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the quality of the art combined with the humor and intelligence of the script allow the filmmakers to present the biblical message of forgiveness without it ever becoming preachy or syrupy . | 1 |
despite impeccable acting . . . and a script that takes some rather unexpected ( even , at times , preposterous ) turns , love is just too , too precious in the end . | 0 |
once the expectation of laughter has been quashed by whatever obscenity is at hand , even the funniest idea is n't funny . | 0 |
dreary , highly annoying . . . 'some body ' will appeal to no one . | 0 |
`` sorority boys `` was funnier , and that movie was pretty bad . | 0 |
not a film to rival to live , but a fine little amuse-bouche to keep your appetite whetted . | 1 |
sometimes , fond memories should stay in the past : a lesson this film teaches all too well . | 0 |
if you liked such movies as notting hill , four weddings and a funeral , bridget jones ' diary or high fidelity , then you wo n't want to miss about a boy . | 1 |
succeeds only because bullock and grant were made to share the silver screen . | 1 |
it 's super- violent , super-serious and super-stupid . | 0 |
denver should not get the first and last look at one of the most triumphant performances of vanessa redgrave 's career . it deserves to be seen everywhere . | 1 |
the film 's most improbable feat ? it did n't go straight to video . | 0 |
it 's technically sumptuous but also almost wildly alive . | 1 |
perhaps the most annoying thing about who is cletis tout ? is that it 's a crime movie made by someone who obviously knows nothing about crime . | 0 |
limps along on a squirm-inducing fish-out-of-water formula that goes nowhere and goes there very , very slowly . | 0 |
are monsters born , or made ? | 0 |
. . . begins on a high note and sustains it beautifully . | 1 |
life is a crock -- or something like it . | 0 |
the people in dogtown and z-boys are so funny , aggressive and alive , you have to watch them because you ca n't wait to see what they do next . | 1 |
a sexy , peculiar and always entertaining costume drama set in renaissance spain , and the fact that it 's based on true events somehow makes it all the more compelling . | 1 |
instead of letting the laughs come as they may , lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er , comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank , take your pick . | 0 |
a sensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination of the huge economic changes sweeping modern china . | 1 |
the movie is virtually without context -- journalistic or historical . what 's worse is that pelosi knows it . | 0 |
thriller directorial debut for traffic scribe gaghan has all the right parts , but the pieces do n't quite fit together . | 0 |
resourceful and ingenious entertainment . | 1 |
it 's a talking head documentary , but a great one . | 1 |
who knows what exactly godard is on about in this film , but his words and images do n't have to add up to mesmerize you . | 1 |
a plodding teen remake that 's so mechanical you can smell the grease on the plot twists . | 0 |
a bold and subversive film that cuts across the grain of what is popular and powerful in this high-tech age , speaking its truths with spellbinding imagery and the entrancing music of philip glass . | 1 |
a selection of scenes in search of a movie . | 0 |
as chilling and fascinating as philippe mora 's modern hitler-study , snide and prejudice . | 1 |
does n't deliver a great story , nor is the action as gripping as in past seagal films . | 0 |
while glover , the irrepressible eccentric of river 's edge , dead man and back to the future , is perfect casting for the role , he represents bartleby 's main overall flaw . | 0 |
there 's something fishy about a seasonal holiday kids ' movie . . . that derives its moment of most convincing emotional gravity from a scene where santa gives gifts to grownups . | 0 |
desperately unfunny when it tries to makes us laugh and desperately unsuspenseful when it tries to make us jump out of our seats . | 0 |
an inconsequential , barely there bit of piffle . | 0 |
dripping with cliche and bypassing no opportunity to trivialize the material . | 0 |
handsome and sincere but slightly awkward in its combination of entertainment and evangelical boosterism . | 0 |
the film did n't move me one way or the other , but it was an honest effort and if you want to see a flick about telemarketers this one will due . | 0 |
the locale . . . remains far more interesting than the story at hand . | 0 |
y tu mamM-a tambiM-in es un buen filme gracias a lo poco convencional de su narrativa , y es quizM-a el proyecto mM-as arriesgado en la carrera de alfonso cuarM-sn | 1 |
while not all that bad of a movie , it 's nowhere near as good as the original . | 1 |
defies logic , the laws of physics and almost anyone 's willingness to believe in it . but darned if it does n't also keep us riveted to our seats . | 1 |
. . . [ a ] strained comedy that jettisons all opportunities for rock to make his mark by serving up the usual chaotic nonsense . | 0 |
never comes together as a coherent whole . | 0 |
others , more attuned to the anarchist maxim that 'the urge to destroy is also a creative urge ' , or more willing to see with their own eyes , will find morrison 's iconoclastic uses of technology to be liberating . | 1 |
just like every other seagal movie , only louder and without that silly ponytail . | 0 |
upsetting and thought-provoking , the film has an odd purity that does n't bring you into the characters so much as it has you study them . | 1 |
a sharp and quick documentary that is funny and pithy , while illuminating an era of theatrical comedy that , while past , really is n't . | 1 |
this is the kind of movie during which you want to bang your head on the seat in front of you , at its cluelessness , at its idiocy , at its utterly misplaced earnestness . | 0 |
my own minority report is that it stinks . | 0 |
[ a ] strong piece of work . | 1 |
a tale of horror and revenge that is nearly perfect in its relentless descent to the depths of one man 's tortured soul . | 1 |
good for a few unintentional laughs , `` extreme ops `` was obviously made for the `` xxx `` crowd , people who enjoy mindless action without the benefit of decent acting , writing , and direction . | 0 |
the vampire thriller blade ii starts off as a wild hoot and then sucks the blood out of its fun toward the end , you can feel your veins cringing from the workout . | 0 |
the plot plummets into a comedy graveyard before janice comes racing to the rescue in the final reel . | 0 |
philosophically , intellectually and logistically a mess . | 0 |
a guilty pleasure at best , and not worth seeing unless you want to laugh at it . | 0 |
has the marks of a septuagenarian ; it 's a crusty treatment of a clever gimmick . | 0 |
long before it 's over , you 'll be thinking of 51 ways to leave this loser . | 0 |
we root for [ clara and paul ] , even like them , though perhaps it 's an emotion closer to pity . | 1 |
teen movies have really hit the skids . | 0 |
zhang yimou delivers warm , genuine characters who lie not through dishonesty , but because they genuinely believe it 's the only way to bring happiness to their loved ones . | 1 |