3月22日是世界水日,今年的主题是:珍惜水、爱护水。水资源是有限的,如果每人每天少用一滴水,一年节约的水量可达几十万吨。其实,只要改变一下你的生活方式,在家就能成为节水小能手。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. Fix minor leaks around your home. 修补家中滴漏的水管 Replace damaged pipes and leaky faucets to avoid wasting water. Inspect your water meter and utility bills every month to see how much water you’re using. If you notice a random spike, it may be a sign that you have a leaky pipe somewhere in your home. A poorly-sealed pipe or leaky toilet can waste up to 340 L of water a day, so resolving these problems can save a lot of water in the long run. 更换损坏的水管和漏水的水龙头来避免浪费水。每月检查你的水表和水费账单,查看自己用了多少水。如果你发现水费突然增加,可能意味着你家里的某个水管在漏水。漏水的水管或马桶一天可浪费多达340升的水,所以解决这些问题从长远来看可以节省很多水。 2. Turn the faucet off while you brush or shave. 刷牙或刮脸的时候关掉水龙头 This is one of the easiest ways to cut back on your water usage. There’s no need to keep the water running while you’re in the process of cleaning your teeth or trimming your beard. It may sound hard to believe, but you can save roughly 760 L of water a month just by shutting the water off once you go about your business! 这是最容易的节水方法之一。在刷牙或剃须时没必要让水一直流。或许听上去难以置信,但是只要你每次不用水就马上关掉水龙头,一个月就能节省约760升的水。 [Photo/Pexels] 3. Take shorter showers. 缩短洗澡时间 Get into the habit of taking showers that last 5 minutes or less whenever you can. Everyone loves a long, hot shower, but your showerhead uses roughly 7.6 L of water a minute. You’ll save a lot of water over time if you stick with short rinses, and you’ll be just as squeaky clean as you normally would after a long shower. 养成每次洗澡不超过5分钟的习惯。大家都喜欢洗长时间的热水浴,但是淋浴喷头每分钟就会喷出约7.6升水。如果你坚持短时间淋浴,时间长了你会节省很多水,而且你的身体会和长时间淋浴后一样干净。 4. Switch to water-saving fixtures. 将喷头和水龙头换成节水装置 Swap out your showerhead and faucets for low-flow alternatives. By upgrading your showerhead and sink fixtures, you’ll cut back dramatically on your water usage. This is an easy way to conserve water without even changing the way you wash, flush, or shower! 将你的淋浴喷头或水龙头换成节水装置。通过升级你的喷头和水龙头,你可以极大地节省用水量。这种节水方法很轻松,你甚至不用改变洗漱、冲马桶或淋浴的方式! 5. Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when it's full. 洗碗机和洗衣机填满了才运转 Using household appliances more effectively is a great way to save water. There’s nothing wrong with trying to keep your kitchen clean, but you’re going through a lot of water if you’re in the habit of running your dishwasher every day. By waiting until the dishwasher is full, you’re getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to the water you’re using. And always make sure that you have enough dirty clothing for a full load. 更高效地使用家用电器也是节水的一个妙招。保持厨房干净没有错,但是如果你天天用洗碗机就会用掉很多水。如果你在洗碗机装满时才运转,你就能最大化地利用水资源。同样,洗衣机运转的时候要保证里面塞满了脏衣服。 [Photo/Pexels] 6. Use water-efficient appliances. 使用节水家电 The next time you need to replace a dishwasher, washing machine, or water heater, purchase a water-efficient appliance. Not only will this cut back on your water consumption, but you’ll save money over time when it comes to utility costs. 下一次你需要更换洗碗机、洗衣机或热水器时,要购买节水电器。不只是因为这样能省水,而且长远来看还能省下不少生活费用。 7. Avoid washing your car or use a bucket. 尽量少洗车,或者用水桶打水洗车 Put the hose down and let the rain clean your car for you. If you do feel the need to wash your vehicle, fill a few buckets instead of using your garden hose to clean your vehicle off and rinse it. If you use a hose to wash your vehicle, you’ll use roughly 190 L of water. A few buckets will only require 19–38 L, though. 放下水管,让雨水帮你洗车吧。如果确实觉得有必要洗车了,打几桶水来擦洗车子,而不是用花园浇水用的水管来冲洗。如果用水管洗车,每次将用掉约190升的水,而打几桶水只要19到38升。 英文来源:Wikihow 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 1. Fix minor leaks around your home. Replace damaged pipes and leaky faucets to avoid wasting water. Inspect your water meter and utility bills every month to see how much water you’re using. If you notice a random spike, it may be a sign that you have a leaky pipe somewhere in your home. A poorly-sealed pipe or leaky toilet can waste up to 340 L of water a day, so resolving these problems can save a lot of water in the long run. 2. Turn the faucet off while you brush or shave. This is one of the easiest ways to cut back on your water usage. There’s no need to keep the water running while you’re in the process of cleaning your teeth or trimming your beard. It may sound hard to believe, but you can save roughly 760 L of water a month just by shutting the water off once you go about your business! [Photo/Pexels] 3. Take shorter showers. Get into the habit of taking showers that last 5 minutes or less whenever you can. Everyone loves a long, hot shower, but your showerhead uses roughly 7.6 L of water a minute. You’ll save a lot of water over time if you stick with short rinses, and you’ll be just as squeaky clean as you normally would after a long shower. 4. Switch to water-saving fixtures. Swap out your showerhead and faucets for low-flow alternatives. By upgrading your showerhead and sink fixtures, you’ll cut back dramatically on your water usage. This is an easy way to conserve water without even changing the way you wash, flush, or shower! 5. Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when it's full. Using household appliances more effectively is a great way to save water. There’s nothing wrong with trying to keep your kitchen clean, but you’re going through a lot of water if you’re in the habit of running your dishwasher every day. By waiting until the dishwasher is full, you’re getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to the water you’re using. And always make sure that you have enough dirty clothing for a full load. [Photo/Pexels] 6. Use water-efficient appliances. The next time you need to replace a dishwasher, washing machine, or water heater, purchase a water-efficient appliance. Not only will this cut back on your water consumption, but you’ll save money over time when it comes to utility costs. 7. Avoid washing your car or use a bucket. Put the hose down and let the rain clean your car for you. If you do feel the need to wash your vehicle, fill a few buckets instead of using your garden hose to clean your vehicle off and rinse it. If you use a hose to wash your vehicle, you’ll use roughly 190 L of water. A few buckets will only require 19–38 L, though.
3月22日是世界水日,今年的主题是:珍惜水、爱护水。水资源是有限的,如果每人每天少用一滴水,一年节约的水量可达几十万吨。其实,只要改变一下你的生活方式,在家就能成为节水小能手。 修补家中滴漏的水管 更换损坏的水管和漏水的水龙头来避免浪费水。每月检查你的水表和水费账单,查看自己用了多少水。如果你发现水费突然增加,可能意味着你家里的某个水管在漏水。漏水的水管或马桶一天可浪费多达340升的水,所以解决这些问题从长远来看可以节省很多水。 刷牙或刮脸的时候关掉水龙头 这是最容易的节水方法之一。在刷牙或剃须时没必要让水一直流。或许听上去难以置信,但是只要你每次不用水就马上关掉水龙头,一个月就能节省约760升的水。 缩短洗澡时间 养成每次洗澡不超过5分钟的习惯。大家都喜欢洗长时间的热水浴,但是淋浴喷头每分钟就会喷出约7.6升水。如果你坚持短时间淋浴,时间长了你会节省很多水,而且你的身体会和长时间淋浴后一样干净。 将喷头和水龙头换成节水装置 将你的淋浴喷头或水龙头换成节水装置。通过升级你的喷头和水龙头,你可以极大地节省用水量。这种节水方法很轻松,你甚至不用改变洗漱、冲马桶或淋浴的方式! 洗碗机和洗衣机填满了才运转 更高效地使用家用电器也是节水的一个妙招。保持厨房干净没有错,但是如果你天天用洗碗机就会用掉很多水。如果你在洗碗机装满时才运转,你就能最大化地利用水资源。同样,洗衣机运转的时候要保证里面塞满了脏衣服。 使用节水家电 下一次你需要更换洗碗机、洗衣机或热水器时,要购买节水电器。不只是因为这样能省水,而且长远来看还能省下不少生活费用。 尽量少洗车,或者用水桶打水洗车 放下水管,让雨水帮你洗车吧。如果确实觉得有必要洗车了,打几桶水来擦洗车子,而不是用花园浇水用的水管来冲洗。如果用水管洗车,每次将用掉约190升的水,而打几桶水只要19到38升。 英文来源:Wikihow 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,民政部数据显示,2020年我国结婚登记数据为813.1万对,跌破900万大关。这是2003年以来的新低,仅为最高峰2013年的60%。 2020年2月14日,北京市,一对新人在民政局门口自拍 图源:中国日报网 The number of couples who tied the knot last year declined 12.2 percent year-on-year to 8.13 million amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to figures released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. 民政部公布的数据显示,在遭遇疫情的过去的一年里,我国结婚登记数为813万对,同比下降12.2%。 The benchmark fell to its lowest level since it embarked on a downward spiral in 2013, the figures showed. 该数据自2013年持续下降,为近年来最低水平。 当前,25~29岁仍是主要结婚年龄,对应的是1991年~1995年的出生人口。从近四十年数据看,我国出生人口在经历1987年这一近40年的最高峰(2508万)之后,连续多年下行:1991年跌破2300万;1994年跌破2100万;1998年更是跌破2000万大关。可以预见,随着“95后”乃至“00后”陆续进入婚育阶段,结婚人数还会进一步下滑。 2021年3月14日,福建省福州市,一对新人登记结婚 图源:中新社 除了适婚年龄人口减少的主要因素外,受教育程度提高、大城市化、经济压力以及婚恋观念变化,也使得结婚年龄不断推迟,晚婚甚至不婚的人越来越多。 广东结婚人数最多 从31个省份数据看,广东以63.3万对位居第一,结婚对数前十名的省份分别是广东、河南、四川、江苏、山东、安徽、河北、湖南、云南和湖北。 More than 633,000 of the couples married in South China's Guangdong province, making the manufacturing hub the top contributor across the nation. 在华南地区的广东省,有63.3万多人对结婚,这一制造业中心位居全国第一。 Populous Central China's Henan province followed with about 625,000 newlyweds last year. 中部地区人口稠密的河南省紧随其后,去年有大约62.5万新婚夫妇。 总体上看,结婚人数多少,与各地的人口总量尤其是户籍人口总量有关,也与各地人口年龄结构密切相关。 河南离婚人数最多 从离婚对数看,河南超过27万对,位居离婚人数榜第一。第二名的四川与河南差距很小,不到1万对。江苏以23.4万对位居第三。 需要说明的是,相比结婚登记,离婚有民政部门登记离婚和法院判决、调解离婚两种途径,这里统计的是民政部门登记离婚的数据,是离婚总人数的主体。 The ministry said 3.73 million couples divorced last year, compared with 4.04 million in 2019. 民政部表示,去年离婚的有373万对,而2019年为404万对。 With some 270,000 divorces last year, Henan province was the top contributor to that number, followed by Sichuan, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Shandong provinces, it said. 河南省去年离婚对数约为27万,居首位,其次是四川、江苏、广东和山东。 天津、黑龙江和吉林“离结比”位居前三。其中,天津和黑龙江都超过了70%。从区域看,东北地区这一比例都比较靠前。 编辑:陈月华 来源:第一财经 中国日报网 央视新闻
The number of couples who tied the knot last year declined 12.2 percent year-on-year to 8.13 million amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to figures released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The benchmark fell to its lowest level since it embarked on a downward spiral in 2013, the figures showed. More than 633,000 of the couples married in South China's Guangdong province, making the manufacturing hub the top contributor across the nation. Populous Central China's Henan province followed with about 625,000 newlyweds last year. The ministry said 3.73 million couples divorced last year, compared with 4.04 million in 2019. With some 270,000 divorces last year, Henan province was the top contributor to that number, followed by Sichuan, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Shandong provinces, it said.
近日,民政部数据显示,2020年我国结婚登记数据为813.1万对,跌破900万大关。这是2003年以来的新低,仅为最高峰2013年的60%。 2020年2月14日,北京市,一对新人在民政局门口自拍 图源:中国日报网 民政部公布的数据显示,在遭遇疫情的过去的一年里,我国结婚登记数为813万对,同比下降12.2%。 该数据自2013年持续下降,为近年来最低水平。 当前,25~29岁仍是主要结婚年龄,对应的是1991年~1995年的出生人口。从近四十年数据看,我国出生人口在经历1987年这一近40年的最高峰(2508万)之后,连续多年下行:1991年跌破2300万;1994年跌破2100万;1998年更是跌破2000万大关。可以预见,随着“95后”乃至“00后”陆续进入婚育阶段,结婚人数还会进一步下滑。 2021年3月14日,福建省福州市,一对新人登记结婚 图源:中新社 除了适婚年龄人口减少的主要因素外,受教育程度提高、大城市化、经济压力以及婚恋观念变化,也使得结婚年龄不断推迟,晚婚甚至不婚的人越来越多。 广东结婚人数最多 从31个省份数据看,广东以63.3万对位居第一,结婚对数前十名的省份分别是广东、河南、四川、江苏、山东、安徽、河北、湖南、云南和湖北。 在华南地区的广东省,有63.3万多人对结婚,这一制造业中心位居全国第一。 中部地区人口稠密的河南省紧随其后,去年有大约62.5万新婚夫妇。 总体上看,结婚人数多少,与各地的人口总量尤其是户籍人口总量有关,也与各地人口年龄结构密切相关。 河南离婚人数最多 从离婚对数看,河南超过27万对,位居离婚人数榜第一。第二名的四川与河南差距很小,不到1万对。江苏以23.4万对位居第三。 需要说明的是,相比结婚登记,离婚有民政部门登记离婚和法院判决、调解离婚两种途径,这里统计的是民政部门登记离婚的数据,是离婚总人数的主体。 民政部表示,去年离婚的有373万对,而2019年为404万对。 河南省去年离婚对数约为27万,居首位,其次是四川、江苏、广东和山东。 天津、黑龙江和吉林“离结比”位居前三。其中,天津和黑龙江都超过了70%。从区域看,东北地区这一比例都比较靠前。 编辑:陈月华 来源:第一财经 中国日报网 央视新闻
世界上最难做的美食是什么?来看看Quora上的精选回答。 获得91.9k的好评的回答@Dan Knight: I have 15 years experience in the restaurant. 我有15年的餐厅从业经验。 It depends on his or her skill level. I’m a chef, and I can make a Turducken : 这取决于厨师的烹饪技巧。我是一名主厨,我可以做 特大啃 (Turkey-duck-chicken的简称,所谓“特大啃”是一种美食新吃法:将无骨鸡填到无骨鸭肚子里,然后再将填了无骨鸡的无骨鸭填到无骨火鸡的肚子里) Even for the keenest of chef’s, Fugu would be fairly high up the list of difficult dishes to produce. 即便是技艺再精湛的主厨, 河豚鱼 还是排在“最难做的菜单”前几位。 But then look at what you get: This is Fugu sashimi . Even the presentation looks difficult to master properly. 这是最后给顾客上的成品: 河豚刺身 ,连摆盘看起来都是那么的难以驾驭。 获得2k好评的回答@Mahabub Amin: Making layered cakes with three types of frosting is not easy at all. 用三种不同的糖霜做 多层蛋糕 一点儿也不容易呢。 Salt-Crusted Fish . Despite an entire fish being covered in salt like someone being buried in sand at the beach, the plated result is not overly salted. But, if you don't pack the salt and egg white mixture tight enough, you risk salt crystals leaking into the fish as it cooks and when you break into the shell, creating an almost unbearable flavor. 盐壳鱼 ,尽管把整条鱼涂满盐霜,就像把人埋在沙堆里一样,上盘的味道可能还是不够咸。其次,如果盐和蛋清的搅拌物太稀,盐晶体就会在烹饪的过程中流入到鱼体内,那个味道简直不能忍。 Macarons . Not only are macarons challenging to perfectly execute, but if you make them in a city with so much humidity, like Houston, you're going to have a much more difficult time. Even if the weather is perfect, things can easily go awry. 马卡龙 ,制作马卡龙不仅要每一步都天衣无缝——这是最挑战的部分——如果你要是在湿气比较重的休斯顿,那就更有难度了。即使是气候适宜,制作上的小失误也会失之毫厘谬以千里。 获得1.3k好评的回答@Tamarius Peters: A terrine . There's a test you can take to become what's known as a certified master chef of which there's only about 300 in the world. A lot of them passed that test by making a terrine. 肉冻 。有一种考试能让你成为注册大厨,全世界只有差不多300人有这个身份,他们大多数都是用肉冻来通过这场考试的。 获得1.3k好评的回答@Sami El-Molla Vidal: This is not fake, it's real bio light in the food. And this is a sphere made of sugar and water, with ice-cream, flowers and lots of shit inside. 真不是虚构,这确实是食物中的生物之光。这个球体是由糖、水、冰淇淋、鲜花还有许多的粘稠物组成的。 (来源:沪江英语 )
I have 15 years experience in the restaurant. It depends on his or her skill level. I’m a chef, and I can make a Turducken : Even for the keenest of chef’s, Fugu would be fairly high up the list of difficult dishes to produce. But then look at what you get: This is Fugu sashimi . Even the presentation looks difficult to master properly. Making layered cakes with three types of frosting is not easy at all. Salt-Crusted Fish . Despite an entire fish being covered in salt like someone being buried in sand at the beach, the plated result is not overly salted. But, if you don't pack the salt and egg white mixture tight enough, you risk salt crystals leaking into the fish as it cooks and when you break into the shell, creating an almost unbearable flavor. Macarons . Not only are macarons challenging to perfectly execute, but if you make them in a city with so much humidity, like Houston, you're going to have a much more difficult time. Even if the weather is perfect, things can easily go awry. A terrine . There's a test you can take to become what's known as a certified master chef of which there's only about 300 in the world. A lot of them passed that test by making a terrine. This is not fake, it's real bio light in the food. And this is a sphere made of sugar and water, with ice-cream, flowers and lots of shit inside.
世界上最难做的美食是什么?来看看Quora上的精选回答。 获得91.9k的好评的回答@Dan Knight: 我有15年的餐厅从业经验。 这取决于厨师的烹饪技巧。我是一名主厨,我可以做 特大啃 (Turkey-duck-chicken的简称,所谓“特大啃”是一种美食新吃法:将无骨鸡填到无骨鸭肚子里,然后再将填了无骨鸡的无骨鸭填到无骨火鸡的肚子里) 即便是技艺再精湛的主厨, 河豚鱼 还是排在“最难做的菜单”前几位。 这是最后给顾客上的成品: 河豚刺身 ,连摆盘看起来都是那么的难以驾驭。 获得2k好评的回答@Mahabub Amin: 用三种不同的糖霜做 多层蛋糕 一点儿也不容易呢。 盐壳鱼 ,尽管把整条鱼涂满盐霜,就像把人埋在沙堆里一样,上盘的味道可能还是不够咸。其次,如果盐和蛋清的搅拌物太稀,盐晶体就会在烹饪的过程中流入到鱼体内,那个味道简直不能忍。 马卡龙 ,制作马卡龙不仅要每一步都天衣无缝——这是最挑战的部分——如果你要是在湿气比较重的休斯顿,那就更有难度了。即使是气候适宜,制作上的小失误也会失之毫厘谬以千里。 获得1.3k好评的回答@Tamarius Peters: 肉冻 。有一种考试能让你成为注册大厨,全世界只有差不多300人有这个身份,他们大多数都是用肉冻来通过这场考试的。 获得1.3k好评的回答@Sami El-Molla Vidal: 真不是虚构,这确实是食物中的生物之光。这个球体是由糖、水、冰淇淋、鲜花还有许多的粘稠物组成的。 (来源:沪江英语 )
电视剧《文森佐》在韩国热播,然而最近,剧中的一个“中国拌饭”却引发了韩国观众的“怒火”。 据《韩国时报》网站报道,在上周日播出的剧集中,出现了宋仲基和全汝彬两名主演一起吃即食拌饭的场景。然而随着镜头拉近,植入广告产品包装上“自嗨锅”三个大字映入眼帘,大多数韩国观众对这一品牌并不熟悉。 In last Sunday's episode, a scene showed the two lead characters - Vincenzo (Song Joong-ki) and Hong Cha-young (Jeon Yeo-been) ― having instant bibimbap cups together. But as the camera zoomed in on the cups, the brand of its Chinese sponsor, Zihaiguo, an unfamiliar name to most Koreans became visible. 3月14日播放的剧集中出现了两位主演文森佐(宋仲基饰)和洪车英(全汝彬饰)一起吃即食拌饭的场景。但当镜头拉近对准餐盒时,中国赞助商“自嗨锅”的品牌名清晰可见,大多数韩国观众对这一品牌并不熟悉。 The actor also added a line says that "don't forget to eat something nice while watching something interesting." 演员还说了一句台词:“看有趣的东西的时候,别忘了吃点好的。” The product placement backfired with many viewers slamming the drama for featuring the Chinese appropriation of the Korean dish. 这一广告植入引发韩国网友不满,纷纷抨击剧集里出现被中国“盗用”的韩式菜品。 Some Korean netizens seemed focused on the meal's packaging, claiming they were repulsed by the Chinese characters printed on it, while others busied themselves emphasizing that the "stirred rice dish" is a Korean dish. And some others mentioned that they do not want to see South Korean stars eating food to promote Chinese brands on TV. 有韩国网友称,看到产品的中文包装感到“厌恶”,还有网友强调“拌饭”属于韩国食品。还有人提到,不希望在电视上看到韩国明星通过饮食的方式推广中国品牌。 "What is this Chinese bibimbap product placement? Now they (Chinese) are going to argue that bibimbap is a Chinese dish," a viewer wrote online. 有网友写道:“中国拌饭的广告植入是怎么回事?他们(中国人)又该说拌饭也是中餐了。” Another viewer wrote, "If the network just sells placement to Chinese companies for quick money, wouldn't (foreign) people who watch this series think bibimbap's Chinese food? This is a serious issue … I know money is important but this is taking it too far." 还有人评论:“如果剧方为了赚快钱把广告植入卖给中国公司,那么(外国)人们看了电视剧会认为拌饭是中国食物吧?这是个严重的问题……我知道资金很重要,但是这样就太过分了。” 此前,韩国网友就对于诸如泡菜起源等文化归属问题争吵不休。 视频博主李子柒的泡菜制作视频就曾被韩国网友围攻。 而这次,中国品牌拌饭的广告植入再次引发韩国网友不满。 Some viewers defended tvN for its effort to cover the 20 billion won ($17.6 million) budget of the show. 也有人给剧作方tvN辩解,这么做是为了收回200亿韩元的制作成本。 The Chinese food company has an advertising agreement with Vincenzo , which stipulated the instant meal should appear a total of four times in the series and be eaten by the leads at least twice. 中国品牌方与《文森佐》剧集达成广告协议,规定产品会在电视剧中出现4次,其中主角至少会吃两次 “自嗨锅”。 According to entertainment web portal Koreaboo on Tuesday, tvN has contacted Zihaiguo, to discuss cancelling the contract. 据韩国娱乐网站Koreaboo 16日报道,tvN已经联系了“自嗨锅”方面,商讨取消合同。 This is not the first time tvN has raised domestic viewers' collective ire through controversial product placement deals with Chinese companies. The comedy romance series "True Beauty" has recently come under fire for excessive advertising of Chinese products and brands, placing banners of the e-commerce firm in bus stops and showing characters eating Chinese instant hot pot. 这并不是tvN第一次因为出现中国公司的广告植入,而让韩国观众“炸锅”。爱情喜剧《女神降临》最近就因过度宣传中国产品和品牌而受到抨击,剧中公交站台出现京东广告牌,演员也有食用中国即食火锅的镜头。 综合来源:观察者网,环球时报英文版网站,韩国时报网站,南华早报网站,海峡时报网站 转载自:21世纪英文报 审校:Jade
In last Sunday's episode, a scene showed the two lead characters - Vincenzo (Song Joong-ki) and Hong Cha-young (Jeon Yeo-been) ― having instant bibimbap cups together. But as the camera zoomed in on the cups, the brand of its Chinese sponsor, Zihaiguo, an unfamiliar name to most Koreans became visible. The actor also added a line says that "don't forget to eat something nice while watching something interesting." The product placement backfired with many viewers slamming the drama for featuring the Chinese appropriation of the Korean dish. Some Korean netizens seemed focused on the meal's packaging, claiming they were repulsed by the Chinese characters printed on it, while others busied themselves emphasizing that the "stirred rice dish" is a Korean dish. And some others mentioned that they do not want to see South Korean stars eating food to promote Chinese brands on TV. "What is this Chinese bibimbap product placement? Now they (Chinese) are going to argue that bibimbap is a Chinese dish," a viewer wrote online. Another viewer wrote, "If the network just sells placement to Chinese companies for quick money, wouldn't (foreign) people who watch this series think bibimbap's Chinese food? This is a serious issue … I know money is important but this is taking it too far." Some viewers defended tvN for its effort to cover the 20 billion won ($17.6 million) budget of the show. The Chinese food company has an advertising agreement with Vincenzo , which stipulated the instant meal should appear a total of four times in the series and be eaten by the leads at least twice. According to entertainment web portal Koreaboo on Tuesday, tvN has contacted Zihaiguo, to discuss cancelling the contract. This is not the first time tvN has raised domestic viewers' collective ire through controversial product placement deals with Chinese companies. The comedy romance series "True Beauty" has recently come under fire for excessive advertising of Chinese products and brands, placing banners of the e-commerce firm in bus stops and showing characters eating Chinese instant hot pot.
电视剧《文森佐》在韩国热播,然而最近,剧中的一个“中国拌饭”却引发了韩国观众的“怒火”。 据《韩国时报》网站报道,在上周日播出的剧集中,出现了宋仲基和全汝彬两名主演一起吃即食拌饭的场景。然而随着镜头拉近,植入广告产品包装上“自嗨锅”三个大字映入眼帘,大多数韩国观众对这一品牌并不熟悉。 3月14日播放的剧集中出现了两位主演文森佐(宋仲基饰)和洪车英(全汝彬饰)一起吃即食拌饭的场景。但当镜头拉近对准餐盒时,中国赞助商“自嗨锅”的品牌名清晰可见,大多数韩国观众对这一品牌并不熟悉。 演员还说了一句台词:“看有趣的东西的时候,别忘了吃点好的。” 这一广告植入引发韩国网友不满,纷纷抨击剧集里出现被中国“盗用”的韩式菜品。 有韩国网友称,看到产品的中文包装感到“厌恶”,还有网友强调“拌饭”属于韩国食品。还有人提到,不希望在电视上看到韩国明星通过饮食的方式推广中国品牌。 有网友写道:“中国拌饭的广告植入是怎么回事?他们(中国人)又该说拌饭也是中餐了。” 还有人评论:“如果剧方为了赚快钱把广告植入卖给中国公司,那么(外国)人们看了电视剧会认为拌饭是中国食物吧?这是个严重的问题……我知道资金很重要,但是这样就太过分了。” 此前,韩国网友就对于诸如泡菜起源等文化归属问题争吵不休。 视频博主李子柒的泡菜制作视频就曾被韩国网友围攻。 而这次,中国品牌拌饭的广告植入再次引发韩国网友不满。 也有人给剧作方tvN辩解,这么做是为了收回200亿韩元的制作成本。 中国品牌方与《文森佐》剧集达成广告协议,规定产品会在电视剧中出现4次,其中主角至少会吃两次 “自嗨锅”。 据韩国娱乐网站Koreaboo 16日报道,tvN已经联系了“自嗨锅”方面,商讨取消合同。 这并不是tvN第一次因为出现中国公司的广告植入,而让韩国观众“炸锅”。爱情喜剧《女神降临》最近就因过度宣传中国产品和品牌而受到抨击,剧中公交站台出现京东广告牌,演员也有食用中国即食火锅的镜头。 综合来源:观察者网,环球时报英文版网站,韩国时报网站,南华早报网站,海峡时报网站 转载自:21世纪英文报 审校:Jade
日前,中国睡眠研究会发布了《2021年运动与睡眠白皮书》。数据显示,当下中国有超3亿人存在睡眠障碍,而运动人群失眠困扰比例仅为10%。运动人群中以广东运动人数最多,并且睡眠充足比例位列各省份第一。 [Photo/Pexels] While one in five people in China have symptoms of a sleep disorder, only one in 10 who exercise regularly report problems sleeping, according to a study released on Thursday by the Chinese Sleep Research Society. 中国睡眠研究会3月18日发布的一项研究发现,中国五分之一的人有睡眠障碍,定期运动的人群失眠困扰比例仅为10%。 The COVID-19 epidemic has also deepened the divide in sleeping patterns between couch potatoes and regular exercisers, as people who lead sedentary lifestyles are less inclined to work out due to travel restrictions, causing further disruptions to their circadian rhythms, the study said. 研究报告指出,新冠疫情期间,不运动人群和定期运动人群睡眠状态两极分化,旅行限制令使得久坐人群减少锻炼,作息更不规律。 "As the spread of the virus has been suppressed in China, a key step toward returning to normal lives should be going outdoors more often and working out more regularly, to tackle the increasing prevalence of sleep issues," said Guo Xiheng, head of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital's sleep research center and a member of the research society. 中国睡眠研究会理事、北京朝阳医院呼吸睡眠中心主任郭兮恒称,随着国内疫情得到控制,回归常规生活的重要一步就是多出门走走,定期锻炼,以解决日益普遍的睡眠问题。 Sleep disorders and insufficient sleeping hours have become more prominent in China in recent years. 睡眠障碍和睡眠时间不足的问题近年来在中国日益突出。 Previous reports released by the society showed that more than 38 percent of Chinese adults suffer from insomnia, with the rate climbing each year. Recent research from the Chinese Academy of Sciences also warned that more than 80 percent of children and teenagers do not get enough sleep on school days. 中国睡眠研究会此前发布的报告显示,中国成年人有失眠困扰的超过38%,而且这一比率逐年攀升。中国科学院最近的一项调查警告称,超80%的儿童和青少年在上学期间没有得到足够睡眠。 The new study surveyed more than 14,000 people across the country on their sleep and exercise habits. 新研究调查了全国超1.4万人的睡眠和运动习惯。 Respondents in the southern province of Guangdong and Jilin province in Northeast China turned out to be the most active. They also reported higher rates of securing seven to eight hours of sleep at night and lower rates of insomnia. 广东省和吉林省的受访者运动最积极。这两个省份的人每晚睡眠时间在7至8小时的比例更高,失眠比例也较低。 The study also found that exercising for at least half an hour daily, doing more full-body cardio exercises such as swimming and boxing, and working out more in the morning, are some of the key factors that contribute to high-quality sleep at night. 研究还发现,每天至少锻炼半小时,多做游泳、拳击等全身有氧运动,还有早起锻炼,都有助于夜晚的高质量睡眠。 Those who exercise for more than an hour a day and incorporate weight lifting in their workout plans also find it easier to pull themselves out of bed every morning after waking up, the study said. 研究指出,每天锻炼一个小时以上并坚持举重锻炼的人早上醒来后起床更轻松。 People who prefer ball sports, planking and situps report longer periods of slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep, it said. 研究显示,喜欢做球类运动、平板支撑和仰卧起坐的人报告称自己的慢波睡眠(深度睡眠)时间更长。 Han Fang, from the respiratory department at Peking University People's Hospital, said chronic sleep deprivation-meaning sleeping less than seven hours for most adults-will boost the risk of premature death by 26 percent. 北京大学人民医院呼吸内科的韩芳指出,长期睡眠不足(对于多数成年人来说指每晚睡眠少于7小时)会导致早亡危险增加26%。 "Sound sleep at night is also closely linked to stronger immunity against disease. Recent research suggests individuals make sure they get enough sleep the night before receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, to avoid weakening the efficacy of the vaccine," he said. 韩芳表示,晚上睡得好可以提高抵抗疾病的免疫力。最近的研究显示,接种新冠疫苗的前一晚睡眠充足可以避免疫苗有效性被削弱。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] While one in five people in China have symptoms of a sleep disorder, only one in 10 who exercise regularly report problems sleeping, according to a study released on Thursday by the Chinese Sleep Research Society. The COVID-19 epidemic has also deepened the divide in sleeping patterns between couch potatoes and regular exercisers, as people who lead sedentary lifestyles are less inclined to work out due to travel restrictions, causing further disruptions to their circadian rhythms, the study said. "As the spread of the virus has been suppressed in China, a key step toward returning to normal lives should be going outdoors more often and working out more regularly, to tackle the increasing prevalence of sleep issues," said Guo Xiheng, head of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital's sleep research center and a member of the research society. Sleep disorders and insufficient sleeping hours have become more prominent in China in recent years. Previous reports released by the society showed that more than 38 percent of Chinese adults suffer from insomnia, with the rate climbing each year. Recent research from the Chinese Academy of Sciences also warned that more than 80 percent of children and teenagers do not get enough sleep on school days. The new study surveyed more than 14,000 people across the country on their sleep and exercise habits. Respondents in the southern province of Guangdong and Jilin province in Northeast China turned out to be the most active. They also reported higher rates of securing seven to eight hours of sleep at night and lower rates of insomnia. The study also found that exercising for at least half an hour daily, doing more full-body cardio exercises such as swimming and boxing, and working out more in the morning, are some of the key factors that contribute to high-quality sleep at night. Those who exercise for more than an hour a day and incorporate weight lifting in their workout plans also find it easier to pull themselves out of bed every morning after waking up, the study said. People who prefer ball sports, planking and situps report longer periods of slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep, it said. Han Fang, from the respiratory department at Peking University People's Hospital, said chronic sleep deprivation-meaning sleeping less than seven hours for most adults-will boost the risk of premature death by 26 percent. "Sound sleep at night is also closely linked to stronger immunity against disease. Recent research suggests individuals make sure they get enough sleep the night before receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, to avoid weakening the efficacy of the vaccine," he said.
日前,中国睡眠研究会发布了《2021年运动与睡眠白皮书》。数据显示,当下中国有超3亿人存在睡眠障碍,而运动人群失眠困扰比例仅为10%。运动人群中以广东运动人数最多,并且睡眠充足比例位列各省份第一。 中国睡眠研究会3月18日发布的一项研究发现,中国五分之一的人有睡眠障碍,定期运动的人群失眠困扰比例仅为10%。 研究报告指出,新冠疫情期间,不运动人群和定期运动人群睡眠状态两极分化,旅行限制令使得久坐人群减少锻炼,作息更不规律。 中国睡眠研究会理事、北京朝阳医院呼吸睡眠中心主任郭兮恒称,随着国内疫情得到控制,回归常规生活的重要一步就是多出门走走,定期锻炼,以解决日益普遍的睡眠问题。 睡眠障碍和睡眠时间不足的问题近年来在中国日益突出。 中国睡眠研究会此前发布的报告显示,中国成年人有失眠困扰的超过38%,而且这一比率逐年攀升。中国科学院最近的一项调查警告称,超80%的儿童和青少年在上学期间没有得到足够睡眠。 新研究调查了全国超1.4万人的睡眠和运动习惯。 广东省和吉林省的受访者运动最积极。这两个省份的人每晚睡眠时间在7至8小时的比例更高,失眠比例也较低。 研究还发现,每天至少锻炼半小时,多做游泳、拳击等全身有氧运动,还有早起锻炼,都有助于夜晚的高质量睡眠。 研究指出,每天锻炼一个小时以上并坚持举重锻炼的人早上醒来后起床更轻松。 研究显示,喜欢做球类运动、平板支撑和仰卧起坐的人报告称自己的慢波睡眠(深度睡眠)时间更长。 北京大学人民医院呼吸内科的韩芳指出,长期睡眠不足(对于多数成年人来说指每晚睡眠少于7小时)会导致早亡危险增加26%。 韩芳表示,晚上睡得好可以提高抵抗疾病的免疫力。最近的研究显示,接种新冠疫苗的前一晚睡眠充足可以避免疫苗有效性被削弱。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
最近越来越多的经典动漫作品被改编成真人版,尽管播出后的评分和口碑都不尽人意,却依然阻挡不了这股强劲的势头。 前有《猫和老鼠》,后有《Hello Kitty》,这不,《飞天小女警》( The Powerpuff Girls )也要开始真人版的制作了。据报道,《飞天小女警》真人版的三位主演已经确定。 《飞天小女警》的真人版将由德芙·卡梅隆、雅娜·佩罗和克洛伊·贝内特(汪可盈)主演。 提到《飞天小女警》,大家都非常熟悉,这是一部1998-2005年制作并播映的美国系列动画片,讲述的是三位具有神奇力量的小女警打击犯罪、斗争反派、拯救世界的故事。 这三个主角分别是花花Blossom、泡泡Bubbles、毛毛Buttercup。 Last year the CW ordered a live-action reboot of The Powerpuff Girls. Bennet has been cast as Blossom, Cameron has been cast as Bubbles, and Perrault will star as Buttercup. 去年美国CW电视台宣布要制作《飞天小女警》真人版。贝内特饰演花花,卡梅隆饰演泡泡,而佩罗将饰演毛毛。 不过网友们都很怀疑,这三个可爱的卡通小女孩由她们来扮演,究竟会是什么形象?据报道,真人版的小女警并不是小孩子,而是三位20岁的少女。 This new program will feature the heroes as, 'disillusioned twentysomethings who resent having lost their childhood to crime fighting.' 在这个新版本中,主角们是“幻想破灭的二十多岁年轻人,她们怨恨自己在打击犯罪中失去了童年。” 这三个主演会超越原来的动画角色,展示一些成长后的变化。 Chloe Bennet will portray Blossom as it's stated, ‘Though she was a spunky, conscientious, little-miss-perfect child who holds several advanced degrees, Blossom’s repressed kiddie-superhero trauma has left her feeling anxious and reclusive, and she aims to become a leader again — this time on her own terms.’ 克洛伊·贝内特将饰演这样一个花花:“虽然她是一个勇敢、有责任心的完美小孩,拥有几个高等学位,但压抑的童年超级英雄创伤使她感到焦虑和封闭,她的目标是再次成为领导者——这次是由她自己做主。” 提到花花的扮演者克洛伊·贝内特,即汪可盈,中国的小伙伴们都很熟悉,这位中美混血的90后美少女很早就进入了观众的视线。 汪可盈出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥,爸爸是中国人,妈妈是美国人。2008年,汪可盈回国开始个人演艺事业,在次年发行个人首支单曲《Uh Oh》。 这首歌以中文和英文两种版本发行,让汪可盈一炮而红。 2010年,汪可盈返回美国发展,开始尝试进入戏剧领域,参与了许多优秀剧作的出演或配音。其中最为大家熟知和喜爱的当属科幻剧《神盾局特工》。 2012年,汪可盈经过6次试镜,终于成功拿下《神盾局特工》中斯凯的角色,成为漫威宇宙中第一个拥有超能力的女性。 Bennet is best known for her role in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D,” on which she starred as Daisy “Skye” Johnson, a.k.a Quake, throughout the show’s seven-season run. 贝内特最出名的角色是《神盾局特工》,她在剧中饰演黛西·“斯凯”·约翰逊,也就是“震波女”,持续出演了该剧的七季。 随着剧集的热播,汪可盈也越来越受到观众的喜爱,2015年,汪可盈获得华鼎奖全球最佳电视剧女演员提名。 而在去年,又有消息称,汪可盈或许会引领众多漫威动漫的女性超人出演一场全女性的电影。 With her time on "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." drawing to a close, actress Chloe Bennet has revealed that she would love the opportunity to suit up as Quake alongside the other female heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the potential female-fronted team-up movie. 随着《神盾局特工》接近尾声,女主角克洛伊·贝内特透露,她希望有机会作为震波女,与漫威电影宇宙中的其他女性英雄一起出演一部可能由女性领衔的电影。 现在汪可盈在积极地为饰演花花做准备,网友们也非常支持。 恭喜克洛伊·贝内特得到了《飞天小女警》真人版花花的角色!我等不及要看了! 一朝是超级英雄,永远是超级英雄。 来源:沪江英语
The Powerpuff Girls Last year the CW ordered a live-action reboot of The Powerpuff Girls. Bennet has been cast as Blossom, Cameron has been cast as Bubbles, and Perrault will star as Buttercup. This new program will feature the heroes as, 'disillusioned twentysomethings who resent having lost their childhood to crime fighting.' Chloe Bennet will portray Blossom as it's stated, ‘Though she was a spunky, conscientious, little-miss-perfect child who holds several advanced degrees, Blossom’s repressed kiddie-superhero trauma has left her feeling anxious and reclusive, and she aims to become a leader again — this time on her own terms.’ Bennet is best known for her role in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D,” on which she starred as Daisy “Skye” Johnson, a.k.a Quake, throughout the show’s seven-season run. With her time on "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." drawing to a close, actress Chloe Bennet has revealed that she would love the opportunity to suit up as Quake alongside the other female heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the potential female-fronted team-up movie.
最近越来越多的经典动漫作品被改编成真人版,尽管播出后的评分和口碑都不尽人意,却依然阻挡不了这股强劲的势头。 前有《猫和老鼠》,后有《Hello Kitty》,这不,《飞天小女警》( )也要开始真人版的制作了。据报道,《飞天小女警》真人版的三位主演已经确定。 《飞天小女警》的真人版将由德芙·卡梅隆、雅娜·佩罗和克洛伊·贝内特(汪可盈)主演。 提到《飞天小女警》,大家都非常熟悉,这是一部1998-2005年制作并播映的美国系列动画片,讲述的是三位具有神奇力量的小女警打击犯罪、斗争反派、拯救世界的故事。 这三个主角分别是花花Blossom、泡泡Bubbles、毛毛Buttercup。 去年美国CW电视台宣布要制作《飞天小女警》真人版。贝内特饰演花花,卡梅隆饰演泡泡,而佩罗将饰演毛毛。 不过网友们都很怀疑,这三个可爱的卡通小女孩由她们来扮演,究竟会是什么形象?据报道,真人版的小女警并不是小孩子,而是三位20岁的少女。 在这个新版本中,主角们是“幻想破灭的二十多岁年轻人,她们怨恨自己在打击犯罪中失去了童年。” 这三个主演会超越原来的动画角色,展示一些成长后的变化。 克洛伊·贝内特将饰演这样一个花花:“虽然她是一个勇敢、有责任心的完美小孩,拥有几个高等学位,但压抑的童年超级英雄创伤使她感到焦虑和封闭,她的目标是再次成为领导者——这次是由她自己做主。” 提到花花的扮演者克洛伊·贝内特,即汪可盈,中国的小伙伴们都很熟悉,这位中美混血的90后美少女很早就进入了观众的视线。 汪可盈出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥,爸爸是中国人,妈妈是美国人。2008年,汪可盈回国开始个人演艺事业,在次年发行个人首支单曲《Uh Oh》。 这首歌以中文和英文两种版本发行,让汪可盈一炮而红。 2010年,汪可盈返回美国发展,开始尝试进入戏剧领域,参与了许多优秀剧作的出演或配音。其中最为大家熟知和喜爱的当属科幻剧《神盾局特工》。 2012年,汪可盈经过6次试镜,终于成功拿下《神盾局特工》中斯凯的角色,成为漫威宇宙中第一个拥有超能力的女性。 贝内特最出名的角色是《神盾局特工》,她在剧中饰演黛西·“斯凯”·约翰逊,也就是“震波女”,持续出演了该剧的七季。 随着剧集的热播,汪可盈也越来越受到观众的喜爱,2015年,汪可盈获得华鼎奖全球最佳电视剧女演员提名。 而在去年,又有消息称,汪可盈或许会引领众多漫威动漫的女性超人出演一场全女性的电影。 随着《神盾局特工》接近尾声,女主角克洛伊·贝内特透露,她希望有机会作为震波女,与漫威电影宇宙中的其他女性英雄一起出演一部可能由女性领衔的电影。 现在汪可盈在积极地为饰演花花做准备,网友们也非常支持。 恭喜克洛伊·贝内特得到了《飞天小女警》真人版花花的角色!我等不及要看了! 一朝是超级英雄,永远是超级英雄。 来源:沪江英语
欧盟计划推出“数字绿色证书”,将发放给已接种新冠疫苗、新冠检测为阴性或患病康复后拥有新冠抗体的欧盟公民。如果该计划获得批准,欧盟公民将能在欧盟内部安全、自由地旅行,也能给岌岌可危的度假地经济带来一丝生机。 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gestures during a press conference following a college meeting to introduce draft legislation on a common EU COVID-19 vaccination certificate at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium March 17, 2021. John Thys /Pool via REUTERS The European commission has unveiled a “digital green certificate” that could allow EU citizens who have been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from Covid-19 to travel more freely within the bloc this summer. 欧盟推出了一种“数字绿色证书”,允许已接种疫苗、新冠病毒检测为阴性或患新冠肺炎后康复的欧盟公民今夏在欧盟境内更自由地出行。 The plan would also allow southern states such as Spain, Greece and Portugal, whose economies are most reliant on tourism, to make bilateral arrangements with non-EU members – including Britain – providing the deals are approved by the commission. 该计划还将允许西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙这些经济最依赖旅游业的欧洲南部成员国以及包括英国在内的非欧盟成员国订立双边协议,前提是欧盟委员会批准这些协议。 "We aim to help member states reinstate the freedom of movement in a safe, responsible and trusted manner,” the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said as the scheme was unveiled on Wednesday. 3月17日发布这一计划时,欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩表示:“我们的目标是帮助成员国通过安全、负责任以及可信任的方式恢复旅行自由。” The digital document, containing a QR code and carried on a mobile phone, has deliberately not been called a “vaccine passport” because some member states felt that would discriminate against those who had not yet been offered a shot. 这份电子文件包含一个二维码,与手机绑定,文件特意避开了“疫苗护照”这个称呼,因为一些成员国感觉这是在歧视那些还未能接种疫苗的人。 The certificate is “not a passport … but a document that will describe the medical situation of the individuals who hold it”, the commission spokesman, Eric Mamer, said. 欧盟委员会发言人埃里克·马梅表示,这个证明“不是护照……而是一份描述持有者医疗状况的文件。” People make their way on Monastiraki square, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Athens, Greece, March 10, 2021. Picture taken March 10, 2021. REUTERS/Louiza Vradi The plan stresses that it “cannot be a pre-condition to exercise free movement rights, nor can it be a pre-condition for using cross-border passenger transport services such as airlines, trains, coaches or ferries”. 该计划强调说,这份证明“不能作为履行自由旅行权的前提条件,也不能作为使用飞机、火车、长途公共汽车或渡船等跨境交通服务的前提条件。” The certificate, should mean travellers will not need to quarantine, would be available to all citizens who can provide evidence that they have either been vaccinated against Covid-19, have recently tested negative, or have acquired antibodies after recovering from the virus. 该证明意味着乘客不需要被隔离,所有能提供证据表明自己已经接种新冠疫苗、近期新冠病毒检测为阴性或在患病康复后拥有新冠抗体的人都可以获取该证明。 It follows several months of lobbying for a common, Europe-wide system aimed at easing free movement within the bloc, led by southern European holiday destinations whose economies have been devastated by the pandemic. 在此之前,为了放松欧盟内部的旅行限制,建立欧洲范围内的通用旅行体系,以南欧度假地为首的团队已经游说了数月。疫情已经摧毁了南欧度假地的经济。 The commission’s plan, which it hopes will be approved by national governments and the European parliament by mid-June, says all vaccines approved by the EMA should be automatically recognised by member states. 欧盟希望这项计划能在六月中旬前得到欧盟各国政府和欧洲议会的批准。该计划称,欧洲药品管理局认可的所有疫苗都应自动得到成员国的认可。 Despite a sluggish rollout so far, the EU aims to vaccinate three-quarters of its adult population by the end of summer and officials remain hopeful that if national delivery speeds up, many restrictions could be lifted in time for the holidays. 尽管到目前为止疫苗接种的进度比较缓慢,不过,欧盟的目标是在夏季结束前完成四分之三成年人口的接种。官员们仍然认为,如果各国疫苗运送速度提上去,等到假期来临时许多限制都有望解除。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gestures during a press conference following a college meeting to introduce draft legislation on a common EU COVID-19 vaccination certificate at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium March 17, 2021. John Thys /Pool via REUTERS The European commission has unveiled a “digital green certificate” that could allow EU citizens who have been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from Covid-19 to travel more freely within the bloc this summer. The plan would also allow southern states such as Spain, Greece and Portugal, whose economies are most reliant on tourism, to make bilateral arrangements with non-EU members – including Britain – providing the deals are approved by the commission. "We aim to help member states reinstate the freedom of movement in a safe, responsible and trusted manner,” the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said as the scheme was unveiled on Wednesday. The digital document, containing a QR code and carried on a mobile phone, has deliberately not been called a “vaccine passport” because some member states felt that would discriminate against those who had not yet been offered a shot. The certificate is “not a passport … but a document that will describe the medical situation of the individuals who hold it”, the commission spokesman, Eric Mamer, said. People make their way on Monastiraki square, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in Athens, Greece, March 10, 2021. Picture taken March 10, 2021. REUTERS/Louiza Vradi The plan stresses that it “cannot be a pre-condition to exercise free movement rights, nor can it be a pre-condition for using cross-border passenger transport services such as airlines, trains, coaches or ferries”. The certificate, should mean travellers will not need to quarantine, would be available to all citizens who can provide evidence that they have either been vaccinated against Covid-19, have recently tested negative, or have acquired antibodies after recovering from the virus. It follows several months of lobbying for a common, Europe-wide system aimed at easing free movement within the bloc, led by southern European holiday destinations whose economies have been devastated by the pandemic. The commission’s plan, which it hopes will be approved by national governments and the European parliament by mid-June, says all vaccines approved by the EMA should be automatically recognised by member states. Despite a sluggish rollout so far, the EU aims to vaccinate three-quarters of its adult population by the end of summer and officials remain hopeful that if national delivery speeds up, many restrictions could be lifted in time for the holidays.
欧盟计划推出“数字绿色证书”,将发放给已接种新冠疫苗、新冠检测为阴性或患病康复后拥有新冠抗体的欧盟公民。如果该计划获得批准,欧盟公民将能在欧盟内部安全、自由地旅行,也能给岌岌可危的度假地经济带来一丝生机。 欧盟推出了一种“数字绿色证书”,允许已接种疫苗、新冠病毒检测为阴性或患新冠肺炎后康复的欧盟公民今夏在欧盟境内更自由地出行。 该计划还将允许西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙这些经济最依赖旅游业的欧洲南部成员国以及包括英国在内的非欧盟成员国订立双边协议,前提是欧盟委员会批准这些协议。 3月17日发布这一计划时,欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩表示:“我们的目标是帮助成员国通过安全、负责任以及可信任的方式恢复旅行自由。” 这份电子文件包含一个二维码,与手机绑定,文件特意避开了“疫苗护照”这个称呼,因为一些成员国感觉这是在歧视那些还未能接种疫苗的人。 欧盟委员会发言人埃里克·马梅表示,这个证明“不是护照……而是一份描述持有者医疗状况的文件。” 该计划强调说,这份证明“不能作为履行自由旅行权的前提条件,也不能作为使用飞机、火车、长途公共汽车或渡船等跨境交通服务的前提条件。” 该证明意味着乘客不需要被隔离,所有能提供证据表明自己已经接种新冠疫苗、近期新冠病毒检测为阴性或在患病康复后拥有新冠抗体的人都可以获取该证明。 在此之前,为了放松欧盟内部的旅行限制,建立欧洲范围内的通用旅行体系,以南欧度假地为首的团队已经游说了数月。疫情已经摧毁了南欧度假地的经济。 欧盟希望这项计划能在六月中旬前得到欧盟各国政府和欧洲议会的批准。该计划称,欧洲药品管理局认可的所有疫苗都应自动得到成员国的认可。 尽管到目前为止疫苗接种的进度比较缓慢,不过,欧盟的目标是在夏季结束前完成四分之三成年人口的接种。官员们仍然认为,如果各国疫苗运送速度提上去,等到假期来临时许多限制都有望解除。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
看过异形大战铁血战士,看过ET与人类相亲相爱友谊长存……那你有没有见过迫降地球而被卷入一桩莫名其妙谋杀案的外星人呢?豆瓣8.3,IMdb 8.4,烂番茄新鲜度在高达90以上,这部由Syfy出品的科幻悬疑喜剧,无疑又为我们提供了新的外星人打开方式。 《外星居民》在熟悉的题材框架下,找到了独属于自己的一种全新的幽默感。故事围绕美国淳朴的小镇科罗拉多展开:小镇唯一的医生被害,警方找到了正在郊外度假的哈利医生寻求帮助。 但这位“哈里医生”,实则早就被我们的外星人杀之而取代了。主角外星人来到地球的目的就是实施残酷的“人类灭种计划”,因为在高贵的外星种族看来,人类,不值一提。 当你被这种全身上下散发中二气场的反派气息蒙蔽的时候,遵循“帅不过三秒”的外星人,露出了他憨憨的本来面貌…… 为了完美融入地球生活,他开始认真学习如何成为一个人类。比如看安妮·海瑟薇的杂志学习微笑,通过观看《法律与秩序》学习“人类行为学和语言学”。 时不时地沉浸在整个地球只有百万分之一的人类可以看穿其本体的优越感中,却在下一秒就被路边小男孩的尖叫震碎三观。 接着,从生活的360度方位锲而不舍地开始了他的“人类幼崽捕杀计划”。 小镇的谋杀案到底是谁所为?“哈里医生”能否在小镇顺利生活下去?他对人类的态度会发生改变吗?这些未解之谜,足以成为我们追剧的动力。 编剧克里斯·谢里丹(Chris Sheridan)在接受APNEWS采访时表示: Superficially, “it looks like it’s just a show about an alien coming down and trying to destroy people,” he said. “But when you really follow it, it becomes a show about unity and how humans are stronger when they work together, and how connected we all are.” 表面上,“它看上去就是一部讲述外星人来到地球,想要毁灭全人类的故事。但是当你追下去以后才会发现,它是一部讲述人类团结起来会多么的强大,他们之间的羁绊会多么强烈的故事,它所诉说的,是团结。” 抛开这温暖的内核不谈,只看沙雕又可爱的外星人,也很香不是吗? 下面我们也为你带来了更多关于外星人在地球的奇妙历险故事。 外星也难民 Solar Opposites (2020-) 豆瓣:9.1 A family of aliens move to middle America, where they debate whether life is better there or on their home planet. 外星人一家来到了美国中部,他们开始探讨到底是家乡的生活更好,还是在地球上更美。 外星邻居 The Neighbors (2012-2013) 豆瓣:7.3+ A New Jersey family moves to an affluent gated community composed entirely of extraterrestrials. 新泽西州的一个家庭搬到了一个高档封闭社区,发现在这个社区其他的居民全都是外星人…… 蓝皮书计划 Project Blue Book (2019-2020) 豆瓣:7.4+ A tough US Air Force officer and a skeptical scientist investigate UFO and alien conspiracies as Cold War paranoia spreads. 冷战背景下,一位强硬的美国空军官员与一位怀疑一切的科学家联手调查不明飞行物及外星阴谋的故事…… 吃脑外星人 Brain Dead (2016) 豆瓣:8.1 A government employee discovers that the cause of the tensions between the two political parties is a race of extraterrestrial insects eating the brains of the politicians. 一位政府官员发现,造成美国两大政党矛盾不断的原因,竟然是一群外星昆虫正在吞噬政客们的大脑! 歪星撞地球 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996-2000) 豆瓣:9.0+ A group of aliens are sent to Earth, disguised as a human family, to experience and report life on the third planet from the sun. 一群外星人来到了地球,假装成人类一家子,体验并报告在太阳系第三颗行星地球上的生活。 X档案 The X-Files (1993-2018) 豆瓣:7.7+ Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully , investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to impede their efforts. 两名联邦调查局特工福克斯·穆德和黛娜·史卡利携手调查离奇又无法用科学解释的事件,与此同时,一股神秘势力正阻挠着二人的努力…… 来源: 沪江英语
Superficially, “it looks like it’s just a show about an alien coming down and trying to destroy people,” he said. “But when you really follow it, it becomes a show about unity and how humans are stronger when they work together, and how connected we all are.” Solar Opposites (2020-) A family of aliens move to middle America, where they debate whether life is better there or on their home planet. The Neighbors (2012-2013) A New Jersey family moves to an affluent gated community composed entirely of extraterrestrials. Project Blue Book (2019-2020) A tough US Air Force officer and a skeptical scientist investigate UFO and alien conspiracies as Cold War paranoia spreads. Brain Dead (2016) A government employee discovers that the cause of the tensions between the two political parties is a race of extraterrestrial insects eating the brains of the politicians. 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996-2000) A group of aliens are sent to Earth, disguised as a human family, to experience and report life on the third planet from the sun. The X-Files (1993-2018) Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully , investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
看过异形大战铁血战士,看过ET与人类相亲相爱友谊长存……那你有没有见过迫降地球而被卷入一桩莫名其妙谋杀案的外星人呢?豆瓣8.3,IMdb 8.4,烂番茄新鲜度在高达90以上,这部由Syfy出品的科幻悬疑喜剧,无疑又为我们提供了新的外星人打开方式。 《外星居民》在熟悉的题材框架下,找到了独属于自己的一种全新的幽默感。故事围绕美国淳朴的小镇科罗拉多展开:小镇唯一的医生被害,警方找到了正在郊外度假的哈利医生寻求帮助。 但这位“哈里医生”,实则早就被我们的外星人杀之而取代了。主角外星人来到地球的目的就是实施残酷的“人类灭种计划”,因为在高贵的外星种族看来,人类,不值一提。 当你被这种全身上下散发中二气场的反派气息蒙蔽的时候,遵循“帅不过三秒”的外星人,露出了他憨憨的本来面貌…… 为了完美融入地球生活,他开始认真学习如何成为一个人类。比如看安妮·海瑟薇的杂志学习微笑,通过观看《法律与秩序》学习“人类行为学和语言学”。 时不时地沉浸在整个地球只有百万分之一的人类可以看穿其本体的优越感中,却在下一秒就被路边小男孩的尖叫震碎三观。 接着,从生活的360度方位锲而不舍地开始了他的“人类幼崽捕杀计划”。 小镇的谋杀案到底是谁所为?“哈里医生”能否在小镇顺利生活下去?他对人类的态度会发生改变吗?这些未解之谜,足以成为我们追剧的动力。 编剧克里斯·谢里丹(Chris Sheridan)在接受APNEWS采访时表示: 表面上,“它看上去就是一部讲述外星人来到地球,想要毁灭全人类的故事。但是当你追下去以后才会发现,它是一部讲述人类团结起来会多么的强大,他们之间的羁绊会多么强烈的故事,它所诉说的,是团结。” 抛开这温暖的内核不谈,只看沙雕又可爱的外星人,也很香不是吗? 下面我们也为你带来了更多关于外星人在地球的奇妙历险故事。 外星也难民 豆瓣:9.1 外星人一家来到了美国中部,他们开始探讨到底是家乡的生活更好,还是在地球上更美。 外星邻居 豆瓣:7.3+ 新泽西州的一个家庭搬到了一个高档封闭社区,发现在这个社区其他的居民全都是外星人…… 蓝皮书计划 豆瓣:7.4+ 冷战背景下,一位强硬的美国空军官员与一位怀疑一切的科学家联手调查不明飞行物及外星阴谋的故事…… 吃脑外星人 豆瓣:8.1 一位政府官员发现,造成美国两大政党矛盾不断的原因,竟然是一群外星昆虫正在吞噬政客们的大脑! 歪星撞地球 豆瓣:9.0+ 一群外星人来到了地球,假装成人类一家子,体验并报告在太阳系第三颗行星地球上的生活。 X档案 豆瓣:7.7+ 两名联邦调查局特工福克斯·穆德和黛娜·史卡利携手调查离奇又无法用科学解释的事件,与此同时,一股神秘势力正阻挠着二人的努力…… 来源: 沪江英语
疫情期间许多国家都面临失业率高的问题,在这个时候,西班牙政党计划推出一周4天工作制的试点项目,缩短工时却不降薪,一方面希望可以提高劳动效率,帮助人们平衡工作和生活,另一方面也希望有利于解决失业问题。 [Photo/Pexels] For years, advocates for a four-day workweek have argued that a compressed schedule could lead to more productivity and a better work-life balance — a perspective that has gained credence in some countries amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has wrought drastic changes to the way people work. 多年来,每周四天工作制的支持者们一直主张,紧凑的日程会带来更高的生产率,更好地平衡工作和生活。新冠疫情期间随着人们的工作方式发生急剧改变,这一观点在一些国家得到了信任。 Spain is about to find out firsthand whether it works. The country is poised to become one of the first to experiment with a 32-hour workweek, which would allow workers to spend less time at the office without any change in pay. 西班牙即将亲自体验四天工作制能否奏效。该国准备成为率先试行32小时工作周的国家之一,在这种工作制下,员工上班时间减少了,但是工资却不变。 Exactly what the pilot program will look like is unclear: An individual with the industry ministry told the Guardian that nearly every detail was still up for negotiation, including how many companies will be involved and how long the experiment will last. 这一试点项目将如何开展尚不明确。工业部的一名消息人士告诉《卫报》称,几乎每个细节都有待协商,包括这个项目将有多少公司参与以及试点将持续多久。 The test run was proposed by Más País, a left-wing party that has argued that longer hours don’t necessarily lead to higher productivity, and it is now in talks with the government to figure out the exact details of the arrangement. According to Spanish media outlets, the pilot program is intended to reduce employers’ risk by having the government make up the difference in salary when workers switch to a four-day schedule. 提出这一试点项目的左翼政党“更多国家”声称,更长的工作时间并不一定会带来更高的生产率。如今该政党正在与政府商谈以确定项目的具体细节。据西班牙媒体透露,在员工转为四天工作制后,该试点项目将会通过让政府填补损失的工资成本来降低雇主风险。 The experiment is expected to cost about 50 million euros and last three years. According to the Guardian , it could begin as early as this fall. 该试点项目预计将耗资约5000万欧元(约合人民币3.9亿元),持续三年。据《卫报》报道,试点最早将于今年秋天开始。 In May, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suggested employers should consider the switch to a four-day week “if that’s something that would work for your workplace.” 去年五月,新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩建议,“如果行得通的话”,雇主应考虑改为每周四天工作制。 Large corporations like Microsoft and Shake Shack have experimented with four-day workweeks in the past, but Spain’s pilot program would be much larger in scale. Más País calculates that the budget should be enough to allow around 200 companies to take part. That means that anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 workers would have regular three-day weekends, according to the Guardian . 微软和Shake Shack汉堡这样的大公司过去曾尝试过四天工作制,但是西班牙的这一试点项目的规模要大得多。《卫报》报告称,据“更多国家”政党估计,预算应该足以让约200家公司参与进来。这意味着3000到6000名员工将享有固定的三天周末。 Spain was one of the first countries in western Europe to limit the workday to eight hours, but recent studies have found Spanish workers put in more hours than many of their European counterparts, with no corresponding increase in productivity. 西班牙是西欧最早将每日工作时间限制到8小时以内的国家之一,但是近期的研究发现,西班牙员工的工作时间比欧洲许多其他国家的员工都要多,而生产率却没有相应提高。 Proponents of a four-day workweek argue that allowing more people to work fewer hours could go a long way in addressing the high unemployment rates that have plagued so many countries throughout the pandemic. But many business leaders have been less than enthusiastic about cutting hours without cutting pay, which is where Spain’s proposal to cover some of the costs comes in. 四天工作制的支持者声称,让更多人减少工作时间将十分有利于解决许多国家在疫情期间面对的高失业率问题。但是许多企业领导者不太能接受缩短工作时间却不降薪,因此西班牙才提议由政府承担部分开支。 英文来源:华盛顿邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] For years, advocates for a four-day workweek have argued that a compressed schedule could lead to more productivity and a better work-life balance — a perspective that has gained credence in some countries amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has wrought drastic changes to the way people work. Spain is about to find out firsthand whether it works. The country is poised to become one of the first to experiment with a 32-hour workweek, which would allow workers to spend less time at the office without any change in pay. Exactly what the pilot program will look like is unclear: An individual with the industry ministry told the Guardian that nearly every detail was still up for negotiation, including how many companies will be involved and how long the experiment will last. The experiment is expected to cost about 50 million euros and last three years. According to the Guardian , it could begin as early as this fall. In May, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suggested employers should consider the switch to a four-day week “if that’s something that would work for your workplace.” Guardian . Spain was one of the first countries in western Europe to limit the workday to eight hours, but recent studies have found Spanish workers put in more hours than many of their European counterparts, with no corresponding increase in productivity. Proponents of a four-day workweek argue that allowing more people to work fewer hours could go a long way in addressing the high unemployment rates that have plagued so many countries throughout the pandemic. But many business leaders have been less than enthusiastic about cutting hours without cutting pay, which is where Spain’s proposal to cover some of the costs comes in.
疫情期间许多国家都面临失业率高的问题,在这个时候,西班牙政党计划推出一周4天工作制的试点项目,缩短工时却不降薪,一方面希望可以提高劳动效率,帮助人们平衡工作和生活,另一方面也希望有利于解决失业问题。 多年来,每周四天工作制的支持者们一直主张,紧凑的日程会带来更高的生产率,更好地平衡工作和生活。新冠疫情期间随着人们的工作方式发生急剧改变,这一观点在一些国家得到了信任。 西班牙即将亲自体验四天工作制能否奏效。该国准备成为率先试行32小时工作周的国家之一,在这种工作制下,员工上班时间减少了,但是工资却不变。 这一试点项目将如何开展尚不明确。工业部的一名消息人士告诉《卫报》称,几乎每个细节都有待协商,包括这个项目将有多少公司参与以及试点将持续多久。 The test run was proposed by Más País, a left-wing party that has argued that longer hours don’t necessarily lead to higher productivity, and it is now in talks with the government to figure out the exact details of the arrangement. According to Spanish media outlets, the pilot program is intended to reduce employers’ risk by having the government make up the difference in salary when workers switch to a four-day schedule. 提出这一试点项目的左翼政党“更多国家”声称,更长的工作时间并不一定会带来更高的生产率。如今该政党正在与政府商谈以确定项目的具体细节。据西班牙媒体透露,在员工转为四天工作制后,该试点项目将会通过让政府填补损失的工资成本来降低雇主风险。 该试点项目预计将耗资约5000万欧元(约合人民币3.9亿元),持续三年。据《卫报》报道,试点最早将于今年秋天开始。 去年五月,新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩建议,“如果行得通的话”,雇主应考虑改为每周四天工作制。 Large corporations like Microsoft and Shake Shack have experimented with four-day workweeks in the past, but Spain’s pilot program would be much larger in scale. Más País calculates that the budget should be enough to allow around 200 companies to take part. That means that anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 workers would have regular three-day weekends, according to the 微软和Shake Shack汉堡这样的大公司过去曾尝试过四天工作制,但是西班牙的这一试点项目的规模要大得多。《卫报》报告称,据“更多国家”政党估计,预算应该足以让约200家公司参与进来。这意味着3000到6000名员工将享有固定的三天周末。 西班牙是西欧最早将每日工作时间限制到8小时以内的国家之一,但是近期的研究发现,西班牙员工的工作时间比欧洲许多其他国家的员工都要多,而生产率却没有相应提高。 四天工作制的支持者声称,让更多人减少工作时间将十分有利于解决许多国家在疫情期间面对的高失业率问题。但是许多企业领导者不太能接受缩短工作时间却不降薪,因此西班牙才提议由政府承担部分开支。 英文来源:华盛顿邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据美联社报道,美国总统拜登当地时间14日拒绝要求纽约州州长、民主党人科莫辞职,在科莫的政治前途问题上采取了观望态度。此前,科莫被多次投诉性骚扰。 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. [Photo/Agencies] President Joe Biden on Sunday passed up an opportunity to join other Democrats calling for the resignation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is under investigation after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. 美国总统拜登14日拒绝与其他民主党人士一起要求纽约州州长科莫辞职,科莫因多起性骚扰指控正在接受调查。 Asked by a reporter if Cuomo should resign, Biden responded, “I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us.” 在被问及科莫是否应该辞职的问题时,拜登回答道:“我认为调查仍在进行当中,我们应该看看调查结果是怎样的。” 美国纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫12日向媒体重申,不会因性骚扰指控辞职,将等待调查结果。 据外媒报道,已经进入第三个任期的纽约州州长科莫共被6名女性投诉,包括一些女下属,这些女性称受到科莫性骚扰或对方有其它不当行为。 Six women, several of them former members of his staff, have alleged that he sexually harassed or behaved inappropriately toward them. Cuomo has denied touching any women inappropriately. 有6名女性声称科莫对她们性骚扰或有其它不当行为,其中几人曾是他的工作人员,科莫否认与任何女性有不恰当地接触。 科莫本人否认所有指控,称对所有女士都没有不当行为,但纽约州总检察官詹姆斯已对科莫展开调查,纽约州的一些民主党重量级人物要求科莫辞职,包括参议员舒梅尔和吉利布兰德。 Several prominent New York Democrats, including Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, have called on Cuomo to step down. The three-term governor has refused to resign and has denied he did what has been alleged. 包括参议员舒默和吉利布兰德在内的几位纽约著名民主党人都呼吁库莫下台。这位连任三届的州长拒绝辞职,并否认对自己的指控。 据报道,当地时间3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基表示,拜登“当然支持”对科莫的调查,但拜登政府的防疫团队仍会继续与科莫在纽约州疫苗接种项目上合作。 On Friday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki would not say whether Biden believes Cuomo should resign. She said every woman who has come forward “deserves to have her voice heard, should be treated with respect and should be able to tell her story.” 3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基并未透露拜登是否认为科莫应该辞职。但她表示,每一位站出来说话的女性都应被听到,都应得到尊重,都应能讲出她的故事。 美国纽约州瞒报养老院新冠病亡人数 科莫自2011年起一直担任纽约州州长,并将于2022年迎来连任竞选。他去年因抗疫有力声名鹊起,成为了美国的“抗疫明星”。 如今,除了性骚扰丑闻外,不久前科莫还因瞒报养老院新冠死亡人数接受调查。 Despite the initial praise for his handling of COVID-19, there has been increasing criticism, from both Democrats and Republicans, directed at Cuomo and his team's handling of data after an aide admitted withholding nursing home data. 尽管最初人们对科莫应对疫情的方式赞不绝口,但在一名助手承认隐瞒了养老院死亡数据后,民主党和共和党对科莫及其团队处理数据的方式提出了越来越多的批评。 今年1月下旬,纽约州总检察长发布了一份报告,发现纽约州卫生部大约低估了50%的养老院新冠死亡病例。纽约州政府随后将养老院居民的死亡总数上调数千人。科莫坚称,州政府只是信息发布不及时,并没有瞒报。 近来,美国纽约州瞒报养老院新冠肺炎死亡患者人数一事持续发酵,多位纽约州养老院新冠肺炎病亡者家属在接受媒体采访时表示,掩盖事实真相不可接受,而他们对目前已公开的数字仍持怀疑态度。 此前,纽约州检察机关调查发现,该州养老院“实际的新冠肺炎死亡病患人数高达近15000人” 。 拜登呼吁美国民众接种疫苗 3月14日,美国纽约市举行纪念活动,悼念该市超过3万名新冠逝者。 3月14日,新冠逝者的照片在纪念活动上被投射到美国纽约布鲁克林大桥上 图源:新华网 而据有关媒体早前报道,当地时间3月11日,拜登发表演讲表示正命令美国各州在5月1日前让所有成年人都有资格接种新冠疫苗。政府将把美国独立日7月4日作为目标日期,届时让所有美国人都可以与家人和朋友聚会。 演讲中,拜登呼吁每位美国人行动起来接种疫苗,并表示如若大家能够共同努力,家人和朋友们也许能在7月4日“独立日”前再次一起聚会。 "I will not relent until we beat this virus. But I need you, the American people. I need you, I need every American, to do their part. I need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity. And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well." “在我们战胜新冠病毒之前,我不会放松。但我需要你们,美国人民。我需要你们,我需要每个美国人尽自己的一份力。我需要在轮到你或者有机会的时候你能接种疫苗,同时帮助你的家人、朋友和你的邻居也接种疫苗。” "Because here's the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together -- by July the Fourth, there's a good chance you, your family and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day." “重点就是,如果我们能做到所有这些,如果我们都能尽自己的本分共同来做这件事——到七月四日的时候,你们,你们的家人和朋友就能有机会在你们的后院或街区聚会、野餐亦或是共享烧烤来庆祝美国独立日。” 此外,拜登在讲话中特别谴责了以新冠肺炎疫情为借口,仇恨亚裔、分裂美国的人。 据华盛顿邮报,截至目前,约有10%的美国人已经完成了疫苗接种。 About 10 percent of the country, or 33.2 million people, is fully vaccinated, according to a Washington Post tally. 据《华盛顿邮报》统计,美国约有10%的人口,即3320万人接种了疫苗。 编辑:左卓 实习编辑:李金昳 来源:央视新闻 新华社 华盛顿邮报 美联社 今日美国 CNN
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. [Photo/Agencies] President Joe Biden on Sunday passed up an opportunity to join other Democrats calling for the resignation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is under investigation after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. Asked by a reporter if Cuomo should resign, Biden responded, “I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us.” Six women, several of them former members of his staff, have alleged that he sexually harassed or behaved inappropriately toward them. Cuomo has denied touching any women inappropriately. Several prominent New York Democrats, including Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, have called on Cuomo to step down. The three-term governor has refused to resign and has denied he did what has been alleged. On Friday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki would not say whether Biden believes Cuomo should resign. She said every woman who has come forward “deserves to have her voice heard, should be treated with respect and should be able to tell her story.” Despite the initial praise for his handling of COVID-19, there has been increasing criticism, from both Democrats and Republicans, directed at Cuomo and his team's handling of data after an aide admitted withholding nursing home data. "I will not relent until we beat this virus. But I need you, the American people. I need you, I need every American, to do their part. I need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity. And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well." "Because here's the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together -- by July the Fourth, there's a good chance you, your family and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day." About 10 percent of the country, or 33.2 million people, is fully vaccinated, according to a Washington Post tally.
据美联社报道,美国总统拜登当地时间14日拒绝要求纽约州州长、民主党人科莫辞职,在科莫的政治前途问题上采取了观望态度。此前,科莫被多次投诉性骚扰。 美国总统拜登14日拒绝与其他民主党人士一起要求纽约州州长科莫辞职,科莫因多起性骚扰指控正在接受调查。 在被问及科莫是否应该辞职的问题时,拜登回答道:“我认为调查仍在进行当中,我们应该看看调查结果是怎样的。” 美国纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫12日向媒体重申,不会因性骚扰指控辞职,将等待调查结果。 据外媒报道,已经进入第三个任期的纽约州州长科莫共被6名女性投诉,包括一些女下属,这些女性称受到科莫性骚扰或对方有其它不当行为。 有6名女性声称科莫对她们性骚扰或有其它不当行为,其中几人曾是他的工作人员,科莫否认与任何女性有不恰当地接触。 科莫本人否认所有指控,称对所有女士都没有不当行为,但纽约州总检察官詹姆斯已对科莫展开调查,纽约州的一些民主党重量级人物要求科莫辞职,包括参议员舒梅尔和吉利布兰德。 包括参议员舒默和吉利布兰德在内的几位纽约著名民主党人都呼吁库莫下台。这位连任三届的州长拒绝辞职,并否认对自己的指控。 据报道,当地时间3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基表示,拜登“当然支持”对科莫的调查,但拜登政府的防疫团队仍会继续与科莫在纽约州疫苗接种项目上合作。 3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基并未透露拜登是否认为科莫应该辞职。但她表示,每一位站出来说话的女性都应被听到,都应得到尊重,都应能讲出她的故事。 美国纽约州瞒报养老院新冠病亡人数 科莫自2011年起一直担任纽约州州长,并将于2022年迎来连任竞选。他去年因抗疫有力声名鹊起,成为了美国的“抗疫明星”。 如今,除了性骚扰丑闻外,不久前科莫还因瞒报养老院新冠死亡人数接受调查。 尽管最初人们对科莫应对疫情的方式赞不绝口,但在一名助手承认隐瞒了养老院死亡数据后,民主党和共和党对科莫及其团队处理数据的方式提出了越来越多的批评。 今年1月下旬,纽约州总检察长发布了一份报告,发现纽约州卫生部大约低估了50%的养老院新冠死亡病例。纽约州政府随后将养老院居民的死亡总数上调数千人。科莫坚称,州政府只是信息发布不及时,并没有瞒报。 近来,美国纽约州瞒报养老院新冠肺炎死亡患者人数一事持续发酵,多位纽约州养老院新冠肺炎病亡者家属在接受媒体采访时表示,掩盖事实真相不可接受,而他们对目前已公开的数字仍持怀疑态度。 此前,纽约州检察机关调查发现,该州养老院“实际的新冠肺炎死亡病患人数高达近15000人” 。 拜登呼吁美国民众接种疫苗 3月14日,美国纽约市举行纪念活动,悼念该市超过3万名新冠逝者。 3月14日,新冠逝者的照片在纪念活动上被投射到美国纽约布鲁克林大桥上 图源:新华网 而据有关媒体早前报道,当地时间3月11日,拜登发表演讲表示正命令美国各州在5月1日前让所有成年人都有资格接种新冠疫苗。政府将把美国独立日7月4日作为目标日期,届时让所有美国人都可以与家人和朋友聚会。 演讲中,拜登呼吁每位美国人行动起来接种疫苗,并表示如若大家能够共同努力,家人和朋友们也许能在7月4日“独立日”前再次一起聚会。 “在我们战胜新冠病毒之前,我不会放松。但我需要你们,美国人民。我需要你们,我需要每个美国人尽自己的一份力。我需要在轮到你或者有机会的时候你能接种疫苗,同时帮助你的家人、朋友和你的邻居也接种疫苗。” “重点就是,如果我们能做到所有这些,如果我们都能尽自己的本分共同来做这件事——到七月四日的时候,你们,你们的家人和朋友就能有机会在你们的后院或街区聚会、野餐亦或是共享烧烤来庆祝美国独立日。” 此外,拜登在讲话中特别谴责了以新冠肺炎疫情为借口,仇恨亚裔、分裂美国的人。 据华盛顿邮报,截至目前,约有10%的美国人已经完成了疫苗接种。 据《华盛顿邮报》统计,美国约有10%的人口,即3320万人接种了疫苗。 编辑:左卓 实习编辑:李金昳 来源:央视新闻 新华社 华盛顿邮报 美联社 今日美国 CNN
时隔11年,科幻大片《阿凡达》在中国重映,上映后票房迅速破亿,而且还让其再度成为全球票房冠军。据悉,《阿凡达》有四部续集,计划于明年上映的《阿凡达2》有望再创票房新纪录。 Credit: Disney Blockbuster movie Avatar has retaken the highest-grossing film of all time spot thanks to its re-release in China. 卖座大片《阿凡达》在中国重新上映后,近日又重夺全球票房冠军宝座。 The sci-fi epic debuted in 2009 and held the global box office title for a decade until it was overtaken by Marvel's Avengers: Endgame in 2019. 这部科幻史诗大片于2009年首映,占据全球票房冠军宝座长达十年,直到2019年被漫威的《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》赶超。 Following its re-release in the world's biggest movie-watching market of China, worldwide total sales pushed it above the $2.8bn mark on the weekend. 《阿凡达》在中国这个全球最大的观影市场重映后,上周末该片的全球票房突破了28亿美元(约合人民币182亿元)。 China has been the top-performing film market since pandemic lockdowns. 自从世界范围内实施疫情封锁之后,中国电影市场的表现一直是全球最佳。 Director James Cameron's Avatar took in around $4m on Friday alone which pushed it ahead of Endgame , according to distributor Walt Disney. 发行方迪士尼公司称,詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演的《阿凡达》光是上周五(3月12日)一天就创下400万美元票房,超越了《终局之战》。 Disney owns both films after the company bought entertainment assets from Fox in 2019. It also owns the Titanic movie, which is third on the list of highest-grossing movies. 2019年迪士尼从福克斯收购娱乐资产后,这两部电影就归迪士尼所有了。在卖座电影排行榜上排名第三的《泰坦尼克号》如今也属于迪士尼公司。 When Endgame passed Avatar in 2019, Mr Cameron tweeted a picture of Avenger's Iron Man on the fictional Avatar universe of Pandora along with a congratulatory note. 2019年《终局之战》票房超过《阿凡达》后,卡梅隆在推特上发了一张复仇者钢铁侠站在《阿凡达》中虚构的潘多拉星球上的图片,并附上了贺词。 Via Twitter He is currently working on four sequels to Avatar . The next film, which has been delayed several times, is currently scheduled for release in December 2022. 眼下卡梅隆正在制作《阿凡达》的四部续集。下一部《阿凡达》电影目前计划在2022年12月上映,此前已被推迟多次。 "We are proud to reach this great milestone, but Jim (James Cameron) and I are most thrilled that the film is back in theatres during these unprecedented times, and we want to thank our Chinese fans for their support," said Avatar producer Jon Landau. 《阿凡达》制片人乔恩·兰道称:“这个里程碑式的成就让我们感到很骄傲,不过,吉姆(詹姆斯·卡梅隆)和我最兴奋的是,在这一史无前例的时刻,这部电影又重新在影院上映。我们想感谢中国粉丝对《阿凡达》的支持。” Chinese movie theatres have been open for several months now since pandemic-led shutdowns, and local movies have also been enjoying some of their strongest box-office sales ever. 自从疫情迫使影院关闭后,中国电影院如今已经开放数月,地方院线甚至迎来了有史以来最火爆的票房。 Ahead of its re-release in China, Avatar grossed around $760m in the US and just over $2bn internationally. 在中国重映前,《阿凡达》在美国收获了约7.6亿美元票房,全球票房也仅是20多亿美元。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Disney Blockbuster movie Avatar has retaken the highest-grossing film of all time spot thanks to its re-release in China. The sci-fi epic debuted in 2009 and held the global box office title for a decade until it was overtaken by Marvel's Avengers: Endgame in 2019. Following its re-release in the world's biggest movie-watching market of China, worldwide total sales pushed it above the $2.8bn mark on the weekend. China has been the top-performing film market since pandemic lockdowns. Director James Cameron's Avatar took in around $4m on Friday alone which pushed it ahead of Endgame , according to distributor Walt Disney. Disney owns both films after the company bought entertainment assets from Fox in 2019. It also owns the Titanic movie, which is third on the list of highest-grossing movies. When Endgame passed Avatar in 2019, Mr Cameron tweeted a picture of Avenger's Iron Man on the fictional Avatar universe of Pandora along with a congratulatory note. Via Twitter He is currently working on four sequels to Avatar . The next film, which has been delayed several times, is currently scheduled for release in December 2022. "We are proud to reach this great milestone, but Jim (James Cameron) and I are most thrilled that the film is back in theatres during these unprecedented times, and we want to thank our Chinese fans for their support," said Avatar producer Jon Landau. Chinese movie theatres have been open for several months now since pandemic-led shutdowns, and local movies have also been enjoying some of their strongest box-office sales ever. Ahead of its re-release in China, Avatar grossed around $760m in the US and just over $2bn internationally.
时隔11年,科幻大片《阿凡达》在中国重映,上映后票房迅速破亿,而且还让其再度成为全球票房冠军。据悉,《阿凡达》有四部续集,计划于明年上映的《阿凡达2》有望再创票房新纪录。 卖座大片《阿凡达》在中国重新上映后,近日又重夺全球票房冠军宝座。 这部科幻史诗大片于2009年首映,占据全球票房冠军宝座长达十年,直到2019年被漫威的《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》赶超。 《阿凡达》在中国这个全球最大的观影市场重映后,上周末该片的全球票房突破了28亿美元(约合人民币182亿元)。 自从世界范围内实施疫情封锁之后,中国电影市场的表现一直是全球最佳。 发行方迪士尼公司称,詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演的《阿凡达》光是上周五(3月12日)一天就创下400万美元票房,超越了《终局之战》。 2019年迪士尼从福克斯收购娱乐资产后,这两部电影就归迪士尼所有了。在卖座电影排行榜上排名第三的《泰坦尼克号》如今也属于迪士尼公司。 2019年《终局之战》票房超过《阿凡达》后,卡梅隆在推特上发了一张复仇者钢铁侠站在《阿凡达》中虚构的潘多拉星球上的图片,并附上了贺词。 眼下卡梅隆正在制作《阿凡达》的四部续集。下一部《阿凡达》电影目前计划在2022年12月上映,此前已被推迟多次。 《阿凡达》制片人乔恩·兰道称:“这个里程碑式的成就让我们感到很骄傲,不过,吉姆(詹姆斯·卡梅隆)和我最兴奋的是,在这一史无前例的时刻,这部电影又重新在影院上映。我们想感谢中国粉丝对《阿凡达》的支持。” 自从疫情迫使影院关闭后,中国电影院如今已经开放数月,地方院线甚至迎来了有史以来最火爆的票房。 在中国重映前,《阿凡达》在美国收获了约7.6亿美元票房,全球票房也仅是20多亿美元。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
当所有仿货都在努力掩饰自己的“身份”,力争自己和正品看起来无异时,古驰却开始卖“假货”。在古驰近期发布的新品中,大大的“FAKE”就写在包包的正上方,在向人们大声的宣布,我是古驰,我是不FAKE的假货。” [Photo/Gucci] They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and now Gucci has taken a tongue-in-cheek approach to beat counterfeiters at their own game. 人们总说,模仿是最真挚的恭维,而如今古驰采取了一种幽默讽刺的方式,打压假冒伪劣产品。 From jackets and jumpers to shoes and bags, the Italian fashion house is selling a range emblazoned with the words 'Fake' and 'Not'. 从夹克、套头衫到鞋子和包,这家意大利时装店正在销售一系列印有“Fake(假)”和“Not(不)”字样的服装。 But the 14-item collection will set shoppers back a lot more than a counterfeit, with prices ranging from £1,460 to £295. 不过,这14件产品比假货更让购物者望而却步,因为它们的定价从295英镑(约合人民币2662元)到1460英镑(约合人民币13173元)不等。 A backpack costs a whopping £1460, with fake placed on the front and not hidden on the back. 一个背包的价格高达1460英镑,正面印着"Fake",背面印着"Not"。 The Fake/Not sweatshirt and nylon cape will set shoppers back by £690 and £610 respectively, while a pair of trainers is priced at £465. 这个系列的运动衫和尼龙风衣的售价分别为690英镑(约合人民币6226元)和610英镑(约合人民币5504元),而一双运动鞋的价格则为465英镑(4196元)。 [Photo/Gucci] The collection features a classic bicolor stripe first seen in the 1980s - the same time the Gucci's logo and signature motifs were thought to be first illegally appropriated. 该系列采用了上世纪80年代出现的经典双色条纹——当时古驰的商标和标志图案首次被非法冒用。 Gucci previously printed its name as Guccy in 2017 on items, reflecting the trend where imitation goods often misspell names. Since then, the logo has featured in several successful collections. 2017年,古驰还曾在商品上印上"Guccy"字样,以此来映射仿制商品经常拼错品牌名字。从那时起,这个标志多次出现在大卖系列中。 来源:沪江英语
[Photo/Gucci] They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and now Gucci has taken a tongue-in-cheek approach to beat counterfeiters at their own game. From jackets and jumpers to shoes and bags, the Italian fashion house is selling a range emblazoned with the words 'Fake' and 'Not'. But the 14-item collection will set shoppers back a lot more than a counterfeit, with prices ranging from £1,460 to £295. A backpack costs a whopping £1460, with fake placed on the front and not hidden on the back. The Fake/Not sweatshirt and nylon cape will set shoppers back by £690 and £610 respectively, while a pair of trainers is priced at £465. [Photo/Gucci] The collection features a classic bicolor stripe first seen in the 1980s - the same time the Gucci's logo and signature motifs were thought to be first illegally appropriated. Gucci previously printed its name as Guccy in 2017 on items, reflecting the trend where imitation goods often misspell names. Since then, the logo has featured in several successful collections.
当所有仿货都在努力掩饰自己的“身份”,力争自己和正品看起来无异时,古驰却开始卖“假货”。在古驰近期发布的新品中,大大的“FAKE”就写在包包的正上方,在向人们大声的宣布,我是古驰,我是不FAKE的假货。” 人们总说,模仿是最真挚的恭维,而如今古驰采取了一种幽默讽刺的方式,打压假冒伪劣产品。 从夹克、套头衫到鞋子和包,这家意大利时装店正在销售一系列印有“Fake(假)”和“Not(不)”字样的服装。 不过,这14件产品比假货更让购物者望而却步,因为它们的定价从295英镑(约合人民币2662元)到1460英镑(约合人民币13173元)不等。 一个背包的价格高达1460英镑,正面印着"Fake",背面印着"Not"。 这个系列的运动衫和尼龙风衣的售价分别为690英镑(约合人民币6226元)和610英镑(约合人民币5504元),而一双运动鞋的价格则为465英镑(4196元)。 该系列采用了上世纪80年代出现的经典双色条纹——当时古驰的商标和标志图案首次被非法冒用。 2017年,古驰还曾在商品上印上"Guccy"字样,以此来映射仿制商品经常拼错品牌名字。从那时起,这个标志多次出现在大卖系列中。 来源:沪江英语
随着疫苗的上市,人们原以为新冠病毒会逐渐远离自己的生活,然而由于疫苗接种进度缓慢,再加上传染力更强的新冠病毒新变种的传播,欧洲近期暴发了第三轮疫情,迫使多国重新采取严格的封锁措施。 A worker carries a table before closing, on the final day of open restaurants and bars before tighter coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions are enforced, in Rome, Italy, March 14, 2021. REUTERS/Remo Casilli A third wave of the Covid pandemic is now advancing swiftly across much of Europe. As a result, many nations – bogged down by sluggish vaccination campaigns – are witnessing sharp rises in infection rates and numbers of cases. 第三轮新冠疫情如今正席卷欧洲大部分国家。随之而来的是,由于疫苗接种项目停滞不前而陷入困境的多个国家正经历感染率和确诊病例数量的急剧上升。 The infection rate in the EU is now at its highest level since the beginning of February, with the spread of new variants of the Covid-19 virus being blamed for much of the recent increase. 欧盟国家的感染率目前达到了二月初以来的最高水平。近期确诊病例的飙升很大程度被归咎于新冠病毒新变种的传播。 Several countries are now set to impose strict new lockdown measures in the next few days – in contrast to the UK, which is beginning to emerge slowly from its current bout of shop and school closures and sports bans. 现在多个国家正计划在未来几天实施严格的新封锁措施,相比之下,英国目前处于关闭状态的商店和学校正要逐渐开放,并计划放松体育比赛禁令。 In Italy, authorities recorded more than 27,000 new cases and 380 deaths on Friday. “More than a year after the start of the health emergency, we are unfortunately facing a new wave of infections,” said prime minister Mario Draghi. “The memory of what happened last spring is vivid, and we will do everything to prevent it from happening again.” 上周五(3月12日),意大利官方记录了逾2.7万例新增病例和380例死亡病例。意大利总理马里奥·德拉吉表示:“在这起卫生紧急事件暴发一年多后,我们正不幸地面临新一轮感染。去年春天所发生的事情历历在目,我们将尽一切努力防止悲剧重演。” From Monday most of Italy will be placed under lockdown and people will only be allowed to leave their homes for essential errands. Most shops will be closed, along with bars and restaurants. 从本周一(3月15日)起,意大利大部分地区将进入封锁,人们只有在办理重要事务时才能出门。大多数商店、酒吧和餐厅都要关闭。 In France, authorities have reported a similar grim situation, with health minister Olivier Véran describing the situation in the greater Paris region as tense and worrying. “Every 12 minutes night and day, a Parisian is admitted to an intensive care bed,” he revealed. 法国政府报告了相似的严峻形势,卫生部长奥利维耶·韦兰称大巴黎区的局势紧张而令人不安。他透露:“从早到晚,每12分钟就有一名巴黎人被送入重症监护室。” President Macron has imposed curfews and other social restrictions in several regions, and many doctors are now pressing him to introduce a national lockdown as a matter of urgency. 马克龙总统在几个地区实施了宵禁和其他社交限制措施,许多医生正极力劝说马克龙在当前的紧急情况下实施全国封锁。 Picture shows the abandoned main shopping area due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic lockdown in downtown Essen, Germany, March 11, 2021. Picture taken on March 11, 2021. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay In Germany, 12,674 new Covid infections were reported on Saturday, a rise of 3,117 from the previous week, as the head of the country’s infectious disease agency acknowledged that the country was now in the grip of a third wave of Covid-19. 周六(3月13日),德国报告了12674例新增病例,比上周增加了3117例。德国传染病研究中心负责人承认,德国暴发了第三轮新冠疫情。 Similarly in Poland, 17,260 new daily coronavirus cases were reported on Wednesday, the highest daily figure since November. New pandemic restrictions are likely to be announced this week, government officials have indicated. Poland already has imposed tight restrictions on social gatherings, most schools are closed, and restaurants can only serve meals for delivery. 同样,上周三(3月10日)波兰也报告了17260例单日新增病例,这是自去年11月以来的最高水平。政府官员表态称,本周波兰很可能将公布新的防疫限制措施。波兰已经实施了严格的社交聚会禁令,关闭了大多数学校,餐厅也只能提供外卖餐食。 In addition, both Hungary and the Czech Republic have reported high infection rates and deaths from Covid and health officials have warned figures are likely to get worse in coming weeks. 此外,匈牙利和捷克共和国也都报告了高水平的感染率和新冠死亡病例数量,卫生部门官员警告说,未来几周,情况可能会更糟。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A worker carries a table before closing, on the final day of open restaurants and bars before tighter coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions are enforced, in Rome, Italy, March 14, 2021. REUTERS/Remo Casilli A third wave of the Covid pandemic is now advancing swiftly across much of Europe. As a result, many nations – bogged down by sluggish vaccination campaigns – are witnessing sharp rises in infection rates and numbers of cases. The infection rate in the EU is now at its highest level since the beginning of February, with the spread of new variants of the Covid-19 virus being blamed for much of the recent increase. Several countries are now set to impose strict new lockdown measures in the next few days – in contrast to the UK, which is beginning to emerge slowly from its current bout of shop and school closures and sports bans. In Italy, authorities recorded more than 27,000 new cases and 380 deaths on Friday. “More than a year after the start of the health emergency, we are unfortunately facing a new wave of infections,” said prime minister Mario Draghi. “The memory of what happened last spring is vivid, and we will do everything to prevent it from happening again.” From Monday most of Italy will be placed under lockdown and people will only be allowed to leave their homes for essential errands. Most shops will be closed, along with bars and restaurants. President Macron has imposed curfews and other social restrictions in several regions, and many doctors are now pressing him to introduce a national lockdown as a matter of urgency. Picture shows the abandoned main shopping area due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic lockdown in downtown Essen, Germany, March 11, 2021. Picture taken on March 11, 2021. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay In Germany, 12,674 new Covid infections were reported on Saturday, a rise of 3,117 from the previous week, as the head of the country’s infectious disease agency acknowledged that the country was now in the grip of a third wave of Covid-19. Similarly in Poland, 17,260 new daily coronavirus cases were reported on Wednesday, the highest daily figure since November. New pandemic restrictions are likely to be announced this week, government officials have indicated. Poland already has imposed tight restrictions on social gatherings, most schools are closed, and restaurants can only serve meals for delivery. In addition, both Hungary and the Czech Republic have reported high infection rates and deaths from Covid and health officials have warned figures are likely to get worse in coming weeks.
随着疫苗的上市,人们原以为新冠病毒会逐渐远离自己的生活,然而由于疫苗接种进度缓慢,再加上传染力更强的新冠病毒新变种的传播,欧洲近期暴发了第三轮疫情,迫使多国重新采取严格的封锁措施。 第三轮新冠疫情如今正席卷欧洲大部分国家。随之而来的是,由于疫苗接种项目停滞不前而陷入困境的多个国家正经历感染率和确诊病例数量的急剧上升。 欧盟国家的感染率目前达到了二月初以来的最高水平。近期确诊病例的飙升很大程度被归咎于新冠病毒新变种的传播。 现在多个国家正计划在未来几天实施严格的新封锁措施,相比之下,英国目前处于关闭状态的商店和学校正要逐渐开放,并计划放松体育比赛禁令。 上周五(3月12日),意大利官方记录了逾2.7万例新增病例和380例死亡病例。意大利总理马里奥·德拉吉表示:“在这起卫生紧急事件暴发一年多后,我们正不幸地面临新一轮感染。去年春天所发生的事情历历在目,我们将尽一切努力防止悲剧重演。” 从本周一(3月15日)起,意大利大部分地区将进入封锁,人们只有在办理重要事务时才能出门。大多数商店、酒吧和餐厅都要关闭。 In France, authorities have reported a similar grim situation, with health minister Olivier Véran describing the situation in the greater Paris region as tense and worrying. “Every 12 minutes night and day, a Parisian is admitted to an intensive care bed,” he revealed. 法国政府报告了相似的严峻形势,卫生部长奥利维耶·韦兰称大巴黎区的局势紧张而令人不安。他透露:“从早到晚,每12分钟就有一名巴黎人被送入重症监护室。” 马克龙总统在几个地区实施了宵禁和其他社交限制措施,许多医生正极力劝说马克龙在当前的紧急情况下实施全国封锁。 周六(3月13日),德国报告了12674例新增病例,比上周增加了3117例。德国传染病研究中心负责人承认,德国暴发了第三轮新冠疫情。 同样,上周三(3月10日)波兰也报告了17260例单日新增病例,这是自去年11月以来的最高水平。政府官员表态称,本周波兰很可能将公布新的防疫限制措施。波兰已经实施了严格的社交聚会禁令,关闭了大多数学校,餐厅也只能提供外卖餐食。 此外,匈牙利和捷克共和国也都报告了高水平的感染率和新冠死亡病例数量,卫生部门官员警告说,未来几周,情况可能会更糟。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion. 科学不单笃信理性,还追随浪漫与热情。 — Stephen William Hawking(史蒂芬·威廉·霍金) [Photo/Agencies] 三年前,史蒂芬·霍金长眠在他牵挂的宇宙里。离世之前,他的头衔、称谓、标签多到数不过来。 剑桥大学著名理论物理学家、相对论与量子力学的重要推动者、美国总统自由勋章得主、有自己的传记电影《万物理论》、肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者等等。去世后,他的骨灰和牛顿、达尔文一起,安放在伦敦西敏寺。 作为活跃在宇宙学前沿的严肃科学家,他享有盛誉还因为他抬头观星时不忘关照人间。 畅销33年的《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes) 就是明证。 用通俗又准确的语言向学术圈外的人解释复杂的世界本不是科学家的首要任务,更不是易事。在某些人看来,更是吃力不讨好。 但他写了,一写就是30年。 从1988年的《时间简史》到2018年离世后出版的《终极问答》(Brief Answers to the Big Questions) ,光是畅销书就多达8本。 在最后这本《终极问答》里,他的提问宏大又与我们相关。书评称他的回答一贯幽默又发人深省。 ►Is there a God? 有“造物主”存在吗? ►How did it all begin? 一切是怎么开始的? ►Can we predict the future? 我们能预测未来吗? ►Is there other intelligent life in the universe? 宇宙中有其他智慧生命吗? ►How do we shape the future? 我们如何塑造未来? ►What is inside of a black hole? 黑洞里面是什么? ►Is time travel possible? 时间旅行真的有可能吗? ►Will we survive on earth? 我们会在地球上生存下去吗? ►Should we colonize space? 我们应该殖民太空吗? ►Will artificial intelligence outsmart us? 人工智能会超过我们的聪明才智吗? 窥见这些问题背后的答案,需要站在巨人的肩膀上。 美国理论物理学家、电影《星际穿越》的科学顾问基普·索恩在悼词里写道: We remember Newton for answers. We remember Hawking for questions. And Hawking’s questions themselves keep on giving, generating breakthroughs decades later. 我们纪念牛顿,因为他留下答案。我们纪念霍金,因为他留下问题。霍金留下的问题数十年后仍在不断产出科学突破。 When ultimately we master the quantum gravity laws, and fully comprehend the birth of our universe, it will be by standing on the shoulders of Hawking. 我们终归会掌握量子引力定律,终归会理解宇宙的起源,而这将归功于霍金给了可供站立的肩膀。 在基普·索恩看来,霍金打字虽慢,但是轮椅电脑扬声器里总是蹦出字字珠玑的智慧或者奇妙搞怪的玩笑。 《星际穿越》剧照 见识过霍金幽默的还有奥斯卡最佳男演员得主、“小雀斑”埃迪·雷德梅恩。他在《万物理论》里饰演霍金,与霍金同为剑桥大学三一学院校友。第一次见面时,埃迪想找话说,提到二人生日只差几天因此属同一个星座。 Flustered, I chose to talk to him about how our birthdays were only days apart, putting us in the same zodiacal sign. After a few minutes Stephen replied, “I’m an Astronomer. Not an astrologer.” 我很紧张,就找话跟他说,聊起我俩生日只差几天,所以同属一个星座。几分钟之后,霍金回复道:“我是个天文学家,不是个占星师。” 霍金还爱打赌,那种严肃的物理学赌约。 理论物理学家普雷斯基尔(John P. Preskill)回忆,自己调侃霍金无所不知的时候,他会用手指敲字回上一句:“打个赌吗?” Preskill recalls, “So, in the middle of a scientific discussion I could interject, 'And what makes you so sure of that, Mr. Know-It-All?' knowing that Stephen would respond with his eyes twinkling, 'Wanna bet?'" 普雷斯基尔回忆道,“聊科学问题的时候,我会插一句:‘你凭什么这么肯定呢?无所不知先生?’ 我知道斯蒂芬会回答,‘想打赌吗?’ 他眼睛发亮。 不过,和普雷斯基尔以及基普·索恩的两个赌约,他都输了。 最终他承认了自己之前有错漏,加州理工学院的官网这样写道。 He eventually conceded that he had been wrong. 他最终承认自己有错漏。 的确,愿赌服输不单单体现人品,还说明 “科学的真理面前,个人的面子算得了什么”。 除了为这个世界留下众多理论物理学的突破之外,霍金还说过不少“惊人”的名言。 关于人类联络外星人 If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans. 如果外星人造访地球,结局可能和哥伦布发现美洲大陆一样,后者对于当时的美洲原住民来说可不是个好事。 关于命运和个人的意志 I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road. 我发现,虽然有的人认为凡事天注定,我们做什么都改变不了,但他们在过马路的时候,还是会注意看车。 霍金给自己孩子的建议 ❶ One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. 记住要抬头仰望星星,不要低头看着自己的脚。 ❷ Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. 绝不要放弃工作。工作给了你意义和目标。没有工作的人生是空洞的。 ❸ Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away. 如果你有幸能找到爱情,记住它一直都在,不要随便将它抛弃。 时空轮转,霍金去世一年多后,2019年4月10日,人类宣布第一次拍到了黑洞。 有人惊讶:“诶,我们居然现在才看到黑洞吗?我感觉我小时候就学过黑洞了。” 此前,理论物理学家如霍金研究和科普黑洞已逾数十年。可见他们已经深深影响了几代人。 巧的是,他去世的那天是爱因斯坦的生日,而他出生的那天是伽利略去世300周年的纪念日。 这些用大脑描摹推演星空的人,现在也成了星空。 disciple [dɪˈsaɪpl] n 信徒、门徒、追随者 outsmart [ˌaʊtˈsmɑːrt] v 比…精明;智胜 fluster [ˈflʌstər] v 使忙乱;使慌乱;使紧张 astrologer [əˈstrɒlədʒə(r)] n 占星家 编辑:左卓 实习生:刘小榕
Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion. [Photo/Agencies] ►Is there a God? ►How did it all begin? ►Can we predict the future? ►Is there other intelligent life in the universe? ►How do we shape the future? ►What is inside of a black hole? ►Is time travel possible? ►Will we survive on earth? ►Should we colonize space? ►Will artificial intelligence outsmart us? We remember Newton for answers. We remember Hawking for questions. And Hawking’s questions themselves keep on giving, generating breakthroughs decades later. When ultimately we master the quantum gravity laws, and fully comprehend the birth of our universe, it will be by standing on the shoulders of Hawking. Flustered, I chose to talk to him about how our birthdays were only days apart, putting us in the same zodiacal sign. After a few minutes Stephen replied, “I’m an Astronomer. Not an astrologer.” Preskill recalls, “So, in the middle of a scientific discussion I could interject, 'And what makes you so sure of that, Mr. Know-It-All?' knowing that Stephen would respond with his eyes twinkling, 'Wanna bet?'" He eventually conceded that he had been wrong. If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans. I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.
