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Geriatric medicine
Auditory agnosia, also known as pure auditory aphasia, is the inability to understand speech. People with this disorder lose the ability to understand language, repeat words, and write from dictation. Some patients with auditory agnosia describe hearing spoken language as meaningless sounds, as if the person is speaking a foreign language. However, the ability to speak spontaneously, read, and write remains intact. Patients also have a relatively better ability to process nonverbal auditory information, such as music, than to understand spoken language. People with pure auditory aphasia can also recognize nonverbal sounds. Patients retain the ability to interpret language by reading lips, hand gestures, and contextual cues. Sometimes, this agnosia is preceded by cortical deafness. Researchers have documented that in most patients with auditory agnosia, distinguishing between consonants is more difficult than distinguishing between vowels, but, like most neurological disorders, there is variability among patients. Auditory agnosia differs from auditory agnosia; Auditory agnosia has relatively intact speech comprehension systems despite their poor ability to recognize nonverbal sounds. Auditory agnosia is described as pure agnosia because it has a high degree of specificity. Despite the loss of speech comprehension, people with auditory agnosia typically retain the ability to hear and process nonverbal auditory information, speak, read, and write. This specificity suggests a disconnect between speech perception, nonverbal auditory processing, and central language processing. In support of this theory, there are cases in which speech and nonverbal processing disorders have responded differently to treatment. For example, some treatments have improved patients' written comprehension over time, while the same patients' ability to speak remained severely impaired. Auditory agnosia has been shown to be caused by tumors, especially in the posterior third ventricle, trauma, lesions, cerebral infarction, herpes zoster encephalitis, and Landau-Kleffner syndrome. The exact location of the damage that produces pure auditory aphasia is still debated, but it has involved the temporal plane, the posterior superior temporal gyrus, and white matter damage to the auditory nerve structures. Pure auditory agnosia is rarely diagnosed. Auditory agnosia can result from acute damage or from chronic progressive degeneration over time. Cases of severe head injury resulting in bilateral temporal lobe damage have been documented. In contrast, auditory agnosia has been shown to develop gradually over several years. In one such case, the patient showed progressive auditory aphasia over 9 years but no other evidence of cognitive decline. MRI showed cortical atrophy in the left superior temporal lobe region. In childhood, auditory agnosia can also be caused by Landau-Kleffner syndrome, also called acquired epileptic aphasia. Auditory agnosia is often the first symptom of this syndrome. A review of 45 cases suggested a relationship between prognosis and age of onset and found that patients with early onset had a poorer prognosis. In rare cases, auditory agnosia may be a symptom of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. In such cases, auditory agnosia is usually followed by more severe neurological symptoms typical of Alzheimer's disease.
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Geriatric medicine
Steroid dementia syndrome describes signs and symptoms of prefrontal and compulsive deficits, such as deficits in memory, attention, and executive function, caused by glucocorticoids. Dementia-like symptoms have been found in some individuals exposed to glucocorticoid-containing medications, most often prescribed for asthma, arthritis, and anti-inflammatory steroids. The condition resolves, but not always, within months after steroid treatment is stopped. The term "steroid dementia" was coined by Varney, in reference to the effects of long-term glucocorticoid use in 1,500 patients. While the condition usually falls under the classification of Cushing's syndrome, the term "steroid dementia syndrome" is particularly useful because it recognizes both the cause of the syndrome and the specific effects of glucocorticoids on cognitive function. Furthermore, more precise terminology clearly distinguishes the full-blown Cushing's syndrome, which is very broad in terms of causes and many symptoms, from hypercorticism, which does not specify the source or symptoms of excess circulating cortisol. Cognitive symptoms of steroids appear within the first few weeks of treatment, appear to be dose-dependent, and may or may not be accompanied by steroid psychosis or other Cushing-type symptoms. These symptoms have been shown to improve within months to a year after glucocorticoid discontinuation, but residual impairments can persist after long-term steroid use. Brain regions with a high density of glucocorticoid receptors including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and prefrontal cortex are particularly sensitive to elevated levels of glucocorticoids even in the absence of stress. Scientific studies have focused primarily on the effects of glucocorticoids on the hippocampus because of its role in memory processes and on the prefrontal cortex because of its role in attention and executive function. High glucocorticoid activity is associated with downregulation of GRs, which reduce neural activity and impair neurogenesis that can lead to reduced hippocampal volume with prolonged glucocorticoid exposure. Individual differences in sensitivity to glucocorticoid drugs may be due to hypofunction or hyperfunction. Similarly, differences in individual responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenergic system may modify the type and number of side effects. In addition to discontinuation of glucocorticoids, potential treatments discussed in the literature include: Corticotropin-releasing hormone Glucocorticoids have been known to be associated with significant side effects involving behavior and mood, independent of prior psychiatric or cognitive status, since the early 1950s. However, cognitive side effects of steroid drugs involving memory and attention are not widely publicized and may be misdiagnosed as separate conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children or early Alzheimer's disease in elderly patients.
Geriatric medicine
Pick's disease is a type of frontotemporal dementia, a rare neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive brain cell damage and symptoms include dementia and memory loss. The term "Pick's disease" was previously used to describe general diseases related to frontal lobe dysfunction in the brain, but now specialists use it to describe a specific disease that is a specific cause of frontal lobe atrophy. Some people use the term "Pick's disease" to describe general clinical conditions related to the symptoms of frontal temporal atrophy, but this has led to confusion among specialists and patients and so its use should be limited to the subtype of the disease as described below. Symptoms include difficulty speaking, difficulty thinking and planning, difficulty communicating with family, behavioral changes with unjustified anxiety, and difficulty maintaining appropriate social behavior such as: disobedience and misunderstanding. Hyperactivity, negativity, and loss of will are symptoms of the disease. In contrast, sudden changes in personality and behaviors enable the doctor to distinguish Pick's disease from Alzheimer's disease.
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Geriatric medicine
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is one of the clinically known prion diseases. The disease occurs sporadically due to a mutation in the gene encoding the prion protein PRNP and occurs in about 20% of cases. It is transmitted from one person to another in certain cases: 1- Corneal transplant. 2- When using human growth hormone. 3- It may be transmitted through electrodes that may be implanted on the surface of the brain in the affected person, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. There are diseases similar to Cotzfeldt-Jakob that fall under the name of spongiform encephalopathies, which are: 1- Kuru disease, which is transmitted among tribes in New Guinea that eat human flesh 2- A familial form called fatal familial anxiety 3- The form transmitted from infected animals to humans, which was called mad cow disease in the nineties 4- A very rare hereditary form, Gersmann-Strauss disease 1- Cognitive disorders, which are an important aspect of the disease and without which the diagnosis is not made, the most important of which are: They are different and are seen in 42% of cases, such as: optic neuritis, depression, anxiety, delusions, hallucinations, and unstable behavioral changes. The disease may develop into a state, and coma may appear within 7 months, then death within a year of the onset of manifestation.
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Geriatric medicine
Akintopia, also known as cerebral akintopia or motion blindness, is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder, affecting 1-2% of the world's population, characterized by the inability to predict movement in the visual field despite having normal vision for stationary objects. There are varying degrees of akathisia: ranging from seeing movement as frames of a movie reel to not being able to discern any movement at all. There is currently no effective treatment to cure or alleviate akathisia. The akathisia is divided into two separate categories, "vague akathisia" or "visual akathisia", depending on the severity of the symptoms and the extent to which the condition affects the patient's quality of life. The akathisia is often described as seeing movement similar to a movie reel or as a multiple exposure image. The akathisia is the most common type, with sufferers experiencing stroboscopic vision that can be extremely distressing. The akathisia is often accompanied by visual sequences, with afterimages being left at each frame of movement. Etiologies include prescription drugs, hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder, and persistent, unobstructed aura. The pathophysiology of the immobility illusion is unknown, but some hypotheses suggest that it results from inappropriate activation of physiological inhibition mechanisms normally used to maintain visual stability during eye movements. The immobility illusion is an extremely rare condition. Affected patients suffer from profound motion blindness and have difficulty performing activities of daily living. Instead of seeing moving objects in the form of a movie reel, these patients have trouble perceiving all of the motion in the entirety of the immobility illusion. Most of what is known about this extremely rare condition comes from a case study of a single patient, known as LM. LM described having difficulty pouring a cup of tea or coffee “because the liquid seemed frozen, like a glacier.” The patient could not tell when to stop pouring, as she was unable to perceive the movement of the rising liquid in the cup. LM and other patients complained of difficulty following conversations, due to loss of lip movements and altered facial expressions. LM reported feeling unsafe when more than two people were walking around the room: “People would pop up here and there, but I didn’t see them move.” One can infer movement by comparing the change in location of an object or person. LM and other patients also described severe difficulty crossing the street or driving. LM began to undergo auditory training to judge distance audibly. Changes in brain structure disrupt the psychological process responsible for understanding sensory information, in this case visual information. The resulting visual motion disorder may be due to the anatomical separation of visual motion processing from other functions. Color perception is also selectively impaired in a manner similar to the illusion of immobility, as in total color blindness. The affected person lacks the ability to see movement despite intact spatial acuity, flash detection, color vision, and stereoscopic vision. Other intact functions include visual spatial perception and visual identification of objects, shapes, and faces. In addition to simple perception, the illusion of immobility occurs with disturbances in visual motor tasks, such as reaching for and picking up objects. The importance of the individual's own movement feedback is highlighted when performing these tasks.
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Geriatric medicine
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a sleep disorder classified as a sleep disorder that involves abnormal behaviors during a stage of sleep called REM sleep. It was first described in 1986. The main and only characteristic of this disorder is the loss of the normal paralysis and relaxation that occurs to the skeletal muscles in a normal and necessary way during REM sleep, which leads to various behavioral complications during sleep ranging from small tremors in the limbs to complex full movements that a healthy person does not normally perform during this stage. Since dreams occur during this stage specifically, the loss of the normal inhibition of skeletal muscle movement may lead the affected person to physically act out their dreams without being aware of it; as a result, the person may make violent movements based on what he sees in his dreams, which may cause him to harm himself or his partner who sleeps next to him. As previously mentioned, the affected person acts out his dreams with body movements without being aware of it, and depending on the nature of the dreams he sees, the movements he makes may include kicking, punching, screaming, and even jumping out of bed. Although the person remembers his dreams after waking up, which match the movements he acted out, he is unable to remember any of these movements and does not realize that he made them. In the normal sleep cycle, the sleeping person goes through the REM sleep stage in several periods separated by a period ranging from an hour and a half to two hours each night, which means that the symptoms of the disorder may occur four times in one night. They occur most often in the early morning hours, as the REM sleep stage occurs during these hours more than others. In rare cases, these symptoms may occur once a week or once a month. Another symptom of this disorder is that the affected person may respond to and interact with other people without knowing it, and as a result of these symptoms, the person suffers from sleep deprivation. This disorder is likely to be the result of harmful interactions with some medications or abstinence from medication. Whatever the cause, it most often affects older adults and those with neurodegenerative disorders and diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, and Lewy body dementia. The disorder is classified by cause into two categories: idiopathic and episodic. This type occurs when the sleep structure is normal, but there is a marked increase in the density of REM sleep and the percentage of slow-wave sleep. As observed through familial genotypes, this category is strongly associated with the presence of a genetic factor. This category, which is more common than the first, is closely associated with neurodegenerative diseases, but it is not certain whether these diseases precede the occurrence of the disorder, occur simultaneously with it, or precede it. The strength of the relationship with these diseases is demonstrated by the fact that about 15% of Parkinson's patients also suffer from this disorder, as do 70% of patients with multiple system atrophy, and 85% of patients with Lewy body dementia. Other diseases documented to be related to this disorder include: Scheideregger syndrome, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, multiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular diseases, Tourette syndrome, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Researchers have studied the relationship between functional behavior of the body and the appearance of symptoms specific to REM sleep behavior disorder, and the results have shown associations with dysfunction of the central nervous system and abnormal activity of the cerebral cortex during the REM sleep phase; which includes decreased beta waves in the occipital lobe and increased theta waves in the frontal and occipital lobes. Magnetic resonance imaging studies have indicated dysfunction in the frontal lobe and pons in patients with this disorder; as a result of decreased blood flow in these two parts of their brains compared to those without the disorder. Electromyography studies revealed an increase in the intensity of chin muscle tone, in addition to the presence of phase twitching in the limbs and prolonged hyperactivity. Another cause of this disorder is damage to the nerve impulses in the brainstem; those responsible for managing the phenomenon of rapid eye movement sleep. Due to the possibility of confusion between this disorder and other sleep parasomnias, it is necessary to perform basic sleep studies such as polysomnography in centers specialized in evaluating and distinguishing between sleep parasomnias in order to reach the correct diagnosis. One night of intensive monitoring of sleep, brain and muscle activity is sufficient to indicate the absence of paralysis that naturally occurs in the skeletal muscles during the REM sleep phase. It is also sufficient to exclude other causes of various sleep parasomnias. Due to the limited application of polysomnography currently, many attempts have been made to identify the disorder through clinical interviews and questionnaires. One of these attempts was made by Posthuma et al. when they demonstrated the feasibility of applying a single-question screening tool, which can be easily applied to the patient and his bed partner in general medical practice. This test includes the question "Have you ever reported or suspected that you make movements during your sleep that seem to act out your dreams?" If the person answers yes, this helps the doctor diagnose the condition as REM sleep behavior disorder; this is because this tool has a good sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 87%. Other questionnaires that provide more detailed descriptions include the REM sleep behavior disorder screening questionnaire and the Hong Kong REM sleep behavior questionnaire. The disorder is treatable, and medications are prescribed based on the accompanying symptoms. One of the medications used is clonazepam, which is the most effective with a success rate of 90% when used in low doses. The way this drug works to restore muscle tonicity in REM sleep is not clear, but it is thought that it works by inhibiting muscle activity rather than directly restoring tonicity. For those with Parkinson's disease who also have the disorder, levodopa is a popular option, and pramipexole is also effective. Melatonin, a natural alternative, is also effective. Recent evidence has shown similar efficacy for melatonin and clonazepam when used as both drugs to control REM sleep behavior disorder, with patients who used melatonin experiencing fewer side effects than those who used clonazepam. Additionally, patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease have reported better outcomes when treated with melatonin. In addition to medication, it is wise to secure the sleeping environment and prepare it for attacks of the disorder by removing dangerous objects from the bedroom, placing pillows around the bed, or placing the mattress on the floor for additional protection against falls and injury. Patients are advised to follow a consistent sleep schedule, avoid sleep deprivation by getting enough sleep, and monitor their sleep schedule. Treatment also includes managing neurological symptoms and treating other sleep disorders. Anything else that might increase the negative effects of the disorder, such as alcohol and some medications, should also be avoided. The most comprehensive assessment to date estimates the prevalence of the disorder at 0.5% in people aged 15 to 100. The average age of onset is around 60. Studies suggest that the disorder is more common in males, with females accounting for only 10% of those affected. This is partly due to statistical bias; men’s movements during sleep are more likely to be violent than those of women, and are more likely to cause harm and damage, and are therefore more documented. In addition, the harm that a woman may suffer from the movements of her afflicted husband is more documented than harm to a man if the woman is the one suffering from the disorder. However, this does not negate the possibility that the difference is real due to genetic factors or male factors. There are many conditions that resemble REM sleep behavior disorder in that patients suffer from excessive sleep movement that may lead to violent behaviors. These disorders include sleepwalking and sleep terror disorder associated with other stages of sleep. They also include nocturnal seizures and obstructive sleep apnea, which can provoke complex behaviors during REM sleep. As a result of the similarity between these conditions, polysomnography plays an important role in diagnosing REM sleep behavior disorder. It is clear that this disorder shares many things with a group of different conditions and disorders such as narcolepsy. Both—REM sleep behavior disorder and narcolepsy—involve a disruption of the normal sleep cycle caused by a disruption in the sleep-control mechanisms. Reported cases of the disorder, such as stroke and axonal tumors, suggest that damage to the brainstem may lead to the disorder. The disorder is usually chronic, but it can be acute and come on suddenly if it is caused by medication or abstinence, especially alcohol abstinence. Medications that may exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder and should be avoided in patients with it include monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and noradrenergic antagonists. The disorder has also been diagnosed in animals, particularly dogs.
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Geriatric medicine
Parkinson's disease dementia is a dementia associated with Parkinson's disease. It is a type of Lewy body dementia, characterized by abnormal deposits of Lewy bodies in the brain, along with dementia with Lewy bodies. Parkinson's disease begins as a movement disorder, but in most cases progresses to include dementia and changes in mood and behavior. The signs, symptoms, and cognitive profile of Parkinson's disease dementia are similar to those of Lewy body dementia. Parkinson's disease is a risk factor for dementia, accelerating the decline of cognitive function leading to Parkinson's disease dementia. Up to 78% of people with Parkinson's disease have dementia. Delusions are less common in Parkinson's disease dementia than in dementia with Lewy bodies. Public awareness of Lewy body dementia varies greatly from that of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, although Lewy body dementia is the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's disease. Information about Parkinson's disease dementia from the Parkinson's Foundation
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Geriatric medicine
Robin Williams is an American actor and comedian who won an Academy Award for his role in Good Will Hunting at the 70th Academy Awards in March 1998, among four nominations for the prestigious award. He has also won six Golden Globe Awards out of twelve nominations, the first in 1979 for Mork & Mundy, and the last of which was the Cecil B. DeMille Honorary Award in 2005. He has won two Emmy Awards and five Grammy Awards. He began his career as a stand-up comedian in San Francisco and Los Angeles. He became famous after the Mork & Mundy series, which he presented for four seasons between 1978 and 1982. Robin suffered from depression and addiction to alcohol and drugs for a long period of his acting career. In 2014, he was found dead in his home in California, having committed suicide by strangulation. After his death, his wife announced that Robin had been suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease. Reports indicated that he suffered from another disease called Lewy body disease, which causes symptoms most notably severe depression and cerebral hallucinations. Robin Williams was born to an Irish-English father, Robert Fitzgerald Williams, who worked as an executive at Ford, while his mother Laurie was a model and of French descent. Robin Williams grew up in Marin County, California, where he attended Redwood High School and then in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, where he attended Detroit Morning College, a private college from which many celebrities graduated, including Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of Microsoft. In 1973, Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve were selected from among two thousand students to enter the Juilliard School of the Arts, one of the most important schools for the arts in the world. The two took many classes together there and formed a deep friendship between the two that lasted until the death of actor Christopher Reeve in 2004. While Robin Williams' comedic style did not please all of his teachers, his dramatic acting was appreciated by everyone. He began as a stand-up comedian in San Francisco clubs and then joined NBC Studios for his first major role in a TV series as The Visitor from Outer Space. In this series, Robin Williams was given the freedom to improvise most of his dialogue, and he performed the role in a physically and verbally brilliant manner. He then played many major and minor television roles in series such as and At the same time, and during the seventies and eighties he continued to perform his stand-up comedy, which achieved great fame, the last of which was in . Robin Williams' fame is due to the cinema that overshadows most of his artistic work. His first film role was in the film 1970. He then starred in a number of films that were not very successful until he played the role of a war correspondent in the film, for which he was nominated for an Oscar in 1970 as Best Leading Actor. His successes continued in the films 1970 and 1970, for which he was also nominated for an Oscar in 1970 as Best Leading Actor, but he was not lucky, until he played the role of a psychiatrist in the film 1970 and won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. He also won a Golden Globe for the film 1970. He presented the film Jumanji in 1995. Robin Williams also performed voices for a number of animated films that achieved great success, such as 1970 and 1970. Williams began his career in stand-up comedy in the San Francisco Bay Area during the mid-1970s. He gave his first performance at the comedy club Holy City Zoo in San Francisco, where he worked his way up from his first position as a bartender. San Francisco was the epicenter of the rock, hippie, drug, and sexual revolution of the 1960s, while Williams helped lead the "comedy renaissance" of the 1970s, according to critic Gerald Nickman. Williams said he discovered "drugs and happiness" during this period, and added that he witnessed "the most prominent intellectuals of the day become nobodys." Williams moved to Los Angeles, where he continued to perform stand-up comedy at clubs, including The Comedy Store. In 1977, television producer George Schlatter saw Williams perform at the club and asked him to host his show, Laugh In. The show aired in late 1977 and was Williams's television debut. Williams performed another show at the Improv that year, for HBO. Laugh In launched Williams' television career, although the revival failed. Williams continued to perform stand-up comedy at comedy clubs such as the Roxy Club, in order to keep his improvisational skills sharp. Williams had a notable performance in England at The Fighting Cocks Music Hall. Williams won a Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album for his 1979 recording of his live show... What a Concept at the Copacabana Nightclub in New York City. Some of his subsequent tours as a television and film star included An Evening with Robin Williams, Robin Williams: At the Metropolitan Opera House, and Robin Williams: Live from Broadway. His latter show broke several long-standing records, with some tickets selling out within 30 minutes of release. Williams released the album A Night at the Metropolitan Opera in 1986. In August 2008, Williams announced a new 26-city tour after a six-year hiatus, titled Weapons of Mass Psychological Destruction. The tour began in late September 2009 and ended in New York on December 3 of the same year, and was the subject of an HBO special on December 8, 2009. After a long struggle with alcoholism, financial problems, and severe depression that took him to rehab centers several times, and suffering from the onset of Parkinson's disease, and also suffering from a type of dementia called Lewy body disease, in addition to his frustration over the cancellation of his series The Crazy Ones, Robin decided in the early hours of Monday morning, August 11, 2014, to end his life by committing suicide. He first cut the artery in his left wrist at the wrist with a small pocket knife, but his operation was unsuccessful, so he resorted to hanging himself with a pants belt that he wrapped around his neck, his wrist stained with blood from his first failed attempt. American and international media outlets covered the details of the suicide operation based on the police report and witness testimony, stating that his failure The first suicide forced him to use a belt that he wrapped around his neck and secured to his shoulder, and hung the rest on the corner of the closet door frame, then let go of the part attached to his shoulder so that it would hang directly and lead to his immediate suffocation and death, as one of his assistants noticed his delay in leaving, so he knocked on the door of the room without him answering, so he opened the door and found him hanging in his clothes and almost sitting on the floor at about twelve noon on Monday, with blood stains from the knife next to him, and this is the position found by those who came in the ambulance that was called, and immediately after that a police patrol came to inspect what had happened, specifically searching for a farewell letter he had written explaining the reasons for his suicide, but they found nothing in the house but the body. Here is a list of some of the most important awards won by Robin Williams:
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Geriatric medicine
Capgras delusion or Capgras syndrome is a disorder in which a person believes that his friend, spouse, parents, or other close family member has been replaced by an impostor who looks like them. Capgras delusion is classified as a delusional non-identification syndrome, which is a type of delusional belief that involves not recognizing people, places, or objects. It may be acute, temporary, or chronic. This delusion usually occurs in patients with paranoid schizophrenia and may appear in patients with brain injury and dementia. It often appears in individuals with neurological diseases, especially the elderly. It has also been known to occur in people with diabetes and those who suffer from migraine attacks. In isolated cases, Capgras delusion is temporary due to health reasons such as taking ketamine. The female to male ratio is 3:2. Here are two case reports that are examples of Capgras delusions in psychiatric settings. Mrs. D, a 74-year-old married homemaker, was recently discharged from a local hospital after her first visit to a psychiatric admission seeking a second opinion. Earlier this year, when she was admitted, she received a diagnosis of mania because she believed her husband had been replaced by another man. She refused to sleep with the impostor, locking her bedroom door at night. She asked her son for a gun and eventually fought with police officers on several occasions, who admitted her to the hospital. She sometimes believes her husband is her long-dead father. She can easily identify other family members but cannot identify her husband alone. Diane, a 28-year-old single woman, testified at a hospital program evaluation after her third admission for psychiatric illness in the previous five years. She was very shy and when she was 23 she was examined by a specialist and began to worry that the doctor had hurt her and she could not cope. The patient's condition might improve with some antipsychotic medications but she refused treatment at all. After eight months she began to have delusions where she thought that men could switch their personalities with either a good person or a bad person. They diagnosed her condition as falling within the category of Capgras delusion. Individual therapy is most appropriate for Capgras delusion patients. Patients with this delusion need constant care and verification of their health. Cognitive techniques include testing and using facts. Drugs, tranquilizers, etc. may be successful in treating them.
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Geriatric medicine
Anterograde amnesia or anterograde amnesia is the loss of the ability to create memories after the event that caused the amnesia, resulting in a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact, but he is unable to create new long-term memories. This is the opposite of what happens to a patient with retrograde amnesia; memories that arose before the event are lost while new memories can still be created. Both can occur together in the same patient. Anterograde amnesia remains a largely mysterious disease; because the exact mechanism of memory storage is not yet well understood, although it is known that the areas involved in memory storage are specific locations in the temporal lobe, especially in the hippocampus near the subcortical areas of the brain. People with anterograde amnesia syndrome suffer from varying degrees of forgetfulness. In some advanced and severe cases, the patient may experience retrograde amnesia along with anterograde amnesia; This is sometimes called global amnesia. In drug-induced amnesia, the condition is usually brief and the patient recovers. In other cases that have been studied extensively since the early 1970s, patients are often left with permanent damage. Although some recovery is possible, depending on the nature of the pathophysiology. There is usually a residual capacity for learning, although it may be very rudimentary. In total anterograde amnesia, patients can recall memories of events before the injury, but cannot recall their current day-to-day memories or new facts that have come to them after the injury. In most cases of anterograde amnesia, patients lose declarative memory, or the memory of facts, but they do remember routine memories that we usually do every day without being aware of it, such as how to ride a bike, tie a shoelace, answer the phone, etc. These are procedural memory memories, but they may not be able to remember, for example, what they ate for lunch today. In extensive studies of a patient with anterograde amnesia, Henry Molaison, it was shown that although his amnesia prevented him from learning new declarative memories, his procedural memory was still capable of On the job, even though his ability had been greatly reduced. He was given a maze to solve, as was given to a number of other patients with progressive amnesia, and they were given the same maze to solve every day, and although they could not remember the maze that was given to them the day before their memory loss; However, their unconscious memory was working and their time to solve the maze gradually decreased. From these results, the scientists hypothesized that despite the absence of declarative memory, procedural memory was still able to work. This supports the idea that declarative and procedural memory are located in different areas of the brain. In addition, patients suffer from a deficit in the ability to remember the temporal context in which objects were presented. Some authors claim that the deficit in temporal contextual memory is more important than the deficit in semantic learning ability. This disorder is usually acquired in one of four ways: One cause is benzodiazepine drugs such as midazolam, flunitrazepam, lorazepam, temazepam, nitrazepam, and triazolam; clonazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, and nimatazepam. All of which are known to have a strong effect on memory loss. This has also been reported in non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers or "Z drugs" that act on the same group of receptors, such as Zolpidem, eszopiclone, zopiclone. The second cause is a traumatic brain injury, which usually damages the hippocampus or surrounding cortex. It can also be caused by a traumatic event or emotional disturbance. A rare cause of progressive amnesia is encephalitis. There are types of encephalitis, such as herpes simplex encephalitis, which if left untreated can lead to neurological damage. The cause of herpes simplex encephalitis is unknown; The virus shows a predilection for certain parts of the brain. Initially, it is found in the limbic cortex and then may spread to the frontal and temporal lobes. Damage to certain areas leads to a reduction or elimination of the ability to encode new explicit memories, resulting in progressive amnesia. Patients with anterograde amnesia have impairment or damage to episodic or semantic memory or both types of explicit memory, due to events that occurred after the trauma that caused the amnesia. This suggests that memory consolidation for different types of memory occurs in different areas of the brain. However, current knowledge of human memory is still insufficient to map the brain and discover which parts or lobes are responsible for semantic or episodic knowledge within human memory. Anterograde amnesia may be caused by a disease that affects the memory centers in the medial temporal lobe and that disease removes some of the memory circuits or centers. These cases include some patients with epileptic seizures of medial temporal lobe origin, which may remove a center in one or both halves of the head, in addition to patients with tumors who have undergone surgery, as they often may Significant damage to these centers occurs due to the destruction of some parts of the system such as the hippocampus and the surrounding cortex, which leads to anterograde amnesia. Therefore, people who suffer from strokes may have a high chance of developing cognitive deficits that lead to anterograde amnesia, as strokes may involve the temporal lobe and the temporal cortex, and since the temporal cortex is where the hippocampus is located, their chance of injury is high. Anterograde amnesia can also be caused by alcohol intoxication, a phenomenon known as alcohol-induced blackout or loss of consciousness. Studies indicate that rapid increases in blood alcohol concentration over a short period of time severely impair or in some cases prevent the brain's ability to transfer short-term memories created during the period of intoxication to long-term memory for storage and retrieval at a later time. These rapid increases result from drinking large amounts of alcohol in short periods of time, especially on an empty stomach, as diluting alcohol with food slows the absorption of alcohol. Alcohol-related anterograde amnesia is directly related to the rate of alcohol consumption, not just the total amount of alcohol consumed in an episode. Drinking. In a scientific experiment, it was found that people may not suffer from memory loss when drinking slowly, even though they were very drunk by the end of the experiment. But when alcohol is consumed at a rapid rate, the point at which the process of creating long-term memories in healthy people is supposed to begin is disrupted. It is difficult to determine the exact time at which this blackout period is reached, because most people fall asleep before it is finished. Upon returning to a sober state, usually after waking up, the ability to create long-term memories is fully restored. Chronic alcoholism often leads to a deficiency of thiamine in the brain, causing Korsakoff syndrome, a neurological disorder that is usually preceded by a severe neurological condition known as Wernicke's encephalopathy. The memory impairment caused by Korsakoff syndrome mostly affects declarative memory, leaving non-declarative memory relatively normal. This distinguishes the anterograde amnesia resulting from Korsakoff syndrome from other conditions such as alcohol-related dementia. Scientific experiments are still ongoing to determine how different types of memory are affected, and how disorders affect them. The pathophysiology of anterograde amnesia syndrome varies depending on the amount of damage and the areas The brain regions most commonly associated with anterograde amnesia are the medial temporal lobe, the forebrain, and the fornix. The exact process that explains how we remember—in detail—remains a mystery. Psychologists and neuroscientists still do not fully agree on whether forgetting is caused by misencoding, hasty forgetting, or a retrieval defect, although a great deal of information so far points to the encoding hypothesis. In addition, neuroscientists also disagree about the length of time involved in memory consolidation and the transformation of new memories into long-term memories. Although most researchers have found that the consolidation process takes several hours, during which the memories move from a fragile state to a more permanent state, others, including Brown, have hypothesized that memory consolidation can take months or even years in a prolonged process of consolidation and reinforcement. Further research into the length of time that memory consolidation takes will shed more light on why anterograde amnesia affects memories acquired after the event that caused the amnesia, but does not affect other memories. The memory system in the anterior lobe contains The medial temporal lobe includes the hippocampus, the perirhinal cortex, the entorhinal cortex, and the parahippocampal cortex. It is known to be important for the storage and processing of declarative memory, allowing for the retrieval of facts. It is also important in communicating with the neocortex to create and maintain long-term memories, although its known functions are independent of long-term memories. On the other hand, non-declarative memory, which allows for the performance of various skills and habits, is not part of the medial temporal lobe memory system. The division of labor between the parts of the memory management system is currently known, although this is still under debate. In a scientific study of monkeys, researchers showed that monkeys with damage to both the hippocampus and adjacent cortical areas had more severe anterograde amnesia than monkeys with damage to the hippocampus alone. However, conflicting data from another preliminary study suggest that the amount of tissue damaged does not necessarily correlate with the severity of amnesia. Furthermore, the results of the studies do not explain the duality found in the medial temporal lobe memory system. The medial temporal lobe between episodic and semantic memory and the relationship between them. An important finding in patients with anterograde amnesia with damage to the medial temporal lobe memory system is the impairment of memory in all sensory modalities - sound, touch, smell, taste and sight. This reflects the fact that the medial temporal lobe memory system is a processor of all sensory modalities, and helps to store this type of thought in memory. In addition, people can often remember how to perform relatively simple tasks, but when the task becomes more difficult, even on the same time scale, the patient tends to forget. This illustrates the difficulty of separating procedural memory tasks from declarative memory; and that some elements of declarative memory may be used in learning procedural tasks. Patients with medial temporal lobe amnesia, who have localized damage to the hippocampus, retain other cognitive abilities, such as the ability to perform intelligent social functions, hold a conversation, make the bed, etc. In addition, patients with anterograde amnesia not associated with retrograde disorders retain memories of the pre-event that caused the disease. For this reason, the medial temporal lobe is not the place to store all memories; Other areas of the brain also store memories. It can be argued that the medial temporal lobe memory system is responsible for learning and remembering new material. In a limited number of cases of patients with anterograde amnesia, they have been observed to suffer from damage to other parts of the brain that led to anterograde amnesia. Easton and Parker noted that damage to either the hippocampus or the surrounding cortex, or both, did not appear to cause severe memory loss. They suggested that damage to the hippocampus and surrounding structures alone did not explain the memory loss they saw in patients, and that increased damage to those areas was not related to the severity of the disease. Furthermore, the available information does not explain the duality that exists in the medial temporal lobe memory system between episodic and semantic memory and the relationship between them. To prove their hypothesis, they used samples from patients with damage to the basal forebrain. They suggested that dysfunction of neurons that originate at the base of the forebrain and travel to the medial temporal lobe are responsible for some of the impairment in anterograde amnesia. Easton and Parker also reported that MRI scans of patients Those with acute anterograde amnesia showed damage extending beyond the cortical areas surrounding the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the surrounding white matter. In another case, the onset of anterograde amnesia was described as the result of cell death in the fornix, a structure that relays information from the hippocampus to limbic and diencephalic structures. The patient in this case did not show any disconnection syndrome, which was unexpected; Because the structures are divided into two hemispheres of the brain, instead, signs of memory loss were present. The final diagnosis of the condition was made by MRI. This particular case of anterograde amnesia is difficult to diagnose as amnesia, and is often misdiagnosed by doctors as a severe psychiatric disorder. When there is damage or impairment to one side of the medial temporal lobe while the other side remains intact, there is a chance of normal or near-normal memory function. Neuroplasticity explains the ability of the cortex to remap itself when necessary. This remodeling process can occur in a case like the one above, and over time, the patient can recover relatively well and become more adept at remembering. A case report describes a patient who had both medial temporal lobes removed. Initially, doctors removed part of the right medial temporal lobe, due to seizures arising from that area, and then the left part was removed due to a tumor developing there. This case is unique; Because it is the only one in which both sides of the medial temporal lobe were removed at different times. The researchers noted that the patient was able to recover some learning ability when she had only one temporal lobe, but they noted a significant deterioration in the condition when both sides of the medial temporal lobe were affected. The ability to reorganize brain functions in epilepsy patients has not been widely investigated, but the results of current perceptions show that it is likely to be done. Various methods are used to treat those suffering from progressive memory loss. Often, methods based on compensatory techniques are relied upon, such as stimulators, written notes, diaries or through intensive training programs in which the individual concerned with the treatment is actively involved, along with his support network of family and friends. From this standpoint, environmental adaptation techniques are used, such as: compensatory learning methods for training, organizational strategies, expressive imagery and representation of ideas, and verbal education. In addition, other techniques are also used in rehabilitation, such as: implicit tasks, speech and memory improvement methods. So far, the use of educational methods and compensatory strategies for memory disorders has been proven to be effective in Individuals with mild brain injuries. For individuals with moderate or severe injuries, relatively useful techniques are those that focus on external aids, such as the use of reminders to facilitate the acquisition of certain knowledge or the acquisition of a skill. Reality orientation techniques are also considered, which are techniques that aim to enhance the patient's awareness of the surrounding environment, using stimulation and repetition of basic perceptual information. These techniques are regularly applied in patients suffering primarily from dementia and head injury patients. As explained above, patients with anterograde amnesia suffer from significant forgetfulness. Declarative memory can be divided into episodic and semantic memory. Episodic memory is the recollection of information in a person's autobiography with a temporal and spatial context, while semantic memory involves the recall of information and facts without such a connection, such as facts in linguistics, history, geography, etc. For example, semantic memory contains information about what cats are, while episodic memory may contain a specific memory about playing with a particular cat. In a case study of a girl with anterograde amnesia since childhood, it was found that the patient retained the memory Semantic while she suffered from severe impairment of episodic memory. One patient, known as “Jane,” was in a motorcycle accident, which caused significant damage to important parts of the frontal and temporal lobes, including the left hippocampus. As a result, he cannot recall specific episodic memories from his life, such as a train derailment near his home. However, his semantic memory is intact. He remembers that he owns a car and two motorcycles, and he can even remember the names of his schoolmates. In stark contrast to previous cases, a woman who lost the frontal part of her temporal lobe due to encephalitis lost her semantic memory; she lost her memory for many simple words, historical events, and other intuitive information that are classified as memories stored in semantic memory. However, her episodic memory was intact; She could recall events from her personal life in great detail, such as her wedding and her father’s death. Vicari said it remains unclear whether the neural circuits involved in semantic and episodic memory overlap partially or completely. The two systems are assumed to be independent, and episodic memory has been postulated to be much more severely impaired in anterograde amnesia than semantic memory. However, it is not always possible to clearly distinguish episodic from semantic memory. For this reason, the topic remains controversial. The right hippocampus is essential for retrieving familiar spatial memories, while the left hippocampus is essential for retrieving familiar verbal memories. Some researchers suggest that the hippocampus is important for memory retrieval, while adjacent cortical areas may be important in supporting the creation of familiar memories. Memory decisions regarding familiar memories are made on the basis of matching existing memories to those that existed at some point prior to the injury. According to Gilbeau et al., patients with localized hippocampal damage can score well on a test of familiar memories. Bourret et al. studied a case of a patient whose Damage to the fornix of the brain rendered the hippocampus useless, but the cortical areas adjacent to it were spared—a fairly rare injury. When the patient was given a test with something familiar to him in his life, the patient was able to score relatively well. Overall, the patient had a severe impairment in episodic memory, but he had some ability to learn some semantic knowledge. Other studies suggest that animals with similar injuries can recognize familiar objects, but when presented in an unexpected context, they do not score well on recognition tests. People with anterograde amnesia have trouble remembering new information or recalling new autobiographical events, but the information is less consistent and definitive about the latter. Medveds and Hirst noted the presence of islands of memory with detailed memories described by some patients. The island memories were a mixture of semantic and episodic memories. The researchers recorded long narratives given by the patients with a fair amount of detail that resembled the memories the patients had had before the trauma. The appearance of islands of memory may be related to the functioning of the cortical areas adjacent to the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. Modern. In addition, researchers suspect that the amygdala played a role in constructing these narratives.
