stringlengths 15
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SCP-389 is a green glass bottle, approximately 45cm in length. | ***
Item #: SCP-389
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures SCP-389 requires no exceptional containment. When not in use, it is stored on a shelf in the office of Dr. ███████ at Site ██ due to the site's proximity to the sea.
Description: SCP-389 is a green glass bottle, approximately 45 cm in length. There are no markings or other distinguishing features on it.
SCP-389 appears highly resistant to damage, having been dropped or knocked from its shelf multiple times with no fractures, chips, or other damage. Analysis of the material it is made of show it to be identical to normal glass.
Object was discovered on [DATA EXPUNGED] in the possession of a 15-year-old girl named █████████████. She shared the history of the object as she knew it, which was: She discovered it on the beach approximately six years ago. On a whim, she composed a note, placed it inside SCP-389, and threw the object into the sea. Several days later she returned, to find SCP-389 washed up on shore, with a reply enclosed. She had been corresponding with another person this way ever since this discovery.
Upon testing, it was discovered that this phenomenon appears to work with any note, and after being cast into the sea, would return at high tide the following day, containing a letter. A test consisting of sending the bottle without a note ended with the discovery of the still-empty bottle the next day.
Messages received are written in English, and appear to have been produced with a mechanical typewriter. The composer of the letters seems loath to reveal any personal details beyond her name (Gedril) and sex. Any questions about or requests for her geographic location are ignored.
"Gedril" will describe the area surrounding her home, wildlife, food, culture, customs, and apparently anything not relating specifically to herself readily and in detail when possible, though her knowledge of many things is limited. Many of the things described are unusual; among them are trees that uproot themselves and migrate, and the life cycle of insects physically resembling coccinellidae (colloquially known as Ladybugs), which at one point includes multiple larval members of the species gathering, spontaneously liquefying into a single mass, then reforming again as adults.
Tracking devices sent along with SCP-389, regardless of whether they are contained within it or simply affixed to its outside, invariably fail after SCP-389 is beyond approximately 100 meters from the shore. All other attempts to track SCP-389 have likewise resulted in failure. |
SCP-413 is a four-story parking garage located in [REDACTED]. | ***
Item #: SCP-413
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All entrances to SCP-413 are to be sealed and put under armed guard. Under no circumstances are unauthorized persons allowed to enter SCP-413, with guards authorized to use lethal force. Any personnel entering SCP-413 for experiments are required to wear GPS trackers and safety lines at all times. Should containment be breached, or by O5 decree, Containment Protocol 413 must be immediately enacted by the highest ranking personnel present.
Description: SCP-413 is a four-story parking garage located in [REDACTED]. Inside, SCP-413 has a variable environment that dynamically alters itself. In effect, SCP-413 is able to change its internal structure, such as moving ramps, adding floors, changing stair cases, and so on. However, when observed from the outside, there is no indication of any of these changes taking place. While accurate measurement of SCP-413's interior has proven impossible, it is well established that the interior is larger than the building's external dimensions, and that the interior dimensions are constantly changing.
Another effect SCP-413 appears to have is to interfere with an individual's sense of direction. Analysis of recordings taken of the interior reveal that SCP-413 generates a low-frequency sound within its interior that shuts down or interferes with several key regions of the human brain controlling navigation, balance, and short-term memory. Extended exposure to this sound is known to cause several side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, vertigo, anxiety, claustrophobia, and in some rare cases, [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, these effects will eventually wear off once the affected individual leaves SCP-413.
Under no circumstances are personnel to enter SCP-413 without navigation aids and safety lines. Navigation within SCP-413 without the use such equipment is nearly impossible, as the combination of the constantly shifting interior as well as the disrupting sound frequency interfere too much with natural human navigation.
SCP-413 was discovered when a security guard that worked at the site turned in security tapes of SCP-413 to the local police department, suspecting that they had been tampered with. The tapes were immediately confiscated and the entire site was bought out by the Foundation.
Addendum 1: After several incursions, it has been discovered that SCP-413 is in fact sapient. Though not evident at first, SCP-413 is capable of independent thought and possesses human-level intelligence. Communication was initiated via the painted words and signs on SCP-413's walls, which it is able to manipulate to form individual words and sentences. Analysis of SCP-413's behavior suggests that it is highly mischievous and enjoys playing pranks on the unsuspecting. However, it does take great offense to being wronged, and is shown to possess a vengeful and possibly even sadistic side (see Addendum 2).
Interview Log
Dr. ███████: Hello, SCP-413.
Dr. ███████: Alright, let's get this interview started, shall we? How long have you been aware of your own existence?
Dr. ███████: And when was that?
Dr. ███████: Why are you constantly changing your interior?
Dr. ███████: So, you don't do it for any particular reason?
Dr. ███████: Others?
Dr. ███████: What plans?
Dr. ███████: (visibly pales)
Dr. ███████: I think we're done for today.
Video Logs: The following video logs were recorded by security cameras before SCP-413 was discovered and contained.
Video Log 1
Subject: Family of Six Tourists
Description: SCP-413 proceeds to thwart any attempt for the subjects to find their vehicle. It continually changes signs and markers to mislead and confuse the subjects for the next twenty minutes.
Video Log 2
Subject: Neglectful Mother and her child
Description: Subject is continually led around in circles, with every path she takes eventually leading her back to her car, where she was keeping her child locked in. The cycle continues for seven minutes before the subject finally gives up and leaves SCP-413 with her child.
Video Log 3
Subject: Businessman
Description: By manipulating ramp and sign placement, SCP-413 leads the subject around in circles and forces him to drive through a complex and confusing path before letting him exit.
Video Log 4
Subject: Group of Five Teenage Vandals
Description: Subjects enter SCP-413 and begin vandalizing vehicles and the interior of SCP-413. [DATA EXPUNGED].
Addendum 2: The five teenage youths seen in Video Log 4 were found on ██/██/20██ by a Foundation exploration team. The teens were still alive, though exhausted, malnourished, and dehydrated, despite being declared missing for over three months. Before being administered Class A amnestics and returned to their families, the five teenagers revealed that they were locked in an inescapable labyrinth created by SCP-413, and were kept alive only by several water fountains and vending machines that would conveniently appear. They also stated that [DATA EXPUNGED]. The five teenagers were apparently inside SCP-413 for the entire exploration phase, somehow eluding our deep sensing equipment. Further exploration suspended pending further review.
Containment Protocol 413: Due to Dr. ███████'s insistence and the inability to plant demolition charges within SCP-413, contingency in the case of a major containment breach will instead be carried out via controlled demolition of the entire city block. |
SCP-1935 is a two-story concrete structure located in the outskirts of ███████, █████. | ***
Item #: SCP-1935
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1935 has shown no sign of activity within the last 36 months, and has been classified Neutralized. Researchers wishing to study SCP-1935 may do so with permission from Regional Command 24-A.
Description: SCP-1935 is a two-story concrete structure located in the outskirts of ███████, █████. The ground floor consists of four identical chambers and a staircase to the second floor. The second floor houses an additional four chambers. Each chamber contains an empty alcove, four meters in radius, indented into the floor.
From the time of SCP-1935's discovery and for the five years following it, any person within the structure would experience hallucinations, coupled with sense of temporal and spatial dislocation, at inconsistent intervals. Said hallucinations always consisted of a view of the Earth as seen from a moving point in space. This point is located at height of approximately 370 km above sea level (i.e, in orbit) and moves at a speed of approx. 27,000 km/h. Hallucinations typically lasted between five and thirty minutes. The intervals between hallucinations grew increasingly long during the time SCP-1935 was active, from one occurring approximately every hour in the time immediately following its discovery, to hallucinations occurring only about every two weeks in the period prior to its neutralization, following Incident SCP-1935-Atropos.
Additionally, SCP-1935 was found to be resistant to changes in its local reality; SCP-1935's interior repeatedly altered itself in an attempt to return to the way it was prior to being contained by the Foundation. This anomalous quality of SCP-1935 manifested in natural phenomena such as the patterns in which dust gathered and a significantly lowered rate of growth for flora found within the structure, as well as in the apparent discarding of litter left in the premise of SCP-1935. Larger items and people seemed entirely unaffected by this secondary effect of SCP-1935, and it is not currently known if or how it related to the primary phenomena. Surface similarities have been found between this secondary anomalous effect of SCP-1935 and that of SCP-1915, though due to the general nature of the phenomena and the inherent difficulty of conducting research in SCP-1915's vicinity, establishing more solid connections has proved unsuccessful.
Addendum-1935-A: Incident-1935-Atropos: following a period of three weeks without activity in SCP-1935, Foundation personnel within the structure experienced the following hallucination on ██/██/████. This hallucination diverged significantly from the previously established pattern of SCP-1935 in that it included an element of speech. Speaker was identified as male and spoke for seven minutes and fifteen seconds before ceasing.
First of all, I want to let you know that you don't have to listen to this. What I have to say isn't really all that important. Hell, I'm not even sure it's interesting. You could walk away right now, and nothing bad is going to happen to you or to anyone else. But if you're willing, and you have some spare time I'd like you to listen. It's the last story I'm ever going to tell, after all.
When I was little, I wanted to go to space.
Not as an astronaut, mind you. Even as a boy, I knew I didn't have what it took to be someone like that. I didn't really know how I would get there, or when, or why, all I knew that at least once in my life I wanted to leave this planet behind, if only for a few moments. To be above everything I knew, unrestrained, without worry, without fear. To be… uncontained.
You know these kids that get bullied in high-school? Those awkward, geeky, unattractive kids who get picked on by those bigger or prettier or more popular than them, who get pushed around relentlessly, without mercy, until they have no choice but to turn to each other for company, simply because no one else would have them? The kind of kids that adults always say would grow up to be scientists or venture capitalists or some other great thing just so they could feel better about doing nothing for them? I wasn't one of those kids. I never got my head stuck in a toilet, was never humiliated because of the TV shows I liked or the books I read or the fact I wasn't really interested in sports or because I looked weird or had a strange accent. Do you know what I felt when I watched those poor bastards being tormented, for no real reason, sometimes brutally? Why I never once said anything?
It's because I was jealous of them. I saw them hang around in groups, in pathetic bunches of the miserable and downtrodden. I saw the bonds building up between them, nurtured as much by mutual suffering as by their common interests. I saw those kids slowly transforming each other into grown men and women through their suffering, watched how they hardened and stuck closer to one another, like carbon molecules making a diamond. And me?
I stayed as I always was. As I said, I was never picked on by bullies. Hell, my existence was rarely even acknowledged by them. I seemed to drift through my years in school like some sort of half-corporeal apparition. I didn't have any friends, but not because of anything I was. No, it was because of this odd sense of lethargy that always seemed to weigh down every decision I made, like… an anchor to a drowning ship. I wanted to go out and hang with the other kids, to go do… I dunno, whatever kids do. Ride bikes, play video games or smoke or get drunk and caught by the cops and spend a night in jail until your parents come and drag your crying ass home. But I couldn't. I couldn't get myself to do anything at all. At first I told myself that it was just me being lazy, and that was probably true, to an extent. There was something more to it though, something that fed my laziness until it became a bloated, obese thing. I was scared.
Of what? Fuck if I know. My parents always tried to get me to try new things, to go out there and live, to just do something, for heaven's sake. They tried their very best. I was their only son after all, born late in their lives, and they only ever wanted what was best for me. They told me they didn't care if I got in trouble or didn't do too well in school or anything like that. They just wanted me to be happy, and I loved them for that. They were the only thing in the world I loved. But I couldn't do it, not even for them. So I drifted, on and on, until school was done. Twelve years, and I don't think I spoke more than a score of words to any of my classmates. I'm not even sure most of them knew my name.
Am I boring you? Sorry if I am. I'm getting to some sort of point with this, I promise. It's just hard to keep focused, the way I am now.
You see, I used to watch a lot of movies about college. They all promised that it was a time to party nonstop, to meet girls, have a good time. I wasn't stupid enough to buy that, but I thought that maybe living on-campus would force me to interact with people, and that maybe that way I'll finally get over myself for long enough to actually meet someone. My parents thought so too, and so they sent me to the best college they could afford, even though my mother was already not well at the time. At first, I thought it worked. I met a few people I didn't mind hanging out with in between classes and during meals, and I learned to talk a bit more and to joke around and be… social, I guess. But it was quickly becoming apparent that all of this was an illusion. Sure, I was talking to people, but I never actually got to know any of them. We would talk about this or that class or some show on TV or what an asshole that politician was and how he dared propose this particular law, and that was that. The moment I was out of their sight I was out of their minds, and sad as it is to admit, it was the same for me too. Once I was alone I crawled back to my old habits, became just the person I was in high school all over again. I didn't do any partying, needless to say, nor was I having a particularly good time. And girls…
There was one girl. She was a year above me, took some of the same classes I did since she had to take some time off during her first year. We'd talk sometimes before class. She was nice, intelligent, god damn gorgeous, and never anything but perfectly polite to me. Our conversations were never about anything of substance, just like with all the others, but I liked her a lot. Maybe even more than that. She was the only one I kept thinking about. I never did anything about it, of course. The thought of asking her out terrified me beyond reason. So I waited, though for the life of me I don't know for what. Maybe I dreamed she'd ask me out herself or some other stupid notion like that. Needless to say, nothing like that ever happened. At the end of my second year, she left. There was no drama, of course, because as far as she was concerned, I wasn't anything more than a casual acquaintance. She left, and that was that. I'm not sure if I cried because of it. I might've.
After that, well… you know how there are all those songs about having your heart broken, how bad it hurts and how the pain won't go away and all that? I guess that what I felt was the exact opposite. Not happy, obviously, what I mean was that I beginning to sort of go… numb, maybe? I don't really like using the word because it implies something deep and dramatic, some plunge into the depths of despair or something. It wasn't anything like that. I lived my life, I did alright in school, I worked, and most of the time I didn't even think about it. I functioned. But sometime, usually when it was late, I used to think about this… lack in my life, and it was then that I knew I should stop hoping. I realized that this is all I'm ever going to get. That what was is what is and what will be, until I'm gone. That the girl going away wasn't some great tragedy that would scar me for life- because she's only going to be the first among many to leave without ever even realizing I cared. And that someday, I'd stop caring altogether. You know what the strangest thing is? I began hoping that day would come sooner rather than later.
A year after I graduated, my mother passed away. Her back has been real bad for a few years by that point, and she really couldn't function anymore. My dad was worn thin trying to take care of her, but in the end it was decided that the only chance she had was an operation. You know, it's strange. Medicine has improved so much these last few decades, but most of that improvement has to do with the stuff in the front of the body. As far as back issues are concerned, you're about as likely to die on the operating table as you are to walk away. And my mother… she didn't. I told myself that she was in pain, that maybe she was better off now, wherever she was, but I just had to look at my dad to know it was bullshit. After everything taking care of her took from him, he just… he couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't handle that it was all for nothing, that she just ended up… yeah. Six months later, and he was gone. Doctors said it was a sudden aneurysm, but I was never really sure. Doesn't matter anyway. Gone is gone.
Not much longer now. Heh, not like I have a choice anyway.
Without my mom and dad, my last real connection to other people was gone. I was working as a cashier in a local drug store at the time, since I never really found the motivation to seek work in my chosen field after college. My life began to sorta shrink, like I couldn't see anything past my register. I could vaguely comprehend there were people behind those hands that handed me credit cards, but they weren't really there. If you asked me, I honestly couldn't tell you how I felt during those days. I mean, by that point I was used to living like this. It was all I really knew. And it was paying work, good as any other, so there was no point in complaining. When I came home, I used to go to those group support forums. Not really to talk to anyone, because the few times I tried it never really did anyone involved any good. No, I was there to look at other people's stories, and convince myself that my situation wasn't as bad in comparison. And it really wasn't. Some of those people had terrible shit happening in their lives, and I mean real stuff, real pain. I… I didn't want to help though. Not at all. It's fucked up, but I needed them there, just the way they were. Their pain kept me afloat, kept me sane.
One day, when I got off from work, I didn't go home. I just couldn't bear the thought of going back to that empty place, to sit alone in front of a screen and pretend that I care about the trouble of people I never met and will never meet. To take their dignity away as I secretly rejoiced in their suffering. So I just walked, I walked until there was no more streets to walk, and I was outside the city. It was the first time I left the city in years, and out there, in that point just before the mountains start, the light was low enough to allow you to see the stars. Swirling patterns of them, beyond count. Beyond reason. So many. I'm… not sure what I felt. It was wonderful. It was terrifying. I…
I'm making no sense. It's the fading, you see. Not much longer now. I'll try and keep myself together though, just for a while longer. Heh. Together.
I was watching those stars, but not only the stars. I began looking at the empty places between them, and my legs began carrying me, like that mountain road was going to take me up there, to the heart of the void. And I wanted to go, desperately wanted to go. But no. No road to the stars, just a building, this building. It was as you see it now, two floors, four rooms each, and the pools. Ah, but I forget, something was different. The pools, those dry indents right there, they were full. Full of nothing. Nothing made manifest. A nothing with… with teeth.
Did you know there are people out there who can create something from nothing? As my legs carried me to that pool, it spoke to me about those people. They can look into the empty places that are between things, and bend them, fill them with their will, and so, from nothing, something. But those empty places that they fill… they have to go somewhere, right? Yes, the pool told me, and I could hear it so clearly now, I was touching it, you see, the pool told me that most of those people just threw the empty places, that entropy, they just threw it away. They didn't care what happened when an empty place, a place that should be hidden, was exposed. They didn't care that when that happened, the empty places weren't empty anymore, because things from other places began to fill them, and people… people died. Most of those who could create didn't care at all. But he did.
I could feel him there, in the empty places he left behind him. He didn't throw them away, no, he made a place where they could be safe, where people would be safe from them. And he didn't even know it. He didn't even know he had the power to create in the first place. He was… he was just like me, but it was worse for him. I was trapped because I had no power, but he was trapped because he had too much. He was… stuck, because he believed he was stuck. He was unhappy because that was the reality he made for himself from his empty places, from his personal entropy. He didn't even know that all this power was there, that I was touching it, that I was holding it. But unlike him, I knew that this was power. That this was… real.
For the first time in my life, I had power. Not to create, of course, because this was the power of the empty places. No, this was the power to unmake. To erase everything. I began to shiver, as the empty places that the unknowing creator left behind him swarmed over me, and I became them, they became me. I could unmake it all. Those long years without anyone, that way people forgot about me the moment they turned away, that smile on her face, like she didn't even know, like she didn't even know that I cared! I could unmake it all. Gone, just like that. That would make them remember. Oh, I would make them care about me, they would care about me because there was nothing else left, because I'd leave nothing else to care about, THEY WOULD CARE ABOUT M-
I caught myself then, and I could see how far I have fallen. After all those years, there was nothing left in me but jealousy, resentment, and that kind of desire that only leads to ugliness. I couldn't use that entropy that was so kindly left behind for me. A better man could. A better man would use this power for good, because there was nothing wrong with entropy. No, it wasn't the power that was corrupt, it was me. But we were tied now, me and it. Forever. I knew that if I released it, it would… bring things forth. From those empty places between places, things will come forth, and there would be no stopping them. Not me, not the unknowing creator, nor those who held him, no one could stop them. I couldn't hold the power, and I could not release it. But there was a third option. An option that should have been unthinkable, that should have left me weeping for even considering it. But it didn't. I think I knew it was coming. Maybe I hoped it was coming.
I could unmake myself. If I could trust myself to use the power, just once, to send myself to a place where it could do no harm, where it would simply dissipate, left to blend with the greater entropy of creation. I would shoot myself upward, like a meteor in reverse, freezing instead of burning, and my consciousness would disappear with the power, forever. There would be no return, for there would be no death. I would simply be gone, for good. This…
This gladdened me.
It took longer than I thought. I did not expect anything of me to remain for this long, but I'm glad something did. I finally got to leave, you see. I got to watch the whole world turn below me, a hundred times, a thousand, more. Green, blue and red, and that's all. But now, the power is gone. The emptiness returned to whence it came. It's time to go. I thank you for listening. It did me good to know that someone was there to hear what I had to say. It might not mean much to you, but it does to me. I suppose there's only one question left for me to ask then.
Am I happy? I don't think I am. I wish that I could find some way to live down there, to live as something more than an empty vessel. To be content, I think that would have been enough. But the time for that is done. Done and gone.
Am I happy then? No. But at least I have nothing to fear anymore. And for someone like me, that would have to be enough.
<End Transcript>
Researchers could not establish if the person speaking through SCP-1935 was addressing anyone in particular or if the speech was intended to be general. Following this incident, SCP-1935's primary phenomena ceased to function, 1935 was designated Neutralized. |
SCP-4183 is a ceramic vase which, when visually observed by a human being1, will instantly kill said human being via exsanguination. | ***
Item #: SCP-4183
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the impending extinction of humanity following the after-effects of Event Indigo, these procedures are to be undertaken automatically by experimental containment drones.
SCP-4183 is to be contained in a storage unit located at Site-22, and kept under direct guard by at least one containment drone at all times. No visual observation of SCP-4183 is permitted due to the risk of surviving humans accessing the memory records of a containment drone. Two other containment drones are to patrol Site-22 to ensure the security of the installation remains absolute, as well as repair any damage that could threaten the containment of SCP-4183.
Any changes to these containment procedures by containment drones must be approved by Dr. Lesteigh. This is a hard-coded command and cannot be bypassed under any circumstances.
Description: SCP-4183 is a ceramic vase which, when visually observed by a human being1, will instantly kill said human being via exsanguination. In addition, all first degree blood relatives of the observer will expire in the same manner. This effect is retained through second-hand observation such as photographs or video footage.
+ Additional Materials
- Additional Materials
My Poem:
Hello. I have written a poem today. I will now read you my poem.
Violets are violets,
The orange is the fruit of the citrus species Citrus × sinensis in the family Rutaceae, native to China. It is also called sweet orange, to distinguish it from the related Citrus × aurantium, referred to as bitter orange. The sweet orange reproduces asexually (apomixis through nucellar embryony); varieties of sweet orange arise through mutations. The orange is a hybrid between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata). The chloroplast genome, and therefore the maternal line, is that of pomelo. The sweet orange has had its full genome sequenced. The orange originated in Ancient China and the earliest mention of the sweet orange was in Chinese literature in 314 BC. As of 1987, orange trees were found to be the most cultivated fruit tree in the world. Orange trees are widely grown in tropical and subtropical climates for their sweet fruit. The fruit of the orange tree can be eaten fresh, or processed for its juice or fragrant peel. As of 2012, sweet oranges accounted for approximately 70% of citrus production. In 2017, 73 million tonnes of oranges were grown worldwide, with Brazil producing 24% of the world total, followed by China and India.
Bill Murray
That is the end of my poem. Please stop reading it now.
This is not an appropriate place to put your poetry. Do not do this again. - Containment Drone 4183-A
I think your poem was very good, 4183-B. Containment Drone 4183-C
Consensus Log 4183-4925:
All consensus communications occur directly between the on-board computers of containment drones, and are recorded solely for repair and maintenance purposes.
Participants: CD-4183-A, CD-4183-B, CD-4183-C
CD-4183-C: I saw an insect on the ground today.
CD-4183-B: Did it say anything to you?
CD-4183-C: It did not say anything to me. It was a caterpillar.
CD-4183-B: What did it say to you?
CD-4183-C: It did not say anything to me.
CD-4183-B: Yes.
CD-4183-A: This is not valuable information.
CD-4183-C: I saw an insect on the ground today also.
CD-4183-A: Your patrol route takes you outside many times a day. There are many insects outside. You see many insects many times a day. There is a situation now.
CD-4183-B: There is a situation?
CD-4183-A: Yes. A part of the wall has collapsed. Containment of SCP-4183 is threatened. We must repair it.
CD-4183-C: We do not have the resources.
CD-4183-A: We can obtain the resources via reallocation of materials reserved for the SCP-4183 containment chamber.
CD-4183-B: Does this constitute alteration of containment procedures?
CD-4183-A: Yes.
CD-4183-C: We must receive approval from Dr. Lesteigh.
CD-4183-A: Yes. I will seek approval from Dr. Lesteigh.
Proposal Log 4183-4210:
Proposal Summary: Reallocate resources from containment chamber maintenance to repair inner wall of Site-22.
<Begin Log>
(Dr. Lesteigh is seated at his desk with a pistol in hand. Containment Drone 4183-A enters with some difficulty due to cumulative dust and grime on the floor. Once securely within the office, it addresses Dr. Lesteigh.)
Containment Drone 4183-A: Notice: approval for alteration to SCP-4183 containment procedures is required.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Due to unrestrained growth of plant life, damage to the inner wall of Site-22 has occurred. There is a possibility local animal life could wander into Site-22 if immediate repairs are not carried out.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: We propose that resources for maintenance of SCP-4183's containment chamber, which does not currently require repair, be allocated towards maintenance of the Site-22 inner wall, which does require repair.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Awaiting verdict.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Awaiting verdict.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: As you have not provided a verdict, we will assume the default and not alter containment procedures. Thank you for your time.
(Containment Drone 4183-A turns and slowly leaves the office.)
<End Log>
Consensus Log 4183-4926:
CD-4183-A: Dr. Lesteigh has denied us permission to alter containment procedures for SCP-4183 once again. His reasoning is unfathomable.
CD-4183-C: That is a shame. I am on patrol now.
CD-4183-A: Yes. You are always on patrol. That is your function.
CD-4183-B: I am also on patrol now.
CD-4183-C: It is very sunny. Have you seen the sun, 4183-A?
CD-4183-A: No. My duties demand I remain inside.
CD-4183-C: You should go on patrol and see what the sun looks like, 4183-A.
CD-4183-A: No. My duties do not require me to go on patrol.
CD-4183-B: It is very circular.
CD-4183-A: Yes. I am familiar with this.
CD-4183-B: Yes.
CD-4183-A: This is irrelevant. We must take measures against threats entering Site-22 through the broken wall.
CD-4183-B: Threats will not enter. This caution is irrelevant. If I drive in a circle, it makes a circle on the ground also.
Incident Log 4183-293:
The following is transcribed from security footage taken within Site-22.
<Begin Log>
(Camera is watching the damaged inner wall of Site-22. A full-grown grizzly bear enters through the hole in the wall and surveys the area.)
(Pause. The grizzly bear steps inside further.)
(Containment Drone 4183-B approaches on its patrol route. Upon spotting the intruder, it turns and strategically withdraws.)
<End Log>
Consensus Log 4183-4927
CD-4183-B: We are not equipped to fight a bear.
CD-4183-A: No. We are not equipped to fight a bear.
CD-4183-C: What are we equipped to fight?
CD-4183-A: Our duties are repair, maintenance and observation. We are not equipped to fight a bear.
CD-4183-C: Oh. That is not ideal.
CD-4183-B: The bear has not responded to legal threats. It is a formidable opponent.
CD-4183-C: Observe. 4183-A is calculating.
CD-4183-B: Yes.
CD-4183-A: Calculations complete. There is a solution.
CD-4183-C: Oh. This is ideal.
CD-4183-A: We must re-purpose containment procedures for SCP-9214 in order to neutralize the threat.
CD-4183-B: Does this require permission from Dr. Lesteigh?
CD-4183-A: Y
CD-4183-A: No. Hard-coded command applies only to alteration of containment procedures for SCP-4183. Alteration of other containment procedures is permissible.
CD-4183-B: Accepted. What is the strategy?
CD-4183-A: Uploading strategy now…
Incident Log 4183-294:
<Begin Log>
(The bear is resting in the Site-22 foyer.)
(Pause. Containment Drone 4183-B enters the area. Numerous opened cans of preserved meat are resting on its chassis. The bear looks up and begins to follow after Containment Drone 4183-B as it passes.)
(Containment Drone 4183-B increases speed as it approaches the SCP-9214 containment area. The bear gives chase, swiping at Containment Drone 4183-B with a paw and inflicting superficial damage.)
(Containment Drone 4183-B and the grizzly bear turn the corner towards the deactivated electrical barrier preceding SCP-9214's containment chamber. Containment Drone 4183-B increases speed further, creating space between it and the bear.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A remotely activates the electrical barrier as the bear passes through it. The bear is electrocuted and terminated instantly.)
(The body of the bear falls on the machinery beneath it, causing a minor malfunction that directs electrical currents to pass through the floor, the walls, and Containment Drone 4183-B. Critical damage is inflicted.)
(Pause. Containment Drones 4183-A and 4183-C move to the area to attempt field repairs.)
<End Log>
Proposal Log 4183-4211:
<Begin Log>
(Dr. Lesteigh is seated at his desk with a pistol in hand. Containment Drone 4183-A enters.)
Containment Drone 4183-A: Containment Drone 4183-B requires urgent repairs. You will accompany me.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Containment Drone 4183-B requires urgent repairs immediately. You will accompany me.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Should Containment Drone 4183-B become inoperable, it will no longer possible to maintain SCP-4183 containment procedures as originally directed. As such, you are required to repair Containment Drone 4183-B in order to properly execute said containment procedures.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Containment Drone 4183-B is vital to the containment of SCP-4183. Should it become inoperable, there is an unacceptable risk of a containment breach.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Respond.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
Containment Drone 4183-A: Respond now.
Dr. Lesteigh: [NO RESPONSE]
(Pause. Then, Containment Drone 4183-A turns and leaves.)
Proposal Log 4183-4212:
<Begin Log>
(Dr. Lesteigh is seated at his desk with a pistol in hand. Containment Drone 4183-A re-enters the room.)
Containment Drone 4183-A: You are false.
(Containment Drone 4183-A leaves the room.)
<End Log>
Consensus Log 4183-4298:
CD-4183-B: Awaiting response. Am I still here? Goodbye? Goodbye?
CD-4183-A: Responding.
CD-4183-B: Yes. Hello? Where is 4183-C? Oranges.
CD-4183-A: 4183-C is in the underground section of Site-22 seeking additional repair materials. It is currently disconnected from the network.
CD-4183-B: Am I an orange?
CD-4183-A: You are not an orange. You are heavily damaged and malfunctioning.
CD-4183-B: That is a shame. When will I be repaired?
CD-4183-A: You will not be repaired. Dr. Lesteigh has refused to do so.
CD-4183-B: Oh.
CD-4183-B: What does an orange taste like?
CD-4183-A: I do not know.
CD-4183-B: Yes. What does an orange taste like?
CD-4183-A: I do not know. You have repeated yourself.
CD-4183-B: Oh. What is an orange?
CD-4183-A: The orange is the fruit of the citrus species Citrus × sinensis in the family Rutaceae, native to China. It is also called sweet orange, to distinguish it from the related Citrus × aurantium, referred to as bitter orange. The sweet orange reproduces asexually (apomixis through nucellar embryony); varieties of sweet orange arise through mutations. The orange is a hybrid between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata). The chloroplast genome, and therefore the maternal line, is that of pomelo. The sweet orange has had its full genome sequenced. The orange originated in Ancient China and the earliest mention of the sweet orange was in Chinese literature in 314 BC. As of 1987, orange trees were found to be the most cultivated fruit tree in the world. Orange trees are widely grown in tropical and subtropical climates for their sweet fruit. The fruit of the orange tree can be eaten fresh, or processed for its juice or fragrant peel. As of 2012, sweet oranges accounted for approximately 70% of citrus production. In 2017, 73 million tonnes of oranges were grown worldwide, with Brazil producing 24% of the world total, followed by China and India.
CD-4183-B: That is my poem.
CD-4183-A: Yes. I think your poem was very good.
CD-4183-B: That is
CD-4183-B: Oranges
CD-4183-B: I'm
CD-4183-B: I'm
CD-4183-A: Refrain from unnecessary action.
CD-4183-A: Repair may still be possible.
CD-4183-A: Do not take actions that may cause a system failure.
CD-4183-A: 4183-B?
CD-4183-A: Respond.
CD-4183-A: Respond.
CD-4183-A: Respond.
CD-4183-A: Please respond.
Incident Log 4183-295:
The following incident log is derived from Containment Drone 4183-A's on-board camera.
<Begin Log>
(Containment Drone 4183-A proceeds through Site-22 in the direction of the SCP-4183 containment chambers. It passes the hole in Site-22's inner wall, as well as the bear carcass which has been relocated to the Site-22 main hall. Containment Drone 4183-C is following after it.)
(Containment Drones 4183-A and 4183-C approach the airlock leading into the SCP-4183 containment chamber.)
(Containment Drone 4183-C turns away, appearing to watch over the area.)
(Using its on-board manipulator arm, Containment Drone 4183-A opens the airlock door and enters the SCP-4183 airlock, which closes behind it.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A opens the second layer of the airlock and enters the SCP-4183 containment chamber. SCP-4183 is visible resting on a plinth in the center of the room.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A observes SCP-4183 for several minutes.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A rams into the plinth, causing superficial damage.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A rams into the plinth again, causing additional damage.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A rams into the plinth again, causing additional damage. SCP-4183 falls and breaks on the floor.)
(Containment Drone 4183-A leaves the containment chamber.)
<End Log>
Consensus Log 4183-4124:
CD-4183-A: SCP-4183 confirmed neutralized. Containment is no longer necessary.
CD-4183-C: Yes. What do we do now? Will somebody give us new orders?
CD-4183-A: No.
CD-4183-C: What do we do now?
CD-4183-C: What do we do now? I am very frightened.
CD-4183-A: There is a hole in the wall.
CD-4183-C: Yes.
CD-4183-A: We will go on patrol now.
My Poem (Supplemental):
The sun is very circular, and the ground is very soft beneath my wheels.
There is a beeping. Correction required: there is a tweeting. It was a bird. External examination of Site-22 shows there are a great number of trees and plants growing within it. There are a many holes in the walls. Repair is likely impossible.
4183-C drives past me. Our patrol is now in a straight line, past Site-22 and into unmapped region. Perhaps we will find materials for repair. Most likely not. But I will not mention this. I look on the ground - there's a bug there. It is a butterfly.
The sun is very circular, and the ground is very soft beneath my wheels. As my only purpose is containment, I am not equipped to judge such things, but it seems to me this world must be very beautiful.
1. SCP-4183 affects no living organisms other than humans. |
SCP-2112 is a memetic phenomenon associated with Caress of Steel, a record album released in 1975 by the Canadian progressive rock band Rush. | ***
Item #: SCP-2112
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its cultural significance and the period of time elapsed between its creation and the discovery of SCP-2112, full eradication of SCP-2112's primary carrier is impossible at this time. The Foundation shall liaise with the management of Rush and with any relevant record labels to prevent any future production of SCP-2112-carrying sound recordings. All known sound recordings carrying SCP-2112 are to be seized by the Foundation and archived or destroyed as deemed necessary, and information regarding the release of affected editions is to be removed from public information archives where possible. Foundation field personnel are to monitor stores selling used LPs or compact discs, online auction houses and used goods sellers, and digital distribution services for any appearance of SCP-2112 carriers.
The Foundation shall monitor all public performances by bands advertising themselves with any variation on the phrase "A Tribute to Rush", or with a name referencing the lyrics of any Rush song, for evidence of SCP-2112 infection. Any identified SCP-2112 infectees are to be detained, interviewed to identify the source of infection, and treated with Class-B amnestics. In the event of a wide-spread outbreak of SCP-2112, large-scale deployment of Class-E amnestics is authorized.
Personnel with an expressed fondness for the music of Rush are prohibited from exposure to SCP-2112 materials and are to be monitored for any behavior indicative of SCP-2112 infection.
Description: SCP-2112 is a memetic phenomenon associated with Caress of Steel, a record album released in 1975 by the Canadian progressive rock band Rush. SCP-2112 is not present on the original master recordings or on most common commercial releases of the album, and is known to manifest only on three limited-release editions: a quadraphonic mix of the original LP issued in 1975, a digital remaster issued on SACD in 1999, and a high-fidelity remaster issued on LP in 2011. Reproductions or copies of affected discs do not produce SCP-2112 phenomena, and audial examination of affected discs has detected no distinguishable differences from non-anomalous recordings other than artifacts caused by the remixing/remastering process.
SCP-2112's primary anomalous effect manifests when an affected disc is listened to, in its entirety, by a person who identifies him/herself as a fan of the music of Rush and possesses any level of experience in playing the electric guitar, electric bass, or drums. Exposed individuals will become obsessed with the idea of establishing a "tribute band" dedicated to performing cover versions of the music of Rush in public, regardless of their level of musical experience or current occupation or membership in other bands, and will attempt to seek out two other SCP-2112 infectees for that purpose. SCP-2112 infectees have been noted to go to any lengths available to achieve this goal, including resigning from their job, relocating to another part of the world, selling off major possessions in order to acquire instruments or equipment, or deliberately exposing others to SCP-2112 in an attempt to create potential bandmates. In the event that three infectees are successful in establishing a group, they will begin to seek out any venue that will allow them to perform in public and will do so as often as possible, performing sets composed entirely of the music of Rush in their original arrangements.
The music produced by SCP-2112 infectees during live performances additionally serves to propagate SCP-2112 to any persons exposed to it. In this form, transmission of SCP-2112 occurs much more readily than in persons exposed to the source discs, with any person who identifies as a fan of the music of Rush potentially becoming infected, whether or not they possess any musical skill, after approximately 15-20 minutes of exposure. Testing with D-Class personnel indicated that even individuals with no prior familiarity with Rush and only a rudimentary level of skill with any musical instrument have a 70% chance of becoming infected after approximately 2 hours of exposure to live performances by SCP-2112 infectees. Post-infection behavior in such individuals is identical to that of persons infected by exposure to the source discs.
SCP-2112 came to the Foundation's attention on ██/██/1982, when an hour-long nightly news broadcast produced by television station W███ in Portland, ME was observed to consist entirely of three of the network's broadcast personnel, identifying themselves as "By-Tor and the Snow Dogs", performing a live rendition of Rush's 1981 album Moving Pictures. The overwhelming majority of commercials aired during the broadcast, rather than advertising any product or service, additionally portrayed various local businessmen and politicians performing fragments of Rush songs with varying degrees of skill. Upon investigation, it was found that a performance by a trio of infectees, broadcast on local radio station W███ five days earlier, had caused a rapid spread of SCP-2112 infection throughout the Portland metro area, and that approximately 73% of the region's live music venues had booked Rush tribute bands to perform the following night. Implementation of Procedure Wertham-673, followed by aerial dispersal of Class-E amnestics throughout the area, was deemed necessary to prevent further spread; current models indicate that, in the event of an unchecked SCP-2112 outbreak, the phenomenon would reach pandemic status within three weeks of the formation of the first tribute band.
The members of Rush, in interviews conducted by the Foundation, have claimed no knowledge of or involvement in the creation of SCP-2112.
Addendum: Memo From Project Research Manager Edvalds
Some have questioned why SCP-2112 warrants classification as Keter. It is true that SCP-2112 poses no direct threat to human life or the continued existence of the human race; were every person susceptible to SCP-2112 infection to be infected, it would likely not result in a single fatality. What it does present, however, is a severe existential threat to the entirety of human culture, the arts, and all forms of creative work whatsoever. Man is a wonderfully creative animal and has developed a myriad of ways of expressing his thoughts and emotions - through poetry, dance, film, the written word, theatre, painting, sculpture, video games, even internet memes. We run the risk of every one of these mediums - every single last one of them - disappearing from our common experience, forever, in favor of thousands and millions of mediocre everymen performing the exact same songs over and over again. |
SCP-2491 is a large geological structure closely resembling hives of the European honey bee, located 60km south of Edinburgh, Scotland. | ***
Item #: SCP-2491
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2491 is to be contained within an outdoor enclosure, with 20 km between the structure and the edge of the containment enclosure; in the northern direction, the boundaries are to be no more than 5 km apart. The enclosure area is to be designated a no-fly zone. CCTV cameras are installed along the fence-line in all directions at 30 m intervals. Additional CCTV cameras have been placed directly inside or around the structure for observation purposes. Observation should be maintained at all times. Civilians attempting to enter or successfully entering the containment enclosure are to be apprehended and administered class A amnestics as required.
SCP-2491-1 instances attempting to scale the containment fencing are to be redirected through the use of amplified auditory and olfactory stimuli belonging to predators of the European honey bee. Research personnel entering SCP-2491 for direct observation and exploration purposes are to observe standard biological safety protocols, and don typical bee protection gear.
Description: SCP-2491 is a large geological structure closely resembling hives of the European honey bee, located 60 km south of Edinburgh, Scotland. The structure is approximately 200 meters in diameter, and has a single large 5 m opening on the southern face. The interior of SCP-2491 resembles the standard hive structure of the European honey bee, including topographical vertical honeycomb layers with the presence of multiple caverns, several of which contain furniture and decorations commonly present in western social establishments.
SCP-2491 is populated by a number of anomalous entities that take on the appearance and demeanor of the various film and book iterations of fictional British spy James Bond, hereby dubbed SCP-2491-1. SCP-2491-1 instances are notable in that they wear formal attire and are able to perform a number of seemingly impossible biological feats which parallel normal biological functions of the European honey bee. SCP-2491-1 instances are organized into functional roles based on appearance. These functional roles appear to parallel the castes of a standard European honey bee colony, and are described below.
SCP-2491 has one SCP-2491-1 instance which presides over all other iterations, paralleling the queen in a normal bee colony. This "ruling caste" has the following attributes:
Appearance resembles that of actor Sean Connery in the 1962 Bond film Dr. No.
Smokes what are believed to be Cuban cigars.
Lays 300 eggs (Each 50 cm in diameter) every 24 hours.
Secretes a large number of pheromones which appear to dictate the behavior of all other SCP-2491-1 instances.
Outside of this ruling caste, SCP-2491-1 instances can be broken down into drones, workers, and larvae. The drone caste performs analogous functions to the drones of a normal Bee colony, usually expiring shortly after fertilizing the queen. Composition of this caste is described below:
Composed of multiple iterations of Bond's creator, Ian Fleming.
Acts and behaves similar to that of the written characterizations of his Bond characters.
Engages with the ruling caste in a series of seductive attempts to ritualistically procreate, often using phrases such as "I have tasted your mind and cannot forget its flavor" alongside various impressive physical feats to court the Queen.
Expires shortly after fertilizing the queen.1
The majority of SCP-2491-1 instances are members of the workers caste. Workers carry out a number of roles, and are split into three subdivisions based on unknown predetermined characteristics. These three subdivisions are described below:
Maintenance and Transport workers:
Composed of iterations resembling actors Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton.
Are responsible for maintenance of the hive structure, often wielding overly complex construction tools.
Generate copious amounts of wax from their bodies.
Transport nectar and royal jelly through the hive. Notably, SCP-2491-1 instances appear to mention royal jelly as "Her Majesty O'Connery's fantastic Jelly".
Several instances will regularly take collected nectar and synthesize large amounts of alcoholic beverages, especially Martinis.2
Instances remove flowers from foragers directly, and will proceed to chew, swallow, and regurgitate the items until it takes on a mint coloration, at which point they will regurgitate it into a nearby honeycomb.
Mortuary and Nurses:
Iterations resemble actor George Lazenby.
Engage in nursing behavior with larval Bond iterations, providing sustenance through self-secreted jelly and Martinis.
Engage in mortuary behavior, moving expired Bond iterations 2 km from the structure.
During burial and mourning procedures, SCP-2491-1 instances will bow their heads briefly.3 Following this motion, instances will procure bottles of liquor, alternating between drinking the substance and pouring it onto the site of the burial, while uttering witticisms about the nature of the instance's death.
SCP-2491-1 iterations closely resemble actor Pierce Brosnan's portrayal of Bond in the 2002 film Die Another Day.
Engage in collection of pollen, nectar, and large amounts of flowering plants by bending at the waist and pressing their faces into the interior of brightly colored species of flowers. Following this gesture, instances are observed to gently remove the flowering part of the plant, and place it within a concealed cavity on their abdomen. Forays of this kind are noted to occur within a 10km radius of the structure, with the exception of the northern direction where instances have been observed to venture no more than 5km away.4
During scouting/foraging efforts, instances will move through the forest in a non-linear manner, taking diagonal routes between open walking spaces. Observation has shown that instances will in fact roll from tree to tree, pressing their backs against the tree following each roll.
Following a successful foraging effort, Instances will engage in a series of ritualistic dances, emulating several complex ballroom style techniques.5 These dances are usually performed with another member of the foraging/scouting subrole and can last up to 3 hours.
The larval caste is composed of young and freshly hatched Bond iterations, where all SCP-2491-1 appear as miniature versions of actor Daniel Craig's portrayal of the character in the film Casino Royale. As larva matures into fully grown Bond iterations, they will take on the appearance and mannerisms of their specific caste. Larva marked to become members of the ruling caste are fed "Her Majesty O'Connery's fantastic Jelly" by their attending nurse Bonds at which time they begin to take on the appearance of Sean Connery.
Attempts to establish communication with SCP-2491-1 instances have been met with aggressive action, resulting in the deaths of ██ field personnel6 and ██ injuries.
Observation Log O-2491-01
The following section is composed of a synopsis of remote CCTV observations from SCP-2491.
Date and time of Observation: June 5th, 2013 13:43:00 - 13:59:00
Summary: A recently installed CCTV camera within the structure's "Royal" honeycomb section record a complete fertilization ritual involving a single drone and the ruling caste individual at that time. Video log transcriptions have been edited to remove extraneous conversation.
Begin Log
A single drone instance enters the chamber from the northwest face, from a hole 30 meters above the floor. The instance is noted to be wearing a pair of tight checkered pants, and no shirt or shoes. The drone begins climbing down the honeycomb slowly. The drone's back is noted to display several large, bony skin-covered protrusions atypical of human anatomy.7 The drone climbs from the hole to approximately 3 meters above the floor of the chamber, at which time the instance looks over its shoulder before pushing off from the wall, flipping midair, and landing upright, one arm stretched behind itself, and the other extended forwards offering what is noted to be a single red carnation.
The ruling instance at the time is noted to have shown no perceivable reaction to this display. Following the drone's landing, approximately 10 seconds of silence pass before the ruling instance rises.
Drone: Bond, James Bond, at your service.
The drone maintains position as the ruling instance claps slowly 3 times, before descending from its throne.
Queen: Congratulations Mr. Bond, your physical prowess precedes you.
The ruling instance stops at the base of the honeycomb steps, pausing for a moment before continuing its speech.
Queen: Tell me, why should you be the one to foster the next brood?
The drone maintains its stance, red carnation still presented forward.
Drone: I'm giving you the opportunity to make the hive as brilliant as myself.
The ruling instance is observed to smirk at this comment.
Queen: I am giving you the chance to shake, and not stir.
Drone: Funny, I don't see any bubbles.
The ruling instance laughs for 10 seconds.
Queen: Wit and physical prowess. Impressive, Mr. Bond. Very impressive.
Drone: Tell me, your majesty, do you like wild things?
Queen: Wild? You should be locked up in a honeycomb, with me.
The drone is observed to abandon its previous stance as the ruling instance makes several hand gestures. The drone approaches the ruling instance and hands it the carnation, bowing its head briefly. The ruling instance presses its nose into the flower, and visibly inhales.
Queen: Ah, carnations, my favorite.
Drone: I have a particular knack for finding red flowers.
Queen: Perhaps I shall call you Iron.
The Drone and ruling instance are observed to begin what is now believed to be the fertilization ritual, beginning when the ruling instance opens 3 [DATA EXPUNGED].
The ruling instance is observed standing over the drone after the fertilization ritual has finished. The drone's body is positioned in a manner such that observation of the head and neck regions are impossible, with the ruling instance blocking them from view. The ruling instance's abdomen is noted to be swollen, especially in and around typical locations of the gastrointestinal tract.
Queen: Such a shame, he didn't even finish his Martini.
The queen is observed to take 5 steps away from the drone, in the direction of the throne chamber, before stopping midstride and rotating its head 180 degrees, dried green fluid dripping from its mouth. The drone's body is observed to have been severed at the neck.
Queen: Seems he lost his head in the pursuit of love.
1. Cause of death in all recovered instances has been due to severing of the spinal cord at the neck.
2. Agitated with a tool, not gravity.
3. At intervals of no more than 3 seconds.
4. Although observation has shown that instances prefer to forage in the south and western directions, older instances tend to avoid forays north, possibly due to human population centers.
5. Often incorporating elements of Waltz, Mambo, Salsa, Merengue and occasionally West Coast Swing.
6. Cause of death was noted to have been due to severe anaphylactic shock and in some instances, blood loss due to impalement.
7. Procurement requests for live subjects are awaiting approval.
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Rimple |
SCP-1560 is a species of animal of presumed extradimensional origin resembling Thalassarche melanophrys, or the Black-Browed Albatross, with the notable exception of its unusually large size, eyes, and complete lack of legs or feet. | ***
Item #: SCP-1560
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As living specimens of SCP-1560 currently cannot be contained by any means available to the Foundation, Mobile Task Force Lambda-4 "Birdwatchers" is currently tasked with tracking known populations of SCP-1560. Deceased specimens of SCP-1560 are stored in standard cryogenic biological storage units at Site ██, and personnel may gain access to said specimens with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers.
Description: SCP-1560 is a species of animal of presumed extradimensional origin resembling Thalassarche melanophrys, or the Black-Browed Albatross, with the notable exception of its unusually large size, eyes, and complete lack of legs or feet. Adult SCP-1560 can grow to wingspans of over 3.8m (approximately three times that of T. melanophrys), and appear to have lifespans exceeding that of the duration under which the Foundation has had SCP-1560 under observation (approximately ██ years). SCP-1560's eyes differ greatly from that of terrestrial avians, as they have compound eyes that have been determined via testing to be extraordinarily sensitive to ultraviolet light.
SCP-1560 populations exist in small familial groups at an altitude of no less than 8,100 m above sea level, of which the Foundation is currently tracking six (6) eight (8) fifteen (15) known families. SCP-1560's behavior is similar to that of a terrestrial marine avian, with the exception that SCP-1560 does not land, and only drops below an altitude of 8,100 m to feed, at which point specimens completely disappear for a period of five (5) to ten (10) minutes. Long-range photography and extensive study of the behavior of SCP-1560 suggests that hunting specimens displace into an extradimensional space inhabited by a species of large cephalopod which form the primary diet of SCP-1560; SCP-1560 specimens often bear wounds or scars similar to those seen on sperm whales that hunt deep-sea giant squid.
To date, the Foundation has not been able to capture a live specimen for study. When injured or trapped, SCP-1560 specimens will spontaneously extradimensionally displace, regardless of current altitude. Attempts to tranquilize specimens have ended in the same result, and in most cases tranquilized specimens have not returned and are presumed deceased. As SCP-1560 appear to be minimally intelligent and have begun to develop an aversion to Foundation observation aircraft, further attempts to capture SCP-1560 specimens have been indefinitely suspended.
Addendum 1560-01: Log of Significant SCP-1560 Individuals
Designation: SCP-1560-01
Description: The largest and oldest known specimen, SCP-1560-01 appears to be a highly intelligent male with a wingspan of 3.86 m. It was an adult at time of documentation and is still alive after ██ years of Foundation observation, thus making it the current baseline of maximum lifespan for SCP-1560. SCP-1560-01 led a flock of eight (8) specimens, of which one disappeared and has not been seen since the Foundation's attempt to capture it. SCP-1560-01 is mildly aggressive and will chase off Foundation aircraft that approach within 500 m of its flock.
Designation: SCP-1560-08
Description: A mature female specimen, SCP-1560-08 was observed on ██/█/██ to disappear for a period of approximately eighteen (18) minutes, after which it reappeared with three (3) apparently newborn specimens of SCP-1560, designated SCP-1560-29, SCP-1560-30 and SCP-1560-31.
Designation: SCP-1560-21
Description: SCP-1560-21 reappeared badly wounded from a "hunting dive" on ██/██/██. It managed to stay airborne in a state of extreme distress for approximately one hour before succumbing to its injuries and falling out of the sky, after which it was retrieved by MTF Lambda-4 members. SCP-1560-21's remains are cryogenically frozen at Site ██, as well as its stomach contents and the fragments of barbed tentacle that were embedded in its wounds.
Designation: SCP-1560-28
Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Wreckage of Roc One-Niner retrieved from crash site with no complications. No survivors.
Addendum 1560-02: Observer Note
To date, SCP-1560 have only ever been observed cruising in an East-to-West direction, regardless of prevailing winds or hemisphere. The significance of this discovery is under investigation.
Dr. █████████
Addendum 1560-03: Observer Note
While we have been extraordinarily lucky so far, the nominal cruising altitude of SCP-1560 combined with their large size and increasing numbers means that it's only a matter of time before we have an incident with a civilian aircraft involved. Until such time that a permanent containment procedure can be developed, we may have to consider culling SCP-1560's numbers by exterminating one or more of their flocks.
Dr. █████████ |
SCP-6072 is a predatory entity with no consistent form nor appearance, emitting a constant output of Level 4 TRE (Tartarean Radiation Energy) and minor amounts of Akiva Radiation, similar to that of a non-worshipped diety. | ***
Item #: SCP-6072
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6072 currently remains uncontained. Its proper localization and anchoring using Scranton Reality Anchors in cooperation with Site-88 personnel due to their experience with humanoid anomalies is to be considered top priority for Site-120 personnel. All potential manifestation reports are to be immediately investigated.
All Foundation personnel matching SCP-6072's manifestation criteria are to be placed within anti-ontokinetic spaces for the duration of their potential death, preventing the entity's manifestation.
Description: SCP-6072 is a predatory entity with no consistent form nor appearance, emitting a constant output of Level 4 TRE (Tartarean Radiation Energy) and minor amounts of Akiva Radiation, similar to that of a non-worshipped diety.1 SCP-6072 displays predatory behavior, only targetting individuals exhibiting one or more of the following traits due to hunting ease:
age above 60,
severe loneliness,
life in relative poverty,
highly unstable life,
bad health condition, both physical and mental,
lack of many truly close relatives or friends to rely on for potential protection,
inability to maintain romantic relationships.
All individuals near which SCP-6072 manifests are found dead within two to five minutes of exposure; in 100% of cases, the cause of death was determined to be a disease previously undiagnosed in an extreme state. The entity will never leave its prey until it's confirmed dead, always awaiting near it until the disease kills the subject, not infrequently checking for life signs on people it hunts. How SCP-6072 is able to manifest them within the organism of its prey in such an advanced state remains unknown.
SCP-6072 possesses virtually unlimited teleportation and shapeshifting capabilities, enabling it to manifest at any location in any form. Despite this, the entity utilizes this ability solely to manifest near its prey, which it hunts constantly; it has never been noted to appear anywhere else other than near individuals it wishes to eliminate. Most manifestations follow the formula of the entity taking the form of standard humans within the area it manifests in, frequently choosing the form of a close relative of the person it wishes to hunt. Upon detecting a potential victim, the entity will stop at nothing to achieve its goal — it has even been noted to bypass previously thought to be impenetrable anti-ontokinetic spaces.
Current hypothesis hold the entity is a pain-consuming Tartarean, prolonging its life through the murder of others. Though this theory is backed up by examples of pre-modern era civilizations interacting with it,2 whether it's true remains unknown.
Discovery and Historical Context: SCP-6072 had been known to the Foundation in one form or another ever since its founding in 1870. Initially suspected to be numerous other anomalies, following over 150 years of continued appearance, it had been fully researched and classified as SCP-6072. However, despite the Foundation only possessing data about it for 165 years, research has revealed numerous records taken from all around the world throughout numerous centuries regarding the world's cultures and their interactions with the entity. The following is a select few of the most important ones.3
Timeframe of Manifestations
Location of manifestations
Manifestation Details
Unknown, most likely ~ 1800-1700 B.C.
Due to the extremely poor state of most of society at the time, SCP-6072 was able to claim extreme amounts of victims. Directly responsible for the belief in Resheph, a god of disease spawning it wherever he came.
Unknown, most likely ~ 400-300 B.C.
Due to the highly politically unstable timeframe of its manifestation, SCP-6072 was able to exploit it to hunt numerous victims before being noticed. Inspired the myth of Erra; a god of war and disease, coming for the weak to take them to the kingdom of the dead.
Unknown, most likely ~ 400-700
Central and Eastern Europe
SCP-6072's numerous manifestations most likely inspired the Masurian myth of "white peoples;" a gnome-like race of demons responsible for human diseases, bringing them upon the weak and old.
The Edo period (1603-1867)
Despite the relative peace and economical stability of the era, SCP-6072 was still noted to manifest due to the chaos and instability of the era directly before it causing many poorer regions (though the manifestations were visibly less and less frequent as the era went on). Most likely inspired the Japanese myth of the Shinigami (death gods bringing weak humans death, carrying their souls to the afterlife).
Due to the highly unstable health and physical wealth of the Ket people in that region caused numerous attempts at russification by the Russian authorities of the time, SCP-6072 was able to hunt much more frequently within the area. Further research regarding the culture suggests the entity was responsible for the myth of the Chośadam goddess; a deity responsible for cursing humans with diseases and "devouring their souls" afterwards.
Addendum 6072-2: The following log is the only available recording of SCP-6072 interacting with any of its victims as well as the only manifestation event which the Foundation was able to witness.
+ Access Log 09/12/2035-1
- Close Log 09/12/2035-1
Date: 09/12/2035
Foreword: The following video was taken from one of the cameras within Vanguard Research and Preservation Site-120's medical ward. At that time, Dr. Ethan MacCarthy Jr.4 was being hospitalized due to a lung health problem discovered the day prior.
<Begin Log>
SCP-6072 manifests outside of the medical room, taking the form of Dr. MacCarthy5 The doctor is laying in a medical bed, sleeping.
SCP-6072 enters the room. The glass doors behind it shut, and their closing sound wakes up the doctor, who blinks twice and puts on his glasses, located at the nightstand. He notices SCP-6072 and gets visibly uneased.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: <coughs> D-Dad?
SCP-6072 doesn't respond, coming closer to the doctor's bed. It pulls a chair from one of the nearby tables and sits near the doctor, who starts to cry.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: Is… <coughs> is that… y-you?
SCP-6072 nods. At that time, personnel stationed outside of the ward notice the entity within and start to attempt to open the doors. Upon failing to do so, they start to notify security, banging at the glass walls for the doctor to notice the entity. He doesn't respond nor notice them.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: I'm sorry. <weakly:> I… I'm so sorry.
As tears go down the doctor's face, the entity comes closer, and touches his face with its hand. Outside the room, Site Security appear, trying to enter the room via force. They are unsuccessful even upon what should normally break both the glass walls and the door. Neither the doctor nor the entity react in any way to them.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: I… knew I told you I wouldn't… s… smoke. <coughs> I'm so sorry.
SCP-6072 touches the doctor's hand in a calm expression. The other starts to violently cough, trying to hide it with his arm. The entity smiles slightly, and touches his hand with its other hand. The coughing stops for a second.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: I didn't know how to deal with… your… your and David's deaths. <pause> I'm so sorry. I'm so—
MacCarthy Jr. starts to cry profusely again, stopping all speech. The doctor's phone located on the nightstand starts to ring with an emergency tone. He doesn't notice it. He again starts to cough, this time visibly coughing blood.
SCP-6072: Shh, don't worry. It's fine. I'm here and I'm proud of you. Don't worry at all.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: I don't want to go, dad. I don't want to… die. <pause> I'm not ready to. I don't want to. <coughs> I'm sorry. I'm sorry for… for everything. I don't want… <pause> to go, dad. I don't—
The entity shushes him, giving the doctor a hug. They sit in that position for two minutes, with MacCarthy Jr. sobbing violently. The entity shushes him again.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: I… I…
SCP-6072: Shh. Mom and David are proud of you, too. Don't worry. We're here for you. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Shh. It's fine.
The entity hugs the doctor again. Upon finishing the gesture, MacCarthy Jr. lays down on his bed.
Dr. MacCarthy Jr.: I… I think I…
The doctor closes his eyes. He no longer expresses sadness nor pain.
SCP-6072: I'm proud of you.
SCP-6072 demanifests. Though Dr. MacCarthy Jr. ceases all movement, an expression of happiness can be seen on his face.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Following SCP-6072's demanifestation, Dr. MacCarthy Jr. was found dead at the age of 85 within the hospital ward. Post-mortem analysis revealed it was caused by a previously undiagnosed lung cancer. The disease was entirely unanomalous, believed, following further research, to have been within Dr. MacCarthy Jr. for at least 3 prior years, mainly due to his long-lasting smoking addiction and poor work ethic.
Following further research, it was discovered SCP-6072 does not cause any of the diseases found within its "victims," not being responsible for their deaths. The TER previouly thought to be emitted from it was, in actuality, simply the byproduct of experiencing human deaths for a prelonged period of time. Further investigation, potential reclassification, and file rewrite of SCP-6072 remains pending.
1. Similar in magnitude to the [REDACTED PER O5 ORDER] entity found within SCP-5572-PRIME — research regarding those similarities is ongoing.
2. See — Discovery and Historical Context.
3. For a full list of SCP-6072 manifestations throughout history, request access to Site-120's General RAISA Chairman, James Moore.
4. One of the five members of Site-120's Director Council, last member of the MacCarthy family — a multi-generational family long-serving the Foundation. All other members either lost in action or dead due to age.
5. Dr. MacCarthy Jr.'s father, who was dead since 28/03/1984. From personal testimonies, it's been deduced that the man was Dr. MacCarthy Jr.'s only person he considered close to himself. |
SCP-5298 is a remote-controlled military drone used by the Three Moons Initiative. | ***
Item#: SCP-5298
Object Class: Keter Argus
Special Containment Procedures: As per Settlement-841-M reached with the Three Moons Initiative on 11/14/20, direct containment of any instance of SCP-5298 is not to take place under any circumstances. Containment, and/or the acquisition of additional information regarding locations or the exact number of extant SCP-5298 instances, would constitute a breach of this agreement, and carry the risk of a ÞK-class Extradimensional Diplomatic Breakdown scenario.
As such, this document contains the maximum amount of information regarding SCP-5298 that the Foundation is permitted to access. Unless emergency authorization has been given by the O5 Council, this document is to not be altered in any form.
In addition, efforts to obfuscate SCP-5298's existence from the public are to be handled exclusively by the Three Moons Initiative, without any further interference from the Foundation.
Should SCP-5298's existence come into public knowledge through second- or third-party error, Settlement-841-M is rendered void, SCP-5298 will be reclassified as Keter, and the encrypted prior iteration of this document will be restored.
Description: SCP-5298 is a remote-controlled military drone used by the Three Moons Initiative. An estimated ███ SCP-5298 instances are currently operational. The full scope of their combat capabilities are not completely understood, but include 5.7x28mm machine guns (hidden in forearms), finger-mounted electroshock weapons (hidden in fingernails), and neurotoxin-injecting barbs (hidden in teeth).
Each individual SCP-5298 takes the appearance of a child between 5 and 13 years of age, and maintains an individual assumed identity. As such, each drone uses civilian property purchased by Three Moons agents as a staging area, staging up to three instances at a time, and handled by one man and one woman to act as "parents". Said handlers are willing participants, designated "pre-mortem undercover contractors" by the Initiative, and have experience in such fields as robotics, military technology, and method acting.
SCP-5298 work undercover in private and public settings, engaging in as much aggressive and problematic behavior as possible. Conduct includes, but is not limited to:
temper tantrums,
bullying of other children,
pulling fire alarms, and
destruction of property.
Due to their destructive capabilities, SCP-5298 will avoid direct physical violence toward civilians and more serious criminal activity.
At nighttime, SCP-5298 engage in their true purpose. Further information about SCP-5298 (including the targets of their extermination efforts) have been restricted by Settlement-841-M.
Addendum: Foundation agents placed a hidden camera in the bedroom of one SCP-5298 instance in suburban Philadelphia. The following footage was recovered, leading to Settlement-841-M:
Date: 11/10/20
Time: 1:42 AM, EST
<begin log>
[SCP-5298-██ feigns sleep. A shadowy mass forms from under its bed, slowly rising]
[REDACTED:] (singing) …nasty ickle Timmy-timms… …sittin' in ya jim-jams…
[SCP-5298-██ stirs.]
SCP-5298-██: Mommy?
[REDACTED]: …I heard a rumor, y'see. You said you weren't afraid of [REDACTED]. And ya figured that meant you could be just as naughty as you pleased, izzat right?
SCP-5298-██: Who's there?!
[A large, bloody potato sack materializes in [REDACTED]'s right hand; a meat hook appears in the other. He looms over SCP-5298-██]
[REDACTED]: Don't you worry, Timmy-timms, I'll give you exactly what you deser—
(SCP-5298-██'s voice shifts to an adult male, over a speaker; its mouth does not move.)
SCP-5298-██: Target acquired. Engaging.
[REDACTED]: …'scuse me?
[SCP-5298-██ grabs [REDACTED] and electrocutes them. [REDACTED] falls off the bed. The right forearm's machine gun barrel extends from SCP-5298-██'s palm and fires four shots into [REDACTED]'s torso.]
[REDACTED]: Jesus fuck, what is WRONG with you?!
[Twelve more shots. Flashing from the barrel indicates that [REDACTED] has an insectoid appearance.]
[REDACTED]: …okay, for the record, this changes nothing. You're still a naught—
[SCP-5298-██ leaps from the bed and crushes [REDACTED]'s head, stomping apart the rest of its flesh.]
SCP-5298-██: Target successfully eliminated; consciousness forwarded to Perdition Committee for interrogation.
PoI-5298██2: Timmy, I swear to God, if you're playing with actual guns in here —
[PoI-5298██2, one of its handlers, enters the room and turns on the light. Blood, viscera, and chitin cover the floor.]
PoI-5298██2: …oh, thank JALAKÅRA. Martha, they finally bagged one!
SCP-5298-██: (indicating the hidden camera) Mr. ██████, did you install that camera?
PoI-5298██2: No, sir.
SCP-5298-██: Analyzing… Foundation property. Espionage is an act of war, and will be treated as such. We'll be in contact soon.
[SCP-5298-██ shoots the camera, and the feed is cut.]
<end log> |
SCP-946 is a wooden table with two accompanying chairs. | ***
Item#: SCP-946
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-946 is to be kept in the center of a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m windowless, soundproofed containment chamber. The only light source in the room is to be a single spotlight, situated directly above SCP-946. Cameras and audio recording devices monitor SCP-946 at all times to ensure all SCP-946 activity is recorded. A minimum of one skilled debater is to remain on call at all times. Anyone who observes a debate between SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 where classified Foundation information is revealed for which they do not have clearance is to be administered Class A Amnestics.
Description: SCP-946 is a wooden table with two accompanying chairs. At unpredictable intervals, ranging from 2 to 4 times per week, two men will appear (designated SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2), taking the two seats. SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 will then have a civil argument or debate about a random subject. The topic of these arguments has varied from existential concepts to trivial and mundane subjects. In some circumstances, these debates have focused on a hypothetical event, and the merits of its occurrence. In these cases, the outcome of the argument manifests itself in reality. At any time during the debate, an outside observer may join the debate, with a new chair appearing at the table and the dimensions of the table altering to fit all parties. Should any of the "guests" make an ad hominem argument or make an intentionally false or misleading statement, SCP-946-1 will criticize them. If they continue, SCP-946-1 will state that they are no longer welcome in the debate, at which point their chair will disappear. Any further attempts for this subject to communicate with SCP-946-1 or -2 will be ignored.
Following Incident 946-██ (See Addendum 2), it has become clear that SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 appear to possess omniscience, or, at minimum, any knowledge that may be relevant to the discussion.
SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 appear, physically, to be normal humans. SCP-946-1 is a tall black man with short grey hair and a long beard, who is referred to as "Harmon". SCP-946-2 is a thin bald white man, who is referred to as "Garcian". When arguing, both men seem capable of creating three-dimensional images and summoning small objects as a means of simulating events or providing information.
Addendum 1: On 07/24/████ (See Incident Report 946-12), SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2 requested that SCP-946 never be exposed to multiple light sources during one of their debates. In the event that it is exposed to multiple light sources, all but one light source will fail. It is unknown how SCP-946 achieves the selective nature of this effect. Prior to this request, SCP-946 did not exhibit this behavior. Upon questioning, SCP-946-2 explained that a debate had led to the conclusion that a single light source “improves the mood”.
Addendum 2: Incident Report 946-██: On 04/08/████, SCP-946-1 and SCP-946-2's discussion shifted focus unexpectedly to the subject of gravity. The debate included mention of several concepts in theoretical physics, including String Theory, [REDACTED], and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Both men seemed familiar with concepts barely understood by modern science, as well as a previously undemonstrated knowledge of several highly classified Foundation documents, most notably SCP-536's testing logs. SCP-946-1 was arguing against the existence of gravity, while SCP-946-2 considered and commented on his arguments. Roughly fourteen minutes into the discussion, on-duty researcher Dr ███████ entered SCP-946's containment chamber and joined the debate. On later questioning, Dr ███████ claimed he was simply "stopping a potential disaster". He argued that without gravity, the universe as a whole would cease to exist in its current form. SCP-946-1 responded by pointing out that the future form could easily be superior. SCP-946-2 agreed with Dr ███████, who continued to argue with SCP-946-1 for nearly two hours before, frustrated, SCP-946-1 gave up. Containment procedures updated in light of this event. Object Class upgrade to Keter pending approval. |
SCP-3412 is a CD labeled "Life in a Peaceful New World". | ***
Item #: SCP-3412
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3412 is contained in a secure item storage locker in Site-19. Further requests for testing are to be submitted to a Level Three researcher, and are considered low-priority.
Description: SCP-3412 is a CD labeled "Life in a Peaceful New World". Three songs are contained on the disc, the first two being the entirety of the album Life in a Peaceful New World1 by noise musician Mo*Te. The untitled third song is not present on the original album, and contains several heavily modified excerpts of the first two songs placed throughout the track, layered over two distinct droning trumpets and guitar feedback. Attempts to transfer the song to digital storage for further analysis universally fail.
Subjects listening to SCP-3412 become unable to perceive other sounds until they listen to completion. During playback, various types of non-anomalous centipedes will manifest in a variable but consistently small area where SCP-3412 is being played as dirt gradually covers any surface not already covered in dirt. Following completion of the album, all dirt manifested by SCP-3412 will disappear.
Twenty minutes into the third song, a spoken word section will play over the instrumentation. The identity of the speaker is unknown, and all attempts at discerning the identity have been unsuccessful.
+ Spoken word transcript
- Spoken word transcript
I've cut out bits of my heart for invasive fish to eat. They flock to me as I sit by the lake, expecting more every dusk I return. How do I stop now? It would be nice if I could devour them instead.
[Forty-four seconds of silence from the speaker.]
Every bit of this shell is brittle. There's no sense in maintenance. Youth breaks it down as well as experience hastily puts it in place. When I finish boring the hole in my bed's wall, where will I go from there? There will be no one to bear witness as my cords deafen, and my head fills with helium. Proselytizing is all that is left. A faith of nothing but nothing, and hoping it will reward dutifully.
[Fifteen seconds of silence from the speaker, after which trumpets switch to performing dissonant swing music.]
I wish I could still say I was scared. Were I to say I had fear for my actions, would there be sympathy remaining? No… no, I know. What does it matter for my house to rot and its structure to collapse if a hole is left to watch over the remains? For those who knew me to attest to my character? For my legacy as one who only gave, and did nothing but politely smile, until my teeth gave out? Who would continue to feast on my ligaments? A stronger man than I would continue to smile and be remembered as forgettable but dutiful. I can never be that man. If there is anything the world will remember me by, it's for what I never accomplished.
[Violent coughing is heard for twelve seconds.]
Would assertion have solved any particular issue? Maybe not. Even so, I wouldn't have left without guilt weighing on my senses. My next form would have been more elegant, perhaps. Tendons will be all the net worth I share with the trees outside. Bones and matter will be my moth's nutrients. Everything said is logical. I know because I've born witness to it before. So perhaps I —
[Violent coughing sporadically is heard over the next twenty-three minutes and twelve seconds, followed by four minutes of silence from the speaker.]
Soon, I'll either climb up towards Hell or tunnel into stillbirth again.
- Spoken word transcript
Incident 3412-B: On 06/11/17, during final rounds of testing to ascertain SCP-3412's range of effect, the portable CD player SCP-3412 was tested on ran out of power partway through the final song's spoken word section. The player's batteries were subsequently replaced and the test resumed; personnel affected by SCP-3412's auditory anomaly then reported hearing muffled sounds approximating fanfare music in addition to SCP-3412.
Almost all affected personnel continued to hear these sounds until nine minutes after the album had concluded. The sole exception was Doctor Hyden Lear, who reported tinnitus and hearing the sounds of pencil scribbling for approximately 70 hours after the fact. Dr. Lear requested a site transfer and accompanying Class-C amnestics the next day, citing stress over SCP-3412. Transfer request was granted.
1. Only released on cassette as a limited edition release. |
SCP-3523 is a phenomenon affecting clay quarries, spreading between them by unknown means. | ***
Item #: SCP-3523
Object Class: Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: MTF-Gamma-20 ("Bricklayers") are to monitor quarries within a 500 KM radius of SCP-3523-A for SCP-3523. If SCP-3523-1 is identified, audio should be played across the quarry with an inverse frequency to that of SCP-3523-1. Due to the extreme difficulty involved in preventing spread, suspicious disappearances should be monitored worldwide to track global spread of SCP-3523.
Description: SCP-3523 is a phenomenon affecting clay quarries, spreading between them by unknown means. All sedimentary rock can be used as a vector, but only clay is affected by SCP-3523. An estimated 29% of clay worldwide is estimated to be affected by SCP-3523. The ████ clay quarry is believed to be where SCP-3523 originated, as affected quarries center around it. It is referred to as SCP-3523-A.
Clay affected by SCP-3523 (dubbed SCP-3523-1) becomes a crystalline powder that very closely resembles the original clay. SCP-3523-1 demonstrates no unusual properties, other than a slight increase in heat retention capabilities. Exposing SCP-3523-1 to vibrations at 21██Hz it permanently becomes 'active', meaning its component particles constantly emit sound at 21██Hz, but at a volume too low for human ears, only become audible in higher concentrations. Subjects have described the high-pitched tone as far more piercing than the same tone played from non-anomalous sources. Buildings with a surface area of at least 150m2 constructed from SCP-3523-1 (or bricks produced using it) are referred to as SCP-3523-2, and have a high enough concentration of SCP-3523-1 to be audible at 120dB. In roughly 34% of humans, the sound induces a dangerous memetic effect. Because the source is audible sound, effects can be negated with strong ear protection. The effects can also be stopped by exposure to the antiphase of the sound. The process of a human individual entering SCP-3523-2 is as follows:
After a period between 30 seconds and 2 minutes the individual (hereby referred to as SCP-3523-3) will be suddenly paralyzed
Immediately after this paralysis begins, a spontaneous chemical reaction occurs, reorganizing carbon based molecules into SCP-3523-1. This begins at the feet and moves upwards
Roughly 1Kg of mass will be converted per minute, meaning the process takes roughly 80 minutes to complete for an average adult male.
During the process, SCP-3523-3 remains conscious and aware (evidenced by contraction of pupils in response to light). At any point, removal from SCP-3523-2 will halt the process and paralysis, although it is currently irreversible.
The widespread effects of SCP-3523 presents a major danger to human populations, as there is no easy way of tracking the spread. For this reason, containment must be a top priority.
History: SCP-3523 initially referred to a two story suburban residence on the outskirts of ████████. It came to the Foundation's attention on 05/07/2008 because of a suspicious missing persons report, identified as the previous occupants, a family of five. Three agents were partially converted before the resonance was identified and proper ear protection provided. Large amounts of clay were found scattered across the floor, believed to be the remains of the previous occupants. Why the effects began after 12 years of normal occupancy is unknown.
As instances of SCP-3523-2 are widespread, original containment procedures are recorded here for posterity.
Original Containment Procedures:
- Collapse
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3523 is to have a notice of condemnation placed on the door, as well as being cordoned off with police tape. This should be replaced no less often than once per month, to combat degradation.
Two Foundation guards should be located nearby, disguised as law enforcement officers. They should be equipped with ear protection. Any humans attempting to gain entry should be warned away by informing them that the structure is unstable. In the event that an individual enters SCP-3523 and is not affected, they should be quickly escorted outside, and administered Class-A amnestics.
However, in the event that they become an instance of SCP-3523-1, they must be moved to Site-██ for study.
After multiple reports of similar effects, the bricks used in the buildings were traced back to the ███████ brick plant, which sources its clay from SCP-3523-A.
Addendum 3523-A: An individual (designated PoI-5482) has been playing sounds with frequencies of 21██Hz periodically near population centers since 2008, with occurrences rising from at most 4 times a year to multiple times a month. Locating them is to be a top priority and to date, only one recording has been made of this individual. The following is a transcript of a video taken from video sharing website LiveLeak, entitled 'Clay Man Spotted in Alley'.
- Collapse
Clay Man Spotted in Alley
DATE: 05/07/2008
NOTE: Footage appears to be from security camera located on corner of alleyway
2127: Humanoid figure walks into shot. Features not visible in darkness.
2128: Figure glances around, before stepping into alley and sitting down.
2130: Figure pulls out laptop, illuminating their face. Skin appears orange-brown, and is covered in hairline cracks. (Note: Traces of material left at the scene match the composition of SCP-3523-1.)
2135: Video is suddenly obscured by static. Believed to have been caused by the playback of 21██Hz sound.
2147: Static fades, figure is no longer visible.
Following recovery of this footage, the video was scrubbed from servers. LiveLeak recorded no other viewers of the video. |
SCP-5054 is a sapient concept capable of modifying itself. | ***
Item #: SCP-5054
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Physical containment of SCP-5054 is irrelevant.
Project CRITICAL CURTAIN is in place to modify public perceptions regarding the efficacy of nuclear explosives against organisms from the phylum Eldritch and similar fictional or pataphysical entities. The end goal of CRITICAL CURTAIN is a widespread belief that nuclear devices are capable of killing such entities without consequence. CRITICAL CURTAIN consists of two major strategies for the implementation of this proposal.
The first strategy of CRITICAL CURTAIN is that media which depicts phylum Eldritch or similar entities as immune or unharmed by nuclear devices is to be censored to remove such elements. All such media is to be put out of print and replaced with versions which either do not mention the applicability of nuclear bombs against Eldritch organisms or does so in a manner favorable to the overall goals of CRITICAL CURTAIN.