科学不单笃信理性,还追随浪漫与热情。 — Stephen William Hawking(史蒂芬·威廉·霍金) 三年前,史蒂芬·霍金长眠在他牵挂的宇宙里。离世之前,他的头衔、称谓、标签多到数不过来。 剑桥大学著名理论物理学家、相对论与量子力学的重要推动者、美国总统自由勋章得主、有自己的传记电影《万物理论》、肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者等等。去世后,他的骨灰和牛顿、达尔文一起,安放在伦敦西敏寺。 作为活跃在宇宙学前沿的严肃科学家,他享有盛誉还因为他抬头观星时不忘关照人间。 畅销33年的《时间简史》(A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes) 就是明证。 用通俗又准确的语言向学术圈外的人解释复杂的世界本不是科学家的首要任务,更不是易事。在某些人看来,更是吃力不讨好。 但他写了,一写就是30年。 从1988年的《时间简史》到2018年离世后出版的《终极问答》(Brief Answers to the Big Questions) ,光是畅销书就多达8本。 在最后这本《终极问答》里,他的提问宏大又与我们相关。书评称他的回答一贯幽默又发人深省。 有“造物主”存在吗? 一切是怎么开始的? 我们能预测未来吗? 宇宙中有其他智慧生命吗? 我们如何塑造未来? 黑洞里面是什么? 时间旅行真的有可能吗? 我们会在地球上生存下去吗? 我们应该殖民太空吗? 人工智能会超过我们的聪明才智吗? 窥见这些问题背后的答案,需要站在巨人的肩膀上。 美国理论物理学家、电影《星际穿越》的科学顾问基普·索恩在悼词里写道: 我们纪念牛顿,因为他留下答案。我们纪念霍金,因为他留下问题。霍金留下的问题数十年后仍在不断产出科学突破。 我们终归会掌握量子引力定律,终归会理解宇宙的起源,而这将归功于霍金给了可供站立的肩膀。 在基普·索恩看来,霍金打字虽慢,但是轮椅电脑扬声器里总是蹦出字字珠玑的智慧或者奇妙搞怪的玩笑。 《星际穿越》剧照 见识过霍金幽默的还有奥斯卡最佳男演员得主、“小雀斑”埃迪·雷德梅恩。他在《万物理论》里饰演霍金,与霍金同为剑桥大学三一学院校友。第一次见面时,埃迪想找话说,提到二人生日只差几天因此属同一个星座。 我很紧张,就找话跟他说,聊起我俩生日只差几天,所以同属一个星座。几分钟之后,霍金回复道:“我是个天文学家,不是个占星师。” 霍金还爱打赌,那种严肃的物理学赌约。 理论物理学家普雷斯基尔(John P. Preskill)回忆,自己调侃霍金无所不知的时候,他会用手指敲字回上一句:“打个赌吗?” 普雷斯基尔回忆道,“聊科学问题的时候,我会插一句:‘你凭什么这么肯定呢?无所不知先生?’ 我知道斯蒂芬会回答,‘想打赌吗?’ 他眼睛发亮。 不过,和普雷斯基尔以及基普·索恩的两个赌约,他都输了。 最终他承认了自己之前有错漏,加州理工学院的官网这样写道。 他最终承认自己有错漏。 的确,愿赌服输不单单体现人品,还说明 “科学的真理面前,个人的面子算得了什么”。 除了为这个世界留下众多理论物理学的突破之外,霍金还说过不少“惊人”的名言。 关于人类联络外星人 如果外星人造访地球,结局可能和哥伦布发现美洲大陆一样,后者对于当时的美洲原住民来说可不是个好事。 关于命运和个人的意志 我发现,虽然有的人认为凡事天注定,我们做什么都改变不了,但他们在过马路的时候,还是会注意看车。 霍金给自己孩子的建议 ❶ One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. 记住要抬头仰望星星,不要低头看着自己的脚。 ❷ Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. 绝不要放弃工作。工作给了你意义和目标。没有工作的人生是空洞的。 ❸ Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away. 如果你有幸能找到爱情,记住它一直都在,不要随便将它抛弃。 时空轮转,霍金去世一年多后,2019年4月10日,人类宣布第一次拍到了黑洞。 有人惊讶:“诶,我们居然现在才看到黑洞吗?我感觉我小时候就学过黑洞了。” 此前,理论物理学家如霍金研究和科普黑洞已逾数十年。可见他们已经深深影响了几代人。 巧的是,他去世的那天是爱因斯坦的生日,而他出生的那天是伽利略去世300周年的纪念日。 这些用大脑描摹推演星空的人,现在也成了星空。 disciple [dɪˈsaɪpl] n 信徒、门徒、追随者 outsmart [ˌaʊtˈsmɑːrt] v 比…精明;智胜 fluster [ˈflʌstər] v 使忙乱;使慌乱;使紧张 astrologer [əˈstrɒlədʒə(r)] n 占星家 编辑:左卓 实习生:刘小榕
2013年Nerd HQ曾采访过抖森(Tom Hiddleston),短短一个小时的访谈抖森侃侃而谈,仿佛化身人生导师。 Actor Tom Hiddleston attends the Avengers: Infinity War fan event in London, Britain April 8, 2018. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls 这世上有许多人害怕去在乎,或者害怕显露出他们的在乎,因为这不够酷。因为有了激情就显得不淡定;在乎输赢往往输得很惨。 抖森说,自己的一位良师肯尼斯·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh)曾经告诉他“别害怕去在乎”。 I think it’s a quote from Shakespeare, from A Midsummer Night’s Dream , which is four words “take pains, be perfect”. I think it’s his way of saying, don’t be afraid of caring. 我想那是莎翁的话,出自《仲夏夜之梦》,是这八个字:不辞辛劳,尽善尽美。我想他这是在说:别害怕去在乎。 Don’t be afraid of your passion. Like, just give it free reign, and be honest, and work hard, and it will all turn out just fine. 不要回避你的激情。将它自由挥洒,再有真诚和勤奋,一切都会变好的。 你正在因为繁重的课业、工作而沮丧吗? 抖森还谈到,在戏剧学院读书时,每天开工16小时,感到整个人都被掏空了……直到一天清晨,他爬上山坡,将伦敦城尽收眼底: I live near a couple of parks in London. One night I couldn’t sleep. It was summer. I got up really early in the morning. I went and walked to the nearest big hill and I saw the sun rising over London, which is one of the greatest cities in the world. Sometimes that’s the answer. Just get up when the sun gets up and look around, and you realize you’re part of an amazing planet. 我家离伦敦几个公园比较近。有天晚上我睡不着。那是在夏天,我起了个大早,爬到最近的山坡上,看到太阳升起,阳光照耀着伦敦这座人间至伟之城。有时候答案就是这样。和太阳一道起床,然后看看周遭世界,你会意识到,你是这神奇星球的一部分。 So I’m not wasting any time. And the thing is, with negativity, for my money, they are just, they are like clouds that pass across the sun. You know they will pass. They’re just feelings. It’s important not to dwell on them. 抖森说:“所谓消极,在我看来不过是蔽日的烟云。它们会消散。消极只是主观感觉而已。重要的是不要沉湎于此。” (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:陈月华)
Actor Tom Hiddleston attends the Avengers: Infinity War fan event in London, Britain April 8, 2018. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls I think it’s a quote from Shakespeare, from A Midsummer Night’s Dream , which is four words “take pains, be perfect”. I think it’s his way of saying, don’t be afraid of caring. Don’t be afraid of your passion. Like, just give it free reign, and be honest, and work hard, and it will all turn out just fine. I live near a couple of parks in London. One night I couldn’t sleep. It was summer. I got up really early in the morning. I went and walked to the nearest big hill and I saw the sun rising over London, which is one of the greatest cities in the world. Sometimes that’s the answer. Just get up when the sun gets up and look around, and you realize you’re part of an amazing planet. So I’m not wasting any time. And the thing is, with negativity, for my money, they are just, they are like clouds that pass across the sun. You know they will pass. They’re just feelings. It’s important not to dwell on them.
2013年Nerd HQ曾采访过抖森(Tom Hiddleston),短短一个小时的访谈抖森侃侃而谈,仿佛化身人生导师。 这世上有许多人害怕去在乎,或者害怕显露出他们的在乎,因为这不够酷。因为有了激情就显得不淡定;在乎输赢往往输得很惨。 抖森说,自己的一位良师肯尼斯·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh)曾经告诉他“别害怕去在乎”。 我想那是莎翁的话,出自《仲夏夜之梦》,是这八个字:不辞辛劳,尽善尽美。我想他这是在说:别害怕去在乎。 不要回避你的激情。将它自由挥洒,再有真诚和勤奋,一切都会变好的。 你正在因为繁重的课业、工作而沮丧吗? 抖森还谈到,在戏剧学院读书时,每天开工16小时,感到整个人都被掏空了……直到一天清晨,他爬上山坡,将伦敦城尽收眼底: 我家离伦敦几个公园比较近。有天晚上我睡不着。那是在夏天,我起了个大早,爬到最近的山坡上,看到太阳升起,阳光照耀着伦敦这座人间至伟之城。有时候答案就是这样。和太阳一道起床,然后看看周遭世界,你会意识到,你是这神奇星球的一部分。 抖森说:“所谓消极,在我看来不过是蔽日的烟云。它们会消散。消极只是主观感觉而已。重要的是不要沉湎于此。” (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:陈月华)
新线影业正在商定《Hello Kitty》的开拍日期。该公司在2019年就取得了基于Hello Kitty形象的电影拍摄权,并决定由詹妮弗·科伊尔(Jennifer Coyle)和李奥·松田(Leo Matsuda)执导,这将会是一部动画形象和真人混合的电影。 Plot details surrounding the trendsetting Japanese pop icon are under wraps, but the intention is for it to be catnip for the global consumer audience. 电影主要是围绕这个引领潮流的日本流行形象展开,剧情的具体细节还处于保密状态,想以此吸引全球的观众。 Coyle and Matsuda bring years of animation experience to the project and have worked on numerous animated films and TV shows, but this is their first collaboration as they beat out many other directors for the job. 科伊尔和松田把多年从事动画工作的经验带到该影片的制作中,他们曾参与过许多动画电影和电视节目的制作,但这是他们在击败了多位导演后的首次合作。 Most recently serving as supervising producer on HBO’s adult animated series Harley Quinn , Coyle is also known for her work as a director and showrunner for the DC Super Hero Girls franchise and as a director across six seasons of Bob’s Burgers (earning Primetime Emmy and Annie Award nominations) and The Spectacular Spider-Man. 科伊尔最近担任了HBO成人动画《哈利·奎因》的监制,她还因担任《DC超级英雄美少女》系列动画的制片和导演,以及六季《开心汉堡店》(获艾美奖和安妮奖提名)和《神奇蜘蛛侠》的导演而闻名。 A talented Disney animation artist, Matsuda’s name came to the fore when he conceived and directed the thought-provoking short film Inner Workings. Matsuda’s credits include DreamWorks’ Abominable , Disney’s Ralph Breaks the Internet, Zootopia, Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie . 作为一名迪士尼动画天才艺术家,松田因构思并执导了发人深省的短片《内在运作》而声名鹊起。他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。 Coyle said “this is not only a rare chance to bring a beloved character to life, but also to spread the message of love, friendship and inclusivity that Hello Kitty stands for. The world so needs her brand of joy and happiness.” 科伊尔说:“这是一个难得的机会,不仅能够让一个深受喜爱的角色活起来,还能够传播Hello Kitty所代表的爱、友谊和包容。这个世界太需要她的欢乐和幸福了。” “Growing up in Brazil with a Japanese family, I was surrounded by the whimsy of Hello Kitty and it served as a reminder that it's okay to be different. Along with Jen, FlynnPictureCo. and New Line, I am delighted by this incredible opportunity to work with one of the most universally beloved characters and expand their relatable Sanrio stories even further.”Matsuda said. 松田说,“我在巴西的一个日本家庭长大,从小就被Hello Kitty的奇思妙想所包围,它让我知道每个人都可以是与众不同的。我很高兴能有这样一个机会,与科伊尔、弗林影业和新线影业一起,与世界上最受喜爱的角色之一合作,并将相关的三丽鸥家族的故事进一步展开。” 来源:沪江英语
Plot details surrounding the trendsetting Japanese pop icon are under wraps, but the intention is for it to be catnip for the global consumer audience. Coyle and Matsuda bring years of animation experience to the project and have worked on numerous animated films and TV shows, but this is their first collaboration as they beat out many other directors for the job. Most recently serving as supervising producer on HBO’s adult animated series Harley Quinn , Coyle is also known for her work as a director and showrunner for the DC Super Hero Girls franchise and as a director across six seasons of Bob’s Burgers (earning Primetime Emmy and Annie Award nominations) and The Spectacular Spider-Man. A talented Disney animation artist, Matsuda’s name came to the fore when he conceived and directed the thought-provoking short film Inner Workings. Matsuda’s credits include DreamWorks’ Abominable , Disney’s Ralph Breaks the Internet, Zootopia, Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie . Coyle said “this is not only a rare chance to bring a beloved character to life, but also to spread the message of love, friendship and inclusivity that Hello Kitty stands for. The world so needs her brand of joy and happiness.” “Growing up in Brazil with a Japanese family, I was surrounded by the whimsy of Hello Kitty and it served as a reminder that it's okay to be different. Along with Jen, FlynnPictureCo. and New Line, I am delighted by this incredible opportunity to work with one of the most universally beloved characters and expand their relatable Sanrio stories even further.”Matsuda said.
新线影业正在商定《Hello Kitty》的开拍日期。该公司在2019年就取得了基于Hello Kitty形象的电影拍摄权,并决定由詹妮弗·科伊尔(Jennifer Coyle)和李奥·松田(Leo Matsuda)执导,这将会是一部动画形象和真人混合的电影。 电影主要是围绕这个引领潮流的日本流行形象展开,剧情的具体细节还处于保密状态,想以此吸引全球的观众。 科伊尔和松田把多年从事动画工作的经验带到该影片的制作中,他们曾参与过许多动画电影和电视节目的制作,但这是他们在击败了多位导演后的首次合作。 科伊尔最近担任了HBO成人动画《哈利·奎因》的监制,她还因担任《DC超级英雄美少女》系列动画的制片和导演,以及六季《开心汉堡店》(获艾美奖和安妮奖提名)和《神奇蜘蛛侠》的导演而闻名。 作为一名迪士尼动画天才艺术家,松田因构思并执导了发人深省的短片《内在运作》而声名鹊起。他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。 科伊尔说:“这是一个难得的机会,不仅能够让一个深受喜爱的角色活起来,还能够传播Hello Kitty所代表的爱、友谊和包容。这个世界太需要她的欢乐和幸福了。” 松田说,“我在巴西的一个日本家庭长大,从小就被Hello Kitty的奇思妙想所包围,它让我知道每个人都可以是与众不同的。我很高兴能有这样一个机会,与科伊尔、弗林影业和新线影业一起,与世界上最受喜爱的角色之一合作,并将相关的三丽鸥家族的故事进一步展开。” 来源:沪江英语
国际奥委会主席巴赫日前宣布,将从中国购买新冠疫苗,并和中国奥组委一起合作,向东京奥运会和北京冬奥会的参赛人员提供疫苗。 International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach opens the 137th IOC Session and virtual meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, March 10, 2021. Greg Martin/IOC/Handout via REUTERS Competitors at this year's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Games will be offered coronavirus vaccines bought from China, Olympic chief Thomas Bach announced Thursday. 国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫3月11日宣布,将为今年东京奥运会和2022北京冬奥会的参赛者们提供从中国购买的新冠疫苗。 The Chinese Olympic Committee has made "an offer to make additional vaccine doses available to participants for Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022", Bach said. 巴赫表示,中国奥组委愿意“为2020东京奥运会和2022北京冬奥会的参与者提供额外的疫苗”。 "The IOC will pay for these additional doses of vaccines for the Olympic and Paralympic teams. “国际奥委会将为奥运会和残奥会的参赛团队支付这些额外疫苗的费用。” "The IOC will also pay for two doses more that can be made available to people in that country," in what Bach said was a "demonstration of solidarity" in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. “国际奥委会每购买1剂疫苗,还将再提供2剂疫苗给参与接种的代表团,他们可以提供给本国民众。”巴赫表示,此举在抗击新冠疫情的斗争中 “彰显了团结一致的精神”。 Bach said the Chinese Olympic Committee, in cooperation with the IOC, was ready to make vaccine doses available in two ways. 巴赫表示,中国奥组委准备和国际奥委会合作,通过两种方式来提供疫苗。 "This can be via international partners or in countries where partnerships are already in place with the Chinese government," he said. 他指出:“一种是通过国际伙伴的合作,另外一种方式是直接送达与中国政府签订了疫苗合作协议的国家和地区。” Bach added that a significant number of Olympic teams "have already been vaccinated". 巴赫还表示,相当多的奥运会参赛团队“已经接种了疫苗”。 "Another significant number have received a commitment from their governments or are in very positive discussions." “还有很大一部分已经得到政府的承诺,或者正在积极的商讨中。” Bach also tried to play down risks to Japan from hosting the Olympics, citing the fact that 270 world championships had been held involving more than 30,000 athletes following "rigorous health and safety protocols" since September 2020. 巴赫还试图淡化日本举办奥运会的风险,他提到,自2020年9月以来已经举办了270项世界锦标赛,超3万名运动员参加,所有这些赛事都遵循了“严格的卫生和安全协议”。 "Not a single one of these events turned into a virus spreader," Bach said, adding they had posed no danger to host communities: "It's clean and obvious proof." “没有任何一项赛事导致病毒传播,”巴赫补充道,也没有给主办地的居民带来危险,“这就是显而易见的证据。” The Tokyo Games were originally scheduled for the summer of 2020, but it was pushed back by one year as the coronavirus pandemic raged across the globe. 东京奥运会原定在2020年夏季举办,但由于新冠疫情在全球肆虐而被推迟了一年。 They are now scheduled for July 23-August 8, Bach at pains to reiterate that the IOC remains committed to holding a "successful and safe" Games this year, dismissing cancellation talk as "speculation". 现在东京奥运会计划在7月23日到8月8日期间举办,巴赫不遗余力地重申,国际奥委会今年依然致力于举办一场“成功而安全”的奥运会,并驳斥了取消奥运会的猜测。 Overseas spectators, however, are likely to be shut out, as Japanese organisers prioritise public health and safety. 不过,由于日本奥组委以国民的健康和安全为重,海外观众很可能会被拒之门外。 英文来源:法新社 翻译&编辑:丹妮
International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach opens the 137th IOC Session and virtual meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, March 10, 2021. Greg Martin/IOC/Handout via REUTERS Competitors at this year's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Games will be offered coronavirus vaccines bought from China, Olympic chief Thomas Bach announced Thursday. The Chinese Olympic Committee has made "an offer to make additional vaccine doses available to participants for Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022", Bach said. "The IOC will pay for these additional doses of vaccines for the Olympic and Paralympic teams. "The IOC will also pay for two doses more that can be made available to people in that country," in what Bach said was a "demonstration of solidarity" in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Bach said the Chinese Olympic Committee, in cooperation with the IOC, was ready to make vaccine doses available in two ways. "This can be via international partners or in countries where partnerships are already in place with the Chinese government," he said. Bach added that a significant number of Olympic teams "have already been vaccinated". "Another significant number have received a commitment from their governments or are in very positive discussions." Bach also tried to play down risks to Japan from hosting the Olympics, citing the fact that 270 world championships had been held involving more than 30,000 athletes following "rigorous health and safety protocols" since September 2020. "Not a single one of these events turned into a virus spreader," Bach said, adding they had posed no danger to host communities: "It's clean and obvious proof." The Tokyo Games were originally scheduled for the summer of 2020, but it was pushed back by one year as the coronavirus pandemic raged across the globe. They are now scheduled for July 23-August 8, Bach at pains to reiterate that the IOC remains committed to holding a "successful and safe" Games this year, dismissing cancellation talk as "speculation". Overseas spectators, however, are likely to be shut out, as Japanese organisers prioritise public health and safety.
国际奥委会主席巴赫日前宣布,将从中国购买新冠疫苗,并和中国奥组委一起合作,向东京奥运会和北京冬奥会的参赛人员提供疫苗。 国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫3月11日宣布,将为今年东京奥运会和2022北京冬奥会的参赛者们提供从中国购买的新冠疫苗。 巴赫表示,中国奥组委愿意“为2020东京奥运会和2022北京冬奥会的参与者提供额外的疫苗”。 “国际奥委会将为奥运会和残奥会的参赛团队支付这些额外疫苗的费用。” “国际奥委会每购买1剂疫苗,还将再提供2剂疫苗给参与接种的代表团,他们可以提供给本国民众。”巴赫表示,此举在抗击新冠疫情的斗争中 “彰显了团结一致的精神”。 巴赫表示,中国奥组委准备和国际奥委会合作,通过两种方式来提供疫苗。 他指出:“一种是通过国际伙伴的合作,另外一种方式是直接送达与中国政府签订了疫苗合作协议的国家和地区。” 巴赫还表示,相当多的奥运会参赛团队“已经接种了疫苗”。 “还有很大一部分已经得到政府的承诺,或者正在积极的商讨中。” 巴赫还试图淡化日本举办奥运会的风险,他提到,自2020年9月以来已经举办了270项世界锦标赛,超3万名运动员参加,所有这些赛事都遵循了“严格的卫生和安全协议”。 “没有任何一项赛事导致病毒传播,”巴赫补充道,也没有给主办地的居民带来危险,“这就是显而易见的证据。” 东京奥运会原定在2020年夏季举办,但由于新冠疫情在全球肆虐而被推迟了一年。 现在东京奥运会计划在7月23日到8月8日期间举办,巴赫不遗余力地重申,国际奥委会今年依然致力于举办一场“成功而安全”的奥运会,并驳斥了取消奥运会的猜测。 不过,由于日本奥组委以国民的健康和安全为重,海外观众很可能会被拒之门外。 英文来源:法新社 翻译&编辑:丹妮
学习英语当然不能只靠课本,想要学好一门外语,你需要有沉浸式的语言环境。这并不是说你一定得搬到国外去,或者和老外住在一起;读原版书籍同样是一个不错的办法,而这其中最好用、最靠谱的当然就是经典名著了。以下5本名著,分别对应了5种英语水平和方向,来看看哪一本适合你吧。 第一本:《傲慢与偏见》 Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone, the inspiration, basis, and model for so many modern novels. You’re probably more familiar with its plot and characters than you think. For a book written in the early 19th century, it’s modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is. 《傲慢与偏见》可以说是文学界的一块罗塞塔石碑,同时也是许多现代小说的灵感、基础和模板,所以你对其中的情节和人物可能比你自己想象中要熟悉。作为一本写于19世纪早期的书,它的现代性是非常惊人的,而你会发现这是因为现代小说在很大程度上就是被这本书定义的。 这本《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的小说中最出名的一本,它是文学史上很重要的一部作品,阅读它不光可以学习地道的英语,也能积累不少有用的人文知识。简·奥斯汀的小说对初学者而言是比较友好的,她的语言相对朴实,阅读体验很流畅;而且,简·奥斯汀描述的故事也通常都是英国乡绅小姐们的感情戏和家庭戏,很贴近生活,特别适合那些想达到六级水平的人。 第二本:《尤利西斯》 Ulysses Ulysses did “stream of consciousness” before the term existed, and it’s also a sprawling novel dense with allusions, wordplay, obscure jokes, and intensely, opaquely personal ruminations by the characters. 《尤利西斯》在“意识流”这个概念出现之前就开始使用它了。同时,它也是一本相当错综复杂的小说,充满了隐喻、文字游戏、隐晦的玩笑、以及角色们欲说还休的个人沉思。 这本小说曾经入选“全球最难读懂的10本书”之中,不过这并不是说它的语言过于高深,而是说它的结构十分复杂;迄今为止,它一直都是文学界的一个难解谜团,无数文学爱好者和学者都以解读它为乐。对于学英语而言,它的好处在于贴近日常,同时又有足够的深度和艺术造诣;这使得它非常适合雅思这门“贴近生活的学术型考试”。 第三本:《白鲸》 Moby-Dick / The Whale Moby-Dick has an unearned reputation for being, well, dull. Melville’s novel wasn’t received well on publication (it took decades before people really started to 'get' how great it is), and the negative sentiment is echoed every year when groaning students are forced to read it. 好吧,其实《白鲸》是出了名地乏味。梅尔维尔的小说在出版时反响并不好(过了几十年人们才意识到这本书到底有多棒)。而每年都有满腹牢骚的学生被迫读这本书,使得这种负面评价一直挥之不去。 这本《白鲸》的价值还在于:它在西方文化中的影响真的很大,有很多俚语、俗语都来源于它;同时,这本书的词汇量也非常大,曾有人把它评为“世界上密度最大的小说之一”。加之作者纯熟的语言技巧,这本书很能培养一个人做学术研究的能力。因此,它很适合托福这门学术气息浓厚的英语考试。 第四本:《杀死一只知更鸟》 To Kill A Mockingbird It’s rare for a novel to remain as on-point as To Kill AMockingbird for more than five decades. If you want to know how Harper Lee managed the trick, you’re gonna have to read it. At about seven hours to read, you can totally squeeze it in. 很少有一本小说能像《杀死一只知更鸟》一样50年多年保持经典。如果你想知道哈柏·李是如何做到的,那你就得读读这本书。而只需要7小时的阅读时间,你就能读完这本书了。 这本书的结构是相对简单的,节奏也很明快,阅读体验很顺畅。这多亏了作者独到的写作技巧,他能把小说写得很易读,同时却能在里面埋下深刻的东西。这本书对于英语学习者的意义还在于,它里面描写了很多正式场合,例如法庭;你在阅读它的时候,能体会到商务情景、正式场合下的英语和日常生活用语的不同。 第五本:《长眠不醒》 The Big Sleep It’s true that the book is written in what seems to modern audiences like a self-consciously tough style, peppered with old-fashioned slang, and the plot is famously complex, even for a mystery, and actually has several loose ends that never get resolved, but it doesn’t matter. 诚然,对于现代读者来说,这本书有一股过于刻意的粗犷风,其中穿插着很多老套的黑话;至于情节呢,即使是对于一本悬疑小说来说也是出了名的复杂,而且书中的很多未讲明的故事结局直到今天也没有被破解;但这些都不叫事儿。 这本书的好处在于:它是一本悬疑小说,而且是一本相当出色的悬疑小说,剧情引人入胜,所以你不必担心自己读不下去。同时,它的行文十分口语化,你能在里面看到很多教科书上不会出现的英语,换句话说就是真正地道的英语。 总之,学习外语是一个沉浸的过程,只有在融入了一门语言的使用情境时,你才可能真的掌握它。而阅读一门该语言的经典著作,绝对是性价比最高的做法了。试试这5本书吧,它们不光是优质的语言学习素材,也能给你带来不错的文化素养哦。 来源: 沪江英语
Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone, the inspiration, basis, and model for so many modern novels. You’re probably more familiar with its plot and characters than you think. For a book written in the early 19th century, it’s modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is. Ulysses Ulysses did “stream of consciousness” before the term existed, and it’s also a sprawling novel dense with allusions, wordplay, obscure jokes, and intensely, opaquely personal ruminations by the characters. Moby-Dick / The Whale Moby-Dick has an unearned reputation for being, well, dull. Melville’s novel wasn’t received well on publication (it took decades before people really started to 'get' how great it is), and the negative sentiment is echoed every year when groaning students are forced to read it. To Kill A Mockingbird It’s rare for a novel to remain as on-point as To Kill AMockingbird for more than five decades. If you want to know how Harper Lee managed the trick, you’re gonna have to read it. At about seven hours to read, you can totally squeeze it in. The Big Sleep It’s true that the book is written in what seems to modern audiences like a self-consciously tough style, peppered with old-fashioned slang, and the plot is famously complex, even for a mystery, and actually has several loose ends that never get resolved, but it doesn’t matter.
学习英语当然不能只靠课本,想要学好一门外语,你需要有沉浸式的语言环境。这并不是说你一定得搬到国外去,或者和老外住在一起;读原版书籍同样是一个不错的办法,而这其中最好用、最靠谱的当然就是经典名著了。以下5本名著,分别对应了5种英语水平和方向,来看看哪一本适合你吧。 第一本:《傲慢与偏见》 《傲慢与偏见》可以说是文学界的一块罗塞塔石碑,同时也是许多现代小说的灵感、基础和模板,所以你对其中的情节和人物可能比你自己想象中要熟悉。作为一本写于19世纪早期的书,它的现代性是非常惊人的,而你会发现这是因为现代小说在很大程度上就是被这本书定义的。 这本《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的小说中最出名的一本,它是文学史上很重要的一部作品,阅读它不光可以学习地道的英语,也能积累不少有用的人文知识。简·奥斯汀的小说对初学者而言是比较友好的,她的语言相对朴实,阅读体验很流畅;而且,简·奥斯汀描述的故事也通常都是英国乡绅小姐们的感情戏和家庭戏,很贴近生活,特别适合那些想达到六级水平的人。 第二本:《尤利西斯》 《尤利西斯》在“意识流”这个概念出现之前就开始使用它了。同时,它也是一本相当错综复杂的小说,充满了隐喻、文字游戏、隐晦的玩笑、以及角色们欲说还休的个人沉思。 这本小说曾经入选“全球最难读懂的10本书”之中,不过这并不是说它的语言过于高深,而是说它的结构十分复杂;迄今为止,它一直都是文学界的一个难解谜团,无数文学爱好者和学者都以解读它为乐。对于学英语而言,它的好处在于贴近日常,同时又有足够的深度和艺术造诣;这使得它非常适合雅思这门“贴近生活的学术型考试”。 第三本:《白鲸》 好吧,其实《白鲸》是出了名地乏味。梅尔维尔的小说在出版时反响并不好(过了几十年人们才意识到这本书到底有多棒)。而每年都有满腹牢骚的学生被迫读这本书,使得这种负面评价一直挥之不去。 这本《白鲸》的价值还在于:它在西方文化中的影响真的很大,有很多俚语、俗语都来源于它;同时,这本书的词汇量也非常大,曾有人把它评为“世界上密度最大的小说之一”。加之作者纯熟的语言技巧,这本书很能培养一个人做学术研究的能力。因此,它很适合托福这门学术气息浓厚的英语考试。 第四本:《杀死一只知更鸟》 很少有一本小说能像《杀死一只知更鸟》一样50年多年保持经典。如果你想知道哈柏·李是如何做到的,那你就得读读这本书。而只需要7小时的阅读时间,你就能读完这本书了。 这本书的结构是相对简单的,节奏也很明快,阅读体验很顺畅。这多亏了作者独到的写作技巧,他能把小说写得很易读,同时却能在里面埋下深刻的东西。这本书对于英语学习者的意义还在于,它里面描写了很多正式场合,例如法庭;你在阅读它的时候,能体会到商务情景、正式场合下的英语和日常生活用语的不同。 第五本:《长眠不醒》 诚然,对于现代读者来说,这本书有一股过于刻意的粗犷风,其中穿插着很多老套的黑话;至于情节呢,即使是对于一本悬疑小说来说也是出了名的复杂,而且书中的很多未讲明的故事结局直到今天也没有被破解;但这些都不叫事儿。 这本书的好处在于:它是一本悬疑小说,而且是一本相当出色的悬疑小说,剧情引人入胜,所以你不必担心自己读不下去。同时,它的行文十分口语化,你能在里面看到很多教科书上不会出现的英语,换句话说就是真正地道的英语。 总之,学习外语是一个沉浸的过程,只有在融入了一门语言的使用情境时,你才可能真的掌握它。而阅读一门该语言的经典著作,绝对是性价比最高的做法了。试试这5本书吧,它们不光是优质的语言学习素材,也能给你带来不错的文化素养哦。 来源: 沪江英语
3月11日,十三届全国人大四次会议闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅出席记者会并回答中外记者提问。 3月11日,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅出席记者会并回答中外记者提问。 以下为本次记者会双语要点摘录: 关于就业 Employment is the foundation of people's well-being and development as well as a source of wealth. “民生在勤,勤则不匮”。 China still faces mounting pressures in boosting employment this year, as about 14 million urban people will enter the labor market, including a record 9.09 million college graduates, and over 270 million migrant workers also need job opportunities, Li said. 今年我们的就业压力仍然很大,城镇新增劳动力约1400万人,其中高校毕业生909万人,创历史新高,还要保障退役军人就业,还要为两亿七八千万农民工提供打工的机会。 The country will continue with the job-first policy this year and take more measures to stabilize and boost employment, the premier said. 今年我们在制定宏观政策的时候,依然坚持就业优先的政策,我们继续推动“六稳”,实现“六保”,还是把就业放在之首。 China aims to create no less than 11 million new urban jobs in 2021, Li said. 今年我们确定新增城镇就业的目标是1100万人以上。 关于新冠肺炎疫情溯源 China had maintained communication with the WHO and provided the WHO mission support during their work in China concerning the origins of the virus, stressing that the Chinese side has acted in a fact-based manner and with an open, transparent and cooperative approach. 中方本着实事求是、公开透明、开放合作的原则和态度,同世卫组织保持沟通,也支持世卫专家在华开展溯源研究工作。 China is willing to continue working with the World Health Organization (WHO) on tracing the origin of COVID-19. 中国愿意继续同世卫组织一道推动科学溯源工作。 关于宏观经济 China will maintain the continuity and sustainability of macro policies this year to keep the operation of the economy within an appropriate range. 要保持政策的连续性和可持续性,保持经济运行在合理区间。 China aims for 2021 GDP growth of more than 6 percent 2021年的国内生产总值增长目标为6%以上。 2021 GDP target reflects uncertainties but allows possibility of robust recovery 今年是在恢复性增长的基础上前行,有很多不可比的因素。 China implemented targeted fiscal policies to help businesses, local governments last year 去年“救命钱”直达基层和市场主体。 China will continue support for small businesses 中国将继续支持小微企业。 Government to continue cutting expenditures while expanding support for businesses 中国将减少中央政府本级支出和扩大直达资金范围。
Employment is the foundation of people's well-being and development as well as a source of wealth. China still faces mounting pressures in boosting employment this year, as about 14 million urban people will enter the labor market, including a record 9.09 million college graduates, and over 270 million migrant workers also need job opportunities, Li said. The country will continue with the job-first policy this year and take more measures to stabilize and boost employment, the premier said. China aims to create no less than 11 million new urban jobs in 2021, Li said. China had maintained communication with the WHO and provided the WHO mission support during their work in China concerning the origins of the virus, stressing that the Chinese side has acted in a fact-based manner and with an open, transparent and cooperative approach. China is willing to continue working with the World Health Organization (WHO) on tracing the origin of COVID-19. China will maintain the continuity and sustainability of macro policies this year to keep the operation of the economy within an appropriate range. China aims for 2021 GDP growth of more than 6 percent 2021 GDP target reflects uncertainties but allows possibility of robust recovery China implemented targeted fiscal policies to help businesses, local governments last year China will continue support for small businesses Government to continue cutting expenditures while expanding support for businesses
3月11日,十三届全国人大四次会议闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅出席记者会并回答中外记者提问。 3月11日,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂三楼金色大厅出席记者会并回答中外记者提问。 以下为本次记者会双语要点摘录: 关于就业 “民生在勤,勤则不匮”。 今年我们的就业压力仍然很大,城镇新增劳动力约1400万人,其中高校毕业生909万人,创历史新高,还要保障退役军人就业,还要为两亿七八千万农民工提供打工的机会。 今年我们在制定宏观政策的时候,依然坚持就业优先的政策,我们继续推动“六稳”,实现“六保”,还是把就业放在之首。 今年我们确定新增城镇就业的目标是1100万人以上。 关于新冠肺炎疫情溯源 中方本着实事求是、公开透明、开放合作的原则和态度,同世卫组织保持沟通,也支持世卫专家在华开展溯源研究工作。 中国愿意继续同世卫组织一道推动科学溯源工作。 关于宏观经济 要保持政策的连续性和可持续性,保持经济运行在合理区间。 2021年的国内生产总值增长目标为6%以上。 今年是在恢复性增长的基础上前行,有很多不可比的因素。 去年“救命钱”直达基层和市场主体。 中国将继续支持小微企业。 中国将减少中央政府本级支出和扩大直达资金范围。
全国政协委员指出,当前我国的996问题处于企业失控、监管失序、工会失灵的状态,要改变996工作文化,不是那么简单的事。 [Photo/IC] Members of China's top political advisory body have proposed reinforced and effective supervision to stop companies overworking their employees. 为了阻止企业让员工超时加班,全国政协委员提议加强有效监管。 Since 2019, the 996 work culture-which means working from 9 am to 9 pm six days a week, a schedule widely used at tech companies-has sparked public debate, with some industry insiders calling it a "blessing". 自2019年以来,996工作文化就引发了公众讨论,所谓996工作制是指劳动者每天从早上9点一直工作到晚上9点,每周工作6天。这种工作制度在中国互联网企业很盛行。一些业内人士将这一现象称作“福报”。 The issue of overworking employees is getting worse, said Li Guohua, a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, pointing out that the absence of official supervision and protection by labor unions has led to the current situation. 政协委员李国华在全国政协十三届四次会议上指出,当前我国996问题处于企业失控、监管失序、工会失灵的状态。 "Some companies require employees to work more than 380 hours a month-even more than 996, under which 300 working hours a month are required," he said. "More hectic working schedules are prevailing in areas including short-video sharing, online education, ride-hailing and e-commerce." 李国华称:“有的公司要求员工每月工作380小时以上,甚至远远高出996的每月300小时工作时间。现在在短视频、在线教育、出行、电商等领域,部分互联网企业开始推行更加繁忙的工作作息制度。” Wang Meihua, also a CPPCC National Committee member and deputy chief engineer at Shanghai Construction Group, said that official work hours have also been blurred at companies that rely on calls or instant messaging services for their business. For such enterprises, some employees are required to remain on standby 24 hours a day. 全国政协委员、上海建工集团股份有限公司副总工程师王美华则指出,自从有了智能手机,有了工作微信群,很多人的上下班时间界限就模糊了,有的企业要求员工24小时在微信群里待命。 "Missing any calls or not replying to instant messages immediately will be regarded as a breach of duty "that has led some to lose their jobs, Wang said. 王美华说:“漏接电话或不及时回复就算违规,甚至会遭到开除。” Li urged authorities to pay more attention to the problem while enhancing regulations to protect workers' well-being. 李国华敦促管理部门重视对“996”问题的监管,保护劳动者的生命健康权。 The problem is complex. 这个问题很复杂。 On the one hand, authorities have made some headway. In November 2019, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a labor contract guideline stating that work time is not allowed to exceed eight hours a day or 40 hours a week. 一方面,有关部门已经率先采取了一些措施。2019年11月,人力资源和社会保障部发布了劳动合同示范文本,规定职工每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过40小时。 Work time can be stretched after negotiations, but overtime should not exceed one hour a day in general or three hours a day in special circumstances. Further, no more than 36 working hours can be added over a one-month period, according to the guideline. 根据示范文本,经协商后可以延长工作时间,一般每日不得超过1小时,特殊原因每日不得超过3小时,每月不得超过36小时。 "The nation's high-quality development is an endurance race, driven by the labor force's physical and psychological health," said Lyu Guoquan, also a member of the CPPCC National Committee. 全国政协委员吕国泉说:“高质量发展是一场耐力赛。劳动者的身心健康是这场比赛的推动力。” "Valuing people and protecting their health is the right way to generate fortunes." “秉持以人为本的原则,关注和维护劳动者的身心健康,才是创造价值和利润的正确路径。” [Photo/Pexels] On the other hand, workers in many sectors in China, the second-largest economy and biggest developing nation in the world, are encouraged to work hard to accelerate the country's development, not only to surpass their domestic peers but also their international counterparts. 与此同时,作为全球第二大经济体和最大的发展中国家,我国许多行业都鼓励劳动者努力工作以加速国家发展,不只是为了超越国内同行,也是为了打败国外的竞争对手。 "The economy has slowed as the novel coronavirus epidemic has caused the unemployment rate to increase," Zhang Lin, an associate professor at the University of New Hampshire in the United States, told media outlet LatePost last month. "Also, the glut of talent has put more pressure on people looking for work. It is no wonder workers are complaining. Whenever you quit your job, there is someone to replace you." 美国新罕布什尔大学助理教授张琳上个月在对话媒体《晚点》时说;“现在经济下行,疫情也导致失业率升高,人才供给过饱和,你不干总有人干。在这层层压力下,有抱怨也不奇怪。” Zhong Ruiqing, an associate professor at Zhejiang University, said that it's also difficult to enforce labor laws that target 996 work schedules. 浙江大学副教授钟瑞庆表示,针对996工作制的劳动法实施起来也有困难。 "Employees usually work overtime 'voluntarily' because they dare not leave the office when the boss is still on duty," Zhong told LatePost. "Another problem is the inability to enforce rules. Can labor authorities require companies to release their employees at quitting time? Or can they turn off the company's lights at 5 pm?" 钟瑞庆告诉《晚点》说:“现在员工加班,形式上都是自愿的。你到了下班时间,领导没走,你一个人敢不敢走?而且执法也有一定难度,难道地方劳动部门要求公司到时间赶人走?比如说到了五点钟关灯?” In addition, Zhong said that tightening supervision over companies relying on the 996 work schedule may reduce the nation's competitiveness. 钟瑞庆还指出,如果加强对依赖996工作制的企业监管,中国的竞争力可能会下降。 "For example, if Shanghai regulates such a schedule, companies may move to another city, causing Shanghai to lose its economic advantage," he said. "And if a nationwide supervisory system is carried out, the nation may see a decrease in its economic competitiveness. So policymakers should weigh the pros and cons." “假设上海严格限制互联网公司加班,公司可能会搬到其他城市,导致上海竞争力下降。如果全国统一管,可能中国的经济竞争力就下降了。因此,决策层就必须衡量其中的利弊得失。” Gao Qi, a 28-year-old employee at a tech company in Beijing, said that he has been feeling listless after working 996 over the past two years. 28岁的高奇(音译)供职于北京一家科技公司,他表示,经历了过去两年的996工作,他感觉很疲倦。 "My work time is much more than 12 hours a day under my company's 996 working schedule, if you factor in my commuting time-about two to three hours per round-trip," he said. "I am busy 15 hours a day, six days a week, leaving me only 78 hours a week free of work." 他说:“在公司的996工作制下,我每日工作时间远远超过12小时,如果把我的通勤时间(来回两三个小时)也算在内,我每天有15小时、每周6天都忙于工作,每周只有78个小时不工作。” Gao said whether there's an effort to abolish 996 or to give subsidies to overworked employees, "it's time to do something." 高奇表示,无论是努力废除996工作制,还是给过劳员工发放补贴,“是时候行动起来了”。 英文来源: 中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/IC] Members of China's top political advisory body have proposed reinforced and effective supervision to stop companies overworking their employees. Since 2019, the 996 work culture-which means working from 9 am to 9 pm six days a week, a schedule widely used at tech companies-has sparked public debate, with some industry insiders calling it a "blessing". The issue of overworking employees is getting worse, said Li Guohua, a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, pointing out that the absence of official supervision and protection by labor unions has led to the current situation. "Some companies require employees to work more than 380 hours a month-even more than 996, under which 300 working hours a month are required," he said. "More hectic working schedules are prevailing in areas including short-video sharing, online education, ride-hailing and e-commerce." Wang Meihua, also a CPPCC National Committee member and deputy chief engineer at Shanghai Construction Group, said that official work hours have also been blurred at companies that rely on calls or instant messaging services for their business. For such enterprises, some employees are required to remain on standby 24 hours a day. "Missing any calls or not replying to instant messages immediately will be regarded as a breach of duty "that has led some to lose their jobs, Wang said. Li urged authorities to pay more attention to the problem while enhancing regulations to protect workers' well-being. The problem is complex. On the one hand, authorities have made some headway. In November 2019, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a labor contract guideline stating that work time is not allowed to exceed eight hours a day or 40 hours a week. Work time can be stretched after negotiations, but overtime should not exceed one hour a day in general or three hours a day in special circumstances. Further, no more than 36 working hours can be added over a one-month period, according to the guideline. "The nation's high-quality development is an endurance race, driven by the labor force's physical and psychological health," said Lyu Guoquan, also a member of the CPPCC National Committee. "Valuing people and protecting their health is the right way to generate fortunes." [Photo/Pexels] On the other hand, workers in many sectors in China, the second-largest economy and biggest developing nation in the world, are encouraged to work hard to accelerate the country's development, not only to surpass their domestic peers but also their international counterparts. "The economy has slowed as the novel coronavirus epidemic has caused the unemployment rate to increase," Zhang Lin, an associate professor at the University of New Hampshire in the United States, told media outlet LatePost last month. "Also, the glut of talent has put more pressure on people looking for work. It is no wonder workers are complaining. Whenever you quit your job, there is someone to replace you." Zhong Ruiqing, an associate professor at Zhejiang University, said that it's also difficult to enforce labor laws that target 996 work schedules. "Employees usually work overtime 'voluntarily' because they dare not leave the office when the boss is still on duty," Zhong told LatePost. "Another problem is the inability to enforce rules. Can labor authorities require companies to release their employees at quitting time? Or can they turn off the company's lights at 5 pm?" In addition, Zhong said that tightening supervision over companies relying on the 996 work schedule may reduce the nation's competitiveness. "For example, if Shanghai regulates such a schedule, companies may move to another city, causing Shanghai to lose its economic advantage," he said. "And if a nationwide supervisory system is carried out, the nation may see a decrease in its economic competitiveness. So policymakers should weigh the pros and cons." Gao Qi, a 28-year-old employee at a tech company in Beijing, said that he has been feeling listless after working 996 over the past two years. "My work time is much more than 12 hours a day under my company's 996 working schedule, if you factor in my commuting time-about two to three hours per round-trip," he said. "I am busy 15 hours a day, six days a week, leaving me only 78 hours a week free of work." Gao said whether there's an effort to abolish 996 or to give subsidies to overworked employees, "it's time to do something."
全国政协委员指出,当前我国的996问题处于企业失控、监管失序、工会失灵的状态,要改变996工作文化,不是那么简单的事。 为了阻止企业让员工超时加班,全国政协委员提议加强有效监管。 自2019年以来,996工作文化就引发了公众讨论,所谓996工作制是指劳动者每天从早上9点一直工作到晚上9点,每周工作6天。这种工作制度在中国互联网企业很盛行。一些业内人士将这一现象称作“福报”。 政协委员李国华在全国政协十三届四次会议上指出,当前我国996问题处于企业失控、监管失序、工会失灵的状态。 李国华称:“有的公司要求员工每月工作380小时以上,甚至远远高出996的每月300小时工作时间。现在在短视频、在线教育、出行、电商等领域,部分互联网企业开始推行更加繁忙的工作作息制度。” 全国政协委员、上海建工集团股份有限公司副总工程师王美华则指出,自从有了智能手机,有了工作微信群,很多人的上下班时间界限就模糊了,有的企业要求员工24小时在微信群里待命。 王美华说:“漏接电话或不及时回复就算违规,甚至会遭到开除。” 李国华敦促管理部门重视对“996”问题的监管,保护劳动者的生命健康权。 这个问题很复杂。 一方面,有关部门已经率先采取了一些措施。2019年11月,人力资源和社会保障部发布了劳动合同示范文本,规定职工每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过40小时。 根据示范文本,经协商后可以延长工作时间,一般每日不得超过1小时,特殊原因每日不得超过3小时,每月不得超过36小时。 全国政协委员吕国泉说:“高质量发展是一场耐力赛。劳动者的身心健康是这场比赛的推动力。” “秉持以人为本的原则,关注和维护劳动者的身心健康,才是创造价值和利润的正确路径。” 与此同时,作为全球第二大经济体和最大的发展中国家,我国许多行业都鼓励劳动者努力工作以加速国家发展,不只是为了超越国内同行,也是为了打败国外的竞争对手。 美国新罕布什尔大学助理教授张琳上个月在对话媒体《晚点》时说;“现在经济下行,疫情也导致失业率升高,人才供给过饱和,你不干总有人干。在这层层压力下,有抱怨也不奇怪。” 浙江大学副教授钟瑞庆表示,针对996工作制的劳动法实施起来也有困难。 钟瑞庆告诉《晚点》说:“现在员工加班,形式上都是自愿的。你到了下班时间,领导没走,你一个人敢不敢走?而且执法也有一定难度,难道地方劳动部门要求公司到时间赶人走?比如说到了五点钟关灯?” 钟瑞庆还指出,如果加强对依赖996工作制的企业监管,中国的竞争力可能会下降。 “假设上海严格限制互联网公司加班,公司可能会搬到其他城市,导致上海竞争力下降。如果全国统一管,可能中国的经济竞争力就下降了。因此,决策层就必须衡量其中的利弊得失。” 28岁的高奇(音译)供职于北京一家科技公司,他表示,经历了过去两年的996工作,他感觉很疲倦。 他说:“在公司的996工作制下,我每日工作时间远远超过12小时,如果把我的通勤时间(来回两三个小时)也算在内,我每天有15小时、每周6天都忙于工作,每周只有78个小时不工作。” 高奇表示,无论是努力废除996工作制,还是给过劳员工发放补贴,“是时候行动起来了”。 英文来源: 中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,退出英王室的哈里梅根夫妇扔下了一颗重磅炸弹。夫妇二人在美国脱口秀女王奥普拉的访谈节目上爆出猛料,讲述了脱离王室的心路历程,不仅吐槽了王室生活太压抑,还透露王室曾担心其子阿尔奇“肤色太黑”…… [Photo/Agencies] One year after announcing that they would be stepping away from their royal duties, Harry and Markle are sitting down with Winfrey for a two-hour tell-all interview. 哈里和梅根宣布提出英国王室一年后,他们和奥普拉坐下来进行了两个小时的对话。 根据CNN的报道来看,这次访谈的内容可以简单梳理如下: ▌ 梅根:曾想过自杀 在访谈中,梅根谈到王室生活曾让她一度想要自杀。 "I was really ashamed to say it at the time, and ashamed to have to admit it to Harry especially, because I know how much loss he has suffered, but I knew that if I didn't say it, that I would do it - and I just didn't want to be alive anymore." “当时说出这个想法真的让我感到羞愧,尤其是对哈里坦白这些的时候,因为我知道他承受了多少所失去的,但我知道如果我不说出来,我真的会做出来 —— 因为我真的不想活了。” ▌梅根:王室担心阿尔奇“肤色会有多黑” 在访谈中,奥普拉还问到梅根,为何英王室没有授予阿尔奇头衔或者提供安保措施,梅根曝光了王室方面的担忧 —— 担心阿尔奇“肤色会有多黑”。 The family had had those conversations with Harry, which were then related back to her, Meghan said. She declined to reveal who was involved with those conversations. 梅根表示,有王室成员和哈里进行了几番谈话,而后者将这些内容告诉了梅根,但梅根拒绝透露参与这场谈话的王室成员。 ▌梅根谈凯特:哭的是我,不是她 在访谈中,梅根还提到了自己和妯娌凯特不和的传闻。此前据媒体报道,梅根曾在筹备大婚时弄哭了凯特。但梅根表示,其实自己才是被弄哭的那个人。 "A few days before the wedding she was upset about something pertaining to flower girl dresses. It made me cry, it really hurt my feelings," she said. “婚礼的几天前,她对于小花童的裙子感到不满。我因此哭了,这真的令我很受伤,”梅根说。 She added that "There was no confrontation," and that she has forgiven the Duchess of Cambridge, who is known as Kate. She is "a good person," said Meghan. 但梅根表示,两人之间没有冲突,而她也已经原谅凯特,并称凯特“是个好人”。 ▌哈里:“我曾困于王室而不自知” 哈里在访谈中表示,自己曾经困于王室而不自知,而除了他之外,所有王室成员其实都困于这套体系之中。“我的父亲和哥哥,他们都困于其中。他们没法离开,我真的很同情他们。” "I myself was trapped as well. I didn't see a way out. I was trapped but I didn't know I was trapped," he said. 哈里说:“我也被困住了,找不到出路。我曾经困于王室而不自知。” When Oprah Winfrey asked how a prince born into privilege could have been trapped, he replied, "Trapped within the system, like the rest of my family are. My father and my brother, they are trapped. They don't get to leave, and I have huge compassion for that." 当奥普拉问一个出身显赫的王子怎么会被困在体制内时,他回答说:“我的家人其实都困于这套体系之中。我的父亲和哥哥,他们都困于其中。他们没法离开,我真的很同情他们。” 女王声明:对哈里梅根的遭遇感到难过 据外媒报道,当地时间3月9日,英国王室首次对哈里梅根的访谈进行回应,称对哈里梅根过去几年的经历感到难过,并指出他们提到的种族问题将会得到解决。 The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. 得知哈里和梅根在过去几年中所面临的巨大挑战,全家人都很难过。 The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. 他们提出的问题,特别是种族问题,着实令人关切。虽然一些回忆内容可能有所不同,但王室家族会非常认真地审视问题,并私下解决。 Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members. 哈里、梅根和阿尔奇将永远是我们深爱的家庭成员。 外媒在线吃瓜 该访谈完整版一经播出便立刻成为世界各地媒体的头条新闻。 面对哈里夫妇在节目里爆出的猛料,英美两国媒体反应虽不尽相同,但都将此次采访描述为“爆炸性”、“轰动性”。 ▌英媒关注王室受到的影响 曾一度对梅根形象展开议论的诸多英国媒体这次的关注点主要聚焦在王室的受到的影响上。 《每日电讯报》网页的头条将该采访称为“重磅炸弹”(bombshell)。 王室或因哈里夫妇爆料而需要防弹衣 而《泰晤士报》网页上的一篇评论文章将此次采访称为“悲剧”(tragedy),并认为该行为犹如一次“针对备受爱戴的王室的一次暗杀尝试”(assassination attempt on a beloved institution)。 哈里和梅根访谈:尽管有相似之处,但戴安娜王妃从未失去责任感 《金融时报》则认为此事将为王室带来压力(pile pressure on royal family)。 梅根告诉奥普拉,王室几乎把我逼到自杀: 哈里夫妇与心理健康和种族有关的爆料为王室带来压力 ▌美媒关注种族问题 大洋彼岸,作为这次访谈的首批观众,美国媒体们选择将报道的重点聚焦在梅根的心理健康与采访中提到的种族问题上。 《华盛顿邮报》:哈里梅根夫妇的采访在英国传得沸沸扬扬;评论家们义愤填膺 《纽约时报》将夫妇二人关于安保问题的爆料描述为“爆炸性”(explosive revelations),并同时放出了与种族问题(race issues)相关的几篇文章。 从哈里和梅根的采访里我们了解到什么: 萨塞克斯公爵夫妇指责王室未能从情感和经济上保护他们。 其中一篇文章写道: "One of the reasons this interview will be so damaging is that Prince Harry's marriage to a biracial woman really meant something to black and mixed-race Britons." “这次采访之所以如此有破坏性,原因之一是哈里王子的另一半是混血,而这对一些英国混血儿们意义匪浅。” 早在2018年,梅根嫁入王室时,许多人认为这段婚姻可能让英国王室走向一个更包容、更多元的新时代。但两年多以后,事情的发展似乎走向了人们愿望的反面。 编辑:左卓 实习编辑:李金昳 来源:21世纪英文报 CGTN CNN 卫报 太阳报 纽约时报 环球网等
[Photo/Agencies] One year after announcing that they would be stepping away from their royal duties, Harry and Markle are sitting down with Winfrey for a two-hour tell-all interview. ▌ "I was really ashamed to say it at the time, and ashamed to have to admit it to Harry especially, because I know how much loss he has suffered, but I knew that if I didn't say it, that I would do it - and I just didn't want to be alive anymore." The family had had those conversations with Harry, which were then related back to her, Meghan said. She declined to reveal who was involved with those conversations. "A few days before the wedding she was upset about something pertaining to flower girl dresses. It made me cry, it really hurt my feelings," she said. She added that "There was no confrontation," and that she has forgiven the Duchess of Cambridge, who is known as Kate. She is "a good person," said Meghan. "I myself was trapped as well. I didn't see a way out. I was trapped but I didn't know I was trapped," he said. When Oprah Winfrey asked how a prince born into privilege could have been trapped, he replied, "Trapped within the system, like the rest of my family are. My father and my brother, they are trapped. They don't get to leave, and I have huge compassion for that." The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members. "One of the reasons this interview will be so damaging is that Prince Harry's marriage to a biracial woman really meant something to black and mixed-race Britons."
近日,退出英王室的哈里梅根夫妇扔下了一颗重磅炸弹。夫妇二人在美国脱口秀女王奥普拉的访谈节目上爆出猛料,讲述了脱离王室的心路历程,不仅吐槽了王室生活太压抑,还透露王室曾担心其子阿尔奇“肤色太黑”…… 哈里和梅根宣布提出英国王室一年后,他们和奥普拉坐下来进行了两个小时的对话。 根据CNN的报道来看,这次访谈的内容可以简单梳理如下: 梅根:曾想过自杀 在访谈中,梅根谈到王室生活曾让她一度想要自杀。 “当时说出这个想法真的让我感到羞愧,尤其是对哈里坦白这些的时候,因为我知道他承受了多少所失去的,但我知道如果我不说出来,我真的会做出来 —— 因为我真的不想活了。” ▌梅根:王室担心阿尔奇“肤色会有多黑” 在访谈中,奥普拉还问到梅根,为何英王室没有授予阿尔奇头衔或者提供安保措施,梅根曝光了王室方面的担忧 —— 担心阿尔奇“肤色会有多黑”。 梅根表示,有王室成员和哈里进行了几番谈话,而后者将这些内容告诉了梅根,但梅根拒绝透露参与这场谈话的王室成员。 ▌梅根谈凯特:哭的是我,不是她 在访谈中,梅根还提到了自己和妯娌凯特不和的传闻。此前据媒体报道,梅根曾在筹备大婚时弄哭了凯特。但梅根表示,其实自己才是被弄哭的那个人。 “婚礼的几天前,她对于小花童的裙子感到不满。我因此哭了,这真的令我很受伤,”梅根说。 但梅根表示,两人之间没有冲突,而她也已经原谅凯特,并称凯特“是个好人”。 ▌哈里:“我曾困于王室而不自知” 哈里在访谈中表示,自己曾经困于王室而不自知,而除了他之外,所有王室成员其实都困于这套体系之中。“我的父亲和哥哥,他们都困于其中。他们没法离开,我真的很同情他们。” 哈里说:“我也被困住了,找不到出路。我曾经困于王室而不自知。” 当奥普拉问一个出身显赫的王子怎么会被困在体制内时,他回答说:“我的家人其实都困于这套体系之中。我的父亲和哥哥,他们都困于其中。他们没法离开,我真的很同情他们。” 女王声明:对哈里梅根的遭遇感到难过 据外媒报道,当地时间3月9日,英国王室首次对哈里梅根的访谈进行回应,称对哈里梅根过去几年的经历感到难过,并指出他们提到的种族问题将会得到解决。 得知哈里和梅根在过去几年中所面临的巨大挑战,全家人都很难过。 他们提出的问题,特别是种族问题,着实令人关切。虽然一些回忆内容可能有所不同,但王室家族会非常认真地审视问题,并私下解决。 哈里、梅根和阿尔奇将永远是我们深爱的家庭成员。 外媒在线吃瓜 该访谈完整版一经播出便立刻成为世界各地媒体的头条新闻。 面对哈里夫妇在节目里爆出的猛料,英美两国媒体反应虽不尽相同,但都将此次采访描述为“爆炸性”、“轰动性”。 ▌英媒关注王室受到的影响 曾一度对梅根形象展开议论的诸多英国媒体这次的关注点主要聚焦在王室的受到的影响上。 《每日电讯报》网页的头条将该采访称为“重磅炸弹”(bombshell)。 王室或因哈里夫妇爆料而需要防弹衣 而《泰晤士报》网页上的一篇评论文章将此次采访称为“悲剧”(tragedy),并认为该行为犹如一次“针对备受爱戴的王室的一次暗杀尝试”(assassination attempt on a beloved institution)。 哈里和梅根访谈:尽管有相似之处,但戴安娜王妃从未失去责任感 《金融时报》则认为此事将为王室带来压力(pile pressure on royal family)。 梅根告诉奥普拉,王室几乎把我逼到自杀: 哈里夫妇与心理健康和种族有关的爆料为王室带来压力 ▌美媒关注种族问题 大洋彼岸,作为这次访谈的首批观众,美国媒体们选择将报道的重点聚焦在梅根的心理健康与采访中提到的种族问题上。 《华盛顿邮报》:哈里梅根夫妇的采访在英国传得沸沸扬扬;评论家们义愤填膺 《纽约时报》将夫妇二人关于安保问题的爆料描述为“爆炸性”(explosive revelations),并同时放出了与种族问题(race issues)相关的几篇文章。 从哈里和梅根的采访里我们了解到什么: 萨塞克斯公爵夫妇指责王室未能从情感和经济上保护他们。 其中一篇文章写道: “这次采访之所以如此有破坏性,原因之一是哈里王子的另一半是混血,而这对一些英国混血儿们意义匪浅。” 早在2018年,梅根嫁入王室时,许多人认为这段婚姻可能让英国王室走向一个更包容、更多元的新时代。但两年多以后,事情的发展似乎走向了人们愿望的反面。 编辑:左卓 实习编辑:李金昳 来源:21世纪英文报 CGTN CNN 卫报 太阳报 纽约时报 环球网等
按照“十四五”规划建议,我国在未来5到15年将采取“双循环”发展格局,人大代表和政协委员呼吁政府采取措施支持技术创新和产业升级,以保证循环通畅。 2021年2月23日,青岛市即墨区的青岛美莱轨道股份有限公司的工人在生产出口海外的动车座椅套。(图片来源:新华社) China is pushing a "dual circulation" development pattern to sustain growth in the coming years, building up strength in both domestic demand and foreign trade to meet challenges in a new development stage. 为了迎接新发展阶段的挑战,中国将推动“双循环”发展模式,从而在未来数年保持经济增长,积蓄内需和外贸的实力。 The "dual circulation" development paradigm, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay, was mentioned as a guiding thought in a blueprint for China's development in the next five to 15 years, which is under review at the "two sessions." 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。 "We will advance the building of a strong domestic market and a strong trading nation in a concerted way, based on the domestic circulation," said the draft outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year 2035. 国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划(2021-2025)和二〇三五年远景目标纲要草案提出,立足国内大循环,协同推进强大国内市场和贸易强国建设。 DOMESTIC LOOP 内循环 The domestic circulation will be key to the new development pattern, with detailed measures to be rolled out to expand domestic consumption and smoothen supply chains. 国内大循环对新发展模式至关重要,政府将推出具体措施来扩大内需、保持供应链顺畅。 The country will remove impediments to the rational flow of production factors, and create a higher-level dynamic equilibrium where supply and demand boost each other, according to the draft outline. 根据纲要草案,国家将打通制约生产要素合理流动的堵点,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。 The draft plan also called for efforts to expand the middle-income group in order to unleash the consumption potential. 草案还指出,应努力扩大中等收入群体规模,以释放消费潜力。 With its per capita GDP above 10,000 US dollars and a middle-income group exceeding 400 million, China is already an upper middle-income economy by the World Bank standard. 中国目前人均GDP超过1万美元(约合人民币6.5万元),中等收入群体超过4亿人,根据世界银行的标准已达到中等偏上收入国家水平。 The number is likely to double by 2035 amid government efforts to push urbanization, making China the biggest consumption market in the world, said Li Daokui, an economist with Tsinghua University and a national political adviser. 全国政协委员、清华大学的经济学家李稻葵表示,随着政府推进城市化,中等收入群体在2035年将扩大一倍,中国将成为全世界最大的消费市场。 A smooth domestic economic cycle also requires advancement on the supply side, lawmakers and political advisers said, calling for more policy measures to boost innovation. 人大代表和政协委员指出,国内经济循环畅通有赖于供给质量的提高,呼吁推出更多促进创新的政策措施。 The country should move faster to support the upgrade of companies so that they can tackle the bottlenecks constraining their growth, said Liu Yonghao, chairman of China's agricultural conglomerate New Hope Group and a national political adviser. 全国政协委员、农业巨头新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,国家应加快支持企业升级以应对制约其发展的瓶颈。 The domestic farming industry, for example, still depends on overseas imports in terms of breeding animals including pigs and poultry, and research on new breeding varieties could reduce external reliance and boost profitability, Liu said. 刘永好指出,以国内农业为例,目前猪、禽等养殖产业仍依赖于进口,研究养殖新品种将能减少对外国的依赖并增加利润。 The draft outline has identified self-reliance in science and technology as a strategic underpinning for national development. For the next five years, China's research and development spending will grow by over 7 percent annually, it said. 草案把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑,并提出未来五年中国研发经费投入年均增长7%以上。 2021年2月23日,山东省青岛市即墨区蓝村街道一家企业的工人在生产出口海外的飞机救生衣包。(图片来源:新华网) OPEN CYCLE 开放的双循环 While the domestic market is key to the new development paradigm, "dual circulation" is by no means a closed domestic loop. 尽管国内市场对新发展格局很关键,但“双循环”绝对不是封闭的国内循环。 China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand, imports and exports, as well as foreign and outbound investment, the draft outline said, stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up. 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。 Ning Jizhe, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment, implementing policies including cutting the number of sectors off-limits for foreign investors and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。 For Li Dongsheng, chairman of Chinese electronics giant TCL Group and a national lawmaker, the "dual circulation" is not only a development strategy at the national level, but also reflects the development needs of Chinese enterprises amid rising anti-globalization sentiment. 对于全国人大代表、中国电子巨头TCL集团创始人李东生而言,“双循环”不只是国家层面的发展战略,还反映出逆全球化思潮愈演愈烈的形势下中国企业的发展需求。 While proposing that China should step up policy support for tech innovation to smoothen the domestic cycle, Li also suggested the government mobilize resources to facilitate the global operation and layout of firms. 李东生提出,中国应加大对技术创新的政策支持以保证内循环畅通,还建议政府充分调动资源以便利企业的全球化运营和布局。 英文来源:新华网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
China is pushing a "dual circulation" development pattern to sustain growth in the coming years, building up strength in both domestic demand and foreign trade to meet challenges in a new development stage. The "dual circulation" development paradigm, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay, was mentioned as a guiding thought in a blueprint for China's development in the next five to 15 years, which is under review at the "two sessions." "We will advance the building of a strong domestic market and a strong trading nation in a concerted way, based on the domestic circulation," said the draft outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year 2035. The domestic circulation will be key to the new development pattern, with detailed measures to be rolled out to expand domestic consumption and smoothen supply chains. The country will remove impediments to the rational flow of production factors, and create a higher-level dynamic equilibrium where supply and demand boost each other, according to the draft outline. The draft plan also called for efforts to expand the middle-income group in order to unleash the consumption potential. With its per capita GDP above 10,000 US dollars and a middle-income group exceeding 400 million, China is already an upper middle-income economy by the World Bank standard. The number is likely to double by 2035 amid government efforts to push urbanization, making China the biggest consumption market in the world, said Li Daokui, an economist with Tsinghua University and a national political adviser. A smooth domestic economic cycle also requires advancement on the supply side, lawmakers and political advisers said, calling for more policy measures to boost innovation. The country should move faster to support the upgrade of companies so that they can tackle the bottlenecks constraining their growth, said Liu Yonghao, chairman of China's agricultural conglomerate New Hope Group and a national political adviser. The domestic farming industry, for example, still depends on overseas imports in terms of breeding animals including pigs and poultry, and research on new breeding varieties could reduce external reliance and boost profitability, Liu said. The draft outline has identified self-reliance in science and technology as a strategic underpinning for national development. For the next five years, China's research and development spending will grow by over 7 percent annually, it said. While the domestic market is key to the new development paradigm, "dual circulation" is by no means a closed domestic loop. China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand, imports and exports, as well as foreign and outbound investment, the draft outline said, stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up. Ning Jizhe, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment, implementing policies including cutting the number of sectors off-limits for foreign investors and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry. For Li Dongsheng, chairman of Chinese electronics giant TCL Group and a national lawmaker, the "dual circulation" is not only a development strategy at the national level, but also reflects the development needs of Chinese enterprises amid rising anti-globalization sentiment. While proposing that China should step up policy support for tech innovation to smoothen the domestic cycle, Li also suggested the government mobilize resources to facilitate the global operation and layout of firms.
按照“十四五”规划建议,我国在未来5到15年将采取“双循环”发展格局,人大代表和政协委员呼吁政府采取措施支持技术创新和产业升级,以保证循环通畅。 2021年2月23日,青岛市即墨区的青岛美莱轨道股份有限公司的工人在生产出口海外的动车座椅套。(图片来源:新华社) 为了迎接新发展阶段的挑战,中国将推动“双循环”发展模式,从而在未来数年保持经济增长,积蓄内需和外贸的实力。 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。 国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划(2021-2025)和二〇三五年远景目标纲要草案提出,立足国内大循环,协同推进强大国内市场和贸易强国建设。 DOMESTIC LOOP 内循环 国内大循环对新发展模式至关重要,政府将推出具体措施来扩大内需、保持供应链顺畅。 根据纲要草案,国家将打通制约生产要素合理流动的堵点,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。 草案还指出,应努力扩大中等收入群体规模,以释放消费潜力。 中国目前人均GDP超过1万美元(约合人民币6.5万元),中等收入群体超过4亿人,根据世界银行的标准已达到中等偏上收入国家水平。 全国政协委员、清华大学的经济学家李稻葵表示,随着政府推进城市化,中等收入群体在2035年将扩大一倍,中国将成为全世界最大的消费市场。 人大代表和政协委员指出,国内经济循环畅通有赖于供给质量的提高,呼吁推出更多促进创新的政策措施。 全国政协委员、农业巨头新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,国家应加快支持企业升级以应对制约其发展的瓶颈。 刘永好指出,以国内农业为例,目前猪、禽等养殖产业仍依赖于进口,研究养殖新品种将能减少对外国的依赖并增加利润。 草案把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑,并提出未来五年中国研发经费投入年均增长7%以上。 2021年2月23日,山东省青岛市即墨区蓝村街道一家企业的工人在生产出口海外的飞机救生衣包。(图片来源:新华网) OPEN CYCLE 开放的双循环 尽管国内市场对新发展格局很关键,但“双循环”绝对不是封闭的国内循环。 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。 对于全国人大代表、中国电子巨头TCL集团创始人李东生而言,“双循环”不只是国家层面的发展战略,还反映出逆全球化思潮愈演愈烈的形势下中国企业的发展需求。 李东生提出,中国应加大对技术创新的政策支持以保证内循环畅通,还建议政府充分调动资源以便利企业的全球化运营和布局。 英文来源:新华网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
2020国漫江湖风起云涌,随着国漫产业的发展完善,国漫崛起不再是一句虚无的口号。在这一热潮之下,各种改编、原创剧集百花齐放,精彩纷呈。 《斗罗大陆》海报 图源:豆瓣 Good news for fans of Chinese animations! The year 2021 will bring plenty of options. According to news website TMT, 188 Chinese animated series will come out this year on Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku and Bilibili. Among them are new seasons of older shows, including the fourth season of Douluo Dalu and the second season of Shaonian Gexing . 中国动画迷有福了!2021年将会有一大批国漫上线。据新闻网站TMT报道,今年将有188部国内动画剧集在腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷和哔哩哔哩上线,其中就包括《斗罗大陆》第四季和《少年歌行》第二季等老剧的新一季。 Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style, or “traditional Chinese style”. The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature. For example, The Westward comes from Journey to the West . The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin, Ying Zheng, conquered the other six kingdoms, to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who captured the capital city, Xianyang. 近一半的新作品都是国风风格,或者说“传统中国风”。这些故事大多是根据中国传说或文学作品改编。例如,《西行纪之再见悟空》改编自《西游记》。《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。 《魔道祖师》图源:豆瓣 Other animations take a different approach. Modao Zushi is one of them. It’s based on fiction, but the animation involves many elements of traditional Chinese culture. For example, it combines the visual style of traditional Chinese water-ink paintings and gufeng music from the flute and guqin. 其他动画作品则另辟蹊径。《魔道祖师》就是一个例子。这部动画改编自小说,却包含了许多中国传统文化的元素。例如,它将中国传统水墨画的视觉风格与长笛、古琴演奏的古风音乐相结合。 “As our society gets wealthier, it’s natural that Chinese people have reclaimed greater pride and confidence in their own cultural roots,” Mou Aili, associate professor at the School of Animation with Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing, told China Daily . This is why these guofeng animations are rising in China. “随着社会变得更加富足,中国人自然而然对自己的文化根源变得更加自豪和自信,”重庆四川美术学院影视动画学院副教授牟艾莉在接受《中国日报》采访时如此表示。这正是这些国风动画在中国兴起的原因。 《秦时明月之龙腾万里》 图源:豆瓣 Original works are also emerging in 2021. For example, Time Agents is an original series from Haoliners Animation League and other companies. It is the story of two young men who run a photo studio. They have the ability to enter their customers’ photos and change their past. Another work, Li’s Little Kitchen shows that delicious food can heal people. 2021年也有许多原创作品涌现。例如,《时光代理人》是绘梦动画和其他公司合作出品的一部原创动画剧集,讲述了两个年轻人经营照相馆的的故事。他们拥有进入顾客的照片并改变他们过去的能力。另一部作品《李林克的小馆儿》则展现了美食对人们的治愈。 “Chinese anime is no longer a niche but has already become mainstream,” noted Animation Magazine . “Chinese companies are committed to supporting the development of more excellent Chinese original anime works.” “中国动漫不再小众,而是已经成为主流。”《动画》杂志指出:“(中国公司)目前正致力于支持更多优秀的中国原创动漫作品发展。” 来源:21世纪英文报
Good news for fans of Chinese animations! The year 2021 will bring plenty of options. According to news website TMT, 188 Chinese animated series will come out this year on Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku and Bilibili. Among them are new seasons of older shows, including the fourth season of Douluo Dalu and the second season of Shaonian Gexing . Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style, or “traditional Chinese style”. The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature. For example, The Westward comes from Journey to the West . The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin, Ying Zheng, conquered the other six kingdoms, to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who captured the capital city, Xianyang. Other animations take a different approach. Modao Zushi is one of them. It’s based on fiction, but the animation involves many elements of traditional Chinese culture. For example, it combines the visual style of traditional Chinese water-ink paintings and gufeng music from the flute and guqin. “As our society gets wealthier, it’s natural that Chinese people have reclaimed greater pride and confidence in their own cultural roots,” Mou Aili, associate professor at the School of Animation with Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing, told China Daily . This is why these guofeng animations are rising in China. Original works are also emerging in 2021. For example, Time Agents is an original series from Haoliners Animation League and other companies. It is the story of two young men who run a photo studio. They have the ability to enter their customers’ photos and change their past. Another work, Li’s Little Kitchen shows that delicious food can heal people. “Chinese anime is no longer a niche but has already become mainstream,” noted Animation Magazine . “Chinese companies are committed to supporting the development of more excellent Chinese original anime works.”
2020国漫江湖风起云涌,随着国漫产业的发展完善,国漫崛起不再是一句虚无的口号。在这一热潮之下,各种改编、原创剧集百花齐放,精彩纷呈。 《斗罗大陆》海报 图源:豆瓣 中国动画迷有福了!2021年将会有一大批国漫上线。据新闻网站TMT报道,今年将有188部国内动画剧集在腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷和哔哩哔哩上线,其中就包括《斗罗大陆》第四季和《少年歌行》第二季等老剧的新一季。 近一半的新作品都是国风风格,或者说“传统中国风”。这些故事大多是根据中国传说或文学作品改编。例如,《西行纪之再见悟空》改编自《西游记》。《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。 《魔道祖师》图源:豆瓣 其他动画作品则另辟蹊径。《魔道祖师》就是一个例子。这部动画改编自小说,却包含了许多中国传统文化的元素。例如,它将中国传统水墨画的视觉风格与长笛、古琴演奏的古风音乐相结合。 “随着社会变得更加富足,中国人自然而然对自己的文化根源变得更加自豪和自信,”重庆四川美术学院影视动画学院副教授牟艾莉在接受《中国日报》采访时如此表示。这正是这些国风动画在中国兴起的原因。 《秦时明月之龙腾万里》 图源:豆瓣 2021年也有许多原创作品涌现。例如,《时光代理人》是绘梦动画和其他公司合作出品的一部原创动画剧集,讲述了两个年轻人经营照相馆的的故事。他们拥有进入顾客的照片并改变他们过去的能力。另一部作品《李林克的小馆儿》则展现了美食对人们的治愈。 “中国动漫不再小众,而是已经成为主流。”《动画》杂志指出:“(中国公司)目前正致力于支持更多优秀的中国原创动漫作品发展。” 来源:21世纪英文报
日前在十三届全国人大四次会议上发布的最高人民法院工作报告和最高人民检察院工作报告指出,过去一年全国各地法院和检察机关为疫情期间维持社会秩序、保障医护人员安全作出了巨大努力。 3月8日,十三届全国人大四次会议在北京人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议。(图片来源:新华社) Chinese people experienced a sound living and working environment amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to the urgent and great efforts of courts and procuratorate organs across the country last year, according to the annual work reports of China's top court and top procuratorate. 根据最高人民法院工作报告和最高人民检察院工作报告,去年新冠疫情暴发后,国人能享有良好的生活和工作环境,这要感谢全国各地法院和检察机关的紧急行动和巨大努力。 The reports were submitted to the ongoing fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, the country's top legislative body, for deliberation on Monday. 3月8日,“两高”报告已提交正在举行的十三届全国人大四次会议审议。 After the novel coronavirus hit the country, courts nationwide began intensifying their strength in maintaining order during pandemic control and maintaining social stability by issuing legal documents as well as resolving criminal cases and disputes involving the pandemic, Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People's Court, said while delivering the top court's work report to national legislators. 最高人民法院院长周强作最高人民法院工作报告时指出,新冠疫情来袭后,全国各地的法院开始加大力度维持抗疫期间的社会秩序,并通过发布法律文件、处理刑事案件和涉疫纠纷来维持社会稳定。 A total of 6,443 people in 5,474 criminal cases were penalized for pandemic-related crimes in 2020, including Ma Jianguo, who was executed for killing workers engaged in epidemic control, the report said. 报告称,2020年依法快审快结涉疫犯罪案件5474件、6443人,对杀害防疫工作人员的马建国等人依法判处死刑。 The execution was carried out by a court in Yunnan province in July after the top court approved the death penalty of Ma for killing two epidemic control workers in February. 马建国在去年2月故意杀害两名疫情防控工作人员。经最高人民法院复核通过,云南省的一家法院去年7月对马建国执行死刑。 The report also said courts nationwide issued 34 influential cases involving the pandemic last year, giving tougher punishments to those cheating medical workers who aided hard-hit Hubei province, using fake charity institutions to get donations or creating or spreading pandemic-related rumors. 报告还指出,去年疫情期间,最高法发布34个涉疫典型案例,全国法院严惩诈骗援鄂医护人员、假冒慈善机构骗捐、造谣传谣等犯罪行为。 Yu Maoyu, deputy head of the top court's general office, said one of the key phrases for Chinese courts was "protecting rights of medical workers". 最高人民法院办公厅副主任余茂玉指出,中国法院2020年的一个关键词就是“维护医务人员权益”。 "In 2020, courts took many measures to guarantee medical security and safeguard medical order," Yu said. "In order to protect those who braved the pandemic, we harshly punished people who intentionally tore off medical workers' preventive clothing." “过去一年,人民法院出台措施保障医护人员安全、维护良好医疗秩序。”余茂玉说,“严惩故意撕扯医用防护装备等犯罪行为,依法保护‘最美逆行者’。” Other behaviors also were punished more heavily, including price gouging and people who lied about their histories when they returned from abroad and thereby caused many others to be quarantined, the report said. 报告称,其他受到严惩的行为包括哄抬物价和隐瞒出境史致多人隔离。 While keeping public order by strengthening the fight against crime, "our courts helped enterprises in the resumption of activity and production, promoting development and ensuring the vitality of market entities", Zhou said. 周强表示,除了加强打击犯罪力度,维护公共秩序外,我国法院还“保护市场主体活力,帮扶企业复工复产”。 The work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, which was delivered by Zhang Jun, SPP procurator-general, shows that prosecutors across the country also made great efforts in fighting COVID-19, with 11,000 people charged and 7,227 people approved for arrest for pandemic-related crimes. 最高人民检察院检察长张军作的最高人民检察院工作报告指出,全国各地的检察机关也在抗击新冠疫情方面做出了很多努力,批捕涉疫犯罪7227人、起诉1.1万人。 Last year, the SPP provided information on a series of policies and a number of typical cases, including people faking nucleic acid tests and producing or selling counterfeit vaccines, and this greatly aided lower procuratorates in solving similar offenses efficiently, it said. 去年,最高人民检察院就核酸检测造假、制售假疫苗等发布一系列司法政策和多个典型案例,指导下级检察机关依法追诉妨害疫情防控犯罪。 More procuratorial policies and documents were provided to safeguard enterprises and ensure employment, the report said, adding that 23,000 people were charged with crimes of damaging the legitimate rights of private enterprises, up 2.9 percent year-on-year. 报告称,最高人民检察院还发布司法政策保企业、稳就业,有力惩治侵害民营企业合法权益的犯罪,起诉2.3万人,同比上升2.9%。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Chinese people experienced a sound living and working environment amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to the urgent and great efforts of courts and procuratorate organs across the country last year, according to the annual work reports of China's top court and top procuratorate. The reports were submitted to the ongoing fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, the country's top legislative body, for deliberation on Monday. After the novel coronavirus hit the country, courts nationwide began intensifying their strength in maintaining order during pandemic control and maintaining social stability by issuing legal documents as well as resolving criminal cases and disputes involving the pandemic, Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People's Court, said while delivering the top court's work report to national legislators. A total of 6,443 people in 5,474 criminal cases were penalized for pandemic-related crimes in 2020, including Ma Jianguo, who was executed for killing workers engaged in epidemic control, the report said. The execution was carried out by a court in Yunnan province in July after the top court approved the death penalty of Ma for killing two epidemic control workers in February. The report also said courts nationwide issued 34 influential cases involving the pandemic last year, giving tougher punishments to those cheating medical workers who aided hard-hit Hubei province, using fake charity institutions to get donations or creating or spreading pandemic-related rumors. Yu Maoyu, deputy head of the top court's general office, said one of the key phrases for Chinese courts was "protecting rights of medical workers". "In 2020, courts took many measures to guarantee medical security and safeguard medical order," Yu said. "In order to protect those who braved the pandemic, we harshly punished people who intentionally tore off medical workers' preventive clothing." Other behaviors also were punished more heavily, including price gouging and people who lied about their histories when they returned from abroad and thereby caused many others to be quarantined, the report said. While keeping public order by strengthening the fight against crime, "our courts helped enterprises in the resumption of activity and production, promoting development and ensuring the vitality of market entities", Zhou said. The work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, which was delivered by Zhang Jun, SPP procurator-general, shows that prosecutors across the country also made great efforts in fighting COVID-19, with 11,000 people charged and 7,227 people approved for arrest for pandemic-related crimes. Last year, the SPP provided information on a series of policies and a number of typical cases, including people faking nucleic acid tests and producing or selling counterfeit vaccines, and this greatly aided lower procuratorates in solving similar offenses efficiently, it said. More procuratorial policies and documents were provided to safeguard enterprises and ensure employment, the report said, adding that 23,000 people were charged with crimes of damaging the legitimate rights of private enterprises, up 2.9 percent year-on-year.
日前在十三届全国人大四次会议上发布的最高人民法院工作报告和最高人民检察院工作报告指出,过去一年全国各地法院和检察机关为疫情期间维持社会秩序、保障医护人员安全作出了巨大努力。 3月8日,十三届全国人大四次会议在北京人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议。(图片来源:新华社) 根据最高人民法院工作报告和最高人民检察院工作报告,去年新冠疫情暴发后,国人能享有良好的生活和工作环境,这要感谢全国各地法院和检察机关的紧急行动和巨大努力。 3月8日,“两高”报告已提交正在举行的十三届全国人大四次会议审议。 最高人民法院院长周强作最高人民法院工作报告时指出,新冠疫情来袭后,全国各地的法院开始加大力度维持抗疫期间的社会秩序,并通过发布法律文件、处理刑事案件和涉疫纠纷来维持社会稳定。 报告称,2020年依法快审快结涉疫犯罪案件5474件、6443人,对杀害防疫工作人员的马建国等人依法判处死刑。 马建国在去年2月故意杀害两名疫情防控工作人员。经最高人民法院复核通过,云南省的一家法院去年7月对马建国执行死刑。 报告还指出,去年疫情期间,最高法发布34个涉疫典型案例,全国法院严惩诈骗援鄂医护人员、假冒慈善机构骗捐、造谣传谣等犯罪行为。 最高人民法院办公厅副主任余茂玉指出,中国法院2020年的一个关键词就是“维护医务人员权益”。 “过去一年,人民法院出台措施保障医护人员安全、维护良好医疗秩序。”余茂玉说,“严惩故意撕扯医用防护装备等犯罪行为,依法保护‘最美逆行者’。” 报告称,其他受到严惩的行为包括哄抬物价和隐瞒出境史致多人隔离。 周强表示,除了加强打击犯罪力度,维护公共秩序外,我国法院还“保护市场主体活力,帮扶企业复工复产”。 最高人民检察院检察长张军作的最高人民检察院工作报告指出,全国各地的检察机关也在抗击新冠疫情方面做出了很多努力,批捕涉疫犯罪7227人、起诉1.1万人。 去年,最高人民检察院就核酸检测造假、制售假疫苗等发布一系列司法政策和多个典型案例,指导下级检察机关依法追诉妨害疫情防控犯罪。 报告称,最高人民检察院还发布司法政策保企业、稳就业,有力惩治侵害民营企业合法权益的犯罪,起诉2.3万人,同比上升2.9%。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] 学霸一般每天学习几个小时?怎样学习最有效率,来看看Quora上的学霸网友的回答吧。 获得17.8k好评的回答@Mike Lodato: In college, I encountered a rule of thumb: For every credit hour per week, you should be studying two to three hours outside of class per week. 在大学里我学到了一条经验法则:为了得到每周的每个学分,你应该每周在课外学习2-3个小时。 If you ask a teacher or professor how much their best students should study, very few will expect their students to be studying for long hours everyday. 如果你问一位老师或教授他们最好的学生应该学多少,很少有人会希望学生每天学习时间过长。 As a T.A. at a university, I can tell you that spending an hour of self-studying for every credit hour will put you ahead of a lot of your peers. 作为大学的一名助教,我可以告诉你为了每学分你自学1个小时就能超过很多同龄人了。 Studying for long hours will often be necessary when you have an exam. But you don’t need to pull all-nighters to be a top student. 备考期间长时间学习通常是必要的,但你不必为了成为尖子生而熬夜。 Plus, psychologists say a healthy amount of sleep will actually help you retain the material! 而且心理学家说健康的睡眠时间真的有助于记忆复习材料! My best students are the ones who find time to complete portions of the assignment well before it’s due. 我最好的学生是那些找时间提前完成学习任务的人。 “Studying all day” might mean going to class, reading 10 pages before lunch, doing a physics problem in between classes, and reviewing material at the end of the day. “学一整天”可能意味着去上课、午餐前读10页书、课间做一道物理题、一天结束时复习所学内容。 The hardest part can often be thinking of small things to do in order to fill your time during the day. 最难的部分往往是想一些小事来充实你一天的时间。 A to do list item like “Write essay” is the kind of thing that will take long hours of work, but it can be broken into steps, like: write an outline, free write, revise your intro paragraph. 像“写文章”这样的待办事项是要花很长时间的,但它可以分为几个步骤,比如:写提纲,写作,修改你的前言。 获得779好评的回答@Prajjwal Kaushik: There’s no strict hours that a student should have to study to be the topper of the class. 要成为班里更顶尖的学生应该学习几个小时,这个问题并没有严格的定义。 What I believe is you need to act smartly, instead of following what every one else is doing. 我认为你需要灵活,而不是跟别人一样。 Let’s talk about some of the study tips : 来聊一些学习的建议: 1.Prepare summary notes. 准备总结性的笔记。 Topper students are not ahead of intelligence or mental skill. But they are ahead of time. They manage time so well that they won’t need to feel guilt after exams that they could have done better. 优等生不是智力超群,而是会提早,他们把时间管理得很好,而不会在考试过后内疚自己本可以做得更好。 Summary notes mainly incorporates all important definitions, points or flowcharts which are more likely to come in exams. 总结性的笔记主要包括所有更有可能出现在考试中的重要定义、重点或流程图。 2.This might look opposite of what you have heard till now. 这条建议可能跟你迄今为止所听到的相违背。 But studying for more hours are less productive and effective than studying for less time along with adequate breaks in between. 但长时间的学习要比短时间的学习并在学习期间适当休息的学习方式效果和效率都要低。 3.Distractions. 分散注意力的东西。 They make you less productive and lazy. Keep a check on your distractions. 它们会使你学习效率低下,也会更懒惰,检查一下有哪些东西会让你分心。 For example: Facebook, FB will be keep you stick to its website and keep showing you funny videos, profile pictures. 比如脸书,它会让你留在网站上,一直给你看有趣的视频和头像。 But just know one thing, ANY OF THESE THINGS WON’T MAKE YOU TOPPER. 但你要知道这些东西没有一个会让你成为优等生。 4.Writing. 写东西。 Writing things down will help you remember them for more longer period. Write everything that can come in examinations. 把东西写下来能帮你延长记忆,写下一切考试中会出现的东西。 Disclaimer: Your mind will try to tell you that there’s no need to write everything. BUT, YOU HAVE TO. 免责声明:你的大脑会努力劝你没必要写下所有东西。但你必须要写。 翻译:菲菲 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/Pexels] In college, I encountered a rule of thumb: For every credit hour per week, you should be studying two to three hours outside of class per week. If you ask a teacher or professor how much their best students should study, very few will expect their students to be studying for long hours everyday. As a T.A. at a university, I can tell you that spending an hour of self-studying for every credit hour will put you ahead of a lot of your peers. Studying for long hours will often be necessary when you have an exam. But you don’t need to pull all-nighters to be a top student. Plus, psychologists say a healthy amount of sleep will actually help you retain the material! My best students are the ones who find time to complete portions of the assignment well before it’s due. “Studying all day” might mean going to class, reading 10 pages before lunch, doing a physics problem in between classes, and reviewing material at the end of the day. The hardest part can often be thinking of small things to do in order to fill your time during the day. A to do list item like “Write essay” is the kind of thing that will take long hours of work, but it can be broken into steps, like: write an outline, free write, revise your intro paragraph. There’s no strict hours that a student should have to study to be the topper of the class. What I believe is you need to act smartly, instead of following what every one else is doing. Let’s talk about some of the study tips : 1.Prepare summary notes. Topper students are not ahead of intelligence or mental skill. But they are ahead of time. They manage time so well that they won’t need to feel guilt after exams that they could have done better. Summary notes mainly incorporates all important definitions, points or flowcharts which are more likely to come in exams. 2.This might look opposite of what you have heard till now. But studying for more hours are less productive and effective than studying for less time along with adequate breaks in between. 3.Distractions. They make you less productive and lazy. Keep a check on your distractions. For example: Facebook, FB will be keep you stick to its website and keep showing you funny videos, profile pictures. But just know one thing, ANY OF THESE THINGS WON’T MAKE YOU TOPPER. 4.Writing. Writing things down will help you remember them for more longer period. Write everything that can come in examinations. Disclaimer: Your mind will try to tell you that there’s no need to write everything. BUT, YOU HAVE TO.
学霸一般每天学习几个小时?怎样学习最有效率,来看看Quora上的学霸网友的回答吧。 获得17.8k好评的回答@Mike Lodato: 在大学里我学到了一条经验法则:为了得到每周的每个学分,你应该每周在课外学习2-3个小时。 如果你问一位老师或教授他们最好的学生应该学多少,很少有人会希望学生每天学习时间过长。 作为大学的一名助教,我可以告诉你为了每学分你自学1个小时就能超过很多同龄人了。 备考期间长时间学习通常是必要的,但你不必为了成为尖子生而熬夜。 而且心理学家说健康的睡眠时间真的有助于记忆复习材料! 我最好的学生是那些找时间提前完成学习任务的人。 “学一整天”可能意味着去上课、午餐前读10页书、课间做一道物理题、一天结束时复习所学内容。 最难的部分往往是想一些小事来充实你一天的时间。 像“写文章”这样的待办事项是要花很长时间的,但它可以分为几个步骤,比如:写提纲,写作,修改你的前言。 获得779好评的回答@Prajjwal Kaushik: 要成为班里更顶尖的学生应该学习几个小时,这个问题并没有严格的定义。 我认为你需要灵活,而不是跟别人一样。 来聊一些学习的建议: 准备总结性的笔记。 优等生不是智力超群,而是会提早,他们把时间管理得很好,而不会在考试过后内疚自己本可以做得更好。 总结性的笔记主要包括所有更有可能出现在考试中的重要定义、重点或流程图。 这条建议可能跟你迄今为止所听到的相违背。 但长时间的学习要比短时间的学习并在学习期间适当休息的学习方式效果和效率都要低。 分散注意力的东西。 它们会使你学习效率低下,也会更懒惰,检查一下有哪些东西会让你分心。 比如脸书,它会让你留在网站上,一直给你看有趣的视频和头像。 但你要知道这些东西没有一个会让你成为优等生。 写东西。 把东西写下来能帮你延长记忆,写下一切考试中会出现的东西。 免责声明:你的大脑会努力劝你没必要写下所有东西。但你必须要写。 翻译:菲菲 来源: 沪江英语
联合国前副秘书长近日撰文写道,过去十年来,中国在环境和气候方面取得了巨大的成就,中国发生了“前所未有的”改变。他指出,解决气候环境问题是有利于环境、经济和社会的“三赢”之举。 A ranger picks up garbage at Sanjiang National Park in Qinghai province. [Photo/VCG] Erik Solheim, the former United Nations under-secretary-general and former executive director of the UN Environment Programme, has visited China many times since 1984 to witness the "unprecedented" changes in human history. 曾任联合国副秘书长兼环境规划署执行主任的埃里克·索尔海姆自1984年以来多次到访中国,亲眼见证了人类历史上“前所未有”的变化。 These include what he called "a sea change" in China in the last five to 10 years on the environment and climate change front. 这些变化包括过去五到十年间中国在环境和气候变化方面发生的“巨变”。 "It's true that if you go back 10 years, Chinese cities were among the most polluted in the world. Then people demanded change, and the leadership responded," Solheim said. 索尔海姆称:“回到十年前,中国城市确实是世界上污染最严重的。后来人们要求改变,于是领导层做出了回应。” The Norwegian politician believes that leadership is the most critical factor in dealing with the environment and climate challenges. 来自挪威索尔海姆认为,领导层是应对环境和气候挑战最关键的因素。 "Nations under good leadership have prospered and developed extremely fast. Nations with poor leadership have huge difficulties," he said. 他说道:“在好的领导下,国家会繁荣兴旺,飞速发展。如果领导不力,国家就会面临巨大困难。” Solheim, who once served as Norwegian minister for international development and minister for environment, praised China's political structure as a "very capable and merit-based" one, clearly referring to leaders who rise to the top after working many years at various levels of local governments. 曾任挪威环境与外援大臣的索尔海姆称赞中国的政治结构“以执政表现为基础,非常出色”,他指的显然是那些在各级地方政府工作多年然后才升任到高层的领导人。 He said that the political systems in China, the United States and Europe are different, but they should respect each other and work together. 他指出,中国、美国和欧洲的政治体制不同,但是它们应该相互尊重,共同合作。 He regretted that not many people in North America and Europe understand the huge achievements China has made on the environment and climate front, saying that China is now a world leader in terms of basic environmental technology from solar power to electric cars to high-speed rail. 他感到遗憾的是,北美和欧洲没有多少人理解中国在环境和气候方面取得的巨大成就,并表示中国如今在太阳能、电动汽车及高铁等环境基础科技领域引领全球。 He described China's efforts to protect wetlands and vulnerable ecosystems in heavily populated areas as "very difficult and challenging" and a "world-class development". 他认为,中国为保护人口密集地区的湿地和脆弱的生态系统付出的努力“十分艰难且具有很大挑战性”,而且取得了“世界级的进展”。 "In terms of these practices, China is one of the leaders of the world," Solheim said, citing the examples from Suzhou to Shenzhen as "among the greenest and environmental friendly" cities. 索尔海姆说:“在这些行动上,中国是处于全球领先地位。”他援引了苏州和深圳等范例,称其为“绿化最好、最环保的”城市。 Solheim said he wanted to tell the deputies and members to the ongoing annual sessions of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee that the environment and climate fight will be a win-win-win. 索尔海姆说,他想告诉正在参加全国两会的人大代表和政协委员们,环境和气候战斗将是“三赢”。 He elaborated that the triple wins mean win ecologically, win economically, including creating jobs, and win socially now that people bid farewell to pollution and live better lives. 他解释道,“三赢”指的是生态方面的胜利、经济方面的胜利(包括创造就业岗位)和社会方面的胜利(人们告别污染,过上更好的生活)。 The former senior UN official believes it's possible for major global players, such as China, the US and the European Union, to work together on climate change. He said that such cooperation will benefit everyone and that no area is more ripe for cooperation than on environment and climate. 他认为,像中国、美国和欧盟这样的世界主要参与者是有可能在气候变化问题上一起合作的。他表示,这种合作将会让所有人受益,没有哪一个领域比环境和气候的合作时机更成熟。 英文来源: 中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A ranger picks up garbage at Sanjiang National Park in Qinghai province. [Photo/VCG] Erik Solheim, the former United Nations under-secretary-general and former executive director of the UN Environment Programme, has visited China many times since 1984 to witness the "unprecedented" changes in human history. These include what he called "a sea change" in China in the last five to 10 years on the environment and climate change front. "It's true that if you go back 10 years, Chinese cities were among the most polluted in the world. Then people demanded change, and the leadership responded," Solheim said. The Norwegian politician believes that leadership is the most critical factor in dealing with the environment and climate challenges. "Nations under good leadership have prospered and developed extremely fast. Nations with poor leadership have huge difficulties," he said. Solheim, who once served as Norwegian minister for international development and minister for environment, praised China's political structure as a "very capable and merit-based" one, clearly referring to leaders who rise to the top after working many years at various levels of local governments. He said that the political systems in China, the United States and Europe are different, but they should respect each other and work together. He regretted that not many people in North America and Europe understand the huge achievements China has made on the environment and climate front, saying that China is now a world leader in terms of basic environmental technology from solar power to electric cars to high-speed rail. He described China's efforts to protect wetlands and vulnerable ecosystems in heavily populated areas as "very difficult and challenging" and a "world-class development". "In terms of these practices, China is one of the leaders of the world," Solheim said, citing the examples from Suzhou to Shenzhen as "among the greenest and environmental friendly" cities. Solheim said he wanted to tell the deputies and members to the ongoing annual sessions of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee that the environment and climate fight will be a win-win-win. He elaborated that the triple wins mean win ecologically, win economically, including creating jobs, and win socially now that people bid farewell to pollution and live better lives. The former senior UN official believes it's possible for major global players, such as China, the US and the European Union, to work together on climate change. He said that such cooperation will benefit everyone and that no area is more ripe for cooperation than on environment and climate.
联合国前副秘书长近日撰文写道,过去十年来,中国在环境和气候方面取得了巨大的成就,中国发生了“前所未有的”改变。他指出,解决气候环境问题是有利于环境、经济和社会的“三赢”之举。 曾任联合国副秘书长兼环境规划署执行主任的埃里克·索尔海姆自1984年以来多次到访中国,亲眼见证了人类历史上“前所未有”的变化。 这些变化包括过去五到十年间中国在环境和气候变化方面发生的“巨变”。 索尔海姆称:“回到十年前,中国城市确实是世界上污染最严重的。后来人们要求改变,于是领导层做出了回应。” 来自挪威索尔海姆认为,领导层是应对环境和气候挑战最关键的因素。 他说道:“在好的领导下,国家会繁荣兴旺,飞速发展。如果领导不力,国家就会面临巨大困难。” 曾任挪威环境与外援大臣的索尔海姆称赞中国的政治结构“以执政表现为基础,非常出色”,他指的显然是那些在各级地方政府工作多年然后才升任到高层的领导人。 他指出,中国、美国和欧洲的政治体制不同,但是它们应该相互尊重,共同合作。 他感到遗憾的是,北美和欧洲没有多少人理解中国在环境和气候方面取得的巨大成就,并表示中国如今在太阳能、电动汽车及高铁等环境基础科技领域引领全球。 他认为,中国为保护人口密集地区的湿地和脆弱的生态系统付出的努力“十分艰难且具有很大挑战性”,而且取得了“世界级的进展”。 索尔海姆说:“在这些行动上,中国是处于全球领先地位。”他援引了苏州和深圳等范例,称其为“绿化最好、最环保的”城市。 索尔海姆说,他想告诉正在参加全国两会的人大代表和政协委员们,环境和气候战斗将是“三赢”。 他解释道,“三赢”指的是生态方面的胜利、经济方面的胜利(包括创造就业岗位)和社会方面的胜利(人们告别污染,过上更好的生活)。 他认为,像中国、美国和欧盟这样的世界主要参与者是有可能在气候变化问题上一起合作的。他表示,这种合作将会让所有人受益,没有哪一个领域比环境和气候的合作时机更成熟。 英文来源: 中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
有什么技能可以一分钟掌握并且受益终生?来看Quora高赞回答怎么说。 获得623好评的回答@John Grady Here are two quick and effective one-minute relaxation techniques that can be done anywhere… 这有两个快而有效的一分钟放松技巧,可以随时随地做。 1.Relax your lower jaw for one minute…close your eyes then open your mouth as widely as possible…let your lower jaw relax and rise slowly into a resting position without closing your mouth…concentrate on holding your lower jaw in that position for one minute, neither tightening or loosening your jaw muscles… 放松你的下颚一分钟.....闭上你的眼睛然后尽量把你的嘴张到最大,让你的下颚放松,并且慢慢地收起到一个舒服的位置,不要把嘴闭上。然后使下颚保持在那个位置一分钟,不收紧或者松弛下颚肌肉。 2.Control your breathing for one minute…close your eyes and relax your head and neck…breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply for 4 seconds, then exhale through your mouth slowly and evenly for 8 seconds…it’s fine to count the seconds silently to yourself as you do this 屛住呼吸一分钟。闭上眼睛,使头脑和脖子放轻松,然后从鼻子慢慢地深呼吸四秒,然后从嘴巴将气慢慢地吐出,持续八秒。最好是在做这些动作时心里默数时间。 获得373好评的回答@Ashutosh Jha, Force a smile. 挤出笑容。 When you wake up in the morning, go in front of the mirror and force yourself to smile. 当你在早上醒来时,走到镜子前面,挤一个笑容出来。 It will make you feel more happy and positive for starting the day. 这会使你在新的一天内更加快乐,更加向上。 It is scientifically proven that forcing a smile actually reduces your cortisol levels and helps reducing stress. 科学表明做出微笑表情可以降低你的皮质水平,帮助你减压。 Thus next time you are feeling stressed or flustered, just let that mouth stretch into most forced of smiles. You are guaranteed to feel better. 下次你感到压力山大或者惶恐不安时,只要让自己咧嘴笑出来,你一定会心情好点的。 (翻译:苏梨) 来源: 沪江英语
Here are two quick and effective one-minute relaxation techniques that can be done anywhere… 1.Relax your lower jaw for one minute…close your eyes then open your mouth as widely as possible…let your lower jaw relax and rise slowly into a resting position without closing your mouth…concentrate on holding your lower jaw in that position for one minute, neither tightening or loosening your jaw muscles… 2.Control your breathing for one minute…close your eyes and relax your head and neck…breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply for 4 seconds, then exhale through your mouth slowly and evenly for 8 seconds…it’s fine to count the seconds silently to yourself as you do this Force a smile. When you wake up in the morning, go in front of the mirror and force yourself to smile. It will make you feel more happy and positive for starting the day. It is scientifically proven that forcing a smile actually reduces your cortisol levels and helps reducing stress. Thus next time you are feeling stressed or flustered, just let that mouth stretch into most forced of smiles. You are guaranteed to feel better.
有什么技能可以一分钟掌握并且受益终生?来看Quora高赞回答怎么说。 获得623好评的回答@John Grady 这有两个快而有效的一分钟放松技巧,可以随时随地做。 放松你的下颚一分钟.....闭上你的眼睛然后尽量把你的嘴张到最大,让你的下颚放松,并且慢慢地收起到一个舒服的位置,不要把嘴闭上。然后使下颚保持在那个位置一分钟,不收紧或者松弛下颚肌肉。 屛住呼吸一分钟。闭上眼睛,使头脑和脖子放轻松,然后从鼻子慢慢地深呼吸四秒,然后从嘴巴将气慢慢地吐出,持续八秒。最好是在做这些动作时心里默数时间。 获得373好评的回答@Ashutosh Jha, 挤出笑容。 当你在早上醒来时,走到镜子前面,挤一个笑容出来。 这会使你在新的一天内更加快乐,更加向上。 科学表明做出微笑表情可以降低你的皮质水平,帮助你减压。 下次你感到压力山大或者惶恐不安时,只要让自己咧嘴笑出来,你一定会心情好点的。 (翻译:苏梨) 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/Xinhua] 3月7日下午3时,十三届全国人大四次会议在人民大会堂新闻发布厅举行记者会,邀请国务委员兼外交部长王毅就“中国外交政策和对外关系”相关问题回答中外记者提问。 下面请看双语要点回顾: On the COVID-19 pandemic 新冠肺炎疫情 China will continue working with other countries in unremitting efforts to completely defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, Wang Yi said. 中国愿继续与各国团结合作,为人类彻底战胜疫情而作出不懈努力。 China has carried out its largest emergency humanitarian action since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, making contributions to the anti-coronavirus efforts of the world, Wang Yi said. 中国开展了新中国成立以来规模最大的紧急人道主义行动,为全球抗疫作出了中国贡献。 On China-Russia relations 中俄关系 China and Russia standing together will remain a pillar of world peace and stability, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Sunday. “中俄组合”团结如山,始终是世界和平稳定的中流砥柱。 In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat "both the coronavirus and the political virus," Wang said. 面对世纪疫情,中俄两国肩并肩站在一起,背靠背紧密合作,我们携手抵御新冠病毒,共同抗击“政治病毒”。 The more unstable the world is, the greater the need for carrying forward China-Russia cooperation, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Sunday. 世界越是动荡不宁,中俄合作越要坚定前行。 China and Russia should be each other's strategic support, development opportunity, and global partner. This is both an experience gained from history and an imperative under the current circumstances, Wang said. 两国要互为战略依托,互为发展机遇,互为全球伙伴,这既是历史的经验,也是时代的要求。 On the Belt and Road Initiative “一带一路”倡议 China will jointly push ahead high-quality construction of the Belt and Road and make contributions to the early recovery of the world economy, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. 中国将推进高质量共建“一带一路”,助力世界经济早日复苏。 On CPC leadership 党的领导 The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the biggest political advantage of China's diplomacy and the fundamental safeguard for continued victory in China's diplomacy, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. 党的领导是中国外交最大的政治优势,是中国外交事业不断走向胜利的根本保障。
[Photo/Xinhua] On the COVID-19 pandemic China will continue working with other countries in unremitting efforts to completely defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, Wang Yi said. China has carried out its largest emergency humanitarian action since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, making contributions to the anti-coronavirus efforts of the world, Wang Yi said. On China-Russia relations China and Russia standing together will remain a pillar of world peace and stability, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Sunday. In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat "both the coronavirus and the political virus," Wang said. The more unstable the world is, the greater the need for carrying forward China-Russia cooperation, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Sunday. China and Russia should be each other's strategic support, development opportunity, and global partner. This is both an experience gained from history and an imperative under the current circumstances, Wang said. On the Belt and Road Initiative China will jointly push ahead high-quality construction of the Belt and Road and make contributions to the early recovery of the world economy, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. On CPC leadership The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the biggest political advantage of China's diplomacy and the fundamental safeguard for continued victory in China's diplomacy, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.
