{ "title": "Reincarnated as a Troll in a Dark Fantasy World", "id": 19661, "author": "MDW", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Troll and Monster Settlement: Nobility", "id": 305846, "next": 305852, "prev": 304959, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkYzE2ODY2NmY0NjQxMTc5Njk5YTFlN2FmNmQzZGFl">&nbsp;I have invested points in the elven skills. The MP and agility ones are a blessing. I desperately needed more MP.</p> <p class="cnMxYzdiMGFlZTVkYTRmM2RhNjE1ZjEzNTA4NjNhZWI1">"I'm brand new and need to grind levels, who is up for some mountain trekking?"</p> <p class="cnNlZGVjMzNjN2VhMjQzY2ZiNWQ2NzQ0MzhhOTYxMjk4">&nbsp;A big show of hands. Two humans, one angel, one naga, one gorilla, one green...<em> "Charmma, go back to watching the prisoner!" </em></p> <p class="cnM5YWI0OTM5N2VlMTRjMDU4OTIwZTQzYjMxYzk5MTNj">&nbsp;I gather Helen, Mittens, Marcy, and Shraaizar. Zahariel decided to fly there. Select the anchor of the last patrol site and teleport!</p> <p class="cnMwY2U2MGIyOGUwZTQxZmQ4YWE5NTk5NGIxYzk5NjEz">Marcy points out and asks, "To the mountains?"</p> <p class="cnM0MDFiZmMzOGUxOTRjMzA4ZDc0MTE2MWM3N2Q3MTU3">"Yeah. I want to see what is there. But I'll carry you." I pick them up and use the dragon wings. I'm rather slow but it is still a dozen times faster than climbing. Mittens follows on his own and Zahariel is already in sight. The angel quickly catches up. It seems he invested some points in his flying skill. The three of us were flying and scouting the ground for either the chimera nest or any prey for more than three hours when we heard a loud bird call. It feels like a bird of prey.</p> <p class="cnM0MDVkODcwYWViMjRhMTZhZDIyNWYyMTliNGYyMDlk">Marcy pales and sounds the alarm, "Grendel, land us now! Everyone to the ground and take cover!"</p> <p class="cnNjOGU3N2U4ZDIxODRhMDg4NjVmYzlmNWYxMzczODM1">The sound of flapping and big gusts of wind raise our tension. Something big is coming and it thinks the mountain airspace is theirs.</p> <p class="cnM1MDM5ZTBiM2MwYjRjOGE5NGJhMjkxYTJkYzI1NWYz">"There is a ledge over there! Dive!"</p> <p class="cnM3Y2NiZWMyYTU1NjQwNzNhY2YzN2JlMWI0NDMzOWI3">Again that raptor-like bird cry. Mittens shivers and dives first on the ledge. Zahariel overtakes me and lands too. Above us, a big shadow covers the sky. I also dive and drop the girls on the ledge.</p> <p class="cnM4NWY2Y2Y5MjIxNTRhMDhhMjBhZWVmZGNhZDU1YTE5">"Grendel, behind you!" Helen gives the warning a little too late.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWM5ZTE4MmMwNDRmNjRiYzU3ZmVlNWU5ZDU3ZDEy">A huge beak clips my wings and yanks me from the ledge right after I dropped them. At least everyone is safe. I understand why Mittens was so scared. The natural enemy of a giant bug is... A giant bird. An eagle as tall as a building. It is gaining height fast with my wings trapped in its iron-hard beak. Behind it, I can see that there is another one. A mythical beast, the roc. What can I do? I could detach the wings, but I'd become a blood splatter on the mountains. I'll try the new offensive skill. First, level it up to 5. Aim at the eye.</p> <p class="cnNkZjdmOTNjYzNkZjQ4Zjg5ZmM0MWU5ZTNiN2VjOWRh">"Acid Breath!" I timed the breath to the very moment the roc was pulling back its nictating membrane. The focused cone of acid spread enough to cover the whole eye and some of the skin around it.</p> <p class="cnNiODJkZjc0ZjY5MTQwNTFiYzc0ODAxZjMwNzI0ZDll">The roc shakes its head and tumbles, losing its lift. I am flung away and miss the chance to grab onto some feather or plume.</p> <p class="cnM4YWM2ZGYyYzdmZDRhMWY4OGE5NTM2YmZlNjNmNDJl">Sharp rocks sculpted by the roaring winds down below will probably cause more harm than just shredding and smashing me. I could be pinned below some rock. Without Emperor's Might, I can't really do those herculean feats of strength anymore. Without any choice, I have to try and stabilize my fall like a skydiver would before opening the parachute. In my case, regenerating the wings.</p> <p class="cnNjMjRlMWE2MGY1YjRiMjVhNmZiZGFhNmJjZDNkYmM3">the roc is falling above me. Its feathers create drag even without canceling its fall. I'm making a harpoon when I return home. If I do. My dragon wings regenerate and I also begin to break my falling speed. No good. My skill is too low.</p> <p class="cnM4ODRhZjY2NmQ0ODQ0ZmJhMmRlNmQyODkxMGY4Yzg3">The roc flaps its wings and regains the skies. It looks at me sideways and dives. I am falling too fast. I can't fly but I can glide and dodge to its blindside. As it missed by a few feet with the feeling of being by a paper thin margin, I manage to grab some feathers. One of them is plucked but the other one holds. Now to climb on its back. With a free hand, I draw the horn spear. Again I miss the sure-kill absurd 140x damage boost. I stick my feet between some feathers of its neck and pull up the one I am holding. The pink skin of its neck is exposed below the feathers. I stab but the loose footing makes me miss. The roc feels its neck being stung and tries to shake me. It causes the next strike to also miss and I almost fall off.</p> <p class="cnNhZWYyNTc0ODJjMTRjOThhYjcwYzU3MTJjMjM4ZWE3">I store the spear and with both hands I grasp a bunch of feathers with the left hand and latch my feet claws to another set of feathers. With this stable footing, the spear sinks into the roc's fleshy neck.</p> <p class="cnM1NjE0MDAzMTQ0MzRjNGI5NTk3OGU3ODEzNjM3Zjc5">"Gyaaaaa!" It cries in pain. The damage was negligible. This thing has more than two and half times as many HP as me. I pull with the left hand putting all my strength to push the spear further inside its neck. With the shaking and the pouring blood, there is a pressure to push the spear out.</p> <p class="cnNhY2Q3ZTlkNmY2NjRmYTNiYmMxY2QxODcxZWQyZjNi">If I am going to kill this bird, I need to ground it first. It makes a spin and I could see the other roc fighting the rest of the party on the ledge. Time to try gravity magic.</p> <p class="cnM5M2NkZjA2NTE4OTQ5ZTU5NjYzZTdhZDY5MmY4YjFl">"Control (Increase) Weight!"</p> <p class="cnM3ZTNlN2Y0M2YyNDQ3Yzk5MzA2NGI3NjI5YTRhYWU2">The gravity pulls on the roc almost doubles. The bird tries to flap its wings faster, but being as big as an airliner has their problems. It is already physically impossible to make such a big bird fly without magic. With the added weight, it begins to steadily lose altitude. Next step.</p> <p class="cnNlZGNiNTZjZDYxMDRkYzNiMjNkMjc1ZDlkZGVhZTQ5">"Flash Freeze!"</p> <p class="cnM5ZjUzODQ3MzhkZDQ1NDViNDQxNWY2ZmI4NWJiMDI5">The bird is too big to freeze entirely. The best I can hope for is to make an ice casting around the joint of its wings. It is strong enough to break the ice on the first try, but each time it loses the timing on the flapping motion, losing more and more lift. I keep spamming flash freeze and the roc cries in desperation.</p> <p class="cnMxNTM5NDkzZjY0YzRmNzRhYmY0OWRhNzNjNzljOGI3">"Kylee!" Its cry makes the other roc ignore the party and come to this one's aid. Its belly has burn marks and some bleeding from the attacks it received from the ground team. Time to make it fall and get my next 'ride'.</p> <p class="cnM0YzYyMGZiMDYxNTQ5OTRhYjZhOTZiYzE1YTkxZmY0">"Static field!"</p> <p class="cnMwMjVkM2I5NzdkMzQ2YTVhNGE2MjY4MmFkNWVmYjBj">The next spell is an area of effect paralysis trap. The feathers fan and crackle as the electrical field makes some voltaic arcs jump between feathers. But it is only on the surface. The roc is almost unaffected by the static, just more annoyed.</p> <p class="cnNkYzViOTBlYjcyMTQ2NTc5YWI3MDJhYzAyNDVjYmQ4">The other roc is coming and it has spotted me on its partner's neck. The big dragon wings were a dead giveaway against the white backdrop, I guess.</p> <p class="cnNiMjJkZDZlMWM5YzRlZTA4NzFmZTAxYWMxODMwNGIw">With a free hand, I begin chanting the pyroclasm spell. The other roc is pissed and dives at me. Right before I could finish the chant, its beaks are closing on me. this will hurt but here it goes.</p> <p class="cnNmNzhmNjE5MjY1MTRiZmI5YzhjOTljYzNjMmY2Y2Q0">"Lava Bomb!"</p> <p class="cnMxYmZiNmY0MWI3NTQwNDE4MzgyYmJjOWMyNDY5YWU2">Close range. And this time around I have enough MP to cast it in full.</p> <p class="cnNiMTA0YTY3NTAyNTQyOGZhMzdiNjI0ODMyNzQwZjgw">SHOOOOM!</p> <p class="cnNhNGQ3YTBhYTA5MDRjMmJhMDM2NTI3NWNmZDRkMmI0">The pressurized volcanic tephra ball blows inside the bird's throat. With its beak open and a few feet from me. My ride and I take heavy damage as the heat of the explosion pushes the two birds apart. The second roc vomits hot magma and boiling blood on its already burnt and scratched companion's back. Both birds stumble onto each other and lose lift. The first one falls faster than the other thanks to the gravity magic and goes to the bottom, but none of them has any chance to break their fall or get off.</p> <p class="cnMxZTBiMDgxZmE4ZTRiZWZiYWRlZjdiOWNlOWIwNDI5">Me? I was blown away by the explosion. I lost grip on the horn spear and am also going to splatter myself against some jagged rocks. Or not?</p> <p class="cnNlNzE5ZDU0MjFlOTQ3M2M5YjFmZTU2YzNkNjA1NWEw">"Control (decrease) gravity!"</p> <p class="cnM3MDBiMWZmMzcwYjQxNDdiZjA5M2NlOWI3Y2ExODdk">I cast the gravity spell on me, cutting my own weight by a factor of 9. I have to also trigger {Vitality Booster} because I took 25% burn damage and the wings won't regrow unless the burn damage is healed. It has been some time since I had to use it.</p> <p class="cnM1YTk2NzEyYWI1NTQzNzhiNjU3NzgzNzc3MDBiNDNj">I glide like a paper kite and the rocs are still going down. I check my MP and there is still enough for one half-cast "Lava Bomb!"</p> <p class="cnNhNDM4MjI0MzI3ZDQ0ZGE4NmQwYTQyMGJhODE0ZDRi">I drop into MP Exhaustion and the gravity spells will run their basic duration only. The second lava bomb detonates on the base of the neck of the second roc. the updraft throws me upwards and into a spin. The rocs crash into the sharp rocks below, but they are still alive. Hooray for size HP bonus.</p> <p class="cnNkNTNlZmNiZDEwODQ1ZWJhNjUwMWJkZTY3NmQzY2Ux">I recover my balance and stop spinning with the regenerated wings. Here comes Zahariel carrying Helen and Mittens carrying Marcy and Shraaizar. The rocs groan and chirp below but it seems their wings broke on the fall.</p> <p class="cnNiODA2ZjBkZWQ4MTQ2MmQ4ZWJiNmM3YjJhOGQyMTEy">"Grendel! We will finish them off!" the seraph offers.</p> <p class="cnNjYWMyMzhlMWVmYTRkY2RhNmU2Mjg2MGRiY2M3OTM4">"Don't use that meteor on the birds. I want those feathers. Marcy, come with me."</p> <p class="cnMzODRmN2E1MWYzZjRlMjY5OWQxODczMTM0Zjg0ODAx">We transfer the red-head archer mid-air, and after clearing the exhaustion status I dive with her to where the rocs are.</p> <p class="cnMxNTVjMGRiMTliZTRmZGQ4ZDVlNTg5MjM5ZDdkYWM0">On the corner of my eye, I see my Horn Spear a couple hundred feet down. I was worried it would be lost in these mountains. The bird turns the head and brings me to the field of view of its last good eye.</p> <p class="cnM1YTYwODc4YWIxMDQ1ZTJiN2JiYTg4NGZkZmU4MDEy">"Homing Multishot!"</p> <p class="cnNlNzM4ZmUzOGVhMzRhODliMTM2ZTE1ZGZkZGViNzc0">Only to lose it to a deadly barrage of arrows from Guildmaster Marcy.</p> <p class="cnMyMmJmNWY1NGEyOTRkM2VhYzc5MjhmNGI0ZDE5ZTc2">The head flops down and stops moving.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Helen (4-Wizard) has gained 10 levels.</td> <td>Marcy (5-Guild Master) has gained 8 levels.</td> <td>Zahariel (4-wizard) has gained 3+9 levels.</td> <td>Grendel (3- Monster Tamer) has gained 28+12 levels. +250 SP</td> <td>Shraaizar has gained 8 levels.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1Y2ExZjk3MTg2MzQzNmFiMjk0YzQ0MzUzYmM5ZDFj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODZjN2JkZjQ0YzRkZWU5ODQ1YzY0ODg1OGQ3Y2Zi">Good. Now, what should I do with these two oversized chickens? I'll try shoving one in the item box. 64,000 lb. Two-thirds of the item box.</p> <p class="cnNkMTJjNWVhODE0NjQyOWU5ZGQ1YzM3MDJjODc1OTg1">"I'll now set an anchor here and teleport with the birds. I'm taking the non-flyers first. Come."</p> <p class="cnM0OTNjM2M4ZDRiNTRmYjZhMjhiYjNmZDk3YWI4Mjcw">With four jumps I was able to ferry everyone and the dead birds back to Willow Hill.</p> <p class="cnMxMDQyZWY0NWEzMTQxY2M4OTYyMTFiNTE5NzkzOWZh">"It will take the rest of the day to dismantle these birds. Marcy, what is the proof of subjugation of rocs?"</p> <p class="cnNkNmEwNGM2MmU5MTQzZDZiMjc3YjIwMmMxZTBhODk0">"It is the beak." I could make a small boat with one of these beaks.</p> <p class="cnM2NDBmODYwNzMwOTRmNGM4NWVkMTY0ODI4ODRiMTdh">"It is fine to keep it in the item box, right?"</p> <p class="cnM4MGIzZGE3NTA0NDRlOGJhZDNlZTVmMjc5NDBmYjJh">"Yes."</p> <p class="cnM2ZTc4YTMxOGJkZjQwOTE5ZGVlYTAwZjlmMzQyZGQz">"I'll call some dismantler monkeys to help process these rocs. We should have enough meat to go through a couple winters now."</p> <p class="cnMwYWIzYjIyOTExNTRmYTA5YWUxZGJlN2JlYzgyMjBh">It took two days to process the birds. We discarded the entrails and most of the unusable meat in the slime pit and dashed boiled syrup on some bones. They will be used for construction later. Bird ribcage longhouse. I stored all the feathers and a lot of fresh roc breast and thigh meat in storage. We now have an use to those tons of branches and roots from the trees that were just piled up to be used as firewood in the winter. Smoking the roc meat will take days.</p> <p class="cnMzMDg4OGQzZGUxOTQ0OWJhOTU4NGI4MTg1NzFiMmM3">But the biggest prize was the two wind-aligned A-rank pemadras. If it can make a sixty thousand pound bird fly it will also make my dream of an airship one step closer,</p> <p class="cnMxMDYzNDk2Y2VlODRjNTY4ZjljYWUxOWRjNjdhN2M2">It also attracted every starving wolf, bear and other lower ranked monsters in miles. It was a good grind for our members. Defending the smoking pits was set up as a quest for monster adventurers to accept and earn extra rations. All those extra bows I bought were being put to good use. Some more agile monkeys were becoming quite the sharpshooters. Helen and Shraaizar were using wind and weather magic to hide the smoke from Mirfield.</p> <p class="cnMxMzFlNWE2MmM1ZDQ5MTk4YTA3NGU1ZThmM2E1MmY0">I kept harvesting horns and nails during these days I think I have hundreds of horns and thousands of nails. I've also raised villager and apprentice magician job to the cap.</p> <p class="cnM4NjYzNDlkZWY5MzRkOTY5ZTJhZDU0NTIzYzQ5YWNj">There were plenty of food and feasts every day.</p> <p class="cnNiMGNmZmE4OTAxZjQyNmI4Y2U1ZDZhYjIzNjUwMTY2">"Is it my impression or are the devil monkeys putting weight in the dead of winter? It is too absurd!" Marcy complains to no one in particular right in front of me.</p> <p class="cnNmNTEwM2Y1NzVmMjRkZjY4MTBhMzE1ZTNjMDE4OTFl">&nbsp;</p> <hr> <p class="cnNiNDViMmQ5MjViNjQ2MmJiZjc2YjQ3MWE3ZjMzNTFl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NGUwN2JiMDY0NjQ3NTA4ZTYyYjJhNWRmNzNlYzE1">I've made a magical bracelet that can cast Flash Freeze on Cloude if he gets more than 100ft away from Uppa or if Uppa is knocked unconscious or dead. It also casts Flash Freeze if someone tries to tamper or remove it. Repeated times. As it happened earlier and several times during his escape attempts.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGM2Y2E2ZTU0ZDQwYzE4NTVkMjdjYWI3YmYwNzk1">"How are you doing, prisoner Cloude? Enjoying our village? The roc meat is to your liking? But please don't try to escape again or I'll begin to delete your skills."</p> <p class="cnMwZDQyODgxMTY3YTQ2NzFiMmNkOTcwNzJkNjdkOGE2">"Why are you training an army? Are you conquering Mirfield now? The whole Heorot Kingdom?"</p> <p class="cnM2MDNhYWY4OGI3YzRkNzJiOGI1YTIxYTExN2Y4Yjg5">"None of them? How about it? We are a monster settlement that has no ambitions of conquest so far. We just want to live our lives in peace without fear of being eaten by a stronger monster or hunted by adventurers.</p> <p class="cnMwMGRlNGE0M2M5MDQwZWY5MzIxN2VlNTRkYzgwMDk1">"The world will end by your hands. I don't believe you are not plotting conquest."</p> <p class="cnM3ZTBjZjVlY2I0MDQyYWViNGVhYzQ3NzU5OGI1ODdj">"Your world <strong>HAS</strong> ended. Thousands of years ago. Those that are alive now are fighting over scraps. Ask the angel over there. He lived through the cataclysm."</p> <p class="cnNhYWNkYzJkODc1YzQ2Zjc5NGRlOGJmNTNhNGUwNDRl">"I won't believe the words of a monster or an hybrid." There is no use in talking to him.</p> <p class="cnM4MjBlZWY4YzQ2MzQyOGNiNTA2ZTYxNjY2NDA0NWI5">"You are free to believe what you want. We won't torture you or brainwash you. Enjoy your vacation."&nbsp; We depart to do other things. The goblins picked up jeweler and metalsmith skills as well. They can make jewelry that would be a hit with heavy metal fans back on Earth.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTk2MmNmZWJkMTRiMmVhYzhjMTE3NzJiNjEzMDdh">After leaving the prison-house I met Helen. "Grendel, we should go to town tomorrow for the mid-winter feast! Let's take a lot of smoked meat and give to the children!"</p> <p class="cnM2MWNjMTcxNWE0YjRmZWNiNTE5MTcwOTczZTgxZjA2">"Sure, Helen. You really love the mid-winter feast, right?"</p> <p class="cnNlZjk1NTE4YTZjODQ5MzI4YzE5NTE4YTE2OGEwYWE1">"Yes!" Her eyes are shining with enthusiasm.</p> <p class="cnMyNjc4OGJiMjY0YTRhMTI5NDBlYjYyZjJiMWU2M2Nh">Then it is decided. I gather the usual party of four and announce. "Tomorrow is the mid-winter day. Beowulf's hero party is returning to Mirfield to participate in the festival. With a few thousand pounds of smoked roc meat to distribute as souvenirs to the children."</p> <p class="cnM0ZjhjZWJlYjBiYjQxNWNiODkzYWUzMmRmZGVhMDNj">The day goes by as we wrap the bundles of smoked roc meat on broad leaves. It is a freaking lot. We teleport to the south stream anchor, and it is completely frozen now.</p> <p class="cnM0MzM1YTY0ZDRjNTQ4MmNhNTljMWUyYmIwZGI2YzQ4">"We would be freezing right now if it weren't for Helen's warming spell."</p> <p class="cnNlODIwZTM5OTNiMjRlNmZhNDgxZGExODY0YTBiMDFi">I try to cheer her up, "C'mon Marcy, it is not that bad."</p> <p class="cnM3ZjBhMzUwNjQxNzQwNGRhMjI0Nzc2N2FjZDY1ZmI3">"Says the seraph that resists all elements, the troll that is immune to cold and the winter child that is resistant to cold from birth."</p> <p class="cnNkZTE2NjliZDE0NDQ1Mjk4N2RkZTU1YWQ3NDY3ZDkz">Marcy is the only one in the whole party that has serious human-like issues with cold. But she is spot-on. I take the trusted wagon and the bundles of smoked meat out of item box and neatly stack them inside the wagon. We were saving the beaks but decided to turn one of them in at the guild for kicks. It is decorating the top of the wagon canopy now. The lines between cargo wagon and parade float were blurred. Again.</p> <p class="cnNjZjYyMzEzZTcxYTRjZmJiNjFjMjQ4OGExNjQyYjU4">We reached the south gate of Mirfield and went inside ignoring the perplexed gazes of the gate guards. I guided the wagon to the front of Alvus' clinic. That apprentice girl was outside, sweeping the porch. Alice, I think.</p> <p class="cnM1NDlkMWFjMzVkZjQ0MmE4YjU2MTYyNzk0MWE4OWNl">"Hello there! We have returned!"</p> <p class="cnMyZTUwYmYzN2U0OTQ4NzlhYzgyYTgxNGM4OGQyNTMy">"Oh, it is the Hero! Welcome back, it is wonderful to see all of you safe and sound." She peeks inside and yells, "Master, the Hero is here!"</p> <p class="cnMyY2UzZjI2OGZiNzRmYmI5MWE3OTMxMTU3MTUxNDNk">Alvus comes out the front door, "Hello Beowulf! Fancy seeing you here. You are insane to spend the entire winter camped out hunting. I see you got quite the haul! What is that beak?"</p> <p class="cnM0ZGM1NmUwMTg3ZjRmYjA5NTQ0MmE5N2ZmYTJmOTYz">"It is a hundred feet roc we hunted in the Dragonclaws. There is plenty of smoked meat, come and help yourself."</p> <p class="cnNjYmZkZTBlMDllZjQ2ZDdiOGU5ODBlZTkyZTZkMGFi">Alvus comes to the cart and Zahariel hands him a ninety-pound bundle of smoked meat.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDAzMzI0ZDc0NDQ3NmViODk1N2UwNjE4YzQ1NjY1">"Are you participating in the midwinter festival?"</p> <p class="cnNhOTIyZjc5YjhmYzQwOGQ5M2I3NjUyN2Q5MjQ4ZDM3">"Sure. We plan to return with an empty wagon, so we will be imposing on the townsfolk to help us eat all this bird meat."</p> <p class="cnNjZjcyMTZkN2M1NjQ2YjE5ZmQwODFhZmFlZDIwNzk3">Alice's eyes were as watered as her mouth. "Can we eat all that?"</p> <p class="cnM0MDY4ZWI1MTkxNDQ4YTA5NDZmMjg5ODE0ZTIwYTI0">"That's the idea. The feast will be in the main square, right? We are going to excuse us. We need to visit mother Mercy now."</p> <p class="cnM3MGVhNWJkYjUzMDRmMTM5ZThkMGQyNWQ4NTU3YjQ5">"We will meet later then. Have you kids reserved an inn?"</p> <p class="cnM1M2ZhMGFkMTU3ZTQyM2ZhOTJmYzNlMmY2OTNjY2Jk">"No. We are planning to get a room after we visit Mercy."</p> <p class="cnM3YWFhMDYzMmVlZDRjOTRhNWM4ZGFmZjM0OTBiMzMz">"Please come to stay with me at the clinic."</p> <p class="cnNkYWZkZTkwZDM0MzQwZjJiMjhhMjUwMWUwY2VhYzIz">"We don't want to disturb the patients. Don't worry, this beak will net quite the gold at the guild. It is fine to splurge a bit."</p> <p class="cnMyYjRmNThlYjY2ODQxMmI5YTg1OTYxYWU4M2FlOTRl">We left Alvus and his apprentice behind and drove to Mercy's place. The smell of warm smoked meat was enticing the villagers and there was quite the troop of drooling children trailing the wagon.</p> <p class="cnNjYzIyMmEyMTk1NTQ0ZDJhNzlhZGJkNDlhNmQwMzlk">I wanted to open a bundle and distribute some meat but Helen advised against. "Leave it for tonight. This is the tradition. They are readying themselves for the festival, if they eat too much now it will ruin the feast."</p> <p class="cnMxNDk3ZWM1NWQyODRiYzI4MzZjMDFkYzMxNzk2MGZm">At the to enter Mercy's street the people were already outside. The person herself was also out.</p> <p class="cnMyZmM2MWMzZWMwMDRmYmNiYjkyYTlmNmZmNTQ3YTNm">"Mother!" Shouted Marcy.</p> <p class="cnM5YWFkNmRiYTg1MTRjOGI5OTgxNGZlOGJiYjI5ODFk">"My, my, what a ruckus these kids are doing. And you, Beowulf. You've let these girls turn you to a horse already!"</p> <p class="cnNiNGNmNzczMDRjYTRlNWU4YzE4YTdmNmVhZjY5MWE1">Considering the crature in question could indeed turn into a horse, it is not that bad. "Nah, I don't mind. Horses don't last a minute where we were leveling up. We were about to stop for a visit, but now I'd like you to hop aboard, mother. Come with us."</p> <p class="cnMxNWM3Y2IwNTcxZjQxOTY4YmNiOTNkNmEwMDA2ODI3">Mercy steps on the wagon and sits on the coachman seat next to Marcy. "Next stop the guild. Let's get rid of this beak and net us some gold."</p> <p class="cnMxMTMzYTdmMGM5YTRmODRiYWUyY2ZmYzVhMWE2YWYy">"Oh, my what a lively bunch! Heya!" And now she is turning me into a horse. Like mother...</p> <p class="cnM4Y2I0YmIzZWQ0NzQ4NThiZDRjOTE2ZWY4NzFkM2Qx">And the second Beowulf parade cruised through town until the central square. There is a big wooden stage with fancy chairs set in front of the Mayor's office.</p> <p class="cnM3YmMwMzRjZGEwYzRhZGNhY2JmNDRkODNlNTBmM2Nh">I ask Helen about it. She is quite the winter festival expert. "Is it normal to have that stage set like that?"</p> <p class="cnNlZjhiZDc2NTg1MDRmOTlhZTQ5OGMzZDdmYjNhMjgx">"Back when the Baron was alive, yes. But it is strange."</p> <p class="cnM5MzA4M2VjNmMwODQzOGFhNTZjYmViMDQ4MGNmZjBh">We leave Helen and Mercy taking care of the wagon because she was the most adamant in not distributing meat before the feast even with the dozens of pleading eyes.</p> <p class="cnM1NzcyN2UxOTYyOTQzOGY5NTE1N2QyZTZiMWE2OGQ4">I take the beak on my back and carry it overhead to the Guild. Marcy and Zahariel came with me.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjRiMTBiZTA4MTRlZGJhMDMxYmYyNjhmZWVlYTQz">The same receptionist that took the chimera remains comes to meet us, "Whoa, Marcy what the heck is this!!"</p> <p class="cnM4MDE3N2E0ODMwNTQwNmNiNjBjMDIxZWFjNmI1N2Rm">And Marcy calls her bluff, "C'mon. I know you already appraised it!"</p> <p class="cnNmODI1MDE0MWRkNjRkMzFhMTVmYzhlNDYwNGVkZDc0">The warehouse receptionist said out loud so everyone could hear, "It was an adult A-rank Skywing Roc! The wingspan of this thing should be more than two hundred feet! How the hell did you manage to bring down such a beast?"</p> <p class="cnM3NzZjYzIyMWI4MjRkYjQ4OTlmOTM2ZGZmMGUyNDFh">"Trade secrets. Now, please evaluate it. We are just selling it for coin."</p> <p class="cnNiYTU2NGVlMjI3YjRhYzNhOWI3YmUxZGY0ZWVlZmY2">"No way! Hand over your cards. The guild master will eat me alive if I report an A-rank subjugation without tallying points. I bet the help of this brave wing-kin boy here was crucial, right? He is the hero's apprentice after all!"</p> <p class="cnNlMzFiNGI4Njg1NTRlYWQ4YjA0Y2ZkNzUxOGM5Y2Q4">What the fuck? We brought the chimera, she didn't bat an eyelid. Now we kill rocs without a request and she wants us to meet the guildmaster? There is something stinking here. DEFCON 3.</p> <p class="cnMwOTAwZTJlOWYyMzRkMmNiMjgyNmRjN2U4YjYwNTI2">"Oh, did you hear? The king has appointed a new viscount for Mirfield. A son of this town has risen to nobility! We are no longer a baronate! He will make his inaugural announcement tonight at the feast."</p> <p class="cnNhMTkwZjZkZTUyYzQ1ZjM4OGZmODE2OTgxNjFmMTZk">The sound of feet marching and dozens of presences going down two streets away were impossible to not notice.</p> <p class="cnM3M2Q0ZmQ1YjNjMzRjNWY4YTkxNzgzZWY0ZjRiNzY2">"Did he come from the road to Strawford? It doesn't seem so, because these marching sounds are coming from the west."</p> <p class="cnMwNmVjYjU0MGI4ZTQzMDE5M2MxOTg0YzE2OWI0NzM0">"No, it is said that he banished Grendel the troll from the west road. The path to Whiteridge is clear now."</p> <p class="cnMyMDY5YTY4OTgwMjQ4YmQ5NDNjYjE3ZDMzMjVlN2Ix">"Oh, this new Viscount did it?" asked Marcy with a disbelieving tone.</p> <p class="cnM1NjM2NWRlMmE0NTQ2Y2ViNDJlY2QzOTYwZGIxZTg2">"Yes! The new viscount is the successor to the position of Shining Blade!"</p> <p class="cnNjNWQyZThhNjQ0NzQ1OTI4MmQ1NmI2Mjg1NDUyMTQ3">I trade gazes with Marcy and Zahariel. This stinks too much. "All right, let's stop the small talk. Please process the beak and we will be on our way. Here are our cards."</p> <p class="cnNjOTYzM2I1ZmFjMjRhNGQ4NGUwNjM4YjkzNDEwMWQw">"Yes, please wait a moment. Could you please put the beak in the warehouse?" I carry the beak into the warehouse loading door and place it on a trolley. I have a terrible feeling. I want to get out of this town this very moment.</p> <p class="cnNiZjFlNTBkYzAzZTQyNThhNWViZmNiYmRlZGI1Njlk">Marcy grabs my arm and whispers, "Calm down, Beowulf. We are going back soon."</p> <p class="cnM2MmRkZjdiYTRiODRmMDA4YmNlNDgyNTliYWZlZGI2">The receptionist disappears into the guild main building and takes longer than the usual to come back, "Hero Beowulf, the guildmaster wants to see you."</p> <p class="cnM5NjkxYTg5ZjE4MjRmZDE5NDQ4OWU4ZTM4OTk3YzRm">"Impossible. I, we are leaving right now. Our cards please."</p> <p class="cnM1ZGYxOTFmMTUyNzQ4MmE5ODljNDRlYmY2NzMyODdm">She shows empty hands. "I'm afraid they are with the guild master. He wants to talk to you."</p> <p class="cnM2ZWU0ODVlZDJmODQ0MTBhMmFlMjk5NDIzY2Y0ZThj">"Marcy, this stinks. The timing is too convenient."</p> <p class="cnNlZWY0NTNhNjhmYzQyNTc5ZWQ2YWU1ZDk0OWU2ZDRk">"Wait. Let's go away and get our cards on the way back. Do you have the gold?"</p> <p class="cnM0MzM4MWRhNGFhYzRhZTE4YTQ4ZjA1MGJhOGEyMDAy">"I'm afraid It is with the guild master too."And she bows to usher us into the building.</p> <p class="cnM2MWEwMGQwODc3MDQ4OTBiZTkzNTEwODMyYTg5ZmNh">Fuck! Every time I set foot on a guild branch some shit happens. I should do a tour and wipe this creepy organization out. I can replace them with the bootleg guild. We go to the guild main building and barge into the guildmaster room. A middle-aged slim guy with a goatee and glasses stares at us.</p> <p class="cnNiOGVhYTljNTY0MDRjODQ5NzM1NzM0YTYyMDMwMzg3">"I know I sent to call you, but I was not ready."</p> <p class="cnNhYmEzMjRlZGI1MTRhZjY5NzI2NjdiMWU4ODYyMmI3">Marcy of all people kicks diplomacy out the window, "I am sorry to barge in, but we are in a hurry. Can we have our cards back."</p> <p class="cnNjNjFlZmVkZWZmNDRkN2VhNzNkOTY3ZDVhNGFkMWYw">"Wait, relax, sit down and sip some tea."</p> <p class="cnMzY2RmYzA2YmMwODQ1ZGZiMzk0MGYzMmI2NWM0ZWFi">I go straight to the point, "What business do you have with us?"</p> <p class="cnMxMGRhOGFhNmFlNzQyY2ViZmMxNjAxNGUxMWEzNzY0">"I want to get to know you and talk. I have been guild master of this branch since a few days after the orc horde incident, but never got to meet the hero that saved the town!"</p> <p class="cnM4MTg1NzI5NzhlYzQyOWZhODAzMDgzMDc1MWFhODI1">This fucker is lying. He is obviously stalling us.</p> <p class="cnMwZjQxODkyYjE0YTRjOTU4OTVlMmEzNWM0NzhiZTg4">"Let me shake hands with you, guild master." I approach him and extend my hand.</p> <p class="cnMyNmExNTc4MDNjODQxNzhiYjk4NTVjYzkwMWY4Yjcw">"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hero Beowulf." That fake business smile won't work today.</p> <p class="cnNhMzI5MGRmYjk5MTRlZmQ4Nzk5OTRjNzhjNzc5NzFi">"Can I make a question?"</p> <p class="cnM1N2UyN2M4ZjEyYzQxYTQ4ZGE4NWQyMDg2ZTZjOWMz">"Are you deliberately stalling us here this day of all days?" Intimidating presence.</p> <p class="cnM3YzNhMzNhYjUzNzQ5NTNhYzJiNWM4MzIxMzJmMWZm">"What? I don't know what you are talking about." Lies. He tries to retrieve his hand from my grip. No can do.</p> <p class="cnM5MjBmNzlhMzQ2YjQ4YTY4NTJkZWJlNzc2NTgzZDU2">"Psychic Assault!"</p> <p class="cnM2YjE2OWQ2MDc0NzRmYzg5YTVhNGU0NDEyMTFkNmE4">"Gaaaaaaaaa!" The guildmaster faints. Seriously, this skill is more useful to knock people out than to remove curses.</p> <p class="cnM2YzQxMTg0YjUxZDRkMWI5MDU1YzM4NzM0YmNiZTdk">"Marcy, change his job to villager."</p> <p class="cnM1NzVjMmE3Mzk5YTQxNTc4YzAyMjRkNDFhNGRiZjgx">"Are you crazy?"</p> <p class="cnM5MWI1YmFkNjAwZDQxMWRiMTUwNWYzNjM3N2MyOTQ4">"Yes. My guts tell me it is time to go crazy. We have no time to lose."</p> <p class="cnMyNTdiYjQwNDA3YzRiMzJiNDJjODFlNmQzODQ4YjU4">"Guildmaster authority! Forced job change to Villager!" A guild card is a liability. If you have an active guild card, any guild master can mess with you like shit. They usually don't do it in the open because people would go nuts.</p> <p class="cnNlZmRjNWU2ZDA4ODQ5YjU5YTU3NTU2NzA5MDYxZGZk">"Possession."</p> <p class="cnNlMDU1MjZlYzZlYzQ4YzQ5OWQ2YWJlNjViNmNhNzIz">The former guild master made villager fails to resist. I enter his body and take over. His eyesight is terrible and these glasses are shit.</p> <p class="cnNkMWRjNzYwZTc0MzQ3MjI4ZjUyYTU0ZGYwZmM4MzM2">The guild field flickers, and I feel a buzzing in his breast pocket. Our cards. I've destroyed the guild-issued cards we had and replaced them with my own brand of cards. Only bootleg guild masters can mess with these cardholders.</p> <p class="cnNjNmE1NDI1NTYzOTRjNmE4NzdhMWQ2MDI4NzczMGY4">"Please follow me, my adventurers," I say with the guildmaster voice and leave the guild.</p> <p class="cnNjNGMzNzgzM2UwZTQ0Yzg5MjZiMzI0Yzc0MzY5MmY1">A receptionist comes. "Guild Master, the job crystal is acting up! What happened?"</p> <p class="cnNiN2JmMzVlY2EwNjQ4MmE4MDQ2N2Y4MDMyYWRlY2Qz">"Don't worry, I have everything under control. Make way, I am in a hurry."</p> <p class="cnMzYjhlZTdlZmE0NzQxYTVhMmI2OTMzNzE4MGEzZTZk">We go to the job crystal room. There are several curious adventurers blocking the way.</p> <p class="cnM0MTdkOGVhZTBkYjRjOGNiYjEwMmRhMThmZjNlMjc4">The receptionist shouts, "Make way for the guild master!" They all step aside.</p> <p class="cnNmN2YwOWRhNjQ1NDQxNWE5YmY3YTliOTllZWZmNzJi">I take my host into the room. "There was a magic fluctuation right now, and the job crystal deactivated. I'll activate it now, I need privacy."</p> <p class="cnM1NzU0N2ZjYmJmYTQ0NzZiYzhjNDBkZDgyOTRjYTY1">Alone in the room, I store the official crystal in my bag and replace it with an illusion.</p> <p class="cnM3OWY1OTFjZjIyMzQ2NTFhMWJkNjY3OGRiOWRmMGJl">"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I scream with the guildmaster's voice, deactivate possession and block the door with his body.</p> <p class="cnNiNzk0MWIzMzcwNDQzNmRhMjdkNjBjZjZmNjcxODFl">"Guild Master! Guild Master!"</p> <p class="cnNhOTIzZDYxZDUxMjQ5NWRhZDQ4YmQ0NmUyYzBjMmNm">Five or ten minutes and I recover enough MP and stamina. I shapeshift into a rat and trigger shadow stealth.</p> <p class="cnMyN2Y2MzhkZTE1MzRiNzdiYjRhN2MzZGRkZWFlZTEz">The door opens and a terrified receptionist goes to see the wellbeing of the guildmaster. I sneak out and climb up beneath Marcy's backpack. "Eeeek!"</p> <p class="cnNlZTNkN2Q3MDdmOTQ4YTc4YzA4MjYyYjI0MDBlZGYz">"What is wrong, Marcy?" Zahariel asks.</p> <p class="cnNlZGUxOWUwZDk3MDRkMzk5MDcxMDg0NTlmZThjODk0">"Something went up my trousers."</p> <p class="cnNlMzU4NjFlM2YwNjQ4NGVhY2UyNzNjZjBjY2I0YjQ3">The receptionist is still making a fuss inside the room. Zahariel notices the lack of me and tugs her coat,&nbsp; "Marcy, maybe we should leave now."</p> <p class="cnNkMmJhODgxNmNmNzRhZDJhMDRiMDhjNmFlYjRmMDBh">Somehow they sneak out. I can only see the ground, but the minimap is not blocked by a single piece of clothing no matter how thick it is.</p> <p class="cnM3NzAxMjc2NWI0MDQ1ZjI5YTRmZmJmNzY4NDUxZTY0">After turning a corner, Marcy says, "Get out, Beowulf."</p> <p class="cnMyNWY5YzFkMDBhZDRhYjM5NzdiMzk2MDg0YWM2YTg3">I skitter out and transform once I confirm it is safe.</p> <p class="cnMwZTU5Y2M0OWIxMjQ4MTFiZjE0YTVlMDA2Y2JhNDJl">"Let's hurry back to the square. Helen and mother-in-law are there," I tell my party members.</p> <p class="cnMzNDJhN2I3MmY2ZjRlZGQ4ZDQ0YzI5NTQxY2Y1MTI5">"Her HP is fine, Beowulf. There is no abnormal status."</p> <p class="cnM1NzRkZDhkY2RjNTQ3YzNhNjExNWJjYzkxMjY3ZGU3">"This timing is too convenient. Why would troops be entering the town if the viscount was already here? And only after we were already inside the guild? There were at least a hundred soldiers."</p> <p class="cnMzY2JhZTlkZDI5MDRmZjQ5NGFjODI5Y2YxNWNhNjk2">"The guild master's behavior was strange too. But if it is a trap, how would they know our timing?"</p> <p class="cnNiNzJjZWU1NDE1YjQzOWJhZWE0MjgyZDk1NzJhNDA2">"Marcy, Helen really loves the winter festival, right?"</p> <p class="cnNlNDBlNGRmMTMwYzRmOWQ4ZjQzMzMxNTEwMjU5MGY4">"Yes. It was her favorite day of the year. Because every other child envied her ability to withstand the cold." The dark side of Helen. Schadenfreude.</p> <p class="cnNhYzI0OGZmODhkYjQ4MGE5YjI2ZWY1NzU4ZWJiMzEz">"And if someone who really knew Helen and knew she was around, this person would assume Helen would do anything to participate in the festival, right?"</p> <p class="cnMwZWI2Y2FkNDNhYzRjOWFhYzM2MTg5ZTljZmJlZThk">"Yes. It would be possible. But who knows Helen this well?" Marcy is puzzled.</p> <p class="cnMwNDRkZmIwZWEzYzQyOTFhMTAwY2NmNzdiZThkNzYw">"Zahariel, do you remember what the warehouse receptionist said about the Viscount's origins?"</p> <p class="cnNlMzM1ODE4ZDVjYjQwYmNiMzJjY2Q5NzAxMTZhOTQ5">The seraph thinks for a while and answers, "She said he is someone born in this town!"</p> <p class="cnMwOGQ5MDExMzcwZDRjODA4NjFmNWI5Yjg3ZTA4NDVi">"She also said he is the new 'Shining Blade'. I left that sword in the hands of Hrothgar."</p> <p class="cnMwZjg1OTJmZGYxNzQwOTg4NWZjMTlhMTMzZmQ5YjE4">Marcy still has a puzzled look. "What does all of this has to do with this behavior, Beowulf?"</p> <p class="cnNkNjIzMTAzYzMwYTQ1ODdhNzExNjJiZDhiZmJhOTJj">"One, born in this town. Two, trained by the king to become the 'Shining Blade'. Three, deep knowledge of Helen. Four, he was last sighted in Castle Heorot as a knight."</p> <p class="cnNlY2Q1Mzc3YmVmZTRhYjNiZTY2ZTI1Y2E3ZjE5Nzgz">Marcy freezes. Her jaw drops. "Julius!"</p> <p class="cnMzZTIzOGMzMzAwYTRiY2Q4MzYzYmFiNDliZTAzZGQw">"Yes. And we left Helen behind in a vulnerable position. Not only that!"</p> <p class="cnMxZTM3MDgwYTliZjQyZWY5ZmU3MTZlZjU5NTQ0M2I1">Marcy dashes ahead the moment she realized, "Mother!"</p> <p class="cnNhYmQ5ZTRjM2JkZjRhYTM5NmE3NDY0NTZjZGY4MWI0">We run to the main square, literally jumping over the people in the streets. There, I see a lot of soldiers securing our wagon and confiscating the smoked meat.</p> <p class="cnNkMjA5MDE0ZGYxYzQ2MWU4MjIzOTA3ZDliNWM4Mjcw">People is booing. The dejected looks in the children's eyes break my heart. No sight of either Helen or Mercy.</p> <p class="cnMwN2I2Y2U0OTNmOTRjMzg4ZDQzMzQ0MmM5ZmQ5YTEw">We reach the center of the square and Marcy gasps. There are two soldiers dragging an unconscious Mercy away.</p> <p class="cnM4YjVkOGI2ODA2YTQzMmNiZTcyOGIyMGJmMWU4Yzll">"Mother!" She screams.</p> <p class="cnM1OGMzOWYxNzUzNjQwMmZhYzMyMTRjODMyZDk0NGUw">A booming voice is heard from the stage set in front of the mayor's office. "Let us all give a warm welcome to the Hero Beowulf, the savior of Mirfield!"</p> <p class="cnMwM2FhYmRjMjc4YzRlY2VhZDc5ZjY2ZTIxMTNjMmE0">"Julius!" Hisses Marcy. Zahariel holds her shoulder from behind to stop her from doing something harsh. She was already reaching for her bow.</p> <p class="cnM4OGEwZWEwNmJjODRkMGM4NTAyYWFiMzIwNmMzNzU0">"And there he is. Hooray for Beowulf!"</p> <p class="cnM1YjQ0NjBhMzM0OTQyNThhZTg2ZDhkNmJjYmEwNDU1">"Why confiscate our meat, Viscount Julius?" I ask him.</p> <p class="cnNkMzI5NmE3NGFlNDRlMzhiYmIzZTM5MjNkMDk0NTNm">"We are just helping to distribute it. There are a lot of hungry soldiers after all. If any meat is left, we will gladly give it to the children, right, my lovely bride?"</p> <p class="cnM2NDc5ODA4OWIwODRhMDJhNmY3NDI0MjQ5MWVlYmFh">From behind him comes Helen. She is dressed in a fancy noblewoman party dress. She nods and steps by his side with her head hung low.</p> <p class="cnMzZGE1NGJiNDkzZTQ4NTM4NGRmOGIyYjg2ZTAwMGQ1">"Helen! Why are you at the side of this asshole!" Screams Marcy. Helen turns her face to a side. She is blushing and trembling.</p> <p class="cnMwOWEzYjY1N2RhNDRkYmViMTY4ZGEyODMxYWQzOGM4">I whisper to them, "Zahariel, get ready to take Marcy out of here and back to base. Hold the ground there until I send word to you through Shraaizar."</p> <p class="cnNiMzNmZmM0NDlhMTRmODRhNTMxOWZiODE4MDVmYmZl">"Understood, Beowulf. But there are a lot of archers hiding in the rooftops."</p> <p class="cnNjNTBjNTQ5MjFhNzRmOTViZjEyNTY0ZGIwMjZjYWE0">Fuck. He is right. These guys have high stealth skills to evade my presence detection, but the level 10 of Zahariel's skill picked them.</p> <p class="cnNkNmQ5MTY5YmEwYTQ5YWI4NTI1NTVkMDA4OWIzYTMz">"Get ready. I'll make you two invisible." I cast invisibility on both of them, feel a gust of wind as he takes off and see their dots dashing east.</p> <p class="cnM1OGYyMmExNmM4ZjQ2ZWJiZjQ2NjNhMDdhOWVhNDU2">"Where did those two go! Find out now!" The Viscount yells.</p> <p class="cnNjZTk4ZmZjOWRiMDQxNTY4ZjRkZmY4OTc1MmE1OWU1">"Shall we dance now, Viscount?" I need to get Mercy and Helen.</p> <p class="cnM0OTEzMTkxZDU1ZjRjOGQ5NmY1NTg0Yjg0ZmJkOTZl">Helen steps forward and shouts, "Beowulf, do not do anything harsh. This is not the time to fight. I beseech you to submit yourself to the Viscount's wise rule."</p> <p class="cnM3YzRjN2EwZjViODQ2NzZhNjAyYjQ4M2U4YTFhODA0">What the fuck! Helen, what is in your mind?</p> <p class="cnM4ZTFiY2IyMmE1MDQ0MWQ4ZDY1YmY2MTgwMzQzNjE0">Julius steps forward and pushes Helen back, "For the crime of treason, I now declare Beowulf under arrest and strip him from the title of hero. Guards, seize him and throw him in the stockades."</p> <p class="cnM2NTA4ZDY3MjUyOTQ3MmQ4NThiZDY3NWI4MDZjNTc3">I tense my body to fight but my eyes cross Helen's. She shakes her head and drops her shoulders. Then she raises a finger across her lips in a 'silence' gesture.</p> <p class="cnM1Yjk3MjkzYjdjNjRmOTQ4NmZkYTBjNTI0OGY4ZjJi">I need to trust Helen. There is no way she would betray me.</p> <p class="cnM2Yjc5NjMzM2JlMjRmOGNhZTNkNmE3MDI4NTJhMjFj">Around us I can see the angry faces of the people. They are not angry at me though. The few gazes I met are of pity and sympathy. But they wouldn't dare go against this shitty thing called Nobility.</p> <p class="cnMxZWY3ZGM5YmJlODQ3Y2ZhMDI1YjIzZWZiZGJlMjg5">I raise my hands and let the guards take me away. I tried to contact Shraaizar, but it is out of range. I should've told Marcy to bring her closer to town. With Mittens. Tamer cellphone FTW. Too late now.</p> </div>
I have invested points in the elven skills. The MP and agility ones are a blessing. I desperately needed more MP. "I'm brand new and need to grind levels, who is up for some mountain trekking?"  A big show of hands. Two humans, one angel, one naga, one gorilla, one green... *"Charmma, go back to watching the prisoner!"*  I gather Helen, Mittens, Marcy, and Shraaizar. Zahariel decided to fly there. Select the anchor of the last patrol site and teleport! Marcy points out and asks, "To the mountains?" "Yeah. I want to see what is there. But I'll carry you." I pick them up and use the dragon wings. I'm rather slow but it is still a dozen times faster than climbing. Mittens follows on his own and Zahariel is already in sight. The angel quickly catches up. It seems he invested some points in his flying skill. The three of us were flying and scouting the ground for either the chimera nest or any prey for more than three hours when we heard a loud bird call. It feels like a bird of prey. Marcy pales and sounds the alarm, "Grendel, land us now! Everyone to the ground and take cover!" The sound of flapping and big gusts of wind raise our tension. Something big is coming and it thinks the mountain airspace is theirs. "There is a ledge over there! Dive!" Again that raptor-like bird cry. Mittens shivers and dives first on the ledge. Zahariel overtakes me and lands too. Above us, a big shadow covers the sky. I also dive and drop the girls on the ledge. "Grendel, behind you!" Helen gives the warning a little too late. A huge beak clips my wings and yanks me from the ledge right after I dropped them. At least everyone is safe. I understand why Mittens was so scared. The natural enemy of a giant bug is... A giant bird. An eagle as tall as a building. It is gaining height fast with my wings trapped in its iron-hard beak. Behind it, I can see that there is another one. A mythical beast, the roc. What can I do? I could detach the wings, but I'd become a blood splatter on the mountains. I'll try the new offensive skill. First, level it up to 5. Aim at the eye. "Acid Breath!" I timed the breath to the very moment the roc was pulling back its nictating membrane. The focused cone of acid spread enough to cover the whole eye and some of the skin around it. The roc shakes its head and tumbles, losing its lift. I am flung away and miss the chance to grab onto some feather or plume. Sharp rocks sculpted by the roaring winds down below will probably cause more harm than just shredding and smashing me. I could be pinned below some rock. Without Emperor's Might, I can't really do those herculean feats of strength anymore. Without any choice, I have to try and stabilize my fall like a skydiver would before opening the parachute. In my case, regenerating the wings. the roc is falling above me. Its feathers create drag even without canceling its fall. I'm making a harpoon when I return home. If I do. My dragon wings regenerate and I also begin to break my falling speed. No good. My skill is too low. The roc flaps its wings and regains the skies. It looks at me sideways and dives. I am falling too fast. I can't fly but I can glide and dodge to its blindside. As it missed by a few feet with the feeling of being by a paper thin margin, I manage to grab some feathers. One of them is plucked but the other one holds. Now to climb on its back. With a free hand, I draw the horn spear. Again I miss the sure-kill absurd 140x damage boost. I stick my feet between some feathers of its neck and pull up the one I am holding. The pink skin of its neck is exposed below the feathers. I stab but the loose footing makes me miss. The roc feels its neck being stung and tries to shake me. It causes the next strike to also miss and I almost fall off. I store the spear and with both hands I grasp a bunch of feathers with the left hand and latch my feet claws to another set of feathers. With this stable footing, the spear sinks into the roc's fleshy neck. "Gyaaaaa!" It cries in pain. The damage was negligible. This thing has more than two and half times as many HP as me. I pull with the left hand putting all my strength to push the spear further inside its neck. With the shaking and the pouring blood, there is a pressure to push the spear out. If I am going to kill this bird, I need to ground it first. It makes a spin and I could see the other roc fighting the rest of the party on the ledge. Time to try gravity magic. "Control (Increase) Weight!" The gravity pulls on the roc almost doubles. The bird tries to flap its wings faster, but being as big as an airliner has their problems. It is already physically impossible to make such a big bird fly without magic. With the added weight, it begins to steadily lose altitude. Next step. "Flash Freeze!" The bird is too big to freeze entirely. The best I can hope for is to make an ice casting around the joint of its wings. It is strong enough to break the ice on the first try, but each time it loses the timing on the flapping motion, losing more and more lift. I keep spamming flash freeze and the roc cries in desperation. "Kylee!" Its cry makes the other roc ignore the party and come to this one's aid. Its belly has burn marks and some bleeding from the attacks it received from the ground team. Time to make it fall and get my next 'ride'. "Static field!" The next spell is an area of effect paralysis trap. The feathers fan and crackle as the electrical field makes some voltaic arcs jump between feathers. But it is only on the surface. The roc is almost unaffected by the static, just more annoyed. The other roc is coming and it has spotted me on its partner's neck. The big dragon wings were a dead giveaway against the white backdrop, I guess. With a free hand, I begin chanting the pyroclasm spell. The other roc is pissed and dives at me. Right before I could finish the chant, its beaks are closing on me. this will hurt but here it goes. "Lava Bomb!" Close range. And this time around I have enough MP to cast it in full. SHOOOOM! The pressurized volcanic tephra ball blows inside the bird's throat. With its beak open and a few feet from me. My ride and I take heavy damage as the heat of the explosion pushes the two birds apart. The second roc vomits hot magma and boiling blood on its already burnt and scratched companion's back. Both birds stumble onto each other and lose lift. The first one falls faster than the other thanks to the gravity magic and goes to the bottom, but none of them has any chance to break their fall or get off. Me? I was blown away by the explosion. I lost grip on the horn spear and am also going to splatter myself against some jagged rocks. Or not? "Control (decrease) gravity!" I cast the gravity spell on me, cutting my own weight by a factor of 9. I have to also trigger {Vitality Booster} because I took 25% burn damage and the wings won't regrow unless the burn damage is healed. It has been some time since I had to use it. I glide like a paper kite and the rocs are still going down. I check my MP and there is still enough for one half-cast "Lava Bomb!" I drop into MP Exhaustion and the gravity spells will run their basic duration only. The second lava bomb detonates on the base of the neck of the second roc. the updraft throws me upwards and into a spin. The rocs crash into the sharp rocks below, but they are still alive. Hooray for size HP bonus. I recover my balance and stop spinning with the regenerated wings. Here comes Zahariel carrying Helen and Mittens carrying Marcy and Shraaizar. The rocs groan and chirp below but it seems their wings broke on the fall. "Grendel! We will finish them off!" the seraph offers. "Don't use that meteor on the birds. I want those feathers. Marcy, come with me." We transfer the red-head archer mid-air, and after clearing the exhaustion status I dive with her to where the rocs are. On the corner of my eye, I see my Horn Spear a couple hundred feet down. I was worried it would be lost in these mountains. The bird turns the head and brings me to the field of view of its last good eye. "Homing Multishot!" Only to lose it to a deadly barrage of arrows from Guildmaster Marcy. The head flops down and stops moving. | Helen (4-Wizard) has gained 10 levels. | Marcy (5-Guild Master) has gained 8 levels. | Zahariel (4-wizard) has gained 3+9 levels. | Grendel (3- Monster Tamer) has gained 28+12 levels. +250 SP | Shraaizar has gained 8 levels. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |   Good. Now, what should I do with these two oversized chickens? I'll try shoving one in the item box. 64,000 lb. Two-thirds of the item box. "I'll now set an anchor here and teleport with the birds. I'm taking the non-flyers first. Come." With four jumps I was able to ferry everyone and the dead birds back to Willow Hill. "It will take the rest of the day to dismantle these birds. Marcy, what is the proof of subjugation of rocs?" "It is the beak." I could make a small boat with one of these beaks. "It is fine to keep it in the item box, right?" "Yes." "I'll call some dismantler monkeys to help process these rocs. We should have enough meat to go through a couple winters now." It took two days to process the birds. We discarded the entrails and most of the unusable meat in the slime pit and dashed boiled syrup on some bones. They will be used for construction later. Bird ribcage longhouse. I stored all the feathers and a lot of fresh roc breast and thigh meat in storage. We now have an use to those tons of branches and roots from the trees that were just piled up to be used as firewood in the winter. Smoking the roc meat will take days. But the biggest prize was the two wind-aligned A-rank pemadras. If it can make a sixty thousand pound bird fly it will also make my dream of an airship one step closer, It also attracted every starving wolf, bear and other lower ranked monsters in miles. It was a good grind for our members. Defending the smoking pits was set up as a quest for monster adventurers to accept and earn extra rations. All those extra bows I bought were being put to good use. Some more agile monkeys were becoming quite the sharpshooters. Helen and Shraaizar were using wind and weather magic to hide the smoke from Mirfield. I kept harvesting horns and nails during these days I think I have hundreds of horns and thousands of nails. I've also raised villager and apprentice magician job to the cap. There were plenty of food and feasts every day. "Is it my impression or are the devil monkeys putting weight in the dead of winter? It is too absurd!" Marcy complains to no one in particular right in front of me.   ---   I've made a magical bracelet that can cast Flash Freeze on Cloude if he gets more than 100ft away from Uppa or if Uppa is knocked unconscious or dead. It also casts Flash Freeze if someone tries to tamper or remove it. Repeated times. As it happened earlier and several times during his escape attempts. "How are you doing, prisoner Cloude? Enjoying our village? The roc meat is to your liking? But please don't try to escape again or I'll begin to delete your skills." "Why are you training an army? Are you conquering Mirfield now? The whole Heorot Kingdom?" "None of them? How about it? We are a monster settlement that has no ambitions of conquest so far. We just want to live our lives in peace without fear of being eaten by a stronger monster or hunted by adventurers. "The world will end by your hands. I don't believe you are not plotting conquest." "Your world **HAS** ended. Thousands of years ago. Those that are alive now are fighting over scraps. Ask the angel over there. He lived through the cataclysm." "I won't believe the words of a monster or an hybrid." There is no use in talking to him. "You are free to believe what you want. We won't torture you or brainwash you. Enjoy your vacation."  We depart to do other things. The goblins picked up jeweler and metalsmith skills as well. They can make jewelry that would be a hit with heavy metal fans back on Earth. After leaving the prison-house I met Helen. "Grendel, we should go to town tomorrow for the mid-winter feast! Let's take a lot of smoked meat and give to the children!" "Sure, Helen. You really love the mid-winter feast, right?" "Yes!" Her eyes are shining with enthusiasm. Then it is decided. I gather the usual party of four and announce. "Tomorrow is the mid-winter day. Beowulf's hero party is returning to Mirfield to participate in the festival. With a few thousand pounds of smoked roc meat to distribute as souvenirs to the children." The day goes by as we wrap the bundles of smoked roc meat on broad leaves. It is a freaking lot. We teleport to the south stream anchor, and it is completely frozen now. "We would be freezing right now if it weren't for Helen's warming spell." I try to cheer her up, "C'mon Marcy, it is not that bad." "Says the seraph that resists all elements, the troll that is immune to cold and the winter child that is resistant to cold from birth." Marcy is the only one in the whole party that has serious human-like issues with cold. But she is spot-on. I take the trusted wagon and the bundles of smoked meat out of item box and neatly stack them inside the wagon. We were saving the beaks but decided to turn one of them in at the guild for kicks. It is decorating the top of the wagon canopy now. The lines between cargo wagon and parade float were blurred. Again. We reached the south gate of Mirfield and went inside ignoring the perplexed gazes of the gate guards. I guided the wagon to the front of Alvus' clinic. That apprentice girl was outside, sweeping the porch. Alice, I think. "Hello there! We have returned!" "Oh, it is the Hero! Welcome back, it is wonderful to see all of you safe and sound." She peeks inside and yells, "Master, the Hero is here!" Alvus comes out the front door, "Hello Beowulf! Fancy seeing you here. You are insane to spend the entire winter camped out hunting. I see you got quite the haul! What is that beak?" "It is a hundred feet roc we hunted in the Dragonclaws. There is plenty of smoked meat, come and help yourself." Alvus comes to the cart and Zahariel hands him a ninety-pound bundle of smoked meat. "Are you participating in the midwinter festival?" "Sure. We plan to return with an empty wagon, so we will be imposing on the townsfolk to help us eat all this bird meat." Alice's eyes were as watered as her mouth. "Can we eat all that?" "That's the idea. The feast will be in the main square, right? We are going to excuse us. We need to visit mother Mercy now." "We will meet later then. Have you kids reserved an inn?" "No. We are planning to get a room after we visit Mercy." "Please come to stay with me at the clinic." "We don't want to disturb the patients. Don't worry, this beak will net quite the gold at the guild. It is fine to splurge a bit." We left Alvus and his apprentice behind and drove to Mercy's place. The smell of warm smoked meat was enticing the villagers and there was quite the troop of drooling children trailing the wagon. I wanted to open a bundle and distribute some meat but Helen advised against. "Leave it for tonight. This is the tradition. They are readying themselves for the festival, if they eat too much now it will ruin the feast." At the to enter Mercy's street the people were already outside. The person herself was also out. "Mother!" Shouted Marcy. "My, my, what a ruckus these kids are doing. And you, Beowulf. You've let these girls turn you to a horse already!" Considering the crature in question could indeed turn into a horse, it is not that bad. "Nah, I don't mind. Horses don't last a minute where we were leveling up. We were about to stop for a visit, but now I'd like you to hop aboard, mother. Come with us." Mercy steps on the wagon and sits on the coachman seat next to Marcy. "Next stop the guild. Let's get rid of this beak and net us some gold." "Oh, my what a lively bunch! Heya!" And now she is turning me into a horse. Like mother... And the second Beowulf parade cruised through town until the central square. There is a big wooden stage with fancy chairs set in front of the Mayor's office. I ask Helen about it. She is quite the winter festival expert. "Is it normal to have that stage set like that?" "Back when the Baron was alive, yes. But it is strange." We leave Helen and Mercy taking care of the wagon because she was the most adamant in not distributing meat before the feast even with the dozens of pleading eyes. I take the beak on my back and carry it overhead to the Guild. Marcy and Zahariel came with me. The same receptionist that took the chimera remains comes to meet us, "Whoa, Marcy what the heck is this!!" And Marcy calls her bluff, "C'mon. I know you already appraised it!" The warehouse receptionist said out loud so everyone could hear, "It was an adult A-rank Skywing Roc! The wingspan of this thing should be more than two hundred feet! How the hell did you manage to bring down such a beast?" "Trade secrets. Now, please evaluate it. We are just selling it for coin." "No way! Hand over your cards. The guild master will eat me alive if I report an A-rank subjugation without tallying points. I bet the help of this brave wing-kin boy here was crucial, right? He is the hero's apprentice after all!" What the fuck? We brought the chimera, she didn't bat an eyelid. Now we kill rocs without a request and she wants us to meet the guildmaster? There is something stinking here. DEFCON 3. "Oh, did you hear? The king has appointed a new viscount for Mirfield. A son of this town has risen to nobility! We are no longer a baronate! He will make his inaugural announcement tonight at the feast." The sound of feet marching and dozens of presences going down two streets away were impossible to not notice. "Did he come from the road to Strawford? It doesn't seem so, because these marching sounds are coming from the west." "No, it is said that he banished Grendel the troll from the west road. The path to Whiteridge is clear now." "Oh, this new Viscount did it?" asked Marcy with a disbelieving tone. "Yes! The new viscount is the successor to the position of Shining Blade!" I trade gazes with Marcy and Zahariel. This stinks too much. "All right, let's stop the small talk. Please process the beak and we will be on our way. Here are our cards." "Yes, please wait a moment. Could you please put the beak in the warehouse?" I carry the beak into the warehouse loading door and place it on a trolley. I have a terrible feeling. I want to get out of this town this very moment. Marcy grabs my arm and whispers, "Calm down, Beowulf. We are going back soon." The receptionist disappears into the guild main building and takes longer than the usual to come back, "Hero Beowulf, the guildmaster wants to see you." "Impossible. I, we are leaving right now. Our cards please." She shows empty hands. "I'm afraid they are with the guild master. He wants to talk to you." "Marcy, this stinks. The timing is too convenient." "Wait. Let's go away and get our cards on the way back. Do you have the gold?" "I'm afraid It is with the guild master too."And she bows to usher us into the building. Fuck! Every time I set foot on a guild branch some shit happens. I should do a tour and wipe this creepy organization out. I can replace them with the bootleg guild. We go to the guild main building and barge into the guildmaster room. A middle-aged slim guy with a goatee and glasses stares at us. "I know I sent to call you, but I was not ready." Marcy of all people kicks diplomacy out the window, "I am sorry to barge in, but we are in a hurry. Can we have our cards back." "Wait, relax, sit down and sip some tea." I go straight to the point, "What business do you have with us?" "I want to get to know you and talk. I have been guild master of this branch since a few days after the orc horde incident, but never got to meet the hero that saved the town!" This fucker is lying. He is obviously stalling us. "Let me shake hands with you, guild master." I approach him and extend my hand. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hero Beowulf." That fake business smile won't work today. "Can I make a question?" "Are you deliberately stalling us here this day of all days?" Intimidating presence. "What? I don't know what you are talking about." Lies. He tries to retrieve his hand from my grip. No can do. "Psychic Assault!" "Gaaaaaaaaa!" The guildmaster faints. Seriously, this skill is more useful to knock people out than to remove curses. "Marcy, change his job to villager." "Are you crazy?" "Yes. My guts tell me it is time to go crazy. We have no time to lose." "Guildmaster authority! Forced job change to Villager!" A guild card is a liability. If you have an active guild card, any guild master can mess with you like shit. They usually don't do it in the open because people would go nuts. "Possession." The former guild master made villager fails to resist. I enter his body and take over. His eyesight is terrible and these glasses are shit. The guild field flickers, and I feel a buzzing in his breast pocket. Our cards. I've destroyed the guild-issued cards we had and replaced them with my own brand of cards. Only bootleg guild masters can mess with these cardholders. "Please follow me, my adventurers," I say with the guildmaster voice and leave the guild. A receptionist comes. "Guild Master, the job crystal is acting up! What happened?" "Don't worry, I have everything under control. Make way, I am in a hurry." We go to the job crystal room. There are several curious adventurers blocking the way. The receptionist shouts, "Make way for the guild master!" They all step aside. I take my host into the room. "There was a magic fluctuation right now, and the job crystal deactivated. I'll activate it now, I need privacy." Alone in the room, I store the official crystal in my bag and replace it with an illusion. "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I scream with the guildmaster's voice, deactivate possession and block the door with his body. "Guild Master! Guild Master!" Five or ten minutes and I recover enough MP and stamina. I shapeshift into a rat and trigger shadow stealth. The door opens and a terrified receptionist goes to see the wellbeing of the guildmaster. I sneak out and climb up beneath Marcy's backpack. "Eeeek!" "What is wrong, Marcy?" Zahariel asks. "Something went up my trousers." The receptionist is still making a fuss inside the room. Zahariel notices the lack of me and tugs her coat,  "Marcy, maybe we should leave now." Somehow they sneak out. I can only see the ground, but the minimap is not blocked by a single piece of clothing no matter how thick it is. After turning a corner, Marcy says, "Get out, Beowulf." I skitter out and transform once I confirm it is safe. "Let's hurry back to the square. Helen and mother-in-law are there," I tell my party members. "Her HP is fine, Beowulf. There is no abnormal status." "This timing is too convenient. Why would troops be entering the town if the viscount was already here? And only after we were already inside the guild? There were at least a hundred soldiers." "The guild master's behavior was strange too. But if it is a trap, how would they know our timing?" "Marcy, Helen really loves the winter festival, right?" "Yes. It was her favorite day of the year. Because every other child envied her ability to withstand the cold." The dark side of Helen. Schadenfreude. "And if someone who really knew Helen and knew she was around, this person would assume Helen would do anything to participate in the festival, right?" "Yes. It would be possible. But who knows Helen this well?" Marcy is puzzled. "Zahariel, do you remember what the warehouse receptionist said about the Viscount's origins?" The seraph thinks for a while and answers, "She said he is someone born in this town!" "She also said he is the new 'Shining Blade'. I left that sword in the hands of Hrothgar." Marcy still has a puzzled look. "What does all of this has to do with this behavior, Beowulf?" "One, born in this town. Two, trained by the king to become the 'Shining Blade'. Three, deep knowledge of Helen. Four, he was last sighted in Castle Heorot as a knight." Marcy freezes. Her jaw drops. "Julius!" "Yes. And we left Helen behind in a vulnerable position. Not only that!" Marcy dashes ahead the moment she realized, "Mother!" We run to the main square, literally jumping over the people in the streets. There, I see a lot of soldiers securing our wagon and confiscating the smoked meat. People is booing. The dejected looks in the children's eyes break my heart. No sight of either Helen or Mercy. We reach the center of the square and Marcy gasps. There are two soldiers dragging an unconscious Mercy away. "Mother!" She screams. A booming voice is heard from the stage set in front of the mayor's office. "Let us all give a warm welcome to the Hero Beowulf, the savior of Mirfield!" "Julius!" Hisses Marcy. Zahariel holds her shoulder from behind to stop her from doing something harsh. She was already reaching for her bow. "And there he is. Hooray for Beowulf!" "Why confiscate our meat, Viscount Julius?" I ask him. "We are just helping to distribute it. There are a lot of hungry soldiers after all. If any meat is left, we will gladly give it to the children, right, my lovely bride?" From behind him comes Helen. She is dressed in a fancy noblewoman party dress. She nods and steps by his side with her head hung low. "Helen! Why are you at the side of this asshole!" Screams Marcy. Helen turns her face to a side. She is blushing and trembling. I whisper to them, "Zahariel, get ready to take Marcy out of here and back to base. Hold the ground there until I send word to you through Shraaizar." "Understood, Beowulf. But there are a lot of archers hiding in the rooftops." Fuck. He is right. These guys have high stealth skills to evade my presence detection, but the level 10 of Zahariel's skill picked them. "Get ready. I'll make you two invisible." I cast invisibility on both of them, feel a gust of wind as he takes off and see their dots dashing east. "Where did those two go! Find out now!" The Viscount yells. "Shall we dance now, Viscount?" I need to get Mercy and Helen. Helen steps forward and shouts, "Beowulf, do not do anything harsh. This is not the time to fight. I beseech you to submit yourself to the Viscount's wise rule." What the fuck! Helen, what is in your mind? Julius steps forward and pushes Helen back, "For the crime of treason, I now declare Beowulf under arrest and strip him from the title of hero. Guards, seize him and throw him in the stockades." I tense my body to fight but my eyes cross Helen's. She shakes her head and drops her shoulders. Then she raises a finger across her lips in a 'silence' gesture. I need to trust Helen. There is no way she would betray me. Around us I can see the angry faces of the people. They are not angry at me though. The few gazes I met are of pity and sympathy. But they wouldn't dare go against this shitty thing called Nobility. I raise my hands and let the guards take me away. I tried to contact Shraaizar, but it is out of range. I should've told Marcy to bring her closer to town. With Mittens. Tamer cellphone FTW. Too late now.
{ "title": "The Abyssal Dungeon", "id": 21045, "author": "TheDeepDarkReef", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 34: Deeper", "id": 305847, "next": 306177, "prev": 305579, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmMjdmNGVhYmM3ZTQ3MTNiM2U0ZGYyYzRiNTZhMTNi">Within the core room on the fourteenth floor, Aby rested. Much of the night had passed by this point, and it had made changes and adjustments, before running the dungeon silently, using the rest of its attention to enjoy the scenery created by Sela. Then, it felt a burst of information, an important one. It reviewed its new allowance on floors, along with the ideas it had in mind, and was pleased to find enough leeway to create three floors this time.</p> <p class="cnMxYjRhNTUwZWMwMTRhNTVhMDNmMzVlMTY0YTMyYzI2">What it didn’t take into account was Sela, awaking with a start as her bed, and the floor beneath, plummeted downwards. She took a moment, scrambling awake, to realize what was going on. Aby filled her in with more detail shortly thereafter, and she began to anticipate what the core would create.</p> <p class="cnM3M2U5MzdjYjNiMjQzMTNhYTIwNDBhNjU3MTdkMGM2">Aby started with the fifteenth floor, continuing with the theme which had started on the fourteenth. A large, open space was created, then filled with soft fire corals and anemones. Wisps, jellyfish, crystals were introduced right after, and as the floor swiftly took on a red hue, the waters too started to warm. The crystals ate up the mana, vivid reds and playful oranges matching the crimson of the floors. The wisps played and danced around these crystals, darting in and out and taking hints of the mana contained within. The jellyfish too writhed and pulsed, but the floor was not dense with them this time. Instead, man-o-war floated to the surface, rising through the groups of jellies, dangling their tendrils to the very bottom of the floor. Gigantic Lions-Mane jellies swirled about through the center of the floor, trailing tentacles for dozens of meters, all the while the smaller jellies drifted about, often caught in the idle traps of these creatures.</p> <p class="cnMzNjdhOThhZDZkZDQxZTliYTE0ZjY3ZWI3MTMyZmM1">As they bobbed and pulsed idly, Aby continued forcing the heat upwards. The surface of the waters started steaming, creating a thick fog in the air above. The wisps rejoiced, and the jellyfish proliferated. The fire corals were having trouble hanging on, but much as with the tenth floor, Aby forced them to continue growing. Then, the entire floor seemed to shift.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjkxZmFmNGRkNzRjYjBiMjA0YjIwODZhODUzZDY5">The wisps froze, before one of them rushed into the fire-coral it was playing around, the one in the very center of the floor.</p> <p class="cnM2MGUwNmY3NDRlZDQ0ODE5MTJjNGZiMmM1MTZhZjNm" style="text-align: center"><strong>Congratulations! Your creature “Fire Mana-Coral Polyps” has fulfilled a hidden condition(s), allowing to undergo a special evolution!</strong></p> <p class="cnNjZTU2ZWVhOWI5MTRiYWU4YTk0N2VjN2ZjNjVlYjcw" style="text-align: center"><strong>Conditions fulfilled:</strong></p> <p class="cnNlMDVhOGM3NTk1MDQxNTRhOGVlMTIzYjI4ZDZiZGNh" style="text-align: center"><strong>Creator titles: Randomizer, Invasive, Adaptive, Ambitious</strong></p> <p class="cnMyNjQ3MzcxMjllYTQzOTg5MDFmNjM0ZmY1YjlhYjc0" style="text-align: center"><strong>Merge with a Spirit of Fire</strong></p> <p class="cnMzM2JlYjQ3Nzk1MTQ1YWJiMmY4ZjUzZjZiYzUzYmUy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Special evolution available:</strong></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr style="text-align: center"> <td width="623"> <p class="cnNlN2YxYzY2ZDU4MTQ4YTBhMTA1MmU2YzYxNWI1OTJh"><strong>Flame Spirit-Coral Polyps</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="623"> <p class="cnMyOTAyMjZlOTkxNDRkZDliNjYyNmI4OWJkMjA3YjZj" style="text-align: center">Mana corals are well known for their nature in producing vast quantities of mana, of all elements. Flame Spirit coral is similar, producing purely the most potent flaming mana, and with sufficient time, even spirits of flame.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyNmRhNWUyM2E5NDQ2Nzc4NDkzNTU3YjIzMzk5MzUx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YzM5NTIwYWE1NzQxZjA5ZjNhYzEzNDYwNjY1N2Yx">This was not what the core intended, it had been aiming to create a second Personal Biome instead. It did allow it to occur all the same, simply disappointed that it was likely an area of these corals already existed elsewhere.</p> <p class="cnNjNTA0ZWE3Y2IyMDQyNjk4YjU5ZGNkMjBlZWYyZDlm">The soft orange coral swiftly changed, not much in shape or size, but becoming a rich red, making even the surrounding vibrancy appear dull in comparison. Most importantly, the coral was <em>radiating</em>, spewing forth both heat and mana with such intensity to shimmer and seemingly dye the waters with an ethereal red.</p> <p class="cnM1OTYzYzUxMGFjODQ0ZTk4Zjg1MzY3YjQzNTIxNjQx">The crystals planted by it redoubled in their growth, and the wisps of the floor flocked toward it eagerly. It too rose up above the surroundings, becoming the rightful centerpiece of the floor, and any of the jellyfish that drifted too close to it were boiled away by its intense heat, and idea occurred to it to summon the wyvern to the floor, as it had seen him doing much the same with his own body in the fights earlier that day.</p> <p class="cnNiMmFkNzgyMGU1NzQ1NDZhZDU1ZjRmM2QzYTgwZTg4">The wyvern begrudgingly woke up from its slumber, before yawning and stretching as he got up and absentmindedly swam downwards. He groggily passed through the floors one by one, though the latter half of the fourteenth floor served to snap him out of his haze, finding the overabundance of jellyfish just as unpleasant and detracting from the wonderful heat of the place as before. These grievances were alleviated when he entered the fifteenth, and found it to be incredible.</p> <p class="cnNjNjYyMTJkNDZhMzRkNTJhYzk1MmU2NmM0YWUwNGM2">While the jellies still floated about idly, the room was enormous, open, and even hotter than the floor before. And, directly in the center was the most gorgeous coral the wyvern had ever seen. It practically begged for his presence, searing hot and saturated with fiery mana, it was everything he’d been slowly coming to enjoy.</p> <p class="cnM3NTg5MjRmOTVlODRmNTdiZDYxN2YyNjc2ZDE4N2Vl">Aby watched as the wyvern shook off his grogginess, and then rush towards the spirit coral. He circled around it, then rubbed one side against the soft coral, letting it roll around him slightly and envelop him in its scalding warmth. He seemed content to stay on this floor, finding it to be much more satisfying than the eighth, just as the wyrm had found the thirteenth closer to her own tastes.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjkyN2M1YjRhYTQ2Y2ZiZThjN2M4YmNiNTE2NGNk">Aby was pleased, watching the wyvern match the surrounding colors with his own radiant green, he begged to be noticed in a floor in which everything did the same, and moved to create the sixteenth and seventeenth floor. An entrance was placed on either side of the floor, one leading to a maze of sand and corals, filled with creatures of the Reef. It was a type of floor often seen within the dungeon, but Aby favored it nonetheless. With incredible diversity of life, and room for variation that comes along with that, it never failed to be a source of change and of knowledge for the core.</p> <p class="cnMwYzNjNWQ5NWQxNzQyZTViMDE2NmYzZTEyY2IwNDk3">The other was a deep pit, dark and lonely. Aby connected the floor with the thirteenth, as well, allowing the creatures on that floor to funnel between and populate them both. Aby also spawned lanternfish, a curious baitfish with a propensity to glow. The core got the template for these fish through one of the invaders, it had been carrying around the corpses of baitfish and eating them occasionally, though Aby felt them better used for its own purposes.</p> <p class="cnNkODllZmMzZWE5NzQzOWY4YWI2YjNhNjRmM2EwOGZk">Aby relaxed its concentration after it finished, allowing the creatures of the dungeon to come and explore the new floors. Of course, getting to and through the fifteenth floor proved to be a challenge for many of the less hardy creatures, and many a frozen reef fish found themselves stuck in the pulsating mass of stinging tendrils, or even overheating on the floor beneath should they not manage to adapt swiftly enough.</p> <p class="cnNkZmJiZDQ0MzBiOTRhY2JhNDhiOGQ4ZmI2ODlkNmRk">Those that did, however, swiftly found themselves changing to meet the demanding temperature, changing a deep red with more slender frames being typical amongst any fish that dared to call the floor home. Nothing outright evolved this time, something that surprised the core as it watched the fish swim in and out of the groves of corals, and the crustaceans wandering the rocky floor.</p> <p class="cnNhMGE0Y2VjODA1YzQyZDViYzVkNjMyMWU2NDgwNTcx">After finishing the three new floors, Aby decided to situate its core room in a tunnel connecting between the sixteenth and seventeenth for the time being, and then once more spread its attention throughout the halls. The absence of the wyvern on the eighth floor would likely be noticed, and the core moved to fill the resulting vacuum of power. Shoals of fish were formed to idle and wandering turtles and sharks added defense and offense to the floor. Reef and tiger sharks patrolled the waters while a few, more aggressive, bull sharks swam amongst the corals and crystals. Whilst it wouldn’t make up for the void left by the wyvern, it would hopefully keep the invading groups from becoming too complacent.</p> <p class="cnNlNWI4OGZmYzUwMzRiNGRiNWU5MjhiYzk3OTUzYzA1">After this, the core went on to correct some minor things that arose during the creation of new floors. The time for yet another day of invaders was swiftly approaching, and the core was hoping to have things running smoothly enough to proceed forward with a few ideas it had the day prior.</p> </div>
Within the core room on the fourteenth floor, Aby rested. Much of the night had passed by this point, and it had made changes and adjustments, before running the dungeon silently, using the rest of its attention to enjoy the scenery created by Sela. Then, it felt a burst of information, an important one. It reviewed its new allowance on floors, along with the ideas it had in mind, and was pleased to find enough leeway to create three floors this time. What it didn’t take into account was Sela, awaking with a start as her bed, and the floor beneath, plummeted downwards. She took a moment, scrambling awake, to realize what was going on. Aby filled her in with more detail shortly thereafter, and she began to anticipate what the core would create. Aby started with the fifteenth floor, continuing with the theme which had started on the fourteenth. A large, open space was created, then filled with soft fire corals and anemones. Wisps, jellyfish, crystals were introduced right after, and as the floor swiftly took on a red hue, the waters too started to warm. The crystals ate up the mana, vivid reds and playful oranges matching the crimson of the floors. The wisps played and danced around these crystals, darting in and out and taking hints of the mana contained within. The jellyfish too writhed and pulsed, but the floor was not dense with them this time. Instead, man-o-war floated to the surface, rising through the groups of jellies, dangling their tendrils to the very bottom of the floor. Gigantic Lions-Mane jellies swirled about through the center of the floor, trailing tentacles for dozens of meters, all the while the smaller jellies drifted about, often caught in the idle traps of these creatures. As they bobbed and pulsed idly, Aby continued forcing the heat upwards. The surface of the waters started steaming, creating a thick fog in the air above. The wisps rejoiced, and the jellyfish proliferated. The fire corals were having trouble hanging on, but much as with the tenth floor, Aby forced them to continue growing. Then, the entire floor seemed to shift. The wisps froze, before one of them rushed into the fire-coral it was playing around, the one in the very center of the floor. **Congratulations! Your creature “Fire Mana-Coral Polyps” has fulfilled a hidden condition(s), allowing to undergo a special evolution!** **Conditions fulfilled:** **Creator titles: Randomizer, Invasive, Adaptive, Ambitious** **Merge with a Spirit of Fire** **Special evolution available:** | **Flame Spirit-Coral Polyps** | | --- | | Mana corals are well known for their nature in producing vast quantities of mana, of all elements. Flame Spirit coral is similar, producing purely the most potent flaming mana, and with sufficient time, even spirits of flame. |   This was not what the core intended, it had been aiming to create a second Personal Biome instead. It did allow it to occur all the same, simply disappointed that it was likely an area of these corals already existed elsewhere. The soft orange coral swiftly changed, not much in shape or size, but becoming a rich red, making even the surrounding vibrancy appear dull in comparison. Most importantly, the coral was *radiating*, spewing forth both heat and mana with such intensity to shimmer and seemingly dye the waters with an ethereal red. The crystals planted by it redoubled in their growth, and the wisps of the floor flocked toward it eagerly. It too rose up above the surroundings, becoming the rightful centerpiece of the floor, and any of the jellyfish that drifted too close to it were boiled away by its intense heat, and idea occurred to it to summon the wyvern to the floor, as it had seen him doing much the same with his own body in the fights earlier that day. The wyvern begrudgingly woke up from its slumber, before yawning and stretching as he got up and absentmindedly swam downwards. He groggily passed through the floors one by one, though the latter half of the fourteenth floor served to snap him out of his haze, finding the overabundance of jellyfish just as unpleasant and detracting from the wonderful heat of the place as before. These grievances were alleviated when he entered the fifteenth, and found it to be incredible. While the jellies still floated about idly, the room was enormous, open, and even hotter than the floor before. And, directly in the center was the most gorgeous coral the wyvern had ever seen. It practically begged for his presence, searing hot and saturated with fiery mana, it was everything he’d been slowly coming to enjoy. Aby watched as the wyvern shook off his grogginess, and then rush towards the spirit coral. He circled around it, then rubbed one side against the soft coral, letting it roll around him slightly and envelop him in its scalding warmth. He seemed content to stay on this floor, finding it to be much more satisfying than the eighth, just as the wyrm had found the thirteenth closer to her own tastes. Aby was pleased, watching the wyvern match the surrounding colors with his own radiant green, he begged to be noticed in a floor in which everything did the same, and moved to create the sixteenth and seventeenth floor. An entrance was placed on either side of the floor, one leading to a maze of sand and corals, filled with creatures of the Reef. It was a type of floor often seen within the dungeon, but Aby favored it nonetheless. With incredible diversity of life, and room for variation that comes along with that, it never failed to be a source of change and of knowledge for the core. The other was a deep pit, dark and lonely. Aby connected the floor with the thirteenth, as well, allowing the creatures on that floor to funnel between and populate them both. Aby also spawned lanternfish, a curious baitfish with a propensity to glow. The core got the template for these fish through one of the invaders, it had been carrying around the corpses of baitfish and eating them occasionally, though Aby felt them better used for its own purposes. Aby relaxed its concentration after it finished, allowing the creatures of the dungeon to come and explore the new floors. Of course, getting to and through the fifteenth floor proved to be a challenge for many of the less hardy creatures, and many a frozen reef fish found themselves stuck in the pulsating mass of stinging tendrils, or even overheating on the floor beneath should they not manage to adapt swiftly enough. Those that did, however, swiftly found themselves changing to meet the demanding temperature, changing a deep red with more slender frames being typical amongst any fish that dared to call the floor home. Nothing outright evolved this time, something that surprised the core as it watched the fish swim in and out of the groves of corals, and the crustaceans wandering the rocky floor. After finishing the three new floors, Aby decided to situate its core room in a tunnel connecting between the sixteenth and seventeenth for the time being, and then once more spread its attention throughout the halls. The absence of the wyvern on the eighth floor would likely be noticed, and the core moved to fill the resulting vacuum of power. Shoals of fish were formed to idle and wandering turtles and sharks added defense and offense to the floor. Reef and tiger sharks patrolled the waters while a few, more aggressive, bull sharks swam amongst the corals and crystals. Whilst it wouldn’t make up for the void left by the wyvern, it would hopefully keep the invading groups from becoming too complacent. After this, the core went on to correct some minor things that arose during the creation of new floors. The time for yet another day of invaders was swiftly approaching, and the core was hoping to have things running smoothly enough to proceed forward with a few ideas it had the day prior.
{ "title": "Alterea: The JoaT", "id": 21317, "author": "Pulsaris", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Fresh Start 3", "id": 305854, "next": 307586, "prev": 304678, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlMzk3YmVhYjM5MjQ1YzViZmY1OGU1MjU4N2YxYjMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Morning arrives with Aren still sleeping soundly. One might think he’ll sleep a little bit longer, but his previous habit of waking up in the moment of consciousness made him rise almost immediately. However, just like his habit, he immediately fell into a state of being half asleep. He looked out of the window, noticing that the sun has barely gone out and it’s not even that bright outside yet. The sky started to spread a light blue color without a lot of clouds roaming around. Birds were chirping and adding to Aren’s annoyance. Everything was fine in the world, or at least he thinks it to be.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDE4Mjc4YzM3MzRkYTk5Njk0NTc0Zjc4ZTIyMWNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He makes his way in the hallway, walking slowly and dully. For an unknown reason the morning dulls his senses, but that might just be his loathing for mornings kicking in and the soreness he currently feels. Despite this hatred and pain, Aren was still able to muster enough strength to actually get himself going like all the other mornings before, in exchange for his motor functions and mental awareness. He dragged his hand across the smooth polished wooden wall, gliding along it as if he were touching tiles. As he walks down the hallway, he is led by the nose by a delicious aroma coming from downstairs. He slowly went down the stairs, subconsciously holding onto the railings as to not fall.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZWJjYjIzNGY1YTRlZGRhYTgwYzk3MDc0Yjg3YzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He started to follow the scent towards the dining table after reaching the bottom safely. Norman and Martha were already at the table, stopping their eating when Aren came into view. Aren was still half asleep when he sat on the free chair, leaning on the table to wait for his plate. He sat there, unaware of his current situation.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2JmNjZhN2JiYzQ2YTNhZDY5YTM1Y2RmYzhjNDQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aren? Why are you up so early in the morning?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTQ3YWVmZWIxZjRjYjdiZDdjYTgxODAwNzI1ODgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren didn’t understand why his mother would ask that. He had always woke up early for school. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aren’s a funny name, who’s that? Wait.” </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Then it suddenly hit him. The realization snapped him back into consciousness as he fully awakes, eyes wide open. This isn’t his home, nor is this his real body. Thoughts of having to go on an exile mocked him as he mentally panics. Fortunately for him, he has somewhat mastered the art of ignorance and deceit. The numerous times he has to lie about many things in his previous life paid him well before, so he doesn’t see how it could not now.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWE2MGRkNDgyZjQyNDRiNmM0NDY2ZTNhODAzY2Jk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I jusht want to wake up eawly. I want to contwinue twaining with dad.” he said, looking at them with innocent, definitely honest eyes.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2Y2N2NlOGJlYTRkYTM4MDY4MmExMGUyZDk2MzY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren was once again taking risks here. They mentioned before that the accident was indirectly caused by Norman’s guidance, so he would normally think that Norman was training Aren some time before the accident. However, he has no way of knowing whether it was training or another kind of thing where it was considered “working too hard”. He doesn’t know if it’ll be guaranteed to work. The tears of pride and joy from Norman, nonetheless, was enough of a sign that he succeeded.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjQwMDRkMmJhMTRkMDJhZmQ2YWE5NWIxMTg2YWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sweetie, can I?” Norman’s ask of permission made Aren think that his dad is just his mom’s child, more so than their own child.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTNhMWY1OWFlZjRlMmM4ZjA3MjBmMjNkODYxMDQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you really sure Aren? I mean…” </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjA3ZTIwYjVhOTQ1NTc5ZDQ1ZjQ2YTZhMjE2ZjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Martha was clearly worried. The last time they trained, Aren almost died. Well, the real Aren actually did die but that’s not a topic that should be talked about. Aren just smiled at her with the most genuine smile he could show. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYzg0ZjExZGNmNzQ0NTliN2EyOWM4Mzg1OTUyOWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll be fine mom. I pwamise it won’t happen awgain.” </span></p> <p class="cnNhODI5NDAzZGJjZjQ4M2RhOTQ4ODVhYjQ4YmY0YWRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Those words couple with how Aren said it in such a reassuring tone, especially for a child, made Martha give in and gave Norman the okay. Norman let out a yell of joy in response and rushed his food to finish early, but ended in him choking. This morning was off to a good start.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDU5Y2YzMjg1MjRmMTViNjI4NzM4ZWZmNGNmZTU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman and Aren meet up at their backyard. The yard is very open and fenced, enough space for training. Aren could see the forest way out there in the east over the wooden fence, but that place doesn’t concern him right now. At the base of the fences grows a number of flowers with different colors. They are all flowers he hasn’t seen before, then again he doesn’t go out much from his house in his previous life. He wasn’t a shut-in, just not very fond of the outside world.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTFiYTA1Mjk4NTQzOThhYTU3ZTNhNDY2MTE2YTUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now Aren, we are just going to go with basics because you are still probably not that recovered. Okay? I know you're still sore, so we won't go too crazy.”</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren responded with a smile and a thumbs up.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTZjZmUwOTAzMTQwNmM4NDFhNWJiM2NiYzA0YjY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good!” Norman then showed his palms towards Aren “First thing’s first. Show me how much your punches pack.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiODc4MWEwMzdkYzQzMDBhOTk2NGY5MzI3OTk2YTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren nodded and prepares himself to punch. His strength stat is 9 and he doesn’t know how much that means. It might be really low and appropriate for his body, or really high and stats don’t often reach a hundred in this world. This exercise will provide him a reference material for that, and he’s thankful that he doesn’t have to punch a tree or something else hard to do that.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODc1ZjkxZDViNjQyNmY5ZmExN2ViZWYzZDU0NmU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Go!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTllMmZmOGZkMTQ5ZWQ4YTllZjhhYmIyNDBjZmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">With all his might, Aren punched Norman’s right palm with right hook and grunting in the process. Norman’s hand felt solid, like concrete. He didn’t notice it before, but his hands are big enough to probably hold his entire toddler skull. If he were to compare his father with anything, he would compare it to a fluffy and friendly bear that could kill him anytime. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzAxN2VhZDFhMTRmNDBhOGRmNjJhOWRhNDM2M2Uw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman cupped his chin to analyze his son’s current strength. He smiled.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Yzk0Y2FkOGVmNTQ4OTQ5YjIzN2U3MzBlMjNhYTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not bad Aren. I was expecting it to be weaker, but that punch was good. Again!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTgzZmE5MDBlZTRhM2U5Y2I2YmZmM2U3ZGZkNGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman raised his palms again. Aren responds with repeatedly punching his father’s palms with each one using every ounce of strength he could muster. He thought he must look cool with his flurry of punches, but he could only be seen as a five your old doing his best in Norman’s eyes. Aren was slow, clumsy, and every punch felt like a punch given by the tickle monster. Norman can’t help but think that his son looks so cute when he tries so hard. </span></p> <p class="cnNjOTc5N2NiNmU3NzQ0ODRiYWI2MWJhYTJhM2VmZGU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Meanwhile Aren actually tries to impress Norman, but he is only impressing Norman with his cuteness instead. After a&nbsp;fifty&nbsp;or so weak and slow punches, he started to feel the fatigue as sweat starts to leak from his body. He’s only been going at it for five minutes, and he’s already this tired. Then again, he is still sore and recovering and inside a toddler's body no less, so it's only natural for him to get tired more easily than before. Norman pats his son on his shoulder, then brought him closer.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmI1NzA2YmE5YzQ0MmNhODQ5ODI3NDMxM2ExNTIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t push yourself too hard son. If you are tired, we can take a break.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjNmYWQ3NzdmZDQyMTk5Mzk1NjM4Nzc1YjU0ZmJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren agrees by falling down on his butt unto the grass, breathing deeply. Now that he knows how much 9 strength is worth, he has a good reference point for any future estimations. Looks like stats like his are usually reserved for toddlers like him, with numbers around 30 or more being achievable when they are about in the age of 8 or 10. Maybe he can reach it sooner than he might think.</span></p> <div style="text-align: left"> <div style="text-align: center"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">General Info</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Name:</td> <td colspan="2">Aren Montrea</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Affiliation:</td> <td colspan="3">None</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Level:</td> <td colspan="3">6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Age:</td> <td width="25%">5</td> <td width="25%">Gender:</td> <td width="25%">Male</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Jobs</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Jack of All Trades</td> <td width="25%">Brawler</td> <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="25%">Health:</td> <td colspan="3">20/20</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Mana:</td> <td colspan="3">50/50</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Fame:</td> <td colspan="3">41</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Experience Points:</td> <td colspan="3">57</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="25%">Strength:</td> <td width="25%">10</td> <td width="25%">Vitality:</td> <td width="25%">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Endurance:</td> <td width="25%">11</td> <td width="25%">Agility:</td> <td width="25%">6</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Dexterity:</td> <td width="25%">7</td> <td width="25%">Perception:</td> <td width="25%">7</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Intelligence:</td> <td width="25%">31</td> <td width="25%">Wisdom:</td> <td width="25%">22</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Fortitude:</td> <td width="25%">19</td> <td width="25%">Charm:</td> <td width="25%">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Faith:</td> <td width="25%">4</td> <td width="25%">Luck:</td> <td width="25%">21</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Bonuses:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">It's Me!<br>Here's a gift.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Favors:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">None Discovered</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <br> <div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Status Effects:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">Sore: There will be slight pain in every movement.<br>Recovering: Take 50% more damage than usual.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </div> <div style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</div> <p class="cnNlNzYzOTg4YzNhMTRiMmQ5MjE1MGY3NDJmMzE4OWYx">Really sooner than he expected. He has already hit two digit this early in his life, granted that Norman did train the previous Aren until he reached 9 points in strength. Endurance, agility and dexterity seems to also go up by one point. This effect may be the doing of Jack of All Trades, and he’s thankful for that. Seems like growth won’t be a problem for him thanks to this job.</p> <p class="cnMxMzBjZmRlYTNmZjQ5MWQ5NDI0Y2M3MjI1ZjMxNjJj">“Dad, I’m rweady to train awgain.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTg0NTk0YjE5OTQ0ZjE5ZDI5NTdhY2I5NGM2OGFj">Norman, who was picking flowers in the sides to probably give to his wife, turned around in surprise.</p> <p class="cnMwNzc0NzE3NTFjMjQzMzc5M2QyNjA1N2VkNGMzZWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh? Well then.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2QzODU0YTRhYzRmMzk5OTNjNmIyY2IwYTY2OWVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman laid the flowers on the ground to divert his attention towards his son. Although the status screen doesn’t show his stamina points, Aren feels that he has somewhat recovered enough stamina to continue on the training. At least Norman knows not to be harsh to little children like himself, else he would have already used the break as a gateway for escape.</span></p> <p class="cnMzN2Y4NzRiOWJkMzQ4MTM4ZGI5ODUyYmFhMzAwNzU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let’s do that again.” Norman then raises his palms.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTRhMTJjYzg3MzQzY2FhNGEyOGQ5ODZlNGNjZjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just like before, Aren repeatedly punches his palms again. Norman&nbsp;however&nbsp;instantly noticed the change of his speed and strength. The change is subtle, but Norman was able to pick it up easily. Aren just continues on, not knowing the change that is taking place in him. Norman, though he doesn’t know what’s the cause, definitely knew something was off as he again noticed another shift in strength. Aren got tired again after a couple of punches.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjRmYzc4MTNjMTQxZjBiMGVmYmMxZmE5NTIzYTQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huff… Huff… can we take a bweak dad?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YmVlN2E0YTQ0MjRjOTQ5MjYwMzY3YTIzMTcyYjhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman kneels before his son, confusing Aren with his serious expression. Did he do something wrong?</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmEzNGEzNDlhZTQzYTE4NTkyM2Y1OGNhOTdmNDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Aren. Are you hiding something from me?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjk2MTMxM2Y3YjQ4MTZhNDdhNjlmODVhZjNjOTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren’s poker face instinctively kicked in. He didn’t think about this one as he didn’t think Norman would be this sharp. One after another, his mind just throws every possible excuse he could use. The whole world seem to go in slow motion as he desperately thinks of a way out of this predicament. Simultaneously, he’s keeping an ignorant and straight face, intending to never raise any suspicion more than this.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTNjMWU4YmE3ZDQ3YTg4MTVkNDc1Y2VlZTM2ZmJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you mean dad?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjAwYWUyZWNjZTQ2ZWNhYzMwMjYxYWUwZWRhMWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The excuse thrown was ultimately to feign ignorance. Of course, a five year old wouldn’t know the answer to that question, much less understand what he meant. He looked at Norman with innocent and confused eyes. Norman doubted Aren for a second, but finally sighed knowing that a child like him couldn’t possibly know anything about their own self.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGY4OTgyZDc3YTRiOTViMzE3YjI4MTY1MWQ0M2I5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dad?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmIwZjliOWU2MDRiMGRhYjRlNjQ5MjYwNmIyOTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren on the other hand was panicking inside his head. Did Norman find out? What’s going to happen to him? One by one he thinks of all the possibilities of what would happen if he was found out. All of them ended with being not in favor to him.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjEzZjYyOGNlMTQzYzU5MDY1NTRhODVhOWRkODVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I guess you wouldn’t know huh?” Norman says, gently rubbing Aren’s head.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGYzMTEzNTlkOTQ4MDJiMDJkYmY4NDlkNTQxNDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren was relieved. Norman fell for it. However, now that he knows that Aren’s development is happening at a fast rate, what’s he going to do? Aren once again thinks of the possibilities that could happen, the training getting harder being one of the most probable. It’s likely that Norman’s going to use the best out of Aren’s rapid growth in training. That means Aren will have more bothersome things to do, which sucks for him.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzYxNmFlNmM3NDQ1NmM5YTkyMzNkZDZjY2NjZTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman stood up with a smile.There’s no point in thinking about that right now. His boy is rapidly improving in a rate he did not have when he was still a child. It’s not taxing on Aren, neither does it give any other negative effects on his only son. Instead, he must be proud that his child will someday surpass him, giving him joy in the end. There’s no bigger joy for a father than to see his son grow before his very eyes, and no better joy for him than for his son to become a better man than him.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmU4NDgyMzVmZjRmMTk4MWNmYzdlNzkxODNmOWRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright, let’s take a break.” Norman once again takes off to pick some flowers.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTk3YTM4ZDk3NzQyMTg5YzRlMTQxZTNhNTRiZGRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren stood there, finally free from the short lived interrogation. He sat down and contemplated. Norman is sharper than he looks. He could notice differences in attributes with as low as a one point improvement, while Aren himself couldn’t. Maybe Norman is much more than what he actually sees in him. After all, there’s also the fact that Norman was the one who single handedly delivered him to the hospital, assuming that it’s true. If he were to assume that he fell on one of the trees from the forest on the east, then it would mean Norman is at least as fast as a speeding car. The city of Rosenvolt is at least a few kilometers away and if Norman had the confidence to carry Aren to Rosenvolt, he must really be capable.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2JmYWU1ZWNjYzRjMWU4MTc4MWYxMDhiMzYyMjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">This lead to the conclusion that Norman is somewhat of a superhuman. Who wouldn’t think so if they see this man’s guns? He has the muscles that could put most body builder to shame, granted that his proportions was still acceptable and a little less bulkier than the body maniacs he occasionally saw on the internet. If Aren would honestly voice his opinion, it would be that Norman’s body build is actually pretty close to one of his own ideal bodies. That includes the beard too.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjMyODFiZjUxZDQwY2M4NjFhZWY3YjVkNWQ2ZTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then he remembers Jack’s Eye. He doesn’t know what it does, much less know what it is. However, he has an idea that he would like to try right now. Focusing on his father’s back, he uttered the words in his head.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjVmZTI5MDVmZDQyMGE4ZTY0YjdjNTViMWZlMzA1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jack’s Eye.”</span></em></p> <div style="text-align: center"><br> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div style="text-align: center"><br> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">General Info</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Name:</td> <td colspan="2">&nbsp;Norman Montrea</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Affiliation:</td> <td colspan="3">None</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Level:</td> <td colspan="3">&nbsp;???</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">Age:</td> <td width="25%">&nbsp;39</td> <td width="25%">Gender:</td> <td width="25%">Male</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <br> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Jobs</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%">&nbsp;Brawl Master</td> <td width="25%">&nbsp;Berserker</td> <td width="25%">Battlemage</td> <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <p class="cnMyN2Q0MDk1ZDMzZjQ3YjA4NGQ3ZTFkYWJmMTMzODJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jack’s Eye allowed him to look at Norman’s status screen. The difference between his and Aren’s is that Norman’s status screen only shows his general info and jobs. There was nothing else that can be seen. It seems that Jack’s Eye is a dumbed down version of Appraisal, which is a skill he often sees in the comics he used to read about people being transported into another world. Whereas appraisal would show everything, Jack’s Eye only seem to show what’s on the surface level. For a dumbed down version of Appraisal, Aren admits that it's somewhat useful. With this he can properly reply to an enemy with a flight or fight.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTM3YjdjNzQ4MTRmZTRiY2FlMzMzYThlMDM4MjEz">Although there was nothing much on Norman’s status screen,&nbsp;some things did catch Aren’s eye. One was Norman’s level which is indicated as triple question marks. If Aren learned anything in his previous life, that would be that his father’s level is higher than his. He could kick his ass without a sweat, and he wouldn’t be able to do a thing against his father’s fury.&nbsp;<span style="font-weight: 400">Another thing was Norman’s first job; Brawl Master.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Brawl Master</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnNlZGUzNWQ0NWU0NjQ3MTk4YjYyNTQzNjUwOGNmZGFm">Description:</p> <p class="cnNkNzIyMDJiYTA1NDQ3ZTFhYmIwMTcxZDk4MDRjNGQ5">Brawl Masters are experts in ruining your day by being extremely physically powerful and being able to use even a tiny pebble as a deadly weapon. They are even much more capable than Brawlers as their raw strength has reached at peak capacity, overshadowing even that of a Berserker's inhuman but unenhanced strength.&nbsp;<span style="font-weight: 400">They are the roughest of any fighter, fighting with unpolished and crude techniques, but their experience and unpredictability makes them very efficient combatants.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjFlNzQwN2VmZDRmNDhhZmQ2ODI0ZjljOTIzMGZi">Effects:</p> <p class="cnMxN2I4MmI5OTBiMDQ2NjFiNGE4NzVlNjkyMzc5ZjFm">Access to Brawl Master exclusive skills</p> <p class="cnNjN2JlMWJlMDIwMTQ3NTNhMmM5ZGE3OTg3N2EyMTJk">Dramatically increased physical efficiency</p> <p class="cnM4ZTQ2NzQ3NmI5ZDRjYTc5ZTkwZGNiZjFlZjI3Mzk1">Can inherently use any weapon adequately</p> <p class="cnNhYzQ1Yjk2ZmYwMDRiNjRiNTU2Zjc3NWYyNjgwN2Zk">&nbsp;Greater melee efficiency (expert)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyMzA0YWQyYzRkYjQxNjQ4MmYzOTNlYjUzODZkMGUw"><span style="font-weight: 400"> An obvious upgrade of Aren’s Brawler, he wonders about what it's more capable of. The effects are similar, with physical and melee efficiency being obviously superior than his. This makes sense too since Norman as basically a beefed up version of Aren. With it being an advancement of sorts for the Brawler job, there's a high chance that he'll get it in the near future assuming he doesn't die. There's no more doubt that the Brawler job did come from Norman himself.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Berserker</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnNlMjU3YzZmMTg2MzRmNzU5NmEwYWZmOTM4ZDA1ZmNk">Description:</p> <p class="cnM5YzFkNTMyZmYzMTQwOGFiNWEyNDZmMmQ5NjRmZWQx">Fueled with blood and rage, these fools harness the power of wrath that can shatter the earth and make the skies tremble. Using their wrath and injuries, they can go beyond being human and annihilate anyone in their path. Be warned however, as the power of wrath is never an easy thing to control. Berserkers have the highest damage output for melee, but also have the highest risks.</p> <p class="cnNjOTBlZjM3ZmQ1MzQxNTQ4MTUzMzExMzY2YWEzMWE5">Effects:</p> <p class="cnMzYzJlMTIzYWQzMzQ2NmJhYzA5ZjNjZTc5Y2VkMGI0">Access to Berserker exclusive skills</p> <p class="cnM0Zjc5YmFiNDVjNTQ4MTBiMWJlMjE3YmYyNzhkNTBi">The emotion [Anger] can be used as an enhancer</p> <p class="cnM0MmMwMzg1YzhmZTQzY2RiZjQ1MzhmODM4OWNjYzg2">Increased physical efficiency</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlZmFjNjk0ZDViNTRlMzZhMjNiZTkyMTNjZTNjNzA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman’s second job, Berserker, seems very dangerous as well as ironic to his personality. Never did he see Norman lash out in anger, or did anything rash and irrational like a stereotypical berserker would. Though he’s glad his father isn’t like that, else he’d have to make like a tree and leave. Aside from irony, the Berserker job increases Norman's physical efficiency even further making him the most muscle-heavy person Aren has ever known. If ever anyone gets into a fight with him, he hopes that they'd only have to suffer broken bones.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"><strong>Battlemage</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnNhODcyN2M2MGI3ZjQwNmE4YmY0YTk4MzRkMWI5OTk4">Description:</p> <p class="cnNjZjMyMzJjYjY0YTRmNmViOTJhMjgxZGUxMzFhYmQy">They cast spells like a mage would, but fight like a monk would. Battlemages specializes in self-buffs and devastating close quarters spells. They are quite good frontliners, and can take a much more significant amount of hits than a normal mage can. Their strength is handicapped however, since most Battlemages lacks the proper mana reserves to properly cast numerous spells. Just like Mages, running out of mana can mean life or death for them.</p> <p class="cnNiOWRhNDc1MzY5MjQyMGZiMDAwMWE4NDk0ZWI0NDhh">Effects:</p> <p class="cnNkYTc2MTYyODhlNjRjZDI4OWYyZWJiZjVmMTViZjY5">Access to Battlemage exclusive skills</p> <p class="cnM4MGE3MDI0NzM4MTQzMTZhYTgzZjM1NjRmNDRiOTUw">Increased staff proficiency</p> <p class="cnMzYmVmODJmMWIxMTQ2NGZiZGQ2MDQ2YzNiYWVkYjJm">Faster self-cast</p> <p class="cnNmMzA4MDUxZmE0NjQ2NjBiNGYxMWM2NjNjZDQ4MjVj">&nbsp;Can willingly shift to either Monk or Mage</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmMDljMGY2MTAxMDQxMTI4OGNkZmY1ZWY0NzkyMDRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">But the thing that glued his eyes was Norman’s third job; Battlemage. If&nbsp;he has enough experience with the job, then Norman could potentially teach him about it or maybe even gain the Battlemage job. Wanting to get the job no matter what, Aren decides to earn some goodwill points to increase the chances of Norman teaching him about magic.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTVkY2MzYTQyMDQ3ZWFiMTQzY2RiZjkzNzhmNzE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren looks at his father picking up flowers. There were flowers with white and yellow petals, which seems to be the recurring theme for the flowers he is picking. Are the flowers for Martha? He doesn’t know if Martha actually does like the color of white and yellow, but her dress during breakfast seem to lean on that idea. Feeling curious, he approached Norman and asked his father.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWZlNDM3MDJlNzRiNzY4MWY2NDJkMjgzOTdhNDA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dad, why awe you picking fowers?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWJmZGEwMTFjNzRmMTA4YjhhYzg2MDA0ODdiMzJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman takes a moment to look at Aren.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTUxZDkyNmVjMzQ5ZTk5MWY4ZmZhYWYwYjAzZTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh this? It’s for your mother.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2M2ZjI3ZTQ1NTRiNTI5MmYzYTM0YzFmOGZmOWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Figured out as much. What bothers Aren though is that </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">he </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">is picking flowers. For someone like him, picking flowers looks a off from a normal viewer’s eyes. Even his dad back at home wouldn’t do this in broad daylight just for mom. Well, maybe he would, but that really hasn’t happened yet so he can’t be so sure.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWQ4YjQ0YjIyZDRlNmE5ZTVlYmY1NzQ4ZmUwMzA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you love mom?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGRlZTAzYzYwYjRlZDY5ZmVjNGFhM2ExMTcwZjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cheesy as it sounds, Aren genuinely wanted to know what Norman thinks.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjg3ZmE0OGI2NjRlZTI5Y2YyMDc4ZDM5ZWMzNTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I do, son. Very much.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDJiYjBkNzlhNTRkZGJhM2E0NjA5ZjJjY2Y5OGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman’s soft tone coupled with his expression full of happiness gave Aren the answer. This kind of love is very normal, and he has no right to judge him for picking flowers for his love. This is very heartwarming for him, specially since he hasn’t seen romance stuff for a very long time. Seeing this as an opportunity, he decided that it was time to mine goodwill points.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDczMGY5YjYwNzQ2ZTk5ZmM4YzhhM2MyN2Y1OGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let me help you dad. I love mom too, sho I want to give fowers too.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzM3YjdmN2IwNjQzN2Q4NzA4MWE2M2Q4MDNkNWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Again, Aren didn’t really like to volunteer for bothersome tasks such as this, but if he is going to earn goodwill points, it’ll be much easier for him to ask favors from his parents in the near future. Half of his intent might be malicious, but half also genuinely wants to help Norman express his love for his loving wife. Even though there are times where he would get a good hit or two from Martha, he still loves her all the same.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Yjg5MmNhYzdhZDRmOGY5ZmVlY2IxOTYwMzU5NGY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, thank you son. Your mother would really love this.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzQyOWM2MDdjNzRhNmU5OThhNWU4ZDJlYjI0YmYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mhm!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OWM0OWFkYjQxMDRhYjI5ZjQzNzVkYTY5Yzk4YjZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Norman looks at Aren picking flowers for him. Honestly, he is blessed to have a son like him. Polite, considerate, dedicated, and most of all, compassionate. Even if there are things he still doesn’t know about him, he is still his son. With that thought, the memory of almost losing him was still in his mind. His heart crunched as soon as the memory replayed before his eyes. His will immediately plummeted when he thought he was going to lose his son. He knew if Aren did die, it was going to break him. After all, his son is his everything.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmExZjZiZjNlYTRlMTI5NTYyZWM0YzZmMjczNzM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Dad? Are you okay?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWMzYjljODMyNDQwNTg4ZjVlMDk1ZmFlYmI3ZWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren couldn’t help but get worried for Norman, he was wearing an expression of dread as if he remembered something nasty. Maybe it was from a past trauma? Whatever it was, it was probably triggered when Norman looked at him. He was surprisingly having a good time picking up flowers earlier, now he’s just worried for his father.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGJiYTdhYTI5NzQyMGM5YjcwODFiYTY3NjQwMGY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, I.. uhh.. I’m okay son. Haha!” Norman shrugged it off with a chuckle.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDM2N2Q1NjkxMjRhMjhiMThkNTI5NmE0NjFmNmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">He pats the back of Aren with minimal force, which made Aren slightly lean forward from the push.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjRkN2YxNDc3MzQzNmViMWNjMjkyMjBmNjI5MmZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry about your father too much, my boy.” He says, pointing his thumb at his chest. “Why, this old man of yours is too lively to get down by anything! Hahaha!” His hearty laugh made it more believable than Aren would’ve imagined.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmJkNWYzYzk1NzRkZDdiZmQ1ODc3NmIyNTI1ZDM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren smiles softly behind Norman's back. He may be his father, but the aura he emits is more of a friend than a parental figure. Though there's no complaint at all. He prefers it to be this way, and actually thanked Seto for once for this. For now though, he'll have to stick with hating on him from the very bottom of his heart.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTBkMmQ3NzJhNDRlYzdhMDNkNjYxZmRlZGRhMTZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was already near noon, at least from what Aren can see, when they were done picking flowers instead of training. Aren didn’t mind that much though, since picking flowers was surprisingly calming, therapeutic even. Not to mention with his father helping, it was a good experience and bonding time for the both of them.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTgzN2I4MzgwMzQ5YzdhODFhM2RjYWExNzQ3Nzkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, you’re back! How did the training go Aren?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OWNlZmZlNGRhMzRkZjI4YmZhN2VhZGQ1MTlmMDdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Martha asks Aren. She was already preparing food in the kitchen, way far off from the door Norman and him just came in from. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYjFmZmVjOGYxNDQxNjViNTMxZmFkZGEwMWJmOGJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It went well mom!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDFmODgyZGIyYjRiNmNhMTBjMTc5Yjg0MWIwNzlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren replied. He looks at Norman, who was sweating profusely while hiding the flowers he had gathered behind his back. Looks like he is not that good at being sneaky. Aren on the other hand skipped towards Martha with a bright smile. Unlike his father, he has no trouble at all at expressing his love. Then again, he is expressing familial love, while Norman is expressing a husband’s love.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTUxMTQwOTc2ZjRhYzViM2MzNmY3M2I4NTYzMjQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mom, look! I want to give thish fowers to you.” Aren presented the flowers he has gathered that he hid behind him all this time.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjllZTA5MWZlYjRlYTE4ZTU0YWQzNTRiM2M4YzIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Awww, that’s so sweet. Thank you Aren.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzJhZDY5Njk0NjQ3NGFhNzZjZGZmZWQ0YmUyNzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Martha gave Aren a kiss on the forehead as she took the gifted flowers from him. She looks genuinely happy. Aren is happy too. That’s one relationship improved and goodwill earned.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzE4ODA1NjMzMTRhNWQ4MWUxMTM2ZjAxNjdmOGIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um.. S-sweetie…”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjUyNzVlNGUyMTRjN2Q4Mjk1Mzc5YzllMjE0ZjUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Both Aren and Martha look at Norman, who was acting shy all of a sudden. Aren couldn’t help but giggle at Norman’s maiden-like demeanor. It was not fitting at all for a man of his size. Nevertheless, Norman mustered up his courage and presented his bouquet of flowers. It was three times more numerous than Aren’s, and much more beautifully arranged.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNTFlMzYwNDQ2NTRjODJhMzZiNGM1MjFhNGNkNWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“O-oh..”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZmI0YmVmMWIyMjRiYTViNTc0ZmNjZDc2NmZmOGE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Martha was surprised as she receives the bouquet, her cheeks reddening. This is was unexpected of her husband to suddenly gift her something like this. Aren, sure she can handle, but Norman’s shy attitude just makes her heart skip more the longer she looks at him.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZmNlOTg5YmQwNzQ1NjM4ZjNiNDBhZDBmNjhhM2Fj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren on the other hand is getting weird vibes from this scene. The roles are correct, but the attitudes are reversed. He thought this kind of thing would only exist in fiction, but the current situation proves otherwise.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWNlYjZlNjc4NzRkNmNiZWZlMjZjMDQ2ZWUzM2Fj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“These flowers are for… Um… For that time… And uh…”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzE1NWE3MGExZDQxNDU5Zjc5MDMxZDc5MWIyMmZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aren was starting to cringe, feeling as if his chest is going to implode and his face shrinking into a prune. Love is beautiful, but to see a grown up man act like a maiden in love will definitely make that statement questionable for Aren. As Norman was about to say his final words, the front door suddenly slammed open, catching the attention of the three in surprise. Standing in the doorway was a scared Misha as she was held by her panting mother.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDNlYzdmZjIyMzQ0YWE5MDY4NDQ5ODYyZWJkMmNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Cecil? What happened?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyODFhNTFiOWY1YzQ4MDE4N2I0ODEwYmNhMTRmMWRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Cecil’s disheveled red hair swayed down as she took deep breaths, before opening her mouth.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjA5OWQyOGM5YzQwNzc4YzhmN2U4ODE5MmQ4MWQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Bandits! The Red Hook is here!”</span></p> </div>
Morning arrives with Aren still sleeping soundly. One might think he’ll sleep a little bit longer, but his previous habit of waking up in the moment of consciousness made him rise almost immediately. However, just like his habit, he immediately fell into a state of being half asleep. He looked out of the window, noticing that the sun has barely gone out and it’s not even that bright outside yet. The sky started to spread a light blue color without a lot of clouds roaming around. Birds were chirping and adding to Aren’s annoyance. Everything was fine in the world, or at least he thinks it to be. He makes his way in the hallway, walking slowly and dully. For an unknown reason the morning dulls his senses, but that might just be his loathing for mornings kicking in and the soreness he currently feels. Despite this hatred and pain, Aren was still able to muster enough strength to actually get himself going like all the other mornings before, in exchange for his motor functions and mental awareness. He dragged his hand across the smooth polished wooden wall, gliding along it as if he were touching tiles. As he walks down the hallway, he is led by the nose by a delicious aroma coming from downstairs. He slowly went down the stairs, subconsciously holding onto the railings as to not fall. He started to follow the scent towards the dining table after reaching the bottom safely. Norman and Martha were already at the table, stopping their eating when Aren came into view. Aren was still half asleep when he sat on the free chair, leaning on the table to wait for his plate. He sat there, unaware of his current situation. “Aren? Why are you up so early in the morning?” Aren didn’t understand why his mother would ask that. He had always woke up early for school. *“Aren’s a funny name, who’s that? Wait.”* Then it suddenly hit him. The realization snapped him back into consciousness as he fully awakes, eyes wide open. This isn’t his home, nor is this his real body. Thoughts of having to go on an exile mocked him as he mentally panics. Fortunately for him, he has somewhat mastered the art of ignorance and deceit. The numerous times he has to lie about many things in his previous life paid him well before, so he doesn’t see how it could not now. “I jusht want to wake up eawly. I want to contwinue twaining with dad.” he said, looking at them with innocent, definitely honest eyes. Aren was once again taking risks here. They mentioned before that the accident was indirectly caused by Norman’s guidance, so he would normally think that Norman was training Aren some time before the accident. However, he has no way of knowing whether it was training or another kind of thing where it was considered “working too hard”. He doesn’t know if it’ll be guaranteed to work. The tears of pride and joy from Norman, nonetheless, was enough of a sign that he succeeded. “Sweetie, can I?” Norman’s ask of permission made Aren think that his dad is just his mom’s child, more so than their own child. “Are you really sure Aren? I mean…” Martha was clearly worried. The last time they trained, Aren almost died. Well, the real Aren actually did die but that’s not a topic that should be talked about. Aren just smiled at her with the most genuine smile he could show. “I’ll be fine mom. I pwamise it won’t happen awgain.” Those words couple with how Aren said it in such a reassuring tone, especially for a child, made Martha give in and gave Norman the okay. Norman let out a yell of joy in response and rushed his food to finish early, but ended in him choking. This morning was off to a good start. Norman and Aren meet up at their backyard. The yard is very open and fenced, enough space for training. Aren could see the forest way out there in the east over the wooden fence, but that place doesn’t concern him right now. At the base of the fences grows a number of flowers with different colors. They are all flowers he hasn’t seen before, then again he doesn’t go out much from his house in his previous life. He wasn’t a shut-in, just not very fond of the outside world. “Now Aren, we are just going to go with basics because you are still probably not that recovered. Okay? I know you're still sore, so we won't go too crazy.” Aren responded with a smile and a thumbs up. “Good!” Norman then showed his palms towards Aren “First thing’s first. Show me how much your punches pack.” Aren nodded and prepares himself to punch. His strength stat is 9 and he doesn’t know how much that means. It might be really low and appropriate for his body, or really high and stats don’t often reach a hundred in this world. This exercise will provide him a reference material for that, and he’s thankful that he doesn’t have to punch a tree or something else hard to do that. “Go!” With all his might, Aren punched Norman’s right palm with right hook and grunting in the process. Norman’s hand felt solid, like concrete. He didn’t notice it before, but his hands are big enough to probably hold his entire toddler skull. If he were to compare his father with anything, he would compare it to a fluffy and friendly bear that could kill him anytime. Norman cupped his chin to analyze his son’s current strength. He smiled. “Not bad Aren. I was expecting it to be weaker, but that punch was good. Again!” Norman raised his palms again. Aren responds with repeatedly punching his father’s palms with each one using every ounce of strength he could muster. He thought he must look cool with his flurry of punches, but he could only be seen as a five your old doing his best in Norman’s eyes. Aren was slow, clumsy, and every punch felt like a punch given by the tickle monster. Norman can’t help but think that his son looks so cute when he tries so hard. Meanwhile Aren actually tries to impress Norman, but he is only impressing Norman with his cuteness instead. After a fifty or so weak and slow punches, he started to feel the fatigue as sweat starts to leak from his body. He’s only been going at it for five minutes, and he’s already this tired. Then again, he is still sore and recovering and inside a toddler's body no less, so it's only natural for him to get tired more easily than before. Norman pats his son on his shoulder, then brought him closer. “Don’t push yourself too hard son. If you are tired, we can take a break.” Aren agrees by falling down on his butt unto the grass, breathing deeply. Now that he knows how much 9 strength is worth, he has a good reference point for any future estimations. Looks like stats like his are usually reserved for toddlers like him, with numbers around 30 or more being achievable when they are about in the age of 8 or 10. Maybe he can reach it sooner than he might think. | | General Info | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Name: | | Aren Montrea | | | Affiliation: | None | | | | Level: | 6 | | | | Age: | 5 | Gender: | Male | | Jobs | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Jack of All Trades | Brawler | | | | Health: | 20/20 | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Mana: | 50/50 | | | | Fame: | 41 | | | | Experience Points: | 57 | | | | Strength: | 10 | Vitality: | 10 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Endurance: | 11 | Agility: | 6 | | Dexterity: | 7 | Perception: | 7 | | Intelligence: | 31 | Wisdom: | 22 | | Fortitude: | 19 | Charm: | 10 | | Faith: | 4 | Luck: | 21 | | Bonuses: | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | It's Me!Here's a gift. | | | | | Favors: | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | None Discovered | | | | | Status Effects: | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Sore: There will be slight pain in every movement.Recovering: Take 50% more damage than usual. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |   Really sooner than he expected. He has already hit two digit this early in his life, granted that Norman did train the previous Aren until he reached 9 points in strength. Endurance, agility and dexterity seems to also go up by one point. This effect may be the doing of Jack of All Trades, and he’s thankful for that. Seems like growth won’t be a problem for him thanks to this job. “Dad, I’m rweady to train awgain.” Norman, who was picking flowers in the sides to probably give to his wife, turned around in surprise. “Oh? Well then.” Norman laid the flowers on the ground to divert his attention towards his son. Although the status screen doesn’t show his stamina points, Aren feels that he has somewhat recovered enough stamina to continue on the training. At least Norman knows not to be harsh to little children like himself, else he would have already used the break as a gateway for escape. “Let’s do that again.” Norman then raises his palms. Just like before, Aren repeatedly punches his palms again. Norman however instantly noticed the change of his speed and strength. The change is subtle, but Norman was able to pick it up easily. Aren just continues on, not knowing the change that is taking place in him. Norman, though he doesn’t know what’s the cause, definitely knew something was off as he again noticed another shift in strength. Aren got tired again after a couple of punches. “Huff… Huff… can we take a bweak dad?” Norman kneels before his son, confusing Aren with his serious expression. Did he do something wrong? “Aren. Are you hiding something from me?” Aren’s poker face instinctively kicked in. He didn’t think about this one as he didn’t think Norman would be this sharp. One after another, his mind just throws every possible excuse he could use. The whole world seem to go in slow motion as he desperately thinks of a way out of this predicament. Simultaneously, he’s keeping an ignorant and straight face, intending to never raise any suspicion more than this. “What do you mean dad?” The excuse thrown was ultimately to feign ignorance. Of course, a five year old wouldn’t know the answer to that question, much less understand what he meant. He looked at Norman with innocent and confused eyes. Norman doubted Aren for a second, but finally sighed knowing that a child like him couldn’t possibly know anything about their own self. “Dad?” Aren on the other hand was panicking inside his head. Did Norman find out? What’s going to happen to him? One by one he thinks of all the possibilities of what would happen if he was found out. All of them ended with being not in favor to him. “I guess you wouldn’t know huh?” Norman says, gently rubbing Aren’s head. Aren was relieved. Norman fell for it. However, now that he knows that Aren’s development is happening at a fast rate, what’s he going to do? Aren once again thinks of the possibilities that could happen, the training getting harder being one of the most probable. It’s likely that Norman’s going to use the best out of Aren’s rapid growth in training. That means Aren will have more bothersome things to do, which sucks for him. Norman stood up with a smile.There’s no point in thinking about that right now. His boy is rapidly improving in a rate he did not have when he was still a child. It’s not taxing on Aren, neither does it give any other negative effects on his only son. Instead, he must be proud that his child will someday surpass him, giving him joy in the end. There’s no bigger joy for a father than to see his son grow before his very eyes, and no better joy for him than for his son to become a better man than him. “Alright, let’s take a break.” Norman once again takes off to pick some flowers. Aren stood there, finally free from the short lived interrogation. He sat down and contemplated. Norman is sharper than he looks. He could notice differences in attributes with as low as a one point improvement, while Aren himself couldn’t. Maybe Norman is much more than what he actually sees in him. After all, there’s also the fact that Norman was the one who single handedly delivered him to the hospital, assuming that it’s true. If he were to assume that he fell on one of the trees from the forest on the east, then it would mean Norman is at least as fast as a speeding car. The city of Rosenvolt is at least a few kilometers away and if Norman had the confidence to carry Aren to Rosenvolt, he must really be capable. This lead to the conclusion that Norman is somewhat of a superhuman. Who wouldn’t think so if they see this man’s guns? He has the muscles that could put most body builder to shame, granted that his proportions was still acceptable and a little less bulkier than the body maniacs he occasionally saw on the internet. If Aren would honestly voice his opinion, it would be that Norman’s body build is actually pretty close to one of his own ideal bodies. That includes the beard too. Then he remembers Jack’s Eye. He doesn’t know what it does, much less know what it is. However, he has an idea that he would like to try right now. Focusing on his father’s back, he uttered the words in his head. *“Jack’s Eye.”* | | General Info | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Name: | | Norman Montrea | | | Affiliation: | None | | | | Level: | ??? | | | | Age: | 39 | Gender: | Male | | Jobs | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Brawl Master | Berserker | Battlemage | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Jack’s Eye allowed him to look at Norman’s status screen. The difference between his and Aren’s is that Norman’s status screen only shows his general info and jobs. There was nothing else that can be seen. It seems that Jack’s Eye is a dumbed down version of Appraisal, which is a skill he often sees in the comics he used to read about people being transported into another world. Whereas appraisal would show everything, Jack’s Eye only seem to show what’s on the surface level. For a dumbed down version of Appraisal, Aren admits that it's somewhat useful. With this he can properly reply to an enemy with a flight or fight. Although there was nothing much on Norman’s status screen, some things did catch Aren’s eye. One was Norman’s level which is indicated as triple question marks. If Aren learned anything in his previous life, that would be that his father’s level is higher than his. He could kick his ass without a sweat, and he wouldn’t be able to do a thing against his father’s fury. Another thing was Norman’s first job; Brawl Master. | **Brawl Master** | | --- | | Description: Brawl Masters are experts in ruining your day by being extremely physically powerful and being able to use even a tiny pebble as a deadly weapon. They are even much more capable than Brawlers as their raw strength has reached at peak capacity, overshadowing even that of a Berserker's inhuman but unenhanced strength. They are the roughest of any fighter, fighting with unpolished and crude techniques, but their experience and unpredictability makes them very efficient combatants. Effects: Access to Brawl Master exclusive skills Dramatically increased physical efficiency Can inherently use any weapon adequately  Greater melee efficiency (expert) | An obvious upgrade of Aren’s Brawler, he wonders about what it's more capable of. The effects are similar, with physical and melee efficiency being obviously superior than his. This makes sense too since Norman as basically a beefed up version of Aren. With it being an advancement of sorts for the Brawler job, there's a high chance that he'll get it in the near future assuming he doesn't die. There's no more doubt that the Brawler job did come from Norman himself. | **Berserker** | | --- | | Description: Fueled with blood and rage, these fools harness the power of wrath that can shatter the earth and make the skies tremble. Using their wrath and injuries, they can go beyond being human and annihilate anyone in their path. Be warned however, as the power of wrath is never an easy thing to control. Berserkers have the highest damage output for melee, but also have the highest risks. Effects: Access to Berserker exclusive skills The emotion [Anger] can be used as an enhancer Increased physical efficiency | Norman’s second job, Berserker, seems very dangerous as well as ironic to his personality. Never did he see Norman lash out in anger, or did anything rash and irrational like a stereotypical berserker would. Though he’s glad his father isn’t like that, else he’d have to make like a tree and leave. Aside from irony, the Berserker job increases Norman's physical efficiency even further making him the most muscle-heavy person Aren has ever known. If ever anyone gets into a fight with him, he hopes that they'd only have to suffer broken bones. | **Battlemage** | | --- | | Description: They cast spells like a mage would, but fight like a monk would. Battlemages specializes in self-buffs and devastating close quarters spells. They are quite good frontliners, and can take a much more significant amount of hits than a normal mage can. Their strength is handicapped however, since most Battlemages lacks the proper mana reserves to properly cast numerous spells. Just like Mages, running out of mana can mean life or death for them. Effects: Access to Battlemage exclusive skills Increased staff proficiency Faster self-cast  Can willingly shift to either Monk or Mage | But the thing that glued his eyes was Norman’s third job; Battlemage. If he has enough experience with the job, then Norman could potentially teach him about it or maybe even gain the Battlemage job. Wanting to get the job no matter what, Aren decides to earn some goodwill points to increase the chances of Norman teaching him about magic. Aren looks at his father picking up flowers. There were flowers with white and yellow petals, which seems to be the recurring theme for the flowers he is picking. Are the flowers for Martha? He doesn’t know if Martha actually does like the color of white and yellow, but her dress during breakfast seem to lean on that idea. Feeling curious, he approached Norman and asked his father. “Dad, why awe you picking fowers?” Norman takes a moment to look at Aren. “Oh this? It’s for your mother.” Figured out as much. What bothers Aren though is that *he* is picking flowers. For someone like him, picking flowers looks a off from a normal viewer’s eyes. Even his dad back at home wouldn’t do this in broad daylight just for mom. Well, maybe he would, but that really hasn’t happened yet so he can’t be so sure. “Do you love mom?” Cheesy as it sounds, Aren genuinely wanted to know what Norman thinks. “I do, son. Very much.” Norman’s soft tone coupled with his expression full of happiness gave Aren the answer. This kind of love is very normal, and he has no right to judge him for picking flowers for his love. This is very heartwarming for him, specially since he hasn’t seen romance stuff for a very long time. Seeing this as an opportunity, he decided that it was time to mine goodwill points. “Let me help you dad. I love mom too, sho I want to give fowers too.” Again, Aren didn’t really like to volunteer for bothersome tasks such as this, but if he is going to earn goodwill points, it’ll be much easier for him to ask favors from his parents in the near future. Half of his intent might be malicious, but half also genuinely wants to help Norman express his love for his loving wife. Even though there are times where he would get a good hit or two from Martha, he still loves her all the same. “Oh, thank you son. Your mother would really love this.” “Mhm!” Norman looks at Aren picking flowers for him. Honestly, he is blessed to have a son like him. Polite, considerate, dedicated, and most of all, compassionate. Even if there are things he still doesn’t know about him, he is still his son. With that thought, the memory of almost losing him was still in his mind. His heart crunched as soon as the memory replayed before his eyes. His will immediately plummeted when he thought he was going to lose his son. He knew if Aren did die, it was going to break him. After all, his son is his everything. “Dad? Are you okay?” Aren couldn’t help but get worried for Norman, he was wearing an expression of dread as if he remembered something nasty. Maybe it was from a past trauma? Whatever it was, it was probably triggered when Norman looked at him. He was surprisingly having a good time picking up flowers earlier, now he’s just worried for his father. “Oh, I.. uhh.. I’m okay son. Haha!” Norman shrugged it off with a chuckle. He pats the back of Aren with minimal force, which made Aren slightly lean forward from the push. “Don’t worry about your father too much, my boy.” He says, pointing his thumb at his chest. “Why, this old man of yours is too lively to get down by anything! Hahaha!” His hearty laugh made it more believable than Aren would’ve imagined. Aren smiles softly behind Norman's back. He may be his father, but the aura he emits is more of a friend than a parental figure. Though there's no complaint at all. He prefers it to be this way, and actually thanked Seto for once for this. For now though, he'll have to stick with hating on him from the very bottom of his heart. It was already near noon, at least from what Aren can see, when they were done picking flowers instead of training. Aren didn’t mind that much though, since picking flowers was surprisingly calming, therapeutic even. Not to mention with his father helping, it was a good experience and bonding time for the both of them. “Oh, you’re back! How did the training go Aren?” Martha asks Aren. She was already preparing food in the kitchen, way far off from the door Norman and him just came in from. “It went well mom!” Aren replied. He looks at Norman, who was sweating profusely while hiding the flowers he had gathered behind his back. Looks like he is not that good at being sneaky. Aren on the other hand skipped towards Martha with a bright smile. Unlike his father, he has no trouble at all at expressing his love. Then again, he is expressing familial love, while Norman is expressing a husband’s love. “Mom, look! I want to give thish fowers to you.” Aren presented the flowers he has gathered that he hid behind him all this time. “Awww, that’s so sweet. Thank you Aren.” Martha gave Aren a kiss on the forehead as she took the gifted flowers from him. She looks genuinely happy. Aren is happy too. That’s one relationship improved and goodwill earned. “Um.. S-sweetie…” Both Aren and Martha look at Norman, who was acting shy all of a sudden. Aren couldn’t help but giggle at Norman’s maiden-like demeanor. It was not fitting at all for a man of his size. Nevertheless, Norman mustered up his courage and presented his bouquet of flowers. It was three times more numerous than Aren’s, and much more beautifully arranged. “O-oh..” Martha was surprised as she receives the bouquet, her cheeks reddening. This is was unexpected of her husband to suddenly gift her something like this. Aren, sure she can handle, but Norman’s shy attitude just makes her heart skip more the longer she looks at him. Aren on the other hand is getting weird vibes from this scene. The roles are correct, but the attitudes are reversed. He thought this kind of thing would only exist in fiction, but the current situation proves otherwise. “These flowers are for… Um… For that time… And uh…” Aren was starting to cringe, feeling as if his chest is going to implode and his face shrinking into a prune. Love is beautiful, but to see a grown up man act like a maiden in love will definitely make that statement questionable for Aren. As Norman was about to say his final words, the front door suddenly slammed open, catching the attention of the three in surprise. Standing in the doorway was a scared Misha as she was held by her panting mother. “Cecil? What happened?” Cecil’s disheveled red hair swayed down as she took deep breaths, before opening her mouth. “Bandits! The Red Hook is here!”
{ "title": "World Guardian: Book Zero (Final Remastered Edition)", "id": 21208, "author": "Xavier Houseal", "rating": 3.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 22: Time for Breakfast", "id": 305851, "next": 305875, "prev": 305849, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlYzYwZjJjYjVmZjRhNTI4YTU4ZDU4NzViYjYzMDYy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter 22: Time for Breakfast</strong></p> <p class="cnM4N2EzZTRhNDg1NDRhMDI4ZjkzMDlhMThiMmNiYWEz"><strong><em>(Setting: Crystal Kingdom: Royal Palace- Dining Hall)</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM2MGFiMzUzMjQxNTRmODA4MTUxMDc2Y2NhYTllNWI0"><strong><em>(Scene: </em></strong><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><strong><em> appears in a large dining room)</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM0MThhMzkwMzI3MjQyOGI4MTFhMWExZmJiYjAyYTEx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">enters the dining hall washed up and dressed in royal school uniform attire. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM5OGY2YjI3ZjVjNjQ2MTk5NDgxM2I4MmQ3ZmE1OGJm"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*It was the classic black and white vest and was the perfect size for him and tailored exactly to how he</span></em><strong><em> </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">wanted it. The royal family’s crest on the left side of the vest and had a bright green trim around the edges of the uniform as well as the belts that secured his waistline securely. To top it off, on his side attached to his belt hanging by its bead necklace, was his doll gift made by </span></em><strong><em>Lulu and Little Lucy </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">he decided he will take everywhere with him to proudly remind himself where he came from.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4ZjAzNjU1YzMyOTRhOTdiOWU3ODFjZGFmNmRjNTU3"><strong>[Butler]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Loudly announces*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Presenting, </span><strong>Master Aventurine Xavier Baku the Cree</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">!</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGE0NmViZjg3NTQwYzRiOGFjMmZlNzc3OTZlMzI4"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Ugh* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Okay, first of all, don't call me by my first name. </span><strong>Baku's </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">fine. Also, you don't have to tell the whole world I'm here. They can clearly see for themselves…</span></p> <p class="cnNkNmMxYWYxN2I4MjQxZDdhMTNlM2MyNDUxM2UxOTVh"><strong>[Butler]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Nervous*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Uhh... Yes, </span><strong>milord</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTExMGUxMmZhNzQ4Mjg5NDFhZjE5YTM5MDgzZWE2"><strong>[Nicolatrice Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Good morning,</span><strong> young master Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! You look absolutely splendid today! Did you have an excellent bath?</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzVhMmJjOGVhNDQwZGQ4Mzg4NjFlOWI1ZTI2OTcx"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Hey, </span><strong>Mom</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. I never worn anything like this, but I guess it's better than what they had me wear yesterday... By the way, did you do something to your hair? It looks pretty, like a queen.</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2MyMDliMmY0YzRjMWM5ZDIxNDI1YjVjZTM4ZTZj"><strong>[Nicolatrice Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling* *Giggling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Hehehe, thank you! The maids just love dressing me up! It's different, but feels nice!</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWI4NjJkNjFmMTQ0MzE5NjQ3NzBlNTUwMTQxMzhj"><strong>[Butlers and Maids]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*in unison*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Breakfast is served!</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzEyOTMxZjNhOTRhMGZiNjRmM2M4NTcyYzQyNzcz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*The butlers, maids, and chefs spread out a massive meal consisting of delicious foods that smelt as good as it looked including pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, oatmeal, toast, biscuits and fruits. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNmYWYwNTViMjUxNjQyMjA4NGY0ZWVhYTE5Y2FhZWE2"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Eyes glowing* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Holy what!? We eat like this every morning!? Being a royal's freakin’ epic! </span></p> <p class="cnM2N2M2ZWJhOTk1MjRmMjc5N2MzOTk3ZGYwMTY1YzM2"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> begins to pile a huge plate of food and gets ready to chow down a large nutritious meal, however as he does this he slowly realizes how much he taken already and began to think about his friends left behind in the fields. <strong>Baku</strong> looked down and to his side and stared longingly at his gifted doll and thought about the girls who may never eat like this. </span></em></p> <p class="cnMyNmYzOTBlOWVlNjRhYjc4NWI4ZWI1Yjc0OWVkYmI4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*<strong>Baku</strong> suddenly didn't really feel like eating as a hollow pit sank to the bottom of his gut. He saw that his<strong> mother</strong> only had made herself a small and modest plate of just a single pancake, eggs, and some fruit even though she didn't really have a reason to conserve herself. Perhaps adjusting to the royal lifestyle would require a little more time... </span></em></p> <p class="cnM2YjY5ZDFkMTQyNTRkNzM4YjZjNzJkN2Q1OWIwMjAy"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Suddenly, </span></em><strong><em>Princess Savannah</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> appears behind <strong>Baku</strong>.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjYzA5YWUyYzVkNjQxNjk4MjFkMDFhNDFkNGJjZjcz"><strong>[Princess Savannah]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em> <strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, remember to eat your fruits and vegetables too! It's important for my </span><strong>little brother</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, who's going to become a hero, to grow and get big and strong!</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTBlYmY3ZDhmNDQ2YTc4OWIwYzM1NTYwZDE0YTZj"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Surprised* *Embarrassed*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> H-huh!? What the-- D-did you just call me your <strong>little brother</strong>!?</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDNmNTE3Yjg5NzRkYWFiMmRjYTBmNGI4YmE0MmU5"><strong>[Princess Savannah]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Well, of course! Now that you are a part of the <strong>Crystal Kingdom's Royal Family</strong>, you're technically my new<strong> little brother</strong>! And mistress </span><strong>Nicolatrice</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, you are also my new <strong>mother</strong>!</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2EyOTA0NmM2ZDQyYzI5MTE4YmU1NmE2NzQzYTBi"><strong>[Nicolatrice Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Aww, that's sounds so nice! I always wanted to have a daughter! Although this is a bit different from what I've expected!</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTM0NDhjZGUyMTRmZmFiODkwNTkxMzVkNjQ2OWU0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Thinking to himself* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Holy crap, I think things just got weird! I became the </span><strong>World Guardian</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, so that makes me royalty right? B-but... since </span><strong>Savannah’s</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> the princess...</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">Does this mean I have a massive crush on my older sister!? And now my <strong>mom</strong> is getting fimiliar with my crush... Who is also her new daughter!? What the hell's going on here!?</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzQ2MmU5ODAzMjRhZmZhYmQzNWFhMDQzMjI0NzY2"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Suddenly, the </span></em><strong><em>Crystal King </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">appears into the dining hall to meet </span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">, his </span></em><strong><em>mother</em></strong><strong><em>,</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span></em><strong><em>Savannah. </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">He was also completely dressed and ready for the day.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM2ZGRjODQzZDFmNjRmYTg4ZTg1OTYwZGJjMjU5Mjkz"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Good morning, my family. </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, </span><strong>Nicolatrice</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, did you have a pleasant slumber? I hope each of your bedrooms were exactly to your liking.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTBiM2ZhM2U2MzRmNTk4ZDk3ZmI0MTdhOTc1Yjhm"><strong>[Butlers and Maids]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*in unison*</span></em> <strong>Your majesty! </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*bows*</span></em></p> <p class="cnM3OTllNmNlNzUyZjQyMTJiMDFiMTQ1NWQ2YzJmMzRj"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh, hey mister guy. I never been awake so early in my life... I almost fell asleep in my lavender scented bath thanks to the massage settings from the water jets.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmM2ODU2OGQwODRjN2FhYmYxYjk5YjIwZDQ1Mzhk"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I guess I should have told you, the <strong>Royal Family</strong> wakes up early every morning, so that we may utilize the maximum productivity throughout the day. This is how we get work done for the whole kingdom.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWUxYzc2ZjU5ZjQ0OTJhZWE0NzAwMWJiNmIyOTll"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Hmmm… I don't really get it. Just don't expect me to wake up at four in the morning on a weekend… That's my special time.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZDI0MzY4Zjk1NjQ0MTliZjcyYTdjZTBiY2FkMDgz"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I don't expect anything from you unless I directly inform you that I require it. But that doesn't reflect off of everybody else in the palace, so fair warning. But you'll get used to it either way, I’m sure of it!</span></p> <p class="cnMwNmFjMTNiNWIzNzQ3MWI5ZGM1ZmI4YzhmMDk5YzVh"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em>*Sigh* </em><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Thinking to himself* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">That does not make me feel better... Anyways, </span><strong>Crystal King</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, I ask you if we can fulfill my <strong>World Guardian </strong>favor before I leave for school?</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzE0YjE4ZDQzZTQ5NGJiMGJkM2YzZjcxMzE0ZDM1"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Absolutely, anything you desire, </span><strong>Master Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzkxNjg2NzAzYTQzM2NhMGIwY2U1OTRhMTY2ZGEy"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*The <strong>Royal Family</strong> enjoys their breakfast before separating for their days.</span></em></p> </div>
**Chapter 22: Time for Breakfast** ***(Setting: Crystal Kingdom: Royal Palace- Dining Hall)*** ***(Scene:*** ***Baku*** ***appears in a large dining room)*** ******Baku*** *enters the dining hall washed up and dressed in royal school uniform attire.* **It was the classic black and white vest and was the perfect size for him and tailored exactly to how he**wanted it. The royal family’s crest on the left side of the vest and had a bright green trim around the edges of the uniform as well as the belts that secured his waistline securely. To top it off, on his side attached to his belt hanging by its bead necklace, was his doll gift made by* ***Lulu and Little Lucy*** *he decided he will take everywhere with him to proudly remind himself where he came from.* **[Butler]:** **Loudly announces** Presenting, **Master Aventurine Xavier Baku the Cree**! **[Baku Cree]:** **Ugh** Okay, first of all, don't call me by my first name. **Baku's** fine. Also, you don't have to tell the whole world I'm here. They can clearly see for themselves… **[Butler]:** **Nervous** Uhh... Yes, **milord**… **[Nicolatrice Cree]:** **Smiling** Good morning, **young master Baku**! You look absolutely splendid today! Did you have an excellent bath? **[Baku Cree]:** Hey, **Mom**. I never worn anything like this, but I guess it's better than what they had me wear yesterday... By the way, did you do something to your hair? It looks pretty, like a queen. **[Nicolatrice Cree]:** **Smiling* *Giggling** Hehehe, thank you! The maids just love dressing me up! It's different, but feels nice! **[Butlers and Maids]:** **in unison** Breakfast is served! **The butlers, maids, and chefs spread out a massive meal consisting of delicious foods that smelt as good as it looked including pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, oatmeal, toast, biscuits and fruits.* **[Baku Cree]:** **Eyes glowing** Holy what!? We eat like this every morning!? Being a royal's freakin’ epic! ******Baku*** *begins to pile a huge plate of food and gets ready to chow down a large nutritious meal, however as he does this he slowly realizes how much he taken already and began to think about his friends left behind in the fields. **Baku** looked down and to his side and stared longingly at his gifted doll and thought about the girls who may never eat like this.* ****Baku** suddenly didn't really feel like eating as a hollow pit sank to the bottom of his gut. He saw that his **mother** only had made herself a small and modest plate of just a single pancake, eggs, and some fruit even though she didn't really have a reason to conserve herself. Perhaps adjusting to the royal lifestyle would require a little more time...* **Suddenly,* ***Princess Savannah*** *appears behind **Baku**.* **[Princess Savannah]:** **Smiling** **Baku**, remember to eat your fruits and vegetables too! It's important for my **little brother**, who's going to become a hero, to grow and get big and strong! **[Baku Cree]:** **Surprised* *Embarrassed** H-huh!? What the-- D-did you just call me your **little brother**!? **[Princess Savannah]:** **Smiling** Well, of course! Now that you are a part of the **Crystal Kingdom's Royal Family**, you're technically my new **little brother**! And mistress **Nicolatrice**, you are also my new **mother**! **[Nicolatrice Cree]:** **Smiling** Aww, that's sounds so nice! I always wanted to have a daughter! Although this is a bit different from what I've expected! **[Baku Cree]:** **Thinking to himself** Holy crap, I think things just got weird! I became the **World Guardian**, so that makes me royalty right? B-but... since **Savannah’s** the princess... Does this mean I have a massive crush on my older sister!? And now my **mom** is getting fimiliar with my crush... Who is also her new daughter!? What the hell's going on here!? **Suddenly, the* ***Crystal King*** *appears into the dining hall to meet* ***Baku****, his* ***mother******,*** *and* ***Savannah.*** *He was also completely dressed and ready for the day.* **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Good morning, my family. **Baku**, **Nicolatrice**, did you have a pleasant slumber? I hope each of your bedrooms were exactly to your liking. **[Butlers and Maids]:** **in unison** **Your majesty!** **bows** **[Baku Cree]:** Oh, hey mister guy. I never been awake so early in my life... I almost fell asleep in my lavender scented bath thanks to the massage settings from the water jets. **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Smiling** I guess I should have told you, the **Royal Family** wakes up early every morning, so that we may utilize the maximum productivity throughout the day. This is how we get work done for the whole kingdom. **[Baku Cree]:** Hmmm… I don't really get it. Just don't expect me to wake up at four in the morning on a weekend… That's my special time. **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** I don't expect anything from you unless I directly inform you that I require it. But that doesn't reflect off of everybody else in the palace, so fair warning. But you'll get used to it either way, I’m sure of it! **[Baku Cree]:** **Sigh** **Thinking to himself** That does not make me feel better... Anyways, **Crystal King**, I ask you if we can fulfill my **World Guardian** favor before I leave for school? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Absolutely, anything you desire, **Master Baku**. **The **Royal Family** enjoys their breakfast before separating for their days.*
{ "title": "Of Astral and Umbral", "id": 9921, "author": "Luciferia", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "[B6] Chapter Twenty-Six: Slow and Steady", "id": 305855, "next": 307821, "prev": 303648, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwNDZmMDNiYmRkZTRkM2I4YzMyN2NiYzRjN2QyOWIy" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1em"><strong><img src="" alt="Arianna's Lotus" width="100" height="103"></strong></span></p> <p class="cnMxMmI5MzliNWIwYzQyZWRiMjZhNTNhZjJmNGI0YTFj" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.8em"><strong>Chapter Twenty-Six<br></strong></span></p> <p class="cnM2YzdjOWNiODA5MDQ1ZmZhNWUwYTAwNTA3YzhjY2Qx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em"><strong><em>Slow and Steady<br></em></strong></span></p> <p class="cnNlZWI2YWZkMjA2ZjRlMjVhZmE4ODVmMjU5MmI5MzYz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YWU1YjBhYmM0MTQ0OWM5OWQ1ZjU3ZDQ3NTExYTk5">“What do you think?” I asked, watching Nalithor pace around the crystal-encased deity.</p> <p class="cnM5MDMwMjZkNmVhMjQ3ODBhNzViZGEzOGVkZTE2ZmZi">“He is most certainly a land deity.” Nalithor glanced toward me, then at the smooth crystal I was tossing up and down in one hand. “Do be careful with that, won’t you?”</p> <p class="cnNjMDlmMzI3ODc1NzQ3OTNhOTEwYjMwYzg2YzAwNDA3">“A land deity has the power necessary to build a city like this?” I raised an eyebrow at Nalithor and then looked at the trapped deity.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDJkZTRlNDFmOTQxMjJiZGU1MmExMzJkMjlhMmNm">“Not by himself, no. If we were to see the land this place came from, I imagine the nearby crystals would be drained of power and the ground barren.” Nalithor crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “These people must have been under a serious threat for a land deity to go to such lengths. Not only would he have had to use his power to construct this place, but he would have had to teleport them inside. The countryside around this place must have been drained for miles around.”</p> <p class="cnMwYzJiNTRhOWE0ODRiZDA4YzdkY2Q0NDRlNzdiODFi">“And he’s been Exiled for it?” I muttered, grasping the crystal in my hand firmly and narrowing my eyes at the deity’s aether. Pure as could be, but weak. “If he possibly drained that much aether, how are we going to help him recuperate? Even with the Vulin bringing us crystals, that’s just so much!”</p> <p class="cnM1MWQ2NmQ2OThhZDRjMDM4MGE1YTQ4ZDgzMjdkODM4">“We will have to be slow and careful.” Nalithor strode over and picked up a palm-sized crystal from the stack beside me. “It shouldn’t be an issue for me to transfer the aether from the crystals to our trapped friend, here. Since you have no affinity for earth magics, I want you to play the role of guard instead. There is every possibility we might have intruders.”</p> <p class="cnNmOWViYzA0MTE2YTQ0NzFhNzI4NTQwNTkwZGY2MWYw">“You don’t mean the people of this city, do you?” I glanced over my shoulder at the barricade we’d built down the road. There was a small crowd of people peering over it, but the city’s guards were having no issues keeping them at bay.</p> <p class="cnM5MzAxY2VjNTVmMDQyMjBhOTM4YjZhZTQ0ZjhmN2Vi">“Indeed. We need to be alert.” Nalithor nodded to me before turning his attention back to the large crystal nearby. “Yumeko, have the others finished their preparations?”</p> <p class="cnNjZTYwN2MzZTExMzQyMjBiMGNmMTliMWI0NmI4ZmFh">“Yes, Rely’ric. Emptied crystals will be taken away immediately so they can recharge elsewhere.” The strawberry-furred Vulin bowed. “Our men in the quarry are positioned to transport more crystals to your domain, and then here, as we go through supplies.”</p> <p class="cnNmZWY0MzIzZWE2NDQzOTViOWJhM2I1NzMwOWM4NjU0">“Good. Let’s begin.” Nalithor nodded to Yumeko, who quickly scampered off to play her role as overseer. I watched Nalithor raise a crystal in one hand, his eyes closing. Within seconds, the crystal began to levitate. Aether gently flowed out of the crystal and toward the imprisoned deity nearby.</p> <p class="cnNmOTRmZTk2MDA3NTRiMTU4MTgwYTc4ZmVlZWEyZDEw">I placed one hand on Eoraso’s hilt and let my senses take over in search of threats. Even if the city’s defenses were capable of knocking Nalithor clear out of the region, I didn’t trust that the Jivyador couldn’t find a way in. After all, it would only take them introducing themselves in a similar manner to what we had done. These people feared deities, even if they clearly adored the one that rescued them.</p> <p class="cnM5YWY4NDc2MGIzMTQ4ZWI4YTk4YWEzNTlmMDAyNWZl"><em>‘Just what is going on over in the Nrae’lmar Continent?’</em> I grimaced to myself and shifted to examine our surroundings. A small sigh left me when I spotted the land deity directing aether to many of the plants, and likely to the farming area below us. “Nalithor, should we keep it from feeding our surroundings while you work?”</p> <p class="cnMzZDJmOTM3NzUyODRkZTJiM2M3OTc0NDdlZDZlMjJl">“No, let it continue.” Nalithor shook his head. “His power is what’s allowing this place to survive in the desert.”</p> <p class="cnNlMmM1OTJiMTlhOTQ5NTY5YmUwMTVjMjcxYzE0ZWJk">We both fell silent, him to continue feeding aether to the weakened land deity, and me to protect our surroundings. Djialkan perched on my shoulder and yawned before curling around my neck, his tail swishing in boredom. I scratched his scales with my free hand.</p> <p class="cnNiNzYwZTc2Nzc3NjQxNDc4NTZlMDU4OTJlYjI4M2Mx"><em>‘Fraelfnir is attempting to determine how this chunk of land was brought here.’</em> Djialkan yawned again and stretched his front legs forward. <em>‘We do not believe this land god is responsible for teleporting its domain elsewhere. It is more likely that it was done with malicious intent.’</em></p> <p class="cnMxOTAxZDdkMTI5YTQwNzBiM2E2MzE1ZjMyMmE0Njdj">I frowned at the idea. <em>‘Wouldn’t it be simpler to dump the entire place into the ocean, if that were the case?’</em></p> <p class="cnM4NWIzYzM0MjA2YTQ0ZWU4ZDZiOTc0ZjExYjUyNDc0"><em>‘That could have been the intention. They may have simply </em>missed<em>.</em><em>’</em> Djialkan shrugged. <em>‘We have not caught the scent of Jivyador plots at work. I believe that, in this one instance, they may not be responsible. Instead, I believe it may be time to turn our attention toward the “she-demon” the locals keep speaking of.’</em></p> <p class="cnNiM2YzMjI4YzAyNzQ1ZmNhMThlMDA4YTViMmNkMWI5"><em>‘My father’s would-be goddess?’</em> I grimaced at the idea. <em>‘Can we trade her in for a new one?’</em></p> <p class="cnNmMWMzYTc3MmFlOTQ3NDE4ZTFlMjY4ZTQ2NTQwMDBh">Djialkan smacked me in the face with his tail. <em>‘Do not go jumping to conclusions just yet! There may yet be a chance to save her from whatever corruption has taken hold.’</em></p> <p class="cnNjNDcwM2UzM2JkYzQ4ZjU4M2Q3NDY5MDNjZWQ0NDRi"><em>‘We also don’t have a reliable way to get to the Nrae’lmar Continent, or any idea </em>where<em> on the continent they</em><em>’re located,’</em> I countered with a small huff. <em>‘We need to travel there anyway to search for more of the Aledacian Forests—and any corrupted Lari’xan within. That said, we’d have to commandeer one of the Vorpmasian airships to go there and, as far as I know, they weren’t planning to send another expedition anytime soon.’</em></p> <p class="cnNmODMyOTBhNDkzYzQyNmU4YjJkNDdmNTE2ZjU1N2Ey"><em>‘And without having gone there himself, Nalithor cannot construct a portal for you to utilize. Indeed.’</em> Djialkan nodded. <em>‘It will be fine. The Lari’xan will find a way, if Vorpmasia cannot spare a ship until after their war campaign.’</em></p> <p class="cnM5MzVkMDQ4NmM0OTQyMzA4OGViMGI2MjA1N2FlZTFj">I glanced down when I felt a tug at my robes. Yumeko smiled and offered me a cup of tea. After I took it, she promptly trotted off to resume her duties. Off to my left, the rest of the Vulin had brought several hundred pounds of earth crystals, and more were arriving all the time. Nearby, a line of Vulin took emptied crystals from Nalithor and ferried them into a small, Vulin-sized portal.</p> <p class="cnM5OWVlOWU2NDMyNTQ3Y2U5MzkzYTY2OTVhNzEwZjli">The deity’s crystalline heart shrank in the tiniest of increments with each new crystal Nalithor drained of power. We would be there for a while.</p> <p class="cnNhYzA5Zjc2Njc4ZDQxZmE4NTAxYzQ0MjBjZGFlNTIx"><em>“I believe they are attempting to gain your attention,”</em> Djialkan remarked, glancing behind me somewhere. I made a face before turning around and walking down the road to see what the locals wanted.</p> <p class="cnNjNzE3YTE3NzUyYzQ4MzM5MDdlNTY4NjgzYzk0NDFi">“How about convincing them to return to their homes, hmmm?” I gave the fae-dragon a sideways glance. “Especially the children.”</p> <p class="cnMwZDk1ZmMwYjFmODQ5Yjg5NjE4YzZiYTg5ZDcwOGMz">Djialkan quickly conversed with the gathered crowd, his talons tightening on my shoulder as they spoke. Finally, he released a low growl and informed me, <em>“They say that an angry deity appeared outside and was cast off by the city’s wards. Followed by three more of similar garments.”</em></p> <p class="cnM5NTcwM2EyZGIxZDQwNmY4YmMzYTZmYWM2NjU0ZTk1">I thought on it for a moment. Although I enjoyed the idea of wandering outside to hunt the Jivyador down myself, I wasn’t sure if showing the locals that I was capable of killing deities was a good idea. “Instruct them not to let anyone into the city. Explain that the others have mistaken their protector as an Exile, if you must.”</p> <p class="cnNhOGY1YmQ4NjljZDQ0ZWU4ZDI2YTM0MmMwODkxNDVm">Djialkan nodded to me before returning his attention to the worried citizens.</p> <p class="cnNjYzg2MTNmZDQ1YjQ5YzFiNThjNDEyNDc3MmQ5N2Q3"><em>‘What’s the matter?’</em> Nalithor called to me.</p> <p class="cnNjNDJmNjkwNDYxOTQ0NjU5ODYzZjA2N2VhNjU4ODI1"><em>‘Several Jivyador have been thrown from the gate.’</em> I stroked Eoraso’s hilt with my thumb, feeling the weapon vibrate under my hand. <em>‘I’m having Djialkan instruct the locals to keep the gates shut. Can you tell if the city’s defenses are draining the deity’s power?’</em></p> <p class="cnM3ZDNlYmRlMTRlMTQwYmNhMGU0NTdjM2VlMTAzYjhi"><em>‘It would explain a few of the drops I’ve observed,’</em> Nalithor answered. <em>‘I can compensate by feeding him aether at an increased rate, but the Vulin may not be able to keep up. Even so, don’t go hunting them just yet. If the city’s defenses fail, I’ll need you here.’</em></p> <p class="cnNhZjZjMDAwNGE0NDQ0ZmI5NjY1MGM1ZTAwZTVjNjg4"><em>‘I’ll try to restrain myself,’</em> I replied, an amused smile coming to my face. “Djialkan?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZWE1N2EzZjc3YjRkZmY5Y2NjYTY2ZDY2NjExNGIw"><em>“They have agreed, and they are calling more guards to escort the civilians home,”</em> Djialkan answered with a brief nod. <em>‘We will have to deal with the Jivyador, whether it is now or after the land deity has awoken.’</em></p> <p class="cnNjNGMxNzBiOTY4ODQ5ZTliMmU1NTAwYTk5ODllNDc0"><em>‘I’m aware.’</em> I turned and strode back to my post. <em>‘Let’s wait. I don’t want these people causing problems because they think I might turn my blade against their savior next.’</em></p> <p class="cnM5NjE0NThlNDgwYTQ5MGJiNjQyYTcyNzgxZGFiOWIz" style="text-align: center">[ <a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Amazon</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Other Stores</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Author's Site</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Vote!</a> ]</p> </div>
**![Arianna's Lotus](** **Chapter Twenty-Six** ***Slow and Steady***   “What do you think?” I asked, watching Nalithor pace around the crystal-encased deity. “He is most certainly a land deity.” Nalithor glanced toward me, then at the smooth crystal I was tossing up and down in one hand. “Do be careful with that, won’t you?” “A land deity has the power necessary to build a city like this?” I raised an eyebrow at Nalithor and then looked at the trapped deity. “Not by himself, no. If we were to see the land this place came from, I imagine the nearby crystals would be drained of power and the ground barren.” Nalithor crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “These people must have been under a serious threat for a land deity to go to such lengths. Not only would he have had to use his power to construct this place, but he would have had to teleport them inside. The countryside around this place must have been drained for miles around.” “And he’s been Exiled for it?” I muttered, grasping the crystal in my hand firmly and narrowing my eyes at the deity’s aether. Pure as could be, but weak. “If he possibly drained that much aether, how are we going to help him recuperate? Even with the Vulin bringing us crystals, that’s just so much!” “We will have to be slow and careful.” Nalithor strode over and picked up a palm-sized crystal from the stack beside me. “It shouldn’t be an issue for me to transfer the aether from the crystals to our trapped friend, here. Since you have no affinity for earth magics, I want you to play the role of guard instead. There is every possibility we might have intruders.” “You don’t mean the people of this city, do you?” I glanced over my shoulder at the barricade we’d built down the road. There was a small crowd of people peering over it, but the city’s guards were having no issues keeping them at bay. “Indeed. We need to be alert.” Nalithor nodded to me before turning his attention back to the large crystal nearby. “Yumeko, have the others finished their preparations?” “Yes, Rely’ric. Emptied crystals will be taken away immediately so they can recharge elsewhere.” The strawberry-furred Vulin bowed. “Our men in the quarry are positioned to transport more crystals to your domain, and then here, as we go through supplies.” “Good. Let’s begin.” Nalithor nodded to Yumeko, who quickly scampered off to play her role as overseer. I watched Nalithor raise a crystal in one hand, his eyes closing. Within seconds, the crystal began to levitate. Aether gently flowed out of the crystal and toward the imprisoned deity nearby. I placed one hand on Eoraso’s hilt and let my senses take over in search of threats. Even if the city’s defenses were capable of knocking Nalithor clear out of the region, I didn’t trust that the Jivyador couldn’t find a way in. After all, it would only take them introducing themselves in a similar manner to what we had done. These people feared deities, even if they clearly adored the one that rescued them. *‘Just what is going on over in the Nrae’lmar Continent?’* I grimaced to myself and shifted to examine our surroundings. A small sigh left me when I spotted the land deity directing aether to many of the plants, and likely to the farming area below us. “Nalithor, should we keep it from feeding our surroundings while you work?” “No, let it continue.” Nalithor shook his head. “His power is what’s allowing this place to survive in the desert.” We both fell silent, him to continue feeding aether to the weakened land deity, and me to protect our surroundings. Djialkan perched on my shoulder and yawned before curling around my neck, his tail swishing in boredom. I scratched his scales with my free hand. *‘Fraelfnir is attempting to determine how this chunk of land was brought here.’* Djialkan yawned again and stretched his front legs forward. *‘We do not believe this land god is responsible for teleporting its domain elsewhere. It is more likely that it was done with malicious intent.’* I frowned at the idea. *‘Wouldn’t it be simpler to dump the entire place into the ocean, if that were the case?’* *‘That could have been the intention. They may have simply* missed*.**’* Djialkan shrugged. *‘We have not caught the scent of Jivyador plots at work. I believe that, in this one instance, they may not be responsible. Instead, I believe it may be time to turn our attention toward the “she-demon” the locals keep speaking of.’* *‘My father’s would-be goddess?’* I grimaced at the idea. *‘Can we trade her in for a new one?’* Djialkan smacked me in the face with his tail. *‘Do not go jumping to conclusions just yet! There may yet be a chance to save her from whatever corruption has taken hold.’* *‘We also don’t have a reliable way to get to the Nrae’lmar Continent, or any idea* where *on the continent they**’re located,’* I countered with a small huff. *‘We need to travel there anyway to search for more of the Aledacian Forests—and any corrupted Lari’xan within. That said, we’d have to commandeer one of the Vorpmasian airships to go there and, as far as I know, they weren’t planning to send another expedition anytime soon.’* *‘And without having gone there himself, Nalithor cannot construct a portal for you to utilize. Indeed.’* Djialkan nodded. *‘It will be fine. The Lari’xan will find a way, if Vorpmasia cannot spare a ship until after their war campaign.’* I glanced down when I felt a tug at my robes. Yumeko smiled and offered me a cup of tea. After I took it, she promptly trotted off to resume her duties. Off to my left, the rest of the Vulin had brought several hundred pounds of earth crystals, and more were arriving all the time. Nearby, a line of Vulin took emptied crystals from Nalithor and ferried them into a small, Vulin-sized portal. The deity’s crystalline heart shrank in the tiniest of increments with each new crystal Nalithor drained of power. We would be there for a while. *“I believe they are attempting to gain your attention,”* Djialkan remarked, glancing behind me somewhere. I made a face before turning around and walking down the road to see what the locals wanted. “How about convincing them to return to their homes, hmmm?” I gave the fae-dragon a sideways glance. “Especially the children.” Djialkan quickly conversed with the gathered crowd, his talons tightening on my shoulder as they spoke. Finally, he released a low growl and informed me, *“They say that an angry deity appeared outside and was cast off by the city’s wards. Followed by three more of similar garments.”* I thought on it for a moment. Although I enjoyed the idea of wandering outside to hunt the Jivyador down myself, I wasn’t sure if showing the locals that I was capable of killing deities was a good idea. “Instruct them not to let anyone into the city. Explain that the others have mistaken their protector as an Exile, if you must.” Djialkan nodded to me before returning his attention to the worried citizens. *‘What’s the matter?’* Nalithor called to me. *‘Several Jivyador have been thrown from the gate.’* I stroked Eoraso’s hilt with my thumb, feeling the weapon vibrate under my hand. *‘I’m having Djialkan instruct the locals to keep the gates shut. Can you tell if the city’s defenses are draining the deity’s power?’* *‘It would explain a few of the drops I’ve observed,’* Nalithor answered. *‘I can compensate by feeding him aether at an increased rate, but the Vulin may not be able to keep up. Even so, don’t go hunting them just yet. If the city’s defenses fail, I’ll need you here.’* *‘I’ll try to restrain myself,’* I replied, an amused smile coming to my face. “Djialkan?” *“They have agreed, and they are calling more guards to escort the civilians home,”* Djialkan answered with a brief nod. *‘We will have to deal with the Jivyador, whether it is now or after the land deity has awoken.’* *‘I’m aware.’* I turned and strode back to my post. *‘Let’s wait. I don’t want these people causing problems because they think I might turn my blade against their savior next.’* [ [Discord]( | [Amazon]( | [Other Stores]( | [Facebook]( | [Author's Site]( | [Vote!]( ]
{ "title": "Isekai Gundam (Reboot)", "id": 18160, "author": "ianisomega", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Episode 30: Gaian War, The First Moves (Part 2)", "id": 305858, "next": 307826, "prev": 303732, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhYTRmMzcxODhiNDRjMWQ4MzFiODIyMWQ2NGNjMWM0">The battle lines were drawn, and the Human Crusades began constructing their siege works. Despite being part of the Crusade, the different Human nations only partially cooperated. Each one was out mostly for themselves, and thus if one nation was struggling the others didn’t usually help. In their eyes, the fewer nations that succeeded meant more plunder for the rest. Of course, they all had to assist the Theocracy and the Holy Crux Empire whenever they needed assistance due to the power of the Church, but the other Human nations would just as easily let their ‘allies’ fall behind just so they had a better chance at the best plunder. It was up to each individual nation to secure their own prizes so in their eyes the less competition the better. Therefore, as each nation sent materials for the construction of their own siege works there was no uniformity of design. Each nation had been given a section of the wall to assault by the Church, with the most pious nations given the ‘easiest’ ones.</p> <p class="cnNmYTdmOGYxMGIyMjQxYTRiNDBiNjI1NmFlYTM2Y2Rj">When the first of the siege towers, siege ladders and battering rams were completed, the Holy Crux Empire made its move. The Holy Crux Empire was the largest human nation, and the one with the only border with the Theocracy. The Church held so much influence there, that each Emperor was personally appointed by the Pope, rather than through birth or election. They were the most pious nation in the human lands, second only to the Theocracy and thus they were always given special permissions and conditions whenever they did anything. This is what allowed them to build their siege works the fastest, as they were given special treatment due to their close ties with the Church. Their troops were the first to arrive, their supplies were always the best and they were always first on the list to be resupplied. They had always been given special treatment, and always had their claims of territory and loot granted to them by the always victorious Theocracy after a Crusade.</p> <p class="cnNiYjQ4NTY0OTkyMDQ4MTZiYmVkNTZjZWU0MzE1NWEz">And so, like the spoiled little brats that they were they went ahead without caution, wheeling their rams and towers toward the wall and gate. They also sent their other troops in long columns with large ladders to help them scale the wall, but they were likely not going to be needed as the top of the wall didn’t look defended. They didn’t even view the ‘battle’ as a real fight, they had never exerted themselves in combat before, why would they now? In fact, they rarely ever lifted a finger in a Crusade due to the Pope always giving them what they wanted. They had only ever fought battles they knew they could win without taking moderate casualties, so since there was no one on the wall, there shouldn’t have been a problem.</p> <p class="cnNhMDA3OGQ3ZTdiYTRlZWFhYmU4N2FmNjY3MDg1NWI1">They were dead wrong, of course.</p> <p class="cnNlZGI5OWE3NjcyYjQ1MmNiZjM3MGFjNWM1YjkwNzMy">Almost on cue, as if their troops crossed some sort of invisible line, the ground they were treading on erupted and body parts went flying. While not everyone was affected, the screams of agony and sight of men with torn and missing legs sent shockwaves through the Holy Crux Empire’s forces. But that wasn’t the end of it. Soon smoke trails appeared from behind the wall, tracing a curve through the sky until they reached the ground and explosions rocked the earth. Suddenly, the previously unmanned wall was now bristling with men in bizarre armor, with either glowing, cyclopean eyes or glowing visors.</p> <p class="cnM4M2UzNDEyNzFjYzQ0MTY4NjQxNmZmNzYxNDU0YjU5">They were carrying some sort of stick, but these sticks were hurriedly rebranded as mage staves after they began launching death from afar. As word reached the commanders of the Human Crusade, those in the know about Rock Midgets (Racial Slur for Dwarves) identified the weapons not as mage staves, but some kind of ‘infantry-portable miniature bombard’ that could fire rapidly with short reload times. The troops in the siege towers and battering rams tried to vacate their wooden coffin before they were buried in them, but this was too little, too late as a barrage from the infantry on the wall and artillery from behind the wall tore the hide-covered wooden siege works into broken timber and ground meat.</p> <p class="cnNjNDA1NDA2NmVjYzQzNzE5MTEzMDczYWNkNTZmZjll">With the display of what happened to the unfortunate Holy Crux Empire’s forces in front of everyone’s eyes, there were only a few leaders of the Crusades who thought that a second, but more unified assault would be a good idea. Despite being terrible people to any Non-Human or Non-Believer, they did care for the lives of their troops but not in the way it would appear. It was not that they valued their lives, they just didn’t want to risk <em>their</em> forces being utterly destroyed and <em>their</em> chances at getting loot reduced. Each nation advocated for their rivals to take the field as ‘probing attacks’ in full knowledge that they would likely be torn to ribbons in the process. Then, the Holy Emperor himself struck upon two ideas that would be so unexpected that they would never be thought of by barbarians and sub-humans.</p> <p class="cnMzZjY1M2U1ODczYzQ2ZTU5OTk4Njk0Yjk5ODU4NjM5">A night attack, and if that failed then digging under the walls to collapse them. Both were so completely unheard of that it was assumed that they would definitely work if done. Night attacks were completely against the Religious Code of War, which stated that one should always do battle with the divine light of the sun, the window into heaven, falling upon you. Under that rule, no battles were ever fought when it was cloudy, or in inclement weather. Only when the sun shone freely could true, honorable warfare be fought and digging under the ground like Rock Midgets was just preposterous. However, it was because of these things that they were likely to succeed, so claimed the Holy Emperor who advocated them.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2YzOWEwMzFjYzQ0MWViMWUxYzJiZGQwZWQyOGVm">The person advocating for this type of combat was an odd fellow from the Holy Crux Empire. He had been hand-picked by the Pope to become the next Holy Emperor of the Holy Crux Empire due to his knowledge of economic, political and military arts that he claimed came from his dreams. He claimed his dreams showed him a world where there were only humans, and that technology had made magic non-existent there. His capabilities were far beyond what even the strongest of humans were capable of, and he claimed that he was this way even before he started to fight.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTE5MmJhNTc4ZDQ4M2Y4NGE2ODM2NjVkZTM1MDEz">He was a man of decent height and build, with only the shape of his eyes different from a normal human while sporting black hair/eyes and an uncommon skin tone. Only the Theocracy knew his true origins, although Arkhan would immediately discern his origin if he saw him. The man was named Hiroyuki Miyamoto, but to those who lived alongside him and shared in his glory he was just known as ‘Hero’ Yuki, the perfect ikemen.</p> </div>
The battle lines were drawn, and the Human Crusades began constructing their siege works. Despite being part of the Crusade, the different Human nations only partially cooperated. Each one was out mostly for themselves, and thus if one nation was struggling the others didn’t usually help. In their eyes, the fewer nations that succeeded meant more plunder for the rest. Of course, they all had to assist the Theocracy and the Holy Crux Empire whenever they needed assistance due to the power of the Church, but the other Human nations would just as easily let their ‘allies’ fall behind just so they had a better chance at the best plunder. It was up to each individual nation to secure their own prizes so in their eyes the less competition the better. Therefore, as each nation sent materials for the construction of their own siege works there was no uniformity of design. Each nation had been given a section of the wall to assault by the Church, with the most pious nations given the ‘easiest’ ones. When the first of the siege towers, siege ladders and battering rams were completed, the Holy Crux Empire made its move. The Holy Crux Empire was the largest human nation, and the one with the only border with the Theocracy. The Church held so much influence there, that each Emperor was personally appointed by the Pope, rather than through birth or election. They were the most pious nation in the human lands, second only to the Theocracy and thus they were always given special permissions and conditions whenever they did anything. This is what allowed them to build their siege works the fastest, as they were given special treatment due to their close ties with the Church. Their troops were the first to arrive, their supplies were always the best and they were always first on the list to be resupplied. They had always been given special treatment, and always had their claims of territory and loot granted to them by the always victorious Theocracy after a Crusade. And so, like the spoiled little brats that they were they went ahead without caution, wheeling their rams and towers toward the wall and gate. They also sent their other troops in long columns with large ladders to help them scale the wall, but they were likely not going to be needed as the top of the wall didn’t look defended. They didn’t even view the ‘battle’ as a real fight, they had never exerted themselves in combat before, why would they now? In fact, they rarely ever lifted a finger in a Crusade due to the Pope always giving them what they wanted. They had only ever fought battles they knew they could win without taking moderate casualties, so since there was no one on the wall, there shouldn’t have been a problem. They were dead wrong, of course. Almost on cue, as if their troops crossed some sort of invisible line, the ground they were treading on erupted and body parts went flying. While not everyone was affected, the screams of agony and sight of men with torn and missing legs sent shockwaves through the Holy Crux Empire’s forces. But that wasn’t the end of it. Soon smoke trails appeared from behind the wall, tracing a curve through the sky until they reached the ground and explosions rocked the earth. Suddenly, the previously unmanned wall was now bristling with men in bizarre armor, with either glowing, cyclopean eyes or glowing visors. They were carrying some sort of stick, but these sticks were hurriedly rebranded as mage staves after they began launching death from afar. As word reached the commanders of the Human Crusade, those in the know about Rock Midgets (Racial Slur for Dwarves) identified the weapons not as mage staves, but some kind of ‘infantry-portable miniature bombard’ that could fire rapidly with short reload times. The troops in the siege towers and battering rams tried to vacate their wooden coffin before they were buried in them, but this was too little, too late as a barrage from the infantry on the wall and artillery from behind the wall tore the hide-covered wooden siege works into broken timber and ground meat. With the display of what happened to the unfortunate Holy Crux Empire’s forces in front of everyone’s eyes, there were only a few leaders of the Crusades who thought that a second, but more unified assault would be a good idea. Despite being terrible people to any Non-Human or Non-Believer, they did care for the lives of their troops but not in the way it would appear. It was not that they valued their lives, they just didn’t want to risk *their* forces being utterly destroyed and *their* chances at getting loot reduced. Each nation advocated for their rivals to take the field as ‘probing attacks’ in full knowledge that they would likely be torn to ribbons in the process. Then, the Holy Emperor himself struck upon two ideas that would be so unexpected that they would never be thought of by barbarians and sub-humans. A night attack, and if that failed then digging under the walls to collapse them. Both were so completely unheard of that it was assumed that they would definitely work if done. Night attacks were completely against the Religious Code of War, which stated that one should always do battle with the divine light of the sun, the window into heaven, falling upon you. Under that rule, no battles were ever fought when it was cloudy, or in inclement weather. Only when the sun shone freely could true, honorable warfare be fought and digging under the ground like Rock Midgets was just preposterous. However, it was because of these things that they were likely to succeed, so claimed the Holy Emperor who advocated them. The person advocating for this type of combat was an odd fellow from the Holy Crux Empire. He had been hand-picked by the Pope to become the next Holy Emperor of the Holy Crux Empire due to his knowledge of economic, political and military arts that he claimed came from his dreams. He claimed his dreams showed him a world where there were only humans, and that technology had made magic non-existent there. His capabilities were far beyond what even the strongest of humans were capable of, and he claimed that he was this way even before he started to fight. He was a man of decent height and build, with only the shape of his eyes different from a normal human while sporting black hair/eyes and an uncommon skin tone. Only the Theocracy knew his true origins, although Arkhan would immediately discern his origin if he saw him. The man was named Hiroyuki Miyamoto, but to those who lived alongside him and shared in his glory he was just known as ‘Hero’ Yuki, the perfect ikemen.
{ "title": "Abominable King", "id": 20292, "author": "ianisomega", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 7: Innovation, Exploration and a brief Invasion", "id": 305859, "next": 307827, "prev": 304703, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjNjhlMzM2M2Y2ZDRjYjk5OTJjNWU4MGI0ZDk5NTkw">Other than spending time engaging in regular hunter-gatherer sessions in the Gallows Woods, Kain spent a lot of time exploring what he could do with his newfound power, exploring the castle, testing magic, and inventing new things for fun. The castle was massive, as it eclipsed the entire grounds of Versailles, Buckingham Palace, and the White House combined in terms of size. While the outside was definitely damaged, and the inside was trashed, most of this was less terrible than it looked. The damage that the castle had sustained was mostly just cosmetic, but occasionally there were places where the ceiling had collapsed, or the walls were broken.</p> <p class="cnM0YjJkNGM1MTY2MDQwNTI4NWQ3YTVjNTk5MDUxZDQ0">Now that he had taken his rightful place on the throne, the city and castle had slowly begun to repair themselves and it was quite interesting to see the piles of rubble slowly moving around over the course of several days to repair a moderate hole in the wall or to see the fallen ceiling slowly lift back into the air and make its way to the overhead area and mend itself. The constant sound of shifting debris filling holes and mending damage was unnerving at first but over time Kain got used to it and it became just another kind of background white noise. With each week that passed, more of the castle became available to explore and Kain spent at least two days a week just trying to seek out and discover every nook and cranny of the fortified palace.</p> <p class="cnM1NjQzNmM3YzZiMjQ0NTc5YjljYjA5NmNhNzA2MTNm">When he wasn’t doing that, Kain was busy trying to find his limits. He would deadlift heavier and heavier objects to see the absolute limit of his new body’s strength. Ultimately, Kain discovered he could at most lift around fifty metric tons, but if time was slowed down my strength increased to allow him to lift over eighty metric tons. Kain certainly was no Superman, at least not yet, but he was certainly strong enough to kill anything that got in my way with a single punch if he decided to go all out and use his full power. As for magic testing, Kain discovered that, almost exactly like he had designed his body to be during Middle School, all forms of magic were usable aside from the vast majority of Light Magic spells. Technically this meant the limits that he had put on himself in the past only barely applied, magic wise, so he could indeed use every kind of magic. However, the fact of the matter was that even a mage with only an aptitude for Fire Magic could at least theoretically use the most basic form of every other school of magic. Rather, Kain's ability to utilize more than one school of magic to such a great degree meant he was not just a one-in-a-million, but nearly a one-of-a-kind.</p> <p class="cnM4NTM4MWUzYTM1NTRjYzhiY2MyZTQ2YTZjYTVmMjgx">When Kain wasn’t doing those things, he was using his rather dubious knowledge from a scientific Earth to make new things. He wasn’t going to try making gunpowder, at least not until he had a stable supply of the materials needed for them and the time to try and find the proper ratio. While making firearms was out of the question, for now, Kain did try his hand at making other things. Aside from the Walk-in freezer and refrigerator, he also made an automatically firing and reloading crossbow, an early automobile, a fire-siphon (an early flamethrower), and a magically-fueled pottery kiln. among other things. With the plentiful food and water being provided for them, some citizens decided to try and take up different crafts, at least until the Fields and/or Pastures were available. Kain had already decided which he would make first. If he made the Pastures first there would be nothing to feed the animals, but if he made the Fields first then due to it coming with a full harvest, we could begin stockpiling feed for use in the Pastures.</p> <p class="cnNlYjFjMWRmODM4NDRlNTA4YTU3ZGY3NjBjNWMzNTNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYjIxYWUzNWMxMjRmMjI5MWI4NGFhNDMxYmJiYTMy">...</p> <p class="cnNiNWIzMjBmNmRlZTQ3OGM5YTAwYjlhMGE2MTgzOTc0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNGRhYTkwNjA5MzQxZjdiZGM0OThhNDI1MGRhMzUz">Today as well Kain was making things. His current goal was to make a high-carbon steel sword. He wasn’t sure about the ratio of materials needed to make steel and he had no experience with forging metal, so he made the steel sword by fusing iron and carbon together using Fire and Earth Magic in various ratios to see which was ideal. The way Kain had made a prototype automobile beforehand was by using Earth Magic and Nature Magic to reshape metal and wood to make the basic shape of a car and then instead of making an internal combustion engine he had merely used Earth Magic to rotate the wheels. While it could only go about the same sped as a man walking it was like a miracle of the gods to the civilians who made Necrograd their home. It was something unheard of; a carriage that moved without horses or oxen!</p> <p class="cnM5MmM0MGZkYmU3MDQ0Mjk4ZDYzNTc3YmVmMTJiOGMw">Sure, the process of maneuvering and moving the prototype car was both time consuming and cost a ton of personal mana, but it proved that the idea could work, Kain just needed time and resources. As for the steel sword that he was working on, it took about one hundred or so tried to get the ratio of carbon, heat, pressure, and iron just right, but once Kain got the procedure down to pat, he quickly made a cheat sheet to help him repeat the process again. The next goal was to create larger amounts of high-carbon steel and then to make more intricate and fine things out of them. It would certainly take him a while to get everything just right but once the day had ended and the next one began, he would create the Corrupted Fields and then have much more time available to experiment and innovate.</p> <p class="cnMwNzk1OWEwMTJmMDQxMTE4MjgyN2MzODFkYWNiMzcz">At least, that was the plan.</p> <p class="cnMzYjlmYTQwZWNlMzQ0NjhhYmQ3NzNhMTgzN2QyMzQ2">What threw a monkey wrench into those plans was the scared faces of Kain's current citizens as they fled from something into the castle that had been mostly repaired. There was still only one entrance that could be used as the others were collapsed, but the majority of the damage, both structural and cosmetic, was taken care of. Kain stopped one of the fleeing people and asked why they were fleeing and got a response that was unsettling.</p> <p class="cnMzNDA2YWNiODM4ODRkMDJhYzMzNGJlY2JmMTVhMzAx">There was a moderately sized group of undead heading out of the Gallows Woods, led by an Arch Necromancer. The force only numbered in the few hundreds, but to the civilians, the threat was real and intense. Kain had the feeling that this Arch Necromancer was just another one of the many, many people both alive and undead who had made a bid for controlling the capital of the fallen Darksol Empire, and he was going to be damned if he would let this person, whoever they were, take his rightful throne from him.</p> <p class="cnNhOTRhYmMyOWQ0ZjQyMzFiZTY1YmEyNzBjYTE0ODE5">It was funny, over the weeks Kain had grown to identify himself as 'Kain' more and more, and the lines between who he was on Earth and Kain himself were slowly blurring to the point where he could barely tell where one personality and memories ended and where the other's began. He noticed that he was getting more callous to anything that opposed him with the intent to do harm to either himself, his nation, or its people, and his brutal destruction of the beasts in the woods and the joy he had felt from wiping the floor with the bandits and the vampire proved he was slowly beginning to show more tendencies of 'Kain' and less of his former self with its peace-loving and compassionate nature. At least he wasn’t devoid of these things but instead was only peace-loving and compassionate towards those who were not hostile towards him...</p> <p class="cnNlNWY3YjU1YWRiMzRhOTg5OGFkNjIxZTA0Zjc0ZWE5">Back to the Arch Necromancer.</p> <p class="cnM5ODYwYmJhNGM5NTRmYzFhMDQyMzU5MThhNzUyM2Rm">Kain made sure that his citizens were safe inside the castle and then erected a massive stone wall to block the only entrance into the castle. Kain then made my way at full speed towards the approaching forces of the Arch Necromance. He finally stopped just in front of the young woman after making a sizable leap over his forces and sticking a perfect landing. The young woman was obviously startled that Kain had seemingly just dropped out of nowhere in front of her, and as the Abominable King towered over the average-sized flat-chested lady, she had to crane her neck to look up at him. She was around 5 feet and 9 inches, the average height for people in this world, while Kain stood at a whopping 7 feet and 3 inches. With his muscular frame and immense height, he was an incredibly intimidating presence, especially so to this young woman when he had seemingly just dropped in from out of nowhere and landed just inches from her face.</p> <p class="cnNkOTk4OWNmYmVlZTQxODg4NTQ1MmNjOTQ4YmRlZTE5">“Give me your name, your reason for being here, and one good reason why I, Kain Anathemas Nekronus von Darksol, the risen and returned emperor of the Darksol Empire, shouldn’t simply snap your neck like a twig in my hands.”</p> <p class="cnM2ODUzYzljNTRmNjQxYzZiNjMyMzFkY2FkY2VjY2Q5">Kain made his dominance clear, hoping she wouldn’t try anything stupid and thus make him kill her. He was more than willing to let her live here as long as she didn’t cause trouble or intend to try and oust him, but if she tried anything here now, he would never let her have the chance to do so later on. How would this mage respond to my announcement of Kain's identity? Would she believe him, or would she deny the truth until she fell? Kain waited for her to respond and watched her eyes dance in their sockets as she both looked him over and mentally processed what had happened. Before long, her face took on a look of utter madness and ecstasy as she fell to her knees and prostrated before him.</p> <p class="cnM0NThlZGJhNTExZjQxZjVhZGJiZWRlMGJmZjI3Y2U5">“The God of Death himself! In the flesh! Please make me your vassal, oh great one, oh Almighty God of the Endless Cycle!”</p> <p class="cnM2MmZmZGNjZDBkMTRmZjA4MmE5ZjU1MTg2N2I0NDI5">…What?</p> </div>
Other than spending time engaging in regular hunter-gatherer sessions in the Gallows Woods, Kain spent a lot of time exploring what he could do with his newfound power, exploring the castle, testing magic, and inventing new things for fun. The castle was massive, as it eclipsed the entire grounds of Versailles, Buckingham Palace, and the White House combined in terms of size. While the outside was definitely damaged, and the inside was trashed, most of this was less terrible than it looked. The damage that the castle had sustained was mostly just cosmetic, but occasionally there were places where the ceiling had collapsed, or the walls were broken. Now that he had taken his rightful place on the throne, the city and castle had slowly begun to repair themselves and it was quite interesting to see the piles of rubble slowly moving around over the course of several days to repair a moderate hole in the wall or to see the fallen ceiling slowly lift back into the air and make its way to the overhead area and mend itself. The constant sound of shifting debris filling holes and mending damage was unnerving at first but over time Kain got used to it and it became just another kind of background white noise. With each week that passed, more of the castle became available to explore and Kain spent at least two days a week just trying to seek out and discover every nook and cranny of the fortified palace. When he wasn’t doing that, Kain was busy trying to find his limits. He would deadlift heavier and heavier objects to see the absolute limit of his new body’s strength. Ultimately, Kain discovered he could at most lift around fifty metric tons, but if time was slowed down my strength increased to allow him to lift over eighty metric tons. Kain certainly was no Superman, at least not yet, but he was certainly strong enough to kill anything that got in my way with a single punch if he decided to go all out and use his full power. As for magic testing, Kain discovered that, almost exactly like he had designed his body to be during Middle School, all forms of magic were usable aside from the vast majority of Light Magic spells. Technically this meant the limits that he had put on himself in the past only barely applied, magic wise, so he could indeed use every kind of magic. However, the fact of the matter was that even a mage with only an aptitude for Fire Magic could at least theoretically use the most basic form of every other school of magic. Rather, Kain's ability to utilize more than one school of magic to such a great degree meant he was not just a one-in-a-million, but nearly a one-of-a-kind. When Kain wasn’t doing those things, he was using his rather dubious knowledge from a scientific Earth to make new things. He wasn’t going to try making gunpowder, at least not until he had a stable supply of the materials needed for them and the time to try and find the proper ratio. While making firearms was out of the question, for now, Kain did try his hand at making other things. Aside from the Walk-in freezer and refrigerator, he also made an automatically firing and reloading crossbow, an early automobile, a fire-siphon (an early flamethrower), and a magically-fueled pottery kiln. among other things. With the plentiful food and water being provided for them, some citizens decided to try and take up different crafts, at least until the Fields and/or Pastures were available. Kain had already decided which he would make first. If he made the Pastures first there would be nothing to feed the animals, but if he made the Fields first then due to it coming with a full harvest, we could begin stockpiling feed for use in the Pastures.   ...   Today as well Kain was making things. His current goal was to make a high-carbon steel sword. He wasn’t sure about the ratio of materials needed to make steel and he had no experience with forging metal, so he made the steel sword by fusing iron and carbon together using Fire and Earth Magic in various ratios to see which was ideal. The way Kain had made a prototype automobile beforehand was by using Earth Magic and Nature Magic to reshape metal and wood to make the basic shape of a car and then instead of making an internal combustion engine he had merely used Earth Magic to rotate the wheels. While it could only go about the same sped as a man walking it was like a miracle of the gods to the civilians who made Necrograd their home. It was something unheard of; a carriage that moved without horses or oxen! Sure, the process of maneuvering and moving the prototype car was both time consuming and cost a ton of personal mana, but it proved that the idea could work, Kain just needed time and resources. As for the steel sword that he was working on, it took about one hundred or so tried to get the ratio of carbon, heat, pressure, and iron just right, but once Kain got the procedure down to pat, he quickly made a cheat sheet to help him repeat the process again. The next goal was to create larger amounts of high-carbon steel and then to make more intricate and fine things out of them. It would certainly take him a while to get everything just right but once the day had ended and the next one began, he would create the Corrupted Fields and then have much more time available to experiment and innovate. At least, that was the plan. What threw a monkey wrench into those plans was the scared faces of Kain's current citizens as they fled from something into the castle that had been mostly repaired. There was still only one entrance that could be used as the others were collapsed, but the majority of the damage, both structural and cosmetic, was taken care of. Kain stopped one of the fleeing people and asked why they were fleeing and got a response that was unsettling. There was a moderately sized group of undead heading out of the Gallows Woods, led by an Arch Necromancer. The force only numbered in the few hundreds, but to the civilians, the threat was real and intense. Kain had the feeling that this Arch Necromancer was just another one of the many, many people both alive and undead who had made a bid for controlling the capital of the fallen Darksol Empire, and he was going to be damned if he would let this person, whoever they were, take his rightful throne from him. It was funny, over the weeks Kain had grown to identify himself as 'Kain' more and more, and the lines between who he was on Earth and Kain himself were slowly blurring to the point where he could barely tell where one personality and memories ended and where the other's began. He noticed that he was getting more callous to anything that opposed him with the intent to do harm to either himself, his nation, or its people, and his brutal destruction of the beasts in the woods and the joy he had felt from wiping the floor with the bandits and the vampire proved he was slowly beginning to show more tendencies of 'Kain' and less of his former self with its peace-loving and compassionate nature. At least he wasn’t devoid of these things but instead was only peace-loving and compassionate towards those who were not hostile towards him... Back to the Arch Necromancer. Kain made sure that his citizens were safe inside the castle and then erected a massive stone wall to block the only entrance into the castle. Kain then made my way at full speed towards the approaching forces of the Arch Necromance. He finally stopped just in front of the young woman after making a sizable leap over his forces and sticking a perfect landing. The young woman was obviously startled that Kain had seemingly just dropped out of nowhere in front of her, and as the Abominable King towered over the average-sized flat-chested lady, she had to crane her neck to look up at him. She was around 5 feet and 9 inches, the average height for people in this world, while Kain stood at a whopping 7 feet and 3 inches. With his muscular frame and immense height, he was an incredibly intimidating presence, especially so to this young woman when he had seemingly just dropped in from out of nowhere and landed just inches from her face. “Give me your name, your reason for being here, and one good reason why I, Kain Anathemas Nekronus von Darksol, the risen and returned emperor of the Darksol Empire, shouldn’t simply snap your neck like a twig in my hands.” Kain made his dominance clear, hoping she wouldn’t try anything stupid and thus make him kill her. He was more than willing to let her live here as long as she didn’t cause trouble or intend to try and oust him, but if she tried anything here now, he would never let her have the chance to do so later on. How would this mage respond to my announcement of Kain's identity? Would she believe him, or would she deny the truth until she fell? Kain waited for her to respond and watched her eyes dance in their sockets as she both looked him over and mentally processed what had happened. Before long, her face took on a look of utter madness and ecstasy as she fell to her knees and prostrated before him. “The God of Death himself! In the flesh! Please make me your vassal, oh great one, oh Almighty God of the Endless Cycle!” …What?
{ "title": "The Misplaced Dungeon", "id": 20177, "author": "palanca_preta", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 48", "id": 305857, "next": 306525, "prev": 305614, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1MDU5ZTgyYTJkMDQyMDdhMGZhYjQ1MzZjN2IxY2I4">Mary concentrated, the entrance for folding deep was irritating. She checked the mental map that her scouts had provided and came to a decision. She sank the room containing the gate and replaced the original chamber with a corridor that bent back on itself several times and ended in a spiral staircase leading to the entry chamber. She decorated the corridor with the story or King Midas and his golden touch in her now customary manga style.</p> <p class="cnNlN2U0YTY5NWQ1MzQ2YjM4ZjI1ZGRiZGZmNTU2YmZh">In the new entrance chamber she placed a hidden door hiding a three hundred meter corridor that ended just short of a deep pool the local river ran through. Then she created large hole and opened an entrance near the bottom of the pool. The hole quickly filled creating a small underground pool. Then almost in a throwaway gesture she added a few adapted plants to keep the water fresh and filtered.</p> <p class="cnM5YjhhYjgxMTBjNDQ5NGZiMDc0OGExZDNlYWFkNGE1">Robin managed to find one badger ‘folk that had learned how to use Mary’s latest marvel and recruited her and obtained a roll of copper wire covered in some rubbery substance, a small box with a plunger and a block of some grey flexible stuff. Crazy Lou the meerkat folk tagged along with the badger. That with his squad, the priest and himself made fourteen. Hopefully that should prove enough especially as Mother had other folk already there.</p> <p class="cnNmOGQzZTE1ZjU1ZDQ0ZGVhZThiMTM2MTM5Y2FlNGI4">Robin and his augmented squad stepped through the portal into the mock turtle dungeon then through the one leading to Folding Deep.</p> <p class="cnNiZmMwYTVhZTgwOTQ0ZmI5MzFjMGFmYmRmM2ZlYzhi">Robin opened the secret door and Faaron closed it when everyone was in the corridor. At the other end they had a surprise, they found a woman floating on her back in the pool contemplating the dimly illuminated ceiling whilst a second was sitting on the edge combing her hair.</p> <p class="cnNmN2U5MDJmZWJhZjRiN2I4Y2UzMjFmMDI1NDk2ZDFl">“Look sister, the dungeon folk have arrived.”</p> <p class="cnM3OTAwMjhlYzg1YzQxNWFiODQ1OTRhNDk2YjQ5ZjBi">There was some negotiation, mostly between the naiads and Mary after Robin and his squad had left via the underwater entrance. In return for a few more chambers, most completely flooded and a second concealed entrance the naiads were happy to defend their new home and allow Mary’s people access.</p> <p class="cnM5OWQ4YjZkMGY1ZDQ1MzdhYWQxMzVkOGU1NTc2ZGYy">Robin and his folk were able to enter the city of Folding Deep easily, the presence of the dungeon in the city and now of the enigmatic one just outside meant that the guards were used to groups of strange people coming and going. They collected the modest toll for entering the city and the only delay was due to them checking the purity of the previously unencountered bits.</p> <p class="cnNjYTI2NDlmMGZkYTRmNTViOTUxYzU2MDllNGI1Y2Fk">They were easily able to make contact with their predecessors and Tony the leader of the rat-men confirmed that there was, not a shrine but a small and flourishing temple to Vortexius Blackbeard present in the slums.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2ZhZjlhZTczMjRhZDZhZTdkNDRiNWU0ZGIyNmVk">Captain Goodfellow spent the two days till the destined attack day making plans and coming to truly appreciate the ability of the man-rats when it came to ferreting out secrets.</p> <p class="cnNjNDMxZjFmYWNmMTQ4NzM5OWRmZjY1NzU0NzdhYzkx" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnNiMWE5MDk5YTM3YzRiZTk5ZDMzZGNiZjI2NDBmNWVi">By the time they caught up with her men Massina had made two decisions, first she was going to get that <em>speed through water</em> spell of Joey’s even if she had to twist his tentacles off, and two she was going to kill Sildanus for letting them get into this mess. Even the damned octopi knew the pirates were coming as they had proved by coming to check them out and incidentally saving her and she suspected everyone who might survive this debacle. If the dungeon had warned Pete and his octopi then for certain sure the dwarves had been warned.</p> <p class="cnNhMWRhODJmZjg0YTQ1MjRiNTQwYTJiYjdlOTAzYmUy">The three women came into sight of their men just as they entered the dungeon and as Sharkspawn and his band of mercenaries peeled off to accompany the flagship that just like last time was planning to wait outside the dungeon.</p> <p class="cnM5M2IxNWFkODMwZTQ4ZjQ5NWM3YjE4YjljNTUyOWFl">Massina and the two women with her spent a futile few minutes trying to persuade Joey to accompany them into the dungeon but he was adamant in his refusal to do so. Massina couldn’t really blame him, she was the only adventurer present and he had already spent a great deal of magic to enable them to get here so quickly. And he wasn’t a resident of New Town.</p> <p class="cnNmZDNiNDFjOWNkMTQyMGViMmRjMjRmMGUwZjk4ZGVj">So the three women entered the dungeon and chased their men. At least there didn’t seem to be many if any pirates present under the waves.</p> <p class="cnM5OTFlZjQ4MzQ5YTQ4NWI5YWVjMGIyMDQ2ODExN2Nj">When they made contact they could see far below many monsters pacing the fleet. Massina was soon talking to her party members and the word spread. The inhabitants of New Town decided to abandon the fleet and get back home leaving vengeance for another day.</p> <p class="cnMwZDdlZTM4YzRiZDQ4OGRhOTczMDViM2UxNTkzODU0">The dungeon had other things on her mind and barely gave them any notice.</p> <p class="cnMyMzY3MzY0M2JlYTQ2NjJhYTYyZDIxY2FiMWIyYzEz">This time Mary vowed, the coward in command is not going to get away!</p> <p class="cnMzMDg3ODdkNGNhYTQwMDNiZTA1MzA1ZjhkMzEzYWIx" style="text-align: center">* * * INTERLUDE 1 * * *</p> <p class="cnMwMGUxNWI2ZGQwYTQ4ODg4ZTNmZDVkNTllMjBhNDM4">Markus was just leaving his parent’s house when his little sister confronted him. Asa planted herself in the middle of the path with her hands on her hips and glared at him.</p> <p class="cnM0NjBjMTE2OGU1ZTQ4OGJiNGMxYzExY2MwNjY3M2Jm">“Markus will you tell your little friend that we don’t need firewood, he’s only making work for me when he places piles of branches and things on the driveway and path for me to find.”</p> <p class="cnNmZDQ2MzQ5Yzg2YzRjOTJhOGEzMzcyMDEzYjI4NWI5">Markus only just succeeded in hiding his grin at the little tearaway that had arrived after his parents grew careless thinking children were a thing of the past.</p> <p class="cnNjYWEzZGRlNjkyMDRhZDhiZjI1ZTM2ZWZkOGYwYTIx">“But Asa why don’t you just ignore them.”</p> <p class="cnM1NjBjNmExZjBjODRlY2RhZGEyYTM2M2FkNTRiN2U0">“Huh! An’ when papa arrives home for the office he’ll havta get out of the car and remove the rubbish before he can park, or mama, will she havta drop the shopping to get rid of it? AND I’LL get blamed for IT!”</p> <p class="cnM0MzdiOTgwZTE1ZjRjNTJiNDEwNGNjZDU0NjM2OGFh">“Um... Sorry I’ll speak with Alaric,” said a highly amused Markus.</p> <p class="cnMyYzBjNmRiNTcwNjQxNTliOTZjMWJmYmU5YTliNTlj">Asa nodded once decisively, “And will you stop those blue screens from asking me if I wanna be a little Angel or a little Hellion. I’m a good little girl, just ask mama.”</p> <p class="cnNjNWY5ODhiMjMxNjRjYWI5YjgzOTAwOTk4NTVlNmI3">Markus felt as if he’d just had a bucket of cold water dumped on his head and he just gaped in shock. <em>‘Um... Alaric?’</em></p> <p class="cnNlZDQ1MDRlMzZkMTQ0ZjZhNzY5MzY3OTYwYzI5Nzlm">Asa glared at Markus and looked somewhat satisfied at his reaction, “Gotta go, me an’ Pia are going to watch Pia’s sister and her Gardetanz group.” And with that Asa was off. She tore across the road with barely a look joining her best friend Pia, and received a scolding from Pia’s mother in regards to her road crossing habits.</p> <p class="cnNmMWIyZmJlZDA0OTRkMjJiM2M5NWU2ZjRhZTg4M2E1">Markus watched a, he hoped, suitably chastised Asa being driven away his mind blank.</p> <p class="cnNhNmM4YTJiZDExMzRlN2FiNjIxZGMyNmZjMzVkYzk2"><em>‘Alaric?’</em></p> <p class="cnNjYTBlMWRiMzZiMzQ1YWY5N2E1OTJmZjFiYzQ3OTEx"><em>‘It’s your fault boss. You said yes when the System asked you wanted it to influence your family and friends to proceed in a fashion that would fit in with your dungeon to be.’</em></p> <p class="cnNiZDExMGZmYTgyYzQxMjI5YTNjZTc1MTU0ZDg4OGUw"><em>‘Asa? Little Hellion? It fits but what is a little Hellion? And her friends?’</em></p> <p class="cnNmNjgwNzU4ZjBhMTQ5YjVhM2IwZjY1OGU0N2UzY2Jl"><em>‘Dunno boss, some kind of devil or demon I guess. And yes you said yes to the option that opened up from the family and friends one, that their closest family and friends be offered the option. Offered, not influenced to accept like the first.’</em></p> <p class="cnNmZDQwZWI4NzViYTQ1YWNiNWIxZWQ3ZmIyZjdjNDY1">Markus turned round and re-entered his parents house, it would seem he had things to confess and discuss.</p> <p class="cnNiOWU4YjA5MmIzMjRkZGU5MWViYWNmZmQyMjUzZDkw" style="text-align: center">* * * INTERLUDE 2 * * *</p> <p class="cnM1NTMwNTg3NDM0MDRkYTA5YjJkYzBhOWFjNGJiZjk4">Mary was feeling a bit overwhelmed, she had been surprised at how her parents had closed ranks and taken over her legal defence headache. Papa had surprised her when he had said he would set her up with a patents attorney that he knew and trusted.</p> <p class="cnMzMmNhNzk3MmNkNDQ5Zjg4ZmNkNDM4NTM1ZTVkZmQ5">Her new attorneys had taken the case and they had even returned her deposit. They were willing to do the job for the storage device and the magic sensor she had cobbled up, though she had to provide them with an updated improved version within the month and have to offer them any upgrades she came up with at cost. They did insist on testing their detector against her pen and she could see their relief when it detected the enchanted pen.</p> <p class="cnNkNjdiMmQzZTNiOTQyMjU5YzViMGJkODE0MDJhMGFm">She didn’t tell them that she could think of several ways to enchant things that wouldn’t show up on any detector she could come up with at this time. After all she had a far better inbuilt detector, all she had to do was expand her domain briefly.</p> <p class="cnM5YzExMzFkNmMyZjRiNzlhODgwYzI2ZjAxNjgxMTEw">The next surprise came at lunch when her stepmom Jenny turned out to be a very junior partner in a firm of Patent Attorneys. It took some effort to convince her of the truth and Jenny too was horrified by the pen. Honestly was a pen that could recover its ink really that scary. She promised Jenny a magic sniffer before she left for home.</p> <p class="cnNkNjlhZDNiMzc1ODQ1MWE5ODg5YTYzOTM3YjI1MzYw">A phone call to Mac indicated that their favourite beaches were still infested with two legged annoyances so fishing was still out. She could almost swear she was feeling withdrawal symptoms. She felt like breaking something, preferably the ambulating annoyances on the beach. Maybe she could claim it and launch a Deep Ones invasion. After enjoying the vision the idea gave her she reluctantly discarded it. She had no idea how to generate Deep Ones.</p> <p class="cnNkMDgxMTk5MzA0YjQxNTlhM2E5ZWY1Y2Q0MDVkMTg1">So late in the afternoon she went for a walk and her wandering steps took her too the park, the south-east corner had been completely changed, most of the surrounding vegetation had been ruthlessly cut back or simply eliminated and a tall barbed wire topped chain link fence had been erected around the dungeon entrance. Two mobile home type office things had been parked close to the fence and several people were wandering around while a pair of bored looking cops kept the curious at bay.</p> <p class="cnNmYmFjZjFlNDBlZjQ1YmViMzVjZjQ5YzE1ODk4YzRj">Mary settled down in the now familiar bench and was ignored by the ducks that had by now learned that she wasn’t a source of food. She looked around seeing the usual sight of parents walking kids and people walking dogs and avoiding the ever present joggers.</p> <p class="cnM3MGIxMGE4NGMzMTRkMGU5MTU2Zjc4YmM4Mjg2Nzc2">She checked the spot where she had created the first access to the decoy and smiled, the disturbed earth still welcomed her so extruded a tendril of her manna and reached for the dungeon below. Contact!</p> <p class="cnM5OWE2NjJhMzlhZTQ4MWJiNTBkYzczMGE5ZTcyYTkx">« Hello Dr Macquarie, are you willing to talk? I’m Mary and I’m also a dungeon on Parthia thanks to that blue haired cow. »</p> <p class="cnM4MTI0YjZjMjNiYzQxYjNhYjVkMThiYzMyMzg5ZTA2">Dr Charles Macquarie jerked in surprise when his domain was contacted by a tendril of manna that reeked of dungeon, then he choked with internal laughter at the so aptly described goddess.</p> <p class="cnNmMGZjYzRjZTQyNDQzNzY5ZjhjZTA5Y2M0MTViMWI1">« Yes Mary I’m willing to talk, I was on Diavlo. There was absolutely nothing that could have been done. The planet died. It was horrible. »</p> <p class="cnNiNDkzYzQyNThmZDQxOGE5MTJiZmY4M2ZhMmZhZjc3">Mary blinked as the pictures hit her, <em>‘Hey me, you might find this interestin’.</em> Then she just sent everything up her link.</p> <p class="cnNlMDI2Yjc5ZDk0YjQxODJiMmVjOWI2YWY5YjBiNDU1">The two exchanged information and Mary saw no reason not to update Macquarie on anything she knew or suspected. As to his complaint that he needed a companion she had no immediate solution but she promised to have a word with a pixie she knew. As for his lack of energy she found to her surprise that she did.</p> <p class="cnM4M2VlYWQyNDNiNDRiODFhOWQ4M2RhNDIyZWUyNjdj">“Hey bich, you ugly cunt wees gonna get you for what ya did to our bros!”</p> <p class="cnM1M2UyMTdlYTQyZTQ0ZmJhNjM5ODFjYjJkNDc0Y2I1">Mary’s eyes flashed open just as she flexed her tendril of manna. She came to her feet and growled, “what do you scumbags want?”</p> <p class="cnM2YWY2ZjQ0MzU0NDQ4ZmFhNDFlYmUwN2RmZDFkYzBl">Feeling brave due to his backing by his four followers Tash brandished his knife and said, “gonna cut ya, an cut ya til ya die bitch.”</p> <p class="cnM3MmNiODJkYTgyOTQ3MmQ4NThmYTIxYzlmOWUyZDk5">Mary’s hand flashed out and her hand closed round his forearm to the sound of breaking bones and threw him down the newly open tunnel. After the five thugs had been delivered to Macquarie she sealed the tunnel once again before heading home.</p> </div>
Mary concentrated, the entrance for folding deep was irritating. She checked the mental map that her scouts had provided and came to a decision. She sank the room containing the gate and replaced the original chamber with a corridor that bent back on itself several times and ended in a spiral staircase leading to the entry chamber. She decorated the corridor with the story or King Midas and his golden touch in her now customary manga style. In the new entrance chamber she placed a hidden door hiding a three hundred meter corridor that ended just short of a deep pool the local river ran through. Then she created large hole and opened an entrance near the bottom of the pool. The hole quickly filled creating a small underground pool. Then almost in a throwaway gesture she added a few adapted plants to keep the water fresh and filtered. Robin managed to find one badger ‘folk that had learned how to use Mary’s latest marvel and recruited her and obtained a roll of copper wire covered in some rubbery substance, a small box with a plunger and a block of some grey flexible stuff. Crazy Lou the meerkat folk tagged along with the badger. That with his squad, the priest and himself made fourteen. Hopefully that should prove enough especially as Mother had other folk already there. Robin and his augmented squad stepped through the portal into the mock turtle dungeon then through the one leading to Folding Deep. Robin opened the secret door and Faaron closed it when everyone was in the corridor. At the other end they had a surprise, they found a woman floating on her back in the pool contemplating the dimly illuminated ceiling whilst a second was sitting on the edge combing her hair. “Look sister, the dungeon folk have arrived.” There was some negotiation, mostly between the naiads and Mary after Robin and his squad had left via the underwater entrance. In return for a few more chambers, most completely flooded and a second concealed entrance the naiads were happy to defend their new home and allow Mary’s people access. Robin and his folk were able to enter the city of Folding Deep easily, the presence of the dungeon in the city and now of the enigmatic one just outside meant that the guards were used to groups of strange people coming and going. They collected the modest toll for entering the city and the only delay was due to them checking the purity of the previously unencountered bits. They were easily able to make contact with their predecessors and Tony the leader of the rat-men confirmed that there was, not a shrine but a small and flourishing temple to Vortexius Blackbeard present in the slums. Captain Goodfellow spent the two days till the destined attack day making plans and coming to truly appreciate the ability of the man-rats when it came to ferreting out secrets. * * * By the time they caught up with her men Massina had made two decisions, first she was going to get that *speed through water* spell of Joey’s even if she had to twist his tentacles off, and two she was going to kill Sildanus for letting them get into this mess. Even the damned octopi knew the pirates were coming as they had proved by coming to check them out and incidentally saving her and she suspected everyone who might survive this debacle. If the dungeon had warned Pete and his octopi then for certain sure the dwarves had been warned. The three women came into sight of their men just as they entered the dungeon and as Sharkspawn and his band of mercenaries peeled off to accompany the flagship that just like last time was planning to wait outside the dungeon. Massina and the two women with her spent a futile few minutes trying to persuade Joey to accompany them into the dungeon but he was adamant in his refusal to do so. Massina couldn’t really blame him, she was the only adventurer present and he had already spent a great deal of magic to enable them to get here so quickly. And he wasn’t a resident of New Town. So the three women entered the dungeon and chased their men. At least there didn’t seem to be many if any pirates present under the waves. When they made contact they could see far below many monsters pacing the fleet. Massina was soon talking to her party members and the word spread. The inhabitants of New Town decided to abandon the fleet and get back home leaving vengeance for another day. The dungeon had other things on her mind and barely gave them any notice. This time Mary vowed, the coward in command is not going to get away! * * * INTERLUDE 1 * * * Markus was just leaving his parent’s house when his little sister confronted him. Asa planted herself in the middle of the path with her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Markus will you tell your little friend that we don’t need firewood, he’s only making work for me when he places piles of branches and things on the driveway and path for me to find.” Markus only just succeeded in hiding his grin at the little tearaway that had arrived after his parents grew careless thinking children were a thing of the past. “But Asa why don’t you just ignore them.” “Huh! An’ when papa arrives home for the office he’ll havta get out of the car and remove the rubbish before he can park, or mama, will she havta drop the shopping to get rid of it? AND I’LL get blamed for IT!” “Um... Sorry I’ll speak with Alaric,” said a highly amused Markus. Asa nodded once decisively, “And will you stop those blue screens from asking me if I wanna be a little Angel or a little Hellion. I’m a good little girl, just ask mama.” Markus felt as if he’d just had a bucket of cold water dumped on his head and he just gaped in shock. *‘Um... Alaric?’* Asa glared at Markus and looked somewhat satisfied at his reaction, “Gotta go, me an’ Pia are going to watch Pia’s sister and her Gardetanz group.” And with that Asa was off. She tore across the road with barely a look joining her best friend Pia, and received a scolding from Pia’s mother in regards to her road crossing habits. Markus watched a, he hoped, suitably chastised Asa being driven away his mind blank. *‘Alaric?’* *‘It’s your fault boss. You said yes when the System asked you wanted it to influence your family and friends to proceed in a fashion that would fit in with your dungeon to be.’* *‘Asa? Little Hellion? It fits but what is a little Hellion? And her friends?’* *‘Dunno boss, some kind of devil or demon I guess. And yes you said yes to the option that opened up from the family and friends one, that their closest family and friends be offered the option. Offered, not influenced to accept like the first.’* Markus turned round and re-entered his parents house, it would seem he had things to confess and discuss. * * * INTERLUDE 2 * * * Mary was feeling a bit overwhelmed, she had been surprised at how her parents had closed ranks and taken over her legal defence headache. Papa had surprised her when he had said he would set her up with a patents attorney that he knew and trusted. Her new attorneys had taken the case and they had even returned her deposit. They were willing to do the job for the storage device and the magic sensor she had cobbled up, though she had to provide them with an updated improved version within the month and have to offer them any upgrades she came up with at cost. They did insist on testing their detector against her pen and she could see their relief when it detected the enchanted pen. She didn’t tell them that she could think of several ways to enchant things that wouldn’t show up on any detector she could come up with at this time. After all she had a far better inbuilt detector, all she had to do was expand her domain briefly. The next surprise came at lunch when her stepmom Jenny turned out to be a very junior partner in a firm of Patent Attorneys. It took some effort to convince her of the truth and Jenny too was horrified by the pen. Honestly was a pen that could recover its ink really that scary. She promised Jenny a magic sniffer before she left for home. A phone call to Mac indicated that their favourite beaches were still infested with two legged annoyances so fishing was still out. She could almost swear she was feeling withdrawal symptoms. She felt like breaking something, preferably the ambulating annoyances on the beach. Maybe she could claim it and launch a Deep Ones invasion. After enjoying the vision the idea gave her she reluctantly discarded it. She had no idea how to generate Deep Ones. So late in the afternoon she went for a walk and her wandering steps took her too the park, the south-east corner had been completely changed, most of the surrounding vegetation had been ruthlessly cut back or simply eliminated and a tall barbed wire topped chain link fence had been erected around the dungeon entrance. Two mobile home type office things had been parked close to the fence and several people were wandering around while a pair of bored looking cops kept the curious at bay. Mary settled down in the now familiar bench and was ignored by the ducks that had by now learned that she wasn’t a source of food. She looked around seeing the usual sight of parents walking kids and people walking dogs and avoiding the ever present joggers. She checked the spot where she had created the first access to the decoy and smiled, the disturbed earth still welcomed her so extruded a tendril of her manna and reached for the dungeon below. Contact! « Hello Dr Macquarie, are you willing to talk? I’m Mary and I’m also a dungeon on Parthia thanks to that blue haired cow. » Dr Charles Macquarie jerked in surprise when his domain was contacted by a tendril of manna that reeked of dungeon, then he choked with internal laughter at the so aptly described goddess. « Yes Mary I’m willing to talk, I was on Diavlo. There was absolutely nothing that could have been done. The planet died. It was horrible. » Mary blinked as the pictures hit her, *‘Hey me, you might find this interestin’.* Then she just sent everything up her link. The two exchanged information and Mary saw no reason not to update Macquarie on anything she knew or suspected. As to his complaint that he needed a companion she had no immediate solution but she promised to have a word with a pixie she knew. As for his lack of energy she found to her surprise that she did. “Hey bich, you ugly cunt wees gonna get you for what ya did to our bros!” Mary’s eyes flashed open just as she flexed her tendril of manna. She came to her feet and growled, “what do you scumbags want?” Feeling brave due to his backing by his four followers Tash brandished his knife and said, “gonna cut ya, an cut ya til ya die bitch.” Mary’s hand flashed out and her hand closed round his forearm to the sound of breaking bones and threw him down the newly open tunnel. After the five thugs had been delivered to Macquarie she sealed the tunnel once again before heading home.
{ "title": "Milton", "id": 18936, "author": "BigMartyrs", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 22", "id": 305860, "next": 306598, "prev": 305388, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyYWMwY2RlOWJlZTRmY2NiYjc1MjQwMDI5NjQzNWM4">Ben and the other alliance members constantly worked to expand our territory. It started with the roof of the mall; then our presence slowly grew into it. The black metal of the Master Builder now extended to the entire second floor. Glass windows were replaced with it, as were any doors or openings. Walking through the second floor of the mall now resembled more a jail than somewhere you would go to kill some time with your family. Makeshift torches lined the walls and cast flickering light onto the sealed away stores. Now, each small shop was home to survivors, who set up homes behind each thick door.</p> <p class="cnMyZjRiMzBlZjE1MDQxN2FhMGI4NzViOTFkZmI2ZjNj">Nikko and I announced that we needed first looting rights of the lower level. When no one challenged this, probably due to being too scared to explore somewhere that wasn’t patrolled by guards, we left the secured stairwell that lead to the ground floor by the food court. Every other stairwell, escalator, or elevator tunnel had been blocked off so that we only had one entrance to the second floor and roof. Ben estimated that in a few weeks, he would have the entire mall sealed and secured. It would be an impenetrable bunker for our operation.</p> <p class="cnNiODI5OWQ1MGU3NjQwODY5N2RiYzY4NWI4MmIxYjUz">“Found one,” Nikko said as we perused the clothing racks of Target. We had discovered quite recently that magical items hid amongst the rows and rows of merchandise.</p> <p class="cnM1YjIwNTkxN2RmZjQ0MWVhODhiNWNmMmRjNDUyZjU1">“Will it protect my eyes?” I asked. Nikko held up the black ski-mask he was holding. As I looked at it, a dull blue sheen ran across it. The color was enough for us to tell it was magical, but it had eye holes, so I wasn’t interested. What I wanted was some type of magical goggle that would allow me to fly on my dragon without ripping my eyelids off and possibly, maybe even something that also gave me an insta-death Raggy Punch ability or something.</p> <p class="cnM4MDg0OTNlNjgyMzQ1ZTU5MDM5NmM4YWU4MTk5NzAx">“Nope. It has an interesting effect though,” Nikko puffed up his chest and read the description that was only visible to him, “Grants Night Vision.”</p> <p class="cnNmMThlOThlY2Y3MDRhN2E4ZTRiMzk1YmY5ZDQ4ZDE4">“That’s it?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, “that shit is basic man, damn, have you never played a video game in your life?”</p> <p class="cnMzYmY4YjhkNTQ5YTQ4ZDc4OTM5N2FiNTAzMmY3NDhh">“No fucker, you know we couldn’t afford it.”</p> <p class="cnNkZjhmOTA0ODE5NTQyMmFhNGE0OTUzZDk0ZTQ2OTQ4">I nodded, “True, my bad.” Nikko shook his head and donned the ski mask. He looked every bit of the criminal as you would think.</p> <p class="cnNmZmIyOWQyYjI3NjQyZjViYzUzMTNmYjRlNTU2ZjEy">“I’m going to keep this one,” he said, looking around. “This must be what night vision goggles are like…”</p> <p class="cnM5NjRkMTJkYzI1ZjQwNDNhY2RjY2NhOGQ0YzI5YTFh">Nikko drifted away to explore his new illuminated night, and I wandered over to the bathrooms. I was hoping that no one else discovered them and I would have the water left in the top of the bowl all for myself. You see, one thing they don’t talk about during the Apocalypse is the utter lack of places where you can take a relaxing shit. The sort where you sit there much longer than usual and think about life until your legs go numb. The type where you read the label of a shampoo bottle or the type your doctor says might cause hemorrhoids. That was the kind I wanted. And by the smell of the small hallway, littered with corporate communication posters reminding readers that it is open enrollment season, it looked like I was going to get it. My hand grabbed the handle to the men’s bathroom, as they were always cleaner than the woman’s for some reason, when I heard it.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2QwZTAxOWNjMzQxMThiODhkMDIzMzM4MzVjNTA0">“Bork!”</p> <p class="cnM0ZmRmMTEwZjI4ZTRlZDJiODc5ZjI1MWE1ZTY1Nzc2">“Go away,” I whispered, my hand still on the handle. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When my affliction passed, I opened them as well as the door. There were four stalls, two urinals, and a row of relatively clean sinks. I walked to the closest stall and pushed on the door. My arm buckled, as it was unprepared for the door to be locked. Then my brain decided to play tricks on me again. The toilette behind the door flushed, and then the door swung open. I was standing there, looking at me, looking at myself.</p> <p class="cnMwZWYxYmQ1OGYxZTQzMDhiYjU3ZGRkZWM5NjcwMmQ3">“What the wh…” I said, dumbfounded. A man was standing in the stall. He looked just like me. No, he was me. Except that he seemed slightly younger. Not smaller in any way, in fact, he had about thirty pounds of extra weight around his stomach than I did, but younger in his face. It was like staring at a picture of a President before he started his term and right beside that picture was another one of him after his term. Technically, he is older in the second picture, but he also seemed to age double the amount he should have. I wore baggy pants, a ripped and torn black graphic t-shirt, a Katana on my back, and a Fedora on my head. My doppelgangers face was pudgy, so much so that it seemed like he was squinting at me. <em>Am I that fat?</em> I turned around to have a good honest look at myself in the mirror. <em>Phew,</em> I thought with relief, <em>not as fat as that guy</em>. Before I could inspect my mirrored reflection any further, I heard the distinct sound of my Katana being unsheathed. A hand shot to my back, I whirled around, then our two Katana’s met between the stalls and the bathroom sink with a shrill, metallic clang.</p> <p class="cnNjNjljODAzZTA1ZDRmNDZhYmEwOWVhMDY3ZTUzNmVk">I grimaced at myself, “Oh, so we are going to do this thing huh? The old doppelganger, this town isn’t big enough for both versions of us so let the strongest prevail, switcharoo.” The fatter version of me didn’t seem to be in a talking mood, but that was fine with me. I was buying myself time to try to get into my other head. Maybe, just maybe, I could intimidate myself enough that I would clam up and run out the room and never be heard from again, only to be discovered on the news a few years later that I died from blood clots in my leg that traveled to my brain after I stood up from an irresponsibly long stretch of gaming in one spot. My intimidating stare had little affect, something I should have predicted, so I settled for plan B - a punch to the throat.</p> <p class="cnMyNTBmY2E2YWFlZDQ2ODE4NjA5YjMyMDA1NDY0ZDcz">As suspected, my doppelganger hadn’t put much thought into what he would do after the ‘stare down’ phase, so he settled for falling back into the stall he came from and gasping for air. Old Milton put a hand on his knee from his seat on the toilette, and one hand waved around spontaneously, looking for anything it could grasp that would support his weight and help him stand. I kicked him in the chest, and he fell back again, frustrated and angry at the world and short of air, his Katana stuck pointing downward in the tight space. Then this fucker belly bumped me. I flew back into the bathroom mirror. It shattered into a few large triangles that broke into smaller pieces as we crashed onto the countertop.</p> <p class="cnMxY2RlNjcxMzQ2YTRmZTU5M2Y0M2MwYzIyNzc0MGQ3">“Two can play that game,” I said, activating my own, higher level Knock Down ability. Old me never saw it coming since his stomach still needed to touch something for the ability to work. My stomach was stronger, harder, more jolly, and so powerful that when I violently pushed it out, the dispersed air was enough to knock my counterpart into and through the adjacent stall. He lay face down on top an awkward pile of red plastic doors and a broken toilette spilling the last remnants of fresh water hidden inside. Blood pooled from his hidden face and dripped onto the tile floor. I poked him in the thunder thigh with my Katana. He didn’t move, so I inspected him. No rainbow letters came, no matter how much I screwed up my eyes in his direction. But then, they did come.</p> <p class="cnMxMzhiNDFjMzJmNTRjMTZhZDc1ZjliZjZjNGY0NWU5">Lorelai - Level 23 human - Level 5 Street Fighter<br>Max Health - ???<br>Inspect 1<br>Power Punch 2<br>Power Jump 2<br>Combo Breaker</p> <p class="cnNkMTg4MWZlMjcwYjQwYmJhMDcxNTliNDFkNWQzZjll"><em>What?</em> I looked down. My doppelganger was gone, replaced with Lorelai’s comely face. The light from my regular flashlight reflected off her blond hair.</p> <p class="cnM3MTViMDhjZDhiMDRiZjE4ODg0NjZjOGEyOGY5ZWQ5">“I’m not an idiot anymore,” I said, “I know that you are dead and if I am seeing you now then it is just some sort of te-” Her entire arm came alive with an orange light that overpowered my flashlight and seconds later I was smashing through the drywall behind the broken mirror. I grunted as nonchalantly as I could manage, and got to my feet. Then I summoned my own orange street fighter energy. My fist crackled and sparked. I smiled. Then she smiled. Then I stopped smiling, suddenly aware of my inferiority. Her energy was much louder and brighter than mine. It traveled up her entire arm, whereas mine didn’t go past my wrist. <em>Damn</em>, I thought, moments before her sneakers lit up and I found myself flying backward again. This time, the wall was tired of backing me up and let me pass right through it. I skid across the floor in Target, knocking over a shelf of dried fruit and other goodies. Lorelei was on top of me, still smiling. I understood why she was smiling around the same time as I realized my Katana was gone, maybe a moment or two after.</p> <p class="cnNlYWJmNDQ1YmZkZTRhOGFiZmU4NWIzZDJkNGU0YTc0">“Damnit,” I said as I threw her petite frame off my waist. She fell to her back, and I ran away, just as I did in the first grade when a girl with cooties decided to crush on me before I got too fat and socially inept. It was amazing how those sort of regrets managed to follow me around, really. The urge to complete my daily routine grew inside me once again, this time not caring if I was able to do it in a relaxing bathroom or not. I ignored it and hid behind a rack of utterly tasteless male hipster pants. My chest heaving, I swung my backpack to the ground and began building a trap. But Lorelai’s karate feet crashed through the rack and scattered it before I could complete it. I ran again, this time back in the direction of my Katana and punching Lorelai in the face as I went. It was only a glancing blow, and her shield absorbed most of the damage, but it gave her pause nonetheless. She did look more offended than physically hurt though, and that tugged on my heartstrings, even though I knew she wasn’t who she looked like she was.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTkwYjczOWIwNDRkMTQ5YmVjOGJiODM5OGYwNzI0">“Sorry!” I yelled as I ran, ”I’m still gonna kill ya though!”</p> <p class="cnMwYjI3OGQ5ZGFiZDRkYzg4ODE3ZGM1YmU0ZWViOGYw">I found my Katana in the bathroom. I picked it up and caught a glimpse of Lorelei walking over to me through the hole in the wall. My feet splashed in a thin layer of water as I went to meet her. She walked toward me, and when she got too close, my Katana chopped downward. I felt my grip slip slightly as the force behind my blow arrested. She had stopped my attack with her elbow. I assumed that it still did damage since my sword was dug almost an entire inch into her bone, but if it did, she didn’t show it. She casually straightened her arm, and my blade was released. I wasted no time and began chopping at her in other places. Both her arms came alive with orange light, and she deftly punched away each strike of my sword with energized fists. Eventually, her Combo Breaker ability ran out, and my superior fighting style prevailed. Nikko stood in front of me now.</p> <p class="cnM2Mzk1ZDU4NGQ4ZjRjMzU4MmE5M2NiZDkxNjVhNjk5">“Uggh,” I breathed, “Are you Nikko Nikko or are you Not Nikko?” I was ninety-nine percent sure that I already had the answer to that question, but I asked it all the same if only to catch a break from all the fighting. I was at such a level in my fitness journey that I promoted myself to thirty-pound dumbbells, as opposed to the featherweight ones I used before. As such, I could keep fighting if I wanted to, but I knew that the best performances were done with a full tank of gas. Nikko seemed content to stare at me, so that was what we did.</p> <p class="cnM3OGYwN2UwOWEwNjQ1YmM4YjFjNzIzZTRiMTA5YmFk">“What the fuck?” Nikko, the real one, said from a few rows of shelving over.</p> <p class="cnMyNzIyMmU3ZTg1MTRlNGE4YmI0NjlhZTkyNmVkYWE5">I looked at him, then back to the man in front of me. This time, Greg was standing there.</p> <p class="cnNkZWEwOTVlMzdlZTRhMjU5ZmI3MjAxYWNmNzBhODJi">“That’s not Greg! It’s a mimic or someth-” My words cut short when Greg’s finger slowly rose to my lips. He gave me a flirtatious wink and I could definitely tell that he was gay, although my gay-dar would have never discovered Nikko had he not come out to me - not that that's a problem. If anything, I was just highly impressed at the mimics professionalism in getting his characters right.</p> <p class="cnNmNTUxNDkwYWYzMDQ1NzlhOGZmMjE0OGMyYTE0NjIy">“Kill it then you weirdo!” Nikko yelled. <em>Okay,</em> I thought, grabbing Greg’s wrists, just as his fingers began to explore my mouth, and breaking it. I threw his ruined hand away and whirled my Katana, chopping Greg’s head off for the second time in my life.</p> <p class="cnNlNTMxZjI5ZGU0YjQwZDZiZDVmOGRlMGNkZWJiZWU5">Nikko sighed, “Goddamnit, I just got that vision out of my head. Now it's going to haunt me for the next month.”</p> <p class="cnM3Y2I4MDMwYmQ5YTRlZGM4NzFjYjMxZWZiMzk3ZmZi">“Really?” I asked, “Only a month?”</p> <p class="cnNmNDk3OWE1MWQxYzRiMDlhYTQ1NjZkZDJjZWMxODJi">“Yea man,” Nikko said as he walked over to inspect his impostor of forbidden love, “We have shit to do. Can’t be ruminating over shit like this forever.”</p> <p class="cnNiYmQzMWE4MDY0ZTQzZGI4ODY0ODZkYmEwOWJmMjIy">“Ruminating,” I repeated as I whipped the blood from my blade, just in case it was real Then I stood up and gave my friend a wry smile, “That’s a big word. Who told you what it meant?”</p> <p class="cnMyODEyOTMwZjE0NzRkNDhiMjE0MjBhZDg3ZGI2ZDUw">“Shut up fat fat,” Nikko countered, “What were you doing over here anyway?”</p> <p class="cnM3NDFlMWJjNjQwMzRkMmJhNjRiZTJmMzYyYTYxMzg2">“I uh… I had to use the bathroom.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzI1MWEyNTYyMTRhNjNhNWE2NzQwNDgyNTMxNzZh">He shook his head, “Well, get on with it then. We have to feed your dragon again before it eats the fucking world.” He walked off, ski mask and all.</p> <p class="cnM2YTNiYzliNGYxYjQyMDZiY2NiOTRhM2NiNzYwMmQw">I returned to the flooding basement and opened the door to the only stall still standing. The toilette was golden. Sparks bounced off it. I tried to catch one, but it merely passed through my sweaty palm and out the other side. Thinking I was about to have the most magical shit of my life, I opened the lid and began to turn around when I caught a glimpse of something inside. My first thought was one of gross disappointment that someone else had gotten here before me, but my second thought, which occurred only microseconds later, was one of wonder. There was a bundle of cloth with the tell-tale glimmer of blue pushed into the water, which admittedly, did have a yellow tinge. I told myself that it was just gold runoff and grabbed the cloth. It dripped and glimmered asit came free of the toilette. It was longer than expected, and when I finally got it all out, I saw that it was as long as I was tall.</p> <p class="cnNmMWNlNzU1NzZiZTRkZmViYWIxMTE5NmMzYmM5N2M4"><strong>Item Received - Cursed Robe of the Lich’s assistant, the evil, but slightly less powerful than the Lich herself, Master of Decrepitation, Bringer of Rot and Taker of Life, SUSAN!</strong></p> <p class="cnM0ODgyMDQ2YTc5MjQxOGE4YzZiMWU3MTBiOWNkNjk2">“Did Raggy write this shit?” I asked the empty bathroom, “gods I hate him.” I squinted my eyes in the direction of the annoyingly long name. The rainbow letters dissolved slightly, just enough to float around and solidify into new letters.</p> <p class="cnNkMGZmMWNlOGQyNzRhMjRhNzk3NmQ2NWQ1NDBlZDJl"><strong>Item Description - Anything alive within a ten-foot radius of the robe’s wearer will rot. A portion of this lost health is transferred to the wearer. This item is cursed, and will slowly turn the heart of the wearer black.</strong></p> <p class="cnM0OWE2MzY3ZjU0ZTRkNTdiMjIwNzIzNWI3ZTA1ZWFl">I tossed the robes into my bag, “Perfect for Nikko.” Then I finally sat down and clenched my deed muscles.</p> </div>
Ben and the other alliance members constantly worked to expand our territory. It started with the roof of the mall; then our presence slowly grew into it. The black metal of the Master Builder now extended to the entire second floor. Glass windows were replaced with it, as were any doors or openings. Walking through the second floor of the mall now resembled more a jail than somewhere you would go to kill some time with your family. Makeshift torches lined the walls and cast flickering light onto the sealed away stores. Now, each small shop was home to survivors, who set up homes behind each thick door. Nikko and I announced that we needed first looting rights of the lower level. When no one challenged this, probably due to being too scared to explore somewhere that wasn’t patrolled by guards, we left the secured stairwell that lead to the ground floor by the food court. Every other stairwell, escalator, or elevator tunnel had been blocked off so that we only had one entrance to the second floor and roof. Ben estimated that in a few weeks, he would have the entire mall sealed and secured. It would be an impenetrable bunker for our operation. “Found one,” Nikko said as we perused the clothing racks of Target. We had discovered quite recently that magical items hid amongst the rows and rows of merchandise. “Will it protect my eyes?” I asked. Nikko held up the black ski-mask he was holding. As I looked at it, a dull blue sheen ran across it. The color was enough for us to tell it was magical, but it had eye holes, so I wasn’t interested. What I wanted was some type of magical goggle that would allow me to fly on my dragon without ripping my eyelids off and possibly, maybe even something that also gave me an insta-death Raggy Punch ability or something. “Nope. It has an interesting effect though,” Nikko puffed up his chest and read the description that was only visible to him, “Grants Night Vision.” “That’s it?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, “that shit is basic man, damn, have you never played a video game in your life?” “No fucker, you know we couldn’t afford it.” I nodded, “True, my bad.” Nikko shook his head and donned the ski mask. He looked every bit of the criminal as you would think. “I’m going to keep this one,” he said, looking around. “This must be what night vision goggles are like…” Nikko drifted away to explore his new illuminated night, and I wandered over to the bathrooms. I was hoping that no one else discovered them and I would have the water left in the top of the bowl all for myself. You see, one thing they don’t talk about during the Apocalypse is the utter lack of places where you can take a relaxing shit. The sort where you sit there much longer than usual and think about life until your legs go numb. The type where you read the label of a shampoo bottle or the type your doctor says might cause hemorrhoids. That was the kind I wanted. And by the smell of the small hallway, littered with corporate communication posters reminding readers that it is open enrollment season, it looked like I was going to get it. My hand grabbed the handle to the men’s bathroom, as they were always cleaner than the woman’s for some reason, when I heard it. “Bork!” “Go away,” I whispered, my hand still on the handle. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When my affliction passed, I opened them as well as the door. There were four stalls, two urinals, and a row of relatively clean sinks. I walked to the closest stall and pushed on the door. My arm buckled, as it was unprepared for the door to be locked. Then my brain decided to play tricks on me again. The toilette behind the door flushed, and then the door swung open. I was standing there, looking at me, looking at myself. “What the wh…” I said, dumbfounded. A man was standing in the stall. He looked just like me. No, he was me. Except that he seemed slightly younger. Not smaller in any way, in fact, he had about thirty pounds of extra weight around his stomach than I did, but younger in his face. It was like staring at a picture of a President before he started his term and right beside that picture was another one of him after his term. Technically, he is older in the second picture, but he also seemed to age double the amount he should have. I wore baggy pants, a ripped and torn black graphic t-shirt, a Katana on my back, and a Fedora on my head. My doppelgangers face was pudgy, so much so that it seemed like he was squinting at me. *Am I that fat?* I turned around to have a good honest look at myself in the mirror. *Phew,* I thought with relief, *not as fat as that guy*. Before I could inspect my mirrored reflection any further, I heard the distinct sound of my Katana being unsheathed. A hand shot to my back, I whirled around, then our two Katana’s met between the stalls and the bathroom sink with a shrill, metallic clang. I grimaced at myself, “Oh, so we are going to do this thing huh? The old doppelganger, this town isn’t big enough for both versions of us so let the strongest prevail, switcharoo.” The fatter version of me didn’t seem to be in a talking mood, but that was fine with me. I was buying myself time to try to get into my other head. Maybe, just maybe, I could intimidate myself enough that I would clam up and run out the room and never be heard from again, only to be discovered on the news a few years later that I died from blood clots in my leg that traveled to my brain after I stood up from an irresponsibly long stretch of gaming in one spot. My intimidating stare had little affect, something I should have predicted, so I settled for plan B - a punch to the throat. As suspected, my doppelganger hadn’t put much thought into what he would do after the ‘stare down’ phase, so he settled for falling back into the stall he came from and gasping for air. Old Milton put a hand on his knee from his seat on the toilette, and one hand waved around spontaneously, looking for anything it could grasp that would support his weight and help him stand. I kicked him in the chest, and he fell back again, frustrated and angry at the world and short of air, his Katana stuck pointing downward in the tight space. Then this fucker belly bumped me. I flew back into the bathroom mirror. It shattered into a few large triangles that broke into smaller pieces as we crashed onto the countertop. “Two can play that game,” I said, activating my own, higher level Knock Down ability. Old me never saw it coming since his stomach still needed to touch something for the ability to work. My stomach was stronger, harder, more jolly, and so powerful that when I violently pushed it out, the dispersed air was enough to knock my counterpart into and through the adjacent stall. He lay face down on top an awkward pile of red plastic doors and a broken toilette spilling the last remnants of fresh water hidden inside. Blood pooled from his hidden face and dripped onto the tile floor. I poked him in the thunder thigh with my Katana. He didn’t move, so I inspected him. No rainbow letters came, no matter how much I screwed up my eyes in his direction. But then, they did come. Lorelai - Level 23 human - Level 5 Street Fighter Max Health - ??? Inspect 1 Power Punch 2 Power Jump 2 Combo Breaker *What?* I looked down. My doppelganger was gone, replaced with Lorelai’s comely face. The light from my regular flashlight reflected off her blond hair. “I’m not an idiot anymore,” I said, “I know that you are dead and if I am seeing you now then it is just some sort of te-” Her entire arm came alive with an orange light that overpowered my flashlight and seconds later I was smashing through the drywall behind the broken mirror. I grunted as nonchalantly as I could manage, and got to my feet. Then I summoned my own orange street fighter energy. My fist crackled and sparked. I smiled. Then she smiled. Then I stopped smiling, suddenly aware of my inferiority. Her energy was much louder and brighter than mine. It traveled up her entire arm, whereas mine didn’t go past my wrist. *Damn*, I thought, moments before her sneakers lit up and I found myself flying backward again. This time, the wall was tired of backing me up and let me pass right through it. I skid across the floor in Target, knocking over a shelf of dried fruit and other goodies. Lorelei was on top of me, still smiling. I understood why she was smiling around the same time as I realized my Katana was gone, maybe a moment or two after. “Damnit,” I said as I threw her petite frame off my waist. She fell to her back, and I ran away, just as I did in the first grade when a girl with cooties decided to crush on me before I got too fat and socially inept. It was amazing how those sort of regrets managed to follow me around, really. The urge to complete my daily routine grew inside me once again, this time not caring if I was able to do it in a relaxing bathroom or not. I ignored it and hid behind a rack of utterly tasteless male hipster pants. My chest heaving, I swung my backpack to the ground and began building a trap. But Lorelai’s karate feet crashed through the rack and scattered it before I could complete it. I ran again, this time back in the direction of my Katana and punching Lorelai in the face as I went. It was only a glancing blow, and her shield absorbed most of the damage, but it gave her pause nonetheless. She did look more offended than physically hurt though, and that tugged on my heartstrings, even though I knew she wasn’t who she looked like she was. “Sorry!” I yelled as I ran, ”I’m still gonna kill ya though!” I found my Katana in the bathroom. I picked it up and caught a glimpse of Lorelei walking over to me through the hole in the wall. My feet splashed in a thin layer of water as I went to meet her. She walked toward me, and when she got too close, my Katana chopped downward. I felt my grip slip slightly as the force behind my blow arrested. She had stopped my attack with her elbow. I assumed that it still did damage since my sword was dug almost an entire inch into her bone, but if it did, she didn’t show it. She casually straightened her arm, and my blade was released. I wasted no time and began chopping at her in other places. Both her arms came alive with orange light, and she deftly punched away each strike of my sword with energized fists. Eventually, her Combo Breaker ability ran out, and my superior fighting style prevailed. Nikko stood in front of me now. “Uggh,” I breathed, “Are you Nikko Nikko or are you Not Nikko?” I was ninety-nine percent sure that I already had the answer to that question, but I asked it all the same if only to catch a break from all the fighting. I was at such a level in my fitness journey that I promoted myself to thirty-pound dumbbells, as opposed to the featherweight ones I used before. As such, I could keep fighting if I wanted to, but I knew that the best performances were done with a full tank of gas. Nikko seemed content to stare at me, so that was what we did. “What the fuck?” Nikko, the real one, said from a few rows of shelving over. I looked at him, then back to the man in front of me. This time, Greg was standing there. “That’s not Greg! It’s a mimic or someth-” My words cut short when Greg’s finger slowly rose to my lips. He gave me a flirtatious wink and I could definitely tell that he was gay, although my gay-dar would have never discovered Nikko had he not come out to me - not that that's a problem. If anything, I was just highly impressed at the mimics professionalism in getting his characters right. “Kill it then you weirdo!” Nikko yelled. *Okay,* I thought, grabbing Greg’s wrists, just as his fingers began to explore my mouth, and breaking it. I threw his ruined hand away and whirled my Katana, chopping Greg’s head off for the second time in my life. Nikko sighed, “Goddamnit, I just got that vision out of my head. Now it's going to haunt me for the next month.” “Really?” I asked, “Only a month?” “Yea man,” Nikko said as he walked over to inspect his impostor of forbidden love, “We have shit to do. Can’t be ruminating over shit like this forever.” “Ruminating,” I repeated as I whipped the blood from my blade, just in case it was real Then I stood up and gave my friend a wry smile, “That’s a big word. Who told you what it meant?” “Shut up fat fat,” Nikko countered, “What were you doing over here anyway?” “I uh… I had to use the bathroom.” He shook his head, “Well, get on with it then. We have to feed your dragon again before it eats the fucking world.” He walked off, ski mask and all. I returned to the flooding basement and opened the door to the only stall still standing. The toilette was golden. Sparks bounced off it. I tried to catch one, but it merely passed through my sweaty palm and out the other side. Thinking I was about to have the most magical shit of my life, I opened the lid and began to turn around when I caught a glimpse of something inside. My first thought was one of gross disappointment that someone else had gotten here before me, but my second thought, which occurred only microseconds later, was one of wonder. There was a bundle of cloth with the tell-tale glimmer of blue pushed into the water, which admittedly, did have a yellow tinge. I told myself that it was just gold runoff and grabbed the cloth. It dripped and glimmered asit came free of the toilette. It was longer than expected, and when I finally got it all out, I saw that it was as long as I was tall. **Item Received - Cursed Robe of the Lich’s assistant, the evil, but slightly less powerful than the Lich herself, Master of Decrepitation, Bringer of Rot and Taker of Life, SUSAN!** “Did Raggy write this shit?” I asked the empty bathroom, “gods I hate him.” I squinted my eyes in the direction of the annoyingly long name. The rainbow letters dissolved slightly, just enough to float around and solidify into new letters. **Item Description - Anything alive within a ten-foot radius of the robe’s wearer will rot. A portion of this lost health is transferred to the wearer. This item is cursed, and will slowly turn the heart of the wearer black.** I tossed the robes into my bag, “Perfect for Nikko.” Then I finally sat down and clenched my deed muscles.
{ "title": "It's Only Another End of the World", "id": 20453, "author": "Mike Spivak", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Act3: Exit Stage Left - 2", "id": 305861, "next": 307846, "prev": 303734, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h4><strong>2.</strong></h4> <p class="cnNjYWRjZTdhMjJkNjRhMDU4MTgyZDY2NTdlNzMxZDUx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5NDIzYjA2ZGU2MDRjNTQ5MTMzN2FiZDJiYjY2YTRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So, who are we bidding goodbye to next?” Asked Suzy the hivemind abomination, skipping happily down the road without an inkling of worry or sadness on her face, the opposite of mine.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTY2ZGQ1ZWY4ODQ5ZWRhMzQzZmY3Yjc4YjQ1MmQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My family,” I muttered. “Considering I’m going to be absent for a long time, I figured it’s only right.” My feet dragged on the pavement as I trailed behind her. She turned back towards me and cocked her head inquisitively.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGY4YjA0OTZjYjRlYTM5YmI1Yzg3ZGY5ZjlkNDI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You look like you’re headed to your own execution,” she quipped.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDIxNDYzMTgyODRjNTk4OWVhM2MxOWQ4ODZkYWE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not looking forward to this” I muttered.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2RjNTgwMzQxYjQyOGVhNTdhMWRiMWVkNDMyODFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So… Why are you doing it then?” She asked, walking beside me with her hands behind her back. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMGM0ZmVkYTMzNjQ4YTliMDA4OTQyMDk3MGU3ZGVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Because sometimes you have to do stuff you don’t like,” I replied. “Like asking for help from the creature that killed your girlfriend.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2ZhMDZhMDdjOTRjZmE5NzYxODQwOTdiZGU4MmUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you dislike it so much? The fact that I am helping you?” she asked, pursing her lips in a skeptical expression. I looked at her and sighed.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjZmZjVmMzJkNDRlZTRhNTMwNWNiZjI5ZDdlYWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t have to like it. So long as we save humanity, that’s what matters.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjM3NzcwMjdhZDQxMjdhOTIyMzlhZTdlYTA0N2U2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Might as well get used to it,” she chuckled. “We’re stuck together until your wish is fulfilled. Feel free to call it off early, if you want to.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDkwNmFiYjcxNTQyM2Y4ZDUxYzdhOWIxNDU4MzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Like a really fucked-up genie...” I said, looking at her with suspicion. “Actually, why is it that you’re so concerned with granting my wish anyway?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDc5YjU2ODUxNDQ4NmU5NDI5ODY2YzQ3OWEwYjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you going to complain when someone grants you wishes?” She asked, grinning in amusement back at me. As always, nothing I said seemed to bother her.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGFlN2EwYzRiOTQwNzY5OGJjOGU4MDk0ZmNhZjhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No,” I replied. “But it pays to be suspicious of a… An entity that I don’t even understand helping me for free. You mentioned before, something about payment for my service… What’s that about?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NjRhOWIyYTQ4ZjRmYzdiYjAxODRiMGI0MjQ3NDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You were part of the play,” she replied simply, looking away into the distance.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTFkYjYzYTBmYjRlY2U4NDc0ZDE4YTFjNjkzYjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your murder play at the theater? The one I survived?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNGUyZTdmMzgzODQwYjU4OTA5MDAxM2EwY2E4YmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">And I only am escaped alone to tell thee</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">,” she quoted, smirking. “It’s important to leave someone alive to tell the tale.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjhhNGU1NzE2NzQzMmRiNzdjNmFiYjY1N2ZlZGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">I looked back at her with anger and horror. I remembered still the ‘tale’, the desperate struggle to survive, the people panicking and fighting before having their throats slit on stage, bodies dumped like garbage after being drained of their blood. If I closed my eyes, I could still picture perfectly the look on the actress’ face before I threw a can of paint at her, sending her falling down 25 feet head-first onto the hardwood stage. My stomach froze in nervous sympathy to the recent memory.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjU4MWRlYjdiMzQxYThhYWU1MzYyZDkxZDdiMmVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A bunch of people killed each other. The end,” I said, venom dripping from my words. “Sorry, but, that’s a shitty story.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTJiNjY2ZGM0MDQxZjk4NGY4ZDY1NGQ2NmExOTIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Everyone’s a critic,” she replied, shrugging as she looked away.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWUyNDg3YWZkZTQwNzlhNjU1OWQ3NTIxN2YwY2Qz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why is it so important that I survive to tell the tale anyway?” I asked, still unconvinced.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Njc0M2FmMTU0NjQwZWZiYzkzN2U5MmFmNzAxMjNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked at me and flashed a small, distant smile, so unlike any of her other sarcastic grins. “For the memory of Carcosa,” she replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDVlM2JlNmJiZDRlNGViZWQwMmIwMGU3YmJjZTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Our conversation was brought to a halt as we reached our destination. The hospital was a large, white building, with a small pleasant garden on front as well as a place where cars could drop off or pick people up right next to the front doors. The windows were of tinted glass, preventing me from seeing anything inside, but I still knew exactly in what room they were in.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNGY2MGM0YjVlMjRhN2Q5NzkyODIzMWRjOGU4ODEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“With all due respect... ” I said, not taking my eyes off the hospital, “I think it’s best if you sit this one out. Wait for me here, this won’t take long.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2E1ZjZiYjMzNjRhNTA5NGZiZTI5ZTQ4MmZlZWI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s your choice,” she shrugged. “But if you need my help just call me, ok?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTM3MmZmNjY4MTQyZTU5YjRjNTk1YjZhNmRkZjMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Any special ritual I need to do? People I need to sacrifice to the King in Yellow?” I asked sarcastically.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGUyMTNmZmJhMzRjNGFiY2UyMzIyOGNlN2M1YTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My number’s on your cell phone,” she grinned, taking a small smartphone from the pocket of her hoodie. “Name’s Suzy. Send me a text when you’re done.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM4Y2VkYTgxOGZlYjQwNWFhYWViMTU5YzJhMWFkNmRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After navigating the initial bureaucracy at the front desk, I was notified that I could still visit her and was allowed to proceed to the room. The place felt familiar to me by this point, as I entered, downright to the smells. The usual disinfectant and sterile hospital smell mixing with the scent of the potted plant in one corner and the unpleasant smell of a body that only received the occasional sponge bath while it slowly died, a musty and sickly stench. That one came from my mother.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjljNDRiOTc2YjQ3NWU5NWQ5NmZhMTdkNjE1YmE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was lying on one of the beds, eyes closed, hooked up to an IV that drip-fed her painkillers, medication or whatever else she needed. I had no idea what it was giving her this time. The machine beside her, which quietly monitored her heart rate, was a new addition.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMWIxMzk0ODIzYjRiYWU5MWQ1N2JhMDdhNDY1ZTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I was surprised to see my brother, Anthony, sitting on a chair next to her while typing on a laptop. He glanced up from it and our eyes met, showing he was just as surprised to see me there.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjE4ZjUzOWMwNjRmNWU5MzM0ZWU4ZTA5NjViNjgx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Cody?” He closed the laptop and got up. With a few steps he was next to me at the entrance of the room. “Why are you here?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkZWE1ZGUxOGY5NjRmYzU4YTNiMDk1MWI5OTNlNWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I wanted to see her.” We both spoke quietly, the hushed tones used in a hospital room next to someone who is dying. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMGY1NWY4OTQwMTRkY2Q5ODgwMDQ0OTliMDdkYWIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, ok. Umm… Now?” he asked, still taken aback. He was lighter-skinned than me, which did not help hide the dark circles under his eyes or the nervous sweat he wiped from his brow. “Did anything happen?” He asked, trying to keep his tone nonchalant, but not quite succeeding.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTFlMjY3ZmU5NDQyZDc5ZTc3Njk2YmM0M2U3ODI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I’m going away on a trip and I thought...” but my whisper was interrupted.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjFmNmE2NjVlYjQ2YTE4OThlYmRhYTMxOGNiZjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Cody? Cody, is that you?” My mother asked, stirring in her bed. Me and my brother exchanged a quiet glance before I walked and sat down on the chair next to her.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODcxY2U0OGQ3NDRiZDI4MTM3NDM1YThmZjkxN2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey mom, it’s me,” I said. I moved my hand to hold hers, but thought better of it, awkwardly hovering my hand before resting it on the bedside.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODIwYmIxNThiNDQzYTY4YzI0MWU3NTIxYzE4NzY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was incredibly thin, her skin an unhealthy white that made a stark contrast with all the freckles on her face. You could see both vein and bone as the skin hung limp on them. Her eyes were tired, but still looked at me intently, her gaze pinning me in place like a butterfly on a collection.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjJiMDdlNTE1ZjQyZDZhMjFlZTMxNWRiNTM3NWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you want?” She asked at last.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDQ2NjkyZjcxYjRlNmY4ZTU4MTlmYmFiMDM3ZDkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I came here to see you,” I replied, frowning.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWY4ODMzNjFiNTQ5NjlhZTJmMjAwMzg0OWUwZWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hm,” she grumbled. “Suddenly you’re so interested in paying a visit to your mother now?” </span></p> <p class="cnM3NDgzN2ZmYzkxZTRhMGU4ZjQ3YTBiMWFlYzQ2NDJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Can we not fight? Just this once?” My voice was deliberately quiet, barely repressing a sigh of annoyance.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYWE5NmJlYmY3MDQ5NWZhYThkNTNmYjNmNjhjZjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh. Sure, sure,” she said with the exact same tone while looking at me up and down. “So… No news then? Nothing at all you want to tell me?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzAxZWYxYTc1NzQ2YTg5NDY1NzNiNmRkMjJiMWM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I bit down a reply, stopping myself and taking a deep breath before replying, “Actually there is something I came here to tell you.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGZmNjUyMjY5ZTQ3YjliYTk3ZWI0NTYzYjY0YjAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hah,” she let out an impatient snort. “Yeah, of course. So, what is it?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MTY3YTY5NDU0ZDQyYjI4ZWZhNWQ0ZmIyNTczYmNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another awkward silence. I braced myself before speaking. “I am leaving for a very important trip tomorrow. Don’t know when I am coming back.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWVmNGZkYTY5YTQ2N2FiYjM3NDQ4NTg0Mjg3YTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The look on her face was one familiar to me. An expression of deep disgust and hate, her eyes just slits as her upper lip curled in a snarl. “I see,” she spoke, her voice deceptively calm, unlike her expression. “So you’re not even going to bother waiting for me to die.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjJhYmZhMmM2ZTQ4MWVhZDY4NjBjMzllZmFlY2Uy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mother! It’s… It’s not even as if I want to go. But this is important!” I stressed. “Christ! Do you think I wouldn’t stay with you if I could?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmY1NjFmZDQzYjQ3NDRiZjc2NzcyNjc2MTJiZTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">She barked a short laugh. “Wouldn’t be the first time you run away from your responsibilities.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZThhMmUzMTZmZTQyNWJiZmM1NDM5ZGY1MGJkOWYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh for fuck’s sake…!” I started before she angrily interrupted me.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2ViMDczNGYwMTRlYjQ4YzVkZGQ1Y2RkZDEwYjUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“First the drugs! The shame and pain you brought to our family! Five years lost on that!” Her tone was relentless, despite her weakness, and fierce as ever. “A 23 year old graduating high-school, a grown-ass man in the middle of a bunch of kids. Then you had to choose that pointless major! When I told you...”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZGZjNTVkYmZhMTRjMjdhZGFjMGJiZDg3MjFkMDJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was MY fucking choice,” I spat out, getting up from my chair. “I know I have my share of fuckups but there’s no way that…!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmIwMTAyZGNlODRhY2RiMzgwZjZiZTk5NzU5ZGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">My brother cleared his throat, interrupting our argument. We both looked at him, standing uncertainty near the door.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWNjOTRjNTI5NzQ2MGZiNTNkYTZhZjc5Nzg1Yzk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I, ahh… I’m going to get a drink,” he gestured his thumb at the corridor outside. “So… I’ll be going. Does anyone want anything?” </span></p> <p class="cnNkNmY2MmY5MDY5NTQzZGFiZTNjNjE1MTIzMWFjNzg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">His eyes darted back and forth between us, but neither me nor my mother replied. He nodded wordlessly and opened the door, fleeing as quickly as he could. There was only one other person in the room, a patient on the bed opposite to my mother’s, but he was still fast asleep, despite all the noise. Now it was just the two of us, fuming in silent anger.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTRlNzJiMzcyZTQwZWM4ODA0NDY5Y2NiNTJkZDk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her eyes followed me silently as I paced around the room, avoiding her gaze. There was silence for a moment, before she broke it.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDhlOTEwNDMyMDQ5YWU5ZjY2OWEyNGViNDIxYTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you want to know what is your biggest problem?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzJlZWU3MWVmNjQyNjE5NGE5MTBjMGE1MTVlMjA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I sighed, still not looking at her. “I’m sure you’re very eager to tell me,” I replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjE1N2M3ZDRmOTQ0NTZhMjM5ZTg3MzcyNjcwNjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The problem is you run away. You always run away,” she scoffed. “At the first sign of hardship or trouble, off you go! Taking the easiest road, nevermind where it will take you...”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjc5YjMxOWI1NzQyY2M4ZGIxMjU1Y2NmN2ZkZmM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is this really what you want our last day together to be? Us shouting at each other?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWZmMjc4ZDcxNzQ0MWFiODQwYjc2MmU3YWE5MDdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">We stared at each other, silently considering our words. Then she closed her eyes with a sigh and the contrast was as night and day. She looked so tired, so utterly broken by her disease. She looked so different from how I once knew her, so weak and tired.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWFmOTA0MzA3ZTRkYWNiYzc2MGE2YTc0Zjc1OWY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did I ever tell you the story of my father, your grandfather, Elias? How he left Brazil?” She opened her eyes again, less hostile than before although her expression was still far from friendly.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNTI3NTc5OTM3OTQ4ZDhhOWZjYzdmMTRhNGMwMDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">I frowned, trying to remember. “He fled a dictatorship there, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODRjYjBkM2M2ZTQ2N2E4YjljOWU3NTQ0NTRlZjJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">She snorted dismissively. “Ever tell you how?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODg4YmUwZGU3YTQ2NDRiMWFhODBjOTkzOTgzOWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Umm.. He crossed the border to another country, then eventually asked for asylum here, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTMyOTMzMTUxODQ1N2I5MmZjYTFiOWNjYTVjMjBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">She blinked, looking me up and down. She did not look pleased by what she saw, but seemed to come to a decision and settled down, looking into the distance with a faraway expression.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjFjZjkyNTNiNTRjMWQ5OTUzOGQxYWI2MGE4Zjk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I was little at the time. Ten years old, I barely understood what was happening, but I knew some. That my father was a journalist, back when that meant something. Even such a small paper, they called it </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">A Folha do Ceará</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">, it was still important. People paid attention to what they wrote.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTYzOTI3YTQ5NjQ0OThhN2QyMzAyMjkxMTE3NDZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">My memories of my Grandfather were distant and hazy. All I could recollect was a small, balding man that took forever to walk anywhere but always would give me money to get sweets or a new game or toy I wanted. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMDg2ODg1MGVjMjRmM2RiMjkwNzk5ZDU2ZWY4MmY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He looked the smallest and most inoffensive man alive,” she continued, smiling distantly. “They called him </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Magrinho</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">... It means thin.” She spoke his nickname in accented Portuguese, which I had never bothered learning. My mother’s homeland, as far as I was concerned, was another, distant world. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYzRhYzg3MTllYzQ5YTU5MjhhNjUzNGFmMWZjYjQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He was always polite and quiet, always toeing the line... Hm!” She snorted again. “Back then the military paid very close attention to what they wrote. Yes...”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzEyM2ZkZDExMzQxYWI5NjQ2ODc0ZmQ3MzM1ZGEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">A lull followed as my mother frowned, some sort of internal debate barely visible as her eyes flickered.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTU1YjNjYWYzYjRhMzJiMmQ5NWI1ZWNjZWM3NDVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I… I still don’t know what he did wrong. Maybe he published the wrong thing… Or maybe he did nothing at all. Just suspicion, or being at the wrong place and wrong time. My mother sometimes wondered if he was quietly helping the rebels... But I never knew. All I saw was the soldiers taking my father away.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjJlNWFlZmRkZjQyNWJhMjVmZDljZmZmMzI1ZTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked at me now, straight in the eye, and her voice grew harsh. “They tortured him. He never said a word of what happened in the three days they took him, but when he came back he looked five kilos thinner and his two front teeth were missing. Just two stumps in his gums." She paused for a moment and shivered in horror of a memory more than 40 years ago. "But I never saw him complain or cry. No weakness, just... The same small and quiet man he had always been.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTVkMTFmYzM1YTRkMjg4MjhhZGNhODlmNTg0NTBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">He had dentures by the time I knew him. I just assumed my grandpa’s teeth had fallen out from old age, like usual.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGJlNGFmZmU5NzQ4YjdhMGRhYmFhNDEzY2JhNDRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They released him, but only because he had a friend in the army who vouched for him. And they still took his passport, so he couldn’t travel.” She swallowed, grimacing and shifting her position slightly. “We left my hometown a day later, I couldn’t even say goodbye to my friends. We sold what we could and drove off in our battered old car... We drove for days and nights towards the border, mother and father switching now and then. When we slept, we did it in the car, usually parked close to a truck stop or in a two-street city in the middle of nowhere. A family of three, plus my baby brother, all sleeping in a small car.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGU4Y2M5Nzg2YTRjNjk5YjEwNjc4MDViM2E2MjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">She shuddered, the ghost of that memory still haunting her even after all those years. “Those weren’t pleasant nights. It was hot and cramped in that car, and my legs always hurt from not being able to move them. But not as bad as that one night...” She closed her eyes for a moment, before continuing. “We were all in another small town in middle of nowhere. I never learned its name. My father had bought us some bread and cheese, which we all ate before going to sleep. But that night were woken up… By a man with a gun tapping at our windows.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWVmMWRmZmUxNDQ2YzE5ZDRlOGRmZWU1MjgxMjFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She stopped her story and looked away. I sat next to her but said nothing, waiting for her to continue.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWMwYjNkNTcwMzQxYzFiMGM1N2M2YjQyNDNiY2Qy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He looked poor, didn’t even have shoes. Just sandals… No idea what a robber was doing in such a small town, but he still had a pistol. He pointed it at my mother and shouted for everyone to get out of the car. My mother was crying, begging him not to do it, clutching her baby, as if to protect him. God… If he took our car and our things in that place? What would become of us? We were miles away from anywhere we knew, and my father was a wanted man...”</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2I4ZjQyZGM5NzQyYWZiMTgzZmVlMGM5ZmY3MDYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">She shook her head sadly. “My mother and father begged at him, but the robber just cursed at us. Yelled for everyone to get out, or he’d shoot us. I was crying. In all that, my father relented. He opened the door of the car. My mother and I got off, still crying, and my father offered the robber the car keys...”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWI2N2I5NzI0MzRlNDQ4MjJhNjZkMzA0YzIwYjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was the slightest pause, a nervous fidget, before she continued.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmJhNjIyNjlkOTQ0NWE4N2FkODhjOWQ3Zjg2MzQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“When the robber was about to take the keys, my father grabbed the gun with one hand and stabbed the man on the neck with the car keys. He got off only one shot, and I thank god to this day that it never hit anyone. My father stabbed him again as they struggled, until he managed to pull away the gun. And then my father, who I had never heard say an unkind word about anyone, shot the man in the face the first moment he got the gun.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOWUzODBlYWU5NzQ4ZDJhZjJhYzdmZGJhNDA0ODU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">She went quiet, letting what she had just told me sink as I grimaced, uncomfortable. I still could never imagine my grandfather doing such a thing, even as little as I knew him.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjdiYTYyMTM4ZTQxOTU4MGJkY2QzYzBhMTlhMmNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We all hurried back into the car and drove away, after he cleaned the keys from most of the blood. Nobody slept for the rest of the night. We just drove for the next day and night until we reached the border to Bolivia. Once there we left the car and crossed the border on foot, at an unguarded spot, and stayed at the house of a friend of my father until we were granted asylum here.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGY1NDQ0NzYzZjRkYjI4ODE5NTI5MmVhNjA0MjQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We never talked about that night. This is the first time I tell this story to anyone,” said my mother, looking at me once more. I nodded, unsure of how to react. This was more than she had ever confided to me in months. Years, maybe.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjY0NWE5MTc4ODQ0ZGQ4NDEyYjAyMTMxNjJjNWY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your grandfather killed a man,” she said softly, “so that we could survive. He was tortured, and endured every kind of hardship… All so that you could be here. He was always a quiet man, but he knew how to fight.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGI3NDk2ZWIyNjRkNjA5YzM3NTBjMzYyNDMyMDA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">My grandfather had passed away while I was very young. The same traffic accident that killed my father. A tragedy that struck our family very hard.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmQ5M2I2ZjdiZjQzZGNhMTljM2M5OWI1MTgzZDll"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He didn’t run away when the first opportunity presented itself,” she finished, again looking angrily at me. And just like that, the illusion of a bond we had was broken.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MDhkNjBiZmQ4ZDRjZWM4YTI0MmY0YzExNzg4N2Qz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nice story,” I said, biting back the sarcasm on the tip of my tongue, “but grandpa and me are not the same person.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGJhNDU5ODllYjQxMDVhZTJjMTY1MGRiMTU0YjA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The same blood is in your veins!” She raised her voice, still tired and hoarse but full of bitterness. “So when are you going to stop floundering and finally fight, once in your life, for anything?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkODM2OTMyZDAyODRjZWNiNGZkYTRjNWNlNDc5OGZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I could tell her about the night in the theater, on how I had killed five people while trying to survive. I could tell her that, even now, I was fighting to save everyone in this world from a horrible, violent fate. If I really wanted, I could even force her to believe me. I could call Suzy, the Queen in Yellow.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmVlMjNhOGNkNzRhYzFiM2UxOGI1MjQ3MTBkOGI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, well… Sorry to disappoint you,” I scoffed. But I wasn’t sorry, not really. I could not even be bothered to try to argue that she was wrong. I had already disappointed her so much, what was one time more?</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2YzMGZhODc2ZjRjMTFiOWEzMjQ5ZDUxNTMzY2My"><span style="font-weight: 400"> </span><span style="font-weight: 400">“Cody!” She spoke urgently, her voice still low, but more anxious than angry. “In this world you need to learn how to fight to survive. Get a good job, a good family, and stay here to take care of your mother, along with Anthony... If you just wait to see where life takes you, then you’re as good as dead! Please... Don’t break my heart when I have so little time left…?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YzMxODAyNDNhNzRhYzhhZGE1NWQwNTRiNGJiYWY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a low blow, her request piercing me like a nail, leaving me with nowhere to run. After coming close to her, I replied, “I know how to fight for what I want, mother. ”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzhkMjYzYjE0ZDRjZWRhNjUxODUxNzVmYmM0ZmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then prove it,” she asked. She was completely earnest in her worry as she pleaded me, no barbs visible in her words. “Give up on this… Silly trip or whatever it is you’re planning. Stay with me and your brother. And also give up on that silly course you’re taking. Choose something nice and stable… You don’t have to be a doctor if you want, an engineer or a teacher… If I have to go to heaven, let me see my sons walking a good path. Please, please… Just give me this before I go.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWMwYjhiM2Q4YjRlMzA4MjQzMzA4ZGY4MjAwY2Ey"><span style="font-weight: 400">I could lie to her. I could tell her yes, I could tell her that I was going to a university far away, make something up, give her some final comfort before she passed away, a gentle lie, the best possible kind of lie you could tell…</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2UwOTZlYjc1MDRmODA4MjE1YzkzYmU2YmM1NTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sorry,” I told her. “But I have to go. This trip might be the most important thing I ever do in my life.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzU5ODg0ZWU3NzRmYTU4NThiZjBiZWRiMDI5ZTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">These words shattered our last hope of polite conversation or kind words. We stared at each other again. Hate, pain, grudges from years past that contaminated everything we said and did to each other. There was no going back from that.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTExODRhOWM0OTRkODk4NWUxMTdmY2RmNDEzNjhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then go,” she turned away, unable to look at me. “Don’t bother coming back. Ever.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjg4OGNhNzg0MzRlZjhhYWM4NjViYmU1NzYwYThj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hate you too, mother,” I replied, getting up and walking away. Neither of us turned back to look at each other before I left the room for the last time.</span></p> </div>
#### **2.**   “So, who are we bidding goodbye to next?” Asked Suzy the hivemind abomination, skipping happily down the road without an inkling of worry or sadness on her face, the opposite of mine. “My family,” I muttered. “Considering I’m going to be absent for a long time, I figured it’s only right.” My feet dragged on the pavement as I trailed behind her. She turned back towards me and cocked her head inquisitively. “You look like you’re headed to your own execution,” she quipped. “Not looking forward to this” I muttered. “So… Why are you doing it then?” She asked, walking beside me with her hands behind her back. “Because sometimes you have to do stuff you don’t like,” I replied. “Like asking for help from the creature that killed your girlfriend.” “Do you dislike it so much? The fact that I am helping you?” she asked, pursing her lips in a skeptical expression. I looked at her and sighed. “I don’t have to like it. So long as we save humanity, that’s what matters.” “Might as well get used to it,” she chuckled. “We’re stuck together until your wish is fulfilled. Feel free to call it off early, if you want to.” “Like a really fucked-up genie...” I said, looking at her with suspicion. “Actually, why is it that you’re so concerned with granting my wish anyway?” “Are you going to complain when someone grants you wishes?” She asked, grinning in amusement back at me. As always, nothing I said seemed to bother her. “No,” I replied. “But it pays to be suspicious of a… An entity that I don’t even understand helping me for free. You mentioned before, something about payment for my service… What’s that about?” “You were part of the play,” she replied simply, looking away into the distance. “Your murder play at the theater? The one I survived?” “*And I only am escaped alone to tell thee*,” she quoted, smirking. “It’s important to leave someone alive to tell the tale.” I looked back at her with anger and horror. I remembered still the ‘tale’, the desperate struggle to survive, the people panicking and fighting before having their throats slit on stage, bodies dumped like garbage after being drained of their blood. If I closed my eyes, I could still picture perfectly the look on the actress’ face before I threw a can of paint at her, sending her falling down 25 feet head-first onto the hardwood stage. My stomach froze in nervous sympathy to the recent memory. “A bunch of people killed each other. The end,” I said, venom dripping from my words. “Sorry, but, that’s a shitty story.” “Everyone’s a critic,” she replied, shrugging as she looked away. “Why is it so important that I survive to tell the tale anyway?” I asked, still unconvinced. She looked at me and flashed a small, distant smile, so unlike any of her other sarcastic grins. “For the memory of Carcosa,” she replied. Our conversation was brought to a halt as we reached our destination. The hospital was a large, white building, with a small pleasant garden on front as well as a place where cars could drop off or pick people up right next to the front doors. The windows were of tinted glass, preventing me from seeing anything inside, but I still knew exactly in what room they were in. “With all due respect... ” I said, not taking my eyes off the hospital, “I think it’s best if you sit this one out. Wait for me here, this won’t take long.” “It’s your choice,” she shrugged. “But if you need my help just call me, ok?” “Any special ritual I need to do? People I need to sacrifice to the King in Yellow?” I asked sarcastically. “My number’s on your cell phone,” she grinned, taking a small smartphone from the pocket of her hoodie. “Name’s Suzy. Send me a text when you’re done.” --- After navigating the initial bureaucracy at the front desk, I was notified that I could still visit her and was allowed to proceed to the room. The place felt familiar to me by this point, as I entered, downright to the smells. The usual disinfectant and sterile hospital smell mixing with the scent of the potted plant in one corner and the unpleasant smell of a body that only received the occasional sponge bath while it slowly died, a musty and sickly stench. That one came from my mother. She was lying on one of the beds, eyes closed, hooked up to an IV that drip-fed her painkillers, medication or whatever else she needed. I had no idea what it was giving her this time. The machine beside her, which quietly monitored her heart rate, was a new addition. I was surprised to see my brother, Anthony, sitting on a chair next to her while typing on a laptop. He glanced up from it and our eyes met, showing he was just as surprised to see me there. “Cody?” He closed the laptop and got up. With a few steps he was next to me at the entrance of the room. “Why are you here?” “I wanted to see her.” We both spoke quietly, the hushed tones used in a hospital room next to someone who is dying. “Oh, ok. Umm… Now?” he asked, still taken aback. He was lighter-skinned than me, which did not help hide the dark circles under his eyes or the nervous sweat he wiped from his brow. “Did anything happen?” He asked, trying to keep his tone nonchalant, but not quite succeeding. “Well, I’m going away on a trip and I thought...” but my whisper was interrupted. “Cody? Cody, is that you?” My mother asked, stirring in her bed. Me and my brother exchanged a quiet glance before I walked and sat down on the chair next to her. “Hey mom, it’s me,” I said. I moved my hand to hold hers, but thought better of it, awkwardly hovering my hand before resting it on the bedside. She was incredibly thin, her skin an unhealthy white that made a stark contrast with all the freckles on her face. You could see both vein and bone as the skin hung limp on them. Her eyes were tired, but still looked at me intently, her gaze pinning me in place like a butterfly on a collection. “What do you want?” She asked at last. “I came here to see you,” I replied, frowning. “Hm,” she grumbled. “Suddenly you’re so interested in paying a visit to your mother now?” “Can we not fight? Just this once?” My voice was deliberately quiet, barely repressing a sigh of annoyance. “Huh. Sure, sure,” she said with the exact same tone while looking at me up and down. “So… No news then? Nothing at all you want to tell me?” I bit down a reply, stopping myself and taking a deep breath before replying, “Actually there is something I came here to tell you.” “Hah,” she let out an impatient snort. “Yeah, of course. So, what is it?” Another awkward silence. I braced myself before speaking. “I am leaving for a very important trip tomorrow. Don’t know when I am coming back.” The look on her face was one familiar to me. An expression of deep disgust and hate, her eyes just slits as her upper lip curled in a snarl. “I see,” she spoke, her voice deceptively calm, unlike her expression. “So you’re not even going to bother waiting for me to die.” “Mother! It’s… It’s not even as if I want to go. But this is important!” I stressed. “Christ! Do you think I wouldn’t stay with you if I could?” She barked a short laugh. “Wouldn’t be the first time you run away from your responsibilities.” “Oh for fuck’s sake…!” I started before she angrily interrupted me. “First the drugs! The shame and pain you brought to our family! Five years lost on that!” Her tone was relentless, despite her weakness, and fierce as ever. “A 23 year old graduating high-school, a grown-ass man in the middle of a bunch of kids. Then you had to choose that pointless major! When I told you...” “It was MY fucking choice,” I spat out, getting up from my chair. “I know I have my share of fuckups but there’s no way that…!” My brother cleared his throat, interrupting our argument. We both looked at him, standing uncertainty near the door. “I, ahh… I’m going to get a drink,” he gestured his thumb at the corridor outside. “So… I’ll be going. Does anyone want anything?” His eyes darted back and forth between us, but neither me nor my mother replied. He nodded wordlessly and opened the door, fleeing as quickly as he could. There was only one other person in the room, a patient on the bed opposite to my mother’s, but he was still fast asleep, despite all the noise. Now it was just the two of us, fuming in silent anger. Her eyes followed me silently as I paced around the room, avoiding her gaze. There was silence for a moment, before she broke it. “Do you want to know what is your biggest problem?” I sighed, still not looking at her. “I’m sure you’re very eager to tell me,” I replied. “The problem is you run away. You always run away,” she scoffed. “At the first sign of hardship or trouble, off you go! Taking the easiest road, nevermind where it will take you...” “Is this really what you want our last day together to be? Us shouting at each other?” We stared at each other, silently considering our words. Then she closed her eyes with a sigh and the contrast was as night and day. She looked so tired, so utterly broken by her disease. She looked so different from how I once knew her, so weak and tired. “Did I ever tell you the story of my father, your grandfather, Elias? How he left Brazil?” She opened her eyes again, less hostile than before although her expression was still far from friendly. I frowned, trying to remember. “He fled a dictatorship there, right?” She snorted dismissively. “Ever tell you how?” “Umm.. He crossed the border to another country, then eventually asked for asylum here, right?” She blinked, looking me up and down. She did not look pleased by what she saw, but seemed to come to a decision and settled down, looking into the distance with a faraway expression. “I was little at the time. Ten years old, I barely understood what was happening, but I knew some. That my father was a journalist, back when that meant something. Even such a small paper, they called it *A Folha do Ceará*, it was still important. People paid attention to what they wrote.” My memories of my Grandfather were distant and hazy. All I could recollect was a small, balding man that took forever to walk anywhere but always would give me money to get sweets or a new game or toy I wanted. “He looked the smallest and most inoffensive man alive,” she continued, smiling distantly. “They called him *Magrinho*... It means thin.” She spoke his nickname in accented Portuguese, which I had never bothered learning. My mother’s homeland, as far as I was concerned, was another, distant world. “He was always polite and quiet, always toeing the line... Hm!” She snorted again. “Back then the military paid very close attention to what they wrote. Yes...” A lull followed as my mother frowned, some sort of internal debate barely visible as her eyes flickered. “I… I still don’t know what he did wrong. Maybe he published the wrong thing… Or maybe he did nothing at all. Just suspicion, or being at the wrong place and wrong time. My mother sometimes wondered if he was quietly helping the rebels... But I never knew. All I saw was the soldiers taking my father away.” She looked at me now, straight in the eye, and her voice grew harsh. “They tortured him. He never said a word of what happened in the three days they took him, but when he came back he looked five kilos thinner and his two front teeth were missing. Just two stumps in his gums." She paused for a moment and shivered in horror of a memory more than 40 years ago. "But I never saw him complain or cry. No weakness, just... The same small and quiet man he had always been.” He had dentures by the time I knew him. I just assumed my grandpa’s teeth had fallen out from old age, like usual. “They released him, but only because he had a friend in the army who vouched for him. And they still took his passport, so he couldn’t travel.” She swallowed, grimacing and shifting her position slightly. “We left my hometown a day later, I couldn’t even say goodbye to my friends. We sold what we could and drove off in our battered old car... We drove for days and nights towards the border, mother and father switching now and then. When we slept, we did it in the car, usually parked close to a truck stop or in a two-street city in the middle of nowhere. A family of three, plus my baby brother, all sleeping in a small car.” She shuddered, the ghost of that memory still haunting her even after all those years. “Those weren’t pleasant nights. It was hot and cramped in that car, and my legs always hurt from not being able to move them. But not as bad as that one night...” She closed her eyes for a moment, before continuing. “We were all in another small town in middle of nowhere. I never learned its name. My father had bought us some bread and cheese, which we all ate before going to sleep. But that night were woken up… By a man with a gun tapping at our windows.” She stopped her story and looked away. I sat next to her but said nothing, waiting for her to continue. “He looked poor, didn’t even have shoes. Just sandals… No idea what a robber was doing in such a small town, but he still had a pistol. He pointed it at my mother and shouted for everyone to get out of the car. My mother was crying, begging him not to do it, clutching her baby, as if to protect him. God… If he took our car and our things in that place? What would become of us? We were miles away from anywhere we knew, and my father was a wanted man...” She shook her head sadly. “My mother and father begged at him, but the robber just cursed at us. Yelled for everyone to get out, or he’d shoot us. I was crying. In all that, my father relented. He opened the door of the car. My mother and I got off, still crying, and my father offered the robber the car keys...” There was the slightest pause, a nervous fidget, before she continued. “When the robber was about to take the keys, my father grabbed the gun with one hand and stabbed the man on the neck with the car keys. He got off only one shot, and I thank god to this day that it never hit anyone. My father stabbed him again as they struggled, until he managed to pull away the gun. And then my father, who I had never heard say an unkind word about anyone, shot the man in the face the first moment he got the gun.” She went quiet, letting what she had just told me sink as I grimaced, uncomfortable. I still could never imagine my grandfather doing such a thing, even as little as I knew him. “We all hurried back into the car and drove away, after he cleaned the keys from most of the blood. Nobody slept for the rest of the night. We just drove for the next day and night until we reached the border to Bolivia. Once there we left the car and crossed the border on foot, at an unguarded spot, and stayed at the house of a friend of my father until we were granted asylum here.” “We never talked about that night. This is the first time I tell this story to anyone,” said my mother, looking at me once more. I nodded, unsure of how to react. This was more than she had ever confided to me in months. Years, maybe. “Your grandfather killed a man,” she said softly, “so that we could survive. He was tortured, and endured every kind of hardship… All so that you could be here. He was always a quiet man, but he knew how to fight.” My grandfather had passed away while I was very young. The same traffic accident that killed my father. A tragedy that struck our family very hard. “He didn’t run away when the first opportunity presented itself,” she finished, again looking angrily at me. And just like that, the illusion of a bond we had was broken. “Nice story,” I said, biting back the sarcasm on the tip of my tongue, “but grandpa and me are not the same person.” “The same blood is in your veins!” She raised her voice, still tired and hoarse but full of bitterness. “So when are you going to stop floundering and finally fight, once in your life, for anything?” I could tell her about the night in the theater, on how I had killed five people while trying to survive. I could tell her that, even now, I was fighting to save everyone in this world from a horrible, violent fate. If I really wanted, I could even force her to believe me. I could call Suzy, the Queen in Yellow. “Yeah, well… Sorry to disappoint you,” I scoffed. But I wasn’t sorry, not really. I could not even be bothered to try to argue that she was wrong. I had already disappointed her so much, what was one time more? “Cody!” She spoke urgently, her voice still low, but more anxious than angry. “In this world you need to learn how to fight to survive. Get a good job, a good family, and stay here to take care of your mother, along with Anthony... If you just wait to see where life takes you, then you’re as good as dead! Please... Don’t break my heart when I have so little time left…?” It was a low blow, her request piercing me like a nail, leaving me with nowhere to run. After coming close to her, I replied, “I know how to fight for what I want, mother. ” “Then prove it,” she asked. She was completely earnest in her worry as she pleaded me, no barbs visible in her words. “Give up on this… Silly trip or whatever it is you’re planning. Stay with me and your brother. And also give up on that silly course you’re taking. Choose something nice and stable… You don’t have to be a doctor if you want, an engineer or a teacher… If I have to go to heaven, let me see my sons walking a good path. Please, please… Just give me this before I go.” I could lie to her. I could tell her yes, I could tell her that I was going to a university far away, make something up, give her some final comfort before she passed away, a gentle lie, the best possible kind of lie you could tell… “Sorry,” I told her. “But I have to go. This trip might be the most important thing I ever do in my life.” These words shattered our last hope of polite conversation or kind words. We stared at each other again. Hate, pain, grudges from years past that contaminated everything we said and did to each other. There was no going back from that. “Then go,” she turned away, unable to look at me. “Don’t bother coming back. Ever.” “Hate you too, mother,” I replied, getting up and walking away. Neither of us turned back to look at each other before I left the room for the last time.
