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c115a460_LanguageTeach__3 | [0] past [1] work [2] advisability (action didn't occur) [3] | SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORKING | [
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] | LanguageTeach | 3 | http://www.eslinstructor.net/sanjosewrites/verb_form/verb_form6.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00081-ip-10-236-191-2_426614901_1.json |
c115a460_LanguageTeach__3 | [0] future [1] come [2] possibility [3] | MIGHT BE COMING | [
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] | LanguageTeach | 3 | http://www.eslinstructor.net/sanjosewrites/verb_form/verb_form6.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00081-ip-10-236-191-2_426614901_1.json |
c115a460_LanguageTeach__3 | [0] present / future [1] arrive [2] expectation [3] | SHOULD BE ARRIVING | [
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] | LanguageTeach | 3 | http://www.eslinstructor.net/sanjosewrites/verb_form/verb_form6.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00081-ip-10-236-191-2_426614901_1.json |
c115a460_LanguageTeach__3 | [0] future perfect [1] sit [2] future (completed action / state) [3] | WILL HAVE BEEN SITTING | [
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] | LanguageTeach | 3 | http://www.eslinstructor.net/sanjosewrites/verb_form/verb_form6.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00081-ip-10-236-191-2_426614901_1.json |
c115a460_LanguageTeach__3 | [0] past [1] think [2] past impossibility [3] | COULD NOT HAVE BEEN THINKING | [
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] | LanguageTeach | 3 | http://www.eslinstructor.net/sanjosewrites/verb_form/verb_form6.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00081-ip-10-236-191-2_426614901_1.json |
c115a460_LanguageTeach__3 | [0] past [1] want [2] negative intention [3] | WOULD NOT HAVE WANTED | [
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] | LanguageTeach | 3 | http://www.eslinstructor.net/sanjosewrites/verb_form/verb_form6.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00081-ip-10-236-191-2_426614901_1.json |
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] | Resume Power Words | 0 | http://www.careerowlresources.ca/Resumes/res_power.htm | 34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_362098987_4.json |
539af98f_Resume_Power_Words__0 | [1] determined [2] dispatched [0] | decreased | [
] | Resume Power Words | 0 | http://www.careerowlresources.ca/Resumes/res_power.htm | 34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_362098987_4.json |
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] | Resume Power Words | 0 | http://www.careerowlresources.ca/Resumes/res_power.htm | 34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_362098987_4.json |
539af98f_Resume_Power_Words__0 | [1] devised [2] documented [0] | delivered | [
] | Resume Power Words | 0 | http://www.careerowlresources.ca/Resumes/res_power.htm | 34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_362098987_4.json |
539af98f_Resume_Power_Words__0 | [1] diagnosed [0] | designated | [
] | Resume Power Words | 0 | http://www.careerowlresources.ca/Resumes/res_power.htm | 34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_362098987_4.json |
539af98f_Resume_Power_Words__0 | [1] directed [0] | designed | [
] | Resume Power Words | 0 | http://www.careerowlresources.ca/Resumes/res_power.htm | 34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_362098987_4.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] car [1] book [2] hammer [3] tap [4] | door | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] cup [1] fire [2] pencil [3] bench [4] | ear | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] bear [1] teeth [2] brush [3] ear [4] | hat | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] house [1] phone [2] flag [3] fork [4] | mouth | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] tree [1] flower [2] tricycle [3] bottle [4] | bird | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] swing [1] truck [2] cake [3] cat [4] | plate | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] spoon [1] comb [2] lid [3] stairs [4] | TV | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
08e1807d_How_Ilana_Learned_to_Read__4 | [0] ball [1] button [2] dog [3] broom [4] | bike | [
] | How Ilana Learned to Read | 4 | http://www.phy6.org/outreach/misc/ilana.htm | 49/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00280-ip-10-236-191-2_640544166_6.json |