3月7日下午3时,十三届全国人大四次会议在人民大会堂新闻发布厅举行记者会,邀请国务委员兼外交部长王毅就“中国外交政策和对外关系”相关问题回答中外记者提问。 下面请看双语要点回顾: 新冠肺炎疫情 中国愿继续与各国团结合作,为人类彻底战胜疫情而作出不懈努力。 中国开展了新中国成立以来规模最大的紧急人道主义行动,为全球抗疫作出了中国贡献。 中俄关系 “中俄组合”团结如山,始终是世界和平稳定的中流砥柱。 面对世纪疫情,中俄两国肩并肩站在一起,背靠背紧密合作,我们携手抵御新冠病毒,共同抗击“政治病毒”。 世界越是动荡不宁,中俄合作越要坚定前行。 两国要互为战略依托,互为发展机遇,互为全球伙伴,这既是历史的经验,也是时代的要求。 “一带一路”倡议 中国将推进高质量共建“一带一路”,助力世界经济早日复苏。 党的领导 党的领导是中国外交最大的政治优势,是中国外交事业不断走向胜利的根本保障。
香港中华出入口商会副会长黄英豪在接受中国日报线采上访时表示,稳定之下的香港将能够向前发展,并有空间讨论如何解决与香港经济和民生相关的一些问题。 Kennedy Wong Ying-ho, vice-president of The Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters' Association, speaks during an interview with Xinhua on May 6, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua] A draft decision on improving Hong Kong's electoral system was submitted to the annual session of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation on Friday. 3月5日,关于完善香港选举制度的决定草案提交至第十三届全国人大四次会议进行审议。 According to the decision, the central government proposed a two-step approach – namely, first the NPC will make a decision and the NPC Standing Committee will amend the relevant laws of Hong Kong, to reform the city's electoral system. 根据这一决定,中央政府提出了两步走的办法,即首先由全国人大作出决定,全国人大常委会将修改香港的相关法律,改革香港选举制度。 The central government has prerogative to determine the matters related to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's political systems, including how the city elects its top official and lawmakers, said Wong. 黄英豪称,中央政府有权决定与香港特别行政区的政治制度有关的事项,包括香港如何选举其行政长官及立法会成员。 "This is our domestic policy and we're doing it in accordance with China's Constitution," Wong said, citing the Article 31 of the Constitution. 黄英豪引用《宪法》第三十一条称:“这是我们的内政,我们是按照中国的《宪法》行事。” The Article 31 of the Constitution clearly stipulates that the State may establish special administrative regions when necessary. The systems to be instituted in special administrative regions shall be prescribed by law enacted by the National People's Congress in the light of specific conditions. 《宪法》第三十一条明确规定,国家在必要时可以设立特别行政区。在特别行政区实行的制度由全国人民代表大会根据具体情况制定法律。 Given that, Wong said it's quite clear that the Standing Committee of NPC has the power to interpret and amend the SAR's Basic Law. 黄英豪称,因此全国人大常委会显然有权解释和修改特区基本法。 Wong told the foreign countries that constantly point their fingers at Hong Kong's affairs to accept the city's righteous authority to improve its electoral system and amend relevant laws for long-term stability and prosperity. 黄英豪劝告一直对香港事务指手画脚的国家,应接受香港完善其选举制度,修改相关法律的正当权力,以促进长期繁荣稳定。 What happened during the social unrest in 2019, and political conflicts in previous Legislative Council meetings and the emergence of pro-independence advocacies in the city are living embodiments of why it is important and necessary to improve Hong Kong's electoral system to put emphasis on "patriots governing Hong Kong", he said. 黄英豪称,2019年发生的社会动荡,以及此前香港特区立法会会议上发生的政治冲突和港独支持者的出现,体现了完善香港选举制度,强调“爱国者治港”的重要性和必要性。 "This is the right juncture, in my view, to revisit and emphasize this concept of 'patriots governing Hong Kong'," Wong said. 他说:“在我看来,这是重新审视并强调‘爱国者治港’的正确时机。” In a bid to comprehensively implement "patriots governing Hong Kong", he added it's necessary for people who hold public office to learn more about the latest development of the motherland. 他表示,为了全面贯彻“爱国者治港”,公职人员有必要多了解祖国的最新发展。 In addition, Wong said the city's educational system also needs an overhaul and reform as some residents, especially the youngsters, don't understand the history of China and the Chinese mainland's latest development despite the city's return to the motherland almost 24 years ago. 此外,黄英豪称,尽管香港回归祖国已近24年,但由于一些香港居民,特别是年轻人不了解中国的历史和中国大陆的最新发展,香港的教育体系也需要彻底改革。
Kennedy Wong Ying-ho, vice-president of The Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters' Association, speaks during an interview with Xinhua on May 6, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua] A draft decision on improving Hong Kong's electoral system was submitted to the annual session of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation on Friday. According to the decision, the central government proposed a two-step approach – namely, first the NPC will make a decision and the NPC Standing Committee will amend the relevant laws of Hong Kong, to reform the city's electoral system. The central government has prerogative to determine the matters related to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's political systems, including how the city elects its top official and lawmakers, said Wong. "This is our domestic policy and we're doing it in accordance with China's Constitution," Wong said, citing the Article 31 of the Constitution. The Article 31 of the Constitution clearly stipulates that the State may establish special administrative regions when necessary. The systems to be instituted in special administrative regions shall be prescribed by law enacted by the National People's Congress in the light of specific conditions. Given that, Wong said it's quite clear that the Standing Committee of NPC has the power to interpret and amend the SAR's Basic Law. Wong told the foreign countries that constantly point their fingers at Hong Kong's affairs to accept the city's righteous authority to improve its electoral system and amend relevant laws for long-term stability and prosperity. What happened during the social unrest in 2019, and political conflicts in previous Legislative Council meetings and the emergence of pro-independence advocacies in the city are living embodiments of why it is important and necessary to improve Hong Kong's electoral system to put emphasis on "patriots governing Hong Kong", he said. "This is the right juncture, in my view, to revisit and emphasize this concept of 'patriots governing Hong Kong'," Wong said. In a bid to comprehensively implement "patriots governing Hong Kong", he added it's necessary for people who hold public office to learn more about the latest development of the motherland. In addition, Wong said the city's educational system also needs an overhaul and reform as some residents, especially the youngsters, don't understand the history of China and the Chinese mainland's latest development despite the city's return to the motherland almost 24 years ago.
香港中华出入口商会副会长黄英豪在接受中国日报线采上访时表示,稳定之下的香港将能够向前发展,并有空间讨论如何解决与香港经济和民生相关的一些问题。 3月5日,关于完善香港选举制度的决定草案提交至第十三届全国人大四次会议进行审议。 根据这一决定,中央政府提出了两步走的办法,即首先由全国人大作出决定,全国人大常委会将修改香港的相关法律,改革香港选举制度。 黄英豪称,中央政府有权决定与香港特别行政区的政治制度有关的事项,包括香港如何选举其行政长官及立法会成员。 黄英豪引用《宪法》第三十一条称:“这是我们的内政,我们是按照中国的《宪法》行事。” 《宪法》第三十一条明确规定,国家在必要时可以设立特别行政区。在特别行政区实行的制度由全国人民代表大会根据具体情况制定法律。 黄英豪称,因此全国人大常委会显然有权解释和修改特区基本法。 黄英豪劝告一直对香港事务指手画脚的国家,应接受香港完善其选举制度,修改相关法律的正当权力,以促进长期繁荣稳定。 黄英豪称,2019年发生的社会动荡,以及此前香港特区立法会会议上发生的政治冲突和港独支持者的出现,体现了完善香港选举制度,强调“爱国者治港”的重要性和必要性。 他说:“在我看来,这是重新审视并强调‘爱国者治港’的正确时机。” 他表示,为了全面贯彻“爱国者治港”,公职人员有必要多了解祖国的最新发展。 此外,黄英豪称,尽管香港回归祖国已近24年,但由于一些香港居民,特别是年轻人不了解中国的历史和中国大陆的最新发展,香港的教育体系也需要彻底改革。
对于外国初学者来说,汉字难得逆天。 外国一位脱口秀演员在讲述自己学汉语的感受时说道,汉字看起来像各种“棚子”形状的小画: You want to be fluent in Chinese? You are going to memorize about 44,000 subtly different drawings of sheds. 如果你要流利地说中文,你需要记住约4.4万个长得差不多的像“棚子”一样的小图画。 Photo by Damon Lam on Unsplash 对于英语母语者来说,英语与汉语最明显的区别在于,英语属于表音文字,字符表示语言符号的音,通过英语单词的拼写可以判断它的读音,汉语则不能。 The relationship between the spoken and written Chinese language is rather complex. Its written form has no clues as to how it is actually pronounced. 汉语的书面形式与读音之间的关系相当复杂。从书面文字中无法判断其读音。 除此之外,同音字也是学习汉语的一个难点。 The tone system also is a pain because there are many homophones in Chinese only distinguishable by the four tones. Even this is often not enough unless the actual context and exact phrase are identified. 声调系统也是一个难题。汉语中有很多同音字,只靠四个声调来区分,而这很难区分开来,除非能确定上下文及短语的含义。 所以,外国人学汉语有多崩溃......看图感受一下↓↓ 一个“打”字,就能把老外整懵了…… 你心目中最难学习的语言是什么呢? 编辑:左卓 实习生:刘小榕
You want to be fluent in Chinese? You are going to memorize about 44,000 subtly different drawings of sheds. Photo by Damon Lam on Unsplash The relationship between the spoken and written Chinese language is rather complex. Its written form has no clues as to how it is actually pronounced. The tone system also is a pain because there are many homophones in Chinese only distinguishable by the four tones. Even this is often not enough unless the actual context and exact phrase are identified.
对于外国初学者来说,汉字难得逆天。 外国一位脱口秀演员在讲述自己学汉语的感受时说道,汉字看起来像各种“棚子”形状的小画: 如果你要流利地说中文,你需要记住约4.4万个长得差不多的像“棚子”一样的小图画。 对于英语母语者来说,英语与汉语最明显的区别在于,英语属于表音文字,字符表示语言符号的音,通过英语单词的拼写可以判断它的读音,汉语则不能。 汉语的书面形式与读音之间的关系相当复杂。从书面文字中无法判断其读音。 除此之外,同音字也是学习汉语的一个难点。 声调系统也是一个难题。汉语中有很多同音字,只靠四个声调来区分,而这很难区分开来,除非能确定上下文及短语的含义。 所以,外国人学汉语有多崩溃......看图感受一下↓↓ 一个“打”字,就能把老外整懵了…… 你心目中最难学习的语言是什么呢? 编辑:左卓 实习生:刘小榕
3月5日,第十三届全国人大四次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕,李克强代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告。以下是报告双语要点: 3月5日,第十三届全国人民代表大会第四次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕。国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告。(图片来源:新华社) 一、2020年工作回顾 疫情防控取得重大战略成果,在全球主要经济体中唯一实现经济正增长,脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利,决胜全面建成小康社会取得决定性成就。 We achieved major strategic success in our response to Covid-19 and China was the world’s only major economy to achieve growth. We attained a complete victory in the fight against poverty, and we scored decisive achievements in securing a full victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 全年发展主要目标任务较好完成,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大进展。 Development goals and tasks for the year were accomplished, and major headway has been made in reform, opening-up, and socialist modernization drive. 围绕市场主体的急需制定和实施宏观政策,稳住了经济基本盘。 We formulated and implemented macro policies to meet the urgent needs of market entities and kept the fundamentals of the economy stable. 全年为市场主体减负超过2.6万亿元,其中减免社保费1.7万亿元 We reduced the burden on market entities by more than 2.6 trillion yuan for the year, including 1.7 trillion yuan in social insurance premium cuts and exemptions. 全年国内生产总值增长2.3% Gross domestic product (GDP) for the year growing by 2.3 percent 优先稳就业保民生,人民生活得到切实保障。 We gave top priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring living standards and effectively safeguarded people’s wellbeing. 城镇新增就业1186万人,年末全国城镇调查失业率降到5.2%。 A total of 11.86 million urban jobs were added, and the year-end surveyed urban unemployment rate dropped to 5.2 percent. 居民消费价格上涨2.5% The consumer price index (CPI) posted a 2.5 percent growth 大幅度扩大失业保险保障范围。对因疫情遇困群众及时给予救助,新纳入低保、特困供养近600万人,实施临时救助超过800万人次 We expanded the coverage of unemployment insurance schemes, and extended timely assistance to those who were hit particularly hard by Covid-19. Close to six million additional people received subsistence allowances or extreme poverty aid, and more than eight million temporary assistance grants were disbursed. 坚决打好三大攻坚战,主要目标任务如期完成。 We made decisive progress in the three critical battles against poverty, pollution and potential risk, achieving major targets and tasks as planned. 年初剩余的551万农村贫困人口全部脱贫、52个贫困县全部摘帽。 All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties. 坚定不移推进改革开放,发展活力和内生动力进一步增强。 We continued to advance reform and opening-up and further boosted the vitality and momentum of development. 大力促进科技创新,产业转型升级步伐加快。 We vigorously promoted innovation in science and technology and accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading. 推进新型城镇化和乡村振兴,城乡区域发展格局不断优化。 We advanced new urbanization and rural revitalization and improved the layout of urban-rural development and development among regions. 加强依法行政和社会建设,社会保持和谐稳定。 We stepped up law-based administration, promoted social advancement, and safeguarded social harmony and stability. 中国特色大国外交卓有成效。坚持多边主义,推动构建人类命运共同体。支持国际抗疫合作,倡导建设人类卫生健康共同体。中国为促进世界和平与发展作出了重要贡献。 We were successful in pursuing China’s major country diplomacy. We upheld multilateralism and endeavored to build a human community with a shared future. We supported global cooperation on combating Covid-19 and called for building a global health community. China thus made important contributions to advancing global peace and development.
We achieved major strategic success in our response to Covid-19 and China was the world’s only major economy to achieve growth. We attained a complete victory in the fight against poverty, and we scored decisive achievements in securing a full victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Development goals and tasks for the year were accomplished, and major headway has been made in reform, opening-up, and socialist modernization drive. We formulated and implemented macro policies to meet the urgent needs of market entities and kept the fundamentals of the economy stable. We reduced the burden on market entities by more than 2.6 trillion yuan for the year, including 1.7 trillion yuan in social insurance premium cuts and exemptions. Gross domestic product (GDP) for the year growing by 2.3 percent We gave top priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring living standards and effectively safeguarded people’s wellbeing. A total of 11.86 million urban jobs were added, and the year-end surveyed urban unemployment rate dropped to 5.2 percent. The consumer price index (CPI) posted a 2.5 percent growth We expanded the coverage of unemployment insurance schemes, and extended timely assistance to those who were hit particularly hard by Covid-19. Close to six million additional people received subsistence allowances or extreme poverty aid, and more than eight million temporary assistance grants were disbursed. We made decisive progress in the three critical battles against poverty, pollution and potential risk, achieving major targets and tasks as planned. All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties. We continued to advance reform and opening-up and further boosted the vitality and momentum of development. We vigorously promoted innovation in science and technology and accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading. We advanced new urbanization and rural revitalization and improved the layout of urban-rural development and development among regions. We stepped up law-based administration, promoted social advancement, and safeguarded social harmony and stability. We were successful in pursuing China’s major country diplomacy. We upheld multilateralism and endeavored to build a human community with a shared future. We supported global cooperation on combating Covid-19 and called for building a global health community. China thus made important contributions to advancing global peace and development.
3月5日,第十三届全国人大四次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕,李克强代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告。以下是报告双语要点: 3月5日,第十三届全国人民代表大会第四次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕。国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告。(图片来源:新华社) 一、2020年工作回顾 疫情防控取得重大战略成果,在全球主要经济体中唯一实现经济正增长,脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利,决胜全面建成小康社会取得决定性成就。 全年发展主要目标任务较好完成,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大进展。 围绕市场主体的急需制定和实施宏观政策,稳住了经济基本盘。 全年为市场主体减负超过2.6万亿元,其中减免社保费1.7万亿元 全年国内生产总值增长2.3% 优先稳就业保民生,人民生活得到切实保障。 城镇新增就业1186万人,年末全国城镇调查失业率降到5.2%。 居民消费价格上涨2.5% 大幅度扩大失业保险保障范围。对因疫情遇困群众及时给予救助,新纳入低保、特困供养近600万人,实施临时救助超过800万人次 坚决打好三大攻坚战,主要目标任务如期完成。 年初剩余的551万农村贫困人口全部脱贫、52个贫困县全部摘帽。 坚定不移推进改革开放,发展活力和内生动力进一步增强。 大力促进科技创新,产业转型升级步伐加快。 推进新型城镇化和乡村振兴,城乡区域发展格局不断优化。 加强依法行政和社会建设,社会保持和谐稳定。 中国特色大国外交卓有成效。坚持多边主义,推动构建人类命运共同体。支持国际抗疫合作,倡导建设人类卫生健康共同体。中国为促进世界和平与发展作出了重要贡献。
3月1日,中国驻美大使馆发布通知,提醒在美中国公民警惕针对亚裔的暴力。大使馆此举主要是针对近期美国各地亚裔遇袭案激增、仇恨犯罪愈演愈烈的现状。 亚裔频遭袭 Frequent attacks on Asians The number of discrimination and hate crimes against Asians in the US has continued to rise since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. 自新冠疫情在美国暴发以来,美国针对亚裔群体的歧视行为和仇恨犯罪案件数量持续上升。 According to a report released on Feb 9 by the US non-profit organization Stop Hating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, between mid-March 2020 and the end of the year, the organization received 2,808 first-hand reports of "Asian hate" incidents, including in the capital, Washington DC, and as many as 47 states. There have already been a number of attacks on Asians in 2021. 据美国非营利组织“停止仇恨美国亚裔与太平洋岛居民”2月9日发布的报告,2020年3月中旬至年底,该组织收到有关“仇亚”事件的一手报告共2808起,事发地包括首都华盛顿和多达47个州。2021年就已发生多起亚裔遭袭事件。 On Jan 31, a 91-year-old man was violently pushed and fell to the ground mid-stride in the Chinatown area. The perpetrator also injured two other unsuspecting pedestrians. 1月31日,一名91岁老人在唐人街地区被暴力推搡,重重摔倒在地。肇事者同时还伤及了另外两名毫无戒备心的行人。 On Feb 3, an Asian man was seriously injured in an unprovoked knife attack while taking the subway in Brooklyn. There were many onlookers present, but none helped. 2月3日,纽约一名亚裔男子在布鲁克林搭乘地铁被无故持刀攻击,伤势严重,在场有很多围观者,却无一帮忙。 On Feb 7, an Asian man was attacked for no apparent reason while waiting for a bus and his attacker cut off his finger. 2月7日,一名亚裔在等公交车时被无故袭击,袭击者将其手指砍断。 On Feb 10, hydrochloric acid was poured on a group of Asian students and the victims' palms were burned. 2月10日,一群亚裔留学生被泼洒盐酸,受害者的手掌被灼伤。 On the night of Feb 26, a 36-year-old Asian man was stabbed with a sharp object in New York City's Chinatown and remains in critical condition. 2月26日晚,纽约中国城,一名36岁亚裔男子遭恶徒利器刺伤,至今伤势危重。 On Feb 27, Chinese American basketball star Jeremy Lin tweeted a long message saying that even after nine years of playing in the NBA, he was still inevitably called "coronavirus" on the court. 2月27日,美国华裔篮球明星林书豪在推特上发布长文,表示就算已经打了9年NBA比赛,还是免不了在球场上被人辱骂是“新冠病毒”。 The New York Times noted that a new wave of racism could set the US back to the era of the 'yellow plague', where Asian immigrants were seen as a threat to Western jobs and Western civilization. Asians are facing the twin threats of pandemic and racial discrimination. 《纽约时报》指出,新一轮的种族主义浪潮可能使美国倒退到‘黄祸’时代,他们认为亚洲移民是对西方人工作机会和西方文明的威胁。亚裔正面临新冠疫情和种族歧视的双重威胁。 亚裔走上街头、集中发声 Reticence cannot be the final solution For a long time, many Asians have followed a culture of stoicism, unwilling to report to the police and bring more trouble. But growing tensions show that silence cannot be the answer. 长期以来,很多亚裔都遵循着隐忍文化,不愿报告警察,带来更多麻烦。但愈演愈烈的事态表明,沉默不能成为解决方案。 On Feb 27 local time, events against racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asians were held in many parts of the US, from New York in the east to San Francisco in California on the west coast. People took to the streets to express their condemnation and opposition to Asian hate incidents. 当地时间2月27日,从东部纽约到西岸加州旧金山,美国多地举办活动反对针对亚裔的种族歧视和仇恨犯罪。人们走上街头对亚裔仇恨事件表达谴责与反对。 纽约市长: 需要构架更富有同情心的城市 Bill de Blasio: We need a more compassionate city In the face of repeated hate crimes, local governments and organizations have finally spoken out and taken action to speak out against violent attacks against Asians. 面对屡屡上演的仇恨犯罪事件,美国政府和社会组织终于发声并采取行动,反对针对亚裔的暴力袭击。 On Feb 17, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would not tolerate any discrimination against Asians. It needs to be framed as a stronger and more compassionate city. 2月17日,纽约市长白思豪表示,纽约市不容忍任何针对亚裔的歧视,需要构架一个更强大和更富有同情心的城市。 On Feb 19, Asian and Pacific Islanders in the US Congress held a video conference to call on Congress to speed up legislation to impose tougher penalties for hate crimes against Asians. 2月19日,美国国会亚太裔举办视频会议,呼吁国会加快立法,对针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪进行更严厉的惩罚。 On Feb 24, US Congresswoman Bill Mang introduces anti-Asian hate related resolutions, including expanding education on reporting hate crimes and issuing a guide to properly represent COVID-19 outbreak. 2月24日,美国国会众议员孟昭文提出反亚裔仇恨相关决议,包括扩大对举报仇恨犯罪案件的教育和发行正确表述新冠肺炎的指南。 Once Asian Americans were silent, now they are stronger and have stood up. The courage to speak out is what makes change possible. Hopefully, the day when everyone is equal and no longer discriminated against is not far ahead. 曾经亚裔沉默过,如今更强大的亚裔站出来了。敢于发声,勇于发声,才有改变的可能。希望人人平等,不再受歧视的一天快些到来。 编辑:商桢 实习生:徐夏童
Frequent attacks on Asians The number of discrimination and hate crimes against Asians in the US has continued to rise since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. According to a report released on Feb 9 by the US non-profit organization Stop Hating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, between mid-March 2020 and the end of the year, the organization received 2,808 first-hand reports of "Asian hate" incidents, including in the capital, Washington DC, and as many as 47 states. There have already been a number of attacks on Asians in 2021. On Jan 31, a 91-year-old man was violently pushed and fell to the ground mid-stride in the Chinatown area. The perpetrator also injured two other unsuspecting pedestrians. On Feb 3, an Asian man was seriously injured in an unprovoked knife attack while taking the subway in Brooklyn. There were many onlookers present, but none helped. On Feb 7, an Asian man was attacked for no apparent reason while waiting for a bus and his attacker cut off his finger. On Feb 10, hydrochloric acid was poured on a group of Asian students and the victims' palms were burned. On the night of Feb 26, a 36-year-old Asian man was stabbed with a sharp object in New York City's Chinatown and remains in critical condition. On Feb 27, Chinese American basketball star Jeremy Lin tweeted a long message saying that even after nine years of playing in the NBA, he was still inevitably called "coronavirus" on the court. The New York Times noted that a new wave of racism could set the US back to the era of the 'yellow plague', where Asian immigrants were seen as a threat to Western jobs and Western civilization. Asians are facing the twin threats of pandemic and racial discrimination. Reticence cannot be the final solution For a long time, many Asians have followed a culture of stoicism, unwilling to report to the police and bring more trouble. But growing tensions show that silence cannot be the answer. On Feb 27 local time, events against racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asians were held in many parts of the US, from New York in the east to San Francisco in California on the west coast. People took to the streets to express their condemnation and opposition to Asian hate incidents. Bill de Blasio: We need a more compassionate city In the face of repeated hate crimes, local governments and organizations have finally spoken out and taken action to speak out against violent attacks against Asians. On Feb 17, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would not tolerate any discrimination against Asians. It needs to be framed as a stronger and more compassionate city. On Feb 19, Asian and Pacific Islanders in the US Congress held a video conference to call on Congress to speed up legislation to impose tougher penalties for hate crimes against Asians. On Feb 24, US Congresswoman Bill Mang introduces anti-Asian hate related resolutions, including expanding education on reporting hate crimes and issuing a guide to properly represent COVID-19 outbreak. Once Asian Americans were silent, now they are stronger and have stood up. The courage to speak out is what makes change possible. Hopefully, the day when everyone is equal and no longer discriminated against is not far ahead.
3月1日,中国驻美大使馆发布通知,提醒在美中国公民警惕针对亚裔的暴力。大使馆此举主要是针对近期美国各地亚裔遇袭案激增、仇恨犯罪愈演愈烈的现状。 亚裔频遭袭 自新冠疫情在美国暴发以来,美国针对亚裔群体的歧视行为和仇恨犯罪案件数量持续上升。 据美国非营利组织“停止仇恨美国亚裔与太平洋岛居民”2月9日发布的报告,2020年3月中旬至年底,该组织收到有关“仇亚”事件的一手报告共2808起,事发地包括首都华盛顿和多达47个州。2021年就已发生多起亚裔遭袭事件。 1月31日,一名91岁老人在唐人街地区被暴力推搡,重重摔倒在地。肇事者同时还伤及了另外两名毫无戒备心的行人。 2月3日,纽约一名亚裔男子在布鲁克林搭乘地铁被无故持刀攻击,伤势严重,在场有很多围观者,却无一帮忙。 2月7日,一名亚裔在等公交车时被无故袭击,袭击者将其手指砍断。 2月10日,一群亚裔留学生被泼洒盐酸,受害者的手掌被灼伤。 2月26日晚,纽约中国城,一名36岁亚裔男子遭恶徒利器刺伤,至今伤势危重。 2月27日,美国华裔篮球明星林书豪在推特上发布长文,表示就算已经打了9年NBA比赛,还是免不了在球场上被人辱骂是“新冠病毒”。 《纽约时报》指出,新一轮的种族主义浪潮可能使美国倒退到‘黄祸’时代,他们认为亚洲移民是对西方人工作机会和西方文明的威胁。亚裔正面临新冠疫情和种族歧视的双重威胁。 亚裔走上街头、集中发声 长期以来,很多亚裔都遵循着隐忍文化,不愿报告警察,带来更多麻烦。但愈演愈烈的事态表明,沉默不能成为解决方案。 当地时间2月27日,从东部纽约到西岸加州旧金山,美国多地举办活动反对针对亚裔的种族歧视和仇恨犯罪。人们走上街头对亚裔仇恨事件表达谴责与反对。 纽约市长: 需要构架更富有同情心的城市 面对屡屡上演的仇恨犯罪事件,美国政府和社会组织终于发声并采取行动,反对针对亚裔的暴力袭击。 2月17日,纽约市长白思豪表示,纽约市不容忍任何针对亚裔的歧视,需要构架一个更强大和更富有同情心的城市。 2月19日,美国国会亚太裔举办视频会议,呼吁国会加快立法,对针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪进行更严厉的惩罚。 2月24日,美国国会众议员孟昭文提出反亚裔仇恨相关决议,包括扩大对举报仇恨犯罪案件的教育和发行正确表述新冠肺炎的指南。 曾经亚裔沉默过,如今更强大的亚裔站出来了。敢于发声,勇于发声,才有改变的可能。希望人人平等,不再受歧视的一天快些到来。 编辑:商桢 实习生:徐夏童
自从暴发新冠疫情以来,东京奥运会就面临重重困难。先是延期举办,然后陷入了“取消”风波,日前东京奥组委新主席上任后,又有消息称奥组委有可能决定国外观众将不能到场观赛。 Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee President Seiko Hashimoto, Japan's Olympics Minister Tamayo Marukawa, IPC President Andrew Parsons, IOC President Thomas Bach and Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike hold the five-party meeting at the Tokyo 2020 headquarters in Tokyo, Japan March 3, 2021. Du Xiaoyi/Pool via REUTERS The new president of the Tokyo Olympic organising committee has hinted that foreign fans will not be allowed at this summer’s Games amid reports in the Japanese press that a decision had already been made to exclude them. 东京奥运会组委会新主席暗示,今夏奥运会可能不接待外国粉丝。此前日本媒体报道称,奥委会已经决定不让外国观众到场观赛。 "If the situation is tough and it would make the [Japanese] consumers concerned, that is a situation we need to avoid from happening,” the committee president, Seiko Hashimoto, told reporters after online talks with the International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach. 与国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫在线会谈后,奥组委主席桥本圣子告诉记者说:“如果疫情形势严峻,外国人观赛会让日本观众担忧,我们就要避免这一情况发生。” The Japanese newspaper Mainichi stated on Wednesday before the meeting with Bach that officials had already made up their minds ahead of a final announcement on the foreign fans situation expected by the end of the month. 据日本报纸《每日新闻》3月3日报道,在会见巴赫前,日本奥组委官员已经决定在本月末正式宣布不接待外国粉丝。 Citing an anonymous government official, Mainichi reported: “In the current situation it is impossible to bring in foreign spectators.” 《每日新闻》援引一位匿名政府官员的话说:“在目前的形势下,不可能让外国观众到场。” Hashimoto was questioned after the meeting as to how Japan could even consider letting in thousands of overseas fans, given how unpopular the idea is at home, where up to 80% want the Olympics cancelled or postponed again. She confirmed the subject of fans was a key part of the talks with Bach, the International Paralympic committee president, Andrew Parsons, the Tokyo governor, Yuriko Koike, and the Olympic minister, Tamayo Marukawa. 在会议结束后,有人质问桥本圣子说,在多达80%的日本民众希望取消或再度推迟奥运会的情况下,考虑到如此强烈的反对声音,日本怎么还能考虑让成千上万名外国粉丝入场。桥本圣子证实,外国粉丝问题是和巴赫、国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯、东京都知事小池百合子以及奥运担当大臣丸川珠代会谈的一个关键内容。 Bach hinted at hard choices to be made in comments before the meeting was closed to reporters. “We will focus on the essentials,” he said. “That means mainly the competitions. This has to be the clear focus. In this respect we may have to set one or another priority.” 在闭门会谈前的评论中,巴赫暗示将要做出的决定很艰难。他说:“我们将注重最本质的东西,也就是以赛事为主,这必须是明确的重点。这方面我们可能有一些优先考虑。” The games will involve 11,000 Olympic athletes and later 4,400 Paralympians, and tens of thousands of coaches, judges, sponsors, media and VIPs. Bach said he was encouraged at the number of national Olympic committees that were getting athletes vaccinated. The IOC said it encourages vaccinations but will not require them. 本届奥运会将有11000名奥林匹克运动员和4400名残奥运动员参加,并将有数以万计的教练、裁判、赞助者、媒体人员和重要人物出席。巴赫表示,有那么多国家的奥组委让运动员接种疫苗让他感到鼓舞。国际奥委会声称鼓励但不强制运动员接种疫苗。 Bach said his hope was “to have as many participants as possible arriving vaccinated to Tokyo”, adding: “I can inform you that a considerable number of national Olympic committees has already secured this pre-Tokyo vaccination.” 巴赫称,他希望“尽可能多的参与者在抵达东京前接种疫苗”,并补充道:“我可以告诉你,有相当多国家的奥组委已经敲定了在去东京前接种疫苗的事项。” The plan is to isolate athletes in the Olympic Village alongside Tokyo Bay, putting them in a bubble when they arrive and until they leave Japan. 东京奥组委计划让运动员在东京湾沿岸的奥运村隔离,在他们抵达后一直到离开日本前都处于一个气泡般(封闭安全的)环境。 Hashimoto said a decision on venue capacity will be made by the end of April. She said the “zero-fans option” was not discussed. “We need to look at the overall situation before we decide on any percentage rates. We believe we will not be accepted unless the citizens feel confident that sufficient countermeasures are taken.” 桥本圣子说,四月底前将决定场馆的容纳规模。她表示“零观众选项”不在讨论范围内。“我们需要审视全局才能决定(场馆上座的)百分比率。我们认为,除非民众信任我们采取了充分的应对措施,否则不会接受我们。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee President Seiko Hashimoto, Japan's Olympics Minister Tamayo Marukawa, IPC President Andrew Parsons, IOC President Thomas Bach and Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike hold the five-party meeting at the Tokyo 2020 headquarters in Tokyo, Japan March 3, 2021. Du Xiaoyi/Pool via REUTERS The new president of the Tokyo Olympic organising committee has hinted that foreign fans will not be allowed at this summer’s Games amid reports in the Japanese press that a decision had already been made to exclude them. "If the situation is tough and it would make the [Japanese] consumers concerned, that is a situation we need to avoid from happening,” the committee president, Seiko Hashimoto, told reporters after online talks with the International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach. The Japanese newspaper Mainichi stated on Wednesday before the meeting with Bach that officials had already made up their minds ahead of a final announcement on the foreign fans situation expected by the end of the month. Citing an anonymous government official, Mainichi reported: “In the current situation it is impossible to bring in foreign spectators.” Hashimoto was questioned after the meeting as to how Japan could even consider letting in thousands of overseas fans, given how unpopular the idea is at home, where up to 80% want the Olympics cancelled or postponed again. She confirmed the subject of fans was a key part of the talks with Bach, the International Paralympic committee president, Andrew Parsons, the Tokyo governor, Yuriko Koike, and the Olympic minister, Tamayo Marukawa. Bach hinted at hard choices to be made in comments before the meeting was closed to reporters. “We will focus on the essentials,” he said. “That means mainly the competitions. This has to be the clear focus. In this respect we may have to set one or another priority.” The games will involve 11,000 Olympic athletes and later 4,400 Paralympians, and tens of thousands of coaches, judges, sponsors, media and VIPs. Bach said he was encouraged at the number of national Olympic committees that were getting athletes vaccinated. The IOC said it encourages vaccinations but will not require them. Bach said his hope was “to have as many participants as possible arriving vaccinated to Tokyo”, adding: “I can inform you that a considerable number of national Olympic committees has already secured this pre-Tokyo vaccination.” The plan is to isolate athletes in the Olympic Village alongside Tokyo Bay, putting them in a bubble when they arrive and until they leave Japan. Hashimoto said a decision on venue capacity will be made by the end of April. She said the “zero-fans option” was not discussed. “We need to look at the overall situation before we decide on any percentage rates. We believe we will not be accepted unless the citizens feel confident that sufficient countermeasures are taken.”
自从暴发新冠疫情以来,东京奥运会就面临重重困难。先是延期举办,然后陷入了“取消”风波,日前东京奥组委新主席上任后,又有消息称奥组委有可能决定国外观众将不能到场观赛。 东京奥运会组委会新主席暗示,今夏奥运会可能不接待外国粉丝。此前日本媒体报道称,奥委会已经决定不让外国观众到场观赛。 与国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫在线会谈后,奥组委主席桥本圣子告诉记者说:“如果疫情形势严峻,外国人观赛会让日本观众担忧,我们就要避免这一情况发生。” 据日本报纸《每日新闻》3月3日报道,在会见巴赫前,日本奥组委官员已经决定在本月末正式宣布不接待外国粉丝。 《每日新闻》援引一位匿名政府官员的话说:“在目前的形势下,不可能让外国观众到场。” 在会议结束后,有人质问桥本圣子说,在多达80%的日本民众希望取消或再度推迟奥运会的情况下,考虑到如此强烈的反对声音,日本怎么还能考虑让成千上万名外国粉丝入场。桥本圣子证实,外国粉丝问题是和巴赫、国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯、东京都知事小池百合子以及奥运担当大臣丸川珠代会谈的一个关键内容。 在闭门会谈前的评论中,巴赫暗示将要做出的决定很艰难。他说:“我们将注重最本质的东西,也就是以赛事为主,这必须是明确的重点。这方面我们可能有一些优先考虑。” 本届奥运会将有11000名奥林匹克运动员和4400名残奥运动员参加,并将有数以万计的教练、裁判、赞助者、媒体人员和重要人物出席。巴赫表示,有那么多国家的奥组委让运动员接种疫苗让他感到鼓舞。国际奥委会声称鼓励但不强制运动员接种疫苗。 巴赫称,他希望“尽可能多的参与者在抵达东京前接种疫苗”,并补充道:“我可以告诉你,有相当多国家的奥组委已经敲定了在去东京前接种疫苗的事项。” 东京奥组委计划让运动员在东京湾沿岸的奥运村隔离,在他们抵达后一直到离开日本前都处于一个气泡般(封闭安全的)环境。 桥本圣子说,四月底前将决定场馆的容纳规模。她表示“零观众选项”不在讨论范围内。“我们需要审视全局才能决定(场馆上座的)百分比率。我们认为,除非民众信任我们采取了充分的应对措施,否则不会接受我们。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
过去一年,口罩几乎以一己之力改写了美妆产业的局面。受疫情影响,随着口罩成为脸部标配,唇部不再是人们对于面部的关注焦点,这让美妆产业也发生了新变化。 据韩媒报道,2020年下半年韩国眼妆销售额比上半年增长10% 。另一方面,皮肤因长期佩戴口罩变得粗糙敏感,也导致保湿护肤品和面膜人气飙升,缓解皮肤干燥的面膜的销量大增。 化妆品生产和消费大国日本也难逃疫情影响。 2019年日本口红销量达到2600万支。日本内务部2020年3月份调查发现,日本口红的消费量同期减少22.2%。并据化妆品公司反映,口红销售额的下降更为剧烈。 In recent months, face masks have been hard to find in Japanese stores, but there’s one product that is not selling well: lipstick. 最近几个月,日本商店里很难找到口罩,但有一种产品不畅销:口红。 报道称,疫情也会给流行的口红色号带来微妙的变化。 Visitors try out different lipsticks at the L'Oreal booth during the second China International Import Expo in Shanghai last year. [Photo/Xinhua] In Japan, the trend in lipsticks in the latter half of 2019 was for brighter colours and shades, according to market analysis company Euromonitor International. 市场分析公司欧睿国际表示,2019年下半年在日本鲜艳的口红色号更流行。 但到了2020年,人们不再想涂艳色口红。这种转变在十年前就曾出现过。 2011年,“3.11”大地震和福岛核泄漏事件后,日本女性口红色号变得更柔和(muted),亮红色和扎眼的色号(bright reds and showy colors)受到冷落。 在出行令、口罩令的限制下,欧洲的化妆品销售量也不怎么样。媒体报道称,英国大牌美妆产品2020年销量下滑24%,口红是重灾区。 报道称,去年对英国美妆产品来说是最具挑战性的一年。由于人们要戴口罩,口红显得多余,英国唇线产品销量下降了50%。 It’s no surprise that make-up was the most challenged category last year and declined 40%. And sales of lip products fell even more (by 50%) as the need to wear a mask outdoors rendered lipstick redundant. 毫无疑问,化妆品是去年受到最大挑战的一类产品,销量下降了40%。由于在户外需要戴口罩,口红变得多余,口唇产品的销量下降了50%。 That's according to figures from NPD Group, which said that prestige beauty sales declines 24% last year with physical shops seeing their sales falling 44% overall. 根据市场调研公司NPD Group的报告,英国大牌美妆销售额减少24%,其中实体店的销售额缩水44%。 没买口红的英国人买了什么呢?调查结果让研究者意想不到:在疫情期间英国人保持了擦香水和护肤的常规,因此这两类产品卖得较好。 What's interesting is what consumers actually bought and it may seem surprising, given the lack of opportunity for them to go out, that fragrance was a resilient category and one of the best performers. Not that it managed to grow, but with a decline of ‘only’ 17%, the fall was less than seen elsewhere in the prestige beauty market. 有趣的是,在外出减少的情况下,人们实际购买的商品出乎意料:香水异军突起,销量出彩。但这倒并不是说香水销量逆市增长,而是降幅“只有”17%,小于其他美妆品类。 如此说来,外部环境出现异常状况或经济不景气会改变人们的消费习惯。但消费者到底买什么,则常常出乎意料。 甚至有些人还把这些“奇怪”的现象总结归纳,创造出了一些有趣的理论,一起来看: 口红效应 “口红效应(lipstick effect)”是一种经济学理论,即当面对金融危机时,消费者将更愿意购买成本较低的奢侈品,而不是皮毛大衣。 The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive fur coats, women will buy expensive lipstick. 口红效应指的是在经济危机时消费者更愿意购买相对廉价的奢侈品这样一个理论。女性消费者在经济危机时选择购买的不是价格不菲的皮草服装,而是高档口红。 2008年的世界性经济金融危机,给“口红”带来了市场。美国媒体称,口红、面膜的销量开始上升,而做头发、做按摩等“放松消费”也很有人气,这与其他大宗商品和奢侈品的低迷销量呈现出鲜明的对比。 全球几大化妆品巨头的销售额证实了这一观点,欧莱雅公司2008年上半年销售额逆市增长5.3%。 “口红效应”开始显现,而“口红效应”这一20世纪30年代提出的理论也在海外媒体上不断亮相。 The underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets. 口红效应揭示的是这样一种思维:就算在经济不景气的情况下,人们仍然有购买奢侈品的愿望。当人们意识到经济在下滑的时候,他们会购买一些对其现有资金影响不大的商品。男性消费者当然不会去买口红了,不过他们可能会买高档啤酒或一些小巧又不太贵的小玩意。 但人们没想到的是在当下疫情和经济的双重压力下,“口红”消费也被抑制住了。 Photo by Snack Toronto from Pexels 高跟鞋效应 IBM的特雷夫·戴维斯(Trevor Davis)博士指出,“经济越不景气,高跟鞋的鞋跟就会越高。” 持这种观点的经济学家不在少数。他们认为,在经济繁荣富裕之际,女人反倒爱穿平底鞋,而在经济萧条时期,高跟鞋会越来越高。 “Usually, in an economic downturn, heels go up and stay up — as consumers turn to a more flamboyant fashion as a means of fantasy and escape,” Trevor Davis, a consumer product expert with IBM’s Global Services Unit said in a press release announcing the results of the study. IBM全球服务部的消费品专家特雷弗·戴维斯在宣布这项研究结果的发布会上说:“通常,在经济低迷时期,高跟鞋会变高,而且会保持下去——因为消费者会转向更花哨的时尚风格,以此陷入幻想和逃避现实。” 《赫芬顿邮报》指出,在2009年经济危机最严重的时候,根据博客和社交媒体网站上的文章,女性高跟鞋的平均高度达到了7英寸。到了2011年,一路下降到2英寸。 而平底鞋和小高跟鞋的流行,就可能是经济开始复苏的迹象。 裙摆指数 “裙摆指数”是由经济学家乔治·泰勒(George Taylor)在1926年推出的一种理论。这种理论认为女性裙摆长度变化能够预测宏观经济的走向。裙子越短,经济形势越好。 The Hemline Index is an idea that suggests women's hemlines fluctuate and can even indicate macroeconomic performance. The higher the hemline, the better the economy looks. “裙摆指数”是说女性裙子的长度也能反应经济形势。裙子越短,经济形势越好。 In good economies, we get such results as miniskirts (as seen in the 1960s), or in poor economic times, as shown by the 1929 Wall Street Crash, hems can drop to the ankle almost overnight. 经济状况好的时候,满大街都是超短裙(比如上世纪60年代);而经济不景气的时候,比如1929年的华尔街大衰退,裙摆可以在一夜之间长及脚踝。 很多设计师都反驳这一观点,认为经济对他们展示的时装风格没有太多影响。但同时他们也承认,在莱曼兄弟破产的消息传出后,设计师们几乎不约而同地开始使用黑色和中性的色调。 领带指数 领带销售多寡与经济盛衰成反比,销售高意味经济不振,表明更多男性要身着正装去求职,需要领带的“配合”。 The Great Depression gave us the hemline index; the recession of the early 1990s produced the lipstick index; and now today’s crisis has spawned its very own fashion barometer: the tie index. 经济大萧条带来了裙摆指数;90年代初的经济衰退产生了“口红指数”;而如今的危机催生了又一个新的时尚晴雨表:领带指数。 《金融时报》称,在英国,领带销量开始上升,标志着互联网时代诞生的“休闲星期五”风潮(“casual Friday” ethos)的彻底终结。“领带效应”说明,人们为保持就业形象进行投资是值得的。 啤酒指数 市场上有啤酒销量萎缩经济必然低迷的看法。当失业率上升,企业随时裁员,作为一家之主的男性没心情与同伴吹水轰饮,大多买酒回家消愁,但在家中不能痛快狂饮更不能烂醉,于是啤酒销量大幅降低。 The frothy stuff might not be considered by most to be a luxury good, but when it comes to the basics at the grocery store, it seems to almost fall into the 'can live without' category. It turns out that recessions don't necessarily lead to a drop in demand; they lead to a different type of demand. Consumers switch from more expensive beer to the less expensive varieties, just like consumers switch from name-brand goods to the store-brand version. The consumption is there, but it's of the cheaper alternative. 大多数人可能不认为啤酒是奢侈品,但当谈到杂货店的基本用品时,它似乎几乎属于“没有它也能活”的商品。但事实证明,经济衰退不一定意味着需求的必然下降;它们也会刺激不同类型的需求。消费者从更贵的啤酒转向更便宜的种类,就像消费者从名牌商品转向商店品牌版本一样。消费是存在的,但这是一个更便宜的选择。 票房指数 “票房指数(The box office indicator)”是指,严峻的经济环境反而能够有效促进票房走高。 研究者认为,在经济不乐观时期,那种既能够满足消费者心理慰藉需求,价格又低到能消费得起的产品,往往能获得更好的市场待遇,影院能够让人沉浸其中而获得短暂的心理慰藉。 The Great Depression, the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the recessions of the early 1980s and 2001 all did wonders for Hollywood coffers. Turns out, in trying times we like things to be cheap and we like to be transported from the headlines - movies do both, say box-office analysts. 大萧条、“9·11”恐怖袭击以及20世纪80年代初和2001年的经济衰退都为好莱坞创造了票房奇迹。分析人士称,事实证明,在困难时期,人们喜欢便宜的东西,也喜欢从头条新闻中解脱——电影兼备这两种特质。 "People need an escape from their daily troubles in times of economic woe," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Media By Numbers. Movies, of course, also have to be good and aggressively hyped. “在经济不景气的时候,人们需要从日常烦恼中脱离,”票房追踪数媒公司总裁保罗·德加拉贝迪安说。保罗补充说,当然,电影也必须是好的,而且要大肆炒作。 “意料之外,情理之中”,这些经济理论有趣在于它们和人们的生活息息相关。你还知道哪些经济学理论?分享出来吧~ 编辑:陈月华 来源:南华早报 FASHION 赫芬顿邮报等
In recent months, face masks have been hard to find in Japanese stores, but there’s one product that is not selling well: lipstick. Visitors try out different lipsticks at the L'Oreal booth during the second China International Import Expo in Shanghai last year. [Photo/Xinhua] In Japan, the trend in lipsticks in the latter half of 2019 was for brighter colours and shades, according to market analysis company Euromonitor International. It’s no surprise that make-up was the most challenged category last year and declined 40%. And sales of lip products fell even more (by 50%) as the need to wear a mask outdoors rendered lipstick redundant. That's according to figures from NPD Group, which said that prestige beauty sales declines 24% last year with physical shops seeing their sales falling 44% overall. What's interesting is what consumers actually bought and it may seem surprising, given the lack of opportunity for them to go out, that fragrance was a resilient category and one of the best performers. Not that it managed to grow, but with a decline of ‘only’ 17%, the fall was less than seen elsewhere in the prestige beauty market. The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive fur coats, women will buy expensive lipstick. The underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis. When consumer trust in the economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less impact on their available funds. Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets. Photo by Snack Toronto from Pexels “Usually, in an economic downturn, heels go up and stay up — as consumers turn to a more flamboyant fashion as a means of fantasy and escape,” Trevor Davis, a consumer product expert with IBM’s Global Services Unit said in a press release announcing the results of the study. The Hemline Index is an idea that suggests women's hemlines fluctuate and can even indicate macroeconomic performance. The higher the hemline, the better the economy looks. In good economies, we get such results as miniskirts (as seen in the 1960s), or in poor economic times, as shown by the 1929 Wall Street Crash, hems can drop to the ankle almost overnight. The Great Depression gave us the hemline index; the recession of the early 1990s produced the lipstick index; and now today’s crisis has spawned its very own fashion barometer: the tie index. The frothy stuff might not be considered by most to be a luxury good, but when it comes to the basics at the grocery store, it seems to almost fall into the 'can live without' category. It turns out that recessions don't necessarily lead to a drop in demand; they lead to a different type of demand. Consumers switch from more expensive beer to the less expensive varieties, just like consumers switch from name-brand goods to the store-brand version. The consumption is there, but it's of the cheaper alternative. The Great Depression, the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the recessions of the early 1980s and 2001 all did wonders for Hollywood coffers. Turns out, in trying times we like things to be cheap and we like to be transported from the headlines - movies do both, say box-office analysts. "People need an escape from their daily troubles in times of economic woe," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Media By Numbers. Movies, of course, also have to be good and aggressively hyped.
过去一年,口罩几乎以一己之力改写了美妆产业的局面。受疫情影响,随着口罩成为脸部标配,唇部不再是人们对于面部的关注焦点,这让美妆产业也发生了新变化。 据韩媒报道,2020年下半年韩国眼妆销售额比上半年增长10% 。另一方面,皮肤因长期佩戴口罩变得粗糙敏感,也导致保湿护肤品和面膜人气飙升,缓解皮肤干燥的面膜的销量大增。 化妆品生产和消费大国日本也难逃疫情影响。 2019年日本口红销量达到2600万支。日本内务部2020年3月份调查发现,日本口红的消费量同期减少22.2%。并据化妆品公司反映,口红销售额的下降更为剧烈。 最近几个月,日本商店里很难找到口罩,但有一种产品不畅销:口红。 报道称,疫情也会给流行的口红色号带来微妙的变化。 市场分析公司欧睿国际表示,2019年下半年在日本鲜艳的口红色号更流行。 但到了2020年,人们不再想涂艳色口红。这种转变在十年前就曾出现过。 2011年,“3.11”大地震和福岛核泄漏事件后,日本女性口红色号变得更柔和(muted),亮红色和扎眼的色号(bright reds and showy colors)受到冷落。 在出行令、口罩令的限制下,欧洲的化妆品销售量也不怎么样。媒体报道称,英国大牌美妆产品2020年销量下滑24%,口红是重灾区。 报道称,去年对英国美妆产品来说是最具挑战性的一年。由于人们要戴口罩,口红显得多余,英国唇线产品销量下降了50%。 毫无疑问,化妆品是去年受到最大挑战的一类产品,销量下降了40%。由于在户外需要戴口罩,口红变得多余,口唇产品的销量下降了50%。 根据市场调研公司NPD Group的报告,英国大牌美妆销售额减少24%,其中实体店的销售额缩水44%。 没买口红的英国人买了什么呢?调查结果让研究者意想不到:在疫情期间英国人保持了擦香水和护肤的常规,因此这两类产品卖得较好。 有趣的是,在外出减少的情况下,人们实际购买的商品出乎意料:香水异军突起,销量出彩。但这倒并不是说香水销量逆市增长,而是降幅“只有”17%,小于其他美妆品类。 如此说来,外部环境出现异常状况或经济不景气会改变人们的消费习惯。但消费者到底买什么,则常常出乎意料。 甚至有些人还把这些“奇怪”的现象总结归纳,创造出了一些有趣的理论,一起来看: 口红效应 “口红效应(lipstick effect)”是一种经济学理论,即当面对金融危机时,消费者将更愿意购买成本较低的奢侈品,而不是皮毛大衣。 口红效应指的是在经济危机时消费者更愿意购买相对廉价的奢侈品这样一个理论。女性消费者在经济危机时选择购买的不是价格不菲的皮草服装,而是高档口红。 2008年的世界性经济金融危机,给“口红”带来了市场。美国媒体称,口红、面膜的销量开始上升,而做头发、做按摩等“放松消费”也很有人气,这与其他大宗商品和奢侈品的低迷销量呈现出鲜明的对比。 全球几大化妆品巨头的销售额证实了这一观点,欧莱雅公司2008年上半年销售额逆市增长5.3%。 “口红效应”开始显现,而“口红效应”这一20世纪30年代提出的理论也在海外媒体上不断亮相。 口红效应揭示的是这样一种思维:就算在经济不景气的情况下,人们仍然有购买奢侈品的愿望。当人们意识到经济在下滑的时候,他们会购买一些对其现有资金影响不大的商品。男性消费者当然不会去买口红了,不过他们可能会买高档啤酒或一些小巧又不太贵的小玩意。 但人们没想到的是在当下疫情和经济的双重压力下,“口红”消费也被抑制住了。 高跟鞋效应 IBM的特雷夫·戴维斯(Trevor Davis)博士指出,“经济越不景气,高跟鞋的鞋跟就会越高。” 持这种观点的经济学家不在少数。他们认为,在经济繁荣富裕之际,女人反倒爱穿平底鞋,而在经济萧条时期,高跟鞋会越来越高。 IBM全球服务部的消费品专家特雷弗·戴维斯在宣布这项研究结果的发布会上说:“通常,在经济低迷时期,高跟鞋会变高,而且会保持下去——因为消费者会转向更花哨的时尚风格,以此陷入幻想和逃避现实。” 《赫芬顿邮报》指出,在2009年经济危机最严重的时候,根据博客和社交媒体网站上的文章,女性高跟鞋的平均高度达到了7英寸。到了2011年,一路下降到2英寸。 而平底鞋和小高跟鞋的流行,就可能是经济开始复苏的迹象。 裙摆指数 “裙摆指数”是由经济学家乔治·泰勒(George Taylor)在1926年推出的一种理论。这种理论认为女性裙摆长度变化能够预测宏观经济的走向。裙子越短,经济形势越好。 “裙摆指数”是说女性裙子的长度也能反应经济形势。裙子越短,经济形势越好。 经济状况好的时候,满大街都是超短裙(比如上世纪60年代);而经济不景气的时候,比如1929年的华尔街大衰退,裙摆可以在一夜之间长及脚踝。 很多设计师都反驳这一观点,认为经济对他们展示的时装风格没有太多影响。但同时他们也承认,在莱曼兄弟破产的消息传出后,设计师们几乎不约而同地开始使用黑色和中性的色调。 领带指数 领带销售多寡与经济盛衰成反比,销售高意味经济不振,表明更多男性要身着正装去求职,需要领带的“配合”。 经济大萧条带来了裙摆指数;90年代初的经济衰退产生了“口红指数”;而如今的危机催生了又一个新的时尚晴雨表:领带指数。 《金融时报》称,在英国,领带销量开始上升,标志着互联网时代诞生的“休闲星期五”风潮(“casual Friday” ethos)的彻底终结。“领带效应”说明,人们为保持就业形象进行投资是值得的。 啤酒指数 市场上有啤酒销量萎缩经济必然低迷的看法。当失业率上升,企业随时裁员,作为一家之主的男性没心情与同伴吹水轰饮,大多买酒回家消愁,但在家中不能痛快狂饮更不能烂醉,于是啤酒销量大幅降低。 大多数人可能不认为啤酒是奢侈品,但当谈到杂货店的基本用品时,它似乎几乎属于“没有它也能活”的商品。但事实证明,经济衰退不一定意味着需求的必然下降;它们也会刺激不同类型的需求。消费者从更贵的啤酒转向更便宜的种类,就像消费者从名牌商品转向商店品牌版本一样。消费是存在的,但这是一个更便宜的选择。 票房指数 “票房指数(The box office indicator)”是指,严峻的经济环境反而能够有效促进票房走高。 研究者认为,在经济不乐观时期,那种既能够满足消费者心理慰藉需求,价格又低到能消费得起的产品,往往能获得更好的市场待遇,影院能够让人沉浸其中而获得短暂的心理慰藉。 大萧条、“9·11”恐怖袭击以及20世纪80年代初和2001年的经济衰退都为好莱坞创造了票房奇迹。分析人士称,事实证明,在困难时期,人们喜欢便宜的东西,也喜欢从头条新闻中解脱——电影兼备这两种特质。 “在经济不景气的时候,人们需要从日常烦恼中脱离,”票房追踪数媒公司总裁保罗·德加拉贝迪安说。保罗补充说,当然,电影也必须是好的,而且要大肆炒作。 “意料之外,情理之中”,这些经济理论有趣在于它们和人们的生活息息相关。你还知道哪些经济学理论?分享出来吧~ 编辑:陈月华 来源:南华早报 FASHION 赫芬顿邮报等
3月3日是国际爱耳日,世界卫生组织新发布的报告显示,到2050年全球将有四分之一的人听力受损。听力健康,是时候该引起重视了。 [Photo/Pexels] Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization's (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released Tuesday. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken. 世界卫生组织3月2日发布的第一份全球听力报告警告称,到2050年全球将有近25亿人(全球四分之一人口)出现某种程度的听力受损,如果不采取行动,至少7亿人将需要接受耳朵及听力护理和其他康复服务。 "Our ability to hear is precious. Untreated hearing loss can have a devastating impact on people’s ability to communicate, to study and to earn a living. It can also impact on people’s mental health and their ability to sustain relationships," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士表示:“我们的听力是宝贵的。听力受损得不到治疗会对人们的交流、学习和谋生能力造成破坏性的影响,还会影响人们的心理健康和维持人际关系的能力。” The report, launched ahead of World Hearing Day on 3 March, underlines the need to rapidly step up efforts to prevent and address hearing loss by investing and expanding access to ear and hearing care services. Investment in ear and hearing care has been shown to be cost-effective: WHO calculates that governments can expect a return of nearly $16 for every $1 invested. 在3月3日国际爱耳日前一天发布的这份报告强调了通过投资和普及耳朵及听力保健服务来进一步防止和应对听力受损问题的急切性和必要性。事实证明,投资耳朵及听力保健服务是很合算的。据世界卫生组织估算,各国政府每投资1美元(约合人民币6元),就能得到近16美元的回报。 Lack of accurate information and stigmatizing attitudes to ear diseases and hearing loss often limit people from accessing care for these conditions. Even among health-care providers, there’s often a shortage of knowledge about prevention, early identification and management of hearing loss and ear diseases, hampering their ability to provide the care required. 缺少相关准确信息以及对耳疾和听力受损的耻辱感往往让人们有病不就医。即使是医疗服务人员也通常缺乏听力受损及耳疾的预防、早期识别和管理方面的知识,从而阻碍他们为患者提供所需服务。 In most countries, ear and hearing care is still not integrated into national health systems and accessing care services is challenging for those with ear diseases and hearing loss. Moreover, access to ear and hearing care is poorly measured and documented, and relevant indicators are lacking in the health information system. 在大多数国家,耳朵及听力护理仍然未被并入国家卫生系统,患者难以获取服务。此外,对耳朵及听力护理的访问情况没有进行良好的测算和记录,卫生信息系统也缺乏相关的指标。 But the most glaring gap in health system capacity is in human resources. Among low-income countries, about 78% have fewer than one ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist per million population; 93% have fewer than one audiologist per million; only 17% have one or more speech therapist per million; and 50% have one or more teacher for the deaf per million. This gap can be closed through integration of ear and hearing care into primary health care through strategies such as task sharing and training, outlined in the report. 但是卫生系统能力的最大缺口是人力资源。在低收入国家,约有78%的国家每100万人口拥有不到一位耳鼻喉医师;93%的国家每100万人口拥有不到一位听觉病矫治医师;只有17%的国家每100万人口拥有一位以上的语言治疗师;50%的国家每100万人口拥有一位以上聋人教师。报告指出,通过任务分担和培训等策略将耳朵及听力护理并入初级卫生保健系统,这一缺口可以被填补。 In children, almost 60% of hearing loss can be prevented through measures such as immunization for prevention of rubella and meningitis, improved maternal and neonatal care, and screening for, and early management of, otitis media - inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. In adults, noise control, safe listening and surveillance of ototoxic medicines together with good ear hygiene can help maintain good hearing and reduce the potential for hearing loss. 在儿童方面,近60%的听力受损可以通过接种风疹和脑膜炎疫苗、改善孕产妇和新生儿护理以及中耳炎的筛查和早期管理来预防。在成年人方面,噪音控制、安全用耳、对耳毒性药物的监督以及良好的用耳卫生有助于保持良好的听力,降低听力受损的风险。 Identification is the first step in addressing hearing loss and related ear diseases. Clinical screening at strategic points in life ensure that any loss of hearing and ear diseases can be identified as early as possible. 识别是应对听力受损和相关耳疾的第一步。在关键年龄段进行临床筛查以确保任何听力受损和耳疾可以尽早被识别出来。 Once diagnosed, early intervention is key. Medical and surgical treatment can cure most ear diseases, potentially reversing the associated hearing loss. However, where hearing loss is irreversible, rehabilitation can ensure that those affected avoid the adverse consequences of hearing loss. 一旦确诊,早期干预是关键。医药和外科手术可以治愈大多数耳疾,并可能逆转相关的听力下降。然而,如果听力丧失不可逆转,康复治疗可以确保患者避免听力丧失带来的不良后果。 Hearing technology, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants, when accompanied by appropriate support services and rehabilitative therapy are effective and cost-effective and can benefit children and adults alike. 助听器和人工电子耳蜗等辅听技术,伴以适当的支持服务和康复理疗,不仅有效而且性价比高,可以同样造福儿童和成人。 英文来源:世卫组织官网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization's (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released Tuesday. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken. "Our ability to hear is precious. Untreated hearing loss can have a devastating impact on people’s ability to communicate, to study and to earn a living. It can also impact on people’s mental health and their ability to sustain relationships," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. The report, launched ahead of World Hearing Day on 3 March, underlines the need to rapidly step up efforts to prevent and address hearing loss by investing and expanding access to ear and hearing care services. Investment in ear and hearing care has been shown to be cost-effective: WHO calculates that governments can expect a return of nearly $16 for every $1 invested. Lack of accurate information and stigmatizing attitudes to ear diseases and hearing loss often limit people from accessing care for these conditions. Even among health-care providers, there’s often a shortage of knowledge about prevention, early identification and management of hearing loss and ear diseases, hampering their ability to provide the care required. In most countries, ear and hearing care is still not integrated into national health systems and accessing care services is challenging for those with ear diseases and hearing loss. Moreover, access to ear and hearing care is poorly measured and documented, and relevant indicators are lacking in the health information system. But the most glaring gap in health system capacity is in human resources. Among low-income countries, about 78% have fewer than one ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist per million population; 93% have fewer than one audiologist per million; only 17% have one or more speech therapist per million; and 50% have one or more teacher for the deaf per million. This gap can be closed through integration of ear and hearing care into primary health care through strategies such as task sharing and training, outlined in the report. In children, almost 60% of hearing loss can be prevented through measures such as immunization for prevention of rubella and meningitis, improved maternal and neonatal care, and screening for, and early management of, otitis media - inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. In adults, noise control, safe listening and surveillance of ototoxic medicines together with good ear hygiene can help maintain good hearing and reduce the potential for hearing loss. Identification is the first step in addressing hearing loss and related ear diseases. Clinical screening at strategic points in life ensure that any loss of hearing and ear diseases can be identified as early as possible. Once diagnosed, early intervention is key. Medical and surgical treatment can cure most ear diseases, potentially reversing the associated hearing loss. However, where hearing loss is irreversible, rehabilitation can ensure that those affected avoid the adverse consequences of hearing loss. Hearing technology, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants, when accompanied by appropriate support services and rehabilitative therapy are effective and cost-effective and can benefit children and adults alike.
3月3日是国际爱耳日,世界卫生组织新发布的报告显示,到2050年全球将有四分之一的人听力受损。听力健康,是时候该引起重视了。 世界卫生组织3月2日发布的第一份全球听力报告警告称,到2050年全球将有近25亿人(全球四分之一人口)出现某种程度的听力受损,如果不采取行动,至少7亿人将需要接受耳朵及听力护理和其他康复服务。 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士表示:“我们的听力是宝贵的。听力受损得不到治疗会对人们的交流、学习和谋生能力造成破坏性的影响,还会影响人们的心理健康和维持人际关系的能力。” 在3月3日国际爱耳日前一天发布的这份报告强调了通过投资和普及耳朵及听力保健服务来进一步防止和应对听力受损问题的急切性和必要性。事实证明,投资耳朵及听力保健服务是很合算的。据世界卫生组织估算,各国政府每投资1美元(约合人民币6元),就能得到近16美元的回报。 缺少相关准确信息以及对耳疾和听力受损的耻辱感往往让人们有病不就医。即使是医疗服务人员也通常缺乏听力受损及耳疾的预防、早期识别和管理方面的知识,从而阻碍他们为患者提供所需服务。 在大多数国家,耳朵及听力护理仍然未被并入国家卫生系统,患者难以获取服务。此外,对耳朵及听力护理的访问情况没有进行良好的测算和记录,卫生信息系统也缺乏相关的指标。 但是卫生系统能力的最大缺口是人力资源。在低收入国家,约有78%的国家每100万人口拥有不到一位耳鼻喉医师;93%的国家每100万人口拥有不到一位听觉病矫治医师;只有17%的国家每100万人口拥有一位以上的语言治疗师;50%的国家每100万人口拥有一位以上聋人教师。报告指出,通过任务分担和培训等策略将耳朵及听力护理并入初级卫生保健系统,这一缺口可以被填补。 在儿童方面,近60%的听力受损可以通过接种风疹和脑膜炎疫苗、改善孕产妇和新生儿护理以及中耳炎的筛查和早期管理来预防。在成年人方面,噪音控制、安全用耳、对耳毒性药物的监督以及良好的用耳卫生有助于保持良好的听力,降低听力受损的风险。 识别是应对听力受损和相关耳疾的第一步。在关键年龄段进行临床筛查以确保任何听力受损和耳疾可以尽早被识别出来。 一旦确诊,早期干预是关键。医药和外科手术可以治愈大多数耳疾,并可能逆转相关的听力下降。然而,如果听力丧失不可逆转,康复治疗可以确保患者避免听力丧失带来的不良后果。 助听器和人工电子耳蜗等辅听技术,伴以适当的支持服务和康复理疗,不仅有效而且性价比高,可以同样造福儿童和成人。 英文来源:世卫组织官网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
“日本、密室、本格…… 这么丰富的元素,小说也写不出来。” 相信看了《唐人街探案3》的朋友一定依稀记得这句台词。影片中令野田昊直呼“太难了”的案件,激起了刘昊然所饰演的秦风的探案欲。尽管票房成绩亮眼,但《唐探3》被有些网友嘲笑推理太弱了。 真正的推理经典之作什么样?一起来认识那些欧美侦探推理文学史上的推理大家! 柯南·道尔 说到侦探推理,许多人一下子想到的可能就是柯南·道尔(Conan Doyle)笔下的名侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)。如今,福尔摩斯的魅力越过时空的界限,风靡全世界。而这部小说自身的魅力和改编的相关影视作品也早已深入人心。 2002年,也就是柯南·道尔授爵100周年,英国皇家化学学会破天荒地授予福尔摩斯这个虚拟人物“特别荣誉会员”的称号。 The Royal Society of Chemistry bestowed an Extraordinary Honorary Fellowship upon Sherlock Holmes, the first detective to exploit chemical science as a means of detection. 英国皇家化学学会授予夏洛克·福尔摩斯“特别荣誉会员”,他是第一个利用化学科学作为探测手段的侦探。 不过,让柯南·道尔授爵的并不是他的福尔摩斯作品。相反,他在竭力摆脱福尔摩斯的影子。 Despite the success of his most famous character, throughout his adult life Conan Doyle sought to escape the Sherlock Holmes phenomenon and concentrate on writing about his other interests...he was knighted for his non-fiction work on the Boer War. 尽管笔下最著名的角色获得了成功,但柯南·道尔在整个成年生涯中都力图摆脱夏洛克·福尔摩斯的光环,并专注于撰写其他感兴趣的内容……他因所撰写的与布尔战争有关的纪实文学而被封为爵士。 根据柯南·道尔的传记,他其实并不满足于写侦探小说,于是下决心让福尔摩斯与劲敌莫里亚蒂(Moriarty)一起坠下莱辛巴赫瀑布(Reichenbach Waterfall),以便他能专心写其他小说。 可惜当时的读者们并不买账。按照今天的说法,应该是“恨不得给作者寄刀片”。最后,迫于读者和生计的压力,福尔摩斯又重新复活回归。 贝克街地铁站出口的福尔摩斯雕像 When you have eliminated the impossibles, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. 排除一切不可能,剩下的,无论多么难以置信,一定是真相。 ——Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 柯南·道尔对后世推理作品的影响是很深的,被誉为“推理小说之父”。 举个最简单直接、为人熟知的例子——青山刚昌的《名侦探柯南》中的主人公江户川柯南,其江户川化自日本“侦探推理小说之父”江户川乱步,而柯南当然是柯南·道尔了。 尽管柯南·道尔对于侦探小说的影响颇巨,但说到侦探小说的开山鼻祖,那必须得是埃德加·爱伦·坡。 埃德加·爱伦·坡 埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)是美国著名诗人、评论家、作家。其笔下的奥古斯特·迪潘(Auguste Dupin)虽未冠以侦探之名,但确实是侦探文学史上第一位“业余”侦探,也是后世许多侦探的原型(prototype)。 这位名叫迪潘的主人公首次出场是在《莫格街凶杀案》( The Murders in the Rue Morgue ),这部作品也是历史上第一部推理小说(the first detective fiction story)。就连柯南·道尔也曾说爱伦·坡的推理小说是现代推理小说的滥觞。爱伦·坡用五本推理小说,开创了五种推理小说模式: 莫格街谋杀案 —— 密室杀人模式 玛丽·罗杰神秘案件 —— 安乐椅探案模式 金甲虫 —— 破译密码模式 你就是杀人凶手 —— 不可能真凶模式 被盗窃的信 —— 心理盲区模式 《莫格街谋杀案》海报 Many tropes that would later become commonplace in detective fiction first appeared in Poe's stories: the eccentric but brilliant detective, the bumbling constabulary, the first-person narration by a close personal friend. 后世推理小说中许多司空见惯的设定都能在爱伦·坡的作品中看到最初的影子:古怪却又天才的侦探,笨手笨脚的警察,侦探密友的第一人称叙述视角。 可以说,爱伦·坡种下了推理小说的种子,而后世的推理大家们轮番登场,利用自己的智慧将这颗种子培育成了今天我们看到的参天大树。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 上世纪20年代,侦探小说进入黄金时代(the Golden Age of Detective Fiction)。 而被国内读者常亲切地称为“阿婆”的阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie),不仅是“黄金时代三巨头”之一,还被誉为“犯罪小说女王(the Queen of Crime)”。 阿婆一生可谓著作等身,按照新星出版社的阿加莎·克里斯蒂中文全集来算,共84本:39本波洛(Hercule Poirot)系列,14本马普尔小姐(Jane Marple)系列,5本汤米和塔彭丝夫妇(Tommy&Tuppence)系列,25本非系列作品和一本自传(autobiography)。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品中的主人公赫尔克里·波洛 Order and method, and 'the little grey cells'. 顺序、方法加小灰细胞(指动脑子)。 ——Agatha Christie 她是推理界真正的畅销女王,也是人类史上最畅销的作家,其作品销量仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚。由于其在文学上的卓越成就,1971年阿婆被授予女爵士(Dame)称号。 Outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare, Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time. 阿加莎·克里斯蒂是人类史上最畅销的作家,其销量仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚。 除了书畅销以外,根据阿婆作品改编的舞台剧、电影都成绩斐然。《捕鼠器》是全世界上演时间最长的剧作(the world’s longest-running play),自1952年在伦敦西区(West End)上演以来长盛不衰,直到去年3月才因新冠疫情停演。 改编电影《控方证人(1957)》( Witness for the Prosecution )更是在豆瓣电影Top250的榜单上高居第25位。 阿婆对后世的影响极为深远,后世的许多作品中都能看到阿婆的影子。 比如东野圭吾伽利略系列新作《沉默的巡游》中就能看到《东方快车谋杀案》的影子,绫辻行人的《十角馆》亦有致敬阿婆……常有读者看完阿婆的作品忍不住感叹:阿婆,永远的神! 在豆瓣上的阿加莎·克里斯蒂代表作排行榜中,前十名作品分别是: 《无人生还》海报 无人生还 And Then There Were None 东方快车谋杀案 Murder on the Orient Express 尼罗河上的惨案 Death on the Nile 罗杰疑案 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd ABC谋杀案 The ABC Murders 阳光下的罪恶 Evil Under The Sun 斯泰尔斯庄园奇案 The Mysterious Affair at Styles 啤酒谋杀案 / 五只小猪 Five Little Pigs 帷幕 Curtain 捕鼠器 The Mousetrap 一篇文章自然说不尽推理侦探小说这棵大树,遑论这棵大树还有那么多枝干——本格派、变格派、社会派、硬汉派、法庭派…… 侦探推理类的小说,你爱看吗? 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:金振坤 李金昳 参考来源:英国皇家化学学会 卫报 阿加莎·克里斯蒂官网 维基百科等
The Royal Society of Chemistry bestowed an Extraordinary Honorary Fellowship upon Sherlock Holmes, the first detective to exploit chemical science as a means of detection. Despite the success of his most famous character, throughout his adult life Conan Doyle sought to escape the Sherlock Holmes phenomenon and concentrate on writing about his other interests...he was knighted for his non-fiction work on the Boer War. When you have eliminated the impossibles, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. ——Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Murders in the Rue Morgue Many tropes that would later become commonplace in detective fiction first appeared in Poe's stories: the eccentric but brilliant detective, the bumbling constabulary, the first-person narration by a close personal friend. Order and method, and 'the little grey cells'. ——Agatha Christie Outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare, Agatha Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time. Witness for the Prosecution
“日本、密室、本格…… 这么丰富的元素,小说也写不出来。” 相信看了《唐人街探案3》的朋友一定依稀记得这句台词。影片中令野田昊直呼“太难了”的案件,激起了刘昊然所饰演的秦风的探案欲。尽管票房成绩亮眼,但《唐探3》被有些网友嘲笑推理太弱了。 真正的推理经典之作什么样?一起来认识那些欧美侦探推理文学史上的推理大家! 柯南·道尔 说到侦探推理,许多人一下子想到的可能就是柯南·道尔(Conan Doyle)笔下的名侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)。如今,福尔摩斯的魅力越过时空的界限,风靡全世界。而这部小说自身的魅力和改编的相关影视作品也早已深入人心。 2002年,也就是柯南·道尔授爵100周年,英国皇家化学学会破天荒地授予福尔摩斯这个虚拟人物“特别荣誉会员”的称号。 英国皇家化学学会授予夏洛克·福尔摩斯“特别荣誉会员”,他是第一个利用化学科学作为探测手段的侦探。 不过,让柯南·道尔授爵的并不是他的福尔摩斯作品。相反,他在竭力摆脱福尔摩斯的影子。 尽管笔下最著名的角色获得了成功,但柯南·道尔在整个成年生涯中都力图摆脱夏洛克·福尔摩斯的光环,并专注于撰写其他感兴趣的内容……他因所撰写的与布尔战争有关的纪实文学而被封为爵士。 根据柯南·道尔的传记,他其实并不满足于写侦探小说,于是下决心让福尔摩斯与劲敌莫里亚蒂(Moriarty)一起坠下莱辛巴赫瀑布(Reichenbach Waterfall),以便他能专心写其他小说。 可惜当时的读者们并不买账。按照今天的说法,应该是“恨不得给作者寄刀片”。最后,迫于读者和生计的压力,福尔摩斯又重新复活回归。 贝克街地铁站出口的福尔摩斯雕像 排除一切不可能,剩下的,无论多么难以置信,一定是真相。 柯南·道尔对后世推理作品的影响是很深的,被誉为“推理小说之父”。 举个最简单直接、为人熟知的例子——青山刚昌的《名侦探柯南》中的主人公江户川柯南,其江户川化自日本“侦探推理小说之父”江户川乱步,而柯南当然是柯南·道尔了。 尽管柯南·道尔对于侦探小说的影响颇巨,但说到侦探小说的开山鼻祖,那必须得是埃德加·爱伦·坡。 埃德加·爱伦·坡 埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)是美国著名诗人、评论家、作家。其笔下的奥古斯特·迪潘(Auguste Dupin)虽未冠以侦探之名,但确实是侦探文学史上第一位“业余”侦探,也是后世许多侦探的原型(prototype)。 这位名叫迪潘的主人公首次出场是在《莫格街凶杀案》( ),这部作品也是历史上第一部推理小说(the first detective fiction story)。就连柯南·道尔也曾说爱伦·坡的推理小说是现代推理小说的滥觞。爱伦·坡用五本推理小说,开创了五种推理小说模式: 莫格街谋杀案 —— 密室杀人模式 玛丽·罗杰神秘案件 —— 安乐椅探案模式 金甲虫 —— 破译密码模式 你就是杀人凶手 —— 不可能真凶模式 被盗窃的信 —— 心理盲区模式 《莫格街谋杀案》海报 后世推理小说中许多司空见惯的设定都能在爱伦·坡的作品中看到最初的影子:古怪却又天才的侦探,笨手笨脚的警察,侦探密友的第一人称叙述视角。 可以说,爱伦·坡种下了推理小说的种子,而后世的推理大家们轮番登场,利用自己的智慧将这颗种子培育成了今天我们看到的参天大树。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 上世纪20年代,侦探小说进入黄金时代(the Golden Age of Detective Fiction)。 而被国内读者常亲切地称为“阿婆”的阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie),不仅是“黄金时代三巨头”之一,还被誉为“犯罪小说女王(the Queen of Crime)”。 阿婆一生可谓著作等身,按照新星出版社的阿加莎·克里斯蒂中文全集来算,共84本:39本波洛(Hercule Poirot)系列,14本马普尔小姐(Jane Marple)系列,5本汤米和塔彭丝夫妇(Tommy&Tuppence)系列,25本非系列作品和一本自传(autobiography)。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品中的主人公赫尔克里·波洛 顺序、方法加小灰细胞(指动脑子)。 她是推理界真正的畅销女王,也是人类史上最畅销的作家,其作品销量仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚。由于其在文学上的卓越成就,1971年阿婆被授予女爵士(Dame)称号。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂是人类史上最畅销的作家,其销量仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚。 除了书畅销以外,根据阿婆作品改编的舞台剧、电影都成绩斐然。《捕鼠器》是全世界上演时间最长的剧作(the world’s longest-running play),自1952年在伦敦西区(West End)上演以来长盛不衰,直到去年3月才因新冠疫情停演。 改编电影《控方证人(1957)》( )更是在豆瓣电影Top250的榜单上高居第25位。 阿婆对后世的影响极为深远,后世的许多作品中都能看到阿婆的影子。 比如东野圭吾伽利略系列新作《沉默的巡游》中就能看到《东方快车谋杀案》的影子,绫辻行人的《十角馆》亦有致敬阿婆……常有读者看完阿婆的作品忍不住感叹:阿婆,永远的神! 在豆瓣上的阿加莎·克里斯蒂代表作排行榜中,前十名作品分别是: 《无人生还》海报 无人生还 And Then There Were None 东方快车谋杀案 Murder on the Orient Express 尼罗河上的惨案 Death on the Nile 罗杰疑案 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd ABC谋杀案 The ABC Murders 阳光下的罪恶 Evil Under The Sun 斯泰尔斯庄园奇案 The Mysterious Affair at Styles 啤酒谋杀案 / 五只小猪 Five Little Pigs 帷幕 Curtain 捕鼠器 The Mousetrap 一篇文章自然说不尽推理侦探小说这棵大树,遑论这棵大树还有那么多枝干——本格派、变格派、社会派、硬汉派、法庭派…… 侦探推理类的小说,你爱看吗? 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:金振坤 李金昳 参考来源:英国皇家化学学会 卫报 阿加莎·克里斯蒂官网 维基百科等
三月份上映的电影不少,哪几部最值得一看?迪士尼奇幻动画片《寻龙传说》、荷兰弟主演的科幻片《混沌行走》、卷福主演的间谍片《信使》、特效强大的怪兽片《哥斯拉大战金刚》,千万不要错过。 (Credit: Disney+) Raya and the Last Dragon 《寻龙传说》 Once upon a time, being a Disney princess meant being the damsel in distress in a European fairy tale. But they're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days, as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial arts than there were in Mulan. Inspired by South-East Asian mythology and culture, the film features Kelly Marie Tran from Star Wars as the voice of Raya, a brave warrior princess from the magical land of Kumandra. Five hundred years after the world's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity, and the country was divided into five warring states, it's up to Raya to find the lone survivor: a fluffy, shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina. Joel Meares, editor of Rotten Tomatoes, calls it "a delight. Vibrant, exciting, funny action-comedy [that] hits hard with the feels." 从前,迪士尼公主往往是欧洲童话里的落难少女;如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。该片的灵感源自东南亚神话和文化,曾出演《星球大战》的凯莉·玛丽·陈为神奇古龙大陆上勇敢的公主战士拉雅配音。很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。 On general release from 5 March in cinemas, and on Disney+ 该片将于3月5日在影院和Disney+平台同步发行。 (Credit: Lionsgate) Chaos Walking 《混沌行走》 March is a good month for Tom Holland fans. As well as starring in Cherry , Holland can be seen in Chaos Walking , a high-concept science-fiction action movie from Doug Liman, director of Edge of Tomorrow and Jumper . The film is set on a wilderness planet where all the women have died, and all the men's thoughts can be seen and heard in auras that shimmer around their heads. Daisy Ridley plays an astronaut who is unfortunate enough to crash-land on this dystopia and has to escape the clutches of a villainous mayor played by Mads Mikkelsen. 对于汤姆·赫兰德的粉丝来说,三月份很美好。除了电影《谢里》之外,你还可以在道格·里曼(曾执导《明日边缘》和《心灵传输者》)导演的高概念科幻动作片《混沌行走》中看到“荷兰弟”。该片的故事背景设定在一个女性全体灭绝的荒原星球上,所有男性的想法都可以在他们头部周围闪烁的光环中看到和听到。黛西·雷德利饰演一名不幸迫降到这个人间地狱的宇航员,她必须逃离麦斯·米科尔森饰演的邪恶市长的魔爪。 dystopia [dɪsˈtoʊpiə]: n. 糟透的社会;地狱般的处境;非理想化的地方 On general release from 5 March 该片将于3月5日全面上映。 (Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Signature Entertainment) The Courier 《信使》 Benedict Cumberbatch has been tipped as a potential James Bond, but in The Courier , he plays one of Bond's less glamorous real-life counterparts. In 1960, just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007, a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet secrets back from Moscow. In the film, his wife (Jessie Buckley) wants him to abandon this increasingly dangerous mission, but Wynne believes that only his espionage can defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Directed by Dominic Cooke, The Courier has a "fascinating" story, says Benjamin Lee at the Guardian , but it is Cumberbatch's performance that sells it. 据传本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是下一任邦德候选人之一,但在《信使》中,他饰演不那么迷人的一个间谍原型。1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。在影片中,他的妻子(杰西·巴克利饰演)想让他放弃这个日益危险的使命,但是韦恩相信只有他的间谍行动才能化解古巴导弹危机。《卫报》的本杰明·李写道,多米尼克·库克导演的《信使》讲述了一个“引人入胜的”故事,但是让电影有看点的是康伯巴奇的表演。 Released on 19 March in the UK, Ireland, the US and Canada 该片将于3月19日在英国、爱尔兰、美国和加拿大上映。 (Credit: HBO) Godzilla vs Kong 《哥斯拉大战金刚》 In the red corner: a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933, and was revived in 2017's Kong: Skull Island . In the blue corner: a radioactive lizard that was first portrayed by a man in a rubber suit in 1954, and has recently stomped its way through a pair of Hollywood creature features, 2014's Godzilla and 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters . Cinema's two most famous behemoths fought each other in a Japanese film in 1962, but the rematch has better effects, a classy cast (Alexander Skarsgård, Rebecca Hall, Millie Bobby Brown), and a director, Adam Wingard, who has the right idea about one crucial point. "I do want there to be a winner," he told EW . "The original film was very fun, but you feel a little let down that the movie doesn't take a definitive stance. People are still debating now who won in that original movie. So, I want people to walk away from this film feeling like, Okay, there is a winner." 在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。在拳台的另一头是一只具有放射性的蜥蜴,最开始在1954年是由一名穿着橡胶服的男人扮演,近年来在两部好莱坞怪兽电影(2014年的《哥斯拉》和2019年的《哥斯拉2:怪兽之王》)中又杀了回来。大荧幕上最著名的这两只巨兽曾在1962年的一部日本电影中交过手,但是新片的特效更强大,而且拥有一流的演员阵容(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德、丽贝卡·豪尔、米莉·波比·布朗),导演亚当·温加德对于影片的关键点也把握得很准确。他告诉《娱乐周刊》说:“我真的想让其中一方胜出。原电影很有趣,但是没有明确立场。人们到现在还在讨论原来那部电影中谁是胜利者。因此我想让人们看完电影后有这种感觉:总算知道谁赢了。” Released on 26 March in the US, and on 31 March in the UK and on HBO Max 该片将于3月26日在美国上映,3月31日在英国上映,并在HBO Max平台上线。 英文来源:BBC文化频道 翻译&编辑:丹妮
(Credit: Disney+) Raya and the Last Dragon Once upon a time, being a Disney princess meant being the damsel in distress in a European fairy tale. But they're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days, as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial arts than there were in Mulan. Inspired by South-East Asian mythology and culture, the film features Kelly Marie Tran from Star Wars as the voice of Raya, a brave warrior princess from the magical land of Kumandra. Five hundred years after the world's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity, and the country was divided into five warring states, it's up to Raya to find the lone survivor: a fluffy, shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina. Joel Meares, editor of Rotten Tomatoes, calls it "a delight. Vibrant, exciting, funny action-comedy [that] hits hard with the feels." On general release from 5 March in cinemas, and on Disney+ (Credit: Lionsgate) Chaos Walking March is a good month for Tom Holland fans. As well as starring in Cherry , Holland can be seen in Chaos Walking , a high-concept science-fiction action movie from Doug Liman, director of Edge of Tomorrow and Jumper . The film is set on a wilderness planet where all the women have died, and all the men's thoughts can be seen and heard in auras that shimmer around their heads. Daisy Ridley plays an astronaut who is unfortunate enough to crash-land on this dystopia and has to escape the clutches of a villainous mayor played by Mads Mikkelsen. On general release from 5 March (Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Signature Entertainment) The Courier Benedict Cumberbatch has been tipped as a potential James Bond, but in The Courier , he plays one of Bond's less glamorous real-life counterparts. In 1960, just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007, a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet secrets back from Moscow. In the film, his wife (Jessie Buckley) wants him to abandon this increasingly dangerous mission, but Wynne believes that only his espionage can defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. Directed by Dominic Cooke, The Courier has a "fascinating" story, says Benjamin Lee at the Guardian , but it is Cumberbatch's performance that sells it. Released on 19 March in the UK, Ireland, the US and Canada (Credit: HBO) Godzilla vs Kong In the red corner: a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933, and was revived in 2017's Kong: Skull Island . In the blue corner: a radioactive lizard that was first portrayed by a man in a rubber suit in 1954, and has recently stomped its way through a pair of Hollywood creature features, 2014's Godzilla and 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters EW . "The original film was very fun, but you feel a little let down that the movie doesn't take a definitive stance. People are still debating now who won in that original movie. So, I want people to walk away from this film feeling like, Okay, there is a winner." Released on 26 March in the US, and on 31 March in the UK and on HBO Max
三月份上映的电影不少,哪几部最值得一看?迪士尼奇幻动画片《寻龙传说》、荷兰弟主演的科幻片《混沌行走》、卷福主演的间谍片《信使》、特效强大的怪兽片《哥斯拉大战金刚》,千万不要错过。 《寻龙传说》 从前,迪士尼公主往往是欧洲童话里的落难少女;如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。该片的灵感源自东南亚神话和文化,曾出演《星球大战》的凯莉·玛丽·陈为神奇古龙大陆上勇敢的公主战士拉雅配音。很久以前,世界上的龙牺牲自己拯救了人类,五百年后,古龙大陆分裂成了五个相互作战的国家,为了拯救世界,拉雅只能出发去寻找幸存的最后一条龙——由奥卡菲娜配音的能变成人形的毛绒绒的水龙。烂番茄主编乔尔·米雷斯评价道,这是“一部令人愉快、充满活力、震撼人心又有趣的动作喜剧片”。 该片将于3月5日在影院和Disney+平台同步发行。 《混沌行走》 对于汤姆·赫兰德的粉丝来说,三月份很美好。除了电影《谢里》之外,你还可以在道格·里曼(曾执导《明日边缘》和《心灵传输者》)导演的高概念科幻动作片《混沌行走》中看到“荷兰弟”。该片的故事背景设定在一个女性全体灭绝的荒原星球上,所有男性的想法都可以在他们头部周围闪烁的光环中看到和听到。黛西·雷德利饰演一名不幸迫降到这个人间地狱的宇航员,她必须逃离麦斯·米科尔森饰演的邪恶市长的魔爪。 dystopia [dɪsˈtoʊpiə]: n. 糟透的社会;地狱般的处境;非理想化的地方 该片将于3月5日全面上映。 《信使》 据传本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是下一任邦德候选人之一,但在《信使》中,他饰演不那么迷人的一个间谍原型。1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。在影片中,他的妻子(杰西·巴克利饰演)想让他放弃这个日益危险的使命,但是韦恩相信只有他的间谍行动才能化解古巴导弹危机。《卫报》的本杰明·李写道,多米尼克·库克导演的《信使》讲述了一个“引人入胜的”故事,但是让电影有看点的是康伯巴奇的表演。 该片将于3月19日在英国、爱尔兰、美国和加拿大上映。 《哥斯拉大战金刚》 . Cinema's two most famous behemoths fought each other in a Japanese film in 1962, but the rematch has better effects, a classy cast (Alexander Skarsgård, Rebecca Hall, Millie Bobby Brown), and a director, Adam Wingard, who has the right idea about one crucial point. "I do want there to be a winner," he told 在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。在拳台的另一头是一只具有放射性的蜥蜴,最开始在1954年是由一名穿着橡胶服的男人扮演,近年来在两部好莱坞怪兽电影(2014年的《哥斯拉》和2019年的《哥斯拉2:怪兽之王》)中又杀了回来。大荧幕上最著名的这两只巨兽曾在1962年的一部日本电影中交过手,但是新片的特效更强大,而且拥有一流的演员阵容(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德、丽贝卡·豪尔、米莉·波比·布朗),导演亚当·温加德对于影片的关键点也把握得很准确。他告诉《娱乐周刊》说:“我真的想让其中一方胜出。原电影很有趣,但是没有明确立场。人们到现在还在讨论原来那部电影中谁是胜利者。因此我想让人们看完电影后有这种感觉:总算知道谁赢了。” 该片将于3月26日在美国上映,3月31日在英国上映,并在HBO Max平台上线。 英文来源:BBC文化频道 翻译&编辑:丹妮
官宣!一直传言纷纷的《Vogue 服饰与美容》新编辑总监人选终于尘埃落定。2月25日,康泰纳仕集团正式宣布 Margaret Zhang (章凝)成为《Vogue 服饰与美容》的全媒体编辑总监。现年27岁的章凝,是 Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。 As a 27-year-old Chinese Australian fashion influencer, Margaret Zhang is the youngest person to land an editor-in-chief role at the magazine and replaces Vogue China founding editor-in-chief Angelica Cheung, who had led the title for 16 years. 27岁的澳大利亚华裔时尚博主章凝成为Vogue中国版新主编,接替任此岗位长达16年的前主编张宇,成为Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。 Margaret Zhang是澳大利亚华裔,时尚圈的斜杠少女。她曾经做过倩碧全球代言人,掌镜拍摄过施华洛世奇广告大片,摄影师/设计师/作家/时尚顾问/制片人/创意总监都是她的标签。 Margaret Zhang is an Australian-born Chinese filmmaker, photographer, consultant and writer. 章凝是澳大利亚出生的华裔电影人、摄影师、时尚顾问和作家。 16岁起,章凝就开启了她的时尚事业,如今,她的社交媒体粉丝已经超过120万。 At the age of 16, she launched a successful fashion blog and has worked as a consultant. For now, she has 1.2 million Instagram followers. In 2016, she was named in Forbes' 30 Under 30 Asia list and shot fashion week in Sydney for the publication she will now lead. 16岁时,章凝就开始运营她的时尚博客,并且成为一名时尚顾问。如今,她在社交媒体上有超过120万的粉丝。2016年,她名列福布斯亚洲30位30岁以下精英榜,2016年,她还为Vogue中国版进行悉尼时装周的拍摄。 她常在社交媒体上分享自己的工作和日常,穿搭风格时尚多变。 也分享过一些具有中国元素的照片,比如“福”字和拔罐什么的…… Anna Wintour, Vogue's global editorial director says: "I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China. Her international experience, exceptional multiplatform digital expertise, and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future." Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。” In announcing her appointment, Vogue described Zhang as "an unmistakable presence on the front row" of fashion shows around the world. 在宣布其任命时,Vogue形容章凝无疑是世界各大秀场前排的座上客。 提起她对新岗位的理解,章凝说自己是这样理解的: Zhang sees her new responsibilities as both outward and inward facing. Outlining her vision for Vogue China, she believes her international experience positions her well to achieve them: "there's a lot of context about China that is lost; often it's looked at as this one monolithic entity, as opposed to a country of individuals and innovations". 章凝认为,她的岗位职责既要专注国内,也要面向世界。提起她对Vogue中国版的展望,她相信她的国际经验能够帮助她完成使命:“关于中国的很多语境是不完整的,中国很多时候被看成是一个整体,而不是作为个体和创新的集合。“ 章凝祖籍浙江台州,成长于澳大利亚悉尼,拥有悉尼大学商业与法律学士双学位。父亲是悉尼大学机械工程教授。她最早接触时尚起源自对芭蕾的热爱。 Zhang was born in Sydney and grew up in the suburb of West Ryde in Australia after her parents moved from Taizhou, in Zhejiang province. She studied commerce and law at the University of Sydney. She scored 99.85 in her HSC and graduated from the University with a degree in commerce/law. 章凝出生在悉尼,在澳大利亚西莱德郊区长大,章凝父母来自浙江台州。她在悉尼大学学习商业和法律。她的HSC成绩为99.85分,大学毕业后获得商业/法学双学位。 Her father was a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Sydney. She came to fashion through her passion for ballet. 她的父亲是悉尼大学机械工程教授。她最早接触时尚起源自对芭蕾的热爱。 2005年,《VOGUE服饰与美容》创刊,由中国内地杂志《服饰与美容》与美国康泰纳仕出版集团《VOGUE》版权合作而来,又被称为中国版的《VOGUE》。 2020年11月20日,从该刊创刊就任职杂志编辑总监的张宇Angelica Cheung在社交平台上发长文宣布离职。 编辑:李雪晴 焦洁 实习生:吴怡 来源:卫报 Vogue 澎湃新闻 环球网等
As a 27-year-old Chinese Australian fashion influencer, Margaret Zhang is the youngest person to land an editor-in-chief role at the magazine and replaces Vogue China founding editor-in-chief Angelica Cheung, who had led the title for 16 years. Margaret Zhang is an Australian-born Chinese filmmaker, photographer, consultant and writer. At the age of 16, she launched a successful fashion blog and has worked as a consultant. For now, she has 1.2 million Instagram followers. In 2016, she was named in Forbes' 30 Under 30 Asia list and shot fashion week in Sydney for the publication she will now lead. Anna Wintour, Vogue's global editorial director says: "I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China. Her international experience, exceptional multiplatform digital expertise, and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future." In announcing her appointment, Vogue described Zhang as "an unmistakable presence on the front row" of fashion shows around the world. Zhang sees her new responsibilities as both outward and inward facing. Outlining her vision for Vogue China, she believes her international experience positions her well to achieve them: "there's a lot of context about China that is lost; often it's looked at as this one monolithic entity, as opposed to a country of individuals and innovations". Zhang was born in Sydney and grew up in the suburb of West Ryde in Australia after her parents moved from Taizhou, in Zhejiang province. She studied commerce and law at the University of Sydney. She scored 99.85 in her HSC and graduated from the University with a degree in commerce/law. Her father was a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Sydney. She came to fashion through her passion for ballet.
官宣!一直传言纷纷的《Vogue 服饰与美容》新编辑总监人选终于尘埃落定。2月25日,康泰纳仕集团正式宣布 Margaret Zhang (章凝)成为《Vogue 服饰与美容》的全媒体编辑总监。现年27岁的章凝,是 Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。 27岁的澳大利亚华裔时尚博主章凝成为Vogue中国版新主编,接替任此岗位长达16年的前主编张宇,成为Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。 Margaret Zhang是澳大利亚华裔,时尚圈的斜杠少女。她曾经做过倩碧全球代言人,掌镜拍摄过施华洛世奇广告大片,摄影师/设计师/作家/时尚顾问/制片人/创意总监都是她的标签。 章凝是澳大利亚出生的华裔电影人、摄影师、时尚顾问和作家。 16岁起,章凝就开启了她的时尚事业,如今,她的社交媒体粉丝已经超过120万。 16岁时,章凝就开始运营她的时尚博客,并且成为一名时尚顾问。如今,她在社交媒体上有超过120万的粉丝。2016年,她名列福布斯亚洲30位30岁以下精英榜,2016年,她还为Vogue中国版进行悉尼时装周的拍摄。 她常在社交媒体上分享自己的工作和日常,穿搭风格时尚多变。 也分享过一些具有中国元素的照片,比如“福”字和拔罐什么的…… Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。” 在宣布其任命时,Vogue形容章凝无疑是世界各大秀场前排的座上客。 提起她对新岗位的理解,章凝说自己是这样理解的: 章凝认为,她的岗位职责既要专注国内,也要面向世界。提起她对Vogue中国版的展望,她相信她的国际经验能够帮助她完成使命:“关于中国的很多语境是不完整的,中国很多时候被看成是一个整体,而不是作为个体和创新的集合。“ 章凝祖籍浙江台州,成长于澳大利亚悉尼,拥有悉尼大学商业与法律学士双学位。父亲是悉尼大学机械工程教授。她最早接触时尚起源自对芭蕾的热爱。 章凝出生在悉尼,在澳大利亚西莱德郊区长大,章凝父母来自浙江台州。她在悉尼大学学习商业和法律。她的HSC成绩为99.85分,大学毕业后获得商业/法学双学位。 她的父亲是悉尼大学机械工程教授。她最早接触时尚起源自对芭蕾的热爱。 2005年,《VOGUE服饰与美容》创刊,由中国内地杂志《服饰与美容》与美国康泰纳仕出版集团《VOGUE》版权合作而来,又被称为中国版的《VOGUE》。 2020年11月20日,从该刊创刊就任职杂志编辑总监的张宇Angelica Cheung在社交平台上发长文宣布离职。 编辑:李雪晴 焦洁 实习生:吴怡 来源:卫报 Vogue 澎湃新闻 环球网等
疫情席卷全球,许多博物馆、画廊和其他文化机构纷纷闭门,保持社交距离。但网友们耐不住寂寞,这不,Bored Panda网站最近就分享了一些酷酷的博物馆展览。或许以前你认为博物馆太严肃、太沉闷,但今天文中提到的这些博物馆并不寻常,我们一起来看看它们如何“出其不意”。 There's a replica of the moon in the Natural History Museum. 自然历史博物馆陈列着月球的复制品。 This museum in Japan showcases various uniquely shaped naturally formed rocks with faces on them. 日本某博物馆内展示了各种形状独特的自然形成的岩石,岩石上好似有人的面孔。 This Musical Instrument Museum has an air guitar on display. 这间乐器博物馆里陈列着一把“空气吉他”。 Whale sculpture at a museum. 这间博物馆里陈列着鲸鱼雕塑。 Sand Museum in Tottori Japan. How does someone create this out of sand? 日本鸟取县的沙子博物馆,究竟是如何用沙子做的呢? A mummified dinosaur in a museum in Canada. 加拿大博物馆里的恐龙木乃伊。 伦敦科学博物馆(The Science Museum in London)内的一张“小提示”。 复杂的碳水化合物:我们为什么在这? 生命的意义是什么?我的目的是什么? 你如何知道我的意识体验和其他人的意识体验是一样的? 皮博迪·艾塞克斯博物馆(Peabody Essex Museum)灯光交映,四面浮华。 位于美国马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的皮博迪·艾塞克斯博物馆是一个关于艺术和文化的博物馆,其历史可以追溯至1799年,是美国最古老的且一直开放的博物馆。 This sign at an outdoor exhibit for a museum. 出现在博物馆的户外展览前的标志: 请不要给野生动物投喂食物。他们会患上依赖症,很快就会需要手机了。 This tiny UFO crash landed on the wall of a technology museum. 坠毁在科技博物馆墙上的小飞碟: 日本京都有一个小博物馆,开放时间很不寻常: 我睡醒的时候,开馆; 我要去睡觉的时候,闭馆; 如果我受够了, 关门大吉。 Caravan of camels in the eye of a needle, Museum of Miniatures, Prague. 布拉格微缩博物馆,针眼中的骆驼商队 These movie tickets from the Ghibli Museum are made from frames from different Ghibli movies. 这些电影票来自吉卜力美术馆,电影票上的画面是由不同的吉卜力电影画面构成的。 吉卜力工作室是一家日本动画工作室,由宫崎骏命名。“吉卜力”的意思是撒哈拉沙漠上的季节热风。 任何东西存在于世,皆有其道理。博物馆为何存在?只身一座建筑,包容古与今,在今时和历史之间搭起一座桥梁,供人类在时空中徜徉。 无论贫穷或富有,无论出身或地位,一张门票就能带人们平等地走进知识与文化的世界,让人即使“处在铁皮屋子之中,也能感受到光明”。 来源:Bored Panda 编辑:商桢 焦洁 实习生:吴怡
There's a replica of the moon in the Natural History Museum. This museum in Japan showcases various uniquely shaped naturally formed rocks with faces on them. This Musical Instrument Museum has an air guitar on display. Whale sculpture at a museum. Sand Museum in Tottori Japan. How does someone create this out of sand? A mummified dinosaur in a museum in Canada. This sign at an outdoor exhibit for a museum. This tiny UFO crash landed on the wall of a technology museum. Caravan of camels in the eye of a needle, Museum of Miniatures, Prague. These movie tickets from the Ghibli Museum are made from frames from different Ghibli movies.
疫情席卷全球,许多博物馆、画廊和其他文化机构纷纷闭门,保持社交距离。但网友们耐不住寂寞,这不,Bored Panda网站最近就分享了一些酷酷的博物馆展览。或许以前你认为博物馆太严肃、太沉闷,但今天文中提到的这些博物馆并不寻常,我们一起来看看它们如何“出其不意”。 自然历史博物馆陈列着月球的复制品。 日本某博物馆内展示了各种形状独特的自然形成的岩石,岩石上好似有人的面孔。 这间乐器博物馆里陈列着一把“空气吉他”。 这间博物馆里陈列着鲸鱼雕塑。 日本鸟取县的沙子博物馆,究竟是如何用沙子做的呢? 加拿大博物馆里的恐龙木乃伊。 伦敦科学博物馆(The Science Museum in London)内的一张“小提示”。 复杂的碳水化合物:我们为什么在这? 生命的意义是什么?我的目的是什么? 你如何知道我的意识体验和其他人的意识体验是一样的? 皮博迪·艾塞克斯博物馆(Peabody Essex Museum)灯光交映,四面浮华。 位于美国马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的皮博迪·艾塞克斯博物馆是一个关于艺术和文化的博物馆,其历史可以追溯至1799年,是美国最古老的且一直开放的博物馆。 出现在博物馆的户外展览前的标志: 请不要给野生动物投喂食物。他们会患上依赖症,很快就会需要手机了。 坠毁在科技博物馆墙上的小飞碟: 日本京都有一个小博物馆,开放时间很不寻常: 我睡醒的时候,开馆; 我要去睡觉的时候,闭馆; 如果我受够了, 关门大吉。 布拉格微缩博物馆,针眼中的骆驼商队 这些电影票来自吉卜力美术馆,电影票上的画面是由不同的吉卜力电影画面构成的。 吉卜力工作室是一家日本动画工作室,由宫崎骏命名。“吉卜力”的意思是撒哈拉沙漠上的季节热风。 任何东西存在于世,皆有其道理。博物馆为何存在?只身一座建筑,包容古与今,在今时和历史之间搭起一座桥梁,供人类在时空中徜徉。 无论贫穷或富有,无论出身或地位,一张门票就能带人们平等地走进知识与文化的世界,让人即使“处在铁皮屋子之中,也能感受到光明”。 来源:Bored Panda 编辑:商桢 焦洁 实习生:吴怡
英语学习可以很枯燥,也可以很有趣,取决于你怎么学。下面5个小贴士可以让你享受英语学习。 [Photo/Pexels] 1. Read 学会阅读 Read as much as you can in English. No matter what it is, from cartoons to British literature anything counts. 尽可能多地用英语阅读。不管是什么,从动画片到英国文学,一切有价值的都可以。 Naturally if you wish to develop I would recommend you to choose something that provides you a challenge. So renew your library pass, subscribe to your favorite English magazine or go online! 当然,如果你想进一步学习,我建议你选择一些能给你挑战的东西。所以给你的图书馆借书证续期,订阅你最喜欢的英文杂志或者去上网吧! 2. Immerse 耳濡目染 Understanding British or American culture can be a part of language learning. There are a lot of expressions or situations that can be understood and remembered better if you know a couple of customs, behavioral patterns, books or poems. 了解英美文化可以成为语言学习的一部分。如果你知道一些相关的风俗习惯、行为模式、书籍或诗歌,你就会更好地理解和记忆很多英语表达或英语会话情境。 It is always fascinating to realize that you understand a short story, a text or even longer pieces of art in English. 当你读懂一个小故事、一篇课文,甚至更长篇的英语文艺作品时,总会让你沉醉入迷。 3. Share 学会分享 Where and how, you might ask. Well there are many ways to do this. You can start your own blog in English about your hobby, travel experiences or anything that interests you. 你可能会问,在哪里分享和怎么分享。有很多方法可以做到这一点。你可以开始用英语写博客,描述自己的业余爱好、旅行经历或者任何你感兴趣的事情。 If you don’t feel like writing, read foreigners’ blogs or articles and feel free to comment if you have a question! You can also try to find an online community that has the same interest as you where you can share your own ideas, thoughts and beliefs in English. 如果你不想写作,你可以去读老外的博客或文章,在有疑问时随意评论。你也可以试着找到一个与你志趣相投的线上社区,在那里你可以用英文分享你自己的主意、想法和信仰。 4. Dare 无所畏惧 This usually seems to be the most difficult part, but you have to conquer yourself! If you find yourself in a situation where you have the chance to use English grab it! 这通常看起来是最困难的部分,但你必须战胜自己!如果你发现自己处在一个有机会使用英语的环境中,一定要抓住这个机会! You must overcome your fears that you might speak incorrectly, and you can also ask your partner to correct you. So whenever you travel or meet foreigners don’t forget to speak as much as you can! 你必须克服你可能说错的恐惧,也可以让你的同伴纠正你。所以,无论何时,当你旅行或遇见外国人,别忘了尽可能多张嘴说! Or you can subscribe to interactive web pages that not only provides many interesting ways of online learning but the chance to meet and speak with other language learners too! 或者你可以订阅能够互动的网站。它不仅提供了许多有趣的在线学习的方式,而且还提供了和其他语言学习者见面和交谈的机会! 5. Relax 适当放松 Never forget the power of relaxation! You don’t always have to force yourself to study if you are tired. You can also listen to some music, watch a movie or listen to an audio book (in English of course). It doesn’t sound too difficult does it? 永远不要忘记放松的力量!如果你累了,你不必总是强迫自己学习。你也可以听一些音乐,看一部电影或听一本有声读物(当然是英语)。听起来不太难,不是吗? (来源:沪江英语)
[Photo/Pexels] Read as much as you can in English. No matter what it is, from cartoons to British literature anything counts. Naturally if you wish to develop I would recommend you to choose something that provides you a challenge. So renew your library pass, subscribe to your favorite English magazine or go online! Understanding British or American culture can be a part of language learning. There are a lot of expressions or situations that can be understood and remembered better if you know a couple of customs, behavioral patterns, books or poems. It is always fascinating to realize that you understand a short story, a text or even longer pieces of art in English. Where and how, you might ask. Well there are many ways to do this. You can start your own blog in English about your hobby, travel experiences or anything that interests you. If you don’t feel like writing, read foreigners’ blogs or articles and feel free to comment if you have a question! You can also try to find an online community that has the same interest as you where you can share your own ideas, thoughts and beliefs in English. This usually seems to be the most difficult part, but you have to conquer yourself! If you find yourself in a situation where you have the chance to use English grab it! You must overcome your fears that you might speak incorrectly, and you can also ask your partner to correct you. So whenever you travel or meet foreigners don’t forget to speak as much as you can! Or you can subscribe to interactive web pages that not only provides many interesting ways of online learning but the chance to meet and speak with other language learners too! Never forget the power of relaxation! You don’t always have to force yourself to study if you are tired. You can also listen to some music, watch a movie or listen to an audio book (in English of course). It doesn’t sound too difficult does it?