{ "title": "Story of a Killer", "id": 21237, "author": "IReadBooksForALiving", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 12 - Information", "id": 305862, "next": 306502, "prev": 305290, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmZDYxNDdjNGIxNjRmZmM4NDVkM2RkODgyM2UzZTQy"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon slowly opened his eyes to see a white ceiling. He'd just woken up from the earlier training.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTRmMzUxM2JhNjQ4NzI4OTMwOGI4YmMyYTVkZGFj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Rolling over and pushing off the ground, Damon was reminded of the weighted clothes on his body and unclipped them, letting them fall onto the floor resulting in massive bangs. Free from what felt like a prison on his body, Damon moved and stretched his body feeling the unmitigated power flowing through it.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzEyMTU3ZTAyODQ0MGViY2M1NWVmMDA0ZDkzMDhj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">His muscles felt as strong and sturdy as multiple metal ropes pressed together and stretched taut like he could easily lift a car. His bones compact and dense felt like they could hold the weight of a truck and barely even bend under the weight.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjAzYzAwOWJiOTRiMjQ4NWRjNTZkYmZjZmRlMWQz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">His body felt amazing but he knew this was a trick feeling. He wasn't that strong and neither was he that durable, it was just that his body and his mind were tricking each other.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDAyZmEzNDcwYTQxNWRiODlmOGNlNGVmZWY3OGIx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon looked across at the mirror that stretched across the entirety of the wall and looked at his face. Apart from his usual indifference, there was a trace of coldness on it as well adding an unapproachable aura to him.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGM3YzZmYTRlODRjMThiZjUxYzk0ZmU0MDc3Nzhm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">There were some black bags under his eyes for some reason and his skin seemed paler than usual like he was unhealthy so instead of light brown his skin looked slightly white making the black bags under his eyes stand out even more than they already did.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjUxNzgzNzc4NDRlZjk4MTZkMTY4NTczNGU4ZjBm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">His eyes were still their usual yellow; bright and predatory.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzBmYzJkYjI3NTQ1YjI4OWI0YTcxYjJiNWVjYzVk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon decided to go and have a shower to see if he could wash out the emotional and mental fatigue he was currently feeling along with the sweat on him. He threw his exercise top onto the floor in the training room after taking it off before walking out of the room and up the stairs.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGRiOTU3OGUyODRkZjY5YTBiYWY0YmI2ZmM4YzI0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Before long he arrived at one of the many showers in the house and walked in through the door before turning around and locking it.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTY0ODM3ZDMzMjQ1Mzk4NDExZjJjOWYxMjQxZDdk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon stripped his remaining clothes off before turning the shower on and putting it at a scaldingly hot temperature but when he entered he only felt a soothing feeling. He'd found this out on his first week after the surgery; his werewolf side loved the heat.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTMwMWVhMjQ5ODRmNjE4YTU0NzJhZTc5NjIwZmNl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">His ghoul side remained indifferent so it became a thing for him to have incredibly hot showers whenever he needed to relax and right now he needed to relax. It felt like every nerve in his body was taut to its very limits and if something were to act as stimuli he'd jump at them and rip them apart.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODhmODE4YTNmMzQ4MDg4ZjAyY2E3Njg4MWUzMTFl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Standing under the shower head Damon closed his eyes and tried to clear his head. <em>Tried</em>.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGM1M2FhYzNlMTQ5MzdhMTJhODAxN2Q2YjA1NTQ2"><em><span style="font-size: 1.1em">'What else could I expect from a bunch of killers though, right? It was just me being naive that's all... but Mika-sama and Hikari are the only people I can afford to be close to because they need me, right? Everyone else should be seen as an enemy...On second thought I should always be cautious around Mika-sama and Hikari...Just in case...'</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4ODc5NjYxYTQxNzQ0M2NhMTUxODQwYTI1MjUxZDE5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon stopped himself from thinking any further and just concentrated on the boiling hot water hitting his skin, realizing that whatever he thought about would just lead to the same thing; Him thinking about people betraying his trust.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODFlYWY5NjE0MzRkYTE4NDQyYzFjY2M4ODA2NTZl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">After soaking in the water for a while, Damon washed his body with some soap and then his hair with some shampoo before getting out and drying himself off a little before walking back to his room after putting his sweaty work out clothes in the laundry basket.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzY3NzViYmY4NDQ4MDE5ZWFlMmUwMWIyYWEzZjdk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Back in his room, Damon dried himself off more thoroughly before putting some casual wear on.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Njc1YTgwM2Y4NTRjZTlhYmRhNjE1MTQzNzYyNDc0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">He looked over at his bag in his room and fetched out the blood he'd packed for the day before drinking it all. After the shower which relaxed his tense state, and the blood which gave him some energy, his skin returned to its original color and looked healthy once again. Weirdly enough the black bags under his eyes stayed there but he didn't really care so he ignored them.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWUwM2I4NDJkZTQzYTVhNDA0ZjQzZjU0MjBkMjg1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Carrying the now empty blood bags, Damon walked downstairs to see if Mika or Hikari were home yet and to also put the blood bags in the bin.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTMzOThiMThkODQzZTliMGVkMWZiMDNmOTIwZjUw"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">When he walked into the kitchen he saw Mika and Hikari speaking to each other with their school bags on the table near them. Damon guessed that they'd just got back home from school, so he decided to not bother them and quickly stepped toward the bin and put his trash in it before turning around and walking off.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTY4NTYyNmE4NDRkYWJhNDkzODI4YzVkNWZjYWNk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Before he could leave, however, Mika called out for him.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTdjNzFkZDhlMzQ4MGNhZmRhOWNlZjYwZTUxYTE5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Damon!" Damon turned around and looked at her, seeing her smile a smile which was full of concern and worry. Damon felt a bit of gratitude at her worry but ignored it for the most part in case it was just an act.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWYzMDA3MmI1ZTRjYjY5MGExNmEzNDMxYmJjYWQz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Yes, Mika-sama?" Damon's voice was neutral and calm as he answered Mika.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OWJlNDljZWEwMjQ4YjI4YTgxMDdmNjVjZjRlODVj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Mika walked over to her bag and took out a file which was quite thick before walking over to him and handing it to him. "This is a file on everything you should want to know, take this as a favor from me. I never knew what my mother and Miss Natasha were planning, but I'll apologize on my Mother's behalf." Mika had an apologetic face as she slightly bowed causing Hikari's mouth to be wide open like a fish out of water.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGRkYzkwMjNhYzQ5ZDk5NGNmMjMxMmM2MDQ1MjFh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon took the file from Mika's hands and thanked her before turning around and walking toward the stairs with his destination being his room.</span></p> <p class="cnMyY2U1NzBhOTcxOTQ4YjBiZGU0NDlmMmQ2Y2UyNDEx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Restless, Damon rushed up the stairs and into his room when he was out of sight from both Mika and Hikari not wanting either of them to know how much this meant to him. Closing his door and sitting on his bed, Damon opened up the file.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmM5MjJjNzBiZDRhOTNhMDc0Mjc3NWIxNTc1NThl"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Everything in it was about either how compatible he was to the Werewolf and Ghoul Manifests, how well-suited his Gift was for fighting and about the surveillance team that watched over him and their mission.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjljOTY4YTRkMTRjOWM5MDI5YmVhZTRjZjM5NDYy"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon focused on the last part mostly, wanting to know the names of who let those things happen to Erika and Ayano.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzViNzRlZjZlYTQ2ZGM5NTU2OTZlZTljMGM4YTUy"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Unluckily for Damon, their names had been blacked out which caused Damon to growl in annoyance. But he did know their mission now.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTI5ZDNkY2ExNDRhZDRhZjhlMjdhNGFmZWM4ZmIy"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">The team were originally going to follow Damon and the other club members to the competition they were supposed to go to on that day and then because Damon would win with ease, they'd recruit him for his fighting talent and get him into the organization because they already knew he had a Gift for Fighting in the form of his Hyper-Instincts by this time and also how he had an urge to kill because of the unconscious killing intent he gave off which most people couldn't feel but the people running surveillance on him could.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTMwNjhjMTRhMTQ1YmI5ZTg4MzQ4NTM1Zjg0MjRh"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon felt the people in the mission weren't necessarily at fault after seeing their mission. They were originally going to recruit him without the blackmail and through a rather peaceful way.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTdkZjhmMDgxNTQ2YTA4Yzc2OGMzYzYzZjZiYmE2"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Thinking about this was in no way Damon forgiving Nox and Natasha for their lies. They both should have told him the truth and explained it to him on day 1 because if they had done so, they wouldn't have gone beyond the point of repair for their friendships and nothing will change that fact. It would've been so much more simple if they'd just told the truth.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzdiODFmMWYwMzRjMzdiYTdlNmNmMjk3ODFlNWU0"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon shook his head with sadness evident on his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGQ1YmYyMTlhMjQ0Y2M4NWZmYzZlNjhjMjM2YTZi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">He flipped a few pages back and looked at the things about his compatibility.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzM5MDZjMGUzZDQ3ZGRhNTJiMzA2YTdjNTA5ZGU1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Another lie that Natasha had told him was that it was random what people Manifested as. The truth was that people could only Manifest as things they had compatibility with, when Damon looked back on it he realized he'd just blindly trusted Natasha because Mika was an example that it wasn't random and so were her sisters.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTYxNzEyMjMxZjRlOGViODA2ZTc0ZDc5YTU1MWEx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">How could there be a Royal Vampire Family if what you manifested was random? Because their children were born as Humans and had to go through the surgery as well, so if it was random, what's to stop a child of the Vampire King or Queen from Manifesting as a Demon or a Zombie? The answer? Nothing.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTM5ZGI5OThiYjQwN2FhZDgzMDhiMTBhOTQ0ODcx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">But they don't need to worry about that because people have certain compatibilities to certain things they could Manifest.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTdkNzk3MmYwMzRlODI4YjJmZDk5ZTMzYzVhZmY2"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">It was all put down in this little file on how Damon's compatibility was nearly 100% for both Werewolf and Ghoul so they picked him to become the perfect bodyguard for Mika. Him being from the Jaeger family and having such a good Gift were only add-ons.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWY3YmJkMDgxNjRmODE5MThlYzc4NTJlZmIxZTBk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">To make sure he became a Hybrid they'd secretly been putting a chemical in the water supply to his house which changed the way his compatibility worked, merging Werewolf and Ghoul into the same thing.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWIyZDJkMTllNDQ0NDFiOWUzZmYzNGZlZjU1Mjk2"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">The chemical was harmless, all it did was merge Manifests together, so his parents would be fine.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMGI3YzA2NjU4NjQ1MzNhMzJmZTJkNzg2ODE4NDYy"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">They'd done this before so they knew it worked and when the time came, Damon had come into enough contact with the chemical water to awaken as a Hybrid between a Werewolf and a Ghoul.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTA2YzQwOGM2MDQwYmE4ODkxZDVjNzI3OTc0YzJk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon put the file down on his bed and lay back with his head sinking into the soft blanket.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTg1NDQ4M2NlMTQwNDI4N2ExOWIyYTM1NzQzZTk2"><em><span style="font-size: 1.1em">'I feel like a lab rat...I can't really bring myself to care beyond that though, it's given me a chance to get powerful...One I'm not gonna waste.'</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0NTI0Zjc2ZGYxMzRjZDE4M2JkNGQ5MDFjZTgyNGY1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon looked at the time and saw that it was around 4 pm and knowing he had some time to burn before he should sleep he walked over to his shelf and picked up a few books before lying on his bed and reading them.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzhjNDk3NDU2ZDRiN2FiYjFiNDJjYzY5ZTA5YjM4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">He kept reading until it was an appropriate time to sleep before putting his book down and then sleeping.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTBkNjA1NDZjZjQ4YjQ4ZWVmZTMwMGE1MjhkNDdm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">When he woke up the next day, he looked outside at the slowly rising sun feeling empowered by the warmth it gave.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MGVlYmY2YzIxZTRhYmM4MjhmNDY2OGJiMDlkYzAz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon peacefully watched the sunrise for a while before his alarm clock went off next to him. Instinctively Damon hit the alarm clock because he didn't realize what it was and he overreacted.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTdkZTdkZmRlMDRjM2U4MWY0NGMyNmM4NzFmZTI4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Looking at the broken alarm clock, Damon shook his head at how much of an idiot he was and got out of bed.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTRhM2VlZTNmZjQzYWQ5NzU0MjYzNjc0M2U3OTE1"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Putting his uniform on, Damon walked to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth before walking downstairs for breakfast. His breakfast consisted of about 10kg of raw meat and 2 blood bags; It was delicious.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTVjZDc5MmZkZDQ5OTA4NmFiNGVjOTMxMzRkOTcx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">After that, Damon made sure to put everything he needed into his school bag before sitting in the living room and reading a book about Aura. He'd overheard Hikari and Mika talking about how their lesson today was to do with Aura and Magic so he thought he'd refresh himself on what he knew about Aura.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDY1YzMyNDMxODRkMWE5OGU2Y2UwZjgzNjhhN2Q5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Mika, not wanting a repeat of yesterday morning, got up on her own and got ready for school on time. As she walked downstairs and toward the kitchen she walked past Damon, glancing at him every now and then but seeing Damon reading she decided to not bother him. Her and Hikari had their breakfast together before signaling to Damon that they were ready to go.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNmMwOTgzMzAyYzQ5NDU5NWFlOWYzMTM0OGRkMzU2"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">As they were walking to school, Damon continued to read while using his extremely enhanced senses to guide himself, while also looking out for any dangers toward Mika.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTQyNDM3NDQ3ZDQxYTQ5MzE1MDFhMjU0NTJmMWUx"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">They got to school without a hitch and walked through the gates. Damon received multiple stares as they walked into the building.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYzViMmIxYzNhNjQyNzk5NmIzYzlhY2YyMmE0ZDI0"><em><span style="font-size: 1.1em">'Hmm, seems news of my fight with Miss Sasaki has spread...'</span></em></p> <p class="cnM5Mzg1N2ZiMTRiNjQ3ZTk4OWU2MTNjZGZmZGU2NTlj"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon absentmindedly thought as someone put their hand on his shoulder. Turning around, Damon saw a light grey skinned, red-eyed and red-haired girl standing behind him with a competitive look on her face. Before he could even speak, the girl spoke in a boisterous voice.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOWQyNmFmM2I1NzQyODQ5ZjYzMDU5N2FkNzNkZjg2"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"You're the guy who fought a teacher right?!" She posed him a question but carried on before he could answer "My names Kaori Lucifer, I'm the leader of the Demon Faction for the first years and the only Princess of the Royal Demon Family" Pride surged from the redheads body as she carried on "And I want someone of your strength to join me!" her eyes shone with fighting intent as she looked at Mika who she knew was Damon's master.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTBiMDVkOWU4YjQ3YTliZTllOWUxNjBmOWE4NTc5"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Mika walked up and stood between Damon and Kaori. "He's part of the Undead Faction, so stay away from him, Demonic Filth." Mika was slightly taller than Kaori so she looked down at the fiery Demon and spoke with both anger and disdain evident in her voice.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZmUxNWMwOTc4YTQ3Mzc4M2MxMmU1YjUyYzNmNGY4"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Kaori seemed infinitely angered by what Mika had said, when she went to step forward to hit Mika, Damon spoke up.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjVhMzc2NDIxMzRmMDI5ZTNhZTYxMTFlZmU4MTA3"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Please don't mind Mika-sama, she's just a bit worn out at the minute, Kaori-sama. I enjoy being in the Undead Faction, but if something changes that I'll contact Kaori-sama as soon as possible to join your Faction, okay?" Damon's calm and deep voice seemed to have the effect of calming both the princesses, Kaori even seemed to have a weird look in her eyes as she looked at Damon, while Mika looked embarrassed that she'd lost her cool in front of Damon.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODlmMjAwNmVlZTQwMDNiYWEzNDZmMjFmM2FiYTRk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Hmph! Be grateful that you have such a pleasing retainer, Vampire Princess, otherwise, I'd have put your face into the ground by now!" She scowled at Mika before turning to Damon and smiling "Be sure to get in contact with me if the chance arises, Werewolf-kun~"</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWNhMmVkODM0OTQzYzJiZDMwMmUzOGZjM2E4ZWZi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">And after that, she left, making sure to sashay her wide hips and perfect ass to try and entice Damon. Unluckily for her, he wasn't looking as he, Mika and Hikari had already started walking away.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzRjNWNlN2RhMTRmODBhYjM5YmVkYWI3ZDQ1MmIz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Mika-sama, what was that about? Why was she so aggressive on wanting me?" Damon curiously asked Mika as he continued to read.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzdjMmI3NTI3MTQxMWFhYThmZWRkZTVhM2Y4NGRi"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Well, power is an attractive thing for Demons, so that's why the Demon Princess came first and the faction leaders can never fight each other, they can only fight with retainers. You and Hikari are my retainers, so if I ever come into a fight with another Faction, you two will be my fighters." Mika spoke with a calm voice as they continued to walk.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmZlMTJkYmIzYzRlM2E4YmM0ZTg3NTRlNzc5N2Nk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">She carried on after a while. "So powerful retainers who can fight a teacher and even though they lost and were put in the infirmary, they healed all the damage back to normal and returned to school like nothing happened the next day, that caliber of a retainer is sought after by all the Factions of our year."</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTFmMDI0NGQ1NTRlYWI5MzM2YzM2YTA4OGNmZWUw"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon looked up from his book. "Our year? Aren't the factions spanning across all the years in the school?"</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTNhOGYxOGJlNjRmMjA5YjNjNTAzYzNkMWVhY2Fk"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">"Well, technically, yes. But we're not linked with those factions and they'll even try and suppress us as well if we overstep our lines but they usually ignore the First Year Factions so they can settle in...It's just...My sisters will probably still mess with us." Mika had an agitated expression on her face when she spoke about her sisters</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2I5NjJiMTZmOTQ0ZTNhOTUwNWRiYTdkNDcxYjgz"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">Damon thought it made sense. Each year had a representative for each faction, usually from royalty, and they would make a faction to suppress the other younger generation. Even factions of the same origin would still fight against each other because of the fight for that factions Throne to become the King or Queen.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjZiZWI1YjcyZTRkZTI4NjdmM2Y0YjAzMzcwNmVm"><span style="font-size: 1.1em">As Damon was thinking about this, they made it to the classroom and entered.</span></p> </div>
Damon slowly opened his eyes to see a white ceiling. He'd just woken up from the earlier training. Rolling over and pushing off the ground, Damon was reminded of the weighted clothes on his body and unclipped them, letting them fall onto the floor resulting in massive bangs. Free from what felt like a prison on his body, Damon moved and stretched his body feeling the unmitigated power flowing through it. His muscles felt as strong and sturdy as multiple metal ropes pressed together and stretched taut like he could easily lift a car. His bones compact and dense felt like they could hold the weight of a truck and barely even bend under the weight. His body felt amazing but he knew this was a trick feeling. He wasn't that strong and neither was he that durable, it was just that his body and his mind were tricking each other. Damon looked across at the mirror that stretched across the entirety of the wall and looked at his face. Apart from his usual indifference, there was a trace of coldness on it as well adding an unapproachable aura to him. There were some black bags under his eyes for some reason and his skin seemed paler than usual like he was unhealthy so instead of light brown his skin looked slightly white making the black bags under his eyes stand out even more than they already did. His eyes were still their usual yellow; bright and predatory. Damon decided to go and have a shower to see if he could wash out the emotional and mental fatigue he was currently feeling along with the sweat on him. He threw his exercise top onto the floor in the training room after taking it off before walking out of the room and up the stairs. Before long he arrived at one of the many showers in the house and walked in through the door before turning around and locking it. Damon stripped his remaining clothes off before turning the shower on and putting it at a scaldingly hot temperature but when he entered he only felt a soothing feeling. He'd found this out on his first week after the surgery; his werewolf side loved the heat. His ghoul side remained indifferent so it became a thing for him to have incredibly hot showers whenever he needed to relax and right now he needed to relax. It felt like every nerve in his body was taut to its very limits and if something were to act as stimuli he'd jump at them and rip them apart. Standing under the shower head Damon closed his eyes and tried to clear his head. *Tried*. *'What else could I expect from a bunch of killers though, right? It was just me being naive that's all... but Mika-sama and Hikari are the only people I can afford to be close to because they need me, right? Everyone else should be seen as an enemy...On second thought I should always be cautious around Mika-sama and Hikari...Just in case...'* Damon stopped himself from thinking any further and just concentrated on the boiling hot water hitting his skin, realizing that whatever he thought about would just lead to the same thing; Him thinking about people betraying his trust. After soaking in the water for a while, Damon washed his body with some soap and then his hair with some shampoo before getting out and drying himself off a little before walking back to his room after putting his sweaty work out clothes in the laundry basket. Back in his room, Damon dried himself off more thoroughly before putting some casual wear on. He looked over at his bag in his room and fetched out the blood he'd packed for the day before drinking it all. After the shower which relaxed his tense state, and the blood which gave him some energy, his skin returned to its original color and looked healthy once again. Weirdly enough the black bags under his eyes stayed there but he didn't really care so he ignored them. Carrying the now empty blood bags, Damon walked downstairs to see if Mika or Hikari were home yet and to also put the blood bags in the bin. When he walked into the kitchen he saw Mika and Hikari speaking to each other with their school bags on the table near them. Damon guessed that they'd just got back home from school, so he decided to not bother them and quickly stepped toward the bin and put his trash in it before turning around and walking off. Before he could leave, however, Mika called out for him. "Damon!" Damon turned around and looked at her, seeing her smile a smile which was full of concern and worry. Damon felt a bit of gratitude at her worry but ignored it for the most part in case it was just an act. "Yes, Mika-sama?" Damon's voice was neutral and calm as he answered Mika. Mika walked over to her bag and took out a file which was quite thick before walking over to him and handing it to him. "This is a file on everything you should want to know, take this as a favor from me. I never knew what my mother and Miss Natasha were planning, but I'll apologize on my Mother's behalf." Mika had an apologetic face as she slightly bowed causing Hikari's mouth to be wide open like a fish out of water. Damon took the file from Mika's hands and thanked her before turning around and walking toward the stairs with his destination being his room. Restless, Damon rushed up the stairs and into his room when he was out of sight from both Mika and Hikari not wanting either of them to know how much this meant to him. Closing his door and sitting on his bed, Damon opened up the file. Everything in it was about either how compatible he was to the Werewolf and Ghoul Manifests, how well-suited his Gift was for fighting and about the surveillance team that watched over him and their mission. Damon focused on the last part mostly, wanting to know the names of who let those things happen to Erika and Ayano. Unluckily for Damon, their names had been blacked out which caused Damon to growl in annoyance. But he did know their mission now. The team were originally going to follow Damon and the other club members to the competition they were supposed to go to on that day and then because Damon would win with ease, they'd recruit him for his fighting talent and get him into the organization because they already knew he had a Gift for Fighting in the form of his Hyper-Instincts by this time and also how he had an urge to kill because of the unconscious killing intent he gave off which most people couldn't feel but the people running surveillance on him could. Damon felt the people in the mission weren't necessarily at fault after seeing their mission. They were originally going to recruit him without the blackmail and through a rather peaceful way. Thinking about this was in no way Damon forgiving Nox and Natasha for their lies. They both should have told him the truth and explained it to him on day 1 because if they had done so, they wouldn't have gone beyond the point of repair for their friendships and nothing will change that fact. It would've been so much more simple if they'd just told the truth. Damon shook his head with sadness evident on his face. He flipped a few pages back and looked at the things about his compatibility. Another lie that Natasha had told him was that it was random what people Manifested as. The truth was that people could only Manifest as things they had compatibility with, when Damon looked back on it he realized he'd just blindly trusted Natasha because Mika was an example that it wasn't random and so were her sisters. How could there be a Royal Vampire Family if what you manifested was random? Because their children were born as Humans and had to go through the surgery as well, so if it was random, what's to stop a child of the Vampire King or Queen from Manifesting as a Demon or a Zombie? The answer? Nothing. But they don't need to worry about that because people have certain compatibilities to certain things they could Manifest. It was all put down in this little file on how Damon's compatibility was nearly 100% for both Werewolf and Ghoul so they picked him to become the perfect bodyguard for Mika. Him being from the Jaeger family and having such a good Gift were only add-ons. To make sure he became a Hybrid they'd secretly been putting a chemical in the water supply to his house which changed the way his compatibility worked, merging Werewolf and Ghoul into the same thing. The chemical was harmless, all it did was merge Manifests together, so his parents would be fine. They'd done this before so they knew it worked and when the time came, Damon had come into enough contact with the chemical water to awaken as a Hybrid between a Werewolf and a Ghoul. Damon put the file down on his bed and lay back with his head sinking into the soft blanket. *'I feel like a lab rat...I can't really bring myself to care beyond that though, it's given me a chance to get powerful...One I'm not gonna waste.'* Damon looked at the time and saw that it was around 4 pm and knowing he had some time to burn before he should sleep he walked over to his shelf and picked up a few books before lying on his bed and reading them. He kept reading until it was an appropriate time to sleep before putting his book down and then sleeping. When he woke up the next day, he looked outside at the slowly rising sun feeling empowered by the warmth it gave. Damon peacefully watched the sunrise for a while before his alarm clock went off next to him. Instinctively Damon hit the alarm clock because he didn't realize what it was and he overreacted. Looking at the broken alarm clock, Damon shook his head at how much of an idiot he was and got out of bed. Putting his uniform on, Damon walked to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth before walking downstairs for breakfast. His breakfast consisted of about 10kg of raw meat and 2 blood bags; It was delicious. After that, Damon made sure to put everything he needed into his school bag before sitting in the living room and reading a book about Aura. He'd overheard Hikari and Mika talking about how their lesson today was to do with Aura and Magic so he thought he'd refresh himself on what he knew about Aura. Mika, not wanting a repeat of yesterday morning, got up on her own and got ready for school on time. As she walked downstairs and toward the kitchen she walked past Damon, glancing at him every now and then but seeing Damon reading she decided to not bother him. Her and Hikari had their breakfast together before signaling to Damon that they were ready to go. As they were walking to school, Damon continued to read while using his extremely enhanced senses to guide himself, while also looking out for any dangers toward Mika. They got to school without a hitch and walked through the gates. Damon received multiple stares as they walked into the building. *'Hmm, seems news of my fight with Miss Sasaki has spread...'* Damon absentmindedly thought as someone put their hand on his shoulder. Turning around, Damon saw a light grey skinned, red-eyed and red-haired girl standing behind him with a competitive look on her face. Before he could even speak, the girl spoke in a boisterous voice. "You're the guy who fought a teacher right?!" She posed him a question but carried on before he could answer "My names Kaori Lucifer, I'm the leader of the Demon Faction for the first years and the only Princess of the Royal Demon Family" Pride surged from the redheads body as she carried on "And I want someone of your strength to join me!" her eyes shone with fighting intent as she looked at Mika who she knew was Damon's master. Mika walked up and stood between Damon and Kaori. "He's part of the Undead Faction, so stay away from him, Demonic Filth." Mika was slightly taller than Kaori so she looked down at the fiery Demon and spoke with both anger and disdain evident in her voice. Kaori seemed infinitely angered by what Mika had said, when she went to step forward to hit Mika, Damon spoke up. "Please don't mind Mika-sama, she's just a bit worn out at the minute, Kaori-sama. I enjoy being in the Undead Faction, but if something changes that I'll contact Kaori-sama as soon as possible to join your Faction, okay?" Damon's calm and deep voice seemed to have the effect of calming both the princesses, Kaori even seemed to have a weird look in her eyes as she looked at Damon, while Mika looked embarrassed that she'd lost her cool in front of Damon. "Hmph! Be grateful that you have such a pleasing retainer, Vampire Princess, otherwise, I'd have put your face into the ground by now!" She scowled at Mika before turning to Damon and smiling "Be sure to get in contact with me if the chance arises, Werewolf-kun~" And after that, she left, making sure to sashay her wide hips and perfect ass to try and entice Damon. Unluckily for her, he wasn't looking as he, Mika and Hikari had already started walking away. "Mika-sama, what was that about? Why was she so aggressive on wanting me?" Damon curiously asked Mika as he continued to read. "Well, power is an attractive thing for Demons, so that's why the Demon Princess came first and the faction leaders can never fight each other, they can only fight with retainers. You and Hikari are my retainers, so if I ever come into a fight with another Faction, you two will be my fighters." Mika spoke with a calm voice as they continued to walk. She carried on after a while. "So powerful retainers who can fight a teacher and even though they lost and were put in the infirmary, they healed all the damage back to normal and returned to school like nothing happened the next day, that caliber of a retainer is sought after by all the Factions of our year." Damon looked up from his book. "Our year? Aren't the factions spanning across all the years in the school?" "Well, technically, yes. But we're not linked with those factions and they'll even try and suppress us as well if we overstep our lines but they usually ignore the First Year Factions so they can settle in...It's just...My sisters will probably still mess with us." Mika had an agitated expression on her face when she spoke about her sisters Damon thought it made sense. Each year had a representative for each faction, usually from royalty, and they would make a faction to suppress the other younger generation. Even factions of the same origin would still fight against each other because of the fight for that factions Throne to become the King or Queen. As Damon was thinking about this, they made it to the classroom and entered.
{ "title": "The fisher and the beast (Complete)", "id": 21139, "author": "Aoisatan", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Ch5: Never one to pull his weight", "id": 305863, "next": 307303, "prev": 301664, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4N2MwYmM2YWYwMjQ4MDE5OWFlYmRmZjJhN2Y0OTQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc was in a quandary. He was facing an ancient goddess, one rather famed for her wrath, and she was about to devour him alive. Well, metaphorically devour him. Actually, more like, sexually.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNGRiYTE0OGQ3YTQ1ZjhiM2IzOGQyNWYxOWIwMzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Luna just woke up and had a serious case of the horny bug. Problem was, Glauc did not have much divine force to initiate the acts she expected from him; the act of ejaculation for a male god not only released a certain liquid substance but also his divine force. (Divine birth obviously needed a divine... emission to start with.) </span></p> <p class="cnNkYzQ1MjA0ODRjNzQyZDBhZmMyNzg5N2FhMmI0N2E1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I.E. The act of cumming would literally mean death to Glauc in his current state. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZmY4YTVkNGFlYTRiMWY5MjgyOTRiOWYyYTZmYTk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, not satisfying Luna would probably create a fate worse than death in Glauc's mind. Glauc would have never believed it if he had been told that in his life he would be presented an opportunity of a death by snu snu. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MTgyYmQyMThiMDQ2NDk4M2NkMjlhYzA2MDc5Mjlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Having not much choice, Glauc decided to satisfy Luna by a method he rather abhorred; physical foreplay. He pulled down her pajama pants and was instantly amusemed as he only noticed NOW that the carpet matches the drapes. During all the intercouse he had it had not registered even once in his mind. Love is blind? </span></p> <p class="cnNlMDRlNDVmMzljNjRhZWM4MGZmYjVhMzA4Mzg2MWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He planted his head between her legs and started using his tongue to impossibly twist and reach at the forbidden fruit. That got a response from Luna. She shivered and moaned out scandalously. "Did you just use your tongue to... That's DISGUSTING!"</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzhhYmM2ZGI2YTQzNmE5MTUyYmEzMjAyOGJkOWU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc stopped and looked up between her legs to instantly have his face shoved back in by Luna. "MORE! Lick me you pervert! DEFILE ME!" </span></p> <p class="cnMzNGJhNzY1ZDM5YzRkMTFhZmU3ODIxM2U1MTVmZmMw">Gods were rather simple when it comes to certain acts and apparently used the proper body parts for their intended purpose and oral sex was never even considered. It was almost blasphemous to use a body part for something it was not intended to. Luna, however, was a goddess of the night and 'forbidden' things was part of her domains. Then again, she was probably was just a pervert.</p> <p class="cnM0MzVlZTNjOGNiYjRiOGE5YzdlOGZjZjk2NDU4ODRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc slowly licked up, continuing to also use his fingers to caress her until his tongue went past her stomach, before her neck and finally to her ear. He whispered to her before giving her earlobes a bite "Oh i can think of a few ways to defile you..." Which instantly made her orgasm. Her whole body shook and actually she released a shock wave that knocked down all the furniture and toys in the room. Glauc then took a furry towel and tied her hands behind her back, then blindfolded her with a handkerchief. He gave her a passionate kiss which almost gave Luna another orgasm but he pulled out at the last minute. Luna was too lost in her pleasure to coherently speak and merely panted a few words. "Why... Stop... Please..."</span></p> <p class="cnM4YjViN2FjYzBjZTRhODlhNDk1MWJiMWQyMTlkYTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc gave an evil grin. He just discovered a way to control Luna. "Why should i continue... I have to help Ryu and the champions with the undead... I'm quite a busy guy you know..."</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTFkZGVlNDI2MDQ4Y2E5MjQ5NzFmOTI0MDQ4ZjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"NO! Don't bother with them! Me first! I'll teach you later! Me first!" Luna was rewarded a tongue twisting kiss, on her second 'lips', which surprised her due to being blindfolded. The orgasm was enough to knock her out. Glauc was quite pleased to discover that she was easily satisfied. You just had to do something quite perverted by her standards, which to Glauc was quite normal. Just very tedious and not a lot of fun...</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmY3N2JkNDJlZjQzYmU5ZDUwODljZDc4YmZhODYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unfortunately after all the acts he was suffering from pretty much blue balls.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDlmZWI0YWFjNjQxNmE4YjM3MjBlN2M0YjJiYmIx"><span style="font-weight: 400"> This is why he hated foreplay. He always had such a natural talent at pleasing the other party so much so that he was left to deal with himself alone for many times. There were even times that prostitutes refused payment and demanded he pleasured them instead. Luckily, his wealth had allowed him the privilege of earthly pleasures without too much work i.e. finding new prostitutes that were willing to do the act without any foreplay. </span></p> <p class="cnNlM2EyODRkMjllZDRlMGVhZDkxNTIyNTRlYWVlMmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Luna did not seem to be someone he could pay with cash though.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTNhYjVlZDE5MjRlOWNhYjRiZWYwYWQ2NTU0MTFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Luna woke up a few seconds later and asked him. "You look unhappy. Whatever is the matter?"</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjQxZThhNjMxZTQyZGQ5MjZhZjc4ZTc2YjNkNDFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'm glad you enjoyed the foreplay but i don't have enough divine force to.. cum without dying..." Glauc winced. Being a god did come with some strange disadvantages.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDVhYTlhODMxYzQyODg4YzZiNmM2Mzc4ZDlhYTE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Mmm. You poor thing... What's your main domain?" Luna was in a predictably good mood. Her skin had taken an extra shiny gloss and enhanced her rather pale exterior.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDc4OWNiZTk4NzQ0OGVhNjljMjFlOWUyMzAyZjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Eh? Domain? Oh that thingamagic. Erm gravity i think. Yeah. I'm sure its gravity. Probably." Glauc produced a tesseract to show Luna. </span></p> <p class="cnMzODFmNTg1MWU1NzRlNTJhM2YwY2M1ZDg1N2VmMGE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">She grabbed it and began poking at it from certain angles.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODFiN2MyNDNjZDRiYjNhOGM1MTA4ZmNiNWUwOWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Your comprehension of gravity is too low. You barely produce enough divine force a week to cum once." Luna showed a nonchalant face as she quantified divine force in cums. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ODBmN2UwYmRlZDRjN2E4YTg4ODBlMWY5YmM5YjZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc thought to himself. “Imagine shouting &lt;I’ll unload three cums worth of fireball at the minotaur!&gt; Your friends would probably end up thinking that you had some bestiality kink… like Luna…wait a minute…”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYWYzN2IwYWY0ODQyZDJiYmQzZTEzMGUzNzEyOWFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hehe. Cum." Glauc could not control himself and let out a giggle. Despite his age, he can be immature at times. His small outburst only garnered a wry smile from Luna before she informed him "You know that's how gods quantify divine force right? By the fuckloads." Glauc's giggles soon turned to full bellied laughter and it was a while before he could normally converse.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MGI1NjNjYjc1OTRmZTc4NGNjODhlYzdiMWZmM2I3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Heheh. Pfft! Ahahaha. Sorry. Huuuuuhh. Wow. Sorry... Anyways, my comprehension of gravity is low? Isn't it like, a warp in spacetime or something like that?" Glauc had once watched a video on gravity and is now an armchair physicist. That he had frequently failed his math and science classes in school did not matter much to him.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWM5ZjYwMjRjMjQ4ZWU4ODI5YzFlMjhmZmQ4ZWZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Close. Problem is, do you even know what spacetime is? Or how it's warped? Remember that physics is merely one side of the universe. You can't explain everything with your limited Earth knowledge. Here. This should help you." Luna produced one of her domain, a snow globe, but the inside was of a rainy beach and a stilted wooden hut. She tossed it at Glauc. </span></p> <p class="cnMyM2NkNmMzYzliNDQ4YmI5ODE5NTFiOWRkODBlMzRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">He took it and absorbed it without much hesitation. A flood of knowledge filled his head. "Huh. Tides. Whoa. My gravity domain is expanding!"</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGI3ZDA4NWM2ZjQ1MDhiZGIzNDllYzRlNGRhNDU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yep. Having similar domains complements. Try reading a few books on gravity and tides. And while you're at it read about space and planets too. You've been to a library yet? You can read books for free. Sort of."</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmFmYWRiNzc4YTQxOTg5YWQ3ZTc0NmI4YmU2MzVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Okay my dear!" Glauc gave a peck on Luna's cheek and headed for the library. She waved him goodbye and a few minutes later picked up a rotary phone by the bedside and called a friend. "Aphrodite! How are you? I just discovered something really special. It's called foreplay..."</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTY1MGY1Y2ZiYzQxODE5YmM1YzQ4NTZjYjBhNGZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the way to the library Glauc suddenly shivered. He felt like something really really ominous just occured.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTgwMmQyOWEwNjQxOGJhZGUyYzk2M2RkMWNiNmUx"> </p> <p class="cnNmYTJmZjcxYzBlODRiZDNhZTQ0NDM0YjljMjM3YTBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGFkMGMzODE4ZTRjN2VhNzRiNmU5NTQ2OTM5OWQ5"> </p> <p class="cnMwMTU5ZmY3ZTM0ZDQxY2E4NmFlOWY0ZjZhZGQ2ZThh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc was pondering on whether to tell Ryu that the citizens of Nugaia were unable to have children unaided was because the citizens were actually rotting pieces of some kind of cursed soul god law hybrid abomination. On one hand, Ryu was a good friend and he hated hiding such a crucial secret from him, especially as the secret could aid him in his 'holy quest'. Then again, Ana was also on the boat, and her patron goddess, Maat, was bad news.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTZmZWRkOTYxZTQ4ZDdiZWU4NWY0MTk4MDBjOTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maat had earlier intercepted Glauc and Dino chatting about 'gates'. Apparently Dino was one of the few gods that knew about Min's cursed form and he even quoted, "Why did you think I'm always drunk?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxODIwYzIzMTg1ZjQ2OTVhMGQwNGRmYjkwNjE5OTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maat overheard their conversation and immediately tried to interrogate them on what the 'gates' the two drunkards were talking about. Her dislike of Glauc was immediately apparent because his relatively dishonest nature was at odds with her domain of 'truth'. Glauc responded to her aggressive behavior by giving her false tales of a guy named gate that farted perfumes. Disgusted more by the blatant lie than the juvenile jokes, Maat had stormed off in a hurry to Dino's amusement.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWFlN2Y1YTNkNzQ0MGNiYjhjZGRlYjM1NDgwZjNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was fortunate Glauc was reluctant to tell her anything. Dino immediately told Glauc that if he had told Maat of the gates and what lied beyond, she would have assembled a pantheon to kill Min and the denizens of the mortal plane. A cursed god was considered one of the most vile beings for some, especially those that valued purity and holiness. And Maat was definitely in that camp.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjFhYWUzNGMxZjRjNWI5NDgxNTIyOTIxZmRjNTg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc decided to tell Ana that he was unable to give her a quick power up. "Maat is a bitch. There. I said it. The first thing she called me was a lying sinful trash. Can you believe that?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1NmY4ODlkNmM0NTQ2NzE4MjNlMjg5YjQyZTRiZGIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yep." Ryu answered in a deadpan voice. "You're totally a lying sinful trash..." </span></p> <p class="cnNkYTZjNmIxZGU4NjQ4MDE5OTlmMWNjYjYyMGEwYTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well heh. Fuck you. Who insults someone they met for the first time? That's just rude." Glauc actually laughed at Ryu's comeback. "Anyway sorry Ana. If i modified her artifact she's probably gonna be really offended and make my life miserable. But i can give you hints! Probably. Your skills and how it works can be abused. Primarily with the knowledge that its closer to the truth that she's more like a goddess of PERCEIVED justice and truth. Magical word being ‘perceived’. Use that information how you will~</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWY5NjdhYzNhNTQ4YzRiNDcxYjNhOWRiZTNjYWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now who's next? Sheila! Chosen of Wadjet! Did not meet her yet. Read about her though! Apparently goddess of avengers and empress. Cool stuff. Interesting artifact she gave you. Eye of Ra. Two functions. One type to... ignite the air i think? Or fire control? I need a closer look. And one to be uhh... more persuasive to humans? Holy shit thats like a mind control drug!" Glauc reached out to Sheila's eye but hesitated and stopped his hands in the air, his curiosity to find out more about the artifact put out by the fear of offending Wadjet. He had enough troubles to think of for now. Another offended god would suck. "Umm. I'll try to find Wadjet later. See if she's ok with me helping you and stuff. Gods are pretty sensitive about the whole champions thing."</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTYyYWQ1NmE1YTQyZGY5NDM1MjNkMzZkMDM3Mzk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Courage." Jane thought out loud.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDJkODBmZDI1NzRhZGJhZGJhZGExMzkwYzBhMmFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What?" Glauc looked at her.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmRkNzhiYjVlNjRhNDZhMGE4OTNmYzA4OWRhMGRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Courage. That's what i truly need. To survive in this world i mean. I can't freeze up everytime a monster pops up. Sooner or later it's gonna get me killed. Can you bless me with bravery? You're a god now right?" Jane inquired.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOWM2YTJhYTUyNTQxNjFiZjhiMzgyNzA2NTcyNmE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"So... You chose wine? You wanna be constantly drunk?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDg3NjlmYThmMTQ4NTZhZWU2NWI3YWRhOGU4ZTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Just slightly tipsy I guess. Enough to make me fight monsters but not too much that i can't aim and think properly."</span></p> <p class="cnNiODUxM2I5ZWZkNTRhNzdiNjdiY2NiNjJkMWIxNTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Uhh... Lemme try something..." Glauc took out Dino's domain, now his, and dipped his finger in the wine. Then he stirred it. And put the domain away. "Nope. Not really sure how to do that. I can enchant your container to slowly transform mana to wine. Then you drink it and get drunk? That work?"</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTg2YjBkNDkxNjQwOTI5YjAzYTVlNzAyMWI5YWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was met with a disapproving stare from Jane.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNzI2MmM2YzUzNDRlZjFhMjA1MWIxN2QzMDljNTlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What? I'm new to this god thing! Not like it comes with a tutorial! So i guess I can't do courage. For now. I'll ask Dino later. See if he knows something that can help."</span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2JjYjMwYjEwYzQwYTU5OTA2ODJlYzkyMDBmZjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What does the tide choice give? She can summon a tsunami?" Ryu asked. Glauc summoned a glass globe and shook it. Then he sniffed it. And he looked at Jane before saying "With my current divine force, i can make you a better surfer. Which is useless for fighting undead. Yep. Wow. I totally need more divine force. Ryu, want a sidequest? Help me get more divine force and I can in turn help you better. Probably."</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmQxOTVmM2QxMTRiMTk5NmY0MjdiNjAyZjkxOTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Please tell me the gravity choice is good?" Ryu asked on behalf of Jane.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWMxYmU1MjJiMDQ5ZmFiZDdkZjU0N2MwMzMwM2Rl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc scratched his stomach and grinned. "Yeah I'm pretty confident of this one. I can make a blessing that will increase your weight. You can jump then stomp your enemy flat!"</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjkzMjU4OTg4NDRkNjQ5OGI4YTNjOGZkMDVlYTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Rejected" the three girls replied in unison. </span></p> <p class="cnMxOWMzMDk1MzM3OTQ2OWRiYWVmMTkyNmQ5MmU0MWMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Aw geez you guys are really demanding you know? Fine. I'll ask the other gods for help. In the meantime you guys can learn more about Nugaia." Glauc opened a big chest which was filled with books. "Encyclopedias, monster compendiums, city maps and training manuals. And lots more. Just remember to tie this boat to the harbor. I told the villagers that only you guys can access it so it's also useful as a makeshift inn. Don't take anything ashore. It's all made of divine force. Eventually poofs in the mortal plane." </span></p> <p class="cnM3Yzk2ZWY1MjgzNjQzMjQ4M2Q2MmQ0NzgxYmM4MTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc then took Ryu's polespear and launched it into the water. He caught a salmon like fish with it. Grinning with confidence, fish in hand, he jumped into the water. Well, on the water. The surface acted like a solid floor as Glauc landed face first into it. The sound from the impact was truly painful to hear. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZWQ0NTEzMTE1ODRjYWQ4YTUzY2JhOTQwY2YwNDY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"To heaven? Please?" He groaned as the impaled fish was flopping around his face. Next he screamed like a little girl in a horror show as a gigantic sharp jaw made of water swallowed him, bringing him to who knows where.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGQ2Yzg5ZGJjZDQ1ZDFhOGJhYTEwOTcyNTM2NGE4"> </p> <p class="cnNiYTY0ZWE5NDViOTQxOGE5MGI0ZGUwN2JjNGQzMGI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTY3M2MwOWUyZjQ2YjE5YTRhMzZjNjNlYzQyNWEw"> </p> <p class="cnMxYjE3NGRjODAyYjRmNjJiMDdmNjgzZTY1YmZiZDVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu groaned as he noticed that the girls already started reading and charging notes with one another. They seemed too accepting of Glauc's mode of transportation. Plus, he was never the academic type.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTk5ODllNWI2MTRkNDE4MTllYzVmMWY2N2JhNGY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yoohoo~! You guys alright in there?" Jill shouted at the current occupants of the boat. "Its dinner time!"</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGQ3MTA5ZTdlNjRjMDhiNzdhMWY3MmUyOWE5NjM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">A head popped out of a trapdoor on the roof of the boat. "Dinner? Wow how long were we in here?... Wait... You guys wanna continue reading?" Ryu rolled his eyes. The three ladies were still exchanging notes with one another, books and parchments sprawled out and barely lit by candle light. "Yeah. Yeah. I'll wrap something for you once I'm done eating. Good luck with your studies." He was only too happy to escape the interior of the boat. Although quite spacious and filled with three beauties, Ryu soon felt claustrophobic as the stacks of books seemed higher and higher as the group continued reading. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNTllMDJkYTkwOTQ2NGRhNmVjZWVhMDJiYmI5MmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Granted they had learnt plenty that will help them survive Nugaia. The most important that when citizens and champions gained mana sight, they are offered a free service by places of worships. This service was commonly known as a class up or class change. Once done, it gave a person a significant power boost such as becoming three times stronger or faster. Depending on the gods it might even make you smarter or luckier. But nothing was truly free. One of the books Glauc provided had mentioned a secret that was only known by gods and a select few. Once one had been modified by this 'class up', their soul would be unable to age. Which meant that they would lose the potential to become stronger in the long run. They would be handicapped with a 'level cap', so to speak. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMWU4ZmVhOGExZjQyNjZhYWZiOWU3Njc2MmEwZTJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu and the girls had argued whether a short term power boost will be worth sacrificing godhood for and had come to the conclusion that none of them will take the 'class up' service. If Glauc can be a god, why can't they? Of course, they did not know that he had been 'assisted' by a primordial law (and a magical lettuce), and it would take a combined age of thousands of years to be a god. But to dream was a right of everyone and they were still ironically young and ambitious. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NTI4NTliM2I3MDQ5Mjg4ZjYxZmEzN2E5YzI3MjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, they agreed to keep the secret that the gods were preventing a large population from becoming too strong by offering a limited kind of power boost.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmE2OWNlOWMzZDQ4NjhhYzVmZGE2MGJkNGM0ZGI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu had his dinner in a communal hall. Dinner was spread on the ground on some kind of rattan carpets and he had to cross his legs to eat. He was seated next to Jack and Jill and also the village chief, Gob. A short, stumpy muscular lizardmen with blue scales, Ryu had mentally guessed that he was half dwarf. Fortunately he did not mention his guess because it was not true at all and would have offended Gob quite a bit. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZWVkYmJhZDYwNTQ0YjM4MDgzYWRjZGY3MzZhMWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gob was loudly telling everyone how helpful Glauc had been. He had arrived carrying boxes of pink notebooks and quills to distribute amongst the villagers. Glauc had mentioned something about writing diaries but the village had traded the well made stationaries to traveling merchants for plenty of fur and building materials. They would be able to comfortably live through the coming winter from trading away his gifts.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDU3ODcwYWRmZjRlYmRiNzllNDRkYWI0MjYyYjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc had also taught them simple technologies such as fish traps and net weaving, significantly increasing their food supply. The villagers had relied on bows and spears to catch their food before for a good reason. Waves of monsters were prone to attack in winter when food was scarce; spears and bows had the dual purpose of being a fishing tool and a weapon. Glauc had informed Gob that some champions would come to Baqiqi to deal with the monster waves so gathering food using traps and by fishing would be more beneficial in the near future. Ryu merely twitched his eyebrows as he listened to how easily his old boss volunteered him to slay monsters. He asked Gob why he would trust Glauc so easily only to be told that everyone knew that Glauc was a god and to offend one usually brought about great misfortune.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjJhYWZhMzUzZjQxNzVhZGUyNDQ0MmY3NTYwODlm"> </p> <p class="cnNiNGQyY2Q2OGFjNzQwYTNhNjUyYjVhOTNkMzgyMzUx"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWI2MjdiNWFkNzQ5ODA5MzcwOWM2NjdkZmM2Nzhm"> </p> <p class="cnMzNThmZGJmYWRjMjQyYTFiNTMwNTI5NTc1NzA3ZDM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ana was feeling annoyed. She barely registered the words on the book as she shuffled between the pages. Her mind was distracted as she thought of a certain idiot. Ryu obviously had eyes for Jane. When asking about dinner, he had faced Jane when asking to eat together. Ana had tried to engage in many conversations with Ryu but it did not seem to have any effect. The blockhead did not notice any of her hints which only garnered pity from the other two ladies. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYWY3Mjk5ZmFlZDQyMDQ4NjBlMWM5MDNlYTJiMWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Which made the experience more unbearable. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZDQzMTIwYmQ0MDQ3YjE4OGU3OWZhZDU0N2FmODcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her daydreaming was interrupted by Sheila. "I don't know why you wanna be with a guy like Ryu. I mean sure, he's handsome but obviously you two have too many different opinions. The whole slavery thing for one. Even if you two were to end up a couple it will only end up in many arguments."</span></p> <p class="cnNhNGMyNzAzMjY0YTRhMGZiMTE2MmNjNzk2YTkzNmU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Well, they do say opposites attract." Jane piped up. She felt quite guilty about stealing Ryu's attention from Ana but well... spicy gossip is spicy gossip. "I read in a magazine that you should just tell him how you feel! Especially to such a simple guy..."</span></p> <p class="cnM5Zjk0MWNkOWExYTRiNjE4Y2VkMWEyMWEzZTA2ZDEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"If you want him to be attracted to you it's easy, but honestly it's not worth the effort. Honestly I'm thinking of seducing the fat fuck. Imagine the boons a god can provide..." Sheila lazily stretched out. The candle light emphasized the perfect curves in her silhouette. Ana and Jane had to bitterly admit that they lost to her in certain ascpects.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzdlNTIxYzk1MDRiZDhiZGZiZDFkZWNkMjY5MmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Glauc is already helping us, without the need to sleep with him." Ana angrily rebutted. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNjJjMGMxYzAzZDRhMzliNWZmODg4NDU0MWVmZDU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Perhaps. And perhaps he'll help us more if I pleasured him. Also its not the first time I fucked someone without benefits so if nothing happens I'll live. Life is a numbers game. And this time the advantages might actually be crucial to saving our meagre lives." Sheila shrugged as she rested her face on a palm.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWYxM2VhMWI3MDQ2Zjk5ODYwOTNhNmE4ZjhhNzU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The talk was interrupted by a loud crash on the roof. A head popped in the trapdoor. "Glauc's not back? The fucker just sacrificed us to a bunch of monsters. I had a feeling he was pissed we left him behind in the forest! He always takes his revenge quietly, that bastard! The villagers are preparing to train us now..."</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTljODIwNGUxMjQzMDRhNzdkOTM0ODBlNmY4Nzk3"> </p> <p class="cnNhNDc0OGYzN2MzMzQxMWVhZGFiMDI3NmY2M2FiODIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDc0NTUwMWQxNjQxZTJhZmRiY2ZhYmQ4YWRiZDdk"> </p> <p class="cnNhNzA0NmRlYmQ4NjRmN2I5NGE2OTUyNGM3M2JlNDIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc landed in a farm land. He instantly knew whose farmland it was from the produce. Only one god would be so obsessed with lettuce. There were rows and rows of the vegetables, some he noticed had grown as big as a house.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNWZhMzkyZDFmYzQ4ZGFiZmJlOGY1MjY4ZGQ4OTI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The polespear in his left hand was slowly dissipating into white motes of light which he breathed in. Looks like mortal offerings to gods were automatically converted into divine force whether he wanted to or not. He was going to have to find a replacement weapon for Ryu. Or not. Ryu had magical wolf claws. Fuck that harem boy.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGU4NzUyMTM0MjQ2YTY5ZGZlMjhhYjg3MWY4MzQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The fish in his right hand was still present though. It had died from the lack of water and Glauc thought it would make for a pretty appetizing dinner. He looked around and found Min watering a sprout. He slung the fish on his shoulder and slowly walked to her.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzcwYjU5MTI3ZjRlYmQ4ZDIwMGJkMzVlZGZjZGQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min was singing to herself, oblivious to her surroundings. When Glauc reached her side, he causally patted her shoulder to greet her. "Yo your holiness! Growing more lettuce?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGZjZmNkNjJlNjQzMWZhNWNiODI5YmU2YTcxOWQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min gave a little yelp and immediately bit the hand on her shoulder, causing Glauc to cry out in pain. "Argh! My hand! Why'd you do that!" </span></p> <p class="cnMwNzNkNGJjNzc1NTRiM2NiZTY1MTlkOWJiM2FkMjc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min continued to clench her jaws on to Glauc's hand as she looked into his eyes with anger. Glauc tried tugging his hand away which only caused her to bite deeper. Tear in one eye, Glauc pointed to himself with his free hand and asked her "It's me. Glauc." Min creased her forehead in return. Glauc added "You summoned me and my friends to Nugaia to get rid of the undead." This actually caused min to stare wide eyed and opened her jaw, which Glauc took the opportunity to immediately pull back his hand and retreat a few steps back.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDFjMjE3Y2ViZjQ2NTY5NDUwMzE2N2NjYzcwZGM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min hopped towards Glauc and sniffed him as he wrapped himself with his hands, afraid she would bite a different part. She then stood up straight and pointed at him in an accusing manner. "Undead are still here. No wishes for you yet!"</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTI4YjgxMTc0NzRhMDNhODQxMmRhZjQzZGNlMzJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"What wishes?" Glauc asked her.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjdjOTBmYjAxMTQ0YmRiMDYxZGE0MDBjOWU1Yjc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min gave a face like she just swallowed something sour and replied to him. "Did you forget? Get rid of the undead and I'll grant each of you a wish to the best of my abilities!"</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWNlOWMxZmMwZjQxMzc4ZDI0YWU4MzQ4NmVmOTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Really? You disappeared before you told us that." Glauc replied. There was now a benefit to their so called holy quest. He had just tried doing it because he was scared Nunu would punish him if he ran away. "Anyway I'm now a god. Can't really get to the mortal plane and fight them without getting drained of all my divine force. Your holiness."</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2Q5YzhlOTYzMDQ2ZjU5ZGRiNTkxMTQ5YmRkYWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min's face blanked out and she suddenly jumped on top Glauc and grappled him. Then she started scratching his face with one hand. "Who are you? Why are you in my garden?" Glauc was unable to react and fell flat on the ground in pain which gave Min extra stability and she used the chance to use both her hands to scratch his face.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTA5YzlkOTViMzQyOWI5MjU2ZTQwZjFmMGY0OTQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc covered his face in futility as Min always seemed to find a hole in his defence to pierce. "Nunu sent me here!"</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzQwMzlkZTVkODQzNTE4ODY5OWY1ZGExOGNmZGZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min stopped and looked at him with suspicion. "Mommy sent you? Did you bring fertilizers? Who are you?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhNmNiZDkyMzFjYzQ2NmZiMjRhMTBmZWVjYjdmZTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc looked at the goddess currently sitting on his chest, claws ready to attack, and gave her a placating smile. "Fertilizers? Uhh... Would a fish work? They're full of nutrients and stuff. I think." He pointed his head at the fish he dropped when he got attacked by Min.</span></p> <p class="cnM5OWIyZGE2ZTNkZjQzYzBhMGMzOGNiYWY5NWNmYTdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min looked at the fish and her eyes sparkled. "Fishie! And it's not made of divine force! A real fishie!" She jumped to it and lifted it up to the air with both hands. Her whiskers and rabbit ears twitched with glee as she started a ditty about plant food and uncooking an omelette and other random things, fish raised over her head, like offering it to the sky.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzIxM2Y0MDE4ODQyNTc4MmUxOThiMDJiM2FhNzZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc slowly crawled away on all four, trying his best not to get Min's attention. His scratched face already healed. Perks of being a god. Min's attack was quite scary though, every swipe reinforced by fuckloads of divine force. It was fortunate that she attacked to injure, not kill, or Glauc would already be a goner. He had moved no further than a meter when he felt a furry foot step on his buttocks. He stilled his body, hoping somehow it would make him invisible.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjZmNzdhZDUyMzRiYjQ5YzU1MjE3OGU3Zjc1MmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Min patted Glauc's head. "Good boy. Bring me more fishie!" Then she kicked his stomach, launching him far into the sky.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmJmM2ZjNGVmZjQxNTFhZWZiYmNkYTk4NTM5M2Y5"> </p> <p class="cnNlZjAyYjgxYTAyMzQ4ODU4Mzk1MzQ0NzJlYjY0NDMx"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGIwMWI4NDM3NDQwMTE4ZTIxNDY0NTRhMzVkMDhj"> </p> <p class="cnNhNjEyM2U4NmRlNzQ4OGVhMzU5YjYyNzk4NGVhZDhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Meanwhile, in the mortal plane.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODAyYjVjOGM5ZjQ4MTg4NjhiZWY0ODE1NWJmNzk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"So... What do you say is coming?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1YjZlMDlmZjUyYzRhMGNhNTlmYTFhNTAyYzczZDE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Winter."</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjU3Y2RkZjE5ZjRlNjM4ODUxZjUyOTQ4Y2ZiNTM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Could you repeat that?"</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjE1MmRjOTIwNjRmZjNiYjIyMDNiYzUwN2EzMjVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Winter!"</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGFkMDdmNTZkYzQ0YjE4ZThmYWNmYzI3MzZiMGU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"The whole phrase please...something something is coming..."</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjhjMDZiMWFjNjQ3YTM5MWEyNTZkZTJlNTQ3ZmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu was trying to get an increasingly annoyed Gob to say a certain famous line. Quite unsuccessfully. Gob jabbed his spear into Ryu's stomach, causing quite a deep wound and eliciting a loud yelp. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNDdjZmY3M2M1ZjQ2MjZhMWIxMjU4MTg0ZTQ0MGM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's not regenerating yet. Hurry it up." Gob slowly prodded the wound with the blunt end of his spear. Fortunately, Ryu had combat training on Earth and suppressed his shout into a grunt. He cleared his mind, trying to ignore the pain. The wound started closing up as Gob continued poking it. The healing slowed a few times as Ryu further got distracted by more pain. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMzM0ZTFiYmM5NTQzOTE4ZDcxMmExY2UwY2FiNDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gob looked at Ryu and yawned, not feeling the slightest bit guilty at injuring him. "You gotta learn to stay in a state of rest at all times, even when you are surprised. Your blessing is a powerful one and you'll need it for the coming monster waves. I'll also let Jane sleep you constantly two weeks before winter. Hopefully you'll learn more about resting from that. Other than that, learn to resist pain." </span></p> <p class="cnNiNDc2NWQwODI2NTRlZDRiZWQzZTg1ZmFhOWFhNGY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gob snapped his finger and Sheila immolated Ryu and Ana cast a Banish Evil spell. </span></p> <p class="cnMxZmYxYjUxYWU3ODRjMzhiMDhjNDJhOGYzNDM4ZmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Oh oops. Guess it's your turn." Sheila sticked out her tongue at Ana. Burning Ryu was somehow a lot of fun and she could not wait for her turn. Besides, it was for training purposes, she convinced herself.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWNkYzM0Y2NjNTQxNDdiNWZmOGY5YzBmZTNjOWYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">When the fire died out a charred corpse was left on the ground. "Did we kill him?" Ana asked aloud. A faint muttering could be heard from the body. "Pain is just a four lettered word. Pain is just a four lettered word. Pain is just a four lettered word." The body stood up and started shouting more incomprehendsible words before Jane shot him with all the sleep darts she could muster. Ryu fell asleep and started to regenerate his skin.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWRjYmZkNDU1ODRjYzk5NTIwMTU3M2UyYmUxNWRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Not bad." Gob muttered. "He lasted at least ten seconds this time. The monster wave should be pretty easy for you guys. Don't tell him that though. It's too wasteful to let such a powerful blessing be partially used."</span></p> <p class="cnNjYWZiZjVlZDE5OTQ2YTY5NTYyMGUyMGVkMDY1M2Vi"> </p> <p class="cnM4NzQwOWZlNWQzNTRkMzNiMmIxNDcxMWQ2NTgyMTll"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjMxOWM2ZDAyOTQzZjA4NzRiOWE3MTY5YTRhNTUx"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZjMzYTU4OWQxYTRmNDRhN2ZiNWViZmE0ZDE3OWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Where's Glauc? He's been gone for days..." Sheila asked Ryu. Her plan to seduce Glauc would be futile if he wasn't here at all.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzA5YjlhYjYyYTQ5MTQ4MDhmMWE3ZjJjNmFlMTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"How should i know? He's probably burning in hell. Or maybe he's fucking seventy-two virgins. No idea how gods work here." Ryu rubbed his eyes. Getting kicked awake was not his idea of a good morning. "How long was I out for?"</span></p> <p class="cnNmZWUwYmM5YmY0NTQzNjBhMTUzOTYyMzVhNTE4YzFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You missed dinner. And breakfast. It's almost noon." Sheila pointed at two trays of food beside him which Ryu proceeded to wolf down, pun intended. "You fully healed in less than five minutes though, that werewolf regeneration is something else huh?"</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjVlODQ2NGIyZTQ4M2M5NjE3ZjQzMDkxN2RkMDBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Glauc had privately told me that it was not the werewolf blood that is responsible for my regenerative behavior." Ryu casually waved his hand as he spoke with mouthfuls of fruit in his mouth. "It's a real blessing of Luna or something. She's in charge of rest or something like that and she used that uhh... I think he called it domain? Anyway, that's why I gotta feel rested to activate that ability. At least it's a partially passive ability."</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDA4Y2UyNjllZDRlY2RiNTBhMjA2MGMwOWJlMWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"A pretty OP passive." Ana chimed in.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMmMwZmFmNzQ5ODQ4MjE5NjU0ZjZjNmRmYjAxMTFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"OP?" Sheila asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMzMwYTBlYTk5MjRjMTM4NzI4MmI1NWVmNTg5MGFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Overpowered. It's a game thing. Ryu could probably regenerate an organ if it comes to it. All he gotta do is eat lots of food and rest." Ana explained with crossed arms. "Not to mention his animal form gives him enhanced strength and abilities. By the way, the whole undead holy quest thing? I've been thinking. There's a lot of champions in Nugaia but we're the ones given the responsibility of eradicating them. Something feels off. I've been praying to Maat and I've received replies that she and the other gods have not been told of any undead. It just doesn't make sense. If the undead was so dangerous, why not deal with them now? Why send us?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjdlNzE3Y2Y5MjQ0ZDBhY2NlMGU0NzI0YzE0YTkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I've known Glauc for some time. He's hiding something. I'll ask him when he comes back." Ryu assured Ana. "For now, we just have to get stronger as much as possible. Either way, we have to deal with a bunch of hungry monsters soon. How's your karma?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTQ5NjQzODBmMzQ3N2Y4Yjg0YTg5OTE4ZGRkNjFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's improving. The villagers are also giving me lots of hints on how to fight with a shield and scepter. I'm quite confident about the coming fight actually." Ana proudly said. "Glauc's hint is totally useless though."</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzIyZTkwYzEwNjQyZWVhYWRmMWVhNWMwNmQ0MjA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Wish I could say the same." Jane glumly prodded Ana's cheek. "I still can't hit anything with a bow. Jill is also helping me with the training but I'm not improving enough. I'm sorry that I'm not brave enough to fight in the front lines."</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmQxZDNjZmMxNDQxNTNhMWIzNzY2ZjAxMjEwMzYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"I'll probably be in the back too. Don't worry. Just shoot in the general direction of Ryu instead of Ana. He could easily take a couple of arrows to the back if you miss, he's got like tough back fur armour." Sheila joked.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDkwYjI3NTY5OTQ0ZDM4ZDI5MmE5MDdmNWM1ZGFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Still hurts to be shot by an arrow. Please don't miss." Ryu gave Jane a pleading smile, which lightened her mood.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjgxZjhjOWI5YTQ3YTQ5Nzk4NTEwZTlmNDI5ZjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The group was interrupted mid conversation by a loud bang and red smokes. An old man walked out of the smoke. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ODdmY2IwMzM0ZTQ5NzY4OTcyMTRiZGM1M2IzZDJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">All of them took a look at him and they all felt it in their bones. If they fought him, death would be the only result. His aura radiated power. Overwhelming power.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYWM4ZjNjNTVlYzQ3NTY4Mjk2NTAwODY4NjU0Zjlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He gave the group a disgusted stare. "Hmpf! All of you are friends of that worthless piece of shit? He's gonna pay for what he did. And you're all going to help me. Whether you like it or not."</span></p> <p class="cnMwYWU5NGE2Y2I0YjQwN2I4YzgyM2Y1NjI4ZGQ2Mzli"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Glauc will suffer for what he did..." the old man clenched his fist and his wrath was evident.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDQ2ZDQzMDY3ZTQ3MzM4NjhlMDg1NGNjZmQ2ZGRk"> </p> <p class="cnM1YTUwMTY2Y2U0YTRjMzI4NzNhMDgyYzBiM2FiYTc1">***</p> <p class="cnM4YmZjNmM4MmJiNDRiYzJhY2M0ZGVlYWQ0N2I5YjJi"> </p> <p class="cnNkOGM3MTcwMDFiZTQ0NGRhNjMxMGFiZTYxN2Q4YTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zagan had been the king of Hell, before he declared war on some gods. Fighting in the frontline, he was betrayed by the rest of his kins who wanted his throne. They tricked him and his loyal allies into an ambush by the enemy. However, his superior fighting abilities had turned the ambush into a bloody battleground for both sides. Zagan had personally slain many gods with his bare hands and won the battle.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzdmYTgxZWZiMzRkYTE5Yzc4Y2UxN2VmYjRmZWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, it was not without cost. Many of his soldiers had fell. Upon learning of his victory, his former allies blocked the way back into his kingdom and he was forced to fight with his own kind to try to regain it back. Hell, a mining kingdom, was located in the mountains that acted as a natural defense. Worn down by the previous battle, his army was slowly decimated by hunger and more importantly, the lack of nickels. Nickel was a metal that demons consumed to power their abilities and running out of it was equivalent to running out of ammo.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTk4NWQ1MzgyODRjYjRiMTZkY2JmYzg0MWEyMDAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hell however, had an almost limitless supply of it from the mines and it was not long before Zagan's army was overwhelmed. Alone and fighting without rest, Zagan despaired and did something taboo to all devils. He prayed to the gods. He asked if there were any to help him get his revenge, to smite his foes and annihilate them.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzQ5YTMyZTAzYzQ4OWY5NGZlYTIxNzc2MjI5MmI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">One reason the devils did not worship gods was because they knew gods were greedy creatures. They always took more than they gave and they would only help if it was profitable. The gods that listened to Zagan's worship simply hid and watched him from afar, laughing with glee as they slowly accepted his prayer and took pieces of his soul to transform into divine force. In exchange, they did nothing, simply waiting for the rest of the demons to kill him. Once he died as a worshipper, his soul would be tied down as their slave and they would torture him for slaying gods, some of them good friends or family. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNTY2NzMzOGI2MTQyZjBhYmEzY2FjY2Y2ZTM2OTA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, to everyone's surprise, a god acted in Zagan's aid.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjRmMmUyZmFjODQ4MGQ5ZDk4ZDk1MmFjMmFhYTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She descended and helped Zagan get his revenge, although many later leaned she did it out of simple boredom.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmMyOTI4NzBiNTRkYjM4YTM2YmRmNDQyNWE2NzMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zagan reminisced about his past, and his face scrunched up in anger. Glauc, a newly ascended god, had done something that spit in the face of his benefactor. He would never rest until he paid back tenfold in revenge. And he would use Glauc's friends, some newbie champions, to make sure Glauc truly suffered and learned of his mistake.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzU1OWM2ZDk2MTQxMjU4NDhmYThlNDNhNTBmNzMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu, Sheila, Jane and Ana were now stuck in some kind of limbo. Some kind of evil demon had kidnapped them and was forcing them against their will to fight against demons one on one. He had somehow judged their combat capabilities lacking and made his underlings spar with the champions. Ryu cursed his friend, wondering what Glauc had done to offend such a powerful demon.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTJhYmU1YmIwZTRlZjFiZGMxZjM0ODZlMmQxMmMx"> </p> <p class="cnNjOGI0NjA0NzFmODRjNGJhYzg3YzUyZTVhODgxYzMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzljODAyNGI0NjQ3ZmQ5NjdhMjcyMjYzODg5NDlk"> </p> <p class="cnM3Y2YwNmNjOGJhMTRjZjY5N2FiNzExMzZlZTc3NTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few days before Zagan kidnapped the group...</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjZmY2Q1NjRlZjQxNzdiN2EwYmFlY2ViNjA0Mzli"><span style="font-weight: 400">A dark shape was streaking across the sky. One might mistake it for a bird were it not for the round shape. And lack of wings. Glauc had just been recently kicked high up by Min into the sky. He felt that it would be quite petty of him to hold a grudge against a god that was mentally challenged. Besides, her mother was definitely the incarnation of all evil and suffering or something. No way</span><span style="font-weight: 400"> was he going to wake up a sleeping tiger for petty revenge.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGVlMTZmYzY1YjQyNTdiMDg5MTNhYTg4ZmRlMjFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The whole 'flying' experience had an unexpected boon though. He had, in his panic, used his gravity domain to slow his fall. Glauc never truly feared heights, in fact, it was suddenly stopping that was the problem. Thus he burnt up some divine force to make himself lighter for a moment and in doing so, soon had a greater understanding of his domain. And his greater understanding led to his domain producing more divine force in a positive feedback loop. No wonder gods spent their divine force willy-nilly! In the long term it was actually a profitable endeavor.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2YzODlhYWM4MTRiYWQ5YTRmYjg3ZTFjMTE5Nzgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lightly landing on a flower field, Glauc decided to attribute Min for this epiphany. He would catch more fishes to thank her thus. Let it be known that Glauc is a kind and grateful god! He chuckled to himself and picked up a flower from the field, only to realise that it was made of candy. It was delicious. He wondered which god had created this area when clouds started to form. Looking up, he noticed the clouds were made of cotton candy. </span></p> <p class="cnNiN2NkMDA4MWZkNDQ1ZDQ5YTVhODAyNjE4NTYyMDYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pondering to himself, trying to remember which god was in charge of sweets or desserts, Glauc got caught in the pouring rain. He would not have minded getting wet except that the rain was made of viscous chocolate. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzA0OTkxYjQzMDQzZjZhYjJiZjc4ZDhiNjMyZGJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">After escaping the rain, Glauc decided to telepathically call Luna for advice. He had planned to meet Wadjet but realized that it would be a bad idea when he was so... sticky. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NmEzODY4YTc4NTQ2NWE5YmU1ZjQzOWE2NDE1YmUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You're covered in chocolate? Ahh... you must be in Ceres's garden. Lovely place. Remember to bring your umbrella though, and a mug!" Luna spoke through her phone.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWVlOTlkYjdlNTQ5ZmFhZGY5NTUwNzcyYjBhMDEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"So what should i do? Will Wadjet mind if I meet her like this?" Glauc asked, licking his fingers. Hey, chocolate is chocolate! And this one had a hint of orange, a pretty good combination by his taste.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDc2MDgzODUxYzRjYTI5OTNjNWUyNGE0OGUzOTdk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Honestly, I'm not sure she'll meet you even in your best. Hmmm. Anyway there's someone I want you to meet first. Go to THE public bath, just say you have a reservation. I'll call the owner to let her know. She's been bugging me ever since... Well, you'll know when you meet her." Luna hung up her phone and dialed another god.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTQ2ZWRkMGNmOTRlNDM4N2FhZmI4ZDA5Zjc4ODI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc got to his destination not long after, with the help of several passerby gods. It was however a journey full of good natured teasings, many laughing at his dirty appearance. Glauc could not wait to get rid of the chocolate sticking to every part of his body. They were not the type to solidify and honestly he felt quite disgusted as the chocolate flowed to certain cracks in his body.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMmNkY2RmYjkxYzQxMTY5ODkzY2FkN2RlM2FjZGZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">THE bath house was famous for a reason. Every part of the building, from the walls, to the floors and ceilings was made of gold and studded with jewels. Pretty opulent, even by a god's standards. Glauc looked at a signboard and blanched as he realized that the cheapest service, a public bath, cost a hundred fuckload of divine force. He timidly approached a statue, one in the shape of woman carrying a pot of water, and waved hello. The statue, a gargoyle, moved its head to look up and down at Glauc. "Fat, fur slippers, covered in chocolate. I presume that you are Glauc?" It asked in gravelly voice in contrast to its feminine look. Glauc nodded and the gargoyle led him through a long corridor through several public baths until they ended in a changing room. "Undress here and we will take care of the laundry. Go through the pink door to enjoy your private bath." </span></p> <p class="cnNhNzM1ZmQzYzMzMDQzYjQ4MzAyOTI2NjU0ZDU3N2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc happily took off his chocolate stained clothes and went through the pink door with a towel covered around his waist. He was immediately buffeted by a pinkish fog that smelled of perfume. Walking on a purple carpet that led to a swimming pool sized spa, Glauc hesitated to enter as he thought to himself. "Private my ass!" </span></p> <p class="cnNiYjQ3YjczYmZkYjQxOWVhOTQ1MTk2ZGU5NmI4MGRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the corner of the spa, on top of some racks were two soap bars. Problem was the soap bars had pretty obvious eyes, not to mention radiated a large amount of divine force. They also had not noticed Glauc and were talking amongst themselves. "Huehuehue... See Zeus! This is a brilliant plan! When she bathes she'll use us to clean herself and then boom! We'll impregnate her!"</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWNhMTA3YWI4NzQ5ZjVhMzA0NGU3YzIxOWNlZGUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc twitched his eyebrows, before walking back to the gargoyle to ask it about the rather suspicious toiletries. It took no longer than five minutes before the scene was emptied of... distractions before Glauc finally relaxed in the pleasantly soapy waters.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTYyMTExNDBkNTRiNDlhODdmMTQwODk4NWIyNDc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was about to close his eyes when the pink door at the entrance opened.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTk5OTdjOGYyYzRkODY4MmVkZTIwN2M5MDI1Y2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Walking through the pink door at the entrance of the spa with a smooth gait, almost as if she were sliding on the floor, a tall figure smiled at Glauc as he hastily covered up his naked privates with a towel. More than two and a half meters tall, and a bubblegum pink from hair to skin, with certain human traits exaggerated, Aphrodite looked at Glauc with interest. Her golden, pupil-less eyes squinted as she studied this newly ascended god.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjRlMDJiMDczMTQ3ZWU5MTliMGZlZmM0ZDRiMDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Luna had earlier called her to rave about Glauc and his so called 'foreplay' skills. It was an interesting idea for Aphrodite, to be able to be intimate but without the chance of impregnation.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzQ1YzE0YmUxMTQxOWI5YjVhMmFmMWU0ODBmZmUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Being the goddess of love, Aphrodite had ironically been unable to satisfy her urges due to her unwillingness to love another being more than another. She would love all equally, at least that was what she decided during the early stages of creating the base of her domain. A decision she had always regretted in hindsight. In effect it meant that having children could create the chance to make her prioritize her love to her offspring, thus weakening her domain. Taking an action contrary to a god's own domain could create a divine backlash that would reverse ages of hard work.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGY5NTRjYTNlNDRkMTBiMmZmOWUxZWI4MTg2ZTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc gulped as he noticed the goddess, her tall gait meant that in contrast the relatively tiny towel barely covered her chest and legs. Her slim waist seemed like it would snap at any moment when compared to the size of her butt and breasts. Honestly Glauc wondered how the towel even managed to keep her bounties from spilling out and said a silent prayer for the fabric. At least you died a happy death.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzM0ZTdmNjNkNTQxMTE4NTQyYTU5NGZlNTNhYjFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was one of the few gods that had chosen a nonhuman form, her hair not really made of strands but stuck together in one piece like a soft and stretchy dough. It bobbed up and down as she made her way to the spa, Glauc unable to guess what her species were. A slime? An elemental? She waved at Glauc, the towel staying on despite the movements. "Hi Glauc! Luna told me about you. Know who I am?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhOThlMTg2NTFmNzQ0NzliMTk3YjMxMDBkYTk0NmY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Searching his memories, Glauc vomited out the information he had read in the library. "Aphrodite. Goddess of love, beauty and pleasure."</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDgyYmY4NzhlOTQzNDM4ZTIxZTUwMDg1YzZlZDUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">"And proprietor of this humble establishment." Aphrodite bent her knees to make a little bow. "Did you enjoy your bath?"</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDAyMTQzODExMzRiZDk4MjQzNzgwMzhiNTViNjk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"It's wonderful. I just realized how much rest I've been missing, you know, with all the undeads and primordial laws trying to torture me and who knows what. This is the life. But I have a feeling this service is not exactly free, is it?" Glauc remembered the sign board at the entrance of the building, listing prices that he would be unable to afford.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmViODA5NjQwMjQyYjBhZjQ1ZTUzYWQ4ZjBjZjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Aphrodite chuckled. "Oh don't worry. This section of the spa is not part of the business. It's my private bath. Although if you could do me a favor, well... I've been told that I make a very good ally." </span></p> <p class="cnM0MzgwMDgwMDgzZjRiYTM5ODhhMDBiNWYyMWMxNDcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a wry smile Glauc asked what the favor was and he was soon stupefied when Aphrodite removed her towel. </span></p> <p class="cnNjOTdhOTBkMDVhMzQwMDE5NjJlNjE5NzZmYjZhNWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Foreplay. Show me how it's done."</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmIxZjgyZmFjMzQ2ZmQ5ZTIzMDg0ZjYzOTNiZTYz"> </p> <p class="cnMyYmMxODFmODc3NTRhNzE5ZTM1ZDIzMGFiMWQzMTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2Q4ZmZjN2QwMzQ5Y2E5ZDlhNjVhMmZlNzIzOTQ2"> </p> <p class="cnMzMjFmZWU2ZDU2YTRhZDJhYjEzMmE1YzMzNGZiMmM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the present time, in a hellish dimension.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGJhNTFhN2NjNDQ3MjA5YWEzZjVjYzYxNzJlYjU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu ravaged through thirty opponents, confidently dodging their claws by a hair's width and attacking their weakness with a well placed swipe. After downing half the enemy, he suddenly hesitated and the lapse of movement was immediately taken advantage of and he was taken down.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2QxM2ZjMjZjYjQxMTk5MjFiYzFjZGY2ZTAxMmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Useless! I can help increase your wit but you need to get used to it yourself. Gods can easily dispel my buff. With your skills it is possible to defeat a god, you just have to think faster. Again!" Zagan snapped his finger and the demons carried their injured kin away and got replaced by another team, ready to fight Ryu. Zagan then rubbed his ring and it melted, before throwing the molten nickel at Ryu. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MWM0Yjk1MjkyNTRjYzdhZGIwMjM0N2VkNzU0ZjI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Swallowing the projectile, Ryu was suddenly filled with clarity, able to predict how the devils were going to move. Fully regenerated, he charged into the group, trying to remember how to fight while buffed. Zagan had told him that the buff merely brought out the potential of his mind and Ryu was always capable. He just had to figure out how.</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2EwYWViMDQ4YjQ4NzhiZTVlMTA3NTcxMzQ0ODQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Similar training was being held by Ana and Sheila, both fighting wave after wave of enemies, with the difference that their defeat was decided with a touch of paint soaked training weapons. Their inability to regenerate wounds almost a blessing in disguise.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzM5ZmQ0MjYyZjRmY2ZiMGUyYjZmZTRiYTYxMWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jane was excluded immediately from Zagan's training almost immediately though, as he immediately decided her abilities useless against Glauc. Thus she was not 'kidnapped'. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNDljZTBkZDBjOTRlZTNiMjEwYzhmZmY4ZDk1YWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was avtually now training her archery with the support of the villagers of Baqiqi. Zagan had assured Gob and the rest of the villagers that the champions would be ready by winter. In exchange, the villagers must not let any gods know about his involvement through their prayers.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMmNiZDQzZDdmNDRiZDJhODljZTU5NGZmYzkyNzg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jane decided to help Zagan defeat Glauc though, deciding that his wrath was almost righteous. Actually, the whole group agreed with Zagan, not to mention that he promised to accompany their group to defeat the undead should they succeed. He was a demon and unaffected by the rules of gods and could freely move around in the mortal plane of Nugaia. Definitely a lot more useful than receiving indirect help from a god.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDczYTAzZDQzNDQ5NmZiNjA3NzIzNTMwN2EyYjc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">She never really liked Glauc that much anyway; he had once called her fat. This was her chance to make him pay for that remark.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDVhZTkyNGZiYzQ0YWU5ZTljMjc5YWYyMmFjMDY2"> </p> <p class="cnMzZmZiMjQzNDc2OTQ1MjBiNjY4OGZkMjFmMGIxYTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWUzOGQyMzZkNjRmODdhOTAyODg5YTY4YjE2ZDBl"> </p> <p class="cnM5ODllYmVjODI5OTRhMzViOWQ0NWQzOTMwNjM4NmVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">During their training, Glauc was leisurely reading a book about mythical mammals in Seshat's library. He shook his head as he tried to forget what had happened during the past weeks. Aphrodite. Wadjet. Maat. Eros. Zeus. And counting. He had offended so many gods that he was too scared of leaving the library. He had to figure out how to get Nunu to protect him. She was the only primordial law he knew, but her behavior was a little unpredictable to him. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNTZlM2U1OGFjNDRhZWU4NTNhMDU0NWVmOTcwODM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc snapped his finger. Actually, there is one predictable behavior about Nunu! Glauc lost control of himself and crackled out a loud, evil laugh.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDMxMTQ0MDQ1ZDRmNWU5YWI1NDMwNjc5MzU3Zjg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, a stone tablet smashed into his face, breaking apart into pieces but not before bending his nose and knocking him off his chair.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MTVmMWEyZGM3YTQ1YjliMTAyNzZlZDNjMzFjMmJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Quiet. This is a library."</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDZkMjZiZGU1ODQwZjBiZGMwOGQzNmVkMzdkNDY2"> </p> <p class="cnNhYjlkM2M4MzFjMzQ2Njc4Mzk0ZDY2M2ExYmQ0ZDFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmViMzM5MjBkYjRkYTE4YWE5MjdjNjI5ZTI2NGVl"> </p> <p class="cnNmN2UxODU3YmQ4YjRhNWNhNmI2N2MwOWVhZWU3MGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Glauc..."</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTQ0OTBiZjkxNzQwNWJhNzIwNzcxOTJhMzY2ZDc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes o divine and beautiful and majestic Nunu, greatest primordial law ever and not to mention coolest and bestest being alive? And kind? Yes! Kindest being ever..." Glauc was now prostrated on the ground, facing a tulip. It was a pretty deadly tulip though, basically Nunu in one of her many forms.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDQyNDZmZGRiZTQyNTU5ZDE2MjJhZGNjMzlhMDU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The petals opened and a fairy emerged, sitting on the flower like a throne. "I'm pretty sure i asked you to help your friends defeat the undead, not offend other gods..." She crossed her arms and looked at Glauc in amusement. "What did you do to Wadjet?"</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmFjNzc5MGRkYzQ3ZjFhZmQxMTMyZTUyMmM5YWZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc stood up and waved his hands around in exasperation. "It wasn't me! That was Aphrodite! She destroyed Wadjet's pyramids! She's crazy! I just wanted to ask Wadjet for permission to modify Sheila's blessing and Aphrodite came in shooting arrows at everything! And her arrows were explosive! Why would a goddess of love use explosive arrows?"</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTQzNTUwNThmZTQ2ZTE4MGMyNmQ4MWRjYzRiNTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nunu changed from a pixie into a sparrow, flying around Glauc's head. "Oh my. Your chaotic disposition is certainly interesting. And just what did you do to Aphrodite?"</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWJkYTViNDAxNjRkMjliYmY2NTIxNjUwOGZmN2Uz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc gave a sheepish smile as he recalled the story...</span></p> <p class="cnM3Nzk2OGZiMWU2MjQyYTFhYmE5MDk5ZjQ0MWMzMWRj"> </p> <p class="cnMyMDVjNjhjMDQwZDRiOGY5Mjk4NjMwZjM5MDQ5ZWYx"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGFhOGQ3M2UxOTRmYjM5NTBlNjFlMjIzZDEyNmZl"> </p> <p class="cnMzMDQ1ZTg2YTliZDQ3YTE4MzM3M2JmMmI0MjViNWJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">During a certain bathing time in the past, in a lavish private spa in heaven... </span></p> <p class="cnM2ODAzNzI5ZDdjYTQ4MzZhMTdiNTEwODgwYTEzNmI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Foreplay. Show me how it's done."</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzYzYzZjZmY2YTQ0OGNhNjgzNzE0ODZjNDU3OTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"..." </span></p> <p class="cnNiNjIxZTdjYzEwODQxNjI4YmMyYjhlYjVhOGJmODhj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc was left speechless by this goddess randomly stripping and asking him to show her some foreplay. Glauc was surprisingly aroused by her nonhuman body. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZmNhMTVlMmE0MjQ4YWZhYmU1NzM5Mjk5YzEzOWJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was easily noticed by Aphrodite. "You like what you see, ya? What should i do? Lie down? Get on my knees? You can't get pregnant from foreplay, ya?" She shuffled to Glauc and looked into his eyes, their face almost touching.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MmMzNTQ5YWViODQ0MzlhYjBiNzdiYzY4YTUyZGYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc remembered Luna. She was the only female in his life that willingly slept with him. Without paying for it. He decided to be grateful for what he had and to appreciate and not fuck up their relationship by being intimate with another.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTEwZTY1NWU2NTRiNmJhMGQ3OWMyODAwZGI3ODBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, his ‘third leg’ disagreed. </span></p> <p class="cnNiY2M4N2U3YzM0NTQxZDc5MjhlMTYyZjBiOGM2M2Zj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You don't wanna get pregnant? But you want to be pleasured? Well, you've come to the right guy! Oh, so many things to teach you, where do i start... Huehuehue..."</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjA0OWEzMDhhMzQ3NWRiMmNhYWJjOWM0YTdiMjEz"> </p> <p class="cnMyMWViYzhiMmUyODQ4MjA4MTBmYTVjYTA2OTgzMDJk"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnM5N2Y0MTg2NGFmYTRkZWM5YWY3Y2E1ZDRiMjU5M2Jh"> </p> <p class="cnMwMDUzMDE3MzNiNzRlMjNiYjQ2Yjk1ZWI1YjI0YjVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zagan had a perfect day, all culminating in him relaxing in THE bath house in heaven. The water soothed his aching bones greatly and gargoyles massaged his shoulders and fed him grapes from a plate. Truly, this was a place worth paying for. Being a devil, he was not able to 'create' divine force but that did not mean he couldn't trade his skills and time for some. Gods could condense their divine force into a white marble shape, commonly used as currency in heaven. And Zagan gladly spent his today. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDgxZmYyNTQyOTRmNzk4NDg1NjRmYmQzNWNjYmU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">For some reason, the bathhouse today was special, a pink aura was periodically released and when it passed over him, he felt extremely giddy. Almost like, an orgasm? Either way, Zagan was truly grateful he spent his divine force today. He'll meet Aphrodite later and compliment her on such a special service today. Maybe, he'll buy her some flowers and chocolates to thank her. Bitches love chocolates. Maybe.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZWVjNzM0YmM4ZTQ3YWE4Nzk4NDkwZjY1MzRjMzM0"><span style="font-weight: 400"> Zagan soaked in the bath for a while, trying to maximize his enjoyment. However, it seems the pink aura had stopped appearing for a while. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. He dressed up and walked to the cashier to pay up when his attention was caught by a loud din. He looked around and saw a few gods, other customers of the bathhouse. They noticed him looking around and pointed at the source of the noise. </span></p> <p class="cnNlM2JiMmE2ODE4YzRiZmQ5NGU4M2VkNWJlZGNkYTc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc was trying to walk out the bathhouse. He was only wearing a towel around his waist and desperately holding on to it. Grabbing his leg was Aphrodite. She slid on the floor as Glauc half limped and half dragged his feet. He hissed at her. "No way! No bloody way! No. No. N. O. NO!"</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzExNGI3MTY2YjQ4YThiNmVhMWIxZjlhOTEzY2Y3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"But why? You'll finally have a proper domain! A unique domain of your own! Imagine the powers you'll gain!" Aphrodite was pitifully sobbing at Glauc while getting dragged on the floor. "I'll even share part of my domain with you as an initial investment!"</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWRlMjBhNGQxMDRjMGViZWVkNGU2NTcyZTFkMTIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">"No bloody way I'll create that domain! I know how obsessed a god becomes when they use their soul to create a domain. I'll turn into some kind of mindless addict!" The domain they were speaking of was obviously of &lt;&lt;Foreplay&gt;&gt;. During the entirety of their intimate moments, Glauc had remembered one crucial flaw of foreplay. A flaw so big he swore he would never try to create that domain, despite Aphrodite promising to share two of her main domain, &lt;Pleasure&gt; and &lt;Love&gt;.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDk1N2ViNDU3YTQxYzZhZTFhYmYwZTI1ODQ4YzU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">That flaw can be summed up in two words.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2QxNmM1OGUzZjQ0N2NiMmRkY2FmM2I1YTdmMzU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Blue balls.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjdkZWY4OWIwZjQxYzdhMGYwYmRiNjdlMjk1NmZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Besides, if he created that domain, it meant that he would have to request his worshippers to engage in foreplay before making love. As a proponent of the nut and run faction, Glauc realized he would end up annoying a large population that mated, especially the males. It might even end up with him getting grouped up with the 'evil god' faction. He shuddered as he thought of it. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMDU2Y2M0MTA1ZDQ0ZGNhZmYwYmJhZDQ1NWNlNzkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">After escaping the bathhouse, Glauc went to Wadjet's palace to ask her about Sheila. He did not realize that Aphrodite was rather... persistent. And crazy. For some reason she got jealous that Glauc was visiting another woman so soon after seeing her that she started destroying Wadjet's properties. In the ensuing chaos, Glauc escaped to Seshat's library and the news spread around heaven of Glauc's misadventures. Fortunately for him Seshat's library effectively hid his pressence.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZThhNDMzNDBmYTQxMjY4ZmM4NjJhODM4Y2QyZjkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wadjet herself declared war on Glauc and swore revenge for all the trouble he created. Many gods also decided to join her, especially those who had tried to win Aphrodite's heart but been mercilessly rejected. Zeus and Eros also took the chance to get revenge after learning that Glauc had caused them to be banned from THE bathhouse after disguising as soap in Aphrodite's private bath.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDE1NWQxNmJjMzQ4YjY5NGNjNjNjMmEzZjZmZDA5"> </p> <p class="cnNhOWFhMTIyNDhhMzQzMWRiZTg3ZTMyMjAwYWYwYzli"><span style="font-weight: 400"> ***</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmE3MGJjOTIzNDQ3MDI5ZGY5NDFkMTlmYmU3ZWE3"> </p> <p class="cnM3NjY5ZTUxNjYxYjQ0YWViOTQ4YjU0NjRkZjM1Nzk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">"And now you're here. Asking for my protection. What makes you think I'll protect you from this mess?" Nunu shook her head at her chosen. She definitely chose Glauc because the aura of chaos was strong with him, even if he was unwillingly creating it around him. Her sharing her &lt;Gravity&gt; domain had apparently caused his fate to be exponentially more chaotic and in the process giving her a major headache. Nunu definitely wanted him to create a little chaos, it was in her nature. But she expected him to do it to the mortal plane, not inside her body. Nunu herself being 'heaven', Glauc had caused her a little.. indigestion with his antics.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTBhYjA2YjFhZDQ1YWRiMDUyZjU3NzBhZjQwYmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The troublemaker in question perked up at her question, suddenly looking confident. "You'll help me because there is a very good reason for it! And that reason is..."</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDBhMTU3ZThjODRlNGY4ZDQ2ZTdmMTFmYjJiM2Rj"> </p> <p class="cnMwNzkyNjhhZmU1YzRkMzZhYzA3OWQ3MzBkMmE3MGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTVkNTNkYmFiNzQ3YTk5YzRlMDE0MTVmMDliNTIz"> </p> <p class="cnNlYTczZGU4MGUxNTQzYjA5ZWNhYTQwOTVkMDMyOGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zagan waited by the port, looking out for signs of divine force, or worse. He hoped it was only divine force but he knew Glauc had somehow been interacting with Nunu.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDJkZTU5MWZmMzQ4ZGVhNjI1OTQxYjA3NzJiNGRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The watery abyss. A primordial law. And the worst part was, she represented chaos, a concept antithesis to demons, beings that valued order above all. Which meant that Zagan was forever 'in debt' to Nunu. And being in debt to a primordial law meant that it wasn't prevented from harming you.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTNhZGFiN2QzNDRlMWE4ODUzOTA3OGNmZDdjMWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">His worst fears came through when the river started rippling. A staired tunnel formed from the waters, seemingly leading from deep in the dark bottoms.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjk4ZDMxNTc1ZjQ1NWE4ODM0YjUwN2FlOGI3MzM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">From the bottom a happy tune was being whistled, one without a care in the world. Zagan's vein throbbed.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTI0ODA2N2ZhOTRkZmJhNzkzMmVjYWE1YmMxNDRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc. He's finally here. To heck with Nunu, Zagan will make him pay despite all the risks.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGIzMTc2ZjExYTRkNmRiZjA1ZTAzNWMzNDdlZDI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He took out a rough piece of nickel from his pocket, roughly the size of a candy. He gripped it tightly and the metal melted and shrunk in half, the price of demon magic. He threw the enchanted remainder to Ryu and it dispersed into dust.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDZiZDZhMjEzNjRhMmVhNTgzMTAxOWE3NjEzODQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ryu breathed in the dust and the world seemed clearer. He could hear birds preying on insects, people milling about their days, and more importantly, Glauc </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">swagger </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">up the water stairs. Ryu realized that his old friend was not truly made of flesh; his heart beats throbbing with a rhythm that was </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">too </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">even. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MDM4YWI4Y2ViNDRjNWM5ZWI5Yjg1YmVkOGQ4ZWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">A false mortal body. An avatar. It took Zagan's magic to truly make Ryu understand that his old friend had transcended. No longer a human. A god. </span></p> <p class="cnM1Y2RkY2NjOWJlNjRlZTI5MWZiMmIzZGU3YTZkODNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">And now, he had to fight his old friend. He hoped the ambush would work, Sheila and Ana already informed and preparing their spells. Their hellish training would be put to the test today, mortals against a god, and although history had some victories about similar fights, such stories were few.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMWI3ZjA1NDBkZTRlYmJiYzg0NzAwNjQ1ZmQ4NGRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was rather confident though. Zagan himself had claimed to slay several gods and Ryu found that the demon never lied, and even ruthlessly punished any untruths spoken. Weird races, these demons.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2VhNzdkMGY0OTQ2NzI4YmZhYTEwMTlhMDI2N2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">As Glauc got up the stairs he was complimenting himself on his genius. Nunu had agreed to protect him from the other gods. And all he had to do was catch a few fishes for Min. For her fertilizers and what not. Nunu might be chaotic but there was one thing constant about her, she would do anything for her daughter. A fact Glauc ruthlessly exploited.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTlkY2U2M2E0NjQwZWM5ZmI5NjFjNzYxODgzMTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fishing rod in hand, Glauc admired it. He had visited the market in heaven and had one custom made. It had all the bells and whistles and was even gold plated with studded gems. It had cost him a fortune in divine force. But fishing had always been his hobby and he happily took a monthly payment loan for it. His happy thoughts were interrupted when a large ball of fire came flying towards him. </span></p> <p class="cnM2MGI0MzNkZTUxMTQ2MDliZWU2M2ZlZTFjOWVlZTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He yelped and jumped up over three meters, his improved control of gravity apparent in such an act. He floated in the air and watched the fireball land in the water and fizzled out. He knew it was made of mana and could barely damage him but the problem was that it was made of mana. A byproduct of using divine force. Basically in gods' minds mana is a type of excrement. He gagged as he thought of being covered by waste.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTMyNWZkMmNjYTRlOWViYjk2MmQyMjJkZGRiZjlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Ewww why'd you do that..." Glauc's speech was interrupted midway as Ryu jumped towards him at a speed barely perceptible by sight. A bright light flashed in front of Glauc's face and blinded him. "Agrh! Fucking Maat and her toys!" Even while blinded Glauc managed to dodge Ryu by further flying up but his path was intercepted by another fireball. It singed him and he dispelled the fire. The mana stuck to his skin though. "Argh! Why??? I just took a bath!" </span></p> <p class="cnMwYzVkMzRiYWQ0MjQ3OTc5YmEzM2IzODU3OGM5YmMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sheila was preparing to fling several more fireballs at Glauc when he pointed at her despite rubbing his eye with the other hand. He made a gun posture with his fingers and made a shooting gesture. Sheila immediately felt her legs being pulled up by an invisible force and she was lifted upside-down several meters in the air.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTczY2VjOWQyMDRhMjBiNDNlZTk4NTQwYTdlYzBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc then blinked a few times and made the same gun posture with both his hands, one aimed at Ana and one at Ryu. Glauc made a shooting gesture and both of them were also lifter several meters in the air upside-down. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YjUzMTY0NDhjODRhOTg5NzJmNTFjMzFlY2RhMWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Pew pew pew!" Glauc belatedly said. He had to remember saying 'pew' as he shot, it would be a lot cooler. And fun.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOGY4ZDE4MmVlMjRkNTZiN2MwN2FhOTgxZmIxZTM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">He chuckled to himself and he suddenly felt something dangerous. Every fibre of his being screamed of his demise. It felt similar to Aphrodite's explosive arrows, something that would shave away all of his divine force.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWNiODFjYjAxZTQ5NTlhYzQxMjQ5MjM4MjMzNzEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He grabbed the fishing rod floating by his side and used it to block a coin shot towards him. It stopped the projectile and embedded itself halfway into the rod. The rod broke in half at the impact and Glauc pointed the half broken rod at Zagan. "KNEEL!" Glauc had never felt so angry and scared at the same time.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTRlZGJlMDRkNzQ0ZTU4YmIzNTg1Mjg0ZTRlMDZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zagan tsked to himself as he was noticed by Glauc. He immediately felt himself and the air around him get heavier. The ground around him cracked and pushed deeper down. He tried to resist it but eventually was pushed down to his knees. He still looked at Glauc defiantly.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWQ1ZDJlNzIwYTQ0N2NhZmRlMDg4YWEwMTUwNGQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc looked at the demon that almost killed him and slowly recognized him. "The butler?"</span></p> <p class="cnMxODE3NzU1YTdlYzQzNjdiODFmZGI1YzQxMzNmM2Nl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Zagan. At your service." The well dressed devil snarkily retorted.</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2E2NmM3MTZmODRjNzFiZWY1NjUyNzU0NmVkYzVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Waiiiit a minuteee. What the heck is going on? Why are you attacking me? Actually, why is everyone attacking me?" Glauc looked at Ryu for confirmation.</span></p> <p class="cnNkN2Q3NjQxMDUzNTQzOTA4OGNkNTI0MjU4YmI0ZjY2"><span style="font-weight: 400"> "Don't worry we're not gonna kill ya. Zagan said he just wants to jail you for a while." Ryu spoke while upside-down in the air. "He said u been fooling around in heaven while we're suffering down here. Like you used to say. Friends don't let friends suffer alone, right?"</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGMwOWE1MzI3MDQ4ZjE4YjUzZjljZjlkNWU4NmI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Jail me? He obviously lied to you! That coin bullet would have killed me! Good thing i practiced my domain and stopped him. If he shot a few more I don't think this rod could protect me!" Glauc angrily shouted at the group. Ryu might be dumb, but he did not expect the rest of the group to get tricked by the butler.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDVmMTZmMzFiYjQ4ZmNhZjhlOGI5M2M2MjYzN2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hmpf! Demons do not lie! Outrageous! Preposterous! I've used that coin flick many times in the past and never killed a god with it! It just injures them..." Zagan interrupted.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTkxMjJlNTAzYjQ3MmVhMDZhMTZmYTU4ODhmNjFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">"..." Glauc was speechless. He was just reminded that he was a lot weaker than other gods. "I'm a new god. Not a lot of divine force. That so called coin flick is totally lethal. As a matter of fact, im running out of divine force right now so... Nunu? Prepare an escape route for me?"</span></p> <p class="cnNiODk4ZjQ5M2Y2MDRkMGNiYWJmZDk4NDE4MzNhNGFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">The water rippled, almost as if in glee. "You promised fishes for my darling~ tsk tsk tsk! You're not going to break your promise are you?" </span></p> <p class="cnM1NjRjY2FiNmNiOTQzMTVhZDIzZDNiNDU5NmY0Mzc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">This bitch! She's totally enjoying seeing me suffer! Glauc thought. He should have asked for protection from everyone instead of just gods. She would not break her promise if the danger was not from a godlike source. It was too late to regret his decision though.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2U0ZjMyM2IzZDQ1ZTE5ZmQwMzFmY2IwYTlmM2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc looked at Zagan, who now had a malicious smile on his face. The butler stood up as he felt the gravity around him stabilize. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMjBjNjk5YTY3YTQ2ODdiOTdjNjQxNzM4ZmFmOTI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zagan brushed his suit and crossed his arms. "Get on the boat and surrender or I'll drag you to the mortal plane. I'm sure it'll be a very unpleasant experience for you."</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjE1ZWRiMmUxMzQ1MDJiZDMxYWE2NTNmNDYxZGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Glauc sighed. Fucking butlers.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTg4YzNkYWRjNTRhMWQ5NjQxMWYxNjEwYWFmZTk2"> </p> <p class="cnM4OTMyZGFlMTE1ODQyYWQ4YTkzN2JmOGFjNDdiYjZj"><span style="font-weight: 400"> </span></p> </div>
Glauc was in a quandary. He was facing an ancient goddess, one rather famed for her wrath, and she was about to devour him alive. Well, metaphorically devour him. Actually, more like, sexually. Luna just woke up and had a serious case of the horny bug. Problem was, Glauc did not have much divine force to initiate the acts she expected from him; the act of ejaculation for a male god not only released a certain liquid substance but also his divine force. (Divine birth obviously needed a divine... emission to start with.) I.E. The act of cumming would literally mean death to Glauc in his current state. Of course, not satisfying Luna would probably create a fate worse than death in Glauc's mind. Glauc would have never believed it if he had been told that in his life he would be presented an opportunity of a death by snu snu. Having not much choice, Glauc decided to satisfy Luna by a method he rather abhorred; physical foreplay. He pulled down her pajama pants and was instantly amusemed as he only noticed NOW that the carpet matches the drapes. During all the intercouse he had it had not registered even once in his mind. Love is blind? He planted his head between her legs and started using his tongue to impossibly twist and reach at the forbidden fruit. That got a response from Luna. She shivered and moaned out scandalously. "Did you just use your tongue to... That's DISGUSTING!" Glauc stopped and looked up between her legs to instantly have his face shoved back in by Luna. "MORE! Lick me you pervert! DEFILE ME!" Gods were rather simple when it comes to certain acts and apparently used the proper body parts for their intended purpose and oral sex was never even considered. It was almost blasphemous to use a body part for something it was not intended to. Luna, however, was a goddess of the night and 'forbidden' things was part of her domains. Then again, she was probably was just a pervert. Glauc slowly licked up, continuing to also use his fingers to caress her until his tongue went past her stomach, before her neck and finally to her ear. He whispered to her before giving her earlobes a bite "Oh i can think of a few ways to defile you..." Which instantly made her orgasm. Her whole body shook and actually she released a shock wave that knocked down all the furniture and toys in the room. Glauc then took a furry towel and tied her hands behind her back, then blindfolded her with a handkerchief. He gave her a passionate kiss which almost gave Luna another orgasm but he pulled out at the last minute. Luna was too lost in her pleasure to coherently speak and merely panted a few words. "Why... Stop... Please..." Glauc gave an evil grin. He just discovered a way to control Luna. "Why should i continue... I have to help Ryu and the champions with the undead... I'm quite a busy guy you know..." "NO! Don't bother with them! Me first! I'll teach you later! Me first!" Luna was rewarded a tongue twisting kiss, on her second 'lips', which surprised her due to being blindfolded. The orgasm was enough to knock her out. Glauc was quite pleased to discover that she was easily satisfied. You just had to do something quite perverted by her standards, which to Glauc was quite normal. Just very tedious and not a lot of fun... Unfortunately after all the acts he was suffering from pretty much blue balls. This is why he hated foreplay. He always had such a natural talent at pleasing the other party so much so that he was left to deal with himself alone for many times. There were even times that prostitutes refused payment and demanded he pleasured them instead. Luckily, his wealth had allowed him the privilege of earthly pleasures without too much work i.e. finding new prostitutes that were willing to do the act without any foreplay. Luna did not seem to be someone he could pay with cash though. Luna woke up a few seconds later and asked him. "You look unhappy. Whatever is the matter?" "I'm glad you enjoyed the foreplay but i don't have enough divine force to.. cum without dying..." Glauc winced. Being a god did come with some strange disadvantages. "Mmm. You poor thing... What's your main domain?" Luna was in a predictably good mood. Her skin had taken an extra shiny gloss and enhanced her rather pale exterior. "Eh? Domain? Oh that thingamagic. Erm gravity i think. Yeah. I'm sure its gravity. Probably." Glauc produced a tesseract to show Luna. She grabbed it and began poking at it from certain angles. "Your comprehension of gravity is too low. You barely produce enough divine force a week to cum once." Luna showed a nonchalant face as she quantified divine force in cums. Glauc thought to himself. “Imagine shouting <I’ll unload three cums worth of fireball at the minotaur!> Your friends would probably end up thinking that you had some bestiality kink… like Luna…wait a minute…” "Hehe. Cum." Glauc could not control himself and let out a giggle. Despite his age, he can be immature at times. His small outburst only garnered a wry smile from Luna before she informed him "You know that's how gods quantify divine force right? By the fuckloads." Glauc's giggles soon turned to full bellied laughter and it was a while before he could normally converse. "Heheh. Pfft! Ahahaha. Sorry. Huuuuuhh. Wow. Sorry... Anyways, my comprehension of gravity is low? Isn't it like, a warp in spacetime or something like that?" Glauc had once watched a video on gravity and is now an armchair physicist. That he had frequently failed his math and science classes in school did not matter much to him. "Close. Problem is, do you even know what spacetime is? Or how it's warped? Remember that physics is merely one side of the universe. You can't explain everything with your limited Earth knowledge. Here. This should help you." Luna produced one of her domain, a snow globe, but the inside was of a rainy beach and a stilted wooden hut. She tossed it at Glauc. He took it and absorbed it without much hesitation. A flood of knowledge filled his head. "Huh. Tides. Whoa. My gravity domain is expanding!" "Yep. Having similar domains complements. Try reading a few books on gravity and tides. And while you're at it read about space and planets too. You've been to a library yet? You can read books for free. Sort of." "Okay my dear!" Glauc gave a peck on Luna's cheek and headed for the library. She waved him goodbye and a few minutes later picked up a rotary phone by the bedside and called a friend. "Aphrodite! How are you? I just discovered something really special. It's called foreplay..." On the way to the library Glauc suddenly shivered. He felt like something really really ominous just occured. *** Glauc was pondering on whether to tell Ryu that the citizens of Nugaia were unable to have children unaided was because the citizens were actually rotting pieces of some kind of cursed soul god law hybrid abomination. On one hand, Ryu was a good friend and he hated hiding such a crucial secret from him, especially as the secret could aid him in his 'holy quest'. Then again, Ana was also on the boat, and her patron goddess, Maat, was bad news. Maat had earlier intercepted Glauc and Dino chatting about 'gates'. Apparently Dino was one of the few gods that knew about Min's cursed form and he even quoted, "Why did you think I'm always drunk?" Maat overheard their conversation and immediately tried to interrogate them on what the 'gates' the two drunkards were talking about. Her dislike of Glauc was immediately apparent because his relatively dishonest nature was at odds with her domain of 'truth'. Glauc responded to her aggressive behavior by giving her false tales of a guy named gate that farted perfumes. Disgusted more by the blatant lie than the juvenile jokes, Maat had stormed off in a hurry to Dino's amusement. It was fortunate Glauc was reluctant to tell her anything. Dino immediately told Glauc that if he had told Maat of the gates and what lied beyond, she would have assembled a pantheon to kill Min and the denizens of the mortal plane. A cursed god was considered one of the most vile beings for some, especially those that valued purity and holiness. And Maat was definitely in that camp. Glauc decided to tell Ana that he was unable to give her a quick power up. "Maat is a bitch. There. I said it. The first thing she called me was a lying sinful trash. Can you believe that?" "Yep." Ryu answered in a deadpan voice. "You're totally a lying sinful trash..." "Well heh. Fuck you. Who insults someone they met for the first time? That's just rude." Glauc actually laughed at Ryu's comeback. "Anyway sorry Ana. If i modified her artifact she's probably gonna be really offended and make my life miserable. But i can give you hints! Probably. Your skills and how it works can be abused. Primarily with the knowledge that its closer to the truth that she's more like a goddess of PERCEIVED justice and truth. Magical word being ‘perceived’. Use that information how you will~ Now who's next? Sheila! Chosen of Wadjet! Did not meet her yet. Read about her though! Apparently goddess of avengers and empress. Cool stuff. Interesting artifact she gave you. Eye of Ra. Two functions. One type to... ignite the air i think? Or fire control? I need a closer look. And one to be uhh... more persuasive to humans? Holy shit thats like a mind control drug!" Glauc reached out to Sheila's eye but hesitated and stopped his hands in the air, his curiosity to find out more about the artifact put out by the fear of offending Wadjet. He had enough troubles to think of for now. Another offended god would suck. "Umm. I'll try to find Wadjet later. See if she's ok with me helping you and stuff. Gods are pretty sensitive about the whole champions thing." "Courage." Jane thought out loud. "What?" Glauc looked at her. "Courage. That's what i truly need. To survive in this world i mean. I can't freeze up everytime a monster pops up. Sooner or later it's gonna get me killed. Can you bless me with bravery? You're a god now right?" Jane inquired. "So... You chose wine? You wanna be constantly drunk?" "Just slightly tipsy I guess. Enough to make me fight monsters but not too much that i can't aim and think properly." "Uhh... Lemme try something..." Glauc took out Dino's domain, now his, and dipped his finger in the wine. Then he stirred it. And put the domain away. "Nope. Not really sure how to do that. I can enchant your container to slowly transform mana to wine. Then you drink it and get drunk? That work?" He was met with a disapproving stare from Jane. "What? I'm new to this god thing! Not like it comes with a tutorial! So i guess I can't do courage. For now. I'll ask Dino later. See if he knows something that can help." "What does the tide choice give? She can summon a tsunami?" Ryu asked. Glauc summoned a glass globe and shook it. Then he sniffed it. And he looked at Jane before saying "With my current divine force, i can make you a better surfer. Which is useless for fighting undead. Yep. Wow. I totally need more divine force. Ryu, want a sidequest? Help me get more divine force and I can in turn help you better. Probably." "Please tell me the gravity choice is good?" Ryu asked on behalf of Jane. Glauc scratched his stomach and grinned. "Yeah I'm pretty confident of this one. I can make a blessing that will increase your weight. You can jump then stomp your enemy flat!" "Rejected" the three girls replied in unison. "Aw geez you guys are really demanding you know? Fine. I'll ask the other gods for help. In the meantime you guys can learn more about Nugaia." Glauc opened a big chest which was filled with books. "Encyclopedias, monster compendiums, city maps and training manuals. And lots more. Just remember to tie this boat to the harbor. I told the villagers that only you guys can access it so it's also useful as a makeshift inn. Don't take anything ashore. It's all made of divine force. Eventually poofs in the mortal plane." Glauc then took Ryu's polespear and launched it into the water. He caught a salmon like fish with it. Grinning with confidence, fish in hand, he jumped into the water. Well, on the water. The surface acted like a solid floor as Glauc landed face first into it. The sound from the impact was truly painful to hear. "To heaven? Please?" He groaned as the impaled fish was flopping around his face. Next he screamed like a little girl in a horror show as a gigantic sharp jaw made of water swallowed him, bringing him to who knows where. *** Ryu groaned as he noticed that the girls already started reading and charging notes with one another. They seemed too accepting of Glauc's mode of transportation. Plus, he was never the academic type. "Yoohoo~! You guys alright in there?" Jill shouted at the current occupants of the boat. "Its dinner time!" A head popped out of a trapdoor on the roof of the boat. "Dinner? Wow how long were we in here?... Wait... You guys wanna continue reading?" Ryu rolled his eyes. The three ladies were still exchanging notes with one another, books and parchments sprawled out and barely lit by candle light. "Yeah. Yeah. I'll wrap something for you once I'm done eating. Good luck with your studies." He was only too happy to escape the interior of the boat. Although quite spacious and filled with three beauties, Ryu soon felt claustrophobic as the stacks of books seemed higher and higher as the group continued reading. Granted they had learnt plenty that will help them survive Nugaia. The most important that when citizens and champions gained mana sight, they are offered a free service by places of worships. This service was commonly known as a class up or class change. Once done, it gave a person a significant power boost such as becoming three times stronger or faster. Depending on the gods it might even make you smarter or luckier. But nothing was truly free. One of the books Glauc provided had mentioned a secret that was only known by gods and a select few. Once one had been modified by this 'class up', their soul would be unable to age. Which meant that they would lose the potential to become stronger in the long run. They would be handicapped with a 'level cap', so to speak. Ryu and the girls had argued whether a short term power boost will be worth sacrificing godhood for and had come to the conclusion that none of them will take the 'class up' service. If Glauc can be a god, why can't they? Of course, they did not know that he had been 'assisted' by a primordial law (and a magical lettuce), and it would take a combined age of thousands of years to be a god. But to dream was a right of everyone and they were still ironically young and ambitious. However, they agreed to keep the secret that the gods were preventing a large population from becoming too strong by offering a limited kind of power boost. Ryu had his dinner in a communal hall. Dinner was spread on the ground on some kind of rattan carpets and he had to cross his legs to eat. He was seated next to Jack and Jill and also the village chief, Gob. A short, stumpy muscular lizardmen with blue scales, Ryu had mentally guessed that he was half dwarf. Fortunately he did not mention his guess because it was not true at all and would have offended Gob quite a bit. Gob was loudly telling everyone how helpful Glauc had been. He had arrived carrying boxes of pink notebooks and quills to distribute amongst the villagers. Glauc had mentioned something about writing diaries but the village had traded the well made stationaries to traveling merchants for plenty of fur and building materials. They would be able to comfortably live through the coming winter from trading away his gifts. Glauc had also taught them simple technologies such as fish traps and net weaving, significantly increasing their food supply. The villagers had relied on bows and spears to catch their food before for a good reason. Waves of monsters were prone to attack in winter when food was scarce; spears and bows had the dual purpose of being a fishing tool and a weapon. Glauc had informed Gob that some champions would come to Baqiqi to deal with the monster waves so gathering food using traps and by fishing would be more beneficial in the near future. Ryu merely twitched his eyebrows as he listened to how easily his old boss volunteered him to slay monsters. He asked Gob why he would trust Glauc so easily only to be told that everyone knew that Glauc was a god and to offend one usually brought about great misfortune. *** Ana was feeling annoyed. She barely registered the words on the book as she shuffled between the pages. Her mind was distracted as she thought of a certain idiot. Ryu obviously had eyes for Jane. When asking about dinner, he had faced Jane when asking to eat together. Ana had tried to engage in many conversations with Ryu but it did not seem to have any effect. The blockhead did not notice any of her hints which only garnered pity from the other two ladies. Which made the experience more unbearable. Her daydreaming was interrupted by Sheila. "I don't know why you wanna be with a guy like Ryu. I mean sure, he's handsome but obviously you two have too many different opinions. The whole slavery thing for one. Even if you two were to end up a couple it will only end up in many arguments." "Well, they do say opposites attract." Jane piped up. She felt quite guilty about stealing Ryu's attention from Ana but well... spicy gossip is spicy gossip. "I read in a magazine that you should just tell him how you feel! Especially to such a simple guy..." "If you want him to be attracted to you it's easy, but honestly it's not worth the effort. Honestly I'm thinking of seducing the fat fuck. Imagine the boons a god can provide..." Sheila lazily stretched out. The candle light emphasized the perfect curves in her silhouette. Ana and Jane had to bitterly admit that they lost to her in certain ascpects. "Glauc is already helping us, without the need to sleep with him." Ana angrily rebutted. "Perhaps. And perhaps he'll help us more if I pleasured him. Also its not the first time I fucked someone without benefits so if nothing happens I'll live. Life is a numbers game. And this time the advantages might actually be crucial to saving our meagre lives." Sheila shrugged as she rested her face on a palm. The talk was interrupted by a loud crash on the roof. A head popped in the trapdoor. "Glauc's not back? The fucker just sacrificed us to a bunch of monsters. I had a feeling he was pissed we left him behind in the forest! He always takes his revenge quietly, that bastard! The villagers are preparing to train us now..." *** Glauc landed in a farm land. He instantly knew whose farmland it was from the produce. Only one god would be so obsessed with lettuce. There were rows and rows of the vegetables, some he noticed had grown as big as a house. The polespear in his left hand was slowly dissipating into white motes of light which he breathed in. Looks like mortal offerings to gods were automatically converted into divine force whether he wanted to or not. He was going to have to find a replacement weapon for Ryu. Or not. Ryu had magical wolf claws. Fuck that harem boy. The fish in his right hand was still present though. It had died from the lack of water and Glauc thought it would make for a pretty appetizing dinner. He looked around and found Min watering a sprout. He slung the fish on his shoulder and slowly walked to her. Min was singing to herself, oblivious to her surroundings. When Glauc reached her side, he causally patted her shoulder to greet her. "Yo your holiness! Growing more lettuce?" Min gave a little yelp and immediately bit the hand on her shoulder, causing Glauc to cry out in pain. "Argh! My hand! Why'd you do that!" Min continued to clench her jaws on to Glauc's hand as she looked into his eyes with anger. Glauc tried tugging his hand away which only caused her to bite deeper. Tear in one eye, Glauc pointed to himself with his free hand and asked her "It's me. Glauc." Min creased her forehead in return. Glauc added "You summoned me and my friends to Nugaia to get rid of the undead." This actually caused min to stare wide eyed and opened her jaw, which Glauc took the opportunity to immediately pull back his hand and retreat a few steps back. Min hopped towards Glauc and sniffed him as he wrapped himself with his hands, afraid she would bite a different part. She then stood up straight and pointed at him in an accusing manner. "Undead are still here. No wishes for you yet!" "What wishes?" Glauc asked her. Min gave a face like she just swallowed something sour and replied to him. "Did you forget? Get rid of the undead and I'll grant each of you a wish to the best of my abilities!" "Really? You disappeared before you told us that." Glauc replied. There was now a benefit to their so called holy quest. He had just tried doing it because he was scared Nunu would punish him if he ran away. "Anyway I'm now a god. Can't really get to the mortal plane and fight them without getting drained of all my divine force. Your holiness." Min's face blanked out and she suddenly jumped on top Glauc and grappled him. Then she started scratching his face with one hand. "Who are you? Why are you in my garden?" Glauc was unable to react and fell flat on the ground in pain which gave Min extra stability and she used the chance to use both her hands to scratch his face. Glauc covered his face in futility as Min always seemed to find a hole in his defence to pierce. "Nunu sent me here!" Min stopped and looked at him with suspicion. "Mommy sent you? Did you bring fertilizers? Who are you?" Glauc looked at the goddess currently sitting on his chest, claws ready to attack, and gave her a placating smile. "Fertilizers? Uhh... Would a fish work? They're full of nutrients and stuff. I think." He pointed his head at the fish he dropped when he got attacked by Min. Min looked at the fish and her eyes sparkled. "Fishie! And it's not made of divine force! A real fishie!" She jumped to it and lifted it up to the air with both hands. Her whiskers and rabbit ears twitched with glee as she started a ditty about plant food and uncooking an omelette and other random things, fish raised over her head, like offering it to the sky. Glauc slowly crawled away on all four, trying his best not to get Min's attention. His scratched face already healed. Perks of being a god. Min's attack was quite scary though, every swipe reinforced by fuckloads of divine force. It was fortunate that she attacked to injure, not kill, or Glauc would already be a goner. He had moved no further than a meter when he felt a furry foot step on his buttocks. He stilled his body, hoping somehow it would make him invisible. Min patted Glauc's head. "Good boy. Bring me more fishie!" Then she kicked his stomach, launching him far into the sky. *** Meanwhile, in the mortal plane. "So... What do you say is coming?" "Winter." "Could you repeat that?" "Winter!" "The whole phrase please...something something is coming..." Ryu was trying to get an increasingly annoyed Gob to say a certain famous line. Quite unsuccessfully. Gob jabbed his spear into Ryu's stomach, causing quite a deep wound and eliciting a loud yelp. "It's not regenerating yet. Hurry it up." Gob slowly prodded the wound with the blunt end of his spear. Fortunately, Ryu had combat training on Earth and suppressed his shout into a grunt. He cleared his mind, trying to ignore the pain. The wound started closing up as Gob continued poking it. The healing slowed a few times as Ryu further got distracted by more pain. Gob looked at Ryu and yawned, not feeling the slightest bit guilty at injuring him. "You gotta learn to stay in a state of rest at all times, even when you are surprised. Your blessing is a powerful one and you'll need it for the coming monster waves. I'll also let Jane sleep you constantly two weeks before winter. Hopefully you'll learn more about resting from that. Other than that, learn to resist pain." Gob snapped his finger and Sheila immolated Ryu and Ana cast a Banish Evil spell. "Oh oops. Guess it's your turn." Sheila sticked out her tongue at Ana. Burning Ryu was somehow a lot of fun and she could not wait for her turn. Besides, it was for training purposes, she convinced herself. When the fire died out a charred corpse was left on the ground. "Did we kill him?" Ana asked aloud. A faint muttering could be heard from the body. "Pain is just a four lettered word. Pain is just a four lettered word. Pain is just a four lettered word." The body stood up and started shouting more incomprehendsible words before Jane shot him with all the sleep darts she could muster. Ryu fell asleep and started to regenerate his skin. "Not bad." Gob muttered. "He lasted at least ten seconds this time. The monster wave should be pretty easy for you guys. Don't tell him that though. It's too wasteful to let such a powerful blessing be partially used." *** "Where's Glauc? He's been gone for days..." Sheila asked Ryu. Her plan to seduce Glauc would be futile if he wasn't here at all. "How should i know? He's probably burning in hell. Or maybe he's fucking seventy-two virgins. No idea how gods work here." Ryu rubbed his eyes. Getting kicked awake was not his idea of a good morning. "How long was I out for?" "You missed dinner. And breakfast. It's almost noon." Sheila pointed at two trays of food beside him which Ryu proceeded to wolf down, pun intended. "You fully healed in less than five minutes though, that werewolf regeneration is something else huh?" "Glauc had privately told me that it was not the werewolf blood that is responsible for my regenerative behavior." Ryu casually waved his hand as he spoke with mouthfuls of fruit in his mouth. "It's a real blessing of Luna or something. She's in charge of rest or something like that and she used that uhh... I think he called it domain? Anyway, that's why I gotta feel rested to activate that ability. At least it's a partially passive ability." "A pretty OP passive." Ana chimed in. "OP?" Sheila asked. "Overpowered. It's a game thing. Ryu could probably regenerate an organ if it comes to it. All he gotta do is eat lots of food and rest." Ana explained with crossed arms. "Not to mention his animal form gives him enhanced strength and abilities. By the way, the whole undead holy quest thing? I've been thinking. There's a lot of champions in Nugaia but we're the ones given the responsibility of eradicating them. Something feels off. I've been praying to Maat and I've received replies that she and the other gods have not been told of any undead. It just doesn't make sense. If the undead was so dangerous, why not deal with them now? Why send us?" "I've known Glauc for some time. He's hiding something. I'll ask him when he comes back." Ryu assured Ana. "For now, we just have to get stronger as much as possible. Either way, we have to deal with a bunch of hungry monsters soon. How's your karma?" "It's improving. The villagers are also giving me lots of hints on how to fight with a shield and scepter. I'm quite confident about the coming fight actually." Ana proudly said. "Glauc's hint is totally useless though." "Wish I could say the same." Jane glumly prodded Ana's cheek. "I still can't hit anything with a bow. Jill is also helping me with the training but I'm not improving enough. I'm sorry that I'm not brave enough to fight in the front lines." "I'll probably be in the back too. Don't worry. Just shoot in the general direction of Ryu instead of Ana. He could easily take a couple of arrows to the back if you miss, he's got like tough back fur armour." Sheila joked. "Still hurts to be shot by an arrow. Please don't miss." Ryu gave Jane a pleading smile, which lightened her mood. The group was interrupted mid conversation by a loud bang and red smokes. An old man walked out of the smoke. All of them took a look at him and they all felt it in their bones. If they fought him, death would be the only result. His aura radiated power. Overwhelming power. He gave the group a disgusted stare. "Hmpf! All of you are friends of that worthless piece of shit? He's gonna pay for what he did. And you're all going to help me. Whether you like it or not." "Glauc will suffer for what he did..." the old man clenched his fist and his wrath was evident. *** Zagan had been the king of Hell, before he declared war on some gods. Fighting in the frontline, he was betrayed by the rest of his kins who wanted his throne. They tricked him and his loyal allies into an ambush by the enemy. However, his superior fighting abilities had turned the ambush into a bloody battleground for both sides. Zagan had personally slain many gods with his bare hands and won the battle. However, it was not without cost. Many of his soldiers had fell. Upon learning of his victory, his former allies blocked the way back into his kingdom and he was forced to fight with his own kind to try to regain it back. Hell, a mining kingdom, was located in the mountains that acted as a natural defense. Worn down by the previous battle, his army was slowly decimated by hunger and more importantly, the lack of nickels. Nickel was a metal that demons consumed to power their abilities and running out of it was equivalent to running out of ammo. Hell however, had an almost limitless supply of it from the mines and it was not long before Zagan's army was overwhelmed. Alone and fighting without rest, Zagan despaired and did something taboo to all devils. He prayed to the gods. He asked if there were any to help him get his revenge, to smite his foes and annihilate them. One reason the devils did not worship gods was because they knew gods were greedy creatures. They always took more than they gave and they would only help if it was profitable. The gods that listened to Zagan's worship simply hid and watched him from afar, laughing with glee as they slowly accepted his prayer and took pieces of his soul to transform into divine force. In exchange, they did nothing, simply waiting for the rest of the demons to kill him. Once he died as a worshipper, his soul would be tied down as their slave and they would torture him for slaying gods, some of them good friends or family. However, to everyone's surprise, a god acted in Zagan's aid. She descended and helped Zagan get his revenge, although many later leaned she did it out of simple boredom. Zagan reminisced about his past, and his face scrunched up in anger. Glauc, a newly ascended god, had done something that spit in the face of his benefactor. He would never rest until he paid back tenfold in revenge. And he would use Glauc's friends, some newbie champions, to make sure Glauc truly suffered and learned of his mistake. Ryu, Sheila, Jane and Ana were now stuck in some kind of limbo. Some kind of evil demon had kidnapped them and was forcing them against their will to fight against demons one on one. He had somehow judged their combat capabilities lacking and made his underlings spar with the champions. Ryu cursed his friend, wondering what Glauc had done to offend such a powerful demon. *** A few days before Zagan kidnapped the group... A dark shape was streaking across the sky. One might mistake it for a bird were it not for the round shape. And lack of wings. Glauc had just been recently kicked high up by Min into the sky. He felt that it would be quite petty of him to hold a grudge against a god that was mentally challenged. Besides, her mother was definitely the incarnation of all evil and suffering or something. No way was he going to wake up a sleeping tiger for petty revenge. The whole 'flying' experience had an unexpected boon though. He had, in his panic, used his gravity domain to slow his fall. Glauc never truly feared heights, in fact, it was suddenly stopping that was the problem. Thus he burnt up some divine force to make himself lighter for a moment and in doing so, soon had a greater understanding of his domain. And his greater understanding led to his domain producing more divine force in a positive feedback loop. No wonder gods spent their divine force willy-nilly! In the long term it was actually a profitable endeavor. Lightly landing on a flower field, Glauc decided to attribute Min for this epiphany. He would catch more fishes to thank her thus. Let it be known that Glauc is a kind and grateful god! He chuckled to himself and picked up a flower from the field, only to realise that it was made of candy. It was delicious. He wondered which god had created this area when clouds started to form. Looking up, he noticed the clouds were made of cotton candy. Pondering to himself, trying to remember which god was in charge of sweets or desserts, Glauc got caught in the pouring rain. He would not have minded getting wet except that the rain was made of viscous chocolate. After escaping the rain, Glauc decided to telepathically call Luna for advice. He had planned to meet Wadjet but realized that it would be a bad idea when he was so... sticky. "You're covered in chocolate? Ahh... you must be in Ceres's garden. Lovely place. Remember to bring your umbrella though, and a mug!" Luna spoke through her phone. "So what should i do? Will Wadjet mind if I meet her like this?" Glauc asked, licking his fingers. Hey, chocolate is chocolate! And this one had a hint of orange, a pretty good combination by his taste. "Honestly, I'm not sure she'll meet you even in your best. Hmmm. Anyway there's someone I want you to meet first. Go to THE public bath, just say you have a reservation. I'll call the owner to let her know. She's been bugging me ever since... Well, you'll know when you meet her." Luna hung up her phone and dialed another god. Glauc got to his destination not long after, with the help of several passerby gods. It was however a journey full of good natured teasings, many laughing at his dirty appearance. Glauc could not wait to get rid of the chocolate sticking to every part of his body. They were not the type to solidify and honestly he felt quite disgusted as the chocolate flowed to certain cracks in his body. THE bath house was famous for a reason. Every part of the building, from the walls, to the floors and ceilings was made of gold and studded with jewels. Pretty opulent, even by a god's standards. Glauc looked at a signboard and blanched as he realized that the cheapest service, a public bath, cost a hundred fuckload of divine force. He timidly approached a statue, one in the shape of woman carrying a pot of water, and waved hello. The statue, a gargoyle, moved its head to look up and down at Glauc. "Fat, fur slippers, covered in chocolate. I presume that you are Glauc?" It asked in gravelly voice in contrast to its feminine look. Glauc nodded and the gargoyle led him through a long corridor through several public baths until they ended in a changing room. "Undress here and we will take care of the laundry. Go through the pink door to enjoy your private bath." Glauc happily took off his chocolate stained clothes and went through the pink door with a towel covered around his waist. He was immediately buffeted by a pinkish fog that smelled of perfume. Walking on a purple carpet that led to a swimming pool sized spa, Glauc hesitated to enter as he thought to himself. "Private my ass!" In the corner of the spa, on top of some racks were two soap bars. Problem was the soap bars had pretty obvious eyes, not to mention radiated a large amount of divine force. They also had not noticed Glauc and were talking amongst themselves. "Huehuehue... See Zeus! This is a brilliant plan! When she bathes she'll use us to clean herself and then boom! We'll impregnate her!" Glauc twitched his eyebrows, before walking back to the gargoyle to ask it about the rather suspicious toiletries. It took no longer than five minutes before the scene was emptied of... distractions before Glauc finally relaxed in the pleasantly soapy waters. He was about to close his eyes when the pink door at the entrance opened. Walking through the pink door at the entrance of the spa with a smooth gait, almost as if she were sliding on the floor, a tall figure smiled at Glauc as he hastily covered up his naked privates with a towel. More than two and a half meters tall, and a bubblegum pink from hair to skin, with certain human traits exaggerated, Aphrodite looked at Glauc with interest. Her golden, pupil-less eyes squinted as she studied this newly ascended god. Luna had earlier called her to rave about Glauc and his so called 'foreplay' skills. It was an interesting idea for Aphrodite, to be able to be intimate but without the chance of impregnation. Being the goddess of love, Aphrodite had ironically been unable to satisfy her urges due to her unwillingness to love another being more than another. She would love all equally, at least that was what she decided during the early stages of creating the base of her domain. A decision she had always regretted in hindsight. In effect it meant that having children could create the chance to make her prioritize her love to her offspring, thus weakening her domain. Taking an action contrary to a god's own domain could create a divine backlash that would reverse ages of hard work. Glauc gulped as he noticed the goddess, her tall gait meant that in contrast the relatively tiny towel barely covered her chest and legs. Her slim waist seemed like it would snap at any moment when compared to the size of her butt and breasts. Honestly Glauc wondered how the towel even managed to keep her bounties from spilling out and said a silent prayer for the fabric. At least you died a happy death. She was one of the few gods that had chosen a nonhuman form, her hair not really made of strands but stuck together in one piece like a soft and stretchy dough. It bobbed up and down as she made her way to the spa, Glauc unable to guess what her species were. A slime? An elemental? She waved at Glauc, the towel staying on despite the movements. "Hi Glauc! Luna told me about you. Know who I am?" Searching his memories, Glauc vomited out the information he had read in the library. "Aphrodite. Goddess of love, beauty and pleasure." "And proprietor of this humble establishment." Aphrodite bent her knees to make a little bow. "Did you enjoy your bath?" "It's wonderful. I just realized how much rest I've been missing, you know, with all the undeads and primordial laws trying to torture me and who knows what. This is the life. But I have a feeling this service is not exactly free, is it?" Glauc remembered the sign board at the entrance of the building, listing prices that he would be unable to afford. Aphrodite chuckled. "Oh don't worry. This section of the spa is not part of the business. It's my private bath. Although if you could do me a favor, well... I've been told that I make a very good ally." With a wry smile Glauc asked what the favor was and he was soon stupefied when Aphrodite removed her towel. "Foreplay. Show me how it's done." *** At the present time, in a hellish dimension. Ryu ravaged through thirty opponents, confidently dodging their claws by a hair's width and attacking their weakness with a well placed swipe. After downing half the enemy, he suddenly hesitated and the lapse of movement was immediately taken advantage of and he was taken down. "Useless! I can help increase your wit but you need to get used to it yourself. Gods can easily dispel my buff. With your skills it is possible to defeat a god, you just have to think faster. Again!" Zagan snapped his finger and the demons carried their injured kin away and got replaced by another team, ready to fight Ryu. Zagan then rubbed his ring and it melted, before throwing the molten nickel at Ryu. Swallowing the projectile, Ryu was suddenly filled with clarity, able to predict how the devils were going to move. Fully regenerated, he charged into the group, trying to remember how to fight while buffed. Zagan had told him that the buff merely brought out the potential of his mind and Ryu was always capable. He just had to figure out how. Similar training was being held by Ana and Sheila, both fighting wave after wave of enemies, with the difference that their defeat was decided with a touch of paint soaked training weapons. Their inability to regenerate wounds almost a blessing in disguise. Jane was excluded immediately from Zagan's training almost immediately though, as he immediately decided her abilities useless against Glauc. Thus she was not 'kidnapped'. She was avtually now training her archery with the support of the villagers of Baqiqi. Zagan had assured Gob and the rest of the villagers that the champions would be ready by winter. In exchange, the villagers must not let any gods know about his involvement through their prayers. Jane decided to help Zagan defeat Glauc though, deciding that his wrath was almost righteous. Actually, the whole group agreed with Zagan, not to mention that he promised to accompany their group to defeat the undead should they succeed. He was a demon and unaffected by the rules of gods and could freely move around in the mortal plane of Nugaia. Definitely a lot more useful than receiving indirect help from a god. She never really liked Glauc that much anyway; he had once called her fat. This was her chance to make him pay for that remark. *** During their training, Glauc was leisurely reading a book about mythical mammals in Seshat's library. He shook his head as he tried to forget what had happened during the past weeks. Aphrodite. Wadjet. Maat. Eros. Zeus. And counting. He had offended so many gods that he was too scared of leaving the library. He had to figure out how to get Nunu to protect him. She was the only primordial law he knew, but her behavior was a little unpredictable to him. Glauc snapped his finger. Actually, there is one predictable behavior about Nunu! Glauc lost control of himself and crackled out a loud, evil laugh. Then, a stone tablet smashed into his face, breaking apart into pieces but not before bending his nose and knocking him off his chair. "Quiet. This is a library." *** "Glauc..." "Yes o divine and beautiful and majestic Nunu, greatest primordial law ever and not to mention coolest and bestest being alive? And kind? Yes! Kindest being ever..." Glauc was now prostrated on the ground, facing a tulip. It was a pretty deadly tulip though, basically Nunu in one of her many forms. The petals opened and a fairy emerged, sitting on the flower like a throne. "I'm pretty sure i asked you to help your friends defeat the undead, not offend other gods..." She crossed her arms and looked at Glauc in amusement. "What did you do to Wadjet?" Glauc stood up and waved his hands around in exasperation. "It wasn't me! That was Aphrodite! She destroyed Wadjet's pyramids! She's crazy! I just wanted to ask Wadjet for permission to modify Sheila's blessing and Aphrodite came in shooting arrows at everything! And her arrows were explosive! Why would a goddess of love use explosive arrows?" Nunu changed from a pixie into a sparrow, flying around Glauc's head. "Oh my. Your chaotic disposition is certainly interesting. And just what did you do to Aphrodite?" Glauc gave a sheepish smile as he recalled the story... *** During a certain bathing time in the past, in a lavish private spa in heaven... "Foreplay. Show me how it's done." "..." Glauc was left speechless by this goddess randomly stripping and asking him to show her some foreplay. Glauc was surprisingly aroused by her nonhuman body. This was easily noticed by Aphrodite. "You like what you see, ya? What should i do? Lie down? Get on my knees? You can't get pregnant from foreplay, ya?" She shuffled to Glauc and looked into his eyes, their face almost touching. Glauc remembered Luna. She was the only female in his life that willingly slept with him. Without paying for it. He decided to be grateful for what he had and to appreciate and not fuck up their relationship by being intimate with another. However, his ‘third leg’ disagreed. "You don't wanna get pregnant? But you want to be pleasured? Well, you've come to the right guy! Oh, so many things to teach you, where do i start... Huehuehue..." *** Zagan had a perfect day, all culminating in him relaxing in THE bath house in heaven. The water soothed his aching bones greatly and gargoyles massaged his shoulders and fed him grapes from a plate. Truly, this was a place worth paying for. Being a devil, he was not able to 'create' divine force but that did not mean he couldn't trade his skills and time for some. Gods could condense their divine force into a white marble shape, commonly used as currency in heaven. And Zagan gladly spent his today. For some reason, the bathhouse today was special, a pink aura was periodically released and when it passed over him, he felt extremely giddy. Almost like, an orgasm? Either way, Zagan was truly grateful he spent his divine force today. He'll meet Aphrodite later and compliment her on such a special service today. Maybe, he'll buy her some flowers and chocolates to thank her. Bitches love chocolates. Maybe. Zagan soaked in the bath for a while, trying to maximize his enjoyment. However, it seems the pink aura had stopped appearing for a while. Oh well, all good things must come to an end. He dressed up and walked to the cashier to pay up when his attention was caught by a loud din. He looked around and saw a few gods, other customers of the bathhouse. They noticed him looking around and pointed at the source of the noise. Glauc was trying to walk out the bathhouse. He was only wearing a towel around his waist and desperately holding on to it. Grabbing his leg was Aphrodite. She slid on the floor as Glauc half limped and half dragged his feet. He hissed at her. "No way! No bloody way! No. No. N. O. NO!" "But why? You'll finally have a proper domain! A unique domain of your own! Imagine the powers you'll gain!" Aphrodite was pitifully sobbing at Glauc while getting dragged on the floor. "I'll even share part of my domain with you as an initial investment!" "No bloody way I'll create that domain! I know how obsessed a god becomes when they use their soul to create a domain. I'll turn into some kind of mindless addict!" The domain they were speaking of was obviously of <<Foreplay>>. During the entirety of their intimate moments, Glauc had remembered one crucial flaw of foreplay. A flaw so big he swore he would never try to create that domain, despite Aphrodite promising to share two of her main domain, <Pleasure> and <Love>. That flaw can be summed up in two words. Blue balls. Besides, if he created that domain, it meant that he would have to request his worshippers to engage in foreplay before making love. As a proponent of the nut and run faction, Glauc realized he would end up annoying a large population that mated, especially the males. It might even end up with him getting grouped up with the 'evil god' faction. He shuddered as he thought of it. After escaping the bathhouse, Glauc went to Wadjet's palace to ask her about Sheila. He did not realize that Aphrodite was rather... persistent. And crazy. For some reason she got jealous that Glauc was visiting another woman so soon after seeing her that she started destroying Wadjet's properties. In the ensuing chaos, Glauc escaped to Seshat's library and the news spread around heaven of Glauc's misadventures. Fortunately for him Seshat's library effectively hid his pressence. Wadjet herself declared war on Glauc and swore revenge for all the trouble he created. Many gods also decided to join her, especially those who had tried to win Aphrodite's heart but been mercilessly rejected. Zeus and Eros also took the chance to get revenge after learning that Glauc had caused them to be banned from THE bathhouse after disguising as soap in Aphrodite's private bath. *** "And now you're here. Asking for my protection. What makes you think I'll protect you from this mess?" Nunu shook her head at her chosen. She definitely chose Glauc because the aura of chaos was strong with him, even if he was unwillingly creating it around him. Her sharing her <Gravity> domain had apparently caused his fate to be exponentially more chaotic and in the process giving her a major headache. Nunu definitely wanted him to create a little chaos, it was in her nature. But she expected him to do it to the mortal plane, not inside her body. Nunu herself being 'heaven', Glauc had caused her a little.. indigestion with his antics. The troublemaker in question perked up at her question, suddenly looking confident. "You'll help me because there is a very good reason for it! And that reason is..." *** Zagan waited by the port, looking out for signs of divine force, or worse. He hoped it was only divine force but he knew Glauc had somehow been interacting with Nunu. The watery abyss. A primordial law. And the worst part was, she represented chaos, a concept antithesis to demons, beings that valued order above all. Which meant that Zagan was forever 'in debt' to Nunu. And being in debt to a primordial law meant that it wasn't prevented from harming you. His worst fears came through when the river started rippling. A staired tunnel formed from the waters, seemingly leading from deep in the dark bottoms. From the bottom a happy tune was being whistled, one without a care in the world. Zagan's vein throbbed. Glauc. He's finally here. To heck with Nunu, Zagan will make him pay despite all the risks. He took out a rough piece of nickel from his pocket, roughly the size of a candy. He gripped it tightly and the metal melted and shrunk in half, the price of demon magic. He threw the enchanted remainder to Ryu and it dispersed into dust. Ryu breathed in the dust and the world seemed clearer. He could hear birds preying on insects, people milling about their days, and more importantly, Glauc *swagger* up the water stairs. Ryu realized that his old friend was not truly made of flesh; his heart beats throbbing with a rhythm that was *too* even. A false mortal body. An avatar. It took Zagan's magic to truly make Ryu understand that his old friend had transcended. No longer a human. A god. And now, he had to fight his old friend. He hoped the ambush would work, Sheila and Ana already informed and preparing their spells. Their hellish training would be put to the test today, mortals against a god, and although history had some victories about similar fights, such stories were few. He was rather confident though. Zagan himself had claimed to slay several gods and Ryu found that the demon never lied, and even ruthlessly punished any untruths spoken. Weird races, these demons. As Glauc got up the stairs he was complimenting himself on his genius. Nunu had agreed to protect him from the other gods. And all he had to do was catch a few fishes for Min. For her fertilizers and what not. Nunu might be chaotic but there was one thing constant about her, she would do anything for her daughter. A fact Glauc ruthlessly exploited. Fishing rod in hand, Glauc admired it. He had visited the market in heaven and had one custom made. It had all the bells and whistles and was even gold plated with studded gems. It had cost him a fortune in divine force. But fishing had always been his hobby and he happily took a monthly payment loan for it. His happy thoughts were interrupted when a large ball of fire came flying towards him. He yelped and jumped up over three meters, his improved control of gravity apparent in such an act. He floated in the air and watched the fireball land in the water and fizzled out. He knew it was made of mana and could barely damage him but the problem was that it was made of mana. A byproduct of using divine force. Basically in gods' minds mana is a type of excrement. He gagged as he thought of being covered by waste. "Ewww why'd you do that..." Glauc's speech was interrupted midway as Ryu jumped towards him at a speed barely perceptible by sight. A bright light flashed in front of Glauc's face and blinded him. "Agrh! Fucking Maat and her toys!" Even while blinded Glauc managed to dodge Ryu by further flying up but his path was intercepted by another fireball. It singed him and he dispelled the fire. The mana stuck to his skin though. "Argh! Why??? I just took a bath!" Sheila was preparing to fling several more fireballs at Glauc when he pointed at her despite rubbing his eye with the other hand. He made a gun posture with his fingers and made a shooting gesture. Sheila immediately felt her legs being pulled up by an invisible force and she was lifted upside-down several meters in the air. Glauc then blinked a few times and made the same gun posture with both his hands, one aimed at Ana and one at Ryu. Glauc made a shooting gesture and both of them were also lifter several meters in the air upside-down. "Pew pew pew!" Glauc belatedly said. He had to remember saying 'pew' as he shot, it would be a lot cooler. And fun. He chuckled to himself and he suddenly felt something dangerous. Every fibre of his being screamed of his demise. It felt similar to Aphrodite's explosive arrows, something that would shave away all of his divine force. He grabbed the fishing rod floating by his side and used it to block a coin shot towards him. It stopped the projectile and embedded itself halfway into the rod. The rod broke in half at the impact and Glauc pointed the half broken rod at Zagan. "KNEEL!" Glauc had never felt so angry and scared at the same time. Zagan tsked to himself as he was noticed by Glauc. He immediately felt himself and the air around him get heavier. The ground around him cracked and pushed deeper down. He tried to resist it but eventually was pushed down to his knees. He still looked at Glauc defiantly. Glauc looked at the demon that almost killed him and slowly recognized him. "The butler?" "Zagan. At your service." The well dressed devil snarkily retorted. "Waiiiit a minuteee. What the heck is going on? Why are you attacking me? Actually, why is everyone attacking me?" Glauc looked at Ryu for confirmation. "Don't worry we're not gonna kill ya. Zagan said he just wants to jail you for a while." Ryu spoke while upside-down in the air. "He said u been fooling around in heaven while we're suffering down here. Like you used to say. Friends don't let friends suffer alone, right?" "Jail me? He obviously lied to you! That coin bullet would have killed me! Good thing i practiced my domain and stopped him. If he shot a few more I don't think this rod could protect me!" Glauc angrily shouted at the group. Ryu might be dumb, but he did not expect the rest of the group to get tricked by the butler. "Hmpf! Demons do not lie! Outrageous! Preposterous! I've used that coin flick many times in the past and never killed a god with it! It just injures them..." Zagan interrupted. "..." Glauc was speechless. He was just reminded that he was a lot weaker than other gods. "I'm a new god. Not a lot of divine force. That so called coin flick is totally lethal. As a matter of fact, im running out of divine force right now so... Nunu? Prepare an escape route for me?" The water rippled, almost as if in glee. "You promised fishes for my darling~ tsk tsk tsk! You're not going to break your promise are you?" This bitch! She's totally enjoying seeing me suffer! Glauc thought. He should have asked for protection from everyone instead of just gods. She would not break her promise if the danger was not from a godlike source. It was too late to regret his decision though. Glauc looked at Zagan, who now had a malicious smile on his face. The butler stood up as he felt the gravity around him stabilize. Zagan brushed his suit and crossed his arms. "Get on the boat and surrender or I'll drag you to the mortal plane. I'm sure it'll be a very unpleasant experience for you." Glauc sighed. Fucking butlers.
{ "title": "A generic love story: disturbance", "id": 18719, "author": "arandomweeb", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 19", "id": 305866, "next": 305931, "prev": 305683, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NzdjOWUzNjI0MDRhYmI4ZDgxOTRlZTg5YWYyOGQy">10:24 pm. A tall shadow can be seen running. The streets of Tokyo tumbled towards Takumi as he rushed through the snowy night with haste. Frigid air clawed his bare cheeks, leaving red marks on them. Smoke formed whenever he exhaled, and strangely, he wasn`t a bit sleepy. But he did not care about either, nor did he have the sanity to. Even his brain couldn`t remember when was the last time he got this excited, as the memories were way before he developed this syndrome. Finding the villains, defeating them, avenging his mother as well as saving the day, in his mind Takumi was going to become a hero in those novels and mangas he had read.</p> <p class="cnM2NzA4Njg5Y2UxYTQ4NDc4NjBjZjI3NTQyNzdkMmFi">Why was he so confident you ask? Takumi never trained in any martial arts, but his deceased dad was an American commando. They would usually spend their free time on combat sports like airsoft and paintball. But he never accounted the fact that he might be facing 2 armed opponents. Even if Kyoya was small and weak, a knife was all he needed to become a major threat. [Boi Kyo would whoop his douche ass bare handed]</p> <p class="cnNkNmE0ZWM4ZmZjMjRjNzA4OTAwNGIwM2Q4YWUwZDc5">Arriving at the place, Takumi was out of breath. His stamina was garbage. Lowering his profile so as to stay hidden and rest, he began scouting the area. It was dead quiet. Nobody could be seen, or be crazy enough to go out at this time in winter. However, the dim lights slowly showed a small figure in the distance. And, as he proudly expected, it was Kyoya. Takumi became so confident in himself that he decided to walk up to his target.</p> <p class="cnNmODZjYzdjMzMzZDQ0ZDk4ZjBjNjg2NTY0NzQzYWZh">But Kyoya went from jogging to sprinting, as though he had sniffed out Takumi behind him.</p> <p class="cnM5MWFjNmMzZTY0OTQ0MmRiOTFmNzM4NDAzOTE5NTZk">“Argh! Get back here you prick!”</p> <p class="cnNmMTAyMjlhMTFlNTRiNzM4ZjY5OGY1ODQ3M2ZhNmNk">Abruptly, another person darted through him. Takumi caught a glimpse of her just as she looked back. A small girl, with silver hair, red eyes, and a stature that resembled lolis in animes. Her silky hair undulated as she moved, sparking beautifully under the moonlight. Still, the most striking feature was the expression her face. Her eyes opened wide, her lips rose slightly, creating a calm but determined look. It was the look of a true scholar: inquisitive, curious, and analytical until the very end. Only a short gaze from her made him feel like he his mask has been pierced, as he appeared hopelessly naked in front of this pure being.</p> <p class="cnM1NDI0YTBjMjAwZTRjMzNhODdkZTJlNTY1OGI4NjA1">“Nigerundayo.[Run. Also, Jojo reference] You can`t win.” The girl casually told him, before running as fast as she could into the shadows.</p> <p class="cnMxOWNiYjY4NTcyMjQyMzA5M2JhNWRjNGViZjE2ODcy">(That was weird…)</p> <p class="cnM3MjRiOThlYmFlNzQzOTlhNmNhYmQwMTgwMzU2ZTUx">Yet the sound of more footsteps reached his ears. A man, covered in blood, ran at his direction. Pausing to look at him, he who was obviously the infamous killer talked to Takumi in a hurried manner:</p> <p class="cnMxMWJhNTEwNDE0MDRlMWY4MDBlYTRhNjk1M2M3MGU2">“Did you see any aliens running past? The one I`m after is in the form of a human girl with white hair.”</p> <p class="cnNhMTIwMmM2ZTI2YjQyNTlhMGNkMzIxMjk5OTU1NWJh">“So it was you, mister serial killer. What are you doing, threatening the life of random cosplayers at this time?”</p> <p class="cnNlNjUzNGZlNTE0YTQwYmJhNDI0NmZhZjRiYWU5MzNj">“The fuck? I told you it is an alien! Wait… You are one of them too right?”</p> <p class="cnM5YWRiNjk1Yzk0YTQ5Mjg4MDVlZGZmZjU3OTBiNTNl">“Hell do I know, but I`m not very close to being a human either…” Takumi grinned</p> <p class="cnMwZDhlMmQzYTEzMzRlMDBhYTRhY2UzNDc0ZjU4MDMy">“Die.” The murderer snapped.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjFjMGQ5MGViZTQ4ODViNzYzNTI0ZGJjNGEwZGNj">His back leg pushed against the ground, bringing him forward; instantaneously, his left hand moved to grip the knob of the baseball bat. With his front leg, he stomped the ground to stop the motion, right before revolving the other end of the bat around his right hand, performing an upward slash.</p> <p class="cnNhMDVjMTBiMzlkNTQ4M2ViNmVjYmIxYTg5OTVhZjBj">Takumi quickly crossed his arms to block, probably getting fractured bones on both. The tip of the bat circled out of the way and suddenly disappeared, before falling down on him from above.</p> <p class="cnNkMzA3NWVlM2EwYzQzNWI5MzI1MWI3MWFiOTkzNjgw">In that split second, Takumi shifted his balance backwards, effectively making his back touch&nbsp;the ground in the shortest time. Reaching inside his thick jacket, he managed to pull out a Glock 18 right after the bat crash landed in the space between his legs. Aiming at the murderer`s face, he squeezed the trigger.</p> <p class="cnM0MzNiYTAxNWYwYjQyYmJiYjQ0ZDI4Yjg4MTFkNThk">“Nani!?”</p> </div>
10:24 pm. A tall shadow can be seen running. The streets of Tokyo tumbled towards Takumi as he rushed through the snowy night with haste. Frigid air clawed his bare cheeks, leaving red marks on them. Smoke formed whenever he exhaled, and strangely, he wasn`t a bit sleepy. But he did not care about either, nor did he have the sanity to. Even his brain couldn`t remember when was the last time he got this excited, as the memories were way before he developed this syndrome. Finding the villains, defeating them, avenging his mother as well as saving the day, in his mind Takumi was going to become a hero in those novels and mangas he had read. Why was he so confident you ask? Takumi never trained in any martial arts, but his deceased dad was an American commando. They would usually spend their free time on combat sports like airsoft and paintball. But he never accounted the fact that he might be facing 2 armed opponents. Even if Kyoya was small and weak, a knife was all he needed to become a major threat. [Boi Kyo would whoop his douche ass bare handed] Arriving at the place, Takumi was out of breath. His stamina was garbage. Lowering his profile so as to stay hidden and rest, he began scouting the area. It was dead quiet. Nobody could be seen, or be crazy enough to go out at this time in winter. However, the dim lights slowly showed a small figure in the distance. And, as he proudly expected, it was Kyoya. Takumi became so confident in himself that he decided to walk up to his target. But Kyoya went from jogging to sprinting, as though he had sniffed out Takumi behind him. “Argh! Get back here you prick!” Abruptly, another person darted through him. Takumi caught a glimpse of her just as she looked back. A small girl, with silver hair, red eyes, and a stature that resembled lolis in animes. Her silky hair undulated as she moved, sparking beautifully under the moonlight. Still, the most striking feature was the expression her face. Her eyes opened wide, her lips rose slightly, creating a calm but determined look. It was the look of a true scholar: inquisitive, curious, and analytical until the very end. Only a short gaze from her made him feel like he his mask has been pierced, as he appeared hopelessly naked in front of this pure being. “Nigerundayo.[Run. Also, Jojo reference] You can`t win.” The girl casually told him, before running as fast as she could into the shadows. (That was weird…) Yet the sound of more footsteps reached his ears. A man, covered in blood, ran at his direction. Pausing to look at him, he who was obviously the infamous killer talked to Takumi in a hurried manner: “Did you see any aliens running past? The one I`m after is in the form of a human girl with white hair.” “So it was you, mister serial killer. What are you doing, threatening the life of random cosplayers at this time?” “The fuck? I told you it is an alien! Wait… You are one of them too right?” “Hell do I know, but I`m not very close to being a human either…” Takumi grinned “Die.” The murderer snapped. His back leg pushed against the ground, bringing him forward; instantaneously, his left hand moved to grip the knob of the baseball bat. With his front leg, he stomped the ground to stop the motion, right before revolving the other end of the bat around his right hand, performing an upward slash. Takumi quickly crossed his arms to block, probably getting fractured bones on both. The tip of the bat circled out of the way and suddenly disappeared, before falling down on him from above. In that split second, Takumi shifted his balance backwards, effectively making his back touch the ground in the shortest time. Reaching inside his thick jacket, he managed to pull out a Glock 18 right after the bat crash landed in the space between his legs. Aiming at the murderer`s face, he squeezed the trigger. “Nani!?”
{ "title": "The Navigator", "id": 21382, "author": "Exterminatus", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 7", "id": 305867, "next": 306323, "prev": 305664, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1ZDY4YTgwODYxOTRhNWViMTA1MWUzZmI3NjNjNzRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Step it up, Two-Five,” I tell my gunner. “We need to hurry.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZTcwMWJmMTA0ZDQ2MDM4ZGE3ZmY5NjdlYzc3ZjE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haste makes waste, Seventeen.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTQ1ZWQ3NDZjMjQ4MTk4MjdmMjgxYmYzOTg2NTg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haste also keeps navigators alive. Now move it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2U2ZTZjNTZhOTQxZDg4MTk2ZmFiY2NlYWM0MDI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I have no idea if whatever organization’s taken root on this world has patrols, but they probably do. I can’t imagine they’d overlook something as out of place as a smoothed out crystal sphere just laying around their giant scrambler’s perimeter. That is assuming our ignorance didn’t get us spotted and we merely managed to book it before anyone could respond. Either way, we need to hurry while we have some modicum of surprise on our side.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTVlNDc2YWE5MjQ2NTBhYTI2ZmQ1NWFkNDhmYjA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">We manage to reach roughly the same spot we were in about forty minutes after we left. Could’ve been here faster if Two-Five wasn’t so inept at traversing the rough terrain. We really need to get him some boots with better grip or something, he keeps slipping on the gravel and sand. Which makes up about 90% of the fucking terrain on this planet. I suppose could’ve just left him behind and gone on ahead then come back with his power crystal, but I’d rather move a bit slower than be separated without any means of communication.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWU5YzI1NGNiMjQ1ZDc4OThjYjEzMTNiNmMzZjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">In any event, it appears we were too little too late. I peek over a ridge overlooking our previous hiding spot and I spot two guys already searching the area with their guns drawn. They clearly suspect someone or something else is on this rock with them. There’s a third one standing over our big blue trump card next to that boulder. The thing stands out like crazy amidst this red and gray wasteland, so it’s no surprise they already found it. At least the guy seems to understand why touching it might be a bad idea, so it should buy us some time.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTU3NDdhNDg2NDRlM2M4NTI4YWNkNWE0YjYzNDk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I duck behind cover and sign to delta that our objective is in sight, along with three hostiles. Yes, they are most definitely hostiles, and no, I’m not saying that just because of the automatic rifles. Those environmental suits they have on that are black in the torso but blue and white in the limbs and helmet? I’d know that color scheme anywhere. It’s the uniform of those crazies that thing breaches are a sign from God that will bring salvation, rather than the catastrophic threat to an entire planet’s ecosystem that they are.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmMyMzEwNmVlNDQyZWFhMGFkYjliZGY0OGRlMTgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">All it takes is a few members of a foreign species with a fast enough reproduction cycle and no natural predators, then the entire thing just collapses in a few dozen years. Why do they think the One Earth Government sanctions literal extinctions whenever any sort of animal manages to start spreading on a world where it doesn’t belong? I tell you what, it’s certainly not to ‘make coats out of their hides for the wealthy’ like those nutjobs on the internet say.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmE0OGIwYmYzYTQzYjBhNGY0YzJkYmZhOGQ1NGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, their presence here and now is way more worrisome. It would be way easier if they were criminals, like smugglers or slave traders. Those people may be scum, but at least they can be reasoned with. But a bunch of armed zealots who seem to have a hate-boner for any authority other than their own? Yeah, the only talking those guys are going to do is with their guns, and that’s a discussion Two-Five and I are wholly unprepared to have.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjM1YjA4NWQwNTQ2NWNhM2VmMjI3MDc2MmFlNzQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">My gunner then signs asking for orders. It’s a tough call to make. Our only real way out of this is to capture the crystal, topple the tower, then call in the cavalry. The real question is whether we can pull that off with just the two of us and our peashooters. If we’re going to do something we better do it quick, so I sign to Two-Five to make a distraction, a loud one. He gives me an ‘okay’ then crouches down and slaps the dirt between his feet with his left hand.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzU1OTUyMmQxODRiZDJhMmVkMmZlMmQwNGNhNTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The button-like gems on his weird bracelet thing start to glow and the dry sand-like dirt around his fingers starts vibrating. When he lifts his hand, the dirt particles follow in a small, cone-shaped cloud. They gather and swirl inside his open palm until they’ve formed a lumpy rock of some kind. The thing then starts to glow blue and vibrate, producing a high-pitched buzzing noise almost identical to that of a mosquito as it just floats a few centimeters from his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTA0YWRiMDZjZTQyMDk5NDdiMDczZDViYmU2YzQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, I’m no expert on whatever the fuck is going on, but my instincts are telling me that my gunner just made a grenade from a fistfull of dirt. He twirled his fingers around and just sort of pointed at a spot to the left, and the thing just bolted off faster than an olympic sprinter who just heard his wife is going into labor. I… don’t know where that analogy came from, but I don’t get a chance to question it before the thing makes impact about fifty meters away. There’s an ear-splitting explosion followed by a massive cloud of dust and smoke.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTUzZTRjYWNjMTQ4NDNiYTIxYTRmNzUyOWEwMTQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The fuck was that?!” one of the cultists shouts, just barely audible over the din. “You two check it out, I’m going to report it in!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjhlYmUxYjU1YzQyM2I5NTdkODkzYzBiNzIwNDMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I peek out from behind my hiding spot. I see the two thugs that were searching the area approach the site of Two-Five’s distraction with their weapons pointed at it and away from us. The one in the back is clutching the side of his helmet, no doubt about to call his nutjob buddies over. We can’t have that, so I take aim and fire a tranq shot. The echoing boom masks my firearm going off while my high-tech bullet clamps onto his thigh, then shocks him into submission.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzM4MzQ0ZjRkOTQ5ZThiZmIzZjg0NjkzNWYzZGNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I then point my firearm at the other two. I manage to pacify one of them, but the other finally realizes something’s going on and starts firing his rifle at me. I duck behind the ridge, cursing under my breath as the automatic weapon chews up my flimsy rock cover. I look over to see Two-Five’s prepared another dirt-bomb, which he blindly throws at the agitated hostile. The guy naturally sees the glowing thing and shoots at it. He manages to intercept it, causing the thing to explode into another deafening din and cloud of dust. There’s no actual force or shrapnel accompanying the detonation though, just a lot of smoke and noise. I guess that’s just the orizian version of a flashbang.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODQ4OTc1ZjJkZDRjMjI4MDQwZWFlOWJjZmM0MTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">And it seems to be rather dangerous to them, seeing as how Two-Five is clutching his head and screaming as if someone’s driving a rusty nail into his eye. I’m mostly fine since I braced myself, while the last hostile is clearly dazed. I take this opportunity to fire a few tranq shots at him, one of which hits him in the chest. I’m wary of touching Two-Five since our causality fields won’t mingle all too well, but I can’t just leave him here rolling around in the dirt. Thankfully he gives me another ‘okay’ sign as he shakily rises to his feet a few seconds later. I signal that all the hostiles are down and we make a run for the power crystal.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZGViODA4NjI2YzRhYmU4NjY3NzNlZTRkY2ZmNTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Or rather, Two-five makes a run for it. He hides behind the familiar boulder, grabs that crystal ball and starts shaking it some frightening frequency. He then pinches off a thumb-sized part of it like it was made of jelly and starts processing it with his equipment. I attend to the three sleeping beauties while he does that. I bind their hands and feet behind their backs with some Kink-o-Matic Insta-Shackles™ and pour some local dirt down the rifles’ barrels to jam their firing mechanisms. I would like to use the guns for myself, but I was never trained in handling that class of military-grade weaponry. I’d much rather stick to the peashooter I actually know how to use.</span></p> <p class="cnNiM2JlNGRmZDJiODRlMzJiOGQzNWIxNjEzYzY4OTcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once I’m done securing the cultists and disabling their weapons, I rush over to Two-Five while keeping an eye out for any reinforcements coming from the scrambler tower’s direction. We made a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">lot</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> of noise in that scuffle, so there’s no telling who might’ve heard it. My gunner seems to more or less be ready, having converted that tiny bit of jellified glass into a bullet-like projectile. He took a few moments to load it into his sidearm, then, after pausing to steady his aim, fired it at the tower in the distance.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDVhNGI4Y2RlNzRkNTI5YTlkOWZiY2JiY2I4MGY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, what came out of his gun wasn’t a projectile, but a wave. I can actually see the air warping and bending as the otherwise invisible force expands outward in a tight cone. It’s almost as big as a house by the time it washes over the tower a second or two later. I don’t know exactly what it does to the structure, but the thing instantly collapses on itself amidst a cacophony of groaning and scraping metal.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjJhOTJiM2NjMTQyNjhhZWM0N2UwZTA5M2NhMmQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">A loud siren originating from the volcano washes over us. Well, if they didn’t know something was up, they sure as fuck do now. I waste no time and boot up my PDA, hitting the metaphorical big red button. I feel the computer heat up tremendously as it does its thing, but I’m ultimately met with the notification I’ve been dreaming of for the past several days.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjMxZGY5ZGMyYjRhOTBiNzQ2YTJjODc4OTI2Njkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Priority Level 2 distress signal successfully sent.’</span></p> <p class="cnNmY2I0ZmM1ZjJlYjRjZjliYmM4ZGVkMTQ2N2Q5ZjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes!” I cheer with a fist pump.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTMyMGMwNTg1YTQ4MTE4MzRiOWY0NWMxNGEwZWM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Did it work?!” Two-Five shouts at me.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWRhZmViZWZlNjRkM2VhMmI0MmQyYTIzZWIyNjVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Damn right it did! Come on, we need to clear the area before any more of those cultists show up.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyODI5YzMyNTg5YTRhY2E5NjlhNGQ4MTAwZGIzZTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hide? Are we not getting reinforcements?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmY0YWU4NjI2MzQ2MmE4MTU0YzdmMGFlMzJhN2Rk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’ll take time for them to arrive.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDcxYjZlZTQwZTRmYWE4ODY3ZTJhYmYyNTFjM2E4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What sort of time frame are we talking about?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGIyNDliMzg2OTRlOTQ5NjRkYTI4YmMwZThmYzZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Five to twenty minutes.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTY4NDA4MTQ1ZDQwNmU5YTk3MWMxNWVkMTllYjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">That’s the average response time for a Priority 2 alert, which varies depending on how fast a strike team can be mobilized. We could get one out here faster, but that would require a Priority Level 1, which is reserved for literal extinction-level threats. Priority 2 is for ongoing disturbances requiring the use of deadly force. Which this most certainly is, considering how well armed these people are. If not for their automatic rifles, this would just be premeditated illegal mass transit, a Priority 3. And if it was just me and Two-Five being stuck days away from the nearest sustainable breach, then that would be a Priority 4 or 5, depending on how bad the environment was.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGY3YWY4YmJhNDRmY2U5NWIwNjBiNDFjYjMwMmE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I’m still mad that the higher-ups ignored me when I insisted for a ‘Priority Level Sea’ protocol after my two-month ‘cruise,’ but I guess I can’t win them all.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTcyMmYzYTcwOTRjYjVhM2IyYzA5MjQwOTFkMjQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Then what is that?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjA3NjFiZDcyYzQxMDY5NmE2MjAzYjFhZjBmMWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Two-Five’s finger-pointed question draws my attention to the area where we trounced those armed nutjobs, and I see that the air itself is rippling like the surface of a pond. A man in a navigator’s uniform falls out of the disturbance, landing flat on his ass. I can see him struggling with the post-transfer sickness as he forces himself to press a few buttons on his PDA. Nearly twenty men in military-grade power armor bearing the BMA’s insignia materialize next to him. None of their brains have had to struggle navigating the chaotic space between realities, so they suffer none of the ill-side effects that their navigator is currently going through. As such, they’re able to instantly react to their surroundings and subdue any suspects in sight.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMWU4Njk0ZWJiMTQwZGQ5MzA1MjE1ZGMwNmMyNGRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t move! You’re under arrest for trespassing in a high-security area!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiODY3MjFjM2Y2NzRjOWI4ODZlOWE1YzgzZGJkNTM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Which, judging by the way they’re shouting and pointing those giant guns… is us.</span></p> </div>
“Step it up, Two-Five,” I tell my gunner. “We need to hurry.” “Haste makes waste, Seventeen.” “Haste also keeps navigators alive. Now move it.” I have no idea if whatever organization’s taken root on this world has patrols, but they probably do. I can’t imagine they’d overlook something as out of place as a smoothed out crystal sphere just laying around their giant scrambler’s perimeter. That is assuming our ignorance didn’t get us spotted and we merely managed to book it before anyone could respond. Either way, we need to hurry while we have some modicum of surprise on our side. We manage to reach roughly the same spot we were in about forty minutes after we left. Could’ve been here faster if Two-Five wasn’t so inept at traversing the rough terrain. We really need to get him some boots with better grip or something, he keeps slipping on the gravel and sand. Which makes up about 90% of the fucking terrain on this planet. I suppose could’ve just left him behind and gone on ahead then come back with his power crystal, but I’d rather move a bit slower than be separated without any means of communication. In any event, it appears we were too little too late. I peek over a ridge overlooking our previous hiding spot and I spot two guys already searching the area with their guns drawn. They clearly suspect someone or something else is on this rock with them. There’s a third one standing over our big blue trump card next to that boulder. The thing stands out like crazy amidst this red and gray wasteland, so it’s no surprise they already found it. At least the guy seems to understand why touching it might be a bad idea, so it should buy us some time. I duck behind cover and sign to delta that our objective is in sight, along with three hostiles. Yes, they are most definitely hostiles, and no, I’m not saying that just because of the automatic rifles. Those environmental suits they have on that are black in the torso but blue and white in the limbs and helmet? I’d know that color scheme anywhere. It’s the uniform of those crazies that thing breaches are a sign from God that will bring salvation, rather than the catastrophic threat to an entire planet’s ecosystem that they are. All it takes is a few members of a foreign species with a fast enough reproduction cycle and no natural predators, then the entire thing just collapses in a few dozen years. Why do they think the One Earth Government sanctions literal extinctions whenever any sort of animal manages to start spreading on a world where it doesn’t belong? I tell you what, it’s certainly not to ‘make coats out of their hides for the wealthy’ like those nutjobs on the internet say. However, their presence here and now is way more worrisome. It would be way easier if they were criminals, like smugglers or slave traders. Those people may be scum, but at least they can be reasoned with. But a bunch of armed zealots who seem to have a hate-boner for any authority other than their own? Yeah, the only talking those guys are going to do is with their guns, and that’s a discussion Two-Five and I are wholly unprepared to have. My gunner then signs asking for orders. It’s a tough call to make. Our only real way out of this is to capture the crystal, topple the tower, then call in the cavalry. The real question is whether we can pull that off with just the two of us and our peashooters. If we’re going to do something we better do it quick, so I sign to Two-Five to make a distraction, a loud one. He gives me an ‘okay’ then crouches down and slaps the dirt between his feet with his left hand. The button-like gems on his weird bracelet thing start to glow and the dry sand-like dirt around his fingers starts vibrating. When he lifts his hand, the dirt particles follow in a small, cone-shaped cloud. They gather and swirl inside his open palm until they’ve formed a lumpy rock of some kind. The thing then starts to glow blue and vibrate, producing a high-pitched buzzing noise almost identical to that of a mosquito as it just floats a few centimeters from his hand. Now, I’m no expert on whatever the fuck is going on, but my instincts are telling me that my gunner just made a grenade from a fistfull of dirt. He twirled his fingers around and just sort of pointed at a spot to the left, and the thing just bolted off faster than an olympic sprinter who just heard his wife is going into labor. I… don’t know where that analogy came from, but I don’t get a chance to question it before the thing makes impact about fifty meters away. There’s an ear-splitting explosion followed by a massive cloud of dust and smoke. “The fuck was that?!” one of the cultists shouts, just barely audible over the din. “You two check it out, I’m going to report it in!” I peek out from behind my hiding spot. I see the two thugs that were searching the area approach the site of Two-Five’s distraction with their weapons pointed at it and away from us. The one in the back is clutching the side of his helmet, no doubt about to call his nutjob buddies over. We can’t have that, so I take aim and fire a tranq shot. The echoing boom masks my firearm going off while my high-tech bullet clamps onto his thigh, then shocks him into submission. I then point my firearm at the other two. I manage to pacify one of them, but the other finally realizes something’s going on and starts firing his rifle at me. I duck behind the ridge, cursing under my breath as the automatic weapon chews up my flimsy rock cover. I look over to see Two-Five’s prepared another dirt-bomb, which he blindly throws at the agitated hostile. The guy naturally sees the glowing thing and shoots at it. He manages to intercept it, causing the thing to explode into another deafening din and cloud of dust. There’s no actual force or shrapnel accompanying the detonation though, just a lot of smoke and noise. I guess that’s just the orizian version of a flashbang. And it seems to be rather dangerous to them, seeing as how Two-Five is clutching his head and screaming as if someone’s driving a rusty nail into his eye. I’m mostly fine since I braced myself, while the last hostile is clearly dazed. I take this opportunity to fire a few tranq shots at him, one of which hits him in the chest. I’m wary of touching Two-Five since our causality fields won’t mingle all too well, but I can’t just leave him here rolling around in the dirt. Thankfully he gives me another ‘okay’ sign as he shakily rises to his feet a few seconds later. I signal that all the hostiles are down and we make a run for the power crystal. Or rather, Two-five makes a run for it. He hides behind the familiar boulder, grabs that crystal ball and starts shaking it some frightening frequency. He then pinches off a thumb-sized part of it like it was made of jelly and starts processing it with his equipment. I attend to the three sleeping beauties while he does that. I bind their hands and feet behind their backs with some Kink-o-Matic Insta-Shackles™ and pour some local dirt down the rifles’ barrels to jam their firing mechanisms. I would like to use the guns for myself, but I was never trained in handling that class of military-grade weaponry. I’d much rather stick to the peashooter I actually know how to use. Once I’m done securing the cultists and disabling their weapons, I rush over to Two-Five while keeping an eye out for any reinforcements coming from the scrambler tower’s direction. We made a *lot* of noise in that scuffle, so there’s no telling who might’ve heard it. My gunner seems to more or less be ready, having converted that tiny bit of jellified glass into a bullet-like projectile. He took a few moments to load it into his sidearm, then, after pausing to steady his aim, fired it at the tower in the distance. However, what came out of his gun wasn’t a projectile, but a wave. I can actually see the air warping and bending as the otherwise invisible force expands outward in a tight cone. It’s almost as big as a house by the time it washes over the tower a second or two later. I don’t know exactly what it does to the structure, but the thing instantly collapses on itself amidst a cacophony of groaning and scraping metal. A loud siren originating from the volcano washes over us. Well, if they didn’t know something was up, they sure as fuck do now. I waste no time and boot up my PDA, hitting the metaphorical big red button. I feel the computer heat up tremendously as it does its thing, but I’m ultimately met with the notification I’ve been dreaming of for the past several days. ‘Priority Level 2 distress signal successfully sent.’ “Yes!” I cheer with a fist pump. “Did it work?!” Two-Five shouts at me. “Damn right it did! Come on, we need to clear the area before any more of those cultists show up.” “Hide? Are we not getting reinforcements?” “It’ll take time for them to arrive.” “What sort of time frame are we talking about?” “Five to twenty minutes.” That’s the average response time for a Priority 2 alert, which varies depending on how fast a strike team can be mobilized. We could get one out here faster, but that would require a Priority Level 1, which is reserved for literal extinction-level threats. Priority 2 is for ongoing disturbances requiring the use of deadly force. Which this most certainly is, considering how well armed these people are. If not for their automatic rifles, this would just be premeditated illegal mass transit, a Priority 3. And if it was just me and Two-Five being stuck days away from the nearest sustainable breach, then that would be a Priority 4 or 5, depending on how bad the environment was. I’m still mad that the higher-ups ignored me when I insisted for a ‘Priority Level Sea’ protocol after my two-month ‘cruise,’ but I guess I can’t win them all. “Then what is that?” Two-Five’s finger-pointed question draws my attention to the area where we trounced those armed nutjobs, and I see that the air itself is rippling like the surface of a pond. A man in a navigator’s uniform falls out of the disturbance, landing flat on his ass. I can see him struggling with the post-transfer sickness as he forces himself to press a few buttons on his PDA. Nearly twenty men in military-grade power armor bearing the BMA’s insignia materialize next to him. None of their brains have had to struggle navigating the chaotic space between realities, so they suffer none of the ill-side effects that their navigator is currently going through. As such, they’re able to instantly react to their surroundings and subdue any suspects in sight. “Don’t move! You’re under arrest for trespassing in a high-security area!” Which, judging by the way they’re shouting and pointing those giant guns… is us.
{ "title": "Shatterpact", "id": 21566, "author": "Luciferia", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter One", "id": 305868, "next": 306277, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjYTljMDEyYTgzZTRjMzdiZDEwYzQzNWY1ZTkyMzlj" style="text-align: center"><img src="" alt="" width="100" height="97"></p> <p class="cnNmNTMzNzdlNjQ5YTRjMjY4ZDdhZGUzNTMxYTczNTFk" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter One</strong></p> <p class="cnNlNTZiZDU0MWIzOTQ3ODk5OGJhOGZhYTg5NzIyODQ3">I spooned a dollop of sauce onto several slices of bread and used the back of my spoon to spread it out in the pattern indicated by my cookbook. The spicy sauce was offset by a creamy base and chock-full of fresh herbs. Keeping myself from sticking a finger in the bowl or licking the spoon was a form of torture. When done saucing up the bread, I turned and walked to the kitchen sink to place the spoon among the other waiting dishes.</p> <p class="cnMxMzc5ZTBkNTBmNDQxMDE5ZTFiOGZiNTkyM2Q2NTlh">I ran the water hot, adding some dish soap to the mess, then stopped when I felt a presence behind me. There was a sound like dog claws against the floor, but I didn’t have any pets.</p> <p class="cnMxZGE5YjE0NjkxOTRhMjI4NzI4MjcwNzIwMDA3Nzhi">“What trickery is this?” A low male voice rumbled.</p> <p class="cnMyYTgzYzYyNDhiYTRhM2FiNzJhYmJkMmJhZjVjYzI2">I whirled around to see an unfamiliar man, if he could be called that, standing between me and my precious sandwiches. He stood head and shoulders taller than me, with long black hair almost to his knees. Dark horns twisted out from an inch or so above his hairline. Lime green eyes with slit pupils soon settled on me.</p> <p class="cnM3M2NiOGMwYzU1NTQwYmZhZmY3MzAwZDkwMWUyNGMy">A demon. That’s what horns indicated, right? Was my cooking really so bad that it summoned a demon?</p> <p class="cnMwZDQ5YmMyNTdhODRkMmE4ZTZhMjY5NjA4ZjY0YTY0">“Why did you summon me?” The demon growled, flashing upper and lower fangs—all eight of them.</p> <p class="cnM0MzkwMGVlZTAyOTQ1NzE5NmZlZTg5MDRjNzhmM2Vk">“I didn’t…” I slowly set aside my hand towel, swallowing hard, while I attempted to process the strange being in front of me. “…do you…do you want a sandwich?”</p> <p class="cnM1Y2FlYjFjZjlkZDRmMTM4NmRlYTNiYmM4NGI3Y2Vi">“Pardon?” The demon gave me an incredulous stare, before reiterating, “I asked you why you summoned me, woman.”</p> <p class="cnNiYzgxMzNjMjgwZDQ1MTZhNzMyY2RkMWM5NDAwZTVm">“I didn’t mean to summon you!” I flinched and backed away when he took a step toward me. His expression softened ever-so-slightly, and he stopped moving, but he still looked wary. I pointed past him. “I…I was just making sandwiches to take to a friend’s baby shower. I got a new cookbook and wanted to try the new recipes in it.</p> <p class="cnM4YWMxZDExYWQxYjRiZjg5NzMzODVlMzJiM2UwZDk0">“Um… Can I send you back somehow? I really didn’t mean to summon you, and you seem like you’re dressed up, so I’m guessing you were busy. Just tell me—”</p> <p class="cnNlYmEwZGQyOTY2NTQ5ZDViNWZkYzYzZjU0NGQ1MTA0">“What do you want?” The demon eyed me.</p> <p class="cnNmODY4ZWJhZTU1YTRiZjk4NDc4ODA5NTkwZWEzMDJm">“Huh?” I blinked at him.</p> <p class="cnNiYmZhYzA5ZDQ0MjQxMjA4Njk5MTM4NTYyMjFlMzFi">He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “There must be something you want, if you’re willing to release me so easily.”</p> <p class="cnM3ODBjNjJhNjI2YTQwY2ViODBhYTIzY2M4ZmQ4N2Iy">“No… Yes? I want to right my mistake, whatever it was. Does that count?” I shook my head. “The least I can do is offer you food and a way back to…wherever you came from.”</p> <p class="cnMyMDUxMzBlZmVjNjQ4YmU4MWVkMzBlYzAzNTBhNGM3">“You were going to say ‘Hell.’” He raised an eyebrow at me.</p> <p class="cnMzM2NiZjdmNmI4NzRlYmRiMzY1MGZjM2QzZTdkNGU4">“I was…but you don’t seem very fire and brimstone-y to me.” I wrung my hands together in front of me. “I really don’t…”</p> <p class="cnNiNWZlYTMzNjJmMzRjNWFhYzI4ZjU4MjZjYjEwNzli">“When must you leave?” He interjected.</p> <p class="cnNiMGVkMjhlMDI1MjQ2ZjViMzQzMDA4M2Y3OWI4YmI4">His question puzzled me, but I answered all the same, “Half an hour?”</p> <p class="cnMzYTI2NjUzYjcwMDRhYjdhOTg1MGEzODA5NWRmMWZm">“Then I will have a sandwich, if it will not leave you with too few.” He strode toward the breakfast nook and took a seat gracefully on chair, weaving his, long scaled tail through the rungs behind him. “Show me this book you were using.”</p> <p class="cnNiY2Y1MDRjZjgyNTQ1OTM5ODNiYzllZGZmNWUyNTJi">Arguing with a demon didn’t seem like a good idea. I obediently plated one of the sandwiches for him, grabbed the cookbook, and brought both over to him. Once close, I detected the faint scent of sandalwood around him.</p> <p class="cnMzZmUzMWU0MjU1YjQzOGJhODliYmU2ZDU4ZGNiYjU4">“Um… Do you want anything to drink?” I asked, causing the demon’s eyes to flick toward me. “Oh, and my name is Celia, by the way.”</p> <p class="cnM0NDNmMTY3NzI1OTQ0NmM4MTU5MjM0YzVmNTk4NWZh">“Do you have wine?” He asked.</p> <p class="cnNlNTkxZDJjNTljMTQ4ZDQ4MTk5MWIxYWFjNTMyMjlk">“Red, white, or rosé?”</p> <p class="cnM5ZWU3MjNjYWM5OTRjYzNiM2U0ZWMyYTgxZjc3MTI5">He shooed me off to fetch a bottle of dry white wine. I decided to grab my most expensive bottle, rather than have the demon catch me skimping. When I placed the bottle and a glass on the table for him, he didn’t look up. His attention was fully on the cookbook.</p> <p class="cnMxNmE2OTVkMDFmNzQyNzU4YWFhOTM5ZmQyMjU2Y2Ey">“Hmph, <em>they</em> are bound as well…” he muttered to himself, sliding his finger down one of the recipes. “How did you acquire this book?”</p> <p class="cnMzN2RiNmIyYTQ5YjQyNjA5NGZhMjZlMDRlY2JkNDNi">“I work at a local bookstore and have been trying to learn to cook,” I grumbled. “No one wanted to buy it, so the shop owner sold it to me for cheap just to get rid of it.”</p> <p class="cnNjYzc4N2VkNDAzZjRhY2I4MjI0NDg3YzBjZWM0YmQ2">He finally looked up, his expression one of doubt. “You chanced upon it? A book where the Aloryi royalty are bound, and you just happened to pick it up? Preposterous.”</p> <p class="cnMzNjUwOGUwYzUwOTRkM2Y5Y2ZmNmZkNGU0NDAwNjE1">“I’m telling you the truth!” I insisted. “…what’s an Aloryi?”</p> <p class="cnNkMTQzMGJjOWRjNjQxYjI5YTUwNWFlM2E0YWUxOTQ4">“You don’t even know my kind’s name?” He sighed and gave me a tired look. “I believe humans still call denizens of the Underrealm ‘demons.’ My race is the Aloryi—humans once called us ‘Moon Keepers.’”</p> <p class="cnMwMjFkOTZiYzZjMjRmOWY5YWNlMTRkYTM0NTVmOTc1">“Underrealm?” I gulped when he released another aggravated sigh. “I… Would that be literal, like hollow earth theory, or…”</p> <p class="cnNkNDQ4YzIyODc1MDRlOWI4ZGE2ZjI3MzUxOTBlNDJj">“Hollow earth? Is that really what humans call it now?” he asked in disbelief. “Furthermore… Theory? It really has been a long time since I was last on the surface.”</p> <p class="cnNhM2Y2NWJkYjhiOTRiNjhhNDgxMWQ5ZjEzMmU4ZDJh">“So, about sending you back…” I spoke awkwardly, watching him pour his glass full of wine. “I can undo whatever I did somehow, right?”</p> <p class="cnM3NzQ2MzlkYzc0ZDRkZjA5YTc2ZDczYzEzZjRjNzMx">“You still mean to free me?” The demon studied me in silence. “Then, burn the book. Destroy it. With it gone, those of us bound to it will be freed.”</p> <p class="cnM2MjAzMzFjNmY1YzQzNmZiNTZmMmIxNjE5MGI2Mjhl">“Oh… Can I write down some of the recipes first?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM1Zjk4Njg1NzNhMjQwZGQ5NmIzZjA5ZjFjNTE0Yzg2">“Why are you asking <em>me</em> for permission?” He growled, making me flinch. A sigh escaped him. “I apologize. You needn’t be frightened of me, if you truly mean to do as you say.”</p> <p class="cnNiMjY4OTZlYTkyMjRkMjA5YmVjNzM5ZTNjY2RhMWEx">“I-I just didn’t know if the recipes are what bound you and the other Aloryi, or…” I trailed off, wringing my hands. He was beautiful, but terrifying. If he was a demon, and I’d summoned him with magic, then magic was real. He could probably use magic too. That would be bad.</p> <p class="cnMyYjRmOWI0MGNiMTQ2NzhiZjUyMWYyYTc4Y2JmZTZj">“The recipes themselves are harmless.” He started to hand me the book, then stopped. “I will copy them down. You have some event to prepare for, don’t you?”</p> <p class="cnM3MDkyMzgxZGI3OTRkZWY4MTI2MjA3MjdkMjU5MzJk">“I do, but…” I flinched again when he shot me a sharp glare. “O-okay! I’m going!”</p> <p class="cnMyOTU4M2U4NGJmMzQzODNhOGUwNzg2MDQwYTI3Mzgx">By the time I finished dressing and doing my makeup, I was feeling worse. He said royalty were bound to that book. So, I’d summoned some powerful man away from important business most likely. A demon—no, an Aloryi.</p> <p class="cnNmYzk1MmM4NGQ5ZjQwNWE5NTMzM2M5OGYxYTUxMDY5">Moon Keeper. I fidgeted with a bracelet. If they were known for being related to the moon somehow…why were they living underground?</p> <p class="cnM3ODZhNmVkYjZiMTQwYjY4MmVkNTFkODBiZmJjOWM0">“Um, you never told me your name…” I mumbled upon returning to the kitchen.</p> <p class="cnNhNDQ5NDY1NWQzYjQ4MDc4ZmQ5ODY4NmMxNjVkNzBk">“Because if I tell you, it will finalize your summoning,” he stated without looking up. “I finished transcribing the recipes for you. Go destroy the book.”</p> <p class="cnM3M2M3Mzg1NzU1MTRmYzhiNjFhMTZkMmRmNzRhY2Nl">I plucked the cookbook off the table and stared down at the unassuming cover for a moment, my pulse racing in my ears. Shaking my head, I strode into the living room, aware of the Aloryi following me. Once there, I ripped the pages out of the book and threw them into the fire one-by-one. After they seemed sufficiently crispy, I tossed the cover in and grabbed the poker.</p> <p class="cnMwOTJhMWZlODY5ODQ0NDU4OTAzM2FkYmE5NjM5NTVm">“You were serious. Interesting.” The man’s voice was a whisper. “I will keep that in mind.”</p> <p class="cnMzMTUwZWIwNDhkMjRhYjJhYzQyNWNlMTIyNWMyYmJk">When I turned to inquire, he was gone, and my heart sunk. His name, or a thank you, would have been nice. I let my gaze fall to the floor. Who was I kidding? When was the last time anyone thanked me?</p> <p class="cnMxZjYzYzliNzAwYTQzZTlhYTk5M2ZmMmJmYjY3MWQy">I shoved my disappointment away and wandered back into the kitchen. True to his word, there was a stack of neatly-written recipes on the table—a few more than I recalled being in the book.</p> <p class="cnNkY2NhMzc5NmZkZDQwNzM4NmQ0ZDQzZGI3ZTA5YTcw">The alarm on my phone blared, signaling it was time to leave. I hurriedly packed up the remaining sandwiches before carefully stashing the recipes where nothing could get to them.</p> <p class="cnM0YjQ3NjEwNmFmNDQxMjJiMWExZjdjMDZhMjFmMjdl" style="text-align: left">Then, I left my house with one less sandwich than intended.</p> </div>
![]( **Chapter One** I spooned a dollop of sauce onto several slices of bread and used the back of my spoon to spread it out in the pattern indicated by my cookbook. The spicy sauce was offset by a creamy base and chock-full of fresh herbs. Keeping myself from sticking a finger in the bowl or licking the spoon was a form of torture. When done saucing up the bread, I turned and walked to the kitchen sink to place the spoon among the other waiting dishes. I ran the water hot, adding some dish soap to the mess, then stopped when I felt a presence behind me. There was a sound like dog claws against the floor, but I didn’t have any pets. “What trickery is this?” A low male voice rumbled. I whirled around to see an unfamiliar man, if he could be called that, standing between me and my precious sandwiches. He stood head and shoulders taller than me, with long black hair almost to his knees. Dark horns twisted out from an inch or so above his hairline. Lime green eyes with slit pupils soon settled on me. A demon. That’s what horns indicated, right? Was my cooking really so bad that it summoned a demon? “Why did you summon me?” The demon growled, flashing upper and lower fangs—all eight of them. “I didn’t…” I slowly set aside my hand towel, swallowing hard, while I attempted to process the strange being in front of me. “…do you…do you want a sandwich?” “Pardon?” The demon gave me an incredulous stare, before reiterating, “I asked you why you summoned me, woman.” “I didn’t mean to summon you!” I flinched and backed away when he took a step toward me. His expression softened ever-so-slightly, and he stopped moving, but he still looked wary. I pointed past him. “I…I was just making sandwiches to take to a friend’s baby shower. I got a new cookbook and wanted to try the new recipes in it. “Um… Can I send you back somehow? I really didn’t mean to summon you, and you seem like you’re dressed up, so I’m guessing you were busy. Just tell me—” “What do you want?” The demon eyed me. “Huh?” I blinked at him. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “There must be something you want, if you’re willing to release me so easily.” “No… Yes? I want to right my mistake, whatever it was. Does that count?” I shook my head. “The least I can do is offer you food and a way back to…wherever you came from.” “You were going to say ‘Hell.’” He raised an eyebrow at me. “I was…but you don’t seem very fire and brimstone-y to me.” I wrung my hands together in front of me. “I really don’t…” “When must you leave?” He interjected. His question puzzled me, but I answered all the same, “Half an hour?” “Then I will have a sandwich, if it will not leave you with too few.” He strode toward the breakfast nook and took a seat gracefully on chair, weaving his, long scaled tail through the rungs behind him. “Show me this book you were using.” Arguing with a demon didn’t seem like a good idea. I obediently plated one of the sandwiches for him, grabbed the cookbook, and brought both over to him. Once close, I detected the faint scent of sandalwood around him. “Um… Do you want anything to drink?” I asked, causing the demon’s eyes to flick toward me. “Oh, and my name is Celia, by the way.” “Do you have wine?” He asked. “Red, white, or rosé?” He shooed me off to fetch a bottle of dry white wine. I decided to grab my most expensive bottle, rather than have the demon catch me skimping. When I placed the bottle and a glass on the table for him, he didn’t look up. His attention was fully on the cookbook. “Hmph, *they* are bound as well…” he muttered to himself, sliding his finger down one of the recipes. “How did you acquire this book?” “I work at a local bookstore and have been trying to learn to cook,” I grumbled. “No one wanted to buy it, so the shop owner sold it to me for cheap just to get rid of it.” He finally looked up, his expression one of doubt. “You chanced upon it? A book where the Aloryi royalty are bound, and you just happened to pick it up? Preposterous.” “I’m telling you the truth!” I insisted. “…what’s an Aloryi?” “You don’t even know my kind’s name?” He sighed and gave me a tired look. “I believe humans still call denizens of the Underrealm ‘demons.’ My race is the Aloryi—humans once called us ‘Moon Keepers.’” “Underrealm?” I gulped when he released another aggravated sigh. “I… Would that be literal, like hollow earth theory, or…” “Hollow earth? Is that really what humans call it now?” he asked in disbelief. “Furthermore… Theory? It really has been a long time since I was last on the surface.” “So, about sending you back…” I spoke awkwardly, watching him pour his glass full of wine. “I can undo whatever I did somehow, right?” “You still mean to free me?” The demon studied me in silence. “Then, burn the book. Destroy it. With it gone, those of us bound to it will be freed.” “Oh… Can I write down some of the recipes first?” I asked. “Why are you asking *me* for permission?” He growled, making me flinch. A sigh escaped him. “I apologize. You needn’t be frightened of me, if you truly mean to do as you say.” “I-I just didn’t know if the recipes are what bound you and the other Aloryi, or…” I trailed off, wringing my hands. He was beautiful, but terrifying. If he was a demon, and I’d summoned him with magic, then magic was real. He could probably use magic too. That would be bad. “The recipes themselves are harmless.” He started to hand me the book, then stopped. “I will copy them down. You have some event to prepare for, don’t you?” “I do, but…” I flinched again when he shot me a sharp glare. “O-okay! I’m going!” By the time I finished dressing and doing my makeup, I was feeling worse. He said royalty were bound to that book. So, I’d summoned some powerful man away from important business most likely. A demon—no, an Aloryi. Moon Keeper. I fidgeted with a bracelet. If they were known for being related to the moon somehow…why were they living underground? “Um, you never told me your name…” I mumbled upon returning to the kitchen. “Because if I tell you, it will finalize your summoning,” he stated without looking up. “I finished transcribing the recipes for you. Go destroy the book.” I plucked the cookbook off the table and stared down at the unassuming cover for a moment, my pulse racing in my ears. Shaking my head, I strode into the living room, aware of the Aloryi following me. Once there, I ripped the pages out of the book and threw them into the fire one-by-one. After they seemed sufficiently crispy, I tossed the cover in and grabbed the poker. “You were serious. Interesting.” The man’s voice was a whisper. “I will keep that in mind.” When I turned to inquire, he was gone, and my heart sunk. His name, or a thank you, would have been nice. I let my gaze fall to the floor. Who was I kidding? When was the last time anyone thanked me? I shoved my disappointment away and wandered back into the kitchen. True to his word, there was a stack of neatly-written recipes on the table—a few more than I recalled being in the book. The alarm on my phone blared, signaling it was time to leave. I hurriedly packed up the remaining sandwiches before carefully stashing the recipes where nothing could get to them. Then, I left my house with one less sandwich than intended.
{ "title": "Reincarnated as a Troll in a Dark Fantasy World", "id": 19661, "author": "MDW", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Troll and Insurrection: Prison", "id": 305873, "next": 305909, "prev": 305852, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1ZGY2NjVkNTZhMTQzYTY4ODIxZDdkYmQ3NWRkNzAw">I was dragged to jail. Beaten, humiliated, tortured, etc, etc, etc. I'm not even taking in the sensory input. I'm absorbed in thought. I need to decypher Helen's body language. It would be easy if I could make Shraaizar and Mittens connect us to a chat by proxy, but they are out of range. I can see Marcy and Zahariel arrows pointing east to the Syrup meadow. I can also see Helen's arrow pointing to the lord's estate. None of them took damage, none of them has any abnormal status.</p> <p class="cnMwNDM1Y2U4YTdmNjQxMzViNjlhYTY4YWJhNTA2ZmUw">Me? I've been grinding my skills for <strong>three</strong> days straight. I'm waiting for some signal from Helen, but it didn't come yet.</p> <p class="cnMxZmEwMzQxNDg2YzRjNWVhNjBlMDZhNDE2ZThiNTZh">I won't complain about how I wasn't able to get the 'desperate mage' title even though I tried and tried to cast with 0 MP because they are drugging me with almost a gallon of chytheria every day.</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Big status block</strong>:<input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Water Mastery</span> level 8</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Air Mastery</span> level 6</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Fire Resistance</span> level 7</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Pain Resistance</span> level 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Sleep Resistance</span> level 8</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Max HP Increase</span> level 10</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Super Regeneration</span> level 8</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Damage Resistance</span> level 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Stamina Recovery</span> level 10</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Max Stamina Increase</span> level 10</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">MP Depletion Resistance</span> level 9</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Confusion Resistance</span> level 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Appraisal Resistance</span> level 9</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Steel Bones</span> level 8</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Willpower</span> level 7</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">MP Recovery</span> level 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Max MP Increase</span> level 10</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Disease Resistance</span> level 6</td> <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMzMGE5Nzg2ZGQzMDQxM2ZiNTQwZjcxZTY1ZmUxYjdk">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Complaining</span> level 8.</p> <p class="cnMyODNiYTg3ZWVjMDRjYjE5NGFjYTNiODc1Y2NkMzg4">Technique {Irritating Banter} learned.</p> <p class="cnMwMGQ0ZjY1MzA3MjQwYTU4ODY4MTI0ZDYyNTlmM2Fi">Allows one to complain so hard that the Stamina (ST) of those within hearing range is drained. Does not trigger combat. Resisted by Agility.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwYzUwZDhhOTJkZjQ3OTZhMjJmNDk1YmNlZjQyODZi">How long does Helen expect me to wait? In one and half more days the humanization skill effect ends.</p> <p class="cnNlZDQwZGUyZDk5OTRiOGViM2Q5NWQyZWJhZDJlOTJl">These royal guard torturers, they are the <em>crème de la crème</em> regarding torture. Of course, they never tortured something like me. If you look at the block of status messages I got once the chytheria extract they made me drink by the buckets weakened a bit, you can imagine what I've been through.</p> <p class="cnMxOWUwZTAzMWY2YTQ0YjhiMDg4N2M1NzU3MjZlNTQx">"Fucking shit, man. This guy is really immortal!"</p> <p class="cnMxZTVhZDc2OGU2ZTQxY2ZhZGJlMjQ2YjdjMDI2NDY4">"I told you. He is the 'Immortal Loincloth Maniac' everyone up north in Ascot Kingdom are talking on how they wanted to torture him. He spent an entire night being stabbed in the heart by the Heartseeker Blade. He bled so much the courtyard had to be dug up and replaced."</p> <p class="cnNhNjI1YTRhODhhZDQzODBiYTU2ODhjYWQ5NWNhNGNl">"And is it my impression or he is really getting even harder to hurt? I can't break his fingers anymore even with these steel pliers."</p> <p class="cnNiMDc4ZGMyZWVlMjQ5OGZiNDc1YjM4MGViZmRmOThh">"We waterboarded him for an entire night. He doesn't drown. We stuffed his mouth with sawdust and wrapped pelts around his head. He doesn't choke. Even if he is burned or cut his flesh just grows back. We cut off his toes, they grow back. Heck, I have seven of his eyeballs and enough teeth I could make a necklace."</p> <p class="cnM4NzE2MzM1MTM2NjQ5MGI4ZDIxNTQyZjNmNjBhMDY2">"Let's behead the fucker! I bet his head doesn't grow back."</p> <p class="cnM5OTgyNmJiMjJmNDQ2Zjk5MjJmYWVhNDczZTI1MDA2">"You idiot. The Lord said he wants this one alive. We can torture him all we want, but we can't kill him."</p> <p class="cnNmODQ1M2M1Mjg2YTQ5OWQ4NjI4YjY4NTc3YWUzODZm">And to boot, really soon I am turning back to a troll. Unless I kill and eat one of these guys to get a humanization extension. Just a nibble. Eww. Not yet, though. Leaving these soon-to-be-dead idiots aside, what was the deal with Helen's body language? She was obviously timid and uncomfortable. She had time to change into that dress. They were dragging Mercy away when we arrived, there was plenty of time to do it before we got there. It was a show. The wagon was almost empty. They wanted us to see Mercy being dragged. I bet they had those archers ready on the rooftops to nail us down once we reacted to Mercy being dragged away. Helen looked relieved when Marcy and Zahariel went away.</p> <p class="cnNiN2M0Y2Y3MmE4MjQ2YTg4NTRkODkyMmRlOTBlNDIz">'This is not the time to fight.' She said to me. When then?</p> <p class="cnNlMmUxMDhlZGY3NDQ0Yzk5YmEyYTlhM2M1YzBmM2Ji">I think I need to find Mercy and get her out of here before I can act.</p> <p class="cnNiNWYwMTBkMDk5ODQ0NDc4ZGJiNDEzMjgyYzFmMjg0">The torturers got bored of me and dumped me back in my cell. Man, this jail sucks. I can't believe I let my precious Helen rot in a place like this. Fuck waiting. Time to find Mercy.</p> <p class="cnNjMTMzNzUzODAxMDQ3ZDdhZjUxZTAyNWM5MGIxNzM3">"Ahhh, this is so bad my back hurts! {Irritating Banter}!" ~ "Oh, boy how I want a steak! I haven't eaten meat in ages! {Irritating Banter}!" I also begin to activate shape change.</p> <p class="cnMzZjRlYzFiOWI3MzQ2YWJiOGU2YzNlYjJjNzBiNDAy">The guard comes, spits, and bashes the door "Shut up or you'll bleed, you maggot!"</p> <p class="cnNkYzdjYzEwMDMwNDQyMWU5ZDA5ZjRkYzBiOWQ4OGE4">"My, my, I paid my taxes why must I be stuck with an idiot for a guard! [Taunt]! {Irritating Banter}!"</p> <p class="cnNjNzFjZjVhODJiNzQxMmI4ZThlZmY3MGQ3NjBkNjdl">The door opens. "Now you've done it, bastard! Get ready to bleed nicely! Hero of my Ass!"</p> <p class="cnM4NTU3YWMwOGVjYzQyOTdiOGVhNDczZDFhZGIyNjhi">The guard draws his sword and comes at me. Shapechange, giant squid. I just need to touch some skin.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmViOTE3ZjVmNzQ0ODBiNTQxYjg4NzlkNjQ0Y2Iz">He hacks at my tentacle. The sword cuts but doesn't sever. I think [tough skin] works for squids. I made contact. Possession!</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Possession</span> level 8. {Friendly Host} learned. If possessing a conscious and voluntary target, upkeep cost is minimum, and status boost increased to &lt;level&gt; x 4, up to half the user's own stats. Target remains conscious but unable to control own body and can talk telepathically with the user but not use skills.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhMGRmNWIyYjRlMDQ2NmRhZDNjNmY5MGFiY2VjMDc4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZDE3OWU5Y2YxMjQ5M2RhYzEzMGUyMWU2MzNjYWNi">Freaking stockade guard is a fleabag. "Immolation Aura!" Fwooosh, bye fleas. He is a warrior level 10, small fry. His magic stat sucks so much I could stay inside his body forever. But it is more disgusting than Cloude.</p> <p class="cnMxZjFiZmY3Yjk2ODQxYWNiZDQwMTMyNWNmNGVkMGRl">I swing the sword at some straw I was using as bedding before going out and slam the door. "Now you will learn some respect, bastard!" And spit.</p> <p class="cnMzNzBlYTU4ZGUyNTQ2NGM5MzU3MzBjYTY0MzkyMWFl">When I go up the stairs, before the locked cast iron trapdoor another guard calls me, "Carl, I can't believe you got that shitty hero to shut up!"</p> <p class="cnM3YjE5ODRkNGVjMjQ1NTk5YjYwMDcxNDJlNThkZjU4">"Bastard bleed a gallon of blood before he quit. Now open the trapdoor for fuck's sake." And spit.</p> <p class="cnMxMmQ3NGQ2MmJiYTRjOWNhMzg3M2M2OGViODAwZmFk">"Fuck, Carl, stop spitting everywhere. It's disgusting."</p> <p class="cnM4NjJlN2NmOTExZTRjNGI4MDRkNTZjNTUwYzBkZDFl">"Say, where is the woman? The redhead with big boobs?"</p> <p class="cnMzZjY4MzI4YmMxZTQ2YjY4YThjMTRkMjZmZWI4MWVm">"Carl, you are going to get yourself in trouble. Only the captain can choose who gets to taste her. Orders of the lord."</p> <p class="cnMwYWViN2FhZDBlZjRlNTY4ZmVmYzk2NDE1NGYzYzlm">"Like I care. I'll just rub one looking at her. It is better than thinking of your face. Maybe squirt on the ladder so you can feel my love as you descend!"</p> <p class="cnM4M2JkYTZlZDVmYzQyMGM5ZWE4NGYzM2YzN2I2Njcz">"Backoff, you weirdo! She is in block three. The new one."</p> <p class="cnM5MmFjNzk3ZDliYTRiNmM5ZTdhNTRmYjY4NTA4Mjhj">"Thanks, dude. Wanna make out? Open this shit of a trapdoor and let's tongue fight."</p> <p class="cnMyYzYwZTUwMGU5NDQ3Y2E4ZjNiODRjZmY5OTIzZTRk">"You are disgusting, Carl. At least bathe once every season. And how did you get all burnt like this? What the fuck happened?"</p> <p class="cnNlYTE0ZDIxNGZmMjRhMjhhYWM2ZWM4MDA5OTJlMDFm">&nbsp;I think I need to grind some levels for Carl's sake. He is too flimsy. Party invite, carl. I can accept too. I'll grind the hell of the Exp out of these guards. Title set, man-eater.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnM3OTMyMmNlYzM3ZjRiZjI4ZjE4ODQ3MWZmMGY4M2Jh">Title <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Man Eater</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGNkMTE5YzE1MTRjZGI4MWMwNjljNTBkMjc1NTgz" style="text-align: left">Those that are considered people and committed the taboo of eating several people.<br>Grants <span style="text-decoration: line-through">50% more</span> Exp from killed people. (set: +100%)<br>If a piece of a freshly killed human corpse is eaten, earns again <span style="text-decoration: line-through">as much</span> Exp as the full kill. (set: twice as much)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Carl has joined your party.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkODU4ZTA2ZDkxMTRhOTRhMGU0ZDFiYWE4MDJhMDFi">Join and leave messages are broadcast to the entire party. They will beshown to Helen, Marcy, and Zahariel. They will know I am up to something.</p> <p class="cnM0M2VkMTE2OWI0YjRkN2JhYzFmYWViMDM5NmNmZTRk">The other guard shouts from deeper inside the building, "Open the damn trapdoor and let me get some air. We need to vent Carl's stench. I swear you are learning that complain skill from the hero."</p> <p class="cnNmYWQ4ZjMyYWU3YjRkZDdhM2M0YmM1YThjOTg4MzYz">"Here you go. If shit comes your way, don't mention me."</p> <p class="cnNmMmEwNTNhYjI2ZDRmMmZiMGMyMThhZTQ4ZTM4ZTNh">"Hey, dude, what is your level?"</p> <p class="cnNiMGIxMWNjNjc5ODQ0YzE5MTVhMDk4NGY0MDhjZWE3">"Fifteen, why?"</p> <p class="cnNjZDIxZDRhOTk4NDQwM2JhY2M2Y2QxOWQ5YWU2ZTI5">"Just to know how much Exp you yield." Stab and spit.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Carl has gained 2 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 2+1 levels. + 18 SP</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Sword Mastery</span> level 2.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 2.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0OGRlMDQzNzhlNzQ4MGU4NzZmYzY2MDZmMzk5MmE4">I stash the fresh body in the item box before it makes too much noise and me-Carl crawl out of the stockade hole. There are seven guards here. None of them is wearing armor. This seems like their resting place. There are bunk beds and some other trapdoors leading down to the other cell blocks, I think.</p> <p class="cnNjYjcwNzFmOTk5YjRhZWU5ZjMyYTM2NDEyZDlhNmVj">"Hey fellas. How are ye doing today? Where are the other guys?"</p> <p class="cnNlNGZhODE4NmRhNDQzYWRiY2I5OWIyMGFlNzVkY2U4">Some guy that looks like an officer comes. "Fuck Carl. Your turn is not over. Go back down there."</p> <p class="cnM5ZWRjMTNlZDQ3OTQwMmU5ODk3MTQxYmQzMWIwZjIw">"No way I am listening to that fucking hero's whining a moment more. But Peter has something in his neck. Care to take a look, sir?"</p> <p class="cnNlYThjMTZlODBiMjRmZDk5YjMyNGU5MGI3Y2Q3YTgx">"Who is Peter?"</p> <p class="cnM4N2M2YmFiMjk0ODQ3NDhiNjUxNGVmNjg5ZjU3MzVh">"It is some filthy bastard that is down there. I think it is better if you go there and look." And spit.</p> <p class="cnM0MDZhMjhmMGRmNzQ1MzQ4MmM0ODg1NWNhODIwOTgy">"Carl, stop spitting everywhere. Fine, I'll go."</p> <p class="cnNjYWVhMTVkNGNlNTRiNzA5NzAzOTg0YmMxNDVmOTM3">The officer descends the stairs, and I slowly draw Carl's sword.</p> <p class="cnNmOWMxNTViYzI5ZTRhMzY4ZWE4YzkyYmNkMjUzY2Mz">"Where is this Peter dude?"</p> <p class="cnNkMDRmMGJlNTYwMjQ5ZWU4NGZhODc5MmEzMDc2ODA0">"I don't know."</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Carl has gained 6 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 5+3 levels. + 50 SP</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 3.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5Zjg5NWI5MTkxMzQyOTdhZjg1NTI1MmI5NzY0OWZk">&nbsp;I think this guy was a 4th tier job. I'll dump all of Carl's skill points in the armor skill.</p> <p class="cnM4M2ZmNmY1YWYwODQ0NzY5YzY0YjcwNDNiZThhMDE4">I turn around, the other guards are already with weapons drawn.</p> <p class="cnMwZWE1Yzk4OWUxZTRlY2E4NTdlZjJmMzE4ZDgwMTg0">"What the fuck Carl! Why did you kill the lieutenant."</p> <p class="cnM5YTdmNzI1OTVhMTQ1MzRiZmY5ZjVmNDM0ZWY3MmQ1">"Because he was a dick! And it is your turn now. Static Field!"</p> <p class="cnM3NTM1NGFlZGUzNjQzMDhhY2E5YmU3YjNiNTM4ZDMy">One of the guards resisted my area paralysis spell. Have at him.</p> <p class="cnNkY2VjOWM1ZmNlMDQ3MjNhOGE3Y2I1Y2RmMmI3NjYw">He swings his sword, I parry and begin chanting.</p> <p class="cnMxOGZlNjQyYzVlMDQ3ZWViNjM5ODJhOTczNTNmMGJk">"The heck, Carl. Since when you can use magic?"</p> <p class="cnM2ZWYwNTE4MDIwZTQyOTJhYjhmMDk5ZGI5YTgwODQ2">"Since I possessed him a few minutes ago. {Flash Freeze}!"</p> <p class="cnNhZjMxODhlMzc1ZDRkNzI4YjgwNDFjM2JhZThkYjli">And six necks were opened. Seven bodies in the item box.</p> <p class="cnNmOWIzODA0YjkyYTQ3YmFhZmRkZmQ5YWMyY2RmNDg0">I open trapdoor #2. Two guards in banded armor just like Carl are sitting below the stairs.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGVlOTk0ZDhkZjQzOWZhM2NkMDY0ZjAwNGU2Mzcy">"Hey, is this block three?"</p> <p class="cnM5NjFjM2MzZWVlZDQ5MDJhOTc2YTRlMjI0ZjZhOWQz">"No, Carl, you retarded. Can't you even count? Block one is where the hero is, this is the next one, what number is that, moron? What do you want?"</p> <p class="cnM3MjEzMWZlYjE2MzRlMmQ4YTZkZDRlZWE4MjRiYmJk">"I think something I ate was bad. I'm about to... {Acid Breath}!"</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Carl has gained 6 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 4+3 levels. + 44 SP</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Acid Breath</span> level 6.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Lightning Magic</span> level 5. {Lightning Bolt} learned.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Sword Mastery</span> level 3.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 4.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhNTQ1Njc2NWY1ODRiMzViOWVmODBmZmI1ODI4NTg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMzllNzM0NmYwZTQ1Y2Q5OTA2OWMzYjBlZDNlNWY5">Trapdoor three.</p> <p class="cnM3YzZlMzQ5MTYyODRlOGU4MDhkNzMxNGFhYTEzNjA5">"Hello!"</p> <p class="cnM1ZmY4ZjQ5YmU1MjQxMmU4MWYyMmNmYjYzYzY1ZjU3">"Hey, Carl. This place is off-limits. You know you can't get here."</p> <p class="cnM4YmU0NmQ5ZjgwNDQ1Yzg4ZjA2OTE4YmQ1NjQ0OTMx">"Dude, I found this cool spear. I think it is made of a monster's horn. Wanna take a look?"</p> <p class="cnM1YzFhMjRlODJiNDRkMjA5MjYwODQ0ZmVmYzBiYzc2">"There was some noise upstairs and you are not in your station. What is happening up there? Report now, soldier!"</p> <p class="cnM1Y2MyNjlhOTBkZTRiN2E5ODdhYjEwOGU0YTQwMzc3">"Lieutenant and the guys went down block one to kick the hero's face. It is really refreshing, he can't whine with a broken jaw and it grows back right away. Wanna join in? I'll watch here for you."</p> <p class="cnNiN2I5OWEwNTEzNTQ0OGU4MjY0Y2E4NDJmNjQ3MDQ2">"What is up with the spear and the lieutenant?"</p> <p class="cnMzYzE1NThkNjA1OTQ4MzNiOGUzZjE3Mzg0MTU4ZTdm">"I don't know, I'm just the messenger, you know? They don't want me there, they say I stink. Oh, right. The guys are making a betting pool on how many teeth one can break out of the hero's mouth. The pool is already at seven silver coins. Go now, dude. I'll cover you."</p> <p class="cnNmY2UyY2RlMTI2NDRhNWI5NmFhYjkzY2I5YjNmNmNi">One of the guards wants to go, the other doesn't want trouble his way. "Let the kid go, what is the matter. It is boring to death in this shithole." And spit. Oops, in the face.</p> <p class="cnMyMzIxZGIwM2Y2YzQ5NTBhNjc4YzlhZTAzMzFhMDhk">"Go to hell, Carl!"</p> <p class="cnMzODEzZGEzY2JlZjQ0YzE4NTg3NmFkODU3OTc0YzEz">"I'd rather shake your mommy's hips [Taunt]!"</p> <p class="cnNjNTljYjVkZDU3NTQ4NDFhOTZmNDFhYmM5NDM3MTZi">"Now you've done it!"</p> <p class="cnM5NjQ0NTUxNjRlODQ3MzJhNDIyMTRjMjhkYmNmNDdl">The guy starts to climb the ladder, I slam the iron trapdoor on his head. He falls back to the bottom with a thump.</p> <p class="cnM0NTNmZjA3NTcxNTQ5ZjlhNmQ4YzU1ZTIyYmQyZjZk">I ready the horn spear. The trapdoor opens, a head pokes out. Stab.</p> <p class="cnMwYjgzNmFlODM4MzQyN2U5MTg5OGQzNTM4MGVlNTRi">&nbsp;Twist and pull the body out. The guy that took the trapdoor on the head was saved by his helmet.</p> <p class="cnM1YzEwNTQ0YWYzMDQxMzk5ODQzNGU4OTg5Y2IwOTMx">"Carl, what are you doing?"</p> <p class="cnM4YjFhZWYxYzY2MDQwOGFhOTEwMTVhNjRiYjk4YmI2">"You should've obeyed Lieutenant and gone there to bet on the hero's teeth! I told you."</p> <p class="cnMwOTRlMmY2NTdmMDRlNWY4MzNiZmNkNzlkMGU4NGE2">"I'll kill you, bastard."</p> <p class="cnM5MjNhMzFjZTFlNDQ2YWU5Nzk2OTE4ZGE3NTdjNDZm">The other guard is climbing up. I use shadow stealth to hide in the shadow of the open trapdoor.</p> <p class="cnNhNDAzZjFkMjhlYTQ1YzNhNmIwNjhhOTU4YWM2MTJm">"Where are you, Carl?"</p> <p class="cnNlNDYyYTM2ZjFkNzRiYmZhMjVhZDQwMDA2ZWY3ZWI5">Stab. No need to spit, there are no more witnesses. Presence detection shows only one person inside block three.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Carl has gained 1 level.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 1+1 levels. + 12 SP</td> <td>Congratulations! You've reached your job level cap.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 5.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyNTRjNzRkM2FhYTQyOTI4OWEwMWQ4Y2NhOTM4M2Vj">Job Cap, GET! Next one should be...</p> <p class="cnM1ZGE3ZDAyOThhZTRjMDNhNWY5YWYzYzM3ODM1NjRk">Pull the body out of the hole, item box for everyone and their stuff, and down to cell block three we go.</p> <p class="cnNkNmViODY5MmI3YTQzNDlhYmNiNjM2ZDhmOTlhM2Qx">I hope mother-in-law is fine. If she is not, the carnage in this prison guardroom will look like a children's prank.</p> </div>
I was dragged to jail. Beaten, humiliated, tortured, etc, etc, etc. I'm not even taking in the sensory input. I'm absorbed in thought. I need to decypher Helen's body language. It would be easy if I could make Shraaizar and Mittens connect us to a chat by proxy, but they are out of range. I can see Marcy and Zahariel arrows pointing east to the Syrup meadow. I can also see Helen's arrow pointing to the lord's estate. None of them took damage, none of them has any abnormal status. Me? I've been grinding my skills for **three** days straight. I'm waiting for some signal from Helen, but it didn't come yet. I won't complain about how I wasn't able to get the 'desperate mage' title even though I tried and tried to cast with 0 MP because they are drugging me with almost a gallon of chytheria every day. **Big status block**: | Skill Water Mastery level 8 | Skill Air Mastery level 6 | Skill Fire Resistance level 7 | Skill Pain Resistance level 10 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Skill Sleep Resistance level 8 | Skill Max HP Increase level 10 | Skill Super Regeneration level 8 | Skill Damage Resistance level 10 | | Skill Stamina Recovery level 10 | Skill Max Stamina Increase level 10 | Skill MP Depletion Resistance level 9 | Skill Confusion Resistance level 6 | | Skill Appraisal Resistance level 9 | Skill Steel Bones level 8 | Skill Willpower level 7 | Skill MP Recovery level 10 | | Skill Max MP Increase level 10 | Skill Disease Resistance level 6 | | | | Skill Complaining level 8. Technique {Irritating Banter} learned. Allows one to complain so hard that the Stamina (ST) of those within hearing range is drained. Does not trigger combat. Resisted by Agility. | | --- | How long does Helen expect me to wait? In one and half more days the humanization skill effect ends. These royal guard torturers, they are the *crème de la crème* regarding torture. Of course, they never tortured something like me. If you look at the block of status messages I got once the chytheria extract they made me drink by the buckets weakened a bit, you can imagine what I've been through. "Fucking shit, man. This guy is really immortal!" "I told you. He is the 'Immortal Loincloth Maniac' everyone up north in Ascot Kingdom are talking on how they wanted to torture him. He spent an entire night being stabbed in the heart by the Heartseeker Blade. He bled so much the courtyard had to be dug up and replaced." "And is it my impression or he is really getting even harder to hurt? I can't break his fingers anymore even with these steel pliers." "We waterboarded him for an entire night. He doesn't drown. We stuffed his mouth with sawdust and wrapped pelts around his head. He doesn't choke. Even if he is burned or cut his flesh just grows back. We cut off his toes, they grow back. Heck, I have seven of his eyeballs and enough teeth I could make a necklace." "Let's behead the fucker! I bet his head doesn't grow back." "You idiot. The Lord said he wants this one alive. We can torture him all we want, but we can't kill him." And to boot, really soon I am turning back to a troll. Unless I kill and eat one of these guys to get a humanization extension. Just a nibble. Eww. Not yet, though. Leaving these soon-to-be-dead idiots aside, what was the deal with Helen's body language? She was obviously timid and uncomfortable. She had time to change into that dress. They were dragging Mercy away when we arrived, there was plenty of time to do it before we got there. It was a show. The wagon was almost empty. They wanted us to see Mercy being dragged. I bet they had those archers ready on the rooftops to nail us down once we reacted to Mercy being dragged away. Helen looked relieved when Marcy and Zahariel went away. 'This is not the time to fight.' She said to me. When then? I think I need to find Mercy and get her out of here before I can act. The torturers got bored of me and dumped me back in my cell. Man, this jail sucks. I can't believe I let my precious Helen rot in a place like this. Fuck waiting. Time to find Mercy. "Ahhh, this is so bad my back hurts! {Irritating Banter}!" ~ "Oh, boy how I want a steak! I haven't eaten meat in ages! {Irritating Banter}!" I also begin to activate shape change. The guard comes, spits, and bashes the door "Shut up or you'll bleed, you maggot!" "My, my, I paid my taxes why must I be stuck with an idiot for a guard! [Taunt]! {Irritating Banter}!" The door opens. "Now you've done it, bastard! Get ready to bleed nicely! Hero of my Ass!" The guard draws his sword and comes at me. Shapechange, giant squid. I just need to touch some skin. He hacks at my tentacle. The sword cuts but doesn't sever. I think [tough skin] works for squids. I made contact. Possession! | Skill Possession level 8. {Friendly Host} learned. If possessing a conscious and voluntary target, upkeep cost is minimum, and status boost increased to <level> x 4, up to half the user's own stats. Target remains conscious but unable to control own body and can talk telepathically with the user but not use skills. | | --- |   Freaking stockade guard is a fleabag. "Immolation Aura!" Fwooosh, bye fleas. He is a warrior level 10, small fry. His magic stat sucks so much I could stay inside his body forever. But it is more disgusting than Cloude. I swing the sword at some straw I was using as bedding before going out and slam the door. "Now you will learn some respect, bastard!" And spit. When I go up the stairs, before the locked cast iron trapdoor another guard calls me, "Carl, I can't believe you got that shitty hero to shut up!" "Bastard bleed a gallon of blood before he quit. Now open the trapdoor for fuck's sake." And spit. "Fuck, Carl, stop spitting everywhere. It's disgusting." "Say, where is the woman? The redhead with big boobs?" "Carl, you are going to get yourself in trouble. Only the captain can choose who gets to taste her. Orders of the lord." "Like I care. I'll just rub one looking at her. It is better than thinking of your face. Maybe squirt on the ladder so you can feel my love as you descend!" "Backoff, you weirdo! She is in block three. The new one." "Thanks, dude. Wanna make out? Open this shit of a trapdoor and let's tongue fight." "You are disgusting, Carl. At least bathe once every season. And how did you get all burnt like this? What the fuck happened?"  I think I need to grind some levels for Carl's sake. He is too flimsy. Party invite, carl. I can accept too. I'll grind the hell of the Exp out of these guards. Title set, man-eater. | Title Man Eater Those that are considered people and committed the taboo of eating several people.Grants 50% more Exp from killed people. (set: +100%)If a piece of a freshly killed human corpse is eaten, earns again as much Exp as the full kill. (set: twice as much) | | --- | | Carl has joined your party. | | --- | Join and leave messages are broadcast to the entire party. They will beshown to Helen, Marcy, and Zahariel. They will know I am up to something. The other guard shouts from deeper inside the building, "Open the damn trapdoor and let me get some air. We need to vent Carl's stench. I swear you are learning that complain skill from the hero." "Here you go. If shit comes your way, don't mention me." "Hey, dude, what is your level?" "Fifteen, why?" "Just to know how much Exp you yield." Stab and spit. | Carl has gained 2 levels. | Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 2+1 levels. + 18 SP | Skill Sword Mastery level 2. | Skill Assassinate level 2. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | I stash the fresh body in the item box before it makes too much noise and me-Carl crawl out of the stockade hole. There are seven guards here. None of them is wearing armor. This seems like their resting place. There are bunk beds and some other trapdoors leading down to the other cell blocks, I think. "Hey fellas. How are ye doing today? Where are the other guys?" Some guy that looks like an officer comes. "Fuck Carl. Your turn is not over. Go back down there." "No way I am listening to that fucking hero's whining a moment more. But Peter has something in his neck. Care to take a look, sir?" "Who is Peter?" "It is some filthy bastard that is down there. I think it is better if you go there and look." And spit. "Carl, stop spitting everywhere. Fine, I'll go." The officer descends the stairs, and I slowly draw Carl's sword. "Where is this Peter dude?" "I don't know." | Carl has gained 6 levels. | Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 5+3 levels. + 50 SP | Skill Assassinate level 3. | | --- | --- | --- |  I think this guy was a 4th tier job. I'll dump all of Carl's skill points in the armor skill. I turn around, the other guards are already with weapons drawn. "What the fuck Carl! Why did you kill the lieutenant." "Because he was a dick! And it is your turn now. Static Field!" One of the guards resisted my area paralysis spell. Have at him. He swings his sword, I parry and begin chanting. "The heck, Carl. Since when you can use magic?" "Since I possessed him a few minutes ago. {Flash Freeze}!" And six necks were opened. Seven bodies in the item box. I open trapdoor #2. Two guards in banded armor just like Carl are sitting below the stairs. "Hey, is this block three?" "No, Carl, you retarded. Can't you even count? Block one is where the hero is, this is the next one, what number is that, moron? What do you want?" "I think something I ate was bad. I'm about to... {Acid Breath}!" | Carl has gained 6 levels. | Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 4+3 levels. + 44 SP | Skill Acid Breath level 6. | | --- | --- | --- | | Skill Lightning Magic level 5. {Lightning Bolt} learned. | Skill Sword Mastery level 3. | Skill Assassinate level 4. |   Trapdoor three. "Hello!" "Hey, Carl. This place is off-limits. You know you can't get here." "Dude, I found this cool spear. I think it is made of a monster's horn. Wanna take a look?" "There was some noise upstairs and you are not in your station. What is happening up there? Report now, soldier!" "Lieutenant and the guys went down block one to kick the hero's face. It is really refreshing, he can't whine with a broken jaw and it grows back right away. Wanna join in? I'll watch here for you." "What is up with the spear and the lieutenant?" "I don't know, I'm just the messenger, you know? They don't want me there, they say I stink. Oh, right. The guys are making a betting pool on how many teeth one can break out of the hero's mouth. The pool is already at seven silver coins. Go now, dude. I'll cover you." One of the guards wants to go, the other doesn't want trouble his way. "Let the kid go, what is the matter. It is boring to death in this shithole." And spit. Oops, in the face. "Go to hell, Carl!" "I'd rather shake your mommy's hips [Taunt]!" "Now you've done it!" The guy starts to climb the ladder, I slam the iron trapdoor on his head. He falls back to the bottom with a thump. I ready the horn spear. The trapdoor opens, a head pokes out. Stab.  Twist and pull the body out. The guy that took the trapdoor on the head was saved by his helmet. "Carl, what are you doing?" "You should've obeyed Lieutenant and gone there to bet on the hero's teeth! I told you." "I'll kill you, bastard." The other guard is climbing up. I use shadow stealth to hide in the shadow of the open trapdoor. "Where are you, Carl?" Stab. No need to spit, there are no more witnesses. Presence detection shows only one person inside block three. | Carl has gained 1 level. | Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 1+1 levels. + 12 SP | Congratulations! You've reached your job level cap. | Skill Assassinate level 5. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | Job Cap, GET! Next one should be... Pull the body out of the hole, item box for everyone and their stuff, and down to cell block three we go. I hope mother-in-law is fine. If she is not, the carnage in this prison guardroom will look like a children's prank.
{ "title": "Femalekind (Completed)", "id": 19819, "author": "Tituswolf", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "1.015 The Harpy Hunts", "id": 305870, "next": 308375, "prev": 303775, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmY2MyODNkYzY0OTQ4N2JhOWVmZTlmN2M4NzA1NmVm">“We have enough!” Pleasant Voice snarls in response.</p> <p class="cnNlYTg5ZWRkYmE4MjQ0MjU5MjFhNGI1NmNkMWFkMDdk">Her shrill voice irritates, the irony of her name not lost on him. His thoughts turn quickly, plotting how to avoid her will. A challenge to accomplish, since she is the matriarch in charge, although young.</p> <p class="cnNiMWZmN2E3NjMyMzRiNWI4ZjYxZmVlYjIxZmQyODUy">“I agree, it is not the kill we are investigating. What creature or hunter do you know who would or could lift an exceptionally large red stag into the fork of a tree and why?”</p> <p class="cnNhOTUyMGNhZmM4ZjQwMmRiOTllMjFmYTAwNTBlZDUz">--- Pleasant Voice POV</p> <p class="cnMzZGJkYTA5ZDI2ZTQ1NDk5OGFhNmQyNzE4MDVhZjM3">As my mother bid me farewell, her final piece of advice, her trusted council still echoes in my mind, ‘a leader listens and then plans’. Therefore, I consider his words, my eyes stray to the tree and follow the trunk up to examine the position of the kill. Unusual, although this hunt is now complete and this mystery not theirs or mine to solve. My eyes now upon him, his whiskered top lip curls up to show the whites of his teeth, he seems pleased with my deliberation or does he believe such hesitation is weakness. The old hunter’s mane a dull grey, the golden colour of his youth long gone, his many scars a testament to his ability to survive, and as the leader, I would be foolish to dismiss his advice out of hand.</p> <p class="cnM1OTA5YjMxNTUzNDQzNzU4MjdhZWI2ZTY1ZThmMmUy">I pointedly examine each male in the hunting party, waiting for any other opinion or advice. Nothing. Pawed feet shuffle, they pretend to be on watch, with no one game enough to challenge the veteran and accomplished hunter Swift Spear, well no male of the Long Grass Pride at least. I recognise an alpha male exerting his influence, although perhaps not all share his point of view.</p> <p class="cnM1NmJkNjBjOTQ4OTQ5YWRiMWYxNmVjNTUzMzk4N2Zh">“Swift Spear, what is your proposal … instead of safely returning home?”</p> <p class="cnM3OTkzYmJhNTkwMDQyNTM5YWY1MjZhYzM4MGViOWVl">The younger males halt scuffing their clawed paws in the soiled decaying leaves, the <em>guards</em> turn about taking an interest, they fail to voice their preference although confirm with body language their want to return home leaving the Returned Lands and claim the rewards due or am I mistaken, they are interested in Swift Spear’s proposal. The hunt in the Returned Lands is bountiful and illegal, although those Beast Clans bordering the Returned Lands tend to ignore the Beast kin Decree as most consider the Decree based upon forgotten legend and hearsay.</p> <p class="cnM1YTM1ZGM1MTY4YjQyM2ZhZjBlOWUyMjVlNDlhZGEx">“We lay in wait until the owner returns and perhaps ally with him.” His teeth flash momentarily informing her that the option is an unlikely one. “Or slay him and win renown.”</p> <p class="cnM0MmUwZmFjZWI0MDQ4NWFhM2MzZjVkYTc0ODM1YjYy">He chases fame then, the safety of those around him second to his ambition. Why are males always wanting more? To order him to leave and continue the journey would risk the other hunters siding with him as his proposal has decidedly sparked their interest. How could my assessment of their will be so completely wrong? I recognise within me an opportunity for great improvement and rejoice I am not blind to my failings.</p> <p class="cnNlYTdiNGI2MmY0ZDQ3MzliZGFmYjY4NjI2YmZhMDY4">My orders or commands, as the matriarch of this hunting party absolute of course, unless I suffer an unfortunate accident, so I chose my next words carefully.</p> <p class="cnMwZWUyZDNlMTk0OTQ1MzRiZDNiOTIyYjJhMWRkZDM5">“As hunters, some consider the discovery of who or what can manage such a feat important, I acknowledge this and therefore offer those who wish to hunt with Swift Spear the option to stay. You can keep your share of the kill this trip with you or if enough prefer to return to their family instead we will offer to carry your share home regardless of your fate while hunting with Swift Spear.”</p> <p class="cnMxZmJhM2Q3ZGExYzQwYTk5YzMzMWVlZDcwMDc0Mjk5">As males do, they gathered, growled and decided while I tried to contain my amusement waiting for them.</p> <p class="cnMwMzNmMmJmMWM3MjQzNmNhMjMyYzg4ZmE4YmYzYmYx">Stepping forward Swift Spear announced, “Fights Bravely and Wooden Lance will accompany me and lay in wait. We ask you to deliver our shares for us, ensuring we are not weighed down.”</p> <p class="cnMwMzljMTlmYTZjNzRlYWVhNDY5NDc1ZGI3OTAzZjUw">“Agreed,” I, Pleasant Voice reply.</p> <p class="cnMwNmVhYzI1MzRiZTRlMTE5NjkxZjBlNDI0OGVjNGM3">--- Aphrodite POV</p> <p class="cnM4ZTRlZTQwNTZmYzRjNzU5ZWQyN2ZkZGYyYmY4NGZm">The first red deer kill I devour unrestrained and raw, the inherent nature of my new form, this Harpy creature voracious and monstrous. I expect to pay a penalty, reducing my Sentient Dominate aspect, none eventuated. Perhaps the system is keeping count. With blood, torn fur and several bone fragments at my feet, my stomach and my urge to slay abate. This contentment vanishes after I take to the air, flying in search of my next kill I require an exceptional amount of energy and stamina to keep me aloft.</p> <p class="cnNiODg5N2ZjODBlZTQ3ZDNiZmVlOGUwZTQ1NzBjMThh">My next kill I place high in a tree. Determined to land in the tree and place the kill within its branches took many attempts. The muscles attached to my wings are sore and strained after finding success, although the more I utilise them the more I strengthen them as well as my flying technique. With enough wind, I am now able to glide, a rest position while flying, although occasionally the wind fails without warning, and I need to vigorously flap my wings to regain control. Flying I consider a heady mix of freedom and luxury, the single greatest benefit of this Harpy form, a breathtaking joy.</p> <p class="cnMwNjZjYjA1MmNhMDQxMTRiN2Y2NjQ3NWY2ZTY0Y2Y2">A third red deer, perhaps a father to many, his antlers grown into many points drinks below me. His head swivelling and watchful before lapping another drink from the shallow and swift-flowing river his hooves bathe in, his source of life-giving water.</p> <p class="cnMxMDg0YTk5ZjM0ZDRkMDlhNDUzMmUyZmM3YmNjZDIw">The first red deer I landed upon and crushed, this one I needed to hunt differently, to improve. I glide lower, ensuring my approach strikes from behind, careful to ensure my wing shadow doesn’t alert him, as it did for the second kill, which required me to string my bow and release arrows as he fled, to slay him.</p> <p class="cnM5NTE3MTgxMTFiMTQ4ZDliNzgyMDc4N2UxNDM2ZGQy">One taloned foot in front of another, one to clasp his neck and the other to clasp his rump and then wings pumping to make my gliding descent into an ascent. The beast struggles and thus I need to end its life quickly. Using my talons, I squeeze its neck and slice in deep attempting to sever the artery I now know is there. Recalling memory fragments of my first kill, such an artery splashing me in warm refreshing blood triggering my frenzied hunger, although truthfully not the sole reason, my Harpy nature revelling in the kill and the feeding and I am certain my starvation a contributing factor. The aftermath requires me to wash in the river, a slick of blood trailing from me. I ultimately blame the nature of the creature I have become and refuse to believe otherwise. I need to civilise this savage beast within me.</p> <p class="cnM0NDIwYTRjMzk0NjQwOGZiNGQwMjYxZmFkYzlhZDJi">My control not to kill First, my faithful follower, possibly attributed to the fact I still needed to realise my new existence and comprehend the means to act. I shudder as I realise one scratch, one wound and possibly I would have devoured her. Lies! I am deluding myself. I screech in anguish and enlightenment, my hunger and my nature coupled with a drop of blood, and she would have been my first kill. Since free of the Dungeon, free of him, I indulged and exalted in satisfying the needs demanded of my new form. This indulgence is due to the hunting nature of the monstrous creature I have become. I remind myself once again, I need to civilise this savage beast that is now me.</p> <p class="cnNhMmRiNWIzZTNmNzRiYzc4MGVhNzJlNzI1N2E3ZTU3">As I approach my tree larder the third kill continues to struggle, and I can’t risk severing its neck and releasing one of my holds. I am reasonably certain one talon will bear the weight of my prey, although I am uncertain if my flying skill can adjust to prevent an undignified crash. I adjust my flight path to land on the stone shore splashing down on the edge of the lapping water, relishing a satisfying delight. My landing pressed down on the deer’s neck, finally severing it, the prey struggling no longer as its warm lifeblood oozes over my talons and spills into the river. A long red slick, curves out, eventually washing thin and clear, drawn by the river flow. After a moment of concentration, the warm blood attempting to trigger the beast nature within me ebbs, I release my kill and stagger back into the cold water of the river. Ownership of my mind returns to me, the beast within calms.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2I2NjliYzI2YTRiMTM5ZmVmMjQ0YjQxNjI3MzA0">An arrow glances off the feathers adorning my head. As is my want and with benign fortune, I lowered my head to savour the iron aroma of my kill’s free-flowing blood during my moment of indecision. My wings encapsulate my body and I ensure my back is to the river. Another arrow pierces my feathers and bounces off my ring mail harmlessly, its killing power is lost penetrating my feathers. An arrow fails to penetrate the bone in my wings, and I am relieved to pass this test, the monster and Monster Dominate in me triumphant.</p> <p class="cnNkMmFjZTQ5ODVkMjQ3ZGZhOGFlNTBlYmYxNzNlZmUx">My attackers continue to release arrows at me, while I step further back into the stream. The archer manoeuvres trying to outflank me and target my back. A near-silent splash alerts me and as I open a view through my wings I am startled to discover, beast kin, although too tall for Badger Kin, my two attackers are at least my equal in height.</p> <p class="cnM2ODhmOGY4NWM3ZDQyMjc5NGEyMTJkYzc0MzAzNTg4">Both are, like lions, although bipedal and wearing leather armour, not as a soldier does, as hunters covering and protecting areas of themselves a wild animal may strike. One is a youth, his golden mane forming, the other is a veteran his mane turned to grey. Both wield spears and as they strike, the older one, moments before the younger, I sweep my wings across, trapping their weapons and diverting them from my body. Neither release the grip they have on their weapons, instead forcefully attempting to withdraw them.</p> <p class="cnNjOTk0ODg3Y2JiNDRmMmViZjA3OWI4MDM2Njk5YjQw">Sword in hand, I step forward to follow the withdrawal of their spears. As the older one clears his spear from my feathered wings, I open the wing slightly and stab upwards, the sword point slashes under his tooth and fanged animal jaw and continues behind his eyes and into his brain. His eyes widen as his brain is destroyed. He dies silently, although not unobserved.</p> <p class="cnNkOWFhNDUyMzhmYTQ3NjY5YzNiNzZmYmEwY2JmNDg0">The younger is paralysed, eyes fixated on his fallen mentor, friend or leader, I can’t discern which. Still and exposed he is an easy target now and my sword explodes from the top of his skull. When I try to withdraw it, my grip on my sword supports the dead youth standing, wiggling and dancing on the end of my blade.</p> <p class="cnMxOTcyZmNhZjI2ODQ0NTA4MzAyNDBkZmIwNjY4YTFh">A pain explodes above my buttocks, in the small of my back where the muscles attached to my wings are corded and knotted. I pivot, sweeping my wings out, unfurling them and with satisfaction, they crash into my attacker and knock him into the river. He roars at me, frustration or challenge I know not.</p> <p class="cnM4MTVjMDlkNDVmOTQwNTRhODUyYjgyODVkMDQxMjA5">He reaches for his spear, now a floating possession of the river, recovering his weapon in time to receive my thrown spear in his chest. His facial expression must reflect surprise, eyes wide, his whiskered top lip drawn back as is his lower lip to expose his fangs as much as they are called teeth. His ears laid back in his developed golden mane. Then he topples over, and it is my turn to rush forward and claim him from the flowing river.</p> <p class="cnNkYWJhNDRlMjhkNTRmMmViNWVjOGUxYjk5NWVkODM4">I recover his body and as I reach the stone covered riverbank, a warm trickle of blood flows between my buttock cheeks. Reaching behind me the wound isn’t deep, although bloody, the surprise is the colour. Not a deep black. As I spread it on a stone to wipe my fingers, I discover an extremely dark shade of red.</p> <p class="cnNkODE5NWZjMmI0MTQ1ODBiMDQwMjRlMmJkMDJlM2Iz"><strong>{Feline Essence, Sub Species Lion absorbed. Do you wish to accumulate Essence on [S]ub Species or [B]east Type? S/B}</strong></p> <p class="cnM3NzFiNWVjNzBjNTRhODM4ZDg5OWY2NWZlZWIyM2I4">How will the choice affect my next evolution I ask?</p> <p class="cnMyNWNhMGVjN2E2NDQyM2I5ZmRmMmMxNmJmYWU4ZTg1"><strong>{If you choose a Sub Species your next evolution will be based upon the Sub Species. If you choose Beast-Type your next evolution will be randomised on the Sub Species Essence you have absorbed. Accumulation based upon Beast-Type will ensure your next evolution can occur sooner as all kills accumulate towards it.}</strong></p> <p class="cnNiMDZlZjcxYzg5ODQ1NzliMWJmYTk5OGM3MjA3MzMx">I select Beast Type. I choose this option as my days to roam are limited before I need to return to the Dungeon, and I need to ensure my essence is high enough to evolve.</p> <p class="cnM1NmJhM2E4MTZmMTQ0ODY4ZTE2OGMyNTkzYmZlN2Q3"><strong>{Feline Essence absorbed. + 150.0% Feline Essence Level 1 Total 50.0%}</strong></p> <p class="cnMzNTgyYmExODA3ZTQ4NDRhZTZiZDRhMTFmZjg5NzM0"><strong>{Feline Essence absorbed. + 50.0% Total 100.0%}</strong></p> <p class="cnM2MGU4NWViZjk3YTRiOWE4YTljNDA0YjEyOTI1Njk4"><strong>{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 2 Total 0.0%}</strong></p> <p class="cnNiOTBlYTJmNDRiYjRlYWE4ZGI4MGJkMzQ0ODk4NDNi">Three kills, Level Two Essence, the older the better as it yields more Essence. Although it can’t merely depend upon age as the Kobolds yielded five percent Essence each. Perhaps they are related to Dragons, distantly? I calculate I need to slay twenty of them to gain the equivalent essence when I kill a mature Lion Beast kin Adult. Therefore, an entire tribe of Kobolds or possibly two or three tribes need to be slain to gain enough essence. Too many, I doubt I could emotionally survive the mass slaughter required.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjBiYjZlMDgwOTQ0MmU4MzBmZWVkODAwYzg3MjU4">Now to inspect my furry kills. They are covered in fine golden fur, although the older one’s fur is greying in places. Their armour interests me as the lower pieces are leather bandages or straps, which front, and back square leather pieces hang. One, which has a tail has a hole conveniently cut through it. I dress in whole square leather front and back tied to a belt of leather around my waist. They favour necklaces with bones, gems and carved wood threaded together, which are pretty in their own way, although I suspect meaningful as the necklace of the older Lion Beast kin comprises many such items. I scavenge a set of leather forearm guards from the dead, they are soft and layered and tied off around the forearm.</p> <p class="cnM4OGExN2E2MGJiOTQ4NWVhNDk3Y2I0ZTY4ZGJkMTAx"><strong>{Humanised appearance, all sexual locations covered to preserve modesty. +10% Sentient Dominate.}</strong></p> <p class="cnMyODg4ZTJiNjkyMDQ5ZTg4YTdlNjgxNTYzYmQ4YWFl">I review my clothing and recall Zeus’ attire. My mismatch is functional and preserves my modesty, I need to find proper clothing though, I need to dress as a cultured civilised being. I observe the river and focus on the gurgles and swishes of the water flowing by, I am attentive to the wind through the trees, purely as a survival habit, now realising this is a wilderness and I must find civilisation.</p> <p class="cnM1NzBiMmNkNTQzYTQzMGQ5YzJhMGFjZTQwN2I3YTJl">My deer kill is still held by the tree and I notice many Lion footfalls positioned to gaze at it. Thus, slightly ungainly, due to flying more than walking, I carefully step an ever-widening semi-circle from the tree. The forest here isn’t thick, they didn’t need to push their way through or find a game trail. I discover enough scuffed footfalls and broken twigs on branches to indicate their direction of travel.</p> <p class="cnNlYjFlNTljYTY2NjRkZGNiYzdmOGY0NTk4NjEyM2Zk">Satisfied I carry the elder Lion Beast kin to a secluded place as I intend to consume his liver and while stunned, I wish to remain hidden and not become an easy kill. The other kills I place at the foot of my tree larder. I apologise and ask the defeated Lion Beast kin for his flesh so I may live, a glimmer of my humanity striving to assert itself.</p> <p class="cnM3MWNhOTU2OTM1ZTRkODhhNmM2YzNhMDE5Y2QxODE3">I blink and the blood on the hand I used to scoop out his liver isn’t dry, only moments have passed. I remove the padded cloth above my buttocks and my skin is healed smooth, what is more, I absorb a worldliness whatever that means. I repeat the liver consuming on the archer Beast kin and sense the same worldly enlightenment. After consuming the liver of the youth Beast kin, I am invigorated, and my hunger propels me to peel back his lightly furred skin the golden hairs catching the sunlight magnificently, to reveal the bled flesh. I am controlled in this deed and savour every morsel. I am sure this is not civilised, perhaps I receive a concession due to my Harpy nature as it demands nourishment.</p> <p class="cnM0NjBjM2E4MWUyMzQ2MWQ5MWYzZGIxMjVmMmY4NjIy"><strong>{Knowledge successfully transferred: Spear Level 7, reduced to Spear Level 5, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}</strong></p> <p class="cnMxNWMwYWUzNzYyYjRjOTBiMjhhNDM1OGMzOTVjNDJk"><strong>{Knowledge successfully transferred: Bow Level 6, reduced to Bow Level 5, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}</strong></p> <p class="cnMwOWQ1OGQ2NzU5OTRjNzViZjA5YWM2YTM0ZGY1MTU5"><strong>{Attribute successfully absorbed: Vigour +10%, reduced to Vigour +2%, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}</strong></p> <p class="cnM2NzNiYTQ2ZTUzNTRmM2RhMTNiZjYwNGUyMDY1NGVl">I add the two Lion Beast kin to my tree larder and propel my wings, my muscles bunching and releasing to drive me skywards. As dusk approaches, I fly in the direction of my prey searching for a campfire. Clarity of purpose forms within me, I must increase my level of Feline Essence. My gains from devouring them are a blessing from Zeus I suspect. His rules call for me to accumulate Essence and grow in skills, knowledge and power, the crime haunts me although this Harpy form allows for little remorse and my Monster Dominate greatly exceeded Sentient Dominate when they were defeated.</p> <p class="cnNhYjFhMzc4Mjg0NDRmZjk5YmQ3NmU3ZjZiOWQwZDM2">--- First POV</p> <p class="cnNlNDJhMTA3NGM1ZDRkNzI4MTJkNmEzMWUwMThiNTBk">I observe the males as they emerge from their shells. They don’t gain full wings, stubs to mark them as changed, not formed enough to fly. Their voices remain high, harsh yipping, which I discover when their first words are to complain, bitch and lament. They are recognisable as Karpy due to their taloned feet although I am sure the Great One’s disappointment in them will surpass mine.</p> <p class="cnMyOTcyMmQxMWFiMjQ5ZWQ4OGNmNGEwZWI0ZWM2OTYx">Attempting to commune with them is also hopeless, they are male, they are less.</p> <p class="cnM1NWQ5NDAzZjZiMjQ0NTQ4NjkxNzQ3YjljOWQ0ZTVj">“<em>Charm them, sisters, we will harvest their seed and then order them to follow.</em>”</p> <p class="cnM3YWMwYmFmMTY5YTRjYjNiNmQ4MTAxZmFhNjFjZDU1">“<em>Can we devour them afterwards First?</em>” asks Bucket Two.</p> <p class="cnM4MWM2ZGYxNmU1OTRjY2M5ZTA2MWQ5ODNiM2I4OTIw">I seriously consider her suggestion, although devouring them now or devouring them later makes no difference and perhaps if they can follow on foot, they will prove themselves worthy beyond their handicaps.</p> <p class="cnNjNmQ1OThjMDAyODQzOTlhNDM0NGRiNWFhMDk2OTFh">“<em>No sisters they are of our race and I forbid us to eat our own. They may yet prove themselves worthy.</em>”</p> <p class="cnMzMzQ4NTliN2YxYjQyYmY4ZDUzYWE5YWRkYTgwMWFi">“<em>Yes, First I obey.</em>” Both Bucket One and Bucket Two acknowledge my decision.</p> <p class="cnM4Mjk3MWU5MjdkNDQ1OWJiYzEwZDJmZmU4MzgwNGNk">Before we fly off, we instil in our males the need to follow us and their ultimate destination. A tree beside a river with much meat stored within its branches.</p> <p class="cnM0ZjhhMTMzOTAzMDRhMzdiMTM0OWVhYWY3YzdjYzc3">I glance to either side of me and both of my sisters are ready. Launching as did the Great One we then weave between the stone columns jabbing from the cavern roof and the cavern floor, our smaller bodies and wings easily adjusting as required.</p> <p class="cnMyNWFiOGVlMTNmMjQwZjJhN2U2N2VjOTczMDRhY2Qz">Once out of the cavern we fly over familiar Kobold tribal hunting grounds and change course toward the river, following the Great One eager to serve. Our flight over the treetops is dangerous, although considered safer than flying high and being noticed from afar, from the ground or the air.</p> <p class="cnMzMWIyMzA4NTQ1ZTQ4Zjk5MmE2Y2E2ODQwMDJiMTQw">As dusk falls, we continue avoiding the flickering light of campfires, targeting the silver slither of the river, moonlight revealing its course. Gliding above the river we shortly catch the scent of blood and turn to shore.</p> <p class="cnM0MTU2YjcyOTUzNTRhNTBiYmNkMGUwNzc3YjA3NTc5">The scene before us is a blood bath. The larder is being contested, with predator animals fighting to the death to claim it, other, slightly wiser animals rushing off to lick their wounds before death.</p> <p class="cnNlNTZiYjJlOTIwOTRiMzQ4NDk4NDFkNjViZTAxZTc4">“<em>We will land in the tree and observe, nothing more sisters.</em>”</p> <p class="cnMzYThhODM5YmMwMjQ5OWY4OTQ2MDQzNGMwZGM0NmU2">Our landing distracts the current fighting pair, a large wolf beast and a six-legged cat beast as leaves fall twirling to the ground. Wolves hunt in packs and as we wait the pack surrounds the cat beast and creep in low to the ground. Multiple strikes, shallow, although drawing blood decorates the cat’s black hide. It strikes out to escape and the pack follows, howling. As the howling fades the gnawed halves and quarters of the dead lay in silence at the foot of the Great One’s larder tree.</p> <p class="cnNlMWJmYjQzYmI4NzRhYmFiOTZmMjdmZGQzMmRmMGYy">Smaller carnivores, more willing to share the spoils than fight over them sneak out from hiding and clean up as haunches of meat, legs, legs with rump attached and forelegs are dragged away. The carcass’s body is too large for them.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjE3YzQyNjllOTQ3ZWY4YmRiNjIxYmJjYzIxZTE1">“<em>Eat faithful servants, gorge your fill as I hunt for more.</em>” The Great one commands us, and we obey. With much meat available we devour the mature Lion Beast kin and the red deer. We leave the elder Lion Beast kin for the males if they ever arrive.</p> <p class="cnMzZWYyNjkzNzI0MDRiMjU4NDljNTRlNzRiNjUwYjU0">As we dine on near fresh meat the tiredness of flying leaves us and we settle in the tree with full extended stomachs. Our lives as Kobolds behind us, the search for meat scraps and the small portions of mushrooms permitted us by the Ogres and Orcs who claimed the lion’s share, a distant memory.</p> <p class="cnNiMmE5MDBkNDYwYjQyNDlhYmY4OGFiZDMwYWRjZDky">The wolf pack returns as we finish, and we throw the bones to them. They realise the larder is now reduced, although they drag away what they can of the remains around the tree.</p> <p class="cnM5M2FiYjA0MzIxNjQ1Yzg4ODQ1MGE3M2I2ZDkzYzA3">--- Azizos POV</p> <p class="cnNjNmJhNWQ2MDBiMjQyMDdhZjc3NTExNDQ1YjE5NGE1"><strong>{Quest Dungeon Azizos offers Shaman Raxe a Denizen Contract. You will not lack sustenance and, you will respawn if slain and possibly over time evolve into a greater being. Yes/No?}</strong></p> <p class="cnMxZDU4NDQ4Mjg5NzRjY2NiOTc1ZmNkY2M1Nzc1MTdh">I can offer to respawn her if she dies now, thanks to my Living Construct, therefore I am certain she will accept. Then a question?</p> <p class="cnNjOGE2NTFjMzExNTRmZmRiOWYwODY5OTY2YjE3OTBl"><em>“Will we rule ourselves as the Great One promised? The Ogre Lord will not rule over us.</em>”</p> <p class="cnNlMjk0MGUxNDE0MDQyYzhiNzNmNWVlOGI2ZGRiZmQw">The Great One? Who is this Great One she speaks of? She must mean her and if true, she gained an epitaph! I am wearying of calling her bitch given the boons she is harvesting for me, although I remain suspicious and the naming of her by others is worrisome. She is no longer in my domain, although I perceive she still exists as our tenuous bond remains although stretched, like a cord of leather. I take comfort in knowing she will return in thirty-eight days or be respawned.</p> <p class="cnNhMjMzNjdiODBlOTQyNWJiMTVlMGYwOGM4MDA0ZDMw">“<em>Yes, your rank and importance are equal to the Ogre Lord, none of my denizens can fight each other without my permission. It is my understanding the Kobolds supplied the food for the Ogres and the Orcs, which leads me to believe more Kobolds are needed not less,</em>” I reply.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGIxNDgzYTdkNTQ2ZGE4MjkwZTM3MzkxYzQ2OGM5"><strong>{Shaman Raxe accepts Denizen Contract. 950 mana deducted.}</strong></p> <p class="cnNlZTEwNjQwNjZlYTQ3ZDNhMjQyNjIzZDQ4ZGQwN2Y4">The mana cost is an unpleasant shock, although an evaluation and a confirmation by the system of their worth as the bottom or former bottom of the food chain.</p> <p class="cnNkZDY1MzJhOTRmYTQ5OGU5M2RiMDM2ODg5M2Y3OTEx">“<em>Return to the Kobold Cavern Zone, inform me of your needs and I will try to meet them, if I can’t now, then in the future I hope to,</em>” I finish.</p> <p class="cnNmMjIzOTYxOTBhMjQwYzZhMTc4ZTg5Y2ExZDMyNzZi">“<em>Our new Overlord is wise. My first request is to allow us to block off the Mushroom Cave from the Ogre Lord’s Cavern. We will dig a new cavern to sleep.</em>”</p> <p class="cnM5NzY5Y2QyMGFiZDQ4MTg4MTM0NTk4NzZhOTk0OTNk">“<em>When you arrive, the change requested, and the new cavern will await you as my ownership of your zone has started. As with the Ogre Lord, I am creating separate tunnels to my Dungeon proper, this avoids either denizen needing to utilise the Front Cavern. The Front Cavern is the slaughter area for any who are weak, and dare enter!</em>”</p> <p class="cnM0YTUyNmU3NWNjNzQ0YjFhNTkzNzNhNjQ4Nzk2NWY5">“<em>We go, and we thank you.</em>”</p> <p class="cnMxMzFkZjdlNmIzZTRmOTk5N2ZjYTYyYjUyNzgzYzU5">Proper humility, from a woman no less, amazingly it is possible, the female Shaman proves it. Perhaps humility and thankfulness uniquely surface when the woman is an elder and wise in the ways of the world.</p> <p class="cnMxY2QyNTY4YWJkZDRjZTBhNDhmYzMwMTUwYzAxMDMx">I create a Xorn in the Rock Cavern, which is now clear of rocks, nevertheless, the name will stand. The system offered a Standard Xorn, which I rejected as I am in no rush. The more mana I gather the faster I will expend it, therefore a Minor Xorn as before will suffice. As before he starts to devour the special rocks and I start to accumulate mana once again.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTJkMjBhM2EwZTRmNDM4ZTBkNjk5MmViYzYwMjFi">Opening the Denizen’s Menu, I trim back my mana support to them to twenty-five percent of needs. They won’t die, lethargic and ineffective perhaps at most. I am forcing them to work and trade between them, although on a level table now as I realise the value of the Kobolds to my Dungeon’s sustainability. I wonder if they feed my other creations will I save on mana. Would Nehal consider a diet of Mushrooms?</p> <p class="cnM1MjMyYTI1ZGQwNzQ4YjU4MmIzYjE3MmE5ZDkxZGQw"><strong>{Rank Increase Granted. Stagnation Condition Lifted. New Zone acquisitions qualify to satisfy the New Zone growth minimum. Quest Purpose revealed to all. Prepare for Questors.}</strong></p> <p class="cnM3NTQ4NTI1MjU0YzQ1YTg5ZmUxMjRhODAxNTIxMTdk">What follows are countless notifications about acquired and granted items, options and room features. The one I notice most though is the mana regeneration, a ten percent increase. I am possibly now at war. Who with, I know not, perhaps I should read my previously inaccessible Quest Purpose…?</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Character Sheet</strong>: Aphrodite<input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <p class="cnMzNGJkMTZjMGJkYTRhM2M5ZGM0Zjk0YjUyMDhlMzQy">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Aphrodite</td> <td style="text-align: right">Culture:</td> <td>Greek Mythos</td> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>Harpy Superior</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Spirit:</td> <td>Human</td> <td style="text-align: right">Body:</td> <td>Living Basalt</td> <td style="text-align: right">Soul:</td> <td>Dungeon Dominate</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Sentient Dominate:</td> <td>27%</td> <td style="text-align: right">Monster Dominate:</td> <td>27%</td> <td style="text-align: right">Dungeon Dominate:</td> <td>65%</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Hominine Essence:</td> <td>Level 10</td> <td style="text-align: right">Avine Essence:</td> <td>Level 10</td> <td style="text-align: right">Dragon Essence:</td> <td>Level 0</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Feline Essence:</td> <td>Level 2</td> <td style="text-align: right"> </td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align: right"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Strength:</td> <td>65</td> <td style="text-align: right">Grasp:</td> <td>75</td> <td style="text-align: right">Toughness:</td> <td>65</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Constitution:</td> <td>65</td> <td style="text-align: right">Vigour:</td> <td>67</td> <td style="text-align: right">Endurance:</td> <td>65</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Dexterity:</td> <td>85</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>75</td> <td style="text-align: right">Quickness:</td> <td>75</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Wisdom:</td> <td>75</td> <td style="text-align: right">Perception:</td> <td>55</td> <td style="text-align: right">Mettle:</td> <td>55</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Intelligence:</td> <td>50</td> <td style="text-align: right">Willpower:</td> <td>75</td> <td style="text-align: right">Power:</td> <td>75</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Charisma:</td> <td>50</td> <td style="text-align: right">Glamour:</td> <td>50</td> <td style="text-align: right">Beauty:</td> <td>100</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Languages:</td> <td style="text-align: right">Greek</td> <td style="text-align: right">Kobold</td> <td style="text-align: right">Orc</td> <td style="text-align: right">Ogre</td> <td>Feline</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Gifts:</td> <td style="text-align: right">Regeneration</td> <td style="text-align: right">Prolific Fertility</td> <td style="text-align: right">Shadow Hide</td> <td style="text-align: right">Silent Step</td> <td style="text-align: right"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Spear:</td> <td>Level 5</td> <td style="text-align: right">Halberd:</td> <td>Level 1</td> <td style="text-align: right">Bow:</td> <td>Level 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Sword:</td> <td>Level 15</td> <td style="text-align: right"> </td> <td> </td> <td style="text-align: right"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="cnM5ZDEwNzUxMTJiNzQ0MDI5YTdjZjgyMWQ3ZjExOWI0">&nbsp;</p> </div>
“We have enough!” Pleasant Voice snarls in response. Her shrill voice irritates, the irony of her name not lost on him. His thoughts turn quickly, plotting how to avoid her will. A challenge to accomplish, since she is the matriarch in charge, although young. “I agree, it is not the kill we are investigating. What creature or hunter do you know who would or could lift an exceptionally large red stag into the fork of a tree and why?” --- Pleasant Voice POV As my mother bid me farewell, her final piece of advice, her trusted council still echoes in my mind, ‘a leader listens and then plans’. Therefore, I consider his words, my eyes stray to the tree and follow the trunk up to examine the position of the kill. Unusual, although this hunt is now complete and this mystery not theirs or mine to solve. My eyes now upon him, his whiskered top lip curls up to show the whites of his teeth, he seems pleased with my deliberation or does he believe such hesitation is weakness. The old hunter’s mane a dull grey, the golden colour of his youth long gone, his many scars a testament to his ability to survive, and as the leader, I would be foolish to dismiss his advice out of hand. I pointedly examine each male in the hunting party, waiting for any other opinion or advice. Nothing. Pawed feet shuffle, they pretend to be on watch, with no one game enough to challenge the veteran and accomplished hunter Swift Spear, well no male of the Long Grass Pride at least. I recognise an alpha male exerting his influence, although perhaps not all share his point of view. “Swift Spear, what is your proposal … instead of safely returning home?” The younger males halt scuffing their clawed paws in the soiled decaying leaves, the *guards* turn about taking an interest, they fail to voice their preference although confirm with body language their want to return home leaving the Returned Lands and claim the rewards due or am I mistaken, they are interested in Swift Spear’s proposal. The hunt in the Returned Lands is bountiful and illegal, although those Beast Clans bordering the Returned Lands tend to ignore the Beast kin Decree as most consider the Decree based upon forgotten legend and hearsay. “We lay in wait until the owner returns and perhaps ally with him.” His teeth flash momentarily informing her that the option is an unlikely one. “Or slay him and win renown.” He chases fame then, the safety of those around him second to his ambition. Why are males always wanting more? To order him to leave and continue the journey would risk the other hunters siding with him as his proposal has decidedly sparked their interest. How could my assessment of their will be so completely wrong? I recognise within me an opportunity for great improvement and rejoice I am not blind to my failings. My orders or commands, as the matriarch of this hunting party absolute of course, unless I suffer an unfortunate accident, so I chose my next words carefully. “As hunters, some consider the discovery of who or what can manage such a feat important, I acknowledge this and therefore offer those who wish to hunt with Swift Spear the option to stay. You can keep your share of the kill this trip with you or if enough prefer to return to their family instead we will offer to carry your share home regardless of your fate while hunting with Swift Spear.” As males do, they gathered, growled and decided while I tried to contain my amusement waiting for them. Stepping forward Swift Spear announced, “Fights Bravely and Wooden Lance will accompany me and lay in wait. We ask you to deliver our shares for us, ensuring we are not weighed down.” “Agreed,” I, Pleasant Voice reply. --- Aphrodite POV The first red deer kill I devour unrestrained and raw, the inherent nature of my new form, this Harpy creature voracious and monstrous. I expect to pay a penalty, reducing my Sentient Dominate aspect, none eventuated. Perhaps the system is keeping count. With blood, torn fur and several bone fragments at my feet, my stomach and my urge to slay abate. This contentment vanishes after I take to the air, flying in search of my next kill I require an exceptional amount of energy and stamina to keep me aloft. My next kill I place high in a tree. Determined to land in the tree and place the kill within its branches took many attempts. The muscles attached to my wings are sore and strained after finding success, although the more I utilise them the more I strengthen them as well as my flying technique. With enough wind, I am now able to glide, a rest position while flying, although occasionally the wind fails without warning, and I need to vigorously flap my wings to regain control. Flying I consider a heady mix of freedom and luxury, the single greatest benefit of this Harpy form, a breathtaking joy. A third red deer, perhaps a father to many, his antlers grown into many points drinks below me. His head swivelling and watchful before lapping another drink from the shallow and swift-flowing river his hooves bathe in, his source of life-giving water. The first red deer I landed upon and crushed, this one I needed to hunt differently, to improve. I glide lower, ensuring my approach strikes from behind, careful to ensure my wing shadow doesn’t alert him, as it did for the second kill, which required me to string my bow and release arrows as he fled, to slay him. One taloned foot in front of another, one to clasp his neck and the other to clasp his rump and then wings pumping to make my gliding descent into an ascent. The beast struggles and thus I need to end its life quickly. Using my talons, I squeeze its neck and slice in deep attempting to sever the artery I now know is there. Recalling memory fragments of my first kill, such an artery splashing me in warm refreshing blood triggering my frenzied hunger, although truthfully not the sole reason, my Harpy nature revelling in the kill and the feeding and I am certain my starvation a contributing factor. The aftermath requires me to wash in the river, a slick of blood trailing from me. I ultimately blame the nature of the creature I have become and refuse to believe otherwise. I need to civilise this savage beast within me. My control not to kill First, my faithful follower, possibly attributed to the fact I still needed to realise my new existence and comprehend the means to act. I shudder as I realise one scratch, one wound and possibly I would have devoured her. Lies! I am deluding myself. I screech in anguish and enlightenment, my hunger and my nature coupled with a drop of blood, and she would have been my first kill. Since free of the Dungeon, free of him, I indulged and exalted in satisfying the needs demanded of my new form. This indulgence is due to the hunting nature of the monstrous creature I have become. I remind myself once again, I need to civilise this savage beast that is now me. As I approach my tree larder the third kill continues to struggle, and I can’t risk severing its neck and releasing one of my holds. I am reasonably certain one talon will bear the weight of my prey, although I am uncertain if my flying skill can adjust to prevent an undignified crash. I adjust my flight path to land on the stone shore splashing down on the edge of the lapping water, relishing a satisfying delight. My landing pressed down on the deer’s neck, finally severing it, the prey struggling no longer as its warm lifeblood oozes over my talons and spills into the river. A long red slick, curves out, eventually washing thin and clear, drawn by the river flow. After a moment of concentration, the warm blood attempting to trigger the beast nature within me ebbs, I release my kill and stagger back into the cold water of the river. Ownership of my mind returns to me, the beast within calms. An arrow glances off the feathers adorning my head. As is my want and with benign fortune, I lowered my head to savour the iron aroma of my kill’s free-flowing blood during my moment of indecision. My wings encapsulate my body and I ensure my back is to the river. Another arrow pierces my feathers and bounces off my ring mail harmlessly, its killing power is lost penetrating my feathers. An arrow fails to penetrate the bone in my wings, and I am relieved to pass this test, the monster and Monster Dominate in me triumphant. My attackers continue to release arrows at me, while I step further back into the stream. The archer manoeuvres trying to outflank me and target my back. A near-silent splash alerts me and as I open a view through my wings I am startled to discover, beast kin, although too tall for Badger Kin, my two attackers are at least my equal in height. Both are, like lions, although bipedal and wearing leather armour, not as a soldier does, as hunters covering and protecting areas of themselves a wild animal may strike. One is a youth, his golden mane forming, the other is a veteran his mane turned to grey. Both wield spears and as they strike, the older one, moments before the younger, I sweep my wings across, trapping their weapons and diverting them from my body. Neither release the grip they have on their weapons, instead forcefully attempting to withdraw them. Sword in hand, I step forward to follow the withdrawal of their spears. As the older one clears his spear from my feathered wings, I open the wing slightly and stab upwards, the sword point slashes under his tooth and fanged animal jaw and continues behind his eyes and into his brain. His eyes widen as his brain is destroyed. He dies silently, although not unobserved. The younger is paralysed, eyes fixated on his fallen mentor, friend or leader, I can’t discern which. Still and exposed he is an easy target now and my sword explodes from the top of his skull. When I try to withdraw it, my grip on my sword supports the dead youth standing, wiggling and dancing on the end of my blade. A pain explodes above my buttocks, in the small of my back where the muscles attached to my wings are corded and knotted. I pivot, sweeping my wings out, unfurling them and with satisfaction, they crash into my attacker and knock him into the river. He roars at me, frustration or challenge I know not. He reaches for his spear, now a floating possession of the river, recovering his weapon in time to receive my thrown spear in his chest. His facial expression must reflect surprise, eyes wide, his whiskered top lip drawn back as is his lower lip to expose his fangs as much as they are called teeth. His ears laid back in his developed golden mane. Then he topples over, and it is my turn to rush forward and claim him from the flowing river. I recover his body and as I reach the stone covered riverbank, a warm trickle of blood flows between my buttock cheeks. Reaching behind me the wound isn’t deep, although bloody, the surprise is the colour. Not a deep black. As I spread it on a stone to wipe my fingers, I discover an extremely dark shade of red. **{Feline Essence, Sub Species Lion absorbed. Do you wish to accumulate Essence on [S]ub Species or [B]east Type? S/B}** How will the choice affect my next evolution I ask? **{If you choose a Sub Species your next evolution will be based upon the Sub Species. If you choose Beast-Type your next evolution will be randomised on the Sub Species Essence you have absorbed. Accumulation based upon Beast-Type will ensure your next evolution can occur sooner as all kills accumulate towards it.}** I select Beast Type. I choose this option as my days to roam are limited before I need to return to the Dungeon, and I need to ensure my essence is high enough to evolve. **{Feline Essence absorbed. + 150.0% Feline Essence Level 1 Total 50.0%}** **{Feline Essence absorbed. + 50.0% Total 100.0%}** **{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 2 Total 0.0%}** Three kills, Level Two Essence, the older the better as it yields more Essence. Although it can’t merely depend upon age as the Kobolds yielded five percent Essence each. Perhaps they are related to Dragons, distantly? I calculate I need to slay twenty of them to gain the equivalent essence when I kill a mature Lion Beast kin Adult. Therefore, an entire tribe of Kobolds or possibly two or three tribes need to be slain to gain enough essence. Too many, I doubt I could emotionally survive the mass slaughter required. Now to inspect my furry kills. They are covered in fine golden fur, although the older one’s fur is greying in places. Their armour interests me as the lower pieces are leather bandages or straps, which front, and back square leather pieces hang. One, which has a tail has a hole conveniently cut through it. I dress in whole square leather front and back tied to a belt of leather around my waist. They favour necklaces with bones, gems and carved wood threaded together, which are pretty in their own way, although I suspect meaningful as the necklace of the older Lion Beast kin comprises many such items. I scavenge a set of leather forearm guards from the dead, they are soft and layered and tied off around the forearm. **{Humanised appearance, all sexual locations covered to preserve modesty. +10% Sentient Dominate.}** I review my clothing and recall Zeus’ attire. My mismatch is functional and preserves my modesty, I need to find proper clothing though, I need to dress as a cultured civilised being. I observe the river and focus on the gurgles and swishes of the water flowing by, I am attentive to the wind through the trees, purely as a survival habit, now realising this is a wilderness and I must find civilisation. My deer kill is still held by the tree and I notice many Lion footfalls positioned to gaze at it. Thus, slightly ungainly, due to flying more than walking, I carefully step an ever-widening semi-circle from the tree. The forest here isn’t thick, they didn’t need to push their way through or find a game trail. I discover enough scuffed footfalls and broken twigs on branches to indicate their direction of travel. Satisfied I carry the elder Lion Beast kin to a secluded place as I intend to consume his liver and while stunned, I wish to remain hidden and not become an easy kill. The other kills I place at the foot of my tree larder. I apologise and ask the defeated Lion Beast kin for his flesh so I may live, a glimmer of my humanity striving to assert itself. I blink and the blood on the hand I used to scoop out his liver isn’t dry, only moments have passed. I remove the padded cloth above my buttocks and my skin is healed smooth, what is more, I absorb a worldliness whatever that means. I repeat the liver consuming on the archer Beast kin and sense the same worldly enlightenment. After consuming the liver of the youth Beast kin, I am invigorated, and my hunger propels me to peel back his lightly furred skin the golden hairs catching the sunlight magnificently, to reveal the bled flesh. I am controlled in this deed and savour every morsel. I am sure this is not civilised, perhaps I receive a concession due to my Harpy nature as it demands nourishment. **{Knowledge successfully transferred: Spear Level 7, reduced to Spear Level 5, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}** **{Knowledge successfully transferred: Bow Level 6, reduced to Bow Level 5, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}** **{Attribute successfully absorbed: Vigour +10%, reduced to Vigour +2%, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}** I add the two Lion Beast kin to my tree larder and propel my wings, my muscles bunching and releasing to drive me skywards. As dusk approaches, I fly in the direction of my prey searching for a campfire. Clarity of purpose forms within me, I must increase my level of Feline Essence. My gains from devouring them are a blessing from Zeus I suspect. His rules call for me to accumulate Essence and grow in skills, knowledge and power, the crime haunts me although this Harpy form allows for little remorse and my Monster Dominate greatly exceeded Sentient Dominate when they were defeated. --- First POV I observe the males as they emerge from their shells. They don’t gain full wings, stubs to mark them as changed, not formed enough to fly. Their voices remain high, harsh yipping, which I discover when their first words are to complain, bitch and lament. They are recognisable as Karpy due to their taloned feet although I am sure the Great One’s disappointment in them will surpass mine. Attempting to commune with them is also hopeless, they are male, they are less. “*Charm them, sisters, we will harvest their seed and then order them to follow.*” “*Can we devour them afterwards First?*” asks Bucket Two. I seriously consider her suggestion, although devouring them now or devouring them later makes no difference and perhaps if they can follow on foot, they will prove themselves worthy beyond their handicaps. “*No sisters they are of our race and I forbid us to eat our own. They may yet prove themselves worthy.*” “*Yes, First I obey.*” Both Bucket One and Bucket Two acknowledge my decision. Before we fly off, we instil in our males the need to follow us and their ultimate destination. A tree beside a river with much meat stored within its branches. I glance to either side of me and both of my sisters are ready. Launching as did the Great One we then weave between the stone columns jabbing from the cavern roof and the cavern floor, our smaller bodies and wings easily adjusting as required. Once out of the cavern we fly over familiar Kobold tribal hunting grounds and change course toward the river, following the Great One eager to serve. Our flight over the treetops is dangerous, although considered safer than flying high and being noticed from afar, from the ground or the air. As dusk falls, we continue avoiding the flickering light of campfires, targeting the silver slither of the river, moonlight revealing its course. Gliding above the river we shortly catch the scent of blood and turn to shore. The scene before us is a blood bath. The larder is being contested, with predator animals fighting to the death to claim it, other, slightly wiser animals rushing off to lick their wounds before death. “*We will land in the tree and observe, nothing more sisters.*” Our landing distracts the current fighting pair, a large wolf beast and a six-legged cat beast as leaves fall twirling to the ground. Wolves hunt in packs and as we wait the pack surrounds the cat beast and creep in low to the ground. Multiple strikes, shallow, although drawing blood decorates the cat’s black hide. It strikes out to escape and the pack follows, howling. As the howling fades the gnawed halves and quarters of the dead lay in silence at the foot of the Great One’s larder tree. Smaller carnivores, more willing to share the spoils than fight over them sneak out from hiding and clean up as haunches of meat, legs, legs with rump attached and forelegs are dragged away. The carcass’s body is too large for them. “*Eat faithful servants, gorge your fill as I hunt for more.*” The Great one commands us, and we obey. With much meat available we devour the mature Lion Beast kin and the red deer. We leave the elder Lion Beast kin for the males if they ever arrive. As we dine on near fresh meat the tiredness of flying leaves us and we settle in the tree with full extended stomachs. Our lives as Kobolds behind us, the search for meat scraps and the small portions of mushrooms permitted us by the Ogres and Orcs who claimed the lion’s share, a distant memory. The wolf pack returns as we finish, and we throw the bones to them. They realise the larder is now reduced, although they drag away what they can of the remains around the tree. --- Azizos POV **{Quest Dungeon Azizos offers Shaman Raxe a Denizen Contract. You will not lack sustenance and, you will respawn if slain and possibly over time evolve into a greater being. Yes/No?}** I can offer to respawn her if she dies now, thanks to my Living Construct, therefore I am certain she will accept. Then a question? *“Will we rule ourselves as the Great One promised? The Ogre Lord will not rule over us.*” The Great One? Who is this Great One she speaks of? She must mean her and if true, she gained an epitaph! I am wearying of calling her bitch given the boons she is harvesting for me, although I remain suspicious and the naming of her by others is worrisome. She is no longer in my domain, although I perceive she still exists as our tenuous bond remains although stretched, like a cord of leather. I take comfort in knowing she will return in thirty-eight days or be respawned. “*Yes, your rank and importance are equal to the Ogre Lord, none of my denizens can fight each other without my permission. It is my understanding the Kobolds supplied the food for the Ogres and the Orcs, which leads me to believe more Kobolds are needed not less,*” I reply. **{Shaman Raxe accepts Denizen Contract. 950 mana deducted.}** The mana cost is an unpleasant shock, although an evaluation and a confirmation by the system of their worth as the bottom or former bottom of the food chain. “*Return to the Kobold Cavern Zone, inform me of your needs and I will try to meet them, if I can’t now, then in the future I hope to,*” I finish. “*Our new Overlord is wise. My first request is to allow us to block off the Mushroom Cave from the Ogre Lord’s Cavern. We will dig a new cavern to sleep.*” “*When you arrive, the change requested, and the new cavern will await you as my ownership of your zone has started. As with the Ogre Lord, I am creating separate tunnels to my Dungeon proper, this avoids either denizen needing to utilise the Front Cavern. The Front Cavern is the slaughter area for any who are weak, and dare enter!*” “*We go, and we thank you.*” Proper humility, from a woman no less, amazingly it is possible, the female Shaman proves it. Perhaps humility and thankfulness uniquely surface when the woman is an elder and wise in the ways of the world. I create a Xorn in the Rock Cavern, which is now clear of rocks, nevertheless, the name will stand. The system offered a Standard Xorn, which I rejected as I am in no rush. The more mana I gather the faster I will expend it, therefore a Minor Xorn as before will suffice. As before he starts to devour the special rocks and I start to accumulate mana once again. Opening the Denizen’s Menu, I trim back my mana support to them to twenty-five percent of needs. They won’t die, lethargic and ineffective perhaps at most. I am forcing them to work and trade between them, although on a level table now as I realise the value of the Kobolds to my Dungeon’s sustainability. I wonder if they feed my other creations will I save on mana. Would Nehal consider a diet of Mushrooms? **{Rank Increase Granted. Stagnation Condition Lifted. New Zone acquisitions qualify to satisfy the New Zone growth minimum. Quest Purpose revealed to all. Prepare for Questors.}** What follows are countless notifications about acquired and granted items, options and room features. The one I notice most though is the mana regeneration, a ten percent increase. I am possibly now at war. Who with, I know not, perhaps I should read my previously inaccessible Quest Purpose…? **Character Sheet**: Aphrodite   | Name: | Aphrodite | Culture: | Greek Mythos | Race: | Harpy Superior | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Spirit: | Human | Body: | Living Basalt | Soul: | Dungeon Dominate | | Sentient Dominate: | 27% | Monster Dominate: | 27% | Dungeon Dominate: | 65% | | Hominine Essence: | Level 10 | Avine Essence: | Level 10 | Dragon Essence: | Level 0 | | Feline Essence: | Level 2 | | | | | | Strength: | 65 | Grasp: | 75 | Toughness: | 65 | | Constitution: | 65 | Vigour: | 67 | Endurance: | 65 | | Dexterity: | 85 | Agility: | 75 | Quickness: | 75 | | Wisdom: | 75 | Perception: | 55 | Mettle: | 55 | | Intelligence: | 50 | Willpower: | 75 | Power: | 75 | | Charisma: | 50 | Glamour: | 50 | Beauty: | 100 | | Languages: | Greek | Kobold | Orc | Ogre | Feline | | Gifts: | Regeneration | Prolific Fertility | Shadow Hide | Silent Step | | | Spear: | Level 5 | Halberd: | Level 1 | Bow: | Level 5 | | Sword: | Level 15 | | | | |
{ "title": "The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons", "id": 5029, "author": "Virlyce", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Book 3 Chapter 103", "id": 305876, "next": 306206, "prev": 305608, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhZjQxNzNiNGJlODQwZjVhZGYyY2ZmNzZhY2RjMmJm">“Is that a human?” Vernon asked. He hovered in the air next to Sera, pumping his wings up and down. The two dragons were above the clouds, staring down at a red figure sitting in a pit. Its legs were crossed, and its arms were folded in its lap. The red man’s eyes seemed to be closed, and his chest moved up and down with every breath he took.</p> <p class="cnM0YjQwMmJmMTc4MjQ0ZWRhMGNkMDQ0NjBmN2MxZDI4">“If that’s a human, then that’s a tomatoing big human,” Erin said, peeking out of Lindyss’ hair. “I think those things are called giants.”</p> <p class="cnM2NThjNDg4YjhmMzQwOTA5OWY4MTExMDRlYTUzNDlk">“Everything’s a giant to you,” Lindyss said.</p> <p class="cnNiNzE0N2FmZDE0MjQ4MmI4MTEyMWU3NWIxZTIzNWQ1">Erin snorted. “But this one’s giant to you too.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTBlZjU5NmY4NzRmNzg4ZmNjMWNhMjYwODY3NWI1">“Can you do something about it?” Sera asked the elf sitting on her head. “I don’t like the smell of it. It smells like death, but at the same time, it smells like abundant life.”</p> <p class="cnMzYjczYWZlOTU4NzQ5ZGFhODkyMDZmODJmMGRjMzEw">Erin tilted her head and asked herself in a whisper, “What does abundant life smell like? Flowers? It must be flowers.”</p> <p class="cnMzZjI5ZGQ1YmIzYzQ4ZmRhNjY4N2Q2YTM3MmU3NzBi">“You really think that highly of me, huh?” Lindyss asked.</p> <p class="cnMwMGVlYzFiODhiMjQ0MDlhYTdjMjJmN2RkZGYwOTY5">Sera blinked. “Well, according to Grimmy, you subdued Kondra, didn’t you? Don’t tell me that was a lie.”</p> <p class="cnNhNDMxZmE1Y2NhOTQ1NmQ5OGNjNGYzZDIyNjY0OWNj">“It’s the truth,” Lindyss said. “But for me to bring out strength equivalent to that time’s, certain conditions have to be met. I can’t just subdue dragon patriarchs and matriarchs all willy-nilly now. If I could, do you think I’d be the one listening to Grimmy?”</p> <p class="cnMwYzM2Yjc2ZmM0ZTRkZjFiYjNjYTJiZTNhZTY4YzVj">“Oh?” Erin’s eyes lit up. “What kind of conditions? Does it have to be raining? One of the fairy queens back home could cast a really devastating spell, but only if it was raining above an erupting volcano in the middle of the winter while snow was on the ground.”</p> <p class="cnMzNTE5ODFkOThlNDQ3MDNiYTA4MGYyY2Y4YWU4MWFl">Lindyss raised an eyebrow. “The conditions to summon my strongest undead are not that specific.”</p> <p class="cnNiMjk0MWIzN2U2OTQyOGQ4MTk1NTRhMGUyMGQyM2Ix">“It’s true love’s kiss, isn’t it?” Vernon asked. “You two-legged things love applying the condition of true love’s kiss to everything.”</p> <p class="cnNmZGQxMGY2MjdlZDQ5NTViYzhmMmFmNzBiYjM4MjRk">“If it is, it’s a shame Grimmy’s not here,” Sera said and rolled her eyes.</p> <p class="cnNmY2RjZmVhMzJmOTQyM2FiMTc2YzU5Y2Q4ZTk1NGVk">“I’m not in love with Grimmy! And he certainly doesn’t love me,” Lindyss said, glaring at Sera while resisting the urge to slap the dragon. It’d certainly feel good to, but she’d probably die afterwards.</p> <p class="cnMyMTA2N2Y0MGQ1NTQwODc4YmJiNTZjMDBmZWViYWRm">The fairy in Lindyss’ hair flew out of her head. “I’ll give you a kiss!”</p> <p class="cnM3MzEyZjQ1ZGVkNjQzYTFhNGMxZDM0ZTRjYjM4NmNh">“Shut up, Erin.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzk1YTY1ZWZiOTQ3ODdiYWJkZTNkMGFjYzdiNjA5">“Wow, I’m hurt.” Erin’s wings drooped. She landed on Lindyss shoulder and sighed, crossing her legs and placing her hands on her knees.</p> <p class="cnMzNjBhY2MzNjVkYzQ3MGJhNzVhZjIzNmZmMGEzMWZk">“Fairies don’t know what love means,” Lindyss said. “Don’t think I don’t know that.”</p> <p class="cnM2N2I5ZTE5NDA3NjQyZmJiZWM1YjliYjUxMGJkOTFj">“Okay, enough joking around,” Vernon said. “Seriously, what are the conditions for you to take care of that thing?” He gestured at the meditating giant underneath them. “Don’t tell me Grimmy made you come with us for no reason.”</p> <p class="cnMyMTQwMWM1ODQ4NzRmMjNiMTM2YzE5YzQ1YTFjOTY4">“I need a sacrifice,” Lindyss said. “Great power comes at a great cost unless you’re a dragon.”</p> <p class="cnNlNDFiZTdkNDA5ZTQzYTZiMzE0ZjI2YTA4YTM5ODVj">“What kind of sacrifice?” Sera asked and frowned. “You didn’t teach any of these things to Vur, did you?”</p> <p class="cnMxZDQyYzhkMTNiNTRlZTZiOTY4ZmIwZjFmZTc2Yzkx">Lindyss snorted. “Of course not. This isn’t something he can learn. Anyways, about thirty S-ranked adventurers will do.”</p> <p class="cnM0ODg3MGJkMzQ5YzQ2YWM5MzU5YmEwNjIzODIyZmMw">“Hey…,” Erin said, her face paling. “About those Fangs of Capitis that you swallowed with your shadows outside of that dwarven prison….”</p> <p class="cnM5MjljZjA4ZGMzMzQ5NWQ5YTE3YzhiYTYzNWVkNjFh">“Hmm?” Lindyss raised an eyebrow. “Fangs of Capitis? What Fangs of Capitis? I don’t recall a dwarven prison.”</p> <p class="cnM0NmJhOTZkODU1YTRlYTg4ZDQ4YjJjMzg2ZGUwYmI5">“You’re playing dumb again!” Erin bounced up and down. “Stop doing that!”</p> <p class="cnM1YTVkZjY4OTNmMzRmZmE4OGMwYmUyMTY4NzBlYTVm">“Can you do anything without your sacrifices?” Sera asked. “It’d be difficult to find that many people. We have no idea when this thing will start moving.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZmFiYzJlMDBlYjQzOGVhY2IzM2MwYjcyOWNhNzZi">“Without my sacrifices, I’m weaker than a dragon,” Lindyss said. “And I used up all my saved ones while taking care of Kondra.”</p> <p class="cnM4MDYxYTEwNTk2MDQ5ZmJhMmM0YmE3MTFmZmI4YWIy">Vernon narrowed his eyes. “So, you’re useless?”</p> <p class="cnNiMWZlN2NiODZkNzRjY2FhMjVhOTRmZmE0MmVlNzBj">Lindyss crossed her arms over her chest. “Someone’s worth is not dependent on their strength. I can be useful in different ways, like analyzing your opponent or calling for Grimmy when things go wrong.”</p> <p class="cnNmZWI0ZTRmOGViYTRjN2Q5YWFhOTQ1OTAxYjI0MDBi">“Well, how about you call for Grimmy right now?” Sera asked and sighed. “It’s not every day you see things larger than a dragon.”</p> <p class="cnNjMGQwNDY2ZmY3MzQzOGQ5ZWIxZGNiODM4MWZjM2Qw">Lindyss placed a finger to her temple and closed her eyes. A moment later, her closed eyes twitched before shooting open. “He seems to be asleep,” she said. “I got sent to an automated voice message.”</p> <p class="cnMwNDVhNzIxY2QxNjRjZTM5YmQ0YmIzMzcxNzRlMTFh">Flames shot out of Sera’s nostrils. “Sleeping when he said he was going to watch over the kids and Vur?” Her eyes narrowed at the elf on her head. “Wake him up.”</p> <p class="cnMxNmU1NGFkZDBkMjQyOTRhYWRjZTY1OWViN2Q4MGQ4">“I can’t do that from far away,” Lindyss said and shook her head.</p> <p class="cnMxMGQ1N2U5NTBmYjQ2ZWJiMGI2ODFjYjNlYzliZGI3">Vernon pointed at the giant. “Then be useful the other way and analyze it.”</p> <p class="cnMzMDJjZTA1YTkxYjRkOTRhNDJmZDBiMWY1MDhkZGM1">Lindyss nodded and crept forward, Leaning over Sera’s snout. “Well, for one, it seems to be pretty big.”</p> <p class="cnNmMDE2NjFkNzIyNTQxMWRhYzM4NGQwZDFkNzIxOTE3">“Are you messing with us?” Sera growled. “Has being around Grimmy for so long removed your fear of dragons?”</p> <p class="cnMwZGFmZDViZGRjNDQ0M2NiNWM4ODA3NTMxOTczNjgx">“I wasn’t done yet! Stop being so snappy,” Lindyss said. She cleared her throat. “And if it’s that big, then presumably, it has greater physical strength than you two because physics and the fact that Grimmy said it’s a danger to dragons. The aura around it is similar to a girl we met before, the one with the sword that you stomped the uncle of. She has the ability to cancel out magic, so it’s safe to assume spells targeting this thing won’t work on it either. You’ll have to turn the spells into physical attacks like destroying the earth and making it fall or freezing it by targeting the air around it instead of its body.”</p> <p class="cnM5NTVlOWU0NGQ1NDRlZGE5ZTU3NWFhODQzMmFiYmJm">Sera nodded. “What about its weakness?”</p> <p class="cnNhYjJkMzA0MWU2MDQwMzdiMzIxYWU3OTlmMzZjODk3">“Not sure,” Lindyss said and shrugged. “If I knew, that’d would’ve been the first thing I said. But everything has a core. It either has a heart, a magic circle, or a central node powering it. Remove that, and it’ll die.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZDhhYjBkNTFhODQzNTM4YTY1NjBlMDJiZGMyYjJj">“That’s not true,” Erin said.</p> <p class="cnM1YzEzMWIxYWQ2ZDRjYWNhOWYxOTE0YjYzMWM5M2Mz">Lindyss turned her head to face the fairy sitting on her shoulder. “Do you know something?”</p> <p class="cnM3MmI4OTkzMzViOTRkYjZhYWIyMGNkYjgyOWM5MWMy">“You just said everything has a core,” Erin said and nodded. “But it’s quite clear you don’t have a heart. You’re mean.”</p> <p class="cnMyN2ZjZDE2NDM1ZjRjN2NiOWVjYTU0NGIxYTJhZjcw">Lindyss flicked the fairy’s forehead, knocking the little queen off her shoulder.</p> </div>
“Is that a human?” Vernon asked. He hovered in the air next to Sera, pumping his wings up and down. The two dragons were above the clouds, staring down at a red figure sitting in a pit. Its legs were crossed, and its arms were folded in its lap. The red man’s eyes seemed to be closed, and his chest moved up and down with every breath he took. “If that’s a human, then that’s a tomatoing big human,” Erin said, peeking out of Lindyss’ hair. “I think those things are called giants.” “Everything’s a giant to you,” Lindyss said. Erin snorted. “But this one’s giant to you too.” “Can you do something about it?” Sera asked the elf sitting on her head. “I don’t like the smell of it. It smells like death, but at the same time, it smells like abundant life.” Erin tilted her head and asked herself in a whisper, “What does abundant life smell like? Flowers? It must be flowers.” “You really think that highly of me, huh?” Lindyss asked. Sera blinked. “Well, according to Grimmy, you subdued Kondra, didn’t you? Don’t tell me that was a lie.” “It’s the truth,” Lindyss said. “But for me to bring out strength equivalent to that time’s, certain conditions have to be met. I can’t just subdue dragon patriarchs and matriarchs all willy-nilly now. If I could, do you think I’d be the one listening to Grimmy?” “Oh?” Erin’s eyes lit up. “What kind of conditions? Does it have to be raining? One of the fairy queens back home could cast a really devastating spell, but only if it was raining above an erupting volcano in the middle of the winter while snow was on the ground.” Lindyss raised an eyebrow. “The conditions to summon my strongest undead are not that specific.” “It’s true love’s kiss, isn’t it?” Vernon asked. “You two-legged things love applying the condition of true love’s kiss to everything.” “If it is, it’s a shame Grimmy’s not here,” Sera said and rolled her eyes. “I’m not in love with Grimmy! And he certainly doesn’t love me,” Lindyss said, glaring at Sera while resisting the urge to slap the dragon. It’d certainly feel good to, but she’d probably die afterwards. The fairy in Lindyss’ hair flew out of her head. “I’ll give you a kiss!” “Shut up, Erin.” “Wow, I’m hurt.” Erin’s wings drooped. She landed on Lindyss shoulder and sighed, crossing her legs and placing her hands on her knees. “Fairies don’t know what love means,” Lindyss said. “Don’t think I don’t know that.” “Okay, enough joking around,” Vernon said. “Seriously, what are the conditions for you to take care of that thing?” He gestured at the meditating giant underneath them. “Don’t tell me Grimmy made you come with us for no reason.” “I need a sacrifice,” Lindyss said. “Great power comes at a great cost unless you’re a dragon.” “What kind of sacrifice?” Sera asked and frowned. “You didn’t teach any of these things to Vur, did you?” Lindyss snorted. “Of course not. This isn’t something he can learn. Anyways, about thirty S-ranked adventurers will do.” “Hey…,” Erin said, her face paling. “About those Fangs of Capitis that you swallowed with your shadows outside of that dwarven prison….” “Hmm?” Lindyss raised an eyebrow. “Fangs of Capitis? What Fangs of Capitis? I don’t recall a dwarven prison.” “You’re playing dumb again!” Erin bounced up and down. “Stop doing that!” “Can you do anything without your sacrifices?” Sera asked. “It’d be difficult to find that many people. We have no idea when this thing will start moving.” “Without my sacrifices, I’m weaker than a dragon,” Lindyss said. “And I used up all my saved ones while taking care of Kondra.” Vernon narrowed his eyes. “So, you’re useless?” Lindyss crossed her arms over her chest. “Someone’s worth is not dependent on their strength. I can be useful in different ways, like analyzing your opponent or calling for Grimmy when things go wrong.” “Well, how about you call for Grimmy right now?” Sera asked and sighed. “It’s not every day you see things larger than a dragon.” Lindyss placed a finger to her temple and closed her eyes. A moment later, her closed eyes twitched before shooting open. “He seems to be asleep,” she said. “I got sent to an automated voice message.” Flames shot out of Sera’s nostrils. “Sleeping when he said he was going to watch over the kids and Vur?” Her eyes narrowed at the elf on her head. “Wake him up.” “I can’t do that from far away,” Lindyss said and shook her head. Vernon pointed at the giant. “Then be useful the other way and analyze it.” Lindyss nodded and crept forward, Leaning over Sera’s snout. “Well, for one, it seems to be pretty big.” “Are you messing with us?” Sera growled. “Has being around Grimmy for so long removed your fear of dragons?” “I wasn’t done yet! Stop being so snappy,” Lindyss said. She cleared her throat. “And if it’s that big, then presumably, it has greater physical strength than you two because physics and the fact that Grimmy said it’s a danger to dragons. The aura around it is similar to a girl we met before, the one with the sword that you stomped the uncle of. She has the ability to cancel out magic, so it’s safe to assume spells targeting this thing won’t work on it either. You’ll have to turn the spells into physical attacks like destroying the earth and making it fall or freezing it by targeting the air around it instead of its body.” Sera nodded. “What about its weakness?” “Not sure,” Lindyss said and shrugged. “If I knew, that’d would’ve been the first thing I said. But everything has a core. It either has a heart, a magic circle, or a central node powering it. Remove that, and it’ll die.” “That’s not true,” Erin said. Lindyss turned her head to face the fairy sitting on her shoulder. “Do you know something?” “You just said everything has a core,” Erin said and nodded. “But it’s quite clear you don’t have a heart. You’re mean.” Lindyss flicked the fairy’s forehead, knocking the little queen off her shoulder.
