Requesting you to submit the data to AI Tamil Nadu's Vidhai initiative

by abinayam - opened

Hi @Shwetasss ,

I'm reaching out to check if you would like to submit this data to Vidhai (largest opensource crowd sourced effort to collect Tamil corpus). This is an initiative of AI Tamil Nadu ( We're also looking for contributors who can help us with different tasks. Please have a look at this video for more information on the initiative:

You can also join the discord here:

Hey @abinayam ,
Thank you for reaching out to me! I'm happy to submit my dataset. Could you please provide guidance on the submission process? Additionally, I'm keen to learn more about how I can further contribute to the AI Tamil Nadu project.

abinayam changed discussion title from Requesting you to suubmit the data to AI Tamil Nadu's Vidhai initiative to Requesting you to submit the data to AI Tamil Nadu's Vidhai initiative

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