英语学习可以很枯燥,也可以很有趣,取决于你怎么学。下面5个小贴士可以让你享受英语学习。 1. Read 学会阅读 尽可能多地用英语阅读。不管是什么,从动画片到英国文学,一切有价值的都可以。 当然,如果你想进一步学习,我建议你选择一些能给你挑战的东西。所以给你的图书馆借书证续期,订阅你最喜欢的英文杂志或者去上网吧! 2. Immerse 耳濡目染 了解英美文化可以成为语言学习的一部分。如果你知道一些相关的风俗习惯、行为模式、书籍或诗歌,你就会更好地理解和记忆很多英语表达或英语会话情境。 当你读懂一个小故事、一篇课文,甚至更长篇的英语文艺作品时,总会让你沉醉入迷。 3. Share 学会分享 你可能会问,在哪里分享和怎么分享。有很多方法可以做到这一点。你可以开始用英语写博客,描述自己的业余爱好、旅行经历或者任何你感兴趣的事情。 如果你不想写作,你可以去读老外的博客或文章,在有疑问时随意评论。你也可以试着找到一个与你志趣相投的线上社区,在那里你可以用英文分享你自己的主意、想法和信仰。 4. Dare 无所畏惧 这通常看起来是最困难的部分,但你必须战胜自己!如果你发现自己处在一个有机会使用英语的环境中,一定要抓住这个机会! 你必须克服你可能说错的恐惧,也可以让你的同伴纠正你。所以,无论何时,当你旅行或遇见外国人,别忘了尽可能多张嘴说! 或者你可以订阅能够互动的网站。它不仅提供了许多有趣的在线学习的方式,而且还提供了和其他语言学习者见面和交谈的机会! 5. Relax 适当放松 永远不要忘记放松的力量!如果你累了,你不必总是强迫自己学习。你也可以听一些音乐,看一部电影或听一本有声读物(当然是英语)。听起来不太难,不是吗? (来源:沪江英语)
有人认为,懒惰是一切失败的根源,那么有什么站战胜懒惰的好办法吗?Quora网友分享了自己克服懒癌的方法,一起来看高赞回答。 [Photo/Unsplash] 获得488好评的回答@Srujan Pendela: I used to be so lazy all the day, procrastinating things, sleeping under AC, watching movies and eating all the food available. I hardly found sweat coming from my sweat pores. 我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。我几乎很少流汗。 After a few incidents, I was self motivated doing few things and from then, I am no more a lazy guy. Some of the techniques I prefer are... 经历了一些事情之后,我开始积极主动地做一些事,从此我不再懒惰了。我的技巧是: 1.If you ever get this thought of laziness , first walk out from that place. Change your ambience , your brain gets active seeing new places. 一旦有了偷懒的想法,马上离开那个地方。改变身处的环境,你的大脑看见新环境会变得活跃。 2.Have a shower with cold water , remember , only cold water. 洗个冷水澡,记住只能洗冷水澡。 3.Go out and play some game. (best formula for me) play for one hour , just one hour , you'll get refreshed for sure. 出去玩点什么。(对我而言最好是)玩一个小时,一个小时就足够你充电了。 4.Engage yourself in some random work like drawing , dancing , writing , reading ,any hobby u possess. 随便做点什么,比如画画、跳舞、写作、阅读,你的任何爱好都行。 5.Don't prefer bed unless it is sleeping time in the night. Try to sit or stand to do your work. 除非到晚上睡觉时间了,否则不要贪恋你的床。尽量坐着或站着完成工作。 6.Drink a lot of water.(4 L a day) 多喝水(一天4L)。 7.Try to organize things around you. Your room , bed , table , books , shoes rack , curtains. You make your surroundings clean and you will automatically feel more active than earlier. 整理身边物品。你的房间、床、桌子、书、鞋架、窗帘。保持所处环境干净,你自然就会觉得比之前更有活力了。 8.Listen to some inspirational songs. 听一些鼓舞人的歌曲。 9.Try to write down your situation at present in a few words , read it out loud , I hope you don't like it ,only then you change your own story . 尽量用几句话写下你目前的处境,大声读出来,我希望你不喜欢这种处境,只有这样你才能改变自己的生活。 10.Everyday in the morning , write all the tasks you have to do on that particular day. If you feel like procrastinating things , use SJF( shortest job first) method , you'll definitely feel more encouraged. 每天早上写下当天要做的所有事,如果你喜欢拖延,就利用最短作业优先法,你一定会觉得更有动力的。 11.Think of your goal / aim. 想想你的目标、目的。 12.Take a long ride. 来一次长途旅行。 These are from my personal experience , that changed my lifestyle. Hope some of these may help you out of deadly monster laziness. Best of luck. 以上是我的个人经验,它改变了我的生活方式,希望其中一些能帮你脱离致命的懒癌。祝你好运。 翻译:菲菲 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/Unsplash] I used to be so lazy all the day, procrastinating things, sleeping under AC, watching movies and eating all the food available. I hardly found sweat coming from my sweat pores. After a few incidents, I was self motivated doing few things and from then, I am no more a lazy guy. Some of the techniques I prefer are... 1.If you ever get this thought of laziness , first walk out from that place. Change your ambience , your brain gets active seeing new places. 2.Have a shower with cold water , remember , only cold water. 3.Go out and play some game. (best formula for me) play for one hour , just one hour , you'll get refreshed for sure. 4.Engage yourself in some random work like drawing , dancing , writing , reading ,any hobby u possess. 5.Don't prefer bed unless it is sleeping time in the night. Try to sit or stand to do your work. 6.Drink a lot of water.(4 L a day) 7.Try to organize things around you. Your room , bed , table , books , shoes rack , curtains. You make your surroundings clean and you will automatically feel more active than earlier. 8.Listen to some inspirational songs. 9.Try to write down your situation at present in a few words , read it out loud , I hope you don't like it ,only then you change your own story . 10.Everyday in the morning , write all the tasks you have to do on that particular day. If you feel like procrastinating things , use SJF( shortest job first) method , you'll definitely feel more encouraged. 11.Think of your goal / aim. 12.Take a long ride. These are from my personal experience , that changed my lifestyle. Hope some of these may help you out of deadly monster laziness. Best of luck.
有人认为,懒惰是一切失败的根源,那么有什么站战胜懒惰的好办法吗?Quora网友分享了自己克服懒癌的方法,一起来看高赞回答。 获得488好评的回答@Srujan Pendela: 我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。我几乎很少流汗。 经历了一些事情之后,我开始积极主动地做一些事,从此我不再懒惰了。我的技巧是: 一旦有了偷懒的想法,马上离开那个地方。改变身处的环境,你的大脑看见新环境会变得活跃。 洗个冷水澡,记住只能洗冷水澡。 出去玩点什么。(对我而言最好是)玩一个小时,一个小时就足够你充电了。 随便做点什么,比如画画、跳舞、写作、阅读,你的任何爱好都行。 除非到晚上睡觉时间了,否则不要贪恋你的床。尽量坐着或站着完成工作。 多喝水(一天4L)。 整理身边物品。你的房间、床、桌子、书、鞋架、窗帘。保持所处环境干净,你自然就会觉得比之前更有活力了。 听一些鼓舞人的歌曲。 尽量用几句话写下你目前的处境,大声读出来,我希望你不喜欢这种处境,只有这样你才能改变自己的生活。 每天早上写下当天要做的所有事,如果你喜欢拖延,就利用最短作业优先法,你一定会觉得更有动力的。 想想你的目标、目的。 来一次长途旅行。 以上是我的个人经验,它改变了我的生活方式,希望其中一些能帮你脱离致命的懒癌。祝你好运。 翻译:菲菲 来源: 沪江英语
随着女性地位的提高,中性词汇的使用逐渐普及并改写着现代语言,然而法国议会近日提出的一项法案却认为应该禁用中性词汇,从而保护法国语言不受威胁。 A teacher, wearing a protective face mask, teaches to students in a classroom at the College Henri Matisse school during its reopening in Nice as French children return to their schools after the summer break with protective face masks and social distancing as part of efforts to curb a resurgence of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) across France, September 1, 2020. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard France could ban 'confusing' gender inclusive words under a new law proposed by 60 MPs. 根据60名议员提出的新法案,法国可能会禁用“令人困惑的”中性词汇。 The MPs argue that the gender inclusive nouns make learning proper French more difficult and could even endanger the entire language. 议员们主张说,中性词汇会加大学习正规法语的难度,甚至可能威胁到整门语言。 The new legislation was proposed by MP François Jolivet and close allies of President Emmanuel Macron. 这项新法案由法国议员弗朗索瓦·若利韦和总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的几位亲近盟友提出。 The MPs claim that the gender neutral words 'create a gap between the spoken language and written language.' 议员们指出,中性词汇“在口语和书面语之间划下了一道鸿沟。” 'It is therefore the whole of French linguistic heritage which risks disappearing,' they said in a statement quoted by the Telegraph . 《每日电讯报》援引议员的声明称:“整个法语遗产都会因此冒上消失的风险。” 'The fight for equality between women and men is fair. The road it takes is sometimes confusing. “男女追求平等的斗争是公平的。但是有时候会走上一条令人困惑的路。” 'Do the rules of grammar no longer exist?' “语法规则不存在了吗?” Concerns have also been raised over the accessibility of the grammar changes for people who are blind or have learning difficulties. 还有些人担心盲人或学习有困难的人可能无法获知语法规则的改变。 The proposed law will be debated in the national assembly in the coming weeks. 法国议会将在未来几周讨论这项提案。 Proponents of 'écriture inclusive' argue that it prevents the erasure of females from the French language. 支持中性语言的人指出,中性语言将防止女性指代义在法语中被抹除。 Currently, a French grammar rule taught in schools dictates that the masculine plural of nouns 'always wins'. 目前在学校教授的法语语法规则指出,法语中表示名词复数时,阳性单词“总是胜出”。 The masculine plural of friends, 'amis', is used to refer to both women and men, even if the majority of the group is female. 以朋友一词的复数为例,阳性单词amis可用来指代男性和女性朋友的复数,即使这个群体的大多数为女性。 The feminine plural, 'amies', would only be used if everyone in the group was female. 阴性单词amies只有在群体中的所有人都是女性时才能使用。 英文来源:每日邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A teacher, wearing a protective face mask, teaches to students in a classroom at the College Henri Matisse school during its reopening in Nice as French children return to their schools after the summer break with protective face masks and social distancing as part of efforts to curb a resurgence of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) across France, September 1, 2020. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard France could ban 'confusing' gender inclusive words under a new law proposed by 60 MPs. The MPs argue that the gender inclusive nouns make learning proper French more difficult and could even endanger the entire language. The MPs claim that the gender neutral words 'create a gap between the spoken language and written language.' 'It is therefore the whole of French linguistic heritage which risks disappearing,' they said in a statement quoted by the Telegraph . 'The fight for equality between women and men is fair. The road it takes is sometimes confusing. 'Do the rules of grammar no longer exist?' Concerns have also been raised over the accessibility of the grammar changes for people who are blind or have learning difficulties. The proposed law will be debated in the national assembly in the coming weeks. Currently, a French grammar rule taught in schools dictates that the masculine plural of nouns 'always wins'. The masculine plural of friends, 'amis', is used to refer to both women and men, even if the majority of the group is female. The feminine plural, 'amies', would only be used if everyone in the group was female.
随着女性地位的提高,中性词汇的使用逐渐普及并改写着现代语言,然而法国议会近日提出的一项法案却认为应该禁用中性词汇,从而保护法国语言不受威胁。 根据60名议员提出的新法案,法国可能会禁用“令人困惑的”中性词汇。 议员们主张说,中性词汇会加大学习正规法语的难度,甚至可能威胁到整门语言。 The new legislation was proposed by MP François Jolivet and close allies of President Emmanuel Macron. 这项新法案由法国议员弗朗索瓦·若利韦和总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙的几位亲近盟友提出。 议员们指出,中性词汇“在口语和书面语之间划下了一道鸿沟。” 《每日电讯报》援引议员的声明称:“整个法语遗产都会因此冒上消失的风险。” “男女追求平等的斗争是公平的。但是有时候会走上一条令人困惑的路。” “语法规则不存在了吗?” 还有些人担心盲人或学习有困难的人可能无法获知语法规则的改变。 法国议会将在未来几周讨论这项提案。 Proponents of 'écriture inclusive' argue that it prevents the erasure of females from the French language. 支持中性语言的人指出,中性语言将防止女性指代义在法语中被抹除。 目前在学校教授的法语语法规则指出,法语中表示名词复数时,阳性单词“总是胜出”。 以朋友一词的复数为例,阳性单词amis可用来指代男性和女性朋友的复数,即使这个群体的大多数为女性。 阴性单词amies只有在群体中的所有人都是女性时才能使用。 英文来源:每日邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
“火树银花合,星桥铁锁开。灯树千光照,明月逐人来。”如果说“腊八”拉开了过年的序幕,那么过完“元宵节”,“年”也就算过完了。 View of the full moon against an ancient building in Shaoxing, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/IC] “元宵节”(the Lantern Festival),又称灯节、元夕、上元节,标志性时间在一年的第一个月圆之夜——正月十五。几千年以来,人们形成了赏花灯、猜灯谜、放烟花、吃汤圆等传统元宵节习俗。这一天,合家团圆,其乐融融。 那下面我们就来看下这些传统习俗的英文表达。 猜灯谜 Guessing lantern riddles Riddles written on the lanterns can inspire wisdom and cater to the festival atmosphere, so many people like it very much. Guessing the answers to lantern riddles gradually became an indispensable part of the Lantern Festival. 灯谜可以激发人们的智慧,又烘托节日氛围,深受民众喜爱。猜灯谜渐渐成为元宵节不可缺少的一部分。 In Chinese Lantern Festival, people enjoy eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour, as one of the customs.[Photo/] 吃元宵 Eating yuanxiao Eating yuanxiao is another Lantern Festival tradition. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, either solid or stuffed. The stuffing includes bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, various kinds of fruit and so on. It can be boiled, fried or steamed. 吃元宵是元宵节的另一传统习俗。元宵是用糯米做的,可以是糯米实心的,也可以夹馅儿。元宵的馅料有很多种,例如豆沙、糖心、山楂馅以及各种水果馅等。烹调方式也多样,开水煮、油炸蒸均可。 赏花灯 Viewing lanterns It is tradition that people hang lanterns everywhere, in their house or in the streets. The lanterns depict various characters, like flying birds, leaping fishes, and shining fireworks, showing an atmosphere of joy. People will come out and appreciate the beautiful scene. 元宵节那天,人们在家中或者街道上挂满花灯。花灯琳琅满目,多种多样,上面画着飞鸟、鲤鱼、烟花等,处处洋溢着欢乐的氛围。人们会结伴出游欣赏花灯美景。 古代的情人节 元宵节可不只是汤圆和花灯的节日,在古代,这还是一个浪漫的节日,是古代的“情人节”。 In ancient times, young women, especially daughters of eminent families, hardly stepped out their houses. But during the Lantern Festival, it was a tradition that all people, including those young women, come out for lantern shows. 在古代,年轻女子,尤其大家闺秀,几乎都大门不出,二门不迈。但因元宵节的传统,人人都会都外出赏花灯。 Watching lanterns at night was just an opportunity for young women to find a man whose appearance appealed to them. Another activity, guessing the answers to lantern riddles, gives young people a chance to interact with each other and know more about each other. For thousands of years, there have been numerous love stories originating during the Lantern Festival. 元宵节夜晚赏灯,为年轻姑娘们提供寻找心仪男子的契机。另外,猜灯谜也让年轻人彼此互动,进一步地了解对方。几千年来,元宵佳节上演了许多爱情故事。 南宋词人辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》中就有一句描写元宵节浪漫邂逅的名句: 众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。 But in the crowd once and again I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed. 编辑:左卓 实习生:王逸群 来源:China Daily 新华网 CGTN 人民网等
View of the full moon against an ancient building in Shaoxing, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/IC] Guessing lantern riddles Riddles written on the lanterns can inspire wisdom and cater to the festival atmosphere, so many people like it very much. Guessing the answers to lantern riddles gradually became an indispensable part of the Lantern Festival. In Chinese Lantern Festival, people enjoy eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour, as one of the customs.[Photo/] Eating yuanxiao Eating yuanxiao is another Lantern Festival tradition. Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice, either solid or stuffed. The stuffing includes bean paste, sugar, hawthorn, various kinds of fruit and so on. It can be boiled, fried or steamed. Viewing lanterns It is tradition that people hang lanterns everywhere, in their house or in the streets. The lanterns depict various characters, like flying birds, leaping fishes, and shining fireworks, showing an atmosphere of joy. People will come out and appreciate the beautiful scene. In ancient times, young women, especially daughters of eminent families, hardly stepped out their houses. But during the Lantern Festival, it was a tradition that all people, including those young women, come out for lantern shows. Watching lanterns at night was just an opportunity for young women to find a man whose appearance appealed to them. Another activity, guessing the answers to lantern riddles, gives young people a chance to interact with each other and know more about each other. For thousands of years, there have been numerous love stories originating during the Lantern Festival. But in the crowd once and again I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.
“火树银花合,星桥铁锁开。灯树千光照,明月逐人来。”如果说“腊八”拉开了过年的序幕,那么过完“元宵节”,“年”也就算过完了。 “元宵节”(the Lantern Festival),又称灯节、元夕、上元节,标志性时间在一年的第一个月圆之夜——正月十五。几千年以来,人们形成了赏花灯、猜灯谜、放烟花、吃汤圆等传统元宵节习俗。这一天,合家团圆,其乐融融。 那下面我们就来看下这些传统习俗的英文表达。 猜灯谜 灯谜可以激发人们的智慧,又烘托节日氛围,深受民众喜爱。猜灯谜渐渐成为元宵节不可缺少的一部分。 吃元宵 吃元宵是元宵节的另一传统习俗。元宵是用糯米做的,可以是糯米实心的,也可以夹馅儿。元宵的馅料有很多种,例如豆沙、糖心、山楂馅以及各种水果馅等。烹调方式也多样,开水煮、油炸蒸均可。 赏花灯 元宵节那天,人们在家中或者街道上挂满花灯。花灯琳琅满目,多种多样,上面画着飞鸟、鲤鱼、烟花等,处处洋溢着欢乐的氛围。人们会结伴出游欣赏花灯美景。 古代的情人节 元宵节可不只是汤圆和花灯的节日,在古代,这还是一个浪漫的节日,是古代的“情人节”。 在古代,年轻女子,尤其大家闺秀,几乎都大门不出,二门不迈。但因元宵节的传统,人人都会都外出赏花灯。 元宵节夜晚赏灯,为年轻姑娘们提供寻找心仪男子的契机。另外,猜灯谜也让年轻人彼此互动,进一步地了解对方。几千年来,元宵佳节上演了许多爱情故事。 南宋词人辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》中就有一句描写元宵节浪漫邂逅的名句: 众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。 编辑:左卓 实习生:王逸群 来源:China Daily 新华网 CGTN 人民网等
受疫情影响,备受瞩目的漫威电影宇宙第四阶段电影推迟到了2021年上映,不过好饭不怕晚,你喜欢的蜘蛛侠、黑寡妇和其他漫威超级英雄终将和你见面。 Credit: Disney "Black Widow” (May 7) 《黑寡妇》(5月7日上映) The movie that was supposed to kick-start the MCU’s Phase 4 is the first film that, hopefully, will hit theaters this year. Scarlett Johansson returns one last time as Natasha Romanoff in a film that is set between the events of “Captain America: Civil War" and “Avengers: Infinity War.” She teams up with her Russian family from the Black Widow program, including Red Guardian (David Harbour), a Russian version of Captain America, to battle the Taskmaster. 这部意在开启漫威电影宇宙第四阶段的电影是今年第一部有望上映的漫威电影。该片的故事发生在《美国队长3:内战》和《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》之间。斯嘉丽·约翰逊最后一次饰演“黑寡妇”娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫。她和红色守卫者(俄罗斯版的美国队长,由大卫·哈伯饰演)等黑寡妇项目组中的俄罗斯家人一起联手对抗模仿大师。 Credit: Disney "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” (July 9) 《尚气与十戒传奇》(7月9日上映) Newcomer Simu Liu makes his debut as Shang-Chi, a skilled martial artist. The film also stars Awkwafina, Fala Chen, Michelle Yeoh and Tony Chiu-Wai Leung, the latter of which plays the real Mandarin and the leader of the Ten Rings organization. 新人刘思慕将以功夫大师尚气的身份首次亮相漫威宇宙。出演该片的还有奥卡菲娜、陈法拉、杨紫琼和梁朝伟,梁朝伟饰演真满大人和十戒帮的老大。 Credit:Disney "Eternals” (Nov. 5) 《永恒族》(11月5日上映) An immortal race that has been on Earth for thousands of years comes out of hiding to battle their nemesis, The Deviants. It features Angelina Jolie, Selma Hayak, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani and Bryan Tyree Henry. 一个在地球上活了数千年的长生不老的永恒族从藏匿处现身以对抗宿敌异常族。出演该片的有安吉丽娜·朱莉、萨尔玛·哈雅克、理查德·麦登、库梅尔·南贾尼和布莱恩·泰里·亨利。 Credit:Sony Pictures "Spider-Man: No Way Home” (Dec. 25) 《蜘蛛侠:无回之战》(12月25日上映) Tom Holland is back for a third adventure that will feature a ridiculous cast that includes the likes of Jamie Foxx’s Electro and Alfred Molina’s Otto Octavius, who are known for appearing in films featuring other Spider-Men like Toby McGuire and Andrew Garfield. Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange fills the required older guy mentor role in this one. 汤姆·赫兰德回归第三部饰演蜘蛛侠,该片的演员阵容相当搞笑,有杰米·福克斯饰演的电光人,还有阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳饰演的章鱼博士,这两者曾出现在托比·马奎尔和安德鲁·加菲尔德出演的前两代蜘蛛侠电影中。“卷福”康伯巴奇饰演的奇异博士将在这部电影中饰演蜘蛛侠的导师。 英文来源:The Wrap 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Disney "Black Widow” (May 7) The movie that was supposed to kick-start the MCU’s Phase 4 is the first film that, hopefully, will hit theaters this year. Scarlett Johansson returns one last time as Natasha Romanoff in a film that is set between the events of “Captain America: Civil War" and “Avengers: Infinity War.” She teams up with her Russian family from the Black Widow program, including Red Guardian (David Harbour), a Russian version of Captain America, to battle the Taskmaster. Credit: Disney "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” (July 9) Newcomer Simu Liu makes his debut as Shang-Chi, a skilled martial artist. The film also stars Awkwafina, Fala Chen, Michelle Yeoh and Tony Chiu-Wai Leung, the latter of which plays the real Mandarin and the leader of the Ten Rings organization. Credit:Disney "Eternals” (Nov. 5) An immortal race that has been on Earth for thousands of years comes out of hiding to battle their nemesis, The Deviants. It features Angelina Jolie, Selma Hayak, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani and Bryan Tyree Henry. Credit:Sony Pictures "Spider-Man: No Way Home” (Dec. 25) Tom Holland is back for a third adventure that will feature a ridiculous cast that includes the likes of Jamie Foxx’s Electro and Alfred Molina’s Otto Octavius, who are known for appearing in films featuring other Spider-Men like Toby McGuire and Andrew Garfield. Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange fills the required older guy mentor role in this one.
受疫情影响,备受瞩目的漫威电影宇宙第四阶段电影推迟到了2021年上映,不过好饭不怕晚,你喜欢的蜘蛛侠、黑寡妇和其他漫威超级英雄终将和你见面。 《黑寡妇》(5月7日上映) 这部意在开启漫威电影宇宙第四阶段的电影是今年第一部有望上映的漫威电影。该片的故事发生在《美国队长3:内战》和《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》之间。斯嘉丽·约翰逊最后一次饰演“黑寡妇”娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫。她和红色守卫者(俄罗斯版的美国队长,由大卫·哈伯饰演)等黑寡妇项目组中的俄罗斯家人一起联手对抗模仿大师。 《尚气与十戒传奇》(7月9日上映) 新人刘思慕将以功夫大师尚气的身份首次亮相漫威宇宙。出演该片的还有奥卡菲娜、陈法拉、杨紫琼和梁朝伟,梁朝伟饰演真满大人和十戒帮的老大。 《永恒族》(11月5日上映) 一个在地球上活了数千年的长生不老的永恒族从藏匿处现身以对抗宿敌异常族。出演该片的有安吉丽娜·朱莉、萨尔玛·哈雅克、理查德·麦登、库梅尔·南贾尼和布莱恩·泰里·亨利。 《蜘蛛侠:无回之战》(12月25日上映) 汤姆·赫兰德回归第三部饰演蜘蛛侠,该片的演员阵容相当搞笑,有杰米·福克斯饰演的电光人,还有阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳饰演的章鱼博士,这两者曾出现在托比·马奎尔和安德鲁·加菲尔德出演的前两代蜘蛛侠电影中。“卷福”康伯巴奇饰演的奇异博士将在这部电影中饰演蜘蛛侠的导师。 英文来源:The Wrap 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据今日俄罗斯2月21日消息,美国亚马逊网站上近日出售一款“中国传统果篮”。网友看图片发现,“果篮”其实是一款中国老式的“痰盂”或者“便盆”…… 20世纪60年代中国传统果篮 中国古玩 厨房&餐桌 搪瓷装饰碗 水果/蔬菜/物品摆放盆 Millions of Chinese internet surfers were shocked to see an item used as a potty and spittoon in China being sold on Amazon as a “traditional fruit basket” to gullible foreigners – for a princely sum in dollars, too. 众多中国网民惊讶地发现,一种在中国用作便盆和痰盂的物品在亚马逊上被当作“传统果篮”卖给了好骗的外国人,而且价格也很昂贵。 据报道,卖家将商品标注为“六十年代中国传统果篮”,可以作为精致的“桌面装饰”,并且可以储藏生鲜食品、冰块或者酒等,商品的标价为61.96美元(约合400元人民币)。 Advertised as a “1960s Chinese traditional fruit basket” that could be used as a fancy “table decoration” to store fresh produce, ice, or wine, the attractive pot with mandarin ducks painted on the side was being sold on Amazon for $61.96. 广告上称这是一款“20世纪60年代的中国传统果篮”,可以作为一种花哨的“餐桌装饰”,用来储存新鲜农产品、冰或葡萄酒,这只画着鸳鸯的漂亮罐子在亚马逊上售价61.96美元(约合400人民币)。 然而,网友们很快就发现图中的商品其实是一个痰盂或者便盆。有人在亚马逊留言道出了“玄机” ↓ “天哪!几乎每个35岁以上的中国人都知道,这是个典型的便盆,通常是给小孩子用的。虽然你说愿意怎么用就怎么用,你还是知道它的原始用途为好。” 这一消息也在国内社交媒体上流传,网友们纷纷开起玩笑↓ Weibo users jokingly expressed concern about ignorant foreigners sending gifts of fruit in the pots to their Chinese friends, noting that “no Chinese people would feel happy if they see a delicately packed spittoon with fruits in it.” 微博用户开起玩笑,担心不知情的外国人会用这个盆子装水果作礼物送中国朋友,并指出“如果中国人看到一个包装精美、装着水果的痰盂,没有人会笑得出来的。” 编辑:陈月华 来源:今日俄罗斯 环球时报
Millions of Chinese internet surfers were shocked to see an item used as a potty and spittoon in China being sold on Amazon as a “traditional fruit basket” to gullible foreigners – for a princely sum in dollars, too. Advertised as a “1960s Chinese traditional fruit basket” that could be used as a fancy “table decoration” to store fresh produce, ice, or wine, the attractive pot with mandarin ducks painted on the side was being sold on Amazon for $61.96. Weibo users jokingly expressed concern about ignorant foreigners sending gifts of fruit in the pots to their Chinese friends, noting that “no Chinese people would feel happy if they see a delicately packed spittoon with fruits in it.”
据今日俄罗斯2月21日消息,美国亚马逊网站上近日出售一款“中国传统果篮”。网友看图片发现,“果篮”其实是一款中国老式的“痰盂”或者“便盆”…… 20世纪60年代中国传统果篮 中国古玩 厨房&餐桌 搪瓷装饰碗 水果/蔬菜/物品摆放盆 众多中国网民惊讶地发现,一种在中国用作便盆和痰盂的物品在亚马逊上被当作“传统果篮”卖给了好骗的外国人,而且价格也很昂贵。 据报道,卖家将商品标注为“六十年代中国传统果篮”,可以作为精致的“桌面装饰”,并且可以储藏生鲜食品、冰块或者酒等,商品的标价为61.96美元(约合400元人民币)。 广告上称这是一款“20世纪60年代的中国传统果篮”,可以作为一种花哨的“餐桌装饰”,用来储存新鲜农产品、冰或葡萄酒,这只画着鸳鸯的漂亮罐子在亚马逊上售价61.96美元(约合400人民币)。 然而,网友们很快就发现图中的商品其实是一个痰盂或者便盆。有人在亚马逊留言道出了“玄机” ↓ “天哪!几乎每个35岁以上的中国人都知道,这是个典型的便盆,通常是给小孩子用的。虽然你说愿意怎么用就怎么用,你还是知道它的原始用途为好。” 这一消息也在国内社交媒体上流传,网友们纷纷开起玩笑↓ 微博用户开起玩笑,担心不知情的外国人会用这个盆子装水果作礼物送中国朋友,并指出“如果中国人看到一个包装精美、装着水果的痰盂,没有人会笑得出来的。” 编辑:陈月华 来源:今日俄罗斯 环球时报
传奇电子音乐组合Daft Punk(蠢朋克乐队)日前以一种特殊的方式宣布解散。在2月22日发布的一段8分钟特别告别视频中,二人渐行渐远,然后其中一个人就地爆炸,另一个人伴着音乐在斜阳中走远。 Screenshot from video "Epilogue" Daft Punk, one of the most influential and popular groups to emerge in the past 30 years, have announced their retirement via a video titled "Epilogue" posted Monday morning. 近三十年来最有影响力、最受欢迎的音乐组合之一蠢朋克乐队2月22日早上发布了一个名为《收场白》的告别视频,宣布解散。 The duo's longtime publicist officially confirmed the split to Variety and declined to provide further details. 该二人组合的长期公关已经向《综艺》杂志证实了乐队解散的消息,但拒绝提供更多细节。 Musicians Thomas Banglater and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo of Daft Punk pose at the world premiere of the film "TRON: Legacy" in Hollywood, California, December 11, 2010. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok The eight-minute clip features the duo — Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo — who for many years have concealed their features behind a robot concept, walking around the desert, wearing their familiar space helmets and leather jackets. After a few moments, one of the members looks at the other, removes his jacket and reveals an energy pack on the back. The other touches a button on the pack. The first member walks away quickly and then explodes. 在这段8分钟的视频中,多年来一直遮盖面部以机器人形象示人的托马斯·本高特和盖-马努尔·德霍曼-克里斯托戴着熟悉的太空头盔,穿着皮夹克在沙漠上走着。过了一会儿,其中一个人看着另一个人,脱下了自己的夹克,露出了背上的炸药包。另一个人按下了炸药包上的启动开关。第一个人快速走开,然后爆炸。 The scene cuts to a sunrise, or possibly a sunset, as a choral version of the group's song "Touch" plays. 这时候该乐队的歌曲《触摸》的合唱版响起,场景切换成了日出(也可能是日落)。 看视频感受一下: The song is from the duo's 2013 "Random Access Memories" album, which in many ways was a culmination of their career. The album, which included the global hit single "Get Lucky," won the Grammy Award for Best Album the following year. 这首歌来自该组合2013年的专辑《超时空记忆》,这张专辑从很多方面来看都是他们音乐事业的巅峰之作。这张专辑在2014年获得了格莱美最佳专辑奖,其中包含全球热门单曲《得到好运》。 Daft Punk arrive at the 56th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California January 26, 2014. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok The duo has largely kept a low profile since then, with their most prominent work being a collaboration with the Weeknd on two songs from his 2016 album "Starboy," the title track and "I Feel It Coming." 自那以后这个二人组合大部分时间都很低调,最著名的作品就是和“盆栽哥”威肯合作的2016年专辑《星光男孩》中的两首歌,一首是专辑同名歌曲《星光男孩》,还有一首是《我感觉到它的到来》。 在解散消息传出后,粉丝们纷纷在推特上留言表示不舍。 如果没有蠢朋克乐队,电子音乐会截然不同。我肯定会怀念蠢朋克,谢谢你们所做的一切。 蠢朋克过去是经典,现在仍然是经典,即使解散了,以后也一直会是经典。 祝蠢朋克解散快乐! 在一起近三十年后,#蠢朋克宣布解散。感谢蠢朋克带给我们的回忆!#蠢朋克万岁 英文来源:Variety、CBSLA 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Screenshot from video "Epilogue" Daft Punk, one of the most influential and popular groups to emerge in the past 30 years, have announced their retirement via a video titled "Epilogue" posted Monday morning. The duo's longtime publicist officially confirmed the split to Variety and declined to provide further details. Musicians Thomas Banglater and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo of Daft Punk pose at the world premiere of the film "TRON: Legacy" in Hollywood, California, December 11, 2010. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok The eight-minute clip features the duo — Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo — who for many years have concealed their features behind a robot concept, walking around the desert, wearing their familiar space helmets and leather jackets. After a few moments, one of the members looks at the other, removes his jacket and reveals an energy pack on the back. The other touches a button on the pack. The first member walks away quickly and then explodes. The scene cuts to a sunrise, or possibly a sunset, as a choral version of the group's song "Touch" plays. The song is from the duo's 2013 "Random Access Memories" album, which in many ways was a culmination of their career. The album, which included the global hit single "Get Lucky," won the Grammy Award for Best Album the following year. Daft Punk arrive at the 56th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California January 26, 2014. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok The duo has largely kept a low profile since then, with their most prominent work being a collaboration with the Weeknd on two songs from his 2016 album "Starboy," the title track and "I Feel It Coming."
传奇电子音乐组合Daft Punk(蠢朋克乐队)日前以一种特殊的方式宣布解散。在2月22日发布的一段8分钟特别告别视频中,二人渐行渐远,然后其中一个人就地爆炸,另一个人伴着音乐在斜阳中走远。 近三十年来最有影响力、最受欢迎的音乐组合之一蠢朋克乐队2月22日早上发布了一个名为《收场白》的告别视频,宣布解散。 该二人组合的长期公关已经向《综艺》杂志证实了乐队解散的消息,但拒绝提供更多细节。 在这段8分钟的视频中,多年来一直遮盖面部以机器人形象示人的托马斯·本高特和盖-马努尔·德霍曼-克里斯托戴着熟悉的太空头盔,穿着皮夹克在沙漠上走着。过了一会儿,其中一个人看着另一个人,脱下了自己的夹克,露出了背上的炸药包。另一个人按下了炸药包上的启动开关。第一个人快速走开,然后爆炸。 这时候该乐队的歌曲《触摸》的合唱版响起,场景切换成了日出(也可能是日落)。 看视频感受一下: 这首歌来自该组合2013年的专辑《超时空记忆》,这张专辑从很多方面来看都是他们音乐事业的巅峰之作。这张专辑在2014年获得了格莱美最佳专辑奖,其中包含全球热门单曲《得到好运》。 自那以后这个二人组合大部分时间都很低调,最著名的作品就是和“盆栽哥”威肯合作的2016年专辑《星光男孩》中的两首歌,一首是专辑同名歌曲《星光男孩》,还有一首是《我感觉到它的到来》。 在解散消息传出后,粉丝们纷纷在推特上留言表示不舍。 如果没有蠢朋克乐队,电子音乐会截然不同。我肯定会怀念蠢朋克,谢谢你们所做的一切。 蠢朋克过去是经典,现在仍然是经典,即使解散了,以后也一直会是经典。 祝蠢朋克解散快乐! 在一起近三十年后,#蠢朋克宣布解散。感谢蠢朋克带给我们的回忆!#蠢朋克万岁 英文来源:Variety、CBSLA 翻译&编辑:丹妮
“笑哭(Tears of Joy)”表情包自诞生以来就一直深受全球网友追捧,这张“又哭又笑”的脸上仿佛有着无尽的含义,在很多聊天场合打出一张“笑哭”脸都毫不违和。它甚至打败众多流行语,当选《牛津词典》2015年度词汇。 "Face with Tears of Joy," the official name for the laughing crying emoji, is currently the most-used emoji. “笑哭”表情包的官方名称是“喜极而泣”,是当下最流行的表情包。 然而,随着社交网络的发展,表情符号的用法和意思也发生了很大的变化,那些曾经流行的表情,如今已经是out的象征…… 尽管已经诞生许多年,但如果你在网上搜索笑哭表情包,关于“笑哭”表情包究竟是什么表情的讨论一直没有停止。笑中带泪、哭中有笑、又哭又笑……这张万能的drama脸真是个迷。有人说它代表着“哭笑不得”,有人猜大概是“欲哭无泪”。还有人解读为“不流露真情实感的掩饰”,还有人认为它有着“顽强生活”的含义。 在国外也使用率极高的“笑哭”表情,最近也吸引了外国网友相似的讨论。据CNN报道,最近几周,精通互联网(internet-savvy)的两代人在TikTok上围绕千禧文化的一些标志性特征吵得不可开交。 ▌对不起了,千禧之子们,“笑哭”表情包过时 Z一代认为下列文化特征已经过时:紧身牛仔裤(Z一代结论:快把它们烧了)、偏分发型(Z一代结论:我只要中分),以及很多千禧一代每天使用无数次的、广为流行的“笑哭”表情符号。 互联网语言学家麦卡洛克(Gretchen McCulloch)说:“正是‘笑哭’的成功导致了它在年轻人当中的口碑跌落。(Tears of Joy was a victim of its own success.)” "If you indicate digital laughter for years and years in the same way, it starts to feel insincere. ... The hyperbole gets worn out through continued use," she said. That's why Gen Zers may be looking to fresh and novel ways to signal they're laughing through different ways. 她说:“如果你多年来用同样的方式表达笑意,它会逐渐显得不真诚。……这种夸张的符号已经被用烂了。”这就是为什么Z世代试图找寻新鲜的替代品,通过不一样的方式发出笑的信号。 Z世代 2019年初,皮尤研究中心首次定义了Z世代的出生年月。以下这些就是各代目前的最新定义: Z世代(Gen Z):出生于1997年-2012年(9-24岁) 千禧一代(Gen Y, or Millennials):出生于1981-1996年(25-40岁) "What's wrong with the laughing emoji?," one user asked in a TikTok comment. Another responded: "it's so off." 一名用户在一则TikTok评论中问道:“‘笑哭’表情符号有啥问题?”另一名用户回复说:“过时到不行了。” "I use everything but the laughing emoji," 21-year-old Walid Mohammed told CNN Business. "I stopped using it a while back because I saw older people using it, like my mom, my older siblings and just older people in general." 21岁的瓦利德·穆罕默德对记者说:“我什么表情都用,除了‘笑哭’。很久以前我就不再用这个表情了,因为我看到都是年纪更大的人在用,比如我妈妈、哥哥姐姐以及其他上了年纪的人。” 安息吧,“笑哭”表情包 Seventeen-year-old Xavier Martin called the Tears of Joy emoji "bland" and said "not too many people" his age use it. Stacy Thiru, 21, prefers the real cryng emoji because it shows a more extreme emotion and feels more dramatic. 17岁的泽维尔·马丁则表示,“笑哭”表情符号“很乏味”,并称同龄人使用它的并不多。21岁的斯泰茜·蒂鲁更喜欢真正的“哭泣”表情符号,因为它表现出一种更极端的情感,更富有戏剧性。 1996年以后出生的Z世代成长于一个互联网已经无处不在的年代。相比之下,一些千禧一代还记得互联网没有那么普及的时代。 对于为什么年轻人喜欢那么频繁地使用表情,有人说: “The English language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.” “光用语言不能完全地阐释出我思想的深度和复杂性,所以我在演讲中加入表情符号来更好地表达自己。[眨眼]” 但也有人认为,无论用什么样的表情,只要能够表达出自己想表达的意思,并且能被理解,那么怎么样都不算是“out”。 毕竟语言只是一种表达的工具,愿每一代人都能有自己“语言的艺术”。 你最近在用什么表情呢?一起来分享一下吧。 编辑:陈月华 实习生:陈羽洁 来源:参考消息网 CNN VICE
"Face with Tears of Joy," the official name for the laughing crying emoji, is currently the most-used emoji. "If you indicate digital laughter for years and years in the same way, it starts to feel insincere. ... The hyperbole gets worn out through continued use," she said. That's why Gen Zers may be looking to fresh and novel ways to signal they're laughing through different ways. "What's wrong with the laughing emoji?," one user asked in a TikTok comment. Another responded: "it's so off." "I use everything but the laughing emoji," 21-year-old Walid Mohammed told CNN Business. "I stopped using it a while back because I saw older people using it, like my mom, my older siblings and just older people in general." Seventeen-year-old Xavier Martin called the Tears of Joy emoji "bland" and said "not too many people" his age use it. Stacy Thiru, 21, prefers the real cryng emoji because it shows a more extreme emotion and feels more dramatic. “The English language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emoji into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.”
“笑哭(Tears of Joy)”表情包自诞生以来就一直深受全球网友追捧,这张“又哭又笑”的脸上仿佛有着无尽的含义,在很多聊天场合打出一张“笑哭”脸都毫不违和。它甚至打败众多流行语,当选《牛津词典》2015年度词汇。 “笑哭”表情包的官方名称是“喜极而泣”,是当下最流行的表情包。 然而,随着社交网络的发展,表情符号的用法和意思也发生了很大的变化,那些曾经流行的表情,如今已经是out的象征…… 尽管已经诞生许多年,但如果你在网上搜索笑哭表情包,关于“笑哭”表情包究竟是什么表情的讨论一直没有停止。笑中带泪、哭中有笑、又哭又笑……这张万能的drama脸真是个迷。有人说它代表着“哭笑不得”,有人猜大概是“欲哭无泪”。还有人解读为“不流露真情实感的掩饰”,还有人认为它有着“顽强生活”的含义。 在国外也使用率极高的“笑哭”表情,最近也吸引了外国网友相似的讨论。据CNN报道,最近几周,精通互联网(internet-savvy)的两代人在TikTok上围绕千禧文化的一些标志性特征吵得不可开交。 ▌对不起了,千禧之子们,“笑哭”表情包过时 Z一代认为下列文化特征已经过时:紧身牛仔裤(Z一代结论:快把它们烧了)、偏分发型(Z一代结论:我只要中分),以及很多千禧一代每天使用无数次的、广为流行的“笑哭”表情符号。 互联网语言学家麦卡洛克(Gretchen McCulloch)说:“正是‘笑哭’的成功导致了它在年轻人当中的口碑跌落。(Tears of Joy was a victim of its own success.)” 她说:“如果你多年来用同样的方式表达笑意,它会逐渐显得不真诚。……这种夸张的符号已经被用烂了。”这就是为什么Z世代试图找寻新鲜的替代品,通过不一样的方式发出笑的信号。 Z世代 2019年初,皮尤研究中心首次定义了Z世代的出生年月。以下这些就是各代目前的最新定义: Z世代(Gen Z):出生于1997年-2012年(9-24岁) 千禧一代(Gen Y, or Millennials):出生于1981-1996年(25-40岁) 一名用户在一则TikTok评论中问道:“‘笑哭’表情符号有啥问题?”另一名用户回复说:“过时到不行了。” 21岁的瓦利德·穆罕默德对记者说:“我什么表情都用,除了‘笑哭’。很久以前我就不再用这个表情了,因为我看到都是年纪更大的人在用,比如我妈妈、哥哥姐姐以及其他上了年纪的人。” 安息吧,“笑哭”表情包 17岁的泽维尔·马丁则表示,“笑哭”表情符号“很乏味”,并称同龄人使用它的并不多。21岁的斯泰茜·蒂鲁更喜欢真正的“哭泣”表情符号,因为它表现出一种更极端的情感,更富有戏剧性。 1996年以后出生的Z世代成长于一个互联网已经无处不在的年代。相比之下,一些千禧一代还记得互联网没有那么普及的时代。 对于为什么年轻人喜欢那么频繁地使用表情,有人说: “光用语言不能完全地阐释出我思想的深度和复杂性,所以我在演讲中加入表情符号来更好地表达自己。[眨眼]” 但也有人认为,无论用什么样的表情,只要能够表达出自己想表达的意思,并且能被理解,那么怎么样都不算是“out”。 毕竟语言只是一种表达的工具,愿每一代人都能有自己“语言的艺术”。 你最近在用什么表情呢?一起来分享一下吧。 编辑:陈月华 实习生:陈羽洁 来源:参考消息网 CNN VICE
近期日本政府新设立了“孤独大臣”一职,专门应对孤独导致的自杀率上升等问题。“孤独大臣”并非日本的首创。2018年,时任英国首相特雷莎·梅任命了世界上第一位“孤独大臣”,希望解决国内日益严重的社会孤独问题。 In 2020, suicides in Japan rose for the first time in 11 years. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP Japan has appointed a "Minister of Loneliness" to take try and reduce loneliness and social isolation among its residents as the country deals with rising suicide rates, Japan Times reported. 《日本时报》报道称,为了应对自杀率上升,日本任命了一位“孤独大臣”,试图减少国民的孤独感和社交孤立。 Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto, who is already a minister in charge of dealing with Japan's declining birthrate and promoting regional revitalization, to oversee government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation, earlier this month. Prime Minister Suga chose Sakamoto as his Minister for economic revitalization when he was elected in September 2020. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。菅义伟在2020年9月当选首相时,任命坂本哲志担任经济振兴大臣。 Tetsushi Sakamoto is Japan's new loneliness minister. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon "Women are suffering from isolation more (than men are), and the number of suicides is on a rising trend," Suga told Sakamoto on a February 12 news conference announcing the new role, according to the Japan Times . "I hope you will identify problems and promote policy measures comprehensively." 据《日本时报》报道,菅义伟在2月12日的新闻发布会上宣布任命决定时,对坂本哲志说:“女性遭受的孤立(比男性)更多,而且自杀数量呈上升趋势。我希望你能找出问题所在,全面推行政策措施。” Loneliness has long been an issue in Japan, often discussed alongside "hikikomori," or people who live in extreme social isolation. People have worked to create far-ranging solutions to this issue: Engineers in Japan previously designed a robot to hold someone's hand when they're lonely and one man charges people to "do nothing" except keep them company. 长久以来,孤独一直是困扰日本人的问题,经常和生活在极端社会隔离环境中的“蛰居族”一同被讨论。人们已经开始从多个方面来解决这个问题:日本工程师先前设计过一款机器人,可以在人们感觉孤独时握住人们的手;还有一名男子提供一种“什么都不做”的收费服务,只是静静地陪伴。 疫情期间日本自杀率上升 During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with people more socially isolated than ever, Japan saw a rise in suicides for the first time in 11 years. 在2020年新冠疫情期间,由于人们比以往都更加与世隔绝,日本自杀率11年以来首次出现上升。 In October, more people died from suicide than had died from COVID-19 in Japan in all of 2020. There were 2,153 suicide deaths that month and 1,765 total virus deaths up to the end of October 2020, per the Japanese National Police Agency. (After a surge in new cases starting in December, Japan has now recorded 7,506 total coronavirus deaths as of February 22.) Studies show that loneliness has been linked to a higher risk of health issues like heart disease, dementia, and eating disorders. 根据日本警察厅的数据,去年10月份日本死于自杀的人比2020年全年死于新冠肺炎的人都要多。当月共有2153人死于自杀,而截至2020年10月底日本共有1765人死于新冠病毒。(去年12月起日本新冠肺炎新病例开始飙升,截至2021年2月22日日本新冠肺炎死亡病例总数已达到7506人。)研究显示,孤独会增加心脏病、痴呆症和饮食失调等健康问题的风险。 Women in Japan, in particular, have contributed to the uptick in suicides. In October, 879 women died by suicide in Japan — a 70% increase compared to the same month in 2019. 日本自杀人数增加,很大程度上是因为自杀的女性增多了。去年10月份,日本有879名女性死于自杀,相比2019年10月增加了70%。 A woman crosses the street in Tokyo on January 28, 2021. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP More and more single women live alone in Japan, but many of them don't have stable employment, Michiko Ueda, a Japanese professor who studies suicide in Japan, told the BBC last week. 研究日本自杀现象的日本教授上田美智子上周告诉BBC说:“日本独居的单身女性越来越多,但是其中许多人都没有稳定工作。” "A lot of women are not married anymore," Ueda said. "They have to support their own lives and they don't have permanent jobs. So, when something happens, of course, they are hit very, very hard." 上田美智子说:“很多女性都不再结婚了。她们必须自己维持生计,也没有固定工作。所以一旦发生了什么事,她们当然会受到非常猛烈的冲击。” Japan's new loneliness minister said that he plans to hold an emergency forum in late February to hear concerns from people dealing with loneliness and isolation. 日本新上任的孤独大臣表示,他计划在2月底举办紧急论坛,听取人们应对孤独和孤立问题的意见。 "I hope to carry out activities to prevent social loneliness and isolation and to protect ties between people," Sakamoto said at the February 12 news conference. 坂本哲志在2月12日的新闻发布会上说:“我希望能开展活动来防止社交孤独和孤立,保护人们之间的纽带。” The United Kingdom was the first country to appoint a loneliness minister in 2018, after a 2017 report found that more than nine million people in the UK said they often or always felt lonely. But the role seems to not be a particularly desirable one, as the UK has gone through three loneliness ministers in three years. Australia has considered creating a similar position. 英国是第一个任命孤独大臣的国家。2017年的一份报告发现,英国逾900万人表示自己经常或总是感到孤独,一年后孤独大臣这个职位就诞生了。但是这个职位似乎不是特别受欢迎,因为英国三年换了三任孤独大臣。澳大利亚也考虑安排一个类似的职位。 英文来源:内幕网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
In 2020, suicides in Japan rose for the first time in 11 years. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP Japan has appointed a "Minister of Loneliness" to take try and reduce loneliness and social isolation among its residents as the country deals with rising suicide rates, Japan Times reported. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto, who is already a minister in charge of dealing with Japan's declining birthrate and promoting regional revitalization, to oversee government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation, earlier this month. Prime Minister Suga chose Sakamoto as his Minister for economic revitalization when he was elected in September 2020. Tetsushi Sakamoto is Japan's new loneliness minister. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon "Women are suffering from isolation more (than men are), and the number of suicides is on a rising trend," Suga told Sakamoto on a February 12 news conference announcing the new role, according to the Japan Times . "I hope you will identify problems and promote policy measures comprehensively." Loneliness has long been an issue in Japan, often discussed alongside "hikikomori," or people who live in extreme social isolation. People have worked to create far-ranging solutions to this issue: Engineers in Japan previously designed a robot to hold someone's hand when they're lonely and one man charges people to "do nothing" except keep them company. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with people more socially isolated than ever, Japan saw a rise in suicides for the first time in 11 years. In October, more people died from suicide than had died from COVID-19 in Japan in all of 2020. There were 2,153 suicide deaths that month and 1,765 total virus deaths up to the end of October 2020, per the Japanese National Police Agency. (After a surge in new cases starting in December, Japan has now recorded 7,506 total coronavirus deaths as of February 22.) Studies show that loneliness has been linked to a higher risk of health issues like heart disease, dementia, and eating disorders. Women in Japan, in particular, have contributed to the uptick in suicides. In October, 879 women died by suicide in Japan — a 70% increase compared to the same month in 2019. A woman crosses the street in Tokyo on January 28, 2021. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP More and more single women live alone in Japan, but many of them don't have stable employment, Michiko Ueda, a Japanese professor who studies suicide in Japan, told the BBC last week. "A lot of women are not married anymore," Ueda said. "They have to support their own lives and they don't have permanent jobs. So, when something happens, of course, they are hit very, very hard." Japan's new loneliness minister said that he plans to hold an emergency forum in late February to hear concerns from people dealing with loneliness and isolation. "I hope to carry out activities to prevent social loneliness and isolation and to protect ties between people," Sakamoto said at the February 12 news conference. The United Kingdom was the first country to appoint a loneliness minister in 2018, after a 2017 report found that more than nine million people in the UK said they often or always felt lonely. But the role seems to not be a particularly desirable one, as the UK has gone through three loneliness ministers in three years. Australia has considered creating a similar position.
近期日本政府新设立了“孤独大臣”一职,专门应对孤独导致的自杀率上升等问题。“孤独大臣”并非日本的首创。2018年,时任英国首相特雷莎·梅任命了世界上第一位“孤独大臣”,希望解决国内日益严重的社会孤独问题。 《日本时报》报道称,为了应对自杀率上升,日本任命了一位“孤独大臣”,试图减少国民的孤独感和社交孤立。 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。菅义伟在2020年9月当选首相时,任命坂本哲志担任经济振兴大臣。 据《日本时报》报道,菅义伟在2月12日的新闻发布会上宣布任命决定时,对坂本哲志说:“女性遭受的孤立(比男性)更多,而且自杀数量呈上升趋势。我希望你能找出问题所在,全面推行政策措施。” 长久以来,孤独一直是困扰日本人的问题,经常和生活在极端社会隔离环境中的“蛰居族”一同被讨论。人们已经开始从多个方面来解决这个问题:日本工程师先前设计过一款机器人,可以在人们感觉孤独时握住人们的手;还有一名男子提供一种“什么都不做”的收费服务,只是静静地陪伴。 疫情期间日本自杀率上升 在2020年新冠疫情期间,由于人们比以往都更加与世隔绝,日本自杀率11年以来首次出现上升。 根据日本警察厅的数据,去年10月份日本死于自杀的人比2020年全年死于新冠肺炎的人都要多。当月共有2153人死于自杀,而截至2020年10月底日本共有1765人死于新冠病毒。(去年12月起日本新冠肺炎新病例开始飙升,截至2021年2月22日日本新冠肺炎死亡病例总数已达到7506人。)研究显示,孤独会增加心脏病、痴呆症和饮食失调等健康问题的风险。 日本自杀人数增加,很大程度上是因为自杀的女性增多了。去年10月份,日本有879名女性死于自杀,相比2019年10月增加了70%。 研究日本自杀现象的日本教授上田美智子上周告诉BBC说:“日本独居的单身女性越来越多,但是其中许多人都没有稳定工作。” 上田美智子说:“很多女性都不再结婚了。她们必须自己维持生计,也没有固定工作。所以一旦发生了什么事,她们当然会受到非常猛烈的冲击。” 日本新上任的孤独大臣表示,他计划在2月底举办紧急论坛,听取人们应对孤独和孤立问题的意见。 坂本哲志在2月12日的新闻发布会上说:“我希望能开展活动来防止社交孤独和孤立,保护人们之间的纽带。” 英国是第一个任命孤独大臣的国家。2017年的一份报告发现,英国逾900万人表示自己经常或总是感到孤独,一年后孤独大臣这个职位就诞生了。但是这个职位似乎不是特别受欢迎,因为英国三年换了三任孤独大臣。澳大利亚也考虑安排一个类似的职位。 英文来源:内幕网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
总是忍不住刷朋友圈,不想漏掉任何最新消息的心态,即FOMO(fear of missing out)。 [Photo/Unsplash] FOMO是什么? Fear of missing out or FOMO is "a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent". This social angst is characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing". FOMO一词来源于英文短语Fear of missing out. “害怕错过”(常缩写为FOMO)指的是担心自己缺席时,其他人会获得有益体验的一种普遍的忧虑情绪。这种社交焦虑的特点是“希望一直知晓其他人在做什么”。 FOMO is also defined as a fear of regret, which may lead to a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying events. “害怕错过”还可以定义为一种遗憾,这有可能导致一种强迫性的关心,比如担心自己可能错失了一次社交机会,一种新奇体验,一项有利可图的投资,或者其他让人满意的事情。 在信息爆炸的今天,你是否总觉得有刷不完的动态?短信、电子邮件、朋友更新的社交动态、最新发布的流媒体音乐视频、瞬息万变的股市基金行情、不停更新的新闻……我们一边疲于查阅各类消息,一边担心漏掉一些重要的商业线索,亦或是身边人在热议的八卦。甚至有,你不刷,别人刷了,别人就可能超过你的心态。这些都在加剧着FOMO情绪。 FOMO会让你更幸福吗? The answer is definitely: NO. Researchers have found that FOMO leads us to check social media more frequently, leading to a negative cycle that can be hard to break. FOMO can lead to feelings of depression, loneliness, and boredom. Your mood will be easily influenced by others and your life starts to be controlled by the outside world. 答案是显然的,并不会。研究人员发现,FOMO让我们更频繁地查看社交媒体,形成很难打破的恶性循环。FOMO会产生抑郁、孤独和无聊的心理状态。你的心情开始轻易被别人影响,生活开始为外界所掌控。 我们每天花费大量的时间和注意力,去消费大量的信息,并经常让FOMO引导我们将自己的生活与社交媒体上其他人的生活进行比较。这种比较常常让我们感到不满意。因为我们往往在社交媒体上看到的都是别人分享的高光时刻,而自己的生活却是一地鸡毛。 如何减少FOMO的心理特征? 看到这里,是否觉得该关闭朋友圈功能甚至扔掉手机以避免频繁刷社交媒体带来的负面影响呢?倒也不必。要想破除“错失恐惧”造成的迷局,最关键还是在现实生活中找到足够的社会支持以满足自己的归属需求。可以从以下三个方面入手: Change your focus 调整心态 Rather than focusing on what you lack, try noticing what you have. You can change your feed that triggers your FOMO. "Meritocracy society" is advocated today, but in fact, everyone owns their own success. Try to reduce our screen time, focus on building your own path to success and do what you like. Live in the moment, you will find nothing is missing out in our life! 与其关注你所缺乏的东西,不如试着注意你所拥有的东西。你可以少看一些引发“害怕错过”情绪的信息。在“精英社会”被大力提倡的今天,其实每一个人都有一条属于自己的成功之路。试着减少手机屏幕使用时间,构建属于自己的成功道路,做自己喜欢的事。活在当下,你会发现没有什么遗憾! Keep a journal 坚持写日记 It is common to post on social media to keep a record of the fun things you do. However, you may find yourself noticing a little too much about whether people are validating your experiences online. If this is the case, you may try to keep a personal journal of your best memories, either online or on paper. Keeping a journal can help you to shift your focus from public approval to private appreciation of the things that make your life great. This shift can sometimes help you to get out of the cycle of FOMO. 在社交媒体上发帖记录自己做得有趣的事情是很常见的。然而,你可能会发现自己会更在意别人对你的反应。如果是这样的话,不妨试试把你最美好的回忆写成个人日记,可以是电子的,也可以是纸质的。写日记可以帮助你把关注点从公众的认可转移到真正让生活变得美好的事物上。这种转变有时可以帮助你走出“害怕错过”的怪圈。 Seek out real connections 寻求真正的连接 You may find yourself seeking a greater connection when you are feeling depressed or anxious, and this is healthy. Feelings of loneliness or exclusion are actually our brain's way of telling us that we want to seek out greater connections with others and increase our sense of belonging. Rather than trying to connect more with people on social media, why not arrange to meet up with someone in person? Talking with families, making plans with a good friend, or creating a group outing that can help you to shake that feeling that you are missing out. 当你感到沮丧或焦虑时,你可能会发现自己想要更多与外界建立联系,这是正常的。孤独或排斥的感觉,实际是大脑在告诉我们,我们想要寻求与他人更多的联系,增加归属感。与其试图在社交媒体上与人们建立更多的联系,为什么不安排与某人亲自见面呢?与家人交谈,与好朋友制定计划,或创建一个团体郊游,可以帮助你摆脱“害怕错过”的感觉。 “害怕错过”,会让我们错过了自己真正的生活。春节期间,不妨让我们放下手机,多把时间留给线下生活,留给家人朋友,忘掉FOMO,体验一把JOMO(Joy of missing out)的快乐吧! 记者:焦洁 实习生:徐夏童 Source:ifanr 新华网
[Photo/Unsplash] Fear of missing out or FOMO is "a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent". This social angst is characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing". FOMO is also defined as a fear of regret, which may lead to a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying events. The answer is definitely: NO. Researchers have found that FOMO leads us to check social media more frequently, leading to a negative cycle that can be hard to break. FOMO can lead to feelings of depression, loneliness, and boredom. Your mood will be easily influenced by others and your life starts to be controlled by the outside world. Change your focus Rather than focusing on what you lack, try noticing what you have. You can change your feed that triggers your FOMO. "Meritocracy society" is advocated today, but in fact, everyone owns their own success. Try to reduce our screen time, focus on building your own path to success and do what you like. Live in the moment, you will find nothing is missing out in our life! Keep a journal It is common to post on social media to keep a record of the fun things you do. However, you may find yourself noticing a little too much about whether people are validating your experiences online. If this is the case, you may try to keep a personal journal of your best memories, either online or on paper. Keeping a journal can help you to shift your focus from public approval to private appreciation of the things that make your life great. This shift can sometimes help you to get out of the cycle of FOMO. Seek out real connections You may find yourself seeking a greater connection when you are feeling depressed or anxious, and this is healthy. Feelings of loneliness or exclusion are actually our brain's way of telling us that we want to seek out greater connections with others and increase our sense of belonging. Rather than trying to connect more with people on social media, why not arrange to meet up with someone in person? Talking with families, making plans with a good friend, or creating a group outing that can help you to shake that feeling that you are missing out.
总是忍不住刷朋友圈,不想漏掉任何最新消息的心态,即FOMO(fear of missing out)。 FOMO是什么? FOMO一词来源于英文短语Fear of missing out. “害怕错过”(常缩写为FOMO)指的是担心自己缺席时,其他人会获得有益体验的一种普遍的忧虑情绪。这种社交焦虑的特点是“希望一直知晓其他人在做什么”。 “害怕错过”还可以定义为一种遗憾,这有可能导致一种强迫性的关心,比如担心自己可能错失了一次社交机会,一种新奇体验,一项有利可图的投资,或者其他让人满意的事情。 在信息爆炸的今天,你是否总觉得有刷不完的动态?短信、电子邮件、朋友更新的社交动态、最新发布的流媒体音乐视频、瞬息万变的股市基金行情、不停更新的新闻……我们一边疲于查阅各类消息,一边担心漏掉一些重要的商业线索,亦或是身边人在热议的八卦。甚至有,你不刷,别人刷了,别人就可能超过你的心态。这些都在加剧着FOMO情绪。 FOMO会让你更幸福吗? 答案是显然的,并不会。研究人员发现,FOMO让我们更频繁地查看社交媒体,形成很难打破的恶性循环。FOMO会产生抑郁、孤独和无聊的心理状态。你的心情开始轻易被别人影响,生活开始为外界所掌控。 我们每天花费大量的时间和注意力,去消费大量的信息,并经常让FOMO引导我们将自己的生活与社交媒体上其他人的生活进行比较。这种比较常常让我们感到不满意。因为我们往往在社交媒体上看到的都是别人分享的高光时刻,而自己的生活却是一地鸡毛。 如何减少FOMO的心理特征? 看到这里,是否觉得该关闭朋友圈功能甚至扔掉手机以避免频繁刷社交媒体带来的负面影响呢?倒也不必。要想破除“错失恐惧”造成的迷局,最关键还是在现实生活中找到足够的社会支持以满足自己的归属需求。可以从以下三个方面入手: 调整心态 与其关注你所缺乏的东西,不如试着注意你所拥有的东西。你可以少看一些引发“害怕错过”情绪的信息。在“精英社会”被大力提倡的今天,其实每一个人都有一条属于自己的成功之路。试着减少手机屏幕使用时间,构建属于自己的成功道路,做自己喜欢的事。活在当下,你会发现没有什么遗憾! 坚持写日记 在社交媒体上发帖记录自己做得有趣的事情是很常见的。然而,你可能会发现自己会更在意别人对你的反应。如果是这样的话,不妨试试把你最美好的回忆写成个人日记,可以是电子的,也可以是纸质的。写日记可以帮助你把关注点从公众的认可转移到真正让生活变得美好的事物上。这种转变有时可以帮助你走出“害怕错过”的怪圈。 寻求真正的连接 当你感到沮丧或焦虑时,你可能会发现自己想要更多与外界建立联系,这是正常的。孤独或排斥的感觉,实际是大脑在告诉我们,我们想要寻求与他人更多的联系,增加归属感。与其试图在社交媒体上与人们建立更多的联系,为什么不安排与某人亲自见面呢?与家人交谈,与好朋友制定计划,或创建一个团体郊游,可以帮助你摆脱“害怕错过”的感觉。 “害怕错过”,会让我们错过了自己真正的生活。春节期间,不妨让我们放下手机,多把时间留给线下生活,留给家人朋友,忘掉FOMO,体验一把JOMO(Joy of missing out)的快乐吧! 记者:焦洁 实习生:徐夏童 Source:ifanr 新华网
美国新冠肺炎死亡病例逼近50万之际,美国顶级传染病专家福奇表示,美国人可能到了2022年仍需要戴口罩来抗击新冠病毒。 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci addresses the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, US January 21, 2021. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that it's "possible" Americans will still need to wear masks in 2022 to protect against the coronavirus, even as the US may reach "a significant degree of normality" by the end of this year. 安东尼·福奇博士2月21日表示,尽管今年年底美国也许能达到“一个相当程度的正常状态”,但美国人“可能”到了2022年仍需要戴口罩来防止感染新冠病毒。 Asked by CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" whether he thinks Americans will still need to wear masks next year, Fauci replied: "You know, I think it is possible that that's the case and, again, it really depends on what you mean by normality." 在谈话节目《国情咨文》上被美国有线电视新闻网的德娜·巴许问及明年美国人是否仍需戴口罩时,福奇回答道:“我认为可能需要戴口罩,而且这取决于你对正常状态的定义。” The comments from Fauci come as the US Covid-19 death toll approaches 500,000 and the country nears a full year in its fight against the virus. 福奇发表这一言论之时,正值美国新冠肺炎死亡病例逼近50万,美国抗击新冠病毒也即将满一年。 Fauci told Bash that while he can't predict when the US might return to operating as it did before the pandemic took hold, he thinks that by the end of this year "we're going to have a significant degree of normality beyond the terrible burden that all of us have been through over the last year." 福奇告诉巴什说,尽管他无法预测美国何时能回归疫情之前的状态,但他认为今年年底“人们将恢复到相当程度的正常状态,摆脱过去这一年来我们所有人背负的可怕重担。” "As we get into the fall and the winter, by the end of the year, I agree with (President Joe Biden) completely that we will be approaching a degree of normality," said Fauci, who serves as Biden's chief medical adviser. 福奇说:“我完全同意(拜登总统的观点),认为今年年底前,在秋冬季来临时我们将迎来一定程度的正常状态。”福奇是拜登的首席医疗顾问。 Mask-wearing is critical to slowing the spread of the virus, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which says they can help protect both the people wearing them and those around them from transmitting the virus. 美国疾病控制与预防中心称,戴口罩对于减缓病毒传播速度十分关键,戴口罩有助于保护佩戴者及其周围的人,避免传播病毒。 Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, attends a briefing by the White House coronavirus task force in the Brady press briefing room at the White House in Washington, US, November 19, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis The Biden administration has been pushing mask-wearing more aggressively than the Trump administration did, with the President signing an executive order last month mandating interstate travelers wear a mask and requiring masks on federal property. Biden also challenged Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency to reduce the spread of the virus. 拜登领导的美国政府相比特朗普政府更为积极地推行戴口罩。上个月拜登总统签署了一条行政令,命令跨州旅行者佩戴口罩,并规定联邦地产上必须佩戴口罩。拜登还向美国人发起了百日口罩挑战,敦促民众在其就任总统的头100天坚持戴口罩,以减少病毒传播。 Fauci also weighed in Sunday on suggestions by researchers in Israel and Canada that just one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was needed to protect against the virus, saying "the science points directly towards continuing with what we know about from the clinical trial," which is that two doses provide the most protection against the virus and the emerging variants. 此前以色列和加拿大的研究人员建议,只需注射一剂辉瑞/ BioNTech疫苗就能对病毒产生防护力,福奇21日对此发表意见称:“从科学的角度来看,最直接的做法就是延续我们从临床试验得出的结论”,也就是两剂疫苗能够对病毒和新变种产生最强的防护力。 weigh in on:参与(讨论等);对……发表意见 "We know for sure that when you give a prime with the Pfizer followed by a boost 21 days later that you get a 94% to 95% efficacy and the difference between the level of antibodies after one dose versus two doses is about tenfold higher," he said. 他说:“我们能肯定的是,在接种第一剂辉瑞疫苗,21天后再接种第二剂,有效性可达到94%到95%,接种两剂疫苗后产生的抗体水平比接种单剂疫苗后产生的抗体水平大约高出10倍。” "And that is really important because when you have that high a degree comparable to the single dose alone, that's the cushion that you would like to have when you get a variant that isn't as well-protected against by the antibodies induced by the vaccine, but you have enough level to be able to prevent at least severe disease." “这一点真的很重要,因为当你拥有两剂疫苗产生的抗体后,万一你感染了该抗体不能很好防护的新变种病毒,相比接种单剂疫苗可以起到更好的缓冲作用,至少你有足够的抗体可以防止自己发展成重症。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci addresses the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, US January 21, 2021. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that it's "possible" Americans will still need to wear masks in 2022 to protect against the coronavirus, even as the US may reach "a significant degree of normality" by the end of this year. Asked by CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" whether he thinks Americans will still need to wear masks next year, Fauci replied: "You know, I think it is possible that that's the case and, again, it really depends on what you mean by normality." The comments from Fauci come as the US Covid-19 death toll approaches 500,000 and the country nears a full year in its fight against the virus. Fauci told Bash that while he can't predict when the US might return to operating as it did before the pandemic took hold, he thinks that by the end of this year "we're going to have a significant degree of normality beyond the terrible burden that all of us have been through over the last year." "As we get into the fall and the winter, by the end of the year, I agree with (President Joe Biden) completely that we will be approaching a degree of normality," said Fauci, who serves as Biden's chief medical adviser. Mask-wearing is critical to slowing the spread of the virus, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which says they can help protect both the people wearing them and those around them from transmitting the virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, attends a briefing by the White House coronavirus task force in the Brady press briefing room at the White House in Washington, US, November 19, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis The Biden administration has been pushing mask-wearing more aggressively than the Trump administration did, with the President signing an executive order last month mandating interstate travelers wear a mask and requiring masks on federal property. Biden also challenged Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency to reduce the spread of the virus. Fauci also weighed in Sunday on suggestions by researchers in Israel and Canada that just one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was needed to protect against the virus, saying "the science points directly towards continuing with what we know about from the clinical trial," which is that two doses provide the most protection against the virus and the emerging variants. "We know for sure that when you give a prime with the Pfizer followed by a boost 21 days later that you get a 94% to 95% efficacy and the difference between the level of antibodies after one dose versus two doses is about tenfold higher," he said. "And that is really important because when you have that high a degree comparable to the single dose alone, that's the cushion that you would like to have when you get a variant that isn't as well-protected against by the antibodies induced by the vaccine, but you have enough level to be able to prevent at least severe disease."
美国新冠肺炎死亡病例逼近50万之际,美国顶级传染病专家福奇表示,美国人可能到了2022年仍需要戴口罩来抗击新冠病毒。 安东尼·福奇博士2月21日表示,尽管今年年底美国也许能达到“一个相当程度的正常状态”,但美国人“可能”到了2022年仍需要戴口罩来防止感染新冠病毒。 在谈话节目《国情咨文》上被美国有线电视新闻网的德娜·巴许问及明年美国人是否仍需戴口罩时,福奇回答道:“我认为可能需要戴口罩,而且这取决于你对正常状态的定义。” 福奇发表这一言论之时,正值美国新冠肺炎死亡病例逼近50万,美国抗击新冠病毒也即将满一年。 福奇告诉巴什说,尽管他无法预测美国何时能回归疫情之前的状态,但他认为今年年底“人们将恢复到相当程度的正常状态,摆脱过去这一年来我们所有人背负的可怕重担。” 福奇说:“我完全同意(拜登总统的观点),认为今年年底前,在秋冬季来临时我们将迎来一定程度的正常状态。”福奇是拜登的首席医疗顾问。 美国疾病控制与预防中心称,戴口罩对于减缓病毒传播速度十分关键,戴口罩有助于保护佩戴者及其周围的人,避免传播病毒。 拜登领导的美国政府相比特朗普政府更为积极地推行戴口罩。上个月拜登总统签署了一条行政令,命令跨州旅行者佩戴口罩,并规定联邦地产上必须佩戴口罩。拜登还向美国人发起了百日口罩挑战,敦促民众在其就任总统的头100天坚持戴口罩,以减少病毒传播。 此前以色列和加拿大的研究人员建议,只需注射一剂辉瑞/ BioNTech疫苗就能对病毒产生防护力,福奇21日对此发表意见称:“从科学的角度来看,最直接的做法就是延续我们从临床试验得出的结论”,也就是两剂疫苗能够对病毒和新变种产生最强的防护力。 weigh in on:参与(讨论等);对……发表意见 他说:“我们能肯定的是,在接种第一剂辉瑞疫苗,21天后再接种第二剂,有效性可达到94%到95%,接种两剂疫苗后产生的抗体水平比接种单剂疫苗后产生的抗体水平大约高出10倍。” “这一点真的很重要,因为当你拥有两剂疫苗产生的抗体后,万一你感染了该抗体不能很好防护的新变种病毒,相比接种单剂疫苗可以起到更好的缓冲作用,至少你有足够的抗体可以防止自己发展成重症。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
过完年,不少人又长了一岁。连春联里都写:“天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门”。岁月可能是渐渐流逝的,但人却不一定是慢慢长大的。人通常是在某个瞬间意识到自己与年少时不同了。回望才发现,原来自己变了这么多。 社交媒体Reddit上有网友感慨了一句: You officially become an adult when you realize that the smallest size at an ice cream shop is more than enough. 买冰淇淋意识到最小的那一支就够够的了的时候,你就正式迈入成年人行列了。 类似的可能还有,小时候恨不得能天天吃汉堡炸鸡,现在工资/零花钱能买全家桶却不再馋了。 So I ask for the smallest or kids’ size. I have to convince them that I really only want one scoop. Yes, just one. Ok, you can stop now. I understand it’s the same price. But I really like the cone and would rather not have to throw out a bunch of ice cream to get to the cone. 所以我就点最小的或者儿童款的冰淇淋。我还得跟店员解释我真的只要㧟一勺,对,就一勺,好了,可以了,停吧。我知道价格一样。但我真的很喜欢吃那个锥形壳儿,而且我不想为了吃壳儿而不得不丢掉大块冰淇淋。 围绕吃喝,Reddit网友发现,年龄增长会伴随着饮料喜好的变化——牛奶、苏打水、咖啡、酒类都不想喝了,你只想喝水。 When you discover that the best adult drink is no longer just milk; It is no longer soda; You are no longer at the age where it is coffee; And then you are past the age where it is no longer alcohol; Here, you are now old enough to understand that water is the best and most ideal adult drink there is. And I was telling my friends that you know you’ve aged when you order a hot drink with your fast food meal! 渐渐你就发觉最棒的成人饮料其实不是牛奶;接着也不是苏打水;然后你慢慢也会不想喝咖啡了;再就是渐渐地你也不爱酒精了;这时候,你的年纪可能就到了慢慢理解白水是最棒最理想的成人饮品了。而且我还跟我朋友们说,当你吃快餐都点热饮的时候你就知道自己上年纪了。 就餐时喝热饮对中国人来说不是稀罕事,热奶茶不说,广东人吃早茶不也得佐热茶吗。这种饮料里的年岁增长应该体现在保温杯里泡枸杞(goji)。 成年人的饮食喜好变换还被网友附着了一层成年人的苦恼——节食减肥以示活得很好。 You become an adult when you forego buying ice cream to buy leafy greens to make a salad, because you want to go back to wearing size 30 jeans to prove to your ex (because he/she was a fool, dumping you for someone else) that you still got it. 成年后,你弃了冰淇淋,买绿叶子菜做沙拉,因为你想瘦到可以穿回30码的牛仔裤,以此证明给前任看(因为他/她蠢到甩了你找了别人)你还是能回春。 至此,不难看出,一个冰淇淋串联起了成年人的体重、恋爱、收入和烦恼。 长大后才明白的道理实在是太多。列举几个常见的: ▌Work, sleep, eat, repeat. 上班、睡觉、吃饭,循环。 ▌The inevitable break up. 分手根本不可避免 ▌Having the courage to apologize. 鼓足勇气道歉 ▌Not all friendships last forever, and that's okay. 不是所有友情都会地久天长,没关系。 ▌Most adults are clueless and are figuring out life just like everybody else. 大多数成年人也毫无头绪,和其他人一样在努力找寻生命意义。 ▌It feels like things move so slow and life will be endless when you were a kid. But life speeds by horribly fast now. 小时候觉得时间过得好慢,生命好像无穷尽。但是现在长大了发现,生命如白驹过隙。 归根结底,小孩子可能很少思考钱和人生——钱有爸妈给,人生太远太长不必想。但成年人不行。 Life is EXPENSIVE. 生活好花钱! As soon as I started working full time and having to pay monthly bills (rent, groceries, insurance, etc.), let me tell you - my restaurant eating much came to a 100% stop. Life is pricey... 我开始全职工作后,每月有各项支出(房租、食品杂货、保险等等),我跟你说——我下馆子的习惯完全停掉了。生活本身就很花钱了...... You have very little freedom in your life if you choose to go down the conventional route. 如果你选择走传统路线生活,那你就不太会有很多自由空间了。 For example, you get a job, you think you need a promotion. You get a house, you think you need to get a bigger house. You have kids, you decide those kids should be doing expensive sports or going to private school. And suddenly all your money is gone, you have no spare time, and you feel like the more stuff you own, the more it starts to own you. —— doobeedoo3 比方说,你找到工作,就会想擢升。买了房子就会想买个更大的。有了小孩就会想要给小孩上贵族运动或者送去私立学校。就突然一下你所有的钱就消失了,你也失去了空余时间,感觉像是你拥有的东西越多,这些东西也就越吞噬你。 最近穿越题材电影《你好,李焕英》被贾玲拍得让不少人泪目。如果能穿越,或者写一封给过去自己的信,人们会想说什么? 北京邮电大学的学生何世杰(@老师好我叫何同学)在视频里对3年前的自己说: “2017年对你来说将是很重要的一年,要加油呀!哦对了,最重要的,你那年的理综答案是:BDCCD, BABDB ......” 你有哪些长大后才明白的道理想要写信告诉以前的自己呢?留言分享吧。 Notes cone [kəʊn] n 锥形蛋卷筒 forego [fɔːˈɡəʊ] v 放弃;弃绝(想做的事或想得之物) clueless [ˈkluːləs] adj (对某事)不懂的,无能的;很愚蠢的 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:刘小榕 Source: Quora Reddit Buzzfeed等
You officially become an adult when you realize that the smallest size at an ice cream shop is more than enough. So I ask for the smallest or kids’ size. I have to convince them that I really only want one scoop. Yes, just one. Ok, you can stop now. I understand it’s the same price. But I really like the cone and would rather not have to throw out a bunch of ice cream to get to the cone. When you discover that the best adult drink is no longer just milk; It is no longer soda; You are no longer at the age where it is coffee; And then you are past the age where it is no longer alcohol; Here, you are now old enough to understand that water is the best and most ideal adult drink there is. And I was telling my friends that you know you’ve aged when you order a hot drink with your fast food meal! You become an adult when you forego buying ice cream to buy leafy greens to make a salad, because you want to go back to wearing size 30 jeans to prove to your ex (because he/she was a fool, dumping you for someone else) that you still got it. ▌Work, sleep, eat, repeat. ▌The inevitable break up. ▌Having the courage to apologize. ▌Not all friendships last forever, and that's okay. ▌Most adults are clueless and are figuring out life just like everybody else. ▌It feels like things move so slow and life will be endless when you were a kid. But life speeds by horribly fast now. Life is EXPENSIVE. As soon as I started working full time and having to pay monthly bills (rent, groceries, insurance, etc.), let me tell you - my restaurant eating much came to a 100% stop. Life is pricey... You have very little freedom in your life if you choose to go down the conventional route. For example, you get a job, you think you need a promotion. You get a house, you think you need to get a bigger house. You have kids, you decide those kids should be doing expensive sports or going to private school. And suddenly all your money is gone, you have no spare time, and you feel like the more stuff you own, the more it starts to own you. —— doobeedoo3 Notes
过完年,不少人又长了一岁。连春联里都写:“天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门”。岁月可能是渐渐流逝的,但人却不一定是慢慢长大的。人通常是在某个瞬间意识到自己与年少时不同了。回望才发现,原来自己变了这么多。 社交媒体Reddit上有网友感慨了一句: 买冰淇淋意识到最小的那一支就够够的了的时候,你就正式迈入成年人行列了。 类似的可能还有,小时候恨不得能天天吃汉堡炸鸡,现在工资/零花钱能买全家桶却不再馋了。 所以我就点最小的或者儿童款的冰淇淋。我还得跟店员解释我真的只要㧟一勺,对,就一勺,好了,可以了,停吧。我知道价格一样。但我真的很喜欢吃那个锥形壳儿,而且我不想为了吃壳儿而不得不丢掉大块冰淇淋。 围绕吃喝,Reddit网友发现,年龄增长会伴随着饮料喜好的变化——牛奶、苏打水、咖啡、酒类都不想喝了,你只想喝水。 渐渐你就发觉最棒的成人饮料其实不是牛奶;接着也不是苏打水;然后你慢慢也会不想喝咖啡了;再就是渐渐地你也不爱酒精了;这时候,你的年纪可能就到了慢慢理解白水是最棒最理想的成人饮品了。而且我还跟我朋友们说,当你吃快餐都点热饮的时候你就知道自己上年纪了。 就餐时喝热饮对中国人来说不是稀罕事,热奶茶不说,广东人吃早茶不也得佐热茶吗。这种饮料里的年岁增长应该体现在保温杯里泡枸杞(goji)。 成年人的饮食喜好变换还被网友附着了一层成年人的苦恼——节食减肥以示活得很好。 成年后,你弃了冰淇淋,买绿叶子菜做沙拉,因为你想瘦到可以穿回30码的牛仔裤,以此证明给前任看(因为他/她蠢到甩了你找了别人)你还是能回春。 至此,不难看出,一个冰淇淋串联起了成年人的体重、恋爱、收入和烦恼。 长大后才明白的道理实在是太多。列举几个常见的: 上班、睡觉、吃饭,循环。 分手根本不可避免 鼓足勇气道歉 不是所有友情都会地久天长,没关系。 大多数成年人也毫无头绪,和其他人一样在努力找寻生命意义。 小时候觉得时间过得好慢,生命好像无穷尽。但是现在长大了发现,生命如白驹过隙。 归根结底,小孩子可能很少思考钱和人生——钱有爸妈给,人生太远太长不必想。但成年人不行。 生活好花钱! 我开始全职工作后,每月有各项支出(房租、食品杂货、保险等等),我跟你说——我下馆子的习惯完全停掉了。生活本身就很花钱了...... 如果你选择走传统路线生活,那你就不太会有很多自由空间了。 比方说,你找到工作,就会想擢升。买了房子就会想买个更大的。有了小孩就会想要给小孩上贵族运动或者送去私立学校。就突然一下你所有的钱就消失了,你也失去了空余时间,感觉像是你拥有的东西越多,这些东西也就越吞噬你。 最近穿越题材电影《你好,李焕英》被贾玲拍得让不少人泪目。如果能穿越,或者写一封给过去自己的信,人们会想说什么? 北京邮电大学的学生何世杰(@老师好我叫何同学)在视频里对3年前的自己说: “2017年对你来说将是很重要的一年,要加油呀!哦对了,最重要的,你那年的理综答案是:BDCCD, BABDB ......” 你有哪些长大后才明白的道理想要写信告诉以前的自己呢?留言分享吧。 cone [kəʊn] n 锥形蛋卷筒 forego [fɔːˈɡəʊ] v 放弃;弃绝(想做的事或想得之物) clueless [ˈkluːləs] adj (对某事)不懂的,无能的;很愚蠢的 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:刘小榕 Source: Quora Reddit Buzzfeed等
牛津大学学霸有什么学习习惯?来看看Quora上好评数最多的回答。 [Photo/Pexels] 获得44.7k好评的回答@Benjamin McEvoy: Study Habit #1 - Go to your lectures. 学习习惯#1——去听讲座。 For the first 2 years of Oxford, I went to maybe 4 lectures out of hundreds available. I was arrogant, foolish, lazy, and severely disadvantaging myself. 在牛津的前两年,有数百场讲座,而我大概只去了4场。我很自负、愚蠢、懒惰,严重地害了自己。 In my third year, I went to almost every single lecture available. Including those involving topics I was not personally involved or interested in. 大三时几乎每场讲座我都去,包括我涉及不到的或不感兴趣的话题。 My mind changed when I actually went to lectures. 去听讲座以后我的想法变了。 Firstly, lectures are FUN! Sure, some of them suck. But I found so many gems that influenced my thinking. I found so many passionate, knowledgeable speakers who got me excited about the topic. 首先,讲座很有趣!当然有些讲座很差劲,但我发现了很多影响我思想的有价值的讲座,我发现了很多有激情有学识的演讲者,他们使我对那个话题都感兴趣了。 Second, I remembered more stuff! An hour in the lecture hall has massive returns on investment. 其次,我记住了更多东西!你投入到讲座的一个小时会有丰厚回报。 Study Habit #2: Be an active student. 学习习惯#2:做一个积极的学生。 For my first year at Oxford, I barely said anything in tutorials. I didn’t volunteer in discussions and, as a result, I didn’t understand much. 我在牛津的第一年在导师个别指导课上很少说话。我不会主动参与任何讨论,所以理解的也不好。 My understandings of different texts never matured or became complex. They stayed the same. And they were often wrong. 我对不同文本的理解一直都不成熟,也不深刻,理解能力一如从前,也经常是错的。 Then, somewhere in the middle of my second year, I got over myself and offered more of my own opinions. I responded to others, asked thoughtful questions, and interacted way more. 后来大二期中的一段时间我开始超越自己,更多地提出自己的想法,响应其他人,问有深度的问题,和别人的互动也多了。 Being an active student also means asking for help. The smartest people in the world learned everything from other smart people. 做一个积极的学生也意味着向他人求助,世界上最聪明的人的智慧都是从其他聪明人那儿学来的。 Study Habit #3: Establish a perfect study environment. 学习习惯#3:建立完美的学习环境。 This is a very personal place and it needs to be somewhere you instantly click into study mode. 这个地方因人而异,你需要找一个能让你立刻进入学习状态的地方。 It might be your dorm room. It might be your library. It might be your local coffee shop. 可能是你的宿舍;可能是图书馆;可能是当地的咖啡店。 My perfect study environment was actually the Oxford English Faculty building. 最适合我的学习地点其实是牛津英语学院教学楼。 This is where all my lectures were. It was totally silent. 我的课都在那儿上,那里很安静。 Study Habit #4: Study in small chunks. 学习习惯#4:把学习内容分成小块。 It doesn’t matter how much new information you stuff into your head if you forget it the next day or cannot apply it. 如果所学内容第二天就忘了或者不会应用的话你往脑袋里塞多少新知识都没用。 When you structure your studying, the most important task is always to ensure you are remembering the information you have already learned. 安排学习任务时最重要的是总要确保自己记住了所学内容。 That always comes first. 这才是你首先要考虑的。 In order to improve your retention and absorb more information, you need to break your studying up into manageable blocks (not studying new information for hours on end) and reviewing what you’ve previously learned in each new block. 为了改善记忆力记住更多知识,你需要把所学内容分成易掌握的模块(不要连续几小时学习新知识),并且在学习新模块时复习一下之前所学的内容。 (来源:沪江英语)
[Photo/Pexels] Study Habit #1 - Go to your lectures. For the first 2 years of Oxford, I went to maybe 4 lectures out of hundreds available. I was arrogant, foolish, lazy, and severely disadvantaging myself. In my third year, I went to almost every single lecture available. Including those involving topics I was not personally involved or interested in. My mind changed when I actually went to lectures. Firstly, lectures are FUN! Sure, some of them suck. But I found so many gems that influenced my thinking. I found so many passionate, knowledgeable speakers who got me excited about the topic. Second, I remembered more stuff! An hour in the lecture hall has massive returns on investment. Study Habit #2: Be an active student. For my first year at Oxford, I barely said anything in tutorials. I didn’t volunteer in discussions and, as a result, I didn’t understand much. My understandings of different texts never matured or became complex. They stayed the same. And they were often wrong. Then, somewhere in the middle of my second year, I got over myself and offered more of my own opinions. I responded to others, asked thoughtful questions, and interacted way more. Being an active student also means asking for help. The smartest people in the world learned everything from other smart people. Study Habit #3: Establish a perfect study environment. This is a very personal place and it needs to be somewhere you instantly click into study mode. It might be your dorm room. It might be your library. It might be your local coffee shop. My perfect study environment was actually the Oxford English Faculty building. This is where all my lectures were. It was totally silent. Study Habit #4: Study in small chunks. It doesn’t matter how much new information you stuff into your head if you forget it the next day or cannot apply it. When you structure your studying, the most important task is always to ensure you are remembering the information you have already learned. That always comes first. In order to improve your retention and absorb more information, you need to break your studying up into manageable blocks (not studying new information for hours on end) and reviewing what you’ve previously learned in each new block.
牛津大学学霸有什么学习习惯?来看看Quora上好评数最多的回答。 获得44.7k好评的回答@Benjamin McEvoy: 学习习惯#1——去听讲座。 在牛津的前两年,有数百场讲座,而我大概只去了4场。我很自负、愚蠢、懒惰,严重地害了自己。 大三时几乎每场讲座我都去,包括我涉及不到的或不感兴趣的话题。 去听讲座以后我的想法变了。 首先,讲座很有趣!当然有些讲座很差劲,但我发现了很多影响我思想的有价值的讲座,我发现了很多有激情有学识的演讲者,他们使我对那个话题都感兴趣了。 其次,我记住了更多东西!你投入到讲座的一个小时会有丰厚回报。 学习习惯#2:做一个积极的学生。 我在牛津的第一年在导师个别指导课上很少说话。我不会主动参与任何讨论,所以理解的也不好。 我对不同文本的理解一直都不成熟,也不深刻,理解能力一如从前,也经常是错的。 后来大二期中的一段时间我开始超越自己,更多地提出自己的想法,响应其他人,问有深度的问题,和别人的互动也多了。 做一个积极的学生也意味着向他人求助,世界上最聪明的人的智慧都是从其他聪明人那儿学来的。 学习习惯#3:建立完美的学习环境。 这个地方因人而异,你需要找一个能让你立刻进入学习状态的地方。 可能是你的宿舍;可能是图书馆;可能是当地的咖啡店。 最适合我的学习地点其实是牛津英语学院教学楼。 我的课都在那儿上,那里很安静。 学习习惯#4:把学习内容分成小块。 如果所学内容第二天就忘了或者不会应用的话你往脑袋里塞多少新知识都没用。 安排学习任务时最重要的是总要确保自己记住了所学内容。 这才是你首先要考虑的。 为了改善记忆力记住更多知识,你需要把所学内容分成易掌握的模块(不要连续几小时学习新知识),并且在学习新模块时复习一下之前所学的内容。 (来源:沪江英语)
日本一家网站制作了“道路族地图”,专供网友标注有“熊孩子”出没或有人大声聊天的吵闹地点,帮助人们规避。截至目前,在“道路族地图”上约有6000个标注点。有观点认为,这样的方式将助长人们的“不宽容”心理,即只要有一丁点杂音,就要上网标记投诉。 “道路族地图”网站截图 A mapping website that shows areas with noisy children, loud gossipers and other “annoying” people has drawn criticism as promoting intolerance and providing an outlet for disgruntled residents seeking to lash out at their neighbors. 日本一家地图网站制作了“道路族地图”, 标注了有吵闹的孩子、大声闲聊的人以及其他“惹人烦”的人们出没的地区。该网站因此遭到批评,称此举让人们更加不宽容,为心怀不满的居民发泄对邻居的不满提供了一个出口。 The Dorozoku Map (Road tribe map) site is designed for people who want to live in quiet environments. “Dorozoku” has become an online term that refers to children and adults who are loud in public as well as trespassers. “道路族地图”网站是为那些想要生活在安静环境中的人而设计的。“道路族”已经成为一个网络用语,指在公共场合大声喧哗的儿童和成年人以及擅自闯入者。 trespasser [ˈtrespəsə(r)]:n.侵害者;侵入者;违反者 Opened in 2016, the site as of Feb 1 featured 5,973 registered spots nationwide. Clicking the icons on the map will show descriptions of the specific areas, such as “children noisily playing with balls” and “their parents engage in back-fence gossip together for hours.” 该网站于2016年开放,截至2月1日,地图上共有5973个标注点。点击地图上的图标,就会显示特定区域的描述,比如“孩子们大声地玩球”,“他们的父母围在一起闲聊几个小时”。 back-fence gossip:邻居间的闲言碎语 One post reports that “children of elementary school age continue playing and romping around irrespective of the trouble caused to residents nearby.” Another says, “My car nearly hit children on many occasions.” 一位网友在帖子中说,小学生们一直玩耍嬉闹,完全不顾及给附近居民带来的麻烦。”还有人说,“我的车好几次差点撞到孩子”。 A baby “can be heard crying shortly after 7 in the morning,” a post said. Another person complained that “children of lower kindergarten age are shouting on the street in the evening and on Saturdays and Sundays.” 一则帖子称,“早上7点刚过,就能听到婴儿哭闹”。另一个人抱怨说,“幼儿园年龄较小的孩子晚上和周末在街上大喊大叫。” Some online users have praised Dorozoku Map for “clearly displaying whether certain areas are tolerant of children’s playful voices and proving helpful for families with children to choose homes to buy.” 一些网友对“道路族地图”表示赞赏,称该地图“清楚地显示了某些区域是否能容忍孩子的顽皮声音,这对有孩子的家庭选择买房地段很有帮助。” note thanun@notethanun/unsplash But others are upset that their areas have appeared on the map. 但其他人对所在地区出现在地图上感到不安。 A care facility for children stands along a Tokyo street that the site describes as “noisy with kids’ voices.” An insider said the children are taken for strolls and other outdoor activities in the hours mentioned on the site. 网站描述东京某条街道上的儿童看护机构称,这条街道“充满了孩子们的嘈杂声”。一位知情人士说,在网站上提到的时间段,是孩子们被带去散步和进行其他户外活动的时间。 “I did not know our establishment is on the site,” said the insider. “It has been open for more than five years and received no complaints so far.” “我不知道我们的机构会出现在网站上,”这位知情人说,“这里已经经营了五年多,到目前为止没有收到任何投诉。” A woman in her 30s who picked up her child at the facility expressed concern. “The location is shown so I fear users may visit here after checking the map,” she said. 一名来接孩子的30多岁女性表达了担忧。她说:“地图上标注了这里的位置,我担心用户看完地图后会来这里。” Norihisa Hashimoto, a professor emeritus of acoustic environment engineering at the Hachinohe Institute of Technology, noted that judgments on whether neighborhood sounds are “irritating noise” can be determined by the individual’s loneliness, stifling mood and other psychological factors. 八户工业大学声环境工程荣誉退休教授桥本德久指出,判断邻里的声音是否是恼人的噪音,可能取决于个人的孤独感、压抑的情绪和其他心理因素。 How well the person is coping under the novel coronavirus crisis could also affect judgment. 应对新冠疫情的能力也会影响判断。 Hashimoto, who heads the General Research Laboratory of Noise Problem, said people who read the posts on the website “may feel their own rage is reasonable, fueling intolerance.” 桥本德久是噪音问题综合研究实验室的负责人,他说,人们读了网站上的帖子后可能会觉得自己的愤怒是合理的,从而更加不宽容。 “Those who post comments should be tolerant and calmly rethink if others’ behavior can really be deemed as a nuisance,” Hashimoto said. “At the same time, guardians of children should be moderate, such as limiting play time.” 他说:“那些发表评论的人应该宽容一些,冷静地反思一下别人的行为是否真的令人讨厌。同时,孩子的监护人要适度采取措施,比如限制玩耍时间。” 英文来源:asahi 翻译&编辑:yaning
A mapping website that shows areas with noisy children, loud gossipers and other “annoying” people has drawn criticism as promoting intolerance and providing an outlet for disgruntled residents seeking to lash out at their neighbors. The Dorozoku Map (Road tribe map) site is designed for people who want to live in quiet environments. “Dorozoku” has become an online term that refers to children and adults who are loud in public as well as trespassers. Opened in 2016, the site as of Feb 1 featured 5,973 registered spots nationwide. Clicking the icons on the map will show descriptions of the specific areas, such as “children noisily playing with balls” and “their parents engage in back-fence gossip together for hours.” One post reports that “children of elementary school age continue playing and romping around irrespective of the trouble caused to residents nearby.” Another says, “My car nearly hit children on many occasions.” A baby “can be heard crying shortly after 7 in the morning,” a post said. Another person complained that “children of lower kindergarten age are shouting on the street in the evening and on Saturdays and Sundays.” Some online users have praised Dorozoku Map for “clearly displaying whether certain areas are tolerant of children’s playful voices and proving helpful for families with children to choose homes to buy.” note thanun@notethanun/unsplash But others are upset that their areas have appeared on the map. A care facility for children stands along a Tokyo street that the site describes as “noisy with kids’ voices.” An insider said the children are taken for strolls and other outdoor activities in the hours mentioned on the site. “I did not know our establishment is on the site,” said the insider. “It has been open for more than five years and received no complaints so far.” A woman in her 30s who picked up her child at the facility expressed concern. “The location is shown so I fear users may visit here after checking the map,” she said. Norihisa Hashimoto, a professor emeritus of acoustic environment engineering at the Hachinohe Institute of Technology, noted that judgments on whether neighborhood sounds are “irritating noise” can be determined by the individual’s loneliness, stifling mood and other psychological factors. How well the person is coping under the novel coronavirus crisis could also affect judgment. Hashimoto, who heads the General Research Laboratory of Noise Problem, said people who read the posts on the website “may feel their own rage is reasonable, fueling intolerance.” “Those who post comments should be tolerant and calmly rethink if others’ behavior can really be deemed as a nuisance,” Hashimoto said. “At the same time, guardians of children should be moderate, such as limiting play time.”
日本一家网站制作了“道路族地图”,专供网友标注有“熊孩子”出没或有人大声聊天的吵闹地点,帮助人们规避。截至目前,在“道路族地图”上约有6000个标注点。有观点认为,这样的方式将助长人们的“不宽容”心理,即只要有一丁点杂音,就要上网标记投诉。 “道路族地图”网站截图 日本一家地图网站制作了“道路族地图”, 标注了有吵闹的孩子、大声闲聊的人以及其他“惹人烦”的人们出没的地区。该网站因此遭到批评,称此举让人们更加不宽容,为心怀不满的居民发泄对邻居的不满提供了一个出口。 “道路族地图”网站是为那些想要生活在安静环境中的人而设计的。“道路族”已经成为一个网络用语,指在公共场合大声喧哗的儿童和成年人以及擅自闯入者。 trespasser [ˈtrespəsə(r)]:n.侵害者;侵入者;违反者 该网站于2016年开放,截至2月1日,地图上共有5973个标注点。点击地图上的图标,就会显示特定区域的描述,比如“孩子们大声地玩球”,“他们的父母围在一起闲聊几个小时”。 back-fence gossip:邻居间的闲言碎语 一位网友在帖子中说,小学生们一直玩耍嬉闹,完全不顾及给附近居民带来的麻烦。”还有人说,“我的车好几次差点撞到孩子”。 一则帖子称,“早上7点刚过,就能听到婴儿哭闹”。另一个人抱怨说,“幼儿园年龄较小的孩子晚上和周末在街上大喊大叫。” 一些网友对“道路族地图”表示赞赏,称该地图“清楚地显示了某些区域是否能容忍孩子的顽皮声音,这对有孩子的家庭选择买房地段很有帮助。” 但其他人对所在地区出现在地图上感到不安。 网站描述东京某条街道上的儿童看护机构称,这条街道“充满了孩子们的嘈杂声”。一位知情人士说,在网站上提到的时间段,是孩子们被带去散步和进行其他户外活动的时间。 “我不知道我们的机构会出现在网站上,”这位知情人说,“这里已经经营了五年多,到目前为止没有收到任何投诉。” 一名来接孩子的30多岁女性表达了担忧。她说:“地图上标注了这里的位置,我担心用户看完地图后会来这里。” 八户工业大学声环境工程荣誉退休教授桥本德久指出,判断邻里的声音是否是恼人的噪音,可能取决于个人的孤独感、压抑的情绪和其他心理因素。 应对新冠疫情的能力也会影响判断。 桥本德久是噪音问题综合研究实验室的负责人,他说,人们读了网站上的帖子后可能会觉得自己的愤怒是合理的,从而更加不宽容。 他说:“那些发表评论的人应该宽容一些,冷静地反思一下别人的行为是否真的令人讨厌。同时,孩子的监护人要适度采取措施,比如限制玩耍时间。” 英文来源:asahi 翻译&编辑:yaning
本周,一场史无前例的暴风雪席卷了美国多地,据外媒报道,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,大部分来自得克萨斯州。 Residents wait in line to fill propane tanks in Houston, Texas, United States, on Wednesday. [Photo/Agencies] At least 37 people have died because of weather-related fatalities since Thursday, the majority in Texas. 自18日以来,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,其中大部分来自得克萨斯州。 受灾严重的得州大面积断水断电,当地时间18日,得州的电力短缺有所缓解,但仍有大量民众在严寒天气中苦苦等待水电和暖气供应的恢复。 Hundreds of thousands in the state remained without power on Thursday, trying their best to stay warm and dry as burst pipes flood homes. Millions who got their lights back on were also dealing with water and other issues. 18日,该州仍有数十万人断电,水管爆裂淹没了房屋,人们只能尽力保持温暖和干燥。数百万供电恢复的人也在处理水和其他问题。 极端低温造成部分地区水管断裂,居民自来水供应中断。不少居民家中漏水严重,屋内仿佛在下雨。 恶劣天气也使得州的饮用水系统受损,当局发布通知,提醒习惯了喝直饮水的美国人,现在水龙头里的水要完全烧开,才能安全饮用。 据官方数据,目前有1300万得州居民无法喝到干净的直饮水,因而被通知要烧水喝。 Texans were under notice to boil tap water before drinking it after days of record low temperatures damaged infrastructure, caused blackouts and froze water pipes. 由于连日来的极寒天气损坏了基础设施,导致断电和水管冻结,得州居民收到通知自来水要烧开了才能喝。 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised that all water planned for consumption - even if filtered - must be boiled as it may be contaminated. 美国疾控中心建议所有原本可以饮用的水,即便经过过滤,也必须烧开后喝,因为水质有可能已被污染。 While power has been restored to millions in Texas, nearly half of residents, 13 million, don't have access to clean, running water. 虽然数百万居民家里已经恢复供电,但仍有近半居民——1300万人——无法获得干净的直饮水。 A man removes snow from a car during a snowstorm in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Feb 2, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] 许多接到通知的得州人感到很无奈,没电怎么烧水? Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said on MSNBC that the majority of her community, which includes Houston, is under a water boil notice, "but they don't have power to boil the water." 得州哈里斯县法官丽娜·伊达尔戈对MSNBC表示,该县包括休斯顿在内的大部分地区都收到了烧水通知,“但是他们没有电来烧水。” 不过,政府也建议没有电的居民尽量喝瓶装水。 The mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner, urged those without power - and unable to boil tap water - to try to access bottled water wherever possible. 休斯顿市长希尔维特斯·特纳敦促因断电无法烧水的居民尽量买到瓶装水。 还有很多断水又买不到瓶装水的居民不得不选择喝雪水。休斯顿18日开设了11个供水点,给居民发放饮用水。 In many homes, the tap is dry. Finding bottled water is nearly impossible. Some have resorted to boiling snow. Houston opened 11 sites Thursday to help give away water. 许多家庭断水,找不到瓶装水。有些人不得不喝煮沸的雪。休斯顿18日开放了11个供水点。 得州一市长让民众自己想办法:“政府不欠你们的!” 据外媒报道,当得州数百万居民在暴风雪中忍受着断电断水无供暖的生活时,该州一名市长却在脸书上发帖说,政府不欠你们的,“只有强者才能生存,弱者就该死去。”他随后辞去市长一职。 当地时间16日,得州科罗拉多市前市长蒂姆·博伊德(Tim Boyd)发了一篇错字连篇的脸书贴文: As then-mayor of Colorado City, Tim Boyd wrote an insensitive message for people desperate for heat, water and power, saying "only the strong will survive and the weak will [perish.]" 作为科罗拉多市前市长,蒂姆·博伊德写了一条冷酷无情的贴文,对亟需水电暖气供应的居民说,“只有强者才能生存,弱者将会死去。” "No one owes you [or] your family anything; nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this!" he said. "Sink or swim it's your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING! I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout." “我们不欠你和你的家庭什么,当地政府的责任不是在这种困难的时候给你们提供帮助!”他说。“生存还是死亡是你们自己的选择,政府和电力供应商以及其他服务供应商并不欠你们什么!我受够了这些等着救济的人,太让我恶心了。” 博伊德后来删除了这个帖子,但在随后的帖子中对上述观点表示了支持。他还写道,原来那个帖子是作为公民而不是科罗拉多城市长发出的。他还说,自己“已经递交了辞呈,而且没有注册再次参加市长竞选”。 编辑:左卓 来源:NBCNews CNN 纽约时报 观察者网
Residents wait in line to fill propane tanks in Houston, Texas, United States, on Wednesday. [Photo/Agencies] At least 37 people have died because of weather-related fatalities since Thursday, the majority in Texas. Hundreds of thousands in the state remained without power on Thursday, trying their best to stay warm and dry as burst pipes flood homes. Millions who got their lights back on were also dealing with water and other issues. Texans were under notice to boil tap water before drinking it after days of record low temperatures damaged infrastructure, caused blackouts and froze water pipes. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised that all water planned for consumption - even if filtered - must be boiled as it may be contaminated. While power has been restored to millions in Texas, nearly half of residents, 13 million, don't have access to clean, running water. A man removes snow from a car during a snowstorm in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Feb 2, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said on MSNBC that the majority of her community, which includes Houston, is under a water boil notice, "but they don't have power to boil the water." The mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner, urged those without power - and unable to boil tap water - to try to access bottled water wherever possible. In many homes, the tap is dry. Finding bottled water is nearly impossible. Some have resorted to boiling snow. Houston opened 11 sites Thursday to help give away water. As then-mayor of Colorado City, Tim Boyd wrote an insensitive message for people desperate for heat, water and power, saying "only the strong will survive and the weak will [perish.]" "No one owes you [or] your family anything; nor is it the local government's responsibility to support you during trying times like this!" he said. "Sink or swim it's your choice! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING! I'm sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout."