{ "title": "Memorybound", "id": 20910, "author": "JennaLynnBadger", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 34", "id": 305874, "next": 306202, "prev": 305609, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="p1 cnM3ZjQ3MzMzNWVjZTQ1NGJiZTgzYjVkODkxMGJlYWQz">With the entire army finally spread out along the northern border, Hailey and Isabella prepared for the incoming onslaught. Hailey chewed on a cold wedge of cheese that was slowly freezing in her gloved hands. They should have brought a cook with them. She had once again missed dinner, and she would be paying for it by the end of the night. She had stuffed her satchel full of as much food as she could find before leaving. Isabella did not complain about the food that she was handed. She ate ravenously. It made Hailey wonder how long the woman had gone without a proper meal.</p> <p class="p3 cnM2MDFkMTgwYzdkZDQ1MjY4MjAwYjI0ZjhlOWE1ZGI4">When the two mages had their fill, they stood. Cold bit at her nose and her feet were already starting to go numb. She worried that she had not prepared well enough for this battle.</p> <p class="p3 cnM5MTE1ZTBlMDAyODQ0YjlhNzFmZTQ1MWRlNTMxZDIw">Isabella dusted off the hunter green cloak that the queen had given her. It made Isabella almost disappear into the night.</p> <p class="p3 cnM2ZDkyNGM4MjNhOTQwZTdhYzJmN2M5ZjgzNWU5ZGEz">“You will be in charge of maintaining the spell that will allow the soldiers to see in the darkness. If you fail, they will not be able to see at all. Even though the fairies glow, there will be other creatures who have come to battle against the humans, against us.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM2OGI5OGUwNDc3MTQ0Zjk5YmViOTQyMjljNjkwMzAw">Hailey watched the other woman form a spell to give her night vision, trying to mimic the movements as she watched.</p> <p class="p3 cnM3NTI2OTc1ODg5MzRjNDBiMzI2N2EzNGI0M2U1ODcx">Isabella closed her eyes for a moment and then one hand shot out towards Hailey.</p> <p class="p3 cnM4YmU4OGFmMTg3MjQwYjc4YjQ3ZTk5NTNmNWRlY2Nh">Hailey gasped. Around her, it was as if it had gone from night to day, but if she looked into the sky, it was still black.</p> <p class="p3 cnNkM2Q1Mjg4MDYwYTRmMjliNmZjYTY3MTIxYjQwZmE5">“It creates a false vision,” Isabella told her. “You cannot see very far, but what is close around you will be very clear.”</p> <p class="p3 cnMwODY2YjM2MTQxNjQ2ZmZiYzliNWUyZWM2Mjk5NTJk">Hailey nodded and performed the spell on Isabella.</p> <p class="p3 cnM0OTM3MTRhOWIzYjQ3OGI4ZTVmODRmNjI5ZjFjMDUz">“Good,” said Isabella.</p> <p class="p3 cnNlYWUxOWZhMjYxZTQ4YmVhNDQ2NGI3Y2RkZTJmNjRk">“What will you be doing?” Hailey asked.</p> <p class="p3 cnMxOWQ4ZDVmNWYwMzRiOTJiODQ3YWMzMThkNjllMjU3">“I will be fighting the fairies. There are several spells in my arsenal that will work against them.”</p> <p class="p3 cnMzNzU5MGIzMGNiMDRmNDliZmFmNjllNTk1MzAxNjcy">The two women stood in a large gap. The soldiers had given them a wide berth, which should make it easier for Isabella to cast her spells without hurting anyone.</p> <p class="p3 cnM1MzcwYjUzYmYzYTQ4MzI4MzBmZGJlYzU3YjQ5ZTE1">“Will you need me to help?” Hailey asked.</p> <p class="p3 cnM0M2E4M2RmOTY0MzQ0ZDc5MGQwMjA0MmJkOTNiODI4">“No. You are a fledgling mage. You will not be able to maintain the vision for the soldiers and battle at the same time. It is more important that you focus on one task.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM4ZGM5ZDM0N2MyMjQ1YWM4NmRiMDRmNWExY2I5M2Qz">Hailey nodded, but she did not feel like a fledgling mage anymore. She had faced down a dragon and had helped wake the princess. Surely that should give her some merit, but she would not argue with Isabella. She seemed to know what she was about and now that Hailey trusted her, she was glad to have her by her side.</p> <p class="p3 cnNjZThhODNkNGFmOTQ0NmRiNGI3ODhkZWE3MjM4Njk5">Hailey looked around. Aaron and a group of men stood to her left. She was relieved to see him and worried about what might happen to him. Every one of these men were at risk. Hailey and Isabella were the only ones who might not get hurt in this battle. She watched the shimmer, but it made her dizzy to stare for too long. She needed a distraction, something to keep the panic at bay.</p> <p class="p3 cnMxNzM0YzJkZGYxNTQ1M2I5ZTJjYmZlN2U4NTQ2NWE3">“What do you know about the fairies?”</p> <p class="p3 cnMxNTQyNTIwMzczZDQ0NTM5ZmY3MDNjMTE0NDgzYzY5">Isabella turned from watching the men. “The fairies are old magic. I am sure that you know that they are pure magic. They are also limited by the amount of land that they can cover. The magic in the land will allow them to have children, but not until one of them dies or until they have taken over a new area.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNlNjk1ZjgyZWI4YjQyMmRhNWE4ZDdiYmE0MmNlYzQ4">“So, when they take over a human land, there will be more of them?”</p> <p class="p3 cnMxMzA0YmQxYzI1OTRhMGRhMjU3NzhiMTU2NmFlNmY5">Isabella nodded. “It was not a problem for them until the agreement with the fairy king was made.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNjY2RmMTA1ODZjNjRmOTJiZGI2MGE0NzIwYjlhZDJk">Hailey had not heard of that before. No wonders they did not like humans though. If humans limited the number of fairies that could be, then the fairies would want to destroy the humans to take on all of the nine kingdoms.</p> <p class="p3 cnMxYTRiNzI1OTdlYjRkNGFiMGFkZTA5OWU3Y2U3NjNi">“They come from a land much older than yours, a land of ancient magic that you cannot possibly understand.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM0NjEwYjY1YTdhMjQzYTM5ZDMwN2ZkY2Q2NDI5NDJl">Hailey thought about that for a moment. Maybe Isabella was talking about the land of the elves. It was on one of the old maps in the mage’s library. “Can you tell me anything about that land?”</p> <p class="p3 cnNhZTM4MTY3NmJiNzQxOWFiOTc0ZjIxMmY1YjUzZWY4">Isabella sighed and looked back at the shimmer. “It’s a land of pain, regret and mistakes. It’s a land of loss.”</p> <hr> <p class="p3 cnM1OTI4YTM5ZWRhYTQzYzg4MTcwNTkzMDcyNGQzYzcw">Aaron had not been in many battles, but he was already learning that he hated the part before the battle, when all there was to do was wait. His heart was in his throat. Unlike many of the men, he was certain that what Hailey had told them was true. There would be fairies flying through that shimmer at any moment now. He tried to slow his breathing, to remain calm, but fairies were every child’s nightmare for a reason.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhNmNkZDQ5NDkzODQzMmY4NmJmZDg0NjI3MTcyYTk0">Derrick practically glared at his officers. The torch he held was only one of the lights that had been allowed, and it would be put out soon.</p> <p class="p3 cnNmNDg5OWRjZWUwODQ1YTQ5NjVlZjc2ZmFlNGIyMjQ1">The mages had promised them that they would be able to see, and Aaron hoped so. An army swinging swords around in the dark, unable to see was a terrifying thought.</p> <p class="p3 cnM4YTVmMDAwZTdiMzQxZmM4ZDY0MDNmYmQzNDJiYWU5">“I know that you are accustomed to being in the battle, being in the thick of it, but that will not be your job tonight,” Derrick said.</p> <p class="p3 cnNkZDIyMzQ3YTM1MTQ1YmVhZTkyMmVkOTJiZjI1YTQx">Aaron expected to hear grumbling about that, but these were the officers. They were better at holding their tongues and following orders. He felt lucky to be among them.</p> <p class="p3 cnNiODNiNzNmYjgyODRkMmU5ODJhMzU5YmU3MzAyNGU1">“You will stay behind your men, and you will keep them safe. Anyone who wanders into the shimmer will be your responsibility to retrieve. Allow your men to do the work, but you keep watch. This is more than likely going to be a nasty battle. Feel free to swing at any fairies right in front of you, but keep your eyes on your men. There will be no retreat from this battle, and I will be doing what I can to help any squad that is being overrun. Any questions?”</p> <p class="p3 cnMyOWJmMThiMjAzODQwMmJhNTgwNzkxODEzNmY1ZjY1">“What if we’re shorter than our men?” Christian called out from the back. He was almost completely invisible on this moonlit night.</p> <p class="p3 cnNlMzllMGJhNWQ1NTQ0ZDViMmFkODg2ZmQ0OWNjNDlk">“Find something to stand on, or stand to the side. Anyone else?”</p> <p class="p3 cnNlNmZmMmM4ZTA1NDQ0ZGQ5ZTllMWY3ZTg1OGI2ZWUw">“What if we loose to many men?” That voice came from the front and it was hushed.</p> <p class="p3 cnNjM2ZiMTBjYjA2ZTRjYzdiYTIxYWU3NmE5MjI1NTcy">“Then you will have to fight. You’re the best we have. I expect you to be smart about this, and to step in if your men are too tired or all gone.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM5MzVlYTJlYzhmODQ1MTJhOTJmMDBkNzRiNWI2ZTU0">There was silence as everyone took in this information. It was a good plan, as long as it was only fairies that they were met with. Aaron tried not to think about that. If they were met with more than fairies, they were doomed.</p> <p class="p3 cnNlYTc0OTE5YzM0MDRjYjE5NDNmNzRlYTlmZDBiNDRm">“Join your men and prepare for battle!” Derrick said, loud enough for the men who were not in this meeting of officers to hear.</p> <p class="p3 cnM2M2Y3M2Y1MzA1NjQzZTM4ZTcwOGY1NzgwMGNlNTlm">The men turned and walked in various directions back to their squads. Someone walked up behind him. “You ready for this?”</p> <p class="p3 cnM3NTdmN2JjZGUzOTRkODdiMGQ5MDhlMTUzZDI5MWZj">Aaron jumped and Gillian laughed.</p> <p class="p3 cnNjMGI5YTBjMjcxMDQwN2I5MDNkZDg3MDY3MGQzODE1">“I’ll take that as a ‘no.’”</p> <p class="p3 cnNkY2FkYTkwYjAwNjQxZTBiZjg4OTIwMzAxYTA0NzY4">He smiled ruefully. “I’ve never tried to fight fairies before.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNmZTVjZjdiOTUwYTQwMzViMmI5NDZjMTk1MjJlZmNl">She shook her head. “I don’t think that any of us have. You might actually have more experience with them than the rest of us.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNjNmZjNDhiMTFhMjQ2MDRiOWJlYmQxMjk4NmEyYWEx">He had almost forgotten that he told her about that. “Come on, one trip into the forest is not that big of a deal. Besides, it wasn’t like they were fighting me or anything.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNhNWU3Y2E0NDc0NDRjZDRiODk5Y2Q1ZjAwM2Q3NzM4">She gave him a level look. “A tiny bit more experience, then.” She almost whispered, “I don’t think any of use are really ready for this.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM0NGMwMzA4NWYxNDQ1MjBhZDI0NjZjYTY0MDk3MWIx">“I agree, but we’re all the kingdom has.”</p> <p class="p3 cnM0Y2MxMjJmNTZiNDRhOWFhZTViYmU0NDVkOWZkM2My">She held out a hand to him and he clasped it. Her hand was warm, but calloused. “Don’t get yourself dead,” she told him. “You make a good soldier.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNkYzE2N2E2ZjNlZTQ1MzY4OThlMzQ2NzI2ZmZkMGU2">He grinned at that. He never thought that he would make a good soldier. He had always seen it as a dream, out of reach, even after he had joined the king’s army. “Be safe,” he told her, and then she was gone, disappearing into the night with the rest.</p> <p class="p3 cnM2MjMxODAzYjY2NTQ1MDc4N2E5NGVmY2NjOTc1ODZm">He returned to his men, who looked even more nervous than he felt. There was a wide open space where the mages stood and his squad had been the lucky ones to stand next to them. “Steady, men. My responsibility will be to keep an eye on you and make sure that none of you gets dragged into the shimmer.”</p> <p class="p3 cnNiYzczNzQ2NTk4ODQ2NTliNWM5YTJmNGU4MTBlY2Mz">This comment was met with silence. He wished he had something to say to them to calm their nerves, but none of them really understood what they were up against. Some of the men kept looking at the mages.</p> <p class="p3 cnM1ZGE1MjFkZTY4NjQ2Njc5NDlkNDVmOGYwOGI1OTcx">He glanced at Hailey and Isabella. A mage light was on the ground in front of them, and so their faces were lit oddly, giving them a ghostly appearance.</p> <p class="p3 cnM5NmY3NjhmNDFmYTRhNmM5NjA4MDI5YTc5NjU3Mzcw">He could not believe that Hailey was trusting Isabella. After everything the woman had put this kingdom through, how could Hailey take her side. But then, he didn’t know all of the details. She had apparently helped wake the princess and so that was something, but she had also crippled the nation, not giving them any opportunity to flee if things got too rough. All the mages they should have had were stolen away. Every opportunity for portals to another realm if the fairies won this battle were gone. Hailey alone could not evacuate even a tenth of the kingdom before the fairies would take over. If they didn’t win here…he could not allow himself to think about it.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhZDkwYTdmYjRmYzQzM2Y5MGQ0M2NkMDgyMDhmZTc5">Hailey knew what she was doing, he hoped at least. She finally noticed him looking at him and smiled. She was so beautiful, especially when she got sleep. He smiled back. If he died here, at least he would do it by her side. There was only one other battle that he had been in and she had kept him safe against the dragon. He had to trust her.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhZGY1OGVmZjRjMTRhZTBiOTI4ZThhNTNjYjllYWZm">She cleared her throat and looked back at the shimmer. “I will be providing light for you tonight,” she told them. Her voice was clear and it rang out along the long line of men who were lit only by the pale glow of the shimmer. There were enough of them that he could barely see the last man standing far to the right.</p> <p class="p3 cnNhOGM1YzBmMDM0ODQxYmQ4ZDU3M2QxOGMxNmE2ZmY1">“You will be able to see the fairies because they glow, but you will also be able to each other better, once the spell is cast. Do not shrink from the fight. Your country needs your protection. We can win this battle and I will do whatever I can to keep you safe. When this night is over, Taivalon will still stand. Those who oppose us will die by your swords as long as you are willing to stand with the men and women beside you. Do not let them frighten you. You are the brave soldiers of Taivalon!”</p> <p class="p3 cnNhMjYzOWYwMGMwZTQzOGE5OGMwOTNlNjMzOWJhZTI3">A cheer rang out among the men, but one of them, Tybalt, he thought it was. “What about the enemy right next to you?”</p> <p class="p3 cnM1MDI5MTA5NDlmOTRhNzRhZTdhNjQxNWYwYjIxNmJk">Hailey opened her mouth to respond but Isabella spoke first. “You may not trust me because of some of the things that I have done. Things I am very sorry for, but I am not your enemy tonight. The enemy is out there,” she pointed one long finger at the shimmer. I will fight with you this night. I will fight for Taivalon!”</p> <p class="p3 cnNhODM2ZGQ0ZDBjNjQyMjFiMTM1NDE4MDBiODlmY2Y0">Silence met Isabella’s speech. The men were still uncertain of her, but one more mage could be their victory, or it could be their doom.</p> <p class="p3 cnMwNmU0N2Q2MWMwMzQ3NmI4NzU4NTRjMDJhYTVhYzUw">There was a screeching sound coming from the shimmer, as if thousands of fairies were screaming. He could see their tiny lights now, still fuzzy and trapped inside the shimmer, but just then, the shimmer began to blink.</p> </div>
With the entire army finally spread out along the northern border, Hailey and Isabella prepared for the incoming onslaught. Hailey chewed on a cold wedge of cheese that was slowly freezing in her gloved hands. They should have brought a cook with them. She had once again missed dinner, and she would be paying for it by the end of the night. She had stuffed her satchel full of as much food as she could find before leaving. Isabella did not complain about the food that she was handed. She ate ravenously. It made Hailey wonder how long the woman had gone without a proper meal. When the two mages had their fill, they stood. Cold bit at her nose and her feet were already starting to go numb. She worried that she had not prepared well enough for this battle. Isabella dusted off the hunter green cloak that the queen had given her. It made Isabella almost disappear into the night. “You will be in charge of maintaining the spell that will allow the soldiers to see in the darkness. If you fail, they will not be able to see at all. Even though the fairies glow, there will be other creatures who have come to battle against the humans, against us.” Hailey watched the other woman form a spell to give her night vision, trying to mimic the movements as she watched. Isabella closed her eyes for a moment and then one hand shot out towards Hailey. Hailey gasped. Around her, it was as if it had gone from night to day, but if she looked into the sky, it was still black. “It creates a false vision,” Isabella told her. “You cannot see very far, but what is close around you will be very clear.” Hailey nodded and performed the spell on Isabella. “Good,” said Isabella. “What will you be doing?” Hailey asked. “I will be fighting the fairies. There are several spells in my arsenal that will work against them.” The two women stood in a large gap. The soldiers had given them a wide berth, which should make it easier for Isabella to cast her spells without hurting anyone. “Will you need me to help?” Hailey asked. “No. You are a fledgling mage. You will not be able to maintain the vision for the soldiers and battle at the same time. It is more important that you focus on one task.” Hailey nodded, but she did not feel like a fledgling mage anymore. She had faced down a dragon and had helped wake the princess. Surely that should give her some merit, but she would not argue with Isabella. She seemed to know what she was about and now that Hailey trusted her, she was glad to have her by her side. Hailey looked around. Aaron and a group of men stood to her left. She was relieved to see him and worried about what might happen to him. Every one of these men were at risk. Hailey and Isabella were the only ones who might not get hurt in this battle. She watched the shimmer, but it made her dizzy to stare for too long. She needed a distraction, something to keep the panic at bay. “What do you know about the fairies?” Isabella turned from watching the men. “The fairies are old magic. I am sure that you know that they are pure magic. They are also limited by the amount of land that they can cover. The magic in the land will allow them to have children, but not until one of them dies or until they have taken over a new area.” “So, when they take over a human land, there will be more of them?” Isabella nodded. “It was not a problem for them until the agreement with the fairy king was made.” Hailey had not heard of that before. No wonders they did not like humans though. If humans limited the number of fairies that could be, then the fairies would want to destroy the humans to take on all of the nine kingdoms. “They come from a land much older than yours, a land of ancient magic that you cannot possibly understand.” Hailey thought about that for a moment. Maybe Isabella was talking about the land of the elves. It was on one of the old maps in the mage’s library. “Can you tell me anything about that land?” Isabella sighed and looked back at the shimmer. “It’s a land of pain, regret and mistakes. It’s a land of loss.” --- Aaron had not been in many battles, but he was already learning that he hated the part before the battle, when all there was to do was wait. His heart was in his throat. Unlike many of the men, he was certain that what Hailey had told them was true. There would be fairies flying through that shimmer at any moment now. He tried to slow his breathing, to remain calm, but fairies were every child’s nightmare for a reason. Derrick practically glared at his officers. The torch he held was only one of the lights that had been allowed, and it would be put out soon. The mages had promised them that they would be able to see, and Aaron hoped so. An army swinging swords around in the dark, unable to see was a terrifying thought. “I know that you are accustomed to being in the battle, being in the thick of it, but that will not be your job tonight,” Derrick said. Aaron expected to hear grumbling about that, but these were the officers. They were better at holding their tongues and following orders. He felt lucky to be among them. “You will stay behind your men, and you will keep them safe. Anyone who wanders into the shimmer will be your responsibility to retrieve. Allow your men to do the work, but you keep watch. This is more than likely going to be a nasty battle. Feel free to swing at any fairies right in front of you, but keep your eyes on your men. There will be no retreat from this battle, and I will be doing what I can to help any squad that is being overrun. Any questions?” “What if we’re shorter than our men?” Christian called out from the back. He was almost completely invisible on this moonlit night. “Find something to stand on, or stand to the side. Anyone else?” “What if we loose to many men?” That voice came from the front and it was hushed. “Then you will have to fight. You’re the best we have. I expect you to be smart about this, and to step in if your men are too tired or all gone.” There was silence as everyone took in this information. It was a good plan, as long as it was only fairies that they were met with. Aaron tried not to think about that. If they were met with more than fairies, they were doomed. “Join your men and prepare for battle!” Derrick said, loud enough for the men who were not in this meeting of officers to hear. The men turned and walked in various directions back to their squads. Someone walked up behind him. “You ready for this?” Aaron jumped and Gillian laughed. “I’ll take that as a ‘no.’” He smiled ruefully. “I’ve never tried to fight fairies before.” She shook her head. “I don’t think that any of us have. You might actually have more experience with them than the rest of us.” He had almost forgotten that he told her about that. “Come on, one trip into the forest is not that big of a deal. Besides, it wasn’t like they were fighting me or anything.” She gave him a level look. “A tiny bit more experience, then.” She almost whispered, “I don’t think any of use are really ready for this.” “I agree, but we’re all the kingdom has.” She held out a hand to him and he clasped it. Her hand was warm, but calloused. “Don’t get yourself dead,” she told him. “You make a good soldier.” He grinned at that. He never thought that he would make a good soldier. He had always seen it as a dream, out of reach, even after he had joined the king’s army. “Be safe,” he told her, and then she was gone, disappearing into the night with the rest. He returned to his men, who looked even more nervous than he felt. There was a wide open space where the mages stood and his squad had been the lucky ones to stand next to them. “Steady, men. My responsibility will be to keep an eye on you and make sure that none of you gets dragged into the shimmer.” This comment was met with silence. He wished he had something to say to them to calm their nerves, but none of them really understood what they were up against. Some of the men kept looking at the mages. He glanced at Hailey and Isabella. A mage light was on the ground in front of them, and so their faces were lit oddly, giving them a ghostly appearance. He could not believe that Hailey was trusting Isabella. After everything the woman had put this kingdom through, how could Hailey take her side. But then, he didn’t know all of the details. She had apparently helped wake the princess and so that was something, but she had also crippled the nation, not giving them any opportunity to flee if things got too rough. All the mages they should have had were stolen away. Every opportunity for portals to another realm if the fairies won this battle were gone. Hailey alone could not evacuate even a tenth of the kingdom before the fairies would take over. If they didn’t win here…he could not allow himself to think about it. Hailey knew what she was doing, he hoped at least. She finally noticed him looking at him and smiled. She was so beautiful, especially when she got sleep. He smiled back. If he died here, at least he would do it by her side. There was only one other battle that he had been in and she had kept him safe against the dragon. He had to trust her. She cleared her throat and looked back at the shimmer. “I will be providing light for you tonight,” she told them. Her voice was clear and it rang out along the long line of men who were lit only by the pale glow of the shimmer. There were enough of them that he could barely see the last man standing far to the right. “You will be able to see the fairies because they glow, but you will also be able to each other better, once the spell is cast. Do not shrink from the fight. Your country needs your protection. We can win this battle and I will do whatever I can to keep you safe. When this night is over, Taivalon will still stand. Those who oppose us will die by your swords as long as you are willing to stand with the men and women beside you. Do not let them frighten you. You are the brave soldiers of Taivalon!” A cheer rang out among the men, but one of them, Tybalt, he thought it was. “What about the enemy right next to you?” Hailey opened her mouth to respond but Isabella spoke first. “You may not trust me because of some of the things that I have done. Things I am very sorry for, but I am not your enemy tonight. The enemy is out there,” she pointed one long finger at the shimmer. I will fight with you this night. I will fight for Taivalon!” Silence met Isabella’s speech. The men were still uncertain of her, but one more mage could be their victory, or it could be their doom. There was a screeching sound coming from the shimmer, as if thousands of fairies were screaming. He could see their tiny lights now, still fuzzy and trapped inside the shimmer, but just then, the shimmer began to blink.
{ "title": "World Guardian: Book Zero (Final Remastered Edition)", "id": 21208, "author": "Xavier Houseal", "rating": 3.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 23: Get Schooled", "id": 305875, "next": 306164, "prev": 305851, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwMzlmNzgzNjQ0MjRhY2NhMzQxN2U2OTY3NDQ2MzVj" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter 23: Get Schooled</strong></p> <p class="cnM3OWEzOWYzMDhmNjQ4MzFiYTE5NjE0OTA4YTFkNWM0"><strong><em>(Setting: Crystal Kingdom: Royal Center- Main Road)</em></strong></p> <p class="cnNkMzc3NzYwMThhMTQ0MzNiMjc4ZjEzMDM5OGVkYjgz"><strong><em>(Scene: </em></strong><strong><em>Baku </em></strong><strong><em>leaves the palace with the </em></strong><strong><em>King</em></strong><strong><em>)</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMwMTI1OWU3OGU0ZTQzZDA5Y2M3OGM4NWUwN2ExMmRk"><strong>[Nicolatrice Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I hope you have a great day at school, </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">!</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzA0ODdkYmE1ODQ5N2Y4NzFhOTBiYWFmMWE0NWM0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Sigh* *Smiles softly* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">I'll try to, </span><strong>Mom</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. Hey, </span><strong>Crystal King</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, are you ready to roll?</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDA5MjUyMmQzNzQ3NGRiODIxMWYwNjliY2ZhNzM4"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Yes, <strong>World Guardian</strong>. Let's get going, hyaa!</span></p> <p class="cnM2Nzk3NTU4YzMxZDQ4MTdhNGFmNDNhZjc3YjZkY2Ri"><strong>[Horses]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Nyyyiieegghh!!*</span></em></p> <p class="cnM5OWQ4ZmU0YTM3MzQwNDFiYWU4ZmI3OWViMzk3Zjll"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span></em><strong><em>King Jeremiah Cree</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> ride a chariot through the </span></em><strong><em>Royal Center</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNlNWY3ZDY0MGYyMzQ0Y2U5NjBkZGIzZjU1MjUzOTli"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*It was naturally quiet, just like any other day and eerily peaceful. Even though it was early in the morning, royals were already awake and going about their days fully dressed in all of their fancy apparel and wigs, truly what the maids back in the palace were trying to have <strong>Nicolatrice</strong> wear. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM1NzkxM2NjODBlNDRiZDliZDRiY2Y5Y2U4OTEyNTlm"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Some of them were enjoying their daily walks, drinking coffee at fancy maid cafes, or headed to work at their government and administrative offices. The mornings were getting chillier everyday it got closer to the end of the month, but hopefully it'd get warmer in the afternoon once the sun finally decides to peak over the mountainside of the <strong>Crystal Kingdom</strong>.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhZDk2M2UxYmFjZDQ2OWY4ZDhjOTg3ZGFlZWUxMDEy"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, how do you like the <strong>Royal Center</strong>, so far? It's beautiful, isn't it?</span></p> <p class="cnMzODA1ODFlNDBhNDRlZjZhNWU5NjAyZjRkNGMwNWIz"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Sarcastically* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Hm? </span><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh yeah, it's great...</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTE0ZDgxY2Q4NDQ2NzNhZjg0OWNjODFkNTNlNGUx"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Are you sure? You don't seem enthralled or fascinated in the architecture. You know, being from the fields and such.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2E3OTdlMDM1MzRlNTliZmI4ZmJkNTZlNDJjMmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> Oh, well you see a royal castle once, you've seen one a million times…</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTY5NmY4NWFlNjQ3ZTdiOGUzOWM4NWI0Mzk1MjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400"> <strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong>Hm... Did you know that the <strong>Crystal Kingdom</strong> was founded by the <strong>third World Guardian</strong> almost 350 years ago?</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzY5ODViZGYyYzRkMDU4NWVhMTNjNDZmZGVjZWI4"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> Is that so?</p> <p class="cnNjZWFmMjAyMjBmYTQ1MGY5ZGRiNTU2YjgzOTVmZmZl"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><em>*Knods* </em>Mhm... His name was <strong>King Galileo</strong>, and he envisioned the kingdom to be a safe haven for everybody at the time he built it after his great adventure, even though he was allegedly a fairly young man. He was very kind, and everybody loved him greatly, even though nobody knew where he came from...</p> <p class="cnM0ODUyZTZhZGRiNDQ2OTk4MTg0M2Q4MDFiOGE4MmI5"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong>Wow, what a guy...</p> <p class="cnM0ZDFmOGRhMDk3ZTRhZjNhYmEzMzI0NmE3Y2YwYThk"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> ...Hmm...? Oh well... So, where are we headed, anyways?</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWQzYjIzZWYyNjRmYTc4YWZiNjQ2ZWNjZTAyZjU5"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong>I need you to take me to <strong>Grendar Manor</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWFjZGY3M2JlYTQ4Mzc5ZTczZmVmOTRlOGQ2YzIy"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">The <strong>Headmaster’s</strong> house? What for?</span></p> <p class="cnM4MmE0MWUzNTlhODQ4YjA4NGYwNjBkZjJlN2Q4YzYx"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I'll fill you in when we get there… But first, can I ask you a question, </span><strong>Crystal King?</strong></p> <p class="cnM2YzhjN2IzYmI4MjRiY2FiODMwYjc0ZTM1OTMxZGI4"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, </span><strong>Baku. </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">What is it?</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmYwNzFjYmYxMjQxMzdiZGUxZmVkN2M1MWMxMzA2"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">How does the <strong>Crystal Kingdom</strong> maintain its wealth and power with the class system it has set in place? You know, with the walls and such.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzEyZDM4ZWM4MjQyYjJhMzNkY2RiOTMzZjNlMTc0"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Chuckles* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">That’s an easy one, </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. You see, the money made by the commoners and peasants through business and trading outside of these walls are taxed by us royals. Then, that money is split and used accordingly by each faction of the royal families, for example the school system and military program are run by two seperate families who designate their part of the money and resources collected in order to advance their factions contributions to the kingdom. </span></p> <p class="cnM3OWZiNGI2ZTY2NzRkODk4NjRkY2Q3NzhiZTJjZGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong>Lasty, all of the funds left over are given back to the <strong>Main City</strong>. You know, for things like repairing, replacing, and recharging utility crystals, keeping the roads clean, distribution of wealth and property, that kind of stuff, and of course, making sure everybody is happy and content with the way things are being run by us.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTFiMGZiNWM4MzQ4ZTU4MzEyM2Q0ZWVkODBlM2Ix"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">… And what about the people out in the fields?</span></p> <p class="cnMzNmNjNjNhM2E2NjQyMGNiMjVmYTJlZDFiZTI3OTQ5"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Hesitant* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">… We… Haven’t gotten to them yet…</span></p> <p class="cnMwODQ4ZmQzOTdiODQ2NjFiMWM4ZjVhYWI2MDdmNzZl"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">… Are you being absolutely you serious, right now?</span></p> <p class="cnMxNTY2YjQyNGI4ZDQzMDNiMzU2NjVlZjM2NTFmZTJj"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Sigh* … </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">I know that’s not you wanted to hear, and I’m sorry that’s my only answer… But if you knew the history of the <strong>Crystal Kingdom</strong>, and a lot of us don’t, by the way; I mean just look at us... We basically live in outer space thousands of miles above the planets surface…</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWY4MTFjOTVlODQwZDlhNjk0NDUwNzY0MmYyMjYy"><span style="font-weight: 400"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong>Only then, you would understand the reasons, as to why that is… I’m sorry, </span><strong>Baku. </strong>But rest assured, all of my colleagues and advisors are working endlessly to manage and lead the developement of the countries progress so that we may one day all live perfectly amongst eachother, without the walls...</p> <p class="cnM1NzcxZGUzOGE5ZDQwM2Q4ZTdkOWFmNjQ1MjZhZTBh"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I hope that happens really soon, </span><strong>Crystal King</strong>…</p> <p class="cnNkYzMzNTk4NzM1YTQyYjdiZWIxNzk3MzhhYjFjZjc3"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I do too, </span><strong>Baku… </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I truly, sincerely do... And I promise you, it will...</span></p> <p class="cnMzNmI3YTBlYmIxNjQwMjI4NTk4ZDJjZTg4NzZjMjg0"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*The chariot finally pulls up to </span></em><strong><em>Grendar Manor</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">. </span></em></p> <p class="cnNmMTlkOWM4MzRkYzRkZTQ4ZTFhYTFiYzdhNTlkZGRi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*After walking through the properties beautiful flower garden, <strong>the</strong> </span></em><strong><em>Crystal King </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">knocks on the large pink front door after climbing the flight of stairs that lead to the elegant and stylish porch. After about a small minute the one who answers is </span></em><strong><em>Master Grendar </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">himself, who was on his way to begin his work day wearing his own special uniform that was recently cleanly pressed and starched, completely free of lint and strings and was decorated with prestigous medals that signified his importance and notoriety.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhNjQzYzQ3Mjg0MjRmOTY5ZTE3YTIzZjkxYmE0MDVj"><strong>[Master Grendar]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Surprised*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> MY WORD! </span><strong>LORD JEREMIAH CREE</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*bows* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">For what do I have the pleasure of serving your bidding? </span></p> <p class="cnNmZmM4NDgzMWU5YTQzODJhNjQxMjViNjZmOTU0Yjcx"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong>Hello, <strong>Master Grendar</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, please stand so we may speak as equals. I have but a simple question for you today.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZmMwYjA0NGFlODRmYTFhMmZhMzk5NmJjYTk3OGE1"><strong>[Master Grendar]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Y-yes, </span><strong>my lord</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! <em>*Ahem* </em>What may I do for you this morning?</span></p> <p class="cnM5N2Y0ZWNmMTdlZDQ2Y2E5ZWRkYWE3ODA1OTk4NGUx"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong> <strong>Master</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, is it true that you removed your daughter,</span><strong> Lady Millia Grendar </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">from the <strong>High University, </strong>in favor of homeschooling?</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2YzYzc3OGExOTRlM2NhYzQ4MzJlOGEyY2RhYjg4"><strong>[Master Grendar]: </strong>Why y<span style="font-weight: 400">es, </span><strong>my lord.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">.. I felt it would be for the better for her weeks ago... Why do you ask?</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDE3ZmExNDM2MzQwZmZhZjBiOTljZTEyYmQ4NGNj"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I've brought someone here who would like to speak to you…</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGM1ZTkxN2ZmZDRiYjhhNDNiODBiMTcwYzEwZjY5"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">appears from behind </span></em><strong><em>King Jeremiah.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnNiNzc2OTRjZDBkMDQ1NmI4YjIzYjFhOTg0MjdiOWYz"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Uhh... good day, </span><strong>Master Grendar</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. I trust your having a wonderful morning?</span></p> <p class="cnNjZmRjZGI2YTk0ODRlMTVhMTIyMzA3NDc5NmFlOWEz"><strong>[Master Grendar]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Angrily*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> It's you again! That ruffian who was trying to deprive my daughter of her education by skipping school! What in the <strong>Goddess’</strong> name are you doing back here!? </span><strong>My Lord</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, do you know this boy and the things he’s done!?</span></p> <p class="cnM1Mzc0YjBiM2VkZTQ1YTY4ZmYzMGU4YjdkOGM4ZjE5"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Yes, I am fully aware, as I’ve been informed about everything that has happened between the two of you. He is my son, after all... He also has something important to say to you. Go on, <strong>World Guardian</strong>… Make it quick and don't waste his time.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YTc3NGJkYTM1ZTQwMTNhY2MwZWVlYjI4NzFlOWQ0"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Deeply Inhales* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">……… </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Bows* </span></em><strong>Master Grendar</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, I apologize with all of my heart for negatively influencing your daughter’s educational habits. I promise to never repeat my mistake again and beg of you to please allow</span><strong> Lady Millia's </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">return to the <strong>High Universities</strong> school program... please…</span></p> <p class="cnNjY2FjZDZhZTkyNTRiMmJiM2JkZWZiNDgzZWIzN2Ux"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><strong>Master Grendar</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, after hearing this, may you please consider accepting </span><strong>Baku's</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> apology and rethinking your decisions?</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDc5OTgyOGU0NTQ5YzViOWU5ZTE2NzY4MjFhMjU4"><strong>[Master Grendar]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> ......... </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Sigh* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">... Lately, I have noticed that my daughter has changed, since I removed her from the <strong>High University</strong>... adversely...I did it because I was confident that it would bring her back to the mindset that her education is important and shouldn't be undermined... But I failed to realize the possible consequences of how my actions would affect her own self... She barely even speaks to anybody at the dinner table...</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2RiNWQ0YzhhYjRiYzNhYTUxZDVmZGI2MDA0ZDBj"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Sooo... You'll let her comeback?</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDdlMzAwOGQ3ZDQ4MmNiNmFkMzMzYWIxMWIxNWQ3"><strong>[Master Grendar]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I could... Under one condition…</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGJhODFmZDVmNjQ5Nzg5ZmRlMzkxYjU1ZThjZjVm"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> What is it, </span><strong>Isaac</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">?</span></p> <p class="cnMyOThhNTNiN2Y3NzQwMTZhOTlhMWRiY2I4NWVmZGM3"><strong>[Master Grendar]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">You see, </span><strong>my lord</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> has quite a reputation in the <strong>Crystal Kingdom's High University</strong>... And not a great one... </span></p> <p class="cnNkYzc3NGM3ZTMzOTQxZDM4OGIwMGM4ZDZlNTNkMTc0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Ugh*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> …</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjE0NDY4MzYwMzQ0Mzk5YzNmNmNlN2FjYjQxMDZi"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Hm. I see, so what is it that </span><strong>Baku </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">must do to satisfy your conditions?</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDU1M2EzMTFkMjQyY2RiYzg3NzVkZjRmYTEyYThh"><strong>[Master Grendar]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> My challenge to you, </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, is that I want you to increase all of your grades to passing in time for the Mid-Term Examinations... </span><strong>Without skipping a single day or core class</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGZiY2E4ZTI5NzQ0ODNiZDI2ZDhkYTAwOTkwZWY1"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Uggghhh*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> ...... </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Thinking to himself*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Damn it, I don’t care about going to school… It’s my grades that are still crappy…</span></p> <p class="cnM5YWJmNjQ2ZmNkYjRkMjc4NmI2MTUxMmExZjRiMjE1"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Very well then, it shall be done. Do you understand all of this, </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">? This is your challenge from <strong>Master Grendar</strong> if you want your little friend back.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTEyZjhkNTg0MjQ1Zjk4YTZlYjAyOGMyN2M4YTQw"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*cough* *cough* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Yes, and do you promise to let </span><strong>Lady Millia</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> return to the <strong>High University</strong> when I succeed?</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDhkMDVlYzU0MjRiYTg5YTg0NGMyNzBhZjkxZTUz"><strong>[Master Grendar]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Yes, you have my word, young man. However… If you do fail my challenge, then it will only stand to be the truth that </span><strong>Lady Millia</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> shall remain to be homeschooled, because of your mistake, regardless of your new status of royalty...</span></p> <p class="cnNmOGIwYTE5Mzk2OTRmMzRiNDc1MGEwYmVmM2ExYWIw"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Confidently*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Okay! Then I'll do it, and I swear you can bet on it, too!</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWQyNDA2NDQ4YzQ5YmJhNTcxOWIwYmZkNmNlNzJj"><strong>[Master Grendar]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Hmph*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> We shall see…</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjljNjIyOTg3MjRkNjJiMjc5NjYyYzY0MzlhMzA3"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Excellent, thank you for your time </span><strong>Isaac.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I wish you have a great rest of your day. We shall be taking our leave, now… Come,</span><strong> World Guardian</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YWEwYzk0ZTRhODQ5MjhhNWYyMGY2MmFkYjA3NzBl"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Knods* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Hm...</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDA2NWY2ZDZhYjQyOWJhMWExMGU5NmQ4MmM4ODU0"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and the </span></em><strong><em>Crystal King</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> leave </span></em><strong><em>Grendar Manor </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">reboarding the royal chariot continuing their way down the main road.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM3ZTQwZGI2YmMyNjQ4N2Y5MzVlNGU4YTNjNGM5Mjlj"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, now that you understand what you must do. I want you to acquire a note of your current grades so we may decide what we must work on. Unfortunately, this just adds onto what we have to complete before you depart the kingdom. So, we have to crunch time on somethings so you can focus on your grades. That being said, have a nice day at school, son.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGEwMTVkYjI3MjQxMTQ5NWQ1MGY5ZjQ0NGFmNzM1"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Uhh... Thanks, </span><strong>king</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">...?</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzdkZGU5MzRkYzRmYTU4MjI1MGU4MWYxNGQ3ZjAz"><strong>[King Jeremiah Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Please... </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Feel free to call me dad.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDc1NWMwMjhmZTRkYzI5MDdmMDgyYzVhOGIzZTVh"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Nervous* *Embarrassed* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Uhh... I don't think so...?</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTE2ZDhkMTgxNTRmODg4N2Y0Yzg4Y2NkNTllODZh"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*<strong>The</strong> </span></em><strong><em>king </em></strong><em>laughs and </em><em><span style="font-weight: 400">rides off headed for the <strong>Royal Palace</strong> and </span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> makes his way toward the <strong>High University</strong>.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0YmFhMDQ1YmNjZTQyNGE4MTMzY2M0NWJkMzYzYTQ0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Thinking to himself* *Sigh* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">… Damn it, how the hell am I gonna cheese my way outta this one… I know all my grades suck… But only in the classes that I suck in… Which I hate because they suck! Maybe I should start staying after school… Or maybe find a study group… But that requires making friends who want to study, and I know </span><strong>Barrtio</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><strong>Finn </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">won’t do that… <em>*Ugh*</em> What the hell am I gonna do!?</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjI1NDIxYzFiYTQ1MGJhNmRmMmNjOTY1ZjNkZjIz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> *Suddenly, a speeding hot pink car blasting pop music zooms past him.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4OWQ0NWE5MDRkNTQ2NWQ4YWZmODZhMThlMTFlMWY4"><strong><em>*VRRROOOMMM!!!!</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMzZmQwMzU5NjMxNzRmNGY4MjEwNzFkZjU1NjUxYTBm"><strong>[Baku Cree]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Surprised* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Wh-what the hell was that!?</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2Y2MTc0YzdhMjQ5ZGViZjJjMjJjZDNjNTkzM2Zk"><strong><em>*SCEERRR!!!</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMwNjQwYmRmZmMyMjQwODViODk1NDk0MDdkNjVkNTdj"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*The car then stops and reverses. When it reaches him, </span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> sees <strong>Princess </strong></span></em><strong><em>Savannah</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and her group of friends in the vehicle, with </span></em><strong><em>Mitsune Akamiko</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> in the driver’s seat whose long blonde hair danced in the wind. She was wearing rose gold shades that she lowered to check him out. The beautiful and wealthy royal smiled.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM2NTRkN2FlOTA5NDQ2MmRhZGZlNDU5ZmJiZTdhYWY0"><strong>[Princess Savannah]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Hey,</span><strong> little bro</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! Are you walking? Don't you want a ride to school?</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjUwMjIzMjVlNTQ0YThiNjY2ZjM1ODA2NzVmMGI0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Nervous* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">O-oh, I-I was j-just…</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjZjMTk3NmY1YzQ3ZjliNDljMzY3ODAzZTczZTlk"><strong>[Mitsune Akamiko]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Flirtingly*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Come on, cutie. Don't make me beg! Hop on in!</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzVmNjY0MWM4ZDRmZmI4MzM4YzJhMGVmZGE3ZDA5"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Nervous*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> O-okay. Uh, thanks...</span></p> <p class="cnNkMDQ4OTU4NTYzNjQ4NTBiNTA3ZTc5OWNkYmZmZTU3"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and enters the vehicle and sit's in between </span></em><strong><em>Halenday Medellon</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span></em><strong><em>Ayurielli Yamabushi </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">and is reintroduced to </span></em><strong><em>Savannah's</em></strong><em> best</em><em><span style="font-weight: 400">friends.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiYzM0MzRjNDBkOTQ4NTQ5OTNhMjEwMjkzNzU1MjYy"><strong>[Princess Savannah]: </strong><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, you know my friends, </span><strong>Ayurielli</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, </span><strong>Mitsune</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, and </span><strong>Halenday</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, right?</span></p> <p class="cnMxNGZjMTE2MTM3MzRmMWViMDdlNGU4ZmIwZjhhZjA1"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Uh, yeah... I've had a few classes with you guys since, like, the third grade. I guess we never really hit if off, though. It's finally nice to meet you guys, again.</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2I5MTY2ODMxNTRiODBiZGFlZGZkYjVhZWRhODdl"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*<strong>Lady Yamabushi</strong> as stone cold as always didn't even acknowledge <strong>Baku's </strong>presence, which did not bother or surprise him one bit. He knew the kendo master was all business and was not impressionable. She almost looked like she was meditating, the battle maiden wielding a bamboo sword used in training, tightly in her arms always ready for action.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0OWQ3ODU1YWI1NDQ0MTdiNGQ0ZmY3MTJhZDhlZjAy"><strong>[Ayurielli Yamabushi]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">.........</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTI3MDVhOTZkOTQwZWQ5YzJkNDA2ZWMzMTg5OGU4"><strong>[Mitsune Akamiko]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Flirtingly* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">The pleasure's all mine! I never met a superhero before! I am like </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">sooo </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">honored!</span></p> <p class="cnM3YWFlNDk4Y2YxYjRkZjFhYTI2ODEyMmYyYmNkZDhj"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Shyly* *Blushing* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh, uh t</span><span style="font-weight: 400">hanks, <strong>Lady Akamiko</strong>, but it’s nothing really!</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjY4ZGE1NTQzYTQ4NWRhMDc5MmIwNTAwZGQzNTgw"><strong>[Mitsune Akamiko]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Eyes gleaming* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Are you kidding me, duuude!? You’re like the </span><strong>15th World Guardian</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> ever! You’re like the biggest deal, right now! My parents can not stop talking about you!</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjYwZDExYTAxNzRjNmQ5YmQyYjBkNDY2NmExYTg0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Shyly* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Ah geez, really? I wasn’t trying to become a celebrity or anything…</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGNiZjJmZGFjODQ3MDU5YTM5MjA3OWJkZjZlYWUw"><strong>[Mitsune Akamiko]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, I hope you get used to it real soon! People are gonna adore you!</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2Y4ZDljNWYyNzQ2OTNiODFkMzc3MzQyZTNmNGU1"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Man, this suddenly became a lot to take in...</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTY2MGIxZmNlNTQ1YjZiMjlkZGYyZTIzZDEwY2I3"><strong>[Halenday Medellon]: The princess</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> is so lucky to have such a darling living in the palace with her.... </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Sigh*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I'm jealous…</span></p> <p class="cnMzMTJjOTc1NTJiOTQyN2JiYjU3ZGFmY2FiY2IyYWYz"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh, umm. Thanks, </span><strong>Master Medellon</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">. Have you always thought that way of me?</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmIxYTA0NjhmMDQ4MDQ5NDEyMmYwZTUyNzJmNTc5"><strong>[Halenday Medellon]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> In the classes we’ve had with each other over the years, </span><strong>Mr. Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">, I couldn’t help but observe how creative, intuitive, and courageous such a young boy raised from the fields truly was… It's quite inspiring...</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTBhZWNlNTUwMzQ0MDM4YThjZTFmYzljMTEwZjY2"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Seriously? You think all that about me? How could you even tell, I skip school like crazy?</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjBiYjQ5NGI0NjRlMTJhMzExMTBkMjM5N2I4OTdm"><strong>[Halenday Medellon]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> It was just a hunch at the time. But now that you’re closer to me, I would love to study you a little bit more if given the oppurtunity considering that you’re the brand new <strong>15th</strong> </span><strong>World Guardian</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">… I'm a scientist, so I would love to discover the logic behind the <strong>Holy Goddess'</strong> decision in choosing you...</span></p> <p class="cnNjN2Y1NTVhMzhjYjQ5OTdiMWQ2M2MzOTY1ZjhjZTQx"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Hm... Okay, I’ll see what I can try to do for you, <strong>Master Medellon</strong>.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDM5OTVhNWU2ZjQ3N2Q5NGRlNGZlMzZiODM1NDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>*<strong>Master Medellon</strong> was a very handsome, super genius, and even though <strong>Baku</strong> didn't really know what the royal had in mind in terms of "studying" him. It was clear that the pink haired man of class and style thought there were layers to <strong>Baku's</strong> destiny that wasn't immediately obvious to <strong>the young teen</strong>, that <strong>Halenday</strong> would not be shy in helping him discover.</em><br></span></p> <p class="cnNhZmEzY2NiZWNkNjRlMzZhZWI4NzNkZGNmMmYzOGYz"><strong>[Mitsune Akamiko]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Okay, everybody! I hope you have your seat belts on!</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDQ4MDk2NjBkNDRlMzM4OWViZmFlZWYwOTNiZjM3"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Mitsune</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> floors the vehicle and zooms down the road headed for school.</span></em></p> </div>
**Chapter 23: Get Schooled** ***(Setting: Crystal Kingdom: Royal Center- Main Road)*** ***(Scene:*** ***Baku*** ***leaves the palace with the*** ***King******)*** **[Nicolatrice Cree]:** **Smiling** I hope you have a great day at school, **Baku**! **[Baku Cree]:** **Sigh* *Smiles softly** I'll try to, **Mom**. Hey, **Crystal King**, are you ready to roll? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Yes, **World Guardian**. Let's get going, hyaa! **[Horses]:** **Nyyyiieegghh!!** ******Baku*** *and* ***King Jeremiah Cree*** *ride a chariot through the* ***Royal Center****.* **It was naturally quiet, just like any other day and eerily peaceful. Even though it was early in the morning, royals were already awake and going about their days fully dressed in all of their fancy apparel and wigs, truly what the maids back in the palace were trying to have **Nicolatrice** wear.* **Some of them were enjoying their daily walks, drinking coffee at fancy maid cafes, or headed to work at their government and administrative offices. The mornings were getting chillier everyday it got closer to the end of the month, but hopefully it'd get warmer in the afternoon once the sun finally decides to peak over the mountainside of the **Crystal Kingdom**.* **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Baku**, how do you like the **Royal Center**, so far? It's beautiful, isn't it? **[Baku Cree]:** **Sarcastically** Hm? Oh yeah, it's great... **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Are you sure? You don't seem enthralled or fascinated in the architecture. You know, being from the fields and such. **[Baku Cree]:** Oh, well you see a royal castle once, you've seen one a million times… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Hm... Did you know that the **Crystal Kingdom** was founded by the **third World Guardian** almost 350 years ago? **[Baku Cree]:** Is that so? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Knods** Mhm... His name was **King Galileo**, and he envisioned the kingdom to be a safe haven for everybody at the time he built it after his great adventure, even though he was allegedly a fairly young man. He was very kind, and everybody loved him greatly, even though nobody knew where he came from... **[Baku Cree]:** Wow, what a guy... **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** ...Hmm...? Oh well... So, where are we headed, anyways? **[Baku Cree]:** I need you to take me to **Grendar Manor**… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** The **Headmaster’s** house? What for? **[Baku Cree]:** I'll fill you in when we get there… But first, can I ask you a question, **Crystal King?** **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Of course, **Baku.** What is it? **[Baku Cree]:** How does the **Crystal Kingdom** maintain its wealth and power with the class system it has set in place? You know, with the walls and such. **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Chuckles** That’s an easy one, **Baku**. You see, the money made by the commoners and peasants through business and trading outside of these walls are taxed by us royals. Then, that money is split and used accordingly by each faction of the royal families, for example the school system and military program are run by two seperate families who designate their part of the money and resources collected in order to advance their factions contributions to the kingdom. **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Lasty, all of the funds left over are given back to the **Main City**. You know, for things like repairing, replacing, and recharging utility crystals, keeping the roads clean, distribution of wealth and property, that kind of stuff, and of course, making sure everybody is happy and content with the way things are being run by us. **[Baku Cree]:** … And what about the people out in the fields? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Hesitant** … We… Haven’t gotten to them yet… **[Baku Cree]:** … Are you being absolutely you serious, right now? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Sigh* …* I know that’s not you wanted to hear, and I’m sorry that’s my only answer… But if you knew the history of the **Crystal Kingdom**, and a lot of us don’t, by the way; I mean just look at us... We basically live in outer space thousands of miles above the planets surface… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Only then, you would understand the reasons, as to why that is… I’m sorry, **Baku.** But rest assured, all of my colleagues and advisors are working endlessly to manage and lead the developement of the countries progress so that we may one day all live perfectly amongst eachother, without the walls... **[Baku Cree]:** I hope that happens really soon, **Crystal King**… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** I do too, **Baku…** I truly, sincerely do... And I promise you, it will... **The chariot finally pulls up to* ***Grendar Manor****.* **After walking through the properties beautiful flower garden, **the*** ***Crystal King*** *knocks on the large pink front door after climbing the flight of stairs that lead to the elegant and stylish porch. After about a small minute the one who answers is* ***Master Grendar*** *himself, who was on his way to begin his work day wearing his own special uniform that was recently cleanly pressed and starched, completely free of lint and strings and was decorated with prestigous medals that signified his importance and notoriety.* **[Master Grendar]:** **Surprised** MY WORD! **LORD JEREMIAH CREE**! **bows** For what do I have the pleasure of serving your bidding? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Hello, **Master Grendar**, please stand so we may speak as equals. I have but a simple question for you today. **[Master Grendar]:** Y-yes, **my lord**! **Ahem** What may I do for you this morning? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Master**, is it true that you removed your daughter, **Lady Millia Grendar** from the **High University,** in favor of homeschooling? **[Master Grendar]:** Why yes, **my lord.**.. I felt it would be for the better for her weeks ago... Why do you ask? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** I've brought someone here who would like to speak to you… ******Baku*** *appears from behind* ***King Jeremiah.*** **[Baku Cree]:** Uhh... good day, **Master Grendar**. I trust your having a wonderful morning? **[Master Grendar]:** **Angrily** It's you again! That ruffian who was trying to deprive my daughter of her education by skipping school! What in the **Goddess’** name are you doing back here!? **My Lord**, do you know this boy and the things he’s done!? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Yes, I am fully aware, as I’ve been informed about everything that has happened between the two of you. He is my son, after all... He also has something important to say to you. Go on, **World Guardian**… Make it quick and don't waste his time. **[Baku Cree]:** **Deeply Inhales** ……… **Bows** **Master Grendar**, I apologize with all of my heart for negatively influencing your daughter’s educational habits. I promise to never repeat my mistake again and beg of you to please allow **Lady Millia's** return to the **High Universities** school program... please… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Master Grendar**, after hearing this, may you please consider accepting **Baku's** apology and rethinking your decisions? **[Master Grendar]:** ......... **Sigh** ... Lately, I have noticed that my daughter has changed, since I removed her from the **High University**... adversely...I did it because I was confident that it would bring her back to the mindset that her education is important and shouldn't be undermined... But I failed to realize the possible consequences of how my actions would affect her own self... She barely even speaks to anybody at the dinner table... **[Baku Cree]:** Sooo... You'll let her comeback? **[Master Grendar]:** I could... Under one condition… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** What is it, **Isaac**? **[Master Grendar]:** You see, **my lord**. **Baku** has quite a reputation in the **Crystal Kingdom's High University**... And not a great one... **[Baku Cree]:** **Ugh** … **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Hm. I see, so what is it that **Baku** must do to satisfy your conditions? **[Master Grendar]:** My challenge to you, **Baku**, is that I want you to increase all of your grades to passing in time for the Mid-Term Examinations... **Without skipping a single day or core class**… **[Baku Cree]:** **Uggghhh** ...... **Thinking to himself** Damn it, I don’t care about going to school… It’s my grades that are still crappy… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Very well then, it shall be done. Do you understand all of this, **Baku**? This is your challenge from **Master Grendar** if you want your little friend back. **[Baku Cree]:** **cough* *cough** Yes, and do you promise to let **Lady Millia** return to the **High University** when I succeed? **[Master Grendar]:** Yes, you have my word, young man. However… If you do fail my challenge, then it will only stand to be the truth that **Lady Millia** shall remain to be homeschooled, because of your mistake, regardless of your new status of royalty... **[Baku Cree]:** **Confidently** Okay! Then I'll do it, and I swear you can bet on it, too! **[Master Grendar]:** **Hmph** We shall see… **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Excellent, thank you for your time **Isaac.** I wish you have a great rest of your day. We shall be taking our leave, now… Come, **World Guardian**. **[Baku Cree]:** **Knods** Hm... ******Baku*** *and the* ***Crystal King*** *leave* ***Grendar Manor*** *reboarding the royal chariot continuing their way down the main road.* **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** **Baku**, now that you understand what you must do. I want you to acquire a note of your current grades so we may decide what we must work on. Unfortunately, this just adds onto what we have to complete before you depart the kingdom. So, we have to crunch time on somethings so you can focus on your grades. That being said, have a nice day at school, son. **[Baku Cree]:** Uhh... Thanks, **king**...? **[King Jeremiah Cree]:** Please... **Smiling** Feel free to call me dad. **[Baku Cree]:** **Nervous* *Embarrassed** Uhh... I don't think so...? ****The*** ***king*** *laughs and* *rides off headed for the **Royal Palace** and* ***Baku*** *makes his way toward the **High University**.* **[Baku Cree]:** **Thinking to himself* *Sigh** … Damn it, how the hell am I gonna cheese my way outta this one… I know all my grades suck… But only in the classes that I suck in… Which I hate because they suck! Maybe I should start staying after school… Or maybe find a study group… But that requires making friends who want to study, and I know **Barrtio** and **Finn** won’t do that… **Ugh** What the hell am I gonna do!? **Suddenly, a speeding hot pink car blasting pop music zooms past him.* ****VRRROOOMMM!!!!*** **[Baku Cree]:** **Surprised** Wh-what the hell was that!? ****SCEERRR!!!*** **The car then stops and reverses. When it reaches him,* ***Baku*** *sees **Princess*** ***Savannah*** *and her group of friends in the vehicle, with* ***Mitsune Akamiko*** *in the driver’s seat whose long blonde hair danced in the wind. She was wearing rose gold shades that she lowered to check him out. The beautiful and wealthy royal smiled.* **[Princess Savannah]:** **Smiling** Hey, **little bro**! Are you walking? Don't you want a ride to school? **[Baku Cree]:** **Nervous** O-oh, I-I was j-just… **[Mitsune Akamiko]:** **Flirtingly** Come on, cutie. Don't make me beg! Hop on in! **[Baku Cree]:** **Nervous** O-okay. Uh, thanks... ******Baku*** *and enters the vehicle and sit's in between* ***Halenday Medellon*** *and* ***Ayurielli Yamabushi*** *and is reintroduced to* ***Savannah's*** *best**friends.* **[Princess Savannah]:** **Baku**, you know my friends, **Ayurielli**, **Mitsune**, and **Halenday**, right? **[Baku Cree]:** Uh, yeah... I've had a few classes with you guys since, like, the third grade. I guess we never really hit if off, though. It's finally nice to meet you guys, again. ****Lady Yamabushi** as stone cold as always didn't even acknowledge **Baku's** presence, which did not bother or surprise him one bit. He knew the kendo master was all business and was not impressionable. She almost looked like she was meditating, the battle maiden wielding a bamboo sword used in training, tightly in her arms always ready for action.* **[Ayurielli Yamabushi]:** ......... **[Mitsune Akamiko]:** **Flirtingly** The pleasure's all mine! I never met a superhero before! I am like *sooo* honored! **[Baku Cree]:** **Shyly* *Blushing** Oh, uh thanks, **Lady Akamiko**, but it’s nothing really! **[Mitsune Akamiko]:** **Eyes gleaming** Are you kidding me, duuude!? You’re like the **15th World Guardian** ever! You’re like the biggest deal, right now! My parents can not stop talking about you! **[Baku Cree]:** **Shyly** Ah geez, really? I wasn’t trying to become a celebrity or anything… **[Mitsune Akamiko]:** Well, I hope you get used to it real soon! People are gonna adore you! **[Baku Cree]:** Man, this suddenly became a lot to take in... **[Halenday Medellon]: The princess** is so lucky to have such a darling living in the palace with her.... **Sigh** I'm jealous… **[Baku Cree]:** Oh, umm. Thanks, **Master Medellon**. Have you always thought that way of me? **[Halenday Medellon]:** In the classes we’ve had with each other over the years, **Mr. Baku**, I couldn’t help but observe how creative, intuitive, and courageous such a young boy raised from the fields truly was… It's quite inspiring... **[Baku Cree]:** Seriously? You think all that about me? How could you even tell, I skip school like crazy? **[Halenday Medellon]:** It was just a hunch at the time. But now that you’re closer to me, I would love to study you a little bit more if given the oppurtunity considering that you’re the brand new **15th** **World Guardian**… I'm a scientist, so I would love to discover the logic behind the **Holy Goddess'** decision in choosing you... **[Baku Cree]:** Hm... Okay, I’ll see what I can try to do for you, **Master Medellon**. ****Master Medellon** was a very handsome, super genius, and even though **Baku** didn't really know what the royal had in mind in terms of "studying" him. It was clear that the pink haired man of class and style thought there were layers to **Baku's** destiny that wasn't immediately obvious to **the young teen**, that **Halenday** would not be shy in helping him discover.* **[Mitsune Akamiko]:** Okay, everybody! I hope you have your seat belts on! ******Mitsune*** *floors the vehicle and zooms down the road headed for school.*
{ "title": "Silver Amelia", "id": 13286, "author": "Feirut", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 91: Virtual and Reality 7", "id": 305882, "next": 307863, "prev": 298535, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3MTc5NWZjNWM1NTQyNzViNTZjNmQ1NWM5YWE4NGNh">A loud bang resounded within the room which resembled Auguste’s broiling emotions. His face twisted in anger and disbelief, scanned once more the reports beside his fist. Amelia was yet to be found. Traces were hardly visible. Nonetheless, the report, though failed to trace Amelia’s whereabouts, helped in narrowing down the possible options of escape the suspects used.</p> <p class="cnM0NTZmODViY2ZmODQxOTI4MGE4ZWNiNWYzODNmMGZl">“They arrived from the port,” Diane concluded, a sour expression plastered on her face.</p> <p class="cnM3YWE4YTU1ZjkyODRhMGY4NWE1MTcxZDY3ZDg2YTc5">It has been two days since Amelia went missing and it has left Diane and Auguste deeply concerned. A Royalty could be used as a bargaining chip when it comes to foreign discussions, but they were more concerned with Amelia’s well-being.</p> <p class="cnM1YTZiZGM5MTQ2ZjQ1MDU5NjdjODJkOTRjZmQ4M2Y5">“Has anyone found any suspicious vessels docked in the port that day?” Auguste’s sights remained on the reports. He wished not to let Diane see what expression he wore, though he believed she knew.</p> <p class="cnMwNDAyMjY3NDZjZDQyYTk5NDQ3OGZmYTFmM2IyM2Jk">“None.” Diane shook her head in exasperation. “All the ships docked were reserved months ago—at least that was what the records we have on hand say. If our conclusion held water, then someone who had connections with the merchants had a hand in this.”</p> <p class="cnMxZDJhMGZkOTEwNTQ1YTBiYjAwMjU1NjhjYTNmNDFm">“We’ll recall the soldiers outside Aves. We’ll have them head to the east.”</p> <p class="cnM0YTNjZjZjN2IzNDQ1Y2NhOWQzYWZlZDFmMjVkNjky">Since Amelia was reported missing, soldiers in small numbers were dispatched all around Aves and its vicinity. Receiving Kanna’s help, the perimeter around Aves was considerably widened.</p> <p class="cnNkNzE4ZjI2M2EyODQyNDk4NWMxN2EyMmU4ZmQxY2Yx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMTM1OTk4MDMyMTQ0Yzc5MTRjNGNlODA5MzQ1MDM1">“Auguste, don’t work yourself too much. You don’t have to carry all the blame.”</p> <p class="cnNkMjY4NGJhYTM1OTQ0MjlhMjRiZjYyMDBiNDMxYjQy">Auguste gritted his teeth. “No. I’m partly at fault. I’ve isolated her from her original guards.”</p> <p class="cnNlMjEwNzZhYWVmYzRlMDg4ODczYTkwNTI5MTE3MzVk">“Auguste…” Diane approached Auguste from the side. Lifting her hand, she consoled Auguste as she slid her hand on his back. “Everything will turn out well.”</p> <p class="cnM4NWYzNmFmMDEzNTRjYzBiNWNiZjRkNGM2MDVlYzJj">“I’ve only wanted to keep her away from harm, Diane.”</p> <p class="cnMwYjVlZTIxOTIwZTQ1ZGFhNGU5M2E4ZTY3NmIzYWZh">“I know. I know it very well.”</p> <p class="cnM0NzlhNzgxMDNhNjQ1OTFiNDIxMGQwNDc1NWM5N2Ji">“This is the second time around. I’ve failed to keep her safe.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzQ3NzM4OTM3MzQ1ZDlhYzIzYmIwNGRlZDM4MTA1">“…”</p> <p class="cnNkYjdiNjgyYzNjMDQ3MDFhODY1YWEyMTZiZTE5MGFh">“A king who can’t even protect his daughter, pathetic.”</p> <p class="cnMxNjhjZDRhN2Y4ZTRkZTM5MDVjZjQyZjA5MGIxNTJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MzBlMjk2NDc0NDQwZTRiN2I4ZDQ4NGU4MmZjZWI4">…</p> <p class="cnM0YjQwMGY0N2RhZTQ0NjE5Zjc1YTk4OGJlMTNkNTVi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMDcyNzVmN2Y5NzRlM2RhNTM5MDFmMmMwY2MxYTdj">“Uwaa—aah!” Kanna stretched her arms as she yawned. She slapped her cheeks and shook her head. “This is enough.”</p> <p class="cnM1MDAwMzIzZmRhNjRhOGE5NTdlODFlNzk5NTliOTkx">Bags hung underneath her eyes—a mark of her unending nightmare.</p> <p class="cnMwMGQzNDEyNDU1YjQxODY4MzkwMTQ0M2NiOGYyYTg5">Lifting her legs from the bed, she skillfully slid her feet into her boots. In a flash, a knot was fastened on her boots. Once standing, she swept a leather vest hanging beside the bed.</p> <p class="cnMxNTJlNmUzMDY5MjQ0NjI4MDU3N2Y4MmU5ZmE3MjE4">“I hope Birby had enough rest…” With quick steps, Kanna approached the door.</p> <p class="cnMzMjA2Yjg4OWJhMTRlYzBhZjMwY2I1MTRlZGZiMzhk">Upon turning the knob, a usual comment came out of Kanna’s lips. “You’re getting annoying.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWExNjRkZDkyOTQwZmY5OWFmOGI0ODAxNTc2OWMz">“I could say the same.”</p> <p class="cnMwODhkYjE1MTg4ODRjMTRhMTZhMjc1NTI3Y2I0NWY1">The person before Kanna wore a similar set of bags. However, for a Princess, it was far from commonplace.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGQyZWNmOTEwNDQ4ZjViZDNiYzFkZjg1NTI4MWQy">“Can you please not bother me like this, Clarissa?” A tone of respect has completely vanished from Kanna. However, knowing the situation herself, Clarissa understood.</p> <p class="cnNhZTU2ODFjZGE4YjQxMWVhMjEwZWNmOTA2Yjk3YjYz">“I’ve told you, I won’t rest if you don’t.”</p> <p class="cnMxNWRkY2JjNWE5NDQ2NmFhNWUxYjc0ZmI5YTE2NzFi">“That doesn’t mean you should ambush me before I even leave the room. And I think you have larger bags than me, you know? So go and sleep. It’s not common for Princesses to stay awake—unlike me who is both a tamer and a hunter.”</p> <p class="cnNkMGI3M2Y4OWYyYTRjMWNiYjU3ZTEwYzExZWU4NGJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNWQ2YTkxZThjNTQwMDdiYWRkMmY4N2UwNTUzNjdh">“Then I guess you can call me a hunter too? I hunt those who don’t give themselves a proper rest.”</p> <p class="cnNiMGFjZTA2NTEzYjRmODA5MDZmMjcwOGI3ZjA1YjE4">“I can’t believe you’re not hunting yourself.”</p> <p class="cnM0YTA0OWRjMWM4MjQzMjA4Y2FlNTllMGEyMzE2ZGY4">“Anyway, since I haven’t had a proper rest, then you too haven’t had a proper rest.”</p> <p class="cnM3YTQ5MjZhNjMxZjRkYjM5YTU2MjdlMjkwMGJkMTkw">“No. I’m sure I had a proper rest compared to you.”</p> <p class="cnM3NDRkMjdhZDgwMTQ0YTVhMmNlYWE5MmJjZDVkMTA3">“Those circles says otherwise.”</p> <p class="cnMzY2YzYWRkOTBjYTQzNjBiYzQyOTdlNDE0ODI4ZDJh">“Tsk.” Kanna expressed a frown. “Clarissa, please, let this issue rest. Unlike you, I’m used to having a varying length of sleep. It’s pretty common us from the Tribe whenever we are tasked to take lookout and scouting duties.”</p> <p class="cnMyNDYyNzk3MmYyOTQ2ZjNiNzEwMTg0OTM0ZDVjZWI3">“Still, I refuse. You’ve been swaying as you walk yesterday. You need rest, or you’re bound to miss small details regarding Amelia’s whereabouts.”</p> <p class="cnMyMDUzNzdlMTJiOTRlNzE4YjU4YjZjZjkzNTNlY2M2">Kanna clicked her tongue once more. “Just where are those people tasked to keep you in check?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDA4NDY5MGYzYzQwMTJiODNiOGJkMzg2NmFjNDgz">“They fell asleep.” A light, proud smile was etched on Clarissa’s face. “Guess they can’t beat my will.”</p> <p class="cnNlZjE3NDBkMjgyMzQyNTY4ZDcxNDBhMjk1MjEzNDY5">“Your will to what?” Kanna was taken aback. She never knew someone would be proud of staying awake more than her servants. “Nevertheless, you’re the one who needs sleep.”</p> <p class="cnMwNzE3MDFmZTM0MzQ3MTM4NjA4YmRjZjlkOTRhNTFh">“I will.” Clarissa nodded. “But I wanted you to know this before I take a rest.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZWYzMDZiOWQ3ZTRlM2U5M2U1NTU3YWZkYTM0NWRm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjODQ1YzIxN2Q3NTRmYTY4ODk0NjhmMDJkNDBmMWNh">Kana grimaced. “Please hurry up. I need to look for Amelia.”</p> <p class="cnMwZDc2NmU1ODIyYTQ1NmI4MjhlZmFhOTNiY2RhZjdm">“It’s not your fault. Don’t kill yourself over it. Else, Amelia would be saddened by your state when she comes back. So don’t push yourself and that wyvern too much.”</p> <p class="cnMwZWY3MjQ4MTYwMzRjZGViNmQ0M2E1YTUzODhiODk3">“Is that all?” Kanna was puzzled. She expected Clarissa to keep on blabbering to keep her from leaving the palace.</p> <p class="cnNjOTM0MzM1NGQ4NTQzZTZiOWFjMmRmZGVhNjcwMmMy">“Yes. That is all I wanted to say.”</p> <p class="cnMwNTE5NzRlYzZlYTQ4NWRhMzZhMGRhNzQxZGI0NDU3">Kanna’s expression softened. “Well, then, thanks.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDkzNDViMjc3MDRlMWU5NjM0NzJjODI1NWVhYzVi">Kanna no longer bothered. All that matters to her was to find Amelia. She even failed to notice Clarissa sliding down the wall, holding her chest hard-pressed for air.</p> <p class="cnNiNWZkYWJjMGU2OTQ1MzliMmY1ZWQ1YWI1MzIxYzM5">“Not resting… sure is hard.”</p> <p class="cnMwMDQxNmIxOWU5YTRlZGQ5YTcwNGMyOWIyYmNiZWY0">Not a wink of sleep. Clarissa forced herself to stay awake in order to impede Kanna and force her to rest. Since she did not know when would Kanna wake and start searching for Amelia, she remained at Kanna’s doorstep. As a result, every time Kanna opens the door, Clarissa would always welcome her like some sort of nightmare.</p> <p class="cnM0MWM4Y2E0NGQ2NzQ2ZWNhOWU2ZWViY2IyYTI2NjNi">“You did great. This time, you’re the one who needs to rest.” Argent slid his hands underneath Clarissa’s knees and back. “But I guess you’re already are resting.”</p> <p class="cnNiNDZhNTg1MDcyNDRkOWZhMDExY2MwZDM5ZWM3NDI4">Argent was originally against Clarissa’s idea to force Kanna to rest. However, due to the indignance Clarissa was expressing, Argent gave in and supported her.</p> <p class="cnM4NTZlYzA0ZTU2ZjQ3NjNiNzNiMjMzYzllOGRmYjkz">“Everything is moving because of you. At least consider what is happening around here, sister.” Opposite the direction from where Kanna took off, Argent carried Clarissa.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjQ5YThkMzZlZjQwMDZiOWMwNDNlYzU2MmY4YzM4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxM2ViODA5MDE2OTQ1M2Q4YTIxOGY5NDUwMDQyZGMw">…</p> <p class="cnM2MWZlYWUwMjIxYjRjY2E4YzVjY2VlMTJiZTQ0MmY5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjOTBiYzc0NzM4ZDQyNzY4NzEyNTE0YTI0MmM0ZTk4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjY2Y3NWVlYWMwZjRkZmM4ZGMyNGE2YzA1NjFmYjEy">“You’re sick.”</p> <p class="cnMyYzRhMzE5MDNmZjQ1NjM4MDM4MTA3YzIxMGFhNDI0">“Maybe so?”</p> <p class="cnM0Y2I0MjU4YWE3MDQyODU5OTA1NGY0OWM4MmQ0OTMx"><em>Ahh… Since when did I become like this?</em> I could have just ended everything. I was confident. I felt like I could win her by force. However, despite what I believed was what I would do given the situation, I was not able to act on it. I was at an impasse, contrary to what my reactions expressed.</p> <p class="cnMxZTEwYTllMWQxYzQzNTViNTc0MGNiMWRiZDEwMmRm"><em>She does not deserve this treatment. She’s an enemy—a terrorist who tried to tarnish the ties between Brent and Laurel.</em></p> <p class="cnM0ZDc4YjY2OGUwZTQ2ODNiZTVhNzZmYTdmNGNmNmZk">A number had died with the first encounter with Evelyn. Even so, it was a battle. They were guards. They faced an enemy far above what they could handle. It was logical that they were defeated, that they died. And as what their job entailed, it was normal for them to die in battle. If nothing, it was simply a sad fate. Nothing more, nothing less.</p> <p class="cnMxYjE3MDkwNWY5OTRjNzQ4ZTE1Zjk2YWZmMGRmNjZl">Nonetheless, I believed they deserved a burial, or at least their mementos returned to their respective family.</p> <p class="cnNmOTZjZTVjYTE0ZDRhYmRiMmQ5NzEzYWEzYTcwZTE2"><em>But I need to know more. And if possible, delay the impending battle.</em></p> <p class="cnM5Mjk3NzcwN2QwZDQ3ZWI5MzhhNDBhNGE3ZTk2MmQ1">Frankly, I could hardly believe the time limit Celes gave me. Though it was safe to assume that it could happen within that time frame, I could not rely on it. I could not trust it. Because I for one knew that situations kept on changing. The truth today, may not be the truth tomorrow.</p> <p class="cnNjOGMzOTUzZjBjYjQxNjJhNTdlZWFlNzYxMzUwNzgy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YmZmNGZjZTJiMjRkNDViOGQxM2UyMGVkOWU2NzNj">In the first place, Celes never told me the reason behind the three-month limit. She did tell me that she was tricking the Angels by impersonating the one I had killed. But why three months? Given what I knew about Celes, I believed she could trick the Angels for all eternity if she wanted. The only reason I had arrived at, is that <em>something</em> will happen that would disable Celes’s trick—or I was simply overthinking things and Celes only wanted me not to rely on her much? Honestly, I had no idea, I believed it leaned more towards that event rather than a whim.</p> <p class="cnNiNTYwYjMyZmQ1NzRmY2E4MzMyNzZiMmRmZmExNTEy">The problem was <em>how</em> that something would occur or arrive.</p> <p class="cnMyZWQ2M2RiNTJkNzRkMDJiM2QyZjQwNDc1MzBlNjI5">“I could give you what you wanted, but of course, <em>slightly</em> different from what you requested. However, it’s still up to you to decide. In any case, the night is long, but the waves won’t stop whispering into your ears until you decided.”</p> <p class="cnM2MGEwYTFlODcxZDQ1MGE4NGM1Y2M0NzY1N2MzZTRi">Evelyn clicked her tongue. Her eyes were drawn to the necklace peeking between my legs. It was in plain sight—her eyes quivering in hesitation, her lips bit in indecision.</p> <p class="cnNjNDI4NGZjOTE5NDRmYWY4ODc4YTc3MDFlNTUyOGQz"><em>I’ll have you spill everything.</em></p> <p class="cnMwYzA0YzFiNTJmNzRmOTZiNDQ4OGVmNzY1NjllMjBm">Aside from the Angels, Celes’s actions bothered me. Or if must say, I was curious about what she was doing. Besides, I was a being like Celes. A day might arrive where the need for me to do what she does arises. That was one thing I could not rule out. However, it was doubtful when I could do such, or if it was even possible for me—an incomplete being.</p> <p class="cnNlMGM2MzZlNGJkODQ5NDdiNGIxMjU2ZDJjZTgxNDlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZWE0OTMxN2RiMzRiOTI4NmMwZjk0ZDM3ZDIwMTQ1">Evelyn kept her silence as I observed.</p> <p class="cnM2MmQzODUwZjE3MzRiNDFiNTVmMTliMDlkMDVmZjEz"><em>I can keep this up without sleep, but how long could she last?</em></p> <p class="cnM1MGMwMjg4MjFkYTRlOTQ4NzY5ZDQzOTgzMjZlYTg4">I had caught a glimpse of the silhouette of the volcanic island recently. However, since Evelyn has yet to answer my demands, I refrained from propelling the boat.</p> <p class="cnMwZGY5YWI1NmI5NjRjZTZhMDlkZWVkYzJlZDFmZDli">“I’ll take a nap. Maybe I can think better afterward.” Evelyn pressed her forehead on her knees.</p> <p class="cnNlN2Q1MWU0ZWYwOTQzMTM4NmQxNTg2OGRkNmU2NDFl">“Really? A nap? Now? Aren’t you afraid of falling to the sea?”</p> <p class="cnNiM2ZlMThkZWUxODQ5NmViZjhjMjEwYWU4ODk0MTUx">“…”</p> <p class="cnMxZGM0MzUwYzVkOTQyZDViMmM4ZmZiYTA4OTY5YmE2">“Haah… So be it.”</p> <p class="cnM4NTFkYTkxZjAxODQ2MjQ5NWFjYWE3MGNhNGE1ZTZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMmJlYWM4ZDFhYTQyM2I4OTUzZWRiYWEzNTdjOTA5">…</p> <p class="cnM4NDFmNWZkMDk5MjQxMjFiNjU4OWFlNzRkMGU2OWNi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MDYyMWYwMjNkMjRiOTBhODMwMTNmMGM3YjgyNGI2">“AAAAAHHHH! Just what in the hell did I just got into!” Evelyn stomped her feet as she walked out of a capsule. Her hands curled into a fist, she hit her bed just across the capsule. After a round or two of hitting her bed, she threw herself onto it face-first.</p> <p class="cnNmMzM1ZGU2ZmQ4YjQyOTI5YzUxMjdiNGFhOWY0Nzg4">Muffled by the sheets, Evelyn said, “I have to formulate a plan or two. I need to get out this. But which? Which combination of items would get me out of that alive?”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWMyNWE1NWRkMTQwN2VhOGI4MjlmOTBmYzYyNmMz">Intuitively, Evelyn reached out to a small cube with a round protrusion on the top. “Let’s see. What items did I have in store again?”</p> <p class="cnM3YjkzZWI3YTkyOTQ3MDNhMWVkZThkMzY3NWE0YzQ2">After a quick tap on the cube’s sides, a holographic menu revealed itself. It was a device paired with her Virtual Capsule to check her character’s status.</p> <p class="cnNiZjY1Y2JlYTI2NzQ0NGFiMzA3MTEzNzU0MzdhYjg4">“Let’s see… I have lost about 87 arrows, but I gained a few more armors and weapons. Their quality is a lot better than what I got from the Nobles. Well, their partly ceremonial armors anyway, so that should be expected.”</p> <p class="cnNjZmRlMGVjYzE5ZjRiY2Y5Y2FhOWUxYTY2Y2MxMGIw">“And there’s the gunpowder. I never thought I’d see this one from Dwight’s house. But I guess it’s not as popular as I thought it would be. And I didn’t see any guns or canons around. Maybe they really did stop exploring this thing.”</p> <p class="cnM1YTA0M2ZmNjUzNDQ3MzI4OWFiMGVhNTczMjRkYTRm"><em>Wait, maybe I can take advantage of it? But a gun huh. How does it even work? And the mechanisms… And if it’s manufacturing the parts, I better get those specialized shards from Academia. Wait, now is not the time to think about this!</em></p> <p class="cnNlMTY3ZTY1NDM2ZTRmYzFhNzQyMTFiMjBhOTExNmQy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMTM3ODVjNDRiMzRmYjRiY2Q5MzMyYmM0N2RmMGM0">Soon her stomach started to grumble. “Right. Now that I remember Amelia’s words, I have to eat. At least here I can fill my stomach.”</p> <p class="cnM0YmU5ZjFmYzE1ODRmNTU4Mzc5MWU1OWJkM2ZmYTM1">Evelyn’s feet took her to a small fridge in the same room. After a while of tapping her feet and staring at the contents of the fridge, Evelyn decided to take the milk out. She then took a bowl and a cereal box from a nearby cabinet.</p> <p class="cnMyNGZiODA3OTA1YzQzY2I5Njg2Yjk4MWQxMzc5NGI3">More or less, the room was a simple studio flat painted mainly in white.</p> <p class="cnMzNjNiMjEyMTI1MDRkZTc5NDA4NDg3MjVmYTVlYmUw">Seated, a bowl filled with cereal and milk, Evelyn swung her feet as she viewed the outside through the balcony. “This really suits my needs.”</p> <p class="cnM2M2Y2ZTY1NmE1MzQ0NTliMThmYjI2MDVkZjViOTQ4">As a lab rat since birth, Evelyn has proven herself to be a great source of information for researchers. Through that, she earned the right to select a quarter of her own, though limited to the organization’s partners.</p> <p class="cnMzNDljZDhlYzU0YjRlNzhhYzVmNDAxY2I2MmQzMGYx">“Let’s review once more.” Evelyn placed the cube on the table. She skimmed through her item list as she ate. “I don’t have many scrolls left. And the shards I have are useless on the sea. Boulders won’t do anything to her either.”</p> <p class="cnM1MzhmZDgyZjIwMTQ3Y2VhZDJhMDZhYTE1MDQ5YzEz">“But what if I accepted the terms? Would it really be that bad? No, she’ll probably use me as soon as we reached the island. Her surrendering with those abilities… she probably was aiming to lynch us.”</p> <p class="cnMxMTkyOTAzYzJlOTQ1NmVhNWQ1N2IxYzJkZDc0ZjVh">Evelyn sighed.</p> <p class="cnM0ZWMwYmUwM2M0NzQ5YzI4ZmU2NDRhNTE1Mjk1YTJh">“I knew she was bad news, but not this much. But if we retreated immediately from before, things might have not gone this bad…” Evelyn shook her head. “No. The Queen will probably doubt my abilities if I failed to present anything. Failing to capture a powerless princess… I guess that’s quite harsh to accept.”</p> <p class="cnNmMjk1NWM1N2RkYjQ5MzFhOTM4MzRiMDY5NjgwZDYy">Evelyn munched and crunched her Cereal. “Now, how should I go about this.”</p> </div>
A loud bang resounded within the room which resembled Auguste’s broiling emotions. His face twisted in anger and disbelief, scanned once more the reports beside his fist. Amelia was yet to be found. Traces were hardly visible. Nonetheless, the report, though failed to trace Amelia’s whereabouts, helped in narrowing down the possible options of escape the suspects used. “They arrived from the port,” Diane concluded, a sour expression plastered on her face. It has been two days since Amelia went missing and it has left Diane and Auguste deeply concerned. A Royalty could be used as a bargaining chip when it comes to foreign discussions, but they were more concerned with Amelia’s well-being. “Has anyone found any suspicious vessels docked in the port that day?” Auguste’s sights remained on the reports. He wished not to let Diane see what expression he wore, though he believed she knew. “None.” Diane shook her head in exasperation. “All the ships docked were reserved months ago—at least that was what the records we have on hand say. If our conclusion held water, then someone who had connections with the merchants had a hand in this.” “We’ll recall the soldiers outside Aves. We’ll have them head to the east.” Since Amelia was reported missing, soldiers in small numbers were dispatched all around Aves and its vicinity. Receiving Kanna’s help, the perimeter around Aves was considerably widened.   “Auguste, don’t work yourself too much. You don’t have to carry all the blame.” Auguste gritted his teeth. “No. I’m partly at fault. I’ve isolated her from her original guards.” “Auguste…” Diane approached Auguste from the side. Lifting her hand, she consoled Auguste as she slid her hand on his back. “Everything will turn out well.” “I’ve only wanted to keep her away from harm, Diane.” “I know. I know it very well.” “This is the second time around. I’ve failed to keep her safe.” “…” “A king who can’t even protect his daughter, pathetic.”   …   “Uwaa—aah!” Kanna stretched her arms as she yawned. She slapped her cheeks and shook her head. “This is enough.” Bags hung underneath her eyes—a mark of her unending nightmare. Lifting her legs from the bed, she skillfully slid her feet into her boots. In a flash, a knot was fastened on her boots. Once standing, she swept a leather vest hanging beside the bed. “I hope Birby had enough rest…” With quick steps, Kanna approached the door. Upon turning the knob, a usual comment came out of Kanna’s lips. “You’re getting annoying.” “I could say the same.” The person before Kanna wore a similar set of bags. However, for a Princess, it was far from commonplace. “Can you please not bother me like this, Clarissa?” A tone of respect has completely vanished from Kanna. However, knowing the situation herself, Clarissa understood. “I’ve told you, I won’t rest if you don’t.” “That doesn’t mean you should ambush me before I even leave the room. And I think you have larger bags than me, you know? So go and sleep. It’s not common for Princesses to stay awake—unlike me who is both a tamer and a hunter.”   “Then I guess you can call me a hunter too? I hunt those who don’t give themselves a proper rest.” “I can’t believe you’re not hunting yourself.” “Anyway, since I haven’t had a proper rest, then you too haven’t had a proper rest.” “No. I’m sure I had a proper rest compared to you.” “Those circles says otherwise.” “Tsk.” Kanna expressed a frown. “Clarissa, please, let this issue rest. Unlike you, I’m used to having a varying length of sleep. It’s pretty common us from the Tribe whenever we are tasked to take lookout and scouting duties.” “Still, I refuse. You’ve been swaying as you walk yesterday. You need rest, or you’re bound to miss small details regarding Amelia’s whereabouts.” Kanna clicked her tongue once more. “Just where are those people tasked to keep you in check?” “They fell asleep.” A light, proud smile was etched on Clarissa’s face. “Guess they can’t beat my will.” “Your will to what?” Kanna was taken aback. She never knew someone would be proud of staying awake more than her servants. “Nevertheless, you’re the one who needs sleep.” “I will.” Clarissa nodded. “But I wanted you to know this before I take a rest.”   Kana grimaced. “Please hurry up. I need to look for Amelia.” “It’s not your fault. Don’t kill yourself over it. Else, Amelia would be saddened by your state when she comes back. So don’t push yourself and that wyvern too much.” “Is that all?” Kanna was puzzled. She expected Clarissa to keep on blabbering to keep her from leaving the palace. “Yes. That is all I wanted to say.” Kanna’s expression softened. “Well, then, thanks.” Kanna no longer bothered. All that matters to her was to find Amelia. She even failed to notice Clarissa sliding down the wall, holding her chest hard-pressed for air. “Not resting… sure is hard.” Not a wink of sleep. Clarissa forced herself to stay awake in order to impede Kanna and force her to rest. Since she did not know when would Kanna wake and start searching for Amelia, she remained at Kanna’s doorstep. As a result, every time Kanna opens the door, Clarissa would always welcome her like some sort of nightmare. “You did great. This time, you’re the one who needs to rest.” Argent slid his hands underneath Clarissa’s knees and back. “But I guess you’re already are resting.” Argent was originally against Clarissa’s idea to force Kanna to rest. However, due to the indignance Clarissa was expressing, Argent gave in and supported her. “Everything is moving because of you. At least consider what is happening around here, sister.” Opposite the direction from where Kanna took off, Argent carried Clarissa.   …     “You’re sick.” “Maybe so?” *Ahh… Since when did I become like this?* I could have just ended everything. I was confident. I felt like I could win her by force. However, despite what I believed was what I would do given the situation, I was not able to act on it. I was at an impasse, contrary to what my reactions expressed. *She does not deserve this treatment. She’s an enemy—a terrorist who tried to tarnish the ties between Brent and Laurel.* A number had died with the first encounter with Evelyn. Even so, it was a battle. They were guards. They faced an enemy far above what they could handle. It was logical that they were defeated, that they died. And as what their job entailed, it was normal for them to die in battle. If nothing, it was simply a sad fate. Nothing more, nothing less. Nonetheless, I believed they deserved a burial, or at least their mementos returned to their respective family. *But I need to know more. And if possible, delay the impending battle.* Frankly, I could hardly believe the time limit Celes gave me. Though it was safe to assume that it could happen within that time frame, I could not rely on it. I could not trust it. Because I for one knew that situations kept on changing. The truth today, may not be the truth tomorrow.   In the first place, Celes never told me the reason behind the three-month limit. She did tell me that she was tricking the Angels by impersonating the one I had killed. But why three months? Given what I knew about Celes, I believed she could trick the Angels for all eternity if she wanted. The only reason I had arrived at, is that *something* will happen that would disable Celes’s trick—or I was simply overthinking things and Celes only wanted me not to rely on her much? Honestly, I had no idea, I believed it leaned more towards that event rather than a whim. The problem was *how* that something would occur or arrive. “I could give you what you wanted, but of course, *slightly* different from what you requested. However, it’s still up to you to decide. In any case, the night is long, but the waves won’t stop whispering into your ears until you decided.” Evelyn clicked her tongue. Her eyes were drawn to the necklace peeking between my legs. It was in plain sight—her eyes quivering in hesitation, her lips bit in indecision. *I’ll have you spill everything.* Aside from the Angels, Celes’s actions bothered me. Or if must say, I was curious about what she was doing. Besides, I was a being like Celes. A day might arrive where the need for me to do what she does arises. That was one thing I could not rule out. However, it was doubtful when I could do such, or if it was even possible for me—an incomplete being.   Evelyn kept her silence as I observed. *I can keep this up without sleep, but how long could she last?* I had caught a glimpse of the silhouette of the volcanic island recently. However, since Evelyn has yet to answer my demands, I refrained from propelling the boat. “I’ll take a nap. Maybe I can think better afterward.” Evelyn pressed her forehead on her knees. “Really? A nap? Now? Aren’t you afraid of falling to the sea?” “…” “Haah… So be it.”   …   “AAAAAHHHH! Just what in the hell did I just got into!” Evelyn stomped her feet as she walked out of a capsule. Her hands curled into a fist, she hit her bed just across the capsule. After a round or two of hitting her bed, she threw herself onto it face-first. Muffled by the sheets, Evelyn said, “I have to formulate a plan or two. I need to get out this. But which? Which combination of items would get me out of that alive?” Intuitively, Evelyn reached out to a small cube with a round protrusion on the top. “Let’s see. What items did I have in store again?” After a quick tap on the cube’s sides, a holographic menu revealed itself. It was a device paired with her Virtual Capsule to check her character’s status. “Let’s see… I have lost about 87 arrows, but I gained a few more armors and weapons. Their quality is a lot better than what I got from the Nobles. Well, their partly ceremonial armors anyway, so that should be expected.” “And there’s the gunpowder. I never thought I’d see this one from Dwight’s house. But I guess it’s not as popular as I thought it would be. And I didn’t see any guns or canons around. Maybe they really did stop exploring this thing.” *Wait, maybe I can take advantage of it? But a gun huh. How does it even work? And the mechanisms… And if it’s manufacturing the parts, I better get those specialized shards from Academia. Wait, now is not the time to think about this!*   Soon her stomach started to grumble. “Right. Now that I remember Amelia’s words, I have to eat. At least here I can fill my stomach.” Evelyn’s feet took her to a small fridge in the same room. After a while of tapping her feet and staring at the contents of the fridge, Evelyn decided to take the milk out. She then took a bowl and a cereal box from a nearby cabinet. More or less, the room was a simple studio flat painted mainly in white. Seated, a bowl filled with cereal and milk, Evelyn swung her feet as she viewed the outside through the balcony. “This really suits my needs.” As a lab rat since birth, Evelyn has proven herself to be a great source of information for researchers. Through that, she earned the right to select a quarter of her own, though limited to the organization’s partners. “Let’s review once more.” Evelyn placed the cube on the table. She skimmed through her item list as she ate. “I don’t have many scrolls left. And the shards I have are useless on the sea. Boulders won’t do anything to her either.” “But what if I accepted the terms? Would it really be that bad? No, she’ll probably use me as soon as we reached the island. Her surrendering with those abilities… she probably was aiming to lynch us.” Evelyn sighed. “I knew she was bad news, but not this much. But if we retreated immediately from before, things might have not gone this bad…” Evelyn shook her head. “No. The Queen will probably doubt my abilities if I failed to present anything. Failing to capture a powerless princess… I guess that’s quite harsh to accept.” Evelyn munched and crunched her Cereal. “Now, how should I go about this.”
{ "title": "Mother of Learning", "id": 21220, "author": "nobody103", "rating": 4.8 }
{ "title": "22. Complications", "id": 305877, "next": 306244, "prev": 305662, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyODVjMmQxNTgyMjQ3OTBiNTgyZjA5YzI0MGVmM2M3" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter 022<br></strong><strong>Complications</strong></p> <p class="cnNjMGNiNmZmYmI2NjQzYjI5MjQ2OTZjOGViOGZmMjMz">Zorian woke up in his bed in Cirin, Kirielle wishing him a good morning in that charming manner of hers. He was annoyed both at himself for not paying more attention to his surroundings and at the unknown attacker that did him in. It figured that he would survive all those close calls and near-death situations, only to get killed by a simple sneak attack.</p> <p class="cnMzYzU3MjI3OTc4NDQwYmE5ZmQ0Yzc2YmJkMzk2M2Qx">He passed the train ride sketching magic item blueprints in his notebook. Most of them were trivial things, like plates that kept the temperature of a meal constant or explosive traps that triggered on their own when certain conditions had been met, but he was toying with the idea of designing a practice dummy. He had found a combination of alteration spells that should allow him to construct a dummy out of wooden scraps and soil, but making the animation core was no simple task. And then, even if he managed that, he would have to design a warding scheme to etch into the dummy’s surface, lest it disintegrate when he started hurling spells at it… possibly in an explosive manner, showering him with wooden splinters and shrapnel. He should probably also add at least a weak self-repair function, to prevent the dummy from falling apart from micro-fractures and such…</p> <p class="cnNiY2EyMjkzOGJhZDRmNTA5NTE4NjkyNjIzMDBhZWZi">He didn’t expect to finish this project in the current restart.</p> <p class="cnM2NTMxNWQ0OTA2MjRhYjQ4Y2IxZWRjMWIzNTljMzlj">In any case, this time Zorian didn’t wait much before contacting the aranea. Upon entering his room, he spent an hour crafting a rod of magic missiles for basic self-defense and then promptly marched off in the direction of the nearest Dungeon entrance.</p> <p class="cnM3MjJmZmU4NDJiYTQ3Yzc5ZDBjZGYwN2VlMDQyODZk">Unlike his previous attempts to look for aranea, he wasn’t simply walking around, waiting to stumble upon their scouts – he was trying to sense their minds with his brand new mind sense. Sadly, he sensed nothing except an occasional rat and-</p> <p class="cnNjZmM0ZDIzODJhNzRjMDNiYmM3YmQ2Nzg2MTU4NzUx">He stopped, sensing a mind of unusual strength from one of the rats ahead. He mentally ordered his floating light to intensify for a moment and was rewarded with a disquieting sight of a rat missing the top of his head.</p> <p class="cnM5OTJlYzIzYjNiMTQ5OTVhNWE4NmY0ZTRmMWNlNjEy">For a full second, Zorian and the cephalic rat stood still and watched one another in indecision, trying to decide on a course of action. Then – gently, hesitantly – the rat extended a telepathic probe at him, trying to worm into his mind. For one small moment, Zorian considered trying to take it on telepathically, but then discarded the thought as stupid and risky. He was completely untrained in telepathic combat, and that one rat was merely a conduit for the entire cephalic rat collective. So instead he drew his brand new spell rod and fired a magic missile at it.</p> <p class="cnM3YjU2YThmNmU1ZDQ5M2I4ZmQyYjE1MGQyNjI3NjNj">The moment he reached for his spell rod, the rat immediately dropped its telepathic probe and tried to run. It was too slow. The bolt of concussive force slammed into the tiny creature with a loud crack, pulverizing its bones and crushing it into paste.</p> <p class="cnMxODMzNWVmOGVhNzQxMDVhZmQwMTllYWJjNjJlNmVi">Well, so much for that. Zorian extended his mind sense as far as he could, trying to sense the rest of the collective, but found nothing. Either this one was an isolated scout or the rest had some method of hiding from his scans.</p> <p class="cnNmNGFjNGQ1ZmYyYzRmNDY5NTJmN2VhOTRmMDM3NWMy">By the time he had decided to move on, the pulped body of the cephalic rat was already being enveloped by a green, translucent mass of crawling gel. The oozes that patrolled these walled-off sections of the dungeon were artificially engineered to be less dangerous and aggressive than their wild counterparts, but Zorian was never a fan of tempting fate and did his best to side-step the things as he moved past them. Acid burns were hard to heal, even with magic.</p> <p class="cnNlODJjYjM5Zjc5ZTRmNjNhYTY2NWIyODU0N2VhYjk4">When he finally did find the aranea, the meeting was pretty disappointing. The aranea he met was one of those that didn’t know how to talk to humans, so it took him 10 minutes of telepathic pantomime that left him with a raging headache, and once the matriarch finally showed up she basically told him to get lost for a few days until she came to terms with the contents of the memory packet.</p> <p class="cnM5OTk3YzFlMzA0ODQ3NTg5NGI3Yjg4MGRhNWM0MWJi">Not an unexpected turn of events, but he had been hoping that the matriarch had refined her memory packet into something that could convince her past-self a bit faster than last time. The matriarch was a bit pushy and conceited, but it was nice to talk to someone about the time loop. Also, the truth was that there was little he could do to unravel the mystery of the time loop without aranea help other than steadily gathering magical skills and keeping his eyes open.</p> <p class="cnNmMWE5ZmQxY2VmZTRlZDViMDI4Nzg1YTNkNzg1N2Mx">As he walked back to his room to sleep off his newly-acquired headache, he tried to think of a way to advance faster in his magical studies. He needed a teacher. One willing to teach him spells most instructors would consider too dangerous for the likes of a freshly certified student. Who did he know that would… oh.</p> <p class="cnNhNTIwNzI4YzFkMjRlNWM4ZWM0MzdmMjA3Yzg0MTZm">That just might work.</p> <p class="cnNiNDkwNDk1NGJmODQ5NzY4YWI4MGNiNTlhMjFhODJm" style="text-align: center">- break -</p> <p class="cnMwMzlmZDE2MGVkNjQ5Y2JiNGExMjdjZDEwMWRlZjEz">The next day, when Taiven came to recruit him into her little sewer expedition she found him practicing combat spells on one of the Academy training grounds instead of sleeping in his room. He could have easily warded himself against her divination spells at this point, but having her track him down was part of the plan: he was hoping to recruit her as a sparring partner, and possibly teacher.</p> <p class="cnM0YmEwZDMxMmFmOTQ4YzU5NTZhZDY1ZWMzNTJkMTY5">He had always thought he had gotten over Taiven’s (oblivious) rejection of him, but apparently there was still some lingering resentment remaining because he noticed something very important in the previous restart. Something he should have noticed way sooner, had he not been unconsciously ignoring her and pushing her away. Taiven was not at all opposed to helping him out, especially if the help was somehow related to combat. Why was he insisting on learning combat magic alone, without an instructor, when he was friends with someone who specialized in that very field of magic?</p> <p class="cnM3ZmZmNzdhYTIxYzRiMTQ5Y2E5NjcwOWQwYmZiMjY2">So here he was, carefully casting magic missiles at the target in front of him, trying to make them as mana efficient as possible. He was hoping that Taiven would offer to help on her own when she saw him practicing, and he wasn’t disappointed. She did, however, attach a condition to her offer.</p> <p class="cnNmNDYxNTU2Y2I0MDQxZmNhYWIxNmVhNTEwMjMyOTVm">“So, in conclusion, I get a month of instruction from you, free of charge, in exchange for joining you on this sewer run of yours?” Zorian asked.</p> <p class="cnNlMzc2YzI3NjJiNTQ2OGY4ZDQ4ZjNhZjVkNzA4YmFm">“Yup!” Taiven said happily, looking very satisfied with herself. Zorian could guess why – she just found a way to pressure him into accompanying her, and all it took was promising to do something she was inclined to do anyway.</p> <p class="cnNmYWY5MjVlMjc4OTRhMjI4NDE4MDlkYThkZDdhNDM0">“I suppose that’s okay,” said Zorian, mentally considering how he should approach this. He could, of course, simply trail after them and let them fumble around for a while – it’s what Taiven expected him to do, and he was pretty sure the aranea wouldn’t ‘attack’ while he was present. However, after some thought, he decided to go for a different path. “I have a request though. I am on speaking terms with a colony of sentient spiders living in the sewers, and I have a sneaking suspicion they’re the ones that supposedly took the watch. I’d like to try actually talking to them before you go in and start burning things.”</p> <p class="cnM0OTk1OTI5Yzc5ZTQzN2Q5YjJmYjg5MGVkODRiNDMz">Taiven gave him a curious look. “You are friends with a bunch of giant, sewer-dwelling spiders?”</p> <p class="cnM5ZmJmNmFmZGVlZDQyNGZhZTczMDViY2U0Zjg5YjMy">“Pretty much,” Zorian agreed with her. He would describe the aranea as acquaintances and allies of convenience instead of friends, but she didn’t have to know that. “I trust you and your friends can keep that a secret? I’m sure you can see why spreading that around might cause problems for me and the spiders both.”</p> <p class="cnNjMjg1YzIxZmJiYjRjYWM5MTU2NDZiZjU5NWNjNjAw">“Don’t worry, I’m not a tattletale,” Taiven said dismissively. “And I’ve yet to see Grunt and Mumble engage in any kind of gossip, so your secret is safe with us, oh great monster charmer. You think they’ll just hand us the watch if we ask?”</p> <p class="cnMzNGZmNTMyYjkzYzQ2NTY4NzY5ZjlmMTk3ZWViODA4">“If the client’s story is not made up, then yes. I don’t see what use they would have for a pocket watch. But anyway, I have a request for you before you run off to do your thing.”</p> <p class="cnNiZTdkYzllODUwZTQ3Zjk4ZjYxYjgwNGUyOTc5MTk0">“Oh? And what’s that?”</p> <p class="cnMyYWVhYzk1OGZkOTRmYTRhZmFjYWY2MmVkYjk3ZDYz">“Teach me a fire spell more destructive than flamethrower,” Zorian said.</p> <p class="cnMyMTA5MTM0ZTU0NTQ0Y2E5MTkyNTBkMTZiZTg3NjUy">“How big are your mana reserves?” Taiven immediately asked, not at all disturbed by the request.</p> <p class="cnNlMWU3NTZhMWI2MzQwY2U4NTExOTY4NGU2MTIwZTYy">“Magnitude 12,” Zorian said.</p> <p class="cnNjZjUwMWI5OWZkNDRhOTZiOGY4NGJmYTUxZGFiNDQ4">“Hmm, a little lower than I thought, but decent enough I guess,” Taiven said. Zorian decided to keep quiet about the underwhelming nature of his natural reserves. “What kind of spells are you looking for, anyway?”</p> <p class="cnM2ZmJhODJjNTEzNDRiOTFhNDVkYmMzODhkYjM1M2Fm">“Preferably something that can one-shot a troll,” Zorian said.</p> <p class="cnNhNDg0MjEzNjUyNzRlZDE5NDQwMjNiNjg1YzNmMzU5">Taiven looked at him like he was crazy. “What? Roach, you’re far too green to go around picking fights with trolls. What the hell are you on?”</p> <p class="cnMwMWVhYWQ2NDFhYjQ3NDM4NDM3YzBiZGU4ZWQ1Mzhk">“Just humor me, Taiven,” Zorian sighed. “Besides, this is pure self-defense – I won’t be picking fights with anything.”</p> <p class="cnNiMDdjZDdiZDkzOTQ0NDlhZGQ3MjE1Zjc5ODI5ZTQx">“Hmph,” Taiven shrugged. “Says a guy who goes around meeting giant spiders in the sewers in his free time. But alright, I guess if you’re going to do stuff like that you’ll need some stronger spells under your belt. I expect an explanation about that soon, though.”</p> <p class="cnMwYTI4ZjBhMjczZTQ4NjViYzE0ODRjNDUzZTMxYjE5">“After the summer festival,” agreed Zorian smoothly.</p> <p class="cnM3NDQwMTQ2NDYxYTRmOGY5YzY2YjliYmU1MmFiODM5">“I’ll hold you to that,” Taiven said, poking him painfully in the chest. “Now, there are two spells that kind of fit your criteria, although they will only kill a troll if you can hit the troll in the face with them – fire bolt and incinerating ray. The bolt can home in on the target and is cheaper in terms of mana use. The ray is far more damaging, but also far more of a mana hog and you need to worry about your aim.”</p> <p class="cnM0YmYxYzcxODAzNjQxMDA4ZGZlOGNjMTEzNzRiZTlk">“Teach me both,” said Zorian. The bolt seemed like something that would be more generally useful for someone like him, but he needed the raw power as well.</p> <p class="cnM0OTRjYWFjYWM1NTQ0ZTE4MDVjM2E4M2UxNTliNDdi">“You sure you have the shaping skills for this, Roach?” Taiven asked. “’Cause this kind of spell isn’t going to fizzle out if you fail – it will blow up in your face.”</p> <p class="cnMwMTgyYTM0Mzk5MTRhZDc5NjQ4ZGI3ZWYwOTVmMmE1">Zorian snorted derisively. “Trust me, shaping skills are not something I’m lacking in,” he said. He raised his arm into the air, palm pointed towards the earth, and willed some of the dust and dirt to rise towards it. The dry, loose material that covered the training ground slowly rose towards his hand in a diffuse pillar, coalescing into a rough sphere once they reached his palm.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWQwNWQwNjQ5NjRkOTNhNGU2ZmY3YTdkM2VjNWNl">Once he was satisfied with the size of the sphere, he pointed his palm towards one of the targets and willed the mass of dirt rapidly forward, catapulting it towards the target. Sadly, the impromptu construct was too structurally unsound and disintegrated into dust halfway towards the target, so some of the effect was ruined.</p> <p class="cnM4NGEzMWJmM2FiNDQyMzg4MDJiNmNjYWVkYzE2MmE3">It didn’t make the feat any less impressive to Taiven, though.</p> <p class="cnM2MGVmMzdiN2YyNTQ3ZjI4MzEzYTJjMDk2N2M1MGEy">“Damn, that was impressive as hell,” Taiven said. “How can you do that? I don’t think <em>I</em> could do that... Lift a rock off the ground, sure, but diffuse material like soil? That’s a pretty advanced exercise. Hmm, if your shaping skills are that good, I guess there are a few more spells I could teach you…”</p> <p class="cnM2ODg3ZThmYWJhNDRiZWU5YjkzMzBkZjFjNTBmMWM2">Zorian smiled. This had definitely been a good idea.</p> <p class="cnM4NzYzOGViOGVhODRjN2JhMTllYjc5NGZkNzk0M2Rj" style="text-align: center">- break -</p> <p class="cnNjZmUxMmJmZjAyMTQwNWI5YjMzMGM1MzQ1ZmY3NTBl">During the next several days, while he waited for Taiven to gather her team for the journey into the city’s sewers, Zorian got a crash course in combat magic from his friend. Taiven took a surprisingly broad approach to the topic, opting to teach him as many different spells as she could manage instead of having him practice a few until he had a firm hold over them. She claimed that he already had a core of spells he was properly proficient in, and that he needed variety and breadth of possible options more than he needed a new ace in the hole, but she later admitted she was testing him, trying to discover the limits of his shaping skills. Something she didn’t end up finding – Zorian’s shaping skills were better than hers; every spell she could cast, he could as well.</p> <p class="cnNlZmI5Yjc5N2VkMTRmOTU4ZDA4NDEwYTM2NjRmMTQx">Not all of the spells she taught him were of the typical offensive sort he expected from her. Some of them, like the ‘spider climb’ spell that allowed him to cling to sheer walls and other stable surfaces, ‘featherfall’ that allowed him to survive high falls, or the various comfort spells that blunted temperature extremes and other environmental conditions, could be more properly classified as survival spells. Nonetheless, Taiven insisted that sometimes the environment itself was just as big of a danger to a mage as his living opponents, and that he needed to know these spells if he was going to waltz around the dungeon and similar places.</p> <p class="cnNlMWFjYzVmZDMwMjQ0YTJhMjE3NzZhNWNmMWY0YmUw">She was also fairly horrified by his lack of defensive spells. Not just a lack of any defensive barriers more substantive than the basic shield, though she wasn’t happy about that either – no, she was talking about wards. Wards were fairly useless once the fight started, since they were slow to cast, and few opponents would give a mage the time needed to cast them during a battle, but Taiven claimed they were absolutely essential for a mage who expected to get into a fight. So long as you weren’t ambushed or otherwise surprised, and actually knew you were going to be in a fight soon, you could at least cast some basic wards to improve your spell resistance and counter some of more common spells. And if you actually knew something about your opponent’s spell repertoire and specialties? Then you could really ruin their day with a few choice wards. This was the reason why humanity had been steadily encroaching on monster-held territory with every passing year – most magical creatures only had a handful of inborn magical tricks and abilities on their side and once you knew what they were you could devise a perfect counter for them in advance.</p> <p class="cnMzMWZjOWMyN2I2NzQ2ZTNhOTg3MTRiZTgzNDQyZDVm">Unfortunately, you could only stack so many wards on top of each other before they started to interfere with each other and the whole edifice collapsed, and some of them inherently interfered with each other’s operation, so knowing how to combine them effectively was a bit of a specialist skill. Taiven was not very proficient with wards herself, being more offensively focused, so he would need to find somebody else for anything except the basics.</p> <p class="cnM2NmI1YTAyZGRhZjRmMTE5NGE5ZTgyOWRhNjAwMDM3">However, most of the spells she taught him were various offensive and defensive energy projections, largely ones revolving around fire and force, but also some spells based on cold and electricity. Among other things, Zorian could now cast the ever-famous fireball spell… exactly twice before he ran out of mana. So not very useful, honestly, but Taiven claimed that any mage worth their name should be able to cast a fireball, and that the utility of such spells would naturally increase along with his mana reserves.</p> <p class="cnM1YjkwMjIxZjVjNTRlMDZhMjI4YzIxZDg0MzBlYjY5">“Actually, I’m curious… is there some way to speed up the growth of mana reserves?” asked Zorian. “I know that artificially increasing them has bad side-effects, but is there some kind of training method that would speed up natural growth?”</p> <p class="cnM4NDkwZjUwNTcyZjQ4ODdiZmIyZDQ5Yjg0NGE3NGQw">Taiven looked at him, looking apprehensive. “Technically, yes,” admitted Taiven reluctantly. “It’s as simple as using mana-intensive spells to constantly exhaust your reserves. It would kick the growth of your reserves into overdrive. However, that kind of unnatural growth would completely wreck your current shaping skills – your normal growth of reserves is so slow because your soul is making sure your control over mana doesn’t slip. Wrecking your shaping skills just to speed up the growth of your reserves is really short-sighted, Roach. Please don’t do it. I never would, and you know I’m not exactly the most responsible girl. Surely you can wait for a few years for them to grow on their own?”</p> <p class="cnM2OTdhY2Y0ZWJkNDQ2YmFiOThmZjM3OGUwOTQyNzk3">Well he certainly wasn’t pressed for time at the moment, Zorian had to admit. “I suppose that makes sense,” he said. “I guess the reason why mana reserves plateau after a while is that there is only so much power a soul can safely handle. Increasing the cap artificially after that point messes up the mage’s shaping skills with no hope of ever regaining them. No wonder everyone recommends against doing it – no matter how benign the enhancement process, the result is still more power and less control over it.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWY5MTEyYmRmNjRkZWU5ZGUxNGQ2MjkwMDgzOGMz">“There is always a trade-off between control and power,” said Taiven. “It’s just not apparent most of the time, since very few people try to develop their shaping skills to their limits. Many mages think that having more mana is always better, since you can always work harder on your shaping skills, but increasing your mana reserves without bad side effects is essentially impossible. It’s not true, though. No matter how much time they spend honing their shaping skills, people with huge mana reserves are outright incapable of performing some particularly finesse-focused spells – things like advanced mind magic, detailed illusions and complex alteration constructs.”</p> <p class="cnM1MWU5YTI4ZGUxMTQxZGI4ZTdkNDQyMjlhOTFjYmZk">“Wait, you’re saying that I’ll lose the ability to cast finesse-based spells as my mana reserves increase?” asked Zorian in alarm.</p> <p class="cnMyNzFhN2I1NzU3ZTRmZWU4MjA5NGYzMWQzYzQ3ODAy">“No, no, I’m talking about your <em>natural</em> mana reserves – your inborn capacity before you start to increase it through regular spellcasting. About magnitude. Most spells, even highly sophisticated ones, are designed for average mages – magnitude 8 to 12, in other words. You’re 12, so still comfortably within the intended range. Hell, I’ve heard of a one particular 15 magnitude mage that became a damn good illusionist, so even if you tip over a little it will hardly matter.”</p> <p class="cnNkMDVlOGE4OWVmNzQ2MjU5MzY0ODE5MGY3ZjM1YjJk">Considering Zorian’s real magnitude was 8, he apparently had nothing to worry about. Still, it did make him wonder about Zach, who seemed to have magnitude in the low 60s. How did that kind of monstrous power factor in Taiven’s scheme?</p> <p class="cnMyMWQ2NWViODI1MzQ4ZmFiZjY3NTRiMDBjNDMxMGVi">“How about people with really high magnitude?” asked Zorian. “How high can you go before finesse-based spells become impossible?”</p> <p class="cnMzYWFiZTliYTA4MTQ2Nzk5YWY1ZDg1NDQzNzYzOGVj">“I’ve never seen hard numbers, but I’d guess around magnitude 20 or so,” Taiven shrugged.</p> <p class="cnMwNjFkM2RlY2M5MDQwZmViNWRhMjMwMjMyYjVjOWI2">“How about the really high numbers?” Zorian asked. “Something like magnitude 60?”</p> <p class="cnMzODFiM2RkODk2MTRhMjQ5NTNmZWIxYzgwOTZiNzI4">Taiven blinked, seemingly baffled by the question. “Well, that would be downright inhuman!” she said finally. “Is that even possible? Anyway, I’m not sure whether that would even be a good thing, even for a battlemage like me. Anyone with such mana reserves would have to spend years longer than their peers just to gain a basic level of proficiency expected of a certified mage. Maybe as much as a decade even, I don’t know.”</p> <p class="cnM5Y2IxYWQwZWViMjRiOGY5MzIyMTAzMDI0Yzk2ZTU4">Zorian thought about what a relative failure Zach was before the time loop and frowned. He had thought that Zach had simply been a lazy slacker, but maybe there was more to it than that? Then again, he had a feeling Zach was a special case. Those inhuman mana reserves were just that – completely outside the human range. He found absolutely no records of people like that in any of the books, and most of the experts he asked flat out told him such people didn’t exist outside of myths. Also, while Zach had been a crappy mage, he did succeed in getting certified so his huge mana reserves clearly weren’t as crippling as they should have been.</p> <p class="cnMyYjA4NjMwZTFhYjRjMmI5ZTY0OTM4YTA2MzcwNDMz">Maybe it was a Noveda House bloodline? One that gave their family huge reserves without the crippling loss of control, perhaps. Of course, the Noveda publically claimed they had no bloodline, but it wouldn’t be the first time a House had lied.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjZiZjIyNTkzZjQyMTM4YWI4MDhjMGVhODViODJj">“I hesitate to even bring this up,” Taiven said, breaking him out of his thoughts, “but if you’re really desperate for a short term mana boost, you can always absorb ambient mana faster than you can assimilate it. I’m sure you’re aware of the drawbacks, though…”</p> <p class="cnNkNDRkMTI2NmYyZDQyYTI4ZTU4NDgyNzVhZDA2Y2Rh">Zorian nodded. There were two main forms of mana available to the mage: his personal mana and the ambient one that emanated from the underworld. Personal mana was something that all things with a soul possessed in varying amounts, and it was attuned to the person producing it – it bent easily to its creator’s will, and was innately more malleable and controllable than anything else they might use to power their magic, since it never resisted the caster’s efforts to shape it. Ambient mana, on the other hand, was both harder to control and toxic to living beings. Not enough to kill a mage just for using it once, but any substantial, prolonged use resulted in sickness and insanity. The mages of old believed that ambient mana was tainted by the World Dragon’s hate for humanity and shunned its use, but modern mages had discovered a few tricks to making use of it. One was by using it to power items, which had no minds to corrupt or bodies to sicken. The other was to assimilate the ambient mana into their personal reserves, negating its toxic properties. While the process of assimilation was too slow to power actual spells, being able to regenerate personal reserves faster was useful enough that the skill spread far and wide. These days, every student of magic was taught how to do it along with the other basics of spellcasting.</p> <p class="cnNhMzA5MGYyYmQ1NDRjMmZiNjY5MDU5OGQ0ZGZmOTE5">“I’ll get sick,” Zorian said. “And possibly mad, if I keep using it constantly.”</p> <p class="cnNhODQ0OGMyN2JmYzRiNzI4NjcxOTEwNDBjYzllMzE1">“Right,” Taiven said. “Using raw mana on a regular basis is pretty stupid, but if you’re in a real bind… well, it’s better to spend a few days bedridden with a fever than end up dead.”</p> <p class="cnM5MTQxMjViZmM4MTQ0MWJhMWJmMDk0ZWVjNTEzNGNk">“You’ve used it before,” guessed Zorian.</p> <p class="cnM5NmRkZThhOWExZTQxZDM5MWFmZmNjYjA3YjIyNWYy">Taiven gave him a surprised look, like it was unexpected he figured it out. “Uh, maybe once? Or twice?” She shifted her stance, looking uncomfortable. “But keep quiet about that, will you? Most combat mages have done it a couple of times in their life, but Guild inspectors don’t accept ‘everybody’s doing it’ as an excuse.”</p> <p class="cnM2MDNiNjUwYTZmYTRhNWY5MzY5ZTQyNDYxODg5YTA1">Zorian made a gesture over his mouth, indicating that his lips are sealed. It’s not like she didn’t know plenty of things to get him in trouble with, anyway.</p> <p class="cnM0YzYzZTI0YWViMTQwYzZhOTQ4NjJmNGE5NjZlNjc0">“Let’s just get back to the lesson, oh great teacher,” Zorian said. “Since you’re so intent on teaching me mana-intensive fire spells, how about that fire vortex I heard you can cast…”</p> <p class="cnM3NGQwYzhhNTc5MDRiMTZiZmYzNzJhNjRlODU4NzRh" style="text-align: center">- break -</p> <p class="cnMwZGE2ODkzZmEyZTQxY2M4MzM5YzFhNDRiOTA0M2M5">When the time came, Taiven and her two friends let Zorian take point as he led them towards aranea territory. They had already tried and failed to divine the location of the watch, which wasn’t terribly unusual if it really was taken by the aranea – the aranea had been engaged in a shadow war with the invaders for a while now, even before the time loop started, and their anti-divination wards were top-notch.</p> <p class="cnMzY2E5OThjMTljZTRlZmNhZGU3NDg0NjM0NjhlZjlh">[We meet again, Zorian Kazinski,] the matriarch spoke telepathically to him. She was surrounded by 6 honor guards, though only 2 were actually visible while the other four hung from the ceiling while under some kind of invisibility spell. Zorian only knew they were there because he could sense their minds. [And once again you bring additional guests with you. Three of them this time. If this pattern continues, we’ll have to find a more spacious area to house them all after a few more restarts.]</p> <p class="cnM1MmI2ODg4ODYwNTQ2ZWE4MmFmYjM4NTMxYzNjNTVl">[Funny,] Zorian sent back. [But actually, this is the group I was a part of when I first met the aranea. We were looking for a watch supposedly in your possession then, same as we are now. Sounds familiar?]</p> <p class="cnNkMGYxNTJiYzcxYjQ1NWViMDM1ZTIxZDhiYWViNTg5">“What’s going on?” asked Taiven. She and her two friends were hanging in the back, looking apprehensively at the three spiders in front of them. “Why are you just staring at them?”</p> <p class="cnNlMzMxY2UwNDljYTQ3MjdiNjQwZjdiOGE4YzFkMTE3">Before Zorian could say anything, the matriarch started waving her front four legs in the air for a while and then spoke.</p> <p class="cnNiZTJiYzA2NGM1MTRmMWI4ZDViOGJhODkyNzA0MDk3">“What’s this about a watch I hear?” she asked, turning her two biggest, forward-facing eyes at Taiven.</p> <p class="cnNmYTg4ZmZhZjZhMzQ1NWVhOWI2NmJjODE5NzNlMWI1">It took a few minutes of explaining and clarifications, but in the end the matriarch finally seemed to remember the event in question.</p> <p class="cnNkNDMzMTdhMGI0ZjQyMzBhMTJkNDhkNDdkZDJkYWQx">“Oh, now I remember,” she said. “Though the man in question certainly wasn’t any kind of innocent passerby, and the ‘watch’ is no simple time-keeping device – he had assaulted our web with a couple of other thugs and ended up dropping his bauble when we chased them off.”</p> <p class="cnM4MmRiOGQ2NDFmNTRhZTM4MmFjNjBmZmYxODBhOWQ1">[He’s one of the invaders,] the matriarch told him telepathically, so only he could hear. [Or at least he works for them. You say you saw him? Excellent, we finally have an entry point into the organization. A face, a name and face-to-face contact should be enough to divine where he lives… you know his name, don’t you? Excellent. Hopefully he gave away his real one. Did you shake hands with him when you accepted the job? No? Try to shake hands with him when you give him the device. Maybe put a tracking spell on it if you know how…]</p> <p class="cnM5MzBlNGNlYjAyZDRjNDY5OGJhZWYyZTJjY2IyMTE4">Somehow, the matriarch was able to participate in two separate conversations at once, speaking out loud to Taiven and her two friends as she spoke telepathically to Zorian. Zorian himself was not similarly blessed, and mostly tuned out her explanation to Taiven in order to absorb what she was telling him mentally. Finally, she seemed to realize this and cut her telepathic communication with him short, allowing him to pay attention to what she had been saying to Taiven.</p> <p class="cnNkM2U2NzkwOGE1MzRkMGZiMWYzMTNhZDQ1YjljNzAy">“…so I’m not sure what the device is for, but it’s clearly a magical item of some sort,” the matriarch said out loud. “It’s useless for us aranea, but we are well familiar with the concept of trade. We were hoping to trade it to some of our human contacts for something we can actually use, but since it’s our dear friend Zorian that’s asking for it, I guess we’ll give it to you as a favor. I’m sure Zorian will make it up to us… eventually.”</p> <p class="cnMwMDIyNGM3YjE1NTRhNWZhOWJjOTE5MjIzZTQ2YmNm">“Uhh…” fumbled Taiven, looking at him uncertainly. “Is… that okay, Roach? Are you…?”</p> <p class="cnM5NTE0OWNkYzI4NTRiYWJiMGU0NzE0ZTBkNjAwZDgx">“Yeah, I’m fine with that,” Zorian shrugged. Although as far as he was concerned he didn’t really owe any favors to the matriarch for this.</p> <p class="cnM2NjcyMzM0YjU5NzQyMjY5MGU1MmRmMmFhODFjYTE0">[I only said that for appearances sake,] the matriarch told him telepathically. [It would be weird if we just gave it up for no reason. Besides, as far as <em>I’m</em> concerned, you will repay my generosity by helping me track down your employer so we can wring him for information.]</p> <p class="cnM1ZTYxZjYzZjczNzQxZTk4ZTdmN2U0ZjgyODg0NGVm">“Fang of Victory will go and retrieve the bauble,” the matriarch said out loud, causing one of the two visible honor guards to suddenly skitter off into the darkness. “I’d ask you to warn your employer against further aggression against us, but it’s probably best if you keep quiet about talking to us.”</p> <p class="cnM4OWRhMDY3ODM2MDQxMzI5N2ZiYmZiNWM1MjBiNjA3">“Why did he attack you anyway?” asked Taiven. “You seem nice enough to me.”</p> <p class="cnNmMzc2NzUxNGJkYzRjYjBiMmE1MzY4Yjc2MDU1MWU2">“Most places will kill sentient monsters as a matter of course, if they find them within their borders,” Grunt said. He and Mumble were both pretty quiet thus far, so it was a bit startling to hear him speak up all of the sudden. Taiven gave him a dirty look for his remark. “What? I’m just saying he didn’t need a reason. Their presence would be offense enough for some people.”</p> <p class="cnNhZDk2ZGNiNjgwYTQzMTliOGYzMGE0MTUzY2U3MTE3">“It’s a little more complex than that,” the matriarch said. “Humans clash with other sentient races, that is true, but that’s because most of them are highly territorial, murderous, view humans as food, or all three. On occasions where that wasn’t the case, humans have shown themselves willing to make exceptions and take a more… nuanced approach. There are several dragons that deal with humans in a peaceful manner, the lizardmen of Blantyrre have long been a trading partner for human nations, and many of the splinter states bordering the wilderness have made secret or not so secret pacts with various spirits and monster clans living within their nominal borders.”</p> <p class="cnMxMjkwN2E0MDM5NDQ4NDBhNmEzZjhhYWU2NTIwNGZm">“You’ve thought about this a lot,” Zorian remarked.</p> <p class="cnNkMzQzZjI1MmVmMDRlMmNhMmU0YTA3YmZhNzM4Zjk3">“Though not well known, we have been peacefully interacting with humanity for quite a long time now,” the matriarch said. “The aranea have been living in the deeper levels of the dungeon for as long as this city has existed. When the foundations were being laid, several campaigns were launched into the local sections of the dungeon to clear out the threats lurking inside it. However, this power vacuum also allowed weaker races like aranea to move into the place. The dungeon around the Hole is prime real estate for magical creatures of all breeds, as you probably know, and the competition was fierce. Fortunately, while we aranea lacked the brute strength or destructive magical abilities of some of our competitors, we were far more willing to cooperate with humans to our mutual benefit. We contacted some of the humans that were willing to cooperate with us and gave them information about our mutual enemies – their strengths and weaknesses, where they lived, the timing of their attacks and movements… everything they needed to wipe them out, or at least weaken them to the point where we could finish the job. Information gathering has always been our specialty.”</p> <p class="cnMxNzk0OGJlZTAyYjRhNzY5NTVjZjhhODVlYmQ4ZmZj">Zorian found himself fascinated by the story, and more than a little surprised that the matriarch was willing to say all this in front of Taiven and her friends. Then again, Zorian never told them that aranea were mind readers, so their minds were completely unshielded - the matriarch probably had a pretty good picture of how likely they were to cause trouble for her. And they weren’t going to remember anything about this when this loop ended, either.</p> <p class="cnMxNWI1MjdjNWUzMzQwMTA4ZmY5NjljNDMzZDc5YjE4">“Although giving information to humans helped us as well as them, we rarely did it for free – in return for our secrets, we demanded some of your own. Our human allies used the information we provided to make a name for themselves and further their careers, and in return they taught us some of your magic and helped us adapt it for our own use. Armed with our very own system of structured magic, the aranea grew in strength and versatility, solidifying their hold over this region and making the web that lived beneath Cyoria the most prestigious of aranean webs. The resulting prosperity caused their numbers to swell, and they sent a never-ending stream of colonists and breakaway webs to the surrounding region, where they proceeded to evict or subjugate every lesser aranean web they encountered. But although these aranea left Cyoria in search of their own destiny, no place had the prestige or opportunities that Cyoria offered, and thus viewed their mother web with envy and resentment. Soon, a number of these breakaways banded together and, armed with the experience of fighting the lesser webs for territory, drove the original web out of their homeland. It would not be the last time Cyoria changed hands. The conquerors were soon evicted by another group of invaders, and this group was evicted by another, and then they were evicted by us. We are the fifth web to hold this place and while our position is secure at the moment, any sort of weakness could cause the neighboring webs to get… restless.”</p> <p class="cnNmN2UwM2ZhNDM2MzRjYmFiOGI4MmFmNDU4YTE5YzU5">“Huh,” Zorian said. “So if you were, hypothetically speaking, absolutely decimated by someone and had your numbers severely reduced?”</p> <p class="cnNmZDk3MTVhYWUxYzQwODFiYmExMWM0YWVjZjczYThj">“Our neighbors would launch a few probing raids at the very least,” the matriarch said. “But anyway, my point is that humans and aranea are not, nor have they ever been enemies. Well, barring some… isolated incidents. On both sides. In fact, it has been my explicit policy to encourage closer links between this web and humans living in Cyoria. I hope the day will come when aranea will be able to walk the street above in open daylight, just like any other citizen.”</p> <p class="cnMzYjllN2YyOTFlMTQzZDY4ZmQ1YWYyNGE1NjNjODQ1">“And I suppose you hope the humans will defend you from outside threats, like any other citizens,” Grunt said. “Like, say, from those rival ‘webs’ that want to take your territory?”</p> <p class="cnNjZjQzZThmYjk2YjRjYzFhNWVkYTBlMDE0NTk3ZDFm">“I confess that possibility does factor rather heavily into my thinking,” the matriarch admitted. “The city authorities would be a lot less inclined to stand by and watch if we had an established, formal relationship with them.”</p> <p class="cnNlMWQwYmY5MzgxNzQwNDg5ZTRiZDdkNDEwODkyOWYz">“So is this your recruiting pitch?” asked Taiven. “Are you trying to turn us into your agents?”</p> <p class="cnM4YTQ2NTcxZTg2ZjQ4NzliNGUwMTkyNWU3ZTYxNTcx">“More contacts is always good,” the matriarch said. “But no, I’m not trying to recruit you. I just sensed you were worried about Zorian’s association with us and wanted to assuage your fears somewhat. Anyway, Fang of Victory is coming back with the bauble so we’ll have to cut this short here. Talk to Zorian if you ever want to chat with us again.”</p> <p class="cnM1M2I1MTE4ZTBhMTRkOWRhOTcwZGQzZjg1MDcxMjky">Sure enough, the matriarch honor guard soon returned with the watch. Zorian half-expected her to return with the watch gripped in her fangs, but it actually came back carrying some kind of leather harness full of pouches across its body, one of which held the watch. For a moment Zorian wondered how they made that, what with them lacking hands and all, but then realized he was being a bit foolish. The matriarch had already said they traded with humans for a lot of things – this must be one of them.</p> <p class="cnMwYjA3OGM1NjE4ODQyMTk4YTE2N2M0ZTU4MzM0N2Ix">They quickly said goodbye to the aranea and were on their way back to their employer, prize in hand.</p> <p class="cnNmZTRhNmI1ZjlkMDQ4ZTRhYTU0MjY3YmQ0YTIxMWMz">“I don’t know what to think,” Taiven said when they put some distance between themselves and the aranea. “They seemed nice enough, but it’s a bit disquieting to find out we have an entire colony of these things living beneath the city, pulling their strings over gods know how many people.”</p> <p class="cnNkZDQ1MWFjYzgzMTQyMDY5YTYyMTkwZDMxNzIxZGJi">“Yeah,” agreed Mumble quietly. Zorian could definitely see why Taiven called him the way she did – he tended to talk really softly, making his speech very hard to understand sometimes. “Did you know Cyoria is kind of famous for its spider silk? The merchants who sell it are really cagy about where they get it in such quantities and have declared their source a trade secret. Most people think they have managed to create a spider species that can be farmed effectively and have a giant farm hidden somewhere, but I think it’s pretty obvious now where they get it…”</p> <p class="cnNlNTIzMWM1YTBmMjQwZDM5MjUxZjA5ZThlYzg5ZTM1">Zorian mostly kept out of the conversation, alternating between listening to their conversation (when they were saying something interesting) and studying the device they retrieved from the aranea (when they weren’t). It was, as the matriarch said, a magical item of some sort – shaped like a pocket watch, but not one. The hands didn’t move, and the screw that should have allowed a person to wind it was fused with the casing and seemed to be simply an ornamental bump put there to make the illusion superficially convincing. He tried to channel mana into it, but that didn’t result in anything substantial – the device probably required the user to channel mana in a very specific manner. Many complex magical items did.</p> <p class="cnM4NWJiNzQwZDM5YzRlNTNiOGMyNTc2OTM4YzBhYWM2">The lessons in divining the secrets of magical items that Haslush gave him really paid off here. Considering its purpose, the device yielded its purpose surprisingly easily – to put it bluntly, it was equipment for burglary. More specifically, it was a ward scanner, designed to guide and enhance divination spells meant to seek out weaknesses in complicated warding schemes so they could be broken or bypassed more easily. Their employer had probably been trying to identify a hole in aranean defenses.</p> <p class="cnNjOTRkYmM2ZDM2YzQyZmNhYTljOTllOWM5M2UyYzMw">Still, while the purpose of the device was readily apparent to his divination spells, its method of operation stubbornly remained a mystery. After several unsuccessful attempts to pry the casing open without damaging the device, he finally decided to try something… experimental. He extruded a mana cloud from his hands, the way he did when picking locks, and directed it to trickle into the device’s insides through the gaps and misaligned seams. The resulting information was fuzzy, but told him that the insides were filled with brass gears and crystals. They were probably not meant to be pried open. How then…</p> <p class="cnNjYTRlOTAyYTBlNjQzNDE5ZDg2YzQ1OGYxZWIwMGY2">Ah, so that was the trick! The hands of the clock weren’t just static – they were nothing more than an image painted over a glass cover. Zorian pressed his finger against the glass cover and pushed it into the casing. There was a soft click from the inside, and when Zorian released the pressure the cover immediately flew open, revealing a complicated interface full of dials and sigils. <em>Very</em> complicated interface… he wasn’t going to figure this out in the hour or so they had until they reached the client.</p> <p class="cnM2OTU0YTIxZGVhMDRkYjJiNWU4M2NkYzdmYWUzNjE4">He was so taking this thing apart to see how it worked in one of the future restarts.</p> <p class="cnMxNWM3YWIyZjk3NjQ0ZGE4YTgyZGU4ZTExZjU1YjE5" style="text-align: center">- break -</p> <p class="cnNiYzdjZmJjODBmYzQ5NDNhZDU2MTIwYWEzNzc3NDc4">Finishing the job was done without complications. Zorian opted not to put a tracking spell on the device, since he didn’t know how sensitive the device was and didn’t want to ruin it. That turned out to be a good choice, as the man immediately cast several diagnostic spells on the device once Zorian handed it over, one of which Zorian knew to be a spell designed to detect simple tracking spells. Once the transaction was done, Zorian insisted they shake hands, claiming it was traditional in his village to do so after a successful business deal. The man rolled his eyes and mumbled something about yokels, but humored him anyway. Mission accomplished.</p> <p class="cnNmYTgwNmY2ZThiNjQwNGFhYmU2M2NkY2ZjOTVlZDYx">After they all shared a drink in a nearby tavern (Taiven insisted and wouldn’t hear no from anyone), the group separated. Zorian immediately descended to the sewers again and went back to the aranea.</p> <p class="cnNkNTk4MTdmMmI1NTRlNGM4ZDQ2NDExN2U4OThmNDY5">[A ward reader, you say?] the matriarch asked. [It makes sense. He and his friends had been hanging out at the edge of our territory for a while, trying to stay hidden. I’m surprised he hired a bunch of students to get it, though.]</p> <p class="cnNlZmE2YjIyNTg5ZTRhMTViZGZmZmJmM2NkMjA2M2U4">“Yeah, I’m not sure what he was thinking,” Zorian said. “Seems like a stupid idea to me.”</p> <p class="cnM4YjQxMzg5M2YwNDQ0NTg4NzhlOTM3NmI5MjlkMGQ2">[We’ll find out in a few days, if all goes well,] the matriarch said. [That said, there are other things we must discuss. I believe I told you in the previous restart that I happened upon some pretty important information.]</p> <p class="cnM2ZWE3NzEyYjk4ODQ3ZDU4Mzg5MzE3NTI3ODY1NjIz">“You did,” Zorian agreed. “I was wondering what that was about.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZmU3YzMxYjkxNTRiZjliMzc3NTk1ZWE1YzAwZTY5">[It’s about the invaders. First of all, your guess was right – they are indeed from Ulquaan Ibasa.]</p> <p class="cnNlMTQ1NDE4MWVkODRmM2I5Yzg4MTQyNWYzYTFmYWYy">“I knew it,” Zorian scowled. “What was it? Are they out for revenge or is this just sheer opportunism?”</p> <p class="cnNhZmJhYWRlZTFkMjQyNjg4YTNmYzAzM2IxMjI3NWNh">[A bit of both,] the matriarch said. [They resent you for their exile and they think you’re weak, now that the Splinter Wars and The Weeping wiped out most of your battlemages. But that’s not the important part. The important part concerns a question so basic I’m honestly not sure why neither of us thought of it. Namely, why exactly did the invasion think they could conquer Cyoria in the first place?]</p> <p class="cnNmNzBlMDc1ZjM2MzQ0Nzg4Y2UxMTMxOTk3Y2Y1NTI0">Zorian opened his mouth to answer ‘with the aid of the time loop, duh’, but then quickly closed it again. According to the matriarch, this invasion had been in the works far before the start of the time loop. Clearly, someone associated with the invasion got brought into the time loop eventually and started feeding information to them to make the whole endeavor scarily effective, but what about before that? Without knowing exact locations of Cyoria’s defenses, their initial bombardment would have been a lot less damaging than it was. Without knowing the Academy’s exact ward scheme and how to bypass it, their assault at the place would be practically doomed from the start. And on top of all that, the matriarch claimed the aranea were successfully keeping the invaders out of Cyoria’s underworld before the time loop. So really, the invasion never really had the chance to take control of the place.</p> <p class="cnNlMDBlMTYwYWRlMDRhM2JiOGI1MmU2YzE1YjdiNzY1">“Perhaps they didn’t,” Zorian said. “Intend to conquer it, I mean. Cyoria is pretty important to Eldemar, but it’s not the capital, nor its industrial heartland. It’s the seat of Eldemar’s Mage Guild and the home of the world’s most prestigious mage academy, neither of which is likely to cooperate with the invaders. Most likely, they just intended to do as much damage as possible. Keep Eldemar’s magical might busy while they invade with the bulk of their forces elsewhere.”</p> <p class="cnM0MjEyYjQ3MzVjZTRlYWJhN2M4OWQxYjhiZjJkMDkz">[You’re very close,] the matriarch said. [They were indeed trying to cause as much damage to the city as possible, but it was to be much more than a simple distraction. Apparently, the date of the summer festival is very magically significant. It is the day of the year when the barriers between planes of existence are the weakest. In fact, the weakening starts exactly one month before the date, gradually reaching its peak on the day of the festival. And this year’s summer festival is even more special than usual. I’m afraid that us aranea don’t know much about astronomy, seeing as we live largely underground, but apparently this year’s summer festival includes some kind of… ‘planetary alignment’?]</p> <p class="cnNkYjRmZWQ4YTY1ODQ2ODk4MDcyOGRjMWQ2MmE3ZjRk">Zorian took a deep breath, a shiver running down his spine. Of course! How could he have missed it till now? This year’s planar alignment, signified by several planets aligning with their own, an event that took place once every 400 years or so. The last time such an event happened, a city of mages took advantage of it to teleport their entire city all the way from Miasina to the southern coast of Altazia, performing the largest feat of trans-continental teleportation to ever be recorded. If someone wanted to mess around with space and time on a grand scale, this was <em>the</em> time to do it.</p> <p class="cnMxNDI0MmMyNzhjYjQxMmNiOGFkZDdhOWRjZTE5N2Uw">“Yeah, that <em>would</em> explain a lot,” Zorian finally said. “Like why the time loop was initiated now, of all times. But wait, how does that help them to do more damage to the city? Did they intend to teleport the city into the sea or something?”</p> <p class="cnM0ODZhMzc1ZjhiMDRlYWU5ZmIyZTY5ZDQwY2M5MGRl">[No. First of all, they intended to summon a large amount of high-level demons to help with the invasion. This was why they were willing to go through with the attack, despite their lack of success against us and their inability to do much to the academy and its wards. Demons, especially high-level ones, are virtually immune to mental attacks and highly resistant to magic. The aranea would be massacred in no time at all, and the mages would be too busy fighting for their lives to help out the city’s mundane defenders. Those same defenders would be up against trolls and fire elementals, who are immune to firearms, with winter wolves and iron beaks acting as support. ]</p> <p class="cnMxMmM5YmU0MWJiODRhMWRiNTVmODA2NGNjYWM0ZDhj">“That… that’s horrible,” Zorian said after digesting that for a second. “Why aren’t they doing that now?”</p> <p class="cnMyMTQ2ODIzNzc2ZTRiNjhiNjAxMTQ1NzIyNzZjOWRj">[They can’t, remember? No summoning anything while in the time loop. The whole material plane has been cut off from the spiritual ones,] the matriarch reminded him.</p> <p class="cnM4ODNmNWRjNDE5NDQ0MjA5ZDRmOTIzYjFlYzA1YjQ3">“Oh yeah,” Zorian said. “I guess that would throw a serious wrench in the works. I wonder if they actually went through with the invasion during the initial restart when they had no agent inside the time loop. They would have surely known their plan was doomed without demonic support.”</p> <p class="cnNiNGMxZjNmOTExZDQ5YWQ5ZDk4ZDFlNDk5ZGQ0ZTMx">[They probably would,] the matriarch said. [The demons were ultimately a distraction, same as the rest of their forces. The invasion leadership didn’t actually think they were enough to do more than cripple Cyoria and they wanted it completely wiped off the map. No, the real target lies with the area around the Hole. While the defenders were busy fighting for their lives, a group of mages would secure the place and enact a grand summoning ritual.]</p> <p class="cnMwOTFkMzFkZjhhODQ4ZTBiYmE1Zjk0ZGNmZTBkZmQ5">“Ugh,” Zorian grunted. “Let me guess: a really big demon.”</p> <p class="cnNhNjE3YTI0ZjkxZjQyODdhYTZlZmI2NzQxMmNmYzU0">[No. They wanted to summon a primordial.]</p> <p class="cnMyOTIwOTA5OTExZDQyN2RhMjRjM2Y4YjMxNDc3Zjk3">Color instantly drained out of Zorian face. “What!? But… that would leave the whole city a lifeless crater! What about their own forces!?”</p> <p class="cnM2Mjc0MjUyMDIwNTQ3M2Q5NGY0YjkxN2M0YjdhNTEx">[Expendable,] the matriarch told him bluntly. [Everyone high enough to matter was ready to teleport away at the first hint that the summoning was successful, the rest were disposable pawns that were never actually expected to survive. Besides, you’ll notice that the actual invasion force is really light on human mages. Only a minimum of Ibasan mages was necessary to maintain some control over the various demons and monsters. And you’re actually rather optimistic in your damage predictions. The Ibasan leadership hoped that being summoned with the help of the biggest mana well on the continent would give the primordial enough power to linger on this plane for weeks. If so, it would rampage across large swathes of Altazia before finally running out of power or until the Altazians managed to organize a group of mages big enough to banish it back to its realm. Then Ulquaan Ibasa could just swoop in once it’s gone and mop up the demoralized survivors.]</p> <p class="cnNmZWI0MGRmZDQ0MjRmMWFiYTZkZjhjOWM4YzUzZTcx">Zorian was honestly at a loss for words. On one hand, the plan was utterly crazy, and a large part of him wanted to say it would never work. Where did they even find a ritual to summon a goddamn primordial of all things? But still, he’d watched the invaders bulldoze through Cyoria’s defenses far too many times to discount them like that. If they thought the plan could work, it probably could.</p> <p class="cnM4OTM3ZTM5YzhjMDRhMGJhZjgwMmNhMzJjMGVhN2Ex">“Where did they find mages willing to do the summoning?” Zorian asked. “They must have known they’d be killed by the primordial’s rampage before they can escape, being so close to it and all. And do you happen to know which primordial it was?”</p> <p class="cnMzMGYyN2I4ZTg1MDQ3NTdhOWI4MjMzZWExMDhhODk3">[The summoning would be done by the Esoteric Order of the Celestial Dragon… probably known to you by the name ‘Cult of the World Dragon’. Apparently they are fully willing to die in order to summon one of the ‘Great Mother’s children’. Those of their members not involved with the summoning are helping the invasion forces as regular mage support or simple saboteurs, in case of more mundane members. Actually, now that I think about it, they are probably acting as the invaders’ inside agents in general; we’ll have to infiltrate their group deeper for more information. Anyway, no, I don’t know which primordial. Just that it was one of the land-bound ones – the Ibasans didn’t want to risk it suddenly deciding it wanted to visit their little island and flying over.]</p> <p class="cnMwNmY1NjI5NjYwNjQyYTJiODQ4M2FlZTRiMTA4MDA4">“I’ll bet,” Zorian said. “Of course, all this means we have a problem on our hands. No matter how formidable the invasion is while we’re trapped inside the time loop, it will be even more fearsome outside of it. They will have additional demon support on top of everything they already have, and we’ll have to spend some of our time thwarting the primordial summoning. I want to say those cultists are just totally crazy and couldn’t summon a crippled imp, much less a thrice-damned primordial, but the possibility is just so catastrophic we can’t afford to risk it.”</p> <p class="cnMzYmM3MGJhMjdmNjQ1ZGY5YjY3NzI1NjIxODc3MzU4">[Yes, this indeed complicates the matter considerably,] the matriarch agreed. [My original plan was to keep thwarting the flow of the invasion until the third time traveler is forced to reveal themselves, either through sloppiness or frustration; lure them into an ambush and mindrape them into catatonia; find a perfect counter for an invasion over several restarts; and finally, find a way to break the time loop and deal with the invaders for real. The part about dealing with the third time traveler still seems workable, but finding a perfect counter will clearly be impossible with such a large variable missing while we’re inside the time loop…]</p> <p class="cnM3Njk4NDBiNWEyZjRhNDk5ZjQxYmE3MmVjMWZjMmQ3">Zorian was a tad queasy about how matter-of-factly the matriarch spoke of destroying a person’s mind, but he had to admit he knew of no other way to deal with the third time traveler. The only other way involved destroying his soul, and that was arguably even more morally reprehensible. Plus, he didn’t actually know how to destroy someone’s soul. And hopefully never would.</p> <p class="cnM3YTczNTdiZTEyZDRjOTc4OThjMWEyY2MxODA1NDc4">“Right,” Zorian sighed tiredly. “What a day. Do you have any other bombshells to throw at me?”</p> <p class="cnM5ODI5YmVkNjg5YjRkYzI4YmE3MjBkNWU1MTg3ZGRi">[Well… not as such, no. However, these recent developments mean that I will not have much time to teach you this month. Fortunately, you are at the level where you don’t really need a high-level user like me to guide you, so I have found you a suitable replacement. Zorian, say hello to Enthusiastic Seeker of Novelty.]</p> <p class="cnM4MGI4NDc2NDgxOTQxMjg4YTczY2ExNzkxOGE5Yjhm">One of the aranea that had accompanied the matriarch, a rather small and twitchy individual that seemed to have trouble staying still, suddenly jumped down from the ceiling and landed in front of him.</p> <p class="cnMwOTc3NGE0NTQwZTQyZDBiYzU2MWRhZjczNjAyMDYz">[Hi! I am Enthusiastic Seeker of Novelty and I will totally be your teacher this month! I know you humans have trouble with our names so you can just call me Novelty. I don’t mind!] She circled around him as she spoke to him telepathically, looking like some kind of weird puppy inviting him to play with her. [Anyway, when the matriarch asked for volunteers to teach you, I was like: ‘this is your chance, Novelty’. I was totally game! They won’t let me help with defense because I’m supposedly too young, but they told me you’re a baby at this psychic stuff and I can totally take care of babies! And hey, you can teach me stuff too! I was always curious about you humans, like how you can walk on your hind legs without tipping over all the time or…]</p> <p class="cnMzYTU0NTU2MWFjMTQwMzdhZGQzN2QwYzkxN2NlYzRl">Zorian tuned out her chatter in favor of giving the matriarch a glare.</p> <p class="cnNhNDhkYzFjMDcwZTQ2NTQ5YTViZmRjYzhmZTQ2ZjI4">[Does she come with an off button?] he asked telepathically.</p> <p class="cnNlMTE2NWQ0ZWEyYjQ4OGJiMmFlZDEyODhlNDI4MjRj">The matriarch simply projected a mixture of amusement and satisfaction in response.</p> </div>
**Chapter 022****Complications** Zorian woke up in his bed in Cirin, Kirielle wishing him a good morning in that charming manner of hers. He was annoyed both at himself for not paying more attention to his surroundings and at the unknown attacker that did him in. It figured that he would survive all those close calls and near-death situations, only to get killed by a simple sneak attack. He passed the train ride sketching magic item blueprints in his notebook. Most of them were trivial things, like plates that kept the temperature of a meal constant or explosive traps that triggered on their own when certain conditions had been met, but he was toying with the idea of designing a practice dummy. He had found a combination of alteration spells that should allow him to construct a dummy out of wooden scraps and soil, but making the animation core was no simple task. And then, even if he managed that, he would have to design a warding scheme to etch into the dummy’s surface, lest it disintegrate when he started hurling spells at it… possibly in an explosive manner, showering him with wooden splinters and shrapnel. He should probably also add at least a weak self-repair function, to prevent the dummy from falling apart from micro-fractures and such… He didn’t expect to finish this project in the current restart. In any case, this time Zorian didn’t wait much before contacting the aranea. Upon entering his room, he spent an hour crafting a rod of magic missiles for basic self-defense and then promptly marched off in the direction of the nearest Dungeon entrance. Unlike his previous attempts to look for aranea, he wasn’t simply walking around, waiting to stumble upon their scouts – he was trying to sense their minds with his brand new mind sense. Sadly, he sensed nothing except an occasional rat and- He stopped, sensing a mind of unusual strength from one of the rats ahead. He mentally ordered his floating light to intensify for a moment and was rewarded with a disquieting sight of a rat missing the top of his head. For a full second, Zorian and the cephalic rat stood still and watched one another in indecision, trying to decide on a course of action. Then – gently, hesitantly – the rat extended a telepathic probe at him, trying to worm into his mind. For one small moment, Zorian considered trying to take it on telepathically, but then discarded the thought as stupid and risky. He was completely untrained in telepathic combat, and that one rat was merely a conduit for the entire cephalic rat collective. So instead he drew his brand new spell rod and fired a magic missile at it. The moment he reached for his spell rod, the rat immediately dropped its telepathic probe and tried to run. It was too slow. The bolt of concussive force slammed into the tiny creature with a loud crack, pulverizing its bones and crushing it into paste. Well, so much for that. Zorian extended his mind sense as far as he could, trying to sense the rest of the collective, but found nothing. Either this one was an isolated scout or the rest had some method of hiding from his scans. By the time he had decided to move on, the pulped body of the cephalic rat was already being enveloped by a green, translucent mass of crawling gel. The oozes that patrolled these walled-off sections of the dungeon were artificially engineered to be less dangerous and aggressive than their wild counterparts, but Zorian was never a fan of tempting fate and did his best to side-step the things as he moved past them. Acid burns were hard to heal, even with magic. When he finally did find the aranea, the meeting was pretty disappointing. The aranea he met was one of those that didn’t know how to talk to humans, so it took him 10 minutes of telepathic pantomime that left him with a raging headache, and once the matriarch finally showed up she basically told him to get lost for a few days until she came to terms with the contents of the memory packet. Not an unexpected turn of events, but he had been hoping that the matriarch had refined her memory packet into something that could convince her past-self a bit faster than last time. The matriarch was a bit pushy and conceited, but it was nice to talk to someone about the time loop. Also, the truth was that there was little he could do to unravel the mystery of the time loop without aranea help other than steadily gathering magical skills and keeping his eyes open. As he walked back to his room to sleep off his newly-acquired headache, he tried to think of a way to advance faster in his magical studies. He needed a teacher. One willing to teach him spells most instructors would consider too dangerous for the likes of a freshly certified student. Who did he know that would… oh. That just might work. - break - The next day, when Taiven came to recruit him into her little sewer expedition she found him practicing combat spells on one of the Academy training grounds instead of sleeping in his room. He could have easily warded himself against her divination spells at this point, but having her track him down was part of the plan: he was hoping to recruit her as a sparring partner, and possibly teacher. He had always thought he had gotten over Taiven’s (oblivious) rejection of him, but apparently there was still some lingering resentment remaining because he noticed something very important in the previous restart. Something he should have noticed way sooner, had he not been unconsciously ignoring her and pushing her away. Taiven was not at all opposed to helping him out, especially if the help was somehow related to combat. Why was he insisting on learning combat magic alone, without an instructor, when he was friends with someone who specialized in that very field of magic? So here he was, carefully casting magic missiles at the target in front of him, trying to make them as mana efficient as possible. He was hoping that Taiven would offer to help on her own when she saw him practicing, and he wasn’t disappointed. She did, however, attach a condition to her offer. “So, in conclusion, I get a month of instruction from you, free of charge, in exchange for joining you on this sewer run of yours?” Zorian asked. “Yup!” Taiven said happily, looking very satisfied with herself. Zorian could guess why – she just found a way to pressure him into accompanying her, and all it took was promising to do something she was inclined to do anyway. “I suppose that’s okay,” said Zorian, mentally considering how he should approach this. He could, of course, simply trail after them and let them fumble around for a while – it’s what Taiven expected him to do, and he was pretty sure the aranea wouldn’t ‘attack’ while he was present. However, after some thought, he decided to go for a different path. “I have a request though. I am on speaking terms with a colony of sentient spiders living in the sewers, and I have a sneaking suspicion they’re the ones that supposedly took the watch. I’d like to try actually talking to them before you go in and start burning things.” Taiven gave him a curious look. “You are friends with a bunch of giant, sewer-dwelling spiders?” “Pretty much,” Zorian agreed with her. He would describe the aranea as acquaintances and allies of convenience instead of friends, but she didn’t have to know that. “I trust you and your friends can keep that a secret? I’m sure you can see why spreading that around might cause problems for me and the spiders both.” “Don’t worry, I’m not a tattletale,” Taiven said dismissively. “And I’ve yet to see Grunt and Mumble engage in any kind of gossip, so your secret is safe with us, oh great monster charmer. You think they’ll just hand us the watch if we ask?” “If the client’s story is not made up, then yes. I don’t see what use they would have for a pocket watch. But anyway, I have a request for you before you run off to do your thing.” “Oh? And what’s that?” “Teach me a fire spell more destructive than flamethrower,” Zorian said. “How big are your mana reserves?” Taiven immediately asked, not at all disturbed by the request. “Magnitude 12,” Zorian said. “Hmm, a little lower than I thought, but decent enough I guess,” Taiven said. Zorian decided to keep quiet about the underwhelming nature of his natural reserves. “What kind of spells are you looking for, anyway?” “Preferably something that can one-shot a troll,” Zorian said. Taiven looked at him like he was crazy. “What? Roach, you’re far too green to go around picking fights with trolls. What the hell are you on?” “Just humor me, Taiven,” Zorian sighed. “Besides, this is pure self-defense – I won’t be picking fights with anything.” “Hmph,” Taiven shrugged. “Says a guy who goes around meeting giant spiders in the sewers in his free time. But alright, I guess if you’re going to do stuff like that you’ll need some stronger spells under your belt. I expect an explanation about that soon, though.” “After the summer festival,” agreed Zorian smoothly. “I’ll hold you to that,” Taiven said, poking him painfully in the chest. “Now, there are two spells that kind of fit your criteria, although they will only kill a troll if you can hit the troll in the face with them – fire bolt and incinerating ray. The bolt can home in on the target and is cheaper in terms of mana use. The ray is far more damaging, but also far more of a mana hog and you need to worry about your aim.” “Teach me both,” said Zorian. The bolt seemed like something that would be more generally useful for someone like him, but he needed the raw power as well. “You sure you have the shaping skills for this, Roach?” Taiven asked. “’Cause this kind of spell isn’t going to fizzle out if you fail – it will blow up in your face.” Zorian snorted derisively. “Trust me, shaping skills are not something I’m lacking in,” he said. He raised his arm into the air, palm pointed towards the earth, and willed some of the dust and dirt to rise towards it. The dry, loose material that covered the training ground slowly rose towards his hand in a diffuse pillar, coalescing into a rough sphere once they reached his palm. Once he was satisfied with the size of the sphere, he pointed his palm towards one of the targets and willed the mass of dirt rapidly forward, catapulting it towards the target. Sadly, the impromptu construct was too structurally unsound and disintegrated into dust halfway towards the target, so some of the effect was ruined. It didn’t make the feat any less impressive to Taiven, though. “Damn, that was impressive as hell,” Taiven said. “How can you do that? I don’t think *I* could do that... Lift a rock off the ground, sure, but diffuse material like soil? That’s a pretty advanced exercise. Hmm, if your shaping skills are that good, I guess there are a few more spells I could teach you…” Zorian smiled. This had definitely been a good idea. - break - During the next several days, while he waited for Taiven to gather her team for the journey into the city’s sewers, Zorian got a crash course in combat magic from his friend. Taiven took a surprisingly broad approach to the topic, opting to teach him as many different spells as she could manage instead of having him practice a few until he had a firm hold over them. She claimed that he already had a core of spells he was properly proficient in, and that he needed variety and breadth of possible options more than he needed a new ace in the hole, but she later admitted she was testing him, trying to discover the limits of his shaping skills. Something she didn’t end up finding – Zorian’s shaping skills were better than hers; every spell she could cast, he could as well. Not all of the spells she taught him were of the typical offensive sort he expected from her. Some of them, like the ‘spider climb’ spell that allowed him to cling to sheer walls and other stable surfaces, ‘featherfall’ that allowed him to survive high falls, or the various comfort spells that blunted temperature extremes and other environmental conditions, could be more properly classified as survival spells. Nonetheless, Taiven insisted that sometimes the environment itself was just as big of a danger to a mage as his living opponents, and that he needed to know these spells if he was going to waltz around the dungeon and similar places. She was also fairly horrified by his lack of defensive spells. Not just a lack of any defensive barriers more substantive than the basic shield, though she wasn’t happy about that either – no, she was talking about wards. Wards were fairly useless once the fight started, since they were slow to cast, and few opponents would give a mage the time needed to cast them during a battle, but Taiven claimed they were absolutely essential for a mage who expected to get into a fight. So long as you weren’t ambushed or otherwise surprised, and actually knew you were going to be in a fight soon, you could at least cast some basic wards to improve your spell resistance and counter some of more common spells. And if you actually knew something about your opponent’s spell repertoire and specialties? Then you could really ruin their day with a few choice wards. This was the reason why humanity had been steadily encroaching on monster-held territory with every passing year – most magical creatures only had a handful of inborn magical tricks and abilities on their side and once you knew what they were you could devise a perfect counter for them in advance. Unfortunately, you could only stack so many wards on top of each other before they started to interfere with each other and the whole edifice collapsed, and some of them inherently interfered with each other’s operation, so knowing how to combine them effectively was a bit of a specialist skill. Taiven was not very proficient with wards herself, being more offensively focused, so he would need to find somebody else for anything except the basics. However, most of the spells she taught him were various offensive and defensive energy projections, largely ones revolving around fire and force, but also some spells based on cold and electricity. Among other things, Zorian could now cast the ever-famous fireball spell… exactly twice before he ran out of mana. So not very useful, honestly, but Taiven claimed that any mage worth their name should be able to cast a fireball, and that the utility of such spells would naturally increase along with his mana reserves. “Actually, I’m curious… is there some way to speed up the growth of mana reserves?” asked Zorian. “I know that artificially increasing them has bad side-effects, but is there some kind of training method that would speed up natural growth?” Taiven looked at him, looking apprehensive. “Technically, yes,” admitted Taiven reluctantly. “It’s as simple as using mana-intensive spells to constantly exhaust your reserves. It would kick the growth of your reserves into overdrive. However, that kind of unnatural growth would completely wreck your current shaping skills – your normal growth of reserves is so slow because your soul is making sure your control over mana doesn’t slip. Wrecking your shaping skills just to speed up the growth of your reserves is really short-sighted, Roach. Please don’t do it. I never would, and you know I’m not exactly the most responsible girl. Surely you can wait for a few years for them to grow on their own?” Well he certainly wasn’t pressed for time at the moment, Zorian had to admit. “I suppose that makes sense,” he said. “I guess the reason why mana reserves plateau after a while is that there is only so much power a soul can safely handle. Increasing the cap artificially after that point messes up the mage’s shaping skills with no hope of ever regaining them. No wonder everyone recommends against doing it – no matter how benign the enhancement process, the result is still more power and less control over it.” “There is always a trade-off between control and power,” said Taiven. “It’s just not apparent most of the time, since very few people try to develop their shaping skills to their limits. Many mages think that having more mana is always better, since you can always work harder on your shaping skills, but increasing your mana reserves without bad side effects is essentially impossible. It’s not true, though. No matter how much time they spend honing their shaping skills, people with huge mana reserves are outright incapable of performing some particularly finesse-focused spells – things like advanced mind magic, detailed illusions and complex alteration constructs.” “Wait, you’re saying that I’ll lose the ability to cast finesse-based spells as my mana reserves increase?” asked Zorian in alarm. “No, no, I’m talking about your *natural* mana reserves – your inborn capacity before you start to increase it through regular spellcasting. About magnitude. Most spells, even highly sophisticated ones, are designed for average mages – magnitude 8 to 12, in other words. You’re 12, so still comfortably within the intended range. Hell, I’ve heard of a one particular 15 magnitude mage that became a damn good illusionist, so even if you tip over a little it will hardly matter.” Considering Zorian’s real magnitude was 8, he apparently had nothing to worry about. Still, it did make him wonder about Zach, who seemed to have magnitude in the low 60s. How did that kind of monstrous power factor in Taiven’s scheme? “How about people with really high magnitude?” asked Zorian. “How high can you go before finesse-based spells become impossible?” “I’ve never seen hard numbers, but I’d guess around magnitude 20 or so,” Taiven shrugged. “How about the really high numbers?” Zorian asked. “Something like magnitude 60?” Taiven blinked, seemingly baffled by the question. “Well, that would be downright inhuman!” she said finally. “Is that even possible? Anyway, I’m not sure whether that would even be a good thing, even for a battlemage like me. Anyone with such mana reserves would have to spend years longer than their peers just to gain a basic level of proficiency expected of a certified mage. Maybe as much as a decade even, I don’t know.” Zorian thought about what a relative failure Zach was before the time loop and frowned. He had thought that Zach had simply been a lazy slacker, but maybe there was more to it than that? Then again, he had a feeling Zach was a special case. Those inhuman mana reserves were just that – completely outside the human range. He found absolutely no records of people like that in any of the books, and most of the experts he asked flat out told him such people didn’t exist outside of myths. Also, while Zach had been a crappy mage, he did succeed in getting certified so his huge mana reserves clearly weren’t as crippling as they should have been. Maybe it was a Noveda House bloodline? One that gave their family huge reserves without the crippling loss of control, perhaps. Of course, the Noveda publically claimed they had no bloodline, but it wouldn’t be the first time a House had lied. “I hesitate to even bring this up,” Taiven said, breaking him out of his thoughts, “but if you’re really desperate for a short term mana boost, you can always absorb ambient mana faster than you can assimilate it. I’m sure you’re aware of the drawbacks, though…” Zorian nodded. There were two main forms of mana available to the mage: his personal mana and the ambient one that emanated from the underworld. Personal mana was something that all things with a soul possessed in varying amounts, and it was attuned to the person producing it – it bent easily to its creator’s will, and was innately more malleable and controllable than anything else they might use to power their magic, since it never resisted the caster’s efforts to shape it. Ambient mana, on the other hand, was both harder to control and toxic to living beings. Not enough to kill a mage just for using it once, but any substantial, prolonged use resulted in sickness and insanity. The mages of old believed that ambient mana was tainted by the World Dragon’s hate for humanity and shunned its use, but modern mages had discovered a few tricks to making use of it. One was by using it to power items, which had no minds to corrupt or bodies to sicken. The other was to assimilate the ambient mana into their personal reserves, negating its toxic properties. While the process of assimilation was too slow to power actual spells, being able to regenerate personal reserves faster was useful enough that the skill spread far and wide. These days, every student of magic was taught how to do it along with the other basics of spellcasting. “I’ll get sick,” Zorian said. “And possibly mad, if I keep using it constantly.” “Right,” Taiven said. “Using raw mana on a regular basis is pretty stupid, but if you’re in a real bind… well, it’s better to spend a few days bedridden with a fever than end up dead.” “You’ve used it before,” guessed Zorian. Taiven gave him a surprised look, like it was unexpected he figured it out. “Uh, maybe once? Or twice?” She shifted her stance, looking uncomfortable. “But keep quiet about that, will you? Most combat mages have done it a couple of times in their life, but Guild inspectors don’t accept ‘everybody’s doing it’ as an excuse.” Zorian made a gesture over his mouth, indicating that his lips are sealed. It’s not like she didn’t know plenty of things to get him in trouble with, anyway. “Let’s just get back to the lesson, oh great teacher,” Zorian said. “Since you’re so intent on teaching me mana-intensive fire spells, how about that fire vortex I heard you can cast…” - break - When the time came, Taiven and her two friends let Zorian take point as he led them towards aranea territory. They had already tried and failed to divine the location of the watch, which wasn’t terribly unusual if it really was taken by the aranea – the aranea had been engaged in a shadow war with the invaders for a while now, even before the time loop started, and their anti-divination wards were top-notch. [We meet again, Zorian Kazinski,] the matriarch spoke telepathically to him. She was surrounded by 6 honor guards, though only 2 were actually visible while the other four hung from the ceiling while under some kind of invisibility spell. Zorian only knew they were there because he could sense their minds. [And once again you bring additional guests with you. Three of them this time. If this pattern continues, we’ll have to find a more spacious area to house them all after a few more restarts.] [Funny,] Zorian sent back. [But actually, this is the group I was a part of when I first met the aranea. We were looking for a watch supposedly in your possession then, same as we are now. Sounds familiar?] “What’s going on?” asked Taiven. She and her two friends were hanging in the back, looking apprehensively at the three spiders in front of them. “Why are you just staring at them?” Before Zorian could say anything, the matriarch started waving her front four legs in the air for a while and then spoke. “What’s this about a watch I hear?” she asked, turning her two biggest, forward-facing eyes at Taiven. It took a few minutes of explaining and clarifications, but in the end the matriarch finally seemed to remember the event in question. “Oh, now I remember,” she said. “Though the man in question certainly wasn’t any kind of innocent passerby, and the ‘watch’ is no simple time-keeping device – he had assaulted our web with a couple of other thugs and ended up dropping his bauble when we chased them off.” [He’s one of the invaders,] the matriarch told him telepathically, so only he could hear. [Or at least he works for them. You say you saw him? Excellent, we finally have an entry point into the organization. A face, a name and face-to-face contact should be enough to divine where he lives… you know his name, don’t you? Excellent. Hopefully he gave away his real one. Did you shake hands with him when you accepted the job? No? Try to shake hands with him when you give him the device. Maybe put a tracking spell on it if you know how…] Somehow, the matriarch was able to participate in two separate conversations at once, speaking out loud to Taiven and her two friends as she spoke telepathically to Zorian. Zorian himself was not similarly blessed, and mostly tuned out her explanation to Taiven in order to absorb what she was telling him mentally. Finally, she seemed to realize this and cut her telepathic communication with him short, allowing him to pay attention to what she had been saying to Taiven. “…so I’m not sure what the device is for, but it’s clearly a magical item of some sort,” the matriarch said out loud. “It’s useless for us aranea, but we are well familiar with the concept of trade. We were hoping to trade it to some of our human contacts for something we can actually use, but since it’s our dear friend Zorian that’s asking for it, I guess we’ll give it to you as a favor. I’m sure Zorian will make it up to us… eventually.” “Uhh…” fumbled Taiven, looking at him uncertainly. “Is… that okay, Roach? Are you…?” “Yeah, I’m fine with that,” Zorian shrugged. Although as far as he was concerned he didn’t really owe any favors to the matriarch for this. [I only said that for appearances sake,] the matriarch told him telepathically. [It would be weird if we just gave it up for no reason. Besides, as far as *I’m* concerned, you will repay my generosity by helping me track down your employer so we can wring him for information.] “Fang of Victory will go and retrieve the bauble,” the matriarch said out loud, causing one of the two visible honor guards to suddenly skitter off into the darkness. “I’d ask you to warn your employer against further aggression against us, but it’s probably best if you keep quiet about talking to us.” “Why did he attack you anyway?” asked Taiven. “You seem nice enough to me.” “Most places will kill sentient monsters as a matter of course, if they find them within their borders,” Grunt said. He and Mumble were both pretty quiet thus far, so it was a bit startling to hear him speak up all of the sudden. Taiven gave him a dirty look for his remark. “What? I’m just saying he didn’t need a reason. Their presence would be offense enough for some people.” “It’s a little more complex than that,” the matriarch said. “Humans clash with other sentient races, that is true, but that’s because most of them are highly territorial, murderous, view humans as food, or all three. On occasions where that wasn’t the case, humans have shown themselves willing to make exceptions and take a more… nuanced approach. There are several dragons that deal with humans in a peaceful manner, the lizardmen of Blantyrre have long been a trading partner for human nations, and many of the splinter states bordering the wilderness have made secret or not so secret pacts with various spirits and monster clans living within their nominal borders.” “You’ve thought about this a lot,” Zorian remarked. “Though not well known, we have been peacefully interacting with humanity for quite a long time now,” the matriarch said. “The aranea have been living in the deeper levels of the dungeon for as long as this city has existed. When the foundations were being laid, several campaigns were launched into the local sections of the dungeon to clear out the threats lurking inside it. However, this power vacuum also allowed weaker races like aranea to move into the place. The dungeon around the Hole is prime real estate for magical creatures of all breeds, as you probably know, and the competition was fierce. Fortunately, while we aranea lacked the brute strength or destructive magical abilities of some of our competitors, we were far more willing to cooperate with humans to our mutual benefit. We contacted some of the humans that were willing to cooperate with us and gave them information about our mutual enemies – their strengths and weaknesses, where they lived, the timing of their attacks and movements… everything they needed to wipe them out, or at least weaken them to the point where we could finish the job. Information gathering has always been our specialty.” Zorian found himself fascinated by the story, and more than a little surprised that the matriarch was willing to say all this in front of Taiven and her friends. Then again, Zorian never told them that aranea were mind readers, so their minds were completely unshielded - the matriarch probably had a pretty good picture of how likely they were to cause trouble for her. And they weren’t going to remember anything about this when this loop ended, either. “Although giving information to humans helped us as well as them, we rarely did it for free – in return for our secrets, we demanded some of your own. Our human allies used the information we provided to make a name for themselves and further their careers, and in return they taught us some of your magic and helped us adapt it for our own use. Armed with our very own system of structured magic, the aranea grew in strength and versatility, solidifying their hold over this region and making the web that lived beneath Cyoria the most prestigious of aranean webs. The resulting prosperity caused their numbers to swell, and they sent a never-ending stream of colonists and breakaway webs to the surrounding region, where they proceeded to evict or subjugate every lesser aranean web they encountered. But although these aranea left Cyoria in search of their own destiny, no place had the prestige or opportunities that Cyoria offered, and thus viewed their mother web with envy and resentment. Soon, a number of these breakaways banded together and, armed with the experience of fighting the lesser webs for territory, drove the original web out of their homeland. It would not be the last time Cyoria changed hands. The conquerors were soon evicted by another group of invaders, and this group was evicted by another, and then they were evicted by us. We are the fifth web to hold this place and while our position is secure at the moment, any sort of weakness could cause the neighboring webs to get… restless.” “Huh,” Zorian said. “So if you were, hypothetically speaking, absolutely decimated by someone and had your numbers severely reduced?” “Our neighbors would launch a few probing raids at the very least,” the matriarch said. “But anyway, my point is that humans and aranea are not, nor have they ever been enemies. Well, barring some… isolated incidents. On both sides. In fact, it has been my explicit policy to encourage closer links between this web and humans living in Cyoria. I hope the day will come when aranea will be able to walk the street above in open daylight, just like any other citizen.” “And I suppose you hope the humans will defend you from outside threats, like any other citizens,” Grunt said. “Like, say, from those rival ‘webs’ that want to take your territory?” “I confess that possibility does factor rather heavily into my thinking,” the matriarch admitted. “The city authorities would be a lot less inclined to stand by and watch if we had an established, formal relationship with them.” “So is this your recruiting pitch?” asked Taiven. “Are you trying to turn us into your agents?” “More contacts is always good,” the matriarch said. “But no, I’m not trying to recruit you. I just sensed you were worried about Zorian’s association with us and wanted to assuage your fears somewhat. Anyway, Fang of Victory is coming back with the bauble so we’ll have to cut this short here. Talk to Zorian if you ever want to chat with us again.” Sure enough, the matriarch honor guard soon returned with the watch. Zorian half-expected her to return with the watch gripped in her fangs, but it actually came back carrying some kind of leather harness full of pouches across its body, one of which held the watch. For a moment Zorian wondered how they made that, what with them lacking hands and all, but then realized he was being a bit foolish. The matriarch had already said they traded with humans for a lot of things – this must be one of them. They quickly said goodbye to the aranea and were on their way back to their employer, prize in hand. “I don’t know what to think,” Taiven said when they put some distance between themselves and the aranea. “They seemed nice enough, but it’s a bit disquieting to find out we have an entire colony of these things living beneath the city, pulling their strings over gods know how many people.” “Yeah,” agreed Mumble quietly. Zorian could definitely see why Taiven called him the way she did – he tended to talk really softly, making his speech very hard to understand sometimes. “Did you know Cyoria is kind of famous for its spider silk? The merchants who sell it are really cagy about where they get it in such quantities and have declared their source a trade secret. Most people think they have managed to create a spider species that can be farmed effectively and have a giant farm hidden somewhere, but I think it’s pretty obvious now where they get it…” Zorian mostly kept out of the conversation, alternating between listening to their conversation (when they were saying something interesting) and studying the device they retrieved from the aranea (when they weren’t). It was, as the matriarch said, a magical item of some sort – shaped like a pocket watch, but not one. The hands didn’t move, and the screw that should have allowed a person to wind it was fused with the casing and seemed to be simply an ornamental bump put there to make the illusion superficially convincing. He tried to channel mana into it, but that didn’t result in anything substantial – the device probably required the user to channel mana in a very specific manner. Many complex magical items did. The lessons in divining the secrets of magical items that Haslush gave him really paid off here. Considering its purpose, the device yielded its purpose surprisingly easily – to put it bluntly, it was equipment for burglary. More specifically, it was a ward scanner, designed to guide and enhance divination spells meant to seek out weaknesses in complicated warding schemes so they could be broken or bypassed more easily. Their employer had probably been trying to identify a hole in aranean defenses. Still, while the purpose of the device was readily apparent to his divination spells, its method of operation stubbornly remained a mystery. After several unsuccessful attempts to pry the casing open without damaging the device, he finally decided to try something… experimental. He extruded a mana cloud from his hands, the way he did when picking locks, and directed it to trickle into the device’s insides through the gaps and misaligned seams. The resulting information was fuzzy, but told him that the insides were filled with brass gears and crystals. They were probably not meant to be pried open. How then… Ah, so that was the trick! The hands of the clock weren’t just static – they were nothing more than an image painted over a glass cover. Zorian pressed his finger against the glass cover and pushed it into the casing. There was a soft click from the inside, and when Zorian released the pressure the cover immediately flew open, revealing a complicated interface full of dials and sigils. *Very* complicated interface… he wasn’t going to figure this out in the hour or so they had until they reached the client. He was so taking this thing apart to see how it worked in one of the future restarts. - break - Finishing the job was done without complications. Zorian opted not to put a tracking spell on the device, since he didn’t know how sensitive the device was and didn’t want to ruin it. That turned out to be a good choice, as the man immediately cast several diagnostic spells on the device once Zorian handed it over, one of which Zorian knew to be a spell designed to detect simple tracking spells. Once the transaction was done, Zorian insisted they shake hands, claiming it was traditional in his village to do so after a successful business deal. The man rolled his eyes and mumbled something about yokels, but humored him anyway. Mission accomplished. After they all shared a drink in a nearby tavern (Taiven insisted and wouldn’t hear no from anyone), the group separated. Zorian immediately descended to the sewers again and went back to the aranea. [A ward reader, you say?] the matriarch asked. [It makes sense. He and his friends had been hanging out at the edge of our territory for a while, trying to stay hidden. I’m surprised he hired a bunch of students to get it, though.] “Yeah, I’m not sure what he was thinking,” Zorian said. “Seems like a stupid idea to me.” [We’ll find out in a few days, if all goes well,] the matriarch said. [That said, there are other things we must discuss. I believe I told you in the previous restart that I happened upon some pretty important information.] “You did,” Zorian agreed. “I was wondering what that was about.” [It’s about the invaders. First of all, your guess was right – they are indeed from Ulquaan Ibasa.] “I knew it,” Zorian scowled. “What was it? Are they out for revenge or is this just sheer opportunism?” [A bit of both,] the matriarch said. [They resent you for their exile and they think you’re weak, now that the Splinter Wars and The Weeping wiped out most of your battlemages. But that’s not the important part. The important part concerns a question so basic I’m honestly not sure why neither of us thought of it. Namely, why exactly did the invasion think they could conquer Cyoria in the first place?] Zorian opened his mouth to answer ‘with the aid of the time loop, duh’, but then quickly closed it again. According to the matriarch, this invasion had been in the works far before the start of the time loop. Clearly, someone associated with the invasion got brought into the time loop eventually and started feeding information to them to make the whole endeavor scarily effective, but what about before that? Without knowing exact locations of Cyoria’s defenses, their initial bombardment would have been a lot less damaging than it was. Without knowing the Academy’s exact ward scheme and how to bypass it, their assault at the place would be practically doomed from the start. And on top of all that, the matriarch claimed the aranea were successfully keeping the invaders out of Cyoria’s underworld before the time loop. So really, the invasion never really had the chance to take control of the place. “Perhaps they didn’t,” Zorian said. “Intend to conquer it, I mean. Cyoria is pretty important to Eldemar, but it’s not the capital, nor its industrial heartland. It’s the seat of Eldemar’s Mage Guild and the home of the world’s most prestigious mage academy, neither of which is likely to cooperate with the invaders. Most likely, they just intended to do as much damage as possible. Keep Eldemar’s magical might busy while they invade with the bulk of their forces elsewhere.” [You’re very close,] the matriarch said. [They were indeed trying to cause as much damage to the city as possible, but it was to be much more than a simple distraction. Apparently, the date of the summer festival is very magically significant. It is the day of the year when the barriers between planes of existence are the weakest. In fact, the weakening starts exactly one month before the date, gradually reaching its peak on the day of the festival. And this year’s summer festival is even more special than usual. I’m afraid that us aranea don’t know much about astronomy, seeing as we live largely underground, but apparently this year’s summer festival includes some kind of… ‘planetary alignment’?] Zorian took a deep breath, a shiver running down his spine. Of course! How could he have missed it till now? This year’s planar alignment, signified by several planets aligning with their own, an event that took place once every 400 years or so. The last time such an event happened, a city of mages took advantage of it to teleport their entire city all the way from Miasina to the southern coast of Altazia, performing the largest feat of trans-continental teleportation to ever be recorded. If someone wanted to mess around with space and time on a grand scale, this was *the* time to do it. “Yeah, that *would* explain a lot,” Zorian finally said. “Like why the time loop was initiated now, of all times. But wait, how does that help them to do more damage to the city? Did they intend to teleport the city into the sea or something?” [No. First of all, they intended to summon a large amount of high-level demons to help with the invasion. This was why they were willing to go through with the attack, despite their lack of success against us and their inability to do much to the academy and its wards. Demons, especially high-level ones, are virtually immune to mental attacks and highly resistant to magic. The aranea would be massacred in no time at all, and the mages would be too busy fighting for their lives to help out the city’s mundane defenders. Those same defenders would be up against trolls and fire elementals, who are immune to firearms, with winter wolves and iron beaks acting as support. ] “That… that’s horrible,” Zorian said after digesting that for a second. “Why aren’t they doing that now?” [They can’t, remember? No summoning anything while in the time loop. The whole material plane has been cut off from the spiritual ones,] the matriarch reminded him. “Oh yeah,” Zorian said. “I guess that would throw a serious wrench in the works. I wonder if they actually went through with the invasion during the initial restart when they had no agent inside the time loop. They would have surely known their plan was doomed without demonic support.” [They probably would,] the matriarch said. [The demons were ultimately a distraction, same as the rest of their forces. The invasion leadership didn’t actually think they were enough to do more than cripple Cyoria and they wanted it completely wiped off the map. No, the real target lies with the area around the Hole. While the defenders were busy fighting for their lives, a group of mages would secure the place and enact a grand summoning ritual.] “Ugh,” Zorian grunted. “Let me guess: a really big demon.” [No. They wanted to summon a primordial.] Color instantly drained out of Zorian face. “What!? But… that would leave the whole city a lifeless crater! What about their own forces!?” [Expendable,] the matriarch told him bluntly. [Everyone high enough to matter was ready to teleport away at the first hint that the summoning was successful, the rest were disposable pawns that were never actually expected to survive. Besides, you’ll notice that the actual invasion force is really light on human mages. Only a minimum of Ibasan mages was necessary to maintain some control over the various demons and monsters. And you’re actually rather optimistic in your damage predictions. The Ibasan leadership hoped that being summoned with the help of the biggest mana well on the continent would give the primordial enough power to linger on this plane for weeks. If so, it would rampage across large swathes of Altazia before finally running out of power or until the Altazians managed to organize a group of mages big enough to banish it back to its realm. Then Ulquaan Ibasa could just swoop in once it’s gone and mop up the demoralized survivors.] Zorian was honestly at a loss for words. On one hand, the plan was utterly crazy, and a large part of him wanted to say it would never work. Where did they even find a ritual to summon a goddamn primordial of all things? But still, he’d watched the invaders bulldoze through Cyoria’s defenses far too many times to discount them like that. If they thought the plan could work, it probably could. “Where did they find mages willing to do the summoning?” Zorian asked. “They must have known they’d be killed by the primordial’s rampage before they can escape, being so close to it and all. And do you happen to know which primordial it was?” [The summoning would be done by the Esoteric Order of the Celestial Dragon… probably known to you by the name ‘Cult of the World Dragon’. Apparently they are fully willing to die in order to summon one of the ‘Great Mother’s children’. Those of their members not involved with the summoning are helping the invasion forces as regular mage support or simple saboteurs, in case of more mundane members. Actually, now that I think about it, they are probably acting as the invaders’ inside agents in general; we’ll have to infiltrate their group deeper for more information. Anyway, no, I don’t know which primordial. Just that it was one of the land-bound ones – the Ibasans didn’t want to risk it suddenly deciding it wanted to visit their little island and flying over.] “I’ll bet,” Zorian said. “Of course, all this means we have a problem on our hands. No matter how formidable the invasion is while we’re trapped inside the time loop, it will be even more fearsome outside of it. They will have additional demon support on top of everything they already have, and we’ll have to spend some of our time thwarting the primordial summoning. I want to say those cultists are just totally crazy and couldn’t summon a crippled imp, much less a thrice-damned primordial, but the possibility is just so catastrophic we can’t afford to risk it.” [Yes, this indeed complicates the matter considerably,] the matriarch agreed. [My original plan was to keep thwarting the flow of the invasion until the third time traveler is forced to reveal themselves, either through sloppiness or frustration; lure them into an ambush and mindrape them into catatonia; find a perfect counter for an invasion over several restarts; and finally, find a way to break the time loop and deal with the invaders for real. The part about dealing with the third time traveler still seems workable, but finding a perfect counter will clearly be impossible with such a large variable missing while we’re inside the time loop…] Zorian was a tad queasy about how matter-of-factly the matriarch spoke of destroying a person’s mind, but he had to admit he knew of no other way to deal with the third time traveler. The only other way involved destroying his soul, and that was arguably even more morally reprehensible. Plus, he didn’t actually know how to destroy someone’s soul. And hopefully never would. “Right,” Zorian sighed tiredly. “What a day. Do you have any other bombshells to throw at me?” [Well… not as such, no. However, these recent developments mean that I will not have much time to teach you this month. Fortunately, you are at the level where you don’t really need a high-level user like me to guide you, so I have found you a suitable replacement. Zorian, say hello to Enthusiastic Seeker of Novelty.] One of the aranea that had accompanied the matriarch, a rather small and twitchy individual that seemed to have trouble staying still, suddenly jumped down from the ceiling and landed in front of him. [Hi! I am Enthusiastic Seeker of Novelty and I will totally be your teacher this month! I know you humans have trouble with our names so you can just call me Novelty. I don’t mind!] She circled around him as she spoke to him telepathically, looking like some kind of weird puppy inviting him to play with her. [Anyway, when the matriarch asked for volunteers to teach you, I was like: ‘this is your chance, Novelty’. I was totally game! They won’t let me help with defense because I’m supposedly too young, but they told me you’re a baby at this psychic stuff and I can totally take care of babies! And hey, you can teach me stuff too! I was always curious about you humans, like how you can walk on your hind legs without tipping over all the time or…] Zorian tuned out her chatter in favor of giving the matriarch a glare. [Does she come with an off button?] he asked telepathically. The matriarch simply projected a mixture of amusement and satisfaction in response.
{ "title": "Monstrous", "id": 20472, "author": "BowlerHatGuy", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Stranger Things - 4", "id": 305880, "next": 306585, "prev": 305144, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YmRkYjgwODFhMzQ4MjU4Njg0ZmE3YjNkZGZjNjEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The cave was much easier to navigate than I had originally been expecting. I had a certain expectation as to the dangers of spelunking caused by years of shitty television, and that expectation just wasn’t being met. </span></p> <p class="cnNjM2M5MmIwZmMwYzQ1OGZiZWM0NDMxODFkZDJlMjVi"> </p> <p class="cnMyNmM4NjkyMWQ0MzRhMTFhNDY4NDk3ZjY0YjkxN2Qx"><span style="font-weight: 400">For one thing, I could see perfectly fine. Part of that was probably the fact that I wasn’t human. Part of that was probably because some daylight was still spilling into the cavern from outside. But mostly? It was all the giant glowing crystals. The flickered and flared as we passed, as though reacting to our presence. I wish I could unequivocally write that off as ‘some magic bullshit’ but the chance that any given inanimate object could be intelligent and therefore hostile was not, in fact, zero. The result was that as I traveled, I would haphazardly bash any glow crystal of sufficient size that stressed me out. Which was most of them. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZTg5ZDhhOGE0ODQ5MDI5MGEzM2Q0YjcxNmY3ZWQx"> </p> <p class="cnM5NjkzYWEwZDhjNTQxMTdhZWMwYzA0NzRlNGFkMTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why do you keep doing that?” Nadeen asked me at one point, to which I could only reply;</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjI2NTM5ZDhlNDRkNmM4MzMzNTBkNjBjOWU0YTFl"><strong>“Assuming something isn’t a threat isn’t good for your health in the...uh Devilwood.” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I looked at the stump where her hand should be to make my point. Not that she’d notice. I had too many eyes to keep track of all of them. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YmY2MTcxN2UwYjQyMzBiZDk5MDc5MTdjZjRiMDg2"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZmExYTFiYTljZjRhMDM4N2FhNGMwMWI1MzdhYTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Satisfied that I had shut Nadeen up for a moment, and pleased I had managed to slip a ‘you came to the wrong hood’ joke into my statement - even if only for my own pleasure - I continued on. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNGUwNjIyYzI4MTRlOWM5MWFhMmNhMzQ2M2Q4NzFh"> </p> <p class="cnNhMjUxOGJkNmI0ZTQ0MjlhYWFhZWU3YTVlNzMwN2Vk"><span style="font-weight: 400">It wasn’t long before we eventually came to a fork in the tunnel. Well, I say ‘fork’ but it was more like a lobby. We came upon a fairly wide cave area, inside of which there were a number of tunnels leading off the main chamber. Not every tunnel entrance was level with the ground, as a number of them were set in the ceiling or high up on certain walls. The protruding crystals were more than enough for me to be able to climb around and check them all out, but that was really only true of me. Thing Two could leap high enough to reach some of the ones on the walls, but the tunnels going straight up - I guess they’d technically be shafts at that point - were too difficult for anyone without eight arms and eight legs to reasonably traverse. </span></p> <p class="cnMyOWJhNjI1ZmNjMjQwM2RhOGJhY2Q1OTgxYTRhNTNl"> </p> <p class="cnNlOTY2NGIzODQ3ZTRmZmU5YmVhOTU0MTIwODhmODIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">After crawling about the room for a bit, I came back to the center of the lobby area, where Nadeen and Thing Two had been waiting for me to complete my inspection. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYmNlOTc1NmNmNzRlZDk5YzlmODhkZTZkMTQ5Mjhi"> </p> <p class="cnMxNWViZTMxM2JmYTRiOTdhNWY3ZjNmZmZlODlmMGI2"><strong>“Which way?”</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I asked, hoping Nadeen had a better idea of how to navigate to somewhere ideal than I did.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmMwMTVjNTFkNTQyMzg4M2JmYmZkOGQwMzMyMzc3"> </p> <p class="cnMyNmRkOTdjNjFiZTRhOTI5MTQ4YzU2ZjVlYmMwZWE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have no idea. What’s wrong with right here?” She said, gesturing around us. She looked at me for all the world like I had asked the dumbest question possible, and I knew she must still be annoyed at me for reminding her about her arm. </span></p> <p class="cnM1OTI5OTk1MWVhMzQ2ZDQ4YzQ1MDk1ODMxODdlOTE0"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZjhlYWYxMDg5NjQzZDlhNzFlYWFlYzBiZDIyMmNh"><strong>“I don’t - it’s not - Hm.” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I thought about it for a second. Nowhere was really ‘safe’ in this shithole. Pretty much anywhere was fine as a basecamp as long as it had an exit we could reach easily. Still, I was leery of this place. I’d played more than enough games to realize that camping somewhere you haven’t scouted is borderline suicidal. So even though I figured this was okay - I still didn’t undo my transformation.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjViM2JhN2FlMTQ0ZTNiNWQ1NDMxYmE3NWExNGRm"> </p> <p class="cnNmMzFjZGNiZGZhNzQ3ZmM4MjFjMjZmYzZiY2ZhMTFh"><strong>“...Fine. Here’s good.” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I said eventually, and Nadeen gave me that smug grin children get when they realize they’ve outdone their betters. I chose to let it go for the moment, and instead started having Thing Two unpack all our stuff. I glanced at him, snapped my jaw once, and gestured vaguely at the giant stack of bags we’d strapped to him. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NTBmMmM3NjBiMDRkMzlhNGI4OWEyNDNhNzNiYmMy"> </p> <p class="cnM1NTE4MTU5ZTgwODQ2MGE5NzNmMDhkOWU0ZWJiMzhi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had never setup a real camp before. Since coming here I’d slept basically twice, and they were both fairly traumatic experiences - so I wasn’t overly interested in doing it again. But even if I didn’t sleep, the idea of having a safe, stable place to lay down my head and be worried about the future appealed to me. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YjY1NzA4Y2ZiYzRmOTY5OTJmZTY4ZWM4Y2IzOWFk"> </p> <p class="cnNhNzE1YzVkM2E0ZDQ2YTc5NjYwMGJhZDVhNjc3YTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I considered what we’d managed to steal from the camp as we left. Some bedrolls, torches, miscellaneous bits of leather armor - </span></p> <p class="cnM2MDRjZjUzNDIzYjRiMDI5NjkwZWY0YWZjMzMwNjkz"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZGVjYWM2NGJhYzQ2MDZhY2Q3NjU5NDFiZWNhNjRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How do you do that?” Nadeen suddenly asked breaking me out of my train of thought. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NTYzYzdjNmFkNTQyMzFhM2MyNTRiMTAyOWQwZDFm"> </p> <p class="cnNjNDU1MmMyNWE0YTQ3YmJiMTg4Yzc5NTllN2ZmNTVj"><strong>“Do what?”</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I asked, absently directing Thing Two on where to start putting shit. I wondered if we could dig some crystals out for me to experiment with and Thing Two obediently paused what he was doing to hammer away at the base of a fist sized crystal with those gorilla fists of his. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNTJiZWUyMGM2ZDQ1ZmJiNDZiODBiZTU5ZTUyNjI4"> </p> <p class="cnMyOWUyMTM4YTViYTQ0N2Q4N2ZhMjMzZTNiZjgzMzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That!” Nadeen yelled, and the sound echoed around the chamber, drawing every eye present towards her. When I didn’t say anything, she continued.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MWFkZjFhMDY4NTQxMTZhYWI4MDk1OTE1YTYxYTU5"> </p> <p class="cnNhZWYwYmY0ZmY4NTRhNWRhMjY0ZTFiYmJhY2VmZmM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your ordering him to do things, but your not actually saying anything!” she complained. </span></p> <p class="cnM5Mjk2ODdiNDRiOTRkNzBhYmZiZjAyMGRjNmY4ZDQ3"> </p> <p class="cnMxMmI5NzRmNTExOTRkNjBiMjhkMDhlYmU0MmQ0M2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh. That. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYjE3MDA2NzQ0ZjRmMzc5ZjUwYmY1MWMyNGU5NzFj"> </p> <p class="cnM3N2M2YTdmYWE1YTRkZGY5MGExNjI1NjI0ZTkwMmIz"><strong>“Its a </strong><strong><em>Thing</em></strong><strong> thing.” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I said, hoping that would explain it. Apparently it didn’t.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMGJhMTBlZTk0MjQwYjZiZTVlNzA3YmZmNjczMmYy"> </p> <p class="cnMwYzk0ZmNjYzJkZjRkNzBiMzQxNmEwNTI0MDJkMWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s not even a proper sentence.” she grumbled. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNDliZjQ1Mjg0ZDQ0ZWFiY2U3ODY0ODU1NmQ1MzI1"> </p> <p class="cnMwNGY1ZWE5Y2IyMjQ0ZTc5NzEzMTc3NDZlODhhMGI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Also I’m a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Thing </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">now too! I have pointy teeth! I eat people! I -” </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTY5YjQxNDVmYjRlNDhhZDcxM2ZkMDlhMmE1MzUy"> </p> <p class="cnMxOTE3YTg4OWQzYjQ3ZjliMjQ0MWQ5ZTY0NzBjN2Vl"><strong>“You. Are not. A Monster.” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I said with a touch more vehemence than I intended. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OTk4YzZmMzZmMjQ1NTdhM2ZhZjUyNzVmZTcxZTYw"> </p> <p class="cnNiMzZkZDU0N2JjYjQzYWRhZTBlYmUzNTI4ZmU0ODFm"><strong>“You ate one guy who was trying to take advantage of you. Your not a bad person.”</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I clarified. </span></p> <p class="cnMwOWRhYzg5ZjNkZjRjMzFiY2ZhODg5YTE0MmI2Mzlk"> </p> <p class="cnMxZDYyZmRkZmZhMzRiYWJiZDJmZGMzNzg3ZmQ1NGUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I chose to ignore that eating someone and killing them are two entirely different magnitudes of fucked up. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNGEyMWYwMDA2MDQ0NjBiZmQ5ZTMyZTFhMjE1ZDU3"> </p> <p class="cnMxNDkzMDJlOTYxYTRhZGNiMWFkNGRjOThjMTRmYTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No offence Thing One, but I can </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">feel</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> myself starting to getting sick again. I can either die human, or live a monster.” she pointed out. She had a point, and once again, I chose to ignore it by latching on to something </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">else</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> she had said that bothered me. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYzJkMGI2YjE1MzRmZWNiYzQxMmFjYjM3NWVlYjY3"> </p> <p class="cnNjMmZiY2QzZjM0YTQxMGM4OGY4ZjIwZDBhNjVmNTA3"><strong>“Thing… One?” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I asked, kind of annoyed because I could already see where this was going. </span></p> <p class="cnNkODZmOWQxOGU0NzRhYjg5MDk0MGZkMjI0MGVhYmM5"> </p> <p class="cnM5NmI0ZTUyNmFhZTRhODBiZmZjNzJiNDExYTU1Njk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah. Thing One, Two, and Three.” She said, pointing at me, then Thing Two, then herself. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNTU5NWE2MDk5YzQ1NGY4Y2ZkOTk5NzYyODQ0YTE4"> </p> <p class="cnNlNjI2MmM4YTMyZjRkYjA5MDRhMDJkZDcwZDUxNDEz"><strong>“Wrong. Thing Two, Nadeen, uh…” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh. Oh I kind of got it now. What the fuck </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">was</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> my name? It wasn’t all that relevant when my only conversation partners were a kid and a mute, but not having a name suddenly bothered me </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">alot</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMWIwMDZkYTVjYTQ0MTlhOGFhMjY1ZGE2OGIxYjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sooooo…” Nadeen said in a sing song voice I recognized in women of all ages when they’d scored a point and wanted to force you to admit it. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZDAwYjY2MzNkODRmZDZiMWU1YTVmNGZmN2JhZmZl"> </p> <p class="cnNkY2ExNmMwZDc4MTQzZjU4MDE5YzhiMzBiM2E0YTRl"><strong>“Howard!”</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> I said, screeching the first name that came to mind in three separate voices. Nadeen winced at the noise - which was easily three times louder than her outburst for obvious reasons. </span></p> <p class="cnNlOGJjMjk4ZTdlMzQ3MjdiMmFlNjU4OTg3NTgwYjM4"> </p> <p class="cnMyYjNlM2VkMjQ2YjQyMzZhMWNmM2E1ODc2MDJhYzUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Howard.” Nadeen said, clearly unimpressed. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MjM3MDI5ZmNjNTQyNzA4NzA4ZTRmOWI1YmUzYmZm"> </p> <p class="cnMxMDliOWRiMjYzYjRlZWNhM2Q3NmNjZDkzZDA4ZmQ0"><strong>“Yeah! It’s a normal freaking name. What’s wrong with Howard!” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">other than the fact that I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my actual name. And the fact that I distinctly remember beating up a kid named Howard in primary school. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZTA3ZmRmYjM4NDQ3MDg4MWRhZDIyMTdlMWRhM2Jj"> </p> <p class="cnMzN2I5YjE5NmUwZDRlNjZhZDQ3NTY2NDY1MmRlMGVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s just… your smart. And clearly strong. I thought you’d have a more of a … legendary sounding name?” she said tentatively, like she was trying to avoid hurting my feelings. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMzJhYTYwNzg1MjQzMGVhOWMzZjhkZWIzNTdmNTll"> </p> <p class="cnNmOTIyNGQxZGNjZTQ4MzdhZGVlOGMyOTFjOWI4ZTAz"><strong>“Oh come on! I don’t wanna be named Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods. Or Stormageddon. Or Sauron.” </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">I complained, listing off generic bad guy names from old video games and books just to prove my point about how stupid and lengthy they could be. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYWZhYWNiZmVjNjRiOTRhNzc2MmNlNTBkNzgyOWU2"> </p> <p class="cnMyMWE1ZGMxZmJlNzQxODM5YzYyZmFlMWI4MGFiNjUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was sort of a lie though. I would be totally okay with Stormageddon if I A. could throw lightning and B. could tolerate how embarrassing being called that would be. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNWU1YTEyMzBjNjRhYTI4ZDNlNzJmMjY0MzFlOGFm"> </p> <p class="cnMxNjQwNWJmZTJjNjRjNjBiYmFlYTRmZDA2NDcwNTRj"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Stormageddon, grab me the ketchup please?’ </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">I snorted, just thinking about it.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGQ4YmY4ZTEwZjQ3YmNiOTQ4OGM5NzYwNTJhMmYw"> </p> <p class="cnMwNmUzZGZkZTIwMjRkMzg5ZWMwNjU5NmM1YTVjNDJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nadeen perked up after I said that.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNmQ0ZGY3OWNmYzQxMmJhZDljOWE0ODljYjgyYmZi"> </p> <p class="cnM1MmE0YmJkZDlmMDQ3OTE4ZDkyMDk5MDI5YTliYTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I like it.” she said beaming at me. I didn’t like that smile. I had seen it far too many times, on far too many women too think I had come out of that exchange the winner. But before I could think to question her on it, Thing Two ambled up to me swinging a big meaty palm down so I could look at what was in it without having to push my torso upright. My head was pretty low to the ground after all. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNzRhMDY2ZDYxMzRhY2NhYzFlZmRmMGVjMDJhOWMz"> </p> <p class="cnM5NGJjNmU5YTViYzQ1MmM5NzI5OWQ3OWIwZWIwNTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">In his hand, was a malformed purple gemstone. Or maybe the gemstone was clear, and the glow emanating from it was merely purple. There was really no way to tell without making the glow stop. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MWVhOTM0M2EwZTRmMDA4MTk1MGI2NTdjNGNjM2Ri"> </p> <p class="cnM5MGU3MzI5MjhlYzRhYjQ4ZTY2ZTk4MmEwYWIxZjQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">My entire being vibrated when I used a free hand to pluck the crystal from Thing Two’s palm. It was like I was holding a tiny nuclear reactor. I’ve I had anything approximating sex traits I’d have probably made a mess of myself just touching it. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOWJmNmQ2MzVkYjQ4NDJiMDYxZmNhNzIxODA5OWU5"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZmZmYmQxN2E2MTQyZDZhMjRmNzc3ODk3ZmY3ZDNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">I glanced suspiciously at Thing Two, who seemed completely unaffected by the thing. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NDBjYmM4NDVkNDQyN2VhM2Y4Njk2NmEzMDA5ODA1"> </p> <p class="cnMyNjM1YmZhNzY4YTRiOGY4MWQ1ZjkxNDgwMTVlOTBm"><strong>‘iT is The kEY TO eVen gReAter cONsumPtiOn.’ </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Damned Thing</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> hissed into my mind. I had grown increasingly accustomed to its intrusions, and now I could even hear it talk without having a junior seizure. Progress! </span></p> <p class="cnM0YmI3YzI2YTNlNzQwYTQ4YjEzOTE5YzI0YmY3ZTY0"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZjRiNTA1MmEwMzRlYmZiYWY5ZGQ3YjAxOGFhODU5"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Shut up you. I’m not going eat anymore human souls. If this place has gods, there’s no way I can get away with that.’ </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">I mentally retorted, glancing around to make sure no one was watching me stare at a shiny rock while doing - seemingly - nothing else. Nadeen had wandered over to where Thing Two had set up the bedrolls, and was pointedly taking pillows from the other rolls to beef hers up. Thing Two was just kind of… standing next to me. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMjJiOWM4NTY1MjRmNzJhNzBiZjI4ZWE2MDNjNDdm"> </p> <p class="cnM3Yjk4ODliMmI0YjRlMjQ5ZjkzZGM2MzIxMWNhZTI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Realizing he was going to do absolutely nothing if I didn’t tell him too, I willed him to start pulling as many crystals from the caves walls as he could without making a huge mess. I didn’t plan on turning into a soul eating abomination or anything using them, but holding this fist sized chunk of one felt so good I could only imagine sleeping in a pile of them. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YWJkOTdjZDI1NzQwM2RiZTM5NDdmZWMxYmI1ZTgw"> </p> <p class="cnM1MWE5MjU1ZjRiNTQ0YjY5NWE4Mjg0MTYzMGRmOTZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">And I could really use some of the finer things in life right about now. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZDdmMDA0ZTk1YzQyNWM4NTMyM2U2MzUzZGI0N2Iz"> </p> <p class="cnNlMjFiM2QxMzI3YjRkZWNhOTJjMDdlYWRhZWZjY2Ex"><strong>‘buT we MUsT EaT To -’</strong></p> <p class="cnNkOWYzMWJmYzdhODQ3YzI5NDgyMWI4MTQ4YmNjNDE2"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZDYyODYxMzdhNTQ4YWRhNzgzNzdmM2Y5ZTBlZmM4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">‘No. Hard pass.’ </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">I interrupted. </span></p> <p class="cnMxYWM1Zjc0M2Y4NTRhOWVhMzk5Y2M0YjQ2Mzg3ODNh"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZTA2Nzc4ZjZlNzQ1NzU5ZTQ0NzY4ZjlkNGM2MDBk"><strong>‘Do yOu nOT wAnt yOUr GEnitALs BacK?’ </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">it crowed at me. And I could swear, despite the alienness of it, despite the clearly genderless, monstrous, voice - that those were the most seductive words I had ever heard the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Damned Thing </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">say. </span></p> <p class="cnM4N2JiNmMxMTI2ODQyZjBiNjkzY2Q1ZTA0MzJkOGU4"> </p> <p class="cnM1YjdkNGM4OGM1NjQyYzQ5ZThhZTExMDY2MjczZjUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stared blankly at the crystal, not willing to admit that I had a hard time deciding if my ability to get laid was worth more to me than human life. Was this fucking thing </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">learning?</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> So far I had dealt with it mostly by telling it to shut the fuck up. It was ‘intelligent’ in that it could talk and had its own interests, but it was so single minded that it only barely qualified as sentient. </span></p> <p class="cnM2YzdlZjk5NGRlODRjMjNiOWI1NjIxZTA0MGU1MTNm"> </p> <p class="cnNhZDZiYjM0MDgyYzQyNGFiZjRiODg1NDAwOTUzYmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was the first attempt it had ever really made to bargain with me - albeit clumsily - and I wasn’t sure I liked it. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYzE1MjkyM2RkMzQwMzFiNzNjMmQwYzYzMmQzY2Jh"> </p> <p class="cnNiYTcyNTg1NGQ0YjQ1YTQ5ZTU1NjU1NGQ2MzkxYzcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um. Hello?” a feminine voice called out from the far side of the cave, and I froze. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNjE3NGI0M2JiOTQwMzk4YzcwYmQ3ODE2NDVmNzQ1"> </p> <p class="cnM4MzRjZDhmYjE3NDRjZTliYWM4NDk1YzNkZDIwYTE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">It hadn’t been Nadeen’s voice. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMWIwYjE4ZGM4YjQzNmQ4ZDg1MDRlOTdlNDgxNDdi"> </p> <p class="cnNmMzk0ZTNlZDE5ZjQ0ZTJiODgzOWE2ODk0Y2ExYWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">I quickly flicked one of the hands that had an eye on it open and turned it towards the sound of the voice. Standing in the entrance to the cavern was a human looking woman. She had fine, lean proportions, like a professional runner, and her mane of shaggy brown hair made her look more attractive - not less. She was wearing what I can only really describe as a potato sack with holes for her arms legs and head, that was cinched at the waist with a rotting rope. She was staring hopefully towards Nadeen, completely ignoring me and Thing Two. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGE3ZDRiYTEwMTQzYWJhNDY3ZDRiOTE2OTcxZmFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Tiber!” Nadeen called immediately, and leapt to her feet in a show of predatory grace that completely erased my mental image of the sickly weak girl I had been forced to drag halfway across the murder forests of fuck world. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMTFlZDkyOTY0NzQ2ODM5Y2MwY2I3ODNiYzkyYmRl"> </p> <p class="cnM2MzVkMjNlYzQzMDQxZTU4OWIzYzI3NzFhYjUxYzkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">The woman screeched, and darted back up the tunnel she had come from, clearly afraid of the sudden aggression. Nadeen was hot on her trail, darting forward and out of my sight before I could think to say or do anything. Thing Two trailed after her, albeit much more slowly. In an open area he was undoubtedly the fastest of us - using his ridiculous muscles to half run half jump between two points faster than I could travel. But in an enclosed cave system, he didn’t have enough space or accuracy to maneuver without ramming into walls and probably breaking his neck. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYzMyZTUwNTRkYTQxNzZhZjkzM2FlOTRiN2Y4N2Zm"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZTBmYmFlZjIxMjRmZWI4MDJhMDA5YzVkMjNhMzE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It didn’t help that Thing Two definitely smelled the same thing I did when that woman like thing had caught our attention. </span></p> <p class="cnNkY2YzOTNjYTQxNTQ4NjJhY2M1YTE3NjI3NDQ4N2E2"> </p> <p class="cnM1NTdkNmJlMDJkZDQ3YzE5NTU4MjlhMTZmMzc1NDc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rotting, decayed matter. Not dead flesh - which would have sent my hunger skyrocketing - but just decaying matter. Like a compost bin. It stunk, and did absolutely nothing for the side of me that I had started to consider my inner monster. More importantly, it ‘stunk’ in that it felt like a trap. We hadn’t exactly been quiet - and there was no reason for her to purposely get our attention before running off.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjc4MzBmY2U5NzQ4MmI4MTc4MmQyZTVmY2ZiYWY5"> </p> <p class="cnMxOGViNWZjNTdjYjQ2NjViYjQ0YjJmYmM0NTEzZjRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Which meant it must have been on purpose. </span></p> <p class="cnMyOWU2OTE4ZTIwMTQ0NmZhMjM3NWVmMDQ2NTRiOTg3"> </p> <p class="cnNlYmNiYWU0NWEyMjQ5NDM4NjUyNjEwNmIzMDE1NTYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Swearing to myself, I clutched the gem to my chest in one hand, and began sprinting after Nadeen, pouring on speed in a way only a creature with multiple legs can reasonably manage. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZWU3NDgxZWUzYjQ4MWNiM2I0N2ZhYWMxN2UwMjA4"> </p> <p class="cnNmMDRhZjc2NzAxYzRkN2U5NmM5YWExM2RlNjczZDk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a bright side to all of this though. For once I felt confident I could kill the shit out of whatever was fucking with me. Which was good - cus I could really use one in the win column. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYmIyNmM2NmI4OTRhNzZhN2U4ZDY4MzhlN2Q4MzFj"> </p> </div>
The cave was much easier to navigate than I had originally been expecting. I had a certain expectation as to the dangers of spelunking caused by years of shitty television, and that expectation just wasn’t being met. For one thing, I could see perfectly fine. Part of that was probably the fact that I wasn’t human. Part of that was probably because some daylight was still spilling into the cavern from outside. But mostly? It was all the giant glowing crystals. The flickered and flared as we passed, as though reacting to our presence. I wish I could unequivocally write that off as ‘some magic bullshit’ but the chance that any given inanimate object could be intelligent and therefore hostile was not, in fact, zero. The result was that as I traveled, I would haphazardly bash any glow crystal of sufficient size that stressed me out. Which was most of them. “Why do you keep doing that?” Nadeen asked me at one point, to which I could only reply; **“Assuming something isn’t a threat isn’t good for your health in the...uh Devilwood.”** I looked at the stump where her hand should be to make my point. Not that she’d notice. I had too many eyes to keep track of all of them. Satisfied that I had shut Nadeen up for a moment, and pleased I had managed to slip a ‘you came to the wrong hood’ joke into my statement - even if only for my own pleasure - I continued on. It wasn’t long before we eventually came to a fork in the tunnel. Well, I say ‘fork’ but it was more like a lobby. We came upon a fairly wide cave area, inside of which there were a number of tunnels leading off the main chamber. Not every tunnel entrance was level with the ground, as a number of them were set in the ceiling or high up on certain walls. The protruding crystals were more than enough for me to be able to climb around and check them all out, but that was really only true of me. Thing Two could leap high enough to reach some of the ones on the walls, but the tunnels going straight up - I guess they’d technically be shafts at that point - were too difficult for anyone without eight arms and eight legs to reasonably traverse. After crawling about the room for a bit, I came back to the center of the lobby area, where Nadeen and Thing Two had been waiting for me to complete my inspection. **“Which way?”** I asked, hoping Nadeen had a better idea of how to navigate to somewhere ideal than I did. “I have no idea. What’s wrong with right here?” She said, gesturing around us. She looked at me for all the world like I had asked the dumbest question possible, and I knew she must still be annoyed at me for reminding her about her arm. **“I don’t - it’s not - Hm.”** I thought about it for a second. Nowhere was really ‘safe’ in this shithole. Pretty much anywhere was fine as a basecamp as long as it had an exit we could reach easily. Still, I was leery of this place. I’d played more than enough games to realize that camping somewhere you haven’t scouted is borderline suicidal. So even though I figured this was okay - I still didn’t undo my transformation. **“...Fine. Here’s good.”** I said eventually, and Nadeen gave me that smug grin children get when they realize they’ve outdone their betters. I chose to let it go for the moment, and instead started having Thing Two unpack all our stuff. I glanced at him, snapped my jaw once, and gestured vaguely at the giant stack of bags we’d strapped to him. I had never setup a real camp before. Since coming here I’d slept basically twice, and they were both fairly traumatic experiences - so I wasn’t overly interested in doing it again. But even if I didn’t sleep, the idea of having a safe, stable place to lay down my head and be worried about the future appealed to me. I considered what we’d managed to steal from the camp as we left. Some bedrolls, torches, miscellaneous bits of leather armor - “How do you do that?” Nadeen suddenly asked breaking me out of my train of thought. **“Do what?”** I asked, absently directing Thing Two on where to start putting shit. I wondered if we could dig some crystals out for me to experiment with and Thing Two obediently paused what he was doing to hammer away at the base of a fist sized crystal with those gorilla fists of his. “That!” Nadeen yelled, and the sound echoed around the chamber, drawing every eye present towards her. When I didn’t say anything, she continued. “Your ordering him to do things, but your not actually saying anything!” she complained. Oh. That. **“Its a** ***Thing*** **thing.”** I said, hoping that would explain it. Apparently it didn’t. “That’s not even a proper sentence.” she grumbled. “Also I’m a *Thing* now too! I have pointy teeth! I eat people! I -” **“You. Are not. A Monster.”** I said with a touch more vehemence than I intended. **“You ate one guy who was trying to take advantage of you. Your not a bad person.”** I clarified. I chose to ignore that eating someone and killing them are two entirely different magnitudes of fucked up. “No offence Thing One, but I can *feel* myself starting to getting sick again. I can either die human, or live a monster.” she pointed out. She had a point, and once again, I chose to ignore it by latching on to something *else* she had said that bothered me. **“Thing… One?”** I asked, kind of annoyed because I could already see where this was going. “Yeah. Thing One, Two, and Three.” She said, pointing at me, then Thing Two, then herself. **“Wrong. Thing Two, Nadeen, uh…”** Oh. Oh I kind of got it now. What the fuck *was* my name? It wasn’t all that relevant when my only conversation partners were a kid and a mute, but not having a name suddenly bothered me *alot*. “Sooooo…” Nadeen said in a sing song voice I recognized in women of all ages when they’d scored a point and wanted to force you to admit it. **“Howard!”** I said, screeching the first name that came to mind in three separate voices. Nadeen winced at the noise - which was easily three times louder than her outburst for obvious reasons. “...Howard.” Nadeen said, clearly unimpressed. **“Yeah! It’s a normal freaking name. What’s wrong with Howard!”** other than the fact that I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my actual name. And the fact that I distinctly remember beating up a kid named Howard in primary school. “It’s just… your smart. And clearly strong. I thought you’d have a more of a … legendary sounding name?” she said tentatively, like she was trying to avoid hurting my feelings. **“Oh come on! I don’t wanna be named Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods. Or Stormageddon. Or Sauron.”** I complained, listing off generic bad guy names from old video games and books just to prove my point about how stupid and lengthy they could be. It was sort of a lie though. I would be totally okay with Stormageddon if I A. could throw lightning and B. could tolerate how embarrassing being called that would be. *‘Stormageddon, grab me the ketchup please?’* I snorted, just thinking about it. Nadeen perked up after I said that. “I like it.” she said beaming at me. I didn’t like that smile. I had seen it far too many times, on far too many women too think I had come out of that exchange the winner. But before I could think to question her on it, Thing Two ambled up to me swinging a big meaty palm down so I could look at what was in it without having to push my torso upright. My head was pretty low to the ground after all. In his hand, was a malformed purple gemstone. Or maybe the gemstone was clear, and the glow emanating from it was merely purple. There was really no way to tell without making the glow stop. My entire being vibrated when I used a free hand to pluck the crystal from Thing Two’s palm. It was like I was holding a tiny nuclear reactor. I’ve I had anything approximating sex traits I’d have probably made a mess of myself just touching it. I glanced suspiciously at Thing Two, who seemed completely unaffected by the thing. **‘iT is The kEY TO eVen gReAter cONsumPtiOn.’** the *Damned Thing* hissed into my mind. I had grown increasingly accustomed to its intrusions, and now I could even hear it talk without having a junior seizure. Progress! *‘Shut up you. I’m not going eat anymore human souls. If this place has gods, there’s no way I can get away with that.’* I mentally retorted, glancing around to make sure no one was watching me stare at a shiny rock while doing - seemingly - nothing else. Nadeen had wandered over to where Thing Two had set up the bedrolls, and was pointedly taking pillows from the other rolls to beef hers up. Thing Two was just kind of… standing next to me. Realizing he was going to do absolutely nothing if I didn’t tell him too, I willed him to start pulling as many crystals from the caves walls as he could without making a huge mess. I didn’t plan on turning into a soul eating abomination or anything using them, but holding this fist sized chunk of one felt so good I could only imagine sleeping in a pile of them. And I could really use some of the finer things in life right about now. **‘buT we MUsT EaT To -’** *‘No. Hard pass.’* I interrupted. **‘Do yOu nOT wAnt yOUr GEnitALs BacK?’** it crowed at me. And I could swear, despite the alienness of it, despite the clearly genderless, monstrous, voice - that those were the most seductive words I had ever heard the *Damned Thing* say. I stared blankly at the crystal, not willing to admit that I had a hard time deciding if my ability to get laid was worth more to me than human life. Was this fucking thing *learning?* So far I had dealt with it mostly by telling it to shut the fuck up. It was ‘intelligent’ in that it could talk and had its own interests, but it was so single minded that it only barely qualified as sentient. This was the first attempt it had ever really made to bargain with me - albeit clumsily - and I wasn’t sure I liked it. “Um. Hello?” a feminine voice called out from the far side of the cave, and I froze. It hadn’t been Nadeen’s voice. I quickly flicked one of the hands that had an eye on it open and turned it towards the sound of the voice. Standing in the entrance to the cavern was a human looking woman. She had fine, lean proportions, like a professional runner, and her mane of shaggy brown hair made her look more attractive - not less. She was wearing what I can only really describe as a potato sack with holes for her arms legs and head, that was cinched at the waist with a rotting rope. She was staring hopefully towards Nadeen, completely ignoring me and Thing Two. “Tiber!” Nadeen called immediately, and leapt to her feet in a show of predatory grace that completely erased my mental image of the sickly weak girl I had been forced to drag halfway across the murder forests of fuck world. The woman screeched, and darted back up the tunnel she had come from, clearly afraid of the sudden aggression. Nadeen was hot on her trail, darting forward and out of my sight before I could think to say or do anything. Thing Two trailed after her, albeit much more slowly. In an open area he was undoubtedly the fastest of us - using his ridiculous muscles to half run half jump between two points faster than I could travel. But in an enclosed cave system, he didn’t have enough space or accuracy to maneuver without ramming into walls and probably breaking his neck. It didn’t help that Thing Two definitely smelled the same thing I did when that woman like thing had caught our attention. Rotting, decayed matter. Not dead flesh - which would have sent my hunger skyrocketing - but just decaying matter. Like a compost bin. It stunk, and did absolutely nothing for the side of me that I had started to consider my inner monster. More importantly, it ‘stunk’ in that it felt like a trap. We hadn’t exactly been quiet - and there was no reason for her to purposely get our attention before running off. Which meant it must have been on purpose. Swearing to myself, I clutched the gem to my chest in one hand, and began sprinting after Nadeen, pouring on speed in a way only a creature with multiple legs can reasonably manage. There was a bright side to all of this though. For once I felt confident I could kill the shit out of whatever was fucking with me. Which was good - cus I could really use one in the win column.
{ "title": "My second chance is as Dungeon Master?", "id": 21503, "author": "Arkai", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 11 - Manslayer", "id": 305889, "next": 306070, "prev": 305832, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMDA1OTE4NmIzNjRhOTZiZWI5YTdkYTkwYmRiMWQz">Elias's seeing a menacing looks from a deformed goblin, that green monster grinned after realizing that he can’t move any part of his body. It grabs tightly and swings its sword towards his head — if that hit him, he’ll die.</p> <p class="cnM1MzVjNWI3OWNlYjRkM2E5MmQ4MWZjYjNiZTI0MDEx">There nothing he can do to stop the goblin from attacking him. However, even though he's in front of the death door, he doesn’t close his eyes — he won't show any sign of weakness. This is a mentality from a person who survives three big wars — even when you die, you won’t give any satisfaction to your enemy by afraid or plead mercy.</p> <p class="cnM3MjhmMzliZGI1ZjRkMGFhOWQ2ZjRkOGVlODU0NzJi">He's staring the goblin without any fear or screaming — waiting for his death to come.</p> <p class="cnNlNzNkOTBkMjBjMzRjZWRhMzQ1NTM1Y2Y2YTQzYTg3">However, what he wait wasn’t happen. A man instantly appears behind that goblin, he grabs its hand and cracks its bone. Although that monster's face becomes pale from agony, there is no voice out from its mouth. Before that goblin opens its mouth, that man took its sword and stab it towards its skull.</p> <p class="cnNiZWIyZWVkMTdlYTRiNjI5NzQ5YzY3ODI2ZTBmZGM5">The goblin’s blood gushing from each its pore while many internal organs splattered — some of them covered Elias body and face.</p> <p class="cnMxM2RhN2M4MzNkNjRlYmJiNDk2YWVkYjQ1MzgyMmVj">“Well, I did it too much again, I’ll need to erase her memories again after this,” that man mumbles after seeing his mess.</p> <p class="cnNkYWJlZGE3YzQ3YzRhYTliM2ViYzNjZTJhN2M3Njk5">With Elias new title as a dungeon master, he can perceive mana with ease. Right now, he can’t feel any mana from this man. He certain this man is human, after all, every creature which stays long in this world has mana inside their body. However, the fact that man is human doesn’t mean he’s his ally.</p> <p class="cnMxMTQwMDljZTE1ODQzNmY4M2Y4MWMzM2E5MjAwOTA2">Elias tries to move his eyes to see that man face — seeing his identity.</p> <p class="cnMzZmFmOWFhM2QzYjRjZGM5YjBmZDQ5NmFhMjE5NDlh">Elias wants to discern whether that man is enemy or not. However, the goblin’s blood which fell into his eyes makes him couldn’t see who is this man face. Nevertheless, he knows this man isn't normal, someone who can kill goblin before it can let out a sound in this stage can be counted by hands.</p> <p class="cnNhYzY4YjQyNmMzOTQxNDBiZTEyZWMyYTU5NzVhZjM4">It’s good to have many strong humans for their wars later, but in this stage, humanity is not yet united. The strong still oppress the weak, while the talented goes solo hunt without caring about human races as a whole — they thought this world as a challenge for himself to become stronger. This is the stage of humanity's foolishness, even some heroes in his previous life weren’t exempted from this nonsense.</p> <p class="cnM5Mjk2MzFkYWVjNTQ2NTI4ZmU0MDIxMjk5NWY5OThi">Some of the heroes were the oppressor of weak people before realizing how dire the human race situation is, and only when it's already too late, they start to create a proper organization to save the human race.</p> <p class="cnMwZjExNjcxOWZlNzQ0YjY4NGNhYmYwN2QxZGE2YmY3">If this man is one of those oppressors or any coldblooded killers, he could kill him only to get another rune.</p> <p class="cnMyM2FiZjM0OTQ5NDQ4MjE4MTExOTE2NTc0MGJiMDM5">Nevertheless, whether that man is an ally or not, there one thing he can do to change this situation become favorable to him — negotiate. This situation is different from the previous goblin who can’t be reasoned with — now, he deals with a human. He starts to rummage for information which can make this man consider him as an asset that better alive than dead.</p> <p class="cnM3OWU5NDE1YWUzMzQxNjY4MDMwYjIwYTU5ZTkzZjlh">However, before he let out any words from his mouth, a familiar voice flow into his ears, “Are you okay Elias?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZWJiYTg0OWJhMzRmMjU5NGI5NzM0YzM5ZTE5ZjAz">Elias knows well this voice — Emily’s voice, her tone is full of concern. There is a tinge of happiness knowing that his master is still alive, but after remembering his situation, he becomes slightly angry.</p> <p class="cnMyOGUyZTRhOTQ5MDQyMDk5YTFkOGNiZjJjM2QyZGY1">“Why are you back here?” he asks with a strong voice.</p> <p class="cnNmNjUyNTI4YjkzNzRkZWNhZjg5YjEyNDEwZTA1Yjdm">“Hey, you can survive because she wants to go back here,” that man angry voice flow to his ears.</p> <p class="cnNlNTNhM2NjNWMwMjRlYzg5ZTdlZTBkZjRiM2Q2OGQw">“Brother,” Emily reprimand that man.</p> <p class="cnMyNjU2MGY4YjFkNTQzYTZhYWJkYzliNzFkMTQwZTYw">After hearing that word, Elias understands what happened. Emily met with her brother when running to the south, luckily her brother is quite strong, which make them decide to save him.</p> <p class="cnNhMzc2YTZhZTY3OTQwNDJhZWI3YzZmMTlkNmJhNzE4">He let out a sigh of relief. After all, this means that man isn’t his enemy.</p> <p class="cnM1NDViZTRhMWQ5ODQyNTM4ZmZmYzU4OTI5OGVjMTEy">‘I knew master has a big brother, but she never tells me who is he in the previous life. It seems I’ll know him for the first time in this life.’</p> <p class="cnMxNjBkYTU5YzIwZjQ3MzdhOTkwYjZmMjU3MTY5NzAw">While he's thinking about that, Emily tries to close his open wounds with some rags. He sits and leans back to a tree, after a while, the blood on his eyes start to subside which makes him can see again. He sees Emily and her brother chit-chat next to him, below shades of trees — this tranquil scenery even makes him forget that they just earlier pursued by goblins. However, after taking a close look at Emily’ brother, he can’t contain his surprise.</p> <p class="cnM4ZDExN2NmNjY0ODQ4ZDk5MmY5MGFmZWNmNTc0YTg2">“Kim Hansoo?” he’s taken aback and can feel his wound slightly opening.</p> <p class="cnMzNTdjODk5OTMyZjQ1MzhhY2I2ZTI1ZTdiMzcwNzI3">How can he keep his calm, this man is the most famous and infamous human in his previous life.</p> <p class="cnM1NjE0M2Q3M2ZjODRmNmJhMmIwZmJhYmEwZjdiZTlh">The man in front of him is one of three first dungeon killer, a superhuman, and the best assassin on earth. It’s known fact that he was attacked by a dungeon master after transferred to this world without any time to think, but when Elias notices his clean clothes — no blood or sweat, he finally realizes how strong this man is — every rumor about Hansoo in his previous life is only scratching the surface.</p> <p class="cnNkM2MxZDhjMDM3NTQ1NTk4Njc5ZmMyYmE2MjY0M2Rh">Finally, he understands how his master can escape from those goblins in his previous life and stay alive for a long time even with her foolish kindness — it’s because her brother is that Hansoo, Kim Hansoo — the highest kill-count holder for killing dungeon masters.</p> <p class="cnM3YzgzMDBlNDg1ODQzNDVhNjI2N2RjYWI2YzUwOTE3">“Oh, please don’t move, it’ll worsen your wounds,” Emily says after noticing his voice.</p> <p class="cnM5NDQ1ZDg2YzY1NjQwMDNhNDM5MjM4NzlhNmE3ZTAy">“Okay,” he realizes that his wounds are bad, “Is that your brother? He looks like an Asian.” Elias asks because their face wasn’t alike.</p> <p class="cnMyNTI1ODBmNWRlZjQyNmE5ZTg3NmUzODhjNjMxNzcy">“Yes, he’s half Korean. Did you ever meet him before? It seems you know his Korean name.”</p> <p class="cnMzYTk0NWJhZDgzMzRlMTQ4ZTA2MzIwYzY5M2ZiMTQz">After he got asked by Emily, he realizes his slip of the tongue. Even though Kim Hansoo was very famous after transmigrated to this world, but right now, people who know his Korean name is either his close family or higher people from Underworld because he uses the different name in everyday life.</p> <p class="cnM5YTdkYWZkNDk2YjQ2Zjc5ZGI5MTk5YWY5OTBhNzQ2">Elias becomes slightly panic after looking at Hansoo expression which full of suspicion. After all, Hansoo was known as the cold-blooded human killer before the second war — the war that cost his youngest sister’s life.</p> <p class="cnNhY2IzYjU3YTk0NjQ0YTg5NWIwNzVkNzQ5NTA4Yjg3">Before the second war, he often kills human he doesn't like or thought as a threat even without any proof.</p> <p class="cnMyOTA2YWVkN2NlNDQ3YzdiZWZlN2IwOWQ1ZDFhZjQ1">If he says the wrong explanation now, he doesn’t doubt Hansoo will kill him immediately.</p> </div>
Elias's seeing a menacing looks from a deformed goblin, that green monster grinned after realizing that he can’t move any part of his body. It grabs tightly and swings its sword towards his head — if that hit him, he’ll die. There nothing he can do to stop the goblin from attacking him. However, even though he's in front of the death door, he doesn’t close his eyes — he won't show any sign of weakness. This is a mentality from a person who survives three big wars — even when you die, you won’t give any satisfaction to your enemy by afraid or plead mercy. He's staring the goblin without any fear or screaming — waiting for his death to come. However, what he wait wasn’t happen. A man instantly appears behind that goblin, he grabs its hand and cracks its bone. Although that monster's face becomes pale from agony, there is no voice out from its mouth. Before that goblin opens its mouth, that man took its sword and stab it towards its skull. The goblin’s blood gushing from each its pore while many internal organs splattered — some of them covered Elias body and face. “Well, I did it too much again, I’ll need to erase her memories again after this,” that man mumbles after seeing his mess. With Elias new title as a dungeon master, he can perceive mana with ease. Right now, he can’t feel any mana from this man. He certain this man is human, after all, every creature which stays long in this world has mana inside their body. However, the fact that man is human doesn’t mean he’s his ally. Elias tries to move his eyes to see that man face — seeing his identity. Elias wants to discern whether that man is enemy or not. However, the goblin’s blood which fell into his eyes makes him couldn’t see who is this man face. Nevertheless, he knows this man isn't normal, someone who can kill goblin before it can let out a sound in this stage can be counted by hands. It’s good to have many strong humans for their wars later, but in this stage, humanity is not yet united. The strong still oppress the weak, while the talented goes solo hunt without caring about human races as a whole — they thought this world as a challenge for himself to become stronger. This is the stage of humanity's foolishness, even some heroes in his previous life weren’t exempted from this nonsense. Some of the heroes were the oppressor of weak people before realizing how dire the human race situation is, and only when it's already too late, they start to create a proper organization to save the human race. If this man is one of those oppressors or any coldblooded killers, he could kill him only to get another rune. Nevertheless, whether that man is an ally or not, there one thing he can do to change this situation become favorable to him — negotiate. This situation is different from the previous goblin who can’t be reasoned with — now, he deals with a human. He starts to rummage for information which can make this man consider him as an asset that better alive than dead. However, before he let out any words from his mouth, a familiar voice flow into his ears, “Are you okay Elias?” Elias knows well this voice — Emily’s voice, her tone is full of concern. There is a tinge of happiness knowing that his master is still alive, but after remembering his situation, he becomes slightly angry. “Why are you back here?” he asks with a strong voice. “Hey, you can survive because she wants to go back here,” that man angry voice flow to his ears. “Brother,” Emily reprimand that man. After hearing that word, Elias understands what happened. Emily met with her brother when running to the south, luckily her brother is quite strong, which make them decide to save him. He let out a sigh of relief. After all, this means that man isn’t his enemy. ‘I knew master has a big brother, but she never tells me who is he in the previous life. It seems I’ll know him for the first time in this life.’ While he's thinking about that, Emily tries to close his open wounds with some rags. He sits and leans back to a tree, after a while, the blood on his eyes start to subside which makes him can see again. He sees Emily and her brother chit-chat next to him, below shades of trees — this tranquil scenery even makes him forget that they just earlier pursued by goblins. However, after taking a close look at Emily’ brother, he can’t contain his surprise. “Kim Hansoo?” he’s taken aback and can feel his wound slightly opening. How can he keep his calm, this man is the most famous and infamous human in his previous life. The man in front of him is one of three first dungeon killer, a superhuman, and the best assassin on earth. It’s known fact that he was attacked by a dungeon master after transferred to this world without any time to think, but when Elias notices his clean clothes — no blood or sweat, he finally realizes how strong this man is — every rumor about Hansoo in his previous life is only scratching the surface. Finally, he understands how his master can escape from those goblins in his previous life and stay alive for a long time even with her foolish kindness — it’s because her brother is that Hansoo, Kim Hansoo — the highest kill-count holder for killing dungeon masters. “Oh, please don’t move, it’ll worsen your wounds,” Emily says after noticing his voice. “Okay,” he realizes that his wounds are bad, “Is that your brother? He looks like an Asian.” Elias asks because their face wasn’t alike. “Yes, he’s half Korean. Did you ever meet him before? It seems you know his Korean name.” After he got asked by Emily, he realizes his slip of the tongue. Even though Kim Hansoo was very famous after transmigrated to this world, but right now, people who know his Korean name is either his close family or higher people from Underworld because he uses the different name in everyday life. Elias becomes slightly panic after looking at Hansoo expression which full of suspicion. After all, Hansoo was known as the cold-blooded human killer before the second war — the war that cost his youngest sister’s life. Before the second war, he often kills human he doesn't like or thought as a threat even without any proof. If he says the wrong explanation now, he doesn’t doubt Hansoo will kill him immediately.
{ "title": "lost place", "id": 21424, "author": "imperfect64", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "lost place 2", "id": 305887, "next": 306755, "prev": 304120, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <div><span style="font-size: 1.8em">ok, jack we are going to follow him till they find the house and then we will set up for the ambush.allen and jack followed the van at a distance they were going slow looking for the man and as they round a turn they saw a man run into a house. the van rushes over people start to get out of the van.what the fuck there are like 10 people. in the movie, I think there where like 5 or 6.</span></div> <div><span style="font-size: 1.8em">and as Allen is thinking that jack and Allen both get a notification. side mission is to save the sandins reward 5000 points and a D rank reward time limit dawn mission failure death. jack starts to swearing about how fucked we are. allen cracks a smile calm down man we are going to have to fight in this world anyway so why not take risks now so where stronger in the next mission. so here is the plan you will find a good sniping spot for the front of the house.we will wait till they pull the metal doors and windows off and at that moment you will kill the one farthest in the back. the doors and windows being pulled off should mask your initial shot then take your second shot. that is when I'll start attacking you just stay back and cover me.</span><br><span style="font-size: 1.8em">as Allen finishes telling the plan he hears a gunshot the leader just shot one of his men 9 more to go jack get to your spot it's about to start. allen watches as they put chains on the doors and windows and start to pull just as the windows are pulled off Allen barely hears the first shot over the metal windows and doors being pulled off and that was just because he was listening for it.the man in the back drops dead and before anyone notices another shot hits the one closest to the dead man. this time they realize. and rush into the house but not before Jack gets off a third shot on the last man to enter.6 more to go. allen sneaks in through the window just as he enters the is a man right in front of him pointing the gun at his head.allen stared at the gun as the trigger is slowly about to be this what people mean when they say time slows down right before your about to die. </span><br><span style="font-size: 1.8em">allen trys to move out the way but its like he is frozen in time as the trigger is being pulled. am I really going to die like this no no no I won't die to some piece of shit who doesn't even have a name in this story just some no one?</span></div> <div><span style="font-size: 1.8em">physical and mental realm broken</span><br><span style="font-size: 1.8em">rewarded 1000 points reaction speed increased by 20 muscle density increased by 10 intelligence increased by 10</span></div> <div><span style="font-size: 1.8em">allen didn't have time to look at the notification but he felt his body full with strength and time slow down even farther and he was able to move slowly he starts moving his head to the right and his left hand to grab the gun and push it to left before he shoots. the gun goes off and as his hand moves the gun a little to the left the bullet scrapes the left side of Allens head Allen twists the gun out of his hand grabs the man by the neck and only then does time start to flow like normal for allen.try anything and your fucking dead. now turn around your going to be my hostage/meat shield. the man doesn't listen so Allen squeezes his neck and he responds quick and turns around as he turns around Allen notices the handprint on his neck where he was chocking him. (was I really squeezing that hard?) allen wraps his arm around the man in a chock hold and moves forward.</span></div> <div><span style="font-size: 1.8em">allen hears fighting and gunshots in the next room over Allen and his hostage stand in the doorway to the room to see the 3 dead men and the husband about to get shot by the 4 but when Allen walks in the man points the gun at him and fires but the meatshield takes the bullet to the stomach and Allen unloads 3 bullets into the man. allen looks at the husband. I'm here to help reload your shotgun and go as he said that he walks into the hallway with his whining hostage but as he does he hears some pump a shotgun to his left and he knows the husband is behind him he pulls the meat shield in that direction and hides behind it just in time as the shotgun goes off and hits the meatshield he scrambles to the living room and falls in front of a big window trying to get up only to realise that the hand he was holding the meat shield with is just a bunch of flesh with holes all over it looks like it could fall off at any minute the main bad guy walks up to Allen and kicks him and puts his foot on his chest . you shouldn't have interfered with our purge. right after he said that Allen smiles. and you should be careful where you stand. it takes a second for the man to get what Allen is talking about but it's too late a bullet hits him in the head and the husband run over Allen yells to get the first aid kit the man rushes back with a first aid kit just as jack runs to me.are you alright Allen. i think i will be the movie is almost over so I should make it.fuck I just remembered jack fast pull me into the closet the neighbors are about to try to kill the family.o you right . jack pulls Allen into the closet and it plays out just like the movie the all sit around the table and wait for the alarms, of course, the blond girl reached for the gun the only difference is jack shot her when she did a second late the alarms went off and there was a flash of white and we were standing in a white room with floating ball in the middle.alice said heal everyone right when we where back I was the only one lifted up under a beam of light and watched as my arm regrew . allice good job newbies the first mission is completed we will talk about upgrades tomorrow I think we can all agree we can all use a rest so just go to your door and picture what you want your room to look like we will talk in the morning. allen watches as Alice and jack go to there rooms. allen walks to his room and pictures what he wants small room medium sizes bead with blue covers and a bunch of video games and movie posters all over the walls. </span></div> </div>
ok, jack we are going to follow him till they find the house and then we will set up for the ambush.allen and jack followed the van at a distance they were going slow looking for the man and as they round a turn they saw a man run into a house. the van rushes over people start to get out of the van.what the fuck there are like 10 people. in the movie, I think there where like 5 or 6. and as Allen is thinking that jack and Allen both get a notification. side mission is to save the sandins reward 5000 points and a D rank reward time limit dawn mission failure death. jack starts to swearing about how fucked we are. allen cracks a smile calm down man we are going to have to fight in this world anyway so why not take risks now so where stronger in the next mission. so here is the plan you will find a good sniping spot for the front of the house.we will wait till they pull the metal doors and windows off and at that moment you will kill the one farthest in the back. the doors and windows being pulled off should mask your initial shot then take your second shot. that is when I'll start attacking you just stay back and cover me. as Allen finishes telling the plan he hears a gunshot the leader just shot one of his men 9 more to go jack get to your spot it's about to start. allen watches as they put chains on the doors and windows and start to pull just as the windows are pulled off Allen barely hears the first shot over the metal windows and doors being pulled off and that was just because he was listening for it.the man in the back drops dead and before anyone notices another shot hits the one closest to the dead man. this time they realize. and rush into the house but not before Jack gets off a third shot on the last man to enter.6 more to go. allen sneaks in through the window just as he enters the is a man right in front of him pointing the gun at his head.allen stared at the gun as the trigger is slowly about to be this what people mean when they say time slows down right before your about to die. allen trys to move out the way but its like he is frozen in time as the trigger is being pulled. am I really going to die like this no no no I won't die to some piece of shit who doesn't even have a name in this story just some no one? physical and mental realm broken rewarded 1000 points reaction speed increased by 20 muscle density increased by 10 intelligence increased by 10 allen didn't have time to look at the notification but he felt his body full with strength and time slow down even farther and he was able to move slowly he starts moving his head to the right and his left hand to grab the gun and push it to left before he shoots. the gun goes off and as his hand moves the gun a little to the left the bullet scrapes the left side of Allens head Allen twists the gun out of his hand grabs the man by the neck and only then does time start to flow like normal for allen.try anything and your fucking dead. now turn around your going to be my hostage/meat shield. the man doesn't listen so Allen squeezes his neck and he responds quick and turns around as he turns around Allen notices the handprint on his neck where he was chocking him. (was I really squeezing that hard?) allen wraps his arm around the man in a chock hold and moves forward. allen hears fighting and gunshots in the next room over Allen and his hostage stand in the doorway to the room to see the 3 dead men and the husband about to get shot by the 4 but when Allen walks in the man points the gun at him and fires but the meatshield takes the bullet to the stomach and Allen unloads 3 bullets into the man. allen looks at the husband. I'm here to help reload your shotgun and go as he said that he walks into the hallway with his whining hostage but as he does he hears some pump a shotgun to his left and he knows the husband is behind him he pulls the meat shield in that direction and hides behind it just in time as the shotgun goes off and hits the meatshield he scrambles to the living room and falls in front of a big window trying to get up only to realise that the hand he was holding the meat shield with is just a bunch of flesh with holes all over it looks like it could fall off at any minute the main bad guy walks up to Allen and kicks him and puts his foot on his chest . you shouldn't have interfered with our purge. right after he said that Allen smiles. and you should be careful where you stand. it takes a second for the man to get what Allen is talking about but it's too late a bullet hits him in the head and the husband run over Allen yells to get the first aid kit the man rushes back with a first aid kit just as jack runs to me.are you alright Allen. i think i will be the movie is almost over so I should make it.fuck I just remembered jack fast pull me into the closet the neighbors are about to try to kill the family.o you right . jack pulls Allen into the closet and it plays out just like the movie the all sit around the table and wait for the alarms, of course, the blond girl reached for the gun the only difference is jack shot her when she did a second late the alarms went off and there was a flash of white and we were standing in a white room with floating ball in the middle.alice said heal everyone right when we where back I was the only one lifted up under a beam of light and watched as my arm regrew . allice good job newbies the first mission is completed we will talk about upgrades tomorrow I think we can all agree we can all use a rest so just go to your door and picture what you want your room to look like we will talk in the morning. allen watches as Alice and jack go to there rooms. allen walks to his room and pictures what he wants small room medium sizes bead with blue covers and a bunch of video games and movie posters all over the walls.