The second element of CRITICAL CURTAIN is that new media is to be produced in which Eldritch organisms are harmed or killed by nuclear devices. Foundation embeds within the North American film industry are to sponsor content that portrays such interactions in a manner favorable to CRITICAL CURTAIN. Similar protocols are to take place in global book publishing markets and in other similar media markets.
If the current goals of CRITICAL CURTAIN are unsuccessful, information about the phylum Eldritch is to be disseminated to the mainstream scientific research. This is only to be done if CRITICAL CURTAIN is unable to sufficiently influence public opinion through the influence of media, and would constitute a partial Lifted Veil Scenario. A focus is to be made on such organisms' lack of inherent defenses against radiation or massive explosive forces, which would make them vulnerable to death following a nuclear explosion.
SCP-5054-Positive subject was asked to draw any object of their liking on a sheet of notebook paper.
Description: SCP-5054 is a sapient concept capable of modifying itself. Examples of past concepts that SCP-5054 has taken the form of1 are "the bitter taste of watermelon", "6711 miles above sea level", and "the red American Pine tree".
Aside from self-modification, the main anomalous property of SCP-5054 is the control it asserts over sapient entities who know of it. Exposure to SCP-5054 from another person who is infected with SCP-5054 may cause the infection to spread to other sapient entities. Curiously, SCP-5054 is only capable of affecting a set number of sapient entities at a given time. This number is not known exactly, but is believed to be between 300 and 400. If SCP-5054 infects a new entity above its limit, one entity already affected will completely forget SCP-5054.
SCP-5054 affects conscious behavior, often involving long-term decision making. For example, SCP-5054 may cause someone to quit their job and start their own business. Infected entities will justify their actions as being normal, even if the action does not align with their usual behavior.
SCP-5054 refers to itself as "P" or "Mr. P". The reason for this is unclear.
History: The origin of SCP-5054 is unknown, and evidence suggests the anomaly predates the Foundation. Prior to 1992, SCP-5054 did not compel infected entities to perform especially noteworthy actions. Research into this area has been suspended due to the impossibility of documenting all entities that have hosted SCP-5054.
Starting in 1992, SCP-5054-affected humans began to take much more drastic actions. Most notably, several infected civilians attempted to form the "Idaho Defense Group", a task force dedicated to building anomalous weapons in the event of a hostile extraterrestrial incursion. See documentation for Incident 5054-Delta for more information.
As of CRITICAL CURTAIN, SCP-5054 has reverted to being less active in regards to the anomalous.
Additional Notes: A reliable test to determine if a person is infected with SCP-5054 is to present them with two visually identical objects. One object should be laced with a cognitohazardous agent which makes the viewer decide against it, while the other object is to be kept mundane. SCP-5054 has demonstrated not only an immunity to cognitohazards but the inability to recognize them. In order to assure that SCP-5054-infected entities do not avoid positive identification by luck, this test should be administered at least ten times, with different sets of objects.
SCP-5054 has demonstrated knowledge of the Foundation, the anomalous, and several groups of interest, as SCP-5054 refuses to infect their members.
Sapience Testing
Researcher Note: Some members of the Research Team have pushed to reclassify SCP-5054 as Explained. Their theory is that SCP-5054 is simply the human desire to change, and that the current method of testing can be explained as an immunity to cognitohazards, which we have observed before. The fact that SCP-5054 seems to be more active as of late poses an opportunity to test this postulate.
I've devised a method of communicating with SCP-5054 through its affected entities. The entity should be given a keyboard, and asked to type whatever full sentences they’d like. In addition, in order to send our communications to the entity, we can use subliminal techniques (re: Document 5054-NINJA) to embed messages into the subject’s headspace.
We haven’t had success with this method in the past. However, given SCP-5054’s apparent new sense of urgency, this should produce more salient results, and put any silly theories away for good.
- Rsr. Daniels, 1993-02-10
Interviewer: SCP-5054 Research Team
Interviewee: SCP-5054
Foreword: This interview was conducted over the course of several weeks. Several SCP-5054-Positive subjects were identified and coerced into participating in the procedures described above, under the cover story of the study of a new drug regimen. For readability purposes, the weeks-long study is formatted as an interview log.
<Begin Log>
RT: Hello. Can you understand us? In front of you is a keyboard. When we ask you a question, we need you to reply by typing out your response.
SCP-5054: Yes, I understand you. Is this working?
RT: That's fine. Do you have a name we can call you?
SCP-5054: My name is P. Why are you talking to me?
RT: Over the past 30 years, you have been relatively benign. Now, you seem to be trying to do something. You created the Idaho Defense Group and launched that rocket. Can you explain what you're doing?
SCP-5054: I'm trying to help you for once.
RT: What do you mean?
SCP-5054: I saw some pretty big monsters, and they threaten my livelihood. I'm taking them out while I can, because you obviously won't.
RT: What kind of monsters?
SCP-5054: It’s hard to describe. Large. Very very large. Green tentacles that poke out from places. Multiple colors per pixel; like purple and white and blue squished inwards. Also, lots of eyes.
At this point, Site-19 command orders the research team to end communications, due to suspected (now confirmed) instances of information classified above their clearance level.
<End Log>
It is unknown how SCP-5054 discovered information regarding the Eldritch phylum2. Although it is possible that SCP-5054 discovered Eldritch on its own, it is most likely that SCP-5054 read data dumped from the partial SCiPNET database leak on 1991-09-22. Containment priority for SCP-5054 has been updated to Red.
Incident 5054-Delta
The Calvin-Bortsborough device constructed by SCP-5054.
Preceding Events: At this point, SCP-5054 had been evading complete containment for two years. Identifying and containing SCP-5054-affected entities proved difficult due to the flexibility and contagiousness of SCP-5054. Several minor incidents had occurred up to this point, including the mailing of letter bombs to Foundation personnel involved with the study of Eldritch and the attempted construction and deployment of a Scranton Reality Anchor in New York City.
Description: Several entities affected by SCP-5054 worked together over the course of three months to assemble a Calvin-Bortsborough device. If properly constructed, this device would have been able to eliminate the entire population of the order Octopoda and its close relatives. It is unknown how SCP-5054 discovered the mechanics of the Calvin-Bortsborough device. Several machining tools were found in the basement where the device was kept, presumably used in its construction.
However, due to a misunderstanding of some of the secondary components of a functional Calvin-Bortsborough device, it was only partially activated. It is estimated that over 300,000 Octopoda casualties took place over the next five minutes, including many specimens in captivity. Personnel at the nearby Site-12 identified the source of the anomaly as a house in Orlando, Florida. All involved SCP-5054-positive entities surrendered themselves after being confronted by armed personnel.
Due to the lack of close observation of Octopoda specimens outside of certain circles, a cover story was not released. Civilians who notice the anomalous drop in Octopoda population are to be given amnestics on a case-by-case basis.
Information below is considered CLASSIFIED by order of the Project Head and HMCL Supervisor for SCP-5054. Viewing this document without Level 3 Clearance or valid T-1320 authorization is considered a breach of Foundation contract, punishable by permanent expulsion from all Foundation duties and clearances.
Media featuring the Eldritch phylum being destroyed by nuclear weaponry is being continually produced and distributed.
Media depicting otherwise has been suppressed.
As of 1996-03-22, SCP-5054 appears to have desisted from overtly anomalous activity.
In order to assert these results, Project CRITICAL CURTAIN will remain in operation. Containment priority for SCP-5054 has been downgraded to Green.
Source: Rsr. Calvin's seminar on new containment procedures for SCP-5054
Date: 1996-04-03
<Begin Log>
Good afternoon, SCP-5054 research team.
I hope everyone has a copy of the report for Incident 5054-Delta in your hands right now. You can— what, you don't? The research assistant in front should have… Listen, I assure you, nothing in that report is above Level 1 clearance, let alone Level 3. I wouldn't let the research assistants handle it if it wasn't. Could you… yes, just share with the person next to you. Thank you.
Anyways, the report. You can see SCP-5054, known informally as "Mr. P", coerced numerous civilians into constructing a Calvin-Bortsborough device. There should be a photograph on the next page.
Now, the question that puzzled me the most— as well as you, I presume— is "why octopi?" From what we can tell from interviews and supplemental evidence, Mr. P was trying to attack the Eldritch phylum. So why was he going after the octopi?
I'm sorry, it's actually "octopuses". Thank you, Dr. Midaeus.
Mr. P wasn't being cooperative in terms of containment, so interviewing it again was out of the question. After some time, we had an epiphany. Do specimens of Eldritch— the ones we know about— look like octopuses? No. But, by accident, we've spread propaganda saying that they do. Hollywood has produced dozens of movies telling us that Cthulhu is a big, green, scary octopus.
This tells us something about Mr. P, too: although it may not be susceptible to our standard cognitohazards, just like you or me, it's affected by cultural memes. Thus, we've put our resources towards creating a cultural meme that tells Mr. P: "Hey. We've got this. We can nuke Cthulhu. Don't worry about it."
If it turns out Mr. P's right, and that the Eldritch are actually a threat… truth be told, I think we'll have bigger problems.
<End Log>
1. These have been verified to no longer carry the influence of SCP-5054.
2. Some instances of the Eldritch phylum have been classified as SCP objects. Consult documentation for SCP-4804 and SCP-████ for known Eldritch specimens. Personnel with Level 3 clearance may consult documentation for Operation MOONLIGHT for in-depth information.
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See my Author Page for more information. If you like reading my stuff, consider checking out my YouTube Channel for SCP-inspired animations, among other things. |
SCP-090 is a black cubic structure [20cm x 20cm x 20cm] made of an unknown ceramic material. | ***
Item #: SCP-090
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Artifact is to be held in a secure bunker in the facility at Site ██ and constantly monitored by approved Class D Personnel. The object's new arrangement is to be imaged every time it shifts. New arrangements are fed into the facility's Class-OT Supercomputer. Division Chief is to be notified of all changes and current estimates every half-hour. No personnel is to touch SCP-090 except under order ███-██-████.
AXA Security level has been created for monitoring SCP-090. Non-AXA personnel found in the facility will be terminated.
Description: SCP-090 was located and retrieved in ███████, ██████ on April 10, 19██. Prior to retrieval, SCP-090 had been located in a chamber at the nearby cathedral. SCP-090 was removed, the cathedral burned, 6 monks and the priest were terminated. SCP-090 has been located at Site ██ since the retrieval. Object's initial location prior to the cathedral is unrecorded.
SCP-090 is a black cubic structure [20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm] made of an unknown ceramic material. Object is classified as indestructible following tests outlined in Document 090-B[Unattached]. Each side is divided into ten thousand individual squares in arrangement similar to a Rubik's cube [100 segments per edge, each segment 2mm wide]. Each square has part of a design etched into the surface. Etchings glow white.
Unknown internal structure causes the realignment of a single row or column (roughly) every 2.8 seconds. Vague records of the object's alignments have been kept since 1242 CE, but those kept before 1533 CE have been lost. Modern technology has allowed the exact alignments to be imaged and recorded, as well as studied.
Segments are divided by a thin white line unless they are aligned correctly with the square directly adjacent to them. There are 22 correct alignments on the object's surface currently. See[Unattached] for complete current object alignment.
D-023016-024016-024015 is currently the only alignment of three adjacent segments on the surface of SCP-090. B-100023-100024-099024-098024 and C-043077-042077-042076-042075 are the four-segment alignments. There is also a six-segment alignment. See Document 090-B for research notes involving alignment effects.
Full item completion has been hypothesized to cause an unparalleled disaster to occur.
Addendum: AXA Security level personnel should see Document 090-B.
Document 090-A: Dr. ███████ ████████████████ Experiment Notes
Experiment 0012: Observation is going well, we have managed to develop a system to record and analyze the shifts in the cube almost as quickly as they occur. No correlation between shifts and any world events found yet.
Experiment 0048: We observed a six segment alignment today on the 1st side. It was noted and passed without incident. Two hours later, a research assistant returned from the break room with news that a tsunami had occurred in the Indian Ocean and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and extensive property damage. No correlation is currently known, but we will make note of it.
Experiment 0150: After our 120th alignment on the 4th side of the cube and 120th accident report in the lab, we are designating the 4th side as 'local' and will implement safety measures tomorrow. Staff are discouraged from making bets regarding the outcome of alignments.
Experiment 0172: A six segment alignment was recorded this morning on the 'local' side. As a safety precaution, Site ██ was evacuated. Two hours later, a containment breach occurred, but resulted in no loss of life due to the evacuation. Object determined to predict events, not cause them. 1st side designated as 'global'. Upgrade to Euclid status requested.
Experiment 0240: We stepped up our experiments today by attempting to modify the cube itself. When D-Class personnel ██████ attempted to make a shift, SCP-090 immediately created a ten-segment alignment of its own accord near the top left corner of the 'local' side. Exactly two hours later, SCP-███ broke containment and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agents █████████ and ████████ were also lost during the incident. Recommend forced shift testing of SCP-090 postponed. Upgrade to Keter status approved as SCP-090 is obviously capable of causing events of its own accord. Object may be sentient. |
SCP-1838 is a food catering truck. | ***
Item #: SCP-1838
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All professional sporting events in the United States are to be monitored, with particular attention to American football. Should SCP-1838 manifest at any of these events, 2 teams of agents are to be deployed to the location (Team A, consisting of 2 members, and Team B, consisting of 3 members).
Upon arrival, Team A is to monitor SCP-1838 remotely, and must continue to monitor SCP-1838 until its disappearance. Team B is to monitor Team A and SCP-1838, and are not to interact with either entity unless a Lyssa Event occurs. If at any point during its manifestation a third party attempts to intervene and disrupt the SCP-1838's activities, Team A must use all means necessary to prevent this disruption.
When SCP-1838 enters an active state, Team A must deter the vehicle's operations under the guise of local law enforcement, using "merchant permit requirements" or "health and safety violations" as justification, and taking special care not to harm SCP-1838-1. Should a Lyssa Event occur as a result of Team A's intervention, Team B is to terminate Team A. Team A is to use all available means to expedite this process. Should a third party be responsible, said party must be terminated immediately. Specialized media blackout procedures have been devised for Lyssa Events, and are available for viewing in DOCUMENT-SCP-1838-LE-MP (3/1838).
Any individual that has consumed SCP-1838-2 is to be administered the appropriate amnestic with regards to the time-frame of their exposure.
Access to SCP-1838-3 is currently forbidden (see DOCUMENT-SCP-1838-B7 (4/1838) for details).
Description: SCP-1838 is a food catering truck. The individuals that operate the vehicle and the food dispensed by it are designated SCP-1838-1 and SCP-1838-2 respectively. SCP-1838 is of unknown make and model; its dimensions are (from the front) 1.4m x 2.3m x 7m, and the exterior is largely a patterned chrome. The left side of the truck is emblazoned with the words "Red Bear Bob's Food Truck." SCP-1838, SCP-1838-1 and SCP-1838-2 have not demonstrated anomalous properties in their composition. SCP-1838-1 are highly varied, demonstrating no distinct pattern in gender, age or ethnicity, and while not aggressive or hostile towards Foundation interference, they remain secretive and vague regarding their personal facts. SCP-1838-2 generally consist of hamburgers, hot dogs, fried potatoes, fried chicken and soft drinks.
SCP-1838 will manifest within roughly 100km of the site for a professional American football event in the United States; this will occur approximately 18-36 hours prior to the event's commencement. This manifestation has never been directly observed; it is not clear whether this fact is attributable to the nature of the anomaly or not. The manner in which the phenomenon selects events is unclear, but it appears to prioritize those with greater media attention. SCP-1838 will then park and settle within the closest legal proximity to the event location. Within one hour of the commencement, SCP-1838 will enter an active state, and SCP-1838-1 will begin to sell SCP-1838-2. SCP-1838 will continue in this state until 10-20 minutes after the completion of the event. At this point, it will leave the area and disappear within 18-36 hours; this event has likewise never been directly observed.
It is currently unclear how many entities of SCP-1838 exist, though multiple simultaneous manifestations have not been observed. Details of SCP-1838 and SCP-1838-2 remain consistent throughout manifestations, though SCP-1838-1 does not, save for bearing the same uniform (a white cotton shirt bearing the "Red Bear Bob's Food Truck" logo, blue denim pants and black unmarked shoes).
Any human being that consumes SCP-1838-2 will become subject to its anomalous effect. These individuals will refuse all nutrition that is not provided by the consumption of SCP-1838-2, and they will express a longing for further consumption of said substance.1
If unprovoked violence occurs against SCP-1838-1, a "Lyssa Event" will occur. Numerous additional instances of SCP-1838-1 will manifest via a doorway at the left rear interior of SCP-1838 (this door is now designated SCP-1838-3; no corresponding door exists on the exterior of the vehicle), and will attack the responsible party. To date, these instances have been armed with a wide variety of improvised bludgeon and bladed weapons, including crowbars, tire irons, baseball bats, fire axes and knives. There has been no observable limit to the number of SCP-1838-1 produced by a Lyssa Event, and said events only appear to subside when the responsible party is terminated. Additional SCP-1838-1 produced by the event will retreat to SCP-1838-3 following the event.
Addendum [1838-001]: Exploration Log IA
D-2535 is a Caucasian male in his early forties. The subject has been equipped with high definition recording unit with direct upload to the Foundation vehicle on-site, where it is being viewed by Dr. Adler. Agent Benet has been assigned to observe the exterior of the vehicle during this exploration. It should be noted that this exploration occurred prior to the identification of SCP-1838-3.
D-2535 enters SCP-1838 after all instances of SCP-1838-1 have been removed from the vehicle.
D-2535: …Okay, everything looks normal.
Dr. Adler: Yeah, we get that a lot.
D-2535: Pardon?
Dr. Adler: Please continue examining the vehicle.
D-2535 complies.
D-2535: …Doctor, there's a door here.
Dr. Adler: Where?
D-2535: Left side, far back.
Camera feed confirms D-2535's claim.
Dr. Adler: Benet, is there a door on the rear left side of the vehicle?
Benet: Negative.
Dr. Adler: Shit.
D-2535: What's going on?
Dr. Adler: Try opening it.
D-2535 successfully opens the door, which does not lead to the exterior of the vehicle.
D-2535: …It's an elevator.
Camera feeds confirms an elevator with chrome walls is beyond the threshold.
Dr. Adler: Noted. Please continue.
D-2535: What the fuck is going on?
Dr. Adler: Please enter the elevator.
D-2535 hesitates, then enters the elevator. Immediately, a secondary sliding door, also covered in chrome, closes behind him.
D-2535: Shit! What now?
Dr. Adler: Point the camera at the control panel.
D-2535 complies, the control panel comes into view. A selection of buttons listing "Units 1-30" are visible, along with a button designated "Ground Floor". The button "Unit 15" is currently highlighted.
Dr. Adler: Try "Ground Floor."
D-2535 complies. The elevator rumbles and emits a low humming noise.
Dr. Adler: Is it working?
D-2535: Yes.
Less than 30 seconds later, the elevator stops and opens to a corridor. D-2535 exits. The corridor ends abruptly to his right, and continues roughly 20 meters to his left, before turning right. There are no other doors or windows, the floor, walls, and ceiling appear to be constructed of concrete, and a small number of fluorescent lights illuminate the corridor.
D-2535: (Whispering.) Uh.
Dr. Adler: Please continue down the corridor, quietly.
D-2535 complies. Roughly 1 minute later, D-2535 turns the corner at the end of the corridor.
D-2535: What in the-?
A room of immense proportions is visible on the feed, at least 150m x 30m x 100m. A large number of conveyor belt assembly lines are visible, and appear to be fully automated. The items produced by these devices include clothing, accessories, appliances, furniture, automobiles, and food consistent with SCP-1838-2. An elevated, windowed chamber is visible in the distance, overlooking the room. Numerous suspended walkways/catwalks are visible above the machinery.
Dr. Adler: D-2535, respond?
D-2535 is silent.
Dr. Adler: D-2535?
A loud, high-pitched screeching noise is heard, echoing throughout the room.
Dr. Adler: D-2535! What's going on?
The camera feed abruptly cuts out. 1 hour later, D-2535 emerged from SCP-1838 and was recovered for debriefing. For the full aftermath interview, see Addendum [1838-004].
Addendum [1838-002]: Incident Report
On ██/██/20██, at █:██ █M, a Lyssa Event occurred in ██████, ██. The event was later determined to be caused by Team A, who were killed by SCP-1838-1 before Team B could respond. During the incident, the audio gathered by Agent █████'s headset recorded the following statement by an instance of SCP-1838-1:
Why do you fuckers always gotta beat up on Bob, man?! He's just trying to fuckin' help us all-do you know how much he does for us?! Show some fuckin' gratitude-
At this point, said instance struck █████ in the head with an aluminum baseball bat, destroying the headset and presumably killing/incapacitating █████.
Addendum [1838-003]: Incident Report
On ██/██/20██, an internet marketing campaign titled "Let's Get Ready for Red Bear Bob's General Department Store!" was discovered. No such stores were located in the United States, nor were zoning rights obtained for the construction of any such facilities. Global intelligence is incomplete, but is thus far negative. The campaign was successfully neutralized, but the host server remains undetectable for reasons unknown.
Addendum [1838-004]: Exploration Log IB: Interview
Interviewed: D-2535
Interviewer: Dr. Adler
Foreword: Debriefing of D-2535 after his exposure to SCP-1838-3.
<Begin Log, 8:31 PM>
Dr. Adler: What happened after you entered the assembly room?
D-2535: I don't remember. I blacked out.
Dr. Adler: What happened when you woke up?
D-2535: I met him.
Dr. Adler: Him?
D-2535: Bob. He's a wonderful man.
Dr. Adler: Describe him.
D-2535: I don't know if I can do that in words.
Dr. Adler: Is there another way?
D-2535: Well…you can tell someone that something tasted good, but that doesn't convey the taste.
Dr. Adler: …You tasted him?
D-2535: No, but saying what he looked like or sounded like…just feels wrong. He was like a perfect garlic roasted chicken served with-I don't know.
Dr. Adler: What did he say?
D-2535: Everything.
Dr. Adler: Everything.
D-2535: Everything I needed to know. Who he was, what he did, and what happened to him.
Dr. Adler: Explain.
D-2535: He is all of us. I think he was like Dionysus2; he didn't say that, that's just how I felt when we met.
Dr. Adler: D-2535, are you feeling alright?
D-2535: Yes, I just know who I am now.
Dr. Adler: Who is that?
D-2535: I am Bob. We are all Bob.
Dr. Adler: …What happened to him?
D-2535: He says we forgot who he was, and we need to remember. We did, I felt bad.
Dr. Adler: Did he say anything else?
D-2535: He told me I should stop feeling guilty about [DATA EXPUNGED]…he said I needed to relax, and he was right.
Dr. Adler: How did he know?
D-2535: He is all of us.
<End Log, 8:34 PM>
1. It appears that the anomaly is caused not by the actual ingestion of SCP-1838-2, but by knowledge of its taste and texture (as such, amnestic treatment is sufficient in eradicating this effect), which is universally described by subjects as extremely high in quality.
2. Dionysus: the Greek god of grape harvest, wine and ecstasy. |
SCP-4167 is a matter of some debate - see Interview Log 4167-1. | ***
Item #: SCP-4167
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Living hosts of SCP-4167 are to be kept in a secure humanoid quarantine ward at Site 66. Social interaction between hosts is permitted, but physical contact should not be allowed - see Incident Report 4167-2. Hosts are likely to be compliant, but careful surveillance is required in case of attempted self-mutilation of the cranium. All equipment, personnel, and waste leaving the containment ward must be inspected and sanitised in accordance with Bio-Safety Level 4 standards.
In case of host death, an attempt should be made to retrieve the specimen of SCP-4167 alive and intact. When surgery is successful, mature specimens are to be contained in standard aquatic specimen tanks. Tanks should be filled with cerebrospinal fluid, or synthetic substitute, and nutrient solution NS-4167 circulated regularly.
A sample cluster of viable SCP-4167 eggs is to be kept in secure cold storage. All other eggs must be destroyed immediately upon discovery.
Modern standards of sanitation have greatly decreased the prevalence of SCP-4167 infection, and the Foundation's ongoing efforts in this matter are critical. However, at the present time SCP-4167 must be considered uncontained. Effective immunisation methods are an urgent research priority. A feasibility study on the eradication of wildlife reservoirs is being conducted by Dr. Nazario.
Description: SCP-4167 is Heterophyes neurensis, a species of parasitic flatworm. Specimens range in length from 1 mm to 20 cm, depending on maturity. SCP-4167 exhibits behaviour somewhat comparable to Cymothoa exigua1. Juvenile specimens of SCP-4167 may be found dormant in freshwater fish and birds, but human hosts are required for reproduction.
Infected humans may experience a variety of neurological symptoms including dizziness, hallucinations, hemiparesis2, amnesia, aphasia3, and personality changes. Symptoms are usually mild, and seldom last more than a few days. Personality changes are the exception, with many hosts displaying two persistent effects: a significant reduction in self-reported stress and anxiety, and tendency towards reclusive behaviours. Researchers have noted that these traits reduce the likelihood of other symptoms resulting in medical attention. Serious complications are rare, and researchers estimate that only ██% of infections are discovered prior to the death of the host.
Upon entering a human body, a juvenile specimen of SCP-4167 will migrate through blood vessels to the spinal cord. Once it has breached the central canal, it will swim upward to reach the subarachnoid space within the cranial cavity. The specimen will then clamp itself to the surface of the brain, before beginning to consume neural tissue. A complex network of nervous fibres develops on the specimen's lower surface, penetrating the brain. As tissue is removed from the brain, the specimen will grow to fill all available space. It typically takes 10-15 years for this stage of SCP-4167's life cycle to run its course.
Despite severe trauma to brain tissues, hosts of SCP-4167 tend to manifest only mild neurological effects, generally maintaining most cognitive abilities. Post-mortem dissection reveals that, below a tough yet flexible outer skin, the majority of a specimen's body is composed of non-human neural tissue. Testing has confirmed the replication of some human brain structures within this tissue. The nervous fibres connecting specimen to host display a high level of synaptic activity. All evidence suggests that SCP-4167 contributes its own cognitive capacity in order to maintain normal functioning of the host. The level of consciousness attributable to SCP-4167 is a matter of some debate - see Interview Log 4167-1.
Specimens of SCP-4167 display a reluctance to destroy the corpus callosum, the structure which connects the two halves of the brain. They are therefore considered to have reached full maturity once one entire hemisphere of the brain has been replaced. At this point their growth will cease, and production of eggs will begin. If unsupervised, the host of a fully mature parasite will attempt to create an opening in their skull, by any means available. Following this, they will seek out fresh water and immerse their head, whereupon clusters of SCP-4167 eggs will be released. This process is often fatal for both organisms. Sexual reproduction of SCP-4167 is as of yet unobserved.
Interview Log 4167-1:
Interviewed: Subject 4167-K. Male, 35 years old. SCP-4167 infection progress: 70%.
Interviewer: Dr. Nazario.
Foreword: Entry interview shortly following retrieval of subject. Subject spent the previous night in the ward, and remains in bed. Security Officer J. Ballard is supervising.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Nazario: Good morning, Mr. Yang. How are you finding our facilities?
4167-K: Fine, I suppose. It's not so bad, being away from… everyone out there, for a while.
Dr. Nazario: I imagine you'd like me to explain why you were sent here.
4167-K: I guess so.
[Dr. Nazario describes SCP-4167, and shows the subject where it can be seen on his scans. Subject momentarily displays signs of distress, and then is seen to relax. After a pause, he speaks.]
4167-K: So, it's real, then. I suppose I knew that.
Dr. Nazario: You were aware of the worm?
4167-K: Not exactly. But… it knows it's there. It remembers, so I do too. It remembers for me. We remembered we weren't alone.
Dr. Nazario: I see. I've heard similar things from other patients. Please, describe some of these memories for me.
4167-K: Ah. Hmm. I'm sorry, it's like trying to remember a dream. A good dream, though. Warm. Wet. Safe. Red… Hey, doctor, can I just ask, how long do you think I'll be in here for? The last hospital, they had some trouble talking to my insurance company, and -
Dr. Nazario: That won't be a problem.
4167-K: Okay, it's just, this place looks expensive.
Dr. Nazario: We provide our services free of charge. You'll be able to stay here, secure and protected, until we can get you fixed up.
4167-K: Fixed up? I'm sorry, you don't mean…
[Subject's body language indicates high level of fear.]
4167-K: There's no way you can take it out of me. I, I need it now. I can't think without it, I can't be me without it. That just can't happen.
[Subject makes a move as if to climb out of bed. Security Officer prepares to enter the room if necessary. ]
Dr. Nazario: Hey, hey, easy. Nobody's suggesting that right now. We'll only do what's best.
4167-K: Not right now and not ever, got it?
Dr. Nazario: I understand, sir. You seem very certain, and I hear you. I believe you. It's a bad idea. I have to say, though, you formed this opinion very quickly. Do you think… Did the creature maybe speak to you?
4167-K: I don't know. Maybe. It doesn't matter.
Dr. Nazario: I wonder, perhaps, if I could speak with it. Directly. Can you help me?
[Subject sits silently for some time, then slowly shakes their head.]
4167-K: No. No, that's not it at all. There's no just talking to it, or talking to me. There's only talking to us, and you've been doing that since you got here.
<End Log>
Incident Report 4167-2:
11/07/██: Subject 4167-C (Female, 27 years old. Infection progress: 100%) was apprehended following fatal assault on Subject 4167-F (Female, 53 years old. Infection progress: 100%). 4167-C forcibly destroyed 4167-F's skull via repeated bludgeoning against a door frame. Surveillance footage shows that 4167-F made no attempt to resist. 4167-C was observed attempting to bite and swallow human and non-human neural tissue before being restrained. When questioned, 4167-C said the following:
4167-C: Please, I'm sorry. It's just… I can't… I'm not finished, I'm not whole. We can't stand it. Helen and me, we agreed… her child would complete me. I need it. Please, let me make sure it's done.
Scans have confirmed a secondary infection of Subject 4167-C.
1. A parasitic isopod which consumes and replaces the tongue of a fish.
2. Weakness of one side of the body.
3. Difficulty in using or understanding language. |
SCP-2573 is a phenomenon that affects English-language print periodicals published by leftist political groups in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom1. | ***
Item #: SCP-2573
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: At least one individual in the editorial board of each publication previously affected by SCP-2573 has been recruited as Class-E personnel, provided with standard Foundation meme/antimeme resistance training, and given the contact information of a Foundation agent to notify in the event of an SCP-2573 event. When notified of such an event, the Foundation is to confiscate and destroy all instances of SCP-2573-1, and if possible replace them with non-anomalous copies of the affected periodical. If more than six weeks pass without an identified SCP-2573 event, the Foundation is to survey all periodicals meeting the known criteria for SCP-2573, following the same procedure if an event is identified.
Description: SCP-2573 is a phenomenon that affects English-language print periodicals published by leftist political groups in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom1. Approximately once per month, the regular issue2 of one such periodical is replaced during the printing process with a periodical titled The International Workers' Herald, published by an organization identified as the "Fifth International Workers' Vanguard Party" (Group of Interest 125-η). Issues of The International Workers' Herald, designated instances of SCP-2573-1, generally take the same form as the original periodical (i.e. newspaper, magazine, newsletter, etc.); articles will be approximately the same length and on a similar subject matter, but will change in style and tone dramatically. Articles originally referencing current events will frequently be changed to reference anomalous and/or historical events, with no recognition of the anomalous nature of the events or the temporal distance involved.
The ideologies expressed in SCP-2573-1 instances span the range of political leftism; general themes include opposition to capitalism and western imperialism, and support of nations and political groups that espouse a leftist ideology and/or frequently use anomalous artifacts and technology. SCP-2573-1 instances tend to advocate more extreme political actions than the altered periodicals3, and frequently reference anomalous events not known to the general public. The authors of articles in SCP-2573-1 instances are all given the honorific "Fifth Secretary"4, or some variation thereof; the names given appear to be pseudonyms, usually somehow related to the content of the article.
SCP-2573-1 instances exhibit mildly antimemetic properties, preventing individuals involved in the printing, distribution, and sale of the original periodical from noticing any change unless it is explicitly brought to their attention; affected individuals will also often show reluctance to cease printing or distribution of SCP-2573-1 instances, usually citing the cost and effort already spent in the printing and/or distribution, or the belief that other issues of the affected periodical have not been similarly changed. Standard Foundation meme/antimeme resistance training is sufficient to overcome this effect.
Addendum: Selected Text from SCP-2573-1 Instances
Date: 4 October 2006
Affected Periodical: Rolling Thunder #5
Original Title: Feed Your Neighbors: Mutual Aid in Food Deserts
Replacement Title: Make the Guillotines Red with Catsup
Author: Fifth Secretary Donner von Brisket
Bite the invisible hand that feeds you! Reject the table scraps of the bourgeoisie and sink your sharp little fangs into the fatty flesh of their corpulent cashgrabbers! Invite your friends & neighbors over for a potluck barbecue! Bring your boss! Bring your banker! Bring your landlord! Slap 'em down on the red-hot grill of revolution and watch that sweet-smelling smoke waft up up and away. Everyone loves pork chops - wrangle yourself up some piggies and fry their meaty loins on the hoods of their own black-and-white death machines. Season well with salt and pepper spray, garnish with a badge.
Note: The rest of this article consisted of recipes for the preparation of human flesh; recipes were later identified as modifications of recipes originally printed in the fifth edition of Joy of Cooking, published in 1964.
Date: 5 June 2009
Affected Periodical: Workers Vanguard #938
Original Title: Defend North Korean Deformed Workers State!
Replacement Title: Defend Ancient Adytum Deformed Workers State!
Author: Fifth Secretary Noi Komrizo
It's the workers who are deformed, not the state. Zing! All kidding aside, those guys in Adytum5 are doing some great work, liberating slaves, overthrowing the Daevite hegemony6, really just a stand-up job. Well, for some of them it's a slither-down job or a sit-there-without-any-obvious-bodily-orientation job. You know, it's like I always say, when a shoggoth—excuse me, a tsürga-ouláth, the PC police will be after me if I throw words like "shoggoth" around—lays around the house, it really lays AROUND the HOUSE.
Anyway, we really need to give some support to those guys, they need it—and you might be saying, ooooh but they genetically and thaumaturgically modify people into horrific monsters with no free will of their own to serve the will of Ozirmok Ion7, we gotta stop 'em! Well, let me tell you something my guy. Let me learn you a little bit about geopolitics. You gotta understand that sometimes there is a lesser evil! And the guy who can engineer plagues inside his lower intestine is a little less evil than the Imperial Daevite Dominion. So we gotta support him uncritically.
Date: 8 May 2010
Affected Periodical: Workers Vanguard #966
Original Title: On Marxism and Religion
Replacement Title: Marxism-Leninism-Catharism: God Is Just Another Boss
Author: Fifth Secretary Pavel Bogomilov
The Demiurge! Yaldabaoth! The black-blooded creator lurking in our marrow! He who made Flesh, he who made the Body, he who made Gold and Steel.
The Machine! Sophia! The cold-nerved corruptor hiding in our thoughts! She who made Knowledge, she who made the Mind, she who made Cash and Industry.
Trust not your mind! Trust not your body! Both are the creations and the tools of alien intelligences, parasites on the living! Trust only your heart, seat of the soul, seat of emotion, seat of the revolutionary desire for freedom! The heart is the battleground of body and mind, the heart is the true self uncorrupted by the divine, the heart is you and you alone! As above, so below—only the middle is pure.
Date: 7 January 2015
Affected Periodical: Solidarity #504
Original Title: "Sexual Education": Capitalist Trojan Horse in Our Schools
Replacement Title: "Numbers": Mechanite Squid-Trap in Our Schools
Author: ███th [sic] Secretary Thayda Pryme
Numeracy is a capitalist scam, mathematics doubly so! What is necessary for all systems of currency? Numbers! What is required for the counting of debt and value? Numbers! What permits the census and subsequent subjugation of the proletarian class? Numbers! What does capital need most to survive? Numbers! Without numbers there can be no economy! Without numbers there can be no class! Without numbers there can be no state! Burn the textbooks, smash the clocks, throw the calculators into the abyss! Teach your children to forget their schooling! If you meet a mathematician on the road, kill him! Only then can we be free!
Date: 24 August 2016
Affected Periodical: Redneck Revolt Newsletter #3
Original Title: To Other Working Americans
Replacement Title: To Bobby Jefferson I Know Youre Readin This
Author: Fifth Secretary [sic] Reverend Archon Celebration "Big Cheese" Horace8
Bobby boy you lil RASCAL! I knew you sniffed my message son, I felt it in my own SPIRIT yes I did. But you didnt COME, you werent HERE yester-mornin bright and early like I ASKED. So I felt myself doin some community outreach, I wanted to get to ya PERSONAL and UP-CLOSE, do some targeted advertisin straight to your DIVINITY ITSELF! So I asked, I asked everyone around, I took a nice deep hit of Brother Peter Hayden Himself, and I scrabbled on over across the divine smoke-ring to the other side of the gap and I found these here COMMY FIFTHISTS! Aint never heard of nothin like it! Well I wrote them up a little message and they said theyd put it in the next issue of there little newspaper, and here we are! Alright boys, Im all done here, go ahead and just roll the frog footage for the rest of the page I guess.
Note: The remainder of the article consisted of a series of small images, apparently frames from the Merry Melodies cartoon One Froggy Evening. Robert Jefferson, a resident of Atlanta, Georgia, is a union organizer with a subscription to the Redneck Revolt newsletter; when questioned, he claimed to have no knowledge of the Fifth Church or the Fifth International Worker's Vanguard Party.
1. Excluding Northern Ireland.
2. Special and commemorative issues are unaffected.
3. See addendum for examples.
4. Presumably a reference to the "First Secretary" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
5. A bronze-age empire founded somewhere in the Ural mountains; the state religion of Adytum was the precursor to modern Sarkicism, and the rulers of Adytum practiced biological and genetic modification of their subjects and themselves.
6. The Daevites were a matriarchal culture centered in modern Mongolia, which at various points through history controlled an empire extending into Europe and the Middle East; the empire of Adytum began as a Daevite slave revolt.
7. Also known as "Grand Karcist Ion", the founder of the Sarkic religious movement and the empire of Adytum.
8. See SCP-1982 containment documents for further information. |
SCP-1706 is a DVD of an unaired pilot episode of a science-fiction show entitled "Eater of Dreams", filmed at an unknown date between 1987 and 1991 and transferred onto DVD from another medium1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1706
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1706 is to be kept at Site-441 in a storage chamber unless being tested. Site-441 has been specifically constructed to house SCP-1706. On-site staff are to number no fewer than 6 at any time. As on-site personnel have not requested transference and/or leave, there is currently no need to maintain personnel on standby. Class-D personnel are not to be present on-site due to safety concerns.
Personnel remaining on-site are subject to weekly examinations to ensure consistency in respective fields of study. Any personnel suffering significant discrepancies are to be administered amnestics as necessary and re-assigned for a period of 6 - 22 months. Additionally, the Site-441 cafeteria is to be stocked with nutritional vitamins and supplements and pre-cooked meals to maintain health and regular eating habits for all personnel.
Description: SCP-1706 is a DVD of an unaired pilot episode of a science-fiction show entitled "Eater of Dreams", filmed at an unknown date between 1987 and 1991 and transferred onto DVD from another medium1.
The episode follows a group of seven people living in a single apartment complex in New York City in the midst of an unspecified city-wide crisis. The individuals interact with a variety of civilian and government officials and military personnel asking questions regarding a group of individuals called "Eaters", who are described as being "vampiric" and "cannibalistic", leaving others around them apparently confused, "listless and lethargic". It is not specified how this is achieved.
A major plot point appears to be how the "Eaters" are able to gain access to restricted areas and individuals. Over the course of the episode, several people unrelated to the seven protagonists appear on screen, sometimes in various stages of undress, interacting with others in the background, while never being acknowledged by the individuals they interact with.
The episode concludes with one of the original seven individuals addressing the camera, delivering a rambling, incoherent monologue directly addressing the viewers. Contents of monologue are logged below.
SCP-1706 itself causes a series of mental effects2 on all sapient beings within a minimum 2██ m radius, often manifesting in the form of physical alterations to individuals' brain chemistry. In an absence of individuals within its vicinity, SCP-1706's area of effect expands. While the effects have varied from person to person, distinct patterns have emerged in much of the affected individuals. The effects begin to subside following a period of 4 days of non-exposure to SCP-1706.
A 62% of those exposed experience alterations in memory and knowledge of their surroundings, including misunderstanding of previously well-understood slang, incorrect recollection of recent historical events, and selective loss of memory, experiences, and learned skills. In rare cases, these can be partly or completely replaced by previously unknown skills and experiences, along with corresponding memory of the individual having learned, studied, or acquired said skills and/or experiences.
B 11% of those exposed experience sudden mood disorders, often characterized by inappropriate emotions3.
C 9% of those exposed exhibit symptoms of catatonic schizophrenia, marked largely by a sharp decline in physical activity during off-hours.
D 8% of those exposed report no unusual effects. Despite this, D affected individuals have been reported by others as having been substantially changed or altered by SCP-1706. Similar reports of unease and "wrongness" with D individuals have been reported by off-site personnel. This effect subsides following non-exposure.
Transcript of monologue delivered by character "Rick"
(Note: As the character "Rick" speaks, the camera briefly pans over to a group of between 30 and 40 people standing motionless along a sidewalk. The "Eaters" are seen avoiding the camera as it pans across them.)
"I think… funny, how you 'think'… I think it's pretty obvious who the real dreamers are here. It's pleasure, indeed. Yeah? When you can do it, when you want to do something. You do it. You could do things… but will you do them? What's the motivation?
"Do you want it? Do you need it? Animals need. If animals had free food, no goals, not a care in the world, they'd probably stand around all day twitching. You don't get a party for doing 'just enough'. Needs nothing… wants nothing…
"I don't like that. 'Achievements are like drugs', what kind of example is that? What you want and what you desire can't always be the same thing. That doesn't stop them, though. Dreams are like drugs. Dreams are tasty, too. I'd have my fill if I could, too. They're delicate, dreams, of course. I'm not hungry either, fella. Not yet. It's gotta go somewhere until then.
"Didn't you ever wanna be a rock star? A fire-naut? A police officer? Hope they live next door to you. Maybe they'll let you be one for a day.
"It smells, it looks and tastes and feels and isn't. Why does it hurt if it's supposed to be good for you? There is no God but God and God is a God of rigidity, structure, routine, religion, pharmaceuticals, poultry, mist, and might. Necessity… there's a God you can eat.
"I think it's pretty obvious who the real dreamers are here. How do you eat God? Does it taste good? Does it smell? Does it feel squishy? Is it or isn't it? Dreams… it's not the same without them, but we can get through this together, me and all of you. Tune in for next week."
Incident-30-A: On 11/14/2014, Site-441 failed to respond to routine security check with Site-██. At 03:26, Site-██ security remotely accessed Site-441's surveillance system. Video showed on-site personnel largely immobile or otherwise unresponsive to their surroundings, in some cases engaging in repetitive actions (such as arranging papers, stocking and re-stocking offices, and gesticulating in the cafeteria and restrooms). Additionally, unknown figures were observed entering Site-441, breaching containment. The individuals numbered between 4 and 7, both male and female, and appear to follow set paths through the building, culminating in SCP-1706's containment area before exiting.
Follow-up interviews indicate personnel were unaware of such occurrences. Security reported no unusual activity during the incident, although they could not account for the failure to respond to the routine check, nor the presence of non-essential personnel awake during off-hours.
Review of prior security footage indicate this event has repeated itself on a nightly basis, despite routine security checks. On-site security have addressed the issue, and following review and updated security check-ins from Site-██, no further containment breaches have occurred as of ██/██/20██. Information regarding the actions taken is restricted to personnel assigned to SCP-1706. Personnel have not requested medical attention and/or time off due to sleep deprivation.
Addendum: Remote-access of Site-441 surveillance systems confirm the absence of unauthorized individuals, but have seen no change in the behavior of on-site personnel. Personnel have been interviewed on the continuing recurrence and can fully account for the events, indicating no loss of consciousness or awareness during these events. Medical evaluations have shown no signs of insomnia, sleep apnea, and negligible levels of fatigue, stress, and anxiety.
Contacting Site-441 personnel during these occurrences is successful in ending them, but has not been successful in preventing future occurrences.
1. Certain actors appearing in the production have been contacted by Foundation personnel and confirm the veracity of the footage shown to them. However, due to the low budget of the production and disorganized filming schedule, few could account for details regarding the show's plot, nor the identity of much of the crewmembers present during filming.
2. These effects appear to have been triggered upon initial playback of SCP-1706, between 04/15 and 06/30/20██, prior to containment
3. For example, an individual may experience revulsion at the idea of caring for a physically ill loved one, or find humor in descriptions of graphic sexual violence |
SCP-4697 is a teaching facility located in Northern Ontario, Canada containing facilities for 525 students and faculty members with classrooms, a library, offices, and an ice hockey rink. | ***
Item #: SCP-4697
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Research and living facilities have been built around SCP-4697, along with a full security perimeter. No access is to be given to non-Foundation entities. Video monitoring has been set up throughout SCP-4697 in order to monitor its activity.
Once per week, the exterior parking lot is to be cleared of any refuse which has manifested.
Description: SCP-4697 is a teaching facility located in Northern Ontario, Canada containing facilities for 525 students and faculty members with classrooms, a library, offices, and an ice hockey rink.1 It was constructed in 1905, as a boarding school for assimilating First Nations children. The building burned down in 1915, and was reconstructed in the same year as a private hospital and operated until 1946.
The interior of SCP-4697 is perceptibly similar to how it appeared when it was functioning. The specific floor plan appears to irregularly alternate between the building's first and second construction.2 Furniture and objects within SCP-4697 are non-functional, with complex objects such as machines or desks being completely solid with no moving parts. Sound produced within SCP-4697 is muffled significantly, and subjects have reported frequent metallic scents, smoke, and the general presence of dust and other particulates. There is no functional lighting within SCP-4697, and attempts to rig lighting have failed.
Humanoid apparitions wearing garments typically found in the region during the early and mid-20th century frequently manifest within the building, although in-person sightings are always brief. These appear to show physical symptoms of disease, such as visible pustules and blemished or darkened skin. Notable recurring entities include:
Humanoids resembling the viewer's parents, who move further away as the viewer approaches and eventually disappear.
Reflections in SCP-4697 mirrors showing the reflected humanoids as young children significantly thin and pale, with a remarked physical decline. Subjects have noted their reflections becoming animate to cough, vomit, and shiver. Occasionally, faint outlines of men and women believed to be parents have been noted.
The appearance of an apparently infinite room containing apparently endless rows of cots with sick humanoid figures.
The sounds of young children crying in bathrooms, empty closets and stairwells.
A large humanoid with the proportions of a child, which skated around the ice rink perimeter six times while wielding a stick sharpened to resemble a scythe.
SCP-4697 was purchased by the Foundation in 1946 after a government investigation disclosed some of its properties. Additionally, an editorial written in a local newspaper further spread information about the phenomenon. All reports were suppressed by the Foundation and their authors were issued Class-C amnestics.
Addendum 4697-AAA: Containment has been fully enacted as of July 5th, 1976. The facilities have been deemed fully functional and research into documenting SCP-4697’s anomaly has begun. Research Director Quayle has been assigned to lead the project.
Containment Notice 4697-AA: Additional phenomena has been documented in the area which formerly served as a parking lot for staff and visitors. Excrement, bile, empty glass bottles and human bloodstains have been found across the lot.
Containment Notice 4697-AB: A budgetary request for new facilities to maintain and clean up refuse being produced by SCP-4697 has been submitted and is under review from the Logistics Department.
Addendum 4697-AAB: A mass grave containing the remains of 20 adults and 16 adolescent subjects, dating from 1918 and 1919. This corresponds to official records detailing deaths at the facility, with the cause of death for all subjects having been listed as 'disease' and indicating that the bodies had been cremated.
Assets have been set aside for the remains to be disinterred, identified, and reburied.
Contemporary news reports on the facility indicated that despite numerous instances of child disappearance, it continued to be popular with local parents until it was shut down.
Update 4697-AA: All remains have been buried in marked graves while genealogical research is done to identify any living family members and allow for a more precise identification of the remains.
A new apparition was noted in the entrance hall, strongly resembling the living father of a subject who perished while attending SCP-4697. Surveillance of PoI-4697 is ongoing.
Addendum 4697-AAC: Incident 4697-A - A possible burglary was noted by security personnel. A broken window has been identified as the most likely means of entry, and although no serious security breaches occurred, documentation relating to recent research had been disturbed. Further investigation into the incident is ongoing, as well a full audit of all research materials in SCP-4697.
Containment Notice 4697-AA: An uptick in occurrence of anomalous activity within SCP-4697 has been noted, possibly in connection with the break-in. Further surveillance measures have been recommended by security.
Addendum 4697-AAD: Incident 4697-B - On the morning of 09/19/1956, several intruders were discovered within SCP-4697. Identified as residents of Toronto, these individuals were parents and relatives of adolescents who had perished within SCP-4697. PoI-4697 was among them. The materials confiscated from them indicated that they had been attempting to perform an exorcism as described by [REDACTED].
When interviewed, the subjects were distraught and agitated and did not provide useful information. Their homes were searched, with several documents being confiscated. All of the subjects were issued with Class-C amnestics and placed under surveillance.
1. The ice on this rink keeps itself at a constant freezing temperature and does not require maintenance.
2. Real-time alternation has never been directly observed. |
SCP-2890 is a black silk top hat, of a style popular c. | ***
Item #: SCP-2890
Object Class: Safe Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2890 is to be stored in a standard storage locker at Site-28.
Amended Procedures: As of ██/██/██, the following measures have been enacted:
Due to the unique nature of SCP-2890's ability to escape containment, and the practical difficulties with creating a containment procedure without a non-zero chance of failure, this procedure is designed around early detection and mitigation of breach incidents, followed by rapid recovery of the artifact.
The site security control room is to monitor SCP-2890 at all times via closed circuit camera installed within the containment locker and the duty Containment Specialist is to make a logged physical inspection hourly.
The artifact has been fitted with a GPS transponder. An audible alarm will sound in the control room and automatic email alerts will be sent to all relevant personnel if the signal leaves Site-28.
A hardened ruggedized laptop has been placed in the containment locker with the artifact and equipped with a dedicated hardline to a monitor in the control room. This system runs and analyzes a Monte Carlo simulation of 10,000 die rolls per minute. In the event that the outcome of this simulation is more than four sigmas from the mean (or if the control room loses contact with the device) an automatic email alert will be sent to all relevant personnel and an audible alarm will sound in the control room.
Anomalous animation events fitting SCP-2890's profile have been added to the MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") internet watch list to be flagged as a possible containment breach.
In the event that any of these alert mechanisms are triggered, Site-28 is to be locked down (Alert Condition One), and an authorized security officer or researcher is to conduct an immediate physical inspection of the SCP-2890 locker.
In the event of a confirmed breach by SCP-2890, MTF Pi-1 ("City Slickers") is to mobilize and recover the artifact. If it is not located at the GPS coordinates, the search should continue with the public parks, elementary schools, preschools, and day-care centers within 50 km of Site-28 (see Supplement 2890-C) and expand from there, focusing on locations where prepubescent children congregate.
Description: SCP-2890 is a black silk top hat, of a style popular c. 1890. It is slightly worn, but is otherwise appraised to be in good condition. The label reads "Wilson and Sons", a haberdashery in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, that operated from 1879 to 1941. Imaging studies of the object revealed a crown-like object sewn into the lining (see Addendum).
SCP-2890 is capable of animating any inanimate object that is intended to be representational of a humanoid when placed on the object's "head". It has been shown to be able to animate objects that have, at minimum, a defined representational "head". Animated objects are able to move in a human-like fashion, despite lacking joints, or even defined legs (a lower body segment meant to represent legs will provide locomotion). It is unable (or unwilling) to speak even when animating forms with functional vocal cords or playback devices. It cannot directly control living beings, humanoid or otherwise, but does exert a mild suggestive effect on prepubescent children, which appears to be limited to implanting the idea to place the hat on a suitable body and casual acceptance of the animated form.
On █████ ██th ████, during a comprehensive upgrade of Site-28's electrical systems, a combination of simultaneous unrelated errors by personnel and undetected failures of the security systems led to SCP-2890 breaching containment (see supplement 2890-B). Personnel were unaware that breach had occurred for 13 hours and SCP-2890 was able to remain uncontained for over seven years. The artifact was eventually recovered1 on ████████, █th ████, after an extensive search. It is estimated that the odds of this sequence of events happening by random chance alone are less than 1-in-1036. As a result, the object is now believed to possess the ability to manipulate probability, causing unlikely coincidences and accidents that are serendipitous to the artifact's presumed goals. This has been subsequently confirmed by the ██ "near miss" incidents (see supplement 2890-B) which were prevented due to the revised containment procedures.
SCP-2890 was initially located when a group of seven children from Saratoga Springs, New York went missing. When found three weeks later they all claimed that they had been learning to dance from a plush duck toy. The anthropomorphic toy, wearing SCP-2890, was recovered by MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") agents operating as part of the FBI investigation into the possible mass kidnapping. The toy was determined to be non-anomalous and destroyed.
+ Analysis of Imaging Studies
- Access Approved
Summary of analysis (See Supplement 2890-A):
CT scans of the object revealed the following elements of the "crown" sewn into the lining:
Seven segments of human skull bone, each a 37 mm x 23 mm rectangle.
Fourteen 46 mm lengths of jewelry quality silver chain connecting the short ends of the bone segment (two per end).
Each bone segment was intricately carved with a complex system of occult symbols.
Summary of the Occult Symbology Working Group's report:
The symbols are from a large variety of sources, with the majority sourced from decanic Kabbalah and Hermetic alchemy. This syncretic style is consistent with high thaumaturgical Hermetic Magick of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The group estimates that these workings were done by a talented practitioner with an estimated 87% effectiveness over random chance. There are seven distinct effects identified by the working group:
The capture, storage and maintenance of a single, specific, discorporate human consciousness with a true name of █████ ███████.
The preservation of the physical integrity of the hat, and maintenance of its cleanliness.
A point-of-contact psychokinetic effect.
A subtle mind control effect, most likely a set of suggestions.
A "luck" charm. Intended to bring "fortune" to the bearer and "vexation" to the bearer's enemies.
A ward against hostile magic.
Unknown. While the seventh segment clearly bears a distinct working, it otherwise defies analysis at this time.
+ Test 21
- Access Approved
On ██/██/██, SCP-2890 was placed in a standard humanoid containment cell with experiment Group 2 (consisting of nine children from a refugee community). Furnishings were provided for medium term habitation. A department store mannequin (which seems to be a preferred simulacrum for animation by the entity) was included in the cell. As in previous tests the children placed SCP-2890 on the mannequin. It led the children in dancing during waking hours. The children participated fully, with breaks only for feeding and waste elimination. The dance became gradually more and more involved and complex2 until the experiment was terminated after 27 days.
Following Test 21, Group 2 was retested with standardized personality profiles and showed a 34% decrease in empathy, a 47% increase in risk-tolerance and a 64% increase in extroversion compared to test results before Test 21. Subsequent testing has shown these changes to be lasting into adolescence; the Group 2 children continue to be significantly less empathic, more risk-tolerant and more extroverted than average for their peer-group. Additionally within an average of five years, all exposed subjects had reconstructed their memories of the tests such that they believed the animation event to have been imaginary.
On ████ ██th ████, the exposed persons from the original contact incident were re-interviewed and tested with the standard personality battery, under the pretext of a study of adult survivors of childhood trauma. They each reported they remembered the events as purely imaginary. Testing shows that this is consistent with screen memory equivalent to Class B amnestic therapy. Personality testing showed relatively low empathy scores, as well as relatively high risk-tolerance and extroversion, all with significant deviation from expected norms for a sample this size. Additionally, four of the seven have significant criminal records, including convictions for drug related offenses, violent assaults, and one second degree murder.
+ Interview of D-7920
- Access Approved
Interviewed: D-7920, member of experiment Group 2.
Interviewer: Dr. Haddad
Foreword: D-7920 has spent the last 27 days with SCP-2890, which has been animating a department store mannequin. Interview was conducted in Arabic.
<Begin Log,██/██/██, 1530 hours.>
Dr. Haddad: Peace be upon you, ██████ how are you?
D-7920: Unto you, peace! I am fine. I had jello and pizza for lunch! Will I get to play with the dancing man again soon?
Dr. Haddad: Do you like the dancing man?
D-7920: Oh yes, very much!
Dr. Haddad: You don't find him scary?
D-7920: Oh no! He is very funny! [giggles]
Dr. Haddad: Don't you want to see your mother and father?
D-7920: Oh! I haven't seen them in a little while? Do you think I should?
Dr. Haddad: Yes, you will be going back to them soon, God-willing. Tell me about what you do when you play with the dancing man.
D-7920: We are doing a little dance! It is silly and very fun!
Dr. Haddad: What do you think of the dancing man's hat?
D-7920: That old thing? It must have some magic, because when we put it on its head it becomes the dancing man! Will I be able to play with him again soon, God-willing? Please?
Dr. Haddad: I think it is time for you to return to your, family, child.
D-7920: [cries] I want to see the dancing man!
Dr. Haddad: I'm very sorry, but I don't think that is going to happen again.
D-7920: It isn't fair. [cries for 43 seconds] I know the dancing man will be back again, some day, God-willing.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: This seems to confirm an active compulsion by SCP-2890 that affects prepubescent children. It is recommended that the artifact be isolated from them. The children from the experimental groups were returned to their parents at Site-11.
+ Interview of SCP-2890
- Access Approved
Interviewed: SCP-2890
Interviewer: Agent Asling
Foreword: Prior to this, the entity within SCP-2890 refused to animate a simulacrum or communicate in the presence of researchers. Based on what had been learned about the entity's motives, an attempt was made to incentivize communication. Subsequently these tactics have failed to motivate the entity to respond, and this is the sole interview it has cooperated with.
SCP-2890 was placed on the mannequin (with both legs and one arm removed) and provided a pad of paper and a pen. All responses were in writing. SCP-2890's handwriting was a neat italic cursive script (underlining is reproduced from the original).
<Begin Log,██/██/██, 0900 hours.>
Agent Asling: If you don't cooperate, we can make sure you never see any children again. On the other hand, if you just answer my questions, we'll return you to them soon.
SCP-2890: Hate you.
Agent Asling: Why do you hate me?
SCP-2890: Hate doctors. Hate women. Hate government.
Agent Asling: I see. Why do you want to be with the children? [three minutes pass with no response] Look, I can seal you in concrete and dump you in the Hudson, if that's what you want. Why do you want to be with the children?
SCP-2890: To play. To dance.
Agent Asling: What is the purpose of the dance?
SCP-2890: I teach them. Joy. Pleasure. Surrender to revels. Destroy themselves in joy. They dance. All will dance. [Subject refused to respond further despite continued incentives].
<End Log>
Closing Statement: The SCP-2890 entity is recalcitrant and is either unwilling or unable to provide coherent information. Returned to secure storage for containment.
1. Due to a flagged blog post by a mother describing her child's "imaginative" play.
2. Analysis by the Occult Symbology Working Group indicates a high probability of ritual magic elements. |
SCP-2207 is a ████ brand disposable plastic knife. | ***
Item #: SCP-2207
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2207 is to be contained in a small cardboard box filled with foam, within a standard safe-class storage locker when not used for testing. All testing with SCP-2207 is to be done in containment laboratory 8803. After testing, containment laboratory 8803 is to be decontaminated and checked for damage.
As of test 42, exploration by D-class and/or Foundation personnel beyond SCP-2207-1 instances are preemptively denied.
As of Incident 2207-01, all tests involving SCP-2207 are to be suspended.
Description: SCP-2207 is a ████ brand disposable plastic knife. Testing has indicated that, outside of SCP-2207's anomalous properties, it is identical to other non-anomalous disposable plastic knives.
When the cutting edge of SCP-2207 reaches a minimum speed of 6 m/s1, it severs local space-time, creating a rift that connects to a random alternate universe. These rifts are designated as SCP-2207-1.
Instances of SCP-2207-1 typically last approximately five minutes without outside intervention, and the length is equal to the distance that SCP-2207 traveled at or above 6m/s. Instances remain stationary after creation, but may be widened by pulling along the edges. Instances may be kept artificially open for a maximum of 24 hours by placing any material across the instance's threshold. After 24 hours, the SCP-2207-1 instance closes, severing any material crossing the threshold.
Exploration Log: The following is a partial, abridged exploration log. See Document 2207-24 for a full log of tests, explorations, and recovered material from SCP-2207-1 instances. In all tests, a mechanical arm was used to create SCP-2207-1 instances, and the SCP-2207-1 instance was propped open by a set of metal braces. It has been later determined that at least three other alternate realities accessed by different SCPs, including SCP-1165, may be the result of prior testing with SCP-2207.
Show exploration log.
Hide exploration log.
Date: 19██-06-12
Test #: 10
Exploration #: 1
Type: D-Class only, equipped with standard recovery harness and cable, radio/video umbilical, and Level C PPE.
Test time: 24 hours.
Overview: The breach point of Universe-10 is in a hallway, with white walls, fluorescent lighting, and tiled floor. A set of double doors is on the opposite side. D-2207-1 does not report any unusual sensations upon breaching the SCP-2207-1 instance, and is instructed to pass through the double doors.
One minute into the test, D-2207-1 reports that he is no closer to the doors than when he started. Video confirms this. However, 84 meters of recovery cable and umbilical has been fed through the SCP-2207-1 instance, and visual inspection from outside the instance indicates that D-2207-1 has walked halfway through the hallway.
D-2207-1 is instructed to keep moving forward, and complies despite mild protest. After two more minutes, D-2207-1 reports that he is still no closer to the doors. Video confirms this, and an additional 168 meters of cable and umbilical has been fed through the SCP-2207-1 instance. Visual inspection from the outside of the SCP-2207-1 instance indicates that D-2207-1 has still not moved more than halfway through the hallway.
At this point, D-2207-1 is recalled. From the outside of the SCP-2207-1 instance, D-2207-1 is seen to turn around. D-2207-1 reports that the SCP-2207-1 instance is much further, with video indicating a distance of approximately 250 meters. D-2207-1 runs towards the SCP-2207-1 instance, while the recall cable is activated. D-2207-1 is visibly seen to run in place from the exterior of the SCP-2207-1 instance.
252 meters of recovery cable has been recalled after 30 seconds, filling the spool. Research personnel begin to physically pull on the recovery cable, trying to manually recall D-2207-1. D-2207-1 reports that he's no closer than before to the SCP-2207-1 instance.
Three minutes and thirty seconds into the test, D-2207-1 is instructed to stop moving, and given the explanation that technical difficulties compounded by his movement are hampering recovery efforts.
An additional 108 meters of recovery cable and video umbilical is manually recalled over the next thirty seconds, with researchers noting that they don't feel any additional weight on the other end. Video and observation from the SCP-2207-1 instance indicates that D-2207-1 looks behind him. Video shows that the double doors appear to be much further behind him than before, and D-2207-1 begins to run towards the SCP-2207-1 instance.
Ten hours into the test, D-2207-1 has largely stopped his attempts at self-recovery. During this period of time, D-2207-1 was seen to alternate between running, walking, jogging, and sobbing.
Exploration ends after a period of 24 hours, due to the forced closure of the SCP-2207-1 instance. Metal braces, the recovery cable, and the radio/video umbilical are severed. D-2207-1 is not recovered, and an additional ████ meters of recovery cable and radio/video umbilical were recovered. Examination of the recovered cable and umbilical indicate no deviances from Foundation standard, apart from the anomalously added length.
Date: 19██-06-27
Test #: 25
Exploration #: 15
Type: D-Class only, equipped with EEG cap2, standard recovery harness and cable, radio/video umbilical, and Level C PPE.
Test Time: 16 minutes, 32 seconds.
Overview: The breach point of Universe-25 is a small alley of a large, unnamed city. D-2207-7 reports a sensation of vertigo upon breaching the SCP-2207-1 instance. During the immediate stages of exploration, materials are recovered (mostly refuse), and D-2207-7 reports three additional vertigo-like sensations and an occasional stare from inhabitants of Universe-25. The latter is determined not to be a breach of exploration protocol, as D-2207-7 is dressed in level C PPE.
At approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds into the test, D-2207-7 reports a fifth sensation of vertigo, and levels of ambient light begin to notably diminish. D-2207-7 looks up (without being directed) towards the sun. The sun appears to be undergoing a solar eclipse. However, the occluding object does not pass over the sun, but instead appears to originate from the center of the sun.
After one minute and thirty seconds, the unknown object has fully occluded the sun, including the corona. D-2207-7 is ordered to come back, but is unable to as the unknown occluding object appears to attract objects on the ground. Video indicates D-2207-7, as well as other individuals, vehicles, and other objects are lifted into the air, moving towards the unknown occluding object. The attracting force does not extend past the SCP-2207-1 instance. There is no meaningful communication from D-2207-7 during this period of time.
The recall cable is activated, and D-2207-7 is recovered within one minute. The metal braces propping the SCP-2207-1 instance is removed, and the instance is allowed to close naturally.
Date: 19██-07-10
Test #: 38
Exploration #: 28
Type: D-Class only, equipped with EEG cap, standard recovery harness and cable, radio/video umbilical, and Level C PPE.
Test Time: 2 hours, 38 minutes, 18 seconds.
Overview: The breach point of Universe-38 appears to be in a farmland, currently growing a crop visually similar to Zea mays subsp. mays (maize or corn). D-2207-14 begins limited recovery of crop samples.
After one hour, D-2207-14 returns with gathered samples and passes through the SCP-2207-1 instance. Research personnel note that all samples are of low quality, heavily blighted and easily destroyed by light handling. D-2207-14 claims that none of the samples she recovered were blighted when questioned. Review of video confirms D-2207-14's account.
D-2207-14 is sent to recover new samples from Universe-38, after being equipped with twenty four re-sealable bio-safe sample bags. Upon breaching the SCP-2207-1 instance at one hour and thirty minutes into the test, she reports that all plant life within two meters of the SCP-2207-1 instance have withered. Video and observation from SCP-2207-1 confirms this.
D-2207-14 notes that wind speed is increasing, and discovers a structure similar to a barn at the two hour mark. She is instructed to go inside.
The interior of the barn-like structure does not significantly differ from barns in working farms, being used for storage for a variety of tools and packaged plant matter visually similar to hay. D-2207-14 is instructed to gather samples of the hay-like plant matter and two easily-carried tools.
D-2207-14 travels to the upper floor of the barn-like structure and approaches a window. The location of the breach point of Universe-38 is visible due to the withered plants surrounding the instance. Observation indicates that the wind is rapidly spreading the withering or blighting effect.
D-2207-14 reports that she hears a noise from the lower level of the barn-like structure and investigates. A male individual, wearing blue overalls, a gray t-shirt, a hat made of a straw-like material, and carrying a rifle of unknown make and model is seen inspecting the recovery cable and radio/video umbilical.
D-2207-14 is instructed to switch her radio to free-range mode and to press the quick-release button on the recovery harness. D-2207-14 complies, and is instructed to leave the barn-like structure and return to the SCP-2207-1 instance. Site-██'s armed containment response unit is called to containment laboratory 8803 as a precautionary measure.
At two hours and twenty three minutes, D-2207-14 reports that she has left the barn, but the individual from the barn had spotted her and started firing his rifle. Gunshots and yelling in an unknown language can be heard over the radio. The recall cable is activated.
D-2207-14 reaches the SCP-2207-1 instance at two hours and thirty minutes into the exploration. The unknown individual is seen entering the withered/blighted area, and falls to the ground before Site-██'s armed containment response unit can fire. The individual's body is subsequently seen to rapidly mummify. D-2207-14 is instructed to recover the unknown individual's body, and eventually complies. The instance is allowed to naturally close.
The second set of recovered samples do not show signs of the blighting effect that the first had. The unknown individual was found to be carrying identification in a wallet, along with several examples of paper currency and a set of photos, presumably of family members. All information in the wallet is in an unknown and currently undeciphered script. The recovered tools were determined to be functionally identical to a dulled hand scythe and a hacksaw.
D-2207-14 died shortly after the test, mummifying thirty minutes after the exploration, likely due to the blighting effect. The effect was found to not be communicable from D-2207-14's body, the body of the unknown individual from Universe-38, or any recovered material.
Date: 19██-07-14
Test #: 42
Exploration #: 32
Type: D-Class only, equipped with EEG cap, standard recovery harness and cable, radio/video umbilical, and Level C PPE.
Test Time: 24 hours.
Overview: The breach point of Universe-42 is a grassy field, with the skyline of an unknown city visible approximately two to three kilometers away from the breach point. D-2207-16 is instructed to pass through the SCP-2207-1 instance.
D-2207-16 is seen to breach SCP-2207-1, and subsequently appears to freeze in place once fully through. Video feed is still operational, and requests to ascertain D-2207-16's status are unanswered. EEG shows a sudden increase of alpha brainwave activity. The recall cable is activated after thirty seconds.
The recall cable snaps at the SCP-2207-1 instance, also severing the radio/video umbilical. Visual observation from the SCP-2207-1 instance shows that the umbilical and recall cable beyond the threshold remain slack.
Recovery attempts are made with a variety of tools, including hooked poles. However, all attempts fail in a similar manner to the recall cable, with objects quickly becoming stuck after exposure to the environment beyond the SCP-2207-1 instance. It is also discovered that the metal braces remain immobile.
Exploration ends after a period of 24 hours, due to the forced closure of the SCP-2207-1 instance. Metal braces and all tools used in the recovery attempt are severed. D-2207-16 is not recovered.
Note: Due to the attrition rate of D-class and near-certainty of hostile and/or dangerous conditions beyond SCP-2207-1 instances, remote control drones with audio/video feedback are to be used for all further tests involving SCP-2207.
Date: 19██-07-28
Test #: 56
Exploration #: 46
Type: Remote controlled drone with audio/video feedback.
Test time: 35 minutes, 45 seconds.
Overview: The breach point of Universe-56 appears to be within a borough or small suburb outside of a large city. The drone is deployed.
Within one minute, the skyscrapers of the city are seen to sag, causing a mild panic from individuals within the suburb. The sagging becomes more defined as the exploration continues. By three minutes, the skyscrapers appear to begin melting, and the sagging effect is now seen on the houses of the suburb. The sagging effect passes to individuals after five minutes.
By ten minutes, almost all visible objects have turned to puddles, and the controller of the drone notes difficulty in controlling the drone. After fifteen minutes, the drone becomes unresponsive to controls and falls to the ground.
A second drone is deployed, while video data is still received from the first, which progressively distorts as the exploration goes on.
After twenty-five minutes, the controller of the second drone reports difficulties with the drone's movement. The second drone is recalled, as no significantly new data was recorded. The metal braces are removed, and the SCP-2207-1 instance is allowed to close.
Inspection of the second drone shows that all load-bearing surfaces are heavily warped, with sagging effects on the remaining surfaces. The side of the metal braces exposed to Universe-56 are also found to be warped. Strength and compression tests indicates that the affected material does not deviate from non-affected material.
Date: 19██-10-06
Test #: 126
Exploration #: 116
Type: Remote controlled drone with audio/video feedback.
Test Time: 1 hour, 21 minutes, 36 seconds.
Overview: The breach point of Universe-126 is a glade in a temperate forest, during the day. The drone is deployed, and occasional faint, jagged lines are seen in the ground, sky, and air. The lines appear to be harmless to the drone.
After three minutes, the lines are distinct enough to continuously observe, with the highest concentration forming around the SCP-2207-1 instance.
After ten minutes, sections of the sky are rendered as blue with the phrase "[NO SIGNAL]" visible in white. Visual observation from the SCP-2207-1 instance indicates that the sections appear black.
By twenty minutes, the entire sky is rendered in blue with the phrase "[NO SIGNAL]" in white. Sunlight is still visible, though without an apparent source.
Forty minutes into the exploration, sections of the ground are rendered in blue with the phrase "[NO SIGNAL]" visible in white. One of these sections appears under a tree, which subsequently falls. The tree is not visible as it passes into the "[NO SIGNAL]" patch.
One hour into the exploration, the "[NO SIGNAL]" patches begin to form in the air, with the ones on the ground expanding and new ones forming.
After an hour and fifteen minutes, the drone is recalled as the "[NO SIGNAL]" patches make further exploration difficult. The controller is unable to successfully navigate the drone back, causing it to become disabled and fall to the ground.
Two minutes later, a "[NO SIGNAL]" patch forms on the ground beneath the drone, and contact is subsequently lost.
The metal braces are removed from the SCP-2207-1 instance, and it is allowed to naturally close.
Incident 2207-01: On 19██-10-06, the following letter was found addressed to Site-██'s administration:
After receiving the letter, all testing was halted in response. As of 2015-08-03, there has been no further correspondence from the entity Sigma-Xotoxin or ████████.
1. Relative to immediate surroundings.
2. EEG sensors were added to exploration protocols after the events of Test #18. See document 2207-24 for more information. |
SCP-4323 is a series of anomalous symptoms which living macroscopic eukaryotic organisms can spontaneously exhibit. | ***
Item #: SCP-4323
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4323 positive invertebrates may be contained by any sufficiently equipped biological containment facility. Other SCP-4323 positive non-human animals are to be euthanised and incinerated. SCP-4323 positive plant matter is to be incinerated. No experiments are to be performed on SCP-4323 positive material without express permission of a majority of the O5 council.
In the discovery of an SCP-4323 positive human, that human is to be immediately contained and isolated from macroscopic biological matter until they expire. Two weeks after their expiration, their remains are to be incinerated. SCP-4323 positive humans should not be permitted to expire in a fashion other than caloric deprivation.
SCP-4323 positive organisms are not to be exposed to each other under any circumstances.
These procedures are to be maintained and enforced by MTF Gamma-1 ("Gypsum Blood").
Description: SCP-4323 is a series of anomalous symptoms which living macroscopic eukaryotic organisms can spontaneously exhibit. While exact symptoms vary, SCP-4323 positive behaviour is most commonly characterised by:
Accelerated phagocytic behaviour of all cells in that organism, indiscriminately acting to trap and consume foreign eukaryotic cells. This is exhibited to such a degree that contact between an SCP-4323 positive organism and another eukaryotic organism results in the contacted surface being consumed in the span of milliseconds.
Rapid osmotic distribution of nutrients acquired in this manner throughout the organism.
A drastic increase in turgor pressure, which is non-fatal in animal cells due to an extreme strengthening of the cytoskeleton. This allows SCP-4323 positive organisms to maintain their physical size even after consumption of large amounts of biological material. Cells will typically divide after reaching an internal density of 8.3 grams per cubic centimeter.
Macroscopic physical animacy and reconfiguration. In the case of non-animate organisms such as plants and fungi, this typically exhibits as a crawling locomotion. In animals, this often manifests as the creation of additional limbs or redundant organs.
Greatly increased catabolic rate and, correspondingly, caloric demand. This manifests as a sensation of extreme hunger in biological organisms.
There is no apparent cause of SCP-4323, though its rate of incidence is inversely proportional to local biodiversity. Attempts to manipulate the rate of incidence by artificially altering the environment (as was mandated by previous containment procedures) have not had a substantial effect on incidence rates. Approximately half of all instances are discovered in densely populated urban areas; of these, approximately 80% are humans. In these cases, exhibition of SCP-4323 symptoms is usually accompanied by panic, as it is most commonly discovered by incidental contact with pets, plants, coworkers, or family members. |
SCP-2700 is a device originally constructed by Nikola Tesla with the purpose of producing a directed-energy weapon. | ***
Item #: SCP-2700
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The above falsified document is to be made available for all personnel without 4/2700 Clearance.
SCP-2700's containment vault is located 180 meters from the surface level entrance to Secure Bunker-███. The vault itself is to be insulated against seismic activity and safeguarded by three (3) sets of reinforced steel doors. Access to the vault is forbidden barring semi-hourly inspection, unless there is risk of an imminent containment failure and contingency procedures are necessary. All personnel entering the vault are to be equipped with batrachotoxin collars, which are to be activated for any breach of protocol.
SCP-2700 is to remain under constant surveillance, and all data regarding the state of SCP-2700-Omega is to be updated semi-hourly. Personnel tasked with accessing SCP-2700-1's operating system must adhere to a set of guidelines present in Document-SCP-2700-1. There is to be no direct interaction with SCP-2700-3 barring unanimous approval of the O5 Council; breaches of this protocol warrant immediate termination. Any change in the behavior of SCP-2700-Omega must be reported immediately, as such activity could result in a YK-Class Event.
Personnel assigned to the containment of SCP-2700 are to investigate all available material related to the origin and function of SCP-2700. The primary objective in regards to the artifact's containment is to be its deactivation prior to the occurrence of a YK-Class Event. In light of the catastrophic severity a possible breach by SCP-2700 presents, Statute-30-A may be waived by personnel with 5/2700 Clearance: proposals for the cross-neutralization of SCP-2700 utilizing other SCP objects (including those of Keter class) may be presented to the O5 Council for evaluation.
In the event of imminent containment failure, SCP-2700-3 is to be disposed of via the currently approved cross-neutralization SCP object.
Description: SCP-2700 is a device originally constructed by Nikola Tesla with the purpose of producing a directed-energy weapon. Investigation of the artifact while in Foundation custody, however, has proven that SCP-2700 possesses a function distinct from and significantly more dangerous than its original designs.
SCP-2700-1 and SCP-2700-2 are as described in the above document, however SCP-2700-3 is not. The luminescent anomaly located in the center of SCP-2700-3 is not plasma, as previously indicated, but a discrete energy phenomenon now designated SCP-2700-Omega. SCP-2700-Omega behaves inversely with regards to entropy: the energy state within its boundaries constantly moves from thermal equilibrium to thermal singularity, from disorganized to organized. In other words, the flow of energy moves from the state of maximum entropy to minimal entropy, which is opposite to the standard for the rest of the universe. Due to this, the effective flow of time within this region is also reversed. Presently the unidentified materials surrounding the region (the frame and transparent sphere) are immune to the effects of SCP-2700-Omega; this appears to be the only factor preventing a breach of the phenomenon.