本周,一场史无前例的暴风雪席卷了美国多地,据外媒报道,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,大部分来自得克萨斯州。 自18日以来,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,其中大部分来自得克萨斯州。 受灾严重的得州大面积断水断电,当地时间18日,得州的电力短缺有所缓解,但仍有大量民众在严寒天气中苦苦等待水电和暖气供应的恢复。 18日,该州仍有数十万人断电,水管爆裂淹没了房屋,人们只能尽力保持温暖和干燥。数百万供电恢复的人也在处理水和其他问题。 极端低温造成部分地区水管断裂,居民自来水供应中断。不少居民家中漏水严重,屋内仿佛在下雨。 恶劣天气也使得州的饮用水系统受损,当局发布通知,提醒习惯了喝直饮水的美国人,现在水龙头里的水要完全烧开,才能安全饮用。 据官方数据,目前有1300万得州居民无法喝到干净的直饮水,因而被通知要烧水喝。 由于连日来的极寒天气损坏了基础设施,导致断电和水管冻结,得州居民收到通知自来水要烧开了才能喝。 美国疾控中心建议所有原本可以饮用的水,即便经过过滤,也必须烧开后喝,因为水质有可能已被污染。 虽然数百万居民家里已经恢复供电,但仍有近半居民——1300万人——无法获得干净的直饮水。 许多接到通知的得州人感到很无奈,没电怎么烧水? 得州哈里斯县法官丽娜·伊达尔戈对MSNBC表示,该县包括休斯顿在内的大部分地区都收到了烧水通知,“但是他们没有电来烧水。” 不过,政府也建议没有电的居民尽量喝瓶装水。 休斯顿市长希尔维特斯·特纳敦促因断电无法烧水的居民尽量买到瓶装水。 还有很多断水又买不到瓶装水的居民不得不选择喝雪水。休斯顿18日开设了11个供水点,给居民发放饮用水。 许多家庭断水,找不到瓶装水。有些人不得不喝煮沸的雪。休斯顿18日开放了11个供水点。 得州一市长让民众自己想办法:“政府不欠你们的!” 据外媒报道,当得州数百万居民在暴风雪中忍受着断电断水无供暖的生活时,该州一名市长却在脸书上发帖说,政府不欠你们的,“只有强者才能生存,弱者就该死去。”他随后辞去市长一职。 当地时间16日,得州科罗拉多市前市长蒂姆·博伊德(Tim Boyd)发了一篇错字连篇的脸书贴文: 作为科罗拉多市前市长,蒂姆·博伊德写了一条冷酷无情的贴文,对亟需水电暖气供应的居民说,“只有强者才能生存,弱者将会死去。” “我们不欠你和你的家庭什么,当地政府的责任不是在这种困难的时候给你们提供帮助!”他说。“生存还是死亡是你们自己的选择,政府和电力供应商以及其他服务供应商并不欠你们什么!我受够了这些等着救济的人,太让我恶心了。” 博伊德后来删除了这个帖子,但在随后的帖子中对上述观点表示了支持。他还写道,原来那个帖子是作为公民而不是科罗拉多城市长发出的。他还说,自己“已经递交了辞呈,而且没有注册再次参加市长竞选”。 编辑:左卓 来源:NBCNews CNN 纽约时报 观察者网
美国东部时间2月18日,美国“毅力”号火星车在火星成功着陆,将寻找火星上可能存在过的生命迹象。此次登陆是为2030年后人类探索火星做准备。 Members of NASA’s Perseverance rover team react in mission control after receiving confirmation the spacecraft successfully touched down on Mars, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, US February 18, 2021. NASA has unveiled the first pictures from its fifth Mars rover, Perseverance, after a successful landing on the red planet's Jezero crater at approximately 3:55 pm Thursday. “毅力”号火星车于本周四(2月18日)下午3点55分左右在火星的耶泽罗陨石坑成功着陆后,美国宇航局发布了第一批由其传回的照片。“毅力”号是美国宇航局的第五辆火星巡游车。 "This landing is one of those pivotal moments for NASA, the United States, and space exploration globally – when we know we are on the cusp of discovery and sharpening our pencils, so to speak, to rewrite the textbooks," acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk said in a press release. "The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission embodies our nation’s spirit of persevering even in the most challenging of situations, inspiring, and advancing science and exploration." 美国宇航局代理局长史蒂夫·尤尔奇克在一份新闻发布稿中称:“此次着陆是美国宇航局、美利坚合众国和全球太空探索的关键时刻之一。我们正处于发现和磨练的时期,而这次着陆改写了教科书。火星2020“毅力”号任务代表了美国在最具挑战性的形势下坚忍不拔的精神,启发和推动了科学与探索。” on the cusp: 介于两个状态之间;将要进入特定状态 Perseverance, the most technologically advanced robot NASA has sent to date, traveled 293 million miles to reach Mars over the course of more than six months after launching on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Station on July 30. It will remain on Mars for nearly two years, searching for signs of ancient life and exploring the planet's surface. “毅力”号是美国宇航局迄今为止发射的技术最先进的遥控设备。去年7月30日从卡纳维拉尔角空间站搭载联合发射联盟的阿特拉斯5号火箭发射升空后,“毅力”号在6个多月的时间里飞行了2.93亿英里(4.7亿千米)才到达了火星。“毅力”号将在火星上停留近两年,寻找远古生命迹象,探索火星表面。 The mission will help prepare the agency for future human exploration on Mars in the 2030s. 该任务将有助于美国宇航局为2030年后人类探索火星做好准备。 NASA's Perseverance Mars rover, the biggest, heaviest, most advanced vehicle sent to the Red Planet by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is seen on Mars in an undated illustration provided by Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout via REUTERS The $2.7 billion rover, built in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., is about 10 feet long, 9 feet wide, seven feet tall and about 2,260 pounds, roughly 278 pounds heavier than its predecessor, Curiosity. 这个耗资27亿美元(约合人民币175亿元)的火星车是在美国宇航局位于加州帕萨迪纳市的喷气推进实验室制造的,车体长10英尺(约3米),宽9英尺,高7英尺,重2260磅(约1025千克),比它的前任“好奇”号火星车大约重278磅。 Perserverance is designed to drive an average of 650 feet per Martian day and features seven scientific instruments, a robotic arm that reaches about seven feet long, a rock drill. It is nuclear powered, using a plutonium generator provided by the US Department of Energy. 按照性能要求,“毅力”号平均每个火星日可以行驶650英尺,包含7个科学设备、一个能伸到7英尺长的机器手臂,还有一个凿岩机。这个核动力火星车使用的是美国能源部提供的钚发电机。 The scientific instruments on the rover include a camera designed to take high-definition video, panoramic color and 3D images of the Martian surface and features in the atmosphere with a zoom lens to magnify distant targets, a group of sensors to measure weather and monitor dust on the planet's surface, a system that will be used to produce oxygen from the Martian carbon-dioxide atmosphere, an x-ray and camera system that can measure the chemical makeup of rocks and analyze features as small as a grain of salt, a ground-penetrating radar system to analyze geologic features under Mars' surface, a group of cameras, spectrometers, and a laser to search for organics and minerals as well as take close up images of rock grains and surface textures, and a camera to identify the chemical composition of rocks and soils, including their atomic and molecular makeup. 火星车上的科研设备包括一台可拍摄火星表面和大气特征的高清视频、全景全色三维影像并配备放大远处目标物体的变焦镜头摄像机,一组可以观测天气和监控火星表面尘土的传感器,一个能用火星大气中的二氧化碳制造氧气的系统,一个可以测定岩石化学成分和分析细微特征的X光摄像系统,一个分析火星表面下的地质特征的地面穿透雷达系统,一组搜寻有机物、矿物质并给岩石颗粒和表面纹理近距离拍照的摄像机、光谱分析仪和激光器,以及一台识别包括原子和分子成分在内的岩石泥土化学成分的摄像机。 A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover vehicle takes off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Florida, US July 30, 2020. NASA/Joel Kowsky/Handout via REUTERS In addition, the rover carries a commemorative plate to honor COVID-19 healthcare workers and has the names of 10.9 million people stenciled into three of its silicon chips with the words "Explore as one" written in Morse code. 此外,这辆火星车还携带了一块致敬新冠肺炎医护人员的纪念牌,把1090万人的名字刻在了纪念牌的三块硅晶片上,并用摩尔斯电报编码写上了“齐心探索”。 Scientists hope to find biosignatures embedded in samples of ancient sediments that Perseverance is designed to extract from Martian rock for future analysis back on Earth – the first such specimens ever collected by humankind from another planet. 科学家希望能在“毅力”号从火星岩石提取以供未来地球分析的古老沉积物样本中找到生命信号,这是人类首次从其他星球采集到这种样本。 Two subsequent Mars missions are planned to retrieve the samples and return them to Nasa in the next decade. 下一个十年计划开展两次火星任务,从火星取回样本送到美国宇航局。 Apart from Nasa, missions from the UAE and China to Mars also kicked off last year. In 2023 the European Space Agency is expected to land on Mars its Rosalind Franklin rover, which will carry a drill capable of reaching metres below the surface, where biomolecules may survive protected from the harsh conditions above. 除了美国宇航局外,去年阿联酋和中国也执行了太空任务。2023年欧洲航天局的罗莎琳·富兰克林漫游车将在火星着陆,这辆火星车上将搭载一个可钻入地下数米的钻孔机,那里可能存活着远离地表恶劣环境的生物分子。 英文来源:福克斯新闻网、卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Members of NASA’s Perseverance rover team react in mission control after receiving confirmation the spacecraft successfully touched down on Mars, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, US February 18, 2021. NASA has unveiled the first pictures from its fifth Mars rover, Perseverance, after a successful landing on the red planet's Jezero crater at approximately 3:55 pm Thursday. "This landing is one of those pivotal moments for NASA, the United States, and space exploration globally – when we know we are on the cusp of discovery and sharpening our pencils, so to speak, to rewrite the textbooks," acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk said in a press release. "The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission embodies our nation’s spirit of persevering even in the most challenging of situations, inspiring, and advancing science and exploration." Perseverance, the most technologically advanced robot NASA has sent to date, traveled 293 million miles to reach Mars over the course of more than six months after launching on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Station on July 30. It will remain on Mars for nearly two years, searching for signs of ancient life and exploring the planet's surface. The mission will help prepare the agency for future human exploration on Mars in the 2030s. NASA's Perseverance Mars rover, the biggest, heaviest, most advanced vehicle sent to the Red Planet by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is seen on Mars in an undated illustration provided by Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Handout via REUTERS The $2.7 billion rover, built in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., is about 10 feet long, 9 feet wide, seven feet tall and about 2,260 pounds, roughly 278 pounds heavier than its predecessor, Curiosity. Perserverance is designed to drive an average of 650 feet per Martian day and features seven scientific instruments, a robotic arm that reaches about seven feet long, a rock drill. It is nuclear powered, using a plutonium generator provided by the US Department of Energy. The scientific instruments on the rover include a camera designed to take high-definition video, panoramic color and 3D images of the Martian surface and features in the atmosphere with a zoom lens to magnify distant targets, a group of sensors to measure weather and monitor dust on the planet's surface, a system that will be used to produce oxygen from the Martian carbon-dioxide atmosphere, an x-ray and camera system that can measure the chemical makeup of rocks and analyze features as small as a grain of salt, a ground-penetrating radar system to analyze geologic features under Mars' surface, a group of cameras, spectrometers, and a laser to search for organics and minerals as well as take close up images of rock grains and surface textures, and a camera to identify the chemical composition of rocks and soils, including their atomic and molecular makeup. A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover vehicle takes off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Florida, US July 30, 2020. NASA/Joel Kowsky/Handout via REUTERS In addition, the rover carries a commemorative plate to honor COVID-19 healthcare workers and has the names of 10.9 million people stenciled into three of its silicon chips with the words "Explore as one" written in Morse code. Scientists hope to find biosignatures embedded in samples of ancient sediments that Perseverance is designed to extract from Martian rock for future analysis back on Earth – the first such specimens ever collected by humankind from another planet. Two subsequent Mars missions are planned to retrieve the samples and return them to Nasa in the next decade. Apart from Nasa, missions from the UAE and China to Mars also kicked off last year. In 2023 the European Space Agency is expected to land on Mars its Rosalind Franklin rover, which will carry a drill capable of reaching metres below the surface, where biomolecules may survive protected from the harsh conditions above.
美国东部时间2月18日,美国“毅力”号火星车在火星成功着陆,将寻找火星上可能存在过的生命迹象。此次登陆是为2030年后人类探索火星做准备。 “毅力”号火星车于本周四(2月18日)下午3点55分左右在火星的耶泽罗陨石坑成功着陆后,美国宇航局发布了第一批由其传回的照片。“毅力”号是美国宇航局的第五辆火星巡游车。 美国宇航局代理局长史蒂夫·尤尔奇克在一份新闻发布稿中称:“此次着陆是美国宇航局、美利坚合众国和全球太空探索的关键时刻之一。我们正处于发现和磨练的时期,而这次着陆改写了教科书。火星2020“毅力”号任务代表了美国在最具挑战性的形势下坚忍不拔的精神,启发和推动了科学与探索。” on the cusp: 介于两个状态之间;将要进入特定状态 “毅力”号是美国宇航局迄今为止发射的技术最先进的遥控设备。去年7月30日从卡纳维拉尔角空间站搭载联合发射联盟的阿特拉斯5号火箭发射升空后,“毅力”号在6个多月的时间里飞行了2.93亿英里(4.7亿千米)才到达了火星。“毅力”号将在火星上停留近两年,寻找远古生命迹象,探索火星表面。 该任务将有助于美国宇航局为2030年后人类探索火星做好准备。 这个耗资27亿美元(约合人民币175亿元)的火星车是在美国宇航局位于加州帕萨迪纳市的喷气推进实验室制造的,车体长10英尺(约3米),宽9英尺,高7英尺,重2260磅(约1025千克),比它的前任“好奇”号火星车大约重278磅。 按照性能要求,“毅力”号平均每个火星日可以行驶650英尺,包含7个科学设备、一个能伸到7英尺长的机器手臂,还有一个凿岩机。这个核动力火星车使用的是美国能源部提供的钚发电机。 火星车上的科研设备包括一台可拍摄火星表面和大气特征的高清视频、全景全色三维影像并配备放大远处目标物体的变焦镜头摄像机,一组可以观测天气和监控火星表面尘土的传感器,一个能用火星大气中的二氧化碳制造氧气的系统,一个可以测定岩石化学成分和分析细微特征的X光摄像系统,一个分析火星表面下的地质特征的地面穿透雷达系统,一组搜寻有机物、矿物质并给岩石颗粒和表面纹理近距离拍照的摄像机、光谱分析仪和激光器,以及一台识别包括原子和分子成分在内的岩石泥土化学成分的摄像机。 此外,这辆火星车还携带了一块致敬新冠肺炎医护人员的纪念牌,把1090万人的名字刻在了纪念牌的三块硅晶片上,并用摩尔斯电报编码写上了“齐心探索”。 科学家希望能在“毅力”号从火星岩石提取以供未来地球分析的古老沉积物样本中找到生命信号,这是人类首次从其他星球采集到这种样本。 下一个十年计划开展两次火星任务,从火星取回样本送到美国宇航局。 除了美国宇航局外,去年阿联酋和中国也执行了太空任务。2023年欧洲航天局的罗莎琳·富兰克林漫游车将在火星着陆,这辆火星车上将搭载一个可钻入地下数米的钻孔机,那里可能存活着远离地表恶劣环境的生物分子。 英文来源:福克斯新闻网、卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
早起、通勤、处理和同事的关系、工作上的进退两难....说起这些,可以说是“同一个世界,同样的烦恼”。 网站BoredPanda近期收集了网友分享在博客或者推特上关于工作上班小烦恼的帖子。很多海外网友都留言表示:“I agree 100%!” 让我们一起来看看,这些小烦恼是否也在困扰着你。 闹钟响-起床-吃饭-通勤-上班-坐下来-【5分钟后】-看时钟——“酷啊,还要这样过40年!” 当闹钟响起,你在想:“我真的需要这份工作吗?” 第一天上班 VS 10年老员工 同事:“嘿,我们要去找点乐子,如果你喜欢的话也来吧!” 我:“我最喜欢的事就是什么也不做。” 工作时间外同事约你出去玩: 我:这是周末,我不认识你,你不存在。 在走廊里和同事对上眼神的那一刻,你们的表情: 同事:嗨!想看看我孩子的照片吗? 我内心:一点也不想。 我们要找的是年龄在22到26岁、有30年工作经验的人。 面试官:告诉我你为什么想要这份工作? 我:钱能换来商品和服务。 我穿好衣服去上班的时候,有个8岁的YouTube用户今年赚了2600万美元。 小丑竟是我自己!!! 我准备为多睡10分钟赌上我的整个事业 工作日的我:睡过头了,就算有67个闹钟也醒不过来。 周末时的我:不管睡得多晚,都能在我工作时的起床时间自然醒来。 每个办公地点都应该有这些空间——指定的哭泣区域 限时使用15分钟。 下班时的你: 无论你是在倒数还剩几天假期,还是看了这些过来人的经验分享,已经开始瑟瑟发抖,都不必担心,世界上有很多人都和你一样痛并快乐着。 工作是值得的,你也是值得的。工作中烦恼不少,总会有解决的办法。 慢慢学会在工作中认识自己,了解自己。慢慢欣赏生活中的工作,享受工作中的生活。 来源:Bored Panda 编辑:商桢 焦洁 实习生:吴怡
早起、通勤、处理和同事的关系、工作上的进退两难....说起这些,可以说是“同一个世界,同样的烦恼”。 网站BoredPanda近期收集了网友分享在博客或者推特上关于工作上班小烦恼的帖子。很多海外网友都留言表示:“I agree 100%!” 让我们一起来看看,这些小烦恼是否也在困扰着你。 闹钟响-起床-吃饭-通勤-上班-坐下来-【5分钟后】-看时钟——“酷啊,还要这样过40年!” 当闹钟响起,你在想:“我真的需要这份工作吗?” 第一天上班 VS 10年老员工 同事:“嘿,我们要去找点乐子,如果你喜欢的话也来吧!” 我:“我最喜欢的事就是什么也不做。” 工作时间外同事约你出去玩: 我:这是周末,我不认识你,你不存在。 在走廊里和同事对上眼神的那一刻,你们的表情: 同事:嗨!想看看我孩子的照片吗? 我内心:一点也不想。 我们要找的是年龄在22到26岁、有30年工作经验的人。 面试官:告诉我你为什么想要这份工作? 我:钱能换来商品和服务。 我穿好衣服去上班的时候,有个8岁的YouTube用户今年赚了2600万美元。 小丑竟是我自己!!! 我准备为多睡10分钟赌上我的整个事业 工作日的我:睡过头了,就算有67个闹钟也醒不过来。 周末时的我:不管睡得多晚,都能在我工作时的起床时间自然醒来。 每个办公地点都应该有这些空间——指定的哭泣区域 限时使用15分钟。 下班时的你: 无论你是在倒数还剩几天假期,还是看了这些过来人的经验分享,已经开始瑟瑟发抖,都不必担心,世界上有很多人都和你一样痛并快乐着。 工作是值得的,你也是值得的。工作中烦恼不少,总会有解决的办法。 慢慢学会在工作中认识自己,了解自己。慢慢欣赏生活中的工作,享受工作中的生活。 来源:Bored Panda 编辑:商桢 焦洁 实习生:吴怡
春节期间,国内电影市场火爆,国外也有不少佳片赶在“春节档”上映。无论是温情的家庭故事片《米纳里》,惊险的侦探片《蛛丝马迹》,米歇尔·菲佛主演的《法式出口》,还是安东尼·霍普金斯主演的《父亲》,都能给你带来难忘的观影感受。 (Credit: Warner Bros) The Little Things 《蛛丝马迹》 The Little Things was a contemporary neo-noir detective mystery when John Lee Hancock ( Saving Mr Banks , The Blind Side ) wrote the screenplay back in 1993. Almost three decades later, Hancock has finally directed what is now a period drama set in the dark distant days when the police didn't all have cell phones and DNA-tracing technology. Its three Oscar-winning stars are Denzel Washington as a burnt-out sheriff, Rami Malek as a straitlaced sergeant, and Jared Leto as the creepy prime suspect in a Los Angeles serial killer case. Robert Daniels at Polygon says that "Hancock, in what might be his best film, grazes with greatness by constructing an enthralling thriller". 导演约翰·李·汉考克(曾执导《大梦想家》和《弱点》)在1993年编写剧本时,《蛛丝马迹》原本是一部当代新黑色侦探悬疑片。近三十年后,当汉考克终于开始导演这部故事发生在遥远的黑暗时代的电影时,它已然成了历史片。那时候,不是每个警察都有手机,也没有DNA追踪技术。三名奥斯卡获奖者出演了这部电影:丹泽尔·华盛顿饰演精疲力竭的警长,拉米·马雷克饰演刻板的警察小队长,杰瑞德·莱托饰演令人毛骨悚然的洛杉矶系列谋杀案头号嫌疑犯。Polygon网站的罗伯特·丹尼尔斯评价说:“这部电影可能是汉考克的最佳作品,在该片中,汉考克举重若轻地呈现了一个扣人心弦的惊悚片。” straitlaced ['streit'leist]: adj. 严格的;固执的;刻板的 Released on 29 January in the US and Canada, 12 February in UK and Ireland 该片于1月29日在美国和加拿大上映,2月12日在英国和爱尔兰上映。 (Credit: A24 Films) Minari 《米纳里》 Lee Isaac Chung's autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy. Most of the dialogue is in Korean, so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category. But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s, so some commentators have argued that calling its language "foreign" is outdated and insulting. Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film "feels like a balm right now, a gentle, truthful and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can. " 李·以萨克·郑的这部自传式电影收获了热烈的好评,但也引来了不少争议。该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。但是《米纳里》也是一部关于上世纪80年代在阿肯色州一家小农场劳作的美国家庭的故事,因此一些评论人士表示,将其称为“外语片”不仅过时而且具有侮辱性。《洛杉矶时报》的格伦·威普称,这部电影“在当下能给心灵带来抚慰,这个温和、真实而柔情的故事讲述的这个家庭里都是全心全意爱彼此的善良的人。” Released on 12 February in the US, 18 February in Australia, and 26 February in Canada 该片于2月12日在美国上映,2月18日在澳大利亚上映,2月26日在加拿大上映。 (Credit: Sony Pictures Classics) French Exit 《法式出口》 French Exit offers us a precious gift: an all-too-rare lead performance from Michelle Pfeiffer. In this quirky but poignant comedy, adapted by Patrick DeWitt from his own satirical novel, Pfeiffer plays Frances, a widowed New York socialite. Having spent all the money her husband left her, she moves out of her swanky apartment and relocates to Paris with her son, Lucas Hedges. And then the trouble starts. Frances is the kind of person who sets fire to a restaurant's flower arrangement to get the waiter's attention, and conducts a seance so that she can communicate with her husband via her cat. 《法式出口》带给我们的一个珍贵礼物是米歇尔·菲佛很难得地担纲了主演。该片改编自帕特里克·德威特的讽刺小说,由德威特亲自担任编剧。在这部离奇又心酸的喜剧电影中,菲佛饰演了丧偶的纽约社交名媛弗朗西斯。在花光了丈夫留给她的所有钱后,她从奢华的公寓中搬了出来,同卢卡斯·赫奇斯饰演的儿子一起迁居到了巴黎。麻烦就是从这里开始的。弗兰西斯是一个什么样的人呢?她可以为了吸引服务员注意而放火烧餐厅的鲜花装饰,也可以为了通过自己的猫和已故丈夫交流而举办降神会。 swanky [ˈswæŋki]: adj. 时尚的;奢华的 seance [ˈseɪɑːns]: n. 降神会(人们设法与亡灵对话的集会) Released on 12 February in the US, Canada and Italy, 26 February in the UK and Ireland 该片于2月12日在美国、加拿大和意大利上映,2月26日在英国和爱尔兰上映。 (Credit: Sony Pictures Classics) The Father 《父亲》 What's unique about The Father , is that it shows dementia from the perspective of the person who has it. Anthony Hopkins stars as an 80-something man who is content to live alone in his London flat, but who thinks that the people and possessions around him keep changing: in some scenes his daughter is played by Olivia Colman, and in others by Olivia Williams. Florian Zeller's film currently has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, partly due to the writer-director's ingenious cinematic trickery, and partly due to the extraordinary acting. "To play a man who's begun to lose his mental faculties, Hopkins methodically strips away every quality we've come to expect from him – the refinement, the silver tongue, the imposing intensity – until there's nothing left but frailty and distress," writes AA Dowd in AV Club. "The final scenes of the movie are among the most heartbreakingly vulnerable of Hopkins' whole career." 《父亲》的独特之处在于,该片是从痴呆症患者的视角来描述这种疾病。安东尼·霍普金斯饰演一位八十多岁的老人,他满足于独自一人在伦敦的公寓里生活,但是他认为自己身边的人和他拥有的东西总是不停地变化。在某些场景下他的女儿由奥利维娅·科尔曼饰演,在另外一些场景下,他的女儿由奥利维娅·威廉姆斯饰演。这部电影现在的烂番茄评分高达100%,一部分要归功于编剧兼导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒构思巧妙的电影拍摄技巧,另一部分要归功于演员精湛的表演。AV俱乐部网站的AA·多德写道:“为了饰演一个大脑功能开始退化的人,霍普金斯有条不紊地将我们期待的他身上的每一个特质一一剥离:文雅的举止、流利的口才和让人肃然起敬的威严,直到最后只留下脆弱和悲痛。在电影结尾,我们见到了霍普金斯整个演艺生涯中最令人心碎的脆弱形象。” Released on 26 February in the US and Italy, 12 March in the UK 该片于2月26日在美国和意大利上映,3月12日在英国上映。 英文来源:BBC文化频道 翻译&编辑:丹妮
(Credit: Warner Bros) The Little Things The Little Things was a contemporary neo-noir detective mystery when John Lee Hancock ( Saving Mr Banks , The Blind Side ) wrote the screenplay back in 1993. Almost three decades later, Hancock has finally directed what is now a period drama set in the dark distant days when the police didn't all have cell phones and DNA-tracing technology. Its three Oscar-winning stars are Denzel Washington as a burnt-out sheriff, Rami Malek as a straitlaced sergeant, and Jared Leto as the creepy prime suspect in a Los Angeles serial killer case. Robert Daniels at Polygon says that "Hancock, in what might be his best film, grazes with greatness by constructing an enthralling thriller". Released on 29 January in the US and Canada, 12 February in UK and Ireland (Credit: A24 Films) Minari Lee Isaac Chung's autobiographical drama has had glowing reviews, but it has also been the source of controversy. Most of the dialogue is in Korean, so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category. But Minari is also the tale of a US family working on a small farm in Arkansas in the 1980s, so some commentators have argued that calling its language "foreign" is outdated and insulting. Glenn Whipp in the Los Angeles Times says that the film "feels like a balm right now, a gentle, truthful and tender story of family filled with kind people trying to love one another the best they can. " Released on 12 February in the US, 18 February in Australia, and 26 February in Canada (Credit: Sony Pictures Classics) French Exit French Exit offers us a precious gift: an all-too-rare lead performance from Michelle Pfeiffer. In this quirky but poignant comedy, adapted by Patrick DeWitt from his own satirical novel, Pfeiffer plays Frances, a widowed New York socialite. Having spent all the money her husband left her, she moves out of her swanky apartment and relocates to Paris with her son, Lucas Hedges. And then the trouble starts. Frances is the kind of person who sets fire to a restaurant's flower arrangement to get the waiter's attention, and conducts a seance so that she can communicate with her husband via her cat. Released on 12 February in the US, Canada and Italy, 26 February in the UK and Ireland (Credit: Sony Pictures Classics) The Father What's unique about The Father , is that it shows dementia from the perspective of the person who has it. Anthony Hopkins stars as an 80-something man who is content to live alone in his London flat, but who thinks that the people and possessions around him keep changing: in some scenes his daughter is played by Olivia Colman, and in others by Olivia Williams. Florian Zeller's film currently has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, partly due to the writer-director's ingenious cinematic trickery, and partly due to the extraordinary acting. "To play a man who's begun to lose his mental faculties, Hopkins methodically strips away every quality we've come to expect from him – the refinement, the silver tongue, the imposing intensity – until there's nothing left but frailty and distress," writes AA Dowd in AV Club. "The final scenes of the movie are among the most heartbreakingly vulnerable of Hopkins' whole career." Released on 26 February in the US and Italy, 12 March in the UK
春节期间,国内电影市场火爆,国外也有不少佳片赶在“春节档”上映。无论是温情的家庭故事片《米纳里》,惊险的侦探片《蛛丝马迹》,米歇尔·菲佛主演的《法式出口》,还是安东尼·霍普金斯主演的《父亲》,都能给你带来难忘的观影感受。 《蛛丝马迹》 导演约翰·李·汉考克(曾执导《大梦想家》和《弱点》)在1993年编写剧本时,《蛛丝马迹》原本是一部当代新黑色侦探悬疑片。近三十年后,当汉考克终于开始导演这部故事发生在遥远的黑暗时代的电影时,它已然成了历史片。那时候,不是每个警察都有手机,也没有DNA追踪技术。三名奥斯卡获奖者出演了这部电影:丹泽尔·华盛顿饰演精疲力竭的警长,拉米·马雷克饰演刻板的警察小队长,杰瑞德·莱托饰演令人毛骨悚然的洛杉矶系列谋杀案头号嫌疑犯。Polygon网站的罗伯特·丹尼尔斯评价说:“这部电影可能是汉考克的最佳作品,在该片中,汉考克举重若轻地呈现了一个扣人心弦的惊悚片。” straitlaced ['streit'leist]: adj. 严格的;固执的;刻板的 该片于1月29日在美国和加拿大上映,2月12日在英国和爱尔兰上映。 《米纳里》 李·以萨克·郑的这部自传式电影收获了热烈的好评,但也引来了不少争议。该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。但是《米纳里》也是一部关于上世纪80年代在阿肯色州一家小农场劳作的美国家庭的故事,因此一些评论人士表示,将其称为“外语片”不仅过时而且具有侮辱性。《洛杉矶时报》的格伦·威普称,这部电影“在当下能给心灵带来抚慰,这个温和、真实而柔情的故事讲述的这个家庭里都是全心全意爱彼此的善良的人。” 该片于2月12日在美国上映,2月18日在澳大利亚上映,2月26日在加拿大上映。 《法式出口》 《法式出口》带给我们的一个珍贵礼物是米歇尔·菲佛很难得地担纲了主演。该片改编自帕特里克·德威特的讽刺小说,由德威特亲自担任编剧。在这部离奇又心酸的喜剧电影中,菲佛饰演了丧偶的纽约社交名媛弗朗西斯。在花光了丈夫留给她的所有钱后,她从奢华的公寓中搬了出来,同卢卡斯·赫奇斯饰演的儿子一起迁居到了巴黎。麻烦就是从这里开始的。弗兰西斯是一个什么样的人呢?她可以为了吸引服务员注意而放火烧餐厅的鲜花装饰,也可以为了通过自己的猫和已故丈夫交流而举办降神会。 swanky [ˈswæŋki]: adj. 时尚的;奢华的 seance [ˈseɪɑːns]: n. 降神会(人们设法与亡灵对话的集会) 该片于2月12日在美国、加拿大和意大利上映,2月26日在英国和爱尔兰上映。 《父亲》 《父亲》的独特之处在于,该片是从痴呆症患者的视角来描述这种疾病。安东尼·霍普金斯饰演一位八十多岁的老人,他满足于独自一人在伦敦的公寓里生活,但是他认为自己身边的人和他拥有的东西总是不停地变化。在某些场景下他的女儿由奥利维娅·科尔曼饰演,在另外一些场景下,他的女儿由奥利维娅·威廉姆斯饰演。这部电影现在的烂番茄评分高达100%,一部分要归功于编剧兼导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒构思巧妙的电影拍摄技巧,另一部分要归功于演员精湛的表演。AV俱乐部网站的AA·多德写道:“为了饰演一个大脑功能开始退化的人,霍普金斯有条不紊地将我们期待的他身上的每一个特质一一剥离:文雅的举止、流利的口才和让人肃然起敬的威严,直到最后只留下脆弱和悲痛。在电影结尾,我们见到了霍普金斯整个演艺生涯中最令人心碎的脆弱形象。” 该片于2月26日在美国和意大利上映,3月12日在英国上映。 英文来源:BBC文化频道 翻译&编辑:丹妮
《你好,李焕英》无疑是一部合格的贺岁片。在充满孩子、父母和爆米花的春节档电影院,这部家庭喜剧给人童年一大家子围坐看电视的观感。虽然剧情已经被热搜剧透得差不多,但影片中的那些笑点和泪点还是能一个个地击中你。 讲母亲的国产电影并不少,但这部电影的特殊之处在于女性导演的第一视角讲述。而李焕英,也正是贾玲母亲的名字。 As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams. 作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求自己的艺术梦想。 Interestingly, the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother's love story set in 1981. 有趣的是,贾玲“孝顺”的方式比较特别,她虚构了一个穿越时空的故事,来讲述母亲1981年的爱情故事。 影片末尾,出现了贾玲母亲年轻时的照片,小小的梨涡,和贾玲一个样。贾玲在电影中写道:“打我有记忆起,妈妈就是个中年妇女的样子,所以我总忘记,妈妈曾经也是个花季少女。” 今天的我们都要做自己。但妈妈自从成为了妈妈,她再没有一天做过自己。 微博上,大家都晒起了自己家的李焕英。 网友们纷纷留言,如果自己能穿越时空,对当时的妈妈说句话,都希望妈妈能过更好的生活。 很多人说,我们总以为自己已经很爱妈妈了,但妈妈要比你想象的还要爱你。 一位豆瓣网友的留言得到了7千多个赞:“真诚打动内心,没办法客观评价。” 这部电影豆瓣评分8.2,是春节档唯一一部8分以上的作品。 从票房上看,贾玲这部“掏心掏肺”的作品,让《你好,李焕英》成为票房黑马,截至发稿,该片票房已达24.56亿,单日票房反超《唐探3》。 这部电影在春节档的出色表现甚至引起了不少外媒的注意。《好莱坞报道》写道,《你好,李焕英》很明显地成为了中国观众的春节档最爱(clear favorite),也让贾玲成为中国商业上最成功的女导演。 The sudden shakeup reflects the extent to which Hi, Mom has become China's clear favorite among the Lunar New Year offerings. Written, directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling, Hi, Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release. 《你好,李焕英》的“异军突起”说明,这部电影明显是中国观众的春节档最爱。影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。 tentpole 帐篷支柱,此处指票房表现好的大片 Thanks to Hi, Mom 's powerful performance to date, Jia is already China's most commercially successful female filmmaker ever. 《你好,李焕英》目前强劲的票房表现,使得贾玲成为中国商业上最成功的女导演。 《好莱坞报道》称,受众面广的家庭主题,以及感而不伤的小情绪,让电影成为成功的春节档作品。 China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts. Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes. 中国的春节档电影偏爱家庭主题,带点小小的伤感。而“李焕英”则刚好精准击中了这些点。 而贾玲和沈腾的初次合作,也颇有火花。这个“长在观众笑点上”的男人,为电影增色不少,影院笑声此起彼伏。 正是因为电影的喜剧部分过硬,母爱内核也使其免于落入空洞的套子里,才让观众被打动,也让市场真正地接纳了这部影片。 《福布斯》杂志15日从商业的角度报道了《你好,李焕英》,称如果该片票房超过《神奇女侠》,那么贾玲将成为世界票房最高的女导演。 Hi, Mom should end up just over/under $400 million tonight. Where these two films end up is an open question, but “above $750 million” seems to be pretty likely. 15日晚,《你好,李焕英》的票房预计超过4亿美元(约25.83亿元),《唐探》和《你好,李焕英》的票房最终能有多高还不清楚,但是超过7.5亿美元(约48.44亿元)是很可能的事情。 If Hi, Mom ends up above the $821 million global cume of Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman , it’ll be the biggest grossing movie ever by a solo female director. 如果《你好,李焕英》的票房超过了8.21亿美元(53.02亿元),那么贾玲将超越《神奇女侠》的导演派蒂·杰金斯,成为世界票房最高的女导演。 这样的票房成绩当然和中国电影市场的大背景是分不开的。 截至16日上午,中国电影市场2021年度总票房(含预售)突破100亿元。春节档总票房突破60亿元,创下中国影史新纪录。 《你好,李焕英》并不完美,一帧帧的检视之下,有些专业人士批评它的叙事,但它的成功也告诉我们,用套路迎合市场的时代已经过去,真诚永远能打动观众。 作者:李雪晴
As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams. Interestingly, the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother's love story set in 1981. The sudden shakeup reflects the extent to which Hi, Mom has become China's clear favorite among the Lunar New Year offerings. Written, directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling, Hi, Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release. Thanks to Hi, Mom 's powerful performance to date, Jia is already China's most commercially successful female filmmaker ever. China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts. Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes. Hi, Mom should end up just over/under $400 million tonight. Where these two films end up is an open question, but “above $750 million” seems to be pretty likely. If Hi, Mom ends up above the $821 million global cume of Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman , it’ll be the biggest grossing movie ever by a solo female director.
《你好,李焕英》无疑是一部合格的贺岁片。在充满孩子、父母和爆米花的春节档电影院,这部家庭喜剧给人童年一大家子围坐看电视的观感。虽然剧情已经被热搜剧透得差不多,但影片中的那些笑点和泪点还是能一个个地击中你。 讲母亲的国产电影并不少,但这部电影的特殊之处在于女性导演的第一视角讲述。而李焕英,也正是贾玲母亲的名字。 作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求自己的艺术梦想。 有趣的是,贾玲“孝顺”的方式比较特别,她虚构了一个穿越时空的故事,来讲述母亲1981年的爱情故事。 影片末尾,出现了贾玲母亲年轻时的照片,小小的梨涡,和贾玲一个样。贾玲在电影中写道:“打我有记忆起,妈妈就是个中年妇女的样子,所以我总忘记,妈妈曾经也是个花季少女。” 今天的我们都要做自己。但妈妈自从成为了妈妈,她再没有一天做过自己。 微博上,大家都晒起了自己家的李焕英。 网友们纷纷留言,如果自己能穿越时空,对当时的妈妈说句话,都希望妈妈能过更好的生活。 很多人说,我们总以为自己已经很爱妈妈了,但妈妈要比你想象的还要爱你。 一位豆瓣网友的留言得到了7千多个赞:“真诚打动内心,没办法客观评价。” 这部电影豆瓣评分8.2,是春节档唯一一部8分以上的作品。 从票房上看,贾玲这部“掏心掏肺”的作品,让《你好,李焕英》成为票房黑马,截至发稿,该片票房已达24.56亿,单日票房反超《唐探3》。 这部电影在春节档的出色表现甚至引起了不少外媒的注意。《好莱坞报道》写道,《你好,李焕英》很明显地成为了中国观众的春节档最爱(clear favorite),也让贾玲成为中国商业上最成功的女导演。 《你好,李焕英》的“异军突起”说明,这部电影明显是中国观众的春节档最爱。影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。 tentpole 帐篷支柱,此处指票房表现好的大片 《你好,李焕英》目前强劲的票房表现,使得贾玲成为中国商业上最成功的女导演。 《好莱坞报道》称,受众面广的家庭主题,以及感而不伤的小情绪,让电影成为成功的春节档作品。 中国的春节档电影偏爱家庭主题,带点小小的伤感。而“李焕英”则刚好精准击中了这些点。 而贾玲和沈腾的初次合作,也颇有火花。这个“长在观众笑点上”的男人,为电影增色不少,影院笑声此起彼伏。 正是因为电影的喜剧部分过硬,母爱内核也使其免于落入空洞的套子里,才让观众被打动,也让市场真正地接纳了这部影片。 《福布斯》杂志15日从商业的角度报道了《你好,李焕英》,称如果该片票房超过《神奇女侠》,那么贾玲将成为世界票房最高的女导演。 15日晚,《你好,李焕英》的票房预计超过4亿美元(约25.83亿元),《唐探》和《你好,李焕英》的票房最终能有多高还不清楚,但是超过7.5亿美元(约48.44亿元)是很可能的事情。 如果《你好,李焕英》的票房超过了8.21亿美元(53.02亿元),那么贾玲将超越《神奇女侠》的导演派蒂·杰金斯,成为世界票房最高的女导演。 这样的票房成绩当然和中国电影市场的大背景是分不开的。 截至16日上午,中国电影市场2021年度总票房(含预售)突破100亿元。春节档总票房突破60亿元,创下中国影史新纪录。 《你好,李焕英》并不完美,一帧帧的检视之下,有些专业人士批评它的叙事,但它的成功也告诉我们,用套路迎合市场的时代已经过去,真诚永远能打动观众。 作者:李雪晴
2月12日,农历牛年第一天,《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)选的“每日一词”(Word of the day)是来自汉语的 hongbao(红包),非常应景。 那么红包在中国文化中到底有何讲究呢?我们通过下面这篇文章来了解一下。 The Significance of Red Envelopes in Chinese Culture 红包在中国文化中的意义 文/劳伦·麦克 译/杨晓斌 By Lauren Mack A red envelope (hóngbāo) is simply a long, narrow, red envelope. Traditional red envelopes are often decorated with gold Chinese characters, such as happiness and wealth. Variations include red envelopes with cartoon characters depicted and red envelopes from stores and companies that contain coupons and gift certificates inside. 红包只不过是一个又长又窄的红色信封。传统红包通常饰有金色的汉字,比如“福”字和“财”字。其他形式的红包有的上面印着卡通人物,有的是商店和公司派发,里面装着优惠券和礼品券。 Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash How red envelopes are used 使用方法 During Chinese New Year, money is put inside red envelopes which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends. 春节期间,父母、祖父母、亲戚,甚至近邻和好友把钱装进红包发给小辈们。 At some companies, workers may also receive a year-end cash bonus tucked inside a red envelope. Red envelopes are also popular gifts for birthdays and weddings. Some four-character expressions appropriate for a wedding red envelope are 天作之合 (tiānzuò zhīhé, a marriage made in heaven) or 百年好合 (bǎinián hǎo hé, a happy union for 100 years). 在有些公司,员工还会收到装在红包里的现金年终奖。红包也是受欢迎的生日和结婚贺礼。适合婚礼红包的一些四字格表达有“天作之合”(上天成全的姻缘)或“百年好合”(两人一辈子情投意合)。 Unlike a Western greeting card, red envelopes given at Chinese New Year are typically left unsigned. For birthdays or weddings, a short message, typically a four-character expression, and signature are optional. 与西方的贺卡不同,中国新年发红包通常都不署名。生日或婚礼的红包上,可选择简短留言(一般写四字格祝福)并签名。 The color 颜色寓意 Red symbolizes luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is why red envelopes are used during Chinese New Year and other celebratory events. Other envelope colors are used for other types of occasions. For example, white envelopes are used for funerals. 红色在中国文化中象征着幸运和财富,这就是为什么在中国新年和其他庆祝活动中都会用到红包。还有其他颜色的信封用于别的场合。例如,白色信封用于葬礼。 How to give and receive 收发讲究 Giving and receiving red envelopes, gifts, and even business cards is a solemn act. Therefore, red envelopes, gifts, and name cards are always presented with both hands and also received with both hands. 收发红包、礼物甚至商务名片都是很庄重的行为。因此,红包、礼物和名片等,都要双手递接。 The recipient of a red envelope at Chinese New Year or on his or her birthday should not open it in front of the giver. At Chinese weddings, the procedure is different. At a Chinese wedding, there is a table at the entrance of the wedding reception where guests give their red envelopes to attendants and sign their names on a large scroll. The attendants will immediately open the envelope, count the money inside, and record it on a register next to the guests’ names.。 在春节或生日时,收到了红包不可当着送礼人的面拆开。中式婚礼则不然,在婚宴入口处摆有一张桌子,来客将红包交给接待人员并在一幅大大的卷轴上签名。接待员会立刻打开红包清点礼金,并在礼单簿上将金额记录在客人的姓名旁边。 A record is kept of how much each guest gives to the newlyweds. This is done for several reasons. One reason is bookkeeping. A record ensures the new-lyweds know how much each guest gave and can verify the amount of money they receive at the end of the wedding from the attendants is the same as what the guests brought. Another reason is that when unmarried guests eventually get married, the bride and groom are typically obliged to give the guest more money than what the newlyweds received at their wedding. 每位来宾给新婚夫妇多少份子钱都要做好记录。这样做有多种原因。一个原因是为了记账,确保新婚夫妇知道每位客人给了多少钱,并可核对他们在婚礼结束时从接待员那里收到的钱与客人礼金数额是否一致。另一个原因是,未婚客人将来结婚时,新婚夫妇送出的礼金通常得比今天人家给他们的多。 The amount 礼金数额 For employees at work, the year-end bonus is typically the equivalent of one month’s wage though the amount can vary from enough money to buy a small gift to more than one month’s wage. 对于在职雇员来说,年终奖通常相当于一个月的工资,但数额不尽相同,有的足够买一件小礼物,有的则多于一个月薪水。 If you go to a wedding, the money in the red envelope should be equivalent to a nice gift that would be given at a Western wedding. Or, it should be enough money to cover the guest’s expense at the wedding. For example, if the wedding dinner costs the newlyweds US$35 per person, then the money in the envelope should be at least US$35. 要是你去参加婚礼,红包里的钱应该足够买西方婚礼上拿得出手的一份精美礼物,或者应该足以支付本人在婚礼上的消耗。例如,要是婚宴上的人均消费是35美元,那么红包里的钱至少也应该有35美元。 As with the Chinese New Year, the amount of money is relative to your relationship to the recipient—the closer your relationship is to the bride and groom, the more money is expected. For instance, immediate family like parents and siblings give more money than casual friends. It is not uncommon for business partners to be invited to weddings, and business partners often put more money in the envelope to strengthen the business relationship. 就像春节一样,给钱多少取决于送礼人和收礼人的关系——和新郎新娘之间的关系越近,礼金就应越多。比如,像父母和兄弟姐妹这样的近亲会比普通朋友给的钱要多。邀请生意伙伴参加婚礼也很常见,他们通常会在红包里放更多的钱以加强业务关系。 Less money is given for birthdays than other holidays because it is viewed as the least important of the three occasions. Nowadays, people often just bring gifts for birthdays. 与其他节日相比,过生日得到的礼金较少,因为过生日被视为三种场合中最不重要的。如今,给人庆祝生日一般只会带礼物。 What not to gift 注意禁忌 For all occasions, certain amounts of money are to be avoided. Anything with a four is best avoided because 四 (sì, four) sounds similar to 死 (sǐ, death). Even numbers, except four, are better than odd—as good things are believed to come in pairs. For example, gifting $20 is better than $21. Eight is a particularly auspicious number. 送钱时无论在什么情况下都应避免送出某些特定的数额,最好避免任何带“四”的数额,因为“四”(sì,四)听起来很像“死”(sǐ,死亡)。除了“四”之外,偶数总比奇数好——人们相信好事成双。比如,送20美元比送21美元好。“八”是一个特别吉利的数字。 The money inside a red envelope should always be new and crisp. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste. Coins and checks are avoided, the former because change is not worth much and the latter because checks are not widely used in Asia. 装进红包里的钱总该是崭新挺括的。把钞票折叠,或拿脏兮兮、皱巴巴的钞票送人,都有伤大雅。硬币和支票莫要送人,前者是因为硬币不值几个钱,后者是因为支票在亚洲并未广泛使用。 (译者单位:浙江台州学院外国语学院) 【选自《英语世界》2021年第2期】
The Significance of Red Envelopes in Chinese Culture By Lauren Mack Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash How red envelopes are used During Chinese New Year, money is put inside red envelopes which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends. Unlike a Western greeting card, red envelopes given at Chinese New Year are typically left unsigned. For birthdays or weddings, a short message, typically a four-character expression, and signature are optional. The color Red symbolizes luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is why red envelopes are used during Chinese New Year and other celebratory events. Other envelope colors are used for other types of occasions. For example, white envelopes are used for funerals. How to give and receive Giving and receiving red envelopes, gifts, and even business cards is a solemn act. Therefore, red envelopes, gifts, and name cards are always presented with both hands and also received with both hands. The recipient of a red envelope at Chinese New Year or on his or her birthday should not open it in front of the giver. At Chinese weddings, the procedure is different. At a Chinese wedding, there is a table at the entrance of the wedding reception where guests give their red envelopes to attendants and sign their names on a large scroll. The attendants will immediately open the envelope, count the money inside, and record it on a register next to the guests’ names.。 A record is kept of how much each guest gives to the newlyweds. This is done for several reasons. One reason is bookkeeping. A record ensures the new-lyweds know how much each guest gave and can verify the amount of money they receive at the end of the wedding from the attendants is the same as what the guests brought. Another reason is that when unmarried guests eventually get married, the bride and groom are typically obliged to give the guest more money than what the newlyweds received at their wedding. The amount For employees at work, the year-end bonus is typically the equivalent of one month’s wage though the amount can vary from enough money to buy a small gift to more than one month’s wage. If you go to a wedding, the money in the red envelope should be equivalent to a nice gift that would be given at a Western wedding. Or, it should be enough money to cover the guest’s expense at the wedding. For example, if the wedding dinner costs the newlyweds US$35 per person, then the money in the envelope should be at least US$35. As with the Chinese New Year, the amount of money is relative to your relationship to the recipient—the closer your relationship is to the bride and groom, the more money is expected. For instance, immediate family like parents and siblings give more money than casual friends. It is not uncommon for business partners to be invited to weddings, and business partners often put more money in the envelope to strengthen the business relationship. Less money is given for birthdays than other holidays because it is viewed as the least important of the three occasions. Nowadays, people often just bring gifts for birthdays. What not to gift The money inside a red envelope should always be new and crisp. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste. Coins and checks are avoided, the former because change is not worth much and the latter because checks are not widely used in Asia.
2月12日,农历牛年第一天,《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)选的“每日一词”(Word of the day)是来自汉语的 hongbao(红包),非常应景。 那么红包在中国文化中到底有何讲究呢?我们通过下面这篇文章来了解一下。 红包在中国文化中的意义 文/劳伦·麦克 译/杨晓斌 A red envelope (hóngbāo) is simply a long, narrow, red envelope. Traditional red envelopes are often decorated with gold Chinese characters, such as happiness and wealth. Variations include red envelopes with cartoon characters depicted and red envelopes from stores and companies that contain coupons and gift certificates inside. 红包只不过是一个又长又窄的红色信封。传统红包通常饰有金色的汉字,比如“福”字和“财”字。其他形式的红包有的上面印着卡通人物,有的是商店和公司派发,里面装着优惠券和礼品券。 使用方法 春节期间,父母、祖父母、亲戚,甚至近邻和好友把钱装进红包发给小辈们。 At some companies, workers may also receive a year-end cash bonus tucked inside a red envelope. Red envelopes are also popular gifts for birthdays and weddings. Some four-character expressions appropriate for a wedding red envelope are 天作之合 (tiānzuò zhīhé, a marriage made in heaven) or 百年好合 (bǎinián hǎo hé, a happy union for 100 years). 在有些公司,员工还会收到装在红包里的现金年终奖。红包也是受欢迎的生日和结婚贺礼。适合婚礼红包的一些四字格表达有“天作之合”(上天成全的姻缘)或“百年好合”(两人一辈子情投意合)。 与西方的贺卡不同,中国新年发红包通常都不署名。生日或婚礼的红包上,可选择简短留言(一般写四字格祝福)并签名。 颜色寓意 红色在中国文化中象征着幸运和财富,这就是为什么在中国新年和其他庆祝活动中都会用到红包。还有其他颜色的信封用于别的场合。例如,白色信封用于葬礼。 收发讲究 收发红包、礼物甚至商务名片都是很庄重的行为。因此,红包、礼物和名片等,都要双手递接。 在春节或生日时,收到了红包不可当着送礼人的面拆开。中式婚礼则不然,在婚宴入口处摆有一张桌子,来客将红包交给接待人员并在一幅大大的卷轴上签名。接待员会立刻打开红包清点礼金,并在礼单簿上将金额记录在客人的姓名旁边。 每位来宾给新婚夫妇多少份子钱都要做好记录。这样做有多种原因。一个原因是为了记账,确保新婚夫妇知道每位客人给了多少钱,并可核对他们在婚礼结束时从接待员那里收到的钱与客人礼金数额是否一致。另一个原因是,未婚客人将来结婚时,新婚夫妇送出的礼金通常得比今天人家给他们的多。 礼金数额 对于在职雇员来说,年终奖通常相当于一个月的工资,但数额不尽相同,有的足够买一件小礼物,有的则多于一个月薪水。 要是你去参加婚礼,红包里的钱应该足够买西方婚礼上拿得出手的一份精美礼物,或者应该足以支付本人在婚礼上的消耗。例如,要是婚宴上的人均消费是35美元,那么红包里的钱至少也应该有35美元。 就像春节一样,给钱多少取决于送礼人和收礼人的关系——和新郎新娘之间的关系越近,礼金就应越多。比如,像父母和兄弟姐妹这样的近亲会比普通朋友给的钱要多。邀请生意伙伴参加婚礼也很常见,他们通常会在红包里放更多的钱以加强业务关系。 与其他节日相比,过生日得到的礼金较少,因为过生日被视为三种场合中最不重要的。如今,给人庆祝生日一般只会带礼物。 注意禁忌 For all occasions, certain amounts of money are to be avoided. Anything with a four is best avoided because 四 (sì, four) sounds similar to 死 (sǐ, death). Even numbers, except four, are better than odd—as good things are believed to come in pairs. For example, gifting $20 is better than $21. Eight is a particularly auspicious number. 送钱时无论在什么情况下都应避免送出某些特定的数额,最好避免任何带“四”的数额,因为“四”(sì,四)听起来很像“死”(sǐ,死亡)。除了“四”之外,偶数总比奇数好——人们相信好事成双。比如,送20美元比送21美元好。“八”是一个特别吉利的数字。 装进红包里的钱总该是崭新挺括的。把钞票折叠,或拿脏兮兮、皱巴巴的钞票送人,都有伤大雅。硬币和支票莫要送人,前者是因为硬币不值几个钱,后者是因为支票在亚洲并未广泛使用。 (译者单位:浙江台州学院外国语学院) 【选自《英语世界》2021年第2期】
2016年,央视出品的纪录片《我在故宫修文物》取得巨大成功。“择一事,终一生”的工匠精神感动了无数人。 时隔4年多,该热门纪录的姊妹篇——《我在故宫六百年》重磅推出,再获好评。《我在故宫六百年》一共3集,豆瓣评分高达9.0,B站评分高达9.8。 春节赋闲在家,不如一起线上游故宫! 回顾过去不久的2020年,大家印象最深的恐怕是那一场突如其来的疫情。就在万众一心抗击病毒的同时,故宫默默地度过了它的600岁生日。2020年9月10日至11月15日,故宫举办“丹宸永固:紫禁城建成六百年”大展。 2020年9月10日,“丹宸永固——紫禁城建成六百年”展在北京故宫博物院开幕。 As a tribute to the Forbidden City's 600th birthday, the documentary uses the maintenance and repair of ancient buildings as clues. It embarks on a journey of rediscovery of the Palace Museum from the perspective of the people renovating it, like workers from the Ancient Construction Department, Engineering Department, and Archaeology Department. Similar to its previous season, the second one also covers renovations, however this time it's the Palace itself that is being repaired and renovated. 本片便是以此展为基础,以古建筑的保养修护为线索,通过故宫博物院古建部、工程部、考古部等故宫人的工作视角,踏上故宫再发现之旅。与《我在故宫修文物》一样,《我在故宫六百年》也是在“修”东西。只是这次修的东西,不是钟表、陶瓷之类的小文物,而是故宫本身。 Fun facts of the renovation process filmed in the documentary: 片中的一些小细节也帮助我们一窥故宫的陈年旧事: 丹者为红,是宫墙的红色。宸者乃深,是深邃的宫殿。丹宸永固,即为宫殿永固之意。屋顶,就是维护宫殿永固的一大重要要素。故宫的屋顶严格采用榫卯搭建的木制结构(望板+椽+檩+扶脊木),并加有油性灰浆的灰背。 Tall roof ridges and glazed tiles on the top of palace buildings are said to be designed to fight fire, water, wind and rain. A popular folklore saying is that there had never been birds or grass on the roof of the Forbidden City. However, the reality is… 灰背之上,还有高大的屋脊和琉璃瓦。这种精密的结构足以让故宫建筑不惧水火,不怕风雨。关于故宫的屋顶,民间一直流传着一个传说:故宫的房顶从来不落鸟,不长草。 然而,实际情况却是这样的: 这样的…… What's more interesting is that the grass growing on the roof of different palaces is varied. For example, on the Hall of Imperial Zenith roof where Emperor Qianlong lived after his retirement, Rehmannia glutinosa often flourishes. This is an ingredient for a typical traditional Chinese medicine. The rooting and sprouting of these weeds will destroy the waterproof system on the top of the Forbidden City. Therefore, since the Qing Dynasty, the Office of Imperial Household would send people to "fly" over the walls every year to weed the roofs. 更为有趣的是,不同宫殿的屋顶上长出来的草还不一样。比如乾隆皇帝退休后居住的皇极殿,就经常长出六味地黄丸的那个地黄。这些杂草的生根发芽会破坏故宫顶部的防水系统。因此从清代开始,内务府就会每年派人飞檐走壁,上房除草。 In December 2015, the Hall of Mental Cultivation initiated its first major overhaul in more than a hundred years. Normally, the spine wood in the center of the beam of the main hall would have been stuck inside a row of other roof rafters but experts discovered that the wood was only nailed on the surface. Such approach was totally unqualified for the building standards at that time, but it somehow escaped supervision. The engineer in charge of the repair believes that this kind of "cutting corners" is a sign for the decline of national power in the late Qianlong period. 2015年12月,养心殿启动了百余年来首次大修,专家们发现:正殿的房梁中央的扶脊木,原本应该有一个一个的椽窝卡在里面。但养心殿的这根椽子就浮搁在上面,是用钉子钉住的。这种做法非常不符合当时的建筑标准,却被正常验收了。负责修缮的工程师一语道破:或许这种偷工减料正印证了乾隆后期国力的衰退。 Another anecdote mentioned is the ventilated brick, an ingenious invention of ancient craftsmen. The hollow brick carvings enable better ventilation, which can timely discharge moisture for the wood pillars wrapped in the wall and reduce the possibility of decay. Two years ago, engineers accidentally discovered a "drama list" inside one of the bricks located in the west side wall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The list records the shows and casts of court performances in the middle- and late Qing Dynasty, which boasts significant historical value. 又比如透风砖,是古代匠人的一个精巧发明。镂空的砖雕能够通风,帮助包裹在墙体的木头立柱及时排出湿气,降低朽坏的可能性。两年前,在养心殿西配殿的透风砖后,工程师意外发现了一份戏折。上面记载了清代中晚期一次宫廷演出的节目单和演员表,具有重要的史料价值。 至于戏折怎么会跑到砖缝里,据工程师推测,当时的情况很可能是这样的:戏曲演完了,某位当差拿累了,路过的时候就顺手沿着透风砖的小洞塞了进去。这一藏,就跟漂流瓶一样,只不过等到有缘人再打开,已是百年光阴。不管是大历史的挖掘,还是小秘密的发现,都离不开那群故宫人。 The documentary features both elder craftsmen who have retired and those invited back for guidance, as well as new craftsmen who are still learning their way around. As is well known, the renovations and repairs in the Palace Museum require extensive amounts of energy, time and patience. 纪录片中既有退休被请回来作指导的老匠人,也有正在学习钻研的新匠人。他们分别负责不同的部分,确保紫禁城青春永驻。故宫中有大量的修缮工作,都需要付出大量的精力、时间和耐心。 During the process, the engineers would also mark the date of the old and new objects used in repairs to provide technical clues for the next generation of craftsmen. As stated in the documentary, it is all due to the inheritance of the craftsmen that the eternal youth of the Forbidden City is maintained. In the long passing, it is everyone's dedication that leads to the standing of red walls and yellow tiles with brilliance, which will last through the next 600 years in history. 在修缮过程中,工程师们还会把新旧不一的物件标记好日期,为下一代修缮者们提供技术线索。正像片中所说,丹宸之所以永固,皆因一代代故宫人薪火相传。在漫长的接力中,每个人付出的时间与责任,最终留下了红墙黄瓦、流光溢彩,更留下了可以再说六百年的紫禁城。 来源:China Daily微信公众号 编辑:焦洁 实习生:刘畅
As a tribute to the Forbidden City's 600th birthday, the documentary uses the maintenance and repair of ancient buildings as clues. It embarks on a journey of rediscovery of the Palace Museum from the perspective of the people renovating it, like workers from the Ancient Construction Department, Engineering Department, and Archaeology Department. Similar to its previous season, the second one also covers renovations, however this time it's the Palace itself that is being repaired and renovated. Fun facts of the renovation process filmed in the documentary: Tall roof ridges and glazed tiles on the top of palace buildings are said to be designed to fight fire, water, wind and rain. A popular folklore saying is that there had never been birds or grass on the roof of the Forbidden City. However, the reality is… What's more interesting is that the grass growing on the roof of different palaces is varied. For example, on the Hall of Imperial Zenith roof where Emperor Qianlong lived after his retirement, Rehmannia glutinosa often flourishes. This is an ingredient for a typical traditional Chinese medicine. The rooting and sprouting of these weeds will destroy the waterproof system on the top of the Forbidden City. Therefore, since the Qing Dynasty, the Office of Imperial Household would send people to "fly" over the walls every year to weed the roofs. In December 2015, the Hall of Mental Cultivation initiated its first major overhaul in more than a hundred years. Normally, the spine wood in the center of the beam of the main hall would have been stuck inside a row of other roof rafters but experts discovered that the wood was only nailed on the surface. Such approach was totally unqualified for the building standards at that time, but it somehow escaped supervision. The engineer in charge of the repair believes that this kind of "cutting corners" is a sign for the decline of national power in the late Qianlong period. Another anecdote mentioned is the ventilated brick, an ingenious invention of ancient craftsmen. The hollow brick carvings enable better ventilation, which can timely discharge moisture for the wood pillars wrapped in the wall and reduce the possibility of decay. Two years ago, engineers accidentally discovered a "drama list" inside one of the bricks located in the west side wall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The list records the shows and casts of court performances in the middle- and late Qing Dynasty, which boasts significant historical value. The documentary features both elder craftsmen who have retired and those invited back for guidance, as well as new craftsmen who are still learning their way around. As is well known, the renovations and repairs in the Palace Museum require extensive amounts of energy, time and patience. During the process, the engineers would also mark the date of the old and new objects used in repairs to provide technical clues for the next generation of craftsmen. As stated in the documentary, it is all due to the inheritance of the craftsmen that the eternal youth of the Forbidden City is maintained. In the long passing, it is everyone's dedication that leads to the standing of red walls and yellow tiles with brilliance, which will last through the next 600 years in history.
2016年,央视出品的纪录片《我在故宫修文物》取得巨大成功。“择一事,终一生”的工匠精神感动了无数人。 时隔4年多,该热门纪录的姊妹篇——《我在故宫六百年》重磅推出,再获好评。《我在故宫六百年》一共3集,豆瓣评分高达9.0,B站评分高达9.8。 春节赋闲在家,不如一起线上游故宫! 回顾过去不久的2020年,大家印象最深的恐怕是那一场突如其来的疫情。就在万众一心抗击病毒的同时,故宫默默地度过了它的600岁生日。2020年9月10日至11月15日,故宫举办“丹宸永固:紫禁城建成六百年”大展。 2020年9月10日,“丹宸永固——紫禁城建成六百年”展在北京故宫博物院开幕。 本片便是以此展为基础,以古建筑的保养修护为线索,通过故宫博物院古建部、工程部、考古部等故宫人的工作视角,踏上故宫再发现之旅。与《我在故宫修文物》一样,《我在故宫六百年》也是在“修”东西。只是这次修的东西,不是钟表、陶瓷之类的小文物,而是故宫本身。 片中的一些小细节也帮助我们一窥故宫的陈年旧事: 丹者为红,是宫墙的红色。宸者乃深,是深邃的宫殿。丹宸永固,即为宫殿永固之意。屋顶,就是维护宫殿永固的一大重要要素。故宫的屋顶严格采用榫卯搭建的木制结构(望板+椽+檩+扶脊木),并加有油性灰浆的灰背。 灰背之上,还有高大的屋脊和琉璃瓦。这种精密的结构足以让故宫建筑不惧水火,不怕风雨。关于故宫的屋顶,民间一直流传着一个传说:故宫的房顶从来不落鸟,不长草。 然而,实际情况却是这样的: 这样的…… 更为有趣的是,不同宫殿的屋顶上长出来的草还不一样。比如乾隆皇帝退休后居住的皇极殿,就经常长出六味地黄丸的那个地黄。这些杂草的生根发芽会破坏故宫顶部的防水系统。因此从清代开始,内务府就会每年派人飞檐走壁,上房除草。 2015年12月,养心殿启动了百余年来首次大修,专家们发现:正殿的房梁中央的扶脊木,原本应该有一个一个的椽窝卡在里面。但养心殿的这根椽子就浮搁在上面,是用钉子钉住的。这种做法非常不符合当时的建筑标准,却被正常验收了。负责修缮的工程师一语道破:或许这种偷工减料正印证了乾隆后期国力的衰退。 又比如透风砖,是古代匠人的一个精巧发明。镂空的砖雕能够通风,帮助包裹在墙体的木头立柱及时排出湿气,降低朽坏的可能性。两年前,在养心殿西配殿的透风砖后,工程师意外发现了一份戏折。上面记载了清代中晚期一次宫廷演出的节目单和演员表,具有重要的史料价值。 至于戏折怎么会跑到砖缝里,据工程师推测,当时的情况很可能是这样的:戏曲演完了,某位当差拿累了,路过的时候就顺手沿着透风砖的小洞塞了进去。这一藏,就跟漂流瓶一样,只不过等到有缘人再打开,已是百年光阴。不管是大历史的挖掘,还是小秘密的发现,都离不开那群故宫人。 纪录片中既有退休被请回来作指导的老匠人,也有正在学习钻研的新匠人。他们分别负责不同的部分,确保紫禁城青春永驻。故宫中有大量的修缮工作,都需要付出大量的精力、时间和耐心。 在修缮过程中,工程师们还会把新旧不一的物件标记好日期,为下一代修缮者们提供技术线索。正像片中所说,丹宸之所以永固,皆因一代代故宫人薪火相传。在漫长的接力中,每个人付出的时间与责任,最终留下了红墙黄瓦、流光溢彩,更留下了可以再说六百年的紫禁城。 来源:China Daily微信公众号 编辑:焦洁 实习生:刘畅
每逢过年,家家户户的电视里总会传出一些特别耳熟又叫不上名字的音乐。它们不是洗脑神曲,却是我们国家经典的民乐作品代表。今天,CD君带大家认识一下这些音乐,相信总有一段熟悉的旋律,会唤起你对春节最初的记忆。 When Spring Festival comes, TVs in households are usually on with music that sounds familiar, but with titles that are hard to recall. This music is not propaganda but rather classic Chinese orchestral works. We will listen to this music together and, believe it or not, there will always be a melody that evokes your initial memories about Spring Festival. Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash 1.《春节序曲》 (Spring Festival Overture) 没错,这首就是春晚经常出现的音乐。一开始敲锣打鼓热闹欢腾,仿佛春晚主持人们正笑眼盈盈送来祝福;两分钟之后进入优美平缓的段落,让人联想起演播室里转播全国各地过春节的实时画面。 This is the music we often hear during the Spring Festival Gala. At the beginning, the music is particularly exciting with gongs and drums playing, reminding people of the hosts of the Spring Festival Gala who are sending wishes to the entire audience. Two minutes later, the music becomes gentle and elegant, as if accompanying the live television footage of Spring Festival scenes across the country. 其实这首音乐已经65岁啦。早在1938年的时候,作曲家李焕之来到延安生活,在那里积累了大量陕北民歌素材,到50年代时,他回忆这段生活经历,创作出了《春节组曲》,其中第一乐章就是我们经常听到的这首《春节序曲》。 This music is actually 65 years old now. As early as 1938, Composer Li Huanzhi went to Yan'an in Shaanxi province and accumulated source material of folk songs in northern Shaanxi. Later in the 1950s, he composed Spring Festival Suite according to his memories in Yan'an. Spring Festival Overture is the first movement of the suite. 2.《喜洋洋》 (Jubilance) 同样是民乐管弦的经典代表作品,这首出现的场合更广了。不仅在春节期间,各种节庆场合我们都能听到它。这首曲子取材自山西民歌,由音乐家刘明源改编。刘明源是著名的板胡演奏家,所以在编曲中,他用板胡作主音乐器,加以笛子、二胡等配器,着重采用顿音、加花的手法演绎,轻快活泼让人不由得想起舞。 Also a classic piece of Chinese orchestral works, this could be applied to more festive occasions apart from Spring Festival. This music is adapted from Shanxi folk songs, by composer Liu Mingyuan. Liu excelled at playing the banhu, so when composing, he used the banhu as his main instrument, accompanied by flute and erhu. The music features ornamented variations and is so delightful that it makes people dance. 3.《步步高》 (Rising Higher Step By Step) 说完了陕北味和山西味的曲子,我们来聊聊广东民乐。这首曲子的作者是吕文成,他于1898年出生于广东香山,后来定居香港,毕生致力于广东音乐的表演和创作。与前两首相比,《步步高》的年代更为久远,其乐谱1938年就出现在《琴弦乐谱》中,在20世纪30年代可谓风靡一时。曲子的主音部分由吕文成擅长的高胡演奏,伴奏处的乐器是扬琴,两种乐器清脆悦耳,互相交织。 Now here comes some Cantonese folk music. Born in 1898 in Xiangshan, Guangdong province, Composer Lyu Wencheng later moved to Hong Kong and devoted all his life to performing and composing Cantonese music. Compared with the previous two pieces, this one dates back much earlier and its music sheets were published in 1938 in the book Music sheets of string instruments, reaching its popularity peak. The lead part is played by an instrument called the gaohu, which Lyu Wencheng excelled at, and the accompaniment a dulcimer. These two instruments both sound clear and melodic, and complement each other. 曲子的进展则如其名,常使用五度、八度的音程大跳,积蓄力量,层层递进,真能让人体会到一种潇洒前行、步步登高的豪迈。 The development of the song is just as its name suggests. It often uses five- and eight-degree interval jumps, accumulates strength, and advances progressively, creating a feeling of rising higher step by step. 4.《金蛇狂舞》 (Golden Snake Dances with Rapture) 《金蛇狂舞》怕是无人不晓了,它曾作为2008年奥运会开闭幕式上的背景音乐响彻世界。这首曲子是作曲家聂耳于1934年根据民间乐曲《倒八板》整理改编的一首民族管弦乐曲。同样是热情洋溢的曲风,这首音乐中用到的锣鼓特别引人注意,其声铿锵有力,每到主音减弱处锣鼓声便响起,由此形成的魔性节奏简直令人欲罢不能。 This one is known to everyone, and it was used as the background music for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Olympic Games. This piece of music is a national orchestral piece compiled by the composer Nie Er in 1934 based on the folk music Inverted Eight Plates. Another enthusiastic piece, the gongs and drums used in this music are particularly noticeable. Their sound is powerful and rises whenever the main voice weakens, forming a rhythmic magic. 编辑:商桢 来源:China Daily微信公众号
When Spring Festival comes, TVs in households are usually on with music that sounds familiar, but with titles that are hard to recall. This music is not propaganda but rather classic Chinese orchestral works. We will listen to this music together and, believe it or not, there will always be a melody that evokes your initial memories about Spring Festival. Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash (Spring Festival Overture) This is the music we often hear during the Spring Festival Gala. At the beginning, the music is particularly exciting with gongs and drums playing, reminding people of the hosts of the Spring Festival Gala who are sending wishes to the entire audience. Two minutes later, the music becomes gentle and elegant, as if accompanying the live television footage of Spring Festival scenes across the country. This music is actually 65 years old now. As early as 1938, Composer Li Huanzhi went to Yan'an in Shaanxi province and accumulated source material of folk songs in northern Shaanxi. Later in the 1950s, he composed Spring Festival Suite according to his memories in Yan'an. Spring Festival Overture is the first movement of the suite. (Jubilance) Also a classic piece of Chinese orchestral works, this could be applied to more festive occasions apart from Spring Festival. This music is adapted from Shanxi folk songs, by composer Liu Mingyuan. Liu excelled at playing the banhu, so when composing, he used the banhu as his main instrument, accompanied by flute and erhu. The music features ornamented variations and is so delightful that it makes people dance. (Rising Higher Step By Step) Now here comes some Cantonese folk music. Born in 1898 in Xiangshan, Guangdong province, Composer Lyu Wencheng later moved to Hong Kong and devoted all his life to performing and composing Cantonese music. Compared with the previous two pieces, this one dates back much earlier and its music sheets were published in 1938 in the book Music sheets of string instruments, reaching its popularity peak. The lead part is played by an instrument called the gaohu, which Lyu Wencheng excelled at, and the accompaniment a dulcimer. These two instruments both sound clear and melodic, and complement each other. The development of the song is just as its name suggests. It often uses five- and eight-degree interval jumps, accumulates strength, and advances progressively, creating a feeling of rising higher step by step. (Golden Snake Dances with Rapture) This one is known to everyone, and it was used as the background music for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Olympic Games. This piece of music is a national orchestral piece compiled by the composer Nie Er in 1934 based on the folk music Inverted Eight Plates. Another enthusiastic piece, the gongs and drums used in this music are particularly noticeable. Their sound is powerful and rises whenever the main voice weakens, forming a rhythmic magic.
每逢过年,家家户户的电视里总会传出一些特别耳熟又叫不上名字的音乐。它们不是洗脑神曲,却是我们国家经典的民乐作品代表。今天,CD君带大家认识一下这些音乐,相信总有一段熟悉的旋律,会唤起你对春节最初的记忆。 1.《春节序曲》 没错,这首就是春晚经常出现的音乐。一开始敲锣打鼓热闹欢腾,仿佛春晚主持人们正笑眼盈盈送来祝福;两分钟之后进入优美平缓的段落,让人联想起演播室里转播全国各地过春节的实时画面。 其实这首音乐已经65岁啦。早在1938年的时候,作曲家李焕之来到延安生活,在那里积累了大量陕北民歌素材,到50年代时,他回忆这段生活经历,创作出了《春节组曲》,其中第一乐章就是我们经常听到的这首《春节序曲》。 2.《喜洋洋》 同样是民乐管弦的经典代表作品,这首出现的场合更广了。不仅在春节期间,各种节庆场合我们都能听到它。这首曲子取材自山西民歌,由音乐家刘明源改编。刘明源是著名的板胡演奏家,所以在编曲中,他用板胡作主音乐器,加以笛子、二胡等配器,着重采用顿音、加花的手法演绎,轻快活泼让人不由得想起舞。 3.《步步高》 说完了陕北味和山西味的曲子,我们来聊聊广东民乐。这首曲子的作者是吕文成,他于1898年出生于广东香山,后来定居香港,毕生致力于广东音乐的表演和创作。与前两首相比,《步步高》的年代更为久远,其乐谱1938年就出现在《琴弦乐谱》中,在20世纪30年代可谓风靡一时。曲子的主音部分由吕文成擅长的高胡演奏,伴奏处的乐器是扬琴,两种乐器清脆悦耳,互相交织。 曲子的进展则如其名,常使用五度、八度的音程大跳,积蓄力量,层层递进,真能让人体会到一种潇洒前行、步步登高的豪迈。 4.《金蛇狂舞》 《金蛇狂舞》怕是无人不晓了,它曾作为2008年奥运会开闭幕式上的背景音乐响彻世界。这首曲子是作曲家聂耳于1934年根据民间乐曲《倒八板》整理改编的一首民族管弦乐曲。同样是热情洋溢的曲风,这首音乐中用到的锣鼓特别引人注意,其声铿锵有力,每到主音减弱处锣鼓声便响起,由此形成的魔性节奏简直令人欲罢不能。 编辑:商桢 来源:China Daily微信公众号
春节期间宅家抗疫,不代表这个长假就会无聊。只要你找对方法,足不出户也可以过一个丰富多彩的快乐假期。看完这篇文章,你会发现在家度假也是不错的选择! [Photo/Pexels] Game Night 游戏之夜 Game Night is a fun way to spend the holidays at home. There’s so many choices depending on the size of your household and age range of the members. You can never go wrong with card games. Jenga and board games like Monopoly are go-tos for game night as well. Last but not least, video games are perfect for the little ones and teenagers. Show off your dance moves with Just Dance, or your hoop skills with NBA 2K. The kids will be thrilled that you’re playing video games with them! 宅家度假期间可以快乐地打游戏。游戏多种多样,你可以根据家人的数量和年龄来选择。纸牌游戏是最保险的选择。积木叠叠乐和大富翁等桌面游戏也很不错。还有适合小孩和青少年的电子游戏。你可以用舞力全开游戏展示自己的舞姿,也可以用NBA 2K游戏练习你的投篮技术。和孩子们一起玩电子游戏会让他们很兴奋。 Holiday Movie Marathon 电影马拉松 Pick your favorite holiday movies. Pop some popcorn. Bake some cupcakes or cookies, and you’re ready for your movie marathon. You can also choose a different theme if you’re not into traditional holiday movies- like your favorite super hero movies or the Harry Potter series. 挑选你最喜爱的节日电影。准备一些爆米花。烤一些纸杯蛋糕或曲奇饼,然后电影马拉松就可以开始了。如果你不喜欢传统的节日电影,也可以选择不同的主题,比如你喜欢的超级英雄电影或哈利波特系列电影。 Turn Routine on its Head 打乱常规作息 This is especially fun for young kids. Make eggs for dinner or eat dessert for lunch. Wear pajamas all day. Camp out in the living room or backyard. Stay up late. This is still a vacation even if you're at home, so let loose and have fun. 小孩子最喜欢颠覆常规的生活。晚餐吃鸡蛋,午餐吃甜点。一整天都穿睡衣。在客厅或后院里支起野营帐篷。熬到很晚才睡。虽然在家,但毕竟是放假了,所以让大家都随心所欲地玩乐吧。 [Photo/Pexels] Karaoke Party K歌大会 Karaoke parties are so much fun. Everyone of all ages will thoroughly enjoy themselves. You can end your family holiday dinners with a round of karaoke. K歌大会非常有趣。各个年龄段的人都会玩得很开心。全家人在吃完节日大餐后可以来一场卡拉OK。 Virtual Family Gathering 线上团聚 You can celebrate virtually with family and friends that you aren’t able to visit or host this year due to the pandemic. Schedule a virtual family dinner and give everyone a chance to state what they are grateful for. After dinner, have a Virtual Karaoke Party and let everyone sing their favorite song. Then end the night with a family performance. 你可以在线上与今年因疫情而不能拜访或招待的家人朋友聚会。策划一场虚拟家庭聚餐,让每个人都有机会讲讲自己想感恩的人和事。聚餐结束后,举办一场线上K歌大会,每个人都唱自己最喜欢的歌。然后以家庭集体表演结束这个美好的夜晚。 Empower Your Kids 放权给孩子 Each family member takes turns choosing an activity for the day. This may be as simple as a board game or a bike ride. Say “yes” to your kids whenever possible, even to your teenager who wants to spend the afternoon alone in his or her room. 每个家庭成员轮流选择当天的活动。活动可以很简单,比如玩桌面游戏或骑自行车。尽可能答应孩子的要求,对你的大孩子也如此,即使他们只想下午把自己关在房间里也随着他们。 Visit a Faraway Place—at Home 在家“旅游” Pick a country and spend the day learning about it. Dress in traditional clothing, cook the food and play a game native to that culture. This idea requires a bit more effort, but since your vacation is at home, you've saved some energy by not planning hotels or plane tickets. 挑选一个国家,然后花一天时间了解这个国家。穿上这个国家的传统服饰,烹饪该国的食物,玩该国的游戏。这个度假方式可能要费一些精力,但考虑到在家度假不用订酒店和机票,还是更省心。 英文来源:glamorousgleam、smartaboutmoney 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] Game Night is a fun way to spend the holidays at home. There’s so many choices depending on the size of your household and age range of the members. You can never go wrong with card games. Jenga and board games like Monopoly are go-tos for game night as well. Last but not least, video games are perfect for the little ones and teenagers. Show off your dance moves with Just Dance, or your hoop skills with NBA 2K. The kids will be thrilled that you’re playing video games with them! Pick your favorite holiday movies. Pop some popcorn. Bake some cupcakes or cookies, and you’re ready for your movie marathon. You can also choose a different theme if you’re not into traditional holiday movies- like your favorite super hero movies or the Harry Potter series. This is especially fun for young kids. Make eggs for dinner or eat dessert for lunch. Wear pajamas all day. Camp out in the living room or backyard. Stay up late. This is still a vacation even if you're at home, so let loose and have fun. [Photo/Pexels] Karaoke parties are so much fun. Everyone of all ages will thoroughly enjoy themselves. You can end your family holiday dinners with a round of karaoke. You can celebrate virtually with family and friends that you aren’t able to visit or host this year due to the pandemic. Schedule a virtual family dinner and give everyone a chance to state what they are grateful for. After dinner, have a Virtual Karaoke Party and let everyone sing their favorite song. Then end the night with a family performance. Each family member takes turns choosing an activity for the day. This may be as simple as a board game or a bike ride. Say “yes” to your kids whenever possible, even to your teenager who wants to spend the afternoon alone in his or her room. Pick a country and spend the day learning about it. Dress in traditional clothing, cook the food and play a game native to that culture. This idea requires a bit more effort, but since your vacation is at home, you've saved some energy by not planning hotels or plane tickets.
春节期间宅家抗疫,不代表这个长假就会无聊。只要你找对方法,足不出户也可以过一个丰富多彩的快乐假期。看完这篇文章,你会发现在家度假也是不错的选择! Game Night 游戏之夜 宅家度假期间可以快乐地打游戏。游戏多种多样,你可以根据家人的数量和年龄来选择。纸牌游戏是最保险的选择。积木叠叠乐和大富翁等桌面游戏也很不错。还有适合小孩和青少年的电子游戏。你可以用舞力全开游戏展示自己的舞姿,也可以用NBA 2K游戏练习你的投篮技术。和孩子们一起玩电子游戏会让他们很兴奋。 Holiday Movie Marathon 电影马拉松 挑选你最喜爱的节日电影。准备一些爆米花。烤一些纸杯蛋糕或曲奇饼,然后电影马拉松就可以开始了。如果你不喜欢传统的节日电影,也可以选择不同的主题,比如你喜欢的超级英雄电影或哈利波特系列电影。 Turn Routine on its Head 打乱常规作息 小孩子最喜欢颠覆常规的生活。晚餐吃鸡蛋,午餐吃甜点。一整天都穿睡衣。在客厅或后院里支起野营帐篷。熬到很晚才睡。虽然在家,但毕竟是放假了,所以让大家都随心所欲地玩乐吧。 Karaoke Party K歌大会 K歌大会非常有趣。各个年龄段的人都会玩得很开心。全家人在吃完节日大餐后可以来一场卡拉OK。 Virtual Family Gathering 线上团聚 你可以在线上与今年因疫情而不能拜访或招待的家人朋友聚会。策划一场虚拟家庭聚餐,让每个人都有机会讲讲自己想感恩的人和事。聚餐结束后,举办一场线上K歌大会,每个人都唱自己最喜欢的歌。然后以家庭集体表演结束这个美好的夜晚。 Empower Your Kids 放权给孩子 每个家庭成员轮流选择当天的活动。活动可以很简单,比如玩桌面游戏或骑自行车。尽可能答应孩子的要求,对你的大孩子也如此,即使他们只想下午把自己关在房间里也随着他们。 Visit a Faraway Place—at Home 在家“旅游” 挑选一个国家,然后花一天时间了解这个国家。穿上这个国家的传统服饰,烹饪该国的食物,玩该国的游戏。这个度假方式可能要费一些精力,但考虑到在家度假不用订酒店和机票,还是更省心。 英文来源:glamorousgleam、smartaboutmoney 翻译&编辑:丹妮
马上就是中国的农历新年牛年(Year of the Ox )了,各大国际品牌的设计师,已经使出浑身解数,把“牛”都玩坏...... LOUIS VUITTON 路易威登今年的牛,出身体操世家,拥有劈叉的技能? The playful Cow box pays homage to the Chinese Year of the Ox. In addition to enlivening the home decor, this piece has a functional dimension as it can be used to store small items. 俏皮的牛年礼盒是对中国牛年的致敬。除了使家居装饰活泼可爱,这款产品还具有功能性,可以用来存放小物件。 homage /'hɒmɪdʒ/ n. 尊敬;敬意;效忠 被储蓄箱上的劈叉牛萌到的小伙伴别急着种草,来看看平面化的劈叉牛,丑到你了没?! 这头会“劈叉”的牛,骑在各种各样的路易威登标志性产品上,比如箱包、丝巾等。 此次LV还推出了粉色限定系列,纷纷嫩嫩还挺少女的。 Balenciaga 还记得去年情人节被巴黎世家支配的土味深爱·殇·梦蝶绝恋吗? 今年的牛年限定,巴黎世家投放的广告是这样的,成功让大家直呼好(土)家(瞎)伙(了): 至于设计方面,他家又又又...把中文放在产品上了,每一个logo前面都得加个“牛”字,这是要把“牛”打在公屏上吗? Balenciaga’s Year of the Ox capsule includes ready-to-wear separates, bags, and accessories. 巴黎世家的牛年新春系列包括成衣、包包和配饰。 While most of the items are emblazoned with all-over prints in black and white, you can also find pieces highlighting the baby ox motif in the mix. 虽然大多数产品都饰有黑白品牌logo,但你也可以在其中找到牛宝宝图案的产品。 emblazon /ɪm'bleɪz(ə)n/ vt. 用纹章装饰 motif /məʊ'tiːf/ n.(用作装饰的) 图案 以及这头牛,为啥越看越像小毛驴? 这个钥匙扣的设计也很霸气,直接把“牛”字印在正中央,带着这个钥匙扣出门,你就是这条街上最“牛”的仔。 Burberry 巴宝莉今年的新春限定邀请了大表姐刘雯来演绎,结果......一顶牛角棒球帽、一只超大号的托特包......被网友吐槽为“春运套装”。 The Chinese New Year campaign, captured by photographer Feng Li, aims to celebrate the “majesty of the natural world,” explains Burberry in a press release, highlighting the Year of the Ox’s association with the earth. 巴宝莉在一份新闻稿中称,摄影师冯立拍摄的中国新年大片旨在赞颂 “自然世界的庄严”,该片强调了牛年与地球的联系。 The comment that received the most likes said that “the beauty of Liu Wen cannot save the absurdity of the campaign.” 最高赞的评论说,“就是刘雯的美貌也无法挽救这个片子的离谱。” absurdity /əb'sɜːdɪtɪ/ n. 荒谬,荒唐 为了增加牛年的新年氛围,产品宣传大片还有一头活的老黄牛,牛年的气息感受到了,但是duck不必! MCM MCM家的牛,已经会自己喷火了! MCM releases a festive collection for the Year of the Ox, and it’s got lots of red, ringed hardware, and a striking blue OX emblazoned across the brand’s classic monogram. MCM发布了牛年节日系列,以红色为主,有环形五金,以及一个醒目的蓝色OX字母,点缀在该品牌的经典logo上。 The card case and card holder are particularly cute — and at a fairly decent price point for full leather, plus they feature MCM’s CNY character, Oskar The Ox, who’s also very cute. 卡套和卡包特别可爱——而且全皮革的价格也相当合理,此外,还配有MCM吸引中国消费者的奥斯卡公牛卡通挂坠,特别可爱。 monogram /'mɒnəgræm/ n.交织字母图案 这种大红大蓝的配色设计真的上头~ Tory Burch 托里·伯奇家这头牛,和别的牛有点不一样。别家的牛可爱又活泼,只有它家的牛长出了白头发。 关于这撮白头发,设计师是这样解读的: The cherry on top has to be Ozzie’s white, fluffy hair because you get to play with it when you’re bored by your relatives’ same old “Are you planning to go to university?” or “When are you going to get married?” questions. 奥兹白色蓬松的头发是点睛之笔,因为当你被亲戚的老话“你打算上大学吗?”或者“你打算什么时候结婚?”问题搞得无聊时,你就可以玩它了。 fluffy /'flʌfɪ/ adj. 蓬松的;松软的 也是过于贴心了呢,说出价格让大家死心:定价885美元,折合成人民币大约是5717元。 来源:沪江英语
LOUIS VUITTON The playful Cow box pays homage to the Chinese Year of the Ox. In addition to enlivening the home decor, this piece has a functional dimension as it can be used to store small items. Balenciaga Balenciaga’s Year of the Ox capsule includes ready-to-wear separates, bags, and accessories. While most of the items are emblazoned with all-over prints in black and white, you can also find pieces highlighting the baby ox motif in the mix. Burberry The Chinese New Year campaign, captured by photographer Feng Li, aims to celebrate the “majesty of the natural world,” explains Burberry in a press release, highlighting the Year of the Ox’s association with the earth. The comment that received the most likes said that “the beauty of Liu Wen cannot save the absurdity of the campaign.” MCM MCM releases a festive collection for the Year of the Ox, and it’s got lots of red, ringed hardware, and a striking blue OX emblazoned across the brand’s classic monogram. The card case and card holder are particularly cute — and at a fairly decent price point for full leather, plus they feature MCM’s CNY character, Oskar The Ox, who’s also very cute. Tory Burch The cherry on top has to be Ozzie’s white, fluffy hair because you get to play with it when you’re bored by your relatives’ same old “Are you planning to go to university?” or “When are you going to get married?” questions.
马上就是中国的农历新年牛年(Year of the Ox )了,各大国际品牌的设计师,已经使出浑身解数,把“牛”都玩坏...... 路易威登今年的牛,出身体操世家,拥有劈叉的技能? 俏皮的牛年礼盒是对中国牛年的致敬。除了使家居装饰活泼可爱,这款产品还具有功能性,可以用来存放小物件。 homage /'hɒmɪdʒ/ n. 尊敬;敬意;效忠 被储蓄箱上的劈叉牛萌到的小伙伴别急着种草,来看看平面化的劈叉牛,丑到你了没?! 这头会“劈叉”的牛,骑在各种各样的路易威登标志性产品上,比如箱包、丝巾等。 此次LV还推出了粉色限定系列,纷纷嫩嫩还挺少女的。 还记得去年情人节被巴黎世家支配的土味深爱·殇·梦蝶绝恋吗? 今年的牛年限定,巴黎世家投放的广告是这样的,成功让大家直呼好(土)家(瞎)伙(了): 至于设计方面,他家又又又...把中文放在产品上了,每一个logo前面都得加个“牛”字,这是要把“牛”打在公屏上吗? 巴黎世家的牛年新春系列包括成衣、包包和配饰。 虽然大多数产品都饰有黑白品牌logo,但你也可以在其中找到牛宝宝图案的产品。 emblazon /ɪm'bleɪz(ə)n/ vt. 用纹章装饰 motif /məʊ'tiːf/ n.(用作装饰的) 图案 以及这头牛,为啥越看越像小毛驴? 这个钥匙扣的设计也很霸气,直接把“牛”字印在正中央,带着这个钥匙扣出门,你就是这条街上最“牛”的仔。 巴宝莉今年的新春限定邀请了大表姐刘雯来演绎,结果......一顶牛角棒球帽、一只超大号的托特包......被网友吐槽为“春运套装”。 巴宝莉在一份新闻稿中称,摄影师冯立拍摄的中国新年大片旨在赞颂 “自然世界的庄严”,该片强调了牛年与地球的联系。 最高赞的评论说,“就是刘雯的美貌也无法挽救这个片子的离谱。” absurdity /əb'sɜːdɪtɪ/ n. 荒谬,荒唐 为了增加牛年的新年氛围,产品宣传大片还有一头活的老黄牛,牛年的气息感受到了,但是duck不必! MCM家的牛,已经会自己喷火了! MCM发布了牛年节日系列,以红色为主,有环形五金,以及一个醒目的蓝色OX字母,点缀在该品牌的经典logo上。 卡套和卡包特别可爱——而且全皮革的价格也相当合理,此外,还配有MCM吸引中国消费者的奥斯卡公牛卡通挂坠,特别可爱。 monogram /'mɒnəgræm/ n.交织字母图案 这种大红大蓝的配色设计真的上头~ 托里·伯奇家这头牛,和别的牛有点不一样。别家的牛可爱又活泼,只有它家的牛长出了白头发。 关于这撮白头发,设计师是这样解读的: 奥兹白色蓬松的头发是点睛之笔,因为当你被亲戚的老话“你打算上大学吗?”或者“你打算什么时候结婚?”问题搞得无聊时,你就可以玩它了。 fluffy /'flʌfɪ/ adj. 蓬松的;松软的 也是过于贴心了呢,说出价格让大家死心:定价885美元,折合成人民币大约是5717元。 来源:沪江英语
最新研究表明,在英国发现的新冠病毒变异株或将在3月成为在美国传播的新冠病毒主流。美国专家称,尽管美国新冠肺炎确诊病例数在近期有所下降,但由于变异新冠病毒的蔓延,美国疫情仍不乐观,民众不可放松警惕。 Allyson Black, a registered nurse, cares for COVID-19 patients in a makeshift ICU at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California on Jan 21, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] The coronavirus variant that has moved through the UK is now spreading "rapidly" through the US, according to a new study published on Sunday. 根据2月7日发表的一项新研究,已经在英国传播的变异新冠病毒正在美国“迅速”传播。 The more contagious strain is nearly doubling its prevalence among confirmed cases in the US every nine days. 变异新冠病毒在美国的传播率每隔9天就增长近1倍。 The spread of the variant, known as B.1.1.7, has put added pressure on vaccination efforts worldwide. 这种被称为B.1.1.7的变异新冠病毒的传播给全世界的疫苗接种工作增加了压力。 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has predicted it could be the predominant strain by March. 美国疾病控制与预防中心预测,这种变异新冠病毒或将在3月成为在美国传播的新冠病毒的主流。 The report, posted on the preprint server MedRxiv, is a collaboration of several researchers and scientists. It has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a journal. 这份发布在预印本平台MedRxiv上的报告是几位研究人员和科学家的合作成果,尚未经过同行评审或发表在期刊上。 Case numbers of the new variant are still somewhat small in the US. 在美国,这种变异新冠病毒的病例数仍然很少。 According to the CDC, Florida leads the country in reported cases of B.1.1.7 with 187 as of Thursday, followed by California with 145. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,截至2月4日,佛罗里达州报告的B.1.1.7型变异病毒确诊病例为187例,居全美之首,其次是加利福尼亚州,为145例。 "Our study shows that the US is on a similar trajectory as other countries where B.1.1.7 rapidly became the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant, requiring immediate and decisive action to minimize Covid-19 morbidity and mortality," the report's authors wrote. 该报告的作者写道:“我们的研究表明,美国正处于与其他国家类似的轨迹上,B.1.1.7迅速成为新冠病毒的主要变种,需要立即和果断地采取行动,尽可能地降低其发病率和死亡率。” trajectory[trəˈdʒektəri]:n.轨道,轨线 This new strain is 35-45% more transmissible than other strains of the virus currently in the US, the report found. 报告发现,这种变异病毒的传染性比目前美国的其他毒株高35-45%。 When the CDC first warned of the new variant's presence in the US in mid-January, it was present in less than 0.5% of cases. By the end of the month, this figure had jumped to 3.6%, according to the study. 美国疾病控制与预防中心1月中旬首次警告美国出现这种变异病毒时,其病例数只占不到0.5%。这项研究发现,到1月底,感染该变异病毒的病例占比上升至3.6%。 The report comes as the United States' winter virus surge passes its peak. Daily cases throughout the country have been falling for about a month, since early January. But the average daily death toll remains extremely high - some 3,000 per day - and hospitals remain under immense pressure. 该报告出炉之际,美国冬季新冠肺炎病例激增的高峰已经过去。自1月初以来,全美各地的每日新增病例数已经下降了约一个月。但是日均死亡人数仍然非常高,大约每天3000人,医院仍然承受着巨大的压力。 The B.1.1.7 variant, first discovered in Britain, has so far spread to more than 50 countries. B.1.1.7变异病毒首先在英国发现,目前已传播到50多个国家。 As with the original virus, the risk is highest for the elderly and for those with significant underlying health conditions. 与早先的病毒一样,老年人和那些身体健康状况不佳的人风险最高。 There has been some suggestion that the strain may be associated with a 30% higher risk of death, but the evidence on this is not strong, and the data is still uncertain. 有建议认为,这种病毒毒株可能引发死亡风险增加30%,但这方面的证据并不充分,数据仍不确定。 Current vaccines were designed around earlier variants but initial studies have indicated that the Pfizer, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines will all protect against the B.1.1.7 strain. 目前的疫苗是围绕较早的变种设计的,但初步研究表明,辉瑞、牛津-阿斯利康和摩德纳的疫苗都将能够预防B.1.1.7毒株感染。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
Allyson Black, a registered nurse, cares for COVID-19 patients in a makeshift ICU at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California on Jan 21, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] The coronavirus variant that has moved through the UK is now spreading "rapidly" through the US, according to a new study published on Sunday. The more contagious strain is nearly doubling its prevalence among confirmed cases in the US every nine days. The spread of the variant, known as B.1.1.7, has put added pressure on vaccination efforts worldwide. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has predicted it could be the predominant strain by March. The report, posted on the preprint server MedRxiv, is a collaboration of several researchers and scientists. It has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a journal. Case numbers of the new variant are still somewhat small in the US. According to the CDC, Florida leads the country in reported cases of B.1.1.7 with 187 as of Thursday, followed by California with 145. "Our study shows that the US is on a similar trajectory as other countries where B.1.1.7 rapidly became the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant, requiring immediate and decisive action to minimize Covid-19 morbidity and mortality," the report's authors wrote. This new strain is 35-45% more transmissible than other strains of the virus currently in the US, the report found. When the CDC first warned of the new variant's presence in the US in mid-January, it was present in less than 0.5% of cases. By the end of the month, this figure had jumped to 3.6%, according to the study. The report comes as the United States' winter virus surge passes its peak. Daily cases throughout the country have been falling for about a month, since early January. But the average daily death toll remains extremely high - some 3,000 per day - and hospitals remain under immense pressure. The B.1.1.7 variant, first discovered in Britain, has so far spread to more than 50 countries. As with the original virus, the risk is highest for the elderly and for those with significant underlying health conditions. There has been some suggestion that the strain may be associated with a 30% higher risk of death, but the evidence on this is not strong, and the data is still uncertain. Current vaccines were designed around earlier variants but initial studies have indicated that the Pfizer, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines will all protect against the B.1.1.7 strain.
最新研究表明,在英国发现的新冠病毒变异株或将在3月成为在美国传播的新冠病毒主流。美国专家称,尽管美国新冠肺炎确诊病例数在近期有所下降,但由于变异新冠病毒的蔓延,美国疫情仍不乐观,民众不可放松警惕。 根据2月7日发表的一项新研究,已经在英国传播的变异新冠病毒正在美国“迅速”传播。 变异新冠病毒在美国的传播率每隔9天就增长近1倍。 这种被称为B.1.1.7的变异新冠病毒的传播给全世界的疫苗接种工作增加了压力。 美国疾病控制与预防中心预测,这种变异新冠病毒或将在3月成为在美国传播的新冠病毒的主流。 这份发布在预印本平台MedRxiv上的报告是几位研究人员和科学家的合作成果,尚未经过同行评审或发表在期刊上。 在美国,这种变异新冠病毒的病例数仍然很少。 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,截至2月4日,佛罗里达州报告的B.1.1.7型变异病毒确诊病例为187例,居全美之首,其次是加利福尼亚州,为145例。 该报告的作者写道:“我们的研究表明,美国正处于与其他国家类似的轨迹上,B.1.1.7迅速成为新冠病毒的主要变种,需要立即和果断地采取行动,尽可能地降低其发病率和死亡率。” trajectory[trəˈdʒektəri]:n.轨道,轨线 报告发现,这种变异病毒的传染性比目前美国的其他毒株高35-45%。 美国疾病控制与预防中心1月中旬首次警告美国出现这种变异病毒时,其病例数只占不到0.5%。这项研究发现,到1月底,感染该变异病毒的病例占比上升至3.6%。 该报告出炉之际,美国冬季新冠肺炎病例激增的高峰已经过去。自1月初以来,全美各地的每日新增病例数已经下降了约一个月。但是日均死亡人数仍然非常高,大约每天3000人,医院仍然承受着巨大的压力。 B.1.1.7变异病毒首先在英国发现,目前已传播到50多个国家。 与早先的病毒一样,老年人和那些身体健康状况不佳的人风险最高。 有建议认为,这种病毒毒株可能引发死亡风险增加30%,但这方面的证据并不充分,数据仍不确定。 目前的疫苗是围绕较早的变种设计的,但初步研究表明,辉瑞、牛津-阿斯利康和摩德纳的疫苗都将能够预防B.1.1.7毒株感染。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
牛年春节将至,无论回到家乡还是就地过年,热热闹闹地置办年货都是每个思乡之人追寻年味的重头戏。“这可能是近年来我们活动半径最小的春节”,网友的调侃背后,年货新趋势正悄然兴起。天猫淘宝数据显示,“年货节”开启首日,干果、糖果、糕点仍是中国家庭首选的“年货三件套”。 但由于就地过年的号召,螺蛳粉、自热火锅等一人食餐品则成为年货节首日增长最快的年货品类,增幅达15倍。嗯,感觉今年过年,有内味儿了…… Stinky Luosifen, or river snail rice noodles, became the most popular Chinese New Year's snack this year on e-commerce platforms, as Chinese people prepare for a stay-at-home holiday due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 螺蛳粉成为今年电商平台上最受欢迎的中国新年小吃,这是因为新冠疫情下,中国人准备在家过节。 On the traditional Laba Festival, which fell on January 20, Chinese e-commerce platforms kicked off a one-month-long "2021 Online Chinese New Year's Goods Festival" for the convenience of people across the country that can now easily buy some seasonal specials. 1月20日是传统腊八节,这一天中国电商平台拉开了为期一个月的“2021年网上年货节”的序幕,以方便全国人民轻松买到一些应季特产。 Traditionally, dried fruits, sweets, and pastries are a must-buy "three-piece set" snacks for the Chinese New Year. But this year, new competitors are taking over. 传统上,干果、糖果和糕点是过年必买的“三件套”小吃。但今年,新的竞争对手出现了。 比自热火锅更火爆的,是螺蛳粉的崛起。疫情期间螺蛳粉可以说是爆火出圈,就连老外都嗦粉嗦得上头了。 Luosifen is made by boiling pickled bamboo shoots, dried turnips, fresh vegetables and peanuts in a spiced river snail soup. CHINA DAILY 天猫淘宝数据显示,与去年相比,今年螺蛳粉的成交额增长1500%,购买螺蛳粉的人数同比增长近900%,其中,90后特别是95后成为购买螺蛳粉最多的人群。 According to data from Tmall and Taobao, both e-commerce platforms under Alibaba, the turnover of Luosifen on the first day of the online festival was 15 times bigger than last year, with the number of buyers growing nine times year-on-year. The largest group of buyers was the post-90s generation. 阿里巴巴旗下电商平台天猫和淘宝的数据显示,网购节首日螺蛳粉的成交量是去年的15倍,买家数量同比增长9倍。最大的买家群体是90后。 Self-heating hot pots rank only second to Luosifen on the most popular goods list by Tmall and Taobao. 在天猫和淘宝最畅销商品排行榜上,自热火锅仅次于螺蛳粉。 除了方便速食类餐品,火锅及周边商品也表现出了强劲的增长趋势。 数据显示,今年火锅底料成交额同比增长540%,电磁炉成交额增长240%。 此外,年货节首日成交额增长较快的品类还包括口罩、医美产品、游戏、老干妈等。作为疫情期间的热门商品,宅经济对于2021年春节的影响仍不容小觑。 Besides, the turnovers of hot pot soup base and induction cookers increased by 540 percent and 240 percent, respectively, year-on-year. Other popular goods include facial masks, medical beauty products, and games. 此外,火锅底料和电磁炉的销售额分别同比增长540%和240%。其他热销商品包括面膜、医疗美容产品和游戏。 快过年了,你都下单了什么年货呢? 来源:21世纪英文报
Stinky Luosifen, or river snail rice noodles, became the most popular Chinese New Year's snack this year on e-commerce platforms, as Chinese people prepare for a stay-at-home holiday due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On the traditional Laba Festival, which fell on January 20, Chinese e-commerce platforms kicked off a one-month-long "2021 Online Chinese New Year's Goods Festival" for the convenience of people across the country that can now easily buy some seasonal specials. Traditionally, dried fruits, sweets, and pastries are a must-buy "three-piece set" snacks for the Chinese New Year. But this year, new competitors are taking over. Luosifen is made by boiling pickled bamboo shoots, dried turnips, fresh vegetables and peanuts in a spiced river snail soup. CHINA DAILY According to data from Tmall and Taobao, both e-commerce platforms under Alibaba, the turnover of Luosifen on the first day of the online festival was 15 times bigger than last year, with the number of buyers growing nine times year-on-year. The largest group of buyers was the post-90s generation. Self-heating hot pots rank only second to Luosifen on the most popular goods list by Tmall and Taobao. Besides, the turnovers of hot pot soup base and induction cookers increased by 540 percent and 240 percent, respectively, year-on-year. Other popular goods include facial masks, medical beauty products, and games.