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Geriatric medicine
Retrograde amnesia, or retrograde amnesia, is the loss of access to memories of events that occurred, or information that was learned, prior to the event that caused the disease. It is caused by a negative impact on episodic memory, autobiographical memory, and explicit memory, while retaining procedural memory intact without any difficulty in learning new knowledge or forming new long-term memories. Retrograde amnesia can be classified as temporary or permanent based on the severity of the injury and is usually governed by Ribot's law; the ability to retrieve distant memories may be easier than retrieving memories close to the time of the event. The type of information that is forgotten can be very specific, such as a single event, or more general, resembling a general amnesia. It should not be confused with anterograde amnesia, which deals with the inability to form new memories after the event that caused the disease. The hippocampus is the most important brain region involved in memory consolidation. During the consolidation process, the hippocampus acts as an intermediary that quickly stores new information until it is transferred to the neocortex for long-term storage. The temporal lobe, which contains the hippocampus and the surrounding cortex, has a reciprocal relationship with the neocortex. The temporal lobe is temporarily required when consolidating new information; however, as the learning process becomes stronger, the neocortex becomes more independent of the temporal lobe. Causes of retrograde amnesia include traumatic brain injuries or a traumatic event, which is called psychogenic amnesia, or an infection that crosses the blood-brain barrier, which may lead to brain damage and encephalitis, or it may occur due to surgery that causes damage to some parts of the brain that are important in memory formation. Electroconvulsive therapy may cause retrograde amnesia. Retrograde amnesia has also been found in patients with alcoholism and Korsakoff syndrome. There is no cure for the disease, but exposing the patient to experiences and information from his previous life, called reminiscence therapy, may be helpful; although its positive results in restoring memory are not proven. Fortunately, memory may also be restored using spontaneous recovery and neuroplasticity.
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Geriatric medicine
Post-hypnotic amnesia is the inability of hypnotized individuals to recall events that occurred while under hypnosis. This can be achieved by giving individuals a suggestion during hypnosis to forget some material they learned either before or during hypnosis. Individuals with post-hypnotic amnesia cannot retrieve their memories once they are brought back into hypnosis, and thus are not dependent on the state. However, memories may return when presented with a prearranged cue. This makes post-hypnotic amnesia similar to psychogenic amnesia in that it disrupts the process of memory retrieval. It has been suggested that inconsistencies in the methodologies used to study post-hypnotic amnesia cause the mixed results. Post-hypnotic amnesia was first discovered by the Marquis de Puységur in 1784. While working with his assistant Victor, Puységur noticed that when Victor came out of hypnosis, he had amnesia for everything that happened during the session. Realizing the importance of this power, Puységur soon began treating those with induced amnesia. When the French physician Ambroise-Auguste Lepault published a book on hypnosis in 1866, he suggested that post-hypnotic amnesia was a symptom and a varying degree of hypnosis. Similarly, the 19th century French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot focused solely on post-hypnotic amnesia. Charcot presented three states of hypnosis: fatigue, sleep, and sleepwalking, or somnambulism. It was in this last state that Charcot believed individuals could be communicated with and respond to suggestions. Charcot showed that if someone suggested that they were experiencing a psychological trauma, those who were neurologically sensitive would exhibit symptoms of psychological trauma. He hypothesized that this was due to a dissociation of thoughts from the rest of the individual's consciousness. However, the dissociation theory was put aside by Freud's psychoanalytic theory and the rise of behaviorism until Ernst Hilgard renewed its study in the 1970s. Clark Hull made some of the first experimental studies of post-hypnotic amnesia. Hull's work demonstrated that there is a dissociation between explicit and implicit memory through studies of proactive interference, retroactive interference, pair associations, and complex mental addition. In the mid-1960s, Evan and Thorne produced studies of source amnesia. In one study, hypnotized subjects were taught answers to ambiguous facts and when they emerged from their hypnotic states, a third of the subjects were able to provide the correct answers. However, these subjects had no conscious memory of where they learned the material. Spontaneous and suggested amnesia can occur after hypnosis or in the individual. For most of the 19th century, researchers reported that post-hypnotic amnesia only occurred spontaneously because scientific knowledge of this type of amnesia was scant. Spontaneous post-hypnotic amnesia is a mild impairment of memory that results from exposure to hypnosis or testing. This type of amnesia can also be experienced across susceptibility groups, but to a much lesser extent and magnitude than post-hypnotic amnesia. Spontaneous amnesia has also been difficult to define as research bias has been found to influence many cases. In one study, participants were divided into two groups. One group received instructions to lose memory and half did not. The next day, the groups were reversed. The results showed that there was little spontaneous amnesia among all participants, leading to doubts about the actual occurrence of amnesia. It was later found that those who were more susceptible to hypnosis were more likely to have suggested amnesia after hypnosis than spontaneous amnesia. These results suggest that spontaneous amnesia is less common than suggested amnesia and that when high spontaneous amnesia scores are reported, some incidents may be false.
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Geriatric medicine
Lacunar amnesia is the loss of memory for a specific event. This type of amnesia occurs as a result of brain damage to the limbic system, which is responsible for memories and emotions. This damage leaves a gap or hole in the memory record within the cerebral cortex. There is a common belief that some emotions can be triggered by the lost memory without the event itself being remembered. Daniel Goleman defined the gap in his book "Vital Lies, Simple Truths" as: "The pattern of the mental system that represents the mental camouflage schemes." So the gap is the deliberate mechanism that creates a defensive gap in awareness. In short, it creates blind spots. Lacunar amnesia is also known to occur as a result of alcoholism, drug treatment, and withdrawal from treatment in some cases. A person may suffer from temporary or even permanent amnesia for a specific event after using these substances. Steven Johnson, author of "Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life," says: "Scientists believe that memories are captured and stored by two separate parts of the brain: the hippocampus, which is the natural memory center, and the amygdala, which is one of the emotional centers of the brain. People who are unable to form long-term memories due to hippocampal damage can still form unconscious memories of traumatic events if their amygdala is intact. This may be related to erasure or reconsolidation of memories. Several attempts have been made to restore consolidated and reconsolidated memories under the desired conditions. According to Alex Chadwick for NPR, “Some scientists now believe that memories are actively reconstructed each time they are activated. Studies in rats suggest that if you block a biochemical process during a learned behavior—for example, pushing a tool to get food—the learned behavior disappears. That’s what happened in the rat, and it stopped remembering. Theoretically, if you could block this chemical reaction in the human brain during a memory activation, you could do targeted erasure. Think of a terrible fight with your best friend while blocking this chemical reaction, and you see what happens: the memory disappears.” This is often claimed in criminal cases, where the victim or perpetrator insists that they have lost their memory of the event in question. While memories of the past and future events are not completely intact, there is only one specific memory of the event that has vanished. This condition is often associated with a feigned insanity. This type of amnesia was used as a central plot element in the 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, where all memories of a particular person are erased from a person's memory. The plot of the film suggests that the brain is designed to preserve emotionally powerful memories. Although the two main characters try to forget each other, they eventually find themselves together because of their strong feelings. The film's point of view is that even people with lacunar amnesia can recall their past feelings under the right circumstances. Memento is another film that incorporates this condition into its plot. The main character in this film suffers from retrograde amnesia—a type of amnesia that affects memories that were formed before the onset of amnesia, leaving the person unable to remember what happened months, years, or even more before the onset—but she still feels emotional attachment to events and people she has encountered before. People with the condition often feel uncomfortable with people who have wronged them in the past, even though they do not know the root cause of these feelings. All of the amnesia in these films is memory loss, whether in long-term or short-term memory.
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Geriatric medicine
Transient global amnesia is a neurological disorder that primarily involves a temporary but near-complete impairment of short-term memory and difficulty recalling old memories. A patient with transient global amnesia shows no other signs of impaired cognitive functioning, but remembers only the last few moments before losing consciousness, plus some encoded facts about his or her past, such as his or her childhood, family, or sometimes home. Both transient global amnesia and anterograde amnesia deal with short-term memory disorders; however, an episode of transient global amnesia generally lasts no more than 2 to 8 hours before the patient returns to normal with the ability to form new memories. A patient with anterograde amnesia may be unable to form new memories indefinitely. A person with transient global amnesia is temporarily unable to form new memories, but is generally in a balanced state of mind, has full knowledge of self and immediate family, maintains intact cognitive skills, and has a broad capacity for complex cognition and behavior. The individual simply cannot remember anything that happened beyond the past few minutes, while memory for distant events may or may not be largely intact but only temporarily. The degree of memory loss is profound, and when the patient is aware of his or her condition, it will often be accompanied by anxiety. Clinical diagnostic criteria for transient global amnesia include: Transient global amnesia generally begins rapidly, and its duration varies but generally lasts between 2 and 8 hours. A person with transient global amnesia has memories of the past few minutes or less, and cannot retain new information beyond that time period. One of its peculiar features is persistence, in which the patient repeats phrases or questions with complete fidelity and method, with identical intonations and gestures (similar to replaying a track over and over again), which occurs in almost all cases of transient global amnesia and is sometimes considered a defining feature of the condition. A person with transient global amnesia retains important social skills and older memories, including knowledge of his or her own identity and that of family members, and the ability to perform complex learned tasks such as driving and learned behavior, as one patient was able to continue assembling his car's generator. Despite appearing to be in good health, a person with transient global amnesia is disoriented in time and place, and may not know the year or where he or she lives. Although confusion has been reported occasionally, and some consider this observation to be inaccurate, heightened emotional states are common. According to a large survey, 11% of transient global amnesia patients described feeling emotional and 14% were afraid of dying. The condition becomes less severe over hours, old memories return first, amnesia becomes shorter, and the victim retains short-term memory for longer periods. Although the patient returns to normal within 24 hours, there are actually mild effects on memory that may last longer. In most cases, there are no long-term effects other than complete loss of memory for the period of time the patient experienced the condition and the hour or two before it began. In some cases, there is clear evidence of noticeable damage weeks or even years after the onset of transient global amnesia. There is also evidence that the victim knows something is not quite right, although they cannot pinpoint what it is. Sometimes patients show signs during the condition that they know they have just lost their memory, or that they believe they have had a stroke, although they are unaware of the other signs they are experiencing. The main sign of the condition is that they repeatedly do and say things that would not normally happen. The cause of transient global amnesia remains unclear. The main hypotheses are that the patient has a form of epilepsy, a problem with the blood circulation to or from the brain, or a migraine. Differential diagnosis is important in order to classify transient global amnesia as a heterogeneous clinical syndrome with multiple etiologies, mechanisms, and prognoses. Transient global amnesia attacks are associated with some form of precipitating event in at least one-third of cases. The most common precipitating events include vigorous exercise, swimming in cold water or exposure to temperature changes, and traumatic or stressful emotional events. There have been reports of transient global amnesia-like episodes occurring during certain medical procedures and medical conditions. One study reported two familial cases, in which two members of the same family experienced transient global amnesia, out of 114 cases. This suggests a small probability that transient global amnesia is a familial occurrence. When the definition of precipitating events is expanded to include events occurring days or weeks prior, and stressful burdens such as financial worries, attending a funeral, or being overwhelmed by fatigue or childcare responsibilities, the vast majority of transient global amnesia attacks will be associated with precipitating events. Some research has examined the role of common psychological factors, as people with TGA show high levels of anxiety and/or depression. Emotional instability may leave some people vulnerable to stress and thus be associated with TGA. When compared to patients who have had TGA, TIA patients are more likely to have some form of emotional problem in their personal or family history, or to have previously suffered from some form of phobia. Cerebral ischemia is a potential cause that is often disputed, at least for some TGA patients. Until the 1990s, TGA was thought to be a secondary form of TIA that occurred as a result of some form of cerebrovascular disease. Those who argue against vascular causes justify their position by saying that TGA patients are no more likely than the general population to develop cerebrovascular disease later on. In fact, compared to TIA patients, TGA patients have a significantly lower risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, and death from these events. However, other vascular causes are still possible. According to research into jugular vein valve insufficiency in patients with transient global amnesia, transient global amnesia in these cases had an important effect. One current hypothesis is that transient global amnesia may be caused by cerebral venous congestion, leading to hypoperfusion of brain regions associated with memory, such as the hippocampus. It has been shown that performing the Valsalva maneuver may help to induce retrograde blood flow in the jugular vein, thus restoring normal blood circulation in these patients.
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Geriatric medicine
Drug-related blackout is a phenomenon caused by the ingestion of any substance or medication and thus results in impairment of short-term or long-term memory, due to the complete inability to recall the past. Blackout is often described as having similar effects to anterograde amnesia in that the subject cannot recall any events after the event that caused the amnesia. EM Jellinek conducted research on alcohol-related blackout in the 1940s. Using data from a survey of Alcoholics Anonymous members, he came to believe that blackout would be a good marker of alcoholism. However, there are conflicting opinions as to whether this is true. The negative psychological effects of alcohol-related blackout are often increased by those with anxiety disorders. Liver dysfunction will also allow more alcohol to reach the brain and accelerate the individual's loss of consciousness. The term "blackout" can also refer to a complete loss of consciousness, blackout, or coma. Several studies have led to evidence of links between general alcohol consumption and its effects on memory capacity. These studies have shown in particular how a drunk or intoxicated person makes fewer connections between words and things than a normal person would. Studies of blackouts have later suggested that alcohol specifically impairs the brain’s ability to take short-term memories and experiences and transfer them to long-term memory. It is a common misconception that blackouts generally only occur in alcoholics; however, research suggests that individuals who engage in binge drinking, such as many college students, are also at risk. In a 2002 survey of college students by researchers at Duke University Medical Center, 40% of those surveyed who had recently consumed alcohol reported experiencing blackouts in the previous year. In one study, a sample of individuals was collected and divided into groups based on whether or not they had experienced partial blackouts within the past year. The groups were also divided based on those who had received alcohol and those who had not. In their drinking challenge, participants were given one drink for ten minutes until they achieved a target blood alcohol level of 0.08%. Drinks for the alcohol condition contained a 3:1 ratio of mixer to vodka. After 30 minutes, exhaled breath samples were recorded and recorded every 30 minutes thereafter. On a narrative recall test, those who received alcohol and FB+ recalled fewer narrative details after a 30-minute delay but there were no significant interaction effects. The following day, participants were recalled and tested on their narrative recall and cue recall. The results were that those who had consumed alcohol showed lower 30-minute delayed recall and next-day recall than those who had not consumed alcohol, but there were no significant effects on detail recall. Their study also revealed that those who had also consumed FB+ and alcohol performed worse on contextual recall than other participants. Alcohol impairs delayed recall and next-day narrative but not full cue recall the next day, suggesting that the information is available in memory but temporarily inaccessible. Those with a history of partial blackouts also performed worse on delayed recall than those who had not had previous blackouts. Neuroimaging shows that deleted recall and free recall are associated with differential neural activation in distinct neural networks: sensory and conceptual or imaginative. Together, these findings suggest that the differential effects of alcohol on free and emergent recall may be the result of a substance altering neural activity in conceptual networks rather than sensory networks. Previous experiences of unconsciousness also appear to be associated with impaired conceptual networks. Unconsciousness can be broadly divided into two categories, “global” unconsciousness and “partial” unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is generally characterized by the inability to recall any memories from the period of intoxication, even when prompted. These unconsciousness states are also characterized by the ability to easily recall things that happened within the last two minutes, with an inability to recall anything prior to this period. As such, a person experiencing global unconsciousness may not appear to do so, as they can carry on conversations or even perform difficult feats. The end of this type of unconsciousness is difficult to determine, as sleep usually occurs before the end of the sleep period, although it is possible for global unconsciousness to end if the sufferer stops drinking in the meantime. Fragmentary loss of consciousness is characterized by a person having the ability to recall specific events from a period of intoxication, yet not realizing that other memories are missing until reminded of the presence of these 'gaps' in the memory. Research suggests that such cases of partial loss of consciousness are more common than global loss of consciousness. Memory impairment during acute intoxication involves a disruption of episodic memory, a type of memory encoded by spatial and social context. Recent studies have shown that there are multiple memory systems supported by separate brain regions, and that the acute effects of alcohol, learning and memory, may result from alterations in the hippocampus and related structures at the cellular level. A rapid increase in blood alcohol concentration is consistently associated with the likelihood of loss of consciousness. However, not all subjects experience loss of consciousness, suggesting that genetic factors play a role in determining the susceptibility of the central nervous system to the effects of alcohol. The former may predispose an individual to alcoholism, as altered memory function during intoxication may affect an individual's anticipation of alcohol; one may perceive the positive aspects of intoxication while inadvertently ignoring the negative aspects.