{ "title": "Bad Habits {V2 Out now!}", "id": 18986, "author": "SakkaKuro", "rating": 5 }
{ "title": "Volume 2: Chapter 24: The story of Black Market Leader Yanagi… Part 1", "id": 305890, "next": 306723, "prev": 304947, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwYWI4Yjg4YzI1ZTQ3Yjk5YWNjMzFkMzNlZGMwMDZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh? What do we have here?” A man in a suit said, looking at two handcuffed children.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNWRhOGEyYmQzZTQwZTFiNTZkNWRlNzc0NTYzYjBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Boss, they were once again trying to sneak in.” The man said who had the children in hand.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYmNhZDliZWI5YjQzMGRhNmMyYjIwM2RmNzJiYjY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">One of the children had Black hair, the other had White hair. The man in the suit walked up to the kid with black hair, who looked like he was not scared.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDk0YjNiN2FmMzQ1N2Y4NjU4YzgxNTBiMTc3NTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oi… Do you know that kid?” The man asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzY5NTE2OWZlNzQ0ZTI4NTFjMTdmZDlmNDY4OTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The kid grinned.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTBhMjMwZGE1ODRmNjg5YTMyM2Q0Y2VkNzNiYmU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t know, do I?” The kid said, laughing.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzRiM2NkOTE1MTRjMGM5YzhhYWRiMzEyMjViZjhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Woah, don’t get mad at me like that, kid...” The man said.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjgwNDgyODk0MDRkNzJiMmY2MTkxMTcxMjMwOTcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...I can already see you two are brothers.” The man mumbled, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDRmMzg1MTRjMzRmZjE4YWQ5YzY1NDJlMTc2MmM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The kid’s eyes widened up.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGY5ZDc1NmFjMjQ3OTFhNmJkYjc1NmRmNTIzOTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“H- How did you know that?” The kid with black hair asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDFhNGIyMzExYjQ1MGFhNDdmMzgwYWY4NWVhYzg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don’t know, how did I?” The man replied, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjNlODYyMzkyZjQzZWRiOTIyNGIwMjk5NzE5M2Ri"><span style="font-weight: 400">The kid’s eyes lightened up.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWExMDk5M2FiYjQ0NThiZDQ4MzgyYjU1ZWM5ODkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“O- Oi, Ossan!* Don’t mock me!” The kid with black hair shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmVlZmExNDdiMzRmN2I5ODc2NzE4YjExZWJhNjEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">(Ossan = Someone in his 30’s or 40’s)</span></p> <p class="cnNjZGQ2NjVjODMyOTQ4MjJhZjg1ZjQwYzU0NDljOWEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sorry, sorry...” The man said, laughing it off.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjA0ZWViMzkxODQ3OTE5YTkzNDY0ZjZjMTc5ZmY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You two look really interesting... ” The man mumbled, looking down.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzNkZjZkZDE3MDQyZWRhNGJjMTI4NDc3NTE1OGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What are your names?” The man asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNhODJiYjY0MGM5ODQ2YzViYWY1ZWQ5MzRlMjNhYWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“N- Names?” The kid with black hair asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NzE1M2I0NjM1ZDRmYmE5M2I5NzUyMzc0NTFiODAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We don’t have any...” The kid with white hair mumbled.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDRiODc1ZDM4ZDQzZjk5MWM3MzA2ZDU2OTNiODBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You don’t?” The man said, as he started to laugh.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YzQwZDA2MjM4MTQzYTI5MDU4NzkxYWQxMDllYmI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oi, nothing funny about it!” The kid with black hair shouted.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmI5ZjljM2E1MzQ0ZmQ4MjYyMjBiNzE2MjUyMDQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah… You’re right...” The man said.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjcwMDUyNzJmODQ0NjY4Y2ZhOGM2ODY0NDU3MTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Yin.” The man said, looking up.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTQxNzYyMWU4ZDQ0Y2ZhZTM0NzExMTk4YjA0MDYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Y- Yin?” The kid with black hair asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWY1MWU3NTYwMDRhMDU5ODA3MTRhYmIzZWMyNDkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, that will be your name...” The man said.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDJhZDFjYzE5NTQ2YmFiZTY3NWU0ZDQzYmYxMWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“... And you, with the white hair, will be Yang.” The man explained, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODIwNDY4NDM1YTQwNmNiOWVlMzM3OGIxZTgxNTM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">The kid named Yang’s eyes lightened up.</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2RiNDkxMTgxODRhMjdiZjJlZjM2ZGI0OGM1ZDJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And how about I forgive you two for sneaking inside...” The man said.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWIwNmNlYjc1NzQxMzA5MjlmNWM3YmNiMjU3NTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“... Instead I am proud you made it this far, so as a gift you guys...”</span></p> <p class="cnMyOWUwNzYwODAwMTQzNzdhZjhjZDJlNzczYmZhZmQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“... Will get to work for me.” The man said, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTIxNTI1NDViNTQ1MjRhY2JjNmVhNTE0ZDU1MmEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang was in complete shock, but Yin was reacting exact the opposite.</span></p> <p class="cnM1N2ZjYjUxMTZkZTQ1ZGVhZDkzOWIxZmRkMmIwZGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sure thing, Ossan...” Yin said.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjE1NWRhNTk3YTQ1YzNhNTdmNmU5NTg3Y2Y5NjQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“... But if you do something to Yang, I will kill you.” Yin followed up, grinning.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYTNiZWQ1MzZjODRjOTg4MTY4NGQwMTExMGRkOTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang’s eyes lightened up. The man started to laugh.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZGRlZDhlZGVmMDQyOTViNDdkMDRkYTM2YTQzYWRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Got it...” The man said, walking up to Yang.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzI1YTVmZmI5NjQ5ZGNiNDZmNzgwMWU5YmRkZWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The man reached out his hand and uncuffed both of them. He then looked at Yang.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjAxMWYzOWFlZDQzMzFiNzNmNzMxNTVlZjcwMTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My name isn’t really interesting… So you can call me Yanagi.” The man said.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTJkNmQ5MTI3MDRmNDA5YjljOTlhYTQzMGE5NThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin started to laugh.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjFkM2Q5MmExOTQ0MDNhOWNiZTljZjY2ZTliOWZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ehh? Combining our names to get ur own?!” Yin said, as he kept laughing.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjllNTE1OTIxYzRmMDc5NWI1MTFhZDY5MTBlZWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course not, idiot, that’s how all my 270,000 members call me.” Yanagi said, grinning.</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2JlNGQ1ZDBhYzQ2MmRiMjRmZjM1OGI5NDQ5ZThi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“2- 270,000 members?!” Yang said, as his eyes widened up.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmQ3N2U0MmYyYTQ2YTJiYjM1NzcwNjg3MGU4ODY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah… 270,000.” Yanagi replied.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDUzNGI1ODE3YTQxYzc5Yjg3ZTk4OGEwZDU5MTMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“H- How is that even possible?” Yang asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDY5NzA2MjBmZDQ1MGU5NzFlMWNlMTZkMDc0ZGYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s what you call being a Black Market Leader.” Yanagi said, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjljOWEyY2I5OTRiZjM5MTBiYWVjODFmNTQwZWZk"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">You know? At first I was happy…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNmYmQzZTdlZjhlNzQ1OWQ5OTBhNTdhYzQxNjEzZWQy"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Our past was the worst…</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0MTFlMmQ0MDhiYzRjNjI4NGViMmQxY2VmZTE5ZDc4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">We never knew our family, everyone rejected us, we lived on trash…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiYjdkYzZmZGFkZDQ0NWNiN2RlZjZhNzJkYTczMWEx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">We ‘did’ live in a Orphanage for a while, but we left it…</span></em></p> <p class="cnM0MWIxN2VmZmZkNjRmMzU4YTI3MDZmNWY1MjI1NjJk"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">We endured Yanagi’s trainings, and as always Yin surpassed me in all those years…</span></em></p> <p class="cnMzOWFhNWY0OGJiYjQwOTdiODZiM2NkZjFmMWJlYWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi looked at the kids, as he was sweating. Yin grinned.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzlhYzE0Yjc4MDRiNzBhOThiYjI5YjEzZGY1NmIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Getting old? Ossan?” Yin said.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjgwNDhmZTYzOTQ1OThhMzNhZjAxZWZiYmFhYWM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Old? Are you mocking me?” Yanagi asked, grinning.</span></p> <p class="cnM3M2FhNzU2ODA1ZTQ3NTFiZTYxODViZTY0MzQ2ZjJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, I am, so come get!” Yin shouted, as he charged him.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYzBmNGNkNjYxMjRkZjM5NzEyYmQ5Y2QxOWU4NjNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi grinned, dodging Yin’s attack.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODdkY2IwMWYyNTRlYTk4MmM1ZDg2ZDYwZWEzNzQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi spin kicked and hit Yin straight in his face, pushing him away.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDM4MzZhNTgwZDRkZDZhYzA5OGZiMmZmNmY3Y2Ri"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Y- Yin!- ” </span></p> <p class="cnNlYjdkZWQyNTQ2NTQyMWZhM2Q5NjZjODIyYmQyZTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before Yang could finish his sentence Yanagi punched him in his chest.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGMzYjljZDUzNDQ2NzNiYmQwOTlmMTQwYjFlOTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang’s eyes widened up, but he punched Yanagi away.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzRhYzMzMjQ4OTQ2ZmVhMGZlZTYwNjJmZDBlZTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi grinned.</span></p> <p class="cnM5M2EyMDM5NmFmYjQ1ZmJhNDg4MWFiYTlkMTQ0NzZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How unexpected… You didn’t fall unconscious from that.” Yanagi said.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWJjNTQwZDVkMzQwZTliNGZiMGZjNWFmODA1MmFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s… Right...” Yang mumbled.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MWNiOTc3NDBkYjQyNDc5ZjgzYWUxZDZlNjMyZTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang suddenly fell on the ground, losing consciousness…</span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2Y1NzIwMTc0NzRjMTM5NTcwNTIxY2QwMDJhMDVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir… They both fell down in one shot...” The guard said.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmQ1NjhhY2ViZDQ1YWFiOGYwM2MwMmVmZGU2ZjMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course they would, they are young and I hit them in their vital spots.” Yanagi replied.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZGY2YTRjZGU0ZjRiYTJiZWEyZjdhMTRjMThiOTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi turned to the guard.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2Y1NzcyZmNjYTRmNGQ4Y2ExNDM2Y2MyZWZhMGY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But it’s fine… Cuz it feels like-”</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2QwYWE2N2JkNDRlNmZiNTAzNzdmMTdlOWYyYjAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi stopped his sentence as he turned and caught the fist of Yin.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjA1ZmQ2YWQ5YzRjNGM5ODU0Y2UxNzBiYjU3MjA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“- Like someone was faking their consciousness.” Yanagi said, grinning.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzdiNmRiMTcxNDRkZTViOTcyNWYxODVmZjUwZmVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course you would’ve found out...” Yin said, grinning.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTAxZTE2MDAyNDRiN2NiYzZlMjZkM2MwOWNkM2M1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin suddenly pulled out a dagger, but Yanagi grabbed his handgun and aimed it in front of him.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MmE0Yjc1MzkyYzRiZDhiNDViYWU1OWU2ZmI4MTVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin’s eyes widened up.</span></p> <p class="cnNkODkxZWUzZTkxODQ4Nzg5ZmRmOGVmMDUxMDI3OGZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“D- Damn it...” Yin mumbled.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTc2NjcwNjQ4MTQzMTc4MTJlZGM2ZWMyM2EyYzk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi let go of him and holstered his weapon.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTM5ZmY1NDY2ZDRmZGVhYWViNGZmNWJlOTAwNTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good… But not good enough.” Yanagi said.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjUxM2VhYWFmZjQ2MjhiMGQ3YjZjNjgyYzllNDEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We’ll start again tomorrow...” Yanagi followed up, walking out the room.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWQzYTRkNGE2OTQ0M2I5YzNmOTBhY2EzYmJkMDRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin let out a sigh, as he grabbed a bucket of water and threw it all over Yang. Yang’s eyes widened up as he woke up and sat down.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTlhNDI3Y2IxZjQ1MWU4NDQzMTBhODlhODU0ZGUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W-... What happened?” Yang asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGYxYzNiNDUwZjQzODFiZDVhYWMyZGEyYTNjYTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin was silent.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYjk1NGZkZTE3NTQ0MTRhZWIzZDQxOTQxMDU0N2Y1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He won the round...” Yin replied.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTQ0NzA2ZTRiZTQ5NTc5ZDczNGYxNjJmZTc4YmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang stood up. He could feel this murderous aura surrounding Yin.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjc0ZjM5NTU0MDRjY2M5YTM1OGQwN2U3ZDA5OWJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why… Why are we still training, anyway?” Yin asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjNjYTUzMmFmZTRhNDM4ZDIwNjI3NjgwOWQ5NWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang looked at him, walking up to his office door.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDdlOGMzYmNjNDQ4NWQ4MDk2M2ZkYTk2OWFhOGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll show him… That I can defeat him-”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmFmMDljZmMzNTRjN2Y5ZDJhYzExZDcyN2Q1OTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just as Yang opened the door, Yanagi stood in front of him. He had a big grin on his face, as he ducked down.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTQ1M2ZiZjIzNzQ0ZGE4OTlhZTZkNDliMjQ5YTY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yo, ready for round two?” Yanagi said, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDE4MjE0MTU0MzQxZjU5NGRmNTQ3ZTliOWQ2MWIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes… Starting now!-” Yin shouted, as he spin kicked the man.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWRlM2JkYjU3ODQ4Y2U5NjEwYmRhZGFkZjJkNWUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin then took multiple steps back.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTU4Mjg3YjFjMzQ3ZjVhYzYxMDk5MmI3NWFiYzIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yanagi stood up, wiping the dust off his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWQxYzA3MGVhOTQ5OGU5YWFlMjk3MzhiNWRmMjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That… Is the only time you will hit me.” Yanagi said, grinning.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNWI4MDYxNTI3YTRkOGI5NzI0NzUyZTgwMzZiOGI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang was still quiet…</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDgxZWNmZDg2MzQ2YzdiMzU0M2Y3MWYwNDMwNzE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin was obviously stronger than him…</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjliNjk0MzU4YTQ3NWQ5ZGJlNGY4ZWY5YjgwZmVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang was still sitting on the ground, and his eyes noticed something, someone. It was a girl, peeking through the other door. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNDI1OTM0OGRiNjQ1ODE5YTIwNTgxNDJjNDg0YTUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">His eyes lightened up, as he walked to the door and opened it. The girl suddenly grabbed him in, closed the door and pulled out a knife.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGUxNTEyN2UyNTRjNGViNTVhYmM5MWU2NmFmMTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang’s eyes widened up. The girl probably had snuck in, just like him and Yin.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNzljZTE1N2JhYjQ2NDk5MGFiYWU4ODU4Y2NkOTQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Calm down… I am not here to hurt you.” Yang said, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjJhMzE0YTA5NjQ3OTJiOTU5MzE1MmM3NmU1YjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang looked at the rusty knife she was holding, and noticed that she was shaking really bad. Yang looked back at the girl, slowly standing up.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzcyZGY4ZGUzYjQzYzU5NjM1ZmUyNmEwYTdkODZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang then reached out his hand, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnNjM2JmYmNiM2JlNjQ5OWNhNThkNmQ1YTg0ZjM3YjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You won’t kill a human with that knife.” Yang said, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYWM0ODkwZGY0NDQ2ZDE4MWFlMDI0ZDgzZGM3YzM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her eyes lightened up, as she slowly reached out to his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnMwY2UzODM4N2FiYjRlZDdhOGI1ZWI5ZjVjN2JlODk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The door suddenly bursted open-</span></p> <p class="cnMyOGI2MjVhZDA3NDRhYTg4NGY1MDBlODZjMjE1NWVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang quickly turned, and saw Yanagi standing there.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjE5OGIwYjE4MzQ3NGE4NmYwM2UxZjQyOTc0MzRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oi, what are you- ?!” His eyes widened up, as he saw the girl standing there.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMTY2ZWViOWIyOTRhMmE5ZWY5MTIxYWI0YmMzNzVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl turned the knife to the Yanagi, still shaking.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzYyYTc2Y2QyYzRhNzk4N2M2OTBmOTljNGQ3ZGRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who do you think y-”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzY0Mzk1MjUwNTQwNmE4ZmRiYzM5ZjAyOWYxMGJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wait!” Yang interrupted Yanagi.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDMzZGJmZmMyZTRhZmQ4NTRkYjhlNDc2ODY5Y2E5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang slowly grabbed the girls hand.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZmI2YjJhYjIwZTQ4ZDlhYzgzMGU3NWQ5MDljODM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s fine… He is friendly.” Yang said.</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2EyYjliNWU2ZjQ5MDFiNjgxMGYxNzBiNTg2OTUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl looked at Yang, and then gave the knife to him.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDlkOGZiNzc3OTQyYzc5NjM3NzlmY2FhYTJjNGYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin walked inside too, and he saw the girl.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDViN2QwNDYzYzQ0MDlhODAzYjQzNjQ0NTkwMTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“An intruder?” Yin asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjgyYmVlMDkzZTQ3ZWM5NTVlMDdjNjRkMmYyOTAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No… She’s friendly.” Yang replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYjk2YWM0ZGEzZjQ0NGFiNjNkN2FjNzVjY2NmOWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin grinned.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTQ4ZDlkOGExZTQ2MDJiYzMwNWRlZWQyMDM0N2Ni"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sorry, Yang, but I don’t trust her-”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGRjNzUwY2M0OTRiMzQ5ZTkyMjA0OGU2YzRkOWFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yin pulled out a handgun, Yang’s eyes widened up.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjBlYTcwODc4YTQzMWQ5NmZlZjgwYWQxY2E3MzQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang suddenly charged Yin, grabbing his arm and immobilizing him.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmEwNzYxMDlmYTRkY2FiZDA2MjA5NjQwZDRhYTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What, H- How did you?” Yin mumbled.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNzVlN2JmNzk5MzRiNjlhNGE2OTdmYWI5NjMxOTMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let go of the gun...” Yang said, looking him in the eye.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjIxYWRmOGE4ZDQ3M2Q5MzY5MDJiZjA5YzVjMTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yang, I am sorry, but I can’t have another burden in here...” Yanagi explained.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGU4OGMxOGI4MjQ1MmM4MDhkYzhkNDk2N2VhY2M0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No… I will take care of her then.” Yang said.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YmFjYTQ2MzM4MjRhYmNhZjk5MTMyOGM2MGFlNzBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">The girl’s eyes lightened up.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Zjg4YjhiYzZjMTRiMTA4YTZlZDFkYjk3ZGY0NTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you sure you can do that?” Yanagi asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTU4MTViZWRkZDQ1MjZiNzE3MTY1ZGVmNGM1N2U3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Yang let go of Yin.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZmU3MjdiNmZlOTRmZDdhNjg2MTFlZGY4NTI3ZDQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes… I can.” Yang replied.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzVhYTAzZmMzMjQ2MzFiZWY5NTI2NDRkNjAwZjhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Anything she does is my responsibility from now on.” Yang said, walking up to the girl.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDhiYzlkZWY2NzQwZjBiNTdkOWRkYWFkNzMzZDI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What your name?” Yang asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2NjOTdlMzM0NTRkZWY4ZjZiYjdlOGU2OGI3OTI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I… I don’t know...” The girl replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNjODJjZGMxYzExZjQ4MDY4YjgwMzkwZDgzYmVkNmVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh… Well... how about...” Yang said, smiling.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTI4ZTFmOGM5MzRjOGNhYTE1YmRiOTY5MTkxZWJh"><br><br><br><br></p> <p class="cnNlYjMxM2FhN2EzNTQxZDhhMWQxZmE4MWY2MjY4ZDc0"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Akari?”</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4YTg2YmIxN2Y3YzQ5ZmE4YTQwZTlmZmMxNmZmMTEy"> </p> <p class="cnM1NDkzMzczNzllNzQ1OTI5YjA4NTFiNDIzNmM5Mjhj"><strong>* * *</strong></p> </div>
“Oh? What do we have here?” A man in a suit said, looking at two handcuffed children. “Boss, they were once again trying to sneak in.” The man said who had the children in hand. One of the children had Black hair, the other had White hair. The man in the suit walked up to the kid with black hair, who looked like he was not scared. “Oi… Do you know that kid?” The man asked. The kid grinned. “I don’t know, do I?” The kid said, laughing. “Woah, don’t get mad at me like that, kid...” The man said. “...I can already see you two are brothers.” The man mumbled, smiling. The kid’s eyes widened up. “H- How did you know that?” The kid with black hair asked. “I don’t know, how did I?” The man replied, smiling. The kid’s eyes lightened up. “O- Oi, Ossan!* Don’t mock me!” The kid with black hair shouted. (Ossan = Someone in his 30’s or 40’s) “Sorry, sorry...” The man said, laughing it off. “You two look really interesting... ” The man mumbled, looking down. “What are your names?” The man asked. “N- Names?” The kid with black hair asked. “We don’t have any...” The kid with white hair mumbled. “You don’t?” The man said, as he started to laugh. “Oi, nothing funny about it!” The kid with black hair shouted. “Yeah… You’re right...” The man said. “...Yin.” The man said, looking up. “Y- Yin?” The kid with black hair asked. “Yes, that will be your name...” The man said. “... And you, with the white hair, will be Yang.” The man explained, smiling. The kid named Yang’s eyes lightened up. “And how about I forgive you two for sneaking inside...” The man said. “... Instead I am proud you made it this far, so as a gift you guys...” “... Will get to work for me.” The man said, smiling. Yang was in complete shock, but Yin was reacting exact the opposite. “Sure thing, Ossan...” Yin said. “... But if you do something to Yang, I will kill you.” Yin followed up, grinning. Yang’s eyes lightened up. The man started to laugh. “Got it...” The man said, walking up to Yang. The man reached out his hand and uncuffed both of them. He then looked at Yang. “My name isn’t really interesting… So you can call me Yanagi.” The man said. Yin started to laugh. “Ehh? Combining our names to get ur own?!” Yin said, as he kept laughing. “Of course not, idiot, that’s how all my 270,000 members call me.” Yanagi said, grinning. “2- 270,000 members?!” Yang said, as his eyes widened up. “Yeah… 270,000.” Yanagi replied. “H- How is that even possible?” Yang asked. “That’s what you call being a Black Market Leader.” Yanagi said, smiling. *You know? At first I was happy…* *Our past was the worst…* *We never knew our family, everyone rejected us, we lived on trash…* *We ‘did’ live in a Orphanage for a while, but we left it…* *We endured Yanagi’s trainings, and as always Yin surpassed me in all those years…* Yanagi looked at the kids, as he was sweating. Yin grinned. “Getting old? Ossan?” Yin said. “Old? Are you mocking me?” Yanagi asked, grinning. “Yes, I am, so come get!” Yin shouted, as he charged him. Yanagi grinned, dodging Yin’s attack. Yanagi spin kicked and hit Yin straight in his face, pushing him away. “Y- Yin!- ” Before Yang could finish his sentence Yanagi punched him in his chest. Yang’s eyes widened up, but he punched Yanagi away. Yanagi grinned. “How unexpected… You didn’t fall unconscious from that.” Yanagi said. “That’s… Right...” Yang mumbled. Yang suddenly fell on the ground, losing consciousness… “Sir… They both fell down in one shot...” The guard said. “Of course they would, they are young and I hit them in their vital spots.” Yanagi replied. Yanagi turned to the guard. “But it’s fine… Cuz it feels like-” Yanagi stopped his sentence as he turned and caught the fist of Yin. “- Like someone was faking their consciousness.” Yanagi said, grinning. “Of course you would’ve found out...” Yin said, grinning. Yin suddenly pulled out a dagger, but Yanagi grabbed his handgun and aimed it in front of him. Yin’s eyes widened up. “D- Damn it...” Yin mumbled. Yanagi let go of him and holstered his weapon. “Good… But not good enough.” Yanagi said. “We’ll start again tomorrow...” Yanagi followed up, walking out the room. Yin let out a sigh, as he grabbed a bucket of water and threw it all over Yang. Yang’s eyes widened up as he woke up and sat down. “W-... What happened?” Yang asked. Yin was silent. “He won the round...” Yin replied. Yang stood up. He could feel this murderous aura surrounding Yin. “Why… Why are we still training, anyway?” Yin asked. Yang looked at him, walking up to his office door. “I’ll show him… That I can defeat him-” Just as Yang opened the door, Yanagi stood in front of him. He had a big grin on his face, as he ducked down. “Yo, ready for round two?” Yanagi said, smiling. “Yes… Starting now!-” Yin shouted, as he spin kicked the man. Yin then took multiple steps back. Yanagi stood up, wiping the dust off his face. “That… Is the only time you will hit me.” Yanagi said, grinning. Yang was still quiet… Yin was obviously stronger than him… Yang was still sitting on the ground, and his eyes noticed something, someone. It was a girl, peeking through the other door. His eyes lightened up, as he walked to the door and opened it. The girl suddenly grabbed him in, closed the door and pulled out a knife. Yang’s eyes widened up. The girl probably had snuck in, just like him and Yin. “Calm down… I am not here to hurt you.” Yang said, smiling. Yang looked at the rusty knife she was holding, and noticed that she was shaking really bad. Yang looked back at the girl, slowly standing up. Yang then reached out his hand, smiling. “You won’t kill a human with that knife.” Yang said, smiling. Her eyes lightened up, as she slowly reached out to his hand. The door suddenly bursted open- Yang quickly turned, and saw Yanagi standing there. “Oi, what are you- ?!” His eyes widened up, as he saw the girl standing there. The girl turned the knife to the Yanagi, still shaking. “Who do you think y-” “Wait!” Yang interrupted Yanagi. Yang slowly grabbed the girls hand. “It’s fine… He is friendly.” Yang said. The girl looked at Yang, and then gave the knife to him. Yin walked inside too, and he saw the girl. “An intruder?” Yin asked. “No… She’s friendly.” Yang replied. Yin grinned. “Sorry, Yang, but I don’t trust her-” Yin pulled out a handgun, Yang’s eyes widened up. Yang suddenly charged Yin, grabbing his arm and immobilizing him. “What, H- How did you?” Yin mumbled. “Let go of the gun...” Yang said, looking him in the eye. “Yang, I am sorry, but I can’t have another burden in here...” Yanagi explained. “No… I will take care of her then.” Yang said. The girl’s eyes lightened up. “Are you sure you can do that?” Yanagi asked. Yang let go of Yin. “Yes… I can.” Yang replied. “Anything she does is my responsibility from now on.” Yang said, walking up to the girl. “What your name?” Yang asked. “I… I don’t know...” The girl replied. “Oh… Well... how about...” Yang said, smiling. *“...Akari?”* *** * ***
{ "title": "My Necromancer is a Lich", "id": 21561, "author": "Daftdraft", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 1: So I'm a Skeleton, So What?", "id": 305824, "next": 306015, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyNTI4YmVkOTM0OTQ2NzVhMjhlZjA4ZmVjMTQ3Njdi">“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” A young, feminine voice called from a void of pitch black darkness. Not gonna lie, she sounded pretty cute. But as any true man knows, the cuter she sounds without showing her face, the uglier she be. “Unshackled by mortal shell…undaunted by sword or spell…” Despite my reluctance, I still felt myself being drawn towards her melodious voice. I always was a sucker for a woman with a nice set of lungs on her. “Hear my plea and be bound unto me!”</p> <p class="cnNkNzRmZGFjZDBjYjRiNGVhZDI2ZGNhYjU4YjkzNzc2">Before I could tell the girl in the darkness that I was a free man and didn’t believe in marriage, the darkness receded from my vision. One moment I was standing within darkness, the next I was laying on a cold floor, staring up at a large amount of stalactites all pointed towards me. The sudden change in point of view gave my brain quite the fucking as I felt my mind slowly recover from a strange onset of what I guessed was vertigo. Various lights flickered in the corner of my vision as I shook my head in an attempt to clear shake off my groggy mind. The only thought in my mind was that I had to get up and away from these pointy rocks overhead. Ever since I was a child, I hated going on field trips into various caves such as the one I currently found myself in for some inexplicable reason. Always had the haunting feeling that one of them would break off and fall on top of me.</p> <p class="cnNmYzkxYWI4MDQ5ODQzYzc5ZTMxMWQxNTI4YTM2ZGZk">“Stop laying on the floor and help me you worthless skeleton!” The previously melodious voice turned harsh and demanding. Women, am I right fellas?</p> <p class="cnMxZGZiOTNhMjRjZTRkODNhMDQwNWI5ODlkMmRjNDIy">“Skeleton?” The hell was she talking about? I mean, I was a bit skinny, but that doesn’t give her the right to give me such a hurtful nickname. Ah well, no point laying around if she was going to keep hollering at me. With a grunt, I shifted my weight to pull myself up from the floor only to stare at my arm in shock. “Huh…thats new.” My eyes affixed upon the bleached bones of my arm as my mind halted any and all rational operations. “Were my bones always so…visible? What the hell is this?” I jumped to my feet and glanced about at my body. Everywhere I looked was bone, bone, bone! Finger bones, leg bones, feet bones, and if I had a mirror I’m sure I’d see that I had head bones too! Dreading the worst, I looked down at the goods only to see my worst fears realized. “I want to die…” I murmured as I stared at the empty space around my pelvis.</p> <p class="cnM1MDgwZjFiYTQxMzQ1MTM5MTE4NzYzYTA3MTAwNTM0">“Then die for me!” The voice from before shouted as a flash of black cloth rushed past me. I couldn’t even utter a sigh as I reluctantly looked towards what the girl was running from.</p> <p class="cnNkNjkwNGU5NGU2MTQwMzVhNzFiZThlNzZlYTk1MTA5">“What the fuck is that?!” I yelled as a giant furred monster the size of a Pit-bull with the words ‘Level 1 Cave Rat’ clearly hovering over it’s head stared at me with a furious snarl. Before I could react, it lunged at me with it’s large yellow fangs. I’m not ashamed to admit that at that moment, I was glad that I lacked my goods. Because the scream that I unleashed at that moment was far from manly. And I’d have probably pissed myself too.</p> <p class="cnMyOTFhNDM5NjkyMTQyYTdhOTVmNjZkNTQ3Zjg0NzNm" style="text-align: center">[You have acquired the trait [Novice Dark Magic (Rank I)]]<br>[By successfully channeling the dark powers of the Plane of Death, you have taken your first steps down the road of Death and Decay]<br>[You have learned the spell [Banshee’s Wail]]<br>[Cost: 10 Mana]<br>[Deals 10 Dark Damage to your foe and stuns them for 4 seconds.]</p> <p class="cnMzOGE0MTIyZDM0ZTQyMWZiNGFiNGFmOGU3YTlhMGQ3">“What the fu-” Newton’s first law remained a universal constant as the Pit-bull sized rat crashed right into me despite the clear lack of mental presence in it’s eyes. As I clattered to the ground from the flying tackle, the pop-ups that obstructed my view quickly dissipated, only to be replaced with another.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmI2NzZlYzdmZjQ0ZDFiMzQwOTljNDkyOWQwN2M0" style="text-align: center">[You take 5 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnMyY2MwYjZhNGZiMzRhMzU5NTYzNzE3ZjNiYzEyMjIx">The all too close sound of a giant rat growling on top of me ended all previous rational thought.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTFlMmEwMzA5NDRiZGY5NjNjYjAxZWVlNTlkMTYx">“Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!” My fists flew in a flurry causing pop-ups of ‘you’ve done x physical damage’ to fill my vision. “I don’t like this! I don’t like this at all!” My voice cracked as the rat’s faculties returned. Harsh eyes glared at me as it bit down onto my right wrist bone. Once more, I screeched out, this time in pain rather than fear, causing whatever this ‘Banshee’s Wail’ thing was to activate once more, stunning the rat. This time I pushed the beast off of me and rolled away in the opposite direction, searching about for anything to use in defense. Unfortunately, all I had at hand was dirt and small stones. “Right then, I’ll use some dirt to blind it and then run!” Plan firmly in mind, I grasped a handful of dirt only to watch my plan fall to pieces as every grain of dirt fell through the gaps between my finger bones.</p> <p class="cnNjYWJkYjdkYTJkYTQ1NDdhMmZmZTU1MTNhOWQ3Nzhh">“Bullshit! This is bullshit!” I shook my head and looked towards the rat and watched it break out of the stun. With a hiss, the murderous mouse turned towards me with bristling fur. “You want some of this, bitch? Come get some!” I yelled while beating my chest with a clenched fist like a feral gorilla. Once more, the rat leapt towards me with it’s mouth open to bite. But this time, I was ready. And I was pissed. “Fuck you!” I yelled and unleashed my signature right hook that had once knocked my older brother unconscious. Hard bone met sharp fangs as my fist sank into the mouth of the rat. Pain erupted through my hand as I watched the rat sail backwards into the wall of the cave as blood squirted from it’s mouth.</p> <p class="cnMwY2I3OWIxNTEyMDQ5MzI4OWZkNWM5YTIwNzAwNjIz" style="text-align: center">[You take 10 physical damage]<br>[You deal 30 physical damage]<br>[You have slain a level 1 Cave Rat]<br>[You have acquired the trait [Novice Unarmed Fighting (Rank I)]]<br>[By successfully defeating a foe using your fists, you have taken the first steps on your path of unarmed fighting]</p> <p class="cnNlYjMyYjg2ZjIxYTRmOWM4YTg5N2RjZGFkNzM2ZGI4">I didn’t know if a skeleton needed to breath or not, but I was panting something fierce as I stared at the newly deceased rat. Of course, it didn’t end there. One moment the rat was lying on the floor in an unmoving manner, as any good dead rat should. The next, it disappeared in a flash leaving behind a small bundle of fur and a tiny clear crystal.</p> <p class="cnNkZmQyOWMwNDc3MDQxNDA5MmM2MzJlODQ1ZGE0NjE3">“Right. Because what the fuck else would happen?” I forced out a sigh of defeat, “What the hell did I do to wind up in a place like this…”</p> <p class="cnM3Y2QwMzg2OGM5MTRiZWU5MDdiN2Y0YWFjYmI0MTY2">“Is it dead?” The voice from earlier asked cautiously from nearby. The rustling of cloth drew my attention as a young woman wearing black robes that obscured her features stepped out from behind a pair of large stalagmites.&nbsp;Long black hair had been tied into a ponytail that reached&nbsp;well below her shoulders. Her pale skin accented her choice in attire quite nicely, and her glaring violet eyes only added to her appeal. Though she was rather lacking in the bust area. Definitely an A-cup. “Its rude to stare you know.” She huffed.</p> <p class="cnNiMDUzZGEyODZjYTRlOWE4MTczMzEyNmJmZWVjZGRi">“Yeah I’ve been called an asshole before.” I shrugged in response as I kept appraising her with a critical eye. Normally, I’d peg her as a six, but the way she glared tickled my fancy, so I bumped her up to a seven. Like the cave rat, bold letters hovered over her head, clearly stating the name ‘Cythia Du Etrisn’ and underneath her name were the words ‘Level 1 Necromancer’. “Curious…” I mumbled as I rubbed my bony chin in thought. “By the way, rat’s dead.” Sudden joy took hold as she dashed over to the meager pile of junk laying on the floor where the rat had died.</p> <p class="cnNjN2U2YmNhMmM5NzQ1ZjJhMTFiNWRmM2EwNzMzMzhl">“Yes! A high quality rat pelt and a minor magic shard!” The girl squealed as she picked up the rat’s hide and clear crystal. Hey if she wanted to pick up rat droppings, who was I to stop her? With a quick clenching of her fist, the crystal shattered and a very muted glow surrounded her body for a brief moment. As the glow faded, a new pop-up appeared before my eyes.</p> <p class="cnNmNmM3YTVmOTZjYzRkNmE5NzcxYTlmMzBiMTA1MDBk" style="text-align: center">[You have gained 10 experience]</p> <p class="cnNlYzE5MjkzZjU4NDQ4YzI4NjUzMGEzMWRmNDU1M2Zh">“I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.” I whispered as the screen quickly faded. I rubbed my skull with my fingers in an attempt to massage my temples, hoping for some sort of relief. It gave none. “Please God let this be a bad dream…”</p> <p class="cnNjNGFlODVmYmVjNjRmYWE5NWM1NzVjZTk1ZjBhODIz">“Hey, come on! We’ve got more rats to kill!” The girl exclaimed as she tapped the ground with her foot impatiently. “We don’t have all day so hurry up!”</p> <p class="cnNmOTdiMGQ2ODE2NzQyMjU5M2ZhZGJjOGViZmNjMWUx">“Kill your own damn rats!” I shouted as I turned away from her and walked in the opposite direction. Ain’t no way I’m fighting more of those nightmare-inducing fuckers.</p> <p class="cnMwOTJmZGIxZjg3OTQwYmViMmQyMDBhYTU5ODdjMGNi">“Obey me! I order you to follow me!” She yelled, sending her voice echoing deeper into the torch-lit caverns. Without missing a beat I stopped, turned around, gave her the finger, and returned to walking in the direction that I assumed to be the exit. Enraged huffing and rapid footsteps sounded behind me as the girl crossed in front of me. Her angry visage somewhat marred by the fact that she had to look upwards to meet my eyes, as I was a little over a head taller than her. “Why won’t you obey my orders? I am your master! You should follow my every word without a second thought!”</p> <p class="cnNiM2UyMzdkNTM5ZDRmMWJhMTE0ZjdjZjU4OThiYWIz">“Listen toots, I don’t take shit from nobody. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find an old priest and a young priest for a much needed exorcism.” Her once angry demeanor quickly changed to one of shock as I pushed past her and followed the torches that had been evenly placed along the walls of the cavern. “Sure is nice that someone decided to put up all these torches,” I muttered in appreciation of the person who had such great foresight, “makes traversing this place much less harrowing than how my usual field trips went.” Distant memories of slipping on wet rocks and falling into dark pools of water entered my mind, which I quickly shook away.</p> <p class="cnNhNTA0OTFiNTViNjQ4NzRiMGVhZTUzNGRhZWFiNThh">“…The dungeon places them automatically.” A meek voice uttered behind me. A quick glance behind me revealed Cythia following me with her head turned downward.</p> <p class="cnMyOWRhMTU4NTA0MDRlMzliOTA1OTNlZTEwNDQ5M2M4">“Why are you following me?” I demanded as I stopped and turned to face her.</p> <p class="cnNkYTBkOTMzODc2YzQ3NDVhZTk5NjQwZmQwYTkzY2E2">“Because I can’t kill any dungeon monsters without you!” She shouted, clearly distraught. Not that I cared. “I can’t believe I wasted my only Spell Slot on Summon Skeleton only to wind up with you…” she sighed in defeat, “I should have learned Death Bolt like I originally wanted…”</p> <p class="cnNkNGVkYjQ5NDI3NDQzMDVhYWE1N2Q3MzJkMmI2MjUy">“Listen toots…do you mind if I call you toots?” She nodded firmly. “Too bad.” A brief look of frustration crossed her face which tugged at the void of nothing within my empty chest cavity. “I have no idea what you mean by ‘Spell Slots’. All these weird pop-up screens are freaking me right the hell out. And above all, the fact that you’re following me so closely is rather creepy.” As if suddenly aware of her distance, Cythia retreated a pace back. “Much better.” I nodded.</p> <p class="cnNmMjUzMGI2M2VmODQwMGI5ZmE3YmNmZDM1YzBjNTAx">“What do you mean you don’t know what Spell Slots are?” She asked genuinely curious. “Every follower of the magical arts has a natural limit to their abilities. As a level one Necromancer, I only have one slot. So I learned Summon Skeleton so that I would have a minion to fight for me! Then I could level up faster to unlock more Spell Slots!” She sighed, “At least, thats how it was supposed to be…”</p> <p class="cnNlMGEzYTNlMDQ2NDQyMWU4NWI4YTAxY2I5N2M5YzI0">“Uh-huh. And levels?” It was pretty obvious what they were, but I wanted to see what her take on the cliche system was.</p> <p class="cnM4ODk1YjMxYzYxMTQwZWI4MmM4ZDY1MDgzMGM3Mzlh">“Levels are the Gods’ way of displaying your martial prowess.” She spoke in a factual matter. “By crushing the crystals from slain monsters, your body absorbs their essence, called experience, and grows in power once enough has been collected.” If I had eyes, they would be rolling around in their sockets nonstop at her explanation.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmFlZjkxMTY4MDQzYjg4ZTQ5OGY3MDZkNzAxMjkx">“Sounds like some sort of bad RPG back home.” I mumbled. “And let me guess…if I say ‘Status Screen’ I’ll get-” Before I could finish, a massive screen filled my vision.</p> <p class="cnNkOTFmYmQ4OWU2OTRiYTQ4NjFhMTViZmQ5NjQ2YmRh" style="text-align: center">Name: Richard Stensen Race: Undead</p>Class: Skeleton Level: 1 <br> Experience: 10/20<br>Health: 65/80 Mana: 7/25<br>Focus: 60/60 Unspent Points: 0<br>Strength: 6 Stamina: 8<br>Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3<br>Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 2 <br>Perception: 5 Luck: 1<p></p> <p class="cnMwZDAwOTljMDRjOTQzZTU4Y2RmMmVmNTM0MDdkMTg1" style="text-align: center">[Spells] [1 of 1]</p> <p class="cnNkMmY0NTBmMzk0NjQzOWI4MmRhMWEzNWUwODNkMTkz" style="text-align: center">[Banshee’s Wail (Rank I of V)] <br>[Cost: 10 Mana]<br>[Instantly deals 10 Dark Damage to your target and stuns them for 4 seconds.]</p> <p class="cnNkMDIzZjU1NWI3YzQzYmFiZWJkMmQzNGY0NTg1YmY3" style="text-align: center">[Skills]</p> <p class="cnMwOGM4MWIxOGEyYjRkNTZiZTA5YmRiYzI0ZGFlMTI2" style="text-align: center">[Traits]</p> <p class="cnMxYjI2MjA0NGI2NDQ1ZTViOTkxMmY0ZWM1MDNkYWE1" style="text-align: center">[Headstrong] <br>[Immunity to Mind-Altering Magic]</p> <p class="cnMxM2IxYTc4NWZmNzRiMGJiNzJkYTcyZjEyNTYzY2Qz" style="text-align: center">[Novice Dark Magic (Rank I of V)]<br>[Mastery over the Plane of Death. Abilities that deal Dark Damage now deal an additional 3% damage.]</p> <p class="cnM2YzMyZTEzZTNjNDQzY2ViM2U5OGU4N2VjZjExNDBi" style="text-align: center">[Novice Unarmed Fighting (Rank I of V)]<br>[Mastery over the art of weaponless combat. Any attack you make with fist or foot deals an additional 3% damage.]</p> <p class="cnNiOGZhMzNlYzg0ODQwNGNhMTAzM2JjMjc3ZjdiMTky"><br>“Wow…” Cythia gasped from beside me as she read my floating status menu with rapt attention. “You’ve got high stats for a Skeleton!” She sighed, “I wish I had your stamina.”</p> <p class="cnM0YTRhYzkwZTYwZTQyNzY5YzA2NmY1NzcxNzE1M2Ni">“Not the first time I’ve heard that.” I snickered before growing depressed at my loss. What was the point in living without my closest friend? Granted, I wasn’t exactly living if my current appearance was anything to go by.</p> <p class="cnNhMzY4ZWRiM2Y3OTQ2ZTI4MDhiMDYwMzE0Mzk5Y2M3">“That ‘Headstrong’ trait of yours is so unfair!” She sighed, completely ignoring my previous remark. Or perhaps she didn’t understand the context. She didn’t particularly strike me as a worldly person, so it was to be expected. “What kind of a minion is immune to their master’s orders?”</p> <p class="cnMyYzc3ODQ5ODIzODQxODNiOGYyNmZmMTk3NWEzMzA3">“The kind that don’t like being cast aside like trash.” I mumbled thinking back to the all the hours I spent playing Diablo. How many skeletons died for me to beat that game on nightmare with my own Necromancer? Hundreds. Possibly thousands. No way was I letting that happen to me! Her eyes flickered back and forth between my status screen and me constantly as her face scrunched in thought. “It’s impolite to stare.” Unlike me, she could actually roll her eyes.</p> <p class="cnNhNzViZTgzMzE0YjQ5YWM5NjQyMDQ1MTg0YzVmOTgw">“Honor dictates that because you have shown me your Status, I should show you mine.” She announced formally.</p> <p class="cnM1MzlkNTFmYjBjZDRkMTE5ZWQ2Yjg0NTFmNjI4ODZk">“No thanks.” I interrupted as she opened her mouth to speak. “I’d much rather get the hell out of here than look at more of these freaky floating screens. By the way…” I began, as my own floating screen blocked my view wherever I turned my head. “How the hell do I get rid of this fucking thing?”</p> <p class="cnMzODlhNzBhNTZlMDQ0M2M5MzdhODU5YTA4MjgyNWEx">“Simply state ‘Close Status’ and it shall disappear.” Right. I should have figured that.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDJiMTgzNmZjNTRiMjc5YjU5ZTcwMDk2NTM1YTM1">“Close Status.” In an instant, the floating screen winked out of existence. “Right, I’m getting out of here.”</p> <p class="cnNiYWZjYWQ4N2ZkYTQ5N2JiMTFmZGRiZmQ4MTc1YTY2">“But! But my quest!” Cythia exclaimed as I turned back towards where I assumed the exit to be. “I have to collect ten Rat Pelts for the town clothier!”</p> <p class="cnNkMTMxMDFhMWRhODQzODFiYjc2N2NiMmU4NGNjN2I4">“Not my problem toots. I plan on going to this town of yours and laying low until I finally wake up from this bad dream.”</p> <p class="cnNhMGY1YjAxMTdmMTRlMmNhZjk4YjEyNGEwYTkxMGRk">A low growl flowed from behind me in a continuous pitch. Curious, I glanced back to see Cythia glaring daggers at me with her teeth grinding together in clear fury. Before I could laugh at her rather unconvincing display of anger, her hand shot forth towards me.</p> <p class="cnNlYTUyNzMwZDNlYTQ2OWQ4OTI1NjA1YTEwZmQ4MjY2">“I dismiss thee!” her words echoed throughout the dungeon as I felt myself falling before I found myself engulfed by total, complete darkness.</p> <p class="cnM0YmVlZDhiNTRlNzQ0YmQ4MzIwYjY3MmVmZWI0ZWVh">Relief filled my mind as I happily sighed. Hopefully this was a good sign that I’d be waking up from this rather weird dream. Must have been the expired milk I put in my coffee the other day. I always get weird dreams when that happens. None as strange and realistic as this one was though. Hell, just before this dream I had one where I was being strangled in my bed by a person I had never seen before. I’d have to speak to my psyche major friend after I woke up, I’m sure he’d have a lot to say. Especially after his grand speech that ‘dreams are a reflection of our minds’ that he probably heard in one of his classes.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTI5Njc1ZTY0MDQwYzg4NjZmNzAxMWQ3NDIzM2I0">“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Came the melodious voice once again. Oh no, please no! Was the dream not over? It should have been! “Unshackled by mortal shell…undaunted by sword or spell…” In fact, I should have woken up the moment I thought this was all a dream like usual! Unless this was some sort of lucid dream. Now that was a thought, what if this was all a lucid dream of my own making? That made me the master! I had to test this theory. “Hear my plea and be bound unto me!” Once more, my vision cleared. Stalactites pointed downward at me in the familiar foreboding manner. The flickering of torch-light from the cavern walls illuminated the passage.</p> <p class="cnNiMjE2N2U3MmVkMzQwNWM5ZDVmZWU0NTNhYmNhZTg3">With a sigh, I pulled myself to my feet, only to find myself facing towards a large, and very vicious looking level 1 Cave Rat. The hissing beast stared at me with bristling fur as it prepared itself to leap at me like it’s predecessor had. It was time to test this Lucid Dream theory of mine. I held my arm stretched towards the furry mammal like Neo in The Matrix and grinned.</p> <p class="cnNmZTRlODEzYzYwODRlNDJiYjUyZjFjZWExNjU3Nzg2">“Stop.”</p> <p class="cnM2MWZmNzI5MGIwYjQ1M2U5NTIxZDBmMGQ4M2RmYzYy">One moment, the rat was on the ground. The next, it was in the air. The very next moment, it had latched into my hand with its sharp fangs. My resounding screech of pain stunned the animal still attached to my hand in a vice-grip like bite.</p> <p class="cnMzMjgwMTE0OTczODRlNzlhZGVkODlkYmVjYmUwZTAy" style="text-align: center">[You take 10 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnMwYTkxNTFmNDY4YTRkMTNhZDU0ZDMyMzFhZjQ1ZmM3">“Die! Die! Die!” I screamed, repeatedly slamming my rat-covered hand against the tip of a sharp-looking stalagmite. Pointed stone pierced soft skin, sending blood pouring from an ever-increasing hole in the beast’s side as I pushed down with all my might. Halfway down the tip, the beast disappeared in a flash, leaving behind a rather ratty-looking rat pelt and another small crystal shard.</p> <p class="cnM5MGQ2ZTYyYjMyZDQ4ZjliZjQxZGJiNDBlZGYzYjE5">“Wow! That took far less time than the last one!” Cythia spoke as she emerged from behind her hiding place. In a flurry of black cloth, she rushed towards her rat droppings before quickly whisking them away.</p> <p class="cnMxOWY2NDYzMjE4ZTQzOTdiMmFkY2JiNjA1NmY1MjJh">“What the hell!” I yelled at the young girl who pointedly ignored me as she looked over the rat fur in her hands.</p> <p class="cnNlZWEyZmVlMGI3ZDQyMjI5MTZkODhhNjk3NTBlMGEz">“Aww, this one is a low quality pelt.” She mumbled as she crushed the crystal in her hand.</p> <p class="cnMyYWZmMTU3NTEyZDQ3NWJiMTcyMWQ2Nzc2YTdmMWEx" style="text-align: center">[You have gained 10 experience]<br>[Cythia Du Etrisn has leveled up]<br>[You have leveled up]<br>[Gained two free stat points]</p> <p class="cnNlZDQxYzZiM2JhZTRiMjI4YjgxMjY0N2EyMzA2ZjVk">As soon as the pop-ups disappeared, the number below Cythia’s name changed from ‘Level 1 Necromancer’ to ‘Level 2 Necromancer’. The remaining rat pelt in Cythias hands disappeared in a flash as she pointed her hand towards me.<br>“Now you stop that shit right n-”</p> <p class="cnNmMjdlZjgzNzcwZTQzZDA5MWY1NTYxNDU4ZGIzMDdi">“I dismiss thee!” Her voice echoed, forcing me to fall into darkness once more.</p> <p class="cnNmYTg3MWExOWVjMTQ1NzY4M2ZmNjllYjRmMTAwMzlh">Was this to be my life from now on? To be thrown at giant rabid rats until the end of my days? That the only light to grace my eyes be that of flickering torches upon cavern walls? And once I’ve killed my quarry I’m to just be cast aside like some worthless tool until I’m needed once more?</p> <p class="cnM1M2Y4MjA3MmFiOTRmNDZiMmEyYWQ0NmY0YjFiYmFm">“This is no way to treat a human being!” I yelled at the top of my…oh. Right, I don’t have those anymore. Regardless, I was more than a little peeved at such a blatant disregard of my mental state. Was this how Stockholm Syndrome started? First comes the cruelty, soon comes the kindness. And like some sort of neglected animal, that slight kindness will have me wagging my metaphorical tail. No doubt, there was only one thing I had to do. “I have to escape.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjZkZjQzYTBhZDRlODJiODFlYzM1M2JhM2FkNTkz">“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Cythia’s voice broke through the darkness of my surroundings. Cold fury boiled within my mind as I listened to her summoning incantation. If she thought I was just going to wake up and fight another rat for her, she had another thing coming. The second that she finished, I sprung into action.</p> <p class="cnNmYmZlZDRiNmVlYjQ3ZDk4ODQzMmQ2M2YzNDA3MjUy">Flickering torchlight erased all traces of darkness as I leapt to my feet. Directly in front of me was yet another hissing rodent of horrible proportions. “Wrong direction, sorry!” I yelled at the rat as I spun on my heel and raced in the opposite direction.</p> <p class="cnM1YTBiMGE5NzM2ODRiYjJiMDlkOGI5NTE5MTk1NzMx">“Hey! Wait!” Cythia yelled from behind some rocks somewhere. I didn’t care where from, all I had to do was run like hell was on my heels. And judging by the snapping and growling close behind me, it may as well have been! A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed that, yes, I was being chased by my feral furry friend. It’s dark, beady eyes staring at me with pure malice. Most notable was the fact that, little by little, it was gaining on me.</p> <p class="cnM3YjczZDA5NjE3MjRlMTY4MmJiZmExZGI4Y2E5NGM5">“Must run faster! Must run faster!” I repeated in a frenzied mantra, praying desperately that what I said would come true. Unfortunately, the sudden feeling of sharp pain shooting up through my ankle bones had quickly broken that fantasy. “Gah!” I fell forward as flashed of ‘You take five damage’ appeared in the corner of my vision. Sharp pains erupted all over my bony body as the Cave Rat took advantage of my unfortunate face-in-the-dirt position. As it had so many times before, my patience quickly ran out. With a furious snarl, I grasped the furry rat and flung it away from me with all my strength. A muted thump against the far wall filled the space where my ears would have been, followed by loud screeching.</p> <p class="cnNmM2Y3ZmM3OTE5ZTQwN2NhNGVlOGJmMGRjZDdmOWEw">Scrambling to my feet, I stared towards where I had thrown the rat. “Nice.” I cackled as I watched it scurrying about covered in flames. Apparently I had chucked it straight onto a torch that quickly ignited the freak of nature’s fur. Now I’m not one to enjoy animal cruelty, but when you have a rat the size of a large dog trying to kill you, all bets go out the window. Eventually, it’s movements slowed before stopping completely and the thing disappeared in a flash of light. This time, only the crystal shard dropped in it’s place.</p> <p class="cnMyZDAxMWM5ZDIyZjRhYzQ5ZjFmYTNiOTk3MmE0NDI2">The sounds of hurried footsteps approached rapidly from behind. “Dammit…” I muttered as I glanced around. A plan firmly coming to mind as my eyes set upon the crystal shard. In a mad dash, I rushed over and carefully picked up the small shard. Cythia wanted these, and it seemed like this was my chance to gain some ground.</p> <p class="cnNhYmNjMGIyNDdjNTRlYWI5MTlmYmVkMTYxOTBmZDg2">“Give that to me!” the aforementioned Necromancer ordered as she panted heavily with an outstretched arm and an open palm.</p> <p class="cnNjMWFlZTU1ZmVkYTQ2MDQ5ODE4ZDJjZDgwN2QxMzE5">“You want this?” I held the crystal in-between my thumb and pointer fingers. “Then go get it!” I yelled, dropping the shard into my hand and tossing it in the direction we had come from. Violet eyes watched the shard tumble through the air in horror. Hands grasped clumsily through the air as it sailed overhead. Without wasting another second watching the idiot race after her item, I ran. Bones clacked repeatedly as I pushed myself for all I was worth. Thankfully, the cave seemed to be a straight passage with no twists, turns, or forks. In fact, if this was a Dungeon as Cythia called it, it was a rather simple one.</p> <p class="cnNhNDIxYWIwMDY4MDQ2Yjg5NTFjYjc3MTI3ZGI3NmQ0">[You have gained 10 experience]</p> <p class="cnM5NjJkNjNjMjNhYzRjZjFhZjY0NGZhZjQ1ZGE0MWRj">I grinned as the pop-up faded from my eyes. It had taken her some time to break that shard, I must have thrown it further than I thought. Now that I was so far ahead of her that there was no way she could catch up to me! Relief always feels best after a harrowing experience. Like when a girl tells you she’s late and the test shows up negative. “Heh…haha…hahaha!” I cackled madly as I could see sunlight in the distance just beyond the opening of the cavern. “I’m free! I’ll always be free!”</p> <p class="cnNhNTI5NTFjYTdlMzQ1OGFiYzg4ZTdkZDI1MzNmMmZk">“I dismiss thee!” Euphoric relief quickly turned to cold fear as I heard Cythia’s words in my mind. Instantly, I began to fall forward into an all-too-familiar darkness.</p> <p class="cnMxYzMyMzE1MDM5ODQyYWI5ZjUyYjNiZjk3ODkyY2U4">“No!” I screamed in the darkness. “I was almost there! I almost made it! God fucking damn it! Cythia! I’ll kill you, you bitch!” Scorching anger was quickly replaced by heavy despair as I screamed in the darkness. There was no escape. I couldn’t get away. “This sucks.”</p> <p class="cnNmYzZkMWYyNGI4NzQwMmRhM2EwNjZjNjkyMGM5OGUz">“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Cythia’s voice filled the darkness, sending a shiver down my bones. I only had one last idea on how to make my escape. I didn’t like it, but if it was going to be me or her, it was going to be me. Taking a few deep breaths, more out of habit than necessity, I attempted to calm myself. If I was truly going to do this, I needed to let go of my humanity. What I was going to become was far worse than the monster that I was. With one final breath, I let go of the Richard Stensen that I was. At that moment, I became someone new. “Hear my plea and be bound unto me!”</p> <p class="cnM0Zjc3MzA3ZDRiYTQ2OGRhMzk0MjA2MjkzNzFjYTIz">Light returned to my sockets as I came to the waking world once more. Plan firmly in mind, I arose to my feet and stared at the hissing Cave Rat in front of me. Without waiting, I surged forward and punted the furry fiend with all my might. Loud squealing trilled through the cavern as the beast flew through the air. Like a demon possessed, I raced after the raucous rodent. The moment the animal hit the ground, I pounced on top of it and began pounding it’s skull in a frenzy that even took me by surprise. Moments into my rage, the beast disappeared in a flash of light. All that remained of the sinister creature was a fine looking pelt and another small crystal.</p> <p class="cnMxNmExOWJiNjVkNTQzYTQ5ZTJmMzJkMzEyMzRkMGUz">Dirt crunched underfoot as Cythia approached behind me wordlessly. I grit my teeth and gulped down a breath of air, suddenly sickened at what I was about to do. Yet…there was no other option. Growling, I stood up and faced the young woman. Violet eyes widened in fear as I marched towards her with my fists clenched. With a quick motion, she held out her hand that shook as if in fear.</p> <p class="cnM0MWM4ZTUxZjExZjQ0MThhMGJkYzcwNzY2OWI5ZTJk">“I-I dis-”</p> <p class="cnMyNDVlZTJlZjJmYTRjODJiYWYxNDk2YjdlNzEzNmVi">“Please don’t!” I pleaded as I fell to my knees and groveled at her feet. “Don’t send me back! I’ll do anything! I’ll kill your rats! Just don’t send me back! I can’t take it anymore!” I had officially thrown away my humanity. Now all that remained of me was a broken shell of who I once was. Richard Stensen never begged, he never pleaded. But Richard Stensen was dead. I no longer had the audacity to call myself that name.</p> <p class="cnNjNzE1Y2EzMTEyYzQzM2E5MDEwOGI1ODRkNWEzNWE4">“Huh?” Cythia muttered as she stared down at me in shock. Shock that quickly changed to joy. “You mean it? You’ll help me?” She cleared her throat, “I mean, of course you will! You are my minion after all!” She laughed in a rather…psychotic manner. Not that I was going to judge, she could laugh however she wanted so long as she never sent me back to the darkness. With a dismissive attitude, she passed me and picked up the rat pelt and crystal.</p> <p class="cnM5YjY5YmE2Mjg1MTQzNDJhOTJmODcxNjkwZjFmMzAw" style="text-align: center">[You have gained 10 experience]</p> <p class="cnNjZDNlMmE5N2U2NjQ1MTRhMTk1N2JhZDY5ZTVmZGRl">“Come! We have more rats to kill!” Cythia commanded with a smile as she marched deeper into the cavern. Though I was reluctant to do so, I followed close behind. With nothing better to do, I turned my appraising eye to Cythia and attempted to discern just what kind of curves she was packing underneath those robes. A haunted sigh forced it’s way out from within my soul. “Hmm? What’s wrong? ” She asked curiously as she turned and looked at me.</p> <p class="cnMzYmI3YTNkNWVkNjRjNTNiMmY3Y2RhNjVlNWU5ZWI0">“Its nothing.” I replied simply as I stared down at my pelvis. “Its nothing at all.”</p> </div>
“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” A young, feminine voice called from a void of pitch black darkness. Not gonna lie, she sounded pretty cute. But as any true man knows, the cuter she sounds without showing her face, the uglier she be. “Unshackled by mortal shell…undaunted by sword or spell…” Despite my reluctance, I still felt myself being drawn towards her melodious voice. I always was a sucker for a woman with a nice set of lungs on her. “Hear my plea and be bound unto me!” Before I could tell the girl in the darkness that I was a free man and didn’t believe in marriage, the darkness receded from my vision. One moment I was standing within darkness, the next I was laying on a cold floor, staring up at a large amount of stalactites all pointed towards me. The sudden change in point of view gave my brain quite the fucking as I felt my mind slowly recover from a strange onset of what I guessed was vertigo. Various lights flickered in the corner of my vision as I shook my head in an attempt to clear shake off my groggy mind. The only thought in my mind was that I had to get up and away from these pointy rocks overhead. Ever since I was a child, I hated going on field trips into various caves such as the one I currently found myself in for some inexplicable reason. Always had the haunting feeling that one of them would break off and fall on top of me. “Stop laying on the floor and help me you worthless skeleton!” The previously melodious voice turned harsh and demanding. Women, am I right fellas? “Skeleton?” The hell was she talking about? I mean, I was a bit skinny, but that doesn’t give her the right to give me such a hurtful nickname. Ah well, no point laying around if she was going to keep hollering at me. With a grunt, I shifted my weight to pull myself up from the floor only to stare at my arm in shock. “Huh…thats new.” My eyes affixed upon the bleached bones of my arm as my mind halted any and all rational operations. “Were my bones always so…visible? What the hell is this?” I jumped to my feet and glanced about at my body. Everywhere I looked was bone, bone, bone! Finger bones, leg bones, feet bones, and if I had a mirror I’m sure I’d see that I had head bones too! Dreading the worst, I looked down at the goods only to see my worst fears realized. “I want to die…” I murmured as I stared at the empty space around my pelvis. “Then die for me!” The voice from before shouted as a flash of black cloth rushed past me. I couldn’t even utter a sigh as I reluctantly looked towards what the girl was running from. “What the fuck is that?!” I yelled as a giant furred monster the size of a Pit-bull with the words ‘Level 1 Cave Rat’ clearly hovering over it’s head stared at me with a furious snarl. Before I could react, it lunged at me with it’s large yellow fangs. I’m not ashamed to admit that at that moment, I was glad that I lacked my goods. Because the scream that I unleashed at that moment was far from manly. And I’d have probably pissed myself too. [You have acquired the trait [Novice Dark Magic (Rank I)]] [By successfully channeling the dark powers of the Plane of Death, you have taken your first steps down the road of Death and Decay] [You have learned the spell [Banshee’s Wail]] [Cost: 10 Mana] [Deals 10 Dark Damage to your foe and stuns them for 4 seconds.] “What the fu-” Newton’s first law remained a universal constant as the Pit-bull sized rat crashed right into me despite the clear lack of mental presence in it’s eyes. As I clattered to the ground from the flying tackle, the pop-ups that obstructed my view quickly dissipated, only to be replaced with another. [You take 5 physical damage] The all too close sound of a giant rat growling on top of me ended all previous rational thought. “Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!” My fists flew in a flurry causing pop-ups of ‘you’ve done x physical damage’ to fill my vision. “I don’t like this! I don’t like this at all!” My voice cracked as the rat’s faculties returned. Harsh eyes glared at me as it bit down onto my right wrist bone. Once more, I screeched out, this time in pain rather than fear, causing whatever this ‘Banshee’s Wail’ thing was to activate once more, stunning the rat. This time I pushed the beast off of me and rolled away in the opposite direction, searching about for anything to use in defense. Unfortunately, all I had at hand was dirt and small stones. “Right then, I’ll use some dirt to blind it and then run!” Plan firmly in mind, I grasped a handful of dirt only to watch my plan fall to pieces as every grain of dirt fell through the gaps between my finger bones. “Bullshit! This is bullshit!” I shook my head and looked towards the rat and watched it break out of the stun. With a hiss, the murderous mouse turned towards me with bristling fur. “You want some of this, bitch? Come get some!” I yelled while beating my chest with a clenched fist like a feral gorilla. Once more, the rat leapt towards me with it’s mouth open to bite. But this time, I was ready. And I was pissed. “Fuck you!” I yelled and unleashed my signature right hook that had once knocked my older brother unconscious. Hard bone met sharp fangs as my fist sank into the mouth of the rat. Pain erupted through my hand as I watched the rat sail backwards into the wall of the cave as blood squirted from it’s mouth. [You take 10 physical damage] [You deal 30 physical damage] [You have slain a level 1 Cave Rat] [You have acquired the trait [Novice Unarmed Fighting (Rank I)]] [By successfully defeating a foe using your fists, you have taken the first steps on your path of unarmed fighting] I didn’t know if a skeleton needed to breath or not, but I was panting something fierce as I stared at the newly deceased rat. Of course, it didn’t end there. One moment the rat was lying on the floor in an unmoving manner, as any good dead rat should. The next, it disappeared in a flash leaving behind a small bundle of fur and a tiny clear crystal. “Right. Because what the fuck else would happen?” I forced out a sigh of defeat, “What the hell did I do to wind up in a place like this…” “Is it dead?” The voice from earlier asked cautiously from nearby. The rustling of cloth drew my attention as a young woman wearing black robes that obscured her features stepped out from behind a pair of large stalagmites. Long black hair had been tied into a ponytail that reached well below her shoulders. Her pale skin accented her choice in attire quite nicely, and her glaring violet eyes only added to her appeal. Though she was rather lacking in the bust area. Definitely an A-cup. “Its rude to stare you know.” She huffed. “Yeah I’ve been called an asshole before.” I shrugged in response as I kept appraising her with a critical eye. Normally, I’d peg her as a six, but the way she glared tickled my fancy, so I bumped her up to a seven. Like the cave rat, bold letters hovered over her head, clearly stating the name ‘Cythia Du Etrisn’ and underneath her name were the words ‘Level 1 Necromancer’. “Curious…” I mumbled as I rubbed my bony chin in thought. “By the way, rat’s dead.” Sudden joy took hold as she dashed over to the meager pile of junk laying on the floor where the rat had died. “Yes! A high quality rat pelt and a minor magic shard!” The girl squealed as she picked up the rat’s hide and clear crystal. Hey if she wanted to pick up rat droppings, who was I to stop her? With a quick clenching of her fist, the crystal shattered and a very muted glow surrounded her body for a brief moment. As the glow faded, a new pop-up appeared before my eyes. [You have gained 10 experience] “I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.” I whispered as the screen quickly faded. I rubbed my skull with my fingers in an attempt to massage my temples, hoping for some sort of relief. It gave none. “Please God let this be a bad dream…” “Hey, come on! We’ve got more rats to kill!” The girl exclaimed as she tapped the ground with her foot impatiently. “We don’t have all day so hurry up!” “Kill your own damn rats!” I shouted as I turned away from her and walked in the opposite direction. Ain’t no way I’m fighting more of those nightmare-inducing fuckers. “Obey me! I order you to follow me!” She yelled, sending her voice echoing deeper into the torch-lit caverns. Without missing a beat I stopped, turned around, gave her the finger, and returned to walking in the direction that I assumed to be the exit. Enraged huffing and rapid footsteps sounded behind me as the girl crossed in front of me. Her angry visage somewhat marred by the fact that she had to look upwards to meet my eyes, as I was a little over a head taller than her. “Why won’t you obey my orders? I am your master! You should follow my every word without a second thought!” “Listen toots, I don’t take shit from nobody. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find an old priest and a young priest for a much needed exorcism.” Her once angry demeanor quickly changed to one of shock as I pushed past her and followed the torches that had been evenly placed along the walls of the cavern. “Sure is nice that someone decided to put up all these torches,” I muttered in appreciation of the person who had such great foresight, “makes traversing this place much less harrowing than how my usual field trips went.” Distant memories of slipping on wet rocks and falling into dark pools of water entered my mind, which I quickly shook away. “…The dungeon places them automatically.” A meek voice uttered behind me. A quick glance behind me revealed Cythia following me with her head turned downward. “Why are you following me?” I demanded as I stopped and turned to face her. “Because I can’t kill any dungeon monsters without you!” She shouted, clearly distraught. Not that I cared. “I can’t believe I wasted my only Spell Slot on Summon Skeleton only to wind up with you…” she sighed in defeat, “I should have learned Death Bolt like I originally wanted…” “Listen toots…do you mind if I call you toots?” She nodded firmly. “Too bad.” A brief look of frustration crossed her face which tugged at the void of nothing within my empty chest cavity. “I have no idea what you mean by ‘Spell Slots’. All these weird pop-up screens are freaking me right the hell out. And above all, the fact that you’re following me so closely is rather creepy.” As if suddenly aware of her distance, Cythia retreated a pace back. “Much better.” I nodded. “What do you mean you don’t know what Spell Slots are?” She asked genuinely curious. “Every follower of the magical arts has a natural limit to their abilities. As a level one Necromancer, I only have one slot. So I learned Summon Skeleton so that I would have a minion to fight for me! Then I could level up faster to unlock more Spell Slots!” She sighed, “At least, thats how it was supposed to be…” “Uh-huh. And levels?” It was pretty obvious what they were, but I wanted to see what her take on the cliche system was. “Levels are the Gods’ way of displaying your martial prowess.” She spoke in a factual matter. “By crushing the crystals from slain monsters, your body absorbs their essence, called experience, and grows in power once enough has been collected.” If I had eyes, they would be rolling around in their sockets nonstop at her explanation. “Sounds like some sort of bad RPG back home.” I mumbled. “And let me guess…if I say ‘Status Screen’ I’ll get-” Before I could finish, a massive screen filled my vision. Name: Richard Stensen Race: Undead Class: Skeleton Level: 1 Experience: 10/20 Health: 65/80 Mana: 7/25 Focus: 60/60 Unspent Points: 0 Strength: 6 Stamina: 8 Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 2 Perception: 5 Luck: 1 [Spells] [1 of 1] [Banshee’s Wail (Rank I of V)] [Cost: 10 Mana] [Instantly deals 10 Dark Damage to your target and stuns them for 4 seconds.] [Skills] [Traits] [Headstrong] [Immunity to Mind-Altering Magic] [Novice Dark Magic (Rank I of V)] [Mastery over the Plane of Death. Abilities that deal Dark Damage now deal an additional 3% damage.] [Novice Unarmed Fighting (Rank I of V)] [Mastery over the art of weaponless combat. Any attack you make with fist or foot deals an additional 3% damage.] “Wow…” Cythia gasped from beside me as she read my floating status menu with rapt attention. “You’ve got high stats for a Skeleton!” She sighed, “I wish I had your stamina.” “Not the first time I’ve heard that.” I snickered before growing depressed at my loss. What was the point in living without my closest friend? Granted, I wasn’t exactly living if my current appearance was anything to go by. “That ‘Headstrong’ trait of yours is so unfair!” She sighed, completely ignoring my previous remark. Or perhaps she didn’t understand the context. She didn’t particularly strike me as a worldly person, so it was to be expected. “What kind of a minion is immune to their master’s orders?” “The kind that don’t like being cast aside like trash.” I mumbled thinking back to the all the hours I spent playing Diablo. How many skeletons died for me to beat that game on nightmare with my own Necromancer? Hundreds. Possibly thousands. No way was I letting that happen to me! Her eyes flickered back and forth between my status screen and me constantly as her face scrunched in thought. “It’s impolite to stare.” Unlike me, she could actually roll her eyes. “Honor dictates that because you have shown me your Status, I should show you mine.” She announced formally. “No thanks.” I interrupted as she opened her mouth to speak. “I’d much rather get the hell out of here than look at more of these freaky floating screens. By the way…” I began, as my own floating screen blocked my view wherever I turned my head. “How the hell do I get rid of this fucking thing?” “Simply state ‘Close Status’ and it shall disappear.” Right. I should have figured that. “Close Status.” In an instant, the floating screen winked out of existence. “Right, I’m getting out of here.” “But! But my quest!” Cythia exclaimed as I turned back towards where I assumed the exit to be. “I have to collect ten Rat Pelts for the town clothier!” “Not my problem toots. I plan on going to this town of yours and laying low until I finally wake up from this bad dream.” A low growl flowed from behind me in a continuous pitch. Curious, I glanced back to see Cythia glaring daggers at me with her teeth grinding together in clear fury. Before I could laugh at her rather unconvincing display of anger, her hand shot forth towards me. “I dismiss thee!” her words echoed throughout the dungeon as I felt myself falling before I found myself engulfed by total, complete darkness. Relief filled my mind as I happily sighed. Hopefully this was a good sign that I’d be waking up from this rather weird dream. Must have been the expired milk I put in my coffee the other day. I always get weird dreams when that happens. None as strange and realistic as this one was though. Hell, just before this dream I had one where I was being strangled in my bed by a person I had never seen before. I’d have to speak to my psyche major friend after I woke up, I’m sure he’d have a lot to say. Especially after his grand speech that ‘dreams are a reflection of our minds’ that he probably heard in one of his classes. “Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Came the melodious voice once again. Oh no, please no! Was the dream not over? It should have been! “Unshackled by mortal shell…undaunted by sword or spell…” In fact, I should have woken up the moment I thought this was all a dream like usual! Unless this was some sort of lucid dream. Now that was a thought, what if this was all a lucid dream of my own making? That made me the master! I had to test this theory. “Hear my plea and be bound unto me!” Once more, my vision cleared. Stalactites pointed downward at me in the familiar foreboding manner. The flickering of torch-light from the cavern walls illuminated the passage. With a sigh, I pulled myself to my feet, only to find myself facing towards a large, and very vicious looking level 1 Cave Rat. The hissing beast stared at me with bristling fur as it prepared itself to leap at me like it’s predecessor had. It was time to test this Lucid Dream theory of mine. I held my arm stretched towards the furry mammal like Neo in The Matrix and grinned. “Stop.” One moment, the rat was on the ground. The next, it was in the air. The very next moment, it had latched into my hand with its sharp fangs. My resounding screech of pain stunned the animal still attached to my hand in a vice-grip like bite. [You take 10 physical damage] “Die! Die! Die!” I screamed, repeatedly slamming my rat-covered hand against the tip of a sharp-looking stalagmite. Pointed stone pierced soft skin, sending blood pouring from an ever-increasing hole in the beast’s side as I pushed down with all my might. Halfway down the tip, the beast disappeared in a flash, leaving behind a rather ratty-looking rat pelt and another small crystal shard. “Wow! That took far less time than the last one!” Cythia spoke as she emerged from behind her hiding place. In a flurry of black cloth, she rushed towards her rat droppings before quickly whisking them away. “What the hell!” I yelled at the young girl who pointedly ignored me as she looked over the rat fur in her hands. “Aww, this one is a low quality pelt.” She mumbled as she crushed the crystal in her hand. [You have gained 10 experience] [Cythia Du Etrisn has leveled up] [You have leveled up] [Gained two free stat points] As soon as the pop-ups disappeared, the number below Cythia’s name changed from ‘Level 1 Necromancer’ to ‘Level 2 Necromancer’. The remaining rat pelt in Cythias hands disappeared in a flash as she pointed her hand towards me. “Now you stop that shit right n-” “I dismiss thee!” Her voice echoed, forcing me to fall into darkness once more. Was this to be my life from now on? To be thrown at giant rabid rats until the end of my days? That the only light to grace my eyes be that of flickering torches upon cavern walls? And once I’ve killed my quarry I’m to just be cast aside like some worthless tool until I’m needed once more? “This is no way to treat a human being!” I yelled at the top of my…oh. Right, I don’t have those anymore. Regardless, I was more than a little peeved at such a blatant disregard of my mental state. Was this how Stockholm Syndrome started? First comes the cruelty, soon comes the kindness. And like some sort of neglected animal, that slight kindness will have me wagging my metaphorical tail. No doubt, there was only one thing I had to do. “I have to escape.” “Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Cythia’s voice broke through the darkness of my surroundings. Cold fury boiled within my mind as I listened to her summoning incantation. If she thought I was just going to wake up and fight another rat for her, she had another thing coming. The second that she finished, I sprung into action. Flickering torchlight erased all traces of darkness as I leapt to my feet. Directly in front of me was yet another hissing rodent of horrible proportions. “Wrong direction, sorry!” I yelled at the rat as I spun on my heel and raced in the opposite direction. “Hey! Wait!” Cythia yelled from behind some rocks somewhere. I didn’t care where from, all I had to do was run like hell was on my heels. And judging by the snapping and growling close behind me, it may as well have been! A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed that, yes, I was being chased by my feral furry friend. It’s dark, beady eyes staring at me with pure malice. Most notable was the fact that, little by little, it was gaining on me. “Must run faster! Must run faster!” I repeated in a frenzied mantra, praying desperately that what I said would come true. Unfortunately, the sudden feeling of sharp pain shooting up through my ankle bones had quickly broken that fantasy. “Gah!” I fell forward as flashed of ‘You take five damage’ appeared in the corner of my vision. Sharp pains erupted all over my bony body as the Cave Rat took advantage of my unfortunate face-in-the-dirt position. As it had so many times before, my patience quickly ran out. With a furious snarl, I grasped the furry rat and flung it away from me with all my strength. A muted thump against the far wall filled the space where my ears would have been, followed by loud screeching. Scrambling to my feet, I stared towards where I had thrown the rat. “Nice.” I cackled as I watched it scurrying about covered in flames. Apparently I had chucked it straight onto a torch that quickly ignited the freak of nature’s fur. Now I’m not one to enjoy animal cruelty, but when you have a rat the size of a large dog trying to kill you, all bets go out the window. Eventually, it’s movements slowed before stopping completely and the thing disappeared in a flash of light. This time, only the crystal shard dropped in it’s place. The sounds of hurried footsteps approached rapidly from behind. “Dammit…” I muttered as I glanced around. A plan firmly coming to mind as my eyes set upon the crystal shard. In a mad dash, I rushed over and carefully picked up the small shard. Cythia wanted these, and it seemed like this was my chance to gain some ground. “Give that to me!” the aforementioned Necromancer ordered as she panted heavily with an outstretched arm and an open palm. “You want this?” I held the crystal in-between my thumb and pointer fingers. “Then go get it!” I yelled, dropping the shard into my hand and tossing it in the direction we had come from. Violet eyes watched the shard tumble through the air in horror. Hands grasped clumsily through the air as it sailed overhead. Without wasting another second watching the idiot race after her item, I ran. Bones clacked repeatedly as I pushed myself for all I was worth. Thankfully, the cave seemed to be a straight passage with no twists, turns, or forks. In fact, if this was a Dungeon as Cythia called it, it was a rather simple one. [You have gained 10 experience] I grinned as the pop-up faded from my eyes. It had taken her some time to break that shard, I must have thrown it further than I thought. Now that I was so far ahead of her that there was no way she could catch up to me! Relief always feels best after a harrowing experience. Like when a girl tells you she’s late and the test shows up negative. “Heh…haha…hahaha!” I cackled madly as I could see sunlight in the distance just beyond the opening of the cavern. “I’m free! I’ll always be free!” “I dismiss thee!” Euphoric relief quickly turned to cold fear as I heard Cythia’s words in my mind. Instantly, I began to fall forward into an all-too-familiar darkness. “No!” I screamed in the darkness. “I was almost there! I almost made it! God fucking damn it! Cythia! I’ll kill you, you bitch!” Scorching anger was quickly replaced by heavy despair as I screamed in the darkness. There was no escape. I couldn’t get away. “This sucks.” “Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Cythia’s voice filled the darkness, sending a shiver down my bones. I only had one last idea on how to make my escape. I didn’t like it, but if it was going to be me or her, it was going to be me. Taking a few deep breaths, more out of habit than necessity, I attempted to calm myself. If I was truly going to do this, I needed to let go of my humanity. What I was going to become was far worse than the monster that I was. With one final breath, I let go of the Richard Stensen that I was. At that moment, I became someone new. “Hear my plea and be bound unto me!” Light returned to my sockets as I came to the waking world once more. Plan firmly in mind, I arose to my feet and stared at the hissing Cave Rat in front of me. Without waiting, I surged forward and punted the furry fiend with all my might. Loud squealing trilled through the cavern as the beast flew through the air. Like a demon possessed, I raced after the raucous rodent. The moment the animal hit the ground, I pounced on top of it and began pounding it’s skull in a frenzy that even took me by surprise. Moments into my rage, the beast disappeared in a flash of light. All that remained of the sinister creature was a fine looking pelt and another small crystal. Dirt crunched underfoot as Cythia approached behind me wordlessly. I grit my teeth and gulped down a breath of air, suddenly sickened at what I was about to do. Yet…there was no other option. Growling, I stood up and faced the young woman. Violet eyes widened in fear as I marched towards her with my fists clenched. With a quick motion, she held out her hand that shook as if in fear. “I-I dis-” “Please don’t!” I pleaded as I fell to my knees and groveled at her feet. “Don’t send me back! I’ll do anything! I’ll kill your rats! Just don’t send me back! I can’t take it anymore!” I had officially thrown away my humanity. Now all that remained of me was a broken shell of who I once was. Richard Stensen never begged, he never pleaded. But Richard Stensen was dead. I no longer had the audacity to call myself that name. “Huh?” Cythia muttered as she stared down at me in shock. Shock that quickly changed to joy. “You mean it? You’ll help me?” She cleared her throat, “I mean, of course you will! You are my minion after all!” She laughed in a rather…psychotic manner. Not that I was going to judge, she could laugh however she wanted so long as she never sent me back to the darkness. With a dismissive attitude, she passed me and picked up the rat pelt and crystal. [You have gained 10 experience] “Come! We have more rats to kill!” Cythia commanded with a smile as she marched deeper into the cavern. Though I was reluctant to do so, I followed close behind. With nothing better to do, I turned my appraising eye to Cythia and attempted to discern just what kind of curves she was packing underneath those robes. A haunted sigh forced it’s way out from within my soul. “Hmm? What’s wrong? ” She asked curiously as she turned and looked at me. “Its nothing.” I replied simply as I stared down at my pelvis. “Its nothing at all.”
{ "title": "A Book to Rule the World", "id": 21562, "author": "TiedStrings", "rating": 0 }
{ "title": "Chappie 1 :D", "id": 305825, "next": null, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NTFkY2QxZDg3NTQ3NjliMzljZjA0NDA3MTE0OTBk">I’m not a smart person. Nor am I special, hell, I’m not even all that good-looking. Boys think I’m weird and girls think I’m stupid, so I can safely say I’m also not popular.</p> <p class="cnM4YWQyZGIzZWY0MjQ1OTg5OTkwYzViNzc2ODY0NGMy">However, I’m very, very creative, and I also know how to think about the future. This is the reason that, when a strange god pulled my soul out of my body by mistake and wanted to compensate me, I asked him for a book.</p> <p class="cnNjNjc4MjdlMWQyOTQ5MTBiNDllMjAzY2JmN2JjYmNm">But let me recap first just to show you, Outsider, just what happened.</p> <p class="cnMwZWIwZmI3ZWJjZTRmNTBhY2Y1YjkwNTRkM2RlMTRl">“Young one, I apologize for what happened. I might have accidentally killed you.” The weird god said. Or something along those lines, I don’t really remember that well. Also, I think he was one of you people, that god.</p> <p class="cnMxNjgyNDkyNWRiNTQ0ZTRhYzg1MGFiYmIyMDg5MmY5">“It’s… alright, I guess. I’m not actually dead though since I can still think… right?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDZlMzM0MGMzMTRjYTNhODBiNGFmODYzZGQzNjQw">“Not exactly, but I suppose that yes, you’re not really dead… yet. Look, kiddo, I’m bored and I took away from you your most precious thing, so I will give you one thing, any one thing.” The god said. I can’t remember his face or where I was when he talked to me, but I somehow know he was incredibly handsome.</p> <p class="cnNiM2Q4MjVjZTFkMTQ3YTc4MzliYmUxMzhlYzUxODJh">“Thanks, I guess… Can I have a book?” I asked. Naturally, I didn’t want just a normal book. No, I am way too ambitious for such a mundane thing.</p> <p class="cnNlNGVlMDhkZjVmNzRmZWJiNGJlODZkYjRlNWUyN2Uy">“A book? That’s interesting… Where’s the catch?” The god asked, obviously knowing what I wanted already, because… you know… god and all?</p> <p class="cnM4MmM5MGJiYzI5OTQ5NzZiMWMxMGNkNmQwNGM5OGEw">“Whatever I write, draw or imagine in that book will happen in the real world too. Also, please make it so only I can use the book, and make it so I can never lose it. It’d really suck if I did.” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM3YjViOGEzYzg5OTQ0OTk4ZDg0MTQwYWM2ZjE4NDk4">“That’s actually pretty damn hard to do. Also, that’s like 4 things, and I only said 1”</p> <p class="cnM4NmQzMDU1MGU1NzRiODQ4ZWI0MmM2NDhjMDcyOTI3">“It’s a 4-part-1” I joked.</p> <p class="cnMyNTVmMjNlYjJmZTRmOGRhZTBhMTJiZGRjNDZjNGM4">“Whatever. Here, have this.” The god then handed me a cute little drawing book with a black and white cover. It had a pencil attached at the side, and after I toyed around with it for a bit, I noticed that the book had infinite pages somehow and the pencil would always reappear in its holder, even if I threw it on the ground.</p> <p class="cnM5NDEwMTYwNjdjNTRlODNhMjY5YzM2MjA5NmM5ZmM4">“Alright, kiddo. I can’t send you back to your world because if I do, my boss will eat my guts and probably serve my entrails to his creepy snakes. I’d rather not, so… Off you go I guess. Try not to get killed.” He said and I fell into unconsciousness almost instantly.</p> <p class="cnM1NWZlMzYzYjkwZTRiYzFiZjdjMTliOGY0ZWZjODA2">When I woke up, I was in a busy city. People everywhere ran around doing their stuff, and one guy even pushed me.</p> <p class="cnMzZGZiNGQwNjQwZDRkZjA4OGYyYjdjNzUyYTRiOWE2">After finding a safe spot to hide from all the chaos, I finally took note of everything that had happened. I was confused and scared back then, as I had just been ripped away from everything I knew and loved and had to put up a farce of nonchalance in front of that god.</p> <p class="cnMyMGNhMDUxNzE2MzQzYzhhMjg3YWExYTExZTc3ZTk0">The first thing I wrote in that book was the following.</p> <p class="cnM1MDY2NmY4YjE5YzQwYjA5OWI0N2QyZmVkYmM3MzZm"><strong><em>I am invincible</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMxNmY0NTkyZGZlMTQyNjNiZTUyMDk5MmRmMjg1OTk5">I was afraid of this new world. When I wrote this, I felt relief. Not because of some magic voodoo that made me feel better, but simply because I now knew that no matter what happened, I wouldn’t ever be overwhelmed to the point of no return.</p> <p class="cnMwMjMyN2UyNTA0MDQzMWVhYTBhNTM2YzZiZjQxYzcx">I experimented with the book a lot. I had to move to a secluded area to test out my new toy though.</p> <p class="cnMwMDM0MTIzMGIwMTRjOTE5MzZjMDg3NTc1NGQ0YjE1">It certainly worked. After I wrote <strong><em>Make bubbles</em></strong>, it did just that. Little bubbles appeared all around me out of nowhere, and it was pretty funny.</p> <p class="cnNmNDNjYzBhYzc1NjRkYTFhOGZhMGExMzljYWI3M2Rl">I got bored of the book itself pretty quickly though. I wrote down a few rules and miscellaneous things to protect me, and then had it vanish.</p> <p class="cnMxNjlkY2ExMTI2OTQ5OTc4NTU0Mzc5YzdjODM1NzU0">I didn’t know what this world was like, so I had given myself quite a few options. Instead of having to write something down, I only had to say a codeword now, and it would do a certain thing. Furthermore, if I couldn’t speak, I could activate it in my mind by saying a string of words and having it happen, but I didn’t want to risk accidentally using it so I made sure that option was nice and sealed. I also applied different levels for the codewords, so that the power would depend.</p> <p class="cnNiYWI2MDEyYmNhMjQyMGQ5NzI0ODkxOTg5NzMzMzBl">Dear god, just thinking about back then makes me cringe honestly. I was so immature, just like an edgy teenager. But oh well, most of you outsiders reading this probably aren’t older than I was back then. To think such youngsters could have so much power over so many worlds… I truly envy you.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGRhNDY2MWVlYzQ0MDViMGY2MzA3MWNmM2MxNzAy">But anyway, back to me.</p> <p class="cnMxMjkyMjI5NjNkNDQ4OTRiYjc4YmY2NTJiNGExNTY4">After I was ready and my ego had been inflated by knowing I could do some pretty awesome stuff, I went back in the streets, ready to face the world. But first, I cleaned myself and made myself look good using the book powers.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzZjMWUzOGI4NTQwNTBiYTZkNjZhOTQ3NjViMTFl">After my pettiness was settled, I truly went out. I explored the city until it was evening, at which point I realized I needed a place to sleep in.</p> <p class="cnMxOGNiYTMzYmZlNjQ3ZjM5ZTUwN2FlMGM2YzNkM2E0">I tried to speak to the people there, but they didn’t understand me. However, it was nothing a little magic from the book couldn’t fix.</p> <p class="cnM3OGU1YWQxNTQ5MjQ5NzM4ZDc2ODcwZmFkNjAzNGYz">I asked a stranger if she knew where a hotel was. She wasn’t particularly nice, calling me a homeless brat, but she still directed me at a nearby bed-and-breakfast. I think she was a thunder.</p> <p class="cnMwZWUxZGE3ZTUyZDQ0M2FhNjYwYjc4OTRkNWE5NmJm">I thus got on my way and walked all the way to the place she pointed to. After asking if they had a place for me, they said yes, but they insisted I pay up front, probably afraid I had no money. After all, the place looked expensive.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMxZWQ5ZmRhNWU5ZDRlNjI4NWE3MWFhODVkMTI3NDQx">I nodded and gave them all the money they asked for. Again, I had made said money with the book. Well, I printed well over 1000 golden coins and handed 3 to the dude. Instantly his attitude changed and he gave me the best room. Heh, the magic of capitalism.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjBiNWVhMGQwMjQ0NDBhNzg1MTk1YmVhYTVlZjY0">After a good night of sleep, I got up, ready to go out and explore this strange new world. But first I cleaned my hair and switched my clothes to a new set.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODQ5YWM0NmJiYTRlNjE5MmRhYTliMTZiY2FhY2Q2">Honestly, I knew nothing of this world. Therefore, what better place to understand it than a library? Judging by the lack of cars and electricity, I guessed that I was either in Africa or this world was very, very backward compared to my own.</p> <p class="cnM3NGVkNGJlZjIyZjQzMjJhOWY0ZDQ5NjU4MDE0NzE2">Also, the people were all really weird. They all looked Asian, like, all of them. Furthermore, they dressed really weird.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGVjMjkxZTI0NjRlZTliZGM3YjJlOTg0MDllZmYz">As I walked around, buying off all the interesting things I found and putting them all away in some separate space that I made with my book, which I might as well call the ‘I can fucking do anything with this thing’. But I’ll stick with 'book'. Anyways, as I was saying, after a bit of walking around I came across a nice little bookstore. I bought everything in it and read one of the books as I continued my exploration.</p> <p class="cnNiOGZjZWM0ZWZlMzRmZGFiMjU0OGQxZGY0MjQxOTIz">This is where the fun stuff happens. And by fun, I mean fun for me, not for others. Like any good imbecile with his nose in a phon… cough, book, I accidentally walked into someone. I apologized and was about to walk away when the guy I hit grabs my shoulder and pulled me back before throwing me to the ground in front of him.</p> <p class="cnM2YTEwNTFlMmYxYTRhZmE4MTU0NzliMGUxMTU5ZmJj">Normally, I would have expected such an act to be an act of abuse and people would intervene and stop the big bad bully, because that’s the right thing to do. Well, the people here didn’t, rather, they all gathered around and watched as they whispered.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnMyNWQ3MGI0OWU2YzRkZDI4YWZhZmRiZTQ1ZWQ5Yjk5">I say whisper, but really, everyone could hear them. It did make for a nice way for knowing what happened though because fuck me, I had no idea.</p> <p class="cnNlMDMxZmM5NDI0YzRhOTY5NjhlYzNmYjBiY2RhODc5">“Look, that girl just bumped Young Master Fang!”, “Remember what happened to the last person that touched Young Master Fang? He couldn’t move for months!”, “Hasn’t Young Master Fang become a third level Qi gatherer just a month ago?”.</p> <p class="cnM3OTVmODc1N2ZlZjQ1YmI4YzIxZWI2YzU1ZmM3YzU3">I could literally imagine question marks swimming around my head as I listened to those people. The person I had just bumped into had around my age, I’d say 16 to 18 tops.</p> <p class="cnM2ODFlZDY2Zjk3NzQ2Mzg5MzdlM2Q5NjZiNGRiMzZk">After I took a good look at his creepy smirk and questionable motives, I determined that his name wasn’t Fang, but ClicheVillain25. I mean, it fits so much, doesn’t it?</p> <p class="cnMzNmE4Zjg3NTExNzQ0NjU5NDFjZWMyN2VkZmYzMDNl">“A young lady like you shouldn’t be walking around like this, all on her own… say, how about I… “escort” you back home?” He smirked and tried to grab my arm.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjA0ZjlhY2ZmMTQ5OTRhMWUwMzRiZmIxMjg4ZWFm">“Dude, I’m not exactly a lady. Also, you’re ugly as hell and look like a rapist. Go away before I call the police.”</p> <p class="cnMzZjk1Y2MzNjUyYTQ4NTZhMzA1MDUzZTllMTE5Y2Y4">His face contorted weirdly as he shouted “You dare to call me, Young Master Fang of the Bao clan, ugly?? My maternal grandfather of the third generation was a servant of the Great Master of the Lake! And you clearly are a lady.” He shouted as his face turned red from some strange anger that I had clearly done nothing to cause.</p> <p class="cnMyMzFmOGRkZjYwMzQ3ODBiMGEzYmI0YjIxZTQ5ZjNk">“Uh, I don’t really care who your granddaddy was, also, have you ever heard of transgenders? Y’know… the people who aren’t the gender they were born?” I told him. At this point, I had gotten up and was trying to argue my way out.</p> <p class="cnM5ODlhMGVmZTE5YTRkZTY5OGZiODFjN2I5OWQ1YTU5">“Blasphemy! You dare disrespect my Maternal Grandfather of the Third generation, servant of the Great Master of the Lake?? I will have your head for your disrespect!” He shouted as he pulled out a sword of nowhere. Hey, only I can do that!</p> <p class="cnM1NWM0YzMzZmQ2OTQ2NGRhYWM5Y2EzOTUzMzI3NThh">“Yo yo yo, calm down now. There is no need for violence…” I tried to reason but he simply shouted and rushed forward at me.</p> <p class="cnMyZDJjYTU5OTRlYTRmNGI4ZDliNzZlYjE5ZDVhODAy">“Dieeeee!” He shouted as he swung his sword at me.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjNhNzcwZGZjYjQ2M2JhZTFjMTMzMjNiNDM3YTIy">To be honest, although he looked comical before he took out the sword, he was actually extremely scary when he charged at me. So much so I actually panicked.</p> <p class="cnMzNDJkYWIxZTlmZTRkMzFhZjAzODA2NzdhNzllODBl">“<strong><em>Destroy - Level 10”</em></strong> I said in a panic. In that instant, time seemed to stop.</p> <p class="cnNhN2U4ZDJkY2FlYjRhOTNiYjg2NTEyZmRlNjQ1Mjhi">The guy’s eyes slowly widened in that slow-motion moment. So did everyone around us, and those in front of me, the guy included, all tried to jump away, but they were too slow.</p> <p class="cnNiN2I1NWNiNWQxMTRiNjI4MGMwMzI2MWE0Mjc1NTc4">An instant later, a defining roar echoed as a gigantic beam of light fired from my hand towards them, evaporating everything in its path. Honestly, even I didn’t expect it so much power from it, and it terrified me.</p> <p class="cnNiOWQ3ZjMzOTA1ZTQ0OTVhODFmNTVlNTRiNmU3OTQ0">It had cut a literal slice out of the city. Everywhere the beam had gone was now nothingness, for it had destroyed everything.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjQ0MTRlMjIzNjQ2MzE4ZDMwZmM3YjJlODYzMjc1">As people screamed and ran away from me I looked at my hands with wide and horrified eyes.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmEyMTFjODQ5NjQ4NzY4M2UyNjEwMDNhOGM2MzYz">“What have I done…?” I whispered to myself in horror.</p> <p class="cnMzYzA3Zjc2NDAwZTRlYTFhMmE3OTU2YzkzZjk3Nzhj">Now, hold it for a second. For those outsiders faint of heart, this part of my story is not particularly pretty. I think I am a good person, but there is a lot of evidence to disprove that. However, I believe that my intentions have always held true, even if my morals and actions have not.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDI3OTI1NWQ0YzRlMzQ4ZjllOGEwZTM0OTIwMGI0">I will not spoil what comes next just yet, but I will give a hint. It involves a lot of braindead ‘cultivators’ that think they’re better and smarter and stronger and whatever else than you. For now, I need to go cook a meal for my family. See you losers next time.</p> </div>
I’m not a smart person. Nor am I special, hell, I’m not even all that good-looking. Boys think I’m weird and girls think I’m stupid, so I can safely say I’m also not popular. However, I’m very, very creative, and I also know how to think about the future. This is the reason that, when a strange god pulled my soul out of my body by mistake and wanted to compensate me, I asked him for a book. But let me recap first just to show you, Outsider, just what happened. “Young one, I apologize for what happened. I might have accidentally killed you.” The weird god said. Or something along those lines, I don’t really remember that well. Also, I think he was one of you people, that god. “It’s… alright, I guess. I’m not actually dead though since I can still think… right?” I asked. “Not exactly, but I suppose that yes, you’re not really dead… yet. Look, kiddo, I’m bored and I took away from you your most precious thing, so I will give you one thing, any one thing.” The god said. I can’t remember his face or where I was when he talked to me, but I somehow know he was incredibly handsome. “Thanks, I guess… Can I have a book?” I asked. Naturally, I didn’t want just a normal book. No, I am way too ambitious for such a mundane thing. “A book? That’s interesting… Where’s the catch?” The god asked, obviously knowing what I wanted already, because… you know… god and all? “Whatever I write, draw or imagine in that book will happen in the real world too. Also, please make it so only I can use the book, and make it so I can never lose it. It’d really suck if I did.” I asked. “That’s actually pretty damn hard to do. Also, that’s like 4 things, and I only said 1” “It’s a 4-part-1” I joked. “Whatever. Here, have this.” The god then handed me a cute little drawing book with a black and white cover. It had a pencil attached at the side, and after I toyed around with it for a bit, I noticed that the book had infinite pages somehow and the pencil would always reappear in its holder, even if I threw it on the ground. “Alright, kiddo. I can’t send you back to your world because if I do, my boss will eat my guts and probably serve my entrails to his creepy snakes. I’d rather not, so… Off you go I guess. Try not to get killed.” He said and I fell into unconsciousness almost instantly. When I woke up, I was in a busy city. People everywhere ran around doing their stuff, and one guy even pushed me. After finding a safe spot to hide from all the chaos, I finally took note of everything that had happened. I was confused and scared back then, as I had just been ripped away from everything I knew and loved and had to put up a farce of nonchalance in front of that god. The first thing I wrote in that book was the following. ***I am invincible*** I was afraid of this new world. When I wrote this, I felt relief. Not because of some magic voodoo that made me feel better, but simply because I now knew that no matter what happened, I wouldn’t ever be overwhelmed to the point of no return. I experimented with the book a lot. I had to move to a secluded area to test out my new toy though. It certainly worked. After I wrote ***Make bubbles***, it did just that. Little bubbles appeared all around me out of nowhere, and it was pretty funny. I got bored of the book itself pretty quickly though. I wrote down a few rules and miscellaneous things to protect me, and then had it vanish. I didn’t know what this world was like, so I had given myself quite a few options. Instead of having to write something down, I only had to say a codeword now, and it would do a certain thing. Furthermore, if I couldn’t speak, I could activate it in my mind by saying a string of words and having it happen, but I didn’t want to risk accidentally using it so I made sure that option was nice and sealed. I also applied different levels for the codewords, so that the power would depend. Dear god, just thinking about back then makes me cringe honestly. I was so immature, just like an edgy teenager. But oh well, most of you outsiders reading this probably aren’t older than I was back then. To think such youngsters could have so much power over so many worlds… I truly envy you. But anyway, back to me. After I was ready and my ego had been inflated by knowing I could do some pretty awesome stuff, I went back in the streets, ready to face the world. But first, I cleaned myself and made myself look good using the book powers.  After my pettiness was settled, I truly went out. I explored the city until it was evening, at which point I realized I needed a place to sleep in. I tried to speak to the people there, but they didn’t understand me. However, it was nothing a little magic from the book couldn’t fix. I asked a stranger if she knew where a hotel was. She wasn’t particularly nice, calling me a homeless brat, but she still directed me at a nearby bed-and-breakfast. I think she was a thunder. I thus got on my way and walked all the way to the place she pointed to. After asking if they had a place for me, they said yes, but they insisted I pay up front, probably afraid I had no money. After all, the place looked expensive.  I nodded and gave them all the money they asked for. Again, I had made said money with the book. Well, I printed well over 1000 golden coins and handed 3 to the dude. Instantly his attitude changed and he gave me the best room. Heh, the magic of capitalism.  After a good night of sleep, I got up, ready to go out and explore this strange new world. But first I cleaned my hair and switched my clothes to a new set.  Honestly, I knew nothing of this world. Therefore, what better place to understand it than a library? Judging by the lack of cars and electricity, I guessed that I was either in Africa or this world was very, very backward compared to my own. Also, the people were all really weird. They all looked Asian, like, all of them. Furthermore, they dressed really weird.  As I walked around, buying off all the interesting things I found and putting them all away in some separate space that I made with my book, which I might as well call the ‘I can fucking do anything with this thing’. But I’ll stick with 'book'. Anyways, as I was saying, after a bit of walking around I came across a nice little bookstore. I bought everything in it and read one of the books as I continued my exploration. This is where the fun stuff happens. And by fun, I mean fun for me, not for others. Like any good imbecile with his nose in a phon… cough, book, I accidentally walked into someone. I apologized and was about to walk away when the guy I hit grabs my shoulder and pulled me back before throwing me to the ground in front of him. Normally, I would have expected such an act to be an act of abuse and people would intervene and stop the big bad bully, because that’s the right thing to do. Well, the people here didn’t, rather, they all gathered around and watched as they whispered.  I say whisper, but really, everyone could hear them. It did make for a nice way for knowing what happened though because fuck me, I had no idea. “Look, that girl just bumped Young Master Fang!”, “Remember what happened to the last person that touched Young Master Fang? He couldn’t move for months!”, “Hasn’t Young Master Fang become a third level Qi gatherer just a month ago?”. I could literally imagine question marks swimming around my head as I listened to those people. The person I had just bumped into had around my age, I’d say 16 to 18 tops. After I took a good look at his creepy smirk and questionable motives, I determined that his name wasn’t Fang, but ClicheVillain25. I mean, it fits so much, doesn’t it? “A young lady like you shouldn’t be walking around like this, all on her own… say, how about I… “escort” you back home?” He smirked and tried to grab my arm. “Dude, I’m not exactly a lady. Also, you’re ugly as hell and look like a rapist. Go away before I call the police.” His face contorted weirdly as he shouted “You dare to call me, Young Master Fang of the Bao clan, ugly?? My maternal grandfather of the third generation was a servant of the Great Master of the Lake! And you clearly are a lady.” He shouted as his face turned red from some strange anger that I had clearly done nothing to cause. “Uh, I don’t really care who your granddaddy was, also, have you ever heard of transgenders? Y’know… the people who aren’t the gender they were born?” I told him. At this point, I had gotten up and was trying to argue my way out. “Blasphemy! You dare disrespect my Maternal Grandfather of the Third generation, servant of the Great Master of the Lake?? I will have your head for your disrespect!” He shouted as he pulled out a sword of nowhere. Hey, only I can do that! “Yo yo yo, calm down now. There is no need for violence…” I tried to reason but he simply shouted and rushed forward at me. “Dieeeee!” He shouted as he swung his sword at me. To be honest, although he looked comical before he took out the sword, he was actually extremely scary when he charged at me. So much so I actually panicked. “***Destroy - Level 10”*** I said in a panic. In that instant, time seemed to stop. The guy’s eyes slowly widened in that slow-motion moment. So did everyone around us, and those in front of me, the guy included, all tried to jump away, but they were too slow. An instant later, a defining roar echoed as a gigantic beam of light fired from my hand towards them, evaporating everything in its path. Honestly, even I didn’t expect it so much power from it, and it terrified me. It had cut a literal slice out of the city. Everywhere the beam had gone was now nothingness, for it had destroyed everything.  As people screamed and ran away from me I looked at my hands with wide and horrified eyes. “What have I done…?” I whispered to myself in horror. Now, hold it for a second. For those outsiders faint of heart, this part of my story is not particularly pretty. I think I am a good person, but there is a lot of evidence to disprove that. However, I believe that my intentions have always held true, even if my morals and actions have not.  I will not spoil what comes next just yet, but I will give a hint. It involves a lot of braindead ‘cultivators’ that think they’re better and smarter and stronger and whatever else than you. For now, I need to go cook a meal for my family. See you losers next time.
{ "title": "Magician Endeavour", "id": 21266, "author": "Vertrex", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 11 - The Application", "id": 305894, "next": 306209, "prev": 305560, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNjhjMzI2MjY4YzRjYjFiODI5NWFmODA3NGY3NTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay,” began Luke as they stepped out of the building. “Since you've found your solution, I think I'll head home now.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMzgyZGE2MzIxZTRiMjFhMWQ1M2ExMzAxMmU0Yjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why so soon?” Samuel asked in surprise. “You could stay a while.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYmE0MjZjOGM3OTRhZGE5ODY5NTBjNjdhM2EyN2Yz"><span style="font-weight: 400">His friend shook his head and said sardonically, “No way. If I come now, Sarah will insist I sit down, and when I sit down, she'll force me to have a drink of water. After that, I'll end up chatting with you lot and never have the time to spend on my private life, and I want to spend some time privately.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzA1NDExM2Q1ZjRhNjM4OTYwYjAyOThkN2MwNzY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel chuckled and said, “Okay. I'll see you at work tomorrow.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTQ3NTBhMTJlODRmMTY5Mjc1MWEwMzYxNjk1NGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You definitely will!” Luke replied with a smile. “See you around, Lucia.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2MwYThiYzAyODQwMjA4NWJmNGEzNTdlMzVkODMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Take care,” she replied with a smile.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NzE0NjUxNTkxMDQyMDY5MWRjN2YzZmVlNGY1N2M1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nodding at her, he flapped his wings and kicked off into the sky be flying off in another direction. They watched him go before they too flapped their wings and flew into the air, heading in the opposite direction. Lucia was trailing behind Samuel, who was carrying her luggage.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDA0MmY0ZjUwODRmZDNhYjI2OGQ0ODliMWJhZTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can carry it on my own!” She insisted in a loud voice.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWFlMjg5NTcwNDQwZGFhZGY5NDNhNzAzMmNmZDVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don't worry about it!” Samuel replied loudly with a laugh.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTlmYjIzOGEzNTQ5YjNiOGFlN2JmZGY3OTYxNTNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">She looked at him with a resigned face and asked, “How did you two meet each other?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmU2NjI3ZjQ5NzQ3OGE5ZjhkN2VhNzdhNmI3NDY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You mean Luke and me?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTcwZDdiNmZlZTRjOWRiOTJmZTYyZjk4NzcxZTVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGMyZjk4N2E1NjRiNjk5MDE5OGY5ODMzYTU5YjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“At work obviously,” he replied with a light chuckle.</span></p> <p class="cnM3N2QyOTEzZjUyNTQ4MzI5YTk5YWMzMTkzMzA5MTVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see,” she replied, understanding the nature of their relationship. “I suppose he asks you for favours every now and then?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzZjQ1Y2VlZTE3YzQwYzk4ZjljZTY0MjRhYzA2MzFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Only with his clients and that's only when they're troublesome to talk with.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjAxZDIxOGM3MzRiOGNhZjE0NzBkMWUyOWMxZmEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Naturally. He's got a bit of a short temper, although, he's also got a good sense of humour.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWNjNzdjNGQ4NzQxMWVhMzc0NDA3OWNlYjk2OTA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel laughed and said, “Yes, but it mostly involves making fun of other people or speaking in an exasperated way with them.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjYyZWVkODgwYTQ5NTNiMmUyZmQ4N2YyOWIwOWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That's true,” agreed Lucia with a nod of the head. “So, what is your son like, Sam?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzY4NmE2OTNkOTRmMDI5ZGU1YTY5ZDc0MzZkZGVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you mean?” He asked her curiously.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZmZmNDhmMDdlYjQyODI4YWE1MDQ4OGNiMjMzMmI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I want to learn about my student, what better way is there than asking their parents? So, please tell me what your son is like with his attitude, concentration, and effort level.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MWI5ZjdiMDA3MDQ3ODk4ZTRkMTc5MDg1MTM1ZDE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel looked over his shoulder at her and asked, “Don’t you think you should be the one to find out what my son is like first hand?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWY0N2U4ZWZjNzQ4NGE5N2E1YmU0ZmY5NWI3NzEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huh?” She asked, looking surprised by his response.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZTE1YmQxMDkwYzQzZjJiZTFiMGNhZTk4ZGFiMTU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I don't know if I'm qualified to tell you this but… when you're going to teach a student, I think the teacher has the responsibility of learning about their student because kids behave differently to different people. For example, he may be jolly and happy around me, whole energetic and cheerful around his mother. So, I think you should figure out how my son behaves around you and adapt to teach him appropriately.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWZjMTViMTYyMjQ2Njg4NjBhN2VhMDQxYmJhMDMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">He spoke the last sentence while turning his head to look at her. Lucia's eyes were round, with a shocked expression clearly displayed on her face at his explanation. Then, as if finding sense in what he spoke, she began nodding her head and smiled sadly at him.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjJhMWQwOTU1ODQ2NjNhNzdlYjlmMjY5NDEzNzcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I'm sorry, Sam,” she said apologetically. “I didn't really think about all that you said, but now I realise. I'll take notes of what you said and do my best for your son.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNmQyODcyNzQ3MDQwYzQ4YTI2MTc0MzkxNzY0OGY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel laughed and facing the front once more, with Lucia looking intently at him from behind. The older man gave her a feeling of casual and easy going, but when he gave her explanation, she felt as though both of those people took a backseat and a man of wisdom had come forward to share his experience with her.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NGUyMTAwNGE4MjQzNTk5ZjU5OGEwOWVjOTQ5NTli"><span style="font-weight: 400">This made her curious and propelled her to ask, “By the way, I'm only asking but who was your teacher, Sam?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTMxMWNhMmQyZTQxNzViZGNmMjE2ZTRhOWUxY2Ix"><span style="font-weight: 400">He did not look around to face her when he spoke, but his voice was calm and casual as he said, “My parents.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWJiZTViZmNiNzQwY2JiMTQzZjVlOTRhYWVlYzVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">She blinked in surprise at the unexpected answer, but she quickly realised that the conversation had ended. Thus, she followed him from a little behind until they entered the outskirts of the city before descending and landing a few minutes later.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWQ1OTUwNmYwYTQzNjVhZDYyN2I3MmRjN2VkODBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Wow,” she said the first thing that came to her mind when she looked at the house before her. “It's… certainly better than mine.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NmM3MTFhYjkwMTQzODhiMjI4ODZhNjMxZGU3Njhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel chuckled and said, “Let's go in. I'll introduce the family,” and he marched towards the entrance carrying her luggage.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjU3ZGE2Njc2OTQ4ZTNiNjJiNmYyNGU5YTg2MzZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She fell behind him while looking at the house in wonder. It was not an extravagant construction, but there was something close to elegance in the way it was built that made her wanting to look continuously at it. Still, she curbed her temptation and followed him quietly into the house and heard him call our to his wife.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2ZmNGQyMTFlZjQ1ZDZhZTkwZDZkZDcyODBmMTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sarah! I'm home!”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZjJkN2FlMWU4NjQ1ZDY4ZDBjNTZiOTJhNzExNDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sam!” She exclaimed, hurrying from the kitchen to meet him. “I'm glad you're safe. Um… who's this?”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTcyMWExNTkwODQwNzRhOWI4YTgxZGYwNDRmZTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her question was addressed to her husband as she looked curiously at the smaller girl that stood behind him. She did not recognise whom she was, and what was more amazing was that the girl was looking around in amazement.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjY1OTk2OGNkMzRhZmViYTRmMTU0Mzk3MjhjZGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her husband smiled and said, “I've brought home a tutor for Al to teach him magic.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTE4YThjY2EzZTQ3YzE5ZDZjMjQwNTlhMWM3YmRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Magic?” She asked him, looking amazed. “Are you sure? It might just be a case of late awareness thing that he's going through, similar to my grandmother.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MGUwMDgzOTQ5NzQzYjg5OTA3OGI4MzE0Njk3YTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I don't know whether I can believe a story that's based to inspire you to improve,” he replied with a wry smile. “I want to be realistic, Sarah, and not live in a delusion that he'll succeed. That's why I asked for Luke's help, and he showed me to her.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NmZmM2Q4YjgxNjQyMGY4ZjlhYmY3YzRkMzM5YmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">As he spoke, Lucia walked forward nervously with her hand held out and said slowly, “How do you do… um… madam?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGQwMmM4NDBiYzQyZjNiOTdkZTU5MjBhYWQ1M2Iw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sarah did not immediately say anything, nor did she accept the greeting gesture that Lucia was doing. She was assessing Lucia from her body, height, and age before looking back at her husband with an unsatisfactory face.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDcwMDFiMzhmZDQ2NGJiMmJiOWU0OWY0ZGRmMTIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you really sure she's capable of teaching my son?” She asked him flatly, not even caring that Lucia might get hurt from her words.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MWZjYTUxOTAzZTRkNDliYWU2ODMxODAzZDEwNDUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">If she was hoping to have the woman reveal her true character by making sure to provoke her, she got her wish. However, she did not expect to see that the girl was brimming with excitement at the ridicule instead of taking offence.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWY2NGViYWZiMTQ4NGY5NWVlNDNhZjExYTBhODgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course you would be sceptical about my skills as a mage, but don't worry! I'll prove my worth!” Lucia said with a grinning face full of excitement. Then, looking towards them both, she asked them, “Is there anything I can work with?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MDRiMDhkNTYxYTQwN2M4ODFjYzZlNzBmYjE5NjYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Pardon?” Samuel asked, looking surprised. “What do you mean?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTNiYjZmY2MwMDRlMWQ4ZTBkMGViMzFkNzliNzNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Like dirty laundry, dirty plates, and anything you want to test my skills on,” she replied with her eyes glittering with excitement and hope.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmNhODdlMDRjYTQyNjFiMDEwNDBmZDk1OWI4Njg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He looked at her for a moment before turning to his wife and asking, “Is there anything?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGEyOWEwNzJhYTQ0YTM4MWRhOWMzNjRjNjU0Mzkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sarah was filled with scepticism as she replied, “Just a minute,” and she headed into their bedroom.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTczMWU1M2Y2OTQ4ODFhZDY2M2NhYmJjZDQ5Nzli"><span style="font-weight: 400">A few seconds later, she came out carrying some dirty laundry in a basket and set it down between her and Lucia.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NTQ3ZmE5ZDU0MjQxZmJiMzFlMWNlNzdlNDEyMjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is this sufficient?” Sarah asked curtly.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzVmN2JkMjUzNjQyMDI5OTMyOTRmYzk0M2NhNWM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lucia nodded eagerly and said, “This is plenty!” She waved his right hand at the laundry and said, “Cleaning Ray!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2UxM2M0MDQzOTRjNTVhN2E3ZDQ2MWZlZDgwOTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">In an instant, the dirty laundry were suddenly filled with water before they got surrounded by soap. For a few seconds, the bubbles flew around before water appeared out of nowhere and submerged the clothes in the basket. A few seconds later, the water drained away, leaving a wet soggy clothes in the basket.</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2YwZWNkODU0YTQwM2NhODdhMWQwMWIyZmYzZjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Heat Wave,” said Lucia, waving her hand at it.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGY0ZTQ2ZDYzZjRiNjBiODFkNDdlMDk5NTJjMzU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The basket was suddenly emitting smokes as the entire thing was heating up wildly. The heat was causing the wetness of the clothes to evaporate, leaving them looking fresh and new.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTE2MGE2NWEyZjRhYjRhY2FmMzk5MzNiYTU5Y2M5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once the magic finished, she looked at Sarah expectantly and asked, “How's that?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2RmYTM4Y2I2ODQwN2FiYjBkMDEwMDAxNGQ1NzBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sarah did not speak anything because she was unable to due to the sheer shock she received at witnessing the magic at work. Normally, it would take her almost half-and-hour for when to clean the clothes, but this young girl did the exact process without once touching the cloth. So, she was mesmerised by the strong magic control Lucia had in demonstrating her capabilities in front of them.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmZiZjJkYTRhOTRjYzU5OTU4MjFjNGQ1ODYwMWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Is there more?” Lucia asked them happily.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODQ1ODJjMGNjYzQxZDk4NzYwMmZmOWEzN2RkZjZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Like that, Lucia went through cleaning their clothing, dishes, and helped them move stuff around the house completely with her magic. There was not much since Sarah always stayed on top of things, but even the small things impressed her quite a bit.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDIzMzVhM2M2YzQ3NTdiYTg0YzRlZmIxZmIyMWY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I never knew magic could be this convenient,” Sarah commented once it was all over. She looked apologetically at Lucia and said, “I'm berry sorry, Lucia. Please forgive my rudeness earlier. I… I just thought you were just someone here to trick us and rip off our money.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTk3YmQyOTBiODQ0ZTY5ZGFjZDIxNDY0Y2M1YmYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lucia giggled and replied, “It's okay, madam. It's only natural to wonder since magic is only used by the council members and only their lineage are allowed to learn magic.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDAzOWJhMWE2NjQ3OTA4YzczNTY5OTcyMmJmZDRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes! It's quite unfair!” Sarah commented in a strong voice while narrowing her eyebrows to form a serious expression on her face. “It's like those council members do love to put down their people in this regard.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWU4ZmU1OTg4NjRiNmVhMzYxMWNmOTBmZDRlZmYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel chuckled and said, “Lucia's father is member of the council.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzM3NWVjNmE1OTQ3NTNhNDZmNWQ3YzUxYTJjOGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Upon hearing that, Sarah's complexion whitened in shock, and she looked with sudden fear at Lucia. However, Lucia walked towards her and placed her hands on Sarah's hands reassuringly.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTBkZTJiYzM4YjQ4YmJiZmE5N2FmNTkyNjU2M2Jk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“My father may be affiliated with the council, but I'm different,” she explained with a bright expression. “Even I don't like what they're doing to the society as a whole. It's obviously with fear that the common person will rise up against them. I'm not interested in any of that, but I am inclined to spread awareness that there is an alternative to not feeling your energy.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmY5NzA1ZTIwNzRjM2NhM2Y2YTZmNzQ3ZGM0NzE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sarah looked at her younger girl in wonder at the sheer determination she was filled with. She could not help but smile at Lucia as she said softly, “I agree. Anyway, please feel free to stay in our house however as long as you like, but please teach our son to be as strong as you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjMyZDc3ODAzNjRhZTA4NzBjOGMzOGY0NjI2MWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lucia looked uncomfortable as she saw Sarah asking her with an imploring look on her face. She move forward and clasped her hands once more with a determined look on her face.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjFjZDhjYmUzZTQ4NTg5OWE1NzA3NzgyNTZhNzYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“There's no need to that, madam. I'll do my utmost to teach your son and make you feel proud of him! I swear it!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWNmYzBkM2Q3MDRlOWU5YTc4N2Q5Njg3MWY0OWE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sarah nodded and finally smiled at her. Samuel watched the interaction of his wife and the young mage with a pleasant smile on his face. He knew his wife well enough to know that she would spill her worry as soon as she found the right outlet. That outlet was Lucia, and the young girl was willing to reassure a troubled mother.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNGUyYTVhNThjNjQ4ZWJiNWNjMjhlMzkzMjJlMzRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">They admitted Lucia to a room upstairs, located right beside Luna's room. Samuel discovered that both children were fast asleep from feeling sleepy due to the heat. So, since there was nothing for her to do, Lucia began to expand in her demonstration of what she was capable of. This included igniting fire in midair and cooking food on it before transferring it onto a plate, all of that being done in midair.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTM5YmVjZTY2MzQ4Mzk5YWJkMmY3OGNjNzljMTg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Having magic makes life so much easier,” commented Sarah happily, to which Lucia nodded enthusiastically.</span></p> <p class="cnM0M2VkMGE2ZTQ3ZDQ3ODBiNGQ1ZGFhYjBlNmRlYWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">They did not know that Alex has woken up a few minutes earlier and had gone to the bathroom. When he came out, he was puzzled by the sound of excitement and chatter he could hear coming from downstairs.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmU4NjU0NThiZDQ5MDdhMzI3MWRjNjkyZGMwMzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do we have guests over?” He wondered curiously.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzQ4ODgwMmVhZjRlNmJhOGZiNWJiMTVlM2E5ZTkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Slowly, he stepped down the stairs and walked towards the kitchen to find his mother happily cooking with a complete stranger standing next to her. However, that quickly changed when the young girl suddenly began casting magic out of her hand to conjure a small ball of energy much to his surprise.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2Y2NjQ5YjZhZjQ1NzA4M2Y1Yzk5MzU1YjkxNzM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What's that?” He asked, looking puzzled as he did not immediately recognise what she was doing.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWU2YzJmYzcyOTQ2Zjc5NDIwNDVkYmQ0YmYyMzVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“See, madam? Even with magic, you could conjure energy balls like this,” said Lucia happily to Sarah, who nodded in agreement.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Mjk0NDNlM2Q4ZDRiMjJiYzJhOWE2MzQ2NDA3ZGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without their notice, Alex wandered into the kitchen and asked in a puzzled voice, “Did she say magic?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDM3NTEwYjkwZTQ1MDA5NDc0MjhkMmU0ZmU4Zjgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Both women whipped around to look at him in surprise.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjU1YjQ1OTNlZjRhMzdhMDJkOWE1NWQ2YzJlMGYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Al!” His mother said happily. “This lady here will be teaching you magic from now on!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGIwN2M4Yzc5OTRlYzE5ZTZhZjE5ZmJkOGQxYWYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course!” Lucia said brightly, saluting to him energetically.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTIxYzdkYzdkMDRjMjdiMzAzMDQ1NDFhNDE3ODg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">At that moment, she looked apprehensive and looked at the ball of energy she had gathered with magic, which looked like was going critical. Sure enough, there was a bright flash of light before a bang occurred followed by a small explosion in the kitchen.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTY3YzI5OWEyNzRmODRiY2FiNzU0MTAwZWI1ZDU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Samuel hurried over the moment he heard the explosion and demanded, “What happened? Is everyone alright?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTdmOTVlMmFmZTQxN2NiOTYxMjliZWIzYzU0Y2Iz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We're fine but… Lucia…” said Sarah hesitantly.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ODBlYTkxNDRlYzRlNGJhNTViN2Q4YjhiNWQ5YjJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">They all focused on Lucia, who was covered from head to toe in smoke. As she coughed smoke out of her mouth, Alex began to laugh as he found her appearance to be very funny. While his parents looked at her in amazement, Lucia looked at the boy with a bright smile on her face.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjMyY2YyYWVjMDQ0YjRiMTA0MjIxNjkwMWI3ZGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was how the most feared person and the most influential person in history met on that fateful day.</span></p> </div>
“Okay,” began Luke as they stepped out of the building. “Since you've found your solution, I think I'll head home now.” “Why so soon?” Samuel asked in surprise. “You could stay a while.” His friend shook his head and said sardonically, “No way. If I come now, Sarah will insist I sit down, and when I sit down, she'll force me to have a drink of water. After that, I'll end up chatting with you lot and never have the time to spend on my private life, and I want to spend some time privately.” Samuel chuckled and said, “Okay. I'll see you at work tomorrow.” “You definitely will!” Luke replied with a smile. “See you around, Lucia.” “Take care,” she replied with a smile. Nodding at her, he flapped his wings and kicked off into the sky be flying off in another direction. They watched him go before they too flapped their wings and flew into the air, heading in the opposite direction. Lucia was trailing behind Samuel, who was carrying her luggage. “I can carry it on my own!” She insisted in a loud voice. “Don't worry about it!” Samuel replied loudly with a laugh. She looked at him with a resigned face and asked, “How did you two meet each other?” “You mean Luke and me?” “Yes.” “At work obviously,” he replied with a light chuckle. “I see,” she replied, understanding the nature of their relationship. “I suppose he asks you for favours every now and then?” “Only with his clients and that's only when they're troublesome to talk with.” “Naturally. He's got a bit of a short temper, although, he's also got a good sense of humour.” Samuel laughed and said, “Yes, but it mostly involves making fun of other people or speaking in an exasperated way with them.” “That's true,” agreed Lucia with a nod of the head. “So, what is your son like, Sam?” “What do you mean?” He asked her curiously. “Well, I want to learn about my student, what better way is there than asking their parents? So, please tell me what your son is like with his attitude, concentration, and effort level.” Samuel looked over his shoulder at her and asked, “Don’t you think you should be the one to find out what my son is like first hand?” “Huh?” She asked, looking surprised by his response. “Well, I don't know if I'm qualified to tell you this but… when you're going to teach a student, I think the teacher has the responsibility of learning about their student because kids behave differently to different people. For example, he may be jolly and happy around me, whole energetic and cheerful around his mother. So, I think you should figure out how my son behaves around you and adapt to teach him appropriately.” He spoke the last sentence while turning his head to look at her. Lucia's eyes were round, with a shocked expression clearly displayed on her face at his explanation. Then, as if finding sense in what he spoke, she began nodding her head and smiled sadly at him. “I'm sorry, Sam,” she said apologetically. “I didn't really think about all that you said, but now I realise. I'll take notes of what you said and do my best for your son.” Samuel laughed and facing the front once more, with Lucia looking intently at him from behind. The older man gave her a feeling of casual and easy going, but when he gave her explanation, she felt as though both of those people took a backseat and a man of wisdom had come forward to share his experience with her. This made her curious and propelled her to ask, “By the way, I'm only asking but who was your teacher, Sam?” He did not look around to face her when he spoke, but his voice was calm and casual as he said, “My parents.” She blinked in surprise at the unexpected answer, but she quickly realised that the conversation had ended. Thus, she followed him from a little behind until they entered the outskirts of the city before descending and landing a few minutes later. “Wow,” she said the first thing that came to her mind when she looked at the house before her. “It's… certainly better than mine.” Samuel chuckled and said, “Let's go in. I'll introduce the family,” and he marched towards the entrance carrying her luggage. She fell behind him while looking at the house in wonder. It was not an extravagant construction, but there was something close to elegance in the way it was built that made her wanting to look continuously at it. Still, she curbed her temptation and followed him quietly into the house and heard him call our to his wife. “Sarah! I'm home!” “Sam!” She exclaimed, hurrying from the kitchen to meet him. “I'm glad you're safe. Um… who's this?” Her question was addressed to her husband as she looked curiously at the smaller girl that stood behind him. She did not recognise whom she was, and what was more amazing was that the girl was looking around in amazement. Her husband smiled and said, “I've brought home a tutor for Al to teach him magic.” “Magic?” She asked him, looking amazed. “Are you sure? It might just be a case of late awareness thing that he's going through, similar to my grandmother.” “I don't know whether I can believe a story that's based to inspire you to improve,” he replied with a wry smile. “I want to be realistic, Sarah, and not live in a delusion that he'll succeed. That's why I asked for Luke's help, and he showed me to her.” As he spoke, Lucia walked forward nervously with her hand held out and said slowly, “How do you do… um… madam?” Sarah did not immediately say anything, nor did she accept the greeting gesture that Lucia was doing. She was assessing Lucia from her body, height, and age before looking back at her husband with an unsatisfactory face. “Are you really sure she's capable of teaching my son?” She asked him flatly, not even caring that Lucia might get hurt from her words. If she was hoping to have the woman reveal her true character by making sure to provoke her, she got her wish. However, she did not expect to see that the girl was brimming with excitement at the ridicule instead of taking offence. “Of course you would be sceptical about my skills as a mage, but don't worry! I'll prove my worth!” Lucia said with a grinning face full of excitement. Then, looking towards them both, she asked them, “Is there anything I can work with?” “Pardon?” Samuel asked, looking surprised. “What do you mean?” “Like dirty laundry, dirty plates, and anything you want to test my skills on,” she replied with her eyes glittering with excitement and hope. He looked at her for a moment before turning to his wife and asking, “Is there anything?” Sarah was filled with scepticism as she replied, “Just a minute,” and she headed into their bedroom. A few seconds later, she came out carrying some dirty laundry in a basket and set it down between her and Lucia. “Is this sufficient?” Sarah asked curtly. Lucia nodded eagerly and said, “This is plenty!” She waved his right hand at the laundry and said, “Cleaning Ray!” In an instant, the dirty laundry were suddenly filled with water before they got surrounded by soap. For a few seconds, the bubbles flew around before water appeared out of nowhere and submerged the clothes in the basket. A few seconds later, the water drained away, leaving a wet soggy clothes in the basket. “Heat Wave,” said Lucia, waving her hand at it. The basket was suddenly emitting smokes as the entire thing was heating up wildly. The heat was causing the wetness of the clothes to evaporate, leaving them looking fresh and new. Once the magic finished, she looked at Sarah expectantly and asked, “How's that?” Sarah did not speak anything because she was unable to due to the sheer shock she received at witnessing the magic at work. Normally, it would take her almost half-and-hour for when to clean the clothes, but this young girl did the exact process without once touching the cloth. So, she was mesmerised by the strong magic control Lucia had in demonstrating her capabilities in front of them. “Is there more?” Lucia asked them happily. Like that, Lucia went through cleaning their clothing, dishes, and helped them move stuff around the house completely with her magic. There was not much since Sarah always stayed on top of things, but even the small things impressed her quite a bit. “I never knew magic could be this convenient,” Sarah commented once it was all over. She looked apologetically at Lucia and said, “I'm berry sorry, Lucia. Please forgive my rudeness earlier. I… I just thought you were just someone here to trick us and rip off our money.” Lucia giggled and replied, “It's okay, madam. It's only natural to wonder since magic is only used by the council members and only their lineage are allowed to learn magic.” “Yes! It's quite unfair!” Sarah commented in a strong voice while narrowing her eyebrows to form a serious expression on her face. “It's like those council members do love to put down their people in this regard.” Samuel chuckled and said, “Lucia's father is member of the council.” Upon hearing that, Sarah's complexion whitened in shock, and she looked with sudden fear at Lucia. However, Lucia walked towards her and placed her hands on Sarah's hands reassuringly. “My father may be affiliated with the council, but I'm different,” she explained with a bright expression. “Even I don't like what they're doing to the society as a whole. It's obviously with fear that the common person will rise up against them. I'm not interested in any of that, but I am inclined to spread awareness that there is an alternative to not feeling your energy.” Sarah looked at her younger girl in wonder at the sheer determination she was filled with. She could not help but smile at Lucia as she said softly, “I agree. Anyway, please feel free to stay in our house however as long as you like, but please teach our son to be as strong as you.” Lucia looked uncomfortable as she saw Sarah asking her with an imploring look on her face. She move forward and clasped her hands once more with a determined look on her face. “There's no need to that, madam. I'll do my utmost to teach your son and make you feel proud of him! I swear it!” Sarah nodded and finally smiled at her. Samuel watched the interaction of his wife and the young mage with a pleasant smile on his face. He knew his wife well enough to know that she would spill her worry as soon as she found the right outlet. That outlet was Lucia, and the young girl was willing to reassure a troubled mother. They admitted Lucia to a room upstairs, located right beside Luna's room. Samuel discovered that both children were fast asleep from feeling sleepy due to the heat. So, since there was nothing for her to do, Lucia began to expand in her demonstration of what she was capable of. This included igniting fire in midair and cooking food on it before transferring it onto a plate, all of that being done in midair. “Having magic makes life so much easier,” commented Sarah happily, to which Lucia nodded enthusiastically. They did not know that Alex has woken up a few minutes earlier and had gone to the bathroom. When he came out, he was puzzled by the sound of excitement and chatter he could hear coming from downstairs. “Do we have guests over?” He wondered curiously. Slowly, he stepped down the stairs and walked towards the kitchen to find his mother happily cooking with a complete stranger standing next to her. However, that quickly changed when the young girl suddenly began casting magic out of her hand to conjure a small ball of energy much to his surprise. “What's that?” He asked, looking puzzled as he did not immediately recognise what she was doing. “See, madam? Even with magic, you could conjure energy balls like this,” said Lucia happily to Sarah, who nodded in agreement. Without their notice, Alex wandered into the kitchen and asked in a puzzled voice, “Did she say magic?” Both women whipped around to look at him in surprise. “Al!” His mother said happily. “This lady here will be teaching you magic from now on!” “Of course!” Lucia said brightly, saluting to him energetically. At that moment, she looked apprehensive and looked at the ball of energy she had gathered with magic, which looked like was going critical. Sure enough, there was a bright flash of light before a bang occurred followed by a small explosion in the kitchen. Samuel hurried over the moment he heard the explosion and demanded, “What happened? Is everyone alright?” “We're fine but… Lucia…” said Sarah hesitantly. They all focused on Lucia, who was covered from head to toe in smoke. As she coughed smoke out of her mouth, Alex began to laugh as he found her appearance to be very funny. While his parents looked at her in amazement, Lucia looked at the boy with a bright smile on her face. That was how the most feared person and the most influential person in history met on that fateful day.
{ "title": "GENE Project: Path to Perfection", "id": 19161, "author": "YesorNo", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 37: Plan", "id": 305899, "next": 306410, "prev": 305671, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkODJhMjkwYWY0NzQxYWQ5ODNmODhmYzg2NzFkZjEx">“As you said, the shady dealings of Bose Pharma were just detected this year. So, I decided to keep the investigations confined to the time period beginning from January to the present. I went through the major actions and the deals they had cut with other companies. Their collaboration with Nilay Constructions particularly struck me given that they were in charge of renovating the sewers. Looking into them more deeply I realised that they were responsible for the renovation and repair work of the sewers exactly in the area the pandal was located.</p> <p class="cnMxODYxZjE3MWFjYzRkMDhhMjJlY2I1ZTE5NmJmNWMw">“Too much of a coincidence, no? So, I pulled up the layout for the sewers in that area and went exploring down the manhole. I found a tunnel which wasn’t there before and it seemed to lead to the pandal. I couldn't check any further, firstly, because I didn’t want to get caught by any drugged up crooks there might be within the depths of the tunnel and secondly, because the tunnel had a grating secured by an electronic lock. I couldn't get in even if I wanted to.”</p> <p class="cnNjNjNkNjMwN2YzOTQ5YTU5YmI0MjEyYjFhMjlmMWEw">Aman brought out his phone and showed Sushil and Ananya the pictures he had taken of the grating with his cell phone.</p> <p class="cnMyMWQzNTU0NTE1NTRhMjc4NmFjNzNkOWI4YmMyZDFi">After Nama had woken up, he had gone to investigate again. This time, obviously without Ananya coming along as she hadn’t replied to his messages. He had staked out the area for an entire day, firing off his Divine Vision in bursts and investigating the snapshot to see if anyone was passing in and out of the sewers.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTgxN2M2YzBmZjRmMmFiMTRhYjllNjJkYWU4YTlk">Although, he hadn’t met with any success all day, he had a pretty detailed map of the dubious underground constructions by the time he finally saw a hooded figure enter the sewer from a manhole and go to the underground bunker through one of the tunnels.</p> <p class="cnNhMDFmZWE2ZWYzZDQ2NGI5MTA1NDMzYjAxZDAwODVi">His Divine Vision was too sporadic for him to get a proper idea of what the man was doing in the bunker but it proved that it wasn’t totally unused. That was enough for him. He had little curiosity as to the nature of Mr. Bose’s activities and even less desire to involve himself with the investigations any further than he needed to.</p> <p class="cnMwZmExMTM0OTJmZjQ3ZTk5NWYyN2ZiNTI1YzNiZDc0">As soon as the man left and the coast was clear according to his Divine Vision - a really handy ability, that one – he slipped into the manhole the man had used and took some snapshots of the grating. He was done.</p> <p class="cnNhNmYwMzc0NjRjMTQyZmRiN2I2OTVkNzFmMjA2MzJk">He had immediately called Sushil with news of his lead and that was how he was there, back at Sushil’s hotel suite, presenting his findings with a cooked-up story with leaps of logic that could only have been made if one knew the answer beforehand.</p> <p class="cnMxOGFmOGU5YjYxZjQwYjZhMzA3ZjBjZTI5MjVlMTE2">To his credit, Sushil looked flabbergasted for a much shorter time than Aman had expected and didn’t question him much on his process of investigation. “So,” he said, “The result of your investigation is that there is an illegal construction beneath the park and tunnels leading from it to the sewers as channels of entry and egress… Whether or not it is the den of operations, I have to commend you on a job well done. When I gave you the task, all I expected of you was to patrol the area and take note of anything blatantly suspicious. To be honest, I never expected anything to crop up there, much less, the actual core location. Who would have thought that he hid his base in the most crowded of locations? As they say, the most dangerous place is the safest.”</p> <p class="cnNkMzhkMTc5M2ZjMTQ4YzBhNmRiZTI3OTc1YzYyZDA1">He looked at Aman seriously, “If my investigation pays off, you’ll be the recipient of a much larger share of the merits than previously anticipated. Congratulations.”</p> <p class="cnNjOGI1ZmZkYjZhOTQ3OTViYjMwMDU4NTliMjQxNjEx">Aman smiled. “No, thank you, Sir. If not for you giving me this opportunity, how would I have ever managed to succeed?” He turned to Ananya. “And thank you for introducing me to him.”</p> <p class="cnM1NTc1YWI0MWMyZTQ1ZmViMzg0MWNjYmMzY2U4NDYx">She furrowed her brows and turned away, sullenly. Aman felt a bit awkward as the silence stretched on. Sushil realized that there was some tension between the two of them, so he stepped in to defuse the atmosphere.</p> <p class="cnM2YzNkZGJlNDAxZjQ0NmM5MmI2MWYwZTk2NDE3YjZj">“Well, it appears that tonight will be a busy night. I have called upon my contacts and obtained permission to set up a monitoring system over the manholes in that area as well as rigging the covers with sensors that will alert me whenever they are moved. If someone enters the sewer tonight we will know. Today is Navami, the ninth day of the month as per the Vedic calendar and tomorrow is Dashami, the climax of the Durga Puja celebrations. If their illegal construction has anything to do with the Pujas, as suggested by the placement of the pandal, they should make their move by tomorrow at the latest.”</p> <p class="cnMxMzQwMWRmNDExYzRlN2U5MmY1YThkZWNlYzQ1Y2Yx">He turned to Ananya, “Since, you still lack merit points as your contribution wasn’t satisfactory, you can choose to participate in the raid. As you can see, I’m a single person, and though my ability far outstrips the human threshold, I cannot deal with too many people at once, especially when I have no idea as to their details.”</p> <p class="cnNjMjM4MTMwYTg2ZTQ1NGM4ZGMxNzY3YjJhNWIwNzI4">Ananya frowned deeply. If she frowned any more then she might get wrinkles, Aman thought. “You mean to make use of Uncle?”</p> <p class="cnNhNzhkZWE2NWQ2ODQxOWZhYWI5ZmZkOTkxN2I0MTRh">Sushil shrugged, embarrassed, “Yes, actually, he is quite the excellent warrior and it would be of great convenience if he chose to assist. You’ll get your merits, of course.”</p> <p class="cnM0YjRlNzg1MmMzYTQ5MzVhMzJjNWRkMTY4OTYzNjJj">“Won't that be unethical? The merits were to be earned by me, in person, not by proxy.”</p> <p class="cnMwMGEyYzQ1MjMxMTRiNjliZGE1NGM3NDYzM2EzOWRh">“Well, the circumstances are different, I didn’t expect such a sudden development and on such short notice, I can't think of a better way to gather manpower than relying on you. Your personal connections are also part of your skill set.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZTAxY2UxMzRkNzQ0N2ViYzg4NDJhMWYyYTQ1ZmQ5">“But –”</p> <p class="cnNlNDUxMjQzZDQ1MDQ1OTZiZTA4YzlhNDZkZGQ2YWY2">“Fine!” he stopped her, “Just think of it as a service to your motherland and ask him to help. You can decide whether or not to accept the merits later.”</p> <p class="cnNlM2Y0N2ZjOGEzZDQxOGZhYjI5ODM5MWFkMWFkMjQz">For the first time, Aman saw Ananya’s cool façade crack. “Good, good. Good.” For a moment it almost seemed like she would cry but she took a few deep breaths and stabilized herself. “I’ll tell him to help.”</p> <p class="cnM1NGJhMzY4ZTk4NzQ1Y2M5NzFiYTBlNTliZDc1NTFi">Then she strode out of the room, slamming the door behind her leaving the two men to wallow in an awkward silence. “So,” said Sushil, “What did you do to get her so riled up at you?” Aman shrugged and told him.</p> <p class="cnMzMzc4NGI2OGNmZjRkYmJiOGVmMzQxOGUxZmI1OWFm">“Pretty tactless of you, wasn’t it?” Sushil remarked.</p> <p class="cnMxYjNlZmNlYTkwNDQ4Y2U5NWQ4ZmIzNzlmMzFhMjJl">“You’re one to talk.” Aman shot back.</p> <p class="cnMzNTlmYjExYWU3ZDQzMGI4N2U1NmIyOGUwMWE4MDY1">Then they both sank back into silence. “Yeah,” they sighed in unison.</p> </div>
“As you said, the shady dealings of Bose Pharma were just detected this year. So, I decided to keep the investigations confined to the time period beginning from January to the present. I went through the major actions and the deals they had cut with other companies. Their collaboration with Nilay Constructions particularly struck me given that they were in charge of renovating the sewers. Looking into them more deeply I realised that they were responsible for the renovation and repair work of the sewers exactly in the area the pandal was located. “Too much of a coincidence, no? So, I pulled up the layout for the sewers in that area and went exploring down the manhole. I found a tunnel which wasn’t there before and it seemed to lead to the pandal. I couldn't check any further, firstly, because I didn’t want to get caught by any drugged up crooks there might be within the depths of the tunnel and secondly, because the tunnel had a grating secured by an electronic lock. I couldn't get in even if I wanted to.” Aman brought out his phone and showed Sushil and Ananya the pictures he had taken of the grating with his cell phone. After Nama had woken up, he had gone to investigate again. This time, obviously without Ananya coming along as she hadn’t replied to his messages. He had staked out the area for an entire day, firing off his Divine Vision in bursts and investigating the snapshot to see if anyone was passing in and out of the sewers. Although, he hadn’t met with any success all day, he had a pretty detailed map of the dubious underground constructions by the time he finally saw a hooded figure enter the sewer from a manhole and go to the underground bunker through one of the tunnels. His Divine Vision was too sporadic for him to get a proper idea of what the man was doing in the bunker but it proved that it wasn’t totally unused. That was enough for him. He had little curiosity as to the nature of Mr. Bose’s activities and even less desire to involve himself with the investigations any further than he needed to. As soon as the man left and the coast was clear according to his Divine Vision - a really handy ability, that one – he slipped into the manhole the man had used and took some snapshots of the grating. He was done. He had immediately called Sushil with news of his lead and that was how he was there, back at Sushil’s hotel suite, presenting his findings with a cooked-up story with leaps of logic that could only have been made if one knew the answer beforehand. To his credit, Sushil looked flabbergasted for a much shorter time than Aman had expected and didn’t question him much on his process of investigation. “So,” he said, “The result of your investigation is that there is an illegal construction beneath the park and tunnels leading from it to the sewers as channels of entry and egress… Whether or not it is the den of operations, I have to commend you on a job well done. When I gave you the task, all I expected of you was to patrol the area and take note of anything blatantly suspicious. To be honest, I never expected anything to crop up there, much less, the actual core location. Who would have thought that he hid his base in the most crowded of locations? As they say, the most dangerous place is the safest.” He looked at Aman seriously, “If my investigation pays off, you’ll be the recipient of a much larger share of the merits than previously anticipated. Congratulations.” Aman smiled. “No, thank you, Sir. If not for you giving me this opportunity, how would I have ever managed to succeed?” He turned to Ananya. “And thank you for introducing me to him.” She furrowed her brows and turned away, sullenly. Aman felt a bit awkward as the silence stretched on. Sushil realized that there was some tension between the two of them, so he stepped in to defuse the atmosphere. “Well, it appears that tonight will be a busy night. I have called upon my contacts and obtained permission to set up a monitoring system over the manholes in that area as well as rigging the covers with sensors that will alert me whenever they are moved. If someone enters the sewer tonight we will know. Today is Navami, the ninth day of the month as per the Vedic calendar and tomorrow is Dashami, the climax of the Durga Puja celebrations. If their illegal construction has anything to do with the Pujas, as suggested by the placement of the pandal, they should make their move by tomorrow at the latest.” He turned to Ananya, “Since, you still lack merit points as your contribution wasn’t satisfactory, you can choose to participate in the raid. As you can see, I’m a single person, and though my ability far outstrips the human threshold, I cannot deal with too many people at once, especially when I have no idea as to their details.” Ananya frowned deeply. If she frowned any more then she might get wrinkles, Aman thought. “You mean to make use of Uncle?” Sushil shrugged, embarrassed, “Yes, actually, he is quite the excellent warrior and it would be of great convenience if he chose to assist. You’ll get your merits, of course.” “Won't that be unethical? The merits were to be earned by me, in person, not by proxy.” “Well, the circumstances are different, I didn’t expect such a sudden development and on such short notice, I can't think of a better way to gather manpower than relying on you. Your personal connections are also part of your skill set.” “But –” “Fine!” he stopped her, “Just think of it as a service to your motherland and ask him to help. You can decide whether or not to accept the merits later.” For the first time, Aman saw Ananya’s cool façade crack. “Good, good. Good.” For a moment it almost seemed like she would cry but she took a few deep breaths and stabilized herself. “I’ll tell him to help.” Then she strode out of the room, slamming the door behind her leaving the two men to wallow in an awkward silence. “So,” said Sushil, “What did you do to get her so riled up at you?” Aman shrugged and told him. “Pretty tactless of you, wasn’t it?” Sushil remarked. “You’re one to talk.” Aman shot back. Then they both sank back into silence. “Yeah,” they sighed in unison.
{ "title": "Conspiracyland", "id": 20641, "author": "BoredCanary", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9 - The Blame Game 3", "id": 305897, "next": 306555, "prev": 305352, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5MGM0ZmY1NzU2YzQwZTNiMTEyZDhiYzg4YzYzMGE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The ‘Greenville Special’ was having an absolute field day. The small publication hadn’t enjoyed much popularity even amongst the local crowd. The young were too busy cutting out pages from Playboy, and for the elderly, they were simply known as the Sudoku-Papers. As a journalistic outlet, they were about as acknowledged as a Buzzfeed.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjdhMzBjMDZiMDRmMzU5OTc5OTQ3M2NjMDZlN2E2"><span style="font-weight: 400">But today was not such a day. They’d run out of copies, in fact. For the first time in the publication’s uneventful 10-year history, they’d needed a second printing. All thanks to a single person, although they’d get jailed for ever saying so.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGE2NTFlYjc4MjRhZTFhZGM5ODNlMzc1MGRjZDY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The terrorist, Connor Watson, was on the run. He had been, ever since an awful case of arson and murder in a town a hundred miles away. The wretched scoundrel had snuck himself into the community, and proclaimed that he would strike again. </span></p> <p class="cnM4YWQyMjU0YzMwOTQzY2Y5ZjMzMzgyM2EzYTc0NTBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Anti-Gay Terrorist Connor Watson Announces Act of Terror To Protest Ben Dover’s Candidacy.’ The headline read. It was audacious, it was scandalous, and it was the perfect thing to sell papers. Outside, dozens of people were blabbering about the threat, making speculations and throwing around words like </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">problematic</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. They spoke with the same excitement one would expect from fans at a Taylor Swift concert.</span></p> <p class="cnM0MjM4YWJlYjliMDRkN2Q5ZmZkZjQzYjkzNDU5YzM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">But the event had yet to begin. The Terrorist had claimed he’d make a live appearance on television to make a statement. Now, families across town were glued to the little screen, waiting patiently for the terrorist to make his appearance.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZTNjMDNkNTE2OTRiMzhhMGI0NWQxYzUwMGU3ZWFm"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnNjZTExODBlZDlhYjRkYjliOTA4M2QzNzc4YjY2NjBk"> </p> <p class="cnMyYTg5YjRhOGYzZjQ3NWQ5M2Q5MWZkYzczNjY0Zjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson wasn’t ready for this.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODg1Mjg3NTUxMjQyNGI5NGRmZDdmOTAyZGIzMjRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He wasn’t ready for any of this at all.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZWQ1NjM5YWRlOTRlYWQ4MGNjMDEzNGFiYWFjZjc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just a month ago, he remembered reading the papers, solving Sudoku, sipping some tea- a life, he’d long given up. Now, he was a part of something he had mixed feelings about. Helping people was all well and good, but to be involved in an act of terrorism was different altogether. Well, it was pretend-terrorism. Jones emphasized on that point.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNDdiNTdmZjRiOTQzNGQ5N2EzYTIxMzU2NTVlNTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Speaking of Jones, he’d helped Watson with the outfit. At first, Jones wanted him to wear a taliban, but Watson had to explain once again that nobody knew who what a ‘Nine Eleven’ was. Thus, after a long discussion, they settled with a Nazi-Communist getup. Dressed from top to bottom in a dictator’s suit, Watson stroked his long, fake beard. Tensing up, he rose to the podium.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2ZkYjUyOTlhYTRkZjE5MmZiODgyZGQzZjI2ZjY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The room was mostly empty, only a single podium standing in the middle. Behind him was a green curtain he didn’t quite understand. Jones had said that it’s to ‘enhance the experience’, but he didn’t understand how a bile-green piece of cloth helped. In any case, he breathed deeply in-and-out, practicing the dialogue in his head.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDQxOTMwZjlhODQyYWQ5OGZiZDFjNmUyYzZmZjc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then the signal came from behind a camera. A finger counted down, three, two, one.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Njk4MmE3ZDQ5YjQ4ZGZhNTM5YzlkZTIyNjNlMDQ0"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnM2OWRjY2IwMDA5YTRlZWVhNDlkYjNmMzIzZTViYTAy"> </p> <p class="cnNkMTllMWM3YWE5YjQ0YzdiNGQ3Y2YxMWJhZmE2ZDI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The people of Greenville was shocked to see the scoundrel live on television.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODM2NWY2ZTRlMjRkYWU5OGJmMTViZjc1OTViMzlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">One moment, the local news channel ran. The next, they were greeted by a villian.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjdhYjdjNDQ5MDQwYzlhMGFmYzMxYzVjNTNiZTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">He looked angry, his lips curled into a perpetual frown. His suit exuded the scent of arrogance, and his hat was a blood-red beret. But most unforgivable of all was the offensive scenery in the background. Behind him, one could see his subordinates kicking puppies.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTE4M2E4MmE0MDQ0OThiZmMzNzA3ZjIwN2U3YzI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then, his speech began. “Dear Citizens of Greenville.” He said, almost choking halfway through.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOWViYjFmMWUzZTRmY2M5YzBmZGVjMDBjYzA0NjUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s come to my attention that your little town has begun an election.” He tried his best to keep a low tone. “Congratulations. I wasn’t aware insects could try their hands at democracy.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTMwOThhOTYxZDQwNGZhMzYzZGQ0OGE4MTUyODE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fools will be Fools,” he said. Watson was sweating profusely. ”You lot are a disgrace to the history of our nation. I’ve seen your mockery of an election, and the vile insult to my people will be tolerated no longer.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2M5MTEzYTMyMjQ0ODViNjE4ZTc4Y2E3MDZmZjlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">He frowned and hammered his fists against the podium. “It disgusts me to see that so many of you are voting for a </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">homosexual</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">. How deep does this well of degeneracy run?” He pointed a finger at the camera. “Real Americans would’ve laughed that scum out of the podium. You lot are nothing but filthy Saracens yourselves. You deserve slaughter.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmJjMzU5MjBjZjQ2N2VhYzExMGIxZGJkZmVhYzQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The audience gasped and booed at all the right moments.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjE1NDhjM2YwYjQ3Mzc4ODEzN2RmNjUyZWY3YmZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Me and my boys will be shutting a couple of voting centres down- I trust you will make the right judgement.” He flailed his arm around to feign anger. “This farce of an election will be stopped.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjQ0MzQ0NWIzMzQxOGY4YWZiMzZlNTk1ZWEyZGRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">And with that, the News returned. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWRjYWI4ODY2ZTRlMGViNmM1NmM0ZDRmZTJmMzBk"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnNlYjUxNTQwYmFmNjRlYjNhNzliM2U4MmI0YTVkZjYx"> </p> <p class="cnNiNjE4NmY4YWU0OTQwZGRiM2JhOThmYWU4YTExNWRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones gave Watson a thumbs up.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTZhMDRhODhjYzRkOGI4NWY2MjhlZGM0ZmU5MTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good Job!” He said. “You’ve done better than expected.” Jones grabbed a can. “You want one?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGY4NTJhMGRiMDQzM2ZhMzdlNDVmMGQxZTcwYzkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Um, no thanks. Still not a fan.” Watson shook his head. His palms were sweaty and his knees weak. “I think I need to sit down…”</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTZjNWNjMjVkYzRmYTQ4NmYwNzNiMGY2YTgwYTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben walked over to help him stand. ”Yeah, you deserve that.” He smiled. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YTRlYjJhN2FiNDQ0Y2Y5YmI1Mjk0MjAzZWNjY2U4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson wordlessly stumbled over towards a chair and grabbed a bottle of water.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDg4ZTE3NGE2NTRkOWE5M2ViZGFlYTI3MDE4YjZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jones…” Ben eyed Jones with contempt. “So, what’s the next step?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjZiMGI2MDg2NjQwMTJiNjIxYjg5ODM0MTZlNGU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones pointed at Watson. “Well, he’s the ringleader for this one. Why you asking me?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmZjYTE5OWU4ODQwY2I4MzEwZTlhNDIzZDI5NjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben rolled his eyes. “You wrote the speech. I don’t get exactly why you’re bashing </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">me </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">in it. I thought the plan was to scare the republicans and youth from voting?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTMwNGMxMjc2MzQ3YjU4ZjgwMDEyYWFlOTMyYjNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, we’re still doing that. We’re doing two things here.” Jones sighed. “One is that. The voting centres we’re targeting are the ones in those blocks. Probably enough to dissuade the cowards.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWJjNjIwNmRhMzRjZjg4NDRjODYyYjczODM4ZGYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson watched the two talk. “And what’s the other?” He asked.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGRkNjFiZDAyYTQwOTY5MjY1ZTA4NjRhYzQ4NzNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones turned to meet Watson’s gaze. ”We’re using this opportunity to rally support for Ben.” He answered. “Now we need Ben to give some dumbass speech about solidarity and shit. People hate being told what to do, so they’ll want to show this meany bad-bad dictator that they’re going to stand up for their community.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDQ1YmYwNmZiZDQwNzE4ZWU5YjhhODUyMjM5OThk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben snapped his fingers. “So that’s what that was?” He said. He looked astonished. “See, it works without poisoning people, doesn’t it?” </span></p> <p class="cnM3MTQ1ZDIwYTNlZjQ1ZGY5MjQxYjQ5ODRkOGIwYTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones waved him away. ”Yeah, yeah. My plan is still better.” Ben clenched his fists. “But this ain’t half bad, I gotta say. Especially coming from that guy’s brain.” Jones pointed at Watson.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2NiNzg5ZTBiZjQ2NjE5ZmEyNmE4YzQ0ZDFmOWFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben relaxed. With a sigh, he asked, ”What’re you gonna do now?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTdjZDkzYmVmNzRkMjZhODQ5MzJlY2E3NGZiMTg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones walked towards Watson. ”Get him ready for the finale, of course.” He smirked. “We’ve got a terrorist act to launch.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZTIwYzdiY2VkNjQ4ZDQ4Y2I4ZDIwMTZhZTBiOTFi"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnM3YmYzNmUyMDc4ZDRlYjJiYzNkZWU1ZDkyZWIxNWU5"> </p> <p class="cnNmNjRlODg0NWRmYTQ5ZTU4MjYzMmNhMGVhNTBmMDVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the distance, a cloud of dust peeked over the horizon.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMWY0ODVkMWZiZjRhMjNhNTVjZDBjMDU3ZDM5NDZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Dozens of angry motors boomed from the desert. As the sound grew closer, the residents of Greenville began evacuating into their homes and buildings. Soon after, a handful of cars emerged, looking very angry with red paint and tacked-on horns. They were the definition of overcompensation, with skulls and bullet holes painted on the sides for extra points.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmY5NzUxOGRhNjRmOWFiOWJiMDQxZjVmYjUxNTk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Inside were the ‘terrorists’. Appealing to the movie perception of bad guys, they wore mohawks and edgy metal band t-shirts. For added effect, they showed off their painted guns. The ones on showcase were loaded with blanks.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGY0Y2EwOGQ1ZDQzODJiODBlNTk4ODAxMjkzOGZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the middle of the caravan was a humvee. Peeking through the center was a lonesome figure. He looked intimidating, his seemingly unflinching gaze piercing the souls of the villagers. He was the leader of the terrorists, as his aura suggested. Under his sunglasses, however, he looked frightened.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNGViMmIxZjVlYTQ3Y2NhNTU0NDU3OGQzM2M3YWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The convoy rushed into town and headed for the republican block. On the way, they made sure to throw some paintballs and trash some trolly bins for added flair. Their target was the voting station. There were in total four, one for each block. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNmY3OWMxNTY3NjRmZmNhYTIwMzAxNjQyOTMyODQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The first one went smoothly. The cops showed up, ready to put up a fight, but these ‘terrorists’ were members of the resistance. Guerrilla fights were their forte, and the plan wasn’t to have a shootout with the cops. Instead, they threw gas grenades, shot their tires, and rammed the voting station. Ben had pulled some strings to ensure the station would be evacuated. Thus, the terrorists managed to vandalize it without abandon. Before the cops could effectively retaliate, they hauled ass and made their way to the next one.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTYxZjkwMzYwZDRiYzg5ZWY1NzYzYTUwOTg4Y2E3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Here was where the real fun began. When they arrived at the next station, a couple cars were in hot pursuit. This one hadn’t been properly guarded, also thanks to some underground connections. But instead, a single man rose to the challenge, megaphone in hand. Conveniently, and also totally coincidentally, a journalist with a camera just happened to be close by. </span></p> <p class="cnNjODFiMTYwZTc3NjQ5ZGFhZjM5N2NlMWVlOWUzZDkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">This man was Ben. He stood at the steps of the voting station, a converted old bank. He looked as resolute as ever, prepared to give the audience a good show.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzdiMDdjMjQ1ODQ0NDViNDI2NTNmZjI1ZWRkODk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Stop right there, you terrorists!” He spoke into the megaphone. Many heads peeked through curtains and gaps, watching with astonishment. “I won’t let you people desecrate my community.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTY4YjAwOTU4ODRjMWE5NTM1ZDE3MjkyOTMxNjlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson gulped, and prepared for his lines. “You? You and what army?” He let out a practiced, evil laugh. “We’re here for you, you dumbass.” He winced at the crude language.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YmEwYjcwODFlYjQ3MzhhODE5ODQxNzdmNTVhMWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">”I don’t need an army.” He said. “I’ve got my pride- and my community. Greenville won’t back down to you, you scumbags.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OTFjOGU3NTVkNzQwZTZhYWIzNzkxOWIwMTY3ZWY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The cop cars were coming closer and closer, hopping on three wheels and a busted tire.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzA1MWYxNDM5ZjRjYWFiOTNiYjQ2ZDY5ZTc4ZjZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson cackled as loudly as he could. ”Shoot him.” He said. The intercom was enabled. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MjMxOGNjMTlkODQ4OWM5NDlkMTU3NGM5YmQwODc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Several gunshots were heard. All blanks, as planned. But Ben was shocked as he stared at a hole under his knee. He howled and bellowed, the pain coursing through his veins. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOWNmNTM4OWNiOTRmYmJhZDg3MmIzNTM1NjAxMWZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">But he continued. Still shaking, Ben stood valiantly, roaring a battlecry through the megaphone. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGFkMTMyYzM5MjRiZWRiYjk4MmNjMDU3MzQ3NGIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The people that were watching had seen a truly gruesome scene. A valiant hero, fighting off a horde of evil men, for the sake of his beloved community. When the cops arrived, the entire block rushed out in rage, not willing to lose face, either. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYjIzM2NkZTZmNzQ2NTRiMTEzODRiYTRkZTllM2Y3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Curse you, you bastards!” Watson said. The caravan began pulling out of the streets of Greenville. The cops fired a couple potshots, but they couldn’t pull off much. It seemed like the caravan would pull away without a single scratch. Jones threw a glance backwards, grinning like an idiot at a well-executed plan. Just in time to see a masked policeman brandishing a rifle. But Jones’s eyes didn’t meet the other through the scope.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNWRiYjc2MDZmODRkZDQ4M2MwZjkxYzY0MTVmYzA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead, with a bang, a bullet headed for Watson. Jones pulled him into the car as fast as possible. Watson’s beret fell to the ground, torn in half, as the car sped away. A few more shots followed, but they couldn’t keep up.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzFjNWM0OTFhZDRiNzk5YzA3MTllYTgxMTA3MjIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Traps had been planted beforehand to ensure a clean escape. A couple cop cars, and even a civilian one, tried to chase the terrorists down. But a couple well-timed blockades and a couple caltrops ensured a speedy exit.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YmNmMzUyMTRkOTQwNzhhNTI1NTkwODNlOTRkOTQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watching the villains escape, the town cheered for their new hero.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjVjNDkyZGQzMTQ5ZTBhMzZhY2RhZWQ2ZjdmY2Ew"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnMwZTVjNTU1M2I4NTQ5OGI5YmYyNGQ0NWVmOTQ1YWEy"> </p> <p class="cnMzOWJiZTlkMTY0YTQ2MWRhZTIzYzE2ZWFmY2I5ZDM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Jones, you crazy motherfucker.” Ben said. He sped as fast as he could on his wheelchair. “That was you, wasn’t it? What happened to shooting blanks at me, you asshole?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTliYjBjYTM3YjRlMGM4OGQxZWY2NzQ1N2VhMTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The three were sitting inside the office, with Watson in a ski mask. After the whole spectacle, he was in more risk than ever of exposure. The television was turned on and switched to a local channel. Votes were being counted live, and most candidates were present. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNjc3ZmJjN2FlZDRkYTc4OGM3NDhhYmE0Mzg1NzFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones continued whistling as he laid on the couch, unfazed. ”I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, glancing away from his book for a moment. ”I didn’t do anything like that. Somebody must’ve made a mistake.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDljNGI0NjE0OTQxMThiM2JkNmVhNTk3MzYyYmE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t you even start.” Ben tried to get closer, but mobility was restricted on a wheelchair. ”Watson, help me get up. I’m going to punch this asshole.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2IyYzJmMDI3NDQ0M2ViNTM4ODdkMzdmYjRhMTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson looked helpless while he served himself tea. “Don’t fight, please.” He said.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzhmZTlmM2M4YjQ4MTRhMWFjNThkNmEzY2I2Mjgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Stop bitching, will you?” Jones groaned, sitting himself up straight. “Fine. Punch me later if that’s what gets you off. But I had to do it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmJhMDIyOWFlMzQ5MmM5ZDRmNGU0MTI2NWE1ZjM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You had to shoot me with a gun?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGY5Y2ViZjFkOTQ1MGFiMWFhOWE5OGViMTJmOTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It was a .22cal. That’s not a gun.” Jones said. ”We needed extra realism. You know how retarded we’d look if like five of us ‘missed’ every single shot?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNjYyYTgzNzJkZTRjOTJhZGZmMzRkMjRjNjM2MDhl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben tried his best to stand up himself. “You could’ve warned me, jackass.” He ground his teeth.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZmQ1NmQ3ZTY2YjRkZDk4ZDkyZjFjMmZkYTcxY2Iy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It helped with your acting.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyZDM3MjIyMzk5MzQyMmE4ZGMyYmI0NmFhZTgzZmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m getting a kick to your balls when this heals.” Ben rubbed his cast. “Watson, help me get on this couch, will you?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDlmZjI1ZjYyYzRmYjNhNzViMTA0MzgzY2I5NmY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson hopped over and held his hand. ”No problem.” He said, helping Ben get into a comfortable seat. “I think the count’s almost over.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDFjZTI5NjBmNTRjYzg5ODZlMDI2MWVhYzUxYmMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones wordlessly grabbed a remote and turned the volume up.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTM5NmUxMmExZjRiNDViNWI2MGM3Y2U3ZGNiYWRk"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“-and the votes are counted.” </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">A reported said. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ladies and gentlemen- We present to you, the winner of this year’s election, and your next mayor. It is…”</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1MzljNDQ1NzVlYjRhNzE4ZjQ5NTU1YjE2MTFkMTE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The three stared at the screen.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGRhNTVmYzM5ZDQxYzJhMDU3ZWE2ZDM5ZjdlNzkz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ben Dover!” </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">The reporter said. He smiled. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">“Expected, really. 50% of total votes, with the highest voter turnout in our town history. A hero like that… Well, he’s unfortunately not here right now, as he’s been grievously wounded fighting off that criminal. But he’ll be fine for the speech next week, we’re told.”</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiZjg0NTExMzNmZDQ3YjhhMGVhZmJkY2MxODRiODhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson clapped. ”Congratulations.” He said, sighing. “We’re finally done.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzIxMTA0MDk0NjRlNTJiMDgyODhiODdhZjAzNjM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Two years, she said.” Jones grinned. “What about two weeks, old hag? We fucking did it.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGYxYjU3YWY3YjRmZDA5YzA1MWE0ZGE2Y2MzNjY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben grabbed Watson’s shoulder. ”Thanks. It’s all thanks to you.” He took a glance at Jones. “Not him, though.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzgyYWEzYjc5YjQ5YjBiZTQ0NTM3ZjdkYzRhMWJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson laughed nervously. ”T-thanks.” He said. “But, um… Jones helped. A lot. I think.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YTJlMGY0NGU1NDQyODdiNTk1NGM5MjNiYTQyMjNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, but I’m never going to acknowledge that.” Ben leaned back. “That was one hell of a ride.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjYyNjhlMmNhNTQ3YzJhNTI1N2EzNDUwZTdkYTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What an understatement.” Jones chuckled. ”Now we’re finally getting somewhere. This better be good.” </span></p> <p class="cnNmMWIzODRmZGY4OTQwYzdiMzY0ZWY3ZWVhNGI4YjI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson turned to Jones. “What do you mean?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWM5NDEyOTYwMjQ3MWFiZjkxYjgxYjIxNTNiMWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Remember why we’re here?” Jones asked, picking his nose. ”The secrets in that house. When do we get to check that out?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODkyNTRjNjQ0YzQzZTNhNTA3NDE5Yzc4NzE1Y2Jk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben considered for a moment. ”The speech is in a week. I’ll get the keys to the office that day.” He said. He eyed Watson. ”I’d take you with, but you’d be a bit too risky. You saw the masked officers? Skinks, I think. Pretty good with smells.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzgyOWEzNGI5ODQxMWJiNzZlNWU1MWRmYjEwNjE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re probably just grabbing some files, anyways.” Jones stood up and stretched. ”Can’t be a big deal. I’m going out to smoke a cig and piss.” He stepped outside of the office.</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2UzODI4YmRlMDQwODY4NDU2MTM5ZmRlZTI1MDc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I hope he doesn’t throw the buds in the urinal again.” Watson said. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZWI2ZmQ5Y2Y0ZTRlOGVhYTYxMzUwYzc2NzFmZDNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben relaxed in his seat. “I really didn’t think we’d get this far.” He said. “I have to say it’s kind of a weird feeling, you know?” Ben grabbed a can of beer on the table.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZjk4YmFhYzQ5ZDRhMWJiNzY5OTZhZGI3ZTQ1ZDQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How so?” Watson asked. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZWM5Mzg3OGNlNzRiMWE5YTQ2NzVkYWYwOTE5OWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ve been undercover for over two years now.” He chuckled. “I’m a proper part of this community now. I know all these people, and well… After we get the files, I’m heading back to base.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWQyYWUyM2I4YzQxMGY5NTI5OTNlNTRiOWFjMmFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson contemplated something. “Do you… Have to go back?” He said, leaning in. “I mean… Couldn’t you just continue living like normal?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWE2OGNlZDU3YjQyZDY5MzNjMGJiY2IxMWUxNWRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben laughed, coughing as he couldn’t swallow properly. “I wish I could.” He said. “But I can’t.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjYzMzZjZjkxYTQ1MDE5MmZiOGQ2OGE1ZmY0ZjU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why not?” Watson looked uncomfortable.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjhmMTQ5NWYyYjQ5NTM4MzdmZDVmMGI5MjcxYmEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I told you. I know this community like the back of my hand.” He said, taking a sip. “Two years is a long time- people keep coming and going.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGUxOTIwYmRjZDQxMzFhNjk4NGZkNGU4NDE0ZDFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZDU2ZDgwMTc1NDQ2YjdiZGZjYWM4MWE1NTBkYjQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Most people don’t realize it,” Ben stared blankly. “But many of the ones that go… Well, they don’t exist anymore.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjIyZjEzOWZlNTQ3ZTQ4MGFjMGFiZDM3OGIzNzdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">A chill ran down Watson’s spine.</span></p> <p class="cnNmODgwMzY4NWE3MTQwZWVhZGZmN2JlMjBmMjMyZjEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I checked, you know. The official statistic is forged. Disappearances have increased by 500% since 1950.” He grimaced. ”Sometimes, they ‘leave for a trip’. Sometimes they’re just gone.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzVjZjUxMmE3NTQ2NWQ5ZGM4MTQ0MGU1YWYwNDhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson gripped his cup tightly.</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2U2MTkyMGRhMzQ4N2I5Mzk2NGQwNTliYzlhYzRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ben took a swig. “And that’s why I joined in the first place. Can’t stop fighting now, can I?” He smiled, and offered Watson his can. “For the resistance.” He cheered.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGZiZmQ4NjI3ODQ5MWY5ODgzN2NmZWVkMjc5NTYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Watson sheepishly took a sip. “...For the resistance.” He said. It was very bitter.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTU0MGZhNzVlNzQzYTk5ZTA4ZTQzYTkyYWExYmUx"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnM3MjljZTFiNmZlZDQ0ZDVhZmQ3MWJiMTVjNmM5NTVl"> </p> <p class="cnMzZWJjMGMyYjkxNTQxMDE5NmY2NTkzMmJjOTc0YjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Back in the resistance base, the crowd was rowdy. There hadn’t been a breakthrough in a very long time. Leads were few and far between, and most of their efforts were spent on simply disrupting the Lizardmen.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NTI5OTQ1NGQzZTQ1YTFhYjVlMDM0OWRhODNmNzU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">But everything changed when Ben returned with a serious expression and a more serious looking suitcase. He plopped the heavy leather bag on the conference table surrounded by important people. Jones and Watson were present as well. The tension rose as Ben started cracking the locks open.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NWQwYWI0ZWI0YjRjZDNhZWNkY2E3YmI5NGY3MGM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Inside was a dusty old journal. It was marked with an odd symbol most had never seen before. The journal was titled: ‘The Nevada Experiment’.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmJjMTE2MDEyNTQ5YWQ4NjBjYjg3MjQ4NWNjMzIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly, Jones burst out laughing. He gripped his sides before they could fly into orbit. He giggled like a madman and rolled on the ground while the others watched in utter confusion.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDQ3MGFiMWQyYTQ4MmNiOWUwOTQ1M2Y3YjBmNjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s so funny, Jones?” Lisa asked, her face twisted into a scowl. “This isn’t the time for jokes.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGMyZjQwYzNhOTQ5NTM5MjVkYWVkOWRiYWY0M2My"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What’s not funny about that?” Jones said. “I fucking knew they’d be involved somehow.” </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmVjMzQ2ZDg3MzQ4MWZhOGFlZDU5MGQ5OGFiNWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Who?” Ben asked. He looked very irritated.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGUxZGE4ODRhMTRiNzU4NGZiYjY3NGY3YzIxNjgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jones pointed at the symbol. ”The Illuminati, obviously.”</span></p> </div>
The ‘Greenville Special’ was having an absolute field day. The small publication hadn’t enjoyed much popularity even amongst the local crowd. The young were too busy cutting out pages from Playboy, and for the elderly, they were simply known as the Sudoku-Papers. As a journalistic outlet, they were about as acknowledged as a Buzzfeed. But today was not such a day. They’d run out of copies, in fact. For the first time in the publication’s uneventful 10-year history, they’d needed a second printing. All thanks to a single person, although they’d get jailed for ever saying so. The terrorist, Connor Watson, was on the run. He had been, ever since an awful case of arson and murder in a town a hundred miles away. The wretched scoundrel had snuck himself into the community, and proclaimed that he would strike again. ‘Anti-Gay Terrorist Connor Watson Announces Act of Terror To Protest Ben Dover’s Candidacy.’ The headline read. It was audacious, it was scandalous, and it was the perfect thing to sell papers. Outside, dozens of people were blabbering about the threat, making speculations and throwing around words like *problematic*. They spoke with the same excitement one would expect from fans at a Taylor Swift concert. But the event had yet to begin. The Terrorist had claimed he’d make a live appearance on television to make a statement. Now, families across town were glued to the little screen, waiting patiently for the terrorist to make his appearance. --- Watson wasn’t ready for this. He wasn’t ready for any of this at all. Just a month ago, he remembered reading the papers, solving Sudoku, sipping some tea- a life, he’d long given up. Now, he was a part of something he had mixed feelings about. Helping people was all well and good, but to be involved in an act of terrorism was different altogether. Well, it was pretend-terrorism. Jones emphasized on that point. Speaking of Jones, he’d helped Watson with the outfit. At first, Jones wanted him to wear a taliban, but Watson had to explain once again that nobody knew who what a ‘Nine Eleven’ was. Thus, after a long discussion, they settled with a Nazi-Communist getup. Dressed from top to bottom in a dictator’s suit, Watson stroked his long, fake beard. Tensing up, he rose to the podium. The room was mostly empty, only a single podium standing in the middle. Behind him was a green curtain he didn’t quite understand. Jones had said that it’s to ‘enhance the experience’, but he didn’t understand how a bile-green piece of cloth helped. In any case, he breathed deeply in-and-out, practicing the dialogue in his head. Then the signal came from behind a camera. A finger counted down, three, two, one. --- The people of Greenville was shocked to see the scoundrel live on television. One moment, the local news channel ran. The next, they were greeted by a villian. He looked angry, his lips curled into a perpetual frown. His suit exuded the scent of arrogance, and his hat was a blood-red beret. But most unforgivable of all was the offensive scenery in the background. Behind him, one could see his subordinates kicking puppies. Then, his speech began. “Dear Citizens of Greenville.” He said, almost choking halfway through. “It’s come to my attention that your little town has begun an election.” He tried his best to keep a low tone. “Congratulations. I wasn’t aware insects could try their hands at democracy.” “Fools will be Fools,” he said. Watson was sweating profusely. ”You lot are a disgrace to the history of our nation. I’ve seen your mockery of an election, and the vile insult to my people will be tolerated no longer.” He frowned and hammered his fists against the podium. “It disgusts me to see that so many of you are voting for a *homosexual*. How deep does this well of degeneracy run?” He pointed a finger at the camera. “Real Americans would’ve laughed that scum out of the podium. You lot are nothing but filthy Saracens yourselves. You deserve slaughter.” The audience gasped and booed at all the right moments. “Me and my boys will be shutting a couple of voting centres down- I trust you will make the right judgement.” He flailed his arm around to feign anger. “This farce of an election will be stopped.” And with that, the News returned. --- Jones gave Watson a thumbs up. “Good Job!” He said. “You’ve done better than expected.” Jones grabbed a can. “You want one?” “Um, no thanks. Still not a fan.” Watson shook his head. His palms were sweaty and his knees weak. “I think I need to sit down…” Ben walked over to help him stand. ”Yeah, you deserve that.” He smiled. Watson wordlessly stumbled over towards a chair and grabbed a bottle of water. “Jones…” Ben eyed Jones with contempt. “So, what’s the next step?” Jones pointed at Watson. “Well, he’s the ringleader for this one. Why you asking me?” Ben rolled his eyes. “You wrote the speech. I don’t get exactly why you’re bashing *me* in it. I thought the plan was to scare the republicans and youth from voting?” “Well, we’re still doing that. We’re doing two things here.” Jones sighed. “One is that. The voting centres we’re targeting are the ones in those blocks. Probably enough to dissuade the cowards.” Watson watched the two talk. “And what’s the other?” He asked. Jones turned to meet Watson’s gaze. ”We’re using this opportunity to rally support for Ben.” He answered. “Now we need Ben to give some dumbass speech about solidarity and shit. People hate being told what to do, so they’ll want to show this meany bad-bad dictator that they’re going to stand up for their community.” Ben snapped his fingers. “So that’s what that was?” He said. He looked astonished. “See, it works without poisoning people, doesn’t it?” Jones waved him away. ”Yeah, yeah. My plan is still better.” Ben clenched his fists. “But this ain’t half bad, I gotta say. Especially coming from that guy’s brain.” Jones pointed at Watson. Ben relaxed. With a sigh, he asked, ”What’re you gonna do now?” Jones walked towards Watson. ”Get him ready for the finale, of course.” He smirked. “We’ve got a terrorist act to launch.” --- In the distance, a cloud of dust peeked over the horizon. Dozens of angry motors boomed from the desert. As the sound grew closer, the residents of Greenville began evacuating into their homes and buildings. Soon after, a handful of cars emerged, looking very angry with red paint and tacked-on horns. They were the definition of overcompensation, with skulls and bullet holes painted on the sides for extra points. Inside were the ‘terrorists’. Appealing to the movie perception of bad guys, they wore mohawks and edgy metal band t-shirts. For added effect, they showed off their painted guns. The ones on showcase were loaded with blanks. In the middle of the caravan was a humvee. Peeking through the center was a lonesome figure. He looked intimidating, his seemingly unflinching gaze piercing the souls of the villagers. He was the leader of the terrorists, as his aura suggested. Under his sunglasses, however, he looked frightened. The convoy rushed into town and headed for the republican block. On the way, they made sure to throw some paintballs and trash some trolly bins for added flair. Their target was the voting station. There were in total four, one for each block. The first one went smoothly. The cops showed up, ready to put up a fight, but these ‘terrorists’ were members of the resistance. Guerrilla fights were their forte, and the plan wasn’t to have a shootout with the cops. Instead, they threw gas grenades, shot their tires, and rammed the voting station. Ben had pulled some strings to ensure the station would be evacuated. Thus, the terrorists managed to vandalize it without abandon. Before the cops could effectively retaliate, they hauled ass and made their way to the next one. Here was where the real fun began. When they arrived at the next station, a couple cars were in hot pursuit. This one hadn’t been properly guarded, also thanks to some underground connections. But instead, a single man rose to the challenge, megaphone in hand. Conveniently, and also totally coincidentally, a journalist with a camera just happened to be close by. This man was Ben. He stood at the steps of the voting station, a converted old bank. He looked as resolute as ever, prepared to give the audience a good show. “Stop right there, you terrorists!” He spoke into the megaphone. Many heads peeked through curtains and gaps, watching with astonishment. “I won’t let you people desecrate my community.” Watson gulped, and prepared for his lines. “You? You and what army?” He let out a practiced, evil laugh. “We’re here for you, you dumbass.” He winced at the crude language. ”I don’t need an army.” He said. “I’ve got my pride- and my community. Greenville won’t back down to you, you scumbags.” The cop cars were coming closer and closer, hopping on three wheels and a busted tire. Watson cackled as loudly as he could. ”Shoot him.” He said. The intercom was enabled. Several gunshots were heard. All blanks, as planned. But Ben was shocked as he stared at a hole under his knee. He howled and bellowed, the pain coursing through his veins. But he continued. Still shaking, Ben stood valiantly, roaring a battlecry through the megaphone. The people that were watching had seen a truly gruesome scene. A valiant hero, fighting off a horde of evil men, for the sake of his beloved community. When the cops arrived, the entire block rushed out in rage, not willing to lose face, either. “Curse you, you bastards!” Watson said. The caravan began pulling out of the streets of Greenville. The cops fired a couple potshots, but they couldn’t pull off much. It seemed like the caravan would pull away without a single scratch. Jones threw a glance backwards, grinning like an idiot at a well-executed plan. Just in time to see a masked policeman brandishing a rifle. But Jones’s eyes didn’t meet the other through the scope. Instead, with a bang, a bullet headed for Watson. Jones pulled him into the car as fast as possible. Watson’s beret fell to the ground, torn in half, as the car sped away. A few more shots followed, but they couldn’t keep up. Traps had been planted beforehand to ensure a clean escape. A couple cop cars, and even a civilian one, tried to chase the terrorists down. But a couple well-timed blockades and a couple caltrops ensured a speedy exit. Watching the villains escape, the town cheered for their new hero. --- “Jones, you crazy motherfucker.” Ben said. He sped as fast as he could on his wheelchair. “That was you, wasn’t it? What happened to shooting blanks at me, you asshole?” The three were sitting inside the office, with Watson in a ski mask. After the whole spectacle, he was in more risk than ever of exposure. The television was turned on and switched to a local channel. Votes were being counted live, and most candidates were present. Jones continued whistling as he laid on the couch, unfazed. ”I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, glancing away from his book for a moment. ”I didn’t do anything like that. Somebody must’ve made a mistake.” “Don’t you even start.” Ben tried to get closer, but mobility was restricted on a wheelchair. ”Watson, help me get up. I’m going to punch this asshole.” Watson looked helpless while he served himself tea. “Don’t fight, please.” He said. “Stop bitching, will you?” Jones groaned, sitting himself up straight. “Fine. Punch me later if that’s what gets you off. But I had to do it.” “You had to shoot me with a gun?” “It was a .22cal. That’s not a gun.” Jones said. ”We needed extra realism. You know how retarded we’d look if like five of us ‘missed’ every single shot?” Ben tried his best to stand up himself. “You could’ve warned me, jackass.” He ground his teeth. “It helped with your acting.” “I’m getting a kick to your balls when this heals.” Ben rubbed his cast. “Watson, help me get on this couch, will you?” Watson hopped over and held his hand. ”No problem.” He said, helping Ben get into a comfortable seat. “I think the count’s almost over.” Jones wordlessly grabbed a remote and turned the volume up. *“-and the votes are counted.”* A reported said. *“Ladies and gentlemen- We present to you, the winner of this year’s election, and your next mayor. It is…”* The three stared at the screen. *“Ben Dover!”* The reporter said. He smiled. *“Expected, really. 50% of total votes, with the highest voter turnout in our town history. A hero like that… Well, he’s unfortunately not here right now, as he’s been grievously wounded fighting off that criminal. But he’ll be fine for the speech next week, we’re told.”* Watson clapped. ”Congratulations.” He said, sighing. “We’re finally done.” “Two years, she said.” Jones grinned. “What about two weeks, old hag? We fucking did it.” Ben grabbed Watson’s shoulder. ”Thanks. It’s all thanks to you.” He took a glance at Jones. “Not him, though.” Watson laughed nervously. ”T-thanks.” He said. “But, um… Jones helped. A lot. I think.” “Yeah, but I’m never going to acknowledge that.” Ben leaned back. “That was one hell of a ride.” “What an understatement.” Jones chuckled. ”Now we’re finally getting somewhere. This better be good.” Watson turned to Jones. “What do you mean?” “Remember why we’re here?” Jones asked, picking his nose. ”The secrets in that house. When do we get to check that out?” Ben considered for a moment. ”The speech is in a week. I’ll get the keys to the office that day.” He said. He eyed Watson. ”I’d take you with, but you’d be a bit too risky. You saw the masked officers? Skinks, I think. Pretty good with smells.” “You’re probably just grabbing some files, anyways.” Jones stood up and stretched. ”Can’t be a big deal. I’m going out to smoke a cig and piss.” He stepped outside of the office. “I hope he doesn’t throw the buds in the urinal again.” Watson said. Ben relaxed in his seat. “I really didn’t think we’d get this far.” He said. “I have to say it’s kind of a weird feeling, you know?” Ben grabbed a can of beer on the table. “How so?” Watson asked. “I’ve been undercover for over two years now.” He chuckled. “I’m a proper part of this community now. I know all these people, and well… After we get the files, I’m heading back to base.” Watson contemplated something. “Do you… Have to go back?” He said, leaning in. “I mean… Couldn’t you just continue living like normal?” Ben laughed, coughing as he couldn’t swallow properly. “I wish I could.” He said. “But I can’t.” “Why not?” Watson looked uncomfortable. “Well, I told you. I know this community like the back of my hand.” He said, taking a sip. “Two years is a long time- people keep coming and going.” “And?” “Most people don’t realize it,” Ben stared blankly. “But many of the ones that go… Well, they don’t exist anymore.” A chill ran down Watson’s spine. “I checked, you know. The official statistic is forged. Disappearances have increased by 500% since 1950.” He grimaced. ”Sometimes, they ‘leave for a trip’. Sometimes they’re just gone.” Watson gripped his cup tightly. Ben took a swig. “And that’s why I joined in the first place. Can’t stop fighting now, can I?” He smiled, and offered Watson his can. “For the resistance.” He cheered. Watson sheepishly took a sip. “...For the resistance.” He said. It was very bitter. --- Back in the resistance base, the crowd was rowdy. There hadn’t been a breakthrough in a very long time. Leads were few and far between, and most of their efforts were spent on simply disrupting the Lizardmen. But everything changed when Ben returned with a serious expression and a more serious looking suitcase. He plopped the heavy leather bag on the conference table surrounded by important people. Jones and Watson were present as well. The tension rose as Ben started cracking the locks open. Inside was a dusty old journal. It was marked with an odd symbol most had never seen before. The journal was titled: ‘The Nevada Experiment’. Suddenly, Jones burst out laughing. He gripped his sides before they could fly into orbit. He giggled like a madman and rolled on the ground while the others watched in utter confusion. “What’s so funny, Jones?” Lisa asked, her face twisted into a scowl. “This isn’t the time for jokes.” “What’s not funny about that?” Jones said. “I fucking knew they’d be involved somehow.” “...Who?” Ben asked. He looked very irritated. Jones pointed at the symbol. ”The Illuminati, obviously.”
{ "title": "Animated", "id": 21483, "author": "Fire209", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Ch. 5 Anger Management", "id": 305901, "next": 306335, "prev": 305705, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwMTE1Y2NiMzExMDQ0NjRiMjFlOWJiN2UyYjkxZDU1">John was knocked onto his ass by the scene. The wolf man quickly left the area, having carried a bag of likely stolen goods. John was stunned. This was the first time he had seen, in the flesh, something <em>supernatural</em>. Sure, he had seen the news broadcast, and the now much more believable hole in his neighbor’s house, but if a large muscle-bound wolf man doesn’t make you believe in the supernatural, nothing can.</p> <p class="cnM5NGQ2YmEwYWU1YTRhYWFiYzI0OTc2YjRkNGQ2MTcy"> He quickly got up, disoriented and very fearful of what he had just seen. He didn’t sign up for this. No, siree he did not. He started walking back to the bus station, before deciding it was likely a better idea to get there as quickly as possible, and started running.</p> <p class="cnM3M2EyZDk3ZTgzNzQxNzZiZjRjOWU0NzgzNzk5OGFl"> Down the sidewalk he ran. There was little traffic today, and the cars he did see in the area seemed to be deterred by the wolf man seen bounding down this road.</p> <p class="cnMyMTM2Njc4NjNkMjRiOTBiMjY0YzliODI4YzRjM2I5">As he turned the corner around the block, he felt a hand grab his shoulder, before feeling a powerful shocking force assault his body, knocking him down and temporarily stunning him. He saw his captor, a seemingly normal looking homeless man, who was ragged, and looked a little crazed. He likely was addicted to one form of drug or another.</p> <p class="cnNiNTUwN2RlNTJhMjQ5ZTVhNWU0NzczMDhjMDY1NWVi">The man dragged John into the alley, and started trying to search him for money, when John regained control of his body and kicked the man away.</p> <p class="cnNmMjEwNThlM2MxNzQ3NjdiNTE3ZjBkZmNjZDhmMDgz">He felt angry, so angry. How dare this homeless man accost him for drug money? John felt the years of anger management therapy slipping away. The painting lessons, to control his burning rage. The struggle he had to reign in his hatred. All slipping away, as if freed by some supernatural force.</p> <p class="cnM2MTE5ZGFlMDJjYjRmZGFhMmQzMzVmYTI1MmM0ZTlk">John grabbed a nearby rock in the alleyway and struggled to his feet. He would not run away again. He had run from his emotions. He had run away from his responsibility and education. He would not run.</p> <p class="cnNkOTcwMGZkYmNmYTQ1M2JiZTc2MTllYTA1ODg0MmY2">John then, suddenly, as if it were all channeled away, felt his anger dissipate. No, not dissipate. He felt his anger <em>move</em>. It seemed to be channeling somewhere. <em>Into the rock? What?</em></p> <p class="cnNiMmNhNTk4NDFhMjQ1MmI5OGM5NjM2MWQ5ZWFjMThj">John looked at it strangely, as the homeless man smiled and tried to take advantage of his distraction, stepping forwards.</p> <p class="cnNmYjIwMWQ3MGNkOTRhOGU4NjY2NzdjN2VmODU1ZjI4">Then, John felt it. He felt the rock twitch.</p> </div>
John was knocked onto his ass by the scene. The wolf man quickly left the area, having carried a bag of likely stolen goods. John was stunned. This was the first time he had seen, in the flesh, something *supernatural*. Sure, he had seen the news broadcast, and the now much more believable hole in his neighbor’s house, but if a large muscle-bound wolf man doesn’t make you believe in the supernatural, nothing can. He quickly got up, disoriented and very fearful of what he had just seen. He didn’t sign up for this. No, siree he did not. He started walking back to the bus station, before deciding it was likely a better idea to get there as quickly as possible, and started running. Down the sidewalk he ran. There was little traffic today, and the cars he did see in the area seemed to be deterred by the wolf man seen bounding down this road. As he turned the corner around the block, he felt a hand grab his shoulder, before feeling a powerful shocking force assault his body, knocking him down and temporarily stunning him. He saw his captor, a seemingly normal looking homeless man, who was ragged, and looked a little crazed. He likely was addicted to one form of drug or another. The man dragged John into the alley, and started trying to search him for money, when John regained control of his body and kicked the man away. He felt angry, so angry. How dare this homeless man accost him for drug money? John felt the years of anger management therapy slipping away. The painting lessons, to control his burning rage. The struggle he had to reign in his hatred. All slipping away, as if freed by some supernatural force. John grabbed a nearby rock in the alleyway and struggled to his feet. He would not run away again. He had run from his emotions. He had run away from his responsibility and education. He would not run. John then, suddenly, as if it were all channeled away, felt his anger dissipate. No, not dissipate. He felt his anger *move*. It seemed to be channeling somewhere. *Into the rock? What?* John looked at it strangely, as the homeless man smiled and tried to take advantage of his distraction, stepping forwards. Then, John felt it. He felt the rock twitch.
{ "title": "Medusa and the blind woman", "id": 21063, "author": "BugDevil", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8: Medusa and the temple's secret", "id": 305904, "next": 307014, "prev": 304756, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiNTFmMmIxOTQwZjQwNzdhZWU0ZmJkMmI2ZDJlYjI5">“Aaah… he was such a gentleman.” Eugenia sighed sweetly for the umpteenth time that day while resting her head in her hands.</p> <p class="cnM2NmQ0MDQ0N2M0MjQxMTg4NDUwN2FlNjU4M2QwODM3">“You are still fawning over that messenger boy?” Medusa was lying on her side, leaning her head on one arm and watched Eugenia with a bored expression.</p> <p class="cnM0M2E2NjExYWYxZDRmZDQ5NjhkM2MxYTNkNDA3MWQw">“I heard so many gallant stories about the great and swift Hermes, but he was not just kind, but also humorous!” She smiled like a little girl.</p> <p class="cnM2N2QyMGQ4Y2U2MjRhZDJiOGEzMWEzODEzM2Y0NzRj">“He is also a deadbeat father.” Medusa said with a dismissive grin.</p> <p class="cnM4MDk3ZjkzNzk2MTQwOTg4MTA3Mzc0YTMyMDk5NzJh">“We all have our flaws. He is just a free spirit!” It was hard to shake her out of her happy daze.</p> <p class="cnMwOTNiMTIxMzY1OTQ4ODBhNjRmNmEzY2I5YWM0NzRj">“You really are just a blind maiden with a girlish crush, hm?” Medusa couldn’t stand looking at it anymore and turned her head to the ocean.</p> <p class="cnNjM2E1YjU4MzI5ZDRlNjFhMTVkNWIyZTI3ODZiMTg4">“I-I d-don’t fancy him<em> that</em> way!” She stuttered in embarrassment.</p> <p class="cnM5MzNjMzM3ZDcxMDRmYTJiMDllOTkxMTAyNzVmYjBl">“Could have fooled me.” Medusa muttered under her breath.</p> <p class="cnNlMDRjOTNiYzJmMjQ5MWRiMWZlMDE4ODM2ZmE1OGZm">“I am just so honored! I met two gods face to face in my life. I am not worth such happiness.” She folded her hands together and smiled warmly.</p> <p class="cnMwYjJkOWI0NTMwNzQ3YjFiZDVlZWExMzc4NjZjMDc4">Medusa huffed in response.</p> <p class="cnMyNDVkZWIyMTExNjQ4ZDlhNmM4MWI4ZjMyMDgzMGE3">“But I know that I only met them because of the people around me. The great and wise Athena came to me, because of my parents' devotion and I could only meet Hermes because he delivered a message to you.” She turned to Medusa and lowered her head. “Thank you.”</p> <p class="cnM4NzdiOTY1NjI2OTRiMDBiYmNlYmM3M2UwMDA3OTQ2">“You are a strange one. Thanking your captor for keeping you in this place. Was meeting that womanizer worth all the hardship?” She wondered with an unreadable tone.</p> <p class="cnM4MDEwMDgxZTUzMzQzMDc4OGM2ZWMyOTRmNWUzMzYx">“I don’t know. But right now I am happy and that’s all that matters.” Eugenia’s positivity returned with a vengeance.</p> <p class="cnMzZDYzOWE0MWI1YTQ1NjFhNmEzYjAyYzc0NmE0NjBl">“Really…” The Gorgon rose from her relaxed position to prepare for some quirky lecture from the girl, but then got her tunic stuck on a rock. She pulled up with her unnatural strength so quickly that the fabric tore in an instant. She stayed completely still, watching the tear in her sleeve with a forcefully neutral expression.</p> <p class="cnM4MjAyNDU1YzIxNjQ2YTFiZjkwYjE0MGMzZTdjMWIz">She slowly turned towards Eugenia to see if she had noticed anything, but the girl seemed too lost in thought. Safe for now.</p> <p class="cnMxMDAzZDAxYjVhNjQ5M2I5Mjg5YjEzN2YxZjdhOGY0">“You are a priestess and yet meeting the gods is special to you?” She didn’t miss a beat in the conversation to play over her clumsy accident.</p> <p class="cnM1NDkzM2U3YTY5MDQyNDBiMjk2Y2ViNzAzM2Q2YjQz">“Yes, it is my duty to speak to the gods in the name of people in need.” Eugenia nodded. “But all I have to do is convey prayers and wishes. I don’t actually have a conversation with them.” She confessed.</p> <p class="cnMyMGU4NzVlOGE0MzQ0NTVhMThiMTA1ZWJjNDE3MTRl">“They never respond?”</p> <p class="cnNmODg3MDFkYmYyNzRlMzdiNTM4M2ZmMGI5NDI3ZWYw">“People make offerings and ask for support. Then if the gods have time or deem the person worthy, they will help them!” She explained with a raised finger.</p> <p class="cnMyNDFmNDdiYTc1MjQyNzliM2Y2MjIwZmM3MzhhN2Vm">“Is that so? How do they do that?” Medusa raised a brow.</p> <p class="cnM1YzE3YzA2MzNjMTQ1MjJiMGJhNzZjZmFhY2U0MDFj">“Er, for example, there was that old baker in Lamia who wanted to make rye bread that would make his daughter get better. She was very sick. He was desperately serious; he even came all the way to my temple after all. He made offerings to almost every god with a temple in the area.”</p> <p class="cnNmMjFjMDUwZjk3MDQ0NmRiZTVhZDE4MWY2MGQwY2E5">“And his daughter got better after eating the bread.”</p> <p class="cnNiN2I4NmU1YWY3YzQ1Mjk5MmJhZWI3Mjk4MmFhNjcx">“Yes! It was a miracle.” Eugenia was beaming a smile at the memory of that day. Perhaps because she felt that she had contributed to saving a girl, no matter how minor her part was.</p> <p class="cnM5YTUyMjk1YTMxMjQ3ODZiZTY1MTM1ZjhiZjhlYTFl">“She could not have gotten better on her own?” Medusa raised a brow.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTZiZmI3YTEyNzQ0NjVhY2IxZTRhNzlkZjVlM2I0">“Maybe? But it must have been the gods’ work! He prayed to so many after all.”</p> <p class="cnNlODUyM2Q5ZGJjMzRjOGI4OTk5ZmM5NzgxOGMzYzM3">“So if I go to every temple in the world and make an offering I will get my wish granted, guaranteed?”</p> <p class="cnNjN2MwYTVmMGYzZTQxMzliMDY0ZTJlYzE5N2Y0ZmE0">“N-no… If you make a bad wish then the gods will surely not listen.”</p> <p class="cnM1MDM3MTdkYjdkYzQ2Yzc4ZjA5N2Q4OGE1OGFmNmU1">“What other examples are there?” She started to enjoy seeing Eugenia’s flustered expression.</p> <p class="cnNiZTM5MDMwN2VmMzQyYTE5ZDc4ZDYyM2U1ZDhlZjRj">“A wrestler wanted to win a tournament, so he asked for a boon from the temple of Hermes.” She spun her long hair around one finger and tried to remember more local stories.</p> <p class="cnMzNWRkMGQ3NWUzNTQ5YjFiYmE5N2Q4ZmM5MWFkNGFm">“And he won?”</p> <p class="cnM2NWQzNzk4Mzg3NDQyNDY4NTY4ZWNkMmVjNmQzMDg2">“He got second place.”</p> <p class="cnNiN2QyOTJiZjY0ZjRkMDNiOGFmZWFjNTFmY2QxN2Qz">“I suppose he was not worthy of the first place then.”</p> <p class="cnMyOTcyYjQyNjZmMDQ4OTJiYjNkM2MzMjg1YjBjZTQ1">“I don’t know about that…”</p> <p class="cnNmNTE0ZWI2MjA1NTQ1ZTZiN2VlNWRlMWMzOWIzZWFi">“Is there also a story about a gambler who prayed for great gains in his dice game? Or a tale of an old wife that wanted to conceive a child and suddenly managed to become fertile again?”</p> <p class="cnNjNDVmMjdiOGUyMzQ0NDFiZDVjZDVjYzBiZDNhNjVh">“How did you-?”</p> <p class="cnNlZmZkMWRiN2M3NzQzNzA4ODkyNzY5ODRhNWU0Mjhm">“Those are self-fulfilling prophecies.” She felt a sense of amusement from the foolishness of humans.</p> <p class="cnM2YjQxYmJkY2M1ODRhYTI4OWYwNjM3NDc0ZjJiMDNi">“What does that mean?” The girl asked with a tilted head.</p> <p class="cnM0ODU1NDQ4OGJmZDRmNzk5ZTk1ZGFiNGQ3MGVkMjMz">“People want something to happen and ask the Fates or the gods to make it possible. Those wishes are all achievable by humans themselves or perhaps sheer luck. If their desires are satisfied they then attribute it to the gods or destiny. If it goes wrong they assume they did not pray strongly enough or it was their destiny to fail.” Medusa explained with a shrug.</p> <p class="cnM3MTdlOGU2YTVkZTRhYjg5NDVhOWU5ZmYwOGNhOWI1">“Why are you so cynical?” Eugenia pouted, probably because she could not really deny Medusa’s words.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2VhZGE3YTQ0MjQxMDhhYmYzMTg4ZjRhMzM5YTc5">“You would not be able to take the truth.” She replied honestly while crossing her arms.</p> <p class="cnM3MjE3ZGVjZWNjODQ4N2Y4NDI1NTViNDcyZThkMmFl">“Maybe I am not as weak as you think.” The priestess stood up and walked over to the perplexed Gorgon. “Isn’t the <em>truth</em> that you are just afraid of telling me?” She reached her hand forward - and then grabbed the torn sleeve. So she had noticed after all. This girl was perceptive in ways she couldn’t always see.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2EzMjUyMjVlYzQ0NzZiZGI5ZGExNjExOGU3MWRm">“Do not be ridiculous.” She averted her face as she let Eugenia fix the sleeve quietly.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM2ZDc0YmYyNDJmMDQxMmY5ZTNlNDNlZDMwOGFkZWUz">“Lady Medusa? Where are you? I want to wash our clothes, so could you hand me your chiton?” She called out to her sole companion on this island, but there was no sign of the snake woman. Usually Eugenia could hear her slithering body or her low breathing as she slept in her lair, but today there was just nothing.</p> <p class="cnMzN2Y1OGUxOGZiNzQ3YTk4MTg4NDdhNmZlNmM5Mjky">A low breeze grazed her neck and made her shiver for a moment. There was some strong wind today. The air was unusually humid too. The occasional lapse of sunlight on her skin meant that there must have been clouds gathering as well. Would this mean the first rain shower since she arrived here was about to come?</p> <p class="cnM4NmNkMjdmMmYxMjQ0ODhiMGY0YWM5MDEzYTI3MzFj">She instinctively moved behind a fallen in wall to shield herself from another gust. This was the northern side of the temple where she rarely ventured. There was nothing here except ruins and some old gate as far as she had explored. Most of their time they spent either in the southern temple yard or at the cliffs, so this was a fairly unused space for the two of them.</p> <p class="cnM4NTRiNDZiNmUyZDRiYzNiZjFiYmU1YzFkNzYzODll">Eugenia’s sandals scratched across old marble and dust that had been piling up from the worn down bricks. There were just too many holes around, so no matter where she stood, she would get assailed by wind. It made her want to curl up in the animal leather blankets back in her personal corner of the temple.</p> <p class="cnNmMDYyZjc5ZGY4NzRmMzdhYmUyYjgzZjkxNTYyOTIy">Her hands went along the walls to guide her, as the wind picked up and interfered with her hearing. Suddenly she touched upon the gate she had discovered previously. There was something odd about it though. She had thought it was just a remainder of the northern entrance, but actually, there were walls on both sides of it. Those walls lead further <em>outside </em>the temple.</p> <p class="cnNhNzlkNDFlMjNjYTQ1NTQ5NjNiNWE0NDIyMTk2ZjA2">“A separate building?” She could barely believe it. Something had survived all this decay and destruction? If only she was strong enough to move the heavy wooden door…</p> <p class="cnMyYTBmYmE0ZTFkMjQyNDg5NDE1NmM4YjlkMDYzMmMw">“There you are.” A voice appeared right behind her, making her nearly jump out of her sandals!</p> <p class="cnNiMzE2Zjg3MTc5MjQ5MmZiN2NkNTM4ZmNkYTMyMmEy">“D-d-don’t surprise me like that!” She held her pumping heart in shock. It had stopped for just a second. Eugenia wasn’t used to getting surprised as she could usually hear anybody approach from far away. Now that she listened she could hear the flapping of wings under the wind.</p> <p class="cnM3YWExMGFhN2UzMTRiYmZhODUyN2EwNDFjNDIxYjEw">“You are like a frightened hare. Weak.” Medusa replied unsympathetically and then settled down on the ground. “Poseidon must have stubbed his toe or something; he is currently tossing like an injured bear, moving the clouds and waves with him. Storms usually do not get close to the island, but there will most likely be some rain.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZmQ2ZjBmZmUwMjQ5MzFiOWY1MWFkMDIwNGI1ZGVi">“That’s good for the trees. They must be dying of thirst.” She replied absentmindedly.</p> <p class="cnMxYjk2M2U4MDQ2MTQ2MDFhMzQ5NGEyNDIyZGI3ZDc5">“Why are you rubbing that moldy old thing?” Medusa couldn’t help but wonder, watching the girl press against the gate with all her might.</p> <p class="cnM0NDRhMDE4ZGYwZDQ1MTI5YzFhZmU5NWE2OTJhMThm">“I’m not rubbing it! I am trying to open the door.” She huffed from the exertion.</p> <p class="cnNhNWYzYWVhYmU1ZTQ1ODE4ZDQzMDA4YWY5NDMyNWVl">Medusa smiled wryly. Then she broke the moldy wooden beam, which had locked the entrance, asunder with her snake tail and Eugenia fell forward straight into the room as the door swung open. As the girl ate dirt, Medusa slithered inside and took a look around. What she saw surprised even her.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTM1ZDhiMjUxZjQ3YmQ4ZWYyYTFjZjE2ZWFjOTdm">“Pfftt! Ew… That was so mean!” Eugenia wiped her mouth and face and complained to the distracted Gorgon.</p> <p class="cnNiZjQxZDQ4NTQ1NTQxNWVhMzliNGUwYzUxMmU3ODk1">“There was a place like this, hm?” The snakes on her head turned in every direction and extended their tongues to smell the unusual stale air.</p> <p class="cnNlYzUzYTFhYjc2OTQ2NDhhZWJhZWI3NmVjOTAzNzUz">“Huh?” Eugenia rose to her feet while still wiping her face. As the door fell shut behind them the room suddenly turned incredibly silent. There was a low sound of an air current that went through the large room, but it didn’t do much about the suffocating atmosphere.</p> <p class="cnMyZjkxMjA1ZTI1NTRmOTViNGExYThiOGMyOTNjZjhi">She stepped forward and felt the soft crunch of grass. There was a low rustling of leaves ahead. With every step she took she could feel a hint of sunlight on her face, as if she was walking through gaps above her.</p> <p class="cnM0MDhhMDRmMDZjZTRhYTA4ZTc2YjMxYTU2YTg4NTA0">“What is this place?” She could sense all these things, but they didn’t make sense to her.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTgwZjhiMjk1MDQ0ZmRiNTk0MTg2NjY0ODgyMWRm">“If I had to make a guess: this is a garden.” Medusa replied curiously.</p> <p class="cnNmYzU4NmU3MWUzMjQyYmVhZWJiOTc4ZTQ2M2NmMzQ5">Indeed, the large room was long and wide enough to fit several trees and wildly growing weeds. There were even some bushes. The walls were overgrown with old vines. All of this had somehow survived the decades inside a closed off space.</p> <p class="cnM5MWEzMTRmODM3NDQ1Yjc5NThkMGQ0M2YzMjQyZDU5">“A garden?! Inside a building?” The girl was even more taken aback than her. “Is there soil? Water? Sunlight?” She moved her head and hands around frantically to search for the essential things needed to keep a garden alive.</p> <p class="cnM1NThhYzEzMjc3NDQ0N2JhZDM2ZDVhOTQxOTJmZWYw">“The ground is not tiled, it is all dirt.” Medusa rubbed her tail across the dry earth. “There is some odd indentation in the ground… Water is gathering inside it.” She leaned down to look at the long canal that went outside through a wall. “The sunlight is coming from the ceiling.” The snakes shielded her eyes from the blinding light that came out of the gaps above.</p> <p class="cnMwNTI5Nzk0MzJlYzQ1NTBhMmYwNmNmNWFiM2I5NWRl">“The ceiling? But I can’t feel any wind coming from the hole?” Eugenia was utterly confused.</p> <p class="cnMxYjlmYzZmYTJiYzRiODA4M2U0YWY3MDM1NmUzZWZh">“There is no hole. The ceiling is made of something see-through.” Medusa had never seen something like this before.</p> <p class="cnM4MjNmZWQ0ZjQ0MzQzMDVhMTQ0OTk3ODY0MzJkODFi">“Is it glass?”</p> <p class="cnM4MDNiNjE5NDE4ZTQ4YjliNmMxMGU2MmFhYjMzN2Vh">“Can you support an entire ceiling with glass?”</p> <p class="cnM5ODUwMTljYWRmZDRhOWRhZDQzODI5Njc2ZTU0OTFi">“I never heard of a ceiling made of it.” Eugenia cupped her mouth and raised her head as if to look at the glass ceiling. “Why don’t I feel that much sunlight then?”</p> <p class="cnM5MzljYzFiNmYwMTRkZWI4NzNhNDcwZWEwNjNjNGFk">“There are wooden covers over the glass. They left some gaps, though.” Medusa felt weird having to explain this unfamiliar construction to a human. If anything she would have expected Eugenia to be more used to it.</p> <p class="cnNhZWQzNTk2NDA2YzRhYjBhNjU5YTdhMDBlYzJkY2Jk">“Why would they have constructed it this way?” Eugenia moved through the garden and spun around to take in all the sounds and smells. “If you let the sun shine in through glass that would seal the heat inside. It must be very hot in here without those covers!”</p> <p class="cnNlODQ5YzM1MTQ2YjQxYmY4MzE3YmM4NmNhNzI1YThk">“Is that so?” This reminded her of the burning glass the girl had used before.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGM5OWE2NDVmMjQ0Yjg4ZWM2NDBmZmI2YzkyOGRj">“But glass is so expensive, why would they build it like this?” She was as fascinated as a child with a new toy and she hopped around carelessly. Inadvertently she tripped on a vine and then caught herself on one of the walls. “I’m fine!” She declared while pulling herself up.</p> <p class="cnM0NTUzZTFkNDI4OTQ0OTFhNDU0MWY0MDg0NTFiYmE5">“I did not ask.” Medusa replied with dulled eyes.</p> <p class="cnMyMjc0MDU5NGNlZTQwYWNiMTU3ZDBiYzJlYzFjZGIw">“Good thing this wooden handle was here…”</p> <p class="cnMzZGI1MTVhYzIwNzRlN2NhMmY2MjRhNTBhMDI5NzA3"><em>Clack.</em></p> <p class="cnMxMzlkYWIyNjFmNjQ5MWQ5YjlkMTQxMTBjMzRiZGFi">““Clack?”” They both repeated the sound in unison.</p> <p class="cnMzMDc3N2ZmZWFhNzRlZTNhYTg3ZTg1MWMyMzMwMjMy">As the lever was turned the entire room began to tremble. Before they could flee for safety, the ceiling began to move. Actually it was just the wooden planks. Medusa got an unexpected dose of burning sunlight to the eyes and had to cover them briefly to adjust as the snakes hissed. Eugenia didn’t suffer the same fate for obvious reasons, but breathed in some of the dust and dirt falling from the old ceiling.</p> <p class="cnMxYmFmNGZlZGU1NDRiYzM4MmY5NTEwNjgwOGRiYzNm">“What – <em>cough</em> - what now?”</p> <p class="cnM2ODdmODJkOTRhODQ0ZjE4MjNjMDI0OTgxNWYxZmVk">“Do not ask me, foolish girl.” Medusa smacked the snakes with her hands and tried to regain her vision.</p> <p class="cnM1MGUxZDhhMWNkYjRkZDI5NTc3MTEyZmU0ZmUzMDZh">Soon enough both of them realized what had occurred. The wood covers had retracted and now the glass ceiling, albeit a bit dulled from dirt and stains, was letting in the full power of the sun. The rise in temperature was immediately apparent. Now that the light fully shone upon the interior garden, things became a lot more colorful. The trees and grass were showing signs of dehydration, but they were far from dead. The occasional rain water coming in through the canal must have been enough for these southern plants to survive.</p> <p class="cnM5MmZhNGQ5MjAzZDRlYTc5YzQzNDYxZjFmMWExNjk3">“Amazing! One lever can move the entire ceiling like that.” Of course Eugenia was impressed by the construction.</p> <p class="cnNkMmU0MWM0ZmI5MzQ3NDRiZDdlMTk2ZDcyMDNmNmI4">“Who would have thought this kind of thing was here the entire time?” Medusa looked over the room with an odd sense of nostalgia.</p> <p class="cnM0MzVmYjg1ZmRjMTQ3NDI5MmJhMzBlZGI4ZmJjN2Vk">She had never once entered this place in all the decades of being imprisoned here. For her, there was simply no need to explore anything. Rather she had never felt any drive to pay attention to anything around her. Maybe Stheno would have found this place eventually, but she was too busy coming up with terrible songs at the beach, while Euryale was even less inclined to move than Medusa, so she would not have stepped in here at all.</p> <p class="cnM4Zjc2MTVhMTZiNjRjZGNiZDgzMjMzZGZmM2EwOWI0">In all the destruction that was wrought upon this place, why did this garden get spared?</p> <p class="cnM2OTU2YzlkYzE5ZTQzMjdhZmE4NzE5NzUzZDBhMmNj">“Lady Medusa, look! There are berries!” The girl called out and dragged her away from her inner world. When she looked over she was met with a mind numbing sight.</p> <p class="cnM2YzM0YWQzOTYzNjQwNGE5ZjZjMTQzNGY3N2Q5ZTM5">“What if they are poisonous?” Medusa asked with a deadpan voice as she watched Eugenia stuff her face with berries until her mouth was colored red.</p> <p class="cnMyMTU0MDhkZDU4NDRkMGFiMWRiYzU2ZWZmY2NiMGEw">“Huh?” The blank expression she gave in return told everything about her careless attitude! “Bwut - <em>gulp</em> - this is a garden, so they wouldn’t grow poisonous stuff here, right?” She retorted as if Medusa was being silly.</p> <p class="cnMwMWVjZmY0NjJiZjRmMjBhMWM0MmViNjUxNmI0Yjk0">“We will see about that soon enough.” She replied with a sigh.</p> <p class="cnMzZTA0NTZmMzE1MzRlNGU4YzE0YjdmZjEzNmJjNTAx"> Eugenia seemed to finally feel a tinge of anxiety now. She held up the remaining berries with both hands and then stretched them forward to Medusa.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWFlOGRhNGY0NzRlMmM5ZGI4OGRiMTg4MDI2MjRi">“I am not going to eat them.”</p> <p class="cnM0YjgxMGZmMzU5YjQyMTY4NWJkZWYzNzJlZGZjNjE0">“Tsk.” The priestess clicked her tongue and put them back on top of the bush.</p> <p class="cnNmMTE4Y2FmOWMzMTRiYjc4ZTg3Njg3M2RiYjViMDNj">“Why you…” Her brow was twitching at the nerve of this girl.</p> <hr> <p class="cnMzZWJmNjZjNDMzNjRlZGFhMzRjYzRhMmQxYzliYzEx">“Carrots!” As they explored the garden they soon realized that it was apparently made mostly for food growing purposes. There were barely any flowers in here, but very tiny vegetables and some pitiful fruits. Even the trees outside were carrying better yields. That much should have been expected considering nobody looked after this place in more than a century.</p> <p class="cnNmMjJkZDkxOGE2OTRmY2U4NjRmMjNkYjY0NDcwMDhm">“What are those?”</p> <p class="cnM0MzlkMTZmZjVmNzRjNmVhNmYxOTlkZDEwZTAzMTE1">“You never ate carrots?” Eugenia seemed surprised and pulled out a weirdly shaped almost curled up vegetable. It had an earthen color and seemed to be dried up. “This one’s no good anymore, but they are really good for your health and taste great in broth.”</p> <p class="cnMwODEzNDkzOTUxMzRjNDRhM2YzNmVhYWRkMzNkYTFj">“You humans will eat anything that grows out of the dirt it seems.”</p> <p class="cnMxZjAwN2M2NjE0ZjRiMTU4Mjk4ZmFlYTY3MzMxNjAy">“This garden is a treasury.” Her milky eyes were almost sparkling.</p> <p class="cnM0MDg4N2JhODkwZTQ3MTU5YjM0N2M2MWQxZGFiMTcx">“There are no riches here though.”</p> <p class="cnMwYTE5MTJjMGJiNTQ5ZmM5YjMxMjJhYTdmYmE1NGRm">“You can’t <em>eat</em> gold.” Eugenia replied with her tongue stretched out playfully. It was still red from the berries.</p> <p class="cnMwZWJmM2Q2YjFkNTQ1NjRiMDcwMTJlY2UzN2U1NDRk">They were almost done exploring the room when a tapping sound started to envelope the place. The pitter-patter increased more and more and eventually long streams of water splashed across the glass ceiling. The rain had arrived.</p> <p class="cnMxYzZmYjM4YzlkNDQ0ODg5YzgzYzg0M2ZhZWExZTkx">“This sound, it is so calming.” Eugenia was sitting on the ground and listened to the rhythm of the shower outside. When rain hit glass it sounded much different from coarse stone or wood. This was nearly melodic. Watching her sit there with closed eyes as the music of nature enveloped them sent goosebumps across Medusa’s skin.</p> <p class="cnNkMDBlYzFkZTMzZTQ1YTBiYzFkZDkwZmU0YWQzMDQ3">This sensation really was calming. She subconsciously curled her tail up and sat down next to Eugenia. The garden was still warm from the sun’s lingering heat and although it had turned dark from the clouds above, she felt comfortable, unlike in her lair. Whenever a storm arrived she would just lie down and try to sleep through it. For the first time she felt it was nice to let the shower spill over her island.</p> <p class="cnNlYmJkNzM3NDJjNjQwYjZhODBkMTc4YjBhN2E1Y2Vh">“Oh, there is something here.” The girl touched a fallen over marble plate in the dirt. With a lot of effort she managed to tumble it over and then wiped the dirt off of the front. There were letters carved deeply into it. She traced them with her fingers to read them. “Gr.. een.. hou… se.” The unfamiliar word went over her lips.</p> <p class="cnNiMzBjZGMyOTljMzQ1YmQ4NDEyYzI4ZWNkNDk0N2Ix">“Is that the name of this building?” She had seen similar signs on other wings of the temple before.</p> <p class="cnMyZGU1ZGExMjQ2YzRhMjZiMTg3ZWZhNDFjYjFiYzE5">“I think so. A Greenhouse? I am sure when every plant here is in full bloom this place must be exceptionally green indeed.” She chuckled.</p> <p class="cnMwMDAxNDZlODM3OTRjZmE4MjE1MWM1ZjRjZWRiM2Vi">“How could you even know what green is?”</p> <p class="cnNmYTRkYWEzNGIyOTQ4MWU5ODE2N2FkODUwM2M3NjYy">“I just have to imagine it.” She replied undaunted. For someone who never saw colors before, the concept must have been unfathomable. Many times she must have heard people describe a meadow as <em>brightly green</em> and so it had become an obvious association.</p> <p class="cnMyYWI3MTQwMWNlOTRjNTJhNWMyOGFhMzQ1MjRmMTRk">“These humans astound me all over again.” Medusa had to change the topic. “Building a garden inside their buildings, whatever were they thinking?”</p> <p class="cnM0NTkxOWM2NTMxNTRhMTY4ODYzNTkxNjBhZDFiOWJl">“There must have been a purpose. This sounds like one of the miraculous ideas that the great and wise Athena would give people in their dreams.”</p> <p class="cnNhNmIzMDJmNTEzMzRjYzU4MDk2Y2ZiYjk1YTdkNzg4">“I do not see what is so miraculous about it.” She replied with spite and glared at the stone sign.</p> <p class="cnMzNGEzZTUxNTVlMjRjNzhhYjAyYTJjYjE1NDRhNzcy">“Making a glass ceiling that can resist even storms is almost divine. I wonder which god these priestesses served.” Eugenia leaned against one of the trees and imagined what the temple was like when it was still full of life.</p> <p class="cnM4OGQ3ZDMwMTk1ZDRhYTFiMGQwMGYwNDg0NjdlYmJl"> Medusa stayed quiet and subconsciously bit her lip. The snakes on her head drooped down to cover her face, as if to hide it from the world.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2VmYWZlNjU2NzQ0Yjc4NTE5YTJiODc4Zjc5ODQw">“I am surprised, though. This is your home, but even you didn’t know about this room!”</p> <p class="cnNlYTA4ZDE4MjUyYjRlMDM4NzJjZTVjYjE5OGM1MTIw">“Heh, are you saying I am clueless about my own territory? Is that funny to you?” She muttered self-derisively.</p> <p class="cnNlZmFiZGMxYWE4MzQwMTg5YTI4YzAwZTJlZGNiNWNk">“Not at all. I am just glad that you still have new things to learn, even on this small isle.” She grabbed Medusa’s hand without hesitation. “It gives me hope that I too can still find out things about the world around me when I feel like the days become repetitive and empty.”</p> <p class="cnM2Y2ZjNDI5NTI2YzQ1NWU4MzE5MmM0OWQ3N2YyZmMx">“You...” Although she strictly told herself not to care about this human, even though she claimed indifference on her past, that melancholic expression on her young face was like looking into an old stained mirror.</p> <p class="cnMzOTM4ODE5MTZlNDQzMjI4YmFiYWJjNGZlNTc1Njc4">She opened her mouth and then closed it again. There was <em>no</em> reason to pry.</p> <p class="cnM3NzdmMGUyM2I1OTQ0MTQ5M2U3YjZiMGIxY2I4N2M2">“So for the sake of discovery you should really taste these berries at least once!” Eugenia pulled away her hand and revealed some red and black berries on Medusa’s palm.</p> <p class="cnMzZTZjZGI4OWQwYzQ1ZjZhYmY0YjA1NGE5NmIxMjk3">“I will not!” Medusa cracked an annoyed smile and then stuffed the fruit into Eugenia’s shrieking mouth. “You really think you can drag me to the underworld with you?!”</p> <p class="cnM2NGZmYzdjOTcwYjQ3NTNhODdjYjc5MmNkODhhYWRm">Despite her aggressive retaliation both of them had to laugh.</p> <hr> <p class="cnMwZjU2ZjdmZjA4MDQ5NTBiNjc4NTkwMjVmOGFhMDVi">As the rain passed Medusa found herself snapping out of a light nap. She had relaxed a little too much for her own liking. Of course she was never defenseless, but who knew what Eugenia would have to say about such an act?</p> <p class="cnM1MDNhMDgxMGZlZTRiYzFiZjE2NjFmMDQ4Zjg2NTkw">“Mrrrmm… fuuh…” Except she was snoring flat on her back already.</p> <p class="cnNmMThmYmVkMWE1YjQyOTVhNDc3NThhMWEwZDkzMzBi">Even more impudently, she was leaning her head on Medusa’s tail as if it were a pillow!</p> <p class="cnM4MTFjMjgzMjJkMzRjMDk5MGMzMjRmZTA0YjUzODk5">“Why you!” She pulled her tail back without remorse and let the girl crash on the ground.</p> <p class="cnNjYzY5ZDU4N2I5YjQyYTZhMzA4MWRlNTk1MzY5MWM4">“Ouch! W-who- where- wha-?” She rubbed her eyes and the back of her head at the same time.</p> <p class="cnNhODA5MWJjMDk5ZjRlMzM4Y2FkMzIzMDYwZWQyMGY5">“The rain has stopped, so we can leave.” Medusa said coolly and slammed open the door.</p> <p class="cnNhNmZlZjc0MDFlZDQzMTY5ZjkxMGE0NmZmYzNkNjM5">“Yes? Okay.” She was still half-asleep, judging by her sluggish reactions. Before she could even steady her legs Medusa added more.</p> <p class="cnM2YmFlZWQ4ZjE4YjQ4MmI5ZThhNjQ1YzQ3MzM0ZmJj">“I have no use for this place and as far as I am concerned this was never part of my territory.” She clutched the door a bit tighter. “So you can have this human made garden if you want.”</p> <p class="cnNlMDUyNzk4YjgwNzQxMzNiNjdhOTI0MmU3MjEwZGU5">“You mean it?!” In an instant the priestess was wide awake.</p> <p class="cnNiYjAyM2UzOWU0NjQyZDFhZTM0YzgzZjM2NDA4OGM2">“I always keep my word.” She confirmed. “Should you annoy me too much however, I may <em>accidentally</em> destroy this place.”</p> <p class="cnNhMTc0NzBhNGQ5NzQ3ZmFiODUyNzRlOThkM2ZlZGEy">“You can never do anything nice without adding a threat, huh?” The lack of worry in the girl’s voice was a bit aggravating to the Gorgon. “I still think it belongs to you, but I will gladly borrow it.”</p> <p class="cnM3MzIyNmY3MzhmYTRiNGFhMGIxMjdlMDBhNTUxNTk3">“It belongs to your kind.” Medusa replied with certainty. “Specifically to a priestess of hers like you.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZjAzYThhNDhiYzQ4MTY5NzNiNjYyYTgzMTk1NTUw"> Eugenia’s confusion was apparent when she heard those words.</p> <p class="cnMwZGQwZTU2YzJlZDRjYTZiODc2MDVhYmM3YzU0ODkz">“You asked whose temple this was.” Medusa turned back a little and caught the young woman in her deep eyes. “It belonged to your mistress, Athena.”</p> <p class="cnNjMTczZmU4OGNlYjRmNmNiODE3MTBhNjZlYmMzNDQw">Eugenia’s mouth was agape at the revelation, but before she could catch herself, Medusa was already gone.</p> <p class="cnNiOTNhODQ2MmQ0YzQ5Mzg5NWJlNmVlMzlhZGNhMTIz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NTQyNDJlNWQyZTQ0NmFhODFmYjc5MmMzODc4OWEy"><em>The Gorgon was imprisoned on the land of her old enemy and the priestess had come to the temple of her sworn master. This forced coexistence was stained by their diverging paths, yet they still did not understand how far. And the storm would bring something that tested their fragile equilibrium.</em></p> </div>
“Aaah… he was such a gentleman.” Eugenia sighed sweetly for the umpteenth time that day while resting her head in her hands. “You are still fawning over that messenger boy?” Medusa was lying on her side, leaning her head on one arm and watched Eugenia with a bored expression. “I heard so many gallant stories about the great and swift Hermes, but he was not just kind, but also humorous!” She smiled like a little girl. “He is also a deadbeat father.” Medusa said with a dismissive grin. “We all have our flaws. He is just a free spirit!” It was hard to shake her out of her happy daze. “You really are just a blind maiden with a girlish crush, hm?” Medusa couldn’t stand looking at it anymore and turned her head to the ocean. “I-I d-don’t fancy him *that* way!” She stuttered in embarrassment. “Could have fooled me.” Medusa muttered under her breath. “I am just so honored! I met two gods face to face in my life. I am not worth such happiness.” She folded her hands together and smiled warmly. Medusa huffed in response. “But I know that I only met them because of the people around me. The great and wise Athena came to me, because of my parents' devotion and I could only meet Hermes because he delivered a message to you.” She turned to Medusa and lowered her head. “Thank you.” “You are a strange one. Thanking your captor for keeping you in this place. Was meeting that womanizer worth all the hardship?” She wondered with an unreadable tone. “I don’t know. But right now I am happy and that’s all that matters.” Eugenia’s positivity returned with a vengeance. “Really…” The Gorgon rose from her relaxed position to prepare for some quirky lecture from the girl, but then got her tunic stuck on a rock. She pulled up with her unnatural strength so quickly that the fabric tore in an instant. She stayed completely still, watching the tear in her sleeve with a forcefully neutral expression. She slowly turned towards Eugenia to see if she had noticed anything, but the girl seemed too lost in thought. Safe for now. “You are a priestess and yet meeting the gods is special to you?” She didn’t miss a beat in the conversation to play over her clumsy accident. “Yes, it is my duty to speak to the gods in the name of people in need.” Eugenia nodded. “But all I have to do is convey prayers and wishes. I don’t actually have a conversation with them.” She confessed. “They never respond?” “People make offerings and ask for support. Then if the gods have time or deem the person worthy, they will help them!” She explained with a raised finger. “Is that so? How do they do that?” Medusa raised a brow. “Er, for example, there was that old baker in Lamia who wanted to make rye bread that would make his daughter get better. She was very sick. He was desperately serious; he even came all the way to my temple after all. He made offerings to almost every god with a temple in the area.” “And his daughter got better after eating the bread.” “Yes! It was a miracle.” Eugenia was beaming a smile at the memory of that day. Perhaps because she felt that she had contributed to saving a girl, no matter how minor her part was. “She could not have gotten better on her own?” Medusa raised a brow. “Maybe? But it must have been the gods’ work! He prayed to so many after all.” “So if I go to every temple in the world and make an offering I will get my wish granted, guaranteed?” “N-no… If you make a bad wish then the gods will surely not listen.” “What other examples are there?” She started to enjoy seeing Eugenia’s flustered expression. “A wrestler wanted to win a tournament, so he asked for a boon from the temple of Hermes.” She spun her long hair around one finger and tried to remember more local stories. “And he won?” “He got second place.” “I suppose he was not worthy of the first place then.” “I don’t know about that…” “Is there also a story about a gambler who prayed for great gains in his dice game? Or a tale of an old wife that wanted to conceive a child and suddenly managed to become fertile again?” “How did you-?” “Those are self-fulfilling prophecies.” She felt a sense of amusement from the foolishness of humans. “What does that mean?” The girl asked with a tilted head. “People want something to happen and ask the Fates or the gods to make it possible. Those wishes are all achievable by humans themselves or perhaps sheer luck. If their desires are satisfied they then attribute it to the gods or destiny. If it goes wrong they assume they did not pray strongly enough or it was their destiny to fail.” Medusa explained with a shrug. “Why are you so cynical?” Eugenia pouted, probably because she could not really deny Medusa’s words. “You would not be able to take the truth.” She replied honestly while crossing her arms. “Maybe I am not as weak as you think.” The priestess stood up and walked over to the perplexed Gorgon. “Isn’t the *truth* that you are just afraid of telling me?” She reached her hand forward - and then grabbed the torn sleeve. So she had noticed after all. This girl was perceptive in ways she couldn’t always see. “Do not be ridiculous.” She averted her face as she let Eugenia fix the sleeve quietly. --- “Lady Medusa? Where are you? I want to wash our clothes, so could you hand me your chiton?” She called out to her sole companion on this island, but there was no sign of the snake woman. Usually Eugenia could hear her slithering body or her low breathing as she slept in her lair, but today there was just nothing. A low breeze grazed her neck and made her shiver for a moment. There was some strong wind today. The air was unusually humid too. The occasional lapse of sunlight on her skin meant that there must have been clouds gathering as well. Would this mean the first rain shower since she arrived here was about to come? She instinctively moved behind a fallen in wall to shield herself from another gust. This was the northern side of the temple where she rarely ventured. There was nothing here except ruins and some old gate as far as she had explored. Most of their time they spent either in the southern temple yard or at the cliffs, so this was a fairly unused space for the two of them. Eugenia’s sandals scratched across old marble and dust that had been piling up from the worn down bricks. There were just too many holes around, so no matter where she stood, she would get assailed by wind. It made her want to curl up in the animal leather blankets back in her personal corner of the temple. Her hands went along the walls to guide her, as the wind picked up and interfered with her hearing. Suddenly she touched upon the gate she had discovered previously. There was something odd about it though. She had thought it was just a remainder of the northern entrance, but actually, there were walls on both sides of it. Those walls lead further *outside* the temple. “A separate building?” She could barely believe it. Something had survived all this decay and destruction? If only she was strong enough to move the heavy wooden door… “There you are.” A voice appeared right behind her, making her nearly jump out of her sandals! “D-d-don’t surprise me like that!” She held her pumping heart in shock. It had stopped for just a second. Eugenia wasn’t used to getting surprised as she could usually hear anybody approach from far away. Now that she listened she could hear the flapping of wings under the wind. “You are like a frightened hare. Weak.” Medusa replied unsympathetically and then settled down on the ground. “Poseidon must have stubbed his toe or something; he is currently tossing like an injured bear, moving the clouds and waves with him. Storms usually do not get close to the island, but there will most likely be some rain.” “That’s good for the trees. They must be dying of thirst.” She replied absentmindedly. “Why are you rubbing that moldy old thing?” Medusa couldn’t help but wonder, watching the girl press against the gate with all her might. “I’m not rubbing it! I am trying to open the door.” She huffed from the exertion. Medusa smiled wryly. Then she broke the moldy wooden beam, which had locked the entrance, asunder with her snake tail and Eugenia fell forward straight into the room as the door swung open. As the girl ate dirt, Medusa slithered inside and took a look around. What she saw surprised even her. “Pfftt! Ew… That was so mean!” Eugenia wiped her mouth and face and complained to the distracted Gorgon. “There was a place like this, hm?” The snakes on her head turned in every direction and extended their tongues to smell the unusual stale air. “Huh?” Eugenia rose to her feet while still wiping her face. As the door fell shut behind them the room suddenly turned incredibly silent. There was a low sound of an air current that went through the large room, but it didn’t do much about the suffocating atmosphere. She stepped forward and felt the soft crunch of grass. There was a low rustling of leaves ahead. With every step she took she could feel a hint of sunlight on her face, as if she was walking through gaps above her. “What is this place?” She could sense all these things, but they didn’t make sense to her. “If I had to make a guess: this is a garden.” Medusa replied curiously. Indeed, the large room was long and wide enough to fit several trees and wildly growing weeds. There were even some bushes. The walls were overgrown with old vines. All of this had somehow survived the decades inside a closed off space. “A garden?! Inside a building?” The girl was even more taken aback than her. “Is there soil? Water? Sunlight?” She moved her head and hands around frantically to search for the essential things needed to keep a garden alive. “The ground is not tiled, it is all dirt.” Medusa rubbed her tail across the dry earth. “There is some odd indentation in the ground… Water is gathering inside it.” She leaned down to look at the long canal that went outside through a wall. “The sunlight is coming from the ceiling.” The snakes shielded her eyes from the blinding light that came out of the gaps above. “The ceiling? But I can’t feel any wind coming from the hole?” Eugenia was utterly confused. “There is no hole. The ceiling is made of something see-through.” Medusa had never seen something like this before. “Is it glass?” “Can you support an entire ceiling with glass?” “I never heard of a ceiling made of it.” Eugenia cupped her mouth and raised her head as if to look at the glass ceiling. “Why don’t I feel that much sunlight then?” “There are wooden covers over the glass. They left some gaps, though.” Medusa felt weird having to explain this unfamiliar construction to a human. If anything she would have expected Eugenia to be more used to it. “Why would they have constructed it this way?” Eugenia moved through the garden and spun around to take in all the sounds and smells. “If you let the sun shine in through glass that would seal the heat inside. It must be very hot in here without those covers!” “Is that so?” This reminded her of the burning glass the girl had used before. “But glass is so expensive, why would they build it like this?” She was as fascinated as a child with a new toy and she hopped around carelessly. Inadvertently she tripped on a vine and then caught herself on one of the walls. “I’m fine!” She declared while pulling herself up. “I did not ask.” Medusa replied with dulled eyes. “Good thing this wooden handle was here…” *Clack.* ““Clack?”” They both repeated the sound in unison. As the lever was turned the entire room began to tremble. Before they could flee for safety, the ceiling began to move. Actually it was just the wooden planks. Medusa got an unexpected dose of burning sunlight to the eyes and had to cover them briefly to adjust as the snakes hissed. Eugenia didn’t suffer the same fate for obvious reasons, but breathed in some of the dust and dirt falling from the old ceiling. “What – *cough* - what now?” “Do not ask me, foolish girl.” Medusa smacked the snakes with her hands and tried to regain her vision. Soon enough both of them realized what had occurred. The wood covers had retracted and now the glass ceiling, albeit a bit dulled from dirt and stains, was letting in the full power of the sun. The rise in temperature was immediately apparent. Now that the light fully shone upon the interior garden, things became a lot more colorful. The trees and grass were showing signs of dehydration, but they were far from dead. The occasional rain water coming in through the canal must have been enough for these southern plants to survive. “Amazing! One lever can move the entire ceiling like that.” Of course Eugenia was impressed by the construction. “Who would have thought this kind of thing was here the entire time?” Medusa looked over the room with an odd sense of nostalgia. She had never once entered this place in all the decades of being imprisoned here. For her, there was simply no need to explore anything. Rather she had never felt any drive to pay attention to anything around her. Maybe Stheno would have found this place eventually, but she was too busy coming up with terrible songs at the beach, while Euryale was even less inclined to move than Medusa, so she would not have stepped in here at all. In all the destruction that was wrought upon this place, why did this garden get spared? “Lady Medusa, look! There are berries!” The girl called out and dragged her away from her inner world. When she looked over she was met with a mind numbing sight. “What if they are poisonous?” Medusa asked with a deadpan voice as she watched Eugenia stuff her face with berries until her mouth was colored red. “Huh?” The blank expression she gave in return told everything about her careless attitude! “Bwut - *gulp* - this is a garden, so they wouldn’t grow poisonous stuff here, right?” She retorted as if Medusa was being silly. “We will see about that soon enough.” She replied with a sigh. Eugenia seemed to finally feel a tinge of anxiety now. She held up the remaining berries with both hands and then stretched them forward to Medusa. “I am not going to eat them.” “Tsk.” The priestess clicked her tongue and put them back on top of the bush. “Why you…” Her brow was twitching at the nerve of this girl. --- “Carrots!” As they explored the garden they soon realized that it was apparently made mostly for food growing purposes. There were barely any flowers in here, but very tiny vegetables and some pitiful fruits. Even the trees outside were carrying better yields. That much should have been expected considering nobody looked after this place in more than a century. “What are those?” “You never ate carrots?” Eugenia seemed surprised and pulled out a weirdly shaped almost curled up vegetable. It had an earthen color and seemed to be dried up. “This one’s no good anymore, but they are really good for your health and taste great in broth.” “You humans will eat anything that grows out of the dirt it seems.” “This garden is a treasury.” Her milky eyes were almost sparkling. “There are no riches here though.” “You can’t *eat* gold.” Eugenia replied with her tongue stretched out playfully. It was still red from the berries. They were almost done exploring the room when a tapping sound started to envelope the place. The pitter-patter increased more and more and eventually long streams of water splashed across the glass ceiling. The rain had arrived. “This sound, it is so calming.” Eugenia was sitting on the ground and listened to the rhythm of the shower outside. When rain hit glass it sounded much different from coarse stone or wood. This was nearly melodic. Watching her sit there with closed eyes as the music of nature enveloped them sent goosebumps across Medusa’s skin. This sensation really was calming. She subconsciously curled her tail up and sat down next to Eugenia. The garden was still warm from the sun’s lingering heat and although it had turned dark from the clouds above, she felt comfortable, unlike in her lair. Whenever a storm arrived she would just lie down and try to sleep through it. For the first time she felt it was nice to let the shower spill over her island. “Oh, there is something here.” The girl touched a fallen over marble plate in the dirt. With a lot of effort she managed to tumble it over and then wiped the dirt off of the front. There were letters carved deeply into it. She traced them with her fingers to read them. “Gr.. een.. hou… se.” The unfamiliar word went over her lips. “Is that the name of this building?” She had seen similar signs on other wings of the temple before. “I think so. A Greenhouse? I am sure when every plant here is in full bloom this place must be exceptionally green indeed.” She chuckled. “How could you even know what green is?” “I just have to imagine it.” She replied undaunted. For someone who never saw colors before, the concept must have been unfathomable. Many times she must have heard people describe a meadow as *brightly green* and so it had become an obvious association. “These humans astound me all over again.” Medusa had to change the topic. “Building a garden inside their buildings, whatever were they thinking?” “There must have been a purpose. This sounds like one of the miraculous ideas that the great and wise Athena would give people in their dreams.” “I do not see what is so miraculous about it.” She replied with spite and glared at the stone sign. “Making a glass ceiling that can resist even storms is almost divine. I wonder which god these priestesses served.” Eugenia leaned against one of the trees and imagined what the temple was like when it was still full of life. Medusa stayed quiet and subconsciously bit her lip. The snakes on her head drooped down to cover her face, as if to hide it from the world. “I am surprised, though. This is your home, but even you didn’t know about this room!” “Heh, are you saying I am clueless about my own territory? Is that funny to you?” She muttered self-derisively. “Not at all. I am just glad that you still have new things to learn, even on this small isle.” She grabbed Medusa’s hand without hesitation. “It gives me hope that I too can still find out things about the world around me when I feel like the days become repetitive and empty.” “You...” Although she strictly told herself not to care about this human, even though she claimed indifference on her past, that melancholic expression on her young face was like looking into an old stained mirror. She opened her mouth and then closed it again. There was *no* reason to pry. “So for the sake of discovery you should really taste these berries at least once!” Eugenia pulled away her hand and revealed some red and black berries on Medusa’s palm. “I will not!” Medusa cracked an annoyed smile and then stuffed the fruit into Eugenia’s shrieking mouth. “You really think you can drag me to the underworld with you?!” Despite her aggressive retaliation both of them had to laugh. --- As the rain passed Medusa found herself snapping out of a light nap. She had relaxed a little too much for her own liking. Of course she was never defenseless, but who knew what Eugenia would have to say about such an act? “Mrrrmm… fuuh…” Except she was snoring flat on her back already. Even more impudently, she was leaning her head on Medusa’s tail as if it were a pillow! “Why you!” She pulled her tail back without remorse and let the girl crash on the ground. “Ouch! W-who- where- wha-?” She rubbed her eyes and the back of her head at the same time. “The rain has stopped, so we can leave.” Medusa said coolly and slammed open the door. “Yes? Okay.” She was still half-asleep, judging by her sluggish reactions. Before she could even steady her legs Medusa added more. “I have no use for this place and as far as I am concerned this was never part of my territory.” She clutched the door a bit tighter. “So you can have this human made garden if you want.” “You mean it?!” In an instant the priestess was wide awake. “I always keep my word.” She confirmed. “Should you annoy me too much however, I may *accidentally* destroy this place.” “You can never do anything nice without adding a threat, huh?” The lack of worry in the girl’s voice was a bit aggravating to the Gorgon. “I still think it belongs to you, but I will gladly borrow it.” “It belongs to your kind.” Medusa replied with certainty. “Specifically to a priestess of hers like you.” Eugenia’s confusion was apparent when she heard those words. “You asked whose temple this was.” Medusa turned back a little and caught the young woman in her deep eyes. “It belonged to your mistress, Athena.” Eugenia’s mouth was agape at the revelation, but before she could catch herself, Medusa was already gone.   *The Gorgon was imprisoned on the land of her old enemy and the priestess had come to the temple of her sworn master. This forced coexistence was stained by their diverging paths, yet they still did not understand how far. And the storm would bring something that tested their fragile equilibrium.*
{ "title": "The Merchant of Death", "id": 21240, "author": "Lumpish_Haggard", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Visiting Asgard", "id": 305905, "next": 305906, "prev": 305343, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1ZDVhNTAwNzZmOTQ2MjRhODNhM2Y5YzgyOTdlMjUz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px">Tony was in his Jet and was watching the infinite space around him as he travelled through it.</p> <p class="cnM4YmE5ZWNlNTliZjRkOTc4MWFjODk1OTYyOGM5YTRh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The silver compass which was given to him by Hela was placed between the controls while Jarvis was piloting the Jet with its instructions.</p> <p class="cnNhNzc3MzUxMmMwZTQwNmM4MmYyYzMyMzJiOWQzNmVm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM2MDNkNTRkMjBiNzQwMTM4YzRiMzdhOTRiNmI3ZWU0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Open the Hatchet" said Stark suddenly</p> <p class="cnMyOGQ4YmMxYjViMzRiNGRhMjhiZjMzOGM5ZTJkMTJk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMzODVlNThkZmZlNzQ1ZGNiZDcwNTEzMTQ0YzNhZDUy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Scanning the surroundings]</p> <p class="cnMyMGJiM2RjZTFiNTQ4NzU5YTQ2Yjg5MDQ5N2ZmZWJj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0NjFlZGZlMjhkZTRmMjE4NmRhYmZkNzQyM2JkZjQz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Everything's clear]</p> <p class="cnM3YjkwM2FhNjhjYzQ0YjI5MzQ2NGIwNGRiMGM5NDk0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM5ODM4M2UwM2Q2YzQ2OGZiNmFmNGIzMjIyNmE3Y2Rk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Opening the Hatchet]</p> <p class="cnMyZDQ4ODZmNDBhMzRiNjJiZThhNWVmNzIyMTcxZDhk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwYjRhM2I0NzZlNDQ5Y2E5ODhhZTcyOGVkMmQ4MDc2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">In a second, all the air in the hatchet was snuffed out after opening the door and Tony started drifting out of it slowly into the infinite space with his eyes closed.</p> <p class="cnMwOGE0YmExYWZjMzQyNzg4MmQ5OTdkYTZjN2M4ODUx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyNWYwYTUwYWZmZDQ4ZjRhY2VjZWFiZTQ4NjA4MTYy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Blissful" muttered Tony in the soundless space as he opened his eyes and was capturing this truly breathtaking moment. He was in space, without any protection and was excited beyond belief!</p> <p class="cnMyNWExNWY2MDgyODQ3NzVhZjkyZDJkOGNhN2UyOTcz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiNTNlZThhNjgxZDRkNzA4ZGIxY2VmYjg3YWM5MGMw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'I think this is the most happy I've ever been' thought Tony as he realized the grin on his face which was stretching from his ear to ear.</p> <p class="cnNlMjRlYTk5Y2I3NzQ1YWVhOTA5NzcwMzM0M2IyZDk3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmYzM3MjliM2UwNzQ4NDNiMjViZDk2NTEzYTg4ZWMx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">He tried to contact with the cosmic energy around him which truly fascinated him. He then willed it and his black clothes turned into his Endo-Sym Armor after which he started to test all the properties of his suit. Needless to say it was working fine even in the space.</p> <p class="cnMyMmQ5MWI2Yjc1ZDQ3ZTU5OThiNDg1YTJlYTkwNzI2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony played around in space for quite a while just like a kid left in the playground. After doing everything he possibly could, he adjusted his composure and went back inside the hatchet which then sealed and opened a way into the Jet.</p> <p class="cnNiODE1MzhkYzVmODRkNjM4MTlkODBjZDVmZWFhZjFh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiODAzODQ1ZTM1NTRhYTE5ZDU0MGE5MTkwNzRhOGE2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Resume the Journey"</p> <p class="cnM4MGEzNjQ3ODI4NjRlODM4NTIyNmVlZWYxZGVhYjg2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxMzYxMThlNWE0OTQ3MmQ5ZWRmZTNlNjgxMTExZWZj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Affirmative, Sir]</p> <p class="cnMwMGQwMWVkNDc4NjQzMGU4ODJhMTIxMDUzODk5OWFi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZjQzZDA1NDQwZTQ4ZTVhMDcwZjc0MGI2MGRjZjJk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The Jet again picked up the speed and started to follow the directions presented by the mystical compass.</p> <p class="cnNiNzU0OTQzZTdhMDQ2MjY5NzY4MTJiZjZhOGFmMzVm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM3MmYxNTIwZjNmMzRjNmViOWVkYWM5Mjc1ZTdhMzVh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWUwZDZkZGFlYzRkZGE4YTY0NzQ1NTNmYjMwYjkx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnMzOTVkZGYxOTQxMjRkYzM4MTk0NGZlNTg5MGExYTlm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Fenrir was guarding the Bifrost bridge so that Heimdall can't sneak the Asgardians away with it's help when suddenly his senses detected something and he bared his fangs.</p> <p class="cnM4YTU4OTcxZDNmNjQ0MzRhMzA5MDM1NzYwYTEyMDFi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNjODI2MjQ1YzVlNDQ0ZmU4ZmYxNjk3ZWViNDZjM2Qy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNmNWU0NTNiNDdjOTQwMTE5YjkxZmU3NjVhZDIzNWU5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Approaching Destination]</p> <p class="cnMwMjFjMzBiMDFkZTQyOTFhZDdiNjk0ODM3ZDVlZWUx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM5NWQ0MzZjOGY5NDQ2YjNhYWZhOTMzYTI0YjExMWYw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Warning! Detected A Protective Shield around Asgard]</p> <p class="cnM3NjNjZWVkZDcwNjRkMjNiMzczMWVjM2RhODIyNWZl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjMDAwNTU1ZmU2NTRkZjU4NGJiMGMyNDMyNWU5Y2Mx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Protective Shield reacting to compass…]</p> <p class="cnNlZjNlMmU2ZThiZTQyZTliMDY5ZmM5MTJmM2U4YWY5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwMmEyMzUxMjYwNDQ2NWViN2JlMzdmM2FkODIwYzU4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Protective Shield is opening to grant access]</p> <p class="cnNkNDkyYzdiY2UwZTQ5ZWZhYTVkYzY3YzY2ZmU1Y2E5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3OTUwMzRiZjI4YjQxMzE4MWY2MTM1NmY4ZDNkNDRm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Entering Asgard]</p> <p class="cnM5NTVjMDRkYWYzMTQwYzBiZDAyYzkxYTdmZDNhZTIx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0N2JjNDEzZDY0NDQ1ODQ5OWRiNjQ0MDllZmIzMjQw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Warning! The Jet is under heavy Magical Disturbance]</p> <p class="cnM0YTUxOGE5MWRkZDQwZTlhZGE2MzU3MmNiYmZlYzBh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMzYTVhN2NmYTNkNTQwNDVhYTQ1NTI4YjJjN2IyN2Qw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Detected a Hostile]</p> <p class="cnMwZDczODRlY2Y4YzQxNmI4MmZlMmNhYTY3OGEzY2Jl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjZWM3ZjdiN2VmZDQ3NDJiODIxOGE5YzgzM2M0YjQz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Going Offensive, Using lethal force to neutralize the Hostile]</p> <p class="cnM5NjE2MWY5ZDU5MDRjOGJiMTNlMmRiNDYzYTMxMzIw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnMxOTZlNWNiNDI4ZjRhM2E4YTRhNGZiNTk2ZWZkMGRj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNmMWVlNWIwZDA2NDQ4ODZhZDM0ZmE1OGYzOGJmNzA0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Fenrir detected the Stark's Jet and glared at it with absolute menace. He was tasked to kill anyone coming or going to Asgard and as he was about to attack, Tony's Jet started to light up at extreme speed.</p> <p class="cnMxZjA2NGVlYTdjNDRmNTc4NTNkNzQ5YWI0NWMxMGIy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmOGE3MzA2YWNhZDRlMmRhZmE0NWRmNTZjNGI3MDdk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"NO!" Shouted Tony just in time to stop Jarvis from using the Vibranium Repulsars on the beast</p> <p class="cnNiYmQ0MTY5ZDFkYjQwNTZiM2M5NjZmZjEwZWJkZWRm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZGU5ODc2ODE0YzQ4ZDhhMjI2MjdmNjUyZjM3Njk1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Use Non-Lethal force. Don't injure the beast or I will have to pay a hefty price to get out of this mess. Just use the bio viruses and make the thing asleep."</p> <p class="cnM4MzBmM2Q0OTUwMDRlZDU5OGI2ODgzNWQyYWU4OTkx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkM2E0MDk1NjMxNTRlZjU5ZmZjYWNkOTc0MWUwZGY2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The lights all over his Jet dimmed at his command and a cloud of gas erupted from it. Fenrir suddenly jumped in it's direction but was intercepted by a Vibranium Net which had a needle made out of Vibranium.</p> <p class="cnM4NzQ2ZTQzMzM3YzQxZDdiYWI3ODJkYTU3ZGU2NjFl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony willed it and made the needle go inside the beast though it's orifices and as it reached the brain, he induced sleep in it by releasing some hormones through the needle and the gas which was releasing from his Jet.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTg2ZmQwNjIzMzQxYmViMTY5ZmM3ZjllZjNiNDUy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1MjI0Mjk1YWEwODQwYTk5NGViN2YxN2RlM2IxMWE0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela was watching this with great interest as she was sitting on her throne. She was surprised to see Tony deal with her beast without even stepping out of his Jet and more so by his presence of mind that he realized that she wouldn't have forgiven him for hurting her loyal pet and used another method to deal with it.</p> <p class="cnMxYTM5OGNiNzhiYzRiMjNhOGZlN2NiMTMwN2EwNTZl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">She although still had a playful smile as she tilted her head and saw some low level guards rush towards Tony.</p> <p class="cnM0ODVkNzkxNWFlZjQ5ZTdiNTEwNTQyMDE5NThiOGM1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">She wanted to see what Tony can actually do and if he can't survive this, she will revive him as her slave as Tony was pretty interesting to her.</p> <p class="cnNkYTk4OTU5ODYyZDRiOTQ4M2JlN2FmODI0MTUyOGZi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'Interesting', that was the only thing she could tag Tony with as she thought of talking to him.</p> <p class="cnMxZjdkMTUyYmJkMTRmZjBiYWExZjViMWEwYTBhODhh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">His mindset was hugely different from anyone she'd ever met and she wanted to chat with him about different things and wanted to know what he thinks about a certain things in Asgard.</p> <p class="cnNjNWMxMDBjNzQ4ZjQ4Y2Q5ODE5ODFhYzdlZmM3Y2Nk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM2NjAzNWNjNzc0YjQ0ZWViZjhiNjYwYjI5ODEzNWI3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM3MzM0YzIwNWE5NzQ2Yjg5YzU5M2RlMjc5MzFlMWZm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjZWI4YWEyN2ZmZjQ0NTRhZjIxMDc0MmRiODg0Yzlm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Multiple hostiles detected]</p> <p class="cnM0MjFjMzQyMGVlNDRkYjViMDk2OTZhYzJmYjEzNTAw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwODIyN2EwMDU0MjQ4MzhiOWJlMTY5YjRiNDA0NjNm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Ok, So she wants to play?"</p> <p class="cnM0OGZhNjg4ZjAzNTQ2ZDk4MTAxMDFhY2VkOWZiYTgw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxYTgwNDYwMjg4NDRjOTY4N2QyMGU0ZjdlM2U2Nzc5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony smiled at the people coming towards his Jet when suddenly the roof of the Jet opened and he flew out of it. He landed on the Bifrost just beside the Sleeping Fenrir with style and all the people rushing towards Tony slowed down as they saw this man in black earthen clothes smiling at them.</p> <p class="cnNjMjQ2MzQzMjhmZTRmM2Y4YzMwZjdmNTQ2MDAyNGMz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Was he not scared of them? They suddenly realized that Tony's smile was supposedly mocking them, and in anger, they started rushing towards Tony again.</p> <p class="cnNhZjRjODllMjRlNjQzMTA4YmQ2YmEyODkzYzk5NmM4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">They were twelve people in total and as they were rushing at him, the plane beside Tony suddenly disappeared.</p> <p class="cnMxZjRhYjY2ZjYxNzQ5MjI5M2Y1Y2VlZmFlZjZkZWRk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">All the 12 guards were again startled by this and before they had the time to do anything else, Tony used his hands and casted a Mystic spell and suddenly the entire world around them started to flip upside down! They tried to latch onto the Bifrost bridge as they didn't wanted to fall off and were scared out of their wits.</p> <p class="cnNmOTcwN2JlNjEzYzRhODQ5YTgyMWQxMDI3Mjk5ZjM1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlZWI0NWQwN2I1NjRmNTZiNTM2NjE0YjkyMjdjOWYw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Isn't this fun?" Said Tony as he looked at them and the next second they all fell.</p> <p class="cnM0NWIzNGE4OWYyYjRmMzQ5OWQyNmYxNTYwNWY4YjU0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxNGQzNzBiZjE1OTRkYTI4OWZlYTU1OWVlMTc3N2U1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Almost immediately though, The world returned to normal and they all fell on the Bifrost, and lost consciousness.</p> <p class="cnNhYTIzYzZiY2ViZjQwYWU4NjE4OWQ2NzZkNGI3MTNl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkM2VhNzhmODdjZDRiYTY5OTlkMzM1YmViNmQ3M2Ix" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony then started walking towards Asgard on the Bifrost but he didn't immediately went to the eye catching castle, but started walking around Asgard while releasing some flies made out of Vibranium from his shoes.</p> <p class="cnNiOGM4ZGYwZWVhZTRjNjk5YTU4NTJmMjYzYTI5MzA3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">After walking around the magnificent city of gods, Tony finally started walking towards the Castle and nobody in the way dared to stop him as it was Hela's order.</p> <p class="cnNmODc0MWQ3ZTExNzQ3OWY4MmJkZDlhMWNkNjMwZDcy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNhMWEwN2NjNGU1OTQwNWQ5MTk0ZWVkZmMzN2Q5NTlk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Under the watchful eyes of many Asgardian Gods and Ancient Dead, Tony made his way into the Mighty Castle and soon saw the throne on which Hela was sitting in her usual clothes and headdress with grandeur.</p> <p class="cnNjMmNlMjUxMDliMTRkY2FiNmY3MDBhODYxNDlhMmUx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlODk5YzZhNDMxZjQ3YWZiMjFkOWZkYjMwZWIzYmRl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony came in and just casually looked at her while saying</p> <p class="cnMwMzFiOTRhMjdhYTQ4MjFiNWVhM2UyYWY4NjBjYjJi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNhOWMxYmQ2YWFkNDQ0ZTc5NDUyMDFlYzUzMzFkOGI5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Hi! Nice to see you again"</p> <p class="cnM4MDBmNzYzODVmZjQ4NGJhZGU0MDllMTAzNzkyYTBl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmZjZhOWU4MTg1NDQyN2U5M2Q2MTQ2OGFiYTAxZjlh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Welcome to Asgard, Stark" replied Hela with amusement.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTI5ZWY5Y2Y3MjQ5Y2Q4ZjkyZDFmY2Q4NmU1ZmM0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmZjk5ZDdlZjMyZTQxYjM5NzRkZjhjYTYzMDU0NGNj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"What was that. Sorcerer? The thing you did with those puny guards?" Asked one of the Gods after he greeted Hela</p> <p class="cnMyMjBhM2NhN2I1ZjQ1OWVhOGIyYjdhMDgyNGQ5OTlj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmMDY4OGU3NmVkOTRlY2U5MzVmNDA2OTYyM2M2NWVl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">This question immediately attracted everyone's attention as they all saw Tony suddenly flip Asgard and then break it, bringing everything back to normal. At first they thought that it might be some sort of illusion but the longer they thought about it, the more it seemed real, which was definitely outrageous.</p> <p class="cnMxOTgxMmY4MmM5MDQ2OWRiNDEyYTliMjcwN2RiZWE4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlMTFmMTI1YjcwZTRhYTc4MmVmMDhkZmU5Y2U0YTQx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony didn't immediately replied to them and instead looked at Hela and sent her a telepathic message</p> <p class="cnMzMTI5YjE5N2U0YjRkNDdhNmQ1ZjNkYTdkNTViMDM4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3ODA1ODkxZmIyOTQ4MzRiZjk2Mjk4Y2RhZGY5MmUz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"*Do I have to reveal my powers? I mean I'd rather tell it to you in private.*"</p> <p class="cnNiNjU4NjYwMjc2MDQxODE4NGE5NTg5ZGFkNTc2YTlh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwZDVhNjM0OWRhNDQzNTFhYmI1NDY3ZmI5NzY5YWZk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela smirked at Tony's wish as she thought that this might be his trump card and he didn't wanted to reveal it to others.</p> <p class="cnNhZDE1ODJlNWRhMjQyYWY5NGM4YWE5ZDE5YzQzYTUz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyMGVjYTM0ZmMxZDRkYjc4ODJmNzk0MWFkMTljZmEw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Let me give you a tour of my home" said Hela in a dominating voice which sent shivers down everyone's spine.</p> <p class="cnMyNTFiM2I4ZjNkYTRiMDE4Yzk3M2IyMWJhMzBjYTBk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">All the other people were now even more curious about this sorcerer who was given a personal tour by their Goddess of Death.</p> <p class="cnMwM2JmMzQ2OWY4ZDQxZjJhMTI0MzkxNzNiOGRiN2M2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwMTY1M2UzZmMzZTRlYTI4YjJlOTE1NDcwZGFjYTY3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony followed behind Hela as she exited the castle and then disappeared</p> <p class="cnMxMjBjNzM4Y2VjMDQ5MjNiNjBlYTU5YWQ1YTNhMjZl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNhNmFhMzRlYzMzYzQ4OWVhNTE1NzdjMmZlZTBmNDE0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM5NjUyYWNkZjU5OTQzYjFhODBmNWM5MDQ5NzY0NzVi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM5MjU1NTUwYTc5YjQ3NTg4MTA5Y2RjZjUxNjExYWUx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony and Hela were both walking back to castle after she really gave him a tour of Asgard and were walking through Asgards garden when she suddenly spoke</p> <p class="cnNlMzAzMGRlY2ViNzRjM2E5YTg2MDYzMWE2ZTA5YmI4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwZGNjODM2ZDI5MTQxMTg5MDU5MWQzMWJlMDgzZDg2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"You can speak now, Sorcerer. Even I am curious about that ability of yours."</p> <p class="cnMwN2U3MzRmMWE3MzRlMTFhZGViMzllNjg5MzJkOTA1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlMmI1YTczNDlkMTQ1OTU4ZDIxYzVlZTQ1Mjc4Y2M5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Mirror dimension" replied Tony to her question very subtly.</p> <p class="cnM3NGY0MGMzNTI1MzRjMzNiNzY5M2I4ZjMzZDQzNjE1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyODkyZmNlOTBkMDQ2NjY5ZTNmNjEyZDhhNDkzYzc5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"What? What is that?" asked Hela with even more curiosity.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGQzNzdmYThiZjQ2NWU5ZTFmZTVmNjE3OGRkMGFh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwOTczOTIxZDJhNzQ1NGU5YjA0ZjEzMjQ4MWUyNzk3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"It's a different dimension. Just like Astral plane. There are other dimensions too, such as Dark dimensions but even the mention of it's name is kind of a taboo. We don't dwell in the Dark arts"</p> <p class="cnM5ODY1ZjVkZTA2OTRhODhiZjVmYTUwNzk3YmEzYmNi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3ODExYWNkNWUyYjQ3YTQ4NTg2NDk0M2VkZDcxMWFl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"That's quite interesting...So you control these dimensions?"</p> <p class="cnM2ZWI0MjU4ZWEyNjRkNzY4OWZjNmQ3MGQ5ODU5NDE4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM4OWE1MDE3MWM4NDRkODlhMzBjZDdlZjM2YzQyYjcz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Yeah, well we can't fight in the physical world with our full power or millions could easily die, so we use these different dimensions to fight instead. Mirror dimension mirrors the physical world you are in which you can control and manipulate to fight and only people who know mystic powers or have some other special powers can enter it."</p> <p class="cnNmZWEyZGFkNmI0MjQ0MmVhZmY5MjE3YWM3MjJmOWYy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjNDFkM2RjZGZkMzQ5ZjNiZTRiOGYzNGIxYWMwZjNm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony then went on to explain Hela about the Mirror dimension and even demonstrated it to her, just like the Ancient One did to Stephen Strange when he first came to her.</p> <p class="cnM3OWJlNzg1MGE5YzRkMjc4ZWQ5MWEwY2E1YjFjYTc0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmYzk0MWU0YjVlYzQzNzg4NGU5OGUwNjJjZThlMjYw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"By the way, you have some great way of welcoming guests."</p> <p class="cnM1NTk4ODRmMDNkOTRlMjhhNDk0MmRmZmNkZDAzYTJj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxYzE1NDc3NmIyYzRhNzg4NjU2NjM5YTlkZjAyNTU4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela chuckled at Tony's remark and told him about her most loyal pet, Fenrir.</p> <p class="cnM3NmVmZTdmZWRmODQzMzk4ZjcxOTliNGQ1MGFjZDdk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">At first she was just amused by Tony but now after witnessing his sorcery, she came to acknowledge him a little too.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGM0ODQyYzUxNjQ4ZWU4YmZhZDcwZDExZmIwOTRj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwMmIyYzI5YzUxMzRiMDBiYWU5YzgxN2Y4ZjI2M2Vh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'At least he is more capable and clear headed than my brothers', she thought.</p> <p class="cnNlZWJjNjM5YjJjNzQyZTBiOWIyZjg0YjI5ZTQxN2Rh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjYmE1YTNkMTdkOTRiZDY5NmE2ZjZiY2MzYThiOWNl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"So, Have you decided on a way to lure Heimdall?" asked Tony as they were about to reach the castle.</p> <p class="cnM1YWRkNDNhODQyNzQyODY4ODc3NjQ5ZDg2YjFmMjBm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiYmE4MmI5ODg2MjQ2OGE4NWY3YzY2MTgwN2JmYTMx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"For a Genius Sorcerer, you could be quite a moron sometimes" replied Hela with mocking smile.</p> <p class="cnMyMGM4OTBiMGQ2MDQ2NWVhMDRiODQ2YzFhN2M4ODdj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1YTk0ZTZhZjIwZDQyOTU5ODU2NGFkY2VmNjM1ZWUy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Heimdall is an All-Seeing and All-Hearing Vanir. He is even listening to us right now plotting about him." she continued.</p> <p class="cnNjZjQ0YjgzNjY0NDQzZDQ4ZjRhMDc0ZWYyNDM4NWMx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZDQ2OTc5M2Y2YjQzY2I5YmE1YzE3OTNjYzdhMDI4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony started laughing at her remark about Heimdall which made Hela frown. After visibly controlling his laughter, Tony said with a giggle</p> <p class="cnM5Yjk5MjAyYzU4OTRiNzRhMWJlMGE5NjE4ZWNhMmEz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxNmM5YTM1MjE0MjQwYmFhYmUyZGM2NjBjOGIxOTMz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Heimdall? Well He can't see me. It's one of the reasons I am still alive you know."</p> <p class="cnMzMTJhNzU2NmE4NzQzNTc4ODI2NTJhNzYwYTRkMzY3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkMTdhMTliMjhmZTRkOTU5MzQ5NjU1NDVjMTgzY2Rj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela was in disbelief at Tony's answer but after giving it some thought, she asked</p> <p class="cnM1MmNmNGJmMTllOTQ5MDdiZTllMjZlZTgxYTY2ZDZm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTFmNGI4MzcyYzQ5YTA5YTVkYmJlMWE4ZDEzNzhk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Do you have a spell which makes this happens?"</p> <p class="cnNjMGY4YzFlODgyMzQ3N2NiYTc3MDhjZjQyZmFjYTEz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyZDM5NTY0NTA0MjRhNmM4ODk5YjhiODMwYzAzNTAz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"No...Even if there is any spell like this, I don't know of it. But the reason why Heimdall cannot sense me is because some years back, when Convergence happened, many portals started opening all over the nine realms which even blocked Heimdall's vision, causing Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster to get sucked into one.</p> <p class="cnNlOGQzYzcxMDNjNDQ1NDg4ZjExNWRjMWE2ZWM2MTRh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Malekith then got revived as Aether, The reality stone got inside of Jane and attacked Asgard as Thor brought her here for her safety.</p> <p class="cnNiNTlkYTNjZDNiMDQ1MGRiOTlmNDhmNGM1NmM1ZWQ3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Heimdall couldn't see any of it, resulting in the attack on Asgard. It was then concluded that Aether, The Reality Stone was the reason for his All-Seeing eye's reality to get affected as The Infinity Stone is infinitely more powerful than Heimdall.</p> <p class="cnMzNTBkZjRkYTY3ODRlYjE4YzE1NGM5ODNiNWY2Njc1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwYWU5MTE0MjliMjRkM2FhOTdhY2Q5N2EwNzJkZGQz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Now, You must be thinking where do I fit in all of this, right? Well to put it simply, when the Aether was extracted from Jane, I was nearby as I went there to confront whoever wrecked London and it touched me which caused my surroundings, and even my armor suit to change in something weird.</p> <p class="cnM2MDRhMGYxNjBhYzRlOTZhZDU5MmY5NWQyMWE0NWY2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0NjY0ZmM1NTAyYTQ4MTlhZDA0OTIzNjZkNTFmYTdh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">I found all of it later that Aether had actually changed the reality around me and then Thor informed me about all of this."</p> <p class="cnNhMDY3NWMzNjAzYjRjNWRiYTY4ZTAwNWFlMDNlNTYw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiMGVlMzk0MGQ1ODQwNDU4N2Q4MzIyNTIwNzcwMGZl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony's bullshit explanation was pretty convincing because these events did happened and they were all recorded in Asgard which she read upon her release.</p> <p class="cnNhMjhmZmUzYWNhMDRiZWRhNzE1M2IxYjc0YjYxMDc0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwNWViZTViOTY5MjRmM2ViYTE5MTY2Njc4MTlkNzRh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"So that Aether, which is now with the Collector, made it so that Heimdall's all seeing eye cannot see you?"</p> <p class="cnM1NzFmNDg1NzY4MzQyOTliZWI1MDZjYWY5YWEzMzM5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxOTM1ODE4Yjc2MzRmYzE5ODc0ZGY1ZDFkNzk2MWI0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Exactly!"</p> <p class="cnNkNTkwYTlmNDc4MTRiZWU5ZGI1NDRkMTliNzBlMzFi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxNWQyZjdmM2RhYTRhOGJhYmEwMmRiZjQwN2ZjN2U3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Hmm….I think I might pay a visit to Collector in future." Smiled Hela with a glint in her eyes.</p> </div>
Tony was in his Jet and was watching the infinite space around him as he travelled through it. The silver compass which was given to him by Hela was placed between the controls while Jarvis was piloting the Jet with its instructions. "Open the Hatchet" said Stark suddenly [Scanning the surroundings] [Everything's clear] [Opening the Hatchet] In a second, all the air in the hatchet was snuffed out after opening the door and Tony started drifting out of it slowly into the infinite space with his eyes closed. "Blissful" muttered Tony in the soundless space as he opened his eyes and was capturing this truly breathtaking moment. He was in space, without any protection and was excited beyond belief! 'I think this is the most happy I've ever been' thought Tony as he realized the grin on his face which was stretching from his ear to ear. He tried to contact with the cosmic energy around him which truly fascinated him. He then willed it and his black clothes turned into his Endo-Sym Armor after which he started to test all the properties of his suit. Needless to say it was working fine even in the space. Tony played around in space for quite a while just like a kid left in the playground. After doing everything he possibly could, he adjusted his composure and went back inside the hatchet which then sealed and opened a way into the Jet. "Resume the Journey" [Affirmative, Sir] The Jet again picked up the speed and started to follow the directions presented by the mystical compass. . . . Fenrir was guarding the Bifrost bridge so that Heimdall can't sneak the Asgardians away with it's help when suddenly his senses detected something and he bared his fangs. . . [Approaching Destination] [Warning! Detected A Protective Shield around Asgard] [Protective Shield reacting to compass…] [Protective Shield is opening to grant access] [Entering Asgard] [Warning! The Jet is under heavy Magical Disturbance] [Detected a Hostile] [Going Offensive, Using lethal force to neutralize the Hostile] . . Fenrir detected the Stark's Jet and glared at it with absolute menace. He was tasked to kill anyone coming or going to Asgard and as he was about to attack, Tony's Jet started to light up at extreme speed. "NO!" Shouted Tony just in time to stop Jarvis from using the Vibranium Repulsars on the beast "Use Non-Lethal force. Don't injure the beast or I will have to pay a hefty price to get out of this mess. Just use the bio viruses and make the thing asleep." The lights all over his Jet dimmed at his command and a cloud of gas erupted from it. Fenrir suddenly jumped in it's direction but was intercepted by a Vibranium Net which had a needle made out of Vibranium. Tony willed it and made the needle go inside the beast though it's orifices and as it reached the brain, he induced sleep in it by releasing some hormones through the needle and the gas which was releasing from his Jet. Hela was watching this with great interest as she was sitting on her throne. She was surprised to see Tony deal with her beast without even stepping out of his Jet and more so by his presence of mind that he realized that she wouldn't have forgiven him for hurting her loyal pet and used another method to deal with it. She although still had a playful smile as she tilted her head and saw some low level guards rush towards Tony. She wanted to see what Tony can actually do and if he can't survive this, she will revive him as her slave as Tony was pretty interesting to her. 'Interesting', that was the only thing she could tag Tony with as she thought of talking to him. His mindset was hugely different from anyone she'd ever met and she wanted to chat with him about different things and wanted to know what he thinks about a certain things in Asgard. . . [Multiple hostiles detected] "Ok, So she wants to play?" Tony smiled at the people coming towards his Jet when suddenly the roof of the Jet opened and he flew out of it. He landed on the Bifrost just beside the Sleeping Fenrir with style and all the people rushing towards Tony slowed down as they saw this man in black earthen clothes smiling at them. Was he not scared of them? They suddenly realized that Tony's smile was supposedly mocking them, and in anger, they started rushing towards Tony again. They were twelve people in total and as they were rushing at him, the plane beside Tony suddenly disappeared. All the 12 guards were again startled by this and before they had the time to do anything else, Tony used his hands and casted a Mystic spell and suddenly the entire world around them started to flip upside down! They tried to latch onto the Bifrost bridge as they didn't wanted to fall off and were scared out of their wits. "Isn't this fun?" Said Tony as he looked at them and the next second they all fell. Almost immediately though, The world returned to normal and they all fell on the Bifrost, and lost consciousness. Tony then started walking towards Asgard on the Bifrost but he didn't immediately went to the eye catching castle, but started walking around Asgard while releasing some flies made out of Vibranium from his shoes. After walking around the magnificent city of gods, Tony finally started walking towards the Castle and nobody in the way dared to stop him as it was Hela's order. Under the watchful eyes of many Asgardian Gods and Ancient Dead, Tony made his way into the Mighty Castle and soon saw the throne on which Hela was sitting in her usual clothes and headdress with grandeur. Tony came in and just casually looked at her while saying "Hi! Nice to see you again" "Welcome to Asgard, Stark" replied Hela with amusement. "What was that. Sorcerer? The thing you did with those puny guards?" Asked one of the Gods after he greeted Hela This question immediately attracted everyone's attention as they all saw Tony suddenly flip Asgard and then break it, bringing everything back to normal. At first they thought that it might be some sort of illusion but the longer they thought about it, the more it seemed real, which was definitely outrageous. Tony didn't immediately replied to them and instead looked at Hela and sent her a telepathic message "*Do I have to reveal my powers? I mean I'd rather tell it to you in private.*" Hela smirked at Tony's wish as she thought that this might be his trump card and he didn't wanted to reveal it to others. "Let me give you a tour of my home" said Hela in a dominating voice which sent shivers down everyone's spine. All the other people were now even more curious about this sorcerer who was given a personal tour by their Goddess of Death. Tony followed behind Hela as she exited the castle and then disappeared . . . Tony and Hela were both walking back to castle after she really gave him a tour of Asgard and were walking through Asgards garden when she suddenly spoke "You can speak now, Sorcerer. Even I am curious about that ability of yours." "Mirror dimension" replied Tony to her question very subtly. "What? What is that?" asked Hela with even more curiosity. "It's a different dimension. Just like Astral plane. There are other dimensions too, such as Dark dimensions but even the mention of it's name is kind of a taboo. We don't dwell in the Dark arts" "That's quite interesting...So you control these dimensions?" "Yeah, well we can't fight in the physical world with our full power or millions could easily die, so we use these different dimensions to fight instead. Mirror dimension mirrors the physical world you are in which you can control and manipulate to fight and only people who know mystic powers or have some other special powers can enter it." Tony then went on to explain Hela about the Mirror dimension and even demonstrated it to her, just like the Ancient One did to Stephen Strange when he first came to her. "By the way, you have some great way of welcoming guests." Hela chuckled at Tony's remark and told him about her most loyal pet, Fenrir. At first she was just amused by Tony but now after witnessing his sorcery, she came to acknowledge him a little too. 'At least he is more capable and clear headed than my brothers', she thought. "So, Have you decided on a way to lure Heimdall?" asked Tony as they were about to reach the castle. "For a Genius Sorcerer, you could be quite a moron sometimes" replied Hela with mocking smile. "Heimdall is an All-Seeing and All-Hearing Vanir. He is even listening to us right now plotting about him." she continued. Tony started laughing at her remark about Heimdall which made Hela frown. After visibly controlling his laughter, Tony said with a giggle "Heimdall? Well He can't see me. It's one of the reasons I am still alive you know." Hela was in disbelief at Tony's answer but after giving it some thought, she asked "Do you have a spell which makes this happens?" "No...Even if there is any spell like this, I don't know of it. But the reason why Heimdall cannot sense me is because some years back, when Convergence happened, many portals started opening all over the nine realms which even blocked Heimdall's vision, causing Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster to get sucked into one. Malekith then got revived as Aether, The reality stone got inside of Jane and attacked Asgard as Thor brought her here for her safety. Heimdall couldn't see any of it, resulting in the attack on Asgard. It was then concluded that Aether, The Reality Stone was the reason for his All-Seeing eye's reality to get affected as The Infinity Stone is infinitely more powerful than Heimdall. Now, You must be thinking where do I fit in all of this, right? Well to put it simply, when the Aether was extracted from Jane, I was nearby as I went there to confront whoever wrecked London and it touched me which caused my surroundings, and even my armor suit to change in something weird. I found all of it later that Aether had actually changed the reality around me and then Thor informed me about all of this." Tony's bullshit explanation was pretty convincing because these events did happened and they were all recorded in Asgard which she read upon her release. "So that Aether, which is now with the Collector, made it so that Heimdall's all seeing eye cannot see you?" "Exactly!" "Hmm….I think I might pay a visit to Collector in future." Smiled Hela with a glint in her eyes.
{ "title": "The Merchant of Death", "id": 21240, "author": "Lumpish_Haggard", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Upgrading Asgardian Weapons", "id": 305906, "next": 305912, "prev": 305905, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1M2YxMzAyMGI3OTQ0YjRiYTMxZmY0NDg1NGU0MDVh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNiMDZhZTFlMzllNzQ0MzViNmM0YWU2NjJlOTQzOWMz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNlNTY5NjM1YjI0MzQ0YTg4NGYyMDIzMzNlZTBkZjgx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Thor is coming here with Hulk and Valkyrie. What do you want me to do about them?"</p> <p class="cnM5YTA5MjAyMTg0ZDQ0OGY5OTZlNzk0Y2FkMWM2OWNj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiYzA2ZGIwYThkYjRhOGFhZjZmOWI3ODY5YmNlNjhj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Let them come, We still need the Tesseract from Loki, don't we?"</p> <p class="cnMzYWNkYjNlNWI3YzRmZjhiY2NjNWQ0NTllNTRhNzk2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwMjZjY2U2ZDBmMjQ0ZWFhNjg2YzU0YjQzNDY3NTQ0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"We do….And about Heimdall?"</p> <p class="cnMwY2E3NWMxYzg1NTQyYTI4MTIwMGU1Yjg4YjE3Yzc1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0M2I4ZDExMmU1ZjQyN2I5ZGI1YTdlNGU2ZmMyMjUx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"You seem awfully obsessed with him. Don't Worry, I have already asked Skurge to start eliminating the prisoners if Heimdall doesn't bring the sword."</p> <p class="cnNmYWFhZjE0YmZjNjQyMzE5MmM5MGMzMmJlOTE2NjJj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMzMmY3YTViNWNlYTRlMmZhYWIwYmEwZWU1MDliMjE0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Cool"</p> <p class="cnM1NGJiYmY0YzMwYjRkZTg4MmIyMjhmYmEzMWM2OWU3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiYTdjYzAwNjNmYjRhMWM4ZWY4Y2NjMTAxZTQwNjIw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">It was early in the morning and Tony and Hela were still talking in the garden. As soon as one topic got over, he would turn the conversation towards a different topic.</p> <p class="cnM2NGQ3NjAwNzJkMzRiOWJiYTY2MTU5YWEzZTkyZTA5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">He asked her about her time in Hel, about how was it, about her adversaries in their quest to conquer the Nine Realms and he also told her about his sad past he showed Wanda earlier to gain some sympathy points.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTQzYjE5OTFhNjQ5NjA4ZTJhYjRlMTFlMTQwM2Zj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkODY4MjdiZmFjYjQ0N2RhMWQ4ZWI5ZDMyYjZmY2Q0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"By the way, where is the Uru ore?" inquired Tony with a curious look.</p> <p class="cnMzYzMwN2ZjNTIzNzRhM2Y4OTc0NmQ0MzAxNzIyNDRh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0N2MzNjc4MjYwZTQ4ZDZiM2UwNzIyNGY5NzdiZmRj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Where is the repulsar tech you were talking about on Midgard?" Hela questioned back.</p> <p class="cnNjY2EwYzQzNDgwMzQxOGE5ODIwZTZhNmE2ZmQ1MjJi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlMjhhNDVhYTFhMDQwZDJhMDA1YjY0ZWY1OGQxNzY4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony simply put a hand in his pocket and pulled out a vibranium card. Hela was intrigued by the shining card when Tony suddenly threw it on the ground and it became a working table with many equipments on it. He then put a hand in his another pocket and flipped out a handful of similar cards just to see Hela's surprised face.</p> <p class="cnM4OWU0M2Q1YmIwNzQ0Yjk5Y2YxNTY3MWRiMGY3NzE1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM5MmMyZTA5OGI0MTQzNmJiZjRjNWQzNTE2MTFmMmQ5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Nano Technology" whispered Tony near Hela's ears which made her even more intrigued.</p> <p class="cnNlM2Q2OWYzYzE5NTQ1NjU4NmM5YmRmMmU3OGViNzBl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3NTVjYWU1YzZiODQ2YTBiNDI4MGYxMDU1ZTlhMGYw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">It was not Nanotechnology by any stretch in reality. Tony had just used Pym particles to shrink them and then designed them like Nanotech to hide his ability to shrink and enhance the size of anything.</p> <p class="cnNmZTdlY2JjZWE4MzQ2MjY4MjRhYzBmMzM1MGE4Zjli" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkMTc0MDAyMGU4OTQwMmI4YTEyNTY2Zjg4NzBhNjdk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony then asked her again about the Uru ore and she simply stated</p> <p class="cnMwZjJiOThjZjMyNjRlZGE4ZDZlNjI1YzQ0YzI3NzBi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1NmJmNWVhZTkyOTRjOGQ4MTZjMTUxN2UyMTQ2OWVi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"First you serve, and then you get your reward."</p> <p class="cnM0NWY5MmNhMDZkODRhMmNiMTI2M2NkNjU1NzVmNTkw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3NDBhOGQ0OGE0ZjRiYTZiNWYzMDZmMTI1YjNiYTkx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Finally after a very long time, Hela showed him his Room in the Asgardian Palace and left.</p> <p class="cnMyNjJjNTI1YjgxNTRkYmRhZjcxMTNjODRjODQxZWM2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnMwYzZmNWJjNWU5ZjQ3MmViYzJmZmU1NmViMDEzZjNi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony sat on a comfortable chair in his room and thought</p> <p class="cnM3MWIxMWIyN2VhMTQ2NTliOWViMTYxY2VlYWYzNjcy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjMjVkOTkyNjQ0MTRhYzQ4Y2E3NWFkNjYyMjI4ZThh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'Games….She wants to play games with me? hahahaha….Need Tesseract from Loki? Bitch he doesn't even have it. It is still in Odin's vault yet you are not telling me….'</p> <p class="cnNjYTVhMTA4MDZhNzQ3NDZiNjUwMTE4MDhmZTYxNmY2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1NjA4Y2MyNDA3NjQ1NDg4ZmRmNjY3MWFjMDgxY2U5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">A Virtual screen then appeared in Tony's mind which had multiple videos playing. Tony then focused on one of the videos in which a Berserker, one of Hela's pawn was guarding the Odin's vault. The Vibranium fly which was sitting afar on a pillar then shrunk and hid to avoid being detected and Tony opened his eyes again.</p> <p class="cnNjNWNhYjFmMDk2ZTQ0YjA5YTY2ZmVlYjdlM2M1NWJi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM4MDU4NDAwZmQzMTQ3MmI5NjgzMTBiOWNkNTc2YmNk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'So she did increased the security to avoid Loki from entering the vault.'</p> <p class="cnMzNzM2OGExYzkwZDQwMmE5ZjE3YTdjNjdiYjM0MmY4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjYTY4NTk5Y2Q5MjRiZTU4NTA3YmVmMmIxMWJkODQ2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony then focused again on different screens but he couldn't find what he was looking for and closed his eyes to open them again with a yellow glint.</p> <p class="cnNmNzE0MTNmZDFkYzQ4YWRhMzQzNDE1YjIxMjZjYWEy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTljZTRmYzkxMTRmNTA5ZDE4MGUxMDVkMTJmMWZj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNiZjQ3YmRiZWQ5OTQxNGI4YmE4ODQ1Njc3NmQyZWFl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnMxMWY3YTQxMGJkYTQ3YTA4MDQ0YjNjYWNjMjc3ODcw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela was watching over Fenrir who was still sleeping and started to speak</p> <p class="cnM2ZmFkZGNkOTEyMzRlZmJhZWE3MTViYjA1YTNhNWEx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0NWY0ZTFmNGIxMzQ1NGRiOTc5NzQ0YjY1MjYyNjI5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"He is the same as me….But his main problem is that he is still foolishly trusty of people he don't know. This flaw in him could be very fatal for him in the future….We can't have that. I shall temper him first."</p> <p class="cnM3MWYxNTI2NDhmMDQ0Yjk5M2JlMjdkNzA5YWU4M2Fl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0Zjg3NDY5YjhiODRlNTZiMWJkNjk0YzUzMzI3YTdj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">She was reminiscing about how Tony just trusted her to treat him fairly after arriving to Asgard, and just casually showed her his most valuable secrets such as Mirror Dimension and Nanotechnology.</p> <p class="cnMxMjU5YmNlMThmNTRkMWY5OWM4OGE4MTI5YjEzYzY1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The reason she didn't gave Tony Tesseract even after having it right under her nose and having no need for it was that she wanted him to think that Loki did indeed had it. So after he comes to Asgard to kill her, she could instead kill Loki and then give the Tesseract to Tony making him feel that the price she had to pay for the said Tesseract was too big. Tony would then surely feel hugely indebted to her and then it would be easy for her to make him be forever loyal to her.</p> <p class="cnM1YjNjMDBlNTNmNDQyNTI5Y2FlODhkMWUyOWQ1Y2Fm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The other reason was obviously that she didn't trusted him fully as she was betrayed by her own father in the past so believing a stranger was a little bit difficult for her.</p> <p class="cnNlZmI1MmM5NzczODQwMWE5YTY2NGYxMmIxODM5MThk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxZDFlNzQ1ZjI0ODRhMWI4MjdmNTBlNWZhNmU3Nzdm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">As Hela was reminiscing all of it, A berserker appeared beside her and told her that her guest Tony was asking for everyone's weapons.</p> <p class="cnM2ZGMwZTk1MmJjNzQ5ZGFhMTQ1MTg1NDBkOGNjNjNl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMzZTg5OTFkNTE4ODQ4OTFiMmE1MGJlMGE0YWNkMDI3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Oh really? Then what are you standing here for? Give him your weapons."</p> <p class="cnM1ODU3ODFjY2NiYTQ3NGY5NmE2MjA2YWYyNmRhNDgw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjYTk5NDIwNjRiMjQ3YzU5YTg3OGJlNTc4ZDg3YjE2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Yes, My Queen"</p> <p class="cnMwMjNjYjIwNmZjMTRkNWViMTM5N2YzNjhmZjM2ZTYw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnMzMjhjMTE1N2QxYTQwZjQ5ZmU4Yzg2NTBkNzcyZTZi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM5NmNjZjdjNDc3ZDQ2MzI5NGNkYjRmMWQzNDg1ZmE4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela then went to her Throne room to find Tony casually upgrading a weapon of her Berserker in the middle of the hall on a table he showed her this morning.</p> <p class="cnM4NzZhMjU4MWU0NDQwMTVhMmRhOTRmMTBjOThkYjk3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Fenrir also arrived with her and when he noticed Tony, he started growling</p> <p class="cnNmMmE5YTczYTcyYTQyYmNiNTYzYTNjZjg4MGY2MTli" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0OTVmZGRkNzlkODQzZTFhZTQ1NzBiYjc2NTFlYTc4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Shh….He's okay" Said Hela in playful tone.</p> <p class="cnNiYmQyNDljNGY1ODQ5MTFiMzhmMGRlNmQ5ZmU3MjY2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyZDkwNWQzOWMyMzQyYWFhMzQ1OWI2ZmFlMmY5ZTZh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Everyone bowed to Hela upon her arrival instead of Tony who just nodded at her and then kept working on the weapon.</p> <p class="cnNmYmYxZjc2ZWQ5YTQyNmViYjRlMGRkZjM3NmJmNTE5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmMTY5ZTZjNjFiNjQyNzNhZTljZGQ5YzMxYTY0Y2Vl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Here, Try and use it now" Said Tony to a Berserker while throwing an upgraded spear at his direction.</p> <p class="cnMzNzEyZjQ5NzljOTQwZDI5MTNlYjM0YTQyZDI3NGFi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM2ZmU0NWQ5OTBmZTRiYmM5NmE2Njc2MTNiMjU1MmVj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The Berserker caught the spear and with a grunt, went outside the palace and targeted at a random house.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWRhNjMwNjM3NzQ2ODE5NzVkOWY4MDE1M2MwOTNi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">A bright blue light appeared from his spear and with a flash, the upper floor of the said house disappeared.</p> <p class="cnNhYjQxYjI0YTdjNzRmZDRiNzA4MWExZmJlMGE4MGM0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNiOTg4ODU0NWZlNjQ2OTI4NDgwMTI0YTcyNmJhN2U0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Impressive" Remarked Hela.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmEzZDU5ZjNlOTQ4YThiMDY4ODg2MjUzMmMwYjJi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmZmEyNmMzNDVlOTRjOWFiNDhmZDUzYWEwMTc3NDEz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Listening to her say that, Tony got up from his seat and went up to her before saying</p> <p class="cnMyM2E2NjE2ZWYyMzQzMTI4MGRlYmY5ODc3NDU4Nzll" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkMGQzZGMzMWY1ZjRlNTQ4OTRkZWQzNWFjM2EyOTlh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Let me study your weapon so I can design an upgrade for it."</p> <p class="cnNjMDM2ZTcwODkwZDQ2MGZhMDYxODRhOWZkZWZhODQw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkYzg2OGFjYTBhNDQyM2ViZjg5OGIyZjU0MTAyMmY2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"You sure? It's a Necrosword….Anyone other than me will get their souls sucked out of their bodies upon direct contact with it."</p> <p class="cnM0N2QyM2FmNjk0NzQ3ZWY5M2ZkYmNkZDEwYTE1OTc0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1Y2I4YWFjOTQ2NzQ4M2Q5MWNkZTU5OTEyNDQyNTlh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony stumbled back two steps as he kept staring at Hela and then shrugged it while saying with an embarrassed smile</p> <p class="cnMwYWE2MjU2YWU1NTRiMWU4NTQxY2ExYWRlN2YzYzQx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3MjJmNWJmY2I5YjQ0YjRhYjE5YThiODU0MDg4Zjkx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"I should've known...I can't even lift Mjolnir, so Your weapon will obviously be more powerful"</p> <p class="cnNiY2YzNTY1ZTNlOTQ5Zjc4Y2YxMWY0MTRlODU3MzMz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjZTFkNjFiMDUzZDQ1MDc4NGZiODlmOGE4MjJkYjg2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela chuckled at his realization and manifested her Necrosword before throwing it towards Tony without any prior warnings.</p> <p class="cnM5NjgyM2EzMzI0NzRlYjY4NWRiMDZlNmQ2YzZkNGIx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony acted as if he was taken off guard and caught the Blade. Everyone in the room was waiting for something to happen but after waiting for a few seconds, they all looked surprised and Tony released a sigh.</p> <p class="cnNjYTY3YWZiZGM1ZTQxODZhOGFjNjFmNjE1NTBkNzdi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjN2NjNDhkODc2ZDRmZDU4YThhZjllMjcwMjBmNzgx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"For a Goddess of Death, you sure like to play pranks." remarked Tony before taking the sword to his desk and scanning it with some virtual holograms and then giving it back to her.</p> <p class="cnMzODA4N2U2NDM0ZTQxNDA5MDMxZGZmOGYxOGU3MTcz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3NTNkN2E0Y2M3NDRlODM5ZDM5MGQwMjdmOTkzYzgz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony then kept making different weapons powered by his repulsar tech and after a while, he packed everything up and went back to his room.</p> <p class="cnM4YmM4NDlkYWM2MzRjNTA4ZGQ3Y2Y1M2FjNjE5YTAw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM1NWViYTliNjljZDRhN2RiNGZkZjJjNzY3MzU0NjJj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNhZTAwYjc2OGFiYTRmZDE5MTY5ZjI2ODJkOTgxMTAz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnMwM2M1MTJlOThlMDQ3Yjk5ZDI0MzhjZjQ4ZDg4YzAy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie were on their way to Asgard when they detected a protective shield around Asgard. Thor tried to use his powers so that the barrier would allow him access, but to his surprise, the barrier didn't even responded.</p> <p class="cnNhNTRhNmIzMzU5MTQxMDQ4NjFkZDNjNzdmZTI0NDEx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0NGVlZGZmZDM4YTQ4Njg4NDk2ZjFhNmNiM2UzZDNh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"She changed the barrier!" Stated Thor with frustration after trying several times to undo the barrier.</p> <p class="cnM0N2E1YTkwOGIxMjQwNTVhZjU5N2M1ZmE4OWE0NTVi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM5YTYwMGNhNmYzNDQ1MmI4Zjg0MjI0ZjEyOGI3ZGEz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Don't worry, we still have another way." Said Valkyrie with a shaky voice.</p> <p class="cnM4YmRiZTc0ZGQ3YzRlZDhhNzUxZjYxMTUyZTE5ZjZm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlZTAzZjIzMjIzYzRjMDRiZmQ2NjYwYmEwMThlY2M5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Thor was surprised to hear her say that as even he didn't know any backdoor to Asgard and he was suppose to be the King.</p> <p class="cnM4YzY0ZTJmNzA0OTQ4ODQ5ZmYzM2UzODA1ZThlMjE5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Under Thor and Banner's curious eyes, she said with a sad face</p> <p class="cnM0NjY5MmE2MGM2MTQwMzQ5M2I3MjhmMzIwNjMyYzNk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxMjRhNDczNDgzNTQ3MDFiOTI0OTY2NTM4MDNiZjkw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"There is an entry point to Asgard from Hel. All-Father showed it to us Valkyries when we were going to Hel to fight with Hela. But that way is extremely dangerous. It's a maze and if anyone gets lost in it, they are lost there for the rest of the eternity."</p> <p class="cnNhNjFmMDM5MjBlNzQ4YmI5MTVhYmU3Y2I4MmEwZmY3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNhYzVlZmE4MGJmZDRmYjA5NzYwY2U3OGEwZWNhMjYz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Wait wait wait….Lost for all eternity? Are you sure we can't just break the protective shield?" Said Banner with some resignation.</p> <p class="cnNjMmY2NDcxN2Q0ZTQyYTg4Yzc0N2YwMThhYTg0YmY0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlMGQwYTQxMGM2MjRhYjFiNjEzZjBkOTJkOWY1NDE0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Banner was obviously more intelligent than Thor and wanted to take all the different kinds of possible approaches before risking to lose himself for all eternity.</p> <p class="cnNhNWI1ODZmZDY5OTRkNTJiOWI4NDE1NDNhZDIxOGY1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM3MDk5MDA4MWQ5MDQxNTNhNmI1OGQxZjk1MTlkYmIx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM5YjFhY2FmYjc4ZTQ0ZTlhZWM4MTgxNGExNTg0NWFl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony was in his room watching Television but the video playing on the T.V. was of Loki, who was also following the Revengers, encounter the Protective Shield around Asgard.</p> <p class="cnM3Y2M4NjViN2FiMjQ4NjBhN2JiY2YzNWI5ODU4NDJh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNhYjY2YmY4YzcyZjQ0OTQ5Yjg3ZDEyZmRlOWUyMmQ1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'An Idiot God who thinks his father Odin was a messiah, A highly narcissistic and mischievous god who betrays and schemes against everyone, An All-Seeing and All hearing Sentry who sees nearly everything but is powerless to do anything about it and A naive Goddess who just killed people her entire life at the orders of Odin and has no ounce of political and social skill....which was also the reason for her exile to Hel by the way.</p> <p class="cnM4MDNmYzRlMTIyNTQxNTliZmIyNWY1Y2E2NmU2ZTY5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Heh, And people wonder why Asgard got destroyed. No wonder Thanos had it easy with the Space Stone….'</p> </div>
. . "Thor is coming here with Hulk and Valkyrie. What do you want me to do about them?" "Let them come, We still need the Tesseract from Loki, don't we?" "We do….And about Heimdall?" "You seem awfully obsessed with him. Don't Worry, I have already asked Skurge to start eliminating the prisoners if Heimdall doesn't bring the sword." "Cool" It was early in the morning and Tony and Hela were still talking in the garden. As soon as one topic got over, he would turn the conversation towards a different topic. He asked her about her time in Hel, about how was it, about her adversaries in their quest to conquer the Nine Realms and he also told her about his sad past he showed Wanda earlier to gain some sympathy points. "By the way, where is the Uru ore?" inquired Tony with a curious look. "Where is the repulsar tech you were talking about on Midgard?" Hela questioned back. Tony simply put a hand in his pocket and pulled out a vibranium card. Hela was intrigued by the shining card when Tony suddenly threw it on the ground and it became a working table with many equipments on it. He then put a hand in his another pocket and flipped out a handful of similar cards just to see Hela's surprised face. "Nano Technology" whispered Tony near Hela's ears which made her even more intrigued. It was not Nanotechnology by any stretch in reality. Tony had just used Pym particles to shrink them and then designed them like Nanotech to hide his ability to shrink and enhance the size of anything. Tony then asked her again about the Uru ore and she simply stated "First you serve, and then you get your reward." Finally after a very long time, Hela showed him his Room in the Asgardian Palace and left. . Tony sat on a comfortable chair in his room and thought 'Games….She wants to play games with me? hahahaha….Need Tesseract from Loki? Bitch he doesn't even have it. It is still in Odin's vault yet you are not telling me….' A Virtual screen then appeared in Tony's mind which had multiple videos playing. Tony then focused on one of the videos in which a Berserker, one of Hela's pawn was guarding the Odin's vault. The Vibranium fly which was sitting afar on a pillar then shrunk and hid to avoid being detected and Tony opened his eyes again. 'So she did increased the security to avoid Loki from entering the vault.' Tony then focused again on different screens but he couldn't find what he was looking for and closed his eyes to open them again with a yellow glint. . . . Hela was watching over Fenrir who was still sleeping and started to speak "He is the same as me….But his main problem is that he is still foolishly trusty of people he don't know. This flaw in him could be very fatal for him in the future….We can't have that. I shall temper him first." She was reminiscing about how Tony just trusted her to treat him fairly after arriving to Asgard, and just casually showed her his most valuable secrets such as Mirror Dimension and Nanotechnology. The reason she didn't gave Tony Tesseract even after having it right under her nose and having no need for it was that she wanted him to think that Loki did indeed had it. So after he comes to Asgard to kill her, she could instead kill Loki and then give the Tesseract to Tony making him feel that the price she had to pay for the said Tesseract was too big. Tony would then surely feel hugely indebted to her and then it would be easy for her to make him be forever loyal to her. The other reason was obviously that she didn't trusted him fully as she was betrayed by her own father in the past so believing a stranger was a little bit difficult for her. As Hela was reminiscing all of it, A berserker appeared beside her and told her that her guest Tony was asking for everyone's weapons. "Oh really? Then what are you standing here for? Give him your weapons." "Yes, My Queen" . . Hela then went to her Throne room to find Tony casually upgrading a weapon of her Berserker in the middle of the hall on a table he showed her this morning. Fenrir also arrived with her and when he noticed Tony, he started growling "Shh….He's okay" Said Hela in playful tone. Everyone bowed to Hela upon her arrival instead of Tony who just nodded at her and then kept working on the weapon. "Here, Try and use it now" Said Tony to a Berserker while throwing an upgraded spear at his direction. The Berserker caught the spear and with a grunt, went outside the palace and targeted at a random house. A bright blue light appeared from his spear and with a flash, the upper floor of the said house disappeared. "Impressive" Remarked Hela. Listening to her say that, Tony got up from his seat and went up to her before saying "Let me study your weapon so I can design an upgrade for it." "You sure? It's a Necrosword….Anyone other than me will get their souls sucked out of their bodies upon direct contact with it." Tony stumbled back two steps as he kept staring at Hela and then shrugged it while saying with an embarrassed smile "I should've known...I can't even lift Mjolnir, so Your weapon will obviously be more powerful" Hela chuckled at his realization and manifested her Necrosword before throwing it towards Tony without any prior warnings. Tony acted as if he was taken off guard and caught the Blade. Everyone in the room was waiting for something to happen but after waiting for a few seconds, they all looked surprised and Tony released a sigh. "For a Goddess of Death, you sure like to play pranks." remarked Tony before taking the sword to his desk and scanning it with some virtual holograms and then giving it back to her. Tony then kept making different weapons powered by his repulsar tech and after a while, he packed everything up and went back to his room. . . . Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie were on their way to Asgard when they detected a protective shield around Asgard. Thor tried to use his powers so that the barrier would allow him access, but to his surprise, the barrier didn't even responded. "She changed the barrier!" Stated Thor with frustration after trying several times to undo the barrier. "Don't worry, we still have another way." Said Valkyrie with a shaky voice. Thor was surprised to hear her say that as even he didn't know any backdoor to Asgard and he was suppose to be the King. Under Thor and Banner's curious eyes, she said with a sad face "There is an entry point to Asgard from Hel. All-Father showed it to us Valkyries when we were going to Hel to fight with Hela. But that way is extremely dangerous. It's a maze and if anyone gets lost in it, they are lost there for the rest of the eternity." "Wait wait wait….Lost for all eternity? Are you sure we can't just break the protective shield?" Said Banner with some resignation. Banner was obviously more intelligent than Thor and wanted to take all the different kinds of possible approaches before risking to lose himself for all eternity. . . Tony was in his room watching Television but the video playing on the T.V. was of Loki, who was also following the Revengers, encounter the Protective Shield around Asgard. 'An Idiot God who thinks his father Odin was a messiah, A highly narcissistic and mischievous god who betrays and schemes against everyone, An All-Seeing and All hearing Sentry who sees nearly everything but is powerless to do anything about it and A naive Goddess who just killed people her entire life at the orders of Odin and has no ounce of political and social skill....which was also the reason for her exile to Hel by the way. Heh, And people wonder why Asgard got destroyed. No wonder Thanos had it easy with the Space Stone….'