牛年春节将至,无论回到家乡还是就地过年,热热闹闹地置办年货都是每个思乡之人追寻年味的重头戏。“这可能是近年来我们活动半径最小的春节”,网友的调侃背后,年货新趋势正悄然兴起。天猫淘宝数据显示,“年货节”开启首日,干果、糖果、糕点仍是中国家庭首选的“年货三件套”。 但由于就地过年的号召,螺蛳粉、自热火锅等一人食餐品则成为年货节首日增长最快的年货品类,增幅达15倍。嗯,感觉今年过年,有内味儿了…… 螺蛳粉成为今年电商平台上最受欢迎的中国新年小吃,这是因为新冠疫情下,中国人准备在家过节。 1月20日是传统腊八节,这一天中国电商平台拉开了为期一个月的“2021年网上年货节”的序幕,以方便全国人民轻松买到一些应季特产。 传统上,干果、糖果和糕点是过年必买的“三件套”小吃。但今年,新的竞争对手出现了。 比自热火锅更火爆的,是螺蛳粉的崛起。疫情期间螺蛳粉可以说是爆火出圈,就连老外都嗦粉嗦得上头了。 天猫淘宝数据显示,与去年相比,今年螺蛳粉的成交额增长1500%,购买螺蛳粉的人数同比增长近900%,其中,90后特别是95后成为购买螺蛳粉最多的人群。 阿里巴巴旗下电商平台天猫和淘宝的数据显示,网购节首日螺蛳粉的成交量是去年的15倍,买家数量同比增长9倍。最大的买家群体是90后。 在天猫和淘宝最畅销商品排行榜上,自热火锅仅次于螺蛳粉。 除了方便速食类餐品,火锅及周边商品也表现出了强劲的增长趋势。 数据显示,今年火锅底料成交额同比增长540%,电磁炉成交额增长240%。 此外,年货节首日成交额增长较快的品类还包括口罩、医美产品、游戏、老干妈等。作为疫情期间的热门商品,宅经济对于2021年春节的影响仍不容小觑。 此外,火锅底料和电磁炉的销售额分别同比增长540%和240%。其他热销商品包括面膜、医疗美容产品和游戏。 快过年了,你都下单了什么年货呢? 来源:21世纪英文报
当地时间2月7日,美国第55届“超级碗”比赛正式打响。在新冠肺炎疫情的影响下,体育场内特别制作了3万个“纸板球迷”, 并且分散开来设置,以使在现场的球迷们可以保证社交距离。 TAMPA, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 07: General view of cutout fans are seen in the stadium prior to a game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LV at Raymond James Stadium on February 07, 2021 in Tampa, Florida. Patrick Smith/Getty Images/AFP Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans. 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。 Due to the ongoing pandemic, the NFL had approximately 25,000 in the stadium for the 55th Super Bowl, far fewer than the 70,000 fans that attended the big game the last time it was held in Tampa. 由于新冠疫情持续,有大约2.5万名球迷在体育场观看第55届美国职业橄榄球大联盟(NFL)年度总决赛,远少于上次在坦帕市举行时的7万名球迷。 To make up the difference, the NFL produced 30,000 cardboard cutouts of fans to fill most of the remaining seats. You can see the cardboard cutouts filling the stadium on the NFL Network before the game. 为了弥补这一差距,NFL制作了3万个“纸板球迷”来填补剩余的大部分座位。在比赛前,你可以在全美橄榄球联赛电视网上看到“坐”满体育场的“纸板球迷”。 Unlike other sporting events where the cardboard cutouts are all bunch together in some areas of the stadium that receive the most TV coverage, the fake Super Bowl fans are spread out to keep the real fans socially distant. 在超级碗赛场上,“纸板球迷”被分散开来,以让现场球迷真正保持社交距离。而在一些其他体育赛场上,纸板观众通常都“聚集”在一些电视报道较集中的区域。 coverage [ˈkʌvərɪdʒ]:n.新闻报道 The NFL charged fans $100 for each cardboard cutout at the game. That's a cool $3 million in revenue to make up for some of the lost ticket and concession sales. NFL每个纸板向球迷收取了100美元,使得NFL足足赚到了300万美元的收入,用来弥补损失的门票和特许销售收入。 concession [kənˈseʃn]:n.特许(权) In addition to spacing out the real fans, the NFL is also taking other precautions to keep Super Bowl fans safe. 除了让现场真球迷保持距离,NFL还采取了其他预防措施来保证超级碗球迷的安全。 Among the safety measures, the NFL also handed out gift bags to all fans with N95 face masks. Also, all purchases at the stadium are cashless. If fans do bring cash, there are reverse ATMs that give them a card to use at concessions and shops. 比如,NFL向所有球迷分发包含N95口罩的礼品袋。此外,球迷在体育场不能使用现金购物。如果球迷带了现金,可以使用赛场的反向取款机提供的卡片在特许商店和其他店铺使用。 英文来源:内幕网 翻译&编辑:yaning
TAMPA, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 07: General view of cutout fans are seen in the stadium prior to a game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LV at Raymond James Stadium on February 07, 2021 in Tampa, Florida. Patrick Smith/Getty Images/AFP Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the NFL had approximately 25,000 in the stadium for the 55th Super Bowl, far fewer than the 70,000 fans that attended the big game the last time it was held in Tampa. To make up the difference, the NFL produced 30,000 cardboard cutouts of fans to fill most of the remaining seats. You can see the cardboard cutouts filling the stadium on the NFL Network before the game. Unlike other sporting events where the cardboard cutouts are all bunch together in some areas of the stadium that receive the most TV coverage, the fake Super Bowl fans are spread out to keep the real fans socially distant. The NFL charged fans $100 for each cardboard cutout at the game. That's a cool $3 million in revenue to make up for some of the lost ticket and concession sales. In addition to spacing out the real fans, the NFL is also taking other precautions to keep Super Bowl fans safe. Among the safety measures, the NFL also handed out gift bags to all fans with N95 face masks. Also, all purchases at the stadium are cashless. If fans do bring cash, there are reverse ATMs that give them a card to use at concessions and shops.
当地时间2月7日,美国第55届“超级碗”比赛正式打响。在新冠肺炎疫情的影响下,体育场内特别制作了3万个“纸板球迷”, 并且分散开来设置,以使在现场的球迷们可以保证社交距离。 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。 由于新冠疫情持续,有大约2.5万名球迷在体育场观看第55届美国职业橄榄球大联盟(NFL)年度总决赛,远少于上次在坦帕市举行时的7万名球迷。 为了弥补这一差距,NFL制作了3万个“纸板球迷”来填补剩余的大部分座位。在比赛前,你可以在全美橄榄球联赛电视网上看到“坐”满体育场的“纸板球迷”。 在超级碗赛场上,“纸板球迷”被分散开来,以让现场球迷真正保持社交距离。而在一些其他体育赛场上,纸板观众通常都“聚集”在一些电视报道较集中的区域。 coverage [ˈkʌvərɪdʒ]:n.新闻报道 NFL每个纸板向球迷收取了100美元,使得NFL足足赚到了300万美元的收入,用来弥补损失的门票和特许销售收入。 concession [kənˈseʃn]:n.特许(权) 除了让现场真球迷保持距离,NFL还采取了其他预防措施来保证超级碗球迷的安全。 比如,NFL向所有球迷分发包含N95口罩的礼品袋。此外,球迷在体育场不能使用现金购物。如果球迷带了现金,可以使用赛场的反向取款机提供的卡片在特许商店和其他店铺使用。 英文来源:内幕网 翻译&编辑:yaning
Embed Video 春节快到了,不少人家里喜欢贴个“倒福”,寓意“福到了”,但是福字并不是在所有地方都能倒着贴的。具体有哪些讲究?来听听央视主播朱广权的讲解。 The Lunar New Year is laden with traditional customs. One, still hugely popular, is to hang the Chinese character fu (fortune, bliss) upside down on prominent places. 农历新年讲究各种传统习俗,一个至今广为流传的习俗就是贴倒福。 A student pastes the Chinese character "Fu" meaning good fortune on the door of his dormitory in Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi province, on Jan 19, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] It works as a pun and is meant to prompt visitors to comment: "Your fu is upside down." As "upside down" in Chinese sounds like "arrive", the comment doubles as, "Fortune arrives [at your home]" - a New Year greeting to the household. 这是一个双关,拜访者会说,“你的福倒了。”“倒”在中文里谐音“到”,所以这句话就意味着“福到了”,代表着对一家人的新年祝福。 所以什么地方的福字要正着贴呢?大门! 大门上的“福”字有“迎福”“纳福”之意,且大门是庄重之地,讲求对称、方正,大门上的“福”字,要正着贴。 The front door is the entrance to the household. It's where good fortune can be invited into the house. In Chinese culture it's a solemn place of acceptance that needs to be respected. An upside-down posting of fu on the front door is unnecessary and irreverent. 前门是一户人家的入口,是“迎福”“纳福”之地。在中国文化中,大门是庄重之地,倒着贴“福”是不敬的。 irreverent /ɪˈrevərənt/:不敬的 而水缸、垃圾箱或屋内的柜子上,“福”字可以倒着贴。 A few places that we commonly see the word upside down would be on your rice vat, on the shelves and on the trash bins. In the past, you may even find it on various big urns that may contain anything from fermented foods to water. 通常人们会在米缸、柜子、垃圾箱上看见倒着贴的福字。在旧时候,各种发酵缸、水缸上也会贴着倒福。 由于水缸和垃圾箱是从里边倒东西出来。为了避讳把家里的福气倒掉,便倒贴福字。 而柜子是存放物品的地方,倒贴福字,表示福气(也是财气)会来到家里。 所以,你家的福字贴对了吗? 编辑:左卓
Embed Video The Lunar New Year is laden with traditional customs. One, still hugely popular, is to hang the Chinese character fu (fortune, bliss) upside down on prominent places. A student pastes the Chinese character "Fu" meaning good fortune on the door of his dormitory in Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi province, on Jan 19, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] It works as a pun and is meant to prompt visitors to comment: "Your fu is upside down." As "upside down" in Chinese sounds like "arrive", the comment doubles as, "Fortune arrives [at your home]" - a New Year greeting to the household. The front door is the entrance to the household. It's where good fortune can be invited into the house. In Chinese culture it's a solemn place of acceptance that needs to be respected. An upside-down posting of fu on the front door is unnecessary and irreverent. A few places that we commonly see the word upside down would be on your rice vat, on the shelves and on the trash bins. In the past, you may even find it on various big urns that may contain anything from fermented foods to water.
春节快到了,不少人家里喜欢贴个“倒福”,寓意“福到了”,但是福字并不是在所有地方都能倒着贴的。具体有哪些讲究?来听听央视主播朱广权的讲解。 农历新年讲究各种传统习俗,一个至今广为流传的习俗就是贴倒福。 这是一个双关,拜访者会说,“你的福倒了。”“倒”在中文里谐音“到”,所以这句话就意味着“福到了”,代表着对一家人的新年祝福。 所以什么地方的福字要正着贴呢?大门! 大门上的“福”字有“迎福”“纳福”之意,且大门是庄重之地,讲求对称、方正,大门上的“福”字,要正着贴。 前门是一户人家的入口,是“迎福”“纳福”之地。在中国文化中,大门是庄重之地,倒着贴“福”是不敬的。 irreverent /ɪˈrevərənt/:不敬的 而水缸、垃圾箱或屋内的柜子上,“福”字可以倒着贴。 通常人们会在米缸、柜子、垃圾箱上看见倒着贴的福字。在旧时候,各种发酵缸、水缸上也会贴着倒福。 由于水缸和垃圾箱是从里边倒东西出来。为了避讳把家里的福气倒掉,便倒贴福字。 而柜子是存放物品的地方,倒贴福字,表示福气(也是财气)会来到家里。 所以,你家的福字贴对了吗? 编辑:左卓
BBC长期以来恶意攻击抹黑中国共产党和中国政府,多次播出毫无事实依据的假新闻,严重偏离媒体报道客观、平衡、公正的立场。 For a long time, the BBC has been viciously attacking and discrediting the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. It has broadcast fake news many times, seriously deviating from the objective, balanced and fair position of media reports. 以下,我们按照时间顺序,以BBC关于涉疆问题的几个不实报道为例,向您介绍中国政府在新疆依法开展反恐和去极端化工作,保护人民生命安全,以及促进新疆社会持续稳定发展、各族人民安居乐业方面取得的成绩。 2014年7月2日,BBC报道: China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast 中国禁止新疆官员封斋 BBC报道页面截图 报道指出:新疆多个政府部门禁止工作人员在斋月期间封斋或参加宗教活动。 事实真相: 新疆各族穆斯林按照教义、教规和传统习俗,在清真寺及在自己家里进行的封斋、过伊斯兰教节日等正常宗教活动,都完全按个人意愿进行,从来没有任何人干涉,也没有受到任何限制。 Muslims of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, in accordance with their teachings, canons, and traditional customs, practice regular religious activities such as fasting and Islamic festivals in mosques and their own homes. Such activities are totally of their own free will, without any interference or restriction. 每年斋月期间,穆斯林群众封斋或不封斋完全是个人的自由。新疆各级政府全力保障开斋节等节日市场供应及宗教活动安全。 During Ramadan every year, it is an entirely personal choice for Muslims to fast or not fast. Governments at all levels in Xinjiang make every effort to ensure the market supply and security of religious activities of Eid al-Fitr and other festivals. 2019年6月20日,BBC报道: Searching for truth in China's Uighur 're-education' camps 探寻中国维吾尔族“再教育营”的真相 BBC报道页面截图 报道指出,当地有上万人未经审判就被关押。 事实真相: 新疆从来不存在所谓“再教育营”。 Xinjiang has never had any so-called "re-education camps." 新疆依法设立的职业技能教育培训中心属于学校性质,是新疆采取的预防性反恐和去极端化举措。目的是从源头上铲除恐怖主义和极端主义滋生的土壤。有关举措借鉴了国际社会反恐和去极端化经验,践行了联合国《防止暴力极端主义行动计划》所倡导的利用发展、教育等资源遏制极端思潮的理念,完全符合《联合国全球反恐战略》等一系列国际反恐决议的原则和精神。新疆采取反恐和去极端化举措已取得积极成效,连续4年多未发生暴力恐怖案件。 The vocational education and training centers established in Xinjiang in accordance with the law were education and training institutions in nature and were preventive counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures taken by Xinjiang. The aim was to eradicate the breeding ground for terrorism and extremism from the source. The relevant measures drew on the international community's experience in combating terrorism and deradicalization and implemented the idea of using development, education, and other resources to curb extremist ideologies, as advocated in the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism. It fully complied with the principles and spirit of a series of international counter-terrorism resolutions, including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Xinjiang's counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures have achieved positive results. There have been no violent terrorist cases for over four consecutive years in the region. 教培中心学员通过“三学一去”,即学习国家通用语言文字、法律知识和职业技能,实现去极端化目标。2019年10月,在新疆教培中心参加“三学一去”培训的学员已全部结业,并大都实现了稳定就业,过上了安宁生活。 The vocational education and training centers offered a curriculum that included standard spoken and written Chinese, understanding of the law and training in vocational skills to achieve the goal of deradicalization. By October 2019, all the trainees in such centers had completed their studies and graduated, and most of them have found stable jobs and lived a peaceful life. 2019年7月4日,BBC报道: China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families 中国穆斯林:新疆利用学校将儿童与父母分离 报道指出,中国政府把新疆少数民族儿童送进寄宿制学校,“强迫”其与父母分离。 事实真相: 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》规定:“县级人民政府根据需要设置寄宿制学校,保障居住分散的适龄儿童、少年入学接受义务教育”。新疆地域辽阔,村镇之间距离较远,学生上学很不方便,学习质量难以保证,家长接送孩子上下学负担很重。为解决这一问题,早在上世纪80年代,新疆就建设了400所寄宿制中小学。近年来,新疆维吾尔自治区与全国一样,按照国家要求对寄宿制学校建设进行科学规划、合理设置,严格遵守国家和自治区相关建设标准,各类学习生活设施设备齐全。实践证明,开展寄宿制教育,已成为新疆加快教育现代化、助力精准脱贫的有力举措,受到各族学生家长的积极拥护。 The Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "Where necessary, the people’s government at the county level may set up boarding schools to ensure that school-age children and adolescents who are dwelling in scattered areas receive compulsory education." Xinjiang is a vast region with long distances between villages and towns, and it is not convenient for some students to go to school, making it hard to ensure their study quality. Parents have a heavy burden to transport their children to and from schools. To solve this problem, Xinjiang built 400 primary and secondary boarding schools in the 1980s. In recent years, Xinjiang, like the rest of the country, made scientific plans and reasonable arrangements for boarding school construction. They comply with the relevant construction standards of the state and the autonomous region to ensure sufficient learning and living facilities. Time has proved that boarding education has become an effective measure to accelerate education modernization and aid targeted poverty alleviation in Xinjiang. Parents of students of all ethnic groups support the boarding school model. 新疆寄宿制学校建设是新疆从自治区实际出发,采取的一项旨在教育扶贫、提高义务教育质量的安排,有助于提高少数民族中小学校教育现代化水平,促进新疆各民族的交往交流。新疆开办寄宿制学校的做法,与中国其他地区,与世界其他国家开办此类学校没有本质不同。 The construction of boarding schools is an arrangement made by Xinjiang in light of the actual conditions of the autonomous region to alleviate poverty through education and improve the quality of compulsory education. It helps improve education modernization at primary and secondary schools of ethnic minorities and promote exchanges among different ethnic groups in Xinjiang. The practice here is not fundamentally different from that of other parts of China or the rest of the world. 2019年11月13日,BBC报道: Xinjiang cotton sparks concern over 'forced labour' claims 新疆棉花引发“强迫劳动”担忧 BBC报道页面截图 报道指出,中国是全球最大的棉花生产地之一,而其大部分棉花产自新疆。新疆很多少数民族被迫从事摘棉工作。 事实真相: 前些年,每到棉花成熟的秋季,河南、四川等地有很多农民工坐着火车到新疆采棉,他们被称为“采棉大军”。新疆也有各族农民工前去采棉,他们一起劳动,相互关心,结下了深厚友谊。疆内外的这些采棉工都是自愿去的,短短一个月收入就能达到上万元。 A few years ago, when cotton matured in autumn, many migrant workers from Henan, Sichuan and other places would take trains to Xinjiang to pick cotton. They were called "the cotton-picking forces." Migrant workers of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang would also go to pick cotton. They worked together, cared for each other and forged a deep friendship. These cotton pickers in and out of Xinjiang were all voluntary, and their incomes could reach over 10,000 yuan in just a month. 这些年,随着科技的发展,新疆的棉花生产已经实现了高度机械化,即使在忙碌的采摘季节,也根本用不着大量的“采棉工”。比如,自2015年开始,新疆巴州地区的棉花,大部分已经使用机器采摘。 In recent years, with the development of science and technology, cotton production has been highly mechanized in Xinjiang. Even in the busy cotton harvesting season, there is no need for a large number of cotton pickers. For example, since 2015, most of the cotton in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bayingolin in Xinjiang has been harvested by machines. 2020年6月29日,BBC报道: China forcing birth control on Uighurs to suppress population, report says 报告指出,中国对维吾尔族进行强制绝育,造成维族人口大幅下降 报道援引Adrian Zenz(中文名:郑国恩)的调查报告指出,中国对新疆的女性实施强制绝育或放置节育装置,意在控制维吾尔族人口。 事实真相: Adrian Zenz(中文名:郑国恩)并非“中国问题研究专家”,而是美政府成立的极右翼组织“共产主义受害者纪念基金会”成员,也是美情报机构操纵设立的反华机构骨干,更是一个臭名昭著的种族主义者。 Adrian Zenz is not a so-called "expert on China studies," but a member of the far-right group "Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation" sponsored by the U.S. government. He is also a key figure in an anti-China organization set up by U.S. intelligence agencies and a notorious racist. 郑国恩的“报告”充斥着大量捏造事实、篡改数据的地方。“报告”提到所谓“强制绝育”证据:“2018年中国80%的宫内节育器的新增例数都发生在新疆”和“2018年新疆和田和喀什地区人口自然增长率仅为2.58‰”都与客观事实严重不符。 Adrian Zenz's "reports" are full of fabrications and data manipulation. The so-called evidence of "forced sterilization" in the "reports" claims that 80 percent of the new intrauterine device (IUD) insertion procedures in China for 2018 were performed in Xinjiang and that the natural population growth rate in Hotan and Kashgar of Xinjiang in 2018 was only 2.58 per 1,000 people. The "evidence" is extremely inconsistent with the facts. 根据国家卫健委出版的《中国卫生健康统计年鉴2019》数据显示,2018年新疆新增放置节育器例数为328475例,全国新增例数为3774318例,新疆新增例数仅占全国新增例数的8.7%。 According to data from China Health Statistics Yearbook 2019, published by the National Health Commission, the number of new IUD insertion procedures in Xinjiang in 2018 came in at 328,475, accounting for only 8.7 percent of China's total, which was 3,774,318. 据新疆维吾尔自治区统计局发布的2019年《新疆统计年鉴》显示,2018年喀什地区人口自然增长率为6.93‰,和田地区为2.96‰。 According to the 2019 Xinjiang statistical yearbook released by the statistics bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the natural population growth rates in Kashgar and Hotan were 6.93 per 1,000 people and 2.96 per 1,000 people, respectively, in 2018. 2021年2月3日,BBC报道: 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape “他们的目的是摧毁每个人”:维吾尔族被拘押人员称收到系统性性侵 报道称:被关在新疆“再教育营”的女性遭受系统性性侵、虐待等情况。 事实真相: 根本不存在所谓“针对女性的系统性性侵和虐待”。中国是法治国家,尊重和保障人权是中国宪法规定的基本原则,并在中国的各项法律制度和中国政府开展的各项工作中得到充分体现。新中国成立以来中国妇女解放和发展事业取得了空前的成就,各族妇女依法享有政治权利、文化教育权利、劳动与社会保障权利、财产权利、人身权利和婚姻家庭权利。 There is no so-called "systemic sexual abuse and mistreatment against women". China is a country with rule of law. Respecting and protecting human rights is a basic principle of our Constitution, and it's embodied in our legal system and government's work. Since the founding of the PRC, we have achieved unprecedented progress in women's liberation and development. Women of all ethnic groups enjoy political rights, rights relating to culture and education, rights of labor and social security, rights relating to property, right of person, and rights relating to marriage and family. 教培中心严格贯彻落实宪法和法律规定,保障参与培训学员的基本权利不受侵犯,严禁以任何方式对学员进行人格侮辱和虐待。 The vocational education and training centers strictly follow the Constitution and law, guarantee the basic rights of trainees, and forbid any insult or abuse on them. 谎言终究是谎言,只能蒙蔽一时,无法取信于世。当面对事实与真相,谎言终将无所遁形,归于毁灭。 我们也呼吁所有秉持客观公正立场、恪守职业道德的媒体都能通过纸和笔、镜头和话筒讲述新疆的事实真相,戳破涉疆问题的各种谎言谣言。 综合:新华网、外交部官网、BBC 编辑:马文英、许雅宁
For a long time, the BBC has been viciously attacking and discrediting the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. It has broadcast fake news many times, seriously deviating from the objective, balanced and fair position of media reports. China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast Muslims of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, in accordance with their teachings, canons, and traditional customs, practice regular religious activities such as fasting and Islamic festivals in mosques and their own homes. Such activities are totally of their own free will, without any interference or restriction. During Ramadan every year, it is an entirely personal choice for Muslims to fast or not fast. Governments at all levels in Xinjiang make every effort to ensure the market supply and security of religious activities of Eid al-Fitr and other festivals. Searching for truth in China's Uighur 're-education' camps Xinjiang has never had any so-called "re-education camps." The vocational education and training centers established in Xinjiang in accordance with the law were education and training institutions in nature and were preventive counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures taken by Xinjiang. The aim was to eradicate the breeding ground for terrorism and extremism from the source. The relevant measures drew on the international community's experience in combating terrorism and deradicalization and implemented the idea of using development, education, and other resources to curb extremist ideologies, as advocated in the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism. It fully complied with the principles and spirit of a series of international counter-terrorism resolutions, including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Xinjiang's counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures have achieved positive results. There have been no violent terrorist cases for over four consecutive years in the region. The vocational education and training centers offered a curriculum that included standard spoken and written Chinese, understanding of the law and training in vocational skills to achieve the goal of deradicalization. By October 2019, all the trainees in such centers had completed their studies and graduated, and most of them have found stable jobs and lived a peaceful life. China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families The Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "Where necessary, the people’s government at the county level may set up boarding schools to ensure that school-age children and adolescents who are dwelling in scattered areas receive compulsory education." Xinjiang is a vast region with long distances between villages and towns, and it is not convenient for some students to go to school, making it hard to ensure their study quality. Parents have a heavy burden to transport their children to and from schools. To solve this problem, Xinjiang built 400 primary and secondary boarding schools in the 1980s. In recent years, Xinjiang, like the rest of the country, made scientific plans and reasonable arrangements for boarding school construction. They comply with the relevant construction standards of the state and the autonomous region to ensure sufficient learning and living facilities. Time has proved that boarding education has become an effective measure to accelerate education modernization and aid targeted poverty alleviation in Xinjiang. Parents of students of all ethnic groups support the boarding school model. The construction of boarding schools is an arrangement made by Xinjiang in light of the actual conditions of the autonomous region to alleviate poverty through education and improve the quality of compulsory education. It helps improve education modernization at primary and secondary schools of ethnic minorities and promote exchanges among different ethnic groups in Xinjiang. The practice here is not fundamentally different from that of other parts of China or the rest of the world. Xinjiang cotton sparks concern over 'forced labour' claims A few years ago, when cotton matured in autumn, many migrant workers from Henan, Sichuan and other places would take trains to Xinjiang to pick cotton. They were called "the cotton-picking forces." Migrant workers of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang would also go to pick cotton. They worked together, cared for each other and forged a deep friendship. These cotton pickers in and out of Xinjiang were all voluntary, and their incomes could reach over 10,000 yuan in just a month. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, cotton production has been highly mechanized in Xinjiang. Even in the busy cotton harvesting season, there is no need for a large number of cotton pickers. For example, since 2015, most of the cotton in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bayingolin in Xinjiang has been harvested by machines. China forcing birth control on Uighurs to suppress population, report says Adrian Zenz is not a so-called "expert on China studies," but a member of the far-right group "Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation" sponsored by the U.S. government. He is also a key figure in an anti-China organization set up by U.S. intelligence agencies and a notorious racist. Adrian Zenz's "reports" are full of fabrications and data manipulation. The so-called evidence of "forced sterilization" in the "reports" claims that 80 percent of the new intrauterine device (IUD) insertion procedures in China for 2018 were performed in Xinjiang and that the natural population growth rate in Hotan and Kashgar of Xinjiang in 2018 was only 2.58 per 1,000 people. The "evidence" is extremely inconsistent with the facts. According to data from China Health Statistics Yearbook 2019, published by the National Health Commission, the number of new IUD insertion procedures in Xinjiang in 2018 came in at 328,475, accounting for only 8.7 percent of China's total, which was 3,774,318. According to the 2019 Xinjiang statistical yearbook released by the statistics bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the natural population growth rates in Kashgar and Hotan were 6.93 per 1,000 people and 2.96 per 1,000 people, respectively, in 2018. 'Their goal is to destroy everyone': Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape There is no so-called "systemic sexual abuse and mistreatment against women". China is a country with rule of law. Respecting and protecting human rights is a basic principle of our Constitution, and it's embodied in our legal system and government's work. Since the founding of the PRC, we have achieved unprecedented progress in women's liberation and development. Women of all ethnic groups enjoy political rights, rights relating to culture and education, rights of labor and social security, rights relating to property, right of person, and rights relating to marriage and family. The vocational education and training centers strictly follow the Constitution and law, guarantee the basic rights of trainees, and forbid any insult or abuse on them.
BBC长期以来恶意攻击抹黑中国共产党和中国政府,多次播出毫无事实依据的假新闻,严重偏离媒体报道客观、平衡、公正的立场。 以下,我们按照时间顺序,以BBC关于涉疆问题的几个不实报道为例,向您介绍中国政府在新疆依法开展反恐和去极端化工作,保护人民生命安全,以及促进新疆社会持续稳定发展、各族人民安居乐业方面取得的成绩。 2014年7月2日,BBC报道: 中国禁止新疆官员封斋 BBC报道页面截图 报道指出:新疆多个政府部门禁止工作人员在斋月期间封斋或参加宗教活动。 事实真相: 新疆各族穆斯林按照教义、教规和传统习俗,在清真寺及在自己家里进行的封斋、过伊斯兰教节日等正常宗教活动,都完全按个人意愿进行,从来没有任何人干涉,也没有受到任何限制。 每年斋月期间,穆斯林群众封斋或不封斋完全是个人的自由。新疆各级政府全力保障开斋节等节日市场供应及宗教活动安全。 2019年6月20日,BBC报道: 探寻中国维吾尔族“再教育营”的真相 BBC报道页面截图 报道指出,当地有上万人未经审判就被关押。 事实真相: 新疆从来不存在所谓“再教育营”。 新疆依法设立的职业技能教育培训中心属于学校性质,是新疆采取的预防性反恐和去极端化举措。目的是从源头上铲除恐怖主义和极端主义滋生的土壤。有关举措借鉴了国际社会反恐和去极端化经验,践行了联合国《防止暴力极端主义行动计划》所倡导的利用发展、教育等资源遏制极端思潮的理念,完全符合《联合国全球反恐战略》等一系列国际反恐决议的原则和精神。新疆采取反恐和去极端化举措已取得积极成效,连续4年多未发生暴力恐怖案件。 教培中心学员通过“三学一去”,即学习国家通用语言文字、法律知识和职业技能,实现去极端化目标。2019年10月,在新疆教培中心参加“三学一去”培训的学员已全部结业,并大都实现了稳定就业,过上了安宁生活。 2019年7月4日,BBC报道: 中国穆斯林:新疆利用学校将儿童与父母分离 报道指出,中国政府把新疆少数民族儿童送进寄宿制学校,“强迫”其与父母分离。 事实真相: 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》规定:“县级人民政府根据需要设置寄宿制学校,保障居住分散的适龄儿童、少年入学接受义务教育”。新疆地域辽阔,村镇之间距离较远,学生上学很不方便,学习质量难以保证,家长接送孩子上下学负担很重。为解决这一问题,早在上世纪80年代,新疆就建设了400所寄宿制中小学。近年来,新疆维吾尔自治区与全国一样,按照国家要求对寄宿制学校建设进行科学规划、合理设置,严格遵守国家和自治区相关建设标准,各类学习生活设施设备齐全。实践证明,开展寄宿制教育,已成为新疆加快教育现代化、助力精准脱贫的有力举措,受到各族学生家长的积极拥护。 新疆寄宿制学校建设是新疆从自治区实际出发,采取的一项旨在教育扶贫、提高义务教育质量的安排,有助于提高少数民族中小学校教育现代化水平,促进新疆各民族的交往交流。新疆开办寄宿制学校的做法,与中国其他地区,与世界其他国家开办此类学校没有本质不同。 2019年11月13日,BBC报道: 新疆棉花引发“强迫劳动”担忧 BBC报道页面截图 报道指出,中国是全球最大的棉花生产地之一,而其大部分棉花产自新疆。新疆很多少数民族被迫从事摘棉工作。 事实真相: 前些年,每到棉花成熟的秋季,河南、四川等地有很多农民工坐着火车到新疆采棉,他们被称为“采棉大军”。新疆也有各族农民工前去采棉,他们一起劳动,相互关心,结下了深厚友谊。疆内外的这些采棉工都是自愿去的,短短一个月收入就能达到上万元。 这些年,随着科技的发展,新疆的棉花生产已经实现了高度机械化,即使在忙碌的采摘季节,也根本用不着大量的“采棉工”。比如,自2015年开始,新疆巴州地区的棉花,大部分已经使用机器采摘。 2020年6月29日,BBC报道: 报告指出,中国对维吾尔族进行强制绝育,造成维族人口大幅下降 报道援引Adrian Zenz(中文名:郑国恩)的调查报告指出,中国对新疆的女性实施强制绝育或放置节育装置,意在控制维吾尔族人口。 事实真相: Adrian Zenz(中文名:郑国恩)并非“中国问题研究专家”,而是美政府成立的极右翼组织“共产主义受害者纪念基金会”成员,也是美情报机构操纵设立的反华机构骨干,更是一个臭名昭著的种族主义者。 郑国恩的“报告”充斥着大量捏造事实、篡改数据的地方。“报告”提到所谓“强制绝育”证据:“2018年中国80%的宫内节育器的新增例数都发生在新疆”和“2018年新疆和田和喀什地区人口自然增长率仅为2.58‰”都与客观事实严重不符。 根据国家卫健委出版的《中国卫生健康统计年鉴2019》数据显示,2018年新疆新增放置节育器例数为328475例,全国新增例数为3774318例,新疆新增例数仅占全国新增例数的8.7%。 据新疆维吾尔自治区统计局发布的2019年《新疆统计年鉴》显示,2018年喀什地区人口自然增长率为6.93‰,和田地区为2.96‰。 2021年2月3日,BBC报道: “他们的目的是摧毁每个人”:维吾尔族被拘押人员称收到系统性性侵 报道称:被关在新疆“再教育营”的女性遭受系统性性侵、虐待等情况。 事实真相: 根本不存在所谓“针对女性的系统性性侵和虐待”。中国是法治国家,尊重和保障人权是中国宪法规定的基本原则,并在中国的各项法律制度和中国政府开展的各项工作中得到充分体现。新中国成立以来中国妇女解放和发展事业取得了空前的成就,各族妇女依法享有政治权利、文化教育权利、劳动与社会保障权利、财产权利、人身权利和婚姻家庭权利。 教培中心严格贯彻落实宪法和法律规定,保障参与培训学员的基本权利不受侵犯,严禁以任何方式对学员进行人格侮辱和虐待。 谎言终究是谎言,只能蒙蔽一时,无法取信于世。当面对事实与真相,谎言终将无所遁形,归于毁灭。 我们也呼吁所有秉持客观公正立场、恪守职业道德的媒体都能通过纸和笔、镜头和话筒讲述新疆的事实真相,戳破涉疆问题的各种谎言谣言。 综合:新华网、外交部官网、BBC 编辑:马文英、许雅宁
我们整理了全国6个城市的7个精彩展览,收藏好,春节期间去逛展喽! 北京:童思妙笔·耕绘奇境 Illustrations for different reading materials, such as books and magazines, help readers of many ages better understand the content. Meanwhile they also stand alone as quality works of art for fine techniques and colors. 不同阅读材料的插图,如书籍和杂志,帮助许多年龄段的读者更好地理解内容。同时优秀的插画也会因精美的技艺和色彩被当成独立的艺术作品。 Image of the West, an illustration exhibition at Tsinghua University Art Museum until Feb 28, gathers such works by acclaimed artists in Europe and the United States. 2月28日前在清华大学美术馆举办的《童思妙笔·耕绘奇境——西方插画师作品展》汇集了来自欧美的杰出插画艺术家的作品。 It is a celebration of imagination. The paintings on show reinterpret fairy tales and literary works, many of which are also quite familiar to Chinese audiences. Some were original stories created by the illustrators themselves. 这是对想象力的颂扬。展出的画作重新诠释了神话和文学作品,其中许多也是中国观众相当熟悉的。有些是插画家的原创故事。 10 am-5 pm, Feb 12-17. 9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays. Tsinghua University Art Museum, Tsinghua University, Haidian district. Reservation required. 010-62781012. 北京:炎黄艺术馆藏民俗展 The patterns on folk art and their symbolic meanings embody the values which evolved over a long time since the dawn of human society. They represent shared beliefs among people especially when marking special occasions. 民间艺术的图案及其象征意义体现了人类社会诞生以来经过长期演变的价值观念。它们代表了人们的共同信仰,特别是表现特殊场合时。 The Yan Huang Art Museum is showing its collection of folk art objects, including embroidered textile pieces made by housewives, paper-cuttings by prominent folk artists and woodblock Spring Festival paintings produced at time-honored studios across the nation. 炎黄艺术馆正在展出其收藏的民间艺术品,包括家庭主妇绣制的纺织品、著名民间艺术家的剪纸和全国老字号工坊制作的木版年画。 The exhibition through March 1 shows the vibrant, bold palette of folk art; the simple forms and shapes to deliver primitive beauty; and the profound cultural meanings being implied. 展览一直持续到3月1日,展示了色彩缤纷大胆的民间艺术;形式简洁而充满原始之美;展览蕴含的深刻文化内涵。 Closed on Feb 12/13/14, open on Feb 15. 10 am-6 pm, closed on Monday. 9 Huizhonglu, Yayuncun, Chaoyang district. 010-64912902. 上海:齐家 The Ming and Qing dynasties saw rising demands in an increasing middle-class community for figure paintings to depict family life and convey cultural values and moral beliefs. 明清时期,越来越多的士人阶层对于描绘家庭生活的人物画需求旺盛,希望借画传达文化价值观和道德信仰。 Figure paintings at the time were roughly categorized into three themes: paying tribute to ancestors, hailing harmony among family members and in social activities, and preserving core values embodied in social customs. 当时的人物画大致可分为三个主题:表达对于祖先的崇敬,倡导家庭生活和世俗活动的和谐,在社会风俗中寄托信仰价值。 Family Harmony, an exhibition until March 7 at the Long Museum's West Bund venue, examines the roles of figure paintings in carrying on values and cultural traditions for future generations. 龙美术馆西岸馆推出的展览呈现了人物画在向后代传承价值观和文化传统方面的作用。展览持续到3月7日。 Closed on Feb 11/12/13, 10 am-5:30 pm, Feb 14-17. 10 am-6 pm, Tue-Sun. 3398 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui district. 021-64227636. 杭州:斑斓纷呈 China's long history of using natural lacquer to make daily objects more beautiful and durable is evident in the lacquer ware found in Neolithic relics in the country. Throughout centuries, the production of lacquer objects boomed to elevate the craft to a higher level of artistry. 对新时期时代遗址的考古表明,中国人很早就已经使用自然漆制作精美耐用的漆器了。漆艺在几百上千年的演进中逐渐登峰造极。 An exhibition now on at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum until Oct 23, 2022, reviews the glory of lacquer art in ancient China, showing some 87 fine objects in the museum collection dated between the Song (960-1279) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. 浙江省博物馆举办的一个展览回顾了中国古代漆艺的辉煌,展出了博物馆收藏的宋(960-1279)至清(1644-1911)时期的87件精品。展览持续到2022年10月23日。 1-5 pm on Feb 12, 9 am-5 pm, Feb 13-17. 9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays. 25 Gushan Lu, Hangzhou. Reservation required. 0571-86013085/87960505. 太原:如银岁月 美意延年 The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the rise of merchants from Shanxi province. This influential collective group enjoyed a monopoly in the salt industry and banking at the time. An accumulation of wealth over several generations also resulted in a popularity of wearing gold and silver accessories among people in Shanxi throughout the first half of the 20th century. 明清时期晋商崛起,山西商人在盐业和票号经营上享有垄断地位。财富的积累使得民间穿金戴银之风渐起,一直延续到二十世纪上半期。 An exhibition through April 20 at Shanxi Bronzeware Museum traces the history of this unique fashion trend. On show are a variety of vintage silver accessories from several museums in Shanxi and also private collections. 4月20日在山西青铜器博物馆举办的一场展览,追溯了这一独特时尚潮流的历史。这些银饰来自山西几家博物馆和私人收藏。 9 am-5 pm, Tue-Sun, closed on Feb 11&12. 13 Guangjing Lu, Taiyuan, Shanxi province. Reservation required. 0351-5225000. 成都:山高水长·物象千年 The Lasting Charm of Cultural Relics, an exhibition at Sichuan Museum, examines the long-standing influence of the exchanges between different civilizations which were boosted by the ancient Silk Road. The exhibition through March 20 uses nearly 300 artifacts to reflect the diversity and dynamics of these cultures. 四川博物馆举办的《山高水长·物象千年》展览用近300件文物展现古丝路沿线文明的多样性和活力,回顾丝路在文化交流中的深远影响。展览持续到3月20日。 The objects on display are largely from the collection of Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum, which was built by Ikuo Hirayama, the late Japanese painter and collector of antiquities related to the Silk Road. There are also collections from Sichuan Museum, Shaanxi History Museum in Xi'an and Gansu Provincial Museum in Lanzhou, among others. 展出的文物主要来自日本平山郁夫丝绸之路美术馆,该博物馆由日本已故画家、丝绸之路相关文物收藏家平山宜国建造。其他的展品来自四川博物院、陕西历史博物馆和甘肃省博物馆等文博机构。 9 am-1 pm on Feb 11, 1-5 pm on Feb 12, 9 am-5 pm, Feb 13-17. 251 Huanhua Nan Lu, Chengdu, Sichuan province. 028-65521888 / 65521569. 深圳:丹青华滋 The successive reigns of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) emperors, Kangxi, his son Yongzheng and grandson Qianlong saw a peak of court art. Strong financial revenues gave a boost to the creation of court painters and the imperial art collection. 清朝历代(1644-1911)皇帝康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝见证了宫廷艺术的高峰,强劲的财政收入推动了宫廷画家的创作和皇家艺术收藏。 The National Museum of China is showcasing 27 fine examples of Qing court paintings and calligraphic works in its collection at newly-opened ancient art gallery of Shenzhen Museum. 国家博物馆将27件馆藏清廷绘画巡展至新开放的深圳博物馆古代艺术馆展厅。 The exhibition, titled Regality and Magnificence, until March 7 examines three distinctive features of Qing court art, such as serving as documents of historical events and figures at the time. 《丹青华滋》展览持续到3月7日,呈现了清代宫廷绘画的三个特点,如表现重大历史事件和人物的纪实绘画。 10 am-4 pm on Feb 11, 10 am-6 pm, Feb 12-17. 6 Tongxin Lu, Futian district. 0755-88132247. 记者:林琦
Illustrations for different reading materials, such as books and magazines, help readers of many ages better understand the content. Meanwhile they also stand alone as quality works of art for fine techniques and colors. Image of the West, an illustration exhibition at Tsinghua University Art Museum until Feb 28, gathers such works by acclaimed artists in Europe and the United States. It is a celebration of imagination. The paintings on show reinterpret fairy tales and literary works, many of which are also quite familiar to Chinese audiences. Some were original stories created by the illustrators themselves. 10 am-5 pm, Feb 12-17. 9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays. Tsinghua University Art Museum, Tsinghua University, Haidian district. Reservation required. 010-62781012. The patterns on folk art and their symbolic meanings embody the values which evolved over a long time since the dawn of human society. They represent shared beliefs among people especially when marking special occasions. The Yan Huang Art Museum is showing its collection of folk art objects, including embroidered textile pieces made by housewives, paper-cuttings by prominent folk artists and woodblock Spring Festival paintings produced at time-honored studios across the nation. The exhibition through March 1 shows the vibrant, bold palette of folk art; the simple forms and shapes to deliver primitive beauty; and the profound cultural meanings being implied. Closed on Feb 12/13/14, open on Feb 15. 10 am-6 pm, closed on Monday. 9 Huizhonglu, Yayuncun, Chaoyang district. 010-64912902. The Ming and Qing dynasties saw rising demands in an increasing middle-class community for figure paintings to depict family life and convey cultural values and moral beliefs. Figure paintings at the time were roughly categorized into three themes: paying tribute to ancestors, hailing harmony among family members and in social activities, and preserving core values embodied in social customs. Family Harmony, an exhibition until March 7 at the Long Museum's West Bund venue, examines the roles of figure paintings in carrying on values and cultural traditions for future generations. Closed on Feb 11/12/13, 10 am-5:30 pm, Feb 14-17. 10 am-6 pm, Tue-Sun. 3398 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui district. 021-64227636. China's long history of using natural lacquer to make daily objects more beautiful and durable is evident in the lacquer ware found in Neolithic relics in the country. Throughout centuries, the production of lacquer objects boomed to elevate the craft to a higher level of artistry. An exhibition now on at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum until Oct 23, 2022, reviews the glory of lacquer art in ancient China, showing some 87 fine objects in the museum collection dated between the Song (960-1279) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. 1-5 pm on Feb 12, 9 am-5 pm, Feb 13-17. 9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays. 25 Gushan Lu, Hangzhou. Reservation required. 0571-86013085/87960505. The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the rise of merchants from Shanxi province. This influential collective group enjoyed a monopoly in the salt industry and banking at the time. An accumulation of wealth over several generations also resulted in a popularity of wearing gold and silver accessories among people in Shanxi throughout the first half of the 20th century. An exhibition through April 20 at Shanxi Bronzeware Museum traces the history of this unique fashion trend. On show are a variety of vintage silver accessories from several museums in Shanxi and also private collections. 9 am-5 pm, Tue-Sun, closed on Feb 11&12. 13 Guangjing Lu, Taiyuan, Shanxi province. Reservation required. 0351-5225000. The Lasting Charm of Cultural Relics, an exhibition at Sichuan Museum, examines the long-standing influence of the exchanges between different civilizations which were boosted by the ancient Silk Road. The exhibition through March 20 uses nearly 300 artifacts to reflect the diversity and dynamics of these cultures. The objects on display are largely from the collection of Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum, which was built by Ikuo Hirayama, the late Japanese painter and collector of antiquities related to the Silk Road. There are also collections from Sichuan Museum, Shaanxi History Museum in Xi'an and Gansu Provincial Museum in Lanzhou, among others. 9 am-1 pm on Feb 11, 1-5 pm on Feb 12, 9 am-5 pm, Feb 13-17. 251 Huanhua Nan Lu, Chengdu, Sichuan province. 028-65521888 / 65521569. The successive reigns of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) emperors, Kangxi, his son Yongzheng and grandson Qianlong saw a peak of court art. Strong financial revenues gave a boost to the creation of court painters and the imperial art collection. The National Museum of China is showcasing 27 fine examples of Qing court paintings and calligraphic works in its collection at newly-opened ancient art gallery of Shenzhen Museum. The exhibition, titled Regality and Magnificence, until March 7 examines three distinctive features of Qing court art, such as serving as documents of historical events and figures at the time. 10 am-4 pm on Feb 11, 10 am-6 pm, Feb 12-17. 6 Tongxin Lu, Futian district. 0755-88132247.
我们整理了全国6个城市的7个精彩展览,收藏好,春节期间去逛展喽! 北京:童思妙笔·耕绘奇境 不同阅读材料的插图,如书籍和杂志,帮助许多年龄段的读者更好地理解内容。同时优秀的插画也会因精美的技艺和色彩被当成独立的艺术作品。 2月28日前在清华大学美术馆举办的《童思妙笔·耕绘奇境——西方插画师作品展》汇集了来自欧美的杰出插画艺术家的作品。 这是对想象力的颂扬。展出的画作重新诠释了神话和文学作品,其中许多也是中国观众相当熟悉的。有些是插画家的原创故事。 北京:炎黄艺术馆藏民俗展 民间艺术的图案及其象征意义体现了人类社会诞生以来经过长期演变的价值观念。它们代表了人们的共同信仰,特别是表现特殊场合时。 炎黄艺术馆正在展出其收藏的民间艺术品,包括家庭主妇绣制的纺织品、著名民间艺术家的剪纸和全国老字号工坊制作的木版年画。 展览一直持续到3月1日,展示了色彩缤纷大胆的民间艺术;形式简洁而充满原始之美;展览蕴含的深刻文化内涵。 上海:齐家 明清时期,越来越多的士人阶层对于描绘家庭生活的人物画需求旺盛,希望借画传达文化价值观和道德信仰。 当时的人物画大致可分为三个主题:表达对于祖先的崇敬,倡导家庭生活和世俗活动的和谐,在社会风俗中寄托信仰价值。 龙美术馆西岸馆推出的展览呈现了人物画在向后代传承价值观和文化传统方面的作用。展览持续到3月7日。 杭州:斑斓纷呈 对新时期时代遗址的考古表明,中国人很早就已经使用自然漆制作精美耐用的漆器了。漆艺在几百上千年的演进中逐渐登峰造极。 浙江省博物馆举办的一个展览回顾了中国古代漆艺的辉煌,展出了博物馆收藏的宋(960-1279)至清(1644-1911)时期的87件精品。展览持续到2022年10月23日。 太原:如银岁月 美意延年 明清时期晋商崛起,山西商人在盐业和票号经营上享有垄断地位。财富的积累使得民间穿金戴银之风渐起,一直延续到二十世纪上半期。 4月20日在山西青铜器博物馆举办的一场展览,追溯了这一独特时尚潮流的历史。这些银饰来自山西几家博物馆和私人收藏。 成都:山高水长·物象千年 四川博物馆举办的《山高水长·物象千年》展览用近300件文物展现古丝路沿线文明的多样性和活力,回顾丝路在文化交流中的深远影响。展览持续到3月20日。 展出的文物主要来自日本平山郁夫丝绸之路美术馆,该博物馆由日本已故画家、丝绸之路相关文物收藏家平山宜国建造。其他的展品来自四川博物院、陕西历史博物馆和甘肃省博物馆等文博机构。 深圳:丹青华滋 清朝历代(1644-1911)皇帝康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝见证了宫廷艺术的高峰,强劲的财政收入推动了宫廷画家的创作和皇家艺术收藏。 国家博物馆将27件馆藏清廷绘画巡展至新开放的深圳博物馆古代艺术馆展厅。 《丹青华滋》展览持续到3月7日,呈现了清代宫廷绘画的三个特点,如表现重大历史事件和人物的纪实绘画。 记者:林琦
你遇到的最鼓舞人心的名言是什么?来看看Quora网友的回答。 Photo from Pexels 获得117好评的答案@Gold Hassan The fool didn't know it was impossible, so he did it. 傻瓜不知道这事儿是不可能的,所以他做到了。 获得57好评的答案@Kiran Mysore Ravi Roads in the mountains teach you a very important lesson in life - what seems like an END is very often just a BEND. 山间公路教会你人生中非常重要的一课——看似到了尽头,实际上通常只是个弯道。 获得266好评的答案@Ravi Tandon I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.- Michael Jordan 在我的职业生涯中,我有9000多个投球没有投中,我输掉了差不多300场比赛,有26次,大家相信我能投入致胜的一球…..但是我没做到。在我的生活中,我一次又一次地失败。这就是为什么我现在成功了。——迈克尔·乔丹 获得549好评的答案@Liam Gorman "Be the change you wish to see in the world."-Mahatma Gandhi “欲变其世,先变其身。”——圣雄甘地 "Many people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 75."-Benjamin Franklin “有些人25岁就死了,只是到75岁才被埋葬。”——本杰明·富兰克林 "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."-Ralph Waldo Emerson “已成过往与将要面对之事,较之深埋于我们内心的,皆为微末。”——拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生 "If opportunity doesn't a door."-Milton Berle “如果机会不来敲门,那么你就造一个门吧。”——米尔顿·伯尔 “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."-Albert Einstein “与其努力成功,不如努力成为有价值的人。”——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 获得965好评的答案@Garion Hall "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said, 'Faster horses'." - Henry Ford “每当我问顾客需要什么的时候,他们总是会说需要跑得更快的马。”——亨利·福特 获得1k好评的答案@Patrick Volker "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." - Antoine de Saint Exupéry “如果你想造一艘船,先不要雇人去收集木头,也不要给他们分配任何任务,而是激发他们对海洋的渴望。”——安托万·德·圣埃克苏佩里 获得951好评的答案@Eberto Burgos Mendoza “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.”-William G.T. Shedd “船泊停在港湾固然安全,但这并不是船的初衷。”——威廉.G.T.谢德 (来源:沪江英语)
Photo from Pexels The fool didn't know it was impossible, so he did it. Roads in the mountains teach you a very important lesson in life - what seems like an END is very often just a BEND. I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.- Michael Jordan "Be the change you wish to see in the world."-Mahatma Gandhi "Many people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 75."-Benjamin Franklin "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."-Ralph Waldo Emerson "If opportunity doesn't a door."-Milton Berle “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."-Albert Einstein "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said, 'Faster horses'." - Henry Ford “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.”-William G.T. Shedd
你遇到的最鼓舞人心的名言是什么?来看看Quora网友的回答。 获得117好评的答案@Gold Hassan 傻瓜不知道这事儿是不可能的,所以他做到了。 获得57好评的答案@Kiran Mysore Ravi 山间公路教会你人生中非常重要的一课——看似到了尽头,实际上通常只是个弯道。 获得266好评的答案@Ravi Tandon 在我的职业生涯中,我有9000多个投球没有投中,我输掉了差不多300场比赛,有26次,大家相信我能投入致胜的一球…..但是我没做到。在我的生活中,我一次又一次地失败。这就是为什么我现在成功了。——迈克尔·乔丹 获得549好评的答案@Liam Gorman “欲变其世,先变其身。”——圣雄甘地 “有些人25岁就死了,只是到75岁才被埋葬。”——本杰明·富兰克林 “已成过往与将要面对之事,较之深埋于我们内心的,皆为微末。”——拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生 “如果机会不来敲门,那么你就造一个门吧。”——米尔顿·伯尔 “与其努力成功,不如努力成为有价值的人。”——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 获得965好评的答案@Garion Hall “每当我问顾客需要什么的时候,他们总是会说需要跑得更快的马。”——亨利·福特 获得1k好评的答案@Patrick Volker "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." - Antoine de Saint Exupéry “如果你想造一艘船,先不要雇人去收集木头,也不要给他们分配任何任务,而是激发他们对海洋的渴望。”——安托万·德·圣埃克苏佩里 获得951好评的答案@Eberto Burgos Mendoza “船泊停在港湾固然安全,但这并不是船的初衷。”——威廉.G.T.谢德 (来源:沪江英语)
Quora网友提问:“你会和比你教育程度低的人恋爱吗?”一起来看看国外网友们的高赞回答。 Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels 获得38.3k好评的回答@Sean Kernan: I would but it has tended not to work out well for various reasons. 我会的,但由于种种原因,结果往往不太好。 Also, education is a huge deal in my family. Everyone has advanced degrees and the women in my family are really judgmental about whom I date. 而且教育在我家里是件大事,家人都受过高等教育,家里的女性成员对我约会的对象都很挑剔。 But more to my preferences. I’m just really attracted to a woman who is smart, well-read and educated. I find intelligence incredibly attractive. Some might say that means I’m a sapiosexual. But I refuse to use that term. 但更多的是因为我的喜好,我真的喜欢聪明、博学、受过良好教育的女孩。我感觉智慧真的超有吸引力,有些人会说这意味着我是个智性恋,但我不喜欢用这个词。 获得25.8k 好评的回答@Weiru Cai: Yes and I have. I didn't just date one, I married one. 是的,我已经爱上一个了。我不仅和这样的人恋爱了,而且结婚了。 I have under graduate degrees in physics and computer science, and a graduate degree in computer science. My husband has an under graduate degree in philosophy. 我有物理学和计算机科学学士学位、计算机科学研究生学位,我丈夫有心理学学士学位。 But that is just on paper. My husband chose a life long path of self education early on since his childhood. 但那只是一纸学历,我丈夫早在童年时起就选择了自学的人生之路。 He wrote cloud enabled apps without taking a single programming class in his life. 他从未上过一节编程课就会写云计算应用程序。 He is a software UX architect without taking a single design class in his life. 他从未上过一节设计课就成为了一名软件用户体验架构师。 获得4.3k好评的回答@Wendy Taylor: It depends on what you mean by “less educated.” 这要取决于你如何定义“教育程度更低”。 I have an MA. My husband has an associates degree. By that standard, he’s less educated. 我有文学硕士学位,我丈夫是大专学历,按教育程度来看他学历更低。 However, we’ve been married 17 years and the education difference has never been any kind of issue. 然而我们结婚17年了,教育上的差异根本不是问题。 In fact, it’s pretty clear that his degree has been more practically useful. 其实很明显他的学历更有实际用处。 Would I date someone with less intellectual curiosity than me? 我会和求知欲不如我的人恋爱吗? Probably not, because I think once that was established, we’d find out we had little in common to sustain a relationship beyond a friendship. 可能不会,因为我认为一旦建立了这种关系,我们就会发现除了友谊之外,我们几乎没有共同点来维持关系。 It’s not that I’d think less of them. 这不是我鄙视他们。 These are just the kind of judgments we make when sorting out what kind of relationships we want with people. 这只是我们在确定和别人保持什么关系时会做出的判断。 来源: 沪江英语
Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels I would but it has tended not to work out well for various reasons. Also, education is a huge deal in my family. Everyone has advanced degrees and the women in my family are really judgmental about whom I date. But more to my preferences. I’m just really attracted to a woman who is smart, well-read and educated. I find intelligence incredibly attractive. Some might say that means I’m a sapiosexual. But I refuse to use that term. Yes and I have. I didn't just date one, I married one. I have under graduate degrees in physics and computer science, and a graduate degree in computer science. My husband has an under graduate degree in philosophy. But that is just on paper. My husband chose a life long path of self education early on since his childhood. He wrote cloud enabled apps without taking a single programming class in his life. He is a software UX architect without taking a single design class in his life. It depends on what you mean by “less educated.” I have an MA. My husband has an associates degree. By that standard, he’s less educated. However, we’ve been married 17 years and the education difference has never been any kind of issue. In fact, it’s pretty clear that his degree has been more practically useful. Would I date someone with less intellectual curiosity than me? Probably not, because I think once that was established, we’d find out we had little in common to sustain a relationship beyond a friendship. It’s not that I’d think less of them. These are just the kind of judgments we make when sorting out what kind of relationships we want with people.
Quora网友提问:“你会和比你教育程度低的人恋爱吗?”一起来看看国外网友们的高赞回答。 获得38.3k好评的回答@Sean Kernan: 我会的,但由于种种原因,结果往往不太好。 而且教育在我家里是件大事,家人都受过高等教育,家里的女性成员对我约会的对象都很挑剔。 但更多的是因为我的喜好,我真的喜欢聪明、博学、受过良好教育的女孩。我感觉智慧真的超有吸引力,有些人会说这意味着我是个智性恋,但我不喜欢用这个词。 获得25.8k 好评的回答@Weiru Cai: 是的,我已经爱上一个了。我不仅和这样的人恋爱了,而且结婚了。 我有物理学和计算机科学学士学位、计算机科学研究生学位,我丈夫有心理学学士学位。 但那只是一纸学历,我丈夫早在童年时起就选择了自学的人生之路。 他从未上过一节编程课就会写云计算应用程序。 他从未上过一节设计课就成为了一名软件用户体验架构师。 获得4.3k好评的回答@Wendy Taylor: 这要取决于你如何定义“教育程度更低”。 我有文学硕士学位,我丈夫是大专学历,按教育程度来看他学历更低。 然而我们结婚17年了,教育上的差异根本不是问题。 其实很明显他的学历更有实际用处。 我会和求知欲不如我的人恋爱吗? 可能不会,因为我认为一旦建立了这种关系,我们就会发现除了友谊之外,我们几乎没有共同点来维持关系。 这不是我鄙视他们。 这只是我们在确定和别人保持什么关系时会做出的判断。 来源: 沪江英语
匈牙利政府药品监管机构1月29日批准使用中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗,该国成为首个批准使用中国疫苗的欧盟成员国。匈牙利总理欧尔班表示,他最相信中国生产的新冠疫苗,个人会选择中国疫苗。 A staff member displays a sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua] Hungary became the European Union’s first member to approve China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, sealing a deal on Friday for 5 million doses just a week after becoming the first EU member to buy Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. 匈牙利成为首个批准使用中国国药集团新冠疫苗的欧盟成员国,并在1月29日与中方签订了购买500万剂疫苗的正式合同。就在一周前,匈牙利成为首个购买俄罗斯“卫星V”新冠疫苗的欧盟成员国。 Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said the Sinopharm vaccines were enough to inoculate 2.5 million people, or about a quarter of its population, delivered in four batches over four months. 匈牙利外交部长彼得·西亚尔托说,中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗将分4批在4个月内交付匈牙利,足够250万人接种,大约相当于匈牙利全国人口的四分之一。 Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he would personally opt to receive the Chinese vaccine, as he trusted it more than others. 匈牙利总理欧尔班表示,他最相信中国生产的新冠疫苗,个人会选择中国疫苗。 “I’m waiting for the Chinese vaccine, I trust in that the most,” Orban said. “Some people think about vaccines ideologically, and they need a western one and not an eastern one. I think the Chinese have known this virus for the longest, and they probably know it the best.” 他说:“我在等待中国疫苗,也最相信中国疫苗。有人以意识形态思维认为应该用西方而不是东方的疫苗。我认为中国人是最早认识这个病毒的,他们也最了解这个病毒。” ideologically [ˌaɪdiəˈlɒdʒɪkli]:adv.思想上;意识形态上 Hungarian officials have criticised the EU for what they see as a slow vaccine roll-out, and in recent months have insisted that procuring vaccines developed in both western and eastern countries, such as Russia and China, would ensure that Hungarians get quick access to vaccinations. 匈牙利官员批评欧盟在疫苗采购和分配问题上动作缓慢,并在近几个月坚称,采购俄罗斯和中国等国家研发的疫苗,不管是来自西方还是东方,这将确保匈牙利人能迅速接种疫苗。 The announcement came a day after Hungary’s government issued a decree calling for a green light for any vaccine that had been administered to at least 1 million people in at least three other countries. 匈牙利政府在1月28日公布了一项法令,将对已经在至少3个其他国家接种百万以上人口的任何疫苗启动批准程序。 Millions of doses made by Sinopharm and Sinovac shipped around the world to developing countries, particularly in Asia and Latin America. 数百万剂中国国药集团和中国科兴生产的新冠疫苗被运往世界各地的发展中国家,尤其是在亚洲和拉丁美洲。 Meanwhile, EU countries, relying so far almost entirely on a vaccine from Pfizer, have fallen far behind Britain, the United States and a number of developing countries in rolling out vaccines. 与此同时,到目前为止几乎完全依赖辉瑞疫苗的欧盟国家,在疫苗接种方面已经远远落后于英国、美国和一些发展中国家。 Hungary’s drug regulator gave emergency use approval to the Sinopharm vaccine, rather than wait for the bloc’s European Medicines Agency (EMA) to give the go-ahead, adding it to a list that also includes the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines as well as Russia’s Sputnik-V shot. 匈牙利药品监管机构并未等待欧洲药品管理局(EMA)的批准,而是批准紧急使用中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗,并将其与辉瑞、摩德纳、阿斯利康以及俄罗斯“卫星V”等新冠疫苗一同列入紧急使用名单。 go-ahead[ˈɡəʊ əhed]:n.批准,许可;放行信号 Premier Orban said the government monitored inoculations using the Chinese vaccine in neighbouring Serbia. 总理欧尔班说,匈牙利政府正密切关注邻国塞尔维亚接种中国疫苗的情况。 Asked whether it had completed its study before authorising the vaccine, the drug regulator OGYEI said it gave the green light because the shot fit the conditions in the government decree. It said it would continue to keep track of the vaccine. 当被问及在批准该疫苗之前是否完成了相关研究时,匈牙利药品监管机构OGYEI表示,之所以批准接种,是因为该疫苗符合政府法令。该机构表示将继续跟踪疫苗接种情况。 It said that another state organisation, the National Public Health Centre, would put each vaccine shipment through tests, adding that 16 million people worldwide had already received the Sinopharm jab safely. 该机构表示,另一个国家机构国家公共卫生中心将对每批疫苗进行检测,并补充称,全球已有1600万人安全地接种了国药集团的疫苗。 In Hungary, which has close to 10 million people, 364,909 people have been infected and 12,374 people have died of COVID-19 so far. The government has extended restrictions until March 1, including an 8 pm curfew and the closure of restaurants. 匈牙利总人口近1000万,新冠肺炎确诊病例达364909例,死亡病例12374例。政府将疫情封锁措施延长至3月1日,包括晚上8点后实行宵禁和关闭餐馆。 英文来源:路透社 翻译&编辑:yaning
A staff member displays a sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua] Hungary became the European Union’s first member to approve China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, sealing a deal on Friday for 5 million doses just a week after becoming the first EU member to buy Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said the Sinopharm vaccines were enough to inoculate 2.5 million people, or about a quarter of its population, delivered in four batches over four months. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he would personally opt to receive the Chinese vaccine, as he trusted it more than others. “I’m waiting for the Chinese vaccine, I trust in that the most,” Orban said. “Some people think about vaccines ideologically, and they need a western one and not an eastern one. I think the Chinese have known this virus for the longest, and they probably know it the best.” Hungarian officials have criticised the EU for what they see as a slow vaccine roll-out, and in recent months have insisted that procuring vaccines developed in both western and eastern countries, such as Russia and China, would ensure that Hungarians get quick access to vaccinations. The announcement came a day after Hungary’s government issued a decree calling for a green light for any vaccine that had been administered to at least 1 million people in at least three other countries. Millions of doses made by Sinopharm and Sinovac shipped around the world to developing countries, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Meanwhile, EU countries, relying so far almost entirely on a vaccine from Pfizer, have fallen far behind Britain, the United States and a number of developing countries in rolling out vaccines. Hungary’s drug regulator gave emergency use approval to the Sinopharm vaccine, rather than wait for the bloc’s European Medicines Agency (EMA) to give the go-ahead, adding it to a list that also includes the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines as well as Russia’s Sputnik-V shot. Premier Orban said the government monitored inoculations using the Chinese vaccine in neighbouring Serbia. Asked whether it had completed its study before authorising the vaccine, the drug regulator OGYEI said it gave the green light because the shot fit the conditions in the government decree. It said it would continue to keep track of the vaccine. It said that another state organisation, the National Public Health Centre, would put each vaccine shipment through tests, adding that 16 million people worldwide had already received the Sinopharm jab safely. In Hungary, which has close to 10 million people, 364,909 people have been infected and 12,374 people have died of COVID-19 so far. The government has extended restrictions until March 1, including an 8 pm curfew and the closure of restaurants.
匈牙利政府药品监管机构1月29日批准使用中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗,该国成为首个批准使用中国疫苗的欧盟成员国。匈牙利总理欧尔班表示,他最相信中国生产的新冠疫苗,个人会选择中国疫苗。 匈牙利成为首个批准使用中国国药集团新冠疫苗的欧盟成员国,并在1月29日与中方签订了购买500万剂疫苗的正式合同。就在一周前,匈牙利成为首个购买俄罗斯“卫星V”新冠疫苗的欧盟成员国。 匈牙利外交部长彼得·西亚尔托说,中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗将分4批在4个月内交付匈牙利,足够250万人接种,大约相当于匈牙利全国人口的四分之一。 匈牙利总理欧尔班表示,他最相信中国生产的新冠疫苗,个人会选择中国疫苗。 他说:“我在等待中国疫苗,也最相信中国疫苗。有人以意识形态思维认为应该用西方而不是东方的疫苗。我认为中国人是最早认识这个病毒的,他们也最了解这个病毒。” ideologically [ˌaɪdiəˈlɒdʒɪkli]:adv.思想上;意识形态上 匈牙利官员批评欧盟在疫苗采购和分配问题上动作缓慢,并在近几个月坚称,采购俄罗斯和中国等国家研发的疫苗,不管是来自西方还是东方,这将确保匈牙利人能迅速接种疫苗。 匈牙利政府在1月28日公布了一项法令,将对已经在至少3个其他国家接种百万以上人口的任何疫苗启动批准程序。 数百万剂中国国药集团和中国科兴生产的新冠疫苗被运往世界各地的发展中国家,尤其是在亚洲和拉丁美洲。 与此同时,到目前为止几乎完全依赖辉瑞疫苗的欧盟国家,在疫苗接种方面已经远远落后于英国、美国和一些发展中国家。 匈牙利药品监管机构并未等待欧洲药品管理局(EMA)的批准,而是批准紧急使用中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗,并将其与辉瑞、摩德纳、阿斯利康以及俄罗斯“卫星V”等新冠疫苗一同列入紧急使用名单。 go-ahead[ˈɡəʊ əhed]:n.批准,许可;放行信号 总理欧尔班说,匈牙利政府正密切关注邻国塞尔维亚接种中国疫苗的情况。 当被问及在批准该疫苗之前是否完成了相关研究时,匈牙利药品监管机构OGYEI表示,之所以批准接种,是因为该疫苗符合政府法令。该机构表示将继续跟踪疫苗接种情况。 该机构表示,另一个国家机构国家公共卫生中心将对每批疫苗进行检测,并补充称,全球已有1600万人安全地接种了国药集团的疫苗。 匈牙利总人口近1000万,新冠肺炎确诊病例达364909例,死亡病例12374例。政府将疫情封锁措施延长至3月1日,包括晚上8点后实行宵禁和关闭餐馆。 英文来源:路透社 翻译&编辑:yaning
前几日,麦当劳限量发售的新品“油泼辣子新地”登上热搜。不少网友在看到这一消息之后直呼“好家伙”。 图源:微博网友@森川晴子酱 据介绍,这款将香草味冰淇淋与辣椒油二者相结合的“油泼辣子新地”是麦当劳1月推出的本土化新品,限时出售。 The sweet-and-spicy dessert was due to be sold in select McDonald's stores, including in Shanghai and Shenzhen, from January 26 to 31. It debuted a "spicy chili oil sundae," which combines a vanilla-flavored soft serve covered in chili oil. 这款甜辣相结合的甜品原定于1月26日至31日在麦当劳的部分门店出售(包括上海和深圳)。带着“油泼辣子新地”的名字初次亮相,新品将香草味的冰淇淋和辣椒油相融合。 debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ v. 首次亮相,初次登台 面对这一新鲜的结合,虽然不少网友表示很有创意(innovative),但也有网友表现出了合理担忧…… 其实,这次的“油泼辣子冰淇淋”并非欧美快餐在国内本土化(localization)的首秀。 本土化的洋快餐,网友褒贬不一 老北京鸡肉卷、小龙虾汉堡、藤椒鸡腿堡、螺蛳粉…… 长期以来,肯德基、麦当劳等欧美快餐巨头都有过多次推出中国本土化菜品的尝试。虽然每次尝试总能引起一波不小的讨论,但网友们对这些菜品的评价却褒贬不一。 其中确实有像老北京鸡肉卷、葡式蛋挞这些融入长期菜单的成功尝试,但也不乏一些用力过猛的“雷品”。 From Chinese burgers to ice cream doused in chili oil, US fast-food giants are infusing their offerings with a Chinese flair. 从肉夹馍到辣椒油泡冰淇淋,美国快餐业巨头正在将其产品注入中国风味。 McDonald's and KFC have long localized their menus to appeal to the Chinese palate, but their latest takes on traditional dishes and ingredients seem to be causing quite a buzz, and not always the good kind. 长期以来,麦当劳和肯德基一直在对其菜单进行本土化,以便更合中国人的口味。但近期,他们对传统菜肴和食材的最新尝试似乎引起了很大的轰动,这些反应并不全是正面的。 ▌麦当劳肉夹馍翻车 麦当劳推出肉夹馍的广告效果图 今年1月初,麦当劳推出的另一款新品“招牌肉夹馍”更是让不少尝试了的网友直呼”翻车“。 Earlier this year, McDonald's China added roujiamo, a street-food staple from Shaanxi province, to its menu. Known as "Chinese burger," it's meat sandwiched between two flat buns. The limited-edition special, according to the company, was in celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year. 今年早些时候,麦当劳中国在菜单中加入了陕西省的街头小吃肉夹馍。它被称为“中国汉堡”,是将肉夹在两个扁平小圆饼之间。该公司表示,该限定菜品是为了庆祝即将到来的农历新年。 staple /ˈsteɪpl/ n. 基本食物;主食 下方是麦当劳给出的效果图。饼子中间夹着满当当的肉,Chinese burger本burger了。 不过买到的网友却大呼被广告骗了,表示这馍做的有点省肉…… Many said that the roujiamo on offer looked nothing like the advertisement... There was also a bit of confusion about how much meat was hiding between the bread – some complained the filling was less-than-generous, others had no issue with it. 许多网友表示,店里提供的肉夹馍看上去与广告完全不同…… 两个面饼之间到底有多少肉也引起了一些争论——有些人抱怨馅料不够多,有些人则对此没有异议。 当然,在探索中国本土小吃的道路上,肯德基也不甘示弱。 ▌肯德基版热干面 今年1月18日,肯德基在武汉推出早餐热干面。这是肯德基第一款面条类产品,也是肯德基第一次提供筷子。 KFC is also taking the same path as McDonald's. The fast food chain, known for its fried chicken, introduced hot-and-dry noodles to the menus of 100 stores in the dish's birthplace, Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province. 肯德基也选择了与麦当劳相同的道路。这家以炸鸡闻名的快餐连锁店将热干面引入了其发源地湖北武汉的100家门店中。 The noodles, called reganmian can be ordered alone or as a set, with soy milk, deep-fried dough (or youtiao ) and fried eggs. 热干面可以单点,也可以选择搭配了豆浆,油条和煎蛋的套餐。 据报道,2020年11月,湖北省人民政府与肯德基所属百胜中国控股有限公司签署战略合作框架协议。肯德基选择推出热干面也是为了支持受新冠影响的当地农民和食品生产商。 Reganmian is a common go-to breakfast choice for locals in Wuhan, and KFC's version is the result of a partnership between its parent company Yum China and the Hubei Provincial Government to support locally-produced ingredients. 热干面对武汉人来说是个普遍的早餐选择。肯德基版本的热干面是其母公司百胜中国与湖北省政府合作支持本地食材的成果。 很多网友表示这样的跨界很有新意,但也有人觉得肯德基的热干面“平平无奇”,与其说是去吃面,不如说是去肯德基蹭暖器。 这些拥抱地方菜的洋快餐新品,你会去尝试吗? 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:李金昳 来源:CGTN 湖北之声等
The sweet-and-spicy dessert was due to be sold in select McDonald's stores, including in Shanghai and Shenzhen, from January 26 to 31. It debuted a "spicy chili oil sundae," which combines a vanilla-flavored soft serve covered in chili oil. From Chinese burgers to ice cream doused in chili oil, US fast-food giants are infusing their offerings with a Chinese flair. McDonald's and KFC have long localized their menus to appeal to the Chinese palate, but their latest takes on traditional dishes and ingredients seem to be causing quite a buzz, and not always the good kind. Earlier this year, McDonald's China added roujiamo, a street-food staple from Shaanxi province, to its menu. Known as "Chinese burger," it's meat sandwiched between two flat buns. The limited-edition special, according to the company, was in celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year. Many said that the roujiamo on offer looked nothing like the advertisement... There was also a bit of confusion about how much meat was hiding between the bread – some complained the filling was less-than-generous, others had no issue with it. KFC is also taking the same path as McDonald's. The fast food chain, known for its fried chicken, introduced hot-and-dry noodles to the menus of 100 stores in the dish's birthplace, Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province. The noodles, called reganmian can be ordered alone or as a set, with soy milk, deep-fried dough (or youtiao ) and fried eggs. Reganmian is a common go-to breakfast choice for locals in Wuhan, and KFC's version is the result of a partnership between its parent company Yum China and the Hubei Provincial Government to support locally-produced ingredients.
前几日,麦当劳限量发售的新品“油泼辣子新地”登上热搜。不少网友在看到这一消息之后直呼“好家伙”。 图源:微博网友@森川晴子酱 据介绍,这款将香草味冰淇淋与辣椒油二者相结合的“油泼辣子新地”是麦当劳1月推出的本土化新品,限时出售。 这款甜辣相结合的甜品原定于1月26日至31日在麦当劳的部分门店出售(包括上海和深圳)。带着“油泼辣子新地”的名字初次亮相,新品将香草味的冰淇淋和辣椒油相融合。 debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ v. 首次亮相,初次登台 面对这一新鲜的结合,虽然不少网友表示很有创意(innovative),但也有网友表现出了合理担忧…… 其实,这次的“油泼辣子冰淇淋”并非欧美快餐在国内本土化(localization)的首秀。 本土化的洋快餐,网友褒贬不一 老北京鸡肉卷、小龙虾汉堡、藤椒鸡腿堡、螺蛳粉…… 长期以来,肯德基、麦当劳等欧美快餐巨头都有过多次推出中国本土化菜品的尝试。虽然每次尝试总能引起一波不小的讨论,但网友们对这些菜品的评价却褒贬不一。 其中确实有像老北京鸡肉卷、葡式蛋挞这些融入长期菜单的成功尝试,但也不乏一些用力过猛的“雷品”。 从肉夹馍到辣椒油泡冰淇淋,美国快餐业巨头正在将其产品注入中国风味。 长期以来,麦当劳和肯德基一直在对其菜单进行本土化,以便更合中国人的口味。但近期,他们对传统菜肴和食材的最新尝试似乎引起了很大的轰动,这些反应并不全是正面的。 ▌麦当劳肉夹馍翻车 麦当劳推出肉夹馍的广告效果图 今年1月初,麦当劳推出的另一款新品“招牌肉夹馍”更是让不少尝试了的网友直呼”翻车“。 今年早些时候,麦当劳中国在菜单中加入了陕西省的街头小吃肉夹馍。它被称为“中国汉堡”,是将肉夹在两个扁平小圆饼之间。该公司表示,该限定菜品是为了庆祝即将到来的农历新年。 staple /ˈsteɪpl/ n. 基本食物;主食 下方是麦当劳给出的效果图。饼子中间夹着满当当的肉,Chinese burger本burger了。 不过买到的网友却大呼被广告骗了,表示这馍做的有点省肉…… 许多网友表示,店里提供的肉夹馍看上去与广告完全不同…… 两个面饼之间到底有多少肉也引起了一些争论——有些人抱怨馅料不够多,有些人则对此没有异议。 当然,在探索中国本土小吃的道路上,肯德基也不甘示弱。 ▌肯德基版热干面 今年1月18日,肯德基在武汉推出早餐热干面。这是肯德基第一款面条类产品,也是肯德基第一次提供筷子。 肯德基也选择了与麦当劳相同的道路。这家以炸鸡闻名的快餐连锁店将热干面引入了其发源地湖北武汉的100家门店中。 热干面可以单点,也可以选择搭配了豆浆,油条和煎蛋的套餐。 据报道,2020年11月,湖北省人民政府与肯德基所属百胜中国控股有限公司签署战略合作框架协议。肯德基选择推出热干面也是为了支持受新冠影响的当地农民和食品生产商。 热干面对武汉人来说是个普遍的早餐选择。肯德基版本的热干面是其母公司百胜中国与湖北省政府合作支持本地食材的成果。 很多网友表示这样的跨界很有新意,但也有人觉得肯德基的热干面“平平无奇”,与其说是去吃面,不如说是去肯德基蹭暖器。 这些拥抱地方菜的洋快餐新品,你会去尝试吗? 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:李金昳 来源:CGTN 湖北之声等
东京奥组委同国际奥委会、国际残奥委会近日联合发布东京奥运规则手册,手册汇总了入境日本14天前,到离开日本这段时期的行动规范等事项,其中明确规定了“赴日后需隔离14天”等细则。这是奥运会历史上首次推出此类规则手册,违反规定者或被取消参赛资格。 Photo taken on Feb 3, 2021 shows the first version Playbook. [Photo/Xinhua] Singing or chanting will be discouraged at the re-arranged Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in a bid to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus. 为防止新冠病毒的传播,在延期举办的东京奥运会和残奥会期间,不鼓励人们唱歌或喊口号。 Instead, those attending the Olympics - due to begin on 23 July - and Paralympics - set to start on 24 August - will be encouraged to clap in order to show support. 不过参加东京奥运会和残奥会的人可以鼓掌以示支持。东京奥运会将于7月23日开幕,残奥会将于8月24日开幕。 The suggestion is one of a number of rules detailed in a 'Playbook' published by organisers. 这一建议只是主办方发布的“东京奥运规则手册”中详细描述的众多规则之一。 14 天活动计划 The first Playbook is aimed at members of international federations and technical officials but further versions due to be published will be aimed at athletes and media. 这是奥运会历史上首次推出此类规则手册,主要对象是国际体育组织和技术官员,针对运动员和新闻媒体的规则手册将陆续发布。 The move to highlight the processes in place to ensure a safe Games comes as organisers stress they are committed to a "successful and safe delivery" of the Games, despite Tokyo currently being in a state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic. 尽管受新冠疫情影响,东京目前处于紧急事态,但主办方强调,他们致力于“成功且安全地举办”奥运会。发布东京奥运规则手册强调了正在实施的赛期防疫流程,以确保奥运会的安全。 Under a page titled "think hygiene" the Playbook says individuals should "support athletes by clapping and not singing or chanting". 在题为“思考卫生问题”的页面下,该手册称,人们应该“鼓掌支持运动员,而不是唱歌或喊口号”。 hygiene[ˈhaɪdʒiːn]:n.卫生 In addition attendees will have to complete a "14-day activity plan" detailing "all your planned activities", including travel and accommodation plans. 此外,所有参加奥运会的人员必须完成一份“14天活动计划”,详细列出“所有计划好的活动”,包括出行和住宿计划。 While the Playbook is not aimed at athletes, it would also appear competitors may not be allowed to attend other sporting events at the Games. 虽然该手册并不是针对运动员,但里面似乎有内容禁止运动员出现在奥运会其他赛事现场。 It states "you must not visit Games venues as a spectator" and "you must not visit tourist areas, shops, restaurants or bars and gyms" for the first 14 days from arrival. 手册中规定,在抵达东京后的14天内,“你不能以观众的身份参观奥运场馆、不能到访旅游区、商店、餐馆、酒吧和健身房”。 "You must only leave your accommodation to go to Official Games Venues and limited additional locations," the Playbook adds. 手册补充道:“离开住所后,你必须前往官方的奥运会场馆和有限的其他地点。” 赛事风险自担 The first Playbook, published jointly by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 organising committee, says the aim is to keep participants and the people of Japan safe. 这份手册由国际奥委会、国际残奥委会和东京奥组委联合发布,目的是保护参与者和日本民众的安全。 The plans stress, however, that risk cannot be "fully eliminated" and that attendees do so "at your own risk". 不过,规划也强调,不能“完全消除”风险,参与者“要自担风险”。 A vaccination will not be compulsory for those attending the Games, although a negative Covid-19 test in the four weeks leading up to the event will be, while athletes will be tested a minimum of every four days during the Games. 主办方不会要求奥运会和残奥会的参与者必须接种疫苗,但参与者必须提供奥运会开赛前四周内新冠病毒检测阴性证明,而运动员在奥运会期间至少每四天要接受一次新冠病毒检测。 Attendees must adhere to the rules outlined in their Playbook or risk having their accreditation or right to be at the Games withdrawn. 参与者必须遵守手册中列出的规则,否则他们的参赛或观赛资格将被取消。 Further guidelines include avoiding enclosed spaces and physical contact "including hugs and handshakes", and that public transport should not be used unless permission is given. 进一步的规则包括避免进入封闭空间以及“拥抱和握手”等身体接触,除非得到允许,否则不应该乘坐公共交通工具。 IOC president Thomas Bach has repeatedly stressed that the Games will go ahead despite speculation to the contrary. 国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫反复强调,东京奥运会将如期举行,尽管外界的猜测与此相反。 IOC executive director Christophe Dubi said: "We know these Olympic Games will be different in a number of ways. For all Games participants, there will be some conditions and constraints that will require flexibility and understanding. 国际奥委会执行主任克里斯托弗·杜比说:“我们知道这届奥运会将在很多方面有所不同。对于所有的参与者来说,会有一些条件和限制,需要灵活掌握并加以理解。” "You will see that we have asked for an activity plan, why? Not because we want to restrict the freedom, but because we want to make sure that all activities are taking place safely and in case there is an issue everybody can be informed properly and traced back, people can be contacted when needed. “你们会看到我们要求提供一份活动计划,为什么?不是因为我们想要限制大家的自由,而是因为我们想要确保所有的活动都是安全进行的,万一有问题发生,每个人都能被及时通知到,并加以追溯,在需要的时候可以联系到人们。” 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
Photo taken on Feb 3, 2021 shows the first version Playbook. [Photo/Xinhua] Singing or chanting will be discouraged at the re-arranged Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in a bid to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus. Instead, those attending the Olympics - due to begin on 23 July - and Paralympics - set to start on 24 August - will be encouraged to clap in order to show support. The suggestion is one of a number of rules detailed in a 'Playbook' published by organisers. 14 The first Playbook is aimed at members of international federations and technical officials but further versions due to be published will be aimed at athletes and media. The move to highlight the processes in place to ensure a safe Games comes as organisers stress they are committed to a "successful and safe delivery" of the Games, despite Tokyo currently being in a state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic. Under a page titled "think hygiene" the Playbook says individuals should "support athletes by clapping and not singing or chanting". In addition attendees will have to complete a "14-day activity plan" detailing "all your planned activities", including travel and accommodation plans. While the Playbook is not aimed at athletes, it would also appear competitors may not be allowed to attend other sporting events at the Games. It states "you must not visit Games venues as a spectator" and "you must not visit tourist areas, shops, restaurants or bars and gyms" for the first 14 days from arrival. "You must only leave your accommodation to go to Official Games Venues and limited additional locations," the Playbook adds. The first Playbook, published jointly by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 organising committee, says the aim is to keep participants and the people of Japan safe. The plans stress, however, that risk cannot be "fully eliminated" and that attendees do so "at your own risk". A vaccination will not be compulsory for those attending the Games, although a negative Covid-19 test in the four weeks leading up to the event will be, while athletes will be tested a minimum of every four days during the Games. Attendees must adhere to the rules outlined in their Playbook or risk having their accreditation or right to be at the Games withdrawn. Further guidelines include avoiding enclosed spaces and physical contact "including hugs and handshakes", and that public transport should not be used unless permission is given. IOC president Thomas Bach has repeatedly stressed that the Games will go ahead despite speculation to the contrary. IOC executive director Christophe Dubi said: "We know these Olympic Games will be different in a number of ways. For all Games participants, there will be some conditions and constraints that will require flexibility and understanding. "You will see that we have asked for an activity plan, why? Not because we want to restrict the freedom, but because we want to make sure that all activities are taking place safely and in case there is an issue everybody can be informed properly and traced back, people can be contacted when needed.
东京奥组委同国际奥委会、国际残奥委会近日联合发布东京奥运规则手册,手册汇总了入境日本14天前,到离开日本这段时期的行动规范等事项,其中明确规定了“赴日后需隔离14天”等细则。这是奥运会历史上首次推出此类规则手册,违反规定者或被取消参赛资格。 为防止新冠病毒的传播,在延期举办的东京奥运会和残奥会期间,不鼓励人们唱歌或喊口号。 不过参加东京奥运会和残奥会的人可以鼓掌以示支持。东京奥运会将于7月23日开幕,残奥会将于8月24日开幕。 这一建议只是主办方发布的“东京奥运规则手册”中详细描述的众多规则之一。 天活动计划 这是奥运会历史上首次推出此类规则手册,主要对象是国际体育组织和技术官员,针对运动员和新闻媒体的规则手册将陆续发布。 尽管受新冠疫情影响,东京目前处于紧急事态,但主办方强调,他们致力于“成功且安全地举办”奥运会。发布东京奥运规则手册强调了正在实施的赛期防疫流程,以确保奥运会的安全。 在题为“思考卫生问题”的页面下,该手册称,人们应该“鼓掌支持运动员,而不是唱歌或喊口号”。 hygiene[ˈhaɪdʒiːn]:n.卫生 此外,所有参加奥运会的人员必须完成一份“14天活动计划”,详细列出“所有计划好的活动”,包括出行和住宿计划。 虽然该手册并不是针对运动员,但里面似乎有内容禁止运动员出现在奥运会其他赛事现场。 手册中规定,在抵达东京后的14天内,“你不能以观众的身份参观奥运场馆、不能到访旅游区、商店、餐馆、酒吧和健身房”。 手册补充道:“离开住所后,你必须前往官方的奥运会场馆和有限的其他地点。” 赛事风险自担 这份手册由国际奥委会、国际残奥委会和东京奥组委联合发布,目的是保护参与者和日本民众的安全。 不过,规划也强调,不能“完全消除”风险,参与者“要自担风险”。 主办方不会要求奥运会和残奥会的参与者必须接种疫苗,但参与者必须提供奥运会开赛前四周内新冠病毒检测阴性证明,而运动员在奥运会期间至少每四天要接受一次新冠病毒检测。 参与者必须遵守手册中列出的规则,否则他们的参赛或观赛资格将被取消。 进一步的规则包括避免进入封闭空间以及“拥抱和握手”等身体接触,除非得到允许,否则不应该乘坐公共交通工具。 国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫反复强调,东京奥运会将如期举行,尽管外界的猜测与此相反。 国际奥委会执行主任克里斯托弗·杜比说:“我们知道这届奥运会将在很多方面有所不同。对于所有的参与者来说,会有一些条件和限制,需要灵活掌握并加以理解。” “你们会看到我们要求提供一份活动计划,为什么?不是因为我们想要限制大家的自由,而是因为我们想要确保所有的活动都是安全进行的,万一有问题发生,每个人都能被及时通知到,并加以追溯,在需要的时候可以联系到人们。” 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
最近,国内多地传出新冠确诊病例,疫情防控也日趋严格。年关将至,为了能度过一个更安全祥和的农历新年,全国多地提倡就地过年。1月末多部瞄准春节假期的大片打响预售战。 既然要原地过年了,戴好口罩去电影院或许是个解闷的好法子。我们也提前为读者们整理好了“春节档”热门影片的片单。 《唐人街探案3》 Detective Chinatown 3 As the third installment of director Chen Sicheng's Detective Chinatown franchise, the film was scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival last year but was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies, the amateur detective duo portrayed by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery, which could earn them a huge bonus. 作为陈思诚导演“唐探宇宙”的第三部,该片原计划在去年春节期间上映,但因新冠疫情爆发而推迟。在前两部电影中,王宝强和刘浩然饰演的业余侦探组合在曼谷和纽约冒险之后,他们前往东京,试图解开一起谋杀案的谜团,这可以为他们赢得巨额奖金。 《你好,李焕英》 Hi, Mom! As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams. Interestingly, the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother's love story set in 1981. 作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求自己的艺术梦想。有趣的是,贾玲“孝顺”的方式比较特别,她虚构了一个穿越时空的故事,来讲述母亲1981年的爱情故事。 《刺杀小说家》 A Writer's Odyssey As the latest film directed by Lu Yang, best known for the Brotherhood of Blades franchise, the film is highly anticipated. The fantasy tale centers on a novelist amazed to find that the fictional world under his pen is surprisingly influencing the real world. One of the highlights in the film is Chi Fa Gui (Red-hair Ghost), a celestial being as tall as 15 meters. Completely created by CGI technique in nearly two years, the ruthless role was the most expensive and difficult one for the special effects artists. After being adjusted dozens of times with different versions, the character has more than 400,000 hairs on his head, as well as over 900,000 skin follicles on his body. 作为《绣春刀》系列导演路阳的新作,这部影片也颇受期待。这部奇幻小说讲的是一位小说家惊奇地发现,他笔下的虚构世界正出人意料地影响着现实世界。这部电影的亮点之一是赤发鬼,对于特效师们来说,这个身高15米的残暴形象是全片最难最贵的角色,完全由特效技术创作,耗费近两年时间。这个角色经过几十版的调整,头上有40多万根头发,身上还有90多万个皮肤毛囊。 《侍神令》 The Yin-Yang Master Adapted from the mobile game Onmyoji, the film centers on the Yin-Yang master Qingming, a genius wizard who lives in a fictional world where monsters and human beings coexist. Most monsters from the trailers appear cute and chubby, reminiscent of similar characters in the Monster Hunt franchise and making the film more appealing to families. 该片改编自手游《阴阳师》,讲述了天才阴阳师晴明如何行走于人妖共存的奇幻世界之中。从预告片来看,里面的妖怪们似乎都挺像《捉妖记》系列里萌哒哒、肥嘟嘟的妖怪们,看上去很有合家欢的气质。 《人潮汹涌》 Endgame Hong Kong mega star Andy Lau's latest film, which is highly anticipated by his fans. The story follows a ruthless killer, played by Andy Lau, and an extra actor, played by Xiao Yang, who accidently exchange identities, leading to a series of strange circumstances. From the unfortunate flop Find Your Voice to the recent blockbuster Shock Wave 2 , Lau has secured his status as a prolific star on the big screen over the past unusual year, albeit at a somewhat erratic level. But judging from the new film's director and cast, Lau's performance in the upcoming film may deserve our anticipation. 香港巨星刘德华的这部新电影备受影迷期待。故事讲述的是刘德华饰演的无情杀手和肖央饰演的龙套演员不小心交换了身份,导致了一系列奇怪的情况。从不幸扑街的《热血合唱团》到近日大火的《拆弹专家2》,刘天王在过去的非常一年在大银幕上保持了高产,尽管水平有些起伏不定。但从新片的导演和演员阵容来看,刘德华在影片中的表现或许值得我们期待。 《新神榜:哪吒重生》 New Gods: Nezha Reborn After the animated film Ne Zha soared as a smash hit in 2019, the stories originating from Fengshen Yanyi ( Investiture of the Gods ) — the ancient novel which has inspired the film Ne Zha — have become one of the most sought-after mythological subjects for studios. The latest film, also about Ne Zha, is directed by Light Chaser Animation's director Zhao Ji, best known for the hit White Snake . Set 3,000 years after the end of the Fengshen Yanyi novel, the tale focuses on how Ne Zha is reincarnated as a young motorcycle rider. From the trailers, the film looks a bit like a Chinese answer to Hollywood superheroes like those in the DC and Marvel films, but the special effects are quite impressive. 2019年动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》大火之后,中国古代小说《封神演义》(《哪吒之魔童降世》灵感来源)也成了电影公司最追捧的神话大IP之一。最新的这部哪吒动画片出自追光团队之手,导演是曾执导大热片《白蛇缘起》的赵霁。影片故事发生在封神大战的3000年之后,哪吒元神附体于一个机车青年身上。从预告来看,虽然有点儿像漫威和DC式超级英雄被本土化的意思,但影片的特效颇为震撼。 打算原地过年不挪窝的你,会和小伙伴们约着去看哪部影片呢? 记者:徐帆 来源:CHINA DAILY
Detective Chinatown 3 As the third installment of director Chen Sicheng's Detective Chinatown franchise, the film was scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival last year but was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies, the amateur detective duo portrayed by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery, which could earn them a huge bonus. Hi, Mom! As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams. Interestingly, the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother's love story set in 1981. A Writer's Odyssey As the latest film directed by Lu Yang, best known for the Brotherhood of Blades franchise, the film is highly anticipated. The fantasy tale centers on a novelist amazed to find that the fictional world under his pen is surprisingly influencing the real world. One of the highlights in the film is Chi Fa Gui (Red-hair Ghost), a celestial being as tall as 15 meters. Completely created by CGI technique in nearly two years, the ruthless role was the most expensive and difficult one for the special effects artists. After being adjusted dozens of times with different versions, the character has more than 400,000 hairs on his head, as well as over 900,000 skin follicles on his body. The Yin-Yang Master Adapted from the mobile game Onmyoji, the film centers on the Yin-Yang master Qingming, a genius wizard who lives in a fictional world where monsters and human beings coexist. Most monsters from the trailers appear cute and chubby, reminiscent of similar characters in the Monster Hunt franchise and making the film more appealing to families. Endgame Hong Kong mega star Andy Lau's latest film, which is highly anticipated by his fans. The story follows a ruthless killer, played by Andy Lau, and an extra actor, played by Xiao Yang, who accidently exchange identities, leading to a series of strange circumstances. From the unfortunate flop Find Your Voice to the recent blockbuster Shock Wave 2 , Lau has secured his status as a prolific star on the big screen over the past unusual year, albeit at a somewhat erratic level. But judging from the new film's director and cast, Lau's performance in the upcoming film may deserve our anticipation. New Gods: Nezha Reborn After the animated film Ne Zha soared as a smash hit in 2019, the stories originating from Fengshen Yanyi ( Investiture of the Gods ) — the ancient novel which has inspired the film Ne Zha — have become one of the most sought-after mythological subjects for studios. The latest film, also about Ne Zha, is directed by Light Chaser Animation's director Zhao Ji, best known for the hit White Snake . Set 3,000 years after the end of the Fengshen Yanyi novel, the tale focuses on how Ne Zha is reincarnated as a young motorcycle rider. From the trailers, the film looks a bit like a Chinese answer to Hollywood superheroes like those in the DC and Marvel films, but the special effects are quite impressive.
最近,国内多地传出新冠确诊病例,疫情防控也日趋严格。年关将至,为了能度过一个更安全祥和的农历新年,全国多地提倡就地过年。1月末多部瞄准春节假期的大片打响预售战。 既然要原地过年了,戴好口罩去电影院或许是个解闷的好法子。我们也提前为读者们整理好了“春节档”热门影片的片单。 《唐人街探案3》 作为陈思诚导演“唐探宇宙”的第三部,该片原计划在去年春节期间上映,但因新冠疫情爆发而推迟。在前两部电影中,王宝强和刘浩然饰演的业余侦探组合在曼谷和纽约冒险之后,他们前往东京,试图解开一起谋杀案的谜团,这可以为他们赢得巨额奖金。 《你好,李焕英》 作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求自己的艺术梦想。有趣的是,贾玲“孝顺”的方式比较特别,她虚构了一个穿越时空的故事,来讲述母亲1981年的爱情故事。 《刺杀小说家》 作为《绣春刀》系列导演路阳的新作,这部影片也颇受期待。这部奇幻小说讲的是一位小说家惊奇地发现,他笔下的虚构世界正出人意料地影响着现实世界。这部电影的亮点之一是赤发鬼,对于特效师们来说,这个身高15米的残暴形象是全片最难最贵的角色,完全由特效技术创作,耗费近两年时间。这个角色经过几十版的调整,头上有40多万根头发,身上还有90多万个皮肤毛囊。 《侍神令》 该片改编自手游《阴阳师》,讲述了天才阴阳师晴明如何行走于人妖共存的奇幻世界之中。从预告片来看,里面的妖怪们似乎都挺像《捉妖记》系列里萌哒哒、肥嘟嘟的妖怪们,看上去很有合家欢的气质。 《人潮汹涌》 香港巨星刘德华的这部新电影备受影迷期待。故事讲述的是刘德华饰演的无情杀手和肖央饰演的龙套演员不小心交换了身份,导致了一系列奇怪的情况。从不幸扑街的《热血合唱团》到近日大火的《拆弹专家2》,刘天王在过去的非常一年在大银幕上保持了高产,尽管水平有些起伏不定。但从新片的导演和演员阵容来看,刘德华在影片中的表现或许值得我们期待。 《新神榜:哪吒重生》 2019年动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》大火之后,中国古代小说《封神演义》(《哪吒之魔童降世》灵感来源)也成了电影公司最追捧的神话大IP之一。最新的这部哪吒动画片出自追光团队之手,导演是曾执导大热片《白蛇缘起》的赵霁。影片故事发生在封神大战的3000年之后,哪吒元神附体于一个机车青年身上。从预告来看,虽然有点儿像漫威和DC式超级英雄被本土化的意思,但影片的特效颇为震撼。 打算原地过年不挪窝的你,会和小伙伴们约着去看哪部影片呢? 记者:徐帆 来源:CHINA DAILY
因为各州疫苗分配不均且接种疫苗规定都各不相同,成千上万美国人跨州打疫苗,扎堆去佛罗里达州等地。不少加拿大人也跑去美国佛罗里达州打疫苗。一些印度旅行社开始打广告,宣传“疫苗旅游”。 A healthcare worker administers a shot of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to a woman at a pop-up vaccination site operated by SOMOS Community Care in Manhattan in New York City, New York, US, Jan 29, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] It's the newest form of traveling during the pandemic: crossing state lines — or international waters — in hopes of getting the vaccine. 新冠疫情期间,全球兴起新的旅行方式:跨越州界或公海,希望能打上疫苗。 At the beginning of the US vaccine rollout, essential workers and people 75 and older were the first groups with priority access. 在美国疫苗接种计划推广之初,必要岗位的工作人员和75岁及以上的老年人是首批优先接种人群。 Now, the US includes more than 50 vaccination plans as each state has devised its own rules around who gets priority for a dose, according to The Guardian . 据《卫报》报道,如今美国已经制定了50多种疫苗接种计划,各州都制定了自己的规则,规定谁可以优先接种。 In New Jersey, smokers can receive the vaccine before teachers do — and proof that you're a smoker is not required. In New York, psychologists and psychiatrists can get the vaccine along with essential workers. 在新泽西州,吸烟人士排在教师之前接种疫苗,而且无须提供证明。在纽约州,心理学家和精神病学家可以和必要岗位的工作人员一起接种疫苗。 As regulations change on who can get the vaccine and when they can get it, Americans are traveling near and far to get it. 随着有关谁能接种疫苗以及何时能接种的规定发生变化,美国人四处奔波以获得疫苗。 Florida is a popular vaccine tourism destination due to the high priority given to those aged 65 and older in addition to other vague eligibility requirements that attracted travelers from all over to take advantage of Florida's vaccine rollout. 佛罗里达州是一个受欢迎的疫苗旅游目的地,该州优先考虑为65岁及以上人群接种,而且接种疫苗的其他资格要求不甚清晰,吸引了各地的游客赶来接种。 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a press conference earlier this month that most of these visitors are in fact part-time residents, not so-called "vaccine tourists." 佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑提斯在本月早些时候的新闻发布会上说,大多数游客其实是短期居民,而不是所谓的“疫苗游客”。 "If they have a residence I'm totally fine with that," DeSantis said, according to the Wall Street Journal . "That's a little bit different than somebody that's just doing tourism and trying to come here. So we're discouraging people to come to Florida just to get a vaccine." 据《华尔街日报》报道,德桑提斯说:“如果他们有自己的住处,我完全可以接受(他们在本州打疫苗)。这和那些只来旅游的人有点不同。因此我们不鼓励人们仅仅为了接种疫苗而来佛罗里达。” discourage [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ]:vt.阻止;使气馁 Vaccine-seekers have flocked to Florida from Canada and Argentina, as well as New York and other states, according to the Journal . However, the state last week pushed back on international vaccine tourists with a public health advisory from the surgeon general that requires proof of state residency to get a shot. 据《华尔街日报》报道,寻求接种疫苗的人从加拿大、阿根廷、美国的纽约和其他州蜂拥至佛罗里达。不过,该州上周拒绝了国际疫苗游客,州卫生局局长发布了公共卫生建议,要求接种者提供该州居民身份证明。 The trend has sparked some big spending from those who travel internationally in hopes of securing a shot. 那些想要出国接种疫苗的人为此大掏腰包。 Gem Tours & Travels, an Indian travel agency, announced $2,000 tours to the US including a vaccine shot, NBC News reported. 据美国全国广播公司报道,印度旅行社Gem Tours & Travels宣布,包括接种疫苗在内的美国游收费2000美元(约合人民币12917元)。 Zenith Holidays, based in Kolkata, allows customers to fill out a registration form under the "Vaccine Tourism" tab on their website. The company says that within an hour of your response, a member of their support team will get back to you. 总部位于加尔各答的Zenith Holidays公司允许客户在其网站上的“疫苗旅游”标签下填写登记表。该公司表示,在登记后的一个小时内,公司客服会给出回复。 Zenith Holidays Yanina Latorre, an Argentinian TV personality, said on Instagram on Jan 7 she was able to get her mother vaccinated at Miami Gardens's Hard Rock Stadium during their family vacation. The post came before the state's surgeon general proof of residency order, but NBC Miami reported the post provoked some frustration from residents. 1月7日,阿根廷电视名人亚尼纳·拉托雷在Instagram上表示,在全家度假期间,她的母亲在迈阿密花园的硬石体育场接种了疫苗。当时州卫生局局长还没有要求接种者提供居住证明,但是美国全国广播公司迈阿密频道报道说,这个帖子引起了一些居民的不满。 Janelle Brind, vice president of Momentum Jets — a private jet service provider in Toronto, told the Journal she's seen interest from Canadians looking to travel to the US for vaccines. 加拿大多伦多私人飞机服务公司Momentum Jets副总裁加内尔·布林德告诉《华尔街日报》,一些加拿大人想要前往美国接种疫苗。 "We're getting requests now from clients that are willing to fly into Florida if they have an appointment, and then fly home again on the same day," said Brind, who projected costs for a charter flight range from $25,000 to $80,000 for a same-day round trip. 布林德说:“我们现在收到很多客户的问询,如果预约成功,他们愿意当日往返佛罗里达。”他预计当日往返包机价格为2.5万美元到8万美元。 charter flight: 包机 英文来源:内幕网 翻译&编辑:yaning
A healthcare worker administers a shot of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to a woman at a pop-up vaccination site operated by SOMOS Community Care in Manhattan in New York City, New York, US, Jan 29, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] It's the newest form of traveling during the pandemic: crossing state lines — or international waters — in hopes of getting the vaccine. At the beginning of the US vaccine rollout, essential workers and people 75 and older were the first groups with priority access. Now, the US includes more than 50 vaccination plans as each state has devised its own rules around who gets priority for a dose, according to The Guardian . In New Jersey, smokers can receive the vaccine before teachers do — and proof that you're a smoker is not required. In New York, psychologists and psychiatrists can get the vaccine along with essential workers. As regulations change on who can get the vaccine and when they can get it, Americans are traveling near and far to get it. Florida is a popular vaccine tourism destination due to the high priority given to those aged 65 and older in addition to other vague eligibility requirements that attracted travelers from all over to take advantage of Florida's vaccine rollout. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a press conference earlier this month that most of these visitors are in fact part-time residents, not so-called "vaccine tourists." "If they have a residence I'm totally fine with that," DeSantis said, according to the Wall Street Journal . "That's a little bit different than somebody that's just doing tourism and trying to come here. So we're discouraging people to come to Florida just to get a vaccine." Vaccine-seekers have flocked to Florida from Canada and Argentina, as well as New York and other states, according to the Journal . However, the state last week pushed back on international vaccine tourists with a public health advisory from the surgeon general that requires proof of state residency to get a shot. The trend has sparked some big spending from those who travel internationally in hopes of securing a shot. Gem Tours & Travels, an Indian travel agency, announced $2,000 tours to the US including a vaccine shot, NBC News reported. Zenith Holidays, based in Kolkata, allows customers to fill out a registration form under the "Vaccine Tourism" tab on their website. The company says that within an hour of your response, a member of their support team will get back to you. Zenith Holidays Yanina Latorre, an Argentinian TV personality, said on Instagram on Jan 7 she was able to get her mother vaccinated at Miami Gardens's Hard Rock Stadium during their family vacation. The post came before the state's surgeon general proof of residency order, but NBC Miami reported the post provoked some frustration from residents. Janelle Brind, vice president of Momentum Jets — a private jet service provider in Toronto, told the Journal she's seen interest from Canadians looking to travel to the US for vaccines. "We're getting requests now from clients that are willing to fly into Florida if they have an appointment, and then fly home again on the same day," said Brind, who projected costs for a charter flight range from $25,000 to $80,000 for a same-day round trip.