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Geriatric medicine
Childhood amnesia, or childhood amnesia, is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories before the age of two to four years, as well as the period before age 10 when adults retain fewer memories than would be expected given the passage of time. Some believe that the development of cognitive ability has an effect on the encoding and storage of early memories. Some research has shown that children can remember events from as early as one year old, but these memories may decline as children get older. Most psychologists disagree on the definition of compensation for childhood amnesia. Some define it as the age at which the first memory can be retrieved. This is usually around age three or four, but it can range from two to eight years. Changes in the encoding, storage, and retrieval of memories during early childhood are all important when considering childhood amnesia. Childhood amnesia was first formally reported by psychologist Caroline Miles in her article, “A Study of Individual Psychology,” in 1895 in the American Journal of Psychology. Five years later, Henry and Henry published a survey that showed that most of the earliest memories for most respondents occurred between the ages of two and four. In In 1904, G. Stanley Hall noted this phenomenon in his book, Adolescence: Psychology and Its Relation to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education. In 1910, Sigmund Freud provided one of the most famous and controversial descriptions and explanations of childhood amnesia. Using psychoanalytic theory, he hypothesized that early life events had been repressed because of their inappropriate sexual nature. He asserted that childhood amnesia was a precursor to the “hysterical amnesia” or repression of memories presented by his adult patients. Freud asked his patients to recall their earliest memories and found that they had difficulty recalling events before the ages of six to eight. Freud coined the term “infancy amnesia” and discussed the phenomenon in his Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. In 1972, Campbell and Speer published a seminal review of childhood amnesia in psychological science that summarized the research that had been done to understand this topic from a neurological and behavioral perspective in both human and animal models. The way a memory is retrieved can influence what can be Retrieval. Specifically, whether the individual is asked to recall a specific event, given more general instructions, or asked to recall any possible memory, the cueing method produces different results. Many studies use cuing to retrieve memories. In its basic form, the experimenter gives the participant a word, and the participant responds with the first memory they can think of associated with that word. This method has generally estimated the age of displacement to be around three to five but can vary. However, there are several objections to the cueing method. One memory is recorded for each cue word, so it can be difficult to know whether this memory is their oldest memory or the first memory that came to mind. This can be problematic if participants are not asked to record the earliest memory they can remember that is related to the cue. If the experimenter asks the participant to use childhood memories specifically or early memories associated with a cue, the age estimate can range from two to eight years. Even with this procedure, cued recall is only useful for recalling memories that were formed several months after the word entered the participant’s vocabulary. One study by Bauer and Larkina (2013) used cuing The guidance is by asking children and adults to recall a personal memory related to the word in question and then to indicate the earliest time it occurred. The researchers found that younger children needed more prompts or cues. However, for both children and adults, the first memory recall was around three years of age. Free recall refers to the specific model in the psychological study of memory in which participants study a list of items in a given experiment and are then asked to recall the items in any order. Free recall, in relation to childhood amnesia, is the process by which experimenters ask individuals for their earliest memories and allow participants to respond freely. There is little difference when people are asked to recall their earliest memories with cued recall compared to free recall. However, it is thought that the main advantage of free recall is that each question is answered, which in turn may lead to the recall of memories from an earlier age. In the exhaustive recall method, participants are asked to list all the memories they have access to before a certain age. This method, like free recall, relies on participants to form memories without cues. Exhaustive recall yields a better understanding than others of how many memories have survived from early childhood, but It can be difficult for people who often have to spend hours trying to remember events from their childhood. No significant differences were found between word recall, interview, focused and exhaustive recall. The amount of early childhood memories a person can recall depends on many factors, including the emotions associated with the event, their age at the time of the event being remembered and the age at the time they are asked to recall an early memory. Although people assume that not remembering a childhood memory means they have forgotten the event, there is a difference between availability and accessibility. Availability of a memory is the idea that a memory is intact and that it is stored in memory. Accessibility of a memory is determined by the moment in time when a person is trying to retrieve that memory. Therefore, cues may influence which memories are accessible at any given time, although there may be many memories available that are not accessible. Some other research suggests that people’s earliest memories go back to ages 3 or 4. Osher and Neisser reported that some events, such as the planned birth of a sibling in the hospital, are easily recalled if they occur at age 2. However, The bits and pieces of these memories obtained in their research may not be indicative of true episodic memory. An alternative hypothesis is that these apparent memories are the result of educated guesses, general knowledge of what should be, or external information acquired after the age of two. According to a study by West and Burr, their research suggests that earlier memories have less emotional content than later memories, and are less personally significant, unique, and emotional. Earlier memories do not appear to differ greatly in perspective. However, certain life events lead to more vivid and earlier memories. Adults find it easier to recall memories of personal, rather than general, events from early childhood. This means that a person will remember getting a dog, but not the appearance of Halley's Comet. Psychologists have debated the age of early adult memories. So far, estimates have ranged from 2 to 6–8 years of age. Some research shows that the catch-up for childhood amnesia is 2 years of age for the birth of a sibling and 3 years for the death or change of home. Thus, some memories are available from Early childhood than previous research has suggested. Some research suggests that until about age 4, children cannot form context-rich memories. Although more evidence is needed, the relative lack of episodic memories from early childhood may be related to the maturation of the prefrontal cortex. It also suggests that adults can access fragmented memories from about age 3, while memories of events are typically recalled a little later. This is similar to research showing the difference between personal memories and well-known events. Well-known memories change to more personal memories at about age 4.7. Children can form memories at a younger age than adults can remember. While the efficiency of encoding and storage processes allows older children to remember more, young children also have a large memory capacity. Infants can remember sequences of actions, the objects used to produce them, and the order in which the actions unfold, suggesting that they possess the precursors to autobiographical memory. Children remember with 50% accuracy events that occurred before age 2, while adults remember almost nothing before that age. By age 2, children can retrieve memories several weeks later, suggesting That these memories can become relatively permanent could explain why some people have memories from this young age. Children also show an ability to remember events that happened before they had the vocabulary to describe them nonverbally, whereas adults do not. Such findings have prompted research into when and why people lose these previously accessible memories. Some suggest that as children get older, they lose the ability to recall memories that preceded verbalization. One explanation for this is that after language skills are developed, memories that were not verbally encoded are lost within the mind. This theory also explains why many individuals’ early memories are fragmented—the nonverbal components are lost. However, contrary findings suggest that primary-age children remember more precise details about events than they reported at a younger age and that children between the ages of 6 and 9 tend to have verbal memories from very early childhood. However, research on animal models seems to suggest that childhood amnesia is not due solely to the development of language or any other human faculty. This increased ability of children to remember their early years does not begin In fading until children reach double digits. By age 11, children show levels of childhood amnesia seen in young adults. These findings may suggest that there are some aspects of the adolescent brain, or neurobiological processes of adolescence, that trigger childhood amnesia. The phenomenon of childhood amnesia is not limited to humans. This was initially investigated in mouse models and found that younger mice forget a conditioned avoidance response to a shock-paired chamber more quickly than older mice. These findings have also been replicated in a number of different species with different learning paradigms. The importance of animal model research should not be underestimated because these studies have reported neurobiological findings about childhood amnesia and would be ethically impossible to conduct in humans. Because childhood amnesia has been observed in animals, its occurrence cannot be explained solely by human-specific cognition such as language or self-understanding. Of course, a major criticism of animal models is that development and cognition in animals and humans are quite different. Researchers have attempted to address this by creating timelines for animal development based on changes in learning and memory abilities, brain development, and hormones. Many factors influence memory in humans, including gender and culture. Differences in early memory between these groups can tell us about the possible causes and effects of childhood amnesia. Importantly, the individual differences described below tell us that parenting styles and an emphasis on cultural history when educating children may lead to recall of early childhood memories. This suggests that compensation for childhood amnesia can be modified by parenting and education styles, and is therefore not entirely predetermined or biological. In general, when a gender discrepancy in age at first memories is found, females have Earlier memories than males. Women’s earliest memories may be explained by the fact that mothers generally have a more detailed, evaluative, and emotionally reminiscent style with daughters than with sons, which has been shown to result in richer childhood memories. Women across cultures tend to have more information-dense memories than men, and women tend to refer to others more often in their earliest memories. Men, on the other hand, show a greater focus of early memory on their individual selves. Men have been found to be more likely than women to report negative memories. In contrast, studies have shown that girls are more likely to remember traumatic and transitional events, while boys often remember play events. Early memories have also been found to be more accurate in their reflections of male friendliness and female dominance. MacDonald et al. found that Chinese participants had earlier, later memories than New Zealand European or Maori participants. This effect was due to Chinese women, who had a mean age at first memory of 6.1 years. This suggests that Chinese women have later memories than Chinese men, which differs from the general finding that women report earlier first memories than men. It has been suggested that because sons are valued more highly than daughters in China, parents may have more detailed, evaluative, and emotionally reminiscent styles with boys than with girls. Among American subjects, black women have been found to have later memories than black males or white females. Black women also tend to report lower rates of personal experience, which is independently associated with older age at first memory. White fathers may be more likely to use elaborative reminiscence prompts than black fathers with their daughters in black American cultures. The finding that Korean individuals have significantly later first memories than American individuals was originally thought to be due to the collectivistic nature of Asian cultures. The lack of an age discrepancy between Chinese males and New Zealand European individuals casts doubt on this theory. In addition, studies of black American populations, which are considered a more collectivistic society, have not reported later first memories than non-collectivistic cultures. However, children from Western cultures have been shown to report more detailed and emotional accounts than children from Eastern cultures. Maori adults report earlier memories The traditional focus on the past in Māori culture may have led to an early understanding of the nature of time, and the recovery of past memories. Māori are also more likely than Pakeha or Chinese individuals to cite a family story as the source of their memory. Individuals' earliest memories reflect their personality traits to a large extent. People who reveal more detailed memories are more likely to be open in their daily lives and to reveal a range of personal information to others. The characteristics of early memories reflect male friendliness and female dominance. Even when childhood events are not remembered episodically, they can be remembered implicitly. Humans can be conditioned and trained implicitly early on before they can recall facts or autobiographical events. This is most important in terms of emotional trauma. Adults can generally recall events from the age of 3–4 years, and have primarily experiential memories beginning at around 4.7 years. However, some suggest that adults with a traumatic and abusive early childhood report a recovery from childhood amnesia around 5–7 years. It has been suggested that this is because stressful experiences can harm Memory centers and may make it more difficult to form memories. This, coupled with the fact that priming can occur at a younger age, may suggest that children in abusive situations have implicit memory associations that were formed in response to the abuse. Whether or not these “repressed” memories can affect individuals is a matter of much debate in psychology. Very few adults have memories prior to 2.5 years of age. Those who report memories prior to this age are usually unable to distinguish between personal memory of the event and simple knowledge of it, which may have come from other sources. Events that occurred after the age of 10 are relatively easy to remember correctly, while memories from the age of 2 are often confused with images and false memories. Memories from early childhood are susceptible to false suggestion, making them less reliable. These should be treated with caution, especially if they have serious consequences. Imagining the details of a false event can encourage the generation of false memories. Studies have shown that people who merely imagine an event in childhood are more likely to believe it happened to them than events they have not imagined. This term has been coined imagination inflation and suggests that merely imagining An event that can make it seem more plausible that it actually happened. Using the same model, people who are shown a fake image of themselves as a child in an event that never happened can create false memories of the event by imagining the event over time. Therefore, this suggests that it would be possible to create false memories. This concern has led the American Psychological Association to advise caution in accepting memories of physically and sexually abusive events before the age of two. However, they also recommend not dismissing these memories entirely, due to the heinous nature of the crimes. Sigmund Freud is famous for his theories of psychosexual development that suggest that people's personality traits stem from sexual desires that develop from early childhood experiences. Freud's trauma theory, originally called the "seduction theory," posits that childhood amnesia was the result of the mind's attempt to repress memories of traumatic events that occurred in each child's psychosexual development. This supposedly led to the repression of the majority of memories from the early years of life when children were supposedly obsessed with exploring their sexuality. It is worth noting that Freud himself abandoned this theory in the late 19th century. The theory was exposed Freud, including his explanation of childhood amnesia, has been criticized for his heavy use of anecdotal evidence rather than scientific research, and for his observations that allow for multiple interpretations. While Freud's psychosexual theory has been widely debunked, there are some ideas to be made about the effect of childhood emotional abuse on memory. Examination of the effects of emotional trauma and childhood amnesia shows that stressful experiences do in fact disrupt memory and can damage central parts of the memory system such as the hippocampus and amygdala. Adults who were abused or traumatized in childhood form their earliest memories about 2–3 years later than the general population. Additionally, they have shown significant problems storing and retrieving visual, pictorial, and facial memories compared to non-traumatized individuals. This suggests that trauma can disrupt the formation of early childhood memories, but it does not necessarily provide evidence for Freud's repression theory. The amygdala and hippocampus are generally independent, but emotions and the amygdala are known to play a role in memory encoding, which is typically associated with the hippocampus. Research has found that later childhood memories have suggestive content. More emotional than previous memories and are rated as more vivid and vivid. It has been suggested that differences in the emotions experienced by infants and adults may be a cause of childhood amnesia. Whether highly emotional events can stimulate and improve reliable recall is still a matter of much debate. Some studies have found that emotional experiences are associated with faster retrieval times, leading to the belief that emotional events have increased the accessibility of our memories. If an event is particularly surprising, it receives priority processing in the brain, likely for evolutionary reasons. Evolutionary psychology holds that if a past event is particularly frightening or upsetting, one is able to avoid a similar situation in the future, especially if it jeopardizes one’s well-being. Additionally, the more significant the event, the greater the impact it has and the more times it has been rehearsed. Various findings have shown that events such as hospitalization and the birth of a sibling are associated with early childhood amnesia, which may be because they were emotionally memorable. However, other apparently emotional memories such as the death of a family member or having to move do not affect displacement, perhaps because the events They were not meaningful to the child. Therefore, some memories from early childhood are more available than others, leading to the conclusion that highly emotional events can be encoded and retrieved earlier than non-emotional events. One possible explanation for childhood amnesia is the lack of neural development of the infant's brain, which prevents the formation of long-term or autobiographical memories. The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, two key structures in the neuroanatomy of memory, do not develop into mature structures until about age three or four. These structures are known to be involved in the formation of autobiographical memories. The physiological approach seems to support the findings of amnesia in relation to amnesiacs and others who have suffered damage to the hippocampus. They cannot efficiently store or recall memories of past events, but they still exhibit perceptual and cognitive skills and can still learn new information. The development of the medial temporal lobe, which contains the hippocampus, has been found to have a specific influence on the ability to encode and maintain memories from early childhood. While the neurological explanation explains the gaps in memories in very young children, it does not provide a complete explanation for childhood amnesia because it fails to account for the years after age four. It also fails to address the problem that children themselves do not develop childhood amnesia. Children as young as two and three have been found to remember things that happened when they were only one to two years old. This finding that three-year-olds can retrieve memories from earlier in their lives suggests that all the necessary neural structures are present. To remember episodic information in the short term, but it is clear that it will not persist in the long term into adulthood. The finding that all species experience profound forgetting of information formed during childhood suggests that anthropocentric explanations for childhood amnesia are inherently incomplete. A comprehensive understanding of childhood amnesia will require a neurobiological explanation of why children forget. However, there are reasons to believe that different interhemispheric connections have an impact on recall of events from very early in life. Mixed saccades and bilateral blinking eye movements have been associated with earlier displacement of childhood amnesia, leading to the conclusion that interactions between the hemispheres are associated with increased memory for events in early childhood. Research into the neural substrates of childhood amnesia using animal models has found that the major inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid may be involved in regulating the retrieval of childhood memories in adults. GABA activity is known to be higher in early childhood development than in adulthood, not only in animals but also in humans. The researchers hypothesized that increased activity GABA in development has an impact on memory retrieval later in life. Previous studies have shown that GABA helps forget childhood fear memories and that it may be a general mechanism for regulating infant memory retrieval. This can also be seen in humans. Benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive drugs that increase GABA expression and are known to cause anterograde amnesia, or the failure to encode memories after drug administration. People taking benzodiazepines have been found to perform worse on learning and memory tasks than naïve subjects. Previously, it was assumed that neurogenesis, or the ongoing production of neurons, was terminated after development. However, recent findings have shown that there are high levels of neurogenesis in the hippocampus in early childhood that gradually decline into adulthood, although neurogenesis continues slowly. Since the hippocampus is known to be vital for memory processes, there are clear implications for childhood amnesia. Animal research has shown that the age of high neurogenesis is during a period of development when stable memories are less likely to be formed. It has been suggested that neurogenesis in the hippocampus leads to the deterioration of existing memories. This may be due to increased Competition between new and existing neurons, followed by replacement of synapses in pre-existing memory circuits. This theory has been supported in mouse models where increased levels of neurogenesis also led to forgetting. In addition, decreased neurogenesis after a new memory was formed led to reduced forgetting. Are infants’ “lost” memories permanently erased or do they gradually become inaccessible over time? Consistent with a deficit in memory retrieval, optogenetic reactivation of neural populations that encoded memory drives memory recall in adulthood. In addition, memories are consolidated via transfer from the hippocampus to the cortex. This transfer occurs preferentially during periods of high excitability in the hippocampus, i.e., during spike oscillations. Spike oscillations represent increased communication between the hippocampus and the cortex. This increase in experience-related activity does not occur until a certain age, suggesting that this may be a mechanism for amnesia in children. Some also believe that the development of the cognitive self has a strong influence on the encoding and storage of early memories. As young children grow older, a developing sense of self begins to emerge as they become aware that they are a person with unique and specific characteristics and have thoughts and individual feelings separate from others. As they gain a sense of self, they can begin to organize autobiographical experiences and retain memories of past events. This is also known as the development of a theory of mind, which refers to the child’s acceptance that he or she has beliefs, knowledge, and ideas that no one else has access to. The developmental explanation asserts that young children have a good understanding of semantic information but lack the retrieval processes needed to link past and present episodic events to create a personal autobiography. Young children do not appear to have a continuous sense of self over time until they develop an awareness of themselves as an individual human being. Some research suggests that this awareness is thought to form around the age of 4 or 5, at which point children can understand that recent past events affect the present, whereas 3-year-olds are still unable to grasp this concept. This recognized connection of the past to the present and the concept of continuous time and thus the continuous self is also aided by memory talk with adults. By explaining and repeating the events they have experienced, adults help children encode memories as part of their personal past and they become essential to their being. The incomplete development of language in young children is thought to be a crucial cause Infancy amnesia is because infants do not yet have the language capacity to encode autobiographical memories. The usual timeline for language development seems to support this theory. There seems to be a direct relationship between language development in children and the early age at which we can obtain childhood memories. Performance on verbal and nonverbal memory tasks shows that children with more advanced language abilities can report more during a verbal interview and demonstrate superior nonverbal memory compared to children with less advanced language skills. If children lack language, they will not be able to describe memories from infancy because they do not have the words and knowledge to explain them. Adults and children can often recall memories from around three or four years of age during a period of rapid language development. Before language develops, children often retain verbal memories and may use symbols to represent them. Therefore, once language develops, one can effectively describe one’s memories in words. The context in which one encodes or retrieves memories is different for adults and infants because language is not present during infancy. Language allows children to organize their personal experiences of the past and present and to share these memories with others. Others. This exchange of dialogue makes children aware of their personal past and encourages them to think about their cognitive selves and how past activities have affected them in the present. Several studies have shown that simply discussing events with children, in general, can lead to easier memory retrieval. There has also been research indicating that the degree to which a child discusses events with adults shapes autobiographical memory. This has implications for gender and cultural differences. Autobiographical memory begins to emerge when parents engage in memory talk with their children and encourage them to think about why a particular event occurred. Memory talk allows children to develop memory systems for categorizing general versus unique events. The sociocultural developmental perspective states that language and culture play a role in the development of a child’s autobiographical memory. An important aspect of this theory is the difference between parents who discuss memories at length with their children in a detailed manner, and those who do not discuss memories. Children of parents who discuss memories with them in a detailed manner report a greater number of memories than children who do not discuss their memories. The memories are described in more detail. This has implications for cultural differences.
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Geriatric medicine
Psychogenic amnesia or dissociative amnesia is a memory disorder resulting from a sudden decline in memory and loss of autobiographical memory that occurs over a period of time ranging from a few hours to years. Dissociative amnesia has been defined as a dissociative disorder "in which memory lapses are characterized by retrograde recall, and these lapses include the inability to recall personal information, often of a traumatic or stressful nature." The change from to , dissociative fugue is now included under dissociative amnesia. Dissociative amnesia is an atypical clinical syndrome, in which a person with psychogenic amnesia is largely unable to recall personal information about himself. The person also suffers from a lack of self-awareness and self-knowledge that affects even basic knowledge of the person, such as who they are. Psychogenic amnesia is distinguished from organic amnesia in that it is assumed to result from non-organic causes, with no obvious damage or destruction to the brain or brain structure or brain lesion. However, some forms of stress and psychological distress may contribute to psychogenic amnesia, however psychogenic amnesia as a memory disorder is controversial. Information about psychogenic amnesia: Psychogenic amnesia is defined as a state of retrograde memory. This leads to impairment of episodic memory, but the degree of impairment of short-term memory, semantic memory, and procedural memory varies between cases. If other memory processes are affected, they are usually much less severe than autobiographical amnesia, and this is considered an advantage over psychogenic amnesia. However, the diversity of memory impairments among psychogenic amnesias raises questions about the correct neuropsychological criteria, despite extensive studies of a wide range of cases, few of which have shown that memory deficits are specific to psychogenic amnesia. Previous studies have suggested that psychogenic amnesia can be "situational" or "transient", the former referring to loss of memory for a specific event, and the latter relating to gaps in retrieval memory over several years in the domain of identity and personal information. The most common example of transient global psychogenic amnesia is "fugue states" in which there is a sudden retrograde loss of memory for personal and autobiographical information, resulting in impaired recollection of personal identity and often accompanied by a period of wonder and disorientation. Suspect cases were identified in the 1935 study by Abeles and Schilder. There are many clinical anecdotes of psychogenic amnesia or dissociative forgetting due to stresses ranging from child molestation to soldiers returning from combat. The neurological etiology of psychogenic amnesia is controversial. Even in cases of organic amnesia, where there is a lesion or damage to the brain, care must be taken in determining the cause, except in cases of direct damage to brain areas involved in memory processing, in which case memory impairment may result. Detecting organic causes of amnesia can be difficult, and organic and psychological causes are often intertwined. Failure to identify the organic cause may lead to the amnesia being diagnosed as psychogenic, however organic causes may not be detected at diagnosis, while non-organic causes may be assigned as organic, even though there is no obvious functional impairment. Malingering must also be taken into account when diagnosing the condition. Some researchers have warned against psychogenic amnesia being "trash canned" when organic amnesia is not obvious. Other researchers have been quick to defend the idea of psychogenic amnesia and the right of the person to be diagnosed as suffering from a clinical disorder. It is interesting to note that diagnoses of psychogenic amnesia have declined since the agreement in the field of transient global amnesia. There is also speculation about psychogenic amnesia due to the similarity with pure retrograde amnesia, as they share the same retrograde amnesia. Also, although there is no obvious functional impairment or brain damage in pure retrograde amnesia, unlike psychogenic amnesia, psychological or psychological triggers are not thought to be irrelevant to the condition of retrograde amnesia. Psychogenic triggers such as emotional stress are common in our daily lives, and pure retrograde amnesia is still considered very rare. Also, the lack of identification of organic damage does not mean that it is not present and it is likely that psychological factors and organic causes are present in retrograde amnesia. Comparison with organic amnesia: Psychogenic amnesia is thought to differ from organic amnesia in a number of ways. One is that unlike organic amnesia, psychogenic amnesia is thought to occur when there is no obvious brain damage or lesions. Psychogenic triggers almost always precede psychogenic amnesia. Several anecdotal case studies have provided evidence that psychogenic amnesia arises from traumatic experiences such as World War II. As mentioned earlier, the etiology of psychogenic amnesia remains controversial, as the cause is often unclear. What is common to all cases is the presence of psychological stress and organic amnesia. Often, but not necessarily, a prior history of psychiatric illness such as depression is present along with the stressor. The absence of psychological evidence of the amnesia does not mean that it is not present; for example, childhood trauma can cause amnesia later in life; however, this argument runs the risk of psychogenic amnesia becoming a term for any amnesia that has no apparent organic cause. Given the difficulty of defining organic amnesia, determining the difference between organic and psychogenic amnesia is not easy, and experiences and experiences are often taken into account in the diagnosis, as well as the symptoms of the patient. Amnesia is supposed to differ from organic amnesia qualitatively, as retrograde amnesia of autobiographical memory occurs despite the integrity of deductive memory. Another difference between psychogenic and organic amnesia is the temporal progression of retrograde autobiographical amnesia. The temporal progression of forgetting in most cases of organic amnesia is most severe in the period immediately preceding the disease, while for psychogenic amnesia, the temporal progression of psychogenic amnesia is consistently large. Although there are many studies of psychogenic amnesia that contrast with organic amnesia, the distinction between psychogenic and neurological features is often difficult and remains controversial. Brain activity in psychogenic amnesia can be assessed using imaging techniques such as CT scans, based on clinical data. Some research has suggested that organic and psychogenic amnesia share to some extent the same structure and composition of the temporal hierarchical region of the brain. It has been suggested that episodic memory deficits may be due to dysfunction of the limbic system, while deficits or defects in self-identity have been suggested to be due to functional changes associated with the posterior parietal cortex. We always repeat that caution must be exercised when attempting to establish a causal relationship, since cause and effect may be intertwined. Since psychogenic amnesia is defined as being caused by the absence of physical brain damage or injury, it is difficult to determine treatment by physical means. However, distinguishing between organic and dissociative amnesia is described as a key step in effective treatments. Treatment in the past has attempted to alleviate psychogenic amnesia by treating the mind itself, guided by theories ranging from concepts such as the "betrayal theory" to drug-induced amnesia. Treatment attempts often revolved around discovering the trauma that caused the amnesia, as well as relying on medications such as intravenous sedatives, which were most popular in the treatment of psychogenic amnesia during World War II, and were later replaced by benzodiazepines. "Confidence serums" were thought to work by making the traumatic memory more palatable to express by reducing the emotional intensity of the memory. Under the influence of these drugs, the patient may be more willing to talk about what happened to him or her. However, the information extracted from the patient under the influence of drugs such as sedatives may be a mixture of fact and fiction, and thus not scientific in gathering accurate evidence of past events. Treatment has often aimed to treat the patient as a whole, and practice may have varied in different settings. Hypnosis was also a popular method of eliciting information from people about their past experiences, but like "truth" drugs, this technique served only to lower the threshold of suggestibility, so that the patient would speak easily but not necessarily be truthful. If the motive for the amnesia was not immediately apparent, deeper motives were often sought by intense questioning of the patient, often using hypnosis and "truth" drugs. In many cases, patients were found to recover from their amnesia on their own, so they did not need treatment. Psychogenic amnesia is a fictional plot device in many films, books, and other media. Examples include Shakespeare's King Lear who suffered from amnesia and madness after his daughters' betrayal, the character of Nianna in the 1978 opera by Nicholas DeLiaras, Jackie Chan in Who Am I, Roy Gibbs's Ter Boer in 24, Victoria Lord in One Life to Live, Bryn in The Mysterious Skin, and Jason Bourne in the Bourne trilogy.
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Geriatric medicine
Transient epileptic amnesia (TEA) is a rare but often underdiagnosed neurological condition characterized by relatively brief, recurrent episodes of amnesia due to underlying temporal lobe epilepsy. Although the descriptions of the condition are based on fewer than 100 cases published in the medical literature, and the largest single study to date involved 50 people with TEA, TEA has considerable theoretical significance and competing theories of memory in humans attempt to reconcile its findings. People with TEA have a severe decline in short-term memory, so that they have great difficulty recalling events in the few minutes preceding the attack, or events in the hours before the onset of the attack, and even memories of important events in recent years may be absent during the amnesic episode. Some patients report short-term retrograde amnesia, causing them to not recognize their home or family members, although they are aware of their own identity. The onset of TEA is sudden. Three-quarters of reported cases have been reported upon awakening. In attacks that begin while fully awake, olfactory hallucinations, a “strange taste” or nausea are reported. Less than half of cases involve olfactory or gustatory hallucinations, and more than a third involve involuntary movements. A quarter of attacks involve a brief period of unresponsiveness. However, in most cases there are no warning signs. During an attack, the patient’s cognitive function is generally unaffected; perception, communication and attention are normal for most of the attack. In half of the reported cases, behaviour involves repetitive questioning as the brain fails to form new memories or retrieve a range of recent experiences. The UK’s Memory Loss in Epilepsy website describes an attack as follows: During an attack, the patient loses the ability to remember things that happened in the past days or weeks. Sometimes, the amnesia can affect events that happened in the past. The person often has difficulty storing new information and may repeat the same question, such as “What day is it today?” or “What are we supposed to do today?” However, the patient does not lose their sense of who they are and can often recognise close friends or relatives. The person's physical appearance usually remains normal. Observers may notice pale skin, brief "aphasic loss of communication" such as not being aware of the person witnessing the attack, or involuntary movements such as swallowing, lip smacking, or hand fidgeting. But in most cases, the patient responds appropriately to the condition. He or she can continue conversations and perform activities such as dressing, walking, or even playing golf. Attacks typically last 20–60 minutes. Some attacks may last less than five minutes. Much longer attacks have been reported; in a 2007 study of 50 cases of transient epileptic amnesia, one lasted four days and another two days. These unusual cases "may be due to ongoing seizure activity or to persistent post-ictal dysfunction of memory-related brain structures." Transient amnesia can be the primary manifestation of epilepsy. However, doctors rarely suspect the diagnosis and it remains controversial. Transient epileptic amnesia is frequently misdiagnosed, according to one leading authority. In the largest study to date, “epilepsy was the primary diagnosis in only 12 of the 50 cases.” Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that more than a third of cases have normal EEG readings after the attack. However, because TEA recurs on average 12 times a year, witnesses and physicians may be able to recognize the condition retrospectively; the average delay in diagnosis of TEA in a 2007 study was 12 months. TEA is a form of focal seizure, “the most common type of epilepsy in adults,” unlike tonic-clonic or grand mal seizures, in which sufferers lose consciousness and convulse. Diagnostic criteria for the disorder were established in a 2007 study of 50 confirmed cases based on clinical features that distinguish transient epileptic amnesia from transient global amnesia, with which transient epileptic amnesia is often compared: Transient epileptic amnesia responds well to low doses of antiepileptic drugs, resulting in cessation of seizure activity in 45 of 47 patients. The frequency of seizures decreased in patients treated with these drugs. However, no cases of recovery of lost memory were reported, although there have been suggestions that the rate of memory decline may be improved with these drugs.
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Geriatric medicine
Post-traumatic amnesia is a disorder that occurs as a direct result of a traumatic brain injury, in which the affected person is confused and unable to remember events that occurred after the injury. The person is unable to remember their condition or name, their location, or the time. New events cannot be stored in memory. About a third of patients with mild head injuries are thought to have what is called post-traumatic amnesia, in which the patient can remember only some of the events. During post-traumatic amnesia, the patient's consciousness is clouded. Post-traumatic amnesia includes confusion or disorientation in addition to the usual memory loss, so the term post-traumatic amnesia has been proposed as an alternative term. There are two types of amnesia: retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia. Both types may be called post-accident amnesia, or the term may be used to refer to anterograde amnesia only. Anterograde amnesia may not appear until hours after the injury, and symptoms usually improve less after loss of consciousness. A common example of head injuries in sports is a player who was able to perform the complex mental tasks of leading a football team after sustaining a concussion will have no memory of the game the next day. People with retrograde amnesia may recover partial memories later, but with anterograde amnesia memories cannot be recovered because they were not encoded accurately. The term was first used in 1928 in a paper by Simonds, who referred to the period between the injury and the return of stable and complete memory, which includes the time during which the patient was unconscious. The recovery of memories may follow a time course depending on the age of the memories, described by Ribot's law. It has been proposed as the best measure of the severity of head trauma, but may not be a reliable predictor of outcome. However, the duration of amnesia may be related to the likelihood of developing psychological and behavioral problems. Classification systems for determining the severity of brain injury may use duration of amnesia alone or in combination with other factors such as Glasgow Coma Scale scores and duration of loss of consciousness to classify brain injury into categories of mild, moderate, and severe. A common system that uses all three factors to measure the severity of brain injury and another that uses amnesia as the sole factor to determine brain injury are shown in the table to the right. The duration of amnesia usually correlates well with the Glasgow Coma Scale and lasts about four times longer than the loss of consciousness. Amnesia is considered a distinguishing feature of concussion and is used as a measure to predict the severity of concussion, for example, the Concussion Score. The concussion severity scale may be more effective than the Glasgow Coma Scale because the Glasgow Coma Scale may not be as specific. Because concussion sufferers quickly score 15—a perfect score—on the Glasgow Coma Scale, the longer the duration of amnesia or loss of consciousness immediately after the injury, indicates a longer recovery from other concussion symptoms. The longer the duration of amnesia coincides with an increased risk of complications of brain injury, such as post-traumatic epilepsy. The duration of amnesia can be difficult to measure accurately, and may be overestimated or underestimated. The Galveston Direction and Amnesia Test was designed to determine how conscious a patient is and how much material they are able to recall. The Galveston Direction and Amnesia Test is the most widely used standardized measure for assessing the likelihood of amnesia. The PTA is a 10-item test that assesses awareness and recall of events before and after the injury. It can be used to assess the duration of amnesia; this GOTA test has been found to be highly predictive of functional outcomes as measured by the Glasgow Coma Scale, with respect to productivity, psychosocial functioning, and psychological status.
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Geriatric medicine
Musicphilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, a book by Oliver Sacks in which he explores the range of psychological and physiological disorders and their exciting connections to music. The book is divided into four parts, each named after its own name; the first part is called "Haunted by Music", which analyzes the origins of musicality and the mysterious "musicphilia". The second part is the domain of music, which looks at musical events and musical emotions. The third part is called "Memory, Movement and Music", while the fourth is called "Emotion, Identity and Music". Each part consists of 6 to 8 chapters, each devoted to a particular study issue, and the studies are related to the section title. The presentation of the book in this format makes the reading process disjointed in the case of reading the book from beginning to end or in those cases where the reader wants to read it quickly without the full context. Four studies from the book appeared on the Nova program Musical Minds, which was broadcast on June 30, 2009. According to Sacks, he wrote Musicophilia to try to broaden the general concept of music for society and its effect on the brain. Sacks also states in the book's introduction that music is ever-present and influences our daily lives and how we act and think, but that some species of animals whose musical prowess is easier to understand at a biological and developmental stage. Likewise, humanity's attraction to music and song is less obvious, as there is no "musical region" in the brain, but most people have an innate ability to distinguish between "music, notes, timbre, pitch, melodic features, harmony, and rhythm." With this in mind, Sacks analyzed human musical tendencies through the lens of music therapy sessions, where many neurological injuries and diseases have been successfully treated through music. This concept helped motivate Sacks to collect medical cases that have been treated and experienced with music in some form. In doing so, Sacks corrected each example by explaining the neurological elements that played a role in the patients' treatment and health in ways that would astound curious audiences. “In Musicphilia, Sacks discusses the intersection of music and neuroscience—music as suffering and music as therapy,” Peter D. Kramer wrote in a review for The Washington Post. “A dynamic lack of direction drives Sacks’s other work while Musicphilia threatens to disintegrate into a catalog of disparate appearances,” Kramer continued. “What makes Musicphilia make sense is Sacks himself, the book’s moral argument with his curiosity, his education, his concern. Sacks categorized the medical profession as the human race.” Kramer concluded his review by writing: "In short, Sacks is the perfect representative of the vision that musical response is fundamental to our constitution and also the perfect guide to his field because Musicophilia allows its readers to join Sacks at the height of his life among his rhythms and his patients. Musicophilia was named one of the best books of 2007 by the Washington Post. Sacks includes discussions of several different conditions related to music and also conditions that are affected by the help of music. These include musical conditions such as musical hallucinations, absolute tone, and synesthesia, and non-musical conditions such as blindness, memory loss, and Alzheimer's. Sacks first discusses musical epilepsy, in which he often talks about a person who has a tumor in the left temporal lobe that causes seizures during which he hears music. Sacks then writes that musical hallucinations often accompany deafness, partial hearing loss, or conditions such as tinnitus. Sacks focuses a lot on absolute tone, which is defined as when a person can immediately distinguish a musical note. One condition to which Sacks devotes a lot of time is synesthesia. Sacks discusses the types of synesthesia: primary synesthesia and non-musical synesthesia, which It concerns numbers, letters, days, and also synesthesia, which is usually related to sounds in general, rhythm, tempo, and the type that makes a person see lights and shapes instead of colors. Finally, Sacks explained the cases in which synesthesia accompanies blindness. Sacks discussed how blindness affects the perception of music and musical notes, and also wrote about how absolute pitch is more common in blind musicians than in sighted musicians. Sacks wrote about Clive Wearing, who suffers from amnesia, and how he can still read music and play the piano, but only Clive can do this in the moment. He also wrote about Tourette syndrome and the effects of music on its seizures, for example, slowing the seizures to the rhythm of a song. Sacks likened Parkinson's syndrome to Tourette syndrome, as songs with strong rhythms help with movement and balance. Sacks briefly discussed Williams syndrome and how he found that children with it connect with music. Sacks ended his book with a discussion of Alzheimer's and amnesia, and how music therapy can help people with diseases that affect memory. Certain parts of the brain are linked to how we use it to interact with music. For example, the cerebellum coordinates movement, stores muscle memory, and reacts well to music. An example of this would be an Alzheimer's patient not being able to recognize his wife but still being able to play the piano because he committed his piano knowledge to muscle memory during his youth. These memories never go away. Another example is the putamen, which is the part of the brain that analyzes rhythm and controls body movement and balance. Dopamine increases in the putamen when it is identified with music, which leads to an increased response to rhythms. Then music plays its role and stops the symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson's. Music is like a savior for these patients and the symptoms return when it is taken away from them. When asked what type of music patients respond to best, it is determined by the patient's background and past. In patients with memory loss, it was found that most patients respond to music they heard when they were young and it does not depend on a rhythm pattern or element. Neuroscientist Kimino Sugaia said that "this means that memories connected to music are emotional memories and will never go away, even in Alzheimer's patients." Many studies have been found on the positives of music therapy since the 1970s for clients suffering from medical conditions, psychological trauma, learning difficulties and special needs. Many documented studies of children have shown positive effects in promoting self-actualization and developing receptive, cognitive and expressive abilities. Positive results have also been issued in studies that were on adults 18+, but the conclusions were limited due to explicit bias. Small sample sizes. Music is a major part of all cultures and represents all human emotional states and can also transport you through time and memories. Oliver Sacks, author of Musicophilia, acknowledged the unconscious effects of music, where our bodies tend to join in unintended rhythmic movements. Sacks noticed after working with clients suffering from various types of neurological diseases the therapeutic potential and receptivity of music as a means of communication, expression and coping even after language loss. The famous music therapists Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins recorded their work and results with children suffering from emotional and behavioral problems, psychological trauma and special needs through audio and video recordings. Robbins classified the inner personality in every child who elicits healthy musical responses as the “musical child.” Music is the stimulus through which we can discover the child’s potential, as musical toys create an atmosphere that encourages the child to express himself freely and productively. Sometimes family members notice the effects immediately because the self is encouraged and cared for, and thus the child’s personality develops in response to music. First; The client is evaluated by a music therapist to determine his/her impairment, preference, and skill level, since each person appreciates and prefers a different type of music. Therapy is then tailored to the individual’s goals and preferences, as well as the length of sessions. The client’s process is evaluated based on its effectiveness. Sessions are often structured, and the therapist remains flexible and tries to meet his/her clients emotionally and physically. When music therapy was first introduced alongside other medical fields, the response was open-ended, and patients listened to live solo music performances or pre-recorded songs. However, today therapists allow more creative approaches, such as allowing clients to improvise, reproduce or imitate melodies with their voices or instruments, make their own songs, or listen to them with artistic expression through physical movement. Recent studies have investigated the effects of music on patients with chemotherapy, stroke, Alzheimer’s, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and nursing home patients. According to a 2017 report by Maggie, Clark-Tamplin, and Brad, a common element in their studies is positive effects on mood, psychological and physical well-being, increased motivation, social connection, and the connection to the client’s musical identity. The Department of Oncology/Hematology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf organized a randomized training study to determine whether music therapy helps patients with pain and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy. Sessions were given twice a week for 20 minutes, during which the patient decided whether to use an active or receptive approach. Quality of life, ability to perform tasks, and depression/anxiety were assessed weekly. Although emotional functioning scores increased significantly and pain perception improved significantly, they insisted that the results were inconclusive because patients had different levels of manageable side effects and hope for survival, which may affect their expectations of treatment. However, patients rated the program positively and found it helpful and beneficial. The feasibility of these studies also allows practitioners to practice in educational, psychological, and medical settings, especially since there was no statistical significance except for a few pilot studies in adults, but the trend shows improvements on most measures. Musicphilia at the author's site Goldsworthy, Anna. "Wunderbar". The Monthly.