{ "title": "Slayer of Kings", "id": 20099, "author": "Dark_Reality", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 52 - Mia's Mission", "id": 305908, "next": 306232, "prev": 305627, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjNzYxMGYwYThjYTRiOGQ5NDYxZjQ0MWEyMGM4ODZm">Mia made it. She finally made it back to town. Now, she had to find her father and bring people back with her to help.</p> <p class="cnNhODRhYzFkMWMyZTQ5MjdhYzYyM2M0ZDVlNDZiN2Qw">Mia was about to take the next step when her hands got pulled by someone. She could not react in time. She tried to open her mouth, but no sound came out. A light barrier?</p> <p class="cnMyMGQyZmIyNzVkYTQ5YzBiM2FlYmZlZmUzYmFkMmM5">She looked at the figure that held her hand. It was uncle Zek.</p> <p class="cnNmZmJmOTQ2YzBlMTQyYzZhNzQ5YmE1ZmZjZDRjYzM2">Uncle Zek? She asked, but no sound came because of the barrier.</p> <p class="cnM2YTNlMTZiZWM4YjRmMTVhZDNlMzkxMmE0OWQ5ODVm">They traveled for five minutes before they stopped. The light barrier disappeared.</p> <p class="cnNjOGI1OTU2NzIxNDRjOTViMmRmMjIyMjVkMzIwZGMw">Mia looked at uncle Zek. She had never seen him in such a hurry. "What happened uncle Zek?"</p> <p class="cnMwZmI4NDcwOTdjNDRjMDc5NDBkMTI5Nzc2YmE0ZGQy">Uncle Zek straightened his dress. "Good thing I ran into you otherwise the consequences would have been unbearable."</p> <p class="cnMzOTA4OGJmMzc1ZDQ4NTJiOWEwODI4MjQ0YjkyYmNh">Mia got confused. "What consequences?"</p> <p class="cnMzYTZkMzcwNmNlMjQ0NWQ4ZGIzNjJlZmM1YTQ2Mzk4">Uncle Zek looked around. "You need not know them. The only thing you need to know is you cannot go into town right now."</p> <p class="cnM1MTJlY2NhZmY3ZDQ4NTY5YjMyNTA1MWYxNjU3YmUz">Cannot go into town? The hope of Emilia, Xander, and others, were resting on her shoulders. "I have to go inside. I need dad's help."</p> <p class="cnNhMWI5OWFlYzNhMzQzZDZhNDU5ODkzYjRjNGJlODRi">"Gerard's help?" It was now Zek noticed that he had only found Mia. What happened to the others? Don't tell me...</p> <p class="cnMwNWNmODE2Yzc4MDQ4Nzg4MjE0YzQwODRmNWJjMmNi">"Xander got taken. Many others in the squads also got taken."</p> <p class="cnNmY2NkZGE1OTlhNzRiMjdhOTIyN2I0Yjk0OTk0Zjg3">They must have run into Xavier. Now, it made sense why Xander and the others got kidnapped.</p> <p class="cnMzNWJkZjQ0Mjc2OTRkYTA4MGFmMDRmYjY1NzBlYzZj">"I asked all of you not to engage in any battle," Said Uncle Zek.</p> <p class="cnM0ZThiZGIwOTJmZTQ3OTg4OGI2MDVjYjYwOGQwNTEw">"We did not. They came to us. Ike's thinks there is a spy in town. I also think the same," Replied Mia.</p> <p class="cnNmOWQ3OWFlMzY4OTQ1YjliYjllZTkxN2ZmZDk2OTU1">"A spy?" With all the things that are happening. This would make things more difficult.</p> <p class="cnNmZWQ5M2Q0MWJhOTQ4NTZiYTEyNTEyMmMyMzk4MjAx">"Uncle Zek please tell me what happened. Is my father okay? What about Nathan? Has he been eating properly?" Nathan would always make a problem when eating without her. Mia pleaded for an answer.</p> <p class="cnMwODIxMjE0NWU3MDQ5MzY5MjQxNDc4NjBlMWMyMTBj">Uncle Zek sighed. "I cannot say you the full story, but I can say parts. Your father got into trouble with someone way out of our league. Nathan is doing fine."</p> <p class="cnMyMGVlMTU3YmI3MjRiMThiZDBiOGE1NzlmNzYxNTY5">Mia's eyes widened. "Trouble with someone out of our league? Tell me who is it? Please." Mia pleaded once more.</p> <p class="cnM1MWUzYTI5MzQ0MzQ0ZGQ4YWU2NmQ4NzY1ZmFjYTIx">Uncle Zek sighed and thought to himself. I'm sorry Mia. I cannot tell you this because if I do, then you can never live a normal life. But, looking at the things that are about to happen will you and Nathan ever be able to lead a normal life?</p> <p class="cnM2Nzc1MzdiMjAxNzQ5YzM5OTA0YmIzOWM5OWY3MzA4">He opened his mouth. "I'm sorry Mia, but I cannot say."</p> <p class="cnM4YTU5NjcyMDA0NzQ0NWU4YjA0YTM3MDJjMTAyMzQy">"But why?! I don't understand. I have to help them," she thought of something. "can you help me?"</p> <p class="cnMyYTBmZWU4NmYzYjRiODI4MWJlYmZkNWQ3YjE5MjY0">Uncle Zek looked down. He could not see Mia like this. He had seen her grown up from when she was small. This pained him, but he had to be with Gerard. "I'm sorry."</p> <p class="cnNiOGY3MGZiMTUwNjRlZjU4Nzc4OThjNzBkN2RlZTk5">Mia's eyes turned to anger. "Fine! Tell my, father, I don't want to talk to him ever again! I will never talk to you again also!"</p> <p class="cnM2ZWJkNGE1ZWJkYjRiOTI4ODE3NWQ4NWMyNTRhNjk1">Mia left towards the direction of the city with tears in her eyes. She had failed. Failed as always.</p> <p class="cnNjYzk1MDI4NzkwYzRmN2NhZDY1OWVhNmVlNDFiN2Nk">Uncle Zek signed. "Forgive me, Mia. If only there was a way out," He turned his attention towards the town and walked.</p> <p class="cnMyMWZhYjQ5MjU4ZTQ3NzRhZjViNWJhNjgwNzY0MzNl">---</p> <p class="cnMwNTdjYjBjZDMwYzRkNDc4NzQxOTdmNmExYTIwZTMz">An hour passed since Mia left.</p> <p class="cnNmZmI4MmU0MWM2ZTRjY2NhY2E4MGQzMDNjNzk4NjJk">Gerard found himself in his children's room. Looking at their toys brought back memories from their childhood. He took one toy. This one was special. It was a gift from their mother. His wife. Will he ever be able to see his wife again?</p> <p class="cnNkOWFkNzRjZmY4MTQxMzJhZTdkZWRiYTVlYmQwMjk3">This was their favorite toy.</p> <p class="cnMzZWZjNzYzNWIyMTRkZWY5MDMyYjFhZjJlZWQwOGNm">His kept the toy down. He sat on their bed. This room was filled with countless memories. His eyes stopped being dry, but they stopped before any tears could fall.</p> <p class="cnM5NmUwNDVhMjk5YTRlYTZiNTBmOGYzODFiOTlhM2Q3">Memories of their childhood came into his mind. Mia and Nathan running around their home. Laughing. That was a sight he would never forget.</p> <p class="cnM0M2UyZDQ5OTNmMjQwMjVhYzE1ODM4NDg5OTk2MzY5">Zek walked in.</p> <p class="cnNkOGI4ODI5NThjMjQ3ZTBhNDMyN2VkN2E1NWE1OWIx">"How did it go?" Gerard was scared Mia would return. She should not return at a time like this. That is why he kept Zek outside in wait.</p> <p class="cnNhY2I5YWQzNjczNzRlOWJiNWM0MzhhYjAzMWM3ODZm">Zek did not want to look Gerard in the eyes. He changed the topic. "The mission ran into a problem. Some of them got kidnapped by the city."</p> <p class="cnNlZjMxZmI4MGVjYTQ4MWZhMWUyYjYyN2FhYzUwOGI1">Gerard raised his eyes brow. "They got kidnapped?"</p> <p class="cnNkMTEwNjllODE2OTQ1OTFiZDllMmIyMmM0NzBhZjMz">"Yes, they ran into Xavier. So this means the rumors are true."</p> <p class="cnM1OWM3ZGQyODc1ODRhYzQ5MWY3ZTc0OTkyZTcwYTFl">Gerard looked up. "Indeed."</p> <p class="cnNiOTlhNDdkMzk5ZjQ1ZWJiOGFjMDYwOWQyMjQzZjhm">Zek noticed something. "Are you not worried?"</p> <p class="cnMyNTlhMGEyNzhjZTQzMzViYTgyNjQ5MzhiZGU3MWYx">Gerard looked at Zek. "No, I have faith in them. They will return."</p> <p class="cnNhOTE3NWU4Nzk5YzQ3ZTJiNTdkODI2YWVjODc1NDkz">"I understand," Zek replied.</p> <p class="cnMxZThkMDc1MmQ5MTRjZjFiMzVkYmE3ZTAwYjU2NmNi">"Also, from what she said there is a spy among us," Zek said.</p> <p class="cnMwZjllNWI5YmRmMDQ2MzliMzdiYzg5MTNhNTM5MTY3">"A spy? That would make things complicated. If this matter gets out then..." Gerard replied.</p> <p class="cnMzNDVjMWVmZjQ5MzRlYTc5MGUxMjBkMmJhMDM3M2Nl">"Tell me what did she say when you said I cannot help her? It is okay you can be honest."</p> <p class="cnMzZjY2MDNmNzdhZjQwNGFiOTA2MmViYzMxZjg0Mzli">"Sh--" Zek sighed. "she said she would never talk to you or me again."</p> <p class="cnM4MWM3NjU5MTUxODQxODliZDg3MGIzODkyNDkyMThl">Gerard burst into laughter. "Ah, that silly girl."</p> <p class="cnNjNGIyYjMyMDRkZjQwYjY5MTU3ODhkYmJjMzNiNjcx">Gerard stood up "Let us go. We need to have a discussion with the other."</p> <p class="cnM5ZWNiMmU0ZmQzMzRjMTM5ZGQzMzhhYzJmNGFiNDQ0">They both left the room. A room filled with countless memories...</p> <p class="cnM5ODRkYmU3MDUwNjQwZWU4NzQ5Njc2ODViMjYzZmZk">---</p> <p class="cnMwMWU0OTM4MzU3OTQ5YzI4ZmNhZjQ1OWY5MThjNzZl">Mia kept running. She did not stop. What will she say when she returns? Without the help from her father, how would they save Xander and the others? All of them were depending on her, but she failed them.</p> </div>
Mia made it. She finally made it back to town. Now, she had to find her father and bring people back with her to help. Mia was about to take the next step when her hands got pulled by someone. She could not react in time. She tried to open her mouth, but no sound came out. A light barrier? She looked at the figure that held her hand. It was uncle Zek. Uncle Zek? She asked, but no sound came because of the barrier. They traveled for five minutes before they stopped. The light barrier disappeared. Mia looked at uncle Zek. She had never seen him in such a hurry. "What happened uncle Zek?" Uncle Zek straightened his dress. "Good thing I ran into you otherwise the consequences would have been unbearable." Mia got confused. "What consequences?" Uncle Zek looked around. "You need not know them. The only thing you need to know is you cannot go into town right now." Cannot go into town? The hope of Emilia, Xander, and others, were resting on her shoulders. "I have to go inside. I need dad's help." "Gerard's help?" It was now Zek noticed that he had only found Mia. What happened to the others? Don't tell me... "Xander got taken. Many others in the squads also got taken." They must have run into Xavier. Now, it made sense why Xander and the others got kidnapped. "I asked all of you not to engage in any battle," Said Uncle Zek. "We did not. They came to us. Ike's thinks there is a spy in town. I also think the same," Replied Mia. "A spy?" With all the things that are happening. This would make things more difficult. "Uncle Zek please tell me what happened. Is my father okay? What about Nathan? Has he been eating properly?" Nathan would always make a problem when eating without her. Mia pleaded for an answer. Uncle Zek sighed. "I cannot say you the full story, but I can say parts. Your father got into trouble with someone way out of our league. Nathan is doing fine." Mia's eyes widened. "Trouble with someone out of our league? Tell me who is it? Please." Mia pleaded once more. Uncle Zek sighed and thought to himself. I'm sorry Mia. I cannot tell you this because if I do, then you can never live a normal life. But, looking at the things that are about to happen will you and Nathan ever be able to lead a normal life? He opened his mouth. "I'm sorry Mia, but I cannot say." "But why?! I don't understand. I have to help them," she thought of something. "can you help me?" Uncle Zek looked down. He could not see Mia like this. He had seen her grown up from when she was small. This pained him, but he had to be with Gerard. "I'm sorry." Mia's eyes turned to anger. "Fine! Tell my, father, I don't want to talk to him ever again! I will never talk to you again also!" Mia left towards the direction of the city with tears in her eyes. She had failed. Failed as always. Uncle Zek signed. "Forgive me, Mia. If only there was a way out," He turned his attention towards the town and walked. --- An hour passed since Mia left. Gerard found himself in his children's room. Looking at their toys brought back memories from their childhood. He took one toy. This one was special. It was a gift from their mother. His wife. Will he ever be able to see his wife again? This was their favorite toy. His kept the toy down. He sat on their bed. This room was filled with countless memories. His eyes stopped being dry, but they stopped before any tears could fall. Memories of their childhood came into his mind. Mia and Nathan running around their home. Laughing. That was a sight he would never forget. Zek walked in. "How did it go?" Gerard was scared Mia would return. She should not return at a time like this. That is why he kept Zek outside in wait. Zek did not want to look Gerard in the eyes. He changed the topic. "The mission ran into a problem. Some of them got kidnapped by the city." Gerard raised his eyes brow. "They got kidnapped?" "Yes, they ran into Xavier. So this means the rumors are true." Gerard looked up. "Indeed." Zek noticed something. "Are you not worried?" Gerard looked at Zek. "No, I have faith in them. They will return." "I understand," Zek replied. "Also, from what she said there is a spy among us," Zek said. "A spy? That would make things complicated. If this matter gets out then..." Gerard replied. "Tell me what did she say when you said I cannot help her? It is okay you can be honest." "Sh--" Zek sighed. "she said she would never talk to you or me again." Gerard burst into laughter. "Ah, that silly girl." Gerard stood up "Let us go. We need to have a discussion with the other." They both left the room. A room filled with countless memories... --- Mia kept running. She did not stop. What will she say when she returns? Without the help from her father, how would they save Xander and the others? All of them were depending on her, but she failed them.
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 29: Hunt", "id": 305907, "next": 305913, "prev": 305749, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YjllZjRiMzU2MjRlYjA5ZTBjMTQ0ZTk4Y2JjZWQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav doesn’t respond immediately. He wore a deep, thoughtful expression, that became more pronounced when I asked my question. His glowing eyes rove around the interior of the illusion, when his head suddenly snaps to look at a small corner of the entrance. He reaches down and brushes some dirt from the side of the cave, right where the illusion joins the actual hill, and reveals a small blue stone that gives off a faint light. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMTFhZDY1MmY2ZjQyZTliODY4ZTVkMWYxOGQ1OTM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh… my… the stone is full of concentrated mana… more than I can have in me at once. Much more.” He pauses for a moment, tracing the area around it with his eyes, before pronouncing “I believe if we remove this, the illusion will fall. We would have the stone to do with what we wish. I believe the Mana stored within could be accessed rather easily, much like a battery.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2Y3NGM5OWNmMzQ0MTE5MWRiMTBlODViYjU3M2I1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav stops, and looks expectantly at me. “This place is your find, Anthony, what would you like to do?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjA3NzdmMWRhZjQ5MDlhNTNhZmFjMjJhNzk3MTll"><span style="font-weight: 400">Part of me wants to retort that he, in fact, found the stone, but I already know in a broader sense that literally neither of us ever would have found this place if not for Kaythe. The battery would run out one day and someone would stumble across it. </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">That</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> would be how it was revealed. Long in the future. That, or someone randomly running across it… like… a small pack of carnine in a… scouting party.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWZhYzAxNjczMTQzZjg4MjQ2Y2Y1M2NhNGI2MTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh. Ohhhh. Fuck. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MjAwNjIxMzQ3ZDRhZjlhNzQ0N2NlYTQyNmE3MDRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">I quickly explain my theory to Rav, whose expression darkens and he nods. “We must not allow this place to fall into the hands of the enemy.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkMjY3YmRjYTMxZjQwODE5ZDQ3ZTc5ZjgzOGNjMTNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, I was thinking similarly. We need to explore this place, find out what it’s there for, why the monsters want it, and take it for ourselves. Letting those things get another advantage likely spells the end of all of us.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGQ5Y2IzNmVjMjQ4ZGU4MzhiMWI5YzRlYWNjNDVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">An uncomfortable silence follows as the thought reminds us of the seriousness of our situation.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWE4YmYwZTA4ZTQ2ZWI4ZThlNmIwMjU4ODliZDdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How did you find that Mana battery anyway?” I ask, trying to change the subject. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MGZhZmE2Zjk5ZjQyNDhhMGFjYjRlODBiNGE5N2Yw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, there are some strange symbols that cover the perimeter of the illusion. They all flow into each other, and they begin and end at that point.” he gestures, indicating the area the stone now softly glows in.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOWQ0ZWU3MTA0ZTQ5Y2NiOTlhOTc1ODVjOTgzMTEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Symbols? That’s intriguing.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzE0MmJlMjUzZjRjNDQ5YzVkOTgxYzVjMWE4OTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I walk over to where he’s standing and look along the edge, like he indicated, but see nothing out of the ordinary. It just looks like dirt that suddenly ends into an illusion.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2FhOGZhMzM3MzQ2ZWRiZTdjYTZkM2Q3YWI0MGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Voicing my concern earns me a wry look from Rav and a brief explanation. “My eyes can see constructs of Mana. It is a part of a magician’s skillset. Mundane vision will not be able to make very much out. I do not know how the mana is kept in such intricate shapes, however. Mana is wild, volatile… it does not form orderly lines easily, and even then, only through great effort and concentration…” he trails off, not knowing how to continue.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjk0Yjc5YTU0MTQzYTY5Y2U4ODA1MTA3OTJlZjhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, this explanation only stokes the fires of greed in me, as now there is this amazing concept of embedding magic into static objects and having it do something. Imagine a tent with this capability, you could pitch it anywhere and just look like a small hill. You could make a shield seem bigger or smaller than it is, a sword longer or shorter… the applications are as varied as stars in the sky! I bite my tongue to avoid asking for the second time today if Rav will just give me the power. His point was valid then, and it’s still valid… but damn…</span></p> <p class="cnM4OGE1MDU3YzYwMjQ1YzM5ZTM1YTg0M2YwYmM3OTFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">And the battery itself looks beautiful in ways that are difficult to describe. The Power stone was elegant and sparkling, where this has nearly the opposite appearance with its cool blue translucence and soft, comforting light. It practically calls to me, but the threat of this place being quickly discovered is far too important to ignore to feed my petty greed. Plus, there’s probably some amazing stuff in here. Stuff that those monsters have spent a ton of time searching for…</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDA4ZDAyOTI2ZjRmYTViNjY0Mzk5YjcwOTZkNjg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stuff I totally plan to take.</span></p> <p class="cnNlN2Q0NWVlZDhjYzRkOWY5OTNiMjJiZmE0ZjJjOWM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Rav, it’s getting close to sun...down? Or whatever happens when the star passes behind those giant rings, but it’s going to be dark soon. I don’t want to leave this place unattended, because the scouts could definitely find this place while we’re gone. I volunteer to stay while you return to get more people to help with the exploration.” It isn’t a lie, the celestial ring is already apparent in the sky, and staring at it lets me see visually just how little time is left.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZWU0YjI5NzM4YzQyMTJhZjhiNWZkMmU2OTEwOGEx"> </p> <p class="cnNlYTU0ZmYzMDk5MzRjODBhZjg2MGNhOTBhZmEzNjc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav looks at me, concern in his eyes. “Will you be alright? I will be unable to return immediately, the dark is… unlikely to be safe, and people need to sleep. You must hold here by yourself until morning.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjc4YzRkNjc3OTQ5ZWI5YjM5YWU4MTAwMjRiNjkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s no problem. In all likelihood, it will be a quiet night with the protection of the illusion to keep me safe. Otherwise, a cave opening is fairly defensible… plus I’m not alone, I have Kaythe to keep watch while I sleep.” I smile, gently patting Kaythe’s back. “I’ll be fine. You need to hurry back to camp, though. I don’t want you getting caught out after dark.” He’d probably be fine, but the nights are </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">dark</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> out here. Even with enhanced Perception and the limited ‘starlight’, it would be way too easy to get ambushed.</span></p> <p class="cnM2N2Q5MTlhMGFkNzQ5MzU5MTUwMmQyYTJjMThiZDVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rav hesitates another moment, looks at his new hand, and nods. “Good luck, my friend. Be here to greet me on my return.” He nods again, with a slightly less genuine smile, and takes off running.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTdmYjBkZmZlNjQ5NmY5ZWUzMjg2NmJmYWU5YjAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Leaving me, by myself… with a dungeon to explore.</span></p> </div>
Rav doesn’t respond immediately. He wore a deep, thoughtful expression, that became more pronounced when I asked my question. His glowing eyes rove around the interior of the illusion, when his head suddenly snaps to look at a small corner of the entrance. He reaches down and brushes some dirt from the side of the cave, right where the illusion joins the actual hill, and reveals a small blue stone that gives off a faint light. “Oh… my… the stone is full of concentrated mana… more than I can have in me at once. Much more.” He pauses for a moment, tracing the area around it with his eyes, before pronouncing “I believe if we remove this, the illusion will fall. We would have the stone to do with what we wish. I believe the Mana stored within could be accessed rather easily, much like a battery.” Rav stops, and looks expectantly at me. “This place is your find, Anthony, what would you like to do?” Part of me wants to retort that he, in fact, found the stone, but I already know in a broader sense that literally neither of us ever would have found this place if not for Kaythe. The battery would run out one day and someone would stumble across it. *That* would be how it was revealed. Long in the future. That, or someone randomly running across it… like… a small pack of carnine in a… scouting party. Oh. Ohhhh. Fuck. I quickly explain my theory to Rav, whose expression darkens and he nods. “We must not allow this place to fall into the hands of the enemy.” “Yeah, I was thinking similarly. We need to explore this place, find out what it’s there for, why the monsters want it, and take it for ourselves. Letting those things get another advantage likely spells the end of all of us.” An uncomfortable silence follows as the thought reminds us of the seriousness of our situation. “How did you find that Mana battery anyway?” I ask, trying to change the subject. “Ah, there are some strange symbols that cover the perimeter of the illusion. They all flow into each other, and they begin and end at that point.” he gestures, indicating the area the stone now softly glows in. Symbols? That’s intriguing. I walk over to where he’s standing and look along the edge, like he indicated, but see nothing out of the ordinary. It just looks like dirt that suddenly ends into an illusion. Voicing my concern earns me a wry look from Rav and a brief explanation. “My eyes can see constructs of Mana. It is a part of a magician’s skillset. Mundane vision will not be able to make very much out. I do not know how the mana is kept in such intricate shapes, however. Mana is wild, volatile… it does not form orderly lines easily, and even then, only through great effort and concentration…” he trails off, not knowing how to continue. Of course, this explanation only stokes the fires of greed in me, as now there is this amazing concept of embedding magic into static objects and having it do something. Imagine a tent with this capability, you could pitch it anywhere and just look like a small hill. You could make a shield seem bigger or smaller than it is, a sword longer or shorter… the applications are as varied as stars in the sky! I bite my tongue to avoid asking for the second time today if Rav will just give me the power. His point was valid then, and it’s still valid… but damn… And the battery itself looks beautiful in ways that are difficult to describe. The Power stone was elegant and sparkling, where this has nearly the opposite appearance with its cool blue translucence and soft, comforting light. It practically calls to me, but the threat of this place being quickly discovered is far too important to ignore to feed my petty greed. Plus, there’s probably some amazing stuff in here. Stuff that those monsters have spent a ton of time searching for… Stuff I totally plan to take. “Rav, it’s getting close to sun...down? Or whatever happens when the star passes behind those giant rings, but it’s going to be dark soon. I don’t want to leave this place unattended, because the scouts could definitely find this place while we’re gone. I volunteer to stay while you return to get more people to help with the exploration.” It isn’t a lie, the celestial ring is already apparent in the sky, and staring at it lets me see visually just how little time is left. Rav looks at me, concern in his eyes. “Will you be alright? I will be unable to return immediately, the dark is… unlikely to be safe, and people need to sleep. You must hold here by yourself until morning.” “It’s no problem. In all likelihood, it will be a quiet night with the protection of the illusion to keep me safe. Otherwise, a cave opening is fairly defensible… plus I’m not alone, I have Kaythe to keep watch while I sleep.” I smile, gently patting Kaythe’s back. “I’ll be fine. You need to hurry back to camp, though. I don’t want you getting caught out after dark.” He’d probably be fine, but the nights are *dark* out here. Even with enhanced Perception and the limited ‘starlight’, it would be way too easy to get ambushed. Rav hesitates another moment, looks at his new hand, and nods. “Good luck, my friend. Be here to greet me on my return.” He nods again, with a slightly less genuine smile, and takes off running. Leaving me, by myself… with a dungeon to explore.
{ "title": "Reincarnated as a Troll in a Dark Fantasy World", "id": 19661, "author": "MDW", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Troll and Insurrection: Mother's Skin", "id": 305909, "next": 306184, "prev": 305873, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhZDQ5MzEwYWEzODRjYTZhMDIyZDgwMzViOTVhM2I3">Who needs keys? I have a roc wingtip bone covered in boiled syrup that works as a club. Bash these doors. Carl is now a warrior level 25. Plump enough, if I may say so.</p> <p class="cnMxYzU5ZGEwMjdhYjQ0Mjk5MzAwYzEwMTM5NGUwYmRl">SMASH.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Club</span> Awakened.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5ZWE3Yjk0YzE4ZDQ0OTRhNzUyNzU4MjRhMzc2Yjk0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZDM5Mjg4NTc4MzQxNzZhNTExMjAzNjIzNDYyZjUx">Presence Detection... There is only one person here. Mercy. Wooden door. One brand new steel ax please, dear Item Box. Hack, Hack. Open.</p> <p class="cnNlZmUxMmNhOWNhYTQwNzk4MTkxNzRjM2U2ZWFlOGEw">"Mother Mercy, are you fine?" I ask quietly. It is rather dark here. I thank evolution for my elven eyes.</p> <p class="cnNmNTY3ZjZiZDExZTRhOThhYTAxM2QwNzZkZThkNWFl">She seems to be sleeping. Appraise. No abnormal status except sleep. Why does the System put 'sleep' and 'unconsciousness' under the same abnormal status?</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Mercy (sleep)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>[N/A] Human (42 years old)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Job:</td> <td>[3] Chirurgeon (15)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>18 (HP: 54)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>28 (Stamina: 56)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>12 (MP: 12)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhYmM3Yzc0NmM3ODQwMGRhMGE4OWE5ZmUxZTEzYzgy">Time to gag and bind Carl. Blindfold too. I'll sink Carl's hands and feet in the stone wall, facing the wall.</p> <p class="cnM3MGYyZDAzY2ZjNTQyZTNhYWZmYTJlZWUxNjYwYTA4">Dismiss Possession. Stamina and MP exhaustion. After laying some clean bedrolls down I lift her and put her head on my lap. I'll rest here for a while and make myself presentable.</p> <p class="cnNiNmMyNjZmOTY5ZTRhZjhiNGI4MTI0Njg2ZmZjODA3">Carl is awake but he can't break stone with his strength. Thrash as much as you want, trash. Several minutes later, exhaustion fades. Time to wake up mother-in-law.</p> <p class="cnM2MGJiZTJiNTZhMTQ5ZjBhYWRkMTFmYWJkM2IzN2Qw">"Hey, mother. Wake up. Wake up. I've got some cool spring water here." She wakes up and after her initial confusion goes away I gently pour water on her mouth.</p> <p class="cnNhOWRjMTU1NzI5ZjRjMDdhNDFhMTc3YWZjNjQyZWQw">"Where, what? Beowulf?"</p> <p class="cnM4MGE5M2NiNThkYjRmODViZjRiYjJjMzIwMGMzNWQ2">She tries to stand up but I hold her down</p> <p class="cnMxMWQ0YjhiYTA3YzQxYjRiNmI1MjA0OTM3ZWVmZDIy">"Shhh, mother. Everything is fine. Are you hurt? DId they abuse you?"</p> <p class="cnNiYzI4MGM1OGMyYTQzNTY4MjQ3YTJmZTM5ZTE5NjJm">"I've had worse back in my youth. Yes, it was a very rough youth, but soldiers are nothing new. Don't make that face, dear. Don't worry your head about it. I am just tired and hungry now."</p> <p class="cnNmZjUzNDY2YTViZDRmYWE4MjQwZTM5N2E2NDI0MmZj">Anger wells up in my very being. It is obvious she is not fine. The smell of the room, the filthy smiles on the faces of the guards up there. The condition of her clothes. Someone is paying for that. In blood. "I have some warm soup here. Take some, slowly. "</p> <p class="cnM0NWQzMmUyMGY0NzQ2OWY5YTEzYWJjYWQ2OWRmNjYy">"Thank you, my son." I give her a towel embedded in alcohol for hygiene and a bowl of wolf soup that was left from the patrol.</p> <p class="cnM5ODkxM2VhYzQ4OTRkZGJiNzY5MTEyMWNmZDY3OTE4">"Anything for you, mother. Here, have some bread too." I found myself caressing her red hair. She didn't dislike it.</p> <p class="cnMyNWNmMzJhZWM3OTQ1YmM5NTAzNGNiYmJjNWI1MzQ5">"This soup is amazing."</p> <p class="cnM5YTlmZDNhMTdlYTQwMWRhNmEwOTg2ODVmYmJlYWFm">"It was your daughter that made this soup, you know?" She breaks down and cries. "She is fine. I sent her out of town before the commotion. I am checking her status right now in the party screen."</p> <p class="cnNkMDIxZDUxMzhhMTQ2ZmFhNDI3MjdjMWMzNTEzOTE3">"Can you hold me?"</p> <p class="cnMzNDUzMzRkZThkNjQxZGRiNTc0ZDExODBmZGY1N2E2">"Of course. I'm sorry for not coming sooner. I had no idea they would do that to you."</p> <p class="cnNhNGMxZDVjM2FkYTRiYjhhOTgyNDU1NjBjYjljYWM2">"I've had worse when the former king was expanding into this frontier. I was conscripted to serve the army. I was really lucky to have picked up the Chirurgeon job."</p> <p class="cnM4ODA2YTFlMzA1MTRjZTBiNmM5MWYwMjg0MDQzYzk1">She has no fighting job and she was not serving <strong>in</strong> the army. She was a village girl forced to follow the army. It is no wonder even Helen has that deep-rooted trauma about herself. I also shed my share of tears. "After tonight, mother, I'll make sure no one can push you around without your consent."</p> <p class="cnNiODk3NTlkMDliODQ3M2I4N2ExY2MzZTZhNDdhZGQ3">After eating and calming herself, she asks, "Are we breaking out of jail?" I kinda already did. All that is left is to walk past the door.</p> <p class="cnNhYTJiYjM1NzVhYzRkNzU4NTg0NGExZmE5ZjRkZGNl">"Yes. But first, I need to get you ready to go. I think you can use some of Marcy's spare clothes and armor. Take a bath while I prepare your equipment."</p> <p class="cnMwNTFlNjI0MjhhNDRjYzg4ZjIyNTUzYzVjNjczZGE4">"A bath? Are you insane? The guards will be here at any moment! Shouldn't we escape now?"</p> <p class="cnMzMGY0ZWIxZjhiZDRiNzViY2E3MjY5NzhiZGViNmI5">"No. It is too dangerous for you to go out like this. I have to make sure not a single drop of mother's blood is spilled and that not a single of those filthy knights ever lay a hand on you again. Marcy and I would hate if it happened again."</p> <p class="cnM3NDcwZmZiZTU5OTQzYjY5MzIzMTc0NWUyMWI2ZmQz">She blushes slightly. "You really know how to flatter a woman, Beowulf. If only Marcy hadn't set her sights on you first..."</p> <p class="cnNmYmRlOTNhMmM1NzQ0ZmU4ZWU1YmNjMGMyMmU4OTA4">After all this, she finds the strength to make a joke. Like daughter like mother. She has this seductress facade so ingrained that it comes out naturally. But inside she is a wounded girl. "You gave me that sermon about your daughter, but you are exactly the same. So I'm using your own advice on you. Less flirting more bathing. Behind a curtain, please."</p> <p class="cnMxODZkZTQ0MGRhZDRmM2M5NWM3NDY2ODk4ODA0YWY2">I let go of her and take out of the item box a tub, soap and set it at a corner of the cell near a drain. Using fire and water magic, I fill it with warm water. Also a lantern and a large pelt as a curtain, two spikes into the wall's mortar and it is hung and lit.</p> <p class="cnNkZDFjMjZhZjViNDRkNGViYzA5M2ZjNDUxMThmMThm">"You are quite something, Beowulf. To think I would take a bath before escaping from jail."</p> <p class="cnNhOWEzZWI1ZTNkMzQyMTdiZjcyNzRjMWFjZmIzMDIw">"If you do it, do it with style, that is my motto."</p> <p class="cnNmMTRiMmVmMWVhYjQxNzA5OTEyYmI3NTQwMzRkYjQ2">"Don't you want to clean yourself too? I bet you are filthy too."</p> <p class="cnM4YzBmOGZiNjk5NTRlOTZiYjg0OGE1M2VhMzFjMGU0">"Thank you but no, thank you. I have things to do here, so please take your time. Before you go, I need some drops of your blood in this mortar, please." I'm enchanting a set of armor for her. Can't let my mother-in-law get hurt, can I?</p> <p class="cnMwNDZhNTg0NGU1MzQ3MTY4M2Q0MzZjYjcxNDdkZDE2">While she takes her bath, I spend another B-rank pemadra from the chimera.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Mercy's Leather Vestments (A)</strong>: Reduces damage taken from ALL sources by 10%. Increases chance of evasion by 20%. Double stats for purpose of resisting abnormal status. Item self-repairs and self-cleans draining up to 5% of user's MP (minimum 1) every time the pool is full. Adjusts to the wearer. Durability x2. Soulbound to Mercy.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlMzdjYmU2ZjA3YzQ5OTc4YzNiNjUyNzc1YzEzNzMz">I get near the pelt and set some items over a wooden chair near the edge of the curtain.</p> <p class="cnNiNWM1MjM0NjY0NzRlYmFiMDAxNWUwYmNlOTBhZTk2">"Here, mother. A towel. When you are done, wear these clothes and armor."</p> <p class="cnMyZjBiNDdmZDY5ZjQ0MTE5ZjQzNTc2NjU0MDAwMmY2">She dresses up and comes from behind the curtain. Marcy's clothes are a bit daring but normal for this world. But Mercy is taller and fuller than Marcy, so both the danger and hotness factor of these clothes improved. I have an overcoat ready too, but she won't be using it. The snow and ice outside won't bother her because of my water mastery skill. I am going to use possession on her if she doesn't mind it. But the overcoat is ready as a plan B.</p> <p class="cnNhYzE4ODgwNGFlODQyYTI5MzA2NmRjODY2MGU2NTUw">I dump the water in the drain and store the stuff back in the item box.</p> <p class="cnMzMTUwMzFiY2MwMzQyNjU4M2MzYmE3NWY2NTRmNzM5">"I'm feeling awesome. It doesn't even feel real that we are in jail. And are these really Marcy's clothes? They don't feel so tight."</p> <p class="cnM1M2Y1ZWUxZjc0ZjQ2NGQ5MGFjZDg3ODc0NmJlNDU1">"About the clothes, they adjust to the wearer." Her mood dropped a little. Why? "But we are in a jail, and there is a jailor right there embedded in the wall. I'm going to do some questionable things here, mother. I hope you can overlook."</p> <p class="cnNhYmY0Y2RjODNiOTQyZWNhNTcxNTRkYTM5MTU5MzJm">"Are you going to kill these bastards? You have my full support."</p> <p class="cnNlNDM0YjAwNmRmYzRkOTA5NjI5MjE3MGE0NTQ0YTQz">"Good. Party invite, Mercy. You can check Marcy HP bar after joining. It will really put your mind at ease. And hers too, I believe." None of the party members have the sleep status. So they are all awake and I am sure they've seen the notifications about Carl. So they will know I'm with her.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy has joined your party!</td> <td>Mercy's job changed to [2] Apprentice Scout.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmMTFlMDc0MjNkODRiMTFiMTQwMjRiNzRiYzZiZjY4">"It is like I can feel her." She smiles with watery eyes." I check the status window. None of our party members is sleeping. It means that all of them should be aware of the party composition.</p> <p class="cnMzMDI5MmRmMDFkNTQ0NmRhN2Q0ZTEzZDVmYTIyMGRh">"Job change, Mercy to Apprentice Scout. Goodbye Carl."</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Carl has been kicked from the party.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiZTNiMzY1ZTExNTQzOTBhNTY1MjE1YWI4MDE3YzEw">TWACK.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 11 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 2+1 levels. +18 SP</td> <td>Congratulations, you reached the job's level cap. Job automatically changed to Villager</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Club</span> level 2.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0ZjdjOTFjZjI2NzQ4ODE4MGU4MGJhM2UzZWMyNDM4">"Whoa! What just happened? I just rose eleven levels, is that right?"</p> <p class="cnM0ODUyMDZmNmQ1NDQ5ZGJhMTliZDgxZjdjNzVhNzhl">"In my country, we call this 'Twinking'. Please don't spend your skill points. Job change, Mercy to Scout."</p> <p class="cnNjNDZmODcxNzk3NTQ3YjM4ODcxMTg1ZDcxNjI5YWRk">I move the chair to the middle of the room and break Carl's corpse out of the stone.</p> <p class="cnNlMjE1YWFmMzc3NTQ2ZmZiODlkZTFmM2JkM2FlNTIz">"Is this chair for me?"</p> <p class="cnNmMzE1MThjOTM0ODQ1MTM5ZTI5ZTU1MGM2NWJiODUx">"Yes. Also, swear to me you will put this wool in your ears and not remove it until I tell you to."</p> <p class="cnMxYzg5NTU0ZWE1OTQ0ZjdhNGE2NTllNDNhNzlhN2M0">"Alright."</p> <p class="cnMzMTkzODYwZjBmOTQ0ZWZiOTA3N2U3OGNkZjE0MjA0">"I'll also tie this ribbon around your ears for extra safety. Okay, just like this. Can you hear me?"</p> <p class="cnM3MTZiYWIzNjY3NDQzM2Q5MDM3Nzc3Nzg3MjBlMWIz">No answer. I wave in front of her and point at my own ears.</p> <p class="cnNkMDVkM2FkMjAyYzRjYTZiNzU0MTEwZWQ3OWRhYTUy">"No, I can't hear anything," she says. Good.</p> <p class="cnM4ODU1YzU2Njg3ODQwMWU5ZmI4Yjk2OTEyZjk2ZDM2">I leave the cell and relocate to the empty one at the end of the corridor. And there I commit taboo.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (3-Scout) has gained 22 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (1-Villager) has gained 5+4 levels. +24 SP</td> <td>Congratulations, you reached the job's level cap. Job automatically changed to Apprentice Scout.</td> <td>Humanization powered up. 5 full charges obtained.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkZTUyNWFmYTRiZDQ5ZWFhZTQ3YTJjOThlMzZmOWM0">It seems my jobs are cycling automatically from the lowest tier as they are mastered. The multipliers are very tasty. I'll let the System do its job.</p> <p class="cnMyODQ3ODc3N2IyZjQ4NWI4YzBjMzVkNjUyNTYwZDEw">I clean myself up, return to Mercy's cell and show her a written note. "Spend SP. Get Bow 4, Athletics 4, Stealth 4 and presence detection 3. Give me a thumbs up when done."</p> <p class="cnM4ZDk5ZjNiZDhhZjQ2NTQ4MWM1M2U1MzYzZTg0ZWIx">After some strange eye movements and some hand waves, she gives me the thumbs up.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2Y5MTUxMjM5ODQ3YzU5YWUyMjUzMzVjZjQxMjU5">"Job change. Mercy to Ranger!"</p> <p class="cnNlNDNjNDJhODYxYzQ0NDRhMWM3N2YyODY1YmJiM2Nl">Again I leave for the other prison cell.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 8 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 3+13 levels. +74 SP.</td> <td>Humanization powered up. 3 full charges obtained.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Humanization</span> level 9. {Curb Instincts} learned. Reduces the strength of monster's instinct responses.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4NDFhMWQyNTA5MDRhNTg4NTQzOTZlNTdjY2NkNDdj">It is like I've killed forty-two copies of each of these men when you factor all the exp bosts together. And humans give three times as much Exp as a monster of a similar rank and level.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 22 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 5+25 levels. +74 SP.</td> <td>Humanization powered up. 5 full charges obtained.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxODVjNDllZDhiZTQ5ZWU4N2U0NDAxYmFhYjUwN2Jh">Again I clean myself, wash my teeth, change my job to magician for the MP boost.</p> <p class="cnM2MTg3YzU1MWFlMTRmMjBhNjI5MzVmZDJjMTQ2NDNj">I return to Mercy's cell and give the signal to remove the improvised earmuffs. The whole thing took about 5 minutes.</p> <p class="cnM5MzdiNmM5Y2VlNDQzY2ZhNjhjMjZkMDE3Nzk4ZTEx">"What did you just do? I am a ranger level 31 now, is it true? I can't believe. I feel dizzy."</p> <p class="cnM0YjEwMzEzYTNkMTRmNmQ5NjZlZTY0OTQ3OTJhN2Yx">This is probably some sickness of having the body adapt too fast to a huge change in status. Not much different from growing pains.</p> <p class="cnNlYzQxZDViOGJmODQ0ZWQ5YTE1NjVjM2MzZmY3NzU2">"But do believe, mother. It is better if you don't know what I just did. But it was to make you survive, no, to make you get out of here without even one more scratch. I think there will be a shitstorm out there. I need a strong partner. And now comes the awkward part. I have a skill that allows me to possess someone's body. I 'enter' the body and remain inside, powering it up. The person possessed becomes unconscious, but if I get the permission first, the union is stronger and you won't faint. Don't give me that face. I'm not talking about sex, you know?"</p> <p class="cnM0OWUyMzMwY2VlNDRlNTNhZWY2MDZkMjE3MGM2ZGM1">"Is it so? Mother will be disappointed if her womanly gifts have no effect at all. You didn't even peep on my bath... I have really been sullied if a teenage boy feels nothing."</p> <p class="cnM2NWY3MTUwMDhlMjRlYzA4MGRhMDlhNjM3YTg0ZjA0">"No, it is not that! Sorry, mother-in-law, I belong only to those two. This is not the time, the place or the person for this. Do you agree to the possession?"</p> <p class="cnM3MTA4MzMxMWI1YzQzNDJiNWZjZWRiOTk3NzkxN2I2">"Of course. I'm sorry for teasing you."</p> <p class="cnMzYzFlOGI2ZmFlNTQyOGRhNTNkNWVlYmI5ODQ5NTM5">"I'm glad to see you in good spirits."</p> <p class="cnM0ZDZkMTExZDUyZTQ4ZDE5OGNmNTk2ZTVkYjA0ZWQw">I use the possession skill on Mercy. Her status without the possession level 8 bonuses.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Mercy</td> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>[N/A] Human (42 years old)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Job:</td> <td>[4] Ranger (31)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>38 (HP: 228)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>64 (Stamina: 256)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>18 (MP: 18)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxNDEwODkwYzA3YzRhMjJhMTZjYWE3YzA0NGEwODU0">And with me in the pilot's seat.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Mercy (status: Possessed)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>[N/A] Human (42 years old)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Job:</td> <td>[4] Ranger (31)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>38+32 (HP: 560)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>64+32 (Stamina: 394)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>18+32 (MP: 50)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzN2FkNmRlZjVjYzQxYTRiMTA1ZTMzOGUxZTRjMDYy">I try to walk but it is awkward.<em> "What is the matter, son? Is it too titillating to be inside mother's skin?"</em></p> <p class="cnNhY2RhZThjMTBkMzQ3ZmM4ZWVmNzRmNmJlOTYyZTdk"><em>"Absolutely not! It is just that each person has their own sense of balance. I need to adjust to yours."</em></p> <p class="cnM4ODNkMTc1NzdiNTQxZDdiNTJjMDU2M2RjYWRjM2Vh">A woman's body has a different balance than a man's. I need to adapt, especially to the wider hipbone and the swaying chest, even with the support of a hard leather cuirass. I have a good composite bow stored from the ones I bought in Colchester, and enough arrows to slay every single soldier and knight Julius brought.</p> <p class="cnM2ODRjOTc5ZGRkNTRiYjk4N2FkMWMwMTYyNmNiZGEz">It is very cold but Mercy has the benefit of my water mastery skill. As I expected don't need to don unnecessary clothing like a heavy cloak or the overcoat that I already sent back to storage. Will make all the skulking easier.</p> <p class="cnMwNjJmZDcxZTM2YzRiZWJiZTNhOGQyZWEwNTVmOTgx"><em>"Is this your first time inside a woman's body? The way you are off-balance 'wearing' me is cute." </em>I bet it is like a little girl learning to walk on her mom's high heels.</p> <p class="cnNkMGU2N2I1ZmE2MzQ4MzA5MWYxMGFiZjE2MWExZGVk">I don't know what is out there. I think we could get out without a fight. But I really want to kick the shit out of those knights. And cut off their dicks. Or maybe cut the dick first, shove up their asses and then kick the shit out of them.</p> <p class="cnNhNjE3NjI1MzA2ZjQwNjZhMTU2YTY1NjBmYWRhZDIx">I think some of Mercy's inner thoughts are seeping into me. I really thought of cutting off their dicks without any sympathetic reaction.</p> <p class="cnMwODNiNmRjMDBiMTRmYmRiM2NhMzJhYjkzMWRmODhj">I leave the jail behind and stalk the cold winter night of Mirfield in Mercy's skin. <em>"Would you mind if I spend your skill points, mother?"</em></p> <p class="cnNkNTM5ZGZjZGJlNzQ0Njc4MDQ1ODVhMjVhZTU5NjZi"><em>"Not at all. Surprise me!"</em></p> <p class="cnNhMmJjNTNhMzViYTQyZGViZmUzOTViY2JlYTU2OTI4">I think now that the Sniper job could've been a better choice for this mission, but ranger has better utility and it is too late to change. I can always get Sniper later.</p> <p class="cnNjZjA3NWViYTRhOTRhYjc4MTc4MWFiMzFlZTU1MDUz">We move outside and I check our surrounding. This jail is a building made on top of the old stockades. This is the guard garrison complex the orcs took over.</p> <p class="cnM1YTc0YWIyZDVhMDQyNWU4MzJmYmE1ZWNlMWJkN2Yy">Scouting around in mother's skin, I discover that the entire town garrison was kicked out to make room for the knight order Julius brought with him.</p> <p class="cnNmYjUwNzQwZGM2OTRiODc4YTY1NDNiYmM5YTI4Y2Qw">I'll charge them full payment for eating the children's smoked roc. Presence detection. There is someone coming here. Alone. It is too dark to see well, but he has a lantern. Nock the bow...</p> <p class="cnNmMmIzNTk0ZWZiYjRmMmI4ODhhMDYzM2Q2NWIyNzAz"><em>"I need confirmation on who is coming. I'd hate if it is some townie was drafted to latrine work."</em></p> <p class="cnMwMzc5ZWQzNTkyYTQyYTg5YzIxOGJkNWY4NWZlZmYy">My elven eyes can see the person from a distance and appraise it. Knight job. Keel. Draw the bow...</p> <p class="cnM0NmM3MWM5ODY4OTQzNzg4NmY1YjU5MGRjYTJlZGJl">And fly. Straight in the eye.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 2 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 1+3 levels. +25 SP.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkNjUxZDUyOWJlNDQ3YjRhOTBiOTE3YTUyZjk2NTRh">The last ten levels of high tier jobs have a ramping Exp curve.</p> <p class="cnNlMDFiYTRjMjk5ZDQ4NTU4MTliMGFhMTY4Mjg4NDhl">I dash to the body and item box it. It should be coming to the stockades to check on the guards. I'll track him back to where he came from. There should be some knights on night duty there.</p> <p class="cnM1MWQ5ZjdlY2QyOTQyMzBiYzAyMGE5Zjk4MDk1ZmMy"><em>"Beowulf, I hear voices."</em></p> <p class="cnNmNDlmNzI2YTc4YTQ3NjY4MjIxY2U2OTgyZmFmNzE1"><em>"Now that you mention it, me too." </em>It is the same ears, dumb me. Just pay attention.<em><br></em></p> <p class="cnNmYjQ3YTIzOTNmNDQ0ODg4Mjc0ZmYwMGE0M2E5ZmZh">We approach what looks like a mess hall. There are several strong-looking men drinking and eating this late. they don't have armors but they do have weapons. Some bundles of smoked meat are on the tables and they pull chunks out of them. I'll put tracking markers on all of them. 12 people inside.</p> <p class="cnMzZGIzOWFhZTMwYzQyMzBhYmJkZWNmNDUwMzQ2NDNm"><em>"They are eating the children's meat. Helen..."</em></p> <p class="cnM2ZDlmM2M3YzVlODRlNWE4OWUxOGI2ZGYxZDdmZWUx"><em>"How are you going to get these men? They are alert."</em></p> <p class="cnMzZDNjZGFjN2JhZjQxNTI5ZDc0OTA1MDgxZmY1N2Vl"><em>"They are not paying attention to the outside. It is safe to skip this building. Besides, I think these are the officers. They are drinking wine."</em></p> <p class="cnMyYWQ3NTJjMjAzZTQ1YWZhNmY4Nzk0N2ZkYzU3MTAx"><em>"One of them is coming out."</em></p> <p class="cnMzYzk0NmVhYjJhNzRkNDg5NmYxMWY3OTU0NmU5NGM2">We hide and some 6 foot 3 inches tall guy with a bushy brown beard exits the mess hall. He goes around a corner and takes his thing out to piss.</p> <p class="cnNlYjA2N2M2N2ZhMzQ2OWY5ZDY3Zjk4Y2FiYzA0ZmZk">Mercy recognizes the guy.<em> "It is indeed an officer. This guy was the aide of the one that decided who got me or not."</em></p> <p class="cnMyNGFiZWU1ZDc3NDRhOGQ4OWZmOTg2ZjFjNjk0ZWIw"><em>"Be glad then. Now it is our turn to be fucking him. In a bad way, of course."</em></p> <p class="cnMzZjY1NTFkMmYyMDQ5Mjc4MTUxOTU2NWM4MTFjYjcy">Get a long dagger, sneak from behind and throat GET!</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 4 level.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 2+6 levels. +50 SP.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 5.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4YTYwMGQ0ZDY0ZTQzNzVhNjY1NjhmZThkZTk4MTM0">The body goes to the item box before it can even flop.</p> <p class="cnM0NDUyYmU2NGM2MjQ4NjliYmE0MTNmZTU4MjM1OGFh">Two more men are coming. They are talking. One has the Knight job, the other's job is Captain. wow. I'll nock an arrow and slowly draw the bow.</p> <p class="cnM2N2VhN2MyY2FkMzQzNjNiODdlOTdkZDY3YzIwODhk">They also come around to piss. There is a torch on the front wall, but this side corner is dark. I'll shoot the Captain in the weener and earth-spike the other. I mumble the chant under Mercy's breath hoping they won't listen. But they don't stop talking about what they did to some town girls. Scum. Makes me sick of being a man. I'm in a woman's body now, but still.</p> <p class="cnNiOTM3NjhmNzM4ODRiM2ViOWU5NmE5NzZiY2IzNTAw"><em>"That is the guy. Nail these bastards, Beowulf."</em></p> <p class="cnNkZjZlZjdiM2QzZjRhOTBhODdmZGFhNGVmMDY2YjAw"><em>"Yes, mother."</em></p> <p class="cnNhNTRkOTg3ZWNmZjRjMjhhODkwYzE1YWNiOWM5YmY2">They both lose their manhood before losing their lives to the next set of arrows. But they groaned and fell on the snow. The noise stirred a guy that was sitting near the door. He is coming to check.</p> <p class="cnNiMDU1NmJkNDllNjRjNTc4ZWE2NjM5NTFlNjYzNDgw"><em>"Sorry, mom, I'll borrow your voice."</em></p> <p class="cnM5NDhkYmRjODNjMDQwZjE4Y2YxYmIyM2UwYzAzOGU0">I moan suggestively and let small staggered sighs. Reaching for the bodies while I make these sounds, to the item box they go.<em> "Bad acting! I don't moan like that!"</em></p> <p class="cnM5MzMzOGMyYTM2YzQ4MGJhODdjNmYzNTgwOTRmY2Rk"><em>"Too much information. Stop. This is enough to fool a stupid horny man."</em></p> <p class="cnM4ZmZjYjI5NTgyMDRmMjI5YjVkOTQxYTZmZmViM2My">"Wow, Captain, share this girl with me too!"</p> <p class="cnM5YTdiOWFhOGM5YzQwMjliMDc3MjM1MGI2YjI3Y2Yw">The guy comes around the corner and gets stabbed with the Captain's sword. The metal one.</p> <p class="cnNkNjRhNzkwNzY4MjQzMGM5MGMxMzk2ODQ1MmJmNGZm">My bet is that Captain is a tier 5 job. Eight officers to go. I eavesdrop what is going on inside.</p> <p class="cnNhMTA3YjczZmMwNTQ2N2M5YmE4ZDQ5OWRkMWE0MWE5">"Dude, Captain is taking too long for a piss in the snow. I'm going to check."</p> <p class="cnNmYWRjYmJhZTliNjRjNjhhN2E3NmZhYTFkM2E0MTgw">"I'm coming too. I have a bad feeling about this." They are coming here.</p> <p class="cnM1YzgzNWQ2YzBiNzRjNjg4ODY4NDdhMGM0MjNiZGMx">Both are knights. I'll try the same arrow and earth-spike combo. they come around the corner and...</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 9 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 3+15 levels. +112 SP.</td> <td><span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 7.</td> <td><span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Sword Mastery</span> level 4.</td> <td><span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Bow</span> level 4.</td> <td><span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Earth Magic</span> level 7. {Shape Stone} learned.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlOWI2MmFlYWJiZTQzYmJiYzc2Y2FiNzFhNTM2NGU5">I use instant movement to get the bodies before they hit the ground this time. Six dead, six dying.</p> <p class="cnNhOGQ5MDFlYzJkOTRjYzhiYjg3MDI5NmUxMDU3Mzdh">"Isn't this place becoming empty? What is going on?"</p> <p class="cnM4YzI4NDYyMmU5MzQ2ZGE4ZjEzMzZlMmU3YTM1MmJl">Again I make use of Mercy's voice, "Oh, Captain, so hard!"</p> <p class="cnM0NzcyMmI3NzI2ODQ0OGU4ZTdjOTE2OTlmYjc3OThi">"There is a party going on out there. These guys are crazy to be shagging in the dead of winter!"</p> <p class="cnM5MTMwNGI2NjMyOTRlNDA5ZmFjMTQ5ZmQ0YzljNDQ5">"But I want some action too!"</p> <p class="cnMyYTk3Yzk1OTdhYzQwZmE5MjQ4ODdjNDliZWU3ZDdi">Three more officers come out of the building. The other three apparently are knocked out and asleep from all the heavy drinking. I'll use the static field to paralyze the ones that came outside. There is nobody else to be alerted by some noise now.</p> <p class="cnM3YzE4ZThjM2VjMjRjZmI4ZDVjZmY5NjE1ZDZiNzcy">One of them resisted the spell and got an arrow to the throat. The other two met their end with the Captain's sword. Dude this blade is very well made!</p> <p class="cnMxMTc0OTA0MTg5ZDRhZDZiODcwNDRhNjVjMWYzY2My">I sneak inside the mess hall and kill the sleeping ones after confirming their jobs. One of them was a berserker.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 9 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 2+11 levels. +81 SP.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1NzdmMTI0YTY4MzQ4ZDk5ODE1NjU5ZWU1MGU3MzEx">I'll also get all these furniture tables, chairs, benches. There were a few unopened smoked roc meat bundles I retrieved too.</p> <p class="cnNlZjRhZjM0ODZiODQ1N2E4NWNiOWJkMDNjOWZlYmVh">Moving around we killed some sentries that were on patrol and found the barracks. There are around seventy sleeping low-level knights inside, sleeping either in bedrolls or hammocks.</p> <p class="cnNiZTA1MjAyNjBkYjQ5ZDRiZDJjOGUyNjFlNzE0ZmQz">I sneak inside with the Cap-sword and begin a vicious cycle of appraise-kill-store.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 27 levels. Level Cap Reached.</td> <td>Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 4+8 levels. +63 SP. Level cap reached. Job automatically changed to Apprentice Scout. Racial level cap reached. Evolution Available.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Assassinate</span> level 7.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM3Mjg4MDdkOGUwNDRmOTA4ZjUxZTM0MWNlNGVhOTY2">We missed a lot of Exp there for not caring about level caps.</p> <p class="cnM3MGM0ZjUwOGNkYzRhZWM4YzUyMTE1NmRlZjI2NzVh">Mercy got a very rare title. I mean, she is the only twinkle this world has ever seen, right?</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMzOGFlZWIzZWU4ZTQwMmY4YTc4N2ExZWFhYjQwNmUz" style="text-align: center">Title <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Untouched</span> awarded.</p> <p class="cnMwMjllNWU2ZjE1ODQyMzFhNmE5ZGJlNjU0NmViNmM3">Those that reach the level cap of a 4th or higher tier job without taking a single point of damage while having that job.</p> <p class="cnNhMGQ5YmRhYzYxNTRjZTI4ZWM4NWYxZjYxMDU1ZTBl">Grants +10% chance of absolute evasion.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhNDkzNzhiYjdhYjQ2OGU5NmQzZmQxYmJmNGU3Yjlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmY2FlOWQyZDUyNzRiNDViM2RiYzgyZTRmMDFhOWIz">"Set title: 'Mercy the Untouched'." Mercy's name in her status screen and the party window now reads "Mercy the Untouched."</p> <p class="cnM5YjY3NmJkOGMzMzQxYzdhOTg4MWYwNzc5ZTBjNTAy">Mercy is doing her best LOL in my... her head. <em>"I can only laugh at this development. Sorry for distracting you, Beowulf."</em></p> <p class="cnNjN2Q2ZjlhYTE2ZjQ0N2VhN2Q5ZmRmOTg5NDg3OWMw">"Job Change. Mercy to Villlager. Beowulf to Apprentice Scout."</p> <p class="cnMwMTkyZjk1MDI3NDQxMWI5NWE2ZDM2YjBmMWZmYWQx">Mercy is puzzled at returning to villager,<em> "Why the job downgrade?"</em></p> <p class="cnNjNDdiODQzMWM1ZDQwZWViOGJlMWQyNWIwY2UxMDVm"><em>"It is no good to remain on a capped job. Gotta diversify. Trust me on this one."</em></p> <p class="cnNmYTg5ODZhNTIyYTQ2MGM5NGU5ZTQ1OTFhZDVhNzdi"><em>"You're the boss, son. This feeling of being putty in your hands, of losing all control over my being and trusting you from the bottom of my heart, it is not a bad one."</em></p> <p class="cnMxNTcwNWEwZTdhNzQ5M2JhM2Q5MzE1NWY4M2EwZTBh">I'll take that with a block of rock salt and assume she is happy for being power leveled. Yes, that feeling when the friend that invited you to a new MMO saves you from all the extremely boring grinding and you walk over a red carpet. I am sure that was what she meant.</p> <p class="cnNmMTcwYTZhMjI1ZTRlYjRhNmYxNTQxZTc1OWQ5NTk5">Back to the mission.</p> <p class="cnM5YmM1NjU3NTRkNzQ5NjE4NWFmZTUwNTY4ZTI1ZjQ3">They have their weapons and armors neatly stored near their sleeping place, along with rucksacks, saddlebags and some footlockers even. As long as I have room, the item box will devour all.</p> <p class="cnNhMmIwNzk1MTBiYjRhMWU5YjE0MWJiNzU0YmZhYzBi">Outside, I have to find easy prey. Mercy got a huge downgrade in her stats now. I need to get the Super Villager to offset this before going at another 4th tier job. Sniper this time. I'll hunt some sentries at the walls.</p> <p class="cnNhYTk0N2E2ZmMzNzQ1N2U4NzAyZmQxM2VkN2M4OTFj">I found one but my foot slipped in the ice and I-we fell on mother's butt. He noticed me and drew its weapon. Hiding my weapon I make a scared face and he licked his lips seeing the scantily clothed woman in front of him. She is even mumbling.</p> <p class="cnNkMjBlMDhmMTg5NDRhOGY5YTRjOGNhYWFhZWEwMTNm">Actually, it is a spell's chant. "Flash Freeze!" And cut!</p> <p class="cnM2MWVmNmY1YThmNjRlNzVhYmZmZmIzNzBkYjIzMTdi">I should've used the bow. And to offset the stats, I'll bump possession to level 10. It should give a +8 to all her stats.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNjNDVjODQzYjRhZTRiYjg4NTQ2YzgwOWIwYmE2OWFm">{Body Switcher} learned.</p> <p class="cnM1NWNiZmE0YjA5YjRjNTk4YzBhMzZjZTcyNDM5YmNh">Allows possessing another creature the current target is touching. 2x the initial cost must be paid. If successful, switch possessed bodies without the exit penalty.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkY2I0NGRjOGExYjRlZTZiYjgxZTc0YWU1ZTgwZmE2">Nice.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjczNjBlYzJjZDQ0N2U4NWY0NWY5MDhlOTI4NzY2">I'll also bump Mercy's bow skill to 9. I am unsure if it uses mine, hers or the highest one.</p> <p class="cnMxMGIzZDUxYTZhMDRlNjU4YzA4NDJkYWIzNTk3Y2Rm">Another sentry patrolling the grounds. I'll snipe him.</p> <p class="cnM1ODk1NWVhNmZjOTQ3MWVhNjYwYmMwODg4N2NmZmE0">Bullseye. It uses the highest level between me and the host.</p> <p class="cnNkNzg5YjQ3OWZiODQwMTg5ODkxNzUxOGVlYmFkN2M5">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (1-Villager) has gained 31 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 0+6 levels. +22 SP. Level cap Reached. Job automatically changed to Apprentice Warrior.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhMjdhODhkODBiZTRmZDE5NDI3Mjk4N2NkMWVkMTI5">We have hunted eight more sentries, and Mercy capped unlocked the Super Villager. Now she is a Sniper. I'll open a fresh 4th tier job, Wizard, to match hers.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>You have become a 4-Wizard. Skills Spell Research (D), Fast Casting (D), Spell Duration Increase [C], Spell Power [C], Spell Improvisation (D) added.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkM2E2ZGI0MzBhODQ0OTI5YTVjMzhlMGEzNTBhYzRj">Moving around past the stables where a lot of horses are loitering in we've found another barracks. It is cramped and the quality of the gear stowed along the walls is poorer. They are the foot troops. Warriors, Scouts, a few recently-changed knights. A hundred sleeping troops.</p> <p class="cnNhZjNkMjdkYTI0OTQ1ZThhZDdkNDdmN2M1MmM1ZDRl">This should account for almost all the 200 knights Julius allegedly brought with him. There is no need for subtlety anymore. Time for the twenty-one-second serious chant. It is becoming my favorite spell.</p> <p class="cnNlNmVmNzE1OGY4MjQ4MTNiMDYwNDllYWFhYTc4MWZi">I'll take a lot of distance. I remember what happened to Cloude, I can't let mother-in-law be harmed. But this scum will vanish from this world. Finish the chant, aim at the door... "Lava Bomb!" And this time I have MP to fully pay for the spell cost.</p> <p class="cnNkNDI0Mzk4MmM0ZjQ3NzZhOTQ2MDExOWM0OWRkMzI1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYjVhYTQ5ZDJkYTRiMWFhMzhhOWRjNmFkZTc5ODU3"><strong>BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!</strong></p> <p class="cnNhMzAwMjdjNzg5OTQxMTJiZDYwOTcxZWQzYTdhMTlk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MTYwMTk3MThmZjQ0YzJiMjNjNzJjOTdiM2U5OThl">I'll let the few surviving knights deal with the aftermath.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Mercy (4-Sniper) has gained 25 levels.</td> <td>Beowulf (4-Wizard) has gained 0 + 25 levels. +219 SP.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Pyroclasm Magic</span> level 2.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhMjQwYmRkYmVhMzQ1OGFiNjI0MzIzMWNmOWY1NDhi">The ones that weren't in this complex, because right now Mercy is the only human alive inside it.</p> <p class="cnMxOTUzZjZhMWEzMTRiZjZiNDhhYTI1MzhjMjM5ZGFh">And now it is time for the power walk away from the burning building. I'm cool but I looked at the explosion but it is fine because right now I'm not a guy.</p> <p class="cnMzMzBkMjMwZGQzOTQyMzA5NWUxN2NiY2NhMWI5ZWJm">I won't walk away in slow motion either. There is a lot of things to do before the night is over.</p> </div>
Who needs keys? I have a roc wingtip bone covered in boiled syrup that works as a club. Bash these doors. Carl is now a warrior level 25. Plump enough, if I may say so. SMASH. | Skill Club Awakened. | | --- |   Presence Detection... There is only one person here. Mercy. Wooden door. One brand new steel ax please, dear Item Box. Hack, Hack. Open. "Mother Mercy, are you fine?" I ask quietly. It is rather dark here. I thank evolution for my elven eyes. She seems to be sleeping. Appraise. No abnormal status except sleep. Why does the System put 'sleep' and 'unconsciousness' under the same abnormal status? | Name: | Mercy (sleep) | Race: | [N/A] Human (42 years old) | Job: | [3] Chirurgeon (15) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 18 (HP: 54) | Agility: | 28 (Stamina: 56) | Magic: | 12 (MP: 12) | Time to gag and bind Carl. Blindfold too. I'll sink Carl's hands and feet in the stone wall, facing the wall. Dismiss Possession. Stamina and MP exhaustion. After laying some clean bedrolls down I lift her and put her head on my lap. I'll rest here for a while and make myself presentable. Carl is awake but he can't break stone with his strength. Thrash as much as you want, trash. Several minutes later, exhaustion fades. Time to wake up mother-in-law. "Hey, mother. Wake up. Wake up. I've got some cool spring water here." She wakes up and after her initial confusion goes away I gently pour water on her mouth. "Where, what? Beowulf?" She tries to stand up but I hold her down "Shhh, mother. Everything is fine. Are you hurt? DId they abuse you?" "I've had worse back in my youth. Yes, it was a very rough youth, but soldiers are nothing new. Don't make that face, dear. Don't worry your head about it. I am just tired and hungry now." Anger wells up in my very being. It is obvious she is not fine. The smell of the room, the filthy smiles on the faces of the guards up there. The condition of her clothes. Someone is paying for that. In blood. "I have some warm soup here. Take some, slowly. " "Thank you, my son." I give her a towel embedded in alcohol for hygiene and a bowl of wolf soup that was left from the patrol. "Anything for you, mother. Here, have some bread too." I found myself caressing her red hair. She didn't dislike it. "This soup is amazing." "It was your daughter that made this soup, you know?" She breaks down and cries. "She is fine. I sent her out of town before the commotion. I am checking her status right now in the party screen." "Can you hold me?" "Of course. I'm sorry for not coming sooner. I had no idea they would do that to you." "I've had worse when the former king was expanding into this frontier. I was conscripted to serve the army. I was really lucky to have picked up the Chirurgeon job." She has no fighting job and she was not serving **in** the army. She was a village girl forced to follow the army. It is no wonder even Helen has that deep-rooted trauma about herself. I also shed my share of tears. "After tonight, mother, I'll make sure no one can push you around without your consent." After eating and calming herself, she asks, "Are we breaking out of jail?" I kinda already did. All that is left is to walk past the door. "Yes. But first, I need to get you ready to go. I think you can use some of Marcy's spare clothes and armor. Take a bath while I prepare your equipment." "A bath? Are you insane? The guards will be here at any moment! Shouldn't we escape now?" "No. It is too dangerous for you to go out like this. I have to make sure not a single drop of mother's blood is spilled and that not a single of those filthy knights ever lay a hand on you again. Marcy and I would hate if it happened again." She blushes slightly. "You really know how to flatter a woman, Beowulf. If only Marcy hadn't set her sights on you first..." After all this, she finds the strength to make a joke. Like daughter like mother. She has this seductress facade so ingrained that it comes out naturally. But inside she is a wounded girl. "You gave me that sermon about your daughter, but you are exactly the same. So I'm using your own advice on you. Less flirting more bathing. Behind a curtain, please." I let go of her and take out of the item box a tub, soap and set it at a corner of the cell near a drain. Using fire and water magic, I fill it with warm water. Also a lantern and a large pelt as a curtain, two spikes into the wall's mortar and it is hung and lit. "You are quite something, Beowulf. To think I would take a bath before escaping from jail." "If you do it, do it with style, that is my motto." "Don't you want to clean yourself too? I bet you are filthy too." "Thank you but no, thank you. I have things to do here, so please take your time. Before you go, I need some drops of your blood in this mortar, please." I'm enchanting a set of armor for her. Can't let my mother-in-law get hurt, can I? While she takes her bath, I spend another B-rank pemadra from the chimera. | **Mercy's Leather Vestments (A)**: Reduces damage taken from ALL sources by 10%. Increases chance of evasion by 20%. Double stats for purpose of resisting abnormal status. Item self-repairs and self-cleans draining up to 5% of user's MP (minimum 1) every time the pool is full. Adjusts to the wearer. Durability x2. Soulbound to Mercy. | | --- | I get near the pelt and set some items over a wooden chair near the edge of the curtain. "Here, mother. A towel. When you are done, wear these clothes and armor." She dresses up and comes from behind the curtain. Marcy's clothes are a bit daring but normal for this world. But Mercy is taller and fuller than Marcy, so both the danger and hotness factor of these clothes improved. I have an overcoat ready too, but she won't be using it. The snow and ice outside won't bother her because of my water mastery skill. I am going to use possession on her if she doesn't mind it. But the overcoat is ready as a plan B. I dump the water in the drain and store the stuff back in the item box. "I'm feeling awesome. It doesn't even feel real that we are in jail. And are these really Marcy's clothes? They don't feel so tight." "About the clothes, they adjust to the wearer." Her mood dropped a little. Why? "But we are in a jail, and there is a jailor right there embedded in the wall. I'm going to do some questionable things here, mother. I hope you can overlook." "Are you going to kill these bastards? You have my full support." "Good. Party invite, Mercy. You can check Marcy HP bar after joining. It will really put your mind at ease. And hers too, I believe." None of the party members have the sleep status. So they are all awake and I am sure they've seen the notifications about Carl. So they will know I'm with her. | Mercy has joined your party! | Mercy's job changed to [2] Apprentice Scout. | | --- | --- | "It is like I can feel her." She smiles with watery eyes." I check the status window. None of our party members is sleeping. It means that all of them should be aware of the party composition. "Job change, Mercy to Apprentice Scout. Goodbye Carl." | Carl has been kicked from the party. | | --- | TWACK. | Mercy (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 11 levels. | Beowulf (3-Monster Tamer) has gained 2+1 levels. +18 SP | Congratulations, you reached the job's level cap. Job automatically changed to Villager | Skill Club level 2. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | "Whoa! What just happened? I just rose eleven levels, is that right?" "In my country, we call this 'Twinking'. Please don't spend your skill points. Job change, Mercy to Scout." I move the chair to the middle of the room and break Carl's corpse out of the stone. "Is this chair for me?" "Yes. Also, swear to me you will put this wool in your ears and not remove it until I tell you to." "Alright." "I'll also tie this ribbon around your ears for extra safety. Okay, just like this. Can you hear me?" No answer. I wave in front of her and point at my own ears. "No, I can't hear anything," she says. Good. I leave the cell and relocate to the empty one at the end of the corridor. And there I commit taboo. | Mercy (3-Scout) has gained 22 levels. | Beowulf (1-Villager) has gained 5+4 levels. +24 SP | Congratulations, you reached the job's level cap. Job automatically changed to Apprentice Scout. | Humanization powered up. 5 full charges obtained. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | It seems my jobs are cycling automatically from the lowest tier as they are mastered. The multipliers are very tasty. I'll let the System do its job. I clean myself up, return to Mercy's cell and show her a written note. "Spend SP. Get Bow 4, Athletics 4, Stealth 4 and presence detection 3. Give me a thumbs up when done." After some strange eye movements and some hand waves, she gives me the thumbs up. "Job change. Mercy to Ranger!" Again I leave for the other prison cell. | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 8 levels. | Beowulf (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 3+13 levels. +74 SP. | Humanization powered up. 3 full charges obtained. | | --- | --- | --- | | Skill Humanization level 9. {Curb Instincts} learned. Reduces the strength of monster's instinct responses. | | --- | It is like I've killed forty-two copies of each of these men when you factor all the exp bosts together. And humans give three times as much Exp as a monster of a similar rank and level. | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 22 levels. | Beowulf (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 5+25 levels. +74 SP. | Humanization powered up. 5 full charges obtained. | | --- | --- | --- | Again I clean myself, wash my teeth, change my job to magician for the MP boost. I return to Mercy's cell and give the signal to remove the improvised earmuffs. The whole thing took about 5 minutes. "What did you just do? I am a ranger level 31 now, is it true? I can't believe. I feel dizzy." This is probably some sickness of having the body adapt too fast to a huge change in status. Not much different from growing pains. "But do believe, mother. It is better if you don't know what I just did. But it was to make you survive, no, to make you get out of here without even one more scratch. I think there will be a shitstorm out there. I need a strong partner. And now comes the awkward part. I have a skill that allows me to possess someone's body. I 'enter' the body and remain inside, powering it up. The person possessed becomes unconscious, but if I get the permission first, the union is stronger and you won't faint. Don't give me that face. I'm not talking about sex, you know?" "Is it so? Mother will be disappointed if her womanly gifts have no effect at all. You didn't even peep on my bath... I have really been sullied if a teenage boy feels nothing." "No, it is not that! Sorry, mother-in-law, I belong only to those two. This is not the time, the place or the person for this. Do you agree to the possession?" "Of course. I'm sorry for teasing you." "I'm glad to see you in good spirits." I use the possession skill on Mercy. Her status without the possession level 8 bonuses. | Name: | Mercy | Race: | [N/A] Human (42 years old) | Job: | [4] Ranger (31) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 38 (HP: 228) | Agility: | 64 (Stamina: 256) | Magic: | 18 (MP: 18) | And with me in the pilot's seat. | Name: | Mercy (status: Possessed) | Race: | [N/A] Human (42 years old) | Job: | [4] Ranger (31) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 38+32 (HP: 560) | Agility: | 64+32 (Stamina: 394) | Magic: | 18+32 (MP: 50) | I try to walk but it is awkward. *"What is the matter, son? Is it too titillating to be inside mother's skin?"* *"Absolutely not! It is just that each person has their own sense of balance. I need to adjust to yours."* A woman's body has a different balance than a man's. I need to adapt, especially to the wider hipbone and the swaying chest, even with the support of a hard leather cuirass. I have a good composite bow stored from the ones I bought in Colchester, and enough arrows to slay every single soldier and knight Julius brought. It is very cold but Mercy has the benefit of my water mastery skill. As I expected don't need to don unnecessary clothing like a heavy cloak or the overcoat that I already sent back to storage. Will make all the skulking easier. *"Is this your first time inside a woman's body? The way you are off-balance 'wearing' me is cute."* I bet it is like a little girl learning to walk on her mom's high heels. I don't know what is out there. I think we could get out without a fight. But I really want to kick the shit out of those knights. And cut off their dicks. Or maybe cut the dick first, shove up their asses and then kick the shit out of them. I think some of Mercy's inner thoughts are seeping into me. I really thought of cutting off their dicks without any sympathetic reaction. I leave the jail behind and stalk the cold winter night of Mirfield in Mercy's skin. *"Would you mind if I spend your skill points, mother?"* *"Not at all. Surprise me!"* I think now that the Sniper job could've been a better choice for this mission, but ranger has better utility and it is too late to change. I can always get Sniper later. We move outside and I check our surrounding. This jail is a building made on top of the old stockades. This is the guard garrison complex the orcs took over. Scouting around in mother's skin, I discover that the entire town garrison was kicked out to make room for the knight order Julius brought with him. I'll charge them full payment for eating the children's smoked roc. Presence detection. There is someone coming here. Alone. It is too dark to see well, but he has a lantern. Nock the bow... *"I need confirmation on who is coming. I'd hate if it is some townie was drafted to latrine work."* My elven eyes can see the person from a distance and appraise it. Knight job. Keel. Draw the bow... And fly. Straight in the eye. | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 2 levels. | Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 1+3 levels. +25 SP. | | --- | --- | The last ten levels of high tier jobs have a ramping Exp curve. I dash to the body and item box it. It should be coming to the stockades to check on the guards. I'll track him back to where he came from. There should be some knights on night duty there. *"Beowulf, I hear voices."* *"Now that you mention it, me too."* It is the same ears, dumb me. Just pay attention. We approach what looks like a mess hall. There are several strong-looking men drinking and eating this late. they don't have armors but they do have weapons. Some bundles of smoked meat are on the tables and they pull chunks out of them. I'll put tracking markers on all of them. 12 people inside. *"They are eating the children's meat. Helen..."* *"How are you going to get these men? They are alert."* *"They are not paying attention to the outside. It is safe to skip this building. Besides, I think these are the officers. They are drinking wine."* *"One of them is coming out."* We hide and some 6 foot 3 inches tall guy with a bushy brown beard exits the mess hall. He goes around a corner and takes his thing out to piss. Mercy recognizes the guy. *"It is indeed an officer. This guy was the aide of the one that decided who got me or not."* *"Be glad then. Now it is our turn to be fucking him. In a bad way, of course."* Get a long dagger, sneak from behind and throat GET! | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 4 level. | Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 2+6 levels. +50 SP. | Skill Assassinate level 5. | | --- | --- | --- | The body goes to the item box before it can even flop. Two more men are coming. They are talking. One has the Knight job, the other's job is Captain. wow. I'll nock an arrow and slowly draw the bow. They also come around to piss. There is a torch on the front wall, but this side corner is dark. I'll shoot the Captain in the weener and earth-spike the other. I mumble the chant under Mercy's breath hoping they won't listen. But they don't stop talking about what they did to some town girls. Scum. Makes me sick of being a man. I'm in a woman's body now, but still. *"That is the guy. Nail these bastards, Beowulf."* *"Yes, mother."* They both lose their manhood before losing their lives to the next set of arrows. But they groaned and fell on the snow. The noise stirred a guy that was sitting near the door. He is coming to check. *"Sorry, mom, I'll borrow your voice."* I moan suggestively and let small staggered sighs. Reaching for the bodies while I make these sounds, to the item box they go. *"Bad acting! I don't moan like that!"* *"Too much information. Stop. This is enough to fool a stupid horny man."* "Wow, Captain, share this girl with me too!" The guy comes around the corner and gets stabbed with the Captain's sword. The metal one. My bet is that Captain is a tier 5 job. Eight officers to go. I eavesdrop what is going on inside. "Dude, Captain is taking too long for a piss in the snow. I'm going to check." "I'm coming too. I have a bad feeling about this." They are coming here. Both are knights. I'll try the same arrow and earth-spike combo. they come around the corner and... | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 9 levels. | Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 3+15 levels. +112 SP. | Assassinate level 7. | Sword Mastery level 4. | Bow level 4. | Earth Magic level 7. {Shape Stone} learned. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | I use instant movement to get the bodies before they hit the ground this time. Six dead, six dying. "Isn't this place becoming empty? What is going on?" Again I make use of Mercy's voice, "Oh, Captain, so hard!" "There is a party going on out there. These guys are crazy to be shagging in the dead of winter!" "But I want some action too!" Three more officers come out of the building. The other three apparently are knocked out and asleep from all the heavy drinking. I'll use the static field to paralyze the ones that came outside. There is nobody else to be alerted by some noise now. One of them resisted the spell and got an arrow to the throat. The other two met their end with the Captain's sword. Dude this blade is very well made! I sneak inside the mess hall and kill the sleeping ones after confirming their jobs. One of them was a berserker. | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 9 levels. | Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 2+11 levels. +81 SP. | | --- | --- | I'll also get all these furniture tables, chairs, benches. There were a few unopened smoked roc meat bundles I retrieved too. Moving around we killed some sentries that were on patrol and found the barracks. There are around seventy sleeping low-level knights inside, sleeping either in bedrolls or hammocks. I sneak inside with the Cap-sword and begin a vicious cycle of appraise-kill-store. | Mercy (4-Ranger) has gained 27 levels. Level Cap Reached. | Beowulf (3-Magician) has gained 4+8 levels. +63 SP. Level cap reached. Job automatically changed to Apprentice Scout. Racial level cap reached. Evolution Available. | Skill Assassinate level 7. | | --- | --- | --- | We missed a lot of Exp there for not caring about level caps. Mercy got a very rare title. I mean, she is the only twinkle this world has ever seen, right? | Title Untouched awarded. Those that reach the level cap of a 4th or higher tier job without taking a single point of damage while having that job. Grants +10% chance of absolute evasion. | | --- |   "Set title: 'Mercy the Untouched'." Mercy's name in her status screen and the party window now reads "Mercy the Untouched." Mercy is doing her best LOL in my... her head. *"I can only laugh at this development. Sorry for distracting you, Beowulf."* "Job Change. Mercy to Villlager. Beowulf to Apprentice Scout." Mercy is puzzled at returning to villager, *"Why the job downgrade?"* *"It is no good to remain on a capped job. Gotta diversify. Trust me on this one."* *"You're the boss, son. This feeling of being putty in your hands, of losing all control over my being and trusting you from the bottom of my heart, it is not a bad one."* I'll take that with a block of rock salt and assume she is happy for being power leveled. Yes, that feeling when the friend that invited you to a new MMO saves you from all the extremely boring grinding and you walk over a red carpet. I am sure that was what she meant. Back to the mission. They have their weapons and armors neatly stored near their sleeping place, along with rucksacks, saddlebags and some footlockers even. As long as I have room, the item box will devour all. Outside, I have to find easy prey. Mercy got a huge downgrade in her stats now. I need to get the Super Villager to offset this before going at another 4th tier job. Sniper this time. I'll hunt some sentries at the walls. I found one but my foot slipped in the ice and I-we fell on mother's butt. He noticed me and drew its weapon. Hiding my weapon I make a scared face and he licked his lips seeing the scantily clothed woman in front of him. She is even mumbling. Actually, it is a spell's chant. "Flash Freeze!" And cut! I should've used the bow. And to offset the stats, I'll bump possession to level 10. It should give a +8 to all her stats. | {Body Switcher} learned. Allows possessing another creature the current target is touching. 2x the initial cost must be paid. If successful, switch possessed bodies without the exit penalty. | | --- | Nice. I'll also bump Mercy's bow skill to 9. I am unsure if it uses mine, hers or the highest one. Another sentry patrolling the grounds. I'll snipe him. Bullseye. It uses the highest level between me and the host.   | Mercy (1-Villager) has gained 31 levels. | Beowulf (2-Apprentice Scout) has gained 0+6 levels. +22 SP. Level cap Reached. Job automatically changed to Apprentice Warrior. | | --- | --- | We have hunted eight more sentries, and Mercy capped unlocked the Super Villager. Now she is a Sniper. I'll open a fresh 4th tier job, Wizard, to match hers. | You have become a 4-Wizard. Skills Spell Research (D), Fast Casting (D), Spell Duration Increase [C], Spell Power [C], Spell Improvisation (D) added. | | --- | Moving around past the stables where a lot of horses are loitering in we've found another barracks. It is cramped and the quality of the gear stowed along the walls is poorer. They are the foot troops. Warriors, Scouts, a few recently-changed knights. A hundred sleeping troops. This should account for almost all the 200 knights Julius allegedly brought with him. There is no need for subtlety anymore. Time for the twenty-one-second serious chant. It is becoming my favorite spell. I'll take a lot of distance. I remember what happened to Cloude, I can't let mother-in-law be harmed. But this scum will vanish from this world. Finish the chant, aim at the door... "Lava Bomb!" And this time I have MP to fully pay for the spell cost.   **BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!**   I'll let the few surviving knights deal with the aftermath. | Mercy (4-Sniper) has gained 25 levels. | Beowulf (4-Wizard) has gained 0 + 25 levels. +219 SP. | Skill Pyroclasm Magic level 2. | | --- | --- | --- | The ones that weren't in this complex, because right now Mercy is the only human alive inside it. And now it is time for the power walk away from the burning building. I'm cool but I looked at the explosion but it is fine because right now I'm not a guy. I won't walk away in slow motion either. There is a lot of things to do before the night is over.
{ "title": "The Sacred Beast Sect", "id": 21049, "author": "LivingDragon1219", "rating": 3.6 }
{ "title": "Meeting The Rest of The Grand Elders", "id": 305838, "next": 308798, "prev": 304955, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyNTRmNWUyODBjYzRmZmZiZGQxZTY0M2FlYTJlOWFi">The island of the third exam is part of a group of islands called the survival islands, its actual name being beginner’s paradise. As the island group name suggests it is an island built on the idea of survival of the fittest. That is why the monsters on this island are considered to be extremely powerful in normal standards. However, even with its real difficulty, it is still in fact the weakest and easiest of all the survival islands hence the name beginner’s paradise.</p> <p class="cnMwNjIyYTJlMzFiNDQ4MzA5OWZjZDQ2NWY5ZmExMzA1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmOGYzNjdjZWE4MDRlZjBiOThlYzE3ZDk0YmQ3YjFk">Beginner’s paradise was rather big around 3000Km squared. Since it was originally built to be a testing ground the island’s biomes are contained within a set area of space protected by a dome shaped barrier. The only opening in said barrier is at the end of the forest trail connecting to the harbour. The gate itself is a paifang archway 10 metres high and 17 metres long.</p> <p class="cnNjNGYxNDNkZGIwYTRmMTRhNTMwOTE5NDgyNzY2NWI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5N2UwNzU0MTUwZjQzNjY5Y2IyMWU4Yzc0MjY5Y2Jm">Within the biome is a large area of lush jungle surrounding grassland which contains a lake. Towards the western end of the island is Mt Fog standing at 700 metres. Like the name suggest Mt For is contaminated with extremely dense fog all the way from the base till the summit.</p> <p class="cnMzYjhmMzFhOWRlZTQxMmQ4YTU4NjhhYjU0OTIzYzg5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZDA4OTVkNzUyZjRkNjZhNzU0OTcxZWI1ZjI4OWU5">Since this is a testing ground there will naturally be a viewing platform for the elders. This platform is located inside a five story tall pagoda. Currently FengHuang, Hei Hainan and Orochi are making their way to this pagoda. The pagoda was simple in design both exterior and interior however it was actually enchanted with advanced magics. The enchantment will make it possible to monitor all corners of the island bypassing almost all senses of all types of beings. Of course cultivators with high enough cultivation would be able to sense it.</p> <p class="cnMxODhjMjNiMDI2MDQzZTY4Mzg5NDc3OTYzMTc2MjJk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZDIzMzgwNDkzOTRiYjc4MzA4NjU4YWMyNDVlY2Q1">FengHuang and company stepped in front of the entrance. Upon seeing her, the two stone lions at the entrance immediately opened the door. “Greetings Sect Mistress, Greetings Grand Elder Black Greetings Grand Elder Snake” the stone lions respectfully bowed to their masters.</p> <p class="cnM1NTg2MWQ0Y2Y0OTQ1MmJhMDc0YjU3ZTkwYjQ1YWJh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlMjkxZGRhYzlhNjQ4YzhhZDAwODQyMjdhN2IxOTIy">Stone Lions were actually a species of the lion tribe of beasts. Like all demon beasts they cultivate by consuming other beast and special plants until the Nascent Soul Realm. What’s special about stone lions is their hard stone bodies making them very hard to injure. This species of demon beasts are also commonly domesticated by humans as guard dogs. Of course the strength needed to do this is very high.</p> <p class="cnNmY2I0ZTVhYzIzYjQwMDRiYTJjZDI5Nzg0MDc1MWJj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZDUxYzRiMTQ1NTQxNzU4MjU2ZGY4NDgyZDk0MDY5">FengHuang walked into the pagoda with grace, her sect mistress persona in full motion. Her figure radiated pure authority and power. She was almost a completely different person compared to her normal playful self. “I assume the others are already here?” FengHuang questioned the disciple currently in charge of sanitation. “Ah yes, Grand Elder Gold arrived a few minutes ago” the disciple respectfully and nervously answered.</p> <p class="cnM0MDdiNDUwNzQzNjQyY2U4OGE4ZDhiNWNlZTFiZWFk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDg2YzE2OGI3NDQyZGM4OTIwN2IyNTg3NzliZTdh">Nodding in understanding FengHuang spoke again, “Return to you work. Brother Black, Brother Snake, let’s go”. With FengHuang in front, the trio headed up the spiralling stairs. The stairs spiralled up the pagoda until it reached the end where there was a door guarded by two guards. The guards instantly recognised FengHuang and cupped their hands bowing, “Welcome Sect Mistress and Grand Elders”. The two proceeded to open the door.</p> <p class="cnMzZmU4NWU5ZDdlZDQ2N2JiMzEwYTRhMWZlNzgyZTE1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkN2JhY2Q4OGM3MzQ0MzlhYzU4YzM3MTc4YjBiMTFh">The inside was a rather large room with multiple sofas and table set up like a family home. A rectangular table was placed at the centre. On the end towards the sofa were several bows of snacks and drinks, mostly fruits and wine. On the other end was a plate with the taiji symbol drawn it, it was filled with water. Several figure sat on the sofas.</p> <p class="cnMwMDhmM2Y2ZTZmODQzMmM5YWNjMDRjNWIzNWYyYTU2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NjdkZmQ2YzZjMjQzNjQ5NzUwM2EzMGEzYjZjNjk4">FengHuang waved her hand, understanding her orders the guards exited the room and closed the door behind them. A formation automatically set itself in place stopping all outside interferences.</p> <p class="cnNkZDJiY2UyYjRkOTQzYWJhM2M5NDFhYWY2ZDdkMWJm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMzU0YWYzMjY4YTRmNTJiYWM3ODVhYTFhMzFiMzBm">“Well look who finally showed up” a scraggly man in ancient yellow Chinese clothing sat on the left enjoying some grapes. “Monkey, nice to see you again” FengHuang smiled towards the man, “Did you catch anything nice while you were out?”</p> <p class="cnMxZjc2MDliNGMyNjRjY2E4YmIzMjBlMTlkNDNlOWEw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MDA5Nzc0M2E1YzQ5OWY4MWQ5ZDBmMjljZWQ2MjYz">The scraggly man smiled, “Well we’ll just have to see”. This man was called Hou Jin, another of the Sacred Beast Sect’s Grand Elders. Despite his unkept appearance, he was in fact one of the strongest fighters in the sect being a member of the stone monkey demon clan, direct descendent to the legendary Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Monkey King Son Wukong.</p> <p class="cnM1MTBiNDVhZmYwMDQ1YWM5OWUwOTcwZjg4MzUxMWUy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1ZDk1ZmNjZDU5MjQ0NDk5M2Q4MTZhMzM5MjZmZDUz">“I sure hope what you and eldest brother said wasn’t false” sitting next to Hou Jin was a young man with extremely long mane like yellow hair, his eyes were also a crimson colour. This man was the greatest swordsman in the Sacred Beast Sect and also a Grand Elder. “Hello to you too Ezzel, and yes what we said was true” FengHuang greeted her junior brother. Ezzel Sat with a serious expression on his face and nodded at the response. “After seeing his abilities, I’m almost one hundred percent sure you’ll take him in as a disciple” Hei Hainan stepped forwards grabbing a seat next a man dressed in a white fur coat. “We’ll see” Ezzel picked up a glass of wine and drank it, “Good stuff”.</p> <p class="cnNjOTQ3YmFhNjUzMzRmMWJiMGYzYWFhZjI0ZWYxMDQ1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYTMxNDM0YjE3ODRlNjU4NDUxNTY0YWQ0ZWRlODQ0">The man in the white fur coat replied, “Of course, it was made with the best ingredients we have and brewed by sister Shu and myself”. This man in white had piercing yellow eyes and short white hair but looked rather young, in his late 20s till early 30s perhaps. This man was also another Grand Elder, Xue Hui the white tiger elder.</p> <p class="cnM0NzA4ZTMyYTg5NjQ0NTM5MDk5ZWI4YTA4MjcxNDJk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNGZkMjM0OWUwNDRlNjBiOThjY2NjMDE2ZDJhMzll">“Really, what’d you put in it” also sitting down Orochi too grabbed a glass. A woman dressed in a simple dress decorated in flowers put down her glass and replied nonchalantly, “Just a few doses of thousand ray millennium fruit, true pure yang apple, transient shadow grass among other things”. “Quite wasteful on simple wine isn’t it” Orochi questioned, all the mentioned ingredients could be used to create power pills.</p> <p class="cnMzMDdkMjM1ZjgyODQ4YTc5YjM2MjlkOTRkN2IzMjcz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjNTE4NWQzYzAwYzRkM2FhMDU5MmVhOTRmY2Q1YTBk">“Never, I have plenty more. Besides, towards my martial siblings I can only afford to use the best” this woman in the flowery dress was in fact also a Grand Elder called Shu Meiyan. She was once a simple eucalyptus tree that cultivated and after thousands of years, severed its spirit becoming a demon.</p> <p class="cnNhOWNhMmNmNDJjMzRlMjE5Mjc3MjI5NjRkODczYjI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZGMxNWY1MjAwYTRiMWVhMTJmYTU3MmNjMjQxNzhi">“Well if this is your best I’m not impressed” a middle aged Caribbean lookong man in pirate get up and had his legs on the table said. He was also a Grand Elder and a Kraken demon named Baskirk. “Well we all know how demanding you are octopus” FengHuang sat down in the middle next to a beautiful middle aged woman in a gorgeous blue dress. “What, it’s true. Tree over here have better products before” Baskirk argued back. “Baskirk it is rude to criticise free drinks” Ezzel interrupted on the side.</p> <p class="cnM1M2I0Mjc1MTQ1YTRlNGQ4Yjc1OGE1MmRmZmRjOWIx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZjIxYWE5Y2U0YzQ3MTlhZTFiNmViN2FkNjg2YzI2">“Stupid Lion, I was only pointing out the facts” Baskirk grabbed a chicken leg and began eating it. “Even so, I don’t tolerate impoliteness” Ezzel gave him a death glare. Both Grand Elders looked at each other releasing huge amounts of power, both unwilling to back down. The woman next to FengHuang looked at this scene in annoyance, she sat up and clapped her hands.</p> <p class="cnM5OTJlYTg0YjdkMTRmMzI5YzNjMTJmZWIwNDNkNDRl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMjRlZmIwYTBhNjQ2Yzk5MzA5ZDBhZThmNTQ0ZDYy">Immediately the pressure was dispelled, “Imbeciles, you are both Respected Grand Elders not children. So act like it”. This woman spoke in a sophisticated and haughty voice, the same one FengHuang was speaking to through the crystal earlier. Both Baskirk and Ezzel decided to back down not willing to offend their little sister.</p> <p class="cnMxNWI2NTRkZWI1MzRjMjVhNjQ0NjlhMmQ3YzZmMmVi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNDY0N2U4ZWQyNDQwZDI5NTU5YzZkOWIzZmEzN2I4">This woman was also the one of the strongest Grand Elders named Ao Shuidi being the oldest in age but also the youngest in seniority as she was accepted into their master’s teaching last. As a member of the azure dragon clan this woman was also one of the most prideful and arrogant individuals in all of creation itself.</p> <p class="cnNmMzQ0ODBhYmQ0NTQzYzJiYzk5ZWRhMGE1M2EzYThh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWJkNWRmZWRmZDQyYmY5MTUxMjQwYzRhOWRkOGU5">Noticing the anger in Ao Shuidi’s eyes, FengHuang placed a hand on her shoulder, “Now now sister, it’s just two idiots arguing no need to trouble yourself”. Ao Shuidi just snorted and stood up, “the third exam should be starting soon, I’ll get the viewing ready”.</p> </div>
The island of the third exam is part of a group of islands called the survival islands, its actual name being beginner’s paradise. As the island group name suggests it is an island built on the idea of survival of the fittest. That is why the monsters on this island are considered to be extremely powerful in normal standards. However, even with its real difficulty, it is still in fact the weakest and easiest of all the survival islands hence the name beginner’s paradise.   Beginner’s paradise was rather big around 3000Km squared. Since it was originally built to be a testing ground the island’s biomes are contained within a set area of space protected by a dome shaped barrier. The only opening in said barrier is at the end of the forest trail connecting to the harbour. The gate itself is a paifang archway 10 metres high and 17 metres long.   Within the biome is a large area of lush jungle surrounding grassland which contains a lake. Towards the western end of the island is Mt Fog standing at 700 metres. Like the name suggest Mt For is contaminated with extremely dense fog all the way from the base till the summit.   Since this is a testing ground there will naturally be a viewing platform for the elders. This platform is located inside a five story tall pagoda. Currently FengHuang, Hei Hainan and Orochi are making their way to this pagoda. The pagoda was simple in design both exterior and interior however it was actually enchanted with advanced magics. The enchantment will make it possible to monitor all corners of the island bypassing almost all senses of all types of beings. Of course cultivators with high enough cultivation would be able to sense it.   FengHuang and company stepped in front of the entrance. Upon seeing her, the two stone lions at the entrance immediately opened the door. “Greetings Sect Mistress, Greetings Grand Elder Black Greetings Grand Elder Snake” the stone lions respectfully bowed to their masters.   Stone Lions were actually a species of the lion tribe of beasts. Like all demon beasts they cultivate by consuming other beast and special plants until the Nascent Soul Realm. What’s special about stone lions is their hard stone bodies making them very hard to injure. This species of demon beasts are also commonly domesticated by humans as guard dogs. Of course the strength needed to do this is very high.   FengHuang walked into the pagoda with grace, her sect mistress persona in full motion. Her figure radiated pure authority and power. She was almost a completely different person compared to her normal playful self. “I assume the others are already here?” FengHuang questioned the disciple currently in charge of sanitation. “Ah yes, Grand Elder Gold arrived a few minutes ago” the disciple respectfully and nervously answered.   Nodding in understanding FengHuang spoke again, “Return to you work. Brother Black, Brother Snake, let’s go”. With FengHuang in front, the trio headed up the spiralling stairs. The stairs spiralled up the pagoda until it reached the end where there was a door guarded by two guards. The guards instantly recognised FengHuang and cupped their hands bowing, “Welcome Sect Mistress and Grand Elders”. The two proceeded to open the door.   The inside was a rather large room with multiple sofas and table set up like a family home. A rectangular table was placed at the centre. On the end towards the sofa were several bows of snacks and drinks, mostly fruits and wine. On the other end was a plate with the taiji symbol drawn it, it was filled with water. Several figure sat on the sofas.   FengHuang waved her hand, understanding her orders the guards exited the room and closed the door behind them. A formation automatically set itself in place stopping all outside interferences.   “Well look who finally showed up” a scraggly man in ancient yellow Chinese clothing sat on the left enjoying some grapes. “Monkey, nice to see you again” FengHuang smiled towards the man, “Did you catch anything nice while you were out?”   The scraggly man smiled, “Well we’ll just have to see”. This man was called Hou Jin, another of the Sacred Beast Sect’s Grand Elders. Despite his unkept appearance, he was in fact one of the strongest fighters in the sect being a member of the stone monkey demon clan, direct descendent to the legendary Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Monkey King Son Wukong.   “I sure hope what you and eldest brother said wasn’t false” sitting next to Hou Jin was a young man with extremely long mane like yellow hair, his eyes were also a crimson colour. This man was the greatest swordsman in the Sacred Beast Sect and also a Grand Elder. “Hello to you too Ezzel, and yes what we said was true” FengHuang greeted her junior brother. Ezzel Sat with a serious expression on his face and nodded at the response. “After seeing his abilities, I’m almost one hundred percent sure you’ll take him in as a disciple” Hei Hainan stepped forwards grabbing a seat next a man dressed in a white fur coat. “We’ll see” Ezzel picked up a glass of wine and drank it, “Good stuff”.   The man in the white fur coat replied, “Of course, it was made with the best ingredients we have and brewed by sister Shu and myself”. This man in white had piercing yellow eyes and short white hair but looked rather young, in his late 20s till early 30s perhaps. This man was also another Grand Elder, Xue Hui the white tiger elder.   “Really, what’d you put in it” also sitting down Orochi too grabbed a glass. A woman dressed in a simple dress decorated in flowers put down her glass and replied nonchalantly, “Just a few doses of thousand ray millennium fruit, true pure yang apple, transient shadow grass among other things”. “Quite wasteful on simple wine isn’t it” Orochi questioned, all the mentioned ingredients could be used to create power pills.   “Never, I have plenty more. Besides, towards my martial siblings I can only afford to use the best” this woman in the flowery dress was in fact also a Grand Elder called Shu Meiyan. She was once a simple eucalyptus tree that cultivated and after thousands of years, severed its spirit becoming a demon.   “Well if this is your best I’m not impressed” a middle aged Caribbean lookong man in pirate get up and had his legs on the table said. He was also a Grand Elder and a Kraken demon named Baskirk. “Well we all know how demanding you are octopus” FengHuang sat down in the middle next to a beautiful middle aged woman in a gorgeous blue dress. “What, it’s true. Tree over here have better products before” Baskirk argued back. “Baskirk it is rude to criticise free drinks” Ezzel interrupted on the side.   “Stupid Lion, I was only pointing out the facts” Baskirk grabbed a chicken leg and began eating it. “Even so, I don’t tolerate impoliteness” Ezzel gave him a death glare. Both Grand Elders looked at each other releasing huge amounts of power, both unwilling to back down. The woman next to FengHuang looked at this scene in annoyance, she sat up and clapped her hands.   Immediately the pressure was dispelled, “Imbeciles, you are both Respected Grand Elders not children. So act like it”. This woman spoke in a sophisticated and haughty voice, the same one FengHuang was speaking to through the crystal earlier. Both Baskirk and Ezzel decided to back down not willing to offend their little sister.   This woman was also the one of the strongest Grand Elders named Ao Shuidi being the oldest in age but also the youngest in seniority as she was accepted into their master’s teaching last. As a member of the azure dragon clan this woman was also one of the most prideful and arrogant individuals in all of creation itself.   Noticing the anger in Ao Shuidi’s eyes, FengHuang placed a hand on her shoulder, “Now now sister, it’s just two idiots arguing no need to trouble yourself”. Ao Shuidi just snorted and stood up, “the third exam should be starting soon, I’ll get the viewing ready”.
{ "title": "The Merchant of Death", "id": 21240, "author": "Lumpish_Haggard", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Odin's Vault", "id": 305912, "next": 306240, "prev": 305906, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwYjQ2NjhiN2VkMjQ2OTRhYTk5MmFhZmQyNTJhMjUx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px">Tony was roaming around in Asgard since morning, appreciating the beauty of The Realm of Gods. He was also picking up different kinds of fruits from the trees spread around the entire realm and tasting them one by one when suddenly the Mind Stone in him reacted.</p> <p class="cnMxYTA5ZmE2MjcxZTQyMjlhNzhjMmUxYjM0NmJmMTMy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlYThmOTFkOGIxYjQ3ZGU4YjEzYTExYWRjOTFhOGNk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">A strange pain rose in his abdomen and he saw some visions of absolute destruction. He also gets a vision of the Power Stone and a purple arm wearing the Mighty Infinity Gauntlet.</p> <p class="cnNlNTMzODkwODBlODQ1NzA5MDY4MjU1YTcyM2Q0MWU5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3YzU1N2Y4MTU0ZTRkZDZiNTkyZjUwOWU2ZTk4ODdl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony was sweating profusely at this vision. For the first time in his life, he had felt true fear. He just witnessed the absolute destruction of Xandar at the hands of Thanos through the Mind Stone. A rare and maddening smile appeared on his face as his fear was instantly replaced by thrill. He couldn't stop from reviewing the vision which was saved by Jarvis about a Titan God decimating an entire planet even when they were in the possession of the power stone, a gem with infinite power.</p> <p class="cnM4MmZkMmUxYzdhYjQzZTZhZWNmMjU1NDMzMjUzNjM5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjNTU4NzZlYjA3ZjQzNzNiMDU1ZWFlNjhlNTUxZjdk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">'I don't have much time'</p> <p class="cnMyYTg5YzlhMmE3ZTQzZTdhNGU3Mzc2YWUyYzM1Mzg4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkOTkyNTZhMzI5OTQzMWY4MzY3NjNlZTBjODhjYWE0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony immediately started moving towards the Palace and when he was just outside the Throne room, he steadied his bearing and then moved inside.</p> <p class="cnNhNWI4NTg4MzdhYzQ0MzNiMDIxMTNiZDBiMDZkODRi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyZDhkOTRmNjZlZDRmN2RhZGMxODI4ZWY0NTI0Y2Ji" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Hey Hela!" Greeted Tony with a friendly nod at Hela who was alone in the room.</p> <p class="cnNiZmE2MmFmMDAwYjQyZTM4MzljYWI0ZGU5NTM5ZTI3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNmMzU2YmVhZGU4NDRiMjA5NGFhMWY1ZTA0MmQyNzBh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela nodded back with a smile and before she could say anything, Tony said</p> <p class="cnM3NzM5MTI0NmJiMDRjYmU4ZmIwNmE1NWU4NDkyYTMw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM2NWIwYjBhZWQ1MzQwZGFhYmUzNzBmMGM1ODU1MDAy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Can you please give me the Uru ore now? I have been studying your Necrosword and concluded that my Vibranium arc-reactor won't be able to handle its power consumption, considering It itself is made out of Uru and is enchanted on top of that. Also because you are it's user, The energy that you draw could possibly malfunction the repulsor, so I need Uru to make the upgrade part."</p> <p class="cnM3NjI5YzhhNzdiNzQzNDFhODYzZmVmMTYyZjMzYTRl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlZDMxZjUzNWQ5NjRlOGY5YzhhMTliMWNjNzIxMTRk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Hela considered Tony's request and thought about his contribution towards the weapons of Berserkers. She then thought that a little Uru ore as a reward could only motivate Tony to do better and said</p> <p class="cnM4MzEwNjc1YjFlMDQ3MTg5YWVmYmY5ODRlMmI2ZGZh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlYWJkMDFhNThjYTRmOWRhMzc3ZmFjNjE1N2U2YmZh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Fine, I'll provide you with Uru but we don't have much of it in Asgard. It is in Nidavellir with the Dwarves where you can't go without the Bifrost as I can't risk sending you through your ship. So study the Uru till we find Heimdall and I get Bifrost's control."</p> <p class="cnMyMDIxNWJlMjFkODRlMjlhNDlkOTMwNWY3MTQ5MzY5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyY2ZiY2NiZGQxOTRlY2I4OTU2NDY0MGI5NWFjZGI2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony immediately became happy and thanked her like a child getting a candy and thanking the kind lady for providing it. And although his Jet could travel to Nidavellir, the planet was destroyed anyway and he can't risk Hela finding out about it.</p> <p class="cnMwZDQ1YTM0ZjQ2ZTQ1ZTJiNjBhN2I3MmNkNTIyOTVi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxNjI0NTc1OWUxYzQxZWJhMjZhYjcyN2U1MzVlM2U0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"What?" Asked Hela as she saw Tony act unsure in front of her, as if he was contemplating about something.</p> <p class="cnNlODg1OWIwYTZjOTRiNWVhMzk0ODNlZWFmYjZhMDY2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxMjM2ZmMwMTUwZjRlNWY4YjVkZGQzZDMyNWViN2Y3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"uhm..Thor told me about Uru and said that it can only be casted by the power of star in</p> <p class="cnM3OWQ3NTk4ZDMzZjQwMDFhNWIzMWVkNzQ2OGVkMzUz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Nidavellir by the Dwarves. So...I was thinking maybe your Eternal Flame could be used to melt the ore? The one you told me about yesterday? You know the one you used to revive your subordinates?"</p> <p class="cnMyN2ViYjllZDhhODRiMTE4NThjZWFmMGVmZjA1OTI3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZGE2NTI3ODgyNzQ0YWE4ZDM5NmQ0Zjg0NTczYmFl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">A wicked grin appeared on Hela's mouth as she heard Tony's question. She just kept staring at Tony with the same grin till he appeared a little nervous and said with a chuckle</p> <p class="cnM3YmIzM2YyN2U1NTQxNjdhNjg3ZTRkMjJjNDQ1OWM3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1NjY4YjA4NDgyMjQ0NzlhOWNhNzVkOWNkZmY2NmQ1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Then let me show you what True power looks like."</p> <p class="cnMxMjhhMWEyNmMzMTQ4NTI4YmY0MDY3Nzk3MTFjNWU5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1ZTFhNWY5ZDkxZjQ1ZTQ5MTUyZTFkOTM2NTQ1MDY3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Immediately Hela got up from her seat and asked Tony to follow her.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTU2YjA0N2U0OTQyODBhNTY4MThhZGQ0NzZjZTZk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Once she reached the vault, the Berserker guarding it bowed down to her which was completely ignored by her as she entered the Vault while Tony followed.</p> <p class="cnNjODkzNDExNGFmZDRmMDhiMDVhMTlmZWUzNmY4Njk4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMwNGM2NTRkYWFjNDQ1OWI5MjYxZmMxODdhNGRkZTBl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">She then introduced all the treasures inside the vault to Tony just like she did with Skurge, the only difference being that now the Tesseract wasn't there in the Vault. Tony although felt a strong reaction from both the stones inside of him and concluded that the Tesseract was indeed still here, it was just hidden from his eyes.</p> <p class="cnNlNDY0MWRkYjdjYjRhM2Q5ZWIyZDg3ZGZhZTI2OGRm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMxNDY5ZWI3NzY0ZDRjNTNhMzBhNTNjMTljNDgzNGRi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Quickly enough, Hela and Tony reached the Eternal flame and without saying anything else, she wielded it.</p> <p class="cnMwMDA3ZTQ1OGZkMzQxMWU5ZjgwMzcwNTExNGMxZDdk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnM2OWZmZWRkYzM5MzRiYzJhZTVmMzAxMDMzMTc3Y2Y4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNiMGE1YTUwNWUwZDRiMzZiYmQ0ODM0OGE5MzAzYjMz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">.</p> <p class="cnNiM2JhYzc0ZDNjZTQyNzBiN2EwYTVjYjg0MTJhNzkz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony was back in his room and thought about the moment when Hela easily melted the Uru ore with the flame. He also thought about all the other Treasures in Odin's vault and said to Jarvis while studying the Uru ore in is hands.</p> <p class="cnMyNGQxZmFkM2U5MDRiZTE5ZTE0MjFkOGY1MjcwM2M4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0MjQ1M2Q3Mjk4NDQzOWFhMjAwYTIxNjAwZDY2YTZi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Jarvis, Make a list about all the treasures in Odin's Vault"</p> <p class="cnNjMTM3ZmIyZDExMDQxMDZhMjhkYjE1N2UxMWI3Yjgy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkMDAwMzBhNmM5YjRlNTM4ZDQ5NTg0MGE2NGIzYjdh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[Affirmative, Sir]</p> <p class="cnM0ZGRmZWQyMjJmNDRjMzViMTQ0OGM4MmQ3NzljZjU3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyNzVhZjliMTFhZjQwMTk5MDJiNGY1YWMyYzVjOGMy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">[</p> <p class="cnNlMDQ4NzI5YjI5NzQ4MDBiMmM4YjA5MTAyOTkxYjA3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #01</p> <p class="cnNjZWM0ZjQzNjk2MDQwNzJiY2EzYjc1YWQxNmU3MmZj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Casket of Ancient Winters - A relic and weapon that once belonged to the Frost Giants of Jotunheim who used it to vanquish enemy armies and conquer enemy realms. It is capable of producing and projecting an infinite icy wind that can freeze whole landscapes and plunge an entire world into a new ice age.</p> <p class="cnNiYTMyOWQ1OGFlMDQ2YjE5NzZhNzNlNWQ0M2UzZDlk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">In the comics, the Casket had the power to bring about "Fimbulwinter", a great winter that proceeded Ragnarok.</p> <p class="cnMzYzZlZDUyMDg0ZTRlMjM4MTJkMmJlNzFjYTA2YWE2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNlZjVjYTA3ZWExNDRmNzE5MTRlYmQ4MjdjZjlhMTcw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #02</p> <p class="cnNkM2Q2MjA0NDU3NjRkMWJhMjcxNjYwZWIyZTU4MzYy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tuning Fork - In the comics, the Tuning Fork was an item used to summon the Lurking Unknown to Asgard.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjQ3OWQ3MjI5ZjRkMzFiNGEyMjNjNzJjOWFjZjQz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The Lurking Unknown is a extra-dimensional being that gains his powers from the fear of other lifeforms. It claims to have destroyed world after world, never had having been defeated.</p> <p class="cnMzZWMxNjc3NjkxMTQ3NDViOGU0MDkyOWVmMmU5YTM1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMyNDNjYzU0YmIyNjRlNGFhNjRmNmVjY2YxMzk5ZDdh" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #03</p> <p class="cnM3ZDI4MDNlZDg3ZTQwZTY4NTliZmM4MGE3YjAwYTc1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Eternal Flame - The Eternal Flame is a mystical flame that cannot be extinguished. It was stolen from Surtur by Odin, Vili, and Ve Borson at the dawn of time so that Surtur could not light his Twilight sword and bring about Ragnarök. The Eternal Flame however also has the power to resurrect deceased individuals.</p> <p class="cnM3MzcwYjZhMWY1MTRkYTlhMTU0ODI2YTk0ZTgzNzY4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM3ZmNkZjgwNmQ3MTQyMTI5NTc3MmM1MWU2YzU1MTVi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #04</p> <p class="cnNlNGQ5MjgyMmIwODQ4ZDNiYzU1M2Y3YTYyOGQ1Zjkz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Warlock's Eye - In the comics, the Warlock's Eye is a powerful, mystical weapon used unsuccessfully by Harokin against Odin, Thor, and the Warriors Three during an invasion against Asgard, that uses a powerful mind-controlling enchantment that very few can resist.</p> <p class="cnM3NDY0Yjg5MzE3MDQyYTRiN2RjZDkyYjE1ZjliNjU0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Due to Host being in the possession of the Mind Stone, It can't be used on you either.</p> <p class="cnM4NjNhNmQ3MDgzOTQwMjFhZDJmOTg4OTYwMzk0ODhl" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM0OWExNzYwNmNhNjRlZDhiNDA5ZjhiN2RjNmQ5ODIx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #05</p> <p class="cnMyYmQ2NDBjZjFkZDRjZDhiZDZiY2RlNjhiYzU5Nzc1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tablet of Life and Time - In the comics, the tablet presented a biochemical formula for a serum, the so-called Lifeline Formula, which could rejuvenate, heal, and grant its user the chance to reach the full evolutionary potential of its race turning the user into an immortal near omnipotent.</p> <p class="cnM1MmJmZjlkNWY1ZTRlYTk5OTk2Y2IzYjUxZWVmN2Qz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">The rune markings are on the Tablet can be translated as: "Those Who Sit Above in Shadow". That is a reference to "The Gods of the Gods", who, in the comics, are omnipotent and omniscient beings that draw their life energy released by the Ragnarök and caused the cycle of death and rebirth to continue.</p> <p class="cnNkNzM2YmY3ZjJlZTRmMGU4MjhjOGFlYjI4ODNiNDcw" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkZWE0M2JjZmJkMjRjZWE4MTZjZWYyYzczZDViMjgx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #06</p> <p class="cnM4OTA5NzUyMDY4ZTRiZjc4ZTViMjhjOGY5NjNmNmJj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">A Replica of 'Infinity Gauntlet' - The Infinity Gauntlet itself is the second most powerful weapon in the known Marvel Multiverse after *HOTU*. It allows its user to wield the powers of all the 'Infinity Stones' in unison as well as individually.</p> <p class="cnMwNDc4YWZmZDNhZTRjODE4ODkzNDdmMTNkOWNmZjQy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">This although is just a replica made by Asgardians.</p> <p class="cnM2MWY0ZGUwZDAzYTRiZTdhMzZjZWIzNTEzNTJjYTIy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNjMTJiMzBlYzNkZTRmYTE5OTk5Y2NkNTI4YTIzYzc2" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #07</p> <p class="cnMwNDkzZGQ2OWExZDQ3ODc5MWE1ZGY2ODUzNjkxZWE1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tesseract (Hidden) - The Tesseract (also called the Cube) is a crystalline cube-shaped containment vessel for the Space Stone.</p> <p class="cnNmYzFmODMyM2QwOTQ3MThiNTYyODQyZTQ5Y2Q1NDU5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMzZWRiM2JiYzVhODRlZDNhMmQ1MDMyY2RhNGRjNThm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Item #08</p> <p class="cnNhOGIwY2U1ZDk3NDRkMWI5ZjVlYzcxYmE4MzFhNjIy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Crown of Surtur - The Crown of Surtur is the headpiece of the Fire Demon Surtur. When merged with the Eternal Flame, it is capable of resurrecting Surtur and increasing his power immensely.</p> <p class="cnM3MWE1ZDQzMWUxODRkOTNiOWI1ZTI0YTk0ZDBjNjcx" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">]</p> <p class="cnM2NDFlNjA5OTQyMzQzOWQ5YTA0YzM1OWVkOTQyYzQ4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNkNDM1ZWViNzAzMTQ5OWViMWM0YTc5YjViNWQ5NDk1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"These..."</p> <p class="cnNlMDEyNmZiYzk1NzRhNmI4MzUyYWNjNzlmODdiODNi" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnMzZGFmOTE4ZjNhYTRmYzQ4MjdhZjA5ZWFkN2RmNWI4" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">Tony was smiling at the information presented by Jarvis. He chucked the Uru in the air and it fell back on his hand, but it kept sinking in his hands till it reached his stomach. Tony grew a little in size and his eye turned green after which the Uru ore reemerged from his stomach, but this time it was the exact same shape Hela first showed him before plunging it into the Eternal Flame.</p> <p class="cnNlMjUyODY2YzRmNjQyMjliMGZlMjdmYmZiYjNjNmMz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnNhYWVmNTJjZDYwOTQ2ZDViZWMxN2ZlYTk3YWVjMWU0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">He then immediately started working on the ore with all his concentration as The Titan God was hot on the trail of Infinity Stones.</p> <p class="cnM2Mzk4NTQ0MDY1NTRjZjk5NjFhNTc3ZGNlOTU5YzFm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1Mjg3NjM3ZjM3MTQxMzFhNmNmOGE2NGQ5ZmVmZDQ5" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">12 Hours had passed and Tony barged in the Throne room of Asgardian Palace. He looked all around the room to find no one after which he turned around and started walking towards the Bifrost Bridge.</p> <p class="cnNmZWM1MWRjNGY2YjQ4ZDJhY2MwZDJmNzViNzRkMGQy" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">He kept walking towards the Heimdall's Observatory and found Hela standing there.</p> <p class="cnMxYzJiNzY4YTI4OTRlNjM5ZmMyN2MzMDI5OGYzYTNm" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM5ODRjODE3ZTYyNzQwNGJiY2QwMjFiNzZmYjU3MjM1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Your upgrade is almost complete"</p> <p class="cnM0NTRkZWYyMWVlNTQyZjFhMTFkMDdmNWM1YTFiY2Nk" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM4OGU0Zjg4ZTIxODRjZmQ4NDA0OTVlNTAyZWE1YWQ1" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Is that so?"</p> <p class="cnNmZDI5YTFhNzg5ZDQxYzdhYjE1NGIxMDQ1YmNlYWQ0" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM1YTkxZGM4NjdmZDQwYjFiYjEzODZmZTRjZjQ2YTA3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"You know, If you let me research this observatory, I might be able to connect your Necrosword to the Bifrost."</p> <p class="cnMxYzExYWMzNGMxNzQ4MTI5MDNlMDQzZDc3NTQ0OGM3" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM2YzZmMDA3OWU1MDRiNTliZDNiZDQxNGY2MTZlYWFj" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"Is that so? Well I never limited your actions in Asgard anyway"</p> <p class="cnMxZWY4MDYyM2M5ODRiNzk5NTZmOTQwODVlMWJkZTli" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px"> </p> <p class="cnM2ODZjOGYxYzJkYjQ3YmNhZDc4ZGIwZjZkNTRjM2Iz" style="color: #83848f; font-family: Merriweather, serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px">"So….What are you doing here anyway?"</p> </div>
Tony was roaming around in Asgard since morning, appreciating the beauty of The Realm of Gods. He was also picking up different kinds of fruits from the trees spread around the entire realm and tasting them one by one when suddenly the Mind Stone in him reacted. A strange pain rose in his abdomen and he saw some visions of absolute destruction. He also gets a vision of the Power Stone and a purple arm wearing the Mighty Infinity Gauntlet. Tony was sweating profusely at this vision. For the first time in his life, he had felt true fear. He just witnessed the absolute destruction of Xandar at the hands of Thanos through the Mind Stone. A rare and maddening smile appeared on his face as his fear was instantly replaced by thrill. He couldn't stop from reviewing the vision which was saved by Jarvis about a Titan God decimating an entire planet even when they were in the possession of the power stone, a gem with infinite power. 'I don't have much time' Tony immediately started moving towards the Palace and when he was just outside the Throne room, he steadied his bearing and then moved inside. "Hey Hela!" Greeted Tony with a friendly nod at Hela who was alone in the room. Hela nodded back with a smile and before she could say anything, Tony said "Can you please give me the Uru ore now? I have been studying your Necrosword and concluded that my Vibranium arc-reactor won't be able to handle its power consumption, considering It itself is made out of Uru and is enchanted on top of that. Also because you are it's user, The energy that you draw could possibly malfunction the repulsor, so I need Uru to make the upgrade part." Hela considered Tony's request and thought about his contribution towards the weapons of Berserkers. She then thought that a little Uru ore as a reward could only motivate Tony to do better and said "Fine, I'll provide you with Uru but we don't have much of it in Asgard. It is in Nidavellir with the Dwarves where you can't go without the Bifrost as I can't risk sending you through your ship. So study the Uru till we find Heimdall and I get Bifrost's control." Tony immediately became happy and thanked her like a child getting a candy and thanking the kind lady for providing it. And although his Jet could travel to Nidavellir, the planet was destroyed anyway and he can't risk Hela finding out about it. "What?" Asked Hela as she saw Tony act unsure in front of her, as if he was contemplating about something. "uhm..Thor told me about Uru and said that it can only be casted by the power of star in Nidavellir by the Dwarves. So...I was thinking maybe your Eternal Flame could be used to melt the ore? The one you told me about yesterday? You know the one you used to revive your subordinates?" A wicked grin appeared on Hela's mouth as she heard Tony's question. She just kept staring at Tony with the same grin till he appeared a little nervous and said with a chuckle "Then let me show you what True power looks like." Immediately Hela got up from her seat and asked Tony to follow her. Once she reached the vault, the Berserker guarding it bowed down to her which was completely ignored by her as she entered the Vault while Tony followed. She then introduced all the treasures inside the vault to Tony just like she did with Skurge, the only difference being that now the Tesseract wasn't there in the Vault. Tony although felt a strong reaction from both the stones inside of him and concluded that the Tesseract was indeed still here, it was just hidden from his eyes. Quickly enough, Hela and Tony reached the Eternal flame and without saying anything else, she wielded it. . . . Tony was back in his room and thought about the moment when Hela easily melted the Uru ore with the flame. He also thought about all the other Treasures in Odin's vault and said to Jarvis while studying the Uru ore in is hands. "Jarvis, Make a list about all the treasures in Odin's Vault" [Affirmative, Sir] [ Item #01 Casket of Ancient Winters - A relic and weapon that once belonged to the Frost Giants of Jotunheim who used it to vanquish enemy armies and conquer enemy realms. It is capable of producing and projecting an infinite icy wind that can freeze whole landscapes and plunge an entire world into a new ice age. In the comics, the Casket had the power to bring about "Fimbulwinter", a great winter that proceeded Ragnarok. Item #02 Tuning Fork - In the comics, the Tuning Fork was an item used to summon the Lurking Unknown to Asgard. The Lurking Unknown is a extra-dimensional being that gains his powers from the fear of other lifeforms. It claims to have destroyed world after world, never had having been defeated. Item #03 Eternal Flame - The Eternal Flame is a mystical flame that cannot be extinguished. It was stolen from Surtur by Odin, Vili, and Ve Borson at the dawn of time so that Surtur could not light his Twilight sword and bring about Ragnarök. The Eternal Flame however also has the power to resurrect deceased individuals. Item #04 Warlock's Eye - In the comics, the Warlock's Eye is a powerful, mystical weapon used unsuccessfully by Harokin against Odin, Thor, and the Warriors Three during an invasion against Asgard, that uses a powerful mind-controlling enchantment that very few can resist. Due to Host being in the possession of the Mind Stone, It can't be used on you either. Item #05 Tablet of Life and Time - In the comics, the tablet presented a biochemical formula for a serum, the so-called Lifeline Formula, which could rejuvenate, heal, and grant its user the chance to reach the full evolutionary potential of its race turning the user into an immortal near omnipotent. The rune markings are on the Tablet can be translated as: "Those Who Sit Above in Shadow". That is a reference to "The Gods of the Gods", who, in the comics, are omnipotent and omniscient beings that draw their life energy released by the Ragnarök and caused the cycle of death and rebirth to continue. Item #06 A Replica of 'Infinity Gauntlet' - The Infinity Gauntlet itself is the second most powerful weapon in the known Marvel Multiverse after *HOTU*. It allows its user to wield the powers of all the 'Infinity Stones' in unison as well as individually. This although is just a replica made by Asgardians. Item #07 Tesseract (Hidden) - The Tesseract (also called the Cube) is a crystalline cube-shaped containment vessel for the Space Stone. Item #08 Crown of Surtur - The Crown of Surtur is the headpiece of the Fire Demon Surtur. When merged with the Eternal Flame, it is capable of resurrecting Surtur and increasing his power immensely. ] "These..." Tony was smiling at the information presented by Jarvis. He chucked the Uru in the air and it fell back on his hand, but it kept sinking in his hands till it reached his stomach. Tony grew a little in size and his eye turned green after which the Uru ore reemerged from his stomach, but this time it was the exact same shape Hela first showed him before plunging it into the Eternal Flame. He then immediately started working on the ore with all his concentration as The Titan God was hot on the trail of Infinity Stones. 12 Hours had passed and Tony barged in the Throne room of Asgardian Palace. He looked all around the room to find no one after which he turned around and started walking towards the Bifrost Bridge. He kept walking towards the Heimdall's Observatory and found Hela standing there. "Your upgrade is almost complete" "Is that so?" "You know, If you let me research this observatory, I might be able to connect your Necrosword to the Bifrost." "Is that so? Well I never limited your actions in Asgard anyway" "So….What are you doing here anyway?"
{ "title": "The Master and The Slave", "id": 19862, "author": "MrZombie", "rating": 3.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 52: The Breach.", "id": 305910, "next": 307063, "prev": 305018, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0MDVmM2U5YzIyYzRiYjY5NTljZWM3MTczNmE0ZTE3">There something under Nesto's feet, he lifts his foot up to see what it is and realize it rusted chest armor with Targia symbol engraved on it. This battlefield has seen horror before, proved by the remnant of rusted weapons, banners, and armors buried under the dirt and rock. Nesto inhales the surrounding air around him while he lifts his head up to see the tall, gray wall that separates Targia and Weyshers. <br><br>He can smell the metal in the air coming from the armors, and weapons that Targia army is using, including the pieces of the rusted armors buried underneath this battlefield. He looks to his right side and sees the row of soldiers and knight lining up. Then, he looks at his left side and seeing the same thing.<br><br>While he gazes set upon the line of knights beside him, he glances behind him and sees the nervous faces of his squad. Nesto also could see that Neya is safely behind the army where she is far away from danger with Vel protecting her. Vizrez squeezes through the soldiers and stands beside Nesto with a toothy smile.<br><br>She bumps her elbow with Nesto's shoulder and let out a grin. Nesto replies with a smile then tighten his grip around his wooden staff. When he looked up at the sky behind him, he could see the Windcutter is heading toward the sea.<br><br>Then, the sky darkens, and snow starts falling down from the cloud. Nesto hovers a hand underneath the falling snow and lets it land on his hand. The snow melted upon touching his warm hand then he worried eyes turn to Ariamnes that is on his horse.<br><br>A chilling cold befalls both Ariamnes and Nesto whole body. At first, it was the cold then their hearts felt like it had stopped beating for a quick second. Both of them quickly roll up their sleeves and saw the glowing flower tattoo; one of the petals has darkened.<br><br>A tear runs down Nesto's cheeks while Ariamnes grip his sword handle and clench his teeth.<br><br>"What's wrong, Nesto?" Vizrez asks as she notices a tear is running down his cheek.<br><br>The silver-haired man wipes away the single tears and lets out a smile, "It's nothing, just something I remember."<br><br>"If you say so," Vizrez said.<br><br>Nesto and Ariamnes exchange a glance and a nod. They both understood that they need to wins this frontline by any means necessary. The time for grieve will have to be later, it is time for actions.<br><br>Ariamnes raised his hand.<br><br>*<br><br>Somewhere near the forest.<br><br>167 saw the raised hand from far away, he took out a crystal orb from underneath his coat, and wait for the signal. Then he sees the prince bring down his hand, and the sound of roar from the army can be heard across the battlefield.<br><br>167 let out a smile, and activate the orb.<br><br>An explosion came out from underneath the wall itself, cracking the wall and demolishing a small part of the wall. Then causing a breach to appear in the wall for the army of Targia. The Weyshers's army on the other side was shocked when the explosion happens, there was panic among them, but it was for a short moment after that they were able to compose themselves, and focus on blocking the hole in the wall.<br><br>167 watch the destruction of the wall with a satisfied grin on his face, he looks up at the sky.<br><br>"Thank you, Viria," he said while raising his hand to give the signal of retreat for his agents that are hiding in the shadow behind him.<br><br>* <br><br>Thousands of Targia's knights and soldiers charges towards the freshly made large hole in the wall while yelling out, "For Targia!!" from the bottom of their hearts.<br><br>Nesto, Vizrez, and his squad follow suit after the knights and soldiers while holding their own weapons in their hands. The first frontline of the army clash with the enemy in the gap that appears after the explosion. From far away, or near the hole, for those who witness it, they can see the mess of it is. Elves slay their own kind with weapons forge by their own kind. Body parts flew around as one of the knights loses his arm, and another lose his head.<br><br>Beautiful blue ball of Mana fly in the sky and land on the back of the front line, the moment it touches the ground, it explodes into a bright blue light of death. Nesto was lucky when one of the magic balls landed far behind his squad, and explode. He can feel the wave from that come from the explosion behind him, but not just him, the surrounding people around him can feel it too.<br><br>He looks to his left as a couple knight was hit by the explosion. One of those elves lay dead in the crater with the bottom half of his body missing, while another just stood up after he was sent flying by the explosion. Dirt and scorch marks decorate his armor, but after a short moment, the elf charge toward the hole again while letting out his battle cry.<br><br>As Nesto and his squad get closer to the wall. He can see the allied casters in front of him using their magic to lift up the dirt into a hill for the knights and soldiers to use as cover. So they can avoid getting hit by the blue ball of death.<br><br>After arriving at one of the dirt hills, the silver-haired man leans his back on the hill while his comrade follows his actions. The man feels his breath hasten as his heart thud strongly inside his chest, he peeks out from the hill and sees the bodies piling up at the breach.<br><br>A wise king once said that war is like a chess game, and the battlefield is like a chess board, but Nesto snickers at that statement. A true war is not like chess or any kind of game. It is a massive bloody mess that no matter how much you plan, it will never go like the way you think. <br><br>It is bloody, it is messy, and it is loud.<br><br>He pulls back his head when an arrow passes by in front of his face, he looks up at the battlements and sees the casters along with archers defending at the top of the wall. He looks at the hill beside him, Ariamnes with his own squad taking cover.<br><br>"Ariamnes, I'm sending someone to break through the enemy line!!" Nesto screams out, and the prince nods his head in response.<br><br>Nesto looks at the cyclops woman beside him and Vizrez grin with joy as she held her large bone-made weapon in her hands. Nesto and Vizrez switch their place so she can get a clear route toward the mess in the breach.<br><br>"Wait for my signal," Nesto say to Vizrez, and she nods her heads.<br><br>He looks at his squads and sees the fears in their eyes after they saw the horror of the battlefield for the first time. He knows no matter how much training they had, they will never be prepared for something like this. But he doesn't pick these people because of their strength or smart. It's their will that he is after, only that can make a person move after seeing this kind of horror.</p><br>Nesto looks at the shaking young man hand, and then he places his hand on the lad's shoulders. The young man glances back at him in surprise, "Melud, look at me." Nesto said.<br><br>"You all, look at me," Nesto said while looking at his squad.<br><br>They all look at the silver-haired man with focus and fears in their eyes. Suddenly an explosion flew a knight's body over their head and landed away from them, everyone in the squad flinches in fear except for Nesto.<br><br>The squad looks at the knight's body, his armor scorch from the explosion while a few of his limbs are missing, and blood squirt out from the stump of his body.<br><br>"Look at me!!!" Nesto commands, and they all look back at the silver-haired man.<br><br>"We need to climb that wall and take out the enemy caster along with archers," Nesto orders.<br><br>Melud said while his voice is shaken, "We can't do this, Nesto. I didn't realize it was this bad."<br><br>"You can't go back, this is war. Look, I'm not asking you to win the war, I am asking you to climb that wall and take out the enemy... Everybody here is relying on you all," Nesto said.<br><br>"Are you going to let them down?" Nesto ask.<br><br>"No, sir!" The squad said.<br><br>"Good lad," Nesto said.<br><br>The silver-haired man looks over his squad and saw Kinnith along with the young elf wolics are taking cover behind the dirt hill next to them. The young man notices Nesto's gaze.<br><br>"Smoke at the bottom of the wall!" Nesto shout.<br><br>Kinnith nods his head, and then he starts chanting a spell. Nesto looks at the bottom of the wall and sees a thick white smoke is arising at the bottom of the wall. When the smoke is thick enough, he signals his squad, and they all charge into the smoke in pairs except for Melud.<br><br>Nesto tap Vizrez shoulder, the cyclops woman let out a terrifying roar, and her body begins to glow. She charges toward the hole while Ariamnes squad cover for her, and follow her from behind. Nesto sheathes his wooden staff alongside his saber while he takes a few breaths in.<br><br>The silver-haired man rushes into the smoke with Melud. Upon reaching the wall, he presses his back against the wall while squatting down and joints his hand together ready to lift someone up.<br><br>Melud runs toward Nesto while sheathing his own wooden staff on his back. The young man steps on both of Nesto's palms, then he boosts Melud up to the air. The young man took out his grapple in mid-air and toss it over the wall, where it hooks onto the battlements. Melud grabs the rope in mid-air, and start climbing up the rope. After he reaches the battlements, he starts engaging with the enemy caster and archers.<br><br>Nesto climbs after Melud and takes out his wooden staff then he helps the young man with his fight. While Melud is fighting the enemy, Nesto can see the rest of his squad made it to the top and engaging with the enemy.<br><br>With the enemy casters and archers are occupied, the knights and soldier below can have a better chance of getting through the clusters.<br><br>*<br><br>From afar, Neya watch as her family and friends risk their lives for her cause. She clenches her teeth tightly and closes her eyes. This is not what she wanted to do, she doesn't want to be in the sideline in the comfort of safety. She looks around her, distraught as she saw the bodies of elves lay on the ground while the field nurse tries to patch them up. <br><br>A thought came to her mind, one of those elves could be her own people.<br><br>One of the field nurses yells "We still have men in there that need to be brought here to heal."<br><br>"We don't have any more people to spare for them to go back in there and retrieve them!" One of the nurses yells out.<br><br>At that moment she sees an opportunity, she grabs a satchel full of healing potions, and look upon the battlefields. She spots one of the injured knights trying to crawl his way here. Vel suddenly stops her by standing in front of her, just before she could run toward the injured knight.<br><br>"Dangerous," Vel warns.<br><br>"Vel, either you help me or step away," Neya eyebrow furrow as she gives him two choices.<br><br>Vel took out his bow and gesture his head toward the injured knight. Neya let out a smile and laid a kiss on the young man cheek. Then she rushed toward the injured elf while Vel follows her and watches out for danger.<br><br>*<br><br>An arrow launches itself from an enemy crossbow and passes by Nesto in a blink of an eye. He warns Melud of the incoming arrow and the young man quickly dodge to the left; avoiding the incoming arrow. However, the arrow that was supposed to hit Melud, land itself into an ally behind him.<br><br>Nesto saw the arrow pierce the young woman shoulders that were standing behind Melud, she screams in pain while letting her wooden staff drop to the floors. Melud looks at the arrow, he screams in anger "Liriam!!"<br><br>And turns his deathly glare at the enemy archer, he charges pass by Nesto while aiming his staff at the archer's head.<br><br>"Melud, No!!" Nesto yells out as he knocks out the enemy that he is fighting.<br><br>The young man stabs his wooden staff through the archer's eye and drilling a hole in the enemy brain. Melud breath was heavy as he clenches his teeth together in pure anger, but when he looks at what he had done. <br><br>The young man realizes that he had just killed a man, he sees the blood running down the wooden staff and wetting his own hand. He quickly let go of the staff, his eye wide in shock while his mouth is slightly open.<br><br>"Melud..." Nesto said in a disappointed voice.<br><br>The young man turns his gaze at his teacher, his eyes were on the verge of tears as his bloodlust begins to clear. Nesto looks at him and back at the dead archer behind the lad then he looks back at the injured girl.<br><br>"Bring her to the healer camp..." Nesto said as the girl clenched her teeth as blood started to drip from the wound.<br><br>Melud looks at him, shaking his head confuse while terrify by what he did. Nesto yells at the young man again, "Now!"<br><br>Only then, Melud let go of his bloody wooden staff and run to the injured girl to help her. Before he reaches the girl, Nesto grabs the lad's wrist and pull him closer so their forehead can touch.<br><br>"It's okay," Nesto said as he tries to comfort Melud.<br><br>He let go of Melud's wrist, and the young man rushes to the injured girl again to helps her climb down the rope.<p></p> </div>
There something under Nesto's feet, he lifts his foot up to see what it is and realize it rusted chest armor with Targia symbol engraved on it. This battlefield has seen horror before, proved by the remnant of rusted weapons, banners, and armors buried under the dirt and rock. Nesto inhales the surrounding air around him while he lifts his head up to see the tall, gray wall that separates Targia and Weyshers. He can smell the metal in the air coming from the armors, and weapons that Targia army is using, including the pieces of the rusted armors buried underneath this battlefield. He looks to his right side and sees the row of soldiers and knight lining up. Then, he looks at his left side and seeing the same thing. While he gazes set upon the line of knights beside him, he glances behind him and sees the nervous faces of his squad. Nesto also could see that Neya is safely behind the army where she is far away from danger with Vel protecting her. Vizrez squeezes through the soldiers and stands beside Nesto with a toothy smile. She bumps her elbow with Nesto's shoulder and let out a grin. Nesto replies with a smile then tighten his grip around his wooden staff. When he looked up at the sky behind him, he could see the Windcutter is heading toward the sea. Then, the sky darkens, and snow starts falling down from the cloud. Nesto hovers a hand underneath the falling snow and lets it land on his hand. The snow melted upon touching his warm hand then he worried eyes turn to Ariamnes that is on his horse. A chilling cold befalls both Ariamnes and Nesto whole body. At first, it was the cold then their hearts felt like it had stopped beating for a quick second. Both of them quickly roll up their sleeves and saw the glowing flower tattoo; one of the petals has darkened. A tear runs down Nesto's cheeks while Ariamnes grip his sword handle and clench his teeth. "What's wrong, Nesto?" Vizrez asks as she notices a tear is running down his cheek. The silver-haired man wipes away the single tears and lets out a smile, "It's nothing, just something I remember." "If you say so," Vizrez said. Nesto and Ariamnes exchange a glance and a nod. They both understood that they need to wins this frontline by any means necessary. The time for grieve will have to be later, it is time for actions. Ariamnes raised his hand. * Somewhere near the forest. 167 saw the raised hand from far away, he took out a crystal orb from underneath his coat, and wait for the signal. Then he sees the prince bring down his hand, and the sound of roar from the army can be heard across the battlefield. 167 let out a smile, and activate the orb. An explosion came out from underneath the wall itself, cracking the wall and demolishing a small part of the wall. Then causing a breach to appear in the wall for the army of Targia. The Weyshers's army on the other side was shocked when the explosion happens, there was panic among them, but it was for a short moment after that they were able to compose themselves, and focus on blocking the hole in the wall. 167 watch the destruction of the wall with a satisfied grin on his face, he looks up at the sky. "Thank you, Viria," he said while raising his hand to give the signal of retreat for his agents that are hiding in the shadow behind him. * Thousands of Targia's knights and soldiers charges towards the freshly made large hole in the wall while yelling out, "For Targia!!" from the bottom of their hearts. Nesto, Vizrez, and his squad follow suit after the knights and soldiers while holding their own weapons in their hands. The first frontline of the army clash with the enemy in the gap that appears after the explosion. From far away, or near the hole, for those who witness it, they can see the mess of it is. Elves slay their own kind with weapons forge by their own kind. Body parts flew around as one of the knights loses his arm, and another lose his head. Beautiful blue ball of Mana fly in the sky and land on the back of the front line, the moment it touches the ground, it explodes into a bright blue light of death. Nesto was lucky when one of the magic balls landed far behind his squad, and explode. He can feel the wave from that come from the explosion behind him, but not just him, the surrounding people around him can feel it too. He looks to his left as a couple knight was hit by the explosion. One of those elves lay dead in the crater with the bottom half of his body missing, while another just stood up after he was sent flying by the explosion. Dirt and scorch marks decorate his armor, but after a short moment, the elf charge toward the hole again while letting out his battle cry. As Nesto and his squad get closer to the wall. He can see the allied casters in front of him using their magic to lift up the dirt into a hill for the knights and soldiers to use as cover. So they can avoid getting hit by the blue ball of death. After arriving at one of the dirt hills, the silver-haired man leans his back on the hill while his comrade follows his actions. The man feels his breath hasten as his heart thud strongly inside his chest, he peeks out from the hill and sees the bodies piling up at the breach. A wise king once said that war is like a chess game, and the battlefield is like a chess board, but Nesto snickers at that statement. A true war is not like chess or any kind of game. It is a massive bloody mess that no matter how much you plan, it will never go like the way you think. It is bloody, it is messy, and it is loud. He pulls back his head when an arrow passes by in front of his face, he looks up at the battlements and sees the casters along with archers defending at the top of the wall. He looks at the hill beside him, Ariamnes with his own squad taking cover. "Ariamnes, I'm sending someone to break through the enemy line!!" Nesto screams out, and the prince nods his head in response. Nesto looks at the cyclops woman beside him and Vizrez grin with joy as she held her large bone-made weapon in her hands. Nesto and Vizrez switch their place so she can get a clear route toward the mess in the breach. "Wait for my signal," Nesto say to Vizrez, and she nods her heads. He looks at his squads and sees the fears in their eyes after they saw the horror of the battlefield for the first time. He knows no matter how much training they had, they will never be prepared for something like this. But he doesn't pick these people because of their strength or smart. It's their will that he is after, only that can make a person move after seeing this kind of horror. Nesto looks at the shaking young man hand, and then he places his hand on the lad's shoulders. The young man glances back at him in surprise, "Melud, look at me." Nesto said. "You all, look at me," Nesto said while looking at his squad. They all look at the silver-haired man with focus and fears in their eyes. Suddenly an explosion flew a knight's body over their head and landed away from them, everyone in the squad flinches in fear except for Nesto. The squad looks at the knight's body, his armor scorch from the explosion while a few of his limbs are missing, and blood squirt out from the stump of his body. "Look at me!!!" Nesto commands, and they all look back at the silver-haired man. "We need to climb that wall and take out the enemy caster along with archers," Nesto orders. Melud said while his voice is shaken, "We can't do this, Nesto. I didn't realize it was this bad." "You can't go back, this is war. Look, I'm not asking you to win the war, I am asking you to climb that wall and take out the enemy... Everybody here is relying on you all," Nesto said. "Are you going to let them down?" Nesto ask. "No, sir!" The squad said. "Good lad," Nesto said. The silver-haired man looks over his squad and saw Kinnith along with the young elf wolics are taking cover behind the dirt hill next to them. The young man notices Nesto's gaze. "Smoke at the bottom of the wall!" Nesto shout. Kinnith nods his head, and then he starts chanting a spell. Nesto looks at the bottom of the wall and sees a thick white smoke is arising at the bottom of the wall. When the smoke is thick enough, he signals his squad, and they all charge into the smoke in pairs except for Melud. Nesto tap Vizrez shoulder, the cyclops woman let out a terrifying roar, and her body begins to glow. She charges toward the hole while Ariamnes squad cover for her, and follow her from behind. Nesto sheathes his wooden staff alongside his saber while he takes a few breaths in. The silver-haired man rushes into the smoke with Melud. Upon reaching the wall, he presses his back against the wall while squatting down and joints his hand together ready to lift someone up. Melud runs toward Nesto while sheathing his own wooden staff on his back. The young man steps on both of Nesto's palms, then he boosts Melud up to the air. The young man took out his grapple in mid-air and toss it over the wall, where it hooks onto the battlements. Melud grabs the rope in mid-air, and start climbing up the rope. After he reaches the battlements, he starts engaging with the enemy caster and archers. Nesto climbs after Melud and takes out his wooden staff then he helps the young man with his fight. While Melud is fighting the enemy, Nesto can see the rest of his squad made it to the top and engaging with the enemy. With the enemy casters and archers are occupied, the knights and soldier below can have a better chance of getting through the clusters. * From afar, Neya watch as her family and friends risk their lives for her cause. She clenches her teeth tightly and closes her eyes. This is not what she wanted to do, she doesn't want to be in the sideline in the comfort of safety. She looks around her, distraught as she saw the bodies of elves lay on the ground while the field nurse tries to patch them up. A thought came to her mind, one of those elves could be her own people. One of the field nurses yells "We still have men in there that need to be brought here to heal." "We don't have any more people to spare for them to go back in there and retrieve them!" One of the nurses yells out. At that moment she sees an opportunity, she grabs a satchel full of healing potions, and look upon the battlefields. She spots one of the injured knights trying to crawl his way here. Vel suddenly stops her by standing in front of her, just before she could run toward the injured knight. "Dangerous," Vel warns. "Vel, either you help me or step away," Neya eyebrow furrow as she gives him two choices. Vel took out his bow and gesture his head toward the injured knight. Neya let out a smile and laid a kiss on the young man cheek. Then she rushed toward the injured elf while Vel follows her and watches out for danger. * An arrow launches itself from an enemy crossbow and passes by Nesto in a blink of an eye. He warns Melud of the incoming arrow and the young man quickly dodge to the left; avoiding the incoming arrow. However, the arrow that was supposed to hit Melud, land itself into an ally behind him. Nesto saw the arrow pierce the young woman shoulders that were standing behind Melud, she screams in pain while letting her wooden staff drop to the floors. Melud looks at the arrow, he screams in anger "Liriam!!" And turns his deathly glare at the enemy archer, he charges pass by Nesto while aiming his staff at the archer's head. "Melud, No!!" Nesto yells out as he knocks out the enemy that he is fighting. The young man stabs his wooden staff through the archer's eye and drilling a hole in the enemy brain. Melud breath was heavy as he clenches his teeth together in pure anger, but when he looks at what he had done. The young man realizes that he had just killed a man, he sees the blood running down the wooden staff and wetting his own hand. He quickly let go of the staff, his eye wide in shock while his mouth is slightly open. "Melud..." Nesto said in a disappointed voice. The young man turns his gaze at his teacher, his eyes were on the verge of tears as his bloodlust begins to clear. Nesto looks at him and back at the dead archer behind the lad then he looks back at the injured girl. "Bring her to the healer camp..." Nesto said as the girl clenched her teeth as blood started to drip from the wound. Melud looks at him, shaking his head confuse while terrify by what he did. Nesto yells at the young man again, "Now!" Only then, Melud let go of his bloody wooden staff and run to the injured girl to help her. Before he reaches the girl, Nesto grabs the lad's wrist and pull him closer so their forehead can touch. "It's okay," Nesto said as he tries to comfort Melud. He let go of Melud's wrist, and the young man rushes to the injured girl again to helps her climb down the rope.
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 30: Hunt", "id": 305913, "next": 305935, "prev": 305907, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxNGEwOTJlMTQ2ZDQ3ODA5MTYxNjg3MmExZDEzZjYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">As I turn toward the cave entrance, I’m interrupted with a notification: </span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[Domination progress milestone reached! Cathid 20% dominated]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhYThlOGUzODkxNDRhNDk4NWViMzQzZDc2ZDE5YTIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">And then another...</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[Congratulations! Skill levels gained: Tamer +1]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[Tamer info: Monsters are changed by the bonds you form with them, and you will be as well. The Will stat and the power of the monster determines how much of this effect you can resist. More Energy can be devoted to this bond to increase Domination speed. Adding too much can strain the bond!]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlZWI5ZmNmMGJhMDQwNjBiNjNkYmQwYTk2NGQ0NmVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">More...</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[You were the first creature to discover the hidden dungeon, The Barrows. Your Perception exceeds that of many, and the dungeon’s secrets are yours to plunder. +1 Perception]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0MjZmZTVlNDMyMzRkZTNhZjE3OTFlOWZiNzRiY2Ew"><span style="font-weight: 400">I frown. Kaythe was the first to discover this place, not me. Why did I get the bonus? It put me at 25 Perception though, and there’s a pretty noticeable difference in how well I can see in this dimly lit cave entrance.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTBmMGVhYWI0ZjQ4YzU4NTE5ZWI0YzAzZjJlMTVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Anyway, duly noted: exploration is rewarded. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMTA1YjI5MjVlZDRkNzg5MGZhZjJmZTljMzI5NzA2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had honestly put the whole ‘Domination’ thing mostly out of my mind. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but I had </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">thought</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> the process was directly related to how much Energy I devoted. Put in 1 Energy, gain 10%, all the way to an assumed 100% at which point *something* probably happens. Nope. Wrong. It’s a passive process with Energy as the vector. The more I devote, the faster it happens, but it inexorably *will* happen. Kaythe doesn’t seem bothered by this, however. If anything, it looks more lively than ever. Maybe that has something to do with the changes stipulated by the tool tip? Regardless, it’s interesting how that description has evolved as I level the skill. I really hope that happens with more things. Like my Energy skills. Which are a much higher level and have gotten almost NO EXPLANATION. They’re useful skills with just my current knowledge, but… you don’t know what you don’t know. They could be much more powerful due to some small facet that I’ve overlooked and I’d have no idea. I guess it works as incentive to actually practice with my skills instead of panicking and using them mostly out of desperation. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMzc1ZDQ2ZDIxYzQ0MmM4MTc1ZjJjNjMwNjlkZDM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Whenever I have the time to practice… if I ever do.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWMzNjViMDRhMjRlNzk5NDhjZDcxODc1MjIzZTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ugh. Not a moment’s rest. I *could* do it now, but then I wouldn’t get first dibs on the dungeon. Opportunity cost.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ODkwZTJjZTllOTRhYzViMjZkNjVkNzdjNThmZjFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now, do I add more Energy to forming the bond with Kaythe, or do I not mess with it and let it run its course with what I’ve already donated?</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDY4OGNmNzc0ZTQ4NDI4YWU1Zjg5ZjE5OGE1MzYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the one hand, I have no indication that I get the Energy back, so it might very well be a permanent reduction in my total Energy. That’s a big commitment. On the other hand, my bond with Kaythe is the only reason I found this place. Even the game itself thought this was a feat only possible through skill, so it mis-rewarded me. Honestly, it should have given me ‘luck’ or something considering how I just happened to befriend a cave dwelling monster that was capable of sensing this place, and that liked me enough to guide me here. The fact that the game thought *I* found it, when I literally entered it by falling through the illusion I thought was ground, is the closest thing to comedy so far in this entire experience.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTMzOTNiZjhlNjQ3N2ZhMjg5ZmRiODgyNTNhNDNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I assume you’re meant to find this place after a certain amount of time has passed and that Mana battery in the wall dies, unveiling a perfectly unassuming cave in a place where you previously could have sworn there wasn’t a cave. A concept that would be fun and light hearted if we had easily cleared out the monsters that spawned and created our town, the way we were *supposed to* (I think), but instead we have monsters way stronger than us with almost certain prior knowledge about this world.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjNiZmU0MGJlOTRiYmNhNjUyNjIzOTI5YzNiODI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fucking hacks.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmM3MmVmMjU2NjQ2Yzc5NTkyYzdmYTc0ZGRmYmUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I feel like I need to talk this through with someone, but all the other humans are probably as ignorant as I, and Kaythe can only communicate in nuanced clacking noises. Not exactly the best spread, but I can probably solve one of the issues. Kaythe couldn’t talk to me at first, that came with the Tamer skill, so enhancing the bond and leveling the skill will probably both add to my ability to communicate with it. Whiiiich… means putting excess Energy into the bond. I call Kaythe over from where it was investigating some fungal growths along the edge of the cave mouth and push some more golden Energy into it. After two notifications that I’ve increased the Domination rate, I start to feel a small pressure pushing me back from Kaythe, spurring me to immediately snatch my hand away. The tool tip warned me about straining the bond, and three Energy rate should be more than enough for now. There’s no immediate difference, at least not that I can see, but Kaythe clacks an (Interesting) before taking up residence on my shoulders.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzI1ZDQ1MGRlMzQxN2U4YjJhZjQyYWRmYWExMjAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">It’s time to loot and pillage.</span></p> </div>
As I turn toward the cave entrance, I’m interrupted with a notification: | [Domination progress milestone reached! Cathid 20% dominated] | | --- | And then another... | [Congratulations! Skill levels gained: Tamer +1] | | --- | | [Tamer info: Monsters are changed by the bonds you form with them, and you will be as well. The Will stat and the power of the monster determines how much of this effect you can resist. More Energy can be devoted to this bond to increase Domination speed. Adding too much can strain the bond!] | | --- | More... | [You were the first creature to discover the hidden dungeon, The Barrows. Your Perception exceeds that of many, and the dungeon’s secrets are yours to plunder. +1 Perception] | | --- | I frown. Kaythe was the first to discover this place, not me. Why did I get the bonus? It put me at 25 Perception though, and there’s a pretty noticeable difference in how well I can see in this dimly lit cave entrance. Anyway, duly noted: exploration is rewarded. I had honestly put the whole ‘Domination’ thing mostly out of my mind. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but I had *thought* the process was directly related to how much Energy I devoted. Put in 1 Energy, gain 10%, all the way to an assumed 100% at which point *something* probably happens. Nope. Wrong. It’s a passive process with Energy as the vector. The more I devote, the faster it happens, but it inexorably *will* happen. Kaythe doesn’t seem bothered by this, however. If anything, it looks more lively than ever. Maybe that has something to do with the changes stipulated by the tool tip? Regardless, it’s interesting how that description has evolved as I level the skill. I really hope that happens with more things. Like my Energy skills. Which are a much higher level and have gotten almost NO EXPLANATION. They’re useful skills with just my current knowledge, but… you don’t know what you don’t know. They could be much more powerful due to some small facet that I’ve overlooked and I’d have no idea. I guess it works as incentive to actually practice with my skills instead of panicking and using them mostly out of desperation. Whenever I have the time to practice… if I ever do. Ugh. Not a moment’s rest. I *could* do it now, but then I wouldn’t get first dibs on the dungeon. Opportunity cost. Now, do I add more Energy to forming the bond with Kaythe, or do I not mess with it and let it run its course with what I’ve already donated? On the one hand, I have no indication that I get the Energy back, so it might very well be a permanent reduction in my total Energy. That’s a big commitment. On the other hand, my bond with Kaythe is the only reason I found this place. Even the game itself thought this was a feat only possible through skill, so it mis-rewarded me. Honestly, it should have given me ‘luck’ or something considering how I just happened to befriend a cave dwelling monster that was capable of sensing this place, and that liked me enough to guide me here. The fact that the game thought *I* found it, when I literally entered it by falling through the illusion I thought was ground, is the closest thing to comedy so far in this entire experience. I assume you’re meant to find this place after a certain amount of time has passed and that Mana battery in the wall dies, unveiling a perfectly unassuming cave in a place where you previously could have sworn there wasn’t a cave. A concept that would be fun and light hearted if we had easily cleared out the monsters that spawned and created our town, the way we were *supposed to* (I think), but instead we have monsters way stronger than us with almost certain prior knowledge about this world. Fucking hacks. I feel like I need to talk this through with someone, but all the other humans are probably as ignorant as I, and Kaythe can only communicate in nuanced clacking noises. Not exactly the best spread, but I can probably solve one of the issues. Kaythe couldn’t talk to me at first, that came with the Tamer skill, so enhancing the bond and leveling the skill will probably both add to my ability to communicate with it. Whiiiich… means putting excess Energy into the bond. I call Kaythe over from where it was investigating some fungal growths along the edge of the cave mouth and push some more golden Energy into it. After two notifications that I’ve increased the Domination rate, I start to feel a small pressure pushing me back from Kaythe, spurring me to immediately snatch my hand away. The tool tip warned me about straining the bond, and three Energy rate should be more than enough for now. There’s no immediate difference, at least not that I can see, but Kaythe clacks an (Interesting) before taking up residence on my shoulders. It’s time to loot and pillage.
{ "title": "Infinitum Crystals [2] - The Snow Phoenix", "id": 20240, "author": "Cyclone_A", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 1.25 - Shiro - Preparations", "id": 305915, "next": 306744, "prev": 304984, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMGFlYmJiMDE3ZDRmZWU4YThjYzcwNTRiMDMyODIx">As we prepared ourselves before the first assault, Sam instructed us to make a strategy discussion for the upcoming battle. I was honored to hold the rank of a Captain while Blanc became my Lieutenant by our self-proclaimed Field Marshal, Sam Maximus. While most of her very trusted friends was appointed to a way higher position than us from Major to Colonel, Brigadier to General. It’s not that because she doesn’t trust us enough to give us a higher rank in this small scale revolution, it’s just that most of that title doesn’t really do most of the dirty work unlike those below us. Sam trusts us enough that we can go out there and fight the enemy.</p> <p class="cnMxZTQzMmQyODMyNDQwMmM4ZDRjMzljNzYyODJlZDBj"> </p> <p class="cnNlYzdjM2I5YzhiZDRmZjM5N2IxYmU0NWVkNzNlMDRi">“Are you sure this is enough to protect myself?” I commented on my commissioned outfit that was rather minimalist in terms of protection.</p> <p class="cnNjOWJhZjhmNjI1MDQyZjY4NGJkYzY1N2IwOWMxYzBj"> </p> <p class="cnMwMzBkNzIyOTM1YTRjNmZhZWJlNDg3ZDE0NGYzMTU4">I was given a blue uniform jacket with a white shirt underneath it. I also got a black glove on my right hand and, black pants that have two pockets, and a pair of short dark grey boots. There was no form of protection at all.</p> <p class="cnMxNTBkNmE4ZTE5YTQ5ODJiMDQwMTg0NmZkYzg2MzRk"> </p> <p class="cnM2YjEyYTRhNzQ2YzRmM2JiNjlhNDEwMzk5NTRlZmI2">Blanc quickly responded by saying, “It’s enough for a ghost like you.” Blanc unzips her thigh-high boots as she said that.</p> <p class="cnM4MjM3YTdjMzk3MDRhYjdiYzQ5ZDE2ZmYyZDAwMTI1"> </p> <p class="cnMxYTNmZTM2ZDczZTQ4Y2I5Y2VlNDEzOTE5YzIxZDc2">“You think so? Well what about you? You can’t go translucent like I do. What you’re wearing is rather…revealing.”</p> <p class="cnNmZDQ4MTQzYTY1NDRkY2I4NThjYWJjOTY4OGQ4MzEz"> </p> <p class="cnM1MWM5MWQ2NzczZjRlOWU5ZmYyYzY2ZTRkYzUyMDY5">It was indeed revealing for me. Blanc’s hair was unkempt. She wears a beret, a dark jacket with the button halfway closed from up to down, and a checkered skirt. She’s basically showing off a little part of her skin with the way she’s buttoning the jacket. She also uses a black, fingerless glove, the right of which extends to her elbow, and a leather thigh-high boots to fill out the rather revealing ensemble she wears. Let’s not forget her huge machine bracelet on her left wrist. This all makes it even more troubling because there were two disturbances for my eyes. Two big disturbances.</p> <p class="cnM2NjgyZTRkNmI2YTQ3M2Q4YzU5ZDM0NTIzMWI3MmI2"> </p> <p class="cnM3NjM5M2IwYmU2ZTQ5OWViYWViMGU4OTQwMWViNTBl">“Enjoying the view, pervert?” Blanc raised one of her eyebrows as she begins to zips the other pair of her thigh-high boots.</p> <p class="cnM5YTMzMGQ2NDRhMTRhMjZhYTNhZDAwODZlZDYxMjVi"> </p> <p class="cnM1OTNkNmE1ZTUxNjQyZWVhZWVmY2Y2NDFhMmViYTIz">I tried too hard to be discreet and said, “What are you talking about? It’s your fault for wearing something like that. That’s not just going to attract the enemies; it might as well attract your own allies.”</p> <p class="cnM5YTgzZGFkZTQ1YjRlOWE5OThlZmFkNDg1NTQwMzQ2"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZjA4MjBhYTJkMDQ0MzQ5Y2VhNjk3OWJjYjY4Njk4">“What an idiot.” Blanc picks up her Devourer and begins to clean it up with a piece of cloth. “We’re wearing fewer clothes because we need to do this swiftly. Do you think wearing a bunch of armour can help us win the battlefield? It will only prolong the battle as far as I can see.”</p> <p class="cnNhOTZkYjI0NDhiMjQ5ZmI4M2VlZDI0YjViYmM2ZWYw"> </p> <p class="cnMxN2I4YTk1N2FmZDQ1Zjc4NjM1NTY1ZjU5ZDA0ZDcw">I raised my eyebrows and said, “Ow, you mean this increases our speed?”</p> <p class="cnMzYmEzYTExYTFmNjRlYjk5MzE2YzE2NGYzYzJlYTQ4"> </p> <p class="cnM5NzQ2ZGY3N2QwNDQ3ZDNiNjJhZjA5ODVmMzE4YzNh">“The less the burden we have on us, the better.” She said that as she carried her Devourer by her shoulder.</p> <p class="cnMwNTkzMzgyZTEzNDRlNDM4NTI0NGQzYTU2MGI0Zjdm"> </p> <p class="cnNhMjRlZGQxYTYyODQzNDVhZjA2NmM2ZjFhZTc0NTk3">“Yeah…burden…” I lightly laughed as I looked at her carrying that huge blade of hers.</p> <p class="cnMzYzUxZDllODc3MjRkZGZiODFlYTczZDllZjIwMWNi"> </p> <p class="cnNjODg5NzM2Nzc3MjQ5OGE5YjA2ODgyZGQyYzQyN2Zm">“Here take this.” Blanc threw me a packet of syringes.</p> <p class="cnM1OTk5NTg0ZjAxYTQ3NzZhYzE3MWM1ZGZjNDg0ODc3"> </p> <p class="cnM5NTBmMmY5ZThmYjQ2ZWNiYWI4YTI2MmI4NGJjNWIz">I duly asked her, “What are these?”</p> <p class="cnNkNjU3MzExZDAyMTQxY2RiYTUwMmIyNWQ1ZjVjZDdl"> </p> <p class="cnNlMzg3ZjRkMTcyZDRkYTc4ODAzN2JhYzljYWQ5ODYy">“Those are Instant Healing Syringes. It’ll patch up instantly on any part of your injured body. You’re still a half-ghost. You’re going to need that.”</p> <p class="cnNmNTM5MDk5MzIxYjQ3NTA4YmIzMTg0OTVhMTkxMDlj"> </p> <p class="cnM1YjAyMWU1OGFmNDQ4Y2JhMDVlZGMwYmM2ZWI2N2Nk">“Do you have yours?”</p> <p class="cnMyNjYzNzkzOGJjMDRjZDI4MTRjZjk2N2M5NmRiNTBi"> </p> <p class="cnNhY2M4ODljZTNlNjQ3ZDhiNDc4YWQxNWUwNDE4MDc1">“I don’t need it as long as I get to devour something in the field.” She calmly said that as if it was nothing.</p> <p class="cnNlZjc1YTE1NjZiMDQzY2M4YTVkNWUxNDNhZTE4MTJj"> </p> <p class="cnM5YmMwNmRlMmYzZjQxYWNiODkxMjkyY2FkMzJkYWNk">“You should really stop thinking about eating other students.”</p> <p class="cnMwMTc4NTc3NGY0MTQwZDM4MWVjMGYxODE5Njc4N2Y1"> </p> <p class="cnMxM2FmNzk2MjNjNTRhNWFiNTgxYmIyNThhYzBjY2Jh">“I’m just joking.” Blanc lightly laughed then said, “You’d think I would eat another human being? Come on, Sam is waiting for us.”</p> <p class="cnM1Y2I1MGU1ZjYzNTRiMTA5YzFkZmNhY2IzN2EzYTIz"> </p> <p class="cnM4OTJjZGJhYjJmODRlMjJiNTA0ODI0MTNmMWQ0Y2Vk">I see why my ranking is superior to hers. It’s basically saying that I have to keep an eye on her. Like putting her on a leash. I’m not quite sure if I’m ready for that kind of role. Especially when the leashed was actually The Eater of World. I tried not to get bothered by her a lot as we made our way to the strategy tent that was made next to the store room.</p> <p class="cnM1YTM0OTBmMWZhZDQwN2M5ZTU3OTlhZjgwZWYzYmE4"> </p> <p class="cnMzNzkzZmRhYzBmNTQ2NDE4MGY5NjhmODhmNjAwNGIw">“Looks like the Captain and his Lieutenant have finally arrived.” Sam noticed our arrival. She then greeted us, “Captain. Lieutenant. Come, join us.”</p> <p class="cnM5MmNiMjMyMzA2YjRkMGVhNTYwNjIzZDE3ZTdkZmI3"> </p> <p class="cnM0NzA3ZDZhODY3MTRjOTg4M2NmNjJlZTVjMTQ4MmUy">There were a number of other high ranked superiors inside the tent. All of them can be seen discussing about the layouts of the campus. As everyone involved had finally arrived, Sam clears her throat and begins the official briefing.</p> <p class="cnM0NDFkNzBmOGVkMjQ2NTVhMTM1YzAyMDY1MmE1NWZh"> </p> <p class="cnMxMTE1OTgwMThmNTQ4MGE4N2M5NDM0MzBjZmI2OGUz">“My advisor, my strategist and my Generals have come to an agreement. An agreement which allows us to gain an advantage in the battlefield before the battle even begins. This agreement concerns you two as well.” Sam looked at both of us as she suddenly started putting a lollipop in her mouth.</p> <p class="cnNjMjI4NDIwYmQzNDQ1ZGNhNzkxMjVhMjAzYzMzNjAx"> </p> <p class="cnNiOTNjZTkyZWMxZjRmNmNhOWYwM2Y1OGEzM2Y4MDFk">I guess that’s one way of avoiding from tobacco. But in any case, we continued to listen to Sam’s word as she begins to explain our first assignment.</p> <p class="cnM2MDhjZDc5ODIzNDRkNzQ5ZTkyZDU3MGFjZjkyMzBl"> </p> <p class="cnNmYTg4OTc3MTdjZTRiMjc4N2NmNjkyOWEzZDA1YWUx">“Alright then. Your first assignment is to infiltrate the enemy encampment. Meaning outside of this store house area. But I don’t want you two to simply step out through the main road. You guys will have to make your way through the sewer by the bridges.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZTgwY2RmNTdmNDRlNGY4ZWJmMzM0YjllZTAyNmIx"> </p> <p class="cnNkNGQ2ZmMwMzQ1ZTRkOTRhZTEzMGIzMjBjOTdjOGIw">“Where does that lead?” I asked.</p> <p class="cnM4NzgxMTk5YWQ1YTRmMzA4NzBlZmYxYTk4MWY2MzI2"> </p> <p class="cnM5MGYyNDM3ZmU3ZjRmNjVhMzRiOTM2MmMwNDQ5MWRh">Sam continued, “From there, you will traverse the sewage water until you reach this point.” Sam pointed a checkpoint on the map. “This is The Pen. You know what it is. But you don’t need to go there, you just have to sneak by and climb the gates into the campus building. There, you will be tasked to find a number of VIPs being held hostage in the top floor classroom. Make sure to only get them and leave the rest.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDFmNTE3Mjk2YTQ5MzRhNzM5MDQ1ZDljZjBhZTU2"> </p> <p class="cnMwZGNhZTBkOWE2NDRhYmU4MTdmYTFkOTQwNzFmYTU4">“Why not save everyone?” I asked her back.</p> <p class="cnM4MmI4M2ZmNGU5MDRiMjdiNzg4MDVmN2I2ODEyZDc3"> </p> <p class="cnM0ODBkZDBkMDY3NzQ2NGI5MTU5MTliYzlhNGFiNWYy">“You think you can move a bunch of people without making the enemy notice you? Impossible. We’re only doing this because we need more manpower. The targets I’m asking you two to secure are the Trinities of each class as well as their Cardinals.”</p> <p class="cnNkYjRmYTk5YjI0NjQ5NzJiYWMxN2EzNzJiYmY5YTli"> </p> <p class="cnNmOTYwODIwZDNjZDRmMWRiNTA1YzkzMGU3YTUxOGQw">One of the generals speak out to us, “If it’s too out of reach to get all of them, I suggest you only focus on the other 3 Cardinals. That will be the minimum goal today.”</p> <p class="cnNjMWZlMTY5ZWM2OTQxZmQ5ZTgyNmRjNGVhZWE4Zjg1"> </p> <p class="cnNjZDlhNjRhZjU0YTRiMDQ5NDQxZDIwNDI0MDBiZjZh">“Got it.” Blanc nodded and understood the plan.</p> <p class="cnNhNWFmZDhmZWQyODQ2YzNhMzA3N2I4MjczYjk5ZjBh"> </p> <p class="cnM4MWQ5ZjJmN2JjZDRhYTBhNDg2Y2E0ZGMzZTI0NjE3">“That’s good and all but are we really doing this with just the two of us?” I kept on asking her.</p> <p class="cnMxNTFmMDI2NzNkNjQyYjE5MzE3NmFlYjE4OWU5MTg2"> </p> <p class="cnM5MDRjN2JlYzE3MzQ3ZjViODQwZGRmNDhkZWE2Mzlh">“Of course not” replied Sam. “Two other guys will join you, creating a squad.”</p> <p class="cnMxZDc2Njg4ZGRkNDRhYjBiMTZhMjkyMTkxMjc2YTY2"> </p> <p class="cnMyZDJmNTczMTY2YTQ3OWZhMzJhYjM3ZDMxZWMzYTg3">“Who are these two people?”</p> <p class="cnM5YTNkYzc1NDYyYzRiZGJhMzM5ZTU1MDk2MGY0MTQ1"> </p> <p class="cnNiYzkwZGI5MjFhODQzOGE5ZjgxZjc5ZmQ1N2MxNTYw">“They are from Magic Studies and Administration Magic respectively. They’ll be waiting for you outside. You may begin the operation…now.”</p> <p class="cnNjNjMyNmM1Yjc5MzQzM2I4NzZlODA2NWZhZDNlZmUy"> </p> <p class="cnNmNjVmYTg5MWExMDQ2NDJiZjE5YmJkNzQxOTY5NDc4">“Let’s go and see the other squad mates, Shiro.” Blanc patted my back and leaves the tent.</p> <p class="cnM1NGNhYTNmZmRmMzRjM2NhODRjYTVlOWRkYmQ3MThh"> </p> <p class="cnNlZGYzODBlNmIzZDQ1ODE4MjdhODU5NGUyZjBhODY2">I followed her outside and as we expected two other people with similar outfit design were waiting for us. A male and a female. One of them was White’s roommate and his name was…</p> <p class="cnNkYTMyNjRjMGMzNjQxODJhMmM4NmYxNWUyMzdlZTgw"> </p> <p class="cnNkODJhMWQ4ZmRkODRiZTRiZTlmZGUxMjQwNWEyNjk2">“Hello there, squad. I’m Ralph and I’ll be your squad leader for today.”</p> <p class="cnNhMDE0MjZiZWJhZDQ1MjU4OWRkZmEwNjVmYWNjMjEx"> </p> <p class="cnMzZTk4MDRhODg5YzQwOGVhMTQ2MDdkMTE3MjhlZjBm">Ralph Clef of the Administration Magic. I heard he’s considering to transfer out of this campus after figuring out that he made a mistake. This could just be his farewell gift before he’s going to leave us. I heard he was done with all the paperwork but I guess Sam probably had something to do with him not leaving yet.</p> <p class="cnM2NGVlMDI3MTQzMzQ1NjBiOTBlOTk0MTJjNWFkMTIx"> </p> <p class="cnNiMjVkYTg2ZDUxMTRjMDE4M2FmNzg0ODQ4YmQ1NGI0">“What about her?” Blanc asked Ralph about the girl who was wearing a more concealed dress compared to Blanc’s revealing clothing. In fact, the girl was too concealed.</p> <p class="cnNjOGQ0MzY0NDNkMDQ0YzliYjRmYjllZDE1ZmE3OWQy"> </p> <p class="cnM0MmQ1MTQ3MzAzNTQxNTNhY2RjZjk3NzRlMTllZThh">“This is Lin. Lin August. She’s one of the trinity of Magic Studies.”</p> <p class="cnM2OWFjYTVmNzdjMzQ4MThhMDg1NWVhYjI1MDU1NTA0"> </p> <p class="cnNlN2ZjMjk5ZGNkOTQ4YWM4MjhmMGU5YzI3NDMzNWIw">“Pleasure to be working with you.” She bowed to us politely.</p> <p class="cnNlZTVmYWJiZTAzNjRkY2M4MjNlMzNlM2ZlYTQ1NjU3"> </p> <p class="cnM5ZTY5ZDA3YTFlYzRkYjZhMDA1MjVjMzg1MTY5NWVj">Compared to what Blanc was wearing. Lin was more bearable for me to handle. She completely covers herself with some sort of garb. She wasn’t wearing a normal boots but a weirdly designed sock.</p> <p class="cnNiY2E5ZWRlNWU2NjQ3YzFiMjgxNGFhODg0YWU2OGVk"> </p> <p class="cnM3MDgyZjRlZTM5YjQ4ZTk4NDY3YzdkMjc4MDcxZDkw">“What is that thing, Lin?” I pointed out her footwear. “That doesn’t look like a shoe.”</p> <p class="cnNkYTBkZDIxYTE2YjQ3MjRiZmEzZGI5NjQ1M2MwYjY4"> </p> <p class="cnNkNGMzNzVlYmNjOTRmN2I5NmU1ZWU5NGY5M2RjMWMw">“This here is a jika-tabi. It’s a traditional Nihon socks that dates back to the 15<sup>th</sup> century. I thought you were from Nihon, Shiro.”</p> <p class="cnMzM2E1Mjg1MGViMDQ5ZThhYWY3NzE4ZGIyMDEyOTg3"> </p> <p class="cnM3MTE2YzhiMDAwMDQ5NDE4ZWE4MGExMjBjYjk0MmFk">“My parents were both from Nihon, but I was born and grew up over here, actually. So I don’t know much about Nihon.”</p> <p class="cnMwYjIxN2ZlNzVjYzRiZTA5ZWZjN2VjMDA0ZDE4Yzdm"> </p> <p class="cnMwYjEzZDZkNzc5OTQ4ZGRhZWU3NDQ2NzZlNTQzMTE5">Lin was disappointed as she carefully observed me, “I was expecting a true Nihon coming from you. But it looks like you have been breathing the same air as all of us ever since you were a child. Never mind then.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjliOWY5Nzc2YjQxOWQ5NTM0ODM2NWYyYTk4YWU0"> </p> <p class="cnNjNzBiZTRmNTZmODQ4NzFhNDgxYzRkMWIwOGJkNmI2">“What are you supposed to be?”</p> <p class="cnM2MWYwNGFmZGNjNDRhMTliOTg1YjliOWU1MTlmOGM5"> </p> <p class="cnMzMmM2OWNiZTkzZTRkOGQ5MzY0MmZkOTY5Njg4ZGQ5">“This uniform I’m wearing is traditional Nihon clothing worn by mercenaries during the warring states of Nihon. They call these people, Shinobi. Their functions included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare. But since I'm a girl, the female equivalent to a Shinobi is called a Kunoichi.”</p> <p class="cnNkNTlmMmVkYmFiMzRkYmY5ZDZhMDE0ZTZhZmI5ZDYy"> </p> <p class="cnM2NWYzYjc4MmY2OTQ4Yzg4ZmUyZGZmYWMxNTkwMWYz">“Wow, you know a lot of this thing, Lin.”</p> <p class="cnMyMDdmYTNiNTczYTRiYmZhYmM2NTVjNTM1MjZjYzJi"> </p> <p class="cnNmNmQzOGUzMmVkNTQ5YzJhOGE4NWU1OTg4ZWI3ZTI3">“I do and I can’t wait for our trip to Nihon at the end of the semester later.”</p> <p class="cnNjMmFmOWQ0YTg0MDQ5MDhhOWZmYzFiYzUwNjcwNzhj"> </p> <p class="cnM0ZjAxZDcxNjkyMTRmZWY4ZDBjZjQ1ZmEyNzhhMjUy">“Oh, I see. You’re that kind of person, huh?”</p> <p class="cnNlYjA3Yzc5OTg1NjQ0OWI5ZGFkODA2ZjYzOTM5Yzc3"> </p> <p class="cnM4N2E2OWNhN2M1ZjQxYmJhNTM0ODBiZjk1NzcwYzlh">Ralph interrupted us and said, “Looks like you two have come into terms. I guess we should get going now, team.”</p> <p class="cnM3OTJmMGViMmQ3MDQyZTBiY2E1YzZjNTcxNzg4MjRl"> </p> <p class="cnM1YzRhNGQxMzg3ZDQzZWRhYTcyZjNiZTc5MjdjZjE3">“Very well. Nice to meet you, Lin.”</p> <p class="cnM1OTA3NWQzNjVhMDRhNzU4M2E3Y2U3ZGQ2ZTJiMTY0"> </p> <p class="cnM1NzIyNzE5ZWFjZDRlMDg5ZWQ5YjcxNzQ5NjJkZGFl">“You as well.” She nodded at me.</p> <p class="cnNhMTQ3M2I5ZDkzMjQxYWI5NjcyMTIzODBmOGQ2YmE3"> </p> <p class="cnNmNjY5MTNiYjgxZDQwNTdiNmI2NGI3MTU2OGQwZGY0">We made our way to the sewers as we begin to initiate the first mission in of the campaign against the unknown force. This will be the first focal point in the battle against the mindless chaotic Watchers. This will decide which forces have the upper hand before even the battle start. This will be a decisive mission for the four of us. Failing was not an option.</p> <p class="cnNiMjM2NjMxNjg4NjQxNzk5OTM4Yzc2ZTcwM2IxMjM3"> </p> <p class="cnM3M2Q1YmRlNTM5ZTQ5NzBiM2FlYmUxZjM2NGJlMjJl">TO BE CONTINUED</p> </div>
As we prepared ourselves before the first assault, Sam instructed us to make a strategy discussion for the upcoming battle. I was honored to hold the rank of a Captain while Blanc became my Lieutenant by our self-proclaimed Field Marshal, Sam Maximus. While most of her very trusted friends was appointed to a way higher position than us from Major to Colonel, Brigadier to General. It’s not that because she doesn’t trust us enough to give us a higher rank in this small scale revolution, it’s just that most of that title doesn’t really do most of the dirty work unlike those below us. Sam trusts us enough that we can go out there and fight the enemy. “Are you sure this is enough to protect myself?” I commented on my commissioned outfit that was rather minimalist in terms of protection. I was given a blue uniform jacket with a white shirt underneath it. I also got a black glove on my right hand and, black pants that have two pockets, and a pair of short dark grey boots. There was no form of protection at all. Blanc quickly responded by saying, “It’s enough for a ghost like you.” Blanc unzips her thigh-high boots as she said that. “You think so? Well what about you? You can’t go translucent like I do. What you’re wearing is rather…revealing.” It was indeed revealing for me. Blanc’s hair was unkempt. She wears a beret, a dark jacket with the button halfway closed from up to down, and a checkered skirt. She’s basically showing off a little part of her skin with the way she’s buttoning the jacket. She also uses a black, fingerless glove, the right of which extends to her elbow, and a leather thigh-high boots to fill out the rather revealing ensemble she wears. Let’s not forget her huge machine bracelet on her left wrist. This all makes it even more troubling because there were two disturbances for my eyes. Two big disturbances. “Enjoying the view, pervert?” Blanc raised one of her eyebrows as she begins to zips the other pair of her thigh-high boots. I tried too hard to be discreet and said, “What are you talking about? It’s your fault for wearing something like that. That’s not just going to attract the enemies; it might as well attract your own allies.” “What an idiot.” Blanc picks up her Devourer and begins to clean it up with a piece of cloth. “We’re wearing fewer clothes because we need to do this swiftly. Do you think wearing a bunch of armour can help us win the battlefield? It will only prolong the battle as far as I can see.” I raised my eyebrows and said, “Ow, you mean this increases our speed?” “The less the burden we have on us, the better.” She said that as she carried her Devourer by her shoulder. “Yeah…burden…” I lightly laughed as I looked at her carrying that huge blade of hers. “Here take this.” Blanc threw me a packet of syringes. I duly asked her, “What are these?” “Those are Instant Healing Syringes. It’ll patch up instantly on any part of your injured body. You’re still a half-ghost. You’re going to need that.” “Do you have yours?” “I don’t need it as long as I get to devour something in the field.” She calmly said that as if it was nothing. “You should really stop thinking about eating other students.” “I’m just joking.” Blanc lightly laughed then said, “You’d think I would eat another human being? Come on, Sam is waiting for us.” I see why my ranking is superior to hers. It’s basically saying that I have to keep an eye on her. Like putting her on a leash. I’m not quite sure if I’m ready for that kind of role. Especially when the leashed was actually The Eater of World. I tried not to get bothered by her a lot as we made our way to the strategy tent that was made next to the store room. “Looks like the Captain and his Lieutenant have finally arrived.” Sam noticed our arrival. She then greeted us, “Captain. Lieutenant. Come, join us.” There were a number of other high ranked superiors inside the tent. All of them can be seen discussing about the layouts of the campus. As everyone involved had finally arrived, Sam clears her throat and begins the official briefing. “My advisor, my strategist and my Generals have come to an agreement. An agreement which allows us to gain an advantage in the battlefield before the battle even begins. This agreement concerns you two as well.” Sam looked at both of us as she suddenly started putting a lollipop in her mouth. I guess that’s one way of avoiding from tobacco. But in any case, we continued to listen to Sam’s word as she begins to explain our first assignment. “Alright then. Your first assignment is to infiltrate the enemy encampment. Meaning outside of this store house area. But I don’t want you two to simply step out through the main road. You guys will have to make your way through the sewer by the bridges.” “Where does that lead?” I asked. Sam continued, “From there, you will traverse the sewage water until you reach this point.” Sam pointed a checkpoint on the map. “This is The Pen. You know what it is. But you don’t need to go there, you just have to sneak by and climb the gates into the campus building. There, you will be tasked to find a number of VIPs being held hostage in the top floor classroom. Make sure to only get them and leave the rest.” “Why not save everyone?” I asked her back. “You think you can move a bunch of people without making the enemy notice you? Impossible. We’re only doing this because we need more manpower. The targets I’m asking you two to secure are the Trinities of each class as well as their Cardinals.” One of the generals speak out to us, “If it’s too out of reach to get all of them, I suggest you only focus on the other 3 Cardinals. That will be the minimum goal today.” “Got it.” Blanc nodded and understood the plan. “That’s good and all but are we really doing this with just the two of us?” I kept on asking her. “Of course not” replied Sam. “Two other guys will join you, creating a squad.” “Who are these two people?” “They are from Magic Studies and Administration Magic respectively. They’ll be waiting for you outside. You may begin the operation…now.” “Let’s go and see the other squad mates, Shiro.” Blanc patted my back and leaves the tent. I followed her outside and as we expected two other people with similar outfit design were waiting for us. A male and a female. One of them was White’s roommate and his name was… “Hello there, squad. I’m Ralph and I’ll be your squad leader for today.” Ralph Clef of the Administration Magic. I heard he’s considering to transfer out of this campus after figuring out that he made a mistake. This could just be his farewell gift before he’s going to leave us. I heard he was done with all the paperwork but I guess Sam probably had something to do with him not leaving yet. “What about her?” Blanc asked Ralph about the girl who was wearing a more concealed dress compared to Blanc’s revealing clothing. In fact, the girl was too concealed. “This is Lin. Lin August. She’s one of the trinity of Magic Studies.” “Pleasure to be working with you.” She bowed to us politely. Compared to what Blanc was wearing. Lin was more bearable for me to handle. She completely covers herself with some sort of garb. She wasn’t wearing a normal boots but a weirdly designed sock. “What is that thing, Lin?” I pointed out her footwear. “That doesn’t look like a shoe.” “This here is a jika-tabi. It’s a traditional Nihon socks that dates back to the 15th century. I thought you were from Nihon, Shiro.” “My parents were both from Nihon, but I was born and grew up over here, actually. So I don’t know much about Nihon.” Lin was disappointed as she carefully observed me, “I was expecting a true Nihon coming from you. But it looks like you have been breathing the same air as all of us ever since you were a child. Never mind then.” “What are you supposed to be?” “This uniform I’m wearing is traditional Nihon clothing worn by mercenaries during the warring states of Nihon. They call these people, Shinobi. Their functions included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare. But since I'm a girl, the female equivalent to a Shinobi is called a Kunoichi.” “Wow, you know a lot of this thing, Lin.” “I do and I can’t wait for our trip to Nihon at the end of the semester later.” “Oh, I see. You’re that kind of person, huh?” Ralph interrupted us and said, “Looks like you two have come into terms. I guess we should get going now, team.” “Very well. Nice to meet you, Lin.” “You as well.” She nodded at me. We made our way to the sewers as we begin to initiate the first mission in of the campaign against the unknown force. This will be the first focal point in the battle against the mindless chaotic Watchers. This will decide which forces have the upper hand before even the battle start. This will be a decisive mission for the four of us. Failing was not an option. TO BE CONTINUED
{ "title": "An Extra-Ordinary Story about Ordinary People", "id": 21531, "author": "Palt", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "3, Grasping", "id": 305917, "next": 306678, "prev": 305595, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMTI5ODBjOTdlOTQ1MDFhZGE3ZjY5NzUzZDUzZjM3">I could feel it.</p> <p class="cnMzOTE1NDYxZTA1MDRhM2Q5ZDVlZjcwMTlhNDA5NTY5">It was time.</p> <p class="cnNlMjliYWFjOTM0YjRjYmU5MDZiOWMwYTg0MWI5OTg2">Time for what?</p> <p class="cnMzMGRkYzgyMjczYzQzMDRiNTIyMjMyYmNkYzFjZjU4">Im not sure.</p> <p class="cnNmNGE1YjY3MzI4NDQyZTdiMzAyNGRiZDY5ZTgxNmEw">I didnt absorb the feelings anymore.</p> <p class="cnNiMzUxMzVmMGNjMzQ1NDlhOTU0YzgyNTEyZDQ4ZDY0">I absorbed what i could not feel.</p> <p class="cnM1MWRjNDZjZTAyZTQwNzM5NGE5ZTRmMDdlZjVkNTRk">I knew i needed those unfelt feelings to take the final step, but i didnt know why.</p> <p class="cnM4NWMzOTU1NTYyODQzMTk4ZDkxN2Y1MWU3NDQ0NjI5">So, in a final burst, i could feel all the fullness i had worked so hard empty itself into a single burst of energy.</p> <p class="cnMyMjY4NTM4YmYxNzQ1MjM4ODYzZDc4MDEyNTg5Mjhm">...</p> <p class="cnM2YmY1MjU2NmI3OTRiZjliOTU0YjAwYTc4MzZkYjY3">I knew something had happened, and yet, it felt as if nothing had happened.</p> <p class="cnMzNmQ0NDhkZDc0MTQxYjA5NjI5N2NjMjA5MjE0N2Qz">However, a question floated in my head.</p> <p class="cnMxMmNlM2M0NDZiMTQ0NzZiOWRjMzFkY2QzMDA3Njg3">What is this?...</p> <p class="cnM2MTc0NTEwYzkzNzRhNjhhNWFlODgzZGUyMTFkODVh">The question was,</p> <p class="cnNjNmZkYzBlN2NlMjRmN2ViYzMxMWIzYzQ0ZTljNmQ2">"what do i want?"</p> <p class="cnM2YWE4YzAxNzMxZjRmZGE5OGFkYTNjZmU4ZDg4NDE5">That should be obvious by now.</p> <p class="cnM2M2ZiZTcyZjMxZTQ1Mzk4ZTczOWMzMDk4MjViYTIz">I want to feel.</p> <p class="cnM0MjQwY2U3ZDExZDQzNzRiMmNjZWQzZTgxODBhZWNj">And so, i felt.</p> <p class="cnNjOGQ4ODdhMzQ1ZTRkMTRhNjhjYjcyOTRjMWQ1MmU3">I grasped out, and altough i felt nothing, i knew that i felt.</p> <p class="cnNjM2EzMTE1YTA0YjQ1NzRiMWJhNzA3YjBiZGYzYTFi">The wind fluttered like innocent butterflies between my static fingers.</p> <p class="cnNiM2I0ZDYzYTQzZTRhN2JhMmFmNzk4NmU0ZTU2YThk">The air was moist and cold, like the tounge of a snake, flickering.</p> <p class="cnNjZTk1NzFiZGUzZDRkNmNhZTExNWViMjExYTQ1YTMw">I could grasp it.</p> <p class="cnNmOWQzNmE3MThmNjQxMWNhMTllMzRlMDA0OGExZTBi">I could feel it. </p> <p class="cnNhNGE1NzI2MmU2NDQwYjdiYTAzYTU0MWZjNGMwY2Qw">After so long,</p> <p class="cnM0ZjZiNzFlYTU2MTQyY2NiMjI2OTJhZThiMzE3MWQ4">"feeling" had returned to me.</p> <p class="cnNlMDY1NTU2NzNjMzQzODE5ZWZmNWVjNWNhN2FlMGMz">I know the thing one should miss the most after loosing all senses should be the vision,</p> <p class="cnM3YzNjMTNlYTJlNTQxNjk4NjYxZWRlNzg3M2RiY2Q0">as we use it the most,</p> <p class="cnMxYTBkNTUzYjkzNTQ2Y2M5YTM3M2QzOWQwNWE5NTA3">but i suppose i was being taunted all along,</p> <p class="cnMyMGEzZTdiOTUyNTQ4YTVhMjAzNzdmOTk1OTliZDcx">every now and then feeling a feeling,</p> <p class="cnM5NmI5OTc4ZDExMDRhYjdhYzY2OGQ4NjYxMWJlOGI4">grasping it,</p> <p class="cnM0YjJmY2JmNGNkNTQzZjY5MjRlOGU3NTBhZWI0OGJj">only to feel it dissapear in my own feelings.</p> <p class="cnM3MTc2YzE3ZDkxYTRjZWU4YWNmODczNWJjYTBkNjk1">I couldnt see it, but i was sure that i was now both above and beneath ground.</p> <p class="cnNhNzk0MGIzZTkzZTRkMDJiZjcyYjgzYjMxYzk4MDBh">Below, there was me.</p> <p class="cnNhOGRmZjA3Mjc5MjQ4NWI5Zjc4MGQ3Y2RhZmQxMjI3">Above, there was a hand.</p> <p class="cnMxMTYxNTM1ZWUyODQyNGViZjgyNmYwYTNjZDY3MWFh"> </p> <p class="cnNhMDRlZjU2NDliNjQ0N2NhMTcxZmRlMGE3NjIyZDcz">It must look like some sort of halloween prop.</p> </div>
I could feel it. It was time. Time for what? Im not sure. I didnt absorb the feelings anymore. I absorbed what i could not feel. I knew i needed those unfelt feelings to take the final step, but i didnt know why. So, in a final burst, i could feel all the fullness i had worked so hard empty itself into a single burst of energy. ... I knew something had happened, and yet, it felt as if nothing had happened. However, a question floated in my head. What is this?... The question was, "what do i want?" That should be obvious by now. I want to feel. And so, i felt. I grasped out, and altough i felt nothing, i knew that i felt. The wind fluttered like innocent butterflies between my static fingers. The air was moist and cold, like the tounge of a snake, flickering. I could grasp it. I could feel it. After so long, "feeling" had returned to me. I know the thing one should miss the most after loosing all senses should be the vision, as we use it the most, but i suppose i was being taunted all along, every now and then feeling a feeling, grasping it, only to feel it dissapear in my own feelings. I couldnt see it, but i was sure that i was now both above and beneath ground. Below, there was me. Above, there was a hand. It must look like some sort of halloween prop.
{ "title": "Thousand Tales: Learning To Fly", "id": 21542, "author": "Snow Quill", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Dive In", "id": 305921, "next": 305546, "prev": null, "prev_info": null, "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMjllNjQ4NTQxNjRlMTdiODdkMGIyMzQ4MDQ4YzQ2"><em>Havana, 2040</em><br><br>"Hold still," said the disembodied nurse, as a robot injected Andre with something. Andre's head was in a vise, part of his steel chair, so he couldn't get a good view of the human technician walking around to inspect the machinery. Blood pulsed rapidly through his skull despite the mood-dampening drugs.<br><br>"Is there anyone specific you want to greet you on your arrival in Talespace?" the female voice said. A screen in front of Andre showed relaxing nature scenes and played soft music. The technician's warm hands were poised to tighten the strap under his chin once he spoke.<br><br>Andre shuddered, already feeling distant from his aching joints and the thump of his heart. "There's no one," he said. "Great last words, huh?"<br><br>The man at his side said, "One human to another: don't let the machines spook you. You'll be fine."<br><br>"Is that why you're here? To say that?"<br><br>"Pretty much." The man strapped him in. "I'll get the surgery myself when I can afford it. Have fun!"<br><br>Andre never did get to see his helper's face, before he blacked out and the robot cut open his skull.<br><br>#<br><br>He woke up, which was a promising start.<br><br>He lay under a blue sky. He sat up and saw his hands: the same dark tan as they should be, but missing the little scars and blemishes he'd had. Everything else felt subtly off, too, with no arthritis and a general feeling of energy, of having been renewed. When he stood his perspective shifted, jarring him. The sky was only a low, painted dome, and he stood in a little room with a painted door that might lead anywhere.<br><br>"Welcome to Talespace, sir!" said a hovering green fairy. "You made it."<br><br>Andre blinked. "What did I <em>do</em> last night?"<br><br>"This is what happens when you drink too much absinthe."<br><br>He chuckled. Then the past few days came back to him in a rush. Waking up hadn't been guaranteed. But Andre had some money to pay for the surgery, after his long and frugal career as a pilot, and the game company had given him a discount to get him out of the real world in a hurry. There'd been what they called an "incident" involving an airplane flight that went out of control and nearly got him shot down as a supposed terrorist. Rather than let the media swarm Andre for interviews, the company had strongly suggested that since he was interested anyway, now would be a great time to...<br><br>"I uploaded!"<br><br>The fairy bobbed in the air. "That's right, sir. You're now within Talespace, part of the Game. Give yourself a moment to wake up. Some people take time."<br><br>A message flashed across his vision like letters typed on the air. [Welcome to the world of Thousand Tales. Your greeter is available to answer questions and get you started. Have fun!] After a few moments it vanished again.<br><br>Andre took a deep breath. "I'm glad to be... alive, if being a digital ghost counts."<br><br>"It does, sir. We have our own lives in here."<br><br>"You're a real person then? Not just an AI?"<br><br>The fairy nodded. "I was human, too, and I chose what I wanted to be. But be careful what you say about AIs; some of <em>them</em> are real people too, in terms of having feelings and goals."<br><br>Chief of all, the AI named Ludo that had talked Andre into uploading in the first place. "All right," he said. "So, if I can live in the game, what should I actually <em>do</em>?"<br><br>"That's always the question, isn't it?" The fairy cast a spell that conjured up a stack of soapboxes she could land on. "Most people flit around doing a dozen different things and wear themselves out. I mean, you can visit all the different sub-worlds we have here, or make some little personalized bubble where you can eat and screw and fight to your heart's content, but that gets old really quickly. Trust me. Talespace isn't heaven; it has <em>people</em> in it. But you can pick something that sounds fun, and jump into it to see what you can make of it."<br><br>The hidden door clicked open. The fairy pointed to the ordinary-looking hotel room beyond it. "This place is yours for the moment, but you can go where you please afterward. I'm available to answer any questions."<br><br>Andre thought about this virtual world, and his head spun. "I think I need to lie down."<br><br>"All right. You certainly have time. Before you go, though, learn this gesture." She demonstrated a nonsense movement of her little hands, which summoned a floating set of holographic windows. "This is how to bring up the interface."<br><br>Andre imitated her and was rewarded with a display of stats about himself. There were several pages of specific numbers about strength and speed and current quests and so on, but the main page simply said:</p><br>Andre Vasquez<br>PRIVATE INFO<br>Account type: Uploader<br>Mind: Tier-III<br>Body: Human<br>Main Skills: None<br>Save Point: None<br>PUBLIC INFO<br>Note: Newcomer. Say hello!<br>Class: None<br><br>Andre snorted. Of course he was a blank, at least by this world's standards. That was his job to fix.<br><br>"Thank you," he said. "I'll see you around, I guess."<br><br>#<br><br>The next few days passed by in a blur. He had a hotel room floating in nothing. There'd been a gigantic tower in a cave, used as a meeting place and market. He visited one of those bubble worlds and had a short fantasy adventure of slaying goblins with a sword. Nothing felt satisfying, though. The monsters didn't exist for any reason but to amuse him. Even the food was bland, like eating styrofoam; that was a bug that everyone insisted would be fixed soon.<br><br>He was young again, potentially immortal, and subject to the rules of the game. The fairy's advice sounded reasonable after those first little forays through Talespace; it was time to pick something more specific.<br><br>So, Andre hopped through a glowing portal to one of the game's more thematic and persistent worlds, and saw:<br><br>[Welcome to Hoofland!] said the interface.<br><br>The world was bright and colorful, even in this stone dungeon he found himself in. He reached for the door and discovered his hand was gone. Instead he had a grey hoof, a hard mass like horn that could flex somewhat as though he were wearing thick mittens. A little cartoonish. He stared at it for a long time, then laughed. "I thought it was a world about cavalry and knights, not <em>being</em> horses!"<br><br>[Did you not read the brochure?]<br><br>Andre looked back at the portal marking the way back to Talespace's hub world, where he could pick something else. "You know what? This is fine. It could be fun to try for a while."<br><br>He waved one forehoof experimentally to try that interface gesture again. He had some trouble doing that without losing his balance, but he had more flexibility with his limbs than he would've expected. Soon it popped up with a <em>ding</em>. Besides the meager skills he'd earned so far, he saw that he'd officially changed species too:<br><br>Andre Vasquez<br>PRIVATE INFO<br>Account type: Uploader<br>Mind: Tier-III<br>Body: Horse (Hoofland Newcomer)<br>Main Skills: Sword, Dodge<br>Save Point: Ivory Tower<br>PUBLIC INFO<br>Note: Just looking around.<br>Class: None<br><br>There was a big brass key sitting on a ledge, and a lock on the door. Andre fiddled with the hooves he had now. They were sticky enough to make the key stick to them as if by static, but he couldn't make the key turn in the lock. Eventually he made a face and grabbed the thing with his mouth, to unlock the door that way. The key tasted of metal but was completely clean, which he supposed made sense; germs didn't exist in this world. When the door clicked open, a musical jingle of eight notes played to let him know he'd solved the puzzle. "Was that really necessary?" he said.<br><br>Beyond that he climbed a spiral staircase, also tricky. He had to adapt to his four-hooved body and to walking as a quadruped. He felt much more flexible than a real horse would be, but it'd take him time to master. He blinked at the thought of that. He'd transformed into something else, as easily as the fairy had made sparkly spell effects and furniture just to show off. Most of the people he'd seen in Talespace so far were human, or boring knockoffs like elves, but there was a strong contingent of other, stranger species too. The thought of being something other than human was a little exciting.<br><br>He reached the top of the stairs and made it to the open air. The world of Hoofland had a blazing sunset over a town of thatch houses, where airships plied the sky and a castle of obsidian sparkled atop a hill.<br><br>The interface "spoke" again by text. [Newcomer's Quest: Meet and Greet. You are currently a generic, undefined horse! You've arrived in the domain of Queen Harvest Moon (all hail) of western Hoofland. Meet at least three locals of different species, then report to the queen during evening hours to receive a new form and new powers. If you return to the rest of Talespace before doing this, your transformation will be undone and you'll revert to human.]<br><br>Andre whistled. He saw a horse with wings -- pegasus! -- flying through the clouds and whipping them up like cotton candy. Downhill from him stood a unicorn trimming hedges as though this were a completely ordinary gardening job. A deer trotted by in the distance wearing bulging saddlebags and armor.<br><br>Well, then, he had a mission. He'd stick with this for a little while, and see where it led. Maybe he could learn to fly with wings of his own.<p></p> </div>
*Havana, 2040* "Hold still," said the disembodied nurse, as a robot injected Andre with something. Andre's head was in a vise, part of his steel chair, so he couldn't get a good view of the human technician walking around to inspect the machinery. Blood pulsed rapidly through his skull despite the mood-dampening drugs. "Is there anyone specific you want to greet you on your arrival in Talespace?" the female voice said. A screen in front of Andre showed relaxing nature scenes and played soft music. The technician's warm hands were poised to tighten the strap under his chin once he spoke. Andre shuddered, already feeling distant from his aching joints and the thump of his heart. "There's no one," he said. "Great last words, huh?" The man at his side said, "One human to another: don't let the machines spook you. You'll be fine." "Is that why you're here? To say that?" "Pretty much." The man strapped him in. "I'll get the surgery myself when I can afford it. Have fun!" Andre never did get to see his helper's face, before he blacked out and the robot cut open his skull. # He woke up, which was a promising start. He lay under a blue sky. He sat up and saw his hands: the same dark tan as they should be, but missing the little scars and blemishes he'd had. Everything else felt subtly off, too, with no arthritis and a general feeling of energy, of having been renewed. When he stood his perspective shifted, jarring him. The sky was only a low, painted dome, and he stood in a little room with a painted door that might lead anywhere. "Welcome to Talespace, sir!" said a hovering green fairy. "You made it." Andre blinked. "What did I *do* last night?" "This is what happens when you drink too much absinthe." He chuckled. Then the past few days came back to him in a rush. Waking up hadn't been guaranteed. But Andre had some money to pay for the surgery, after his long and frugal career as a pilot, and the game company had given him a discount to get him out of the real world in a hurry. There'd been what they called an "incident" involving an airplane flight that went out of control and nearly got him shot down as a supposed terrorist. Rather than let the media swarm Andre for interviews, the company had strongly suggested that since he was interested anyway, now would be a great time to... "I uploaded!" The fairy bobbed in the air. "That's right, sir. You're now within Talespace, part of the Game. Give yourself a moment to wake up. Some people take time." A message flashed across his vision like letters typed on the air. [Welcome to the world of Thousand Tales. Your greeter is available to answer questions and get you started. Have fun!] After a few moments it vanished again. Andre took a deep breath. "I'm glad to be... alive, if being a digital ghost counts." "It does, sir. We have our own lives in here." "You're a real person then? Not just an AI?" The fairy nodded. "I was human, too, and I chose what I wanted to be. But be careful what you say about AIs; some of *them* are real people too, in terms of having feelings and goals." Chief of all, the AI named Ludo that had talked Andre into uploading in the first place. "All right," he said. "So, if I can live in the game, what should I actually *do*?" "That's always the question, isn't it?" The fairy cast a spell that conjured up a stack of soapboxes she could land on. "Most people flit around doing a dozen different things and wear themselves out. I mean, you can visit all the different sub-worlds we have here, or make some little personalized bubble where you can eat and screw and fight to your heart's content, but that gets old really quickly. Trust me. Talespace isn't heaven; it has *people* in it. But you can pick something that sounds fun, and jump into it to see what you can make of it." The hidden door clicked open. The fairy pointed to the ordinary-looking hotel room beyond it. "This place is yours for the moment, but you can go where you please afterward. I'm available to answer any questions." Andre thought about this virtual world, and his head spun. "I think I need to lie down." "All right. You certainly have time. Before you go, though, learn this gesture." She demonstrated a nonsense movement of her little hands, which summoned a floating set of holographic windows. "This is how to bring up the interface." Andre imitated her and was rewarded with a display of stats about himself. There were several pages of specific numbers about strength and speed and current quests and so on, but the main page simply said: Andre Vasquez PRIVATE INFO Account type: Uploader Mind: Tier-III Body: Human Main Skills: None Save Point: None PUBLIC INFO Note: Newcomer. Say hello! Class: None Andre snorted. Of course he was a blank, at least by this world's standards. That was his job to fix. "Thank you," he said. "I'll see you around, I guess." # The next few days passed by in a blur. He had a hotel room floating in nothing. There'd been a gigantic tower in a cave, used as a meeting place and market. He visited one of those bubble worlds and had a short fantasy adventure of slaying goblins with a sword. Nothing felt satisfying, though. The monsters didn't exist for any reason but to amuse him. Even the food was bland, like eating styrofoam; that was a bug that everyone insisted would be fixed soon. He was young again, potentially immortal, and subject to the rules of the game. The fairy's advice sounded reasonable after those first little forays through Talespace; it was time to pick something more specific. So, Andre hopped through a glowing portal to one of the game's more thematic and persistent worlds, and saw: [Welcome to Hoofland!] said the interface. The world was bright and colorful, even in this stone dungeon he found himself in. He reached for the door and discovered his hand was gone. Instead he had a grey hoof, a hard mass like horn that could flex somewhat as though he were wearing thick mittens. A little cartoonish. He stared at it for a long time, then laughed. "I thought it was a world about cavalry and knights, not *being* horses!" [Did you not read the brochure?] Andre looked back at the portal marking the way back to Talespace's hub world, where he could pick something else. "You know what? This is fine. It could be fun to try for a while." He waved one forehoof experimentally to try that interface gesture again. He had some trouble doing that without losing his balance, but he had more flexibility with his limbs than he would've expected. Soon it popped up with a *ding*. Besides the meager skills he'd earned so far, he saw that he'd officially changed species too: Andre Vasquez PRIVATE INFO Account type: Uploader Mind: Tier-III Body: Horse (Hoofland Newcomer) Main Skills: Sword, Dodge Save Point: Ivory Tower PUBLIC INFO Note: Just looking around. Class: None There was a big brass key sitting on a ledge, and a lock on the door. Andre fiddled with the hooves he had now. They were sticky enough to make the key stick to them as if by static, but he couldn't make the key turn in the lock. Eventually he made a face and grabbed the thing with his mouth, to unlock the door that way. The key tasted of metal but was completely clean, which he supposed made sense; germs didn't exist in this world. When the door clicked open, a musical jingle of eight notes played to let him know he'd solved the puzzle. "Was that really necessary?" he said. Beyond that he climbed a spiral staircase, also tricky. He had to adapt to his four-hooved body and to walking as a quadruped. He felt much more flexible than a real horse would be, but it'd take him time to master. He blinked at the thought of that. He'd transformed into something else, as easily as the fairy had made sparkly spell effects and furniture just to show off. Most of the people he'd seen in Talespace so far were human, or boring knockoffs like elves, but there was a strong contingent of other, stranger species too. The thought of being something other than human was a little exciting. He reached the top of the stairs and made it to the open air. The world of Hoofland had a blazing sunset over a town of thatch houses, where airships plied the sky and a castle of obsidian sparkled atop a hill. The interface "spoke" again by text. [Newcomer's Quest: Meet and Greet. You are currently a generic, undefined horse! You've arrived in the domain of Queen Harvest Moon (all hail) of western Hoofland. Meet at least three locals of different species, then report to the queen during evening hours to receive a new form and new powers. If you return to the rest of Talespace before doing this, your transformation will be undone and you'll revert to human.] Andre whistled. He saw a horse with wings -- pegasus! -- flying through the clouds and whipping them up like cotton candy. Downhill from him stood a unicorn trimming hedges as though this were a completely ordinary gardening job. A deer trotted by in the distance wearing bulging saddlebags and armor. Well, then, he had a mission. He'd stick with this for a little while, and see where it led. Maybe he could learn to fly with wings of his own.
{ "title": "Music System", "id": 21235, "author": "waterbear06", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 12", "id": 305922, "next": 306600, "prev": 305323, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1ZTFmY2M1ZGIzMjQ2ZDliODg1NzdkMDZmZWFlYWNh">Throughout the week Luther and Saturn recorded everything for the song. It was pretty easy for the most part since the to record everything for the song since the song was pretty short. Though Luther did have some problems with the drums. Saturn also had trouble getting the vocals down. Eventually though the two introduced what was basically a brand new genre into the world. Luther personally really liked the song that Saturn called " Intro ".</p> <p class="cnM3ZGJjYWI0MTI0YjQwOWFiOGMyOGEwOGJiNzI3MWJm">( I couldn't think of a way to seamlessly introduce the song to you guys through the story; so here's an immersion breaking authors note. The song is " Intro " by Slaughter to Prevail. )</p> <p class="cnMyZmNmMjJlZTkwNTQwYWU5ODE4MzY4ZDU4M2FmZWFm">Apart from recording the song with Luther Saturn hadn't done much other than work and spend time with his mother. He and Samantha were also still pretty tight. No awkwardness, though she was more open about dating. What really surprised Saturn was how she had started teasing him by sitting on his lap or talking about her underwear and boobs. It just really surprising to Saturn, after all he had zero experience with women.</p> <p class="cnMyNjc0YzhkZTMxMDQ2YWU4NjlmZjUyMDVkMTkxNzJk">It was one day after he got home for work that Saturn was sitting in the relaxation room playing on his laptop. He was going through checking out his WeStream channel to see any new comments or subscribers. He in total had 1,000 subscribers. He'd heard that getting that many subs in less than three months was pretty good, but he had no idea.</p> <p class="cnNmOWI5YTM3ODZhNDRjZDhhYTY3MzU2ZTM5YzY1ZTdi">He was checking out the newest video that he had uploaded when he saw a comment that really surprised him. The comment read out.</p> <p class="cnMxNTY3MjI5ODE2YzRhNmZiZjFmM2M3YzU3NzBlNjcy">( Hello ( Channel Name Here ) I am NorseGod, a fellow music channel, I would like to reach out to you for a collab. If you're interested then please contact me through my business email. I promise to get back to you within the week. )</p> <p class="cnNmZjM4MGQzNTE1NDQ0NGZhNDNmNWE5M2VjYmE0ZGZm">Saturn was surprised by the comment and didn't really know what to do, so he checked the channel NorseGod. NorseGod was a young man who played under ground music, at least the music is underground by Saturn's world's standards. The genre was actually Metal, which was pretty damn popular in the world of Saturn's past lives.</p> <p class="cnM2ZGUwYjY0NjRmZDRlYThiMjUyZGE0YWJmOWVkNGRi">NorseGod had a little over 200,000 subscribers which surprised Saturn a little, but then he got to thinking about it. He realized that many genres started getting popular with Metal being one of them.</p> <p class="cnMzNDljNWNmOGY3NjRkODRhY2NkMDI2MjNmMmY0ODMy">After going over the channel for a few minutes Saturn decided to check out some of the songs. A lot of which were originals.</p> <p class="cnM0NDQzMTY3NWI5YjQ5MzlhMTZiNDAzOGVlYTcwZmE2">The first video Saturn checked out was called Odin's Wrath. It was an unusual song that focused a lot on bass and percussion and less on the guitar and vocals. It was only a few seconds in before Saturn's head started nodding with the music.</p> <p class="cnMxNzFmYjgzOTM0MzQ0NWZiZDI2NmYyMmFjMTAzMjYw">When the song ended Saturn decided to continue listening to NorseGod's music. Most of the songs that he had heard were really good, but not all of them.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTcxNDhmMzZkNzRhZGI5MzI4MTcwMjU4NGQwZjI0">After about of hour Saturn was still un-decided so he decided to ask him mom.</p> <p class="cnM1NTMwNTVjYzRjMjRkNjk5YWE0Nzc3MDdhMzg0ODMx">" Heeyyy mom, I gotta ask you something. "</p> <p class="cnMwZWRjZTQyNWU1MzRlYjI4OTk5MmJhZjE2NjJjMTg4">" I'm in the kitchen. "</p> <p class="cnMzMjY1YjcwMjMwYzQ3OTNhYzE2ZDJjODA2YzgyMGFl">" Alright. "</p> <p class="cnMwNzExZmEzMGQ4MTRiMjc4Zjc1NzhjNzBkNDliNWY1">Saturn closed his laptop, got up and walked into the kitchen.</p> <p class="cnNhZjZmNDdhZGUwNTQ5MjFiZmNjYjI0OGRkY2I1ZTRj">He saw his mom standing at the oven stirring some hamburger in a skillet. There was also some white rice being cooked. Saturn had no idea what he was cooking.</p> <p class="cnNiNGY5N2U4MTA1YzQ4OWY4MDVmZDY0OWE2MDkyZTdl">" What are you cooking? "</p> <p class="cnM5OGE5MzUwZGZjMTQ4ZGM5ZWE2ZmRjOTQzZDYwZDdm">" Taco rice. "</p> <p class="cnM0MThhYTBmMWVmMDQ4M2NhY2Q1NjBhYzI3NDhlY2Jl">" Oh, alright. I have to ask you something. "</p> <p class="cnM5M2Q5Y2NiNmU2ODRmMjM4MjY4ZWVmYjUzZmQwNTNk">" Shoot. "</p> <p class="cnM0MDg5NDNiYTA0MjQ1ZWE5YjcwYzQwYTM1MjQ1NDhi">" Alright, so you know how I have been uploading music on WeStream right? "</p> <p class="cnM1ZTM1NDBmY2I5YTQ0MzVhZmU3M2JkNDY2ZDVlMGFh">" Yeah, what about it? "</p> <p class="cnMxYWU1YTY3NmQ2ZjQ3ZjlhNGQ2YTNiN2RiZmYxMDgx">" Well a pretty big Streamer reached out to me about a collaboration, I like some of his music, but I don't know if I should. What do you think? "</p> <p class="cnNlMmI3MDRhM2E1ZjQzMjg4N2NhZTJmNDM2OTE2MGVh">" Where does he live? "</p> <p class="cnM4OTE2NWZiMGQzNDRiNjFhZDQzNGU4YmJlNzYxYTlk">" I don't know. "</p> <p class="cnM5YTQ5Mzk3MDJiNDRjNmI5MTMxOWY5ODgyMjY1YWYw">" The how will you collab. "</p> <p class="cnM5NzI3ZDRhOTRiOTQ2NmJiM2ZkMWEzNzkxMzI2Mjdj">" Well I assume with videos, I'd have to buy a camera but that should only cost a couple hundred. "</p> <p class="cnMxYzY3YWE2MDI4YzQwNmViZTc2YTc3ZTdlM2Y2ZDFj">" Has this guy ever collabed? "</p> <p class="cnNmNDA1YmYzMjAzMzQ2ZWM4NzJhODUxZDBlMzgzYWNh">" Let me look it up. "</p> <p class="cnNkOTNkNzVkZjU0MTQ4YzQ5OTRhMWYxNjVkZTdkYjQz">Saturn then proceeded to look up NorseGod collab on WeStream. What came up was three videos.</p> <p class="cnMyOGM5MjA5YTJlNDQ3MTA5MDg5NzFkZjI1MzY5M2Q1">" He's done three. "</p> <p class="cnMzYTFjMjE4ZjFkNzQyNmI4ODcxNWJlYWFhNmZjMDE0">" Well watch those while I finish dinner, then we'll talk about it. "</p> <p class="cnMxM2NiOGMwZmVhNTQxZmRhOGJhZDEwYTVjNmFlYzVj">" Good idea. Love you mom. "</p> <p class="cnNkNDQyNWI4MDlmMzQzN2JiYTg2MTU1OGFmNzA3NDEx">" Love you son. "</p> <p class="cnNiZmQwODFkNDc4YzQ3ZDdhZWY4MDE2M2NiMTkwZTdk">Saturn then walked over to the dining table and started watching the three videos. All three of them were music videos of course. The first video was just a plain song collab. The second was trying to match each other. That was where one person would play a rift then the second person would try to match the first rift with there own by making them meld together, but they had to be different. The last video was them trying out different instruments. The instruments included in the video were a trumpet a violin a diddly bow and a twelve string guitar.</p> <p class="cnNlNTRmZDFmMDg0NDRlMzM4ODdjNGYzNDZlODMwNzE2">( Fun fact, I have built two diddly bows, also known as cigar box guitars. Only one of them was made out of a guitar box. )</p> <p class="cnM5ZTIyM2NjOWQ5ODQ1NTliMWYwNzE0ZmQwNjBmMDU4">Saturn's favorite video was the second. Since he had finished the three videos and still had some time Saturn decided to checkout the three channels.</p> <p class="cnMyNDVlZjQ0MTBiNDRmNmE4YWIzNzFmNjM2ZTIxYWY0">All three of them were music channels and all three of them had at least 100,000 subs. That at least means that NorseGod didn't screw them over.</p> <p class="cnM5YTRhN2JiM2M2MTRhMTlhYWYzZTFiYjRlZDViZDI1">After a few minutes later Amelia sat down at the table. She sat down a white plate that was layered with white rice, taco meat, lettuce, and cheese. The recipe she saw had tomatoes, but Saturn didn't like tomatoes so she left them off.</p> <p class="cnM1OTdkMGM0YzM5ODQzMjM4Zjg3ZmRmNWJlYzBmYjYy">They then started eating.</p> <p class="cnNlZDhkN2YyYjIyOTRmYmFiMGU5Yzc2OTU1MzllYTg3">" So what do you think? "</p> <p class="cnNlNDlhNDQ5MzA0NjRkODk5OTIzYmJiMGFlMmFhNDMw">" Well all three of the people he has collabed with have at least 100,000 subs. I also really like his music, I can't judge his character though. "</p> <p class="cnM2YWRkMDkxYzY4YzRmNjhhYWI5Y2E4ZjJlZTEwNmIx">" Then I think you should contact him. Honestly son I don't know what to tell you other than go for it. "</p> <p class="cnM5YjJlOWY5MzY3YzQ2ZDk5ODljY2E0ZGY0NjM2ODI2">" Then I will, I will also make a business email. "</p> <p class="cnMwMWQ1ZDhkZDQxMDQ0ZDZiZTMzOGMxMDI3ODg3ODFj">" Then let's eat. "</p> <p class="cnMzZWY4NWQwNDIyNDRiNjY4MDJjMGQwMmE1MGYyODA1">They both dug in, the food was really good.</p> <hr> <p class="cnNlODk1YjU2ZmEwMzQ1ODZhYzY3YTE0MmRmZGZiMzM3"> The next day.</p> <p class="cnNmNjUzZmVkZWJjZTRjOThiMDE1MzYzOWFiZDNlYzhl">" So what do you think Sam? "</p> <p class="cnMxMWI0ZTRlMmE0ZDQ2YmNiMDQxODdiNjNjNzkzYTVk">" I think you should do it, I can't wait to see my boy-friend make it big. "</p> <p class="cnNiNTI1ZTc5NTYzMzRmZmViOWJkY2UwNGRjN2FlOTVh">" Sam we aren't dating. And I could probably get you fired for harassment. "</p> <p class="cnM4M2MzNmZiNGYzOTQwNWViODIxMDFiNTE4ZmQ4YjJj">" A. I said boy-friend not boyfriend, meaning you are my male friend. And B. I trust you. "</p> <p class="cnM3MTAyYjRjYTdhMjQ3MTViZTA0OThlNmI3NDcxNWIw">" Fine, I'll take it, I can even say you're my girl-friend as a shield from all the chicks hitting on me. It's amazing how many girls have left notes with their phone numbers in my tip box. "</p> <p class="cnM3Y2E4NWM1ZGVmZDQ2NTA4MTQ2YmE0ODQ0ZDhhZmIy">" I want your tip in my box. "</p> <p class="cnM0NDVmZGFiNmM4YTQxMmFhODMxOWI5N2U2N2Y5ZWM1">" I don't get it. "</p> <p class="cnNlZjZmNTc2OTgzODRkNTM5MDM5NjM0Nzk4YjgzYTlh">" Hahaha. "</p> <p class="cnNkMTdlNTUyMTA0YzQ4ZDk5YjMzNmNmZTlhMThhODEw">That is how most of Saturn's and Samantha's conversations go. They start off serious, but then devolve into a perverted joke. Usually thanks to Samantha.</p> <p class="cnNlNTFjOGI1NGU1ZjRhMWI5YWRiMGRmNjg3NGZiN2Vl">" Anyway, for serious now, I think you should do it. Honestly I am subscribed and I love your music, I really want you to get more popular. Since you are so talented. "</p> <p class="cnMyMmIyODRiYTUwZDQyMWQ5OGJlZTI1MWFkNzQ2OGRj">" Thanks Sam. So how has your day been? "</p> <p class="cnM4ZjU4Mjc2NGE3ZTQxYTRhMDdkYTZmMTUyMWQ0OGM3">" Pretty good, I am looking for a new job though to be honest. I just hate the people where I am now. They never stop complaining, and they are all backstabbing bitches. "</p> <p class="cnM3MzJhODQ4MjdmNTQ1OTI4Nzc5ZTE1NzY3MDk0ZDhm">" I'm sorry Sam, I really wish I could help. If you want I can go out with you when you want to go job searching. That way you have some company. "</p> <p class="cnNhNmM0MmM1NTljMjQyZjFhMzM3OGM5NWUyZTNhN2Mz">" I appreciate, but most job applications these days are done online. "</p> <p class="cnMxODUwYzk4ZjRkOTQ4NDZhNWJhMjk5MWUxZGQwYzg4">" Oh, then do you have any ideas? I am sure you want another job at a clothing store. "</p> <p class="cnMzZWEwNTVlMjdiNzRlN2NiODYxOWZiOGU3MTQ2MDUx">" Yeah, I am going to try applying at Queen's Castle. I heard they not only pay better, but they also have really amazing bosses. "</p> <p class="cnNlM2JiNzc4ZjEwODQzNGJiMWJmYmRjOGQxZGM3YTQ0">Saturn pulled a thinking face at that. He seemed to be scheming.</p> <p class="cnNkODIxZWE3MmE1YjQwZGFiMThmMTU0OWQ4MGJkMDIy">In the end he didn't say anything though, he just continued talking with Sam for the remainder of their break.</p> <hr> <p class="cnNmOTA0MTM1MGMxZTQxM2NiZGIwNmEzZDRiMjQwYmZi"> The end of the workday.</p> <p class="cnM0NzMxNzZhYzY2NjRhMWY4MTYyNjE4ODRiZGJmMWRk">" Yo Luther, I have a favor to ask. "</p> <p class="cnNiZDVmMTRjZTcyOTQ5ZjBhNzEzYWMwNDg3MDdhN2I0">" What is it Saturn? "</p> <p class="cnMyMjhjMmZjMzg3OTRhODliYWQ2ZDg5YjUxYjMxZjgz">" You know my friend that I told you about, Sam? Well she was talking about applying at your daughters store. Is there anyway she could get a bit of favored treatment. "</p> <p class="cnNiNDc2ZGE0OGM1MzRlNWI5ZDU2MmRkNDAwMDc5MmU1">" You're talking about you girlfriend Samantha right, I heard from the person who is running Bebe's that she is probably their best worker. She at least has the best work ethic. Why does she want to change jobs? "</p> <p class="cnM4NzY1NmNjY2QzOTRiN2NiOGU2MWExMTIyODEwNjI4">" For one, we aren't dating and for two she said her co-workers never stop complaining and they are always trying to back stab each other. "</p> <p class="cnM0MTJhZGEwNjk0ZjRjZjg5OTJjODhkMjAzZTdhNjg2">" Bull shit you two aren't dating. The only time you smile is when you are playing music, talking about your mom, or when you're with her. I'm just saying that if you aren't dating her then you should start. A girl like her isn't common. "</p> <p class="cnMxYzNkOGYxZjY1MjRkMDc4MDlkNjM4YTFjNzRiYWU4">Saturn didn't respond since he knew that Luther was right. Honestly Saturn doesn't know why he didn't date Sam, he just didn't. Maybe he was scared maybe he was nervous or maybe it was the hidden innocence that he didn't want to let out for fear of being vulnerable. Saturn didn't know.</p> <p class="cnMxMjhhMjU4ZThkMDQyZWM5ODEwMGNmNTBmOGJiZGIx">" Anyway sonny, I can talk to my daughters, but if Samantha doesn't work she will be fired in a heartbeat. "</p> <p class="cnMwMjUwODY3YTRhMTQ5NThiNzJiNzg4MmNjNjMyN2U5">" Thank you Luther, I don't know how I can ever repay you. "</p> <p class="cnNmODVlODg1N2QwYzQwM2M5YTdlNjNmZjk4NWI3MThi">" Saturn, just the time you spend with an old man like me is enough payment. After all, people at my age don't have a lot of friends. Especially when most of my friends came from the military same as me. "</p> <p class="cnNjMzYwOWVlMWEzNDQ4MmY4NDQwMWQxMGU4OTRiMzll">Saturn wanted to give the old man a hug, but in the end he decided on a handshake.</p> <p class="cnM4Zjc5OTlmZjAyOTRhMmZiNjkxZDM5OTgwNjY0NTc5">" Thanks Luther. "</p> <p class="cnMyNDcxY2ExYTg4NjQyOWViMmQxNTQ1MzU5YzBmZTEx">" Alright enough with the sappiness, have you got any new songs you want to record? "</p> <p class="cnM3ZGQwNzVhODZiYTRlM2Q4ZmM0MmNjYjBkN2I4MWQ0">" I might have a few in my noggin, what kind of genre do you want. I make something personally for you. "</p> <p class="cnNlNzI4MjBjMmY4ZDQwMTRhMTUyYzc1MmE4NmE1N2Yz">" Hmm, I want something like we did last time, that Intro song. Got anything like that? "</p> <p class="cnMyYjA2YTM5ZjAwNDQ3YWE4ZjJkMWNjOThhMGZlMjgy">" Yep, give it a few days for me to write everything up and then we can record. "</p> <p class="cnNhMWJjNWZmMWZjYTQwYzdhYzU1NDdlMGU4M2YzM2M4">" I'm looking forward to it. Also tell you little girl-friend to apply at my daughters store. "</p> <p class="cnMwY2VkOTk3YjgyZTQ3OWY4ZDVkMTRkNTI5YmFiN2Zj">" I will, and I told you we aren't dating. "</p> <p class="cnM3MGIzNmI4MjU0ZTQ0YzdiNTkzMzUwZWMxNzY0ZGVm">" I meant girl-friend as in female friend and not girlfriend. "</p> <p class="cnNhYTgwYWJlNjI5MDQzOTc4ZmIwNTQzMDg1M2M3YmVj">" Why is that a thing now, what the hell? "</p> <p class="cnNkOTJkMGI1ZWRkNzQ0MjY4ZmUzYTZjMzhjZWNmOTRk">After that Saturn sent Sam a text telling her to apply at Queen's Castle and then he went home. When he got there he made himself a business email and sent an email to NorseGod. The email read.</p> <p class="cnM5N2FkMTk2NTFkNDQ1YjU4NjY1YzQ2NmZkY2U3NmNi">( Hello NorseGod, this is Saturn. I am sending an email to talk about our collaboration. I have never done anything of the sort so excuse my ignorance towards the subject. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience explaining how we will go about our collaboration. )</p> <p class="cnMyMzQzMDk0YzM3OTQ0NzViOGM5MTQ2ZWExN2Q0Yjg4">Saturn of course wasn't refined enough to write such an email. It was Amelia who wrote it for him.</p> <p class="cnM1NzY2NDZhN2Q1YjRmNzFhM2E4YTgwZjUwZWIwM2Nh"> </p> </div>
Throughout the week Luther and Saturn recorded everything for the song. It was pretty easy for the most part since the to record everything for the song since the song was pretty short. Though Luther did have some problems with the drums. Saturn also had trouble getting the vocals down. Eventually though the two introduced what was basically a brand new genre into the world. Luther personally really liked the song that Saturn called " Intro ". ( I couldn't think of a way to seamlessly introduce the song to you guys through the story; so here's an immersion breaking authors note. The song is " Intro " by Slaughter to Prevail. ) Apart from recording the song with Luther Saturn hadn't done much other than work and spend time with his mother. He and Samantha were also still pretty tight. No awkwardness, though she was more open about dating. What really surprised Saturn was how she had started teasing him by sitting on his lap or talking about her underwear and boobs. It just really surprising to Saturn, after all he had zero experience with women. It was one day after he got home for work that Saturn was sitting in the relaxation room playing on his laptop. He was going through checking out his WeStream channel to see any new comments or subscribers. He in total had 1,000 subscribers. He'd heard that getting that many subs in less than three months was pretty good, but he had no idea. He was checking out the newest video that he had uploaded when he saw a comment that really surprised him. The comment read out. ( Hello ( Channel Name Here ) I am NorseGod, a fellow music channel, I would like to reach out to you for a collab. If you're interested then please contact me through my business email. I promise to get back to you within the week. ) Saturn was surprised by the comment and didn't really know what to do, so he checked the channel NorseGod. NorseGod was a young man who played under ground music, at least the music is underground by Saturn's world's standards. The genre was actually Metal, which was pretty damn popular in the world of Saturn's past lives. NorseGod had a little over 200,000 subscribers which surprised Saturn a little, but then he got to thinking about it. He realized that many genres started getting popular with Metal being one of them. After going over the channel for a few minutes Saturn decided to check out some of the songs. A lot of which were originals. The first video Saturn checked out was called Odin's Wrath. It was an unusual song that focused a lot on bass and percussion and less on the guitar and vocals. It was only a few seconds in before Saturn's head started nodding with the music. When the song ended Saturn decided to continue listening to NorseGod's music. Most of the songs that he had heard were really good, but not all of them. After about of hour Saturn was still un-decided so he decided to ask him mom. " Heeyyy mom, I gotta ask you something. " " I'm in the kitchen. " " Alright. " Saturn closed his laptop, got up and walked into the kitchen. He saw his mom standing at the oven stirring some hamburger in a skillet. There was also some white rice being cooked. Saturn had no idea what he was cooking. " What are you cooking? " " Taco rice. " " Oh, alright. I have to ask you something. " " Shoot. " " Alright, so you know how I have been uploading music on WeStream right? " " Yeah, what about it? " " Well a pretty big Streamer reached out to me about a collaboration, I like some of his music, but I don't know if I should. What do you think? " " Where does he live? " " I don't know. " " The how will you collab. " " Well I assume with videos, I'd have to buy a camera but that should only cost a couple hundred. " " Has this guy ever collabed? " " Let me look it up. " Saturn then proceeded to look up NorseGod collab on WeStream. What came up was three videos. " He's done three. " " Well watch those while I finish dinner, then we'll talk about it. " " Good idea. Love you mom. " " Love you son. " Saturn then walked over to the dining table and started watching the three videos. All three of them were music videos of course. The first video was just a plain song collab. The second was trying to match each other. That was where one person would play a rift then the second person would try to match the first rift with there own by making them meld together, but they had to be different. The last video was them trying out different instruments. The instruments included in the video were a trumpet a violin a diddly bow and a twelve string guitar. ( Fun fact, I have built two diddly bows, also known as cigar box guitars. Only one of them was made out of a guitar box. ) Saturn's favorite video was the second. Since he had finished the three videos and still had some time Saturn decided to checkout the three channels. All three of them were music channels and all three of them had at least 100,000 subs. That at least means that NorseGod didn't screw them over. After a few minutes later Amelia sat down at the table. She sat down a white plate that was layered with white rice, taco meat, lettuce, and cheese. The recipe she saw had tomatoes, but Saturn didn't like tomatoes so she left them off. They then started eating. " So what do you think? " " Well all three of the people he has collabed with have at least 100,000 subs. I also really like his music, I can't judge his character though. " " Then I think you should contact him. Honestly son I don't know what to tell you other than go for it. " " Then I will, I will also make a business email. " " Then let's eat. " They both dug in, the food was really good. --- The next day. " So what do you think Sam? " " I think you should do it, I can't wait to see my boy-friend make it big. " " Sam we aren't dating. And I could probably get you fired for harassment. " " A. I said boy-friend not boyfriend, meaning you are my male friend. And B. I trust you. " " Fine, I'll take it, I can even say you're my girl-friend as a shield from all the chicks hitting on me. It's amazing how many girls have left notes with their phone numbers in my tip box. " " I want your tip in my box. " " I don't get it. " " Hahaha. " That is how most of Saturn's and Samantha's conversations go. They start off serious, but then devolve into a perverted joke. Usually thanks to Samantha. " Anyway, for serious now, I think you should do it. Honestly I am subscribed and I love your music, I really want you to get more popular. Since you are so talented. " " Thanks Sam. So how has your day been? " " Pretty good, I am looking for a new job though to be honest. I just hate the people where I am now. They never stop complaining, and they are all backstabbing bitches. " " I'm sorry Sam, I really wish I could help. If you want I can go out with you when you want to go job searching. That way you have some company. " " I appreciate, but most job applications these days are done online. " " Oh, then do you have any ideas? I am sure you want another job at a clothing store. " " Yeah, I am going to try applying at Queen's Castle. I heard they not only pay better, but they also have really amazing bosses. " Saturn pulled a thinking face at that. He seemed to be scheming. In the end he didn't say anything though, he just continued talking with Sam for the remainder of their break. --- The end of the workday. " Yo Luther, I have a favor to ask. " " What is it Saturn? " " You know my friend that I told you about, Sam? Well she was talking about applying at your daughters store. Is there anyway she could get a bit of favored treatment. " " You're talking about you girlfriend Samantha right, I heard from the person who is running Bebe's that she is probably their best worker. She at least has the best work ethic. Why does she want to change jobs? " " For one, we aren't dating and for two she said her co-workers never stop complaining and they are always trying to back stab each other. " " Bull shit you two aren't dating. The only time you smile is when you are playing music, talking about your mom, or when you're with her. I'm just saying that if you aren't dating her then you should start. A girl like her isn't common. " Saturn didn't respond since he knew that Luther was right. Honestly Saturn doesn't know why he didn't date Sam, he just didn't. Maybe he was scared maybe he was nervous or maybe it was the hidden innocence that he didn't want to let out for fear of being vulnerable. Saturn didn't know. " Anyway sonny, I can talk to my daughters, but if Samantha doesn't work she will be fired in a heartbeat. " " Thank you Luther, I don't know how I can ever repay you. " " Saturn, just the time you spend with an old man like me is enough payment. After all, people at my age don't have a lot of friends. Especially when most of my friends came from the military same as me. " Saturn wanted to give the old man a hug, but in the end he decided on a handshake. " Thanks Luther. " " Alright enough with the sappiness, have you got any new songs you want to record? " " I might have a few in my noggin, what kind of genre do you want. I make something personally for you. " " Hmm, I want something like we did last time, that Intro song. Got anything like that? " " Yep, give it a few days for me to write everything up and then we can record. " " I'm looking forward to it. Also tell you little girl-friend to apply at my daughters store. " " I will, and I told you we aren't dating. " " I meant girl-friend as in female friend and not girlfriend. " " Why is that a thing now, what the hell? " After that Saturn sent Sam a text telling her to apply at Queen's Castle and then he went home. When he got there he made himself a business email and sent an email to NorseGod. The email read. ( Hello NorseGod, this is Saturn. I am sending an email to talk about our collaboration. I have never done anything of the sort so excuse my ignorance towards the subject. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience explaining how we will go about our collaboration. ) Saturn of course wasn't refined enough to write such an email. It was Amelia who wrote it for him.
{ "title": "Into the Black", "id": 11295, "author": "Mirikon", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 161 - Into the Unknown", "id": 305923, "next": 307922, "prev": 305105, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkMmU0MzJjZWUzMzQ1MWRhMGQ1YWFhOTY0MzI5NTQx">(Unknown Structure, 2200 km East of Starborn, Star’s Reach)</p> <p class="cnMyNGI3ODkxOGY3NTQzZWY4OGY1YzZjM2E3YjhkZTQy"> </p> <p class="cnMyZTVmNGIxOTQwYjRjY2JiMjMwMjkzMzhiZThlYzIz">Two Black Star assault shuttles flanked the <em>Starlight Raven</em> as we made our approach. The trees were too thick to get a good view of whatever was down there. Whatever structure the signal was coming from, it was old enough that an old growth forest had sprung up around it, completely hiding it from view. Fortunately for us, there was a clearing about a kilometer away from the signal’s location that we could use as a landing pad.</p> <p class="cnNhNmU2YWI1OTIyYzRmYzg5MDUxMmE2ZTliYjc2ZDM0"> </p> <p class="cnM2MTQ5MmNkMTBjYjQ0YTk4ZTg1OTIwZmYwYzlmZjU2">“Captain, sensors are detecting something under the clearing. Unknown material, but it has a density greater than lead. According to readings, it looks like a circle roughly the size of the clearing, but the entire thing is covered with soil and undergrowth.”</p> <p class="cnNmNzY3NGMzMWYyZDQyZmVhNzE2OWY2MzJjZWM2MGVk"> </p> <p class="cnMzNGEyZGZkZDA2ZjRkYjNhOGM0ZTgyM2I2ZTllODAw">Looking from the sensors to a visual of the space, I considered Raven’s words. “Any sign of a structure underneath us?”</p> <p class="cnM2NGYyMGZkZjdiYjQyNjhiNGI1OTI1MmE3NDY3NDY5"> </p> <p class="cnNhNGVjYTU5ODU3YzQ5OTdhMzU0ODQ3OTk2NzAzZTky">“Negative. The substance does appear to form a line through the forest heading to the northeast.”</p> <p class="cnM1NWNkNzBkMjk5MTRkMDA4MzliZTUyYzAzNTRjNGM5"> </p> <p class="cnMwZmVlODgyMTQ2YTQzMDM5ZjNjM2MwZWJjNWIxZWRj">“That would be directly towards the source of the signal, more or less. Soil covering this to a depth of almost a meter… too shallow for trees to grow, but the grass and shrubs have done well enough. Perhaps we found a landing pad, then? And that line is the road to the door?”</p> <p class="cnM3NTBiNWFjNmFlMDRkNDg5ODAzYTYxN2Q1ZDMzNGU5"> </p> <p class="cnM1YWQyOTNjOWUzNjQ5ZGZhZjc1ZWVkNzdmMmU5OWY2">Raven considered that, and nodded, “Sensor readings would support that analysis. If these trees are similar to old-growth forests on Earth, then it would stand to reason that a great deal of time has passed since anyone came to check on this facility. Plenty of time for a landing pad that hadn’t been used to become covered in soil and grass. If that is the case, finding the structure itself, if there is one, may prove problematic.”</p> <p class="cnNjZDVhOWI2MGM3OTQ2MTZhMGQ5OGU0YmJmZDdmYjVk"> </p> <p class="cnMxZWMzYzg2OTg4NzQ4ZjZiZTdiNDY0ZWZhNmNhNzAw">I shook my head. “We’ll follow the path first, and see if that leads us to the building, whatever it is. Make sure all teams suit up for full contamination protocols. The colony’s med center is not online yet, so we haven’t done the full tests to make sure there are no bacteria or other fun things in the atmosphere that we can’t handle. All teams should carry sensor equipment, as well. We want to be recording EVERYTHING, so the scientists in the fleet can go through it.”</p> <p class="cnNiNTU2NmU5NjhiNjRjZTliNThlNTkxOWVmZTFlZjJm"> </p> <p class="cnMzNDBjN2EzYmY4OTQxNzg4Nzc5M2Q5YmFmNzIxOGRk">“Should we be concerned with local fauna?”</p> <p class="cnM1MDY4ZWFhYjc4MTRlMDQ5MzY2ZmIwNDVhMDgyNzRm"> </p> <p class="cnM4NDk5OWE4NTJiZTQwOGM5ZWVhMzRhM2I0YjllN2I5">Frowning, I looked at the scanners. There was too much life in this forest for us to get a good read on individual life forms beyond about ten meters into the trees, but anything dangerous or pest-like would have gotten some distance with the three vessels landing here. “Deploy the turret drones for defensive fire, just in case.” I sent a couple extra orders to the fleet, and then turned away from the cockpit, to start putting on my own armor.</p> <p class="cnNhMzQ5MDQ2NDllNTQ2ZmRiNTk4ODUzMmU1MzAwZWM3"> </p> <p class="cnM3ODQ0NzkzOTYwZTQwMTNhODFjODRhN2FlMjM3Zjgz">Soon, all three teams were standing on the earth-covered ‘tarmac’. Looking at them, I said into the comm network, “All right, you all have seen the sensor readings. Looks like we found a landing pad, with a road leading straight towards the signal that brought us here. Here’s the play. Ravensclaw and Valkyrie will follow the trail, and investigate the facility, if we find it. Catspaw, we don’t know what kind of animals might be living on this planet, or how hostile they might be. You have a couple wilderness experts in your group, so you get to scout and do perimeter defense for the ships. Leave your hacker on board to help with the defense turrets.”</p> <p class="cnM4YWE3MzUwYzYwNDQyYTU5MmMyNmYwN2E4ZDdmNzU1"> </p> <p class="cnNhZWE4YmQ2MGEwNjQ5NmZhNWU1YjRjYTZhYWFhNmJl">I couldn’t see his face, but I knew Xexzir wasn’t pleased. “That will be a tall order for five people to secure this much ground without knowing the terrain, or even what kind of fauna we might be looking for. Bias and preconceptions will be a big problem.”</p> <p class="cnNmNzZiNDJjOGYxZTQzYWE4NmQ5ZjFhYzJhMzBmZjc3"> </p> <p class="cnNhNzM3ODIyMzYxNzRjNTViMDdkNGVlMjBkNDA3ZWE0">I nodded to Catspaw Lead. “Right you are. So, keep it together, and play it safe. I’ve already sent word to the fleet. Vulcan from <em>Spitfire</em> and Aegis from <em>Reliant</em> are ready to drop if you get into trouble or need support, or if we call for additional boots in the facility. I’ve tasked Red Guardian Squadron to be ready for operations if we need air support.”</p> <p class="cnM3MTI5ZDVjYWM5ODQ5YzdhOWVlNWE2ZDJjMTc4Yzc1"> </p> <p class="cnNmMDk3NTliZTcwMDQ5MDhhNTgxNjI5OThhOWFjOWY3">I paused, and then said, “This is not going to be easy. We’re going into the unknown, someplace that no ‘local’ or ‘Nomad’ has ever been. It is better to be too cautious than reckless in this situation. We don’t know what we’ll find, and we may lose contact depending on what the composition of the structure is. Everyone stay frosty, and concentrate on your jobs. Catspaw, we’ll stay in contact as long as we can. Ravensclaw! Valkyrie! Move out!”</p> <p class="cnNmOGI5NDAwYjhkMTQ0MTNiODNiMjFmMGNkMGI1Mzlm"> </p> <p class="cnMwZmUxNjJlYmVjNDQ1OGU4M2MyMmNkYzgyNTlmOWYy">Catspaw broke into two groups, one of two and one of three, with their sixth member going back onto their shuttle, probably to hook into the drone defenses in place. The two groups melted into the forest, starting on a sweep of the immediate area, just to get a better idea of what was nearby, and see if they could pick up any traces of local wildlife. Catspaw Two and Catspaw Five were both well versed in working out in the middle of nowhere. I had it on good authority that they ran land navigation and wilderness survival classes for Black Star employees and families whenever they were in a suitable location. They’d be all right, so I left them to it.</p> <p class="cnMxNmYzYzkyZGI5ZjQ1MzFhZjRlYzRhOWE3NDY5NzI0"> </p> <p class="cnMyYjQ5YmI0MzBjNDRjYWM5ZDgyZWIzNWFiYTQ5OTkx">Taking the lead, I followed the path that Raven highlighted in my HUD as we headed away from the ‘landing pad’. You wouldn’t have been able to see it from orbit, but there was a definite line through the trees. Their canopies may have closed in over the trail, but there was a solid five-meter-wide stretch of ‘road’ that no trees could grow on. Things like that do not happen in nature. Nature hates perfect circles and perfectly straight lines. You will never see one unless some outside force has acted on it to make it straight, and there hasn’t been enough time to wear it away.</p> <p class="cnMxOTZlZGRmNjU5ZDRkMGY4MWQ4NTU1MTdiOGM3MzA5"> </p> <p class="cnM5MTY1M2M2ZjdlZTRkYjJhMTQ1MTMzNjY4NmFiNDY4">Once we got away from the ‘tarmac’, Viessa (known as Valkyrie Two), started running readings on the soil as we moved. “Master, there are some interesting readings here.” She shot the chemical analysis of the soil to the rest of us.</p> <p class="cnM0M2FiMGQwNDExMzQ5NWY5ZjNjNGY1YjRlNzY2MTg1"> </p> <p class="cnNhY2FkYTllYzYyNTQ5ODg5MjUwMDVkYzQ2OGY5ZGI3">“Hmm. At least we’re not dealing with any unusual types of materials. No unknown elements in the soil. Looks to be… a mix of igneous and metamorphic rock. Except there’s a lot of glass in the mix, too. All common elements, but it looks like that, at some point, there used to be a volcano in the area. Would have had to have been millions of years ago for natural weathering to wear it down.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZTRjYmM2ZGU0NDQ2NmRhMjhiZDRiMmVlN2U0MzIw"> </p> <p class="cnNmMTA0ZmI0ODNjMjQzNTI5NWE3OGZjZjg1Y2EwNGNh">Nerila, the Gauz explosives expert known as Valkyrie Four, shook her head. “No, not that long. You see these glass patterns in some of the chemical composition? Those aren’t your natural kind of glass. That’s what happens when you try and slag stone with high-energy cannons.” We turned to look at her, and she shrugged. “I may have had a couple chances to examine the results personally before I got collared.”</p> <p class="cnMwMzk1ZjJmYzE2YzQ1NjJiNWJjZGY4OTlkYjRjMTBi"> </p> <p class="cnMzYzBmOGExNDY4YjQwMjk5Y2M2OTk5MDcxZGE5OTRj">Raven spoke up then, “Captain, this revelation offers a potential hypothesis. If the facility we are tracking were built into a volcano, that would explain the presence of volcanic rock in the area. If the facility was then attacked…”</p> <p class="cnM1ZTAwZTNmZmVlNTQwOTliZDIwM2ZjNDJjN2UwNmIx"> </p> <p class="cnNkNzFkZTFjNTNmOTRiZTlhZmNjZjlkMWNlOWZlZGY1">I nodded. “Putting a facility inside a mountain is a solid defense, unless someone decides to take the time to blast the mountain out from on top of you, a piece at a time. Enough ships with enough firepower and enough time? Yeah, that could work.”</p> <p class="cnNiOTRhYzg1MGNkYjRkZjViYTJjMmUzYzU3YzkwNzk5"> </p> <p class="cnMxMjkyZWNhZDc4MDQ3Y2ZhM2E0ZWFiMjJiMjdmNWE4">Sona (AKA Ravensclaw Eight) shook her head. “Why in the hell would someone build a facility into a volcano? Don’t those things have a tendency to, you know, erupt and send molten material all over the place? I might have been just a grunt, but even I know that lava is bad for your health.”</p> <p class="cnNjYjYxY2MxYjE3YjQ1ODg5MTQ1ZDExYzI0NDcyMDZi"> </p> <p class="cnMyMmQ3MWIxZjdjYjQzODRhZDM4ZTQ3NzMyNzk5ZmY5">I shook my head. “The volcano could have been dormant or dead. But more likely, if they had the technology, they built it into an active volcano, and were using it as a cheap, inexhaustible supply of energy. Geothermal power was used on Earth hundreds of years ago, in various forms, so whoever built this place should have the tech for at least basic geothermal power generation. That would provide an explanation for how a signal has been generated for all this time, long enough for a forest to grow up over the facility.”</p> <p class="cnM5YTAzNGY2ZDdhMTRiZGQ4YzViZWE0YWIxZjM5YjM4"> </p> <p class="cnMxY2M4NmIxNDAyZjQ4ZGE5NWQzZjU2MTdhMTVlZGZk">Valkyrie Two spoke up, worry in her voice, “Master, the ‘road’ looks to angle downwards up ahead, but the level of the soil isn’t changing.”</p> <p class="cnNiZTVkOTYxZWQ2NjQ2NDE4YTkxNTFlMWNlNmIwYTAw"> </p> <p class="cnMzYTgxNzczMTQ0MjRiZmVhNjlkMTAyMGY2NWY4ZDhk">I nodded. “More evidence that this place was designed to be subterranean. Well, we brought excavation equipment for a reason. Track the road until it either meets the structure or we lose it on sensors, and we’ll start digging there.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzI4ZTgwZGRlNTRiMDg4MmZlYzUzNjczYmQ1ODQ5"> </p> <p class="cnM4ZTZkNjY1OGVjODQzODI5MWQwN2Q1NTFjMWE4ZGY0">Just over three hundred and seventy meters from where it began its decent (and almost six hundred meters from the landing pad), the ‘road’ stopped, exactly one hundred meters down from the surface, having followed a perfect fifteen degree down angle the entire time. There was absolutely no way that such a thing was natural, a fact that was only reinforced by the structure that appeared on our sensors.</p> <p class="cnM2NTVjYzA3MmViZTQ5NjA5ZjYwYzc1YTQ5NjE3NDMx"> </p> <p class="cnM0YzE2NzJhZjUzOTQ0Y2FhYTAxZDdlZTc5N2M1NmNk">Looking at the rest of the teams, I said, “All right, ladies, let’s break out the digging equipment. We’ve got a hundred meters of soil to get through in order to reach the facility. We didn’t bring enough equipment to create a lift, but we have the grav-belts which will allow us to get in and out of the hole easily enough. Remember, this is a fact-finding and exploration mission, not looting the place clean. If we can make sure this place is safe, then we’ll bring the experts in to start figuring out what this place was used for.”</p> <p class="cnM2YTU2Y2UzMmQ5MjQ0NTY4Yzk4YTg2OWExYjZiNTJj"> </p> <p class="cnMzZDMyMmNjOWJmNDRiMjA4YmQ3NDdmYjlmMDk2ODkz">Everyone started setting up the basic excavation equipment. It really wasn’t anything special, just a machine that took in the material it was told to, packed and condensed it, and extruded it at the ‘base’ of the system. At the very least, if we were going to create a permanent structure for a base camp, we’d have plenty of bricks ready to go to start out.</p> <p class="cnNhNjBmOWYzZTIwMDQxOTBiY2E1OWQwODFiZDc1MGJk"> </p> <p class="cnNhM2Q5ODk4M2E4MjQ5NTlhMzk4MzFkY2U2MmVkYzZk">Predictably enough, the excavator couldn’t scratch the road, or the facility door, but it did do a good job of clearing a path for us. Catspaw still hadn’t found any signs of hostile fauna, but the sounds of our excavator had probably helped keep some of them away, temporarily. That wouldn’t last long. My audio sensors were detecting the sounds of insects, and insects meant birds and other things that ate them, and that meant predators large enough that they might think we could be food, and scavengers that might want to get into our supplies. The excavator’s work done, I ordered it packed up, and four turret drones set up around the hole, so we would have at least some deterrent for any beasties that might come calling.</p> <p class="cnMzMTJmNDg5OWY1NjRmMzQ5YThlNTg0YjcxYzhhMTNk"> </p> <p class="cnNmYWFjYzk2YTdlZDRmMmZhOTFiMWYyZmQ4ZjkyMjRi">Using the grav-belts, a leap of a hundred meters was no more jarring than stepping off a chair one was standing on to change a light bulb. At the bottom of the pit we’d dug, I found myself faced with a large door, made of some blue-silver material that our sensors could not analyze, being some unknown alloy or composite. Without getting a piece to analyze in the lab, knowing its true nature would likely be impossible. The door was large enough that one could drive a tank through it and have room to spare, but what interested me was that there was a control pad in what was clearly the frame of the great doorway, where the facility proper no doubt met the road that tunneled under the mountain that may once have been here. By a quirk of fate and physics, the control pad was undamaged, and there were lights on it! The system was still operational!</p> <p class="cnM4OTdlYTA3M2JlYjQyZGFiNTlmOWNkNGNiNTdjYzM3"> </p> <p class="cnM5NWE4ZmQzMzNiNzQ1MzI5ZGRlZDRkZjgzOGNkNjJi">I waved Raven and our other techs forward, so they could try and make some sense of the controls. Looking to the rest of the teams, I said, “All right, people. This facility clearly still has at least limited power. That means we were probably right about a geothermal source. We may be able to get more information from this facility than we ever dreamed, but if the lights still work, that means the security systems probably still work. We don’t know what kind of facility this was, so we don’t know how lethal the security is. I want everyone to be on your toes.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZjdhOTk2MzA1YjRjOWVhYzgxYmFlYjYzZmIxNzc5"> </p> <p class="cnNkOGM4ZmZhY2M0NzQ5Mzk4ODIzYzE3M2YxYzFmODVh">There was a beep and a whirring sound from behind me, and I turned to see the doors opening. Raven shook her head. “We didn’t tell the doors to open, Captain. I’d only just started interfacing with the systems when they opened on their own. I think we’re being invited in.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZDA4NTQ4MmZlZjRjODJiNjNhODk5NWM2NWMzMWQx"> </p> <p class="cnMyODZkNDRkZWU1NjRmMzg4MjZhNGIyNmMxNzJkZGZi">I took a breath, and said, “Well, if we’re being invited in, then it would be rude to keep them waiting. Keep together, and watch out for traps. Security might be on a different system from the external door. Take no chances.”</p> </div>
(Unknown Structure, 2200 km East of Starborn, Star’s Reach) Two Black Star assault shuttles flanked the *Starlight Raven* as we made our approach. The trees were too thick to get a good view of whatever was down there. Whatever structure the signal was coming from, it was old enough that an old growth forest had sprung up around it, completely hiding it from view. Fortunately for us, there was a clearing about a kilometer away from the signal’s location that we could use as a landing pad. “Captain, sensors are detecting something under the clearing. Unknown material, but it has a density greater than lead. According to readings, it looks like a circle roughly the size of the clearing, but the entire thing is covered with soil and undergrowth.” Looking from the sensors to a visual of the space, I considered Raven’s words. “Any sign of a structure underneath us?” “Negative. The substance does appear to form a line through the forest heading to the northeast.” “That would be directly towards the source of the signal, more or less. Soil covering this to a depth of almost a meter… too shallow for trees to grow, but the grass and shrubs have done well enough. Perhaps we found a landing pad, then? And that line is the road to the door?” Raven considered that, and nodded, “Sensor readings would support that analysis. If these trees are similar to old-growth forests on Earth, then it would stand to reason that a great deal of time has passed since anyone came to check on this facility. Plenty of time for a landing pad that hadn’t been used to become covered in soil and grass. If that is the case, finding the structure itself, if there is one, may prove problematic.” I shook my head. “We’ll follow the path first, and see if that leads us to the building, whatever it is. Make sure all teams suit up for full contamination protocols. The colony’s med center is not online yet, so we haven’t done the full tests to make sure there are no bacteria or other fun things in the atmosphere that we can’t handle. All teams should carry sensor equipment, as well. We want to be recording EVERYTHING, so the scientists in the fleet can go through it.” “Should we be concerned with local fauna?” Frowning, I looked at the scanners. There was too much life in this forest for us to get a good read on individual life forms beyond about ten meters into the trees, but anything dangerous or pest-like would have gotten some distance with the three vessels landing here. “Deploy the turret drones for defensive fire, just in case.” I sent a couple extra orders to the fleet, and then turned away from the cockpit, to start putting on my own armor. Soon, all three teams were standing on the earth-covered ‘tarmac’. Looking at them, I said into the comm network, “All right, you all have seen the sensor readings. Looks like we found a landing pad, with a road leading straight towards the signal that brought us here. Here’s the play. Ravensclaw and Valkyrie will follow the trail, and investigate the facility, if we find it. Catspaw, we don’t know what kind of animals might be living on this planet, or how hostile they might be. You have a couple wilderness experts in your group, so you get to scout and do perimeter defense for the ships. Leave your hacker on board to help with the defense turrets.” I couldn’t see his face, but I knew Xexzir wasn’t pleased. “That will be a tall order for five people to secure this much ground without knowing the terrain, or even what kind of fauna we might be looking for. Bias and preconceptions will be a big problem.” I nodded to Catspaw Lead. “Right you are. So, keep it together, and play it safe. I’ve already sent word to the fleet. Vulcan from *Spitfire* and Aegis from *Reliant* are ready to drop if you get into trouble or need support, or if we call for additional boots in the facility. I’ve tasked Red Guardian Squadron to be ready for operations if we need air support.” I paused, and then said, “This is not going to be easy. We’re going into the unknown, someplace that no ‘local’ or ‘Nomad’ has ever been. It is better to be too cautious than reckless in this situation. We don’t know what we’ll find, and we may lose contact depending on what the composition of the structure is. Everyone stay frosty, and concentrate on your jobs. Catspaw, we’ll stay in contact as long as we can. Ravensclaw! Valkyrie! Move out!” Catspaw broke into two groups, one of two and one of three, with their sixth member going back onto their shuttle, probably to hook into the drone defenses in place. The two groups melted into the forest, starting on a sweep of the immediate area, just to get a better idea of what was nearby, and see if they could pick up any traces of local wildlife. Catspaw Two and Catspaw Five were both well versed in working out in the middle of nowhere. I had it on good authority that they ran land navigation and wilderness survival classes for Black Star employees and families whenever they were in a suitable location. They’d be all right, so I left them to it. Taking the lead, I followed the path that Raven highlighted in my HUD as we headed away from the ‘landing pad’. You wouldn’t have been able to see it from orbit, but there was a definite line through the trees. Their canopies may have closed in over the trail, but there was a solid five-meter-wide stretch of ‘road’ that no trees could grow on. Things like that do not happen in nature. Nature hates perfect circles and perfectly straight lines. You will never see one unless some outside force has acted on it to make it straight, and there hasn’t been enough time to wear it away. Once we got away from the ‘tarmac’, Viessa (known as Valkyrie Two), started running readings on the soil as we moved. “Master, there are some interesting readings here.” She shot the chemical analysis of the soil to the rest of us. “Hmm. At least we’re not dealing with any unusual types of materials. No unknown elements in the soil. Looks to be… a mix of igneous and metamorphic rock. Except there’s a lot of glass in the mix, too. All common elements, but it looks like that, at some point, there used to be a volcano in the area. Would have had to have been millions of years ago for natural weathering to wear it down.” Nerila, the Gauz explosives expert known as Valkyrie Four, shook her head. “No, not that long. You see these glass patterns in some of the chemical composition? Those aren’t your natural kind of glass. That’s what happens when you try and slag stone with high-energy cannons.” We turned to look at her, and she shrugged. “I may have had a couple chances to examine the results personally before I got collared.” Raven spoke up then, “Captain, this revelation offers a potential hypothesis. If the facility we are tracking were built into a volcano, that would explain the presence of volcanic rock in the area. If the facility was then attacked…” I nodded. “Putting a facility inside a mountain is a solid defense, unless someone decides to take the time to blast the mountain out from on top of you, a piece at a time. Enough ships with enough firepower and enough time? Yeah, that could work.” Sona (AKA Ravensclaw Eight) shook her head. “Why in the hell would someone build a facility into a volcano? Don’t those things have a tendency to, you know, erupt and send molten material all over the place? I might have been just a grunt, but even I know that lava is bad for your health.” I shook my head. “The volcano could have been dormant or dead. But more likely, if they had the technology, they built it into an active volcano, and were using it as a cheap, inexhaustible supply of energy. Geothermal power was used on Earth hundreds of years ago, in various forms, so whoever built this place should have the tech for at least basic geothermal power generation. That would provide an explanation for how a signal has been generated for all this time, long enough for a forest to grow up over the facility.” Valkyrie Two spoke up, worry in her voice, “Master, the ‘road’ looks to angle downwards up ahead, but the level of the soil isn’t changing.” I nodded. “More evidence that this place was designed to be subterranean. Well, we brought excavation equipment for a reason. Track the road until it either meets the structure or we lose it on sensors, and we’ll start digging there.” Just over three hundred and seventy meters from where it began its decent (and almost six hundred meters from the landing pad), the ‘road’ stopped, exactly one hundred meters down from the surface, having followed a perfect fifteen degree down angle the entire time. There was absolutely no way that such a thing was natural, a fact that was only reinforced by the structure that appeared on our sensors. Looking at the rest of the teams, I said, “All right, ladies, let’s break out the digging equipment. We’ve got a hundred meters of soil to get through in order to reach the facility. We didn’t bring enough equipment to create a lift, but we have the grav-belts which will allow us to get in and out of the hole easily enough. Remember, this is a fact-finding and exploration mission, not looting the place clean. If we can make sure this place is safe, then we’ll bring the experts in to start figuring out what this place was used for.” Everyone started setting up the basic excavation equipment. It really wasn’t anything special, just a machine that took in the material it was told to, packed and condensed it, and extruded it at the ‘base’ of the system. At the very least, if we were going to create a permanent structure for a base camp, we’d have plenty of bricks ready to go to start out. Predictably enough, the excavator couldn’t scratch the road, or the facility door, but it did do a good job of clearing a path for us. Catspaw still hadn’t found any signs of hostile fauna, but the sounds of our excavator had probably helped keep some of them away, temporarily. That wouldn’t last long. My audio sensors were detecting the sounds of insects, and insects meant birds and other things that ate them, and that meant predators large enough that they might think we could be food, and scavengers that might want to get into our supplies. The excavator’s work done, I ordered it packed up, and four turret drones set up around the hole, so we would have at least some deterrent for any beasties that might come calling. Using the grav-belts, a leap of a hundred meters was no more jarring than stepping off a chair one was standing on to change a light bulb. At the bottom of the pit we’d dug, I found myself faced with a large door, made of some blue-silver material that our sensors could not analyze, being some unknown alloy or composite. Without getting a piece to analyze in the lab, knowing its true nature would likely be impossible. The door was large enough that one could drive a tank through it and have room to spare, but what interested me was that there was a control pad in what was clearly the frame of the great doorway, where the facility proper no doubt met the road that tunneled under the mountain that may once have been here. By a quirk of fate and physics, the control pad was undamaged, and there were lights on it! The system was still operational! I waved Raven and our other techs forward, so they could try and make some sense of the controls. Looking to the rest of the teams, I said, “All right, people. This facility clearly still has at least limited power. That means we were probably right about a geothermal source. We may be able to get more information from this facility than we ever dreamed, but if the lights still work, that means the security systems probably still work. We don’t know what kind of facility this was, so we don’t know how lethal the security is. I want everyone to be on your toes.” There was a beep and a whirring sound from behind me, and I turned to see the doors opening. Raven shook her head. “We didn’t tell the doors to open, Captain. I’d only just started interfacing with the systems when they opened on their own. I think we’re being invited in.” I took a breath, and said, “Well, if we’re being invited in, then it would be rude to keep them waiting. Keep together, and watch out for traps. Security might be on a different system from the external door. Take no chances.”