eecfba65_First_Grade___Making_Words__11 | [0] at am ham hat mat sat pat tap map sap [1] top mop hop hot not pot spot spit spin pins [2] hat bat sat rat ran ram ramp lamp stamp stomp [3] got hot hog log lag bag bug tug tuck duck [4] fin fan fat fast fist fit fib rib crib crab [5] ship shop shot hot rot rat rash crash smash flash [6] car bar far tar star start cart chart dart art [7] her herd bird stir turn burn barn bark dark shark [8] ace face race trace pace space spice rice dice nice [9] mine line vine pine pin pit pot not note vote [10] day say sway way lay play may bay ray tray [11] | out pout pouch ouch couch grouch grout shout sound found | [] | First Grade / Making Words | 11 | http://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/630 | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00307-ip-10-236-191-2_616418780_0.json |
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eecfba65_First_Grade___Making_Words__11 | [0] an pan pin spin spit pit tip nip snip snap [1] cat can man map cap cop top stop pots cots [2] up cup cub cut hut nut nuts stun sun run [3] jot jog job cob cop cup cut nut hut hunt [4] bug tug tuck stuck stack tack back bag tag sag [5] the then thin think thing sing swing sting stung stun [6] wet went sent ten then when west test best bent [7] rat rate date fate fat tap tape cape ape ate [8] dim dime lime slime slide side ride ripe swipe stripe [9] age page rage sage stage cage wage wane cane crane [10] high sigh sight fight flight light right bright might night [11] | paw saw raw law claw draw yawn hawk lawn dawn | [] | First Grade / Making Words | 11 | http://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/630 | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00307-ip-10-236-191-2_616418780_0.json |
eecfba65_First_Grade___Making_Words__11 | [0] lap lip lit list last past pat mat man pan [1] bat pat pot pit hit hot hat cat can scan [2] lick luck truck stuck duck tuck tack back sack sick [3] lap lamp damp dump jump hump hum gum gut gust [4] ox box fox fix mix six sip slip clip clap [5] chin chip chop champ chomp stomp stamp damp camp lamp [6] bird girl sir stir dirt shirt birth chirp shirt short [7] ape ate late lake make cake cape tape shape shake [8] go no not note nose hose hope rope robe lobe [9] me we be she he here where when then than [10] oat goat coat boat load road toad toast roast coast [11] | pie lie die tie tied ties pies spies fries tries | [] | First Grade / Making Words | 11 | http://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/630 | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00307-ip-10-236-191-2_616418780_0.json |
eecfba65_First_Grade___Making_Words__11 | [0] lip slip slim slam Sam Pam ham hat hats hits [1] pick pack sack snack back lack lock lick sick stick [2] pup pump bump lump dump damp lamp lap slap slip [3] sand land hand had sad bad bid rid ridge bridge [4] zip zap tap tag tug tuck duck dug rug mug [5] thin then than that it itch ditch pitch switch stitch [6] jab jam jar far fur surf burn burp curb curl [7] man mane cane lane plane plate late rate rake brake [8] no note nose rose rope hope slope slop mop mope [9] bee see seed seem seep weep sweep steep steel wheel [10] row mow tow low glow grow snow know blow show [11] | oil boil broil coil foil soil spoil moist voice choice | [] | First Grade / Making Words | 11 | http://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/630 | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00307-ip-10-236-191-2_616418780_0.json |
eecfba65_First_Grade___Making_Words__11 | [0] had hid lid lad land sand sad mad map nap [1] sock dock tock lock lick pick tick stick stack stock [2] bug rug rag drag drab crab crib rib rub run [3] lip hip hid had bad badge budge judge fudge nudge [4] ship slip slim slam lamp lap lash mash dash dish [5] hat mat chat cat catch match batch patch pitch itch [6] or for fort port porch perch perk pork fork cork [7] Sam same name game came tame shame shake stake take [8] woke smoke spoke spike pike like hike Mike make wake [9] eat seat heat leak beak weak peak speak steam team [10] book look took cook crook brook broom room root boot [11] | lay play day bay boy joy soy toy royal loyal | [] | First Grade / Making Words | 11 | http://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/630 | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00307-ip-10-236-191-2_616418780_0.