states that mimic stochastic fluctuations in environmental conditions, can emerge in parallel. Evolved genomes exhibit characteristic patterns on both sequence and network level.
Proliferating cell populations at steady state growth often exhibit broad protein distributions with exponential tails. The sources of this variation and its universality are of much theoretical interest. Here we address the problem by asymptotic analysis of the Population Balance Equation. We show that the steady state distribution tail is determined by a combination of protein production and cell division and is insensitive to other model details. Under general conditions this tail is exponential with a dependence on parameters consistent with experiment. We discuss the conditions for this effect to be dominant over other sources of variation and the relation to experiments.
Understanding how biological homochirality emerged remains a challenge for the researchers interested in the origin of life. During the last decades, stable non-racemic steady states of nonequilibrium chemical systems have been discussed as a possible response to this problem. In line with this framework, a description of recycled systems was provided in which stable products can be activated back to reactive compounds. The dynamical behaviour of such systems relies on the presence of a source of energy, leading to the continuous maintaining of unidirectional reaction loops. A full thermodynamic study of recycled systems, composed of microreversible reactions only, is presented here, showing how the energy is transferred and distributed through the system, leading to cycle competitions and the stabilization of asymmetric states.
A large number of models of the species abundance distribution (SAD) have been proposed, many of which are generically similar to the log-normal distribution, from which they are often indistinguishable when describing a given data set. Ecological data sets are necessarily incomplete samples of an ecosystem, subject to statistical noise, and cannot readily be combined to yield a closer approximation to the underlying distribution. In this paper we use empirical data obtained from an ecosystem model to study the predicted SAD in detail, resolving features which can distinguish between models but which are poorly seen in field data. We find that the power-law normal distribution is superior to both the log-normal and logit-normal distributions, and that the data can improve on even this at the high-population cut-off.
The relationship between the properties of a dynamical system and the structure of its defining equations has long been studied in many contexts. Here we study this problem for the class of conjunctive (resp. disjunctive) Boolean networks, that is, Boolean networks in which all Boolean functions are constructed with the AND (resp. OR) operator only. The main results of this paper describe network dynamics in terms of the structure of the network dependency graph (topology). For a given such network, all possible limit cycle lengths are computed and lower and upper bounds for the number of cycles of each length are given. In particular, the exact number of fixed points is obtained. The bounds are in terms of structural features of the dependency graph and its partially ordered set of strongly connected components. For networks with strongly connected dependency graph, the exact cycle structure is computed.
We discuss basic features of emergent complexity in dynamical systems far from equilibrium by focusing on the network structure of their state space. We start by measuring the distributions of avalanche and transient times in Random Boolean Networks (RBNs) and in the \emph{Drosophila} polarity network by exact enumeration. A transient time is the duration of the transient from a starting state to an attractor. An avalanche is a special transient which starts as single Boolean element perturbation of an attractor state. Significant differences at short times between the avalanche and the transient times for RBNs with small connectivity $K$ -- compared to the number of elements $N$ -- indicate that attractors tend to cluster in configuration space. In addition, one bit flip has a non-negligible chance to put an attractor state directly onto another attractor. This clustering is also present in the segment polarity gene network of \emph{Drosophila melanogaster}, suggesting that this may be a robust feature of biological regulatory networks. We also define and measure a branching ratio for the state space networks and find evidence for a new time scale that diverges roughly linearly with $N$ for $2\leq K \ll N$. Analytic arguments show that this time scale does not appear in the random map nor can the random map exhibit clustering of attractors. We further show that for K=2 the branching ratio exhibits the largest variation with distance from the attractor compared to other values of $K$ and that the avalanche durations exhibit no characteristic scale within our statistical resolution. Hence, we propose that the branching ratio and the avalanche duration are new indicators for scale-free behavior that may or may not be found simultaneously with other indicators of emergent complexity in extended, deterministic dynamical systems.
A hypothesis of the evolution of the genetic code is proposed, the leading mechanism of which is the nucleotide spontaneous damage leading to AT-enrichment of the genome. The hypothesis accounts for stability of the genetic code towards point mutations, the presence of code dialects, emergence of stop codons, emergence of the DNA double helix and the symmetry of the genetic code table. The assumption of the originally triplet structure of the genetic code has been substantiated. A hypothesis concerning the primary structure of the first gene and the first protein has been proposed.
Recent statistical and computational analyses have shown that a genealogical most recent common ancestor (MRCA) may have lived in the recent past. However, coalescent-based approaches show that genetic most recent common ancestors for a given non-recombining locus are typically much more ancient. It is not immediately clear how these two perspectives interact. This paper investigates relationships between the number of descendant alleles of an ancestor allele and the number of genealogical descendants of the individual who possessed that allele for a simple diploid genetic model extending the genealogical model of Joseph Chang.