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Geriatric medicine
Source amnesia is the loss of the ability to remember where, when, and how previously learned information was acquired, while retaining factual knowledge of it. This branch of amnesia is associated with a deficit in an individual's declarative memory. The failure to associate knowledge with the context in which it was acquired is likely the result of a disconnect between semantic and episodic memory, where a person retains semantic knowledge but lacks episodic knowledge. Memory images reflect the encoding processes that occur during the acquisition of different information and events, which produce mental representations that the brain perceives differently from each other, causing difficulty in retrieving this information when placed in a different context from the one in which it was previously encoded. Source monitoring involves a systematic process of slow, deliberate thinking about the original place where the individual learned the information. Source amnesia is not a rare phenomenon, as almost everyone experiences it on a daily basis, because as far as we know, remembering the information itself is more important than remembering its source. However, there are extreme examples of source amnesia due to several different factors. People with damage to the frontal lobe of the brain suffer from impaired memory for temporal context, where they find Difficulties with temporal control such as: arranging events in chronological order, and they cannot trace knowledge back to its appropriate source. Individuals with frontal lobe damage can remember information but they misrepresent it to the source, and this appears within 5 minutes of learning something. It is clear from this that this damage causes a separation between semantic and episodic memory. Therefore, they cannot relate the context in which they acquired the information to the information itself. Older people have been found to be more susceptible to source amnesia than younger people. Experiments have shown that they remember less information in tasks that rely on recognition and retrieval of information, and they cannot describe the source of their information. This is due to the damage of neurons with age, which occurs primarily in the frontal lobe. Alzheimer's disease is known to be associated with dysfunction in the frontal lobe, which makes it a cause of source amnesia. A study on laboratory cases indicated that Alzheimer's patients have a weakness in source detection. This is due to the inability to monitor reality. Reality detection is the process of distinguishing between the source of information, whether it is internal or external, and depends on judging the characteristics The quality of information to determine whether the information is real or imaginary, and studies have shown that the defect occurs in this process, which makes Alzheimer's disease associated with forgetting the source. Schizophrenia associated with weakness in episodic memory is often characterized by confusion of internal stimuli and real events, and the schizophrenic patient usually fails to monitor and remember the sources of information. This is a constant feature of this disease, as there is an experiment that proved that over two years the rate of errors in schizophrenic patients in remembering the source did not change despite fluctuations in the patient's medication and symptoms. Examinations and neuroimaging have found that the areas responsible for source memory are less active in schizophrenic patients than others. The reason for the weakness of source memory in schizophrenia patients is due to the defect in forming the necessary connections to remember the source, and the defect in monitoring reality, and this is considered a contributing factor to the occurrence of hallucinations that characterize schizophrenia. A study also found that the schizophrenic patient is not only slow in tasks that include monitoring the source, but he is also inaccurate, as he cannot differentiate between information derived internally and externally, so the patient tends to attribute events generated within him, such as: hallucinations and delusions, to an external source, so he does not He can realize that he is the owner of the idea, but attributes it to an external source. All of the above makes the weaning patient act as a source amnesiac patient, attributing knowledge, ideas and beliefs to other wrong things. Post-traumatic stress disorder is characterized by poor episodic memory for events, and these people are exposed to distortions in memory, the construction of false memory, and the unintended integration of information that was not present in the original memory. These people not only have poor episodic memory for events, but also have difficulty identifying sources of emotional information, and generally neutral, and have a lower ability than others to retrieve sources of information due to weakness in the process of encoding information, which creates weak relationships between elements and their context. Depression is associated with all memories in general, as a person suffering from depression finds it difficult to remember sources of memories compared to other normal people, and tends to remember negative memories, and this is likely due to the activity of the amygdala during the encoding of emotional information, especially negative ones. In general, there is a relationship between the arousal of emotional memories and the recollection of their sources, and there is some evidence that enhancing the processing of negative memories is due to the lack of sources of memories, which makes them suffer from amnesia. Source. Hypnosis is a cause of source amnesia, where a person is hypnotized and taught some information and experiences, and when tested later, he is found to answer correctly, but he does not remember how or where he learned it. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test is widely used in the clinical field to test for cognitive deficits such as frontal lobe disorder associated with source amnesia. Procedure: The visuospatial component of this test consists of two sets of 12 identical cards, and the symbols on them differ in color, quantity, and shape. Participants are then given a pile of additional cards, and asked to match each card to its counterpart in the previous set. Results: People with frontal lobe dysfunction and source amnesia will find it very difficult to complete this task successfully. The verbal fluency test is used to evaluate patients with frontal lobe dysfunction. Procedure: The participant is asked to say words that begin with a specific letter, and is given three attempts, each attempt asking him to say words that begin with a specific letter in one minute, and he tries to answer with the largest number Possible words that start with the required letter in the specified time. Results: This test can assess the extent of damage to the prefrontal lobe that is associated with source amnesia. Patients with frontal lobe disorder have difficulty placing verbal elements in the correct sequential order and monitoring personal behaviors, which are required for the ability to retrieve a source memory. Research has found that the Stroop effect has many consequences related to age and its effect on memory. The test measures the skills of speed and accuracy of naming colors and colored words, to determine the effect of aging on the brain, which is believed to be one of the causes of source amnesia. Procedure: The participant is asked to read a set of related words and to name some colors. During the first component of the test, which is the task of reading a set of words, he is asked to read the names of colors written in white, or other colors as quickly as possible and is required to read the word itself “green” and not the color of the font printed in it. Then he is asked to name the colors of a set of colored blocks. The second component of the test consists of the task of naming the colors of a set of words written in certain colors but whose meaning indicates another color and the participant is required to The color of the printed font is called the word “green” and not the meaning of the word. Results: The color-naming task is slower than the word-reading task in healthy individuals, while patients with prefrontal damage will name the color and ignore the word, even if they are required to read the word. With reference to age, it has been found that advancing age affects the ability to complete the test correctly, especially in the sixth and seventh decades of life. The Stroop Color Naming Test measures the degree of a person’s source amnesia. The severity of the damage to the prefrontal lobe is directly related to the speed at which the individual completes the Stroop Color Naming Task; the more damage to this area of the brain, the slower the test is completed. Decisions made during this old-new recognition test are based on knowledge rather than on in-depth examination of the contents of memories. During this test, patients with source amnesia experience a phantom knowledge of linguistic words such as candy and sugar, and claim more than once to have seen words that are not on the test. Procedure: The participant is presented with a list of words to study, and at different intervals is evaluated whether he or she can remember which words were on the list and which were not. The participant passes the test if he can distinguish between the original and the deceptive words. This experiment can be conducted with the same participant many times at different time intervals. Results: Participants show loss of source memory with the deceptive words but not with the new words in the list, which means that their knowledge is mixed between words that are semantically similar to the words they studied in the original list. Research has shown that poor encoding of information in memory may be responsible for source amnesia, as it becomes difficult for a person to retrieve the source of a particular memory in the future if it was not encoded correctly before, which makes it difficult to create a treatment for source amnesia, as the information has not been properly integrated in the brain. Some preventive strategies have been studied that target a group of people at risk, and teach them how to prevent loss of memory context, and how to improve source memory among the general population. Source amnesia is common among people with certain brain disorders, but it can also affect healthy individuals. It occurs when the human brain encodes only the content of the information without integrating it with the specific context of the information in memory, and research indicates that information retrieval Context-specificity is best in situations that involve emotional stimuli and words, suggesting that source memory may benefit from thinking about the emotions associated with the information content, which helps to better encode it in memory. This is related to theories of evoked memory. Children are better able to correctly identify the source of information if they are taught to think about the relationship between the speaker and the information they are sharing. Children think about sensory and emotional relationships to the speaker. However, children who are better at encoding sources are less able to control this when retrieving linguistic information, or without a source. This suggests that there may be a trade-off in their brains when it comes to different types of memories because they are only able to attend to a certain amount of information at a time. Adults can suffer from memory impairments due to the natural aging process, as a result of frontal lobe atrophy or other age-related changes. Prevention of source amnesia in these individuals includes memory training programs that aim to increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex, and research suggests that the brains of older adults still have the ability to adapt and respond. A study in which older adults underwent an eight-week memory training program showed significant improvements, especially in source memory, and MRI scans showed increased thickness of the cerebral cortex. Another way older adults can prevent source amnesia is to think about the relationship between the content and context of the memory, which helps them pay attention to the source when encoding information. Eyewitness testimony is an integral part of criminal court, as judges and juries rely on it to determine a verdict, but studies have shown that source amnesia interferes with testimony because any incorrect information after the event leads to distorted memories and source confusion. Post-event information comes from questioning, statements made by the media, and fellow witnesses, which leads to incorrect details being encoded in Their memory. They claim to see things that only happened in their imagination, which has serious legal implications, leading to false convictions, so the interrogation process must be carried out carefully. It is a phenomenon in which a person learns information under the influence of hypnosis, and when asked about it after regaining consciousness, they do not remember when or how they learned it. Studies have indicated that they are unable to remember anything that happened during the period of hypnosis, and when asked about how they know the answers to questions, they indicate their inability to know how they learned it. This phenomenon is similar to flashbacks, or the tip of the tongue phenomenon. It is the failure to be able to retrieve the correct source of information, but rather attribute it to incorrect sources, due to an error in the decision-making process that confuses the origin of the information. It occurs when a person is certain that a word, idea, or a particular song is their original idea, but it is someone else's idea in the first place, which leads to plagiarism. This occurs in the music industry, and includes copyright infringement of songs, as well as in scientific research ideas. It is a doubt in the person's own memory that includes the content and context of events, and this occurs due to problems in encoding and integration Memories. These people rely on external sources of information, which affects the testimony of eyewitnesses; because these people are highly susceptible to suggestion and influence. This syndrome is associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder, as it was found that repeated confirmation of rituals leads to a lack of confidence in memory.
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Geriatric medicine
William Charles Utermohlen is an American figurative artist known for his late self-portraits completed after his 1995 diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease. He had been suffering from progressive memory loss for about four years prior to his 1995 diagnosis. During that time, he began painting a series of self-portraits, influenced in part by figurative painter Francis Bacon and the German Expressionist cinematographers. Born to first-generation German immigrants in South Philadelphia, Utermohlen received a scholarship to the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts in 1951. After completing his military service, he spent 1953 studying in Western Europe, where he was inspired by Renaissance and Baroque artists. He moved to London in 1962 and married art historian Patricia Redmond in 1965. He moved to Massachusetts in 1972 to teach art at Amherst College before returning to London in 1975. Utermohlen died in isolation on March 21, 2007, at the age of 73, but his later works have earned him posthumous fame. His self-portraits are seen as particularly important in understanding the progressive effects of neurocognitive disorders. His early works were mostly diagnostic, although James Stubenrau described Utermohlen's early art as "exuberant, sometimes surreal" in the expressionist style. For a period in the late 1970s, in reaction to the Realist movement, he printed photographs on canvas and painted directly over them. An example of this technique can be seen in Self-Portrait . He used this technique for two of Redmond's portraits. Regarding Utermohlen's artistic style, Redmond told the New York Times that he was "detached from what was happening." “Everyone followed abstract expressionism, while he followed figurative art formally.” She explained in an interview with Studio 360 that Utermohlen was “confused and anxious, because he couldn’t work in a completely abstract way,” and that figurative art was “too important.” Utermohlen did not explain or discuss his work with Redmond. She later said that as an art historian, she feared interfering with his creative progress. Redmond thought she was “absolutely right” in this approach, and speculated that if she had intervened, she would have highlighted flaws in his work. Most of his early paintings can be grouped into six cycles: mythological, cantos, pantomime, war, nudes, and conversation pieces. The mythological series consists mainly of watercolors. The Dante cycle is inspired by Dante’s Inferno, while the art-style paintings are influenced by Pop art. The War series refers to the Vietnam War, and according to Redmond, his painting of isolated soldiers represents his feeling of being an outsider in the art scene. Both Mummers and Conversation are based on childhood memories, the former completed between 1968 and 1970, and inspired by the Philadelphia Mummers Parade. In a letter from November 1970, Utermohlen stated that the cycle was created "as a means of expressing my anxiety." Redmond described Mummers as "a sympathetic vision of the lower classes, and even of his own projected self-image." French psychoanalyst Patrice Pouligny described the Conversation paintings as Utermohlen's attempt to describe the events of his life before his amnesia. His symptoms pre-dated the diagnosis, and indeed they indicated their presence. Titles such as W9 and Media Valley refer to the names of the neighborhood and county, respectively, in which he lived at the time. The artworks themselves feature more saturated colors and "engaging spatial arrangements," which highlight the actions of the people in the artworks. Utermohlen suffered from amnesia while working on the Conversation series. His symptoms ranged from not being able to remember how to tie a tie to being unable to find his way back to his apartment. Between 1993 and 1994 he produced a series of lithographs depicting short stories by the First World War poet Wilfred Owen. The figures were more static and mask-like than conversation pieces. Composed of a series of disoriented and wounded soldiers, they were described by art dealer Chris Boykus as seeming to presage the artist's diagnosis of dementia the following year. By this time he was often forgetting teaching appointments. In 1994 he received a commission to paint a family portrait. About a year later Redmond took the client to Utermohlen's studio to see progress, but Utermohlen had made no progress since her last visit nine months earlier. Redmond feared that Utermohlen was depressed and sought medical advice. He was diagnosed with possible Alzheimer's disease in August 1995, aged 61. He was sent to Queen's Square Hospital, where his drawings were taken care of by nurse Ron Isaacs, who asked him to begin painting a self-portrait. His first work, Blue Skies, was completed in 1994–95, before his diagnosis, and shows him holding a yellow table in a largely empty interior. When neuropsychologist Sebastian Kroetsch visited Utermohlen in late 1999, he described the painting as depicting the artist trying to hold on and avoid being “swept away” by the open window above. Pollini likened his drawing of him holding on to the table to a painter holding on to his canvas, saying: “In order to survive, he must be able to depict this catastrophic moment, to depict the indescribable.” Blue Skies became Utermohlen’s last “large-scale” painting. His sketch from that year, The Welcoming Man, shows a disjointed figure that seems to represent his loss of spatial awareness. Of the drawing, Kroetsch and others have stated that “Utermohlen acknowledged that there was a problem with the sketch, but he did not know what the problem was or how to correct it.” He began a series of self-portraits after his diagnosis in 1995. The earliest, the Masks series, is in watercolour and was completed between 1994 and 2001. His last non-self-portrait dates from 1997, and is of Redmond. Patrice Pouligny called it Pat. His self-portrait series became increasingly abstract as his dementia progressed, and according to critic Anjan Chatterjee, depicts "painful psychological self-expressions". The early stages of the disease did not affect his ability to draw, although Crotch noted. His cognitive impairment is not believed to be hereditary; apart from a 1989 car accident that left him unconscious for about 30 minutes, Crotch described Utermohlen's medical history as "unremarkable". Redmond covered the mirrors in their home because Utermohlen was frightened by what he saw there, and he stopped using them for self-portraits. After Utermohlen's diagnosis, descriptions of his skull became a key aspect of his self-portraits, while academic Robert Cook Deegan noted how, as Utermohlen's condition progressed, "the colours he incorporated gradually became less and less". His later self-portraits were characterised by a thicker brush stroke than his earlier work. Writing in Queens Quarterly, journalist Leslie Mellen said that the works became more distorted but progressively less colourful. In Nicky Gerrard's 2019 book, What Dementia Teaches Us About Love, she describes the self-portraits as an emotional novelty. Sharma notes that they depict his dementia, a condition that leads to a loss of self-recognition and object recognition.
Geriatric medicine
The Father is a 2020 drama film co-written and directed by French director Florian Zeller, based on his 2012 play The Father. The film is a French-British co-production. The film stars Academy Award winner Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, and Mark Gatiss. It tells the story of an elderly Welsh man who must deal with progressive memory loss. The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 27, 2020, and is scheduled to be distributed by Lionsgate for UK theaters on January 8, 2021. Critics praised the film, including Hopkins and Colman's performances. Former engineer Anthony doesn't want to leave the luxurious London apartment where he has lived for many years. When his daughter Anne, who lives with him, announces that she is leaving to live in Paris with Paul, Anthony worries about what will happen to him. Anne worries, too, because her father is showing signs of dementia. Sometimes he is perfectly fine, but other times he doesn't know who she is. Anthony says that sometimes he sees a man in his apartment who he doesn't recognize, and this man says he lives there. Anne decides to hire a nurse named Laura to care for him, but despite Anthony's initial positive reaction to her, he insists that he does not need a caregiver and can take care of himself. However, when he cannot find anything he is looking for, he asks Anne if he is in his own apartment, because she suddenly looks different. He even becomes suspicious of Anne, wondering if she is playing some trick on him to make him believe that his own belongings are not there. Rotten Tomatoes gave The Father a 100% rating based on 36 reviews, with the site's critics consensus reading: "Led by writer-director Florian Zeller, The Father delivers a devastatingly sympathetic portrait of dementia, bolstered by excellent performances and a technically slick dementia management." Metacritic gave the film an 86% rating based on 10 critics. Owen Gleiberman wrote in Variety: "The Father does something that few films about mental decline in old age have done in this way. “It puts us in the mind of someone losing his mind, and it does so by revealing that mind to be a place of rational and seemingly coherent experience,” wrote Benjamin Lee of Hopkins’ performance for The Guardian , “It is a stunning and heartbreaking work to watch as he tries to rationally explain to himself and those around him what he is going through. In some of the film’s most quietly disturbing moments, his world shifts again but he remains silent, aware that any attempt to question what he has awakened to will fall on deaf ears. Hopkins runs the gamut from angry to angry to disturbing to never feeling.” Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter wrote: “The best film about old age since Amour eight years ago, The Father offers a sharp and nuanced look at the creeping onslaught of dementia and the damage it inflicts on those closest to the afflicted. Fronted by a stunning performance from Anthony Hopkins as a proud Englishman in denial about his condition, this powerful work marks the brilliant directorial debut of French playwright Florian Zeller.” The film was nominated for the Audience Award at the Toronto International Film Festival, and was officially selected at: Sundance Film Festival Toronto International Film Festival Telluride Film Festival San Sebastian International Film Festival Zurich Film Festival Hamptons International Film Festival Dinard British Film Festival Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress (Olivia Colman).
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Geriatric medicine
The Notebook is a 2004 American drama film starring Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams, James Garner, Gena Rowlands, and Joan Allen. The film won 11 different awards; An old man in a nursing home named Doc is reading a romantic story from his notebook to a sick roommate. The story is set in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, and is about a young man named Noah Calhoun who falls in love with a girl named Allie Hamilton after seeing her at a carnival. Noah takes the girl to an abandoned house he intends to buy for them. He then tries to have sex with her, but Finn interrupts them and tells them that Allie's parents have called the police to search for her. When Allie and Noah return to her mother's mansion, Allie's mother curses Noah and forbids Allie from seeing Noah. Noah leaves and Allie quickly follows him. The argument ends in a breakup and the next morning, Anne announces that the family will be moving back to their old home in Charleston. Allie tries to contact Noah but is unable to find him, so she asks Finn to tell Noah that she loves him. When Noah receives the message, he rushes to Noah writes to Allie every day for a year, but Allie's mother intercepts the letters and they never reach Allie. Noah and Finn volunteer to fight in World War II, and Finn is killed in battle. Allie also volunteers to work at a hospital for wounded soldiers, where she meets Officer Lon Hammond and the two become engaged, much to Allie's parents' delight. Noah returns from the war and finds that his father has sold their house so that Noah can buy the abandoned house. When he visits Charleston, he sees Allie and Lon kissing in a restaurant. He convinces himself that if he gets the house back, Allie will come back to him. Allie is surprised to read in the newspaper that Noah has completed the house according to the specifications she set years ago. Allie returns to Seabrook Island to find Noah living in the reclaimed house. The two renew their relationship. In the morning, Anne comes to Noah's house and warns Allie that Lon has followed her to Seabrook. Anne gives Allie the letters Noah wrote to her, and admits that she hid them from her. Allie confesses to Lon that she was spending Time with Noah and that she should have been with him, but she is still indecisive. In the present, it is revealed that the old lady is Allie, who is suffering from dementia. Duke is actually Noah, her husband, but Allie does not remember him or any of the events that Noah reads to her. Allie briefly becomes lucid, and remembers that the story that Duke is reading is the story of their meeting. Duke tells her how she showed up on his doorstep with her luggage, after leaving Lon at the hotel, and suddenly Allie remembers her past. In the early stages of dementia, Allie wrote down their love story in a notebook and instructed Noah to "Read this to me, and I will come back to you." However, Allie soon returns to her dementia and loses her memories of Noah. She panics and does not know who he is, and the doctors sedate her. Duke is actually Noah, hospitalized for a heart attack. When he is released from the hospital, Noah visits Allie and finds her lucid again. Allie is terrified by her dementia and asks Noah what she would do if she lost her memories to Forever. Noah reassures her that he will never leave her even if she succumbs to dementia. After telling each other he loves him, the two go to sleep in an automated bed. The next morning, a nurse finds them both dead in the bed. New Line Cinema acquired the rights to Nicholas Sparks' novel in 1996, represented by producer Mark Johnson. Jeremy Levine was hired to write the screenplay, which caught the attention of director Steven Spielberg in 1998, who wanted to film it with Tom Cruise as Noah Calhoun. Spielberg's commitment to other projects led to Jim Sheridan being attached to direct the following year. Filming was scheduled to begin in 1999 but was delayed in the rewrite phase. Sheridan eventually backed out by October 2000 to work on In America. Martin Campbell entered negotiations to direct the film in March 2001, before Nick Cassavetes replaced him a year later. Cassavetes wanted someone unknown and "unhandsome" to play Noah; So Ryan cast Gosling in the role. Gosling was initially surprised by this: "I read the script and thought, 'This is crazy. I couldn't be more wrong with this movie. ' It gave me a chance to play over a period of time—from 1940 to 1946—that was so profound and formative." To prepare for the part, Gosling temporarily moved to Charleston, South Carolina, for two months before filming, canoeing the Ashley River and making furniture. A nationwide search was conducted to find the right actress to play Allie. Actresses who auditioned for the role included Jessica Biel, Britney Spears, Ashley Judd, and Reese Witherspoon, and Rachel McAdams was eventually chosen. Upon her casting, Cassavetes said, "When Rachel McAdams came in and read the script, it was clear that she and Ryan had a great understanding." She commented, "I thought it would be a dream to be able to do that. I read the script and went to the audition two days later." "Just. It was a good way to do it, because I was immersed in the story," Gosling commented. "I think it's fair to say that we probably wouldn't have made the movie if we hadn't found Rachel... Really, Ali is leading the movie. It's her movie and we're in it. It's all about the actress." Compared to the book, the role was extended. McAdams spent time in Charleston, the setting, before filming to familiarize herself with the surroundings, taking ballet and etiquette lessons. She had a dialect coach to learn the Southern accent. The Notebook was shot mostly on location in South Carolina, in late 2002 and early 2003, in addition to the winter battlefield outside Montreal, Quebec. The film's production offices were set up at the old Charleston Naval Base in North Charleston. Much of the film's plot takes place on and around Seabrook Island, an actual city that is one of South Carolina's "Sea Islands." It is located 20 miles southwest of Charleston, South Carolina. However, none of the filming took place in the area. Seabrook. The house that Noah is seen restoring is a private residence on Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina, another "sea island" area located 10 miles from Charleston. The house was never actually dilapidated, but was made to look that way by special effects in the first half of the film. Contrary to what is stated in the film's dialogue, neither the house nor the Seabrook area was home to South Carolina Revolutionary hero Francis Mario, whose plantation was actually located some distance northwest of Charleston. The Boone Hall Plantation served as Allie's summer home. Many of the scenes in Seabrook were filmed in the town of Mount Pleasant. Others were filmed in Charleston and on Edisto Island. The lake scenes were filmed at Cypress Gardens with trained birds brought in from elsewhere. The nursing home scenes were filmed at Rice Hope Plantation, located in Georgetown County, South Carolina. The college briefly depicted in the film is identified as Sarah Lawrence College, but the campus seen is actually the College of Charleston. The film premiered on June 25, 2009. The Notebook was released in 2004 in the United States and Canada and grossed $13,464,745 in 2,303 theaters in its opening weekend, ranking fourth at the box office. The film grossed approximately $115,603,229 worldwide, $81,001,787 in Canada and the United States, and $34,601,442 in other countries. It is the fifteenth-highest-grossing romantic drama film of all time. The Notebook received mixed reviews from film critics. The 178 reviews on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes show that 53% of critics gave the film a positive review, with an average rating of 5.64/10. The site's consensus is that "It's hard not to admire its unabashed sentimentality, but The Notebook is too clumsy to rise above the stereotypical melodramatic cliché." On Metacritic, which assigns an average rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, it holds a "generally favorable" rating. The film currently has an average score of 53, based on 34 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews." Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times praised the film, giving it three and a half stars out of four, calling the photography "stunning with its rich, saturated effects," and stating that "the actors are blessed with good material." Peter Lowery of Threat gave the film three and a half stars out of five. He praised the performances of both Gosling and McAdams, writing, "Gosling and especially McAdams give all-star performances, doing enough to hand the reins over to the professionals, who take the rest of the film and end the audience with some effects scenes that won't leave a dry eye in the house." Of the film itself, he added, "Overall, The Notebook is a surprisingly good film that succeeds where so many romances fail." Stephen Holden of The New York Times gave the film a positive review, noting that "the scenes between young lovers confronting adult authority have the same simmering tension and hysteria that young Warren Beatty and Natalie Wood brought to the screen more than 40 years ago." "Years. The roles are in the splendor of the grass." Ann Hornaday of The Washington Post also gave the film a positive review, praising Gosling and McAdams' performances, saying, "It doesn't matter that McAdams and Gosling don't remind us of America in the 1940s. They're both appropriate and engaging, with Gosling, who made his screen debut largely unseen in the 2001 drama The Believer, particularly convincing as a young man who pushes past a girl's toughest defenses." Of the film, she added, "Audiences craving a big, gooey romance have a summer must-see in The Notebook." William Arnold of the Seattle Post-Informer praised McAdams' performance but criticized Gosling's, stating that "she just doesn't have the kind of star power or chemistry with McAdams to anchor the kind of small-group ensemble that Gone with the Wind does." He also added that the film "doesn't quite work on its own terms, mainly because its romantic choice doesn't shine: it doesn't make us fall in love with its lovers." Wesley Morris of The Boston Globe gave the film two and a half stars, praising the performances of its cast members, and writing of McAdams that she is "deeply committed to the story and deeply concerned with the other actors." “Gosling is adept at playing the impregnable sociopath, and there’s reason to believe, early on, that Noah might be the same way, as when he threatens to fall off a Ferris wheel unless Allie agrees to go on a date with him,” he wrote of the film. “Considering the sunny, relatively fun romance that precedes it, Old Men feels bleak, creepy, and forced upon us,” he wrote. Jessica Winter of The Village Voice gave the film a mixed review, saying, “Amid the slimy mire of Jeremy Levine’s screenplay, Rowlands and Garner emerge clean and cheerful, lending a wonderful authenticity to watching them together. These two old pros emerge cleanly through the thicket of tearful dialogue, identifying the horror and the written retreat from the cruel betrayal of a failing mind.” Robert Koehler of Variety also gave the film a mixed review, however, praising the performance, writing that “Gosling is indeed one of the most exciting young minds in the film.” Interestingly, it expands its scope to include pure romance without sacrificing some of its naturally subversive qualities, and even seems comfortable in a pretty American masculine way. What's interesting is McAdams, who does such a different take on her meanness in Mean Girls that it's hard to tell they're the same actor. She skillfully carries much of the emotional weight of the film in a free-spirited, easy-going way." In June 2010, Entertainment Weekly included Allie and Noah on its list of "The 100 Greatest Characters of the Past 20 Years." The magazine included The Notebook on its list of the 25 Sexiest Movies of All Time. Us Weekly listed the film as one of the 30 Greatest Romances of All Time. ranked the film as the third-best romantic film. The Notebook appeared on Moviefone's list of the 25 Greatest Romances of All Time. Marie Claire also placed the film on its list of the 12 Greatest Romantic Scenes of All Time. In 2011, The Notebook was named Best Picture. During the ABC News and People Television Special, the film was named the greatest movie of our time. The scene where Noah climbs the Ferris wheel because he wants a date was named the most romantic movie moment of all time. The Kiss in the Rain scene ranked 4th in the overall Top 50 Movie Scenes. The Notebook was released on VHS and DVD on February 8, 2005, and on Blu-ray on May 4, 2010. By February 2010, the film had sold over 11 million copies on DVD. In February 2019, subscribers to the UK version of Netflix reported that the version of the film on the streaming service had an alternate ending, which replaced a more tender score than the original release's emotional ending. Netflix responded that this alternate version of the film had been made available to them in error, and quickly replaced it with the original version. The soundtrack was released on June 8, 2004. This is a list of songs in the film: On August 11, 2015, it was reported that a television series was in development by The The CW series will follow Noah and Allie's engagement following the events of the film, and in a post-World War II world. As of 2020, it has yet to air. On January 3, 2019, it was announced that The Notebook would be adapted into a Broadway musical with a book by Becca Brunstetter and music and lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson. Sparks will also serve as a producer alongside Kevin McCollum and Kurt Deutsch.
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Geriatric medicine
Still Alice is a 2014 American drama film starring Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth, and Hunter Parrish. The film won two Golden Globe Awards in 2014 and was nominated for a BAFTA Award in 2015. It won an Oscar in 2015. The film tells the touching story of Alice Holland's Alzheimer's disease. Alice Holland is a professor of linguistics at Columbia University in the United States, with a strong and independent personality, but she begins to suffer from forgetting some events in her life. Little by little, things begin to get worse, so she goes to reassure herself, but her condition is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, so she begins to change her lifestyle and clings to every moment of her life and lives it as it should. The film cost about 4 million dollars to produce, while it made profits estimated at 282,000 dollars. The film was first shown at the Toronto International Film Festival without a distributor, and its producers did not know where it would end up. When you’re in a bunch of independent productions, like Moore, long-term guarantees aren’t part of the deal, but the Toronto premiere drew a tearful, applauding crowd. Within days, Sony Pictures Classics had bought the film and agreed to release it this season. Eight weeks after its premiere, Moore won the Gotham Award for best actress. When the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild announce their best actress nominations, she’ll likely be among the nominees. Most pundits say she’ll not only be nominated for an Oscar, but she’ll probably win one.