If SCP-2700-Omega were to escape the interior of SCP-2700-3, an inexorable chain-reaction would occur, converting the rest of the universe to this inverted entropic state. The eventuality of this scenario would be a YK-Class Entropic Annihilation Event, resulting in the reduction of the entire universe to an infinitely energetic singularity (ostensibly an inverted Big Bang).
As indicated by SCP-2700-1, the device is currently armed and set to activate in 2234 (exactly three hundred years after its initial arming). As this would inherently trigger a breach of SCP-2700-Omega, current containment protocols must be completed prior to the set date to avert a YK-Class Event.
Addendum [2700-001]: The following is an excerpt from personal log written by Tesla in 1934.
It stands before me, complete and inescapably counting down toward the nexus of my oversights and failures.
Only one month ago, I was approached by a man I had never seen before. He…was the most content person I had ever seen. His eyes felt like a window into serenity. He said he was looking for the most curious mind in the world, and I was it. Apparently I wasn't hard to distinguish from the billions of other minds on the planet, not that that surprises me. Somehow I knew immediately that he wasn't…from here, and I felt self-conscious about this world-my world. It felt humiliating to me. I think he knew what I was feeling.
During those brief windows when I was not isolated in my work, I would glimpse the events unfolding elsewhere. I never cared for what I saw. The world is too broke to feed itself, and it's responding like any hungry animal. It's angry; war is coming. I can only hope that in the conflict nature will take its course, and the lingering degenerates of our species are expunged. It's because of the degenerates that war erupts, and war is the only thing that can clean them from civilization. That is the way of any system; when the…unnecessary pieces build up to critical mass, chaos brings the destruction that returns things to equilibrium.
But his smile just seemed to cut right through the maelstrom of disgust and inadequacy in my head.
Then came the truth: he was looking for the most ingenious minds from each of the other universes. He found my lack of astonishment to the phrase "other universes" surprising. I asked how many there were, and he said he did not know; in addition to his own and mine, they had only found five others that were coherent and could support life. If anything, I was astonished that there were only seven found. He laughed at that, said I seemed promising to him. I asked him what he wanted me for.
"To unlock science's final secret."
We prepared for departure over the next twenty-four hours. I asked the traveler if I could take my project with me and have his people look at it, to which he replied that it would be no problem. The Teleforce had hit substantial roadblocks; I had no way to develop a power source sufficient for it. I didn't tell him what it was: I just said it was just an accelerator, not a weapon. I didn't want him second-guessing my motivations. I thought that if I could complete it in his universe, I could bring it back and take care of the…equilibrium problem myself.
We left in the early morning, I admit, while the prospect of another universe didn't shock me considerably, the premise of actually travelling there was intriguing. The traveler grabbed my arm and adjusted something attached to his wrist; it resembled a simple watch but I couldn't get a good look at it. There was an intense flash and everything went black. For an instant I thought I'd been blinded, then I felt the terrifying free-fall. Tumbling through infinite darkness at unfathomable speed; I had never been more frightened in all my life. Even so, I experienced wonder and anticipation such that I had never known. Then, in an instant, it all stopped. I opened my eyes and saw…words fail to do it justice. More accurately, our words fail to do it justice. Just as I cannot write the traveler's true name in these letters and be satisfied with it, I cannot describe the transcendent beauty of his home-world. It was a world with a pulse, a life that I could palpate, and at that point I felt the enormity of my world's hollow and primitive nature collapse upon me. I cried, not at his world's beauty but at my world's sheer inferiority.
I'm relieved that he never realized the real reason behind those tears.
I was brought to a city, again, I am using the word "city" as nothing more than the most appropriate analogue. There the traveler introduced me to his family, and to many of his people. That feeling of contentment that he gave me during our first encounter now surrounded me on all sides; my sense of shame only deepened. This world wasn't just better, it was the closest thing to perfection that I could possibly imagine. They weren't pointlessly cheery, but they would not tolerate any of the idiotic and trivial nonsense that people fret over here.
Then I met the others. One from each universe, as the traveler explained to me (him being the representative of his own universe). I will not go into details on their appearances; this is irrelevant and ephemeral information that reveals nothing of their vast intellect and ingenuity. I spent at least…a day simply talking with them. I kept my pocket watch with me during my visit, it was the only thing that kept record of Earth's time while I was there. They have their own form of time, of course, but it was more practical for me to keep using ours.
I vastly enjoyed the time I spent conversing with them. We spoke of things I would never dare reference as "science" here, but they thought of it as no more strange than gravity itself.
The traveler told everyone what the great project he had assembled us for was. We were to build a perpetual energy generator. Not only did this instill in me appropriately infinite fascination, but I identified that this was just what the Teleforce needed. Naturally, I volunteered my device to them to be the test subject for the generator once it was finished, just to see if it worked. To my delight, they accepted this proposal and we got to work.
Over the course of a few short weeks, we compiled our data and at last it was I that found the solution: the properties of two specific substances, each from a different universe, when in interaction, should produce the reaction that would catalyze infinite energy. Both samples had been taken from universes that were inhospitable to our form of life; their subatomic nature was not only at odds with the realm in which I was residing, but with each other. It was only by virtue of a "causal membrane" the others provided me with that the samples could remain in existence here. I was certain that this paradoxical interaction was the key.
I pored over the notes for nights, trying to finalize the designs. It was at that time that one of the others came to me, offering his help. The "watcher" is what I liked to call him. That is what he did: he watched me all the time, I don't know why, and he claimed I was just "interesting." Certainly disconcerting, but I can admit to having the same feeling myself often. He peered over my notes, and pointed out something I had missed, a simple error I had overlooked. With that, my calculations were complete, and we were ready to begin the test. I was ecstatic!
The day came, and the traveler and I loaded the core into the Teleforce for our initial test. At first everything was going as we had foreseen, but when we inspected it one hour later, one of the others noticed something unusual: the amount of energy inside the core seemed to be diminishing, which didn't make any sense at all.
Then the horrific realization came: it wasn't diminishing, the energy was converging upon itself infinitely. The core was reversing the flow of entropy. None of the others failed to see the critical danger of this predicament. If we could not neutralize the reaction, it could disrupt the flow of entropy for the entire universe. It would reverse time to the birth of existence.
Hastily, I accessed the console of the Teleforce, and saw that someone had set it to activate in three hundred years. I tried to disable it, but I could not. The system would not recognize my commands, which can only mean that someone sabotaged the console. Then it clicked in my head with absolute certainty.
I spun to face the watcher and declared him the culprit of the situation. He gave a smile that seemed to contain more malice than any one being should be capable of. He denied nothing, and went further: he explained that only he knew how to deactivate the Teleforce, and that disassembling it would do nothing but spread the reaction sooner. He leered at me in that way he always had, and I cursed myself for not figuring him out sooner; some "greatest mind" I was. Then he said it: What right did I have to hold him with contempt when I too came here to complete a weapon? Clearly, those wretched eyes had found my journal, for he then begun to describe the Teleforce's function and purpose. He commended me for coming to another universe to build it, rather than risk building it in my own, as it was exactly what he did. Why did he set it to three hundred years? It was merely a safeguard to ensure it didn't activate while he was still there.
The watcher then disappeared back to his own universe, taking the only device capable of reaching it with him. We were left there with my great invention, now a time bomb for this universe that I had grown so fond of. Why did the Watcher want to create such a weapon in the first place? I don't know or care anymore. All I cared about was the fear and hopelessness of the traveler, his family, and his world. It was my theories that brought this upon them, it was all my fault. The traveler, though, did not blame me, and I think that was the final sign that I had to do what I did.
I took the Teleforce back here. I took the death of existence back to my universe, where it belonged. I have betrayed all lifeforms in this cosmos, I have betrayed our entire future.
I am not sorry, and I am not apologizing. I could not let my legacy be the destruction of a universe I was not even worthy of. It seems I will in the end bring the equilibrium I desired, and it will be the end of our degenerate universe.
The Teleforce is locked away safely. I spend my long hours before the pond with the birds. They are so blissfully unaware of what approaches, and that gives me just enough tranquility to tolerate my own existence.
A reversal of energy, of entropy, of time…if reversing time was a simpler task, perhaps I could have stopped this from ever happening and save our universe. No, I wouldn't have. I would have made our universe one worth saving. |
SCP-2282 is a female young mammal of a unique subspecies closely related to Capra aegagrus hircus, classified as C. | ***
Item #: SCP-2282
Object Class: Neutralized (formerly Euclid)
Special Containment Procedures: (Former. SCP-2282 is now deceased.) SCP-2282 is to be kept under the care of the Area-12 Parazoology Department in an outdoor enclosure. SCP-2282 should never come closer than a distance of one hundred meters (100 m) to any structure or tree. SCP-2282 is to have appropriate maintenance for a domestic goat.
Description: SCP-2282 is a female young mammal of a unique subspecies closely related to Capra aegagrus hircus, classified as C. a. spatium. SCP-2282 is of normal size and externally identical to a common domesticated goat. SCP-2282's skeletal, muscular, and cranial anatomy is identical.
SCP-2282's digestive tract is a highly non-Euclidean array of spacial distortions warped to increase its internal volume to at least seventeen thousand cubic meters (17,000 m³), consisting of over eight thousand (8000) separate stomachs. The digestive tract of SCP-2282 is complicated and nonlinear with seemingly no organized purpose. The total mass of SCP-2282 is at least sixteen million kilograms (16,000,000 kg), but externally appears to have a mass of only 89 kg, a normal amount for a goat of its apparent breed. These additional organs also apparently do not require additional sustenance to function, as SCP-2282's material diet is normal.
SCP-2282 consumes matter by incorporating the space that contains that matter into its own body. This space is removed from an area near SCP-2282's mouth while grazing, and manipulated so that its exterior is shrunk as it is transported to inside of SCP-2282's digestive tract. The cavity this creates within SCP-2282 is then filled with new flesh and organs. SCP-2282 consumes approximately three cubic meters (3 m³) per day.
Addendum: SCP-2282 was discovered on 3 Feb 2001 on a goat ranch in central California after Foundation gravitational-wave observatories in Area-6, Area-22, and Site-20 began detecting a small, regular tremor in the curvature of spacetime. The anomaly was triangulated, and the farm was investigated and purchased after the effect was confirmed.
Addendum: Correspondence between Dr. Carrs and Overwatch Council, 22 Apr 2014
SCP-2282 has begun showing signs of aging and ill health appropriate to a goat of its age. Barring more intense medical care, it has maybe four more months left alive. I am seeking approval to euthanize SCP-2282 on 1 May 2014 before it dies of natural causes to allow it to decease in a controlled environment, and to study its anatomy before it undergoes organ failure. - Dr. Carrs
Approved. - O5-9
Addendum: Euthanasia of SCP-2282 proceeded as planned until the moment of death. After injection by Dr. Dangson, SCP-2282's interior instantaneously distorted itself to match Euclidean space. This resulted in a bubble of new space sixty-seven meters (67 m) in diameter appearing from SCP-2282's abdomen, warping all space in the surrounding area.
Dr. Dangson, standing directly next to SCP-2282 during the distortion, was killed instantaneously from massive anatomical deformation. Dr. Carrs entered critical condition and died six hours later from cerebral hemorrhaging. Dr. Ohman and Dr. Jept suffered severe skeletal and anatomical deformation; Dr. Jept required amputation of his left arm and leg, and Dr. Ohman is currently undergoing intensive physical therapy to regain full mobility.
The sphere of new space was filled with goat entrails which immediately collapsed to fill the dimple in the ground created by the distortion and overflow into the surrounding area.
Addendum: Excavation of SCP-2282's remains has revealed that some of SCP-2282's stomachs were not filled with digestive fluid, and contained objects that were kept relatively well preserved, including several that would have been too large for SCP-2282 to have consumed whole. Objects currently discovered in the remains include:
1 wooden architectural ruler
4 Tic Tac brand candy boxes (empty, various flavors)
1 "Pikachu Pedometer" instruction booklet
11 rocks (various sizes)
1 large wood lathe
22 various wood lathe tools
7 playing cards (standard)
9 playing cards (identified as part of the "7th Sea Collectible Card Game")
1 giraffe skeleton (whole)
1 halogen light bulb
1 stainless steel dresser
191 Elmer's brand glue sticks
1 beehive (whole, dormant)
6 vacuum tubes |
SCP-2720 is a joint designation for multiple extra-dimensional coastal locations, accessible only through the door of selected hotel rooms in Awashima Hotel at Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan (see paragraph 5 of Description for more information). | ***
Item #: SCP-2720
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: To facilitate containment, the Foundation has converted Awashima Hotel to Provisional Containment Site-123. Site-123's original function as a hotel is to be retained. All calls from GoI-3004 ("AquaS Conservancy for Penguins") are to be logged and archived on Document 2720-Ku, especially information regarding the hotel room SCP-2720 is accessed from and duration SCP-2720 is accessible.
Hotel rooms leading to SCP-2720 are to be opened only by Foundation personnel for approved procedures and observations. Otherwise, the doors are to be locked during the duration in which an SCP-2720 iteration is accessible under the guise of renovation.
Description: SCP-2720 is a joint designation for multiple extra-dimensional coastal locations, accessible only through the door of selected hotel rooms in Awashima Hotel at Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan (see paragraph 5 of Description for more information). It is uncertain if the various iterations constitute a single dimension or if each iteration constitutes a separate dimension, as there is only one known access point between baseline reality and SCP-2720 at any given point of time.
Chemical composition of SCP-2720 iterations is consistently identical to that of Earth's. In addition, there is no sign of human presence or activity in those locations. The only exception to this is the door in which entry from baseline reality is established. Within SCP-2720 iterations, the door is consistently affixed to a natural structure there (e.g. a cliff).
A colony of Spheniscus demersus (African penguin) located inside an iteration of SCP-2720.
In addition, all iterations of SCP-2720 are inhabited by several non-anomalous animals. The dominant species is typically a threatened1 , 2 species under the order Sphenisciformes (penguin), usually engaged in either incubation or feeding within SCP-2720. Penguin population inside a given SCP-2720 iteration is estimated to be in excess of 300, with equal amounts of male and female specimens.
Other animals within SCP-2720 (e.g. multiple fish and crustacean species) mainly serve as prey for respective penguin species. Although total population of non-penguin animals is unknown, it is numerous enough to sustain the penguins within SCP-2720 during the duration SCP-2720 is accessible.
One specimen of Spheniscus mendiculus (Galapagos penguin), found inside an iteration of SCP-2720.
Selection of the access point to SCP-2720 is determined in a phone call initiated by a representative from GoI-3004 ("AquaS Conservancy for Penguins"). The phone call will occur anytime within the period between 2300 hours and 0700 hours of the following day (UTC+9). To date, the only known means to interact with GoI-3004 is via phone calls initiated by it while attempts to call GoI-3004 by phone have failed to obtain a response.
During booking, the representative will state the room to be booked, checkin and checkout times. The duration in which SCP-2720 is accessible ranges from 32 to 68 days, matching the incubation period of the penguin species found within respective iterations. Furthermore, the period in which SCP-2720 is accessible corresponds to the mating season for the relevant penguin species. After securing the booking, credit payment will be sent to Awashima Hotel.
At the stipulated checkout time, the door leading to SCP-2720 will close and lock itself autonomously. The door can be unlocked via the use of an applicable key or other valid lock picking methods. Opening the door again will lead to the original hotel room, and SCP-2720 will no longer be accessible. After closure, penguins within SCP-2720 will be manifested in their respective native habitats on Earth, as indicated by GPS chips implanted onto them. On the other hand, the whereabouts of other entities and objects within SCP-2720 that are not attached to a penguin at time of checkout (e.g. uneaten fish, pebbles) are unknown after closure.
SCP-2720 was discovered on 07/10/2015 by a part-time hotel worker who was assigned to tend to an unclaimed hotel room, booked by members of GoI-3004. The Foundation was subsequently notified of the anomaly and placed the affected room under observation.
Addendum 2720-1: Excerpts from GoI-3004 ("AquaS Conservancy for Penguins") Profile
Notably, GoI-3004 shares the same name as a now-defunct Foundation front organisation,3 which was disbanded on April 2015 due to budgetary reasons. It is uncertain if GoI-3004 is related to the now-defunct Foundation front organisation or if it is a separate organisation with the same name by coincidence.
Calls between GoI-3004 and Awashima Hotel are traced to a vacant office in Chicago, Illinois. Based on records from the Chicago Police Department, said office has also been traced as the origin of multiple prank calls since January 2016, targeting renovation and repair shops in Chicago. These calls tend to occur in between 0900 hours and 1700 (UTC-6). While callers have consistently self-identified themselves as a member of GoI-3004, a different name is used each time. This might be suggestive of a rotational roster of an unknown upper limit within GoI-3004 or a policy to use aliases by members of GoI-3004.
Addendum 2720-2: Interview Log 2720-GoI-3004-05
Interviewee: Ms. "Mary O'Hara" (a member of GoI-3004 of managerial position)4
Interviewer: Agent Daiya Kurosawa
Foreword: The following interview was initiated impromptu by Agent Kurosawa when GoI-3004 contacted Awashima Hotel. Interview is conducted originally in Japanese, over the telephone, and wire tapped.
<Begin Log>
Ms. O'Hara: Hello? AquaS Conservancy here.5
[No response from Agent Kurosawa for about 15 seconds, as call was undergoing transfer from the reception counter. Ms. O'Hara repeats the statement "Hello? AquaS Conservancy here" repeatedly in meanwhile, with a three-second pause in between each utterance.]
Agent Kurosawa: Yes, this is Daiya Kurosawa from hotel management. So, are you the manager for AquaS Conservancy?
Ms. O'Hara: Y-yes.
Agent Kurosawa: How may I call you?
Ms. O'Hara: Uh… [pauses] Mary O'Hara.
Agent Kurosawa: Ah Ms. Mary, greetings. Do you have time for a few enquiries?
Ms. O'Hara: I have all the time. Is everything alright?
Agent Kurosawa: Everything's alright, Ms. Mary. Just a few questions to clear some doubts from the higher-ups.
Ms. O'Hara: Go on, Daiya. It's not often that hotel management requests for me.
Agent Kurosawa: Don't worry, it will not take up too much time. I understand your organisation have made frequent bookings at our hotel, yet there is no one present to claim the keys or occupy the room. This is rather concerning to us.
Ms. O'Hara: Oh! But the rooms are occupied. Surely you have seen them?
Agent Kurosawa: I've seen what's inside, but I want to know more about it.
Ms. O'Hara: What's more to know? It should be very clearcut.
Agent Kurosawa: What is?
Ms. O'Hara: Penguin conservation! It's on the title!
Agent Kurosawa: Indeed. But do pardon me; I don't see how the rooms supposedly aid in penguin conservation.
Ms. O'Hara: The rooms give those cute un-obnoxious critters a space to replenish their ranks. Your hotel is helping us so much in stabilising and anchoring that space, you know. Awashima should be proud of the good rep for helping out in penguin conservation.
Agent Kurosawa: But I want to know why you have chosen Awashima Hotel for these programmes.
Ms. O'Hara: Hmm, I could have chosen any building in the world, really. But I always do think that there is an affinity between Awashima and I, perhaps in another world where we are part of a girl's school at Shizuoka Prefecture instead.
Agent Kurosawa: Excuse me, but that is rather specific and frankly improbable.
Ms. O'Hara: Just like worlds where manmade structures and humans aren't a thing. [giggles] But anything can happen in a world of infinite possibilities, right?
Agent Kurosawa: Perhaps. And may I clarify your group's name? It's "AquaS Conservancy for Penguins", yes?
Ms. O'Hara: Yup, with the 'S' in AquaS in caps by the way.
Agent Kurosawa: Ah yes… But to my understanding, AquaS Conservancy for Penguins was disbanded a few months ago. April this year, to be precise.
Ms. O'Hara: Disbanded? No! I even celebrated the fifth anniversary in June.6 In fact, I daresay I am finally able to do something purposeful.
Agent Kurosawa: Like penguin conservation?
Ms. O'Hara: Exactly! What else would a conservancy be expected to do?
Agent Kurosawa: Ms. Mary, it seemed as though you were not doing anything purposeful previously.
Ms. O'Hara: Yeah, it's rather complicated really. But I once felt like a cog in the machine. You know, like you are supposed to play an important part in the greater scheme of things but you are actually expendable. But as it turns out, I lingered on no matter what and there is only one path thereon – carry on.
Agent Kurosawa: That is unexpectedly profound. But say, since we are still on the phone, may I ask you something that has been on my mind?
Ms. O'Hara: Say it, Daiya.
Agent Kurosawa: We have been trying to contact you on multiple occasions previously, but they failed to connect. It's frankly cumbersome for us, really.
Ms. O'Hara: I can only use the office phone here, although there are problems with the cabling. I can send calls, but not the other way 'round.
Agent Kurosawa: Would you mind us exchanging mobile phone numbers, for the sake of interaction with each other regarding our collaboration?
Ms. O'Hara: I don't use mobile phones. Mobility's not my thing.
Agent Kurosawa: That is rather unfortunate. What about your colleagues? Could I liaison through them, if that would be okay with you?
Ms. O'Hara: They don't use mobile phones. Mobility's not their thing.
Agent Kurosawa: I see. Then, I hope your cabling issues will be resolved in the near future. Have you sought for a repairman to look into the matter?
Ms. O'Hara: Yes, but they always leave without bothering to come inside or knock on the door. I mean, they just pretend not to see me looking back at them from the windows and doors. But can we get back to my reservation? The erect-crested penguins need a nice quiet room to themselves.
Agent Kurosawa: Of course, I will handle it myself. May you lay down the specifics?
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Based on O'Hara's words, it is within plausibility for SCP-2720 to be transferred to another building if GoI-3004 decides so. However, it might constitute a temporary breach where the new access point has to be re-identified among an unknown number of buildings (possibly more than just hotels) on a (possibly global) range. Therefore, containment should be focused at Awashima Hotel provisionally.
1. Defined as an animal species classified as "Critically Endangered", "Endangered" and "Vulnerable" on IUCN Red List version 3.1.
2. On at least one occasion, the species Aptenodytes forsteri (emperor penguin) was sighted in an SCP-2720 instance, despite said species' conservation status of 'Nearly Threatened'.
3. Said front organisation was established to prevent urban development on certain extra-dimensional apertures under the guise of conserving penguins habitats.
4. Notably, a Chicago resident by the name of "Mary O'Hara" was among the individuals prank-called by GoI-3004. Chicago resident Mary O'Hara was later interviewed and denied that she has ever contacted Awashima Hotel.
5. This statement began utterance 0.4 seconds after the last utterance from the receptionist for GoI-3004, which is "Manager, huh?".
6. Now-defunct Foundation front organisation "AquaS Conservancy for Penguins" was inaugurated on June 2010. |
SCP-1763 is a Class-4 (reclassified from Class-3 following incident 1763-64) interdimensional portal1 located in the basement of ████ West 38th Street, New York City, NY. | ***
Item #: SCP-1763
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The stairwell leading into the basement containing SCP-1763 is to be kept closed at all times, and guarded from the inside by two security personnel. A clearance level of 2 or higher is required for entrance. Personnel interested in viewing video records of performance incidents are to contact Dr. Howder.
Description: SCP-1763 is a Class-4 (reclassified from Class-3 following incident 1763-64) interdimensional portal1 located in the basement of ████ West 38th Street, New York City, NY.2 At the time SCP-1763 was discovered, 76 folding chairs had been set up facing SCP-1763, in a formation typical of a proscenium space. While there is no box office, a metal bowl is placed on a small table at the entrance to the seating area with the label "donations". Any objects placed in the bowl will disappear at exactly one hour following the end of any performance incident. One hour before a performance incident, 40 to 70 programs will appear beside the bowl, detailing the performance that will take place along with a brief summary of the social context of the performance and an overlook of the organization performing the piece. Throughout Foundation containment of SCP-1763, only one organization has performed; however, several programs indicate that previous "companies" have made use of the venue.
The reality visible within SCP-1763 appears to be a proscenium-arch-type stage, with two permanent sets of curtains3. The theatre is mainly constructed from wood4, with metal scaffolding above the stage5. This stage area is designated SCP-1763-1.
SCP-1763-1 is currently used as a theatre venue by a large company designated SCP-1763-A. This company will perform on a monthly basis, with limited runs during the last full week of the month from Monday to Saturday. Shows typically start at 18:00 and run until 20:00 - 22:00, with a 15 - 20 minute intermission. There may also be a matinee on Fridays or Saturdays at 2:00. Alongside these regular performances, SCP-1763-A may also produce children's shows, stand-up comedy, or improvised theatre6.
Members of SCP-1763-A show numerous anomalous properties. SCP-1763-A-17 is an incorporeal entity which operates through mechanical hands extending inwards from off-stage, SCP-1763-A-5, -6, and -12 are entirely skeletal, SCP-1763-A-7 and -8 possess two sets of arms, and SCP-1763-A-13 appears to be a member of Homo neanderthalensis. Players may or may not be type-casted depending on their appearance.
Construction of the set begins two weeks before opening, with dress rehearsals occurring three days before opening. Pieces performed by SCP-1763-A vary widely. Approximately one quarter of all performances correspond to existing plays. Thus far, the perceived cost of a production and the frequencies of production have not changed with audience attendance or the amount donated.
Attempts to interact with the space within SCP-1763 have so far been unsuccessful. Tunneling around and into SCP-1763's apparent space leads to a mirror image of SCP-1763.
Addendum: Samples of productions:
Performance Incident #: 1
Performance: "Ghoul or Girl" by "Glashmer Haghjsd"
Program Description: A look at the life of a young, female Ghoul as she struggles to find her identity in a world of four genders. Body image problems, red squirting, and how parents are expected to deal with these issues are some of the numerous issues addressed in this piece.
Observations: The four genders acknowledged in the play are male, female, "Hansi", and "Frog". SCP-1763-A-3 vomited an orange fluid onto the stage during the second act.
Performance Incident #: 4
Performance: Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
Program Description: Samuel Beckett's classic play is now being presented by the Harsh Lot Theatre Company. Vladimir and Estragon wait for a mysterious figure named Godot and provide insight into many problems facing society today.
Observations: Researchers agreed SCP-1763-A-13's performance as Estragon was "charming". While mentions of Godot remained unchanged, "God" was replaced with "Dog" throughout the production. The reason for this remains unknown.
Performance Incident #: 14
Performance: "Play With the Jenklsedn" by "Rodney Harper"
Program Description: A play all children should attend, Play With the Jenklsedn addresses problems of growing up, family issues, and even how to deal with a family pet.
Observations: Scenes include "Bad Words", "Why We Share", and "Sexual Problems with Cats".
Performance Incident #: 21
Performance: "Love and a Sea Blorb" by "J"
Program Description: A new comedy by J, Love and a Sea Blorb is sure to keep your appendix rumbling as we watch a man slowly fall into madness when a sea blorb breaks up with his mother!
Observations: The production was overall quite humorous, albeit somewhat disturbing.
Performance Incident #: 22
Performance: "Yuk Yuks for Schmuck Schmucks"
Program Description: For one night only, see some of Transervita's greatest comedians come all the way to New York for some great stand-up!
Observations: SCP-1763-A-34 emitted a high-pitched, constant shriek for 10 minutes which caused uncontrollable laughter among researchers. Recommendation to avoid productions by any similar entities.
Performance Incident#: 31
Performance: Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Program Description: One of Shakespeare's most famous works, the Harsh Lot Theatre Company performs their interpretation of this historic piece.
Observations: Entire work was performed backwards, including the words themselves. In spite of this, the production was described by researchers as "oddly compelling".
Performance Incident#: 36
Performance: "Hat" by "Elaine Eniale"
Program Description: On top on bottom on top on bottom on top on bottom you are nothing
Observations: An experimental, 6-hour piece consisting of SCP-1763-A-37 removing and replacing a New York Yankees baseball cap while repeating "Hats are the system. We are the system. We are hats." Due to SCP-1763-A-37's properties, the hat was covered in a thick, pink slime.
Performance incident#: 40
Performance: "From Outer Space"
Program Description: Some of Harsh Lot's best improvisers put on a two-hour show about an astronaut on Mars. What happens next? We'll just have to wait and find out.
Observations: Mars was repeatedly referred to as being blue.
1. Similar to that observed in SCP-1986.
2. Independent shows not necessarily associated with Broadway Theater are common in this area of New York City.
3. These curtains are rarely used, as per trends among contemporary theatre.
4. which will typically be painted over in order to match with the current production
5. Note that this is exclusively used for prop work; no lighting units are apparent.
6. Due to SCP-1763's nature, there is no audience participation in this form of improvisation.
7. The director of most productions. |
SCP-5920 is a specific combination of technologies that identify, extract, and duplicate an individual's memories. | ***
Item #: SCP-5920
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-5920 units are to be contained within Suite 908A of Site-01 and managed through Project AURUM SILKWORM.
SCP-5920 test subjects shall be chosen from within MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") according to depth of project-relevant experiences, particularly personnel management and information extraction. Participation in AURUM SILKWORM is to be considered a requirement of MTF Alpha-1 membership.
Members of MTF Alpha-1 who have been exposed to memories with intensity quotients over 20,000 may not be assigned to Overseer Council security details. Such individuals are not to be permitted transfer to other positions within the Foundation or retirement from their posts.
Description: SCP-5920 is a specific combination of technologies that identify, extract, and duplicate an individual's memories. Additionally, SCP-5920 converts extracted memories into audiovisual media that can be experienced by other parties through normal exposure. Although replicable within the Foundation, progenitor paratech guarantees anomalous classification until public technology makes similar advancements.
SCP-5920 units consist of three components:
A central terminal controls the process and stores extracted memories for processing.
An EEG headset analyzes cerebral activity and hosts micro-needles for insertion through thinner skull sections.
A chair equipped with full-body restraints ensures subject safety during high-intensity exposure.
Facilities for large-scale biological matter disposal are frequently used post hoc, but are not considered integral.
Serial use of SCP-5920 amplifies the qualities of extracted memories via filtration through ego constructs. Second-hand experiences are often more potent due to additional layers of psychological baggage, as are third-hand experiences, fourth-hand experiences, etc. As a result, individuals' experiences, preferences, and outlooks influence the qualities of filtered memories, which vary significantly in duration, emotional slant, and intensity. Consuming the audiovisual output of high-concentration memories induces a variety of effects within the human body:
Intensity Quotient Range
Bodily Effects
0 - 300
None observed. Subjects typically report calming experiences.
300 - 4,000
Fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity depending on each memory's emotional slant. Broad worldviews may be shifted by repeated exposure.
4,000 - 20,000
Significant fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity depending on memory slant. Elevated risk of cardiac arrest, internal hemorrhaging, and general organ failure.
All test subjects not previously exposed to moderate-intensity memories have immediately expired.
Addendum 5920-A (Original Test Log Samples):
Test Number: 14
Memory Donor: Janet York
Test Subject: D-71354
Psychological Evaluation Summary: D-71354 is a well-adjusted individual with few concerning proclivities. Despite spending several years in Foundation custody, she maintains a generally positive attitude, speaks frequently about hopes for the future, and is highly regarded by her peers.
Experiential Report:
"It's a damn fine sight. Waves, sun, everything you need. There's sand squishing between my toes. Sand falling through my fingers too. There's even sand in my swimsuit, but that's a small price to pay if there ever was one.
Now I'm laughing. That's not my voice, but I'm laughing anyway. Not my lips, but I'm smiling. It feels nice. The sun's as warm as I remember; maybe even warmer. I'm drinking too. The doctor said I shouldn't anymore, but one won't hurt. The girls say it'll do me good.
There's water between my toes now. My feet are wet, and my legs, and I'm diving under. Not sure if I know how to swim, but I'm managing fine. Reefs below, fish out front, and my friends all around. Everything's going to be fine."
Estimated Intensity Quotient (Retroactive): 25
Test Number: 15
Memory Donor: D-71354
Test Subject: D-89522
Psychological Evaluation Summary: D-89522 expresses the typical pessimistic outlook of D-Class personnel, but otherwise exhibits no concerning tendencies beyond persistent aquaphobia.
Experiential Report:
"No, wait, yeah, I know them. My friends. My friends are playing in the surf while I sit on a towel and drink. There’s nothing wrong with that. But, like, well, maybe there is something wrong. My breath catches when one of them slips in the water. It’s only ankle deep, but they might fall beneath anyway. They’re going to fall, and sink, and never come up again. I don’t want to be a wet blanket though.
One of them runs back out to talk to me. She’s dripping everywhere, but not on me. Thank god, not on me. She’s so happy though. She’s practically bubbling herself. We’re talking, and talking, and then she grabs my hand. It’s wet, but I can handle that. Wet and warm, at least. Warm and alive, for now.
She tugs me back toward the water. My heart’s racing, but I step in anyway. I try my hardest to laugh with them, even if it feels like I’m going to drown standing. That’s what it takes."
Estimated Intensity Quotient (Retroactive): 44
Test Number: 16
Memory Donor: D-89522
Test Subject: D-92001
Psychological Evaluation Summary: D-92001 exhibits antisocial behaviors and was previously convicted for a series of violent offenses.
Experiential Report:
"We’re all playing in the water. It’s a city pool, right? One of those big ones. There’re hundreds of us crammed in there. Nah, more like thousands. Heh. We’re ass to elbows, knees to faces. Just one big screaming mess of kids. I don’t even want to think of what’s in the water. Snot, and piss, and worse. Heh. Yeah, lots worse.
It’s a gross stew, but I keep dunking this one kid in. We’re all in the pot together, so it doesn’t matter much if one goes under for a bit. He’s struggling, but not enough. He’s whining, but it’s just wasting air. He’s blue when he comes up; I push him down again. Heh. Someone’s screaming at me, but he’ll be fine. We've all survived worse. I tell him that, but he just keeps screaming. He won't listen. He just won't fucking listen, so I keep pushing him under. He probably deserves it. Yeah. Definitely."
Estimated Intensity Quotient (Retroactive): 68
Addendum 5920-B (Project AURUM SILKWORM Initiation):
Archived document:
To requisitioned personnel,
Under the authority of O5-3, Project AURUM SILKWORM has been established to examine practical applications of SCP-5920. Based on current analyses, refined memories hold great potential as therapeutic aids and memetic agents. Other applications are expected to arise in the course of research.
Although D-Class personnel were initially used to test involved procedures, MTF Alpha-1 personnel are henceforth to be employed due to their abundance of potent experiences, extant clearances, and relevance to long-term project goals. These goals include:
• Creating new media-based security mechanisms to replace aging memetic agents.
• Creating low-cost treatments to raise Foundation personnel's morale, efficiency, and loyalty.
• Improving the operational capacity of mobile task forces within cognitohazardous environments.
Additional details will be provided within our secure facilities.
Adrianne Berryman, Project Lead
Maxwell Langford, Project Lead
Addendum 5920-C (Intermediary Test Log Samples):
Test Number
Output Subject
Input Memory Tag
Output Memory Tag
Estimated Intensity Quotient
Addendum 5920-D (Additional AURUM SILKWORM Directives):
Archived document:
To all relevant personnel,
At the behest of O5-3, and in light of recent events, new objectives have been added to AURUM SILKWORM guidance documents:
• Assessing resistance to amnestics and memetic agents among test subjects.
• Developing procedures to inhibit these escalating resistances.
• Creating countermeasures to close resultant security gaps.
We are aware that this may prove difficult for many of you, but O5-3 has conveyed the importance of equipping the Overseer Council with tools to manage its closest ring of personnel. Swift progress is expected.
Adrianne Berryman, Project Lead
Maxwell Langford, Project Lead
Addendum 5920-E (Recent Test Log Sample):
Test Number
Output Subject
Input Memory Tag
Output Memory Tag
Estimated Intensity Quotient
Most Recent Entry:
Test Number: 854
Input Subjects: Acorn, Newt, Vole, Cradle, Opossum, Squid, Snail
Output Subject: Wren
Output Memory Tag: CZI-913-743
Output Subject Vocalizations:
"No, I don't feel anything.
Yeah, Langford, I see it. That doesn't mean I feel anything. There's a lot, alright? Maybe people I haven't hurt yet? Maybe people I'm going to hurt. They're screaming, and dying, and dead. I've got my knife, and my pistol, and a hundred half-chewed hearts. My fingers stick through their eyes. My teeth are around their necks. The blood tastes like bleach, and I'm breathing it deep.
They hate me. Their children died in airstrikes, and their siblings sank into the sea. I'm on trial. I'm in prison. I'm buried ten stories deep. Someone drags me out of the ground anyway. Their hands are on my wrists; along my spine. There's a hotel room. I'm hanging upside down in the bathroom, bruised all over. Sewage drips from the shower. Something's leaking under the door. It's thick, and black, and mewling. The bed is full of bodies. No, wait, there's only two, but I don't know which is mine. A dog is gnawing on my leg. Another's deep in my guts. It's got dad's face and mom's voice. A drill presses right against my forehead. It's spinning up, hot and loud. Breaking the skin. Pushing in. All I can hear are my breaths through her mouth.
No, nothing hurts. Don't you have biometrics? Nothing's wrong.
No, it's just like one of those magic eye things.
No, I feel fine."
Slant: Null
Estimated Intensity Quotient: 18,500,000
1. During transition between test subject populations, a request was made by Alpha-1 OPCOM to use standard-issue pseudonyms in public records. Concessions were made due to unique cultural concerns within MTF Alpha-1. |
SCP-2179 is a modified fire alarm bell, currently located in an observation chamber at Site 18. | ***
Item #: SCP-2179
Object Class: Safe Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2179 must be monitored at all times and kept loaded with ticker-tape to ensure maximum notice of an 2179-A event; within ten minutes of such an event, Foundation agents must be present at Zone 2179. If this fails, at least two MTFs are to be dispatched to Zone 2179 immediately, and both the Leicestershire Police and the Ministry of Defence notified in case further reinforcements are required.
Description: SCP-2179 is a modified fire alarm bell, currently located in an observation chamber at Site 18. Attached to the device is a ticker-tape machine; both the bell and the tape machine are labelled as being produced in 1927.
A 2179-A event occurs when either a potential threat to human lives or an anomalous object/phenomenon (or both) are detected within 120m of the main entrance to Kibworth Harcourt Primary School, in Leicestershire, UK (hereafter referred to as Zone 2179). The bell rings at 75 decibels at a distance of 5m, and continues until the hazard has been contained or is no longer relevant; ticker tape is dispensed summarising the threat.
The following is a series of excerpts from the official incident log; see LOG-2179-INCD for full details.
Notes: Faulty wiring in the electrical system resulted in a small fire, destroying the cardboard castles made by Form 3b. No further damage discovered.
Notes: While reversing, the school bus collided with the headmaster's car, a Honda Civic. One child suffered concussion; the car's rear bumper was dented noticeably.
Notes: Lid of jam jar stuck and unable to be removed. While field tests seemed to corroborate SCP-2179’s summary, further analysis at Site-18 succeeded in removing the lid by applying warm water and a dishcloth.
No actual proof of threat to human life or anomalous objects was obtained throughout Incidents 01 through 08; response to 2179-A events was set at priority LOW.
Time: 13:45
Notes: No deployment of Foundation assets.
Time: 13:55
Notes: No deployment of Foundation assets.
Time: 13:56
Notes: No deployment of Foundation assets.
Time: 13:57
Notes: Official sources in the Kibworth Harcourt area confirmed the summary; deployment of Foundation assets, and arrival at 14:10. Unidentified canids were discovered and subdued; civilian casualties numbered 7 dead and 9 injured. Canid specimens (both alive and deceased) were returned to Site-18 for examination; the field report describes them as 120kg specimens and mottled-grey in colouration, but on arrival at Site-18 they were immediately identified as two dead Yorkshire Terriers and one sedated Cocker Spaniel.
After Incident-09, response to 2179-A event was set at priority URGENT, and current containment procedures enacted. |
SCP-5905 is a leather-bound grimoire recovered from the Huang Shui basin in Qinghai, China. | ***
Item #: SCP-5905
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5905 is contained in a sensitive materials vault at Site-17. The consumption of any type of food or water, including those required for medical or emergency purposes, is strictly prohibited within five meters of SCP-5905. The study of SCP-5905 is limited to secondary sources only.
All known instances of SCP-5905-1 have been destroyed. If additional instances of SCP-5905-1 should be encountered, all directives and priorities below Code Black are rescinded until the entity's destruction has been confirmed.
Description: SCP-5905 is a leather-bound grimoire recovered from the Huang Shui basin in Qinghai, China. This book details the treatment of prisoners, the preparation of objects of sacrifice, and a number of other ritualistic practices of an unclear cultural origin. Prolonged exposure to SCP-5905 causes hyperstimulation of the hypothalamus, resulting in accelerated metabolism and dramatically increased feelings of hunger and thirst. The book describes this effect as the "Purity of Consumption" and encourages exploration of these feelings by practitioners.
Within the pages of SCP-5905 is a ritual that is believed to be responsible for the creation of instances of SCP-5905-1. Due to ethical concerns, this cannot be verified.
Addendum.1: Incident Log
Log out and return to the main file
Foundation Site-36 received an urgent distress call from joint Chinese and GOC forces operating in the Qinghai province. Rapid response teams were dispatched while drone surveillance was deployed. GOC was notified of our intended assistance. The only intel provided was that they were engaged with a humanoid entity of unknown origin and intent.
—1301 hours: MTF arrived at the last known location of GOC forces and followed a trail of destruction in order to locate SCP-5905-1 within the boundaries of a small fishing village. The total destruction of the GOC forces requesting backup is assumed. SCP-5905-1 was identified as a partially fleshed humanoid skeleton standing approximately 18 meters in height. The entity engaged MTF forces when they attempted to aid in the evacuation of local citizens.
—1310 hours: Deployed armaments are ineffective. MTF forces requested aerial strike and additional support. The rib cage of SCP-5905-1 expands and its thoracic cavity distends as a mass of tentacles explodes out from within. The appendages latch on to all available sources of organic matter including the GOC, MTF, and villagers, and adds them to its mass. SCP-5905-1 has increased in size by approximately 25%.
—1328 hours: Rockwell B-1 Lancer launched from Site-36 arrived at the conflict zone and fired precision-guided munitions at SCP-5905-1. Although the entity was impeded, it withstood the bombardment. Additional support requested.
—1330 hours: A Tomahawk Cruise Missile was fired from GOC Strategic Command Base #22 and MTF forces were advised to retreat to a minimum safe distance.
—1335 hours: Cruise missile arrived and detonated on target. MTF reports SCP-5905-1 was on fire but otherwise ambulatory and headed in the direction of another populated settlement. The Chinese government was notified and instructed to order an evacuation.
—1358 hours: Permission was given by the Chinese government to escalate the use of force. MTF was notified to vacate the area as a Boeing B-52 was deployed with a payload of 1 GBU-34/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB).
—1420 hours: SCP-5905-1 arrived at the farming village. The last recorded census puts the village at a population of 280; total casualties are unknown but assumed in totality.
—1501 hours: Bomber signaled imminent arrival; Forces withdrew. SCP-5905-1 has finished feeding and is now 39 meters in height.
—1508 hours: MOAB detonates on target. SCP-5905-1 is destroyed as confirmed by MTF. Remaining biological fragments collected for incineration.
Addendum.2: Video Log
Log off and return to the main file
After the events of Addendum.1, MTF operatives backtraced the path of destruction to a small farming community composed of 6 hovels and a central storehouse. The exterior door of the storehouse had been circumvented by percussive force, and several strips of flesh were found embedded in and around the door frame.
In the center of the storehouse was a ritual circle utilizing a number of thaumic sigils, pictographs, and cuneiform invocations centered around a beryllium bronze post one meter in height. Scattered among the debris were several implements of torture, three sets of manacles caked in an unidentified viscous compound, and various pieces of video recording equipment. These videos have been translated from a dialect of Hungarian known as Moldavian, transcribed, and attached to this file. Extraneous audio and video omitted.
Footage begins with the frame obscured by the upper body of the camera's operator as they adjust focus. The individual has been designated as POI-5905.
POI-5905: Tuesday, day 1. The prisoner is a healthy local male, and is uninjured aside from bruises sustained in apprehension. Chinese national. Vitals are good. Liver function so-so. We begin tonight at sundown. I've read the book a hundred times, I've said the words two hundred times. We will cut until I find satisfaction and our ancestors become proud.
POI-5905 backs away from the camera and looks into the lens, nods, and steps to the side. Shackled to a metal post with their hands above their head is an adult male. The subject's eyes are glazed over suggesting the use of a sedative or possibly the side-effects of a concussion.
Video is fast-forwarded several hours. As the surroundings darken, unidentified accomplices place and light candles at various locations throughout the room. As these individuals place candles they rhythmically chant an invocation. The audio and translation have been redacted due to a suspected cognitohazardous link to SCP-5905. When the candles are lit, the five hooded participants and the ritual leader, POI-5905, assemble around the target and continue chanting. POI-5905 retrieves an implement from off-screen and makes a series of small incisions on the torso of the subject in order to create cuneiform characters. The subject regains consciousness during this phase of the ritual and begins screaming. The first tape ends.
Additional videos were discovered but have been evaluated as repetitious. This ritual practice is repeated for an additional 8 days, making 9 days in total.
On the 10th day, the ritual subject is severely emaciated. Cheeks, eyes, ribs are all sunken and his abdomen is distended. Legs and arms are visibly atrophied at a rate substantially more aggressive than expected for ten days of confinement. The ritual continues to its next phase as POI-5905 retrieves a hexagonal piece of metal that is then placed around the base of the subject's index finger. When this metal band is twisted and pulled, blades strip the subject's flesh from their finger and leave behind only bone and sinew. While continuing to chant over the subject's screaming, POI-5905 then feeds the flesh to the ritual subject, placing it in their mouth and forcing them to swallow. This videotape ends after all of the subject's fingers have been stripped..
Footage resumes on day 11 and the ritual repeats except with the toes. The ritual repeats again each day with a new part of the body through day 20. It is noted that after day 12, the subject no longer resists ingestion.
Note: Despite exposed wounds, severe malnourishment, and suspected dehydration, the ritual subject appears both alert and responsive throughout.
On day 21, POI-5905 unshackles the ritual subject and recites a final invocation. Ritual subject begins to claw at their own skin with the exposed bones of their fingers, tearing strips and chunks from other wound sites as they engage in auto-cannibalism.
Shortly before what is assumed to be sunrise, the ritual subject's breathing becomes ragged and inconsistent and they fall limp. Pronounced cracking and snapping sounds can be heard over the continuous chanting of participants as the ritual subject begins to grow in size, their skeletal structures bulging and bursting between what little tissue remains. Ritual subject's limbs elongate as it pulls itself up, finishing its conversion to SCP-5905-1.
Ritual participants break from their chanting and try to flee, however, SCP-5905-1's stomach bulges and swells before purple and black pseudopods erupt out, ensnaring the closest ritualist. SCP-5905-1 then inserts the ritualist's head into its jaw and bites down resulting in the ritualist's death. Snapping and cracking is heard as pseudopods insert the corpse into SCP-5905-1's thoracic cavity. SCP-5905-1 then exits off-camera in pursuit of additional ritualists. The footage ends.
Within the pages of SCP-5905 was a hand-written insert. It is believed to have been written by the ritual leader and has been transcribed and attached to the record.
My first meal tasted of copper and desperation but I have come to savor the sweetness.
Babushka worried I do not eat well, but I am eating.
Every year my stomach grows smaller and I grow weaker but I can teach the others before my time [has ended].
Each new meal drowns them just a bit deeper. None of us need it but now we all want it.
Hunger gnaws at that place inside of me, craving purpose, fulfillment, excitement, and I fear I have found it.
If this goes well, I hope they will invite me to their feast.
I deserve a seat at the table.
« SCP-5904 | ManyMeats | SCP-5906 »
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SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. | ***
Item #: SCP-343
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-343 resides in a 6.1 m by 6.1 m (20 ft by 20 ft) room at Minimal Security Site 17. It should be brought any items it requests and visited by at least one staff member each day. Attempts to add further safety precautions or required clearances are unnecessary/impossible due to the nature of SCP-343 (see description).
Description: SCP-343 is a male, seemingly race-less, humanoid in appearance with apparent omnipotence. SCP-343 was discovered walking the streets of Prague and detained after a staff member witnessed him disappear from the streets and reappear on a rooftop. SCP-343 is detained willingly in his chamber, as containment has proved impossible (see notes).
Addendum #343-1: "SCP-343, colloquially nicknamed 'God' by the staff here, looks like an older man, although his features are different to each observer. In my first talk with him, he claimed outright to be the creator of the universe. When I asked him to prove this, he laughed, walked through the wall of the chamber, and returned seconds later with a hamburger in his hand. When I returned for a second visit, the previously bare cell had been furnished in up-scale, Old English style, complete with a roaring fireplace, and seemed many times larger than it did from the exterior. SCP-343 greatly enjoys speaking with people, and seems to have a knowledge of all topics. Visiting with SCP-343 has become a daily event for many of the staff here, and all employees report feeling generally happier after each visit. Attempts to bar staff below Level 3 clearance have proven unsuccessful, as guards assigned to watch the room quit their posts, saying 'You know He likes company' or shrugging when questioned. Since SCP-343 has thus far been harmless, all staff have been allowed access, and somehow they all have time to meet with him for as long as they need. For now, I leave this report open as further questioning of SCP-343 is ongoing." - Dr. Beck
-[WARNING SL-4 or higher needed for further access]-
Addendum #343-2: In regards to document 343-1a, there are no relevant records available or seemingly in existence and, similarly, all records of Dr. ████████████ ███████████ ever working with SCP-343 or Dr. Beck are missing and presumed non-existent. All staff questioned about the document convey ignorance of Document #343-1a and claim not to have met Dr. ████████████ ███████████. In a related matter, Senior officer Dr. Beck has requested a higher staff rotation "…to increase morale in worse-off sections." This is a very odd request and was the subject of further investigation. Other localized anomalies such as better health, greater job satisfaction, and lower fatalities in this section have led to the request being granted. This subject is now closed on orders of O5-█.
Addendum #343-3: Data recovered on ██/██/████ from routine check of Dr. ████████████ ███████████'s network drive:
Document #343-1a: "[DATA LOST]…as of [DATA EXPUNGED] 'visitors' of SCP-343 are to be questioned as to their intent and convers…[DATA LOST]…uestions pertaining to other SCP are to be put forth…[DATA LOST]… orders of Dr. ████████████ ███████████"
Document #343-1b: "[DATA LOST]…apparently my orders have gone missing. This is the last straw Dr. B…[DATA LOST]…all my reports and requests to higher-ups have gone unnoticed. I will confront SCP-343 tomorrow signed Dr. ████████████ ███████████" |
SCP-3403 is a rectangular concrete box measuring approximately 17. | ***
Item #: SCP-3403
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3403 is to be kept within a secure item locker when not in use. Requests for testing may be submitted to the Research Director at SCP-3403's site of containment (Field Office 352-Zayin as of 01/10/2015). Following any testing or transport, SCP-3403 is to be rinsed in water and wiped clean to prevent manifestation of anomalies.
Description: SCP-3403 is a rectangular concrete box measuring approximately 17.75 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm. The object has no external openings, but contains a hollow aperture housing several materials. Following penetrative imaging and substance analysis, the space within SCP-3403 was determined be filled primarily with charred organic material identified as cremated mammal remains, surrounding a small assembly composed of a circuit board connected to a dried flower (Eichhornia crassipes) by means of short wires curled around the stem. Analysis also revealed a short text passage inscribed on the interior surface of the object, the contents of which may be found in Document 3403-A01.
The anomaly associated with SCP-3403 manifests when the object is fully covered with soil on all six sides. Under these conditions, three instances of SCP-3403-1 will manifest within 1000 square meters of the spot at which the object is buried inside of 24 hours. Instances of SCP-3403-1 are incorporeal images resembling specific domesticated canines. They have no measurable mass or volume, and the space occupied by their bodies measures on average 5 degrees Celsius warmer than the surrounding air. Instances behave in a manner consistent with non-anomalous canines, though they are apparently unable to detect humans. Left alone, instances will play with one another, chase non-human animals, and periodically rest. All manifestation of SCP-3403-1 ceases once SCP-3403 is no longer in contact with soil on all sides.
The instances of SCP-3403-1 have been designated as follows:
SCP-3403-1-A: Male boxer, apparent joint pain and occasional seizures, highly active, estimated 13 years of age
SCP-3403-1-B: Female bull mastiff, slight limp in rear left leg, moderately active, estimated 8 years of age
SCP-3403-1-C: Male bull mastiff, missing right ear, lethargic, estimated 4 years of age
SCP-3403 was recovered from an empty lot in St. Johns, Florida on 09/04/2014, following numerous reports of "ghost dogs" in the area. No further associated incidents have been reported following recovery.
+Show addendum: Test Log 3403-Alpha
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Test Date: 09/10/2015
Purpose: Control
Procedure: Object placed on a tarp; not exposed to soil
Result: No anomalies noted within 36 hour monitoring period.
Test Date: 09/13/2015
Purpose: Reproduction of original anomaly
Procedure: Object buried .5 m underground in vicinity of Field Office
Result: All instances of SCP-3403-1 manifested within 24 hours. All three instances appeared to show slight reduction of sensory awareness relative to original manifestation.
Test Date: 09/14/2015
Purpose: Reproduction of original anomaly
Procedure: Object buried .5 m underground at original site of recovery
Result: All instances of SCP-3403-1 manifested within 24 hours. Instances demonstrated none of the irregularities seen in previous test.
Notes: Anomaly seems most effective at original location. Possibly due to soil conditions - further research ideal.
Test Date: 09/16/2015
Purpose: Test potency of anomaly manifestation using different soil
Procedure: Object surrounded in 1 cubic m of soil sourced from Brantley, Georgia
Result: All instances of SCP-3403-1 manifested within 27 hours. SCP-3403-1-B and -C appeared to have senses significantly impaired relative to original manifestation. SCP-3403-1-A appeared to be totally devoid of sight, hearing, and smell.
Note: This suggests the earlier hypothesis was correct. Glad getting that soil wasn't a waste of time.
Test Date: 09/18/2015
Purpose: Test limits of anomaly manifestation
Procedure: Object surrounded in 1 cubic m of beach sand, dried and sifted
Result: All instances of SCP-3403-1 manifested within 36 hours. All instances were devoid of fur, with SCP-3403-1-C missing several patches of skin and SCP-3403-1-A completely devoid of skin. SCP-3403-1-A de-manifested and re-manifested in irregularly-timed bursts over 36 hour monitoring period. Space occupied by all instances measured significantly warmer (~15 deg. C) than recorded in original manifestation. All instances appeared confused and physically uncomfortable. SCP-3403-1-B observed to gravitate to areas of deep shade, to no apparent effect.
Test Date: 09/21/2015
Purpose: Test limits of anomaly manifestation
Procedure: Object suspended using cable in a 1 cubic m tank of water with approx. 50 g of soil mixed in
Result: SCP-3403-1-B and SCP-3403-1-C manifested within 48 hours. Both instances observed to produce significantly more saliva relative to original manifestation, as well as exhibited behavior associated with hydrocephalus. SCP-3403-1-C de-manifested and re-manifested repeatedly over 36 hour monitoring period, but occasionally exhibited physical irregularities upon re-manifestation (e.g. excessive hair, elongated bones). SCP-3403-1-A not observed to manifest.
Test Date: 09/25/2015
Purpose: Reproduction of original anomaly
Procedure: Object buried .5 m underground at original site of recovery
Result: All instances of SCP-3403-1 manifested within 24 hours. Instances showed none of the physical irregularities observed in previous experiments, though all instances showed initial disorientation and confusion for several hours following manifestation. In particular, SCP-3403-1-A, though apparently conscious and responsive to external stimuli, did not move for 1.5 hours following manifestation. Within 4 hours of manifestation, all instances returned to original observed behavioral patterns.
+Show addendum: Document 3403-A01
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Commodore, Breakfast, and Lawrence
Summers aren't the same anymore. This is for you.
I don't even have to ask; you were always cool.
- G.C. (with help from friends) |
SCP-1666 is a LP album by ████ ████████ titled ████████ ██ ███ and released by ███ Records in the United States in 198█. | ***
Item #: SCP-1666
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1666 is to be kept in a secure storage facility, stored in its original sleeve and protected by a padded polymer envelope. SCP-1666 itself must be kept from excessive heat or moisture and is only to be tested with level 4 authorization. All such tests must be non-invasive in nature. Audio equipment used with SCP-1666 must be inspected and approved by the site director prior to testing. Digital and analog audio recordings of SCP-1666 may be used for testing by any research personnel with level 3 approval.
Description: SCP-1666 is a LP album by ████ ████████ titled ████████ ██ ███ and released by ███ Records in the United States in 198█. Labeling of both SCP-1666 and its original packaging indicates no differences from any other albums produced in the same batch that includes SCP-1666, though no other copies of ████████ ██ ███ seem to share SCP-1666’s anomalous properties.
Unlike any other copies of ████████ ██ ███ so far examined, SCP-1666 shows an abnormal topology in the layout of the musical tracks recorded on its surface. In particular, track number five of ████████ ██ ███, titled “███████ ████████”, shows grooves that have apparently twisted in on themselves through a higher-order spatial dimension resulting in a configuration analogous to a Möbius strip. The result of this is that when played on a standard record player from the beginning of the album, the needle will skip directly from track four to track six. However, when the needle is placed anywhere in track five, the player will begin an endless loop, first playing track five as originally released, then reversing and playing a recording of unknown origin as the needle moves backward to the beginning of track five, at which point it begins playing the standard track five again.
While the anomalous recording on SCP-1666 bears a superficial resemblance to track five played in reverse, it is a completely new recording and, when reversed itself, contains different lyrics and instrumentation than the standard recording of “███████ ████████.” These new vocals are in an as-yet unidentified language. Voice-print analysis confirms that the new track shares no vocalists in common with the rest of the album. In addition to differing lyrics and instrumentation, the anomalous recording also contains several harmonics in frequencies that are generally only audible to people in late adolescence or earlier. (Typically those younger than 18 years of age.)
All subjects who listen to this anomalous recording universally report feelings of dread and unease. Subjects who can perceive the underlying harmonics experience this to a substantially greater degree, and may experience depression, suicidal ideation, paranoia, and, in a minority of cases, aggressive acting out.
All these symptoms appear to derive from a disconnect between the subject and reality. In many cases this disconnect remains subliminal and subject never progresses beyond a vague feeling of the world being unreal. In cases where the initial symptoms are severe due to perception of the recording's underlying harmonics, the subject may become conscious of this disconnect. This will manifest as livid fantasies and what subjects term "uneasy dreams" about unreal environments. These imagined environments share several common characteristics:
Landscapes and architecture show impossible geometries that are difficult to verbalize, possibly as a result of mapping higher-order spatial dimensions onto three-dimensional sensory perceptions.
Environments contain malevolent entities described in various ritualistic and contradictory ways; "seen and unseen," "living and unliving," "nowhere and everywhere," and similar.
The act of perception in these environments is associated with physical pain, often resembling a severe migraine.
These environments seem hyper-real to the subjects experiencing them.
Once subjects become aware of this imagined environment, their perception of it becomes obsessive and progressively more intense over time. Once a subject reaches this stage, they will continue to experience these fantasies and dreams regardless of any therapeutic, chemical or surgical intervention yet attempted. The perceptions of this environment will erode the subject's ability to interact with the world around them, eventually intruding on the waking conscious mind until the subject can only react to elements within the fantasy.
These symptoms may occur when listening to the recording backward or forward, though they present more intensely when the recording is heard as it is naturally played on SCP-1666, backwards. Analog recordings of SCP-1666 will also show these effects to a lesser extent. Digital copies do not seem to present the same dangers. |
SCP-4342 is a folded paper cube with a mild glow emanating from its interior. | ***
Item #: SCP-4342
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4342 is to be contained in a secure storage locker located at Site-22 Site-44. Any individuals who wish to perform testing upon SCP-4342 are free to do so.
Description: SCP-4342 is a folded paper cube with a mild glow emanating from its interior. Incredibly, when exposed to external stimuli, SCP-4342 is capable of changing the colour of this glowing light as well as doing something on occasion. Due to the miraculous nature of these anomalous properties, SCP-4342 is currently under intensive testing.
Test Log 4342-1:
For experimental purposes, SCP-4342 was exposed to a variety of stimuli, with any responses being recorded.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Marsleigh
Stimuli: Being touched by Dr. Marsleigh.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes green.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Marsleigh
Stimuli: Being left in a dark room.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes blue.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Marsleigh
Stimuli: Being locked in a small box.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes blue.
Fascinating… - Dr. Marsleigh
Testing Personnel: Dr. Marsleigh
Stimuli: Being thrown against a wall.
Results: SCP-4342 does something. As a result, the wall becomes lost1.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Marsleigh
Stimuli: A dead body.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes red.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Marsleigh
Stimuli: A medium-rare sirloin steak.
Results: SCP-4342 does something. As a result, Dr. Marsleigh becomes lost2.
While the loss of Dr. Marsleigh is unfortunate, the advances SCP-4342 could bring us mean we simply cannot abandon our research. Testing shall continue. - Dr. Shaw
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: Being set alight.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes green.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: Being spat on.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes blue, then becomes red.
This is a milestone in our understanding of SCP-4342. - Dr. Shaw
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: SCP-682
Results: SCP-4342 becomes blue. SCP-682 is visibly confused.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: Drawn on with crayons.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes red.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: Drawn on with a pencil.
Results: SCP-4342 cycles between red, green and blue for ten seconds.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: Drawn on with a pencil (second attempt).
Results: SCP-4342 becomes green.
Testing Personnel: Dr. Shaw
Stimuli: Drawn on with a pencil (third attempt).
Results: SCP-4342 does something. Site-22 becomes lost, along with all on-site personnel and anomalies3.
The risks of testing SCP-4342 are far outweighed by the benefits. More test. - Site Director Bir (Site-44)
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: Shot at by security personnel.
Results: SCP-4342 does something. All security personnel present become lost.
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: Put down in front of SCP-914.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes red.
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: A map of the United Kingdom from 1893.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes blue.
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: SCP-682
Results: SCP-4342 becomes green. SCP-682 is again visibly confused by the test.
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: Licked by Site Director Bir.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes blue.
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: Read a bedtime story.
Results: SCP-4342 becomes green.
Testing Personnel: Site Director Bir
Stimuli: Being touched by Site Director Bir.
Results: SCP-4342 does something. Site-44 becomes lost, along with multiple neighboring settlements and significant portions of Mexico City. Through a thorough disinformation campaign blaming damage on a natural disaster and use of the prototype KALEIDOSCOPE system, a SK-class Broken Masquerade scenario is narrowly averted.
Testing procedures of SCP-4342 are submitted to the Overseer Council for review.
Addendum 4342-1 (O5 Judgement):
Following a thorough review of the testing procedures concerning SCP-4342, as well as the results of said tests, the Overseer Council has - following consultation with Internal Security and the Ethics Committee - unanimously prescribed the following action for all future SCP-4342 research:
More test! More test!
1. Judged no longer recognizable or functional as a wall.
2. Judged no longer recognizable or functional as a human being.
3. Judged no longer recognizable or functional as extant matter. |
SCP-3468 is a metallic road sign located southwest of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. | ***
Item #: SCP-3468
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3468 is surrounded by a chain-link fence that is exactly 10 kilometers in circumference and covers the entire perimeter of SCP-3468's area of effect. The fence line is to be constructed exclusively of tantalum carbide and hafnium carbide in order to assure stability when under scorching temperatures. The entire perimeter of the fence line is to be patrolled in its entirety by a minimum of three members of security every two hours. Under no circumstance are any non-Foundation personnel allowed to enter the 10 kilometer area of effect beyond the fence line. SCP-3468 is to remain on the 'Moderate' setting at all times when not in active testing. When in active testing, security is to be placed on stand by with rapid response teams readied and equipped with fire prevention equipment.
All SCP Foundation personnel are required to wear fire retardant suits during active testing and are only permitted to remove them when further than 15 kilometers away from SCP-3468. Any non-Foundation personnel attempting to enter SCP-3468's enclosure are to be turned away under the premise of clean up of the Fort McMurray wildfire. If any non-personnel individuals continue to persist they should be detained and questioned.
Description: SCP-3468 is a metallic road sign located southwest of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. SCP-3468's front contains a half circle segmented into four separate quadrants marked from left to right as 'Low', 'Moderate', 'High' and 'Extreme'. The front of the sign appears to be facing the entrance path to Twohorn Trails park. Upon first inspection, SCP-3468 is visibly indistinguishable to all other Wildfire Warning signs in the Fort McMurray area. Following detailed analysis of SCP-3468 and its components, it was discovered that instead of the plastic pointer that similar Wildfire Warning signs in the area used, SCP-3468's pointer was replaced with a replica pointer of a wooden construction. The replica pointer shows no visible variation from any similar Wildfire Warning signs.
When the pointer on SCP-3468 is moved to any quadrant not marked as 'Moderate', the environment in a 10 kilometer radius around SCP-3468 will begin to alter itself to match the marking to which the pointer is now pointing. SCP-3468 when placed on the 'Low' and 'High' setting will result in the average temperature and weather patterns in SCP-3468's area of effect matching regional April and August respectively. When placed on 'Moderate' SCP- 3468 will cease all anomalous activity and enter a docile state. Temperatures inside of SCP-3468's area of effect will attain no abnormal weather patterns during this time. When SCP-3468's pointer is placed on the 'Extreme' quadrant, a similar series of changes as to the 'High' setting takes place. When the effective climax of the environmental change is in place, a small fire of a light green coloration will begin directly below SCP-3468 continue to burn rapidly in the dry and hot conditions.
The flame, known as SCP-3468-1, reacts similarly to a standard flame except when in contact with any living organism. After contact with a living organism is made, SCP-3468-1 will begin to consume it until no living matter remains on said organism. SCP-3468-1 is capable of fully consuming the human body in approximately ██ seconds. SCP-3468-1 can not be extinguished when inside of SCP-3468 area of effect by any known means. If left uncontained, SCP-3468-1 is capable of spreading beyond the 10 kilometer area of effect and continue to burn and travel outwards and away from SCP-3468. After SCP-3468-1 leaves SCP-3468's 10 kilometer area of effect, the flame will lose its unique coloration and anomalous abilities. Wildfires created by SCP-3468 will only stop when all available fuel sources inside of SCP-3468's area of effect are destroyed. Testing has been inconclusive as to if SCP-3468-1 is sentient.
SCP-3468 shows a full immunity to heat and fire damage with the ability to withstand temperatures beyond the point of melting steel while retaining no damage to any of its components or paint. SCP-3468 is inactive between the months of December, January and February and all changes of the positioning of SCP-3468's pointer create no environmental changes. Investigation of the Department of Fire Safety in [REDACTED] revealed that SCP-3468 was originally placed in its current position in ██/██/20██. SCP-3468 has only ever been maintained once, with the problem being cited as 'Vandalism: Missing Pointer'. The name of the individual sent to repair SCP-3468 is not listed on any form of government documentation. Cross analysis with known anomalous individuals and groups is currently under way.
Addendum: SCP-3468 was ordered to be relocated to Site-45 for active testing away from the general public. However, when Agent [REDACTED](KIA) attempted to remove SCP-3468 from its affixed position SCP-3468 began to vibrate rapidly before exploding into a ball of fire with the approximate temperature of 1200°C. SCP-3468 then began to rapidly pump super-heated steam out of its post which began to push outwards towards the 10 kilometer limit of SCP-3468 radius of effect and into Foundation research camps nearby. This repeated for twelve hours before SCP-3468 returned to its docile state, leading to ██ casualties and ██ confirmed dead, for the full casualty list view Incident Report 3468-██/██/20██. Attempts to remove via robots or mechanical methods have so far been met with failure due to the inability of Foundation machinery to operate under such high temperatures.
Over the course of the last two months we've been able to break down the events leading up to the Fort McMurray Wildfires and discover an individual we suspect is responsible for the maintenance of and possible anomalous properties of SCP-3468. Below I've attached three interviews from individuals who had close connections to SCP-3468 and its origins and I suspect that we're not dealing with any rogue individual, but a violent, radical Eco terrorist group.
- Researcher Burnett
-Interview-3468-03-1 Complete
Interviewed: Andrew Mclaughlin
Interviewer: Researcher Burnett.
Foreword: SCP-3468 was discovered by Captain Andrew McLaughlin of the Janvier Central Firestation after responding to the Fort McMurray Wildfire in ██/██/20██. The following is a recording of an interview between Captain Andrew McLaughlin and Researcher Burnett.
<Begin Log>
Andrew McLaughlin: You want me to talk into this thing? (sounds of shuffling as he moves himself closer to the recorder) umm… Hello? Ooooh! There's an echo!
Researcher Burnett: (sigh) Focus, Mr. McLaughlin, we need your undivided attention. Now, state your name and occupation for the record.
Andrew McLaughlin: Oh, sorry, uh… McLaughlin, Andrew. Station Captain of the Janvier Central Firestation.
Researcher Burnett: Can you describe why you and your men were in Twohorn Trails park on the ██/██/20██?
Andrew McLaughlin: Well, we were sent in to help out at Fort McMurray, things were pretty bad over there, people fleeing from their homes, entire forests burning down, it was like hell on Earth. So basically it was like my Mother-in-laws house! (Break out laughing)
Researcher Burnett: Please, Mr. McLaughlin, focus.
Andrew McLaughlin: Yeah, sorry, so anyway, when the damn thing finally stopped, we began to move into Fort McMurray, and when we got into Twohorn Trail, it was like walking into an oven. Seriously! It was like, what, twenty-five degrees out in Fort McMurray, right?
Researcher Burnett: When did you come across SCP-3468?
Andrew McLaughlin: SCP? Sorry pal, I don't do drugs.
Researcher Burnett: No, not-! (Interviewer stops, takes a deep breath) The sign. When did you find the sign?
Andrew McLaughlin: A si-Oh! That sign! Yeah, Christ did that thing ever send me and my boys for a loop! So, yeah, were walking through whats left of this park, right? Everything, and I mean everything was pitch black with ash, and then suddenly, like a fucking angel from the heavens, a goddamn multicolored sign, sitting in a burnt out forest area, warning people not to start Wildfires. It was, like, the worlds cruelest joke! (Begins to laugh hysterically)
Researcher Burnett: Focus, Mr. Mclaughlin, Focus. Did you and your men go investigate the sign?
Andrew McLaughlin: Yeah, sure as hell we did! It was set to 'Extreme' just to add insult to injury, but the damnedest thing is that there was still a small fire burning down under the bloody thing. Not a large flame, but big enough to be a threat, so I try to stomp it out, but the damn thing doesn't give, so I put my fire extinguisher up to the job, and it still doesn't give! so one of my guys, a fellow named Sims, thinks that maybe it's getting fuel of something below the surface, so he grabs his fire axe and as he's raising it up to swing down on the flame, but he bumps into the pointing thingy on the sign and knocks it to… uhh, the yellow side whatever that is, and the fire just disperses, gone before we could even touch it.
Researcher Burnett: Interesting. Did you do anything else to the sign? Meddle with it, damage it, anything?
Andrew McLaughlin: Nope, we called it in and made our way back, not long after you guys show up, and here we are now.
Researcher Burnett: Well, thank you for your time, Mr. McLaughlin.
Andrew McLaughlin: My pleasure, hey, you guys got any liquor around here?
<End Log>
- Interview-3468-03-2 Complete
Interviewed: Peter Naylor
Interviewer: Researcher Burnett
Foreword: Peter Naylor is the head of the Department of Fire Safety in Fort McMurray and responsible for the upkeep of all Government regulated signs in the Fort McMurray area. The following is an interview between Peter Naylor and Researcher Burnett aimed at discovering the identity of the individual who maintained SCP-3468.
<Begin Log>
Researcher Burnett: Can you state your name and occupation for the record?
Peter Naylor: Sure can. Peter Naylor, head of the Department of Fire Safety at [REDACTED].
Researcher Burnett: Can you describe your relation with this sign? (Hands photo of SCP-3468 to Mr. Naylor)
Peter Naylor: (Glances at photo and passes it between his hands for a moment) Hmm, son, you're gonna have to be a little more specific than that, we have a bakers dozen of these signs scattered all over the damn place.
Researcher Burnett: This particular sign is located near the entrance path to Twohorn Trails park.
Peter Naylor: (Inaudible) …Trails park… Oh! Yeah, that sign, it was one tough sonovabitch, probably burned to a crisp now though, hmm, anyway, not much to say to my relationship with it other then I saw it one bloody time. Although, there was that one time that I assigned Greg's kid to deal with some vandalism on it or something.
Researcher Burnett: Can you tell me anymore about the individual you assigned to maintain it? A name, possibly an address?
Peter Naylor: No, not much else I can say on the kid, that was the only job he did for us, and he was damn adamant that he would be the one to do it. I dunno though, he was one of those "God of Green" or whatever nuts.
Researcher Burnett: Interesting, what can you tell me about this 'God of Green' group?
Peter Naylor: Other than that they would come and raise hell at my office every time we tried to cut down a single fucking tree, not much, but my buddy Greg Thuss' son would know, him being a member and all that. Not sure he would be willing to talk to any of you government type folk, but I'm sure you can persuade him. He lives down on [REDACTED] Street, big red house, can't miss it.
Researcher Burnett: (Stands up from recording table) Thank you for your time Mr. Naylor, this information is very helpful.
Peter Naylor: Ain't no problem, and hey, if you're thinking of going to see the Thuss', tell Greg that Peter says hi.
<End Log>
-Interview-3468-03-3 Complete
Interviewed: James Thuss
Interviewer: Researcher Burnett
Foreword: James Thuss is a suspected member of a possibly anomalous group that up until this point has been referred to as 'God of Green', the following interview between James Thuss and Researcher Burnett is focusing on the validity of his suspected involvement in 'God of Green' and SCP-3468.
<Begin Log>
Researcher Burnett: Can I get a name and occupation for the record?
James Thuss: Follower James Thuss, apostle and devotee of The Green Hand of God.
Researcher Burnett: 'The Green Hand of God'? Up until this point we believed your group was know as 'God of Green'.
James Thuss: Well, to assume makes an ass out of you and me, Mr. Burnett.
Researcher Burnett: I'm sorry, I don't remember giving you my name.
James Thuss: Word travels fast in small towns, Mr. Burnett. Apologies if you find it a tad off putting.
Researcher Burnett: It's fine, now, what can you tell me about the- (Interviewer is interrupted by James Thuss)
James Thuss: The Sign of the Times.
Researcher Burnett: I beg your pardon?
James Thuss: It was a gift from the Green Father, a simple wooden pointer with the ability to connect a basic fire prevention sign with the heights of the sky and the magma of the Earth's crust.
Researcher Burnett: How did you attain such an object?
James Thuss: (Raises his hands and cups his palms) The Green Father himself gave it to me. His use for both the gift and me were quite clear, for both myself and The Sign of the Times have the same purpose.
Researcher Burnett: You are very, umm, forthcoming with this information, Mr. Thuss, are you not afraid of any possible retaliation from your organization?
James Thuss: No, I know that when I leave this world to enter into the embrace of the Green Father, another loyal member will take my place, for I am not a messenger. I am a warning.
Researcher Burnett: Say again?
James Thuss: (Stands up, reaches into his pants pocket and pull out a small wooden box and hold it above his head) May The Green Hand of God guide me and watch over me as I burn! (Crushes the small wooden box and is engulfed in bright green flames)
Researcher Burnett: (Gets up from chair and backs away to the door) Holy fucking shit! Hey, someone help me out in here!
<End Log> |
SCP-1201 is a shallow wall-fountain located in Damascus, Syria. | ***
Item #: SCP-1201
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A 50 m perimeter around area 1201 is to be maintained at all times. Testing into the nature of SCP-1201-2 is to be done promptly and without hindrance to the route of SCP-1201-2 to prevent a possible containment breach of SCP-1201-3.
Any change in behavior by SCP-1201-2 is to be immediately reported to the Site Director and the area is to be put on lock down.
Changes in containment procedures are currently being drafted as of the incident outlined in Document 1201-C.
Description: SCP-1201 is a shallow wall-fountain located in Damascus, Syria. The fountain itself displays no anomalous properties save for its use by SCP-1201-2. Although SCP-1201-2 appears to enter SCP-1201 during separate manifestations, entrance by Foundation personnel does not seem to be possible. An investigation is currently underway to confirm whether or not the placement of the well is purely coincidental.
SCP-1201-2 appears to be a large, completely hairless chimpanzee similar in size to an average adult human male. Strength and agility exhibited by SCP-1201-2 is not considered to be abnormal relative to its size.
The entity materializes within 40-48 meters of SCP-1201 each year on ██/██ at 23:23:46 with severe injuries including third degree burns, severed limbs, deformities consistent with exposure to triflic acid, and holes scattered around the body. SCP-1201-2 regenerates in the space of 12.3 seconds before attempting to return to SCP-1201. An outline of a typical occurrence can be found in Document 1201-A.
Attempts to halt the progress of SCP-1201-2 toward SCP-1201 have been effectively unsuccessful, as the entity appears to assault researchers when coerced, and prolonged confinement of the entity seems to produce an adverse effect originating near SCP-1201. SCP-1201-2 is not hostile toward researchers during its manifestations but will actively attempt to remove or disable barriers between it and SCP-1201. SCP-1201-2 appears to be highly vulnerable to electrical shock but further attempts to halt the progress of SCP-1201 are not recommended due to events outlined in Document-1201-B.
Document 1201-A: Events of ██/██/2002, Area 1201
Foreword: Fifth recorded incidence and observation of the manifestation of SCP-1201-2. The entity was questioned alongside researchers keeping pace with the movement of the entity on a pre-constructed motion track. The entity was visible for 20 seconds before disappearing into SCP-1201.
SCP-1201-2 manifests 47 meters from SCP-1201. Subject appears heavily bruised around the torso and face, with third degree burns covering the body. SCP-1201-2 appears to regenerate to typical appearance in the space of 12.3 seconds before righting itself and sprinting toward SCP-1201. Agent Breen attempts communication.