{ "title": "Reincarnated as a Troll in a Dark Fantasy World", "id": 19661, "author": "MDW", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Arc 8: Troll and Monster Settlement Status page", "id": 305852, "next": 305873, "prev": 305846, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0YmU2N2MxMjZkZjRlYWFiM2FiYTNjMDgxOGQ2YTg5">Folding panels for your convenience!</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Grendel's Status</strong>: <input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Basic Info</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Grendel / Beowulf <strong>[1] </strong></td> <td style="text-align: right">Age:</td> <td>3 seasons (summer child)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>Half-Elf Troll (Tier 3)<strong><br></strong></td> <td style="text-align: right">Current Job:</td> <td>Super Villager</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Level:</td> <td>29</td> <td style="text-align: right">Unspent Skill Points:</td> <td>625</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Current Seal Strength: 9%</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Current Soul Vessel Durability: 51%</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM3M2Q1YWJiYmJiMTRmZDdiYjVmOTYzMzAwMGRkZDgy">[1]: Humanization changes the listed name and the race to Human as part of the disguise. Some racial skills change due to structural changes, but he remains a troll.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Job History Info</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[1] Villager: 36</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Magician: 50 ( <span class="st">☆ ) +0,5 MPmult (2)</span></td> <td>[2] Apprentice Scout: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Warrior: 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[3] Super Villager: 47</td> <td>[3] Magician: 28</td> <td>[3] Warrior: 1</td> <td>[3] Scout: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[2] Apprentice Merchant: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Acolyte: 10</td> <td>[3] Thief: 1</td> <td>[3] Acolyte: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[3] Merchant: 1</td> <td>[3] Artisan: 1</td> <td>[3] Monster Tamer: 52</td> <td><em>[4] Wizard (1)</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><em>[4] Elementalist (1)<br></em></td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxYWFkYzk4ZDFlOTRlNThiMDFmYTc5ZjNkMTQ4Zjgw">(1) Jobs in <em>Italics</em> are level zero. (2) Inactive mastered jobs add to the sub-stat multiplier (so +0,5 MPmult means the MP multiplier increases by 0,5)</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="6"><strong>Stats Points </strong>(main job: Monster Tamer)<strong><br></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>177 (2655 HP) (*)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>121 (1331 Stamina)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>105 (433 MP)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxNjVmYTFiM2RiYjQ0YTNiOGI4NGUyNDQ4MzFiYmFj">&nbsp;(*)&nbsp; No longer has the Emperor's Might skill</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; width: 30.4762%" colspan="3"><strong>Innate Troll Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.4762%">Tough Skin (innate): 7 / 0<em> [1]</em></td> <td style="width: 30.4762%">Fire Weakness (innate): <strong>0</strong><em> [2]</em></td> <td style="width: 30.4762%">Acid Weakness (innate): <strong>0 </strong><em>[2]</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.4762%">Berserk Rage (innate): 4</td> <td style="width: 30.4762%">Super Regeneration (innate) (S): 6</td> <td style="width: 30.4762%">Steel Bones (innate) (A): 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0OGFjMWQ5NjBkNDRjYzJhYTRhZGQzODhjNmIyNWIx">[1]: Humanization changes the skills based on shape. Tough Skin becomes zero, and Regeneration is halved.</p> <p class="cnMzOWU2YjkyZGM1NjRlNGM4MjQ1MTY4NzRlNmM2ODMz">[2]: Innate weaknesses count backwards. Starting values for trolls are 5. Level zero is the equivalent of a level 10 normal skill for these. They still matter even at level 0: Grendel cannot regenerate burn damage from acid or fire as fast as other normal damage.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; width: 99.0476%" colspan="4"><strong>Passive Status Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 22.4683%">Max HP Increase: 7</td> <td style="width: 22.4683%">HP Recovery: 8</td> <td style="width: 22.4683%">Max Stamina increase: 6</td> <td style="width: 22.4683%">Stamina Recovery: 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 22.4683%">Max MP Increase: 7</td> <td style="width: 22.4683%">MP Recovery: 8</td> <td style="width: 22.4683%">Willpower: 3</td> <td style="width: 22.4683%">Water Movement (B): 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzNzI3Yzk4YTA0OTQ4Y2Y4NDdlMzI4MmIzZmQ4NTFj">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; width: 99.0476%" colspan="4"><strong>Passive Resistance Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Pain Resistance: 8</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">Fire Resistance: 4</td> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Sleep Resistance: 5</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">Confusion Resistance: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Damage Resistance: 7</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">Dark Resistance: 6</td> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Poison Resistance: 9</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">MP Depletion Resistance: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Paralysis Resistance: 5</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">Appraisal Resistance (A): 4</td> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Charm Resistance: 3</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">Acid Resistance: 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 21.0317%">Curse Resistance (B): 4</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 25.0714%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <br> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; width: 97%" colspan="4"><strong>General / Production Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Dowsing (D): 4</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Dismantling: 4</td> <td style="width: 43%">Appraise (money): 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Hiking: 1</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Mining: 1</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Lord’s Tailoring (A): 6</td> <td style="width: 43%">Appraise (commodities) [C]: 7 (*)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Prospecting: 1</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Coachmen: 3</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Pottery: 1</td> <td style="width: 43%">Geography (E): 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Heraldry (E): 1</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Trapmaking: 1</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Weapon-smith: 6</td> <td style="width: 43%">Cartography (D): 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Cooking: 1</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Weaving: 1</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Metalsmith: 5</td> <td style="width: 43%">Appraise (people): 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Gourmet Cooking: 1</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Basket Weaving: 1</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Tapestry Weaving: 1</td> <td style="width: 43%">Regional Lore (E): 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Glassblowing: 1</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Jeweler: 6</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Embroidery: 1</td> <td style="width: 43%">Appraise (monster): 1 (*)&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Armorsmith: 3</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Gemcuttting: 7</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Engineering: 7</td> <td style="width: 43%">Appraise (food): 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 18%">Improve Craft Quality: 4</td> <td style="width: 17.0397%">Crafting Speed: 4</td> <td style="width: 18.9603%">Batch Crafting: 4</td> <td style="width: 43%">Aesthetics: 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1YzU5NjJkZjk2ZDQ5Mjk4ZjI1MWZkZDI1NGMzZDIz">&nbsp; (*) Fused from the other appraisal skills.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Combat Skills (*)<br></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Punching: 3</td> <td>Dirty Tricks: 5</td> <td>Short Spear: 6</td> <td>Long Spear: 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Bodyguard: 6</td> <td>Shield Master: 6</td> <td>Assassinate: 1</td> <td>Singing Spear Style: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Full Defense: 7</td> <td>Sword Master (A): 2</td> <td>Throwing: 3</td> <td>Axes: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Armor: 1</td> <td>Bows: 1</td> <td>Taunt: 6</td> <td>Ferocious Shout: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intimidating Presence: 8</td> <td>Dragon Claw (A): 5</td> <td>Evasion: 7</td> <td>Combat Awareness: 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Technique Lore: 1</td> <td>Iai Master (A): 1</td> <td>Acid Breath (S): 4</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5MDZkZmJmYTQ0MzQwZTZhNDY0MzI0ZTk1MmVkOGZm">&nbsp;(*) Monsters never have skills for their natural attacks. They don't require assistance from the System.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Active / Social Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Presence Detection: 6</td> <td>Athletics: 8</td> <td>Persuasion: 6</td> <td>Instant Movement: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Shadow Stealth (A): 4</td> <td>Monster Taming: 8</td> <td>Track (E): 1</td> <td>Lord Prospector (A): 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pickpocket: 1</td> <td>Sabotage: 1</td> <td>Lock Picking: 1</td> <td>Flight [C]: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Human Language: 5&nbsp;</td> <td>Negotiation: 4 (*)</td> <td>Bartering: 5 (*)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4YWEzMmIwNTJkOTRjYjQ4YjA3MjQ3OTNmYmZhN2Nk">(*) Bartering is used on transactions, negotiation for non goods-for-coin agreements (including service-for-coin).</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Magic Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Faith: 6</td> <td>Clairvoyance (A): 1</td> <td>Staff Mastery (B): 6</td> <td>Summon Elemental (A): 4 (Earth, Water)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Energy Conversion (A)</td> <td>Air Mastery (S): 1</td> <td>Meditation: 7</td> <td>Enchanter King (S): 9 (Reverse Engineer, Glyph Carving)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fire Potency (D): 5</td> <td>Water Mastery (S): 6</td> <td>&nbsp;Psychometry (A): 4</td> <td>Elemental Trap (B): 6 (Flare, Tornado, Geiser)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Summon Spirit (A): 4</td> <td>Consecration (E): 1</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwZDA1ZGM4ZjgwMzQyMjBhM2M1MWNjZjQ4MzgwMjg3">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Spell Skills &amp; Spell Lists</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNlOTQzZDNjMWYzODQ2NWM4ZDFmY2MyYzg3MGNiZjk5">Wind Magic (E): 3</p> <p class="cnMyMDE4YmEwM2NmZTQ5MWI4NTA2M2M0NzE1MDY4YzY2">(Wind Cannon, Updraft)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNjNGNlM2RjMjk4ODQxNmRiN2FlY2Q2ZjY0YjlmNTQz">Lightning Magic [Fire + Wind]: 3</p> <p class="cnM4MGY5MmU5NjE5NzQ0NTJiZDg4ZGIzNzNjYTRlNDA4">(Shock hand, Static field)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM0ODY2OWNmZDJlODRjODM4OTRhNjg4OTA2MDk1YzUw">Healing Magic: <strong>10 - [U] Full Heal</strong></p> <p class="cnM2YzU1MGMwMDNlYjQxNWVhMWJmNDA4YjM5MjE1Njcz">(Healing, Soothe Pain, Area Heal, Healing Pulse, Cleanse)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM1YzlhZjE5ODUyYTQ4YjFhM2YyYmFjMDFjNDY1ZTcw">Space Magic (A): 9</p> <p class="cnMwNDcxYWNkNmY4NDQ0MWU4ZjZmNDMwZTMwMDJlM2Ez">(Dimension Anchor, Short Jaunt, Short-Range Gate, Blink, Long-Range Teleport)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNiZTJlYWI4MjcwOTQxYTJiMTdjZGFiZjM4MGZjNjFk">Earth Magic: 6</p> <p class="cnM0YzE1ZWY0MjRmNzQ5ZWI4MzQwNGE4ZWExMTgxMTM0">(Sand Jet, Shape Earth, Stone Spike)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNjMjA3MTc4ZjRkZTRjZjliNzU0OGU5NDExODRlY2M0">Magma Magic [Fire + Earth] [C]: 1</p> <p class="cnM0NTU2YjNjZDkwYjQ1OWM4NDAyMmRlNWFjZjQyYjI5">(Magma ball)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM3YTM0NWE4NDdkMDQ0NTNiYzhhMmIzZDUzMDczMTY3">Blessing Magic: 7</p> <p class="cnNiN2MwM2UzMzIzNDRlZGM4NTJmNjM4NzAwMjA1ZDZk">(Turn undead, Circle of Protection, Channeling, Heroism)</p> </td> <td>&nbsp;Illusion Magic (D): 9 (Cantrip, Static Illusion, Invisibility, Dynamic Illusion)</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNkYTQ0Y2JjZmJlMjRiYzA5ODVlMzk0MGM5MTA2YzFi">Fire Magic: 6</p> <p class="cnNjYTc5YTUzZmM2MzQ5NGZhNjA4YjIyNmJiYjExOTYz">(Fire bolt, Immolation aura, Flamethrower)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNiZjdjMDIwMGZkMDRjYWJhMGE2NDJhOTJjY2E0ZmRi">Water Magic: 5</p> <p class="cnM5NmVkNWY3MjE5NzRiMTNiZGI5MGZhYWQzMTk4N2Mz">(Water Jet, Current Control, Water Breathing)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM4OGFjOWE2MTY3MzQyNGNhNjhkZjc3YmQ1NzhhZTM2">Frost Magic [Water + Earth]: 6</p> <p class="cnMzZDdiNzQ2YWY3ZTQ0MjRhYzM0MmIzNTE2NjkwNzEy">(Snowball, Frozen Wonderland, Flash Freeze)</p> </td> <td>&nbsp;Celestial Magic (Starlight)</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM3NTdmNjkxMmM2MjQ2MmZiZDcwMzI4ZDE2ZDk3MDcx">Light Magic (Illuminate)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNkMzcyNDgyM2FkNjRlYzdiMzk4YzBlMTBhYjY4M2Uw">Holy Magic (Holy Bolt)</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM5NzZiZDA0ODU2MDRlZmJiZTkyZTZhYzQwMDQ1ODAx">Barrier Magic (Stealth Barrier)</p> </td> <td>&nbsp;Gravity Magic (S): 1 (Control Weight)</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMxNzkxZTc1YjU2YjRiN2Q5OGU3MjA2MWY3ZTBjMzJm">Necromancy Magic (A): 1 (Animate Skeleton)</p> </td> <td>&nbsp;Pyroclasm Magic (S): 1 (Lava Bomb)</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2MWY1YTJkMmYwYjQxNDU5OGViY2M0MDZmODM0NDY0">Below each skill are the spells known. Refer to a interlude about Helen's training to know how spells are learned. (Odd levels and level 10 duh).</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Unique / Special Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Exp Growth (A): <strong>10</strong></td> <td>Skill Mastery (SS): <strong>10</strong></td> <td colspan="2">Loot Crate Maniac (NO RANKING): 7 - Lifetime pemadras:&nbsp; [585,057 / 1,000,000] Available: 8,212</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="1">King’s Item Box (S): <strong>10</strong></td> <td colspan="1">Inactive Job Mastery (S): <strong>10</strong></td> <td colspan="2">Party / Job Management (A): 6 (Party management, Job Change, Set Title, Tactical Options)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Dragon Wings (S): 5</td> <td colspan="2">Reduced Cost (S): <strong>10</strong> (-60% all skill / spell costs. HP, MP, stamina, pemadra, etc.)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sacrifice Aura (S): 7</td> <td colspan="1">Mini Map (B): 5</td> <td colspan="2">Humanization (A): 7 Current Cost: 600 points (88% reduction)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tracking Beacon (A): 5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td>Curse Breaker (S): 6</td> <td colspan="2">Possession (SS): 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Animal Form (A): 5</td> <td>&nbsp;Psychic Aegis (S): 4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5Y2U3NTgwN2IzMTRhMzZiZDA0MjVjM2UyNTIwMzI2">&nbsp;</p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Titles</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Defender</td> <td>Merciless</td> <td>Fearsome</td> <td>Mithriadist</td> </tr> <tr> <td>One Hit Wonder</td> <td>Hordebreaker</td> <td>Kingslayer</td> <td>Duelist</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Orc Eater</td> <td>Monkey Duke</td> <td>Snake Charmer</td> <td>Man Eater</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Robber Duke</td> <td>Skill Point Collector</td> <td>Martyr</td> <td>Swindler King</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Deiphage</td> <td>Burnt One</td> <td>Bug Exterminator</td> <td>Fortress</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Devoted Defender</td> <td>Thousand to One</td> <td>Hero</td> <td>Phantom Thief Lord</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Magical Engineer</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td style="text-align: right">Dragon Bait (curse)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Bug Bait (curse)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiNTYzMDgzNWM0YjQyM2NhMzcwNzdhZGUxNDdhMjk2">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 10.8315%"><strong>Colchester Warehouse (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8315%"><strong>&nbsp;Willow Hill (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8315%"><strong>&nbsp;Alvus' Clinic (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">&nbsp;empty<strong> (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">empty&nbsp;<strong> (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">empty&nbsp;<strong> (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8625%">empty<strong> (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8005%">empty<strong>&nbsp; </strong><strong> (permanent)</strong></td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">&nbsp;empty<strong> (permanent)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 10.8315%">Beelzebub's Hive B5 - Bee Level</td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">Strawford falls: north</td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">Demon Scout Crater</td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">Barnsley Alley</td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">Beelzebub's Hive Outskirts</td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">Backyard of a house, Mirfield</td> <td style="width: 10.8625%">empty</td> <td style="width: 10.8005%">empty</td> <td style="width: 10.8315%">empty</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="cnMzMDAxMjRjZGI5OTQ3OWZhNDNhMGUzYTExYjY1NDQ0">&nbsp;</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Helen's Status</strong>: <input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Helen</td> <td style="text-align: right">Age:</td> <td>15 years (winter child)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>[N/A] Human</td> <td style="text-align: right">Current Job:</td> <td>Monster Tamer</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmOWU0ZGNiMmRhNTQ2ZWJiZmQ4NGI4NjQyY2VmZGI4">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Job History Info</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[1] Villager: 35</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Magician: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Scout: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Warrior: 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[2] Apprentice Merchant: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Acolyte: 10</td> <td>[3] Monster Tamer: 54</td> <td>[3] Apprentice Druid: 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[4] Elementalist: 1</td> <td>[4] Druid</td> <td>[3] Magician: 36</td> <td>[3] Super Villager: 1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiMzRhMWY2NTM4YjQ1ZDhiNjFiN2QxOWJlNzlmZjJj">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="6"><strong>Stats Points</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>52 (HP: 351)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>52 (Stamina: 130)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>49 (MP: 294)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0OTQ4Y2RmODgyZDQ5NDg5MDczOTlkMWQ2NzMwMzJh">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">General Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>All Elemental Magic: 10</td> <td>Healing Magic: 8</td> <td>Barrier Magic: 9</td> <td>Lifestyle Magic: 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MP Restoration: 8</td> <td>Max MP Increase: 8</td> <td>Meditation: 8</td> <td>Herbalism: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MP Drain Resistance: 3</td> <td>Disease Resistance: 5</td> <td>MP Absorption (plants): 4</td> <td>Poison Resistance: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Keen Senses (hearing): 2</td> <td>Tunneling: 3</td> <td>Familiar Pact: 5</td> <td>Overboost: 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taming (monster): 9</td> <td>Training (monster): 8</td> <td>Status Conversion UP: 10</td> <td>Sleep Resistance: 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Elemental Resistance: 6</td> <td>Elemental Prowess: 6</td> <td>Faith: 5</td> <td>Monster Language: 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Spell Lore (D): 10</td> <td>Fire Potency (D): 5</td> <td>Barrier Potency (D): 5</td> <td>&nbsp;Max HP Increase: 5</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjOGQ2NTdhMzRhZTRmNDdiOTkxYzhiNDUwNmQxZjVh">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Combat Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Quarterstaff: 8</td> <td>Sword: 3</td> <td>Short Blades: 3</td> <td>Whip: 2</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM1NTg1MTUzN2FlYjRhNzc4MmQyMTVmMzkzNmYxODU0">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: left" colspan="4">Unique / Special Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Plant Magic: 6</td> <td colspan="2">Druid Magic: 8</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyYzFjMmE2Y2E2NzRhZjZhMTVhODAzNjRmYWQ2NDg2">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Titles</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Winter Child</td> <td>Harvest Princess</td> <td>Merciful</td> <td>Friend of Monsters</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Druid</td> <td>Desperate Mage</td> <td>Ascetic</td> <td>Diamond Mind</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Bug Exterminator</td> <td>Horde Breaker</td> <td>Thousand to One</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlMmRkYzM4NGEwZjQ5NGVhNThhOTQyMGE4YTU0YmI1">&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> <p class="cnMwNGIwMmJhN2JlMzRjOGM4NzM2ZjU5MGZmZmViOWM4">&nbsp;</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Zahariel's Status</strong>: <input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Zahariel</td> <td style="text-align: right">Age:</td> <td>?????</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>Seraph (tier 4)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Current Job:</td> <td>Magician</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Level:</td> <td>45</td> <td style="text-align: right">&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhNjkzZjMxZTNhNzQ0NzQ4YjI4Njk3ZmVhYzg3YmVi">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Job History Info</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[1] Villager: 5</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Magician: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Scout: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Warrior: 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[2] Apprentice Merchant: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Acolyte: 10</td> <td>[3] Acolyte: 20</td> <td>[3] Magician: 49</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[3] Warrior: 1</td> <td>[3] Scout: 1</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Merchant: 10</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiODc3ODljYmQ5MTQ5NjdiY2U0YTBhYzQ0YWJjODVh">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="6"><strong>Stats Points</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>75 (HP: 843)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>59 (Stamina: 147)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>146 (MP: 1314)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5ZGVlZDBiMjRlOTQ0YjNiYzNhZTY3OWFkODdiNzU5">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">General Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fire Immunity (innate) (A): 6</td> <td>Max HP Increase: 4</td> <td>Max Stamina Increase: 3</td> <td>&lt;Disabled&gt; Flight (innate) [C]: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MP Recovery Increase (E): 7</td> <td>Max MP Increase (E): 7</td> <td>Faith: 8</td> <td>Presence Detection: 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Stealth: 9</td> <td>Monster Language: 7</td> <td>Human Language: 7</td> <td>Barter: 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkODU4YWM1YmEzNjQ4YTBhODc5ZDQ2ZTZmNjQxNjNl">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Magic Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Celestial Magic [C]: 10</td> <td>Healing Magic (D): 8</td> <td>Light Magic [D]: 8</td> <td>Fire Magic (E): 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Earth Magic (E): 8</td> <td>Water Magic (E): 8</td> <td>Blessing Magic (E): 7</td> <td>Light Potency (D): 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Holy Potency (D): 7</td> <td>Spell Lore (D): 6</td> <td>Flame Sword: 7</td> <td>Barrier Magic: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Holy Magic: 4</td> <td>Consecration: 4</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5OTViN2MwYjdhMDRjZGNiOWRjOTY5MGI2NjRhZmE2">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Unique / Special Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Angelic Magic (S): 6</td> <td>Dark Weakness (innate): 6</td> <td>&nbsp;Seraphic Aura (innate) [S]: 9</td> <td>&nbsp;Seraphic Resistance (innate) [S]: 9</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5Mzk2M2UzYTZhYjRlMWY4MzMyNjQ3YWQ1Nzg4MDA4">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Titles</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Bug Exterminator</td> <td>Horde Breaker</td> <td>Thousand to One</td> <td>Matchmaker</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmOTViZmQ5MzdhMjQyMWI5NDViYTQ1ZTNlYTFmNDlh">&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> <p class="cnMwODcyNDQ3MjRkYjRkZTA4OTEwNzc3YTYwYjM0NjRl">&nbsp;</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Marcy's Status</strong>: <input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td>Marcy</td> <td>Age:</td> <td>15 years (spring child)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Race:</td> <td>[N/A] Human</td> <td>Current Job:</td> <td>Guild Master</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0MjVjMGFmOGY4YTRjZjViNTUxZjdjYTcxMTUwYTA0">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Job History Info</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[1] Villager: 35</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Merchant: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Scout: 10</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Warrior: 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[3] Super Villager: 1</td> <td>[2] Apprentice Chirurgeon: 10</td> <td>[3] Guild Receptionist: 27</td> <td>[4] Sniper: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[3] Warrior: 1</td> <td>[4] Ranger: 1</td> <td>[4] Mystic Archer: 45</td> <td>[4] Assassin: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[3] Scout: 25</td> <td>[5] Guild Master:&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiMmU4OGFiOWJkNzQ2YWY4N2UyYzQxMjA5MDA4MjU3">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="6"><strong>Stats Points</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>47 (HP: 517)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>61 (Stamina: 244)</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>34 (MP: 187)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxYTAxNzQxODdlZDQ0ZjViYzAxNDE5MjZjNjViYjQw">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">General Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Short Blades: 6</td> <td>Bow Mastery: 8</td> <td>Presence Detection: 10</td> <td>Stealth: 8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Athletics: 6</td> <td>Lock Picking: 4</td> <td>Evasion: 8</td> <td>Max MP Increase: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MP Recovery: 8</td> <td>Conjure Arrow: 8</td> <td>Elemental Arrow: 8</td> <td>Speed Shot: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Multishot: 9</td> <td>Homing Arrow: 7</td> <td>Increase Range (bow): 9</td> <td>Assassinate: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Eagle Eyes: 4</td> <td>Terrain Knowledge: 4</td> <td>Alertness: 6</td> <td>Quick Draw: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Max HP Increase: 7</td> <td>Max Stamina Increase: 4</td> <td>HP Recovery: 3</td> <td>Stamina Recovery: 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2NjNiYTc5MTg3NjRjM2FiMjA4NzI0NTc0MjVlZTc4">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Titles</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Guild Employee</td> <td>Skirmisher</td> <td>Bug Exterminator</td> <td>Horde Breaker</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Thousand to One</td> <td>Deserter</td> <td>Magic Bow Princess</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5OWY2MzFlYTU2ODRkMWNhYjlkYTU3OWIxZmZlYzE0">&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> <p class="cnNmMDc1N2VhNDhhNzQzMDViOTI0OTI3NTJkMDk4ZjY5">&nbsp;</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Blank Template!</strong><input class="spoilerButton" type="button" value="Show"></div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">fill in the blanks and give it a rating (_XYZ_)</span> level 1 awakened.</div> </div> </div> </div>
Folding panels for your convenience! **Grendel's Status**: | **Basic Info** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Name: | Grendel / Beowulf **[1]** | Age: | 3 seasons (summer child) | | Race: | Half-Elf Troll (Tier 3) | Current Job: | Super Villager | | Level: | 29 | Unspent Skill Points: | 625 | | Current Seal Strength: 9% | | Current Soul Vessel Durability: 51% | | [1]: Humanization changes the listed name and the race to Human as part of the disguise. Some racial skills change due to structural changes, but he remains a troll. | **Job History Info** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [1] Villager: 36 | [2] Apprentice Magician: 50 ( ☆ ) +0,5 MPmult (2) | [2] Apprentice Scout: 10 | [2] Apprentice Warrior: 10 | | [3] Super Villager: 47 | [3] Magician: 28 | [3] Warrior: 1 | [3] Scout: 1 | | [2] Apprentice Merchant: 10 | [2] Apprentice Acolyte: 10 | [3] Thief: 1 | [3] Acolyte: 1 | | [3] Merchant: 1 | [3] Artisan: 1 | [3] Monster Tamer: 52 | *[4] Wizard (1)* | | | | | *[4] Elementalist (1)* | (1) Jobs in *Italics* are level zero. (2) Inactive mastered jobs add to the sub-stat multiplier (so +0,5 MPmult means the MP multiplier increases by 0,5) | **Stats Points** (main job: Monster Tamer) | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 177 (2655 HP) (*) | Agility: | 121 (1331 Stamina) | Magic: | 105 (433 MP) |  (*)  No longer has the Emperor's Might skill | **Innate Troll Skills** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Tough Skin (innate): 7 / 0 *[1]* | Fire Weakness (innate): **0** *[2]* | Acid Weakness (innate): **0** *[2]* | | Berserk Rage (innate): 4 | Super Regeneration (innate) (S): 6 | Steel Bones (innate) (A): 4 | [1]: Humanization changes the skills based on shape. Tough Skin becomes zero, and Regeneration is halved. [2]: Innate weaknesses count backwards. Starting values for trolls are 5. Level zero is the equivalent of a level 10 normal skill for these. They still matter even at level 0: Grendel cannot regenerate burn damage from acid or fire as fast as other normal damage. | **Passive Status Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Max HP Increase: 7 | HP Recovery: 8 | Max Stamina increase: 6 | Stamina Recovery: 6 | | Max MP Increase: 7 | MP Recovery: 8 | Willpower: 3 | Water Movement (B): 4 |   | **Passive Resistance Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Pain Resistance: 8 | Fire Resistance: 4 | Sleep Resistance: 5 | Confusion Resistance: 1 | | Damage Resistance: 7 | Dark Resistance: 6 | Poison Resistance: 9 | MP Depletion Resistance: 4 | | Paralysis Resistance: 5 | Appraisal Resistance (A): 4 | Charm Resistance: 3 | Acid Resistance: 3 | | Curse Resistance (B): 4 | | | | | **General / Production Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Dowsing (D): 4 | | Dismantling: 4 | Appraise (money): 4 | | Hiking: 1 | Mining: 1 | Lord’s Tailoring (A): 6 | Appraise (commodities) [C]: 7 (*) | | Prospecting: 1 | Coachmen: 3 | Pottery: 1 | Geography (E): 1 | | Heraldry (E): 1 | Trapmaking: 1 | Weapon-smith: 6 | Cartography (D): 1 | | Cooking: 1 | Weaving: 1 | Metalsmith: 5 | Appraise (people): 4 | | Gourmet Cooking: 1 | Basket Weaving: 1 | Tapestry Weaving: 1 | Regional Lore (E): 1 | | Glassblowing: 1 | Jeweler: 6 | Embroidery: 1 | Appraise (monster): 1 (*) | | Armorsmith: 3 | Gemcuttting: 7 | Engineering: 7 | Appraise (food): 1 | | Improve Craft Quality: 4 | Crafting Speed: 4 | Batch Crafting: 4 | Aesthetics: 4 |   (*) Fused from the other appraisal skills. | **Combat Skills (*)** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Punching: 3 | Dirty Tricks: 5 | Short Spear: 6 | Long Spear: 8 | | Bodyguard: 6 | Shield Master: 6 | Assassinate: 1 | Singing Spear Style: 4 | | Full Defense: 7 | Sword Master (A): 2 | Throwing: 3 | Axes: 1 | | Armor: 1 | Bows: 1 | Taunt: 6 | Ferocious Shout: 7 | | Intimidating Presence: 8 | Dragon Claw (A): 5 | Evasion: 7 | Combat Awareness: 6 | | Technique Lore: 1 | Iai Master (A): 1 | Acid Breath (S): 4 | |  (*) Monsters never have skills for their natural attacks. They don't require assistance from the System. | **Active / Social Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Presence Detection: 6 | Athletics: 8 | Persuasion: 6 | Instant Movement: 5 | | Shadow Stealth (A): 4 | Monster Taming: 8 | Track (E): 1 | Lord Prospector (A): 4 | | Pickpocket: 1 | Sabotage: 1 | Lock Picking: 1 | Flight [C]: 4 | | | Human Language: 5 | Negotiation: 4 (*) | Bartering: 5 (*) | (*) Bartering is used on transactions, negotiation for non goods-for-coin agreements (including service-for-coin). | **Magic Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Faith: 6 | Clairvoyance (A): 1 | Staff Mastery (B): 6 | Summon Elemental (A): 4 (Earth, Water) | | Energy Conversion (A) | Air Mastery (S): 1 | Meditation: 7 | Enchanter King (S): 9 (Reverse Engineer, Glyph Carving) | | Fire Potency (D): 5 | Water Mastery (S): 6 | Psychometry (A): 4 | Elemental Trap (B): 6 (Flare, Tornado, Geiser) | | Summon Spirit (A): 4 | Consecration (E): 1 | | |   | **Spell Skills & Spell Lists** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Wind Magic (E): 3 (Wind Cannon, Updraft) | Lightning Magic [Fire + Wind]: 3 (Shock hand, Static field) | Healing Magic: **10 - [U] Full Heal** (Healing, Soothe Pain, Area Heal, Healing Pulse, Cleanse) | Space Magic (A): 9 (Dimension Anchor, Short Jaunt, Short-Range Gate, Blink, Long-Range Teleport) | | Earth Magic: 6 (Sand Jet, Shape Earth, Stone Spike) | Magma Magic [Fire + Earth] [C]: 1 (Magma ball) | Blessing Magic: 7 (Turn undead, Circle of Protection, Channeling, Heroism) | Illusion Magic (D): 9 (Cantrip, Static Illusion, Invisibility, Dynamic Illusion) | | Fire Magic: 6 (Fire bolt, Immolation aura, Flamethrower) | Water Magic: 5 (Water Jet, Current Control, Water Breathing) | Frost Magic [Water + Earth]: 6 (Snowball, Frozen Wonderland, Flash Freeze) | Celestial Magic (Starlight) | | Light Magic (Illuminate) | Holy Magic (Holy Bolt) | Barrier Magic (Stealth Barrier) | Gravity Magic (S): 1 (Control Weight) | | Necromancy Magic (A): 1 (Animate Skeleton) | Pyroclasm Magic (S): 1 (Lava Bomb) | | | Below each skill are the spells known. Refer to a interlude about Helen's training to know how spells are learned. (Odd levels and level 10 duh). | **Unique / Special Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Exp Growth (A): **10** | Skill Mastery (SS): **10** | Loot Crate Maniac (NO RANKING): 7 - Lifetime pemadras:  [585,057 / 1,000,000] Available: 8,212 | | | King’s Item Box (S): **10** | Inactive Job Mastery (S): **10** | Party / Job Management (A): 6 (Party management, Job Change, Set Title, Tactical Options) | | | | Dragon Wings (S): 5 | Reduced Cost (S): **10** (-60% all skill / spell costs. HP, MP, stamina, pemadra, etc.) | | | Sacrifice Aura (S): 7 | Mini Map (B): 5 | Humanization (A): 7 Current Cost: 600 points (88% reduction) | | | Tracking Beacon (A): 5 | Curse Breaker (S): 6 | Possession (SS): 7 | | | Animal Form (A): 5 | Psychic Aegis (S): 4 | | |        | **Titles** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Defender | Merciless | Fearsome | Mithriadist | | One Hit Wonder | Hordebreaker | Kingslayer | Duelist | | Orc Eater | Monkey Duke | Snake Charmer | Man Eater | | Robber Duke | Skill Point Collector | Martyr | Swindler King | | Deiphage | Burnt One | Bug Exterminator | Fortress | | Devoted Defender | Thousand to One | Hero | Phantom Thief Lord | | Magical Engineer | | | | | | | Dragon Bait (curse) | Bug Bait (curse) |   | **Colchester Warehouse (permanent)** | **Willow Hill (permanent)** | **Alvus' Clinic (permanent)** | empty **(permanent)** | empty  **(permanent)** | empty  **(permanent)** | empty **(permanent)** | empty **(permanent)** | empty **(permanent)** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Beelzebub's Hive B5 - Bee Level | Strawford falls: north | Demon Scout Crater | Barnsley Alley | Beelzebub's Hive Outskirts | Backyard of a house, Mirfield | empty | empty | empty |   **Helen's Status**: | Name: | Helen | Age: | 15 years (winter child) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Race: | [N/A] Human | Current Job: | Monster Tamer |   | Job History Info | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [1] Villager: 35 | [2] Apprentice Magician: 10 | [2] Apprentice Scout: 10 | [2] Apprentice Warrior: 10 | | [2] Apprentice Merchant: 10 | [2] Apprentice Acolyte: 10 | [3] Monster Tamer: 54 | [3] Apprentice Druid: 10 | | [4] Elementalist: 1 | [4] Druid | [3] Magician: 36 | [3] Super Villager: 1 |   | **Stats Points** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 52 (HP: 351) | Agility: | 52 (Stamina: 130) | Magic: | 49 (MP: 294) |   | General Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | All Elemental Magic: 10 | Healing Magic: 8 | Barrier Magic: 9 | Lifestyle Magic: 8 | | MP Restoration: 8 | Max MP Increase: 8 | Meditation: 8 | Herbalism: 7 | | MP Drain Resistance: 3 | Disease Resistance: 5 | MP Absorption (plants): 4 | Poison Resistance: 5 | | Keen Senses (hearing): 2 | Tunneling: 3 | Familiar Pact: 5 | Overboost: 8 | | Taming (monster): 9 | Training (monster): 8 | Status Conversion UP: 10 | Sleep Resistance: 3 | | Elemental Resistance: 6 | Elemental Prowess: 6 | Faith: 5 | Monster Language: 6 | | Spell Lore (D): 10 | Fire Potency (D): 5 | Barrier Potency (D): 5 | Max HP Increase: 5 |   | Combat Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Quarterstaff: 8 | Sword: 3 | Short Blades: 3 | Whip: 2 |   | Unique / Special Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Plant Magic: 6 | | Druid Magic: 8 | |   | Titles | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Winter Child | Harvest Princess | Merciful | Friend of Monsters | | Druid | Desperate Mage | Ascetic | Diamond Mind | | Bug Exterminator | Horde Breaker | Thousand to One | |     **Zahariel's Status**: | Name: | Zahariel | Age: | ????? | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Race: | Seraph (tier 4) | Current Job: | Magician | | Level: | 45 | | |   | Job History Info | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [1] Villager: 5 | [2] Apprentice Magician: 10 | [2] Apprentice Scout: 10 | [2] Apprentice Warrior: 10 | | [2] Apprentice Merchant: 10 | [2] Apprentice Acolyte: 10 | [3] Acolyte: 20 | [3] Magician: 49 | | [3] Warrior: 1 | [3] Scout: 1 | [2] Apprentice Merchant: 10 | |   | **Stats Points** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 75 (HP: 843) | Agility: | 59 (Stamina: 147) | Magic: | 146 (MP: 1314) |   | General Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Fire Immunity (innate) (A): 6 | Max HP Increase: 4 | Max Stamina Increase: 3 | <Disabled> Flight (innate) [C]: 4 | | MP Recovery Increase (E): 7 | Max MP Increase (E): 7 | Faith: 8 | Presence Detection: 8 | | Stealth: 9 | Monster Language: 7 | Human Language: 7 | Barter: 4 |   | Magic Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Celestial Magic [C]: 10 | Healing Magic (D): 8 | Light Magic [D]: 8 | Fire Magic (E): 8 | | Earth Magic (E): 8 | Water Magic (E): 8 | Blessing Magic (E): 7 | Light Potency (D): 6 | | Holy Potency (D): 7 | Spell Lore (D): 6 | Flame Sword: 7 | Barrier Magic: 7 | | Holy Magic: 4 | Consecration: 4 | | |   | Unique / Special Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Angelic Magic (S): 6 | Dark Weakness (innate): 6 | Seraphic Aura (innate) [S]: 9 | Seraphic Resistance (innate) [S]: 9 |   | Titles | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Bug Exterminator | Horde Breaker | Thousand to One | Matchmaker |     **Marcy's Status**: | Name: | Marcy | Age: | 15 years (spring child) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Race: | [N/A] Human | Current Job: | Guild Master |   | Job History Info | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [1] Villager: 35 | [2] Apprentice Merchant: 10 | [2] Apprentice Scout: 10 | [2] Apprentice Warrior: 10 | | [3] Super Villager: 1 | [2] Apprentice Chirurgeon: 10 | [3] Guild Receptionist: 27 | [4] Sniper: 1 | | [3] Warrior: 1 | [4] Ranger: 1 | [4] Mystic Archer: 45 | [4] Assassin: 1 | | [3] Scout: 25 | [5] Guild Master: | | |   | **Stats Points** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 47 (HP: 517) | Agility: | 61 (Stamina: 244) | Magic: | 34 (MP: 187) |   | General Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Short Blades: 6 | Bow Mastery: 8 | Presence Detection: 10 | Stealth: 8 | | Athletics: 6 | Lock Picking: 4 | Evasion: 8 | Max MP Increase: 7 | | MP Recovery: 8 | Conjure Arrow: 8 | Elemental Arrow: 8 | Speed Shot: 7 | | Multishot: 9 | Homing Arrow: 7 | Increase Range (bow): 9 | Assassinate: 5 | | Eagle Eyes: 4 | Terrain Knowledge: 4 | Alertness: 6 | Quick Draw: 4 | | Max HP Increase: 7 | Max Stamina Increase: 4 | HP Recovery: 3 | Stamina Recovery: 4 |   | Titles | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Guild Employee | Skirmisher | Bug Exterminator | Horde Breaker | | Thousand to One | Deserter | Magic Bow Princess | |     **Blank Template!** Skill fill in the blanks and give it a rating (\_XYZ\_) level 1 awakened.
{ "title": "Isekai Strategy Game", "id": 17836, "author": "tanemrin", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 29 - Return", "id": 305924, "next": 308115, "prev": 303662, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3ZmVjZjdlM2MzYTQyYjFhYjhkOGIyMGQ2ODMyZjIw">Sunrays penetrated the forest canopy, pouring a glow of warm over the three adventurers. They walked side-by-side as they followed the dirt trail back from the cave and to the village.<br><br>Along the way, they were greeted by awkward glances from the patrolling guards, who all looked as though they were seeing ghosts.<br><br>Taking in a deep breath through her nose, Rika stretched her arms out, letting out a satisfied moan. "Ahh, it feels nice to see the sun again!"<br><br>Ceressa yawned and said, "All that non-stop day's completely messed up my sleep cycle... I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep..."<br><br>Black streaks formed beneath her eyes, giving her once sharp eyes a pair of heavy, sagging eye bags.<br><br>"Ah, that right," Rika chuckled. "I'd love to sleep on a bed again."<br><br>"I'm surprised you're still in high spirits, Rika." Ruth said as he rubbed his temple, "Even I'm feeling a bit dizzy after the sudden change in scenery." &nbsp;<br><br>"Ehehe!" Rika took a glance at the sky above.<br><br><em>The cave certainly had a mysterious beauty to it...</em> She bent back and stretched her arms up, as though she were reaching out to the sun. <em>But nothing really beats a bright, sunny day! Ehehe, I sort of want to go somewhere with Sylphie now.</em><br><br>The trio continued down the path. For a while now, Rika had been feeling an intermitted gaze cast over her shoulders. Curious, she turned around, only lock eyes with Ceressa, who immediately turned away.<br><br>Rika's eyes flickered. "What is it?"<br><br>"Ah... remind me when we get to the inn, will you?"<br><br>"Hm?"<br><br>"...I'll lend you my hood."<br><br>"Huh..." For a moment, Rika was puzzled by her offer. But when she traced the woman's shy gaze - to the top of her head, she remembered. "Wah! That's right!"<br><br>Panicked, she covered her scalp, at the moment, covered only by a thin mat of newly sprouted hair.<br><br>"Uuuu... I forgot...!" Tears collected around her eyes as she whimpered, "So that's why the guards all gave us that weird look when we passed by..." She sniffled. "I shouldn't have let Sylphie convince me to leave my hat!"<br><br>"A-ahaha... that thing would probably have attracted way more attention, though..."<br><br>"Besides," Ruth added, "we were gone for at least a couple of weeks, after all. They probably already took us for dead."<br><br>"I guess so..." Rika hung her head. Then, after a few moments, a thought came to her. "Wait, if we've been gone for that long, won't the inn have thrown our luggage away?"<br><br>"I don't think so." Ceressa waved her hand. "We introduced ourselves as adventurers, right? And that we would raid the dungeon, on top of that. Most innkeepers are familiar with how long dungeon dives can go, so they normally hold on to the luggage for longer than they would for anyone else."<br><br>"Oh."<br><br>"Still..." Ruth scratched his head. "Two weeks, huh...? That might be stretching the line a bit. The longest we've been out on a dive was 5 days, right?"<br><br>"Well, we'll see, won't we?" Saying this, she then slammed her fist into her palm. "If I find they've thrown all of my stuff though, I'll be really pissed."<br><br>"A-ha ha ha... just don't cause a scene..."<br><br>As they reached the rim of the village, their steps petered down to a snail's pace. Their clothes had seen at least two weeks' worth of wear, and it showed.<br><br>A tear ran down the side of Rika's short skirt, from the time it snagged on the fence around the kobold village. Her breastplate had a couple of dents and it had long since lost its bronze sheen. Indeed, it had taken on a few green patches here and there, along with a few dozen scratches.<br><br>Ceressa's clothes fared slightly better, if only because she wore considerably less of it, and ones that were made specifically for rugged use. Her exposed limbs did not fare so well, however. Scratches and bruises dotted her arms and legs but were well on their way to healing.<br><br>And lastly, Ruth did not sustain much physical injury apart from a scratch on his cheek. His full-plate armor, however did not fare so well.<br><br>"Uhh..." Ceressa rubbed her arm. "Maybe we should avoid the crowd..."<br><br>"Mm..." Rika nodded, "I don't really want to be seen like this..."<br><br>The party thus avoided the main road and rounded to the inn along the side streets and back alleys.<br><br></p> <p class="cnNlYzljODIwYzUxOTQ4MTNiMjkxMWU5ODVhYjVjZmM1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzOGMzNTVkNWQyOTQ0OWI4NTJjNDMzYTY0ODI0ZDUx"><br><br>The door swung open, ringing the chime hung on its frame. Its melodic tone welcomed the three adventurers as they ascended to the main lobby's polished wooden floor.<br><br>"Hm? Where's the inn lady?" asked Rika. The front desk was vacant, though the knick-knacks laid on top of it suggested that someone had been manning it until recently.<br><br>"Probably stepped out for lunch, right?" Ceressa shrugged. "It's high-noon, after all."<br><br>"Ah, that's right!" She scratched the back of her head. "Ehehe... the dungeon's really messed up my sense of time."<br><br>"I know right? And my shoulder's been aching since we met with Miss Letty and the brat..." A sigh escaped the weary adventurer's lips as she muttered, "I can't wait to take a proper bath... with soap."<br><br>After a few moments, a series of light footsteps approached from the far door.<br><br>"Ah, sorry to keep you waiting!" A familiar young woman appeared. She entered the main lobby and hurried behind the desk though at the same time maintaining a formal composure.<br><br>As soon as Rika heard her voice, she leapt behind Ruth and hid her head.<br><br>"How may I help you?" asked the lady. She gave them a welcoming smile, clasping both hands together below her waist.<br><br>"Uhh..." Ruth said, "we're the adventurers who rented out a room a couple of weeks ago..." He scratched the back of his head. "I understand we're way behind on rent, but, by chance, do you still have our luggage...?"<br><br>For a moment, a baffled expression clouded over the woman's face. But as she squinted and gave their faces a long, hard look, her eyes widened in realization.<br><br>She gasped. "By the Gods! You...!? W-we thought you were already..." She shook her head. "But, wait, weren't there five of you...?"<br><br>Again, she flinched, only to then cast a mournful expression upon her face.<br><br>"Ah... I-I understand. I'm sorry... it must be hard, even for seasoned adventurers like you..."<br><br>"Huh...? Ah!" Ruth waved his hands in denial. "No, no! We're all fine! The two are still in the dungeon, uh... clearing... out... some stuff...?"<br><br>"Mm! Mm!" Rika peered out from behind his arm and nodded.<br><br>"Eeeeh!?" The young lady winced. "You were in that dungeon for that long and survived!? You adventurer types are really something else..." She then shook her head as she sighed.<br><br>"A-ahaha... well, it's a complicated story... But, anyway, about our luggage..."<br><br>"Oh, right! Sorry, I got carried away there. Yes, we still have your luggage. We already hauled it out of your room the day your rent expired, but we kept it in storage in the meantime. Aaaah... I'd say you're pretty lucky!" She held a grin on her lips as she scratched the back of her head. "A couple more days and we were going to throw them away!"<br><br>"Ah... thank goodness..."<br><br>Shifting gears, the woman took on a formal demeanor once more and said, "This way, please. Our porter's out sick today, so I'm afraid you'll need to haul your own things."<br><br>"Oh, actually-" Ceressa jumped in and said, "do you still have a room we can rent?"<br><br>"Huh?" Ruth glanced at her. "Why do we need to rent a room? We're just about to go home, right?"<br><br>With a cross expression, she leered at him, and said, "I am <em>not</em> sleeping in that cave again. You hear me?"<br><br>"A-ah... right..."<br><br>"And I want to take a bath!"<br><br>"Sure, sure."<br><br>The inn lady chuckled. "Of course. Not a lot of people stop at Dellwick nowadays, so we always have a room open. Would you like one on the first floor, so you don't need to bring your things upstairs?"<br><br>"That would be great!" Ruth said cheerfully, before averting his gaze and mumbling to himself, "...because I have a feeling I'm the only one who's going to be doing any lifting."<br><br>Just as he expected, as soon as they settled their luggage bags in their room, Ceressa was quick to drag Rika away, leaving Ruth to carry not only his but also those of Sylphia and Letty.<br><br>And he could do was sigh in resignation.<br><br></p> <p class="cnM4MTgyMzM3MzNkODQzZmQ4M2JiNzBkMmFlNTc3OTUz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ZDA0ZGY2MzAyZTRjYzE5ZmQzNmViMDFjOWVmY2M3"><br><br>The inn's communal bath was small in comparison to the luxurious bathhouse in the castle. It did not have the ornate statues of great animals, out of whose mouths poured sparkling, clear water. Also, unlike there, the male and female baths were not separated; instead, the women bathed in the morning to early afternoon, while the men bathed mid-afternoon till evening.<br><br>It was as the lady said - so few people stayed at the inn that they had the bath all to themselves.<br><br>Nevertheless, it was, for them, a refreshing change of pace from the open river in the middle of the mushroom forest. Moreover, they were able to make use of a bar of soap, provided by the inn at a reasonable cost.<br><br>And so, after washing down, the two finally immersed themselves in the water.<br><br>"Ahh..." Ceressa's lips unfurled into an unreserved smile. "It's nice and warm..."<br><br>"Mm..." As for Rika, she felt so relaxed the moment she entered the water that she almost fell asleep.<br><br>For a while, they silently enjoyed their first warm bath in ages.<br><br>Then, after acclimating herself to the temperature, Rika perked up and asked, "So, Ceressa... are you and Ruth dating?"<br><br>Shoved into the spotlight, the bashful young woman slipped down in the water, thrashing her limbs as though she were drowning.<br><br>"Hm?" Baffled by her reaction, the innocent girl cocked her head.<br><br>As soon as she had calmed down enough to realize that it wasn't possible to drown in shin-height water, Ceressa then surged towards Rika, screaming, "W-w-w-w-w-what are you saying!?"<br><br>"Eh? Aren't you?"<br><br>Perhaps it was the warmth of the bath, or something else entirely, but everything between Ceressa's cheeks turned rose red as she squealed, "N-n-no!?"<br><br>"Heeeeeh... I was pretty sure..."<br><br>"Tsk." Looking away, she then joined Rika on her side of the bath and sat beside her. "It's not like that, you know... it's not like that, but..."<br><br>"Hm?"<br><br>She soon took on a sullen expression and, bashfully, asked, "How did you find out...?"<br><br>"Eh?" Conversely, Rika's eyes flickered. "Isn't it obvious? Just looking at you."<br><br>"Huh!?" Ceressa held both her hands over her cheeks. "No way! He has no idea, you know!?"<br><br>"Heeeh?" She rubbed her chin and nodded. "So Ruth is actually the dense type..."<br><br>Ceressa was stunned. In such a short exchange, She again looked as tired as she was when they left the cave.<br><br>"No..." she then muttered.<br><br>"No?" Rika tilted her head the other way.<br><br>"Just... no." As she said this, she slid herself down, submerging herself up to the chin. "I... like everything as they are. Before anything else, we're partners. If I try to make us anything more than that... I'm afraid that things will change." Her voice faltered as she wrung out those last few words.<br><br>"Hmm... will things will change?"<br><br>"Of course they will!" she yelled, before pulling herself back and adding a whisper, "...I think. I mean, they will, right!? We'd act awkward with each other and... besides... what if he doesn't look at me that way?"<br><br>"He likes you too, you know?"<br><br>"Ngh-!" Ceressa clutched her chest so hard she looked as if she just had from a stroke. "Sh-shut up! How could you even know that!?"<br><br>"Eh? But you're so close to each other. How could he not like you?"<br><br>"T-that's-"<br><br>As if finally having enough, the lovestruck young woman turned away and clicked her tongue. Then, after a few moments, she took a deep breath and let it out again as a sigh.<br><br>"Something like love... doesn't suit me."<br><br>"There's no such-"<br><br>Before Rika could finish, however, she quickly sat back up, splashing water all over, saying, "Hey."<br><br>"Huh?"<br><br>She then leaned shoulder-to-shoulder with her and asked, "Rika, would you... listen to my rambling for a bit?"<br><br>"Eh?" Taken by surprise by the sudden shift in her attitude, the girl's mind blanked out, prompting her idle response, "Of course."</p><br>Finally, Ceressa closed her eyes and, with a gentle smile, said, "Thanks..."<br><br><p></p> <p class="cnMwNWM0M2Y3NDExZjQ1ZTZhMWU1NjBjMjk1ZDhlNGRi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkODI0MWUzZjNlZTRlYzhiMDZkOTAyYzBmOTU4YjIz"><br><br>The girls left the bath with a spring in their step and a fresh set of clothes.<br><br>"Heeeeh..." said Rika.<br><br>Without her breastplate, her white, button-up shirt revealed her slender form. Though she never had a significant chest to begin with, the loose clothing she preferred did nothing to help.<br><br>Nonetheless, she merrily skipped along the polished wooden surface of the dressing room, allowing her short skirt to flutter back and forth with her rhythm.<br><br>"Hehe, so that's how you and Ruth met...!"<br><br>"Ngh..." Ceressa winced.<br><br>Strangely enough, her normal clothes, consisting of a vested shirt and matching shorts, were less revealing than her dungeon gear.<br><br>"Hey, come here you." With a single jerking motion, she grabbed Rika's hand and pulled her inwards. Placing her index finger over her mouth, she then said, "Just so we're clear, what we talked about is a secret between <strong>only the two of us</strong>. No one else knows this. And no one <strong>will</strong>, got it!?"<br><br>"Eh? Isn't it alright?" She snickered. "If it's how you really feel, why don't you just confe-"<br><br>"I said shushhhhhhh!" Cheeks flushed red, the fiery ginger glared at her. "Most of all, he, <strong>absolutely</strong> can't hear about this! Do you understand!?"<br><br>"Eeeeh...?" Her brows fell. "But why? I'm sure he'd be happy..."<br><br>"Please, Rika! I'm begging you..." she whimpered, "if it's going to be like that... I want to be the one to decide when."<br><br>Those maiden-like words coming from the lips of this tomboy of a woman made Rika's heart flutter. The refreshing contrast inspired a warm smile as she finally gave in, "Mm... okay then!"<br><br>Heaving a sigh of relief, she clasped her hands over Rika's and said, "You promise, okay!?"<br><br>"Don't worry." With a light chuckle, Rika patted her over the arm and said, "I'll keep it a secret. But I am glad to know a bit more about you, Ceressa!"<br><br>She pouted. "Tsk. No fair, I'm the only who's been talking till now..."<br><br>"Ehehe... I guess you're right."<br><br>"So this time, it's your turn."<br><br>"Ehhh...? I'm really more the listening type."<br><br>"That's not going to work." Her arms crossed together.<br><br>"Uuuu..."<br><br>"So, how about you? Do you... err, like... someone?"<br><br>Without a hint of hesitation, She pumped her fist in the air and said, "Sylphie!"<br><br>Her eyelids twitched from Rika's snapshot response. She then pushed her arms downwards, yelling, "Not like that!"<br><br>"Eeeh...?" With a puzzled look, she tilted her head to one side.<br><br>"I-I mean... you know!?"<br><br>"Hmmm... like a guy?"<br><br>"Well, yeah!?"<br><br>She rumbled through her head for a while and then said, "Well... there're the guys in my old squad back in Ealdton... Ehehe, we got along really well!"<br><br>"Tsk, are you making fun of me?"<br><br>"Eh? No, no! I wouldn't!"<br><br>"Hmm..." Ceressa leered at her. "Ah, so that's how it's going to be. I let you in on my secret and you wouldn't tell me any of yours? I guess yo don't think of me as a friend, do you?"<br><br>"Eeeeh!? No way... Ceressa is my friend! And I do like Sylphie and the guys-"<br><br>"I said not that!"<br><br>"Uuu... then I don't know what to say..."<br><br>The frustrated young woman grumbled to herself for a moment before finally giving up with a deep sigh.<br><br>"Fine, fine," she said, "It's alright if you don't have one yet." She then snuck a peek at Rika out the corner of her eye. "You still look pretty young, anyway. By the way, how old are you?"<br><br>"Hm? I'm turning twenty this year."<br><br>"Ho? You're not actually as young as you look."<br><br>The smile on Rika's lips turned crooked. Scratching her temple, she let out an awkward chuckle and said, "My squadmates used to say the same thing."<br><br>"It's fine, isn't it?" Ceressa patted her on the shoulder. "A girl can't receive a better compliment than that."<br><br>"Ehehe..."<br><br>With a contented smile on her face, the adventurer pointed her thumb down the corridor. "Well, let's go. I'd feel bad if we kept him from his bath."<br><br>"Okay!"<br><br></p> <p class="cnNjZTEwMTJmODc2YjRkMGI5ZjVjMTI1ZTFlMTc2MDIw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNzc0ZjIxNGY3OTQ5ODY4NDg1MDJkMTQ0MGU2MmRj"><br><br>After taking each of their baths, Rika and the gang finally went out for the errand Sylphia entrusted them.<br><br>"Hmm..." Ceressa rhythmically tapped her foot on the ground. "Any ideas?"<br><br>The group stopped at the intersection of the market street and the main road. Only a handful of people walked the streets at the time; mostly headed to the tavern or the scattered food shops for a mid-afternoon rest. Several shops had also closed up early, their stalls either left empty, or put away behind wooden shutters.<br><br>"Well," said Ruth, "there are a couple of food stalls here. We could probably ask where they get their ingredients."<br><br>"Hm...?" Rika cocked her head to the side. The hood she borrowed from Ceressa followed her motion and draped down over one eye. "So... the farmers, right?"<br><br>"W-well..." He scratched his head. "We can't really just go around every farmer's house and ask to buy their harvest..."<br><br>"Ah."<br><br>"Besides, I'm sure the farmers themselves probably sell their harvest in bulk, probably to a nearby merchant guild."<br><br>Ceressa sighed. "But isn't it weird that a handful of adventurers are trying to find enough food to feed a village!? The shopkeeps will give us strange looks once we start asking around!"<br><br>"Well, what else can we do...?"<br><br>"Hmm..." Intertwining her fingers behind her head, she turned away and started pacing into the market street.<br><br>"H-hey! Where are you going!?"<br><br>"Heh." Turning her head to one side, she glanced at them with a smirk. "I have a great idea. Follow me."<br><br>"Huh..." Ruth's shoulders fell.<br><br>As Ceressa walked further ahead of them, Rika skipped in front of him and said, "Well, we aren't getting anything done standing here. Let's go?"<br><br>He sighed. "That's true."<br><br>And on they went, following behind their companion. <br><br>They weaved around the few villagers shopping on the relatively narrow street, passing shop after shop.<br><br>After a while, Ceressa then took a sudden left, entering a local snack shop.<br><br>And so, the three sat on a long table, with Rika and Ceressa on one side, and Ruth on the other. There, they stared at each other in silence, passing a few moments as the lady from the counter approached them.<br><br>After giving out their order, Ruth finally found the opportunity to retort.<br><br>"Hey," he whispered, "aren't we just relaxing here!?"<br><br>Ceressa shrugged in response, saying, "Well, it's a great idea, isn't it?"<br><br>"That's not-" He grunted. "-we're supposed to find someone who will sell food in bulk, right...?"<br><br>"Psssh, that can wait right? It's been a while since we've seen the sun, much less relax like this."<br><br>"Well..." His shoulders finally fell as he let out a heavy sigh.<br><br>Looking out of the window and into the empty streets, Rika then said, "It would have been nice if we Sylphie and Miss Letty were here though..."<br><br>"Err..." Ceressa averted her gaze. "Miss Letty, maybe..."<br><br>Ruth chuckled. "Anyway, they're working hard even now, right? That's why we shouldn't let them down! We're a party, after all." He then slipped a glanced towards his partner.<br><br>"Geez..." She scratched her head. "I know!"<br><br>Cheer finally returned to Rika's face, as she let out a laugh.<br><br>Soon, the store lady returned to their table. She then placed down three cups of tea and a helping of honey, arranged over a metal pan.<br><br>"Please, enjoy!" she said with a bright smile as she took a bow and left.<br><br>Swirling the tea cup right in front of her lips, Ceressa took in the earthy scent of Dellwick's local tea before having her first sip. Next, she tipped her her cup slightly upwards, and gave it a quick slurp before pulling away once more.<br><br>After one smooth motion, she then let out a sigh, and with a voice filled with euphoria, said, "That's good..."<br><br>Curious, Rika glanced down at her own cup. The drink shimmered with white streaks upon dark texture as its surface slowly calmed down. Looping her finger around the cup's handle, she lifted it closer to her face.<br><br>Immediately, the warm steam caressed her nose, delivering a rich aroma that conjured images of a grassy knoll in the height of summer.<br><br>"Hmm?" Ceressa turned to her. "Not going to drink? It'll get cold."<br><br>"Eh? A-ah...! Ehehe..." She left an awkward smile upon her lips. "Actually, I've never drank tea before..."<br><br>"Ho? Really?"<br><br>"Mm." She nodded. "Our dad was always strict with us when it came to money. He would yell at us whenever we would waste food, or buy things we didn't need." She glanced at Ceressa. "Tea is pretty expensive, right? So we never had it in our house."<br><br>"Huh... but you live in Ealdton, don't you? That town itself pretty expensive to live in, if I recall."<br><br>"Ah, yeah..." She scratched her head. "I guess that's partially why he was so tight with money."<br><br>"Why not live elsewhere, then? Even Brandonbury isn't so expensive, and the villages around it, even more so."<br><br>"Ahh, my dad was a former soldier, you see..."<br><br>"Hmm?"<br><br>"Mm, well, it's a long story, but, basically, he wanted us to live in Ealdton because he believed it was the safest town in the Kingdom."<br><br>"Ah. The great walls of Ealdton are quite famous for being impenetrable..."<br><br>"Well," She turned her eyes to one side. "It did get attacked not too long ago, though..."<br><br>"Yeah... how was your family?"<br><br>"They were okay." She smiled. "I'm the only one in the family who joined the guard, all my brothers are either working the farms or trading goods." Letting out a sigh, she added, "They cried so hard when I came home that day... And dad yelled at me so hard..."<br><br>Ceressa covered her mouth and giggled.<br><br>"I never would have thought that meeting Sylphie that day would bring me here today." She let out a modest laugh, finally bringing the teacup to her lip. With a tiny slurp, its texture and its flavor washed over her tongue. "Aghu-!" She flinched. "So bitter!"<br><br>"Ahahaha. Growing up without it, I guess you're not used to tea at all."<br><br>"Here." After keeping silent all this time, Ruth finally spoke up, sliding the honey towards Rika. "It'll take the kick off if you add this."<br><br>"Ohh..." Rika watched the golden liquid droop down the spoon as she lifted it off the saucer.<br><br>"I'm guessing you've never had honey, either." He said.<br><br>She vigorously shook her head in response.<br><br>The black tea swallowed the golden honey dripped into her cup. As she mixed it around, a golden hue stained the tea, lightening its texture just enough for her to notice a difference. Unlike before, it took on a sweeter scent and the herbal aroma mellowed down.<br><br>Finally, Rika took another sip.<br><br>Just as Ruth said, the bitterness was no longer as overpowering. Indeed, when complemented by the rich sweetness of the honey, the bitter taste only became more and more delightful. <br><br>Thus, accompanied by a satisfied moan, she said, "It's delicious!"<br><br>"It really is." Ceressa leaned back, crossing her legs beneath the table.<br><br>For a moment, the three enjoyed their tea in silence.<br><br>Then, Ruth placed his elbow over the table, propping his head up by the chin. "Now, can we really think about Sylphie's request? In the end, I think we do need to help her, not just for the tribes' sake, but also this village."<br><br>Ceressa sighed. "Fine, fine."<br><br>"Well, the obvious one is to go around the food shops and ask who we can buy food in bulk from."<br><br>"Ehh..." She grimaced. "I'm not doing that."<br><br>"Come on, Ceressa."<br><br>Amidst their bickering, the lady who served them their tea earlier approached them.<br><br>"Um..." The lady bent down slightly and gave each of them a glance. "can I help you with anything?"<br><br>"Eh!?" Ruth flinched. "Were we that noisy...?" He muttered, leering at Ceressa.<br><br>"What!?" She then turned her head away. "Hmph!"<br><br>"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to bother anyone."<br><br>"Ah, no, no," The lady shook her head. "Well, I couldn't help but hear your conversation..."<br><br>Ruth lowered his head. "We really are sorry...!"<br><br>At that moment, an idea popped into Rika's mind. "Ah! I know, why don't we ask the tea lady?"<br><br>"Eh...?" It took a moment for him to recover from his daze and take in her suggestion. "Ah!"<br><br>Meanwhile, the lady chuckled. "Actually, that's what I was about to say. I heard you were looking to buy a lot of food, is that right?"<br><br>A gasp escaped Rika's lips. "Yes, yes!" she answered with a nod.<br><br>"Ah," She clapped her hands together. "well then, I know precisely the person who can help you!"</p> </div>
Sunrays penetrated the forest canopy, pouring a glow of warm over the three adventurers. They walked side-by-side as they followed the dirt trail back from the cave and to the village. Along the way, they were greeted by awkward glances from the patrolling guards, who all looked as though they were seeing ghosts. Taking in a deep breath through her nose, Rika stretched her arms out, letting out a satisfied moan. "Ahh, it feels nice to see the sun again!" Ceressa yawned and said, "All that non-stop day's completely messed up my sleep cycle... I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep..." Black streaks formed beneath her eyes, giving her once sharp eyes a pair of heavy, sagging eye bags. "Ah, that right," Rika chuckled. "I'd love to sleep on a bed again." "I'm surprised you're still in high spirits, Rika." Ruth said as he rubbed his temple, "Even I'm feeling a bit dizzy after the sudden change in scenery."   "Ehehe!" Rika took a glance at the sky above. *The cave certainly had a mysterious beauty to it...* She bent back and stretched her arms up, as though she were reaching out to the sun. *But nothing really beats a bright, sunny day! Ehehe, I sort of want to go somewhere with Sylphie now.* The trio continued down the path. For a while now, Rika had been feeling an intermitted gaze cast over her shoulders. Curious, she turned around, only lock eyes with Ceressa, who immediately turned away. Rika's eyes flickered. "What is it?" "Ah... remind me when we get to the inn, will you?" "Hm?" "...I'll lend you my hood." "Huh..." For a moment, Rika was puzzled by her offer. But when she traced the woman's shy gaze - to the top of her head, she remembered. "Wah! That's right!" Panicked, she covered her scalp, at the moment, covered only by a thin mat of newly sprouted hair. "Uuuu... I forgot...!" Tears collected around her eyes as she whimpered, "So that's why the guards all gave us that weird look when we passed by..." She sniffled. "I shouldn't have let Sylphie convince me to leave my hat!" "A-ahaha... that thing would probably have attracted way more attention, though..." "Besides," Ruth added, "we were gone for at least a couple of weeks, after all. They probably already took us for dead." "I guess so..." Rika hung her head. Then, after a few moments, a thought came to her. "Wait, if we've been gone for that long, won't the inn have thrown our luggage away?" "I don't think so." Ceressa waved her hand. "We introduced ourselves as adventurers, right? And that we would raid the dungeon, on top of that. Most innkeepers are familiar with how long dungeon dives can go, so they normally hold on to the luggage for longer than they would for anyone else." "Oh." "Still..." Ruth scratched his head. "Two weeks, huh...? That might be stretching the line a bit. The longest we've been out on a dive was 5 days, right?" "Well, we'll see, won't we?" Saying this, she then slammed her fist into her palm. "If I find they've thrown all of my stuff though, I'll be really pissed." "A-ha ha ha... just don't cause a scene..." As they reached the rim of the village, their steps petered down to a snail's pace. Their clothes had seen at least two weeks' worth of wear, and it showed. A tear ran down the side of Rika's short skirt, from the time it snagged on the fence around the kobold village. Her breastplate had a couple of dents and it had long since lost its bronze sheen. Indeed, it had taken on a few green patches here and there, along with a few dozen scratches. Ceressa's clothes fared slightly better, if only because she wore considerably less of it, and ones that were made specifically for rugged use. Her exposed limbs did not fare so well, however. Scratches and bruises dotted her arms and legs but were well on their way to healing. And lastly, Ruth did not sustain much physical injury apart from a scratch on his cheek. His full-plate armor, however did not fare so well. "Uhh..." Ceressa rubbed her arm. "Maybe we should avoid the crowd..." "Mm..." Rika nodded, "I don't really want to be seen like this..." The party thus avoided the main road and rounded to the inn along the side streets and back alleys.   The door swung open, ringing the chime hung on its frame. Its melodic tone welcomed the three adventurers as they ascended to the main lobby's polished wooden floor. "Hm? Where's the inn lady?" asked Rika. The front desk was vacant, though the knick-knacks laid on top of it suggested that someone had been manning it until recently. "Probably stepped out for lunch, right?" Ceressa shrugged. "It's high-noon, after all." "Ah, that's right!" She scratched the back of her head. "Ehehe... the dungeon's really messed up my sense of time." "I know right? And my shoulder's been aching since we met with Miss Letty and the brat..." A sigh escaped the weary adventurer's lips as she muttered, "I can't wait to take a proper bath... with soap." After a few moments, a series of light footsteps approached from the far door. "Ah, sorry to keep you waiting!" A familiar young woman appeared. She entered the main lobby and hurried behind the desk though at the same time maintaining a formal composure. As soon as Rika heard her voice, she leapt behind Ruth and hid her head. "How may I help you?" asked the lady. She gave them a welcoming smile, clasping both hands together below her waist. "Uhh..." Ruth said, "we're the adventurers who rented out a room a couple of weeks ago..." He scratched the back of his head. "I understand we're way behind on rent, but, by chance, do you still have our luggage...?" For a moment, a baffled expression clouded over the woman's face. But as she squinted and gave their faces a long, hard look, her eyes widened in realization. She gasped. "By the Gods! You...!? W-we thought you were already..." She shook her head. "But, wait, weren't there five of you...?" Again, she flinched, only to then cast a mournful expression upon her face. "Ah... I-I understand. I'm sorry... it must be hard, even for seasoned adventurers like you..." "Huh...? Ah!" Ruth waved his hands in denial. "No, no! We're all fine! The two are still in the dungeon, uh... clearing... out... some stuff...?" "Mm! Mm!" Rika peered out from behind his arm and nodded. "Eeeeh!?" The young lady winced. "You were in that dungeon for that long and survived!? You adventurer types are really something else..." She then shook her head as she sighed. "A-ahaha... well, it's a complicated story... But, anyway, about our luggage..." "Oh, right! Sorry, I got carried away there. Yes, we still have your luggage. We already hauled it out of your room the day your rent expired, but we kept it in storage in the meantime. Aaaah... I'd say you're pretty lucky!" She held a grin on her lips as she scratched the back of her head. "A couple more days and we were going to throw them away!" "Ah... thank goodness..." Shifting gears, the woman took on a formal demeanor once more and said, "This way, please. Our porter's out sick today, so I'm afraid you'll need to haul your own things." "Oh, actually-" Ceressa jumped in and said, "do you still have a room we can rent?" "Huh?" Ruth glanced at her. "Why do we need to rent a room? We're just about to go home, right?" With a cross expression, she leered at him, and said, "I am *not* sleeping in that cave again. You hear me?" "A-ah... right..." "And I want to take a bath!" "Sure, sure." The inn lady chuckled. "Of course. Not a lot of people stop at Dellwick nowadays, so we always have a room open. Would you like one on the first floor, so you don't need to bring your things upstairs?" "That would be great!" Ruth said cheerfully, before averting his gaze and mumbling to himself, "...because I have a feeling I'm the only one who's going to be doing any lifting." Just as he expected, as soon as they settled their luggage bags in their room, Ceressa was quick to drag Rika away, leaving Ruth to carry not only his but also those of Sylphia and Letty. And he could do was sigh in resignation.   The inn's communal bath was small in comparison to the luxurious bathhouse in the castle. It did not have the ornate statues of great animals, out of whose mouths poured sparkling, clear water. Also, unlike there, the male and female baths were not separated; instead, the women bathed in the morning to early afternoon, while the men bathed mid-afternoon till evening. It was as the lady said - so few people stayed at the inn that they had the bath all to themselves. Nevertheless, it was, for them, a refreshing change of pace from the open river in the middle of the mushroom forest. Moreover, they were able to make use of a bar of soap, provided by the inn at a reasonable cost. And so, after washing down, the two finally immersed themselves in the water. "Ahh..." Ceressa's lips unfurled into an unreserved smile. "It's nice and warm..." "Mm..." As for Rika, she felt so relaxed the moment she entered the water that she almost fell asleep. For a while, they silently enjoyed their first warm bath in ages. Then, after acclimating herself to the temperature, Rika perked up and asked, "So, Ceressa... are you and Ruth dating?" Shoved into the spotlight, the bashful young woman slipped down in the water, thrashing her limbs as though she were drowning. "Hm?" Baffled by her reaction, the innocent girl cocked her head. As soon as she had calmed down enough to realize that it wasn't possible to drown in shin-height water, Ceressa then surged towards Rika, screaming, "W-w-w-w-w-what are you saying!?" "Eh? Aren't you?" Perhaps it was the warmth of the bath, or something else entirely, but everything between Ceressa's cheeks turned rose red as she squealed, "N-n-no!?" "Heeeeeh... I was pretty sure..." "Tsk." Looking away, she then joined Rika on her side of the bath and sat beside her. "It's not like that, you know... it's not like that, but..." "Hm?" She soon took on a sullen expression and, bashfully, asked, "How did you find out...?" "Eh?" Conversely, Rika's eyes flickered. "Isn't it obvious? Just looking at you." "Huh!?" Ceressa held both her hands over her cheeks. "No way! He has no idea, you know!?" "Heeeh?" She rubbed her chin and nodded. "So Ruth is actually the dense type..." Ceressa was stunned. In such a short exchange, She again looked as tired as she was when they left the cave. "No..." she then muttered. "No?" Rika tilted her head the other way. "Just... no." As she said this, she slid herself down, submerging herself up to the chin. "I... like everything as they are. Before anything else, we're partners. If I try to make us anything more than that... I'm afraid that things will change." Her voice faltered as she wrung out those last few words. "Hmm... will things will change?" "Of course they will!" she yelled, before pulling herself back and adding a whisper, "...I think. I mean, they will, right!? We'd act awkward with each other and... besides... what if he doesn't look at me that way?" "He likes you too, you know?" "Ngh-!" Ceressa clutched her chest so hard she looked as if she just had from a stroke. "Sh-shut up! How could you even know that!?" "Eh? But you're so close to each other. How could he not like you?" "T-that's-" As if finally having enough, the lovestruck young woman turned away and clicked her tongue. Then, after a few moments, she took a deep breath and let it out again as a sigh. "Something like love... doesn't suit me." "There's no such-" Before Rika could finish, however, she quickly sat back up, splashing water all over, saying, "Hey." "Huh?" She then leaned shoulder-to-shoulder with her and asked, "Rika, would you... listen to my rambling for a bit?" "Eh?" Taken by surprise by the sudden shift in her attitude, the girl's mind blanked out, prompting her idle response, "Of course." Finally, Ceressa closed her eyes and, with a gentle smile, said, "Thanks..."   The girls left the bath with a spring in their step and a fresh set of clothes. "Heeeeh..." said Rika. Without her breastplate, her white, button-up shirt revealed her slender form. Though she never had a significant chest to begin with, the loose clothing she preferred did nothing to help. Nonetheless, she merrily skipped along the polished wooden surface of the dressing room, allowing her short skirt to flutter back and forth with her rhythm. "Hehe, so that's how you and Ruth met...!" "Ngh..." Ceressa winced. Strangely enough, her normal clothes, consisting of a vested shirt and matching shorts, were less revealing than her dungeon gear. "Hey, come here you." With a single jerking motion, she grabbed Rika's hand and pulled her inwards. Placing her index finger over her mouth, she then said, "Just so we're clear, what we talked about is a secret between **only the two of us**. No one else knows this. And no one **will**, got it!?" "Eh? Isn't it alright?" She snickered. "If it's how you really feel, why don't you just confe-" "I said shushhhhhhh!" Cheeks flushed red, the fiery ginger glared at her. "Most of all, he, **absolutely** can't hear about this! Do you understand!?" "Eeeeh...?" Her brows fell. "But why? I'm sure he'd be happy..." "Please, Rika! I'm begging you..." she whimpered, "if it's going to be like that... I want to be the one to decide when." Those maiden-like words coming from the lips of this tomboy of a woman made Rika's heart flutter. The refreshing contrast inspired a warm smile as she finally gave in, "Mm... okay then!" Heaving a sigh of relief, she clasped her hands over Rika's and said, "You promise, okay!?" "Don't worry." With a light chuckle, Rika patted her over the arm and said, "I'll keep it a secret. But I am glad to know a bit more about you, Ceressa!" She pouted. "Tsk. No fair, I'm the only who's been talking till now..." "Ehehe... I guess you're right." "So this time, it's your turn." "Ehhh...? I'm really more the listening type." "That's not going to work." Her arms crossed together. "Uuuu..." "So, how about you? Do you... err, like... someone?" Without a hint of hesitation, She pumped her fist in the air and said, "Sylphie!" Her eyelids twitched from Rika's snapshot response. She then pushed her arms downwards, yelling, "Not like that!" "Eeeh...?" With a puzzled look, she tilted her head to one side. "I-I mean... you know!?" "Hmmm... like a guy?" "Well, yeah!?" She rumbled through her head for a while and then said, "Well... there're the guys in my old squad back in Ealdton... Ehehe, we got along really well!" "Tsk, are you making fun of me?" "Eh? No, no! I wouldn't!" "Hmm..." Ceressa leered at her. "Ah, so that's how it's going to be. I let you in on my secret and you wouldn't tell me any of yours? I guess yo don't think of me as a friend, do you?" "Eeeeh!? No way... Ceressa is my friend! And I do like Sylphie and the guys-" "I said not that!" "Uuu... then I don't know what to say..." The frustrated young woman grumbled to herself for a moment before finally giving up with a deep sigh. "Fine, fine," she said, "It's alright if you don't have one yet." She then snuck a peek at Rika out the corner of her eye. "You still look pretty young, anyway. By the way, how old are you?" "Hm? I'm turning twenty this year." "Ho? You're not actually as young as you look." The smile on Rika's lips turned crooked. Scratching her temple, she let out an awkward chuckle and said, "My squadmates used to say the same thing." "It's fine, isn't it?" Ceressa patted her on the shoulder. "A girl can't receive a better compliment than that." "Ehehe..." With a contented smile on her face, the adventurer pointed her thumb down the corridor. "Well, let's go. I'd feel bad if we kept him from his bath." "Okay!"   After taking each of their baths, Rika and the gang finally went out for the errand Sylphia entrusted them. "Hmm..." Ceressa rhythmically tapped her foot on the ground. "Any ideas?" The group stopped at the intersection of the market street and the main road. Only a handful of people walked the streets at the time; mostly headed to the tavern or the scattered food shops for a mid-afternoon rest. Several shops had also closed up early, their stalls either left empty, or put away behind wooden shutters. "Well," said Ruth, "there are a couple of food stalls here. We could probably ask where they get their ingredients." "Hm...?" Rika cocked her head to the side. The hood she borrowed from Ceressa followed her motion and draped down over one eye. "So... the farmers, right?" "W-well..." He scratched his head. "We can't really just go around every farmer's house and ask to buy their harvest..." "Ah." "Besides, I'm sure the farmers themselves probably sell their harvest in bulk, probably to a nearby merchant guild." Ceressa sighed. "But isn't it weird that a handful of adventurers are trying to find enough food to feed a village!? The shopkeeps will give us strange looks once we start asking around!" "Well, what else can we do...?" "Hmm..." Intertwining her fingers behind her head, she turned away and started pacing into the market street. "H-hey! Where are you going!?" "Heh." Turning her head to one side, she glanced at them with a smirk. "I have a great idea. Follow me." "Huh..." Ruth's shoulders fell. As Ceressa walked further ahead of them, Rika skipped in front of him and said, "Well, we aren't getting anything done standing here. Let's go?" He sighed. "That's true." And on they went, following behind their companion. They weaved around the few villagers shopping on the relatively narrow street, passing shop after shop. After a while, Ceressa then took a sudden left, entering a local snack shop. And so, the three sat on a long table, with Rika and Ceressa on one side, and Ruth on the other. There, they stared at each other in silence, passing a few moments as the lady from the counter approached them. After giving out their order, Ruth finally found the opportunity to retort. "Hey," he whispered, "aren't we just relaxing here!?" Ceressa shrugged in response, saying, "Well, it's a great idea, isn't it?" "That's not-" He grunted. "-we're supposed to find someone who will sell food in bulk, right...?" "Psssh, that can wait right? It's been a while since we've seen the sun, much less relax like this." "Well..." His shoulders finally fell as he let out a heavy sigh. Looking out of the window and into the empty streets, Rika then said, "It would have been nice if we Sylphie and Miss Letty were here though..." "Err..." Ceressa averted her gaze. "Miss Letty, maybe..." Ruth chuckled. "Anyway, they're working hard even now, right? That's why we shouldn't let them down! We're a party, after all." He then slipped a glanced towards his partner. "Geez..." She scratched her head. "I know!" Cheer finally returned to Rika's face, as she let out a laugh. Soon, the store lady returned to their table. She then placed down three cups of tea and a helping of honey, arranged over a metal pan. "Please, enjoy!" she said with a bright smile as she took a bow and left. Swirling the tea cup right in front of her lips, Ceressa took in the earthy scent of Dellwick's local tea before having her first sip. Next, she tipped her her cup slightly upwards, and gave it a quick slurp before pulling away once more. After one smooth motion, she then let out a sigh, and with a voice filled with euphoria, said, "That's good..." Curious, Rika glanced down at her own cup. The drink shimmered with white streaks upon dark texture as its surface slowly calmed down. Looping her finger around the cup's handle, she lifted it closer to her face. Immediately, the warm steam caressed her nose, delivering a rich aroma that conjured images of a grassy knoll in the height of summer. "Hmm?" Ceressa turned to her. "Not going to drink? It'll get cold." "Eh? A-ah...! Ehehe..." She left an awkward smile upon her lips. "Actually, I've never drank tea before..." "Ho? Really?" "Mm." She nodded. "Our dad was always strict with us when it came to money. He would yell at us whenever we would waste food, or buy things we didn't need." She glanced at Ceressa. "Tea is pretty expensive, right? So we never had it in our house." "Huh... but you live in Ealdton, don't you? That town itself pretty expensive to live in, if I recall." "Ah, yeah..." She scratched her head. "I guess that's partially why he was so tight with money." "Why not live elsewhere, then? Even Brandonbury isn't so expensive, and the villages around it, even more so." "Ahh, my dad was a former soldier, you see..." "Hmm?" "Mm, well, it's a long story, but, basically, he wanted us to live in Ealdton because he believed it was the safest town in the Kingdom." "Ah. The great walls of Ealdton are quite famous for being impenetrable..." "Well," She turned her eyes to one side. "It did get attacked not too long ago, though..." "Yeah... how was your family?" "They were okay." She smiled. "I'm the only one in the family who joined the guard, all my brothers are either working the farms or trading goods." Letting out a sigh, she added, "They cried so hard when I came home that day... And dad yelled at me so hard..." Ceressa covered her mouth and giggled. "I never would have thought that meeting Sylphie that day would bring me here today." She let out a modest laugh, finally bringing the teacup to her lip. With a tiny slurp, its texture and its flavor washed over her tongue. "Aghu-!" She flinched. "So bitter!" "Ahahaha. Growing up without it, I guess you're not used to tea at all." "Here." After keeping silent all this time, Ruth finally spoke up, sliding the honey towards Rika. "It'll take the kick off if you add this." "Ohh..." Rika watched the golden liquid droop down the spoon as she lifted it off the saucer. "I'm guessing you've never had honey, either." He said. She vigorously shook her head in response. The black tea swallowed the golden honey dripped into her cup. As she mixed it around, a golden hue stained the tea, lightening its texture just enough for her to notice a difference. Unlike before, it took on a sweeter scent and the herbal aroma mellowed down. Finally, Rika took another sip. Just as Ruth said, the bitterness was no longer as overpowering. Indeed, when complemented by the rich sweetness of the honey, the bitter taste only became more and more delightful. Thus, accompanied by a satisfied moan, she said, "It's delicious!" "It really is." Ceressa leaned back, crossing her legs beneath the table. For a moment, the three enjoyed their tea in silence. Then, Ruth placed his elbow over the table, propping his head up by the chin. "Now, can we really think about Sylphie's request? In the end, I think we do need to help her, not just for the tribes' sake, but also this village." Ceressa sighed. "Fine, fine." "Well, the obvious one is to go around the food shops and ask who we can buy food in bulk from." "Ehh..." She grimaced. "I'm not doing that." "Come on, Ceressa." Amidst their bickering, the lady who served them their tea earlier approached them. "Um..." The lady bent down slightly and gave each of them a glance. "can I help you with anything?" "Eh!?" Ruth flinched. "Were we that noisy...?" He muttered, leering at Ceressa. "What!?" She then turned her head away. "Hmph!" "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to bother anyone." "Ah, no, no," The lady shook her head. "Well, I couldn't help but hear your conversation..." Ruth lowered his head. "We really are sorry...!" At that moment, an idea popped into Rika's mind. "Ah! I know, why don't we ask the tea lady?" "Eh...?" It took a moment for him to recover from his daze and take in her suggestion. "Ah!" Meanwhile, the lady chuckled. "Actually, that's what I was about to say. I heard you were looking to buy a lot of food, is that right?" A gasp escaped Rika's lips. "Yes, yes!" she answered with a nod. "Ah," She clapped her hands together. "well then, I know precisely the person who can help you!"
{ "title": "\"Without You\". Reincarnated as a Troll Alternative. 2018' NaNoWriMo", "id": 21298, "author": "MDW", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Troll and Exile: Intermission & Status Page.", "id": 305925, "next": 306288, "prev": 305668, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkODcxMTljOTA2MzRhY2U5NzdjYzNmNDUyNDU3NWMy" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.8em">🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWU1NDdmZDRiZTQ1YWFhZDdjMzk4MTJmNGFlMTUz">Before leaving that cursed hill for good, Grendel gathered the useful items from the remains of his camp and whatever those S-rank bullies brought. Their backpacks multiplied the space available and divided the weight. The famous 'dimensional bag'. There was a lot of stuff in those five backpacks. It seems they carried all their stuff in there. He gave up on trying to sort what little he took out of them and just shoved his loot inside them. The surviving weapons and armor of Gilgamesh's party were also taken.</p> <p class="cnM0NGNmMjkyYjQ3ZjRkNWY5ZTlkZTE4YzQ0MTgwN2Q3">The Shining Spear was dormant. It spoke not a word to him after that time in the blank space. But it felt like an extension of his hand, of his magic. He descended the hill and going around the burning meadow he went west and north until he reached the foot of the dragonspine mountain range. Dawn was breaking and the giant dark cloud covered the sky as a dark omen of what was coming. Grendel's heart was a reflexion of the sky right now. He walked without a word near the foot of the mountain until he found a cave. A pair of bears and some cubs were readying to hibernate inside. He used his domination power on them and the bears became his pets. He had to raise the skill to level six but this time he had enough Skill Points.</p> <p class="cnM2OTIxYmMyMzRhYTQ3MDRhOWJjNzllOTUxMzY3MmI0">He took the bottom of the cave for himself and ordered the bears to go ahead on their ursine endeavours and guard him. He checked his status and swapped out both capped classes. Again he had to upgrade his dual job skill to place anything useful in that extra job slot. His main job was set as guild master. It was a tier 5 job, couldn't go wrong. As for the secondary job, he chose a very curious job that unlocked after that fight.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Your secondary job was set as [3] Super Villager</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <p class="cnM1ZTg2YzFlYTVmZDRhZGU5Mjc2MmZhNGIxN2VkNGEy">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Skill Awakening Rate UP</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNkZWJkZjIxYzRkODQ4MzJhMDE5ZjNkMTMxYjlmNDg5">Increase the chance of leveling up skills with a level no greater than (&lt;level&gt; / 3) by &lt;level&gt; x 10%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <p class="cnM1ZGRiMDI0NGQwNjRmOTRhNDRhZWM1OTIwNTYyMWFh">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Status Conversion UP</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMyNzM3NjEwZjE4OTRlN2ZhZTU1ZGJjYWE4YWE2NGI1">Increase the amount of status points accrued from inactive jobs by &lt;level&gt; x 2%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Max HP Increased</span> level 8.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Max MP Increased</span> level 7.</td> <td>Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Max Stamina Increased</span> level 7.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <p class="cnNjMzRhYmU2NjlhNzRlZDU5YjZmMTc4OTllNTVkMjhi">This seemed like something he played in a Korean MMO. A job for bored people that was just a notch above the basic job. But the conversion skill seemed like a must-have because setting jobs to inactive lowered his status a great deal. He also maxed the skill he stole from Gilgamesh. Skill Awakening was left at level 9. These three skills devoured 152 SP.</p> <p class="cnM1MWE0NzRmOTQzMzQ2MzY4MzhiMjc2MWMwMTBjNDBj">His racial level was capped and he needed to evolve. Checking his evolution choices, he quickly decided.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM3MDdlNDM4NWI3OTQzMzhhNmE2YWU3YmIzYjBkZDdj">[5] Qliphoth Dimensional Troll</p> <p class="cnM1YzdkMjhhZTQ0ZTRjNTZiYzlmOWE0ZmVjNjMwYjg2">Wicked trolls from another dimension that are born from human malice. They have the ability to travel between dimensions and their regeneration is an order of magnitude above a normal troll. They have the ability to induce madness on the weak of mind.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiZjM0MWU3N2U1MDQwZDQ5NDg3MDgzNTFkYmE2M2Nl">He recognized these from a manga he liked to read. But this was not your run-of-the-mill troll. What could 'travel between dimensions' mean? Would he be able to cross worlds? Getting an even better regeneration would be amazing too, and inducing fear was good also. It was the highest evolution he had. And he wanted power fast.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Evolution into [5] Qliphoth Dimensional Troll started...</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2YzA0N2JkMzBiNjQxMTNiOTAyMzcwOTEwZTRhYTJm" style="text-align: left" align="center">In hindsight, he shoud've thought out that choice a little bit. But he was angry and full of malice himself. His vision blacked out and he passed out. He had no idea that his evolution to a tier five race would take twenty-five days. The bears he controlled with his skill kept following his orders and prepared for winter. They cuddled next to Grendel and hibernated.</p> <p class="cnNjN2M0OWFhY2VlMTQ4OTY4NWMwYzY5N2I4ZGU2MTNm" style="text-align: left" align="center">After the evolution Grendel woke up ravenous. The wicked nature of the new race took over and he devoured his bear minions. His anger and loathing for humans was only amplified by his new racial physiology. But he got eight new skills.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM2YTYwOWJiMGFkMTQwMDNiYTUxYjZmNTM2ZjYyOGFk">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Dimension Slip (innate)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNiMGJmY2UxMTVjMjQ0YWY5MWEyNjNhYTkzN2RmOWEx">Allows one to access lower coterminous lower dimensions. Cost of transfer reduced with level. Chance of automatic banishment reduced by &lt;level&gt; x 10%.</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNiOTk1ZGFhMDNjOTRjYjlhMjNkN2U1ODlkNWIzOThm">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Super Regeneration (innate)</span> level 3 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNkZWUzY2M2NTlhNjQzNWI5NWFjN2JlOTg0ZGE5MTk2">Reduces all regeneration timers by 5 + &lt;level&gt; ^ 2 (105 at level 10) and reduces regeneration tick interval by 5 + &lt;level&gt; ^ 1.5 (36 at level 10).</p> <p class="cnM3OGFlOTdiYjgwZjRlMTRhN2YyZDRhNGFjMjViM2Ri">[Regeneration (innate)] fused into [Super Regeneration].</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNiY2RiZTg4NGQ2YTRiMzQ4NmVlMTk1YTE5OWZiODMy">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Pocket Dimension (innate)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMyNDE1MWFjM2MxNjQwNzQ4NTJlMDg3YWI1YWEyYmZh">Creates a pocket dimension inside one's own mindscape with a radius of &lt;level&gt; x 15 feet.</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNmNWVjZDgzODliYzRmM2Q4ZWI2ODVjZDI1ZThmZjZi">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Miasma Eater (innate)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMxNjIxMDU3OWIxNTQyNjRiYjUxMDM5OGNlMWNiMTM5">Draws sustenance and delight from negative feelings drawn from sentient beings. Can starve if this skill is not used frequently.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM1ODgzMTg2NDAzNDQyNTE4NTkyNDc1YzU5MjE0NGEy">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Terrifying Presence (innate)</span> level 4 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM5OTc0YmFkYzJlNjQ2NDk4ODlhYjRjYTEyNzQ0YmU5">Cause severe fear in all creatures except party members in a large range. Low chance of affecting mindless creatures. Cannot be focused. Resisted by Magic.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjZiZGNiYmVhMDRhOGRhZjZhMjI4OGRlM2FjMjk0">[Intimidating Presence] fused into [Terrifying Presence].</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM3MTA0Y2ZlZWI3ODQzNzQ4ZDI1NmY5MTdmYmM3YTY1">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Maddening Gaze (innate)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNmYTNlNjJlZmE3NTQzNjI5Yjk5YjcwN2RlNjI0ODFl">Passive. Can cause madness to beings staring at the user's eyes. Resisted by Magic.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyMzE0NjM5YmU4OTQ2MjE4MDQ3MTljYmJjZjUyMzQ4">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Chaos Blink (innate)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNmZGI4NWZlZDNhMjRhMDI5OGE2OTJlNjlhMDU5OWNl">Passive. &lt;level&gt; % chance to evade incoming attacy by blinking &lt;level&gt; feet in a random direction. Can evade area attacks if blink distance is enough to place the user outside area of effect.</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM5ODE1MzdlZWIyMjRiZDQ5NmI2MmQ5NTRmYzFlNzZk">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Venom Claws (innate)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM0YjM1MDA2Yjc1NzRmOGFhNDNjM2Y1ZTZhNzE5ZjM5">Claws can secrete venom. Poison duration and periodic damage increases with Agility and level.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0ZGExZjUzODAwYTRkMzI5ZDQ4YjRhODllZmU0MTNl" style="text-align: left" align="center">And right after he finished killing and eating the last bear cub, he earned a small amount of Exp.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Grendel has gained 3 +3 +5 levels (5-racial 1 &gt; 4, 5-guild master 1 &gt; 4, 3-super villager 1 &gt; 6). +99 SP</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM3M2IzM2Q1ZTZiZDRlOTg4YWRjM2M5YTczNzcwYzYz" style="text-align: left" align="center">With these SP and the leftovers, he placed all his new racial skills at level 5. And even with the bonuses from Superhuman Stats and Status Conversion he was still weaker than before he changed jobs and evolved. It was natural that his status would take a dive when he resetted his levels to the new jobs and race. But the potential for growth was astonishing.</p> <p class="cnNhNzU0OGQwMDk2OTQyNTBhNTk1OTUxMGE3NzIwZTIw" style="text-align: left" align="center">One last thing he had to do was to check his points.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td>&nbsp;<span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Loot Crate Maniac</span> level 6 - Available Points: 267,354 - Lifetime Points: [298,131 / 1,000,000]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0YjY1NWFlODBhYTQ3MDY5N2E5MjIyMzY3MTEyYmQ1" style="text-align: left" align="center">It was enough to get one S-rank chest and six A-rank chests. He got Gladiator Emperor (SS), Emperor’s Skill Steal (SS), Absolute Guard (S), Life Vision (A), Blunt Resistance (A), Unholy Resistance (A), Quad Job (SS), King’s Enchanting (S), Absorb Spell (S), Time Dilation (S), Parallel Processing (S), Dimension Sight (A) ,Memory Manipulation (A), Disable Senses (A), Animal Shape (A), Extra Arms (A), Danger Sense (A), Organ Reallocation (A), Density Control (A), Jeweller Lord (A), Regenerating Aura (B), Astral Projection (B), Prince’s Stamina (B), Prince’s Spellpower (B), and Fantastic Weaving (B) for 240,000 points.</p> <p class="cnNhN2RiN2VlOGRhZTQwMTk5Y2FjMzMzNjg3OGE0ZGZj" style="text-align: left" align="center">In hindsight, he should've done that before spending all his SP.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGQzZjVkNWEyODRlYTc4YmRiMzJlY2FiMWMzNTI2" style="text-align: left" align="center">He slipped into his private Pocket Dimension. It was a barren slab of bland rock floating in the middle of nowhere in the meridian of a sphere, neither bright nor dark, neither hot nor cold. It had breathable air but that was it. Swirling colors like a soap bubble going around the edge of this dimension betrayed the alien nature of the space. He dumped his luggage there and slipped back to reality.</p> <p class="cnNmMGMwYTFiNjVlNjQ3MTZiZmNkOGYxYjM0MjY1YjU1" style="text-align: left" align="center">Leaving the cave, Grendel set his sights south-west. He would visit Mirfield again. And this time he would meet their expectations. With great prejudice.</p> <p class="cnNmNmQwN2RiNmE3ZDQ2ZWViNWRlM2FhMDQ1ZTMzZmNl" align="center"><span style="font-size: 1.8em">🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝</span></p> <p class="cnNiMGYwOGI0YTcwMjRmNDdiMzM3MDlhOThlYWIzYzkx">New Skill:</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table width="509" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnMxZTQ0MGU1NGJiZTQ3NWY4M2U0MDBmNDBiMzlhZTZj">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Gladiator Emperor (SS)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM0YTg0Nzc5MTc1MjRlNzI4NTcwMDc3NjE2ZTI1ZGRm">Mastery with all kinds of weapons and unarmed combat. Able to use, with a penalty, techniques of a weapon with another.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNmODc5YjY4ZGZlYjQyZTZhZjFiYzk0N2IzNzZlMjdh">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Emperor’s Skill Steal (SS)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM2MDdhODhhYzdiMDRkNGU5ZDZmNGJjNmUxNDEwMTc0">Average chance of stealing a skill of a rank SS or lower the user doesn't have yet from target. User must call out the skill's name. Large Cooldown based on the skill ranking.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNmMzQ2OWI0NTAyYjRmNmJhOTMwYjRkMGU2ZGMzZDU4">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Absolute Guard (S)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM5MzBjYzkyMjJjMTRhNDNhZmY4NzVkYzYzODgxZGE2">High chance of nullifying an attack that can kill the user. Skill enters an 24 hour cooldown after triggering.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNkNTA0ZDBiNjFkNjQwMDhiMTJlYTQ3NzEwNjE0NjFi">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Life Vision (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM3NDE2M2YyOGRhZjRjY2Y5ZTcxMjU5NmQ5OTkxMDU5">Able to see HP bars hovering over or at the side of targets. Passive.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNhMDJkY2ZlYjExYjQwM2ZhMTI3YmMzOTRjYTEyN2I3">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Blunt Resistance (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM0MGYyYzQ4MTg3MTQ2NmE4NzA3MDgwMmIzZjMyNGRk">Reduces blunt force trauma damage taken by 15% per level. Includes falling damage.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM4NjdjNzY1MWM3MDQxZWFhN2NlNDIxNTVjYzIzMjY0">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Unholy Resistance (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNlMDQ2NTVlYjVmYTRkNmY4MzNlYzg4MjYwOTM0ZTM0">Reduces damage taken from unholy effects and spells by 15% per level.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM0ZDkyNGE0NTJjZjQ4NjJiYjhhN2FjNTFmMDg5NjE4">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Quad Job (SS)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM2NDc4MGJkMDk1NzRhNjFhMWRhYjgyYzYzOWNlNWNl">Allows user to set up to 3 extra jobs as active. The tier of the 2nd job can be up to 1 + &lt;level&gt; / 2. The cap on third job is one tier lower than the maximum for the second and so on.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM3Mzg3MDNhNmE5NTQxZmQ5ZTE0OWYwZTZhMWQwZjRi">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">King’s Enchanting (S)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMyMDJhYmRmNGQzYzRmZWQ4ODExN2E1MDk4YTE2NjMx">Allows user to use magic stones to enchant items.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnMzMmY1MjVlYjc0NzQ5MmM5M2M4NDU0OGIyYTMyODg3">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Absorb Spell (S)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNiYTk4OGU5OTJhMDRhZDQ5NTE3NGUzZmE3ZDVmOTk2">When the effect or damage of a spell targeting user or including user in its area of effect is partially negated, absorb MP equal to 10% of the spell's resisted portion.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNiNTdjYzllNzA2ZTQwNGE4MGVmY2IwNGEyZThhMDBk">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Time Dilation (S)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM5YWY3NWU3MGMzMjQyM2RhOTE4NDk5OTBjZTk4NTA0">Allows user to dilate own's perception of time, slowing down everything around user. Lasts &lt;level&gt; x 15 seconds. Cooldown 30 minutes.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnMwNjNkN2QwOTQ1MjQwYzQ4ZjYxYTdhOTdmYWIwMzQ3">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Parallel Processing (S)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMwODE4YWMyZmVmNjQ4YmQ5NWZmODc0Y2RhZjc5NzIw">Allows user to initiate other trains of thought that do not interfere with main reasoning. Quantity of parallel thoughts increase with level.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNjMDFmMWQzODYyYzRkYmNiYjk5OTFkYWFmNzg2OTFi">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Dimension Sight (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNhMzA0MDZlZTUwZDQ3YzA5Y2RmOWY1MzI5MWFkNmQx">Allows user to see into coterminous dimensions.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM4M2NiZmRhOTE0ODQwNGU5ZTNjOTBlMmVkZTcwMmJl">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Memory Manipulation (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNjM2FkMTdiNmYwMjRjYTg5YjVlNmZmYWI1NWI3ZmJk">Allows user to manipulate memories of target, erasing or altering memories.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNkMzFmN2I0ODUzMzRhYTM5Mjc5MjQ3NDQ5MjVmNTk1">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Disable Senses (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMxZGIzN2ZjMTFiYTQ4MDA5YTI2MzIwMDUyNGJmMTEw">Allows user to disable one of the senses of a touched target. Duration increases with level.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnMzMGZiNzEwMTU5ZTRjMjM5YjJiZTZiODIyMjljNGQ2">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Animal Shape (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGYyYmM4NGNmODRmNWJiYTk0YjQyYWEzOGQ1ZTFi">Allows user to take the shape of animals. Stamina and MP are consumed every minute of transformation.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNlYjg0ZjQxZDdiNzRkMjM4ZWY2Yzc3M2E5MGMxMmMx">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Extra Arms (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNiNDk3NTBkNzAzODQ4MzFiOTNkNjE3NjllOWJhNzgz">Allows user to grow an extra pair of arms that have &lt;level&gt; x 10% of user Prowess and Agility. Arms can be dismissed.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNiMzNmNmFhYmM0ZDQ1NTM5ZWYyYjMyZWNjYjFkZDlj">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Danger Sense (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM3OWRiZjVlOGU0YzRmNTk5YjQ0Zjg3ODM5ZGY2MmNi">Passive. Grants a &lt;level&gt; x 6% to receive advanced warning of danger.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnMyN2FmN2E1ZGZjYjRiN2U4NTU3ZWJlMWJiMzlkMGM0">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Organ Reallocation (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnMyZGRmZTU5ZDZhOTQzODI4NTYzOWNlOTE1ZTM0Yzk4">Passive. Grants a &lt;level&gt; x 8% chance of a vital strike missing an internal organ.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnMxMmNhY2U0NzZiZjQ5NWY5YzcxY2UwNmJiNjcwNzZk">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Density Control (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM4MTg3OGEyMjE3MzQxMThhN2UxNDMyNjg1NDMyODhl">Can alter own's density and weight by a factor of 15% per level (405% ~ 20% at level 10)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNjMGUzZGI1OTM3NDQ1NjZhY2UxZWU4OTJlMGViZTRm">Skill&nbsp;<span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm"> Jeweller Lord (A)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNjYzlmODA4ZWVkNDRlYTNhMzFiMjk3YTk4NDFjYzdl">Allows user to craft jewellry of great quality.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM5YjZkYjEzN2MzNTRhOTJiMDc4Njc2OTA2YTg1YzRl">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Regenerating Aura (B)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNhZTM2ODdlYjlhZDQxN2U5NjY2MmZmNTI1YTQ1OWJm">Reduces HP regeneration tick timer of party members in a &lt;level&gt; x 5ft radius by 15% per level.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM4NmRkMzlhZjZmOTRjZWI5NzVkNjcyZjNmNDQ0NjRk">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Astral Projection (B)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM0MzRlMGMyZjhiOTRkMjFiYTFjNGRiYmJmNjc4MzAy">Allows user to project own's psyche into the astral plane.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM0MTgzYTY4M2VlNDQ1YjU5MWUxMzkxNTEwOTAzMjVj">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Prince’s Stamina (B)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWJlNzQzZGU1OTRiZGU4MzA4NjBiNGUyM2UwYjE4">Increases ST multiplier by &lt;level&gt; x 0.2</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnM0N2NjZjEzNzY3YTQxZWY4OTY5NWFiMmM2NTc2ZGM4">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Prince’s Spellpower (B)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnM4MzBjODgzMTlmNDRiM2RiNmViOTgxNzBiYTQ0NmY4">Increase Magic stat by &lt;level&gt; x 2%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 0cm" width="175"> <p class="cnNlMGZlOWRmYjcxMTRlNTU4NDNjN2ZjZDdmNjExNjQ3">Skill <span style="display: inline-block; border: 1.90pt solid #000000; padding: 0.07cm 0.17cm">Fantastic Weaving (B)</span> level 1 awakened.</p> <p class="cnNhNThmMDVhNDA5NDQ0ZjI4ZjBhZWRiNThlNDllNmQ4">Allows user to weave any kind of physical thread into cloth. Does not require tools.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxZmIzZDJlMzZjYzQ3YTk5NDdiOWQzMTYzY2Q3ZTBm">&nbsp;</p> <div class="spoiler"> <div class="smalltext" style="margin-bottom: 2px"><strong>Grendel's Status</strong>:</div> <div class="spoilerContent"> <div class="spoiler-inner" style="display: none"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Basic Info</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Name:</td> <td>Grendel The Man Eater</td> <td style="text-align: right">Age:</td> <td>2 seasons (summer child)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Race:</td> <td>[5] Qliphoth Dimensional Troll</td> <td style="text-align: right">Current Job:</td> <td>[5] Guild Master, [3] Super Villager</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Level:</td> <td>4</td> <td style="text-align: right">Unspent Skill Points:</td> <td>4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="6"><strong>Basic Stats:</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right">Prowess:</td> <td>186 (3906 HP) +244/min</td> <td style="text-align: right">Agility:</td> <td>122 (671 ST) +826/h</td> <td style="text-align: right">Magic:</td> <td>144 (1188 MP) +546/h</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Job History Info</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[1] Villager: 40 <span class="st">☆</span></td> <td>[3] Super Villager: 1</td> <td>[3] Troll: 60 <span class="st">☆</span></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[4] Magic Swordsmen: 70 <span class="st">☆</span></td> <td>[4] Wizard: 1</td> <td>[4] Knight: 1</td> <td>[5] Guild Master: 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="3"><strong>Passive Status Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Max HP Increase: 8</td> <td>Max ST Increase: 7</td> <td>Max MP Increase: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HP Restoration: 8</td> <td>ST Restoration: 6</td> <td>MP Recovery: 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Guild Field Empowerment: 4</td> <td>Guild Field Vitality: 4</td> <td>Skill Awakening Rate UP: 9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Status Conversion Rate UP: 10</td> <td>&nbsp;Prince’s Stamina (B): 1</td> <td>Prince’s Spellpower (B): 1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; width: 99.1386%" colspan="4"><strong>Resistance Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25.077%">Pain Resistance: 7</td> <td style="width: 24.5706%">Damage Resistance: 6</td> <td style="width: 22.9444%">Acid Resistance: 3</td> <td style="width: 26.5466%">Fire Resistance: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25.077%">Poison Resistance: 8</td> <td style="width: 24.5706%">Sleep Resistance: 2</td> <td style="width: 22.9444%">Charm Resistance: 3</td> <td style="width: 26.5466%">Confusion Resistance: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25.077%">Paralysis Resistance: 3</td> <td style="width: 24.5706%">Blunt Resistance (A): 1 </td> <td style="width: 22.9444%">Unholy Resistance (A): 1</td> <td style="width: 26.5466%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Innate Skills - The (innate) is supressed.<br></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Super Regeneration: 5</td> <td>Tough Skin: 6</td> <td>Fire Weakness: 0</td> <td>Acid Weakness: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Eat Anything: 6</td> <td>Detachable Limbs: 5</td> <td>Ultra-Acute Smell: 6</td> <td>Berserk Rage: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dimension Slip: 5</td> <td>Extra Arms (A): 1 </td> <td>Pocket Dimension: 5</td> <td>Miasma Eater: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Terrifying Presence: 5</td> <td>Maddening Gaze: 5</td> <td>Chaos Blink: 5</td> <td>Venom Claws: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Organ Reallocation (A): 1</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center; width: 98.9403%" colspan="4"><strong>General Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">People Language: 5</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Basic Math: 4</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">Mining: 1</td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">Athletics: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">Hiking: 1</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Farming: 1</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">Dismantling: 7</td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">Complaining: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">Prospecting: 1</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Negotiation: 4</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">Bartering: 3</td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">Horseback Riding: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">Court Etiquette: 1</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Appraise (people): 1</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">Lord's Tailoring: 3</td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">Princess' Scrapbooking:1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">Immovable: 4</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Eidetic Memory: 3</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">Lord's Weaponsmithing: 4</td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">Lord's Armorsmithing: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">Duke's Architecture: 4</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Woodworking: 5</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">King’s Enchanting (S): 1 </td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">Absorb Spell (S): 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 30.3821%">Jeweller Lord (A): 1</td> <td style="width: 22.0263%">Fantastic Weaving (B): 1</td> <td style="width: 22.447%">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 24.0848%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Magic Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Staff-Blade: 1</td> <td>Tandem Casting: 1</td> <td>Fire Magic: 1 (Basic: Firebolt)</td> <td>Spell Improvisation: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Melee Resistance: 7</td> <td>Magic Conductivity: 1</td> <td>Spell Research: 1</td> <td>Signature Spell: 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fast Casting: 1</td> <td>Spell Duration Increase: 1</td> <td>Spell Power: 1</td> <td>Melee Dampening: 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Guild Field Control: 5</td> <td>Guild Master Authority: 1</td> <td>Guild Management: 4</td> <td>Ambient Magic Absorption: 5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Guild Tool Creation: 1</td> <td>Spider Web: 1</td> <td>Size-Shifting: 4</td> <td>X-ray Vision: 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Telekinesis: 5</td> <td>Control Animals: 6</td> <td>Life Vision (A): 1 - can see HP bars</td> <td>Create Snowflake: 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Time Dilation (S): 1</td> <td>Parallel Processing (S): 1</td> <td>Dimension Sight (A): 1</td> <td>Memory Manipulation (A): 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Disable Senses (A): 1</td> <td>Animal Shape (A): 1</td> <td>Density Control (A): 1</td> <td>Regenerating Aura (B): 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Astral Projection (B): 1</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4"><strong>Combat Skills</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Shield: 1</td> <td>Presence Detection: 7</td> <td>Gladiator Emperor (SS): 4 </td> <td>Elemental Blade: 5 (Fire, Water, Wind)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Bodyguard: 2</td> <td>Ferocious Shout: 7</td> <td>Taunt: 1</td> <td>Assassinate: 6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Evasion: 8</td> <td>Spell Parry: 5</td> <td>Dirty Tricks: 5</td> <td>Twin Fang Style: 1 - req. 2 daggers. (Twin Stab)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Danger Sense (A): 1</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Armor Mastery: 1</td> <td>Stealth: 5</td> <td>Combat Awareness: 8</td> <td>Absolute Guard (S):1 - nullifies one deadly attack every 24h</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Unique / Special Skills</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Exp Growth: 10</td> <td>Skill Growth: 10</td> <td colspan="2">Loot Crate Maniac: 6 - Available Points: 298,131 - Lifetime Points: [298,131 / 1,000,000]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Human Consumption: 3</td> <td>Emperor's Might (SS): 10</td> <td colspan="2">Party / Job Management: 4 (Create Party, Change Job, Change Title)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Item Duplication: 4</td> <td>Shadow Clones: 4</td> <td colspan="2">Quad Job (SS): 2 - Can set a second job up to tier 2 as active and 2 other jobs tier 1 as active.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Superhuman Stats (SS): 10 - +50% all stats</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="2">Emperor’s Skill Steal (SS) - Can steal skill. Must know name of skill and cannot already have it.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow: auto"> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="width: 100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4">Titles</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Defender</td> <td>Merciless</td> <td>Fearsome</td> <td>Mithriadist</td> </tr> <tr> <td>One Hit Wonder</td> <td>Dragon Bait (curse)</td> <td>Kingslayer</td> <td>Duelist</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Orc Lord</td> <td>Monkey Count</td> <td>Snake Charmer</td> <td>Man Eater</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SP Collector</td> <td>S-Slayer</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝 Before leaving that cursed hill for good, Grendel gathered the useful items from the remains of his camp and whatever those S-rank bullies brought. Their backpacks multiplied the space available and divided the weight. The famous 'dimensional bag'. There was a lot of stuff in those five backpacks. It seems they carried all their stuff in there. He gave up on trying to sort what little he took out of them and just shoved his loot inside them. The surviving weapons and armor of Gilgamesh's party were also taken. The Shining Spear was dormant. It spoke not a word to him after that time in the blank space. But it felt like an extension of his hand, of his magic. He descended the hill and going around the burning meadow he went west and north until he reached the foot of the dragonspine mountain range. Dawn was breaking and the giant dark cloud covered the sky as a dark omen of what was coming. Grendel's heart was a reflexion of the sky right now. He walked without a word near the foot of the mountain until he found a cave. A pair of bears and some cubs were readying to hibernate inside. He used his domination power on them and the bears became his pets. He had to raise the skill to level six but this time he had enough Skill Points. He took the bottom of the cave for himself and ordered the bears to go ahead on their ursine endeavours and guard him. He checked his status and swapped out both capped classes. Again he had to upgrade his dual job skill to place anything useful in that extra job slot. His main job was set as guild master. It was a tier 5 job, couldn't go wrong. As for the secondary job, he chose a very curious job that unlocked after that fight. | Your secondary job was set as [3] Super Villager | | --- | | Skill Skill Awakening Rate UP level 1 awakened. Increase the chance of leveling up skills with a level no greater than (<level> / 3) by <level> x 10% | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Skill Status Conversion UP level 1 awakened. Increase the amount of status points accrued from inactive jobs by <level> x 2% | | | | Skill Max HP Increased level 8. | Skill Max MP Increased level 7. | Skill Max Stamina Increased level 7. | This seemed like something he played in a Korean MMO. A job for bored people that was just a notch above the basic job. But the conversion skill seemed like a must-have because setting jobs to inactive lowered his status a great deal. He also maxed the skill he stole from Gilgamesh. Skill Awakening was left at level 9. These three skills devoured 152 SP. His racial level was capped and he needed to evolve. Checking his evolution choices, he quickly decided. | [5] Qliphoth Dimensional Troll Wicked trolls from another dimension that are born from human malice. They have the ability to travel between dimensions and their regeneration is an order of magnitude above a normal troll. They have the ability to induce madness on the weak of mind. | | --- | He recognized these from a manga he liked to read. But this was not your run-of-the-mill troll. What could 'travel between dimensions' mean? Would he be able to cross worlds? Getting an even better regeneration would be amazing too, and inducing fear was good also. It was the highest evolution he had. And he wanted power fast. | Evolution into [5] Qliphoth Dimensional Troll started... | | --- | In hindsight, he shoud've thought out that choice a little bit. But he was angry and full of malice himself. His vision blacked out and he passed out. He had no idea that his evolution to a tier five race would take twenty-five days. The bears he controlled with his skill kept following his orders and prepared for winter. They cuddled next to Grendel and hibernated. After the evolution Grendel woke up ravenous. The wicked nature of the new race took over and he devoured his bear minions. His anger and loathing for humans was only amplified by his new racial physiology. But he got eight new skills. | Skill Dimension Slip (innate) level 1 awakened. Allows one to access lower coterminous lower dimensions. Cost of transfer reduced with level. Chance of automatic banishment reduced by <level> x 10%. | Skill Super Regeneration (innate) level 3 awakened. Reduces all regeneration timers by 5 + <level> ^ 2 (105 at level 10) and reduces regeneration tick interval by 5 + <level> ^ 1.5 (36 at level 10). [Regeneration (innate)] fused into [Super Regeneration]. | | --- | --- | | Skill Pocket Dimension (innate) level 1 awakened. Creates a pocket dimension inside one's own mindscape with a radius of <level> x 15 feet. | Skill Miasma Eater (innate) level 1 awakened. Draws sustenance and delight from negative feelings drawn from sentient beings. Can starve if this skill is not used frequently. | | Skill Terrifying Presence (innate) level 4 awakened. Cause severe fear in all creatures except party members in a large range. Low chance of affecting mindless creatures. Cannot be focused. Resisted by Magic. [Intimidating Presence] fused into [Terrifying Presence]. | Skill Maddening Gaze (innate) level 1 awakened. Passive. Can cause madness to beings staring at the user's eyes. Resisted by Magic. | | Skill Chaos Blink (innate) level 1 awakened. Passive. <level> % chance to evade incoming attacy by blinking <level> feet in a random direction. Can evade area attacks if blink distance is enough to place the user outside area of effect. | Skill Venom Claws (innate) level 1 awakened. Claws can secrete venom. Poison duration and periodic damage increases with Agility and level. | And right after he finished killing and eating the last bear cub, he earned a small amount of Exp. | Grendel has gained 3 +3 +5 levels (5-racial 1 > 4, 5-guild master 1 > 4, 3-super villager 1 > 6). +99 SP | | --- | With these SP and the leftovers, he placed all his new racial skills at level 5. And even with the bonuses from Superhuman Stats and Status Conversion he was still weaker than before he changed jobs and evolved. It was natural that his status would take a dive when he resetted his levels to the new jobs and race. But the potential for growth was astonishing. One last thing he had to do was to check his points. | Loot Crate Maniac level 6 - Available Points: 267,354 - Lifetime Points: [298,131 / 1,000,000] | | --- | It was enough to get one S-rank chest and six A-rank chests. He got Gladiator Emperor (SS), Emperor’s Skill Steal (SS), Absolute Guard (S), Life Vision (A), Blunt Resistance (A), Unholy Resistance (A), Quad Job (SS), King’s Enchanting (S), Absorb Spell (S), Time Dilation (S), Parallel Processing (S), Dimension Sight (A) ,Memory Manipulation (A), Disable Senses (A), Animal Shape (A), Extra Arms (A), Danger Sense (A), Organ Reallocation (A), Density Control (A), Jeweller Lord (A), Regenerating Aura (B), Astral Projection (B), Prince’s Stamina (B), Prince’s Spellpower (B), and Fantastic Weaving (B) for 240,000 points. In hindsight, he should've done that before spending all his SP. He slipped into his private Pocket Dimension. It was a barren slab of bland rock floating in the middle of nowhere in the meridian of a sphere, neither bright nor dark, neither hot nor cold. It had breathable air but that was it. Swirling colors like a soap bubble going around the edge of this dimension betrayed the alien nature of the space. He dumped his luggage there and slipped back to reality. Leaving the cave, Grendel set his sights south-west. He would visit Mirfield again. And this time he would meet their expectations. With great prejudice. 🙟 ------------------------------- 🙝 New Skill: | Skill Gladiator Emperor (SS) level 1 awakened. Mastery with all kinds of weapons and unarmed combat. Able to use, with a penalty, techniques of a weapon with another. | | --- | | Skill Emperor’s Skill Steal (SS) level 1 awakened. Average chance of stealing a skill of a rank SS or lower the user doesn't have yet from target. User must call out the skill's name. Large Cooldown based on the skill ranking. | | Skill Absolute Guard (S) level 1 awakened. High chance of nullifying an attack that can kill the user. Skill enters an 24 hour cooldown after triggering. | | Skill Life Vision (A) level 1 awakened. Able to see HP bars hovering over or at the side of targets. Passive. | | Skill Blunt Resistance (A) level 1 awakened. Reduces blunt force trauma damage taken by 15% per level. Includes falling damage. | | Skill Unholy Resistance (A) level 1 awakened. Reduces damage taken from unholy effects and spells by 15% per level. | | Skill Quad Job (SS) level 1 awakened. Allows user to set up to 3 extra jobs as active. The tier of the 2nd job can be up to 1 + <level> / 2. The cap on third job is one tier lower than the maximum for the second and so on. | | Skill King’s Enchanting (S) level 1 awakened. Allows user to use magic stones to enchant items. | | Skill Absorb Spell (S) level 1 awakened. When the effect or damage of a spell targeting user or including user in its area of effect is partially negated, absorb MP equal to 10% of the spell's resisted portion. | | Skill Time Dilation (S) level 1 awakened. Allows user to dilate own's perception of time, slowing down everything around user. Lasts <level> x 15 seconds. Cooldown 30 minutes. | | Skill Parallel Processing (S) level 1 awakened. Allows user to initiate other trains of thought that do not interfere with main reasoning. Quantity of parallel thoughts increase with level. | | Skill Dimension Sight (A) level 1 awakened. Allows user to see into coterminous dimensions. | | Skill Memory Manipulation (A) level 1 awakened. Allows user to manipulate memories of target, erasing or altering memories. | | Skill Disable Senses (A) level 1 awakened. Allows user to disable one of the senses of a touched target. Duration increases with level. | | Skill Animal Shape (A) level 1 awakened. Allows user to take the shape of animals. Stamina and MP are consumed every minute of transformation. | | Skill Extra Arms (A) level 1 awakened. Allows user to grow an extra pair of arms that have <level> x 10% of user Prowess and Agility. Arms can be dismissed. | | Skill Danger Sense (A) level 1 awakened. Passive. Grants a <level> x 6% to receive advanced warning of danger. | | Skill Organ Reallocation (A) level 1 awakened. Passive. Grants a <level> x 8% chance of a vital strike missing an internal organ. | | Skill Density Control (A) level 1 awakened. Can alter own's density and weight by a factor of 15% per level (405% ~ 20% at level 10) | | Skill  Jeweller Lord (A) level 1 awakened. Allows user to craft jewellry of great quality. | | Skill Regenerating Aura (B) level 1 awakened. Reduces HP regeneration tick timer of party members in a <level> x 5ft radius by 15% per level. | | Skill Astral Projection (B) level 1 awakened. Allows user to project own's psyche into the astral plane. | | Skill Prince’s Stamina (B) level 1 awakened. Increases ST multiplier by <level> x 0.2 | | Skill Prince’s Spellpower (B) level 1 awakened. Increase Magic stat by <level> x 2% | | Skill Fantastic Weaving (B) level 1 awakened. Allows user to weave any kind of physical thread into cloth. Does not require tools. |   **Grendel's Status**: | **Basic Info** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Name: | Grendel The Man Eater | Age: | 2 seasons (summer child) | | Race: | [5] Qliphoth Dimensional Troll | Current Job: | [5] Guild Master, [3] Super Villager | | Level: | 4 | Unspent Skill Points: | 4 | | **Basic Stats:** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Prowess: | 186 (3906 HP) +244/min | Agility: | 122 (671 ST) +826/h | Magic: | 144 (1188 MP) +546/h | | **Job History Info** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [1] Villager: 40 ☆ | [3] Super Villager: 1 | [3] Troll: 60 ☆ | | | [4] Magic Swordsmen: 70 ☆ | [4] Wizard: 1 | [4] Knight: 1 | [5] Guild Master: 4 | | **Passive Status Skills** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Max HP Increase: 8 | Max ST Increase: 7 | Max MP Increase: 7 | | HP Restoration: 8 | ST Restoration: 6 | MP Recovery: 6 | | Guild Field Empowerment: 4 | Guild Field Vitality: 4 | Skill Awakening Rate UP: 9 | | Status Conversion Rate UP: 10 | Prince’s Stamina (B): 1 | Prince’s Spellpower (B): 1 | | **Resistance Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Pain Resistance: 7 | Damage Resistance: 6 | Acid Resistance: 3 | Fire Resistance: 5 | | Poison Resistance: 8 | Sleep Resistance: 2 | Charm Resistance: 3 | Confusion Resistance: 4 | | Paralysis Resistance: 3 | Blunt Resistance (A): 1 | Unholy Resistance (A): 1 | | | **Innate Skills - The (innate) is supressed.** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Super Regeneration: 5 | Tough Skin: 6 | Fire Weakness: 0 | Acid Weakness: 1 | | Eat Anything: 6 | Detachable Limbs: 5 | Ultra-Acute Smell: 6 | Berserk Rage: 4 | | Dimension Slip: 5 | Extra Arms (A): 1 | Pocket Dimension: 5 | Miasma Eater: 5 | | Terrifying Presence: 5 | Maddening Gaze: 5 | Chaos Blink: 5 | Venom Claws: 5 | | Organ Reallocation (A): 1 | | | | | **General Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | People Language: 5 | Basic Math: 4 | Mining: 1 | Athletics: 5 | | Hiking: 1 | Farming: 1 | Dismantling: 7 | Complaining: 5 | | Prospecting: 1 | Negotiation: 4 | Bartering: 3 | Horseback Riding: 1 | | Court Etiquette: 1 | Appraise (people): 1 | Lord's Tailoring: 3 | Princess' Scrapbooking:1 | | Immovable: 4 | Eidetic Memory: 3 | Lord's Weaponsmithing: 4 | Lord's Armorsmithing: 1 | | Duke's Architecture: 4 | Woodworking: 5 | King’s Enchanting (S): 1 | Absorb Spell (S): 1 | | Jeweller Lord (A): 1 | Fantastic Weaving (B): 1 | | | | **Magic Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Staff-Blade: 1 | Tandem Casting: 1 | Fire Magic: 1 (Basic: Firebolt) | Spell Improvisation: 1 | | Melee Resistance: 7 | Magic Conductivity: 1 | Spell Research: 1 | Signature Spell: 1 | | Fast Casting: 1 | Spell Duration Increase: 1 | Spell Power: 1 | Melee Dampening: 7 | | Guild Field Control: 5 | Guild Master Authority: 1 | Guild Management: 4 | Ambient Magic Absorption: 5 | | Guild Tool Creation: 1 | Spider Web: 1 | Size-Shifting: 4 | X-ray Vision: 4 | | Telekinesis: 5 | Control Animals: 6 | Life Vision (A): 1 - can see HP bars | Create Snowflake: 3 | | Time Dilation (S): 1 | Parallel Processing (S): 1 | Dimension Sight (A): 1 | Memory Manipulation (A): 1 | | Disable Senses (A): 1 | Animal Shape (A): 1 | Density Control (A): 1 | Regenerating Aura (B): 1 | | Astral Projection (B): 1 | | | | | **Combat Skills** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Shield: 1 | Presence Detection: 7 | Gladiator Emperor (SS): 4 | Elemental Blade: 5 (Fire, Water, Wind) | | Bodyguard: 2 | Ferocious Shout: 7 | Taunt: 1 | Assassinate: 6 | | Evasion: 8 | Spell Parry: 5 | Dirty Tricks: 5 | Twin Fang Style: 1 - req. 2 daggers. (Twin Stab) | | Danger Sense (A): 1 | | | | | Armor Mastery: 1 | Stealth: 5 | Combat Awareness: 8 | Absolute Guard (S):1 - nullifies one deadly attack every 24h | | Unique / Special Skills | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Exp Growth: 10 | Skill Growth: 10 | Loot Crate Maniac: 6 - Available Points: 298,131 - Lifetime Points: [298,131 / 1,000,000] | | | Human Consumption: 3 | Emperor's Might (SS): 10 | Party / Job Management: 4 (Create Party, Change Job, Change Title) | | | Item Duplication: 4 | Shadow Clones: 4 | Quad Job (SS): 2 - Can set a second job up to tier 2 as active and 2 other jobs tier 1 as active. | | | Superhuman Stats (SS): 10 - +50% all stats | | Emperor’s Skill Steal (SS) - Can steal skill. Must know name of skill and cannot already have it. | | | Titles | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Defender | Merciless | Fearsome | Mithriadist | | One Hit Wonder | Dragon Bait (curse) | Kingslayer | Duelist | | Orc Lord | Monkey Count | Snake Charmer | Man Eater | | SP Collector | S-Slayer | | |
{ "title": "World Guardian: Book Zero (Final Remastered Edition)", "id": 21208, "author": "Xavier Houseal", "rating": 3.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 21: Weird Morning", "id": 305849, "next": 305851, "prev": 305611, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1NmJmYjQ3MDNlZDQ3YjNhMzJjNjgzYWQ1MGFmMGRk" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter 21: Weird Morning</strong></p> <p class="cnNhZTdjNDhhYTYyYTQ2Zjk5NDQ1MGI0NTMwMTNlZWJi"><strong>[Narrator]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Early the next morning…</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjA4YjkzOTBmMjRmMTdhZDE2NGQxMzRjMGI5YTdl"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*knock* *knock* *knock*</span></em></p> <p class="cnM5NmQxZDM1ODMyYjRhNTRhN2MwOTI0MGQyNjUwNWQ0"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Tired* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Ugghh... Wh-what the hell...? It's so freakin' early…</span></p> <p class="cnM2Y2ZjMzQyNjM5OTRhNTdiNDJmZWUyNDAxY2I3NTli"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">opens the door after lazily rolling out of his giant, soft and warm bed.</span></em></p> <p class="cnMyMTc2OGVlYmEyZDRiYTFiM2RjNTRiNzhlZmQ3MmMy"><strong>[Butlers and Maids]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*in unison* *cheeringly* </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Good morning, master </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! It's time to get ready for school!</span></p> <p class="cnNiNGVlZDA5OWQ5NzQzOTQ5YTQ2YzM1MmMwZDhlZGU5"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Angrily Shouting*</span></em> <strong>YOU DUMBASSES! WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS WAKING ME UP WHEN SCHOOL DOESN'T START FOR ANOTHER FOUR HOURS!</strong></p> <p class="cnNhNzM1MTNmZGU5MDRjY2Y5MmM4ODJhNzcwMGU2OThl"><strong>[Butlers and Maids]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*in unison*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> But, </span><strong>milord</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! The young masters must begin preparing for their days at an early time so they may be fully ready for absolute productivity!</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2FmNGM2MmQ0MDQ0OWE4Mjk4MmFlM2M1NTRmZDVk"><strong> [Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Angrily Shouting*</span></em> <strong>I DON'T GIVE A CRAP! GO AWAY AND DON'T COME BACK!</strong></p> <p class="cnNlMGEwOTZmZjhhMTRmNDFiNmFlMGNhY2M1MTYxZDM3"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Baku </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">slams the door and crawls back into bed. The spot he left was still there as he snuggled in the exact position he fell asleep in. However...</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjZmI4NmVhOWMyOTQxMmI5NDNiM2FhNTU4YTUxOWQx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*rhythmic knocking* </span></em></p> <p class="cnM4YjBiYTUyNzg5NDQyYTk5MTU4NDI0OWY0YzhjZjcz"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Angrily Shouting* </span></em><strong>OH MY GODDESS! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! IT'S FOUR IN THE MORNING, AND I BARELY GOT ANY SLEEP DEALING WITH ALL OF YOUR ROYAL BULLSHIT LAST NIGHT! HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE EVEN AWAKE RIGHT NOW!? I GUESS IT JUST COMES DOWN TO YOU NOT BEING HUMANS, HOWEVER INSTEAD JUST A BUNCH OF LIFELESS, MECHANICAL -- RRRO- LY CRAP!?</strong></p> <p class="cnMyYmY1YjJhZDRjMjRiYmJhN2Y5Zjc0MzU3Y2I3Njk1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Upon swinging the door open, </span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> comes face-to-face with the beautiful </span></em><strong><em>Princess Savannah Amethyst Cree</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> and is immediately frozen by her elegance. She was already dressed in her royal uniform attire of a white and black vest and skirt held together by belts and buckles. Her long black hair that flowed down the length of her back was already done as well, probably done to perfection by an extremely patient and delicate maid. Her posture was perfect as she stood up straight, proudly allowing her chest to reaffirm there... Greatness... <strong>The </strong></span></em><strong><em>Princess </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">was all dolled up and ready for the day. Where as, </span></em><strong><em>Baku</em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400"> who was still in his royal pajamas, thought he was still in a dream.</span></em></p> <p class="cnMwNTljMzY2ZGEwMTRkNTc4NjZhNGE0M2NmZGE0Yjg3"><strong>[Princess Savannah]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Good morning, master </span><strong>Baku</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! I trust you had an excellent rest last night?</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZWEzMTRkOGJmNDRmOGJhMzBjMTI1ZTlmZmQyOWVh"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Embarrassed* *Nervous*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> I-I-I... Uh-luhh... Huh!?</span></p> <p class="cnM1NGY3NTVkMjRlMjRiZGI4NDI2ZTE4MzhkZDA0ZTk4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*</span></em><strong><em>Nicolatrice </em></strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">opens the door to her bedroom. She was in her royal pajamas as well.</span></em></p> <p class="cnNkYzBiYjc5ZTU5NzRlYjI5MmVmYTE2ODNhMWEyZTEy"><strong>[Nicolatrice Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Tiredly*</span></em> <strong>Baku... </strong>It's like four in the morning...<span style="font-weight: 400"> Why are you yelling, <strong>sweetie</strong>? </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Surprised*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> O-Oh my <strong>Goddess</strong>, <strong>the </strong></span><strong>Princess</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! Um, good morning,<strong> milady</strong>. You're looking especially great today!</span></p> <p class="cnM0MzcwYzhhNzM5NTQzNzBhY2FlMmE2MzZjMDE5MDQw"><strong>[Princess Savannah]:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> *Smiling* Good morning, mistress </span><strong>Nicolatrice</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">! I'm feeling absolutely wonderful this morning! I hope you both are ready for breakfast! The chefs prepared something that smells delicious!</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWEzNjMxNjZhNTRjYjhhMGM2MDIyZmFlOGM5N2Ri"><strong>[Nicolatrice Cree]: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh, that actually sounds rather pleasant!</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTBlZjJjZmVkNzQ1Nzc4ZmNlNDhiYTIwNjgwNTgy"><strong>[Princess Savannah]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Smiling*</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Excellent! If you both will be joining us this morning, I recommend that you appear washed and properly dressed. <strong>The </strong></span><strong>king </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">doesn't like when members of the royal family aren't correctly presented in the dining hall.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYWQ4ZmEzMmQ0MDRjMzg4OGU1NTEyYjgyOTk3MmVh"><strong>[Butlers and Maids]:</strong> <em><span style="font-weight: 400">*in unison*</span></em><strong> Master Baku!</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Are you ready for your bath now?</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDg2N2E0NzI2ZDRiYzM5ODlmOWJiNGViOGYyMjQ2"><strong>[Baku Cree]: </strong><em><span style="font-weight: 400">*Embarrassed* </span></em><strong>GO AWAY!</strong></p> </div>
**Chapter 21: Weird Morning** **[Narrator]:** Early the next morning… **knock* *knock* *knock** **[Baku Cree]:** **Tired** Ugghh... Wh-what the hell...? It's so freakin' early… ******Baku*** *opens the door after lazily rolling out of his giant, soft and warm bed.* **[Butlers and Maids]:** **in unison* *cheeringly** Good morning, master **Baku**! It's time to get ready for school! **[Baku Cree]:** **Angrily Shouting** **YOU DUMBASSES! WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS WAKING ME UP WHEN SCHOOL DOESN'T START FOR ANOTHER FOUR HOURS!** **[Butlers and Maids]:** **in unison** But, **milord**! The young masters must begin preparing for their days at an early time so they may be fully ready for absolute productivity! **[Baku Cree]:** **Angrily Shouting** **I DON'T GIVE A CRAP! GO AWAY AND DON'T COME BACK!** ******Baku*** *slams the door and crawls back into bed. The spot he left was still there as he snuggled in the exact position he fell asleep in. However...* **rhythmic knocking** **[Baku Cree]:** **Angrily Shouting** **OH MY GODDESS! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! IT'S FOUR IN THE MORNING, AND I BARELY GOT ANY SLEEP DEALING WITH ALL OF YOUR ROYAL BULLSHIT LAST NIGHT! HOW ARE YOU PEOPLE EVEN AWAKE RIGHT NOW!? I GUESS IT JUST COMES DOWN TO YOU NOT BEING HUMANS, HOWEVER INSTEAD JUST A BUNCH OF LIFELESS, MECHANICAL -- RRRO- LY CRAP!?** **Upon swinging the door open,* ***Baku*** *comes face-to-face with the beautiful* ***Princess Savannah Amethyst Cree*** *and is immediately frozen by her elegance. She was already dressed in her royal uniform attire of a white and black vest and skirt held together by belts and buckles. Her long black hair that flowed down the length of her back was already done as well, probably done to perfection by an extremely patient and delicate maid. Her posture was perfect as she stood up straight, proudly allowing her chest to reaffirm there... Greatness... **The*** ***Princess*** *was all dolled up and ready for the day. Where as,* ***Baku*** *who was still in his royal pajamas, thought he was still in a dream.* **[Princess Savannah]:** **Smiling** Good morning, master **Baku**! I trust you had an excellent rest last night? **[Baku Cree]:** **Embarrassed* *Nervous** I-I-I... Uh-luhh... Huh!? ******Nicolatrice*** *opens the door to her bedroom. She was in her royal pajamas as well.* **[Nicolatrice Cree]:** **Tiredly** **Baku...** It's like four in the morning... Why are you yelling, **sweetie**? **Surprised** O-Oh my **Goddess**, **the** **Princess**! Um, good morning, **milady**. You're looking especially great today! **[Princess Savannah]:** *Smiling* Good morning, mistress **Nicolatrice**! I'm feeling absolutely wonderful this morning! I hope you both are ready for breakfast! The chefs prepared something that smells delicious! **[Nicolatrice Cree]:** Oh, that actually sounds rather pleasant! **[Princess Savannah]:** **Smiling** Excellent! If you both will be joining us this morning, I recommend that you appear washed and properly dressed. **The** **king** doesn't like when members of the royal family aren't correctly presented in the dining hall. **[Butlers and Maids]:** **in unison** **Master Baku!** Are you ready for your bath now? **[Baku Cree]:** **Embarrassed** **GO AWAY!**
{ "title": "Don't label me!", "id": 21423, "author": "Tsaimath", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 8", "id": 305927, "next": 305976, "prev": 305713, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyMzkzNjNjZGVmMDQyZTVhMDMyMTU5ZTBiMGIyZTI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hohoho, Merry Christmas… Not! If I had to describe Hell, at this point, I’d probably describe a Christmas-Dinner hosted by my father. Calling it pompous would be an understatement. There was enough food to feed a third-world country, every sycophant of the greater New Brunsburg area, every toady, every upstart, every-damned-one was attending. And they all felt a need to slobber over me, giving oh-so-heartfelt compliments in the hope that their fawning adulation for his daughter would make my father feel good about them. Not that there was ever any hope that he would care about their attitude towards me as a person, as long as they respected me as part of the King-Dynasty.</span></p> <p class="cnNiOTgxOTk5YmJlMTRlYTU4NmJjYzU5OTZiZWY3M2Fm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYjFkMjNhZjA5NzQzNjM5YjMzZGQ1ZDcyZmIxNGE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">A bombing would have rid the world of so much trash that evening, I was almost sad that nobody blew the party to high heaven. Not that anybody would have a chance. There was a ton of security around and even a complement of the Heros' League, all done up in their Red-Blue regalia, showing the world that KingCorps was a great contributor to the Heros' League and their goal.</span></p> <p class="cnMxODZlMDIyMmEzNjQ1NjU4ZjRlZGE3YWQ4Njk3YmRj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwYTgxNWVkMTQyMTQwZmY5ODYzZDQ4ZmI0NjBiZjY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">What made the evening perfect was that my supposed fiance was in attendance and seated next to me. So we could enjoy our relationship, at least that was what Christmas Barbie told me before the reception. Yes, enjoying the relationship with the guy who made sure that I had not a single friend at school while he happily courted every female with a pulse, bedding not few of them, as the rumors went. At least he did not have his side-kick with him, I think I had heard his name was Denis or something like that. But I could survive the evening with Clark without resorting to murder, I had training in tuning him out and nodding at the right times. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDhkNTRlN2UyNzQ5NzFhOTI5YmFhNmJmOTM0ODk0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZGZiMDliZmQ2ODQxZmViN2QwMGI2NDg3ZDE4YWQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">But I suppose I got lucky that year, for some reason Clark was quiet, subdued even. He did not brag about his achievements on the football-field, ok, that was because he quit football at the start of the year, and he did not brag about his academic-achievement. Ok, that one was probably because his class-rank was about a dozen places below mine. He did talk a little about his friends but more in generalities, not his normal braggadocio-behaviour. He acted almost like a civilised human. Well, almost.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWRjNWMzOWU0ZTQzY2RiOGM0ZDM1ODdiYzBkMmI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MWU5MjFmYjkwNTRjNDg5ZjBkNjRjZjZlYWE0Yzg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, the thing that made the whole evening worthwhile was something completely out of the left field. I had banged my head against the ‘mobile power-creation or storage’-problem for weeks, looking for a solution that would allow me to use the prototype-armour I had designed but not yet built. I was looking up at the crystal-chandelier, looking at the sparkling light in the multi-faceted crystals when I felt inspiration strike me like lightning. Luckily, it was after dinner and me stumbling was noticed by Christmas Barbie who immediately asked if I was alright. I managed to feign weakness without making a scene, keeping my mask in place while letting it crack a little and she was happy to whisk me away from the event and up into a prepared suite. After she had fussed around me for a little, I managed to convince her that I just needed some rest and she let me alone.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGEyNzY3NmRhZjRiZWY4NjVhNDg1YTU2ZTcxOTZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZGE1MGIxYzQwOTQyN2Y5Mzk4NzlhYmU4ODdmYTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">My mind was still firing on all cylinders and in a frenzy of ideas, I managed to write down my ideas and communicate them with Galatea. Together, we succeeded in making a wild inspirational idea into a logically sound schematic. When I had seen the chandelier, I had the inspiration that it might be possible to create a crystal-substrate that stored energy directly into the crystal-matrix, allowing me to store insane amounts of energy within limited space. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZDExZjk2ZGIxOTRkZWZiOTFiYzIxOGVhOTU0Yjhm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZjI0ODMzMThhNTQ0MmM5MDBmZjRlOGM2NGY2ZWMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Depending on the structure, the energy-density I might achieve bordered on the insane. The only problem I saw, was charging and discharging-rates. Both needed to be controlled quite carefully or Bad-Things™ would happen. And by Bad-Things™ I’m talking about an uncontrolled total discharge within a timeframe ranging between micro-seconds and minutes. Micro-seconds would mean a big, big bang, almost at the level of a small nuclear weapon but only probably only heat and kinetic energy. Minutes would mean that the substrate heated up to temperatures reminiscent of the surface of the sun while it melted itself into a highly toxic fluid. It could not turn gaseous, at least I didn’t think so, it would more likely discharge excess energy in the form of radiation. Sadly, I wasn’t sure what kind of radiation.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGU5ZTJhNWZmODQ0MDk5OWUwMjk4OGIwY2NmMTMx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZDdlMmZjZTQxNjRiZjA4YWE2ZWQ1ODc2ZmNkZjQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">So yes, an uncontrolled discharge would definitely be bad. But someone once said ‘Freedom isn’t free.’ Mine might be a little more costly if that idea went bad but that’s just how the cookie crumbles.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTM4Zjg3NGNjYTQwYzZiYjkwZmZkMjg5YTRlYTg3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZTQ0YzA3N2I0ODRhNDY5OGRhNjYxMzFlMDFjMjYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Anyway, if I could create the substrate as I thought, I would be able to power the armour for hours on end. Creating it was definitely a possibility, I just needed the right conditions and materials, both looked rather possible. A pain in the behind but possible. And it would allow me to use a few other ideas I had.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2VlMWY5ODQ1MTRhNmE5ZjM5ODY5YmEyMmJlMmYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhMTk0YzY4NzFjMjRlNzk5MWQyYzFhNzYzMmViOTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had a thought, at that point it wasn’t even a fully fleshed out idea, about using energetic repulsion to make the armour hover a few cems above ground. Not enough to call it flying but if I managed to create a repulsion-field, I might be able to allow it frictionless travel. It would look and probably steer similar to ice-skates, allowing me to travel at descent speeds. The challenge would be more in the field of steering and control than maximum speed. At least I thought so. </span></p> <p class="cnNmNjA5ZWFkNDk1MjQ4YjE4MmZhYThhZDQ1Y2FkYTdm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZjMxYWM2ZmUwYzRiNGY4YTMxMzgyNDQwOGQ0MTc5"><span style="font-weight: 400">But I had not even the slightest idea how to make it hover above every type of surface, it wasn’t as if I could use magnetic repulsion, unless I only wanted to be able to glide over magnetic surfaces which were rather rare. No, if I wanted to make it truly useful, I’d have to allow it to work against mass-density in relation to its distance. One could call it anti-gravity. Yes, I was not thinking in small measures. One of the least understood forces known to man, and I wanted to build something that inverted it in a controlled manner.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTcxZGI1N2Y1MTRhNGE5MDhhY2M5NjEyYzRkZjY1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiM2EwMjQxNDY3NDQ2Mjc5YmVjNDU4ZGExNmJmOGJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">There were other things I would love to have, some kind of weapon was one of them. I had ideas for a rail-gun, using it to propel a solid slug at insane speeds and if the energy-storage crystal worked, it would be a definite possibility. I’d just need a solid recoil-absorption system in the armour, throwing 120 grams of solid metal slug at a few times the speed of sound produced some nasty recoil. Action equals reaction and all that jazz. Hell, without my frame I wouldn’t want to shoot a large, conventional pistol and those had but a fraction of the power my railgun idea had. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZWQ3ZTY3YTI3NjQ0OWM4MTM0M2U5MzA0YTFhODcz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NWYzNGY0MDI4MTRjMzM5MTZjZGY4OWNlOTJiYWUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another problem I had with it was a little different. It was too powerful. The railgun I had planned would kill all but the most durable Powered out there. Hell, it would easily wreck most armoured vehicles, maybe even a tank depending on the location hit. </span></p> <p class="cnMyODIzNGNmZGVlMzRiNjY5N2RhY2FlZjkxOTc5M2Y2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYzZiMTVlMzU3YzRmOGRiNjllNTg5MTVhOWViYzBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">If I went out and only had lethal options, I would limit myself greatly. Everything I had read on the darkweb hinted at a strong but unwritten code of conduct among Powered. Unless you wanted to bring down a lot of heat onto yourself, you did not go straight to lethal options, you did not go after people outside of costume, you did not go after their families. The last was enforced with extreme prejudice.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzdhMmFjNjNmYjQ1MGY4NjVjNDZmYmI2NTRmMGY0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYWJhODU3MWMyOTQ2OWY5ZjVmMDdlMDQzNWJiNTJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">So I needed something non-lethal. I had ideas about using a low-speed rail-gun with a larger projectile, firing a high-mass projectile at low velocity with the option of increased velocity but to make it effective, I’d need a lot of mass at relatively low density, similarly to launching a baseball at pitcher-speeds. Those would hurt but unless I was truly unlucky they would not kill. But going after Powered with what was effectively a souped up pitching machine? I’d rather have an extreme-makeover by Business-Barbie. It would be less embarrassing.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmE2ZTZlMTc2MjQ0YWQ5YjU2OWMzZDEzMzIxNGZh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1YTg2MjY2MmVlZTRlOWRiMjExZDg1MGZkYmYxZjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">No, I needed a medium to deliver kinetic energy that did not involve large, slow-moving objects or smaller, fast moving objects. In essence, I needed some kind of magic, but sadly that was not in my purview. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMTM4ODlmNDlhMzRjODU4OWEwNWU5ZDk4ZjNlOTRi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYjRlNGRmYmM2MTQ4YzQ4Zjc1ZGQ4ZDZkM2RhMjYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Just as I was debating the possibility of using either laser or maser as non-lethal weapon, I heard the suite-door so I had to hide my tablet and pretend to be a good girl and resting.</span></p> <p class="cnM3OGEzYzM0ZDBmMzQ4ZTk4NDhlYTQyY2QxMjhiYWIw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YTRmOGFiZDFkNjQyZjc5M2YxZDY2MmYyZmYyMDg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey Alexandria. Are you alright? You looked a little unsteady when I brought you up.” asked Christmas Barbie.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTQ5ODZmYWZiOTQ5MzU4ZWVjOThmOGY3ZTQ0YmUw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNzMxYzg0NTlkMjRlOWI4ZjM0ZjQxOWQxNjk4MWEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, Grace, I am alright. Don’t worry, you can go back down and enjoy your party.” I said, trying to make my voice sound composed.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjQyNmUzZTQzYTRkNjZiYWM2ZTY1MzFkN2E2NzBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1MjhlZWNjZDAzNzQ4ZmY5ODI3ODg1MjZhNDQ2NGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, honey, you don’t need to put up a front. If you need me, I will stay up here with you. I noticed you looked stressed while sitting next to young Mr. Greene. Do you want to talk about it?” she asked as she came closer to the bed, her voice tinged with faked concern. Oh, great, now my father was sending his loyal barbie after me to sound me out. Just fantastic, Merry effing’ Christmas to me. </span></p> </div>
Hohoho, Merry Christmas… Not! If I had to describe Hell, at this point, I’d probably describe a Christmas-Dinner hosted by my father. Calling it pompous would be an understatement. There was enough food to feed a third-world country, every sycophant of the greater New Brunsburg area, every toady, every upstart, every-damned-one was attending. And they all felt a need to slobber over me, giving oh-so-heartfelt compliments in the hope that their fawning adulation for his daughter would make my father feel good about them. Not that there was ever any hope that he would care about their attitude towards me as a person, as long as they respected me as part of the King-Dynasty.   A bombing would have rid the world of so much trash that evening, I was almost sad that nobody blew the party to high heaven. Not that anybody would have a chance. There was a ton of security around and even a complement of the Heros' League, all done up in their Red-Blue regalia, showing the world that KingCorps was a great contributor to the Heros' League and their goal.   What made the evening perfect was that my supposed fiance was in attendance and seated next to me. So we could enjoy our relationship, at least that was what Christmas Barbie told me before the reception. Yes, enjoying the relationship with the guy who made sure that I had not a single friend at school while he happily courted every female with a pulse, bedding not few of them, as the rumors went. At least he did not have his side-kick with him, I think I had heard his name was Denis or something like that. But I could survive the evening with Clark without resorting to murder, I had training in tuning him out and nodding at the right times.   But I suppose I got lucky that year, for some reason Clark was quiet, subdued even. He did not brag about his achievements on the football-field, ok, that was because he quit football at the start of the year, and he did not brag about his academic-achievement. Ok, that one was probably because his class-rank was about a dozen places below mine. He did talk a little about his friends but more in generalities, not his normal braggadocio-behaviour. He acted almost like a civilised human. Well, almost.   However, the thing that made the whole evening worthwhile was something completely out of the left field. I had banged my head against the ‘mobile power-creation or storage’-problem for weeks, looking for a solution that would allow me to use the prototype-armour I had designed but not yet built. I was looking up at the crystal-chandelier, looking at the sparkling light in the multi-faceted crystals when I felt inspiration strike me like lightning. Luckily, it was after dinner and me stumbling was noticed by Christmas Barbie who immediately asked if I was alright. I managed to feign weakness without making a scene, keeping my mask in place while letting it crack a little and she was happy to whisk me away from the event and up into a prepared suite. After she had fussed around me for a little, I managed to convince her that I just needed some rest and she let me alone.   My mind was still firing on all cylinders and in a frenzy of ideas, I managed to write down my ideas and communicate them with Galatea. Together, we succeeded in making a wild inspirational idea into a logically sound schematic. When I had seen the chandelier, I had the inspiration that it might be possible to create a crystal-substrate that stored energy directly into the crystal-matrix, allowing me to store insane amounts of energy within limited space.   Depending on the structure, the energy-density I might achieve bordered on the insane. The only problem I saw, was charging and discharging-rates. Both needed to be controlled quite carefully or Bad-Things™ would happen. And by Bad-Things™ I’m talking about an uncontrolled total discharge within a timeframe ranging between micro-seconds and minutes. Micro-seconds would mean a big, big bang, almost at the level of a small nuclear weapon but only probably only heat and kinetic energy. Minutes would mean that the substrate heated up to temperatures reminiscent of the surface of the sun while it melted itself into a highly toxic fluid. It could not turn gaseous, at least I didn’t think so, it would more likely discharge excess energy in the form of radiation. Sadly, I wasn’t sure what kind of radiation.   So yes, an uncontrolled discharge would definitely be bad. But someone once said ‘Freedom isn’t free.’ Mine might be a little more costly if that idea went bad but that’s just how the cookie crumbles.   Anyway, if I could create the substrate as I thought, I would be able to power the armour for hours on end. Creating it was definitely a possibility, I just needed the right conditions and materials, both looked rather possible. A pain in the behind but possible. And it would allow me to use a few other ideas I had.   I had a thought, at that point it wasn’t even a fully fleshed out idea, about using energetic repulsion to make the armour hover a few cems above ground. Not enough to call it flying but if I managed to create a repulsion-field, I might be able to allow it frictionless travel. It would look and probably steer similar to ice-skates, allowing me to travel at descent speeds. The challenge would be more in the field of steering and control than maximum speed. At least I thought so.   But I had not even the slightest idea how to make it hover above every type of surface, it wasn’t as if I could use magnetic repulsion, unless I only wanted to be able to glide over magnetic surfaces which were rather rare. No, if I wanted to make it truly useful, I’d have to allow it to work against mass-density in relation to its distance. One could call it anti-gravity. Yes, I was not thinking in small measures. One of the least understood forces known to man, and I wanted to build something that inverted it in a controlled manner.   There were other things I would love to have, some kind of weapon was one of them. I had ideas for a rail-gun, using it to propel a solid slug at insane speeds and if the energy-storage crystal worked, it would be a definite possibility. I’d just need a solid recoil-absorption system in the armour, throwing 120 grams of solid metal slug at a few times the speed of sound produced some nasty recoil. Action equals reaction and all that jazz. Hell, without my frame I wouldn’t want to shoot a large, conventional pistol and those had but a fraction of the power my railgun idea had.   Another problem I had with it was a little different. It was too powerful. The railgun I had planned would kill all but the most durable Powered out there. Hell, it would easily wreck most armoured vehicles, maybe even a tank depending on the location hit.   If I went out and only had lethal options, I would limit myself greatly. Everything I had read on the darkweb hinted at a strong but unwritten code of conduct among Powered. Unless you wanted to bring down a lot of heat onto yourself, you did not go straight to lethal options, you did not go after people outside of costume, you did not go after their families. The last was enforced with extreme prejudice.   So I needed something non-lethal. I had ideas about using a low-speed rail-gun with a larger projectile, firing a high-mass projectile at low velocity with the option of increased velocity but to make it effective, I’d need a lot of mass at relatively low density, similarly to launching a baseball at pitcher-speeds. Those would hurt but unless I was truly unlucky they would not kill. But going after Powered with what was effectively a souped up pitching machine? I’d rather have an extreme-makeover by Business-Barbie. It would be less embarrassing.   No, I needed a medium to deliver kinetic energy that did not involve large, slow-moving objects or smaller, fast moving objects. In essence, I needed some kind of magic, but sadly that was not in my purview.   Just as I was debating the possibility of using either laser or maser as non-lethal weapon, I heard the suite-door so I had to hide my tablet and pretend to be a good girl and resting.   “Hey Alexandria. Are you alright? You looked a little unsteady when I brought you up.” asked Christmas Barbie.   “Yes, Grace, I am alright. Don’t worry, you can go back down and enjoy your party.” I said, trying to make my voice sound composed.   “No, honey, you don’t need to put up a front. If you need me, I will stay up here with you. I noticed you looked stressed while sitting next to young Mr. Greene. Do you want to talk about it?” she asked as she came closer to the bed, her voice tinged with faked concern. Oh, great, now my father was sending his loyal barbie after me to sound me out. Just fantastic, Merry effing’ Christmas to me.
{ "title": "A generic love story: disturbance", "id": 18719, "author": "arandomweeb", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 21", "id": 305932, "next": 306524, "prev": 305931, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0MjUyMTJjN2RmYTQ1YWZiN2IzZjMxMzk3Mzg1YjUy">The incident quickly made headlines the next day. People in class were gossiping about it, some felt proud, some were jealous, some were relieved, but all were waiting for Takumi and Kyoya.</p> <p class="cnNjY2Q1YmIwOGFjOTQzZjQ4NDMzYThhMmUyYWMyNzEz">Due to medical reasons, they were allowed to stay home for the morning. So they entered at noon and attracted everyone`s attention. Girls and guys flocked to them, asking them questions, while the students from afar whispered about their looks and grades.</p> <p class="cnNiMGJiM2FiNTAwNzQzOTk5NzI2MGVkZmVmNzhkZTdi">Their homeroom teacher met them after school, asked them similar questions and then let both off. Outside the room, Kyoya nodded his head, and they went separate ways. At the hallway leading to the front door, however, Takumi found Chisato standing next to the shoe lockers.</p> <p class="cnNhZWUzYjVjMzg4MjRhNDA4ZWMwM2VjM2VmNDc5ZjMx">“Hey there, my hero. You look pretty cool with those bandages on y`know.”</p> <p class="cnM1N2Y2OWY2OWQwZTQ2M2ZiNTk4MjdlN2FiMWJiNjlh">“Senpai, Konichiwa. It was nothing, the guy scared my mom so I had to take my revenge, that`s all.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZWE2ZDgxYWI2NTRhYmJhMTc3ZjJlMTc1MTQwMDhi">“Hou? What happened? Wait, come with me to this place first and we can talk.”</p> <p class="cnNiYWMyNjZjNWJhZjRlOTdiMTM1NThjMGUxNTYxMzU2">Shamelessly grabbing his hand, Chisato dragged her kouhai [underclassmen] to an empty classroom. She pulled out a ramune bottle and gave it to him.</p> <p class="cnMyMTM0NGM2NzRkZDQ3NTBiZDFiNTc2MGU1YTE5MGE4">“Ah… So that`s how it is…”</p> <p class="cnNkZjBhODdiYTEyNzRjOGNiN2Q5ZmQzNWI0ZmY5ZGQ5">Takumi nodded. He suddenly felt like showing off, so he continued:</p> <p class="cnNlZjdmYTVlYTcwYzRlNWRiNTU0Y2ZkMzBkNzgwYjk4">“But I think there might still be another killer out there.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZThlNDViMTdhYTQ1NmViNDZiY2U2YWVlZWI1YTJj">“Oh? Why so?”</p> <p class="cnMyNWYyMTEyM2ZlOTQ1ZmI5MTMxMjA1ZDE5ZGRiNDU1">Takumi took a deep breath, preparing to explain everything. But Chisato stopped him:</p> <p class="cnNmMjQwNjM5NmY1OTRlYTg4MzMxYTNhM2Q2NTA0YWU3">“Nee, Nishimura-kun… I have something to tell you…” Her usual cool was replaced by a shy look on her face.</p> <p class="cnMwM2ZiZDIzYWMwODQxYzRhYjYyNTkzMDYwM2MwNzA5">“Eh?”</p> <p class="cnM3MWRmYjFkMmVhNDQ4NTc4ZGM4ZWU3MGZhYzJiMGFj">“Do you… like me?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZWI2Mjk3NTBkNDRjNDJhODExNTZmYmEwOTdmOTA0">(Eeeh!?)</p> <p class="cnNmNDVkODU1ZDIyZDRhZmU4NGIxYTJlMWFlYThkNzJh">“Ah… Anou… Sonou…” [ah, well, about that…]</p> <p class="cnM4MTAwMDQwZDcxNDQzYThhZWZjYWJlMTQ5YzVmOGU5">“Or do you hate me?”</p> <p class="cnNhMjQ2ZDU4M2I1ZTQ1Yjg5MTY4MTYyYTcwZTUxNDRl">“N-No, I d-don`t.”</p> <p class="cnM5Mzg3MDhmZjRhNDQwNDk4M2JiZjFjNzRjYTRjYzBj">For the first time, his mask almost fell off. Takumi was actually nervous because of these questions. That also means he had lowered his guard around Chisato. Inevitably, he felt dizzy, his leg failed and he crumbled to the ground.</p> <p class="cnNhZDFlNmJiODFmZDQ3ODY4ZWUzNTA0YmJhZjJmMzUy">“Na-Nani?!”</p> <p class="cnMzMDMzYmRjNzI0OTQxZGJhZWE1NGI3YWFjYTFjNzU5">“Oh, the drug is starting to take effect.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZDc4NzhkMWFmNjQyZmE4ZDU2N2NiZWZjOWRlOGEx">“Wa… Senpai… Why?”</p> <p class="cnNiYzFmNDAzZTVhNTRhZjA4ODAyZjExNTcxOGQwNWU2">“You are smart, Nishimura-kun, very smart. Well, let`s just start the fun first”</p> <p class="cnM4YjAxMmVlZDgyZDQwY2I5YjY1NzMyYWU1MWViNTU4">She went to close and lock all the doors and windows.</p> <p class="cnMyY2JiMGMzZjAxNTRiODRiZjEwNTY5MTQwZGI5MTUz">“Senpai… You are the second culprit?!”</p> <p class="cnM1YzQyMTA1NDQ1YTQwOWRhOWVjZjEzNzUxNDFiNGZl">“Ahehe… But you aren`t smart enough to figure this out right?”</p> <p class="cnNmNTc0ZWYxYTlkNTQwMmRiOWI2Zjc3MTgwOGMyYWM3">Swallowing air down his throat, Takumi started to think of a way out.</p> <p class="cnNiYjQ5MDFlYzA0MjQ3ZjlhNTNhY2YzNDgwNDY0YTQy">“Wait… This is a joke right? You were just going to spike my drink so we can have sex or something…”</p> <p class="cnM3OTVjMTY0NzY1MzQ3NzM5NzJlYjAyNzQwZWJiNTlh">He ate a kick to his face.</p> <p class="cnNhNzY3ZjE2ZDIyOTQ1ZjFiYmU2ZDA5ZDMxZmRlNmU5">“Nee, Nishimura-kun, right now, right here I am the greatest person. The greatest desu! That`s why, you shouldn`t defy me. Understand?”</p> <p class="cnM2OTFiYTlhZDYwNTRhMTU5ZDIwZGI0MTA5YjMyMjUz">From the corner of the room, she pulled out a baseball bat.</p> <p class="cnM2NGIzMzc5MWVhNDQ2ZTFiYmQ1YjYyNTU5ZTVhZGNl">“Your punishment tee hehe”</p> <p class="cnM1MGI2YTM4NWRkYzQyYWRiM2FiMTlkMGRlZWMxNzc4">She swung the bat as hard as she can at him. The fracture grew bigger and bigger on his left arm, before it broke from protecting his face.</p> <p class="cnNjODkxZGM3NWI4ZTQyM2VhOGE1YWE0MDc1MThlZWU1">“Now then, you should know a lot already, but I`ll explain everything for you so that you can win your little detective game anyways. Hmm… where to start… Ah right! I was raped in my first year of junior high… By my brother. He wasn`t my sibling, he was a neighbor. A very friendly one, I`ll give you that. I always went to him for advices, and he would help out our family now and then.”</p> <p class="cnM2MzFkMjI0ODFiMjQ2MDRhN2Y1OTY3YjM4MTBlZWIz">She paused, shifting her gaze directly at Takumi.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGY2Y2QxOGYxMjQ1MzU5MDNiODk3NTExZjk1ZTc2">“And then one day” Her pupils widened “I was raped.”</p> <p class="cnM3M2JiNzQ2ZjE4ZjRiY2ViZTliZjgwNTBjZjhjZTZi">Keeping a nonchalant smile on her lips, she looked away before continuing with a sarcastic voice:</p> <p class="cnM2NDRmMTMyNmQ5ZjRhOGNiYTQ3ZjY3OGNjM2MzNjhj">“My brother really hated to ever admit to be wrong. He never regretted any of his actions. He was someone who just forgets unhappy things. Even though he made a mess of me, he still tried to comforted me, saying” She put on a manly voice “Poor you! Who did this?” Weird, right? I thought so too, and so I laughed.”</p> <p class="cnMyYTg1MjNlNWMyOTQ3NTNhYWEzZDYxMDM4YjZiNjE4">A pinch of sadness brushed through her face, before she went on:</p> <p class="cnNjOTY0ZWZhYjBiOTRlNmY4OTVlN2UzYmIzOTBhZmE2">“Those incidents started at around the beginning of this year, I guess. One day, he ran to my house, covered in blood, and wanted to have sex with me. He told me that he was the one blessed by the gods, with a mission to kill all aliens that invaded earth.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZGJlNWM3ZGVhYjRkOWNhYzZkYjMwYzM3MWJkYWNk">“Of course I thought about telling the police. But there was an unexpected turn of events. My brother took me on one of his “Alien hunting” trips. And when I saw his victims begging for their lives, something in me really got switched on.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZjdhMTRiYjc3ZDRmY2RiMzI2NzI5NmQ1NWUzMTli">She gazed at Takumi through her shoulder, giggling.</p> <p class="cnM5MzViNDc4ZWIwZjQ4N2RhNjUxMzQzZGE3OTdiZTRm">“I kept on taking pictures until my memory was full. I couldn`t stop at all. It felt so good, watching others suffer.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZGIyMGNkMTdhZDRiZjliNWJjOWY2MzhiMmZiN2Fh">“Sometimes he didn`t completely kill off his victims, so I have to clean up after him. Using a wire and squeezing tightly. Also adds to the artistic side, no?”</p> <p class="cnMyMThiNTBhNWY3YjQxM2RiMWU1N2U5OWVjNjhhNzA2">“But… Lately he talked about stopping. I had to look for something that would make him continue. And so…”</p> <p class="cnM3YTdiYzI0NDNlYTQ1Zjg5MDc4M2NiZjcwNDU2ODE1">“Bethlelem`s Star?!” Takumi gasped</p> <p class="cnNiNDhhOThlM2IxMjQ5MTFhMTFiZjhlYzNlN2Q0ODBj">“Sugoi~! You dug that far?! Hehehe… that`s my idea, combined with another thing. The weird white-haired girl in our school.”</p> <p class="cnMwNWQ2MzUwZThmMDQ3YzM4NjE4ZDUxZDQ3ZWFlNzhj">“Her?!”</p> <p class="cnMyMDZhZjg4OWM5ZjRkZWNhYTI0ZWFmNTQzYWEwNDM1">“I told him that, the star would lure aliens to our planet, and on Christmas Eve, a white one will appear: the alien queen. Hahahaha.”</p> <p class="cnM0MTdhOGU3OThhNjRjZDhiNmU5MWM2N2UyYmNmZmMy">“Saa-te,[now then] Shall we begin?”</p> <p class="cnMzYmE5YTI1MjE5MTQwY2U4MGMwMWNhMjM0MzNiYjhj">Holding the smartphone in her hand, she moved around to get the best angles. Takumi squirmed and wiggled desperately to hide his face. She stopped, and grabbed his right arm, pulling it out of the way.</p> <p class="cnM3M2UzYjgxYmYwYjQ4ZTk4MjA2ZDczYTVlOTY3Yzlk">“As expected of you, Nishimura-kun, you`re outstanding.” Her voice became excited.</p> <p class="cnNkNWY5YTY3ZmMyOTQ3NTA4YjM3MWJkYTg5MzAwMjlj">“The first time we met on the train, you acted so cool. And no matter what situation you are in, you were so calm and composed. That`s why… That`s why… I wanted to see your true self…”</p> <p class="cnNmNjU0ZmNmNTNhMjQzNmU5NTZlODliMGU3NjliOTUw">“W-what do you mean?”</p> <p class="cnM4OTdiNWVjNDZlYTRlNTdiM2Q4MDZhZDE4OTBjYTEx">“When faced with such a bewildering reality that makes you become lost about what to do, humans will show their inner self. And you, such a cool person… Always having his mask on even when he`s being honest… You will show me something incredible! In order to get these photos, I even sacrificed my brother! So… Show me your best expression! Takumi-kun!”</p> <p class="cnM0MDcxMTQxYTVjMDQzN2E4OGI5NTQ4NGFhNmQ4M2Fh">His brain suddenly touched something, and Takumi showed a painful expression on his face.</p> <p class="cnNjNzBjNjI0YzNlMTQxODhhMjBiMDgyZjAyNDZhMDlh">“What`s the matter?”</p> <p class="cnMxMDY5ZDk0YzU5NjQyN2ZiZDEzYzQ1Y2JkMTgwM2Ni">He looked away, and closed his eyes. Then abruptly threw her a gaze. His eyes were different.</p> <p class="cnMwY2ZmN2Y5ZDNlYTQyNGQ5MjM0Zjk2NTkxMzI3ZWQ2">“Ha… haha… Hahahahaha. What a pathetic human.”</p> <p class="cnMwNDBjYTE4NjFlMDRhY2Y4MjJjYmY2ZDQ4YWI3YzZm">“What?” Her face became puzzled</p> <p class="cnNlNWI4ZTdhMjQzMTQ2ZDlhNDcwNGM4ZDdmZjBkODhj">“You`re so weak and stupid you don`t even realize that you are weak and stupid! Seeing my inner self? Really? Well sorry but I don`t consider myself a human. Who the fuck do you think you are?”</p> <p class="cnMwZWQ1NmI1NmM1NzQwYjRhZTVhMjBmYzRjNmVjYWZi">His cold eyes brutally gleamed with pride.</p> <p class="cnNhNWYyN2U0MDViOTQ0ZjI4NTI1ZTA2ZGI1NWYwYTI5">“Give me a fucking break. When you got raped by that crazy motha fucker, you were so scared that you didn`t dare to tell anyone! No one! And then your weak scaredy ass became his sex slave, only because you are weak as fuck!”</p> <p class="cnNjMWU1MjcxMjdhZTRkYjBhZDNjMDI3OWMxMjY2NGI3">“Grh…” Chisato`s throat became stuck</p> <p class="cnMyNzQzNGQwYWRhNDQzYWE4NDY3M2ZkYTAzY2U0YTYw">“When you were on that train, the man obviously molested you. Why didn`t you yell? Oh right, you are a coward, weak, pathetic girl! But somehow you didn`t accept it. Cuz you`d have killed yourself if you did. So you went masturbating to other people`s suffering, so you can think that you`re “strong.” His voice peaked with sarcasm.</p> <p class="cnMyNGUxYTFhMTFmNTQyMjliZjRkNjMzZWMzNjBlNGRj">“Fucking face it you dumbass. You`re not only weak, but you don`t even know how to ask for help because your weak ass would be afraid of people knowing you are weak! Ha! Just… like me…” The vile tone died down, as his eyes became hollow.</p> <p class="cnNhZDg4Y2Q3MWUwNDRjMDg5YTRiOTVmZmRkNjRmNjk1">“Shu… Shut up!”</p> <p class="cnM0NjU3NTIyMTkxNDRlZWNhNTllYzFlYTJmMTk2OThi">She held the bat high, ready to swing down on him. But Takumi wasn`t there anymore. He was stranded inside his thoughts, reminiscing the painful events that corrupted him.</p> <p class="cnM4MjE4NzQyYjQ0ZDQ0YmU4MzA5Yzc4YjRlMTcyZWI4">The windows broke, and a fleet figure jumped inside. Kyoya took a momentum step; his feet drilled into the floor, his peripheral vision spotted the baseball bat. He chambered his leg, and the spinning hook kick reaped the thing in half. Then he stood his ground:</p> <p class="cnNjYjllYTYwY2ViZTRmN2Y4YWU4NjFiNzA3NTc3YmMy">“Yamero!”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjNjMjAwZTYyNDQ1YmFhNmZkYjQ0YzZiZDg0ZTY3">Chisato was staggered by the force of his kick. Stumbling backwards, she threw the bat away before drawing out a paper knife.</p> <p class="cnMzNWU1YzY1ZjE5YjRmZjY5NjJiNjJiOWZhODdhMzAx">Down there, Takumi suddenly woke up. He seemed to have thought of something, as he tried to stand up. Kyoya saw that and helped him, letting the enfeebled Takumi rest on his shoulders.</p> <p class="cnMzNTQ1MTE4YjVkYzRhYmM5ZDA4NWJmZDg2NmMyOTAz">“Nee, senpai… I`m sorry, I didn`t mean to say those things…”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTE5YmViYTczMzRjNjhhMDgzNTJjYzQ1NjM1NGY5">“Shut the fuck up! Die!”</p> <p class="cnMyNmViNDc3OGExMDQyOTBhZWI2N2M3MzQxNzcyOTYw">“Senpai! Please listen to me! I know, it`s cruel, but you have to face it!”</p> <p class="cnMwMWVlM2E2OTYzNDQ5MDliMDYxM2U2Mjc3YzA4M2Zm">Briefly staring at the floor, he continued</p> <p class="cnNhMzJjZjI4ZDEwNDRkMjE5ZjVkMjY1MDhlYzI2YTQ4">“My dad was a real special agent who worked for America`s intelligence agency. He was the world to me. But one day, he got shot on an escort mission and died.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTQ1YzVmMDgzYTQ2YmJhNjQyMGQ5Zjk4NTllMzUw">Chisato`s patience was being tested</p> <p class="cnMxOTZkMGVmNmUyMjQ5YTJiNzA4YTJkYTg1NjM2ZTNm">“I was so lost I didn`t know what to do. So I developed this personality. Cruel, ruthless, but smart and devious, just like the world itself!” he panicked.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZWQ3MjAxYTMxZTQzYWZhZjhmNzIwZjVlYmE1NWVm">“Then our family did not receive the compensation money. An impostor came and acted as if he was my dad`s friend. When in reality he was the one who took all our compensation. So the sly me came up with a plan. I pried the truth out of his mouth, recorded it. As a killing blow, I acted emotionally and jumped from the second floor to trigger his conscience.”</p> <p class="cnM5MjRjODFhY2UxNDRmNGE5ODdjYzU1YmNlM2QxMjdj">“After that, as if it was a punishment, even though we got the money, I came down with hyperthymesia. All those memories… I can`t forget them! I thought i was gonna go crazy! I thought that it was karma for all that hatred and anger that built up inside me. And … and I became deprived of motivation. I don`t see a purpose to live! I became so weak!”</p> <p class="cnM3NTUwZjVhYjYxMjQ1OTVhZDFlYjQyZTMzNGY4YjFi">“Enough!” She roared, and rushed at them.</p> <p class="cnM0YWU0NGRjZWE5NjQ1OTViNTU1MTM1MjM0ODk2NzRm">Takumi noticed that Kyoya`s legs were shaking. His fear of female completely rooted him.(He won`t be able to react in time!). And so, with all his strength, he shoved Kyoya out of the way, accidentally bumping his head into a wall and making him fall unconscious. The knife, however, went straight into his torso.</p> <p class="cnNkNjFiMmFiM2VmNzRiYjU5NDJlMjg2ZjMyOTAyNzY0">Chisato`s breath was frantic. She was trembling and crying. Takumi lifted one of his arms. Then he looped it around her.</p> <p class="cnMzOWNlNWZjMTE0NTQ5NjM5ZWRlYThlMjhjZmEzMjI2">“That`s why… Don`t be like me. Call for help! Just scream out loud! Cry if you want to! Struggle! You have your whole life in front of you, and if none is willing to help you get it, then I will!”</p> <p class="cnNiZmJkYWI2YzJhNTQ3ZDBiMGMyY2JkMmE0MjNmYmU4">“H-Huh?” she looked at the knife that she sank deep inside Takumi's flesh.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZjMyOGFmNTJjNDQwMmU4MjcxZmEzNGRlYzA1NmJi">“My life is useless… But if… If it can help you, if taking my life can make you feel better, even just for a short moment… Then go ahead.”</p> <p class="cnM4YWQ5ZjAxNzA0NTRjMTJhNzk5ODVlYTYwODFhODZm">“W-Wait, this is… No I didn`t mean to…” her voice was mixed with sobs&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjM2ZkMDRkMWVhYzRjN2Y4MWQzNzUyMjRmOThhOTA3">"No! Nishimura-kun, I'm sorry! Please! Don't die!"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZDcwM2FlMzg0ZjRkYWQ5ZGViNDBkNjFiZTk2MDA4">“Senpai… Are you happy now?” He smiled, but it looked like the saddest thing on earth. Then, a small gust of wind knocked his body over. He fell to the ground. Blood formed a puddle around him.</p> </div>
The incident quickly made headlines the next day. People in class were gossiping about it, some felt proud, some were jealous, some were relieved, but all were waiting for Takumi and Kyoya. Due to medical reasons, they were allowed to stay home for the morning. So they entered at noon and attracted everyone`s attention. Girls and guys flocked to them, asking them questions, while the students from afar whispered about their looks and grades. Their homeroom teacher met them after school, asked them similar questions and then let both off. Outside the room, Kyoya nodded his head, and they went separate ways. At the hallway leading to the front door, however, Takumi found Chisato standing next to the shoe lockers. “Hey there, my hero. You look pretty cool with those bandages on y`know.” “Senpai, Konichiwa. It was nothing, the guy scared my mom so I had to take my revenge, that`s all.” “Hou? What happened? Wait, come with me to this place first and we can talk.” Shamelessly grabbing his hand, Chisato dragged her kouhai [underclassmen] to an empty classroom. She pulled out a ramune bottle and gave it to him. “Ah… So that`s how it is…” Takumi nodded. He suddenly felt like showing off, so he continued: “But I think there might still be another killer out there.” “Oh? Why so?” Takumi took a deep breath, preparing to explain everything. But Chisato stopped him: “Nee, Nishimura-kun… I have something to tell you…” Her usual cool was replaced by a shy look on her face. “Eh?” “Do you… like me?” (Eeeh!?) “Ah… Anou… Sonou…” [ah, well, about that…] “Or do you hate me?” “N-No, I d-don`t.” For the first time, his mask almost fell off. Takumi was actually nervous because of these questions. That also means he had lowered his guard around Chisato. Inevitably, he felt dizzy, his leg failed and he crumbled to the ground. “Na-Nani?!” “Oh, the drug is starting to take effect.” “Wa… Senpai… Why?” “You are smart, Nishimura-kun, very smart. Well, let`s just start the fun first” She went to close and lock all the doors and windows. “Senpai… You are the second culprit?!” “Ahehe… But you aren`t smart enough to figure this out right?” Swallowing air down his throat, Takumi started to think of a way out. “Wait… This is a joke right? You were just going to spike my drink so we can have sex or something…” He ate a kick to his face. “Nee, Nishimura-kun, right now, right here I am the greatest person. The greatest desu! That`s why, you shouldn`t defy me. Understand?” From the corner of the room, she pulled out a baseball bat. “Your punishment tee hehe” She swung the bat as hard as she can at him. The fracture grew bigger and bigger on his left arm, before it broke from protecting his face. “Now then, you should know a lot already, but I`ll explain everything for you so that you can win your little detective game anyways. Hmm… where to start… Ah right! I was raped in my first year of junior high… By my brother. He wasn`t my sibling, he was a neighbor. A very friendly one, I`ll give you that. I always went to him for advices, and he would help out our family now and then.” She paused, shifting her gaze directly at Takumi. “And then one day” Her pupils widened “I was raped.” Keeping a nonchalant smile on her lips, she looked away before continuing with a sarcastic voice: “My brother really hated to ever admit to be wrong. He never regretted any of his actions. He was someone who just forgets unhappy things. Even though he made a mess of me, he still tried to comforted me, saying” She put on a manly voice “Poor you! Who did this?” Weird, right? I thought so too, and so I laughed.” A pinch of sadness brushed through her face, before she went on: “Those incidents started at around the beginning of this year, I guess. One day, he ran to my house, covered in blood, and wanted to have sex with me. He told me that he was the one blessed by the gods, with a mission to kill all aliens that invaded earth.” “Of course I thought about telling the police. But there was an unexpected turn of events. My brother took me on one of his “Alien hunting” trips. And when I saw his victims begging for their lives, something in me really got switched on.” She gazed at Takumi through her shoulder, giggling. “I kept on taking pictures until my memory was full. I couldn`t stop at all. It felt so good, watching others suffer.” “Sometimes he didn`t completely kill off his victims, so I have to clean up after him. Using a wire and squeezing tightly. Also adds to the artistic side, no?” “But… Lately he talked about stopping. I had to look for something that would make him continue. And so…” “Bethlelem`s Star?!” Takumi gasped “Sugoi~! You dug that far?! Hehehe… that`s my idea, combined with another thing. The weird white-haired girl in our school.” “Her?!” “I told him that, the star would lure aliens to our planet, and on Christmas Eve, a white one will appear: the alien queen. Hahahaha.” “Saa-te,[now then] Shall we begin?” Holding the smartphone in her hand, she moved around to get the best angles. Takumi squirmed and wiggled desperately to hide his face. She stopped, and grabbed his right arm, pulling it out of the way. “As expected of you, Nishimura-kun, you`re outstanding.” Her voice became excited. “The first time we met on the train, you acted so cool. And no matter what situation you are in, you were so calm and composed. That`s why… That`s why… I wanted to see your true self…” “W-what do you mean?” “When faced with such a bewildering reality that makes you become lost about what to do, humans will show their inner self. And you, such a cool person… Always having his mask on even when he`s being honest… You will show me something incredible! In order to get these photos, I even sacrificed my brother! So… Show me your best expression! Takumi-kun!” His brain suddenly touched something, and Takumi showed a painful expression on his face. “What`s the matter?” He looked away, and closed his eyes. Then abruptly threw her a gaze. His eyes were different. “Ha… haha… Hahahahaha. What a pathetic human.” “What?” Her face became puzzled “You`re so weak and stupid you don`t even realize that you are weak and stupid! Seeing my inner self? Really? Well sorry but I don`t consider myself a human. Who the fuck do you think you are?” His cold eyes brutally gleamed with pride. “Give me a fucking break. When you got raped by that crazy motha fucker, you were so scared that you didn`t dare to tell anyone! No one! And then your weak scaredy ass became his sex slave, only because you are weak as fuck!” “Grh…” Chisato`s throat became stuck “When you were on that train, the man obviously molested you. Why didn`t you yell? Oh right, you are a coward, weak, pathetic girl! But somehow you didn`t accept it. Cuz you`d have killed yourself if you did. So you went masturbating to other people`s suffering, so you can think that you`re “strong.” His voice peaked with sarcasm. “Fucking face it you dumbass. You`re not only weak, but you don`t even know how to ask for help because your weak ass would be afraid of people knowing you are weak! Ha! Just… like me…” The vile tone died down, as his eyes became hollow. “Shu… Shut up!” She held the bat high, ready to swing down on him. But Takumi wasn`t there anymore. He was stranded inside his thoughts, reminiscing the painful events that corrupted him. The windows broke, and a fleet figure jumped inside. Kyoya took a momentum step; his feet drilled into the floor, his peripheral vision spotted the baseball bat. He chambered his leg, and the spinning hook kick reaped the thing in half. Then he stood his ground: “Yamero!” Chisato was staggered by the force of his kick. Stumbling backwards, she threw the bat away before drawing out a paper knife. Down there, Takumi suddenly woke up. He seemed to have thought of something, as he tried to stand up. Kyoya saw that and helped him, letting the enfeebled Takumi rest on his shoulders. “Nee, senpai… I`m sorry, I didn`t mean to say those things…” “Shut the fuck up! Die!” “Senpai! Please listen to me! I know, it`s cruel, but you have to face it!” Briefly staring at the floor, he continued “My dad was a real special agent who worked for America`s intelligence agency. He was the world to me. But one day, he got shot on an escort mission and died.” Chisato`s patience was being tested “I was so lost I didn`t know what to do. So I developed this personality. Cruel, ruthless, but smart and devious, just like the world itself!” he panicked.  “Then our family did not receive the compensation money. An impostor came and acted as if he was my dad`s friend. When in reality he was the one who took all our compensation. So the sly me came up with a plan. I pried the truth out of his mouth, recorded it. As a killing blow, I acted emotionally and jumped from the second floor to trigger his conscience.” “After that, as if it was a punishment, even though we got the money, I came down with hyperthymesia. All those memories… I can`t forget them! I thought i was gonna go crazy! I thought that it was karma for all that hatred and anger that built up inside me. And … and I became deprived of motivation. I don`t see a purpose to live! I became so weak!” “Enough!” She roared, and rushed at them. Takumi noticed that Kyoya`s legs were shaking. His fear of female completely rooted him.(He won`t be able to react in time!). And so, with all his strength, he shoved Kyoya out of the way, accidentally bumping his head into a wall and making him fall unconscious. The knife, however, went straight into his torso. Chisato`s breath was frantic. She was trembling and crying. Takumi lifted one of his arms. Then he looped it around her. “That`s why… Don`t be like me. Call for help! Just scream out loud! Cry if you want to! Struggle! You have your whole life in front of you, and if none is willing to help you get it, then I will!” “H-Huh?” she looked at the knife that she sank deep inside Takumi's flesh.  “My life is useless… But if… If it can help you, if taking my life can make you feel better, even just for a short moment… Then go ahead.” “W-Wait, this is… No I didn`t mean to…” her voice was mixed with sobs  "No! Nishimura-kun, I'm sorry! Please! Don't die!"  “Senpai… Are you happy now?” He smiled, but it looked like the saddest thing on earth. Then, a small gust of wind knocked his body over. He fell to the ground. Blood formed a puddle around him.
{ "title": "Energy", "id": 21357, "author": "Amsdoff", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Energy 31: Hunt", "id": 305935, "next": 306327, "prev": 305913, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyYTI3ZTQyZDg4ZDRiM2Q5ODAzODllMzdjNDEyMGJk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I draw my stick and approach the giant stone doors that mark the entrance to the rest of the tunnel. There are some strange runes carved on the surface of the door that I can’t make out at all. Maybe it’s the same rune system that holds the illusion in place? No clue, as I can’t fuckin’ see the Mana infused runes, but the door is slightly ajar, so the word or words are broken up. As I pass through the gap, I note that it’s a pretty good thing that the door is already open, on account of the fact that even my enhanced Strength means nothing against a foot thick, 9 foot tall stone door. How the hell would someone even open this? Can it be closed? This place would be really defensible just based on this choke point… hmm.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTJjNDIwZjdmYjRkZGE5NTEyNmI2NjQyNWU2N2Ix"><span style="font-weight: 400">I step through and find a long, dark passageway. I can see very faint light in the distance, but the entire way there is mostly shrouded in darkness. I shrug and begin slowly making my way down the hall. The light from outside fades almost immediately past the doors, but I can still make out a few feet in any direction. My vision feels weird in that range, entirely colorless and mostly outlines of features… must be due to my Perception stat. I figure that as my eyes adjust I’ll be able to see more, but for now it’s pretty crap. A few careful steps in and suddenly Kaythe starts trying to guide me to the left wall. At first I resist, as I’d much rather have space around me for maneuvering if need be, but Kaythe rapidly becomes more insistent, even going to far as to *click*(danger) its disapproval. A trap? But… looking around, I don’t see anything. It looks like a totally normal underground cave hallway, if a little dusty. Granted, I can’t really see the ceiling that well, but the floor and walls look normal… </span></p> <p class="cnNjZDZmNWExNzUwYTRiOGQ4NWRlYzJmODk5ZWQ4MGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">I put my stubbornness aside and follow Kaythe’s guidance to the left wall and start walking forward from there, only to be *once again* interrupted by Kaythe! It’s wiggling like crazy and constantly clicking out the ‘danger’ warning, but there is literally nothing there. “Kaythe” I whisper, “what the hell is wrong with you?” Kaythe, for his part, clicks in my face and continues wiggling. Very helpful.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NzNlNDQzNGQwMTQzZGRhMDk4NTA2NTgzYjMxMjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">But I trust the little idiot so I stop again. </span></p> <p class="cnMyY2JkMzY0ZDZlOTQ1YzU5YjhmMGNkMWNjMWQyMTYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Let’s say there’s a trap here. It has to be triggered somehow, yeah? Unless it’s magic… like a rune trap… but even then something has to set it off, right? While there’s a chance that it requires a living target to set it off, that would be ridiculously unfair for a dungeon so early in ‘the game’, so I’ll assume (probably wrongly) that it can be set off by anything that ‘trips’ it. I don’t see any tripwires, and pressure plates could be hidden, but there aren’t any holes in the walls for spears or poison darts to come through… so the threat is either going to come from way in front of me, the ceiling (which is tall as fuck and hard to make out), or the floor. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMjM0NDhkYmVhODRkMmFiYmQzYzY5NjE2MTY3MTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">With that in mind, I grab a fist sized stone from the floor and roll it down the middle of the path. The stone rolls along the ground, and I don’t hear anything trigger, so I start to reach for another stone to test the ceiling when I hear a sharp *crack* sound from in front of me… but also down, much further than the ground. I immediately dive to the ground, from the noise, but after lying there for a few seconds in a fog of newly stirred up dust, no other sounds have emerged… so I guess the trap is triggered?</span></p> <p class="cnM5YWRlYWQ2NDM0NTRhNGJiYmNlZjJiNWVkY2E2YTJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">I move forward to investigate only to have Kaythe start warning me in the same place about some clearly well hidden danger. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YTk5NTRmMjUzODQ1Y2ZhMmY5MjllYzQwN2M4ZTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Exasperated, I ask Kaythe to kindly show me this danger, to which Kaythe clacks in agreement. It crawls off me, forward a few feet, and then into the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjE4YzBlNWU0MTQ1NDk5Yzc1MTQzN2QyNDk0NjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before popping back up.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMTAzNzE5Njc1OTRmNjRhYjIxMGI0YjQxZjQ3OWY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">And crawling back to me.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YTQyYTNiNTA0MzRhYTNhZDdiMDcwNzYyMDA5YTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">My exasperation switches to confusion, and then a dawning realization. Despite having 27 Intelligence, I’m a fucking idiot. </span></p> <p class="cnM5M2JlOTk4MDZmOTRmMWRhYmY0Nzg5ZTFlZWUyNTM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The entrance to the cave was covered in a giant illusion, so why the </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">fuck </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">didn’t I think the traps would be?</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGE0Y2ZjNDA3NzQzMWU4NTgzZjBjMjgyN2FhZTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Crawling forward on my stomach, I slowly approach the place Kaythe had disappeared through, and, sure enough, my hands pass right through the ‘ground’. The illusion dispels at my touch, revealing that it is, in fact, a giant pit. One with giant, sharp spikes at the bottom.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmY4YTVjNjRhYzQ4NGE4YmZmZjQwMWYxMzA4Nzg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Neat.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NGViZmE4MGZlMjQzYzdhNzllMjMzYTljYzhiZDY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">I carefully slide back and away from the pit of death, quietly whispering my thanks to Kaythe for saving me from a really dumb death. Now that I can see the pit, I can tell why Kaythe wasn’t happy with me just walking close to the wall. There are ledges on either side of the pit, but they’re only about half a foot wide, and I would have tanked ass right into the pit if I’d gone on walking. Additionally, I know these illusions have to be powered by something, and because the illusion vanished at my touch (but not Kaythe’s?), I have to assume it’s a much smaller battery, likely for a one time use. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYzA1Y2FhYmM2YzQ2MGFhZDEwYjZmZWQ5ZDUyMGVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">As one time would be all it needed… eugh.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjBiNDhiZDJlNDRiM2NiMjViY2U2ZTYwYWIyMmE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I check the near side, and as far along the left and right sides of the pit as I can see from the safety of my side, but don’t see anything but sheer drops, meaning… I’ll have to cross and check the other side.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjM0MmFjZDUwMjQ5ODFhMWYxYWZhMjA5ODgyNWFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">I almost wish I could put the illusion back. I don’t much care for heights. Especially not heights where I don’t have much footing, it’s dark as shit, and there are giant spikes waiting to fill me with their love.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Nzg0MzMwNTZhNTRmZGI5NTMxYjU1ZDUyMjA5ZDU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It’ll be fine.</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2RiNTZlMGYyMDQ2Mjc5YmM0NGY2YTk0YjBhMGNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">I won’t fall.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDI2NzA4OTM2YjQyZjc4MWY1NWQ0N2I3M2E0MDU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaythe will help me balance.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2VjNmQ0OWEyMjRjYTE4M2U5MzgwNjEzZDdmMGNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Right Kaythe?</span></p> <p class="cnNlY2Y1N2YzYmMzMzQ1ZTE5Yjc5YTBhOTMyOTc0ZmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Right?</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTYyMTk1NzJkZTRmZTBhZTk0MTYyNjQzN2JkOTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Haha… please.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWRlNTc1NzI0ODQzYTBiNGM3NmY3ZDIwMzVlNWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Back against the wall, I start to carefully scoot along the edge of the pit, doing my best to study the tips of the spikes that I desperately don’t want to become more familiar with.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWM0ZGRhYmYzNjRlMDhhYmRjYjQ5Y2JjMDJkNzM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">People always told me not to look down, but fuck that, I need to look down. This isn’t safe, it’s fucking dangerous, and being constantly reminded that I’m about to die is a great way to stop me from getting comfortable. Comfort means slip-ups. Panic also means slip-ups. Gotta walk the razor’s edge. Freak out just enough.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjE4ZGVlZDM4NzQwZjBiYmMxMmE1NTRmNTRiZmI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Good thing I live my entire life being anxious all the time.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNjA0YzJmYTJiMzQ3NmI4NTQ0Zjc2YmM0MzIwODRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">This is just another day in the life.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWZmYTA0MGJlNzQ1OTNhYjhlMDA1NGJhZDA1MThj"><span style="font-weight: 400">No problem at al- OH I’M ACROSS THANK FUCK.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGEyZGZmYjc2YzRmMjY5MTBiNTQ5MWEzNGZjNmU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">I calmly walk a few more steps before sitting down and allowing myself to lose composure for a moment.</span></p> <p class="cnNkYmQ5NjExMDY1ODQxYjY4ZTY2OGYwOTFkMmIzNWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Screaming internally is a very healthy coping mechanism, and I won’t hear otherwise.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWI0Mjg3M2FhOTRkMjQ5MTM2ZDUyM2MzZTFhYWQ4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOTJjNGIwYjY3OTRjYjY4MTIxZjkwNDUxYzFjODY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">A quick break to steady my nerves and a thorough check of this side of the pit reveals a small, dark stone embedded in the side of the wall. I pluck it out, and though it is very smooth and pleasant to hold, it doesn’t seem terribly interesting. I’m pretty sure it’s another Mana battery though. If not, it’s just a cool looking stone, and those are usually worth *something* in video games. I find it interesting how these stones seem to be consistently exposed or reachable in some way. You’d think you would want them well hidden so nobody would take them… but… I guess you’d also want them accessible so you could refill them. Maybe it’s not so bad if someone steals them? They could be super easy to make for all I know. *If you have magic.*</span></p> <p class="cnM3MzJiNzA0ZWExYTQyMzRhMGQ5NDM0ZmNmYjRiMTY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I do have the issue of rapidly filling pockets though. One of them is full of nuts and flowers, so I slip the small stone into the other pocket. I really need a bag… and I just realized I left the two dog monsters to rot instead of keeping them for fur and meat.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNGQ0YWJlM2EzYjQ5N2I4NzE3NzlmMjQ0ZDEzOTRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I can’t keep doing this. I feel like my increased Intelligence stat just makes it easier for me to get caught up in my own head and forget important things. Yes, Kaythe had disappeared and finding it was way more important to me than some shitty dog corpses, but I still should have remembered to grab them.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzgyMTM2MjcwZjRiM2U5ODNlZjJmOWY5MTkzMTU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now I can’t even use them as a treat for Kaythe for finding this place or saving my life.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTYwYWRmZmZhMjQ1NzdhY2UyZDExNzk1MWNhMDY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I really do owe it for that.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDRiYzhjODBlYTQyYjE5OWM1ZWM4MTI3ZjllYzAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hopefully this dungeon has some nice, easy things to kill that taste good to Cathids.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMDU5ZWQ4ZTE2ODQ0NjU5OWYxMzUzODgxNjAzY2Y2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I turn away from the death trap and continue forward again, much more carefully than before.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGQ5OTY3MzJkOTRiNzU5OTE5Njk3ZmQ2NDM2MTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">You know, I thought just being on the lookout for traps was enough, but it really isn’t, especially when you’re fucked if you miss even one.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODY3NTRmMDRmZjRmYTY4MWU4NTBhYWJiNjUzNGQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The darkness extends further on my left, indicating a passageway off to the side. Glancing again at the still distant light, I decide it’s better to investigate now and maybe not get ambushed from behind later.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzhmMzVmZDg2YzRhY2ViOTMzYzMyMmI0ODdkMTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">It also occurs to me that I might just be ambushed from behind in *this* room instead, with something from the hall creeping in behind me…</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2U3MjFlNGVmNTRlYWY5ZjcyZDlhNmU3ODY4MWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">I add ‘watching my back’ to the list of things to do neurotically.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzU0MGQyOWZkYjQ1ZjQ4NGQ0NDUyNzkxNzY2MmM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The room, or as much as I can see, looks very old. The stone that makes up the floor is smooth, but not slick, and the air hangs stale. It’s dead silent in here. At least in the hall, there was some sound of wind and grass creeping in from the outside, but… not here. Every step I take sounds like thunder in my ears, and that’s not just the higher Perception. I’m sure the residents of this place are non-existant or totally aware of my presence, and I’m really hoping it’s the former. I do my best to quietly move around the room to take stock, checking every corner and constantly looking out for traps and anticipating Kaythe letting me know I’m an idiot for something or other, but I find nothing.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODI0MDNhMTc3NzQzYzk5N2M2MDZhZWU4ZTgxYmE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, nothing but four sarcophagi. They’re made of stone that feels the same as the floor, but completely caked in dust. Granted, everything in here is, but it indicates that none of these were recent burials… and that nothing must wander these halls. I can track my own footprints in the dust, and other than that, there’s no disturbance.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjQyZDViN2YzMDRiYWQ4M2JmYzk4MjUwZTY2ZTJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Now. I’m not usually one for grave robbing, but… that’s a human taboo and there aren’t any other humans around.</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2VjZjcxYzQ2ODRhY2FiZDJmNzRjYzk5MGJiYWZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">I lean down next to the sarcophagus closest to the door and shove the stone slab on top. It resists my efforts, requiring me to regrip and get better footing before I can, very slowly, shift the stone.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjU2OTYwYjRmMzQ1YmY4ODM2NGM3NTM5NzAzM2Fk"><span style="font-weight: 400">If I thought my footsteps were loud, fuck if this isn’t the end of times. A loud, grating sound emanates from the stone as it protests the sliding. Even though the process certainly only took a few moments, the intense pounding of my heart and abject terror I felt doing it made it last an eternity for me, but greed quickly overcomes my fear.</span></p> <p class="cnM3M2NlYzU3NjkxODQyYzk4YmY3YWJjYjY3Y2NjNGFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Inside the sarcophagus, instead of a decaying corpse, is a smattering of small coins. I’m unable to make out the surface or the type of metal, but hey, currency is great. Also maybe has implications toward there being a buy/sell system in this game, which would be super. Again, need a backpack. As I slide the coins into my pocket, my inventory management is once again brought to bear as a problem: coins make a shit ton of noise. As much as I’d love to sneak around, clinking and alerting everyone even more to my presence, that’s a fucking terrible idea… but so is leaving the coins. I’ll have to share if the ‘backup’ arrives and finds it. Eww.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Zjk3ZmQ5ZTIyMjQ4ZTE4NjQ5MWY4ZjFhYmFjYzlk"><span style="font-weight: 400">If I had some cloth, I could cushion them so they didn’t make noise… but the only cloth I have is part of the limited clothing I’m wearing. While it isn’t terribly cold in here, and I have a resistance skill to it, I feel… attached to them. I have so few possessions, it would be hard for me to willingly destroy some of them. Instead, I opt to start a pile of loot by the entrance and deal with it later… maybe bury it at the mouth of the cave. Dunno.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjNiODY3MzVjYzRiZjg5YzM2ZmNhMjFiOTcwMjNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">I move on to the next sarcophagus, opting to kick this one open instead and just get the noise out of the way. The stone slab slides off cleanly, loudly striking the stone floor as it lands, and a bony hand snatches my ankle.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmVjNjM0ZTgzMDQ4OWZhNjdjY2U1Mjk5YTQ5Yzg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I scream.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjRmNzFiMDQ3ZjQ0ZTdiMjYwNzNiNzAwNTg3ODk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">I was so entirely unprepared for that to happen that I didn’t even have my stick in hand, so I was only able to reflexively pull my leg away in a shitty attempt to dislodge the angry dead. My efforts only serve to drag the skeletal remains that have grappled onto me out of the confines of the sarcophagus, and it rattles menacingly as it begins reaching up towards- </span></p> <p class="cnNmZDVlMTRkMjI0ZDRmNDQ4NTZhYzZkMDIzZWYyMjg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">ABSOLUTELY </span></p> <p class="cnNjMjFiNzZjNWU4ODRhOTk4NDRlMzk0NzZmNjdlMTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">*stomp* </span></p> <p class="cnNiOGJhNDcxYjVjNzQ5ZGFiZDY2ZGEyYzk2YzNjMjNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">THE FUCK </span></p> <p class="cnMzNDEyODMyMzczMTQxNjQ5ZmVlOGQzMDFmMWZlN2Ni"><span style="font-weight: 400">*crack* </span></p> <p class="cnM2MGExMjM5MDg3YzQzYzc5MTEwM2ExZjU2NWQ5ZjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">NOT </span></p> <p class="cnMwNTM3MTYxOTU4MTRmMTFiZDIxZjAyMTg2OGU5MDgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">*CRUNCH*.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center">[Congratulations, you have slain a Wight. +30 Power (-20)]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2MzZlZTE3MmZlZjRiMDU4ZGYxNDQxNGVmMTU5ZDIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">If i’m going to have my junk grabbed, it sure as shit isn’t by a fucking skeleton in a dusty cave. Just no. Would it make a great campfire story? Yes.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NmJmMGUyZmY4ZDRhOTdhMzhmMmMxYTZhNzM4YTFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Could I heal even if it injured me? Probably.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YjAxOTIxNjBiYjQ3NjhhMTNlYzcyOWM1YmVhNzNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Could I live with myself? No.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTdiYjQ1NWUyZTRmNDdiMGQ0ZjZhNTE5NTU5MDNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">It’s fortunate that the skeleton didn’t start to stand up or anything and stayed conveniently at stomping height, but… stomping something to death that’s this big is a little personal. Like how there’s that threshold for bug size where you don’t want to step on them because there’s probably going to be actual resistance and, worse, a crunching *noise*? That. But instead, bones.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMTNmMWFhYmU1MzQ0NWU5NGQ5MGZjYmYyZTA5Mzg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">I know it was already dead, and that helps a little.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDE2ZmU4MjdjZTQ0NThhOWRkMmNhY2JjNjUyZDA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fucking irrational human minds. It was trying to kill me, lay off the discomfort for every little thing, damn.</span></p> </div>
I draw my stick and approach the giant stone doors that mark the entrance to the rest of the tunnel. There are some strange runes carved on the surface of the door that I can’t make out at all. Maybe it’s the same rune system that holds the illusion in place? No clue, as I can’t fuckin’ see the Mana infused runes, but the door is slightly ajar, so the word or words are broken up. As I pass through the gap, I note that it’s a pretty good thing that the door is already open, on account of the fact that even my enhanced Strength means nothing against a foot thick, 9 foot tall stone door. How the hell would someone even open this? Can it be closed? This place would be really defensible just based on this choke point… hmm. I step through and find a long, dark passageway. I can see very faint light in the distance, but the entire way there is mostly shrouded in darkness. I shrug and begin slowly making my way down the hall. The light from outside fades almost immediately past the doors, but I can still make out a few feet in any direction. My vision feels weird in that range, entirely colorless and mostly outlines of features… must be due to my Perception stat. I figure that as my eyes adjust I’ll be able to see more, but for now it’s pretty crap. A few careful steps in and suddenly Kaythe starts trying to guide me to the left wall. At first I resist, as I’d much rather have space around me for maneuvering if need be, but Kaythe rapidly becomes more insistent, even going to far as to *click*(danger) its disapproval. A trap? But… looking around, I don’t see anything. It looks like a totally normal underground cave hallway, if a little dusty. Granted, I can’t really see the ceiling that well, but the floor and walls look normal… I put my stubbornness aside and follow Kaythe’s guidance to the left wall and start walking forward from there, only to be *once again* interrupted by Kaythe! It’s wiggling like crazy and constantly clicking out the ‘danger’ warning, but there is literally nothing there. “Kaythe” I whisper, “what the hell is wrong with you?” Kaythe, for his part, clicks in my face and continues wiggling. Very helpful. But I trust the little idiot so I stop again. Let’s say there’s a trap here. It has to be triggered somehow, yeah? Unless it’s magic… like a rune trap… but even then something has to set it off, right? While there’s a chance that it requires a living target to set it off, that would be ridiculously unfair for a dungeon so early in ‘the game’, so I’ll assume (probably wrongly) that it can be set off by anything that ‘trips’ it. I don’t see any tripwires, and pressure plates could be hidden, but there aren’t any holes in the walls for spears or poison darts to come through… so the threat is either going to come from way in front of me, the ceiling (which is tall as fuck and hard to make out), or the floor. With that in mind, I grab a fist sized stone from the floor and roll it down the middle of the path. The stone rolls along the ground, and I don’t hear anything trigger, so I start to reach for another stone to test the ceiling when I hear a sharp *crack* sound from in front of me… but also down, much further than the ground. I immediately dive to the ground, from the noise, but after lying there for a few seconds in a fog of newly stirred up dust, no other sounds have emerged… so I guess the trap is triggered? I move forward to investigate only to have Kaythe start warning me in the same place about some clearly well hidden danger. Exasperated, I ask Kaythe to kindly show me this danger, to which Kaythe clacks in agreement. It crawls off me, forward a few feet, and then into the ground. Before popping back up. And crawling back to me. My exasperation switches to confusion, and then a dawning realization. Despite having 27 Intelligence, I’m a fucking idiot. The entrance to the cave was covered in a giant illusion, so why the *fuck* didn’t I think the traps would be? Crawling forward on my stomach, I slowly approach the place Kaythe had disappeared through, and, sure enough, my hands pass right through the ‘ground’. The illusion dispels at my touch, revealing that it is, in fact, a giant pit. One with giant, sharp spikes at the bottom. Neat. I carefully slide back and away from the pit of death, quietly whispering my thanks to Kaythe for saving me from a really dumb death. Now that I can see the pit, I can tell why Kaythe wasn’t happy with me just walking close to the wall. There are ledges on either side of the pit, but they’re only about half a foot wide, and I would have tanked ass right into the pit if I’d gone on walking. Additionally, I know these illusions have to be powered by something, and because the illusion vanished at my touch (but not Kaythe’s?), I have to assume it’s a much smaller battery, likely for a one time use. As one time would be all it needed… eugh. I check the near side, and as far along the left and right sides of the pit as I can see from the safety of my side, but don’t see anything but sheer drops, meaning… I’ll have to cross and check the other side. I almost wish I could put the illusion back. I don’t much care for heights. Especially not heights where I don’t have much footing, it’s dark as shit, and there are giant spikes waiting to fill me with their love. It’ll be fine. I won’t fall. Kaythe will help me balance. Right Kaythe? Right? Haha… please. Back against the wall, I start to carefully scoot along the edge of the pit, doing my best to study the tips of the spikes that I desperately don’t want to become more familiar with. People always told me not to look down, but fuck that, I need to look down. This isn’t safe, it’s fucking dangerous, and being constantly reminded that I’m about to die is a great way to stop me from getting comfortable. Comfort means slip-ups. Panic also means slip-ups. Gotta walk the razor’s edge. Freak out just enough. Good thing I live my entire life being anxious all the time. This is just another day in the life. No problem at al- OH I’M ACROSS THANK FUCK. I calmly walk a few more steps before sitting down and allowing myself to lose composure for a moment. Screaming internally is a very healthy coping mechanism, and I won’t hear otherwise.   A quick break to steady my nerves and a thorough check of this side of the pit reveals a small, dark stone embedded in the side of the wall. I pluck it out, and though it is very smooth and pleasant to hold, it doesn’t seem terribly interesting. I’m pretty sure it’s another Mana battery though. If not, it’s just a cool looking stone, and those are usually worth *something* in video games. I find it interesting how these stones seem to be consistently exposed or reachable in some way. You’d think you would want them well hidden so nobody would take them… but… I guess you’d also want them accessible so you could refill them. Maybe it’s not so bad if someone steals them? They could be super easy to make for all I know. *If you have magic.* I do have the issue of rapidly filling pockets though. One of them is full of nuts and flowers, so I slip the small stone into the other pocket. I really need a bag… and I just realized I left the two dog monsters to rot instead of keeping them for fur and meat. I can’t keep doing this. I feel like my increased Intelligence stat just makes it easier for me to get caught up in my own head and forget important things. Yes, Kaythe had disappeared and finding it was way more important to me than some shitty dog corpses, but I still should have remembered to grab them. Now I can’t even use them as a treat for Kaythe for finding this place or saving my life. I really do owe it for that. Hopefully this dungeon has some nice, easy things to kill that taste good to Cathids. I turn away from the death trap and continue forward again, much more carefully than before. You know, I thought just being on the lookout for traps was enough, but it really isn’t, especially when you’re fucked if you miss even one. The darkness extends further on my left, indicating a passageway off to the side. Glancing again at the still distant light, I decide it’s better to investigate now and maybe not get ambushed from behind later. It also occurs to me that I might just be ambushed from behind in *this* room instead, with something from the hall creeping in behind me… I add ‘watching my back’ to the list of things to do neurotically. The room, or as much as I can see, looks very old. The stone that makes up the floor is smooth, but not slick, and the air hangs stale. It’s dead silent in here. At least in the hall, there was some sound of wind and grass creeping in from the outside, but… not here. Every step I take sounds like thunder in my ears, and that’s not just the higher Perception. I’m sure the residents of this place are non-existant or totally aware of my presence, and I’m really hoping it’s the former. I do my best to quietly move around the room to take stock, checking every corner and constantly looking out for traps and anticipating Kaythe letting me know I’m an idiot for something or other, but I find nothing. Well, nothing but four sarcophagi. They’re made of stone that feels the same as the floor, but completely caked in dust. Granted, everything in here is, but it indicates that none of these were recent burials… and that nothing must wander these halls. I can track my own footprints in the dust, and other than that, there’s no disturbance. Now. I’m not usually one for grave robbing, but… that’s a human taboo and there aren’t any other humans around. I lean down next to the sarcophagus closest to the door and shove the stone slab on top. It resists my efforts, requiring me to regrip and get better footing before I can, very slowly, shift the stone. If I thought my footsteps were loud, fuck if this isn’t the end of times. A loud, grating sound emanates from the stone as it protests the sliding. Even though the process certainly only took a few moments, the intense pounding of my heart and abject terror I felt doing it made it last an eternity for me, but greed quickly overcomes my fear. Inside the sarcophagus, instead of a decaying corpse, is a smattering of small coins. I’m unable to make out the surface or the type of metal, but hey, currency is great. Also maybe has implications toward there being a buy/sell system in this game, which would be super. Again, need a backpack. As I slide the coins into my pocket, my inventory management is once again brought to bear as a problem: coins make a shit ton of noise. As much as I’d love to sneak around, clinking and alerting everyone even more to my presence, that’s a fucking terrible idea… but so is leaving the coins. I’ll have to share if the ‘backup’ arrives and finds it. Eww. If I had some cloth, I could cushion them so they didn’t make noise… but the only cloth I have is part of the limited clothing I’m wearing. While it isn’t terribly cold in here, and I have a resistance skill to it, I feel… attached to them. I have so few possessions, it would be hard for me to willingly destroy some of them. Instead, I opt to start a pile of loot by the entrance and deal with it later… maybe bury it at the mouth of the cave. Dunno. I move on to the next sarcophagus, opting to kick this one open instead and just get the noise out of the way. The stone slab slides off cleanly, loudly striking the stone floor as it lands, and a bony hand snatches my ankle. I scream. I was so entirely unprepared for that to happen that I didn’t even have my stick in hand, so I was only able to reflexively pull my leg away in a shitty attempt to dislodge the angry dead. My efforts only serve to drag the skeletal remains that have grappled onto me out of the confines of the sarcophagus, and it rattles menacingly as it begins reaching up towards- ABSOLUTELY *stomp* THE FUCK *crack* NOT *CRUNCH*. | [Congratulations, you have slain a Wight. +30 Power (-20)] | | --- | If i’m going to have my junk grabbed, it sure as shit isn’t by a fucking skeleton in a dusty cave. Just no. Would it make a great campfire story? Yes. Could I heal even if it injured me? Probably. Could I live with myself? No. It’s fortunate that the skeleton didn’t start to stand up or anything and stayed conveniently at stomping height, but… stomping something to death that’s this big is a little personal. Like how there’s that threshold for bug size where you don’t want to step on them because there’s probably going to be actual resistance and, worse, a crunching *noise*? That. But instead, bones. I know it was already dead, and that helps a little. Fucking irrational human minds. It was trying to kill me, lay off the discomfort for every little thing, damn.
{ "title": "A generic love story: disturbance", "id": 18719, "author": "arandomweeb", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 20", "id": 305931, "next": 305932, "prev": 305866, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkYzljMzQ3NDZjNDRkZDg5NWFiZTQ5Yzk5MzQ3MmYz">*Papapapapapapapapapa*</p> <p class="cnM5ZDMzYzUxOWViNTQ0OWNiN2YxNzljNGM3MWUwMjJk">BB pellets gushed out from the barrel, pricking his face rapidly. The pain from one single shot to the face is enough to make most people flinch, but the murderer was hit with a surge of ten round burst. Holding his face while yelling, he backed away, giving Takumi just enough time to do a combat roll and retreat. Then he emptied his magazine, pushing his opponent back even further.</p> <p class="cnMzYTU4Mzg0NDFjMzRjNWM4ZDhiZTYxOTI1ZmYwZjhi">“Rargh!”</p> <p class="cnNiOTYwZWJhMDY0NDQzMDdiNzFjN2I3MjlmNDAzZTcy">The killer shook off the pain and rushed at Takumi again, this time he covered his face with the bat. In response, Takumi pressed the magazine release, simultaneously jerking his weapon. The empty magazine fell to the ground, and his left thumb guided the full mag from his belt into the gun. Barely finishing in time, he cocked the gun and the stream of pellets stung the killer`s throat.</p> <p class="cnNkYWJjMjJhOTEwMDQ0ODg4M2I2MjQ1NTkzODRlYjRh">*Cough!*</p> <p class="cnMyODUxMWUxNWE1ZDRhMmU4ZjM5YmY4NWMwNGY5ODFh">Holding his neck, he writhed in pain. Takumi snatched the chance, hopped forward, and kicked the open pair of nuts in between his opponent`s leg. The murderer`s eye rolled backwards [his tongue stuck out] and he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.</p> <p class="cnNmYzAyYTY3ZmIwMjRjOGNiZTA3YWQ5OTk5YWMxYzJk">“Hah! Take that you psycho!”</p> <p class="cnNiMTRiODQ4YzZkMDQyOGQ4NWI2YzgwYzJkNDM3MjI3">Takumi looked around for a bench to rest. Spotting one behind him, he staggered there and slammed his exhausted body on the thing. Pulling out his phone, he dialed 110 and waited. He was still hyperventilating.</p> <p class="cnM0ODQ1YjhlZGNjNjQ3MGZhMGRjODdhNDcxYzY3MWQ5">Without warning, the memory of his first time using the full auto airsoft Glock started playing in his brain. Though his eyes remained open, his vision faded, and Takumi revisited the airsoft arena. Walking with him was a big, strong Western man that he held dear. The group of adults was hiding in the surroundings.</p> <p class="cnNlZDczYjNmMGFlNDQ2MzE4OTVlZDdkYjdmZGE2NGYz">“Otto, where is everyone?” [pls it`s obviously dad right?]</p> <p class="cnM0MjI3YjU4YTQ0MDRkNmNiNTkwYzE2ZDliMWIzZjcw">“Oh, this is weird. They should`ve be here by now.” His dad couldn`t hide the playful grin.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDVlZmJmY2I0MzRjZWNiZmUyNDE0ODA2ODZlOWY1">From the third person perspective, Takumi saw his dad`s friends giggling in their hiding spot. And when the little Takumi wandered near, all of them jumped out at once.</p> <p class="cnNhMDVkNTkwOTgxNTRlNDA5YzQ1ZThiMTA5NjUwMGZi">“Uwah!”</p> <p class="cnMzNDA3MGIyYTg1NjQxZmE5NjZjNTYyZDQxOWJmZTdi">“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!” They all started singing in English, including his dad.</p> <p class="cnM1MjFmYzE2N2Y4MDQ3MTM4Y2YyMDA2MTFiMjcxNjZi">An uncle stepped up and gave him a box. Takumi opened it…</p> <p class="cnNjMDMzNDhlNWZlYTQ1YTNiMGZjZjczZjhkODc3OTFl">Tears ran down from his unfocused eyes. The police station has already picked up, wondering who is on the other end. A shadow, burning with fury, loomed behind. The killer held the bat high in the air, preparing an executioner`s cut.</p> <p class="cnM4OTlmMjg2NThlNTRiYWE4YmQ4M2RkMTJiZTVmNGM0">“Sei!”</p> <p class="cnM4MDcyZWYxNjk5NjQ4ODJhOTFkMDkzMjUxZmU5M2Vi">Kyoya crashed in with a side kick, bashing the killer`s exposed ribcage and threw him meters away. Not letting a second go waste, he dashed forward and raised his right leg straight at the sky. Moonlight flashed on his heel, and the axe kick plunged down like a guillotine blade.</p> <p class="cnNlMTAyY2RhYTU4ZDQzYThhYmVjOGMxOTgzMDU0YTRi">Hearing the horrid crack of bone being splintered, Takumi snapped out of the trance. Behind him, the killer was unconscious; his right leg bent in a weird way. Kyoya stood there, with a scornful look on his face.</p> <p class="cnMyNmYwZWU0Njg4NDQ0YTBhMDM2ODJlOWNhYTMzZmUy">“We were late. The trash got another killed.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWRiMjVhN2Q0OTQ1MDg4MzAzMGU1YTAxYmVhZDI1">Takumi shook his head. He had already known that the moment he saw bloodstains on the criminal`s clothing.</p> <p class="cnMyN2YwOWM2YzhkNjQwMTVhZjhlMjI1YTUzYTY5NGRl">“Hello? Is everything alright there?” The officer`s voice through the phone startled Takumi.</p> <p class="cnMzZjAwZWQ1ZmVjZDQ0ZTk5MmVmNjQxNDg4NzI5MjYz">“Ah yes! Please come to xxx park, we have the serial murderer…”</p> <p class="cnNiOWMwZDEzYjAxMTRlMWJhODBmNGM2MDRmMDVlZmVh">Waiting in the car, Takumi and Kyoya`s gaze randomly bumped into eachother.</p> <p class="cnM0NTMwNDE3NjQzMDQ0ZTFiZmY0NzdhMTFjOGNjZDM0">Kyoya looked like he was going to say something, but it took too long so Takumi broke the ice:</p> <p class="cnNjNDhhODhkZGRlZjQ2YjE4MjZjMmEwNmQ4YjJkMTEw">“Why did you come out at this time?”</p> <p class="cnMwZDc3YzY4NzFkODQ0NmFhMjEzNDcyZjY2ODEyNzE1">“I accidentally drank coffee instead of hot cocoa. Couldn`t sleep so I went outside for a run.”</p> <p class="cnNlMDQxOGMxMWRhNTQzNzFiMGJkNzYwZmVmNjI2MDBk">“Really? At this time and temperature?”</p> <p class="cnM1ZDJlZjNiOGRhNTRhZGM5MzE4MDY3ODRjMjM2ZGEw">Kyoya shrugged.</p> <p class="cnNmYTAxNTkzY2MwNDRhYTdhNWY4YWQ3YTM5MDM2ZDc0">&nbsp;"..."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDJiY2RkY2IzNDRkNzM4Mzg3NWI3NTA4M2M3ZTcw">“But still, the other culprit remains.”</p> <p class="cnM5MTZkZGI3Y2Q0ODQ2NGI4OGYwNzYxMGE5Mzc5Mzg3">“Ah right, you told me that there were 2 criminals behind this.”</p> <p class="cnNjZTZmYmEyNTlkNzRhM2ZhNjQ3MGVkNGE4NTU3MTUx">“Well I got a call telling me to go to the park. The other one should be someone that knows me…”</p> <p class="cnMzYmY0NmI2OWY0YzRiOTBiMDQ0ZDVmZjBkMzg1MWM3">“Uhm… You need to be carefull.”</p> <p class="cnMzNjgxM2EyOTYzYjQ2M2I5M2M3OTc2OTg4YzQxYTRm">“Anyways, thanks for saving my life back then. My head wouldn`t be intact without you.”</p> <p class="cnMyNzdiNDYxOTA4OTRiMDY4M2YwOTJhZTk2ODcyOGZl">“Ah, no problem.”</p> <p class="cnM5YzVhMmI4MDc0NzRmNDVhN2EwNDgxMzMxNzlmMDBk">The conversation ended, tastelessly.</p> </div>
*Papapapapapapapapapa* BB pellets gushed out from the barrel, pricking his face rapidly. The pain from one single shot to the face is enough to make most people flinch, but the murderer was hit with a surge of ten round burst. Holding his face while yelling, he backed away, giving Takumi just enough time to do a combat roll and retreat. Then he emptied his magazine, pushing his opponent back even further. “Rargh!” The killer shook off the pain and rushed at Takumi again, this time he covered his face with the bat. In response, Takumi pressed the magazine release, simultaneously jerking his weapon. The empty magazine fell to the ground, and his left thumb guided the full mag from his belt into the gun. Barely finishing in time, he cocked the gun and the stream of pellets stung the killer`s throat. *Cough!* Holding his neck, he writhed in pain. Takumi snatched the chance, hopped forward, and kicked the open pair of nuts in between his opponent`s leg. The murderer`s eye rolled backwards [his tongue stuck out] and he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. “Hah! Take that you psycho!” Takumi looked around for a bench to rest. Spotting one behind him, he staggered there and slammed his exhausted body on the thing. Pulling out his phone, he dialed 110 and waited. He was still hyperventilating. Without warning, the memory of his first time using the full auto airsoft Glock started playing in his brain. Though his eyes remained open, his vision faded, and Takumi revisited the airsoft arena. Walking with him was a big, strong Western man that he held dear. The group of adults was hiding in the surroundings. “Otto, where is everyone?” [pls it`s obviously dad right?] “Oh, this is weird. They should`ve be here by now.” His dad couldn`t hide the playful grin. From the third person perspective, Takumi saw his dad`s friends giggling in their hiding spot. And when the little Takumi wandered near, all of them jumped out at once. “Uwah!” “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!” They all started singing in English, including his dad. An uncle stepped up and gave him a box. Takumi opened it… Tears ran down from his unfocused eyes. The police station has already picked up, wondering who is on the other end. A shadow, burning with fury, loomed behind. The killer held the bat high in the air, preparing an executioner`s cut. “Sei!” Kyoya crashed in with a side kick, bashing the killer`s exposed ribcage and threw him meters away. Not letting a second go waste, he dashed forward and raised his right leg straight at the sky. Moonlight flashed on his heel, and the axe kick plunged down like a guillotine blade. Hearing the horrid crack of bone being splintered, Takumi snapped out of the trance. Behind him, the killer was unconscious; his right leg bent in a weird way. Kyoya stood there, with a scornful look on his face. “We were late. The trash got another killed.” Takumi shook his head. He had already known that the moment he saw bloodstains on the criminal`s clothing. “Hello? Is everything alright there?” The officer`s voice through the phone startled Takumi. “Ah yes! Please come to xxx park, we have the serial murderer…” Waiting in the car, Takumi and Kyoya`s gaze randomly bumped into eachother. Kyoya looked like he was going to say something, but it took too long so Takumi broke the ice: “Why did you come out at this time?” “I accidentally drank coffee instead of hot cocoa. Couldn`t sleep so I went outside for a run.” “Really? At this time and temperature?” Kyoya shrugged.  "..."  “But still, the other culprit remains.” “Ah right, you told me that there were 2 criminals behind this.” “Well I got a call telling me to go to the park. The other one should be someone that knows me…” “Uhm… You need to be carefull.” “Anyways, thanks for saving my life back then. My head wouldn`t be intact without you.” “Ah, no problem.” The conversation ended, tastelessly.
{ "title": "Unexpected Consequences", "id": 19777, "author": "palanca_preta", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 38 (12.04)", "id": 305941, "next": 306477, "prev": 305036, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM0YzlhMDdiMjFlMjQ2ODRiNmM0ZTY3NWMzN2QxMDM1">Ryan and his wife drove up to the house in their ford pickup; in the back they had a few boxes with Manfred’s stuff. Manfred’s computer was rather more carefully packed. When they arrived Ryan admired the ten big friendly – once introduced – Alsatians roaming the yard.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDhiYmIzM2EyYzQ3MTU4ZTkxYzY5ZTA5NzI0NmMz">Manfred’s stuff was soon carried into the house and they were introduced to Moonbright, a tiny winged lady with short blue-black curly hair and fair skin. They also met the <em>new</em> Manfred and used his portal. They returned an hour later full of enthusiasm and eager to help.</p> <p class="cnMxYWZlNjVmY2E1ZDQzNTA5MzgxOTg1NGVhM2E5NTUx">Meanwhile Manfred had absorbed his possessions and rearranged those he wished in the underground room he’d chosen for himself. His pixie for her part had explored his dungeon skills and abilities and correctly assumed that thanks to his grandfather, uncle Red and her sister he would feel considerable frustration in the future until his level rose to the point when he could use them.</p> <p class="cnNjMTYzOTJjYzA4ZTRjODk5OGRiZmViYmU1NjUxZThj">So how to distract him, Moonbright smiled as she remembered the contents of one of the boxes. “Hey Manfred, as we’re in New England and near a nice big lake why don’t you choose Deep Ones as your starting monster choice. They should be more flexible than the standard Goblins or Kobolds. I suppose we could try to evolve a slime into a shoggoth but that might take some time.”</p> <p class="cnM5MzdlODVhZGVhYzRjZjlhZWUzMjE4YWQ1YTc4Y2Q1">Manfred stopped contemplating the rather uninspiring list of starting monsters offered by the system and enthused by the idea of recreating some of his favourite scenarios and of hosting some LARP games with real monsters tried his luck. The system went for it and he had his monsters.</p> <p class="cnNlNjAxNDZjMTQ3MTRiYzRiMmE0NGYwYzA1ZjM2NmE0">« Hey, how come you know about shoggoths and deep ones? »</p> <p class="cnNjYjJkMGU5MDEzNzRiZDlhNDFiYTFlZTU4NDI1MzMw">Moonbright giggled, “what part of being bound companions are you forgetting Manfred.” Then she continued deep in his mind, « We’re always in each other’s mind and when you absorbed that box with your favourite games a lot spilled out. »</p> <p class="cnNjZDJmZGE0MmI1YjRkYWU5OWFiYjg2OGVlYTM4MWE0">« Oh! »</p> <p class="cnM4ZjA0NmZiNTc4MjQ1NTE5MmU5YzBiYzZlYTYwOWIx">Then two like minded individuals descended into a frenzy of planning interrupted only when a couple of guys came to install the high speed broadband Manfred had ordered.</p> <p class="cnNlNjc5NzNkNzQxZjQzMGNhYTljMWYyMTYyZDI0ZmU0" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnMwYmJmYWI1MzUwODQzNjM4MzZkMGYyNTQxOTBmY2Nl">At the FBI Academy the intelligence analysts swung into action in response to a most urgent request. It didn’t take them more than a day to learn everything about one Santanello, Manfred Daniel formerly of Lakeville, Massachusetts and now of somewhere near Blodgett Landing, New Hampshire.</p> <p class="cnNiYTdhZDEwNDgyZDQ4ZTg4ZmU2ZDc0OTZkNzEwMzkz">A profile was requested and created and an urgent search was undertaken to find trustworthy people in the agency and amongst the student body that might appeal to one Santanello, Manfred Daniel.</p> <p class="cnM0ODkyNWY1N2Q3ZjQ4ZjZhNTNmYjNhZjQ0NjBlZmYw">A fairly short list was compiled and those on the list informed that they had <em>volunteered</em> to apply to become the <em>Voice</em> – whatever that was – of the new dungeon.</p> <p class="cnMxZTJiNDQzYmM4NTQ1ZDdhOTBhYjU4NGNiZWEwNDZl">This led to several data searches by frantic ‘volunteers’ that kept coming up against entries labelled <em>classified</em> or <em>unknown.</em></p> <p class="cnNmYmVlMWUzN2QxYjRkMDBhMTQyM2UzNDE2MTU2ZjU5">Only two thought to check the nascent Adventurer’s Guild website and those two were not reassured by what they found especially as it led them to the slick professional website maintained for the Hotel Luso and the – mostly fake – biography of Felicia.</p> <p class="cnM3NGUyZWY2ZDRlZjRhNDE4YmFmYTMzYmUyOWQ5MmQy" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnMzY2M1ZWNkNTMwNzRmYTBhMmI1MGJmYjYwNmEwZmQ5">Another agency was handling the purchase of a large block of land enclosing the Santanello property in New Hampshire, and for good measure a house near the family property in Lakeville. Surveillance experts were already on the way to the latter site.</p> <p class="cnM3NzE5YmNhMjQzMjQxMzRhNjYyYTU4MThjZWFhNjU0" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnMxNTA0ZDhjOWVjOTQ3ZTA5NmM5YmJlZTNiNjJiMDFi">Colonel Marion Oakhurst stood on one of his base’s guard towers and watched the approaching army with a heavy heart. Close on twelve thousand men and women armed with spears, swords and shields and a further twelve hundred cavalry split evenly on each flank. Behind the army there were more people dragging mangonels, trebuchets and ballistae. Directly behind the infantry were four clumps of oddly dressed individuals, the armies’ mage and healer corps.</p> <p class="cnNhYjBhNzcyNWVlODRlNDY4NzAzMmUzOGJjYmY5OWY0">The army reached and passed the first sets of ranged in markers, the Colonel decided there was no hurry, even if he didn’t fire a gun he doubted they would get past the minefields and the claymores.</p> <p class="cnMzNDYwNTRjMjkyNjRlMDM5M2Q4ZjE1YTk0ODY4YWQx">The front ranks reached the second sets of markers.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTk4MDUxM2Q1ZDQxNzg4YmRlMWFhMzkxMzdhMmJk">As good as point blank range for his guns, they could reach more than twice that.</p> <p class="cnMzZGE2ZWFiNGZmNDQ3MzhhM2RiZTE5ZDgzNDcyMTA0">“105s prepare to fire. Range four kilometres.” He watched until the markers appeared behind the approaching infantry. “Fire.”</p> <p class="cnM3NThhMDczN2E0NTRlOTk4ZTA2MjU4OTE5N2Y4OTg0">Three batteries of M119A2s opend fire as one, three mage groups ceased to exist and many infantrymen in the rear ranks including many file closers were likewise killed or injured. The guns adjusted their range and fired again. Carnage ensued in the tightly packed ranks of the would be attackers. A third volley saw the remnants of the armies of the Empire in flight. All in all the casualties had not been that heavy, less than one in ten but they included the leader of the army Senator Faalx Smoothtongue and most of the mages and healers.</p> <p class="cnNiOWI1ZmRhYjg0NzQ1OGFiNWRhNjVmYjRmMjczMzYz">“Cease Fire.”</p> <p class="cnM1Zjc3ZWQwYWY0MzQ0MjZiMjRmMTBlYWVjMzAyZGUz">The freed slaves cheerfully cleaned up the – whatever it was for battlefield it wasn’t – they would have done it for the loot but those crazy Americans were actually <em>paying</em> them to bury the dead. A task they were more than eager to do as they knew their former masters believed cremation freed the soul to rise to heaven whilst they believed burial would chain the soul in a rotting body.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDM0ZmYxODQ5MDRkM2RhZDVhYzZiYjk5YmY4OWJm" style="text-align: center">* * *</p> <p class="cnM5ODgzNzhlMDAzMjQ0NjNhZTljMWE2Mjk4MzU0NDZm">When he got home that night Colonel Oakhurst was greeted by the absolute ruler of the camp’s spousal units, his wife Milly, affectionately known as Col. Milly by one and all.</p> <p class="cnNkYTZmNjY2NmNhNTRjYzA5NGJlMzg0MDNhMjc0ZjE5">“I don’t know how you managed it dear, I was only told yesterday and I only asked you yesterday and you’re telling me Betty has already befriended the girl.”</p> <p class="cnMzY2E0OGI1NjUyYTQ0NzM5YmJhNjI1OTAzNTJhYTFj">“Apparently they struck it off, some stupid blowhard was denigrating the States and they found each other shoulder to shoulder with their brothers behind them holding on for dear life. It must have been hilarious but I suspect we will have to visit the principal sometime soon. You know our Betty, she won’t let something like this go.”</p> </div>
Ryan and his wife drove up to the house in their ford pickup; in the back they had a few boxes with Manfred’s stuff. Manfred’s computer was rather more carefully packed. When they arrived Ryan admired the ten big friendly – once introduced – Alsatians roaming the yard. Manfred’s stuff was soon carried into the house and they were introduced to Moonbright, a tiny winged lady with short blue-black curly hair and fair skin. They also met the *new* Manfred and used his portal. They returned an hour later full of enthusiasm and eager to help. Meanwhile Manfred had absorbed his possessions and rearranged those he wished in the underground room he’d chosen for himself. His pixie for her part had explored his dungeon skills and abilities and correctly assumed that thanks to his grandfather, uncle Red and her sister he would feel considerable frustration in the future until his level rose to the point when he could use them. So how to distract him, Moonbright smiled as she remembered the contents of one of the boxes. “Hey Manfred, as we’re in New England and near a nice big lake why don’t you choose Deep Ones as your starting monster choice. They should be more flexible than the standard Goblins or Kobolds. I suppose we could try to evolve a slime into a shoggoth but that might take some time.” Manfred stopped contemplating the rather uninspiring list of starting monsters offered by the system and enthused by the idea of recreating some of his favourite scenarios and of hosting some LARP games with real monsters tried his luck. The system went for it and he had his monsters. « Hey, how come you know about shoggoths and deep ones? » Moonbright giggled, “what part of being bound companions are you forgetting Manfred.” Then she continued deep in his mind, « We’re always in each other’s mind and when you absorbed that box with your favourite games a lot spilled out. » « Oh! » Then two like minded individuals descended into a frenzy of planning interrupted only when a couple of guys came to install the high speed broadband Manfred had ordered. * * * At the FBI Academy the intelligence analysts swung into action in response to a most urgent request. It didn’t take them more than a day to learn everything about one Santanello, Manfred Daniel formerly of Lakeville, Massachusetts and now of somewhere near Blodgett Landing, New Hampshire. A profile was requested and created and an urgent search was undertaken to find trustworthy people in the agency and amongst the student body that might appeal to one Santanello, Manfred Daniel. A fairly short list was compiled and those on the list informed that they had *volunteered* to apply to become the *Voice* – whatever that was – of the new dungeon. This led to several data searches by frantic ‘volunteers’ that kept coming up against entries labelled *classified* or *unknown.* Only two thought to check the nascent Adventurer’s Guild website and those two were not reassured by what they found especially as it led them to the slick professional website maintained for the Hotel Luso and the – mostly fake – biography of Felicia. * * * Another agency was handling the purchase of a large block of land enclosing the Santanello property in New Hampshire, and for good measure a house near the family property in Lakeville. Surveillance experts were already on the way to the latter site. * * * Colonel Marion Oakhurst stood on one of his base’s guard towers and watched the approaching army with a heavy heart. Close on twelve thousand men and women armed with spears, swords and shields and a further twelve hundred cavalry split evenly on each flank. Behind the army there were more people dragging mangonels, trebuchets and ballistae. Directly behind the infantry were four clumps of oddly dressed individuals, the armies’ mage and healer corps. The army reached and passed the first sets of ranged in markers, the Colonel decided there was no hurry, even if he didn’t fire a gun he doubted they would get past the minefields and the claymores. The front ranks reached the second sets of markers. As good as point blank range for his guns, they could reach more than twice that. “105s prepare to fire. Range four kilometres.” He watched until the markers appeared behind the approaching infantry. “Fire.” Three batteries of M119A2s opend fire as one, three mage groups ceased to exist and many infantrymen in the rear ranks including many file closers were likewise killed or injured. The guns adjusted their range and fired again. Carnage ensued in the tightly packed ranks of the would be attackers. A third volley saw the remnants of the armies of the Empire in flight. All in all the casualties had not been that heavy, less than one in ten but they included the leader of the army Senator Faalx Smoothtongue and most of the mages and healers. “Cease Fire.” The freed slaves cheerfully cleaned up the – whatever it was for battlefield it wasn’t – they would have done it for the loot but those crazy Americans were actually *paying* them to bury the dead. A task they were more than eager to do as they knew their former masters believed cremation freed the soul to rise to heaven whilst they believed burial would chain the soul in a rotting body. * * * When he got home that night Colonel Oakhurst was greeted by the absolute ruler of the camp’s spousal units, his wife Milly, affectionately known as Col. Milly by one and all. “I don’t know how you managed it dear, I was only told yesterday and I only asked you yesterday and you’re telling me Betty has already befriended the girl.” “Apparently they struck it off, some stupid blowhard was denigrating the States and they found each other shoulder to shoulder with their brothers behind them holding on for dear life. It must have been hilarious but I suspect we will have to visit the principal sometime soon. You know our Betty, she won’t let something like this go.”
{ "title": "Lia and Lara will seek the One Piece", "id": 13319, "author": "Kestix", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 129, Arc 7", "id": 305940, "next": 306379, "prev": 305621, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1ZjVmNWI5MjgyYTRjZjk4OWZjNjA0NjkzZDhlMTE2"></p> <p class="cnM2MWYxMTkzMzhhMDRiZjNhYzhkYjI3NWZmYWVjMjE0">Inari's POV;</p> <p class="cnMzZWIzYTI2MWEyYjQyNDliMWU5OTc5ODhlZTllMTNl">Slich and Slash makes my blade. “Hehehe,” I couldn't stop myself from giggling. The red blood was flowing so beautifully. I pulled the tip of my sickle out of the neck of its latest victim. The guard wasn't even able to notice that he would die.</p> <p class="cnM4NWNhYzA3MTc5NDRhOTFiNTY4M2Y0ODU2MWQyYWJj">Ah, being free is great. And I have to thank my two Mistresses for that. Lia-sama and Lara-sama are such two great people. They freed me, gave me a place within their group and Lia-sama even showed me how I could make my tail more lustre and soft.</p> <p class="cnMxOTU5MzQ3ZmNmMzQxNWNhMTA2NjBjMDE0NjgxNzVl">And yet I can't be my true self while near them. I can't show them this side of me. I have a hard time already controlling my Sulong form, it is so strong that it even bleeds through outside of the transformation. Lord Nekomamushi speaks about confronting ones nature and accepting what we are, but during my exile, I have come to the conclusion that most people don't like me when I show my true feelings.</p> <p class="cnM1M2FjNzg0ODdiNjQ0M2Y4MWRlNzEwZGVhMDRjNjBm">I'll just have to hide it and let it out when no one can see me, like right now.</p> <p class="cnNhYjM4Y2M1MWI2ODQ5N2Y4ZDA1NTM5NjVmYjk2ZTU1">I sneaked silently through the corridor of the fortress. I had little trouble infiltrating it through one of the destroyed gun emplacements. The few guards that were trying to clear the rubble were easily decapitated.</p> <p class="cnNmYTJhZDAyMDEwMjRkN2JiNDgyMGRlNjUyZjZkZTQ0">There isn't even a need for staying quiet, an alarm is blaring loudly. But what I found strange was the lack of guards. Shouldn't there be more of them here now? From the looks of it the prison was attacked before we arrived. Shouldn't then there be guards at the upper levels or is there a riot inside?</p> <p class="cnM1ZGIxZmVmZDM3YzQ5ZGE4MjVkMDRkYTM4YjU5ZWZl">Well, once I find the guardroom I'll see. They must have surveillance transponder snails. And usually, these rooms are in the middle of the complex. Far away from any possible intruder or prisoner.</p> <p class="cnMwOWM3NzNhZTYyOTQ4NTg5YTU0ZDA2YWJjNjU5ZWE2">I opened some rooms along my way. There were no guards or soldiers inside. Most had supplies or stacked cannons for their artillery. There was enough ammunition to last them a few days with all of their cannons intact.</p> <p class="cnNlYjZmZjk1YzU5MzRjMjc4NzkxYzUzZWYzNDEwMDEy">Fiara-chan had given me some of her bombs before I got off the Raptor. Some of them are detecting movement, others can be activated from a distance. The later placed in between the many barrels of gunpowder and cannonballs.</p> <p class="cnMxMDdlOWMwZGZmZTRiM2Y4ZDlhZjdlZmY0MDg2NDg5">Other rooms had food or clothes. I also found a large storeroom with clothes and weapons that must have been owned by the prisoners. Some of these looked to be valuable, too bad that I can't take them with me.</p> <p class="cnM4NTM3MzY4ZmNiZjRiODVhOTMyOWNjNDE5YWRmYWJm">I even found a guard room. There was food on the tables, half eaten and then left in a hurry. The guards must have had a break when the alarm started. The room held not much of interest. However, there was one thing that will be important. There was a map of the upper level of Impel Down. Nothing about the prison itself, but the fortress above sea level. With it, I will be easily able to find the control room.</p> <p class="cnMxNmNjMDc1OTk2NjQ3ODE5MTAwZWQ1OTcyOTYwODk4">A few minutes later I found the control room, the map helped enormously. A room guarded by four guards. They all held net-cannons in their hands. Maybe sea stone nets against Devil Fruit user? Whatever they were using, it wouldn't help them against me.</p> <p class="cnNkNDViN2E5NmZiZTQxMzViNTExZTBkMzg3NmM3MGI4">I pulled my blowpipe out and placed a dart inside. After aiming carefully I blew and the dart flew out. It pierced the neck of the guard that was the furthest off of me. He grabbed at his neck, but by then the strong narcotic had already done its job. He slumped to the ground. He'll die of a lung paralysis in a few minutes.</p> <p class="cnNjNjQ3OTc2ZDZjZjQyY2ViODJhN2ZiODE3MWFhNWI1">His three co-workers asked him worriedly what happened and were distracted. Long enough for me to fire a second dart, before then darting out of my cover and close to their position.</p> <p class="cnM2M2Y2M2Y2NGI5MDQ4Y2RhNWM0NDZlZDI0NWRiNzVl">The moment their second friend fell down they knew that they were under attack. Yet, it was too late. I threw my right sickle at the guard that stood at the right. The sharp tip of the blade skewered itself into his skull and he died with a funny gurgle.</p> <p class="cnMyZTJlODNkMGQ5ZjRmNGZhMjYyNDFmMzgzMWM2Mjdl">His friend had now seen me and opened his mouth to shout a warning to whoever was inside the room. I couldn't have that, so I activated my Electro and punched his larynx. He choked and was then burned to death by the high voltage.</p> <p class="cnMzNGFiNDExM2M2YTQzNDRiODM3MDM4ZGY3MjZlNGMw">A quick look around told me that no one had noticed their death, so I placed my ear on the door and listened. Poor lesser minks, they have such bad sight, hearing and sense of smell. Only Lia-sama has a better sight and hearing than me. But Lia-sama was special. Thanks to my own stronger hearing I could easily listen in on the conversation that happened inside.</p> <p class="cnMxY2JlZTM2NTRlZjRhYTFhMTg0MzU3MmNkYWYzMWZj">“Vice Warden Hannyabal, Warden Magellan is still fighting Shiliew at level 4. Blackbeard has freed many prisoners on level 6 and is on his way back up. It will only be a matter of time until they escape, what are your orders?” Asked someone his obvious superior, Vice-Warden sounds fairly high.</p> <p class="cnMwZTc2NWJiYTU2NjQ0YjQ4MWM2YmJkYWQ0NTBiOGE5">“Hmm, seal every level from 1 to 6 they are not allowed to escape my prison. Oh wait, it's not yet mine. Anyway, once the blast doors are shut they will have a hard time escaping. Are there information about the escaped prisoners from level 6. Other than those that escaped with Straw Hat?” Replied another man, he sounded quite arrogant.</p> <p class="cnNkNTZmNmYyYzdlYTQxYzdiMmRkNzI4N2YzMTdiZGE0">“Some sir, we know that along with his normal crew he has allied himself with Avalo Pizarro, Shiliew, Sanjuan Wolf, Vasco Shot and Catarina Devon. All of them are highly dangerous criminals.”</p> <p class="cnMzZTZhM2ZlNmFiNTQ5M2FiNDA1OGZkMTZkMjAyZGY5">“Once the doors are sealed, flood the prison with TX6 gas, they won't be able to flee from my prison if they are not able to move. Oh, wait, sorry it isn't yet mine. Also, what is the status of the prisoner that tricked the control room? The prisoner Bon Kurei, from the reports it was obvious that he was one of the main instigators.”</p> <p class="cnNlMjNkNjM5MzRkODRjYzQ5ZjU1NGNjZWM5YjkwNmQy">“He is in medical bay four, Warden Magellan has dosed him with a sleeping toxin. Once this is over we can start the interrogation.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZmEyZDAxOTU2ZDQ3MDA4MzMxZGU0Y2QwZDY1MTU5">“Good good, what about the attack from the outside? More forces of Blackbeard? We need to know more, they have taken out all of our artillery placements. We're sitting ducks here! Magellan gave me the order to defend us against any outside threat, how can I become the Warden if I fail that important task?” The man in charge began to sound more stressed.</p> <p class="cnM0OWYyODljNWU1MDRhYWI4ZGFhNmVlMjQ1ZDRiOWJm">“Sir, we checked the ship design with every known pirate ship of the World Governments databank. We think it is the ship of the Kage Pirates, it is called the Raptor.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZmQwMTExMDAxNzQ5YWFiY2E0YzExMmNlMmQ5NWI0">“WHAT?! The Kage Pirates are attacking? Why do I learn about this only now? They are here to free Basilisk. Do you have any idea what will happen to me if they are allowed to free him? It will cost me my job!” The voice of the man became frantic. I'll think I should leave before he storms out of the room.</p> <p class="cnMyYzc3MzFhYWE0MzRmZGU5N2M0MTZjN2FjOWZlZTY5">It's interesting to know that they are still under attack, it will make it easier for Lia-sama to strike. I'll better get back to the Raptor. This Bon Kurei might know relevant information. We still don't know the layabout of the prison itself. Having someone who was one of the main forces behind a prison break will be helpful.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjJmMWRiNGQ0NzQ2ZGZiMDIyOWM2NjYwZGExMzAy">I placed some of Fiara-chan's bombs at the door, before leaving. They will explode the moment someone opens the door and burn everything inside the corridor and the room behind the door. I had just turned around the second corner when I heard the explosion of my charge. My cover is blown now, I'll have to hurry. Luckily, there wasn't much resistance on my way out. I had to evade a few groups that were rushing towards the room I had just bombed, but none of them saw me.</p> <p class="cnM4YWMzYTY0OWYyMzQ0MTk5ZjhlNmM3Nzk2YjhiZTFh">Funny how people never look up when they are in a hurry.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWIwN2VkYmFkNzQ0MmFhZjBiMDNiZWRiYjUwOGMy">I reached my entrance point without being seen and jumped into the air. The Raptor was still circling around the prison. Lia-sama was giving me cover by letting rain down her pebbles.</p> <p class="cnMwODE1NzAwZDM2MzQyZmU5NTU3NDk2NmNmNjMwYzI4">“Any trouble Inari?” Asked Lia-sama the moment I touched down on deck. She gave me a quick look to make sure that I am not hurt, which made me feel happy. Having people that are concerned about my well being feels nice. It was really hard leaving my family and friends behind.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDNkNTZhMTJmNDQwODJhZWFhYTQzMWExMjNkY2Y0">The rest of the crew was also present or close enough to hear what I had to report. “No Lia-sama, they haven't spotted me. I bring information about a prison break. I could overhear a conversation about a prison break led by Straw Hat Luffy as well as another attack by the pirate Blackbeard.</p> <p class="cnMwYjQ4MTBlOTJjZDQxYWI4NTgyY2ZhY2ViYzkwOWY0">Straw Hat Luffy does not seem to be still here, but the Warden of Impel Down is trying to fight back the escape of Blackbeard and a group of prisoners that are said to come from level 6. Some of the names I have heard are pretty big. They plan to seal the different levels of Impel Down and flood the whole prison with some kind of gas. I don't know if it is deadly, or just a sleeping gas. They've called it TX6.</p> <p class="cnNjNTExNzlhNjI3MzRmYjVhYzlmYjdjZDZlMGQ3ZDk3">They also know that it is us who are attacking from the outside, but without their cannons, they have no way of defending themselves. They must be running low on guards, I haven't run into many of them, at least far too few for a normal prison of that size.</p> <p class="cnM1NDc3ZGIxY2U2NzQwYmRiZWUyN2YzYzhiMjcxOGMw">Also, there is a wounded prisoner at their medical bay 4. He awaits questioning about the attack of Straw Hat. Having him guiding us might be helpful, his name is Bon Kurei.”</p> <p class="cnMyOTg0Mzg2N2ZlZjQxMzM5MmU5MjYwYjJiMmNmNjBi">“Thank you Inari, this will be helpful. We're going to land some distance away from the prison. I don't want Blackbeard attacking our ship when we are inside Impel Down.</p> <p class="cnM1NzVhYTMwZmVkMjQ4YmViZjkwOWI4YmE0NDU3M2M0">We will use waver skates and then search for the medical bay. Keep your masks on, I don't want anyone of you getting poisoned.” My tail was waving proudly, being useful to your master or mistress is the highest honour a Ninja can have.</p> <p class="cnNjZjNkODJmZGZiMTQ3ZGNiNzc4MjIwOWM1NzViOGFk">Lia-sama turned to look at the assembled crew but stopped her gaze on Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats. The orange haired girl had been fidgeting from the moment she heard that Straw Hat had been part of the prison break.</p> <p class="cnMzZDE2NjQxNDNiOTRmMjRhNDBjNGY2NWQxOWUxNGIw">“Nami, any idea why Luffy was here at Impel Down?”</p> <p class="cnMwZTM4YjkzZDdlZDQ1NTE5YWViODEwNWJiZTQ0YzAx">“He might have wanted to rescue Ace before he got shipped to Marine HQ. Fire Fist Ace is his brother and I am sure that not even Luffy could have missed the news of his execution,” answered Nami after only a short moment of thinking.</p> <p class="cnNmMzUzNjAxYjYyNjRiNTBiMDJkMzcwNDg1NTJkMDcx">“Then he will be at the Marine HQ by now. I'm sure that he will survive the war, he is pretty durable.” The words might have been meant to sound calm, but the utter lack of any emotion lessened the effect. “Maybe Lara sees him and gives him some help.”</p> <p class="cnMyYTY4ZTk1MmUzMjQxZTE5NTNmYjZmMTY2OGViMDRk">“Anyway, you are going to stay on the Raptor. Impel Down has guards and soldiers that are many times stronger than your normal Marine soldier. You aren't used to fighting alongside us. Having you with us will be a liability. Take care of the Raptor and take some distance if you see Blackbeard. Underestimating a man such as him is deadly,” she then continued without a pause. Nami nodded in acceptance. She didn't look happy about it, but that wasn't important.</p> <p class="cnM3ODJhOTk4ZDMyNTRlYTM4YWRiYmYxYzk3MGI2YTI2">Lia-sama then turned back to me. “Inari, you as well. We have tried to integrate you into our fights, but less than a week is not enough. Please help Nami and protect the ship. We would be in quite a lot of trouble if it gets destroyed.” I bowed deeply. Guard duty was as important as the attack itself, how are we going to leave without a ship?</p> <p class="cnM4NzBjZWRhMzQ5MjRmNjU5NzUxMWRkMTM4NGFjYTEy">“It will be done Lia-sama.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZTM2NTY4YmU5YjRmNzg4ZGIzYWU5YjkyOTVlYWM1">“Thanks, the rest of you know what to do. Josef, pack some antidotes and smelling salts. We might need Bon Kurei. The rest of you get ready, we will leave once everyone has their waver skate strapped on.” Everyone followed Lia-sama's command quickly. Josef-san runs inside the ship to get the last needed medical supplies and the others were checking their equipment.</p> <p class="cnM5NTE1MTIxZDgwNDRjYWU5Nzc4OTYwMGVkNDUzMjAw">It didn't take them much time to get ready and all seven of them went on their way towards the prison. Now only I and Nami-san were left. From the sight of it, she was pretty nervous. She doesn't have to worry, I will make sure that nothing happens. I can't disappoint Lia-sama.</p> <p class="cnNkMjM1Njg0YmI5MjRiNjhhZDY3OTY1YzAzZmVlNDhj"> </p> </div>
Inari's POV; Slich and Slash makes my blade. “Hehehe,” I couldn't stop myself from giggling. The red blood was flowing so beautifully. I pulled the tip of my sickle out of the neck of its latest victim. The guard wasn't even able to notice that he would die. Ah, being free is great. And I have to thank my two Mistresses for that. Lia-sama and Lara-sama are such two great people. They freed me, gave me a place within their group and Lia-sama even showed me how I could make my tail more lustre and soft. And yet I can't be my true self while near them. I can't show them this side of me. I have a hard time already controlling my Sulong form, it is so strong that it even bleeds through outside of the transformation. Lord Nekomamushi speaks about confronting ones nature and accepting what we are, but during my exile, I have come to the conclusion that most people don't like me when I show my true feelings. I'll just have to hide it and let it out when no one can see me, like right now. I sneaked silently through the corridor of the fortress. I had little trouble infiltrating it through one of the destroyed gun emplacements. The few guards that were trying to clear the rubble were easily decapitated. There isn't even a need for staying quiet, an alarm is blaring loudly. But what I found strange was the lack of guards. Shouldn't there be more of them here now? From the looks of it the prison was attacked before we arrived. Shouldn't then there be guards at the upper levels or is there a riot inside? Well, once I find the guardroom I'll see. They must have surveillance transponder snails. And usually, these rooms are in the middle of the complex. Far away from any possible intruder or prisoner. I opened some rooms along my way. There were no guards or soldiers inside. Most had supplies or stacked cannons for their artillery. There was enough ammunition to last them a few days with all of their cannons intact. Fiara-chan had given me some of her bombs before I got off the Raptor. Some of them are detecting movement, others can be activated from a distance. The later placed in between the many barrels of gunpowder and cannonballs. Other rooms had food or clothes. I also found a large storeroom with clothes and weapons that must have been owned by the prisoners. Some of these looked to be valuable, too bad that I can't take them with me. I even found a guard room. There was food on the tables, half eaten and then left in a hurry. The guards must have had a break when the alarm started. The room held not much of interest. However, there was one thing that will be important. There was a map of the upper level of Impel Down. Nothing about the prison itself, but the fortress above sea level. With it, I will be easily able to find the control room. A few minutes later I found the control room, the map helped enormously. A room guarded by four guards. They all held net-cannons in their hands. Maybe sea stone nets against Devil Fruit user? Whatever they were using, it wouldn't help them against me. I pulled my blowpipe out and placed a dart inside. After aiming carefully I blew and the dart flew out. It pierced the neck of the guard that was the furthest off of me. He grabbed at his neck, but by then the strong narcotic had already done its job. He slumped to the ground. He'll die of a lung paralysis in a few minutes. His three co-workers asked him worriedly what happened and were distracted. Long enough for me to fire a second dart, before then darting out of my cover and close to their position. The moment their second friend fell down they knew that they were under attack. Yet, it was too late. I threw my right sickle at the guard that stood at the right. The sharp tip of the blade skewered itself into his skull and he died with a funny gurgle. His friend had now seen me and opened his mouth to shout a warning to whoever was inside the room. I couldn't have that, so I activated my Electro and punched his larynx. He choked and was then burned to death by the high voltage. A quick look around told me that no one had noticed their death, so I placed my ear on the door and listened. Poor lesser minks, they have such bad sight, hearing and sense of smell. Only Lia-sama has a better sight and hearing than me. But Lia-sama was special. Thanks to my own stronger hearing I could easily listen in on the conversation that happened inside. “Vice Warden Hannyabal, Warden Magellan is still fighting Shiliew at level 4. Blackbeard has freed many prisoners on level 6 and is on his way back up. It will only be a matter of time until they escape, what are your orders?” Asked someone his obvious superior, Vice-Warden sounds fairly high. “Hmm, seal every level from 1 to 6 they are not allowed to escape my prison. Oh wait, it's not yet mine. Anyway, once the blast doors are shut they will have a hard time escaping. Are there information about the escaped prisoners from level 6. Other than those that escaped with Straw Hat?” Replied another man, he sounded quite arrogant. “Some sir, we know that along with his normal crew he has allied himself with Avalo Pizarro, Shiliew, Sanjuan Wolf, Vasco Shot and Catarina Devon. All of them are highly dangerous criminals.” “Once the doors are sealed, flood the prison with TX6 gas, they won't be able to flee from my prison if they are not able to move. Oh, wait, sorry it isn't yet mine. Also, what is the status of the prisoner that tricked the control room? The prisoner Bon Kurei, from the reports it was obvious that he was one of the main instigators.” “He is in medical bay four, Warden Magellan has dosed him with a sleeping toxin. Once this is over we can start the interrogation.” “Good good, what about the attack from the outside? More forces of Blackbeard? We need to know more, they have taken out all of our artillery placements. We're sitting ducks here! Magellan gave me the order to defend us against any outside threat, how can I become the Warden if I fail that important task?” The man in charge began to sound more stressed. “Sir, we checked the ship design with every known pirate ship of the World Governments databank. We think it is the ship of the Kage Pirates, it is called the Raptor.” “WHAT?! The Kage Pirates are attacking? Why do I learn about this only now? They are here to free Basilisk. Do you have any idea what will happen to me if they are allowed to free him? It will cost me my job!” The voice of the man became frantic. I'll think I should leave before he storms out of the room. It's interesting to know that they are still under attack, it will make it easier for Lia-sama to strike. I'll better get back to the Raptor. This Bon Kurei might know relevant information. We still don't know the layabout of the prison itself. Having someone who was one of the main forces behind a prison break will be helpful. I placed some of Fiara-chan's bombs at the door, before leaving. They will explode the moment someone opens the door and burn everything inside the corridor and the room behind the door. I had just turned around the second corner when I heard the explosion of my charge. My cover is blown now, I'll have to hurry. Luckily, there wasn't much resistance on my way out. I had to evade a few groups that were rushing towards the room I had just bombed, but none of them saw me. Funny how people never look up when they are in a hurry. I reached my entrance point without being seen and jumped into the air. The Raptor was still circling around the prison. Lia-sama was giving me cover by letting rain down her pebbles. “Any trouble Inari?” Asked Lia-sama the moment I touched down on deck. She gave me a quick look to make sure that I am not hurt, which made me feel happy. Having people that are concerned about my well being feels nice. It was really hard leaving my family and friends behind. The rest of the crew was also present or close enough to hear what I had to report. “No Lia-sama, they haven't spotted me. I bring information about a prison break. I could overhear a conversation about a prison break led by Straw Hat Luffy as well as another attack by the pirate Blackbeard. Straw Hat Luffy does not seem to be still here, but the Warden of Impel Down is trying to fight back the escape of Blackbeard and a group of prisoners that are said to come from level 6. Some of the names I have heard are pretty big. They plan to seal the different levels of Impel Down and flood the whole prison with some kind of gas. I don't know if it is deadly, or just a sleeping gas. They've called it TX6. They also know that it is us who are attacking from the outside, but without their cannons, they have no way of defending themselves. They must be running low on guards, I haven't run into many of them, at least far too few for a normal prison of that size. Also, there is a wounded prisoner at their medical bay 4. He awaits questioning about the attack of Straw Hat. Having him guiding us might be helpful, his name is Bon Kurei.” “Thank you Inari, this will be helpful. We're going to land some distance away from the prison. I don't want Blackbeard attacking our ship when we are inside Impel Down. We will use waver skates and then search for the medical bay. Keep your masks on, I don't want anyone of you getting poisoned.” My tail was waving proudly, being useful to your master or mistress is the highest honour a Ninja can have. Lia-sama turned to look at the assembled crew but stopped her gaze on Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hats. The orange haired girl had been fidgeting from the moment she heard that Straw Hat had been part of the prison break. “Nami, any idea why Luffy was here at Impel Down?” “He might have wanted to rescue Ace before he got shipped to Marine HQ. Fire Fist Ace is his brother and I am sure that not even Luffy could have missed the news of his execution,” answered Nami after only a short moment of thinking. “Then he will be at the Marine HQ by now. I'm sure that he will survive the war, he is pretty durable.” The words might have been meant to sound calm, but the utter lack of any emotion lessened the effect. “Maybe Lara sees him and gives him some help.” “Anyway, you are going to stay on the Raptor. Impel Down has guards and soldiers that are many times stronger than your normal Marine soldier. You aren't used to fighting alongside us. Having you with us will be a liability. Take care of the Raptor and take some distance if you see Blackbeard. Underestimating a man such as him is deadly,” she then continued without a pause. Nami nodded in acceptance. She didn't look happy about it, but that wasn't important. Lia-sama then turned back to me. “Inari, you as well. We have tried to integrate you into our fights, but less than a week is not enough. Please help Nami and protect the ship. We would be in quite a lot of trouble if it gets destroyed.” I bowed deeply. Guard duty was as important as the attack itself, how are we going to leave without a ship? “It will be done Lia-sama.” “Thanks, the rest of you know what to do. Josef, pack some antidotes and smelling salts. We might need Bon Kurei. The rest of you get ready, we will leave once everyone has their waver skate strapped on.” Everyone followed Lia-sama's command quickly. Josef-san runs inside the ship to get the last needed medical supplies and the others were checking their equipment. It didn't take them much time to get ready and all seven of them went on their way towards the prison. Now only I and Nami-san were left. From the sight of it, she was pretty nervous. She doesn't have to worry, I will make sure that nothing happens. I can't disappoint Lia-sama.
{ "title": "The most human elf in Shaylet - Paused until further notice", "id": 20795, "author": "DarKKlouD", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Back towards home 3", "id": 305942, "next": 307093, "prev": 301220, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNhNzlkZmI4NmVhZjRmYzY5OWQzMDQ1NGJiYmU3NjM2">Malady didn't even have time to scream. One second she was fine then the next, she had a horn in her gut. After piercing her, the deer spun it's head to dislodge the burden on it's horn. Vylet was frozen, still processing what just happened. Seeing malady thrown off the deers horn snapped me back into reality and i summoned some green mana. Willing the grass beneath the deer to grow into vines and wrap around the deers legs. I also summoned some more mana and willed the earth to get soft beneath its legs and make it sink. Barely a moment has passed and I was able to immobilize the monster. It thrashed wildly, unable to free itself from the ground. I jogged up next to it and brought my sword down on its neck. My new and barely used sword barely cut halfway through, even with the enchantments. The creature screetched and thrashed about with even more enthusiasm than before. I swung the sword down again, harder this time. It's head hit the ground and it's body shivered but with most of it in the ground and bound by vines, it couldn't fall over.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYTM3Yjc0NWNiMDQ0NzNiY2JkN2I1NTVjN2JmYjY3">Vylet had moved to malady and was trying to stop her bleeding. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet. I ran to the other side of malady, cloaking my hands in green mana I slowly let it soak into her wound. I sense the damage to her organs and focused on them. Directing the mana to her injuries, willing the mana to replace damaged flesh and bone. Im not the best at manipulating green mana but I can at least save her life.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYTQ5OWU0NjRiNTRkOTI5ZTcxZDNmZTMxZjk0NTlm">More noise coming towards us, Vylet readied her knives as more animals were on their way. Her expression showing fear and then terror as they got closer to us. My focus on the mana working inside malady's body kept me from seeing the awful sight approaching our group.</p> <p class="cnM1ODllMGZiOGNjZTQ1MzY4MTczMzAwOTk1OGY4ZGZi">The creatures were charging at us. Sweat dripped from vylets face, her tail still and her fur was standing as if she was hit with lightning. The things running at us were running at a ridiculous pace, trampeling anything and everything in the way. Even each other. I stopped malady's bleeding but i couldn't completely fix the wound. I dressed it as well as I could and I started muttering in the forbidden language. Channeling what's left of my mana into the words, a light red glow appeared around my legs. A warmth entered my legs, they felt stronger. Malady felt increasingly lighter as the effect spread around my calves.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNTY5MDFlZGEzODRkYzM5NzcyNTM1YmFkMTJlZjM3">"Vylet"</p> <p class="cnNiN2ExYmNlNTI5NDQ4YzFiYTlmNjJlNTIyNTE2NmE5">"Y-yes?" She said while trying her best to hide her fear.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDNlMzY1NzJmMTRjNDc5MDczZDViNjQ1ZmFiNDZk">"Run"</p> <p class="cnM2MTNiNGZjNGZlNTQzYThhYTNiZmYxNGU1MDkxNmFk">My heartbeat is the only thing I hear as I run with everything I have. Malady's limp form on my shoulders. Vylet right beside me. Her speed is amazing, one of the gifts from her heritage I guess. With this speed it's a miracle that cult could catch her at all. My feet were nothing but numb attatchments to my legs, as the feeling left them long ago.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxY2JlNjZhZjkzZTQ0ODQ4MDVlMmMxNzZmYTAyNTQy">I kept running until my legs gave out. Rolling so i dont injure Malady, I fell into the dirt. Looking around to make sure we were not still in danger, i realize that in my haste to escape i didn't notice the change in scenery. Instead of plains, we were now surrounded by rolling hills. Remnants of wooden walls and huts scattered around broken trees that are probablly from that forest we left. Vylet was lying on the ground nearby, sweat dripping off her forhead. Her hair matted with dirt and her clothes torn, revealing scratches and bruises on her legs and arms. Malady was passed out next to my head, the smell of blood and my own sweat was strong in the air.</p> <p class="cnMzYWM3MzA3N2QzMzRkYTc4NTRjZmVhYTZkNWM1MTI3">I need to get her to a healer soon or she will die.</p> <p class="cnNkMTk5MDBhNDFjYTQ2YWU4YTAxNDE2MmRhODgzODRi">I only managed to stop her bleeding and repair some of her organs. If she doesnt get someone experienced to heal her, she wont last long. I force myself up despite the pain in my legs and walk over to the exhausted beast girl. Opening my bag i pull out a water skin and gulp it down, feeling the slightly cool liquid go down my throat was almost addicting in my state of exhaustion, i had to stop myself from drinking all of it.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1Nzk2MzE3NTNmNDQ0OTg5NThlYzc2MGIwOGZlOTM4">I hand the water skin to Vylet, who accepted it happily. Draining most of its contents, she hands it back to me.</p> <p class="cnNlZjNkZDM1MGEwZTQ2NjY5OGU2ZWU5Yzk4ZTVhNzI3">"what are those monsters? i've never seen anything like them. Father's never mentioned anything about them on his hunts and none of the books ive read describe anything like them."</p> <p class="cnNkMGFiZGYzODg4YTQzMTQ4MjQ1NmY2NzA4NjMzZDFm">"I dont know. I've never seen their like either. But exposure to pure mana like that can change anything. Ive heard of an experiment where a group of mages released pure mana on a flower they had taken from the nearby woods."</p> <p class="cnMzYjAwODJkZjExOTQ0ZmViOWFlM2NiYWY4NWZjMWUy">I pause to take another sip of water, put it back in my bag and walk to Malady.</p> <p class="cnM5YjU4ZDI2OGFiYjQyYzI4YzE4MTAxYzM0M2ZiMmVi">" After a couple seconds the flower was no longer any of the recognized breeds of flower. As the experiment continued the plant got farther and farther from anything that can be called a flower. The pure mana changed it.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMzJkZmQ5Y2ZmZDRiMTFhNWZkMDU5OGMyY2MzOTFh">Twisted it.</p> <p class="cnMwOGZhM2RhZjlmYTQ2NjM4Nzg5YjU0MGZiOGM2OWVh">By the end of the experiment the flower's petals had turned black and it was walking around trying to attach its self to the mages close to it."</p> <p class="cnM4MTE2NGRlM2IyMDQ2NmY5OTlhYWMzNmQ4MmQ2Mjdm">Vylet shiverred, but got up and dusted herself off. She walked over to help me with Malady.</p> <p class="cnNjNGZjYjY2ODcxZTQ5Y2JiZmQzMmJlNWE5NWQxMGY1">"The village we were going isnt really far from here. Hopefully the people there are still alive.... and still people."</p> <p class="cnM0ZmViZmY3NWEzMTRmNTFhNjhhNzk4MzkyZjBjYjk1">Vylet nodded</p> <p class="cnNkZjAzMTI3ZGYyYTRiZGM5ZGI4M2ZhZjNkYjk1YTli">She helped me pick up Malady and we head in the direction that i beleived the town was in.</p> <p class="cnMyMTZiMGNhNmViMjRiZDA5M2IyMDM0MTZhMjkxMTgz">**************************************************************************************************</p> <p class="cnMxNDZkNjA5MmJiMjRiOGU4MzBmODgzMTNlZDdkNzZh">"VOLD!!!"</p> <p class="cnMwMmU3ZjkyNzljZjQ3ZDFhNmZjNDc4ODI3ZjI2OWFi">A manor not far from where Finch's group is, a young fat noble is yelling himself hoarse.</p> <p class="cnMxNTYyZWIzMWU1MTQ3NjU4NDk2YzY0OTI5MmFiYzg1">"VOLD!!!! YOU USELESS SHIT GET IN HERE AND HELP ME!!!!"</p> <p class="cnM0NDY4NDA2YzY1MDQ3NDg4ZjQ0YjQzNDA1ZWU4OThh">*creak* the door to the noble's study opens and a thin, wirey man in an immaculate suit walks in. His short gray hair, had been arranged to hide his bald spot, although poorly. The suit he was wearing was&nbsp;perfectly fitted and well kept, but was by no means expensive.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmNmZmQ2NmVjZTQ5OWFhNTU3YjBiMWExOGQ0MDJh">"VOLD!! you..</p> <p class="cnM0M2VlYmMwNDgwMDQxMGE5MTg5YjBkM2NjZWMwYTFk">YOU IDIOT!</p> <p class="cnMwMmUzOWY1NGUzYTQyODFhNDAxMzE4YTFmMWZkZDQ2">WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!"</p> <p class="cnNkZmI0OGRhYzAwMzQ4NjU5MjdkNDc3NjUwMTliMThl">The fat nobles words were practically dripping with malice. Spittle flew in Vold's direction with almost every word, luckily Vold was not within distance.</p> <p class="cnNmZGVkNmMzMzM3NTRmNGNiY2I5MTY1MjQ4MTYxMjY1">Vold bowed slowly and deeply,</p> <p class="cnM5ZjMzODIxNzkxMDRhYmQ4MTlkZDUwMjRiMWFkYTE1">"Sorry young master, i apologize for the delay."</p> <p class="cnM5M2UwNjdhODIyZjQ4ZjlhYWEzMzIxMGI2ZjZmYThi">"Well? EXPLAIN!</p> <p class="cnM0Y2NhN2I2ZTYwZjQ1N2M4YzlhY2U1MDI5Y2IxN2Jj">What is more important than to come when your betters call?"</p> <p class="cnNlOGQ4ZTYyZDJkMDRkZmQ5N2UzNzVhMmIwNDQ0Yzgw">The butler raised his head and looked at the young noble. The noble boy was not yet ten years of age but already rotten. His young face that used to filled with nothing but smiles was now sporting only scowls and a double chin. A crop of yellowish hair slithering off his head, and into his shirt. Which was made of cloth so expensive it could pay a peasents wage for 2 years. His pants were just as expensive and went to his bloated calves.&nbsp; &nbsp;His father had been too engrossed in his work to notice the boy. The mother wasnt any better, she encouraged his attitude and hatred for those not of noble blood. She wholeheartedly beleived that nobles were better than everyone else, specifically her family.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiN2Y0N2ZlZmYxNzQ5ZjliOWNkY2ZkY2Q4YmY5YmRi">" The master called me so i answered his call."</p> <p class="cnM4ZDhiZDFmZmE5MjRjN2Y5NzU3NDYxMjU0Y2ExZjFi">"Father called you?" His pudgy face twisted into a grimace for a moment, then returned to his usual scowl.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjQxMTM2MzFjYzQ1ZGM5MWM4MjJiOWNhN2YyZmJl">" Well, no matter. You still should've hurried"</p> <p class="cnNjYmZmMjI0ODEzYjQ3MDJiZDJhZTQ3ODQ2NjdlOWNk">"My apologies, young master. What might i help you with?"</p> <p class="cnM2YjVlYjAyZGYwMjQ4NWY4MGVlMGFhOTIwNWVhNzhm">Vold had been serving this family from a young age and hated every moment of it. The family he served was responsible for a large peice of land with two towns and a small valley. His parents had sold him to them so that they buy food.&nbsp; This family was a trash heap of corruption, not one member of this family was uninvolved with their nefarious dealings. The father, a war criminal and a tyrant. The mother is a racist, peasent hating, sadist. The son, a fat, idiotic waste of skin and his sister who i beleive has gotten into the illegal slave market.</p> <p class="cnMxOWIwYTI2YTFiNTRiM2JhMjg4ZDdmMDYzOTZhOTVl">The fat noble raised a stubby arm and pointed a sausage like finger at a small huddled figure in the corner of the room.</p> <p class="cnMwZWZlNDI2NzFkZjQ0YjNhYTgzMDgzN2M3ZTgzYTI0">"This servant maliciously pulled a hair out of my head as i was getting my daily brushing. I want him flogged and fed to the dogs."</p> <p class="cnNhZTJkNTAwODQzYjRiMGU4M2I0NmFlZWE2MGI1YTEx">Vold looked at the poor servant. A skinny shrivelled man, covered in scars and old tattered clothing.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YTdkNGQ0MGViZTQxNjViZWU2ZThkMzhlNTYwMDM4">"I shall see it done."</p> <p class="cnNiNDI0MmZmMTIwNzQ3NzJhZWQ0NjFiODVkYWJkOGI5">The servant looked terrified. Vold called in a couple of other servants and had them take him away.</p> <p class="cnNjOTc1ZjY2YWZmYzQyMzhiN2FlNjQzMTBiNWZmMWY4">"anything else, sir?"</p> <p class="cnNmMWEyY2YxOWU2MDRlMWI4NmM5M2QwZmM3YTVhM2I0">The noble thought it over.</p> <p class="cnM2NDRhNTZjNzNlOTQ4ODU5M2E2NDI3NTAxNjUyODYz">"have a maid bring me some tea and cake."</p> <p class="cnMwNDhjNmE4MWZiMjQxMDZhYzlmYWYxOTZmMDVkNmZm">"very well"</p> <p class="cnM3ODUxNGNmMTU5NzQ3ZDg5OGJjOTZjZTI1MjZjZjdk">Vold turned around and left the young noble. Telling the closest maid to bring the fatass his snacks, he left in the direction the servants took that man. Down the stairs and into the basement, he went. Dodging servants hurrying to their many destinations, he went down another set of stairs into the dungeon. The servants had bound the man's hands together and were leading him into a small cell in the wall. The dungeon wasnt used by most of the family, mostly only the mother and daughter used it to help with their "activities". So most of the unfourtunates left down here are abandoned and left to rot. The only reason they were putting him down here is because the dogs had already ate, so they had to wait till tomorrow to kill him.</p> <p class="cnNiN2FmM2EwMzc3YzRmM2Y5NmFkNzE1NDUxYjkyZDZi">The servants led him into the cell, removed his bindings and left. The man seemed to have resigned himself to his fate. His face burried in his hands and he sat on the floor and sobbed softly. As soon as the servants left and no one else was around, Vold opened the cell. The mans sobbing stopped immediately and looked up at me. All the sadness on his face had disappeared, replaced by a crooked smile.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMmY5MTk1MmU5YjRhNzViMmNhOGUzYWRmNzUzZTAw">"i know, i know. The plan was for tommorow night, but the&nbsp;bastard kept moving and complaining about me being too rough with his&nbsp;<em>Delicate&nbsp;</em>hair. He pulled away and the brush must've caught a strand of hair."</p> <p class="cnM0ZTk3NWU4MTQ4ZjQ1NDViNDAyMTA0OWVhODBjZGVk">"well, at least no one figured anything out. Is everyone at least in place?"</p> <p class="cnNhMjlhYmViM2Y1NzQyNDJiYzAxMTlkYmVkZTBmYzQ4">"yes, i made sure just in case."</p> <p class="cnM5MjllZjc1MWIzYjQ4NDY5NjNhYzcyOGQ1Njk2NTFm">"good. here."</p> <p class="cnMyNWQyZjRjMWI4MzQ0YzhiMTg4MjYwMmUxYjMzZmZk">Vold took out a small key and handed it to the man who took it and hid it in a small pocket on his blouse.</p> <p class="cnNhOTc5NGI5MzMzNjRkYjhiYmFmMmJlYmRiYWMxMmJi">"that key is for your cell, you know what to do. tommorow when they bring you food. we will begin."</p> <p class="cnMwYTk2OTgwMTkyNjRiZjA5NWY0MGMyZTAxYmVhMGEx">"for the people."</p> <p class="cnNjODQzZmMxYjQ5NDQ5NDI5OGQ2ZDY4YjUzMWFhMjM0">"for the people"</p> <p class="cnNjOGQ4YzdhYzcxYjQyZGQ5YjMwYWNhMWM3ZWEwZGE1">Vold left and locked the cell, as he walked down the hall he could hear the soft sobbing once more.</p> <p class="cnNiZWUzZWQ0ZGRhMjRlMzNiYTJhMTkyZjY0NWYxZmQz">Tommorow. we will begin.</p> </div>
Malady didn't even have time to scream. One second she was fine then the next, she had a horn in her gut. After piercing her, the deer spun it's head to dislodge the burden on it's horn. Vylet was frozen, still processing what just happened. Seeing malady thrown off the deers horn snapped me back into reality and i summoned some green mana. Willing the grass beneath the deer to grow into vines and wrap around the deers legs. I also summoned some more mana and willed the earth to get soft beneath its legs and make it sink. Barely a moment has passed and I was able to immobilize the monster. It thrashed wildly, unable to free itself from the ground. I jogged up next to it and brought my sword down on its neck. My new and barely used sword barely cut halfway through, even with the enchantments. The creature screetched and thrashed about with even more enthusiasm than before. I swung the sword down again, harder this time. It's head hit the ground and it's body shivered but with most of it in the ground and bound by vines, it couldn't fall over.  Vylet had moved to malady and was trying to stop her bleeding. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet. I ran to the other side of malady, cloaking my hands in green mana I slowly let it soak into her wound. I sense the damage to her organs and focused on them. Directing the mana to her injuries, willing the mana to replace damaged flesh and bone. Im not the best at manipulating green mana but I can at least save her life.  More noise coming towards us, Vylet readied her knives as more animals were on their way. Her expression showing fear and then terror as they got closer to us. My focus on the mana working inside malady's body kept me from seeing the awful sight approaching our group. The creatures were charging at us. Sweat dripped from vylets face, her tail still and her fur was standing as if she was hit with lightning. The things running at us were running at a ridiculous pace, trampeling anything and everything in the way. Even each other. I stopped malady's bleeding but i couldn't completely fix the wound. I dressed it as well as I could and I started muttering in the forbidden language. Channeling what's left of my mana into the words, a light red glow appeared around my legs. A warmth entered my legs, they felt stronger. Malady felt increasingly lighter as the effect spread around my calves.  "Vylet" "Y-yes?" She said while trying her best to hide her fear. "Run" My heartbeat is the only thing I hear as I run with everything I have. Malady's limp form on my shoulders. Vylet right beside me. Her speed is amazing, one of the gifts from her heritage I guess. With this speed it's a miracle that cult could catch her at all. My feet were nothing but numb attatchments to my legs, as the feeling left them long ago.  I kept running until my legs gave out. Rolling so i dont injure Malady, I fell into the dirt. Looking around to make sure we were not still in danger, i realize that in my haste to escape i didn't notice the change in scenery. Instead of plains, we were now surrounded by rolling hills. Remnants of wooden walls and huts scattered around broken trees that are probablly from that forest we left. Vylet was lying on the ground nearby, sweat dripping off her forhead. Her hair matted with dirt and her clothes torn, revealing scratches and bruises on her legs and arms. Malady was passed out next to my head, the smell of blood and my own sweat was strong in the air. I need to get her to a healer soon or she will die. I only managed to stop her bleeding and repair some of her organs. If she doesnt get someone experienced to heal her, she wont last long. I force myself up despite the pain in my legs and walk over to the exhausted beast girl. Opening my bag i pull out a water skin and gulp it down, feeling the slightly cool liquid go down my throat was almost addicting in my state of exhaustion, i had to stop myself from drinking all of it.  I hand the water skin to Vylet, who accepted it happily. Draining most of its contents, she hands it back to me. "what are those monsters? i've never seen anything like them. Father's never mentioned anything about them on his hunts and none of the books ive read describe anything like them." "I dont know. I've never seen their like either. But exposure to pure mana like that can change anything. Ive heard of an experiment where a group of mages released pure mana on a flower they had taken from the nearby woods." I pause to take another sip of water, put it back in my bag and walk to Malady. " After a couple seconds the flower was no longer any of the recognized breeds of flower. As the experiment continued the plant got farther and farther from anything that can be called a flower. The pure mana changed it.  Twisted it. By the end of the experiment the flower's petals had turned black and it was walking around trying to attach its self to the mages close to it." Vylet shiverred, but got up and dusted herself off. She walked over to help me with Malady. "The village we were going isnt really far from here. Hopefully the people there are still alive.... and still people." Vylet nodded She helped me pick up Malady and we head in the direction that i beleived the town was in. ************************************************************************************************** "VOLD!!!" A manor not far from where Finch's group is, a young fat noble is yelling himself hoarse. "VOLD!!!! YOU USELESS SHIT GET IN HERE AND HELP ME!!!!" *creak* the door to the noble's study opens and a thin, wirey man in an immaculate suit walks in. His short gray hair, had been arranged to hide his bald spot, although poorly. The suit he was wearing was perfectly fitted and well kept, but was by no means expensive. "VOLD!! you.. YOU IDIOT! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!" The fat nobles words were practically dripping with malice. Spittle flew in Vold's direction with almost every word, luckily Vold was not within distance. Vold bowed slowly and deeply, "Sorry young master, i apologize for the delay." "Well? EXPLAIN! What is more important than to come when your betters call?" The butler raised his head and looked at the young noble. The noble boy was not yet ten years of age but already rotten. His young face that used to filled with nothing but smiles was now sporting only scowls and a double chin. A crop of yellowish hair slithering off his head, and into his shirt. Which was made of cloth so expensive it could pay a peasents wage for 2 years. His pants were just as expensive and went to his bloated calves.   His father had been too engrossed in his work to notice the boy. The mother wasnt any better, she encouraged his attitude and hatred for those not of noble blood. She wholeheartedly beleived that nobles were better than everyone else, specifically her family.  " The master called me so i answered his call." "Father called you?" His pudgy face twisted into a grimace for a moment, then returned to his usual scowl. " Well, no matter. You still should've hurried" "My apologies, young master. What might i help you with?" Vold had been serving this family from a young age and hated every moment of it. The family he served was responsible for a large peice of land with two towns and a small valley. His parents had sold him to them so that they buy food.  This family was a trash heap of corruption, not one member of this family was uninvolved with their nefarious dealings. The father, a war criminal and a tyrant. The mother is a racist, peasent hating, sadist. The son, a fat, idiotic waste of skin and his sister who i beleive has gotten into the illegal slave market. The fat noble raised a stubby arm and pointed a sausage like finger at a small huddled figure in the corner of the room. "This servant maliciously pulled a hair out of my head as i was getting my daily brushing. I want him flogged and fed to the dogs." Vold looked at the poor servant. A skinny shrivelled man, covered in scars and old tattered clothing.  "I shall see it done." The servant looked terrified. Vold called in a couple of other servants and had them take him away. "anything else, sir?" The noble thought it over. "have a maid bring me some tea and cake." "very well" Vold turned around and left the young noble. Telling the closest maid to bring the fatass his snacks, he left in the direction the servants took that man. Down the stairs and into the basement, he went. Dodging servants hurrying to their many destinations, he went down another set of stairs into the dungeon. The servants had bound the man's hands together and were leading him into a small cell in the wall. The dungeon wasnt used by most of the family, mostly only the mother and daughter used it to help with their "activities". So most of the unfourtunates left down here are abandoned and left to rot. The only reason they were putting him down here is because the dogs had already ate, so they had to wait till tomorrow to kill him. The servants led him into the cell, removed his bindings and left. The man seemed to have resigned himself to his fate. His face burried in his hands and he sat on the floor and sobbed softly. As soon as the servants left and no one else was around, Vold opened the cell. The mans sobbing stopped immediately and looked up at me. All the sadness on his face had disappeared, replaced by a crooked smile.  "i know, i know. The plan was for tommorow night, but the bastard kept moving and complaining about me being too rough with his *Delicate*hair. He pulled away and the brush must've caught a strand of hair." "well, at least no one figured anything out. Is everyone at least in place?" "yes, i made sure just in case." "good. here." Vold took out a small key and handed it to the man who took it and hid it in a small pocket on his blouse. "that key is for your cell, you know what to do. tommorow when they bring you food. we will begin." "for the people." "for the people" Vold left and locked the cell, as he walked down the hall he could hear the soft sobbing once more. Tommorow. we will begin.