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Geriatric medicine
Dame Jean Iris Murdoch is an Irish writer, philosopher and critic best known for her novels about good and evil, sexuality, morality and the power of the unconscious. She is considered one of the most important British writers of the twentieth century, as the British newspaper The Times ranked Murdoch twelfth on its list of "The 50 Greatest British Writers since 1945". Under the Window is her first published novel, which was chosen in 1998 by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best English-language novels of the twentieth century. In 1987, Iris was awarded one of the most distinguished orders of the British Empire, the Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. She has published 4 books of philosophy, a collection of poetry, 6 plays, a collection of essays and 26 novels, including The Bell, The Severed Head, The Red and the Green, The Good and the Nice, The Brown Prince, Henry and Cato, The Sea, The Sea and Murdoch was born in Phibsborough, Dublin, Ireland, the sister of Irene Alice Wells and John Hughes Murdoch. Her father, a civil servant from Hillhall, County Down, was raised in a Presbyterian family that depended primarily on cattle breeding. In 1915, he enlisted as a soldier in King Edward's Cavalry and served in France during World War I, before attaining the rank of second lieutenant. Her mother had been training as a singer before giving birth to Iris, and she was raised in a middle-class Church of Ireland family in Dublin. Iris's parents first met in Dublin, when her father was on leave, and they married in 1918. Iris was the couple's only child, and after a few Weeks after her birth the family moved to London, where her father joined the Ministry of Health as a second-class civil servant.:67 Murdoch was educated at non-government progressive schools; She attended Froebel Dunstrasse School in 1925, and then Badminton School in Bristol as an expatriate from 1932 to 1938. In the same year, she entered Somerville College, Oxford University, to learn English, and then transferred to study classics. At Oxford she studied philosophy with Donald M. MacKinnon, and attended Edward Frankl's seminars on Agamemnon. She obtained first class honours in 1942. After leaving Oxford, she went to work in London for Her Majesty's Treasury. In June 1944, she left the Treasury and went to work for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. She was initially posted to the agency's European Regional Office in London. In 1945, she moved first to Brussels, then to Innsbruck, and finally to Graz, Austria, where she worked in a refugee camp. She left the administration in 1946. From 1947 to 1948 Iris Murdoch studied philosophy at Newnham College, Cambridge. There she met Wittgenstein, but did not attend any of his lectures, as he had left his postgraduate position at Trinity College before she could begin her studies.:262–263 In 1948 she became a member of the faculty at St Anne's College, Oxford, where she studied philosophy until 1963. From 1963 to 1967 she taught one day a week in the General Studies Department of the Royal College of Art.:469 Murdoch married the literary critic and novelist John Bayley in 1956. Bayley had been Professor of English at the Wharton School, Oxford, from 1974 to 1992, whom Iris had met at Oxford in 1954. This unusual romantic relationship lasted for more than forty years until his death. Murdoch. Bailey saw the issue of sex as a silly but inevitable one, unlike Murdoch, who had multiple issues with both men and women, which Bailey himself occasionally witnessed. Iris Murdoch published her first novel, Under the Window, in 1954. She had previously published articles on philosophy, as well as the first monograph in English on Jean-Paul Sartre. She subsequently published 25 more novels and additional works on philosophy, as well as poetry and drama. In 1976, she was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and in 1987, she was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.:571, 575 She has received honorary doctorates from several universities - including, but not limited to, the University of Bath, the University of Cambridge in 1993, and Kingston University in 1994. She was elected to honorary external membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1982. Iris Murdoch published Her last novel, Jackson's Dilemma, was published in 1995. In 1997, Iris was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and died in 1999. Her philosophical writings were influenced by Simone Weil, from whom Iris borrowed the term "attention," and Plato, under whose banner she claimed to fight. 76 Iris wanted to revive Plato's ideas by giving them power to the truth of goodness, and to the vague sense of the moral life as a long journey from illusion to truth. From this perspective, Murdoch offers sharp criticisms of Kant, Sartre, and Wittgenstein. In her novels, which are characterized by generosity and concern for the interior lives of individuals, she follows in the tradition of novelists such as Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, George Eliot, and Proust, as well as showing a deep love of Shakespeare. Yet there is a tremendous variety in her achievement, and the rich layered structure and comic fantasy mixed with the compelling realism of The Dark Prince differ from earlier comic novels such as Under the Window or The Unicorn. The Unicorn is a Gothic romance novel that appeals to the cultured, or a novel embellished with Gothic motifs, or perhaps a parody of the Gothic style of writing. The Dark Prince, for which Murdoch won the James Tait Dark Memorial Literary Prize, is a study in sexual obsession. The text becomes more complex with multiple interpretations when secondary characters oppose the mysterious narrator or author of the book in a series of sequences. Although her novels differ from each other markedly and her style has evolved, themes recur. Her novels often feature educated, upper-middle-class men in moral dilemmas, homosexual characters, refugees, Anglo-Catholics in crises of faith, sympathetic pets, children eager for knowledge, or sometimes a man of power and demonic spirit, a "magician" who imposes his will on the other characters. There is a type of male character that some consider Murdoch's incarnation of her lover, the Nobel Prize winner, Elias. Canetti:350–352 Murdoch won the Booker Prize in 1978 for The Sea, the Sea, a meticulously detailed novel about the power of both love and loss, featuring a retired stage manager who becomes jealous when he sees his former lover decades after they have been separated. In 1997, a collection of her authorised poems, The Poems of Iris Murdoch, was published by Paul Holla and Yuzo Mrouya. Some of her work has been adapted for television, including the British television series The Unofficial Rose and The Bell Jar. J. B. Priestley's dramatic adaptation of her 1961 novel The Severed Head made stars of both Ian Holm and Richard Attenborough. In 1997, English PEN awarded her the Golden Pen Award "for a lifetime of distinguished service to literature". Iris Murdoch won a scholarship to Vassar College in 1946, but was refused a visa. She entered the United States because she had joined the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1938 while a student at Oxford University. She left the party in 1942, when she went to work in the Treasury, but remained a communist sympathizer for several years.:172:15 After several years she was allowed to visit the United States, but always obtained an exemption from the provisions of the McCarran Act, which barred Communist Party members and former members from entering the country. In a 1990 interview with the Paris Review, she said that her membership in the Communist Party had made her see “how powerful and powerful it is, but certainly in its organized form.”:210 Apart from her membership in the Communist Party, her Irish heritage is another tangible aspect of Murdoch’s interesting political life. Part of this interest revolves around the fact that, although she is Irish by birth and descent, Murdoch does not display the range of political views that one of that origin is supposed to hold: “Not everyone agrees on who has the right to claim the name of identity.” Irish. Iris's cousins, from Belfast, call themselves British, not Irish...from a father and mother who were raised in Ireland, and the lineage in Northern and Southern Ireland goes back three centuries. Iris has as much authority to claim to be Irish as most North Americans call themselves American.':24 Peter J. Conradi's 2001 biography was the result of extensive research and a permitted entry in other magazines and newspapers. The impetus for the work was his love affair and friendship with Murdoch, which lasted from the time they met when she was giving the Gifford Lectures until her death. The book was well received, with John Updike commenting that "there would be no need to complain about literary biographies later if they were all of the same quality." The text addresses many of the common questions about Murdoch, such as how she was Irish, what political orientation she held, etc. Although Conradi is not a trained historian, his interest in Murdoch's achievements is As a memoirist he is most evident in his autobiography, most evident in his earlier work of literary criticism, The Saint and the Artist: A Study of the Works of Iris Murdoch. He also recalls his personal encounters with Murdoch over his conversion to Buddhism in two 2005 booklets, Panic and Emptiness, Buddha and I. Conrad's archive of Murdoch-related material, together with the Iris Murdoch Library at Oxford University, is housed at Kingston University. A. N. Wilson has given an account of Murdoch's colourful and ambitious life in his 2003 book Iris Murdoch As I Knew Her. Galen Strawson in The Guardian called this work "a damaging revelation", and Wilson himself called it an "anti-autobiography." Wilson avoids objectivity, but is careful to emphasize his own affinity for the subject. Wilson explains that Murdoch was "one of those cheerful young women... who was always getting ready to go to bed alone.":59 Although Murdoch's thought was an inspiration to Conradi, Wilson sees Murdoch's philosophical work as a fragment. In a 2009 interview with BBC Radio 4, Wilson expressed his opinion of Murdoch and her work, conceding that no doctor could have said that Murdoch's struggle to complete her final philosophical book, Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, reduced her sense of despair and led to her developing Alzheimer's disease in a short time. David Morgan met Iris Murdoch in 1964, when he was a student at the Royal College of Art. :475 He described their lifelong friendship in his 2010 memoir, With Love and Fury: A Friendship with Iris Murdoch. John Bailey wrote two memoirs about his life with Iris Murdoch. Iris: A Memoir in the UK was published in 1998, shortly before her death. The American edition was published in 1999 as Iris's Elegy. A sequel, Iris and Her Friends, was published posthumously later that year. Murdoch was portrayed by Kate Winslet and Judi Dench in Richard Eyre's 2001 film Iris, based on Bailey's memories of his wife as she was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. BBC Radio 4 broadcast The Iris Murdoch Season in 2015, with a series of memoirs by close friends, as well as dramatizations of her novels. Iris Murdoch's writings were not limited to her novels, but she left behind her A remarkable legacy of letters to friends, totalling 760 letters, totalling 3,000 pages, is preserved at the Iris Murdoch Centre for Studies at Kingston University, whose director has described the letters as providing a rare insight into Murdoch's life and private thoughts. Murdoch described herself in one of her letters to her friend, the philosopher Philippa Foot, in May 1968, as "an indefatigable letter writer." In 2001, American director Richard Eyre produced a film about Iris Murdoch's life based on the memoirs of her husband John Bayley, which he published in 1998 when she was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The film won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
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Adolfo Suárez González was the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Spain after the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, serving as Prime Minister from 3 July 1976 to 25 February 1981. He is considered a key figure in the country's transition to democracy. His government legalized political parties, including the controversial authorization of the Communist Party, and amnesty for political prisoners, then drafted and approved the Constitution in a referendum in 1978. The Moncloa Pacts were approved during his presidency. He was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord in 1996 for his significant contribution to the country's democratic transition, as its chief architect, along with King Juan Carlos. He retired from politics in 1991, and has been out of public life since 2003; On May 31, 2005, Adolfo Suárez's son stated that his father was suffering from degenerative dementia or Alzheimer's disease and did not remember being Prime Minister of Spain and did not recognize anyone, except in response to emotional stimuli. He died on Sunday, March 23, 2014, in a Madrid clinic. Adolfo Suárez was born in 1932 in the village of Cebreros, where his mother wanted to give birth to him in the land of her ancestors and where her family had its roots, although their actual residence was in the city of Ávila. His mother was religious, while his father was a gambler and a debauchee. Suárez was not a good student, as he moved between several schools. Instead of studying, his main interests were parties, festivals, sports, playing cards, and leading neighborhood gangs. Following his mother's religious beliefs, he became involved and led activities linked to Catholic Action from a young age. He studied law at the University of Salamanca freely and graduated with great difficulty. After meeting members of the Spanish Falange movement, he began to occupy some public positions, and obtained a doctorate in law from the Complutense University of Madrid. He continued to occupy various positions within the structures of the Francoist regime until he reached the position of Director of Spanish Television between 1969 and 1973. Shortly after the assassination of Prime Minister General Carrero Blanco, Carlos Arias Navarro was appointed in his place. After the death of General Francisco Franco on November 20, 1975, and the coronation of Juan Carlos as King of Spain on November 22, the King dismissed Arias Navarro from the prime minister's office and appointed Adolfo Suárez, who was not known to the public despite his management of public radio and television. Suárez gathered around him figures from Francoism and the Spanish Falange, as well as from social democrats, liberals and Christian democrats. At the first meeting of the cabinet formed by Suárez, the king told them, “Work and work without fear.” Just two weeks after his appointment, the new government announced that the date of the elections would be decided no later than June 30, 1977. Suárez was elected leader of the Democratic Centre Union party. On June 15, 1977, the Democratic Centre Union of Adolfo Suárez, which included liberals and moderate former Francoists, won the first democratic elections in Spain. The country was experiencing a turbulent and tense atmosphere. The military did not accept any representation of the left in political life, and the left sought to abolish everything related to the monarchy and Francoism, and did not recognize the tyranny of the military. In addition, groups of the extreme right and extreme left had emerged, such as the anti-fascist Grapo movement and the Basque ETA movement. Thanks to Suárez’s shrewdness and patience, he was able and succeeded in convincing all parties to give up some of what they were demanding, calling on everyone to participate in political life, including the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. The most difficult thing for Suárez was to convince the military to allow the Spanish Communist Party to operate and to lift its ban. At the same time, he opened talks with the Communist Party under the leadership of Santiago Carrillo to ask it to recognize the monarchy, despite the party's open hostility to the monarchy. After the reunification, his popularity rose, and he won the elections for the second time in 1979. However, his victory did not end the unrest, as he faced the wrath of the military, who carried out a coup attempt on February 23, 1981, under the leadership of Antonio Tejero, who entered the Spanish Parliament armed with a group of Civil Guards, which at that moment was installing Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo as Prime Minister after Suárez left the presidency. Tejero ordered the members of Parliament to lie down on the ground, and the deputies complied with his request, with the exception of Adolfo Suárez and Santiago Carrillo, who remained seated in defiance of Tejero, who brandished his pistol inside the Parliament and began firing. An atmosphere of fear and anxiety prevailed in the Spanish street about the future of the political situation, until Juan Carlos was able to intervene personally to resolve the crisis. Then Suárez's bad luck began to prevail, and he was forced to resign and form his own party without much political success, while the Democratic Center Union was on its way to disappearing from the political scene to be replaced by the Popular Alliance. The brilliant figure of Felipe González, leader of the Socialist Party, emerged, winning the following elections in succession and ruling until 1996, thus dominating the political scene. Suárez retired from politics in 1991. Five years later, the King of Spain granted him the title of Noble of Spain and the title of Duke of Suárez. A strong verbal altercation took place at a dinner on the night of January 28, 1978, between King Hassan II and Adolfo Suárez, in the presence of King Juan Carlos and Prince Moulay Abdallah, due to what Morocco considered Suárez's ambiguity on the Sahara issue. The Moroccan delegation demanded that Suárez adopt a clear policy on the Sahara issue. Suarez then visited Morocco in June 1978. Suarez also visited Algeria and received the leader of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, on May 1, 1979. Suarez is the only president to have officially met the leader of the Polisario Front. Suarez is also considered the founder of the Spanish-Algerian axis to respond to any tension with Morocco. After suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and his wife's illness and subsequent death from cancer in 2001, and then his two daughters' illness, he withdrew from public life in 2003, and in 2004 his daughter also died of cancer. After battling pneumonia, Suarez died on the afternoon of Sunday, March 23, 2014, in a Madrid clinic at the age of 81. Spain subsequently declared three days of national mourning. King Juan Carlos, in a speech broadcast on public television after the announcement of his death, said of Adolfo Suarez, whom he described as a "statesman" and "loyal friend":
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Geriatric medicine
Alexa Anne McDonough: is a Canadian politician who became the first woman to lead a major political party in Canada when she was elected leader of the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party in the 1980s. She served as a member of the Nova Scotia Legislature from 1984 to 1994, representing the electoral districts of Halifax-Chebecto and Halifax-Fairview. She stepped down as leader of the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party and as a member of the Legislature in 1994, then ran for the leadership of the federal New Democratic Party and was elected in 1995 as leader of the federal New Democratic Party. She was elected to Parliament for the federal electoral district of Halifax in 1997. She stepped down as leader of the party in 2003, but continued as a member of Parliament for two more terms until retiring from politics in 2008. In 2009, she became interim president of the University of Mount Saint Vincent, and was appointed He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in December of that year. McDonough was born to Alex Anne Shaw in Ottawa, Ontario, in 1944, to Jane MacKinnon and Lloyd Robert Shaw, a wealthy businessman committed to progressive politics. He was the former first research director of the New Democratic Party and the National Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, and was an early financial backer of the New Democratic Party when it was formed in 1961. McDonough became involved in social activism at an early age when, at the age of 14, she led a church youth group in publicizing the conditions of Africville, a low-income suburb of Halifax. She attended Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, her family's alma mater. Two years later, she transferred to Dalhousie University in Halifax, where she earned a BA in sociology and psychology in 1965. She became a social worker, and during the 1970 Nova Scotia general election, she worked for the Liberal Party under Gerald Reagan, writing the social policy platform. She quickly became completely attuned to Reagan and the Liberals, and joined the New Democratic Party in 1974. McDonough's first contact with electoral politics was during the 1979 and 1980 federal elections. She ran unsuccessfully in both elections in the Halifax riding. In the 1980 federal election, she lost to former Nova Scotia leader Gerald Reagan, the same politician she had supported in 1970. Immediately after the 1980 federal election, in the spring, Jeremy Ackerman stepped down as leader of the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party. At this time, there was a growing rift between the Cape Breton and mainland wings of the party. This rift erupted in June when Paul McEwan, the NDP member of the legislative assembly for Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, was expelled from the party for his continued public statements about internal party disagreements, including the suggestion that Jeremy Ackerman had resigned. Due to some “Trotskyist elements” in the provincial assembly, which was largely from the mainland, and to make matters worse for the new leader, four NDP members of the Legislative Assembly, all from Cape Breton constituencies, voted 3-1 to keep him on the party committee with Lynn J. Arsenault, the North Cape Breton Legislative Assemblyman, as the only negative vote. The exclusion of Paul McEwan was one of the dominant issues during the leadership race that went down. In late September, Jimmy Ackerman was appointed to a senior government job that required him to resign from the Legislative Assembly and terminate his membership in the NDP. Buddy Mischern, a candidate for the party’s leadership and a member of the Cape Breton Centre Legislative Assembly, was appointed interim leader on October 2 of that year. Despite these fierce battles, and the failure to secure a seat in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly, McDonough decided to enter the leadership race. The other candidate in the race to replace Jeremy Ackerman was Arsenault. The election was held on Halifax, and a leadership vote was held on November 16, 1980. McDonough received 237 votes compared to Arsenault's 42 and Paddy Mischern's, giving her the first landslide election victory. As a result of this victory, she became the first woman in Canada to lead a major political party. Her first decision was to settle the McEwan issue. On December 9, 1980, she managed to get her former rivals for the party leadership to vote McEwan off the party committee and the party. Because she did not have a seat in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly, only two seats were left for the party, as McEwan became an independent and Ackerman's seat was vacant due to his resignation. McDonough sat in the visitors' gallery of the House of Assembly for a year before she was able to run for a seat in the Nova Scotia general election of 1980. McDonough ran in her first provincial election as leader in Halifax, where the Liberals were The Conservatives were nearly even in terms of voter support, and the NDP had been a distant third in the previous election. She won her seat, the NDP's first on the Nova Scotia mainland, but the NDP lost all its seats on Cape Breton Island. MacDonough spent the next three years as the only New Democrat, and the only woman, in the House of Assembly. She broke the old buddy network that had permeated Nova Scotia politics at the time by trying to dismantle the province's "entrenched patronage system." MacDonough was very popular throughout Nova Scotia, consistently leading in party leadership polls, but her popularity did not carry over to the rest of the party. She served as party leader for three more elections, and then formed a party committee with no more than three members, all from the mainland, including the future Nova Scotia NDP leader; Robert Chisholm. After fourteen years as leader of the New Democratic Party - which at the time made her the longest-serving leader of a major political party - she stepped down as party leader on November 19, 1994. John Holm, a member of the Legislative Assembly for Sackville-Copcoed, took over as interim leader until Chisholm was elected party leader in 1996. While the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party was on the rise in the mid-1990s, the same was not true of its federal counterpart. The 1993 Canadian federal election was nothing short of a disaster for the NDP. Under Audrey McLaughlin, the party suffered its worst defeat in terms of seats since the late 1950s when it was called the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. When looking at the popular vote, it was the worst election ever for a federal social democratic party in the 20th century, with just 7% of the vote. The party won just 9 seats, less than The twelve seats required to gain official party status in the House of Commons, and all the additional funding, research, workplaces, and question-period privileges it received. After the 1993 election, the party embarked on a reform of its policies and objectives, with McLaughlin announcing on April 18, 1994, that she would step down as party leader by 1996. McLaughlin faced internal party wrangling similar to that of 1980, which led to her departure being accelerated from late 1996 to late 1995. With the party's internal conditions at best toxic, McDonough entered the leadership race in the spring of 1995. The conditions were similar to those she faced in her first leadership campaign in 1980; A divided party destroys itself. However, what holds the party back is the unpopular New Democratic Party government in Ontario and British Columbia. The party even suffered severe losses in those provinces at the federal level in 1993, losing all of its members of parliament in Ontario, and all but two in British Columbia; More than half of the party group. Before the October 14, 1995, NDP leadership election, she was seen as trailing her major rivals Svend Robinson and Lorne Nystrom, but she came in second on the first ballot, ahead of Nystrom by votes split three-way. Although Robinson came in first, he felt that most of Nystrom's supporters would vote for McDonough on the second ballot, giving her the win. Thus, he conceded to McDonough before the second ballot was held. With Nystrom's position, McDonough was hailed as the new party leader. She became the first Atlantic Canadian to lead a major party since Robert Stanfield, the Conservative and Progressive leader, retired in 1976. Unusually for leaders of major parties, she had no MPs who had resigned, so she could enter Parliament through a by-election, choosing to run for a third term in her Halifax riding in the next general election. In the 1997 election—her first—McDonough was elected to the party. As leader, the party won 21 seats, a historic achievement in the Atlantic provinces; A province that had won only three seats in its history before 1997, MacDonough won by about 11,000 votes, pushing the Liberal Mary Clancy into third place, and she went on to win three consecutive terms until she retired from politics in 2008. Over the next few years, MacDonough's leadership was highly controversial. Union leaders were not enthusiastic about her support, threatening to leave the party, especially Buzz Hagrove, the president of the Auto Workers Union. She was seen within the party as trying to pull the party toward the center of political affiliations - Tony Blair's Third Way policies, although in her 1999 speech to the party on the Ottawa Policy Agreement she tried to distance herself from the Third Way policies, saying: "We must chart a new path for Canadians to follow in the 21st century, not an old path, not a third way; a path that is Canada's own." The vote on the bill was abstained. A decision to adopt Third Way policies in the party platform, which many union leaders opposed along with their opposition to "Canada's Own Way". The Canadian Alliance, under its new leader Stockwell Day, presented a new challenge to MacDonough's New Democratic Party. Fearing the possibility of a coalition government, many NDP supporters switched to the Liberals. Similarly, two NDP MPs, Rick Lalbert and Angela Vautour, switched to other caucuses, reducing the caucus to 19 seats. At the 2000 federal election, the party retained only 13 seats and 8.5 percent of the popular vote, its lowest in history since the 1993 campaign. The only consolation for the party and for McDonough from the 2000 campaign was that they retained the party's official position in the House of Commons, unlike McLaughlin in 1993. After the disappointing performance in the 2000 federal election, there were calls again for a revamp of the party. Some party activists realized that the party needed to move to the center of the diverse political fabric and wanted to change that by bringing in social/political activists from outside the parliamentary process. They called their movement the New Politics Initiative. Another group, the NDP Revival, wanted to reform the party's internal structures, along with some procedural changes to how party leaders were elected. The party, and to reduce the control of labor unions in the party. The proposal for a new policy initiative to create a new party from the ashes of the New Democratic Party was opposed by both McDonough and former party leader Ed Broadbent. The draft resolution was narrowly defeated when it was introduced at the party's meeting in Winnipeg in November 2001. The resolution of the New Democratic Party Renaissance Group was passed; A one-person, one-vote electoral system, including a provision to limit the Labor quota at the ballot box to 25 percent, was also at this meeting. McDonough overcame a leadership challenge from a Socialist caucus member, Marshall Hutz, who was also a supporter of the New Policy Initiative. The issue that highlighted McDonough’s leadership during the end of her political career was the fight against Islamophobia and anti-Arab sentiment that swept Canada and the United States in the wake of the September 11, 2001, attacks. She led a national campaign for the return of Maher Arar, an Arab Canadian who had been wrongly arrested as a terrorist by U.S. border officials based on a false tip from the Canadian Intelligence Service. McDonough campaigned in 2002 and 2003 for his release. When he was released, his wife, Mounia Mazigh, joined the New Democratic Party and became their candidate in the 2014 federal election in recognition of the support he had received. McDonough and the party showed her and her husband. With Brian Massey's victory in the 2002 by-election in Windsor West, the party group increased to 14 members. Several weeks later, on June 5, 2002, McDonough took advantage of this positive shift in electoral interests to announce that she was stepping down as leader of the New Democratic Party. On January 25, 2003, in the Toronto election, she was succeeded by Jack Layton. She was re-elected to Parliament in the 2004 federal election, and again in 2006. In the NDP's shadow cabinet, McDonough served as critic for international development, international cooperation, and peace advocacy. On June 2, McDonough announced that she would not stand in the Halifax riding at the election, making the announcement at the Lord Nelson Hotel, the same venue where she had celebrated her victory as Halifax MP. She said she would continue as Halifax MP until the next federal election. On June 29, In 2009, McDonough was announced as interim president of Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, beginning her one-year appointment in August 2009. It was announced on December 30, 2009, that she would be appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada for her pioneering work in Nova Scotia and as leader of the New Democratic Party. She received an honorary Doctor of Civil Laws from Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia on May 13, 2012. Her first marriage was to Peter McDonough, a lawyer in Halifax, with whom she has two sons; Justin, and Travis. In 1993, she separated from Peter MacDonough, although she claimed that her political career had no role in it. In 1994, just before stepping down as Nova Scotia leader, she had a hysterectomy, and waited until she had recovered before announcing her resignation. During her time as leader of the New Democratic Unionist Party, she had affairs with David MacDonald; He is a Progressive Conservative MP for Toronto-Rosedale Centre and a cabinet minister. MacDonald was the New Democratic Party candidate for Toronto Centre in the 1997 election, and in the previous election, as a Progressive Conservative, and like every other Progressive Conservative candidate in Ontario in 1993, he was defeated. The couple separated before the 2004 federal election. MacDonough's focus in retirement has been her seven grandchildren, friends, and travel. On May 3, 2013, MacDonough announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer by mammogram. She has received treatment and is now doing well.
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Geriatric medicine
Pauline Esther "Bobo" Phillips, also known as Abigail Van Buren, was an American advice writer and broadcaster who began writing her Dear Abby column in 1956. The column became the most widely circulated newspaper column in the world, appearing in 1,400 newspapers with 110 million readers. From 1963 to 1975, Phillips also hosted a daily Dear Abby show on CBS Radio. Television host Diane Sawyer describes her as "the pioneering queen of salty advice." Pauline Esther Friedman, nicknamed "Bobo," was born in Sioux City, Iowa, to Russian Jewish immigrants Rebecca and Abraham B. Friedman, the owner of a chain of movie theaters. She was the youngest of four sisters and grew up in Sioux City. Her identical twin, Esther Pauline Friedman, was a columnist for Ann Landers. Lederer became Ann Landers in 1955, and inspired by her sister’s example, Phillips quickly followed suit by launching her own advice column. Describing her family’s immigration to America, Phillips says, “My parents came with nothing. They all came with nothing.” Her parents, she adds, never forgot the first impression of the Statue of Liberty. Surprisingly, the influence the Lady of the Harbor had on them. They held her dear, all their lives. Her sister, Esther, recalls their home life: “My father was the kind of man people came to for advice. My mother couldn’t turn away anyone with a difficult story. Our house was full of guests.” Phillips agreed, realizing that her parents had a clear influence on her personality: “I was vain. My contemporaries would come to me for advice. I got that from my mother: the ability to listen and help others with their problems. I also got my sense of humor from my father.” They both attended Central High School in Sioux City and Morningside College, where they both studied journalism and psychology, along with writing a syndicated gossip column for the college newspaper. They both played the violin. In July 1939, they were married in a double wedding on July 2, two days before their 21st birthdays. Pauline married Morton Phillips of Minneapolis, and had two children, a son, Edward J. Phillips, and a daughter, Jane Phillips. In the July 8, 2017 Dear Abby, Jane Phillips said that her mother liked to have twins while her aunt wanted to have singles, which caused a rift between them. Pauline's writing career that led to Dear Abby began in January 1956, when she was 37 and new to the greater San Francisco area. Sometime during this period, the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle called and said she could write a better advice column than the one she was reading in the paper. After hearing her modest credentials, editor Stanley “Oak” Arnold gave her some letters that needed answers, and told her to return them within a week. Phillips got her responses to the Chronicle in an hour and a half. In an interview with Larry King, she said she had no work experience and lacked even a Social Security number. Still, the editor asked if she was a professional writer. He said her writing was “brilliant,” and she was hired that day. She went by the pseudonym Abigail Van Buren, after the Old Testament prophecy from the Book of Samuel: Then David said to Abigail… ‘Blessed is your counsel and your blessing.’” “Van Buren” was used after President Martin Van Buren. Phillips says that because she applied for the columnist job without telling her sister first, it created bad feelings between them for years. Each wrote her own column, and as rival journalists, they sometimes clashed. In 1956, Phillips offered her column to the Sioux City Journal at a discount, provided the paper refused to print her sister's column. The sisters reconciled in 1964, but remained rivals. In 1958, just two years after writing her columns, she became "the most widely quoted woman in the world," according to Life magazine. Although newspapers had featured gossip and personal columnists for more than a century, the sisters added "something special," Life writes, in that they were the first to publish letters and their responses covering a wide range of personal problems. From as many as 9,000 letters a week in their early years, they responded with answers to people from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, and clergy, as well as pregnant teenagers, harassed husbands, single mothers, alcoholics, homosexuals, and mistresses. More than the columnists of previous decades, their style of writing was defined by their own, ripping off “violin lines,” but always rooted in common sense. Phillips was described thus by The New York Times: With her comic, sardonic, but fundamentally sympathetic voice, Ms. Phillips helped to right the advice column from its acerbic Victorian past to its 20th-century status. Phillips was considered a political liberal, but a conservative in person. She remained reluctant to advise unmarried couples to live together, for example, until the 1990s, yet she was easily adaptable to social changes. One example: Both Phillips and her sister were considered remarkable women shortly after they began their careers, known for being bright and entertaining, writing with “earthy wit, audacity and self-assurance,” often embodied in Phillips’s “one-liners.” The editor of the Chicago Sun-Times described her skill as "beyond mere cunning," a quality very close to true wisdom. “Amy Dickinson, a popular columnist who penned her columns after Dear Abby, says that Phillips was a “master” in her ability to write with both “true honesty” and “empathy,” while at the same time being able to respond with “tough love” when needed: The letters that both Phillips and her sister chose to publish were intended to give a general overview of “the most intimate human difficulties” that contributed to their immediate acceptance. Life magazine explains: Phillips reported that the most sensitive letters she received were never published, but were responded to individually. Sometimes she would write a brief note on the letter itself, leaving one of her secretaries to respond fully using her advice. If someone seemed suicidal from their letter, she would call them on the phone. As Life notes: As part of their work, both sisters collaborated with other editors, publishers, and the general public whenever they could. “They never forgot a name,” they said, and were unabashed public speakers: “They would go around the country appearing on radio and television and—dressed like movie actresses.” "The Extras" - holding thousands of housewives in speeches in theaters and halls. Like her sister, Phillips was considered "the embodiment of feminine orthodoxy." They made their husbands and families the top priority in their lives, and felt that "marriage should always be, even when it is affected by male madness." Phillips typically spoke in glowing terms about her husband in public, describing him as "passionate" or smoking with him in restaurants. This attitude continued in her columns in the late 1950s, where Phillips viewed women who could not make their marriages work as "weakly ridiculous." Her "code of conduct" was "husband and children first." In her later years, she did not shy away from suggesting divorce when the relationship became "unbearable," and considered how a bad marriage could affect children: "When children see parents fighting, or even cutting each other, I think it hurts terribly." Both Phillips and her sister enjoyed associating with celebrities, and because of their own reputations, celebrities loved to be seen with either of them. Among Phillips's friends soon after she began her column were politicians, including Senators Hubert Humphrey and Herbert Lehman; and entertainers, including Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin. They also admired Bishop Fulton Sheen, whom they met when learning about Catholicism while studying other religions. The bishop in return admired them for their ability to remain "uncultured" and unaffected by other people's fame. Phillips, who is Jewish, commented, "He's one of the greatest men I've ever met, but he'll be a Jew before I'll be a Catholic." Phillips and Bishop Sheen corresponded often and she recalls her letters: Phillips was an honorary member of Women in Communications, the American College of Psychiatrists, and the National Council of Jewish Women. She wrote six books: Dear Abby, Dear Teenager, Dear Abby on Marriage, Where Were You When President Kennedy Was Shot?, Dear Abby the Wedding Planner, and The Best Dear Abby. The Dear Abby Show aired on CBS Radio for 12 years. When asked toward the end of her career whether her years of column writing were too much work, she said, "It's only work if you'd rather be doing something else." She felt her career had been "wonderful, exciting, and incredibly rewarding." At some point in her life, Phillips stopped driving. Her daughter, Jane, said she quit after she was rear-ended by a coal truck during a Wisconsin winter, with Jane scarred for life from the incident. From 1987 until her mother's retirement, her daughter Jane co-wrote the column. In 2002, when Alzheimer's disease made it impossible for Phillips to continue writing, Jane assumed all writing responsibilities for Dear Abby. After the family announced Pauline's illness, Jane assumed the name Abigail Van Buren. Phillips died on January 16, 2013, at the age of 94, after battling Alzheimer's for 11 years. She is survived by her husband of 73 years, Morton Phillips, her daughter Jane Phillips, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Her son Edward died in 2011 at the age of 66.