因为各州疫苗分配不均且接种疫苗规定都各不相同,成千上万美国人跨州打疫苗,扎堆去佛罗里达州等地。不少加拿大人也跑去美国佛罗里达州打疫苗。一些印度旅行社开始打广告,宣传“疫苗旅游”。 新冠疫情期间,全球兴起新的旅行方式:跨越州界或公海,希望能打上疫苗。 在美国疫苗接种计划推广之初,必要岗位的工作人员和75岁及以上的老年人是首批优先接种人群。 据《卫报》报道,如今美国已经制定了50多种疫苗接种计划,各州都制定了自己的规则,规定谁可以优先接种。 在新泽西州,吸烟人士排在教师之前接种疫苗,而且无须提供证明。在纽约州,心理学家和精神病学家可以和必要岗位的工作人员一起接种疫苗。 随着有关谁能接种疫苗以及何时能接种的规定发生变化,美国人四处奔波以获得疫苗。 佛罗里达州是一个受欢迎的疫苗旅游目的地,该州优先考虑为65岁及以上人群接种,而且接种疫苗的其他资格要求不甚清晰,吸引了各地的游客赶来接种。 佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑提斯在本月早些时候的新闻发布会上说,大多数游客其实是短期居民,而不是所谓的“疫苗游客”。 据《华尔街日报》报道,德桑提斯说:“如果他们有自己的住处,我完全可以接受(他们在本州打疫苗)。这和那些只来旅游的人有点不同。因此我们不鼓励人们仅仅为了接种疫苗而来佛罗里达。” discourage [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ]:vt.阻止;使气馁 据《华尔街日报》报道,寻求接种疫苗的人从加拿大、阿根廷、美国的纽约和其他州蜂拥至佛罗里达。不过,该州上周拒绝了国际疫苗游客,州卫生局局长发布了公共卫生建议,要求接种者提供该州居民身份证明。 那些想要出国接种疫苗的人为此大掏腰包。 据美国全国广播公司报道,印度旅行社Gem Tours & Travels宣布,包括接种疫苗在内的美国游收费2000美元(约合人民币12917元)。 总部位于加尔各答的Zenith Holidays公司允许客户在其网站上的“疫苗旅游”标签下填写登记表。该公司表示,在登记后的一个小时内,公司客服会给出回复。 1月7日,阿根廷电视名人亚尼纳·拉托雷在Instagram上表示,在全家度假期间,她的母亲在迈阿密花园的硬石体育场接种了疫苗。当时州卫生局局长还没有要求接种者提供居住证明,但是美国全国广播公司迈阿密频道报道说,这个帖子引起了一些居民的不满。 加拿大多伦多私人飞机服务公司Momentum Jets副总裁加内尔·布林德告诉《华尔街日报》,一些加拿大人想要前往美国接种疫苗。 布林德说:“我们现在收到很多客户的问询,如果预约成功,他们愿意当日往返佛罗里达。”他预计当日往返包机价格为2.5万美元到8万美元。 charter flight: 包机 英文来源:内幕网 翻译&编辑:yaning
有着奥斯卡热门风向标之称的美国电影学会发布了2020年十大电影:宋丹丹女儿赵婷的作品《无依之地》入围,此外,近来大火的《心灵奇旅》挤进前三,而位列第一的电影出乎意料。 Like last year, eight of the ten films were directed by men, with two women, Zhao (“Nomadland”) and Regina King (“One Night in Miami”), also on deck for the honor. 和去年一样,十部影片中有八部是由男性执导的,两位女性赵婷(《无依之地》)和里贾纳·金(《迈阿密的一夜》导演)也入围。 Last year, AFI selected seven eventual Best Picture nominees and awarded a special award to eventual Best Picture winner Parasite . 去年,AFI 提名 了七部最佳影片,并向最终的最佳影片奖得主《寄生虫》颁发了一个特别奖。 2020 AFI Movies of the Year “Da 5 Bloods” (Netflix) 《誓血五人组》 “Judas and the Black Messiah” (Warner Bros.) 《犹大和黑色弥赛亚》 “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” (Netflix) 《蓝调天后》 “Mank” (Netflix) 《曼克》 “Minari” (A24) 《米纳里》 “Nomadland” (Searchlight) 《无依之地》 “One Night in Miami” (Amazon Studios) 《迈阿密的一夜》 “Soul” (Pixar/Disney) 《心灵奇旅》 “Sound of Metal” (Amazon Studios) 《金属之声》 “The Trial of the Chicago 7” (Netflix) 《芝加哥七君子审判》 Da 5 Bloods 《誓血五人组》 Four African-American vets battle the forces of man and nature when they return to Vietnam seeking the remains of their fallen squad leader and the gold fortune he helped them hide. 四名非裔美国老兵在返回越南寻找他们倒下的班长的遗骸和他帮助他们隐藏的黄金财富时,与人类和自然的力量作战。 Judas and the Black Messiah 《犹大和黑色弥赛亚》 The story of Fred Hampton, Chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party, and his fateful betrayal by FBI informant William O'Neal. 故事讲述了伊利诺伊州黑豹党主席弗雷德·汉普顿被联邦调查局线人威廉·奥尼尔致命的背叛。 Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 《蓝调天后》 During a recording session, tensions rise between Ma Rainey, her ambitious horn player and the white management determined to control the uncontrollable "Mother of the Blues". 在一次录音过程中,玛·雷尼和她雄心勃勃的小号手,以及决心控制这位难以管束的“布鲁斯之母”的白人管理层之间的关系变得紧张起来。 Mank 《曼克》 1930's Hollywood is reevaluated through the eyes of scathing social critic and alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz as he races to finish the screenplay of Citizen Kane (1941). 1930年的好莱坞是通过严厉的社会评论家和酗酒编剧赫尔曼·J·曼凯维奇的眼睛来重新评价的,他正在努力完成《公民凯恩》(1941)的剧本。 Minari 《米纳里》 A Korean family starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. 一个韩国家庭在80年代的阿肯色州开了一个农场。 Nomadland 《无依之地》 After losing everything in the Great Recession, a woman embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad. 在经济大萧条中失去一切后,一名妇女开始了穿越美国西部的旅程,像一个住在货车里的现代游牧者一样生活。 One Night in Miami 《迈阿密的一夜》 One Night in Miami is a fictional account of one incredible night where icons Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, and Jim Brown gathered discussing their roles in the civil rights movement and cultural upheaval of the 60s. 《迈阿密的一夜》是一个虚构的故事,讲述了一个不可思议的夜晚,偶像穆罕默德·阿里、马尔科姆·Ⅹ、萨姆·库克和吉姆·布朗聚集在一起,讨论他们在60年代民权运动和文化剧变中的角色。 Soul 《心灵奇旅》 After landing the gig of a lifetime, a New York jazz pianist suddenly finds himself trapped in a strange land between Earth and the afterlife. 一位纽约爵士钢琴家在实现自己一生梦想的事业后,突然发现自己被困在了地球和来世之间的一片陌生土地上。 Sound of Metal 《金属之声》 A heavy-metal drummer's life is thrown into freefall when he begins to lose his hearing. 当一个重金属鼓手开始失去听力时,他的生活如自由落体般急转直下。 The Trial of the Chicago 7 《芝加哥七君子审判》 The story of 7 people on trial stemming from various charges surrounding the uprising at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. 1968年伊利诺伊州芝加哥民主党全国代表大会上,7个人因围绕起义的各种指控而受审的故事。 来源:沪江英语
Like last year, eight of the ten films were directed by men, with two women, Zhao (“Nomadland”) and Regina King (“One Night in Miami”), also on deck for the honor. Last year, AFI selected seven eventual Best Picture nominees and awarded a special award to eventual Best Picture winner Parasite . 2020 AFI Movies of the Year “Da 5 Bloods” (Netflix) “Judas and the Black Messiah” (Warner Bros.) “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” (Netflix) “Mank” (Netflix) “Minari” (A24) “Nomadland” (Searchlight) “One Night in Miami” (Amazon Studios) “Soul” (Pixar/Disney) “Sound of Metal” (Amazon Studios) “The Trial of the Chicago 7” (Netflix) Da 5 Bloods Four African-American vets battle the forces of man and nature when they return to Vietnam seeking the remains of their fallen squad leader and the gold fortune he helped them hide. Judas and the Black Messiah The story of Fred Hampton, Chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party, and his fateful betrayal by FBI informant William O'Neal. Ma Rainey's Black Bottom During a recording session, tensions rise between Ma Rainey, her ambitious horn player and the white management determined to control the uncontrollable "Mother of the Blues". Mank 1930's Hollywood is reevaluated through the eyes of scathing social critic and alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz as he races to finish the screenplay of Citizen Kane (1941). Minari A Korean family starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. Nomadland After losing everything in the Great Recession, a woman embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad. One Night in Miami One Night in Miami is a fictional account of one incredible night where icons Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, and Jim Brown gathered discussing their roles in the civil rights movement and cultural upheaval of the 60s. Soul After landing the gig of a lifetime, a New York jazz pianist suddenly finds himself trapped in a strange land between Earth and the afterlife. Sound of Metal A heavy-metal drummer's life is thrown into freefall when he begins to lose his hearing. The Trial of the Chicago 7 The story of 7 people on trial stemming from various charges surrounding the uprising at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
有着奥斯卡热门风向标之称的美国电影学会发布了2020年十大电影:宋丹丹女儿赵婷的作品《无依之地》入围,此外,近来大火的《心灵奇旅》挤进前三,而位列第一的电影出乎意料。 和去年一样,十部影片中有八部是由男性执导的,两位女性赵婷(《无依之地》)和里贾纳·金(《迈阿密的一夜》导演)也入围。 去年,AFI 提名 了七部最佳影片,并向最终的最佳影片奖得主《寄生虫》颁发了一个特别奖。 《誓血五人组》 《犹大和黑色弥赛亚》 《蓝调天后》 《曼克》 《米纳里》 《无依之地》 《迈阿密的一夜》 《心灵奇旅》 《金属之声》 《芝加哥七君子审判》 《誓血五人组》 四名非裔美国老兵在返回越南寻找他们倒下的班长的遗骸和他帮助他们隐藏的黄金财富时,与人类和自然的力量作战。 《犹大和黑色弥赛亚》 故事讲述了伊利诺伊州黑豹党主席弗雷德·汉普顿被联邦调查局线人威廉·奥尼尔致命的背叛。 《蓝调天后》 在一次录音过程中,玛·雷尼和她雄心勃勃的小号手,以及决心控制这位难以管束的“布鲁斯之母”的白人管理层之间的关系变得紧张起来。 《曼克》 1930年的好莱坞是通过严厉的社会评论家和酗酒编剧赫尔曼·J·曼凯维奇的眼睛来重新评价的,他正在努力完成《公民凯恩》(1941)的剧本。 《米纳里》 一个韩国家庭在80年代的阿肯色州开了一个农场。 《无依之地》 在经济大萧条中失去一切后,一名妇女开始了穿越美国西部的旅程,像一个住在货车里的现代游牧者一样生活。 《迈阿密的一夜》 《迈阿密的一夜》是一个虚构的故事,讲述了一个不可思议的夜晚,偶像穆罕默德·阿里、马尔科姆·Ⅹ、萨姆·库克和吉姆·布朗聚集在一起,讨论他们在60年代民权运动和文化剧变中的角色。 《心灵奇旅》 一位纽约爵士钢琴家在实现自己一生梦想的事业后,突然发现自己被困在了地球和来世之间的一片陌生土地上。 《金属之声》 当一个重金属鼓手开始失去听力时,他的生活如自由落体般急转直下。 《芝加哥七君子审判》 1968年伊利诺伊州芝加哥民主党全国代表大会上,7个人因围绕起义的各种指控而受审的故事。 来源:沪江英语
德国新明斯特市近来设立了一座“新冠监狱”,强制关押那些拒绝遵守防疫规定的人。一些德国网友和政客批评此举“侵犯人权”,还在网上发起请愿活动,要求取缔这种设施。 Federal police officers check an air passenger arriving from Britain at the Frankfurt Airport, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Frankfurt, Germany, Jan 30, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] A "Covid jail" has been opened in Germany for people who repeatedly break quarantine rules. 德国为屡次违反隔离规定的人设立了一座“新冠监狱”。 The facility in Neumünster, in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, launched in January and sees inmates locked up to ensure they self-isolate, with 40 retired police officers volunteering as guards. 德国石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州政府今年1月就在该州新明斯特市设立了一家“新冠监狱”。 他们把拒绝遵守防疫规定的人关起来,确保其自我隔离,40名退休警官自愿担任警卫。 The prison is made up of six cells in the unused annexe of a young offenders centre surrounded by barbed wire fencing on the outskirts of the small northern town. “新冠监狱”坐落在这个德国北方小镇的郊区,由一座少管所闲置的附属建筑改建而成,设有6个房间,其高墙上配有带刺的铁丝网。 annexe [ˈæneks]:n.附属建筑 barbed [bɑːbd]:adj.有刺的 To be sent to the facility, a person must be refusing to properly isolate after travelling, being exposed to a high-risk contact or having received a positive test result. But the local authority has insisted people will only be locked up as a "last resort". 被送到该监狱的人必须是在旅行、接触过高风险人群或收到新冠病毒阳性检测结果后拒绝遵守隔离规定的人。但当地政府坚称,只有在“万不得已”的情况下,才会把违规者关起来。 Inmates are allowed televisions, laptops and mobile phones, and the rooms contain a comfortable bed, while psychological support is also available. “囚犯”可以使用电视机、笔记本电脑和手机,房间内还有舒适的床,另外“监狱”还提供心理辅导。 "The isolation of suspected infected people in their own homes is an essential element in getting the infection rate under control," Sönke Schulz, of the local district council, told reporters in January, reports Deutsche Welles. 据德国之声报道,当地区议会的逊克·舒尔茨一月份接受记者采访时说:“将疑似感染者隔离在自己家中是控制感染率的关键因素。” "Anyone who does not comply with this is putting other people at risk. “任何不遵守这一规定的人都将他人置于危险之中。” "It should not really be any different from quarantining at home," Schulz added. 他补充说:“这里其实应该和居家隔离没有什么区别。” He pointed out that by the time the evidence-gathering, fine and court order have been issued, there may only be a couple of days left of the 14 required to spend at the guarded accommodation. 他指出,等到证据收集、罚款和法院命令发出时,14天的隔离期可能只剩下没几天了。 Mr Schulz said no one will be required to stay there longer than their normal quarantine period. 舒尔茨表示,人们只需要在那里待到正常隔离期结束。 Peter Schröder, the local councilor at Neumünster who is taking responsibility for the prison, said it will be used more as a deterrent. 负责这座监狱的新明斯特市当地议员彼得·斯克勒德说,这座监狱更多的是起到一个威慑违作用。 "We hope the effort will set an example," he told a press conference in recent weeks. 他在最近几周的新闻发布会上表示:“我们希望这一努力将树立一个范例。” "We hope there will be hardly any cases [of people being incarcerated in this way]. Up until now there have not been many." 他说:“我们希望不会有任何人以这种方式被监禁。到目前为止,在这里隔离的并不多。” incarcerate [ɪnˈkɑːsəreɪt]:vt.监禁 In May last year, rooms in the Schönefeld Airport in Brandenburg were used to house travellers who refused to abide by quarantine restrictions. 去年五月,勃兰登堡舍内菲尔德机场的房间被用来安置拒绝遵守检疫隔离要求的旅客。 A hotel in Frankfurt, in Hesse, meanwhile, was briefly used before being closed due to lack of demand, according to officials. 与此同时,据官员称,位于黑森州法兰克福市的一家酒店曾被短暂用作隔离点,但因需求不足而关闭。 Berlin is understood to be considering using spare hospitals rooms to house restriction flouters. 据了解,柏林市正在考虑使用多余的医院房间来隔离违规者。 Germany's Left party has spoken out against the Neumünster prison while a petition has been launched. 德国的左翼政党公开反对新明斯特市的这座监狱,并已发起请愿。 英文来源:镜报 翻译&编辑:yaning
Federal police officers check an air passenger arriving from Britain at the Frankfurt Airport, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, in Frankfurt, Germany, Jan 30, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] A "Covid jail" has been opened in Germany for people who repeatedly break quarantine rules. The prison is made up of six cells in the unused annexe of a young offenders centre surrounded by barbed wire fencing on the outskirts of the small northern town. To be sent to the facility, a person must be refusing to properly isolate after travelling, being exposed to a high-risk contact or having received a positive test result. But the local authority has insisted people will only be locked up as a "last resort". Inmates are allowed televisions, laptops and mobile phones, and the rooms contain a comfortable bed, while psychological support is also available. "Anyone who does not comply with this is putting other people at risk. "It should not really be any different from quarantining at home," Schulz added. He pointed out that by the time the evidence-gathering, fine and court order have been issued, there may only be a couple of days left of the 14 required to spend at the guarded accommodation. Mr Schulz said no one will be required to stay there longer than their normal quarantine period. "We hope the effort will set an example," he told a press conference in recent weeks. "We hope there will be hardly any cases [of people being incarcerated in this way]. Up until now there have not been many." A hotel in Frankfurt, in Hesse, meanwhile, was briefly used before being closed due to lack of demand, according to officials. Berlin is understood to be considering using spare hospitals rooms to house restriction flouters.
德国新明斯特市近来设立了一座“新冠监狱”,强制关押那些拒绝遵守防疫规定的人。一些德国网友和政客批评此举“侵犯人权”,还在网上发起请愿活动,要求取缔这种设施。 德国为屡次违反隔离规定的人设立了一座“新冠监狱”。 The facility in Neumünster, in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, launched in January and sees inmates locked up to ensure they self-isolate, with 40 retired police officers volunteering as guards. 德国石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州政府今年1月就在该州新明斯特市设立了一家“新冠监狱”。 他们把拒绝遵守防疫规定的人关起来,确保其自我隔离,40名退休警官自愿担任警卫。 “新冠监狱”坐落在这个德国北方小镇的郊区,由一座少管所闲置的附属建筑改建而成,设有6个房间,其高墙上配有带刺的铁丝网。 annexe [ˈæneks]:n.附属建筑 barbed [bɑːbd]:adj.有刺的 被送到该监狱的人必须是在旅行、接触过高风险人群或收到新冠病毒阳性检测结果后拒绝遵守隔离规定的人。但当地政府坚称,只有在“万不得已”的情况下,才会把违规者关起来。 “囚犯”可以使用电视机、笔记本电脑和手机,房间内还有舒适的床,另外“监狱”还提供心理辅导。 "The isolation of suspected infected people in their own homes is an essential element in getting the infection rate under control," Sönke Schulz, of the local district council, told reporters in January, reports Deutsche Welles. 据德国之声报道,当地区议会的逊克·舒尔茨一月份接受记者采访时说:“将疑似感染者隔离在自己家中是控制感染率的关键因素。” “任何不遵守这一规定的人都将他人置于危险之中。” 他补充说:“这里其实应该和居家隔离没有什么区别。” 他指出,等到证据收集、罚款和法院命令发出时,14天的隔离期可能只剩下没几天了。 舒尔茨表示,人们只需要在那里待到正常隔离期结束。 Peter Schröder, the local councilor at Neumünster who is taking responsibility for the prison, said it will be used more as a deterrent. 负责这座监狱的新明斯特市当地议员彼得·斯克勒德说,这座监狱更多的是起到一个威慑违作用。 他在最近几周的新闻发布会上表示:“我们希望这一努力将树立一个范例。” 他说:“我们希望不会有任何人以这种方式被监禁。到目前为止,在这里隔离的并不多。” incarcerate [ɪnˈkɑːsəreɪt]:vt.监禁 In May last year, rooms in the Schönefeld Airport in Brandenburg were used to house travellers who refused to abide by quarantine restrictions. 去年五月,勃兰登堡舍内菲尔德机场的房间被用来安置拒绝遵守检疫隔离要求的旅客。 与此同时,据官员称,位于黑森州法兰克福市的一家酒店曾被短暂用作隔离点,但因需求不足而关闭。 据了解,柏林市正在考虑使用多余的医院房间来隔离违规者。 Germany's Left party has spoken out against the Neumünster prison while a petition has been launched. 德国的左翼政党公开反对新明斯特市的这座监狱,并已发起请愿。 英文来源:镜报 翻译&编辑:yaning
“我被困在了这里,像蹲监狱一样”,首批撤离武汉的英国人马特·劳(Matt Raw)在柴郡郊区一座小房子里如是说。劳回到英国遭受了网络暴力,加上英国疫情严重,一家人去年只出过一次门。 2020年1月31日,第一架英国撤侨专机起飞,带着83名英国人“逃离武汉”。劳一家就在乘客之列。 马特和妻子、母亲在回英包机上 BBC截图 一年后,英国广播公司(BBC)采访首批撤离武汉的英国人马特·劳,他感慨道,“要是没上那架飞机就好了,留在中国,会更安全、更自由”。 “真希望没赶上那趟飞机,留在武汉” 劳回忆称,刚收到通知时,他原本因为不愿和妻子分离决定留下。 Mr Raw said he even left his tools by the front door because he was going to help build hospitals in Wuhan the next day. 劳先生说,他甚至把工具放在了前门,打算第二天在武汉帮忙建设医院。 后来在起飞前凌晨4点,他看到英方最新消息允许携带家人同行。劳匆忙带着家人赶往机场。 但现在,亲眼看到中英两国抗疫成果的巨大差异,他说,“要是没上那架飞机就好了,英国政府骗了我们,我们在中国其实更安全”。 "They lied to us. We're being told to get out of Wuhan, 'come back to England, you'll be safe here'. “英国政府骗了我们。他们要我们离开武汉,‘回到英国来,你就安全了’”。 "We would have been safer and much more freer if we stayed in China. “我们要是留在了中国,会更安全、更自由。” "They tackled it short and sharp and locked down the cities and it was the right thing to do." “他们果断决策,封锁了城市,这才是正确的。” 回到英国后,马特和家人住进了纳茨福德(英国柴郡的一个小镇)的新居。但马特称,他立即就遇到了一个问题——网络暴力。 有网民认为,是第一架撤侨包机将新冠病毒带到英国。马特表示,直到今天,还有人在网上指责他。 “真的有人这么想,我很心痛。我们能做的都做了,去年我们只出了一次门。”马特称。 马特表示,他仍然在后悔做出登机的决定。 "In Wuhan, it would have been uncomfortable in our small apartment for two or three months, but then they got rid of the virus and life has returned to normal. “在武汉,在我们的小公寓里待上两三个月会很不舒服,但后来武汉战胜了病毒,生活又恢复了。” "I wish I'd stayed in bed and gone to help build that hospital. “真希望我那天是一觉醒来,然后去建设那家(火神山)医院。 "… We're trapped here. It's still our prison.” “我们现在困在这里,像蹲监狱一样。” A sign pointing to a testing center is seen, as tighter rules for international travellers start, at Heathrow Airport, amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, London, Jan 18, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] “我说,‘退后,我是从武汉来的’,但没人在意” 伦敦市民段丽萍(音译)与劳坐同一架飞机回英,回忆起乘机当天的恐怖气氛,她说“那趟航班让人神经紧绷。” "Two English guys couldn't get on the plane, because they had a high temperature. “两个英国人因为体温过高无法登机。” "It was so quiet [on board]; you might hear a baby crying, but none of the adults were talking. “飞机上太安静了。可能有小孩在哭,但没有一个人说话。” "I was trying to stay away from other people and wore my mask the whole time. “我尽量远离别人,一直戴着口罩。” "I couldn't breathe properly and it was exhausting." “我不能正常呼吸,很累。” 落地后,据段丽萍称,机场没有人佩戴防护设备,这让她不禁对航班本身的安全感到担忧。 "I told them, 'stand back, we've come from Wuhan', but nobody cared," she says. “我跟他们说,‘退后,我们是从武汉回来的’,但没人在乎。”段丽萍表示。 按照安排,所有乘客要被运往指定地点隔离两周,但段丽萍震惊地发现,长途客车司机竟然没有戴口罩…… Ms Duan says she was shocked to see that the coach driver was not even wearing a mask. 段女士说,她很震惊地看到,长途汽车司机甚至没有戴口罩。 一年前,武汉按下停止键,超过1000万武汉人民坚持76天居家防疫,有效延缓了疫情的扩散。如今,英国新冠肺炎死亡人数超过10万,成为欧洲疫情最严重的国家之一。 自己的国家“深陷泥潭”,但BBC依然推出了一系列“重返武汉”的视频报道,其中一些不乏“阴阳怪气”的旁白与编排。 武汉抗疫先是被“污名化”,后来又被一些外媒认为是中国政府“政治宣传”的“窗口”,没有在国际上得到应有的感激与尊重。 但这改变不了人民的真实感受,大众的声音和现实一次次发出警告,当前最大的敌人不是中国而是新冠。 编辑:陈月华 来源:BBC 观察者网
Mr Raw said he even left his tools by the front door because he was going to help build hospitals in Wuhan the next day. "They lied to us. We're being told to get out of Wuhan, 'come back to England, you'll be safe here'. "We would have been safer and much more freer if we stayed in China. "They tackled it short and sharp and locked down the cities and it was the right thing to do." "In Wuhan, it would have been uncomfortable in our small apartment for two or three months, but then they got rid of the virus and life has returned to normal. "I wish I'd stayed in bed and gone to help build that hospital. "… We're trapped here. It's still our prison.” A sign pointing to a testing center is seen, as tighter rules for international travellers start, at Heathrow Airport, amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, London, Jan 18, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] "Two English guys couldn't get on the plane, because they had a high temperature. "It was so quiet [on board]; you might hear a baby crying, but none of the adults were talking. "I was trying to stay away from other people and wore my mask the whole time. "I couldn't breathe properly and it was exhausting." "I told them, 'stand back, we've come from Wuhan', but nobody cared," she says. Ms Duan says she was shocked to see that the coach driver was not even wearing a mask.
“我被困在了这里,像蹲监狱一样”,首批撤离武汉的英国人马特·劳(Matt Raw)在柴郡郊区一座小房子里如是说。劳回到英国遭受了网络暴力,加上英国疫情严重,一家人去年只出过一次门。 2020年1月31日,第一架英国撤侨专机起飞,带着83名英国人“逃离武汉”。劳一家就在乘客之列。 马特和妻子、母亲在回英包机上 BBC截图 一年后,英国广播公司(BBC)采访首批撤离武汉的英国人马特·劳,他感慨道,“要是没上那架飞机就好了,留在中国,会更安全、更自由”。 “真希望没赶上那趟飞机,留在武汉” 劳回忆称,刚收到通知时,他原本因为不愿和妻子分离决定留下。 劳先生说,他甚至把工具放在了前门,打算第二天在武汉帮忙建设医院。 后来在起飞前凌晨4点,他看到英方最新消息允许携带家人同行。劳匆忙带着家人赶往机场。 但现在,亲眼看到中英两国抗疫成果的巨大差异,他说,“要是没上那架飞机就好了,英国政府骗了我们,我们在中国其实更安全”。 “英国政府骗了我们。他们要我们离开武汉,‘回到英国来,你就安全了’”。 “我们要是留在了中国,会更安全、更自由。” “他们果断决策,封锁了城市,这才是正确的。” 回到英国后,马特和家人住进了纳茨福德(英国柴郡的一个小镇)的新居。但马特称,他立即就遇到了一个问题——网络暴力。 有网民认为,是第一架撤侨包机将新冠病毒带到英国。马特表示,直到今天,还有人在网上指责他。 “真的有人这么想,我很心痛。我们能做的都做了,去年我们只出了一次门。”马特称。 马特表示,他仍然在后悔做出登机的决定。 “在武汉,在我们的小公寓里待上两三个月会很不舒服,但后来武汉战胜了病毒,生活又恢复了。” “真希望我那天是一觉醒来,然后去建设那家(火神山)医院。 “我们现在困在这里,像蹲监狱一样。” “我说,‘退后,我是从武汉来的’,但没人在意” 伦敦市民段丽萍(音译)与劳坐同一架飞机回英,回忆起乘机当天的恐怖气氛,她说“那趟航班让人神经紧绷。” “两个英国人因为体温过高无法登机。” “飞机上太安静了。可能有小孩在哭,但没有一个人说话。” “我尽量远离别人,一直戴着口罩。” “我不能正常呼吸,很累。” 落地后,据段丽萍称,机场没有人佩戴防护设备,这让她不禁对航班本身的安全感到担忧。 “我跟他们说,‘退后,我们是从武汉回来的’,但没人在乎。”段丽萍表示。 按照安排,所有乘客要被运往指定地点隔离两周,但段丽萍震惊地发现,长途客车司机竟然没有戴口罩…… 段女士说,她很震惊地看到,长途汽车司机甚至没有戴口罩。 一年前,武汉按下停止键,超过1000万武汉人民坚持76天居家防疫,有效延缓了疫情的扩散。如今,英国新冠肺炎死亡人数超过10万,成为欧洲疫情最严重的国家之一。 自己的国家“深陷泥潭”,但BBC依然推出了一系列“重返武汉”的视频报道,其中一些不乏“阴阳怪气”的旁白与编排。 武汉抗疫先是被“污名化”,后来又被一些外媒认为是中国政府“政治宣传”的“窗口”,没有在国际上得到应有的感激与尊重。 但这改变不了人民的真实感受,大众的声音和现实一次次发出警告,当前最大的敌人不是中国而是新冠。 编辑:陈月华 来源:BBC 观察者网
世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞近日表示,贫穷国家无法像富裕国家那样迅速获得疫苗,一些富裕国家还试图绕开“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”插队购买疫苗,世界正处于“灾难性道德失败”的边缘。 A woman receives a dose of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine as country begins mass vaccination for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Belgrade, Serbia, January 21, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] Addressing the agency’s Executive Board, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed fear that “even as vaccines bring hope to some, they become another brick in the wall of inequality between the world’s haves and have-nots.” 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在执行委员会会议上表示,他担心“即使疫苗给一些人带来希望,它们也会加剧世界贫富之间的不平等。” Describing the rapid development of vaccines as a literal and figurative “shot in the arm” during the pandemic, Tedros reported that while 39 million doses have been administered in nearly 50 richer countries, only 25 have been given in one lowest income nation. 谭德塞形容说,疫苗的快速发展就好像大流行期间的一剂“强心针”。他表示,虽然近50个富裕国家已接种3900万剂疫苗,但一个最低收入国家只得到25剂。 “I need to be blunt: the world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure – and the price of this failure will be paid with lives and livelihoods in the world’s poorest countries”, he said, speaking from WHO headquarters in Geneva. 他在日内瓦世卫组织总部表示:“我需要直言不讳:世界正处于一场灾难性道德失败的边缘,这种失败的代价将是世界上最贫穷国家的生命和生计。” Ensuring all countries will have access to any COVID-19 vaccines is the promise of a global mechanism established last April, known as the COVAX Facility. It has secured two billion doses so far, with a billion more in the pipeline, and deliveries should begin next month. 去年4月建立的“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)承诺,确保所有国家都能获得新冠疫苗。到目前为止,该计划已落实20亿剂疫苗合同,还有10亿剂正在落实,疫苗交付将在下个月开始。 “Even as they speak the language of equitable access, some countries and companies continue to prioritize bilateral deals, going around COVAX, driving up prices and attempting to jump to the front of the queue. This is wrong”, Tedros stated. 谭德塞说:“尽管口口声声说着要公平获取,某些国家和公司却仍在优先考虑双边协议,绕开COVAX计划,抬高价格,还试图插队购买疫苗。这是不对的。” Additionally, most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries, where profits are higher, rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification. 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。 dossier [ˈdɒsieɪ]:档案,卷宗(n.) Underlining that vaccine equity also has economic benefits, Tedros urged countries to “work together in solidarity” to ensure inoculation of all health workers and older people at most risk worldwide is underway, within the first 100 days of the year. 谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。他敦促各国团结一致,共同努力,确保在今年前100天为全世界所有医护人员和风险最大的老年人接种疫苗。 He pressed for action in three areas to “change the rules of the game”, starting with an appeal for transparency in any bilateral contracts between countries and COVAX, including on volumes, pricing and delivery dates. 他敦促各方在三个方面采取行动,“改变游戏规则”。首先,他呼吁各国与COVAX之间的任何双边合同都要透明,包括数量、定价和交付日期。 “We call on these countries to give much greater priority to COVAX’s place in the queue, and to share their own doses with COVAX, especially once they have vaccinated their own health workers and older populations, so that other countries can do the same”, he said. 他说:“我们呼吁这些国家更加重视COVAX的优先地位,与COVAX分享疫苗剂量,特别是在他们为自己的医护人员和老年人接种疫苗之后,这样其他国家也可以为这些人群接种。” Tedros also called for vaccine producers to provide WHO with full data for regulatory review in real time, to accelerate approvals, and he urged countries to only use vaccines that have met international safety standards, and to accelerate readiness for their deployment. 他还呼吁疫苗生产商向世卫组织提供实时监管审查所需的完整数据,加快审批。他敦促各国只使用符合国际安全标准的疫苗,并加快部署疫苗的准备工作。 “My challenge to all Member States is to ensure that by the time World Health Day arrives on the 7th of April, COVID-19 vaccines are being administered in every country, as a symbol of hope for overcoming both the pandemic and the inequalities that lie at the root of so many global health challenges”, he said, adding, “I hope this will be realized.” “我向世卫组织所有会员国提出的挑战是,确保到4月7日世界卫生日这一天,所有国家都已开始接种新冠疫苗,这代表着战胜新冠疫情的希望,也是战胜不平等的希望。众多全球卫生挑战的根源就在于不平等。我希望这个挑战能够实现。” 英文来源:联合国官网 翻译&编辑:yaning
A woman receives a dose of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine as country begins mass vaccination for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Belgrade, Serbia, January 21, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] Addressing the agency’s Executive Board, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed fear that “even as vaccines bring hope to some, they become another brick in the wall of inequality between the world’s haves and have-nots.” Describing the rapid development of vaccines as a literal and figurative “shot in the arm” during the pandemic, Tedros reported that while 39 million doses have been administered in nearly 50 richer countries, only 25 have been given in one lowest income nation. “I need to be blunt: the world is on the brink of a catastrophic moral failure – and the price of this failure will be paid with lives and livelihoods in the world’s poorest countries”, he said, speaking from WHO headquarters in Geneva. Ensuring all countries will have access to any COVID-19 vaccines is the promise of a global mechanism established last April, known as the COVAX Facility. It has secured two billion doses so far, with a billion more in the pipeline, and deliveries should begin next month. “Even as they speak the language of equitable access, some countries and companies continue to prioritize bilateral deals, going around COVAX, driving up prices and attempting to jump to the front of the queue. This is wrong”, Tedros stated. Additionally, most manufacturers also have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries, where profits are higher, rather than submitting their dossiers to WHO for prequalification. Underlining that vaccine equity also has economic benefits, Tedros urged countries to “work together in solidarity” to ensure inoculation of all health workers and older people at most risk worldwide is underway, within the first 100 days of the year. He pressed for action in three areas to “change the rules of the game”, starting with an appeal for transparency in any bilateral contracts between countries and COVAX, including on volumes, pricing and delivery dates. “We call on these countries to give much greater priority to COVAX’s place in the queue, and to share their own doses with COVAX, especially once they have vaccinated their own health workers and older populations, so that other countries can do the same”, he said. Tedros also called for vaccine producers to provide WHO with full data for regulatory review in real time, to accelerate approvals, and he urged countries to only use vaccines that have met international safety standards, and to accelerate readiness for their deployment. “My challenge to all Member States is to ensure that by the time World Health Day arrives on the 7th of April, COVID-19 vaccines are being administered in every country, as a symbol of hope for overcoming both the pandemic and the inequalities that lie at the root of so many global health challenges”, he said, adding, “I hope this will be realized.”
世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞近日表示,贫穷国家无法像富裕国家那样迅速获得疫苗,一些富裕国家还试图绕开“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”插队购买疫苗,世界正处于“灾难性道德失败”的边缘。 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在执行委员会会议上表示,他担心“即使疫苗给一些人带来希望,它们也会加剧世界贫富之间的不平等。” 谭德塞形容说,疫苗的快速发展就好像大流行期间的一剂“强心针”。他表示,虽然近50个富裕国家已接种3900万剂疫苗,但一个最低收入国家只得到25剂。 他在日内瓦世卫组织总部表示:“我需要直言不讳:世界正处于一场灾难性道德失败的边缘,这种失败的代价将是世界上最贫穷国家的生命和生计。” 去年4月建立的“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”(COVAX)承诺,确保所有国家都能获得新冠疫苗。到目前为止,该计划已落实20亿剂疫苗合同,还有10亿剂正在落实,疫苗交付将在下个月开始。 谭德塞说:“尽管口口声声说着要公平获取,某些国家和公司却仍在优先考虑双边协议,绕开COVAX计划,抬高价格,还试图插队购买疫苗。这是不对的。” 此外,大多数制造商也优先在利润更高的富裕国家获得监管批准,而不是向世卫组织提交备案材料进行资格预审。 dossier [ˈdɒsieɪ]:档案,卷宗(n.) 谭德塞强调,公平获取疫苗也有经济效益。他敦促各国团结一致,共同努力,确保在今年前100天为全世界所有医护人员和风险最大的老年人接种疫苗。 他敦促各方在三个方面采取行动,“改变游戏规则”。首先,他呼吁各国与COVAX之间的任何双边合同都要透明,包括数量、定价和交付日期。 他说:“我们呼吁这些国家更加重视COVAX的优先地位,与COVAX分享疫苗剂量,特别是在他们为自己的医护人员和老年人接种疫苗之后,这样其他国家也可以为这些人群接种。” 他还呼吁疫苗生产商向世卫组织提供实时监管审查所需的完整数据,加快审批。他敦促各国只使用符合国际安全标准的疫苗,并加快部署疫苗的准备工作。 “我向世卫组织所有会员国提出的挑战是,确保到4月7日世界卫生日这一天,所有国家都已开始接种新冠疫苗,这代表着战胜新冠疫情的希望,也是战胜不平等的希望。众多全球卫生挑战的根源就在于不平等。我希望这个挑战能够实现。” 英文来源:联合国官网 翻译&编辑:yaning
有网友在问答网站Quora上提问“母亲给过你哪些宝贵的建议?”一起来看看网友的高分回答吧。 [Photo/pexels] 获得3.3k好评的答案@Mira Zaslove "You don't marry a man, you marry a lifestyle." “你不是嫁给一个男人,而是嫁给一种生活方式。” Who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life, but also on your lifestyle. 你所嫁的那个人不仅会对你的感情生活会有很大影响,对你的生活方式也是如此。 Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other's likes, dislikes, habits, schedule, health, personality, moods, job stresses, financial security, family, and situation. 不管是你日常生活中大大小小的事情,还是长期规划,都会受你另一半的影响,包括ta的喜好、憎恶、习惯、计划、健康状况、个性、情绪、工作压力、经济保障、家庭以及处境。 Lucky for me, I married my best friend and someone who fits my lifestyle. Jay Wacker, who loves to travel, cook, watch Game of Thrones, take pictures and who can be silly and serious. 幸运如我,能够和适合我生活方式的好朋友杰伊·瓦克尔结婚,他喜欢旅行、烹饪、看《权力的游戏》和摄影,可逗比,也可严肃。 获得949好评的答案@Jon Davis "You can make any choice you want if you are willing to accept the consequences that come with it." “你可以做出任何你想要的选择,只要你愿意接受它所带来的后果。” 获得342好评的答案@Stephanie Vardavas When I was a little girl my mother told me that if you want to know whether a person is really nice, observe the way that person treats salesclerks, waiters, and other people in service professions who can't defend themselves. She was 100% correct, and I've never forgotten it. 当我还是小女孩的时候,妈妈就告诉我,如果你想知道一个人是不是真的友善,那就观察一下那个人如何对待售货员、服务员和其他无法为自己辩护的服务行业人士。她说的完全正确,而且我从未忘记。 It is very useful in sorting people out. 这在辨别他人方面真的很有用。 获得192好评的答案@Michelle Roses Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son, my mother-in-law told me, "Michelle, if a man can't make himself a sandwich, he should starve." 就在我要步上红毯嫁给她儿子之前,我婆婆对我说:“米歇尔,如果一个男人不会给自己做三明治,那他就活该饿死。” 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/pexels] "You don't marry a man, you marry a lifestyle." Who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life, but also on your lifestyle. Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other's likes, dislikes, habits, schedule, health, personality, moods, job stresses, financial security, family, and situation. Lucky for me, I married my best friend and someone who fits my lifestyle. Jay Wacker, who loves to travel, cook, watch Game of Thrones, take pictures and who can be silly and serious. "You can make any choice you want if you are willing to accept the consequences that come with it." When I was a little girl my mother told me that if you want to know whether a person is really nice, observe the way that person treats salesclerks, waiters, and other people in service professions who can't defend themselves. She was 100% correct, and I've never forgotten it. It is very useful in sorting people out. Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son, my mother-in-law told me, "Michelle, if a man can't make himself a sandwich, he should starve."
有网友在问答网站Quora上提问“母亲给过你哪些宝贵的建议?”一起来看看网友的高分回答吧。 获得3.3k好评的答案@Mira Zaslove “你不是嫁给一个男人,而是嫁给一种生活方式。” 你所嫁的那个人不仅会对你的感情生活会有很大影响,对你的生活方式也是如此。 不管是你日常生活中大大小小的事情,还是长期规划,都会受你另一半的影响,包括ta的喜好、憎恶、习惯、计划、健康状况、个性、情绪、工作压力、经济保障、家庭以及处境。 幸运如我,能够和适合我生活方式的好朋友杰伊·瓦克尔结婚,他喜欢旅行、烹饪、看《权力的游戏》和摄影,可逗比,也可严肃。 获得949好评的答案@Jon Davis “你可以做出任何你想要的选择,只要你愿意接受它所带来的后果。” 获得342好评的答案@Stephanie Vardavas 当我还是小女孩的时候,妈妈就告诉我,如果你想知道一个人是不是真的友善,那就观察一下那个人如何对待售货员、服务员和其他无法为自己辩护的服务行业人士。她说的完全正确,而且我从未忘记。 这在辨别他人方面真的很有用。 获得192好评的答案@Michelle Roses 就在我要步上红毯嫁给她儿子之前,我婆婆对我说:“米歇尔,如果一个男人不会给自己做三明治,那他就活该饿死。” 来源: 沪江英语
2021年1月20日,由中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士投票评选的2020年中国十大科技进展新闻(the top 10 news stories of scientific and technological progress)在京揭晓。该评选是由中国科学院、中国工程院主办,中国科学院学部工作局、中国工程院办公厅、中国科学报社承办,腾讯集团发展研究办公室协办。 此项年度评选活动至今已举办了27次。评选结果经新闻媒体广泛报道后,在社会上产生了强烈反响,使公众进一步了解国内外科技发展的动态,对普及科学技术起到了积极作用。 01 嫦娥五号完成我国首次地外天体采样返回之旅 嫦娥五号着陆器和上升器组合体着陆后全景相机环拍成像。国家航天局供图 11月24日4时30分,我国成功发射探月工程嫦娥五号探测器,12月1日晚间成功着陆在预选着陆区。完成月壤取样后,嫦娥五号上升器于12月3日从月面起飞,嫦娥五号返回器于12月17日1时59分在内蒙古四子王旗预定区域成功着陆,标志着我国首次地外天体采样返回任务圆满完成。 Chang'e 5's mission is the most complex and technologically-advanced space project in China. It is of great significance to the country in upgrading space technology, improving the lunar exploration system and carrying out lunar scientific research, as well as organizing lunar and interplanetary exploration missions that will follow. 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,对于我国提升航天技术水平、完善探月工程体系、开展月球科学研究、组织后续月球及星际探测任务,具有承前启后、里程碑式的重要意义。 02 北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星发射成功 北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星发射 胡煦劼摄 6月23日9时43分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭,成功发射北斗系统第五十五颗导航卫星暨北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星。 至此,北斗三号全球卫星导航系统星座部署比原计划提前半年全面完成。 China successfully launched the 55th satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, the last of the BDS-3 system, by using a Long March 3B rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan province. 此次发射的北斗导航卫星和配套运载火箭分别由中国航天科技集团有限公司所属的中国空间技术研究院和中国运载火箭技术研究院抓总研制,中国科学院微小卫星创新研究院等多家科研院所全方位参与了研制建设。 03 我国无人潜水器和载人潜水器均取得新突破 “海斗一号”。中科院沈阳自动化研究所供图 6月8日,由中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所主持研制的“海斗一号”全海深自主遥控潜水器搭乘"探索一号"科考船海试归来。在此航次中,“海斗一号”在马里亚纳海沟实现近海底自主航行探测和坐底作业,最大下潜深度10907米,填补了我国万米级作业型无人潜水器的空白。 Unmanned submersible Haidou-1, developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS, returned from sea trials aboard the scientific research vessel Exploration 1 on June 8. During this voyage, Haidou-1 set a new record by submerging 10,907 meters under the Pacific Ocean's surface at the Mariana Trench, the deepest area in the world. “奋斗者”号。中船702所供图 11月28日,由中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇二研究所牵头总体设计和集成建造、中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所等多家科研机构联合研发的“奋斗者”号全海深载人潜水器随“探索一号”科考船返航。 此次“奋斗者”号在马里亚纳海沟成功坐底,创造了10909米的中国载人深潜新纪录,标志着我国在大深度载人深潜领域达到世界领先水平。 此外,还有助于科学家了解深渊海底生物、矿藏、海山火山岩的物质组成和成因,以及深海海沟在调节气候方面的作用。 During this expedition, Fendouzhe set a national diving record of 10,909 meters in the Mariana Trench, marking the fact China has achieved a leading position in the world in the field of manned deep diving. It also will help scientists understand the composition and evolution of organisms in the abyssal seabed, mineral deposits and seamount volcanic rocks, as well as the role of deep-sea trenches in monitoring the climate. 04 我国率先实现水平井钻采深海可燃冰 蓝鲸II号平台。中国地质调查局供图 3月26日,自然资源部召开了我国海域天然气水合物第二轮试采成果汇报视频会,会议透露,此轮试采日前取得成功,并超额完成目标任务。 天然气水合物通常称为可燃冰。在水深1225米的南海神狐海域的试采创造了“产气总量86.14万立方米、日均产气量2.87万立方米”两项新世界纪录。 On March 26, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced that China had extracted a record amount of flammable ice during the second trial exploration in the South China Sea, with about 28,700 cubic meters collected per day and a total of 861,400 cubic meters extracted. 此次试采攻克了深海浅软地层水平井钻采核心技术,实现了从探索性试采向试验性试采的重大跨越,在产业化进程中取得标志性成果。我国也成为全球首个采用水平井钻采技术试采海域天然气水合物的国家(the first country in the world to adopt the horizontal well-drilling technique to trial mining gas hydrates in the sea)。 05 科学家找到小麦“癌症”克星 受赤霉病侵染的小麦 小麦赤霉病,是世界范围内极具毁灭性且防治困难的真菌病害,有小麦“癌症”之称。 山东农业大学农学院教授、山东省现代农业产业技术体系小麦创新团队首席专家孔令让及其团队从小麦近缘植物长穗偃麦草中首次克隆出抗赤霉病主效基因Fhb7,且成功将其转移至小麦品种中,首次明确并验证了其在小麦抗病育种中不仅具有稳定的赤霉病抗性,而且具有广谱的解毒功能。 Fusarium head blight is a fungal disease that devastates wheat production and is difficult to control worldwide, and is known as the "cancer" of wheat. Kong Lingrang, a professor from Shandong Agricultural University, led his team to clone for the first time the gene Fhb7 from a wheat relative. The gene was proved effective in resisting the disease and was successfully transferred into wheat varieties. 目前,已有30多家单位利用抗赤霉病的种质材料进行小麦抗赤霉病遗传改良,并在山东、河南、江苏、安徽等地进行广泛试验,结果表现良好。上述成果为解锁赤霉病这一世界性难题找到了“金钥匙”。 06 科学家达到“量子计算优越性”里程碑 光量子干涉实物图:左下方为输入光学部分,右下方为锁相光路,上方共输出100个光学模式,分别通过低损耗单模光纤与100超导单光子探测器连接。中国科学技术大学潘建伟、陆朝阳团队/供图 中国科学技术大学潘建伟、陆朝阳等与中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所、国家并行计算机工程技术研究中心的研究人员合作,构建了光量子计算原型机“九章”,使得我国成功达到量子计算研究的首个里程碑——量子计算优越性,指的是量子计算机在任何可行的时间内能解决传统超级计算机无法解决的问题。 Pan Jianwei and Lu Chaoyang, professors at the University of Science and Technology of China in East China's Anhui province, in collaboration with researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, CAS, have created a light-based quantum computer called Jiuzhang. The machine enabled China to reach its first milestone in quantum computing research that can demonstrate quantum supremacy, or quantum advantage, meaning the device can solve a problem no traditional supercomputer can tackle in any feasible amount of time. 这是人类第二次达到这一里程碑,此前谷歌在去年宣布其53比特量子计算原型机实现了这样的突破。不过,“九章”使用了一种操纵76个光子的新方法来进行计算,因此也是世界首台光量子计算原型机。 07 科学家重现地球3亿多年生物多样性变化历史 团队开发的超算系统Conop 生命起源与演化是世界十大科学之谜之一。 南京大学樊隽轩教授、沈树忠院士等自建大型数据库,自主研发人工智能算法,利用“天河二号”超算取得突破,获得了全球第一条高精度的古生代3亿多年的海洋生物多样性变化曲线,其分辨率较国际同类研究提高400倍。 Fan Junxuan and Shen Shuzhong, a professor and an academician, respectively, at Nanjing University in East China's Jiangsu province, built their own database, developed artificial intelligence algorithms and used the Tianhe II supercomputer to make the breakthrough, producing the world's first high-precision curve demonstrating the change of marine biodiversity over the 300 million years of the Paleozoic Era, with a resolution 400 times higher than similar international studies. 新曲线精确刻画出地质历史中多次重大生物灭绝和辐射事件及其与环境变化的关系。成果于1月17日以研究长文形式发表于《科学》。 08 我国最高参数“人造太阳”建成 中国环流器二号M装置。中核集团核工业西南物理研究院供图 我国新一代可控核聚变研究装置“中国环流器二号M”(HL-2M)12月4日在成都正式建成放电,标志我国正式跨入全球可控核聚变研究前列,HL-2M将进一步加快人类探索未来能源的步伐。 The new generation of China's "artificial sun", known as HL-2M Tokamak, a nuclear fusion installation, realized its first plasma discharge on Dec 4 in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province. It will help further development of humanity's quest for the future of energy. 该项目由中核集团核工业西南物理研究院自主设计建造。该仪器设计复制了以氢气和氘气为燃料在太阳中发生的自然反应,将通过受控核聚变提供清洁能源。据悉,该装置是目前国内规模最大、参数最高的先进托卡马克装置。 The project was designed and built independently by the Southwest Institute of Physics of the Nuclear Industry of the China National Nuclear Corporation. Designed to replicate the natural reactions that occur in the sun using hydrogen and deuterium gases as fuels, the apparatus will provide clean energy through controlled nuclear fusion. It is the country's largest in scale and highest in parameters. 它采用更先进的结构与控制方式,等离子体离子温度可达到1.5亿摄氏度,是实现我国核聚变能开发事业跨越式发展的重要依托装置,有望大大提升我国等离子体物理研究关键技术的研发水平。 09 科学家攻克20余年悬而未决的几何难题 测地球和函数水平集之间的比较 中国科学技术大学教授陈秀雄、王兵发表的关于高维凯勒里奇流收敛性的论文,率先攻克了哈密尔顿—田猜想和偏零阶估计猜想——这些均为几何分析领域20余年来悬而未决的核心猜想。 Chen Xiuxiong and Wang Bing, professors at the University of Science and Technology of China, have successfully proved the "Hamilton-Tianconjecture" and "partial-conjecture", which are two core conjectures that the international mathematics community had not been able to solve for the last two decades. 相关成果于11月初发表在《微分几何学杂志》(Journal of Differential Geometry)上。据了解,论文篇幅超过120页,从投稿到正式发表耗时6年。该论文引进了众多新思想和新方法,对几何分析,尤其是里奇流的研究产生了深远的影响。 10 中美团队获2020戈登贝尔奖 机器学习模拟1亿原子 11月19日下午,由中国科学院计算技术研究所贾伟乐副研究员、中国科学院院士鄂维南、北京大数据研究院张林峰研究员及其合作者共同完成的应用成果获得国际高性能计算应用领域最高奖——戈登贝尔奖(Gordon Bell Prize)。 获奖项目名为"Pushing the Limit of Molecular Dynamics with AB Initio Accuracy to 100 Million Atoms with Machine Learning",即"用机器学习将分子动力学的AB Initio精度极限推到1亿个原子"。 分子动力学是一种计算机模拟方法,是分析原子在固定时间内的运动和相互作用。然而,长期以来,计算受到算法和计算能力的限制,即使使用世界上最快的超级计算机,也只能在几千个原子系统的规模上进行计算。 几十年来,研究人员一直使用一种被称为ab initio的模拟方法进行相关研究。Ab initio在拉丁语中的意思是"第一性原理",有着极高的准确度,该获奖项目正是利用高性能计算和机器学习,在保证AB Initio计算的高精度的前提下,达到了数亿个原子规模的计算,提高了分子动力学的极限。 This project uses high performance computing and machine learning to raise the limits of molecular dynamics by reaching the scale of hundreds of millions of atoms while still ensuring the high accuracy of ab initio calculations. 媒体报道称,基于深度学习的分子动力学模拟通过高性能计算和机器学习的有机结合,将精确的物理建模带入了更大尺度的材料模拟中,有望在将来为力学、化学、材料、生物乃至工程领域解决实际问题发挥更大作用。 网友看完这十大科技进展惊呆了,纷纷表示“求一个课代表”: 来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 作者:张洋菲 编辑:陈月华
Chang'e 5's mission is the most complex and technologically-advanced space project in China. It is of great significance to the country in upgrading space technology, improving the lunar exploration system and carrying out lunar scientific research, as well as organizing lunar and interplanetary exploration missions that will follow. China successfully launched the 55th satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, the last of the BDS-3 system, by using a Long March 3B rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan province. Unmanned submersible Haidou-1, developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS, returned from sea trials aboard the scientific research vessel Exploration 1 on June 8. During this voyage, Haidou-1 set a new record by submerging 10,907 meters under the Pacific Ocean's surface at the Mariana Trench, the deepest area in the world. During this expedition, Fendouzhe set a national diving record of 10,909 meters in the Mariana Trench, marking the fact China has achieved a leading position in the world in the field of manned deep diving. It also will help scientists understand the composition and evolution of organisms in the abyssal seabed, mineral deposits and seamount volcanic rocks, as well as the role of deep-sea trenches in monitoring the climate. On March 26, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced that China had extracted a record amount of flammable ice during the second trial exploration in the South China Sea, with about 28,700 cubic meters collected per day and a total of 861,400 cubic meters extracted. Fusarium head blight is a fungal disease that devastates wheat production and is difficult to control worldwide, and is known as the "cancer" of wheat. Kong Lingrang, a professor from Shandong Agricultural University, led his team to clone for the first time the gene Fhb7 from a wheat relative. The gene was proved effective in resisting the disease and was successfully transferred into wheat varieties. Pan Jianwei and Lu Chaoyang, professors at the University of Science and Technology of China in East China's Anhui province, in collaboration with researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, CAS, have created a light-based quantum computer called Jiuzhang. The machine enabled China to reach its first milestone in quantum computing research that can demonstrate quantum supremacy, or quantum advantage, meaning the device can solve a problem no traditional supercomputer can tackle in any feasible amount of time. Fan Junxuan and Shen Shuzhong, a professor and an academician, respectively, at Nanjing University in East China's Jiangsu province, built their own database, developed artificial intelligence algorithms and used the Tianhe II supercomputer to make the breakthrough, producing the world's first high-precision curve demonstrating the change of marine biodiversity over the 300 million years of the Paleozoic Era, with a resolution 400 times higher than similar international studies. The new generation of China's "artificial sun", known as HL-2M Tokamak, a nuclear fusion installation, realized its first plasma discharge on Dec 4 in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province. It will help further development of humanity's quest for the future of energy. The project was designed and built independently by the Southwest Institute of Physics of the Nuclear Industry of the China National Nuclear Corporation. Designed to replicate the natural reactions that occur in the sun using hydrogen and deuterium gases as fuels, the apparatus will provide clean energy through controlled nuclear fusion. It is the country's largest in scale and highest in parameters. Chen Xiuxiong and Wang Bing, professors at the University of Science and Technology of China, have successfully proved the "Hamilton-Tianconjecture" and "partial-conjecture", which are two core conjectures that the international mathematics community had not been able to solve for the last two decades. This project uses high performance computing and machine learning to raise the limits of molecular dynamics by reaching the scale of hundreds of millions of atoms while still ensuring the high accuracy of ab initio calculations.
2021年1月20日,由中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士投票评选的2020年中国十大科技进展新闻(the top 10 news stories of scientific and technological progress)在京揭晓。该评选是由中国科学院、中国工程院主办,中国科学院学部工作局、中国工程院办公厅、中国科学报社承办,腾讯集团发展研究办公室协办。 此项年度评选活动至今已举办了27次。评选结果经新闻媒体广泛报道后,在社会上产生了强烈反响,使公众进一步了解国内外科技发展的动态,对普及科学技术起到了积极作用。 01 嫦娥五号完成我国首次地外天体采样返回之旅 嫦娥五号着陆器和上升器组合体着陆后全景相机环拍成像。国家航天局供图 11月24日4时30分,我国成功发射探月工程嫦娥五号探测器,12月1日晚间成功着陆在预选着陆区。完成月壤取样后,嫦娥五号上升器于12月3日从月面起飞,嫦娥五号返回器于12月17日1时59分在内蒙古四子王旗预定区域成功着陆,标志着我国首次地外天体采样返回任务圆满完成。 嫦娥五号任务作为我国复杂度最高、技术跨度最大的航天系统工程,对于我国提升航天技术水平、完善探月工程体系、开展月球科学研究、组织后续月球及星际探测任务,具有承前启后、里程碑式的重要意义。 02 北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星发射成功 北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星发射 胡煦劼摄 6月23日9时43分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭,成功发射北斗系统第五十五颗导航卫星暨北斗三号最后一颗全球组网卫星。 至此,北斗三号全球卫星导航系统星座部署比原计划提前半年全面完成。 此次发射的北斗导航卫星和配套运载火箭分别由中国航天科技集团有限公司所属的中国空间技术研究院和中国运载火箭技术研究院抓总研制,中国科学院微小卫星创新研究院等多家科研院所全方位参与了研制建设。 03 我国无人潜水器和载人潜水器均取得新突破 “海斗一号”。中科院沈阳自动化研究所供图 6月8日,由中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所主持研制的“海斗一号”全海深自主遥控潜水器搭乘"探索一号"科考船海试归来。在此航次中,“海斗一号”在马里亚纳海沟实现近海底自主航行探测和坐底作业,最大下潜深度10907米,填补了我国万米级作业型无人潜水器的空白。 “奋斗者”号。中船702所供图 11月28日,由中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇二研究所牵头总体设计和集成建造、中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所等多家科研机构联合研发的“奋斗者”号全海深载人潜水器随“探索一号”科考船返航。 此次“奋斗者”号在马里亚纳海沟成功坐底,创造了10909米的中国载人深潜新纪录,标志着我国在大深度载人深潜领域达到世界领先水平。 此外,还有助于科学家了解深渊海底生物、矿藏、海山火山岩的物质组成和成因,以及深海海沟在调节气候方面的作用。 04 我国率先实现水平井钻采深海可燃冰 蓝鲸II号平台。中国地质调查局供图 3月26日,自然资源部召开了我国海域天然气水合物第二轮试采成果汇报视频会,会议透露,此轮试采日前取得成功,并超额完成目标任务。 天然气水合物通常称为可燃冰。在水深1225米的南海神狐海域的试采创造了“产气总量86.14万立方米、日均产气量2.87万立方米”两项新世界纪录。 此次试采攻克了深海浅软地层水平井钻采核心技术,实现了从探索性试采向试验性试采的重大跨越,在产业化进程中取得标志性成果。我国也成为全球首个采用水平井钻采技术试采海域天然气水合物的国家(the first country in the world to adopt the horizontal well-drilling technique to trial mining gas hydrates in the sea)。 05 科学家找到小麦“癌症”克星 受赤霉病侵染的小麦 小麦赤霉病,是世界范围内极具毁灭性且防治困难的真菌病害,有小麦“癌症”之称。 山东农业大学农学院教授、山东省现代农业产业技术体系小麦创新团队首席专家孔令让及其团队从小麦近缘植物长穗偃麦草中首次克隆出抗赤霉病主效基因Fhb7,且成功将其转移至小麦品种中,首次明确并验证了其在小麦抗病育种中不仅具有稳定的赤霉病抗性,而且具有广谱的解毒功能。 目前,已有30多家单位利用抗赤霉病的种质材料进行小麦抗赤霉病遗传改良,并在山东、河南、江苏、安徽等地进行广泛试验,结果表现良好。上述成果为解锁赤霉病这一世界性难题找到了“金钥匙”。 06 科学家达到“量子计算优越性”里程碑 光量子干涉实物图:左下方为输入光学部分,右下方为锁相光路,上方共输出100个光学模式,分别通过低损耗单模光纤与100超导单光子探测器连接。中国科学技术大学潘建伟、陆朝阳团队/供图 中国科学技术大学潘建伟、陆朝阳等与中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所、国家并行计算机工程技术研究中心的研究人员合作,构建了光量子计算原型机“九章”,使得我国成功达到量子计算研究的首个里程碑——量子计算优越性,指的是量子计算机在任何可行的时间内能解决传统超级计算机无法解决的问题。 这是人类第二次达到这一里程碑,此前谷歌在去年宣布其53比特量子计算原型机实现了这样的突破。不过,“九章”使用了一种操纵76个光子的新方法来进行计算,因此也是世界首台光量子计算原型机。 07 科学家重现地球3亿多年生物多样性变化历史 团队开发的超算系统Conop 生命起源与演化是世界十大科学之谜之一。 南京大学樊隽轩教授、沈树忠院士等自建大型数据库,自主研发人工智能算法,利用“天河二号”超算取得突破,获得了全球第一条高精度的古生代3亿多年的海洋生物多样性变化曲线,其分辨率较国际同类研究提高400倍。 新曲线精确刻画出地质历史中多次重大生物灭绝和辐射事件及其与环境变化的关系。成果于1月17日以研究长文形式发表于《科学》。 08 我国最高参数“人造太阳”建成 中国环流器二号M装置。中核集团核工业西南物理研究院供图 我国新一代可控核聚变研究装置“中国环流器二号M”(HL-2M)12月4日在成都正式建成放电,标志我国正式跨入全球可控核聚变研究前列,HL-2M将进一步加快人类探索未来能源的步伐。 该项目由中核集团核工业西南物理研究院自主设计建造。该仪器设计复制了以氢气和氘气为燃料在太阳中发生的自然反应,将通过受控核聚变提供清洁能源。据悉,该装置是目前国内规模最大、参数最高的先进托卡马克装置。 它采用更先进的结构与控制方式,等离子体离子温度可达到1.5亿摄氏度,是实现我国核聚变能开发事业跨越式发展的重要依托装置,有望大大提升我国等离子体物理研究关键技术的研发水平。 09 科学家攻克20余年悬而未决的几何难题 测地球和函数水平集之间的比较 中国科学技术大学教授陈秀雄、王兵发表的关于高维凯勒里奇流收敛性的论文,率先攻克了哈密尔顿—田猜想和偏零阶估计猜想——这些均为几何分析领域20余年来悬而未决的核心猜想。 相关成果于11月初发表在《微分几何学杂志》(Journal of Differential Geometry)上。据了解,论文篇幅超过120页,从投稿到正式发表耗时6年。该论文引进了众多新思想和新方法,对几何分析,尤其是里奇流的研究产生了深远的影响。 10 中美团队获2020戈登贝尔奖 机器学习模拟1亿原子 11月19日下午,由中国科学院计算技术研究所贾伟乐副研究员、中国科学院院士鄂维南、北京大数据研究院张林峰研究员及其合作者共同完成的应用成果获得国际高性能计算应用领域最高奖——戈登贝尔奖(Gordon Bell Prize)。 获奖项目名为"Pushing the Limit of Molecular Dynamics with AB Initio Accuracy to 100 Million Atoms with Machine Learning",即"用机器学习将分子动力学的AB Initio精度极限推到1亿个原子"。 分子动力学是一种计算机模拟方法,是分析原子在固定时间内的运动和相互作用。然而,长期以来,计算受到算法和计算能力的限制,即使使用世界上最快的超级计算机,也只能在几千个原子系统的规模上进行计算。 几十年来,研究人员一直使用一种被称为ab initio的模拟方法进行相关研究。Ab initio在拉丁语中的意思是"第一性原理",有着极高的准确度,该获奖项目正是利用高性能计算和机器学习,在保证AB Initio计算的高精度的前提下,达到了数亿个原子规模的计算,提高了分子动力学的极限。 媒体报道称,基于深度学习的分子动力学模拟通过高性能计算和机器学习的有机结合,将精确的物理建模带入了更大尺度的材料模拟中,有望在将来为力学、化学、材料、生物乃至工程领域解决实际问题发挥更大作用。 网友看完这十大科技进展惊呆了,纷纷表示“求一个课代表”: 来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 作者:张洋菲 编辑:陈月华
输在起跑线上的人生,怎么“逆天改命”?纪录片《棒!少年》上映后,豆瓣评分8.7,稳稳锁定近期国产片口碑第一。这群来自全国各地的困境少年,组成了一支特殊的棒球队,在困难中重生,与命运叫板! 《棒!少年》海报 A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered on the outskirts of Beijing. Once, they were confused and challenged by difficulties unimaginable for many of their contemporaries who were used to a comfortable way of life. 一群来自中国各个贫困地区的少年们相聚北京郊区。他们曾感到迷茫,面对着许多习惯于舒适生活的同龄人难以想象的重重困难挑战。 Thanks to a charity sports program – angels of baseball power – launched by Sun Lingfeng, former captain of China’s national men’s baseball team at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, these “children in predicament”, as Sun described them – many of whom are orphans, the children of prisoners or those left behind by parents who have gone missing – now see a silver lining. 得益于2008年北京奥运会中国国家男子棒球队前队长孙岭峰创办的一个名为“强棒天使爱心基地”的公益体育项目,他口中的这些“困境少年”才得以看见一线希望。这些孩子大多都是孤儿、或是父母在服刑,又或是父母失踪被抛弃的孩子。 Recently, the documentary film Tough Out brought this story into the spotlight. Released on Dec 11, it is so far the highest rated Chinese film in 2020 with a score of 8.7 out of 10 on movie review platform Douban and has received acclaim. 最近,纪录片《棒!少年》将这个故事带进了公众视野。该片于12月11日上映,是2020年影评平台豆瓣上评分最高的国产电影,获得了8.7分(满分10分),广受好评。 The filming began in 2016 and showed the world of these children. Due to their broken families and painful childhoods, most of them were hard to get along with. Ma Hu, for example, was angry and disobedient, frequently fighting with others. But when he joined Sun’s baseball team, he had to learn to cooperate with his teammates to be successful. He gradually made use of that strength and defiance in a more positive way. When his team lost a game, Ma would learn to comfort his teammates. 该片于2016年开始拍摄,展现了这些少年们的世界。破碎的家庭和痛苦的童年,令他们大多都很难相处。比如,马虎易怒且不服管教,经常跟人打架。但当他加入孙岭峰的棒球队时,他需要学会与队员合作才能取胜。渐渐地,他将自身的力量与反抗用在了积极的一面。队伍输掉比赛时,马虎会学着安慰队友。 “Whether the children will take baseball as their profession or not, they have already achieved so much,” Sun told China Daily. “By feeling the love of others, they will be able to go on and make a contribution to society in the future.” “无论孩子们是否将棒球作为他们的职业,他们都已经取得了很大的成就,”孙岭峰在接受《中国日报》采访时表示。“他们通过感受他人的爱,能够继续前行,未来为社会做出一份贡献。” Unlike many other sports films, Tough Out doesn’t simply focus on the inspiring part. Instead, it shows audiences about the kids’ failures. In the film, this team never won a baseball competition. For this reason, some children lost faith and left the team. 与许多其他体育题材的电影不同,《棒!少年》并不仅仅聚焦于励志情节。相反,它向观众呈现了孩子们的失败。在电影中,这支球队从未赢过一场棒球比赛。因此,一些孩子失去了信心,离开了球队。 “This film is so realistic. The struggles that children experienced – inner conflict and inability to play baseball games – made audiences feel [heartbreak],” noted SWEEKLY magazine. “这部电影太真实了,孩子们经历的挣扎——内心矛盾与无法参加棒球比赛,让观众感到心碎,”《SWEEKLY》杂志指出。 That may explain why Xu Huijing, the film’s director, loves the English translation of the documentary title Tough Out. “It not only showcases value of sports, but also tells people that failures are an important part of our life,” Xu told The Paper. 这或许是导演许慧晶喜欢这部纪录片英译名的原因。“它不仅展现了体育运动的价值,也告诉人们,失败是我们人生中重要的一部分,”许慧晶在接受澎湃新闻采访时如此表示。 来源:21世纪英文报
A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered on the outskirts of Beijing. Once, they were confused and challenged by difficulties unimaginable for many of their contemporaries who were used to a comfortable way of life. Thanks to a charity sports program – angels of baseball power – launched by Sun Lingfeng, former captain of China’s national men’s baseball team at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, these “children in predicament”, as Sun described them – many of whom are orphans, the children of prisoners or those left behind by parents who have gone missing – now see a silver lining. Recently, the documentary film Tough Out brought this story into the spotlight. Released on Dec 11, it is so far the highest rated Chinese film in 2020 with a score of 8.7 out of 10 on movie review platform Douban and has received acclaim. The filming began in 2016 and showed the world of these children. Due to their broken families and painful childhoods, most of them were hard to get along with. Ma Hu, for example, was angry and disobedient, frequently fighting with others. But when he joined Sun’s baseball team, he had to learn to cooperate with his teammates to be successful. He gradually made use of that strength and defiance in a more positive way. When his team lost a game, Ma would learn to comfort his teammates. “Whether the children will take baseball as their profession or not, they have already achieved so much,” Sun told China Daily. “By feeling the love of others, they will be able to go on and make a contribution to society in the future.” Unlike many other sports films, Tough Out doesn’t simply focus on the inspiring part. Instead, it shows audiences about the kids’ failures. In the film, this team never won a baseball competition. For this reason, some children lost faith and left the team. “This film is so realistic. The struggles that children experienced – inner conflict and inability to play baseball games – made audiences feel [heartbreak],” noted SWEEKLY magazine. That may explain why Xu Huijing, the film’s director, loves the English translation of the documentary title Tough Out. “It not only showcases value of sports, but also tells people that failures are an important part of our life,” Xu told The Paper.
输在起跑线上的人生,怎么“逆天改命”?纪录片《棒!少年》上映后,豆瓣评分8.7,稳稳锁定近期国产片口碑第一。这群来自全国各地的困境少年,组成了一支特殊的棒球队,在困难中重生,与命运叫板! 《棒!少年》海报 一群来自中国各个贫困地区的少年们相聚北京郊区。他们曾感到迷茫,面对着许多习惯于舒适生活的同龄人难以想象的重重困难挑战。 得益于2008年北京奥运会中国国家男子棒球队前队长孙岭峰创办的一个名为“强棒天使爱心基地”的公益体育项目,他口中的这些“困境少年”才得以看见一线希望。这些孩子大多都是孤儿、或是父母在服刑,又或是父母失踪被抛弃的孩子。 最近,纪录片《棒!少年》将这个故事带进了公众视野。该片于12月11日上映,是2020年影评平台豆瓣上评分最高的国产电影,获得了8.7分(满分10分),广受好评。 该片于2016年开始拍摄,展现了这些少年们的世界。破碎的家庭和痛苦的童年,令他们大多都很难相处。比如,马虎易怒且不服管教,经常跟人打架。但当他加入孙岭峰的棒球队时,他需要学会与队员合作才能取胜。渐渐地,他将自身的力量与反抗用在了积极的一面。队伍输掉比赛时,马虎会学着安慰队友。 “无论孩子们是否将棒球作为他们的职业,他们都已经取得了很大的成就,”孙岭峰在接受《中国日报》采访时表示。“他们通过感受他人的爱,能够继续前行,未来为社会做出一份贡献。” 与许多其他体育题材的电影不同,《棒!少年》并不仅仅聚焦于励志情节。相反,它向观众呈现了孩子们的失败。在电影中,这支球队从未赢过一场棒球比赛。因此,一些孩子失去了信心,离开了球队。 “这部电影太真实了,孩子们经历的挣扎——内心矛盾与无法参加棒球比赛,让观众感到心碎,”《SWEEKLY》杂志指出。 这或许是导演许慧晶喜欢这部纪录片英译名的原因。“它不仅展现了体育运动的价值,也告诉人们,失败是我们人生中重要的一部分,”许慧晶在接受澎湃新闻采访时如此表示。 来源:21世纪英文报
美国政府1月28日公布的数据显示,去年第四季度美国国内生产总值(GDP)按年率计算增长4%,2020年全年GDP萎缩3.5%,是2009年以来首次下跌,也是1946年以来最大跌幅。 People line up outside a Kentucky Career Center hoping to find assistance with their unemployment claim in Frankfort, Kentucky, US on June 18, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] The US economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020 amid COVID-19 fallout, the largest annual decline of US gross domestic product (GDP) since 1946, according to data released by the US Commerce Department on Thursday. 美国商务部1月28日公布的数据显示,受新冠疫情影响,2020年美国经济萎缩3.5%,为1946年以来美国国内生产总值最大年度跌幅。 The estimated drop in GDP for 2020 was the first such decline since a 2.5% fall in 2009. That was the deepest annual setback since the economy shrank 11.6% in 1946. 该数据是美国GDP自2009年萎缩2.5%以来首次下跌,同时也是1946年美国经济萎缩11.6%以来最惨重的年度经济倒退。 The data also showed that the US economy grew at an annual rate of 4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 amid a surge in COVID-19 cases, slower than 33.4 percent in the previous quarter. 数据还显示,在新冠肺炎确诊病例激增的情况下,2020年第四季度美国经济年增长率为4%,而在2020年第三季度美国经济反弹33.4%。 The economy fell into recession in February, a month before the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic. 2020年2月,世界卫生组织宣布新冠肺炎为大流行病的前一个月,美国经济陷入衰退。 The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4% in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4% gain in the following three months. 2020年第二季度美国GDP暴跌31.4%,创下大萧条时期以来的最大降幅,随后第三季度反弹33.4%。 Thursday’s report was the Commerce Department’s initial estimate of growth for the quarter. 1月28日公布的这份报告是美国商务部对2020年第四季度经济增长的初步估计。 "The increase in fourth quarter GDP reflected both the continued economic recovery from the sharp declines earlier in the year and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including new restrictions and closures that took effect in some areas of the United States," the department said in a statement. 美国商务部在一份声明中表示:“2020年第四季度GDP的增长既反映了美国经济从去年早些时候的大幅下滑中持续复苏,也反映了新冠疫情的持续影响,包括美国一些地区生效的新限制和封锁措施。” Despite a partial economic rebound in the second half of last year, the US economy shrank 3.5 percent for the whole year of 2020, compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2019, according to the department. 美国商务部称,尽管去年下半年美国经济出现了部分反弹,但2020年全年美国经济萎缩3.5%,而2019年美国经济增长2.2%。 The data came as the United States has recorded more than 25.6 million COVID-19 cases with over 430,000 related deaths as of Thursday morning, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University. 根据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的统计,截至1月28日上午,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例超过2560万例,死亡人数超过43万。 Also Thursday, the Labor Department reported that first-time claims for jobless benefits totaled 847,000 last week 同样在1月28日,美国劳工部报告称,上周首次申请失业救济的人数总计84.7万人。 The outlook for 2021 remains hazy. Economists warn that a sustained recovery won't likely take hold until vaccines are distributed and administered nationwide and government-enacted rescue aid spreads through the economy — a process likely to take months. In the meantime, millions of Americans continue to struggle. 美国2021年的经济预期仍然不明朗。经济学家警告说,除非在全国范围内分发接种新冠疫苗,并且开展政府主导的经济援助,否则持续复苏将难以实现。然而,这一过程可能需要数月时间,在此期间,数百万的美国人将继续挣扎求生。 hazy [ˈheɪzi]:adj.朦胧的;模糊的 “Growth is likely to be very weak in the first quarter of 2021, below 1% annualized,” said Gus Faucher, chief economist at PNC. “With record-high caseloads early in the year consumers have turned more cautious and states have re-imposed additional restrictions on economic activity, although in a more targeted fashion than in the early stages of the pandemic.” 美国PNC金融服务集团首席经济学家格斯·福彻说:“2021年第一季度的经济增长可能非常疲弱,按年率计算可能低于1%。今年年初的病例数量达到新高,消费者变得更加谨慎,各州也重新对经济活动施加了额外的限制,尽管这种限制比疫情早期阶段更具针对性。” “There’s nothing more important to the economy now than people getting vaccinated,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday. 美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔1月27日说:“现在对经济来说,没有什么比人们接种疫苗更重要了。” “There is good evidence to support a stronger economy in the second half of this year,” he added, though he noted “considerable risks” to the forecast depending on the path of the virus. 他补充说,“有充分的证据支持今年下半年经济走强”,不过他指出,根据疫情的发展,这种预测存在“相当大的风险”。 英文来源: 新华社 、CNBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
People line up outside a Kentucky Career Center hoping to find assistance with their unemployment claim in Frankfort, Kentucky, US on June 18, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] The US economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020 amid COVID-19 fallout, the largest annual decline of US gross domestic product (GDP) since 1946, according to data released by the US Commerce Department on Thursday. The estimated drop in GDP for 2020 was the first such decline since a 2.5% fall in 2009. That was the deepest annual setback since the economy shrank 11.6% in 1946. The data also showed that the US economy grew at an annual rate of 4 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 amid a surge in COVID-19 cases, slower than 33.4 percent in the previous quarter. The economy fell into recession in February, a month before the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic. The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4% in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4% gain in the following three months. Thursday’s report was the Commerce Department’s initial estimate of growth for the quarter. "The increase in fourth quarter GDP reflected both the continued economic recovery from the sharp declines earlier in the year and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including new restrictions and closures that took effect in some areas of the United States," the department said in a statement. Despite a partial economic rebound in the second half of last year, the US economy shrank 3.5 percent for the whole year of 2020, compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2019, according to the department. The data came as the United States has recorded more than 25.6 million COVID-19 cases with over 430,000 related deaths as of Thursday morning, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University. Also Thursday, the Labor Department reported that first-time claims for jobless benefits totaled 847,000 last week The outlook for 2021 remains hazy. Economists warn that a sustained recovery won't likely take hold until vaccines are distributed and administered nationwide and government-enacted rescue aid spreads through the economy — a process likely to take months. In the meantime, millions of Americans continue to struggle. “Growth is likely to be very weak in the first quarter of 2021, below 1% annualized,” said Gus Faucher, chief economist at PNC. “With record-high caseloads early in the year consumers have turned more cautious and states have re-imposed additional restrictions on economic activity, although in a more targeted fashion than in the early stages of the pandemic.” “There’s nothing more important to the economy now than people getting vaccinated,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday. “There is good evidence to support a stronger economy in the second half of this year,” he added, though he noted “considerable risks” to the forecast depending on the path of the virus. 、CNBC
美国政府1月28日公布的数据显示,去年第四季度美国国内生产总值(GDP)按年率计算增长4%,2020年全年GDP萎缩3.5%,是2009年以来首次下跌,也是1946年以来最大跌幅。 美国商务部1月28日公布的数据显示,受新冠疫情影响,2020年美国经济萎缩3.5%,为1946年以来美国国内生产总值最大年度跌幅。 该数据是美国GDP自2009年萎缩2.5%以来首次下跌,同时也是1946年美国经济萎缩11.6%以来最惨重的年度经济倒退。 数据还显示,在新冠肺炎确诊病例激增的情况下,2020年第四季度美国经济年增长率为4%,而在2020年第三季度美国经济反弹33.4%。 2020年2月,世界卫生组织宣布新冠肺炎为大流行病的前一个月,美国经济陷入衰退。 2020年第二季度美国GDP暴跌31.4%,创下大萧条时期以来的最大降幅,随后第三季度反弹33.4%。 1月28日公布的这份报告是美国商务部对2020年第四季度经济增长的初步估计。 美国商务部在一份声明中表示:“2020年第四季度GDP的增长既反映了美国经济从去年早些时候的大幅下滑中持续复苏,也反映了新冠疫情的持续影响,包括美国一些地区生效的新限制和封锁措施。” 美国商务部称,尽管去年下半年美国经济出现了部分反弹,但2020年全年美国经济萎缩3.5%,而2019年美国经济增长2.2%。 根据约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的统计,截至1月28日上午,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例超过2560万例,死亡人数超过43万。 同样在1月28日,美国劳工部报告称,上周首次申请失业救济的人数总计84.7万人。 美国2021年的经济预期仍然不明朗。经济学家警告说,除非在全国范围内分发接种新冠疫苗,并且开展政府主导的经济援助,否则持续复苏将难以实现。然而,这一过程可能需要数月时间,在此期间,数百万的美国人将继续挣扎求生。 hazy [ˈheɪzi]:adj.朦胧的;模糊的 美国PNC金融服务集团首席经济学家格斯·福彻说:“2021年第一季度的经济增长可能非常疲弱,按年率计算可能低于1%。今年年初的病例数量达到新高,消费者变得更加谨慎,各州也重新对经济活动施加了额外的限制,尽管这种限制比疫情早期阶段更具针对性。” 美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔1月27日说:“现在对经济来说,没有什么比人们接种疫苗更重要了。” 他补充说,“有充分的证据支持今年下半年经济走强”,不过他指出,根据疫情的发展,这种预测存在“相当大的风险”。 英文来源: 新华社 翻译&编辑:yaning
即使是英国女王也未能逃脱新冠肺炎疫情而导致的经济损失。但现在女王希望通过在网上出售袜子来填补王室6400万英镑的财政损失。 Britain's Queen Elizabeth looks on at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Science Park near Salisbury, Britain October 15, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] The new items on offer at the Royal Collection store come with hefty price tags, however, with the socks priced at £69 a pair. 然而,皇家收藏商店所出售的新产品标价很高,袜子的价格是69英镑(约合人民币610元)一双。 The website gushes: ‘Lovingly crafted and 100 percent cashmere, these luxurious bedtime socks are sumptuously soft and the perfect present.’ 该网站宣称:“这双奢华的睡袜做工精美,100%山羊绒,质地柔软,是送礼的最佳选择。” And just in case the cable-knit socks, available in silver and ‘natural’ colors, are not warming enough, there are matching hot-water bottle covers, a snip at £115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself. 如果银色和原色的扭绳花纹袜子不够保暖,还有配套的热水袋套,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元),而这个价格也包括了橡胶水袋。 In contrast, the George at Asda version is just £5. 相比之下,阿斯达超市乔治牌同款产品只需要5英镑(约合人民币44元)。 With Royal palaces closed to visitors because of the pandemic, the Royal Collection’s online shop is the only way it can sell souvenirs – although those looking for cheap trinkets are likely to baulk at the eye-watering prices. 英国王室宫殿因疫情而对游客关闭,皇家收藏网上商店是出售纪念品的唯一途径——尽管那些想要购买廉价小饰品的人可能会因高昂的价格望而却步。 For instance, the Buckingham Palace Candle, noted for its ‘refreshing scent of delicate jasmine’ and whose design is said to be ‘inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance’, costs £115. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。 Among the cheaper items are a £12.95 Buckingham Palace ‘dog bandana’, and a timely range of face masks priced £9.95. Available in yellow, pink or blue, they are printed with a design inspired by a partridge eye pattern that features on an 18th Century porcelain collection amassed mostly by the extravagant George IV. 比较便宜的商品有12.95英镑(约合人民币115元)的白金汉宫“小狗围巾”,以及一系列售价9.95英镑(约合人民币88元)的口罩。有黄色、粉色或蓝色可选,印花设计的灵感来自于一种鹧鸪眼图案,这种图案是18世纪瓷器收藏的特色,这些瓷器大多是由奢侈的乔治四世收藏的。 The masks were unveiled last November, just days after the Queen was pictured in a face covering for the first time, when she visited the grave of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey to mark the centenary of his burial. 这些口罩是2020年11月上架的,就在开售前几天,女王第一次被拍到戴着这款口罩,当时她正在威斯敏斯特教堂参加无名战士墓的百年纪念活动。 Sales will boost the coffers of The Royal Collection Trust, the charity responsible for maintaining the artwork and furniture the Queen holds in trust for her heirs and the nation. 这些商品的销量将增加皇家收藏信托基金会的资金,该基金会负责维护女王为其继承人和国家托管的艺术品和家具。 Its finances have been severely hit by the pandemic, with its latest annual report predicting a devastating £64 million drop in income by the end of the financial year. 该公司的财务状况受到疫情的严重打击,其最新年度报告预测,到本财年末,公司的收入将大幅减少6400万英镑(约合人民币5.67亿元)。 It has secured an emergency loan of £22 million from Royal bankers Coutts but has warned that ‘significant’ cuts will be needed to balance the books. 它已经从皇家银行那里获得了2200万英镑(约合人民币1.95亿元)的紧急贷款,但被警告其需要大幅削减开支,以平衡账目。 来源: 沪江英语
Britain's Queen Elizabeth looks on at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Science Park near Salisbury, Britain October 15, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] The new items on offer at the Royal Collection store come with hefty price tags, however, with the socks priced at £69 a pair. The website gushes: ‘Lovingly crafted and 100 percent cashmere, these luxurious bedtime socks are sumptuously soft and the perfect present.’ And just in case the cable-knit socks, available in silver and ‘natural’ colors, are not warming enough, there are matching hot-water bottle covers, a snip at £115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself. In contrast, the George at Asda version is just £5. With Royal palaces closed to visitors because of the pandemic, the Royal Collection’s online shop is the only way it can sell souvenirs – although those looking for cheap trinkets are likely to baulk at the eye-watering prices. For instance, the Buckingham Palace Candle, noted for its ‘refreshing scent of delicate jasmine’ and whose design is said to be ‘inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance’, costs £115. Among the cheaper items are a £12.95 Buckingham Palace ‘dog bandana’, and a timely range of face masks priced £9.95. Available in yellow, pink or blue, they are printed with a design inspired by a partridge eye pattern that features on an 18th Century porcelain collection amassed mostly by the extravagant George IV. The masks were unveiled last November, just days after the Queen was pictured in a face covering for the first time, when she visited the grave of the Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey to mark the centenary of his burial. Sales will boost the coffers of The Royal Collection Trust, the charity responsible for maintaining the artwork and furniture the Queen holds in trust for her heirs and the nation. Its finances have been severely hit by the pandemic, with its latest annual report predicting a devastating £64 million drop in income by the end of the financial year. It has secured an emergency loan of £22 million from Royal bankers Coutts but has warned that ‘significant’ cuts will be needed to balance the books.
即使是英国女王也未能逃脱新冠肺炎疫情而导致的经济损失。但现在女王希望通过在网上出售袜子来填补王室6400万英镑的财政损失。 然而,皇家收藏商店所出售的新产品标价很高,袜子的价格是69英镑(约合人民币610元)一双。 该网站宣称:“这双奢华的睡袜做工精美,100%山羊绒,质地柔软,是送礼的最佳选择。” 如果银色和原色的扭绳花纹袜子不够保暖,还有配套的热水袋套,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元),而这个价格也包括了橡胶水袋。 相比之下,阿斯达超市乔治牌同款产品只需要5英镑(约合人民币44元)。 英国王室宫殿因疫情而对游客关闭,皇家收藏网上商店是出售纪念品的唯一途径——尽管那些想要购买廉价小饰品的人可能会因高昂的价格望而却步。 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。 比较便宜的商品有12.95英镑(约合人民币115元)的白金汉宫“小狗围巾”,以及一系列售价9.95英镑(约合人民币88元)的口罩。有黄色、粉色或蓝色可选,印花设计的灵感来自于一种鹧鸪眼图案,这种图案是18世纪瓷器收藏的特色,这些瓷器大多是由奢侈的乔治四世收藏的。 这些口罩是2020年11月上架的,就在开售前几天,女王第一次被拍到戴着这款口罩,当时她正在威斯敏斯特教堂参加无名战士墓的百年纪念活动。 这些商品的销量将增加皇家收藏信托基金会的资金,该基金会负责维护女王为其继承人和国家托管的艺术品和家具。 该公司的财务状况受到疫情的严重打击,其最新年度报告预测,到本财年末,公司的收入将大幅减少6400万英镑(约合人民币5.67亿元)。 它已经从皇家银行那里获得了2200万英镑(约合人民币1.95亿元)的紧急贷款,但被警告其需要大幅削减开支,以平衡账目。 来源: 沪江英语
我们都知道食品安全非常重要,但是关于食品安全你了解得够多吗?一起来增长见识。 图片来源:Boredpanda 6. The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it 鉴别牛奶是否变质的最好方式就是闻一闻 Experts say that if you keep your fridge closer to 34℉, instead of the standard 40℉, you can get an extra week out of your milk. Of course, the longer its container was kept sealed, the better. All in all, it's always best to trust your good old nose and just smell the stuff. 专家表示,如果你的冰箱温度在1摄氏度左右,而不是标准的4-5摄氏度,你的牛奶保质期就能延长一周。当然,包装盒密封时间越长越好。总而言之,最好的办法就是用你的鼻子闻一闻。 图片来源:Boredpanda 7. A funky taste in water doesn't mean you can't drink it 水有怪味不意味着不能喝 Ever left a glass of water sitting on the bedside overnight and then it had that funky taste in the morning? Well, turns out it's perfectly fine to drink. Duh—after all, there are no ingredients in the water that would make it go bad. 你是否曾把一杯水放在床头一整夜,然后早上喝的时候感觉有怪味?实际上,这杯水是能喝的。毕竟,水里并没有什么会让其变质的成分。 图片来源:Boredpanda 8. Produce bins in fridges are full of germs 冰箱的果蔬室充满了细菌 A NSF International study found that the fridge produce compartment is one of the most "germiest" areas in people's kitchens. Therefore, it's essential to regularly clean out produce bins with hot water and liquid soap to prevent the buildup of bacteria. 美国国家科学基金会的一项国际研究发现,冰箱果蔬室是厨房里细菌最多的地方之一。因此,定期用热水和洗洁精清洁果蔬室以防止细菌累积是很重要的。 图片来源:Boredpanda 9. Chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat 切菜板比马桶圈脏200倍 It has been found that chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat! And as it turns out, washing it after every use does not protect you from all the bacteria. It is recommended to have several chopping boards so you can use them for different types of food. In addition to this, you should change your chopping boards regularly as bacteria can hide in its scratches and crevices and thus contaminate other foods. 研究发现,切菜板比马桶圈还要脏200倍!事实证明,每次用完后清洗切菜板并不会防止各种细菌入侵。最好是多备几块切菜板,用来切不同类型的食物。除此以外,你还应该定期换切菜板,因为细菌会藏在切菜板的刀痕和裂缝里,从而污染其他食物。 图片来源:Boredpanda 10. It's not recommended to rinse meat 不建议用水冲洗生肉 While some people rinse meat and poultry before cooking, it turns out that while it can remove some of the bacteria from the surface, it doesn't do anything to those that are tightly attached. In addition to this, water can splash while rinsing meat onto worktops, cutlery, etc., and thus contaminate them. 有些人在烹饪前会用水冲洗生肉,但事实上,尽管水能冲走生肉表面的一些细菌,但是对于一些紧紧附着在肉上的细菌不起作用。此外,在冲洗生肉时,水还会溅到操作台和刀具等物品上,从而对其造成污染。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
6. The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it Experts say that if you keep your fridge closer to 34℉, instead of the standard 40℉, you can get an extra week out of your milk. Of course, the longer its container was kept sealed, the better. All in all, it's always best to trust your good old nose and just smell the stuff. 7. A funky taste in water doesn't mean you can't drink it Ever left a glass of water sitting on the bedside overnight and then it had that funky taste in the morning? Well, turns out it's perfectly fine to drink. Duh—after all, there are no ingredients in the water that would make it go bad. 8. Produce bins in fridges are full of germs A NSF International study found that the fridge produce compartment is one of the most "germiest" areas in people's kitchens. Therefore, it's essential to regularly clean out produce bins with hot water and liquid soap to prevent the buildup of bacteria. 9. Chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat It has been found that chopping boards are up to 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat! And as it turns out, washing it after every use does not protect you from all the bacteria. It is recommended to have several chopping boards so you can use them for different types of food. In addition to this, you should change your chopping boards regularly as bacteria can hide in its scratches and crevices and thus contaminate other foods. 10. It's not recommended to rinse meat While some people rinse meat and poultry before cooking, it turns out that while it can remove some of the bacteria from the surface, it doesn't do anything to those that are tightly attached. In addition to this, water can splash while rinsing meat onto worktops, cutlery, etc., and thus contaminate them.
我们都知道食品安全非常重要,但是关于食品安全你了解得够多吗?一起来增长见识。 图片来源:Boredpanda 鉴别牛奶是否变质的最好方式就是闻一闻 专家表示,如果你的冰箱温度在1摄氏度左右,而不是标准的4-5摄氏度,你的牛奶保质期就能延长一周。当然,包装盒密封时间越长越好。总而言之,最好的办法就是用你的鼻子闻一闻。 图片来源:Boredpanda 水有怪味不意味着不能喝 你是否曾把一杯水放在床头一整夜,然后早上喝的时候感觉有怪味?实际上,这杯水是能喝的。毕竟,水里并没有什么会让其变质的成分。 图片来源:Boredpanda 冰箱的果蔬室充满了细菌 美国国家科学基金会的一项国际研究发现,冰箱果蔬室是厨房里细菌最多的地方之一。因此,定期用热水和洗洁精清洁果蔬室以防止细菌累积是很重要的。 图片来源:Boredpanda 切菜板比马桶圈脏200倍 研究发现,切菜板比马桶圈还要脏200倍!事实证明,每次用完后清洗切菜板并不会防止各种细菌入侵。最好是多备几块切菜板,用来切不同类型的食物。除此以外,你还应该定期换切菜板,因为细菌会藏在切菜板的刀痕和裂缝里,从而污染其他食物。 图片来源:Boredpanda 不建议用水冲洗生肉 有些人在烹饪前会用水冲洗生肉,但事实上,尽管水能冲走生肉表面的一些细菌,但是对于一些紧紧附着在肉上的细菌不起作用。此外,在冲洗生肉时,水还会溅到操作台和刀具等物品上,从而对其造成污染。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
最近,有网友在网上问道:在星巴克拿个笔记本的人到底是什么职业?一个回复直接被顶上热搜:星巴克气氛组。 所谓气氛组,是网络流行词,指营造气氛、活跃气氛的人,可用在各种场合。那么,在咖啡馆工作学习真的会提高我们的效率吗?没错! 据研究调查表明,咖啡馆所具有的一些特点能够激发我们在办公学习时的创造力(trigger our creativity)。近日,BBC刊登的一篇文章解析了为何人们在咖啡馆会更具创造力。纵观历史,许多名人的杰作就是在咖啡馆里创造出来的。 [Photo/pexels] Pablo Picasso, JK Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, Bob Dylan – whether they’re painters, singer-songwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and centuries have tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café. 毕加索、J·K·罗琳、波伏娃、萨特还有鲍勃·迪伦——不论是画家、创作型歌手、哲学家还是作家,来自各个国家不同世纪的人们都曾坐在咖啡馆的小桌子旁,挖掘他们的创造力。 研究称,咖啡馆有着办公室和家中所不具备的能够激发创造力的刺激因素(stimuli /'stɪmjʊlaɪ/):噪声、人群、多样的视觉体验和非正式的氛围。将这些因素“刚刚好”结合在一起的咖啡馆能为我们提供一个有效的工作环境。 [Photo/pexels] 恰好的环境噪声 Noise 多年来,科学家们发现背景噪声有利于激发我们思维的创造力。 A low-to-moderate level of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that if you’re very slightly distracted from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation. 在咖啡馆这样的地方,低到中等水平范围内的环境噪声能够促进人们的创意输出。如果周遭的刺激因素能使你对手头的工作稍有分心,那么你的抽象思维能力会得到相应的提升,更多创意也会被激发出来。 ambient /ˈæmbiənt/ adj. 周围环境的;周围的 研究发现,适量的噪声才能使我们的感官受益。那些令人恼火的噪音,不论音量大小,都会影响人们的工作效率。 While that “Goldilocks” level of noise is different for everyone, audio stimuli in the background also help us improve decision making. Some have even dubbed “the coffee shop effect”. So, the jazz muzak, light conversation and barista banging coffee grounds out of the grinder aren’t a nuisance – they could help you come up with your next magnum opus. 尽管每个人对于“恰到好处”的噪声的感知水平都不同,但环境中的声音刺激还有助于提高我们的决策力。有些人甚至称其为“咖啡店效应”。所以,咖啡馆里的爵士乐、轻松的交谈声和咖啡师在咖啡机上敲咖啡渣的声音并不是什么讨厌的事,它们说不定可以帮你创作出下一个杰作。 nuisance /ˈnjuːsns/:麻烦事;讨厌的人(或东西) magnum opus /'mæɡnəm 'əupəs/:代表作;杰作 [Photo/pexels] 专注的人们 Focus Crowds 在咖啡馆工作或学习时,人们身边坐着的也常常是一些正专注于自己手头事情的人。从某方面来看,这些人也会促使我们更加专注于自己的工作。 A 2016 study backed up this idea when researchers asked participants sitting next to each other in front of a computer to do a task on the same screen. The study showed that “simply performing a task next to a person who exerts a lot of effort in a task will make you do the same”. 2016年的一项研究验证了这一想法。当时研究人员要求参与者们彼此相邻坐在电脑前,并在同一屏幕上执行任务。研究表明,“坐在一个投入工作的人身边,你也会同样投入精力去完成任务”。 在咖啡馆工作学习效果会更好的原因和人们倾向于去健身房锻炼的原因类似。 One of the biggest things about coffee shops is the social-facilitation effect: you go there, you see other people working and it puts you in a mood where you just naturally start working as well. Just observing them can motivate you to work harder. 咖啡馆最大的优点之一就是它带来的社会促进效应:当你去咖啡馆看到其他人正在工作,你也会自然而然地开始进入工作的状态。光是看看身边的人就会激发你更加努力地工作。 多样的视觉体验 Visual Variety 经常在办公室或家中办公、学习的人可能会对自己习以为常的视觉环境感到疲劳。咖啡馆则能提供一种新颖的体验。 Visual variety helps in “solving a problem that has an optimal solution, but requires you to think outside the box”... Coffee shops, though, generally have visual stimuli in spades. And hitting up different coffee shops each time keeps things even more varied. 视觉多样性有助于“跳出思维定式,发现问题的最优解”…… 咖啡馆常常有着许多能够刺激视觉的因素。每次去不同的咖啡馆甚至会让你的思维变得更加多样化。 从一定程度上来看,不论我们是否察觉,咖啡馆所提供的视觉刺激会对人们的创造性思维产生影响。 People come and go. The daylight changes. The aromas of coffee and food vary. While we tend not take conscious notice of these micro-stimuli, and likely don’t overtly choose to work in this location because of them, these activities around us prod our brains to work a bit differently than at home. 咖啡馆里人来人往,光影变化,咖啡和食物香气各异。尽管我们并未留心这些微小的刺激因子,亦或并非因它们而选择了这个场所,但这些环绕着我们的活动还是在促使我们的大脑以一种与居家办公略有不同的方式运转。 [Photo/pexels] 非正式的氛围 Air of Informality 咖啡馆所营造出的一种非正式气氛也能促进思维间的碰撞。 Experts say these café settings can also benefit work groups who are brainstorming and building camaraderie... All those audio and visual stimuli help groups, too, compared to the dearth on Zoom or in a formal meeting room. 专家称咖啡馆里的这些布景对正在进行头脑风暴或者培养团队精神的工作小组是有好处的……和缺少这些的zoom或正式的会议室相比,咖啡馆里所有的听觉和视觉刺激都会对小组成员起到帮助。 camaraderie /ˌkæməˈrɑːdəri/ :友情;同事情谊 dearth /dɜːθ/:缺乏;不足 University campuses, like open-air offices, have blended elements of coffee shops into their design to prompt people to gather and collaborate, as part of a trend that’s been happening for more than a decade. 如今,大学园区就将咖啡馆的许多元素融合在其设计之中。这些像露天办公室一样的校园推动着人们聚集与合作。这也是近十年来正在发生的一个趋势。 在过去一年的疫情中,许多人找到了各种在家中提高学习和工作效率的方法。 不管是去咖啡馆点上一杯卡布奇诺,还是悠哉地窝在家饮茶,让自己舒服的工作、学习模式才是实现高产的最优选择。 你会怎么选择呢? 编辑:左卓 实习生:李金昳 来源:BBC 赫芬顿邮报
[Photo/pexels] [Photo/pexels] Noise A low-to-moderate level of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that if you’re very slightly distracted from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation. While that “Goldilocks” level of noise is different for everyone, audio stimuli in the background also help us improve decision making. Some have even dubbed “the coffee shop effect”. So, the jazz muzak, light conversation and barista banging coffee grounds out of the grinder aren’t a nuisance – they could help you come up with your next magnum opus. [Photo/pexels] Focus Crowds A 2016 study backed up this idea when researchers asked participants sitting next to each other in front of a computer to do a task on the same screen. The study showed that “simply performing a task next to a person who exerts a lot of effort in a task will make you do the same”. One of the biggest things about coffee shops is the social-facilitation effect: you go there, you see other people working and it puts you in a mood where you just naturally start working as well. Just observing them can motivate you to work harder. Visual Variety Visual variety helps in “solving a problem that has an optimal solution, but requires you to think outside the box”... Coffee shops, though, generally have visual stimuli in spades. And hitting up different coffee shops each time keeps things even more varied. People come and go. The daylight changes. The aromas of coffee and food vary. While we tend not take conscious notice of these micro-stimuli, and likely don’t overtly choose to work in this location because of them, these activities around us prod our brains to work a bit differently than at home. [Photo/pexels] Air of Informality University campuses, like open-air offices, have blended elements of coffee shops into their design to prompt people to gather and collaborate, as part of a trend that’s been happening for more than a decade.
最近,有网友在网上问道:在星巴克拿个笔记本的人到底是什么职业?一个回复直接被顶上热搜:星巴克气氛组。 所谓气氛组,是网络流行词,指营造气氛、活跃气氛的人,可用在各种场合。那么,在咖啡馆工作学习真的会提高我们的效率吗?没错! 据研究调查表明,咖啡馆所具有的一些特点能够激发我们在办公学习时的创造力(trigger our creativity)。近日,BBC刊登的一篇文章解析了为何人们在咖啡馆会更具创造力。纵观历史,许多名人的杰作就是在咖啡馆里创造出来的。 Pablo Picasso, JK Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, Bob Dylan – whether they’re painters, singer-songwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and centuries have tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café. 毕加索、J·K·罗琳、波伏娃、萨特还有鲍勃·迪伦——不论是画家、创作型歌手、哲学家还是作家,来自各个国家不同世纪的人们都曾坐在咖啡馆的小桌子旁,挖掘他们的创造力。 研究称,咖啡馆有着办公室和家中所不具备的能够激发创造力的刺激因素(stimuli /'stɪmjʊlaɪ/):噪声、人群、多样的视觉体验和非正式的氛围。将这些因素“刚刚好”结合在一起的咖啡馆能为我们提供一个有效的工作环境。 恰好的环境噪声 多年来,科学家们发现背景噪声有利于激发我们思维的创造力。 在咖啡馆这样的地方,低到中等水平范围内的环境噪声能够促进人们的创意输出。如果周遭的刺激因素能使你对手头的工作稍有分心,那么你的抽象思维能力会得到相应的提升,更多创意也会被激发出来。 ambient /ˈæmbiənt/ adj. 周围环境的;周围的 研究发现,适量的噪声才能使我们的感官受益。那些令人恼火的噪音,不论音量大小,都会影响人们的工作效率。 尽管每个人对于“恰到好处”的噪声的感知水平都不同,但环境中的声音刺激还有助于提高我们的决策力。有些人甚至称其为“咖啡店效应”。所以,咖啡馆里的爵士乐、轻松的交谈声和咖啡师在咖啡机上敲咖啡渣的声音并不是什么讨厌的事,它们说不定可以帮你创作出下一个杰作。 nuisance /ˈnjuːsns/:麻烦事;讨厌的人(或东西) magnum opus /'mæɡnəm 'əupəs/:代表作;杰作 专注的人们 在咖啡馆工作或学习时,人们身边坐着的也常常是一些正专注于自己手头事情的人。从某方面来看,这些人也会促使我们更加专注于自己的工作。 2016年的一项研究验证了这一想法。当时研究人员要求参与者们彼此相邻坐在电脑前,并在同一屏幕上执行任务。研究表明,“坐在一个投入工作的人身边,你也会同样投入精力去完成任务”。 在咖啡馆工作学习效果会更好的原因和人们倾向于去健身房锻炼的原因类似。 咖啡馆最大的优点之一就是它带来的社会促进效应:当你去咖啡馆看到其他人正在工作,你也会自然而然地开始进入工作的状态。光是看看身边的人就会激发你更加努力地工作。 多样的视觉体验 经常在办公室或家中办公、学习的人可能会对自己习以为常的视觉环境感到疲劳。咖啡馆则能提供一种新颖的体验。 视觉多样性有助于“跳出思维定式,发现问题的最优解”…… 咖啡馆常常有着许多能够刺激视觉的因素。每次去不同的咖啡馆甚至会让你的思维变得更加多样化。 从一定程度上来看,不论我们是否察觉,咖啡馆所提供的视觉刺激会对人们的创造性思维产生影响。 咖啡馆里人来人往,光影变化,咖啡和食物香气各异。尽管我们并未留心这些微小的刺激因子,亦或并非因它们而选择了这个场所,但这些环绕着我们的活动还是在促使我们的大脑以一种与居家办公略有不同的方式运转。 非正式的氛围 咖啡馆所营造出的一种非正式气氛也能促进思维间的碰撞。 Experts say these café settings can also benefit work groups who are brainstorming and building camaraderie... All those audio and visual stimuli help groups, too, compared to the dearth on Zoom or in a formal meeting room. 专家称咖啡馆里的这些布景对正在进行头脑风暴或者培养团队精神的工作小组是有好处的……和缺少这些的zoom或正式的会议室相比,咖啡馆里所有的听觉和视觉刺激都会对小组成员起到帮助。 camaraderie /ˌkæməˈrɑːdəri/ :友情;同事情谊 dearth /dɜːθ/:缺乏;不足 如今,大学园区就将咖啡馆的许多元素融合在其设计之中。这些像露天办公室一样的校园推动着人们聚集与合作。这也是近十年来正在发生的一个趋势。 在过去一年的疫情中,许多人找到了各种在家中提高学习和工作效率的方法。 不管是去咖啡馆点上一杯卡布奇诺,还是悠哉地窝在家饮茶,让自己舒服的工作、学习模式才是实现高产的最优选择。 你会怎么选择呢? 编辑:左卓 实习生:李金昳 来源:BBC 赫芬顿邮报
我们都知道食品安全非常重要,但是关于食品安全你了解得够多吗?一起来增长见识。 来源:Boredpanda 1. Chocolate with white or grayish film is fine to eat 结了白色或灰色膜的巧克力也能吃 While white or grayish film formed on the surface of chocolate might not look very appetizing, turns out it's perfectly fine to eat. The process occurs when cocoa butter fats separate from the cocoa. 巧克力表面结了一层白色或灰色膜可能看上去让人没有食欲,但实际上完全可以吃。这是可可脂和可可分离的结果。 来源:Boredpanda 2. Double-dipping can spread bacteria and viruses 二次蘸酱会传播细菌和病毒 Sadly, double-dipping is not the greatest idea, since it can spread bacteria and viruses, even when a person isn't visibly sick or unwell. Therefore, it's always best to put dip on your own plate and enjoy it without spreading germs to other people. 可悲的是,二次蘸酱不是个好主意,因为它会传播细菌和病毒,即使蘸酱的人没有生病或不舒服的迹象。因此,最好在自己的盘子里蘸酱享用,不要把细菌传给其他人。 来源:Boredpanda 3. The 5-second rule is a myth “5秒规律”不是真的 To test out people's favorite "rule," Dr. Ronald Carter from Queen Mary, University of London did an experiment. He dropped pizza, apple, and toast onto different surfaces and it revealed that they were all covered in germs. As it turned out, the "5-second rule" isn't true—bacteria can attach to food as soon as it touches the floor. 为了测试人们最喜欢的这条“规律”,伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的罗纳尔德·卡特博士做了一个实验。他将披萨、苹果和吐司掉落到不同的表面,结果发现它们全都被细菌覆盖。事实证明,“5秒规律”不是真的,食物一碰到地面,细菌就会附着在食物上。 来源:Boredpanda 4. Refrigerated leftovers must be tossed out in 3 to 4 days 冰箱里的剩菜必须在三四天内丢弃 We all know that some types of bacteria can cause illness. However, as it appears, the types of bacteria that do don't affect the smell, taste, or appearance of food. This is why it's crucial to either freeze or throw out refrigerated leftovers within 3 to 4 days. 我们都知道,某些类型的细菌会致病。但是,致病的细菌似乎并不会影响食物的气味、口感和外观。这就是为什么冰箱内的剩菜一定要冷冻或在三四天后丢掉。 来源:Boredpanda 5. Titanium dioxide that's found in icing has been linked to inflammatory bowel diseases 糖霜里含的二氧化钛会导致炎症性肠道疾病 Titanium dioxide—an additive that's used to make white appear even whiter—can be found in a variety of foods, like coffee creamer, icing, powdered sugar, and ranch dressing. However, for the exact same reason, it is used in making sunscreens, laundry detergents, and paint. FDA considers the additive safe; however, there was research conducted that linked it to inflammatory bowel diseases. In addition to this, as of 2020, France has banned titanium dioxide in food. 让白色物体显得更白的二氧化钛添加剂在多种食物中都能找到,比如咖啡奶精、糖霜、糖粉和牧场沙拉酱。出于同样的原因,这种添加剂也用于制作防晒霜、洗衣粉和颜料。美国食品和药物管理局认为这种添加剂是安全的,但是研究发现二氧化钛可能会导致炎症性肠道疾病。2020年法国已经禁止在食物中添加二氧化钛。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
1. Chocolate with white or grayish film is fine to eat While white or grayish film formed on the surface of chocolate might not look very appetizing, turns out it's perfectly fine to eat. The process occurs when cocoa butter fats separate from the cocoa. 2. Double-dipping can spread bacteria and viruses Sadly, double-dipping is not the greatest idea, since it can spread bacteria and viruses, even when a person isn't visibly sick or unwell. Therefore, it's always best to put dip on your own plate and enjoy it without spreading germs to other people. 3. The 5-second rule is a myth To test out people's favorite "rule," Dr. Ronald Carter from Queen Mary, University of London did an experiment. He dropped pizza, apple, and toast onto different surfaces and it revealed that they were all covered in germs. As it turned out, the "5-second rule" isn't true—bacteria can attach to food as soon as it touches the floor. 4. Refrigerated leftovers must be tossed out in 3 to 4 days We all know that some types of bacteria can cause illness. However, as it appears, the types of bacteria that do don't affect the smell, taste, or appearance of food. This is why it's crucial to either freeze or throw out refrigerated leftovers within 3 to 4 days. 5. Titanium dioxide that's found in icing has been linked to inflammatory bowel diseases Titanium dioxide—an additive that's used to make white appear even whiter—can be found in a variety of foods, like coffee creamer, icing, powdered sugar, and ranch dressing. However, for the exact same reason, it is used in making sunscreens, laundry detergents, and paint. FDA considers the additive safe; however, there was research conducted that linked it to inflammatory bowel diseases. In addition to this, as of 2020, France has banned titanium dioxide in food.