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] Factor [2] Decrease [1] | Increase | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] number of flies [2] low [1] | high | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] manure or organic matter [2] little [1] | a lot | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] manure moisture content [2] dry [1] | wet | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] control measures established [2] good program [1] | no existing program | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] rain [2] little [1] | regularly | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] humidity [2] dry [1] | damp | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] drainage [2] good [1] | could be better | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] animal watering equipment [2] no leaks [1] | leaky | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] temperature [2] cool [1] | hot | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] existing biocontrols (i.e. beetles, mites & fungi) [2] many [1] | few | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] bait traps [2] use [1] | dont use | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] flies migrating in [2] no [1] | yes | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] flies hauled in (i.e. to composting sites) [2] no [1] | yes | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] comfort level with flies [2] higher [1] | low | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] neighbors comfort level with flies [2] higher [1] | low | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] budget for control [2] low [1] | good | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
d42b938e_itova_Insectaries__Fly_Control__1 | [0] health concerns [2] no [1] | yes | [] | Rincon-Vitova Insectaries: Fly Control | 1 | http://rinconvitova.com/fly_control.htm | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00115-ip-10-236-191-2_207795729_14.json |
fc937081_VAST_PORTAL__0 | [1] ceiling [2] weird [0] | achieve | [
] | VAST PORTAL | 0 | http://vastportal.blogspot.com/ | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00250-ip-10-236-191-2_247497900_0.json |
fc937081_VAST_PORTAL__0 | [1] conceited [2] weight [0] | believe | [
] | VAST PORTAL | 0 | http://vastportal.blogspot.com/ | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00250-ip-10-236-191-2_247497900_0.json |
fc937081_VAST_PORTAL__0 | [1] receive [2] weir [0] | chief | [
] | VAST PORTAL | 0 | http://vastportal.blogspot.com/ | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00250-ip-10-236-191-2_247497900_0.json |
fc937081_VAST_PORTAL__0 | [1] receipt [2] weigh [0] | grief | [
] | VAST PORTAL | 0 | http://vastportal.blogspot.com/ | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00250-ip-10-236-191-2_247497900_0.json |
fc937081_VAST_PORTAL__0 | [1] conceive [2] weightless [0] | piece | [
] | VAST PORTAL | 0 | http://vastportal.blogspot.com/ | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00250-ip-10-236-191-2_247497900_0.json |
fc937081_VAST_PORTAL__0 | [1] perceive [2] weighty [0] | niece | [
] | VAST PORTAL | 0 | http://vastportal.blogspot.com/ | 49/1438042988962.66_20150728002308-00250-ip-10-236-191-2_247497900_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 1 [Translation] Mi luv yuh [Phrase] | I love you | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 2 [Translation] Yuh deh home [Phrase] | Are you at home | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 3 [Translation] Wah yuh ah duh [Phrase] | What are you doing | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 4 [Translation] Yuh gwine dweet [Phrase] | Are going to do it | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 5 [Translation] Gud mawnin [Phrase] | Good morning | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 6 [Translation] Thenk yuh [Phrase] | Thank you | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 7 [Translation] Weh yuh a do [Phrase] | What you doing | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 8 [Translation] Mi miss yuh [Phrase] | I miss you | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
f75b9445_e___Jamaican_Patois_Translator__Phrase | [#] 9 [Translation] Dis is cool mon [Phrase] | This is cool | [
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] | Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator | Phrase | https://jamaicanize.com/translate?text=jamaicanize | 5/1438042988718.8_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_890435480_0.json |
ef436795___Alıştırmalar___Konu_Anlatımı__3 | [0] afford [1] beg [2] decide [4] intend [5] mean [6] prepare [7] seem [8] threaten [3] | forget | [
] | Gerunds and Infinitives - İsim Fiiller ve Mastarlar - Alıştırmalar - Konu Anlatımı | 3 | http://www.ingilizcedersin.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html | 25/1438042987155.85_20150728002307-00150-ip-10-236-191-2_520638879_3.json |
ef436795___Alıştırmalar___Konu_Anlatımı__3 | [0] agree [1] begin [2] demand [4] know [5] need [6] pretend [7] start [8] try [3] | go | [