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Geriatric medicine
Charles Bronson, whose birth name was Lithuanian - where his parents were originally from - Karolis Bučinskis, has died at the age of 81. An American actor known for his "bully" roles, most of which were either police detectives, cowboys, soldiers, boxers, or mafia men. Bronson was born in Irving, Pennsylvania, in a coal mining town. He was the 11th child of 15 children born to a Lithuanian-Tatar immigrant father and a Lithuanian-American mother. His father was from the Lithuanian town of Druskininkai. His father died when Bronson was 10 years old, and Bronson went to work in the coal mines, following in the footsteps of his older brothers until he was discharged to join the Army in World War II. He earned one dollar for every ton of coal mined. His family was so poor that he once had to wear his sister's dress to school because he had nothing to wear. There is a conflict of accounts about his enlistment in the Air Force, with his own statement that he served in Northfield, Guam, where he participated in attacks against Japan, and an American journalist's statement that he drove an army truck in Kingman, Arizona. After the war, he decided to pursue his dream of acting, not out of love for the art, but because his eyes were fixed on the financial rewards that acting could bring him. Bronson was a roommate of actor Jack Klugman, who was an up-and-coming actor at the time. Klugman later said that Bronson was good at ironing clothes. His first screen appearance, which is not mentioned, was as a sailor in the 1951 film You're in the Navy Now. In 1952, he fought in the ring with Roy Rogers in Rogers' Show Knock Out. During the McCarthy Trials, he changed his surname to "Bronson", as "Slavic" sounding names were considered suspect at the time. The name was inspired by "Bronson Gate" at Paramount Studios, the studio located on Melrose Avenue and Bronson Street. One of his first screen appearances was as the valet of Vincent Prince in the 1953 horror classic House of Wax. Bronson appeared on television in the 1950s and 1960s, including several lead roles in three of Alfred Hitchcock's miniseries: And So Died Riabouchinska, There Was an Old Woman, and The Woman Who Wanted to Live. He also starred alongside Elizabeth Montgomery in The Twilight Zone Part II in 1961. From 1958 to 1960, Bronson starred in the ABC detective series Man With a Camera, where he played Mike Kovac, a former military photographer working freelance in New York City. Kovac was asked by the police to do work for them, which often put him in danger. Also on the same network, Bronson gained attention in 1963 as Linc, the tough-talking wagon driver, in the American western television series The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, co-starring Kurt Russell when he was 12 years old. Although he began his career in the United States, Bronson first became famous in European films, where he was popular in Europe, and was known by two names: the Italians called him "Il Brutto" (The Ugly One) and the French "le sacré monstre" (The Sacred Monster). Although he had not yet become a household name in the United States, this popularity on the European level earned him a Golden Globe Award in 1971 as "the most popular actor in the world." That same year, he wondered if he was "too rough" to be a star in the United States. Bronson's most famous films include The Great Escape (1976), in which he played Danny Velinski, a Polish prisoner who was dubbed the "King of the Tunnels" during the war; The Dirty Dozen (1976), in which he played a wartime death row inmate who is sent on a suicide mission in World War II; Westerns The Magnificent Seven and Sergio Leone's epic Once Upon a Time in the West, in which he and his co-stars played honorable Western heroes fighting for a noble cause to help the weak. Sergio Leone once said of him, "He's the greatest actor I've ever worked with." Leone wanted Bronson to work with him in the Man with No Name trilogy, but Bronson declined every time he asked him to work in the trilogy. In Hard Times, he played a street fighter who makes a living from illegal boxing matches in Louisiana. He is also remembered for Death Wish, the most famous film from his long association with director Michael Winner. This film spawned several sequels in which he starred. In this series, he played Paul Kersey, a successful New York City architect who lives an ordinary life until his wife is murdered and his daughter is raped. Kersey becomes a crime fighter by night - a role that caused a stir as his executions were well received by viewers tired of the rampant crime in society. After the famous Bernhard Goetz incident in 1984, Bronson advised people not to imitate this character. During the 1980s, he presented A number of films with smaller, more famous production companies, including Cannon Films, and films such as The Evil That Men Do and 10 To Midnight, which were panned by critics but provided him with a good income in the 1980s. Charles Bronson's last starring role was in the fifth installment, Death Wish V: The Face of Death. Bronson was married to British actress Jill Ireland from 1968 until her death from breast cancer at the age of 54 in 1990. He had met her when she was the wife of British actor David McCallum. Bronson, who had co-starred with McCallum in The Great Escape, reportedly said to him, "I'm going to marry your wife," and two years later he did, his second marriage. Bronson died on August 30, 2003, of pneumonia while suffering from Alzheimer's disease at DHMC Leb NH. After suffering from general poor health following hip replacement surgery in August 1998, he was buried in Brownsville, Vermont, near his home of 30 years in West Windsor.
Geriatric medicine
Black is a Hindi–English language drama film directed by Yanjay Leela Bhansali. It stars Rani Mukerji and Amitabh Bachchan with Shernaz Patel and Dhritiman Chatterjee in supporting roles. The film tells the story of Michelle McNally, a deaf-blind woman, and her relationship with her mentor Debraj Sahi, an elderly alcoholic who later suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Bhansali announced his new project Black in 2003. The idea first came to him when he encountered physically disabled children while shooting for the musical Kamoshi in late 1990. The story is inspired by the life of American activist Helen Keller and her 1903 autobiography, The Story of My Life. The film was originally planned to be another romantic film, but chose to address the issue of deaf-blindness. The screenplay was written by Bhansali, Bhavani Iler and Praklesh Kapadia, who also wrote the dialogues in English and Hindi, respectively. Cinematography by Ravi Khandran and taking 100 days, using the cinematography style of the 1959 film Kaagaz Ke Phool, took place between January and April 2004, in Shimla and Film City. Among Kumar was the production designer, while Sham Kaushal was the work director. The film faced legal issues after its sets were burned at Film City, and the initial budget of the film was increased. After the shooting was completed, the editing was handled by Bela Sehgal. The soundtrack and theme music were composed by Monty Sharma and Michelle Dana respectively. With a budget of around US$2.8 million, Black was released theatrically on 4 February 2005. It grossed US$5.7 million and was considered a commercial success, ranking as the highest-grossing Indian film. The film received widespread critical acclaim, with critics praising the story, direction and acting. The film won numerous awards, including 11 Filmfare Awards, the highest number ever, and 3 National Film Awards, including Best Hindi Film, Best Actor for Bachchan, and Best Costume Design for Sabyasachi Mukerji. A Turkish version was released in 2013. The film revolves around Michelle, who lost her sight and hearing due to an illness that struck her in her childhood. She grows up frustrated and disillusioned, which makes her a violent and uncontrollable child. Her parents Paul and Catherine try to control her until Debraj, an elderly drug addict teacher, enters their lives. Debraj takes it upon himself to mold Michelle into a person who can communicate and express himself. He uses harsh methods, which the father initially objects to, and orders him to leave. Debraj stays with Michelle while her father is away on a business trip, teaching Michelle a few words and better manners. But he prepares to leave when her father returns. Just before he leaves, Debraj is disappointed to see Michelle back to being rude. He later throws her into a water fountain, prompting her to learn Debraj's lessons. Finally understanding what water is, she makes her parents aware, and utters the first syllables of small words, convincing her parents to continue with Debraj as her teacher. Years later, Michelle has become an expressive woman who can dance and sing with authority. She gets admission to pursue her bachelor's degree with Debraj's help. She moves out of her home and lives with Debraj. For the next two years, she struggles to earn her degree, year after year, but she keeps her spirit up and relies on Debraj to interpret the material, and the principal helps her study in Braille.
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a survival horror video game released in 2010 for personal computers such as Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. The story revolves around the protagonist, Daniel, who is trapped in a large, abandoned mansion and faces the danger of monsters and tries to solve complex puzzles. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a first-person adventure game with survival horror elements. The player controls Daniel, who must navigate the castle of Birnenburg while avoiding various hazards and solving puzzles. The gameplay retains the physical object interaction used in the Penumbra series, allowing for physics-based puzzles and interactions such as opening doors and fixing machines. Smaller items can be stored in the inventory, while larger objects can be lifted by holding down the mouse button and pressing or dragging the mouse. Objects such as doors or levers can be manipulated with the mouse in a way that simulates the movement of said object. The difficulty level of the game can be adjusted before starting, but cannot be adjusted once the game has started. In addition to the health bar, Sanity must be managed, which centers around a "fear of the dark" mechanic. According to designer Thomas Gripp, "the idea was basically that darkness itself should be an enemy." Sanity is reduced by staying in the dark for too long, witnessing disturbing events, or looking directly at monsters. Low Sanity causes visual and auditory hallucinations and an increased chance of attracting monsters, while completely depleting it results in a temporary reduction in movement, or death on higher difficulties. Light sources help restore Sanity, and if none are available, Daniel may use small canisters to light candles and torches or deploy an oil-burning lantern. However, both the number of canisters and the amount of oil available are limited, even on higher difficulties. If a monster sees Daniel, it will pursue him until he escapes its sight. Daniel has no way to fight off monsters, so he must either avoid being seen or run away. Daniel can only withstand a few attacks from a monster before dying, which will load the last save of the game. The player can restore Daniel's health using laudanum, which is found throughout the game. The player can hinder monsters by closing doors and building barriers from nearby objects. However, monsters can destroy doors and knock over objects. Hiding in dark areas where monsters won't notice Daniel is also effective, but will reduce Daniel's safety. On higher difficulties, monsters will move faster, deal more damage, and search for Daniel for longer periods of time. Amnesia: The Dark Descent received very positive reviews from critics, with continued praise for its ominous atmosphere and horror elements: "By placing a heavy emphasis on sight and hearing, the distance between the player and the game is radically reduced. This is enhanced technically by John Walker's use of stone, paper, and shotgun." He went so far as to say, "I think it's safe to say that Amnesia is the most successful scary game ever made." He also added Amnesia to his top ten PC games, saying, "There are a lot of so-called 'horror' games out there, this one is no joke. "You'll be rocking back and forth and crying in no time." Friction Games showed some trepidation at the game's initial sales after the first week, but were encouraged by continued sales throughout the first month after the game's release; by early January 2011, the developer reported that nearly 200,000 copies had been sold, stating in response that "with these numbers in hand, we must admit that it gives us new confidence in the PC." The game continued to sell and in July 2011, it had sold nearly 350,000 units. At the 2011 Independent Games Festival, Memory of Amnesia won awards for "Excellence in Audio" and "Technical Excellence" along with the "Direct2Drive Vision Award" which included a $10,000 prize. A year after the original release of Amnesia, the developers revealed that they had sold approximately 391,102 units and continued to sell approximately 6,000 units per month. They also released details on how much money each platform makes for them by analyzing sales from their online store, with the figure coming in at $10,000. 70% of sales came from Windows users, 15% from Linux users, and another 15% from Mac OS X users. However, Friction noted that their store was the only place anyone could buy the Linux version of the game, while the Mac OS and Microsoft Windows versions could be purchased from other sources, meaning that the overall percentage of Linux sales was actually smaller compared to the other platforms taken collectively. Noting that their Mac OS X sales did not decline from their own store even with services like Steam picking up the game for that platform, meaning that it was not stealing customers from their store but instead opening up a new market, they decided that this would provide a good incentive for other stores to support Linux as well. As of September 2012, the game had reached an estimated 1.4 million sales. In 2011, Amnesia was ranked as the 34th best adventure game ever released. In 2015, Kotaku ranked it as the second best horror game of all time, beaten only by . T, but it moved to number one after PT was removed by Konami. In 2017, GamesRadar ranked Amnesia as the third-best horror game of all time, although in a revised list for 2018, the game moved to number 13. In 2018, The A.V. ranked it the seventh-greatest horror game of all time in a list of 35 games.
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Geriatric medicine
Dead or Alive 2 is a fighting game from Tecmo from the Dead or Alive series. The game was released on the arcade in 1999 and on the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 in 2000. Three years after the release of the first part, and a year after the release of the developed version of the first part on the arcade, the second part was released in 1999 on the Naomi arcade devices. Team NINJA amazed players and gaming specialists with the amazing graphics it provided on the arcade devices. The second part has changed significantly from the first part, as there are no longer ground Danger Zones as before, but the dangerous areas have become walls and the possibility of falling from high places to other low places. Also, the design of the arenas was not the same as in the first part, just changing backgrounds, but in the second part the backgrounds are interactive, as they can shatter or hit your opponent towards them. The character design was changed to an amazing degree due to the masterful graphics and work done by Team Ninja, as it was running at 60 frames per second. Also, new characters Ein, Helena, and Bayman were added, in addition to the final boss called Tengu. Among the additions was a new popular mode taken from the Tekken Tag Tournament game and put in DOA, which is the Tag mode, where you can quickly do a number of combos by switching between the two characters, in addition to doing joint moves between the two characters. A full year after its release on the arcade, it was released on the Dreamcast, and in the same year it was released on the PlayStation 2. The PlayStation version included a new set of clothing for the characters and a secret character, Bayman. After that, the developed version was released on the arcade devices again and was called the Millenium Edition. A tengu appeared who threatens the safety of the world and is called "Gohyakumine Bankotsubo". In the end, "Ryo Hayabusa" eliminates the tengu, and thus "Ryo" won the second Dead or Alive tournament. Ryu Hayabusa: A ninja from the Hayabusa Clan, planning to eliminate the Tengu. Kasumi: A runaway ninja from the Mugen Tenshin ninja clan. Tina: Bas's daughter and a wrestler, who wants to become a model. Jann-Lee: A fighter who masters the martial art called Jeet Kune Do, who wants to prove his fighting skills. Lei-Fang: An American DJ and boxer who masters the martial art called . Zack: An American DJ and boxer who masters the martial art called . Bayman: A hired killer. Gen-Fu: A martial arts master named Shen Yi and a bookstore owner. Ayane: A ninja from the Mugen Tenshin ninja clan, planning to kill Kasumi because she ran away from the village. New characters: Ein, Helena, Leon and the final boss Tengu. After two years of the release of the third part, Tecmo returned to be released on the Xbox with the Live service, and it was completely renewed and became a completely new game. A huge amount of clothes were added to Ultimate and a large number of stages reaching 22 stages with the addition of modifications to the combat system in the game, especially blocking and countering, and the game became faster than its predecessors, although the combat system used is the same as in the second part. Dead or Alive Ultimate used things that were not present in the previous parts, such as falling down stairs and performing Slop Attacks and providing an explanation of the story that was not previously present in the second part, which is the opening show, and providing the best graphics possible to provide on the Xbox. Report on Dead Or Alive.
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Geriatric medicine
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy is a video game developed by Midway Games for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and PC. It was released in North America on June 14, 2004, and in Europe on October 1, 2004. Psi-Ops is a traditional third-person shooter, based on Ragdoll physics and some other psychic abilities that set it apart from others. In Japan and East and Southeast Asia, the game was marketed by Capcom as Psi-Ops: Psychic Operation. The player controls the main character Nick Scream, a supernatural being who has had his mind erased in order to infiltrate a terrorist organization. Nick is later captured by the organization, and must fight his way out with the help of Sarah. During his escape, Nick begins to regain his PSI abilities. On June 9, 2009, a full version of the game was made available for free via the FilePlanet server developed by GameSpy. The free version of the game contained in-game advertisements with the option to purchase the game to remove the advertisements. A FilePlanet membership was required to obtain the game for free. When the story begins, Nick Schrier has completely lost his memory and does not know who he is, as his mind was erased to infiltrate the terrorist organization known as . After being captured by the organization, Sarah frees him and gives him a drug that helps him regain his lost memory and abilities. From here, the game begins with the most prominent mental power in the game, which is telekinesis. Nick encounters a large number of former PSI agents who have defected with their leader, who previously led the PSI-Ops project. Each of these defected agents has a special ability in a specific area of psychic abilities, where their abilities and strength in this area exceed Nick's. Nick defeats them one by one, usually using a combination of his weaker but more varied psychic abilities. While Nick is on his way out of the organization, he discovers mysterious artifacts based on the idea of PSI, which has been the focus of wars in the past century. At the same time, Nick begins to notice strange behavior from Sarah, who sometimes seems like a friend and sometimes seems like an enemy for no apparent reason. Eventually, he discovers that Sarah has a twin, who is killed near the end of the game by Sarah. As the game nears its end, all the artifacts are collected into a single device that, if combined with another special device, gives its user unlimited psychic ability. While Nick tries to stop that device, he regains his full memory. The leader of the defected agents uses that device on himself, and is quickly defeated by Nick. Defeating the leader in the game is the same regardless of the method the player does, as the goal of the confrontation is to give Nick a special weapon to use against the leader, in addition to an advantage in terms of the chances available to defeat the leader even if the player misses some of them. After defeating the leader, the device disintegrates, leaving each artifact as it was, and two helicopters rush to retrieve the artifacts, unconcerned about Nick and Sarah's lives. In the final scene of the game, Nick crashes one of the helicopters using one of his psychic abilities, telekinesis, after which a black screen appears with the words "To be continued...". The gameplay of PSI-Ops focuses heavily on using Nick's various psychic abilities, which become available one by one as the game progresses. Additionally, there is a wide variety of weapons that can be used in the game, as the player can only carry two weapons at a time, one of which is non-replaceable: Nick's silenced pistol. The weapons become useless towards the later stages of the game, especially against large groups of armored enemies. The lack of ammo available for each weapon forces the player to rely on Nick's psychic abilities, which are actually more effective with practice. The player is provided with a meter that determines the amount of energy that can be used at each point in the game, a meter like other meters where energy can be refilled using a variety of methods. Unlike other competing games where the player is only able to use a single PSI power, Nick is distinguished by his ability to use a variety of powers and abilities, despite being somewhat limited compared to specialists with a specific power. In addition to his psychic abilities and various weapons, Nick can attack with his fists. At first, Nick does not have any psychic abilities, but begins to regain his memory of how to use them one by one in certain areas of the game. With each memorable incident that happens to Nick, a training level follows where the player is instructed on how to use each power. The powers are listed in the order they were learned in the game. The game was also in development for the Nintendo GameCube under the name Espionage, but was later cancelled. On February 20, 2007, William Crawford filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Midway Games, alleging that Crawford had written a script titled "PSI-Ops" that bore similarities to the themes and events in the game, including some of the characters and their psychic abilities, and that Midway Games had appropriated and used his work without his permission. Midway Games stated at the time that it would not comment on legal matters. On December 8, 2008, a California state court granted summary judgment in favor of Midway Games on all counts, finding no evidence of copyright infringement. In 2009, GamesRadar included PSI-Ops in its list of "Untapped Games" and commented: "Midway's 2004 combat game combined conventional weapons with psychic abilities, and the game received positive reviews from critics and players, even better than its counterpart Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, but so far we have not seen a sequel." In 2010, UGO Network ranked the game 21st on its list of games that needed a sequel. That same year, it was included in the book "1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die".
Geriatric medicine
Silent Hill 2 is a survival horror video game developed by Team Silent and published by Konami, on PlayStation 2, Xbox and Microsoft Windows. The game is the second part of the Silent Hill series. Silent Hill 2 is the best and most successful part of the series and the most sold. The Silent Hill series is known for its strong graphics and its distinction from other games. It was one of the strongest games in graphics on old devices, if not the strongest! Silent Hill is characterized by the strength of the facial features of the characters, and this is the strongest feature of its graphics. It is also characterized by the accuracy of the environment graphics, such as wrecked cars and abandoned buildings. It is also characterized by showing fog in a very wonderful and frightening way at the same time, and you will feel a wonderful feeling when you turn on the light in a dark place. The game also excelled in the monster graphics, as it is difficult to draw complex and strange monsters in an accurate and terrifying way at the same time! Even the movement of the monsters is realistic despite its strangeness! , and you will feel terrified when you see a monster from a distance and see it walking in a strange way! , In addition, the silent hill series is characterized by improving in every new part in many aspects, including gameplay and graphics. In the old generations, the game provided us with very strong graphics and exploited the device's capabilities in an imaginary way in terms of bearing graphics! , The game makes a strong leap in graphics between each part and another. One of the most important elements in horror games is the sound element? ..No horror game succeeds without great sounds, and the meaning of sounds here includes many things, including the voice performance and the suitability of the character's voice with its role, the sound track, the sound of weapons and monsters, etc. But the most important thing that a horror game must master in the sound element is the sound track, and this is what the Silent Hill series was distinguished by with the creative composer Akira Yamaoka, who is considered by fans of the series to be one of the most important lists of success in the series, as Akira presented us with many types of audio trailers, including music and terrifying sounds during the game, and emotional and sad music during sad and influential events, and this man worked with Konami for a long time, and participated in the work of many parts of Silent Hill, and according to what Akira Yamaoka said that the best work he presented for him personally is what he did in the game Silent Hill 2, as he will not forget those memories that he spent with other game developers. The Silent Hill game is shown from a third-person perspective, with different camera angles for different areas, the player's view faces the back of the character being played with a playable character. The gameplay consists of wandering the town and its alleys, with less emphasis on killing enemies and more on finding keys or other items on side doors or other obstacles. Occasionally puzzles will be presented, often with puzzles left to the player to interpret. The difficulty levels of enemies and puzzles are independently designed, with players given the option of weakening enemies while confronting them with a vague puzzle objective or vice versa. Like the original game, James keeps a radio with him which alerts him to the presence of creatures emitting static, allowing him to detect what may be attacking him even through thick fog. The sound of the static will change slightly depending on how many creatures are approaching and moving away from the player. There is a total of six weapons available, three of which are hand-held weapons and three are firearms. The weapons are as follows: a wooden plank obtained from a construction site, a steel pipe that lies in the hood of a car, a weighted knife used by Pyramid Head, a small pistol in a shopping cart in the apartments, and a shotgun found in a closet. In the hospital, a hunting rifle was found in the prison; the distinctive weapons are a chainsaw or an electric saw and it affects to different degrees depending on the enemy, and also depending on the player's rank which is evaluated according to his completion of the game if he has completed it before. Fighting monsters is not necessarily the focus of the game, but there are six main monsters. The lack of weapons and their weakness are reasons that make you confused and tremble in horror games, so what will you do in your first encounter with a terrifying enemy and you have a very weak weapon? ..It is the most reason that causes terror in the hearts of players Weapons in the silent hill series are divided into three sections: - Strong firearms, but you rarely find ammunition for them, so you must think carefully before using them - Weak hand weapons, such as knives and so on - Escape, that escape is the most appropriate solution in the silent hill game Yes, escape is the best option, because you will not benefit from fighting monsters except getting rid of them, you will not get ammunition or specific weapons from them, but you will have to fight sometimes .. Name: Wooden Plank Simple description: There are short spikes at the end of the weapon, not very strong but easy to use Name: Handgun Description: You can load 10 bullets in one ammunition, not very strong compared to other firearms, but it is the easiest to use Name: Steel Pipe Description: You can hit it with 3 strong hits in a row, not very strong but useful for some enemies Name: Shotgun Description: You can load 6 bullets in one ammunition, it is characterized by strength and the ability to kill more than one enemy with one bullet if the enemy is weak Name: Hunting Rifle Description: You can Loading 5 bullets in one ammunition, it is characterized by reaching long distances and is very powerful Name: Great Knife Description: It is the weapon of the pyramid head, very large, difficult to use due to its weight, but very powerful Name: Chainsaw Description: Very powerful and characterized by high speed Three years after her death, James Sunderland receives a letter from his wife telling him that she is in Silent Hill. The story of the couple James and Mary Their story begins with them going on vacation to Silent Hill and staying at the Lakeview Hotel, and then Mary became very sick in this hotel, so she was transferred to a hospital outside Silent Hill, in the hospital Mary was taken care of and Mary met a little girl who was sick with her in the same room, this girl is Laura, after that when Mary's illness became so severe that she would not live more than a month, the doctor told James that Mary could return home for the last time, so Mary did not have time to say goodbye to Laura Mary wrote a letter and left it with Rachel, Laura's nurse, and after two weeks of Mary's return home James began Annoyed with Mary for her excessive nervousness and the ugliness of her appearance from the diseases and also she told James that she wanted to die but Mary did not mean what she said because she was angry she changed her mind, after Mary said this, James killed Mary, James was very hurt because he killed Mary, after this act James suppressed all thoughts related to his killing of Mary for three years, and he said that the diseases were what killed her, and after three years James received a letter from his deceased wife Mary, after that James decided to follow the visit of the truth, James went to the city of Silent Hill hoping to see his wife Mary, during James' visit to the truth Silent Hill helped and sent Maria the alternative version of everything in Mary: Maria has a sudden mood just like Mary, Maria screamed in James' face then cried and told James not to leave her alone just like Mary always does when she returned from the hospital and screamed at James because he left her alone in the hospital and did not care about her and did not visit her. So Silent Hill punishes James by making him see Maria being killed in front of him always so that he remembers his deed With Mary every time, so Silent Hill punishes James and gives him four options to atone for his mistake: which are of course the four endings of the game: either to confess to killing Mary, and this of course, or to kill himself, finally, to collect the four Crysmon tools that bring the dead person back to life and bring Mary back to him and live with her in peace. Maria was and still is the best character and she works in Heaven's Night Café. I knew that through: - Posters of Maria from Heaven's Night are hung everywhere in Silent Hill, especially the bathroom. - Maria has all the keys to Heaven's Night Café. - In the opening music, you will find Maria lying on the floor of Heaven's Night Café. - When you play Maria mode, you will start playing with her while she is inside this café. I think that Maria was created for James alone. I knew that from the title of Maria mode because James' wish is to see his wife at any cost, but this is not the only reason. Silent Hill created Maria and sent her to James to punish him. Maria is a real person, but only for James. No one can see her except James. Because she does not She interacts with one of the game characters and I have strong evidence to prove this point: In the game when James and Maria arrive at the Bowl-O-Rama bowling alley Maria does not enter with James and says that she hates bowling as an excuse to avoid any contact with the other characters. I think Maria was programmed with a very small memory and many of Mary's traits. Maria woke up in Heaven's Night at the same time that James arrived in the city. She woke up and in her head that her name is Maria and to search for anyone because she does not want to be alone and she has no idea why she is there. There is a tattoo of a butterfly on Maria's stomach and usually butterflies symbolize the mission in some stories and novels and are also known as lost souls searching for their right place and this is appropriate for me because this meaning matches the situation that Maria is living in in my theory. In Maria's role Born From a Wish, Maria began to understand her role well which is to find James and also in Maria's mode Maria will enter a children's room and when she makes comments about the things around you you will find a teddy bear then Maria will say this bear is not well made if Laura saw it she would like it then she will say Laura??? What am I talking about!!! This is a good example that shows that Maria was programmed with the same memory as Mary, after meeting Ernest and discovering his truth she went to Rose Water Park where she stared at the water just like Mary did when she went to this park. Meanwhile, she met James and as I said before, Maria was found to punish James. Maria starts coughing in the hospital at the beginning of her illness like Mary. Mary started coughing at the beginning of her illness and in Silent Hill as well. When the hospital turns into a nightmare, James and Maria will separate and then meet after that. As I explained before, Maria has a changeable mood like Mary's mood in I will start comparing: At the beginning of Maria's entrance to James, she was happy to see him. James did not show any joy to see Maria, although she was happy to see him here. Maria got angry at James' coldness and suddenly turned around and started screaming at him and then started crying while hugging him... Mary did the same situation before Maria started screaming and crying, but here there is a small difference, which is that she is trying to remind James that he is the one who killed his wife and it is impossible for her to come back to life again. Maria was killed in front of James several times and then returned as if nothing had happened to her: _ The elevator incident when the pyramid-headed leader kills Maria in the elevator. Maria was previously mentioned as just a mirror of Mary and she is just an illusion that only James can see. By killing her, she can come back again because this is what happened to his wife because she was killed while she was innocent. Killing Maria had two goals: the most important goal is to remember his killing of his wife. The second goal is to make James suffer because this is his punishment. _ After the elevator incident, James meets Maria in the prison in the maze. When she tells him to get her out, James goes from the other side, but the door was open. Why didn't Maria come out of it? But in reality, she was also killed and on the "bed" where Mary died. This is James's second punishment. _ In the hotel, James watches Maria being killed in front of him by the two pyramid-headed monsters. After this incident, James knew that Maria was just an illusion and knew that this was his punishment. James had had enough punishment and Maria was found in Silent Hill because James wished to see his wife whom he killed, but Silent Hill is a city that helps the lost and punishes the wrongdoers. Maria has She was created because of James' wish or Silent Hill or both. Laura is an orphan girl who lives in an orphanage and one day Laura gets sick so she is sent to the same hospital and the same room as Mary and Laura became Mary's best friend Mary always talked to her about her husband James and Silent Hill and Mary told Laura that if Mary gets better she will adopt Laura and then they will go to Silent Hill together but unfortunately Mary died so she couldn't adopt Laura. Unfortunately Mary's letter to Laura didn't get through easily as the nurse Rachel didn't give Laura the letter because she was afraid that she would run away from the orphanage again and if you remember Laura Lady's words she said I also made mistakes because I ran away from the orphanage many times. Unfortunately Laura is a naughty girl and she stole the letter from Rachel's locker. Mary said in the letter that she currently lives in a quiet and small town so Laura was in Silent Hill Laura was looking for Mary, but Laura saw Silent Hill as a normal town she didn't see those monsters And the bloody places, because she is innocent and did not commit a mistake to be punished for it. Laura's end is that she returns to the orphanage from which she escaped, but if you open the end of LEAVE, James will adopt Laura according to Mary's wish and James will go with Laura to visit Mary's grave. Angela was living a gloomy life full of cursing and insults by her father and mother and she was only listening to the insults and punished and beaten and humiliated without doing anything. Angela ran away from home but her parents were able to bring her back to it. But poor Angela could no longer bear it, so she killed her father with all hatred and malice. She stabbed him in the chest and fled to Silent Hill. But she lost her mind and began planning to kill her mother and brother who live in Silent Hill. This is the reason for Angela's presence in it. Angela suffers from a mental illness due to her horrific past. Of course, Angela is punished by Silent Hill. She saw that everything around her was burning and every time she saw someone she thought was her father or mother. But Angela She doesn't see her father unless her world meets James' world. For example, the knife that was with Angela is the same knife that she stabbed her father with. James asked her to give him the knife, but she was afraid of him because she saw James in the image of her father and ran away from him. Also, in the maze, when the door monster attacks Angela, she sees him as her father. When James kills him, she starts kicking the monster with hatred because she still sees her father. In the end, after the hotel turns into a nightmare, James' world will meet Angela's world, but this time she will enter Angela's world, which is full of fire, and she will find herself seeing James in the form of her mother. Also, James will say that the heat here is intense like hell, and Angela will say to him, "This is evidence that Angela sees everything around her burning." After that, Angela will go up and the fire will start to burn more. This gives me the impression that Angela has surrendered to the punishment, but not completely. Her going up indicates that she is still resisting, but the fire did not leave her any room to escape, as it blocked all paths in front of her, but she did not ask anyone to help her, so there remains It is possible that she killed herself. Also, it seems that Angela was living in Silent Hill in the Blue Creek apartment building. There are two things that made me believe that. First, there is a picture hanging on the wall in one of the apartments. This picture is of Angela with her brother. This is the biggest proof. The other thing is, what made Angela go to the Blue Creek apartment building? Didn’t she tell James that she was looking for her mother? It is not strange that she would search for them in the building where they used to live. Also, it seems that Angela lives with her father in one of the cities, and her mother and brother live in Silent Hill in the Lake View Hotel. So after she killed her father, she fled to Silent Hill to accomplish her mission. She wanted to kill her mother and brother who were in the hotel. She wanted to burn the hotel down to get rid of them. So, I bet that Angela sees all the things that are burning around her because of this matter. So, I see that Angela’s situation is exactly like James’s. Angela kept the matter of killing her father secret from her, just as James kept the matter of killing his wife secret. If you remember Angela’s words to James when she said, “Eddie was suffering from a life full of ridicule.” And mockery, everyone was mocking him for his stupidity, small mind and funny appearance. Eddie tried to join the football team, but he couldn't because of his fat body and strange morals. Of course, Eddie got enough of the team's mockery of him. One day, Eddie could no longer bear this mockery, so he shot all the members of his team in addition to the team captain, nicknamed the dog. He shot him with all his hatred and spite. Eddie felt weak when he heard the police's voice and felt like a scared little child, so he fled to Silent Hill. Silent Hill, in turn, punishes Eddie and sends people to mock him with their looks and eyes. Of course, Eddie did not understand his mistake and continued to kill the people who mocked him. I have seen many of Eddie's victims, and they are: - Eddie's first victim that James saw was in the Block Creek apartment building. When I met Eddie for the first time, the body was thrown in the kitchen. - The second victim was in the prison building. When James descends from the big hole to the prison kitchen, there will be Eddie. A victim who had been shot in the head by Eddie. Just before the battle against the crazy Eddie, you will find several victims who were also killed by Eddie. But Eddie did not realize that he was wrong and did not admit his mistake at all. Rather, he increased the killing until he went crazy and started killing everyone he saw. In the end, Silent Hill sentences Eddie to death by a killer as well, James, but something strange happened that will make you doubt James. Immediately after killing Eddie, James will be afraid of killing a human being, but his fear did not last long, as he immediately remembered Mary. This situation made me doubt that James had not killed anyone for the first time. "You will meet this character only in the role of Maria." Ernest lost his 7-year-old daughter. This child is called Amy. On one of Ernest's birthdays, Amy fell from one of the house's balconies and died. So Ernest searched for the four tools that bring the dead back to life. He first found the black cup and then the book of Chrismon Kimoni, but Ernest died in his house before he found the two remaining tools, so Ernest's ghost continued to hover in the house. He wants the bottle that contains the white oil, so Ernest is still searching for it until Maria entered his house and asked her to bring the white solution. Here at this point, Ernest wants the last tool to be freed from the house in which he died because he died before completing his mission, so he has to complete this mission in order to free his ghost and meet Amy's ghost. This way he can stay with Amy forever. The tool that he did not get is the Last Memory book, but the Last Memory book is the same as the Chrismon Kimoni book. The difference is in the name, but they give the same effect. If you want to get the REBIRTH ending in James mode, you will get these two books. If you compare them, you will notice that they contain the same words. Here, it seems that Ernest knows James because: In Maria mode, he will say when Maria kisses him for the second time, he will say strange words to Maria. He will tell her that I understood from Ernest's words that he is a ghost that ordinary people cannot see or talk to, but why is Maria the only one who can talk to him? This is also final evidence that Maria is also a ghost that no one can see except James. Name: James Sunderland Age: 29 years James is the main character of the game Silent Hill 2, he is the one you control throughout the game. James has brown eyes and blond hair. James works in a small company, is quiet and does not like to talk a lot and becomes a chatterbox. He is proud and loves his wife Mary, who has a serious and fatal illness. After he knew that his wife was in a critical condition, he changed greatly and became like a mentally ill person! Name: Mary Age: 25 years James's dear wife, her personality is very cheerful and loves to have fun and play with children. During her illness, she cried a lot and did not want to die now, claiming that she was young and had not enjoyed her youth yet. Sometimes she says that there is no hope for survival, so she prepares for death. She tries to erase the fear that makes her prepare for death is her serious illness that she suffered a lot from, as her illness extended to 3 years of torment. When she fell ill and did not find a cure, she asked her husband James to abandon her because she became ugly after the illness and was useless for married life, but she said this so that James would stay by her side until she died, because she knew how much her husband loved her. After her death and a long time, James received a letter from his wife asking him to go to Silent Hill City to see her again, but is Mary really still alive? This is the question that drove James crazy. Name: Maria Age: 25 years old The strange woman that James will meet in Silent Hill City is Mary's twin sister, and by twin here we mean the similarity in face and shape, and we do not mean a full sister, as she differs from Mary in behavior and dealing with others, but she also has a cheerful spirit like Mary. Maria used to work in a nightclub called Heaven's Night, and then she left her job and decided to move to Silent Hill City, which is a crazy decision of course. Maria is characterized by being very emotional at times, and rarely is she like that. Maria is characterized by mystery, in addition to the fact that she has known James well for a long time, but he does not know her and has never met her before! Name: Angela Orosco Age: 19 years old James's first meeting with this woman was in a cemetery located in the southeast of Vale City. She has black hair and brown eyes. She lost her mother and was very attached to her. With her, she tried to be like any other normal girl and live a normal life, but she couldn't. She hesitates a lot when talking to James, and sometimes she doesn't answer his questions and ignores him for no reason. After Angela graduated from school, she immigrated from her town because she didn't want to live with her father. But her father searched for her and found her and returned with her to the town, it did not take long and she ran away again, but this time she decided to go to Silent Hill City. Name: Eddie Dombrowski Age: 23 James' first encounter with this character was strange and somewhat special, he met him in an apartment building, specifically in the bathroom when he was vomiting in the toilet. Eddie has blond hair and gray eyes. He worked at a gas station called Part-Time. He is characterized by his beauty, unlike other men, and sometimes you see him suddenly impulsive and quickly nervous. He is very worried about himself because he committed murders and wants to find an excuse for it. From his movements and facial features at times, it becomes clear to you that he is a murderer and a criminal, but he denies it. Eddie is not evil at all, but the pressures of life affected him. There is no convincing reason for him to move to live in Silent Hill City, so why did he move to live there? .. A confusing question you will find the answer to in the game .. Name: Laura Age: 8 years She is a little girl and always looks at James with sharp looks characterized by hatred and malice, although he has no idea about her and never knows her, and he does not know why she hates him to this extent, she says that she knew James before, and knows his wife Mary and how much he loves her .. Laura has blond hair and blue eyes, she always causes problems for James .. She also says that she has no siblings or even parents! , and she has been living in an orphanage since her birth Many mysterious questions about this child, did she really know James before?!, Or was what she says the result of her mischief? ..The answers in the game There are many rituals that the game characters live and complex things that they see, all of these things are because of the mistakes they made. Knowing that James, Angela and Eddie have run away from their mistakes and have not corrected them, Silent Hill in turn summons them in different ways - for example, James received a message from his dead wife. When they arrive in the city, it begins to punish and teach them a lesson, and often the punished die if their mistakes are big or they come out with a result that makes them deeply regret their mistakes. In a way, it holds them accountable for their actions and what is hidden in the depths of their souls, and treats them with what strikes terror in their hearts.