我们都知道食品安全非常重要,但是关于食品安全你了解得够多吗?一起来增长见识。 来源:Boredpanda 结了白色或灰色膜的巧克力也能吃 巧克力表面结了一层白色或灰色膜可能看上去让人没有食欲,但实际上完全可以吃。这是可可脂和可可分离的结果。 来源:Boredpanda 二次蘸酱会传播细菌和病毒 可悲的是,二次蘸酱不是个好主意,因为它会传播细菌和病毒,即使蘸酱的人没有生病或不舒服的迹象。因此,最好在自己的盘子里蘸酱享用,不要把细菌传给其他人。 来源:Boredpanda “5秒规律”不是真的 为了测试人们最喜欢的这条“规律”,伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的罗纳尔德·卡特博士做了一个实验。他将披萨、苹果和吐司掉落到不同的表面,结果发现它们全都被细菌覆盖。事实证明,“5秒规律”不是真的,食物一碰到地面,细菌就会附着在食物上。 来源:Boredpanda 冰箱里的剩菜必须在三四天内丢弃 我们都知道,某些类型的细菌会致病。但是,致病的细菌似乎并不会影响食物的气味、口感和外观。这就是为什么冰箱内的剩菜一定要冷冻或在三四天后丢掉。 来源:Boredpanda 糖霜里含的二氧化钛会导致炎症性肠道疾病 让白色物体显得更白的二氧化钛添加剂在多种食物中都能找到,比如咖啡奶精、糖霜、糖粉和牧场沙拉酱。出于同样的原因,这种添加剂也用于制作防晒霜、洗衣粉和颜料。美国食品和药物管理局认为这种添加剂是安全的,但是研究发现二氧化钛可能会导致炎症性肠道疾病。2020年法国已经禁止在食物中添加二氧化钛。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
你有没有因为书封而爱上一本书?据说有本书的封面,装帧精美,标题两个大字——“男人”。好奇的读者信手翻开,会发现里面一片空白。这当然只是个玩笑,兴许是笔记本,或者行为艺术。但它至少成功地让你把它,从书架上拿下来——翻开——进而可能因为设计而购买。 [Photo/Pexels] 在琳琅满目的书店里,要让你完成这一系列动作,是出版社面临的大考。封面设计只是书籍出版过程的一小块。在电子产品围剿纸质书的时代,为了让你走进书店,取阅购买,出版机构在做些什么呢? 作家写的不是书,是手稿。 Authors don’t write books, they write manuscripts. Publishing is the process of getting an author’s manuscript into the hands of a reader, by materializing it – giving it form, as a book. This may be printed (a codex) or digital (an ebook). 作者写的不是书,他们写的是手稿。出版发行的过程就是把作者的手稿送到读者手中的过程,把手稿实体化——给它书的外壳。手稿可能会被印成纸质书,或者做成电子书。 The author’s manuscript is either solicited (the publisher asks them to write it) or unsolicited (the author writes it, then shops for a publisher). Being rejected is awful and publishing contracts are complicated, so many authors employ an agent to negotiate a deal with a publisher. 作者的手稿可能是征稿渠道来的(出版社会要求作者写书)或者是非征稿渠道来的(作者写完之后拿着手稿找出版社出售)。手稿被拒绝的滋味不好受,而且出版合同也很复杂,所以很多作者会雇佣代理人帮自己与出版社协商。 出版社内部分工明确,书籍内容及发行环境都有专人负责。 The “publisher” refers to either the publishing house (such as Penguin Random House), or the person whose title is Publisher. Within a single publishing house there may be several publishers, each overseeing a different list based on genre. For example, there may be a literary publisher, an academic publisher and a non-fiction publisher within the same publishing house. “Publisher”这个词可以指代出版社(比方说企鹅兰登书屋),也可以指代拥有“发行人”头衔的管理者。一家出版社可能有多个发行人,每个人管理一个按文学体裁或流派分类的书单。比方说,一家出版社可能会有文学发行人、学术发行人、非虚构发行人等等。 Within the publishing house, different departments deal with different aspects of the publishing process. Editorial is concerned with content: ensuring the story/information is communicated in a clear and engaging way. Sales, Marketing and Publicity are concerned with context: figuring out where the book sits in the market, how to get it into bookstores, and reviewed. 针对出版过程的各个环节,出版社设置了不同的部门。编辑部关注的是内容,他们要保证故事/信息清晰地传达,且引人入胜。销售部、市场部、以及广告部关注的就是发行环境,他们要弄清楚该书籍的市场定位,怎样让书打入书店,以及如何让书评人写好评。 Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels The designer is generally commissioned by the publisher or editor overseeing the title. Some publishers have creative directors, who commission (freelance) or assign (in-house) designers. 负责某本书的发行人或者编辑会委托设计师做装帧设计。有些出版社会有创意总监,他们会委托自由职业的设计师做设计,或者指派自己社内的设计师做。 装帧设计师需要兼顾内容与发行。 The designer is given a brief, a document that outlines the format (size and shape), production schedule, information about the content and context of the book including a blurb (a version of what end ups on the back cover), and passages that represent the writing style and plot. Some designers also read the full manuscript. Unless it’s a math textbook. 设计师通常会收到一份任务简介,里面说明了版式开本(包括大小和形状)、付印计划、关于书本内容和发行环境的信息,其中包括一份书的简介(即印在封底的内容)、以及能够代表写作风格与情节的原文段落等。有些设计师会通读手稿,除非那是一本数学教材。 Designers usually communicate directly with the publisher/editor, but need to respond to critical feedback from Sales/Marketing to develop a cover that communicates both the content of the book (evoking a sense of what it’s about and the writing style) and the context (ensuring it looks like it belongs to its genre, and is appealing to the intended audience). 设计师们通常与发行人/编辑直接联系,但也需要回复来自销售/市场部的挑剔反馈。他们设计出的封面需要传达书籍内容(引起受众对内容和写作风格的兴趣),还需要关照发行环境(确保书籍封面看起来像该体裁或流派的书,以及对目标受众有吸引力)。 This balance happens by showing “roughs” for different approaches. Designers usually present two to three different concepts, roughly mocked up to show how the final cover might look. 要达到这种平衡,设计师会用到不同的方法画多张草图。他们通常会画出2-3种不同的方案,然后做成印刷样品,看看最终的成品封面是什么样子。 A process of to-and-fro between editor, publisher, sales and marketing continues until everyone is happy. 这种在编辑、发行人、销售市场部之间来来回回的决策过程会一直持续到各方都满意为止。 封面设计一般七、八版,运气不好有可能达到50版。 A quick design process might involve seven or eight different iterations before a final design is chosen, followed by a process of fine-tuning (make the title bigger, try a script font, Marketing wants the author in gold foil, etc). A painful design process can involve dozens of covers; There is a record of 50 different approaches for the one cover. Excruciating. 通常快速的设计需要7-8个版本的迭代才能选出定稿,之后还需要做一些微调(把标题调大一点儿、换一个正文字体、市场部要求作者的名字用金箔等)。碰到磨人的设计,要做出几十个封面,最高记录是做了50个版本的封面。太痛苦了。 People are often surprised how little input authors have in the design process, considering the cover is how their book first faces the world. It’s important to consider two factors. 有些人总是惊讶于作者很少参与设计过程,因为封面是这本书首次面世的样子。但有两个重要因素需要考虑到。 First, most authors are happy to defer to the publisher about how to sell as many copies of their book as possible; publishing is a commercial business and the publisher knows the market. 第一,对于如何尽可能让书畅销这件事,作者们很乐意听出版社的意见。出版发行是商业行为,而且出版社通晓市场行情。 Second, while the design process is happening, the author is generally in the last harrowing stage of editing their manuscript and doesn’t want any distraction. This said, if an author hates a cover it will go back to the drawing board, but if everyone has done their job well this shouldn’t happen. 第二,设计过程进行的同时,作者们通常还处在改稿的最后阶段,痛苦到不想被任何事情打搅。话虽如此,如果某个作者不喜欢某个封面,那么这个设计就会推倒重来。不过如果各个环节都没出问题,这种情况也不会出现。 Once the design is finalized, digital files are sent to a production house so copies of the book can be printed, bound and delivered to the publisher’s warehouse, from where they will be shipped to bookstores when wanted. 设计一经定稿,出版社就会把数字版发给印刷厂,然后书就被印出来了,接着打包运送到出版社的仓库里。出售的时候,书也就从那里运往书店。 有些人格外喜欢某一本书,在读完平装版之后,会专门买精装版回来收藏。 美观且易于保存的精装书中就凝结了出版人的心血。 你有哪些爱不释手的书呢?留言分享吧。 Notes manuscript /mænjuskrɪpt/ n 手稿;原稿 materialize /məˈtɪriəlaɪz/ v 实现;发生;使成为现实 oversee /oʊvərˈsiː/ v 看管,指导,监督;监视 communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ v 传达,传递(想法、感情、思想等) commission /kəˈmɪʃn/ v 正式委托(谱写、制作、创作或完成) rough /rʌf/ n 草稿;草图 to-and-fro /ˈtuːənˈfrəʊ/ adj 来来往往的;往复的 finetune /ˈfaɪnˈtuːn/ v 微调:进行很小的调整以达到最佳性能或效果 编辑:左卓 实习编辑:陈月华 来源:The Conversation
[Photo/Pexels] Authors don’t write books, they write manuscripts. Publishing is the process of getting an author’s manuscript into the hands of a reader, by materializing it – giving it form, as a book. This may be printed (a codex) or digital (an ebook). The author’s manuscript is either solicited (the publisher asks them to write it) or unsolicited (the author writes it, then shops for a publisher). Being rejected is awful and publishing contracts are complicated, so many authors employ an agent to negotiate a deal with a publisher. The “publisher” refers to either the publishing house (such as Penguin Random House), or the person whose title is Publisher. Within a single publishing house there may be several publishers, each overseeing a different list based on genre. For example, there may be a literary publisher, an academic publisher and a non-fiction publisher within the same publishing house. Within the publishing house, different departments deal with different aspects of the publishing process. Editorial is concerned with content: ensuring the story/information is communicated in a clear and engaging way. Sales, Marketing and Publicity are concerned with context: figuring out where the book sits in the market, how to get it into bookstores, and reviewed. Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels The designer is generally commissioned by the publisher or editor overseeing the title. Some publishers have creative directors, who commission (freelance) or assign (in-house) designers. The designer is given a brief, a document that outlines the format (size and shape), production schedule, information about the content and context of the book including a blurb (a version of what end ups on the back cover), and passages that represent the writing style and plot. Some designers also read the full manuscript. Unless it’s a math textbook. Designers usually communicate directly with the publisher/editor, but need to respond to critical feedback from Sales/Marketing to develop a cover that communicates both the content of the book (evoking a sense of what it’s about and the writing style) and the context (ensuring it looks like it belongs to its genre, and is appealing to the intended audience). This balance happens by showing “roughs” for different approaches. Designers usually present two to three different concepts, roughly mocked up to show how the final cover might look. A process of to-and-fro between editor, publisher, sales and marketing continues until everyone is happy. A quick design process might involve seven or eight different iterations before a final design is chosen, followed by a process of fine-tuning (make the title bigger, try a script font, Marketing wants the author in gold foil, etc). A painful design process can involve dozens of covers; There is a record of 50 different approaches for the one cover. Excruciating. People are often surprised how little input authors have in the design process, considering the cover is how their book first faces the world. It’s important to consider two factors. First, most authors are happy to defer to the publisher about how to sell as many copies of their book as possible; publishing is a commercial business and the publisher knows the market. Second, while the design process is happening, the author is generally in the last harrowing stage of editing their manuscript and doesn’t want any distraction. This said, if an author hates a cover it will go back to the drawing board, but if everyone has done their job well this shouldn’t happen. Once the design is finalized, digital files are sent to a production house so copies of the book can be printed, bound and delivered to the publisher’s warehouse, from where they will be shipped to bookstores when wanted. Notes
你有没有因为书封而爱上一本书?据说有本书的封面,装帧精美,标题两个大字——“男人”。好奇的读者信手翻开,会发现里面一片空白。这当然只是个玩笑,兴许是笔记本,或者行为艺术。但它至少成功地让你把它,从书架上拿下来——翻开——进而可能因为设计而购买。 在琳琅满目的书店里,要让你完成这一系列动作,是出版社面临的大考。封面设计只是书籍出版过程的一小块。在电子产品围剿纸质书的时代,为了让你走进书店,取阅购买,出版机构在做些什么呢? 作家写的不是书,是手稿。 作者写的不是书,他们写的是手稿。出版发行的过程就是把作者的手稿送到读者手中的过程,把手稿实体化——给它书的外壳。手稿可能会被印成纸质书,或者做成电子书。 作者的手稿可能是征稿渠道来的(出版社会要求作者写书)或者是非征稿渠道来的(作者写完之后拿着手稿找出版社出售)。手稿被拒绝的滋味不好受,而且出版合同也很复杂,所以很多作者会雇佣代理人帮自己与出版社协商。 出版社内部分工明确,书籍内容及发行环境都有专人负责。 “Publisher”这个词可以指代出版社(比方说企鹅兰登书屋),也可以指代拥有“发行人”头衔的管理者。一家出版社可能有多个发行人,每个人管理一个按文学体裁或流派分类的书单。比方说,一家出版社可能会有文学发行人、学术发行人、非虚构发行人等等。 针对出版过程的各个环节,出版社设置了不同的部门。编辑部关注的是内容,他们要保证故事/信息清晰地传达,且引人入胜。销售部、市场部、以及广告部关注的就是发行环境,他们要弄清楚该书籍的市场定位,怎样让书打入书店,以及如何让书评人写好评。 负责某本书的发行人或者编辑会委托设计师做装帧设计。有些出版社会有创意总监,他们会委托自由职业的设计师做设计,或者指派自己社内的设计师做。 装帧设计师需要兼顾内容与发行。 设计师通常会收到一份任务简介,里面说明了版式开本(包括大小和形状)、付印计划、关于书本内容和发行环境的信息,其中包括一份书的简介(即印在封底的内容)、以及能够代表写作风格与情节的原文段落等。有些设计师会通读手稿,除非那是一本数学教材。 设计师们通常与发行人/编辑直接联系,但也需要回复来自销售/市场部的挑剔反馈。他们设计出的封面需要传达书籍内容(引起受众对内容和写作风格的兴趣),还需要关照发行环境(确保书籍封面看起来像该体裁或流派的书,以及对目标受众有吸引力)。 要达到这种平衡,设计师会用到不同的方法画多张草图。他们通常会画出2-3种不同的方案,然后做成印刷样品,看看最终的成品封面是什么样子。 这种在编辑、发行人、销售市场部之间来来回回的决策过程会一直持续到各方都满意为止。 封面设计一般七、八版,运气不好有可能达到50版。 通常快速的设计需要7-8个版本的迭代才能选出定稿,之后还需要做一些微调(把标题调大一点儿、换一个正文字体、市场部要求作者的名字用金箔等)。碰到磨人的设计,要做出几十个封面,最高记录是做了50个版本的封面。太痛苦了。 有些人总是惊讶于作者很少参与设计过程,因为封面是这本书首次面世的样子。但有两个重要因素需要考虑到。 第一,对于如何尽可能让书畅销这件事,作者们很乐意听出版社的意见。出版发行是商业行为,而且出版社通晓市场行情。 第二,设计过程进行的同时,作者们通常还处在改稿的最后阶段,痛苦到不想被任何事情打搅。话虽如此,如果某个作者不喜欢某个封面,那么这个设计就会推倒重来。不过如果各个环节都没出问题,这种情况也不会出现。 设计一经定稿,出版社就会把数字版发给印刷厂,然后书就被印出来了,接着打包运送到出版社的仓库里。出售的时候,书也就从那里运往书店。 有些人格外喜欢某一本书,在读完平装版之后,会专门买精装版回来收藏。 美观且易于保存的精装书中就凝结了出版人的心血。 你有哪些爱不释手的书呢?留言分享吧。 manuscript /mænjuskrɪpt/ n 手稿;原稿 materialize /məˈtɪriəlaɪz/ v 实现;发生;使成为现实 oversee /oʊvərˈsiː/ v 看管,指导,监督;监视 communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ v 传达,传递(想法、感情、思想等) commission /kəˈmɪʃn/ v 正式委托(谱写、制作、创作或完成) rough /rʌf/ n 草稿;草图 to-and-fro /ˈtuːənˈfrəʊ/ adj 来来往往的;往复的 finetune /ˈfaɪnˈtuːn/ v 微调:进行很小的调整以达到最佳性能或效果 编辑:左卓 实习编辑:陈月华 来源:The Conversation
联合国国际劳工组织最新发布的报告显示,在2020年新冠疫情引发全球危机后,全球劳动力市场遭受了巨大影响,损失了相当于2.25亿个全职工作岗位。目前劳动力市场正在实现初步复苏,但前景依旧高度不确定。 A construction worker on the job at a residential project during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Encinitas, California, US, July 30, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] The pandemic caused an "unprecedented" hit to the global economy last year, destroying the equivalent of 225 million full-time jobs, the United Nations has said. 联合国相关机构发布报告称,去年的新冠疫情对全球经济造成了“前所未有”的打击,全球损失了相当于2.25亿个全职工作岗位。 The crisis caused an 8.8% drop in working hours - four times more than followed the 2008 financial crisis. 新冠疫情导致全球工作时间减少了8.8%,是2008年金融危机造成损失的四倍多。 The UN said looking at job cuts alone "drastically" understated the damage. 联合国相关机构表示,仅考虑裁员会“大幅”低估损失。 understate:低估,轻描淡写(vt.) It also warned that recovery remains uncertain, despite hope that vaccines will spur an economic rebound. 该机构还警告说,尽管疫苗有望刺激经济反弹,但全球经济复苏仍充满不确定性。 Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3% lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs, predicts the report, by the UN's International Labor Organization (ILO). 这份由联合国国际劳工组织发布的报告预测,2021年的工作时间可能仍将比2019年减少3%以上,大约相当于9000万个全职工作岗位。 But it cautioned that the downturn could be worse, if vaccine distribution is slow and global governments do not provide the economic stimulus expected. 但报告警告说,如果疫苗分发缓慢,而且全球各国政府没有提供预期的经济刺激,工作时间的减少幅度可能更大。 "The signs of recovery we see are encouraging, but they are fragile and highly uncertain, and we must remember that no country or group can recover alone," said ILO's director-general Guy Ryder. 国际劳工组织总干事盖伊•赖德说:“我们看到的复苏迹象令人鼓舞,但它们很脆弱,且非常不确定。我们必须记住,没有任何国家或团体能够单独复苏。” 自1930 年代以来最严重的危机 Less than 3% of the world's workers are living in places with economy-wide shutdowns, compared to a peak of more than 40% last April, the ILO said. 国际劳工组织说,全球只有不到3%的员工生活在经济大规模封锁的地方,而去年4月这一比例曾高达40%以上。 Still, the damage in 2020 was even worse than the ILO predicted last spring, when it estimated that four in five people's jobs had been affected by full or partial closures and predicted a 6.8% fall in working hours. 尽管如此,2020年新冠疫情对全球劳动力市场的破坏程度甚至比国际劳工组织去年春天预测的还要严重,当时该机构预测称,五分之四的工作岗位因全部或部分封锁而受到影响,并预测全球工作时间下降6.8%。 "This has been the most severe crisis for the world of work since the Great Depression of the 1930s," Mr Ryder told reporters in a virtual briefing. “这是上世纪30年代大萧条以来全球劳动力市场面临的最严重危机”,赖德在一场视频新闻发布会上告诉记者。 The ILO said roughly half of the hours lost were due to firms cutting back on work. 国际劳工组织表示,大约一半的工时损失是由于公司减少工作量。 Employment also dropped by 114 million compared to 2019, as about 33 million people lost jobs, while the rest became "inactive" - either giving up work or looking for a job. 与2019年相比,就业人数也减少了1.14亿,约3300万人失去了工作,而其余的人变得“不活跃”,要么辞职,要么正在找工作。 Overall, participation in the labour force dropped by 2.2 percentage points last year, compared to just a 0.2 percentage point drop between 2008 and 2009, the ILO said. 国际劳工组织表示,总体而言,去年劳动力参与率下降了2.2个百分点,而2008年至2009年仅下降了0.2个百分点。 Without government support schemes, the declines amount to a loss of $3.7tn in income globally - about 4.4% of overall economic output - which Mr Ryder described as "extraordinary". 如果没有政府的支持计划,这种下降相当于全球收入损失3.7万亿美元,约占全球经济产出的4.4%,赖德称这是“非同寻常的”。 Regions such as Latin America, the Caribbean, southern Europe and southern Asia were particularly affected. The losses also disproportionately fell on women and young people. 从地区看,拉丁美洲、加勒比、南欧和南亚等区域受到的影响尤其严重。从人群看,妇女和年轻人遭受的损失更大。 The agency said the rebound in the second half of 2020 appears to have been stronger than expected. But it is likely to remain uneven, "threatening to increase inequality within and between countries". 该机构表示,2020年下半年的反弹似乎强于预期,但可能会继续保持不平衡,“或将加剧国家内部和国家之间的不平等”。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
A construction worker on the job at a residential project during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Encinitas, California, US, July 30, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] The pandemic caused an "unprecedented" hit to the global economy last year, destroying the equivalent of 225 million full-time jobs, the United Nations has said. The crisis caused an 8.8% drop in working hours - four times more than followed the 2008 financial crisis. The UN said looking at job cuts alone "drastically" understated the damage. It also warned that recovery remains uncertain, despite hope that vaccines will spur an economic rebound. Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3% lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs, predicts the report, by the UN's International Labor Organization (ILO). But it cautioned that the downturn could be worse, if vaccine distribution is slow and global governments do not provide the economic stimulus expected. "The signs of recovery we see are encouraging, but they are fragile and highly uncertain, and we must remember that no country or group can recover alone," said ILO's director-general Guy Ryder. Less than 3% of the world's workers are living in places with economy-wide shutdowns, compared to a peak of more than 40% last April, the ILO said. Still, the damage in 2020 was even worse than the ILO predicted last spring, when it estimated that four in five people's jobs had been affected by full or partial closures and predicted a 6.8% fall in working hours. "This has been the most severe crisis for the world of work since the Great Depression of the 1930s," Mr Ryder told reporters in a virtual briefing. The ILO said roughly half of the hours lost were due to firms cutting back on work. Employment also dropped by 114 million compared to 2019, as about 33 million people lost jobs, while the rest became "inactive" - either giving up work or looking for a job. Overall, participation in the labour force dropped by 2.2 percentage points last year, compared to just a 0.2 percentage point drop between 2008 and 2009, the ILO said. Without government support schemes, the declines amount to a loss of $3.7tn in income globally - about 4.4% of overall economic output - which Mr Ryder described as "extraordinary". Regions such as Latin America, the Caribbean, southern Europe and southern Asia were particularly affected. The losses also disproportionately fell on women and young people. The agency said the rebound in the second half of 2020 appears to have been stronger than expected. But it is likely to remain uneven, "threatening to increase inequality within and between countries".
联合国国际劳工组织最新发布的报告显示,在2020年新冠疫情引发全球危机后,全球劳动力市场遭受了巨大影响,损失了相当于2.25亿个全职工作岗位。目前劳动力市场正在实现初步复苏,但前景依旧高度不确定。 联合国相关机构发布报告称,去年的新冠疫情对全球经济造成了“前所未有”的打击,全球损失了相当于2.25亿个全职工作岗位。 新冠疫情导致全球工作时间减少了8.8%,是2008年金融危机造成损失的四倍多。 联合国相关机构表示,仅考虑裁员会“大幅”低估损失。 understate:低估,轻描淡写(vt.) 该机构还警告说,尽管疫苗有望刺激经济反弹,但全球经济复苏仍充满不确定性。 这份由联合国国际劳工组织发布的报告预测,2021年的工作时间可能仍将比2019年减少3%以上,大约相当于9000万个全职工作岗位。 但报告警告说,如果疫苗分发缓慢,而且全球各国政府没有提供预期的经济刺激,工作时间的减少幅度可能更大。 国际劳工组织总干事盖伊•赖德说:“我们看到的复苏迹象令人鼓舞,但它们很脆弱,且非常不确定。我们必须记住,没有任何国家或团体能够单独复苏。” 自1930 年代以来最严重的危机 国际劳工组织说,全球只有不到3%的员工生活在经济大规模封锁的地方,而去年4月这一比例曾高达40%以上。 尽管如此,2020年新冠疫情对全球劳动力市场的破坏程度甚至比国际劳工组织去年春天预测的还要严重,当时该机构预测称,五分之四的工作岗位因全部或部分封锁而受到影响,并预测全球工作时间下降6.8%。 “这是上世纪30年代大萧条以来全球劳动力市场面临的最严重危机”,赖德在一场视频新闻发布会上告诉记者。 国际劳工组织表示,大约一半的工时损失是由于公司减少工作量。 与2019年相比,就业人数也减少了1.14亿,约3300万人失去了工作,而其余的人变得“不活跃”,要么辞职,要么正在找工作。 国际劳工组织表示,总体而言,去年劳动力参与率下降了2.2个百分点,而2008年至2009年仅下降了0.2个百分点。 如果没有政府的支持计划,这种下降相当于全球收入损失3.7万亿美元,约占全球经济产出的4.4%,赖德称这是“非同寻常的”。 从地区看,拉丁美洲、加勒比、南欧和南亚等区域受到的影响尤其严重。从人群看,妇女和年轻人遭受的损失更大。 该机构表示,2020年下半年的反弹似乎强于预期,但可能会继续保持不平衡,“或将加剧国家内部和国家之间的不平等”。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:yaning
1月22日,十三届全国人大常委会第二十五次会议表决通过了新修订的《动物防疫法》,该法将于2021年5月1日起正式施行。 据全国人大农业与农村委员会法案室副主任王观芳介绍,动物疫病与人的传染病密切相关,70%的动物疫病可以传染给人类,75%的人类新发传染病来源于动物。控制住动物疫病,必然会大幅提升公共卫生安全水平。 A staff member cuts a dog's hair at a pet store in Lianyungang, East China's Jiangsu province, on Jan 12, 2021. [Photo/IC] On Friday, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the newly amended Animal Quarantine Law , which will come into effect on May 1. 1月22日,全国人大常委会通过了新修订的《动物防疫法》,该法将于2021年5月1日生效。 近年来,由于遛狗不牵绳引发的危险屡见不鲜。针对这一问题,新《动物防疫法》明确规定,携带犬只出户,应当按照规定佩戴犬牌并采取系犬绳等措施,防止犬只伤人、疫病传播。 According to the revised law, any person or organization who raises a dog must ensure the animal is routinely vaccinated, and register the vaccination certificate. Also, when walking a dog outdoors, the dog should have a valid registration card attached to its collar, and it should be kept on a leash to prevent it hurting anyone or spreading diseases. 新修订的《动物防疫法》规定,任何饲养犬只的个人或单位必须确保该动物定期接种疫苗,并登记接种证书。此外,携带犬只出户,应当佩戴犬牌并系带犬绳,以防犬只伤人或传播疫病。 对饲养的犬只未按规定定期进行狂犬病免疫接种的,可能被处罚款;逾期不改正的,除罚款外,还将由县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门委托动物诊疗机构、无害化处理场所等代为处理,所需费用由违法行为人承担。 来看规定详情: 除了对宠物防疫有新的明确规定外,对于家禽家畜、人工饲养捕获等其他动物的防疫,新《动物防疫法》也作出了一系列明确规定: The law covers all livestock and animals raised or captured by humans. It divides animal diseases into three kinds and requires a mandatory quarantine of animals that potentially threaten agriculture and human health. 该法涵盖了人类饲养或捕获的所有牲畜和动物。它将动物疫病分为三类,并要求对可能威胁养殖业和人体健康的动物实施强制性免疫。 为保证动物防疫工作效果,法律提出,国家对严重危害养殖业生产和人体健康的动物疫病实施强制免疫。饲养动物的单位和个人应当履行动物疫病强制免疫义务。 野生动物疫病防控关系重大。相关检疫规范的缺失,是当前野生动物疫源疫病防控工作的一个短板。对此,法律明确,国务院农业农村主管部门会同国务院野生动物保护主管部门制定野生动物检疫办法。 Another significant measure in the revised law is the stipulation that wild animals must undergo quarantine. 修订后的法律中的另一项重要措施是规定野生动物必须接受检疫。 The newly amended law has made it clear that the agricultural and wild animal protection departments of the State Council, China's Cabinet, must work together to ensure wild animals complete the specified quarantine period. 法律明确,中国国务院农业和野生动物保护部门必须共同努力,确保野生动物完成规定的检疫。 法律还规定,因科研、药用、展示等特殊情形需要非食用性利用的野生动物,应当按照国家有关规定报动物卫生监督机构检疫,检疫合格的,方可利用。人工捕获的野生动物,应当按照国家有关规定报捕获地动物卫生监督机构检疫,检疫合格的,方可饲养、经营和运输。 A third, but no less significant change, is that if anyone hopes to utilize wild animals for purposes such as research, pharmaceutical products or exhibition, they must apply for animal health monitoring institutions to do the quarantine. Also those who capture wild animals must also undergo quarantine before raising or transporting them. 第三个同样重要的变化是,任何人需要利用野生动物进行研究、药品或展览,必须上报动物卫生监督机构检疫。个人捕获野生动物,要检疫合格后才能饲养或运输。 此外,法律还明确了病死动物和病害动物产品的无害化处理,规定了可参加执业兽医资格考试的人员范围,并鼓励和支持执业兽医、乡村兽医和动物诊疗机构等开展动物防疫、提供防疫服务。 编辑:陈月华 来源:新华社 央视新闻 中国日报
A staff member cuts a dog's hair at a pet store in Lianyungang, East China's Jiangsu province, on Jan 12, 2021. [Photo/IC] On Friday, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the newly amended Animal Quarantine Law , which will come into effect on May 1. According to the revised law, any person or organization who raises a dog must ensure the animal is routinely vaccinated, and register the vaccination certificate. Also, when walking a dog outdoors, the dog should have a valid registration card attached to its collar, and it should be kept on a leash to prevent it hurting anyone or spreading diseases. The law covers all livestock and animals raised or captured by humans. It divides animal diseases into three kinds and requires a mandatory quarantine of animals that potentially threaten agriculture and human health. Another significant measure in the revised law is the stipulation that wild animals must undergo quarantine. The newly amended law has made it clear that the agricultural and wild animal protection departments of the State Council, China's Cabinet, must work together to ensure wild animals complete the specified quarantine period. A third, but no less significant change, is that if anyone hopes to utilize wild animals for purposes such as research, pharmaceutical products or exhibition, they must apply for animal health monitoring institutions to do the quarantine. Also those who capture wild animals must also undergo quarantine before raising or transporting them.
1月22日,十三届全国人大常委会第二十五次会议表决通过了新修订的《动物防疫法》,该法将于2021年5月1日起正式施行。 据全国人大农业与农村委员会法案室副主任王观芳介绍,动物疫病与人的传染病密切相关,70%的动物疫病可以传染给人类,75%的人类新发传染病来源于动物。控制住动物疫病,必然会大幅提升公共卫生安全水平。 1月22日,全国人大常委会通过了新修订的《动物防疫法》,该法将于2021年5月1日生效。 近年来,由于遛狗不牵绳引发的危险屡见不鲜。针对这一问题,新《动物防疫法》明确规定,携带犬只出户,应当按照规定佩戴犬牌并采取系犬绳等措施,防止犬只伤人、疫病传播。 新修订的《动物防疫法》规定,任何饲养犬只的个人或单位必须确保该动物定期接种疫苗,并登记接种证书。此外,携带犬只出户,应当佩戴犬牌并系带犬绳,以防犬只伤人或传播疫病。 对饲养的犬只未按规定定期进行狂犬病免疫接种的,可能被处罚款;逾期不改正的,除罚款外,还将由县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门委托动物诊疗机构、无害化处理场所等代为处理,所需费用由违法行为人承担。 来看规定详情: 除了对宠物防疫有新的明确规定外,对于家禽家畜、人工饲养捕获等其他动物的防疫,新《动物防疫法》也作出了一系列明确规定: 该法涵盖了人类饲养或捕获的所有牲畜和动物。它将动物疫病分为三类,并要求对可能威胁养殖业和人体健康的动物实施强制性免疫。 为保证动物防疫工作效果,法律提出,国家对严重危害养殖业生产和人体健康的动物疫病实施强制免疫。饲养动物的单位和个人应当履行动物疫病强制免疫义务。 野生动物疫病防控关系重大。相关检疫规范的缺失,是当前野生动物疫源疫病防控工作的一个短板。对此,法律明确,国务院农业农村主管部门会同国务院野生动物保护主管部门制定野生动物检疫办法。 修订后的法律中的另一项重要措施是规定野生动物必须接受检疫。 法律明确,中国国务院农业和野生动物保护部门必须共同努力,确保野生动物完成规定的检疫。 法律还规定,因科研、药用、展示等特殊情形需要非食用性利用的野生动物,应当按照国家有关规定报动物卫生监督机构检疫,检疫合格的,方可利用。人工捕获的野生动物,应当按照国家有关规定报捕获地动物卫生监督机构检疫,检疫合格的,方可饲养、经营和运输。 第三个同样重要的变化是,任何人需要利用野生动物进行研究、药品或展览,必须上报动物卫生监督机构检疫。个人捕获野生动物,要检疫合格后才能饲养或运输。 此外,法律还明确了病死动物和病害动物产品的无害化处理,规定了可参加执业兽医资格考试的人员范围,并鼓励和支持执业兽医、乡村兽医和动物诊疗机构等开展动物防疫、提供防疫服务。 编辑:陈月华 来源:新华社 央视新闻 中国日报
意大利总理朱塞佩·孔特1月23日就辉瑞公司和阿斯利康推迟交付新冠疫苗发出警告,称意大利方面将“动用一切可行法律手段”维权。此前,继美国辉瑞公司表示无法按时交付疫苗后,英国药企阿斯利康近日也告知欧盟,其第一季度的供货数量或将削减60%。 A woman receives the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination centre in Naples, Italy, on Jan 8, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] Italy will take legal action and step up pressure in Brussels against Pfizer Inc and AstraZeneca over delays in deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines with a view to securing agreed supplies, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday. 意大利外长路易吉·迪马约1月24日表示,意大利将就推迟交付新冠疫苗一事对辉瑞公司和阿斯利康采取法律行动,并在欧盟对两家药企施加压力,以确保疫苗按合同约定交付。 with a view to:以…为目的 The aim was to get the companies to meet the vaccine volumes they had promised and not to seek compensation, Di Maio said on RAI state television. 迪马约对意大利国家电视台说,这是为了让两家公司按时足量交付疫苗,而不是为了寻求赔偿。 “This is a European contract that Pfizer and AstraZeneca are not respecting and so for this reason we will take legal action... We are working so our vaccine plan programme does not change,” he said. 他说:“辉瑞和阿斯利康不尊重这份与欧洲签订的合同,因此我们将采取法律行动……我们正在努力使我们的疫苗计划如期执行。” Pfizer said last week it was temporarily slowing supplies to Europe to make manufacturing changes that would boost output. The EU has ordered 600 million doses from Pfizer. 辉瑞上周表示,该公司正在暂时放缓对欧洲的供应,以便对生产进行调整,进一步提高产量。欧盟已经从辉瑞公司订购了6亿剂新冠疫苗。 On Friday, AstraZeneca said initial deliveries to the region will fall short because of a production problem. A spokesman for AstraZeneca said on Friday that "initial volumes will be lower than originally anticipated" without giving further details. 阿斯利康于1月22日表示,由于生产问题,将削减向欧盟地区的首批供货数量。该公司一位发言人1月22日表示,“第一批交付数量将低于最初预期”,但未透露更多细节。 Officials have not confirmed publicly how big the shortfall will be, but an unnamed EU official told Reuters news agency that deliveries would be reduced to 31m - a cut of 60% - in the first quarter of this year. 欧盟官员们尚未公开证实缺口将有多大,但一位不具名的欧盟官员告诉路透社,今年第一季度的疫苗交货量将减少60%,只有3100万剂。 Asked why he thought the pharmaceutical companies had been forced to announce reductions, Di Maio said he believed they had simply bitten off more than they could chew. 当被问及为什么他认为两家制药公司被迫宣布削减交付数量时,迪马约说,他认为药企只是接单太多,无法按期交付。 “We are activating all channels so the EU Commission does all it can to make these gentlemen respect their contracts,” he said. 他说:“我们正在想尽一切办法,以便欧盟委员会尽其所能让两家公司尊重他们的合同。” No one was immediately available to comment at Pfizer in Italy. AstraZeneca did not immediately reply to an email and voice message. 辉瑞在意大利的工作人员没有立即发表评论。阿斯利康也没有立即回复邮件和语音信息。 Also on Sunday European Council President Charles Michel said the EU would use legal means to ensure pharmaceutical companies respect supply contracts for COVID-19 vaccines. 同样在1月24日,欧洲理事会主席夏尔·米歇尔表示,欧盟将动用法律手段确保制药公司遵守新冠疫苗供应合同。 “We plan to make the pharmaceutical companies respect the contracts they have signed ... by using the legal means at our disposal,” Michel said on Europe 1 radio. 米歇尔在欧洲第一广播电台的节目上说:“我们将动用一切可行的法律手段让制药公司尊重他们签订的合同。” Sky Italia TV cited Pfizer on Sunday as saying the cuts, to the number of vials delivered and not the number of doses, had been due to work to increase capacity at a Belgian plant. Supplies would return to normal as of next week, Sky cited Pfizer as saying. 意大利天空电视台1月24日援引辉瑞公司的话说,削减交付的是药瓶数量,而不是疫苗剂量,这是为了增加比利时工厂的产能。供应将在下周恢复正常。 vial [ˈvaɪəl]:n.小瓶;药水瓶 On Saturday Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said the delays in vaccine supplies were “unacceptable” and amounted to a serious breach of contractual obligations, adding that Italy would use all available legal tools. 意大利总理朱塞佩·孔特1月23日说,药企推迟交付疫苗严重违反合同,“不可接受”, 意大利将动用一切可行法律手段维权。 Speaking on Italian TV on Sunday Italy’s Deputy Health Minister Pierpaolo Sileri said the cut in supplies announced by Pfizer and AstraZeneca would put back vaccination of the over-80s in Italy by about four weeks and the rest of the population by about 6-8 weeks. 1月24日,意大利卫生部副部长皮埃尔保罗·西莱里在意大利电视台的节目上说,辉瑞和阿斯利康宣布削减供应将使意大利80岁以上人群的疫苗接种时间推迟约四周,其他人群推迟约六到八周。 “This kind of delay affects the whole of Europe and a good part of the world but I am confident the delay can be made up for further down the road,” he said. 他说:“疫苗延迟交付会影响到整个欧洲和全球大部分地区,但是我相信,可以在今后补足。” 英文来源:路透社 翻译&编辑:yaning
A woman receives the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination centre in Naples, Italy, on Jan 8, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] Italy will take legal action and step up pressure in Brussels against Pfizer Inc and AstraZeneca over delays in deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines with a view to securing agreed supplies, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday. The aim was to get the companies to meet the vaccine volumes they had promised and not to seek compensation, Di Maio said on RAI state television. “This is a European contract that Pfizer and AstraZeneca are not respecting and so for this reason we will take legal action... We are working so our vaccine plan programme does not change,” he said. Pfizer said last week it was temporarily slowing supplies to Europe to make manufacturing changes that would boost output. The EU has ordered 600 million doses from Pfizer. On Friday, AstraZeneca said initial deliveries to the region will fall short because of a production problem. A spokesman for AstraZeneca said on Friday that "initial volumes will be lower than originally anticipated" without giving further details. Officials have not confirmed publicly how big the shortfall will be, but an unnamed EU official told Reuters news agency that deliveries would be reduced to 31m - a cut of 60% - in the first quarter of this year. Asked why he thought the pharmaceutical companies had been forced to announce reductions, Di Maio said he believed they had simply bitten off more than they could chew. “We are activating all channels so the EU Commission does all it can to make these gentlemen respect their contracts,” he said. No one was immediately available to comment at Pfizer in Italy. AstraZeneca did not immediately reply to an email and voice message. Also on Sunday European Council President Charles Michel said the EU would use legal means to ensure pharmaceutical companies respect supply contracts for COVID-19 vaccines. “We plan to make the pharmaceutical companies respect the contracts they have signed ... by using the legal means at our disposal,” Michel said on Europe 1 radio. Sky Italia TV cited Pfizer on Sunday as saying the cuts, to the number of vials delivered and not the number of doses, had been due to work to increase capacity at a Belgian plant. Supplies would return to normal as of next week, Sky cited Pfizer as saying. On Saturday Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said the delays in vaccine supplies were “unacceptable” and amounted to a serious breach of contractual obligations, adding that Italy would use all available legal tools. Speaking on Italian TV on Sunday Italy’s Deputy Health Minister Pierpaolo Sileri said the cut in supplies announced by Pfizer and AstraZeneca would put back vaccination of the over-80s in Italy by about four weeks and the rest of the population by about 6-8 weeks. “This kind of delay affects the whole of Europe and a good part of the world but I am confident the delay can be made up for further down the road,” he said.
意大利总理朱塞佩·孔特1月23日就辉瑞公司和阿斯利康推迟交付新冠疫苗发出警告,称意大利方面将“动用一切可行法律手段”维权。此前,继美国辉瑞公司表示无法按时交付疫苗后,英国药企阿斯利康近日也告知欧盟,其第一季度的供货数量或将削减60%。 意大利外长路易吉·迪马约1月24日表示,意大利将就推迟交付新冠疫苗一事对辉瑞公司和阿斯利康采取法律行动,并在欧盟对两家药企施加压力,以确保疫苗按合同约定交付。 with a view to:以…为目的 迪马约对意大利国家电视台说,这是为了让两家公司按时足量交付疫苗,而不是为了寻求赔偿。 他说:“辉瑞和阿斯利康不尊重这份与欧洲签订的合同,因此我们将采取法律行动……我们正在努力使我们的疫苗计划如期执行。” 辉瑞上周表示,该公司正在暂时放缓对欧洲的供应,以便对生产进行调整,进一步提高产量。欧盟已经从辉瑞公司订购了6亿剂新冠疫苗。 阿斯利康于1月22日表示,由于生产问题,将削减向欧盟地区的首批供货数量。该公司一位发言人1月22日表示,“第一批交付数量将低于最初预期”,但未透露更多细节。 欧盟官员们尚未公开证实缺口将有多大,但一位不具名的欧盟官员告诉路透社,今年第一季度的疫苗交货量将减少60%,只有3100万剂。 当被问及为什么他认为两家制药公司被迫宣布削减交付数量时,迪马约说,他认为药企只是接单太多,无法按期交付。 他说:“我们正在想尽一切办法,以便欧盟委员会尽其所能让两家公司尊重他们的合同。” 辉瑞在意大利的工作人员没有立即发表评论。阿斯利康也没有立即回复邮件和语音信息。 同样在1月24日,欧洲理事会主席夏尔·米歇尔表示,欧盟将动用法律手段确保制药公司遵守新冠疫苗供应合同。 米歇尔在欧洲第一广播电台的节目上说:“我们将动用一切可行的法律手段让制药公司尊重他们签订的合同。” 意大利天空电视台1月24日援引辉瑞公司的话说,削减交付的是药瓶数量,而不是疫苗剂量,这是为了增加比利时工厂的产能。供应将在下周恢复正常。 vial [ˈvaɪəl]:n.小瓶;药水瓶 意大利总理朱塞佩·孔特1月23日说,药企推迟交付疫苗严重违反合同,“不可接受”, 意大利将动用一切可行法律手段维权。 1月24日,意大利卫生部副部长皮埃尔保罗·西莱里在意大利电视台的节目上说,辉瑞和阿斯利康宣布削减供应将使意大利80岁以上人群的疫苗接种时间推迟约四周,其他人群推迟约六到八周。 他说:“疫苗延迟交付会影响到整个欧洲和全球大部分地区,但是我相信,可以在今后补足。” 英文来源:路透社 翻译&编辑:yaning
团建 (team building / team bonding) 无处不在。校园素拓、工会活动、集体生日趴等等都属于这类。出发点自然是好的:让组员意识到团队力量和有效沟通的重要性。不过公共空间难免有不同声音,微博话题 #为什么大部分人不喜欢团建# 有着4亿阅读量。 Photo by Belle Co from Pexels 我们汇总了几个常见的理由: ❶ 有些同事合不来 disagreeable colleagues ❷ 占用假期,形同加班 days off occupied ❸ 酒文化,劝酒难挡 being urged to drink ❹ 换个地方开会 just another form of meetings ❺ 强制性,不参加扣工资 compulsory and pay cuts apply on absence 无论团建讨喜与否,双语君都提醒大家,疫情期间,应当适当减少聚众活动哦。 省下来的时间,来学习下这些团建活动的英文表达。 周末静修 Weekend retreats Weekend retreats include yoga, massage, and meditation workshops. 周末的静修活动包括瑜伽、按摩、以及冥想工作坊。 坐地起身 Partner standing challenges Pairs sit back-to-back, arms linked and have to stand up together. 两个人背靠背坐着,手臂从背后挽住,需要一起站起来。 信任后倒 Trust falls In a trust fall, a person deliberately falls backwards, trusting the members of a group to catch them, and in doing so, increasing trust. 一个人需要故意往后倒,相信后面的组员会接住这个人,这么做会增加信任感。 攀岩 Rock climbing Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. 参加攀岩活动的人在自然岩石或者人工岩墙上上下爬行或者横着爬行。 彩弹射击(真人CS) Paintballing Paintballing is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact. Paintballs are usually shot using low-energy air weapons called paintball markers that are powered by compressed air (nitrogen) or carbon dioxide and were originally designed for remotely marking trees and cattle. 彩弹射击是一项竞技性团体射击运动,玩家们用一种被称为彩弹的球形染色明胶胶囊击打对手,以此在比赛中淘汰对手。玩家通常使用被称为彩弹标记器的低能气枪来射击,这种气枪由压缩空气(氮气)或二氧化碳为其提供动力,最初设计用于远程标记树木和牛。 剧本杀 Jubensha – Script murder A jubensha is a role-playing murder mystery activity that has become highly popular among young urban Chinese. 剧本杀是一项凶案角色扮演游戏,在城市年轻人群中十分流行。 Sessions of script murder, which take place in specialist escape room-style venues, cost up to 300 yuan per person and take over four hours. Players are each given a character with a complex backstory and costume, and are then thrown into an immersive environment to rummage around for clues and interact with other characters as they attempt to solve a crime. 剧本杀的场地是专门的密室逃脱风格,每人需要花最多300块以及四小时才能玩一局。玩家们每人都会分配到一个有复杂背景故事和服装的角色,接着就会进入到一个沉浸式的环境中,需要搜寻线索以及与其他角色互动来破解案件。 我从未……过 Never have I ever "Never Have I Ever" is a drinking game in which players take turns telling things they have not done. Other players who have done this thing respond by taking a drink. “我从未……过”是一个喝酒游戏。玩家需要轮流说出自己从来没干过的事情,在座的玩家要是有谁干过这件事就需要喝酒。 [Photo/pexels] 除了上面那些常见的团建活动和游戏,有些公司玩儿起团建来,是舍得下本钱的。出国旅游已经不新鲜,自己设计游戏或者真人荒岛求生也能整出来。 Facebook created an outdoor spy game where employees had to solve clues to "rescue" a co-worker or object that had been "stolen." Facebook创造了一个户外间谍游戏,员工必须在游戏中破解线索,才能“解救”被“偷走”的同事或物品。 Lyft "stranded" employees on a private San Francisco island. Team members had to build a communication device to make contact with the outside world and be "rescued." Lyft把员工“困在”旧金山一个私人岛屿上。队员们不得不打造一个通讯装置,与外界取得联系,并获得“解救”。 不过因为疫情,如今仍在远程办公的人只能玩些线上团建活动了。 大部分都是社交场合的“破冰游戏”,有不少都涉及隐私,如:分享自己的房间,让人觉得很难把握好度。 看下别人的家 A peek into each other’s homes This virtual team building exercise requires team members to virtually open their homes to one another. 这个虚拟团建要求团队成员彼此开放展示他们的家。 Each team member will take a short video showing off their home and some of their favorite things. This activity allows team members to get to know one another on a more personal basis, and can lead to cohesiveness and feelings of camaraderie. 每个队员都会拍一段短片,展示他们的家和一些他们最喜欢的东西。这项活动使团队成员能够在更个人化的基础上相互了解,并能产生凝聚力和友情。 猜猜这条是谁 Personal facts guessing game The manager asks each team member to share some personal facts with them. 主管会要求每个团队成员与众人分享一些个人事实。 These facts will then be compiled onto a document that’s shared with each individual in the team. Next to each personal fact there’s an empty column where each employee will have to guess which team member the fact belongs to. 这些事实将被汇编到一个文档中,共享给团队中的每个人。在每条个人事实旁边有一个空栏,每个员工都必须猜测这一条陈述属于哪个团队成员。 分享遗愿清单 Share your bucket list Each week, designate one person with the task of sharing their bucket list. Everyone listening can then spend a short amount of time discussing the bucket list— whether it’s comparing similarities or simply asking fun questions! 每周指定一个人分享自己的清单。每个听的人都可以花很短的时间讨论这个清单——不管是比较相似之处还是简单地问一些有趣的问题! 两条真一条假 Two truths and a lie Each team member presents three statements about themselves: two truths and one that is false. The team can then take turns to recognize what’s true and what the lie is. After everyone has guessed, the speaker reveals their lie. 每个团队成员给出三条与自己有关的陈述:两条真一条假。然后团队成员可以轮流来鉴别哪两条为真,哪一条为假。在每个人都猜完之后,主管就可以揭晓哪条是谎言了。 看完远程团建的方案,不禁为人捏一把汗。这些游戏可能并不适合所有团队用来团建。毕竟,职场的合作信任并不一定非要以暴露一部分工作之外的自己为代价。 而且,雇员们可能并无意了解同事的工作外八小时。清晰可行的团队目标、公正的赏罚机制、以及快捷有效的沟通或许才是职场人真正想要的。 Notes formation [fɔːrˈmeɪʃn] n 组成物;形成物 nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən] n 氮气 rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] v 翻寻;乱翻;搜寻 strand [strænd] v 使滞留;使搁浅 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:纪璎笑 Source: 微博, Forbes Entrepreneur Sixthtone等
Photo by Belle Co from Pexels Weekend retreats Weekend retreats include yoga, massage, and meditation workshops. Partner standing challenges Pairs sit back-to-back, arms linked and have to stand up together. Trust falls In a trust fall, a person deliberately falls backwards, trusting the members of a group to catch them, and in doing so, increasing trust. Rock climbing Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. Paintballing Paintballing is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact. Paintballs are usually shot using low-energy air weapons called paintball markers that are powered by compressed air (nitrogen) or carbon dioxide and were originally designed for remotely marking trees and cattle. Jubensha – Script murder A jubensha is a role-playing murder mystery activity that has become highly popular among young urban Chinese. Sessions of script murder, which take place in specialist escape room-style venues, cost up to 300 yuan per person and take over four hours. Players are each given a character with a complex backstory and costume, and are then thrown into an immersive environment to rummage around for clues and interact with other characters as they attempt to solve a crime. Never have I ever "Never Have I Ever" is a drinking game in which players take turns telling things they have not done. Other players who have done this thing respond by taking a drink. [Photo/pexels] Facebook created an outdoor spy game where employees had to solve clues to "rescue" a co-worker or object that had been "stolen." Lyft "stranded" employees on a private San Francisco island. Team members had to build a communication device to make contact with the outside world and be "rescued." A peek into each other’s homes This virtual team building exercise requires team members to virtually open their homes to one another. Each team member will take a short video showing off their home and some of their favorite things. This activity allows team members to get to know one another on a more personal basis, and can lead to cohesiveness and feelings of camaraderie. Personal facts guessing game The manager asks each team member to share some personal facts with them. These facts will then be compiled onto a document that’s shared with each individual in the team. Next to each personal fact there’s an empty column where each employee will have to guess which team member the fact belongs to. Share your bucket list Each week, designate one person with the task of sharing their bucket list. Everyone listening can then spend a short amount of time discussing the bucket list— whether it’s comparing similarities or simply asking fun questions! Two truths and a lie Each team member presents three statements about themselves: two truths and one that is false. The team can then take turns to recognize what’s true and what the lie is. After everyone has guessed, the speaker reveals their lie. Notes
团建 (team building / team bonding) 无处不在。校园素拓、工会活动、集体生日趴等等都属于这类。出发点自然是好的:让组员意识到团队力量和有效沟通的重要性。不过公共空间难免有不同声音,微博话题 #为什么大部分人不喜欢团建# 有着4亿阅读量。 我们汇总了几个常见的理由: ❶ 有些同事合不来 disagreeable colleagues ❷ 占用假期,形同加班 days off occupied ❸ 酒文化,劝酒难挡 being urged to drink ❹ 换个地方开会 just another form of meetings ❺ 强制性,不参加扣工资 compulsory and pay cuts apply on absence 无论团建讨喜与否,双语君都提醒大家,疫情期间,应当适当减少聚众活动哦。 省下来的时间,来学习下这些团建活动的英文表达。 周末静修 周末的静修活动包括瑜伽、按摩、以及冥想工作坊。 坐地起身 两个人背靠背坐着,手臂从背后挽住,需要一起站起来。 信任后倒 一个人需要故意往后倒,相信后面的组员会接住这个人,这么做会增加信任感。 攀岩 参加攀岩活动的人在自然岩石或者人工岩墙上上下爬行或者横着爬行。 彩弹射击(真人CS) 彩弹射击是一项竞技性团体射击运动,玩家们用一种被称为彩弹的球形染色明胶胶囊击打对手,以此在比赛中淘汰对手。玩家通常使用被称为彩弹标记器的低能气枪来射击,这种气枪由压缩空气(氮气)或二氧化碳为其提供动力,最初设计用于远程标记树木和牛。 剧本杀 剧本杀是一项凶案角色扮演游戏,在城市年轻人群中十分流行。 剧本杀的场地是专门的密室逃脱风格,每人需要花最多300块以及四小时才能玩一局。玩家们每人都会分配到一个有复杂背景故事和服装的角色,接着就会进入到一个沉浸式的环境中,需要搜寻线索以及与其他角色互动来破解案件。 我从未……过 “我从未……过”是一个喝酒游戏。玩家需要轮流说出自己从来没干过的事情,在座的玩家要是有谁干过这件事就需要喝酒。 除了上面那些常见的团建活动和游戏,有些公司玩儿起团建来,是舍得下本钱的。出国旅游已经不新鲜,自己设计游戏或者真人荒岛求生也能整出来。 Facebook创造了一个户外间谍游戏,员工必须在游戏中破解线索,才能“解救”被“偷走”的同事或物品。 Lyft把员工“困在”旧金山一个私人岛屿上。队员们不得不打造一个通讯装置,与外界取得联系,并获得“解救”。 不过因为疫情,如今仍在远程办公的人只能玩些线上团建活动了。 大部分都是社交场合的“破冰游戏”,有不少都涉及隐私,如:分享自己的房间,让人觉得很难把握好度。 看下别人的家 这个虚拟团建要求团队成员彼此开放展示他们的家。 每个队员都会拍一段短片,展示他们的家和一些他们最喜欢的东西。这项活动使团队成员能够在更个人化的基础上相互了解,并能产生凝聚力和友情。 猜猜这条是谁 主管会要求每个团队成员与众人分享一些个人事实。 这些事实将被汇编到一个文档中,共享给团队中的每个人。在每条个人事实旁边有一个空栏,每个员工都必须猜测这一条陈述属于哪个团队成员。 分享遗愿清单 每周指定一个人分享自己的清单。每个听的人都可以花很短的时间讨论这个清单——不管是比较相似之处还是简单地问一些有趣的问题! 两条真一条假 每个团队成员给出三条与自己有关的陈述:两条真一条假。然后团队成员可以轮流来鉴别哪两条为真,哪一条为假。在每个人都猜完之后,主管就可以揭晓哪条是谎言了。 看完远程团建的方案,不禁为人捏一把汗。这些游戏可能并不适合所有团队用来团建。毕竟,职场的合作信任并不一定非要以暴露一部分工作之外的自己为代价。 而且,雇员们可能并无意了解同事的工作外八小时。清晰可行的团队目标、公正的赏罚机制、以及快捷有效的沟通或许才是职场人真正想要的。 formation [fɔːrˈmeɪʃn] n 组成物;形成物 nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən] n 氮气 rummage [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] v 翻寻;乱翻;搜寻 strand [strænd] v 使滞留;使搁浅 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:纪璎笑 Source: 微博, Forbes Entrepreneur Sixthtone等
如果你认为自己的历史还不错,那么就来看看下面这些同一时期发生的历史事实,也许会让你大吃一惊。 图片来源:Boredpanda Harriet The Tortoise, Who Died In 2006, Had Seen Charles Darwin In Person 这只名叫哈里特的陆龟活到了2006年,据称它曾经见到过查尔斯·达尔文本人。 图片来源:Boredpanda Woolly Mammoths Were Still Alive While Egyptians Were Building The Pyramids (2660 BCE) 埃及人开始修建金字塔的时候,长毛猛犸象还没有灭绝。 图片来源:Boredpanda Oxford University Existed For Hundreds Of Years Before The Aztec Empire Was Founded 阿兹特克帝国建立时,牛津大学已经有数百年校史了 图片来源:Boredpanda George Washington Died In 1799. The First Dinosaur Fossil Was Discovered In 1824. George Washington Never Knew Dinosaurs Existed 乔治·华盛顿死于1799年。而第一副恐龙化石是在1824年被发现的。以此推论,乔治·华盛顿可能根本不知道恐龙确实在地球上生存过。 图片来源:Boredpanda Anne Frank And Martin Luther King Junior Were Born In The Same Year (1929) 安妮·弗兰克(二战犹太人大屠杀中最著名的受害者之一)与民权运动的领袖马丁·路德·金是在同一年(1929年)出生的 图片来源:Boredpanda Today's Oldest Living Tree (A Bristlecone Pine) Was Already 1,000 Years Old When The Last Wooly Mammoth Died 世界上最后一只长毛猛犸象去世的时候,世界上最古老的树木(一棵狐尾松)已经1000岁了,至今它还活着 图片来源:Boredpanda Star Wars Came Out The Same Year As The Last Guillotine Execution In France (1977) 《星球大战》电影上映同年,法国执行了最后一场断头台上的死刑 图片来源:Boredpanda You Could Take The London Underground To The Last Public Hanging In The UK (1868) 你可以乘坐伦敦地铁去观看英国历史上最后一次公开绞刑(1868年) 图片来源:Boredpanda Charlie Chaplin Died In 1977, The Same Year Apple Was Incorporated. 卓别林是1977年去世的,同年苹果公司成立。 图片来源:Boredpanda Eiffel Tower Was Inaugurated In 1889 For The World's Fair, Which Was The Same Year Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' Was Painted 埃菲尔铁塔是在1889年世界博览会前揭幕的,同年,梵高的名画《星空》诞生。 (来源:沪江英语)
Harriet The Tortoise, Who Died In 2006, Had Seen Charles Darwin In Person Woolly Mammoths Were Still Alive While Egyptians Were Building The Pyramids (2660 BCE) Oxford University Existed For Hundreds Of Years Before The Aztec Empire Was Founded George Washington Died In 1799. The First Dinosaur Fossil Was Discovered In 1824. George Washington Never Knew Dinosaurs Existed Anne Frank And Martin Luther King Junior Were Born In The Same Year (1929) Today's Oldest Living Tree (A Bristlecone Pine) Was Already 1,000 Years Old When The Last Wooly Mammoth Died Star Wars Came Out The Same Year As The Last Guillotine Execution In France (1977) You Could Take The London Underground To The Last Public Hanging In The UK (1868) Charlie Chaplin Died In 1977, The Same Year Apple Was Incorporated. Eiffel Tower Was Inaugurated In 1889 For The World's Fair, Which Was The Same Year Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' Was Painted
如果你认为自己的历史还不错,那么就来看看下面这些同一时期发生的历史事实,也许会让你大吃一惊。 图片来源:Boredpanda 这只名叫哈里特的陆龟活到了2006年,据称它曾经见到过查尔斯·达尔文本人。 图片来源:Boredpanda 埃及人开始修建金字塔的时候,长毛猛犸象还没有灭绝。 图片来源:Boredpanda 阿兹特克帝国建立时,牛津大学已经有数百年校史了 图片来源:Boredpanda 乔治·华盛顿死于1799年。而第一副恐龙化石是在1824年被发现的。以此推论,乔治·华盛顿可能根本不知道恐龙确实在地球上生存过。 图片来源:Boredpanda 安妮·弗兰克(二战犹太人大屠杀中最著名的受害者之一)与民权运动的领袖马丁·路德·金是在同一年(1929年)出生的 图片来源:Boredpanda 世界上最后一只长毛猛犸象去世的时候,世界上最古老的树木(一棵狐尾松)已经1000岁了,至今它还活着 图片来源:Boredpanda 《星球大战》电影上映同年,法国执行了最后一场断头台上的死刑 图片来源:Boredpanda 你可以乘坐伦敦地铁去观看英国历史上最后一次公开绞刑(1868年) 图片来源:Boredpanda 卓别林是1977年去世的,同年苹果公司成立。 图片来源:Boredpanda 埃菲尔铁塔是在1889年世界博览会前揭幕的,同年,梵高的名画《星空》诞生。 (来源:沪江英语)
从小到大,我们看过无数动画和漫画,你有没有发现,有一些逻辑上可以说是十分感人了……Boredpanda就做了一个全面的盘点,简直笑哭。 Naked all day, wearing clothes at the beach. 一整天都光着,在沙滩上反倒穿上了衣服。 Listens to music with his eyes. Explain this... 用他的眼睛听音乐。能解释下么…… Says you are the love of his life. Forgets what you look like and has to put a shoe on every girl in the kingdom. 口口声声说你是他的毕生挚爱,却忘了你长啥样,非得让整个国家的女孩试鞋。 Nobody in the whole kingdom has the same shoe size. Seriously? 全国都没有人和灰姑娘穿一样大的鞋?你是认真的吗? Both are dogs. One is a pet and the other one is the owner. 同样是狗,差别咋这么大呢……一个是宠物,另一个却是主人。 They can't get out? 他们真出不去? Minnie Mouse gets afraid of mice even if she's also a mouse. 米妮被耗子吓到,它明明也是老鼠啊…… What kind of science is this? 这是什么操作? Want to make it obvious that two characters are married? Make them look like brother and sister. 怎样让两个人一看上去就知道他们是夫妻?让他们看起来像兄妹/姐弟吧。 The three little pigs have their father hanging on the wall. 三只小猪把爸爸挂在了墙上。 How does the kid put his shirt on? 讲真,这孩子咋穿上T恤的? Gravity won't work until you look down. 只要不往下看,重力就不起作用。 If slipper was a perfect fit, how did it slip off? 要是鞋特别合脚,咋还会掉呢? Let's rock, scissor, paper for it. Scissors beat paper! 石头剪刀布吧。哇,剪刀赢了布! How does his glasses stay on without nose or support? 没有耳朵,没有鼻子,眼镜是咋戴住的? Father and daughter 爸爸和女儿 So did they have hair? 所以,他们到底有没有头发? What doesn't kill you deforms your body. 能拍扁你,却杀不死你。 This is a horse. Your argument is invalid. 这是一匹马。不接受反驳。 Powers can't pass through gloves-can pass through shoes easily. (艾莎)的力量穿不透手套,却能轻松愉快地穿透鞋子。 编辑:唐晓敏
Naked all day, wearing clothes at the beach. Listens to music with his eyes. Explain this... Says you are the love of his life. Forgets what you look like and has to put a shoe on every girl in the kingdom. Nobody in the whole kingdom has the same shoe size. Seriously? Both are dogs. One is a pet and the other one is the owner. They can't get out? Minnie Mouse gets afraid of mice even if she's also a mouse. What kind of science is this? Want to make it obvious that two characters are married? Make them look like brother and sister. The three little pigs have their father hanging on the wall. How does the kid put his shirt on? Gravity won't work until you look down. If slipper was a perfect fit, how did it slip off? Let's rock, scissor, paper for it. Scissors beat paper! How does his glasses stay on without nose or support? Father and daughter So did they have hair? What doesn't kill you deforms your body. This is a horse. Your argument is invalid. Powers can't pass through gloves-can pass through shoes easily.
从小到大,我们看过无数动画和漫画,你有没有发现,有一些逻辑上可以说是十分感人了……Boredpanda就做了一个全面的盘点,简直笑哭。 一整天都光着,在沙滩上反倒穿上了衣服。 用他的眼睛听音乐。能解释下么…… 口口声声说你是他的毕生挚爱,却忘了你长啥样,非得让整个国家的女孩试鞋。 全国都没有人和灰姑娘穿一样大的鞋?你是认真的吗? 同样是狗,差别咋这么大呢……一个是宠物,另一个却是主人。 他们真出不去? 米妮被耗子吓到,它明明也是老鼠啊…… 这是什么操作? 怎样让两个人一看上去就知道他们是夫妻?让他们看起来像兄妹/姐弟吧。 三只小猪把爸爸挂在了墙上。 讲真,这孩子咋穿上T恤的? 只要不往下看,重力就不起作用。 要是鞋特别合脚,咋还会掉呢? 石头剪刀布吧。哇,剪刀赢了布! 没有耳朵,没有鼻子,眼镜是咋戴住的? 爸爸和女儿 所以,他们到底有没有头发? 能拍扁你,却杀不死你。 这是一匹马。不接受反驳。 (艾莎)的力量穿不透手套,却能轻松愉快地穿透鞋子。 编辑:唐晓敏
乡下空气清新,水质好,但是伴随而来的是一大早被公鸡打鸣吵醒的烦恼,随处可见的牲畜粪便,农场传出的阵阵臭味……面对外来者和度假者的抱怨,法国政府通过了一项新法规来保护乡村的“感官遗产”,意思很明显:既然你要来乡下住,你就得忍受乡下的一切。 Cock-a-doodle-doo: a rowdy rooster named Maurice made headlines in 2019 after a court rejected a bid by neighbours to have him silenced. Photograph: Xavier Leoty/AFP From crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the “sensory heritage” of France’s countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet. 从公鸡的打鸣声到农场动物的臭味,从现在开始,法国乡村的“感官遗产”将受到法律保护,阻止新近搬到乡村居住的人为了寻求平和宁静对乡村日常生活的方方面面进行压制。 French senators on Thursday gave final approval to a law proposed in the wake of several high-profile conflicts by village residents and vacationers, or recent arrivals derided as “neo-rurals”. 在村民和度假者或刚入住的“新村民”之间发生了几起引人注目的纠纷案件后,法国参议院本周四(1月21日)最终批准了这项法律。 A rowdy rooster named Maurice, in particular, made headlines in 2019 after a court in western France rejected a bid to have him silenced by neighbours who had purchased a holiday home nearby. 2019年,一只名叫莫里斯的吵闹公鸡登上了新闻头条。法国西部的一家法院驳回了邻居让其安静的诉讼请求。起诉者在养鸡人家附近购买了一处度假屋。 Maurice the rooster finally has something to crow about. Photograph: Régis Duvignau/Reuters "Living in the countryside implies accepting some nuisances,” Joël Giraud, the government’s minister in charge of rural life, told lawmakers. 法国政府管辖乡村生活的部长乔尔·吉劳德告诉立法者说:“在乡下居住意味着要忍受一些不便。” Cow bells (and cow droppings), grasshopper chirps and noisy early-morning tractors are also now considered part of France’s natural heritage that will be codified in its environmental legislation. 牛铃声(还有牛粪)、蚱蜢叫声、清晨拖拉机的轰鸣声如今也被视为法国自然遗产的一部分,将被编入法国的环境法规中。 "It sends a strong message,” said Pierre-Antoine Lévi, the senator who acted as rapporteur for the bill. “It can act as a useful tool for local officials as they carry out their educational and mediation duties.” 该法案的报告人、参议员皮埃尔-安托万·利维说:“这一法律传达出一条强烈的讯息。当地官员在开展教育和调解工作时可以将其作为一个有用的工具。” rapporteur [ˌræpɔːrˈtɜːr]: n. (受组织指定的)会务报告人,调查员 The law is emblematic of growing tensions in the countryside between longtime residents and outsiders whose bucolic expectations often clash with everyday realities. 该法律揭示着乡村地区的常住居民和外来者之间日益紧张的关系。这些外来者的田园梦想常常和日常的现实生活发生冲突。 bucolic [bjuːˈkɑːlɪk]: adj. 牧歌的;牧羊的;乡下风味的 ‘Maurice’ and his owner Corinne Fesseau in their garden in western France. A complaint about the loud calls of the cockerel, who has died, was rejected by a tribunal in 2019. Photograph: Xavier Leoty/AFP Corinne Fesseau and her rooster Maurice became the image of the fight when she was brought to court by pensioners next door over the bird’s shrill wake-up calls. 住在科琳娜·菲索隔壁的退休邻居因为她饲养的公鸡莫里斯尖锐的报晓鸣叫声而把菲索告上了法庭。菲索和莫里斯的合照成了这场官司的代表性图片。 Critics saw the lawsuit as part of a broader threat to France’s hallowed rural heritage by outsiders and city dwellers unable or unwilling to understand the realities of country life. 批评人士认为,这起诉讼案件代表无法或不愿理解乡村生活现实的外来者和城市居民给法国神圣的乡村遗产带来的广泛威胁。 Thousands of people signed a “Save Maurice” petition, and a judge eventually upheld the cock-a-doodle-doos. 数万人签署了“救救莫里斯”请愿书,法官最后判决莫里斯可以继续啼叫。 In another case from 2019, a woman in the duck-breeding heartland of the Landes region was brought to court by a newcomer neighbour fed up with the babbling of the ducks and geese in her back garden. 在2019年的另一起案件中,一名住在法国朗德中心地带养鸭区的女子被新来的邻居告上了法庭。邻居表示受够了她后花园里鸭鹅的叫声。 A court in south-west France also threw out that case. 法国西南部的一家法院也驳回了这一诉讼请求。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Cock-a-doodle-doo: a rowdy rooster named Maurice made headlines in 2019 after a court rejected a bid by neighbours to have him silenced. Photograph: Xavier Leoty/AFP From crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the “sensory heritage” of France’s countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet. French senators on Thursday gave final approval to a law proposed in the wake of several high-profile conflicts by village residents and vacationers, or recent arrivals derided as “neo-rurals”. A rowdy rooster named Maurice, in particular, made headlines in 2019 after a court in western France rejected a bid to have him silenced by neighbours who had purchased a holiday home nearby. Cow bells (and cow droppings), grasshopper chirps and noisy early-morning tractors are also now considered part of France’s natural heritage that will be codified in its environmental legislation. The law is emblematic of growing tensions in the countryside between longtime residents and outsiders whose bucolic expectations often clash with everyday realities. ‘Maurice’ and his owner Corinne Fesseau in their garden in western France. A complaint about the loud calls of the cockerel, who has died, was rejected by a tribunal in 2019. Photograph: Xavier Leoty/AFP Corinne Fesseau and her rooster Maurice became the image of the fight when she was brought to court by pensioners next door over the bird’s shrill wake-up calls. Critics saw the lawsuit as part of a broader threat to France’s hallowed rural heritage by outsiders and city dwellers unable or unwilling to understand the realities of country life. Thousands of people signed a “Save Maurice” petition, and a judge eventually upheld the cock-a-doodle-doos. In another case from 2019, a woman in the duck-breeding heartland of the Landes region was brought to court by a newcomer neighbour fed up with the babbling of the ducks and geese in her back garden. A court in south-west France also threw out that case.
乡下空气清新,水质好,但是伴随而来的是一大早被公鸡打鸣吵醒的烦恼,随处可见的牲畜粪便,农场传出的阵阵臭味……面对外来者和度假者的抱怨,法国政府通过了一项新法规来保护乡村的“感官遗产”,意思很明显:既然你要来乡下住,你就得忍受乡下的一切。 从公鸡的打鸣声到农场动物的臭味,从现在开始,法国乡村的“感官遗产”将受到法律保护,阻止新近搬到乡村居住的人为了寻求平和宁静对乡村日常生活的方方面面进行压制。 在村民和度假者或刚入住的“新村民”之间发生了几起引人注目的纠纷案件后,法国参议院本周四(1月21日)最终批准了这项法律。 2019年,一只名叫莫里斯的吵闹公鸡登上了新闻头条。法国西部的一家法院驳回了邻居让其安静的诉讼请求。起诉者在养鸡人家附近购买了一处度假屋。 Maurice the rooster finally has something to crow about. Photograph: Régis Duvignau/Reuters "Living in the countryside implies accepting some nuisances,” Joël Giraud, the government’s minister in charge of rural life, told lawmakers. 法国政府管辖乡村生活的部长乔尔·吉劳德告诉立法者说:“在乡下居住意味着要忍受一些不便。” 牛铃声(还有牛粪)、蚱蜢叫声、清晨拖拉机的轰鸣声如今也被视为法国自然遗产的一部分,将被编入法国的环境法规中。 "It sends a strong message,” said Pierre-Antoine Lévi, the senator who acted as rapporteur for the bill. “It can act as a useful tool for local officials as they carry out their educational and mediation duties.” 该法案的报告人、参议员皮埃尔-安托万·利维说:“这一法律传达出一条强烈的讯息。当地官员在开展教育和调解工作时可以将其作为一个有用的工具。” rapporteur [ˌræpɔːrˈtɜːr]: n. (受组织指定的)会务报告人,调查员 该法律揭示着乡村地区的常住居民和外来者之间日益紧张的关系。这些外来者的田园梦想常常和日常的现实生活发生冲突。 bucolic [bjuːˈkɑːlɪk]: adj. 牧歌的;牧羊的;乡下风味的 住在科琳娜·菲索隔壁的退休邻居因为她饲养的公鸡莫里斯尖锐的报晓鸣叫声而把菲索告上了法庭。菲索和莫里斯的合照成了这场官司的代表性图片。 批评人士认为,这起诉讼案件代表无法或不愿理解乡村生活现实的外来者和城市居民给法国神圣的乡村遗产带来的广泛威胁。 数万人签署了“救救莫里斯”请愿书,法官最后判决莫里斯可以继续啼叫。 在2019年的另一起案件中,一名住在法国朗德中心地带养鸭区的女子被新来的邻居告上了法庭。邻居表示受够了她后花园里鸭鹅的叫声。 法国西南部的一家法院也驳回了这一诉讼请求。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
疫情对英国的冲击已经波及到了动物园。据英媒卫报报道,英国可能会因新冠疫情造成的经济压力,不得不将旅英大熊猫“甜甜”和“阳光”送回中国。 早在2011年12月,我国与英国爱丁堡动物园正式签订合同,同意送两只大熊猫到英国寄养,租期为十年。“甜甜”和“阳光”也作为友好的国际使者住进了爱丁堡动物园。这两只大熊猫深得英国民众喜爱,当然,也给当地动物园带来了更多的游客和收入。 “Yang Guang and Tian Tian have made a tremendous impression on our visitors over the last nine years, helping millions of people connect to nature and inspiring them to take an interest in wildlife conservation.” 在之前的9年时间里,“甜甜”和“阳光”给游客们留下了深刻的印象,让无数人亲近自然,激发人们保护野生动物的兴趣。 啊,我爱甜甜,她太可爱了,她一直在扭动她的脚,哈哈! 我喜欢观看来自爱丁堡动物园的所有网络拍摄,但熊猫摄像是我的最爱!阳光好可爱! 负责爱丁堡动物园运营的苏格兰皇家动物学会首席执行官大卫·菲尔德称,英国租借大熊猫的租金为每年100万英镑,其中还不包括大熊猫的日常生活开支。 然而随着新冠疫情在英国越来越严重,爱丁堡动物园被迫在夏季闭园3个月,这直接造成了严重的经济损失。动物园恢复开放后,游客数量也大大减少,动物园基本处于入不敷出的状态。 “It costs about £1 million a year to lease a mating pair. The closure of Edinburgh zoo and Highland Wildlife Park for three months due to Covid-19 has had a huge financial impact on our charity because most of our income comes from our visitors. Although our parks are open again, we lost around £2 million last year,”David Field said. 大卫·菲尔德表示:“英国租借两只大熊猫的租金为每年100万英镑。因为新冠疫情的影响,爱丁堡动物园和高地野生动物园被迫闭园3个月,这对我们慈善机构造成了巨大的经济损失,因为我们的主要收入都来自于我们的游客。虽然动物园现在恢复开放,但我们去年已损失大约200万英镑。” David Field said the charity would have to “seriously consider every potential saving” including its contract for two giant pandas, Yang Guang and Tian Tian. 菲尔德称,爱丁堡动物园必须认真思考每一种潜在的节约开支的可能性,这也包括两只大熊猫“甜甜”和“阳光”的租赁合同。 这对英国游客来说可是一个轰动性的消息,网友听说后表示心都碎了。 “This would be such a huge loss. Our family loved seeing the pandas when we visited the zoo regularly. They are amazing creatures and @rzss are doing amazing research with them.” “这将会是一个巨大的损失。我们经常去动物园,我们全家都喜欢看熊猫。它们是神奇的动物,而且爱尔兰皇家动物学会正在对它们做一项了不起的研究。” 而中国网友听说后纷纷表达了欢迎滚滚回家的想法: 英国正在为留下大熊猫苦苦奋斗,美国这边又出事了。 1月12日,据美联社报道,圣迭戈野生动物园里有几只大猩猩被检测出新冠病毒呈阳性。这是新冠疫情爆发以来,世界首例灵长类动物感染的病例。 At least eight gorillas at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park were diagnosed with COVID-19, marking the first known transmission of the virus to apes. 圣迭戈野生动物园至少有八只大猩猩被诊断为新冠病毒感染,这是已知首次猿类动物被感染。 报道称,1月6日,该动物园内两只大猩猩开始咳嗽,工作人员发现后将它们的粪便送检。1月8日,初检结果显示,大猩猩体内存在新冠病毒。1月11日,美国农业部的国家兽医服务实验室确认,大猩猩新冠病毒检测呈阳性。 随后,加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽森在接受采访时确认这一消息。 “We have two gorillas at the San Diego Zoo that have tested positive for COVID-19. We have another asymptomatic. We are confirming the source of the infection.” “圣迭戈野生动物园内,两只大猩猩新冠病毒检测呈阳性,还有1只是无症状感染,我们正在确认感染源。” 加利福尼亚州圣迭戈动物园1月11日对此事发布声明,确认大猩猩感染新冠病毒,圣迭戈动物园和野生动物园已经闭园。声明中提到,园方怀疑是动物园的护理团队将病毒传染给大猩猩。此前护理团队中出现了无症状感染者。 截至目前,这群大猩猩当中已有至少8只确诊。圣迭戈野生动物园执行董事丽莎·彼得森也接受了采访,表示这群大猩猩现在处于集体隔离。 “They are experiencing some mild symptoms. And we continue to observe them. They’re drinking, they’re eating and they’re interacting with one another. So we’ll continue our observation.” “他们现在有一些轻微的症状,我们在继续观察。他们目前吃喝正常,会与同伴互动。我们将会持续观察。” 不仅仅是英国和美国,在全球疫情肆虐的大环境下,各个国家的动物园都面临着巨大考验。 因疫情防控而被迫闭园,在根本上切断了大多数动物园的经济来源,动物们的生活费也没了着落。 To get through the crisis, many zoos have taken active measures to increase economic income. They are raising fund by means of online fund-raising and webcast. 为了度过这场危机,许多动物园都积极采取措施增加收入,利用网上募资和网络直播的方式来筹款。 日本一家动物园在闭馆期间,为了负担动物们庞大的饲料费用,发起一场特别的募资活动。 园方在网上出售动物们“亲自”制作的各种物品,如狮子抓破的穿洞牛仔裤,企鹅踩过的T恤,含有狮子毛、猫头鹰羽毛、蛇皮的开运护身符,河狸咬过的木头杯垫,水豚脚印T恤等。这些物品深得网友喜爱,很快就超额完成了筹集目标。 “It’s a very creative and lovely way of fund-raising. We love these awesome gifts from animals.” “这是一种非常有创意也很可爱的筹款方式,我们很喜欢这些来自动物的特别礼物。” “The over fulfilled fund-raising target shows the strong attraction and empowerment effect of cultural creation.” “募捐目标超额完成,体现了文化创新的强大吸引力和赋能效应。” 美国休斯顿动物园闭园期间,为了恢复经济收入,也为了让动物爱好者可以在家“云吸”动物,园方决定网络直播。 每天中午园方都会在社交媒体开启直播,由饲养员拍摄某一种动物,介绍动物的特点和生存情况,还会在线和网友互动,回答提问。网友们表示,非常喜欢这一形式的直播,在家也能看动物的感觉爽爽的。 “It really shows how awesome it is that people are so interested in animals. I like seeing all of these new connections being made. ” “这种直播的形式充分显示出人们对动物是多么感兴趣,我很愿意看到游客和动物之间建立这种新的接触方式。” 在中国,很多动物园也纷纷开始网上直播,吸引了大量的网友观看。其中最为吸粉的要数国宝熊猫的“吃播”了,网友看了之后热情高涨,纷纷留言表示看饿了。 Giant pandas play after snow at Shenshuping base of China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Wolong National Nature Reserve, Southwest China's Sichuan province, Dec 17, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua] 尽管人们不能亲自去动物园观看动物,但利用便捷的网络平台,人们热心地关注着这些动物,人和动物之间的纽带不曾被疫情切断。这一次,你要不要也来一次“云吸”动物呢? 来源: 沪江英语
“Yang Guang and Tian Tian have made a tremendous impression on our visitors over the last nine years, helping millions of people connect to nature and inspiring them to take an interest in wildlife conservation.” “It costs about £1 million a year to lease a mating pair. The closure of Edinburgh zoo and Highland Wildlife Park for three months due to Covid-19 has had a huge financial impact on our charity because most of our income comes from our visitors. Although our parks are open again, we lost around £2 million last year,”David Field said. David Field said the charity would have to “seriously consider every potential saving” including its contract for two giant pandas, Yang Guang and Tian Tian. “This would be such a huge loss. Our family loved seeing the pandas when we visited the zoo regularly. They are amazing creatures and @rzss are doing amazing research with them.” At least eight gorillas at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park were diagnosed with COVID-19, marking the first known transmission of the virus to apes. “We have two gorillas at the San Diego Zoo that have tested positive for COVID-19. We have another asymptomatic. We are confirming the source of the infection.” “They are experiencing some mild symptoms. And we continue to observe them. They’re drinking, they’re eating and they’re interacting with one another. So we’ll continue our observation.” To get through the crisis, many zoos have taken active measures to increase economic income. They are raising fund by means of online fund-raising and webcast. “It’s a very creative and lovely way of fund-raising. We love these awesome gifts from animals.” “The over fulfilled fund-raising target shows the strong attraction and empowerment effect of cultural creation.” “It really shows how awesome it is that people are so interested in animals. I like seeing all of these new connections being made. ” Giant pandas play after snow at Shenshuping base of China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Wolong National Nature Reserve, Southwest China's Sichuan province, Dec 17, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]
疫情对英国的冲击已经波及到了动物园。据英媒卫报报道,英国可能会因新冠疫情造成的经济压力,不得不将旅英大熊猫“甜甜”和“阳光”送回中国。 早在2011年12月,我国与英国爱丁堡动物园正式签订合同,同意送两只大熊猫到英国寄养,租期为十年。“甜甜”和“阳光”也作为友好的国际使者住进了爱丁堡动物园。这两只大熊猫深得英国民众喜爱,当然,也给当地动物园带来了更多的游客和收入。 在之前的9年时间里,“甜甜”和“阳光”给游客们留下了深刻的印象,让无数人亲近自然,激发人们保护野生动物的兴趣。 啊,我爱甜甜,她太可爱了,她一直在扭动她的脚,哈哈! 我喜欢观看来自爱丁堡动物园的所有网络拍摄,但熊猫摄像是我的最爱!阳光好可爱! 负责爱丁堡动物园运营的苏格兰皇家动物学会首席执行官大卫·菲尔德称,英国租借大熊猫的租金为每年100万英镑,其中还不包括大熊猫的日常生活开支。 然而随着新冠疫情在英国越来越严重,爱丁堡动物园被迫在夏季闭园3个月,这直接造成了严重的经济损失。动物园恢复开放后,游客数量也大大减少,动物园基本处于入不敷出的状态。 大卫·菲尔德表示:“英国租借两只大熊猫的租金为每年100万英镑。因为新冠疫情的影响,爱丁堡动物园和高地野生动物园被迫闭园3个月,这对我们慈善机构造成了巨大的经济损失,因为我们的主要收入都来自于我们的游客。虽然动物园现在恢复开放,但我们去年已损失大约200万英镑。” 菲尔德称,爱丁堡动物园必须认真思考每一种潜在的节约开支的可能性,这也包括两只大熊猫“甜甜”和“阳光”的租赁合同。 这对英国游客来说可是一个轰动性的消息,网友听说后表示心都碎了。 “这将会是一个巨大的损失。我们经常去动物园,我们全家都喜欢看熊猫。它们是神奇的动物,而且爱尔兰皇家动物学会正在对它们做一项了不起的研究。” 而中国网友听说后纷纷表达了欢迎滚滚回家的想法: 英国正在为留下大熊猫苦苦奋斗,美国这边又出事了。 1月12日,据美联社报道,圣迭戈野生动物园里有几只大猩猩被检测出新冠病毒呈阳性。这是新冠疫情爆发以来,世界首例灵长类动物感染的病例。 圣迭戈野生动物园至少有八只大猩猩被诊断为新冠病毒感染,这是已知首次猿类动物被感染。 报道称,1月6日,该动物园内两只大猩猩开始咳嗽,工作人员发现后将它们的粪便送检。1月8日,初检结果显示,大猩猩体内存在新冠病毒。1月11日,美国农业部的国家兽医服务实验室确认,大猩猩新冠病毒检测呈阳性。 随后,加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽森在接受采访时确认这一消息。 “圣迭戈野生动物园内,两只大猩猩新冠病毒检测呈阳性,还有1只是无症状感染,我们正在确认感染源。” 加利福尼亚州圣迭戈动物园1月11日对此事发布声明,确认大猩猩感染新冠病毒,圣迭戈动物园和野生动物园已经闭园。声明中提到,园方怀疑是动物园的护理团队将病毒传染给大猩猩。此前护理团队中出现了无症状感染者。 截至目前,这群大猩猩当中已有至少8只确诊。圣迭戈野生动物园执行董事丽莎·彼得森也接受了采访,表示这群大猩猩现在处于集体隔离。 “他们现在有一些轻微的症状,我们在继续观察。他们目前吃喝正常,会与同伴互动。我们将会持续观察。” 不仅仅是英国和美国,在全球疫情肆虐的大环境下,各个国家的动物园都面临着巨大考验。 因疫情防控而被迫闭园,在根本上切断了大多数动物园的经济来源,动物们的生活费也没了着落。 为了度过这场危机,许多动物园都积极采取措施增加收入,利用网上募资和网络直播的方式来筹款。 日本一家动物园在闭馆期间,为了负担动物们庞大的饲料费用,发起一场特别的募资活动。 园方在网上出售动物们“亲自”制作的各种物品,如狮子抓破的穿洞牛仔裤,企鹅踩过的T恤,含有狮子毛、猫头鹰羽毛、蛇皮的开运护身符,河狸咬过的木头杯垫,水豚脚印T恤等。这些物品深得网友喜爱,很快就超额完成了筹集目标。 “这是一种非常有创意也很可爱的筹款方式,我们很喜欢这些来自动物的特别礼物。” “募捐目标超额完成,体现了文化创新的强大吸引力和赋能效应。” 美国休斯顿动物园闭园期间,为了恢复经济收入,也为了让动物爱好者可以在家“云吸”动物,园方决定网络直播。 每天中午园方都会在社交媒体开启直播,由饲养员拍摄某一种动物,介绍动物的特点和生存情况,还会在线和网友互动,回答提问。网友们表示,非常喜欢这一形式的直播,在家也能看动物的感觉爽爽的。 “这种直播的形式充分显示出人们对动物是多么感兴趣,我很愿意看到游客和动物之间建立这种新的接触方式。” 在中国,很多动物园也纷纷开始网上直播,吸引了大量的网友观看。其中最为吸粉的要数国宝熊猫的“吃播”了,网友看了之后热情高涨,纷纷留言表示看饿了。 尽管人们不能亲自去动物园观看动物,但利用便捷的网络平台,人们热心地关注着这些动物,人和动物之间的纽带不曾被疫情切断。这一次,你要不要也来一次“云吸”动物呢? 来源: 沪江英语
美国当地时间1月20日,拜登正式宣誓就任美国第46任总统。在就职演讲中,拜登呼吁国家团结,并承诺成为“所有美国人的总统”。美国历任总统的就职演讲不乏经久不衰的名句,一起来回顾一下。 US President Joe Biden swears in presidential appointees in a virtual ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, after Biden's inauguration as the 46th President of the United States, US, January 20, 2021. REUTERS/Tom Brenner 10. Joe Biden's inaugural address - 2021 2021年 乔·拜登就职演讲 "History, faith and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect, we can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury." 历史、信仰和理性为我们指明道路。那是团结之路。我们可以把彼此视为邻居,而不是对手。我们可以有尊严地相互尊重。我们可以联合起来,停止喊叫,减少愤怒。因为没有团结就没有和平,只有痛苦和愤怒。 9. Theodore Roosevelt's second inaugural address - 1905 1905年 西奥多·罗斯福第二次就职演讲 "Much has been given us, and much will rightfully be expected from us. We have duties to others and duties to ourselves; and we can shirk neither." 我们被赋予的很多,期望于我们的自然也很多。我们对他人负有义务,对自己也负有义务;两者都不能逃避。 Former US president Barack Obama addresses voters one day before the election in Atlanta, Georgia, US, November 2, 2020. Picture taken November 2, 2020. REUTERS/Brandon Bell 8. Barack Obama's first inaugural address - 2009 2009年 贝拉克·奥巴马第一次就职演讲 "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.” 从今天起,我们必须振作起来,扫除我们身上的尘土,重新开启再造美国的事业。 7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's second inaugural address - 1937 1937年 富兰克林·罗斯福第二次就职演讲 "Old truths have been relearned; untruths have been unlearned. We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics." 我们重温了古老的真理,抛弃了谬误。我们从来就知道毫无顾忌的自私自利是不道德的,我们现在知道它也是不合算的。 6. Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural address - 1801 1801年 托马斯·杰斐逊第一次就职演讲 "But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." 但是,各种意见分歧并不都是原则分歧。我们以不同的名字呼唤同一原则的兄弟。我们都是共和党人,我们都是联邦党人。 Former US president Bill Clinton speaks at the funeral of late US Congressman John Lewis, a pioneer of the civil rights movement and long-time member of the US House of Representatives who died July 17, at Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, US July 30, 2020. Alyssa Pointer/Pool via REUTERS. 5. Bill Clinton's first inaugural address - 1993 1993年 比尔·克林顿第一次就职演讲 "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.” 美国完全有能力自己解救自己。 4. Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address - 1981 1981年 罗纳德·里根第一次就职演讲 "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” 就目前的危机而言,政府不能解决我们的问题,政府本身就是问题。 3. John F. Kennedy's first inaugural address - 1961 1961年 约翰·肯尼迪第一次就职演讲 "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." 不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。 2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first inaugural address - 1933 1933年 富兰克林·罗斯福第一次就职演讲 "This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." 这个伟大的国家会一如既往地坚持下去,它会复兴和繁荣起来。因此,让我首先表明我的坚定信念:我们唯一恐惧的就是恐惧本身——一种莫名其妙、丧失理智的、毫无根据的恐惧,它把人转退为进所需的种种努力化为泡影。 1. Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address - 1865 1865年 亚伯拉罕·林肯第二次就职演讲 "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." 我们对任何人也不怀恶意,我们对所有的人都宽大为怀,坚持正义;上帝既使我们认识正义,让我们继续努力向前,完成我们正在进行的事业;包扎起国家的创伤,关心那些为战争作出牺牲的人,关心他们的遗孀和孤儿——尽一切力量,以求在我们自己之间,以及我们和所有的国家之间实现并维护一个公正和持久的和平。 英文来源:AL 翻译&编辑:丹妮
US President Joe Biden swears in presidential appointees in a virtual ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, after Biden's inauguration as the 46th President of the United States, US, January 20, 2021. REUTERS/Tom Brenner 10. Joe Biden's inaugural address - 2021 "History, faith and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect, we can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury." 9. Theodore Roosevelt's second inaugural address - 1905 "Much has been given us, and much will rightfully be expected from us. We have duties to others and duties to ourselves; and we can shirk neither." Former US president Barack Obama addresses voters one day before the election in Atlanta, Georgia, US, November 2, 2020. Picture taken November 2, 2020. REUTERS/Brandon Bell 8. Barack Obama's first inaugural address - 2009 "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.” 7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's second inaugural address - 1937 "Old truths have been relearned; untruths have been unlearned. We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics." 6. Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural address - 1801 "But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." Former US president Bill Clinton speaks at the funeral of late US Congressman John Lewis, a pioneer of the civil rights movement and long-time member of the US House of Representatives who died July 17, at Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, US July 30, 2020. Alyssa Pointer/Pool via REUTERS. 5. Bill Clinton's first inaugural address - 1993 "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.” 4. Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address - 1981 "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” 3. John F. Kennedy's first inaugural address - 1961 "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." 2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first inaugural address - 1933 "This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." 1. Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address - 1865 "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
美国当地时间1月20日,拜登正式宣誓就任美国第46任总统。在就职演讲中,拜登呼吁国家团结,并承诺成为“所有美国人的总统”。美国历任总统的就职演讲不乏经久不衰的名句,一起来回顾一下。 2021年 乔·拜登就职演讲 历史、信仰和理性为我们指明道路。那是团结之路。我们可以把彼此视为邻居,而不是对手。我们可以有尊严地相互尊重。我们可以联合起来,停止喊叫,减少愤怒。因为没有团结就没有和平,只有痛苦和愤怒。 1905年 西奥多·罗斯福第二次就职演讲 我们被赋予的很多,期望于我们的自然也很多。我们对他人负有义务,对自己也负有义务;两者都不能逃避。 2009年 贝拉克·奥巴马第一次就职演讲 从今天起,我们必须振作起来,扫除我们身上的尘土,重新开启再造美国的事业。 1937年 富兰克林·罗斯福第二次就职演讲 我们重温了古老的真理,抛弃了谬误。我们从来就知道毫无顾忌的自私自利是不道德的,我们现在知道它也是不合算的。 1801年 托马斯·杰斐逊第一次就职演讲 但是,各种意见分歧并不都是原则分歧。我们以不同的名字呼唤同一原则的兄弟。我们都是共和党人,我们都是联邦党人。 1993年 比尔·克林顿第一次就职演讲 美国完全有能力自己解救自己。 1981年 罗纳德·里根第一次就职演讲 就目前的危机而言,政府不能解决我们的问题,政府本身就是问题。 1961年 约翰·肯尼迪第一次就职演讲 不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。 1933年 富兰克林·罗斯福第一次就职演讲 这个伟大的国家会一如既往地坚持下去,它会复兴和繁荣起来。因此,让我首先表明我的坚定信念:我们唯一恐惧的就是恐惧本身——一种莫名其妙、丧失理智的、毫无根据的恐惧,它把人转退为进所需的种种努力化为泡影。 1865年 亚伯拉罕·林肯第二次就职演讲 我们对任何人也不怀恶意,我们对所有的人都宽大为怀,坚持正义;上帝既使我们认识正义,让我们继续努力向前,完成我们正在进行的事业;包扎起国家的创伤,关心那些为战争作出牺牲的人,关心他们的遗孀和孤儿——尽一切力量,以求在我们自己之间,以及我们和所有的国家之间实现并维护一个公正和持久的和平。 英文来源:AL 翻译&编辑:丹妮
你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 长相英俊的男性在竞争激烈的职场中成功面试得到一份工作的可能性不是很大,因为他们对老板而言是另一种威胁。 Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels 'It's not always an advantage to be pretty,' says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. 'It can backfire if you are perceived as a threat.' “美貌并不总是优势,如果老板认为你对他是一种威胁的话,可能会起到适得其反的作用,”马里兰大学的助理教授马克奥·皮特萨说。 Interestingly, in Pitesa's study, it was male attractiveness in particular, rather than female beauty, that made the most difference. 有意思的是,皮特萨的研究认为,英俊帅气的男性美会造成最大的反作用,而不是女性美。 If the interviewer expected to work with the candidate as part of a team, then he preferred good-looking men. 如果面试官期望和候选者在一个团队工作的话,那么他比较青睐俊男帅哥们。 However, if the interviewer saw the candidate as a potential competitor, the interviewer discriminated in favour of unattractive men. 不过,如果面试官把候选者看作潜在的竞争对手的话,面试官偏袒长相不出众的男性。 In the first experiment, 241 adults were asked to evaluate fictional job candidates based on fake qualifications and experience, in an online setting. 在第一个实验中,241名成年人被要求在网上根据虚假的资历和经验来评估虚构的求职者。 Men evaluated men and women evaluated women. Interviewers were primed to either think of the candidate as a future co-operator or competitor, and they were given a computer-generated headshot that was either attractive or unattractive. 男性评男性,女性评女性。面试官们提前接到指令,要么把候选者看作是未来的合作人,要么把候选者看作是竞争对手,他们用电脑生成头像,把头像分为英俊帅气和没有吸引力两类。 'Kind of attractive and average, maybe slightly below average,' Pitesa clarifies - no supermodels. 把长相分为长相帅气、长相一般、长相丑这三类,这些人的长相中没有超模长相的人。 A second experiment involved 92 people in a lab. They were asked to evaluate future competitors or partners in a quiz game, based on credentials that included sample quiz answers, and they saw similar headshots. 第二组实验在实验室进行,实验对象92人。在问答游戏中,让他们根据个人简历、测验答案、个人头像,来评估未来的竞争对手和合作伙伴。 The patterns of discrimination based on perceived self-interest was the same. 基于自我利益的偏向模式是相同的。 Another test opened up to include men interviewing women and women interviewing men. 另外一项测试包括男性面试女性,女性面试男性。 There was still a preference to cooperate with the attractive man and compete against the unattractive man. 人们仍然倾向于与有魅力的男人合作,与没有魅力的男人竞争。 A final experiment used photographs of actual European business school students, vetted for attractiveness, and found the same pattern. 最后一个实验使用了真实的欧洲商学院学生的照片,经过吸引力测试,发现了相同的模式。 The results suggest that interviewers were not blinded by beauty, and instead calculated which candidate would further their own career. 结果表明,面试官并没有被美貌迷惑双眼,而是衡量哪位候选人会对自己的职业生涯有帮助。 'The dominant theoretical perspective in the social sciences for several decades has been that biases and discrimination are caused by irrational prejudice,' Pitesa says. 皮特萨说:“几十年来,社会科学的主流理论观点一直认为,偏见和歧视是由非理性偏见造成的。” 'The way we explain it here, pretty men just seem more competent, so it is actually subjectively rational to discriminate for or against them.' “我们在这里要解释的是,帅气英俊的男人看起来能力更强,这样的看法实际上是区别对待帅哥们的主观理性的体现。” On a deeper level, she adds, the behaviour remains irrational, since there's no evidence that a real link exists between looks and competence. 她还说道,在更深层面的意义上,这种主观行为是属于非理性的,因为没有证据证明外表和能力之间真的有联系。 来源: 沪江英语
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels 'It's not always an advantage to be pretty,' says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. 'It can backfire if you are perceived as a threat.' Interestingly, in Pitesa's study, it was male attractiveness in particular, rather than female beauty, that made the most difference. If the interviewer expected to work with the candidate as part of a team, then he preferred good-looking men. However, if the interviewer saw the candidate as a potential competitor, the interviewer discriminated in favour of unattractive men. In the first experiment, 241 adults were asked to evaluate fictional job candidates based on fake qualifications and experience, in an online setting. Men evaluated men and women evaluated women. Interviewers were primed to either think of the candidate as a future co-operator or competitor, and they were given a computer-generated headshot that was either attractive or unattractive. 'Kind of attractive and average, maybe slightly below average,' Pitesa clarifies - no supermodels. A second experiment involved 92 people in a lab. They were asked to evaluate future competitors or partners in a quiz game, based on credentials that included sample quiz answers, and they saw similar headshots. The patterns of discrimination based on perceived self-interest was the same. Another test opened up to include men interviewing women and women interviewing men. There was still a preference to cooperate with the attractive man and compete against the unattractive man. A final experiment used photographs of actual European business school students, vetted for attractiveness, and found the same pattern. The results suggest that interviewers were not blinded by beauty, and instead calculated which candidate would further their own career. 'The dominant theoretical perspective in the social sciences for several decades has been that biases and discrimination are caused by irrational prejudice,' Pitesa says. 'The way we explain it here, pretty men just seem more competent, so it is actually subjectively rational to discriminate for or against them.' On a deeper level, she adds, the behaviour remains irrational, since there's no evidence that a real link exists between looks and competence.
你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 长相英俊的男性在竞争激烈的职场中成功面试得到一份工作的可能性不是很大,因为他们对老板而言是另一种威胁。 “美貌并不总是优势,如果老板认为你对他是一种威胁的话,可能会起到适得其反的作用,”马里兰大学的助理教授马克奥·皮特萨说。 有意思的是,皮特萨的研究认为,英俊帅气的男性美会造成最大的反作用,而不是女性美。 如果面试官期望和候选者在一个团队工作的话,那么他比较青睐俊男帅哥们。 不过,如果面试官把候选者看作潜在的竞争对手的话,面试官偏袒长相不出众的男性。 在第一个实验中,241名成年人被要求在网上根据虚假的资历和经验来评估虚构的求职者。 男性评男性,女性评女性。面试官们提前接到指令,要么把候选者看作是未来的合作人,要么把候选者看作是竞争对手,他们用电脑生成头像,把头像分为英俊帅气和没有吸引力两类。 把长相分为长相帅气、长相一般、长相丑这三类,这些人的长相中没有超模长相的人。 第二组实验在实验室进行,实验对象92人。在问答游戏中,让他们根据个人简历、测验答案、个人头像,来评估未来的竞争对手和合作伙伴。 基于自我利益的偏向模式是相同的。 另外一项测试包括男性面试女性,女性面试男性。 人们仍然倾向于与有魅力的男人合作,与没有魅力的男人竞争。 最后一个实验使用了真实的欧洲商学院学生的照片,经过吸引力测试,发现了相同的模式。 结果表明,面试官并没有被美貌迷惑双眼,而是衡量哪位候选人会对自己的职业生涯有帮助。 皮特萨说:“几十年来,社会科学的主流理论观点一直认为,偏见和歧视是由非理性偏见造成的。” “我们在这里要解释的是,帅气英俊的男人看起来能力更强,这样的看法实际上是区别对待帅哥们的主观理性的体现。” 她还说道,在更深层面的意义上,这种主观行为是属于非理性的,因为没有证据证明外表和能力之间真的有联系。 来源: 沪江英语