] | Gerunds and Infinitives - İsim Fiiller ve Mastarlar - Alıştırmalar - Konu Anlatımı | 3 | http://www.ingilizcedersin.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html | 25/1438042987155.85_20150728002307-00150-ip-10-236-191-2_520638879_3.json |
ef436795___Alıştırmalar___Konu_Anlatımı__3 | [0] appear [1] care [2] desire [4] learn [5] neglect [6] promise [7] stop [8] volunteer [3] | happen | [
] | Gerunds and Infinitives - İsim Fiiller ve Mastarlar - Alıştırmalar - Konu Anlatımı | 3 | http://www.ingilizcedersin.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html | 25/1438042987155.85_20150728002307-00150-ip-10-236-191-2_520638879_3.json |
ef436795___Alıştırmalar___Konu_Anlatımı__3 | [0] arrange [1] choose [2] expect [4] like [5] offer [6] refuse [7] struggle [8] wait [3] | hate | [
] | Gerunds and Infinitives - İsim Fiiller ve Mastarlar - Alıştırmalar - Konu Anlatımı | 3 | http://www.ingilizcedersin.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html | 25/1438042987155.85_20150728002307-00150-ip-10-236-191-2_520638879_3.json |
ef436795___Alıştırmalar___Konu_Anlatımı__3 | [0] attempt [1] claim [2] fail [4] love [5] plan [6] regret [7] swear [8] want [3] | hasitate | [
] | Gerunds and Infinitives - İsim Fiiller ve Mastarlar - Alıştırmalar - Konu Anlatımı | 3 | http://www.ingilizcedersin.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html | 25/1438042987155.85_20150728002307-00150-ip-10-236-191-2_520638879_3.json |
ef436795___Alıştırmalar___Konu_Anlatımı__3 | [0] ask [1] consent [2] deserve [4] manage [5] prefer [6] remember [7] tend [8] wish [3] | hope | [
] | Gerunds and Infinitives - İsim Fiiller ve Mastarlar - Alıştırmalar - Konu Anlatımı | 3 | http://www.ingilizcedersin.com/gerunds-and-infinitives.html | 25/1438042987155.85_20150728002307-00150-ip-10-236-191-2_520638879_3.json |
687d4668_English_Grammar__6 | [0] I [1] we [2] you [3] he [4] she [5] it [7] who [8] who is being talked about? [6] | they | [
" ",
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] | English Grammar | 6 | http://www.kurahaupo.gen.nz/~martin/english-grammar.html | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_543214898_0.json |
687d4668_English_Grammar__6 | [0] my [1] our [2] your [3] his [4] her [5] its [7] whose [8] who(m) does the thing mentioned next belong to? [6] | their | [
" ",
" ",
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] | English Grammar | 6 | http://www.kurahaupo.gen.nz/~martin/english-grammar.html | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_543214898_0.json |
687d4668_English_Grammar__6 | [0] mine [1] ours [2] yours [3] his [4] hers [5] its [7] whose [8] who(m) does the thing previously mentioned belong to? [6] | theirs | [
" ",
" ",
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" ",
] | English Grammar | 6 | http://www.kurahaupo.gen.nz/~martin/english-grammar.html | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_543214898_0.json |
687d4668_English_Grammar__6 | [0] me [1] us [2] you [3] him [4] her [5] it [7] whom (formal) who (informal) [8] who is the subject of the action? [6] | them | [
" ",
" ",
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" ",
] | English Grammar | 6 | http://www.kurahaupo.gen.nz/~martin/english-grammar.html | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_543214898_0.json |
687d4668_English_Grammar__6 | [0] I am I'm [1] we are we're [2] you are you're [3] he is he's [4] she is she's [5] it is it's [7] who is who's [8] who is being talking about, and what are they doing? [6] | they are they're | [
" ",
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] | English Grammar | 6 | http://www.kurahaupo.gen.nz/~martin/english-grammar.html | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_543214898_0.json |
687d4668_English_Grammar__6 | [0] I have I've [1] we have we've [2] you have you've [3] he has he's [4] she has she's [5] it has it's [7] who has who's [8] who is being talking about, and what did they do? [6] | they have they've | [
" ",
" ",
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" ",
] | English Grammar | 6 | http://www.kurahaupo.gen.nz/~martin/english-grammar.html | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_543214898_0.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] become [2] targeted [0] | intend | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] pursue [2] encourage [0] | believe | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] estimate [2] promise [0] | plan | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] will [2] improve [0] | expect | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] forecast [2] progress [0] | may | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] continue [2] potential [0] | goal | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