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Geriatric medicine
George William Frederick, or George III, was King of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland from 25 October 1760 until the union of the two countries on 1 January 1801, becoming King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until his death. He was Duke and Prince-Elector of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire before its dissolution in 1806, and became King of the Kingdom of Hanover on 12 October 1814. George III was the third British monarch from the House of Hanover, but unlike his predecessors, George III was born in Britain, spoke English as his first language, and never visited Hanover. His reign was longer than that of any previous British monarch, and was marked by a series of military conflicts in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The first of these conflicts was the Seven Years' War, which ended with his kingdom's victory over France, making it the dominant European power in North America and India. However, Britain lost many of its American colonies during the American War of Independence. Then began conflicts with the French Revolutionaries and Napoleonic France from 1793 until the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. George III suffered from recurring mental disorders in his later life, which eventually became chronic. Doctors were puzzled by his condition, and some suggested that he suffered from a blood disease called porphyria. George suffered a final relapse in 1810, and his eldest son, George, Prince of Wales, became his regent. After his death, his son officially succeeded him as George IV of the United Kingdom. George III, the grandson of George II and son of Frederick, Prince of Wales, was born in London two months prematurely, and was thought unlikely to survive. He was baptized on the day of his birth by Thomas Secker. He was publicly baptized again a month later by the same man. As a child, George was shy and withdrawn. His family moved to Leicester when he was young, where he was educated by private tutors. Family letters show that George could read and write in both English and German, and could comment on political events by the age of eight. George was the first British monarch to study science in a formal way. Methodically, he studied physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, French, Latin, history, geography, music, commerce, agriculture, and law. In addition to dancing, fencing, and horse riding. His religious education was entirely Anglican. George took part in Joseph Addison's Cato when he was ten years old. His grandfather, George II, was not fond of his son Frederick, but rather focused his attention on his grandchildren. Frederick died suddenly in 1751 after undergoing a lung operation, and George became the heir apparent, as well as the Duke of Edinburgh, a title he had inherited from his father. George II also made him Prince of Wales shortly afterwards. In the spring of 1756, when George was about to turn eighteen, the king offered him a job at St. James's Palace, but George declined the offer, influenced by his mother and John Stuart, who later became Prime Minister. George's mother preferred to keep her son at home with her in order to teach him strict values and moral principles. George fell in love with The Duke of Richmond's sister, Sarah Lennox, was advised by John Stuart to abandon her, which George did, writing: "I am born for the happiness or misery of a great nation, and therefore I must often do things against my own wishes." His grandfather George II tried to marry him to the Duchess Sophie Caroline Mary, but his attempts failed after both George and his mother refused. The following year, George II died suddenly at the age of seventy-seven, and George succeeded him as king on 25 October 1760. George's search for a wife continued until 8 September 1761, when he married Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, whom he had met on their wedding day, at St James's Palace. They were both crowned two weeks later in Westminster Abbey. Unlike his father and grandfather, George did not cheat on his wife or take another mistress, and the couple lived happily together, having nine sons and six daughters. In 1762, George bought Buckingham House to be his wife. He and his family were given refuge, and he lived in Windsor Castle and Kew Palace, while St James's Palace was for official use only. George did not travel much, and spent almost all of his life in the south of England. George and his family holidayed at Weymouth in the 1790s, making it one of England's first seaside resorts. In his accession speech to Parliament, George said: "I was born and educated in this country, I do glory in the name of Britain." He included this phrase in the speech to announce that he was distancing himself from his German ancestors, who were seen as more interested in Hanover than in Britain. Although politicians from all sides welcomed George's accession to Parliament, the early years of his reign were marked by political instability, largely as a result of the disputes over the Seven Years' War. The Whigs regarded George as an autocrat because he allegedly favoured Conservative ministers. The income of the British Crown was relatively small at the beginning of his reign, with most of the revenue coming from taxes and duties. George placed the estates under parliamentary control in return for support. and expenses for his family and the civil government. Some claim that these expenses were in the form of bribes and gifts to achieve interests, but historians deny these claims and describe them as "lies fabricated by disgruntled opponents." Over £3 million in debts were paid by the government during George's reign, and the number of people paid for expenses was increased from time to time. George made significant financial contributions to the Royal Academy of Arts from his own account, and he may have donated more than half of his personal account to charity. George owned a collection of works of art, most notably a collection of works by Giovanni Antonio Canale. George was also a book collector, and the King's Library - one of the most important libraries during the Enlightenment - was available to scholars, and later became a national library. In May 1762, the Whig government headed by the Duke of Newcastle was replaced by a new government headed by the Scottish Conservative John Stuart. The opponents fought the new president by spreading the slander that John Stuart had an affair with the King's mother, exploiting the animosity between the English and the Scots in this. In addition In addition, a member of Parliament, John Wilkes, published writings denouncing and criticizing both John Stuart and his government, which led to his arrest for sedition. Wilkes fled to France to escape punishment, was expelled by the House of Commons, and was convicted in absentia of libel. John Stuart resigned after the Treaty of Paris ended the war in 1763, allowing the Whigs under George Grenville to return to power. Later that year, the Royal Proclamation was issued, which put an end to the expansion of the American colonies to the west. The proclamation aimed to make expansion northward and southward. The proclamation did not upset the majority of the planters settled in the Americas, but it was unpopular with some prominent minorities who helped fuel the conflict between the colonies and the British government. American settlers were generally exempt from British taxes, so the British government thought it fair that they should pay some taxes in exchange for defending the colonies against local uprisings and possible French incursions. The main problem for the Americans was not the amount of taxes imposed, but the question of how to impose them. Without their consent, as they had no representation in the British Parliament. The Americans demonstrated under the slogan No taxation without representation, but London insisted on its rejection. In 1765, George Grenville passed the Stamp Act, which imposed a stamp tax on all documents in the British colonies in North America. The newspapers were affected by this decision, and they issued a huge propaganda campaign against the tax. Meanwhile, George was growing increasingly angry with Grenville for his attempts to limit the powers of the king. After George suffered a short illness - the first of a series of illnesses that he suffered - George chose the Marquess of Rockingham to form a ministry, and George dismissed Grenville. Rockingham repealed the Stamp Act, which was unpopular, but his government was weak, so he was replaced by William Pitt the Elder in 1766. George and William's decision to repeal the act was so popular in America that they had statues of them both erected in New York City. Augustus FitzRoy became prime minister in place of William In 1768, the year John Wilkes returned to England, Wilkes stood for election to the House of Commons and won, before being expelled from Parliament again. Wilkes stood twice more but was expelled, with the Commons declaring his candidacy invalid and the runner-up victorious. The Fritzberg government collapsed in 1770, allowing the Conservatives, led by Frederick North, to return to power. George was a very religious man, spending hours in prayer, but his brothers did not share this trait at all. George was shocked by what he saw in his brothers' immorality. In 1770, George discovered that his brother, Prince Henry, was committing adultery. A year later, the prince married a young widow named Anne Horton. King George considered Anne unsuitable for royal life, as she was of a lower social class, and the law prohibited any child of this marriage from succeeding to the Hanoverian throne. George insisted on a new law that would prevent members of the royal family from marrying without the sovereign's consent. This plan was not accepted. Widespread in Parliament, even among George's own ministers, the law passed as the Royal Marriages Act 1772. Shortly afterwards, the king's other brother, Prince William, acknowledged that he was married to Countess Maria, the illegitimate daughter of Sir Edward Walpole. This confirmed George's decision to pass the 1772 Act, and George never received Maria at court. North's government was primarily concerned with dealing with American discontent, and in order to appease public opinion, most customs duties were abolished, except for the tea tax, which George said was "a single tax to preserve the right of taxation." In 1773, Americans dumped the cargo of British tea ships anchored in Boston Harbor to express their discontent, an incident that later became known as the Boston Tea Party. Britain was outraged by what happened, and North considered it a criminal offence. With the explicit support of Parliament, North took new measures against the Americans, closing the port of Boston and changing the Massachusetts charter so that the Senate was appointed by the Crown rather than elected by the House of Representatives. Up to this point, according to Professor Peter Thomas, George's hopes had been pinned on a political solution, but he acquiesced to his government's views despite his skepticism about their success. Historical evidence from 1763-75 suggests that King George was not responsible for the American Revolution. Although Americans portrayed him as a tyrant, he acted as a constitutional monarch who supported the initiatives of his ministers. The American War of Independence was the culmination of the American civil and political revolution resulting from the American Enlightenment. The main problem for Americans was the lack of representation in Parliament, which they saw as a denial of the rights enjoyed by the English, especially when taxes were imposed on them without their consent. Americans resisted the imposition of direct British rule over them after the Boston Tea Party, and created autonomous provinces. The British and American regular armies had fought several battles by 1775. The Crown considered the American rebel leaders traitors and the fighting continued for another year. The colonies declared their independence in July 1776 and appealed to the people for support, reminding them of the crimes committed by King George against them, accusing him of having "abandoned his government in America, plundered their seas, ravaged their coasts, burned their cities, and killed their people." The rebels also tore down a statue of George III in New York. The British captured New York in 1776, but lost Boston. Britain's strategic plan to invade the colonies from Canada and isolate New England failed when British General John Burgoyne surrendered at the Battle of Saratoga. George III has often been accused of trying stubbornly to keep Great Britain at war with the rebels in America, against the opinions of his ministers. The Victorian writer George Trevelyan said: "The king was determined never to recognize the independence of the Americans, and to punish the rebels from During the prolongation of the war, which he promised would be eternal. The king wanted to “keep the rebels harassed, anxious, and poor, until some day discouragement would make them repent and repent.” Most historians today defend George, saying that no king of that time would have willingly given up large tracts of land, and that his conduct was much less severe than that of European monarchs of his time. After Saratoga, both Parliament and the British people were in favor of the war, and conscription reached its highest levels. Although there were prominent political opponents, they remained a minority. As the setbacks in America continued, Prime Minister North asked that power be transferred to William Pitt, whom he believed to be more capable. King George refused this request, and suggested instead that William serve as a minister in North’s government. William refused, and died later that year. In 1778, France signed a treaty of alliance with the United States, and the conflict escalated. Shortly thereafter, Spain and the Dutch Republic joined France and the United States, while Britain had no allies. North demanded that he be allowed to resign, but remained in office at the insistence of George III. Opposition to the costly war grew, and riots and riots broke out in London in June 1780. By 1780 and the Siege of Charleston, loyalists still believed in their inevitable victory, especially after British forces had inflicted heavy defeats on the Americans. But British hopes were shattered when news of Charles Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown reached London. North's government stopped providing aid, and North resigned the following year. King George drafted a statement of abdication, but it was never received. George finally accepted his defeat in North America and agreed to peace negotiations. George signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783, by which Britain recognized the independence of the United States and returned Florida to Spain. When John Adams was appointed American minister in London in 1785, George accepted The idea of establishing a new relationship between his country and his former colonies, George told Adams: "I was the last to agree to the separation, but it has happened and I can do nothing about it. But now I say that I would like to be the first to accept the friendship of the United States as an independent power." After the collapse of North's government in 1782, the Whig Marquess of Rockingham returned to the premiership, but he died a few months later. The King then appointed William Petty to replace him. Charles Fox refused to serve under William Petty, and demanded that the Duke of Portland be appointed prime minister. In 1783, the House of Commons removed Beatty from office, and the Duke of Portland was appointed prime minister, while Fox became foreign secretary and North home secretary, in what became known as the Fox-North coalition government. The King disliked George Fox for his policies as well as his personality, and he believed that he was a bad influence on his son. George was annoyed by the appointment of ministers he did not like, but the Portland government quickly formed a majority in the House of Commons, and it was not easy to get rid of them. George's discontent increased when He introduced the India Bill, which proposed reforming the government of India by transferring political power from the East India Company to parliamentary commissioners. Although the King favoured greater control over the Company, the proposed commissioners were all political allies of Fox. After the resolution passed in the House of Commons, George asked Lord Temple to inform the House of Lords that George would consider anyone who voted for the resolution an enemy. The resolution was defeated in the Lords, and the Portland government fell three days later. William Pitt the Younger became the new Prime Minister, while Lord Temple became Foreign Secretary. On 17 December 1783, Parliament voted for a resolution condemning the King's influence on parliamentary votes as a "high crime", and Lord Temple was forced to resign. Temple's departure destabilised the government, and three months later the government lost its majority and Parliament was dissolved. An election was then held, and Pitt the Younger won power. Pitt's appointment was a great victory for George. It demonstrated the King's ability to appoint a Prime Minister on his own terms, without having to follow the choice of a majority of the Commons. George supported many of Pitt's political aims. Throughout his presidency, he brought in peers like never before in order to increase his support in the House of Commons. George became extremely popular in Britain during and after Pitt's presidency. The British people admired their king's piety and his loyalty to his wife. George was fond of his children, and was heartbroken when two of them died in infancy in 1782 and 1783, respectively. Despite this, George set a strict regime for his sons, who were supposed to attend their lessons at seven in the morning, and live a life full of religion and virtue. But his sons deviated from their father's path, and George felt resentful and disappointed. George's health began to deteriorate, as he suffered from mental illness, which is likely a symptom of a genetic disease called porphyria. However, some reject this theory. A study of George's hair samples published in 2005 revealed large amounts of arsenic, which is one of the causes of this disease. The source of the arsenic is still unknown, but it is possible that it was a component of medicines or cosmetics. George suffered from the onset of the disease in 1765, but the real suffering began in the summer of 1788. After the end of Parliament, George went to Cheltenham Spa to convalesce. This was the longest journey George had ever taken from London, about 150 kilometres (93 miles) from the capital, but his condition worsened. By November of the same year, George was completely deranged, talking for hours on end, foaming at the mouth and his voice becoming hoarse. His doctors were puzzled by his illness, and false stories about his health spread, such as one that George shook hands with a tree, believing it to be the King of Prussia. After Parliament resumed, Pitt and Fox disputed the terms of the regency during the King's incapacity. While both sides agreed that it would be logical for George's eldest son, the Prince of Wales, to be regent, Pitt was alarmed by Fox's desire to give the regent absolute power to act on his father's behalf, as Pitt feared that he would be removed from office if Fox's wishes came true, so Pitt suggested that he should Parliament chose the regent, and wanted to limit his power. In February 1789, the Regency Bill, which made the Prince of Wales regent, was introduced in the House of Commons, but King George recovered before it reached the House of Lords. The French Revolution of 1789, and the French monarchy fell, disturbing many of the wealthy in Britain. France declared war on Britain in 1793, and George allowed Pitt to raise taxes and raise armies. The First Coalition of Austria, Prussia, and Spain opposed the French Revolution, but it soon fell after Spain and Prussia made separate peace treaties with France in 1795. The Second Coalition of Austria, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire was defeated in 1800, leaving Britain alone to face Napoleon Bonaparte. Britain experienced a brief period of calm, allowing Pitt to focus on Ireland, where there was an uprising, and the French attempted to land in Ireland in 1798. In 1800, the British Union Act was passed. The Treaty of Ireland came into effect on 1 January 1801, when the two countries became one state known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. This helped George to get rid of the title of "King of France", which English and British monarchs had used since the reign of Edward III. It was suggested to George that he adopt the title of "Emperor of the British Isles", but he refused. Pitt intended to remove some of the legal impediments applied to Catholics as part of his Irish policy, but he faced opposition from the people as well as the king, who believed that this would be a violation of his coronation oath, in which he promised to protect Protestantism. As a result, Pitt threatened to resign. Meanwhile, the king suffered another setback in his health, and George blamed the Catholic question for his recurrence. On 14 March 1801, Pitt was replaced by Henry Addington. Addington established a system of annual financial accounts, abolished income tax, and began a disarmament programme. Addington made peace with the French in October 1801, and signed the Treaty of Amiens in 1802. George did not consider peace with France to be real, but rather an "experiment". War resumed in 1803, but public opinion did not see Addington as a leader of the British nation in the war and Pitt was preferred to take on the task. Napoleon's invasion of England seemed imminent, and a huge volunteer movement arose to defend England from the French. Panic was growing by the day, and George paraded an army of 27,000 volunteers in Hyde Park on 26 and 28 October 1803, attracting an estimated 500,000 spectators a day to watch the parade. The Times reported of the event: "The enthusiasm of the crowd is inexpressible." A courtier wrote on 13 November: "The King is really ready to fight in case of attack and can start moving at only half an hour's warning." George wrote to his friend Bishop Hurd: "We are here in daily expectation of Bonaparte's attempt to invade our country; if this should happen, "I will certainly be at the head of the cannon to repel them." After Admiral Horatio Nelson's famous naval victory at Trafalgar, the possibility of invasion was nil. George was again affected by illness in 1804, and after his recovery, Addington resigned, allowing Pitt to return to power once more. Pitt wanted to appoint Fox to his government, but George refused. William Grenville, seeing the treatment of Fox as unfair, refused to join the new government. Pitt sought to form an alliance with Austria, Russia, and Sweden, known as the Third Coalition, but this coalition suffered the same fate as the previous two, collapsing in 1805. Successive setbacks in Europe affected Pitt's health until he died in 1806, reviving the question of who should succeed him. This person was William Grenville, who formed a "ministry of all talents" that included Fox. The king became more tolerant of Fox after he was forced to appoint him, but Fox died in September 1806, opening the door to conflict between the king and his government. I suggested The government introduced a new law in February 1807 allowing Catholics to hold all ranks in the armed forces in order to stimulate recruitment in the country, but George refused and demanded that they never propose the law. Ministers agreed to drop the law but refused to commit themselves to never propose it in the future. These ministers were dismissed and replaced by the Duke of Portland as nominal prime minister, while actual power was in the hands of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Spencer Perceval. Parliament was dissolved, and the 1807 election gave the government a large majority in the House of Commons. George made no major policy decisions during the rest of his reign except to replace the Duke of Portland with Spencer Perceval in 1809. By late 1810, at the height of his popularity, George was almost blind from cataracts and suffered from rheumatic pains and became very ill. George believed that his illnesses were due to his stress and deep grief over the death of his youngest and favourite daughter, Princess Amelia. The princess's nurse reported that she "saw scenes of sorrow and weeping every day, as the grief was “Beyond description.” George acknowledged the need for the Regency Act 1811, under which the Prince of Wales became regent for the remainder of his father George III’s life. Although George’s health showed signs of improvement in May 1811, he was permanently insane by the end of the year, and lived in seclusion at Windsor Castle until his death. Prime Minister Spencer Perceval was assassinated in 1812, and Robert Jenkinson was appointed in his place. Robert had overseen the British victory in the Napoleonic Wars, and the Congress of Vienna under his leadership brought significant territorial gains to Hanover, which was elevated to a kingdom. George’s health continued to deteriorate, and he suffered from dementia, became totally blind, and had little hearing. George was unable to know or understand that he had become King of Hanover in 1814, and was unaware of his wife’s death in 1818. His condition continued to deteriorate, and he spoke nonsense for 58 hours straight at Christmas in 1818. 1819, and he became unable to walk in the last weeks of his life. George III died at Windsor Castle at 8:38 p.m. on 29 January 1820, six days after the death of his fourth son, Prince Edward. His favourite son, Prince Frederick, was by his side when he died. George was buried on 16 February 1820 in St George's Abbey, Windsor Castle. George III was succeeded by two of his sons, George IV and William IV, but they died without any legitimate surviving children, leaving Victoria, Prince Edward's only legitimate daughter, to become the last British monarch of the House of Hanover. George III lived 81 years and 239 days and reigned for 59 years and 96 days, thus outliving and ruling all his predecessors, surpassed only by Victoria and Elizabeth II. George III was nicknamed "George the Farmer" by his critics, mocking him for his interest in ordinary matters rather than politics. However, in contrast, he turned This title is a compliment due to the way George treated his family, and portrayed him as a man of the people. George was very interested in agriculture, and the British Agricultural Revolution reached its peak during his reign, in addition to the great development of science and industry. There was an unprecedented growth in the rural population during George's reign, which provided a large part of the workforce that led to the Industrial Revolution. George owned a collection of mathematical and scientific books that are now in the Science Museum in London, and he also financed the construction and maintenance of William Herschel's 40-foot telescope, the largest of its kind in the world at that time. William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, and initially named it after the king, George's star, in 1781. George III named his title as "By the Grace of God, George III, King of Great Britain, France, Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc." When Great Britain was united with Ireland in 1801, George dropped the title "King of France" that had been used by all English kings since Edward III's claim to the French throne in the Middle Ages. His title was: "By the Grace of God, George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith." In Germany he was "Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Treasurer and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire" until the end of the empire in 1806. George then continued as Duke until the Congress of Vienna, becoming "King of Hanover" in 1814. 25 October 1760 – 31 December 1800 25 October 1760 – 12 October 1814 1 January 1801 – 29 January 1820 12 October 1814 – 29 January 1820
Geriatric medicine
Sir Thomas Sean Connery is a Scottish actor who is famous for playing the role of British agent James Bond in the sixties, and he was the first to play this role, in many films including Goldfinger, Thunderball, Dr. No, From Russia with Love, You Only Live Twice, Diamonds Are Forever, and the classic Marnie film in 1964 with the world-famous director Alfred Hitchcock, and other films such as The Name of the Rose in 1986, Untouchables in 1987, Indiana Jones in 1989 with Harrison Ford, The Hunt for Red October in 1990, and The Rock in 1996, which restored Sean Connery's glory. He retired from acting in 2003 and his last film was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. He won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the film Untouchables in 1988. He won more than 30 international awards, and was awarded a knighthood in 1999 by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain. In 1989, he was chosen as the sexiest man alive. He was born on August 25, 1930 in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, to poor parents in a small town, his father being a Catholic of Irish descent and his mother being a Protestant. "Tommy" was his nickname, but his friends used to call him by his middle name, "Sean", to distinguish him from another friend who had a similar name, and from that day on it became the name by which he became known all over the world. Sean Connery moved in his youth between many humble professions after leaving school at the age of thirteen. He was an active boy seeking to earn his daily bread, which made him do several jobs, including working as a construction worker, a coffin cleaner, and others... These professions created a solid person full of masculinity and roughness from him, until he was able to become a model - exploiting his extreme handsomeness - for the College of Arts in Edinburgh. In 1953 - at the age of twenty-three - he participated in a male competition - similar to beauty pageants - called Mr. Universe, and achieved third place. After that, he began the stage of approaching television and presented his first work, Lilas in the Spring, in 1955. Connery married the Australian actress Diana Cilento from 1962 to 1973, and had a son, Jason, on January 11, 1963, who has now become an actor, following in the footsteps of his father. From 1975 until now, he has remained Connery is married to the French girl of Tunisian origin, Michelle Roqueborg Connery, and as we can see, it is a long and happy marriage, the likes of which are rare to find in the artistic community. When he was offered a role in a play, he decided at that moment that his profession would be acting. Indeed, his beginning was in 1955, when he got a role in one of the episodes of the famous series, until he participated in a movie in 1959 titled, in which he played the role of a man with whom an Irish girl falls in love. It was romantic, but his strong and violent features made the wife of the famous producer Albert Brocklow nominate him to play the character, as she told her husband, “This man has a special appeal on the screen, and he will be cheap and will not ask for exorbitant sums of money to embody the role of James Bond.” During this period, Sean participated in several movies, including the one in which he plays the role of a BBC correspondent who is in a romantic relationship with a married woman, played by actress Lana Turner, until he dies in a plane crash and his lover goes to visit his village and hometown to discover that he has a wife and a young child. From here, Sean Connery left an impression on the audience as a strong, playful man who makes women fall in love with him and then runs away from them. His roles continued, showing his many talents, as he participated in a movie in which he played a comedic role, and a movie in which he was supposed to continue a series of movies in which he embodied the character of Tarzan, but the role of James Bond had begun to make him famous in Hollywood and the whole world, so he did not accept to continue in Tarzan after he had put his feet on the top. Then he participated in a movie in 1964 with the great director Alfred Hitchcock, but the movie did not succeed at the box office at the time, but it received an excellent rating at the time and has become one of the classics of noir films these days. Meanwhile, he met his first wife, Diane Clinton, and then participated in the film, which achieved great success for his distinguished performance as a soldier who is a victim of a sadistic regime. Connery was distinguished by his brilliance in embodying the role of the playboy and the con man who poses a danger to those around him, but in a charming way that attracts viewers to him. Connery presented the character of "Bond" through seven films that were the reason for the name "Connery" to become "Bond" himself, starting with the film "Dr. No" in 1962, and ending with the film "Never Say Never Again" in 1983. The truth is that "Sean Connery" was not a candidate for this role at all, as he was a young actor at the beginning of his career, and the producers "Coby Brosoli" and "Harry Saltzman" were looking for a famous star to play the role of the secret agent in his first films, especially since the character of "Bond" was not very famous, and thus the choice fell on "Cary Grant", but he refused due to his old age, and "James Mason" and "David Niven" were also nominated, the actor who played the role of "Bond" later in The film Mazino Royale in 1967. Thus, in the manner of a program, a competition was held entitled, but the winner was not accepted due to his unsuitability for the nature of the role despite his extreme handsomeness, and finally the choice fell on “Sean Connery” to start the famous series of films of Agent 007. “Dr. No” was the first film in this series, and it differs somewhat from the novel that bore this name and was written by the character’s creator “Ian Fleming” in 1958. The success of the film encouraged the production company “EON” to start presenting other films. The best of the seven films – in “Connery’s” opinion – is “From Russia With Love” which he presented in 1963, and after that the crisis arose between the character of “Bond” and “Connery” himself, as “Connery” found everyone looking at him as the famous secret agent and everyone forgot the character of “Connery” the actor, then critics ignored the other characters he presented in films other than “Bond” films such as “A Fine Madness” and “The Hill” and others. “Connery” abandoned the character of “Bond” after the film “Diamonds Are Forever” in 1963. 1971, and he publicly declared that he would never play the character of "Bond" again! But "Connery" returned in the early eighties and signed a contract with the production company to present his seventh film in the series, and a film came out with this sarcastic title from "Connery's" previous statements in which he said that he would not play the role of Bond! Unfortunately, the film was not at the same level that the audience knew "Sean Connery" for, as "Connery" had reached the age of fifty-three and was no longer as fit as youth. Here, "Connery" announced that it was his last time actually in the character of "James Bond", but Sean Connery tried to get out of the cloak of James Bond by making several films that varied between science fiction, romance, and the world of gangs such as, and the political film. As he grew older, he began to move into certain roles that suited his age until he reached supporting roles in the eighties and married for the second time to Micheline Roqueburne, who is French, and he remained married to her until his death. By the time he reached his fifties, he was still handsome and healthy, and continued to deliver brilliant performances in films such as 1982, 1987, and others. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the 1987 film, in which he co-starred with Kevin Costner and Robert De Niro. Connery worked with director Steven Spielberg for the first time in the 1989 film, in which he co-starred with Harrison Ford. Spielberg said of him, "Sean Connery is like no other actor. He is a true legend from Scotland, because he is the kind of man that everyone loves and women especially adore. He is not a hypocrite, he is a star that history will immortalize." His roles continued in the nineties, in several films such as 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, and 1999. In 1999, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth of Britain. Sean Connery died on October 31, 2020, at the age of 90, at his home in Nassau, Bahamas. His death was announced by his family and Eon Productions on the same day. Connery lived with his wife in the Bahamas, which he loved, until his death.