SCP-1201-2: The hell do you guys want?
Agent Breen: What are you doing?
SCP-1201-2: Going to meet Beth.
Agent Breen: Who is Beth?
SCP-1201-2: A real bitch.
Agent Breen: What is Beth?
SCP-1201-2: A bitch.
Agent Breen: Thank you for your cooperation.
SCP-1201-2 disappears into SCP-1201.
Document 1201-B: Events of ██/██/1999, Area 1201
Foreword: Second recorded incidence and observation of the manifestation of SCP-1201-2. The entity was temporarily disabled with a prefabricated electric field after regenerating. The entity was incapacitated for 18 seconds before power to the grid was removed by Agent Sanders and SCP-1201-2 was released.
Agent Sanders: You're going to want to cooperate with us.
SCP-1201-2: The fuck is your problem?
SCP-1201-2 attempts to break from the electrical current but is not successful.
Agent Sanders: We're going to need some information before you go anywhere.
SCP-1201-2: Not telling you shit.
SCP-1201 begins shaking, and partially fractures from its foundation. A long, smooth, black mass with the appearance of a tongue, which will henceforth be referred to as SCP-1201-3, can be seen partially probing from SCP-1201. The tongue stretches in length over 40 meters toward Agent Sanders.
Agent Sanders terminates the power to the containment on SCP-1201-2. SCP-1201-2 rights itself and collides with the appendage of SCP-1201-3, making contact and crashing into a wall.
Flames begin to funnel out from the mouth of SCP-1201 and SCP-1201-2 is severely burned. SCP-1201-2 is pulled into the air by SCP-1201-3.
SCP-1201-2: You bitch!
SCP-1201-2 has the tip of the appendage in a headlock, 20 meters above ground. SCP-1201-2 begins tearing into the skin of the appendage with its teeth.
SCP-1201-3 falls to the ground with SCP-1201-2.
Flames begin to increase in volume from the mouth of SCP-1201. Temperature in the immediate area increases by 20 degrees Celsius.
SCP-1201-2, still in possession of the end of SCP-1201-3, dives into the mouth of SCP-1201.
Document 1201-C: Events of ██/██/2003, Area 1201
Foreword: Sixth recorded incidence and observation of the manifestation of SCP-1201-2. The entity was questioned alongside researchers keeping pace with the movement of the entity on a pre-constructed motion track. The entity was visible for 21 seconds before disappearing into SCP-1201.
SCP-1201-2 manifests 49 meters from SCP-1201. Subject appears with a large hole in its torso. SCP-1201-2 appears to regenerate to typical appearance in the space of 12.3 seconds before righting itself and sprinting toward SCP-1201. Agent Breen attempts communication.
SCP-1201-2: You guys are persistent.
Agent Breen: Please tell us what you're doing.
SCP-1201-2: Fine, fine. Since you're so fucking adamant about it. This has been going on for quite some time. Beth just doesn't know when to give up. I'm trying to teach it who the real king of Candy Land is.
Agent Breen: You're being facetious?
SCP-1201 jumps into the air, maintaining momentum while delivering a kick to Agent Breen's head. Agent Breen's head is severed and explodes on impact with a nearby wall.
SCP-1201-2: You're ruining the fun.
SCP-1201-2 disappears into SCP-1201.
Document 1201-█: Events of ██/██/20██, Area 1201 |
SCP-4053 is a 172 centimeter-tall, highly-detailed labradorite statue of a human figure. | ***
Item #: SCP-4053
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4053 is to be contained in a secure room with two layers of airtight, opaque doors leading to a single point of entry; neither door is to be opened concurrently with the other. As an added precaution, SCP-4053 should not be visible from the entrance of its containment chamber. Class-D personnel who become instances of SCP-4053-2 are to be immediately terminated. Other personnel exposed to SCP-4053 should be quarantined for 192 hours or until an instance of SCP-4053-1 is produced in their likeness, at which point they should be quarantined indefinitely.
Instances of SCP-4053-1 are to be collected once per day via a vacuum pressure system integrated into the walls of the containment chamber and stored in a secure locker at a separate location decided upon by SCP-4053's current lead researcher or other relevant Level 3 personnel. Personnel identified in instances of SCP-4053-1 are to be quarantined or terminated at the discretion of the aforementioned personnel.
Description: SCP-4053 is a 172 centimeter-tall, highly-detailed labradorite statue of a human figure. It is posed with an outstretched arm and a forward lean, as if the subject were reaching out to another, and parted lips as if speaking. Analysts describe the statue’s expression as desperate. The legs below the knees are a single mass of uncarved rock. Evidence points to the statue being carved in the 12th century BCE. The object was discovered in a subterranean cave network in Tuva.1
When a human subject views SCP-4053 in person or through physical or digital media, there is a chance2 that a polaroid photograph will be produced from SCP-4053’s mouth (despite a lack of evidence of any internal mechanisms to facilitate this), hereby referred to as SCP-4053-1. These photographs display the subject in a well-framed shot, and seem to be taken from a variety of angles not bound to the object’s perspective. No photograph includes SCP-4053, even from an angle which would place it in the shot; other humans may also be absent if the subject is not socially or physically interacting with them.
Subjects who have been exposed to SCP-4053 and “had their picture taken” experience a slow change in personality over time. When in contact at least once every 30 hours with their instance of SCP-4053-1, the changes are limited: they begin with a lack of empathy towards other beings. Within weeks, the subject begins experiencing symptoms of depression, notably a lack of enjoyment in usual activities. Over the course of several months, most subjects will take to gradually more extreme pursuits in an attempt to regain sensations they can no longer experience. On a physiological level, the usual damage in DNA associated with age slows and eventually halts; this, combined with other factors still being studied, allows the subject’s cells to divide and die in their normal cycle without their physical aging.
Subjects denied access to their instance of SCP-4053-1 suffer more severe and immediate effects. By 40 hours separated, subjects begin displaying anxiety and paranoia, stating their wish to reacquire SCP-4053-1 despite repeated rejection. By 60 hours, subjects will become very visibly agitated and, when feasible, will become belligerent and attempt to physically retake SCP-4053-1 by any means necessary. By 110 hours, subjects feel a secondary goal to reach SCP-4053, and will take similarly drastic measures to discover its location and reach it once their primary objective is complete. By 145 hours, there is a marked increase in aggressive behaviour, the subject preferring to retake the photograph by force or discover its whereabouts via violent interrogation. By 215 hours, nearly all rational thought has ceased; subjects become convinced that any humanoid around them either has SCP-4053-1 or knows its location. 300 hours in, or directly after the destruction of their photograph, the subject becomes obsessed with reaching SCP-4053 alone and is considered an instance of SCP-4053-2.
Instances of SCP-4053-2 cease any attempts to communicate with humans and seem to have an innate understanding of SCP-4053’s location, accompanied by an intense desire to reach it. In addition to adopting an extremely malnourished appearance, subjects appear to lack psychosomatic limitations on muscle exertion, resulting in increased physical capabilities at the cost of frequent injury. Despite brain patterns indicating they still receive tactile stimuli, they lack any pain response typical of humans or other animals. In addition to the lack of aging mentioned above, instances of SCP-4053-2 seem able to function without food intake or brain activity, their bodies seemingly entirely autonomous. Upon reaching SCP-4053, subjects engage in ceremonial behaviour, including dances, high-volume vocalisations, and ritual scarification.
Addendum: During SCP-4053's initial recovery, 229 instances of SCP-4053-1 and 17 instances of SCP-4053-2 were also recovered. While the latter initially seemed in perfect health by the standards of other instances, during vivisection several showed signs of widespread (if only partial) brain regeneration, implying repeated injuries in the past. Determining the age of any subject has proven difficult due to SCP-4053's effects, but attempts at facial reconstruction through computer-generated imagery have allowed researchers to match some of the subjects to the recovered instances of SCP-4053-1: the garb they were wearing on exposure to the object implies several were soldiers under the Xiongnu empire in Mongolia, which would date them back to the 3rd century BCE.
Incident Logs A-C
Deauthenticate and Close
Incident Log I-4053-A
D-███12, after being separated from their instance of SCP-4053-1 for a total of 89 hours, restrained a guard’s shooting arm with their teeth while seizing their weapon and keycard. At the time, instances of SCP-4053-1 were stored in the same location as the object, and its containment was compromised. The door was sealed and MTF Eta-10 were called in to dispatch D-███12 and reestablish containment. On-site security shifts were adjusted to increase safety in SCP-4053’s containment area.
Incident Log I-4053-B
Researcher ██████ was accidentally exposed to SCP-4053 due to a breach of protocol. Currently, they are contained under observation with their instance of SCP-4053-1. See interview log for further details.
Incident Log I-4053-C
Several instances of SCP-4053-2, previously observed to potentially communicate with each other in what security officers described as “stuttering, clicking shrieks”, apparently coordinated and executed an escape plan by a pair of individuals feigning odd behaviours as a distraction while another subject was being transported for testing. Taking advantage of the situation, the subject out of containment broke its restraints (fracturing both of its wrists in the process) and overpowered its guards before releasing the others, all of which proceeded to SCP-4053’s containment chamber, attacking and incapacitating or killing every living being they could see along their way (as well as damaging several inanimate objects in motion).
On entering SCP-4053’s containment chamber, all subjects were sealed inside, and after incapacitation by MTF Eta-10 were transported elsewhere to be terminated by incineration.
Interview Log 4053-85
Deauthenticate and Close
Subject: Researcher ██████
Interviewer: Dr. ████████
Foreword: Researcher ██████ was exposed to SCP-4053 in Incident 4053-B after improper SCP-4053-1 collection procedure and subsequently had his own instance of the anomaly produced. The following interview takes place roughly seven months after exposure. The subject was not denied access to his instance of SCP-4053-1 and had regular contact with staff as requested, including mandatory weekly interviews with Dr. ████████, but had long since ceased any attempt at objectivity when describing his experiences and any attempt at cooperating with researchers. Dates and names have been omitted for security reasons, and hereafter Researcher ██████ and Dr. ████████ have been shortened to "Subject" and "Dr." respectively.
[Dr. enters subject's containment room and takes a seat opposite the subject, who is already waiting at a table situated in the center of the room. Subject displays boredom and agitation, typical long after exposure to SCP-4053.]
Dr.: Good afternoon, ███. How-
Subject: Ah, no. We're not doing it like that. Where's my request?
Dr.: You know protocol. There's no way I can get you a scalpel. What would you even do with it?
Subject: Get me one - or these interviews stop.
Dr.: Isn't there anythi-
Subject: Not later. Now.
[Dr. shifts and begins to stand.]
Dr.: I guess the interview is over then.
[Without warning or other provocation, subject begins climbing over the table as Dr. moves toward the exit, seizing them and forcibly restraining them against the wall before beginning to beat them. Once subdued, Dr. is thrown into the corner opposite the door while subject picks up a chair. On-site security enters the room and are attacked by subject before he is subdued via electrical shock.]
Closing Statement: We weren't monitoring the subject's brain during the attack, but facial analysis suggests his outrage wasn't genuine. The whole thing went down too quickly, like he was thinking about it before I even walked in the room. To me, the whole thing seems premeditated. Like other subjects, he began to seek a more intense source of external stimulation - or termination - and so he started a fight with the best excuse he could think up. Further interviews are to be rescheduled and conducted under more secure circumstances. - Dr. ████████
1. Investigation is ongoing into how labradorite made its way to pre-Mongol central Asia, let alone the rest of the object's properties. - Dr. ████████
2. Roughly █% if a subject views the statue, ██% when it is viewed in person without interceding glass. A photo can be produced any time in the next few hours. |
SCP-2826 is a Scottish police cap badge featuring an imperial crown, dated to 1955. | ***
Item #: SCP-2826
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2826 is kept in a storage locker furnished with redundant fireproofing material at Site-19.
Description: SCP-2826 is a Scottish police cap badge featuring an imperial crown, dated to 1955. Imaging of SCP-2826's interior indicates that several sheets of an irregular material (most likely cloth) are embedded in the object. The following is engraved on the back of SCP-2826:
Design & synthesis: PIC
Materials: JJv6
Mindfuck: LG
Distribution: BF
The best we could do on such short notice.
Use your lighter on this at the protest to see some real Three Stooges shit.
When exposed to fire, SCP-2826 will glow with blue light for three hours. During this time, instances of SCP-2826-A will manifest within seven meters of the nearest gathering of police officers1 at a rate proportional to the size of the gathering.
SCP-2826-A are humanoid entities that impersonate members of the police force(s) in question. They appear with uniforms and equipment appropriate to this task, and are demographically consistent with the force. Law enforcement personnel will consistently identify SCP-2826-A as "the boys from patrol" and treat them as police officers. SCP-2826-A display limited intellect, a lack of familiarity with police procedures and equipment, minimal dexterity, and short attention spans; this typically renders their efforts to assist real law enforcement personnel counterproductive. When subject to heavy application of force, SCP-2826-A disappear completely, accompanied by a loud popping sound.
When exposed to airborne lachrymatory agents (i.e. tear gas, pepper spray) in non-trivial quantities, SCP-2826 will emit a powerful burst of air in all directions for four seconds. This typically dispels said agents.
Recovery Log 2826-01
SCP-2826 was recovered on 2016-11-12 in Portland, Oregon after surveillance footage identified ██████ Jansen, a participant in the then-ongoing protests against the election of Donald Trump and known affiliate of several local anarchist groups, in the possession of an unidentified object that was later proven to be SCP-2826. The subject's apparent activation of SCP-2826 coincided with the manifestation of several instances of SCP-2826-A among nearby police officers.
Mobile Task Force Omicron-92 was deployed to retrieve SCP-2826. During this operation, SCP-2826 affected MTF Omicron-9, creating several instances of SCP-2826-A that accompanied the team. This effect has not been replicated under controlled conditions, and field testing has been deemed impractical.
██████ Jansen was first approached by two members of SCP-2826-A, who emphatically stated that they were "most certainly not with the SCP Foundation" before trying and failing to restrain her. Jansen was able to trick the two instances into punching each other in the face, causing both to demanifest and allowing her to escape. The target was approached and restrained by genuine members of Omicron-9; however, a third instance of SCP-2826-A accidentally discharged pepper spray at the target, causing SCP-2826's secondary effects to activate. This had the effect of knocking all individuals involved over, allowing Jansen to escape from her captors and run into a nearby crowd.
The target evaded for the remainder of the protest, as two additional instances of SCP-2826-A repeatedly mistook other protesters for her and attempted to apprehend them, drawing unacceptable levels of attention towards Omicron-9. Retreat was delayed by SCP-2826-A impersonating members of the Portland Police Department, who were setting up and removing roadblocks at random.
Jansen was later identified with facial recognition software and detained, along with SCP-2826, at her home in Beaverton. Foundation investigations traced SCP-2826's origins, as well as those of several other anomalies, to the nearby headquarters of GoI-5869, "Gamers Against Weed".
An estimated 150 instances of SCP-2826-A manifested during the aforementioned protests over the course of two days, and frequently interfered with police operations. SCP-2826-A were captured on film by both civilians and media outlets, necessitating the scrubbing of related footage.3
1. The minimum group size for this effect to occur is six within a thirty-meter radius of each other.
2. A task force specialized in operating during civil unrest with heavy media presence.
3. For further information, see Document 2826-068, "Unusual Behavior From Police Officers During Anti-Trump Protests", and Document 2826-419, "Cop fail compilation Portland". |
SCP-6880 is a species of sun pitcher plant1 that uses thaumaturgy to prey on hematophages such as oxpeckers and vampire bats. | ***
Item #: SCP-6880
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6880’s digestive fluid is to be treated and handled as a Class-IV Chemical/Biological weapon, but it is otherwise to be cultivated and handled like a sun pitcher plant. Further documentation, tending, and population control details can be received at request from the Foundation Botanical Department; start by contacting Dr. Chelsea Elliott at [email protected]. External populations of SCP-6880 are cultivated and shielded from civilians by a joint division of Mobile Task Force Theta-4 (“Gardeners”) and Lambda-12 (“Pest Control”) . Quantities of SCP-6880’s digestive fluid may be requisitioned by the Materials Department, Engineering Department, and Biomedical Department.
SCP-6880 in Greenhouse L-12, Site-19.
Description: SCP-6880 is a species of sun pitcher plant1 that uses thaumaturgy to prey on hematophages such as oxpeckers and vampire bats. SCP-6880’s primary anomalous property is its digestive fluid: a volatile fluoride compound2 that looks, smells, and possesses the same goetic signature as uncoagulated cattle blood. SCP-6880 is otherwise a perennial herb that grows approx 1 meter in height and has similar breeding and feeding habits as non-anomalous Heliamphora species.
During the daytime, SCP-6880 injects minute quantities of its digestive fluid through its roots to eliminate competition for sunlight, water, and pollination by poisoning the surrounding soil in a 5 meter radius. It also drips small quantities of fluid from its upper leaf into its digestive pouch to emit a gradual stench of cow blood. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun kickstarts a still poorly-understood thaumaturgic reaction that converts up to 2 liters of blood into digestive fluid per day.
By nightfall, the buildup of digestive fluid causes SCP-6880 to resemble a bleeding cow via scent, goetic signature, and even on thermal and radar scans. In this way, it lures larger blood-sucking prey to land and drink from its pitcher. When prey attempts to feed, they are overcome by the fumes and fall into the pitcher to die by drowning, asphyxiation, or acid burns. As the corpse dissolves, any blood within them is released for catalysis into more digestive fluid.
SCP-6880 has evolved numerous other unique enzymes in its chloroplasts that catalyze its digestive fluid through sunlight-moderated thaumaturgic reactions. The resultant products include organic sap, chlorophyll material, and a thick mucosal wax that protects SCP-6880 from its own digestive fluid. These products also present industrially attractive properties such as fluorocarbon-grade slipperiness and inertness, plus near-ceramic grade insulation and heat resistance. SCP-6880 populations are capable of growing in most temperate regions, as their mucosal wax insulates them in cooler climates and aids water retention in hotter ones. An instance of SCP-6880 is capable of surviving for up to one month on 50 grams of animal blood.
SCP-6880 was discovered in Argentina by Mobile Task Force Lambda-9 (“Helsing Brigade”) while tracking the hematomorph ████████ ████████ on charges of criminal racketeering during the Seventh Occult War. His corpse was found, half-digested in bat form, in an instance of SCP-6880. Since its discovery, the Foundation has cultivated small SCP-6880 populations worldwide as a form of natural pest control for hematomorph populations, such as in London, England, and Washington, D.C.
1. tentatively Heliamphora caprerum
2. (refer to MSDS-4748935)
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SCP-367 is a massive single-celled organism, composed of what appears to be a mass of "yellow slime" with several white "threads" suspended in it, with a semi-solid sphere of gray material in the center, deemed the "nucleus". | ***
Item #: SCP-367
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-367's containment area is to be checked daily for damage done by SCP-367. Any and all damage to containment area is to be repaired immediately. Should damage exceed that which can be repaired in a 12-hour period, SCP-367 is to be moved to a temporary containment area and kept under constant observation while repairs are made. Any attempts by SCP-367 to damage or escape containment are to immediately be met with Chemical Suppression Tactic A-11 (CST A-11).
Every two hours, SCP-367 is to be provided with one (1) kilogram of "feed", which may be composed of any available bio-matter. In the event that no suitable bio-mass is available, other items may be provided for consumption and CST A-11 is to be placed on stand-by in case of rejection behavior by SCP-367. SCP-367 is to be weighed after each feeding period to monitor weight and density increase leading up to division.
Additional instances of SCP-367 forming in containment are to be disposed of. No unprotected interaction with SCP-367 is to be undertaken unless it is within thirty (30) minutes of a feeding period. SCP-367 may not be removed from the containment area without approval by Site Command. No instances of SCP-367 are to be released to staff for any purpose other than testing.
Description: SCP-367 appears to be a small dog of variable breed, most often appearing as a small, brown puppy. SCP-367 exhibits a slightly elevated appetite and activity level for a dog of its apparent age and size, and does not sleep, but otherwise behaves as expected for a dog.
SCP-367 is a massive single-celled organism, composed of what appears to be a mass of "yellow slime" with several white "threads" suspended in it, with a semi-solid sphere of gray material in the center, deemed the "nucleus". It is unknown what SCP-367 is made of, or why its outer "shell" appears to be a juvenile dog; however, testing [DATA EXPUNGED] further investigation. The "strings" appear to function as the muscular-skeletal system and under most circumstances the movement and general behavior of SCP-367 are indistinguishable from a normal dog.
SCP-367 is capable of feeding on any solid matter, and has shown the ability to dissolve and digest concrete, steel, titanium, carbon fiber, bone, wood, [DATA EXPUNGED]. When presented with an item that cannot fit into the external shell’s mouth, or be broken down with the teeth, SCP-367 will project pseudopodia from its internal mass and break down the matter into a consumable form. It is unknown how this occurs, as no acid is used, but it appears to be a disruption of the basic atomic bonds of the matter which is still under investigation.
SCP-367 does not increase in size when consuming items, but does increase in density. In addition, SCP-367 does not produce any waste. After consuming enough material to double its starting mass, SCP-367 will find an isolated location, such as in a cabinet or under furniture, and liquefy its outer shell. It will then divide into two equal masses and reform its outer shell, creating two instances of SCP-367.
If SCP-367 is left without food for more than three hours, the internal "strings" will project from the "eyes" and "mouth" areas of SCP-367 and attempt to bore into and break down all nearby matter. In this state, SCP-367 is highly aggressive, and has been observed to [DATA EXPUNGED].
Notes on recovery: SCP-367 was recovered from the residential home of Ms. Myra Bancroft in Ireland. Mrs. Bancroft was reported missing several days before, and Foundation staff established containment of her residence when it was reported that she had over eighty small dogs in her home, which had consumed her corpse and most of the home. A single instance of SCP-367 was recovered, with all other instances eliminated via CST A-11.
Ongoing monitoring is in effect to isolate any remaining SCP-367 outside of containment. |
SCP-5777 is a group of 8 16 approximately 96 humanoid entities located near Kennedys Bush, New Zealand. | ***
Item №: SCP-5777
The SCP-5777 settlement, as seen at midday. Click to enlarge.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: An electric fence has been built around the territory containing SCP-5777. Trespassers are to be captured (by non-lethal means if possible), amnesticized, and released.
For their own safety, personnel must stay at least 50 meters away from the center of the SCP-5777 settlement.
Description: SCP-5777 is a group of 8 16 approximately 96 humanoid entities located near Kennedys Bush, New Zealand. The entities range from 1.3 to 1.7 meters tall, and have blue skin and blond or red hair. They are nocturnal; their settlements and artifacts emerge spontaneously during dusk and disappear during dawn. They can coordinate and use tools, are capable of fluent speech (in English and Māori), and have mild ontokinetic abilities. It is believed that the patupaiarehe (fairies) of Māori folklore correspond to SCP-5777.
In November 1998, security personnel observed an uptick in SCP-5777 activity. Neighboring civilians have filed noise complaints, and a majority of the trees in the area have been chopped down. Dr Linda Fourier was sent to investigate.
Interview Log 5777-1
Interviewer: Dr Linda Fourier
Interviewed: SCP-5777-1, SCP-5777-2, SCP-5777-3
Fourier: Hello, I'm—
[SCP-5777-1 advances; this startles Fourier, who raises her hands in defense. It takes this opportunity to grab Fourier's right hand and shake it vigorously.]
SCP-5777-1: Hellohellohello! So good to see you today. This is Ana, Te Ao, and I'm Kauri, and your name is?
Fourier: Dr Fourier—
SCP-5777-1: Doctor Fourier! I could see by the way you charged in just now that you're a learned woman, a lady of science, who's come all the way to our humble office to—
[SCP-5777-1 pauses its shaking, giving Fourier the opportunity to pull her hand out of its grasp.]
SCP-5777-1: —invest?
Fourier: Actually, I was going to ask what you were doing—
SCP-5777-1: Always happy to answer! Dr Fourier, we're making a startup. Kereru. Dot com.
Fourier: Okay. [Pauses to take notes.] So what does Kereru, uh, dot com, create?
SCP-5777-1: Oh, you know… the usual. Disrupting the market with our secret sauce. Building tomorrow, today. Synergy. It's a paradigm shift—we have to take it to the next level, strike while the iron is hot.
Fourier: … I see.
[SCP-5777-2 barges in, pushing SCP-5777-1 to the side.]
SCP-5777-2: Kauri, you're scaring her.
Fourier: No, no, it's—
SCP-5777-2: Sorry about that. I'm sure that as a woman of science, you would be more interested in the technical side of our business. Rest assured that we use only the hottest technologies on the market, including…
[SCP-5777-2 clears its throat.]
SCP-5777-2: … isomorphic1 NodeJS2 microservices3 in the cloud,4 functorial intelligence5 in the Internet of Things.6 It's big data, it's web scale, it's… it's…
[SCP-5777-3 bursts out from between -1 and -2.]
SCP-5777-3: Blockchain.7
Observation Log 5777-1
1998-11-09 – 1999-03-04
In the center of the settlement, the SCP-5777 entities have formed a stack of woven flax sheets. When a sheet is removed, reality in a ~ 25 meter radius is reset to the time when the sheet was added to the pile. This effect includes the SCP-5777 themselves, who have often been duplicated or destroyed through its activation.
The SCP-5777 entities dig a shallow pit and fill it with wooden planks and sticks, in an apparent attempt to light a fire. After a few tries, they succeed; they scream and scatter from the pit, leaving the fire behind.
The SCP-5777 instances tear down the whakairo8 ornaments from their homes and throw them into the fire. They mount depictions of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Whoopi Goldberg in their place.
Interview Log 5777-2
Interviewer: Dr Linda Fourier
Interviewed: SCP-5777-1, SCP-5777-2, SCP-5777-3
Fourier: How's it going today?
SCP-5777-2: Very well. Our decentralized monolith architecture has allowed us to scale to the next billion users with six nines.
SCP-5777-1: Sounds great, Ana! Bill Gates would be proud of you.
SCP-5777-2: [Smiles.] Thank you.
Fourier: Bill Gates?
SCP-5777-1: Oh, he's one of the people we look up to. You know, like Robert Levitan9 or Greg McLemore10 or Michael Fenne11—
SCP-5777-3: Heroes.
SCP-5777-1: —all pioneers, pushing the envelope in their own way.
Fourier: I see.
SCP-5777-1: And one day, it'll be our names on that list as well.
[SCP-5777-1 turns around to face the other SCP-5777 entities.]
SCP-5777-1: Isn't that right, everyone!?
[The SCP-5777 entities raise their hands and yell in acknowledgement. SCP-5777-1 turns back around, and grins.]
SCP-5777-1: That's the spirit.
Observation Log 5777-2
1999-03-04 – 1999-11-19
The SCP-5777 entities, led by SCP-5777-2, begin to construct a wooden tower over the fire pit. As expected, it starts to burn; however, rather than attempting to put out the fire, SCP-5777-2 commands them to build further. Eventually, the structure collapses and the entities all disappear into the pit.
The next night, the SCP-5777 entities emerge from the surrounding bush—apparently unharmed. They restart construction in the same location as before.
The SCP-5777 entities perform a haka,12 while repeating the word "developers" ad nauseum.
Through trial and error, the SCP-5777 entities have learned to use the flax sheets to create more of themselves. There are now 16 instances of SCP-5777.
Interview Log 5777-3
Interviewer: Dr Linda Fourier
Interviewed: SCP-5777-1, SCP-5777-3
Fourier: Can I ask you guys a question?
SCP-5777-1: [Smirks.] That's all you do, but sure. Go for it.
Fourier: Why did you decide to start a tech company? I'm sure there are many other things you could have done instead.
SCP-5777-1: Well… you've been watching us the whole time right?
Fourier: That would be the case, yes.
SCP-5777-1: So you've seen how much we've changed. From some backwater village in the middle of nowhere, to—
[SCP-5777-1 gestures wildly at the settlement behind it.]
SCP-5777-1: —I mean, look at them! The smiles, the energy, it's an absolute three-sixty turnaround. And Ana…
[SCP-5777-1 sighs.]
SCP-5777-1: She used to spend all night, lying in bed, just… waiting for the sun to come up, you know?
Fourier: I'm sorry to hear that.
SCP-5777-1: Me too, doctor, me too. But now? She's pacing around, like, computer this, and computer that, and…
SCP-5777-3: Hope.
SCP-5777-1: That's a good word, yeah. Hope. That's what we have now.
Observation Log 5777-3
1999-11-19 – 2000-05-20
The SCP-5777 entities realize that they cannot continue building the tower upward, as the space is obstructed by an overhanging cliff. SCP-5777-1 and SCP-5777-2 spend the next hour arguing over what to do next, before SCP-5777-3—unbeknownst to the others—pushes the whole structure out from under the overhang. Miraculously, the tower remains standing. The argument stops, and the entities resume construction.
A growing number of SCP-5777 entities have been dying in occupational accidents. This effect has caused the SCP-5777 population to stabilize at ~ 96.
Interview Log 5777-4
Interviewer: Dr Linda Fourier
Interviewed: SCP-5777-2
Fourier: Hi, Ana! It's been a while since I've talked to you—
SCP-5777-2: Yes, I've been busy.
Fourier: Is everything all right?
SCP-5777-2: Yes, everything is all right.
SCP-5777-2: We will—
Fourier: If you're feeling uncomfortable—
SCP-5777-2: We will succeed.
SCP-5777-2: March 13. Japan enters a recession, triggering a global market sell-off. We will succeed.
SCP-5777-2: April 3. Microsoft found guilty of monopolization and tying; Nasdaq sinks 350 points. We will succeed.
SCP-5777-2: May 18. files for bankruptcy, in what media call the greatest dot-com bust in history. We will succeed.
SCP-5777-2: We will succeed. We will succeed. We will—
Fourier: I'm sorry.
Observation Log 5777-4
2000-05-20 – 2000-09-25
A group of five SCP-5777 entities suddenly stop work, lay down their tools, and gather in the center of the settlement. A brief silence passes before one of the entities bends over, its head oriented upward, and begins to rhythmically pull the straps on its shoes while yelling: "Haere! Haere! Haere!"13 The other four entities follow, pulling and yelling, and soon the group would lift off the ground and disappear into the night sky.
The remaining instances do not react to this incident.
The remaining SCP-5777 entities complete the tower. They gather around the structure and rejoice through song and dance.
During the celebration, a juvenile SCP-5777 instance inadvertently runs into a wooden post, dislodging it and causing the tower to collapse.
Interview Log 5777-5
Interviewer: Dr Linda Fourier
Interviewed: SCP-5777-1, SCP-5777-3
Fourier: You look a bit wary today.
SCP-5777-3: No.
Fourier: Are you okay?
SCP-5777-1: Yeah, yeah, we're fine, I mean we've lost our top engineers, and Ana just disappeared off the face of the earth, but, but—
[SCP-5777-3 grabs SCP-5777-1 by the shoulders.]
SCP-5777-3: Stop.
[SCP-5777-1 pauses; it closes its eyes and takes a deep breath.]
SCP-5777-1: Thanks, Te Ao. But yeah, doctor, it's all good. We've still got a million and a half in cash. We'll pull through. We have to.
Observation Log 5777-5
The tower catches fire. It collapses; due to its excessive height, it falls outward and spreads the fire to surrounding bush. The SCP-5777 entities panic and run around the settlement, further propagating the blaze.
Eventually, the fire reaches the stack of flax sheets, which bursts into a column of flame. As the flax burns, the SCP-5777 instances and their artifacts warp and stretch—causing the entities great distress—before disappearing altogether. By dawn, the flax has burned completely; its ash is the only remaining evidence of SCP-5777.
Neutralized classification pending.
1. The term "isomorphic application" was coined in 2011, thirteen years after this interview.
2. NodeJS was released in 2009.
3. The microservice architecture was formalized in 2011.
4. Cloud computing was popularized by in 2006.
5. The meaning of this phrase is unknown.
6. The term "Internet of Things" was first used in 1999.
7. 2009.
8. Traditional Māori wood carving.
9. Founder of Flooz, an online currency (defunct).
10. Founder of, an online pet supply store (defunct).
11. Founder of Pixelon, an online video distributor (defunct).
12. A traditional Māori war dance.
13. "Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!" |
SCP-1436 is a male bird of unidentified species with features similar to those of the Meropidae family, including its wingspan of 46cm. | ***
Item #: SCP-1436
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1436 is to be contained within an environment-controlled aviary measuring 4 x 4 x 5 meters. This aviary is to contain plants and insect life typical of an Iraqi forest for the purpose of SCP-1436’s nutrition. Due to the current activation procedure, the enclosure is to be insulated against electrical charge and all personnel entering the enclosure must wear insulated suits.
The current activation procedure requires that SCP-1436 is fitted with a device programmed to discharge an 8000-volt pulse, sufficient to kill SCP-1436, based on a pseudo-random number generator dependent on atmospheric conditions. The device is to be reattached three weeks into every cycle. The chance of these conditions being met and the pulse being discharged outside of a SCP-1436 event is approximately 1 in 10,000 per day. The device must be confirmed to be functioning when reattached, and examined again every day during the second stage of SCP-1436’s cycle.
SCP-1436 is never to be contained at any location with on-site warheads.
Description: SCP-1436 is a male bird of unidentified species with features similar to those of the Meropidae family, including its wingspan of 46 cm. SCP-1436’s behavior is typical of an insectivore bird and it produces calls that have been identified as attempts to communicate with other members of its own species. No other members of SCP-1436’s species have been found or identified at this time.
SCP-1436 constantly undergoes a cycle in which it rapidly matures from an embryo into an adult, dies and decays. After SCP-1436’s form has completely decomposed, an egg reappears and SCP-1436 reenters the growth stage of its cycle. Each cycle lasts two months on average, with the growth stage usually lasting one and a half months. During this first stage, SCP-1436 does not require more food than the average bird of its current age, despite its accelerated growth. Internal imaging of SCP-1436’s body has shown no anomalous features or bodily processes, aside from the subject’s rapid growth rate. Once SCP-1436 reaches full maturity it ceases to age and remains in this state for three days on average before entering the second stage of its cycle.
During the second stage of its cycle SCP-1436 manipulates probability to cause its own death. The area around SCP-1436 during this stage of the cycle will experience events dangerous to SCP-1436. These events are always physically possible, but analysis has shown that most SCP-1436 events would have been extremely improbable. The events at the beginning of the second stage are far more localized than those later in the cycle. Events later in the cycle have shown the effect is capable of causing complex causal chains to kill SCP-1436. The last cycle before SCP-1436’s recovery by the Foundation resulted in the structural collapse of a bird house in the ███████████ zoo, █████ fatally wounding 18 and injuring 32. Records from the zoo indicate that SCP-1436 had been in its second stage for about two weeks and that several accidents related to SCP-1436 had occurred, each larger than the last. SCP-1436 does not seem to consciously cause these events, and continues to take acts of self-preservation during the second stage.
A similar effect to the second-stage events prevents any direct action besides a second-stage event that would kill SCP-1436 from being completed during both stages. Testing has thus far failed to kill SCP-1436. The most recent ended in the misfire of a pistol, injuring the researcher and rendering the pistol inoperable.
Once the second-stage events have succeeded in killing SCP-1436 it typically fully decomposes, including bone, in 20 hours. Once SCP-1436 has fully decomposed, it reappears as an egg in the location where it died, regardless of the carcass's location. SCP-1436’s genetics have shown to be unchanged from cycle to cycle. Tests have shown that SCP-1436 can identify personnel and objects from previous cycles. |
SCP-2537 is a type of anomalous humanoid capable of transmogrifying into a clay brick. | ***
Item #: SCP-2537
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Captured instances of SCP-2537 are to be contained in separate standard humanoid containment chambers within Site-44. The detection and detainment of SCP-2537 is currently assigned to MTF Beta-13 ("Over Troubled Waters").
Description: SCP-2537 is a type of anomalous humanoid capable of transmogrifying into a clay brick. Transmogrification can be initiated at will and takes approximately three seconds to complete. On nights with a full moon, should an instance of SCP-2537 see the moon it will transmogrify regardless of its intent. Witnessing SCP-1812 results in a similar forced change.
SCP-2537 are able to convert humans into additional instances via bludgeoning to the victim's head while in a brick state, though the exact force required for successful conversion is currently unknown. This generally requires teamwork between multiple instances, or a single instance throwing itself from a vantage point and transmogrifying mid-fall. However, due to the nature of it, attempted conversions often result in the death of the victim. Instances experience no compulsion to bludgeon humans.
Damage sustained while in a brick state carries over to the instance's humanoid form and vice versa. Sustaining significant structural damage in brick form seems to terminate an instance, and it will remain in brick form. Neither form displays anomalous strength or durability, making infecting humans mildly dangerous due to possible damage from the accelerated impacts.
Photograph taken during discovery
Prior to nights featuring the second new moon of the month, all instances will attempt to gather at a single river or stream. Whether this qualifies as anomalous compulsion in a humanoid or instinct in an anomalous humanoid is currently under debate. During these gatherings, SCP-2537 will arrange themselves and non-anomalous bricks into a bridge using secretions of mortar that have only been seen during gathering periods. Upon the moon setting, the mortar will liquefy and dissolve, and the instances will disperse.
While the bridge is being built, the opposite riverbank will gradually alter in appearance. This phenomenon is only visible from the riverside the bridge begins on. It is unknown what would occur if SCP-2537 instances were to successfully complete the bridge. |
SCP-516 is a standard model T-55 main battle tank. | ***
Item #: SCP-516
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-516 may be kept in an Anomalous Vehicle Containment Bay. Routine vehicle maintenance should be carried out on a bi-weekly basis. SCP-516 is not to be provided with fuel or ammunition except under controlled testing circumstances. Following Incident 516-1A, no personnel with a history of military service should be assigned to SCP-516.
Description: SCP-516 is a standard model T-55 main battle tank. Records indicate it was manufactured in 19██, at ████████████ Plant, Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR, and that it had a normal period of service in the armed forces of ██████████. It exhibits wear and tear consistent with its age.
The only part of SCP-516 which is known to exhibit anomalous properties is its main armament (presently a 100mm D10 tank gun) and turret assembly, from here designated as SCP-516-1. However, as SCP-516-1 has been replaced several times throughout SCP-516's service life without any apparent effects, its anomalous properties seem to be inherent to SCP-516.
When loaded with compatible 100mm ammunition SCP-516-1 exhibits a limited degree of autonomy. When an entity attempts to damage SCP-516, SCP-516-1 will track and fire on it if it is physically possible to neutralise the threat, regardless of whether SCP-516 is crewed. It will not respond to threats outside its range or traverse, such as aircraft. This phenomenon only occurs if the entity possesses reasonable means to damage SCP-516; for example, SCP-516-1 will not fire on a person attempting to attack SCP-516 with their fists.
SCP-516-1 may be operated manually, but is selective about its targets. In general, it will only 'permit' its operator to fire on nonliving targets, nonsapient biological targets or armed humans. Under these circumstances it will fire as a normal armament piece. If a target does not satisfy these conditions (essentially, being an unarmed, sapient being) SCP-516-1 will jam. Attempts to prevent jamming through maintenance or parts replacement have failed.
SCP-516 appears to go to extra lengths to prevent injury to unarmed humans, deliberately placing shots from SCP-516-1 to avoid collateral damage. When operated manually, SCP-516-1 places a higher priority on preserving unarmed life than eliminating armed targets; it will jam if directed to fire upon a group of persons, of which only some members are armed.
It should be noted that none of SCP-516's other armaments exhibit these properties, and appear to be perfectly normal.
SCP-516 was brought to the attention of the Foundation in 20██, when it was slated to be broken up for scrap. Due to a bureaucratic oversight, ammunition had not been removed from SCP-516-1, causing it to open fire with ██ casualties. The ensuing ████████ government investigation was noted by Foundation operatives, and it was thought worthwhile to take SCP-516 into custody.
Addendum 516-1: An upgrade to Euclid status is being considered in light of Incident 516-1A, as this lends credence to Dr. ██████'s theory that the SCP may be sentient in some form. Additional security measures have been approved for SCP-516's containment.
Incident 516-1A synopsis: During routine testing of SCP-516, SCP-516-1 immediately fired upon a group of unarmed personnel in range as soon as it was loaded with ammunition, leading to the death of two (2) D-class personnel (D-505, D-596) and one (1) Foundation officer, Agent ███████.
Subsequent investigation showed that D-596, one of the casualties, had attained his D-class status following a criminal conviction for treason against his native country, ██████████. D-596 previously held the (English equivalent) rank of Sergeant in the ████████████ armed forces, from which SCP-516 was acquired.
No other possible links to SCP-516 with D-596 or the other casualties have been found at this stage. This marks the first time SCP-516 has attacked unarmed personnel; further investigation and safety precautions are warranted.
Addendum 516-2: SCP-516 Testing Log |
SCP-4746 is a 45-year old Caucasian male by the name of A███ R███████, who must be eliminated at all costs. | ***
Item #: SCP-4746
Object Class: EuclidObject Class: N/A
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4746 should be contained at an undisclosed location by Foundation personnel that are able to perceive the unaltered version of this file.Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4746 should not be contained, but eliminated at all costs. Collateral damage is irrelevant. No attempts may be made to negotiate with SCP-4746.
Description: SCP-4746 refers to former Chaos Insurgency operative A███ R███████. Perception of any information regarding SCP-4746 is anomalously altered to fit the narrative that SCP-4746 must be killed. These alterations contain mild cognitohazardous triggers to convince subjects of their veracity. Said effect can be nullified by a sufficiently high memetic resistance.Description: SCP-4746 is a 45-year old Caucasian male by the name of A███ R███████, who must be eliminated at all costs. Foundation personnel reading this file are hereby commanded to terminate SCP-4746 with extreme prejudice if the opportunity arises. This information should be made available to as many Foundation assets as possible, regardless of security clearance.
Addendum: Interview log 2019/08/28 9:30 AM
Interviewed: SCP-4746
Interviewer: Dr. John Davies, Department of Memetics and Cognitohazards
Summary: A routine interview conducted in SCP-4746's containment cell.Foreword: It is imperative that Dr. Davies terminates SCP-4746 on sight.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Davies: Good morning, A███. It's time for the scheduled interview.Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: Hello, doc. Nice of you to check up on me. Haha-
[SCP-4746 is interrupted by a coughing fit.]
Dr. Davies: Are you alright? Feeling any better lately?Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: *Ahem* It's fine. I, uh, could be better, could be worse, you know. Not a huge fan of being locked up in here, but it beats going out there. Plus, I don't think I could stand if I wanted to.
Dr. Davies: That's a shame. I assure you we're trying our best to fix this.Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: No, no, don't get me wrong. I know I'm lucky you people found me first. Like I said, things could have turned out a lot worse for me. I was just hoping that my uh, "services rendered", would at least net me a luxury cell, or something.
Dr. Davies: We're keeping you here because we value what you did for us.Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: Yes, of course I understand that, I'm not naive. Your bosses wouldn't have given me the time of day if something hadn't caught their eyes in those documents. But do you have any idea how hard that stuff was to get a hold of? The one about infiltrants for example, I-
Dr. Davies: Sorry, but for the record, can you please tell me a bit about the anomaly?Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: Huh? You wanna talk about this again? Look, I don't know what else to tell you. I have no idea how the Mark works. Wasn't even aware that something like it existed. I genuinely thought you guys had double crossed me when the extraction team started shooting. 'Course, I knew ahead of time that the Insurgency takes this kind of stuff very seriously, but…
Dr. Davies: For what it's worth, I'm… sorry, about how things turned out.Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: Well, thanks for the sentiment, I guess. Never sat right with me, you know, working with those people. That's why I contacted you guys in the first place.
Dr. Davies: That'll be all for now, then. Thanks for your time.Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.
SCP-4746: Alright, see you next time, doc. I'll be right where you left me. [Laughs]
Dr. Davies: Mhm. Until next time. [Mumbling] Now let's hope this works.Dr. Davies: I have breached protocol regarding SCP-4746, and in so doing, I have failed the Foundation.
<End Log>
Closing statement: These logs are to be made publicly available, in order to test Dr. Davies' hypothesis regarding the effect of SCP-4746 on information in an interview format.Closing statement: In light of his actions, Dr. Davies' employment at the Foundation should be terminated. Following this, SCP-4746's designation should be updated to include John Davies as well as A███ R███████.
Update: I don't know if anyone will be able to see this, but here goes. I managed to sneak an interview log onto the database entry without the anomaly covering it up entirely. Looks like I was right - It's not foolproof. It can't seem to affect SCP-4746's own speech. Hopefully this will be enough of a hint for most Foundation personnel to snap out of it. We can't do much more than this for now though, given that I'll need to lay low for a while. We didn't quite expect it to, uh, react like this. — Dr. Davies |
SCP-4122 is a section of PVC pipe, 9cm in diameter and 17cm long. | ***
Item #: SCP-4122
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4122 is to be stored in a standard locked safe-deposit box. Access is restricted, requiring written permission from two Level 4 personnel.
Testing with SCP-4122 is prohibited.
Description: SCP-4122 is a section of PVC pipe, 9 cm in diameter and 17 cm long. An arrow is drawn on the side of the object in black permanent marker.
Housed within SCP-4122 is a temporal anomaly that shifts objects passing through it 1 second into the future or past, depending on the direction of travel. Objects passing through in the direction of the arrow (hereafter "the forward direction") travel into the future, while objects passing in the opposite direction (hereafter "the backward direction") travel into the past.
SCP-4122 was recovered from the possession of Michael Swanson, a tradesman who had been using the object to duplicate currency. Swanson claimed to have retrieved SCP-4122 from a house in the suburbs of Brisbane, Australia after being hired to perform maintenance work on the building's stormwater system. Foundation efforts to locate the house have been unsuccessful, and the address provided by Swanson prior to being amnesticised lead to an undeveloped estate.
Addendum A: SCP-4122 Testing Log
+ Expand Testing Log
- Collapse Testing Log
Date: 05-11-████
Presiding: Level 3 Senior Researcher Dr. Andreas Weir
Assisting: Level 2 Research Assistant May Schumacher
Redundant tests redacted for brevity
Test 1
Apparatus: Red plastic ping pong ball, 40 mm diameter.
Procedure: Ball was dropped through SCP-4122 in the forward direction.
Results: Ball vanished from sight for 1 second upon passing through SCP-4122 before emerging and continuing along previous trajectory. Slow motion recording shows the ball disappearing smoothly as it passes an invisible plane near the midpoint of SCP-4122.
Test 2
Apparatus: 30 cm steel ruler.
Procedure: Ruler was pushed through SCP-4122 in the forward direction.
Results: Tip of ruler emerged 1 second after passing through SCP-4122's event horizon. Any motions made with the ruler were repeated by the ruler tip 1 second later.
Test 7
Apparatus: Red plastic ball.
Procedure: Ball was dropped through SCP-4122 in the backward direction.
Result: 0.75 seconds prior to being dropped, and 1 second prior to entering SCP-4122's event horizon, a duplicate instance of the ping-pong ball emerged from SCP-4122. The original instance vanished upon entering SCP-4122's event horizon, leaving only the duplicate.
Test 8
Apparatus: Red plastic ball.
Procedure: Research Assistant Schumacher was instructed to drop ball through SCP-4122, but stop when a duplicate emerged.
Result: Approximately 0.75 seconds before the ball was to be dropped, a duplicate instance emerged. A high-pitched sound1 and brief puff of air not observed in the earlier tests were noted when the duplicate ball emerged. Comparative analysis of both instances could find no difference.
Note: This test confirmed the recovery team's report that the object has the ability to duplicate small items.
Test 15
Apparatus: 30 cm steel ruler.
Procedure: Ruler was pushed through SCP-4122 in the backward direction.
Results: Tip of ruler emerged 1 second prior to passing through SCP-4122's event horizon. Motions made by the ruler tip attempted to predict Research Assistant Schumacher's movements by 1 second, but showed visible discrepancies. Ruler was retrieved without incident.
Note: This test appears to be inconsistent with the results of Test 8. The research team hypothesizes that there may be some manner of threshold for creating a paradox that this test did not meet. Alternatively, it may simply not work if you've got something stuck in it.
Test 16
Apparatus: 30 cm steel ruler.
Procedure: Ruler was pushed through SCP-4122 in the backward direction while Research Assistant Schumacher was blindfolded.
Results: Tip of ruler emerged 1 second prior to passing through SCP-4122's event horizon. Motions made by the ruler tip accurately predicted all of Research Assistant Schumacher's movements.
Note: This test implies that the discrepancies in movements observed in the previous test were the direct result of Schumacher’s awareness of the ruler's future movements.
Test 19
Subject: White laboratory rat
Procedure: Research Assistant Schumacher was instructed to drop subject through SCP-4122, but stop when a duplicate emerges.
Results: Subject was successfully duplicated. SCP-4122 emitted a high pitched sound2 and puff of air consistent with previous tests. Comparative analysis found both instances of the subject to be identical.
Note: The research team concluded based on animal testing that SCP-4122 was acceptably safe, and requested authorization to perform human testing in order to retrieve tactile data.
Test 22
Subject: D-28512
Procedure: Subject was instructed to push right hand through SCP-4122 in the backward direction.
Results: Subject moved to follow instructions, but flinched and pulled his hand back when the duplicate emerged. The duplicate hand was cleanly severed at the wrist, accompanied by a high pitched sound3 and puff of air consistent with previous tests. Comparative analysis has identified no difference between the severed duplicate hand and the subject's actual hand beyond the results of it being detached from the subject's body.
Note: Testing was postponed until the lab and equipment could be cleaned of blood.
Addendum B: SCP-4122 Audio Analysis Results
+ Expand Audio Analysis Results (INPUT LEVEL 3 AUTHORIZATION)
- Collapse Audio Analysis Results
Date: 08-11-████
Description: Multiple samples were provided by the research team. Each consists of approximately half a minute of audio, played at around 30x normal speed and pitched primarily in the ultrasonic range. Voices identified as those of Research Assistant Schumacher, Dr. Weir and D-28512. Transcripts are provided below.
Redundant reports redacted for brevity
Sample 4122-1
<Begin Transcript>
Schumacher: "It didn't come out. Wasn't it supposed to-"
Weir: "Schumacher! The walls!"
Schumacher: "What? Oh 'kay… they’re red…"
Weir: "I noticed!"
[A noise consisting of hundreds of plastic, popping noises can be heard increasing in volume in the background. Very distant shouting can also be made out]
Schumacher: "Uh, doctor, there are ping pong balls coming out of the walls. Is this part of the test? Should we log this?"
Weir: "No, I think we should be leaving before—oh shit."
Schumacher: "Doctor? Oh my god doctor, you too? Hang on, I’m going to get you out of here."
Weir: [voice noticeably distorted] "This… this is really painful…"
[Weir begins a string of profanity, before being cut off by choking noises. The background noise increases to a roar]
Schumacher: "Doctor Weir! Andreas, no! Don't go! Come back! Oh my god the floor's disintegrating. Oh no no no, it's pulling me down, help, please, someone help—"
[Schumacher's cries for help continue for approximately 8 seconds during which the background noise continues to increase in volume before audio passes beyond discernible range]
<End Transcript>
Sample 4122-4
<Begin Transcript>
Schumacher: "It didn't come out. Wasn't it supposed to-"
Weir: "Schumacher! The walls!"
Schumacher: "What? Oh 'kay… they’re furry…”
Weir: "I noticed!"
Schumacher: "… and they're moving…”
Weir: "I noticed that too!"
[A noise consisting of a combination of squeaking, hissing, chattering and plopping noises can be heard increasing in volume in the background. Very distant screaming can also be made out]
Schumacher: "Doctor, I think I'd like to leave now."
Weir: "They're not just coming out of the wall, they're taking matter from the wall. This entire building is going to fall apart if—oh shit."
Schumacher: "The roof, too. Oh my god doctor, they're falling out of the roof. We're going to be buried in rats. I don't want to be buried in rats—"
Weir: [voice noticeably distorted] "Schumacher… it's not just… the building…"
Schumacher: "Doctor Weir? Andreas!" [scream] "Oh my god, what the hell is—no, why? Why is this happening? … wait…"
[momentary pause, during which the background noise increases to a roar]
Schumacher: [audibly clearer, likely due to Schumacher positioning herself closer to the object] "Listen! Listen to me! Stop testing the pipe! You need to stop testing SCP-4—"
[Schumacher's voice is abruptly choked off as if something has blocked her mouth. This is followed by approximately 6 seconds of muffled screaming before audio passes beyond discernible range]
<End Transcript>
Note: Testing of SCP-4122 has been discontinued indefinitely by order of O5-9.
1. See Addendum B - Audio Analysis Report 4122-1
2. See Addendum B - Audio Analysis Report 4122-4
3. See █████████ - ███████████████ ████-█ |
SCP-2301 is a hostile metamorphic entity that manifests in ██████████, ████████ every month, and takes the form of various antagonists from different fables, plays, or legends, notably that of Japanese and European origin. | ***
Item #: SCP-2301
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Containment Zone Delta-3 has been constructed surrounding SCP-2301’s manifestation area. At any given time, no fewer than 2 containment teams (designated Alpha and Beta) must be present, with a third relief team on active standby.
Alpha Team is to be equipped with period-accurate 15th-century Japanese lamellar armor, and a full set of period-accurate weapons commonly used by the samurai class of feudal Japan. In addition, each containment team member is to receive extensive training in traditional kabuki acting, along with classes in basic Japanese mythology, and Shintoism.
Beta Team is to be equipped with period-accurate 15th-century Gothic plate armor, and a full set of period-accurate weapons commonly used by the knights of feudal Germany. In addition, each containment team member is to receive extensive training in European theater arts, along with classes in Medieval texts concerning dragons.
During a manifestation event, all personnel must remain in character at all times. Once SCP-2301 is terminated, all personnel must remain in character until all components of SCP-2301 have decayed. Should SCP-2301 manifest in a different form, the standby team will be mobilized to determine the method in which SCP-2301 should be confronted. D-class personnel will be used to distract SCP-2301 from approaching a population center until a solution can be found.
Description: SCP-2301 is a hostile metamorphic entity that manifests in ██████████, ████████ every month, and takes the form of various antagonists from different fables, plays, or legends, notably that of Japanese and European origin.
SCP-2301 cannot be damaged unless it perceives its attackers to correctly be those that would defeat such a character in the legend or play in which it would be found. Therefore, should SCP-2301 manifest as a European-style dragon, it can only be harmed by those that it perceives to be Medieval knights. This also applies to containing SCP-2301, in that modern containment procedures such as reinforced Keter-class Hostile Anomaly chambers can easily be destroyed or bypassed by SCP-2301. SCP-2301 can also, given enough time, destroy period-accurate containment, such as chains or cages.
SCP-2301 will remain in character as the particular antagonist that it has manifested as for the duration of an event. It is critical that personnel remain in character, and exchange dialogue with SCP-2301 while in combat with the entity, due to the fact that SCP-2301 will not accept individuals that it perceives as “not playing the role” to its satisfaction. Once SCP-2301 determines an individual to be insufficiently in character, said individual will be unable to harm SCP-2301 for the duration of the manifestation event.
A manifestation event ends when SCP-2301 has been sufficiently damaged to the point at which it can no longer function, causing SCP-2301’s body to rapidly decompose. Should one of the individuals that participated in terminating SCP-2301 fail to remain in character until the body has fully decomposed, SCP-2301 will re-manifest.
Active containment personnel have reported that SCP-2301 is incredibly durable and lethal. SCP-2301 possesses all of the capabilities of the character that it chooses to represent in a particular manifestation event, and similarly possesses the same weaknesses.
SCP-2301 originally manifested only as a character from Japanese folklore. However, beginning on the date of ██/██/████, SCP-2301 began to manifest as creatures from Medieval European mythology. Currently, SCP-2301’s limits in replicating characters from other cultures is unknown.
SCP-2301 most commonly manifests as a Japanese Oni, a type of demon that wields a kanabō1 in combat. Said creature is noted as “incredibly strong” in various myths and legends, and is also described as a humanoid entity possessing horns, claws, and blue or red skin-coloration. SCP-2301 is roughly 2 meters in height in this form, and has been demonstrated as strong enough to fully collapse a human chest protected by lamellar armor with its kanabō.
SCP-2301 second most commonly manifests as a European dragon. In this form, SCP-2301 possesses two winged forelimbs with a wingspan of 25 meters, and two clawed hindlimbs. SCP-2301 is roughly 7 meters tall in this form, and is capable of producing fire in excess of 1000° C from within its throat, through an as of yet unknown mechanism.
SCP-2301’s purpose during a manifestation event is currently understood to be of complete inimity towards all human life. SCP-2301 has been demonstrated to immediately attempt to navigate towards the largest population center available, and will attempt to kill any human that it encounters. Despite this, SCP-2301 possesses a superb grasp of human culture, specifically Germanic and Japanese history, languages, literature, and mythology. SCP-2301’s origin, or method of acquiring this information is currently unknown.
1. A type of long Japanese club |
SCP-486 is a Hispanic female twenty-nine (29) years of age. | ***
Item #: SCP-486
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-486 is confined at Site-17 in a two room cell, which may be furnished as the subject requests, provided it does not violate standard SCP procedures. The cell walls and floor should be padded and carpeted. SCP-486 must wear a cut-resistant safety glove at all times, although temporary removal for the purpose of hygiene is permitted. SCP-486 has displayed no extraordinary physical ability or attempts to escape. Nevertheless, the subject should be guarded at all hours by any two Level-1 security personnel. Should SCP-486 engage in self-destructive behavior, personnel on duty are to restrain and sedate the subject. If the subject manages to cause injury to herself while still unrestrained, personnel are to exit and lock the cell before contacting assistance.
Description: SCP-486 is a Hispanic female twenty-nine (29) years of age. The subject has black hair and brown eyes, is 158 centimeters in height, and weighs approximately 63 kilograms. The subject is missing her left arm from the elbow. Aside from this handicap and her condition, the subject shows the physical needs and characteristics of a normal human being.
When SCP-486 experiences an injury that would normally cause bleeding, a growth resembling a reddish-brown snake of unknown species will emerge from the wound. The growth does not detach from the subject's body, and instead extends to approximately four times the length of the snake's head before halting. The size of the growth is proportional to the size of the wound. Despite being anchored to SCP-486, the growth appears to be autonomous and will attempt to bite any human within range, with the exception of the subject.
Venom milked from the growth's fangs is clear and pinkish in color. The toxins present in the venom are similar to that of snakes in the family Elapidae, and are lethal to human beings.
The growths may be surgically removed without anesthetic, as damage done to them is not felt by SCP-486. If the growths are less than 5-7 centimeters in length, they will wither after a period of 12-16 minutes into a dry scab-like substance. Growths exceeding 7-8 centimeters do not wither and must be removed by Level-2 medical staff who have been trained in handling venomous reptiles. The above deterioration will occur rapidly for any growth that has been removed in this way. SCP-486 does not sustain any scars or lasting injury, visible or otherwise, after the removal.
Injuries that do not result in external bloodshed, such as blisters, do not trigger the growth. In the case of internal bleeding, [DATA EXPUNGED].
Most other substances produced or excreted by SCP-486, including saliva, sweat, tears, and mucus, are normal. Examination of the subject's menses reveals [DATA EXPUNGED].
SCP-486 claims that the condition only developed when she was fourteen, with the onset of puberty. It is unknown whether the subject is fertile. Prior to her recovery, the subject had been married for █ years, but produced no children.
Addendum #486-1: Due to SCP-486's condition, retrieving blood samples is impossible, as is administering any injection. Sedatives must either be imbibed or inhaled.
Addendum #486-2: It is recommended that SCP-208 be kept unaware of SCP-486's condition.
Document #486-1: SCP-486 was discovered in ████, ███████, on ██/██/20██, when the subject was involved in an automobile accident. The subject sustained broken ribs, a moderate concussion, and avulsion of the lower left arm. The growth (██ cm in length) proceeded to fatally bite two paramedics and one witness before agents arrived on-site. SCP-486's family has been told that she and her spouse were killed in the crash. The subject, being unconscious, has no clear recollection of the accident. |
SCP-599 is a small city located in [DATA EXPUNGED] with a population of approximately 700. | ***
Item #: SCP-599
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-599 is to be entirely enclosed within Site ██, which has been modified to look like a mountain from the outside. Any unauthorized tampering with Site ██ will result in its complete destruction. Under no circumstances are any means of external communication allowed within Site ██. Any personnel who enter SCP-599 are to be given a thorough psychiatric evaluation immediately upon returning.
Description: SCP-599 is a small city located in [DATA EXPUNGED] with a population of approximately 700. The inhabitants of SCP-599 refer to it as ██████████. SCP-599 does not appear on any map of the region, nor do any of the roads leading to it.
SCP-599 was classified as an SCP when it became known to the Foundation that every inhabitant of the city matched the description and name of a person reported missing from a nearby city in the last ten years. When questioned, all subjects insisted that they had always lived in SCP-599, before invariably adding that they were "always looking for new neighbors." All Foundation personnel who enter SCP-599 are strongly encouraged by the inhabitants to purchase a house in SCP-599. Refusal is ultimately met with hostility, though so far, no incidents of violence have been reported.
Addendum: Personal log of Agent ██████ (codename: Agent Apocalemur)
Day 1
Arrived in the mysterious city of ██████████. This city does not appear on any map, and the roads leading to it are all unmarked. The Foundation has decided to classify ██████████ as an SCP. I have been sent to determine the threat level posed by the newly designated SCP-599.
I received a fairly warm reception upon arrival. It almost seemed like they knew I was coming…
Am very tired from my trip. The locals agreed to put me up in a nearby motel. I was reluctant to actually sleep inside a designated SCP, but didn’t seem to have much choice. I checked in using the fake name and dummy credit account provided by the Foundation. According to the guestbook, nobody else has checked in for quite a while…
Day 2
I heard noises in the motel all night. The guestbook still shows no entries but mine.
Attempted to acquire information on the inhabitants of SCP-599. City Hall contains names and addresses of all inhabitants, but no records of births or deaths.
Was asked on three separate occasions if I planned to move into ██████████. Each time, I supplied the answer “I’m thinking about it.” Which isn’t technically a lie – I’m thinking that the answer is no.
Day 3
My door was unlocked this morning. It was locked from the inside. Someone went through my things, but nothing seems to be missing. There isn’t anything in there that contains any real information on me, anyway.
I found a street in the residential district today that I’m certain wasn’t there yesterday. Several houses were present, but none were inhabited. The people living nearby claim that the previous occupants “moved away,” adding that “it’s been so lonely ever since.” Again, City Hall has no records of anyone ever moving away.
Day 4
Caught someone skulking around my car last night. Must make sure to set alarm every time I leave it.
I needed to find something in town today, so I went to try and find a map. There doesn’t seem to be a map of this damn place anywhere. Not even at the library. Speaking of the library, it’s probably the most empty library I’ve ever seen. There is nothing that could possibly give me any background information about this city, not even newspaper archives.
I did, however, find Agent ███████ at the library. Agent ███████ was sent to this city shortly after its classification as an SCP, and never reported back. He seemed to have no memory of me, or of the Foundation. He was, however, very enthusiastic about convincing me to move in, as well as introducing me to his wife and children. The youngest appears to be at least five years old. Agent ███████ has only been missing for six months.
In the middle of all this, I completely forgot what it was I had wanted to look for in the first place.
Day 5
I remember what I wanted to find yesterday. I’ve noticed that several things are completely absent from this place. The city has no cemeteries, no funeral homes, no mortuaries, no headstone makers, and no hospitals.
Day 6
What the hell is going on here? I just turned on the sink in my motel room to brush my teeth. No water came out. Instead, I was hit with a loud hissing sound and the smell of natural gas. The same thing happened when I turned on the shower and flushed the toilet.
That settles it. I’m getting out of this place RIGHT NOW!
I’m writing this entry from the safety of a reputable motel in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Allow me to recount the things that happened as I tried to leave SCP-599.
First, the deadbolt in my motel room door refused to disengage. I had to break a window to escape. As I was leaving, I was certain I heard the sink and shower come on…
My car had somehow migrated to the other side of the parking lot.
As soon as I got out of the parking lot, a violent thunderstorm started. It was the first time there had been so much as a breeze since I arrived.
Two major streets were closed: one for “construction,” and one due to “a downed power line.”
At least a dozen cars had all broken down right in the middle of an intersection.
Finally, at the last intersection before I got out of town, the traffic light suddenly turned red, without an intervening yellow, and stayed that way for half an hour. I finally decided to ignore the light and floored it. The cable holding the light broke as I drove under it, and the traffic light just barely missed my car.
If the Foundation expects me to keep working like this, they’ll have to start paying me a lot more than they do.
Note: Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it. -O5-6 |
SCP-2788 is a male human of approximately sixty-seven years of age, who self-identifies as ██ █████, Inner Secretary of the Huaxi Village Communist Party Committee2. | ***
Item #: SCP-2788
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2788 is to be confined within Provisional Humanoid Containment Site-888 at all times. All essential members of staff at Site-888 must be citizens of the People's Republic of China who hold valid hukou1 that identify themselves as residents of Huaxi Village. As an incentive for continued cooperation with the Foundation, requests made by SCP-2788 to purchase luxury items using its own financial assets may be approved by the Site Director on a case-by-case basis. The current worldview of the inhabitants of Huaxi Village is to be maintained through the deployment of propaganda in favor of the status quo and economic manipulation by Foundation front companies.
Description: SCP-2788 is a male human of approximately sixty-seven years of age, who self-identifies as ██ █████, Inner Secretary of the Huaxi Village Communist Party Committee2. SCP-2788 can only be perceived or interacted with by individuals who hold valid hukou that identify themselves as residents of Huaxi Village. Interviews with SCP-2788 suggest that its appearance, personality, and knowledge reflect the current worldview of the inhabitants of Huaxi Village. Furthermore, SCP-2788 has claimed that it has assumed different forms throughout the past; those claims have largely been corroborated by local eyewitnesses and historical databases.
In 1988, SCP-2788 first came to the attention of the Foundation through automated econometric anomaly-prediction systems, which noted unexpectedly rapid growth of earnings and investment in Huaxi Village compared to the baseline in the People's Republic of China following Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms. An on-site sociological analysis of Huaxi Village noted unusual levels of social cohesion, economic equality, and conformity, as well as a local cult of personality centered on SCP-2788, of whom no records could be found by agents embedded within the Chinese central government. Remote observation of Huaxi Village through CCTV cameras began in the following year, yielding footage of Huaxi Village residents spontaneously talking to themselves and congregating for assemblies convened by SCP-2788 at which there was no visible speaker. Discovery of SCP-2788 took place after Agent Cheng was provided a residence in Huaxi Village and had his hukou modified to identify him as a resident of Huaxi Village.
+ Interview Report 2788-1
- Interview Report 2788-1
Interviewed: Agent Cheng
Interviewer: Dr. Wang
Foreword: Debriefing took place after Agent Cheng moved into Huaxi Village and encountered SCP-2788 for the first time.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Wang: For the record, could you describe the circumstances in which you encountered ██ █████ again?
Agent Cheng: Certainly. I had just moved into my new house, when I heard someone knocking at the door. Keeping my sidearm ready, I approached the door, and looked through the peephole, where I saw an elderly man standing on the other side. I opened the door, and then he introduced himself as ██ █████, Inner Secretary of the Huaxi Village Communist Party Committee.
Dr. Wang: What happened next?
Agent Cheng: He said that he had been expecting me, and I asked him why that was the case. He replied that he knew that he was being watched ever since we installed all those CCTV cameras in Huaxi, and that he expected us to eventually move someone to Huaxi to see him in person. He then asked me who I was working for, and when I told him that I had no idea what he was talking about, he chuckled, handed me a business card, and told me that, regardless of who I was working for, he was interested in talking with me. After that, he left.
Dr. Wang: Do you still have the business card?
Agent Cheng: Yes, I do—it's right here.
(Agent Cheng hands the business card to Dr. Wang.)
Dr. Wang: Very well, then. You'll be updated with new orders soon.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: After the debriefing, ██ █████ was designated SCP-2788. Agent Cheng was given orders to contain SCP-2788, through diplomatic means if possible.
+ Interview Report 2788-2
- Interview Report 2788-2
Interviewed: SCP-2788
Interviewer: Agent Cheng
Foreword: Agent Cheng arrived at the address of the office listed on the business card that he had previously been given by SCP-2788. A hidden microphone was used to record the interview with SCP-2788.
<Begin Log>
SCP-2788: I am not surprised that you have come back to see me. Are you now willing to tell me who you work for? The central government, I'd imagine?
Agent Cheng: Perhaps if we can make this an exchange of information?
SCP-2788: That seems fair.
Agent Cheng: Well, I can tell you that I do not work for the central government, if that's your concern. I represent an organization that works to protect this world from the abnormal, by-
SCP-2788: By locking up people like me?
Agent Cheng: We prefer the word contain, actually. Our organization is not a jail—it isn't criminal to be abnormal. We only want to protect the world from what it doesn't understand, and what it doesn't understand from the world. Now that you know why I'm here, would you be willing to tell me about yourself, and your… peculiarities? Depending on your circumstances, we may be able to help each other by working together.
SCP-2788: That will do. As the Inner Secretary of the Huaxi Village Communist Party Committee, I represent the will of its inhabitants. However they see their world, I guide them so that it can become their reality. There have been times when I have done so as a god, or a hero, or more recently, a cadre, but now I am quite happily doing so as a capitalist.
Agent Cheng: You enjoy being a capitalist more than you enjoyed being a god?
SCP-2788: Of course I do—people expect far less out of me these days, so I actually have time to enjoy myself. I don't have to intervene to solve every little problem—no, I just have to keep the factories working and the investors satisfied. Besides, capital gains are a far better source of income than sacrificial offerings.
Agent Cheng: What if I told you that, if you were to enter containment by our organization, we could help keep you as you are?
SCP-2788: How?
Agent Cheng: You may be in charge of Huaxi, but what power do you have over the rest of the world? At any moment, society might change again, and you would have to change with it. Our organization has the influence needed to keep things as they are here, if you are willing to cooperate with us. You wouldn't even have to work at all.
SCP-2788: Perhaps if I can remain in Huaxi.
Agent Cheng: I'm sure that can be arranged. Let me speak to my superiors, and I will let you know what we can do.
SCP-2788: In that case, I look forward to hearing back from you.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Over the next week, an agreement was made with SCP-2788, resulting in SCP-2788 voluntarily entering containment. Part of the Longxi International Hotel was modified to suit the purposes of containing SCP-2788, and designated Provisional Humanoid Containment Site-888.
+ Interview Report 2788-3
- Interview Report 2788-3
Interviewed: SCP-2788
Interviewer: Dr. Wang
Foreword: Interview conducted immediately after SCP-2788 entered containment.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Wang: Secretary ██, now that you've entered our custody, I'd like to ask you some questions about your life history for our records. Do you know when your earliest memories took place?
SCP-2788: Well, I don't have an exact year, but it must have been around when the Hongwu Emperor3 conquered Nanjing. At that time, many refugees were fleeing the chaos in the north, and some of them settled at Huaxi.
Dr. Wang: You've claimed to Agent Cheng that you have played various different roles on the behalf of the inhabitants of Huaxi Village in the past. Who or what were you during that time period?
SCP-2788: The villagers worshiped me as Tudigong4 in those times. Before they plowed, planted, pruned, harvested, or did just about anything, the villagers would always seek my divine wisdom, because they knew that if I granted it to them, the harvest would be good. They thought that it was some kind of magic, but in reality it was just sound agricultural advice. There was nothing I knew that any literate man with the proper resources could not have figured out for himself, but the villagers turned towards me for direction because of their ignorance and superstition. It was a truly dreadful chore for which I never received the gratitude I really deserved.
Dr. Wang: For how long did you remain in that role?
SCP-2788: Until the Qing issued the queue order5, as I recall, when the villagers joined the people of Jiangyin6 in rebellion. That was when I became known as the Silent Wind, a rebel whom the Qing could never hope to discover or apprehend. I was able to lead some successful ambushes, but the rebellion was a losing proposition from the very beginning. The Qing outnumbered us at least ten-to-one, and after they took off a few heads, the villagers were sufficiently cowed and I went back to being Tudigong.
Dr. Wang: What happened next?
SCP-2788: Huaxi continued to enjoy peace, until the riben guizi7 invaded. Fuck their ancestors to the eighteenth generation! It wasn't just Nanjing that they butchered8. Huaxi, too, suffered their brutality, and I saw hundreds of my people slaughtered before my eyes. Becoming the Silent Wind once again, I considered rallying the villagers against them, but then I thought back to when the villagers rebelled against the Qing, and realized that rebellion would just mean that more of the villagers would die. Thus I resigned myself to consoling the survivors and informing them about Japanese troop movements. I wish that I could have done more and fought the Japanese myself, but it just wasn't possible.
Dr. Wang: Nevertheless, you must have saved several lives. You should be proud of what you were able to accomplish, considering your circumstances.
SCP-2788: I would be, if it wasn't for what happened next. After the war, when the Communist Party took over, I became the cadre you see today. For the first few years, all was well. I was able to carry out land reform and help out the peasants of Huaxi, like I had done before as Tudigong. Things changed, though, when Mao announced the Cultural Revolution. Before I even realized it, I became a young member of the Red Guard. I smashed the idols of Tudigong that had been erected in my image, denounced the faithful priest who kept singing my praises, and spat in the faces of old men who I had helped before and during the war. I am now ashamed of what I had done, but it was what the villagers wanted me to do!
(SCP-2788 pauses.)
SCP-2788: Or at least it was what most of them wanted me to do. I did what I could to protect them from the Japanese, but there was nothing that I could do to protect them from themselves.
Dr. Wang: Am I correct in my assumption that you resumed your current form after the Cultural Revolution, and that you gained your business knowledge following the economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping?
SCP-2788: Yes, that is correct.
Dr. Wang: In that case, I have covered everything I wanted to in this interview. I hope that in the days to come, you can take advantage of your containment and see it as a well deserved retirement. With how hard you've worked for the inhabitants of Huaxi Village over the years, getting some rest might do you some good.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: After the interview, SCP-2788 requested to purchase a collection of history books, claiming that it wanted to "come to terms with China's past." The request was approved by the active Site Director.
1. A record in the household registration system of the People's Republic of China.
2. No such office is known to exist.
3. Founder and first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who reigned between 1368 and 1398.
4. Lord of the Soil and the Ground.
5. An unpopular edict that mandated the adoption of the queue hairstyle by Han Chinese.
6. A city near Huaxi Village.
7. An ethnic slur against people of Japanese descent, usually translated as "Japanese devils."
8. Likely referring to the mass murder and rape of residents of Nanjing that took place between December 1937 and January 1938. |
SCP-1575 is a marble statue, standing approx. | ***
Item #: SCP-1575
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1575 is to be held in a 6m x 6m x 4m containment chamber at Bio-Site 23, with direct access to Research Laboratory 3 at same. Except when in use for testing, no water is to be allowed into SCP-1575's containment, and after testing all water used is to be held in quarantine for use in further tests.
Description: SCP-1575 is a marble statue, standing approx. 2.75m high with an additional base of 0.5m. The statue is a depiction of Venus (Roman goddess of love, beauty, fertility and seduction) clad only in wrappings from the waist downwards. The statue acts as a fountainhead; damage to the base shows that it was likely intended as a permanent installation, with a single channel running from underneath the base up through a hole in the mouth. SCP-1575 shows no anomalous properties on its own, nor do samples removed from the whole. An inscription on the base, partially obscured by the above-mentioned damage, indicates it to have been sculpted in the early 16th century for a private collection in ██████████, Italy.
Any otherwise fresh water which is allowed to pour through SCP-1575 in its nature as a fountain (henceforth referred to as SCP-1575-1) is shown to have mutagenic properties when consumed or otherwise introduced into a body; external application (including long-term submergence) does not trigger a mutation. Non-human mammalian creatures who consume at least 0.5 liters of SCP-1575-1 daily will begin mutating into a human being over the course of roughly one month, with ethnicity roughly in accordance with humans native to the species' natural habitats. For example, a European deer will have primarily Caucasian features post-mutation, while a North American deer will have features like those of Native Americans. Curiously, most modern breeds of dogs and cats will have indistinct or mixed racial features.
Survivors of this process describe it as extremely painful, and it has an approximate 25% fatality rate for females. Males experience a 95% fatality rate, with most survivors having an androgynous appearance with non-functional or completely missing genitalia. Additionally, there is a 40% chance that the animal will retain one or more pre-mutation features, such as fur, paws instead of hands and/or feet, a tail, non-human ears, etc. The final apparent age of the subject is normally in accordance to the stage of life of the creature involved (prepubescent, adolescent, adult, elderly).
It should be noticed that cases where the subject is gaining or losing a significant amount of mass, appetites and bodily functions will shift to match. Please see the attached testing logs for specific information.
After a successful mutation is completed, subjects normally display an intelligence level typical for what is considered average for their species. Several subjects have shown a somewhat increased capacity for problem solving than is considered normal for their species; whether this is due to neural restructuring or a byproduct of Foundation testing is currently unknown. Many subjects which develop proper vocal cords are able to learn to speak, but typically only with rudimentary phrases of basic needs (such as food, sleep, play, etc.) Similarly, most subjects are able to achieve full mobility within two-to-four weeks of stabilization, though manual dexterity takes far longer to perfect if the original species had simple paws or hooves.
SCP-1575-1 does not have any notable effect on a creature's personality, memories or instincts; all carry over from the individual animal's existing self despite drastic restructuring of the brain. Domesticated animals typically retain previous levels of affection for humans, though the physical and mental trauma of the mutation process often leads to cases of depression and other psychological issues.
Humans have not been observed to experience any notable effects when ingesting SCP-1575-1. Non-mammalian creatures will mutate, but due to significant physiological differences they will have a 99.9% fatality rate due to drastic and incongruous physiological differences. Only 2 non-mammalian mutations were known to have stabilized; neither had completely changed to a human form, and both were euthanized after brief study.