826604e8_s_FY2013_Guidance___SYS_CON_UK__0 | [1] could [2] should [0] | would | [
] | Hillenbrand Completes Coperion Acquisition and Announces FY2013 Guidance | SYS-CON UK | 0 | http://uk.sys-con.com/node/2468439 | 10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00050-ip-10-236-191-2_251115008_4.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] drop in on + [2] visit someone unexpectedly [3] | Let's drop in on Julie since we're driving by her house. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] drop out [2] quit an organized activity [3] | Yuri isn't on the team any more. He dropped out. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] drop out of + [2] quit an organized activity (school) [3] | It's difficult to get a good job if you drop out of high school. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] drop over [2] visit someone casually [3] | Drop over any time you feel like talking. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] eat * up + [2] devour [3] | Ken ate the cookies up. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] eat away [2] gradually destroy, erode [3] | The heavy rains ate away at the sandstone cliffs. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] eat in [2] eat inside the home [3] | We usually eat in instead of going out for dinner. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] eat out [2] eat outside the home [3] | They eat out once a week. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] face up to + [2] acknowledge something difficult or embarrassing [3] | I'll never be able to face up to my colleagues after getting so drunk last night at the work party. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fall back on + [2] be able to use in case of emergency [3] | Yuki can fall back on her degree in biology if she doesn't succeed in her acting career. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fall behind [2] go slower than scheduled, lag [3] | Hurry up or you will fall behind! | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fall behind in + [2] go slower than scheduled, lag [3] | Cheryl has missed several days of school and now she is falling behind in her homework. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fall off [2] decrease [3] | Interest in the project fell off when they realized it wouldn't be profitable. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fall out with + [2] have an argument with [3] | I had a falling out with my sister last month and we haven't talked to each other since. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fall through [2] fail to happen [3] | Unfortunately, my trip to Indonesia fell through because I couldn't save enough money. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] feel * up + [2] grope [3] | She sued her boss for sexual harassment after he felt her up. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] feel up to + [2] have the energy to do something [3] | I don't feel up to going out tonight because I had a long day at work. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] fight back [2] Defend oneself - fight against or resist strongly [3] | The pocice fought back when the criminals started attacking | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] figure * out + [2] solve something, understand [3] | I finally figured the joke out. Now I understand why everybody was laughing. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
c628e431_omplete_list_of_phrasal_verbs___3 | [0] . [1] figure * up + [2] calculate [3] | I need to figure my expenses up before I give you an estimate. | [] | Lista completa verbos frasais (Complete list of phrasal verbs) | 3 | http://www.inglescurso.net.br/gramatica-inglesa/102-verbos-frasais-phrasal-verbs/433-complete-phrasal-verb-list-lista-completa-verbos-frasais | 17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00204-ip-10-236-191-2_519750917_11.json |
86c14561_Magdalena_Ball__September_2011__5 | [0] dance [1] trees [2] plucks [3] smile [4] sing [5] | magic | [
] | Magdalena Ball: September 2011 | 5 | http://www.magdalenaball.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html | 17/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00309-ip-10-236-191-2_566599788_0.json |
86c14561_Magdalena_Ball__September_2011__5 | [0] music [1] monkey [2] amaze [3] sadness [4] animal [5] | dreams | [
] | Magdalena Ball: September 2011 | 5 | http://www.magdalenaball.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html | 17/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00309-ip-10-236-191-2_566599788_0.json |