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Geriatric medicine
Martha Coles Chase, also known as Martha C. Epstein, born November 30, 1927 – died August 8, 2003, was an American geneticist who became famous in 1952 with Alfred Hershey when she helped confirm that DNA was the genetic material of life rather than protein, which was then the prevailing ingredient of life. Chase was born in 1927 in Cleveland, Ohio, and is the sister of Ruth Chase. She received her bachelor's degree from the College of Wooster in 1950, then worked as a research assistant before returning to school in 1959 and earning her doctorate in microbiology from the University of Southern California in 1964. In 1950, Chase began working as a research assistant at Alfred Hershey's Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for the study of bacteriology and genetics. In 1952, Chase assisted her "boss" Hershey in a key experiment that enabled them to confirm that genetic information was transmitted by DNA, not by protein as was common at the time. The experiment involved sending the T2 bacteriophage and seeing if the protein would carry the bacteriophage's infection to Escherichia coli or the DNA. They found that the nucleic acids did the transfer, helping to resolve the controversy over the composition and carrier of genetic information. During this time, Hershey won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his late discovery in 1969, but Chase was not included. Chase left Hershey in 1953 and went to work with Gus Dauerman at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, and later at the University of Rochester. Chase returned to participate in biologists' meetings at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, but as a guest rather than a laboratory worker. In 1959, she began her doctoral studies at the University of Southern California, focusing on her work in Giuseppe's laboratory, and moved to Sweden to defend her dissertation with Margaret Leed in 1964. While in California, Chase met and married fellow scientist Richard Epstein in the late 1950s, changing her name to Martha Epstein. Her marriage to Richard was unsuccessful, and they divorced shortly thereafter. She experienced a series of personal setbacks during the 1960s, and her career in science ended. She moved to Ohio to live with her young family and spent the last decades of her life suffering from a form of dementia that robbed her of her short-term memory, dying of pneumonia on August 8, 2003, at the age of 75.
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Geriatric medicine
Coordinates: 52°54′57.09″N 0°38′42.40″W / 52.9158583°N 0.6451111°W / 52.9158583; -0.6451111 Margaret Hilda Thatcher is a British politician, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She is the first woman to hold the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and her period of rule in her country is the longest in the twentieth century. She was known by the nickname "Iron Lady" and is considered one of the most important influential figures in the history of the United Kingdom and her policies were characterized by Thatcherism. Because of the policies that Margaret Thatcher followed during her rule as Prime Minister, many groups emerged that supported her and on the other hand, many opposition parties stood against her. Her origins go back to a family of Prostagland merchants who lived in a small town in England. She participated in many student activities and various political parties as a brilliant student in her youth. At an early age, she became a member of the Conservative Party, followed by Thatcher's election in 1959 to the House of Commons for Finchley. Edward Heath appointed her Education Secretary in 1970. She married a wealthy businessman. She moved in a general Conservative-liberal political direction. By 1980 she had become an influential figure in the United Kingdom, working to move away from Western economic investment, implement privatization laws, encourage free markets, work to preserve workers' rights, and follow neoliberal policies. Thatcher's popularity declined during the first years of her term amid recession and high unemployment, until the victory of the Falklands War in 1982 and the recovering economy brought support, leading to her re-election in 1983. She survived an assassination attempt in the 1984 Brighton Hotel bombing. Thatcher was re-elected for a third term in 1987. During this period her support for community fees was widely unpopular, and her views on the European Common Market were not shared by others in the cabinet. The Conservative Party clashed with the left-wing opposition in the country at the time on the international stage, and also with the Eastern Bloc countries during the war. Cold. Margaret Thatcher was known as the Iron Lady because of her firm policies without discrimination. Thatcher was forced to leave her political office as Prime Minister, and end her political career altogether, due to divisions within the political parties, and after Michael Heseltine launched a challenge to her leadership. She was given the life line as Baroness Thatcher, entitled to sit in the House of Lords, and continued to be active after the premiership under John Major, radically changing the policies of the Labour Party. After a series of minor strokes in 2002, she was advised to withdraw from public speaking. However, she managed to record a tribute to Ronald Reagan before his death, which was broadcast at his funeral in 2004. In 2013, she died of another stroke in London, at the age of 87. Always a controversial figure, she was hailed by many as one of the greatest and most influential politicians in modern British history, even as controversy over her approach continues. Born Thatcher was born Margaret Hilda Roberts on 13 October 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire. Her parents were Alfred Roberts, from Northamptonshire, and Beatrice Ethel, from Lincolnshire. Thatcher spent her childhood in Grantham, where her father owned two grocery stores. The Thatchers helped a teenage Jewish girl, Muriel, fleeing Nazi Germany, and gave her refuge for a short period before World War II in 1938. Alfred Roberts was a local councillor and Methodist preacher, and raised his daughter as a strict Wesleyan Methodist, attending Finken Street Methodist Church. He came from a Liberal family but expressed himself as an independent. He served as Mayor of Grantham from 1945–46, losing his position as councillor in 1952 after Labour won its first majority on Grantham Council in 1950. Margaret went to Oxford in 1943 and graduated in 1947 with second-class honours, a four-year BSc in chemistry, specialising in X-ray crystallography under the supervision of chemist Dorothy Hodgkin. Her thesis was on the structure of the antibiotic gramicidin. Thatcher did not devote herself entirely to chemistry, intending only to become a chemist for a short period of time. She considered law and politics while studying chemistry, and was said to have been proud of being the first female Prime Minister to hold a degree, rather than becoming First Lady. Thatcher was known during her time at Oxford for her aloof and serious attitude. Her first lover, Tony Bray, said: "She is a very intellectual person and a brilliant talker, and perhaps that is what attracted me to her, as she was good at general subjects." Her enthusiasm for politics as a girl led him to view her as unusual. Bray later met her parents and described them as a little firm and very proper. Bray ended his relationship with Thatcher at the end of his term at Oxford, where he gradually grew distant. About her. Bray later said that he believed Thatcher took the relationship more seriously than he did. After graduating, Thatcher moved to Colchester, Essex, to work as a research chemist at British company BX Plastics near Manning Tree. Agar then applied for a job at Imperial Chemical Industries, but was rejected after the personnel department judged her to be strong but stubborn and opinionated. Thatcher joined the local Conservative Association and attended the party conference in Llandudno, Wales, in 1948 as a representative of the University Conservative Association. At the same time, she became a high-ranking member of the Firmin's Club, a grassroots Conservative group formed in response to a disparaging comment by the politician and former health minister Aneurin Bevan. One of her Oxford friends was a friend of the chairman of the Dartford Conservative Association, who was looking for candidates. The association officials were so impressed with her that they asked her to apply, even though she was not on the party's approved list, and she was selected in January 1948. 1950, and was added to the list of those already accepted. Margaret Hilda Roberts was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. Her mother, Ethel, was from the Beatrice family in Lincolnshire, and her father, Alfred Roberts, was a grocer and at the same time an active member of local political activities, as well as a preacher in the Methodist Church. For this reason, Margaret became a devout Christian Methodist. She spent her childhood in her father's shop located in their home, and after that she went to Hunting Tower School and after that she won a scholarship to the girls' school in Kesteven and Grantham. According to the school records, she was an active and excellent student and worked to improve her level of studies constantly. In addition to her school lessons, she learned to play the piano, play hockey, read poetry, swim and walk. She came first in her school as the best student in the year and in the sixth form she won a scholarship to study chemistry at Somerville College, Oxford. Her application was rejected. She was awarded the scholarship but the other candidate withdrew before applying for the scholarship. She entered Oxford University in 1943 and in 1947 graduated with honours in chemistry, second in her class. She was elected President of the Oxford University Conservative Association in 1946. She was influenced by Friedrich von Hayek, who taught her at the university, who said that authoritarian regimes lead to economic instability in the country. After graduating from university, she worked in the chemical sector, and then moved to Colchester, Essex. She then joined the local Conservative Association there, and represented it at the Conservative Party conference in London. There she met one of her friends from Oxford University who was the President of the Dartford Conservative Association in the city. At that time, the Association's executives were looking for candidates for Parliament, and he was elected as a member of the Association in January 1951, despite not having his name on the list of Conservative Party candidates. After his victory as the Conservative Party candidate was announced, he divorced his wife during a business dinner and became known as The wealthy businessman. In order to prepare and prepare more for the elections, he moved to his home in Dartford. At that time, Thatcher continued to work in the chemical sector, and was a member of the team that developed the technology of disappearing ice cream from melting. In the period from 1950-1951, she joined the Conservative Party elections as the youngest young member, and she fought in Dartford, one of the strongholds of this party, against the Labor Party. In 1951, she married Denis Thatcher, whom she met during political activities. Her husband, the wealthy businessman Denis Thatcher, supported her by completing her work and political activities. In 1953, they had twins, and in the same year, Thatcher worked as a legal expert in tax law. Thatcher did everything she could to be a candidate for one of the positions in the Conservative Party. After many attempts to reject it, she became a member of Finchley in the elections in 1959, and was elected as a member of the General Assembly. During her first speech in Parliament, she was invited by She voted to decriminalize local meetings, and this decision later became law. In 1961, she voted to lift the use of the whip as a means of punishment. She was one of the Conservative MPs who called for the criminalization of male homosexuality. However, she allowed abortions. On the other hand, she was against the abolition of the death penalty, and voted against operations performed to facilitate divorce. In 1966, she said at a press conference held to oppose the Labour Party's Serbian policy. In 1967, during the shadow government, she became responsible for transport, fuel, and education. After winning the Conservative Party elections in 1970, she was appointed Minister for Education and Science in the Cabinet. In the first months of her tenure, she was forced to make cuts to the general budget and stop the distribution of free milk to children from seven to ten years old. For this reason, Thatcher was known as the milk thief and faced many oppositions and protests. According to the Cabinet report of 2001, Thatcher backed down from cutting milk from nurseries for fear of public backlash and proposed solutions and standards for the rising prices of school meals, proposed no fees for schools and libraries, and also called for solutions to these problems. With the exception of library fees, all suggestions and opinions were accepted at Cabinet meetings. Thatcher, who was known by a nickname during her time in office, lifted examinations from preparatory schools in an attempt to equalize education at both levels. In order to spread and provide open education in the United Kingdom, the open universities established in the country were saved from closure. Thatcher, who had lost the opportunity of university education at an early age, allowed the availability of simple and cheap facilities that allowed young people to innovate at this early age. She was appointed to the Shadow Cabinet again after her defeat in the 1974 Conservative Party elections, this time as Minister for the Environment and Housing. In this ministry, she worked to provide revenues for local governments to move to the tax system. Proportional, and began to formulate policies in defence of temporary proportional taxes. This policy brought together the leading supporters of the Conservative Party and supported Thatcher Keith Joseph, who helped to prevent the chaos in the fiscal policies of the Heather government. In 1974, in order not to lose the election again, Joseph decided to stand against her again, but then backed down. Accordingly, Thatcher decided to challenge Heather and seek the position of Conservative Party leader. Thatcher, who unexpectedly received more votes than Heather in the first round, became Conservative Party leader by a majority in the second round held on 11 February 1975. She chose William Whitelaw as her deputy instead of his predecessor Heather. Margaret Thatcher made violent criticism of the Soviet Union in a speech she gave on 19 January 1976. In response, the Red Star newspaper, a newspaper affiliated with the Soviet Ministry of Defence, Krasnaya Zvezda, nicknamed Thatcher "The Soviet Union". The nickname quickly spread throughout the world via Radio Moscow. Thatcher loved this nickname very much and it is attributed to the person who never changes his mind. Thatcher took a place in the shadow cabinet that Heather established, and she adopted many different views within the Conservative Party. In order for the party to accept the financial views, it had to be completed with the utmost pain and caution in its placement. The decentralized Heather government decided Scottish policy. In January 1978, she began her interview, which was broadcast on Granada Television. The Conservative Party was declared the winner of the Labour Party by 49%, up from 43%. Some commentators claimed that Thatcher was standing in the ranks of the Conservative Party at the expense of the British National Front. Surveys conducted before the 1979 general election showed that despite the majority support for the Conservative Party, James Callaghan, the leader of the Labour Party, was nominated to be Prime Minister. The position of the Labour Party deteriorated and worsened in the winter of 1978-1979 due to industrial disputes, unrest, high unemployment, The deterioration of public services. The Conservative Party members said that the Labour Party did not work, and they also criticized them for the high unemployment rates and their excessive interference in the labor market. Thus, the Kalahat government fell in the spring of 1979 after it failed to obtain the vote to support it and remain. At the end of the general election, the Conservative Party was elected with 43 seats in the House of Commons and Margaret Thatcher was chosen as Prime Minister. Thatcher formed a new government on 4 May 1979 to prevent the economic collapse of the United Kingdom and to reduce the role of the state in the economy. She wanted it to be more effective in strengthening international relations and leadership in order to get rid of the United Kingdom's subordination under the influence of the British bureaucracy. In 1980, there were many similarities and points of convergence between both US President Ronald Reagan and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1984. Although the dominant political ideology in the Anglo-Saxon countries is not prevalent in other countries. In 1983, Turgut Ozal, Prime Minister of Turkey, implemented Economic policy similar to Thatcher's policies in his work in the Liberal Conservatives. The Irish Prime Minister Charles Haughey said at the conference he held to speak about the Northern Ireland problem on 20 May 1980 in the Afham Hall. In 1981, the prisoners of the Irish Republican Army and the Irish National Liberation Army in the Maze prison in Northern Ireland began a hunger strike for 5 years in order to return the victory and gain to them again. Thatcher rejected this settlement with the prisoners, saying. However, 10 people died as a result of this strike. Following the increase in the number of hunger strikers in the country, some rights were given to political prisoners. On the other hand, Thatcher continued to follow some of the policies that came during the departure of the local forces from their jobs in Northern Ireland during the previous Labour government. According to Thatcher, Northern Ireland, which defended the unity of the United Kingdom, was also defending them against the Irish Republican Army. In this case, the reactions that came as a result of the deaths of British soldiers in Northern Ireland work to mitigate The burden on the army In the field of economy, Thatcher assessed the biggest obstacle facing private sector investment and saw that the biggest obstacle is inflation, which represents 21% in 1980. According to this inflation, the main factors that contribute to this inflation are excessive public spending and borrowing. In order to solve this problem, they controlled the money supply and worked to increase interest rates to reduce debt. When Thatcher assumed the presidency, she worked to raise the interest rate in 6 months from 14% to 17%. Due to the indirect tax income tax, the interest rate fell to 15% and the inflation rate rose dramatically. Due to the economic recession of this policy, unemployment rates in the Labor Party rose in 1979 from 1.3 million people to one and a half million people. Restructuring the industrial sector again is one of the most important reasons that caused the rise in unemployment rates. Thatcher, contrary to the Labor Party, did not restore support for the sectors. Unemployment became one of the most important economic issues in the Thatcher era. The politicians who were implementing Thatcher's policy defended this policy at the party conference In 1980, these words were confirmed by the 1981 Budget of £364, and despite concerns about the open letter from well-known economists, the government increased tax rates in a time of economic recession. In January 1982, inflation fell back to single digits, opening the way for a natural decline in interest rates. Unemployment continued to rise until the unemployment rate reached 3 million. Due to changes in the official definition of unemployment, commentators stated that the real unemployment rate was 5 million. However, the Thatcher government made it difficult to obtain unemployment insurance, but then Business Secretary Norman Tebbitt changed the rules to specify the number of unemployed and provided insurance for the unemployed only. The figures were later shown to be artificial and exaggerated when the real number of unemployed was revealed. In 1983, industrial production in the United Kingdom fell by 30% compared to the 1978 rate. Meanwhile, the military junta took power in Argentina, and they investigated On 2 April 1982, Argentina occupied the Falkland Islands, which had been occupied since 1830. This was the first invasion of British territory since World War II. Within a few days, Thatcher sent a naval fleet to reclaim the islands that had been taken. The United Kingdom was able to achieve victory in the Falklands War, and popular support and Thatcher's support increased. Thanks to the Falklands Wars and the division of the opposition, the Conservative Party won the elections again with a landslide majority in 1983. The economic recovery in 1983 also played its part in the success of the Conservatives. This success was at its peak during the Thatcher era. Thatcher was determined to wear down and break the unions, but on the other hand, the Heather government preferred to achieve this in the long term rather than force them to do so by law. In return, many unions organized strikes aimed at wearing Thatcher down. The most important of these were: The strikes that were organized were the National Union of Mineworkers strike in 1984-1985. However, Thatcher had faced this strike by stockpiling coal in reserve, and accordingly in 1972 they had no power cuts. The methods used by the police during the strikes provoked human rights associations from violations that were established in order to prevent participants from reaching these strikes, and at the same time the press and media covered many pictures that indicated these facts. In this way, the miners' strike continued for a whole year and they were forced to end their strike without achieving any gains. Accordingly, Thatcher closed all mines except 15 mines and in 1994 she worked to privatize them. The United Nations arms embargo prevented the smuggling of weapons from the United Kingdom to the apartheid administration of the Republic of South Africa, and accordingly, Thatcher invited both the country's President George Bush and Foreign Minister Pik-Lota-Booth to the United Kingdom in order to Discussing UK investments and economic sanctions. Thatcher made several statements at the African National Congress, including an end to apartheid, the release of Nelson Mandela, the defence of black rights and liberation, the prevention of base attacks in neighbouring countries, the withdrawal from Namibia, and warnings against UN Security Council resolutions. Botha, however, ignored these warnings and did not take them into account. Thatcher stated in a 1986 interview with The Guardian that economic sanctions imposed on South Africa were immoral because they caused millions of blacks to lose jobs. On the morning of 12 October 1984, one day before her 59th birthday, Thatcher survived a bomb explosion that the Irish Republican Army had planted in the Brighton Hotel to prevent the Conservative Party conference. The explosion resulted in the deaths of five people. Had Thatcher been five minutes late in going to the bathroom, she would have been affected by the explosion. Thatcher wanted to hold a meeting the day after the explosion according to the conference program, but despite the explosion, she held the meeting and won the appreciation and love of the political parties and coalitions. On 15 November 1985, Thatcher signed the Hillsborough Agreement under the rule of Northern Ireland with Irish Prime Minister Garrett Fitzgerald, the first time that Ireland had signed this agreement. The forces in Northern Ireland met this agreement with great anger. Consequently, the majority of people from the parties supporting these forces resigned from Parliament and demanded early elections. However, they were unable to annul the agreement and stop it. Thatcher established the free market and spread the spirit of initiative based on Her political acumen and economic philosophy. Upon coming to power, she sold many experimental centers to small public institutions and was very well received for this decision. After the elections in 1983, she led and supported many strong movements, starting with British telecommunications companies and ending with the establishment of many large companies to be publicly owned starting in 1940. She took many shares belonging to the public sector and sold these shares after a period in order to achieve profit in a short time. Many left-wing politicians opposed privatization policies and united with Thatcherism. The policy of publishing and buying shares spread and this policy, which many people followed, was called capitalist policy. Thatcher supported the policy of deterrence in the Cold War. The West strongly opposed this policy in the seventies and this caused friction and controversy with the allies. Thatcher attracted the attention of nuclear disarmament movements that allowed the spread of weapons in the United Kingdom, which were known as nuclear weapons. However, with the coming to power of the Soviet reformist leader Gorbachev, he worked on Repairing relations and establishing positive and effective relations with the West. Thatcher stated in the meeting held three months after Gorbachev took power that she liked and appreciated Mr Gorbachev, and that she wanted to establish trade relations with him. This strong comment by Thatcher was followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the country entered another phase of conflict. Thatcher's supporters used a policy of deterrence and a soft policy of defending the West until they achieved victory. Due to the cuts in the education budget at Oxford University in 1985, the honorary doctorate was traditionally denied to the Oxford-educated Prime Minister, despite the protests of other NATO allies. In 1986, they supported the US bombing of Libya from bases in the United Kingdom. Under defence cooperation with the United States, the Italian and Italian Augusta Westland helicopters were provided instead of the Sikorsky ones that were provided to the public. Due to an agreement between Augusta and the Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine, Thatcher rejected this decision and presented She resigned accordingly. Heseltine then competed with Thatcher for her seat within the party and was one of the most important reasons that helped her leave power in the nineties. In Thatcher's second term, she signed two of the most important agreements in foreign policy: During her visit to China in 1984, she signed the Sino-British Joint Cooperation Agreement with Deng Xiaoping. Accordingly, this agreement became known as the Agreement and worked to change the economic situation for the better during the 50 years after its implementation in 1997. Thatcher signed an agreement during her meeting at the European Council on the European economy in Dublin in November 1979. She said at the summit of the conference. Thatcher's objections were presented and then she obtained many installments at a rate of 66% by winning contributions from the United Kingdom at the summit of the Fontillon Conference. This agreement is still in effect today and many disputes arise between the members of the European Union from time to time because of this agreement. Thatcher - who won 102 seats in the elections held in 1987 as a result of her advocacy of unilateral nuclear disarmament On the Labour Party and the economic prosperity that emerged under her hand - she was the first female Prime Minister to win this position for a third consecutive time since Lord Liverpool, who was the longest-serving Prime Minister in the United States. The Daily Mirror, the Guardian, the Independent and all the British newspapers supported her, and on the other hand, the press took many brief statements from the secretariat. The press gave her a cute nickname, which is . Her rivals turned this nickname into a slogan against her, saying . Some leftist reactions were reflected in some songs during this period, , . Although she stood against supporting homosexuality in men, she said at the party conference in 1987 . Some conservatives began a campaign to combat homosexuality in society. In December 1987, a decision was issued to prohibit the teaching of homosexuality in schools by law, after much debate. Indeed, this law was later repealed. As a result of the social reforms that were carried out, an education system was established that provides job opportunities similar to the systems in the United States of America, which are established for adults. In the late eighties, Thatcher began to take an interest in environmental issues based on her experience in the chemical field. In 1988, she made an important statement regarding the problems of global warming, ozone depletion, and acid rain. In 1990, she founded the Hadley Research Centre for research and meteorological forecasting. In a book - published in 2002 in the State Art Galleries - she presented the causes of global warming. In a statement in Bruges, Belgium, 1988, she spoke about the European Community's proposed decision to transform it into a federal structure and make it a decision-making center. In supporting this decision to support the United Kingdom's membership, Thatcher believed in the role of the European Commission in the free market and its ability to achieve conditions for free and effective competition, and she feared that its reforms would be reflected in the United Kingdom in contravention of the European Commission's regulations. The European Commission strongly opposed the decision of the Economic and Technical Union to define a single currency to replace all existing national currencies. This decision caused many protests by other European leaders, and a deep rift was revealed regarding European policy in the Conservative Party. Thatcher made an official visit to Turkey from 6 to 8 April 1988. Many important issues in the region were discussed, including Turkey's application to join the European Union, the new Turkish economy, attracting investments from the United Kingdom, the Cyprus problem, the war between Iran and Iraq, and the Palestine problem. Thatcher said in the press conference she attended with Turgut Ozal, and popular support has decreased Thatcher was accused of raising interest rates in order to achieve economic prosperity. Thatcher accused the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel Leeson, of the European Monetary Union. In November 1987, Thatcher stated in an interview with the Financial Times and also said at a meeting held before the European Union summit in Madrid in June 1988 with Lawson, the Foreign Secretary and Geoffrey Howe that she had been forced to accept the conditions required for joining the exchange rate mechanism prepared by the monetary union. Both said at the meeting that they would resign if Thatcher's conditions were not accepted. Thatcher was allowed to consult with the adviser Alan Waters to consult on economic issues, however, Howe refused this. Lawson resigned in October 1989. However, the separation of the two politically savvy politicians, Howe and Wilson, weakened Thatcher's team. In this case, she showed her strength as Prime Minister and did not show her tolerance or acceptance of different points of view. In the same year, she competed with Anthony Meyer for the leadership of the party. Conservatives. If Thatcher had easily given up to Mayer, she would have had 60 votes, or if she had not joined the elections, this would have been a great opportunity to become Prime Minister. On the other hand, the party's supporters had supported her for 10 years as Prime Minister, and the total votes were 370 votes, declaring that this was the final result. The tax system included in the Conservative Party's 1987 election programme, which Thatcher aimed to raise local government taxes, was introduced in 1989 in Scotland, and in 1990 in England and Wales. The calculations based on assets instead of local taxes, known as the jizya, which equalises everyone in paying taxes, led to many negative reactions and street strikes. One of the last acts of Prime Minister Thatcher was to send troops to the Middle East to end the war between US President George Bush and Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Bush had some reservations about this plan, but Thatcher responded violently, saying that instructions had been given to reduce interest rates to 1% to the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, John Major, on the Friday before Conservative Party Conference in October 1990. In order to maintain monetary stability, Major persuaded the single administration to join him in the exchange rate at the same time according to the terms of Madrid. Thatcher was firm in the face of the call of the Saudi King Fahd for the need to build an international coalition to repel Saddam's attack on Saudi Arabia. She moved in the name of her country's government and held a press conference with US President George H. W. Bush to declare war on the actual intervention. Thatcher was able to crush the Iraqi president as she had done with Argentina. Thatcher's removal from politics, from the point of view of Alan Clark, is one of the most dramatic episodes in British political history. A prime minister who has been in power for a long time cannot be defeated; it is an event that is unbelievable at first sight. However, by the 1990s, Thatcher's domestic tax policy, Thatcher's mismanagement of the government economy that spread in public opinion, and the divisions that had emerged within the Conservative Party regarding integration and cooperation with Europe, also showed her weakness and the weakness of the party in the political arena. On 1 November 1990, Geoffrey Howe, Thatcher's oldest and most important ally, resigned from the post of assistant to the Prime Minister in protest. On Thatcher's policy. He was encouraged by his old rival Michael Heseltine to run for the leadership of the party and won the second round with more votes than the first round. Although he had previously wanted to run in the second round, Thatcher decided to withdraw from the election after consulting with members of the government. It was announced at 9:00 am on 22 November that she would not accept a candidate for prime minister in the second round. The announcement of her resignation was subsequently made in the media, and Maghloub took the opportunity to make one of the most moving statements during the confidence vote against Thatcher in the House of Commons: He supported John Major and won the leadership race. In a survey released after Thatcher's resig
Geriatric medicine
Michael David Adamle is a former American football player and sportscaster. Adamle was a sportscaster for other Chicago television stations, including WLS-TV from 1983 to 1989 before hosting the American Gladiators. His first stint was at WMA-Q-TV from 1998 to 2001, then moved to WBM-TV from 2001 to 2004 before returning to Channel 5 until 2017, when he was diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy leading to dementia that eventually forced him to retire. For a time in 2008, Adamle worked for World Wrestling Entertainment in a variety of roles, including interviewer, sportscaster, and Raw general manager. Adamle was born in Euclid, Ohio, grew up in Kent and graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High School in 1967. His father, Tony Adamle, also found some success with the Cleveland Browns in the 1940s and 1950s and later became a physician. Adamle played college football at Northwestern University in the Big Ten Conference. He was a team captain, an All-American fullback, and the Big Ten Most Valuable Player in 1970. Adamle also scored 316 rushing yards against Wisconsin in 1969, a school record that still stands. He set a record for punt return yards in a single year, graduating in 1971. Adamle played six years in the NFL, two seasons with three teams. He was a fifth-round pick of the Kansas City Chiefs in the 1971 NFL Draft and later played for the New York Jets and Chicago Bears. After retiring from playing professional football, Adamle joined NBC Sports, where he was a studio host and sideline reporter for various events. He spent six years with NBC Sports, hosting Sports World and the pre-game shows. He was also the host of Grandstand, a pre-NFL show and sports anthology series during the NFL offseason. In 1984, he was a sideline reporter for ABC's NFL. In 2001, Adamle returned to sideline reporting when he joined Fred Rogin of KNBC on NBC's primary XFL broadcast team. He was also a co-host of American Gladiators from 1989 to 1996. In addition, he was a competitor on the celebrity contestants' show at the end of the show. Adamle also co-hosted International Gladiators with hosts from the United Kingdom and Australia and commentated on one series alongside British commentator John Sachs. He also appeared in the season four premiere of Family Matters playing himself in a fictional episode of American Gladiators. After American Gladiators ended, he became a reporter for ESPN. He covered the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics. In the summer of 2005, Adamle was the host of another NBC Bravo show, Battle of the Reality Network Stars. In July 2006, Adamle became a sports commentator for the professional bull riders on the Ford Hardcore Series. On January 27, 2008, at the Royal Rumble, Adamle began working as an interviewer for World Wrestling Entertainment. He then worked on WWE Raw as an interviewer, where he often made real mistakes in each of his on-screen appearances. In his first appearance, he mistakenly referred to Jeff Hardy as "Jeff Harvey". On April 15, he became an ECW commentator, replacing Joey Styles. Adamle continued to make frequent mistakes during his commentary duties on ECW, being criticized by former ECW owner and match blocker Paul Heyman and former talent Lance Storm. On April 29, Adamle left an ECW broadcast before a main event match, and asked his partner Tazz to do the same. This incident was incorporated into a storyline where WWE stated that Adamle and Tazz may have left due to fan criticism of Adamle's commentary. The following week, Adamle spoke out and apologized for his actions. On the July 28 episode of Raw, Executive Vice President Shane McMahon announced that Adamle was the new General Manager of the Raw brand. During his tenure as General Manager, he promoted a variety of high-profile matches dubbed the "Adamle Originals". On the October 27 episode of Raw, he slapped Randy Orton after Orton personally insulted him in a storyline. The following week on Raw, during an in-ring segment with Shane McMahon and Orton, he resigned as General Manager. Adamle was a play-by-play announcer for the Chicago Rush Football Club and broadcast Rush games for Comcast SportsNet Chicago and WGN. Following the 2013 Football Club season, Rush was unable to commit to the 2014 Football Club and 2015 Football Club seasons and the team was immediately suspended and the active roster was allocated among the rest of the Football Club. Adamle and his wife Kim have four children: Brad, Courtney, Alexandra and Svetlana and three grandchildren. He lives in Evanston, Illinois. Adamle has epilepsy. Following his work with the Epilepsy Foundation, where he currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Greater Chicago Chapter, he received the Personal Achievement Award at the 2007 Richard N. Rovner Awards Dinner. Adamle has completed two Ironman Triathlons in Kona, the last at the age of 60 in 2009, completing the race in 14 hours, 7:39 seconds. He has also completed other Ironman races, including Ironman USA 2003. On February 7, 2017, Adamle said he had been diagnosed with dementia, and that his doctor saw signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. He believes this, and his 19 years of seizures, were caused by his concussion in football. He officially retired from WMA Q-TV on March 24, 2017, in a farewell ceremony with his teammates.