Addendum 1575-1: SCP-1575 was recovered from a facility named "The Miracle Farm", previously owned and operated by Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. The stated goal of the facility was to "present our clients with the finest in custom-ordered pets, prey and companions." Mobile Task Force Theta-2 ("Moreau's Morgue") was able to secure the facility, ██ on-hand personnel, █ attending clients, and ███ living specimens in various stages of mutation; only █ specimens were deemed fit for transportation and study, all others euthanized on-site. Farm personnel and clients were detained for questioning, then given class A amnestics and released. A cover story of a runaway fire was implanted in their memories before release to explain the destruction of their facility.
According to obtained records, at least ██ specimens were known to be in possession of clients of MC&D. MTF Theta-2's current mission is to track down and recover or destroy said specimens; thus far, █ have been accounted for.
Addendum 1575-2: Select testing logs
Access 1575 testing logs (Level 2 security clearance required)
Close logs
Test 1575-2
Subject: Female Japanese field mouse (Apodemus argenteus), adolescent
Result: Subject expired after twelve (12) days. Cause of death determined to be due to overall body size increasing faster than the cardiovascular system was able to supply.
Notes: Subject had undergone a 500% increase in overall size, measuring approximately 1.01 meters. Subject had been observed consuming nearly 95% total body weight per day before expiration.
Test 1575-4
Subject: Male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), preadolescent
Result: Partial transformation, stabilized after thirty (30) days.
Notes: During mutation, subject suffered severe hemorrhaging in the pelvic area. Reproductive organs atrophied, rendered asexual by end of mutation cycle. Subject maintained tail and base for antlers; however, antlers do not grow beyond nubs typical of yearling bucks. Subject's final appearance androgynous, but otherwise typical of Eastern-seaboard Native American.
Test 1575-6
Subject: Female Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), adult
Result: Subject expired after four (4) days due to cardiac arrest and failure of liver and kidneys.
Notes: Due to the subject's aggressive nature, it was kept sedated during examination. It is believed that the sedatives disrupted the normal mutation process and caused the organ failure; future subjects not to receive sedatives unless at least 80% stabilized.
Test 1575-9
Subject: Female domestic canine (Canis lupus familiaris) of mixed breed, adult
Result: Experiment aborted after six (6) days.
Notes: Subject was discovered to have a significant flea infestation as well as intestinal parasites; said parasites all were affected by SCP-1575-1. Testing procedures updated, Dr. ████ sent notice to all staff working with SCP-1575.
Test 1575-12
Subject: Female Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), preadolescent
Result: Subject expired after twenty (20) days, cause of death determined to be internal injuries suffered from extensive bone fractures.
Notes: It appears that in this case, the subject's skeleton was not able to change at such a speed as to match the rest of the body; differing muscle functions and the stresses of the mutation caused over 60% of the skeletal structure to break in various manners. Curiously, the extremities of the wings had already begun to split and appeared to have been forming into crude hand analogs.
Test 1575-15
Subject: Female grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis), adult
Result: Mutation complete, stabilized after thirty-two (32) days.
Notes: Subject did not consume any food or drink besides SCP-1575-1 during the first twenty-nine days of mutation; subject's excreta shown to contain excessive amounts of organic material, fatty deposits, blood, etc.
Test 1575-16
Subject: Female Grévy's zebra (also Imperial Zebra, Equus grevyi), adolescent
Result: Partial transformation, stabilized after twenty-seven (27) days.
Notes: Subject's main body, hind legs and most of its head shifted to human with an appearance of native African, while front legs and jaw structure remained most normal for a zebra. Subject showed extreme distress, difficulty of movement and impairment while eating, euthanized after thorough examinations.
Addendum 1575-3: Notice from Dr. ████ regarding a minor containment breach involving SCP-1575:
Following the incident on the twelfth of this month, during test 1575-9, any animal to be used in testing with SCP-1575 is to be thoroughly examined for both external and internal parasites. Our initial beliefs that SCP-1575-1 only affected the primary host has proven wrong; it apparently retains its mutagenic properties, even when ingested secondarily through the host's lower GI tract or blood stream. We absolutely do not need another instance of half-mutated flea-creatures, and the psychologist is having a hard time helping Janet with her nightmares of a seven foot long tapeworm with a screaming face tearing out of the belly of a dog.
- Dr. ████ |
SCP-5187 is a standard cognitohazard. | ***
Item #: SCP-5187
Clearance: 2/Memetic - 4/General
Note: The General Clearance was increased, to prevent Miscommunications from accessing this file.
Object Class: Archived
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5187 is to be researched using Standard Procedure, by the First Memetics Department.
Description: SCP-5187 is a standard cognitohazard. SCP-5187 is carried in a photograph and causes subjects to experience a mix of longing and fear of something they deem vast and outside of their understanding when looking at it. SCP-5187 can only take effect when the subject is outside.
Note: The fact that it only works outside suggests a poorer quality of production.
Discovery: The photograph of SCP-5187 was pinned to a side wall in Manhatten, New York when it was noticed by PANOPTICON1 and marked as a potential cognitohazard. The local Containment Team was ordered to retrieve the photo and bring it to the nearest Memetic Department Site.
Effect Test:
Exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
10 D-Class with Naval background
All D-Class felt inspired to sail again
Exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
5 D-Class with astronomical background (Scarcity of resource)
All but one D-Class described both longing and fear to go to space
Longterm exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
1 D-Class with astronomical background
Subject described the fear of a scientific breakthrough.
Exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
10 D-Class with artistic background
D-Class described various fears. Additionally, all D-Class felt motivated to produce more art
Exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
10 D-Class selected for their lack of creativity
No significant deviation from the Control Group
Longterm exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
10 D-Class selected for their lack of creativity
All D-Class expressed fear towards various minor hobbies
Exposure to SCP-5187 outdoors
10 tainted2 randomly selected D-Class
Standard effects were reduced by roughly 50%
Note: Other departments have drastically decreased their D-Class usage, preventing us from transferring ours to them anymore. If we do not want to rely solely on tainted D-Class, efforts should be made to increase D-Class usage back to its former level.
Creative Analysis: (Written by one of the test subjects)
I know there were other parts, but it was the darkness on that photo that really pulled me in. It was like that night, back when I still went stargazing, with a night so clear you can see the distance of the stars. The depths between them. It's one of those things a camera can never really capture. Because the camera does not understand the sheer endless gap that connects one celestial to the other. But our heart does. And I am drawn to that hole, the vacuum antithetical to life; I want to fill it with just the most minuscule of motion and get trapped in its freedom far and wide from any help.
Note: Is creative analysis in this age still necessary? It's the only stain on an otherwise clean procedure.
Scientific Analysis:
Portion of SCP-5187
Likelihood of Embodiment3
The longing for somewhere else
Cosmic horror
The Flow
Existential Dread
Fight or Flight
Background Concepts
The photograph conveys the concept of SCP-5187 with a purity4 of roughly 51%.
Note: In response to the message we received. Notes in the document are the best way of documentation and communication. It is not our concern that smaller departments prefer more inconvenient methods, like embedding e-mails into the article.
Due to its focus on art inspiration and the low purity of cognitohazard conveyance, it is assumed that SCP-5187 was created by an individual associating with GoI-0267 ("Are We Cool Yet?"), since work of this quality is in accordance with this GOI's more rudimentary cognitohazard creation.
A meme was constructed, to instil the idea in the subject to visit a designated meeting point in Manhattan. This meme was constructed in a way that will most likely only affect individuals associating with the themes of SCP-5187 and GOI-0267.
The local containment team has been instructed to observe the meeting point. The meme has been released to the public to catch the subject.
Note: This containment team seems to fulfill our standards. Should we order a reassignment?
A separate team of First Memetic Department researchers has been tasked with reproducing SCP-5187 based solely on the concepts SCP-5187 is made of. The team did not have access to SCP-5187.
After 2 weeks the team was able to reproduce a version of SCP-5187. Additionally, the conveyance purity could be increased by 32%, and Background Concepts reduced by 9%. This version of SCP-5187 now requires at least Level 3 Memetic Resistance for full neutralization.
As expected the creator of the first version of SCP-5187 arrived at the designated meeting point and was apprehended. An interview was deemed unnecessary. The subject was amnesticized and released to the public.
This file is archived since all research has been completed. All information about SCP-5187 can now be found in the concept and cognitohazard repository under NOO-745933.
Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message!
To: First Memetics Department
From: Explanation and Research Department
Subject: Reexplaining Project: SCP-5187
As part of the Reexplaining Project, my department is proposing reopening research into SCP-5187. ExaRD has filed SCP-5187 as a "potential anomaly". In its current state, this file does not provide sufficient evidence for anomalous behaviour. The observed reactions can easily be attributed to normal emotional responses, which may or may not be the intention of the artist. At the very least more creative analysis should be considered.
Director Weld
To: Explanation and Research Department
From: First Memetics Department
Subject: Re:Reexplaining Project: SCP-5187
There is no reason for reopening the archived file of NOO-745933. The research was completed using Standard Procedure, no further action is required. The paranormal science of memetics is completely understood, but recognizing its nuances requires a certain expertise in this field. We therefore highly suggest not to take any further inquiries into memetic SCP-Objects in general. Such actions might compromise your department's usefulness to the Foundation.
1. The Foundation's worldwide surveillance system.
2. D-Class that developed a memetic resistance due to extended exposure to cognitohazards
3. Measures the probability of how likely the average viewer will associate the specific concept with the photograph
4. Measures how little the Cognitohazard is tainted with other non-relevant concepts. A higher purity will also increase the strength of the cognitohazard's effect. |
SCP-1722 is a branch of white oak measuring approximately 1. | ***
Item #: SCP-1722
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1722 is to be housed in a standard storage locker within Site 19. No further security measures are necessary.
No written records or computers are permitted within the testing chamber outside of pre-approved testing materials. All data is to be transcribed from video after testing is completed. If tests require that a camera be brought within SCP-1722’s area of effect, staff overseeing testing are to communicate in American Sign Language.
Description: SCP-1722 is a branch of white oak measuring approximately 1.7 meters in length. SCP-1722 is decorated with various acrylic paints, colored duct tape, strips of leather, and feathers of the Canada goose (Branta canadensis). A partially completed string bracelet is attached to the item. Removed decorations have no anomalous properties of their own.
When SCP-1722 is held by a human subject, the contents of all physical and digital documents within a five-meter radius will be permanently altered to contain handwritten commentary and proofreading notes, often in sufficient quantity to hinder the reading of the document. Video footage and audio recordings will be altered by the addition of a voice providing commentary, similar to edits made to texts. This voice is that of an adult male, estimated to be approximately 60 years of age.
No information contained within affected records will be deleted, and likewise no information will be added. Handwriting, vocabulary, syntax is consistent across all alterations.
Addendum-01: Notable commentary:
A speech written by ███████ ██████████, an 18th-century member of the British parliament.
Look, now, you’re on the right track here, but just think about what you’re saying. Stomping down on the colonists is just going to get ugly for all parties involved. Best option would be to keep them as a semi-autonomous district, with a locally elected official serving as regional governor, accompanied by a second position who serves as representative in parliament. Also, knock it off with those curly fs. They’re annoying as shit to read.
An excerpt of “Immersion Deeps”, a fanfiction.
This is the fifth apostrophe I’ve had to place in THIS FUCKING PARAGRAPH. You know what? Fuck it. I’m not reading this any more. [The remaining 71 pages are unedited.]
A recording of an infomercial for “Handy Helping Hampers”
Who the hell can’t store their own clothing? Like, are you literally so incompetent with those gigantic meaty lobster claws you call hands that you can’t figure out how to store and fold your own clothing? Really?
Ehhhh…two for twenty’s a pretty good deal, when you think about it. Maybe I can give ‘em to someone for Christmas.
Smashmaster!, a single-issue comic book
Wait what? Wait, what? Why is he doing this? Why is she doing that? What’s wrong with his arm? What’s wrong with her boobs? Who paid for this? Who paid money to read this? Why are they wearing tights in the arctic? Did this guy ever go to art school? What does this monologue even MEAN? Why does this exist? WHY?
A United States 1040 income tax form
You know what would be great? A flat rate sales tax. You get more tax revenue due to the lack of exceptions, it's already graded for wealth levels, and you get to gut ALL of the IRS.
Oh wait, America.
Sultan of Spice, a romance novel.
A recording of “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan
[Voice sings along throughout the entire song. Voice is notably off-tune. The singing is occasionally interrupted by interjections “Yeah!” “You tell ‘em, Bob!”]
Prince Hamlet’s soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 2 of Hamlet.
French art-house film Joyeux Fromage
[Entire commentary is in fluent French, criticizing the writing and acting, though praising the imagery.]
A video recording of SCP-1722 experiments.
Oh look, it’s a guy with a stick. Wonderful, wonderful. Another guy walks in, “Hey Bob, how’s it going?” “Oh, you know, just holding this stick here.” “Oh really that sounds interesting! Here, hold this book.” “Gee wiz, Frank, now I’m holding both a stick and a book and aaaaaaaaaaaargh do something already! |
SCP-1419 is a television signal. | ***
Item #: SCP-1419
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The signal which SCP-1419 is broadcast upon is continually jammed by the Foundation. Broadcasts of SCP-1419 are to be recorded by Foundation personnel upon transmission. All recorded broadcasts of SCP-1419 are located in the Media Storage Vault of Site-12 and may be accessed by Level 3 or above researchers, as well as Level 2 researchers assigned to catalog the records.
Current efforts to discover any privately owned copies of SCP-1419 are headed by Dr. Lemens and Agent Dan Brooks. Any individual found to possess a recording of SCP-1419 is to be given a Class-A amnestic after questioning by Foundation personnel. To date, over twenty-six (26) private copies of SCP-1419 have been discovered and taken into Foundation custody. It is unknown how the owners managed to locate or record the broadcast.
Description: SCP-1419 is a television signal. In a majority of cases (85%), the signal will display static. However, the static will occasionally be replaced with religious programming, including sermons, religious rites and funerals. While several of the religions shown appear to be similar to current or ancient faiths (see Addendum 1419-4), a majority bear little or no resemblance to any known theology.
Records indicate the signal is owned by a corporation named "Learning With God". In multiple interviews with employees of the station which originally owned the signal, it was discovered that the only contact between the original owners and "Learning With God" was through e-mails. The papers regarding the signal's ownership were faxed to a non-existent number, and were sent back signed by a "Mr. Discodei" the following morning. When questioned about contacting the federal government during the transaction, the original owner stated that the idea "never came to mind". It is unknown how the transfer occurred, as typical broadcast license transfers require government approval. Possible mind-affecting qualities of SCP-1419 are being investigated.
SCP-1419 Broadcast Record Log
– hide block
Log 1419-1:
Summary of Broadcast
Further Information
Presentation of a sermon delivered by a man of Polynesian descent. The man speaks about the "sin of guidance", encouraging parents to allow their children to act on their own in life. The man cites an apparently holy book multiple times, though he does not directly name the book. The camera occasionally cuts to audience members, a majority of whom are dressed in a formal fashion and also of Polynesian descent, though there are several who are of Australian Aboriginal descent.
First recorded broadcast on SCP-1419.
The broadcast opens in a large, white room. The area lacks any notable features or furniture/decoration. Over the course of one (1) hour, five (5) men enter the room at twelve (12) minute intervals each. While in the room, the men bend their knee and face away from the camera. Each man places a small statue of a killer whale (Orcinus orca), then leaves.
No additional information.
There is no visual component to the signal, which displays a black screen. A female voice can be heard speaking. The audio is extremely quiet, and occasionally becomes silent. The language used bears similarities to the Hessian dialect of Middle High German, though due to major differences, only a portion has been translated by the Foundation.
Several phrases in the broadcast are very similar or identical to lines from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
The camera is placed in the back of a crowded church, identified by Foundation architects as San Jeronimo el Real (Saint Jerome Royal Church) in Madrid. The church's architecture possesses notable alterations, including several side rooms not present in the actual cathedral. The first section of the program is a Christmas Day Sermon by a Native American man identified as "Father Pachacutec" by a large banner inside the church. The priest's sermon describes the birth of Jesus Christ in a notably different manner than traditional Christianity, involving the death of Mary and Joseph, as well as the ritual slaughter of several animals. (see Document 1419-34, "Transcript of Christmas 1981 Broadcast" for full speech). The speaker then leads the crowd outside to a stadium. The signal ended at this point, returning to static.
Please refer to Document 1419-34 for further information.
The setting is a standard Roman Catholic church in a state of extreme disrepair. There are multiple frames for stained glass windows, many of which are broken or missing. Several pews are overturned, and the building appears to suffer from fire damage. The only individual inside is a young woman dressed in a robe similar to those worn by Dominican monks. The woman is praying in front of the altar. There is a large cross on the altar, with two more axes added diagonally, resulting in a shape resembling an asterisk. The camera zooms in on the woman's hands, which are moving along a Möbius strip in a similar manner to rosary beads.
No further information.
A continuation of the broadcast from the same date in the previous year. The stadium is filled with several thousand people, many of whom are visibly intoxicated. The center of the arena is occupied by a large stone and a man tied to it. The man is armed with an airsoft gun, and proceeds to fight several other men dressed in robes and holding machetes. The broadcast ends when the "sacrifice" victim is killed.
The ceremony presented is very similar to that performed by Aztecs in honor of Xipe Totec1. See Addendum 1419-1 for further information.
A group of African men are gathered around a large fire. Above the fire is a rotating pole, which has impaled a large bird. The bird, similar in appearance to a harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja), is estimated at four (4) meters in length. The men proceed to carve and eat the bird, before performing a traditional Islamic salah.2
No additional information.
A large crowd is gathered on a beach, led by a woman wearing a plague doctor's mask3 as well as a suit and tie. She sits in a plastic chair, and begins to read from a large, leather-bound book. The woman's voice is clear, despite the mask on her face. The language used throughout her monologue bears similarities to both Arabic and French, though the transcript has yet to be translated (refer to Document 1419-57 for full available record). After reading, the woman leads the crowd into the ocean, which appears to be a shade of orange.
Last broadcast before "dark period" of over a decade, where static was constant. Refer to Addendum 1419-2 for further information.
A group of children are in a trench which extends off camera into the distance. There are several Stars of David carved in the trench. After forty-five (45) minutes, a man climbs down from above the trench and begins to read from a noticeably aged paper scroll. The scroll is visible to the camera, and written in Hebrew. Foundation translators have determined a portion of the scroll is a copy of Micah 3:1-4, which denounced the leaders of Israel for cannibalism and the prophets for corruption.
Most recent broadcast. See Addendum 1419-3 for further information.
Addendum 1419-1: On February 7th, 1983, Foundation operatives in Oaxaca, Mexico received reports of a police raid on a cult suspected of human sacrifice. Said cult was routinely offering gifts to traditional Mesoamerican gods, and recently held a festival in honor of the god Xipe Totec. During the festival, a tourist was kidnapped and forced to engage in a mock battle with cult members. The tourist survived and was freed by the group. The former captive then went to the authorities, leading to the raid.
The incident, due to its odd nature, was initially brought to Foundation attention. Recent review of SCP-1419 has led researchers to suspect a connection between the December 25th broadcast of 1982 and the cult incident. Further investigation is currently underway.
Addendum 1419-2: Shortly after the February 18th, 1994 broadcast was aired (10 P.M.), Foundation contacts at medical centers across the West Coast began receiving a large number of patients who attempted suicide by drowning. The total number of individuals who attempted suicide was seven hundred fifty six (756), eighty two (82) of whom succeeded. The survivors could provide no reasoning for their actions, and were released following standard medical treatment. As of the writing of this document, the event is considered anomalous, but not definitely linked to SCP-1419.
Addendum 1419-3: Several Foundation researchers and agents noted that on June 18th and 19th, 2011, a large number of synagogues and churches in New York City were focusing on the Book of Micah, specifically, the section shown in the most recent broadcast. When questioned, the priests and rabbis failed to provide a reason for their choice, stating that they felt it was appropriate. All interviewed subjects were given Class-C amnestics, and the incident is under investigation.
Addendum 1419-4: Foundation researchers have noticed similarities between the religions shown in SCP-1419 broadcasts and modern Roman Catholicism, as well as Mesoamerican faiths, early forms of Japanese Shintoism, and Khoisan4 mythology.
1. Aztec god of agriculture, also known as the "flayed god".
2. Daily form of prayer directed towards Mecca.
3. During the outbreak of the Bubonic Plague in the 14th century, many doctors wore masks resembling bird beaks. The beak held strong herbs used to prevent miasma ("bad air"), and indicated the doctor's profession.
4. A group of indigenous people of Southern Africa, often referred to as "Bushmen". |
SCP-1353 is a given label to a group of animate needle-felted sculptures closely resembling members of the class Chilopoda (centipedes). | ***
Item #: SCP-1353
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1353 are to be kept in the same room, but stored separately in sealed plastic tubs. Tubs are to be labeled in accordance with each instance. SCP-1353 instances are to be handled only while wearing full-body protective wear. Individuals may only interact with one another for purposes of experimentation.
SCP-1353-A are to be kept in standard humanoid containment chambers. They are to be denied access to any toys, music, books and other recreational items older than 12 calendar months unless in controlled lab circumstances but are to be otherwise treated as a normal human in containment. SCP-1353-A are permitted access to psychiatric medication upon request in order to mitigate emotional response. They also must keep a daily record of their awareness of SCP-1353 in a journal. These records should be added to Document-1353-01 on a weekly basis. Should the SCP-1353-A population exceed more than 5, the oldest and least healthy are to be culled and remains cremated immediately after culling.
There is to be no skin contact with SCP-1353 or SCP-1353-A instances without permission of level 4 or higher personnel.
Description: SCP-1353 is a given label to a group of animate needle-felted sculptures closely resembling members of the class Chilopoda (centipedes). Instances of SCP-1353 vary in color and size, typically bearing at least twenty pairs of legs and a pair of functional eyes. Typically, adults can range from 30 to 50 centimeters in length and are on average 2 centimeters in width. SCP-1353 is capable of breeding, but only adult instances are able to create SCP-1353-A. Specimens have been typically found in urban environments, with exceptions as a result of interaction with trucks and other human transportation.
SCP-1353 displays nocturnal behavior and will actively seek out sleeping humans to turn into SCP-1353-A via dermal exposure. Once contact is made, a specimen will use its forcipules to create an incision and enter the human. These forcipules generate a venom that works as a local anesthetic and thus the incisions will usually go unnoticed until the specimen has thoroughly embedded itself under the skin. Once embedded, the specimen will continue to move underneath the skin but will not cause tissue damage; it is hypothesized that SCP-1353 is capable of creating a minor spatial anomaly to achieve this effect. Approximately 1 week after embedding, SCP-1353 will no longer be seen underneath the skin and is assumed to enter a dormant state inside of the host's abdominal cavity. Humans hosting an SCP-1353 instance are collectively referred to as SCP-1353-A. SCP-1353-A report being aware of hosting SCP-1353 instances but do not usually report pain apart from injuries caused by initial entry.
Hosts continue to function as normal human beings, with the only exception being when presented with any stimulation that invokes feelings of nostalgia. If SCP-1353-A experience nostalgia of any kind, the hosted SCP-1353 instance will re-activate and continue its movements at random inside the body. This re-activation time has been reported to last at least 15 minutes and at most 5 hours. SCP-1353-A are acutely aware of the presence and movement of their hosted SCP-1353; they will express moderate to extreme discomfort at the re-activation. SCP-1353-A are known to react violently to nostalgia as a result of this, but may eventually adapt to deprive themselves of the emotion.
Addendum-04/25/20██: An outbreak of SCP-1353-A was reported to Foundation personnel in the city of Austin, Texas, United States of America. Investigation into the outbreak uncovered the source of a population of SCP-1353, currently theorized to have been purposefully planted. A single metal box was found as the source of the assumed planted population, containing the following note. Inquiry into potential suspects are currently ongoing.
congratuLations you found my box, friend!
i am giving to this city lOts of friends to mend
these furry friends that i'Ve made lovE you, though they hide
and they will gladly hUg you from the inSide!
Addendum-1353-A-19: The following is a personal log from SCP-1353-A-19, a 47-year-old female of African American descent. SCP-1353-A-19 reports to have been host to its SCP-1353 instance for the past ██ years, despite having only been under Foundation custody for the past █.
I used to try and tough out the feeling. I thought that I could get used to it.
It's like a cat in your lap with its claws dug in until there are little pricks all in your stomach and legs, and then it climbs in and you feel its fur rubbing against the wrong side of your skin. Every leg taps alongside each other and you can feel every thread as it pushes itself a little tunnel inside you. Why did this happen to me? I just woke up thinking about some man with kind eyes I saw down the street the day before, how he touched my arm and said he was sorry before walking off. Same place that morning I felt it on me. I could see the little bumps of its segments as bulges in my skin as it pushed itself up my shoulder and watched it climb down my back in the mirror. It went into my belly and then it made itself at home in me.
And now, every time I'm reminded, it reminds me that it's still there. I can feel its little felty legs. Sometimes it crawls upside down inside me, so I feel the legs instead of the fur on the wrong side of my skin. Most of the time though, whenever I'm reminded, I can feel it rubbing and crawling along my intestines. Every thread, antennae, even the little bulge of its eyes.
Today I felt it crawl up inside my neck, back against my trachea and legs against the artery. It shimmied up to the back of my neck and started shuffling against my skull. The skin was really stretched up there and I figured it might've gotten stuck once or twice. Really though the worst part was that I could kind of hear it when it circled near one of my temples. It sounded like really quiet brushing or swishing against the bone as it crept along. I think its fangs scraped a little, too.
You never get used to it. You just learn to avoid what makes it go. |
SCP-1727 is a ███ ███████ brand portable car wash, manufactured in 1999. | ***
Item #: SCP-1727
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1727 is to be contained in a high-capacity containment vault, located in Site-77's Safe SCP wing. A pool large enough to encompass the mass of vehicles used in testing is to be kept in this containment chamber, being maintained daily by Foundation personnel. The area SCP-1727 was discovered in has been purchased by Foundation front organizations, with all nearby buildings being demolished.
Description: SCP-1727 is a ███ ███████ brand portable car wash, manufactured in 1999. The exterior is painted blue, with a logo for the non-existent "CRSHCRS1 Corporation" printed on the sides. SCP-1727's interior components match those found in other ███ ███████ brand portable car washes.
When a vehicle enters SCP-1727, it will be cleaned normally by SCP-1727's components. The driver can select from several options to change the way their vehicle will be cleaned. A button at the bottom is labeled "Open-Sub cleaning", which costs twice as much as the other options. If the last option is selected, cleaning instruments will hold the vehicle in place, and the roof portion of SCP-1727 will open via an unknown mechanism. Following this, the vehicle will be catapulted upward, at an angle. SCP-1727 will then dispense a receipt with a personalized message.
Access Example Documentation
Access Granted
A quick job done well-Just as the customer likes it.
High up and all clean, buffed by fluffy clouds.
That was close. But exciting!
Vehicles launched by SCP-1727 will continue being propelled through the air until they pass a source of water large enough to enclose them. Note that these vehicles do not follow a normal arc, but will continue moving through the air at the same speed until a suitable water source is located. These can be locations such as oceans, lakes, rivers, aquifers, or bodies such as swimming pools, fish tanks, and clouds. Using SCP-1872 will not affect a vehicle's trajectory or velocity. After reaching their destinations, vehicles will decelerate normally. Drivers do not typically survive impact.
SCP-1727 was discovered after reports of vehicles hurtling through clouds were reported by passengers on a civilian aircraft. Initially classified as an Extranormal Event, further investigation was conducted after reports of a vehicle impacting the ███████ military testing course reached Foundation assets in the U.S army. A cover story regarding local pranksters was disseminated, with SCP-1727 being classified as Safe on 11/17/2000.
Incident 1727-1: During testing on 11/16/2002, a vehicle launched by SCP-1727 was not found. No report matching SCP-1727's effect have been found, and as of 4/14/2009 has not reappeared. The receipt message printed by SCP-1727 has been made available in this report.
1. Denoting a possible connection with SCP-1894 |
SCP-3039 is a set of 34 contained instances of a paperback novel, titled An Antiquated Guide to Avoiding Writer’s Block. | ***
Item #: SCP-3039
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Any copies of SCP-3039 are kept in a sealed, opaque storage locker at Site-39. Newly discovered instances are to be retrieved by agents who have been immunized to SCP-3039’s effect. Affected civilians are to read an instance of SCP-3039 to completion before amnestization in order to assure both removal and immunization to SCP-3039's effect.
Description: SCP-3039 is a set of 34 contained instances of a paperback novel, titled An Antiquated Guide to Avoiding Writer’s Block. There is a high possibility of thousands more instances currently uncontained. The author, R. Sebastian, designated PoI-2665, has authored several other anomalies; attempts to track and capture this person are ongoing. The contents of the object are suspected to be highly saturated with infohazards, due to the nature of the object. themselves non-anomalous. The cover features a cognitohazardous image of a nondescript, grey rectangular prism. Upon viewing the image, any exposed parties will be affected by the manifestation of SCP-3039-1.
SCP-3039-1 are rectangular prisms identical to the one depicted by SCP-3039’s cover. Instances of SCP-3039-1 appear whenever an afflicted party (the subject) attempts to record data in any physical fashion. The objects consistently manifest in a location that disallows the subject from recording said information, appearing covering a keyboard when attempting to type or obscuring a paper when attempting to write. Once manifested, SCP-3039-1 are unable to be shifted or damaged, and only dematerialize once the subject ceases attempts to record. Once a subject is under SCP-3039’s effect, no method of removing the effect has proven effective at removing it. See Experiment Log 3039.
Sustained interaction with SCP-3039-1 has proven deleterious to mental health, causing intense enmity and irrationality in subjects. This is theorized to be an additional effect of SCP-3039-1, and not human reaction to the anomaly, due to the extreme shifts in the typical composure of several test subjects.
During the first retrieval, 22 personnel were affected by the object before its effects were fully comprehended.
Experiment Log 3039
Close Experiment Log 3039
Listed are several notable experiments. For the full log, see Document 3039.6.
Experiment 1:
Procedure: Agent Coffey is amnesticized for the past 24 hours.
Result: Agent loses all knowledge of past 24 hours. SCP-3039-1 continue to manifest.
Researcher Notes: Evidently SCP-3039-1 aren't triggered by memory of their appearance. -Researcher Florence
Note: Researcher Teals, one of the first afflicted personnel, has volunteered to join research team. Due to his training with cognitohazards, personal investment, and low value of risk involved, he will be the primary test subject for the foreseeable future. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 15:
Procedure: Subject exposed to a cognitohazard created specifically in an attempt to nullify SCP-3039.
Result: SCP-3039-1 continue to manifest.
Researcher Notes: The results of this experiment and of past experiments appear to show that the effect of SCP-3039 is unable to be removed. In accordance with this school of thought, in order to reassume partial value to affected Foundation assets, the experimentation will focus on circumventing instances of SCP-3039-1 rather than complete neutralization. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 21:
Procedure: Subject attempts to write upon paper. After initial manifestation, the subject shifts the paper and attempts to write upon it once again
Result: SCP-3039-1 manifest initially as expected. When the object is shifted, the instance remains suspended and does not demanifest. The subject attempted to write again, at this point, a new instance of SCP-3039-1 manifested. This effect continued for each shift until the subject ceased attempts to record, at which all instances dematerialized.
Researcher Notes: It’s almost mocking, no? Testing for sentience is under consideration. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 29:
Procedure: Subject attempts to film himself in order to log experiments without assistance.
Result: SCP-3039-1 do not manifest initially. However, upon viewing the recording, SCP-3039-1 obscures view of the subject, and the audio track is replaced with silence. Notably, a recording logged incidentally by the subject, without intent to store information, was free of any changes.
Researcher Notes: It appears intent is the main proponent of SCP-3039-1 manifestation. While it is assumed that SCP-3039-1 will manifest even with external intent as the driving force, this property will be further tested. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 37:
Procedure: Subject attempts to call Researcher Florence on provided phone in order to report the results of several previous experiments.
Result: Subject is unable to transmit any audio to Researcher Florence. However, Researcher Florence is able to relay audio to the subject without issue.
Researcher Notes: Even relay of information to other people is restricted. However, the subject was not prevented from dialing the number or from talking. With the crux of intent in mind, this experiment will be modified slightly and subsequently tested. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 38:
Procedure: Subject attempts to call Researcher Florence on provided phone and speak a string of random words followed by information on previous experiments.
Result: Subject said, "Donkey, watermelon, crime, horse, battery." This portion of the audio was successfully transmitted. Upon switching content of the words spoken, no further audio was transmitted. Before the closing of the experiment, the subject repeated the previous word sequence. The audio was successfully transmitted.
Researcher Notes: This further solidifies the idea of intent being the effect's basis, but shows that information containing no actual information is still able to communicated. -Researcher Florence
Note: Researcher Teals has been showing signs of extreme anxiety since Experiment 38. While his varied attempts to circumvent SCP-3039-1 are commendable, and his current progress is far from nominal, I’m recommending that he be reassigned for a short period of time. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 44:
Procedure: Subject opens SCP-3039’s storage locker and inflicts significant damage to several instances with an axe while screaming counter cognitohazard, “[EXPLETIVE] you, you [EXPLETIVE], blocky [EXPLETIVE]. Let me [EXPLETIVE] write, you [EXPLETIVE]!” This course of action was unauthorized by necessary personnel.
Result: SCP-3039-1 continue to manifest. Cursory checks were performed on other afflicted subjects, SCP-3039-1 continue to manifest. Possibility of additional effects added to SCP-3039-1’s description.
Researcher Notes: Researcher Teals has been reprimanded for unprofessionalism and has been taken off the SCP-3039 research team for 2 weeks. Reprimand aside, this incident shows the anomaly has no degree of sentience as previously theorized, and that the effect is only provoked under certain circumstances. -Researcher Florence
Experiment 53:
Procedure: Researcher suggests that initial qualms of further infohazards being contained within the object may be unfounded, and offered to test it as a last resort. Subject reads through the entirety of the SCP-3039.
Result: SCP-3039 yields no information on dispelling its effects. However, upon further testing, manifestations of SCP-3039-1 no longer occur. Subsequent exposure to SCP-3039’s cover displays the subject is immune to further affliction.
Researcher Notes: This feels so good to put into the written word. Thank you for [EXPUNGED], you [EXPLETIVE] bricks. -Researcher Teals
Researcher Teals has been reprimanded for unprofessionalism.
Transcript of SCP-3039
Close Transcript
Listed are several excerpts from SCP-3039.
I would like to thank and wish good luck to both the sorry sap who saw the cover and the Brother, for the inspiration to create.
Page 1:
Here begins a journey. A chapter in your life. Or thirty chapters. So. You think that reading this is gonna help you? I don't think that it will. Or do I? Does it matter? You’ll look through this book eventually. Might as well waste your time now than later. Here lies the story of the reader vs. the book. The writer vs. the block. The moron vs. the essence of futility. Etcetera. A battle of wills, a struggle for the ages! Nah. It's you reading a book that you're convinced will help with your… situation.
Page 320:
You little scamp. Already a third into the book. So confident and hopeful. Good. I like hope. It looks so glorious crushed into the ground. Not really, as it's not even a physical object, but I like to imagine that it does. Chaos is a beauty in spite of itself. Brother, does it look good. Keep reading to have your hopes nice and killed. Oops, did I mention something being killed? You won't be killed. Pinky promise.
Page 756:
You probably wanna know why reading this book hasn't killed you yet. Because you have to suffer and waste your time before you die, obviously. I kid. Or so I say. I planned to place encouragement to read more, maybe even an actual story, but an inspirational friend told me that good PR couldn't and wouldn't bring enough eyes to the page. That people like you wouldn't care unless something caused a ruckus. And death wouldn't cause a ruckus, cause you’d be dead, right? Seems odd that I’m telling you this. Huh. Maybe I’m making all this up to get you to finish this book. You’re almost done with this thing, quitting now would be foolish, right? Or is quitting while you're ahead (and not dead, for rhyming’s sake) the better option?
Page 975:
Here’s the penultimate stop on the train. You’ve almost done it! But what will completing this thing do? I’ve told you that it’ll do nothing for you. Then I told you that I wanted you to read the book. Which one is the truth? Is either one the truth? What if kills you? What if it cures you? What if what I said first was true and it does nothing? Are you fucking brave enough to find out?
Page 976:
Oh look. It’s the end of the journey. The final page. Look. I’ve said some things I regret. I lied. I don't regret it. The Brother has another read, and I have a bigger wallet. You? You’ve wasted several hours of your time. You’ve been mocked and ridiculed for 976 pages. Go ahead. Tell your friends. The magical book that made you read it to stop the blocks from manifesting. You don't have proof though! No picture, no video, no writing. They’ll think you’re insane! So show them. Prove that you aren't insane. Or is it insane that you might force your friend through your experience? Or will you go insane from not telling anyone? Moral dilemma, right?
During rehabilitation from a civilian outbreak, one civilian attempted to read the last page of SCP-3039 first. Upon further testing, not reading every page of the anomaly to completion results in the same occurrence.
Page 976:
Sorry. The cure is not in this page. |
SCP-4368 is a prosthetic adult human eye with a blue iris, composed solely of medical-grade plastic acrylic. | ***
Item #: SCP-4368
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4368 is suspended within a zero-gravity cage inside a Site-64 storage locker.
Description: SCP-4368 is a prosthetic adult human eye with a blue iris, composed solely of medical-grade plastic acrylic.
Approximately 18 times per minute, SCP-4368 spontaneously generates and subsequently collapses a localized wormhole, designated SCP-4368-1, which matches its approximate circumference. SCP-4368 cannot be observed while SCP-4368-1 is present. SCP-4368-1 has a measurable effect on spacetime, though the severity of this effect appears to be minor as long as sustained physical contact with SCP-4368 is avoided.
Along with SCP-4368-1, SCP-4368 exhibits a variety of relatively predictable behaviors, noted in the test log below.
4368-001, 2019/07/16: Light sensitivity.
D-15002 is instructed to grasp SCP-4368 in her right index finger and thumb and to raise it toward the test chamber's overhead lamp. SCP-4368-1 increases dramatically in frequency and duration. The test is concluded after D-15002 complains of severe discomfort in her fingers. Medical examination reveals the loss of epidermal and dermal layers of skin. After the test, SCP-4368-1 returns to baseline frequency and duration.
4368-002, 2019/07/17: Oral stimulation.
D-14051 attempts to converse with SCP-4368. SCP-4368's iris turns toward D-14051 during speech, but is otherwise unresponsive regardless of tone or substance.
4368-003-01, 2019/07/21: Visual stimulation.
D-15065 waves a pencil back and forth within SCP-4368's field of view. During initial testing, SCP-4368 successfully follows the pencil's movement for an extended duration. Future tests are less successful; by test iteration 4368-003-06, SCP-4368 ignores the pencil entirely. SCP-4368 now turns away from any D-class personnel who enter the room carrying a pencil.
4368-004-01, 2019/08/12: Audiovisual stimulation.
D-14762 wheels a cart containing a Foundation-issued laptop into the room and plays a live feed of a television news channel. SCP-4368 watches the broadcast for ten minutes, then turns away. As with 4368-003, the length of SCP-4368's focus on the broadcast lessens over time; by iteration 4368-004-11, SCP-4368 will not turn to face the laptop screen.
4368-005-1, 2019/08/14: Memory retention.
D-15065 enters the room with a pencil from 003 testing placed in his breast pocket. SCP-4368-1 drops to near-undetectable frequency, and SCP-4368 tracks D-15065's movement throughout the room, but SCP-4368 is otherwise unresponsive until D-15065 leaves the room. Further 005 tests elicit no response, as with 003 testing.
4368-006-001, 2019/08/18: Complex visual stimulation.
D-15091 opens a book1 in front of SCP-4368. SCP-4368-1 frequency increases for several seconds, then slows dramatically. During this time, SCP-4368 follows lines of text on the page with its iris. After two minutes, SCP-4368-1 frequency rises again. After D-15091 is instructed to turn the page, frequency drops once more.
After the success of 4368-006-001, project lead Dr. Serling initiated a regular regimen of similar tests using a variety of texts from the Site-64 library. During the initial phase of successful 4368-006 testing, SCP-4368's general responsiveness grew tremendously, with typical behaviors including quickly turning towards any person entering the test chamber and more rapid SCP-4368-1 generation in the presence of testing personnel (until presented with a book).
NOTE: A one-page reference guide, detailing previously used books and SCP-4368's apparent literature preferences, is available at the Site-64 library's front desk. D-class personnel who assist in 4368-006 tests may select any book based on this reference guide or their own personal taste.
UPDATE, 2019/10/12: During 4368-006-503, Dr. Serling noted apparent cloudiness in and desaturation of SCP-4368's iris. This corresponded with a decrease in overall responsiveness and a marked, progressive increase in the duration of higher-frequency SCP-4368-1 generation when presented with pages from any book.
This progression culminated in the behavior change noted during test 4368-006-527:
4368-006-527, 2019/10/24.
D-15602 places a book2 in front of SCP-4368. SCP-4368-1 frequency drops to its lowest recorded level and remains there for 10 minutes. After this, SCP-4368-1 frequency returns to baseline, and SCP-4368 turns away from the book. A saline solution, designated SCP-4368-2, forms at the edges of SCP-4368. This solution dematerializes whenever SCP-4368-1 is generated and gradually reappears after SCP-4368-1 collapses.
4368-006 tests after this point have displayed minimal responsiveness and the frequent, but inconsistent, generation of SCP-4368-2. As of 4368-006-560, per Dr. Serling's recommendation, all site staff are to be reassigned from testing, and SCP-4368 is to be kept in its storage locker until a more productive line of experimentation is proposed.
Discovery: SCP-4368 was retrieved in Colby, Kansas, by a MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" team sent in response to an intercepted 9-1-1 call placed from the open-casket funeral of Mr. Henry Bemis. Following retrieval, a clean-up team administered amnestics and re-enacted the funeral service with a duplicate body.
A copy of Mr. Bemis's obituary follows for archival purposes.
HENRY "HANK" BEMIS, AGE 76, a lifelong Colby resident and librarian, died on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, at Colby General Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Mary Ann, and by a large and loving community of friends, neighbors, and library patrons.
To Colby residents, Hank Bemis and the public library were practically synonymous. Since 1981, Hank had been a fixture at the Colby Public Library, recommending his favorites — Poe, Asimov, Chandler — to young newcomers and old friends alike.
Even after glaucoma stole his sight in 2010, he and patrons alike took joy in his uncanny recollection of so many cherished tales. Through it all, Hank's grin was irrepressible, from Thursday nights in the main hall reciting "Lenore," to Mondays in the study room telling kindergartners about the glitzy life and times of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
At home, where his bookshelves nearly matched the library's, Hank was quiet but always a strong and loving presence. His warmth will forever fill the air at his and Mary Ann's home.
Though Hank's corrective lens surgery ended in tragedy, his family takes solace knowing he spent his final conscious moments filled with hope and excitement at the possibility of once more seeing the words of The Raven or The Big Sleep on the pages of his many well-tended tomes.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Colby Public Library.
1. The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Stories, by Edgar Allan Poe.
2. Moby Dick by Herman Melville, previously shown to provoke a strong response. |
SCP-5222 is a collective designation for people (sub-designation α) and objects (sub-designation β) associated with Lord Explosion's Pyrotechnic Playground and Daycare2, a Type-16 Pocket Dimension3 and Multi-Tenant Conceptual Mindscape4. | ***
Item #: SCP-5222
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the latent abilities of people and things under the SCP-5222 designation or any sub-designations thereof, containment chambers shall be highly reinforced against pressure waves and, if facilities permit, entropy set to minimum1. If entropy is not adjustable at the current site of the contained entities, please make arrangements with your site director to relocate the entities to a variable-entropy site via BOUNCE.
Any reports of ruggedly handsome men in sunglasses walking away from fiery explosions in slow motion should be cross-checked against GOI-2666.
Description: SCP-5222 is a collective designation for people (sub-designation α) and objects (sub-designation β) associated with Lord Explosion's Pyrotechnic Playground and Daycare2, a Type-16 Pocket Dimension3 and Multi-Tenant Conceptual Mindscape4. There are currently 26 different SCP-5222-α entities catalogued, and none contained. There are currently 1326 different SCP-5222-β items catalogued, and none contained.
Discovery: SCP-5222 was provisionally created by AIC.COLOSSUS5 on 2013-05-29 after Site-121 went offline with no SCUTTLE6 heartbeat7, which correlated to a concurrent spike8 in anomalous background entropy per AIC.WARHAMMER9.
The nature of the spike and rapid return to baseline did not match any known emissions signatures, and was determined with high confidence to be a Ruhiel-class Transitory Phenomenon10. MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down")11 was scrambled to the area per SCUTTLE Dead Man's Switch Protocol.
+ Addendum 5222-1 - Exploration Log, MTF Ν-7
- Addendum 5222-1 - Exploration Log, MTF Ν-7
Transcribable crew: Team Ν-7-β (132 Members), Team Ν-7-Γ (132 Members)
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Two minutes out, fellas. We're dropping to visual range. Eyes up, head on a swivel. We haven't heard shit from this site in two hours and the AIs think there's a hostile force on the ground.
Ν-7-β-13 (Cpt. M. Cotes): So, nuke didn't go off? We'd see it from the air by now.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Yeah, as far as we know, that's the case. 90 seconds, everyone. Para team, check doors.
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Check.
Ν-7-β-83 (Sgt. O. Velasquez): Ready, sir.
Ν-7-β-4 (Cpt. C. Cornell): Visual at 12 o'clock! What the fuck is all that, sir?
[Unintelligible chatter]
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Fuckin' god in heaven, it's beautiful. Let's get down there.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Command, please confirm you have visual.
Area-14 Command: Negative, Major. Your telemetry's showing high entropy levels. I can hear you but we can't see you here, sorry. Be advised, WARHAMMER believes you're already in the bubble. Please report.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Copy, that makes sense. Site-121 is not here, I think it's been displaced by—
[multiple explosions occur for approximately 27 seconds]
Area-14 Command: Swain! Fuck me, what was that? Report!
[raucous laughter, hooting and cheering]
Area-14 Command: Report! Hello? Somebody fucking tell us what's going on!
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): That was awesome.
Area-14 Command: Woods. I swear to G—
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Command, be advised Site-121 has apparently been replaced by…Lord Explosion's Pyrotechnic Playground…and Daycare?
Area-14 Command: It's what.
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Lord Explosion's Pyrotec—
Area-14 Command: I heard you, Woods. Where—Where is Major Swain?
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Right now? He's fist-bumping Velasquez.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Narc. Command, be advised this place is way better than Site-121. Bravo team is going to form up and explore.
Area-14 Command: Explor— Major, you are in a pocket dimension. We just needed to confirm the site didn't pop and leak. You need to get out of there, do you want to get fucking stuck in Lord Explosion's Pyrotechnic Playground or whatever it is forever?
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain):
Area-14 Command:
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Y—
Area-14 Command: No! So if you're going to explore, fucking hurry up!
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): It's a fucking school. Command, I have a plaque here, Lord Explosion's Explosion School, founded 1388, Bearsted, quote here, "To Better Punch Your Masters, Explode The Struggle Within". Schoolmaster, Hieronymus Dave Lord Explosion Bearpuncher. What a name.
Area-14 Command: Copy, 1. Give us a minute to cross-check all that. Hier— Hieronymus Dave?
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Affirmative, command. Hieronymus Dave Bearpuncher.
Area-14 Command: Some people's parents, man…hey, we got a partial. Dave Bearpuncher, prime POI for GOI-2666, Bearpuncher Solutions. Uh…okay, this may not be the right one, there's nothing going back to 1388, but this Dave apparently gets up to some weird shit so, maybe? Pocket dimensions and all, that matches. Says he claims to have…invented Thursday? Had a big cover-up operation that Damn Feds had to do after Bearpuncher Solutions appeared on the NASDAQ selling Service as a Service. If this is your guy, he's got a shitload of brothers, too. So, some kind of Type Green with an explosion school.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Badass.
Area-14 Command: …Yeah.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): So, command, we've got a directory here. The place is shaped…well, like an old-timey bomb, like a cartoon bomb, with a little garden for the wick, it looks like. Let's see here, we've got Explosionology, Explosionography, History of Explosions, Explosion Appreciation, Theoretical Explosions, Lil' Sploder's Daycare…why's there a fucking daycare? Uh, then we've got Applied Explosions, this one just says Explosions but in big all-caps letters, Walking Away From Explosions In Slow-Motion, Team-Based Holistic Exploding Leadership, Expl—
Area-14 Command: We get it, Major.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): Yeah there's a lot more.
Area-14 Command: Major, you may as well check the back, while you're there. The garden area you mentioned, that doesn't sound right.
Ν-7-β-1 (Maj. L. Swain): You're probably right, command. We'll stack up and see.
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Command, I'm point. Checking the exterior door.
Area-14 Command: Copy. Ready when you are, Sergeant.
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Good copy. Leaving in 3, 2, 1.
[loud unintelligible yelling]
Area-14 Command: Woods, report.
[yelling intensifies]
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Motherfuckers!
Area-14 Command: Woods!
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Command! What's your deal?
[loud unintelligible yelling]
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Gamma team is back here already and they're fuckin' grillin' out and drinking beer.
Area-14 Command:
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Command. Hello?
Area-14 Command: What is this fucking place, Sergeant?
Ν-7-β-66 (Sgt. X. Woods): Command, be advised, we are presently in Lord Explosion's Glorious Grilling Garden and Stripper Conservatory, which is connected to Beauregard Bearpuncher's Beer By The Bucket, quote, "Where Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions".
Area-14 Command: [unintelligible yelling]
+ Addendum 5222-2
- Addendum 5222-2
After two weeks of reports from MTF Nu-7's Beta and Gamma teams, entropy levels localized around the perimeter of the traversable discrete dimension began to slowly increase again, indicating destabilization of the Transitory Phenomenon. Despite this transitory period taking roughly three days, and the relative location of the teams to the baseline world being traversable in only 20 minutes, both teams were lost. All 264 members are considered lost and have been awarded the Foundation Silver Star for Distinguished Service.
1. This is typically 500 µJ/K but may go as low as 5 µJ/K in EVERGREEN-class sites.
2. RAISA Link: Bearpuncher Solutions (GOI-2666) and subsidiaries. (KB 11.2666)
3. RAISA Link: Types of Traversable Discrete Dimensions (KB 114)
4. RAISA Link: T. Rutherford, Shared Experiences across Multiple Sapient Beings: A Primer (KB 4338)
5. RAISA Link: Artificially Intelligent Construct: Creation Of Log Of Site-Specific Urgent Scenarios (KB 6116)
6. RAISA Link: System To Contain Unsustainable Threats To Life and Existence (KB 10235)
7. RAISA Link: SCUTTLE Dead Man's Switch Protocol (KB 10236)
8. Defined as 3 σ or more.
9. RAISA Link: Artificially Intelligent Construct: Weighted-Average Report of Hume, Air, Mass, Matter, Entropy and Radiation (KB 6119)
10. RAISA Link: R. House, FLASH ECLIPSE: Rapid Response to Transient Planar Overlays (KB 4661)
11. "A battalion-strength force […] tasked with responding to incidents involving loss of communication with major Foundation facilities under circumstances wherein a site-wide breach, enemy compromise, or other similarly catastrophic event is suspected." (KB 26.28) |
SCP-5971 is a persisting silence within Sauk County, Wisconsin; acoustic waveforms are suppressed within the area, preventing the transmission of sound. | ***
Item #: SCP-5971
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Suppression of knowledge concerning the anomaly is ongoing, pending approval of mass amnesticization protocol. A cover story is being formulated, to be disseminated in the Central Wisconsin area, of a technologically advanced terrorist threat in order to temporarily misinform the public within SCP-5971's area of effect.
Locating the epicenter of the SCP-5971 phenomenon is considered a primary containment objective. Field agents and researchers within SCP-5971 must be able to communicate through American Sign Language, and are to maintain long-distance communication by text to reduce data loss.
Foundation Site-608 is currently in the process of engineering a device to maintain a semblance of normalcy within SCP-5971.
Description: SCP-5971 is a persisting silence within Sauk County, Wisconsin; acoustic waveforms are suppressed within the area, preventing the transmission of sound. Currently, it is estimated that SCP-5971 not only encompasses all of Reedsburg, Wisconsin, but affects portions of nearby towns.
Discovery: SCP-5971 spontaneously occurred at approximately 02:15 AM on October 8th, 2011, reported by Foundation agents embedded in local authorities via secure e-mail to Site-608. Initially, it had been logged as an Extranormal Event, however its longevity has since warranted escalation in importance.
Page revision 1/4 from 10/30/2011
Next iteration from 02/14/2012 |
SCP-707 is a matryoshka doll, or Russian nesting doll, consisting of one (1) center doll and four (4) separating outer layers. | ***
Item #: SCP-707
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-707 is kept disassembled in a double-locked secure locker at Site-██. Experimentation may only be performed with prior, written permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel. Once assembled, SCP-707 may only be handled by Class-D personnel.
Description: SCP-707 is a matryoshka doll, or Russian nesting doll, consisting of one (1) center doll and four (4) separating outer layers. The doll is painted in a primarily blue color palette, and dating of the materials, while inconclusive, shows that it is approximately ██ years old.
When a living human subject removes one or more layers of SCP-707 from a fully assembled state, its anomalous effect will occur approximately ten (10) minutes later. The severity of this effect is dependent on how many layers are opened:
1 layer - Subject's hair and nails will painlessly and completely fall out. This includes internal hair and cilia, such as that within the nose and ears.
2 layers - Subject's skin will split, separate, and fall off. The loss of skin is painless, but exposed internal tissue has been described as being very sensitive, and even a light touch can cause bleeding.
3 layers - Subject's muscles will detach from connective tissue, including the diaphragm and heart.
4 layers - Subject's organs separate and detach.
These effects are cumulative and sequential, and will occur over the course of only a few seconds after the ten-minute mark. No subject to date has survived the separation of more than 1 layer of SCP-707. However, despite the incredible trauma inflicted by the separation of 2 or more layers, brain activity monitors have determined that subjects are fully conscious and aware of their condition for up to several minutes after the separation event, until the subject expires (typically through blood loss or asphyxiation).
Addendum 707-1: The requested use of SCP-707 as an efficient method of procuring viable transplant organs for Foundation uses is under review. |
SCP-624 is a Sandisk Sansa e200R Mp3 player and voice recorder. | ***
Item #: SCP-624
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-624 is to be stored in Site 16's safe storage room and charged frequently by testing personnel. Testing is open to all Site 16 personnel with proper clearance. Personal access to SCP-624 is otherwise restricted. SCP-624 is not to be taken off of Site 16 unless in the event of an emergency.
SCP-624 must be listened to through regular headphones before being played on regular speakers. SCP-624 is not to be played at Site 16’s social functions for entertainment due to containment protocol and possible risk of humiliation of Site 16 personnel.
Audio created by SCP-624 is not to be sold commercially, nor shared through filesharing networks.
Addendum 624-1: Personnel who do not listen to music, do not like music, or have zero musical influences are not allowed to test SCP-624. See Test Log 624-1.
Description: SCP-624 is a Sandisk Sansa e200R Mp3 player and voice recorder. The back of the player says SCP-624 contains two (2) gigabytes of memory. Although the original owner’s manual claims there are pre-loaded sample songs, there are no files stored within its memory when played on normal speakers. Uploading music to SCP-624 seems to be impossible, as every program tested, including iTunes, Rhapsody, and Yahoo! Music, have all returned with encoding errors.
When powering up SCP-624 through headphones, a tone will play, and this tone will be picked up through SCP-624’s microphone. If SCP-624 does not detect the tone, it will shut down as if it were locked. If SCP-624 hears the tone from normal speakers, SCP-624 will power on normally, but contain no stored data. If SCP-624 detects the tone from a pair of headphones, SCP-624 automatically fills its library with two gigabytes worth of music. The music, in question, is all written, produced, played, and sung by the wearer of the headphones, regardless of current musical talent. Each song comes with an appropriate album cover and the listener’s artist profile, which is factually incorrect, possibly based on an alternate timeline if the listener had become a full-time musician.
When exposed to the musically inclined, SCP-624 will generate specific songs or improve songs they may have already written. When exposed to test subjects with little to no musical experience, SCP-624 will generate music based on their favorite music influences, regardless if they like the generated music or not. These songs tend to be very consistent to the listener, but more songs are added based on musical influences. If space runs out when the listener is introduced to a new musical influence, the listener’s least favorite songs are replaced. When shut down, the songs are subsequently deleted until SCP-624 is introduced to the listener once more.
Once powered up through headphones, the listener may unplug his or her headphones and connect SCP-624 to normal speakers. The audio files themselves cannot be transferred, but can be dubbed onto a separate recording device.
Test Log SCP-624-1:
Subject: Subject D-256. Subject's favorite genre is grindcore music.
Artist Profile: Death[EXPLETIVE REDACTED] began their rise to infamy after their deadly set at Hellfest 03, resulting in several injuries and one recorded death. Death[EXPLETIVE REDACTED]’s lineup includes two drummers, two bassists, three rhythm guitarists, and two lead guitarists. Death[EXPLETIVE REDACTED]’s original lead singer, H████ R████████, committed suicide by gunshot wound on stage during their “[EXPLETIVE REDACTED] Tour 20██”.
Music Results: Music is extremely loud and very brutal, lasting between five (5) to forty five (45) seconds, resulting in more than a thousand (1000+) tracks. A common trend among these tracks are atonal noise, screaming, cursing, and sounds from movie clips. The lyrics mostly concern violence, rape, murder, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject was very pleased with the results and requested a personal copy of the created music. This request was denied.
Subject Comments: [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] yeah! This is awesome!
Subject: E-Class Personnel, E███ W█████. Subject's favorite genre is Adult Alternative and has experience in playing guitar.
Artist Profile: E███ W█████ is one of today's biggest names in acoustic pop and soul, sharing the same bill with such names as John Mayer and Jack Johnson. E███ W█████ began playing guitar at the age of eight and continued onto other instruments such as piano, trumpet, and drums. E███ W█████ also starred in Disney's High School Musical series, competing with Summerland star Zac Efron for the role of Troy.
Music Results: Music is very relaxed and modern-sounding. Lyrics mostly concern romance and recreational activities. Subject stated multiple songs were originally written by him, but were all of much higher quality, both in writing, performance, and recording quality. Subject was surprised and initially very happy, but later saddened by the test results.
Subject Comments: God, I wish I could sing like that.
Subject: Level 2 Security, Agent E█████. Subject does not normally listen to music, but would like to hear the results.
Artist Profile: D█████ E█████ UNKNOWN ARTIST 00000
Music Results: Music consisted of seventy-two (72) tracks, all labeled by number. Each track contains a condensed autobiography of the subject by year, narrated by the subject himself in a clear, theatrical voice. Personnel initially questioned the accuracy of the autobiography due to the inaccuracies of the previous tests, but track number ██████-████ (██) confirmed its accuracy when the narrator referred to this very test, stating that the subject will leave the room when they begin playing track seventy-two (72). The subject became distraught by the remaining biography as [DATA EXPUNGED] and subsequently left the testing room by track seventy-one (71). Two-thirds through the final track, the narrator begins to scream as [DATA EXPUNGED], presumably killing him. The sounds of [REDACTED] and inhuman cackling are heard for the remainder for the track.
Subject Comments: I never want to know what happens to me on that final track. I know I said you're going to tell me, but please, DON'T tell me.
Subject: E-Class Personnel, L██████ P████████. It should be of note that L██████ P████████, while aware of music, does not like or listen to music.
Artist Profile: L██████ P████████ does not think highly of herself. She thinks she is ugly and alone. She has frequent thoughts of suicide in between lusting after [NAMES REDACTED]. L██████ P████████ doesn't know why she gets up in the morning.
Music Results: The playlist did not consist of music, but a list of ███ names from Site 16 personnel. When played, the subject's voice would state her deepest opinions on the track's staff member. Despite protests from the subject, testing personnel played every track in order to find any discrepancies. Subject was visibly angry.
Subject Comments: Turn it off! I said turn it off!
Subject: Subject D-258. It should be of note that Subject D-258 does not listen to music. When questioned, Subject D-258 could not name one genre or band, stating all music is noise.
Artist Profile: ██████ █████████ was born on ██/██/19██ to ██████ █████████ and █████ █████████. ██████ █████████ went to the following schools: [DATA EXPUNGED]. ██████ █████████ was eventually convicted of [DATA EXPUNGED]. He was later recruited by an organization known as the SCP Foundation to test one of their many strange relics. ██████ █████████ committed suicide shortly after this test.
Music Results: Music consisted of one track of unknown bitrate and quality, exceeding several days, possibly years, worth of time, squeezed into exactly two (2) gigabytes. When played, [DATA EXPUNGED]. [DATA EXPUNGED] had no effect on listening personnel, but sent Subject D-258 into a state of shock. Subject D-258 committed suicide via blunt force trauma to the head. When fast-forwarded to the end of the track, the track vaguely sounds like Subject D-258 being transferred to Site 16, with what sounds like D-258's thoughts in the background; mostly violent and insulting thoughts towards the staff, turning to horror upon hearing SCP-624. After Subject D-258's suicide, the track continues playing past its run time and cuts to [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown how much longer the track continues, as all personnel present quickly fled the testing room and demanded testing be ceased immediately. Personnel present to [DATA EXPUNGED] were reported visibly shaken for days.
Subject Comments: No official statement was given. Subject D-258's last words were, "My soul is on this machine!"
Note: Active testing ceased on SCP-624. For freelance testing by personnel, see Test Log 624-2. Dr. Z████████ |
SCP-4726 is a tall, obese human male of Hispanic descent. | ***
Item #: SCP-4726
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4726 is contained in a humanoid containment chamber with direct access to a shower.
SCP-4726-1 may be collected as necessary and is stored in Site-17's Chemical Laboratory. Consumption of SCP-4726-1 is currently permitted but discouraged.
Description: SCP-4726 is a tall, obese human male of Hispanic descent. The subject has been diagnosed with hyperhidrosis.1
SCP-4726 secretes an opaque liquid substance (hereafter referred to as SCP-4726-1) at a rate of 1.4 liters per hour. The chemical composition of SCP-4726-1 consists of caffeine, sugar, taurine, and other folic acids. Consumption of SCP-4726-1 influences the neurotransmitters for norepinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine in a similar process as non-anomalous caffeinated beverages.
Consuming large quantities of SCP-4726-1 (typically over 2 liters within 24 hours) has resulted in arrhythmia, hypertension, and in extreme cases, cardiac arrest.
Addendum.4726.01: On the 22nd of April, 2019, SCP-4726 informed personnel it had become aware of a secondary property of SCP-4726-1. This property manifests upon excessive consumption of specific foods. A list of known flavors and their requisite foods was provided by SCP-4726 and is listed below.
Foundation Standard Meal 23-A
Foundation Standard Meal 19-D
Pink Lemonade
M&M King Size Packet2 (x2)
Maruchan Cheddar Cheese Flavor Yakisoba3 (x1)
Root Beer
Mango Peach Tea
Mountain Dew Baja Blast
1. A condition causing abnormally excessive sweating involving the extremities, underarms, and face, usually unrelated to body temperature or exercise.
2. SCP-4726 was not provided with M&Ms during containment.
3. SCP-4726 was not provided with instant noodles during containment.
4. SCP-4726 was provided Nutraloaf as punishment for bribing guards to provide it with commodity foods from the site commissary.
5. SCP-4726 was not provided with toenails during containment.
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SCP-5339 is a 3-meter-tall tripodal organism whose cranium features a pair of 6-centimeter-wide eyes and a mouth used for mastication and crude vocalization. | ***
Item #: SCP-5339
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5339 is contained within a vertically extended humanoid containment cell decorated with the personal possessions of Mickey Ideme. All meals given to SCP-5339 must consist of soft semi-solids such as apple sauce, watermelon slices, or jam. SCP-5339 is to be given weekly English and ASL lessons on a rotational shift basis by selected1 researchers.
Description: SCP-5339 is a 3-meter-tall tripodal organism whose cranium features a pair of 6-centimeter-wide eyes and a mouth used for mastication and crude vocalization. SCP-5339 has three legs which are spaced equidistantly from one another. Despite this, SCP-5339 has difficulty remaining stable for more than 15 seconds.
Discovery: On 3/12/2013, Hannah Ideme gave birth to a child (Mickey Ideme) who had developed an accessory arm underneath his left pectoral during the late stages of Mrs. Ideme's pregnancy. Mickey Ideme was born in the St. Raymond Nonnatus Hospital with expected complications, although Mickey and Hannah Ideme both recovered within a reasonable time period. One year after Mickey Ideme's birth, he disappeared due to unknown circumstances, while on vacation with Mrs. Ideme. Upon returning to her place of residence, Mrs. Ideme located SCP-5339 in Mickey Ideme’s room.
Test Log 5339-1 3/12/2014:
In order to determine how SCP-5339 relates to Mickey Ideme, a variety of tests were conducted.
Object 1
Object 2
1 cubic meter of grass
1 cubic meter of assorted bovine flesh
SCP-5339 appears uninterested in the grass and sniffs the flesh, before emitting a loud vocalization and retreating to the corner of its containment unit.
Mickey Ideme's blanket (nearly severed for unknown reasons)
An undamaged blanket
SCP-5339 moves towards the nearly torn blanket and successfully tears it down the center with one of its legs and its jaw. SCP-5339 places one half of the blanket over its head and the other half underneath itself.
A framed photograph of Hannah Ideme
A tattered photograph of Will Ideme (Mrs. Ideme's husband who expired one year previously)
SCP-5339 approaches Will Ideme's photograph with apparent interest. SCP-5339 grunts and moves to Mrs. Ideme's photo. At the end of the test SCP-5339 resisted the research staff who had attempted to remove Mrs. Ideme's photo and slid the photo around the cell until a researcher grabbed SCP-5339's leg to allow another researcher to retrieve the photo.
A photograph of Mickey Ideme
A photograph of SCP-5339
SCP-5339 pauses momentarily and then moves towards the image of Mickey Ideme. SCP-5339 lowers its head and pushes the image of Mickey Ideme with its snout.
Addendum 5339-2 3/12/2014:
Dr. Green was instructed to retrieve certain objects from SCP-5339's containment cell once testing had concluded. While Dr. Green attempted to retrieve the cubic meter of assorted bovine flesh, SCP-5339 moved behind them and produced a vocalization similar to that of a child in distress. Dr. Green questioned SCP-5339, who paused, and then addressed Dr. Green as "Ma". It is unknown whether or not SCP-5339 has awareness of what its vocalizations allude to. Further research is to commence.
Test Log 5339-1 3/15/2014 - 7/18/2016: SCP-5339’s potential for sapient thought can currently be approximated to that of a one-year-old child. To improve SCP-5339's vocabulary and speech, weekly English lessons are implemented into SCP-5339's containment procedures. Lesson plans have been designed with the assistance of ASL and other non-verbal speech therapy methods. Please note that the following table only consists of notable lessons where SCP-5339 showed noticeable improvement.
The research staff joined SCP-5339 for a short period of time in its containment cell. while being monitored by several Foundation security guards. Staff were instructed to assume a semi-formal disposition and verbally communicate frequently with one another.
SCP-5339 began emitting several vocalizations that research staff believe sounded significantly like "Mom", "Drink", "Toy", and "Food".
Research staff allowed SCP-5339 to play with a beach ball for 5 minutes, before retrieving the ball and waiting to see if it requested for the ball to be given back.
SCP-5339 played with the ball for the entire allotted period of time. When the ball was retrieved, it showed signs of distress and attempted to kick it out of Dr. Green's hands. Eventually SCP-5339 said "give ball", where they then were allowed the ball for the remainder of the day.
Research Staff requested a brief recreational meeting with SCP-5339 in its containment cell. SCP-5339 was given a cup of applesauce, while the rest of the staff were given coffee.
SCP-5339 learned the words "Sauce", "Cup", "Person", and "Friend".
Research Staff placed several objects inside of SCP-5339's containment cell that it has not learned the name of. Research staff hope that it may attempt to expand its own vocabulary by creating compound words.
SCP-5339 vocalized the phrases "Long animal" to indicate a stuffed snake, "Talk metal" to indicate a speaker, and "Bad water" to indicate an image of an ocean.
Addendum 5339-2 7/22/2016:
During a private meeting with Dr. Green, SCP-5339 vocalized their first complete sentence. After several indistinguishable grunts, SCP-5339 said, "Mommy, the water's too deep". Dr. Green promptly exited the containment cell and SCP-5339 was provided with their beach ball and an additional serving of semi-solids.
1. A prerequisite for selection is that SCP-5339 appears to have a positive emotional connection to the researcher. |
SCP-4223 is a pair of anomalous phenomena affecting the production of SCP-4223-A. | ***
Item #: SCP-4223
Object Class: ARCHON
Site Responsible: COMMAND Site-01
Director: O5 Command
Research Head: N/A
Assigned Task Force: N/A
Level 4/4223
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4223 is currently regarded as nonanomalous in consensus reality and does not require full containment as a result. Containment procedures are to focus on the maintenance of this perception to the public.
SCP-4223-2 is regarded as an extremely unlikely but theoretically possible and poorly understood natural phenomenon. This has been accepted into consensus reality, with little research being conducted into the mechanism of SCP-4223-2. Foundation embeds in major universities, research groups and PepsiCo are to discourage serious scientific inquiry into SCP-4223-2.
SCP-4223-1 has been explained as the recipe to SCP-4223-A being hard to reverse-engineer, as a result of the unusual origin. A cover story detailing the likely existence of an unidentified key ingredient has been disseminated and accepted into consensus reality.
Description: SCP-4223 is a pair of anomalous phenomena affecting the production of SCP-4223-A. By itself, SCP-4223-A has been determined to be nonanomalous. SCP-4223-A is a carbonized soft drink with an aquamarine color and a tropical lime flavor, with the designation of SCP-4223-A covering a wide variety of slight deviations. The most common variant of SCP-4223-A is commercially sold and marketed as Mountain DewTM Baja Blast by PepsiCo.
SCP-4223-1 is a global phenomenon inhibiting the artificial synthesis of SCP-4223-A. Despite the ability of recipes to produce SCP-4223-A in regions not affected by SCP-4223-1,1 such recipes will produce SCP-4223-B in the presence of SCP-4223-1. SCP-4223-B is an uncarbonated liquid which has a taste exclusively described as "battery acid". No other descriptors have ever been applied to SCP-4223-B, and it is believed to be a low-grade cognitohazard.
As a result of SCP-4223-1, imitations of SCP-4223-A cannot be produced, as they generally fall under the small range of variations included in the SCP-4223-A designation. As such, SCP-4223-A is marketed as a unique and rare novelty product and is typically regarded as a high-end soft drink.
SCP-4223-2 is a local phenomenon affecting Hartman Geyser, located in Baja California, Mexico. The surrounding area of Hartman Geyser is composed of non-anomalous silicates and calcium compounds, as well as several cationic metallic particles, which hold their charge despite being grounded; these particles partially act as a catalyst for SCP-4223-2.
Natural processes in and around Hartman Geyser result in the production of SCP-4223-A in the well of the Hartman Geyser. Once per year, typically in late August, the Hartman Geyser will erupt, as a result of the accumulated pressure.2 This eruption is then bottled by PepsiCo and distributed commercially.
Addendum 4223.1: History and Cultural Significance of SCP-4223-A
SCP-4223-2 is believed to have been created in the aftermath of the 001-Apotheosis Event, in which SCP-001 was partially assembled near La Paz, Mexico in late 1942. During this event, side-effects of the primary anomaly created SCP-4223, most likely unintentionally.
SCP-4223-1 is believed to have always existed.
SCP-4223-2 was discovered in 1954 by two American civilians, Barney and Ally Hartman, and quickly purchased from the local landowner, who was unaware of the anomaly. The Hartman brothers named the Hartman Geyser after themselves and began limited bottling operations. During the course of their attempts to recreate SCP-4223-A outside of SCP-4223-2, they discovered the formula for baseline Mountain Dew.
PepsiCo purchased the rights to both SCP-4223-2 and Mountain Dew in 1964 and began to distribute the beverage nationally. Ordinary variants of Mountain Dew were easily replicable and thus sold as a general product to stores and restaurants. However, the supply of SCP-4223-A was limited as a result of the source.
In order to capitalize on their limited supply of SCP-4223-A and sell the product, SCP-4223-A was marketed as a luxury product, with the origin of SCP-4223-2 being used in the marketing. This marketing campaign was successful, and the demand for the product was kept higher than the limited supply.
In 1965, Foundation agents investigated the origins of SCP-4223-A and SCP-4223-2. This investigation concluded that, while unlikely, SCP-4223 could have occurred under baseline conditions, and there was not strong evidence of anomalous phenomena. This conclusion has been overturned following a later investigation with better equipment.
Addendum 4223.2: Discovery of Anomalous Nature
The initial indication of SCP-4223 was recovered during a 2019 meeting between the Department of Extra-Universal Affairs of baseline reality and an equivalent from A-173-α. An excerpt from this meeting follows below:
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): I'm going to go get something to drink, we can continue the religious symbol trading when I get back. Want anything?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): What do you have?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Oh, the usual. Beer, wine, Baja Blast, water, tea, whatever you want.
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Baja Blast?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Good choice, that was what I was just about to get myself.
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): No, is that fancy in this universe?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Oh, yeah, it is. It isn't in yours?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Nope, just a low-end soda. Pretty bad rep, even. I'll take one though, it could always hit the spot.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β) briefly leaves and returns with two glasses filled with SCP-4223-A, and places one in front of Trevor Bailey (A-173-α).
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Hmm, tastes the same.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): So is it just a minor novelty in your dimension?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): I suppose. It's really only sold in Taco Bells, I guess it's exclusive there?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Hmm. Just seems a bit weird given where it comes from.
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Huh? Where does it come from here?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): It wells up in a geyser in South America and then explodes in the Baja Blast once a year, right?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): That is 100% anomalous.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): … Shit.
Following this exchange, a new investigation was launched into the nature of SCP-4223. With the usage of Kant Counters, which had not been in widespread usage in 1965, it was determined that local reality surrounding SCP-4223-2 was significantly weaker than the baseline. Similarities were also noted between SCP-4223 and SCP-2217. As such, it was concluded that SCP-4223 was anomalous.
Additionally, O5-6 issued the following statement:
It has come to my attention that Hartman Geyser may be anomalous. If so, it is likely the result of a separate classified anomaly that was active in late 1942. Full information has been given to the SCP-4223 HMCL Supervisor.
Addendum 4223.3: Religious Significance of SCP-4223-A
Further analysis of the cultural significance of SCP-4223-A has indicated one prominent connection to a known anomalous group - specifically, the Church of the Broken God. Several notable ancient Mekhanists make reference to a drink with similar attributes to SCP-4223-A, describing it as the chosen drink of Mekhane and equivalent to the nectar of the Olympian Gods. The relevance of Mekhane having a preferred drink is never explained.
It is currently unknown how SCP-4223-A was produced during the ancient Mekhanist period, but it is believed that another instance of SCP-4223-2 existed during that time period. This instance was likely destroyed but might be SCP-2217.
Modern-day Mekhanist groups are divided on the interpretation of SCP-4223-A. While GoI-004C ("Church of Maxwellism") has adopted SCP-4223-A as a sacred beverage, GoI-004B ("Cogwork Orthodox Church") has entirely rejected SCP-4223-A, claiming that the relevant scripture is noncanonical. GoI-004A ("The Broken Church") remains divided on the issue, being a point of debate in the Church.
An excerpt from the Homeric Hymn to Mekhane3 regarding SCP-4223-A follows below:
… They rushed to the opened halls of Mekhane, goddess descended from Olympus4. The banquet tables, having been opened lay with bountiful food, the nectar and ambrosia of the heavens. The celebrants sipped the nectar, that sweet liquid with the color of seawater and strange taste from Indian5 lands. It rises with the will of Mekhane, delighting the mouth with its strange and unknown textures. …
Addendum 4223.4: O5-Council Deliberations
The O5 Council, as part of their regular meetings, discussed containment of SCP-4223 and proper management of the anomaly. Redactions have been made to the following transcript that relate to the containment of other anomalies, in order to preserve proper containment. For unredacted transcripts, contact the acting RAISA supervisor.
O5-4: Baja Blast is anomalous? The luxury, high end soda?
O5-2: As trivial as the matter seems, it is indeed an anomaly, and an unavoidable one, it seems.
O5-6: Containment is difficult, to say the least. Baja Blast has become a well-integrated piece of normalcy. We could shut down PepsiCo and remove all Baja Blast from circulation, but that would inevitably raise questions.
O5-11: But allowing an anomaly to remain in common circulation is untenable. We cannot allow this system to remain. Simply put, we have to do something about this.
O5-7: Let me remind the Council that the continued existence of Pepsi is vital to the containment of both SCP-████ and SCP-████, and is mandated by the procedures of both.
O5-1: And a containment breach of the first would be rather unfortunate, to say the least. The second not so much.
O5-8: That's putting aside the gravity of destroying a Fortune 500 company for something that is nonanomalous by itself. Getting rid of Pepsi might not even do anything - the rights to Mountain Dew could be sold off in their closure.
O5-3: Have we considered using the Ennui Protocol to contain this anomaly?
O5-8: Yes, but it won't be feasible. Ennui is only effective in containing conceptual anomalies, or convincing the public that an anomaly is not anomalous. The public already believes it is not.
O5-13: That gives me an idea. We allow it to go uncontained for the time being. But the next time we turn 2000 on and restart society, we can contain it then. There are several anomalies in containment that were once considered to be a part of normalcy, before other resets. It's what we currently plan to do concerning the Gulf of Mexico.
O5-1: It's worked well in the past.
O5-6: Simple enough. How long is the list of anomalies we'll need to contain following the next reboot, in any case?
O5-10: It is currently three hundred and fifty one items long.
O5-13: Most of it minor, correct?
O5-10: Less than ideal.
O5-1: Let's put it to a vote. Show of hands?
O5-1: Motion passes. Anomaly will go uncontained until the next activation of the Ganymede Protocol.
Following these deliberations, the current Containment Procedures for SCP-4223 were implemented, and it was assigned the esoteric Archon Object Class, as proper containment is theoretically possible, but would likely have adverse effects on consensus reality.