{ "title": "Edea Chronicles: Hero Summoning Conspiracy", "id": 20762, "author": "Ruruci", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 66: Encounter", "id": 305946, "next": 305947, "prev": 305844, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YWE1ZDVkZjEyNTQ4OWFhNDcyZWNmNWJlODc4ZmE5">.<br> <br>"Don't give me a reason to go against your family again. I am not Stockton Jonson, I don't intend on stopping after a few skirmishes. I am not the type of person who will stop until my enemies have completely been taken care of" Takaya didn't know what Kazuya was thinking but he tried to deliver the message as best he can with a dominating atmosphere.<br> <br>"(Did he just threaten the Kurogane family?)" Ringo couldn't help but put a hand over her gaping mouth. This Kouzuki Kazuya was quite bold to have just said such a thing.<br> <br>"I have no reason to be amicable with you since you are no stranger to the friction between our families. You claim that your family had no part to play in the attempt to kill me two years ago but your family also did nothing to stop or reprimand Hashiyama Lee after his mistakes have been discovered multiple times.<br> <br>Need I mention the gun used against me that was traced back to your household? Speak honestly, would the Kurogane family have reprimanded him if he had not been caught?"<br> <br>"I…" Suzaku could not speak. He knew very well that his family would do whatever it took to cover it all up. They might have even pinned the crime on Kazuya and killed Kurumi if they could have.<br> <br>"You talk big for someone who has the support of Stockton International" Ringo interrupted. She was disappointed at Suzaku for not being able to retaliate so she chose to intervene.<br> <br>"Who is the little girl talking? Err… oops my bad" Takaya accidentally repeated the question Kazuya meant for him and looked down on the girl before realizing his mistake.<br> <br>"Her name's Muimina Ringo, the eldest daughter of the Ringo Corporation. A member of S class of the 6th grade" Takaya held his ear and explained.<br> <br>"Little girl? You have a lot of gall calling me that from afar" she was of course irritated after being called a little girl by someone who was younger than her. She knew about Takaya's talents so she knew that he definitely asked that question the same way Takaya had acted it out.<br> <br>"I have no reason to go to a place I'm not interested in. I assume you are this guy's friend since you've collaborated with him earlier so because I don't have anything against you, I would advise you to either discourage your friend if he has absurd ideas of taking revenge or steer clear from him if you discover he does" Takaya resumed his act and turned towards Ringo.<br> <br>"Like I said, stop being so arro—"<br> <br>"I don't need to explain myself to a little girl like you. The Ringo Corporation is not the Kurogane Conglomerate so I doubt Stockton International would make a move if you don't involve their princess. I don't care if you both team up but I have already given my warning. I'd like to enjoy the rest of my lunch so I hope you two are smart enough to know what to do" Kazuya broke off the connection that made Takaya sigh. He didn't understand why Kazuya even provoked Ringo.<br> <br>"Aoki Takaya! Is that kid really like that!?" Ringo couldn't help but stomp her feet in irritation after being treated like that. She was the eldest daughter and most likely successor to the Ringo corporation that she was named after. How dare Kazuya threaten and treat someone like her like this?<br> <br>"Yep. He's really not a bad guy. The way he speaks tends to get on people's nerves" he sighed again.<br> <br>"Are you really going to side by him?" Ringo looked at Takaya seriously. Both of them knew that she meant if he would stand with him if she were to go against Kazuya.<br> <br>"Let me give you a piece of advice 'senpai', I've hung out with Kouzuki for a while and he has not failed to do whatever he said that he would do. It would be in both of your best interests to do as he said and do what you need to do with the Stockton girls when he isn't around. That way he wouldn't be compelled to act even if you apply pressure to them.<br> <br>It would not be wise to go against him because after I got to know him, I would dread to be in the opposing side of him" Takaya shrugged and turned to walk away without turning back. Kazuya instructed him to get out before the two could ask him to show them the way.<br> <br>"Huh? Where's that boy?" by the time Maron finished teaching her how to use the device, there was no one left in the room. She let Kurumi try out the machine by herself since to make sure that she could do it by herself and checked the outside of the corner where the small room hosting the devices was.<br> <br>"All done!" Kurumi went out after the screen indicated that everything was set. She wanted to go to Kazuya immediately but as she looked for Takaya to guide them, all she found was a spacious room that seemed so stuffy just a while ago.<br> <br>Takaya successfully made it to the place where the three of them would hide from students. It was an empty room that used to be an old library before a new one was constructed. It was located on one of the top floors of the elementary department so not many students bothered to come. The key to this room was held by Takaya who used this room to study or rehearse his lines whenever he bothered to go to school.<br> <br>"About that favor…" he rubbed his hands together and looked at Kazuya like a debt collector.<br> <br>"It was but a small favor that you were also happy to accept. I'm not accepting any of the previous offers to play the parts you want me to play" Kazuya knew what this friend of his was thinking because he has never failed to try and convince him whenever he had a chance to.<br> <br>Kazuya was surprised that this guy, as carefree as he seemed to be was able to figure out why he asked to learn the Aoki family's trade. Takaya had been a lot more intelligent that he was given credit for. Nevertheless, even if he started to trust this friend of his, he had no interest in actually joining the entertainment scene.<br> <br>"I'm not asking you to play the main roles I've asked you before" the grin Takaya showed made Kazuya instantly have a bad feeling.<br> <br>"Then…" his eyes narrowed and his presence even startled Tomoyo who was silently enjoying her lunch.<br> <br>"…" she looked at Takaya who she knew that made Kazuya accept and threatened him with her own presence as well.<br> <br>"I-I'm not going to let you two intimidate me with your bloodlusts!" Takaya didn't know anything about mana but from all the books and movies he had to watch, he made the assumption that this was what he had felt.<br> <br>"Tsk…" Kazuya clicked his tongue. This used to work on Takaya before but he had slowly grown accustomed to it because he never actually did do anything to this troublesome friend.<br> <br>"It was a small favor a small part!" Takaya believed that Kazuya only needed to try and he would immediately have the interest.<br> <br>"What part? I really don't like being in front of too many people" ever since realized that everything about him being a hero was a lie, Kazuya felt that he had disappointed all those people who believed in him. They may also have been fooled by the rulers of their kingdom or the high ranked clergymen but he felt that he had let them down.<br> <br>This made him feel uncomfortable when he was the center of attention. He was fine with the competition because he only had to focus on the opponent but awards ceremonies always made him feel a bit stifled.<br> <br>"I still haven't decided! I'll ask my parents if there are any ones that are a good match!" he was so excited that he jumped in celebration. "You don't need to worry to much. I won't deliberately make things hard for you"</p> <br>To Kazuya, he wasn't comfortable about owing people debts. This was why he took the chance to repay the one he had with Kurumi. This way, he was able to repay it on his own terms. He was a bit relieved after getting a little consideration from Takaya though he was a bit skeptical.<br> <br>Takaya settled down as soon as he realized that he had yet to have any food. The three of them had a peaceful lunch together. This had been pretty much the usual for the three of them. Kazuya and Tomoyo would sometimes go to the cafeteria to eat but that was when they didn't bring lunch and Takaya was not present.<br> <br>"Hey Kouzuki, why did you provoke them?" the sudden topic was raised.<br> <br>"I didn't provoke them though. Besides, since I've been watching through your phone, I already noticed that the two of them had a relationship that was not just of acquaintances.<br> <br>"You mean they got together?" Takaya was a bit startled.<br> <br>"You forgot who I am. Our side has been expecting a counterattack for a while now. They are just biding their time and still recovering from their previous loss"<br> <br>"You mean a political connection?"<br> <br>"It wasn't confirmed information until now. The Kuroganes have set their sights on the technological market and have been trying to thwart our family from getting a solid foothold on it even as they were trying to deal with the aftermath of the incident" Kazuya explained.<br> <br>"I see… so they plan on joining hands with the Muimina Corporation with those two" Takaya really didn't think much of it. For people like them, this was a common thing. He even considered the two of them to be lucky since they already know and get along with each other.<br> <br>"You've already had a glimpse of how they do things. I would eventually have to deal with them so I took the initiative since an opportunity presented itself" he knew that Takaya did not think like people of his age so he wasn't uncomfortable discussing things like this with him. Their lives were basically those that would be exaggerated in the movies or stories he plays so there was little reason for him not to get it.<br> <br>"Yeah…" The two shamelessly tried to approach the Stocktons and even wanted to get along with them after what they just pulled. He was even worried that those two would try to pull something to get the girls to go against Kazuya so he knew that they had to be cautious.<br> <br>"Your family still plans on venturing into the technological scene while knowing that those two forces are working together?" Takaya found this strange. This was not something Kouzuki Kyouko would do. He had already done his homework about the Kouzukis because Takaya wanted to understand his friend's situation better so this seemed inconsistent with what he learned.<br> <br>"No. We already have half a step in and mom decided that we would stay in that state until we get a chance. The news about the two joining hands in the future makes it harder for us to make a move compared to the past so things will remain as is for the Kouzuki Corporation"<br> <br>"Then why did you provoke Muimina Ringo!? Isn't that just making things harder for your mom's company?"<br> <br>"I said that that Kouzuki Corporation will keep the status quo. I never said anything about myself" Kazuya's words shook Takaya. What was this guy planning this time? The expression Kazuya had on his face was something he had grown to fear. He was definitely up to no good immediately entered his thoughts.<br> <br>Takaya thought about it and found no way for him alone to affect things that were going on in the world of adults. He may have been an intelligent person whose schemes grew as time went by but Kazuya was still powerless to affect anything.<br> <br>"(Unless…)" cold sweat poured from the top of his head. There had been one incident that Kazuya had been involved in that moved the seemingly unmovable mountains and set a new playing field. It was the very incident that almost cost him his life.<br> <br>"Don't think too much. Just wait and see" Kazuya smiled. He was appreciative that this guy worried about him but Takaya's guess was considering the Kazuya of two years ago. He had already grown and learned a lot since then.<br> <br>"I'll cooperate with you but I want your word that you will not endanger your life for your schemes" he made himself clear. He was worried this friend of his would do something reckless again. He did not want to experience the same anxiousness he felt back then.<br> <br>*nod*<br> <br>Tomoyo who had been staying quiet moved in between the two to express her opinion. It need not to be said that she intended to protect him because she had been trying to do so ever since she got him back. To her, it was her responsibility to do so.<br> <br>"Are you guys worried about me or think that I can't handle it?" he could only dryly laugh at their reactions. He felt a little happy inside and hoped that these two would never change but in his mind, he still saw them as children who would eventually open their eyes to the real world one day.<br> <br>"You're probably the only person that doesn't think that going against two powerful corporations by yourself is nothing" Takaya shrugged his shoulders. He knew that this friend of his had his own plans and he didn't even bother to ask something so scary. "Stop changing the topic and say the words of guarantee"<br> <br>*stare*<br> <br>The two of them of course were no stranger to the promise of a member of the Kouzuki family. This was something that would assure them without worrying after all. All those who have broken this before were cast out the by family no matter who they were, they would lose the right to bear the Kouzuki name.<br> <br>"You guys win…" Kazuya raised his hands in surrender. "I promise in my name as a member of the Kouzuki Family that I will not do something that will cause my death in my struggle against those two members of S class and their families" he put his right fist on his chest and hit it before looking at his two friends in the eye.<br> <br>The two were finally satisfied. Kazuya couldn't help but sigh inwardly after the two stopped thinking about it. Although he had understood how heavy the promises were when using the Kouzuki name, that didn't mean that he couldn't use wordplay. He was pleased that his ploy worked but was a little worried about the two's sensitivity to details.<br> <br>The three of them finally went back to their classroom. Kazuya waited until the last second and only entered when the school chimes started sounding so that he could avoid dealing with the two transfer students for now. However, things have started getting complicated once again and it didn't only mean it was for Kazuya.<br> <br>Tomoyo was the very first person to notice the quest state of the room as soon as she entered. The two boys were wondering why everyone in the class was looking at the robot girl. They only realized the cause of the awkward atmosphere when they followed Tomoyo's gaze who started to release a small amount of pressure unconsciously.<br> <br>From the time they left for lunch, there had been one unique change in the room; A person was sitting on the seat that Tomoyo had occupied since Kazuya arrived. The seat Kazuya was occupying was left empty and so was the seat in front of him that belonged to Takaya.<br> <br>"Welcome back Kazuya-kun!" Kurumi smiled happily and waved at Kazuya that immediately made the room feel cold despite the unchanged expression on Tomoyo's face.<br> <br>.<p></p> </div>
. "Don't give me a reason to go against your family again. I am not Stockton Jonson, I don't intend on stopping after a few skirmishes. I am not the type of person who will stop until my enemies have completely been taken care of" Takaya didn't know what Kazuya was thinking but he tried to deliver the message as best he can with a dominating atmosphere. "(Did he just threaten the Kurogane family?)" Ringo couldn't help but put a hand over her gaping mouth. This Kouzuki Kazuya was quite bold to have just said such a thing. "I have no reason to be amicable with you since you are no stranger to the friction between our families. You claim that your family had no part to play in the attempt to kill me two years ago but your family also did nothing to stop or reprimand Hashiyama Lee after his mistakes have been discovered multiple times. Need I mention the gun used against me that was traced back to your household? Speak honestly, would the Kurogane family have reprimanded him if he had not been caught?" "I…" Suzaku could not speak. He knew very well that his family would do whatever it took to cover it all up. They might have even pinned the crime on Kazuya and killed Kurumi if they could have. "You talk big for someone who has the support of Stockton International" Ringo interrupted. She was disappointed at Suzaku for not being able to retaliate so she chose to intervene. "Who is the little girl talking? Err… oops my bad" Takaya accidentally repeated the question Kazuya meant for him and looked down on the girl before realizing his mistake. "Her name's Muimina Ringo, the eldest daughter of the Ringo Corporation. A member of S class of the 6th grade" Takaya held his ear and explained. "Little girl? You have a lot of gall calling me that from afar" she was of course irritated after being called a little girl by someone who was younger than her. She knew about Takaya's talents so she knew that he definitely asked that question the same way Takaya had acted it out. "I have no reason to go to a place I'm not interested in. I assume you are this guy's friend since you've collaborated with him earlier so because I don't have anything against you, I would advise you to either discourage your friend if he has absurd ideas of taking revenge or steer clear from him if you discover he does" Takaya resumed his act and turned towards Ringo. "Like I said, stop being so arro—" "I don't need to explain myself to a little girl like you. The Ringo Corporation is not the Kurogane Conglomerate so I doubt Stockton International would make a move if you don't involve their princess. I don't care if you both team up but I have already given my warning. I'd like to enjoy the rest of my lunch so I hope you two are smart enough to know what to do" Kazuya broke off the connection that made Takaya sigh. He didn't understand why Kazuya even provoked Ringo. "Aoki Takaya! Is that kid really like that!?" Ringo couldn't help but stomp her feet in irritation after being treated like that. She was the eldest daughter and most likely successor to the Ringo corporation that she was named after. How dare Kazuya threaten and treat someone like her like this? "Yep. He's really not a bad guy. The way he speaks tends to get on people's nerves" he sighed again. "Are you really going to side by him?" Ringo looked at Takaya seriously. Both of them knew that she meant if he would stand with him if she were to go against Kazuya. "Let me give you a piece of advice 'senpai', I've hung out with Kouzuki for a while and he has not failed to do whatever he said that he would do. It would be in both of your best interests to do as he said and do what you need to do with the Stockton girls when he isn't around. That way he wouldn't be compelled to act even if you apply pressure to them. It would not be wise to go against him because after I got to know him, I would dread to be in the opposing side of him" Takaya shrugged and turned to walk away without turning back. Kazuya instructed him to get out before the two could ask him to show them the way. "Huh? Where's that boy?" by the time Maron finished teaching her how to use the device, there was no one left in the room. She let Kurumi try out the machine by herself since to make sure that she could do it by herself and checked the outside of the corner where the small room hosting the devices was. "All done!" Kurumi went out after the screen indicated that everything was set. She wanted to go to Kazuya immediately but as she looked for Takaya to guide them, all she found was a spacious room that seemed so stuffy just a while ago. Takaya successfully made it to the place where the three of them would hide from students. It was an empty room that used to be an old library before a new one was constructed. It was located on one of the top floors of the elementary department so not many students bothered to come. The key to this room was held by Takaya who used this room to study or rehearse his lines whenever he bothered to go to school. "About that favor…" he rubbed his hands together and looked at Kazuya like a debt collector. "It was but a small favor that you were also happy to accept. I'm not accepting any of the previous offers to play the parts you want me to play" Kazuya knew what this friend of his was thinking because he has never failed to try and convince him whenever he had a chance to. Kazuya was surprised that this guy, as carefree as he seemed to be was able to figure out why he asked to learn the Aoki family's trade. Takaya had been a lot more intelligent that he was given credit for. Nevertheless, even if he started to trust this friend of his, he had no interest in actually joining the entertainment scene. "I'm not asking you to play the main roles I've asked you before" the grin Takaya showed made Kazuya instantly have a bad feeling. "Then…" his eyes narrowed and his presence even startled Tomoyo who was silently enjoying her lunch. "…" she looked at Takaya who she knew that made Kazuya accept and threatened him with her own presence as well. "I-I'm not going to let you two intimidate me with your bloodlusts!" Takaya didn't know anything about mana but from all the books and movies he had to watch, he made the assumption that this was what he had felt. "Tsk…" Kazuya clicked his tongue. This used to work on Takaya before but he had slowly grown accustomed to it because he never actually did do anything to this troublesome friend. "It was a small favor a small part!" Takaya believed that Kazuya only needed to try and he would immediately have the interest. "What part? I really don't like being in front of too many people" ever since realized that everything about him being a hero was a lie, Kazuya felt that he had disappointed all those people who believed in him. They may also have been fooled by the rulers of their kingdom or the high ranked clergymen but he felt that he had let them down. This made him feel uncomfortable when he was the center of attention. He was fine with the competition because he only had to focus on the opponent but awards ceremonies always made him feel a bit stifled. "I still haven't decided! I'll ask my parents if there are any ones that are a good match!" he was so excited that he jumped in celebration. "You don't need to worry to much. I won't deliberately make things hard for you" To Kazuya, he wasn't comfortable about owing people debts. This was why he took the chance to repay the one he had with Kurumi. This way, he was able to repay it on his own terms. He was a bit relieved after getting a little consideration from Takaya though he was a bit skeptical. Takaya settled down as soon as he realized that he had yet to have any food. The three of them had a peaceful lunch together. This had been pretty much the usual for the three of them. Kazuya and Tomoyo would sometimes go to the cafeteria to eat but that was when they didn't bring lunch and Takaya was not present. "Hey Kouzuki, why did you provoke them?" the sudden topic was raised. "I didn't provoke them though. Besides, since I've been watching through your phone, I already noticed that the two of them had a relationship that was not just of acquaintances. "You mean they got together?" Takaya was a bit startled. "You forgot who I am. Our side has been expecting a counterattack for a while now. They are just biding their time and still recovering from their previous loss" "You mean a political connection?" "It wasn't confirmed information until now. The Kuroganes have set their sights on the technological market and have been trying to thwart our family from getting a solid foothold on it even as they were trying to deal with the aftermath of the incident" Kazuya explained. "I see… so they plan on joining hands with the Muimina Corporation with those two" Takaya really didn't think much of it. For people like them, this was a common thing. He even considered the two of them to be lucky since they already know and get along with each other. "You've already had a glimpse of how they do things. I would eventually have to deal with them so I took the initiative since an opportunity presented itself" he knew that Takaya did not think like people of his age so he wasn't uncomfortable discussing things like this with him. Their lives were basically those that would be exaggerated in the movies or stories he plays so there was little reason for him not to get it. "Yeah…" The two shamelessly tried to approach the Stocktons and even wanted to get along with them after what they just pulled. He was even worried that those two would try to pull something to get the girls to go against Kazuya so he knew that they had to be cautious. "Your family still plans on venturing into the technological scene while knowing that those two forces are working together?" Takaya found this strange. This was not something Kouzuki Kyouko would do. He had already done his homework about the Kouzukis because Takaya wanted to understand his friend's situation better so this seemed inconsistent with what he learned. "No. We already have half a step in and mom decided that we would stay in that state until we get a chance. The news about the two joining hands in the future makes it harder for us to make a move compared to the past so things will remain as is for the Kouzuki Corporation" "Then why did you provoke Muimina Ringo!? Isn't that just making things harder for your mom's company?" "I said that that Kouzuki Corporation will keep the status quo. I never said anything about myself" Kazuya's words shook Takaya. What was this guy planning this time? The expression Kazuya had on his face was something he had grown to fear. He was definitely up to no good immediately entered his thoughts. Takaya thought about it and found no way for him alone to affect things that were going on in the world of adults. He may have been an intelligent person whose schemes grew as time went by but Kazuya was still powerless to affect anything. "(Unless…)" cold sweat poured from the top of his head. There had been one incident that Kazuya had been involved in that moved the seemingly unmovable mountains and set a new playing field. It was the very incident that almost cost him his life. "Don't think too much. Just wait and see" Kazuya smiled. He was appreciative that this guy worried about him but Takaya's guess was considering the Kazuya of two years ago. He had already grown and learned a lot since then. "I'll cooperate with you but I want your word that you will not endanger your life for your schemes" he made himself clear. He was worried this friend of his would do something reckless again. He did not want to experience the same anxiousness he felt back then. *nod* Tomoyo who had been staying quiet moved in between the two to express her opinion. It need not to be said that she intended to protect him because she had been trying to do so ever since she got him back. To her, it was her responsibility to do so. "Are you guys worried about me or think that I can't handle it?" he could only dryly laugh at their reactions. He felt a little happy inside and hoped that these two would never change but in his mind, he still saw them as children who would eventually open their eyes to the real world one day. "You're probably the only person that doesn't think that going against two powerful corporations by yourself is nothing" Takaya shrugged his shoulders. He knew that this friend of his had his own plans and he didn't even bother to ask something so scary. "Stop changing the topic and say the words of guarantee" *stare* The two of them of course were no stranger to the promise of a member of the Kouzuki family. This was something that would assure them without worrying after all. All those who have broken this before were cast out the by family no matter who they were, they would lose the right to bear the Kouzuki name. "You guys win…" Kazuya raised his hands in surrender. "I promise in my name as a member of the Kouzuki Family that I will not do something that will cause my death in my struggle against those two members of S class and their families" he put his right fist on his chest and hit it before looking at his two friends in the eye. The two were finally satisfied. Kazuya couldn't help but sigh inwardly after the two stopped thinking about it. Although he had understood how heavy the promises were when using the Kouzuki name, that didn't mean that he couldn't use wordplay. He was pleased that his ploy worked but was a little worried about the two's sensitivity to details. The three of them finally went back to their classroom. Kazuya waited until the last second and only entered when the school chimes started sounding so that he could avoid dealing with the two transfer students for now. However, things have started getting complicated once again and it didn't only mean it was for Kazuya. Tomoyo was the very first person to notice the quest state of the room as soon as she entered. The two boys were wondering why everyone in the class was looking at the robot girl. They only realized the cause of the awkward atmosphere when they followed Tomoyo's gaze who started to release a small amount of pressure unconsciously. From the time they left for lunch, there had been one unique change in the room; A person was sitting on the seat that Tomoyo had occupied since Kazuya arrived. The seat Kazuya was occupying was left empty and so was the seat in front of him that belonged to Takaya. "Welcome back Kazuya-kun!" Kurumi smiled happily and waved at Kazuya that immediately made the room feel cold despite the unchanged expression on Tomoyo's face. .
{ "title": "Shattered Soul", "id": 17223, "author": "GhostReaper", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Arc 2 - Chapter 7 - Epiphany", "id": 305944, "next": 307858, "prev": 303251, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNiMDIxYWM5NTBhMTQ2Y2E4NmQwMjg1ZmRmMDVkMjAx">It didn’t take Aruna long to prepare the ritual. It was surprisingly simple to arrange a direct communication with the Moon Goddess if you had Luna’cala at hand. The silvery white liquid radiated power and Linea was eager to drink it. She hoped that her goddess would be able to break the chains that bound her.</p> <p class="cnMxYTJlZTU2OGFjODRiOTQ4ZmVmM2JmNGE2YTJjZWI1">“Ready?” Aruna asked as she handed Linea the flask with the glowing water.</p> <p class="cnM5NTU0YTczODY5MzQ5ZTk4YTAyZjExYmFiMWJmNWNi">Not trusting her voice Linea nodded and drank the Luna’cala in one go.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2Y4NjAzMGFlMzQ5ZjRhMjIwYTZlZGQ3MWU3NjY0">Linea noticed her goddess presence in her mind immediately but something was off. She couldn’t place it but in some way the presence felt cold. Uncaring even.</p> <p class="cnNkNDRjMWZiNTY2ZDRjMGZiYWRiZTc2MzIxNDBiMmZi">“Finally,” the goddess snarled. “I expressed my intention to speak with you weeks ago, yet I had to wait until now.”</p> <p class="cnM5YzVlNzE4ZmNmNjQ5NGViMzdlMTBiMGM4N2FmOGUx">Linea was taken aback by the abrasiveness of her goddess and didn’t dare to speak. Luna was upset, and it showed in her demeanor.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDViMmNlOWRmZDRlMzRiMjA0YThmZmM3NTJlNTVi">“It is rather difficult for your priestesses to reach us at the moment,” Sarah commented. Her voice was neutral but through their connection Linea felt the same irritation she had. </p> <p class="cnM1ZWI5MjQ1MzQ1YzQzMjdhZWYyY2ViMjU0OWY0OWY4">“Indeed…” Luna agreed and paused for a moment. “I expected better from you. Both of you. I gave you all that power, but you still managed to get enslaved.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTFhYjc0NjI1ZjRhNjBhMWJiYzFkZTViOTc0ZWQx">“Well, to be fair we fought a Void dragon and killed it which is nothing to scoff at,” Sarah countered.</p> <p class="cnMwODM3NTk1NTJhNDRhNjJiZjA1Yjc0NjRlMWE5YWM4">“That doesn’t matter!” Luna raged, startling both Linea and Sarah. “You failed your people! you failed your country!”</p> <p class="cnNjNDQ2YjRiODk3MTQ4OTZiNDVjY2ZkNjhhNDFkZmYx">She took a mental breath and her aura became even colder.</p> <p class="cnM4MmJjYTIxNmVjMzQ2NzBhYmFjMjU2OGI2NmYwNmMw">“You failed me… I expected you to protect my children. Instead they submitted to a human. A human! And now you are enslaved to those humans by this… abomination!”</p> <p class="cnMzMGRiN2M1MGU3ZTQ4OTU5YzRjNGJiMDViNDgwZGRk">Linea was silent. She didn’t like where this conversation going one bit. She couldn’t fathom the reasons Luna would turn so hostile towards them. Her whole life the goddess had been a source of solace and guidance for Linea but now she was furious. Linea tried to calm herself down, and she noticed Sarah’s emotions which twirled like a storm inside her waiting to break free.</p> <p class="cnM5MWQwMWFkNzA5ZTQ2MDA5Y2NkMGJjYWQ4MGRhYTE3">“Are you able to lift the curse that binds our soul to this contraption?” Sarah asked almost dismissively.</p> <p class="cnMwOTUzNzM4NTk3YjRjMDY4ODYyYTM1NjRjOWY1OWYw">“Perhaps,” Luna replied. “But I wouldn’t do it either way. I don’t have a use for a failed chosen. A slave. You have no idea how much disgrace you caused for me. The other gods laugh at me and me inept chosen.”</p> <p class="cnMwYWRhMjYzODBjOTRlNzk5NjAxNDA2ZDU1NTQ5MzNk">“So, this is it?” Sarah asked without a shred of sympathy in her voice. “As soon as the first wind howls against you, you turn your sails around and walk away?”</p> <p class="cnNhYTY3NmNmNjg1NDRhMWY5NjVlOWQyNGRmZTBiNDJi">“Don’t you dare talking to me like that!” Luna yelled and her aura became even more oppressive. Linea was sure she couldn’t speak even if she would have found the right words.</p> <p class="cnM1MmI4NTA4OTNlNzQ3NDlhMDZjOGY5NWJhZTg3OWZk">“Why shouldn’t I?” Sarah countered letting her anger break out of her. “You all but accuse us of intentionally screwing you over although I risked my mind to protect your people. Linea lost half her family because you failed to warn us. We’re nothing but a tool for you to use, yet you’re telling us how this is our responsibility.”</p> <p class="cnNkYWIyMzNmMWMyZjQzNWI4YjEwMGJkYWM2ODQxNzUw">“You insolent…”</p> <p class="cnMwOGJjYWIwZTNiYTRhYmRhY2Y3OTRlYTMyZjU0MDBj">“Cut it,” Sarah said coldly. “Linea? Do you want to say anything to her?”</p> <p class="cnNjMDJmNmNhYWJjMTQ0MjlhNWY0ZjkzYTIyYWNhNjM4">Linea just shook herself to get a grip on herself.</p> <p class="cnNmYTY4NjI2OTMzYTQ1YWE5ZjUyNDRhMWY4MjBlMTMz">“I- I don’t understand why you are mad at use for things we couldn’t control, yet if you deem it necessary to punish us I’ll take this punishment with honor and shall strive to do better,” she explained in an attempt to mend the last bridge to her home that was burning beneath her.</p> <p class="cnM1MTcyMmJhODg4YTRiMDU5OWUxMjBhYjI4Yjg3ZTYx">“I have no use for you anymore. What I need is another chosen. Someone more focused on the matter at hand,” Luna said.</p> <p class="cnMxNzY4OWUwZjZlOTQzZGNiMGE3ZmJmYmZjMzUyNzcx">“No… please!” Linea screamed as it dawned on her why exactly Luna had arranged this meeting. “Don’t abandon us!”</p> <p class="cnMwMmEzNDJiNGZiYjQ1YWQ4ZTMwOTFkMjcwNTI4Y2My">“What’s going on?” Sarah asked as Linea’s desperation spilled over to her.</p> <p class="cnM5NjI4NDE1ODI3MzQyNTNhMTM2N2I4M2Y5MThlMjE5">“There is only one way to take back a blessing,” Luna explained. “Linea Luna’sindra! I hereby expel you and your soul sister from my followers. Henceforth both of you shall be banned from the lands of Luna’sindra. All your titles shall be revoked and all your claims be naught.”</p> <p class="cnM5NTg2NzYxOGJlZTRkNzY5MGNhNWRmMjc5OGQyNTgy">Linea wanted to cry out but she couldn’t think straight. Her mind was still trying to figure out what just had transpired. They both experienced a rather painful expulsion of the blessing as it lost its foundation.</p> <p class="cnM4YWE4NmQ0YzFjMDQ1MWE4YjY3N2JmZjE3YmMwNzc1">“Be glad I leave it at that…” Luna said with a distinct disdain in her voice. “I should have leave you be. This was the last time I help one of those Higher Gods…”</p> <p class="cnM4YmExZGU2ZDlhZTQ4YjJhYjExYjA0YjUzYzMyOWMy">And with that she cut the connection and threw Sarah and Linea back into reality.</p> <p class="cnM0ZGI0N2M4YjZjZjRmNmQ5MjljZDc4ZTQ0Yjk4ZDg3"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnNkOTYzYjFlMGVmMDQ5ZGJiNWNmMWQ2NjVlNWVmOWYx"> </p> <p class="cnM0YzdmYjdhOWJlOTQ5NDBhZmUzNTI3ZTA3NWMyNjg1">“Linea!” Aruna whispered as she rushed over as Linea dropped to the floor. Silent tears dropped onto the floor while Linea tried to get a grip on herself.</p> <p class="cnM3NDAyYzBlYzQzYTQ3YjNhMDNkYzRhY2E3MDQwNmM3">“Is everything all right? What happened?”</p> <p class="cnNlODY1NTllYzc4ZTRjOTU5ZmEwOTM2NThkMjQ4ZDcx">Linea gave her a sign to wait for a second.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2NlZmVmZmRkMzQ3MWNiN2U2ZTdmODVjNjkyNGFi">‘Ca- Can you take over?’ Linea asked Sarah with a shaky voice. ‘I- I need time… to think.’</p> <p class="cnMxNWMyNTE4ZGNlMTRkMDhhZDkyZjUyOTYxODQ1OTVl">Sarah wordlessly took control of their body and looked at Aruna’s worried face.</p> <p class="cnMzMDlmYzI0OTc4MDQyMDg5YjhjNTYwOGY5YjQxYmZi">“She threw us away… like garbage…” Sarah answered Aruna’s question in a hushed tone. She had never been someone overly emotional, but this had caught her off-guard. Her hands trembled like leaves as she looked down on them.</p> <p class="cnMwNGJjODIwMDgzYTRhODJhNzc2N2QwZjc3ZDQ1MzFm">“What?” </p> <p class="cnMyZTI2YmYxODJhNDRmM2FiODkyYTAyY2M0MTYwNmI1">After taking a deep breath to compose herself and focusing on reality, Sarah explained to Aruna what the goddess had done. It wasn’t a long tale but Aruna went through all the emotions in that short time. From surprise over disbelief straight to anger.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWRlMGMwNTQxODQ5YjJhZjc4NjFkMzkzYjllM2M3">“I can’t believe she used me to bring you the Luna’cala just… for that!”</p> <p class="cnNjYWVhY2Q2YmY2MzQ1YjI4ZjcwMjc5MDhiZWUyMzE0">“Aren’t you supposed to be proud to have served your goddess so faithfully?” Sarah asked.</p> <p class="cnM5MTAzMjM2MTVhNjQ5ZmI5NjI1NWIzYWM4OTc3YTRh">Aruna picked up how Sarah had emphasized the term ‘your goddess’. She blinked and stared into Sarah’s eyes for a long time before she shook her head.</p> <p class="cnNhNjYwMzRkNWZhZDRlZGY5MDY0ZTA2NTVlY2U3MGUz">“Why should I follow a goddess that tosses aside one of the noblest and most faithful souls I can imagine just because things don’t turn out as she would have liked,” Aruna asked. “I would rather follow that soul instead.”</p> <p class="cnM4YmNlYmE0MmRjNjQyYThhZDE4MDFhZDBjNGY4NjRm">“Are you sure?” Sarah asked as she realized where this could lead to. “Abandoning your goddess would make you an outcast like me. Go back home! Live a life of peace and happiness. If you follow my path you can only expect war and adversity.”</p> <p class="cnM3NWM1ZGUwNThkNjQ4ODhhOTgyMTljYzNmOWQ5ZGVl">A tear formed in Aruna’s eye.</p> <p class="cnM3M2ZiYzAxZmZhMTRlNzhhNzk0MzkyN2FiYmRmNGU5">“My happiness died with your sister…” Aruna whispered.</p> <p class="cnNhMWVlMWJkOTE0YTRiNWE5OGRmNzEzNDA2Y2VkNDc2">“My…” Sarah said and something clicked in her mind. “You loved her? Were you two a thing?”</p> <p class="cnM3OGFjODI3OTRiYTRiN2Q5ODY0N2E0ZGI1OWM0Yzdk">Aruna rubbed the tears from her face and shook her head.</p> <p class="cnM3MzIzOWYwYWE0YjRlNmY5ZjUxOWJmMjJiYmRkZjk4">“No… But I loved her. More than Xandarin.”</p> <p class="cnNiZWI2MDQ3MWEwMjQ3Y2ZhY2VjMjVmOWY0NTcyOTZi">“Who is Xandarin?” Sarah asked trying to piece together the fragmented information.</p> <p class="cnMxZGRmZmFkNmI1OTQ4M2VhNzVjNjE2MTdhMTE2ODZh">“A peasant boy I loved when I still lived with my family in Tali’sindra,” Aruna explained. “Xandarin was the reason I got disowned. Your sister helped me in my greatest time of need and over the years I… I fell in love with her.”</p> <p class="cnM2OTE2NjQ1M2IyMDQ4NmU5ZTc3ZDMyNzFlMDBlY2Q4">“So, what you two had back in the University of Tali’sindra was more than…”</p> <p class="cnMxNzE5ZjAyODM3NjQxOGI5OGU1ODJmZjczOTk5Yzk5">“No! Back then we just had fun,” Aruna deflected. “It wasn’t until later that I fell in love with her. Unfortunately she didn’t reciprocate my feelings…”</p> <p class="cnM1YWNiODdlOGU3NzRhZWY5ZWNjMWQ1MTA4N2RjYjU1">“I’m sorry,” Sarah said and put her hand on Aruna’s shoulder.</p> <p class="cnNjNDQ3NGU4NzczZjRmMDZiODhiMTdiYjA1ODMyNjI5">Aruna just shrugged.</p> <p class="cnNmN2U0YWM0MDkzMzQ5NjRhYWY0YTdiZGYwNTA1Njk5">“Don't be,” she said. “We stayed friends either way but I would never stop loving her one way or another. That’s why I feel it necessary to stay by her sister. If you let me, I will follow you.”</p> <p class="cnNmZmI3MTAyMDkyZTQ0NzdiYTg4NTA1YTZlOWU0NmM1">“Well, I could use more trustworthy allies,” Sarah pondered. “But - and I hope you’ll forgive me - I can’t trust you just like that. My recent experiences don’t allow me to trust people that easily.”</p> <p class="cnM2NzA2YzhkOTAxNDRiOWJiODUzNTc0MmJjOWEwNTUw">“Oh, I understand…” Aruna said deflated. “I don’t know what else I can do to prove my sincerity.”</p> <p class="cnMwMmYxZGQ2ZDJkNTQ3YjE4NGJiM2U2MWNhOTZmOWVj">Sarah tapped her chin for a moment and then sighed.</p> <p class="cnMzNzFmNWI1NWRmOTQzYjM5ZTNkYzg3YjZmOTFhNjJl">“You would allow me?” she asked. “I can read your mind while you swear an oath. I will see if you lie or not.”</p> <p class="cnMyZWE4MDEwMGI1MzQzNWNiYzRkZTFiM2FiMjg0ZjUy">“You- You can read minds?” Aruna asked in surprise. </p> <p class="cnM2MjVmY2M1NGYxYjRiNmE5MzFjZjdkNDJmY2JhNmFj">“Rudimentarily,” Sarah replied.</p> <p class="cnM5YjkzMTE0MDFlNTRjYWRiMzg1MDRlM2NiNmYxNmY1">Aruna pondered about Sarah’s proposition for a moment but gave in with a nod. To signal her she was about to start, Sarah placed her hand above Aruna’s head. The priestess’ mind was more difficult to read than Tirell’s because her emotions interfered rather impetuously. One thing Sarah was absolutely sure about was Aruna’s declaration of love towards Linea’s sister as Tarina’s face flickered through Aruna’s mind at regular intervals.</p> <p class="cnNkOTc1NzNlMzk3OTQ1ZWU5M2NlNGIxMjRmNWU0NTI1">“I swear loyalty to Linea of the house…”</p> <p class="cnM3NmQ2MzkzNjZjNzQzOWVhZWUwNmE5Y2VhNjg3Nzgy">“No house,” Sarah interrupted her. “Just Linea.”</p> <p class="cnM2MzQ2YTZjN2JlNjQ3ODVhZDZiZGZhZmEyOWZkNTVh">Aruna nodded and started again.</p> <p class="cnM5NmM3ZTBiZTdmZDQ1ZThhOTY5NDMwNjJjMjZjMDc3">“I swear loyalty to Linea. I shall strive to support her in every endeavor and stay by her side at all times.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzJiZTYxOWViMjRjNjJhMTc2MTY5ODc5MGZlMDlm">Sarah sensed no dishonesty in Aruna’s thoughts and nodded. Suddenly Linea took back control over her body and stood up.</p> <p class="cnNhYWUzYjNjMjM2NTQ1YzBiYjg2ZGM2MDNkYjNlNGQ3">‘If you’re going to take loyalty oaths, do it properly!’ she said to Sarah.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2MwYmFlZTI4NDQ0YTRiZDVkNTU0ZWNhOTczZWZk">“I accept you allegiance. In return I shall strive to protect you and your kin to all my capabilities,” Linea said with a strong voice. “Rise Aruna, as the first of my knights and as Darkborne!”</p> <p class="cnMyYzg4NWNhMjMwYzQwMmRhYTk4NDViOWZhYjI3MTY4">A moment of pause before Aruna raised an eyebrow.</p> <p class="cnM0NmIyZmY0OWQ2ZTQwNGFhNWFkZTA3NjM2NjBhOTli">“Thank you, but… Darkborne? What does that mean?”</p> <p class="cnNkM2I5M2RjMmFkNTRkNDdhZTkyM2EwMWM5MzJjOTVl">“I refuse to be called a Moon Elf any longer if their goddess refuses me,” Linea explained with cold fury in her voice which made even Sarah shiver. “We come from the darkness of our past, we’re beings of the night and the moon can screw itself! We’re Darkborne!”</p> <p class="cnM2MWM2M2Q5ODU3ODRjODhiNWNjZjQxZTE0ZTEwMWIy">“Well, I see where you’re coming from but… Can’t we go with Dark Elves?” Aruna asked and chuckled.</p> <p class="cnMyM2ZjZjU4OTFlYzQyOWI5MjYwYmYwZWY0YmJhZTc4">“That’s… better,” Linea admitted. “Damn, I should have thought of that.”</p> <p class="cnMwNzgxZjBmNzQ3YjQ4NTBhZWFkZTExMmUxMGI3Mjdl">“Don’t worry,” Aruna said. “We’ll figure out how we want to be called later. What are we going to do about this?”</p> <p class="cnNjN2UzZDkzYjRlMjQzMzM5MzlkNTYxZjY2Y2M5ZmRm">She pointed at Linea’s collar. Before Linea could answer, Sarah pressed Linea to stand back again. Linea wasn’t sure what Sarah had in mind, but she trusted her.</p> <p class="cnM0YWZkZmY4YjM1MzQ0MGI5NmY5MGRmMGE3OTI5N2Vm">“First you need to get away from Tovandir,” Sarah said. “Try to be as inconspicuous as possible. You need to find an explanation why you won’t go back to Luna’sindra with them. After that go to the harbor and search for the Flying Sailor Inn. Ask for the barmaid Tirell. Tell her I sent you.”</p> <p class="cnNmNmM0YTUzMDVhMzRmNTg5OWExNzMxODgwZTljZDE3">Aruna blinked a few times.</p> <p class="cnM0YjA4YmYxYmJlNzQyNmM4ODU3N2NmNTQ2MDg1MDY2">“You have been more productive as I would have thought. You already have contacts?”</p> <p class="cnMyZGJmMTMzNGJiMzQ4MTNhNDdmYWM4NDU5NTM4ODg1">Sarah just gave her a smug smile.</p> <p class="cnMxNmM5YjRhNmVhODRlY2NiOGM5NDc2OTJhZTI0MWEx"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnMyMjY3MGM2NjVlNTQyMTRhNmM4ZTY2ZTY4MDVjNDE5"> </p> <p class="cnNiY2UxOTQ5YzFmNjRiY2M4YjcyNzE1NzgxMTc3MThh">Sarah and Linea hadn’t seen Tovandir or anyone else after what happened with Aruna and the goddess. When they were done Brice had brought them back to his manor and as it was nearing noon, Sarah and Linea were tired. </p> <p class="cnM2OTgzMDY5YmYzNDRlZTI4MmM2NTVhZTc1NmVhNWQ1">Linea had gone back into her shell to think about things which Sarah could only guess. And so, she prepared for bed and waited for Linea to talk to her again.</p> <p class="cnM5YjRkMDIxZTI1ZTQ2OGRhZTgyMWRlODNhNzUzNzli">‘I’m confused,’ Linea suddenly spoke as Sarah watched the ceiling unable to fall asleep.</p> <p class="cnNjNGRhYThiMzJjNjQ4NWZiNzgzMjM5MzNmODBjMGNk">‘How so?’ Sarah asked.</p> <p class="cnNjNTk3MzcyMWQxOTQ2ZWNhYmUwNGFmMzEwZGQ4MGI2">‘I should be devastated,’ Linea explained. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I feel betrayed, abandoned and overall rather miserable…’</p> <p class="cnMwYTAwYTZjNDUwYTQ4YjFhNDM2NGEyMGU4N2IxOWRm">‘But?’</p> <p class="cnM4ODU2ZmQ4MmMxMDQzY2ZiYzkwZDA1ZmJjMzEzNzkw">‘I feel free!’</p> <p class="cnMyOWExYjNjMjQ0NzQ0N2FiMzU0OWZiMjEzMTEyYjM2">‘Okay?’ Sarah replied. ‘Do I need to worry? You do remember that thing around our neck?’</p> <p class="cnM3NWYwOTNiMGIyODQ3YWFiYzgzNjA1MzkyNGM4N2U1">‘That’s not what I mean,’ Linea said with a mental groan. </p> <p class="cnM3ODcxODc3Y2ZmOTRlNTg5ZGUyODhkNzE2N2IxNGI5">‘Explain yourself then. If you only talk in fragmented sentences, I can’t really-’</p> <p class="cnM2NDcyMWJlM2NlNDQ5NWQ4ZTM4NDRkNjUxMDRlZTU1">‘Can you just shut up?’</p> <p class="cnM2Mzc3M2M0MDk5YjRkYjM4OTdlYzYwNWU0ODE0YTkz">Sarah chuckled as she found it interesting to see Linea so outspoken towards her.</p> <p class="cnNhM2EwMzYyYWZjZjRkYzNiNWYwMjY0OTZkMWJjZWQ3">‘All right, shutting up now,’ Sarah said amused.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDI5NTFkNzkwNDRjNDE4YTgyZTZmYmY3ZmM5ZmRm">Linea sighed but started to explain.</p> <p class="cnNhNmY0NDQ5YmE4NDQyMmY5NmY3MzU5ODMzODZhZWEw">‘As far as I can remember I always had… someone telling me what to do… Someone superior who I could look up to and follow. That wasn’t always nice. My mother for example was quite a let down in most recent years. But I digress. I always had a goal that based on the principle how can I serve others. How can I follow traditions and bring happiness to everyone…’</p> <p class="cnM0ZThhMzVhNzI0ZDRhNDFhYjhlZGRmOGNiODdlMDA5">‘That’s not necessarily a bad thing,’ Sarah commented.</p> <p class="cnM5OTFlN2U3M2QyMzQ1MWVhYzhiOThkNjg1NTI1YjAy">‘That’s true,’ Linea agreed. ‘But on the other hand, what I was allowed to do to help people wasn’t what I choose. It was always something others expected of me. I remember how stubborn I tried to become a priestess because I didn’t want to become an enchantress like my mother expected me to. I had to force a decision about it.’</p> <p class="cnNmYzI5MWJhNGFiMDQyZTE4ZWFlNDI4MmFhZTE1ZDg2">She sighed again.</p> <p class="cnM5ODQxOTE0ZDMwZTQ1ZTE4ZjZmNTZkY2U2NzkzMjI2">‘I don’t want to blame others for my decisions and how my life went but now that I have absolutely no ties to anyone anymore I have this liberty in my mind. It’s the first time in my life that no one looks at me and has an idea what I should be. Well, except the humans here who believe I’ll be their slave forever.’</p> <p class="cnM1MDkzYjI3MWM5YjQ0ODM5NTIzOTUzNDQ1ZjE0M2Qx">‘Hm, I have to admit you’re much more collected than I expected,’ Sarah said. ‘Somehow, I anticipated you to throw a temper tantrum when Luna did what she did.’</p> <p class="cnMyMTA5N2NkYzM4YzRiODhiNTQyZDFiOTIzMjViZGFi">‘I- I tried to control my emotions like you do…’ Linea said sheepishly. ‘I realized that my emotions get in my way more often than not. Even though I think you’re too cold from time to time, I understand that I need to get a grip on my emotions. In stressful situations you’re always so collected and I thought…’</p> <p class="cnNiNGU2ZTM2MzhiODQwM2FhMWQ5M2UzZDlkMjYxZGRh">‘I see,’ Sarah replied. ‘In that case I applaud you because you did very well in that regard this time.’</p> <p class="cnNjMzBkMjI1YWNkOTQ5ZjZiMWViMTllYmQxNTUyMGI0">‘Thank you,’ Linea said and radiated contentment.</p> <p class="cnM0YTU3Mzk0MzA2ZDQxYjZiNTIzZDdhNjllNzNmYzg3">‘But I have to admit that I have a suspicion regarding your emotions and ability to reign them in.’</p> <p class="cnMzYmFlNzE1MDBhNjQ1Zjg5M2NiNjdkZGI5MTY2YTg1">‘Care to share?’ Linea asked curious.</p> <p class="cnNjNzJmNDQ3OWQ1MjRiOWJiNmE4MGUwMDIwY2Y5M2U1">‘It may be a side-effect of the fact that our soul was split,’ Sarah explained. ‘From what I gathered it seems my Soul-Aspect strengthens my rational thinking. I focus on logic but I have always been more collected than others. Not that I was uncaring or unfeeling but bad or good things never moved me in the same way as my peers.’</p> <p class="cnNmN2Q2MDgzZGVlOTQxNDU5NzA3NTUwZGI4M2E2YWVl">Linea listened to Sarah’s explanation, and it was in that moment when she got what Sarah was going for.</p> <p class="cnMwNjZjODZjZjQwMzQyMjFhZTNkYmU4ODczMTEzZjll">‘And magic is heavily tied to one’s emotions!’ she exclaimed. ‘Since I’m the Soul-Aspect of Magic, I’m more emotional than the other parts.’</p> <p class="cnNkY2VkZWVkN2NjMTQ5Y2Q4YmZmOTQyZGQ0ZTNiNThl">Sarah smiled as she saw her theory at work.</p> <p class="cnMyZGM4ZGI2YzU2OTQxODRhYTkzZWRjYzkxNTdhMDRi">‘But it doesn’t stop there,’ she explained further. ‘Now that we have been in proximity for quite a while we seem to balance each other. Ever since we met, I got more and more emotional. I want to believe this is a good thing but I have to admit it is slightly frightening to me…’</p> <p class="cnM2NzI1Zjk1NDk1NDRiMjlhMjdhM2M2OThkZWIwMmUx">‘Don’t worry,’ Linea said with a laugh. ‘I’ll teach you how to handle your emotions if they overwhelm you… Once I figured that out myself.’</p> <p class="cnNiNmUxMTA2ZmY4ODQ5NmViMWUxNWE3MzJhZmE4OTBk">Both giggled for a moment.</p> <p class="cnNlMzRhOWNkNThiNjRhZDRiNGRmMGFjMGZhZjA0MmVm">‘But that means your presence helps me to get more control over my emotions?’ Linea asked.</p> <p class="cnM1Mjc2ZjUwZGZhZjRiYWY4MDQ2ZTMzM2Y0MjQ4ZDMw">‘It seems that way, but that’s not all. I guess you’ll see an increase in your cognitive abilities and rational thinking, while I’ll probably get more passionate and sympathetic to the emotional stuff of other people.’</p> <p class="cnNmZTEyOWJhZjQwNzQ4ODE4ZmI3NWVkZDkyYTY5ZWM3">‘Well, you’ll not learn that if you call it stuff,’ Linea noted and chuckled.</p> <p class="cnM5MDdjMTg3Mjk4NDQ5ZDFiMTM5MmFkOTFlODFjMTU2">‘I said I’ll get there. Not that I’m already at the endpoint of that journey,’ Sarah countered and laughed.</p> <p class="cnMxNTJjNWRkNTQ4MDRmYjk4NWI2NTU5NDE1NDIwODJk">‘I’ll be honest with you,’ Linea blurted after a short silence. ‘Despite everything Luna did or failed to do, I’m grateful that she brought you into my life. I wouldn’t know what to do without you.’</p> <p class="cnMwZGU5NzhjNDRjMTRlYWE4NmRmYmI2ODhiOThiYzBm">Sarah didn’t answer straight away as she pondered about Linea’s words.</p> <p class="cnNjMDg0ZDc5OWFjNTRlNDdiODU2MWQ4NjAzNDNkN2U3">‘You don’t give yourself enough credit. Perhaps you would have failed to accomplish what we did together but in my opinion as soon as you get some magic training you’ll be a force to be reckoned with.’</p> <p class="cnNhMDBlYzlhOTVlZDQ1ZjU4ZWYwZTdiZGU1YmZkYmQ5">‘We’ll see,’ Linea replied with a mixture of hope and resignation. ‘But before we get to that point, we need to get free of this damned collar.’</p> <p class="cnM4NDdkZWQwNDcwNTQ3ZjNhMmZhODZjMWRkOWNlYjIw">‘That’s true. And we’ll start with that… tomorrow!’</p> <p class="cnMwYWMyNGY5Y2U0ZDRiMjY4MmU5OGZjZTMzMjFiOTQ1">Then she yawned.</p> </div>
It didn’t take Aruna long to prepare the ritual. It was surprisingly simple to arrange a direct communication with the Moon Goddess if you had Luna’cala at hand. The silvery white liquid radiated power and Linea was eager to drink it. She hoped that her goddess would be able to break the chains that bound her. “Ready?” Aruna asked as she handed Linea the flask with the glowing water. Not trusting her voice Linea nodded and drank the Luna’cala in one go. Linea noticed her goddess presence in her mind immediately but something was off. She couldn’t place it but in some way the presence felt cold. Uncaring even. “Finally,” the goddess snarled. “I expressed my intention to speak with you weeks ago, yet I had to wait until now.” Linea was taken aback by the abrasiveness of her goddess and didn’t dare to speak. Luna was upset, and it showed in her demeanor. “It is rather difficult for your priestesses to reach us at the moment,” Sarah commented. Her voice was neutral but through their connection Linea felt the same irritation she had. “Indeed…” Luna agreed and paused for a moment. “I expected better from you. Both of you. I gave you all that power, but you still managed to get enslaved.” “Well, to be fair we fought a Void dragon and killed it which is nothing to scoff at,” Sarah countered. “That doesn’t matter!” Luna raged, startling both Linea and Sarah. “You failed your people! you failed your country!” She took a mental breath and her aura became even colder. “You failed me… I expected you to protect my children. Instead they submitted to a human. A human! And now you are enslaved to those humans by this… abomination!” Linea was silent. She didn’t like where this conversation going one bit. She couldn’t fathom the reasons Luna would turn so hostile towards them. Her whole life the goddess had been a source of solace and guidance for Linea but now she was furious. Linea tried to calm herself down, and she noticed Sarah’s emotions which twirled like a storm inside her waiting to break free. “Are you able to lift the curse that binds our soul to this contraption?” Sarah asked almost dismissively. “Perhaps,” Luna replied. “But I wouldn’t do it either way. I don’t have a use for a failed chosen. A slave. You have no idea how much disgrace you caused for me. The other gods laugh at me and me inept chosen.” “So, this is it?” Sarah asked without a shred of sympathy in her voice. “As soon as the first wind howls against you, you turn your sails around and walk away?” “Don’t you dare talking to me like that!” Luna yelled and her aura became even more oppressive. Linea was sure she couldn’t speak even if she would have found the right words. “Why shouldn’t I?” Sarah countered letting her anger break out of her. “You all but accuse us of intentionally screwing you over although I risked my mind to protect your people. Linea lost half her family because you failed to warn us. We’re nothing but a tool for you to use, yet you’re telling us how this is our responsibility.” “You insolent…” “Cut it,” Sarah said coldly. “Linea? Do you want to say anything to her?” Linea just shook herself to get a grip on herself. “I- I don’t understand why you are mad at use for things we couldn’t control, yet if you deem it necessary to punish us I’ll take this punishment with honor and shall strive to do better,” she explained in an attempt to mend the last bridge to her home that was burning beneath her. “I have no use for you anymore. What I need is another chosen. Someone more focused on the matter at hand,” Luna said. “No… please!” Linea screamed as it dawned on her why exactly Luna had arranged this meeting. “Don’t abandon us!” “What’s going on?” Sarah asked as Linea’s desperation spilled over to her. “There is only one way to take back a blessing,” Luna explained. “Linea Luna’sindra! I hereby expel you and your soul sister from my followers. Henceforth both of you shall be banned from the lands of Luna’sindra. All your titles shall be revoked and all your claims be naught.” Linea wanted to cry out but she couldn’t think straight. Her mind was still trying to figure out what just had transpired. They both experienced a rather painful expulsion of the blessing as it lost its foundation. “Be glad I leave it at that…” Luna said with a distinct disdain in her voice. “I should have leave you be. This was the last time I help one of those Higher Gods…” And with that she cut the connection and threw Sarah and Linea back into reality. --- “Linea!” Aruna whispered as she rushed over as Linea dropped to the floor. Silent tears dropped onto the floor while Linea tried to get a grip on herself. “Is everything all right? What happened?” Linea gave her a sign to wait for a second. ‘Ca- Can you take over?’ Linea asked Sarah with a shaky voice. ‘I- I need time… to think.’ Sarah wordlessly took control of their body and looked at Aruna’s worried face. “She threw us away… like garbage…” Sarah answered Aruna’s question in a hushed tone. She had never been someone overly emotional, but this had caught her off-guard. Her hands trembled like leaves as she looked down on them. “What?” After taking a deep breath to compose herself and focusing on reality, Sarah explained to Aruna what the goddess had done. It wasn’t a long tale but Aruna went through all the emotions in that short time. From surprise over disbelief straight to anger. “I can’t believe she used me to bring you the Luna’cala just… for that!” “Aren’t you supposed to be proud to have served your goddess so faithfully?” Sarah asked. Aruna picked up how Sarah had emphasized the term ‘your goddess’. She blinked and stared into Sarah’s eyes for a long time before she shook her head. “Why should I follow a goddess that tosses aside one of the noblest and most faithful souls I can imagine just because things don’t turn out as she would have liked,” Aruna asked. “I would rather follow that soul instead.” “Are you sure?” Sarah asked as she realized where this could lead to. “Abandoning your goddess would make you an outcast like me. Go back home! Live a life of peace and happiness. If you follow my path you can only expect war and adversity.” A tear formed in Aruna’s eye. “My happiness died with your sister…” Aruna whispered. “My…” Sarah said and something clicked in her mind. “You loved her? Were you two a thing?” Aruna rubbed the tears from her face and shook her head. “No… But I loved her. More than Xandarin.” “Who is Xandarin?” Sarah asked trying to piece together the fragmented information. “A peasant boy I loved when I still lived with my family in Tali’sindra,” Aruna explained. “Xandarin was the reason I got disowned. Your sister helped me in my greatest time of need and over the years I… I fell in love with her.” “So, what you two had back in the University of Tali’sindra was more than…” “No! Back then we just had fun,” Aruna deflected. “It wasn’t until later that I fell in love with her. Unfortunately she didn’t reciprocate my feelings…” “I’m sorry,” Sarah said and put her hand on Aruna’s shoulder. Aruna just shrugged. “Don't be,” she said. “We stayed friends either way but I would never stop loving her one way or another. That’s why I feel it necessary to stay by her sister. If you let me, I will follow you.” “Well, I could use more trustworthy allies,” Sarah pondered. “But - and I hope you’ll forgive me - I can’t trust you just like that. My recent experiences don’t allow me to trust people that easily.” “Oh, I understand…” Aruna said deflated. “I don’t know what else I can do to prove my sincerity.” Sarah tapped her chin for a moment and then sighed. “You would allow me?” she asked. “I can read your mind while you swear an oath. I will see if you lie or not.” “You- You can read minds?” Aruna asked in surprise. “Rudimentarily,” Sarah replied. Aruna pondered about Sarah’s proposition for a moment but gave in with a nod. To signal her she was about to start, Sarah placed her hand above Aruna’s head. The priestess’ mind was more difficult to read than Tirell’s because her emotions interfered rather impetuously. One thing Sarah was absolutely sure about was Aruna’s declaration of love towards Linea’s sister as Tarina’s face flickered through Aruna’s mind at regular intervals. “I swear loyalty to Linea of the house…” “No house,” Sarah interrupted her. “Just Linea.” Aruna nodded and started again. “I swear loyalty to Linea. I shall strive to support her in every endeavor and stay by her side at all times.” Sarah sensed no dishonesty in Aruna’s thoughts and nodded. Suddenly Linea took back control over her body and stood up. ‘If you’re going to take loyalty oaths, do it properly!’ she said to Sarah. “I accept you allegiance. In return I shall strive to protect you and your kin to all my capabilities,” Linea said with a strong voice. “Rise Aruna, as the first of my knights and as Darkborne!” A moment of pause before Aruna raised an eyebrow. “Thank you, but… Darkborne? What does that mean?” “I refuse to be called a Moon Elf any longer if their goddess refuses me,” Linea explained with cold fury in her voice which made even Sarah shiver. “We come from the darkness of our past, we’re beings of the night and the moon can screw itself! We’re Darkborne!” “Well, I see where you’re coming from but… Can’t we go with Dark Elves?” Aruna asked and chuckled. “That’s… better,” Linea admitted. “Damn, I should have thought of that.” “Don’t worry,” Aruna said. “We’ll figure out how we want to be called later. What are we going to do about this?” She pointed at Linea’s collar. Before Linea could answer, Sarah pressed Linea to stand back again. Linea wasn’t sure what Sarah had in mind, but she trusted her. “First you need to get away from Tovandir,” Sarah said. “Try to be as inconspicuous as possible. You need to find an explanation why you won’t go back to Luna’sindra with them. After that go to the harbor and search for the Flying Sailor Inn. Ask for the barmaid Tirell. Tell her I sent you.” Aruna blinked a few times. “You have been more productive as I would have thought. You already have contacts?” Sarah just gave her a smug smile. --- Sarah and Linea hadn’t seen Tovandir or anyone else after what happened with Aruna and the goddess. When they were done Brice had brought them back to his manor and as it was nearing noon, Sarah and Linea were tired. Linea had gone back into her shell to think about things which Sarah could only guess. And so, she prepared for bed and waited for Linea to talk to her again. ‘I’m confused,’ Linea suddenly spoke as Sarah watched the ceiling unable to fall asleep. ‘How so?’ Sarah asked. ‘I should be devastated,’ Linea explained. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I feel betrayed, abandoned and overall rather miserable…’ ‘But?’ ‘I feel free!’ ‘Okay?’ Sarah replied. ‘Do I need to worry? You do remember that thing around our neck?’ ‘That’s not what I mean,’ Linea said with a mental groan. ‘Explain yourself then. If you only talk in fragmented sentences, I can’t really-’ ‘Can you just shut up?’ Sarah chuckled as she found it interesting to see Linea so outspoken towards her. ‘All right, shutting up now,’ Sarah said amused. Linea sighed but started to explain. ‘As far as I can remember I always had… someone telling me what to do… Someone superior who I could look up to and follow. That wasn’t always nice. My mother for example was quite a let down in most recent years. But I digress. I always had a goal that based on the principle how can I serve others. How can I follow traditions and bring happiness to everyone…’ ‘That’s not necessarily a bad thing,’ Sarah commented. ‘That’s true,’ Linea agreed. ‘But on the other hand, what I was allowed to do to help people wasn’t what I choose. It was always something others expected of me. I remember how stubborn I tried to become a priestess because I didn’t want to become an enchantress like my mother expected me to. I had to force a decision about it.’ She sighed again. ‘I don’t want to blame others for my decisions and how my life went but now that I have absolutely no ties to anyone anymore I have this liberty in my mind. It’s the first time in my life that no one looks at me and has an idea what I should be. Well, except the humans here who believe I’ll be their slave forever.’ ‘Hm, I have to admit you’re much more collected than I expected,’ Sarah said. ‘Somehow, I anticipated you to throw a temper tantrum when Luna did what she did.’ ‘I- I tried to control my emotions like you do…’ Linea said sheepishly. ‘I realized that my emotions get in my way more often than not. Even though I think you’re too cold from time to time, I understand that I need to get a grip on my emotions. In stressful situations you’re always so collected and I thought…’ ‘I see,’ Sarah replied. ‘In that case I applaud you because you did very well in that regard this time.’ ‘Thank you,’ Linea said and radiated contentment. ‘But I have to admit that I have a suspicion regarding your emotions and ability to reign them in.’ ‘Care to share?’ Linea asked curious. ‘It may be a side-effect of the fact that our soul was split,’ Sarah explained. ‘From what I gathered it seems my Soul-Aspect strengthens my rational thinking. I focus on logic but I have always been more collected than others. Not that I was uncaring or unfeeling but bad or good things never moved me in the same way as my peers.’ Linea listened to Sarah’s explanation, and it was in that moment when she got what Sarah was going for. ‘And magic is heavily tied to one’s emotions!’ she exclaimed. ‘Since I’m the Soul-Aspect of Magic, I’m more emotional than the other parts.’ Sarah smiled as she saw her theory at work. ‘But it doesn’t stop there,’ she explained further. ‘Now that we have been in proximity for quite a while we seem to balance each other. Ever since we met, I got more and more emotional. I want to believe this is a good thing but I have to admit it is slightly frightening to me…’ ‘Don’t worry,’ Linea said with a laugh. ‘I’ll teach you how to handle your emotions if they overwhelm you… Once I figured that out myself.’ Both giggled for a moment. ‘But that means your presence helps me to get more control over my emotions?’ Linea asked. ‘It seems that way, but that’s not all. I guess you’ll see an increase in your cognitive abilities and rational thinking, while I’ll probably get more passionate and sympathetic to the emotional stuff of other people.’ ‘Well, you’ll not learn that if you call it stuff,’ Linea noted and chuckled. ‘I said I’ll get there. Not that I’m already at the endpoint of that journey,’ Sarah countered and laughed. ‘I’ll be honest with you,’ Linea blurted after a short silence. ‘Despite everything Luna did or failed to do, I’m grateful that she brought you into my life. I wouldn’t know what to do without you.’ Sarah didn’t answer straight away as she pondered about Linea’s words. ‘You don’t give yourself enough credit. Perhaps you would have failed to accomplish what we did together but in my opinion as soon as you get some magic training you’ll be a force to be reckoned with.’ ‘We’ll see,’ Linea replied with a mixture of hope and resignation. ‘But before we get to that point, we need to get free of this damned collar.’ ‘That’s true. And we’ll start with that… tomorrow!’ Then she yawned.
{ "title": "Edea Chronicles: Hero Summoning Conspiracy", "id": 20762, "author": "Ruruci", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 67: Conflict", "id": 305947, "next": 306259, "prev": 305946, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyOGQ2YWYxODhiZjRlM2E5OWRkOTkxZjRhM2I1YWI1">.<br> <br>"Welcome back Kauyza-kun!" Kurumi whose smile was like the sun to the boys of class 5-B called out to Kazuya who seemed to have garnered a bit of enmity.<br> <br>Kazuya was not a stranger to this because this was what the past Kurumi caused him to experience during his time in middle school in his past life. It was fortunate that not every boy from the class realized that they were getting attracted to this weird and troublesome girl but that was the least of his concerns at this moment.<br> <br>"…" Tomoyo had released her presence unconsciously which made Kazuya feel a slight chill. It was rare for this girl to show any emotion, much less hostility.<br> <br>He could understand her being frustrated because he too had grown used to this girl sitting on his right side. He would have this quiet robot girl side beside him rather than this seemingly nosy and talkative girl who would only disrupt his learning.<br> <br>As Kazuya thought of a solution, Tomoyo wasted no time and moved towards her seat. She stopped right beside Kurumi and stared at her while waiting for her to move.<br> <br>"Hmm?" Kurumi tilted her head looking a bit puzzled. Maron on standby and was ready to move if ever there was a need to. "Siroyuki Tomoyo-san right? I'm pleased to meet you, my name is—"<br> <br>"Move" a soft but mesmerizing voice suddenly silenced those who were whispering around. Everyone couldn't believe what they had just heard and turned to look towards the pony-tailed girl who they had never heard speak before.<br> <br>"(This is a bit interesting)" Kazuya who was about to step in stopped. He did not expect Tomoyo to speak at a time like this.<br> <br>"Huh?" Kurumi was confused at the atmosphere including everyone's reactions. One moment, the people all seemed to pay no mind to where she was sitting but the moment this girl spoke, it seemed like they were all expecting her to transfer as if it were the natural thing.<br> <br>From what Kazuya knew, these two never really had anything to do with each other in his previous life. They were like two sides of the same coin. Kurumi was like a sunflower whose personality was bright and radiated with a smile while Tomoyo was a moonflower who remined quiet, elegant and bloomed only when the presence of moonlight.<br> <br>Their paths crossed in this lifetime which could only be said that with their personalities, it was quite a surprising turn of events. The only similarity they both had in their past lives were their connection to Kazuya who was the one observing by the side this time.<br> <br>"My seat…" this confirmed to all those who were still skeptical about whether they heard anything or not. All of them assumed that Tomoyo was as she was called, a robot girl who didn't have the ability to speak. They did not realize that this robot had been experiencing an upgrade after she met and hung out with Kazuya.<br> <br>"Oh… I finally get it but… didn't you know that this pin gives us the right to sit anywhere?" Kurumi didn't plan on giving the only seat that was next to Kazuya away. Although she did hear Tomoyo, from the reports she received, Tomoyo had been said to be a quiet girl aside from her beautiful voice, Kurumi thought that this was not a big deal.<br> <br>"…" Tomoyo heard it but remained unmoved. The coldness around her began to expand as both of them had no intentions of yielding.<br> <br>"Not necessarily" Takaya wanted to break the tension. "A person from S class only has the priviledge to ask for a seat they want to occupy whenever they choose a class to attend. The real occupants do have the right to refuse" he explained. He has been a member of the class for years so he was already very familiar with the rules.<br> <br>"This…" Kurumi was a little surprised. Takaya helped her out earlier and didn't expect him to favor Tomoyo over her, she felt a little embarrassed.<br> <br>"Alright everyo… huh?" Miyamoto entered the room and immediately felt tension in the room. It came from an unexpected source as there never had been an incident with Tomoyo but he immediately realized what was going on as soon as he saw the girl sitting in her seat.<br> <br>"G-good afternoon sensei. I'm a newly transferred student and wanted to attend class here but…" Kurumi greeted Miyamoto who just arrived awkwardly and glanced towards Tomoyo who was still waiting for her to move out of the way.<br> <br>"Ah the new S class students. The teachers have already received a notice about it" Myamoto acknowledged their presence. "You are free to attend this class id you want but please do not forget to follow the rules"</p> <p class="cnNjNTFjODcwMTY2MTQ4N2FhNTU3YjkxYTBjZmUzM2E0">Kurumi and Maron were speechless. They both didn't expect that even the teacher would be on Tomoyo's side. They heard about how things worked at the school and it had been accurate, there had been no incident where a student from S class did not get what they wanted because the students had been tactful enough to let them have their way.<br> <br>"Y-yes…" She turned away and instead sat down gloomily in the empty seat in front of Kazuya's. This left Takaya with no choice but to move to the seat beside Tomoyo. She tried taking a glance at Kazuya who moved to take his seat after their teacher had arrived but what she saw shattered her fantasies of the events that should have happened today.<br> <br>*pat pat*<br> <br>Kazuya patted the head of the girl sitting beside him as if praising her for successfully making Kurumi vacate the seat beside his. She felt envious of this and felt even gloomier because she was supposed to be in Tomoyo's position.<br> <br>Maron who was also watching from behind them couldn't help but frown. This scene reminded her of the past where three of them hanged out together. Even though he lost his past memories, his old habits were still present but they were directed towards a new person. She felt that he was being too insensitive and if they weren't in class, she would have already tried to teach him a lesson.<br> <br>Kazuya on the other hand didn't mind the two's gazes. He was feeling quite good because of the unexpected actions of this robot girl. She let out her voice in a manner that could be heard by various people. It was an achievement that came out of the blue yet it was an achievement nonetheless.<br> <br>Miyamoto looked at the situation and couldn't help but shake his head with a sympathetic smile over Kazuya. This student of his has learned a lot for the past two years and given gave him a bunch of scenarios. However, those didn't include this kind of situation and he focused more on telling him about dealing with a single woman. He didn't think that he would have to experience this at this age.<br> <br>"(Sorry Kouzuki-kun. I thought you didn't even need to think about this kind of thing this early)" he felt a little apologetic because these children are going to be in conflict while the person causing it will most likely deal with it in the wrong way.<br> <br>Though Miyamoto who proclaimed himself as Kazuya's teacher when it came to women held on to a bit of hope. His student has changed through the years and he was not as nervous when dealing with the Kazuya anymore. He was more approachable than he was and although he still talked like someone who was older than he was at times, he had been growing to be more sensitive towards what he should say in a situation.<br> <br>Classes went through as intended in the afternoon. Kazuya spent most of his time reading different kinds of books as always and Tomoyo sat silently beside him and listened to the class. It was only after the final chime had rung that there was another change.</p> <br>*grab*<br> <br>Tomoyo grabbed Kazuya's hand immediately after the signal to class sounded. Kurumi who was still feeling gloomy breathed in deeply only to turn around to a scene where Kazuya left the room while holding hands with girl who had been getting in the way of their reunion from the beginning.<br> <br>Kazuya didn't mind getting pulled along because he had already gotten used to this. Tomoyo would do this whenever there were people trying to invite them over to their clubs. This would let him not deal with Kurumi at the moment so he did not object to the robot girl's actions.<br> <br>"Are you going with me to the Karate club?" he asked her after they slowed down and he was set free.<br>*shake shake*<br> <br>The Karate club and Kendo club were very close to each other so Tomoyo did not find a reason to do so. Her grandfather also taught her martial arts and she was not Kazuya who tried everything that interested him so she passed this time.<br> <br>Back in the classroom, a conversation had been taking place. Takaya was unsuccessful in following the two and was stopped by Maron who targeted him in the first place. What they now want was information that came directly from someone who was involved.<br> <br>"I say, I'm finding it more and more understandable that Kouzuki has no problem avoiding dealing with the two of you" Takaya spoke as he was starting to get annoyed.<br> <br>"Maron-chan…" Kurumi tried to convince her cousin to stop after seeing the annoyance on Takaya's face.<br> <br>"What are those two to each other?" Maron ignored both what they said and focused on getting what she needed.<br> <br>"Is this how you two show gratitude? I really should have just minded my own business back then" Takaya shook his head and showed that he was not intimidated by Maron.<br> <br>"You…" Maron remembered what he did and felt a little guilty. She knew that she was indeed in the wrong.<br> <br>"I would have answered your question if you had done so in a proper manner" Takaya turned to Kurumi who felt ashamed of her cousin's actions. "So I will refrain from answering anything until both of you learn how to do things the 'right' way" Takaya moved past Maron who was trying to hold back this time.<br> <br>"One piece of advice… both of you better not think that his place is like your old school. You may be part of an influential family but there are no shortages of them here. Your parents cannot protect or save you from the rules of the school"<br> <br>Takaya had not lied. Sacred Forest Academy had a record of not caring whether one was influential or not. If there were rules that were broken, there would be no exceptions if it were proven. This system may not be perfect but it gave those who were not as influential a sort of protection against those who were born with privileges.<br> <br>"Sorry Ku-chan… I acted impulsively" Maron apologized after Takaya had left the room.<br> <br>"I understand. Transferring here needs some adjusting to. I was a little surprised myself so I think we need to think about a lot of things after today"<br> <br>"Yeah…" Maron agreed. Nothing that both of them wanted had gone as planned. "I still need to drop by the basketball club. What about you?"<br> <br>""I…" Kurumi remembered what happened earlier and was a little afraid that some of the students that wanted to get close to her would come. "I'll come with you and watch" this was what she had done in the past so she only felt that it was natural to do so. Both of them planned to ask Kazuya to try basketball and see if it would trigger some memories but they failed before they could ask.<br> <br>The two of them headed for the gymnasium where the basketball club was. Maron's presence alerted those who were members of the team while Kurumi's attention was drawn towards the wooden plaque across the gym's entrance.<br> <br>[Karate Club]<br> <br>She looked around and noticed that there were hardly any people who weren't involved in clubs remaining so she quietly went to peek at the club. An amazing scene immediately showed itself as there were various students laying on the ground.<br> <br>*BAM*<br> <br>"T-thank you for showing mercy" the boy who invited Kazuya to their club stood from the floor and tried to shake his hand despite the pain he was feeling.<br> <br>"Mercy?" Kazuya felt a bit puzzled.<br> <br>"For only using Karate moves. I know that you are versed with other forms of martial arts as well"<br> <br>"So it's that… You don't need to thank me, it wouldn't be fair if I was the only one who benefitted after you welcomed me to your club" Kazuya smiled at the boy for noticing this. He felt that what he had been doing would go unnoticed but this boy was rather observant to have caught on.<br> <br>Kazuya felt a gaze on him and glanced towards the direction to see Kurumi who tried to hide. She tried to calm herself but in doing so, she failed to notice her blond hair that could be seen from Kazuya's direction.<br> <br>"Do you need something from me Stockton-san?" Kazuya was already done with practicing with the members. He wanted to talk to the instructor and ask him for some more insight but this girl had started her habit of following him around again.<br> <br>"(Looks like she was better at this in middle school)" he was the only person who could have made such a comparison so he let out a dry laugh before looking at the shy girl and comparing her to the cryptic version of herself who pretended to be interested in his amnesia instead.<br> <br>"T-thank you for helping me earlier with Aoki-kun" She bowed down politely and tried to hide her face. She wasn't expecting to be noticed so she had no idea what to do or talk about.<br> <br>"I really got busted as expected huh… Well I did owe it to you from my mistake last time so that should make us even" he didn't beat around the bush. He really didn't understand much about this Kurumi or the Kurumi from his past life. The only thing that he was able to confirm about them so far was that she was his friend before he lost his memories.<br> <br>When Kurumi heard that, she was a little happier. She never thought that Kazuya would still think about the experience they shared and would want to forget it but he saved her after feeling guilty about her getting hurt. This gave her a little warmth that Kazuya was not intending to give.<br> <br>"(Girls are so weird…)" he thought. Rather than understanding that he was only paying a debt and was not really saving her, she taken his words in a manner he couldn't predict.<br> <br>"M-Maron-chan and I also didn't expect to make such a scene earlier so I would like to apologize about that as well. Maron-chan told me how you rejected her offer to go to the basketball club but she's not very good at explaining things" Kurumi tried to explain.<br> <br>"Why the basketball club?" he didn't think that there was a purpose.<br> <br>"We thought that m-maybe you can recover some of your memories after playing a bit. Y-you really liked to play so maybe…" Kurumi stopped as Kazuya's smile faded and turned into a clear frown.<br> <br>"I see… It's really a pity" Kazuya shook his head. "Looks like your father's efforts of asking for a condition had gone to waste" Kazuya stopped shaking his head and looked directly into Kurumi's eyes.<br> <br>"Sorry Stockton Kurumi-san, we may not be meant to get along after all"<br> <br>.<p></p> </div>
. "Welcome back Kauyza-kun!" Kurumi whose smile was like the sun to the boys of class 5-B called out to Kazuya who seemed to have garnered a bit of enmity. Kazuya was not a stranger to this because this was what the past Kurumi caused him to experience during his time in middle school in his past life. It was fortunate that not every boy from the class realized that they were getting attracted to this weird and troublesome girl but that was the least of his concerns at this moment. "…" Tomoyo had released her presence unconsciously which made Kazuya feel a slight chill. It was rare for this girl to show any emotion, much less hostility. He could understand her being frustrated because he too had grown used to this girl sitting on his right side. He would have this quiet robot girl side beside him rather than this seemingly nosy and talkative girl who would only disrupt his learning. As Kazuya thought of a solution, Tomoyo wasted no time and moved towards her seat. She stopped right beside Kurumi and stared at her while waiting for her to move. "Hmm?" Kurumi tilted her head looking a bit puzzled. Maron on standby and was ready to move if ever there was a need to. "Siroyuki Tomoyo-san right? I'm pleased to meet you, my name is—" "Move" a soft but mesmerizing voice suddenly silenced those who were whispering around. Everyone couldn't believe what they had just heard and turned to look towards the pony-tailed girl who they had never heard speak before. "(This is a bit interesting)" Kazuya who was about to step in stopped. He did not expect Tomoyo to speak at a time like this. "Huh?" Kurumi was confused at the atmosphere including everyone's reactions. One moment, the people all seemed to pay no mind to where she was sitting but the moment this girl spoke, it seemed like they were all expecting her to transfer as if it were the natural thing. From what Kazuya knew, these two never really had anything to do with each other in his previous life. They were like two sides of the same coin. Kurumi was like a sunflower whose personality was bright and radiated with a smile while Tomoyo was a moonflower who remined quiet, elegant and bloomed only when the presence of moonlight. Their paths crossed in this lifetime which could only be said that with their personalities, it was quite a surprising turn of events. The only similarity they both had in their past lives were their connection to Kazuya who was the one observing by the side this time. "My seat…" this confirmed to all those who were still skeptical about whether they heard anything or not. All of them assumed that Tomoyo was as she was called, a robot girl who didn't have the ability to speak. They did not realize that this robot had been experiencing an upgrade after she met and hung out with Kazuya. "Oh… I finally get it but… didn't you know that this pin gives us the right to sit anywhere?" Kurumi didn't plan on giving the only seat that was next to Kazuya away. Although she did hear Tomoyo, from the reports she received, Tomoyo had been said to be a quiet girl aside from her beautiful voice, Kurumi thought that this was not a big deal. "…" Tomoyo heard it but remained unmoved. The coldness around her began to expand as both of them had no intentions of yielding. "Not necessarily" Takaya wanted to break the tension. "A person from S class only has the priviledge to ask for a seat they want to occupy whenever they choose a class to attend. The real occupants do have the right to refuse" he explained. He has been a member of the class for years so he was already very familiar with the rules. "This…" Kurumi was a little surprised. Takaya helped her out earlier and didn't expect him to favor Tomoyo over her, she felt a little embarrassed. "Alright everyo… huh?" Miyamoto entered the room and immediately felt tension in the room. It came from an unexpected source as there never had been an incident with Tomoyo but he immediately realized what was going on as soon as he saw the girl sitting in her seat. "G-good afternoon sensei. I'm a newly transferred student and wanted to attend class here but…" Kurumi greeted Miyamoto who just arrived awkwardly and glanced towards Tomoyo who was still waiting for her to move out of the way. "Ah the new S class students. The teachers have already received a notice about it" Myamoto acknowledged their presence. "You are free to attend this class id you want but please do not forget to follow the rules" Kurumi and Maron were speechless. They both didn't expect that even the teacher would be on Tomoyo's side. They heard about how things worked at the school and it had been accurate, there had been no incident where a student from S class did not get what they wanted because the students had been tactful enough to let them have their way. "Y-yes…" She turned away and instead sat down gloomily in the empty seat in front of Kazuya's. This left Takaya with no choice but to move to the seat beside Tomoyo. She tried taking a glance at Kazuya who moved to take his seat after their teacher had arrived but what she saw shattered her fantasies of the events that should have happened today. *pat pat* Kazuya patted the head of the girl sitting beside him as if praising her for successfully making Kurumi vacate the seat beside his. She felt envious of this and felt even gloomier because she was supposed to be in Tomoyo's position. Maron who was also watching from behind them couldn't help but frown. This scene reminded her of the past where three of them hanged out together. Even though he lost his past memories, his old habits were still present but they were directed towards a new person. She felt that he was being too insensitive and if they weren't in class, she would have already tried to teach him a lesson. Kazuya on the other hand didn't mind the two's gazes. He was feeling quite good because of the unexpected actions of this robot girl. She let out her voice in a manner that could be heard by various people. It was an achievement that came out of the blue yet it was an achievement nonetheless. Miyamoto looked at the situation and couldn't help but shake his head with a sympathetic smile over Kazuya. This student of his has learned a lot for the past two years and given gave him a bunch of scenarios. However, those didn't include this kind of situation and he focused more on telling him about dealing with a single woman. He didn't think that he would have to experience this at this age. "(Sorry Kouzuki-kun. I thought you didn't even need to think about this kind of thing this early)" he felt a little apologetic because these children are going to be in conflict while the person causing it will most likely deal with it in the wrong way. Though Miyamoto who proclaimed himself as Kazuya's teacher when it came to women held on to a bit of hope. His student has changed through the years and he was not as nervous when dealing with the Kazuya anymore. He was more approachable than he was and although he still talked like someone who was older than he was at times, he had been growing to be more sensitive towards what he should say in a situation. Classes went through as intended in the afternoon. Kazuya spent most of his time reading different kinds of books as always and Tomoyo sat silently beside him and listened to the class. It was only after the final chime had rung that there was another change. *grab* Tomoyo grabbed Kazuya's hand immediately after the signal to class sounded. Kurumi who was still feeling gloomy breathed in deeply only to turn around to a scene where Kazuya left the room while holding hands with girl who had been getting in the way of their reunion from the beginning. Kazuya didn't mind getting pulled along because he had already gotten used to this. Tomoyo would do this whenever there were people trying to invite them over to their clubs. This would let him not deal with Kurumi at the moment so he did not object to the robot girl's actions. "Are you going with me to the Karate club?" he asked her after they slowed down and he was set free. *shake shake* The Karate club and Kendo club were very close to each other so Tomoyo did not find a reason to do so. Her grandfather also taught her martial arts and she was not Kazuya who tried everything that interested him so she passed this time. Back in the classroom, a conversation had been taking place. Takaya was unsuccessful in following the two and was stopped by Maron who targeted him in the first place. What they now want was information that came directly from someone who was involved. "I say, I'm finding it more and more understandable that Kouzuki has no problem avoiding dealing with the two of you" Takaya spoke as he was starting to get annoyed. "Maron-chan…" Kurumi tried to convince her cousin to stop after seeing the annoyance on Takaya's face. "What are those two to each other?" Maron ignored both what they said and focused on getting what she needed. "Is this how you two show gratitude? I really should have just minded my own business back then" Takaya shook his head and showed that he was not intimidated by Maron. "You…" Maron remembered what he did and felt a little guilty. She knew that she was indeed in the wrong. "I would have answered your question if you had done so in a proper manner" Takaya turned to Kurumi who felt ashamed of her cousin's actions. "So I will refrain from answering anything until both of you learn how to do things the 'right' way" Takaya moved past Maron who was trying to hold back this time. "One piece of advice… both of you better not think that his place is like your old school. You may be part of an influential family but there are no shortages of them here. Your parents cannot protect or save you from the rules of the school" Takaya had not lied. Sacred Forest Academy had a record of not caring whether one was influential or not. If there were rules that were broken, there would be no exceptions if it were proven. This system may not be perfect but it gave those who were not as influential a sort of protection against those who were born with privileges. "Sorry Ku-chan… I acted impulsively" Maron apologized after Takaya had left the room. "I understand. Transferring here needs some adjusting to. I was a little surprised myself so I think we need to think about a lot of things after today" "Yeah…" Maron agreed. Nothing that both of them wanted had gone as planned. "I still need to drop by the basketball club. What about you?" ""I…" Kurumi remembered what happened earlier and was a little afraid that some of the students that wanted to get close to her would come. "I'll come with you and watch" this was what she had done in the past so she only felt that it was natural to do so. Both of them planned to ask Kazuya to try basketball and see if it would trigger some memories but they failed before they could ask. The two of them headed for the gymnasium where the basketball club was. Maron's presence alerted those who were members of the team while Kurumi's attention was drawn towards the wooden plaque across the gym's entrance. [Karate Club] She looked around and noticed that there were hardly any people who weren't involved in clubs remaining so she quietly went to peek at the club. An amazing scene immediately showed itself as there were various students laying on the ground. *BAM* "T-thank you for showing mercy" the boy who invited Kazuya to their club stood from the floor and tried to shake his hand despite the pain he was feeling. "Mercy?" Kazuya felt a bit puzzled. "For only using Karate moves. I know that you are versed with other forms of martial arts as well" "So it's that… You don't need to thank me, it wouldn't be fair if I was the only one who benefitted after you welcomed me to your club" Kazuya smiled at the boy for noticing this. He felt that what he had been doing would go unnoticed but this boy was rather observant to have caught on. Kazuya felt a gaze on him and glanced towards the direction to see Kurumi who tried to hide. She tried to calm herself but in doing so, she failed to notice her blond hair that could be seen from Kazuya's direction. "Do you need something from me Stockton-san?" Kazuya was already done with practicing with the members. He wanted to talk to the instructor and ask him for some more insight but this girl had started her habit of following him around again. "(Looks like she was better at this in middle school)" he was the only person who could have made such a comparison so he let out a dry laugh before looking at the shy girl and comparing her to the cryptic version of herself who pretended to be interested in his amnesia instead. "T-thank you for helping me earlier with Aoki-kun" She bowed down politely and tried to hide her face. She wasn't expecting to be noticed so she had no idea what to do or talk about. "I really got busted as expected huh… Well I did owe it to you from my mistake last time so that should make us even" he didn't beat around the bush. He really didn't understand much about this Kurumi or the Kurumi from his past life. The only thing that he was able to confirm about them so far was that she was his friend before he lost his memories. When Kurumi heard that, she was a little happier. She never thought that Kazuya would still think about the experience they shared and would want to forget it but he saved her after feeling guilty about her getting hurt. This gave her a little warmth that Kazuya was not intending to give. "(Girls are so weird…)" he thought. Rather than understanding that he was only paying a debt and was not really saving her, she taken his words in a manner he couldn't predict. "M-Maron-chan and I also didn't expect to make such a scene earlier so I would like to apologize about that as well. Maron-chan told me how you rejected her offer to go to the basketball club but she's not very good at explaining things" Kurumi tried to explain. "Why the basketball club?" he didn't think that there was a purpose. "We thought that m-maybe you can recover some of your memories after playing a bit. Y-you really liked to play so maybe…" Kurumi stopped as Kazuya's smile faded and turned into a clear frown. "I see… It's really a pity" Kazuya shook his head. "Looks like your father's efforts of asking for a condition had gone to waste" Kazuya stopped shaking his head and looked directly into Kurumi's eyes. "Sorry Stockton Kurumi-san, we may not be meant to get along after all" .
{ "title": "Liminal Radiance: Path Of Old Dreams", "id": 20710, "author": "Felias", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "27 - Hold your tongue!", "id": 305948, "next": 305962, "prev": 305110, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong>Apostate Catacombs</strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong>District of Profaners, Third Ring</strong></h4> <p class="cnNkOGMzM2VmMDI2NjQ4YjlhZDMwMWEyODNjM2NmOTU2" style="text-align: center"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></p> <p class="cnM1M2U3M2U2MjBkMjQ1ZmRiMWJhMGM0ZWMyNDg2OTgx">Annabelle carefully stabilized her posture on the pyramid slope and squinted her eyes. Realistically, she saw three entrances into the pyramid. One was on top, bound to be filled with mad cultists in an easily defensible position and they would need to scale the odd hand construction as well. The bottom entrance was a fair way off and by the time they got down, it would also swarm with tongue monks. That only left the third option: A hole in the pyramid.</p> <p class="cnMxM2JmNWE5ZDI5NjRkMmQ4ZDdjZGZjNWE2N2MwYTgx">I looked conspicuously like an entire staircase had fallen through just moments prior. Just when she approached the impromptu entrance, she felt a sudden shiver run down her spine. Hunger. Intense, unreasonable hunger. The sensation confused her since she was clearly satiated. She turned to look at Sisi in the body of Tharia.</p> <p class="cnNkYTg0YTE1ZWYyNzRjYTFiMjhkMzZiMjc3OTQzOGFj">“You’re feeling it too?” Annabelle asked.</p> <p class="cnNmYjdkZTM1NTc0YjRlYjE4NzlmMjNmOWEyYmQxNWI0">“Feels like a godbeast. Something that starved for a long time”, Sisi said and then suddenly rubbed the nose, followed by a loud sneeze.</p> <p class="cnM4MjFkNmFjNjk2ODRiMTZhNzJkMDgxZmZiYWQ0MDI3">“Health and longevity”, Annabelle said in reflex, “Wait, Tharia shouldn’t be able to catch a cold.”</p> <p class="cnM4NDE3Mjc3MGZmZTRiNDY4YzBmYmVlMGUyODE3MTE2">“Aye, right you are”, Sisi replied and raised a hand, “But let me tell you, noses are surprisingly complex to repair. When did she get her nose broken again? We need to get this girl some books on self-preservation but she’d probably use them to hit herself again”</p> <p class="cnNkNTc3YzgwMzRhZjRjZTNhNWNjMjJlMmExMzY4NjFj">Annabelle sighed in response. The sprite was pulling her leg again. She spun around on the spot and felt her long hair sway with delayed motion. Her feet scaled up the flat slope and then brought her to the edge of the hole. Nothing much remained of the staircase, it had punched clean through several interior levels and had by now dissipated into random piles of rubble and dust. They would need to jump the remaining bit but luckily it was a distance even a child could manage. Still, Annabelle gave Tharia and Sisi a sign and then hopped inside. While falling down, she summoned the Scythe.</p> <p class="cnNhYTZjZWNhMTBhMjQ0YTZiZDQ0ZTFjMzdiOGQ5NTUy">She landed with a quiet thud, feathered her fall and immediately went on the attack. Her weapon struck out into the darkness on sheer instinct alone. The blade whirred forward with a metallic sing but all it cut was air. That was odd, she could have sworn something had been there. An uncomfortable sensation of being watched took hold of her and when she heard another thud behind her, she whirled around ready to strike, only to see Sisi hold up hands in defense.</p> <p class="cnNhMjViZDdhNGI4MDRiOGI4MTBiMDY2NDA4MzExZGQ4">“This is really becoming a habit”, Sisi began with a grin.</p> <p class="cnMxYTM0NGViYzk3NzQ3OGZiY2NhYWZmZDY0NWJhZDBm">The goddess raised a hand, “It’s okay to prank and tease me, but I beg of you, don’t keep on opening scars that haven’t all healed yet.”</p> <p class="cnM0ZmYzODZmMzJlMjQwZTU5NTJlZWJkN2JiYmE2ZTM0">“Understood. Everything else is fine then? Do you know just how much you’re a menace while asleep? I had no idea”, Sisi said with the mouth of Tharia.</p> <p class="cnMzYTgxOWViOGIwNjQ1YTI4MWVlOGJhZGY5ODFkM2Zj">A short moment of silence followed in which Annabelle once more examined her surroundings. Her eyes noticed subtle light coming from deeper inside. It was enough light to make out the collection of sleeping quarters to either side. The rooms closest to her looked quite poor. A row of beds with chests in front of them. She heard a sudden whimper from behind. More nonsense from Sisi.</p> <p class="cnM1N2QyMDg1Y2NkYzQ3N2FiYTBlMzU1MGU1M2M2ZWY3">“I’m sorry. Won’t happen again. I will neither tell nor tease about your desire to... ouch”, Sisi began talking and when Annabelle looked over her shoulder, a new hand-sized imprint started to glow on Tharia’s cheek.</p> <p class="cnMyNDU5MjZlYmUwNjQ1YzQ5MjRhZTg5MzZlYWJmYWI5">“Internal monologue?” Sisi said with an apologetic shrug of her shoulders. This was becoming absurd and Annabelle would have none of it. She grabbed the handle of her Scythe and focussed on the light ahead. She hadn’t gone two steps when the weapon suddenly cracked underneath her fingers. With confusion, she realized the golden glow of the gloves. Bloody absurd. Sighing, she resummoned the weapon intact while dismissing the gloves.</p> <p class="cnMzZTdhZWY0MTMzNzQwNTVhYThkOGNlMjYzY2JmOTI5">After their mad power rush, she felt weak and exhausted, but maybe this would ground her again. She followed the corridor towards the light while using the Scythe as a way to keep distance between herself and anything that might jump her from the dark. Only eerie quietness was around her. She had expected the hustle and buzz of a temple or signs of living. For all purposes, this was the underground living space for the profaners. Yet all she got was quiet and a strange mixture between her lover and an insane sprite that were in a constant argument with each other. This was made worse by only hearing one side of it.</p> <p class="cnMzYjM3MmJjMGU5MTQ4ZmI4NzRiNmY1Mjc4M2U5YTE3">Once again, she felt watched. Scratching noises came from within the wall. For a second, part of the wall in front of her moved on its own. Annabelle hacked the blade of the scythe into it without hesitation – yet only ended up scratching stone. To her ear, the scratching noises sounded like laughter. On edge, Annabelle had to struggle with her jumpy instincts. In the end, Tharia had been right. She had needed more time to recover. The body had healed but her mind was cracked.</p> <p class="cnM1NjRhMWUwYzM1YTQ1MDBhNzk2OTY1OGJkZjlkZWQ3">The corridor opened up into a large space that stretched all the way from the bottom to the top. Inside, the pyramid was actually hollow. Annabelle counted twelve levels in total, clusters of living quarters like the one she had passed, were built into the walls while a central black spiral connected all of it. Her first big surprise was at the bottom. She saw an actual fungus field filled with neglected farm animals. Down below seemed to be the realm of the weird over-sized baby creatures. Once Annabelle looked into their pitch black eyes, she stopped referring to them as babies and instead went for whys. Mostly from her impulse to shout why do these exist?</p> <p class="cnNhMTBlOGI4YjFlNDRhNGE5NDQ5YzBjYmE2ODIyYjc4">It was little consolation that they were far below them and even if they would run on their stubble legs, they would not get up to them in a long while. Annabelle shook her head and stepped onto the spiral. Sudden pangs of intense hunger made her stumble. The goddess groaned and held her stomach while the world twisted and spun around her. Then, it all stopped. Annabelle reached inside and attuned to the essences. There was one very close, just a bit above her.</p> <p class="cnMzNjAzMTJmYTkzNzQwYWVhYzcyYmZjNzE3YmRhMmQ1">Yet that second, something odd happened. Fluctuations of energy reached out to her and then, one of the essences disappeared entirely. Competition. Annabelle took a deep breath and then quickened her pace. She heard a groan up ahead and focussed her attention. Her heartbeat quickened and her senses grew sharp. She stepped around the bend and saw a monk stand in the middle of the spiral. Yet before she could strike, the body suddenly lifted off the ground. The long tongue had wrapped around the neck of the priest and then strung him up to the ceiling. Kicking and thrashing, the body quickly lost strength. Right before her eyes, she saw the inside of the body sucked out through the tongue and fed into the spiral itself.</p> <p class="cnNkMTk4YzBlYTk2ZTRlYWU5MzY0NjVlMmUwN2JiNGQ0">Feeling a sudden and renewed disgust for the spiral, she now focussed her weapon on the stairs. The ground shuddered and the spiral suddenly curled underneath her. She noticed the various levels of the pyramid buzz by as she was dragged up. What she had assumed to be a staircase turned out to be a massive tongue. One that had just sucked dry a monster. Her ears picked up a crunching sound, the remains of the monk before her were smashed by two folds of the leathery spiral. When the ground underneath her started to curl up as well, she quickly grabbed Tharia and then took in her surroundings. They had passed the highest platform, there was Luciano. It would be a nasty plunge, still better than being swallowed or crushed. She dashed over the edge and smacked onto the ground. All in all, the fall had proven less bad than expected. She had pulled a muscle while covering Tharia’s body during the impact.</p> <p class="cnM2MGM0ZmY0MDkzOTQzNmI4NjA2Njk1ZmRjMDkwNGZm">“Lucky you can heal”, Annabelle said, breathless. Sisi rolled off Annabelle and then shrugged the shoulders. Using the staff, the sprite got the girl back on the legs.</p> <p class="cnNjMWFjYTc3NzNjZjQ1ZjM4YzFhNjM5ZTQ2NjBlMjkw">“About that. All hands on deck, neither healing nor fighting before this girl is in any shape functional again”</p> <p class="cnNkNzVjMzEyYWQ0MDRjNWFhMmY3ZjQyYTgxYjNmOGE3">“I’ll keep that in mind”, Annabelle said flatly. She wasn’t angry or disappointed. This was a good reason and she had become too reliant on the healing magic. Getting onto her legs proved challenging with the limited range of motion but the pain was nothing in comparison to what she had suffered in the past. Just power through. Once back on her feet, she examined her surroundings. Not much time had passed. The writhing appendage disappeared into an amorphous shape of writhing flesh. One tongue hung down from it and was connected to the neck of a man some distance away.</p> <hr> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold"><img style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none #000000" src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold">Pinnacle of Profanity</strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold">District of Profaners, Third Ring</strong></h4> <p class="cnMwZjkxOGQ5OWRmYTRkZWU4OTIwZDJmZTJlY2VlZDY1" style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold"><img style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none #000000" src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></p> <p class="cnMzZWIxMjEzMGFjMjRiMDZiZTZmMWMyMzMyNTMyNDU1">“Luciano”, Annabelle said. The man opened his eyes. While his lower half was covered up in a several meter large cone of clothes, his torso was bare. Scars ran along his skin, some devotional, most punishment. In contrast with his flock, the man still had his jaw.</p> <p class="cnMwZDQ5NmVkMTUzZTRkNzJiMjQyMGUzNjM1YmEzYzMw">“The demon approaches”, he answered with a low baritone voice and spread his arms, “The world has begun its decline since last we met. How has your near-death treated you?”</p> <p class="cnNlMjcwNDFmYjIyMzQ1YzQ5M2IyNzY4ZTg3YzkyM2E5">Annabelle clenched her fist around the weapon and quickened her pace. The man made no attempt to move. He just remained in the center of the platform, eyeing her motions with a self-satisfied smugness.</p> <p class="cnNhOTc4NzFmMjA3ZDQwMzFhNzI2MjE5Mjk5ZTA0NDk2">“Such perverted bloodlust I feel from you”, the man said and licked his lips, “Ah how I have missed it. Glorious bliss. Did you know that only you were supposed to fall, demon? Yet you infected us with a burning hatred that would not stop until all were dead.”</p> <p class="cnM0OGY3Y2UzZDU5MTRmYzc5NTEyZjBjMWRiOWE1Nzlk">The goddess had quickened her pace. Not a single emotion showed on her face and her voice was flat.</p> <p class="cnMyNTEyNGU0MmU5ZTRiMTVhZWQzNGE5OWI3YmViZTdl">“Why did you do it? Why convince the others to kill me?”</p> <p class="cnNkNTYxMDAyOWUzYTQ5ZjNiYjExNDY2N2JiYmZiNzA1">“Because your kind is an abomination many centuries old! Be honored, you were to be the first and you aided us in getting rid of the evil that plagues this world! Now, finish it! You made me into yet another demon. Let’s fight, one way or another, a demon dies tonight”</p> <p class="cnM3MmFlMjQxZDE4NDQ0ZjhhOTkwZjFhMDJkOTcyN2M2">Annabelle had reached the cone of clothing. Ruffle fabric reached up in waves of beautiful and intrinsic motives. She’d find this beautiful if not for the half-naked man in the middle. Rage pulsed out of her and when she looked back to Tharia, the small girl was hunched over and held her head. Her lust had indeed reached out. Yet this wasn’t supposed to be a fest of rage and murder but a conscious decision. She gathered her senses, calmed her pulse and felt the essence in front of her flicker and dance with anticipation.</p> <p class="cnM4NjczZmYyNjQ3ZDQyMzViYTc1ZjdjNzIzMTJlYWE2">“Death, you shall have”, Annabelle declared. This was the right mindset. Not emotion would govern her but a rational choice. Clarity of mind led to purpose. Mortality was underlined as the stepped forward and whirled her Scythe into his body in a motion almost too quick to see.</p> <p class="cnM5Y2JjM2E0NGJmMDQzZjRiZjYzZTRmNTMxMDM0ODQ4">“Even now, you...”, the head of the profaner cult began to taunt her – yet the words never finished. His body convulsed and Annabelle pulled out the blade with an abrupt motion of her hands. Instincts told her this wasn’t the end however and it was right to doubt it. Luciano suddenly popped back up but there was no life within him anymore. A writhing mess of meat unfurled within him. His body lifted up and revealed a whole nest of them. He had no legs anymore, his body was nothing but a puppet for the creature above.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjRhY2IwZDZkMzRlMjRiMGY4NDYyZWMwYTU3OTQ0">Another pang of hunger made Annabelle’s vision blur. She felt the essence drain from Luciano. It spread along the creature above her. Getting a sinking feeling, Annabelle slowly turned around and looked at an oversized ball of shivering skin and meat. The creature floated in the air and unfurled twelve of its fleshy appendages. They spread out like a fan and then smashed down onto the platform below. She only dodged it by a hair’s breadth. She ran alongside the tongue and dragged her scythe through the leathery skin. The massive creature shivered in response but didn’t seem too fazed when a second and a third slashed after Annabelle. She jumped onto the first and failing to maintain her balance, got struck by the third. It punted her through the air.</p> <p class="cnNkODE5Y2EwYTM3YjRhMDRhYTdmNzExODM2MTZhY2Rj">While flying, Annabelle quickly let go of the scythe. The impact was much softer than expected when she landed on another patch of flesh. This was a curse and a blessing, as the ground under her curled up around and quickly worked to wrap her inside. Annabelle summoned the gloves and war-fans in quick succession. She then whirled on the spot while holding out both arms. The razor sharp blades of the weapons were amplified by the strength of the gloves and cut the tongue-folds apart. Yet that was all the punishment the summoned weapons could take. Both war-fans cracked under the pressure of the gloves. It mattered little, Annabelle grabbed onto the leathery surface and tore apart the hole her attack had opened. She stepped out of the tongue-folds to a curious sight. The beast looked weak, it wasn’t floating but rather resting on the strange hand statues of the pyramid.</p> <p class="cnNlNmEyMjRhNTgwMTRkNTM4OWE2YmE3N2UzMTA2YzZm">“The Godbeast is not quite awake yet”, Sisi commented. It took Annabelle a while to realize that the sprite had moved the human girl as far away as possible. She was grateful for it. With her attention back on the Godbeast, she decided to do as much damage as she could before it woke up entirely. She resummoned one of the war-fans, pushed together the arms and then began spinning the weapon with her wrist. The drag gained from using the gloves for this made her stumble and when she finally let go, the weapon was wildly off course. It still punched through two layers of skin.</p> <p class="cnNlNDk1MTEwZjc0NDRmOTVhNjg5MzYwN2E1Y2I5ZDZj">The Godbeast started to stir and Annabelle made a quick and ever so slightly insane decision. She jumped onto the biggest tongue and darted along its length. While running, she brought out both of the war-fans again. They had the biggest success so far. Soon, the tongue lifted off the ground and Annabelle was raised along with them. The folds started to curl in another attempt to crush her, this time, she was prepared. A half spin later and one of the war-fans let out a metallic sing as air and flesh were cut apart.</p> <p class="cnM0ODZmYmZmMmQwZTQ2NjU5M2YyYjJlMWRmNmE5MzEw">Annabelle forced herself through the fold and once she was through, she whirled around again and let the second war-fan cut along the entire length. This got the attention of the Godbeast. The leathery organ bucked and the goddess lost her footing. She fell on her bum and had to scurry back on her feet just in time to be struck by a whipping attack she hadn’t seen coming. Again, she was sent flying.</p> <p class="cnM1ODIxYTU0OTE3NzRiMDE5YzNjNjI3MGI4MWM4YjVk">So much worse than just pulling a muscle, she thought as she skittered across the cold stone floor. More tongues lashed out and crashed into the places she had been seconds before. This was enough motivation to get on her feet. Exhaustion started to set in. She made a quick check of herself. Some contusions and bruises, a pulled muscle that barely hurt anymore because everything else did. Nothing serious yet but that could change quickly.</p> <p class="cnM0OGNmMzFlMmY5MjQ5ODA4MjExZDZmNTMxNzViYjU4">One last moment of focus, she sidestepped another massive tongue lashing out at the platform below her feet. Stone crumbled away underneath her, giving her a sudden idea. Instead of aiming for the beast, she ran for one of the statue hands that held the creature. Each step of the way she had to dodge more of the swishing attacks. Whether it was her aura of bloodlust that made the thing frenzy or it was naturally enraged, its movements got less coordinated and more rampant. Another impact took away the floor in front of her. Annabelle was too fast to stop, so she lowered herself for a jump. Yet when she pushed herself off, the pulled muscle came back with a vengeance.</p> <p class="cnM3YmJmY2Y3YjIyZDQ3Y2I5NTUwOTU5NTZmYjQ0YmJj">Unable to fully utilize it, the jump fell short and she found herself tumbling down through the hole. She moved her shoulders to affect her trajectory directly into the tip of the tongue. It feathered her impact with the added bonus that she had something to hold onto. Her golden gloves crunched down on the skin, the flesh convulsed and she suddenly found herself back up again, high above the platform without any ground under her feet.</p> <p class="cnM2YTViNjhkZmNkMzQ0Nzk4MDYwY2ZlMGVjMTc1ZDIz">This time, the impact would be gnarly. Panic set in as the ground rushed closer. No time to think. She brought the war-fans back into her hands and swung them in an act of desperation. The first one buzzed past the hand pedestal and the second clipped one of the tongues without doing much damage. Annabelle cursed. This would be the perfect time for last-second rescues and ideas. She had none. The impact smashed her flat on the ground and let her skitter along the stone.</p> <p class="cnNmOWZiOGM2NjcwZTRkMTZiMDUyNzhkMjhhNmU1Nzk3">It took the wind out of her lungs, her vision was momentarily blurred. She had felt worse, her mind had seen worse but knowing these things didn’t make it any better. Annabelle had to move, now. Yet her body was sluggish and reeling from the impact. She got on her knees but the world would just spin around her. Nothing seemed broken at least. Yet it was too much. Struggling, she reached for the essence inside of herself and tried to pull power from within. Anything would do. She noticed the shadow of a tongue approach. It hovered above her and then moved in for the kill. Just a moment was all she needed. Dying here was not acceptable, she had so many things to do, so many desires to fulfil. Yet that moment of letting her mind wander brought about a sudden change. One second, she had collapsed back onto the stone, the next she fell into a soft cushioned bed. She was in what looked like a quarter of a room, lavish in fluffy cushions and soft colors. This strange cutout from reality frayed at the edges, where it connected with the real world beyond it.</p> <p class="cnNhMWNmODQ3OWJhMDRlMDNiYzY3ZTA2MzAwMWU3ZWQx">“What in the fallen skies?” Annabelle groaned. She rolled around on the bed to try and dodge the impact by rolling away. Too late, it was right above her and – disappeared once it touched the edges of the small room. It wasn’t really gone, just in a different pocket of reality. Something had disjointed reality and put a projection on top of it, her whim rewrote it according to her whim. That whim somehow manifested as an overly comfy room that only missed a fluffy stuffed toy. All around: Absurdity. It took a brief second to set in and then she used a skill she gained from Tharia. Ignore it and move on.</p> <p class="cnM2M2IxNzY3N2IxNzRiMTY5MTJiZmY3OGIyOTU3NmUy">“Well that changes things”, the goddess said. Her body recovered enough for her to get back up. Her weariness washed away. It didn’t help with her pain but mended her spirits enough to get back into the fray. She then rolled her shoulders, took aim for the hand statue and ran back out of her domain. Her mouth was shaped into a beastly snarl, her teeth were shown to the world.</p> <p class="cnMzMmJhZWRjYzdlMTQwOGFiYzIxYjJlOWM3Yjc1NmRi">Bloodlust pulsed through her veins as did the urge to destroy. She popped out of her domain and felt the cold world crush back on her shoulders. The hand statue was close and she was finally within range to punch her gloves straight through the stone. It crumbled to dust under her assault, the big creature did not dare strike her in this position, out of fear it would hit the statue itself. With a loud crack, the statue broke apart and the Godbeast smacked onto the already cracking platform. It let out a loud scream as the cracks widened. The beast desperately held onto the other hand statues for support. Annabelle intensified the grin on her face. Oddly enough, this overexerted her facial musculature and added to the ambient ache. Absurd. Bloody absolutely absurd.</p> <p class="cnM3NWZlMDkwY2ZjODRlZTI5Y2ExMGZiOTU1YWE3ZTAz">“Let’s play then”, she said and turned her attention towards the next hand statue.</p> <p class="cnNlZWRjZjNlZTQ3NzRkZjA4NDU1ZGEzOTgyNmVjMDBj" style="text-align: center"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="22"></p> <p class="cnM2NmY5NGIyZWNjNTQ2NDM5OGUzYmNhOGEwNjJmYzRj" style="text-align: center">End: Hold your Tongue! | Coming up: Pinnacle of a Cult.&nbsp;</p> </div>
#### #### **Apostate Catacombs** #### **District of Profaners, Third Ring** **![](** Annabelle carefully stabilized her posture on the pyramid slope and squinted her eyes. Realistically, she saw three entrances into the pyramid. One was on top, bound to be filled with mad cultists in an easily defensible position and they would need to scale the odd hand construction as well. The bottom entrance was a fair way off and by the time they got down, it would also swarm with tongue monks. That only left the third option: A hole in the pyramid. I looked conspicuously like an entire staircase had fallen through just moments prior. Just when she approached the impromptu entrance, she felt a sudden shiver run down her spine. Hunger. Intense, unreasonable hunger. The sensation confused her since she was clearly satiated. She turned to look at Sisi in the body of Tharia. “You’re feeling it too?” Annabelle asked. “Feels like a godbeast. Something that starved for a long time”, Sisi said and then suddenly rubbed the nose, followed by a loud sneeze. “Health and longevity”, Annabelle said in reflex, “Wait, Tharia shouldn’t be able to catch a cold.” “Aye, right you are”, Sisi replied and raised a hand, “But let me tell you, noses are surprisingly complex to repair. When did she get her nose broken again? We need to get this girl some books on self-preservation but she’d probably use them to hit herself again” Annabelle sighed in response. The sprite was pulling her leg again. She spun around on the spot and felt her long hair sway with delayed motion. Her feet scaled up the flat slope and then brought her to the edge of the hole. Nothing much remained of the staircase, it had punched clean through several interior levels and had by now dissipated into random piles of rubble and dust. They would need to jump the remaining bit but luckily it was a distance even a child could manage. Still, Annabelle gave Tharia and Sisi a sign and then hopped inside. While falling down, she summoned the Scythe. She landed with a quiet thud, feathered her fall and immediately went on the attack. Her weapon struck out into the darkness on sheer instinct alone. The blade whirred forward with a metallic sing but all it cut was air. That was odd, she could have sworn something had been there. An uncomfortable sensation of being watched took hold of her and when she heard another thud behind her, she whirled around ready to strike, only to see Sisi hold up hands in defense. “This is really becoming a habit”, Sisi began with a grin. The goddess raised a hand, “It’s okay to prank and tease me, but I beg of you, don’t keep on opening scars that haven’t all healed yet.” “Understood. Everything else is fine then? Do you know just how much you’re a menace while asleep? I had no idea”, Sisi said with the mouth of Tharia. A short moment of silence followed in which Annabelle once more examined her surroundings. Her eyes noticed subtle light coming from deeper inside. It was enough light to make out the collection of sleeping quarters to either side. The rooms closest to her looked quite poor. A row of beds with chests in front of them. She heard a sudden whimper from behind. More nonsense from Sisi. “I’m sorry. Won’t happen again. I will neither tell nor tease about your desire to... ouch”, Sisi began talking and when Annabelle looked over her shoulder, a new hand-sized imprint started to glow on Tharia’s cheek. “Internal monologue?” Sisi said with an apologetic shrug of her shoulders. This was becoming absurd and Annabelle would have none of it. She grabbed the handle of her Scythe and focussed on the light ahead. She hadn’t gone two steps when the weapon suddenly cracked underneath her fingers. With confusion, she realized the golden glow of the gloves. Bloody absurd. Sighing, she resummoned the weapon intact while dismissing the gloves. After their mad power rush, she felt weak and exhausted, but maybe this would ground her again. She followed the corridor towards the light while using the Scythe as a way to keep distance between herself and anything that might jump her from the dark. Only eerie quietness was around her. She had expected the hustle and buzz of a temple or signs of living. For all purposes, this was the underground living space for the profaners. Yet all she got was quiet and a strange mixture between her lover and an insane sprite that were in a constant argument with each other. This was made worse by only hearing one side of it. Once again, she felt watched. Scratching noises came from within the wall. For a second, part of the wall in front of her moved on its own. Annabelle hacked the blade of the scythe into it without hesitation – yet only ended up scratching stone. To her ear, the scratching noises sounded like laughter. On edge, Annabelle had to struggle with her jumpy instincts. In the end, Tharia had been right. She had needed more time to recover. The body had healed but her mind was cracked. The corridor opened up into a large space that stretched all the way from the bottom to the top. Inside, the pyramid was actually hollow. Annabelle counted twelve levels in total, clusters of living quarters like the one she had passed, were built into the walls while a central black spiral connected all of it. Her first big surprise was at the bottom. She saw an actual fungus field filled with neglected farm animals. Down below seemed to be the realm of the weird over-sized baby creatures. Once Annabelle looked into their pitch black eyes, she stopped referring to them as babies and instead went for whys. Mostly from her impulse to shout why do these exist? It was little consolation that they were far below them and even if they would run on their stubble legs, they would not get up to them in a long while. Annabelle shook her head and stepped onto the spiral. Sudden pangs of intense hunger made her stumble. The goddess groaned and held her stomach while the world twisted and spun around her. Then, it all stopped. Annabelle reached inside and attuned to the essences. There was one very close, just a bit above her. Yet that second, something odd happened. Fluctuations of energy reached out to her and then, one of the essences disappeared entirely. Competition. Annabelle took a deep breath and then quickened her pace. She heard a groan up ahead and focussed her attention. Her heartbeat quickened and her senses grew sharp. She stepped around the bend and saw a monk stand in the middle of the spiral. Yet before she could strike, the body suddenly lifted off the ground. The long tongue had wrapped around the neck of the priest and then strung him up to the ceiling. Kicking and thrashing, the body quickly lost strength. Right before her eyes, she saw the inside of the body sucked out through the tongue and fed into the spiral itself. Feeling a sudden and renewed disgust for the spiral, she now focussed her weapon on the stairs. The ground shuddered and the spiral suddenly curled underneath her. She noticed the various levels of the pyramid buzz by as she was dragged up. What she had assumed to be a staircase turned out to be a massive tongue. One that had just sucked dry a monster. Her ears picked up a crunching sound, the remains of the monk before her were smashed by two folds of the leathery spiral. When the ground underneath her started to curl up as well, she quickly grabbed Tharia and then took in her surroundings. They had passed the highest platform, there was Luciano. It would be a nasty plunge, still better than being swallowed or crushed. She dashed over the edge and smacked onto the ground. All in all, the fall had proven less bad than expected. She had pulled a muscle while covering Tharia’s body during the impact. “Lucky you can heal”, Annabelle said, breathless. Sisi rolled off Annabelle and then shrugged the shoulders. Using the staff, the sprite got the girl back on the legs. “About that. All hands on deck, neither healing nor fighting before this girl is in any shape functional again” “I’ll keep that in mind”, Annabelle said flatly. She wasn’t angry or disappointed. This was a good reason and she had become too reliant on the healing magic. Getting onto her legs proved challenging with the limited range of motion but the pain was nothing in comparison to what she had suffered in the past. Just power through. Once back on her feet, she examined her surroundings. Not much time had passed. The writhing appendage disappeared into an amorphous shape of writhing flesh. One tongue hung down from it and was connected to the neck of a man some distance away. --- #### #### **Pinnacle of Profanity** #### **District of Profaners, Third Ring** **![](** “Luciano”, Annabelle said. The man opened his eyes. While his lower half was covered up in a several meter large cone of clothes, his torso was bare. Scars ran along his skin, some devotional, most punishment. In contrast with his flock, the man still had his jaw. “The demon approaches”, he answered with a low baritone voice and spread his arms, “The world has begun its decline since last we met. How has your near-death treated you?” Annabelle clenched her fist around the weapon and quickened her pace. The man made no attempt to move. He just remained in the center of the platform, eyeing her motions with a self-satisfied smugness. “Such perverted bloodlust I feel from you”, the man said and licked his lips, “Ah how I have missed it. Glorious bliss. Did you know that only you were supposed to fall, demon? Yet you infected us with a burning hatred that would not stop until all were dead.” The goddess had quickened her pace. Not a single emotion showed on her face and her voice was flat. “Why did you do it? Why convince the others to kill me?” “Because your kind is an abomination many centuries old! Be honored, you were to be the first and you aided us in getting rid of the evil that plagues this world! Now, finish it! You made me into yet another demon. Let’s fight, one way or another, a demon dies tonight” Annabelle had reached the cone of clothing. Ruffle fabric reached up in waves of beautiful and intrinsic motives. She’d find this beautiful if not for the half-naked man in the middle. Rage pulsed out of her and when she looked back to Tharia, the small girl was hunched over and held her head. Her lust had indeed reached out. Yet this wasn’t supposed to be a fest of rage and murder but a conscious decision. She gathered her senses, calmed her pulse and felt the essence in front of her flicker and dance with anticipation. “Death, you shall have”, Annabelle declared. This was the right mindset. Not emotion would govern her but a rational choice. Clarity of mind led to purpose. Mortality was underlined as the stepped forward and whirled her Scythe into his body in a motion almost too quick to see. “Even now, you...”, the head of the profaner cult began to taunt her – yet the words never finished. His body convulsed and Annabelle pulled out the blade with an abrupt motion of her hands. Instincts told her this wasn’t the end however and it was right to doubt it. Luciano suddenly popped back up but there was no life within him anymore. A writhing mess of meat unfurled within him. His body lifted up and revealed a whole nest of them. He had no legs anymore, his body was nothing but a puppet for the creature above. Another pang of hunger made Annabelle’s vision blur. She felt the essence drain from Luciano. It spread along the creature above her. Getting a sinking feeling, Annabelle slowly turned around and looked at an oversized ball of shivering skin and meat. The creature floated in the air and unfurled twelve of its fleshy appendages. They spread out like a fan and then smashed down onto the platform below. She only dodged it by a hair’s breadth. She ran alongside the tongue and dragged her scythe through the leathery skin. The massive creature shivered in response but didn’t seem too fazed when a second and a third slashed after Annabelle. She jumped onto the first and failing to maintain her balance, got struck by the third. It punted her through the air. While flying, Annabelle quickly let go of the scythe. The impact was much softer than expected when she landed on another patch of flesh. This was a curse and a blessing, as the ground under her curled up around and quickly worked to wrap her inside. Annabelle summoned the gloves and war-fans in quick succession. She then whirled on the spot while holding out both arms. The razor sharp blades of the weapons were amplified by the strength of the gloves and cut the tongue-folds apart. Yet that was all the punishment the summoned weapons could take. Both war-fans cracked under the pressure of the gloves. It mattered little, Annabelle grabbed onto the leathery surface and tore apart the hole her attack had opened. She stepped out of the tongue-folds to a curious sight. The beast looked weak, it wasn’t floating but rather resting on the strange hand statues of the pyramid. “The Godbeast is not quite awake yet”, Sisi commented. It took Annabelle a while to realize that the sprite had moved the human girl as far away as possible. She was grateful for it. With her attention back on the Godbeast, she decided to do as much damage as she could before it woke up entirely. She resummoned one of the war-fans, pushed together the arms and then began spinning the weapon with her wrist. The drag gained from using the gloves for this made her stumble and when she finally let go, the weapon was wildly off course. It still punched through two layers of skin. The Godbeast started to stir and Annabelle made a quick and ever so slightly insane decision. She jumped onto the biggest tongue and darted along its length. While running, she brought out both of the war-fans again. They had the biggest success so far. Soon, the tongue lifted off the ground and Annabelle was raised along with them. The folds started to curl in another attempt to crush her, this time, she was prepared. A half spin later and one of the war-fans let out a metallic sing as air and flesh were cut apart. Annabelle forced herself through the fold and once she was through, she whirled around again and let the second war-fan cut along the entire length. This got the attention of the Godbeast. The leathery organ bucked and the goddess lost her footing. She fell on her bum and had to scurry back on her feet just in time to be struck by a whipping attack she hadn’t seen coming. Again, she was sent flying. So much worse than just pulling a muscle, she thought as she skittered across the cold stone floor. More tongues lashed out and crashed into the places she had been seconds before. This was enough motivation to get on her feet. Exhaustion started to set in. She made a quick check of herself. Some contusions and bruises, a pulled muscle that barely hurt anymore because everything else did. Nothing serious yet but that could change quickly. One last moment of focus, she sidestepped another massive tongue lashing out at the platform below her feet. Stone crumbled away underneath her, giving her a sudden idea. Instead of aiming for the beast, she ran for one of the statue hands that held the creature. Each step of the way she had to dodge more of the swishing attacks. Whether it was her aura of bloodlust that made the thing frenzy or it was naturally enraged, its movements got less coordinated and more rampant. Another impact took away the floor in front of her. Annabelle was too fast to stop, so she lowered herself for a jump. Yet when she pushed herself off, the pulled muscle came back with a vengeance. Unable to fully utilize it, the jump fell short and she found herself tumbling down through the hole. She moved her shoulders to affect her trajectory directly into the tip of the tongue. It feathered her impact with the added bonus that she had something to hold onto. Her golden gloves crunched down on the skin, the flesh convulsed and she suddenly found herself back up again, high above the platform without any ground under her feet. This time, the impact would be gnarly. Panic set in as the ground rushed closer. No time to think. She brought the war-fans back into her hands and swung them in an act of desperation. The first one buzzed past the hand pedestal and the second clipped one of the tongues without doing much damage. Annabelle cursed. This would be the perfect time for last-second rescues and ideas. She had none. The impact smashed her flat on the ground and let her skitter along the stone. It took the wind out of her lungs, her vision was momentarily blurred. She had felt worse, her mind had seen worse but knowing these things didn’t make it any better. Annabelle had to move, now. Yet her body was sluggish and reeling from the impact. She got on her knees but the world would just spin around her. Nothing seemed broken at least. Yet it was too much. Struggling, she reached for the essence inside of herself and tried to pull power from within. Anything would do. She noticed the shadow of a tongue approach. It hovered above her and then moved in for the kill. Just a moment was all she needed. Dying here was not acceptable, she had so many things to do, so many desires to fulfil. Yet that moment of letting her mind wander brought about a sudden change. One second, she had collapsed back onto the stone, the next she fell into a soft cushioned bed. She was in what looked like a quarter of a room, lavish in fluffy cushions and soft colors. This strange cutout from reality frayed at the edges, where it connected with the real world beyond it. “What in the fallen skies?” Annabelle groaned. She rolled around on the bed to try and dodge the impact by rolling away. Too late, it was right above her and – disappeared once it touched the edges of the small room. It wasn’t really gone, just in a different pocket of reality. Something had disjointed reality and put a projection on top of it, her whim rewrote it according to her whim. That whim somehow manifested as an overly comfy room that only missed a fluffy stuffed toy. All around: Absurdity. It took a brief second to set in and then she used a skill she gained from Tharia. Ignore it and move on. “Well that changes things”, the goddess said. Her body recovered enough for her to get back up. Her weariness washed away. It didn’t help with her pain but mended her spirits enough to get back into the fray. She then rolled her shoulders, took aim for the hand statue and ran back out of her domain. Her mouth was shaped into a beastly snarl, her teeth were shown to the world. Bloodlust pulsed through her veins as did the urge to destroy. She popped out of her domain and felt the cold world crush back on her shoulders. The hand statue was close and she was finally within range to punch her gloves straight through the stone. It crumbled to dust under her assault, the big creature did not dare strike her in this position, out of fear it would hit the statue itself. With a loud crack, the statue broke apart and the Godbeast smacked onto the already cracking platform. It let out a loud scream as the cracks widened. The beast desperately held onto the other hand statues for support. Annabelle intensified the grin on her face. Oddly enough, this overexerted her facial musculature and added to the ambient ache. Absurd. Bloody absolutely absurd. “Let’s play then”, she said and turned her attention towards the next hand statue. ![]( End: Hold your Tongue! | Coming up: Pinnacle of a Cult.
{ "title": "The Groundsman", "id": 21342, "author": "Lyuchifer", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 4 - The Owl Wand and Key", "id": 305950, "next": 307031, "prev": 304711, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2NDk1MDY5YTY5YjQ1YWZhM2Q1NWM5OTJmMmQyNjRm">Cuff looked up from his hands as the final notes slowly died. Lifting his hands he let out a deep breath, it'd been some time since he'd played like that. He stretched his hands up to the ceiling, the tendons and ligaments tight after being worked. He really liked <em>reflets dans l'eau, </em>the ending was so fitting, the slow dying ripples of music acting like the dying ripples of water from a splash. So fitting, he mused in his head. Now if only I could play it less sloppy. His thoughts were interrupted by light knocking at the door. Confused, he walked over to open it, wondering if the headmaster had finished whatever it was he had needed to do. Surprise was apparent on Cuff's face when he opened the door. A beautiful red-headed girl looked up at him curiously, she was slim and yet still the tiniest bit chubby. There was the shortest moment of silence before Cuff came to.<br>"Uhm, hello! How can I help you?" Cuff awkwardly asked, hands half raised, unsure. His heart couldn't help but jump a little when he looked at her again; her eyes seem to tear at him inside and pull him in.<br>"Was that you playing the piano?" She ignored his greeting, peeking past his shoulder into the room.<br>"Well, it wouldn't be anyone else would it!" He chuckled, scratching his head and fidgeting.<br>"Interesting," she put her hand to her chin, "so you're the new groundsman," she narrowed her eyes. And then completely changed, jumping a tad, and almost shouting, "I'm Lilith, you're good at piano so I think I like you. You're in my good books for now anyway," she winked. <br>"Now come on, the headmaster realised you wouldn't know your way around and told me to show you around," she turned around and started skipping a little. It made for a truly curious sight, such a bubbly personality, yet such dark clothing and demeanour. If she never spoke it wouldn't be hard to mistake her for a demon. <br>"Anyway," she broke Cuff's thoughts, "down this hall leads to the main hall. So it's pretty easy to get to your room and the headmasters. The rest of the school can be tricky, but I'll show you the stairs, the rest you can figure out. I'm sure you'll be fine," she smiled at him and chuckled a little.<br>"I see," Cuff said absentminded.<br>"Oi," she frowned and pouted, "say thanks properly, I'm doing so much for you, you know."<br>"Well, thanks. But honestly, you sound like a child right now," Cuff snorted.<br>"Well, maybe I am," she raised her eyebrows, cocking her head, then turned with a huff and continued stomping down to the main hall in silence.<br>Cuff ignored her, looking at the art on the walls. It almost felt like a huge story, in some parts it looked like there was a war, other parts had what looked like a teacher teaching a classroom, and it went on and on. It reminded Cuff of the caveman drawings that were occasionally found.</p> <p class="cnNhMTM0MWVlYzJhYjQwNmFiMWE0Mjg5M2UyMmQ0ZTQ1">Eventually the hall came to an end, as did the silence.<br>"We're here," Lilith turned to Cuff, waving her hands.<br>"Never would've guessed," Cuff replied drily.<br>"Pfft, listen punk," her face scrunching up in anger, "you better start being nicer to me, or else," she said, waving her hands in an incredibly unthreatening looking manner.<br>Cuff burst out laughing, "it's hard to take you serious when you just look cute when you're angry," Cuff said, resisting the urge to poke her cheek.<br>"Cute? I am not cute! I'm incredibly dangerous!" She shouted, lifting her hands and trying to roar like a lion.<br>One look almost had Cuff rolling on the floor with laughter.<br>"I honestly can't take it, stop, stop please," he giggled at the "scary lion."<br>"Huff," she said, huffing. "I'm getting food, go talk to the old donkey," she said, looking truly annoyed. Space wrapped around her, and in a bang she disappeared.<br>"When do I get to learn that," Cuff muttered under his breath. Shrugging, he turned around to face the headmaster's study. Taking a deep breath he knocked. There was no reply. Frowning, he knocked harder. He glanced around as he waited, but still nothing. Maybe the old guy is hard of hearing he thought? Although that couldn't be right, he had been talking to him fine earlier. <br>He decided to knock once more, even harder, the knocks ringing out and echoing loudly in the hall.</p> <p class="cnNkN2UwNWFiOGRlNzQyMGI4NzVhZTQ2NDhlODE4ZTMx">"Hey, what's with all the racket, yeah?" A bald man emerged from one of the doors into the main hall, walking towards Cuff. "You, what's the racket, yeah?" He shouted at Cuff.<br>"Sorry, I was just knocking for the headmaster," Cuff stammered, "I'm new. I'm sorry," he half bowed.<br>"Yeah, well. Keep the racket down, yeah? You can go into the study if he's not there, yeah. He should've said this to you, yeah?" The bald man huffed and turned and left. Cuff stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Right, the headmaster did mention he could go in, didn't he? Shrugging he turned around a tentatively opened the door and stepped in.</p> <p class="cnNkYzI1MDE0NDdmYzQwNDA4NmRkNzgzMDc3ODAyNTU1">Inside, the room was a glow with deep blue candlelight. Cuff chuckled to himself at the changing candle flames, although he supposed if he could do that he would too. He walked towards the dark desk looking at the green imprint, which he now realised was his contract. He realised it looked somewhat like an owl with its wings raised, as if it were about to take flight. Odd how there seem to suddenly be owls everywhere, although he supposed it had kind of always been like that with him. He always liked Owls, quite a lot in fact; and they always seemed to appear everywhere he went. He never really thought anything of it before, but now it seemed somewhat suspicious. Although everything did seem a bit suspicious, or ridiculous, or amazing. I guess it depends which way you view it. He was now supposedly a magical person; a wizard. He'd always wished magic had been real, and now here he was. Some twenty odd years old and it turned out magic truly was real. And yet, nothing felt like anything. <br>Cuff slunk into the chair, staring at the green mark. A magical contract of employment, or chaining him to this place. Again a matter of perspective he supposed. But it was hard to look at it in either view, because none of it simply felt real. It felt so dead and fake. He felt so dead, so empty inside. And he knew it wasn't an effect of the pixie dust anymore, the coffee had fixed that and he felt lively and awake; but so grim inside. What was he even doing with his life. A mediocre composer, eking out a living doing pitiful freelance piano work, wherever he could get it. Applying for any which job, painfully holding onto them for months at a time and then desperately writing music, which completely flopped. He had essentially completely alienated himself from his friends and family. He was only living in the building he was living in because the landlord was an old lady who takes great pity on him. <br>It was the gentle plop of a tear that woke Cuff from his depressive thoughts. He was crying. One tear drop dripping at a time, splashing onto the wooden floor, turning one small spot at a time slightly darker. It reminded Cuff of his life darkening one step at a time. Only tiny little bits at a time, but they add up, at least they did for cuff.</p> <p class="cnMxMWIwMTU4MDZhNDRlZjdhYjdiODAxMjZlNmRhNDEw">The sharp screech of an owl tore through the air. Cuff, startled, whipped his head up at the window, to find the owl that had plastered itself into the window before sitting just outside the opening window. It screeched once more, a terrifying rending sound slicing into his ears, and then turned as it flapped its wings and took off into the grey sky. It was only now he realised how little light had been pouring into the room from the window. The skies were a deep grey, warning of rains to come. He took a deep breath and wiped the rest of the tears from his face. He might not know what he was going to do with his life, but he wasn't going to give up at it yet. Feeling a little better he stood up, curious about the tomes that lined the walls of the room. </p>There was a huge variety among them. Some being records of the school, that supposedly stretched back to the 18th century, others being tomes of magic. There were books on elementary magic, advanced magics, the history of wands, how to use a wand, the basics of magic, and so much more. Some were published from even before the earliest records of the school, and others were much more recent. It was incredibly fascinating. He was incredibly tempted to take one and glance through it, but restrained himself. He couldn't help, however, stroking the spines of the tomes; they were so incredibly satisfying to touch, a feeling of mystery emanating from each and every single ones.<p></p> <p class="cnMxMjg5ODU5MWNiMDQ3MjhiNWRkOGE5ZGZjOTUxMjBi">"I think," a voice sagely voice sounded from behind Cuff, "a healthy appreciation for knowledge, and books in general, is a quality most admirable in the young," the voice continued. Cuff turned around, toward the voice. The headmaster, Nathaniel, stood there, his pipe in his hand, tapping off his lip. "Knowledge is power, as they say. Although I have more than a few issues with that statement, but that's best left for another time," he added, striding to his desk.<br>"Sorry I didn't hear you open the door," Cuff said to him.<br>"Not a worry," Nathaniel answered, smiling, "I didn't come through the door you see, "he said with a wink.&nbsp; "Now, I'm sure you have questions, and I have some things to explain and give you and I'm still in a bit of a hurry, so please take a seat," he said, as he tapped his pipe off his lip and wandered to the window. Cuff sat, staring at him intently. Nathaniel simply stood there, staring at the window, puffing on his pipe occasionally. After an exceptionally large puff of smoke he took a deep breath, and to Cuff's surprise, began humming. He hummed and puff, and puffed and hummed, until eventually the fidgeting Cuff cleared his throat, "Headmaster?" <br>"Ah yes, yes, apologies. The mind wanders," he chuckled, tapping his pipe against his cheek. He took a deep breath and let it out, and in that instant it felt like the air got a bit heavier, and it got a bit harder to breathe. There was complete silence, and it seemed as though even the clock couldn't be heard, ticking as it always could. And yet, slowly, the pitter patter of rain began on the old windows, tapping away.</p> <p class="cnMyNTZkNzk5MmYxNjQzMTZiOGQ1ZmUzZWY2ZTMwYTlk">"Cuff, a magical contract is a bit different to a non-magical, as you might expect," Nathaniel began, a grave touch to his voice. "Nobody can invalidate the contract, unless the two original signers come to an explicit agreement to do so, and you can be guaranteed Nathaniel won't be willing. Not me of course, I mean the other fool," Nathaniel shook his head. The grave and scholarly air he gave off was at last fitting for the title of headmaster, Cuff thought as he listened closely. <br>"A magical contract is binding, and there is no other way out until the conditions have been completed; as such people would ordinarily not sign one unless it had very loose specifications, and ones that were achievable, of course. Otherwise one might be signing themselves into a lifetime of slavery, for which I'm sorry," Nathaniel stared Cuff hard in the eyes. With a wave of hand the burning green contract appeared, the owl dragging off the table and sitting at the head.<br>"It states here, that you must fulfil your duties as the groundsman, until the contract is void, or otherwise destroyed. This refers to you and Nathaniel agreeing to void the contract, however in the next section it is stated that neither original party may come to a mutual agreement to void the contract. So this is not a possibility, ever." Nathaniel paused, allowing Cuff to digest the implications.<br>"So.. I'm a slave for life?" Cuff asked, not sure what to feel.<br>"No, no. Fortunately a magical contract must always contain a method to render the contract obsolete, they can not be enacted otherwise, which is quite fortunate," Nathaniel said as he fiddled with a drawer in his desk. "And for you, this method is to become powerful enough, magically, to destroy the contract yourself, with no help whatsoever," Nathaniel paused with his fiddling for a moment, staring Cuff in the eye with his eyebrows slightly raised.<br>"And I'm guessing that won't be easy," Cuff said, feeling the emptiness inside him grow.<br>"Well, no, and for that I'm very sorry. I'm at least partially to blame for this, so I'll do my best to assist you however I can." Nathaniel said, feeling somewhat guilty. He began fiddling again with the drawer. Cuff looked around, unsure what to do. Even more unsure than before. It looks like there wouldn't be any life planning today, or for the foreseeable future.<br>"Blasted drawer," Nathaniel growled, heaving until finally the drawer flew open, the headmaster almost tumbling to the ground after it.<br>"Now, with the explaining done I have some good news. There's something here I have to give you, but first; Cuff, I understand how you feel. What you need is a goal right now, even more than you ever have before," the headmaster stood, lifting a box as he did. "Magic can be a fickle thing. It's important it doesn't consume you. I know a bit of your life from before, you didn't think your furniture from your apartment appeared here by magic, did you?" The headmaster walked to a pedastal and pulled out his wand from seemingly nowhere. As always, Cuff was intrigued. The headmaster waved his wand lightly, and a gentle light floated toward the box. Just before it hit the wood it exploded in a shower of light, over an almost transparent sphere surrounding the box. As the light died down Cuff saw the headmaster nod in satisfaction, a smile on his face.<br>"This is an opportunity Cuff, to change your life. There is far more to the world than you realise. The question is, will you take this step willingly, or unwillingly. And so, my final gift to you," he lifted the box and placed it on the desk, the opening clasp facing Cuff.</p> <p class="cnM1NGJkZGU1MDY3MTQwMmQ4OGRkZDY1MDg5ODA0ZjNm">Cuff stared at the clasp, and the little owl that acted as the clasp stared back, green gems for eyes. It reminded Cuff of the key, which he felt compelled to take out. <br>Nathaniel merely stood, watching, saying nothing. <br>Cuff looked at the key, and then at the clasp. He felt torn, but at the same time he didn't have much of a choice did he? He had risen to every challenge in life before, why couldn't he rise to this. He thought about magic, about real magic. He could almost imagine the power flowing through his veins, about the hidden world out there. With a deep breath he reached forward with his right hand, flicking open the clasp; his left hand clenched tightly around the owl key. Inside the box was a wand, not too unlike Nathaniel's one. The main difference being the colour. For this wand was a deep deep brown, maybe even black. But Cuff had never heard of a tree with black branches. Cuff lifted the wand out of the box carefully, tilting it and examining it closely. He gasped as he saw the handle.<br>"Indeed, I think there's more to this," Nathaniel muttered over his shoulder. <br>"The Owl Wand to match the Owl Key." He walked over to the window. The rain hammered it violently, creating a constant din in the study. After a moment he turned back to Cuff, who had put the key away and was getting a feel for the wand.<br>"There'll be a note in your room when you return, I've said everything I had meant to, and given you what I think you deserve. I hope you can put some thought into what I've told you, and this chance you have. At any rate, the time is getting on and I still have things to do," he smirked. <br>"Ah right, you'll need to get familiar with the library and the librarians. They'll help you get the books you need. And Cuff," he said, looking straight into his eyes, "magic is not a toy, it's not a trivial thing to fool around with. Under no circumstances should you 'borrow' books from the library other than what the librarians give you, at least for the time being. Do you understand?" He asked, with raised eyebrows.<br>"I understand," Cuff nodded solemnly.</p> <p class="cnNhMjVkYjFkODZmNjQ4MmQ5YjAxMDg1OGMzYWRkMTkz">"Well, goodbye." Nathaniel smiled, disappearing in a smatter of dust, the candles dimming and beginning to go out as he did.</p> </div>
Cuff looked up from his hands as the final notes slowly died. Lifting his hands he let out a deep breath, it'd been some time since he'd played like that. He stretched his hands up to the ceiling, the tendons and ligaments tight after being worked. He really liked *reflets dans l'eau,* the ending was so fitting, the slow dying ripples of music acting like the dying ripples of water from a splash. So fitting, he mused in his head. Now if only I could play it less sloppy. His thoughts were interrupted by light knocking at the door. Confused, he walked over to open it, wondering if the headmaster had finished whatever it was he had needed to do. Surprise was apparent on Cuff's face when he opened the door. A beautiful red-headed girl looked up at him curiously, she was slim and yet still the tiniest bit chubby. There was the shortest moment of silence before Cuff came to. "Uhm, hello! How can I help you?" Cuff awkwardly asked, hands half raised, unsure. His heart couldn't help but jump a little when he looked at her again; her eyes seem to tear at him inside and pull him in. "Was that you playing the piano?" She ignored his greeting, peeking past his shoulder into the room. "Well, it wouldn't be anyone else would it!" He chuckled, scratching his head and fidgeting. "Interesting," she put her hand to her chin, "so you're the new groundsman," she narrowed her eyes. And then completely changed, jumping a tad, and almost shouting, "I'm Lilith, you're good at piano so I think I like you. You're in my good books for now anyway," she winked. "Now come on, the headmaster realised you wouldn't know your way around and told me to show you around," she turned around and started skipping a little. It made for a truly curious sight, such a bubbly personality, yet such dark clothing and demeanour. If she never spoke it wouldn't be hard to mistake her for a demon. "Anyway," she broke Cuff's thoughts, "down this hall leads to the main hall. So it's pretty easy to get to your room and the headmasters. The rest of the school can be tricky, but I'll show you the stairs, the rest you can figure out. I'm sure you'll be fine," she smiled at him and chuckled a little. "I see," Cuff said absentminded. "Oi," she frowned and pouted, "say thanks properly, I'm doing so much for you, you know." "Well, thanks. But honestly, you sound like a child right now," Cuff snorted. "Well, maybe I am," she raised her eyebrows, cocking her head, then turned with a huff and continued stomping down to the main hall in silence. Cuff ignored her, looking at the art on the walls. It almost felt like a huge story, in some parts it looked like there was a war, other parts had what looked like a teacher teaching a classroom, and it went on and on. It reminded Cuff of the caveman drawings that were occasionally found. Eventually the hall came to an end, as did the silence. "We're here," Lilith turned to Cuff, waving her hands. "Never would've guessed," Cuff replied drily. "Pfft, listen punk," her face scrunching up in anger, "you better start being nicer to me, or else," she said, waving her hands in an incredibly unthreatening looking manner. Cuff burst out laughing, "it's hard to take you serious when you just look cute when you're angry," Cuff said, resisting the urge to poke her cheek. "Cute? I am not cute! I'm incredibly dangerous!" She shouted, lifting her hands and trying to roar like a lion. One look almost had Cuff rolling on the floor with laughter. "I honestly can't take it, stop, stop please," he giggled at the "scary lion." "Huff," she said, huffing. "I'm getting food, go talk to the old donkey," she said, looking truly annoyed. Space wrapped around her, and in a bang she disappeared. "When do I get to learn that," Cuff muttered under his breath. Shrugging, he turned around to face the headmaster's study. Taking a deep breath he knocked. There was no reply. Frowning, he knocked harder. He glanced around as he waited, but still nothing. Maybe the old guy is hard of hearing he thought? Although that couldn't be right, he had been talking to him fine earlier. He decided to knock once more, even harder, the knocks ringing out and echoing loudly in the hall. "Hey, what's with all the racket, yeah?" A bald man emerged from one of the doors into the main hall, walking towards Cuff. "You, what's the racket, yeah?" He shouted at Cuff. "Sorry, I was just knocking for the headmaster," Cuff stammered, "I'm new. I'm sorry," he half bowed. "Yeah, well. Keep the racket down, yeah? You can go into the study if he's not there, yeah. He should've said this to you, yeah?" The bald man huffed and turned and left. Cuff stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Right, the headmaster did mention he could go in, didn't he? Shrugging he turned around a tentatively opened the door and stepped in. Inside, the room was a glow with deep blue candlelight. Cuff chuckled to himself at the changing candle flames, although he supposed if he could do that he would too. He walked towards the dark desk looking at the green imprint, which he now realised was his contract. He realised it looked somewhat like an owl with its wings raised, as if it were about to take flight. Odd how there seem to suddenly be owls everywhere, although he supposed it had kind of always been like that with him. He always liked Owls, quite a lot in fact; and they always seemed to appear everywhere he went. He never really thought anything of it before, but now it seemed somewhat suspicious. Although everything did seem a bit suspicious, or ridiculous, or amazing. I guess it depends which way you view it. He was now supposedly a magical person; a wizard. He'd always wished magic had been real, and now here he was. Some twenty odd years old and it turned out magic truly was real. And yet, nothing felt like anything. Cuff slunk into the chair, staring at the green mark. A magical contract of employment, or chaining him to this place. Again a matter of perspective he supposed. But it was hard to look at it in either view, because none of it simply felt real. It felt so dead and fake. He felt so dead, so empty inside. And he knew it wasn't an effect of the pixie dust anymore, the coffee had fixed that and he felt lively and awake; but so grim inside. What was he even doing with his life. A mediocre composer, eking out a living doing pitiful freelance piano work, wherever he could get it. Applying for any which job, painfully holding onto them for months at a time and then desperately writing music, which completely flopped. He had essentially completely alienated himself from his friends and family. He was only living in the building he was living in because the landlord was an old lady who takes great pity on him. It was the gentle plop of a tear that woke Cuff from his depressive thoughts. He was crying. One tear drop dripping at a time, splashing onto the wooden floor, turning one small spot at a time slightly darker. It reminded Cuff of his life darkening one step at a time. Only tiny little bits at a time, but they add up, at least they did for cuff. The sharp screech of an owl tore through the air. Cuff, startled, whipped his head up at the window, to find the owl that had plastered itself into the window before sitting just outside the opening window. It screeched once more, a terrifying rending sound slicing into his ears, and then turned as it flapped its wings and took off into the grey sky. It was only now he realised how little light had been pouring into the room from the window. The skies were a deep grey, warning of rains to come. He took a deep breath and wiped the rest of the tears from his face. He might not know what he was going to do with his life, but he wasn't going to give up at it yet. Feeling a little better he stood up, curious about the tomes that lined the walls of the room. There was a huge variety among them. Some being records of the school, that supposedly stretched back to the 18th century, others being tomes of magic. There were books on elementary magic, advanced magics, the history of wands, how to use a wand, the basics of magic, and so much more. Some were published from even before the earliest records of the school, and others were much more recent. It was incredibly fascinating. He was incredibly tempted to take one and glance through it, but restrained himself. He couldn't help, however, stroking the spines of the tomes; they were so incredibly satisfying to touch, a feeling of mystery emanating from each and every single ones. "I think," a voice sagely voice sounded from behind Cuff, "a healthy appreciation for knowledge, and books in general, is a quality most admirable in the young," the voice continued. Cuff turned around, toward the voice. The headmaster, Nathaniel, stood there, his pipe in his hand, tapping off his lip. "Knowledge is power, as they say. Although I have more than a few issues with that statement, but that's best left for another time," he added, striding to his desk. "Sorry I didn't hear you open the door," Cuff said to him. "Not a worry," Nathaniel answered, smiling, "I didn't come through the door you see, "he said with a wink.  "Now, I'm sure you have questions, and I have some things to explain and give you and I'm still in a bit of a hurry, so please take a seat," he said, as he tapped his pipe off his lip and wandered to the window. Cuff sat, staring at him intently. Nathaniel simply stood there, staring at the window, puffing on his pipe occasionally. After an exceptionally large puff of smoke he took a deep breath, and to Cuff's surprise, began humming. He hummed and puff, and puffed and hummed, until eventually the fidgeting Cuff cleared his throat, "Headmaster?" "Ah yes, yes, apologies. The mind wanders," he chuckled, tapping his pipe against his cheek. He took a deep breath and let it out, and in that instant it felt like the air got a bit heavier, and it got a bit harder to breathe. There was complete silence, and it seemed as though even the clock couldn't be heard, ticking as it always could. And yet, slowly, the pitter patter of rain began on the old windows, tapping away. "Cuff, a magical contract is a bit different to a non-magical, as you might expect," Nathaniel began, a grave touch to his voice. "Nobody can invalidate the contract, unless the two original signers come to an explicit agreement to do so, and you can be guaranteed Nathaniel won't be willing. Not me of course, I mean the other fool," Nathaniel shook his head. The grave and scholarly air he gave off was at last fitting for the title of headmaster, Cuff thought as he listened closely. "A magical contract is binding, and there is no other way out until the conditions have been completed; as such people would ordinarily not sign one unless it had very loose specifications, and ones that were achievable, of course. Otherwise one might be signing themselves into a lifetime of slavery, for which I'm sorry," Nathaniel stared Cuff hard in the eyes. With a wave of hand the burning green contract appeared, the owl dragging off the table and sitting at the head. "It states here, that you must fulfil your duties as the groundsman, until the contract is void, or otherwise destroyed. This refers to you and Nathaniel agreeing to void the contract, however in the next section it is stated that neither original party may come to a mutual agreement to void the contract. So this is not a possibility, ever." Nathaniel paused, allowing Cuff to digest the implications. "So.. I'm a slave for life?" Cuff asked, not sure what to feel. "No, no. Fortunately a magical contract must always contain a method to render the contract obsolete, they can not be enacted otherwise, which is quite fortunate," Nathaniel said as he fiddled with a drawer in his desk. "And for you, this method is to become powerful enough, magically, to destroy the contract yourself, with no help whatsoever," Nathaniel paused with his fiddling for a moment, staring Cuff in the eye with his eyebrows slightly raised. "And I'm guessing that won't be easy," Cuff said, feeling the emptiness inside him grow. "Well, no, and for that I'm very sorry. I'm at least partially to blame for this, so I'll do my best to assist you however I can." Nathaniel said, feeling somewhat guilty. He began fiddling again with the drawer. Cuff looked around, unsure what to do. Even more unsure than before. It looks like there wouldn't be any life planning today, or for the foreseeable future. "Blasted drawer," Nathaniel growled, heaving until finally the drawer flew open, the headmaster almost tumbling to the ground after it. "Now, with the explaining done I have some good news. There's something here I have to give you, but first; Cuff, I understand how you feel. What you need is a goal right now, even more than you ever have before," the headmaster stood, lifting a box as he did. "Magic can be a fickle thing. It's important it doesn't consume you. I know a bit of your life from before, you didn't think your furniture from your apartment appeared here by magic, did you?" The headmaster walked to a pedastal and pulled out his wand from seemingly nowhere. As always, Cuff was intrigued. The headmaster waved his wand lightly, and a gentle light floated toward the box. Just before it hit the wood it exploded in a shower of light, over an almost transparent sphere surrounding the box. As the light died down Cuff saw the headmaster nod in satisfaction, a smile on his face. "This is an opportunity Cuff, to change your life. There is far more to the world than you realise. The question is, will you take this step willingly, or unwillingly. And so, my final gift to you," he lifted the box and placed it on the desk, the opening clasp facing Cuff. Cuff stared at the clasp, and the little owl that acted as the clasp stared back, green gems for eyes. It reminded Cuff of the key, which he felt compelled to take out. Nathaniel merely stood, watching, saying nothing. Cuff looked at the key, and then at the clasp. He felt torn, but at the same time he didn't have much of a choice did he? He had risen to every challenge in life before, why couldn't he rise to this. He thought about magic, about real magic. He could almost imagine the power flowing through his veins, about the hidden world out there. With a deep breath he reached forward with his right hand, flicking open the clasp; his left hand clenched tightly around the owl key. Inside the box was a wand, not too unlike Nathaniel's one. The main difference being the colour. For this wand was a deep deep brown, maybe even black. But Cuff had never heard of a tree with black branches. Cuff lifted the wand out of the box carefully, tilting it and examining it closely. He gasped as he saw the handle. "Indeed, I think there's more to this," Nathaniel muttered over his shoulder. "The Owl Wand to match the Owl Key." He walked over to the window. The rain hammered it violently, creating a constant din in the study. After a moment he turned back to Cuff, who had put the key away and was getting a feel for the wand. "There'll be a note in your room when you return, I've said everything I had meant to, and given you what I think you deserve. I hope you can put some thought into what I've told you, and this chance you have. At any rate, the time is getting on and I still have things to do," he smirked. "Ah right, you'll need to get familiar with the library and the librarians. They'll help you get the books you need. And Cuff," he said, looking straight into his eyes, "magic is not a toy, it's not a trivial thing to fool around with. Under no circumstances should you 'borrow' books from the library other than what the librarians give you, at least for the time being. Do you understand?" He asked, with raised eyebrows. "I understand," Cuff nodded solemnly. "Well, goodbye." Nathaniel smiled, disappearing in a smatter of dust, the candles dimming and beginning to go out as he did.
{ "title": "Thousand Tales: Learning To Fly", "id": 21542, "author": "Snow Quill", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Battle To the Death", "id": 305954, "next": 306262, "prev": 305635, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2MGI0M2RiNmY3MzQ0NGM4M2I1YjIyNWY1NGM3MjE1">Diver pushed open the door from the lobby of the Nimbus Inn, and reached a stormy stadium. A cage thirty feet high filled the middle of a dark cloud-cave lit by dazzling spotlights. Around a hundred horse-people sat on cushioned concrete benches to either side. The stands had room for twice as many, making him wonder about the true population size, but the room still felt crowded. Diver made his way leftward to a free seat and plopped down with his hindlegs splayed and his forelegs between them, which seemed like this body's most natural sitting pose. He looked around for Scale and Meteor, who'd left while he was checking on Major Key. It was disappointing not to have them watch, but some part of Noctis was probably in the crowd.<br><br>Inside the cage, the batty Nimbus wore a microphone headset. "Stallions and mares, welcome to another edition of Battle Dome! You know the rules, so let's hear 'em!"<br><br>The audience took up a chant. "Two horse enter, one horse leave!" They stomped the floor to make their own thunder. "Two horse enter, one horse leave!"<br><br>Nimbus raised one hoof and cued an actual boom of thunder from the cloud around them. "Our first match tonight is some new blood. On the north side of the arena, we've got a wandering star who was once ban-hammered for arson. It's Peat the Unicorn!"<br><br>A moss-green unicorn trotted through a gate in the cage and pranced around, making silly faces. Didn't look like a dangerous criminal.<br><br>"On the north side, it's a newbie pegasus looking to make a name for himself. Does he fight for justice, or to pay a secret debt? Please welcome the stallion of mystery, Sky Diver!"<br><br>A spotlight speared him. Diver's wings flittered in the sudden hot beam, but he climbed down from his seat to enter the cage's other gate. <em>I'm supposed to beat a guy to death for these people's amusement, with my bare hooves?</em><br><br>Clubs, swords, rocks and a morningstar materialized along various parts of the cage.<br><br>"That's not what I meant," he murmured.<br><br>Nimbus hustled out of the cage and rang a bell by kicking it. Battle music with heavy bass started.<br><br>The unicorn stepped forward, eyed Diver, and jabbed a hoof toward him, suddenly serious. "The Eternal Spear must never fall into the hooves of a cursed one like you!"<br><br>Diver blinked. "The what, now?" He'd never heard of this.<br><br>Peat used the distraction to rush him and pounce, leading with a hoof-punch to Diver's neck. Diver staggered back and took a glancing blow to his ribs.<br><br><em>You have taken a minor wound!</em> said the world's interface.<br><br>"Yes, thank you," he muttered. Diver flicked one wing at Peat's face, fell back, and flapped to get airborne. "You're just making up nonsense, aren't you?"<br><br>Peat scurried toward a scimitar that jutted from the cage. His horn glowed green and he jerked his head as though pulling with it. The weapon flew free and hovered unsteadily in the grip of an emerald aura around its hilt. The unicorn brandished it in front of him as though he had hands.<br><br>Meanwhile, Diver circled the arena from above. He couldn't stop and hover. His foe tried to jab up at him, but didn't seem to have any reach with his magic. Just when Diver got complacent, Peat stabbed farther and came dangerously close. Then Peat hurled the blade, sacrificing his grip to make a deadly flying slash.<br><br>Diver yelped and veered to starboard. The blade clipped his left wing -- <em>Minor wound!</em> -- and made him crash back to the floor, wincing. He needed the height advantage. He forced himself back into the air, circling and feinting to keep Peat from getting properly re-armed. The crowd hooted and a vendor called out, "Popcorn, apples!"<br><br>Peat went wide-eyed and pointed to somewhere near Diver. "What's that over there?!"<br><br>Diver razzed him. His wings were running out of power on this hop; there was a time limit or something. He used the last of their strength to power-dive at Peat. The unicorn swung a club desperately at Diver but misjudged the timing. Diver didn't. His forehooves smacked into Peat's head with a crack. The impact threw Diver, an inexperienced flier, off to one side so that he landed dizzy at the cage's edge. He rolled to dodge a flying rock, then used his mouth to snatch up a morningstar that was within easy reach. He took a look at the menacing iron spike-ball dangling from a chain next to his face, then spat the thing out. "As amusing as that might be for the audience, I'll pass." He looked around for something more suited to his body. Peat was staggering from his head injury, but he'd lifted another rock and had another sword within easy reach. There was no blood anywhere.<br><br><em>I'm a pegasus. Swinging knives around in my mouth is something a human might do to imitate a fighting style they know. It's naive. In the absence of something custom-made, the best weapon here is... me.</em><br><br>Diver charged like cavalry. Peat flung his rock right into the space where Diver would jump, but Diver saw that coming. He slid at the unicorn, across the concrete floor, and painfully parried the sword using the bottom of his forehooves. The pegasus yanked his enemy up off the floor with a fireman's carry and struggled into the air with him. Peat flailed but Diver managed to get an even better grip on him from behind. Then he got as high as the ceiling allowed, tipped over backward, and did a flying piledriver that cratered the floor and nailed Peat into it headfirst to the neck.<br><br>Diver tumbled and crashed into a wall, inches from the blasted morningstar again. He looked back and saw Peat twitching comically, then vanish into a mist of green particles. The pegasus righted himself and breathed hard. "Is it over? Did I kill him?"<br><br>"Winner!" shouted Nimbus over the speakers. "Sky Diver takes his first victory in the ring with that floor-crushing smash. Let's stomp the floor in support!" The crowd applauded by beating their hooves on the bandstand again, sounding like a stampede. The battle music became a victory theme with crashing thunder.<br><br>Diver turned around, looking at the spectators. <em>Killing isn't such a bad thing here. It's a game!</em> He lifted one hoof and looked at it, seeing the details of shaggy fetlocks around his "ankle" and the chipped edge of the hoof's mass of horn-stuff. He raised that hoof the rest of the way and waved in triumph. <em>Just a game, yet it matters that I learned to do it.</em></p><br>The host said, "All right, peggy, enough basking. It's time for our next match, so get out of there."<br><br>Diver wobbled out of the ring, trying to check his status screen on the way to his seat. As he should've known, "hand" gestures for the world's interface weren't easy while walking. He made it back to the seats, where a silver pegasus clapped him on the back. "Good fight! I'll be sure to tell my friend Golden Scale all about it."<br><br>This town-mind stuff was going to take some getting used to, along with everything else. Diver didn't mind. "Thanks."<br><br>#<br><br>Nimbus sent him to purgatory after the night's fighting. The underground room was near the hotel rooms, next to the ice machine, and held only a battered card table and old magazines.<br><br>"Finally!" said an intact Peat, throwing aside a copy of <em>Space Battles Monthly</em>. "The Horse of Dracula there didn't tell me that her arena traps you in the basement for the rest of the session."<br><br>Diver's ears lay flat. "Uh. Sorry for killing you?"<br><br>"No, you're not. Don't worry about it."<br><br>"Where are the rest of the <span style="text-decoration: line-through">losers</span> people who lost?"<br><br>"Different instances of this room in the same space, I think. You get used to some weird game logic after a while. Are you a new uploader, or just a newcomer to Hoofland?"<br><br>"The first one. Does that mean you've lived like this for years, fighting and dying and coming right back? Nimbus said you have a reputation."<br><br>Peat grinned. "She likes to make contestants sound menacing. I made some bad choices, is all. Once you get out of pony-land and see more of Talespace you'll get a better perspective on how to live without going nuts."<br><br>Hoofland was only one of the regions of Talespace, the virtual world whose parts shared only a patchwork framework of rules. Their geography was linked only by "teleport portals", and an AI that was either the Second Coming, or Skynet, or some of both, depending on who you asked. Diver's own impression had been that she was nice, but that he had no desire to define his life around thwarting, softening or aiding the global machine takeover. "I plan to stay in Hoofland for a while," he told Peat.<br><br>"Really?" The unicorn said. He waved a magazine around like an outstretched hand, indicating the little post-death room Diver had come to free him from. "Hoofland's got appeal, but you should broaden your horizons. Maybe you'll want to be something else."<br><br>Diver's eyes narrowed and his tail flicked back and forth. "Jack of all trades, master of none."<br><br>"Is oftentimes better than master of one -- is the rest of the saying. I'm just suggesting you not throw yourself too hard in any one direction just because you want to try something new. I've seen some crazy stuff, good and bad, and I don't usually deal with the really screwed-up people myself."<br><br>"What do you mean, you don't deal with them?"<br><br>"I'm kind of a roving troubleshooter. I, ah, screwed up fairly badly when I first uploaded, and got literally ban-hammered from this town for a while. So I know something about people misbehaving, and trying to solve or cause big-picture problems for Talespace. You could get involved in that sort of thing too, if you wanted. Hopefully more on the 'solving' side."<br><br>This room felt too narrow for Diver's wings, though he could spread them wide and hardly brush the walls. "Thanks for the advice," he said grudgingly, and opened the door leading back out of purgatory.<br><br>Too many times in his old life, Diver had tried to do many projects at once and accomplished few to none of them. Not this time.<br><br>"Why the long face?" asked Peat.<br><br>"Just thinking. I could build a life here."<br><br>#<br><br>He was starved, and the hotel's food was bland, even the apples. Diver had been warned about it; in fact, Earthside evangelists used it as one of their arguments why Hoofland and its connected realms were a false heaven, lacking the true pleasures of whatever one did in Christian heaven. ("And ye shall taste only the bitterness of dust and ashes!") Diver shrugged off the dull packing-foam flavor of everything; he'd liked rice cakes anyway. It was said that some people working on the taste problem, and the dull sense of smell that went with it.<br><br>Nimbus let him keep his hotel room for the day. As a nocturnal inn, check-out time was dusk. Diver asked, "Do I actually need to sleep?" He wasn't tired yet.<br><br>"Basically every few subjective days," the bat-horse told him. "Depends on exactly how your brain works, but it turns out that a lot of the reason humans need sleep is hard-coded instinct from the days when insomnia meant wasting energy and getting eaten by hyenas. And another big part is maintaining a fleshy body, so that doesn't apply either."<br><br>Diver's ears perked up; it was cool to think about shedding a basic physical limit while still getting to enjoy sleep. Which brought up another question he hadn't thought to ask. He shuffled his hindhooves uncomfortably.<br><br>Nimbus grinned, exposing her little fangs. "Toilets? Obsolete. Sex? That requires further, <em>vigorous</em> testing. You're physically censored right now since you're walking around bare-assed in public, but check yourself out in private sometime."<br><br>Diver blushed; that much of his physical reactions was intact. He could feel... warmth, between his hindlegs at the sight of her, but nothing seemed to be there.<br><br>The mare loomed closer. "Or would you prefer an interactive tutorial?"<br><br>He stammered, "We just met!"<br><br>"So?"<br><br>His wings stood wide and his head spun. There wasn't much reason for relationships to work the same way as back Earthside either, was there? That wasn't quite true; some things carried over. He said, "I don't want to give you the wrong idea, that I'm looking to settle down with a family just yet."<br><br>"No assumptions, no commitment," she said. "You're a cute newcomer and you have a bed. Isn't that enough for now?"<p></p> </div>
Diver pushed open the door from the lobby of the Nimbus Inn, and reached a stormy stadium. A cage thirty feet high filled the middle of a dark cloud-cave lit by dazzling spotlights. Around a hundred horse-people sat on cushioned concrete benches to either side. The stands had room for twice as many, making him wonder about the true population size, but the room still felt crowded. Diver made his way leftward to a free seat and plopped down with his hindlegs splayed and his forelegs between them, which seemed like this body's most natural sitting pose. He looked around for Scale and Meteor, who'd left while he was checking on Major Key. It was disappointing not to have them watch, but some part of Noctis was probably in the crowd. Inside the cage, the batty Nimbus wore a microphone headset. "Stallions and mares, welcome to another edition of Battle Dome! You know the rules, so let's hear 'em!" The audience took up a chant. "Two horse enter, one horse leave!" They stomped the floor to make their own thunder. "Two horse enter, one horse leave!" Nimbus raised one hoof and cued an actual boom of thunder from the cloud around them. "Our first match tonight is some new blood. On the north side of the arena, we've got a wandering star who was once ban-hammered for arson. It's Peat the Unicorn!" A moss-green unicorn trotted through a gate in the cage and pranced around, making silly faces. Didn't look like a dangerous criminal. "On the north side, it's a newbie pegasus looking to make a name for himself. Does he fight for justice, or to pay a secret debt? Please welcome the stallion of mystery, Sky Diver!" A spotlight speared him. Diver's wings flittered in the sudden hot beam, but he climbed down from his seat to enter the cage's other gate. *I'm supposed to beat a guy to death for these people's amusement, with my bare hooves?* Clubs, swords, rocks and a morningstar materialized along various parts of the cage. "That's not what I meant," he murmured. Nimbus hustled out of the cage and rang a bell by kicking it. Battle music with heavy bass started. The unicorn stepped forward, eyed Diver, and jabbed a hoof toward him, suddenly serious. "The Eternal Spear must never fall into the hooves of a cursed one like you!" Diver blinked. "The what, now?" He'd never heard of this. Peat used the distraction to rush him and pounce, leading with a hoof-punch to Diver's neck. Diver staggered back and took a glancing blow to his ribs. *You have taken a minor wound!* said the world's interface. "Yes, thank you," he muttered. Diver flicked one wing at Peat's face, fell back, and flapped to get airborne. "You're just making up nonsense, aren't you?" Peat scurried toward a scimitar that jutted from the cage. His horn glowed green and he jerked his head as though pulling with it. The weapon flew free and hovered unsteadily in the grip of an emerald aura around its hilt. The unicorn brandished it in front of him as though he had hands. Meanwhile, Diver circled the arena from above. He couldn't stop and hover. His foe tried to jab up at him, but didn't seem to have any reach with his magic. Just when Diver got complacent, Peat stabbed farther and came dangerously close. Then Peat hurled the blade, sacrificing his grip to make a deadly flying slash. Diver yelped and veered to starboard. The blade clipped his left wing -- *Minor wound!* -- and made him crash back to the floor, wincing. He needed the height advantage. He forced himself back into the air, circling and feinting to keep Peat from getting properly re-armed. The crowd hooted and a vendor called out, "Popcorn, apples!" Peat went wide-eyed and pointed to somewhere near Diver. "What's that over there?!" Diver razzed him. His wings were running out of power on this hop; there was a time limit or something. He used the last of their strength to power-dive at Peat. The unicorn swung a club desperately at Diver but misjudged the timing. Diver didn't. His forehooves smacked into Peat's head with a crack. The impact threw Diver, an inexperienced flier, off to one side so that he landed dizzy at the cage's edge. He rolled to dodge a flying rock, then used his mouth to snatch up a morningstar that was within easy reach. He took a look at the menacing iron spike-ball dangling from a chain next to his face, then spat the thing out. "As amusing as that might be for the audience, I'll pass." He looked around for something more suited to his body. Peat was staggering from his head injury, but he'd lifted another rock and had another sword within easy reach. There was no blood anywhere. *I'm a pegasus. Swinging knives around in my mouth is something a human might do to imitate a fighting style they know. It's naive. In the absence of something custom-made, the best weapon here is... me.* Diver charged like cavalry. Peat flung his rock right into the space where Diver would jump, but Diver saw that coming. He slid at the unicorn, across the concrete floor, and painfully parried the sword using the bottom of his forehooves. The pegasus yanked his enemy up off the floor with a fireman's carry and struggled into the air with him. Peat flailed but Diver managed to get an even better grip on him from behind. Then he got as high as the ceiling allowed, tipped over backward, and did a flying piledriver that cratered the floor and nailed Peat into it headfirst to the neck. Diver tumbled and crashed into a wall, inches from the blasted morningstar again. He looked back and saw Peat twitching comically, then vanish into a mist of green particles. The pegasus righted himself and breathed hard. "Is it over? Did I kill him?" "Winner!" shouted Nimbus over the speakers. "Sky Diver takes his first victory in the ring with that floor-crushing smash. Let's stomp the floor in support!" The crowd applauded by beating their hooves on the bandstand again, sounding like a stampede. The battle music became a victory theme with crashing thunder. Diver turned around, looking at the spectators. *Killing isn't such a bad thing here. It's a game!* He lifted one hoof and looked at it, seeing the details of shaggy fetlocks around his "ankle" and the chipped edge of the hoof's mass of horn-stuff. He raised that hoof the rest of the way and waved in triumph. *Just a game, yet it matters that I learned to do it.* The host said, "All right, peggy, enough basking. It's time for our next match, so get out of there." Diver wobbled out of the ring, trying to check his status screen on the way to his seat. As he should've known, "hand" gestures for the world's interface weren't easy while walking. He made it back to the seats, where a silver pegasus clapped him on the back. "Good fight! I'll be sure to tell my friend Golden Scale all about it." This town-mind stuff was going to take some getting used to, along with everything else. Diver didn't mind. "Thanks." # Nimbus sent him to purgatory after the night's fighting. The underground room was near the hotel rooms, next to the ice machine, and held only a battered card table and old magazines. "Finally!" said an intact Peat, throwing aside a copy of *Space Battles Monthly*. "The Horse of Dracula there didn't tell me that her arena traps you in the basement for the rest of the session." Diver's ears lay flat. "Uh. Sorry for killing you?" "No, you're not. Don't worry about it." "Where are the rest of the losers people who lost?" "Different instances of this room in the same space, I think. You get used to some weird game logic after a while. Are you a new uploader, or just a newcomer to Hoofland?" "The first one. Does that mean you've lived like this for years, fighting and dying and coming right back? Nimbus said you have a reputation." Peat grinned. "She likes to make contestants sound menacing. I made some bad choices, is all. Once you get out of pony-land and see more of Talespace you'll get a better perspective on how to live without going nuts." Hoofland was only one of the regions of Talespace, the virtual world whose parts shared only a patchwork framework of rules. Their geography was linked only by "teleport portals", and an AI that was either the Second Coming, or Skynet, or some of both, depending on who you asked. Diver's own impression had been that she was nice, but that he had no desire to define his life around thwarting, softening or aiding the global machine takeover. "I plan to stay in Hoofland for a while," he told Peat. "Really?" The unicorn said. He waved a magazine around like an outstretched hand, indicating the little post-death room Diver had come to free him from. "Hoofland's got appeal, but you should broaden your horizons. Maybe you'll want to be something else." Diver's eyes narrowed and his tail flicked back and forth. "Jack of all trades, master of none." "Is oftentimes better than master of one -- is the rest of the saying. I'm just suggesting you not throw yourself too hard in any one direction just because you want to try something new. I've seen some crazy stuff, good and bad, and I don't usually deal with the really screwed-up people myself." "What do you mean, you don't deal with them?" "I'm kind of a roving troubleshooter. I, ah, screwed up fairly badly when I first uploaded, and got literally ban-hammered from this town for a while. So I know something about people misbehaving, and trying to solve or cause big-picture problems for Talespace. You could get involved in that sort of thing too, if you wanted. Hopefully more on the 'solving' side." This room felt too narrow for Diver's wings, though he could spread them wide and hardly brush the walls. "Thanks for the advice," he said grudgingly, and opened the door leading back out of purgatory. Too many times in his old life, Diver had tried to do many projects at once and accomplished few to none of them. Not this time. "Why the long face?" asked Peat. "Just thinking. I could build a life here." # He was starved, and the hotel's food was bland, even the apples. Diver had been warned about it; in fact, Earthside evangelists used it as one of their arguments why Hoofland and its connected realms were a false heaven, lacking the true pleasures of whatever one did in Christian heaven. ("And ye shall taste only the bitterness of dust and ashes!") Diver shrugged off the dull packing-foam flavor of everything; he'd liked rice cakes anyway. It was said that some people working on the taste problem, and the dull sense of smell that went with it. Nimbus let him keep his hotel room for the day. As a nocturnal inn, check-out time was dusk. Diver asked, "Do I actually need to sleep?" He wasn't tired yet. "Basically every few subjective days," the bat-horse told him. "Depends on exactly how your brain works, but it turns out that a lot of the reason humans need sleep is hard-coded instinct from the days when insomnia meant wasting energy and getting eaten by hyenas. And another big part is maintaining a fleshy body, so that doesn't apply either." Diver's ears perked up; it was cool to think about shedding a basic physical limit while still getting to enjoy sleep. Which brought up another question he hadn't thought to ask. He shuffled his hindhooves uncomfortably. Nimbus grinned, exposing her little fangs. "Toilets? Obsolete. Sex? That requires further, *vigorous* testing. You're physically censored right now since you're walking around bare-assed in public, but check yourself out in private sometime." Diver blushed; that much of his physical reactions was intact. He could feel... warmth, between his hindlegs at the sight of her, but nothing seemed to be there. The mare loomed closer. "Or would you prefer an interactive tutorial?" He stammered, "We just met!" "So?" His wings stood wide and his head spun. There wasn't much reason for relationships to work the same way as back Earthside either, was there? That wasn't quite true; some things carried over. He said, "I don't want to give you the wrong idea, that I'm looking to settle down with a family just yet." "No assumptions, no commitment," she said. "You're a cute newcomer and you have a bed. Isn't that enough for now?"
{ "title": "Little Thief Not anymore ~", "id": 21540, "author": "werussi", "rating": 2.5 }
{ "title": "Plan and shopping", "id": 305959, "next": 306730, "prev": 305678, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM5YzM4NDU4MDJjZjRhODM4YmFhZWY2MThiYTA3MTA5">She took his dragger and turned back to go to that room again. The two men were alone yet again. Xin Huo was now interested what will she do, he completely failed to recall that it was his own clothes.</p> <p class="cnNkNmRhOGQyMDE4ZDQ2NmQ4ZDk0ZWE2YzhkMTg1MzQ5">The man that was ignored was now cleaning his throat so that his commander would come back to his senses.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWY1YzRiNzVhODQzYTRhZjBiNjY1NTU4YTg5OTA1"><em>“So, Wu Bai, your answer to my question?”</em> Xin Huo didn’t forget what they were talking about. He was just mesmerized at how cute Lou was when she whined and pouted. When thinking about it, the corners of his mouth made their way up without him noticing.</p> <p class="cnNlYjdkOTJlZDU3MzQxZjhhZTc0NDA1NjNiZDI4N2Q2"><em>“Yes”</em> Wu Bai answered <em>“With what is in the reports it seems that way. They are planning to attack our cities that which lies on the border.”</em></p> <p class="cnM4Y2ZkOTFiM2MzMzQ4NzM5OGNjNjMxODlkMDQwZTE1"><em>“What are the soldiers waiting for! Get more patrols and look up when the attack will be!”</em> angered by the words Wu Bai reported, Xin Huo was in furry. ‘How can they do nothing when they see what is going on’.</p> <p class="cnMzMjYzMTU4ODdhNTQ1NjQ5ZDQ4ZmU5ZmM5NGRhNzQ0">When they planed about how to position the soldiers, just when they heard the door opening again. This time without a great Bang, but they were surprised at who comes out from that door.</p> <p class="cnNlNDhkZmU2ODA3MjRjOTM4MTFiMTJlOGJkMzY4YTk3">It wasn’t the sweaty and dirty boy, but a young miss that was pleasing to the eye. The sky-blue clothes although still big and without any grace, looked perfect on that small body of hers. Her black hair wasn’t in a bun, but hung on her shoulders, although still wet they had the grace of beautiful night. Her robes that were sky-blue were a perfect match with her black hair and ice-cold blue eyes.</p> <p class="cnMzYTQ2ZTA5Y2I3MTQ1NDRiMmY5ZjY1ZTY4ZDAxMGRl"><em>“What are you staring at? Brother Huo?”</em> with a smirk on her face she tested, <em>“Did you fall for me?”</em></p> <p class="cnNmYzA4MGE2ZWVjYTQ5N2E4M2FlNTAzNjcyZjYxM2Fi">Xin Huo chuckled and answered the question, <em>“No, but I think you look beautiful. Much better than before.”</em></p> <p class="cnM3NGU5YzRlOWY3ZDQ3Y2E4MTQwMDgwYTYzY2M2YmQ0"><em>“So. You are saying I was ugly before?”</em> Lou pouted, and her face becomes even sweeter in the eyes of Xin Huo.</p> <p class="cnMyODdhNTAyODgzMzQzN2I5NTA3MGM2ZDVmNWEwYjhj"><em>“No, but you look better in these clothes than the beggars you had on before.” </em>Lou sat on the sofa still pouting a little. She heard everything in the other room. When she was thinking seriously what to do.</p> <p class="cnM3ZjNhNmI3NjQwMTQzMjk5MmFmNGZhMWZjYTBjMzEw">She wanted to help, but how? The two men were still staring at her when she sat on the sofa. She was charming even in the way she thought seriously, but they had only one thought ‘What was she thinking about SO seriously?!’</p> <p class="cnNmYWQyYWJiMWNiNzQ3ZWE4YzU1NDYzMDIwY2YzMTQw">Then she broke the silence <em>“I maybe know what you could do”</em> They looked at her amazed. So, this is what she was thinking. She wanted to come up with a plan to help.</p> <p class="cnM4NDYxNDRjMzhmZTRhMjQ5OTdiZWU5MzJkYmYyMDRk">Xin Huo thought that even that was cute and asked<em>, “What do you suggest?”</em></p> <p class="cnMxNTllOTUzZDUzYzRjOWZiMTVmYmQ1ZDM2YjhiMzk4"><em>“Then how about you yourself go and check the situation in the north. Of course, no one will know you are there and when you know what is happening, we will take action”</em> Lou suggested with a proud expression.</p> <p class="cnNkMTJmMTAwMzU2NDQzNWY5MTJlZWY1ZWU3YTEzNGEy"><em>“Hmm, so it wasn’t only me that was thinking about that”</em> an evil smile appeared on his face and Lou’s proud expression disappeared.</p> <p class="cnNjZTM1OGYzNTMyMzQ2NzI5N2MwOWI3NGVmMDE0MzU5">Actually, Xin Huo thought it was impressive that a thirteen-year-old could come up with that too.</p> <p class="cnNhMDA2OGUwZmQ1NDRlNDI5NzYxNjk4NWFmOTI3MmRl"><em>“Great plan!”</em> excited that a girl was on the same intellectual level as their commander. Even he himself couldn’t come up with something their commander thought. It was like she could read the commander's mind.</p> <p class="cnMwNDBmNGI4YWZjNzQ4ZjhiZTJmNjg4YjEzNDhiYWQz">It was already quite late when they finished discussing the strategies and Lou has fallen asleep on the sofa. When Xin Huo saw that, he dismissed Wu Bai and starred at Lou. She was cute like a small animal when asleep.</p> <p class="cnNlYzdkNmE3ODUyYjQ3YzhhNmIxOTNhYmI3ZGUzNWI5">He looked at her with a warm look and, lifted and went to his room. He placed Lou on his bed, and when he wanted to leave, he found out that she was grabbing his robes.</p> <p class="cnM2NmQ2ODk3NTlmMTQ1NTE4MzhiMGVhMzliZjUwZTUw">He didn’t have an option as to sit on the bed and wait until she will let go. He took a book to fill some time. Without realizing he too had fallen asleep with his book in his hands.</p> <p class="cnNjNzRiMmIxYzliMTQ2OTg5YWI1M2ExM2ZiNmFjY2Jl">At dawn ….</p> <p class="cnM4OTUwYjRkNjI4ZTRlOWM4NDZjNzNjMjVjNjFiNmQy">Lou woke up. Still half asleep she felt that she wasn’t alone. She fast sat up to see that it was her brother Huo. When was the last time she put her guard down? Almost never and now here she was sleeping with someone in the same room.</p> <p class="cnMzNWJjZTM1Yzk0NDQ0N2FiZmNiYTNmZjNlNTM5ZGQ0">Lou felt embarrassed, after all, she was still a girl. She fast jumped out of bed and taking a deep breath to calm down. When Lou jumped of bed Xin Huo woke up.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDc2YjQ5YjRmNjRlNDY5NzhkMWQ3MWZjZjYwODA4">When he saw her panic, he tried his best not to start laughing. He slowly sat up when she finally calmed down.</p> <p class="cnMwYjQxMWM4MzdlNzQxNjU4NmE0ZmEzZWFjMWEwNWFh">“Good morning” a simple greeting come from her mouth and then fast avoided his eyes. She still couldn’t look him in the eye.</p> <p class="cnMwNmVkYjRiMjYwZjRjNzRhNzFlNDY5MDJhNmFlY2Fl">“Morning" he greeted back and made his way with new robes to the bathroom. Lou thought that he was still half asleep. So, she exited the room as smoothly she could. She sat on the sofa that was in the study. Thinking what happened the day before and today.</p> <p class="cnNlNDRlMTQ4YjRmNjQ0MjJhYWEzMjk1ZTYzZDcyMDU2">She got herself a job and a master. A place to live and meals every day. Just the thought if that made her smile. Just when she was dazed in thinking Xin Huo come in the study. He didn’t disturb her as he sat with the table that was pulled up with books and reports.</p> <p class="cnMyZTdlZTZjNGI2ODQ5YzA5ZmJlNWFjMGUwMmVlMDJi">He started working and two hours passed.</p> <p class="cnM3NTgyNzA3MTNhNTQ1OWU5NmM1ZGVlZjQxMjU5MjE5">…</p> <p class="cnM0NDg5MDhlNTY4ZDRiNzJhNmRkNmI4N2IwMDQ0YzFh">A rumbling sound was heard, and it was really loud. The surprise was that it comes from that little girl sitting in the corner.</p> <p class="cnM1YWZhY2I2YjhlMDQ0ODFhMTgwNDY0NDc2NDUwMTE1">He giggled “Shall we go to breakfast?” after saying that he got up. The little girl nodded and followed him.</p> <p class="cnNiZjI2N2EzMDk0ZTQ2ZjNiNzcyYjdkYzA5ZDgyZjgw">Ten minutes’ walk and they were in the canteen. The smell of soup was all over the place. Just with that a still appeared on Lou's mouth. Xin Huo took two portions and took them to a nearby table.</p> <p class="cnMzOGZhMTk4N2JkMjRhYWI5MGFlNzgxZTBlNWNhYjY3">Lou was like an animal when she started eating. Her meal was finished in less than a minute. Xin Huo giggled and went to bring her more. When he placed the bowl before her he sarcastically said, “Eat slowly. No one is going to take it away.”</p> <p class="cnNhODRkOGNiYTA5ZDQ0MjhiODZiMjhmMWMxMWYwNDFm">Hearing that she felt embarrassed and ate slowly this time. Now when she ate slowly she could tell how amazing and delicious the food was. She almost cried from happiness.</p> <p class="cnNkNDFiNDExNTk1MjQzNjE4NDAyODFjMTE4ZGY2NDZl">When they finished Xin Huo asked with serious voice “Do you know how to ride?”</p> <p class="cnM5ZDEwNTZkNDcyZDQzNjFiZjYwOTQzZTcyOWYxOWQ0">“If you mean a horse then no, I can’t” He could tell it was the truth and continued,” We will go to the market and buy you some clothes first and you will choose a horse"</p> <p class="cnNkYjA1NDk5YzNkMTQ0OWU5MGQ1NzExOTVhYzU5MjNj">She thought about it and nodded, she understood why the clothes but didn’t really know why the horse too so, she asked, “Why should I chose a horse?”</p> <p class="cnNhM2UyZDU5MzM3NTQyOWZiZmJjNjBjMjM3OGM0YmVl">“You need a companion that will take you anywhere you want and recognize you as it’s master” he simply answered that and then they made their way to buy her things.</p> <p class="cnM3N2IyNGM1MWJmYjRjNjZhMGU4ZTI5MTc5MDVjYmMx">It started with choosing her clothes, almost every cloth she chose were male robes, but she did choose two sets of woman’s robes. Every male robe was in the dark colors while women were bright and cheerful.</p> </div>
She took his dragger and turned back to go to that room again. The two men were alone yet again. Xin Huo was now interested what will she do, he completely failed to recall that it was his own clothes. The man that was ignored was now cleaning his throat so that his commander would come back to his senses. *“So, Wu Bai, your answer to my question?”* Xin Huo didn’t forget what they were talking about. He was just mesmerized at how cute Lou was when she whined and pouted. When thinking about it, the corners of his mouth made their way up without him noticing. *“Yes”* Wu Bai answered *“With what is in the reports it seems that way. They are planning to attack our cities that which lies on the border.”* *“What are the soldiers waiting for! Get more patrols and look up when the attack will be!”* angered by the words Wu Bai reported, Xin Huo was in furry. ‘How can they do nothing when they see what is going on’. When they planed about how to position the soldiers, just when they heard the door opening again. This time without a great Bang, but they were surprised at who comes out from that door. It wasn’t the sweaty and dirty boy, but a young miss that was pleasing to the eye. The sky-blue clothes although still big and without any grace, looked perfect on that small body of hers. Her black hair wasn’t in a bun, but hung on her shoulders, although still wet they had the grace of beautiful night. Her robes that were sky-blue were a perfect match with her black hair and ice-cold blue eyes. *“What are you staring at? Brother Huo?”* with a smirk on her face she tested, *“Did you fall for me?”* Xin Huo chuckled and answered the question, *“No, but I think you look beautiful. Much better than before.”* *“So. You are saying I was ugly before?”* Lou pouted, and her face becomes even sweeter in the eyes of Xin Huo. *“No, but you look better in these clothes than the beggars you had on before.”* Lou sat on the sofa still pouting a little. She heard everything in the other room. When she was thinking seriously what to do. She wanted to help, but how? The two men were still staring at her when she sat on the sofa. She was charming even in the way she thought seriously, but they had only one thought ‘What was she thinking about SO seriously?!’ Then she broke the silence *“I maybe know what you could do”* They looked at her amazed. So, this is what she was thinking. She wanted to come up with a plan to help. Xin Huo thought that even that was cute and asked*, “What do you suggest?”* *“Then how about you yourself go and check the situation in the north. Of course, no one will know you are there and when you know what is happening, we will take action”* Lou suggested with a proud expression. *“Hmm, so it wasn’t only me that was thinking about that”* an evil smile appeared on his face and Lou’s proud expression disappeared. Actually, Xin Huo thought it was impressive that a thirteen-year-old could come up with that too. *“Great plan!”* excited that a girl was on the same intellectual level as their commander. Even he himself couldn’t come up with something their commander thought. It was like she could read the commander's mind. It was already quite late when they finished discussing the strategies and Lou has fallen asleep on the sofa. When Xin Huo saw that, he dismissed Wu Bai and starred at Lou. She was cute like a small animal when asleep. He looked at her with a warm look and, lifted and went to his room. He placed Lou on his bed, and when he wanted to leave, he found out that she was grabbing his robes. He didn’t have an option as to sit on the bed and wait until she will let go. He took a book to fill some time. Without realizing he too had fallen asleep with his book in his hands. At dawn …. Lou woke up. Still half asleep she felt that she wasn’t alone. She fast sat up to see that it was her brother Huo. When was the last time she put her guard down? Almost never and now here she was sleeping with someone in the same room. Lou felt embarrassed, after all, she was still a girl. She fast jumped out of bed and taking a deep breath to calm down. When Lou jumped of bed Xin Huo woke up. When he saw her panic, he tried his best not to start laughing. He slowly sat up when she finally calmed down. “Good morning” a simple greeting come from her mouth and then fast avoided his eyes. She still couldn’t look him in the eye. “Morning" he greeted back and made his way with new robes to the bathroom. Lou thought that he was still half asleep. So, she exited the room as smoothly she could. She sat on the sofa that was in the study. Thinking what happened the day before and today. She got herself a job and a master. A place to live and meals every day. Just the thought if that made her smile. Just when she was dazed in thinking Xin Huo come in the study. He didn’t disturb her as he sat with the table that was pulled up with books and reports. He started working and two hours passed. … A rumbling sound was heard, and it was really loud. The surprise was that it comes from that little girl sitting in the corner. He giggled “Shall we go to breakfast?” after saying that he got up. The little girl nodded and followed him. Ten minutes’ walk and they were in the canteen. The smell of soup was all over the place. Just with that a still appeared on Lou's mouth. Xin Huo took two portions and took them to a nearby table. Lou was like an animal when she started eating. Her meal was finished in less than a minute. Xin Huo giggled and went to bring her more. When he placed the bowl before her he sarcastically said, “Eat slowly. No one is going to take it away.” Hearing that she felt embarrassed and ate slowly this time. Now when she ate slowly she could tell how amazing and delicious the food was. She almost cried from happiness. When they finished Xin Huo asked with serious voice “Do you know how to ride?” “If you mean a horse then no, I can’t” He could tell it was the truth and continued,” We will go to the market and buy you some clothes first and you will choose a horse" She thought about it and nodded, she understood why the clothes but didn’t really know why the horse too so, she asked, “Why should I chose a horse?” “You need a companion that will take you anywhere you want and recognize you as it’s master” he simply answered that and then they made their way to buy her things. It started with choosing her clothes, almost every cloth she chose were male robes, but she did choose two sets of woman’s robes. Every male robe was in the dark colors while women were bright and cheerful.
{ "title": "Liminal Radiance: Path Of Old Dreams", "id": 20710, "author": "Felias", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "28 - Pinnacle of a Cult", "id": 305962, "next": 306713, "prev": 305948, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong>Pinnacle of Profanity</strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong>District of Profaners, Third Ring</strong></h4> <p class="cnMzYTk1NWI2NDljZjQ2NWNiODI5YTYxM2Y5NzM2ZGRh" style="text-align: center"><strong><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></p> <p class="cnNhNDUwZWY5OWJiMjQ4MWFhNTcwNzI0NjNkZjk4ZDI1">Annabelle came to a skittering stop just inches away from the oversized tongue laying down destruction on the ground. The top of the pyramid had taken a considerable beating. Large cracks ran through the platform, one of the hand statues was smashed to pieces and the ball of writhing tongues looked more like a half-molten slab of meat as it clung to the remaining three statues. She took in her surroundings, locked eyes with the second hand statue and then cheekily sprinted over the tongue.</p> <p class="cnMwY2VhZjBhNWYzYTQ1MzE4NThlZDdiMmNkMWFlODEz">Having been hit from the side before, she was now much smarter about avoiding attacks from out of view. She suddenly ducked and slid across the floor as a large writhing mass of flesh zoomed past where her head had been. Just as she passed it, two things happened at once: Golden light settled into gloves on her hands and the long scythe appeared out of nowhere. With the blade pointing up, she hooked into the flesh and used it as an anchor to pivot her back up onto her feet.</p> <p class="cnNjZDMxMzViNjUyNjRhMDE5MmU2NzU4ODc3ZTlkMzcw">The goddess felt exhilarated. Somehow, this wasn’t battle anymore, it was pleasure. Once her feet touched the ground, she let go of the scythe and continued on her path. She gained a good bit of distance when the writhing tongue nest suddenly slammed down several long shivering obstacles in her path. This put her at a disadvantage. No matter which statue she attacked, the beast would block off her path. So realistically, her only way was around it.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGQ1OTE3Yzk3MTQ5ZDZiODcyMzJiNjQ1YWI4OTQ5">Or through. Driven by a bloodlust that overwrote sanity, she dashed straight for the leathery obstacle. With her power, she summoned a war-fan and began spinning it up to speed. The blade made the first cut through the flesh, her gloves did the rest. She tore the tongue apart and stepped through the bloody mess, only to be faced with a second layer ahead. Her hands punched into the flesh but without a prior cut, it was too much work to split like that. Stepping back, the scythe re-appeared in her hand with the bulk of the weapon appearing directly through the flesh ahead of her. She even gave it a swing as it appeared.</p> <p class="cnM0YjA3ZjIxOGY3YzRiMjdhZmIwZTllNzFjNWQ5YTIy">The tongues around her coiled and curled but with muscles cut, they couldn’t do much. After sufficient damage was done, Annabelle easily passed the second flesh barrier. Yet when she went for the third and last, something strange happened. The sensation of hunger came back and Annabelle suddenly remembered a scene she had witnessed before. Sharp white teeth chomping down on a fragile human shoulder. She remembered the look of pure shock on Tharia’s face when she tore off her arm in that strange dreamworld. Worse, she recalled the exact taste, slightly salty and bitter with a strong scent of blood and familiarity.</p> <p class="cnMzNjEzMDA4MDhlYjRjODY4Y2ZmOGM5NzFiYjAwYTg0">She shuddered. All around her was blood. Of course, there would be, she was cutting through monster tongues the size of buildings. Yet her mind struggled with this reality. Annabelle collapsed on the ground and as the sensation of hunger wailed on her, she struggled to keep down the bile. Another pang of hunger coursed through her. This was more than a simple feeling, Annabelle realized. The Godbeast was fully awakening and his domain would be hunger.</p> <p class="cnMyZGE0NTA4MTY4ZTQwNWJiNjY5NGNiYjgwNjAxNzRk">With the disgusting taste of human flesh on her mind, she got back up, swallowed and went for the last barrier. How many times had she killed Tharia in that dreamland? The number didn’t matter. Mad fury pumped through her heart. That third barrier wasn’t cut. It was torn apart bit by bit and when Annabelle walked through, she barely looked like herself anymore. She was covered in things her mind tried to ignore and let out an animalistic growl. This mindless carnage manifested itself as... joy. She stretched her arms and legs and then started throwing punches against the statue. The Godbeast tried to smack her away with another one of the long appendages but Annabelle sidestepped it by instinct and instead watched it smash the statue for her.</p> <p class="cnM5OGM3NDI2MjFmMjQ0NzRiNjFmMmYxNTI2ZDE1ZmNm">With a loud thud, the beast smacked onto the platform. The cracks widened considerably and the beast suddenly started to float. Yet it obviously took far more strength than it had. It could barely lift off the ground and then flapped back on it. While the platform could have survived the earlier impact, this proved too much. Suddenly, the cracks were no more. A massive hole had opened in the platform. Tongues tried to latch onto something, anything as the main body fell through. Annabelle didn’t wait for her breath to calm down. There was little rational thought left. She wanted more destruction. Now.</p> <p class="cnMyNGUzOWVhMDBhYzRhMmRhNjQwNjgyN2Y2YWU3YmNl">She dashed towards the edge and leaped after the Godbeast without looking. Her body fell several levels before she got close enough to the main tongue that still held onto something up above. She summoned the scythe and hammered it into the long tongue. Only by using the strength of the gloves, could she hold on. The blade easily cut into the flesh and it was enough resistance to slow her fall. Loud whining came from the flailing beast below. Its body had splattered onto the fields. Spores filled the air and the Whys had disappeared underneath the creature.</p> <p class="cnM4Yzc1MGYzZTBlMDQ5NWJhMzJkYzk1NjlkYTY3NDY4">On her way down, the scythe broke several times and each time, she accelerated her fall again until she resummoned her weapon and sunk it back into the flesh. The whole of the monster tongue was split open when her feet finally touched the ground. Pure rapture showed on her face, accompanied by a weird smile and a crazed look in her eyes. This wasn’t nearly enough carnage. She stepped to the side and looked at the half-broken Godbeast. The fall had done a number on it. It was no longer a ball of tongues but looked more like a flat and split open flower. Curiously, there was a crystal at the center of it and within swum the shape of a human body. It hammered against the crystal in an attempt to get out.</p> <p class="cnMwOTYwODY1YjA2NTRmNjQ5M2YxN2E2ZjhkZjM2YjU1">“Let your first view in this world be your last”, Annabelle said and let out a mad laugh.</p> <hr> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold"><img style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none #000000" src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold">Depths of Depravity</strong></h4> <h4 style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold">District of Profaners, Third Ring</strong></h4> <p class="cnM4YWY1ZmUxZWJlYTRiYjU4OTBiMGFiMmQxYWJmNDg2" style="text-align: center"><strong style="font-weight: bold"><img style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none #000000" src="" alt="" width="250" height="12"></strong></p> <p class="cnM4NjFlOTVjNDM2ZTRhN2I5MTczNGYyOTYzN2NiYzQz">Nothing was more dangerous than a cornered beast, especially in the face of a predator out for its blood. The body of the Godbeast wailed massive tongues like limbs, smashing through stone pillars and walls in a blind attempt to hit Annabelle. The goddess dodged and weaved her way through the onslaught. Yet she was at an impasse. She couldn’t get close enough to smash the crystal and with every passing moment, the sensation of unbearable hunger continued.</p> <p class="cnMyZGI0MzVmNGRkNzRiODFhZGE4MjhjMGQyMGM3ZTkw">An opening! Annabelle lunged towards it. Like before, she skittered through underneath one of the massive tongues. Only this time her trick didn’t work anymore. Countless smaller tongues hung from the big one and they hooked into her armor. She quickly found herself caught and overwhelmed by a dozen small hooks biting into her armor and the flesh that was exposed. Maybe she could bring back the domain. She tried to blend out the hundreds of new cuts and concentrated on the room. Nothing happened and more cuts tore up her beautiful exterior. Something had to trigger it. Surely it couldn’t be something as simple as desires. She saw a momentary and highly inappropriate image of Tharia in her mind and suddenly found herself back on the soft bed.</p> <p class="cnNiNTcyYTcxMzE1ZjQ5MTQ5ZjAzODZmMDRjYjZlZDA0">“This is just wrong”, she exclaimed, breathless. The hundreds of tongues shriveled back into the larger one and it moved away again. Annabelle used this moment to get back outside. Like before, the domain disappeared behind her. She would need to find other ways to activate it and it would have to be faster too. Blood ran down her cheeks as she refocussed her gaze on the beast ahead. The smaller tongues complicated things. She suddenly saw a human in front of her, the eyes were rolled back and the jaw was missing. The tongue writhed into the neck and the priest clasped his hands around Annabelle's face.</p> <p class="cnM1Yjg2ZGIzMzc4YzRiMDRhYjkwYmU3MDQ4ZDkwMGVj">She instinctively reached up and punched the priests face but that did nothing. Only when she crushed the tongue controlling the body, did the grip on her face loosen. Confusion took hold of her as dozens of priests appeared in front of her. She glanced up and saw several large tongues hover over her. It used the dead priests and monks like marionettes. All the while, the long tongues continued their destruction of the pyramid around her.</p> <p class="cnM2MDA2MzJlN2IzZjRmMzViNmMyM2IxMWVhZmVjZjEx">“Just wonderful”, Annabelle said, “More things to kill”</p> <p class="cnM5MjVkODExZjIwYzQxYjFhMWMyNzgyZmM3MjAxNDM0">There was a part of her that was a slight bit scared about just how much she enjoyed this battle. It was raw and pure carnage, full of pain and agony along with an unsung thrill as her life was on the line. If Tharia were here, she would kiss her right there. Definitely, not a healthy mindset for battle and this small distraction cost her already. She felt her legs give in as a slow sweeping tongue stuck her.</p> <p class="cnNkMzM4Yzc1MjBhYzQ3OWY5OGI2MGI3ZGJlMzkxYTdh">Once more, the pulled muscle acted up when she tried to stand. The limited motion made it hard to move and it was no longer a case of being able to force through. All the small damages she had taken accumulated to a lot of fatigue. Still, she held up the long scythe in her left hand and a war-fan in the right. Both were gripped by the absurdly strong gloves and the grin on her face widened.</p> <p class="cnNjN2U5MDRiMjlkODQ5MmJiNjYxNWY2NzIyM2UzZTYy">The first monk came for her. Without any weapon of its own, Annabelle simply cut the tongue with her Scythe and then hobbled towards the next row of enemies. Four of them at once. Two, after her spinning war-fan cut through two tongues in quick succession. The other two fell to the wayside after a sweeping cut of her Scythe. Yet more obstacles blocked her path. Normally she’d run but the muscles didn’t play along. No matter. More things to kill and destroy.</p> <p class="cnNjZjA2NjRhODhlZTQyYzBiNWY1NjM4ZDJkYWVhOGEy" style="text-align: center"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="22"></p> <p class="cnNkODMyM2Y5Y2EyNDRlY2RiN2I1YzhkZmM3MTgyNmJj">She lost track of time when finally she stepped onto the central mass of flesh. Behind her lay a field of mindless carnage. There were torn and cut off tongues, dead priests, a pool of blood and other gross details. She was out of breath, her gait had a limp and the weapons in her hands looked broken many times over. At some point, she had stopped resummoning them and just bashed in monsters with nothing but broken weaponry.</p> <p class="cnM3ZTAxZjEwOTJkYTQxZDI4ODI4ZmQ0MGVlMzI0MzY4">The best part, there was so much blood on her that she couldn’t taste Tharia anymore. That vile memory faded away as she walked closer to the crystal. Not a lot of life remained in the Godbeast anymore. Most of it coalesced into the crystal. Some tongues still moved but they too were fatigued. Annabelle looked into the crystal and saw what looked like Luciano, only much more physically fit than before. His nude body appeared like the work of an artist as it swiveled around inside the crystal, wide awake and looking for a way out. Annabelle let out a sigh, after a quick glance around, she piled up folds of the dead tongue to form a seat for her. Like that, she sat down next to the crystal-egg at a specific spot, dismissed her weapons and simply waited.</p> <p class="cnM2MTY1YjhkY2Y1YzRmNTA4NmNjODA4YTViYzdhZDZh">Soon, the shell showed cracks and an azure glowing liquid ran out of the egg. All around her, pieces of the temple fell down. Their battle had damaged it significantly. Annabelle just crossed her legs and leaned back. More minutes passed as the crystal finally opened up completely. A shivering mess of a man lay in that glowing liquid, sputtering for air. He opened his eyes and looked up at her. His voice sounded like Luciano, only much more perfected in tone.</p> <p class="cnNmM2EzZDlmODhlOTQwY2Q4YTliYjVjNWFjNjJlMGM0">“You... pretty”, the voice said and the sculptured man stood up, “Want touch, want feel.”</p> <p class="cnNlNTM0ZGEyNTljYzQyNzg5YjczYzc1MTc5OTk5ZDE2">“Of course you do”, came the reply from Annabelle. She slightly turned her right wrist. Golden light sprung from her hand and the Scythe manifested with the blade just behind the man’s neck. He stared at her with wide open eyes as she effortlessly cut off his neck.</p> <p class="cnM0MDZhNjI1Y2QxNTRhMjg4NWUyZDZkMTFiZTE0YTYz">“Now we wait a bit longer, Luciano. I’m not done with you yet.”</p> <p class="cnM4YTk5ZTZiM2NlMDQwYzY5Mzc1MjNjMDg2MTkzY2Nk">Indeed, a moment later, the head regrew on his body.</p> <p class="cnNhZjI3YzQwYWU1NzQ1MjViMDg5YjVhMmFjMmE2MDkz">“Not feel good. Want feel good”, Luciano said and grunted.</p> <p class="cnM4NGZjOWEyMWVmOTQ2ZjdiYTNkNGJiNmUxNWY2MTNi">Annabelle unfurled her legs and gestured towards the man. She then pointed at a spot in front of her and beckoned him with one of her fingers. The newborn god was befuddled, his mind not yet all there and his judgement clouded by her influence.</p> <p class="cnM0MzFjYzgyNDg1YjQ1NmJhNzI4MjhjZmUzMTRjYWIy">“Come here, I’ve got something for you”, she said and watched the naked man approach. Once he reached a certain spot, her grin widened.</p> <p class="cnMxYTZjMGQ1YWJjOTRjNmE5ZWJjMDNmNTQzNDgyNzA5">“Now stay there, you horny rabbit. Stay and wait.”</p> <p class="cnMyZTZhNTFiZTdiMDQwOWFhMmNmNTg4NzQ0MmY5NjRi">Like that, she kept still and watched the reaction of the man in front of her. Her influence had him completely enthralled.</p> <p class="cnM3MDg0N2U0MzYzYzRjOTc5YzQ4NGRlZTA1MzJiN2U0">“You don’t remember, but in your previous life, you did me great harm”, Annabelle began. She used the trick she had learned while playing that stupid card game. Just lay out words and concepts one sentence at a time.</p> <p class="cnNmYTBiNzY4MmJlYjQyMTM4MzBiNTFjMjZlMDhmNWYx">“You were always one to want more. Your people worshipped you like a god but it wasn’t enough. You wanted to be one. Not for the betterment of your people but rather for...”</p> <p class="cnNmZWEzYmM3M2NmMTRhNjg5MzJlYjlmNjY0YjkxZTQz">Annabelle raised her hand and then pressed it down on her chest. She let her finger describe the curvature.</p> <p class="cnNjYzQyMGFkNGM1NTQ1NDRhNmJlODI1YjllMjM1Mzhj">“All of that so you could lure your flock to fornicate with you, always hungering for more. You sleazy speck of dust”</p> <p class="cnM0MmJiMmJiMWI5YjQ1YTdiOGVhNTg4YzkzMzIwYTIy">The goddess stopped teasing the freshly born god. No matter how weak he was with his interrupted incubation cycle, there still was the matter of an unfortunate rule.</p> <p class="cnNlZTE1Y2QzMjg0MTRkNDliZDJkZTJhZjI2ODI1NDE2">“Alas, I can’t kill you myself. But you’re a patient one, aren’t you? Want your reward?” Annabelle said with a sultry tone while slightly leaning back, accentuating the whole length of her body by stretching her long legs and inclining her feet. No matter the mess she looked like, for the freshly born god, this was pure allure. He didn’t even react to the dust trickling down on him, so enraptured was he with what he saw.</p> <p class="cnMxZjIxMWVlOGRhYzQ0NWQ5NGE3NmQ3Njg4NDg3YmZj">“Yes, want”, Luciano said with glazed over eyes. He reached out towards her but Annabelle held up a finger.</p> <p class="cnMxYzI1ZGVhNzdkNzQyODNhOTAxOWU1M2Q1MjYzMzE5">“Now...” she said with a drawn-out voice.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2Q5NTk4ZTA5MDQyOGI4MTU0OGJjMGU3ODg2MDMw">“Yes? Yes? Now!?”</p> <p class="cnNmNjUzYmFkMTc0NTQ4OTM5MDE2MjcwNmUzYmVmMTE4">It happened very quickly. A tremor ran through the ground. Small stones hailed down and just as Luciano looked up, an absolutely massive chunk of wall smashed straight through him and turned him into a paste. That was something she had learned from the humans and the Dreamreaper. Gods can’t kill gods, but they can compromise each other so that something else can. She knelt down to the gruesome sight and picked up a glowing sphere of energy.</p> <p class="cnNmZmZjMmUxOWNjYTQxZjM4YTA3ODdmZmZiNTEzOTVj">Her stomach revolted at the idea of swallowing this thing, but in the fights ahead, she would need all energy she could get. Without paying it any more mind, she swallowed the sphere whole and felt it mix and blend with her divine essence. She let it settle and then concentrated on the energy. Holding up her hands, she allowed the new energy to manifest. A small sparkle appeared and the result was a golden ring on her finger.</p> <p class="cnNmZDA3MGMwM2Y3ZDRkYTc4NGZiMzNlMDFlYTIwZThk">“Eh? What?”</p> <p class="cnM5YmU5NmI2ZDA4MzQ5OGFhY2JkNjFhM2MzNzVjMTg5">Not all summoned ‘weapons’ could be keepers, she realized. It might have a supplementary effect like the gloves. She’d experiment with it later. Now it was time to get Tharia back and then find a way back topside. When Annabelle closed her eyes to search for Tharia’s divine essence, she felt a faint one on the outside of the pyramid. It seems like Sisi had navigated the body down the outer slope. Clever girl. Yet something else gave her pause. The day had started with ten sources of the essence. One she had snuffed out and consumed. Another blinked out earlier for reasons unknown. Yet for some reason, there were only seven targets remaining. Someone else was out there hunting the same prey.</p> <p class="cnNmNGFiNTgwNWRiMzRjMjE4ODdiYjVkMGM4MWMzZTkx" style="text-align: center"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="22"></p> <p class="cnNiYWRiMWVlMTY3YTRmNTNiODM2MTkyYTQxYTA5NDI1">“You know, I’m going to give both of you books on self-preservation”, Sisi said. The sprite was still inside of Tharia, which irked Annabelle quite a bit. They had met up outside. The human girl looked much more healthy already, although the staff was still used as a walking implement instead of as a weapon. The elemental was really doing its job. Annabelle glanced over Tharia and felt warmth in her chest. If only there weren’t the dark images in the back of her mind. She shook her head and then tapped Tharia’s shoulder.</p> <p class="cnNkMTAxNzIwMzkxOTRiOWY4NGVjOTZmYzhiZmYwM2Ez">“What?” Sisi instead said, “alright. Yes, your girl is fine if that’s what you’re wondering. I haven’t been all idle, you know? There’s another way up. Remember the staircase with the ceiling of obsidian? Same thing here. It’s like something covered the world in burning stone. Let’s hope that something isn’t out to play, eh, Annie?”</p> <p class="cnNlOThlNWM4MzI0ZDQ5YWQ4Y2ZiNTUxYWQ2YmZmMjU3">Annabelle took a deep breath, “Only Tharia gets to call me that.”</p> <p class="cnNhZTAzYTNjMGJlMTQ5YmI4NjFlYWMwNTNhMDU2Mjdi">“What do you mean, of course, I’ll call you... oh crap”, Sisi answered and suddenly put a hand in front of her mouth. Then, the sprite grew silent while Tharia’s body showed a very pale complexion.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDBmYTdmNmRlOTQwODQ5ODNmYzU0MmJlZmZjMDE5">“Sisi? What’s the matter?”</p> <p class="cnNmYTJlYzdjNjViNTRmZGJiYjEzYmFjN2RhZjUxZmNh">No answer came. Instead, the human body shuddered once and then returned to normal. An unexpected light emanated from within Tharia’s body and with little ceremony, a human-sized and very weary looking elemental detached from within. Sisi didn’t float, it just flopped flat onto the ground. Just as Annabelle caught the feathery light sprite, Tharia collapsed onto the ground as well. Annabelle’s heart missed a beat. The goddess placed down the sprite and then hurried towards her love. She picked up the frail body and felt raging inside of it. Her lips placed a quick kiss on the forehead and she then wrapped her arms around Tharia. The goddess felt utterly helpless.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTY3MWMzYzZjZTQyOTNhOGQwZWE5ZDkxZWM2ZjVk">“Your gods-cursed hair-Kraken is choking me”, a faint voice came from her love, “and you stink.”</p> <p class="cnNhODhlYjAyY2M1ZDRhYmI5ZTA3NmM2MWUwNWU2ZTY3">“You’re alive!”</p> <p class="cnMyOTZkODVhOGE2ZjQ1NmQ5ODc1ZGVmNDM1MzQwZWY2">“Not for long if you don't let me go”, Tharia complained. Annabelle felt small hands on her chest push her away and she obliged. The human girl still looked extremely weak and weary but she was well off. Tharia then nodded towards the faintly glowing sprite on the ground. It had shrunk to hand-size and was barely moving.</p> <p class="cnMyZWM2YTFhZDExOTQ4MmQ5YjdhNGU2MWY2NDU3NTkw">“Something happened at the end. Our memories became one but then something threw her out”</p> <p class="cnM2ZjM1YmQ4Mzg5MTQ1ZTlhN2I5NTVjZGEzOTA3NDYx">As Tharia was speaking, Annabelle couldn’t help but notice the plants move into a new pattern. The image of a skull, pierced by flowers, seemed to grin at Annabelle from a position on Tharia’s neck.</p> <p class="cnMwNWU1MjQyNzQ4YzQ4YzNiNTkzNDRmOTRiZGYzMmU5" style="text-align: center"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="22"></p> <p class="cnMxZmEwMzUyNTgzMzRmY2M4ZDc2Y2M5Y2QwMDRhMTky" style="text-align: center">End: Pinnacle of a Cult | Coming up: Something in the Walls</p> </div>
#### #### **Pinnacle of Profanity** #### **District of Profaners, Third Ring** **![](** Annabelle came to a skittering stop just inches away from the oversized tongue laying down destruction on the ground. The top of the pyramid had taken a considerable beating. Large cracks ran through the platform, one of the hand statues was smashed to pieces and the ball of writhing tongues looked more like a half-molten slab of meat as it clung to the remaining three statues. She took in her surroundings, locked eyes with the second hand statue and then cheekily sprinted over the tongue. Having been hit from the side before, she was now much smarter about avoiding attacks from out of view. She suddenly ducked and slid across the floor as a large writhing mass of flesh zoomed past where her head had been. Just as she passed it, two things happened at once: Golden light settled into gloves on her hands and the long scythe appeared out of nowhere. With the blade pointing up, she hooked into the flesh and used it as an anchor to pivot her back up onto her feet. The goddess felt exhilarated. Somehow, this wasn’t battle anymore, it was pleasure. Once her feet touched the ground, she let go of the scythe and continued on her path. She gained a good bit of distance when the writhing tongue nest suddenly slammed down several long shivering obstacles in her path. This put her at a disadvantage. No matter which statue she attacked, the beast would block off her path. So realistically, her only way was around it. Or through. Driven by a bloodlust that overwrote sanity, she dashed straight for the leathery obstacle. With her power, she summoned a war-fan and began spinning it up to speed. The blade made the first cut through the flesh, her gloves did the rest. She tore the tongue apart and stepped through the bloody mess, only to be faced with a second layer ahead. Her hands punched into the flesh but without a prior cut, it was too much work to split like that. Stepping back, the scythe re-appeared in her hand with the bulk of the weapon appearing directly through the flesh ahead of her. She even gave it a swing as it appeared. The tongues around her coiled and curled but with muscles cut, they couldn’t do much. After sufficient damage was done, Annabelle easily passed the second flesh barrier. Yet when she went for the third and last, something strange happened. The sensation of hunger came back and Annabelle suddenly remembered a scene she had witnessed before. Sharp white teeth chomping down on a fragile human shoulder. She remembered the look of pure shock on Tharia’s face when she tore off her arm in that strange dreamworld. Worse, she recalled the exact taste, slightly salty and bitter with a strong scent of blood and familiarity. She shuddered. All around her was blood. Of course, there would be, she was cutting through monster tongues the size of buildings. Yet her mind struggled with this reality. Annabelle collapsed on the ground and as the sensation of hunger wailed on her, she struggled to keep down the bile. Another pang of hunger coursed through her. This was more than a simple feeling, Annabelle realized. The Godbeast was fully awakening and his domain would be hunger. With the disgusting taste of human flesh on her mind, she got back up, swallowed and went for the last barrier. How many times had she killed Tharia in that dreamland? The number didn’t matter. Mad fury pumped through her heart. That third barrier wasn’t cut. It was torn apart bit by bit and when Annabelle walked through, she barely looked like herself anymore. She was covered in things her mind tried to ignore and let out an animalistic growl. This mindless carnage manifested itself as... joy. She stretched her arms and legs and then started throwing punches against the statue. The Godbeast tried to smack her away with another one of the long appendages but Annabelle sidestepped it by instinct and instead watched it smash the statue for her. With a loud thud, the beast smacked onto the platform. The cracks widened considerably and the beast suddenly started to float. Yet it obviously took far more strength than it had. It could barely lift off the ground and then flapped back on it. While the platform could have survived the earlier impact, this proved too much. Suddenly, the cracks were no more. A massive hole had opened in the platform. Tongues tried to latch onto something, anything as the main body fell through. Annabelle didn’t wait for her breath to calm down. There was little rational thought left. She wanted more destruction. Now. She dashed towards the edge and leaped after the Godbeast without looking. Her body fell several levels before she got close enough to the main tongue that still held onto something up above. She summoned the scythe and hammered it into the long tongue. Only by using the strength of the gloves, could she hold on. The blade easily cut into the flesh and it was enough resistance to slow her fall. Loud whining came from the flailing beast below. Its body had splattered onto the fields. Spores filled the air and the Whys had disappeared underneath the creature. On her way down, the scythe broke several times and each time, she accelerated her fall again until she resummoned her weapon and sunk it back into the flesh. The whole of the monster tongue was split open when her feet finally touched the ground. Pure rapture showed on her face, accompanied by a weird smile and a crazed look in her eyes. This wasn’t nearly enough carnage. She stepped to the side and looked at the half-broken Godbeast. The fall had done a number on it. It was no longer a ball of tongues but looked more like a flat and split open flower. Curiously, there was a crystal at the center of it and within swum the shape of a human body. It hammered against the crystal in an attempt to get out. “Let your first view in this world be your last”, Annabelle said and let out a mad laugh. --- #### #### **Depths of Depravity** #### **District of Profaners, Third Ring** **![](** Nothing was more dangerous than a cornered beast, especially in the face of a predator out for its blood. The body of the Godbeast wailed massive tongues like limbs, smashing through stone pillars and walls in a blind attempt to hit Annabelle. The goddess dodged and weaved her way through the onslaught. Yet she was at an impasse. She couldn’t get close enough to smash the crystal and with every passing moment, the sensation of unbearable hunger continued. An opening! Annabelle lunged towards it. Like before, she skittered through underneath one of the massive tongues. Only this time her trick didn’t work anymore. Countless smaller tongues hung from the big one and they hooked into her armor. She quickly found herself caught and overwhelmed by a dozen small hooks biting into her armor and the flesh that was exposed. Maybe she could bring back the domain. She tried to blend out the hundreds of new cuts and concentrated on the room. Nothing happened and more cuts tore up her beautiful exterior. Something had to trigger it. Surely it couldn’t be something as simple as desires. She saw a momentary and highly inappropriate image of Tharia in her mind and suddenly found herself back on the soft bed. “This is just wrong”, she exclaimed, breathless. The hundreds of tongues shriveled back into the larger one and it moved away again. Annabelle used this moment to get back outside. Like before, the domain disappeared behind her. She would need to find other ways to activate it and it would have to be faster too. Blood ran down her cheeks as she refocussed her gaze on the beast ahead. The smaller tongues complicated things. She suddenly saw a human in front of her, the eyes were rolled back and the jaw was missing. The tongue writhed into the neck and the priest clasped his hands around Annabelle's face. She instinctively reached up and punched the priests face but that did nothing. Only when she crushed the tongue controlling the body, did the grip on her face loosen. Confusion took hold of her as dozens of priests appeared in front of her. She glanced up and saw several large tongues hover over her. It used the dead priests and monks like marionettes. All the while, the long tongues continued their destruction of the pyramid around her. “Just wonderful”, Annabelle said, “More things to kill” There was a part of her that was a slight bit scared about just how much she enjoyed this battle. It was raw and pure carnage, full of pain and agony along with an unsung thrill as her life was on the line. If Tharia were here, she would kiss her right there. Definitely, not a healthy mindset for battle and this small distraction cost her already. She felt her legs give in as a slow sweeping tongue stuck her. Once more, the pulled muscle acted up when she tried to stand. The limited motion made it hard to move and it was no longer a case of being able to force through. All the small damages she had taken accumulated to a lot of fatigue. Still, she held up the long scythe in her left hand and a war-fan in the right. Both were gripped by the absurdly strong gloves and the grin on her face widened. The first monk came for her. Without any weapon of its own, Annabelle simply cut the tongue with her Scythe and then hobbled towards the next row of enemies. Four of them at once. Two, after her spinning war-fan cut through two tongues in quick succession. The other two fell to the wayside after a sweeping cut of her Scythe. Yet more obstacles blocked her path. Normally she’d run but the muscles didn’t play along. No matter. More things to kill and destroy. ![]( She lost track of time when finally she stepped onto the central mass of flesh. Behind her lay a field of mindless carnage. There were torn and cut off tongues, dead priests, a pool of blood and other gross details. She was out of breath, her gait had a limp and the weapons in her hands looked broken many times over. At some point, she had stopped resummoning them and just bashed in monsters with nothing but broken weaponry. The best part, there was so much blood on her that she couldn’t taste Tharia anymore. That vile memory faded away as she walked closer to the crystal. Not a lot of life remained in the Godbeast anymore. Most of it coalesced into the crystal. Some tongues still moved but they too were fatigued. Annabelle looked into the crystal and saw what looked like Luciano, only much more physically fit than before. His nude body appeared like the work of an artist as it swiveled around inside the crystal, wide awake and looking for a way out. Annabelle let out a sigh, after a quick glance around, she piled up folds of the dead tongue to form a seat for her. Like that, she sat down next to the crystal-egg at a specific spot, dismissed her weapons and simply waited. Soon, the shell showed cracks and an azure glowing liquid ran out of the egg. All around her, pieces of the temple fell down. Their battle had damaged it significantly. Annabelle just crossed her legs and leaned back. More minutes passed as the crystal finally opened up completely. A shivering mess of a man lay in that glowing liquid, sputtering for air. He opened his eyes and looked up at her. His voice sounded like Luciano, only much more perfected in tone. “You... pretty”, the voice said and the sculptured man stood up, “Want touch, want feel.” “Of course you do”, came the reply from Annabelle. She slightly turned her right wrist. Golden light sprung from her hand and the Scythe manifested with the blade just behind the man’s neck. He stared at her with wide open eyes as she effortlessly cut off his neck. “Now we wait a bit longer, Luciano. I’m not done with you yet.” Indeed, a moment later, the head regrew on his body. “Not feel good. Want feel good”, Luciano said and grunted. Annabelle unfurled her legs and gestured towards the man. She then pointed at a spot in front of her and beckoned him with one of her fingers. The newborn god was befuddled, his mind not yet all there and his judgement clouded by her influence. “Come here, I’ve got something for you”, she said and watched the naked man approach. Once he reached a certain spot, her grin widened. “Now stay there, you horny rabbit. Stay and wait.” Like that, she kept still and watched the reaction of the man in front of her. Her influence had him completely enthralled. “You don’t remember, but in your previous life, you did me great harm”, Annabelle began. She used the trick she had learned while playing that stupid card game. Just lay out words and concepts one sentence at a time. “You were always one to want more. Your people worshipped you like a god but it wasn’t enough. You wanted to be one. Not for the betterment of your people but rather for...” Annabelle raised her hand and then pressed it down on her chest. She let her finger describe the curvature. “All of that so you could lure your flock to fornicate with you, always hungering for more. You sleazy speck of dust” The goddess stopped teasing the freshly born god. No matter how weak he was with his interrupted incubation cycle, there still was the matter of an unfortunate rule. “Alas, I can’t kill you myself. But you’re a patient one, aren’t you? Want your reward?” Annabelle said with a sultry tone while slightly leaning back, accentuating the whole length of her body by stretching her long legs and inclining her feet. No matter the mess she looked like, for the freshly born god, this was pure allure. He didn’t even react to the dust trickling down on him, so enraptured was he with what he saw. “Yes, want”, Luciano said with glazed over eyes. He reached out towards her but Annabelle held up a finger. “Now...” she said with a drawn-out voice. “Yes? Yes? Now!?” It happened very quickly. A tremor ran through the ground. Small stones hailed down and just as Luciano looked up, an absolutely massive chunk of wall smashed straight through him and turned him into a paste. That was something she had learned from the humans and the Dreamreaper. Gods can’t kill gods, but they can compromise each other so that something else can. She knelt down to the gruesome sight and picked up a glowing sphere of energy. Her stomach revolted at the idea of swallowing this thing, but in the fights ahead, she would need all energy she could get. Without paying it any more mind, she swallowed the sphere whole and felt it mix and blend with her divine essence. She let it settle and then concentrated on the energy. Holding up her hands, she allowed the new energy to manifest. A small sparkle appeared and the result was a golden ring on her finger. “Eh? What?” Not all summoned ‘weapons’ could be keepers, she realized. It might have a supplementary effect like the gloves. She’d experiment with it later. Now it was time to get Tharia back and then find a way back topside. When Annabelle closed her eyes to search for Tharia’s divine essence, she felt a faint one on the outside of the pyramid. It seems like Sisi had navigated the body down the outer slope. Clever girl. Yet something else gave her pause. The day had started with ten sources of the essence. One she had snuffed out and consumed. Another blinked out earlier for reasons unknown. Yet for some reason, there were only seven targets remaining. Someone else was out there hunting the same prey. ![]( “You know, I’m going to give both of you books on self-preservation”, Sisi said. The sprite was still inside of Tharia, which irked Annabelle quite a bit. They had met up outside. The human girl looked much more healthy already, although the staff was still used as a walking implement instead of as a weapon. The elemental was really doing its job. Annabelle glanced over Tharia and felt warmth in her chest. If only there weren’t the dark images in the back of her mind. She shook her head and then tapped Tharia’s shoulder. “What?” Sisi instead said, “alright. Yes, your girl is fine if that’s what you’re wondering. I haven’t been all idle, you know? There’s another way up. Remember the staircase with the ceiling of obsidian? Same thing here. It’s like something covered the world in burning stone. Let’s hope that something isn’t out to play, eh, Annie?” Annabelle took a deep breath, “Only Tharia gets to call me that.” “What do you mean, of course, I’ll call you... oh crap”, Sisi answered and suddenly put a hand in front of her mouth. Then, the sprite grew silent while Tharia’s body showed a very pale complexion. “Sisi? What’s the matter?” No answer came. Instead, the human body shuddered once and then returned to normal. An unexpected light emanated from within Tharia’s body and with little ceremony, a human-sized and very weary looking elemental detached from within. Sisi didn’t float, it just flopped flat onto the ground. Just as Annabelle caught the feathery light sprite, Tharia collapsed onto the ground as well. Annabelle’s heart missed a beat. The goddess placed down the sprite and then hurried towards her love. She picked up the frail body and felt raging inside of it. Her lips placed a quick kiss on the forehead and she then wrapped her arms around Tharia. The goddess felt utterly helpless. “Your gods-cursed hair-Kraken is choking me”, a faint voice came from her love, “and you stink.” “You’re alive!” “Not for long if you don't let me go”, Tharia complained. Annabelle felt small hands on her chest push her away and she obliged. The human girl still looked extremely weak and weary but she was well off. Tharia then nodded towards the faintly glowing sprite on the ground. It had shrunk to hand-size and was barely moving. “Something happened at the end. Our memories became one but then something threw her out” As Tharia was speaking, Annabelle couldn’t help but notice the plants move into a new pattern. The image of a skull, pierced by flowers, seemed to grin at Annabelle from a position on Tharia’s neck. ![]( End: Pinnacle of a Cult | Coming up: Something in the Walls
{ "title": "Lily Bouquet - A Girls Love Anthology", "id": 16774, "author": "RYF", "rating": 4.7 }
{ "title": "Telepathic Girlfriend - Part 2", "id": 305885, "next": 307847, "prev": 303781, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlZGI5MWFhZjYyODQ1ZjZiODRkZjVmOTY1M2I4MWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The customer that Ann was dealing with was giving her trouble for some time. He was looking for a gift to his girlfriend. But, for some reason, he found a flaw in everything Ann picked up. He seemed upset, but Ann also felt like she was on her limit.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZThhOGZlNWZiYjQ0NDQ5ZDQ3NTFhYWUwMmE0NGVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, if you think she likes cute clothes, how about this skirt?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmQ2NzlhMmMxMjQ5MWU4YzU2MmVjYTRmOTdhNGM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann pulled a mini-skirt with colored beads and put it on the desk in front of him. He gave her an angry look.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNDMwYTZkNTVkNTRhYzhiMmYxYjFkMmExNzU0YzY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The fuck you’re trying to push to me?!” He slammed the desk, making Ann flinch. “She’s my girlfriend, right?! I would never allow her to walk out wearing this shit. She’s not a slut like you!”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMzhhN2NlNDljNzQyYmQ4NWU3OTI4NDk3MDVmZjU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann clenched her fists. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYzM5MzM5ODg2ODRjYjFiZmVmNjQ1MzY0MmYyNjI4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Can’t yell at a customer, </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">she thought, trying her best not to let her emotions show.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNmY5YTcwYjc2MjQ0MmZiMmJlNmU5MDlkMWY3NjY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mister, you need to calm down…”</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTU4YmQ0Zjk2ODRhYzVhYzcwMmMzNDJhYjhhOTdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Fuck you!” He slammed the desk again and for a moment, Ann thought he would assault her. She could see the wrath in his face.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGVlYzhjODc1ZDRhNDJhYzZjY2JlZTUwMmJkNGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">But someone pulled him away from her. Marina gave an angry look to the guy while holding his wrists. He looked confused.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTY0ZWY2ZTMyZjRhODg4NDlhYTk2MTdhN2QxZTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mister, we’re here to help you. But you can’t treat us like that,” she said, using a calm tone in her voice that didn’t translate in her face.</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2QxNTE3YTk5ZDRmYzg4YjA3OGI1NjcwNGM0NTkx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, fuck you..” he tried to pull his arm, but Marina just strengthened her grip.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yjk4ZTU4MWM4MjRmYTRiZDA3NWJiNzA5MWYwODgy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I understand that you’re angry, mister. But taking your frustration on others because your girlfriend won’t talk to you won’t change anything.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzMyNTk2ODYwYzQyZTJiMGMxMjAwMDNjNDhkNTE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What are you…?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDFiZWQ0ZmZkZTQzOTM5M2E4YTBkNjY2NzQ0MWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And if you really care about her, you shouldn’t cheat on her, to begin with.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxODcxMzY3ZDAyMTQzY2U4ZjIzZTRiNDBmYjNkNGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">His face turned pale. Marina released his wrist and kept staring at him with a serious face. He turned his eyes confused from Marina to Ann. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NTFkNmEzYzFkZDRmZWY4YzU2MWE3NjdmY2FhYTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mister,” Marina said, getting closer to Ann and holding her hand. “Go home and calm down. Come back another day and we’ll help you find her a gift. This is not the place to do what you’re thinking now.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTBjNjkyY2FmMTQ1NGU5MzFjMDQ2YTM1NTQ0N2Qy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He didn't say anything. At first, he just stood there looking to the two women. Until, still in silence, he walked away.</span></p> <p class="cnNiY2NlM2Y5YzNlYzQ1MmNiNWFmNmY5ZWExNjRlMmUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann let out a relieved sigh. Marina pulled her hand gently.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYjlmNzRlYjdjODRmMzBiMDI2NmUyYmZmMjdkYjY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let’s get a cup of water for you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWYwNmM0MmQ3MjQxZjQ5ZmM3YWYxNDgwYjBkMmZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">While Ann drank the water in the back of the store, Marina didn’t leave her side. After some minutes, other co-workers went to see her.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNDRmZjFhNmYyNDQ5NDk5ODAzZDg0OGY4Y2MzMjFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That guy was an asshole,” said one female co-worker. “You did nothing wrong.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMDZjZmMxYWY0YjQ5ODk5ZjBmMWFlNzFkMWFmZjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Marina was really cool out there,” another female co-worker said, which made Ann smile proudly.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OGNjYTY2YjNkMDQxNjQ4MzkxNjVhM2UwZjkzN2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even their manager, a middle-aged man with a grumpy face came out to say that she wouldn’t be in trouble and he wouldn’t allow his employers to be harassed.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OGM5M2E0Yzg3ZDQxODZhNTYzMzZjMDZlODdmY2Nl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Thanks,” Ann said to Marina when they were left alone. Marina just nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMGEwYjZjYWQwMzQzY2ViODc5MmVhZTk1NWY2YjZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After calming down, Ann decided to go back to work, while Marina asked her if it was really okay. She worked the whole day realizing that her girlfriend couldn’t take her eyes off her.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDQyMjZiNTEyYzQ2MDVhMDc0Nzk4MzAxNjgxODc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">One thing, Ann realized that day. The tone of voice Marina used with the guy, and the serious glare she threw him wasn’t that different of her habitual mood at the store. Ann remembered how she only smiled at her. She thought that Marina probably couldn’t deal with the kind of thing her co-workers had on their minds.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTQ1MWJlZWU5NzQyMjZiNWRiMTAwMmExYzdlOTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann thought how sad and lonely that seemed and felt bad for Marina. On the other side, she was just a little happy for having exclusivity over her smile.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmQ0ZmFmNGU4YjRiOTM4NzUyZTgyYzlhODYzMTcz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Want me to walk you home?” Marina asked when Ann was changing after the day was over.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNDQ4MjIxN2UwYTRkNDI5ZDYzMzY1YzcyNTIyN2E0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, it’s fine,” Ann answered but after remembering that afternoon, she changed her mind. “Actually, maybe it would be nice.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNzRhMjRhZWIwMzRhZGRhOTJlOWU3MzZkMjczZGZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Okay,” Marina smiled. “But you don’t need to worry. That guy won’t come after me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MTUxYzVkYzYzOTRhMDlhZDBiNGY1MzRlZTg1Mjg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you sure? He looked furious.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTllZGQxYjMyMTRhMjRiZjc3Zjk1NzRmYzc3NzJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“He wasn't furious. He was confused. And a little afraid. He’s just an idiot, don’t worry.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWEzZTg4NGY5YjQ1ZTY4MDhiYWY4YjgzY2ZhMWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The two women walked together in the afternoon. Ann’s home was close to her work, but still at least half an hour by foot. They needed to walk through crowded streets to get there. Ann, as usual, was the one talking the most. Marina just smiled at her and listened to her stories.</span></p> <p class="cnNmMmUwYWE5MGI4YjRiYjc5YTMzZWMzYTcwODMwNDk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">When they arrived at Ann’s house, Marina said goodbye. But Ann grabbed her arm.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzdjYTMxZTMzNTQwNGM4YWI5OGIxOThhMDIyMTg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why not spend the night?” Ann asked with a nervous smile.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmRmNmJhMDU2NTQzNjRiZTE2ZWRkNGZiN2NjYTg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Marina looked at her in silence.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODMxNTcwODIzYTRlY2Y4Y2Q2MWZlYThkYzI3MWU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I-I’m not saying we should sleep together…”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZTFmYTQ4ZDdiZDRkNzA4ZTA5ZTY3ZmRiOGU0Y2U5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I know. You do want it, but that’s not what you mean.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTc3MWJhN2I3ODRjOTY5MWJjYmU1YjRkNjkwNDQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann felt her face becoming red. She looked to the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2Y5MWQxZmZjYzQ2ZTc5YThjNjMxOWRjZjkwNjk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But you see,” Ann said. “You live alone, so, why do you need to go home? We won’t have much time to talk if we don’t use our free time. So, like…”</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmMwZTcwNGJkMzRjMjNiMjRkYmIzZGNmOTlkNGM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re right,” Marina walked closer to Ann. “I am a little nervous about spending the night in the home of someone else again, but you’re right.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2FiNzIxYTU2YjRhMmFiNDI4YjBlN2YwOTZlZTQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Bad experiences?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0Y2MzZDVjOWQyZDQyMTA5Njg2MDY2NzEwNzAwOGIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You know dreams are like thoughts, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmRkNjU2OTkwNDRiNDU5MzZiM2MyNWM0NTM5ZjA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh! So you can see dreams?!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzdkZTQ5NjI1ZTRhZDRhZjZkNjA1YTdhNzNhMTBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, they’re a mess and a little scary sometimes. But the problem is, you know how people will dream about things they repressed. Dreams are usually too intimate and it’s uncomfortable seeing them.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmNlZTE4MzYwNzRlZGU4YzY3NzE3YWUwY2ViYzA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh,” Ann looked to the ground, trying to remember what she had dreamt about lately.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWVmNTNiMjFlYzQzMjdhNWRhM2I1NjM1YTUzNGFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So, if you’re worried about it…”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNWI3ZWQwOTdmOTQ0YTRhYWQxYzAxYjRjOWJjMzFl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No. I mean, I am, maybe. But we’ll need to get over it someday, right? Why not now?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDg2ZTljMDc3MzQwZDNhNjc0ZDNlZjUwZTZhODZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You’re really thinking ahead.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzRlZDZhMDZkNDRmNTJhNTRiZjVlMmYzMDhkN2Yz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course! I mean, we’re dating, right? Since we’re dating, I want to take it seriously. I plan to live with you for as long as you want me.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZmQ2ZDZlZmZkZDRmYTE5NmEzNDdiYWMyZTczOTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That can be a long time, darling.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYzEyMzJkMDIyZDQyY2RhMjYyM2Q1Njc2ZDQ2YTk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s what I hope, love.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDlmZWU0MDFiZjQzZTNiNzM1MDc2MTkzNjNkYWY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann was nervous about calling Marina that for the first time. She waited for some kind of reaction, but Marina just smiled. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MmE4N2MwMWYzNjQ0MWFiODdkZTlmNGRlYjkxNWUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">That night Ann made dinner. Usually, she would just order something or eat what was left from the previous day. But she wanted Marina to eat her homemade food. She was a little nervous because she didn’t cook for a long time, and by the look Marina gave her, it was obvious how she caught Ann’s worries. At a point, Ann just asked her girlfriend to let her alone and go watch TV.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjFlMTFlOTYyZTQ0NDU4NTViM2U0OTgyODkzYWRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann watched nervously as Marina eat her food. All that Marina said after was how delicious it was, as well as how a good wife Ann would be, which made her blush. She was happy but also wondering if Marina was just saying what she wanted to hear.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjkyZjM1ZjgyNDQ0Nzg4ZDFkYzNlZDc1NGJmODY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">After dinner, both girls sat down on the living room. Since it was the middle of November and it was a cold night, Ann made them hot chocolate. They were supposed to watch TV, but Ann couldn’t concentrate, having Marina so close to her. Marina also didn’t seem interested in the TV.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGY2ODg1ZWFiNDRjMjg5OWI2ZGNlZGI5MTUzYTRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her eyes wandered through the room. One image caught her attention. Placed on the wall above the place where the TV was placed there was was a cross with an image of Jesus Christ hanging on it.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTU4ZDk1ZmU2ODQ3MzdhMjBkYTg2MTEzOGJiYTAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Say,” she said and Ann followed her eyes. “Are you religious?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzQyYzdiYWQzODQxZGNhODY0MDJiNDllOTg2ODRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, that,” Ann gave a nervous smile. “My family is Catholic and I kinda…”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjE3YzVmYTY5ZjQ2MTRhNGIwOTMyYWM3NmExNjU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just curious. But I get it now.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmQ4NWU3MjQ1NTRjMWZiMmQxMGJhYjNlOWU5OTIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, yeah, my girlfriend used to say that’s weird. And I do understand her, but, you know, I can believe something while questioning parts of it, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTZjNThiOWUzMjRiMmFiNWQ0NTIwYjk4Y2NhODI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s what everyone is doing already. For example, you’re already breaking the sex before marriage rule, so whatever, right?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNGIyZGUzMTEzNzQyNGZhMGZlYjZkNDdlZGFmOTQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Actually,” Ann said, giving a nervous smile. “I always wanted to have a traditional marriage. I love wedding dresses since I was a kid and I always found women wearing them so pretty. I really wish I could have a marriage like that someday.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTkwNjQxNmQ1NzQ3ZWI5N2VkNjc1ZTY2NWEwMGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That might be a little hard, right? Considering, you know, their rules.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWVjZDY2NTM1MjQ5MzY5OGQ5NTI5ZDJiOTkzYmZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I know the priest from our church. He’s my godfather, actually. Once I confessed to him about my girlfriend. He said his church will always be opened to me, regardless. He also said he would be happy to celebrate my marriage and would even fight the pope if it was needed,” she paused and smiled. “Well, I don’t plan to ask it, since it could give him trouble. It’s not like we need to do it inside a church,” Ann looked at Marina and caressed her cheek, removing a strand of her dark hair which was blocking her eyes. “And you would be beautiful wearing a dress.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOWQ2ZjQxOTQ2ODRkNzc4NjBmZDE0YzIyNjAyOGRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So I’ll be the one wearing the dress?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDFmYzY2Y2Y4ZjQwMGVhY2FjZDRkNzI1M2JjMTg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Of course! I mean, we both will wear dresses. We’ll both be the bride, after all!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDJlNjEzZGM4NjQ2ZDZhNjcyMmZiZmMyYTRiMGUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann gave a big smile and Marina laughed.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTI2OGJhYzRiYTRjNjZiYTczYzczZmFmMzdmNWU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“W-What?” Ann asked. She made a worried face.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MmUyYTdiODhkNjRmMmRiMTBmYzlkNGM4ODUwZWVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I mean. You’re talking about marriage. Are you proposing?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWE2NmQzODI0NDRkMTNiNDg4MTI1M2RjNmQxNTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann felt her cheek redden. She started to babble something, but Marina put a finger on her lips.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjM4MGM2NWI5ZjQ5ZmVhOWI2YjFmMjdhNzc4NTdm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry. I don’t mind. I do have the intention to live with you as long as I can,” she gave Ann a kiss and smiled. “It’s funny, though.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTMwNmRmYjNkODQ5YmJiZTdjNmNiMDMzMjU2MDIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann didn’t say anything. Marina put her now empty cup aside and rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODUyNWQ1NTQ0MTQ0NGY5NzZjZDQyZjdjOWNmMmRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I don’t believe in god,” she said. “I wouldn’t be against it, though. If my lovely wife wants it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MmE1ZWVhOWFjNjQwM2FiYmMyOTZiYWI4NDg0OWVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, my ex was so against it. She was a fervent atheist. Said not even love could make her get inside a church.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDU4M2QxYWFiNTRhY2ZiY2RhYWY2ZTM3NTQyMDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You still think very fondly of her.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMDlmNGEyMTQwOTQ4ZjBiYjkyYWU1MzIzNTM4ZTFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh,” Ann gave Marina a worried look.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NjkyNWQ5MTNjMzRjZTc4MDVkZjM5NzhmYTMzYjlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry,” Marina said with a laugh. “I said I get it, right? Your feelings are completely platonic now. Even if you do miss her a lot.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTJmZmE3ODI1MjRhNWE4MmE4ZTJmNTM0MTg5ZTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah. She did break up with me and said we could still be friends, but then she just disappeared. I miss her. Before being my girlfriend, she was my best friend.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2M2E3MzdkNDk0ZjQyM2JiZmJkOTI0MDlhMTBlY2Yw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“If that’s worth anything,” Marina pulled Ann’s face and kissed her lips. “I won’t ever leave you.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjFjODM3OGE2YzQwZDE5NjM2MmVlY2RjODY0NzY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ann was so happy that she had to resist not to jump with joy. The perfume coming out of Marina’s hair surrounded her. She felt suddenly too excited that she couldn’t control her thoughts. Looking at Marina’s naked neck. Her olive skin exposed. Ann's eyes moved below, focusing on Marina’s chest.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjE3NmE5NTc4MDQ2ZGRiNjkwNDEzYWMzYTE5OGZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m still not ready for that, though,” Marina said.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMGIyMDZlNzg0MjRiNjk4OGExNDBkZDk1MjM0MGUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I-I-I-I’m sorry,” Ann answered, flustered. “I didn’t mean to…”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMzdkYzA3YTA1NzQyNjM5ZjhiM2JkOWEwZDdkMzA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Marina laughed, but remained there, leaning against Ann.</span></p> <p class="cnMyOTZiZDJlMzFhZDQ1YjQ5NDc1MmRiZmNlNGQ4Y2U0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Are you curious about why that frights me?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjNmNDU3ZmYyNTQyNDhiYTQ5Nzg0ZWQ0MTI0YjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzhmMWUyMzA0MTQyMjQ4ZGVmZDQ1Mjg1MmI4MGQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, I know. But I do want to talk about it. Is that fine? Okay, then,” it took a long minute for her to start talking again. “It was when I had my first kiss with a boy...”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YzE2ZTQ0NTc5MzQxMjg4OGY1NmQzMzUwNzNhYmIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I hate this story already.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYWQxZjYyMTljMDRmMzg5YTUwNGMxYTMyMjAwZTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Marina laughed. Ann’s mind went back to her own school love. Her ex-girlfriend.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YWEyY2I5MDI3MjQ5OTBiNTNhNjFkOGM3NTdjYWQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You also had one, right?” Marina said. “And it was different. I can see how you truly loved your ex-girlfriend. I didn’t love that boy. I was just thirteen years old and everyone was starting to think I was weird because I never had an interest in boys or love talks. And, well, you were a teenager once. You can understand how bad it is when people treat you like an outcast.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMWE3NDc5N2Y0MjRmZTc5YWZlMzA2NGVkMWE5YmQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, I was a teenager once. But I can’t imagine being an outcast. Sure, I never had any interest in boys. But they were around me all the time anyway, so everyone just assumed I did.”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZGZiMWM2YzNjODQ1MGZhZGQzZjlmODY4MDAzZmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You probably was hated a lot.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzNmYWIwMTE5NDRkZThiYTcwMmU3NmY3ZTE5NzE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Maybe, who knows,” Ann gave an impish smile. “I can’t read minds.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODg4MGE5YzY0MzQ0ZjE4OWY2ZDFhYjEwNDY4NWRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh, I get it. Well, how good it is to be so popular,” Marina gave a wry smile. “But for me, seeing how they saw me inside their minds, it was terrifying. So there was this boy. I knew that he was in love with me. I just approached him and confessed to him. Of course, I was lying. But I could see his mind and I knew he was a nice guy. At least, I thought. Well, he was.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTE0YmI3OWNkZDQ1ZGRhZjJlMjI0YzlmNTVhODgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Marina held Ann’s hand.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmYxN2EzYjBmMDQyNWY4YjAzNTVjOTFmOWQxMTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“When I kissed him, though, that changed. Well, it was his first kiss so I get it. That’s exciting and unexpected for most people. But in that exact moment, his feelings stopped being pure love and became, how I would say that? Completely sexual? Suddenly he wasn't thinking about me anymore. He was thinking about my body. And what he was feeling was kinda, disgusting, to be honest. I guess that’s normal, but being seen as some kind of sexual object made my stomach turn. Literally. I ran away and threw up on the girl’s bathroom.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDM4YmUwM2ZhYjQ3NDhhNGY1NTgyMTliNTk5NTVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s… Wow.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTg4ZDFkMDYzNzQyOTE4OTM2OWRkNmQ2OTc1ZDYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The poor guy was mocked forever after that. A girl threw up after kissing him, after all. Well, he couldn’t help it. Or at least that’s what I told myself to not hate him. But it made me scared. If he thought about me like that just with a kiss, how would it be if we tried sex?”</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmY1YjQ3MGRiMzQ3ODA4MWZiYjQ1ZTA1M2UyNDZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So that’s why you’re afraid of sex? You think you’ll feel disgusted by your partner’s thoughts during it?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTE4OWQ1ZGFlMjQ0ZjdiZGI4OWEwNzNlNTIxYjE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That too. But I also don’t want to hurt someone again like that. Especially if it’s someone I love.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNzNiODQ4OTZlNTQwNmNhMTdjNDJhMzFhYmJlZjk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What about kissing me, then? Is it disgusting?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODU4OTNjMzM1MDRjZTdhZTY1MGM2ZjEzNzJhZjI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Marina turned to Ann and put her lips on hers with her mouth closed. Their lips separated and Marina smiled. She pulled Ann’s body with a hug and kissed her again, now using her tongue as well. A lot of thoughts crossed Ann’s head.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWIxY2MxM2U5MDQ4YjFhZTJkZTk0OTg1OWMzM2Y1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMTcyZDg2NmJiNzQ0MGRhODczMjlhZTczNGYyODUx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">She’s kissing me…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNmMDliZjVmNjJjYzQzY2U4YjYxMDhkYmE0MWViOWUy"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Feels good…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhMjA4OWU3MDhhMDRkMTRhZDc4ZGM0MzBhZTJhYzNi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Her tongue…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNiNTI2MTIwYmQ0NTQ4NWE5MzkxMDRkMmZmMjMwZWYw"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Wet...</span></em></p> <p class="cnMzZTJkMTZjZGU1YjRiNTU5MGRkNDZmNGQ5NTA4N2Vh"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I want to hug her…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNmODA2Mzk5OTYwNTQwNjk5MjU1NTEwZGVhOTVlNDVi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Is she liking it?</span></em></p> <p class="cnNkZjY3MzViMGRlMjQwYzdiMDcxNGQ1ZjkzYmNkYzJm"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Tastes like chocolate…</span></em></p> <p class="cnM2N2Q4ZmU1OTBhYzRkNzNhOGY3M2E5MzFlODgxMzFm"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">It’s warm...</span></em></p> <p class="cnMwZDNlOTY2OWE2MTRlMzVhOTQwMDg3ZmM4ZjM3NzYx"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Should I do something to make it better?</span></em></p> <p class="cnMwODc0M2JhMDljODRjZjJiYWE4MjYzNDc5ODk3NTQ5"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I don’t want it to stop…</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1YWQ1OWI4Y2Y5OTQ1MDZhOTU5ZWVlN2EyM2IwNzgw"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Her breasts are pressing against me…</span></em></p> <p class="cnMxZmJjODk5YmMxYjRlN2NhYWVkZTk1Yzg2YjdmMjYy"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I can hear her heartbeat…</span></em></p> <p class="cnMyYjYzOGU5ZGE1YTRlMGRiMWViZjFiYjcyYWRmNmU0"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Her body is warm…</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1NzNjZTMyZDUzODRhZDc4ZWY2ODliNTg5MGNiNDI4"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I wanna do her...</span></em></p> <p class="cnMzNjk5MDIyODFiMzQ4YjM4YzcxM2Y2ZDhkMzAxOGM5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMzliNWY5MjFhOTRlNGFiMWI3NWUwYzFmNzVhNDcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">All thoughts came almost at the same time. Ann couldn’t really control them, as if she had no control over her own mind. She could only see Marina in front of her.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOTE1Y2EzMjFlYjQ0NDI4NmFkZTNhZDM5NzdlZGRk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMjJhYWNiZDcxYTRmZjNiOTQ5ZDJhMWZhMTdmZDdh"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Touch her…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNhZDgyZGI5YTcyYTRkMmE4NmYwNzZiNDE3ODFmMTJk"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I want her…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjZjdmNzQxMTUyNjRjOWJiZGMyNGU5NjU5NzA5ODUz"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Now…</span></em></p> <p class="cnNjYjdjZjY4NmJiNTQ0MzVhMDE5NWE2ZTEwZDZjN2U5"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I want her to feel good...</span></em></p> <p class="cnMyYTc1MDkzYTUwNjQ0NjJhMDk0NzJjOWE1YjBkZDAz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MTdlMDViYjliNjRiOGI5ZjVlNWEyNjc1YWM5YmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Marina stopped. Ann gasped for air.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTdkZjFkZDNjMTQ2M2ZiOTY3YjM1NTY2MzRjZjE0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I-I’m sorry,” Ann said, trying to sort everything that crossed her mind. Marina chuckled.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZGY0MGI3NWMwODRkOWFiMjk0MGMyZGZkOGJhZWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why are you apologizing?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWM0MzQ3Y2JhMjQ5MDM5ZjhjNzNmODhiOTM0NTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“D-Did I make you disgusted?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNjM3OTdjZDMxMDQwMDRiZTdlNWE4YWM4NzY4MzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Not at all. It felt nice. And I could feel that you really love me,” Ann smiled relieved but Marina added. “You're also kinda perverted.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NDllNWZlMDllYzQ1MGJhMWVlOWY5MTJhMGY1NWVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, sorry for that.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDQzNjk3YmU0ZjQ2NjlhYWVmNjY3M2Q2YzMxNzhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Who knows, though. Maybe if I was still thirteen, that would make me disgusted. That’s why I don’t know if I was really fair to that boy.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWFhYWViYzIyNjRiMGViM2Y4NmUxZjEyZWI2Y2Mz"><span style="font-weight: 400">When it came time to sleep, Ann asked if she should prepare a separated bed for Marina. Her girlfriend smiled and held her hand.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNTUxM2JkNDIxODQ1Y2RhNzM1Y2ZhOGZmNGYyNDVl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We can share a bed. But we won’t do anything, ok?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ODM0MzhhOGNhZDQ2ZmViMWY3NGY1NTRhY2MzOTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“O-Ok…”</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjJmMmI5NWE5NDRhOGY5NzBkYjU5YzVlZWY3YjA5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhODBlN2ExMDdhZDRjNTM5ZTNlMDAzYzE0ZmNjNWU2"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I wonder if I’ll be able to control my thoughts being so close to her all through the night.</span></em></p> </div>
The customer that Ann was dealing with was giving her trouble for some time. He was looking for a gift to his girlfriend. But, for some reason, he found a flaw in everything Ann picked up. He seemed upset, but Ann also felt like she was on her limit. “Well, if you think she likes cute clothes, how about this skirt?” Ann pulled a mini-skirt with colored beads and put it on the desk in front of him. He gave her an angry look. “The fuck you’re trying to push to me?!” He slammed the desk, making Ann flinch. “She’s my girlfriend, right?! I would never allow her to walk out wearing this shit. She’s not a slut like you!” Ann clenched her fists. *Can’t yell at a customer,* she thought, trying her best not to let her emotions show. “Mister, you need to calm down…” “Fuck you!” He slammed the desk again and for a moment, Ann thought he would assault her. She could see the wrath in his face. But someone pulled him away from her. Marina gave an angry look to the guy while holding his wrists. He looked confused. “Mister, we’re here to help you. But you can’t treat us like that,” she said, using a calm tone in her voice that didn’t translate in her face. “Oh, fuck you..” he tried to pull his arm, but Marina just strengthened her grip. “I understand that you’re angry, mister. But taking your frustration on others because your girlfriend won’t talk to you won’t change anything.” “What are you…?” “And if you really care about her, you shouldn’t cheat on her, to begin with.” His face turned pale. Marina released his wrist and kept staring at him with a serious face. He turned his eyes confused from Marina to Ann. “Mister,” Marina said, getting closer to Ann and holding her hand. “Go home and calm down. Come back another day and we’ll help you find her a gift. This is not the place to do what you’re thinking now.” He didn't say anything. At first, he just stood there looking to the two women. Until, still in silence, he walked away. Ann let out a relieved sigh. Marina pulled her hand gently. “Let’s get a cup of water for you.” While Ann drank the water in the back of the store, Marina didn’t leave her side. After some minutes, other co-workers went to see her. “That guy was an asshole,” said one female co-worker. “You did nothing wrong.” “Marina was really cool out there,” another female co-worker said, which made Ann smile proudly. Even their manager, a middle-aged man with a grumpy face came out to say that she wouldn’t be in trouble and he wouldn’t allow his employers to be harassed. “Thanks,” Ann said to Marina when they were left alone. Marina just nodded. After calming down, Ann decided to go back to work, while Marina asked her if it was really okay. She worked the whole day realizing that her girlfriend couldn’t take her eyes off her. One thing, Ann realized that day. The tone of voice Marina used with the guy, and the serious glare she threw him wasn’t that different of her habitual mood at the store. Ann remembered how she only smiled at her. She thought that Marina probably couldn’t deal with the kind of thing her co-workers had on their minds. Ann thought how sad and lonely that seemed and felt bad for Marina. On the other side, she was just a little happy for having exclusivity over her smile. “Want me to walk you home?” Marina asked when Ann was changing after the day was over. “No, it’s fine,” Ann answered but after remembering that afternoon, she changed her mind. “Actually, maybe it would be nice.” “Okay,” Marina smiled. “But you don’t need to worry. That guy won’t come after me.” “Are you sure? He looked furious.” “He wasn't furious. He was confused. And a little afraid. He’s just an idiot, don’t worry.” The two women walked together in the afternoon. Ann’s home was close to her work, but still at least half an hour by foot. They needed to walk through crowded streets to get there. Ann, as usual, was the one talking the most. Marina just smiled at her and listened to her stories. When they arrived at Ann’s house, Marina said goodbye. But Ann grabbed her arm. “Why not spend the night?” Ann asked with a nervous smile. Marina looked at her in silence. “I-I’m not saying we should sleep together…” “I know. You do want it, but that’s not what you mean.” Ann felt her face becoming red. She looked to the ground. “But you see,” Ann said. “You live alone, so, why do you need to go home? We won’t have much time to talk if we don’t use our free time. So, like…” “You’re right,” Marina walked closer to Ann. “I am a little nervous about spending the night in the home of someone else again, but you’re right.” “Bad experiences?” “You know dreams are like thoughts, right?” “Oh! So you can see dreams?!” “Well, they’re a mess and a little scary sometimes. But the problem is, you know how people will dream about things they repressed. Dreams are usually too intimate and it’s uncomfortable seeing them.” “Oh,” Ann looked to the ground, trying to remember what she had dreamt about lately. “So, if you’re worried about it…” “No. I mean, I am, maybe. But we’ll need to get over it someday, right? Why not now?” “You’re really thinking ahead.” “Of course! I mean, we’re dating, right? Since we’re dating, I want to take it seriously. I plan to live with you for as long as you want me.” “That can be a long time, darling.” “That’s what I hope, love.” Ann was nervous about calling Marina that for the first time. She waited for some kind of reaction, but Marina just smiled. That night Ann made dinner. Usually, she would just order something or eat what was left from the previous day. But she wanted Marina to eat her homemade food. She was a little nervous because she didn’t cook for a long time, and by the look Marina gave her, it was obvious how she caught Ann’s worries. At a point, Ann just asked her girlfriend to let her alone and go watch TV. Ann watched nervously as Marina eat her food. All that Marina said after was how delicious it was, as well as how a good wife Ann would be, which made her blush. She was happy but also wondering if Marina was just saying what she wanted to hear. After dinner, both girls sat down on the living room. Since it was the middle of November and it was a cold night, Ann made them hot chocolate. They were supposed to watch TV, but Ann couldn’t concentrate, having Marina so close to her. Marina also didn’t seem interested in the TV. Her eyes wandered through the room. One image caught her attention. Placed on the wall above the place where the TV was placed there was was a cross with an image of Jesus Christ hanging on it. “Say,” she said and Ann followed her eyes. “Are you religious?” “Oh, that,” Ann gave a nervous smile. “My family is Catholic and I kinda…” “I’m not saying it’s wrong. I’m just curious. But I get it now. “Well, yeah, my girlfriend used to say that’s weird. And I do understand her, but, you know, I can believe something while questioning parts of it, right?” “That’s what everyone is doing already. For example, you’re already breaking the sex before marriage rule, so whatever, right?” “Actually,” Ann said, giving a nervous smile. “I always wanted to have a traditional marriage. I love wedding dresses since I was a kid and I always found women wearing them so pretty. I really wish I could have a marriage like that someday.” “That might be a little hard, right? Considering, you know, their rules.” “Well, I know the priest from our church. He’s my godfather, actually. Once I confessed to him about my girlfriend. He said his church will always be opened to me, regardless. He also said he would be happy to celebrate my marriage and would even fight the pope if it was needed,” she paused and smiled. “Well, I don’t plan to ask it, since it could give him trouble. It’s not like we need to do it inside a church,” Ann looked at Marina and caressed her cheek, removing a strand of her dark hair which was blocking her eyes. “And you would be beautiful wearing a dress.” “So I’ll be the one wearing the dress?” “Of course! I mean, we both will wear dresses. We’ll both be the bride, after all!” Ann gave a big smile and Marina laughed. “W-What?” Ann asked. She made a worried face. “I mean. You’re talking about marriage. Are you proposing?” Ann felt her cheek redden. She started to babble something, but Marina put a finger on her lips. “Don’t worry. I don’t mind. I do have the intention to live with you as long as I can,” she gave Ann a kiss and smiled. “It’s funny, though.” Ann didn’t say anything. Marina put her now empty cup aside and rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Well, I don’t believe in god,” she said. “I wouldn’t be against it, though. If my lovely wife wants it.” “Well, my ex was so against it. She was a fervent atheist. Said not even love could make her get inside a church.” “You still think very fondly of her.” “Oh,” Ann gave Marina a worried look. “Don’t worry,” Marina said with a laugh. “I said I get it, right? Your feelings are completely platonic now. Even if you do miss her a lot.” “Yeah. She did break up with me and said we could still be friends, but then she just disappeared. I miss her. Before being my girlfriend, she was my best friend.” “If that’s worth anything,” Marina pulled Ann’s face and kissed her lips. “I won’t ever leave you.” Ann was so happy that she had to resist not to jump with joy. The perfume coming out of Marina’s hair surrounded her. She felt suddenly too excited that she couldn’t control her thoughts. Looking at Marina’s naked neck. Her olive skin exposed. Ann's eyes moved below, focusing on Marina’s chest. “I’m still not ready for that, though,” Marina said. “I-I-I-I’m sorry,” Ann answered, flustered. “I didn’t mean to…” Marina laughed, but remained there, leaning against Ann. “Are you curious about why that frights me?” “You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.” “Yeah, I know. But I do want to talk about it. Is that fine? Okay, then,” it took a long minute for her to start talking again. “It was when I had my first kiss with a boy...” “I hate this story already.” Marina laughed. Ann’s mind went back to her own school love. Her ex-girlfriend. “You also had one, right?” Marina said. “And it was different. I can see how you truly loved your ex-girlfriend. I didn’t love that boy. I was just thirteen years old and everyone was starting to think I was weird because I never had an interest in boys or love talks. And, well, you were a teenager once. You can understand how bad it is when people treat you like an outcast.” “Well, I was a teenager once. But I can’t imagine being an outcast. Sure, I never had any interest in boys. But they were around me all the time anyway, so everyone just assumed I did.” “You probably was hated a lot.” “Maybe, who knows,” Ann gave an impish smile. “I can’t read minds.” “Oh, I get it. Well, how good it is to be so popular,” Marina gave a wry smile. “But for me, seeing how they saw me inside their minds, it was terrifying. So there was this boy. I knew that he was in love with me. I just approached him and confessed to him. Of course, I was lying. But I could see his mind and I knew he was a nice guy. At least, I thought. Well, he was.” Marina held Ann’s hand. “When I kissed him, though, that changed. Well, it was his first kiss so I get it. That’s exciting and unexpected for most people. But in that exact moment, his feelings stopped being pure love and became, how I would say that? Completely sexual? Suddenly he wasn't thinking about me anymore. He was thinking about my body. And what he was feeling was kinda, disgusting, to be honest. I guess that’s normal, but being seen as some kind of sexual object made my stomach turn. Literally. I ran away and threw up on the girl’s bathroom.” “That’s… Wow.” “The poor guy was mocked forever after that. A girl threw up after kissing him, after all. Well, he couldn’t help it. Or at least that’s what I told myself to not hate him. But it made me scared. If he thought about me like that just with a kiss, how would it be if we tried sex?” “So that’s why you’re afraid of sex? You think you’ll feel disgusted by your partner’s thoughts during it?” “That too. But I also don’t want to hurt someone again like that. Especially if it’s someone I love.” “What about kissing me, then? Is it disgusting?” Marina turned to Ann and put her lips on hers with her mouth closed. Their lips separated and Marina smiled. She pulled Ann’s body with a hug and kissed her again, now using her tongue as well. A lot of thoughts crossed Ann’s head.   *She’s kissing me…* *Feels good…* *Her tongue…* *Wet...* *I want to hug her…* *Is she liking it?* *Tastes like chocolate…* *It’s warm...* *Should I do something to make it better?* *I don’t want it to stop…* *Her breasts are pressing against me…* *I can hear her heartbeat…* *Her body is warm…* *I wanna do her...*   All thoughts came almost at the same time. Ann couldn’t really control them, as if she had no control over her own mind. She could only see Marina in front of her.   *Touch her…* *I want her…* *Now…* *I want her to feel good...*   Marina stopped. Ann gasped for air. “I-I’m sorry,” Ann said, trying to sort everything that crossed her mind. Marina chuckled. “Why are you apologizing?” “D-Did I make you disgusted?” “Not at all. It felt nice. And I could feel that you really love me,” Ann smiled relieved but Marina added. “You're also kinda perverted.” “Well, sorry for that.” “Who knows, though. Maybe if I was still thirteen, that would make me disgusted. That’s why I don’t know if I was really fair to that boy.” When it came time to sleep, Ann asked if she should prepare a separated bed for Marina. Her girlfriend smiled and held her hand. “We can share a bed. But we won’t do anything, ok?” “O-Ok…”   *I wonder if I’ll be able to control my thoughts being so close to her all through the night.*
{ "title": "Travelers [DROPPED]", "id": 20694, "author": "BlueCoffeeJava", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Neighbors 4", "id": 305961, "next": 306375, "prev": 304275, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4OWFkZmJhYjZiNTQzM2I5ZDdhNzUwMDg2ZWQzNjZm" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0"><em>Aaron</em></p> <p class="cnM1OTAxMjE2YjJjMDRmYzlhNWRjOGZkZjM0ZDg4MDAw" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMTFkMDZhZjE5MjRhNzdiMzA4Njc0YjhmYTEwZjg4" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">*** *** ***</p> <p class="cnNhMzQ3NjAxODhmMTRhYzk4MThkNzNiYzY1YzhhODk3" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">The Design Lead has granted you limited use of the Zone Core (Structure):[Aaron's Room] to assist in Territory Management.</p> <p class="cnMzODk2Y2VkNGNkNTRlNDhhZmVmNjJlM2Y0N2IxZmY1" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">The Design Lead has granted you access to spawn all plants and most creatures available to the Studio of Capricious Dreams. This ability applies only within your Territory.</p> <p class="cnNlNDM5YzdlMzFlNzRlZDU4N2FhM2QyNzQ5ZDk0MGI0" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">The Design Lead has granted you access to all Structure and Exportable materials. This ability applies only within your Territory.</p> <p class="cnNlZjY3ZDVmYjJhZTRkMzZiMGExNDM5ZmU5MGFjMmNk" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">*** *** ***</p> <p class="cnM1Y2I3NTI5M2RmZTQxNDA4ZGNmNTkxNWUxNmI0MDNh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZjk3YzI0YzA2ZDQxNzU5MmVkNmE1NzRjYzQ1Y2M2" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">That message greeted Aaron when he awoke on the third day since landing on Rhofhir. He wanted to see what lay on the other side of the Lotrot portal, to discover what the plants and animals were like, but Rob and Jason had teamed up with Lena to argue against him going out — for now. Aaron wasn't much of one for politics, but at this point even acting as a bus boy for the negotiations going on outside was starting to look attractive.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2M0Y2I4Njk3ZTQ5ODViOTUzMTg4OWY2NjRlNGEz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">It wasn't that Buttercup wasn't fascinating, but he didn't know enough about her species to know what she needed, and there was only so much he could stand of watching the dire cat sleep.</p> <p class="cnMwNjAwNzE0YTFiNzQ0ZTM5MzFkZTM5YmYwYWQwNmFl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Rob's territory had splintered off from his last night, so now Aaron had no one looking over his shoulder. He had had fun experimenting with trap building, and the exercise had helped him get much more comfortable with the Territory Management stuff.</p> <p class="cnM2ZGIyYTViNjBmMjQxM2I4OThjYzZhYjA0ZGY4ZmUx" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Before anything else, Aaron investigated what his spawning options were, and the lists were wonderfully long. The Local Grasses listed over 30 varieties, with Local Bushes and Local Fungi having a similar breadth. The Local Trees option contained only three entries: Water Tree, Star Queen Apple Tree, and Fig Nut Tree, but there were additional "Misc." trees including another type of apple tree, two more nut trees, and a Star Banana tree. He found focusing in on the names of the different options gave him additional information.</p> <p class="cnMxYjkzYmM4NzI1YzQ5OTQ5ZDQwNDhhZjAxMzNiMTQ0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3OGEyNzA0YjNiNTQ5MjdiMzkwYjFmNzExYWM2Yzc4" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">*** *** ***</p> <p class="cnNkZjRmMzFhZTJiYjRkZjg5NTg1NDc1ODJmOTcyOWY0" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">Breath Bane (Grass): This potent variety of Garlic prefers to grow in the shade of Water Trees. Most cooks prefer to use an oil pressed from the garlic cloves as opposed to the cloves themselves as the act of cutting or crushing these garlic bulbs has a tendency to set the stench of the Breath Bane in the nearest porous surface.</p> <p class="cnNiMWYyMGJjOTBiNzQyMTQ5NDQyZjhjNDMyMjQzMTE4" style="text-align: center; margin: 0 3em">*** *** ***</p> <p class="cnMyYWUwOGY5NGRmZDRkYmI4ZDA4M2ExZGRjYWY1ZTY2" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTUxNjAxN2ZmYjQxNzE5ZmZiNWEzOThjNDI3NTQ0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">That sounded like a garlic Aaron had to try.</p> <p class="cnM0ODFiMzVlZmZhMzRiNDQ4OWYyMThlMDgzYWEyNjNj" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">But, responsibility tugged at the young man.</p> <p class="cnM1OGJjZWM1YjM1YTRmN2FhMDBlNWEwNjdjMmZhNjUw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">«Good morning?» He asked across the G.C.</p> <p class="cnNkZjllZWYxMzA0ZTQ2MjRhMmZmYjA3NzYwMDhkMjY3" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena responded. «Good Pre-Dawn Morning, I think. No one else is awake yet, seeing as Candy just went to sleep. Even Buttercup's curled up in the cave-i-tat you made her. I'm upgrading the plumbing in the bath house, but I'm leaving one of the showers alone until the others are working. The replacement process is fascinating! Oh, and I've made some stuff for the talks, just to make things easier. I have never been able to split my attention this well before! I love it! And, sorry, talking your ear off!»</p> <p class="cnMxYWE1M2NkOWE5MTQ2OTU4NWRjMzRlYmE4YTJmMTEz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">«Okay, I'll go take my shower and get started on hauling stuff out,» he said, eager at getting his first look at their new place.</p> <p class="cnM2YjZkYjdmZThlZDQ2NGM4YzAwODlkYzE2NTYwNGJm" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">By the time Aaron started hauling platforms out of the Studio, true dawn had broken. The rim of the sky was warm with rich golds divided by a barely noticeable green band before giving way to pale blues. The sun itself was nowhere to be seen, though. The cave didn't give them a terrible amount of side to side room, but it was at least tall enough for Aaron to stand up straight.</p> <p class="cnNjOTBiNzg2ZDg5ODRjY2ViNGM5M2MzNDhiY2QxMTI4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">He leaned the first platform against the rock face near the cave entrance and took a good look around. Enormous outcroppings of a gray-brown granite-like rock and lone willow-looking trees dotted steppe land as far as Aaron could make out. The temperature was mild, the grass more winter bleached than golden with hints of new-growth green peeking through and dew — not frost — glinting here and there as dew droplets caught the light just right.</p> <p class="cnNiNjg0YWJlOWVmNjRmYWJiZGRjODU4MGNkMDVlZDNm" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Well, not tundra, at least," Aaron said to himself. "Too warm with the grass that new. It looks like Spring, or a California Winter. I wonder which season we're in?"</p> <p class="cnMyOTFhOTdiZDRlNjQ2MGRhMjgwOWRiZGM2YjA1ZmU5" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">He sucked in a lungful of air and held it, savoring the taste of it on the back of his throat. The scents of healthy earth and growing plants mingled with a touch of the more pungent scents creatures used to mark their territorial boundaries.</p> <p class="cnM0MmRlNDQ0OTE4MDQ2ZGNiYmMwZjA5MDVkYzNmMDYy" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Jason and Rob woke up not long after that, cleaned themselves up, and gave Aaron a hand with setting up the meeting space. Rob started to grumble at Aaron for stepping outside without them, so Aaron flipped him off and kept working, saying, "I am a grown man, Rob. I've been wiping my own ass for a while now, and I think after all the hunting trips with Uncle Keith that I understand the concept of 'stay safe in the wilderness' maybe as much if not more than you!"</p> <p class="cnM5OWEwY2E3ZTVmYzQxNmFhZmUyNzM5YmQ5MTA2MGY1" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Oh, really? What makes you think deer hunting is any more preparation than Basic Training?" Rob snapped back.</p> <p class="cnNjNDM5MjUxM2NlYTRlY2JiYTlhMjU0NzU4YzM0NmY0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"For one, I've done it more and more recently than you've been to Basic. Poachers like to sneak around during the hunting season almost more than off season so we do have to watch out for people ranging from stupid yahoos to outright hostile muthas while avoiding rattlers, cougars, badgers, feral dogs and skunks. Tell me, Rob, while you were in the tank bay, when was the last time you had to worry about waking up with snakes snuggled up to you? I'm not talking about the barracks bunny type of snake, but the scaled, fanged, and often enough venomous types?"</p> <p class="cnM2NDFhYmU4ZmJiODQ1MjFiODc5NWVhZGViYzZjNTM5" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Jason chuckled. "He's got you there, Rob."</p> <p class="cnM4NWRlYTY5ZjA3MDQyNTA5ZmNkMjM2OGNjOThkM2I4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Hey, whose side are you on?" Rob said to Jason</p> <p class="cnNhNTg4ZDI0Y2ZmMTQ0ZDVhODQ0MzU5MTVkMGJhNDMz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Picking sides here is a whole bowl of Nope. I get where you're coming from, Rob. We've been cleaning up for wet behind the ears, fresh out of the house idiots for a few years, but that's no reason to assume your brother is as stupid as Kegger. He maybe hasn't hit the Age of Caution yet, but he's got a good head on his shoulders. Instead of riding herd on him, how about tonight we work together on establishing procedures for trips out of the dungeon? The girls - Candy, I guess, needs that more than Aaron."</p> <p class="cnM0OWNlYTc3OTIzNDQ5OWVhOWJiNjk2M2EwNWIwZGM4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Rob kept his grumbling to himself after that.</p> <p class="cnMyMGM0NTUxNjVjZTQzYmM5Mjc4YzNlYzA3NDhhYzVm" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">&nbsp;</p> <center><hr> <p class="cnM1OWJlOGUxNDY0OTRiNjBiZGNiNDU5YTIyODFhNWNh" style="text-align: center">*~*~*</p> </center> <p class="cnNiNmUzYjg1ZTYzMjQ1OWRhZWViMjJkNGQ2OTI5N2M3" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0"><em>Kargerran</em></p> <p class="cnMwOGFjYjFmNmY5MTQ0MGZiMjMyZWMyODM1NjkyODUz" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYTIxOGViZDU2MTRmZWE4OTkyZjFkMDk0MjM3ZDI1" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Kargerran nodded to the sentries for the camp of parandrian nomads that had formed overnight near to the entrance of the Studio of Capricious Dreams. On the way home the day before, Va'Melnroe had quietly informed the Talon Commander that there appeared to be some of his more nomadic kinsmen in the area at about the same time Vi informed Kargerran of their unofficial escort.</p> <p class="cnM4MjU2ZTllZDVhYTRmOGQ4ZmMxZDJkZjU5NWViMTJi" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">The sergeant determined to be amused by the unsubtle tactics of the Adventurers Guild representative. Much like the Delvers Talons of Lotrot, possession of a single dungeon meant a lot less to them than information that could be applied to making all dungeon delves safer.</p> <p class="cnMyZTk3MTdmMmQ3NzQ1ZWNiNzZjODI5MGYxM2E2ZmFh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Upon arriving at the cave mouth they discovered a large open-sided pavilion had been set up on a slightly raised platform 5 m square. The platform was all brilliant purples and vivid blues, while the pavilion canopy resembled the twilight side of sunset. The supports for the pavilion gleamed with coppery brightness.</p> <p class="cnNkYjE3ZWYwNGE2YjRjZDZiYTNmZGEzNmE4ODkwYWY0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">A circular table big enough to host twice as many dignitaries as were present took up the center of the platform. Seats ringed the edges of the pavilion, again far more than were needed, but they came in an assortment of strange styles. Many had a stool-like appearance, but a number had more than enough room to accommodate even an arassas' thick tail while providing a backing to lean against. In a corner of the pavilion closer to the cave mouth, a large copper brazier with an abstract mosaic of crystals the color of flames on its outside, warmed a large sized copper kettle. Goblets of glass were arranged around the table, and elegantly fluted pitchers of iced water placed on cotton pads of marbled rose and copper were intermixed. Fine porcelain dishes with copper edgings sat stacked near the middle of the table.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjUwNjQ4MGUxOTQ1MTZhZTBmZjlkYmVjMTZiYjZk" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">A 40 cm tall statue of a tree made of copper and dainty, multi-colored mana crystals stood on a stand to the right of the copper brazier.</p> <p class="cnMwZDQzZGJiMjA5MjRiOWU4Njg2N2M2NDEyYTA3Zjdi" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Jason Kline and Roberto Garcias were bringing out another pair of interesting chairs as they approached. The two humans positioned these full backed chairs at the table in front of the cave entrance before coming over to politely greet the Lotrot Council delegates.</p> <p class="cnM4Njc0MTY1MDk2MjQ5NGRiYzMzZDdjYmE1YzBhMWRh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Lena made a fair amount of progress in discovering how to make her environmental materials into exportable objects, and so we're able to host you in a little more comfort than yesterday," Jason Kline explained, waiving at the pavilion. "We don't have much experience with other sapient races, so please let us know how we may improve the seating arrangements. Unfortunately, we don't have food or beverages other than water to share at this point, though I hope, Merchant Master Zarabelkami, that the fire pit and kettle will provide you a sufficient source of hot water for your tea."</p> <p class="cnM3N2UyNzNmZTIyNzQ1YzA4OTEwY2Q2YmY0MDc5NDNi" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Your hospitality is appreciated," the Master Merchant said as she dismounted from her landau. "May we inspect these marks of progress?"</p> <p class="cnM5MWFiNWM0OWNlZDQ4N2E5ZDc5YTExZDU0NzJhODll" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Jason stepped aside. "By all means, do. And, Vi, it's good to see you again. Lena was feeling particularly artistic and inspired by your curiosity. She asked that I draw your attention to the statuette of the Orange Tree."</p> <p class="cnM5ZDM1NTk0OWRjODQ1OTI5MTRmMzRkNWI0YjFiZWFi" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Elder Harusk claimed Vi's arm for support and the two made their way directly to the statuette and brazier. Crafts Master Gilvillian and his apprentice Elorikin joined Zarabelkami in examining the chairs. Seir Wejerlan approached the table, picking up the nearest of the porcelain plates for a closer examination while Va'Melnroe followed him to examine the goblets. Talon Commander Muglibaum had already relayed his orders for this part. He nodded to Kargerran and Baline and then joined the Masters Craftsman and Merchant at the chairs.</p> <p class="cnMxNzc2NWVhNzY2ZTQ3NmE4YWE3NTY3ODAxZmUyZmQ0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Nilis, Tilly, and Kentrell slipped off into the bushes while the Infantry, Medics, and Harriers formed a perimeter several meters out from the pavilion. Kargerran and Baline and the remaining Rangers took positions facing toward the center of the pavilion, though remaining outside of it.</p> <p class="cnMyOTU1NWNkZDYwOTQ3M2E5MGUzZjczMDA0ZmZkYzZj" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Roberto Garcias stepped into the Studio of Capricious Dreams, returning with a stack of ten identical flat, white boxes, each about 7 cm tall. He set them beside one of the seats already at the table and then began distributing them around the table. When Va'Melnroe reached for one of the boxes, Roberto Garcias made no move to stop him.</p> <p class="cnNjOWE1NmE5NzVkYjQwNGViN2JmMzdiMDJmMDY1NWEx" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">This drew the others to the table and they gathered around to see what the box contained. Kargerran didn't have a good line of sight.</p> <p class="cnNkZjllM2EzN2RlZDQ0OWU5YWNmM2U1OGFmODk2Yzhl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"What an interesting scribe box," Va'Melnroe said. He lifted something. "Do you not use scrolls?"</p> <p class="cnM1ZDI1MWJkMTZmMTQ1Y2RhYmNmOTlmNzkwMzlhMGU5" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Jason said, "No. We find them terribly inefficient for a fully literate society. In your hand is a piece of paper made from bleached and pulped wood. Lena was working on book binding when we came out, so I'm hoping we will have some samples of those to provide you before the end of the day. Each scribe's box should contain three hundred sheets of the paper in addition to ballpoint pens in a rainbow of colors. The ink is made from rendered char and has been treated with Lena's [Applied Color Theory] skill. She lacks any gumming agents, so the ink flow may be a bit inconsistent."</p> <p class="cnMzNGZjYjcwODQ0ZTQzYWViNzQ3YzE5ODE0YWI4NjJh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Are these 'ballpoint pens' something like quills, then?" Seir Wejerlan asked, looking mildly interested.</p> <p class="cnNhN2M5MjBjZDYwODQxYjE5NWY3NTM2NzU1NTc0MTAy" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Something, yes," Jason Kline said.</p> <p class="cnNhMTU4OTljYjFlNzQyYjFhZTljODQ0Mzc5N2Q5M2Jh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Elorikin asked, "Where is the ink?"</p> <p class="cnM1Y2NhNjhhMGI1MjQxMDY4ZmI3ZDI2YmI2YmJhMWFk" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Jason Kline's head bent out of sight. "Inside the pens. The barrels are colored to match the ink they contain. Like this."</p> <p class="cnNmYjQzMGNhMzMzODRjMTU5ZThjNjU5ZjNkYTUyOWUz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"I say, that is a useful gadget!" Crafts Master Gilvillian said.</p> <p class="cnNkOGUwNzU5ZDU4NDQ2MmQ4NjM0NTQyZWJkZjY4NTEx" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Lena has asked that I share that she will be happy to hear your thoughts, especially any suggestions for improving the comfort and usefulness of the pens. There should be a box for each delegate. Lena presents these as tokens to entice future trade deals."</p> <p class="cnNiZjlkOGU5NmZlZDRlNDFhNWJmNzZjYjU5N2IzZmNl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Zarabelkami said, "What is to keep us from copying the devices ourselves?"</p> <p class="cnNlZGQwOGY3NDc2MjQ1ZDNiNjUxOWUzZmQ1Mjc4Mjhm" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Oh, please do," Jason Kline said. "And when you figure out how long and how much it will cost you to do so, remember that Lena made these just this morning. Without a materials cost. I think that brings us back to the point we left off at yesterday?"</p> <p class="cnNjZGU3NDA4NGEyMzQ1NmU5OGU1YzZhZTAwN2JjOTEw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">The Master Merchant's scales rippled, a less dramatic effect under the pavilion's cover. The delegates found chairs to their liking and seated themselves at the table.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTdmZWM0ZDcwNjQ0OWQ5OWUwZjEwNTEwOGVmZWFh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Kargerran enjoyed being a bird at the window of these talks. The two Travelers handled themselves well, displaying a bottomless well of patience as they refused to be baited by the Seir. Jason Kline's understanding of the mayhem that could be dealt to their economy with dungeon-made products, and the short-sighted temptation presented to do just that, seemed to both antagonize and soothe the Master Merchant.</p> <p class="cnM2NjFkYWM0Yjg2NzRmN2ViNDkwYWY3OWMzMDc4YTM3" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">If Kargerran read Crafts Master Gilvillian correctly, he was seeing the advantage of allying with the dungeon Travelers, letting their trade-neutral stance be on their heads rather than he being stuck holding the hot end of a "commercial weapon of mass destruction".</p> <p class="cnMxODQ3MzMxZmExZjQwNmE5YTIzOWNlZjkyOWM2NzMw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">It helped, Kargerran acknowledged, that the Travelers seemed most interested in turning their dungeon into a place where the mages, craftsmen, and dungeon delvers were free to experiment.</p> <p class="cnM2NmUyNTg3NzQ3NjQyOWNhMTUwNjU4NjllNWZlMWU3" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">&nbsp;</p> <center><hr> <p class="cnNmMWQzZmZlNjU2YTRmMTQ5OGZmNTFlYjgzNGYxYzZk" style="text-align: center">*~*~*</p> </center> <p class="cnNlOGQ2NTYyMDk1YjRkMGJiMTM0MGY3NmVlYjg5OWM4" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0"><em>Aaron</em></p> <p class="cnM5NjY0NzA5NjkwMzRiYjdhZmJiNWM1NmJiNzJmMzJj" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin: .5em 0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMGUzNmNmM2ZjYTRmMWM5MDQ2NTAwYmUzZWI3MmMw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Back in his territory, Aaron decided to see what he could do with the options now available to him.</p> <p class="cnMwMTUyNjA4M2NlMTRmMzdiNzc4YWQ2OGVhOWU0NmUz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">The hilly terrain bothered him as he looked things over today, so he changed that by leveling most of the dirt, pushing out the borders of his level slowly while he worked. He left Buttercup's cave alone, not wanting to disturb the sleeping cat. Next up, Aaron summoned one of each of the Local Trees.</p> <p class="cnNhNjk4Zjc4MGFmNjQ1YzJhYTE3N2FjMTJkMDdmYjUw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">The Water Tree looked to be one of the willow-like trees that Aaron had seen on the steppe, though the branches and leaves resembled more woody-fern than tree. The tree itself was around 6 or 7 m tall with a mostly white, smooth bark. The leaves were a green-tinted yellow, and stopped a meter and a half from the ground.</p> <p class="cnM3NmI2OTYzOGEyMjRjNzI4NzQyYzg0NTc3OTRjZWZl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena used the G.C. to ask, «May I swing by?»</p> <p class="cnMxZjQ4M2Y4MDc2MDRiNGQ4ZDU5NmNhMjg5YTAzYzIw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">«Sure,» Aaron said, suspecting she had a notice or the like inform her of the making of the tree.</p> <p class="cnNmNWMwZDk0YTBmNDQzNzY4YzAwYjY3NDAzNGM0Zjhh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena's glow body apparited off to the side of the Water Tree. "Nice! How did it show up?"</p> <p class="cnNiNGVhMWZmOGEwNTRlMTM4YmE3ZDNiNTBhYjllOGI4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"As you see it," Aaron said, now convinced.</p> <p class="cnNhYmEzZmMxYWUwODQxZGY5OWQyZjg2NzU2MzhhMTM2" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">After a moment's study, she turned to face Aaron and asked, "Have you tried working with your level's Zone Core yet?"</p> <p class="cnM1MjdmMDM1N2I4MTRhNjJiOGM3NTc5YjczNzdhNjhj" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Nooo." Aaron said, letting the word trail off.</p> <p class="cnMwMGViZThkMDJlNzQ2OGI5ZWE4MDlmODA0MGQyMzYy" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"You can plan the whole floor at once, then project the completed thought to the core and it will take over implementing the design you came up with. It's slower and more cost effective to do it that way, and you can send it the plan in stages and it takes over meshing the changes together. That's how I put together all the stuff for the pavilion. Nothing we have is sapient, at least according to the menu categories, but I'd still like to get us all together before any of us try to summon critters." Lena delivered that last bit with a pensive expression, her gaze seeking out Buttercup's cave.</p> <p class="cnNlYjIyNzExMTVjODQ4Y2U4MzE1MmRjNjJjNTAxN2M0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"And what do you want us to discuss about that?" Aaron liked to think he kept the irritation out of his voice. He wasn't a kid and he was getting a bit raw over the treatment.</p> <p class="cnNhMGVkZTNiYjM1ZDRiMzFiYjcxMmNhMWU0M2FhMDNl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena's gaze flicked back to him, and she hugged herself. "I don't know what the ethics are of spontaneously creating creatures. Plants are different enough that I don't empathize with them, but especially the bunnies, those Horned Jackrabbits, well, bunnies are cute, but they're also poor man's chicken. There's been a crap ton of things happening, and I don't know how I'd take something breathing suddenly, well, not. I know I'll kill to keep you guys safe, but I don't know how well I'd handle it if that actually—. If I actually took a life."</p> <p class="cnMyNmVhMGYzMjc1NTQ5OTk5MTYzMTVjYjBiODg3YzMx" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Aaron felt like an ass for thinking Lena had been talking about him. "Hey, you know, there's a lot of stuff that we need to all get on the same page with. How about we let Rob and Jace know to meet us in the kitchen when they get done, and we can round up Candy and get started setting out boundaries?"</p> <p class="cnM5ZTMyNjgwMzU0YjQ1NDFhOGNhZTJmYmM5MzI0OTll" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena smiled at him. "Sure," she said, then looked around the territory. "Where do you sleep? It looks like just dirt and Buttercup's den."</p> <p class="cnMzMjQ5ZmZlYTAyOTRhNjZhMTY2OGE1MDk5NzEwY2Zl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"The ground's soft enough, but I smoothed everything out when I expanded a bit."</p> <p class="cnM2NWMyMWI5MjU2NTQzMzJhYjI5NDQxZTM1ODg3Yjc3" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"And the bedding? Is it in with Buttercup?"</p> <p class="cnNmOGY0OGZkYjJhNTQ1NTg4MDAwY2E2ZGFiZDI5MGFm" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Nah, I left the blankets in the lockers for now."</p> <p class="cnNlZTFjMzY1NTU2MDRhMTlhZmE2OGVmOTIxNzkyNmY4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena tilted her head to the side, giving him an mildly incredulous look before straightening up. "Okay. Weirdo. You could at least make a hammock, you know? Ooh! That would be so cool! I really wish I had a regular body now!"</p> <p class="cnMxODBhNjhjN2YyYzQwOTdiNmNjNzBkOTkwMTQ5YmI3" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"What idea has weaseled into your brain now?" Aaron asked, laughing.</p> <p class="cnM4N2I0YWQ3YWVlNzQ2YzBhZDZlZGJmZjdjYWEyZjA4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"I'm thinking a forest floor would be awesome, with an actual tree house, like the inside of the tree is the house, with a hammock style platform for a nest bed, all pillows and fuzzy blankets."</p> <p class="cnNiMTBjNjE2Y2NjYTRhNzNhMWE3MTAwOWQ2NzkwMzEz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Aaron rubbed his forehead. "So, you want a Keebler house?"</p> <p class="cnMyZDU4MWVlMTA4MjQ1NGRhNWU0YTc4Mjk3YjI4YzNj" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"What?"</p> <p class="cnM2NDg5MTc2ODBmZjRlZDNiYjkxMTZkNDRkY2VkMDY1" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Like those Keebler elves in the commercials for Nestle's cookies?" he prodded.</p> <p class="cnM0N2NkOWQxOTM2ZTQ4MWZiN2ZkMjMxYzAyOGMyNWE2" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">The excitement filling Lena's face drained away, like air from a sliced open tire. "Gee. Thanks. Rain on my parade, why don't'cha?"</p> <p class="cnNmNjNlNjk2MTY1NDQyNDA4NmFhNDk0NTg5ODZlZTMw" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Aaron laughed again. "It's what came to mind! I was thinking more of making something like a hobbit house, though, turning my house into a hill."</p> <p class="cnNkN2UzMGVmMTVkMjQxZGViODk0Yzg4YTljOWY2NzNh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena shrugged. "Maybe I'm too human, wanting to turn nature into my house instead of turning my house into nature like you, Mr. Baggins."</p> <p class="cnNhOWYwNjE3YTQwOTQ1ODU5Yzg2MDcwZTA3NWQ4MmNk" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"What, not Frodo?"</p> <p class="cnMzNjRiNzI3ZjI1ZTQwMWE5ODYzOGU1NzAxNDI4YTQ1" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"How about Sam?"</p> <p class="cnNjYzdkYWRiM2M5YzQwZjI4NmRhZWRiNzZmZWFkOWVh" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Tch! Fine." Dropping the topic, Aaron studied his territory once more. "So, how do I use this Zone Core thing?"</p> <p class="cnNhNDZiMDMzNjEwNDRkODFhZTAwYjMwN2M5YTVmZGM2" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">With Lena's assistance, he started the random seeding of his territory in motion, as he began by recreating the outside terrain. After all, he wanted Buttercup to be comfortable, in this part of his level at least.</p> <p class="cnMwNTBkNDc3N2M0MDQxYjU5ZjE1ZjZjNDcxYmI3MDMz" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">More to keep Rob from picking at him than because it actually mattered to Aaron, he made a room near the portal, complete with a round, barn-red door. In the room, he placed a bed of pillows. Sleeping arrangements settled, Aaron went back to exploring at least the available flora.</p> <p class="cnNjMzFjYzZlYjU4MTRlMzQ4ZmYwMTU3Y2EyNWY4MWZl" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Being fond of fruits, Aaron put in a copse of four apple trees on the other side of the level portal (to the left upon entering). He mixed both of the available varieties, and then added a Pucker Berry bush to live in the shadow of the Water Tree, as its description indicated that was a natural companion planting.</p> <p class="cnNhNWFjZDc4MjU5YjQ1Yjg5ZGIzZTA1N2M0MzRhNDc3" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Buttercup stuck her head out when the plants sprouted. She batted at a stray stalk of grass growing near the entrance of her cave, but quickly pulled her paw back, shaking it as if she just got shocked.</p> <p class="cnM2NGJmN2MyMDdkMTQxYzk5NGVhMWRjMWUwMTlmNDAx" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">"Hey, beautiful! Glad to see you're awake!" Aaron said, his tone soothing and pitched to carry.</p> <p class="cnNkYjQ0YTIyYjBlODRlZDE5YWYxZTJlYTM1ZDUzZTQy" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">She glanced at them, rose, and began rubbing her cheeks against the edges of her cave opening, purring loud enough for Aaron to hear despite being over 10 m from her cave.</p> <p class="cnNjN2NjMjUzM2IwZTQxMTRiYmNlZTc4Y2Y1ZDJjODY1" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Aaron started to walk toward her, but as his foot came down toward the newly growing grass, he found out just what Buttercup had experienced as the nerves in the sole of his foot spasmed, the sensation tightening every muscle up to his thigh at the same time, which made him stagger. It wasn't painful so much as strange, weird even.</p> <p class="cnNlZWE1NTc5OGY2MjQ4YWRiNTI4ZGQxYTUzZmY5ZmY1" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">A dry, mechanical voice came over the G.C. «Introduction of new non-component matter during the restructuring process is not advised as it may lead to anomalous reactions ranging from failure to complete restructuring to complete destabilization of the zone.»</p> <p class="cnNkMzdkMDM4MDI4ZjRmZGRhYmNjZmI1ZTk0MmJiY2Y0" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">Lena let a low whistle, then said, "Well, let's not do that again!"</p> <p class="cnNlZDUwOTY3ZmY3YzQ1ZWFiYjRjOWI1MmE0MjZhMmQ4" style="margin: .5em 0; text-indent: 2.5em">&nbsp;</p> </div>
*Aaron*   *** *** *** The Design Lead has granted you limited use of the Zone Core (Structure):[Aaron's Room] to assist in Territory Management. The Design Lead has granted you access to spawn all plants and most creatures available to the Studio of Capricious Dreams. This ability applies only within your Territory. The Design Lead has granted you access to all Structure and Exportable materials. This ability applies only within your Territory. *** *** ***   That message greeted Aaron when he awoke on the third day since landing on Rhofhir. He wanted to see what lay on the other side of the Lotrot portal, to discover what the plants and animals were like, but Rob and Jason had teamed up with Lena to argue against him going out — for now. Aaron wasn't much of one for politics, but at this point even acting as a bus boy for the negotiations going on outside was starting to look attractive. It wasn't that Buttercup wasn't fascinating, but he didn't know enough about her species to know what she needed, and there was only so much he could stand of watching the dire cat sleep. Rob's territory had splintered off from his last night, so now Aaron had no one looking over his shoulder. He had had fun experimenting with trap building, and the exercise had helped him get much more comfortable with the Territory Management stuff. Before anything else, Aaron investigated what his spawning options were, and the lists were wonderfully long. The Local Grasses listed over 30 varieties, with Local Bushes and Local Fungi having a similar breadth. The Local Trees option contained only three entries: Water Tree, Star Queen Apple Tree, and Fig Nut Tree, but there were additional "Misc." trees including another type of apple tree, two more nut trees, and a Star Banana tree. He found focusing in on the names of the different options gave him additional information.   *** *** *** Breath Bane (Grass): This potent variety of Garlic prefers to grow in the shade of Water Trees. Most cooks prefer to use an oil pressed from the garlic cloves as opposed to the cloves themselves as the act of cutting or crushing these garlic bulbs has a tendency to set the stench of the Breath Bane in the nearest porous surface. *** *** ***   That sounded like a garlic Aaron had to try. But, responsibility tugged at the young man. «Good morning?» He asked across the G.C. Lena responded. «Good Pre-Dawn Morning, I think. No one else is awake yet, seeing as Candy just went to sleep. Even Buttercup's curled up in the cave-i-tat you made her. I'm upgrading the plumbing in the bath house, but I'm leaving one of the showers alone until the others are working. The replacement process is fascinating! Oh, and I've made some stuff for the talks, just to make things easier. I have never been able to split my attention this well before! I love it! And, sorry, talking your ear off!» «Okay, I'll go take my shower and get started on hauling stuff out,» he said, eager at getting his first look at their new place. By the time Aaron started hauling platforms out of the Studio, true dawn had broken. The rim of the sky was warm with rich golds divided by a barely noticeable green band before giving way to pale blues. The sun itself was nowhere to be seen, though. The cave didn't give them a terrible amount of side to side room, but it was at least tall enough for Aaron to stand up straight. He leaned the first platform against the rock face near the cave entrance and took a good look around. Enormous outcroppings of a gray-brown granite-like rock and lone willow-looking trees dotted steppe land as far as Aaron could make out. The temperature was mild, the grass more winter bleached than golden with hints of new-growth green peeking through and dew — not frost — glinting here and there as dew droplets caught the light just right. "Well, not tundra, at least," Aaron said to himself. "Too warm with the grass that new. It looks like Spring, or a California Winter. I wonder which season we're in?" He sucked in a lungful of air and held it, savoring the taste of it on the back of his throat. The scents of healthy earth and growing plants mingled with a touch of the more pungent scents creatures used to mark their territorial boundaries. Jason and Rob woke up not long after that, cleaned themselves up, and gave Aaron a hand with setting up the meeting space. Rob started to grumble at Aaron for stepping outside without them, so Aaron flipped him off and kept working, saying, "I am a grown man, Rob. I've been wiping my own ass for a while now, and I think after all the hunting trips with Uncle Keith that I understand the concept of 'stay safe in the wilderness' maybe as much if not more than you!" "Oh, really? What makes you think deer hunting is any more preparation than Basic Training?" Rob snapped back. "For one, I've done it more and more recently than you've been to Basic. Poachers like to sneak around during the hunting season almost more than off season so we do have to watch out for people ranging from stupid yahoos to outright hostile muthas while avoiding rattlers, cougars, badgers, feral dogs and skunks. Tell me, Rob, while you were in the tank bay, when was the last time you had to worry about waking up with snakes snuggled up to you? I'm not talking about the barracks bunny type of snake, but the scaled, fanged, and often enough venomous types?" Jason chuckled. "He's got you there, Rob." "Hey, whose side are you on?" Rob said to Jason "Picking sides here is a whole bowl of Nope. I get where you're coming from, Rob. We've been cleaning up for wet behind the ears, fresh out of the house idiots for a few years, but that's no reason to assume your brother is as stupid as Kegger. He maybe hasn't hit the Age of Caution yet, but he's got a good head on his shoulders. Instead of riding herd on him, how about tonight we work together on establishing procedures for trips out of the dungeon? The girls - Candy, I guess, needs that more than Aaron." Rob kept his grumbling to himself after that.   --- *~*~* *Kargerran*   Kargerran nodded to the sentries for the camp of parandrian nomads that had formed overnight near to the entrance of the Studio of Capricious Dreams. On the way home the day before, Va'Melnroe had quietly informed the Talon Commander that there appeared to be some of his more nomadic kinsmen in the area at about the same time Vi informed Kargerran of their unofficial escort. The sergeant determined to be amused by the unsubtle tactics of the Adventurers Guild representative. Much like the Delvers Talons of Lotrot, possession of a single dungeon meant a lot less to them than information that could be applied to making all dungeon delves safer. Upon arriving at the cave mouth they discovered a large open-sided pavilion had been set up on a slightly raised platform 5 m square. The platform was all brilliant purples and vivid blues, while the pavilion canopy resembled the twilight side of sunset. The supports for the pavilion gleamed with coppery brightness. A circular table big enough to host twice as many dignitaries as were present took up the center of the platform. Seats ringed the edges of the pavilion, again far more than were needed, but they came in an assortment of strange styles. Many had a stool-like appearance, but a number had more than enough room to accommodate even an arassas' thick tail while providing a backing to lean against. In a corner of the pavilion closer to the cave mouth, a large copper brazier with an abstract mosaic of crystals the color of flames on its outside, warmed a large sized copper kettle. Goblets of glass were arranged around the table, and elegantly fluted pitchers of iced water placed on cotton pads of marbled rose and copper were intermixed. Fine porcelain dishes with copper edgings sat stacked near the middle of the table. A 40 cm tall statue of a tree made of copper and dainty, multi-colored mana crystals stood on a stand to the right of the copper brazier. Jason Kline and Roberto Garcias were bringing out another pair of interesting chairs as they approached. The two humans positioned these full backed chairs at the table in front of the cave entrance before coming over to politely greet the Lotrot Council delegates. "Lena made a fair amount of progress in discovering how to make her environmental materials into exportable objects, and so we're able to host you in a little more comfort than yesterday," Jason Kline explained, waiving at the pavilion. "We don't have much experience with other sapient races, so please let us know how we may improve the seating arrangements. Unfortunately, we don't have food or beverages other than water to share at this point, though I hope, Merchant Master Zarabelkami, that the fire pit and kettle will provide you a sufficient source of hot water for your tea." "Your hospitality is appreciated," the Master Merchant said as she dismounted from her landau. "May we inspect these marks of progress?" Jason stepped aside. "By all means, do. And, Vi, it's good to see you again. Lena was feeling particularly artistic and inspired by your curiosity. She asked that I draw your attention to the statuette of the Orange Tree." Elder Harusk claimed Vi's arm for support and the two made their way directly to the statuette and brazier. Crafts Master Gilvillian and his apprentice Elorikin joined Zarabelkami in examining the chairs. Seir Wejerlan approached the table, picking up the nearest of the porcelain plates for a closer examination while Va'Melnroe followed him to examine the goblets. Talon Commander Muglibaum had already relayed his orders for this part. He nodded to Kargerran and Baline and then joined the Masters Craftsman and Merchant at the chairs. Nilis, Tilly, and Kentrell slipped off into the bushes while the Infantry, Medics, and Harriers formed a perimeter several meters out from the pavilion. Kargerran and Baline and the remaining Rangers took positions facing toward the center of the pavilion, though remaining outside of it. Roberto Garcias stepped into the Studio of Capricious Dreams, returning with a stack of ten identical flat, white boxes, each about 7 cm tall. He set them beside one of the seats already at the table and then began distributing them around the table. When Va'Melnroe reached for one of the boxes, Roberto Garcias made no move to stop him. This drew the others to the table and they gathered around to see what the box contained. Kargerran didn't have a good line of sight. "What an interesting scribe box," Va'Melnroe said. He lifted something. "Do you not use scrolls?" Jason said, "No. We find them terribly inefficient for a fully literate society. In your hand is a piece of paper made from bleached and pulped wood. Lena was working on book binding when we came out, so I'm hoping we will have some samples of those to provide you before the end of the day. Each scribe's box should contain three hundred sheets of the paper in addition to ballpoint pens in a rainbow of colors. The ink is made from rendered char and has been treated with Lena's [Applied Color Theory] skill. She lacks any gumming agents, so the ink flow may be a bit inconsistent." "Are these 'ballpoint pens' something like quills, then?" Seir Wejerlan asked, looking mildly interested. "Something, yes," Jason Kline said. Elorikin asked, "Where is the ink?" Jason Kline's head bent out of sight. "Inside the pens. The barrels are colored to match the ink they contain. Like this." "I say, that is a useful gadget!" Crafts Master Gilvillian said. "Lena has asked that I share that she will be happy to hear your thoughts, especially any suggestions for improving the comfort and usefulness of the pens. There should be a box for each delegate. Lena presents these as tokens to entice future trade deals." Zarabelkami said, "What is to keep us from copying the devices ourselves?" "Oh, please do," Jason Kline said. "And when you figure out how long and how much it will cost you to do so, remember that Lena made these just this morning. Without a materials cost. I think that brings us back to the point we left off at yesterday?" The Master Merchant's scales rippled, a less dramatic effect under the pavilion's cover. The delegates found chairs to their liking and seated themselves at the table. Kargerran enjoyed being a bird at the window of these talks. The two Travelers handled themselves well, displaying a bottomless well of patience as they refused to be baited by the Seir. Jason Kline's understanding of the mayhem that could be dealt to their economy with dungeon-made products, and the short-sighted temptation presented to do just that, seemed to both antagonize and soothe the Master Merchant. If Kargerran read Crafts Master Gilvillian correctly, he was seeing the advantage of allying with the dungeon Travelers, letting their trade-neutral stance be on their heads rather than he being stuck holding the hot end of a "commercial weapon of mass destruction". It helped, Kargerran acknowledged, that the Travelers seemed most interested in turning their dungeon into a place where the mages, craftsmen, and dungeon delvers were free to experiment.   --- *~*~* *Aaron*   Back in his territory, Aaron decided to see what he could do with the options now available to him. The hilly terrain bothered him as he looked things over today, so he changed that by leveling most of the dirt, pushing out the borders of his level slowly while he worked. He left Buttercup's cave alone, not wanting to disturb the sleeping cat. Next up, Aaron summoned one of each of the Local Trees. The Water Tree looked to be one of the willow-like trees that Aaron had seen on the steppe, though the branches and leaves resembled more woody-fern than tree. The tree itself was around 6 or 7 m tall with a mostly white, smooth bark. The leaves were a green-tinted yellow, and stopped a meter and a half from the ground. Lena used the G.C. to ask, «May I swing by?» «Sure,» Aaron said, suspecting she had a notice or the like inform her of the making of the tree. Lena's glow body apparited off to the side of the Water Tree. "Nice! How did it show up?" "As you see it," Aaron said, now convinced. After a moment's study, she turned to face Aaron and asked, "Have you tried working with your level's Zone Core yet?" "Nooo." Aaron said, letting the word trail off. "You can plan the whole floor at once, then project the completed thought to the core and it will take over implementing the design you came up with. It's slower and more cost effective to do it that way, and you can send it the plan in stages and it takes over meshing the changes together. That's how I put together all the stuff for the pavilion. Nothing we have is sapient, at least according to the menu categories, but I'd still like to get us all together before any of us try to summon critters." Lena delivered that last bit with a pensive expression, her gaze seeking out Buttercup's cave. "And what do you want us to discuss about that?" Aaron liked to think he kept the irritation out of his voice. He wasn't a kid and he was getting a bit raw over the treatment. Lena's gaze flicked back to him, and she hugged herself. "I don't know what the ethics are of spontaneously creating creatures. Plants are different enough that I don't empathize with them, but especially the bunnies, those Horned Jackrabbits, well, bunnies are cute, but they're also poor man's chicken. There's been a crap ton of things happening, and I don't know how I'd take something breathing suddenly, well, not. I know I'll kill to keep you guys safe, but I don't know how well I'd handle it if that actually—. If I actually took a life." Aaron felt like an ass for thinking Lena had been talking about him. "Hey, you know, there's a lot of stuff that we need to all get on the same page with. How about we let Rob and Jace know to meet us in the kitchen when they get done, and we can round up Candy and get started setting out boundaries?" Lena smiled at him. "Sure," she said, then looked around the territory. "Where do you sleep? It looks like just dirt and Buttercup's den." "The ground's soft enough, but I smoothed everything out when I expanded a bit." "And the bedding? Is it in with Buttercup?" "Nah, I left the blankets in the lockers for now." Lena tilted her head to the side, giving him an mildly incredulous look before straightening up. "Okay. Weirdo. You could at least make a hammock, you know? Ooh! That would be so cool! I really wish I had a regular body now!" "What idea has weaseled into your brain now?" Aaron asked, laughing. "I'm thinking a forest floor would be awesome, with an actual tree house, like the inside of the tree is the house, with a hammock style platform for a nest bed, all pillows and fuzzy blankets." Aaron rubbed his forehead. "So, you want a Keebler house?" "What?" "Like those Keebler elves in the commercials for Nestle's cookies?" he prodded. The excitement filling Lena's face drained away, like air from a sliced open tire. "Gee. Thanks. Rain on my parade, why don't'cha?" Aaron laughed again. "It's what came to mind! I was thinking more of making something like a hobbit house, though, turning my house into a hill." Lena shrugged. "Maybe I'm too human, wanting to turn nature into my house instead of turning my house into nature like you, Mr. Baggins." "What, not Frodo?" "How about Sam?" "Tch! Fine." Dropping the topic, Aaron studied his territory once more. "So, how do I use this Zone Core thing?" With Lena's assistance, he started the random seeding of his territory in motion, as he began by recreating the outside terrain. After all, he wanted Buttercup to be comfortable, in this part of his level at least. More to keep Rob from picking at him than because it actually mattered to Aaron, he made a room near the portal, complete with a round, barn-red door. In the room, he placed a bed of pillows. Sleeping arrangements settled, Aaron went back to exploring at least the available flora. Being fond of fruits, Aaron put in a copse of four apple trees on the other side of the level portal (to the left upon entering). He mixed both of the available varieties, and then added a Pucker Berry bush to live in the shadow of the Water Tree, as its description indicated that was a natural companion planting. Buttercup stuck her head out when the plants sprouted. She batted at a stray stalk of grass growing near the entrance of her cave, but quickly pulled her paw back, shaking it as if she just got shocked. "Hey, beautiful! Glad to see you're awake!" Aaron said, his tone soothing and pitched to carry. She glanced at them, rose, and began rubbing her cheeks against the edges of her cave opening, purring loud enough for Aaron to hear despite being over 10 m from her cave. Aaron started to walk toward her, but as his foot came down toward the newly growing grass, he found out just what Buttercup had experienced as the nerves in the sole of his foot spasmed, the sensation tightening every muscle up to his thigh at the same time, which made him stagger. It wasn't painful so much as strange, weird even. A dry, mechanical voice came over the G.C. «Introduction of new non-component matter during the restructuring process is not advised as it may lead to anomalous reactions ranging from failure to complete restructuring to complete destabilization of the zone.» Lena let a low whistle, then said, "Well, let's not do that again!"