The low-frequency Raman spectra of Na-and Cs-DNA water solutions have been studied to determine the mode of counterion vibrations with respect to phosphate groups of the DNA double helix. The obtained spectra are characterized by the water band near 180 cm-1 and by several DNA bands near 100 cm-1. The main difference between Na- and Cs-DNA spectra is observed in case of the band 100 cm-1. In Cs-DNA spectra this band has about twice higher intensity than in Na-DNA spectra. The comparison of obtained spectra with the calculated frequencies of Na- and Cs-DNA conformational vibrations [Perepelytsya S.M., Volkov S.N. Eur. Phys. J. E. 24, 261 (2007)] show that the band 100 cm-1 in the spectra of Cs-DNA is formed by the modes of both H-bond stretching vibrations and vibrations of caesium counterions, while in Na-DNA spectra the band 100 cm-1 is formed by the mode of H-bond stretching vibrations only. The modes of sodium counterion vibrations have a frequency 180 cm-1, and they do not rise above the water band. Thus, the increase in intensity of the band 100 cm-1 in the spectra of Cs-DNA as compared with Na-DNA is caused by the mode of ion-phosphate vibrations.
In this work we propose a mathematical model, based in a modified version of the Lotka-Volterra prey-predator equations, to predict the increasing in CO2 atmospheric concentration. We consider how the photosynthesis rate has changed with the increase of CO2 and how this affects plant reproduction and CO2 absorptions rates. Total CO2 emissions (natural and manmade) and biomass numerical parameter changes are considered. It is shown that the atmospheric system can be in equilibrium under some specific conditions, and also some comparisons with historical are done.
By incubating the mixture of three cyanobacterial proteins, KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC, with ATP in vitro, Kondo and his colleagues reconstituted the robust circadian rhythm of the phosphorylation level of KaiC (Science, 308; 414-415 (2005)). This finding indicates that protein-protein interactions and the associated hydrolysis of ATP suffice to generate the circadian rhythm. Several theoretical models have been proposed to explain the rhythm generated in this "protein-only" system, but the clear criterion to discern different possible mechanisms was not known. In this paper, we discuss a model based on the two basic assumptions: The assumption of the allosteric transition of a KaiC hexamer and the assumption of the monomer exchange between KaiC hexamers. The model shows a stable rhythmic oscillation of the phosphorylation level of KaiC, which is robust against changes in concentration of Kai proteins. We show that this robustness gives a clue to distinguish different possible mechanisms. We also discuss the robustness of oscillation against the change in the system size. Behaviors of the system with the cellular or subcellular size should shed light on the role of the protein-protein interactions in in vivo circadian oscillation.
The problem of the directionality of genome evolution is studied from the information-theoretic view. We propose that the function-coding information quantity of a genome always grows in the course of evolution through sequence duplication, expansion of code, and gene transfer between genomes. The function-coding information quantity of a genome consists of two parts, p-coding information quantity which encodes functional protein and n-coding information quantity which encodes other functional elements except amino acid sequence. The relation of the proposed law to the thermodynamic laws is indicated. The evolutionary trends of DNA sequences revealed by bioinformatics are investigated which afford further evidences on the evolutionary law. It is argued that the directionality of genome evolution comes from species competition adaptive to environment. An expression on the evolutionary rate of genome is proposed that the rate is a function of Darwin temperature (describing species competition) and fitness slope (describing adaptive landscape). Finally, the problem of directly experimental test on the evolutionary directionality is discussed briefly.
A plausible architecture of an ancient genetic code is derived from an extended base triplet vector space over the Galois field of the extended base alphabet {D, G, A, U, C}, where the letter D represents one or more hypothetical bases with unspecific pairing. We hypothesized that the high degeneration of a primeval genetic code with five bases and the gradual origin and improvements of a primitive DNA repair system could make possible the transition from the ancient to the modern genetic code. Our results suggest that the Watson-Crick base pairing and the non-specific base pairing of the hypothetical ancestral base D used to define the sum and product operations are enough features to determine the coding constraints of the primeval and the modern genetic code, as well as, the transition from the former to the later. Geometrical and algebraic properties of this vector space reveal that the present codon assignment of the standard genetic code could be induced from a primeval codon assignment.Besides, the Fourier spectrum of the extended DNA genome sequences derived from the multiple sequence alignment suggests that the called period-3 property of the present coding DNA sequences could also exist in the ancient coding DNA sequences.
The mean length and the variability of coding sequences for 48 genomes of bacteria and archaea were analyzed. It was found that the plotted data can be described by an angular area. This suggests the followings: a) The variability of a genome increases as the mean length increases; b) There is an upper and a lower limit for variability for a given mean length; c) Extrapolation of the upper and lower limits to lower mean values converges to a single point which might be assimilated to a primordial cell. The whole picture is reminding of a process which starts from a single cell and evolves into more and more species which, in turn, show more and more variability.
The inference of the interactions between organisms in an ecosystem from observational data is an important problem in ecology. This paper presents a mathematical inference method, originally developed for the inference of biochemical networks in molecular biology, adapted for the inference of networks of ecological interactions. The method is applied to a network of invertebrate families (taxa) in a rice field.
We show that biological networks with serial regulation (each node regulated by at most one other node) are constrained to {\it direct functionality}, in which the sign of the effect of an environmental input on a target species depends only on the direct path from the input to the target, even when there is a feedback loop allowing for multiple interaction pathways. Using a stochastic model for a set of small transcriptional regulatory networks that have been studied experimentally, we further find that all networks can achieve all functions permitted by this constraint under reasonable settings of biochemical parameters. This underscores the functional versatility of the networks.