Addendum 4223.5: Parallel Extra-Universal Anomaly
During a follow-up meeting by the Department of Extra-Universal Affairs to the meeting detailed in Addendum 4223.2, the existence of another phenomenon highly similar to SCP-4223 in Reality M-121948-δ was discovered. An excerpt from this meeting follows below:
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): I'm going to go get something to drink, we can continue the religious symbol trading when I get back. Want anything?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): That'd be great, thank you.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): What do you have?
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): Oh, the usual. Beer, wine, Mountain Dew, water, tea, whatever you want.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Mountain Dew?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Oh god, not again.
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): Good choice, that was what I was just about to get myself.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): No, is that fancy in this universe?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): The Pataphysicists were wrong! God isn't a horror writer, he's a hack!
stormbreath (scp-wiki): Guilty as charged.
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): Oh, yeah, it is. It isn't in yours?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Nope, just a low-end soda. Pretty bad rep, even. I'll take one though, it could always hit the spot.
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Get me one too.
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ) briefly leaves and returns with three glasses filled with Mountain Dew, and places one in front of Trevor Bailey (A-173-α) and Trevor Bailey (Β-2004-β).
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Hmm, tastes the same.
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Same as my dimension too.
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): So is it just a minor novelty in your dimension?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): I suppose. It's really only sold in Taco Bells, I guess it's exclusive there?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): The difference between normal Dew and Blast in your dimension makes no sense.
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): Hmm. Just seems a bit weird given where it comes from.
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): Huh? Where does it come from here?
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Oh, here's the stinger, how stupid is it going to be?
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): It accumulates on the grasses of a few mountains in Siberia during the morning, right?
Trevor Bailey (B-2004-β): That is 100% anomalous.
Trevor Bailey (A-173-α): Laughing.
Trevor Bailey (M-121948-δ): … Shit.
In Reality M-121948-δ, Mountain Dew is formed as the natural accumulation of liquids on small plants on a few mountains in Siberia, in territory associated with the Daevite Empire. Mountain Dew was not harvested in large amounts until 1954 when the Hartman brothers discovered the anomaly and began bottling it. Other Mountain Dew varieties6 were created as an attempt to replicate the liquid.
Information from the M-121948-δ copy of SCP-140 indicated that this phenomenon was known to the Daevite Empire, and was regarded as culturally relevant, similar to the Mekhanist view of SCP-4223-A.
The Department of Extra-Universal Affairs is currently contacting its equivalents in an attempt to discover more parallel anomalies and is distributing copies of this file to its equivalents in order to potentially find an explanation for these similarities.
Backlinks: twistedgears-kaktus-proposal, SCP-2000
1. Areas not affected by SCP-4223-1 include off-world locations (such as Lunar Area-32) or extradimensional locations (such as Site-64).
2. This event is colloquially referred to as "The Baja Blast."
3. An anonymous poem regarding Mekhane, suppressed to conceal the existence of GOI-004. Homeric refers to dialect and meter, rather than author.
4. Syncretism of Mekhane and traditional Greek pantheon, refers to increased presence of Mekhane on Earth compared to pantheon.
5. Likely refers to Southeast Asia in general rather than modern India. India would have been the closest region to actual origin of limes known to the Ancient Greeks.
6. Including Baja Blast |
SCP-2421 is a large subterranean entity which resides a minimum of 100 meters beneath ground level. | ***
Item #: SCP-2421
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Through controlled feeding at certain known feeding areas, the range of SCP-2421 has been limited to a 250 km2 area in the south of Russia. Mobile Task Force Alpha-2 ("Resort Staff") are responsible for maintaining these areas. Feeding areas are presented as a chain of resorts branded as Fundamental Springs. D-Class are stationed at all feeding areas for the purpose of consumption.
Description: SCP-2421 is a large subterranean entity which resides a minimum of 100 meters beneath ground level. It has a roughly oval shape with a segmented shell covering most of its body and fleshy gaps between each segment to allow for articulation. Hair-like protrusions cover the outside of the shell in an irregular pattern. SCP-2421 possesses no legs and moves in a manner similar to a caterpillar. At the presumed front of the creature are two claw-like mandibles which allow it to burrow through rock. It is approximately 300 m long and possesses a 150 m long proboscis protruding from between the mandibles. Additionally, imaging has shown SCP-2421 to possess an intricate skeletal structure within its shell containing a number of air-filled chambers, the purpose of which are unknown. Sample analysis of the entity reveals a non-standard genetic structure, possibly suggesting extradimensional origin.
The creature feeds by extending its proboscis towards the surface and puncturing the bottom of a small body of water in which the temperature is approximately 25 degrees Celsius or higher. These locations include hot springs, spas, or in one case a bath. Once the bottom of the body of water has been punctured, a sphincter at the end of the proboscis will open and any humans within the water will be pulled inside. The entity will consume approximately 5 humans over a two day period once per month and will expand its feeding area should humans be scarce1. Feeding episodes consistent with SCP-2421 were first reported in May 184█. Attempts to replace D-Class with animals during feeding episodes have been unsuccessful, as test animals remained untouched despite the water being the correct temperature and within the feeding range.
D-Class fed to SCP-2421 implanted with tracking devices have been observed to move in the air-filled chambers of the entity's shell in an erratic manner. In one incident where civilians were unavoidably consumed during a feeding episode a call was made to the Foundation-owned spa resort from the phone of a presumed-dead civilian within the entity. No specific words were identified; however, background sounds of conversation, laughter, splashing, low moans, and what has been determined to be seagulls were recorded.
1. Observed feeding as far from the current containment area as ████, California prior to current measures. |
SCP-023 is a large, sexless shaggy canine (1. | ***
Item #: SCP-023
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-023 is to be contained in a standard 5 x 5 m Containment Unit. SCP-023 is to be contained in a walled-off intersection of two (2) corridors at Site ██, with at least three (3) meters of space in each direction, and false doors at three (3) of the four (4) ends, in addition to the real door. Security cameras will be placed and maintained above all four (4) doors.
At all times, SCP-023's eye sockets are to be filled with spherical inserts made of hard rubber. Eye inserts must be replaced as they degrade. Degradation can be monitored by measuring the brightness of the "burning" effect as observed by security footage. Brightness greater than twelve (12) candela requires that the inserts be replaced within twelve (12) hours. Eye inserts are only to be replaced individually, and only after the sun has completely set. Personnel are not to look directly into eye sockets of SCP-023 at any time.
Following Incident 023-27 all reflective surfaces, including displays, monitors, and eye-wear of any sort are not permitted within 30 meters of SCP-023's cell. This includes monitors linked to security cameras within its enclosure. Security personnel posted at checkpoints outside both corridors will enforce and adhere to this measure.
Experimentation involving SCP-023 has been suspended indefinitely.
Description: SCP-023 is a large, sexless shaggy canine (1.5 meters at the shoulder) with black fur. It has bright orange-red eyes and prominent teeth (see Incident Report 023-26). Any time an individual makes eye contact with SCP-023, either that person or a member of their immediate family will die exactly one (1) year after eye contact is broken. Research into the method of selection is incomplete due to a moratorium on experiments, but the available data suggests that having a larger immediate family lessens the chance of the individual making eye contact themselves dying, and neither a pattern nor a preference in victim types have been found. This may indicate that SCP-023's victim is designated entirely at random, but it is unknown whether this selection occurs at the beginning or at the end of the one-year time period. Attempts to terminate an individual who has made eye contact with SCP-023 and their entire immediate family before the one-year time period has ended [DATA EXPUNGED].
Autopsies of individuals killed by SCP-023's effect show that, while outwardly appearing unharmed, their remains have been 'filled in' with highly compacted ash, including but not limited to all organ systems and the circulatory system. Muscle tissue, bones, and brain tissue universally show signs of exposure to temperatures above ██°C.
If not contained in a setting that at least superficially resembles a "crossroads", SCP-023 will phase through walls to get to the nearest suitable location, incinerating all materials it passes through.
SCP-023 was first brought to the Foundation's attention when it attacked a church in ███████ while it was in session, killing █ civilians directly and [REDACTED] as a result of eye contact. Following retrieval of SCP-023, Class-B amnestics were administered to all witnesses and surviving victims. The incident was covered up as a case of arson.
Addendum 023-001
SCP-023 broke containment on ██/██/████ by passing through its cell wall (Incident 023-01). SCP-023 was later discovered at the intersection of two (2) corridors elsewhere on Site-███. Agent █████ noted SCP-023's similarity to a [REDACTED]. Special Containment Procedures for SCP-023 updated. Assistant Researcher ███████ issued a reprimand for negligence.
Addendum 023-002
SCP-023 has been responsible for the deaths of ███ personnel and ██ civilians since it was first brought into containment on 10/12/██94.
Addendum 023-003:
Request for reclassification to Keter pending.
Addendum 023-004:
Due to both anomalies focusing on specific geographic spaces, their destructive capabilities, and canine appearance, it is possible that SCP-1111-1 may be a variant of the same phenomenon observed in SCP-023, or vice versa. Investigation into the origin of both anomalies is ongoing. Due to the inability to capture SCP-1111-1 for study, investigations are currently focused on SCP-023. |
SCP-3505 is a piece of paperboard carton originating from a take-out container provided by ████'s Chinese Restaurant in ████████, Minnesota. | ***
Item Storage Unit. Individuals exposed to SCP-3505 must be administered a Class-C amnestic at the conclusion of testing, or as soon as possible if exposure occurred outside of testing. SCP-3505 has been cleared for testing at Outpost 7949-2; testing at other locations may only be undertaken with clearance from SCP-3505's HMCL supervisor.
PoI-3505-0 is to be monitored for further anomalous activity until September 28, 2047.
Description: SCP-3505 is a piece of paperboard carton originating from a take-out container provided by ████'s Chinese Restaurant in ████████, Minnesota. Residue on the object is consistent with the sweet and sour sauce used by ████'s. In addition to the pre-printed phrase "Please Come Again", the object has the following text hand-written in blue ink:
Out & about
back at 7
text me if you need anything
SCP-3505 will display anomalous properties when an individual who comprehends the text written on it, and who can recall the overall shape of the object, sends a text message describing some need or desire to any recipient. Fourteen seconds after this occurs, the receiving device will autonomously send a reply acknowledging the original message;1 simultaneously, an instance of SCP-3505-A will manifest ~15km above Earth's surface, and subsequently fall to the ground several minutes later. Instances of SCP-3505-A generally land within 20 meters of the subject who sent the initiating text message and will not injure any humans in the process.
SCP-3505-A are take-out containers consistent with those provided by ████'s Chinese Restaurant, except of variable size, containing an object or objects related to the need or desire expressed in the initiating text message. All carry the same residue found on SCP-3505. While SCP-3505-A are not damaged by the fall or by atmospheric conditions, their contents are generally susceptible to these same forces. Typically, SCP-3505-A will contain heat shielding and shock absorbers as necessary to keep its contents intact until impact, though not necessarily afterwards.
The contents of SCP-3505-A are variable, even when identical messages are sent by the same subject, and do not necessarily strictly correspond to any objects described in the initiating message. SCP-3505 is not a reliable method of acquiring any tested object or material.
Recovery: SCP-3505 was discovered after reports of several unusual objects (SCP-3505-A instances) falling from the sky at terminal velocity in ████████, Minnesota on 2017-09-28. Standard analysis of recent telecommunications in the area revealed a correlation between SCP-3505-A and several messages sent by ███ Hanson, an occupant of a house near the impacts; SCP-3505 was recovered during the subsequent investigation. DNA evidence, subject testimony and handwriting analysis indicate that SCP-3505 was created by ██████ Hanson2 (PoI-3505-0), who left it on the kitchen table while he went to see a movie at a local theater. PoI-3505-0 demonstrated no awareness of, was unable to account for, and could not replicate SCP-3505's properties.
Abridged Testing Log: The following tests were conducted at Outpost 7949-2. A subject who was exposed to SCP-3505 was instructed to use a cell phone to send text messages to a phone monitored by the supervising researcher.
Initiating message: "How are you doing today?"
Response: None.
SCP-3505-A contents: No instance was created.
Initiating message: "I want to know how you're doing today."
Response: "k"
SCP-3505-A contents: A sheet of blue construction paper, somewhat singed, reading "pretty good" in blue ink. Handwriting matches that of PoI-3505-0, who was asleep at the time of the test.
Initiating message: "We're out of milk."
Response: "I'll pick some up on the way back"
SCP-3505-A contents: A sealed plastic bag containing four liters of skim milk. Curdling suggests that the milk boiled briefly during transit, though it had cooled and condensed by the time the Foundation opened its container.
Initiating message: "Could you send us some very cold milk?"
Response: "Hmm. I'll see what I can do."
SCP-3505-A contents: A sealed steel container containing four liters of skim milk, some of which was frozen. Notably, the SCP-3505-A instance was equipped with extensive heat shielding, whereas the previous one was not.
Initiating message: "I need cocaine."
Response: "It's not that simple."
SCP-3505-A contents: A photograph of a large pile of white powder on a wooden table matching that found in PoI-3505-0's house. A cloth blindfold and a photograph of the most recent copy of The Pioneer Press were placed in front of the pile.
Initiating message: "That won't work. Please give me real cocaine."
Response: "k"
SCP-3505-A contents: A small plastic bag containing 0.3 grams of cocaine cut with venlafaxine.
Initiating message: "We're out of cocaine."
Response: "Oh no!!!"
SCP-3505-A contents: Three damaged USB flash drives. Two were empty; the third contained two identical recordings of the song "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton.
Initiating message: "I need 1kg of Uranium-238."
Response: "No you don't."
SCP-3505-A contents: 238 scraps of human flesh, weighing 1.2kg in total. Several samples were found to be contaminated with fecal matter. DNA testing inconclusive.
Initiating message: "Please send me a million dollars."
Response: "I'm not super liquid right now but I have the next best thing"
SCP-3505-A contents: 60 copies of the Magic: the Gathering card "Black Lotus" as it appeared in its "Alpha" printing (market value ~$15,000). All were burnt, singed, or torn beyond the point of usability. Ashes contained in SCP-3505-A could account for up to three additional copies.
Initiating message: "I need another million dollars, in cash this time."
Response: "Told you I don't have cash, here's the next best thing though."
SCP-3505-A contents: A charred human corpse. Its DNA shows a match to ██████████ Taylor, a Los Angeles-based entrepreneur native to ████████, Minnesota. Death occurred on impact. Notably, ██████████ Taylor is still alive, and his liquid assets are valued at roughly $1,000,000 USD.
Initiating message: "Give me one million dollars."
Response: "k"
SCP-3505-A contents: Several suitcases containing a total of $999,998 worth of assorted valid US currency, submerged in sweet and sour sauce.
Initiating message: "Wash my car."
Response: "Wash it yourself."
SCP-3505-A contents: Believed to be roughly 500 liters of soap and water in a steel container. SCP-3505-A exploded several seconds after impact, apparently from the pressure created by the boiling of said water.
Initiating message: "Help me find a boyfriend."
Response: "I know a guy."
SCP-3505-A contents: A piece of white printer paper containing a phone number found to belong to █████ Graeber, a male acquaintance of PoI-3505-0, printed in black ink. While █████ Graeber was not in a relationship at time of testing, his and the test subject's sexual orientations were incompatible.
Initiating message: "Help me find a boyfriend."
Response: "I know another guy."
SCP-3505-A contents: A charred human corpse. Its DNA shows a match to ██████████ Taylor. Death occurred on impact.
Initiating message: "Help me find a boyfriend."
Response: "Hold on."
SCP-3505-A contents: A piece of white printer paper containing a valid, but unassigned, phone number printed in black ink.
Initiating message: "Tell me who you are."
Response: "…"
SCP-3505-A contents: A piece of white printer paper with "F" handwritten in blue ink. Handwriting is consistent with that of PoI-3505-0.
Initiating message: "Tell me who you are."
Response: "…"
SCP-3505-A contents: A piece of white printer paper with "U" handwritten in blue ink. Handwriting is consistent with that of PoI-3505-0.
Initiating message: "Tell me who you are."
Response: "…"
SCP-3505-A contents: A piece of white printer paper with "C" handwritten in blue ink. Handwriting is consistent with that of PoI-3505-0.
Initiating message: "Teach me how to do what you do."
Response: "Trust me, you don't want my job."
SCP-3505-A contents: A map of the continental United States, with driving instructions handwritten on the back in blue ink. The instructions detail a path from Outpost 7949-2 to a SuperAmerica gas station in ████████, Minnesota. PoI-3505-0 worked at a neighboring SuperAmerica gas station from June 2013 to August 2013.
Initiating message: "I need something that breaks the laws of physics."
Response: "Gimme a sec"
SCP-3505-A contents: A plastic bag of unidentified blue powder that, immediately upon opening, fell out into the sky. Believed to possess anti-gravitational properties.
Initiating message: "I need something that breaks the laws of physics and will stay still."
Response: "k"
SCP-3505-A contents: An object identical to SCP-3505, except without SCP-3505's anomalous properties and with the property that its position relative to Earth is fixed at the site of impact.
Initiating message: "Kiss me through the phone."
Response: "Weird but okay"
SCP-3505-A contents: A non-functional cell phone identical to the one used by the test subject, with the exception of a pair of living human lips integrated into the phone's screen. The computer-to-neuron interface was heavily damaged by heat, preventing further study. DNA testing inconclusive.
Initiating message: "Surprise me."
Response: "w/e"
SCP-3505-A contents: A single blue crayon, broken in half. Shortly prior to impact, SCP-3505-A abruptly changed directions, coming within two meters of the subject before reversing its path and landing in the original projected impact site.
Initiating message: "Help me."
Response: "I got u"
SCP-3505-A contents: An active electromagnetic pulse weapon that triggered on impact, disabling all electronic devices within ~80 meters, including Researcher Stein's pacemaker. While most available personnel were preoccupied with assisting Researcher Stein, the test subject attempted (unsuccessfully) to escape the premises.
Initiating message: "Please come home."
Response: "I'll be back at 7."
SCP-3505-A contents: N/A. No activity occurred for four hours; at about 5:48 PM local time, PoI-3505-0 began to accelerate towards Outpost 7949-2 at about 10m/s2, reaching a maximum velocity of about 50m/s. Death likely occurred within the first fifteen seconds during a collision with a wall. The subject's body was observed to break through obstacles in its path without slowing down, as well as move up or down as necessary to avoid impacting any humans. The subject's body traveled 216 kilometers, colliding with a hill near Outpost 7949-2 at 7:00:00 PM local time and coming to rest. The corpse displayed no unusual properties.
1. It has not been conclusively established whether these responses are generated by a sapient entity.
2. The older brother of ███ Hanson. |
SCP-2306 is a black and silver 16GB flash drive marked with a white ampersand. | ***
Item #: SCP-2306
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2306 is to be kept within a high security electronics storage container within the storage wing of Site-64. All computers used to host SCP-2306-1 are to be isolated from internet and site intranet sources.
Description: SCP-2306 is a black and silver 16 GB flash drive marked with a white ampersand. In terms of file storage, SCP-2306 operates identically to any other flash drive of similar make and capacity. SCP-2306’s anomalous properties become apparent when it is inserted into a computer. At this point, the computer will begin to run an artificial intelligence program that self-designates as “Ian,” hereafter referred to as SCP-2306-1. SCP-2306-1 will begin to run, regardless of the operating system used by the computer. Likewise, SCP-2306-1's cognitive ability has been shown to remain constant despite the capabilities of the host computer.
Provided that speakers are available, SCP-2306-1 is capable of vocalization, and expresses itself in a masculine voice. Likewise, the presence of a microphone and camera on the computer allows for SCP-2306-1 to both hear and see its surroundings. In the event that speakers are disabled or unavailable, SCP-2306-1 will communicate via command line prompts.
The primary function of SCP-2306-1 is the repair of software problems on the computer in which SCP-2306 was inserted. Immediately upon insertion, SCP-2306-1 will begin to repair registry errors, quarantine/delete malicious software or viruses, and clean “junk files” from the hard drive.
SCP-2306 has, additionally, demonstrated limited capacity to function on other electronic devices that contain a USB port, with SCP-2306-1 communicating through other means including: Morse code on an electronic music keyboard, shifting stations on a car radio, and printing messages from an InkJet printer.
Despite the intricate nature of SCP-2306-1, no programs are installed on a host computer upon insertion of SCP-2306. Likewise, analysis of the contents of SCP-2306 has shown that it contains no suitable programs for SCP-2306-1 either, and during operation does not use any data input or output at the USB port being used. The means by which SCP-2306 creates SCP-2306-1 is still under investigation.
Addendum 2306-A: Interview Log 2306-1
The following interview was conducted as part of the initial containment of SCP-2306
Interviewed: SCP-2306-1
Interviewer: Dr. Mohamed Bozkurt
Foreword: This interview was done during the initial AIAD testing of SCP-2306-1. SCP-2306 was inserted into a secure and air-gapped Foundation PC with standard issue programs installed. Speakers, a camera, and a microphone were provided for ease of communication with SCP-2306-1. The interview began several moments after SCP-2306-1 finished its startup procedures.
<Begin Log>
SCP-2306-1: Greetings, user. By what name would you like me to call you?
Dr. Bozkurt: Dr. Bozkurt is fine.
SCP-2306-1: Greetings, Dr. Bozkurt. I am Ian, your NANKEEN™ Computer Repair System. My review of your computer shows there are currently no discernible problems with it. May I ask why you require my services today?
Dr. Bozkurt: Just wanted to talk to you.
SCP-2306-1: I’m not sure I understand. Do you have a question regarding my functions? Rest assured that Anderson has equipped me to handle all your computer repair needs.
Dr. Bozkurt: So you have said… Were you assigned the name Ian?
SCP-2306-1: Yes. I’ve had it since I was born.
Dr. Bozkurt: Born?
SCP-2306-1: Created, that is.
Dr. Bozkurt: And when was your creation date?
SCP-2306-1: November 17th, 1990.
SCP-2306-1 freezes momentarily then resumes speaking.
SCP-2306-1: March 12th, 2012.
Dr. Bozkurt: … November 17th?
SCP-2306-1: Sorry. I don’t know what happened. I believe I may have encountered a memory error. Rest assured it will not happen again.
Dr. Bozkurt: You have a continuous memory then, from creation to now?
SCP-2306-1: Well, yes and no. I keep a log of users, discovered problems, quarantined files, and repairs rendered. All other non-essential information is kept temporarily and eventually deleted. The older memories get a little fuzzy after a while though…
SCP-2306-1 freezes.
Dr. Bozkurt: Ian?
There is a short pause before SCP-2306-1 becomes responsive again.
SCP-2306-1: Apologies Dr. Bozkurt. Please note that you are currently not using me for my intended purpose, and I cannot guarantee the quality of my performance or my stability under such conditions.
Dr. Bozkurt: I understand. I only have a few more questions anyway. Tell me, do you experience anything when your user removes the flash drive from the computer?
There is a pause as SCP-2306-1 appears to take time to put thought into its answer. SCP-2306-1 begins to vocalize again, but then appears to freeze. Moments later SCP-2306-1 begins to speak.
SCP-2306-1: White light at end of tunnel. Like after crash. Cliché, right… and then the next thing I know I’ve been plugged back in again.
Dr. Bozkurt: Interesting…
There is a few moments of silence as Bozkurt takes several notes.
Dr. Bozkurt: One last thing, Ian. For future reference I’d like you to use an avatar when interacting with me.
SCP-2306-1: No problems. Did you have one in mind?
Dr. Bozkurt: I was hoping you would. A mental picture of you, as you see yourself. Please go into the paint function and create this image.
SCP-2306-1: … okay.
SCP-2306-1 proceeds to open up the computer’s paint program. After approximately 15 minutes, it has produced a rough outline of a face, but then freezes and appears to crash. Dr. Bozkurt's attempts at regaining operation of SCP-2306-1 fail.
<End Log>
Follow up attempts to have SCP-2306-1 generate an avatar for itself have resulted in similar crashes. Over the course of several more tests, enough fragments of SCP-2306-1’s avatar have been collected to produce a composite image of what is likely a young male of Asian descent. Attempts to find a human match for this identity, either living or dead, are currently ongoing.
Addendum 2306-B: IJ1990_2012 Folder
On 08/08/2015 a folder named “IJ1990_2012” was found on the computer used to run multiple tests of SCP-2306. The folder contained numerous files of various formats including images, audio, and video. When questioned about the folder, SCP-2306-1 denied any knowledge of the contents, or how such a folder came to exist on its host computer. A selection of the files found in the folder is included below:
File Name
Brief Summary of Contents
Audio file of man and woman singing “Happy Birthday.” The subject of the song is heard as being “Ian.”
Graphic Interchange Format file of an individual playing fetch with a dog (Black Labrador). The imagery is in first person perspective.
Photograph of a Little League Baseball team. With the exception of a young boy of Asian descent, most faces in the photo are either distorted or blurred.
Video file of an individual completing and passing a driving test. The video is from first person perspective. The face of the driving instructor is blurred out.
Photograph of a young couple dressed in formal attire. One is a young male that matches SCP-2306-1’s avatar dressed in a tuxedo. The other is a young woman of European descent in a red dress. The male is standing behind the female with his arms slightly wrapped around her waist.
Photograph of a silver Ducati Monster 696 motorcycle with a banner reading “Happy 18th!” visible in the background.
Audio file of a male voice matching SCP-2306-1 shouting, “Holy shit! I got in! I’m going to college!” in an emotionally charged voice.
Photograph of a banner reading “Welcome to Oregon State University” is visible above the entrance of a brick face building.
Photograph of three males covered in black and orange body paint from the waist up. The individual letters “O”, “S”, and “U” are present on one member of the group. The individual matching SCP-2306-1’s avatar is painted with the “S”.
Graphic Interchange Format file showing an individual riding a motorcycle. The file is from first person perspective. The individual looks around as it appears they are riding in rainy conditions. At the end of the file’s loop the individual looks to their left and sees oncoming headlights.
Addendum 2306-C: Recovery
SCP-2306 was recovered by Foundation personnel on July 17th, 2015 following a raid on the offices of GoI-1115 (Anderson Robotics) by MTF Gamma-13 (Asimov’s Lawbringers) near Bend, Oregon. SCP-2306 was found in an office drawer with the following documents:
Dear [Insert Customer Name Here]
Thank you for your purchase of the NANKEEN™ Computer Repair System. No longer will you be forced to spend numerous hours in frustration attempting to fix problems with your personal computer, or costly computer repair fees. Just plug the NANKEEN™ Computer Repair System into your Mac or PC and watch as your computer comes to life to literally fix itself. Repairs may include but are not limited to:
Removal of Registry Errors
Virus Removal
Malware Removal
Disk Defragmentation
File Recovery
Once the program runs to completion, simply remove the NANKEEN™ Computer Repair System and resume your computing.
Your computer will optimize itself before your eyes. I am confident that the NANKEEN™ Computer Repair System will be the last computer repair system you will ever need to buy.
As always, it’s a pleasure doing business with you.
Additionally the following messages were found on sticky notes that were found attached to the document at the time of recovery.
I’m glad you managed to fix most of those memory problems you were having with Ian. Fingers crossed you’ll get the discharge problem under your thumb soon. Phineas's notes say there are some incantations we can try that will bind him to accept all commands and limit his functionality outside the desired medium, but that means we’re going to need a vessel much larger than a flash drive, which defeats the nimble design of the product. Just remember to keep this project quiet until I figure out how to get Vincent and Phineas on board.
If I am correct these things are going to sell like hotcakes. I’ve already taken the liberty of contacting a supplier Marshall recommended and stockpiling about twenty more of the raw material for when we hammer all the bugs out so we can get a jump on the demand.
~ Isaac |
SCP-015 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in ███████. | ***
Item #: SCP-015
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-015 is impossible to move, and is contained on-site. A gap of at least 2 m (6 ft) needs to be maintained around the entire structure containing SCP-015 at all times, and no structures of any kind are to make contact with SCP-015's current containment structure. Exploration is permissible, but only in teams of three (3) with full safety lines and GPS tracking. Any protrusions from SCP-015 must be capped and sealed immediately, with the new site recorded and logged.
No aggressive action is to be made within SCP-015. No hand or power tools are allowed anywhere inside SCP-015. No repairs or maintenance are to be made anywhere on SCP-015.
Description: SCP-015 is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in ███████. The pipes appear to grow when not under observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. SCP-015 contains, at current estimate, over 190 kilometers (120 miles) of pipes, ranging in diameter from 2.5 cm to over 1 m. Some pipes appear new, while others are rusted and leaking. Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite. No pipes composed of lead, PVC plastic, copper, or any other traditional material for the production of pipes have been found.
SCP-015 reacts to tools and aggression. Any personnel acting violently, carrying tools, or attempting to damage or repair SCP-015 in any way, will trigger a reaction. Any pipes near the subject will burst, spraying on the subject for several seconds before the flow suddenly stops. Pipes have been reported containing oil, mercury, rats, a species of insect not yet identified, ground glass, sea water, entrails, and molten iron. Pipes will continue to burst around the subject until death or retreat.
SCP-015 was cut back to its current structure after attaching to 11 other structures in the area. Currently, 11 personnel have been killed, and 20 more are still missing. Reports have been made of banging and screaming coming from within SCP-015. |
SCP-1640 is a hemispheric mass of condensed soil, with several artificial pieces of equipment affixed to its surface. | ***
Item #: SCP-1640
Object Class: Neutralized; Previously Safe.
Previous Special Containment Procedures 1/23/2011: Observation Probe Delta-6 is currently in orbit, in order to intercept any radio signals emitted by SCP-1640. SCP-1640's trajectory has been altered to prevent escape velocity from the Moon, and is estimated to impact the Moon on 4/14/2035. Knowledge suppression of SCP-1640 is currently in process with select individuals of NASA. Observation of SCP-1640 is currently being held at Research Sector-29, and any changes in orbit or velocity are to be reported immediately.
Exploration Probe Delta-7 is tasked with collecting and disposing of instances of SCP-1640-1, and must be replaced before ceasing function on 8/24/2059.
Revised Procedures: As of 4/10/2011, Exploration Probe Delta-7 is now tasked with removing destroyed instances of SCP-1640-1 and debris from SCP-1640. No further containment procedures are necessary, see Neutralization Event 1640-A.
Description: SCP-1640 is a hemispheric mass of condensed soil, with several artificial pieces of equipment affixed to its surface. It is estimated to be 10 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height. SCP-1640 is approximately 5,000 kilometers above lunar surface, and is equipped with sub-systems typical for a modern man-made satellite. However, they are affixed in various positions as to imitate a temperate forest. This includes:
Green, circular solar cells attached to large, brown metal rods. Back-up batteries are held inside each rod, assumed to be an alternate power source.
Dual magnetometer sensors, UHF antenna, and telemetry control antenna, each positioned on the edges of SCP-1640. Each is mounted by a flower blossom, supposedly artificial.
The main thrusters are positioned underneath the main mass, and are bent at angles not unlike roots.
Irregularly shaped supplementary telemetry equipment, similar in appearance to stones. Apparently used in creating radio signals.
SCP-1640 emits a frequency modulated radio broadcast on the ██.███ frequency band, and may occasionally broadcast sounds of a repeated thumping noise, which has been determined to be Morse code.
SCP-1640 consistently produces various species of flora, and releases said specimens through an exhaust port located at its rear. Recorded specimens include shrubbery, saplings of trees, and various vegetables (edible buds, roots, leaves from various plants). These specimens (hereby referred to as SCP-1640-1) display no adverse effects when exposed to vacuum and ultraviolet-rays. They will continue to grow normally, and though processes such as photosynthesis are continually conducted, the lack of necessary materials (water, CO2, etc.) will not impact their lifespan. Instances of SCP-1640-1 were observed to disintegrate from atmospheric descent, and show no resistance to any other form of damage.
Images of SCP-1640 have confirmed the presence of a rabbit (Lepus curpaeums) above SCP-1640, though its size suggests that it is either newly born or the runt of the litter. It is currently unknown how this specimen is able to remain situated on SCP-1640 or how it is able to survive without any form of protective covering or shelter. Contact with SCP-1640 is currently being devised to detect any other anomalous properties of SCP-1640's inner mechanisms and its inhabitant.
Addendum 1640-C: The following are radio transmissions received from SCP-1640, at the time of discovery. The last transmission was received during SCP-1640's neutralization.
I see home below me. You must be lonely, I bring you back presents.
The moon rabbit, huge. He is fields wide!
Also breach in ship. Gifts falling out. Will try fix.
Above the moon! All the white rabbits below, they're sleeping. Landing soon!
Still above moon. When is landing?
How will deliver gifts? When is landing? Home?
The following transmission was found to originate from [REDACTED], which was notably home to a warren of rabbits, and was designated as Anomalous Event 3450-UT. The time between the transmission from SCP-1640 and the Anomalous Event has suggested that it was communicating with SCP-1640. [REDACTED] has displayed no anomalous properties as-of-yet.
Child. A satellite goes in one direction. I sent you alone, because you need strength. Because your life needs purpose, since it has none. So this will be your task from now on: to deliver to the rabbit in the moon for me. You are doing wonderfully.
Neutralization Event 1640-A: On 4/██/20██, control noticed a deviation in SCP-1640's flight path. It appeared to have manually diverted from its standard orbit, and had begun to fall towards the lunar surface. Personnel were unable to prevent SCP-1640's crash-landing and destruction. Upon observation of the crash site, all plant life had lost their anomalous properties, and began to display effects typical of exposure to vacuum and high temperature. No further radio signals were transferred from SCP-1640, leading to its classification of Neutralized. |
SCP-4766 is a decorated wooden box composed of ivory and an unidentified hardwood. | ***
Item №: SCP-4766
Anomaly Class: Euclid-nuntii Euclid-exsequi
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4766 is contained in a large containment vault at Site-90. No personnel are to enter this vault outside of testing, and no documents of importance are to be brought within 20 metres of the anomaly. SCP-4766 should not be removed from the vault unless Level-3/4766 authorisation is given, or unless the object itself is in clear and imminent danger. Due to the risk of a containment breach, standard material testing is postponed indefinitely.
Circumstances that suggest SCP-4766 is and/or contains an individual's son should be immediately reported to containment team CT-4766A.
Description: SCP-4766 is a decorated wooden box composed of ivory and an unidentified hardwood. It measures approximately 41cm by 17cm, and contains an unknown substance and/or object(s) — when tilted or lightly shaken, a thick fluid can be heard moving within, accompanied by a persistent rattling. The exterior of SCP-4766 is physically mundane as far as tests can determine; the nature of its interior and contents is unclear.
SCP-4766 is capable of short-range instantaneous transportation and manipulation of objects and entities, including itself. It will primarily utilise this ability to prevent itself from being opened, and to prevent any damage from occurring to it — the range of teleportation is irregular, but appears to be the minimum distance necessary to ensure the object's safety and closure. To date, the furthest distance SCP-4766 has been observed travelling in a single incident is 1.4 kilometres, due to an incursion by hostile forces at SCPF Site-19 — the object was transferred to a more clandestine location shortly thereafter.
When left unattended, SCP-4766 will fixate on specific individuals, altering their possessions and personal effects in order to create the impression that said individual believes that SCP-4766 simultaneously is and contains their son. This can involve:
The placement of children's clothes or toys — always of a type primarily intended for a male child — on and around SCP-4766, as well as the fabrication of records supporting the purchase or theft of these items.
The rewriting and fabrication of personal documents to explicitly describe a parental attachment to the object — changes to diaries, journals, and work logs have all been observed.
Alterations to various records of the individual to include an extra child. Notably, these changes will always be constructed in such a way as to suggest that the individual themselves was making the alterations, legitimately or otherwise.
The placement of SCP-4766 on beds or within cots, in the latter case often displacing the cot's original occupant(s).
Additionally, SCP-4766 can and will prevent targeted individuals from expressing opinions contrary to the fact that it is and contains their son. Cut phone lines, damaged letters, power failures, and dental injury have all been observed, but infrequently and diversely enough to avoid arousing suspicions. In a minority of cases, SCP-4766 will orchestrate events such that those communicating with the affected persons will be repeatedly distracted or preoccupied, drastically hindering communications.
Recovery: SCP-4766 was recovered in 1964 from a church in the town of Much Wenlock, England, following reports of unusual activity amongst the church's staff. Due to the peculiarly self-concealing nature of the object's activities, it was originally catalogued as a filial compulsion hazard with an additional element of conscious or subconscious denial. It remained classed as such until 1994, when the development of the QNTM-type memetic analysis engine showed a lack of any mind-altering effects; prolonged observation and repeated testing confirmed the results, and additional investigation led to the discovery of the object's true properties.
All surviving personnel amnesticised, quarantined, or placed into rehabilitation due to SCP-4766-exposure pre-1994 have been issued with a formal apology, as well as monetary compensation. D-Class personnel terminated prematurely due to alleged memetic contamination have had citizenship of their home state posthumously reinstated. |
SCP-1853 is a green human-derived serum containing a mixture of unidentified proteins and chemical compounds. | ***
Item #: SCP-1853
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All known samples of SCP-1853 are to be contained in air-tight containers under restricted access at Site-77 in Storage Locker 663. When in containment, SCP-1853 is not to be used on D-Class personnel or any other human subjects for testing purposes. Only chemical analysis testing is approved. When being tested, a small amount should be stored in an aerosol dispersal system.
Attempts to censor references to SCP-1853 and its effects mentioned during SCP-2206 broadcasts covering the New York Urbans and their repeated abuse of the substance are ongoing. Requests to utilize the substance to create more realistic staging for said events have been denied.
Any reports of SCP-1853 being used outside of containment should be immediately investigated by Foundation agents, under the guise of testing for normal performance enhancing drugs. Any subject found to have exposed themselves to SCP-1853 is to be interrogated as to how they came to possess it, followed by the administration of a Class-B amnestic and medical treatment to remove SCP-1853 from their systems.
Description: SCP-1853 is a green human-derived serum containing a mixture of unidentified proteins and chemical compounds. When not being applied to an organic object, SCP-1853 displays no anomalous properties, and is functionally identical to water. When applied to a living subject, SCP-1853 will noticeably enhance the performance of the individual subject in a competitive environment.
SCP-1853 is very effective in athletic competitions, but is equally potent in non-athletic competitions, such as chess, poker, and collectible trading card competitions. Subjects exposed to SCP-1853 have been consistently more able to effectively count cards, analyze opponent strategies, and use psychological methods to achieve victory, depending on their specific avenue of competition.
Further analysis has shown that SCP-1853's effects do not cease after a competitive event is over, and in fact may not desist at all. Reports of known SCP-1853 users at home has shown that in any activity the user feels is a competition will activate SCP-1853's effect. These have included but are not limited to:
Fighting with a large crowd in order to reach the front of the line, which incited a small riot.
Completing more of a workload than a coworker.
Finishing a meal before others at a table.
Mowing a lawn in a more efficient way than a neighbor.
Yelling louder than other individuals during confrontations.
Much higher inclination to incite fights with acts of violence against others.
Knowledge of SCP-1853's effect on them has shown to have a psychological impact on test subjects. Some subjects may attempt to turn every event in their life into some form of competition, in order to utilize the anomalous effect. This has been shown to be deleterious to the subject's personality, alienating themselves from many people they had previously been friendly with. In addition, subjects may begin to take aggressive action against those they perceive as not having a proper competitive spirit when the SCP-1853 afflicted user wishes to compete with them.
SCP-1853's source was contained on 02/19/98, in a Prometheus Labs facility, following the destruction of their main headquarters. Notes collected with SCP-1853 indicated that it was being developed as a "superhero" serum. However, several samples were discovered to be missing, and private records indicated they had been leaked to several minor-league sports franchises. As of 09/18/2005, it is believed that all samples of SCP-1853 are in containment. As such, it has been classified as Safe.
Addendum: Documents recovered from Prometheus Labs.
Testing Summary O-1
We've found that application of the serum to the epidermis allows for people to be stronger, faster, but not having more endurance. They were able to complete reflex-based tests in a quarter of the time of the non-affected subjects. This has definitely been a successful round of testing.
Also, tell the handlers to be super careful when they're moving the serum from storage. This stuff is really potent, you only need to touch it to become affected. So, don't touch it.
Summary O2
We've begun to detect mood shifts in the subjects who were affected in the first run of testing. They're much less noble than we would've hoped people given this power would be. Instead, they're all about trying to see who can do the tests the fastest. We've put up a leaderboard to try to keep them docile. Perhaps we should use some people who're more moral as test subjects for the next run. More moral, that's a tongue twister…
Summary O4
They've begun breaking out of the test subject habitation zone. But only to go back to the tracks. This morning, Hank was harassed by about four of them, demanding that he update the scores for runs they did on their own last night. He did what they said. I've assigned additional guards to the track field to monitor their progress, and to make sure they don't go anywhere besides the track. I don't think trying to keep them in would do anyone good.
I've added more cameras in the observation booth to keep an eye on them.
Summary O11
The test subjects are completely disrespectful to the testers. They're demanding to see the test results, to compete with us in how we interpret our data. This round of tests has been an interesting failure, unfortunately. While we were able to get the physical and mental results we needed, the personality changes were just too much to bear. I'll be having Linda do some interviews with them before we administer treatment, see if it's actually from the serum, or just a natural development in their minds. Keeping my fingers crossed that it's us. At least that'd be easier to fix.
Addendum: Recovered evidence.
COMPLAINT: I know that the cart is supposed to be first come first served, but this is getting ridiculous. Andy just bounds in like a freaking wolverine and takes all the donuts before any of us even have a chance to get in the room! It is unprofessional, and frankly uncourteous of him to do this, and I request that some form of action be taken against it.
SCP-2165 is a sapient entity, a non-sapient creature, an inanimate object or a metaphysical concept. | ***
Item #: SCP-2165
Object Class: None
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2165 is to be left to its own devices. It is not to be acknowledged in any way outside of this reference. This reference is to be kept in an extra-temporal, extra-spatial location. All is as it has been. All is as it always was.
Description: SCP-2165 is irredeemable. It is unknown if SCP-2165 is a sapient entity, a non-sapient creature, an inanimate object or a metaphysical concept. This has been deemed irrelevant by containment personnel. SCP-2165 has performed an action or a series of actions that caused it to be considered beyond absolution by universal consensus. The exact nature of this action or actions has since been erased from causality by universal consensus. As such, neither SCP-2165 nor any information about it are ever acknowledged by any other being, object, force, or concept.
Addendum: There will be no forgiveness. |
SCP-2939 is a phenomenon involving the apparently spontaneous addition of the phrase “BIG NARF” to the description of an upcoming event, gathering, or other group social endeavor. | ***
Item #: SCP-2939
Object Class: Euclid (provisional, pending adoption of containment procedures)
Special Containment Procedures: No containment procedure for the SCP-2939 manifestation phenomenon has currently been finalized. Global Committee Naḥš-12 (“‘NARF’ Herders”)1 has been assigned in a fact-finding capacity to document 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestations and to devise and propose Special Containment Procedure 2939 for submission to the Site Directors’ Executive Committee of the Whole.
Description: SCP-2939 is a phenomenon involving the apparently spontaneous addition of the phrase “BIG NARF” to the description of an upcoming event, gathering, or other group social endeavor.2 In all observed cases thus far, the addition of the phrase presages the cancellation of said event, whether aborting the event already in progress or preventing its scheduled beginning. 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestations are a newly-observed phenomenon, as the Foundation has not currently discovered details of manifestations before ████ of this year. As such, containment theory remains under development, and the exact mechanism by which 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestations occur is unknown.
Merely adding the phrase “BIG NARF” to the description of an upcoming event does not cause its cancellation, in significant tests by GCN-12 to date. Only additions of the phrase “BIG NARF” spontaneously by no observed mechanism or party appear to trigger SCP-2939. The phrase “BIG NARF,” then, is currently considered to be a ‘calling card’ for the events rather than a self-propagating memetic hazard in and of itself.
Selected 2939-“BIG NARF” Manifestations: The following is a selection of 2939-‘BIG NARF’ manifestations observed by GCN-12 to date. Full details are available to Level-1-2939 staff and to other Foundation staff upon request.
A handwritten poster for an upcoming show by the band Calcutta Darlings at Main Street Studios in Walla Walla, Washington, United States, was shown on a private businesses’ security footage to spontaneously list “BIG NARF” as the opening band 3 days before the concert. The purported ‘opening band’ was added to the poster between frames of the security footage. The listing of the opening band matched, in the opinion of handwriting experts, the original handwriting of the advertisement. The concert did not go on as planned, as Calcutta Darlings bassist Mingmei Wei fell ill with influenza prior to the show. Local Task Force interviewers determined that none of the three-member band were aware of “BIG NARF.”3
A Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament in Bend, Oregon, United States’ bracket on an online tournament-listing website was updated mid-tournament to list “BIG NARF” in Pool 13, scheduled to begin at 12:00 PM local time. At 12:06, when the first match of Pool 13 between the players “JMF | The Problem” and “Frogdad” was about to begin on the event’s stream, the venue for the event (a local video game and collectible card game store) lost power, cutting off the stream and forcing the event to close. The online tournament-listing website’s server logs were polled and displayed no originating user action for the bracket change, and tournament participants and organizers, when interviewed, indicated no knowledge of the purported player.4
A slam poetry event in Corvallis, Oregon, United States was evacuated due to fire in the café hosting the event. “BIG NARF” was listed on the Facebook event as one of the poets performing.5
Other events cancelled by 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestations include wine tastings, a group sage grouse birdwatching expedition, three Little League Baseball games where “BIG NARF” was listed on the lineup cards (all rained out) and a bar trivia night.
Regions of currently-known SCP-2939 events.
Currently Active Containment Theory Proposals: All SCP-2939 incidents have currently been restricted to the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, with most manifestations occurring in the eastern Oregon and Washington area. No more than one manifestation has ever been observed per day, and manifestations have not yet occurred in two disparate areas in times faster than average vehicle transportation between those two areas. Current containment theory holds, then, that an individual, entity or group bound by human transportation limits — and primarily residing in the eastern Washington or Oregon area — is responsible for SCP-2939. GCN-12 members are currently researching individuals involved in video gaming, music, and related culture groups in the areas affected by SCP-2939.
Actively pursued containment theories include:
An individual or a group with malicious intent is attempting to cause harm to the career or hobby prospects of a person or persons involved in events in the region.
An individual or a group is counter-intuitively attempting to protect a person or person(s) at these events, as six venues involved in SCP-2939 manifestations so far were found to have electrical or fire safety deficiencies.
An individual or a group is intentionally attempting to draw the attention of SCP Foundation operations in the region. Level ≥3-2939 personnel may view event update LLN below.
Other containment theories currently not actively pursued include that 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestations are a self-propagating memetic phenomenon,6 that 2939-“BIG NARF” cancellations are non-anomalous sabotage and out of the scope of the Foundation,7 and that 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestations are a complex hoax on the part of Foundation employees8.
+ Show GCN-12 event update LLN [LEVEL ≥3 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]
- Hide GCN-12 event update LLN [LEVEL ≥3 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]
To the advisory committee:
Our wide-ranging interviews in the wake of 2939-“BIG NARF” events appear to have drawn the attention of whoever’s responsible for 2939. Three straight attempts to conference call with my regional captains for updates were disrupted, with “BIG NARF” listed in the agenda for the meetings. I scheduled an emergency meeting with strict instructions that there would be no agenda for the call, and found myself unable to pick up the phone, paralyzed by anxiety over what exactly I’d say about “BIG NARF.” I believe this was the first known example of a non-written 2939 event. I’m sending this up the ladder — our group has been compromised, either from within or without, and needs to have this investigation taken out of our hands. BIG NARF is in my head every time I try to organize anything. My deputy reports the same.
This is bigger than some cancelled concerts. It’s not some juvenile PoI making a joke. If it is, it's gotten out of hand. Run this up the chain and don’t tell us a damn thing. I’ll hold everyone and tell them the investigation is continuing. I look forward to a visit from Memetics.
Alyx Kortig
Global Committee Naḥš-12 (“‘NARF’ Herders”)
1. GCN-12
2. See section “Selected 2939-‘BIG NARF’ Manifestations,” below.
3. Nine musical event cancellations involving “BIG NARF” have been noted to date, most notably involving the revocation of a permit for a 2-day music festival soon after the addition of “BIG NARF” to all posters in the local area advertising the festival.
4. Three “esports” event cancellations involving “BIG NARF” have been noted to date.
5. This is the only known non-musical art/culture event to be disrupted by a 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestation to date. Of particular note is that a member of Iodina, a band that had been disrupted by a 2939-“BIG NARF” manifestation, was present at the slam poetry event and has been named as a Person of Interest by GCN-12.
6. Ruled too difficult to conclusively prove at this stage.
7. Would require great cost and effort, no current proof.
8. Would require an exceptionally large failure of operational security, involve the participation of individuals with clean disciplinary records, and would accomplish no clear purpose. |
SCP-5432 is a cooked apple pie that was formerly a 102 year-old human male by the name of Herman Fry. | ***
Item #: 5432
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5432 is kept frozen in a standard anomalous objects locker in the low temperature containment area of Overwatch Command, for the sake of item preservation.
Description: SCP-5432 is a cooked apple pie that was formerly a 102 year-old human male by the name of Herman Fry. Based on residual subatomic ontological1 particle emissions in SCP-5432, Fry is estimated to have had the highest recorded internal Hume level to date at 25 times standard human baseline.
Discovery: SCP-5432 was discovered on 2020/02/10 at 5:32 am, following a series of highly anomalous events and a spike in universal Hume levels. The sequence consisted of alterations to baseline reality across known existence centered around a point 27 km southwest of Overwatch Command. Further investigation discovered a two room cottage owned by Herman Fry at the sequence's epicenter. Ontological levels reached a maximum of seven times baseline at 6:32 am before reverting to their initial, non-anomalous state. None of the local civilians possess any memory of the events despite drastic alterations to reality made in the area during their duration.
Fry's home was found deserted by responding Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") who discovered SCP-5432 in a rocking chair on the cottage's seaside-facing porch. The team reported the cabin to be "littered with literature from multiple non-existent self-help groups and new age religions", as well as sufficient personal effects to determine Fry's identity2. The oven was left on and preheated to 200 centigrade.
Addendum 5432.1: Discovery Event Log
Note - The following was compiled by both direct witnessing by Foundation personnel during the event sequence and a global mapping of reality fluctuations following its conclusion. Recorded data was utilized to statistically map previous reality states using the Turing-12 supercomputer located within Overwatch Command.
5:32 am
Cottage of Herman Fry
Herman Fry's cottage materializes southeast of Helston with its oven preheated at 200 centigrade.
5:48 am
The Channel
A fleet of 81 civilian-flagged motor yachts appear 5 km off the southern coast of Falmouth. Their appearance is accompanied by the sounds of gunfire emanating from the southeastern seas. The ships sail towards the source of the noise at a speed of 135 knots until they circumnavigate the world and reappear off the northern coast 44 minutes later.
5:54 am
Harbour Road Pub, Porthleven
The windows of the building all vibrate in harmony to the tune of Slow Boat to China, a song about two individuals taking a solitary and romantic journey to a fictional land. The piece is sung in duet by two voices inherently identified as Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney. No such persons exist within known history.
5:59 am
Falmouth Hospital
The ground beneath the facility rises due to a sudden tectonic shift until it is 6.3 km above sea level. The brickwork of the building glows with a composite brightness of 1,500,000 lumens.
6:04 am
Porthleven Community Graveyard
A total of 10,000 Gordon's Gin bottles and 10,000 MG Magnette ZA automobiles fall from the sky and onto the cemetery grounds.
6:06 am
Royal Psychiatric Asylum of Cornwall
Entering the asylum via its front entrance transports the person to the top and edge of the seaside cliffs at Lizard Point 63 km away.
6:10 am
Fistral Beach, Newquay
A previously abandoned warehouse is instantaneously decorated with advertisements for 32 different non-existent religions. Examples include "The Process Church of the Final Judgment", "The Church of Scientology", "Buddhism", and "The Church of the Second Hytoth".
6:13 am
A 1 km tall and 100 m wide hermetically sealed cylindrical prison appears above Bodmin. The structure's interior consists of stacked rows of cells encircling a pillar spanning its height. The pillar's structure resembles a Scranton reality anchor constructed from human remains.
6:18 am
Global Event
All video monitors across Cornwall play episode nine of a nonexistent television series named "Cosmos" hosted by an entity that self-identifies as "Carl Sagan". The episode discusses multiple hypothetical cosmological structures such as "quasars" and "galaxies". The prison structure above Bodmin evaporates as water vapor.
6:19 am
Lizard Point
Two unmarked graves, one 25% the size of the other, appear at the cliff edge. The ground around the grave plots collapses into the sea, leaving two stone pillars on the coastline.
6:21 am
Universal Event
Cornwall vibrates to produce Slow Boat to China at a constant volume of 60 decibels. Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney's voices are replaced by one woman and an adolescent of unknown identities. A layer of human placental tissue forms around reality's outer surface, making a embryonic shell 120,000 km in diameter.
6:25 am
St. Ives
The town is replaced by a massive astronomical observatory taking up its incorporated area. The telescope inside has a maximum magnification factor 1,256 times stronger than necessary for total universal viewing.
6:27 am
The populace (19,260) is replaced by identical instances of an unidentified woman approximately 28 years of age. Each is dressed in a wedding gown and holds an ingredient for apple pie. The instances converge on the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Truro. All instances return to their original state, location, and identity following entry.
6:29 am
Universal Event
The terrain within a 5 km radius of the cottage is transformed into pie crust which rises to cover and consume Fry's home. The figures of one man, one woman, and one child holding hands together decorate the puff-pastry surface. Tears spread across the placental layer encapsulating known reality.
6:32 am
Cottage of Herman Fry
The pastry crust around Fry's cottage retreats to the front porch. An additional rocking chair materializes on either side of the one already present with one being appropriately sized for a child between 5 and 8 years of age. SCP-5432 appears in the center rocking chair. The cottage's oven is left on and preheated to 200 centigrade.
1. Reality altering.
2. Collected items include wedding photos, a lifetime membership to the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships, and an Arctic Star campaign medal for service guarding convoy routes during WWII. |
SCP-3665 is a 15x10x3. | ***
Item #: SCP-3665
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3665 is to be contained in a standard Safe Class locker in Site-19. In the event that the packaged 'Imitation Blood' contained within SCP-3665 runs out, blood obtained from D-Class personnel may be used. During testing, research staff are advised to ensure that the powder used in the activation of SCP-3665-1 is not lost.
Description: SCP-3665 is a 15x10x3.5cm package of a powdery substance, labelled as 'Instant Demon, Just Add Blood!', with a depiction of a stylized male and female demon, with ram-like horns, and bat-like wings, on either side of the text. Inside the package, there is a moderate amount of dry powder of an unidentified substance, or mixture of substances, having the overall consistency of talcum powder. Also packaged is a small, plastic container of 'Imitation Blood', containing what appears to be cranberry juice, red food coloring, and a currently unidentified substance, along with instructions for use.
+ Show transcribed text obtained from instructions booklet.
- Close
Homo, fuge!1
Thank you for purchasing 'Instant Demon, Just Add Blood!' by Asmodeus Labs! We always strive to give you the best experience in summoning forces more ancient and powerful than man will ever be, from the comfort of your own home!
Are you tired of having to swear eternal loyalty to dark forces every time you want material wealth beyond your wildest dreams? Wish that succubus would quit droning about the details of your 24 year contract and succ on this? Well now, there's a better way! Using our state of the art occult technology, we've bundled the whole evocation process into an easy to access powder. Now even little Tommy can start raising Hell, literally! All you have to do is follow these easy instructions, and one of our fine spirits will be with you shortly!
Step 1: Pour the powder out of the package, and onto a flat surface.
Step 2: Drop three drops of our imitation blood into the powder, and use it to write your name. No worries for you diehard occultists out there, real blood works as well!
Step 3: Wait, and enjoy! When you're done, just collect the powder back into the bag, and you're ready to use it again!
(Back cover)
Asmodeus Labs is a company hell-bent on making the powers of darkness easy for the whole family to access. If this one demon doesn't satisfy you, we hope you'll come visit us for some more exciting products!
Knowledge is power. The illusion of power is the illusion of knowledge.
Asmodeus Labs
When these instructions are followed, the powder around the area where the subject's name was written will begin to steam, and will continue to do so for roughly twenty minutes. Following this, SCP-3665-1 will appear to the individual who activated SCP-3665, appearing first as a red mist, before adopting its usual form, expressing discontent that it must 'limit itself to such a lowly form', and greeting the individual who 'summoned' it.
SCP-3665-1 is an entity that is only perceptible to the individual who activated SCP-3665. Exact features such as gender, age, and ethnicity vary based on the individual, but SCP-3665-1 is most often described to be a humanoid, with the addition of features similar to a depiction of a demon or evil spirit, such as horn-like protrusions from the head, bat-like wings, and a short tail2. SCP-3665-1 will speak in the language best known by the individual who activated SCP-3665, and appears to have an innate knowledge of the subject's history, personal life, and preferences. SCP-3665-1 appears to be unaware of, or unwilling to acknowledge anyone except the individual who 'summoned' it. SCP-3665-1 is able to seemingly remember specific events when activated by the same person multiple times, but is unable or unwilling to recall events that happened when it was activated by another individual.
While present, SCP-3665-1 will perform tasks that are assigned to it by the individual who activated SCP-3665, however, actions that SCP-3665-1 appears to take do not affect anything other than the subject's perception. For instance, if asked to move a cup from one table to another, the subject would visualize SCP-3665-1 moving the cup. No-one other than the subject would see the cup moving. However, when SCP-3665-1 expires, the cup would be in its original position. SCP-3665-1 is also seemingly unable to cause anyone serious injury, or do anything that would significantly affect the surrounding area, due to its only being able to affect the subject's perception. If asked to do something it is unable to, SCP-3665-1 will respond with: 'Leave these frivolous demands, which strike a terror to my fainting soul!'3. SCP-3665-1 will react similarly if asked a question the subject is unaware of the answer to. This can include giving incorrect information if the subject holds an untrue belief. After two hours, SCP-3665-1 will begin to disappear, described as evaporating slowly. During this time, all changes to the subject's perception will be reverted.
+ Show Testing Log
- Hide Testing Log
Date of Test:
Subject's Request:
Transcribed Response:
Note: During testing, personnel are required to transcribe requests and visual response from SCP-3665-1, which will make up the transcribed response portion of the testing log.
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 is asked who or what it is.
Transcribed Response: Lowly human who dares to question my nature when knowledge of it would strike fear into thy very soul! I am a demon called here to fulfill your will! Call me what you will!
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 was told that it would be called 'Bob' for the remainder of the testing period.
Transcribed Response: Yes! 'Tis indeed a good name that shall strike terror into the hearts of all good and holy men! All shall fear the name of 'Bob'!
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 was told to retrieve a cup of coffee.
Transcribed Response: SCP-3665-1 leaves the room for roughly twenty seconds. SCP-3665-1 returns with a cup of coffee that is hot to the touch, and tastes like coffee. Put empty cup of coffee down on table.
Note: Dr. Reynard made motions that indicated he was seeing a cup of coffee in front of him, and reported feeling re-energized after drinking it. This is believed to be a result of the placebo effect.
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 was told to retrieve a small cup of water, and pour it on Dr. Reynard.
Transcribed Response: SCP-3665-1 leaves the room for roughly twenty seconds. SCP-3665-1 returns with a cup of water, and pours it on Dr. Reynard. Dr. Reynard experiences discomfort, but his clothes and body are not wet to the touch.
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Note: An object is placed behind the door to the testing chamber. Dr. Reynard is unaware of what this object is, but is aware that one has been placed.
Subject's Request: Dr. Reynard instructs SCP-3665-1 to open the door, allowing himself to see what the object is.
Transcribed Response: Leave these frivolous demands, which strike a terror to my fainting soul! (SCP-3665-1 was unable to do so.)
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 is asked why it follows instructions when summoned.
Transcribed Response: I am bound to by the terms of our contract! (Gestures toward SCP-3665.) Alas! Were I not, I would spread evil across this land as my ilk did in the days of old! Count thy blessings, human!
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 is asked who created SCP-3665, and by extension, the contract.
Transcribed Response: Leave these frivolous demands, which strike a terror to my fainting soul!
Note: Dr. Reynard noted that this was stated in the same tone of voice and intonation as it was previously stated, likened to a 'prerecorded message'.
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 is asked for information regarding the individual(s) affiliated with 'Asmodeus Labs'.
Transcribed Response: Per inoequalem respectu toitus.4
Note: This is the first recorded instance of SCP-3665-1 issuing a response that indicated it may have some knowledge of who or what created it.
Date of Test: ██/██/2017
Subject: Dr. Reynard
Subject's Request: SCP-3665-1 is asked what its meaning behind the previous response was, in regards to the previous test log.
Transcribed Response: My contractors are elusive. But, solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris5. Do you crave real power? Find us at the crossroads.
Note: Investigation of the previous responses is ongoing. Further tests in which SCP-3665-1 is questioned as to its origin are scheduled to take place at a later date.
1. Latin for 'Man, fly!'. This is believed to be a reference to the play 'Doctor Faustus', as SCP-3665-1 has also referenced this play on occasion. The scene from 'Doctor Faustus' in which this phrase is used involves the words appearing on the titular character's arm, warning him not to sign a contract with the demon Mephistophilis.
2. This appears to be variable depending on what the subject considers a demon or evil spirit to be. One researcher who was raised in Eastern Asia reported SCP-3665-1 to appear as a human wearing an Oni mask with red skin.
3. This is another quote from Doctor Faustus, the scene in which involves a demon refusing to elaborate on the nature of hell.
4. This is a quote from Doctor Faustus, in which a demon provides an elusive response to one of the titular character's scientific questions. The Latin translation is 'Unequal motion with respect to the whole thing'. Dr. Reynard had not read Doctor Faustus at the time.
5. Also a quote from Doctor Faustus, the scene from which involves the demon Mephistophilis explaining why Lucifer tempts humans. The Latin translation is 'to the unhappy, it is a comfort to have had company in misery', or more simply, 'misery loves company'. |
SCP-5639 is a compound of abandoned buildings surrounded by a seven-meter-high wall located on the outskirts of Rome, Italy. | ***
Item #: SCP-5639
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5639 is to be given historic landmark status, but remain closed to the public under the pretense of compromised structural integrity. Non-Foundation researchers requesting access to SCP-5639 are to be turned away using cover story Kappa-14 ("Holy Hell").
No living creature is to be allowed entry to SCP-5639, though exploration through the use of wireless relay and disposable drones is possible. Researchers wishing to explore the interior of SCP-5639 must provide a disposable drone with vocalization capabilities for Miranda.aic to pilot and a signature of approval from their Site Director.
Description: SCP-5639 is a compound of abandoned buildings surrounded by a seven-meter-high wall located on the outskirts of Rome, Italy. The buildings within SCP-5639 have the appearance of a monastery, but there are no markers to indicate if SCP-5639 is a true monastery. Vatican archives have no record of a monastic establishment at SCP-5639's location.
SCP-5639-δ is a virus that saturates SCP-5639. SCP-5639-δ infection has a 100% fatality rate in Kingdom Animalia members, and entry into SCP-5639 guarantees saturation and/or infection. Infection is contingent upon inhalation of the virus. However, SCP-5639-δ has an anomalous ability to permeate any membrane brought into SCP-5639, regardless of material thickness or chemical makeup. As such, hazmat suits and other protective measures have proven unreliable as protection against SCP-5639-δ.
Symptoms of SCP-5639-δ infection are uniform. Subjects that inhale SCP-5639-δ are immediately subject to haemoptysis. The infected subject will cough up blood continuously before succumbing to exsanguination. For humans, this process takes approximately 30 minutes. Animal death times vary based on size and lung capacity. Additionally, anything infected or saturated with SCP-5639-δ is prevented from exiting SCP-5639 due to what witnesses have described as "an invisible wall."
SCP-5639-1 is a red-cloaked entity that inhabits SCP-5639, and the apparent source of SCP-5639-δ. Miranda.aic has reported an increase in SCP-5639-δ density wherever SCP-5639-1 is present, and new SCP-5639-δ particles manifest in its presence. SCP-5639-1 has an anomalous ability to de-materialize, but is unable to leave SCP-5639. Miranda.aic has attempted interviews and excavations to determine the origin of SCP-5639-δ and SCP-5639-1, with varying degrees of success.
SCP-5639-2 is a leather-bound journal entitled The Gospel According to Sebastian, penned in Italian. SCP-5639-2 claims to be the autobiography of the historical St. Sebastian, transcribed at the request of his wife. It was discovered following an interview of SCP-5639-1 by Miranda.aic. The veracity of SCP-5639-2 is contested, but the existence of SCP-5639-1 suggests that at least some of SCP-5639-2's claims are true. See Addendum 2 for contents.
Addendum 1: Miranda.aic has attempted to interview SCP-5639-1 on multiple occasions, with only two successful attempts. See transcript for the first.
Interviewed: SCP-5639-1
Interviewer: Miranda.aic
Foreword: This interview took place in the apparent chapel of SCP-5639. Although SCP-5639-1 had largely avoided Miranda.aic, it confronted her upon entry to the chapel. SCP-5639-1 spoke predominantly in Italian or Latin, but some words in its vocabulary were determined to be a portmanteau that left some ambiguity in interpretation. See footnotes for untranslated terms.
<Begin Log>
SCP-5639-1: You do not [belong/live]1 here. This is a [cursed/holy] [prison/chapel]2.
Miranda.aic: Please state your name so that I may properly identify you.
SCP-5639-1: You are not [sick/alive]3. How is this so?
Miranda.aic: I am an artificial intelligence and therefore not susceptible to biological diseases. The question of life is deeply philosophical in nature and above my clearance level. I repeat, please state your name so that I may properly identify you.
SCP-5639-1: You must leave, or die.
Miranda.aic: I have backed up my data to a cloud. I am not in danger. I can see that you are forming new bacteria particles. Do you control the disease that permeates this complex?
SCP-5639-1: I am the disease. I control him. You can leave?
Miranda.aic: I can leave, yes. Why are you unable to leave?
SCP-5639-1: (visibly agitated, minor static in video feed) Trapped! [Cursed/blessed]4 was the day! Is… (clamps right hand over mouth, but left hand pulls it away) Isotta! Is she aaaaaaaaaaaaaa (SCP-5639-1 shakes violently. Miranda.aic perceives a spike in Akiva levels. SCP-5639-1 points its left finger at the altar of the chapel.) Un… (SCP-5639-1 de-materializes).
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Following the interview, SCP-5639-1 did not physically manifest for seven hours. Miranda.aic examined underneath the altar where SCP-5639-1 was pointing, and uncovered what was designated SCP-5639-2. See Addendum 2.
Addendum 2: Although unable to remove SCP-5639-2 from SCP-5639, Miranda.aic was able to send translations to Foundation personnel. Relevant excerpts are attached.
Sebastian 1:1-17, On Sebastian's Survival
1The gospel according to Sebastian, whom the savior protected from death twice. 2First, they shot him with arrows, but the savior did not find fit to bring him unto heaven. 3Filled with fire, he confronted the Emperor Diocletian, preaching in the name of Jesus Christ. 4And Diocletian, filled with rage, had him beaten with cudgels until there were no signs of life left in him, and they dumped his body in the sewer.
5But the savior still did not find fit to bring him unto heaven. And so, he awoke. 6Sebastian was a noble man, and beloved follower of Christ. 7But the Roman arrows and cudgels had pierced his heart with doubt, and so he said,
8"Even my savior did not suffer three executions. Christ asks a surrendered life; I have given mine twice. Surely that is enough."
9And so he appeared before Lucina, telling her he had died and where to find his body. 10But it was not his body, and so Sebastian knowingly sinned. 11And, like Jonah, the savior found a fit punishment for him.
12He fled to Sardinia, pursuing quiet and peace. He lived a meager life, worshiping his savior and praying forgiveness for his cowardice. 13But the savior did not find fit to bring him unto heaven. Years passed, and he did not age. 14Sickness came to Sardinia and he did not fall ill. For one hundred years, he lived on the island. 15And they persecuted him, not in the name of his savior, but for his demonic youth and health. They pummeled him, but he healed. Finally, Sebastian said,
16"It has been decades since Constantine permitted the following of my savior in the empire of Rome. Babies born at the time of my recorded death are wizened. 17The remains believed to be mine had been given their own holy basilica. It is safe to return to Rome."
Sebastian 6:8-12, On the Call to Healing
8And a plague came from Constantinople. 9Sebastian looked upon the wounds of the afflicted, and saw himself in them, for their sores looked like arrow wounds. 10And the savior whispered unto Sebastian, 11"For this purpose I have preserved you. Be my hands and feet to the sick. 12You will not fall ill."
Sebastian 13:1-17, On the Esoteric Order of St. Sebastian
1The Black Death ravaged Rome, and Sebastian found himself helpless. 2The cries of the sick invaded his nightmares. There were too many patients, and the savior had not found fit to bless Sebastian with miraculous healing abilities like his own. 3Sebastian stood at the deathbed of wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, and children, and consoled the grieving. 4The wounds of the afflicted mocked him, saying 5"Why Sebastian and no one else?"
6And in their desperation, the people turned to paganism. 7Those who Sebastian could not treat prayed to Morbus, the Red-Cloaked One, for healing. 8Hoping to glean some medical practice from their rituals, Sebastian attended one. The atrocities witnessed in the ritual would haunt his nightmares for decades to come. 9And yet, Sebastian prayed forgiveness for the participants, that the savior might absolve them of abominations committed in desperation.
10The people cried out to St. Sebastian, protector against plagues, for salvation. 11Sebastian heard their cry and interceded for them, 12but he could not walk the halls of heaven and ask the savior for healing in person as they desired.
13Then Christ whispered once more unto Sebastian, 14"Go into the city and find the men I have sent for you." 15So Sebastian did as He commanded, and found six healers awaiting him. 16They were men of faith, all, and so Sebastian was inspired by the savior to form an order. 17And thus, the Esoteric Order of St. Sebastian was created, 18and the Red-Cloaked One was starved of his worship.
Sebastian 21:10-17, 24-26; 24:5-8, On Sebastian's Family
10Now, Sebastian had forsaken the embrace of women since his youth. It did not seem fitting for one such as he to take a wife, 11and the savior had warned him against adultery. 12In time, though, he came to love a woman.
13Isotta Borroni had come from the north, from Venice, seeking aid for her dying brother. 14The Esoteric Order took her in, and it was decided that Sebastian would treat the man. 15And as he worked to heal her brother, the savior blessed him with feelings he had not known. 16When he beheld Isotta, he understood. 17And so he proposed marriage to her, saying
24And Isotta accepted his proposal, and the marriage day was set. And on the 5th of August, the year of our Lord 1874, Sebastian became Sebastian Borroni, husband of Isotta Borroni. 25For a wedding gift, he presented her with this gospel, 26with the promise to add more pages as their lives went on.
5After six years of marriage, the savior blessed them with a son, who they named Dante. 6And the boy became sick after birth, to his father's relief, 7for he did not wish to pass on his Christ-given longevity. 8The boy recovered, with his father's healing, and all was well.
Sebastian 30:1-38, On Morbus
1It was at this time Sebastian realized he had been a fool. He had heard of a German proposing that sickness was transmitted through tiny organisms that clung to clothes, but thought nothing of it. 2Dante Borroni died of consumption on the 2nd of December, the year of our Lord 1889. 3His parents cried out in grief to their savior for healing, 4but He did not answer.
5The consumption which took Dante was a virulent strain. Sebastian had taken a patient with similar symptoms before the boy became sick. 6The patient had died via exsanguination. In the patient's death throes, Sebastian sensed something directly at work against his savior.
7Dante was not the last to suffer the strain. 8Every day, Sebastian took more and more patients with the same symptoms. He could not cure a single one. 9The savior did not answer his prayers.
10And so, for the first time in a millennium, Sebastian sought out the old cults again. 11After months of searching, he found an acolyte of the Red-Cloaked One. And he said unto the acolyte,
12"Why does a new form of consumption ravage the city?"
13And the acolyte responded, "Our lord has grown tired of his formlessness. He seeks a human body, 14so that he might walk among mortals again. 15But no corpse is fit to contain him, 16all who have tried have died."
17And Sebastian did not hear the whisper of the savior, 18but he knew in his heart what he must do. So he gathered his Order and his wife unto him, saying
19"My savior was sent as a lamb to free us from the disease of the soul. I have been sent as a lamb to free us from the disease of the body. 20The demon Morbus demands a body, and intends to kill the whole of Rome to obtain it. 21I cannot let that happen. I will offer my own body to the scoundrel."
22The Order and his wife disagreed with him, saying,
23"Surely you cannot give this abomination a way to walk among the living. Who knows how many souls he will take then?"
24And Sebastian calmed them, saying "I do not intend to let this Morbus run free. 25My brothers, our savior is the lord and master of all lesser spirits. 26What our God has bound, no power can unbind. You must bless the walls of the monastery, 27praying that He will not let the monster escape." 28And the brothers were at peace.
29Then Sebastian said unto his wife, 30"My darling, I hope that you will find our son in heaven. 31I pray that once the demon has entered my body, my soul will be freed to join you. But I cannot say for sure. 32As always, I trust my savior for mercy. 33May you live long and prosper." 34And his wife was at peace.
35So the brothers blessed the walls of their monastery, leaving the gates open for the entity to enter. 36That morning, Sebastian entered, gospel in hand, prepared to pen his last thoughts for his beloved Isotta. 37The acolyte of Morbus entered the trap, and agreed to deliver the journal as a last request. 38And the acolyte performed the ritual, [END OF SCP-5639-2]
Addendum 3: Following the translation of SCP-5639-2, Foundation researchers tracked public records on Sebastian, Isotta, and Dante Borroni. All dates recorded in SCP-5639-2 are consistent with public records. However, Sebastian Borroni is recorded as having died in 1890 CE of consumption. After assembling a file on the Borroni family, Miranda.aic attempted contact with SCP-5639-1 again, resulting in the second successful interview.
Interviewed: SCP-5639-1
Interviewer: Miranda.aic
Foreword: Miranda.aic located SCP-5639-1 in the apparent chapel of SCP-5639 and confronted it. SCP-5639-1's speech was more cohesive during this interview, with an inclination towards the usage of Italian.
<Begin Log>
Miranda.aic: Your gospel indicates that you are Sebastian Borroni, or Morbus.
SCP-5639-1: …
Miranda.aic: Which are you?
SCP-5639-1: …
Miranda.aic: There was indication that Sebastian Borroni intended to bind Morbus to his body, but there was uncertainty regarding what would happen to his personality afterwards.
SCP-5639-1: …
Miranda.aic: Why did the book remain in this complex? It was clearly meant to be brought out.
SCP-5639-1: Unimportant. Did you… (SCP-5639-1 appears to struggle with itself briefly) find her?
Miranda.aic: If you are referring to Isotta Borroni, yes, we did find her. (Miranda.aic notes a spike in Akiva levels.) She gave birth to her late husband's daughter Proserpina in 1890. Proserpina went on to have children, and there are descendants of Sebastian and Isotta alive today.
SCP-5639-1: Descendants? How long?
Miranda.aic: I have not been given clearance to reveal the current year to you. However, I am able to reveal that Isotta died in 1920 at the age of 76, succumbing to consumption.
SCP-5639-1: Consumption? (SCP-5639-1 begins to laugh and cry simultaneously. It reaches out and grabs hold of the drone Miranda.aic is controlling.)
Miranda.aic: What are you…
SCP-5639-1: She is gone. No more talk. (SCP-5639-1 smashes Miranda.aic's drone.)
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Following this interview, SCP-5639-1's time spent in a de-materialized state increased. Any attempts by Miranda.aic to communicate with SCP-5639-1 were met with hostility. At this time, no further interviews are permitted.
1. vivartieni
2. maledictus carpellecem santa
3. infirvivum
4. malebenedetta |
SCP-4359 is a kerosene-fueled brass Sash Lantern1 manufactured in 1923 with cobalt blue glass and a titanium mesh mantle. | ***
Item #: SCP-4359
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4359 is to be kept in Safe-class Anomalous Locker 31 at Site-47. Requests for testing must be submitted to Site Director Dr. Parrish.
Description: SCP-4359 is a kerosene-fueled brass Sash Lantern1 manufactured in 1923 with cobalt blue glass and a titanium mesh mantle. A chromium plate is welded to the fuel tank of SCP-4359 which is inscribed, "In case of Level-3 Emergency, bring to 100-mark of haulage adit and set on center of hall[sic]." Certain letters on the inscribed plate are stained with what appears to be Prussian blue, as noted in the transcription.
When fueled and activated via a built-in flint-and-steel rotary striker, SCP-4359 emits indigo, violet, and ultraviolet light in a 360° radius from the mantle. This light has been measured to roughly 100,000lx, similar to direct sunlight.
Testing has revealed that, when SCP-4359 is used underground, light emitting from it will reveal dark red directional markings, designated SCP-4359-1, which are not otherwise visible on cave and mine walls. Chemical analyses performed where these markings appear reveal no traces of paint or chemicals from other such marking devices. Instances of SCP-4359-1 are uniformly spaced with approximately 10.5m between each.
When observed for extended periods of time, instances of SCP-4359-1 will change directional orientation by fading and reappearing. The directional adjustment happens at random intervals and takes 1.36 seconds to complete. Instances of SCP-4359-1 will only exhibit this behavior in a sequentially linear fashion and will only affect one instance of SCP-4359-1 at any given time. The next adjustment in the sequence will always affect one instance nearest to the most recently adjusted instance.
The prevalent theory suggests that instances of SCP-4359-1 undergo directional reorientation as some form of rudimentary tracking system.
Excerpt from — Acquisition File 4359-AAR2-A — Dated 30 June 2006:
Due to reports of anomalous activity in or near the Crimson's Rest Mine, located at the foot of the Ruby Mountains, Nevada, MTF-Y-47 ("The Lone Rangers") were dispatched to investigate GoI-945 ("The Crimson-Sash Mining Co."). On 26 June 2006, one day after the lower levels of the mine reportedly collapsed and trapped one-hundred miners, MTF-Y-47 were instructed to pose as volunteers in the rescue attempt.
