

Downloading dolma dataset suffers from -- kb/s download speed most of the time.

by hshallal - opened

Hi, I am experiencing throttled download most of the time. As shown in the screenshot, I noticed that using the wget to download the dataset continues with --kb/s most of the time.
Is there any reason for this download throttled behavior? It usually picks it up for a minute or two with speeds that are about 1MB/S but then it is --- kb/s most of the time!

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 8.15.05 AM.png

Update: issue was resolved.

This is more of a huggingface issue than an allenai issue. Either way, it's resolved, so I'll close this.

(Was it you who took down the huggingface service the other day? 😅)

dirkgr changed discussion status to closed

I noticed it was resolved and thank you for the confirmation.

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