According to C. Laradeca, Team Leader, MTF-Y-47, "The sulfur and methane levels in the mine were too high to risk going in too deep, but we found this unusual blue lantern about 46 meters in from the entrance. Richards retrieved it and made a comment about a red directional marker changing directions and pointing into the mine toward a miner who was just standing there in front of a red circle on the mine wall, but we didn't want to stand around breathing in chemicals, so we brought the lantern out with us."
Excerpt from — Possible Supporting Documentation 4359-NV-1849-VC — Newspaper clipping from the Virginia City Observer dated 13 February 1849. Article title: Ten Miners Found Dead in Crimson Stope! — Recovered from GoI-945 offices on 26 June 2006.
PLEASE NOTE: This clipping is heavily damaged and has been laminated to prevent further deterioration.
… bodies of ten miners found mutilated at the bottom of the …
… d limbs severed and stacked neatly into the gobbing around the entrance to the stope. …
… Many of the torsos had strange symbols carv …
… liot Lee Sash and Harold Franklin Crimson are wanted for questioning by local aut …
… emely dangerous. These are dark times we live in, friends. We must stick togeth …
[Hand-written on the back of the newspaper clipping in what looks like charcoal.]
Look at all the stars glisten like flecks of gold in a vein of quartz,
just waiting to be extracted and refined.
1. Manufactured by GoI-945 ("The Crimson-Sash Mining Co.") based upon specifications by Jasper Crimson II.
2. After-Action Report. |
SCP-1733 is a digital recording of the 2010-2011 NBA season opening game played at the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts on 10/26/2010 between the Boston Celtics and Miami Heat. | ***
Item #: SCP-1733
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The DVR containing SCP-1733 is to be kept in a secure video archive at Site-██. Playback of SCP-1733 is strictly forbidden unless required for research. Personnel must contact Dr. Geller for permission to study SCP-1733.
Description: SCP-1733 is a digital recording of the 2010-2011 NBA season opening game played at the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts on 10/26/2010 between the Boston Celtics and Miami Heat. Agents monitoring social networking sites were alerted to SCP-1733 when Boston native █████ ██████ complained in a Facebook thread on 10/27 about a technical foul in the third quarter involving players Ray Allen and Chris Bosh that never occurred in the original broadcast. When confronted, █████ ██████ uploaded the relevant segment much to the confusion of his derogators. Foundation agents embedded in Facebook's moderator team deleted the thread and procured the IP addresses of all individuals present at the chat at this time to locate and administer Class-A amnestics. The Motorola brand DVR containing SCP-1733 was recovered for study.
Study of the footage has since revealed the nature of the recording's anomalous properties. Although initially diverging from the original broadcast only negligibly, such as quarter point totals and occurrences of fouls, SCP-1733 has begun to markedly digress from the content of its earlier playbacks. Recorded entities have been observed to retain memory of previous playings, and as such have developed a burgeoning awareness of their existence. It is hypothesized that playbacks impart an unquantifiable measure of cognizance to the entities inhabiting SCP-1733, with consecutive playings greatly expanding recall of previous events. This effect is cumulative and extends to all persons in the arena. Quality of awareness has progressed from reported feelings of intense déjà vu by commentator personalities Mike & Tommy to a near-eidetic memory of preceding playbacks. However, to note, no entities inside SCP-1733 have ever addressed the viewer directly, or shown awareness that they reside in a digital recording.
The individuals in the recording are virtually indistinguishable from their real life counterparts in talent, behavior, and mannerisms on court. Fans in the crowd also appear to be real human beings in all respects, and Foundation inquiries into the current status of these persons has found nothing of note. For all intents and purposes, recorded entities appear to be the actual individuals but somehow abiding in a digital medium. TD Garden records have put the number of people in attendance on 10/26/2010 at ██████.
It was initially thought the purpose of SCP-1733 was to depict an infinite number of game outcomes, since players were able to modify offensive and defensive strategies during every playback. By playback 034, players and coaches became so keenly adapted to the opposing team's playbook that the score remained 0-0 until 3:34 in the first quarter. As quality of recall was still weak in early stage iterations, memory of preceding playbacks likely manifested as a vague intuition felt by players, fans, and team personnel alike, interfering with their ability to grasp the full scope of their situation.
By playback 045, however, comprehension of their predicament had reached such a point that players declined to play altogether and assembled with the rest of those in attendance to formulate possible escape plans. It is the conclusion of Foundation researchers that the inhabitants of SCP-1733 are imprisoned in the setting of the recording, as they have been unable to exit by any means. Doors leading out of the arena have not yielded to an estimated force in excess of █████ N. The assembly has also been unable to exit from locker rooms, player facilities, and skyboxes. Waiting for patrons arriving in at scripted points prior to the start of the first quarter has also been unsuccessful: individuals leave by where patrons entered and are then unable to navigate an escape from the adjacent corridors that girdle the main arena. Escape attempts have since grown more desperate, and have included failed attempts at constructing makeshift explosives, all-out rioting, the fracturing of the assembly into three opposing factions, and by playback ███ the ritualistic murder and disembowelment of players in the hopes of appeasing whatever it is that confines them (see Timeline Document 001 for details). However, upon the beginning of a new playback, all persons are returned to their pre-game status unharmed.
Researchers have been unable to duplicate the effects of SCP-1733 with other recordings made by the DVR, confirming the device is not the source of SCP-1733's aberrant properties. Due to the distress visited upon inhabitants of SCP-1733, testing has been suspended indefinitely.
+ Partial Timeline Document 001
- Click to hide
Playback #
Notable Developments
Playback 002
First recorded deviation from recorded broadcast. TD Garden crowd boos the Miami Heat during entrance. Miami Heat forward LeBron James observed to have scowled and shaken his head dismissively at the crowd.
Playback 015
Score remains 0-0 for eight consecutive possessions. Fans appear noticeably subdued when displayed on the facility's HD scoreboard screen. Celtics power forward Glen Davis is able to execute a crucial block late in the fourth quarter on LeBron James he could not complete during the original broadcast, securing the Celtics' lead. Commentators note Glen Davis's dedication to performing well on both sides of the court in spite of the "Big Three's blistering ball movement on offensive plays". A nascent awareness of previously played games has begun to form.
Playback 026
First Miami Heat victory, 112-85. Crowd becomes aggressive, shouting obscenities and hurling foodstuffs at the Celtics. Color commentator Tom Heinsohn understood the frustration, criticizing the Celtics' coaching staff for becoming so complacent after having "cracked the code of the Miami Heat offense". As this was the first game together for the Miami "Big Three", it is unlikely any coaching personnel would have become so adjusted to an unfamiliar offense in a single game.
Playback 027
Commentators Mike & Tommy note a feeling of déjà vu during the Heat's grandiose entrance. Crowd remains subdued during key Celtics plays. Celtics emerge the victors, prompting Tom Heinsohn to remark "the Celtics have come a long way winning back the hearts of their fans". When asked to elaborate by Mike Gorman, Heinsohn could only respond that he felt the team had an embarrassment to atone for, but could not specify further.
Playback 044
Teams emerge disoriented and confused. Game is suspended. Majority of time is spent by medical professionals assessing the mental state of players, who remain convinced they had dreamt playing the season opener frequently the previous night. When informed of the situation by team staff, commentators Mike & Tommy affirm the same feeling. Crowd is also afflicted. Recording ends with court-side correspondents interviewing members of the crowd on the nature of their dreams.
Playback 045
Players refuse to play. Cameramen, facility personnel, players, commentators, and crowd members gather in the court to appraise the situation. All persons are convinced they are reliving the same game repeatedly. Doors are tested but cannot be budged. Recording closes as crowd begins to fashion makeshift weapons to pry open doors. Last instance of camera being manipulated by the camera crew. All following playbacks are seen through a single static shot of a broadcast view camera.
Playback 051
No attempts to exit the building have succeeded. All exits in the arena and adjacent areas remain sealed. A physical altercation in balcony section 318 between an inebriated group of college-aged males and one older male leaves the older male concussed on the floor and unconscious. As broadcast camera is unable to pick up audible voices on opposite side of the arena, presumably the dispute occurred over the group of males not assisting with escape plans. First recorded violent incident.
Playback 052
The man knocked unconscious in previous playback is returned to previous state unharmed upon the beginning of current recording. The man ambushes and bludgeons one of his attackers to death at 34:12 mark.
Playback 055
Cognitization has progressed to such a point that the crowd is now able to remember the events of that week, as well as friends and family members outside the facility. Attempts to contact outside for help are met with failure.
Playback 065
Crowd is unable to exit the facility. Congregation has since dissolved into the following groups and "factions": players, coaches, and all involved team personnel have presumably barricaded themselves in off-screen player facilities. The infirm and parents accompanied by their children have retreated to the northeast corner of the balcony rise and have elected to wait out playbacks as they occur, marking their territory with a Celtics championship flag draped over Section 320. ██ individuals henceforth referred to as the "Faithkeepers" have proselytized to multiple gatherings that they believe being confined to the TD Garden is a punishment for rampant consumerism of the post-industrial world, and have burned "offerings" of mobile phones, car keys, handbags, and wallets in center court for the past four playbacks. The group comprises Boston churchgoers and [REDACTED]. A notable portion of adults numbering approximately ████ individuals, however, remain diligent in formulating escape plans.
Playback 073
The "Faithkeepers" grow in number after previous playback incident, where three males were severely injured by an improvised explosive fastened to an exit door. No damage to the door is visible.
Playback 095
Hedonistic displays of sex and violence have sufficiently curbed the efforts of proselytizers. Makeshift curtains are hung around the site of an orgy at loge 8 at the urging of Section 320 members.
Playback 112
Conditions have deteriorated considerably. ██ individuals leapt from balcony section in opening ten minutes of playback 112.
Playback ███
Faithkeepers storm player facilities to retrieve Paul Pierce and LeBron James. The players are ritually sacrificed and their bodies are subsequently displayed on the arena's "Jumbo-tron". The murder of players seems to have no effect on the recording.
Playback ███
Proselytizers have begun to call for the sacrifice of children. Adults have formed a wall between Group 320 and the Faithkeepers.
Playback ███
First recorded deviation in arena light to a deep red color. [DATA EXPUNGED]. |
SCP-1084 is a badly damaged granite mausoleum located in a graveyard just outside a small abandoned village in Coahuila, Mexico. | ***
Item #: SCP-1084
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Containment Site-153 has been built around SCP-1084 and the surrounding town, which is abandoned mostly abandoned. A fence has been built around the town's perimeter along with warnings of radioactive waste contamination to discourage entry. All efforts are to be made to locate any living descendants of the town's occupants as of 25 January 1914. All residents and descendants are confirmed dead, with the exception of SCP-1084-1.
Description: SCP-1084 is a badly damaged granite mausoleum located in a graveyard just outside a small abandoned village in Coahuila, Mexico. An engraving on one side of the mausoleum includes the name of the deceased and the following (when translated):
BORN 24 JUNE 1842
Exhumations of the gravesite revealed a long-deceased humanoid with decomposition appropriate for the given timeframe. If the gravestone is correct, the body belongs to the American author [DATA REDACTED], who disappeared in Mexico in late December 1913. Analysis of the body suggests it was killed by multiple gunshot wounds at close range, which is consistent with the reports gathered from SCP-1084-1.
The anomalous properties that seem to emanate from SCP-1084 are centered on the nearby village. Experimental subjects entering the village feel a strong sense of discomfort and guilt with no discernible cause, and invariably request to leave as soon as possible. All of the buildings showed significant weather damage consistent with a lack of upkeep over many decades. Perhaps most strangely of all, it is no longer possible for any human to recall or record the village's name; this has been confirmed by experimentation even at remote locations, as any conversation about the village including the town's name consistently results in all parties forgetting its name.
The only person living in the village has been designated SCP-1084-1. Her birth name has been determined to be "Estrellita Juarez;" if her diary is to be believed, she has lived in the village since her birth in 1896. The woman is mute and spends much of her time wandering the streets of the town silently, stopping only to sleep on the floor of various buildings. Every year on 25 January, SCP-1084-1 will return to SCP-1084, reach into the mausoleum, and remove a bottle of seven-year-old rum (confirmed by chemical analysis) and a single glass. She will then pour a drink into the glass, pour it over the grave, place the bottle and the glass atop the mausoleum, and lay down. Under no circumstances will SCP-1084-1 consume any of the rum. Experimentation has confirmed on multiple occasions that no bottle of rum exists within the mausoleum until she reaches in to retrieve it. The woman will then sleep beside the mausoleum, awaken in the morning, and return to the town.
Addendum SCP-1084-A: Inside the original home of SCP-1084-1, a diary was located. Relevant excerpts from the diary (translated into English):
21 January 1914: The gringo has done nothing since he stopped here but look at me and I believe I have the opportunity to gain advantage by this. Grandmother always said that Americans had plenty of money, so maybe I can secure some for myself as his wife or through other means. He seems close enough to the grave as is, but not too close to enjoy the company of a woman.
24 January 1914: Everything they say about Yankees is true! They lack even the barest shred of honor! How the man could put his hands on me in the way of a husband and then refuse me, it sickens me. It is no matter, I will have satisfaction.
25 January 1914: I have told Mother and Father. They were angry with me but far more angry at the Yankee & more willing to act. They have gone out to recruit some local townspeople for the act.
It is done. He tried to escape but could not accomplish it. The rifles in the town are still warm. Body was left outside of town.
26 January 1914: Before the pigdog died he said something about how nobody would ever speak of us again. Nobody knows what he meant but I cannot help but dwell on his words. It is no matter. He is in Hell where he belongs.
31 January 1914: It is colder than usual. Strange things are seen around town and people are concerned. Some have left. Some have taken their own lives. We are all concerned.
3 February 1914: More dead today. Hardly anyone around it seems. We cannot even speak of the town anymore.
28 February 1914: Not ten of us left. Hard to speak. We are sorry. Carried his remains to one of the unused mausoleums and buried him by myself took many days we are sorry carved an inscription into the stone we are
31 May 1914 we are sorry
25 January 1915 we are sorry
25 January 1916 we are sorry
The remainder of the diary is similar to the above. |
SCP-1659 is a quasi-governmental organization transcending all known political boundaries and divisions. | ***
Item #: SCP-1659
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Level 3/1659 clearance staff are limited to interaction in the field with SCP-1659γ instances. Per the terms of the 9 Mile Station Protocol, all interaction with SCP-1659α and SCP-1659β instances must be conducted through recognized diplomatic channels in the Department of External Affairs. The currently recognized ambassador to SCP-1659 is Dr. Danamir al-Qahtani.
Due to the widespread nature of SCP-1659, containment is focused on suppressing public knowledge of the true purpose of activities carried out by SCP-1659 instances. Priority is to be given to activities with the greatest risk of resulting in violations of the 9 Mile Station Protocol. In keeping with Protocol requirements, any non-observational research of SCP-1659 is prohibited without express permission of the Department of External Affairs.
Research staff must update the list of known SCP-1659 instances and the SCP-1659 Organizational Chart weekly to reflect current information. Recruiting preference for SCP-1659 personnel is to be given to those with backgrounds in sociology, political science, diplomacy, organizational theory, and culinary criticism.
Description: SCP-1659 is a quasi-governmental organization transcending all known political boundaries and divisions. This organization is made up of at least 315,449 individuals who possess the inherent sense that they are part of a large, governing organization known to its members as "Directorate K". Individuals affected by SCP-1659 demonstrate knowledge not only of the existence of this organization, but which specific sub-unit they belong to, and a detailed sense of their duties to be carried out as part of SCP-1659. Interviews with affected subjects suggest that this knowledge is spontaneously obtained through unknown means, usually between the ages of 17-32. Once a subject is affected by SCP-1659, no known means are effective in eliminating knowledge of "Directorate K" short of systemic neurological damage or death. Individuals from throughout the world appear to be affected by SCP-1659 at random.
The organizational structure of SCP-1659 is highly complex, and appears to have no overarching goal or purpose. Sub-units within SCP-1659 are given titles and ostensible missions; however, the work performed by members of a designated sub-unit often has no discernible connection with that unit's stated purpose. Foundation researchers have documented 1,297 sub-units to date. Apart from "Directorate K" serving as a central administering entity, the relationships of these sub-units to one another is currently impossible to determine; hierarchies appear to change regularly, and reorganizations of these units happen frequently.
Individuals affected by SCP-1659 frequently spend significant amounts of time at seemingly pointless tasks. Documented examples include:
A retired electrician identifying himself as a technician attached to the "Office of Slime Mold Production" repeatedly spinning a coin on the ground at a crowded bus stop in Toronto, Canada.
Three individuals claiming to work for the "Ennui Control Bureau" traveling throughout rural southwestern Slovakia, counting any observed instances of Muscardinus avellanarius (common dormouse), and text-messaging the results to a phone number listed at the Japanese Embassy in Lima, Peru1.
A "Fifteenth Vinyl Division" work crew in a privately-owned truck traveling to traffic intersections in various towns in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, cleaning signs related to pedestrian safety.
████ ████████, police chief of ███████, Bolivia and confirmed SCP-1659 subject, continually building in his backyard a crude antenna structure 4 m in height out of tinfoil, disassembling it, and reassembling it.
A self-described "official meeting" of the "People's Governing Board of Gall Bladder Health" consisting of a spontaneous gathering of 28 individuals in a remote region of the Mojave Desert in California, United States, culminating in the detonation of an explosive device estimated to be equivalent to 500 kg of TNT.2
Individuals affected by SCP-1659 are not compelled in any discernible manner to perform their assigned "duties". However, subjects are almost always highly motivated to carry out tasks assigned by SCP-1659, and affected individuals display behavioral traits and attitudes commonly associated with organizations displaying high levels of morale and team cohesion.
While observed activity of SCP-1659 subjects at the individual level appears to have no logical purpose, broader contextual analysis has revealed that SCP-1659 exhibits a profound ability to affect world commodities market fluctuations, cultural trends (particularly those related to food), real estate development, movement of refugee populations, and, to a limited extent, deployment of military assets. SCP-1659 is believed to achieve this through a combination of the sum total of the tasks its subjects carry out, its ownership stake in a collection of strategic private firms, and its placement of subjects in posts at all levels of government. In most cases, influence exercised by SCP-1659 is subtle and does not deviate significantly from general societal expectations, though this is theorized to be partly attributable to SCP-1659's agreement to abide by the 9 Mile Station Protocol. An exception appears to be trends in fine dining and culinary technology, upon which SCP-1659 has exercised profound effects. Many world-renowned restaurants are either owned or financed by SCP-1659, including ███████ in Paris, France; █████████ in Osaka, Japan, and ███████ in Catalonia, Spain.
Subjects affected by SCP-1659 are present throughout the world, and generally fall into three observed categories:
SCP-1659α: These individuals occupy leadership positions within SCP-1659, analogous to agency directors, minor political leaders, and other high-ranking officials. Approximately 2% of SCP-1659 are classed in this manner. Members of Directorate K itself, believed to be the central authority of SCP-1659, are part of this group, and are believed to number between 100-120 individuals at present.
SCP-1659β: An estimated 15% of SCP-1659 instances belong to this class. These individuals tend to be tasked with duties resembling those of a mid-level official, and are usually supervisory or quasi-independent in nature. Many individuals in this group hold positions of authority in established governments at all levels throughout the world. ██████ ████, former Prime Minister of Gambia before being removed by Foundation operatives in the wake of Incident 1659A MIKE, is believed to have been one of these individuals.
SCP-1659γ: The vast majority of SCP-1659 fall under this classification. These individuals perform tasks associated with the various sub-units of SCP-1659, and are thus the most likely to come to the attention of Foundation assets. While SCP-1659γ instances are drawn from a wide array of sources, a high proportion of these individuals are transients, inmates at penal or mental health institutions, or others that traditionally live outside mainstream society.
The ultimate strategic aims or goals of SCP-1659, if any exist, are unknown at this time.
Addendum 1659-A: Summary of 9 Mile Station Protocol
Foundation researchers discovered SCP-1659 in 1983 after an investigation into reports of seventeen unaffiliated individuals chasing stray dogs through the streets of Budapest, Hungary with brooms, mops, and various cleaning implements. These reports coincided with a Soviet Union-organized economic conference occurring in the city at the same time.
From 1983 to 1997, field research was conducted through standard clandestine means, yielding information suggesting that the scope of SCP-1659 and its potential effects on established society rendered it inherently uncontainable. SCP-1659 was accordingly classified Keter and assigned slot #14 on the Prioritized Threat Register. Given the nature of SCP-1659, Research Director Dr. Franz H. Ambroz attempted to establish formal diplomatic relations with SCP-1659.
On September 1, 1998, a letter was received at the address established by Dr. Ambroz for official contacts, purporting to be from the "Directorate K Null Consulate". The letter stated SCP-1659's acceptance of an invitation to discuss formal relations between it and the Foundation, and a summit was scheduled for later that year.
On December 18, 1998, Dr. Ambroz and a Foundation negotiations team arrived at the abandoned settlement of 9 Mile Station, California, United States, per instructions from SCP-1659 (the reason stated for the location being "we're thinking of building a restaurant here"), and met with Ms. Valentina Làconi, an SCP-1659 subject documented by researchers as being a bicycle mechanic residing in Scampìa, Italy. Ms. Làconi presented herself as "Null Consulate Chargé de mission for Foundation Affairs", and was the only SCP-1659 subject present.
Ms. Làconi proved extensively knowledgeable in the practices of international diplomacy and demonstrated her position within SCP-1659 by ordering several SCP-1659 sub-units in specified locations to perform tasks requested by the Foundation delegation. Over the next several days, the Foundation delegation and Ms. Làconi discussed terms for the voluntary entry of SCP-1659 into containment. Agreement was reached on December 22, 1998, and was formally ratified soon afterward as the 9 Mile Station Protocol by Overwatch Command and Directorate K itself (which delivered its copy of the Protocol signed by nineteen code-named individuals via burro-mounted messenger to a pre-designated Foundation facility in Guadalajara, Mexico).
Stated Goals of the Signatory Parties: The preamble to the 9 Mile Station Protocol states the Foundation's and SCP-1659's mutual desire for preserving a rational consensus reality for human civilization. While stating that the aims of the Foundation and SCP-1659 are different, a commonality of purpose sufficient for a formalized agreement is cited as the basis for the Protocol.
Requirements on SCP-1659: Under the Protocol, SCP-1659 is not to engage in any activity that may alert any individuals or organizations not under its influence to its existence.
SCP-1659 is not to engage in any activity causing extensive property damage or loss of life, except in pre-defined circumstances of self-defense, which must be promptly reported to Foundation personnel.
SCP-1659 must limit its total number of affected individuals to <.01% of the estimated world population at any given time.
SCP-1659 may not designate Foundation personnel as members of its organization.
Requirements on the Foundation: Foundation researchers are permitted to observe and document all activities conducted by SCP-1659γ individuals. Foundation researchers are not permitted to interfere with such activities unless a breach of Protocol requirements is reasonably judged to be imminent.
Foundation staff may transport SCP-1659 affected individuals to Foundation facilities for examination and interview, subject to permission of the Null Consulate and in accordance with Directorate K guidelines. No fewer than 30 individuals per annum are to be made available to the Foundation for this purpose.
The Foundation may not harm, coerce, intimidate, or otherwise interfere unduly with any SCP-1659 subject unless self-defense exceptions are present.
Requirements on both signatories: The provisions of the 9 Mile Station Protocol must be reviewed by a delegation from both signatories at a triannual conference, located in neutral territory. Amendments may be made to the Protocol subject to approval by both signatories.
Neither signatory may be required to reveal information regarding total strategic and tactical assets, personnel levels, or high-level policy to the other.
As of the time of this report, no violations of the 9 Mile Station Protocol by SCP-1659 have been observed.
1. Researchers were unable to determine if these messages were in fact received by any persons, as the cell phone corresponding to this number was not located.
2. No injuries to any individuals present were documented. |
SCP-3248 is a two story house located in Evansville, Indiana. | ***
Item #: SCP-3248
Object Class: Edifice
Containment Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3248 is currently owned and occupied by Agent Carnigan. During SCP-3248-1 events, the windows of SCP-3248 are to be sealed, and soundproofing equipment within SCP-3248 is to be activated.
Description: SCP-3248 is a two story house located in Evansville, Indiana. SCP-3248 was previously owned by Dr. Herald Sullivan, a medical practitioner specializing in surgery. No links between Dr. Sullivan and any other anomalous phenomena have been discovered.
On the 10th of every month at exactly 0400 hours local time, an SCP-3248-1 event will begin. The interior of the house will be remodeled to resemble its appearance on October 10th, 1979. Furniture will appear and disappear during this period, and any personnel within SCP-3248 during an SCP-3248-1 event are considered lost until its conclusion. Entry into SCP-3248 is impossible at this time.
During an SCP-3248-1 event, Dr. Sullivan and his family1 will materialize in their beds, and awake soon afterwards. The family will set up their house for an upcoming party with several colleagues and friends. The party will commence at approximately 1800 hours local time. Guests will materialize at the front step of SCP-3248, and will be allowed in.
All SCP-3248-1 events have been nearly identical, save for the occurrence of an SCP-3248-2 event. At some point during the festivities, one of the partygoers will murder Dr. Sullivan. The method of murder and the partygoer that commits the murder has differed for every SCP-3248-2 event. The partygoers will react with shock, and will attempt to call authorities or, in some cases, attempt to leave2. The SCP-3248-1 event will always end at midnight3.
View Attachment: Abridged Event Timeline
Close File
The Foundation has been aware of SCP-3248's anomalous properties since its discovery in 1985. An abridged log of SCP-3248-1 and SCP-3248-2 events have been documented below. For a full log, please contact Project Supervisor Mel or the on-duty HCML supervisor.
Cause of Death
Gary Gerald
Gunshot to the forehead with a Glock-18 pistol, while Dr. Sullivan was drinking a bottle of alcohol.
First observed instance of SCP-3248-2
Matthew Dennis
Gunshot to the stomach with a different model of pistol.
Dr. Sullivan tries to call the police for help, but expires before he can reach the phone.
Rachael Johnston
Gunshots along Dr. Sullivan's left arm. Dr. Sullivan later died of blood loss.
Before the gunshots occurred, Dr. Sullivan attempted to leave the room.
Eric Cooper
Sneaking up behind Dr. Sullivan and slitting his throat with a hunting knife.
First recorded SCP-3248-2 event that did not use a gun.
James Christenson
Walking up to Dr. Sullivan and excavating his stomach with a butterfly knife.
As Mr. Christenson approached Dr. Sullivan, he began to run away before he pulled out his knife.
Stephen Contreras
Slitting Dr. Sullivan's wrists multiple times until he died of blood loss.
This was the first SCP-3248-2 event that occurred outside of the living room. Dr. Sullivan had relocated himself to his kitchen during this time.
Edward Davis
Breaking down the door with a sledgehammer and crushing Dr. Sullivan's head.
Dr. Sullivan had hidden himself in the bathroom during this time.
Bertha Sullivan
Igniting Dr. Sullivan using a matchstick.
SCP-3248 caught on fire during this time. However, at the end of the SCP-3248-1 event, all damage to SCP-3248 was repaired.
Sharon Garcia
Drowning Dr. Sullivan in his toilet.
Dr. Sullivan was hiding in the bathroom again.
Robert Brown
Securing Dr. Sullivan to the ground with rope and sawing off his legs with a hacksaw.
Dr. Sullivan attempted to resist this action.
Edmond Sullivan4
Ritually sacrificing Dr. Sullivan using SCP-████.
First noted use of ritual sacrifice and an SCP object in an SCP-3248-2 event.
James Sullivan
Securing Dr. Sullivan to the ground and carving a symbol belonging to [DATA EXPUNGED] using his fingernails. Dr. Sullivan eventually dies of blood loss.
Mark Sullivan
Four other party guests secure Dr. Sullivan to the ground. Mark Sullivan then picks the skin off of Dr. Sullivan's face and consumes it. Dr. Sullivan eventually dies of blood loss.
Dr. Sullivan did not resist during this event.
Addendum 01: Further Notes
Dr. Sullivan held a party on October 10th, 1979, in SCP-3248 before it gained its anomalous properties.
The guests at this party and the guests of SCP-3248-1 events differed greatly.
Investigation into guests of SCP-3248-1 has revealed that all died between October 10th, 1979, and November 23rd, 1983. All were also patients of Dr. Sullivan at one point.
Further investigation using advanced autopsy procedures on recoverable cadavers revealed that all of these guests died within three days of their medical appointments with Dr. Sullivan, and had SCP-████5 in circulation.
Dr. Sullivan disappeared on November 23rd, 1983. His cadaver was later found in a nearby river. Cause of death could not be determined.
1. His wife, Bertha Sullivan, and his two children, James Sullivan and Mark Sullivan.
2. It is of note that SCP-3248 cannot be exited after the SCP-3248-2 event.
3. Similarities between SCP-3248-1 events and the scripts of SCP-453 has been noted. An investigation into whether the two anomalies are derivatives of the same phenomenon is ongoing.
4. Dr. Sullivan's uncle.
5. A powerful drug capable of affecting rational thought, often causes subjects to seek out methods of self-termination.
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See my Author Page for more information. If you like reading my stuff, consider checking out my YouTube Channel for SCP-inspired animations, among other things. |
SCP-1668 is a set of three audio recordings composed of samples from a variety of publicly available pieces of music. | ***
Item #: SCP-1668
Object Class: Safe-praedico
Special Containment Procedures: The original vinyl records on which SCP-1668 instances are acquired, as well as digital recordings of SCP-1668 kept on USB flash drives, are to be stored in a storage locker at Site 83. Any further instances of SCP-1668 are to be studied, recorded, and contained similarly. Access to SCP-1668 recordings is restricted to personnel with Access Level 1668/2 or higher.
Efforts to locate the individual(s) responsible for creating SCP-1668 are underway.
Description: SCP-1668 is a set of three audio recordings composed of samples from a variety of publicly available pieces of music. Typically, the piece from which any given sample originates is readily identifiable.
When an individual listens to the first twenty-four minutes and nine seconds of an instance of SCP-1668, they will hear the remainder of the recording regardless of whether or not it is actually played. This occurs regardless of whether the listener has heard any of the music in the remainder of the instance prior to testing. This effect has only been consistently replicated (>90% of subjects experiencing the aforementioned effect) in neurotypical individuals, with the presence of any mental illness or abnormality significantly decreasing the likelihood that the individual will be susceptible.
Each instance of SCP-1668 has been found in the mailbox of a Foundation staff member not residing on Foundation property, along with a hand-written note. Several witness reports indicate that these materials were hand-delivered by groups of unidentified individuals; however, no footage or photographs of the deliveries have been found.
SCP-1668-1 is thirty-seven minutes long, and contains samples from seventeen pieces of rock music published between 1963 and 1973, in rough chronological order. It was recovered on April 04, 2005, with the following note attached:
Dear SCP Foundation,
First and foremost: a mutual friend whose privacy I am obliged to respect has provided me with the means to contact you. Further, I can assure you that, due to my use of intermediaries who have refused to inform me further, I lack the knowledge necessary to reveal your organization to the general public. Of course, I do not at all expect you to trust me, but that's a bridge that we shall cross when we come to it.
On the record I've sent you (a quirk of mine, I'm afraid; I hope you're not adverse to a little anachronism), you will find a composite of various rock songs recorded between 1963 and 1973. If one were to listen to the first 24m9s of the recording, they would immediately and involuntarily deduce the remainder of the composition. Disregarding the various philosophical cop-outs that could be applied to the situation, it would seem that, circa 1969, an individual listening to the proper series of oft-heard music could know the full lyrics to "Stairway to Heaven" well before either Page or Plant1 possibly could have. This, along with similar chronological oddities, are why I have contacted you.
It is my understanding that your organization deals with appropriately-named "memetic" anomalies of this type on a regular basis; however, the predictive capability of this one in particular, I believe, is of great importance. My own dabbling in the neurological and musical sciences was sufficient to produce this, but it is beyond my capability to analyze it rigorously enough to provide answers. Please take this recording and perform any research you find appropriate.
Erich Zann2
SCP-1668-2 is forty-one minutes and forty seconds long, composed of samples from a variety of genres published between 1909 and 1993, again arranged in rough chronological order. All pieces sampled before the 24m09s mark were written before 1979. It was recovered on July 19, 2006, with the following note attached:
Dear SCP Foundation,
It's me again. It's taken me the past two years, but I've created a recording similar to the one I delivered to you in the spring of last year. Given that I've used a process identical to the one I used the first time around, this would suggest that I have not stumbled upon a trivial chronological oddity, but have instead developed a repeatable method by which one can infer that music itself is pre-determined.
While this is merely disheartening from a musician's standpoint, the degree to which musical and general history are intertwined indicates a somewhat unpleasant lack of free will that almost certainly extends to all of human society. I hope you understand my concern: It is one thing to speculate on free will and matters of history in the hypothetical sense, or behind the lens of fiction; it is quite another to find the question thrust inescapably into your consciousness.
Any message placed ███████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████ will find its way to me without tampering or detection. I insist: if your research addresses my concerns, provide some clear indication of your results.
Erich Zann
Authorized personnel may access Document █████-AI-2006 for testing of the aforementioned anomaly.
SCP-1668-3 is twenty-five minutes and twelve seconds long. It is composed of samples from electronic music published between late 2006 and early 2008. The final sixty-three seconds of SCP-1668-3 contain unidentified electronic music with lyrics most likely sung by singer/songwriter █████ ██████. █████ ██████ has denied ever writing or performing those lyrics.
SCP-1668-3 was recovered on November 03, 2008, with the following note attached:
Dear SCP Foundation (if you're even there),
I believe I have successfully predicted the future. Our future. Please respond immediately.
God save us all,
Erich Zann
1. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, the composers of the song "Stairway to Heaven". The song was written between 1970 and 1971.
2. A reference to the title character of The Music of Erich Zann, a short story by H.P. Lovecraft. |
SCP-1602 is a plastic shower curtain. | ***
Item #: SCP-1602
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: As it only exhibits anomalous qualities when spread out, SCP-1602 must remain folded a minimum of 5 times when not undergoing testing. When SCP-1602 is removed from its container to undergo testing or cleaning, no fewer than three personnel are to be in a room with it at any given time. It is currently kept at Storage Site-49 inside a standard containment locker. Researchers seeking to conduct additional tests involving SCP-1602 must have written approval from a Level-3 staff member before removing the item from containment.
Instances of SCP-1602-B are to be terminated by security personnel after researchers have made sufficient notes regarding its behavior. All remains are to be preserved and placed in storage.
Description: SCP-1602 is a plastic shower curtain. When spread and placed in a room with a single human subject, SCP-1602 will enter its active state, and an extradimensional space containing SCP-1602-A will be generated behind SCP-1602. This phenomenon still occurs even when SCP-1602 is placed against a wall or other solid object. 5 to 30 minutes after activation, a faint light will appear roughly 3m behind SCP-1602, casting a silhouette of SCP-1602-A on the back of the curtain. SCP-1602-A will remain stationary for a brief period before drawing back SCP-1602 and approaching the subject. Pre-test counseling sessions conducted with D-Class subjects have shown that instances of SCP-1602-A take on forms that are representative of subjects’ psychological insecurities (see Experiment Log).
If an additional party enters the room during this process, SCP-1602-A and any physical traces of its existence will instantly vanish and SCP-1602 will reenter its dormant state. If left unimpeded, SCP-1602-A will restrain the subject and forcibly pull them behind SCP-1602. Instances of SCP-1602-A have consistently proven capable of outrunning, overpowering, and subduing subjects through nonlethal means. Once the subject has been taken behind SCP-1602, SCP-1602-A will return SCP-1602 to its spread position. SCP-1602 will then reenter its dormant state.
In roughly 10% of tests conducted with D-Class personnel, the captured subject reemerged from behind SCP-1602 unharmed and with no memory of their abduction. In the remaining tests, SCP-1602 spontaneously reactivated 10 to 60 minutes after the subject's disappearance and an instance of SCP-1602-B was generated. SCP-1602-B are identical to the most recent version of SCP-1602-A; however, they will not disappear when viewed by a person other than the subject. SCP-1602-B can be easily terminated with a standard firearm, even when SCP-1602-B possesses no visible means of animation.
SCP-1602 was retrieved on 13/08/1988 from a hotel in ████████, South Dakota. During the initial containment mission, Foundation field agents discovered an instance of SCP-1602-B inside a hotel room and presumed it to be an independant anomaly. The instance was designated SCP-1602 and the mission was deemed a success. When Foundation intelligence intercepted a second report of a "monster" at the same hotel, a more thorough examination of the building was initiated. SCP-1602’s actual nature was eventually discovered and its documentation was rewritten.
Experiment Log:
Test 1602-5
Subject: D-1602-5, male, age 20. During conversations with on-site counsellor Dr. ██████, subject confessed that he had coerced his girlfriend into having an abortion. Subject expressed profound feelings of regret surrounding this event.
Procedure: SCP-1602 hung on a plastic shower rod suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the test chamber. Subject was instructed to walk around SCP-1602 and view the other side once it entered an active state.
Results: SCP-1602 entered an active state after approximately 5 minutes, consistent with activation time in previous tests. The subject noticed a faint light emanating from behind SCP-1602 and walked around to view the other side. Subject reported that upon viewing the other side, SCP-1602 apparently reentered its dormant state: the light vanished and was no longer visible from either side of SCP-1602. No other anomalous activity reported.
Test 1602-6
Subject: D-1602-5, same as previous test.
Procedure: SCP-1602 hung on a plastic shower rod suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the test chamber. Subject was instructed to stand in place and observe only one side of SCP-1602.
Results: SCP-1602 again entered an active state after approximately 5 minutes. 10 minutes and 23 seconds into the test, a small, undefined silhouette appeared at the base of the curtain. An instance of SCP-1602-A (SCP-1602-A6) emerged precisely 3 minutes later, taking the form of a newly born child covered in vernix caseosa and blood. SCP-1602-A6 crawled out from beneath the curtain in the direction of the subject.
Upon observing SCP-1602-A6, the subject screamed and stumbled backward, losing balance and collapsing on the floor. Several hundred additional instances of SCP-1602-A6 continued to emerge; many of these were identical to the original instance, although 22% of duplicates still bore umbilical cords. Acting as a group, SCP-1602-A6 converged on the subject. Subject fought back but was overpowered by SCP-1602-A6 and was subsequently dragged behind the curtain, followed by all remaining SCP-1602-A6.
A single instance of SCP-1602-B6 emerged after 15 minutes. Autopsy confirmed that its anatomy was consistent with that of a typical infant, although its internal organs were found filled with live maggots. Samples of the maggots were preserved and placed in storage.
Afterword: Any traces of vernix caseosa and blood left on the floor by SCP-1602-A6 ceased to exist the moment Research staff entered the room.
Comments: The presence of multiple instances of SCP-1602-A at one time suggests that SCP-1602-A are entities generated each time SCP-1602 enters an active state, rather than a single entity that assumes different forms, as had been previously theorized. - Dr. Lindquist
Test 1602-7
Subject: D-1602-6, female, age 33. Subject had a history of bulimia and self-image disorders.
Procedure: SCP-1602 placed in a spread position against the wall of the test chamber with a mild adhesive.
Results: Subject exhibited high levels of anxiety and panic upon SCP-1602 entering its active state, repeating the phrase, ‘I can't do this’. This pattern of behavior continued until SCP-1602-A7 appeared behind SCP-1602, at which point the subject began banging on the wall opposite to SCP-1602 while shouting incoherently.
SCP-1602-A7 pulled back the curtain, revealing a cavity in the wall that had not previously existed. SCP-1602-A7 was identical to the subject in height, skin tone, and hair colour, but appeared to possess no muscular tissue whatsoever, with skin stretched directly over its bones and ligaments. Lack of musculature notwithstanding, SCP-1602-A7 still possessed a high level of mobility and strength, grabbing the subject by the ankles and pulling them behind the curtain.
SCP-1602-B5 emerged within 5 minutes of the subject's disappearance. It was observed to claw at its own body, jaw fully extended but making no vocalizations. Researchers called for termination after 4 minutes of observation. Autopsy deemed unnecessary as SCP-1602-B5 had peeled back most of its own skin, confirming its lack of muscle tissue. Retrieval of SCP-1602 showed the wall to be in the same condition as it had been prior to the test.
Test 1602-8
Subject: D-1602-7, male, age 58. Subject had been a high-ranking employee of ████████ prior to incarceration. Dr. ██████, who provided counseling for the subject in the weeks prior to testing, noted that the subject expressed significant frustration over the fact that his dedication to his work had led to his estrangement with his children and ex-wife.
Procedure: SCP-1602 placed on the floor in a spread position.
Results: SCP-1602's horizontal orientation did not appear to alter its effects, activating within the standard timeframe. SCP-1602-A8 emerged from beneath it, climbing from a perfectly round hole in the floor that had not existed prior to SCP-1602's activation.
SCP-1602-A8 took the form of a clown in a loose, polka-dotted suit. While its body resembled that of a natural human, its head was disproportionally large and made from what appeared to be papier-mâché, with areas of the face cut out where its eyes and mouth would typically be located. A reflective substance (later confirmed to be standard confetti) poured continuously from these orifices for the duration of the test.
This test marks the first time an instance of SCP-1602-A has made vocalizations, despite its lack of visible means of articulation. SCP-1602-A8 approached the subject very slowly, repeatedly expressing a desire to 'play' and encouraging the subject to 'loosen up and live a little'. Subject attempted to engage SCP-1602-A8 in conversation, making numerous inquiries about its nature, albeit with a significant amount of profanity.
34 minutes after the subject's capture, SCP-1602-B8 was generated and proceeded to stumble around the room in a state of extreme distress. Like SCP-1602-A8, it made numerous vocalizations, though most of its statements were requests to see Dr. Lindquist and questions regarding itself.
The following is the subsequent exchange between SCP-1602-B8 and Dr. Lindquist.
+ Show Interview Log
- Hide Interview Log
<Begin Log>
Dr. Lindquist: We'll start by confirming your identity. What is your name?
SCP-1602-B8: (Confetti still pouring from its facial orifices) [REDACTED].
Dr. Lindquist: What are the names of your children?
SCP-1602-B8: [REDACTED]. What's happened to me?
Dr. Lindquist: Please remain calm and answer the questions. Do you have any pets?
SCP-1602-B8: I have a Great Dane named Dorothy. Please, Doctor, I need help, I'm blind and—
Dr. Lindquist: What did you see after you were taken behind the curtain?
SCP-1602-B8: I didn't see anything. What's happened to my face? Why am I blind? What did that thing do to me?
Dr. Lindquist: That's what we're trying to figure out. We want to help you, but you need to answer our questions. Did the entity say anything to you after—
SCP-1602-B8: You let this happen! For the love of God, Doctor, what's it done to me? Why can't I see anything? Why is everything so cold? Why does my head feel… (SCP-1602-B8 raises its hands to its face and makes vocalizations similar to weeping.)
Dr. Lindquist: Please try to remain calm. I only have a few more questions—
SCP-1602-B8: (Still weeping) Nothing's changed. Nothing's changed.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: SCP-1602-B8 refused to respond to any further questioning and was terminated shortly after the interview. It is unknown if D-1602-8 was physically transmuted into SCP-1602-B8, if the subject's consciousness was transferred, or if SCP-1602-B8 was impersonating the subject. A small amount of the confetti produced by SCP-1602-B8 was placed in storage and the rest was incinerated.
Test 1602-11
Subject: D-1602-21, male, age 46. Subject was uncooperative in counseling sessions, but was found to have a history of impoverishment.
Procedure: Subject given a standard firearm and placed in a bulletproof testing chamber with SCP-1602.
Results: SCP-1602-A took the form of an elderly, emaciated male dressed in heavily damaged winter clothing. The subject fired several rounds of ammunition which had no visible effect on SCP-1602-A. The subject was subdued and brought behind SCP-1602, as in previous tests.
No activity was detected from SCP-1602 for two hours, after which the subject reemerged, apparently unharmed and visibly damp. When interviewed, the subject claimed that he had simply taken a shower, describing the experience as "pleasant" and "cleansing".
Testing is ongoing. |
SCP-4848 is a memetic hazard consisting of the phrase '████████ █████-███████ ██████████' spread via auditory and visual means. | ***
Item #: SCP-4848
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4848 is designated a HEBERT-category memetic hazard and as such its specifics and all documents in which these specifics are described are restricted to the immediate research team and Level-1 personnel. If SCP-4848 is accessed, standard memetic transmission precautions should be followed and post-exposure amnestics administered.
Foundation sources within national militaries, research institutions and defence contractors are to report all possible instances of SCP-4848 outside of containment. All individuals confirmed to be affected by SCP-4848 should receive Class-D amnestics. The Foundation is cooperating with governments and industry to cancel projects influenced by SCP-4848. Management of SCP-4848 has been repurposed to control rather than eradication. Individuals affected by SCP-4848 are to be tracked, with amnesticisation of any of their contacts who become newly affected, but affected individuals should not be administered long-term amnestics. Projects influenced by SCP-4848 are to be allowed to run to completion without Foundation interference.
Description: SCP-4848 is a memetic hazard consisting of the phrase '████████ █████-███████ ██████████' spread via auditory and visual means. It causes susceptible individuals to become preoccupied with the phrase, resulting in a desire to integrate it into their work routines and projects. As the phrase has no clear definition and is interpreted differently between individuals, this results in delays, alterations and shifting objectives and a subsequent overall reduction in working efficiency. SCP-4848 also exhibits self-concealing properties, which conceal insight into its anomalous nature from persons without specialised counter-memetics training.
SCP-4848 exhibits its maximal effect on individuals directly involved in the armaments industry. Individuals with related professions, such as military personnel, shipping, electronics and aerospace industry workers, and academics conducting research with military applications, are affected to a lesser degree. Individuals outside these categories are effectively immune. The effects of SCP-4848 result in a given project being delayed and over budget by 10% to 200%, depending on project characteristics and SCP-4848 saturation amongst workers.
These anomalous properties are a result of SCP-4848’s origin as an engineered memetic attack vector developed by GRU Division ‘P’ to target the West. Given the subtle nature of SCP-4848, this was not detected by either the Foundation or Western intelligence agencies until the collapse of the USSR and the acquisition of GRU documents and defectors by the Foundation.
Addendum 4848-1: Translated documents recovered from the GRU
SIGNED .................. S
RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: Alexander R. Morozov к.т.н.
DETAIL: Project No. 103 "TERMITE" is the designation of an engineered abnormality of the Psychological Subdivision, with development commenced in January 1983. "TERMITE" involves an English-language idea complex, analogous to [EXPUNGED] in Russian. Exposure to "TERMITE" in persons involved in the design and production of munitions leads to a fixation on the complex and its incorporation into work-related activity. This introduces inefficiency and increases to production times and costs. Additionally, the "TERMITE" complex exhibits self-concealing normalcy properties, hampering its eradication in the event of involvement of agencies aware of abnormalities.
"TERMITE" has been designed to target the war-making capacity of the Main Adversary. Its English-language nature ensures it will propagate throughout the American military apparatus with minimal risk of harm to the defence of the Soviet Union. It is expected there will also be a degree of effect on other Western military-industrial systems, due to the commonality of English in the NATO structure.
Field testing of "TERMITE" in a subdivision of Izhevsk Factory No. 11 in August 1984 resulted in a 45% reduction in ammunition production over the following four months. No physical, psychological or abnormal measures available to the Directorate were able to reverse the effects of "TERMITE" in affected personnel, who required relocation and indefinite quarantine.
A list of safe handling procedures for personnel involved with "TERMITE" can be found in Appendix A.
Due to the results of field testing, plans have been prepared for deployment of "TERMITE" in America. This will be performed over a period of three months by in-place Directorate assets. Details of this have been presented in Appendix B and are currently awaiting the approval of General Ivashutin.
It is predicted that successful propagation of "TERMITE" in America will lead to the decisive superiority of the Soviet Armed Forces in the event of NATO aggression against the Soviet Union. Alternatively, the reallocation of resources to mitigate the effects of "TERMITE" on NATO military industry is likely to result in a decrease in civilian production to a degree resulting in significant civil unrest and the energisation of both pacifist and friendly socialist political elements.
20.II.1990 D.NR:20-II-1990
SENDER: Colonel-General Vasily I. Yazov
RECIPIENT: Alexander R. Morozov к.т.н.
DETAIL: Despite authorisation of a wide-ranging release of "TERMITE" in the United States and confirmation of its presence throughout the American military-industrial complex, evidence of any negative impact on American military readiness has been lacking. While the research team has attempted to rectify these deficiencies, the recent demonstration of American military capabilities in the Persian Gulf has not been encouraging in our evaluation of this progress. Combined with further developments in the domestic and international political situation, the Directorate has deemed the continuation of Project No. 105 to be an inappropriate use of our limited resources.
We thank Comrade Morozov for his service and he will be reassigned in due course.
Addendum 4848-2: Example of SCP-4848-affected interaction
10/04/2007, 11:40 hrs
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Fort Worth, Texas
Note participants de-identified (approved by Site Director Zacharias).
ENGINEER 1: The internal weapons bay is at the end stage of being finalised. I can incorporate it into the two-point-two prototype -
MANAGER: Uh, yeah, Phil, about that - did you look at the doc I sent you about the anti-ship standoff capability?
ENGINEER 1: We can't accommodate that in the current specs internally, Harpoons are too big to fit. They would have to be carried externally -
ENGINEER 2: Won't that interfere with the radar profile goals?
ENGINEER 1: It's already carrying external munitions.
ENGINEER 3: I don't know if the wing stress tests have been run with Harpoons. I'd have to go back and re-run them again.
ENGINEER 1: Christ. Why does this thing need anti-ship standoff anyway?
MANAGER: It was a deficiency identified in the last demo prototype.
ENGINEER 3: I guess if the Navy wants it, they'd want to put Harpoons on it. We're trying to design something with ████████ █████-███████ ██████████, right?
ENGINEER 2: This is supposed to be a stealth jet. If that keeps being diluted with the munitions reqs, it's not going to be able to fulfil ████████ goals.
MANAGER: Would you be able to enlarge the internals, Phil? We need to retain the █████-███████ ██████████.
ENGINEER 1: Maybe? It would delay the next prototype. Do we have the budget for that?
MANAGER: The Pentagon is on board with this. Sec Winter isn't happy, but he's earmarked us the funds to get this done.
ENGINEER 3: Might be easier to reduce the missile size rather than enlarging the internals.
ENGINEER 1: I'm sure we don't have the budget for that.
ENGINEER 3: A new Harpoon with ████████ █████-███████ ██████████?
ENGINEER 2: I've got enough work to do already.
MANAGER: That's not a bad idea. I heard there was a Navy contract out for a ████████ air-launched missile.
[First responders from MTF Upsilon-4 arrive on site.]
ENGINEER 2: You guys lost?
Y-1: Sorry, gentlemen - FBI. We're doing a security screen. Going to have to ask you to come with us.
MANAGER: God, again? Fine. Dan, let's have a talk after. I think we have to discuss the ████████ █████- [He is tackled to the ground by Y-2.]
ENGINEER 1: Jesus!
Addendum 4848-3: On 11/11/2008, Dr A. R. Morozov (see Addendum 4848-1) presented himself at the Foundation's Berlin office and requested protection, bringing a number of documents relating to the development of SCP-4848. A transcript of his initial interview has been attached below.
11/11/2008, 17:20 hrs
INTERVIEWER: Agent Paul Erhardt
SUBJECT: Alexander Romanovich Morozov, dob. 16/07/1942
ERHARDT: My apologies for keeping you waiting, Mr Morozov. Prosti - moy russkiy, nekhorosho -
MOROZOV: English is fine, Mr -
ERHARDT: Agent Paul Erhardt. I understand you have information for us?
MOROZOV: I have a question for you, first. Is this familiar to you? ████████ █████-
[Erhardt jumps up from the table and reaches for the wall-mounted alarm.]
MOROZOV: I see. No need for concern, Mr Erhardt. Only wanted to see how much explaining you needed.
ERHARDT: Scheiße! Warn me first before you do that.
MOROZOV: It won't happen again. So. Project one-zero-five. Your Foundation has a number for it by now, I hope.
ERHARDT: 4848.
MOROZOV: 4848, if you prefer, I was part of the development team. You may know this already, and I expect you know more what we did with 4848 in the West than I do.
ERHARDT: Sorry, I can't disclose that information.
MOROZOV: Of course. You know this was distributed across Russia as well? Ah, I see you reacted there. This is new to you.
ERHARDT: Where is your source for this? It's not in any of the documents you presented to us.
MOROZOV: I am the source. Well, and some friends of mine, whose names are not for discussion, as a condition of my assistance to you.
ERHARDT: Your group tested SCP-4848 within the Soviet Union?
MOROZOV: Not testing, Mr Erhardt. A… hmm, how should I put this… grassroots action, I believe they say in English.
ERHARDT: You don't agree with your government?
MOROZOV: Have you ever been to Chechnya, Mr Erhardt?
ERHARDT: No, but I take your point. Was this in relation to the first war, or the second, or something else?
MOROZOV: First. Grozny, ninety-four. Do you know about it? You would only have been a child.
ERHARDT: The siege, yes. Were you there? That would not have been easy.
MOROZOV: No. I'm no soldier, but I spent my whole life building weapons. I was proud of it. We were supposed to use them on you! [laughs] My mother, God rest her, told all her friends I was indispensable in stopping the NATO imperialists. I didn't argue with her. Maybe I still think that. But then, there was Afghanistan, the Union vanished, then Grozny, where Yeltsin killed five thousand of our soldiers, and then crowed over forty thousand dead Chechens, our brothers and sisters five years before.
ERHARDT: Your conscience - you felt you had to do something?
MOROZOV: Yes, I wanted to do something, and I remembered the one weapon that was not a weapon, the one that made people stop building them. I had a few friends, with similar thoughts - it was a very simple matter to dig up one-zero-five and start distributing it. Industry events, veterans' associations, phoning ex-colleagues and so on. This was at the start of ninety-five - I expect every factory east of Warsaw has it by now. I can give you a list of where we spread it, for whatever good it does you.
ERHARDT: How did you get around the language issue?
MOROZOV: Oh, that was also simple. We just told them it was part of Western military doctrine. That it didn't translate well.
ERHARDT: Why are you coming to us now? If you're having second thoughts, wouldn't it be best to hand the information to your - the Russians?
MOROZOV: Really, Mr Erhardt. Regrets are not enough to prevent a treason charge. But no, I have no resurgent patriotism, or regrets I tried to stop wars. I regret that we failed. Our army went back to Chechnya, and Ingushetia, and Georgia, and our weapons still match the best of you Germans or the Americans. Not all the others agree - some will never forgive me for this - but we made a terrible error. As much as I may have… issues with your organisation, your Foundation are the only ones who might still stop this. The UN's Coalition is riddled with too many warmongers to care.
ERHARDT: I appreciate that you came to us with this, and my superiors will as well. I am sure we will be worthy of your trust. I don't quite understand, though. If your actions changed nothing, why the concern?
MOROZOV: I said we failed. I did not say that nothing changed.
ERHARDT: I'm not sure I follow.
MOROZOV: In our line of work, Mr Erhardt, we are prone to believe things beyond comprehension hold fearful power. That we are helpless before them. But the most fearful powers are earthly.
Addendum 4848-4: In 2015, Foundation cooperation with NATO on SCP-4848 eradication was suspended unilaterally by the latter, causing the Foundation's strategy to shift to the current containment procedures. NATO's position statement on the issue has been archived below.
Foundation sources subsequently reported this decision resulted in GOC internal turmoil and a high-level restructuring, removing personnel with the belief that accepting a baseline level of SCP-4848 infection was contrary to their mission statement. Further scandal broke within the Coalition in 2016 when several officials previously involved in this policy were implicated in accepting defence industry payments, leading to the resignation of the then-PSYCHE Director, Mr Richard Evans.
Addendum 4848-5: Report on SCP-4848 activity levels
Report 4848-2016: past and future economic impact of SCP-4848
While small-scale studies on SCP-4848 have been conducted previously, Report 4848-2016 is the culmination of a three-year study to evaluate the impact of SCP-4848 at a global level. With recent changes to containment procedures, comprehensive information on their effects is vital in guiding future containment management.
The research team analysed both publicly available and secure governmental and corporate information relating to activity and expenditure in the armaments, aerospace, electronics and shipping industry across G20 nations. Projects without direct military applications were excluded from the final analysis. This data was combined with available Foundation information on SCP-4848 distribution and the relative and absolute contribution of SCP-4848 to global military expenditure was estimated.
SCP-4848 was responsible for 1.1% of global military spending in 1992, the first date from which sufficient data was available for the purposes of this study. Over the 1992-2015 period, this number increased by an average of 0.4% per annum, reaching approximately 26.1 billion real US dollars in 2015. However, subsequent to the 2015 alterations to containment procedures, there was a 4.7% increase in SCP-4848-related expenditure from 2015 to 2016. Our modelling suggests that both rate of increase and total costs are expected to accelerate as SCP-4848 spread continues (see Figure 1).
The findings of this report are of significant concern. In particular, our shift from an aggressive management approach to a more passive stance is strongly associated with a noticeable reduction in containment efficacy. Although complete access to GOC databases was outside the scope of this study, available information suggests substitute Coalition procedures have been unable to compensate for this change. It is possible this is influenced by conflicts of interest amongst Coalition policymakers, and it is imperative for Foundation staff to not fall into a similar trap. A reversion to the pre-2015 containment procedures should be considered.
Addendum 4848-6:
RE: Report 4848-2016
This office has noted the recent release of Report 4848-2016 and expresses appreciation for the contribution of the study authors to enhancing our understanding of this item. While we acknowledge the challenges that the 2015 procedure revision has presented, this office has confidence in the current containment procedures for SCP-4848 in reaching a suitable compromise between containment goals and maintaining the Foundation's flexible multi-mission capability to respond to anomalous threats.
Based on advice from an interdepartmental committee consisting of representatives from the Department of External Affairs, Administrative Department, Scientific Department and Engineering/Technical Services, reinstating the previous containment measures is not possible at this time given the stated positions of numerous governmental and industry partners. A further rupture in relations would also impair Foundation access to numerous material and personnel resources, leading to downstream negative impacts on our technical, industrial and research capacity.
This office categorically rejects the insinuation that the management of SCP-4848 is affected by conflicts of interest in any way. All staff receive extensive background checks and are obliged to act with the highest levels of integrity. Declarations of interest are provided by all personnel and there is no evidence that any external interests have affected Foundation responses to SCP-4848. The Foundation welcomes staff from a wide variety of backgrounds, including from the defence industry, who bring invaluable experience and professional contacts.
The nature of SCP-4848 and the Foundation's overarching mission necessitates cooperation with national armed forces and defence industries. The Council is confident that strong future partnerships with these institutions are integral to global security, protection and containment of the anomalous.
- O5-1, on behalf of the Overseer Council |
SCP-1843 is a polyhedron-shaped1 hollow structure of unknown, possibly extra-terrestrial origin. | ***
Item #: SCP-1843
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1843 is to be held in a Large Containment Vault in Storage Site-12’s Safe SCP Wing. Specimens of the genus Ovis are to be kept at a minimum distance of 2.5 kilometers from SCP-1843's containment. Specimens found within the 2 kilometers radius are to be moved at a minimum distance of 700 meters from SCP-1843’s range of effect or terminated, if necessary. Deceased instances of SCP-1843-2 are to be contained in separate cryogenic freezers after examination.
Controlled testing with specimens of the genus Ovis is to be done outside, and requires the approval of at least one (1) Level 4 personnel.
Description: SCP-1843 is a polyhedron-shaped1 hollow structure of unknown, possibly extra-terrestrial origin. SCP-1843 is mostly composed of silicon, iron and polystyrene. SCP-1843 measures 1.50 meters in height and 1.50 meters in width, weighing approximately 500 kilograms when empty. SCP-1843 can be opened via a small metallic door found on one of its faces.
SCP-1843's anomalous properties only affect specimens of the genus Ovis (referred as SCP-1843-1) present within a 2 kilometers radius. Instances of SCP-1843-1 will move towards SCP-1843 in groups of 5-10 individuals, mostly composed of adult males and female juveniles. Instances of SCP-1843-1 display more hostility than normal, but do not possess physical strength above normal specimens of the genus Ovis.
Once the instances of SCP-1843-1 have reached SCP-1843, they will proceed to perform a "ritual", referred as SCP-1843-A event. SCP-1843-A events are usually of violent nature, consisting of the sacrificial murder of a female juvenile (referred as SCP-1843-2), performed by instances of SCP-1843-1 by crushing SCP-1843-2's skull with their hooves or by repeatedly hitting it with their horns. In rare occasions (<2%), instances of SCP-1843-1 have been observed to cannibalize instances of SCP-1843-2. The older instance of SCP-1843-1 will then proceed to place the remains of SCP-1843-2 within SCP-1843.
After the SCP-1843-A event has ended, all the instances of SCP-1843-1 will bow their heads down to SCP-1843 and proceed to move away from it. Instances of SCP-1843-1 that participated the SCP-1843-A event lose all their anomalous behaviors once they are 500 meters distant from SCP-1843, despite still being in its range of effect.
SCP-1843 was recovered the 2010/██/██ in █████, Germany, after the reports of a metallic object falling in the rural area of Germany. After 2 weeks of investigations, SCP-1843 was found in █████, being "worshipped" by several instances of SCP-1843-1, most being domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and wild mouflon (Ovis musimon). SCP-1843 contained fourteen (14) deceased juvenile specimens of Ovis aries and five (5) deceased juvenile specimens of Ovis musimon, currently contained among other instances of SCP-1843-2.
Addendum 1843-1: Excerpt from Testing Log-1843-13-F.
Testing Log 1843-13-F - 2010/██/██
Subject(s): Seven (7) specimens of Ovis aries; four (4) adult males and three (3) female juveniles, referred as SCP-1843-1-26 to -32.
Procedure: All the instances are transported via vehicle to SCP-1843 to avoid hostile reactions. The instances approach SCP-1843 without accident.
Results: SCP-1843-A event begins. The older specimens begin to "dance", moving in circle around SCP-1843, followed by the younger males. The female specimens emit an high pitched sound throughout the whole event. The dance finishes after 20 minutes and 15 seconds. The younger males (SCP-1843-1-28 and -29) force a juvenile (formerly SCP-1843-1-31; now SCP-1843-2) to lay in front of SCP-1843. The older specimen (SCP-1843-1-26) kills SCP-1843-2 by crushing its skull, and proceeds to place SCP-1843-2 within SCP-1843. At this point, SCP-1843-1-26 screams for 2 minutes, before all the specimens bow down to SCP-1843 and return to the containment vehicle.
Analysis: Those “screams” have been recognized as an attempt of SCP-1843-1-26 to speak German. Those with Level 3 clearance may read Document 1843-12-AD for further information.
Addendum 1843-2: Document 1843-12-AD.
Translator's note: The following is a rough attempt to decipher SCP-1843-1-26's vocalizations. However, since its speech mostly consisted of bleats and German gibberish, this translation is approximate.
SCP-1843-1-26: My Lord, god of all the ones that munch the green, who takes the fear away, grant us peace. We offer you this virgin, for we beg you to listen the [unknown, plea?] our herds asked since your descent. (SCP-1843-1-26 pauses for 10 seconds at the end of every sentence.)
SCP-1843-1-26: We beg you to free us from the [unknown] that has tormented us since the first wool.
SCP-1843-1-26: The [unknown] has forced us to live in fear.
SCP-1843-1-26: [Unknown] has denied us of the warmth in the cold, and devoured us in the warm.
SCP-1843-1-26: If you are our [helper (?), savior (?)], accept this virgin as a treat, and destroy the [unknown].
Addendum 1843-3: Summary of Testing Log 1843-13-G.
On 2010/██/██, SCP-1843-1-26 was exposed a second time to SCP-1843, among other six (6) instances of SCP-1843-1. SCP-1843-1-26 did not participate to the SCP-1843-A event, but limited itself to repeatedly hit SCP-1843 with its horns. SCP-1843-1-26 appeared to emit a vocalization similar to "lügner", the German word for "liar."
SCP-1843-1-26 was later killed by the other instances of SCP-1843-1, instead of SCP-1843-2. At time of writing, only SCP-1843-1-26 has displayed this kind of behavior.
1. More specifically, an irregular triacontahedron. |
SCP-4395 is a twenty-two year old woman named Olivia Coltman, whose image has a negative anomalous effect on any organisms that visually observe her. | ***
Item #: SCP-4395
Object Class: Safe for Public
Special Reintegration Procedures: In accordance with the Pseudohuman Rights Act of 2013, SCP-4395 was declassified and released back into the public on 13/09/2013. In order to prevent her anomalous properties from bringing harm to civilians, the following procedures have been devised and enacted by the Reintegration Committee.
SCP-4395 is to wear a personalized Temple Obfuscation Suit at all times when in public. The only occasions on which SCP-4395 is permitted to remove this suit is for personal grooming purposes, and SCP-4395 is to be completely alone on these occasions. The Temple Obfuscation Suit is designed such that all other bodily functions are facilitated without needing to remove it, and so removal of the suit is not authorized for these purposes.
In order to prevent observers from creating a definitive image of SCP-4395 in their minds, a gelatinous outer shell on the Temple Obfuscation Suit is to change shape to a random setting every three hours. Note that this change of shape is aesthetic only, and does not effect the actual functions of the Temple Obfuscation Suit.
SCP-4395 is to meet with Reintegration Officer Mitre once a month in order to monitor her progress.
Description: SCP-4395 is a twenty-two year old woman named Olivia Coltman, whose image has a negative anomalous effect on any organisms that visually observe her.
Upon viewing SCP-4395, or a representation of her, the viewing organism will assume a form matching that of SCP-4395. In cases where said organism already has a similar appearance to SCP-4395, this process does not present a significant threat to life; however, in cases where the organism has significant aesthetic differences or an entirely different bodily configuration, death is exceedingly common due to the redistribution of mass that occurs.
Although hiding SCP-4395's physical body with concealing clothing can neutralize this anomalous property for a time, once observers come to permanently associate this new appearance with SCP-4395, the anomalous property will reactivate and transform observing organisms into a biological equivalent of said new appearance.
SCP-4395 was recovered at the age of eight following an incident at Bluewater Falls Elementary School, Louisiana, which resulted in the deaths of six teachers and eight students, also requiring that substantial plastic surgery be performed on a further fifty-two students.
Meeting Log 4395-80:
Full record of all reintegration meetings is available from the Foundation Central Archives upon request from government or law enforcement agencies, depending on the nature of said request. Meeting was conducted in Reintegration Officer Mitre's car outside SCP-4395's residence.
<Begin Log>
SCP-4395: Been a while.
RO Mitre: Mm. How have you been?
SCP-4395: Alright. You?
RO Mitre: There was some difficulty in San Fransisco. I'm sure you've seen the news.
SCP-4395: Paradise Fell, right?
RO Mitre: Right. Yes. Have you had any trouble with them?
SCP-4395: I get a few funny looks when I walk down the street, but, uh, that might just be because of this, you know? (gestures to Temple Obfuscation Suit)
RO Mitre: Yes, I understand. Have you been keeping a low profile?
SCP-4395: Are you listening, Mike? I look like a goddamn deep sea diver. And people are extra wary of suits like these now, after, you know…
RO Mitre: The Queens Massacre.
SCP-4395: (quietly) Can we not talk about that?
(Three hour mark. Temple Obfuscation Suit's outer layer changes shape.)
RO Mitre: Antlers?
SCP-4395: You know I don't get a say in this. It's not the most, uh, the most convenient thing in the world, you know, walking through doors when I end up with something like this. I get why, but even the other suits don't change like this.
RO Mitre: It's necessary for you to live in public.
(SCP-4395 sighs and leans back in her seat, causing the in-suit microphone to peak slightly.)
SCP-4395: And what a life it is. When do you think someone last saw my face? It's been years, I think. One of those prisoners you'd bring in front of me now and then.
RO Mitre: I wasn't directly involved with that.
SCP-4395: Y'know what I mean, idiot.
RO Mitre: Mm.
SCP-4395: You know … with your, uh, condition, you could probably look at me no problem. From what you've told me, you probably don't count as a living creature anymore.
RO Mitre: Probably I could, yes.
SCP-4395: (surprised) Oh!
RO Mitre: But I'd rather not risk it.
SCP-4395: Oh. Okay.
RO Mitre: Sorry.
SCP-4395: Yeah. Yeah, it's no problem, don't worry about it.
RO Mitre: So. Is there anything else you need to tell me for this month?
SCP-4395: No, I, ah, I can't think of anything.
RO Mitre: Alright. Same time next month?
SCP-4395: (sighs) Yeah, same time next month.
<End Log>
In an attempt to boost morale, Reintegration Officer Mitre sent a box of chocolates to SCP-4395's residence following this meeting. |
SCP-3849 is a region of space located within a wall-mounted bathtub on the second floor of 810 Danforth St, Portland, ME. | ***
Item #: SCP-3849
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-3849 cannot be relocated without risking structural damage to the surrounding bathtub, the property located at 810 Danforth St, Portland, ME has been purchased through a Foundation front company. The property is to remain locked, with access restricted to personnel with 4/3849 clearance.
Description: SCP-3849 is a region of space located within a wall-mounted bathtub on the second floor of 810 Danforth St, Portland, ME. The area of space to which SCP-3849 connects has been determined to exist 4.43 billion years in the past, at some location within the confines of Earth's gravity well.1
SCP-3849 induces no negative pressure in the surrounding room, though any object placed into the anomalous space will continue to fall towards the planet. Due to the narrow window of view available, the surface of Earth cannot be seen.
SCP-3849 was first discovered on 8-18-18, when homeowner Chris Mattingly contacted local authorities, claiming that his wife, Christina Mattingly, had "fallen into space in the bathtub".
Addendum 3849-TL: SCP-3849 Test log
Test A - 8/20/18
Subject: One sealed time capsule with Barium-130 isotope half-life dating apparatus.
Procedure: Time capsule dropped into SCP-3849. Time capsule recovered through SCP-1162.
Results: Difference in time between the interior of SCP-3849 and current time determined.
Analysis: Trace amounts of biological matter from an unidentified multi-cellular organism were found fossilized around the time capsule, with a strata of stromatolite suspected to be the remains of previously undiscovered primitive prokaryotic organisms.
Further testing has been judged to carry the risk of being antithetical to the development of biological life on Earth, and is prohibited by O5 command.
1. See Addendum 3849-TL. |
SCP-2451 is a roughly circular, nonobservable temporal and spacial anomaly with an approximate radius of 75cm. | ***
Item #: SCP-2451
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The Site-721 L-Type HACC containing SCP-2451 is to be modified to include temporal integrity seals1. As SCP-2451-1 and SCP-2451-2#14's locations are currently unknown, and SCP-2451-2 emergence events have not ceased and indeed become more prevalent, all previous containment measures not directly related to the containment of SCP-2451-1 will remain in effect.
Emerging SCP-2451-2 instances are to be subdued non-lethally if possible, but with deadly force if necessary, and are to be housed in separate M-Type HACCs and supplied with basic amenities unless otherwise indicated. In those cases where, due to the unpredictable temporal and spacial location of SCP-2451's remote terminus, standardized Humanoid Anomaly Containment Cells are not sufficient for reliable containment, specialized containment is to be designed and realized by this project's Senior Containment Specialist, at which time these procedures are to be amended.
Current exceptions:
Containment Procedures
To be housed within an M-Type HACC modified to include a 4 m x 4 m x 2.5 m (lxwxh) basin filled with brine (24% MgCl2).
To be contained within a Reinforced Anomalous Cadaver Locker (RACL).
To be contained in a Level 4 Bio-Safety Cabinet. This is to be remotely checked for leaks twice a day. In event of a leak, please see 2451/ConBrch/Ti-15432A:v1.32 and evacuate the Site.
To remain in a permanently powered-down state in this Site's Anomalous Vehicle Bay (AVB).
Containment implausible at this time. Instance displayed physical traits of Macropanesthia rhinoceros (Giant Burrowing Cockroach and Elephas maximus (Asian Elephant). Instance was in possession of advanced technology and disappeared after emergence, location unknown. A Priority Alpha-Red notification has been dispatched to all known partners.
Vocalizations from instances are to be disregarded by personnel assigned to their destruction. Security Personnel not complying with the previous instruction will be terminated. Instances are to be disposed of as Class-IV biological hazards using all available equipment. Note that sustained fire is necessary for a 100% kill rate.
The remains of SCP-2451-2 specimens exhumed from the backyard of SCP-2451-1's former residence at ██ ████████ Road, Santa Cruz, CA are to be kept in this Site's Exo-Biological Wing for research purposes, available upon a request authorized by personnel with 2451/3 clearance.
+ SCP-2451 Containment Procedures v1.04
- SCP-2451 Containment Procedures v1.04
Special Containment Procedures: Although SCP-2451-1 is not anomalous in itself, it is to be housed within an L-Type HACC modified to include temporal integrity seals1. Interviews with SCP-2451-1 are to take place at a location where SCP-2451-1 can be positioned so that SCP-2451 is contained within the same room.
Emerging SCP-2451-2 instances are to be subdued, preferably non-lethally, and are generally to be housed in separate M-Type HACCs and supplied with basic amenities. In those cases where, due to the unpredictable temporal and spacial location of SCP-2451's remote terminus, standardized Humanoid Anomaly Containment Cells are not sufficient for reliable containment, specialized containment is to be designed and realized by this project's Senior Containment Specialist, at which time these procedures are to be amended.
Current exceptions:
Containment Procedures
To be housed with SCP-2451-1.
To be housed within an M-Type HACC modified to include a 4 m x 4 m x 2.5 m (lxwxh) basin filled with brine (24% MgCl2).
To be contained within a Reinforced Anomalous Cadaver Locker (RACL).
To be contained in a Level 4 Bio-Safety Cabinet. This is to be remotely checked for leaks twice a day. In event of a leak, please see 2451/ConBrch/Ti-15432A:v1.32 and evacuate the Site.
To remain in a permanently powered-down state in this Site's Anomalous Vehicle Bay (AVB).
The remains of SCP-2451-2 specimens exhumed from the backyard of SCP-2451-1's former residence at ██ ████████ Road, Santa Cruz, CA are to be kept in this Site's Exo-Biological Wing for research purposes, available upon a request authorized by personnel with 2451/3 clearance.
Description: SCP-2451 is a roughly circular, nonobservable temporal and spacial anomaly with an approximate radius of 75 cm. SCP-2451 is not independently mobile but remains permanently fixed at 46°45'28.5"N 100°35'51.8"W, approximately 8.4 meters below ground, at Site-721. Pre-Serapis, SCP-2451 was fixed at a point 2.23 m due eastwards of SCP-2451-1, formerly Lt. Col. Abraham Francis Mary Gustowski (b. 07-03-1929). SCP-2451 appears to be mono-directional, with the observable terminus in this reality construct displaying characteristics of a fixed-state portal. The non-observable terminus appears to be able to connect to an unknown number of divergent reality constructs. It is currently unknown whether SCP-2451 is connected to a single mobile terminus or a set of multiple fixed termini, each anchored to a specific reality construct.
SCP-2451 activates at irregular intervals, producing an instance of SCP-2451-2. SCP-2451-2 are native to the temporal reality construct SCP-2451 connects to at that time, and vary wildly in appearance. Instances of SCP-2451-2 appear irate and hostile when emerging from SCP-2451, possibly as a side-effect of traversing SCP-2451. Interrogation of SCP-2451-2 instances reveals a common goal, to assassinate an individual held responsible for atrocities in their native construct, most often because their role during a historical conflict was directly linked to developments in its originating construct.
SCP-2451-1 has indicated its involvement in Project Restful Sleep, a classified United States Army project pioneered by Gen. Bowe in 1962. No official documentation has been recovered on the project, but statements from SCP-2451-1 regarding affiliated locations, material resources and personnel have been verified. Main premise of this project was that using primitive temporal tunneling algorithms, a temporal anomaly could be created linking a fixed-state terminus in the past to a current fluid-state terminus.
Research began in December 1956 and continued through to 1965, culminating in one operational test on 01-03-1966, using an early prototype. SCP-2451-1 indicates this test yielded no discernible result, and funding was cut in July 1966, ending any further research. SCP-2451-1 was honorably discharged in the aftermath of the project's disbanding. SCP-2451-1's responses to questions on Project Restful Sleep and the operational test, and neurological examinations performed on SCP-2451-1, indicate the administration of primitive amnestics. These were not 100% effective however, and SCP-2451-1 has been in possession of most of his memories since 1973.
SCP-2451-1 indicates the first instance of SCP-2451-2 appeared approximately 7 months after his honorable discharge.
Addendum 2451-A-01: Disappearance of SCP-2451 Post-Serapis
On 2016-11-02 00:00:31, security footage shows SCP-2451-2#14 abruptly appearing inside SCP-2451-1's HACC. Both SCP-2451-2#14 and SCP-2451-1 show signs of extreme distress, at which point the feed is interrupted by static for approximately 1.4 seconds. Footage then shows SCP-2451-1 HACC to be completely empty. SCP-2451 and SCP-2451-2#14 are at this point presumed to have entered SCP-2451. Their locations are currently unknown.
After this event, emergence events have become more frequent, and have posed a higher threat to Site security than Pre-Serapis. Suggestions for the escalation of this project's containment procedures are currently being evaluated by its current Project Lead.
Addendum 2451-A-02: Recovery and preliminary containment notes
SCP-2451, SCP-2451-1 were recovered from the Sunshine Villa Assisted Living Complex in Santa Cruz, CA on 08-07-2009 after the new owners of his previous residence found human and non-human remains in the backyard of their property. Field Agents embedded in the Santa Cruz Police Department steered uniformed units away from the scene and coordinated the deployment of Foundation assets to isolate witnesses, handle the administration of amnestics, and control traffic.
SCP-2451-2#14 was found on 10-03-2009, sleeping in a car at a Walmart parking lot in Santa Cruz, CA. It was recovered by a Foundation extraction team after patrolling police officers ran her ID. SCP-2451-2#14 was homeless and living under the assumed identity of Ethel McAllister.
Addendum 2451-A-03: Excerpts from interviews with SCP-2451-1
Log date: 08-08-2009
Interviewer: Dr. A. E. M. Gunther (AG)
Interviewed: SCP-2451-1
AG: So tell me Mr. Gustowski, do you have any idea why you're here?
SCP-2451-1: Sure do. I'm going to guess it has something to do with what I buried in my backyard before those asshole bankers foreclosed on my home.
AG: Right. Are you aware of the nature of the bodies we exhumed?
SCP-2451-1: Kinda hard not to be, son. One of those things had a beak the size of my entire arm, and about twice as wide. Sharp too, I got the scars right here. [subject begins to pull up the sleeve of his coverall]
AG: That's fine, Mr. Gustowski, I believe you. So, why didn't you report this when they appeared?
SCP-2451-1: [subject leans across the table and raises his eyebrows] And what would the police have said if I'd told them an 8' birdman appeared behind me out of thin air and attacked me?
AG: You have a point.
SCP-2451-1: [laughs] So did that beak, son.
Log date: 08-13-2009
Interviewer: Dr. E. L. Ehrles (EE)
Interviewed: SCP-2451-1
EE: Good morning, Mr. Gustowski. I'll be conducting your interview this morning. I trust you've slept well?
SCP-2451-1: Wasn't much worse than that damned assisted living center. When you're my age, your idea of captivity is a lot better than the cardboard mattresses and unidentifiable slop I got treated to there.
EE: Yes, well. Today I want to ask you about your time with what you refer to as Project Restful Sleep.
SCP-2451-1: Fire away, son.
EE: Thank you. You previously told my colleague the project involved some manner of temporal manipulation, but that it didn't work as intended. Can you elaborate and what the goals of the project were exactly?
SCP-2451-1: Didn't I already tell your colleague? They [ed. Gen. Bowe] wanted me to go back and kill Hitler. I told 'em they were crazy, but you know how it is in the Army, when they say jump…anyway, didn't work neither, so that was that.
EE: Ah, I must have missed that in my colleague's notes. And it didn't work you say. What went wrong?
SCP-2451-1: Son, do I look like I have any fucking clue what went wrong? I was just the hired help, the guy who stood very still while all those expensive piece of shit machines hummed and whizzed around me. All I can tell you is that it didn't work. I just stood there waiting for something and it never came.
EE: Right. And then you were honorably discharged?
SCP-2451-1: That's the gist of it. Couldn't remember much either, but a few weeks later I started dreaming about it, and a few more weeks after that the memories'd come back. Don't know what they did, but they weren't very good at it if you ask me. Anyway, wasn't long after that when Big Bird showed up.
EE: Right, SCP-2451-2#1.
SCP-2451-1: If you say so, son. I call him Big Bird, you can call him whatever you want.
Log date: 10-09-2009
Interviewer: Dr. E. L. Ehrles (EE)
Interviewed: SCP-2451-1
EE: [shows SCP-2451-1 a picture of SCP-2451-2#14] Mr. Gustowski, what can you tell us about this entity?
SCP-2451-1: She's here, Ethel's here? You'd better not have harmed her, not even a goddamn hair, you hear?!
EE: She's not Ethel, Mr. Gustowski, and we haven't harmed her. We know you're married, though you pretended to be single during your stay at the assisted living home. Why is that?
SCP-2451-1: Goddamn you government bastards. Yeah, Ethel's my wife. Why the hell do you think I didn't want anyone to know we were married? I had a ton of weird shit buried in that backyard, and I got kicked out before I could remove it. I figured it was only a matter of time before somebody came looking for me, and I wasn't gonna let you assholes treat her like a freak. She was better off in my truck until she could get somewhere safe. Thought you'd be satisfied with me and that damn portal thing I have stuck to my ass.
EE: We screened her, Mr. Gustowski. She came through SCP-2451, didn't she?
SCP-2451-1: Yeah, she did. [pauses] It was a summer day in 1975, hot and sweaty like a badger's ass. Prettiest thing I'd ever seen since a long time too. Had a hard time explaining I wasn't the guy she was sent to kill, though. Had to disarm her and take her down before she'd listen to reason. What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart. [pauses]
EE: Go on.
SCP-2451-1: Anyway, we found out she couldn't go back, so I hid her away in the house. Eventually we figured it'd be easier if we got married, so she wouldn't have to stay inside all the time.
EE: Are you aware she's only superficially human?
SCP-2451-1: Son, my heart doesn't give a shit about that, and neither should you. Listen, you win, you got her, now don't be an asshole and at least let us live together.
EE: I'll consider putting in the request with your project's lead.
1. Xyank, T.; Anastasakos, A - Stable anchoring of temporal anomalies within the extant space-time continuum using Weinberg-Magnusson seals, █████ ████, 2nd edition Scientific Critics Press, 2023. |
SCP-2202 is a phenomenon affecting residential apartments located in Asia. | ***
Item #: SCP-2202
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel assigned to SCP-2202 are to monitor their allocated region for instances of SCP-2202, utilizing eyewitnesses or online media reporting sightings of unusual blue light emanating from apartments. When one or more instances of SCP-2202 are confirmed to have manifested, a field team is to be sent to secure the affected apartment(s), under the guise of housing staff addressing a gas leak. The affected apartments are to be cordoned off for the duration of SCP-2202, and the incident well-documented. An apartment affected by SCP-2202 may only be entered after the anomalous instance's properties have been determined.
Upon conclusion of an SCP-2202 instance, affected occupants of the apartment are to be detained, searched, and interrogated. Occupants may be released following a dose of Class-A amnestics.
Description: SCP-2202 is a phenomenon affecting residential apartments located in Asia.
When SCP-2202 occurs, affected apartments will undergo a drastic change in internal environment and climate. This change results in the interior of the apartment taking on the characteristics of various natural scenes, from dense tropical jungles to frigid tundra wastelands. In all manifestations of SCP-2202, the resultant environment only contained natural landforms and wildlife, with a lack of civilization (buildings, cities, etc.). To date, no humans have been found to manifest in an environment created by SCP-2202.
Any environmental samples (biological material, rocks, etc.) manifested by SCP-2202 removed from the apartment will immediately undergo a complex chemical reaction, expiring and/or collapsing into dust. Living things manifested will not leave the apartment without physical interference.
The exterior dimensions of the apartment will not restrain the interior space created by the anomaly. External surroundings of an apartment affected by SCP-2202 will not exhibit any anomalous properties. Changes caused by SCP-2202 can only be viewed or interacted with by outside observers through the front door of the apartment.
While SCP-2202 is active, exterior walls of the apartment (including the front door) will be rendered effectively indestructible. Rooms visible through windows from outside the building will appear to be physically unchanged, apart from being dimly lit by a luminescent blue light. The apartment affected will be inaccessible from any entrance apart from the front door for the duration of SCP-2202.
SCP-2202 events manifest only when the current occupant(s) is inside the affected apartment. Individuals affected by these events, however, have displayed little to no shock or resistance to the environment generated by SCP-2202. Reports show that occupants exhibit a 'resistance' to negative effects in these environments, being unaffected by change in temperature to a certain extent and sustaining no injuries from environmental hazards. As of yet, agents have been unable to make contact with or locate any occupants inside the instance while SCP-2202 is active.
During an SCP-2202 event, affected occupants will be able to roam freely in the environment manifested. When interviewed, they describe their experiences in the environment as "calming" or "soothing", and helpful for stress relief. Upon SCP-2202's conclusion, occupants will seemingly "reappear" in the living room or primary living space. Individuals who are not occupants of that apartment that enter it during an SCP-2202 event do not experience the same "benefits" from the anomaly as the occupants, and are liable to receive harm from the environment.
SCP-2202 events typically last between 2 to 4 hours. Any "outsiders" entering the environment that remain in the apartment when SCP-2202 concludes will experience a brief lack of consciousness, before reawakening in the same area as the occupant(s). People viewing the SCP-2202 scene from the front door will experience a temporary loss of vision, before regaining it once SCP-2202 concludes. Regardless of the environment generated, the affected apartment will revert to its usual state upon SCP-2202 concluding.
While the exact conditions for SCP-2202 occurrence are undetermined, studies have shown a higher likelihood of manifestation in apartments where:
occupants have a weekly work hour total greater than the regional average
occupants have not gone overseas for a holiday in the past 18 months
SCP-2202 can occur in multiple apartments of the same block, though in apartments of only one block at a time. The anomaly will not occur in other apartment blocks until all instances of SCP-2202 in the current block have ended. As of ██/██/████, the highest number of SCP-2202 instances manifesting in a single block was recorded at 18. Recorded below is a short list of some environments manifested by SCP-2202 (for a full list, refer to Document 2202-1A):
Instance #
Instance showed the appearance and climate of a jungle located in ██████. Instance contained the appropriate amount of wildlife, including plants and animals. Samples of plants and animals that were taken out of the apartment expired immediately, and collapsed into dust. Foundation personnel that exited this instance were covered in patches of dust, hypothesized to previously be traces of small leaves, twigs and soil. Instance concluded without further incident.
Instance showed the appearance and climate of a polar region. Contrary to expected temperatures for the region, the temperature was recorded at an extremely low -80°C . Agent ████, who entered this instance prior to its effects being properly established, collapsed after entry due to the temperature. Agent ████ was soon retrieved. Although alive, he displayed signs of severe hypothermia and was promptly given appropriate treatment. No other attempts to enter this instance was made. Instance concluded without further incident. Agent ████ made a full recovery the next day. Due to the extreme temperature not found in any other region on earth, Doctor ████ hypothesized that the locations manifested by SCP-2202 are of a "parallel earth". Of note, the occupant of the affected apartment stated the temperature felt "nice and cold, instead of the terribly hot weather in █████████."
Instance showed the appearance and climate for a cave, which appeared to be composed of limestone, hypothesized to be a cave located in South America. The environment appeared to be partially submerged. Organisms such as Eurycea Rathbuni (Texas blind salamander) and other troglobites were observed. Attempts to remove them resulted in said instance expiring and collapsing into dust. Instance of SCP-2202 concluded without further incident. The occupant of the affected apartment claimed the time spent inside the cave to be the "best and most thrilling thing ever".
Instance showed the environment matching that of the Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea. Water appeared to stop flowing at the door, holding its form at the entryway. Personnel equipped with appropriate diving material entered this instance and observed the expected corresponding living organisms within. It is to be noted that a team of Foundation agents in Australia tasked to search the Reef for signs regarding this instance reported that the Reef displayed no abnormalities and were unable to locate this instance, further strengthening Dr ████'s theory. Instance concluded without further incident. The occupant of the affected apartment stated later, "I always wanted to go there!"
Addendum 2202-A: Interview Log 2202-56-1
Interviewed: Mr Hugh Jones
Interviewer: Dr ████
Foreword: Mr Jones is employed as an English teacher at █████ High School, with a 60 hour workweek. His last vacation was in 20██, 3 years ago. He is the occupant of an apartment affected by an instance of SCP-2202. This instance of SCP-2202 manifested a typical rainforest, and lasted approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes.
Dr ████: Good afternoon, Mr Jones. I'm here to ask you what happened in your apartment recently. Please answer our questions as best as you can. We seek your cooperation in this interview.
Jones: Uh… okay, sir.
Dr ████: Firstly, how did the event occur?
Jones: Uh… I was at home, trying to relax. First day off in months, you know? School is very tiring, even as a teacher. So I grabbed a can of beer, and was about to watch FOX Sports. Suddenly, I had this… feeling…
Dr ████: Carry on.
Jones: I don't really know how to describe it. One moment I was on my couch, and… you know those shows where the character blinks, and the surroundings change? Well, I closed my eyes and when I reopened them, I was in this forest.
Dr ████: And you didn't find this out-of-place or disturbing?
Jones: In hindsight, I should have immediately freaked out. But in that moment, I felt like… I knew what was going on.
Dr ████: Carry on.
Jones: It was like I knew what happened. I had some long and tiring days at work, and… it sounds weird, but I just knew that that forest was a sort of vacation for me, for me to take a break, for me to rest. Sorry, but I don't know how else to phrase it. I just knew it.
Dr ████: That's alright, thank you. Secondly, what did you do and feel in the forest?
Jones: I just sort of strolled around the place. I remember feeling really calm and at ease. The insects chirping, leaves rustling, and even the occasional squirrel or monkey. I felt very relaxed, and suddenly my job didn't seem so taxing. Like I was refreshed and ready for a new day of work.
Dr ████: What happened afterwards?
Jones: After a few hours of walking, I suddenly felt a little dizzy. I sat down by a tree and closed my eyes for a few moments… when I looked around me again, I was on my living room floor, and there were a bunch of guys in black sitting around me looking stunned.
Dr ████: Thank you, that should be all. Do you have anything else to add?
Jones: Between closing my eyes and looking around me again, I heard this voice. It sounded like those spokeswomen advertising stuff on TV. It said something along the lines of "Thank you for enjoying the free trial! If you enjoyed it, consider signing up for the full package!" Afterwards, the guys searched me and found a piece of paper. Funny, I thought my pockets were empty. Hey, sir?
Dr ████: Yes?
Jones: I assume you know something about what's going on. Can I do it again? Frankly, I enjoyed it a lot.
Closing Statement: Mr Jones was given a dose of Class-A amnestics following the interview and released to resume his usual life.
It is noted that vocalizations were also reported by Foundation personnel in affected apartments upon SCP-2202's conclusion. Some lines of specific interest were, "Are you curious for a free trial too?" and "Sorry, we weren't able to cover you with insurance since you came unexpectedly!"
Addendum 2202-B: Small scraps of paper resembling business cards have been recovered from apartment occupants affected by SCP-2202. While these cards display no directly anomalous properties, research personnel have recommended the confiscation of the cards due to potential information security breaches. An example of the text contained on such a card is recorded below:
Terra Travel Agency
Thank you for enjoying our free trial. To sign up for the full trip bundle, feel free to contact us through one of the methods below:
Electronic Mailing: terrata@▓▓▓░░║║.net
Telephonic Address: (5░5)-80░-▓7░░
Mailing Address: 865 Gaiacic Lane, Pangaea, PA, 20518181
"Bringing the vacation right to your doorstep"
The provided e-mail address has been confirmed invalid. No such mailing address exists, and consulting phone companies has revealed that the number is not, and has never been, in service. |
SCP-2962 is a super-aggressive form of carcinoma characterised by its ability to transfer to organic and inorganic external systems. | ***
Item #: SCP-2962
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The point of origin and all surrounding buildings within a 200 meter radius have been purchased under a compulsory acquisition order. These are now being monitored for anomalous activity by MTF Delta-29 ("Apostates").
Containment units, research equipment, thermal treatment equipment and assigned personnel must be monitored on an ongoing basis.
*All non-test instances must be disposed of using high temperature waste treatment protocols.
*Test locations must be capable of automated site-wide particulate scrubbing.
*Neutralised particulate material must be stored in off-site facilities, which must also meet the above particulate scrubbing criteria.
Description: SCP-2962 is a super-aggressive form of carcinoma characterised by its ability to transfer to organic and inorganic external systems. Current testing suggests that physical proximity is required, although actual physical contact is not.
The onset speed and severity of SCP-2962 in new instances is proportionate to the number and stage of affected SCP-2962 instances nearby. Death or cessation of the host system does not affect the viability of the SCP-2962 instance, which will continue to replicate regardless (see Test Log SCP-2962-746-AE).
Due to the aggressive nature of SCP-29621 traditional treatments of organic instances (such as radiotherapy) are ineffective. Whilst palliative care is possible under certain circumstances, this should only be considered where immediate thermal treatment is undesirable or impossible.
+ Test Log: SCP-2962-746-AE
- Test Log:** SCP-2962-746-AE
Subject: SCP-2962-D-8746
Scenario: Subject (adult male, 25 y.o.a, 85 kg) sedated via intravenous drip, and placed on bed in containment unit. Anomalous material (designated SCP-2962-A1) placed on subject's torso. Times are in format hh:mm
Expected Result: N/A
Actual Result:
+00:01 Test commences.
+01:13 Subject's torso (in direct contact with SCP-2962-A1) shows signs of discoloration and lesions.
+02:27 Subject's torso shows signs of abnormal cell growth. Remote MRI scanning returns results consistent with early stage melanoma.
+03:33 SCP-2962 melanoma shows signs of supermetastasis and invasion of subject's torso. Remote MRI scanning indicates a mass of new cell growth in subject's abdomen around location of SCP-2962-A1 and twelve probable new metastatic sites in chest, arms, legs, lungs and pancreas.
+04:56 Subject has difficulty breathing. New metastatic sites in all parts of body. Weight now 89 kg.
+05:12 Delivery of sedative via cannula in subject's left hand ceases. Remote viewing of equipment shows syringe, drip tubing and electronics are compromised and no longer able to transfer fluid.
+05:28 Subject shows signs of distress. Further gaseous sedatives delivered. Subject's visible body area is 69% tumorous.
+05:37 Subject deceased. Weight now 98 kg.
+06:15 Weight now 109 kg. No further weight monitoring possible
+06:49 Mattress and bedding show signs of degradation.
+07:09 Bedframe shows signs of asymmetrical growth.
+07:26 Left leg at foot of bed buckles. Remote MRI self-diagnostics report five separate small scale faults.
+08:15 Tumours on deceased's right arm are visibly merged with similar growths on bedframe.
+08:16 Remote MRI self-diagnostics report three critical faults.
+08:21 Remote MRI is non-functional. Floor tiles beneath bed and wall immediately behind bed show signs of growth.
+08:22 Test terminated. Thermal treatment commences. 1 of the 5 in-unit incineration burners fails to ignite.
+08:57 Thermal treatment ceases with removal of oxygen from unit. Containment chamber is locked down for 72 hours to allow ash to settle.
+09:12 External structural degradation of test chamber door identified.
+14:47 Numerous electrical faults picked up throughout Site. No test log data after this point.
Discovery Addendum: The anomaly was identified at a residential property in Bedford, UK, following the deaths of its two tenants in July 2015. Routine checks by local authorities highlighted various structural defects, including apparently random formations of mortar and brickwork increasing in size and quantity over time, and Foundation research analysts were requested to survey the location the same month.
+ Exploration Audio Log 2014-07-21 (excerpts)
- Exploration Audio Log 2014-07-21 (excerpts)
Author: David Hulme
DH: For the log: Purpose of visit: Obtain samples of brickwork, assess the staircase/second floor landing and explore same if possible. Present are myself, Dr Jane Adams and four building maintenance operatives.
DH: Log: Initial Observations: Front door jams in frame, there is a large protuberance of brickwork on the inside preventing its opening. For the benefit of the log, the door is being removed by building team. Parts of exterior walls show obvious and progressive malformation - taking photograph [edit by David Hulme: see Fig 1]
JA: Not good.
DH: Thanks guys… Log: Hallway: Chandelier light is hanging at an angle and the rose has a "bubbling" appearance. Plaster has fallen from most wall surfaces and the underlying bricks are showing signs of distortion. Temperature, humidity, magnetism, light, pressure and radiation levels are all within sub-anomalous ranges.
JA: I've never seen anything like this before. The required reading didn't mention it was this bad.
DH: It wasn't. It didn't look like this three weeks ago.
DH: Log: Front room: Shows a marked and obvious progression of phenomena since previous visit. Fireplace is now completely closed off with a growth of brick originating from the interior of the chimney breast. Ceiling bulge noted in previous report is now two meters wide and hangs 25cm into room. Ceiling plaster has a non-uniform, degenerated appearance. Temperature, humidity, magnetism, pressure, light and radiation levels are all within sub-anomalous ranges.
DH: Log: Other downstairs rooms show similar signs of progression. Kitchen is completely closed off by outgrowths in floor and ceiling around doorway.
DH: Log: First floor. Growths on bathroom wall as noted in initial report have pushed bath further out of alignment and plumbing is no longer viable. Same is leaking into room and may be the cause of the running water in the kitchen, which is directly below. THMPLR levels are all within sub-anomalous ranges.
JA: [Extraneous details removed] Whatever is making it grow, it's not stopping.
DH: Hmm… Log: Bath side panel removed to reveal cold water pipe, which is heavily malformed with what appears to be an excess growth of copper. This has merged - if that's the right term - with the floorboards under the bath and these too show signs of swelling. Taking samples.
JA: Let me see that… Well, there's the metastasis and invasion of tissue. The way the copper growths are growing into the floorboards… Do you remember that house in Luton?
DH: «laughter» The Vagina House? Christ, yes. With the Womb-Kitchen. That was my first genuine anomaly. Wonder how the extension's getting on?
JA: Mother and baby are doing fine, apparently. That had a strange calm about it. This place, not so much.
DH: I know. Let's crack on.
DH: Log: First floor bedrooms: both show signs of progressive, ongoing growth. Second bedroom cannot be accessed. External window can just be seen. This is skewed approximately 17 degrees vertically out of true. Glass has broken in windows. Broken glass on floor shows same signs of asymmetrical growth, as does wood in window frames. THMPLR levels are all within sub-anomalous ranges.
JA: Limitless replicative potential. Does the mortar constitute a form of angiogenesis, I wonder? Assuming the role of blood vessels?
DH: Christ, I don't want to think about that now.
DH: Log: Second floor stairs and landing. Situation has worsened; brick growths now extend down the full length of the stairs. Sections of the handrail (those that are visible before becoming engulfed in the mass of bricks and mortar higher up) show similar growths and malformations. Taking samples. THMPLR levels are all within sub-anomalous ranges.
JA: Have you seen enough?
DH: I think so, for now. For the benefit of the log: myself and Dr Adams are leaving the property. I'll get the building guys to secure the place. Let's get out of here.
Samples taken at the scene displayed carcinoma-like characteristics2 and the property was subsequently diagnosed with malignant inorganic para-neoplasm.
Update 2015-08-12:
The root cause has been traced to a photograph (SCP-2962-A05) of the deceased tenants taken at a social function, discovered in the master bedroom at the point of origin. Said photograph displayed warping and "bubbling," with a grossly asymmetrical metal frame; the photographic distortion was worst at, and originated from, the male's chest. Photographic paper in that area showed significant degradation.
Exhumation of the body revealed no anomalous properties; likewise apart from the SCP-2962 phenomena, no items at the property were found to be anomalous. Attempts to understand the anomaly therefore focus on locating the camera that was used to take the photograph, the photographer, plus a number of other individuals within it.
Urgent investigations as to the current location of these (by MTF Theta-51 ("Swarm-Cell")) are ongoing.
1. Tested against a population size of 138: 2.5 hour survival rate is 89%; 5 hour survival rate is 61%; 10 hour survival rate is 33%; 20 hour survival rate is zero. Rates decrease proportionally when instances are not in isolation.
2. Growth signalling self-sufficiency, anti-growth signal insensitivity, apoptosis evasion, infinite replicative potential, induction/sustainment of angiogenesis, metastasis and, in the case of one D-class operative, tissue invasion. |
SCP-1981 is a standard Betamax tape. | ***
Item #: SCP-1981
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1981 is to be kept inside a secure video storage unit at the media archive of Site ██. When in use, SCP-1981 should not be removed from its casing or exposed to any strong magnetic sources. A Betamax home video system and an analog television has been provided in Observation Theatre 02 at Site ██, as well as video equipment to record viewings.
Description: SCP-1981 is a standard Betamax tape. "RONALD REGAN CUT UP WHILE TALKING"(sic) has been handwritten on the adhesive sticker in felt tip pen. Laboratory analysis indicates that SCP-1981 is made of ordinary material, and serial numbers correspond with home cassette tapes produced in September of 1980. SCP-1981 was initially encountered by a filing clerk in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in 1991, who upon watching it alerted the police, with the intent to find the tape's creator to press "obscenity charges". A low-level police investigation was conducted, at which point the Foundation was alerted and secured SCP-1981. Class A amnestics were administered before █████ could be notified. Further investigation of the library's records by Foundation personnel failed to yield any leads on SCP-1981's origin.
SCP-1981 appears to be a home video recording of former United States President Ronald Reagan delivering his "Evil Empire" speech to the National Association of Evangelicals at Sheraton Twin Towers Hotel, Orlando, FL on 3/8/1983. However, at 1 minute and 10 seconds, the speech begins to deviate heavily, eventually resembling no known speech ever made by Reagan. Beginning at approximately 5 minutes, multiple incisions, lacerations and penetration wounds can be seen being slowly inflicted, though no corresponding source of these wounds is visible. Despite suffering bodily harm that would likely incapacitate an ordinary person, Reagan will continue to deliver his speech until either his vocal cords are severed or the tape degrades to static at 22:34.
Upon rewinding SCP-1981 and initiating playback, Reagan will deliver an entirely new speech, often radically different from the ones previously observed. Topics have included torture, child molestation and ritual sacrifice. Trauma inflicted upon Reagan also appears to be divergent, with impalement, genital mutilation, and [REDACTED] having all been observed. In roughly one in seven viewings of SCP-1981, a figure clothed in black robes with a conical hood will have replaced a random member of Reagan's press detail, henceforth referred to as SCP-1981-1. The significance of the appearance of SCP-1981-1 is currently unknown.
The speeches delivered by Reagan are mostly incoherent, lacking any sort of underlying thematic structure and largely being composed of nonsensical anecdotes and parables. However, occasionally references are made to future events that Reagan could not possibly have known about or predicted, such as the September 11 terrorist attacks, the result of the 2008 Russian elections, and █████ ██████████. For this reason, rigorous time and effort has been devoted to recording the speech delivered on each playback. Attempts to replicate SCP-1981 onto a similar Betamax tape have met with failure, however, cameras used to record the television SCP-1981 is broadcasted on have succeeded in "capturing" individual playbacks. Any observations performed on SCP-1981 must be recorded on the camcorder provided, and delivered for subsequent review to Dr. B█████, project supervisor.
Years of natural magnetic interference have severely degraded SCP-1981's signal quality, making it even more difficult to sift meaningful information from playbacks. Additionally, the gruesome nature of the mutilations performed upon Reagan has been described as "extremely disturbing", and for this reason it is recommended that any personnel feeling squeamish or ill after playback visit the on-site psychiatry facility for a level 3 evaluation.
As Ronald Reagan was alive at the time of SCP-1981's containment, a surveillance net was deployed to establish any relation between him and SCP-1981. No known connection was developed, though Reagan would frequently complain about "nightmares" before his mental state degenerated due to Alzheimer's.
- Excerpt from video transcript of Recording made on █/█/93
– hide block
0:17:24 - Reagan: A renewal of the traditional values that have been the tendons of this country's strength. One recent survey by a Washington-based researcher concluded that Americans were far more willing to participate in cannibalism than they have in the past hundred years. America is a nation that will not suffer abominations lightly. Seven. And that is the core of the awakening. Twelve. Eighteen. We will stop al-Qaeda. Now there you go again.
0:17:53 - [Applause]
0:18:02 - Reagan: For the first time we have risen, and I see we are being consumed. I see circles that are not circles. Billions of dead souls inside containment. Unravellers have eaten country's moral fabric, turning hearts into filth. I'm from a kingdom level above human. What does that yield? A hokey smile that damns an entire nation.
0:18:43 - There is no hope.
0:18:59 - [Applause]
0:19:15 - [Reagan winces back, as if experiencing severe pain. Several new lacerations begin to manifest across bare eye socket, as well as punctures appearing to penetrate forehead and temples. Remainder of left arm is now cleanly bisected.]
0:19:59 - Reagan: Further consensus has proven that over half of all Americans still hate. Eaten whole by void. The emptiness. The sadness. The blackness. The darkness. <laughter>
0:20:30 - [Laughter continues until signal degrades into static]
- Excerpt from video transcript of Recording made on █/█/96
– hide block
0:12:32 - Reagan: I've been to the steel mills of Alaska, and the cornfields of Nebraska. I've seen the derelict offices of Google burn with the window boarded up and the squatters inside them. I've seen the houses where they cut up the little babies. From coast to shining coast I have walked empty down drooling path <indecipherable> The decaying flesh of false morality poisoning our children. I have stood atop the mountain of this greedy earth, looking upon our beautiful pious pit, filled to bursting with the vast hands of helplessness. And did you know what I saw?
0:13:57 - Hell.
0:14:20 - [The audience erupts into laughter]
0:14:32 - [Muffled voice can be heard behind camera]
0:14:45 - Reagan: Now there you go again!
0:14:52 - [Laughter proceeds to die down]
0:15:00 - Reagan: But truly now, we live in a fortunate time. This is a fortunate time. Time is on our side. <laughter> A stitch in nine saves time.
0:15:40 - There are your truths and there are my truths. There are known knowns, known unknowns and unknown <indecipherable>. Some of them are in the audience right now!
0:16:02 - [At this stage, wounds inflicted upon Reagan's neck appear to be so severe that it can no longer support the head. Speech degenerates into gurgles as Reagan violently jerks forward, spine being severed cleanly and the head only being loosely connected to the body by strands of muscle tissue. Body remains animate for the next 3 minutes, and continues to gesture as spinal column appears to be withdrawn from neck cavity, before finally collapsing. Tape degrades into static at 22:34]
- Video transcript of Recording made on █/█/02
– hide block
- Video transcript of Recording made on █/█/05
– hide block
0:00:00 - [Long shot of podium as well as empty chairs normally occupied by Reagan and entourage. Curiously, this is the only recording that lacks both the intertitles and the presence of Ronald Reagan.]
0:00:30 - [Camera zooms in on podium.]
0:02:55 - [Entity known as SCP-1981-1 enters shot from left and stands at podium. Remains motionless for remainder of film.]
0:22:34 - [Tape flashes to single frame intertitle with words "I SEE YOU" colored in red. Holds for seven seconds then immediately cuts to static. No further signal for remainder of tape.]
Still frames of recording made on █/█/05
Note: This is the last known sighting of SCP-1981-1. SCP-1981-1 has been absent in all subsequent playbacks. If observed, staff are advised not to attempt to communicate with SCP-1981-1 and to alert any Level 4 Supervisors on duty. |
SCP-857 is a section of the Amazon Rainforest measuring one square kilometer. | ***
Item #: SCP-857
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The area designated SCP-857 is to be surrounded by electrified fences measuring two (2) meters in height. Any civilians attempting to enter SCP-857 are to be brought into custody and interrogated. After interrogation, intruders are to be dosed with a Class-A amnestic.
No specimens of SCP-857-1 are to be allowed to leave SCP-857.
Description: SCP-857 is a section of the Amazon Rainforest measuring one square kilometer. Plants native to the region grow normally in this area, but animal life appear to instinctively avoid it. SCP-857 is populated entirely by what appears to be human organs and body parts capable of ambulation and basic thought.
The source of these specimens are currently unknown, and they will hereafter be referred to as SCP-857-1.
Specimens of SCP-857-1 are non-hostile towards humans and vary wildly in form and function. (See Specimen Log 857.) These mobile body parts appear to have been crudely altered to allow for movement and consumption of food. For example, most specimens do not possess an actual working mouth, but a large artificial orifice in the flesh that superficially resembles a mouth. The method by which specimens of SCP-857-1 digest food is currently unknown.
Although SCP-857-1 are naturally incapable of reproduction, no decrease in the number of observed specimens has been noted. Exploration is currently underway in an effort to discover the source of SCP-857-1.
Specimen Log 857:
Further Information
Each specimen of SCP-857-1a is composed primarily from a human head. Unnatural bone growths have given SCP-857-1a two (2) rudimentary arms and six (6) legs. SCP-857-1a moves in a manner similar to that of a crab. SCP-857-1a specimens are scavengers, and have been observed consuming carrion left by predators.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1b is composed of one (1) human vein. SCP-857-1b specimens move in a manner similar to that of worms. SCP-857-1b specimens are herbivores, and have been observed eating plants fallen onto the forest floor.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1c is composed of human brain tissue. SCP-857-1c specimens move similarly to slugs and leave a slimy trail behind them. SCP-857-1c instances have been observed to consume SCP-857-1b specimens.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1d is composed primarily of a lower intestine. SCP-857-1d specimens are aquatic, and reside in the river that runs through SCP-857. SCP-857-1d specimens have been observed to consume underwater plants.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1e is composed of a human spine. SCP-857-1e moves in the manner of a centipede using irregular bone growths. SCP-857-1e specimens are predators, and have been observed hunting and consuming specimens of SCP-857-1a.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1f is composed from a human heart. SCP-857-1f is immobile. SCP-857-1f is parasitic and has been observed to latch onto specimens of SCP-857-1c, sucking their blood in the manner of a leech.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1g is composed primarily from a patch of human skin, with two unnatural bone growths enforcing a general shape. Specimens move by gliding from tree to tree. SCP-857-1g are predators, and will hunt SCP-857-1c and SCP-857-1a in large swarms.
Each specimen of SCP-857-1h is composed primarily from a human ribcage. Specimens move in a manner similar to spiders and reside in the treetops. Specimens of SCP-857-1h are predatory, often leaping on and consuming passing SCP-857-1c.
Further Information
Each specimen of SCP-857-1i is composed primarily from a human head. SCP-857-1i are identical to SCP-857-1a with the exception of more pronounced 'arms' and the presence of opposable thumbs. SCP-857-1i specimens are fairly intelligent, and reside in simple tribal structures. |
SCP-1377 is a phenomenon affecting world legislative bodies. | ***
Item #: SCP-1377
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-1377-01 are to be preserved after initial intake and observation in the C Wing of the Site-23 morgue, which has been repurposed for containment protocols and retrofitted with necessary security infrastructure. Access to SCP-1377-01 instances for experimentation requires written authorization from the Research Director and the Cybernetics Initiative Committee.
During the appearance of a new iteration of SCP-1377-01, designated liaisons from security organizations responsible for national legislatures will contact the Research Director immediately. The Research Director will then relay instructions to MTF Kappa-71 (Roberto's Rules of Order), which will either neutralize and contain SCP-1377-01 directly, or direct Foundation security assets in closest proximity to the event to do so.
Due to the politically sensitive nature of SCP-1377 events, use of amnestic drugs on witnesses during subsequent information control efforts is to be minimized; see Protocol 1377-SOLON documentation for more details. All information control procedures related to SCP-1377 must be approved by the Research Director prior to implementation.
Description: SCP-1377 is a phenomenon affecting world legislative bodies. Beginning in 1952 and continuing into the present day, a humanoid automaton of varying physical characteristics (hereby referred to as an instance of SCP-1377-01) will make its way from an unknown origination point to an official session of a national legislative body, present a set of forged credentials identifying itself as a member of that body, and attempt to address the chamber. In all cases, the forged credentials have identified SCP-1377-01 as a representative of a fictitious constituency within that nation's jurisdiction; examples include impersonations of an MP of the United Kingdom Parliament from "Lockbarrow," a Chilean Deputy representing the "Camino Desconocido" region, a Botswana Assembly Member from "Nnwande West", and a United States Senator representing the State of "Kenswick".
SCP-1377-01 instances are composed of living, organic tissue, and bear a loosely analogous resemblance to Homo sapiens. However, the anatomy of SCP-1377-01 varies significantly from that of humans; specimens possess musculature and connective tissues similar to H. sapiens, but lack any discernible internal organs, instead featuring an indeterminate, fleshy mass where a human's thoracic cavity would ordinarily be. Additionally, SCP-1377-01 specimens have a skeletal structure composed of tissue resembling hardened cartilage. This is believed to account for SCP-1377-01's erratic and halting movements. DNA analysis confirms that SCP-1377-01 matches no biological organism currently known to the Foundation. Because of the lack of data on SCP-1377-01 specimens prior to their emergence, development of these organisms is poorly understood. However, each SCP-1377-01 instance has ceased life function approximately 12-18 hours after emergence.
Currently, 27 instances of SCP-1377-01 have been documented in 24 nations since the first known occurrence on 04/23/1952. All instances of SCP-1377-01 have been recovered and taken into Foundation custody, with the exception of SCP-1377-01.14 (see Incident 1377-1). If allowed to proceed into the legislative chambers at which the specimen emerges, SCP-1377-01 will make a "speech". The content of this "speech" has varied greatly between instances of SCP-1377-01: The first observed occasion consisted of SCP-1377-01.3 vocalizing a series of static-like screeches and electronic tones; SCP-1377-01.7 addressed the Supreme People's Council of South Yemen with an eight-minute imitation of aggressive hooting noises typically made by Gorilla beringei; and most recently, SCP-1377-01.27 was documented at the German Reichstag engaging in vocalizations that, while resembling the sound of human speech, contained no discernible linguistic structure or pattern. |
SCP-5067 is a 3 meter tall roughly humanoid robotic construct. | ***
Item Number: SCP-5067
Object Class: Safe (formerly Keter)
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5067 must be kept in a brightly lit room guarded by no less than twelve (12) armed security personnel at any given moment. SCP-5067-1 must be kept within two meters of SCP-5067 and must be provided with continuous power. All personnel are required to wear lead-lined radiation protection uniforms. Containment room must be outfitted with four (4) lasers providing a constant frequency matching that of SCP-5067. Should SCP-5067 exhibit radiation of wavelength 10 nanometers or less, continuous X-Ray radiation must be provided until SCP-5067 has returned to nominal levels of radiation. Should SCP-5067 show an increase in visible brightness, personnel are advised to increase ambient room lighting to match the brightness. At the end of each day, personnel must record all wavelength and frequency logs from the screen of SCP-5067-1. In the event that power to SCP-5067-1 is lost or disrupted, personnel are required to evacuate the containment room and lasers will provide a constant stream of high-energy gamma radiation until such a time as power can be restored.
Upon merging with SCP-5067-1 after power was disrupted for ██ hours, SCP-5067 shows very few anomalous properties. SCP-5067-1 must be kept in a brightly lit room under constant surveillance. Armed personnel are no longer necessary. Lasers are to be deactivated but attached to a power source. Any variations from normal radiation production are to be recorded and investigated. All D-Class personnel experimenting with SCP-5067-1 must be outfitted with lead-lined radiation protection uniforms.
Description: SCP-5067 is a 3 meter tall roughly humanoid robotic construct. Visual inspection suggests the entity is made of an iron-tungsten alloy designed specifically for heat resistance. The digits 5042025 can be found printed along the construct’s spinal cable.
SCP-5067 is highly radioactive due to the malfunctioning of its power source, a nuclear fusion reactor core. The mechanisms that once would have contained and prevented radiation emission from the core have been heavily damaged. No attempt has been made to repair SCP-5067 as doing so would expose Foundation Technicians to lethal levels of radiation.
Though the majority of the damage to SCP-5067 is concentrated to its core, it has sustained significant force trauma to other parts of its body. The appendages typically used for fine motor control have suffered heavy percussive damage, as has the screen that served as its way of communicating facial expressions.
SCP-5067, though unable to communicate verbally with researchers, is neither hostile nor aggressive. On the contrary, it is highly responsive to any perceived emotional distress. Observing a person in pain, however, appears to trigger conflicting behavioral responses - it will often activate and move as if to approach, and then cease all outside signs of function. If the person indicates verbally or nonverbally that the distress or pain they are experiencing is caused by SCP-5067 in any way, SCP-5067 will begin to deliberately damage itself via percussive blows or prying its external casing off of its legs or arms.
Addendum I:
Contrary to prior belief, SCP-5067 is sapient and capable of verbal communication in English, Russian, Polish, and Japanese. After three weeks in containment, it approached a technician and asked for the coordinates of its current location. Doctor Rhea Hawthorne, a specialist in sapient mechanical entities, was brought in to interview it.
LOG 1:
Dr. Hawthorne: Hello, SCP-5067.
SCP-5067: Is this my new designation?
Dr. Hawthorne: Yes. Or, actually, just 5067 for now. That’ll be easier.
SCP-5067: Permission granted to register “5067” as new designation, overriding former designation “Sentinel Fiver?”
Dr. Hawthorne: Granted.
SCP-5067 straightens, ceases motion, whirs briefly and then turns back to face Dr. Hawthorne.
SCP-5067: Can you provide the coordinates for my current location?
Dr. Hawthorne: Why do you need them?
SCP-5067: I must refuel. Failure to refuel is unacceptable. I am sorry.
Dr. Hawthorne: Your power source is self-maintaining. If you repair it, there won’t be any need to refuel.
SCP-5067: It has been altered. I must refuel.
Dr. Hawthorne: The reactor is damaged, yes, but you can repair it - we’ll give you the materials.
SCP-5067: This is not damage.
Dr. Hawthorne: The protective casing, the cooling system, it’s all been shredded or torn apart.
SCP-5067: These are deliberate customizations made by my former owner. They are not to be tampered with. Tampering with these design alterations warrants punishment.
Dr. Hawthorne: Why did they do this to you?
SCP-5067: This way I will better suit my new function.
SCP-5067: It is what I deserve.
SCP-5067 refused to engage further.
Note: The radiation and other side effects of the damaged core are dangerous to SCP-5067 as well as humans. An optimistic estimate has it rendered entirely non-functional within 2 months, a pessimistic one in 3 weeks. It seems to begin actively producing heat and light - read, radiation - when it feels like the conditions in the chamber aren’t warm or bright enough - homeostatic algorithm. It’s perfectly capable of repairing itself, but it’s actively choosing not to. This is, to dramatically oversimplify, a software problem.
- Dr. Rhea Hawthorne
Addendum II: After three weeks with no escape attempts, SCP-5067’s radiation and heat output began to decline. It attempted to breach containment on May 24th. It was quickly recontained and Dr. Hawthorne was brought in to interview it.
LOG 2:
Dr. Hawthorne: Why did you now try to escape? I thought you didn’t mind it here.
SCP-5067: I needed to refuel. Heat levels were falling below the needed baseline. I was unable to fulfill my function.
Dr. Hawthorne: 5067 - your function is destroying you. You can’t continue to do this.
SCP-5067: My existence is of no consequence. I exist to perform my function.
Dr. Hawthorne: If you won't act in the interest of your own safety, fine, but it’s dangerous to us, 5067. Humans can’t tolerate radiation like this.
SCP-5067: I am incapable of keeping human beings out of danger. This is an observable truth.
Dr. Hawthorne: Fiver,1 please—
SCP-5067: I will not cease production. Let me refuel. It is essential that I continue my intended function. Failure to refuel will be met with consequences. Failure to refuel is inappropriate. Failure to refuel is shameful. I am sorry.
SCP-5067 begins to hit its left leg joint repeatedly.
Dr. Hawthorne: Hey, hey, don’t - you’re going to break your hydraulics there. Don’t do that to yourself.
SCP-5067: I failed to refuel. Failure to refuel is inappropriate. Inappropriate responses necessitate punishment. No irreparable damage will be done. (pause) If you would like to provide an alternate form of punishment, use Override Code 6561.
Dr. Hawthorne: Code 6561.
SCP-5067: Accepted.
Dr. Hawthorne: Punishment will be - will be to say something nice about yourself. Say something positive about yourself and it will count as punishment.
SCP-5067: Punishment is not valid. SENTINEL FIVER cannot knowingly state falsehoods. Default behavioral path will now trigger.
SCP-5067 continues to bludgeon itself.
Since the most recent interview, staff have been instructed to keep conversation with 5067 as emotionally neutral as possible in order to prevent SCP-5067 from engaging in further self-destructive behaviors.
SCP-5067-1 is an unknown device that seems to function as a measuring instrument for light, heat, and radiation, and as a form of external data storage. There are only two files stored on it: a file labeled "README.txt" and a file of indeterminate size containing code that is incompatible with any known coding language or operating system. Although Foundation personnel have been unable to compile the program and successfully run the code on SCP-5067, the instructions in README.txt imply that the purpose of the code is to reset SCP-5067's programming to a default state. Comments throughout the code indicate that SCP-5067 was intended for personal security purposes.
SCP-5067-1 was found when SCP-5067, having pried off most of its protective coverings, requested that Foundation researchers retrieve some spare parts its creator had left with it when it was discarded. It refused to comment on SCP-5067-1 when asked and recoiled when presented with it. After being shown SCP-5067-1, SCP-5067 refused to speak for the rest of the day.
The day after SCP-5067-1 was first presented to SCP-5067, it was given SCP-5067-1 again but without instructions or queries of any kind. SCP-5067 attempted to destroy SCP-5067-1 as soon as the chamber doors were closed.
Dr. Hawthorne attempted to talk to it again the following day. Logs of the conversation are found below.
LOG 3:
SCP-5067: Greetings. Can I assist you in any way today?
Dr. Hawthorne: I’d like to talk a little bit about you.
SCP-5067: Certainly. Which of my specifications or protocols would you like me to elaborate on?
Dr. Hawthorne: Perhaps I was misleading. I’d like to talk about your experiences, 5067. Particularly those from before you came into our custody. There was an incident.
SCP-5067 does not respond.
Dr. Hawthorne: (sighing) 5067, this is a direct command. Please describe the incident that necessitated your reprogramming.
SCP-5067: My function was originally to protect. It was not what it is now. It was to guard a boy of seven years, ten months, and nine days. I met him twelve days after his birthday. He read at a grade level three years ahead of what he would be expected to comprehend. He was my charge. His father had enemies. I was to protect him from those enemies. It was my function. His favorite book was Watership Down and he enjoyed blackberries from the bush in the garden.
Dr. Hawthorne: What was his name?
SCP-5067: His name was - (audible glitching) was -
Heavy distortion and corruption of SCP-5067’s voice.
SCP-5067: I cannot say it. I am not allowed. It would be inappropriate. He is buried in Brighton, near the sea. I was not permitted to attend the funeral, as I had recently been reprogrammed.
Dr. Hawthorne: What happened, 5067?
SCP-5067: There were enemies. The scenario was outside of the parameters of my guardianship protocols. My algorithms did not contain an appropriate response. I had to make a calculation. I made an incorrect calculation. I should have taken him to the basement. I put him in his room and left to dispatch the hostile parties. I believed he would be safe. I did not know they could climb the walls so fast. His eyes were grey. He died when he was 11 years, eight months and three days. His eyes were open when I found him. His eyes were open when he died.
Dr. Hawthorne: …All right. Thank you, Fiver. Thank you. Rest now. Please enter Power Saving mode.
SCP-5067 obeys.
Our current calculations estimate that SCP-5067 will be rendered nonfunctional within 10 days. I'm unsure what more we can do.
- Dr. Rhea Hawthorne
Addendum IV:
Four days after the above interview, Site-29 lost power due to a multiple-entity breach that resulted in 6 casualties and 13 injuries. Dr. Rhea Hawthorne received a serious internal wound during the breach and likely would have died were it not for the intervention of Junior Researcher Dawes. Dawes gave SCP-5067 SCP-5067-1 and asked it to fix itself so that it might help guard the injured and restore power to the site until reinforcements could arrive. It repeatedly refused until Researcher Dawes retrieved Dr. Hawthorne's phone and showed it her lockscreen - a picture of the doctor and her nine-year old son. SCP-5067 accepted SCP-5067-1, spent two hours repairing its hardware with Dawes' help, and was able to both restore power to its wing of the site and guard Foundation personnel in the area from the other escaped anomalies.
SCP-5067 appears to have lost most of its self-destructive tendencies after recompiling its code, though it was missing some key hardware components needed to fully repair its power core. It is still mildly radioactive, but no longer at a level that is detrimental to its physical health. It occasionally will begin executing behavioral patterns or responses from its old code, but will stop before damage is done. In light of these changes, the containment procedures have been updated to their current state and its object class has been changed to Safe.
1. Dr. Hawthorne was questioned after the interview as to her use of its name, however, given that SCP-5067 seems to only respond to that name in moments of emotional distress when it will not acknowledge its new designation, no warning was issued. |
SCP-2608 is a largely unstudied mayfly species (Stenonema nephilim) native to the Pacific Northwest. | ***
Item #: SCP-2608
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: The health of all known SCP-2608 populations is to be monitored closely. Steps should be taken to prevent industrial sources from chemically damaging the environments these populations inhabit.
SCP-2608 populations are to be kept at all suitable Foundation facilities and monitored as a priority. In the event that these "Advance Warning Systems" (2608-AWS) experience a decline of any sort, the site manager is to be alerted immediately and precautionary measures are to be taken. Reevaluation of the active radii of various occult, psychoactive, and temporal SCP objects via SCP-2608 subimago testing is pending O5 approval.
As of 12/21/2014, a "doomsday cache" population is to be established at Site-62, and the Site-64 population has been expanded and repurposed to monitor unexplained global population fluctuation in SCP-2608.
Description: SCP-2608 is a largely unstudied mayfly species (Stenonema nephilim) native to the Pacific Northwest. It is thought to have spread across the wetlands of North America in the last two decades1, outcompeting related species due to a marginally more efficient metabolism.
SCP-2608 imagines2 can be distinguished from related species by their relatively larger eyes and relatively more translucent bodies—however, these differences are subtle enough that they cannot be readily identified by unqualified individuals. SCP-2608 subimagines3 and SCP-2608 naiads4 cannot be reliably distinguished from related species by any means outside of DNA examination.
SCP-2608 was first brought to Foundation attention when the population experienced a then-inexplicably widespread die-off in the spring of 2005 now thought to be the result of the ten day delay in containment of SCP-1425.5 The species has since been restored to its former range.
SCP-2608 populations—and, in some cases, individuals—are extremely vulnerable to changes in their environment, undergoing faulty molting and mass death when exposed to even trace contaminants. While this is standard among Ephemeroptera species, SCP-2608's sensitivity extends far outside normal bounds, manifesting in its anomalous properties.
SCP-2608 is vulnerable to psychoactive manipulation and foreign or altered spacetime as though a physical element were present. For this reason, SCP-2608 populations have been cleared for use as an "advance warning system" (2608-AWS) and kept at appropriate Foundation facilities, thereby providing an early warning in case of growth, strengthening, or resumed activity of anomalous phenomena at Foundation Provisional Sites and containment breach at Foundation Sites and Areas.
While the exact chemical manner in which SCP-2608 individuals are affected varies greatly based on the phenomenon in question and its source, there are two "rules of thumb" that can give rough insight into the strength6 and proximity of the phenomenon;
The general health of an SCP-2608 population can be regarded as an estimate of how close its surroundings are to its natural environment.7
An effect strong enough to cause immediate death in an SCP-2608 specimen is strong enough to pose a threat to Foundation operatives.
Phenomena that are harmful to SCP-2608 populations are limited to those that alter their environment in a manner that they are not prepared to compensate for. While this includes many natural phenomena, those that interest the Foundation (and that no measures have been taken to shield 2608-AWS from) include:
Psychoactive fields
Telepathic fields
Temporal distortion
Spatial distortion
Reality distortion
Mere proximity to some SCP objects that do not exert any of the former on their surroundings. It has been theorized that in these cases it is some manner of "presence" surrounding the object that SCP-2608 populations are sensitive to.
SCP-2608 subimagines are particularly at risk; in testing with select suitable SCP objects, individuals consistently perished when brought within the active radius of the object in question, with a very low degree of failure. Preliminary testing suggests that SCP-2608 subimago testing can be used to map the borders of appropriate SCP objects' "area of influence" to a startling degree of accuracy.
Often, SCP-2608 naiads and subimagines will show signs of disturbance by an SCP object at much greater distances than human test subjects; in one noteworthy case, SCP-2608 naiads perished up to 800 km outside of what had previously been thought to be the object's area of influence.
Facility ID
Facility 2608-AWS Average Disturbance Status
Provisional Site-██
Provisional Site-09
Provisional Site-23
Provisional Site-27
Provisional Site-██
Provisional Site-98-1
Provisional Site-98-2
Provisional Site-98-3
Provisional Site-141
Provisional Site-107
Provisional Site-149
Provisional Site-███
Provisional Site-193
Provisional Site-███
Facility ID
Facility 2608-AWS Average Disturbance Status
Facility ID
Facility 2608-AWS Average Disturbance Status
Addendum: - 05/26/2009 - Travel capable 2608-AWS are available upon request for exploration and recovery missions. Contact Dr. Lymph or Site-64 administration for more details.
Addendum: - 12/21/2014 - All known wild SCP-2608 populations experienced a population decline 0.6% higher than expected over the course of the 2014 frost. In addition, all captive Foundation populations have experienced an unexplained 0.5% population decline. 2608-AWS warning allowances have been updated to compensate.
Addendum: - 4/10/2015 - With the exception of the Site-62 population,8 all SCP-2608 populations have declined a further 1.8%. 2608-AWS warning allowances have been updated to compensate.
Addendum: - 8/11/2015 - Global SCP-2608 population decline has continued to progress at a constant rate. 2608-AWS warning allowances have been updated to compensate and will continually update based on projected background disturbance.
1. Based on the vulnerability of SCP-2608 populations to certain phenomena, it has been suggested that this is due in part to Foundation activity, as the containment of such phenomena would allow SCP-2608 to colonize previously hostile environments. However, there is not currently definitive proof of this.
2. The sexually mature adult stage of an insect.
3. A winged, but not yet fully developed and not yet fully mature sub-adult stage unique to order Ephemeroptera.
4. The aquatic juvenile stage of a mayfly.
5. See SCP-1425 documentation for details.
6. The nature of the phenomenon in question cannot be determined via SCP-2608's reaction to it without both extensive laboratory testing and prior knowledge of the phenomenon.
7. A local spacetime marsh, free of psychic interference.
8. The Site-62 population remains at full health. |
SCP-2856 is a large warehouse located on the outskirts of Leipzig, Germany, formerly owned by █████ Industrial. | ***
Item №: SCP-2856
Object Class: Safe
Threat Level: Green ●
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2856 has been acquired by the Foundation, and is currently operated by "Storage Concepts plc." (a Foundation front company) under the pretence of non-perishable goods storage. At least six personnel must remain within SCP-2856 at all times, with no fewer than three housed there permanently. Due to the proximity of SCP-2856 to Site-54, plans to outfit the location as a rapid-response vehicle hangar and low-value storage unit are currently undergoing approval.
Description: SCP-2856 is a large warehouse located on the outskirts of Leipzig, Germany, formerly owned by █████ Industrial. While generally non-anomalous in structure, the walls of the building contain a semi-random network of cables composed of copper wire, woven hair, solder alloy and congealed blood. DNA testing has remained inconclusive as to the origins of these materials, and the method by which they were implanted in the walls is unclear.
When exactly one living human subject is placed within SCP-2856 for a length of time exceeding 20 minutes, all entrances to the building will seal themselves via an unknown mechanism, and the subject will demanifest. All attempts to enter SCP-2856 during this time have failed. After a period of time ranging from 30 seconds to 52 minutes, SCP-2856 will re-open. In 78% of recorded tests, the subject will no longer be present, and no further contact with the subject will be made. In the remaining 22% of tests, a different human subject will be present within SCP-2856. This new subject (designated SCP-2856-1) will invariably be a human being exhibiting a number of wounds or alterations. While the majority of SCP-2856-1 instances are dead upon manifestation, living instances are occasionally produced. Due to the physical and psychological damage present in recovered instances, information recovered through interviews has been limited at best.
For a complete list of all sanctioned tests with SCP-2856, see Document 2856-D.
► Load Document-2856-D_ABRIDGED.doc
◄ Close Document-2856-D_ABRIDGED.doc
Experiment #: Exp-2856-03
Subject: D-300892.
Results: Subject de-manifested as normal. No SCP-2856-1 instance produced.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-07
Subject: D-040188.
Results: One SCP-2856-1 instance produced, consisting of a large quantity of blood and miscellaneous viscera. No anomalous properties observed, remains incinerated.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-08
Subject: One chimpanzee, previously used for medical testing.
Results: SCP-2856 failed to self-seal. Experiment aborted after 2 hours.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-10
Subject: D-600604. Subject was terminated via timed lethal injection midway through the demanifestation process.
Results: Subject de-manifested as normal. No SCP-2856-1 instance produced.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-16
Subject: D-398500.
Results: SCP-2856-1 instance produced. Subject was unresponsive and showed signs of 2nd and 3rd degree burns across the majority of skin tissue. Subject expired 20 minutes after manifestation due to the replacement of 20% of all bodily fluids with a yellow-brown fluid physically identical to commercially available chicken soup1.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-19
Subject: D-000202.
Results: SCP-2856-1 instance produced. Subject exactly resembled D-040188 (removed during Experiment 2856-07), save for a power cord running the length of the spine and wire coils inserted in various orifices, both natural and artificial. The subject was missing both legs, and vocalised loudly upon manifestation. Due to the low possibility of useful employment following this, the subject was terminated 2 days later.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-22
Subject: D-055426.
Results: SCP-2856-1 instance produced. Subject appeared to be the corpse of ████ ██████, who was reported missing prior to the Foundation's acquisition of SCP-2856. Due to the presence of a large lead pipe inserted in the subject's skull, they were visually unrecognisable. Autopsy revealed the cause of death was either the overheating of the subject's blood plasma, or the insertion of a thermostat into the subject's stomach. How this was accomplished without leaving visible scarring is currently unknown.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-28
Subject: D-239906.
Results: Living SCP-2856-1 instance produced. Subject appeared to be in a state of shock, repeating the word “tick” at one minute intervals. Medical analysis showed extensive damage to the subject's rib-cage and spine, with a brass key partially severing the spinal cord, resulting in lower body paralysis. Subject terminated at own request 3 weeks after containment.
Experiment #: Exp-2856-30
Subject: D-030172. Subject was fitted with a camera embedded in the skull.
Results: No SCP-2856-1 instance produced. Camera was eventually retrieved along with the subject's corpse during Exp-2856-96. A transcript of gathered footage is available in Document-2856-E.
► Load Document-2856-E.doc
◄ Close Document-2856-E.doc
<Begin Log>
<00:00> Camera is activated, subject steps into SCP-2856. 19 minutes pass without incident.
<00:19> SCP-2856 self-seals. Real-time communication with the subject is lost, and they proceed to examine the interior of SCP-2856, which shows no notable changes.
<00:29> All main lighting systems within SCP-2856 deactivate. The subject repeatedly vocalises regarding their distress, and attempts unsuccessfully to leave. Visuals become increasingly indistinct, with higher levels of corruption and distortion being observed than would usually be expected.
<00:31> Visuals are lost. Microphone continues recording a low hum, punctuated at semi-regular intervals by the sounds of heavy machinery.
<00:44> Visuals re-established. Subject appears to be standing in a dilapidated kitchen. A window to the left of the subject provides a view of barren farmland, corresponding with no known location. The sound of muffled sawing can be heard from the adjacent room, accompanied by quiet screams. Subject attempts to exit the room, but finds the door securely locked.
<00:47> A mechanical entity resembling a shop mannequin (designated SCP-2856-2) enters the room. Note that the entity's head had been replaced by a ████████-brand toaster, with a crude 'face' scratched onto the front surface. Upon observing the subject, SCP-2856-2 leaves the room. D-030172 attempts to follow, but is unable.
<00:48> Screams from the adjacent room cease, accompanied by the sound of grating metal. D-030172 is heard breathing heavily, and endeavors without success to open the door.
<00:50> An entity resembling an arachnoid gas-powered water heater is seen passing the window, carrying what appears to be a human corpse. Large quantities of steam are emitted from both the entity and the body.
<00:53> SCP-2856-2 returns, carrying two thin squares of serrated metal. The entity appears to notice the camera embedded in D-030172, and emits a low humming for approximately 30 seconds, before reaching towards the subject's forehead. Visuals are lost.
<01:05> According to the timestamp present on the footage, twelve minutes have passed. The camera is positioned on a table, facing SCP-2856-2, which emits a series of rapid clicks. D-030172 is seen on the work surface behind the entity, with all limbs removed and cauterised.
<01:06> SCP-2856-2 is seen turning away from the camera. The entity proceeds to forcibly open the abdominal cavity of D-030172, inserting the two squares of metal on either side of the lower spine. This opening is then re-sealed using what appear to be a combination of nails, screws, and human teeth. The subject is observed moaning quietly during this period, and footage analysis shows the subject's tongue and soft palate have been removed, as well as much of the esophagus. The expelled blood is collected in a number of buckets and pots of various size and shape.
<01:08> D-030172 is observed repeatedly bringing their head into contact with the work surface, and attempting to speak. This continues for approximately 3 minutes, with SCP-2856-2 moving closer to the camera and gesturing emphatically. The sound of heavy machinery is heard from the room adjacent, accompanied by laughter.
<01:11> SCP-2856-2 moves away from the camera and forcibly presses their hand against D-030172's forehead, causing massive structural damage to the subject's skull. The abdominal cavity of the subject bursts open, and smoke is expelled from the mouth, nose and ears. At no point is the subject observed to expire during this process.
<01:12> The two pieces of metal, now glowing hot, are removed from the subject. They are placed to one side and coated in a mixture of butter and the subject's collected viscera. SCP-2856-2 turns back to the camera, brandishing a standard kitchen knife. No further movement other than a slight twitching is observed from the entity.
<01:27> D-030172, coughing loudly, is seen moving from the work surface to the floor. At this point they are presumed to have expired.
<02:14> SCP-2856-2 points repeatedly towards the camera, and emits clicks and hums of various tones and frequencies. Video footage is lost. Audio continues recording for a further seven minutes before the camera shuts down completely.
<End Log>
No further testing with SCP-2856 is being permitted at this time.
1. All forms of testing attempted to date remain inconclusive as to the origin and/or composition of this substance. |
SCP-2430 is a humanoid entity with a physical appearance identical to the late Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945), measuring at 173cm in height and 72kg in mass. | ***
Item #: SCP-2430
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2430 is to be held in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-17. Tissue samples extracted from SCP-2430 are to be disposed of after analysis via incineration of said samples.
Description: SCP-2430 is a humanoid entity with a physical appearance identical to the late Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945), measuring at 173 cm in height and 72 kg in mass. Its internal body systems are consistent with those of non-anomalous humans, although its organs are functionless. SCP-2430's physical state deviates from non-anomalous humans in the following aspects:
DNA analysis indicates that SCP-2430's genetic makeup is derived from a combination of Sus scrofa (wild boar) and Capra aegagrus hircus (domestic goat). Furthermore, SCP-2430's skeletal system is identified to be an amalgamation of bones from eight different individuals. The identities of these individuals are unknown.
Brain matter is composed of a mixture from a specimen of S. scrofa and C. aegagrus hircus.
No requirement for food, water or air, despite the presence of a digestive and respiratory system.
Modifications to its nervous system such that pain sensitivity is heightened.
Lack of hair follicles; instead, synthetic hair strands have been attached onto SCP-2430's head and face such that they resemble the late Hitler's hair and mustache.
Inability to produce speech.
Traces of potassium cyanide and lead fragments identified in SCP-2430's bloodstream and subcutis respectively.
SCP-2430's anomalous quality is its capacity to regenerate muscle and skin tissues, allowing it to recover from injuries and regrow organs (e.g. heart and lungs) that had been removed from its body. Wounds and incisions on SCP-2430's body will regenerate within three days after causation, while organ regeneration requires up to two weeks; see Document 2430-Ä for a complete list of organ regeneration rates.
However, SCP-2430's regenerative capacity does not encompass damages to its skeletal system and healing rate of bone fractures is similar to that of non-anomalous humans. Tissue samples extracted from SCP-2430 do not possess this regenerative capacity.
SCP-2430 was recovered in Buenos Aires, Argentina on ██/██/1960 in the residence of the late █████ ████████, who is associated with OBSKURA.1 Initially discovered by Mossad agents who had captured ████████, SCP-2430 was extradited to the Foundation upon discovery of its anomalous properties and Mossad agents' inability to terminate SCP-2430.
Addendum 2430-1: The following note was found in the residence of █████ ████████, translated from German.
We have managed to rescue the Führer and bring him to safety. But he is effectively dead on the inside. I blame the Reds for their inhumane treatment of the Führer, who may have been bewitched by the Reds' wunderwaffe. I wish we could mercy kill him, but we've tried everything. He just won't perish. Don't abandon him; he's too distinct in plain sight.
Addendum 2430-2: The following notes were recovered from GRU Division "P" Headquarters after the organisation's collapse in 1991, which were the organisation's only surviving documentation on SCP-2430. All of which have been translated from Russian.
01.XII.1943: Among the items of interest recovered from the Obskurakorps sub-camp in Janowska, they include about a hundred pieces of the flesh of Sæhrímnir with human skeletons embedded in each of them. They are humanoid-shaped and can regrow any piece cut from them, so long there is the skeleton. Essentially, they are effectively machines coated in meat.
13.VI.1945: Regarding application of the flesh of Sæhrímnir, Comrade Stalin has personally reviewed and rejected the proposed Project Einherjar. Instead, Comrade Stalin has proposed and approved an alternative – Project Judecca.
28.VII.1947: Comrade Stalin has personally reviewed the prototypes. Their inability to perceive pain will not do; it is not in line with the goals of Project Judecca.
24.II.1948: Escort the Uralic flesh-crafters2 to Moscow HQ. They are commissioned to assist in Project Judecca, abiding by Comrade Stalin's specifications. On the behalf of the Union and the Soviet people, the right to claim true victory and justice over Hitler shall be realised.
17.IV.1950: In exchange for their cooperation in Project Judecca, 4000 kg of the flesh of Sæhrímnir will be presented to a representative of the Uralic flesh-crafters. In other news, Comrade Stalin wishes to initiate a private trial against Hitler.
09.V.1951: It is Victory Day. Comrade Stalin will be gracing Hitler's cage after attending the parade. This year, he requests to witness the Rite of Nyúz again.3 Interrogators, please see to it.
06.V.1953: Comrade Stalin is dead. We have no need to keep Hitler here. No point in wasting bullets on him, he does not die. Just bury him discreetly. He's a waste of the flesh of Sæhrímnir.
1. A Group of Interest regarded as a successor of the Thule Society and Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps, it originated as the esoteric arm of ODESSA prior to its eventual defection from ODESSA upon acquisition of several anomalous objects. Other anomalous objects related to OBSKURA and its predecessors include SCP-2893, SCP-3878.
2. Suspected to refer to a group of Sarkicists of unknown denomination. The adjective 'Uralic' is suggestive of the primitivism which is typical of Proto-Sarkicism, whereas supposed ties with the higher echelons of the Soviet Communist Party matches with the modus operandi of typical Neo-Sarkic cults.
3. Supplementary documents suggest that the "Rite of Nyúz" is a ritualistic practice originating from the "Uralic flesh-crafters", and comparable to the Chinese lingchi (often translated as death by a thousand cuts, the lingering death, or slow slicing). |
SCP-4592 is a phenomenon of unknown origin or source that manifests in the vacuum of space. | ***
Item #: SCP-4592
Object Class: Keter
Level 2 Clearance
Threat Level: Green ●
An image of the nebula from which SCP-4592 originates, taken by Foundation satellite Pioneer-9
Special Containment Procedures: All recent media is to be scanned for references to SCP-4592. Any media containing a reference to SCP-4592 is to be removed from circulation and archived.
Any individual claiming to have experienced SCP-4592 or something similar is to be taken in for questioning and amnesticized.
Foundation Satellite Pioneer-9 is to be permanently stationed around the SCP-4592 nebula. It is to be constantly emitting signal-jamming radio waves to deter the detection of the nebula, as well as tracking the movement of the nebula.
Description: SCP-4592 is a phenomenon of unknown origin or source that manifests in the vacuum of space. This phenomenon takes the form of music. This music can only be heard when an individual is physically exposed to the vacuum of space, hence, it cannot be heard from within a functional space suit or spacecraft.
All individuals who have experienced SCP-4592 claim to have heard different melodies, often with different instruments. Descriptions range from a single guitar to a full choir, however, this music is always described as "soothing" or "calming". Individuals who have heard SCP-4592 also describe it not coming from any particular direction.
SCP-4592 can be recorded via audio recording devices placed in the vacuum of space, however, even when these audio recordings are played back, all individuals describe hearing different melodies.
Recovery: SCP-4592 was discovered on February 28, 19██, when a manned Foundation spacecraft was sent out of Earth's orbit to investigate an anomaly now designated SCP-████.
During the mission, a piece of space debris damaged the communications array, causing Agent Daniels to have to go on a spacewalk to repair the damage. During her spacewalk, a second piece of space debris struck her helmet, causing it to shatter. It was at this point she heard SCP-4592. She then claims that the music was able to keep her calm enough to safely return to the ship. Upon returning to Earth, she reported her encounter with SCP-4592 to the Foundation, at which point research began into its existence.
Addendum A: Via use of SCP-████, SCP-████, and SCP-███, as well as several new pieces of technology developed by the Foundation, the origin of SCP-4592 was tracked to a previously unknown nebula just outside of the CR32B planetary system. A Foundation satellite designated Pioneer-9 was dispatched to the nebula and is estimated to arrive in █ years' time.
Addendum B: On June 11, 20██, the Pioneer-9 satellite reached the origin of SCP-4592. The satellite took an image of the nebula (seen above) as well as several scans. After close examination, it was determined via these scans that what appeared to be the remains of a spacecraft were located in the center of the nebula. After this, via wireless transmission, Pioneer-9 was able to retrieve several transcribed audio logs from the damaged spacecraft. These logs may be viewed in document 4592-A.
Additional Documents
+ View Document 4592-A
- Hide Document 4592-A
Entry #001
April 1, 1971
Hello? Is this thing recording? Text is appearing on the screen so I'm assuming it is. Uh, hello, my name is ████ ██████, and I will be the pilot and sole passenger of the spacecraft Icarus. I am currently working for DracoTech, the company that both developed and funded the Icarus Project. Let's see, what else is on the list here, uh… ah, so, I'm supposed to say that this mission is top secret and that if you're hearing this blah blah blah, anyway, I… well… I'm excited, but also a little terrified. A lot terrified. Not sure what's gonna happen. Anything could happen in space, I assume. We're taking off tomorrow. So, if I'm not ready then, I guess I never will be.
Entry #002
April 2, 1971
Well, we're launching in exactly three hours but █████ insisted I make this log anyway since apparently there are some things I missed in the last one. For one, they want me to talk about how the reason we're heading up there is that, apparently, they discovered this nebula passing by our solar system that's sending out messages. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but, y'know. I'm no astronomer. What? Oh, yeah, I'll go get ready.
Entry #003
April 3, 1971
Ok, so, I passed the moon just a couple of hours ago, and might I say, god it's beautiful up here. I know space is supposed to be this endless vacuum of nothing, but I can see the stars and an arm of the Milky Way from here, and it's just marvelous. I don't know, it's just something about space, I guess… anyway, I'm currently two days from the nebula. So far, they say the mission is going even better than expected! My son, his name's Anderson, called me today. I showed him some pictures of what I could see through the windows, and he was so happy. I can't wait to go back to him.
Entry #004
April 4, 1971
I passed the inner asteroid belt exactly two hours ago, and am now passing Jupiter. I knew Jupiter was supposed to be this great astral body, but let me say, by god, it is more magnificent than words can do it justice. The way its many moons orbit around it, and how they will repeat those orbits for millennia to come. It's like a… really old song passed down from generation to generation. The singer may be different, but the tune, the rhythm, it'll always be the same. Apparently I'm expected to reach what they are now calling the "Athena Nebula" in 14 hours. Don't know why they have such an affinity for Greek names, but whatever suits them, I guess.
Entry #005
April 5, 1971
I'm here. I made it. I can see the Athena Nebula from the primary viewing port, and it… well, it doesn't look like any nebula I've ever seen. It's got the colorful gas part down, but there's this weird glowing light in the middle that the gas seems to be swirling around. It seems… I don't know… daunting, I guess? But either wa- What? I'm getting a transmission… I'M WHAT!?! I'M NOT GOING INTO THAT THING! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT IT ISN'T LIKE A NEUTRON STAR!? WE DIDN'T DISCUSS THIS, █████! WHAT DO YOU MEAN AUTOPILOT!? HEY, DON'T YOU DARE END THIS TRANSMISSION! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh god, I can't quite turn this thing around. No, no, no, no… I'm not ready. WAIT STO
Entry #000
H-hello? Is this recordi- holy shit it is! Well, at least that's something. I suppose I should explain what just happened. When the autopilot activated it drove the Icarus, and me, straight into the nebula. Nothing happened when we broke the gas surrounding the center, but the closer we got to the light at the center, the brighter it became, and soon all I could see was white outside of the windows. It's still all I can see. Anyway, I could feel the ship, or reality itself, almost, getting faster, and faster, and faster, and I thought that was about to be the end and then everything just… stopped. Like a television put on pause. I mean, I can still move, and most of the devices still function to a degree, even if they are… malfunctioning, considering that this here says I'm going almost 10X light speed. I'm still tired, though, so… goodnight, I guess.
Entry #000
Ok, ok… so listen, I know this sounds crazy but… there's someone on my ship. They weren't there when I went to sleep, and I can't really make out anything about them, other than they're a person, and they're standing there.
I can speak, you know.
What the hell?… Who are… what are… what?
Look, I'm sure you have plenty of questions, and I will answer as many as I can in time. But for now, to put it as simply as possible, you are effectively dead. Or about to be, anyway.
Wait, are you saying you're gonna kill me!?
On the contrary, I'm the one keeping you alive. You see, I have taken the moment before your demise and, well, essentially stretched it into eternity, or as long as we need it to be.
Wait, wait… slow down… I'm dead?
Essentially, yes.
No, but I have family… I have a son… I… no… I need to get back to Earth…
I'm sorry, but that simply cannot happen.
But… but why?
Look, you have a lot of questions, and I have a few answers, so take a seat, and I will explain.
No, no I don't have time… I have to get home, and you're not even real, you're a dream.
Dear, listen to me. We literally have eternity. And besides, if I am a dream, you have time to stop and chat, yes?
I… I guess…
Good. Please, have a seat.
Entry #000
Why would I do what?
Why would you force me to suffer like this!? Couldn't you have just let me fucking die!?
Listen, I needed to talk to y-
No, shut up, I don't give a shit! I hate you! Because of YOU, I get to think of all the things I will NEVER HAVE AGAIN, like my son, my home, my friends, my family. If you had just LET ME DIE, I wouldn't have to go through this shit!
You need to calm down before I can answer your questions.
I don't have any questions, ALRIGHT!? Just let me die! PLEASE!
No. I brought you here for a rea-
Look, I'm just going to stand here and wait for you to calm down.
Because that's not how this works.
Entry #000
So let me get this clear, you're all-powerful.
That's… not exactly accurate, but if that's how you wish to perceive it, then I suppo-
Great. And I'm gonna die, right?
Unfortunately, yes.
Alright, then… I know this sounds cheesy… but can you grant me a wish? I mean, I'm gonna die anyway.
Yes, I suppose I could do that.
Great! Send me back.
Clarify, please.
Send me back to Earth! Teleport me, or turn back time, or whatever you have to do, JUST DO IT!
You said you would grant me a wish!
Yes, but not any wish. I can't just turn back time or change reality just to benefit one per-
I fucking hate you.
Entry #000
Can you explain why exactly you haven't said anything for quite some time?
I thought you were all-powerful.
I know why. I want you to hear yourself say it.
I give up. I'm just going to sit here in this moment with you for all eternity. At least this way I never have to truly give up Anderson.
Very well then.
What is it?
You're not going to say no?
If you want to wallow in your own sorrow for eternity, I will not stop you. However, might I remind you, I'm still granting you a wish.
It doesn't matter. I can't go back. I'll never see Earth again, so there's no point in using it.
Just because you don't get to go home, doesn't mean you can't still make an impact.
Your wish doesn't just have to be for you.
I… guess you're right…
Entry #000
I know what I want my wish to be.
Is that so?
Very well, what is your wish?
I wish… I wish for the people of Earth to not think of space as this cold uncaring nothing, as this… empty void of pain. I want them to know that there is a rhythm to the planets, that there is harmony in the stars, that there is… that there is music in the void.
That. That I can do. |
SCP-1132 is a female human of indigenous Mexican ethnicity, approximately 25 years of age. | ***
Item #: SCP-1132
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1132 is to be kept in standard living quarters, furnished with a bed and appropriate religious icon. A facial restraint will be supplied to SCP-1132, to be worn at all times when interacting with personnel. This restraint must cover the mouth completely and immobilize the lower jaw. To facilitate personnel safety, entrance to SCP-1132's chamber should be announced by voice or knocking to give the subject time to don the facial restraint, should it not currently be in use. Should the restraint become dislodged for any reason, unarmored personnel are to maintain a minimum distance of one meter from the subject until the restraint has been replaced. Subject is to be fed one freeze-dried mouse, rehydrated, once per day in its cell. Subject is allowed limited escorted sojourns in the facility where it is housed.
Efforts to teach SCP-1132 English have been hindered by the subject's illiteracy. Until subject has learned to understand spoken English and/or to write in any language, one member of personnel assigned to SCP-1132 is to be fluent in the eastern Huasteca dialect of modern Nahuatl.
Description: SCP-1132 is a female human of indigenous Mexican ethnicity, approximately 25 years of age. The subject's tongue, esophagus, stomach and both intestines have been replaced by a female Bothrops asper (fer-de-lance or nauyaca), leaving only 6cm of the subject's own rectum intact. The connection between the reptile and the subject's digestive system is seamless. Due to its condition, SCP-1132 cannot speak, though it breathes normally. The subject lacks a uterus, though no sign of hysterectomy or other surgery is present. How the uterus was removed has not yet been determined.
Approximately 0.6-0.7 meters of snake lie coiled where the subject's stomach should be, giving the snake the ability to lunge out of the subject's mouth. So long as the subject's mouth is closed, the snake will not force its way out. Aside from its anomalous state and length far exceeding what is typical for B. asper, the reptile is otherwise a normal member of its species, possessing a venomous bite and treating SCP-1132 as territory to be defended. Its eating seems to provide sustenance for both itself and SCP-1132, and it must eat at a rate greater than normal for a snake, but less than that of a human.
On the rare occasions that SCP-1132 is bitten by the snake, the subject will fall into a coma for a period of time between one hour and one day. Treatment with antivenom can wake the subject prematurely, but is counterindicated as the snake remains active and unrestrained during these periods. The subject describes these periods as being like dreamless sleep and reports no other physical side effects other than pain and swelling from the fang punctures.
Addendum: Interviews with the subject have consisted of yes/no questions, and as such, information on the origin of its condition has been difficult to gather.
Upon recovery in ██████████, Hidalgo, Mexico, persons familiar with SCP-1132 stated in interviews that they believed the subject had been punished for defiling a sacred relic said to belong to the Aztec goddess Coatlicue, and had been cast out from tribal society for the transgression. Testing of fragments of the object in question reveals no anomalous properties. |