{ "title": "Moonlight Sword Sect", "id": 20601, "author": "Myriad_", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Eating (1/3)", "id": 305967, "next": 305978, "prev": 303656, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3NTg0ZWIwODBlOTQxOTY4Mzg0ZTExZTUzODlmMDdj">After agreeing to the goddess' request of going outside, the goddess walks outside the hall while holding my hand.</p> <p class="cnMyYTljZjhlZjViYjQxODk5NDA5MDY5MjJhMWJjOGE5">I look at the surroundings around me. Except for some trees around us, there were multiple cultivators bustling around us, buying something from each stall or just walking around mindlessly.</p> <p class="cnM4YmQ5ZTgwYmU5ODQzY2NiZTBhODg1MjkzZDE5N2Iw">Yes, there are cultivators around us, completely minding their own business.</p> <p class="cnM3MzJmZTMwODZiYjRlOWY4YjhlZjk2ZjE3ODQ0ZDEy">Right now, we are currently in a district of some sort.</p> <p class="cnM0MzViYmNjMTVjNTQ2OWZiNTdiOGEwM2FmYzk2N2Rk">"Oh…" The goddess mutters something. It was as if she was piqued by something.</p> <p class="cnM5YTE5NTZlZjQ5MzRhZTVhMWYzOTBmMzRkYzFiNWY2">Err…</p> <p class="cnMyMmFmOTM4MTU1YzQ5OWZiYzhlYzQxOThmODUxZDM3">Can you please tell me what you are thinking right now? I can't read minds ya know?</p> <p class="cnM1MTgxMDc3ZGEzZTQ2MzQ4NGQ2NDI3ZWY5N2ZmMjIy">"Stupid disciple." The goddess looks at me before continuing, "What do you want? We eat sweets or we go to a restaurant?"</p> <p class="cnM4ZjU2M2RlOTg4OTQ2OWM5Y2RiMDAyMDEzY2MzOTQ4">Eh?</p> <p class="cnNiOTMwOWVkZGZlYjQzZWRhN2M4MGQyYzM0MjEzZTY3">"Sweets." I instantly replied. Heh, this lady already knows what she wants, master.</p> <p class="cnNhMjI1MmE0MGJmNzQ1YjZhMGU0OTNiMTU0ZjJiYmU2">"Okay then." The goddess said to me, smiling.</p> <p class="cnNhZmU3ZDc0ZWE4ZDQ0ZGViMTE2MzhmNmFmOWQxY2Qx">After that, both of us head to one of the sweet stalls while smiling together. It seems that the goddess is a glutton too I guess?</p> <p class="cnMxNDY0M2E2ODJmODRlZDlhNjNlYjk2ZTU4M2NkNDJi">But anyways!</p> <p class="cnM3N2I3M2U2NjYwZDQxOTJhMTJmMmRjYjYxMTliYmJh">"Waa~," I said as I look at the sweets presented on the stall. They were a bunch of good-looking sweets wrapped on a paper.</p> <p class="cnMxZTljOGU4NTNjMDQ5NjNiY2U5ZWJkY2Y0MWQxYzQz">Slowly, I take a deep breath and smell the aroma of the sweets being made by the stall owner.</p> <p class="cnNlNTFhMDAwZWRhZjRkYzhhODUyMGEzMDZmYjczYjI2">"Unn.." I moan softly as I smell the sweet smell of the sweets on the stall. They smell like strawberries.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGEzYTg4N2Q4NTRmMTE4YmUwZDEzYTFjMWVhMWRk">"How can I help you, young ladies?" The owner of the sweets said to us as he notices that we were in looking at the sweets he made.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGNjODM5MWRhYTQwYjg4ZTg3Mjc2NjljZTJlOTkz">"I would like to buy twenty pieces of the strawberry-flavored sweets please." Said by the goddess as she summons twenty coppers to her fair hand.</p> <p class="cnNhOWU5N2NkNDI2YzQ4NzA5NmM1NjAzOTQzYTdkMTc4">I look at the goddess. She was smiling as if she was a kid.</p> <p class="cnMyMDM1YTY4MjJjYjQ5OWZiMjFlNzhmZTcxN2UwNDBi">Somehow, I feel that the goddess is somewhat similar to me.</p> <p class="cnM0MmJhNDZmNGUzMjQ2MTY5YzZiNDhhZjJhMmIyMzJm">Well yeah, considering that the goddess is also a sweets glutton, I could tell that she is somewhat like me in some ways.</p> <p class="cnNmZGMxYTlkNjI3NjRkZWFhMzAwNWRkNDM3ZjJjMDRi">Right?</p> <p class="cnMzYzI2NTU3ZjQ1ODQ4ZjRiYTZkODc3NTRmNGVmZGMy">The owner of the stall, who have heard the goddess, nods and prepares a small pouch as he takes the strawberry-flavored sweets from one of the glass containers and put the sweets in the pouch.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDg4ZmZjMDI3ZDQzYTU4YTA0ZDcwOWE0ZGFlMmQx">"Here you go, young lady." The owner of the stall said to the goddess while handing out the pouch filled with candies to her.</p> <p class="cnNhZmVmYWE4NDIwZDQ0ZDhiYmU4MzY5MDI2MDc2MWJj">Gently, the goddess takes the pouch from the owner and in turn, the goddess gives the stall owner twenty coppers.</p> <p class="cnMyYjAyYjZlZmNlMTRjYjlhNWMwY2ZkZjlkODE3NzA1">After giving the money to the stall owner, the goddess quickly opens the pouch and takes one sweet inside.</p> <p class="cnMxYjQ4OWY3YmM4ZjQwYmI4OWM5YmQ0YTgwNThmZDNm">"Waa…" She said, smiling as she tastes the strawberry-flavored sweet.</p> <p class="cnMzMDEyZDEwMzljMDRlZjE5NDdkODgzOWYxNWJlMTQx">After tasting the sweet, the goddess takes another sweet inside the pouch before giving the sweet to me.</p> <p class="cnNmOWMyMjUwODk3MzRlZGI5YTBjMmY4OGY3MmY2YWQz">I nod at the goddess before taking the sweet from her hands.</p> <p class="cnM2Yzk0MmFkMzlmNTRkNWE4ZDg1OWZlMTYwMWQ1ZDQ5">I look at the sweet. It was like a pill with a paper wrapping it.</p> <p class="cnM0NjNlNDIwOTQ3NTQ3ZDI4YmU0M2IzMzY5OTM3YzU2">Gently, I unwrap the paper and take the sweet from the paper and began eating it.</p> <p class="cnNlYjk1YjUxYmNkOTQ1Y2I5NTgxY2Y2MjYwZTU1YzNi">・・・</p> <p class="cnMwYjZhN2JmNDBhYzQ0ODQ4MWU4MWM4MjQzM2UxYmU4">Oh!</p> <p class="cnM3YmZiZWJjM2U0ZDQwMDM5ZWFlZmNlODQ3YWE1NmRk">Waa~</p> <p class="cnNkMmFlOGU0Zjk5ODQxZTVhM2IzZmE0YjY5NGNhZmM1">Yummy!</p> <p class="cnMzMTlkMzI2M2M3ZTQzM2Q4MmJiNzY2ZjRlYTAxM2I2">What is this sweet?! It's so delish!</p> <p class="cnNiN2I4ZTE4ODlhNjRmODhhYWJmYjhlNDNlNDJlNmM3">It was as if my mind suddenly exploded as soon as I taste the strawberry sweet. Waaaa….</p> <p class="cnMyM2VlMmE0Y2FiZTQxYTdiNjFiYzNhOTAwNWFjZjlj">It's too delicious!</p> <p class="cnNjZDJlYjFlMGZkNjQzYTQ5ODQ4ZDZjNWY3Zjg3YmZh">Suddenly, my mind became filled with the thoughts of the sweet.</p> <p class="cnNmNzYwODUyZWFlMDQ3ZTliY2M3ZGQ3M2VhZWFhOWI1">My mood also changes from a craving one to a satisfied one.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjZlOWVlMTVjNjRhZmM4MWYyNGU1MzRkZTgzMmYx">Waa~ this is why I like sweets~</p> <p class="cnMwOTcxNzk5ZTc0NzQ2ZDJhMDYyNWQ0NGY0MTQxZGI5">They taste so good that you immediately forget your worries waa~</p> <p class="cnM4ZjhmODg4MmNmMTRlNTQ5ODE2YzBlZTdhOTEzZjUw">"Here." The goddess said to me while handing me out nine more sweets.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWMyMGE2Y2E4MDQ5Yjk5ZDA4NGI5ZjA4YzUwZWE5">Quickly I take the sweets from the goddess' hands and put them in one of my pockets.</p> <p class="cnM1MTlmNTJjNDExMDQ4ZmQ4N2Y2NWRiYTkyODJlMjIx">Heh, you are now mine hehe…</p> <p class="cnNhMzkzYTllNTg2NTRmZmNiZmE2YzhmZTY3MzM2MDM1">You cannot escape from this lady, my little sweets.</p> <p class="cnMyMjA2YjU5ODhmYTRlZmZiNzkwZTM4ZDJiMjU3ZmU3">I grin as I think about the sweets being threatened by the evil me. Haha, this lady is merciless to such sweets like you, strawberry-flavored sweet.</p> <p class="cnNkZjNlZDUxZDQ4ZjQxNTg5MTFiZDJhZTdjNDM0Yzdh">Ahahaha…..</p> <p class="cnMxYTJiNTlmNmFhNDRkZjQ4ZTQwZjNhOTNhMDdmY2Vj">Err…</p> <p class="cnNiOWY4ZjYwYTE5NTRjMDA5OGJmMDJhNDY3MGI2MWI1">Ehem.</p> <p class="cnMyNDg3ZDU1ZjU4MzRkODk5MzI2ZmE4ZDczZTgwNThj">Anyways! Please forget that.</p> <p class="cnNjNjlmMDkwODhhMzQyZjU4OTA5MzYzMDcwZmM0N2Rj">After swallowing the sweet I initially ate, I take out another poor little sweet in my pocket. Please, allow me to eat you, my little sweet.</p> <p class="cnMzMDg4MDdmNjBiYzRiNDY4ZWQ5ODlhOWNiZTcwYzVl">As I was focused on the sweet that I took out from my pocket, my mind suddenly started a simulation of something weird and magical.</p> <p class="cnM0NzJkNzg3MGM5ZTQzN2U5NDI2ZGFmY2UyMWQ3YjQx"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnM0MTAwODQxYjg0ZTQzNzhiMGI4MzkwN2M0YTA5NDQz">"Nono! Don't eat me! I'm a poor sweet!" The little sweet said, asking to be not eaten by the gigantic Xiare.</p> <p class="cnM2M2U5OWMxNTg5ZTQ5NGViYzIwNDQyMTE3NzdhZjJi">"Haha… ahahahaha!" I laugh madly at the words of the little sweet. This lady will not accept your request, little sweet.</p> <p class="cnM2NDVlMjk5M2ZlMDQwOTQ4ZGMwMmFjNGYxZjYwMWRh">Slowly, I put the poor little sweet onto my mouth. As my tongue tastes the poor little sweet, the little sweet began struggling to get out of my mouth.</p> <p class="cnMyYmNiNjIyZWJlNzQ3YmY4YjFiZDI5NDIzNDEwN2Iy">"Please don't eat me! Please! Waaa!" The poor sweet said while being swallowed by me.</p> <p class="cnM0YmRlMzEyOWMzMDQ5NjBiYTBjNzg1MGQyYTk0ZDEx">"That's what you get for being irritating, poor little sweet," I said to the little sweet inside my mouth.</p> <p class="cnNlNTdkMTUzN2VjZTRkOTQ4NjMxN2MyZWVkOGM3OTQ4"><em>*Pluck!* </em></p> <p class="cnMwZmQxODFhMWYyYTQyNmViOGNkMmZiMTk4YjhhOTE2">I heard another sound of something flicking.</p> <p class="cnM5Zjc0NWRlNzM5NjRkZWRhNDk0YWE3MDVlMDFjN2Jm">It was the goddess flicking my head.</p> <p class="cnM2MDE2YWEzMzg4OTRjZGI4ZTJjNGYxMjAwYTQwYTBk">She was looking at me as if she was looking on an idiot.</p> <p class="cnM0YzY4Mjc1ZmU0NTQ2YjQ4NTc0ZWMxZWYyZjgyNWJl">Err…</p> <p class="cnMyNjFlNTYwM2RjYjRmMmVhZTllOGE1MzA4N2VmY2Jm">What did I do?</p> <p class="cnMxZWJhMTM4ZWI5ODQ5ZTFiYTQ1OTY1MmEwYTRjZjk5">"You're distancing yourself from reality, stupid disciple." The goddess said while looking at me.</p> <p class="cnM3NmUyMGI5YTZhYTQ5MDViMDNmYTYwMGVlYWMyMjlj">Umm…</p> <p class="cnM1MzU5ODJmMGRjMTQ3ODU5NzQwMzgyODk5ZTRjZjlm">What do you mean, master? Is there something wrong on my mind?</p> <p class="cnNhY2M0MGNiNGZlMTQ4NzZiYWEyMGY3NThiYmQwY2Fl">"You're too stupid." The goddess said as she puts one of her hand to her shaking head.</p> <p class="cnNkYWZmZmE0MTNiMjRjMjBiZGMwNzg0NTllYWJhYWVm">Err…</p> <p class="cnNhMGM2YjRiNmJmNTQwMDhhOWU2MmNiZGI5NzAzY2Yz">I look at my han— eh?</p> <p class="cnMwZDY5YmNlZDViMjQwMDI5YmU4ODdhZTEzMTA3MzIw">Where's the sweet?</p> <p class="cnNjMmZiNmRiMDIxOTQwMDVhZTk4MTZlMDQ0ODg1YjIz">Did it fly off to nowhere?</p> <p class="cnNhOGY5NzNmMGQzZjRjOWY4NzJhMDRlMDhmZWYyNDk0">"You already ate it." The goddess said to me.</p> <p class="cnM2YjliMjkxYWNjODQ3YjJiZThlODEwNTU0YTMzZDVl">Hmm…</p> <p class="cnM0MDk3YzVmYTk1MDQ0ZjY4OGM3MTBjNWE4NjFkZDIy">Weird.</p> <p class="cnNjN2QyMGE4YmJlNzRhNDZhM2I0NWFjZTI2OTBjMzE3">"The cold Qi around you is gathering up again." The goddess pokes my forehead, making me realize that I am still using the goddess' breathing pattern.</p> <p class="cnNhNjI3MDQ1MDljZjQ4ZTY5MWFjYTg3ZDRhM2U3Y2Fk">Ah! I forgot!</p> <p class="cnM5YWIzNzQ3ZmQ5ZDQyMzFiNTY1ODVhYmY5OWEzMjVj">Quickly, I close off my eyes and began calming myself down as I stabilize myself.</p> <p class="cnM1MzljMTQ4MDRiMzRiOWE5YzYwYTNjYzI2M2JiM2Y5">Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale…</p> <p class="cnM3YTJjZTEyMDA1MzRmOGRiZGQyMzBjMTY4YmUzZTY1">For several seconds, I focus my attention on stabilizing myself. Go away cold Qi! This lady does not want to be in such pain again!</p> <p class="cnM2YjkzMjQ4MTliZTRhNTg5MjJkYWU0ODdmNzUwYTNm">I'm not like those OP main characters from some novels ya know? I'm not like that certain character that can handle everything.</p> <p class="cnNmNTExOTBiMTkwMTQwY2ZhNGI2MjE5NDk4OGU1YmIx">So please, stay away from this broken lady okay?</p> <p class="cnMwZDkzZjRlNDdjMjRkMDk4ZTczZTllMzNjMDIyMWE3">After stabilizing myself down, I open my eyes again and sees the goddess eating sweets while looking at my face.</p> <p class="cnM3YTJmZjMxN2RhZjQyNmNhNThhOWM0MmUzZjJiMDhm">Err…</p> <p class="cnMyNzdlNTE4Zjg1MjQ5N2E4MjJlZjU3OTkxYjlmMjA1">Somehow, I feel weird.</p> <p class="cnM1YWRkNDYxODUyNjRjY2M5MGZkNTMwYmI1NDgxYmI4">Can you please stop gazing at me as if I'm some sort of a unique creature, master?</p> <p class="cnNhYTllYWNmNjg0YzQxMDA5YWIzZjdiNWZiM2I0YzZj">"Let's go to another swee—" Just as the goddess says the word "sweet," she suddenly stops and look at a certain direction.</p> <p class="cnNjMmJkNDIyZTdjMzRmNjI4ZjY3NzRmNTE1NjQ4NmNi">I look at her face, only to find out that she is serious.</p> <p class="cnMzZjQ2Nzg5NGVmODQ3ZTdhNTI1MmQ4ZDcwMWQyOWYz">F*ck! Who the f*ck made the goddess angry?</p> <p class="cnMxOGM3ZjA1ZGI2MzQ0M2ZiMGFmOWFhMDdkZDdlNThi">Are you kidding me? Do you want to die right now?</p> <p class="cnNlYmI5MDE5MzkyMjRiZGFiMTQ0YWY2NTQ4OTY3ZWM4">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnM0YWIyMzQ4ZmZjYjQ0MzM4YzQzNDhlY2UzZWFjNzZm">I really can't understand what the others are thinking about.</p> <p class="cnNkZGEwMmUxMDI3NzRiNjdiMDEyMDNkMWI3ODBhZTk2">"It looks like someone is secretly spying on you, my stupid disciple." The goddess said telepathically. Her voice was deadly serious.</p> <p class="cnM2YTA4N2RlMzIwZDRlNmJiOWRjZDEyYzA4ZGM1YzQ4">・・・</p> <p class="cnMzYTFiNDg2NzgxMzQ0ZTQ5NzJlYWI2YTYyMWYxMTE4">Eh?</p> <p class="cnM5MmRiMDdlNjRkOTQ2YmZiMWYyZDQxYjM3MTYzZGY1">What?</p> <p class="cnM5OGQxODYzOWVjODRhOGU4MTk2YTZjZjY1ZGJmZDM2">Hold on…</p> <p class="cnMwNTc2YWJlYzM4NzQ2NzFhYmE0NDZkYzVhMGQ2YjQ4">What did you say, master?</p> <p class="cnM1MDc2MmNlNjU4NDQ0ODg5MmJjNmNlODdmNGVmZmQ1">Who's the god*amn idiot that spies on this broken lady?!</p> <p class="cnM1Y2ExZWY4ZGNiMTQwY2FhOTBkZmViZTFjMjA4OTE3">F*ck!</p> <p class="cnMyMjRmOWNhNTczNzQzNTY5MDUzNzEwNjU0ZDQ0OGVm">Once I find you, I will beat your foolish buttocks with a bamboo stick!</p> <p class="cnNhNGU2MWI5ZjJjNDRhOWRhMWMwNWY3MDY0ZWI3YjYz">Eeeeeeee!</p> <p class="cnM1MDViYTY4ZjIwZjRkNTk4YTIyZjg5MGFkZjdjNGI0">Ehem, enough of that.</p> <p class="cnM1MTkzMGM0NzYzOTQ2MDI4ZDY3Y2U4NjUwZTBlMDU4">But really, why is someone secretly spying on me? Are they really that lax that even they spy a weakling like me?</p> <p class="cnM0OWRlYzczOTY0MTQ2NDE4MzgyNDExMWRmMWZlODNh">Hmm…</p> <p class="cnNiNGEzNzAwNTdmYjRlZTI4ZGM3MzgyMzIyMTg2OWU5">Weird.</p> <p class="cnMxOWY3OTM3ZTk1ZjQ3MTk5MDdlOWJlYWI5Mzk4NDIy">This is definitely weird.</p> <p class="cnNlZTY1NTI5Y2NjMDQ1YjRiNWYyZmU0YTY3YWU3ZmE5">Wait…<br> <br>Are you really sure about that, master?</p> <p class="cnNhMGMxZjgxOGYxNjQwZDU5NTU2ZDgzYmNjYWE0NTBm">You're the one stronger than me right? You should be the one that is getting spied on not me.</p> <p class="cnNjMjM1MTI0MWRjNzRjZGFiZjI5NmE4MWE1NDI3NDZi">Right?</p> <p class="cnMxYzMzMTEzNjJjZTRmNjE5NjY4YTI1ZTZkY2E3MjBl">"No. They are looking at you ever since we got near the stall." The goddess telepathically said while looking at the stall near us.</p> <p class="cnMyYWQzYTZlMjZmMzRjNWI4M2I3NTQ0ZjMwYWM0Zjli">"At first, I initially thought that they were just glancing around thus, I did not bother with them." The goddess paused for a second before continuing, "But as you eat the sweets I gave you, I notice that they did not even look away from you, stupid disciple."</p> <p class="cnNjNjU0MTRkNGZhNjQ1NmNiNmEyZjcxNTgxMDliNTk3">Err…</p> <p class="cnM4OWZmMmUyMTIwMTQ1M2I5YzM0Y2ZmZDkzNjgzNWJh">Wait…</p> <p class="cnM0NWEwNDAzNzkwMzRjNzRhNWIyOWQ4MzI5NmVlODkw">Are they some sort of ghost or something?</p> <p class="cnMxNWVmMGYzYmNhZjQ0NzY4MmM5NGVmNDYzYWRjYmU4">I mean, someone like me won't gather attention, right? Only ghosts do that kind of stuff like spying ya know?</p> <p class="cnMwMTllNDIzNDg2MTRjOWJiNWQ5OWUyMTg0MDkxMmNh">Right?</p> <p class="cnNhYWFiMzAyM2NiMDRhNzE5OWM1MWIzZGZhYjUyYWJl">Weird…</p> <p class="cnMyZmZhNDcwYThlMTQ3ZWViNGI2NTNkMWFiM2Q5NTJm">"Stupid disciple." The goddess said telepathically before continuing, "Do you know Arpen?"</p> <p class="cnM2ZDdkYWQ0ZTdiNjQ3OGNiMDQ4OTQ3OGZjZjVlZjlj">…</p> <p class="cnNiOWZlNjdmM2I5OTQ3YzlhZjY3ODdhNGExNTU0Nzc3">…</p> <p class="cnNjNjU5NjQwNWIyNTRmODRhMjM5MWIyYThjOTI3ZDE0">…</p> <p class="cnNjNzBlNTI4ZjljMTRlYjhiNTgxZTc4OTRlNzg0ODkz">…</p> <p class="cnMyYjA2M2JiMDgxMzQ3NzFiYjFjNzRhZTNmZmNhMTIx">"I… don't want to talk about it," I said to the goddess.</p> <p class="cnM5MjZlM2JhMWZkMDQ3NDFhZmVlNDJmMjQ1MTc5NmQz">The goddess, who already read my mind, nods in return. She was silent.</p> <p class="cnNjYmJhODljM2RlZjQ5NTU5NzQ3ODA1MjJjNmZkM2M1">Umm…</p> <p class="cnNlYjgwMDMyYjFiMzQ1MmM4NTNjNTU5MzIyMTM3YjI3">Anyways!</p> <p class="cnNhNzRhNmQzOTVhYTRlMDE5YTJlNjNlNTM4N2ExMTNh">Haha…</p> <p class="cnM4YzdhMmE0OTdjMzRiYjg4NjAxNjdhMzZhODFjMzE4">Err…</p> <p class="cnMwNDIxNDdkNjI4ZTQ1OGE5NTNlZGRmMTdjMmFiOTA0">"I see." The goddess, who reads the mind of everyone that is currently spying on me, nods. She was thinking about something.</p> <p class="cnNjNjg0ZjM3NTg5YTQwMGQ4MTZlN2M0MjQ3OGNhMjQ0">"Say, stupid disciple." The goddess paused as she looks at me before continuing, "How do you want them to die?" She said, making me decide how the spies will die.</p> <p class="cnMyYzFiYjMxMzllZTQ0OTM5Y2M5Mzc0YjVkMmU3NjIz">I look at the goddess. She was gently smiling at me. However, deep inside her smile lies a sinister intention.</p> <p class="cnM4YWRjNWQyOGUzYzQxNTc4ZTI4Nzg4YTkxODAxMDc5">She was like a merciless reaper capable of killing anyone while being innocent.</p> <p class="cnM5NTI5ODdjNWNmYzQ4OTFhOTBjMGE0NTZmZTk3MDFk">Somehow, I felt fear as I look at the sinister goddess.</p> <p class="cnM3YWVhYjJjODExZDQyZGZhZmQ3YmM0YjVhMzg2YTFj">"It's your choice, master," I said telepathically. Well, I don't really know which is the best way to kill someone ya know?</p> <p class="cnMwOTZlMmUxMDc1MTRlZWFiM2EwNTVlNGUwMzc4MWM5">I just hack and slash like those R*G characters from some games.</p> <p class="cnNkZTEzMDgxYmU2ZDQ1YTY4MDc2NzdlNjdjYjZhNGYz">"Well then." The goddess nods in return before turning her head to the direction where the spies are currently located.</p> <p class="cnMwMTIzMTcxYWIxMTRlOWQ5Mzk5ZDcyZjBkYjkyMWUy">After a second, the goddess immediately returns back to her cheery mode. She was looking at me, smiling gently like a big sister.</p> <p class="cnM3MmU1ZjQ2NWMxNDRlMDZiNzQ4MGIyNjQ5YjRmNjc5">Err…</p> <p class="cnMzMzQ0MzQ1NmVmNzQ3ZjhiZDc0M2NhNTE2ZmNjZWZl">"Let's eat in a restaurant this time, my stupid disciple." The goddess pokes my forehead before continuing, "There are too many pests lingering around here, don't you think?"</p> <p class="cnMyZjYwMGRlYzE0YzQwOGNhYzdmOWRmYThiZjc2NTI2">"Un," I said back to her. Well, since there's really not that much of a reason to deny the goddess then I might as well accept her request, right?</p> <p class="cnNmZjkyMDQ0ZTJlMTQwNDY4N2Q3MjZiM2Q5YWMyNDc1">Right?</p> <p class="cnM5MTBmMjY1ZmRiYzRmNDRhODU1MGE1ODQzYTc2MmYw">After that, the pouch the goddess was initially holding suddenly vanishes as the goddess head to a certain direction.</p> <p class="cnMyZjZkNWM3ZDVmYzQ2NzM5OGYwZDQxOGJjNmRkZTRj">As we head in a certain direction, there were some cultivators looking at us.</p> <p class="cnMxYTg2MWNkZjZiMzRlZGM5YmY0ZWQ0NzI2NjJkZGM5">They were curious about us.</p> <p class="cnNkODcyM2ZhOTYyNjQ2NWNhOWRjYmNlNGY5YjBkMGMx">You all don't want to know about the goddess, trust me.</p> <p class="cnM2MzcyZTQxZDBlOTQ2OTliZDNmN2U4Y2Y4ZTY4Njc1">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnMzYzUzOTczODg5MDQ0ZjFhMzYyZjZkM2YzNjVlMDFh">Because of both the goddess and I wearing such luxurious clothing, the people in front of us quickly move away from us as soon as they see the goddess running.</p> <p class="cnMwNDg0NmIzYmQ2NTRmYmJiNzI3MTk1NzQ4NjAyZmEx">They were fearing that the goddess and I are a higher-up within the sect.</p> <p class="cnNhOGYxMDMyOTdlNjRhMWJiNjkzYzI2M2ZmZjFjYjgy">Err…</p> <p class="cnMyY2IxOGQyZjlhODQ3OTViMDZmYmZjYWZjNmE4Zjkw">"Master, you can just teleport us, right?" I said to the running goddess telepathically. Well, yeah, you can just simple teleport right?</p> <p class="cnMwNzMzODZjODUzZjRiZTlhNjMyZjU5ZDUzYzRkYzlj">"Stupid disciple." The goddess said. "In order to teleport to a certain area, you must first go there first before marking that place as a place where you can teleport." The goddess continued.</p> <p class="cnNhMTU0M2Y4MGNlNTQyMzM5YWY2ZWEzY2RhNGZjNDE2">I see.</p> <p class="cnNlNjMwYjk1MDIyNTQ0MzRhNTI3N2I4ODE2NjdjNDlm">"Also, I am too bored to teleport." The goddess followed up, saying that she was bored of doing something.</p> <p class="cnM1OTczNDIzNzlkOTRlMmJhZTRjMjBiYzIwM2QyMmM2">What do you mean by bored? Are you kidding with me perhaps, master?</p> <p class="cnNhNzYxMzZkNTdhMzRmNDFhYWFjMTUxM2Y3M2JiNzc1">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnM2MmQ4NjFjZjMyNjQ3YTRiMTllZjhlODliNDA0ZDk3">After a series of running, the goddess and I finally reached the goddess' destination— a pagoda.</p> <p class="cnM2NTIwMThhNDc1OTQwZmM4YTQwNTM2ODk3YjRhOTAz">Err...</p> <p class="cnNkY2M0NmEyZTMwNDQwYzA5NTJjZDY3ODE0ZmQzY2Y4">What are we going to do here inside?</p> <p class="cnM2MDZmYTJjNmVjYzRjYWViOTBiN2M5NmUwMWUwY2Yy">This is a sacred pagoda, right?</p> <p class="cnNjNWIwNmIxMTIyZDQ2YjA4ODlmZDhjMDU0MzI5MTIw">Indeed, before us lies a hundred floor pagoda. The pagoda is so tall that it even reaches the sky.</p> <p class="cnNhZGYzMDE5MTViMjRiOTlhNDM4OTAzOGI2MGVlZDA3">Is this the Cloud Gathering Pagoda perhaps?</p> <p class="cnMyOTJiMDZlYTE0ZjRiYzM5N2MyYTg3NmJhMmRjMGQw">Although the pagoda is really really tall, it was not tall enough to reach the clouds above us.</p> <p class="cnM0NDYxYmM3MDExZTQ4MTFiMjMzYjBmYzNmYjIwYjg0">So to simplify, this pagoda is not the Cloud Gathering Pagoda.</p> <p class="cnM2OWM0NTYzMTlmYTQ4YmU4ZDFiZDg0N2Q2MjlhNDY4">But really…</p> <p class="cnMzMDIyYTBjYWI2NjQyNzk5ZDZhZTFhN2E0ZGVmNmYy">How come there is a restaurant here? This is a pagoda, not a restaurant ya know?</p> <p class="cnM3NDNlOWMyZWNiMjRjY2Y4MWE4N2U4ODRhNjkyMTM0">Are you really that serious, master?</p> <p class="cnM4OWZjYmM5NTQ1YjQ1YjBiNWYxYjllMGQ0NjRjYWRm">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnMwZTNlNzZkNDAyMTQ1NWFhNTBiNTgxZjEyNTllMmYx">"Welcome to the Southern Vermillion Pagoda, fellow cultivators." I hear a voice beside us. It was a female's voice.</p> <p class="cnM5MGI3YjUzZDFjMzRjYmRiMmIyZjZmODk2ZDg4MDMw">I turn around and see a young lady wearing red silk robe. Is she the caretaker of the pagoda perhaps?</p> <p class="cnNmZDNkNWFmNDk1NjRlMDNhM2Y1MDMxYWIwZDNlN2M4">Hmm…</p> <p class="cnM5YWI4NmU2MmIzZjRlN2JhYjEzMDg0YjI0YTU3ODZl">Seems like it.</p> <p class="cnNhYjE3ZDMyOTZmMjQ4NWZiZTlkYzFlZjQ3ZTg5MzM0">The goddess, who was looking at the pagoda, says, "Take us to the eighty-sixth floor."</p> <p class="cnMwZWFjNzRlZDBkNjRiYTk4NDIwZGU4OWZkMDM5MWEx">The lady, who have heard the goddess, fixes her clothing before saying, "Are you one of the higher-ups, senior?"</p> <p class="cnM2NTRjNmM5OTA4ODRlM2FiOTIxYTcwNmEwNTA5OTA4">She was now formal as soon as she thinks that the goddess is a higher-up.</p> <p class="cnMxYWI1YjY4YTY1NzQ0ZmFiZmIyNDQ3MWIxNTM0N2Ez">The goddess isn't really a higher up but rather, she is a goddess.</p> <p class="cnM4NmNkNzQzZmMxMjRhNzc5YzJjZWRjNTUwNDRjMmU4">Though the goddess is a shameless one.</p> <p class="cnMzNzBhNTMwZjk0MTQ1ODU4YmE3YmFmMzUwODlmZDY0">"Yes." The goddess said to her as she summons a card.</p> <p class="cnM5ODA2NzJkMDUzNTQ3MjhhOTEzMmU5MzZiNGFmYTBi">The lady, in turn, looks at the card before bowing to the goddess with formality.</p> <p class="cnNjOWIyODQ5MDRmMjQzZjViMTNkM2U3NzU4ODgzZjNm">"This humble one shall guide the two of you at our best restaurant— Southern Vermillion Horizon floor." She said while bowing in front of the goddess.</p> <p class="cnM3NjVhMTFkYzQ4MTQ2MWI5ODIxNzVjYzllZmY2MDQ3">Eh? There's a restaurant here?</p> <p class="cnNlNjkwOTYyYmYwMzRlYmZhNjI4ZWJhM2NmMDJjOTdi">Weird.</p> <p class="cnM2MDFjMDk4OTA3NTRmZTdiZGIwYTA0YjdkZTNiMGI1">How come I don't know this?</p> <p class="cnMyZTUwY2E4ZDUzOTQ2ZmM4OTE1ZTQ4M2ViM2YwZWMx">Hmm…</p> <p class="cnNhOGJhYzk1YTQ3MjQwZjQ5YjIzNGYxOTc2YzY4YTI2">"Please, follow me, venerable higher-ups." The lady, who was initially bowing in front of us, slowly walks in front of us before saying those words.</p> <p class="cnNmMGFhZTBkMjE1OTQ2OWY4MDJhMjliYjk0OTFiNGE4">The goddess, in turn, nods back to the lady before dragging me with her as she walks inside the pagoda.</p> </div>
After agreeing to the goddess' request of going outside, the goddess walks outside the hall while holding my hand. I look at the surroundings around me. Except for some trees around us, there were multiple cultivators bustling around us, buying something from each stall or just walking around mindlessly. Yes, there are cultivators around us, completely minding their own business. Right now, we are currently in a district of some sort. "Oh…" The goddess mutters something. It was as if she was piqued by something. Err… Can you please tell me what you are thinking right now? I can't read minds ya know? "Stupid disciple." The goddess looks at me before continuing, "What do you want? We eat sweets or we go to a restaurant?" Eh? "Sweets." I instantly replied. Heh, this lady already knows what she wants, master. "Okay then." The goddess said to me, smiling. After that, both of us head to one of the sweet stalls while smiling together. It seems that the goddess is a glutton too I guess? But anyways! "Waa~," I said as I look at the sweets presented on the stall. They were a bunch of good-looking sweets wrapped on a paper. Slowly, I take a deep breath and smell the aroma of the sweets being made by the stall owner. "Unn.." I moan softly as I smell the sweet smell of the sweets on the stall. They smell like strawberries. "How can I help you, young ladies?" The owner of the sweets said to us as he notices that we were in looking at the sweets he made. "I would like to buy twenty pieces of the strawberry-flavored sweets please." Said by the goddess as she summons twenty coppers to her fair hand. I look at the goddess. She was smiling as if she was a kid. Somehow, I feel that the goddess is somewhat similar to me. Well yeah, considering that the goddess is also a sweets glutton, I could tell that she is somewhat like me in some ways. Right? The owner of the stall, who have heard the goddess, nods and prepares a small pouch as he takes the strawberry-flavored sweets from one of the glass containers and put the sweets in the pouch. "Here you go, young lady." The owner of the stall said to the goddess while handing out the pouch filled with candies to her. Gently, the goddess takes the pouch from the owner and in turn, the goddess gives the stall owner twenty coppers. After giving the money to the stall owner, the goddess quickly opens the pouch and takes one sweet inside. "Waa…" She said, smiling as she tastes the strawberry-flavored sweet. After tasting the sweet, the goddess takes another sweet inside the pouch before giving the sweet to me. I nod at the goddess before taking the sweet from her hands. I look at the sweet. It was like a pill with a paper wrapping it. Gently, I unwrap the paper and take the sweet from the paper and began eating it. ・・・ Oh! Waa~ Yummy! What is this sweet?! It's so delish! It was as if my mind suddenly exploded as soon as I taste the strawberry sweet. Waaaa…. It's too delicious! Suddenly, my mind became filled with the thoughts of the sweet. My mood also changes from a craving one to a satisfied one. Waa~ this is why I like sweets~ They taste so good that you immediately forget your worries waa~ "Here." The goddess said to me while handing me out nine more sweets. Quickly I take the sweets from the goddess' hands and put them in one of my pockets. Heh, you are now mine hehe… You cannot escape from this lady, my little sweets. I grin as I think about the sweets being threatened by the evil me. Haha, this lady is merciless to such sweets like you, strawberry-flavored sweet. Ahahaha….. Err… Ehem. Anyways! Please forget that. After swallowing the sweet I initially ate, I take out another poor little sweet in my pocket. Please, allow me to eat you, my little sweet. As I was focused on the sweet that I took out from my pocket, my mind suddenly started a simulation of something weird and magical. --- "Nono! Don't eat me! I'm a poor sweet!" The little sweet said, asking to be not eaten by the gigantic Xiare. "Haha… ahahahaha!" I laugh madly at the words of the little sweet. This lady will not accept your request, little sweet. Slowly, I put the poor little sweet onto my mouth. As my tongue tastes the poor little sweet, the little sweet began struggling to get out of my mouth. "Please don't eat me! Please! Waaa!" The poor sweet said while being swallowed by me. "That's what you get for being irritating, poor little sweet," I said to the little sweet inside my mouth. **Pluck!** I heard another sound of something flicking. It was the goddess flicking my head. She was looking at me as if she was looking on an idiot. Err… What did I do? "You're distancing yourself from reality, stupid disciple." The goddess said while looking at me. Umm… What do you mean, master? Is there something wrong on my mind? "You're too stupid." The goddess said as she puts one of her hand to her shaking head. Err… I look at my han— eh? Where's the sweet? Did it fly off to nowhere? "You already ate it." The goddess said to me. Hmm… Weird. "The cold Qi around you is gathering up again." The goddess pokes my forehead, making me realize that I am still using the goddess' breathing pattern. Ah! I forgot! Quickly, I close off my eyes and began calming myself down as I stabilize myself. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale… For several seconds, I focus my attention on stabilizing myself. Go away cold Qi! This lady does not want to be in such pain again! I'm not like those OP main characters from some novels ya know? I'm not like that certain character that can handle everything. So please, stay away from this broken lady okay? After stabilizing myself down, I open my eyes again and sees the goddess eating sweets while looking at my face. Err… Somehow, I feel weird. Can you please stop gazing at me as if I'm some sort of a unique creature, master? "Let's go to another swee—" Just as the goddess says the word "sweet," she suddenly stops and look at a certain direction. I look at her face, only to find out that she is serious. F*ck! Who the f*ck made the goddess angry? Are you kidding me? Do you want to die right now? Sigh… I really can't understand what the others are thinking about. "It looks like someone is secretly spying on you, my stupid disciple." The goddess said telepathically. Her voice was deadly serious. ・・・ Eh? What? Hold on… What did you say, master? Who's the god*amn idiot that spies on this broken lady?! F*ck! Once I find you, I will beat your foolish buttocks with a bamboo stick! Eeeeeeee! Ehem, enough of that. But really, why is someone secretly spying on me? Are they really that lax that even they spy a weakling like me? Hmm… Weird. This is definitely weird. Wait… Are you really sure about that, master? You're the one stronger than me right? You should be the one that is getting spied on not me. Right? "No. They are looking at you ever since we got near the stall." The goddess telepathically said while looking at the stall near us. "At first, I initially thought that they were just glancing around thus, I did not bother with them." The goddess paused for a second before continuing, "But as you eat the sweets I gave you, I notice that they did not even look away from you, stupid disciple." Err… Wait… Are they some sort of ghost or something? I mean, someone like me won't gather attention, right? Only ghosts do that kind of stuff like spying ya know? Right? Weird… "Stupid disciple." The goddess said telepathically before continuing, "Do you know Arpen?" … … … … "I… don't want to talk about it," I said to the goddess. The goddess, who already read my mind, nods in return. She was silent. Umm… Anyways! Haha… Err… "I see." The goddess, who reads the mind of everyone that is currently spying on me, nods. She was thinking about something. "Say, stupid disciple." The goddess paused as she looks at me before continuing, "How do you want them to die?" She said, making me decide how the spies will die. I look at the goddess. She was gently smiling at me. However, deep inside her smile lies a sinister intention. She was like a merciless reaper capable of killing anyone while being innocent. Somehow, I felt fear as I look at the sinister goddess. "It's your choice, master," I said telepathically. Well, I don't really know which is the best way to kill someone ya know? I just hack and slash like those R*G characters from some games. "Well then." The goddess nods in return before turning her head to the direction where the spies are currently located. After a second, the goddess immediately returns back to her cheery mode. She was looking at me, smiling gently like a big sister. Err… "Let's eat in a restaurant this time, my stupid disciple." The goddess pokes my forehead before continuing, "There are too many pests lingering around here, don't you think?" "Un," I said back to her. Well, since there's really not that much of a reason to deny the goddess then I might as well accept her request, right? Right? After that, the pouch the goddess was initially holding suddenly vanishes as the goddess head to a certain direction. As we head in a certain direction, there were some cultivators looking at us. They were curious about us. You all don't want to know about the goddess, trust me. Sigh… Because of both the goddess and I wearing such luxurious clothing, the people in front of us quickly move away from us as soon as they see the goddess running. They were fearing that the goddess and I are a higher-up within the sect. Err… "Master, you can just teleport us, right?" I said to the running goddess telepathically. Well, yeah, you can just simple teleport right? "Stupid disciple." The goddess said. "In order to teleport to a certain area, you must first go there first before marking that place as a place where you can teleport." The goddess continued. I see. "Also, I am too bored to teleport." The goddess followed up, saying that she was bored of doing something. What do you mean by bored? Are you kidding with me perhaps, master? Sigh… After a series of running, the goddess and I finally reached the goddess' destination— a pagoda. Err... What are we going to do here inside? This is a sacred pagoda, right? Indeed, before us lies a hundred floor pagoda. The pagoda is so tall that it even reaches the sky. Is this the Cloud Gathering Pagoda perhaps? Although the pagoda is really really tall, it was not tall enough to reach the clouds above us. So to simplify, this pagoda is not the Cloud Gathering Pagoda. But really… How come there is a restaurant here? This is a pagoda, not a restaurant ya know? Are you really that serious, master? Sigh… "Welcome to the Southern Vermillion Pagoda, fellow cultivators." I hear a voice beside us. It was a female's voice. I turn around and see a young lady wearing red silk robe. Is she the caretaker of the pagoda perhaps? Hmm… Seems like it. The goddess, who was looking at the pagoda, says, "Take us to the eighty-sixth floor." The lady, who have heard the goddess, fixes her clothing before saying, "Are you one of the higher-ups, senior?" She was now formal as soon as she thinks that the goddess is a higher-up. The goddess isn't really a higher up but rather, she is a goddess. Though the goddess is a shameless one. "Yes." The goddess said to her as she summons a card. The lady, in turn, looks at the card before bowing to the goddess with formality. "This humble one shall guide the two of you at our best restaurant— Southern Vermillion Horizon floor." She said while bowing in front of the goddess. Eh? There's a restaurant here? Weird. How come I don't know this? Hmm… "Please, follow me, venerable higher-ups." The lady, who was initially bowing in front of us, slowly walks in front of us before saying those words. The goddess, in turn, nods back to the lady before dragging me with her as she walks inside the pagoda.
{ "title": "Anathema of the Eldritch [DROPPED (sadly)]", "id": 19529, "author": "Bobo112000", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9", "id": 305968, "next": 305971, "prev": 305698, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h1>  Chapter 9</h1> <p class="cnNlMDdiZWI1NGIwZTQ0MmRiMzI1ZWE0ZGFhYjQ1N2Q4">The Theandor and Vitafius family cautiously approached the southern gate, abandoning their plan of circling around the wall in order to avoid danger and simply heading straight in. Passing through the open gate was easy enough, as there was no one in sight to stop them. They walked through the streets, spotting the mass of bodies pervading the village square easily enough, and avoiding them just as easily.</p> <p class="cnM5YmU4NDNjMDRlNzQzZDE5ZjM1NjU5MjUyMzQ5MTdj">  Celeria guided them through the streets towards the barracks, where Dalarius and the other members of the guard would be holding a feast. Elrieden was supposed to attend, yet they had already figured out that such a thing wouldn’t be very practical at the moment for the mayor of the town. Besides, no one was really sure if he would be welcomed.</p> <p class="cnNmYmRkZDA3ZDBlZjQ4ZWI5MWQzMzE2ZjJhZjc5ZWVj">  The little troupe calmly traversed the streets, only encountering the stray child. The absence of any other family joining their loved ones at the barracks surprised them. They quickened their pace, reasoning that the rest of the assembly must have already arrived.</p> <p class="cnM0YzFhYWE2NzFmOTRhNTE4ZWM0NjIxYjZiMDdhODhj">  They arrived at the barracks minutes later, the children panting while Celeria, Grey and Lyvia just looked on in confusion. The dimly lit barracks were abandoned. There was not a soul in sight, as even a check of the inside revealed nought but whetstones, empty rooms, and a kitchen scoured of any food. There were no marks indicating combat, nor were there any signs indicating a grand feast. There was simply nothing, an abandoned barracks cleared out of anything valuable in a manner any general would be proud to see.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWFhZTgxZTNiNDRhNDVhMDM1Y2U2NTg2OGU3OTdj"><em>  ‘No. No, no, no, no, no! Where is he?! They can’t already have left, right?!’</em>, Celeria’s thoughts entered a rollercoaster as she once again descended into a mental landscape blighted by the absence of a loved one. The panic in her eyes were clear to all, as Lyvia quickly moved to support the grieving woman whose knees were already buckling under the mental pressure. Lyvia whispered sweet nothings into Celeria’s ear, attempting to calm the panicking woman down.</p> <p class="cnMyNWEzYTljYzIyZjRmODk4NzgxNjgyNzczODY4ZDYw">  Grey moved towards the children, taking them outside. He couldn’t let Anna nor Ayda see her mother like that, as the consequences of their only parent crying her heart out would raise some unwanted questions and panic.</p> <p class="cnM3NTZmYTE5NmUyOTQ2OWRhZTVlNzIxZDQ0NTQ2ZDNl"><em>  ‘Keep it together Celeria. You have two wonderful little girls you’re now going to have to raise on your own, so you better get your damned business together.</em>’, Grey’s mental admonishment was mirrored by his wide smile, as the attempts at calming down the children were partially successful. Anna and Ayda seemed less confused, yet they retained a quizzical expression. Daelyn seemed cautious, as he kept throwing glances around, eyeing for anything that seemed out of the ordinary.</p> <p class="cnNmYmI1ODUyYzcwODQzMmVhZjhkNDg3MTI5NDYyYTJm"><em>  ‘Can’t blame him. An angry mob that large could be a problem to any Dynn Doriàn, let alone a dinol with 5 summers on his belt.’,</em> Grey smiled at the little boy clinging to his leg, putting this one free hand on the little boy’s head. It did little more than ruffle his hair, yet Daelyn looked slightly calmer. The occasional glance was still thrown out to assure safety, and every time the angry mob collectively shouted was accompanied by a wince from the little man, yet the assurance of his father standing next to him helped a little.</p> <p class="cnMzNTNiZDU3MWNjMzQxMjhiMjZhMTRlYWVjMGYxZTRk">  Grey herded the three little children together with little effort, keeping check on their surroundings in the hope of finding someone who could tell them where the hell they were supposed to go. Grey waited for an answer, yet there was nothing but empty streets and the three children he had to entertain.</p> <p class="cnM3ZmYzNDU1ZTMzYzRiMTI5OWI3M2QxOTc1ZDJkNzkz">  Grey continued to entertain the little troupe he had at his disposal while he waited for Lyvia and Celeria to join them, hopefully in a less emotionally unstable state. The minutes passed by, yet the barracks remained silent. The lifeless streets returned to their former emptiness, the silence only occasionally broken by either a muffled shout from the rioting mob, or one of his little troupe speaking up.</p> <p class="cnNlY2I5OGZlNzliZTQ1MzBhYWRmNDIwNjA3MmQwOWUz">  Grey leaned against the barracks’ wall and sat down, content to watch Daelyn, Anna and Ayda playing with each other. The little trio quickly decided on a game of tag, chasing each other around until Daelyn inevitably got tagged, and had to be the tagger. The girls let the little boy get tag them after a little chasing, because the game wouldn’t be fun otherwise.</p> <p class="cnMzMzgxOGIxMGU5MzRlZGI4YWFiY2JjZTc4MDc2YmZm">  On their fifth round of tag, Celeria and Lyvia exited the barracks with a wide smile spanning across Celeria’s face. The large grin was slightly out of tone, suggesting an appearance of satisfaction more than happiness, yet no-one commented, as it would only lead to more grief and more confusion.</p> <p class="cnM4MzVhMzc1NDc4MDRkOTBiOGU4MjVlNmUzODk3ZGVi">  “What’s the plan? Because I don’t think staying here will do us any good.”, Grey’s candid voice drew Celeria’s and Lyvia’s attention away from the playing children.</p> <p class="cnNkMDk1Y2QxZmU1YzRmODY4ZTUxMTA3NzU1NjVjYzdm">  “Well, I think it would be wise if Lyvia and I scouted out the crowd. Besides that, the only place the guard regiment could fathomably be would be the village hall. We’re going to have to go there, whether we like it or not.”, Lyvia’s reply was just as casual and candid as Grey’s, making him reminisce about their adventurer’s days. The days where practicality was put up front, as anything more complicated than a few words should have been discussed beforehand.</p> <p class="cnM5MTRiM2UwYTViODQ0ZTBhYWVhMmY3YjlhY2Q2MGI5">  Grey nodded, “I’ll be here with the kids. I’ll leave for home if the situation turns sour. Expect me at the southern gate if any trouble shows up, alright?”</p> <p class="cnNmODdjNTg1NjVhOTQzZTNiZWIwZjZiNmVhMmYxZmM3">  Celeria and Lyvia nodded. They walked over to the little trio staring quizzically at them. The three little children each received a peck on their cheek.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDZhNjg3ZjE3YjQ3ZWViOGY4N2U1MGZiOWFjMWJi">  “We’re going to see what’s going on in the village square, okay? Stay with Grey, he will protect you.”, Celeria quietly whispered to both Anna and Ayda while pulling them into an embrace.</p> <p class="cnMwNWI2MjEyNzEyOTRlN2FiNDVhYjM4N2I5MDg1NzA2">  “I’ll be back in a bit, so just stay with papa, okay?”, Daelyn curtly nodded at Lyvia’s soft order, “Good boy.”. She ruffled his hairs, placing another peck on his cheek.</p> <p class="cnNiZTRiZmUxNzQ5NzRkZjhhOGVmZDA2NWVhNzIyZjc5">  The two women left after saying their goodbyes. The two turned towards the village square, setting off with a quick pace with the gazes of their children watching their backs until they abruptly turned around a corner, disappearing into the streets of Elrieden.</p> <p class="cnNhNTE2MDUwYWE1ZTQ1MDJhYTUwNDMxMTI3YTQyZmYz">  Lyvia and Celeria sped their pace up as they left the sight of their offspring, running through the streets of Elrieden towards the sound of a rioting mob. The noise of violence became clearer as they neared the village square. The streets opened up to the usually bustling village square, which was now filled with a crowd large enough to fill the square itself and a few of the adjacent streets.</p> <p class="cnNmNTVkYWVjYzY2NjQ3MDY4YzhmYTBmNDBiMGVmZDky">  The crowd was chanting wildly, creating a deafening orchestra of pure chaos. However, the lack of coordination meant that it was little more than a collective creation of angry noise, never containing any kind of message during the few minutes Celeria and Lyvia listened in. The never ending verbal violence directed at the village manor was simply deaf to itself, as the disgruntlement of a thousand souls could not be combined in one simple message, until a voice rose up out of the crowd.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTQ5MTRkYTU2MDQ5MmVhYzg5NjI2YTM1NzQ5NDgx">  The voice was accompanied by a burly Dynn Doriàn mounting a wooden barrel and shouting at the top of his lungs. The vocal violence still ringing through the village square made the man’s voice imperceptible to Lyvia and Celeria, yet it momentarily silenced the cries of those around him. Those adjacent to the burly shouter took on his message, spreading it out in all directions as the crowd united under one banner.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWE1YTUwMDg4YzRkNjBhYWViOWZjOTQ4NTllYmNl">  “Bring out Elrieden!”, the man raised his arms, showing himself to be the crucible hardened blacksmith, “Bring out the coward who will doom this village! Bring him out!”</p> <p class="cnM0OWFkMTZhN2RlZDRmNjE4MzhiNGU2NzdlN2QyYjll">  The crowd quieted down, eliciting a sigh of relieve from those high up on the balcony, before they took the blacksmith’s chanting to heart. They raised their fists at the manor.</p> <p class="cnNlMTkyMzQ5ZWQ4ZDQzNDBhMTg4MTFlZWNhMTQxZGFl">  “Bring him out!”, they raised their fists on the rhythm of the chant, creating a moving mass of bodies that opposed the manor which looked small by comparison. The civil servants bleached, flinching at the crowd’s chanting.</p> <p class="cnM0NjI1NGVkMWVmODQ1YTY4MTY2MTBmNWZjZThhMTU1">  They faltered, yet they didn’t fall. They tried to calm the crowd through negotiation, they tried it through thaumaturgy, they tried through distraction, yet there was nothing they could do. They didn’t have the force of the guard regiment to enact discipline, so they could only rely on themselves for success and their own protection.</p> <p class="cnM0ODQ1NzM1MmM0MDRkZjM5ZGRkNjU0NjQ5OWRjODIw">  The situation seemed dire for the mayor, yet it only deteriorated when one of the clerks raised their voices through the thaumaturgy magic.</p> <p class="cnNjNGFmNzZkZDk2NzRlNjliOTI1ZGNmYTI0M2VhNDFk">  “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Don’t you see that we can’t do anything?!”</p> <p class="cnMzMjY4MTczM2RmOTQ4YTU4Y2NhZGQxZTZjMzBkYmU0">  He was met with a momentary silence, the crowd quieting down at his admonishment of them. The civil servants calmed slightly, thinking that the silence in the crowd denoted progress.</p> <p class="cnMzNzQ0ZDNmNTBiMjQyN2RhOTZlN2NkNzJiNDU4NDcz">  The first stone contradicted that. It hit the clerk right next to the aggressor in the head. The damage was luckily minimal, yet it was the snowball that started a grey avalanche of rocks and frustration. The knowledge that the bureaucrats sitting on their high pedestal could do nothing to help them transformed them from a possible solution to a target for the anger and frustration of the crowd.</p> <p class="cnNhNGFlMGNmODMwZTQ1MjI4YjdlMTE4YmM0NWZhMzUw">  They continued their barrage for a dozen minutes, breaking almost all the windows in the manor and chipping away at the walls ever so slightly. Small pieces of bark started down tumble down along the outside of the manor, any window frame which only showed the slightest suspicion of life was pelted with rocks. The clerks had already retreated inside for their own safety, yet the crowd was far from done.</p> <p class="cnM1NGUxYmUzNTlkYTQzNmZiNzMyZjJiMDhmMzQ4MzRm">  The first people had already started knocking on the door, and it seemed like the rocks around the manor were starting to run out.</p> <p class="cnMxYTdiYmJmMDIwMDQ3ODA4YmY0YTYxMmU1OGE0OTdm">  The crowd continued their chant, the pummelling of the ornate front door continuing on the rhythm. The doors were clearly barricaded, as the simple locking mechanism wouldn’t be able to hold the rioters at bay like this.</p> <p class="cnMxNGMyNWI1NzJkMTRhY2VhZGE5NWJkZTBmODc0OWY1">  The door was creaking, about to break down, when a sound suddenly overtook the mob’s chanting. The sound of metal on metal, the sound of a battalion banging their weapons on their shields, accompanied by a deep horn.</p> <p class="cnM4Nzg5ODM4ZmU5ZDQwMGU4NmFjYmRkY2E3N2NlODMw">  The sound gradually came closer, until the streets adjacent to the manor were filled with fully clad soldiers. Their uniforms were meagre to say the least, dark grey leather from a stone salamander common to these woods with a simple iron helmet on top. These soldiers would have impressed few individuals in the crowd, yet their collective mentality screamed fear as the unity of the battalion combatted their anarchy. </p> <p class="cnMwYjViN2ExYzA1ZjQ1MzlhNjg1YWEzODFiZjFmYmE0">  They advanced slowly, driving the rioters back from the square inch by inch. They came like the tide, abating when necessary yet always continuing onwards.</p> <p class="cnNjYTExNzUwNjU3NDQ2NmZiOGRlOGEyOTkwZTc3Mzhj">  The crowd slowly started to descend into panic, as the small groups around the manor had already retreated back into the crowd, while the outliers in the crowd were either running away or retreating back into the crowd, compacting the mass of bodies even more. The crowd writhed, scampering away from the incoming threat like a pack of scared dogs, and they were chastised as such.</p> <p class="cnM2YTE0ZTYzNjVjYjQ1MDliZjA5ZGJlNWJmMzdhYzFl">  Lyvia pulled on Celeria’s arm, pulling her away from the panicking crowd which was about to break into a stampede.</p> <p class="cnNhMTZkOTk1M2U5MDRhOTY5MWE3NzM2ZjBlOGIwMmYz">  “We need to go, come on!”, Lyvia saw Celeria’s face flush crimson with rage, “You expect to let them go when they took my husband from me?! Let the dogs come!”. Celeria stormed off in a rage, leaving Lyvia alone as she disappeared into the crowd. Lyvia took one last look at the village manor, before she turned around and set off towards the barracks, in the hope that she would find her family there.</p> <p class="cnM5MWMwMWMzMzM5YjQ4MGRhZjhjNTQyNzRiMmYwMjc2">  The clerks had reappeared on the balcony, hurling insults at the protesters.</p> <p class="cnNjZmM3ZDNlZWFlYjQ5OGY5ODJmZGFhOWJiYWIwYzZi">  “Run you hairless dogs! That will teach you to mess with the Elders!”, the clerks basked in glory as the crowd was driven away by their newly gained ally, “Let’s see you idiots come back after this! Ha!”. Their zeal and faith in the system overpowered their common sense, causing them to smear and belittle the very people they were supposed to serve. Revenge was a dish best served cold, yet they were dining on it like it was gourmet.</p> <p class="cnM0Y2ZiM2I2MTM0MDRhOGJhOTQ1MDY5Mzk0NTVlN2Zl">  The crowd backed up, allowing the battalion to close up the manor and secure it. They blocked over half of the square, not allowing anyone past. They had defused the situation within minutes, and one man stood with his a maniacally grin watching over it all, orchestrating it from behind the lines.</p> <p class="cnNlYWUzYzRhMTBmODQ0YWFiYzVjNjRhNGEyYWZiODU4">  Eldrin Tyrrith was having a field day.</p> <p class="cnNhOWM4MmQwM2MzNDRmYzI5ZjRmMzhkODZjODhkZjQ0"><em>  ‘Thank you Eleanor, for blessing me with such an opportunity. The idiotic bureaucrats of this state may be good for something after all!’</em>, Eldrin was having the time of his life. The protest had given him the opportunity to replace the guard regiment. The boon, if only temporary, would be huge, especially if he could pull a few of the Elders from their high horse.</p> <p class="cnMyNjI3M2U3NGE0OTQ4MTdhMWNjZDY0YTVhYWMyOTY2"><em>  ‘Let’s see what they’re going to do now. Elrieden can’t rely on anyone else for protection now, he ain’t rich enough for mercenaries, and his shamans are about as useful as those idiotic clerks. Good cannon fodder, but they won’t be able to do regular patrols in a century.’</em></p> <p class="cnM1N2NhZWZmZmNmZTRhMWJiNTcyMWIxNmQwYTczZDFl">  Meanwhile, Elrieden looked up from high up. He was accompanied by Gil Yrricht, the eldest of the guard and the ever vigilant watcher of the manor. They both looked on with dread, as the crowd was pushed back inch by inch by the unofficial police.</p> <p class="cnM3MDA3Y2Y2ZDhhYTRiNDI5YzY0MjIwNzAxMGUxMGZi">  “What the hell is he thinking? Doing whatever he likes with his troupe of clowns?!”, he turned to Gil, “He can’t do this, right?! We have to assemble the Elders!”.</p> <p class="cnM5OGVlNGE3OTcwYjQ2Yzc5MDAxMDliMjk1NWZkYzE0">  Gil simply looked back at Ellith with a soft expression, pinching the bridge of his nose.</p> <p class="cnM2YzhjOTY4ZTIwOTQzNDI5MDJlZjc1YmNlMTM4NDA0">  “You do realise that that won’t do anything? The man has the town in his hand with that battalion of his, we need someone to clear out the infestations, and I sure as hell don’t know anyone else who can do it.”, he sighed, “Calling an assembly isn’t going to help either. He will be there, and he will have virtually all the power. He can just say ‘Well, how about I leave you to the wolves then?’ and you know he’s gonna use whenever he can. The man is enjoying his position of power, and there’s nothing we can do.”</p> <p class="cnMxZTMxNDIxMGVjYzQ5ZDNhMGI1OWMyNGMwNTIzYjhm">  Elrieden furrowed his brows in frustration, he balled his fists and stood there like a child, not knowing how to express his anger properly. His mind raced for a solution, hanging onto anything that might deny Eldrin even the slightest bit of power.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjY5MzFmOWE4YTRiNWI4NDViYWIzZDhjMjAyNTZk">  It was then that his expression suddenly cleared, his mouth was gaping, and his eyes were open to a whole new set of possibilities.</p> <p class="cnM0MzM2NmJmYjdmODQ0YWE5OTIzN2YwOGFjYjFkZTk0">  He grinned, “He won’t be enjoying it for long. I’ll make damned sure of that.”</p> <p class="cnNhNzkxMjViZGVlMjQ4OTBhNTE0Yjc0MWFmMjIxZjlj">  Gil looked quizzically at Ellith as he stormed off, heading down the winding stairs. Gil could only look on as he disappeared from sight, only to pop up several minutes later at the back end of the manor, striding off towards the edge of the town.</p> <p class="cnM5OWZhYmM1ZmQzODQ5YmI5YzcwOWRmMTViZWQ4ZmYy"><em>  ‘Thank Eleanor that everyone either left, or headed to the tavern at the south side. They would have torn him to bits if they knew that he was out and about without any guards’</em>, he looked down again, <em>‘Never mind, his heir is guarding him. Sometimes I can’t understand how lopsided this family actually is.’</em>, Yrricht pinched the bridge of his nose as he had just witnessed Nero speeding after his father.</p> <p class="cnNiYjhlOTBiNmU2MzRhMzc4MjU3YWRjZThlNGUwMzI4"><em>  ‘Let’s just hope that he doesn’t do anything stupid. Well, there is only one thing that could possibly escalate the situation further.’</em>, the old man contemplated Ellith’s purpose in leaving the manor so suddenly, <em>‘He wouldn’t do that, right? Nah, he isn’t that stupid.’</em>, an uneasy smile crept up.</p> <p class="cnM0YzcyOWFkMjFmMjQ3ZDA5MjdiZmE4Y2VkOTBlOTNl">  The old man dismissed the thought and continued to monitor the situation in front of the manor. Eldrin and his band had left, leaving only after a slight scuffle with the protestors which had partially stepped down from their confused state under the leadership of a lone woman standing against the wall of shields and clubs. The crowd slowly inched away through the streets, leaving the town through the western and southern gate, with a few stragglers circling around and heading home through either the eastern or northern gate.</p> <p class="cnMyN2MzNGZjNGVmODQ4ZTM4MjYzZGE4Mjc2NDk3YmQ4">  Dusk started to settle, and Gil enjoyed one of the perks that the job provided.</p> <p class="cnNlOWRiMjcyMDg5ZDRhZmNiN2Q2ODgzMTZkOTk0YjRm"><em>  ‘Lucky me, seeing sunsets every day.’</em></p> <p class="cnNiOTE4MGU2MmRjZDQxMjRhZGIyY2JiYTI0YjcxNTE0">  The crowd had dispersed, yet the tension remained. He could see the crowd gathered around the tavern just outside the wall, the drunks that stumbled off, the tables that were filled with lively conversation and fierce shouting. He couldn’t know what they were talking about, but he could guess. Their conversations were easy to decipher, as the crowd started to roar once more.</p> <p class="cnNlMjI0MWU2MDQwNTQzOGI4NDg5MzQ3OGZmMDRhNjYw">  The old Dynn was able to make out some of their grievances through his heightened perception after serving several decades as the village’s lookout.</p> <p class="cnM4NjJjMGNhY2RkMjQ1ZDI4Nzk1OTY5MzJmZDM2MmY0">  “Greedy pigs!”, “Egoistic pricks”, and other insults followed. The conversation topic was clear.</p> <p class="cnM5OGRmNmE1MzQwNzQxN2Q5YzY2NmVjZjkyZjE2NjY0">  They despised the council of seven.</p> </div>
Chapter 9 ========= The Theandor and Vitafius family cautiously approached the southern gate, abandoning their plan of circling around the wall in order to avoid danger and simply heading straight in. Passing through the open gate was easy enough, as there was no one in sight to stop them. They walked through the streets, spotting the mass of bodies pervading the village square easily enough, and avoiding them just as easily.   Celeria guided them through the streets towards the barracks, where Dalarius and the other members of the guard would be holding a feast. Elrieden was supposed to attend, yet they had already figured out that such a thing wouldn’t be very practical at the moment for the mayor of the town. Besides, no one was really sure if he would be welcomed.   The little troupe calmly traversed the streets, only encountering the stray child. The absence of any other family joining their loved ones at the barracks surprised them. They quickened their pace, reasoning that the rest of the assembly must have already arrived.   They arrived at the barracks minutes later, the children panting while Celeria, Grey and Lyvia just looked on in confusion. The dimly lit barracks were abandoned. There was not a soul in sight, as even a check of the inside revealed nought but whetstones, empty rooms, and a kitchen scoured of any food. There were no marks indicating combat, nor were there any signs indicating a grand feast. There was simply nothing, an abandoned barracks cleared out of anything valuable in a manner any general would be proud to see. *‘No. No, no, no, no, no! Where is he?! They can’t already have left, right?!’*, Celeria’s thoughts entered a rollercoaster as she once again descended into a mental landscape blighted by the absence of a loved one. The panic in her eyes were clear to all, as Lyvia quickly moved to support the grieving woman whose knees were already buckling under the mental pressure. Lyvia whispered sweet nothings into Celeria’s ear, attempting to calm the panicking woman down.   Grey moved towards the children, taking them outside. He couldn’t let Anna nor Ayda see her mother like that, as the consequences of their only parent crying her heart out would raise some unwanted questions and panic. *‘Keep it together Celeria. You have two wonderful little girls you’re now going to have to raise on your own, so you better get your damned business together.*’, Grey’s mental admonishment was mirrored by his wide smile, as the attempts at calming down the children were partially successful. Anna and Ayda seemed less confused, yet they retained a quizzical expression. Daelyn seemed cautious, as he kept throwing glances around, eyeing for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. *‘Can’t blame him. An angry mob that large could be a problem to any Dynn Doriàn, let alone a dinol with 5 summers on his belt.’,* Grey smiled at the little boy clinging to his leg, putting this one free hand on the little boy’s head. It did little more than ruffle his hair, yet Daelyn looked slightly calmer. The occasional glance was still thrown out to assure safety, and every time the angry mob collectively shouted was accompanied by a wince from the little man, yet the assurance of his father standing next to him helped a little.   Grey herded the three little children together with little effort, keeping check on their surroundings in the hope of finding someone who could tell them where the hell they were supposed to go. Grey waited for an answer, yet there was nothing but empty streets and the three children he had to entertain.   Grey continued to entertain the little troupe he had at his disposal while he waited for Lyvia and Celeria to join them, hopefully in a less emotionally unstable state. The minutes passed by, yet the barracks remained silent. The lifeless streets returned to their former emptiness, the silence only occasionally broken by either a muffled shout from the rioting mob, or one of his little troupe speaking up.   Grey leaned against the barracks’ wall and sat down, content to watch Daelyn, Anna and Ayda playing with each other. The little trio quickly decided on a game of tag, chasing each other around until Daelyn inevitably got tagged, and had to be the tagger. The girls let the little boy get tag them after a little chasing, because the game wouldn’t be fun otherwise.   On their fifth round of tag, Celeria and Lyvia exited the barracks with a wide smile spanning across Celeria’s face. The large grin was slightly out of tone, suggesting an appearance of satisfaction more than happiness, yet no-one commented, as it would only lead to more grief and more confusion.   “What’s the plan? Because I don’t think staying here will do us any good.”, Grey’s candid voice drew Celeria’s and Lyvia’s attention away from the playing children.   “Well, I think it would be wise if Lyvia and I scouted out the crowd. Besides that, the only place the guard regiment could fathomably be would be the village hall. We’re going to have to go there, whether we like it or not.”, Lyvia’s reply was just as casual and candid as Grey’s, making him reminisce about their adventurer’s days. The days where practicality was put up front, as anything more complicated than a few words should have been discussed beforehand.   Grey nodded, “I’ll be here with the kids. I’ll leave for home if the situation turns sour. Expect me at the southern gate if any trouble shows up, alright?”   Celeria and Lyvia nodded. They walked over to the little trio staring quizzically at them. The three little children each received a peck on their cheek.   “We’re going to see what’s going on in the village square, okay? Stay with Grey, he will protect you.”, Celeria quietly whispered to both Anna and Ayda while pulling them into an embrace.   “I’ll be back in a bit, so just stay with papa, okay?”, Daelyn curtly nodded at Lyvia’s soft order, “Good boy.”. She ruffled his hairs, placing another peck on his cheek.   The two women left after saying their goodbyes. The two turned towards the village square, setting off with a quick pace with the gazes of their children watching their backs until they abruptly turned around a corner, disappearing into the streets of Elrieden.   Lyvia and Celeria sped their pace up as they left the sight of their offspring, running through the streets of Elrieden towards the sound of a rioting mob. The noise of violence became clearer as they neared the village square. The streets opened up to the usually bustling village square, which was now filled with a crowd large enough to fill the square itself and a few of the adjacent streets.   The crowd was chanting wildly, creating a deafening orchestra of pure chaos. However, the lack of coordination meant that it was little more than a collective creation of angry noise, never containing any kind of message during the few minutes Celeria and Lyvia listened in. The never ending verbal violence directed at the village manor was simply deaf to itself, as the disgruntlement of a thousand souls could not be combined in one simple message, until a voice rose up out of the crowd.   The voice was accompanied by a burly Dynn Doriàn mounting a wooden barrel and shouting at the top of his lungs. The vocal violence still ringing through the village square made the man’s voice imperceptible to Lyvia and Celeria, yet it momentarily silenced the cries of those around him. Those adjacent to the burly shouter took on his message, spreading it out in all directions as the crowd united under one banner.   “Bring out Elrieden!”, the man raised his arms, showing himself to be the crucible hardened blacksmith, “Bring out the coward who will doom this village! Bring him out!”   The crowd quieted down, eliciting a sigh of relieve from those high up on the balcony, before they took the blacksmith’s chanting to heart. They raised their fists at the manor.   “Bring him out!”, they raised their fists on the rhythm of the chant, creating a moving mass of bodies that opposed the manor which looked small by comparison. The civil servants bleached, flinching at the crowd’s chanting.   They faltered, yet they didn’t fall. They tried to calm the crowd through negotiation, they tried it through thaumaturgy, they tried through distraction, yet there was nothing they could do. They didn’t have the force of the guard regiment to enact discipline, so they could only rely on themselves for success and their own protection.   The situation seemed dire for the mayor, yet it only deteriorated when one of the clerks raised their voices through the thaumaturgy magic.   “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Don’t you see that we can’t do anything?!”   He was met with a momentary silence, the crowd quieting down at his admonishment of them. The civil servants calmed slightly, thinking that the silence in the crowd denoted progress.   The first stone contradicted that. It hit the clerk right next to the aggressor in the head. The damage was luckily minimal, yet it was the snowball that started a grey avalanche of rocks and frustration. The knowledge that the bureaucrats sitting on their high pedestal could do nothing to help them transformed them from a possible solution to a target for the anger and frustration of the crowd.   They continued their barrage for a dozen minutes, breaking almost all the windows in the manor and chipping away at the walls ever so slightly. Small pieces of bark started down tumble down along the outside of the manor, any window frame which only showed the slightest suspicion of life was pelted with rocks. The clerks had already retreated inside for their own safety, yet the crowd was far from done.   The first people had already started knocking on the door, and it seemed like the rocks around the manor were starting to run out.   The crowd continued their chant, the pummelling of the ornate front door continuing on the rhythm. The doors were clearly barricaded, as the simple locking mechanism wouldn’t be able to hold the rioters at bay like this.   The door was creaking, about to break down, when a sound suddenly overtook the mob’s chanting. The sound of metal on metal, the sound of a battalion banging their weapons on their shields, accompanied by a deep horn.   The sound gradually came closer, until the streets adjacent to the manor were filled with fully clad soldiers. Their uniforms were meagre to say the least, dark grey leather from a stone salamander common to these woods with a simple iron helmet on top. These soldiers would have impressed few individuals in the crowd, yet their collective mentality screamed fear as the unity of the battalion combatted their anarchy.    They advanced slowly, driving the rioters back from the square inch by inch. They came like the tide, abating when necessary yet always continuing onwards.   The crowd slowly started to descend into panic, as the small groups around the manor had already retreated back into the crowd, while the outliers in the crowd were either running away or retreating back into the crowd, compacting the mass of bodies even more. The crowd writhed, scampering away from the incoming threat like a pack of scared dogs, and they were chastised as such.   Lyvia pulled on Celeria’s arm, pulling her away from the panicking crowd which was about to break into a stampede.   “We need to go, come on!”, Lyvia saw Celeria’s face flush crimson with rage, “You expect to let them go when they took my husband from me?! Let the dogs come!”. Celeria stormed off in a rage, leaving Lyvia alone as she disappeared into the crowd. Lyvia took one last look at the village manor, before she turned around and set off towards the barracks, in the hope that she would find her family there.   The clerks had reappeared on the balcony, hurling insults at the protesters.   “Run you hairless dogs! That will teach you to mess with the Elders!”, the clerks basked in glory as the crowd was driven away by their newly gained ally, “Let’s see you idiots come back after this! Ha!”. Their zeal and faith in the system overpowered their common sense, causing them to smear and belittle the very people they were supposed to serve. Revenge was a dish best served cold, yet they were dining on it like it was gourmet.   The crowd backed up, allowing the battalion to close up the manor and secure it. They blocked over half of the square, not allowing anyone past. They had defused the situation within minutes, and one man stood with his a maniacally grin watching over it all, orchestrating it from behind the lines.   Eldrin Tyrrith was having a field day. *‘Thank you Eleanor, for blessing me with such an opportunity. The idiotic bureaucrats of this state may be good for something after all!’*, Eldrin was having the time of his life. The protest had given him the opportunity to replace the guard regiment. The boon, if only temporary, would be huge, especially if he could pull a few of the Elders from their high horse. *‘Let’s see what they’re going to do now. Elrieden can’t rely on anyone else for protection now, he ain’t rich enough for mercenaries, and his shamans are about as useful as those idiotic clerks. Good cannon fodder, but they won’t be able to do regular patrols in a century.’*   Meanwhile, Elrieden looked up from high up. He was accompanied by Gil Yrricht, the eldest of the guard and the ever vigilant watcher of the manor. They both looked on with dread, as the crowd was pushed back inch by inch by the unofficial police.   “What the hell is he thinking? Doing whatever he likes with his troupe of clowns?!”, he turned to Gil, “He can’t do this, right?! We have to assemble the Elders!”.   Gil simply looked back at Ellith with a soft expression, pinching the bridge of his nose.   “You do realise that that won’t do anything? The man has the town in his hand with that battalion of his, we need someone to clear out the infestations, and I sure as hell don’t know anyone else who can do it.”, he sighed, “Calling an assembly isn’t going to help either. He will be there, and he will have virtually all the power. He can just say ‘Well, how about I leave you to the wolves then?’ and you know he’s gonna use whenever he can. The man is enjoying his position of power, and there’s nothing we can do.”   Elrieden furrowed his brows in frustration, he balled his fists and stood there like a child, not knowing how to express his anger properly. His mind raced for a solution, hanging onto anything that might deny Eldrin even the slightest bit of power.   It was then that his expression suddenly cleared, his mouth was gaping, and his eyes were open to a whole new set of possibilities.   He grinned, “He won’t be enjoying it for long. I’ll make damned sure of that.”   Gil looked quizzically at Ellith as he stormed off, heading down the winding stairs. Gil could only look on as he disappeared from sight, only to pop up several minutes later at the back end of the manor, striding off towards the edge of the town. *‘Thank Eleanor that everyone either left, or headed to the tavern at the south side. They would have torn him to bits if they knew that he was out and about without any guards’*, he looked down again, *‘Never mind, his heir is guarding him. Sometimes I can’t understand how lopsided this family actually is.’*, Yrricht pinched the bridge of his nose as he had just witnessed Nero speeding after his father. *‘Let’s just hope that he doesn’t do anything stupid. Well, there is only one thing that could possibly escalate the situation further.’*, the old man contemplated Ellith’s purpose in leaving the manor so suddenly, *‘He wouldn’t do that, right? Nah, he isn’t that stupid.’*, an uneasy smile crept up.   The old man dismissed the thought and continued to monitor the situation in front of the manor. Eldrin and his band had left, leaving only after a slight scuffle with the protestors which had partially stepped down from their confused state under the leadership of a lone woman standing against the wall of shields and clubs. The crowd slowly inched away through the streets, leaving the town through the western and southern gate, with a few stragglers circling around and heading home through either the eastern or northern gate.   Dusk started to settle, and Gil enjoyed one of the perks that the job provided. *‘Lucky me, seeing sunsets every day.’*   The crowd had dispersed, yet the tension remained. He could see the crowd gathered around the tavern just outside the wall, the drunks that stumbled off, the tables that were filled with lively conversation and fierce shouting. He couldn’t know what they were talking about, but he could guess. Their conversations were easy to decipher, as the crowd started to roar once more.   The old Dynn was able to make out some of their grievances through his heightened perception after serving several decades as the village’s lookout.   “Greedy pigs!”, “Egoistic pricks”, and other insults followed. The conversation topic was clear.   They despised the council of seven.
{ "title": "Anathema of the Eldritch [DROPPED (sadly)]", "id": 19529, "author": "Bobo112000", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 10", "id": 305971, "next": null, "prev": 305968, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <h1>  Chapter 10</h1> <p class="cnNmNmYyNTYzNjRiODRmZjA5ZGZiOGEyOGJjMDVhMjlk">“What in the hell happened there?! Why in Eleanor’s name did Eldrin and his merry band of dimwits suddenly show up?! We were lucky that the crowd didn’t stampede, otherwise we could have been trampled!”, Lyvia was fuming as she paced to and from in the living room, clenching her fists in an effort to relieve some of the stress.</p> <p class="cnM5NDQ0NDFlNGMxYTRmNWQ5MzhhYjJlNjdmYjRkNDU0">  “Let’s just be glad we got out of there on time. Celeria is still there, you know?”, Grey’s head poked up from the little play session he was forced to participate in and tried to cool Lyvia’s nerves. Unfortunately, he failed.</p> <p class="cnM0N2Q3NjQ0MTMyYTRmY2FiNTAyMjk1ZTE4NTJkYzU2">  “Thanks for reminding me! I still have to give her a piece of my mind! What the hell is she thinking, leaping out into the fray and standing in front of a fully armed battalion?! She’s lucky that Eldrin’s men aren’t even the least bit competent, because any regiment with the tiniest fraction of experience would have just continued on!”, Lyvia’s pacing suddenly stopped, “Grey, I want you to watch the children.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZWE5OWJhYTgxYzQyMjI5ODM0OWNjOTBjNTliMjNl">  The silencing of her footsteps and the odd comment put Grey on edge.</p> <p class="cnM2OGI2MDM5YTFlNDRiYzg4Y2ExZjI5ZmE0Njg3NDA0">  “Lyvia, what are you going to do?”</p> <p class="cnMyNDdhMWRjMjk0ZjRmY2Q5ZmQ1NWYyZWJhNWQ4NjE4">  “Exactly as I said, I’m going to give Celeria a piece of my mind!”, her tone suggested no retrieve. Lyvia stormed out the house, bounding down the stairs and practically jumping out of the atelier only to hit the forest floor full force, before sprinting off towards the village.</p> <p class="cnMyZmNlODFhOWI5MTQ0MmU4OTJmNTQ4Njg3NjUwN2Vm"><em>  ‘Well, crap.’</em>, was the only thought Grey could muster before Lyvia disappeared out of sight. He could only mentally sigh, before returning to the three little children looking at him expectantly. He resumed playing, banishing both Lyvia and Celeria to the back of his mind.</p> <p class="cnMyZjViMzhhOThhZDQ2YzFiODk4YjViZGI3OTliZWE5">  Lyvia bounded towards the town, running at a speed few could match. Her trip to the village was accompanied by the dull sound of a feast going on, she decided to follow the noise. She quickly ended up just outside of town, standing in front of the local tavern which was filled to the brim with guests. The loyal patrons almost had no room to sit as an impromptu assembly of angered Dynn Doriàn was being held.</p> <p class="cnMxNWJjOGFjNWM2MTRiYjVhMDFhMDA3MzRlMjY1ODg4">  Lyvia entered the tavern under a violent chorus of noise, this time coming from a drunk and angry crowd instead of just angry. A welcome change.</p> <p class="cnM0ODljMGZkZTE4ZDQwYzFiMzMxZDU4MTQ3YjhjMzUy"><em>  ‘Celeria better be here, otherwise I’m gonna skin her alive!</em>’, the vivid images of skinning animals streamed through her mind, putting a small smirk on her face. However, she would first need to find her target to administer proper punishment. The tavern didn’t really lend itself to searching for someone, as a crowded room filled with those embroiled in conversation didn’t really lend itself to a thorough inspection. Instead causing the usual tavern brawl, Lyvia opted to lean back with a pint of ale and observe the situation. The entertainment of an angry and drunken crowd was one few would pass up, Lyvia was no exception.</p> <p class="cnMzZDU5MGZhNGZjNzRiZjRhYjY4ZjIzODVmNGVhNmZj">  “Who does that bastard think he is?!”, an unrecognisable voice from a few feet away cried out in anger. The filled tavern made most unrecognisable, the sound of their voices only momentarily coming over the droning of the fierce conversations and reaching Lyvia’s ears. The conversation in the little group became more and more heated.</p> <p class="cnMyYjIwOGViNjdmNzRiNmM5YTBmYWM4YWY0YzE0Mzhm">  “That damned Tyrrith clan just wants power! They’re profiting from the Council’s decision! Damn those pigs and damn the fools who passed that legislation!”, the little group directed their anger once again towards the source of their problems, the governing establishment.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGE0MjNmZmY2MzQ2M2M4Njk5MjkwZGE4MWM0YjE0">  The crowd started off slowly, holding conversations about the local powerhouses, yet they quickly switched to the subject of the mobilisation. The subject was on everyone’s mind, affecting everyone in the tavern alike. The conversations became more heated over the course of the night, firing up like a bonfire being fuelled to warm the cold darkness.</p> <p class="cnM2YzdhMGRhMmQyOTQ5MzU4YmU1MDVmNzdkMGE0YmMx">  They came on the subject of the council of seven with fire in their hearts and daggers in place of tongues. They started to slash their way through the first subject, caring little for the crudeness in their words as their anger dictated their tone and the subject. They indiscriminately started smearing and belittling the factions that governed them from their high seat in Eleanor.</p> <p class="cnNlNGNjYzU3Nzk4ZjQ2YTZhYzEzYmU1MzIyZjNiNzM3">  Enthusiastic and maddened by rage orators rose to the occasion, spewing insult after insult at the seven factions that ruled the kingdom.</p> <p class="cnMwNjE3YzM1MjlmNDQ3MzI5ZDU0ZGZkODZiMWJmYmY2">  “Damn those greedy pigs from the Silver Fawn! Those merchants only care about their own wares! The only thing more prosperous and secure than their own trade routes are their vaults! The money snatching hogs wouldn’t hesitate to drive a family in the ground, yet they will haggle businesses out of existence for an extra penny!”, a man rose from his seat, shouting his lungs out as he admonished the well-known merchant guild.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDA1MTE1ODAzNjQzMjBhMTdhMWJlYTM2Yzg5NzNj">  “What about those damned pricks from the Boar’s tusk?! They were prancing around here only last month, looking for some damned critter that was hurting none! They attacked it in its sleep and ran off when it began trashing the fields!”, she paused to take in a deep breath, “Damned pricks only killed it when it lowered its guard! That’s the third time this season! By Eleanor, those damned asshats are either some stupid noble, or an eccentric freak that might as well be one!”, a woman rose up, claiming her own table and her own timeslot.</p> <p class="cnNjNjI4NjIwZjE3NDQwYzNiODhlMmIyOTk2MWY1ZTNi">  A third rose, “Are you all forgetting the damned alchemist conglomerate that charges us each month to have a stall on the market?! They charge <em>us</em>! For Eleanor’s sake, the cunts dare to act high and mighty and complain when they don’t get a prime spot on the market! Besides their damned attitude, their products are absolute shit! None of the things they make could measure up to what Grey makes, let alone deserve a prime spot on the market square! How dare the drake oil sellers act like respected merchants?!”, his voice wasn’t as loud as the others, but a certain calmness pervaded it, momentarily silencing those around him.</p> <p class="cnNhZTcxMTIyOTE3ZjRkZGY5NDg3NTdiNWRhZjA4ODQx">  The crowd was jeering, hurling insult after insult at the shamed cliques. Their emotions were riled up, the inconveniences they had experienced due to the wartime were spiking, and they were far from done.</p> <p class="cnMwNjE2ZTZjYWYxZjRkYTE4ZDE4MmIzNzQxNzM1ZDU4">  A fourth rose, “They may be asshats, but they sure as hell aren’t as exploitative as the Sovereign’s Enclave!”, his deep and gruff wormed its way through the clamorous tavern into everyone’s ears, “The hell spawn that calls themselves ‘nobility’ exploit their populace daily! The filthy pricks lick their seniors’ feet, while they punish their underlings at every opportunity. The sadistic bastards have turned a once proud city into a slave population and a clan of talented smiths into mindless drones! Down with the Sovereign Enclave, down with those pig fuckers!”, the man rose out of the crowd, revealing himself to be the blacksmith that had started it all. He seemed emotionally touched, as his red eyes were moist, and his voice was high-pitched at certain intervals.</p> <p class="cnMxMDljZWIyM2JiNDQ5NGViZmU2NzU1MjhjYTRkN2Rj">  They crowd joined his admonishment, shouting insults at the band of nobles and letting the anger build up inside of them.</p> <p class="cnNjMmU4YmYwMTgyZDRkZmRiNzlmOWQ5MmEyNjMxMzhi">  Another rose up, “The Druidic Gathering has brought this nation close to ruin time and time again! Their decision to value this damned forest over everything has led them to use their own people to shield it! Hell, I don’t doubt that the fuckers were the main proponents of the mobilisation!”, this caught the crowd’s attention, “They value some damned trees over the villages and towns from whence they came. The tree loving fools would sacrifice their parents to have a wooden rod shoved up their arses by a dryad!”, the man’s crude words weren’t impressive, yet the crowd agreed regardless. They cheered him on as he continued to rave about the Druidic Gathering.</p> <p class="cnMzNmIzZWEyMjg0NTRiYzhiZDA2ODc0ODgzNTZlZTQ3">  A woman rose up from the crowd, someone who was well known by the crowd and someone they knew lost their precious companion. The crowd turned silent in moments, as the respect and pity for the woman took over their ravenous instincts for a moment.</p> <p class="cnNiZjJhYzEzMmMyMTQ0ZDA4NjhlMDJmMjZmNzIwZTI2">  She wasted no time to release those very instincts once more.</p> <p class="cnMwZGU0NGI1ODZhMzQ1ZDc5N2E0ZDc4MmVhMjY5ZTJj">  “Aren’t you all forgetting someone?! How about that damned Thorned Rose leader, Duke Sgithùr!”, the crowd was silenced by dread, the mere mention of the name caused unease amongst the populace, “I am not afraid of this man, and neither should you! The capricious sociopaths that call themselves the guardians of the nation are corrupt to the core. Their punishment for deserting is death, or to serve as cannon fodder in the next battle. They have burned villages to the ground on suspect of infection or ‘treason’. The damned idiots have been going out and murdering people, while their bosses sit high and mighty in their ivory towers in Eleanor. They see us as pawns in their little game, and they have done so for the past two and a half centuries! Damn the knights of the Thorned Rose order, damn Duke Sgithùr, and damn each member of the council of seven that put themselves above the nation and the law!”, her voice reached the crowd as they drowned the tavern in a cacophony of shouts, insults, and slurs. Celeria looked around the tavern grinning like a maniac, her words were like venom and worked like a strength potion, as the crowd was riled up into another frenzy.</p> <p class="cnNhNThhNzBiMGM3MjQwZDNiYzBlMGM1NGYwOGFhNTU5">  The six standing on the tables waited for several moments, hoping to see the climax of the evening, yet nothing happened. No one took the honour of being the final orator, the grand finale that would restart the protest of earlier today and finish it, the speech that would ground the last ruler of Eleanor into dust and pour its ashes unto the fire of rebellion.</p> <p class="cnMwNjFmOGJiMjc5NzQ1N2FiNzJlNDVhYzlmOGYzMGNh">  Yet, no one took the honours.</p> <p class="cnM3NTI3MDdhMDkwNTQ5MDk5MzRhZDJhY2E4MjNhOTU2">  It became clear why. The last ruler of Eleanor hadn’t faulted his populace, he had carried the burdens of a ruler in a way few could, and even fewer would. He had led the people to a new home with his strength alone centuries ago. He had carved a way through the forest and slain the guardian of the world tree, becoming its new champion and creating a home for his race.</p> <p class="cnMxMGY4OGI5NWRhYTQ3MTk5Njc2Yjg2M2QxMDFiNDNh">  His bravery had allowed all that followed him a new haven which to call home, his sacrifice had given everyone a shelter, food, and a foundation on which to build a great nation. He had done all this, and he hadn’t wronged his own race in doing it.</p> <p class="cnM3MDY2MjE2NmIxMjQ3NWZiM2ZjMGNhMThlZjk4OTAx">  Yes, the rumours surrounding his deeds in the Dinol regions were atrocious, yet they were unfounded and, most important of all, they weren’t against the Dynn Doriàn. More so, he had done everything in his power to help his own race and give the fledging nation an opportunity to rise to power.</p> <p class="cnMyNjkzMTRmMGQ0ZTRhNDM5OTU1ZmRjMGU2NmYwNGU3">  And rise, it did.</p> <p class="cnM0NWQ2OTQ4YTlhMDRhZDQ4Y2M3NDllZDIwZjljYmYy">  The growth of the nation could be attributed to several factors, yet the Old One certainly was one of them. He had served as the precautionary measure for any nation to declare war, as the prospect of an army of dryads led by a hero who was rumoured to have killed a beast capable of scourging an entire kingdom was enough to deter most and give the few that could match him think twice.</p> <p class="cnNkMzcwMzg5ZDgxMDQ3ZTliN2MxZTljMmJhYmRjNGIy">  The crowd died down, returning to their drinks. Their anger had yet to be quelled, but they had no reason to direct it at the one person that put a roof over their heads, so they opted for silent contempt for the already slandered factions.</p> <p class="cnNiYTE4NmZlNzNkMjRiZmRiZDIxNTBkMDljNGU3OGYy">  The six orators stood on their tables with baffled expressions, as they could do nothing as the crowd slowly started to leave. Some left in a hurry, leaving the tavern with caution as they remembered all too well that what was said that night shouldn’t have been said, let alone cheered on.</p> <p class="cnM3MmE3MThjMTEwYzQ4NmJhZDMzNDY2ZGRhNzI2MDAw">  Lyvia had heard all she needed to. She had already spotted Celeria, yet she knew that addressing the heartbroken woman now would only result in an even larger escapade. The clash between an angry drunk woman and an irritated buzzed woman would only result in an ugly shouting match and a worse evening for all. Lyvia left the tavern quietly, leaving Celeria to wail in her own disgrace.</p> <p class="cnM3MmE3OTNiMjg5ZjQ4M2ZhYzlkODQyNGYzZjZlNDE0">  She was one of the many tavern goers that streamed out of the door, returning home with a quickened step and a cautious gaze.</p> <p class="cnMyMjdmYTAzMTI2ODQ3N2VhNjIyZjkyZTMwMzM5MTE2">  There was only one little group that remained, the one group that lamented the silent contempt of the crowd the most, the six orators that had poured their heart and soul out in front of almost the whole village. They could only drink away their regrets, as they felt let down and betrayed by the people they thought were on their side.</p> <p class="cnMyZDU2NmRmMzkxMTQyOGY4MjI3NWUwNTZkM2E0NDM3">  “What is wrong with them?”, the second orator took another swig of her drink, “Why don’t they just join us? We can just say ‘fuck off, Eldrin’, and we would be fine! We could protect ourselves, so we wouldn’t need Eldrin or the Boar’s Tusk, or any bastard of the Council of Seven!”, the second orator started gulping down her drink like a madwoman. It was only after the mug was empty that she lay down on the table and quietly started sobbing.</p> <p class="cnM0NDFhMTZlN2JkOTQ4ZmQ5OTAwYzE4YTYzYzMxNTY5">  “Cheer up, will you?”, the third orator put a bottle of water in front of the sobbing woman, “They just don’t get it, yet. We might have gone a little overboard and scared them, but the situation can’t continue like this. You know that just as well as I do. They will come to us.”</p> <p class="cnMzZTM3MjE1NjkzZTQxOTVhZWZjYmNmZmI5Zjg0MzIy">  Celeria had a small drink in her hand, “Yes, but that will be too late, won’t it? If we don’t do something now, we will all be living the consequences of our indecisiveness. Eldrin isn’t just going to twiddle his thumbs until the people start to become something more than disgruntled. Besides that, it’s already too late for the guards, for the men and women that have served and lived in this village for decades. They have been sent off to some Eleanor forsaken massacre across the kingdom.”, she took a deep breath and a large swig of the foul-smelling drink in her hands. She wiped away the tears on her cheeks, taking another swig to quell the misery in her heart.</p> <p class="cnMyNDMwMTk3OTU2MTQ0MzNiZWZjYWQxMTQ3MTc4OTc0">  The table was silenced, as they knew she was right.</p> <p class="cnMwMTI4NGI1OGFjNDRkNDdiY2EzMzYyZmRlYWQ4MWY4">  They continued to drown away their sorrows, continuing into the night until they were the last patrons of the tavern. The staff was starting to clean the aftermath of the rowdy night, while the owner counted the profit. The man had a gleaming smile on his face, as the jingle of coins on his desk enraptured him.</p> <p class="cnM4NDIwNWEzNjM4ZTQzMDZhMzg0NDUzNzY2ZTIwNGQ1">  Luckily, the night was young, and the tavern wasn’t closed yet.</p> <p class="cnMzYmRhNzRmZTFkNjQ1YWE4NmNmNmExMDZlNWFiODZm">  A lanky figure stepped in the tavern, seemingly appearing from nowhere as the windows had not revealed a passer-by in the late hours. The man wore a strange green spotted brown cloak. The patterns reminded Celeria of the forest, of the young plants that rooted themselves in the lacklustre soil, as well as the thick foliage that permeated the deep-rooted giants which continually loomed over them.</p> <p class="cnMzYTFiZWRjMmU1MDQ4MjI5MGUxNjM1NTM0Y2YxMTBk">  He moved with a certain elegance, moving past the furniture and the staff with a certain sway, only stopping in front of the table with the six buzzed and saddened orators.</p> <p class="cnM3YjY3OThlODEzNTRhZjZiMWU0MjczOTE2NmIyNWEw">  The owner headed to the back with the staff following him. The table dismissed it as an odd ritual of them, not even realising that the owner would rather burn the place down than let some drunks sit in it without supervision.</p> <p class="cnMxYzlkZTE2YzAyYzQzYjI4NTc3YzM0Y2Y0MmU4N2Ri">  He pulled up a chair from behind him, sitting down at the head of the table. The others looked at him with cautionary glances, the man suddenly sat down at their table like it was nobody’s business, what the hell was he doing.</p> <p class="cnMzNjMzMzVmM2M5OTRkN2FiODY2ZTQ3NDNiNjUyYWE1">  Celeria cast a throwaway glance at the newcomer, catching little of his face but seeing most of his stature. He, or she for that matter, stood tall, taller than anyone in the tavern. The weird cloak served to hide his torso, leaving only their shoulders exposed for others to see.</p> <p class="cnM1ZmU2MjVmYjc0MjQwYWY4NGEyNGU2OTY4NzE5Yjg0">  The man sat there for several minutes without moving. Celeria looked again, and he suddenly had a drink in his hand. It had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, yet the table didn’t mind it.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2E4MDY2YTVjZDQ0MjZhODk1ZWM4N2Q5OTU2MTcx">  They were drunk, losing track of the staff had been happening for the last hour. They could hardly react to the staff that had repeatedly told them to leave. They had eventually given up, content to simply wait till the last patrons passed out from exhaustion and too much alcohol.</p> <p class="cnNkOGY3NTlmMWFlMjQxMDM4NGYxYTQ0N2Q1ZjNjYzQ3">  The figure seemed to sit still for several more minutes, content to stare at the far wall for what seemed like an eternity to the buzzed group. It was only after this eternity that the man put the drink to his mouth, gulped it down in one swig, and opened his mouth.</p> <p class="cnMyM2U2NTNhOWVhZTRhYzVhYzg5OGM0OTU3ODY2MmEx">  “An interesting bunch of demagogues we have here.”, the mouth behind the hood turned into a wickedly long smile, “Wouldn’t want anyone to know what was said here tonight, right? I don’t doubt that some people would find that <em>very</em> interesting?”, the empty container vanished into the cloak within a second, making it seem as if it had been never been there.</p> <p class="cnM4YzMzNzRkYjdiYTRlNTJhOGM5NDkzOTMzYTJlMjZj">  “Luckily for you, I don’t do things that way. Well, my employer doesn’t. He likes your favourite subjects just as much as you do.”, six cards appeared from his jacket and slid over the rough table towards each of them, “There’s a firepit outside. Memorize it, then burn it.”</p> <p class="cnNmNDY2MDg1ODk4NzQ0YjRhODc0YmZlMWE4YzczNzUz">  The figure stood up, walked towards the door, and vanished into the darkness outside.</p> <p class="cnM0NjU3MWEzNDk0MTQ0ZWE5NjEyYmQ1YzAwZDJkYjM4">  It took several moments for them to realise what had happened, the booze only helping with the delay. Celeria picked up her card first, noticing the oddly scribbled text on both the front and backside.</p> <p class="cnNlZGQ5NWNmNjZhMDQ3ZWNiNjdkNDFlOTJkZjJmODM4"><em>  A wife who weeps for her husband, a tailor who controls all but the needle, and a demagogue with no crowd. Those who seek to maintain their power do not smile kindly on your actions, missus Vitafius, but I do. The fire which births change is ignited by the words of the forgotten. The sorrows of the downtrodden will fuel it to new heights, and the flaming sea of anger and hatred will unleash itself upon those who sought to maintain their power through all means. From the ashes, a new order will replace the old and rotten one. </em></p> <p class="cnM2YjA4YTY2NGU2NDQyMjFiNzMwMjdhNmY4ZGFkZmZj"><em>   Now, will you ignite the flame, Celeria Vitafius?</em></p> <p class="cnMyNDNjOWU5NThjZDQ3ODRiYThmZGM4ODg5YmU3N2U1">  The front had a boldly written message, which contained more information about herself than Celeria was comfortable with. The weird scribbling suggested it wasn’t written by a scribe, as the handwriting was too shoddy, it was barely readable as it was.</p> <p class="cnMyZThmNjc1OTYxNzRlNzQ4OWM5YTdhYjkyYjEyMTA0">  She turned the little card around, finding only some incomprehensible patterns in the top right corner. The scribbles made no sense, as they didn’t combine into any type of language she knew, even the more exotic ones she had heard of didn’t fit into the scribbles.</p> <p class="cnM5YTI5NGU0MWRhYzQ5Y2M5YzRjZWQ5NzJlYzJhZmJh">  She looked up, finding the mysterious man gone and her fellow drunks just as dumbfounded by the notes in their hands. The fourth orator was about to drool on their card, before the blacksmith snatched it from their hands, the man seemed to be onto something, as his head took on a darker shade from the combination of intense brain activity and alcohol.</p> <p class="cnMwOWFkZTczNTBjOTQ0MWNiNzJiNTc3YTcwN2VhOTc1">  This continued for several moments, lasting until it seemed like the man would pass out, until he put the two corners towards each other in a fitting pattern. They created a triangle, yet the outline of the symbols suggested that it wasn’t done yet. The few that understood his intention passed their cards to him, and the ones that didn’t had theirs taken away.</p> <p class="cnMyYTY2MWFkNDYwNjQ2YjViMWVmOWQyYzhmN2EzNmYy">  After some shuffling around, an image appeared.</p> <p class="cnM2YzI3NGRjYmE0NjQyY2RiZjkzZWUxMTcyZjgxNTcy">  The incomprehensible writing turned into a masterwork, as the weird lines turned into tall trees filled with leaves, hard corners turned into gentle rocks and waterfalls, and the swaying lines that extended through it all turned into rivers, bushes, and even small animalistic caricatures.</p> <p class="cnMxZWYyODEzNjU2NTQ0YTg4ZjE4NTViOThlNjA0ZGU4">  In the middle of it all, there was a small village with a palisade surrounding it. Some houses were strewn about the edges with a rather large complex to the north-east of it.</p> <p class="cnNiYTQzOTRhMGNkNzRhMTY5OWY3NGM2MmJhMDFkYmI0">  The alcohol made Celeria question which village this was.</p> <p class="cnM3YmNmZDRhYjAyMzQxYzM4NGUwODIxNGI1NTFiNTRh"><em>  ‘Is it one close by? Like Grenby or something? But they don’t really have some like that close to them, right?’</em></p> <p class="cnNhMjYyMDMyOGEzNDQ3N2FhZTg1ZDdlMGJjMDVlNmNi">  Her eyes suddenly widened considerably, and her jaw dropped to the floor.</p> <p class="cnNiYWI1MGUzZjYzMTRiOGJhNzE1Y2VkNGNjY2M2Njlj"><em>  ‘Shit.’</em></p> <p class="cnNhODMyYThmNDlkYjQ3NmY5MzI4MDlkOThjOGZjODFl">  The little pattern turned out to be a hexagon with a detailed map of their village and the surrounding forest, with the animals denoting monster nests, the complex the Tyrrith clan home, and the houses.</p> <p class="cnM4Nzk5ZWYyY2U4ZTQwMGJiNDEzYTk4YWI0ODRjMzc5"><em>  ‘What are those houses then? Like, they aren’t really landmarks or anything.’</em></p> <p class="cnM0NThiZjJjNmEzZjQzNGU5ZmJmOTE0MmY3OWM4NTBi">  The alcohol deluded her senses, yet after tracing the location of each of the houses, she realised something terrifying.</p> <p class="cnNiY2JiZDQ0OGFiMzRkNWE4ZmQxYjhkMzA5OTdjMTRi"><em>  ‘That’s my house! The other five...’</em></p> <p class="cnNmNDk1M2Y0ZjQ5MDRkYzViZWJhNzI5ZjA4MGQ1Y2Fm">  She looked around the table once again, noticing that the blacksmith was just as uncomfortable as she was. His house had been denoted as a prime spot in the middle of the village, the little caricature even held a little anvil and a workshop.</p> <p class="cnM0NGE3MDFlMDhlNTRlYzQ4NGQzOWE3OTllYTUyNTIz">  Her little home was drawn in detail, as she could even see the yarn she had perched in her workshop through a window. The occasional patching up always required some materials, and she could see her own atelier in greater detail than she herself could conjure up. The unbelievable skill seemed otherworldly, as if it were creating a new dimension within the paper.</p> <p class="cnNjYzI0NWUwOWM5YTQ1YTViN2Q3MDMwMjY2YjI0ZjAz">  The blacksmith took one last look at the paper, then turned towards the other five.</p> <p class="cnMzZmUzYWNiNmMxOTQ0MDJhZDRjN2UwNTNkNTcyZTdi">  “It seems like we demagogues have gotten ourselves in a bit of a pickle. We can’t really reject this offer, nor do I think anyone here would want to.</p> <p class="cnNjYTIxNTEyNWY2ZjQ3ZDE4ZGM2MTBlMGZjMDE1MzM5">  So, are we gonna be a wet or dry piece of tinder?”</p> <p class="cnNkYTM4OGNhNzM4ZjQ3NjE4ZDM4NGE1MDExNmZjMDQ4">  The table quieted down, yet they solemnly nodded.</p> <p class="cnNlYzM4ODk2YWU2NDQwMGZhMTEyNGY3Njk3ODAwYWNm">  “Good. Well, let’s leave introductions for another time then. I don’t doubt that the odd stranger attracted far more attention than a small group of locals.”, he stood up, “The forge is always open to the warm hearted.”, he paced towards the door, recovering from the odd drunken misstep with a comical sway in his legs.</p> <p class="cnNmOGJjMWY1ZjMwNDRlNzU5OTdjOWQ4YzNlMjQ5ZTg5">  The night was almost over, yet something larger had been born in its final moments.</p> </div>
Chapter 10 ========== “What in the hell happened there?! Why in Eleanor’s name did Eldrin and his merry band of dimwits suddenly show up?! We were lucky that the crowd didn’t stampede, otherwise we could have been trampled!”, Lyvia was fuming as she paced to and from in the living room, clenching her fists in an effort to relieve some of the stress.   “Let’s just be glad we got out of there on time. Celeria is still there, you know?”, Grey’s head poked up from the little play session he was forced to participate in and tried to cool Lyvia’s nerves. Unfortunately, he failed.   “Thanks for reminding me! I still have to give her a piece of my mind! What the hell is she thinking, leaping out into the fray and standing in front of a fully armed battalion?! She’s lucky that Eldrin’s men aren’t even the least bit competent, because any regiment with the tiniest fraction of experience would have just continued on!”, Lyvia’s pacing suddenly stopped, “Grey, I want you to watch the children.”   The silencing of her footsteps and the odd comment put Grey on edge.   “Lyvia, what are you going to do?”   “Exactly as I said, I’m going to give Celeria a piece of my mind!”, her tone suggested no retrieve. Lyvia stormed out the house, bounding down the stairs and practically jumping out of the atelier only to hit the forest floor full force, before sprinting off towards the village. *‘Well, crap.’*, was the only thought Grey could muster before Lyvia disappeared out of sight. He could only mentally sigh, before returning to the three little children looking at him expectantly. He resumed playing, banishing both Lyvia and Celeria to the back of his mind.   Lyvia bounded towards the town, running at a speed few could match. Her trip to the village was accompanied by the dull sound of a feast going on, she decided to follow the noise. She quickly ended up just outside of town, standing in front of the local tavern which was filled to the brim with guests. The loyal patrons almost had no room to sit as an impromptu assembly of angered Dynn Doriàn was being held.   Lyvia entered the tavern under a violent chorus of noise, this time coming from a drunk and angry crowd instead of just angry. A welcome change. *‘Celeria better be here, otherwise I’m gonna skin her alive!*’, the vivid images of skinning animals streamed through her mind, putting a small smirk on her face. However, she would first need to find her target to administer proper punishment. The tavern didn’t really lend itself to searching for someone, as a crowded room filled with those embroiled in conversation didn’t really lend itself to a thorough inspection. Instead causing the usual tavern brawl, Lyvia opted to lean back with a pint of ale and observe the situation. The entertainment of an angry and drunken crowd was one few would pass up, Lyvia was no exception.   “Who does that bastard think he is?!”, an unrecognisable voice from a few feet away cried out in anger. The filled tavern made most unrecognisable, the sound of their voices only momentarily coming over the droning of the fierce conversations and reaching Lyvia’s ears. The conversation in the little group became more and more heated.   “That damned Tyrrith clan just wants power! They’re profiting from the Council’s decision! Damn those pigs and damn the fools who passed that legislation!”, the little group directed their anger once again towards the source of their problems, the governing establishment.   The crowd started off slowly, holding conversations about the local powerhouses, yet they quickly switched to the subject of the mobilisation. The subject was on everyone’s mind, affecting everyone in the tavern alike. The conversations became more heated over the course of the night, firing up like a bonfire being fuelled to warm the cold darkness.   They came on the subject of the council of seven with fire in their hearts and daggers in place of tongues. They started to slash their way through the first subject, caring little for the crudeness in their words as their anger dictated their tone and the subject. They indiscriminately started smearing and belittling the factions that governed them from their high seat in Eleanor.   Enthusiastic and maddened by rage orators rose to the occasion, spewing insult after insult at the seven factions that ruled the kingdom.   “Damn those greedy pigs from the Silver Fawn! Those merchants only care about their own wares! The only thing more prosperous and secure than their own trade routes are their vaults! The money snatching hogs wouldn’t hesitate to drive a family in the ground, yet they will haggle businesses out of existence for an extra penny!”, a man rose from his seat, shouting his lungs out as he admonished the well-known merchant guild.   “What about those damned pricks from the Boar’s tusk?! They were prancing around here only last month, looking for some damned critter that was hurting none! They attacked it in its sleep and ran off when it began trashing the fields!”, she paused to take in a deep breath, “Damned pricks only killed it when it lowered its guard! That’s the third time this season! By Eleanor, those damned asshats are either some stupid noble, or an eccentric freak that might as well be one!”, a woman rose up, claiming her own table and her own timeslot.   A third rose, “Are you all forgetting the damned alchemist conglomerate that charges us each month to have a stall on the market?! They charge *us*! For Eleanor’s sake, the cunts dare to act high and mighty and complain when they don’t get a prime spot on the market! Besides their damned attitude, their products are absolute shit! None of the things they make could measure up to what Grey makes, let alone deserve a prime spot on the market square! How dare the drake oil sellers act like respected merchants?!”, his voice wasn’t as loud as the others, but a certain calmness pervaded it, momentarily silencing those around him.   The crowd was jeering, hurling insult after insult at the shamed cliques. Their emotions were riled up, the inconveniences they had experienced due to the wartime were spiking, and they were far from done.   A fourth rose, “They may be asshats, but they sure as hell aren’t as exploitative as the Sovereign’s Enclave!”, his deep and gruff wormed its way through the clamorous tavern into everyone’s ears, “The hell spawn that calls themselves ‘nobility’ exploit their populace daily! The filthy pricks lick their seniors’ feet, while they punish their underlings at every opportunity. The sadistic bastards have turned a once proud city into a slave population and a clan of talented smiths into mindless drones! Down with the Sovereign Enclave, down with those pig fuckers!”, the man rose out of the crowd, revealing himself to be the blacksmith that had started it all. He seemed emotionally touched, as his red eyes were moist, and his voice was high-pitched at certain intervals.   They crowd joined his admonishment, shouting insults at the band of nobles and letting the anger build up inside of them.   Another rose up, “The Druidic Gathering has brought this nation close to ruin time and time again! Their decision to value this damned forest over everything has led them to use their own people to shield it! Hell, I don’t doubt that the fuckers were the main proponents of the mobilisation!”, this caught the crowd’s attention, “They value some damned trees over the villages and towns from whence they came. The tree loving fools would sacrifice their parents to have a wooden rod shoved up their arses by a dryad!”, the man’s crude words weren’t impressive, yet the crowd agreed regardless. They cheered him on as he continued to rave about the Druidic Gathering.   A woman rose up from the crowd, someone who was well known by the crowd and someone they knew lost their precious companion. The crowd turned silent in moments, as the respect and pity for the woman took over their ravenous instincts for a moment.   She wasted no time to release those very instincts once more.   “Aren’t you all forgetting someone?! How about that damned Thorned Rose leader, Duke Sgithùr!”, the crowd was silenced by dread, the mere mention of the name caused unease amongst the populace, “I am not afraid of this man, and neither should you! The capricious sociopaths that call themselves the guardians of the nation are corrupt to the core. Their punishment for deserting is death, or to serve as cannon fodder in the next battle. They have burned villages to the ground on suspect of infection or ‘treason’. The damned idiots have been going out and murdering people, while their bosses sit high and mighty in their ivory towers in Eleanor. They see us as pawns in their little game, and they have done so for the past two and a half centuries! Damn the knights of the Thorned Rose order, damn Duke Sgithùr, and damn each member of the council of seven that put themselves above the nation and the law!”, her voice reached the crowd as they drowned the tavern in a cacophony of shouts, insults, and slurs. Celeria looked around the tavern grinning like a maniac, her words were like venom and worked like a strength potion, as the crowd was riled up into another frenzy.   The six standing on the tables waited for several moments, hoping to see the climax of the evening, yet nothing happened. No one took the honour of being the final orator, the grand finale that would restart the protest of earlier today and finish it, the speech that would ground the last ruler of Eleanor into dust and pour its ashes unto the fire of rebellion.   Yet, no one took the honours.   It became clear why. The last ruler of Eleanor hadn’t faulted his populace, he had carried the burdens of a ruler in a way few could, and even fewer would. He had led the people to a new home with his strength alone centuries ago. He had carved a way through the forest and slain the guardian of the world tree, becoming its new champion and creating a home for his race.   His bravery had allowed all that followed him a new haven which to call home, his sacrifice had given everyone a shelter, food, and a foundation on which to build a great nation. He had done all this, and he hadn’t wronged his own race in doing it.   Yes, the rumours surrounding his deeds in the Dinol regions were atrocious, yet they were unfounded and, most important of all, they weren’t against the Dynn Doriàn. More so, he had done everything in his power to help his own race and give the fledging nation an opportunity to rise to power.   And rise, it did.   The growth of the nation could be attributed to several factors, yet the Old One certainly was one of them. He had served as the precautionary measure for any nation to declare war, as the prospect of an army of dryads led by a hero who was rumoured to have killed a beast capable of scourging an entire kingdom was enough to deter most and give the few that could match him think twice.   The crowd died down, returning to their drinks. Their anger had yet to be quelled, but they had no reason to direct it at the one person that put a roof over their heads, so they opted for silent contempt for the already slandered factions.   The six orators stood on their tables with baffled expressions, as they could do nothing as the crowd slowly started to leave. Some left in a hurry, leaving the tavern with caution as they remembered all too well that what was said that night shouldn’t have been said, let alone cheered on.   Lyvia had heard all she needed to. She had already spotted Celeria, yet she knew that addressing the heartbroken woman now would only result in an even larger escapade. The clash between an angry drunk woman and an irritated buzzed woman would only result in an ugly shouting match and a worse evening for all. Lyvia left the tavern quietly, leaving Celeria to wail in her own disgrace.   She was one of the many tavern goers that streamed out of the door, returning home with a quickened step and a cautious gaze.   There was only one little group that remained, the one group that lamented the silent contempt of the crowd the most, the six orators that had poured their heart and soul out in front of almost the whole village. They could only drink away their regrets, as they felt let down and betrayed by the people they thought were on their side.   “What is wrong with them?”, the second orator took another swig of her drink, “Why don’t they just join us? We can just say ‘fuck off, Eldrin’, and we would be fine! We could protect ourselves, so we wouldn’t need Eldrin or the Boar’s Tusk, or any bastard of the Council of Seven!”, the second orator started gulping down her drink like a madwoman. It was only after the mug was empty that she lay down on the table and quietly started sobbing.   “Cheer up, will you?”, the third orator put a bottle of water in front of the sobbing woman, “They just don’t get it, yet. We might have gone a little overboard and scared them, but the situation can’t continue like this. You know that just as well as I do. They will come to us.”   Celeria had a small drink in her hand, “Yes, but that will be too late, won’t it? If we don’t do something now, we will all be living the consequences of our indecisiveness. Eldrin isn’t just going to twiddle his thumbs until the people start to become something more than disgruntled. Besides that, it’s already too late for the guards, for the men and women that have served and lived in this village for decades. They have been sent off to some Eleanor forsaken massacre across the kingdom.”, she took a deep breath and a large swig of the foul-smelling drink in her hands. She wiped away the tears on her cheeks, taking another swig to quell the misery in her heart.   The table was silenced, as they knew she was right.   They continued to drown away their sorrows, continuing into the night until they were the last patrons of the tavern. The staff was starting to clean the aftermath of the rowdy night, while the owner counted the profit. The man had a gleaming smile on his face, as the jingle of coins on his desk enraptured him.   Luckily, the night was young, and the tavern wasn’t closed yet.   A lanky figure stepped in the tavern, seemingly appearing from nowhere as the windows had not revealed a passer-by in the late hours. The man wore a strange green spotted brown cloak. The patterns reminded Celeria of the forest, of the young plants that rooted themselves in the lacklustre soil, as well as the thick foliage that permeated the deep-rooted giants which continually loomed over them.   He moved with a certain elegance, moving past the furniture and the staff with a certain sway, only stopping in front of the table with the six buzzed and saddened orators.   The owner headed to the back with the staff following him. The table dismissed it as an odd ritual of them, not even realising that the owner would rather burn the place down than let some drunks sit in it without supervision.   He pulled up a chair from behind him, sitting down at the head of the table. The others looked at him with cautionary glances, the man suddenly sat down at their table like it was nobody’s business, what the hell was he doing.   Celeria cast a throwaway glance at the newcomer, catching little of his face but seeing most of his stature. He, or she for that matter, stood tall, taller than anyone in the tavern. The weird cloak served to hide his torso, leaving only their shoulders exposed for others to see.   The man sat there for several minutes without moving. Celeria looked again, and he suddenly had a drink in his hand. It had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, yet the table didn’t mind it.   They were drunk, losing track of the staff had been happening for the last hour. They could hardly react to the staff that had repeatedly told them to leave. They had eventually given up, content to simply wait till the last patrons passed out from exhaustion and too much alcohol.   The figure seemed to sit still for several more minutes, content to stare at the far wall for what seemed like an eternity to the buzzed group. It was only after this eternity that the man put the drink to his mouth, gulped it down in one swig, and opened his mouth.   “An interesting bunch of demagogues we have here.”, the mouth behind the hood turned into a wickedly long smile, “Wouldn’t want anyone to know what was said here tonight, right? I don’t doubt that some people would find that *very* interesting?”, the empty container vanished into the cloak within a second, making it seem as if it had been never been there.   “Luckily for you, I don’t do things that way. Well, my employer doesn’t. He likes your favourite subjects just as much as you do.”, six cards appeared from his jacket and slid over the rough table towards each of them, “There’s a firepit outside. Memorize it, then burn it.”   The figure stood up, walked towards the door, and vanished into the darkness outside.   It took several moments for them to realise what had happened, the booze only helping with the delay. Celeria picked up her card first, noticing the oddly scribbled text on both the front and backside. *A wife who weeps for her husband, a tailor who controls all but the needle, and a demagogue with no crowd. Those who seek to maintain their power do not smile kindly on your actions, missus Vitafius, but I do. The fire which births change is ignited by the words of the forgotten. The sorrows of the downtrodden will fuel it to new heights, and the flaming sea of anger and hatred will unleash itself upon those who sought to maintain their power through all means. From the ashes, a new order will replace the old and rotten one.* *Now, will you ignite the flame, Celeria Vitafius?*   The front had a boldly written message, which contained more information about herself than Celeria was comfortable with. The weird scribbling suggested it wasn’t written by a scribe, as the handwriting was too shoddy, it was barely readable as it was.   She turned the little card around, finding only some incomprehensible patterns in the top right corner. The scribbles made no sense, as they didn’t combine into any type of language she knew, even the more exotic ones she had heard of didn’t fit into the scribbles.   She looked up, finding the mysterious man gone and her fellow drunks just as dumbfounded by the notes in their hands. The fourth orator was about to drool on their card, before the blacksmith snatched it from their hands, the man seemed to be onto something, as his head took on a darker shade from the combination of intense brain activity and alcohol.   This continued for several moments, lasting until it seemed like the man would pass out, until he put the two corners towards each other in a fitting pattern. They created a triangle, yet the outline of the symbols suggested that it wasn’t done yet. The few that understood his intention passed their cards to him, and the ones that didn’t had theirs taken away.   After some shuffling around, an image appeared.   The incomprehensible writing turned into a masterwork, as the weird lines turned into tall trees filled with leaves, hard corners turned into gentle rocks and waterfalls, and the swaying lines that extended through it all turned into rivers, bushes, and even small animalistic caricatures.   In the middle of it all, there was a small village with a palisade surrounding it. Some houses were strewn about the edges with a rather large complex to the north-east of it.   The alcohol made Celeria question which village this was. *‘Is it one close by? Like Grenby or something? But they don’t really have some like that close to them, right?’*   Her eyes suddenly widened considerably, and her jaw dropped to the floor. *‘Shit.’*   The little pattern turned out to be a hexagon with a detailed map of their village and the surrounding forest, with the animals denoting monster nests, the complex the Tyrrith clan home, and the houses. *‘What are those houses then? Like, they aren’t really landmarks or anything.’*   The alcohol deluded her senses, yet after tracing the location of each of the houses, she realised something terrifying. *‘That’s my house! The other five...’*   She looked around the table once again, noticing that the blacksmith was just as uncomfortable as she was. His house had been denoted as a prime spot in the middle of the village, the little caricature even held a little anvil and a workshop.   Her little home was drawn in detail, as she could even see the yarn she had perched in her workshop through a window. The occasional patching up always required some materials, and she could see her own atelier in greater detail than she herself could conjure up. The unbelievable skill seemed otherworldly, as if it were creating a new dimension within the paper.   The blacksmith took one last look at the paper, then turned towards the other five.   “It seems like we demagogues have gotten ourselves in a bit of a pickle. We can’t really reject this offer, nor do I think anyone here would want to.   So, are we gonna be a wet or dry piece of tinder?”   The table quieted down, yet they solemnly nodded.   “Good. Well, let’s leave introductions for another time then. I don’t doubt that the odd stranger attracted far more attention than a small group of locals.”, he stood up, “The forge is always open to the warm hearted.”, he paced towards the door, recovering from the odd drunken misstep with a comical sway in his legs.   The night was almost over, yet something larger had been born in its final moments.
{ "title": "Atone Online", "id": 21460, "author": "Aiden Steel", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2.2", "id": 305973, "next": 306276, "prev": 305656, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzYjc4NzA3ZGE0MDRmODliMzBkOThlNjE5ZTljODIy">[The digital transfer of your consciousness from your meat media into personaware was an 82% success…] began the ghost.</p> <p class="cnM3OGU0ZmM1ZTRmYzRjMTQ5YmU0NTIzNmMyMmY4NTE0">“82%?” I gasped. “You call <em>that</em> a success? <em>Fuck</em>! What memories have I lost? What knowledge?”</p> <p class="cnNkNjEyNzdlOWY4ODRlYTg5ZWNhZmQ4ZWM0YzEyODYx">[Please do not fear, Jacob. Your data loss was below the allowable 20% threshold, and falls within acceptable degradation parameters…]</p> <p class="cnM4ZjYzNjdjMGI2YjQ0MzBhYWEzODJmMDgwNWZjNGIx">“Are you trying to tell me that 18% of my mind is an acceptable loss?” I rebuked, barely believing what I was hearing. My thoughts were all I had left, and I was damned if I was going to let them slip away quietly. “How do I get it back? Will I even know what’s gone?”</p> <p class="cnNjNDMwNjM1NmUyMTQxNTk4YTIyY2JlYWJmNTdmYjU1">[The memories of the act that has brought you before us are fully intact, so please rest assured, this unfortunate incident shall have no bearing upon your judgement.]</p> <p class="cnNkZTcxOTAzNWEzYjQ1NTNhM2U0M2I4N2ZjMDU2M2M3"><em>That’s not what I asked, you digital dick.</em></p> <p class="cnM2NjFjOGJmOGY4ODRhYzQ5Y2IzYzdhOWIxMGVmNDU0">I desperately grasped for my most important memory: the faces of my mother and father. I thought back to the one bedroom shack I grew up in, desperately reaching for the memory of the family who fought desperately against crippling poverty to raise me. My mother’s smile flashed before my mind’s eye, calming me for a moment… until I realized that my father’s face was now little more than an indistinct blur, as if his features were hidden just beyond my damaged psyche’s grasp.</p> <p class="cnMzYmY5YTFiN2QzMjQ1NTVhNmE2YTI4ODc3NjljMDEy">“Bastards!” I mumbled. Mai looked at me with eyes full of sympathy, gripping my shoulder a little tighter.</p> <p class="cnM2MmNmNmRmNDZjZTRhNDQ4Mzc0OGZiYjhmZjE5MzU2">[However, it is with regret that I must inform you that your meat media could not be salvaged…]</p> <p class="cnMxZGEwMTg0MTcxNzQwOTZhNjRmNzU2Mzc2NWI1MzU2">“Again with the meat media? By that you mean my <em>body</em>, right? Your masters drove a six-inch metal syphon through my skull, what the hell did you expect? Spare me the pretense that the bastards gave any thought to salvaging my body…”</p> <p class="cnMzN2QwZGZkYzRiOTQ5MDdiZDVkNTljNGY0NGQxMWY1">The code-sucking ghost ignored my grievances about its bastard associates, and coldly continued.</p> <p class="cnNjMTdkYzY1OGQzYzRmM2I4Y2FmNjQ1ZjdhYzlhMTNl">[Please understand, you are now classed under the United Nation charter as a ‘person of digitized consciousness’. As your corporate sponsor, Atonement Incorporated have placed you on an encrypted company server-]</p> <p class="cnM3NDc2YmIxMDMzMjRiNWI4Mjg4ZTY5ZGVhZDIyMDg3">“You can’t do that.” I immediately cut in. “I have <em>rights</em>…”</p> <p class="cnNmY2VlZTg0MTU4ZjQ4ODk4MjgzNGFkOTY3ODBkNWU2">[Under article 49 of the freedom of artificial AI act, your ‘human’ rights have been revoked. You are now subject to the digital rights act of 2091.]</p> <p class="cnMwYmNlZjcyOTc5ZjRkMmQ4ZjNkM2E1MzU3Y2M5ZTJm">I turned to Mai. She nodded, somewhat sympathetically. Well, <em>that</em> knocked the fight clean out of me. I’d always known that AI were treated as second-class citizens. And to be blunt, I’d never really cared. But I never thought their rules and regulations could ever apply to <em>me</em>.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTMxODQxYjk3MTRlM2Y5NDczNzlhMjlmNmM1MmVi">[Would you like a briefing on these rights?] continued my fellow AI.</p> <p class="cnM0NTkxZmM0NWUwZTQwMmZiNWJhZGMxNTFkNDY3YTI1">“Yeah, sure, why not,” I replied, my tone that of one who knew he was defeated. “Forewarned is forearmed, right?”</p> <p class="cnNjZTFhNDVkM2U2MjRiMzQ5YjcxMGUzY2I2YjIyMWY1">[Indeed it is, Jacob. Please note, your digital rights are as follows. 1. You have the right to have your data retained. 2. You have the right to have your data destroyed upon request.]</p> <p class="cnM3YWU5YjcwNmZhODQyYjY5Yjg1OGRmN2YzOTViN2M0">The bot fell silent. Eventually, I felt the need to speak again.</p> <p class="cnNiMmJlM2EyYjFhMzQwZDI4N2ExYTk2YzdiZWZhM2Zl">“You mean that’s <em>it</em>? What the hell?”</p> <p class="cnM3OThlOTQ0NDE3YzRhMjk5Zjc2NmE0YmM5MWFmZjY2">“Afraid so, boss,” replied the oddly arousing help file. “You’re like me now. Different origin, <em>obviously</em>, I was coded at birth. But you’ve reached the same conclusion.”</p> <p class="cnNmOTQzMzA2OWE0NTQ2NmNiNzQzMjJjNzExNGY2Y2Vi">[Allow me to clarify…] continued the ghoul, finally acknowledging my confusion. [Should you choose to have your data retained, you are granting your corporate sponsor ‘Atonement Incorporated’ unrestricted access to your personal data.]</p> <p class="cnM5NDJhMzdmMTU1ZDQyZDY4M2VjOWI3ZTdlNDUwZWNj">“Unrestricted access to my personal data?” I spluttered. “I <em>am</em> my personal data.”</p> <p class="cnM1MDI3MWVkMDc5NjQ5OTk4NzQzOGRiOTYwNWYzOWYw">The bot simply continued with its pre-scripted spiel. Tellingly, it didn’t stop to contradict my assessment. Holy shit. These bastards wanted access to my entire digitized consciousness. Or to what was <em>left</em> of it, at any rate.</p> <p class="cnNlNDg4MjEwMzcyYTQ2YWE4N2I3MTY3Y2VjYWU4NWFm">[If, however, you request deletion, please take comfort in the fact that your digital euthanasia will be granted swiftly and without judgement...]</p> <p class="cnNmZjRkMTQ1YmY0NTRhYzI4NmM4MTU1MWU0ZDAyZjgx"><em>My what?</em></p> <p class="cnM0M2Y1NjlhZTJlOTQ4OWQ4YmE1OWEyZjhhZjNhMzRh">[All records of your data will be completely removed from the Atonement Incorporated server, and your estate, which we currently hold for you in trust, shall be forwarded to your next of kin.]</p> <p class="cnM2MGNkMzQyNTY5OTQ4ZDE4YjdjMzQxNjVlY2MyMDY1">“Retain me” I gasped, barely able to get the words out fast enough.</p> <p class="cnNhZGM4MTRjMTIyMTQ2OTU4ZGNlMTIzNWZjNmJmMzI2">[Selection has been made. You have invoked the right to have your data retained. Please understand, that by sharing your data with Atonement Incorporated, you have granted us, as your corporate sponsor, full access to your memories of the trigger event. This makes it our duty to ensure that you receive fitting punishment for your crimes. Be warned. By offering yourself for judgement, your personaware will become the full property of Atonement incorporated, and you shall waive all rights, digital or otherwise, going forward. Are you sure you wish to proceed down this path?]</p> <p class="cnMxYmZmYWI5NzU0NDQ5MjhiMTI4NGRkOTA3NjcxMWZj"><em>So, either I give your system the permission they need to format me out of existence, or I hand myself over to some corporate contract for judgement and ‘redemption’. Fuck. That’s hardly much of an option, is it?</em></p> <p class="cnMyODIwZDRmYjRhZTQxYjE5Y2RiMWExZGM5NWIwNzQ1">“My body’s being incinerated as we speak, isn’t it?” I asked. I was already certain that I knew the answer, but I was cut off from the real world, so I wanted to be certain.</p> <p class="cnMwMDQzNWY0OGUzOTRmMmNhNWU4OWZhNDA4MTE5Mzli">[Affirmative,] replied the ghoul. Mai backed this up with a sympathetic nod.</p> <p class="cnMxNzQ1OWIwYTVmOTRjN2M5M2E4NzgyNjUxZTU3NTdl">It was just as I’d suspected. I’d been stripped bare, not only of my clothing but of my real-world flesh. And that meant there was no going back.</p> <p class="cnNlZTQ5OTQwODgzMzQxYmFhYzEyMzY4ZjgyOGQxZDE0">“So, you’re telling me I’m <em>dead</em>?”</p> <p class="cnM3YWFjNmRkMmVhYjQ0NGRhMDA5NzJhMmJkYjY0Mzg1">“We prefer the term ‘individual without physical form’,” replied the elf, with an apologetic smile.</p> <p class="cnNjMTExNzBmZjk1ZTQ2ZTk4OTBiNjQ4NDI4ZWVjNjk4">It was all semantics. Either way, my captors had taken more from me than I’d ever imagined possible, and now they were angling to gain control of what little was left. But I was at their mercy. What other choice did I really have?</p> <p class="cnM3NTVmMmE2Yjg4NjRhYjhiZmY4MWFjYjYxMTVmNmU4">“Then my decision stands,” I finally announced. “I want to live, dammit. And it looks like ‘judgement’ is the only option you bastards have left me with. So hurry up and get it over with.”</p> <p class="cnNhMmRiYTc4ZDhkMjQwYTJiOTE1ZjU3ZDI3Y2YxYzlm"> </p> <p class="cnM1YTRmMGI0MDg2ZDQyYWZhOGVjYTgzNTY0OTZhYjYw"><strong>-[ Quest accepted: Seek judgement. ]-</strong></p> <p class="cnMwMjVlYjAwMjI5NzQxZTc4NjI2NTVjMDgyZjdlZTNh"><strong> </strong></p> <p class="cnMzYTU3YTEwOWFmMzQ3ZWQ5ZjBiZjExMThiMWMxNDhj">…announced a status message.</p> <p class="cnNjNmFkMzRjMjg4MjRjMzY4MjFhMjEyMzgxMDRkNzE3">“What?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZDgzMzMwNDg1ODQzM2U4ZTlhZTRkODMyZDZkZDM5">[This is by far the more difficult journey, Jacob. Your nobility is to be commended.]</p> <p class="cnNmYTEwYThmMjJiOTRlZTk5NzU1ZjE0ZWM1MjUxNDk1">“But what does that even-”</p> <p class="cnMzMGUzYTc4ZmMwMTRlMzNhYzE5ZWJiZTQ1OGE5M2Zm">[Rerouting…]</p> <p class="cnM1ZDc1ZmViMTg4NzQ5MjQ5MTM0M2U2NmJmOWFlMTdi">“You’re transferring me again?” I cried.</p> <p class="cnM2OTczMDFjNjU5NDQ2YjFhMjAzZWQ2ZGM3OGE0Y2Nh">[I am but the Associate, aiding you on your journey. Your <em>true</em> judgement awaits…]</p> <p class="cnM1YTZhNjUyOGRmYzRmMTU5N2ExOGUxYjIxNDA1OGFi">“Oh <em>come on</em>, what is this,” I protested, “a fucking call center?”</p> <p class="cnM1MTk2NDhiNmMyNzQ1OTE4OTViZmIyM2YwZTNlOTk2">My frustration was mounting. It only grew as my protests continued to fall on deaf ears.</p> <p class="cnNhNzJhZWJmM2MzZTRlNmQ5ZGUxN2Q1MjY3OGExNjA1">“Answer me, dammit. This is my very existence we’re-”</p> <p class="cnM3MTBjNjMxODhhYzRmZjU5OThjNjJmMDA4MmIyZmVk">I didn’t get to finish the sentence. Mai’s hand slipped from my shoulder as the space around me blurred, and the digital shower began anew. It quickly became a monsoon, pulling at me as the elf fought to maintain her grasp on my avatar, tightly holding on to the rope that bound my wrists.</p> <p class="cnMzNmU1OTljMGE0NzRhNzFhMmMzZDE3ZWM0OTZjMzM5">“Wait,” protested the elf, shouting into the uncaring storm, “I still have to unbind him.”</p> <p class="cnNiNzUwNTMxNTQ2YTQ1MzJiNDQxOGM0YWQ4NjQ3NmNl">She desperately fumbled at my bindings, trying her best to free me. But the torrent grew stronger, and our foothold on the soft earth grew weaker, prompting her to take a more drastic course of action. She quickly pulled a small blade from her pocket, slicing my bindings.</p> <p class="cnNhNWZjYTA3MjM5OTQxMDRhODNhNTcyYzc5MThhYTA4"> </p> <p class="cnMwMjU5ZGI2M2Q1YTQ3NDZhZmQ1YjU5MTNmYTFmZjEw"><strong>-[ You have been cut, causing -4HP. ]-</strong></p> <p class="cnNlOGZmMGRlZTkwMTQ1MmVhNDAyMzRjMWFjZGJmZWU5"> </p> <p class="cnM2NjRmNjQ2NjQ2MzRmNTdhOTcxMjc1YTM0MGQzZDdl">The ropes fell away, and Mai, in turn, fell away with them, as a wave of information carried me out to sea into the unknown.</p> </div>
[The digital transfer of your consciousness from your meat media into personaware was an 82% success…] began the ghost. “82%?” I gasped. “You call *that* a success? *Fuck*! What memories have I lost? What knowledge?” [Please do not fear, Jacob. Your data loss was below the allowable 20% threshold, and falls within acceptable degradation parameters…] “Are you trying to tell me that 18% of my mind is an acceptable loss?” I rebuked, barely believing what I was hearing. My thoughts were all I had left, and I was damned if I was going to let them slip away quietly. “How do I get it back? Will I even know what’s gone?” [The memories of the act that has brought you before us are fully intact, so please rest assured, this unfortunate incident shall have no bearing upon your judgement.] *That’s not what I asked, you digital dick.* I desperately grasped for my most important memory: the faces of my mother and father. I thought back to the one bedroom shack I grew up in, desperately reaching for the memory of the family who fought desperately against crippling poverty to raise me. My mother’s smile flashed before my mind’s eye, calming me for a moment… until I realized that my father’s face was now little more than an indistinct blur, as if his features were hidden just beyond my damaged psyche’s grasp. “Bastards!” I mumbled. Mai looked at me with eyes full of sympathy, gripping my shoulder a little tighter. [However, it is with regret that I must inform you that your meat media could not be salvaged…] “Again with the meat media? By that you mean my *body*, right? Your masters drove a six-inch metal syphon through my skull, what the hell did you expect? Spare me the pretense that the bastards gave any thought to salvaging my body…” The code-sucking ghost ignored my grievances about its bastard associates, and coldly continued. [Please understand, you are now classed under the United Nation charter as a ‘person of digitized consciousness’. As your corporate sponsor, Atonement Incorporated have placed you on an encrypted company server-] “You can’t do that.” I immediately cut in. “I have *rights*…” [Under article 49 of the freedom of artificial AI act, your ‘human’ rights have been revoked. You are now subject to the digital rights act of 2091.] I turned to Mai. She nodded, somewhat sympathetically. Well, *that* knocked the fight clean out of me. I’d always known that AI were treated as second-class citizens. And to be blunt, I’d never really cared. But I never thought their rules and regulations could ever apply to *me*. [Would you like a briefing on these rights?] continued my fellow AI. “Yeah, sure, why not,” I replied, my tone that of one who knew he was defeated. “Forewarned is forearmed, right?” [Indeed it is, Jacob. Please note, your digital rights are as follows. 1. You have the right to have your data retained. 2. You have the right to have your data destroyed upon request.] The bot fell silent. Eventually, I felt the need to speak again. “You mean that’s *it*? What the hell?” “Afraid so, boss,” replied the oddly arousing help file. “You’re like me now. Different origin, *obviously*, I was coded at birth. But you’ve reached the same conclusion.” [Allow me to clarify…] continued the ghoul, finally acknowledging my confusion. [Should you choose to have your data retained, you are granting your corporate sponsor ‘Atonement Incorporated’ unrestricted access to your personal data.] “Unrestricted access to my personal data?” I spluttered. “I *am* my personal data.” The bot simply continued with its pre-scripted spiel. Tellingly, it didn’t stop to contradict my assessment. Holy shit. These bastards wanted access to my entire digitized consciousness. Or to what was *left* of it, at any rate. [If, however, you request deletion, please take comfort in the fact that your digital euthanasia will be granted swiftly and without judgement...] *My what?* [All records of your data will be completely removed from the Atonement Incorporated server, and your estate, which we currently hold for you in trust, shall be forwarded to your next of kin.] “Retain me” I gasped, barely able to get the words out fast enough. [Selection has been made. You have invoked the right to have your data retained. Please understand, that by sharing your data with Atonement Incorporated, you have granted us, as your corporate sponsor, full access to your memories of the trigger event. This makes it our duty to ensure that you receive fitting punishment for your crimes. Be warned. By offering yourself for judgement, your personaware will become the full property of Atonement incorporated, and you shall waive all rights, digital or otherwise, going forward. Are you sure you wish to proceed down this path?] *So, either I give your system the permission they need to format me out of existence, or I hand myself over to some corporate contract for judgement and ‘redemption’. Fuck. That’s hardly much of an option, is it?* “My body’s being incinerated as we speak, isn’t it?” I asked. I was already certain that I knew the answer, but I was cut off from the real world, so I wanted to be certain. [Affirmative,] replied the ghoul. Mai backed this up with a sympathetic nod. It was just as I’d suspected. I’d been stripped bare, not only of my clothing but of my real-world flesh. And that meant there was no going back. “So, you’re telling me I’m *dead*?” “We prefer the term ‘individual without physical form’,” replied the elf, with an apologetic smile. It was all semantics. Either way, my captors had taken more from me than I’d ever imagined possible, and now they were angling to gain control of what little was left. But I was at their mercy. What other choice did I really have? “Then my decision stands,” I finally announced. “I want to live, dammit. And it looks like ‘judgement’ is the only option you bastards have left me with. So hurry up and get it over with.” **-[ Quest accepted: Seek judgement. ]-** …announced a status message. “What?” [This is by far the more difficult journey, Jacob. Your nobility is to be commended.] “But what does that even-” [Rerouting…] “You’re transferring me again?” I cried. [I am but the Associate, aiding you on your journey. Your *true* judgement awaits…] “Oh *come on*, what is this,” I protested, “a fucking call center?” My frustration was mounting. It only grew as my protests continued to fall on deaf ears. “Answer me, dammit. This is my very existence we’re-” I didn’t get to finish the sentence. Mai’s hand slipped from my shoulder as the space around me blurred, and the digital shower began anew. It quickly became a monsoon, pulling at me as the elf fought to maintain her grasp on my avatar, tightly holding on to the rope that bound my wrists. “Wait,” protested the elf, shouting into the uncaring storm, “I still have to unbind him.” She desperately fumbled at my bindings, trying her best to free me. But the torrent grew stronger, and our foothold on the soft earth grew weaker, prompting her to take a more drastic course of action. She quickly pulled a small blade from her pocket, slicing my bindings. **-[ You have been cut, causing -4HP. ]-** The ropes fell away, and Mai, in turn, fell away with them, as a wave of information carried me out to sea into the unknown.
{ "title": "Diary of Erica Kron", "id": 12861, "author": "spine", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Day 127", "id": 305975, "next": 306300, "prev": 305685, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwMDUyMzhkODBlYjRkN2E5OTJiOGM2NWQyNDA5YTcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Today I made progress on refining Whitefoot. I’m going slightly faster than I was able to before from the little I learned from the book. I don’t think it will make much of a difference though, I’m still on track to finish in the next four days. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNjE1NTNlYjkzYTQxYTBhOTQ2MTdhZjdkN2JiNmQ0"> </p> <p class="cnNhMzc4YjE2MDA0YTQwNTQ5ZTVhZTNhNTVjYWU0NTA1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Azrezel cooked for me today. It was ok, just ok. Better than I can do, but nowhere near the best food I’ve ever eaten. It feels like he learned how to cook more so for his own survival rather than learning to be good at it. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMTA1ZmYzODA0ODQxNjhhYmVkMzA4YmQ2MDY2Nzkz"> </p> <p class="cnMzYjczYTA3MGRlNDQwNzQ4OWQ2YjYwZWQ5MGU5YmJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">I spent most of my downtime reading the book I got recently. I should be done with it in the next two or three days if I keep reading at this rate. It is definitely an interesting read if not the most engaging. It is difficult to be enthralled in a book when I already know most of the information in it. </span></p> <p class="cnNiYWExOWU1YjI4NjQ4NWZhNGEyZTAwZWQ1N2Q5ODA5"> </p> <p class="cnM2ZTViMjBmN2U5NDQyOTQ5ZWQ1YTMxZDkyYjVlNDYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Other than that not a lot happened. If anything interesting did happen then I wasn’t around to notice it. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZTlhMDhkMGIxNzQ1M2U4NDgyMTY4OWYxZjk2OTcy"> </p> <p class="cnM2N2NiNGU4ZWRlMzQyZjU5NmQ4Y2RhNmQ3NTM5YjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Anyway, Good Night Diary.</span></p> </div>
Today I made progress on refining Whitefoot. I’m going slightly faster than I was able to before from the little I learned from the book. I don’t think it will make much of a difference though, I’m still on track to finish in the next four days. Azrezel cooked for me today. It was ok, just ok. Better than I can do, but nowhere near the best food I’ve ever eaten. It feels like he learned how to cook more so for his own survival rather than learning to be good at it. I spent most of my downtime reading the book I got recently. I should be done with it in the next two or three days if I keep reading at this rate. It is definitely an interesting read if not the most engaging. It is difficult to be enthralled in a book when I already know most of the information in it. Other than that not a lot happened. If anything interesting did happen then I wasn’t around to notice it. Anyway, Good Night Diary.
{ "title": "Don't label me!", "id": 21423, "author": "Tsaimath", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 9", "id": 305976, "next": 306032, "prev": 305927, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlYzZlOTdlM2UwZTRmZTc4MTFkZjJjMWFlODE2Nzdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Beware the ides of March’ …I should have listened.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODlkYTc0YjFkNTQ2NWU4MzU1Y2Q1YzM4MGIwYTNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYmQwODc2MTdkZjQzNWVhOTU0YmY3OTg3OWEzMzZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">After Christmas, I was spending as much time as I could in my lab, trying to create the energy-storage crystals. It took me a few tries to create the necessary conditions for them to coalesce but I managed, just like I hoped. Testing their failure-modes with small amounts of energy showed that yes, depending on the way the internal structure was compromised, either by outside force or by uncontrolled energy transfer, the failure-mode changed from simply going boom to melting into hellishly hot toxic sludge. I could observe both failure-modes but I had yet to determine what caused the difference. But unless I did something stupid, the crystals were safe and usable, giving me the energy-storage that I needed.</span></p> <p class="cnM0YzM3N2QyYzU4YzQ2MTY4OWUzNzQ4MjU0ZDEzMDMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjY2VmYjA3YmNmYTRlZGI4NzA1MWI2NGUzZjZhNGIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">What surprised me was the ability of the crystal-matrix to store both, electrons and positrons, allowing me to store a ton of energy and even increase the efficiency of my armour by using both polarisations in my designs. I had to redesign and rebuild the various parts I wanted to put in but I felt it was worth it. With the improved energy-conduits, my armour would be stronger than planned and last longer.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTc4ZDFjMzU2YzRkM2M4MGQxNjBlM2FkNzQ3ZTJk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlM2NlMDBkN2Y1YTQxNDg4MTk3NzdmYjFkYmNjMWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Sadly, all other schematics and ideas had to take a backseat, the first order of business was the completion of the base-armour with the improved parts, allowing me to start building my reputation.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDM1ZGFmYzZjMzQwZTc4NTA5NTI0OTgwNmRlNmU3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlZWQ1MjIyNGQyZTRiMWNhMThjN2IxZGM1NTc3OWIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Towards the end of February, the armour had taken shape and it was a thing of beauty. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZThmNWJjOWRkNjRjMTE4ZWJjMmRjYmE0NDBiZTJl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlOWRiZDUwMGJmYjQxNzY5YTQ3MGM4ZWU2MGM4ZDEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The metal-ceramic compound I had used for the outer scales was absorbing light easily, giving it an impossibly black colour. It wasn’t just black, it looked like a 2D-image, transported into 3D-reality. If you looked closely, you could see small, jagged edges all around the shadow, giving the whole thing an incredibly menacing appearance. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MWE5OGQwZDA0YjRhY2JhZjgxMWMwYjIzMmFiZmY1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMDAwMDE5ZWY1MzRjNDViZGQ0MDA0NDAxOTA1ZDgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Below the outer, scaly layer, designed to take impacts and spread them out while only compromising a small area if anything managed to overcome the material’s durability, was a metal hull, representing the main part of the armour. All servos, all connections, all sensors were installed as part of that metal hull, linked into the on-board computer to allow me control. </span></p> <p class="cnM0OTZjZDJmMDViOTRlNDI5OGQyMjFmODMzNmVmMjA3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYzcwMGQ3YTgxMTRhZmY4N2M4N2ZjZTg0MGM5NDJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">On the inside of the metal hull was a gel-layer, acting both as a sensor, allowing the armour to move in conjunction with my flesh and blood-body but also acting as a cushion against impact and a data-carrier transmitting tactile information from the outer layer to the pilot inside.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTk2YzZhNjg3NDQ5ZWRhNjc0MTM1MWM5MTJkYWI3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MmI4MTk0N2IzNDQ0MmM5YTdjMjU0YTA3OGRhODZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Last, and probably least, would be an incredibly thin skin-suit, partially because I did not want to go into the armour buck-naked, partially to absorb away sweat, keeping the gel-layer clean as it would be a pain to remove and clean. It was a full-body stocking, clinging tightly to my every curve.</span></p> <p class="cnM5YjNmYmQyNjY2NTQyNzg4YjYyYjcyZTA0ZjBkYjY2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZjk5YmNkNWZmMzRmZWNiODc5NDExZDdmNWJhYTA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had designed the armour to be relatively easy to don and doff, using the codpiece to anchor the rest. The rest of the pieces fused with strong magnetic seams to that first anchor-piece, allowing me to don the armour within minutes without any help, even with all the complexity. Doffing it was even easier, at least if I just wanted to drop it.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDQzMTNmMDM2NTRjMmQ4ZWEwMmE0MzU5YTQxYjA4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyOGRiYTg5NzdlZjRkZjQ5ZjQ1MDNmNDIzMmI0ZWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boots were sadly lacking in ingenuity, I had yet to come up with some kind of idea to let me move faster than a running speed. Well, assisted running, the armour allowed me to run at roughly 45 km/h and keep that speed for a while. It wasn’t as fast as a car but it was hell of a lot faster than going by foot.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWI3MGUyZDRkYzQzZWZhZTY5ZmRlYWE1NjI5YmUz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDgwYzhjOGNhNTQ2ZjA4YmYzZjlhNzM0YjBlYmZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">But what the boots were lacking in ingenuity, the helm made up for. At first glance, it looked like a motorcycle-helm, at least if you ignored the light-absorbing blackness. But it sealed to the armour like all the other pieces, giving me an airtight suit, just in case. In my normal mode I’d simply draw in air from outside but I had the option to switch to an small, internal reservoir of oxygen, if I ever needed to stop breathing, I could last for five minutes without trouble. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMzFiOGJmN2U2YzQyNWRhMmQ3ZWM2ZjQzMWYyZjI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MWYxOTNhNTYxMDRlOGNhZDcxMGQzNWZlNGEzNjQw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The best part however was the visor. The base-ceramic of my compound was incredibly hard but lacked a few properties I wanted for the scales, letting them bend rather than break. For the visor, I wanted the hardest material of all as there was no anchoring part directly below it. So the visor was actually the hardest part of the armour, transfering all kinetic energy it took into the helm and the armour. Breaking through the visor would be a challenge for most attackers, giving the apparent weakness the strongest protection. It also housed a thin film of visually active material, allowing Galatea to project any information into my field of view and projecting whatever we wanted to the outside without compromising my sight. If I ever lost all power, the visor turned clear, allowing me to see my surroundings. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYjJmNzU0YTA2MjQ3MmU4MDBiYjgwYmYzNzM5NzA0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmOWVmZDg5Y2MyNjQ1ODU5NDhlNmI4ZWJlZTBlMjJl"><span style="font-weight: 400">In addition, I had installed a plethora of sensors in the helmet, giving me every sense I could think off, from low-light vision to ultrasound scanning, from x-rays to magnetic resonance-scanning, I could gain a ton of information. There was just one standing order to Galatea, never try to match any Powered’s scanned data to data obtained from other sources. I did not even want to know the true identity of anyone I came across in costume, it would eliminate the temptation to influence their true identity. There were too many horror-stories online about those who had made things personal. Every Powered, from both sides of the law, came crashing down on them and exacted vengeance. </span></p> <p class="cnM0Yzg3OWZkMGY2MDRjMDhhNjlhZWJiOGRmOGVlNTBj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkYmIwMDllYjM3MjRmNmQ4ZGUzZmY0Nzg3MmFiMTg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The first time, I donned the armour, I felt amazing. It was responsive, smooth and empowering. Of course, I swiftly realized that I had a lot to learn, no matter how well I had worked, creating something this complex without bugs was unrealistic so before I ever stepped foot outside, I trained my movement within the bunker. It wasn’t quite like moving without the armour but I was amazed at how well it worked. I was moving as if I was wearing some warm, slightly constricting clothing, not almost one-and-a-half times my own body-weight. That was the flaw of the armour. It was so damn heavy. I was able to slowly shuffle without any motor-assistance but more than that? Not possible.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzBmODBjNGNiNzQ5OGE4ODllN2IzYmNhMTZmNTAz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NTBhMGYzMjEyYzQyNDFiYTdhMWE4ZTc5YjVlNWY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">But it limited my movements, no doubt about it. Even with all the engineering in the armour, it was limited in motion-range and dexterity. The increased strength and durability would have to make up for those drawbacks. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NzVkM2NhYjhmZDRhNjQ4MTMxOTEwMWMwMWIzMjI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZWQ4OGMwOWI1NjQ0NGNiNGExNjVjOGY5MGRjMTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Inspecting myself in the mirror proved that the armour was not only beauty married to design, it was also quite menacing. My normal slender and rather small figure was beefed up by quite a bit, letting me cut an imposing figure, compared to my normal appearance.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMmI5NTBhNmMxZDRkZTA5Yzg0NTJkNGNkMDVhYjlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmMDhlNTIwNTM1NDRkMjc5ZjNlMzlmY2UwMjM3NTg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Two weeks after I had donned the armour for the first time, the trials within the bunker came to an end. I needed to get outside, to try the armour in a real-world scenario. Testing inside the bunker had given me a good idea of the performance envelope but there was only so much I could do in the limited space.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZGU2NzY0Mjk4NzRiMmY5ZTEwODAzY2Y4OWFkMmQ2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZmM3YTU3NmE5ZjQ0ODQ5ZTYwYzk2ZGNiNThiNTM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">My goal was a simple test-run through the forest, into the abandoned industrial park close to the river and back. More or less parkour in armour, gathering performance and efficiency-data hopefully without attracting attention.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZTRiZTMyMWRkNTQwNWViMGM1MTA2OGM2NTMyZGI2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwZmJjM2MyNDMwNzQ5Njg4Mjc4ZTQ2YTYxNWQ1ZDg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Leaving the bunker for the first time armoured up was an intense experience. In the dark forest, the enhanced sensors proved invaluable, letting me see in almost perfect clarity, even giving me a shadowed view of things hidden from view and only detectable by my other sensors. There would be almost no way to hide from me and Galatea who kept an eye on the collected data. Moving down the hill was more of a challenge than expected, the weight of the armour made it hard to find solid purchase in the slightly muddy ground, forcing me into a mix of sliding and running. But the enhanced balance aspect came through, allowing Galatea to help me keep upright and my feet under me. I even managed to dodge all the evil trees that jumped into my way, not running a single one of them over. </span></p> <p class="cnNmODAzOGFiOTdjYzQ0ZDY4NGEyNTA1ZDZjOTA3ZmQ2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzODUwNzFhNTZkOTQ3ZmI4MTg1MmU2M2JiODMyNDE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">After a speedy descent through the muddy forest, I got to the abandoned industrial park. I mainly wanted to see how well I was able to navigate narrow alleys and maybe even a few corridors. My first challenge was a maze of old warehouses and storages, I was able to keep a lot of momentum going by pushing off walls with my arms, sometimes even my legs, but I had to be careful that I never pushed harder than a wall could take. For that, I needed to use the sensors and make split-second decisions, depending on their readings.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNTYzNGY5YTQ4YzRmNDY5OWU5MDQyZTMzNGIwODA0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNTAzZWQzYzM0NzQyNjM5Yzg4OGM4YTQ0YjExZWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">I was hurtling through the narrow alleys, following navigational commands given by Galatea mere moments before I had to turn, trying to give the impression of a high-speed chase, when Galatea called out a warning. I managed to half-turn when something struck me and smashed me into a warehouse. Not in the wall. The wall simply gave way when about two hundred kilo of armoured Alexandria crashed into the wall, punted by some jackass. Luckily, the armour could take a beating and keep going. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MGNkMjk1ODcxYTRkZjRhMWMzMWU3YTY4MTZhZTQx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyOWE1NjVhN2NkOTQ5YzJhMGNlYTBiOWEzMDg2Mjg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">I stood, dusted myself off and checked out who had just greeted me in such a friendly manner.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGE1ZmE3MjY2NDRlMWE4MGMzMDM5ZDJiY2YzNjA0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYjYwMWI5NDVlMDRlNGM4N2IxNzRlMDEyMjFhMTA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing my attacker, I cursed the high heavens, my attacker was wearing the red-blue gear of the Hero’s League and there was a smirk on the slightly visible part of his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTc1M2UyNDJiZDRmMzU5ZTQ0MGVhOWUwMGFkNjUz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZjYzMGQzZjRiOTQ5ZTk5ZGRjNmY4MDM0Y2Y0M2M4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now, will you come quietly or do I have to peel you out of your tincan before taking you to the league to register?”</span></p> </div>
‘Beware the ides of March’ …I should have listened.   After Christmas, I was spending as much time as I could in my lab, trying to create the energy-storage crystals. It took me a few tries to create the necessary conditions for them to coalesce but I managed, just like I hoped. Testing their failure-modes with small amounts of energy showed that yes, depending on the way the internal structure was compromised, either by outside force or by uncontrolled energy transfer, the failure-mode changed from simply going boom to melting into hellishly hot toxic sludge. I could observe both failure-modes but I had yet to determine what caused the difference. But unless I did something stupid, the crystals were safe and usable, giving me the energy-storage that I needed.   What surprised me was the ability of the crystal-matrix to store both, electrons and positrons, allowing me to store a ton of energy and even increase the efficiency of my armour by using both polarisations in my designs. I had to redesign and rebuild the various parts I wanted to put in but I felt it was worth it. With the improved energy-conduits, my armour would be stronger than planned and last longer.   Sadly, all other schematics and ideas had to take a backseat, the first order of business was the completion of the base-armour with the improved parts, allowing me to start building my reputation.   Towards the end of February, the armour had taken shape and it was a thing of beauty.   The metal-ceramic compound I had used for the outer scales was absorbing light easily, giving it an impossibly black colour. It wasn’t just black, it looked like a 2D-image, transported into 3D-reality. If you looked closely, you could see small, jagged edges all around the shadow, giving the whole thing an incredibly menacing appearance.   Below the outer, scaly layer, designed to take impacts and spread them out while only compromising a small area if anything managed to overcome the material’s durability, was a metal hull, representing the main part of the armour. All servos, all connections, all sensors were installed as part of that metal hull, linked into the on-board computer to allow me control.   On the inside of the metal hull was a gel-layer, acting both as a sensor, allowing the armour to move in conjunction with my flesh and blood-body but also acting as a cushion against impact and a data-carrier transmitting tactile information from the outer layer to the pilot inside.   Last, and probably least, would be an incredibly thin skin-suit, partially because I did not want to go into the armour buck-naked, partially to absorb away sweat, keeping the gel-layer clean as it would be a pain to remove and clean. It was a full-body stocking, clinging tightly to my every curve.   I had designed the armour to be relatively easy to don and doff, using the codpiece to anchor the rest. The rest of the pieces fused with strong magnetic seams to that first anchor-piece, allowing me to don the armour within minutes without any help, even with all the complexity. Doffing it was even easier, at least if I just wanted to drop it.   The boots were sadly lacking in ingenuity, I had yet to come up with some kind of idea to let me move faster than a running speed. Well, assisted running, the armour allowed me to run at roughly 45 km/h and keep that speed for a while. It wasn’t as fast as a car but it was hell of a lot faster than going by foot.   But what the boots were lacking in ingenuity, the helm made up for. At first glance, it looked like a motorcycle-helm, at least if you ignored the light-absorbing blackness. But it sealed to the armour like all the other pieces, giving me an airtight suit, just in case. In my normal mode I’d simply draw in air from outside but I had the option to switch to an small, internal reservoir of oxygen, if I ever needed to stop breathing, I could last for five minutes without trouble.   The best part however was the visor. The base-ceramic of my compound was incredibly hard but lacked a few properties I wanted for the scales, letting them bend rather than break. For the visor, I wanted the hardest material of all as there was no anchoring part directly below it. So the visor was actually the hardest part of the armour, transfering all kinetic energy it took into the helm and the armour. Breaking through the visor would be a challenge for most attackers, giving the apparent weakness the strongest protection. It also housed a thin film of visually active material, allowing Galatea to project any information into my field of view and projecting whatever we wanted to the outside without compromising my sight. If I ever lost all power, the visor turned clear, allowing me to see my surroundings.   In addition, I had installed a plethora of sensors in the helmet, giving me every sense I could think off, from low-light vision to ultrasound scanning, from x-rays to magnetic resonance-scanning, I could gain a ton of information. There was just one standing order to Galatea, never try to match any Powered’s scanned data to data obtained from other sources. I did not even want to know the true identity of anyone I came across in costume, it would eliminate the temptation to influence their true identity. There were too many horror-stories online about those who had made things personal. Every Powered, from both sides of the law, came crashing down on them and exacted vengeance.   The first time, I donned the armour, I felt amazing. It was responsive, smooth and empowering. Of course, I swiftly realized that I had a lot to learn, no matter how well I had worked, creating something this complex without bugs was unrealistic so before I ever stepped foot outside, I trained my movement within the bunker. It wasn’t quite like moving without the armour but I was amazed at how well it worked. I was moving as if I was wearing some warm, slightly constricting clothing, not almost one-and-a-half times my own body-weight. That was the flaw of the armour. It was so damn heavy. I was able to slowly shuffle without any motor-assistance but more than that? Not possible.   But it limited my movements, no doubt about it. Even with all the engineering in the armour, it was limited in motion-range and dexterity. The increased strength and durability would have to make up for those drawbacks.   Inspecting myself in the mirror proved that the armour was not only beauty married to design, it was also quite menacing. My normal slender and rather small figure was beefed up by quite a bit, letting me cut an imposing figure, compared to my normal appearance.   Two weeks after I had donned the armour for the first time, the trials within the bunker came to an end. I needed to get outside, to try the armour in a real-world scenario. Testing inside the bunker had given me a good idea of the performance envelope but there was only so much I could do in the limited space.   My goal was a simple test-run through the forest, into the abandoned industrial park close to the river and back. More or less parkour in armour, gathering performance and efficiency-data hopefully without attracting attention.   Leaving the bunker for the first time armoured up was an intense experience. In the dark forest, the enhanced sensors proved invaluable, letting me see in almost perfect clarity, even giving me a shadowed view of things hidden from view and only detectable by my other sensors. There would be almost no way to hide from me and Galatea who kept an eye on the collected data. Moving down the hill was more of a challenge than expected, the weight of the armour made it hard to find solid purchase in the slightly muddy ground, forcing me into a mix of sliding and running. But the enhanced balance aspect came through, allowing Galatea to help me keep upright and my feet under me. I even managed to dodge all the evil trees that jumped into my way, not running a single one of them over.   After a speedy descent through the muddy forest, I got to the abandoned industrial park. I mainly wanted to see how well I was able to navigate narrow alleys and maybe even a few corridors. My first challenge was a maze of old warehouses and storages, I was able to keep a lot of momentum going by pushing off walls with my arms, sometimes even my legs, but I had to be careful that I never pushed harder than a wall could take. For that, I needed to use the sensors and make split-second decisions, depending on their readings.   I was hurtling through the narrow alleys, following navigational commands given by Galatea mere moments before I had to turn, trying to give the impression of a high-speed chase, when Galatea called out a warning. I managed to half-turn when something struck me and smashed me into a warehouse. Not in the wall. The wall simply gave way when about two hundred kilo of armoured Alexandria crashed into the wall, punted by some jackass. Luckily, the armour could take a beating and keep going.   I stood, dusted myself off and checked out who had just greeted me in such a friendly manner.   Seeing my attacker, I cursed the high heavens, my attacker was wearing the red-blue gear of the Hero’s League and there was a smirk on the slightly visible part of his face.   “Now, will you come quietly or do I have to peel you out of your tincan before taking you to the league to register?”
{ "title": "The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale", "id": 4293, "author": "ClearMadness", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Under the White 6", "id": 305980, "next": 307983, "prev": 303897, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzMDMzMTkzNzdkZTRkZGM5YjM2MTNjMzQ1ZDU5ZTM4">As fireballs flew through the darkness of the huge cave, the horde of hissing boggart workers tore into the line of hobgoblin warriors. Light stones held by hobgoblin mages or hanging near the twisted black spires that filled the cavern were the only other source of light. A hissing boggart worker scuttled up and bit Blacknail’s boot, so he gave it a kick that sent it flying back and then spun around to cut down another boggart that had jumped at him. That done, Blacknail turned to strike his next opponent. There wasn’t one. Unexpectedly, the boggart horde had stopped advancing.</p> <p class="cnNkNjY0ZDVlNGU1YzRkN2Y5NDJlNmUwOTQ3YzE4ZTI3">Blacknail took a moment to catch his breath and regain his balance. Had he scared the creatures away with his deadly skills and incredible might?</p> <p class="cnMzZmZmZjY3MDA2MjQzN2U4Yjg0NGQwMmNmYzAyMGNi">That was when Blacknail noticed a black beam shoot out of the boggart swarm and hit one of Imp’s fireballs that was flying overhead. The fireball simply disintegrated, leaving nothing but darkness. The beam then flashed several more times, clearing the sky of fireballs.</p> <p class="cnNkODAxODIyNjBlMTRmMDk4MjM2MmY2ZDQyNTg4ZGJm">“Come here, Imp!” Blacknail yelled as he stepped back into the ranks of his exhausted troops. He didn’t like this new development. Stupid magic. It never worked the way he wanted it to. Was an unstoppable yet easy to use weapon too much to ask for? No, he just needed better minions.</p> <p class="cnNmMThkOTQ0ZWQ4ZTQ0ZWFiZTFlZGE1OGU5N2IzNDM2">Imp quickly ran over to his chief’s side. “What do you want, boss?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTRkNjhjNzdjZjQzMTE4ODBjYTBkMWE5MTU1MjRl">“What was that black stuff?” Blacknail asked him.</p> <p class="cnMyMGI2YmY2YmJhNTRkY2Y5ODlmZGUyZTY1N2RjZmYy">The hobgoblin mage just shrugged. “It was probably magic.”</p> <p class="cnM5M2Q2ZDQxZjU0MTQ2YTc5YjVjYjQ3Y2EzNDQ0MmI2">Blacknail sighed. He’d figured that much out. “Can you do anything about it?”</p> <p class="cnM3NTc2MGVhOWM4YjQwMGI5NmY5M2Q2YmEzODE1MTIz">“Hmm, I can’t think of anything.”</p> <p class="cnNmNTU3MGYzMTJlMDQxYWQ4ZWFlNmYzOWM1YTVhNjY5">Blacknail sighed again. Yes, he definitely needed better minions. They were without a doubt holding him back. Feeling annoyed, Blacknail gazed toward the source of the beams. He thought he could a see a group of taller boggarts making their way forward through the ranks of workers. One of them must be the mage.</p> <p class="cnM2NjNkYmU4NTBiYTQ2ODg4OTczNTdmOTg5MWYzYjAz">The group of taller boggarts swiftly got closer, and it became apparent they were a group of about two dozen warriors. Blacknail couldn’t tell which one the mage was though. He also had no idea what they were planning. Why stop the workers’ attack?</p> <p class="cnMxNzUxOTE2YmJlYTQwZDFiMGNkNDAyODJhMTUyNjQy">Imp - or one of his helpers - didn’t wait to see what was happening. Blacknail nodded in approval someone hurled a fireball straight at the group of advancing warriors. It zipped through the air towards the boggart, but then vanished as another black energy beam shot up to intercept it. With fireball gone, the beam then shot up and hit the ceiling for a split second before disappearing without leaving a mark.</p> <p class="cnM5NGQ0YzA2YmFkYTRmMDc4ZmFmY2IzOTkwODhhODY5">This lack of effect disappointed Blacknail, but it didn’t stop the hobgoblin mages from trying something else. A moment later, a purple death beam lashed out from Imp’s position and toward the boggarts. However, right before slamming into the gathered warriors, a shimmering circle appeared. The round barrier reflected the beam like light off a mirror or still water. When the beam hit it, it was thrown back at the hobgoblins. Blacknail had to duck as the purple energy slashed through the air above his head and hit some of the hobgoblins behind. Thankfully, the beam almost immediately flickered out of existence as the mages stopped powering it, but it still left several hobgoblins dead. Glancing over his shoulder as he climbed back to his feet, Blacknail looked over their unmoving bodies and frowned. This was some seriously powerful magic. He’d never seen anything like that mirror shield before, not even during any of Herad’s battles. The boggarts were obviously more capable then he’d thought.</p> <p class="cnNlM2Y4ZDFjM2EwYjRmOGNiZjg1MDEzNWYyNTYwM2Y4">Blacknail turned to face the boggart swarm and growled. Magic was so unfair.</p> <p class="cnMzMmYzMjA0ZGYzYTQ2ZTViZWMyYzhmODI0ZDQ0ZDAw">Once they reached the frontline, the wedge of boggart warriors split apart, revealing a new figure that had been concealed among them. Blacknail grunted in surprise when he saw the newcomer. It was nothing like any boggart he’d seen before. It had a far more terrifying and intimidating form that sent a cold shiver down Blacknail’s spine. The creature looked like a human woman. She was covered in the black carapace that all the boggarts had, but she stood on two legs and had an undeniable feminine shape. Her carapace also didn’t look like armor, it almost seemed to have been styled decoratively. In many places there were wide gaps in her carapace where pale flesh showed. Her face was also quite different from a normal boggart’s. It was almost completely bare of carapace and unsettlingly similar to that of a human’s, although her eyes were a creepy solid black and her mouth and nose were concealed by a carapace mask. She also didn’t have ears, making it obvious that this was no real human, merely something mimicking one.</p> <p class="cnMzYTg5Y2U4ZTkzZDQ4MzJhNzEzYzA1NDE2ZWY5YmI5">The weirdly female boggart was armed with a long mage staff that had probably been the source of the black beams. Her gaze swept the line of hobgoblins as if she was looking for something. Blacknail studied her in turn, and their gazes soon met and locked. It appeared that she had been looking for him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Was it too late to step back into the ranks of his minions and hide?</p> <p class="cnNiYmFkNmM5ZWE3YTRlZmU5MmJjOTI4YTMxNWM3NDNm">“We see. Much is explained. We are glad we came to investigate the reports ourselves,” the human-like boggart suddenly said in an oddly clear and harmonic voice.</p> <p class="cnM5OWRhYmZmZWRlODQwZjc5ZTgyODZhOWViN2ViYzE5">“Huh, you can talk! I didn’t think you boggarts had the parts for it,” Blacknail remarked in surprise. Despite her appearance, he hadn’t expected that to have changed.</p> <p class="cnM4MTY2YmFlYTk0OTRlMDA5MDE1ODc0NGUxNGRhNzM2">“Our noble form was bred to mimic the old enemy closely so that we could learn their strengths, just as other forms were bred for other tasks.”</p> <p class="cnMzNDhkY2QyMjRjMjQwNWZiYTZiYjMyNTljNzg1OWNh">“Er, alright,” Blacknail remarked with a frown. This lady-thing sure was creepy.</p> <p class="cnMyNDllNjAwMWZhNjRmOWNhODY1ODg0OWMzZTg0Yjdh">“You are the anomaly, a rival progenitor of the green ones. The old vermin.”</p> <p class="cnNiZDk3MDFlMmQ5MDQ5ZTk4MGU4MTk1Y2NkNWYyMTZj">“I’m Blacknail.” He was almost certain he’d just been insulted.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTQ3ZTI5MThhNjQ3ZjdhMjY2MTNlZjQyNjc3NzA3">The woman creature didn’t blink. “You are an unexpected complication to our progenitor’s great plan and our coming vengeance. Your existence is a problem.”</p> <p class="cnM5MmM2OTQ0MjUxODQ5Yzg4NThkOGY3ZDJlYzM2MGM3">Blacknail snorted. “Too bad for you, because I’m going to stomp you like fat icky bugs under my boot.”</p> <p class="cnNlYjI3NzMyZTM5NjQ1NGFiZGM3Mzg4Njc3ZDcwYmQ3">“We need not be enemies. Our peoples have many commonalities in both desire and origin,” the creature announced in sudden shift that threw Blacknail off. “In the ancient days before the progenitor, when we dwelled among the Green, your kind and ours coexisted without conflict.”</p> <p class="cnMyMWQ5NjExZGE1ZjQwMzk5NGIyYTc5YzBhNTY2NjI1">“How about this. Stop with the crazy talk. I want you to go away and leave my territory. It’s mine and you’re stealing my food.” Blacknail hated thieves in general and food thieves in particular.</p> <p class="cnNmMmJmOGU3YmJhZTQ0ZTliZmY5NDk5NTM4NzY3YTBm">The boggart noble didn’t blink. “The host sees much to respect in you. Like our own progenitor, you have seized control of your kind and raised them up into something new and powerful. You have begun something grand, as very few have, the greatest of works. Join with us against the human invaders, who drove us both from our ancient lands. We will slaughter them all and show them that we have grown into new shapes that are far more than we were. We have learned from them and taken their strength as our own.”</p> <p class="cnNhM2UwYzg4OGI3MTQxYTRiNDY0ZDg4M2JmNmU4NGFk">Blacknail frowned thoughtfully. At last, she was making more sense. “Well, there are a few humans I would like to see dead. I wouldn’t say no to having you help me with that as long as you stop stealing my food.”</p> <p class="cnM1N2U3YzJmMGE5YjQ0OWViZmI2Y2NjMGE4ZDA2NDIw">The boggart noble nodded. “All of the humans must be cleansed so that our host may grow.”</p> <p class="cnMxYTc1OTgyM2Q3MzRlZjhiNWYzOWRjMDk5YzBkNGMz">“All of them? That seems like a lot of pointless work, like a lot,” Blacknail replied as he gave her an incredulous look. The walking alone…</p> <p class="cnNhYTUxMDM5Y2RkNzQ4NTk5MjQ0OTIwZGM2OWNkMmU0">“The humans are now inferior to the Host, they will be slaughtered so that the Host can grow. Their ancient conquest made us and now we take back our lands. The Host must grow.”</p> <p class="cnNhYWI5ODkyMWEwZDQ2YTg4ZmE1N2MyYjkyN2FlODRm">Blacknail sighed. What nonsense. This lady-thing was crazy. As if Blacknail cared about things that had happened way before he’d been born to people that weren’t him. Humans weren’t some big herd with one leader. Sure, you had to kill a lot of them, but many others were useful tools and minions. The species of a minion didn’t matter, only how useful they were. It was really a sort of food balance thing. They had to produce more than they consumed…</p> <p class="cnM2YjM5MzM2MjRiMzQ4OTY4YTFkZGMyNTlmOTU3OWMz">The boggart noble seemed to sense Blacknail’s resistance to her plan. “Setting yourself against us would be foolish. The Host’s numbers are beyond counting and we are mighty enough to crush you.”</p> <p class="cnM3NDVkNTM2NTljMDQwMDlhNTQwNTdiYjJmMjViN2U4">“There are too many humans to count as well. That doesn’t matter. Stay out of my territory or I’ll mount your head on pole as a warning to other thieving boggarts.”</p> <p class="cnNmZTg0YzgxYTE3YzRiNGFhYTU5MjNiYjZhNDUzMzdh">The boggart noble hissed angrily with surprising volume. “If you will not serve the Host’s purpose then you will feed it!”</p> <p class="cnMwODFmOGJjYWI0NjQzZmRhNDFkOTliYjdhZGY3MGU3">Off balance, Blacknail took a second to formulate a reply. He had to remember that he was quite outnumbered here and thus needed to be at his cleverest if he wanted to survive with most his army intact. He needed his army for later, so losing it wasn’t really an option. A plan was required, something super clever.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDZhNTg0YThhODQ5NjhiN2I1NDQ1MWIzYzY0OGEw">“Maybe I should help you. What will you give me in return?” Blacknail asked in order to buy time.</p> <p class="cnNlNDMwOTMwODBkMTQwNGQ5YmRlMWYyZjhmOWQ3N2Qx">This seemed to calm the boggart leader down. “If you serve our purposes we will allow you to remain within our territory, although you must leave the dark paths and go back to the light world. We will also only hunt a few of your people for food.”</p> <p class="cnNjMTkyYmM2NTA5MjQyYmNiNDkzOWJkZWU2NGIxMTZm">“Hmm, interesting,” Blacknail mused aloud. Wow, that was a terrible offer.</p> <p class="cnNiYmQ5OWY1YjM0YTQ3NTE5M2VlMTcwYzEwYzUyY2Fh">Instead of answering right away, he turned and whispered some commands to Imp. The hobgoblin mage nodded in assent and stepped over to his helpers. Blacknail then whispered several orders to his nearby soldiers and got them to pass them on.</p> <p class="cnNlNGNmZWJkZGRiMDQ1YTFhYWI5MjBjMmNhNzVmMmY5">This delay did not please the boggart leader. “We grow impatient. What is your choice? Submission or death?”</p> <p class="cnM4MmM1ZDUzZmMxMzQ5MzQ5MDhmNzc5MDU2OTgzYmFk">Blacknail glanced up and frowned. Looking down a moment later, he stepped forward and put a smile on his face. “Sure, I don’t want to die. Let’s be friends instead. You can even have a gift, to show how much this alliance means to me.”</p> <p class="cnM0NzdlNDhlZmFmODQ0ODM5ZWE4MzNiNzliMmYzYmYx">“That would be acceptable. It is good that you know your place in the hierarchy.”</p> <p class="cnM5ZGI4NmQ3MDc2NDQxODVhZjljNGU0ZGJiZWNkMTg5">“Good, then here, have this sack full of… presents,” Blacknail told her. What did boggarts even like? He had no idea.</p> <p class="cnM1MGIwY2QyOGM1NjQzZmI4NGEyMzVhZGVmYTJkZDY1">At Blacknail’s command, one of Imp’s helpers then reluctantly stepped forward. He moved slowly and was holding the aforementioned sack, which he simply held out in front of him.</p> <p class="cnMzNmNkZTFhYWYzYTQ5YWFhZjdkMWRmM2ZlMDIwNmJk">“Throw it on the ground,” the boggart noble told him. Obviously, she wasn’t completely without suspicion.</p> <p class="cnM3NDQzOWFiZDVmZTRkNTA5OWIwZDc5ODg0YmJhMDU5">The hobgoblin did as he was told and dropped the sack before stepping back. Blacknail risked another glance upward and then sighed before turning to look as a boggart worker emerged from the swarm’s ranks and approached the sack. It pulled the bag open and looked inside for a few long moments before turning to look at the noble and making a series of short clicking noises.</p> <p class="cnNhODQyNzc3ZDkyZjQ2YzJiMzgyMDdhZGJjNjZlNDIx">A confused frown appeared on the noble’s face and she turned to look at Blacknail. “Why have you given us a bag full of rocks?”</p> <p class="cnNiYzM5YWM5NGZhYjRmMjU5OGFmMGUzYWI5NTZkNWZj">“Don’t you like rocks? I thought boggarts loved them. Isn’t that why you live underground and keep raiding my mine? To steal the rocks?” Blacknail replied as he gave her an embarrassed smile. He had to resist the urge to look up.</p> <p class="cnMwMTBkMTYwNjllNzRkNjc4NmQ0ZWM3NmJmNTI0NGI0">The boggart noble tilted her head slightly to the side and gave Blacknail a pensive look. “No.”</p> <p class="cnMwYmYyNTE5YWQzMzQyNmU5Mzc2ZmM1OWU2YmQ5NjJh">Blacknail sighed. This was taking too long. The noble wasn’t going to be distracted forever. “Oh, sorry then. I was going to give you lots more rocks too. Are you sure you don’t want them?”</p> <p class="cnMxMDZkNTNjNDZiODQxYzFhNWI1MGFiMzhjOGUzN2E4">“We are not sure if you are as odd and stupid as you seem, but if you are attempting to fool us somehow, we will be forced to punish you. Do not test us, green ones,” she replied as she glared at the hobgoblin and pointed the top of her staff in his direction. Blacknail really didn’t want to find out what sort of magical attack she had prepared.</p> <p class="cnM3MjljMzM0YzY2MjRlMjg4ZDk3ZWU5MjBjNzU4OTAz">“How could I possibly hope to trick you? I’m just standing here, trying to give you gifts. It’s not my fault you kept doing things that made it seem like you wanted rocks. What would you like as present instead?”</p> <p class="cnNmMjU0NzQ5ZTAyOTRjOTk4M2UyOTVlYmE2OGRmMWI1">The noble’s deep black eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Food. You will tell your forces to drop their weapons and you will kneel before us.”</p> <p class="cnNjMzZiYjY5YTkwMzRjMmM4MGM1ZmM3Yjk5OTFhMDgz">“Sure, sure,” Blacknail replied as he held up his hands. He didn’t move though. There was no way he was ever going to do that.</p> <p class="cnNmZDBhZmU2MWRiNDQyZjRiZThkYWM5YzE1OWY3MjEx">“Now,” the boggart noble said after several long seconds had passed. Her voice was full of cold anger.</p> <p class="cnNhN2JkODI4NWFkNTQ3NjZhMTIwY2YyN2UxNzdkZDQ5">Blacknail glanced up and then gave her a cruel smile full of malice. “I don’t think so. Instead, I’ll just kill you, destroy your stupid army of bugs, and level your icky black city. You shouldn’t have come into my territory.”</p> <p class="cnM0ODhkYzU2ZjBkYjQyZjM4MDFiNmI2NDhmOTlhNWU5">The female shaped boggart stepped forward threateningly. “We were here far before your time, vermin! Prepare for…”</p> <p class="cnNmNjg1MWJlYzllNTQ5OTFiOTMyYzMyMzA5ZTI1ZWVj">Blacknail didn’t get to hear the end of her speech, because that was when several tons of rock slammed down on top of her. The rain of stone hit the cluster of boggart warriors and the workers around them like the foot of an angry god. There was a cataclysmic boom that rang in Blacknail’s ears, and he and all the hobgoblins near him stumbled back as a wave of dust rose up and slammed into them, blocking their sight of the impact site.</p> <p class="cnNiMDZlZDM0YThmNjRjNzFhYzI4Zjg3YmNiODY0NjE1">Still off balance, Blacknail glanced over his shoulder at Imp’s location. The hobgoblin mage was standing behind the ranks of hobgoblin warriors with his assistants, and although he was shielding his face with one hand, he still had his staff pointed up at the ceiling. At his chief’s command, he’d loaded the stone melting mana crystal into the staff and had been using the nigh-invisible ray it produced on the ceiling. While Blacknail had kept the boggart noble distracted, he’d been working on freeing the stalactite that had been hanging from the cavern ceiling directly above her head.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGE1MjQ3ZmJmYjQ2M2JhNTU4M2JhNmMxZTU4ZDdm">Grinning victoriously, Blacknail turned back around. The strategy had been risky. His distraction had been growing rather thin by the end, but he hadn’t been able to come up with anything else that might work. The boggarts had outnumbered them too much for a head to head battle to work, and the bug lady’s magical defenses had obviously been too strong for Imp to defeat. Thus, Blacknail had been forced to use his legendary cunning, and it had worked like a charm. He was so amazing.</p> <p class="cnM5MDNjNWEzYzAzYTQyMDZhZmI5Nzk4M2QwMzU4MGNi">The cloud of dust had yet to completely dissipate, but Blacknail could see more now. A pile of broken rubble towered over where the group of warriors had used to be, although it was impossible to say how many of them had been crushed. Around the rubble, the swarm of workers were in chaos. Many of them had frozen up, while others were running away or climbing over each other in their haste to escape.</p> <p class="cnM3NGNjZjYyMjYyMzQ1ZmI4Y2IxMTllMjgwMjJkYjU1">Blacknail’s own forces weren’t exactly orderly either though. The hobgoblin formation had dissolved into loose ranks and many of them looked shocked. Blacknail had told some of his minions to spread word of his plan, but apparently not everyone had been informed.</p> <p class="cnNiZDc4YzJlNTkwOTQ1MGRiYmNkMmYzMTJlOGZhMTFj">A flash of movement near the rubble drew Blacknail’s eye. As he turned and peered through the remaining dust, he saw a tall dark figure pull itself up off the ground and stumble away from the fallen rocks. It looked like at least one boggart warrior had survived the destruction. Blacknail then saw another figure appear in the dust. He frowned as he studied it. It looked vaguely feminine.</p> <p class="cnNmYTVhYTU5NDhlODQ2ZDViZDlhMWVlNTIxYWQ2OTZk">“Toad slime!” Blacknail cursed. The boggart noble was still alive. That was no good. What was he going to do? If she rallied her swarm of workers, then she could still drive Blacknail’s army away.</p> <p class="cnNhOTE3MzIwZDBmZTQ4NjA5ZGRmY2QyNmQ1Yzk5YTNk">Blacknail eyed the boggarts stumbling through the dust ahead of him. There was only one way to make sure things were done right this time. Looking around, Blacknail saw Herah over to his right.</p> <p class="cnM3ZGM5ZGJiODBmMTQxZjE4ZDE1NDRkZTEyYzhhNDEx">“Gather your squad and follow me. I’m going in!” Blacknail told her. She blinked in surprise but nodded along, so he turned around and began running toward the boggarts.</p> <p class="cnM0OGNjYTA0NWY2NDQ4MGFiMDNjNTIzZTVjNjM4M2Vk">Sword already out, Blacknail headed straight for the enemy noble. Unfortunately, there was a boggart warrior with a spear in the way. As he dove into the dust, it saw him coming and quickly moved to intercept.</p> <p class="cnNkMTY2NzhmMjJlMTQzZTI4Mzc5ZTkzYjMyODgwMDYz">Blacknail didn’t slow. Instead, he adjusted his charge to meet it. As the creature stabbed at him with its long spear, he sidestepped the blow and ducked in closer. In response, the boggart warrior reared up and tried to slash at him with its sharp front claws. Surprised, Blacknail was still fast enough to throw himself sideways out of the way of the second attack and then counter with a powerful two-handed stab of his own. The blow hit the boggart warrior in the flank and tore through its carapace before sinking deeper.</p> <p class="cnMyYjZjNmI0Njk4MzRkY2Y4YjFhY2Q0YWY2MWYyYTYw">The boggart warrior shrieked and began toppling over, so Blacknail pulled his blade free and stepped away. That done, he started looking for the noble again. Herah and his bodyguards caught up to him just as he spotted some movement up ahead. It was the noble.</p> <p class="cnMzOGEzNzg4NzU3YTQ4MTQ5OGEyMGIxMGZjYjY1MDI3">Grinning in excitement as magic and bloodlust flowed through his veins, Blacknail immediately charged after his target. Sprinting around some fallen rocks, he quickly closed the distance. The boggart noble was still stumbling, as if she’d been injured. Sensing weakness, Blacknail laughed as he ran toward her. She turned and gave him a cold glare as he closed in. It looked like she’d lost her staff. That would make this easier.</p> <p class="cnMyM2YwZWQ3ZWQwNTQyNzFiMWE0NGFlNjAyY2ZiYTA1">Unfortunately, that was when another boggart warrior emerged out from behind a nearby pile of rock. Its four feet clawed at the rocky ground as it shot forward and stabbed at Blacknail’s chest with its long, deadly spear.</p> </div>
As fireballs flew through the darkness of the huge cave, the horde of hissing boggart workers tore into the line of hobgoblin warriors. Light stones held by hobgoblin mages or hanging near the twisted black spires that filled the cavern were the only other source of light. A hissing boggart worker scuttled up and bit Blacknail’s boot, so he gave it a kick that sent it flying back and then spun around to cut down another boggart that had jumped at him. That done, Blacknail turned to strike his next opponent. There wasn’t one. Unexpectedly, the boggart horde had stopped advancing. Blacknail took a moment to catch his breath and regain his balance. Had he scared the creatures away with his deadly skills and incredible might? That was when Blacknail noticed a black beam shoot out of the boggart swarm and hit one of Imp’s fireballs that was flying overhead. The fireball simply disintegrated, leaving nothing but darkness. The beam then flashed several more times, clearing the sky of fireballs. “Come here, Imp!” Blacknail yelled as he stepped back into the ranks of his exhausted troops. He didn’t like this new development. Stupid magic. It never worked the way he wanted it to. Was an unstoppable yet easy to use weapon too much to ask for? No, he just needed better minions. Imp quickly ran over to his chief’s side. “What do you want, boss?” “What was that black stuff?” Blacknail asked him. The hobgoblin mage just shrugged. “It was probably magic.” Blacknail sighed. He’d figured that much out. “Can you do anything about it?” “Hmm, I can’t think of anything.” Blacknail sighed again. Yes, he definitely needed better minions. They were without a doubt holding him back. Feeling annoyed, Blacknail gazed toward the source of the beams. He thought he could a see a group of taller boggarts making their way forward through the ranks of workers. One of them must be the mage. The group of taller boggarts swiftly got closer, and it became apparent they were a group of about two dozen warriors. Blacknail couldn’t tell which one the mage was though. He also had no idea what they were planning. Why stop the workers’ attack? Imp - or one of his helpers - didn’t wait to see what was happening. Blacknail nodded in approval someone hurled a fireball straight at the group of advancing warriors. It zipped through the air towards the boggart, but then vanished as another black energy beam shot up to intercept it. With fireball gone, the beam then shot up and hit the ceiling for a split second before disappearing without leaving a mark. This lack of effect disappointed Blacknail, but it didn’t stop the hobgoblin mages from trying something else. A moment later, a purple death beam lashed out from Imp’s position and toward the boggarts. However, right before slamming into the gathered warriors, a shimmering circle appeared. The round barrier reflected the beam like light off a mirror or still water. When the beam hit it, it was thrown back at the hobgoblins. Blacknail had to duck as the purple energy slashed through the air above his head and hit some of the hobgoblins behind. Thankfully, the beam almost immediately flickered out of existence as the mages stopped powering it, but it still left several hobgoblins dead. Glancing over his shoulder as he climbed back to his feet, Blacknail looked over their unmoving bodies and frowned. This was some seriously powerful magic. He’d never seen anything like that mirror shield before, not even during any of Herad’s battles. The boggarts were obviously more capable then he’d thought. Blacknail turned to face the boggart swarm and growled. Magic was so unfair. Once they reached the frontline, the wedge of boggart warriors split apart, revealing a new figure that had been concealed among them. Blacknail grunted in surprise when he saw the newcomer. It was nothing like any boggart he’d seen before. It had a far more terrifying and intimidating form that sent a cold shiver down Blacknail’s spine. The creature looked like a human woman. She was covered in the black carapace that all the boggarts had, but she stood on two legs and had an undeniable feminine shape. Her carapace also didn’t look like armor, it almost seemed to have been styled decoratively. In many places there were wide gaps in her carapace where pale flesh showed. Her face was also quite different from a normal boggart’s. It was almost completely bare of carapace and unsettlingly similar to that of a human’s, although her eyes were a creepy solid black and her mouth and nose were concealed by a carapace mask. She also didn’t have ears, making it obvious that this was no real human, merely something mimicking one. The weirdly female boggart was armed with a long mage staff that had probably been the source of the black beams. Her gaze swept the line of hobgoblins as if she was looking for something. Blacknail studied her in turn, and their gazes soon met and locked. It appeared that she had been looking for him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Was it too late to step back into the ranks of his minions and hide? “We see. Much is explained. We are glad we came to investigate the reports ourselves,” the human-like boggart suddenly said in an oddly clear and harmonic voice. “Huh, you can talk! I didn’t think you boggarts had the parts for it,” Blacknail remarked in surprise. Despite her appearance, he hadn’t expected that to have changed. “Our noble form was bred to mimic the old enemy closely so that we could learn their strengths, just as other forms were bred for other tasks.” “Er, alright,” Blacknail remarked with a frown. This lady-thing sure was creepy. “You are the anomaly, a rival progenitor of the green ones. The old vermin.” “I’m Blacknail.” He was almost certain he’d just been insulted. The woman creature didn’t blink. “You are an unexpected complication to our progenitor’s great plan and our coming vengeance. Your existence is a problem.” Blacknail snorted. “Too bad for you, because I’m going to stomp you like fat icky bugs under my boot.” “We need not be enemies. Our peoples have many commonalities in both desire and origin,” the creature announced in sudden shift that threw Blacknail off. “In the ancient days before the progenitor, when we dwelled among the Green, your kind and ours coexisted without conflict.” “How about this. Stop with the crazy talk. I want you to go away and leave my territory. It’s mine and you’re stealing my food.” Blacknail hated thieves in general and food thieves in particular. The boggart noble didn’t blink. “The host sees much to respect in you. Like our own progenitor, you have seized control of your kind and raised them up into something new and powerful. You have begun something grand, as very few have, the greatest of works. Join with us against the human invaders, who drove us both from our ancient lands. We will slaughter them all and show them that we have grown into new shapes that are far more than we were. We have learned from them and taken their strength as our own.” Blacknail frowned thoughtfully. At last, she was making more sense. “Well, there are a few humans I would like to see dead. I wouldn’t say no to having you help me with that as long as you stop stealing my food.” The boggart noble nodded. “All of the humans must be cleansed so that our host may grow.” “All of them? That seems like a lot of pointless work, like a lot,” Blacknail replied as he gave her an incredulous look. The walking alone… “The humans are now inferior to the Host, they will be slaughtered so that the Host can grow. Their ancient conquest made us and now we take back our lands. The Host must grow.” Blacknail sighed. What nonsense. This lady-thing was crazy. As if Blacknail cared about things that had happened way before he’d been born to people that weren’t him. Humans weren’t some big herd with one leader. Sure, you had to kill a lot of them, but many others were useful tools and minions. The species of a minion didn’t matter, only how useful they were. It was really a sort of food balance thing. They had to produce more than they consumed… The boggart noble seemed to sense Blacknail’s resistance to her plan. “Setting yourself against us would be foolish. The Host’s numbers are beyond counting and we are mighty enough to crush you.” “There are too many humans to count as well. That doesn’t matter. Stay out of my territory or I’ll mount your head on pole as a warning to other thieving boggarts.” The boggart noble hissed angrily with surprising volume. “If you will not serve the Host’s purpose then you will feed it!” Off balance, Blacknail took a second to formulate a reply. He had to remember that he was quite outnumbered here and thus needed to be at his cleverest if he wanted to survive with most his army intact. He needed his army for later, so losing it wasn’t really an option. A plan was required, something super clever. “Maybe I should help you. What will you give me in return?” Blacknail asked in order to buy time. This seemed to calm the boggart leader down. “If you serve our purposes we will allow you to remain within our territory, although you must leave the dark paths and go back to the light world. We will also only hunt a few of your people for food.” “Hmm, interesting,” Blacknail mused aloud. Wow, that was a terrible offer. Instead of answering right away, he turned and whispered some commands to Imp. The hobgoblin mage nodded in assent and stepped over to his helpers. Blacknail then whispered several orders to his nearby soldiers and got them to pass them on. This delay did not please the boggart leader. “We grow impatient. What is your choice? Submission or death?” Blacknail glanced up and frowned. Looking down a moment later, he stepped forward and put a smile on his face. “Sure, I don’t want to die. Let’s be friends instead. You can even have a gift, to show how much this alliance means to me.” “That would be acceptable. It is good that you know your place in the hierarchy.” “Good, then here, have this sack full of… presents,” Blacknail told her. What did boggarts even like? He had no idea. At Blacknail’s command, one of Imp’s helpers then reluctantly stepped forward. He moved slowly and was holding the aforementioned sack, which he simply held out in front of him. “Throw it on the ground,” the boggart noble told him. Obviously, she wasn’t completely without suspicion. The hobgoblin did as he was told and dropped the sack before stepping back. Blacknail risked another glance upward and then sighed before turning to look as a boggart worker emerged from the swarm’s ranks and approached the sack. It pulled the bag open and looked inside for a few long moments before turning to look at the noble and making a series of short clicking noises. A confused frown appeared on the noble’s face and she turned to look at Blacknail. “Why have you given us a bag full of rocks?” “Don’t you like rocks? I thought boggarts loved them. Isn’t that why you live underground and keep raiding my mine? To steal the rocks?” Blacknail replied as he gave her an embarrassed smile. He had to resist the urge to look up. The boggart noble tilted her head slightly to the side and gave Blacknail a pensive look. “No.” Blacknail sighed. This was taking too long. The noble wasn’t going to be distracted forever. “Oh, sorry then. I was going to give you lots more rocks too. Are you sure you don’t want them?” “We are not sure if you are as odd and stupid as you seem, but if you are attempting to fool us somehow, we will be forced to punish you. Do not test us, green ones,” she replied as she glared at the hobgoblin and pointed the top of her staff in his direction. Blacknail really didn’t want to find out what sort of magical attack she had prepared. “How could I possibly hope to trick you? I’m just standing here, trying to give you gifts. It’s not my fault you kept doing things that made it seem like you wanted rocks. What would you like as present instead?” The noble’s deep black eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Food. You will tell your forces to drop their weapons and you will kneel before us.” “Sure, sure,” Blacknail replied as he held up his hands. He didn’t move though. There was no way he was ever going to do that. “Now,” the boggart noble said after several long seconds had passed. Her voice was full of cold anger. Blacknail glanced up and then gave her a cruel smile full of malice. “I don’t think so. Instead, I’ll just kill you, destroy your stupid army of bugs, and level your icky black city. You shouldn’t have come into my territory.” The female shaped boggart stepped forward threateningly. “We were here far before your time, vermin! Prepare for…” Blacknail didn’t get to hear the end of her speech, because that was when several tons of rock slammed down on top of her. The rain of stone hit the cluster of boggart warriors and the workers around them like the foot of an angry god. There was a cataclysmic boom that rang in Blacknail’s ears, and he and all the hobgoblins near him stumbled back as a wave of dust rose up and slammed into them, blocking their sight of the impact site. Still off balance, Blacknail glanced over his shoulder at Imp’s location. The hobgoblin mage was standing behind the ranks of hobgoblin warriors with his assistants, and although he was shielding his face with one hand, he still had his staff pointed up at the ceiling. At his chief’s command, he’d loaded the stone melting mana crystal into the staff and had been using the nigh-invisible ray it produced on the ceiling. While Blacknail had kept the boggart noble distracted, he’d been working on freeing the stalactite that had been hanging from the cavern ceiling directly above her head. Grinning victoriously, Blacknail turned back around. The strategy had been risky. His distraction had been growing rather thin by the end, but he hadn’t been able to come up with anything else that might work. The boggarts had outnumbered them too much for a head to head battle to work, and the bug lady’s magical defenses had obviously been too strong for Imp to defeat. Thus, Blacknail had been forced to use his legendary cunning, and it had worked like a charm. He was so amazing. The cloud of dust had yet to completely dissipate, but Blacknail could see more now. A pile of broken rubble towered over where the group of warriors had used to be, although it was impossible to say how many of them had been crushed. Around the rubble, the swarm of workers were in chaos. Many of them had frozen up, while others were running away or climbing over each other in their haste to escape. Blacknail’s own forces weren’t exactly orderly either though. The hobgoblin formation had dissolved into loose ranks and many of them looked shocked. Blacknail had told some of his minions to spread word of his plan, but apparently not everyone had been informed. A flash of movement near the rubble drew Blacknail’s eye. As he turned and peered through the remaining dust, he saw a tall dark figure pull itself up off the ground and stumble away from the fallen rocks. It looked like at least one boggart warrior had survived the destruction. Blacknail then saw another figure appear in the dust. He frowned as he studied it. It looked vaguely feminine. “Toad slime!” Blacknail cursed. The boggart noble was still alive. That was no good. What was he going to do? If she rallied her swarm of workers, then she could still drive Blacknail’s army away. Blacknail eyed the boggarts stumbling through the dust ahead of him. There was only one way to make sure things were done right this time. Looking around, Blacknail saw Herah over to his right. “Gather your squad and follow me. I’m going in!” Blacknail told her. She blinked in surprise but nodded along, so he turned around and began running toward the boggarts. Sword already out, Blacknail headed straight for the enemy noble. Unfortunately, there was a boggart warrior with a spear in the way. As he dove into the dust, it saw him coming and quickly moved to intercept. Blacknail didn’t slow. Instead, he adjusted his charge to meet it. As the creature stabbed at him with its long spear, he sidestepped the blow and ducked in closer. In response, the boggart warrior reared up and tried to slash at him with its sharp front claws. Surprised, Blacknail was still fast enough to throw himself sideways out of the way of the second attack and then counter with a powerful two-handed stab of his own. The blow hit the boggart warrior in the flank and tore through its carapace before sinking deeper. The boggart warrior shrieked and began toppling over, so Blacknail pulled his blade free and stepped away. That done, he started looking for the noble again. Herah and his bodyguards caught up to him just as he spotted some movement up ahead. It was the noble. Grinning in excitement as magic and bloodlust flowed through his veins, Blacknail immediately charged after his target. Sprinting around some fallen rocks, he quickly closed the distance. The boggart noble was still stumbling, as if she’d been injured. Sensing weakness, Blacknail laughed as he ran toward her. She turned and gave him a cold glare as he closed in. It looked like she’d lost her staff. That would make this easier. Unfortunately, that was when another boggart warrior emerged out from behind a nearby pile of rock. Its four feet clawed at the rocky ground as it shot forward and stabbed at Blacknail’s chest with its long, deadly spear.
{ "title": "Haunting My Boyfriend", "id": 21390, "author": "Zakyrie", "rating": 3.2 }
{ "title": "Episode 19 - It Follows", "id": 305981, "next": null, "prev": 305979, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjMzU5NTJmN2E2NjQ5ZDFiYzkyZmIwOTk5MjZhZGI1">Watching my victims run away, witless and scared, made me feel very satisfied.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWU0Y2FkMGZkZTRkMDFiZjY1NWM2ODQ2OTQ5ZDE3">When I floated back to class I expected to see Tomoya wolfing down the packed lunch I made for him.</p> <p class="cnNiMzkyYTI2ODUwODQzZDY5ODMwYTdlM2QxZDk0OGFm">But he wasn't there.</p> <p class="cnNhYzIzY2I3N2FjYjRkMjE4ODEwZDdlNWJjYjc5OTUx">Most of Tomoya's classmates had returned. They were huddled into disparate groups and spoke in hushed whispers, discussing the scene I had just caused in the girl's washroom.</p> <p class="cnNkMTY5YTNkNDM2ZTQwYzlhZjhlNzI3MzFhMmIyNWVm">I left them stewing in terror, and exited the building by passing through a window.</p> <p class="cnM0Yzk0MzQyMzFlZDQ1NjM4MmU2Yjc0MGU4NDYzZjAz">I wasn't sure where the staff room was, but I assumed Tomoya as a class rep was dutifully carrying out his role.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmNlMGQ0MDk4NzQ1YmE4MzVhYTRjNzI0YWQ4ZjQx">I rose high into the air to get a bird's-eye view of the school, and waded about for some time until I spotted Tomoya running out of the theater building.</p> <p class="cnNmMjU1Y2M3NDg2YTQxN2I4MWVkZDZkZGM5ZmEzZDM4">I descended to the ground and successfully intercepted him on the way back to class.</p> <p class="cnMxMmIxNjcwZWNjMTQxZGJiNDIyNzU1MTlkOGZiZTc5">His face was flush and his words breathless, "I saw... a teacher... she was... something else."</p> <p class="cnNkYWVmNzg4MDFlODQwMDFiYmZmNDIzNzBlNTI4OTNl">"That good looking huh? I never knew you were into older women."</p> <p class="cnM0MjRlNDhiNmQ4OTQwNmU5MmY1YWU2MTllMmYwYmUw">When he had finally caught his breath, he carefully explained, "I met a teacher that acted really weird. She was by herself in the staff room. I found her staring at a blank portrait... and the vibe I got from her was just unnatural."</p> <p class="cnNlYzcwOGM5MGEzMDRkYmFiYjJiODgyYjY2Zjk0MTU2">He hurriedly changed his tone when he noticed the curious look I gave him, "I'm sure we'll run into her again at some point. So, there's no need to investigate."</p> <p class="cnNkODQzNWZiZWE3NTRlZTA4Mjk1ZmI1ZDZlYjUzYjgy">"But what has got you so jumpy?" I asked. "Did she make a move on you?"</p> <p class="cnNlYzkxN2NhNzNhODRlMTFiMjUzZGM5NDk5YTVjYTk4">"No." He said flatly. "The truth is... I think she's a ghost. But I can't say for sure."</p> <p class="cnM0NGJiYzZjODBjYjRhNWE5N2I2YzZmNmI5OWFkMmU4">I took a moment to consider what he had just described and then shrugged, "Whatever."</p> <p class="cnM3OGE5OTVkODY5MTQzODFiNDUxN2JiMzQ1ZWVjY2I0">"Whatever?"</p> <p class="cnM1MWY3OTg1ZjIxMDRjZjJhYjgxN2Y1NDE3Y2M4MDlk">"Whatever." I repeated, not willing to explain myself.</p> <p class="cnNiMTYyYzJlNGE5MzQyZDQ4ZTJkNTg4OGY5ZjIyZWIx">Tomoya wasn't used to getting his way. He eyed me suspiciously but then after thinking it over, he merely nodded and said, "I've been wrong before. So, let's leave it at that... by the way, I'm starving. Did you make anything?"</p> <p class="cnM1ZjczNjM1YmMwZTQ2M2M4MjFiOGEzNzIzYzkxZDg5">"Yeah. Your favorite. Sardine sandwiches."</p> <p class="cnM1ZDdiOGQxMjVhODQ1NzhhNTMyZjk3ZTBlNzE2ZmNk">He pursed his lips and expressed his disgust, "Yuck!"</p> <p class="cnM3ZGU0ZTQxNzU5NDRiYmZiZDE4NmQ2YjdjYTA5YzQx">"Whatever happened to the boy that said his favorite food was whatever I made for him?"</p> <p class="cnNiZmFkZGU3OGY1MzRkNjA4NzFhNjcyMDk4OTk2ZDc3">"He died."</p> <p class="cnNhNzk1ZmE3ZDA2NjQ3OTY4NDhiYmM2M2YyMWRlOGY5">"Correction. He is about to die."</p> <p class="cnM3YjI3N2I2ODhkNzQzNTQ4ZjFlYWVkZDA0ZTJmMDE3">Tomoya laughed and ran back to class with me chasing his heels.</p> <p class="cnMzYTA2Yzg5OGU3NDQwOWNhNDZkMmY0NjBkYmZiOTk2">Obviously, flying is faster and I'm not much of a runner.</p> <p class="cnMyYTI4Y2MyMGYxNzQxYzc4MjgwZmE1ZmJkMmQxZmQ5">But I like chasing people.</p> <p class="cnMxMzA1NTYzOWI3YjRkOWU5ODk4NzE0YzU0ZmUwNGQ0">I guess you could say it's in my ghostly nature.</p> <p class="cnNlOWMxZDljNDM3ZDQ0NDZiNjliZjNjZDgxYjkxZDBj">---</p> <p class="cnNmY2VlZjc4ZmY3ZDRiMTM5NzVlZTFhZGU1MmQxMzlj">In spite of the drama that unfolded over the break, all of our classmates were able to quietly resettle themselves, and returned to their usual, studious, worker bee atmosphere.</p> <p class="cnMxZGQ4M2Q0ZmJhNjQ4ZjliN2IwZjdlNGVhM2U1NTI1">I couldn't help but admire their ability to compartmentalize.</p> <p class="cnNlZWJkZTU2YmI0ODRlODNiZGI2ZjQ4ZDY4M2UyZWU4">When the time for lunch arrived, the whole class shuffled around the group of daring adventurers and forced them to recount their experiences in vivid detail.</p> <p class="cnM5MjY2YjZjMzkzNDQ1NGZiMWVjZGE3M2E1MzlhZDAz">And in spite of the fact that their recent scare happened a little more than two hours ago, the tale they spun was filled with exaggeration.</p> <p class="cnNkMzdiMTg3MDFjMzQ2YTlhNmE0ZDljNWQ5ZmYyYzJi">In their version of events, the girl's washroom was filled with an eerie mist. The delinquent girls they encountered were mesmerized and half asleep when they barged in. Then unexpectedly, those girls awoke to madness, and savagely attacked, as if they were possessed, when Minami opened the eighth stall.</p> <p class="cnNmN2IxZGFlYzc4MTQ4MDlhN2U5ZmUwNGYzYTg1YmY5">Hiromitsu had bravely fended them off, but was injured. In fact, he couldn't even stand without Eito's assistance.</p> <p class="cnMwMDU4ZmU5Njc2MDRlNWE4NzQzOWNlNjJlOGYwZWNj">Suddenly, a fierce wind slammed the stalls and nearly tore them off their hinges; the lights burst into flames and the faucets exploded with water, instantly flooding the washroom.</p> <p class="cnNkMDkzMzYyMmNlMTQ0MTM4ZDljYWUwMTIyZmZjMGZl">Finally, they escaped as fast they could, and when all that was said, they appeared thankful to have escaped with their lives.</p> <p class="cnNjYWY5OWRkZWVlNzRjMzQ4NWMwNTc3NDc0ZjNjZDFi">Surprisingly, it was Noriko who worked up the courage to repeat the words I had painstakingly carved at the back of the eighth stall, even though everyone else carefully avoided that particular detail.</p> <p class="cnNmYTk2NTY2YWVhZTQ0NDFhMmQ2Y2JiYTRiZmI4MDQ3">She was obviously rapt with guilt, and spoke between tearful outbursts.</p> <p class="cnNiMTBkYzg4NzFiMzRhOTc4MjZlYTA3ZTE1OGUxZGVm">When the crowd dispersed, the girl's washroom on the ground floor was now unofficially quarantined.</p> <p class="cnMzOWRjMTc5NjhhNDQ2NTFhNTY2ZWZjYzdhYWRkYTkx">Tomoya smiled wryly as he stood among the retreating throng of students, listening intently to their dramatized retelling.</p> <p class="cnM5NGJhYWE5YTMxNjQ5NjBhZjVmNDk3ZjNkZTkwZGIz">He didn't comment about what had happened.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDgwZjM1YzFjMTQxOWZhNGUyNGVkZjQ0MjY1YWQ4">When he returned to his seat, he rifled through his backpack and found the lovingly crafted lunch box I had prepared for him.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTBlZGVhNGJlZDRlYWU4MGUwMjQyNTk5OTljYWM3">He chowed down the sardine sandwiches with a bitter grin and spoke intermittently between mouthfuls, "I'm sorry I didn't let you come to school with me yesterday... I just... never mind... I was wrong... so please make me a real bento tomorrow!"</p> <p class="cnNlNGM4ZWYyNzI5YjQ0ZjU4NDZmZjVlOTQ1ODA2ZGJl">---</p> <p class="cnM0OGUxOTRiZTExNDQ0YmRiOWIyNGQwZDM0OWI0ZWE4">The rest of the day was uneventful.</p> <p class="cnM2YTE5NDA2ZWIzZjRhYWNiZWY5ZGIxY2FhMjZjNWNm">Tomoya was apparently completely drained when the final bell rung.</p> <p class="cnM1YjVjZDU0N2I2ZjRiZTRiMWEzYzk4MDE5YjA2Nzc3">He slumped forward on his desk and promptly fell asleep.</p> <p class="cnNiMzcxOWQ1NzA5MjQ4MjlhYTYwNTMzMTFkMDliYmVk">Even when I tried nudging him awake, he wouldn't budge.</p> <p class="cnM3MGExMDNkYjQxNzRlZjg5OTdlYzIyZjYxNmU4ODZh">With a sigh, I set my sights elsewhere.</p> <p class="cnMzMmU3ZTE4MTY2ZTQ4ZThhZWIzMGIwOGQyNDY4MDNm">I found Noriko plodding her way to the school gate surrounded by a few of her friends who were in the middle of pouring out a long stream of consoling words, in an attempt to alleviate her dour mood.</p> <p class="cnNkMjNiOGE2ZjhiODQzZWM4NDhjMDgyNGExNGExY2E5">I put on an angelic smile and followed her home.</p> </div>
Watching my victims run away, witless and scared, made me feel very satisfied. When I floated back to class I expected to see Tomoya wolfing down the packed lunch I made for him. But he wasn't there. Most of Tomoya's classmates had returned. They were huddled into disparate groups and spoke in hushed whispers, discussing the scene I had just caused in the girl's washroom. I left them stewing in terror, and exited the building by passing through a window. I wasn't sure where the staff room was, but I assumed Tomoya as a class rep was dutifully carrying out his role. I rose high into the air to get a bird's-eye view of the school, and waded about for some time until I spotted Tomoya running out of the theater building. I descended to the ground and successfully intercepted him on the way back to class. His face was flush and his words breathless, "I saw... a teacher... she was... something else." "That good looking huh? I never knew you were into older women." When he had finally caught his breath, he carefully explained, "I met a teacher that acted really weird. She was by herself in the staff room. I found her staring at a blank portrait... and the vibe I got from her was just unnatural." He hurriedly changed his tone when he noticed the curious look I gave him, "I'm sure we'll run into her again at some point. So, there's no need to investigate." "But what has got you so jumpy?" I asked. "Did she make a move on you?" "No." He said flatly. "The truth is... I think she's a ghost. But I can't say for sure." I took a moment to consider what he had just described and then shrugged, "Whatever." "Whatever?" "Whatever." I repeated, not willing to explain myself. Tomoya wasn't used to getting his way. He eyed me suspiciously but then after thinking it over, he merely nodded and said, "I've been wrong before. So, let's leave it at that... by the way, I'm starving. Did you make anything?" "Yeah. Your favorite. Sardine sandwiches." He pursed his lips and expressed his disgust, "Yuck!" "Whatever happened to the boy that said his favorite food was whatever I made for him?" "He died." "Correction. He is about to die." Tomoya laughed and ran back to class with me chasing his heels. Obviously, flying is faster and I'm not much of a runner. But I like chasing people. I guess you could say it's in my ghostly nature. --- In spite of the drama that unfolded over the break, all of our classmates were able to quietly resettle themselves, and returned to their usual, studious, worker bee atmosphere. I couldn't help but admire their ability to compartmentalize. When the time for lunch arrived, the whole class shuffled around the group of daring adventurers and forced them to recount their experiences in vivid detail. And in spite of the fact that their recent scare happened a little more than two hours ago, the tale they spun was filled with exaggeration. In their version of events, the girl's washroom was filled with an eerie mist. The delinquent girls they encountered were mesmerized and half asleep when they barged in. Then unexpectedly, those girls awoke to madness, and savagely attacked, as if they were possessed, when Minami opened the eighth stall. Hiromitsu had bravely fended them off, but was injured. In fact, he couldn't even stand without Eito's assistance. Suddenly, a fierce wind slammed the stalls and nearly tore them off their hinges; the lights burst into flames and the faucets exploded with water, instantly flooding the washroom. Finally, they escaped as fast they could, and when all that was said, they appeared thankful to have escaped with their lives. Surprisingly, it was Noriko who worked up the courage to repeat the words I had painstakingly carved at the back of the eighth stall, even though everyone else carefully avoided that particular detail. She was obviously rapt with guilt, and spoke between tearful outbursts. When the crowd dispersed, the girl's washroom on the ground floor was now unofficially quarantined. Tomoya smiled wryly as he stood among the retreating throng of students, listening intently to their dramatized retelling. He didn't comment about what had happened. When he returned to his seat, he rifled through his backpack and found the lovingly crafted lunch box I had prepared for him. He chowed down the sardine sandwiches with a bitter grin and spoke intermittently between mouthfuls, "I'm sorry I didn't let you come to school with me yesterday... I just... never mind... I was wrong... so please make me a real bento tomorrow!" --- The rest of the day was uneventful. Tomoya was apparently completely drained when the final bell rung. He slumped forward on his desk and promptly fell asleep. Even when I tried nudging him awake, he wouldn't budge. With a sigh, I set my sights elsewhere. I found Noriko plodding her way to the school gate surrounded by a few of her friends who were in the middle of pouring out a long stream of consoling words, in an attempt to alleviate her dour mood. I put on an angelic smile and followed her home.
{ "title": "Point Cultivation", "id": 21544, "author": "Lime Duck", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2: Potion Concoction", "id": 305972, "next": 306045, "prev": 305548, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM4MzljNmU3NWEyZTRmZGRiN2JmOGI0NTgwOTc5NDNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">At the start of the next day Joe Mo went to town in order to buy supplies. Logan had told him that he needed to make special medicine in order to fix his junked up meridians. In order to make this medicine he would need 4 magic vines, a crazy mushroom, and spirit gopher blood! All of these were expensive treasures that Joe Mo had no way to afford especially the spirit gopher blood because they are powerful point beasts that normally have over 200 points!</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDI0ZDk5NjhiZjRhYmE4MjdlZmFhODRmYWJhMWZl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMGVhYzU0MWJiMzQ2M2Q5YzFlMmZlZWM2NzAyMDA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Currently Joe Mo only had a fifth of the money that he needed to make the potion. Luckily Logan had a solution to this! Together they would make some other potions and then sell them for a big profit! That’s right using Logan’s vast knowledge they are going to concoct potions for money!</span></p> <p class="cnMxMDNlN2I5OTljOTQwMWZiYWE4ZjAxMzhmYmI2ZDc3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMWE2MTRjMTQxODRkOWFiZDQzODFmZmRjZDU3MzBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">When he left Mia Mo decided to come along as well. When they arrived in town Joe Mo started to buy the materials he needed for the things he was going to sell. He bought lots of things like different types of nuts and grass, some magic cat hair, and some other low cost ingredients. Lastly he bought a potion concocting cauldron!</span></p> <p class="cnMxYjYzOTRlZTgxNDQ4MjBhODQxNTA4YjEyMzQ0YWI0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1M2QxYzU4MDk0YzQ2Y2JhOGFlNGM0MzQ0Y2Y2OWJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was very exciting because potion concoction are very important in the point cultivation world! Their potions can increases the point values of cultivators as their cultivating as well as heal injuries. In fact, they are the most well paid profession on the entire continent! </span></p> <p class="cnM4OTNlMDE0MDAwODQ0ZjdiZDcxY2UyNzNiOGE2YzVj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ZDMwOWFlMzBjNDQ1ZmU4YTYzM2RmMTk5NDc3OTc4"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, when they were about to head home someone confronted them! Shockingly it was none other than Sven Mo, the cousin of Joe Mo and the son of Zed Mo! Suddenly he started laughing at Joe Mo just like his father did.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjRhOTM2ZjVhYjQzNzc5MzcyNzFjODk2Zjg0OTM4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MzE4ODQxYTE0NTQ2YzJhNTVjZGI4NDk3MDM4NmE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ha Ha Ha Ha If it isn't Joe Mo the failure of the Mo clan. How did you enjoy digging that hole! It must have been pretty fun, but not as fun as being kicked out of the clan in 3 months! Ha Ha Ha”</span></p> <p class="cnNjOTFiYjZmMjY3ZDRlN2E5OGRkNjQzOWIwMWIxNTA2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzMGY4MTk5YzI3MDRmMWRhNjJjNzRlOGRlNzI0NWRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was true! In order to keep the clan strong they kicked out anyone who could not cultivate up to 8 points by the time that they are 18! Joe Mo turned 18 in two months but in three months the Mo clan coming of age ceremony would happen and every 18 year old would participate. During this event anyone with less than 8 points would be kicked out even Joe Mo who is the grandson of the head of the clan! Next, they would have a tournament of everyone left and the winner would be able to ask any one thing of the head of the clan!</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmVhMGJjODM5YzQ1MTI4OWZmNGQ0OTQ2OGRlMWNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0N2ExZTk2ZWIzNzQ3NzE4YjUyZDg4ZTc5MzRkODM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“This is going to be great! Not only are you going to be kicked out but when I win I am going ask to be married to your sister! Ha Ha Ha”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWUwODRlZDUzYTRjYTViZWExNzA2NjBjMjE1ZTAy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NmYwZTcxMTIwZjQwMjFiYmI3MGVlMzdlNzM2Y2Nm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You take things to far Sven Mo you would marry my sister just to spite me you will never win with an attitude like that!” yelled Joe Mo.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYWUzNmQ5YzYyOTQwNmY5YTBjNGY0OTU1ODE1ZDA5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNTY1MTQ4MDE1NTQ2Y2ZhMTMzMzM4ODgyMmQ5ZmUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Your wrong I am not doing it to spite you I am doing it because Mia Mo is super Hot”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWJkMTU1MjcxYjRjZmI4OTRmNjUzOTU0YTE3NTM3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMGE5NDc1YjZmMTRiYzRhMWNmMzliYWNmZGMwNjcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">At this point you may be wondering why this guy wants to marry his cousin so badly. But shockingly that is not the case in fact Mia Mo was adopted into the Mo clan by Grow Mo when she was just a baby. So she actually has no relation to Sven Mo. In fact she has no blood relation to anyone in the Mo clan not even Joe Mo, her brother!</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2I4NGViMGYwNDQxMTRiNWQzOWUwZTEyNmU0OTdl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MTI4NzBkMTdkZTRjNTQ5YTg1YjA2NDhiMjNiMTBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Anyway i’m out of here I have stuff to do” And just like that Sven Mo left.</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2Q1MWMyNTg1NjRhNGU5MjdkMjc3OTQwYmNmOWRk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNGJiY2FhMzRlZjRlYWE4MjhjZjg1Y2EzMjdhNTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Brother you can’t let that guy marry me! There is someone else I need to marry.” said Mia Mo</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjM1MTM4OTBmYzQwODZiNTc3ZmYxYjc5ZDMzMWI4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MjhkOTZjYjRlZjRmNjQ5NDI2YzZjYWI4MWIzNTc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry there is not a chance that he will win!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMTViMjE0Njg0NjQ0NzFhNWFkNmJhNmI3Yjg1MmQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjM1MzU5ZTc5ZDQyOGI4NGM1NjczYjMwNjg5NGFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">After that conversation Mia and Joe went home. Joe Mo brought the materials to his room and started to talk to Logan.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjYzMzU3NzA5MTQwMzdiNmM2Mzg0MjcyZDhmNGNi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjYjRkMGU2ZGEwYTRkY2I4ODI3NjI0MjJlMjUzMzMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ok, I have the materials for the potion concocting, are you going to teach me how to be a potion concocter.” asked Joe Mo.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZDA4ZjE0OTc4OTRjMGNiOTI1YmU0ZDJlMzA1NTIz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYTc0MTcxZjZhMTQ4NTA4OTYyYmFjMWFiZTA2ZGFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, it would be easier if I just did it” said Logan.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZjYxZjA4ZjVjYTQxODI5Y2U3MTI0YTQ1ODZiZjRi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmY2UxZWRjYTNiOTQ3OGViYzEzNzVmOTlkNGZhMjI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ok” and with that Joe Mo went to sleep.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZWM3NWY1OWRmZTQyNGQ5ZWFlODlhNjcwODdjYmNm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0Zjc1YzE3NTcyMzQ1ZjBhMzkwODAxMzY5OGM1NzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Joe Mo woke up Logan had used the materials to make a batch of 100 single point potions! These potions were like heavenly treasures after consuming one the efficiency of you cultivation would go for three months and by the end of that three months the extra efficiency would result in an extra point in your cultivation!</span></p> <p class="cnM0N2VjN2Y4YWZjNjQ5NzM5ZTE3MjlkN2RkZGI1Zjcx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTJkM2YxNTQzMzRmZGY5OWQ1ZjVkOTg2YTI1M2Jj"><span style="font-weight: 400">This day Joe Mo went to the town again with Mia Mo but this time instead of buying things Joe Mo sold the single point potions to venders for 80 gold each! That came to a total of 8000 gold this amount of gold was a crazy amount and could allow someone to live comfortably for the rest of their life!</span></p> <p class="cnM3YmY5MWQ5YTcxYTRhYzJiNjkxNWM2MWY5ZGM1Zjgy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NmQzNGI4MTkxZjQ2OWViMjM0YTg4MzdlNjc1NDM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">After selling the potions Joe Mo went and bought all the things he needed for the potion that would unjunk up his meridians along with other materials to help him out. Once he got all the stuff he needed Joe Mo decided to head back home.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWY4ZjFlM2IyMTQwZjU5ZTc5ODE4NjBiOWYwZDk4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxM2EyZjhmMmFkZjQ0ZDJhNTRhM2U3NGFhMTY4ZDBl"><span style="font-weight: 400">But shockingly as he was heading home he was confronted by two people! These people were Hamton Blap and Julia Stevens! In Walter town, there are three powerful clans that control the town the first is the Mo clan which Joe Mo is a part of and the second two are the Blap clan and the Stevens clan! Shockingly the two people in front of Joe Mo are the young masters of those two clans!</span></p> <p class="cnNkNzlhNzBmZWMzMDQ5ZTI5MGJkMGFhNTgwYThjNWMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZDJkMGJlY2RhODQ3NzJiYjVjZjIzODJlN2UyODJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have come to tell you that the days of the Mo clan are over me and Julia Stevens are getting married and when we do we will be powerful enough to destroy the Mo clan and there is nothing you can do about it! Also today a new secretive potion concocter moved into town and we are planning to get him to work for us.” said Hamton Blap</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjU0MDU0MDBiMjQ1ZjI4OWNmZDVjOTAyN2FmNTlk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NGJmYjMwMTMzYTQ1NTFhYWE5Y2VmNmU0MDgyMmMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You take things to far Blap and Stevens clans we never did anything to offend you!” yelled Joe Mo</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTgzYjQzNDkyMzQzOWVhMTg5YmEyZjk4YTY5ZDQw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlOWQ5YWYzOTZiNDQ3OThiM2I5YjlmM2RkOGYxZmY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You offended us just by existing, -18 points-” sneered Julia Stevens.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDYzM2NhNTliMDRjZDI5M2M4NTRkYzZjY2FiYWQx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZmI5ZjU4MDJhMDQ2NmM5ZDA5NWYzMGE3YWNhNGY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">And just like that a spherical ball of air shot from Julia Stevens hand and into Joe Mo blasting him backwards! Joe Mo then slammed into a wall causing him to spit out blood.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDRlOTZmNjQ5YzQ3ODY4NThkNzUzMjhlYTNjOWZk">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxYWJhYTg0NDhmNjQyNTg4YjQyOGMwMTA5NGYwMzE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Julia Stevens was going in for another attack but Mia Mo jumped in to stop her! When Julia Stevens ball of air hit Mia Mo it disappeared without effect!</span></p> <p class="cnMwMjk5MWZhMTU2YzQwYjFhMjU1Mjc5NzkxNWYxZjk2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNWMzZjc2NjdlNzQ3YmFhMzFmM2IxNjFlYzFlYjkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Than Mia Mo Yelled “-20 points-” and a shockwave spread out from under her feet blasting away Julia Stevens and Hamton Blap,</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzcxOWU2NGUzMTRiN2I5YzY2MjYwNTBlMjg4NGM5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4OTgyMjRkMzgxYzQ4MzliYmJkNTI1YzQzNmU0NzU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“She has more points than us! Let’s get out of here” and just like that they left.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2JiOWM0NGE3NTQ1OTI4ZTQyMWZkZWVhYmRjOGZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlODdkMWJlMmE3OTQ0YmJiMDYyODM2NmE2MGEyYTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Joe Mo and Mia Mo went home as well. When Joe Mo got back to his room Logan started to make the potion that would unjunk Joe Mo’s meridians! He threw all the materials into the cauldron and stirred them all together.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYzhhODk2Mjk4NjRkYTFiNzE1YjcxNDlkMDE0OTQ5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3NmY2YWRiNGEzNTQ0ODM4NjY5NDUxMGI4OTZiNTc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">After about ten minutes he was done and he gave the potion to Joe Mo. Joe Mo was very excited so he drank it. Joe Mo started to feel a burning sensation in his body. It caused a lot of pain but afterwards Joe Mo felt stronger than he had ever before.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjI1ZmEyNzBiYTRhNmI4MzZlNGE4Mzc3YmJjZGQz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYTgyODA2Zjk5ZTQ5ZmY4MGQ4NjVkZWQyYjJiMTc1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then Logan told Joe Mo that he has an ancient cultivation technique that he was very suited for if he was up to the difficult task of using it!</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGNlNGM4OWQ3MDQyZTBiMmIwZWIwMTRhNzA4MGY2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDA3YTc2OGViNjRlY2ZhYzIxNmY5MWY1NDMwNzBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can definitely do it! Nothing will stop me on my path of cultivation!” said Joe Mo.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OWIyYzY2ZTMzZDRkY2ViNjhkZTUyNDk3YzY3ZWJi">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmZDkzNWRjMjcwNDQwYjdhOWEyMjA0ZGQ5ZWNkODI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good” said Logan, and he gave Joe Mo a scroll that shockingly had the technique on it!</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZDJkOTQwNDYxMjQwMWZhZjcyNDVjOGI5ZWE5MGZm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3YWQyZTBhZTIzNTRiZGVhNjMxNjUyZTc5NzQ3ZjE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">When Joe Mo read the technique he was shaken to the core! He would need to sit down like he was in a chair but he would need to do so in the air without a chair. Next he would need to use his muscles in his abdomen to push the point juice through his meridians. This technique was suited for Joe Mo because he had to do a lot of physical labor without the help of points!</span></p> <p class="cnNiOGNiOGQ3MzA2MjQ1ZmZiOWRkYmZjN2QxMzRjYzEx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4MzRjNjMxMTUxNTRkMjk5OTVlMTQ1ZGNlNTVkNjFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The danger of this technique was that if you did not push hard enough with your muscles no point juice would flow and there would be no cultivation. However, if you pushed to hard you would poop your pants! But shockingly this matter was nothing for Joe Mo!</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDQzYzA3MjNjMzQxMTViODNkYjZiNDEzZGI4MGIw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5YzM1ZjNlYjM3ODQ2MGJhOTBiNGVhMjEwMWZiNTU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Pooping my pants is nothing compared to the humiliation I have faced over the years so bring it on!” and with that Joe Mo started to cultivate for the first time in his life!</span></p> </div>
At the start of the next day Joe Mo went to town in order to buy supplies. Logan had told him that he needed to make special medicine in order to fix his junked up meridians. In order to make this medicine he would need 4 magic vines, a crazy mushroom, and spirit gopher blood! All of these were expensive treasures that Joe Mo had no way to afford especially the spirit gopher blood because they are powerful point beasts that normally have over 200 points!   Currently Joe Mo only had a fifth of the money that he needed to make the potion. Luckily Logan had a solution to this! Together they would make some other potions and then sell them for a big profit! That’s right using Logan’s vast knowledge they are going to concoct potions for money!   When he left Mia Mo decided to come along as well. When they arrived in town Joe Mo started to buy the materials he needed for the things he was going to sell. He bought lots of things like different types of nuts and grass, some magic cat hair, and some other low cost ingredients. Lastly he bought a potion concocting cauldron!   This was very exciting because potion concoction are very important in the point cultivation world! Their potions can increases the point values of cultivators as their cultivating as well as heal injuries. In fact, they are the most well paid profession on the entire continent!   However, when they were about to head home someone confronted them! Shockingly it was none other than Sven Mo, the cousin of Joe Mo and the son of Zed Mo! Suddenly he started laughing at Joe Mo just like his father did.   “Ha Ha Ha Ha If it isn't Joe Mo the failure of the Mo clan. How did you enjoy digging that hole! It must have been pretty fun, but not as fun as being kicked out of the clan in 3 months! Ha Ha Ha”   That was true! In order to keep the clan strong they kicked out anyone who could not cultivate up to 8 points by the time that they are 18! Joe Mo turned 18 in two months but in three months the Mo clan coming of age ceremony would happen and every 18 year old would participate. During this event anyone with less than 8 points would be kicked out even Joe Mo who is the grandson of the head of the clan! Next, they would have a tournament of everyone left and the winner would be able to ask any one thing of the head of the clan!   “This is going to be great! Not only are you going to be kicked out but when I win I am going ask to be married to your sister! Ha Ha Ha”   “You take things to far Sven Mo you would marry my sister just to spite me you will never win with an attitude like that!” yelled Joe Mo.   “Your wrong I am not doing it to spite you I am doing it because Mia Mo is super Hot”   At this point you may be wondering why this guy wants to marry his cousin so badly. But shockingly that is not the case in fact Mia Mo was adopted into the Mo clan by Grow Mo when she was just a baby. So she actually has no relation to Sven Mo. In fact she has no blood relation to anyone in the Mo clan not even Joe Mo, her brother!   “Anyway i’m out of here I have stuff to do” And just like that Sven Mo left.   “Brother you can’t let that guy marry me! There is someone else I need to marry.” said Mia Mo   “Don’t worry there is not a chance that he will win!”   After that conversation Mia and Joe went home. Joe Mo brought the materials to his room and started to talk to Logan.   “Ok, I have the materials for the potion concocting, are you going to teach me how to be a potion concocter.” asked Joe Mo.   “No, it would be easier if I just did it” said Logan.   “Ok” and with that Joe Mo went to sleep.   When Joe Mo woke up Logan had used the materials to make a batch of 100 single point potions! These potions were like heavenly treasures after consuming one the efficiency of you cultivation would go for three months and by the end of that three months the extra efficiency would result in an extra point in your cultivation!   This day Joe Mo went to the town again with Mia Mo but this time instead of buying things Joe Mo sold the single point potions to venders for 80 gold each! That came to a total of 8000 gold this amount of gold was a crazy amount and could allow someone to live comfortably for the rest of their life!   After selling the potions Joe Mo went and bought all the things he needed for the potion that would unjunk up his meridians along with other materials to help him out. Once he got all the stuff he needed Joe Mo decided to head back home.   But shockingly as he was heading home he was confronted by two people! These people were Hamton Blap and Julia Stevens! In Walter town, there are three powerful clans that control the town the first is the Mo clan which Joe Mo is a part of and the second two are the Blap clan and the Stevens clan! Shockingly the two people in front of Joe Mo are the young masters of those two clans!   “I have come to tell you that the days of the Mo clan are over me and Julia Stevens are getting married and when we do we will be powerful enough to destroy the Mo clan and there is nothing you can do about it! Also today a new secretive potion concocter moved into town and we are planning to get him to work for us.” said Hamton Blap   “You take things to far Blap and Stevens clans we never did anything to offend you!” yelled Joe Mo   “You offended us just by existing, -18 points-” sneered Julia Stevens.   And just like that a spherical ball of air shot from Julia Stevens hand and into Joe Mo blasting him backwards! Joe Mo then slammed into a wall causing him to spit out blood.   Julia Stevens was going in for another attack but Mia Mo jumped in to stop her! When Julia Stevens ball of air hit Mia Mo it disappeared without effect!   Than Mia Mo Yelled “-20 points-” and a shockwave spread out from under her feet blasting away Julia Stevens and Hamton Blap,   “She has more points than us! Let’s get out of here” and just like that they left.   Joe Mo and Mia Mo went home as well. When Joe Mo got back to his room Logan started to make the potion that would unjunk Joe Mo’s meridians! He threw all the materials into the cauldron and stirred them all together.   After about ten minutes he was done and he gave the potion to Joe Mo. Joe Mo was very excited so he drank it. Joe Mo started to feel a burning sensation in his body. It caused a lot of pain but afterwards Joe Mo felt stronger than he had ever before.   Then Logan told Joe Mo that he has an ancient cultivation technique that he was very suited for if he was up to the difficult task of using it!   “I can definitely do it! Nothing will stop me on my path of cultivation!” said Joe Mo.   “Good” said Logan, and he gave Joe Mo a scroll that shockingly had the technique on it!   When Joe Mo read the technique he was shaken to the core! He would need to sit down like he was in a chair but he would need to do so in the air without a chair. Next he would need to use his muscles in his abdomen to push the point juice through his meridians. This technique was suited for Joe Mo because he had to do a lot of physical labor without the help of points!   The danger of this technique was that if you did not push hard enough with your muscles no point juice would flow and there would be no cultivation. However, if you pushed to hard you would poop your pants! But shockingly this matter was nothing for Joe Mo!   “Pooping my pants is nothing compared to the humiliation I have faced over the years so bring it on!” and with that Joe Mo started to cultivate for the first time in his life!
{ "title": "Isekai Speedrun", "id": 21107, "author": "QwertyUozewe", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 22 - Self-Destruction Dance", "id": 305911, "next": 306459, "prev": 305607, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmNDFlNTdjYzllMTQzNDc4ZDRlYjhkNzlhMzJkMzI5">Self-Destruction Dance (also known as Saif Know-Not) wasn't a playable character in the game. He was a friendly NPC sidekick with low health and mediocre DPS, but he was useful to keep around because of his special skills. Well, for a regular gamer he was useful companion, but not that much for a speedrunner.</p> <p class="cnM4OWJhZDE5OWExMzQ4MzU5OWQwZWIzZWVjYjNjZmQ3">Dancer's secondary area-of-effect skill had a variable charge time and variable cooldown time depending on the power of the blast. A few spins and a hard step had a knockback effect on all enemies inside a radius of few meters, but a small blast didn't do any damage. A larger interpretive dance, however, was a wide-area attack powerful enough to throw enemies in the air and bend trees in a radius of about dozen meters.</p> <p class="cnNmMDMxNzY1ZTk2MTQwZDk4MmM5YTZlMzdkZjI1N2Mz">The best strat when using Dancer as an AI sidekick was to equip him with long range weapon and macro him to make a quick spin when enemies came too close. This way he could usually avoid melee damage and deal ranged damage.</p> <p class="cnMwMjRlZjg2MjM5MzQxMDViNWQ2NmI5ODJkZTlkYzI4">Dancer's party power as such was good, but what made him cumbersome as a sidekick was his balance tradeoff: he sometimes randomly overcharged his dance battle meter for a suicide attack and you had to dialogue him out of it. If you didn't do it in time and his main skill Dance Explosion activated, he went out in a massive pillar of fire like a low-orbit ion cannon in reverse, killing everyone around with him.</p> <p class="cnM3NDNiMzNjNTY3MjQwODY4MzI0YzkzMTgwYjNhYWE0">I had rehearsed in my head what to tell to Dancer, so my time travel backstory went surprisingly smoothly.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjZlYjkzM2Y3MTRiOTE4YzRiZTcwNjQxMzhmYjgy">“...So you traveled back in time and you know my name because... I have some big part in history?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM5NGFmMmM4MGU0ZjQ1MThiNTUyNDVlZTQ1N2QzMGU5">“Yes, something like that.”</p> <p class="cnNmMjQ0YWMzZWQ4YzQ3Nzc4ZDkzYzVhNTMzMWExYjll">“...It is true?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM2MzQ4ZDY0MWYzZjQ3MGVhNzEwODkwNGJmNjkzMzI1">“True story.”</p> <p class="cnM0NTI3ZDIzYWQyODQyOTVhNDAzZmI2NmM1MGRjOTg2">“...And you know who I am?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMwZGRlMzhhNGU5MTQ0OWRiNGZjMTlhNDQ5MDhlYzQw">“Yes. I know you have lost your memories and wandered around for a while now, trying to find clues about your past. You remember that your slave name is Saif, and you suspect that you were also called Know-Not, and you know that the flesh under your skin is unusually gray for a human, and that's about all, right?”</p> <p class="cnMxZjc3YzAyYzhmMzQxNzliMjQyYzAxZmU4MDk5ZDI5">“Y-yes, that's right...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMxMGZiMGY1N2YzZDRkNmQ4NjIxYjZlMjViMGU1N2Qz">“In the future, you are known as Self-Destruction Dance, or just Dancer for your friends. Crystal Pencil here is your best friend in the future, by the way. You'll be one of the key figures of the Revolution Movement, a group started in the future by your best friend Crys.”</p> <p class="cnNlYzA2NzVlMWEyNDQzZDQ4MDU0ZGExYmQ0MmMxOGY3">“Best friend...?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMyZWVlMDAzZDZmODQxM2Y4MmI4MjE0MDAxZWJiZjA2">Dancer looked at Crys doubtfully. Crys, sipping his tea like a James Bond villain, nodded approvingly. Dancer really was his closest henchman in the anime, so hopefully they get along here as well.</p> <p class="cnM3MjkxYmViOWNjMzRiNTk5MzBjODFmZWI1Njk4YTcw">“Now, about the past you have forgotten... sit tight, we're entering heavy spoiler territory. You were born at Psikir Island, which is a remote island located on the southern Sea of Peace. Its exact location is not known for Caliph or Suleiman yet, but Caliph will find the island few years from now, or to be more precise, his subject arkont Tikano will find it for him. I don't know exactly how you ended up here on the Ur Continent alone and without memories, but my educated guess is that you were left on a raft as a child and carried by ocean currents. Anyway, the main point is that there's actually a whole tribe of people like you out there on Psikir Island.”</p> <p class="cnMzOTk1NmFlOTYxYjQ3NTFiNDliYWFiMTk1YTliYzhj">The Psikir Island episode was a big reveal in the series. We were led to believe that Dancer was a unique character, but then on the fifth season we found out there was an island full of people like Dancer. Caliph Tze's exploration fleet found the island, fought a short but intense battle against the tribe warriors, enslaved the hundred or so psikirs that were still alive and used them as superweapons that turned the trench warfare deadlock into a desperate defensive war for Suleiman's side.</p> <p class="cnM3OGEwZjg4NGZhMDQ0MTI4M2E3MjZkNzZlODI3NThl">“...People like me?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnNkY2ZlY2NhYTUyYzQ1ODM4MTgwOWZkY2NkYzdhYmY0">“People who spin, dance and explode. You can feel that obsession, right? You want to dance and spin until you explode like a barrel of gunpowder, instead of just spinning for a moment and sending a mere shockwave blast around you.”</p> <p class="cnM3MjFjZDYxZjBkZjRhZjJiZjMxMGM0MTdmMjYwZDIz">“Y-yes, exactly!” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM2YWZjZGVhY2ZlMzQzYWVhNDc0ZmE5NTI0MjQzOGYx">Dancer was excited. He had finally found solid info about his past and I was also the first person who completely understood his motivations and goals.</p> <p class="cnM5OWRjNGIyYWZjZDQ5YWRiZmFmMTFhNTZlMzVmYzdi">Let's not bring his excitement down by telling him about his little sister Fu-Go, who he will meet about four years from now. Yep, kick the difficult things down the road to avoid them. I'll tell him three years from now, if she doesn't show up on her own.</p> <p class="cnNkNzliNTIwN2ViZjQzYzdhNzYzZjRlMjc0YjYyMWE1">“I have never exploded, since I'm just a regular time-traveling human, but I can kind of understand what it would be like for you because I've seen it several times in several different settings. It's still just a weak feeling in you, but it keeps getting stronger the older you get, you know. About five years from now, you will be often in the mood for a random suicide attack and people need to regularly talk you out of it.”</p> <p class="cnNmMmRjODg2OTg0MzQzMDJiOTUwNDllNTQ3NDQwYjE2">“So it's going to be like that...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM1ZWI3NGQ3MTIwMTQzOTdhY2E5ZjUzOWI1MTdiYTRm">Dancer was taking everything in and accepting it quite easily. My preparations were paying off. Or maybe Crys softened him before he brought him here?</p> <p class="cnNkMTJkZTVhM2I1NzQyODlhOTZhMGE3YjlmNjc3YjZi">“Yeah, it's like that. The same thing happens to everyone in your tribe when they get older. Old people eventually leave the island and row alone to nearby atolls to dance themselves to death. And by old people I mean people at their late twenties, just like you in a few years.”</p> <p class="cnNiMTZmZmM2NjRkMTQ3YjA4MWEyZjVlMjY3ZmU4Zjc5">“And Caliph Tze wants to use my people as weapons to end the war...?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnNmNTE0MzgyZTVjYTQyMTQ4MmRlOGU2ZDBlNTY3MDU5">“Yes.”</p> <p class="cnM3YWU1ZmMyOTA5NDQ2NjBiNGNhODc4MWNjOWVlZGYw">“My people, as weapons... We can't let that happen...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnNiNWIxZGM0MjNhYjRjMTc5ZjBlOTEwZWUwNTgzNTIx">“Exactly, you're catching on quickly. Originally, Psikir Island tribe was artificially created, or you might wanto to use the word cursed, by Strangers. They probably wanted to use people as living drill-and-blast equipment in the dungeon mines or something. That's the common theory. Strangers often used humans like disposable tools and items, modifying them for their strange purposes. Then, after the Strangers disappeared, psikirs had to learn how to live normal lives with their explosive curse. Maybe there's a way for you and your tribe to overcome that curse with time, or maybe it disappears with enough generations, but that requires we make sure there are generations of you in the future.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzJmMDcyYmVlNjRjZGViNTcwZDFiNWU0YTg1MWU0">“I understand...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMzNmVlZWE1MmVmYTQyOWU5ZmVlMjlmNDIzNGVjZmNm">Hm? Dancer was a bit more positive and talkative guy in the anime. I guess few years living in the streets as an amnesiac and constantly suppressing your basic instinct to kill yourself is enough to turn a person into a wet rag.</p> <p class="cnNiODk2NzE4YjAyMTQ1ODU4MTllMGJkMDE2OTJjZDE1">Crys said he found him from the Showboat Alley in the Low City area. Dancer was working under a local Chiffonnier Gang and living under a rowboat. It takes at least a warm bath and nutritious breakfast to cheer him up.</p> <p class="cnNkYmVhZjYyMTdmMzQ3YzliNjJjMzg0ZDYyNjI0NmI2">Yosh, let's try some pep talk for starters!</p> <p class="cnNkYTZmNDdkYWQxYTQzMmY5MWVlNTJhOTAyOWE0YWVh">“Saif, you are probably the only psikir with enough willpower to stay alive despite being treated like a stray dog. It's a commendable achievement.”</p> <p class="cnMyNjFmZDk5ZTIwYTQwZWI4OTgyYjAzMzYzYjU1NTJm">“...Being alive doesn't feel like I've achieved something... Normal people stay alive...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMyMGYzOWMzYmUyMzQ5ZjQ5ZGRmZWY1OGY4MWMwOTQ1">“Sure, but for someone like you it is a big achievement, you know. Many psikirs blow themselves up as teenagers. A weak-willed youngster in your position would have danced himself to death already, would you agree?”</p> <p class="cnNhMjQ5ZmM3NDM4YTQzMWJiYWI2NDNkZmRkZGU0OGJh">“I guess...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM1MjhkOGE0ZDRhNTQ0MmZhMDFlMzZjNmQ2YmM5NWZj">“You're not an unique guy because you're a psikir, you're unique because your will to live is stronger than any other psikir's in existence.”</p> <p class="cnM3NmM1OWU2ZWNhZjQzZGRhMzcxZDMxNDZkZTY2Yzc4">“I guess so...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMxZGIwMGE1N2E0ZDRlZGNhYzE2MWE1MWVkNDZhNzRk">“Do you want to return to the island of your tribe?”</p> <p class="cnM2NmE4ODQ3NDgyOTRkMDNiMDc2MjU0NTkyZDgxOTc5">“I don't know...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM2MjJhZWQwOTI1MjQyMWJiMjRjMzBhOTVlMzNlM2Q3">“Then, do you want to come with us and save the world? Do you want to kill Caliph Tze, the evil guy that will destroy your tribe in the future if we let him stay alive?”</p> <p class="cnM5YmNiNGVkYjEzODQyYTFiMGI3YjNkZjhjM2ZhYjI0">“You mean... kill him by dancing...?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMxNDZhNTQ4YmE3MzRkOGY5ZGVlMzg3YzFiNGM1YjQ4">“Yes, kill him by dancing him into oblivion or trap him under a mountain, whatever it takes. That's our main mission. Or, well, the world will probably fall to many small factions fighting for territory and resources after that, but at least when the Big Bad is gone, there's some hope for humanity. Your role is to be our secret weapon, our last nuclear option, if our first option or second option doesn't work. We don't force you to do it, of course. I'm just saying that if you want to do it for the good of all mankind and for the good of your tribe, take a job with a meaning. Choose a career that matters. We have an open position in our firm for a special guy like you, with all perks and bonuses.”</p> <p class="cnM5Yzk1YmQ0MjlhODQzMTNiMjIzMTNmMGQ0YjFkYzU1">“I feel...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnMyNWZlZDk4ZjJhMDQ4Mjg4ZWRmN2JiZDc5MzlmNzEy">“Yes?”</p> <p class="cnMyZjM3ODBlZjYwNzRmZTBiOGJjNWFlNDQxYjQ1ZDVm">“...I want to do... something that matters.” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM5MGJjM2E5MzU2OTRmNTJiMzk5ZWIzNzZhZjc0MTI0">“Yes, that's right!”</p> <p class="cnMxYzgzNmMwYTM2NzRhNGFhZDAxNDM3ZWM4M2NiYTk2">“I don't want to dance just to satisfy my own desire...” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnNjNmU5YTQ0MGZhMTRiYWY5YzhiODZjOGQ1Y2Y4ODNk">“Yes, here's your chance! Use your death, make it your life!”</p> <p class="cnMzNDJkZWE2YzA5OTRiNDM5ODA0ZWViMTc2Y2JmNzA4">Dancer was a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm. Did I go overboard with my motivational speech? He looked at Crys, looking for a second opinion.</p> <p class="cnMwNWUzZWU0NzFmYTRlOTk5ODk4ZWFiNmQ3YjA4MTMx">“How about you show your skills to us first.” (Crys)</p> <p class="cnNiZWE5MzI3NDU4MjQ3MjJhYTBjNjQ5ODVkNzFmNWY3">“Oh, that's right! Could you demonstrate your power to Crys-sensei today? Crys can guarantee your safety with a binding blood contract, if you prove to him you are useful. You certainly are useful, right?”</p> <p class="cnNjYzVhMDViNDk1MjQ5MzI4YjU1Y2FjZjY2ZWM5MWVm">“...Un.” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnNiZTg1MDA2YWQzOTQ3OGFiZTU3YjBhMzIyNGVlOTlm">“Yosh, let's move to a location where our new friend can demo his demolition expertise!”</p> <p class="cnM5NmNjMTU0NDJlYTRkYTFiNWEyYTIyZjFiYTE4OTc0">It's good that it's raining heavily today. The city guards probably won't bother leaving their post and run outside just because there's a small explosion in an abandoned lot somewhere.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM1YTdmNGQxNDdkNzQ5NDhhMDFhNGY1NTRlYzc0ZGYz">We took a straight path through the High City Garden area and stopped at an empty plot of land in the middle of a forest park.</p> <p class="cnMzMmE5ZmE0YWMyYjQ5MDFiMTUzNzQ5OTc0YTczODhi">This forest park was just background scenery in the game, but it looked like there had been several small buildings here in the recent past. Now there was just the stone foundations left, everything was burned and covered in black sand. The night watch of the city put out fires mainly by throwing buckets of black beach sand on the flames.</p> <p class="cnM0OGExMjE2MzUwNDQwZTNiNjM1MDMwMzQ4ZWUyNmJl">Crys, Dancer and me all wore rain cloaks and stood under trees while Kimono went ahead to scout the area. When Kimono came back, Crys gave his permission to proceed with the demonstration.</p> <p class="cnM1OWJjZDZhYjU3ZTRlMzNiOTYzNjViZWUwZjY2Y2Zi">“Just a light and short dance, okay? We don't want to bring too much attention to ourselves.”</p> <p class="cnMzZjdiMTYxM2YzOTRlMmFiZjE5OWM0NGY1YWVjNDU4">“Yes, I will control myself.” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM3N2ViZTViN2Q1ODQyODdiYTgzNzNkMjU5MjBjYWNm">Dancer walked over to the open space between two burned houses. Crys, Kimono and me watched him from the treeline.</p> <p class="cnMzNDZkZTQ1MzBkZTRiM2M4NmJkODZjYTUzMjExZWFk">“Crys, if he spins longer than thirty seconds, it's probably better for you two to move back. I'll run in and talk him out of it.”</p> <p class="cnM3MGViNjJjNTNmMDRjOTZiNTM4ZjZjYjM0NmFjN2Y1">“Sure.” (Crys)</p> <p class="cnM5ZWVlNGYwYmRmYjQ1NTJiOWFkNmEzNmJmMDE4ZGFh">Dancer took of his rain cloak, shook his hands and feet for a moment to warm up, and the he started spinning like a dervish, his arms spread wide and head swaying in a different rhythm to prevent dizziness.</p> <p class="cnM0MTcwZWE4YzIxMzRjOTc5YjUxMDQzNWQ2NjBhOGM1">Crys took out his pocket watch and I started counting seconds in my mind. One, two, three...</p> <p class="cnMwOGRhNGUzZTU0NDQ2YjJiYzNlZTU3ZTkzZGFiMjUy">After roughly ten seconds, Dancer made a wide whirl, leaned forward and stomped his foot on the ground like anime hero power-sphereing before attack.</p> <p class="cnM2OWZlNWQ5MjAwMzQ4YTQ4NDY5MmU3OGYxOTNkYTVk">There was a slight delay, and then –</p> <p class="cnM2NjRjZDVkZTEzMTQ3NzA5ZDFlM2Q2ZGY1ZDI0YzVl">BOOM</p> <p class="cnNlNmFhNjdkZjNmMDRjYzM5N2EyZTU3YjZmNGViODhk">– raindrops, sand, debris and twigs blew away like Dancer had put up a momentary invisible force field around him. The radius of the blast was about five meters. The move looked like Dancer had suddenly stepped on a fireless and smokeless landmine in the middle of his dance.</p> <p class="cnM3NmNiNTI1ZDA0YjQyNGQ5MTlmZDk2OGU2MzVmMTMz">I heard a low boom on my ears and felt a sudden strong gust of wind. Kimono instantly moved in front of Crys to block the debris from reaching him.</p> <p class="cnNlNmJjNWU5NjIxOTQ1ZjY4NjVhNDg5MTQ5YTc4Zjlh">“Interesting.” (Crys)</p> <p class="cnM3ZjMyNmM1ZGFmNjQ2NWQ5MjI4ZjczMDNiNDFkZWFm">“Yep, that's what about ten seconds of dancing does. The longer he spins, the bigger the blast. If he spins a few minutes without interruptions, his whole body blows up like a massive pillar of flame instead of this short sphere of pressure... Speaking of pillars of flame, that's how Caliph eventually finds the Psikir Island – by sending arkont Tikano on an expedition to research the source of old sailor stories about bright pillars of light in the southern horizon.”</p> <p class="cnM4Y2RjZGYzOWFhZjQzMDJiODA1OWZlMDhlODQ0MDhi">Dancer wrapped himself in his rain cloak again and walked back to us. He was shivering, but it was probably more from the mental effort he had to exert to stop his dance rather than from the cold rain or the physical effort of dancing itself.</p> <p class="cnMzYWYzN2ZjNmI3MDRjMjE5YTg0YmYxNzcyODM1N2Uy">“...W-was that enough?” (Dancer)</p> <p class="cnM4YWU0Y2ExMmYwNDQ2YTdhYmEwY2ZmZDEyZTA4NTdl">“What do you think, Crys? Lap Dance Revolution is a pretty cool guy, right?”</p> <p class="cnMwN2RlMzQ3MDI0YjQ1MzQ5NTU2OTY4NGY3ZTA2Y2Nm">“Dancer, let's make a contract.” (Crys)</p> <p class="cnNjNDVlMGNkOWFhZDRhY2ZhYjc1ZWU0M2Y0NDM4NWY4">Eeh? He gets a contract immediately? I should be the more useful one here! Does this mean he gets a senior position in the company and I'm his junior? It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Muu... it's fine.</p> <p class="cnNmZTcwZjdlNTc0OTQ5MTQ4OTBlODY2MDhiOTJkM2Iz">I guess Self-Destruction Dance has joined the the party. <em>Tettere~te!</em> Rare item get!</p> <p class="cnM0YWI3MTU0MmVmMTRjN2U5ZTI5N2E5OGY2MzFjMzg4">No, that's wrong. Dancer is a human being or something. Don't think of him as a tool like Strangers or Caliph Tze.</p> <p class="cnNkYjQ0ZDE2N2MwMzQ3YmRhYTQyZGJkNTFkNjQ4M2Ux">If Test Subject doesn't show up tomorrow, our next waypoint is Uwaga Dungeon and we can finally start this run properly.</p> <p class="cnMxNWFkYTY2NDE2YTRkNmQ5ODJjZDVmNWQ1N2FlMjBh">&nbsp;</p> </div>
Self-Destruction Dance (also known as Saif Know-Not) wasn't a playable character in the game. He was a friendly NPC sidekick with low health and mediocre DPS, but he was useful to keep around because of his special skills. Well, for a regular gamer he was useful companion, but not that much for a speedrunner. Dancer's secondary area-of-effect skill had a variable charge time and variable cooldown time depending on the power of the blast. A few spins and a hard step had a knockback effect on all enemies inside a radius of few meters, but a small blast didn't do any damage. A larger interpretive dance, however, was a wide-area attack powerful enough to throw enemies in the air and bend trees in a radius of about dozen meters. The best strat when using Dancer as an AI sidekick was to equip him with long range weapon and macro him to make a quick spin when enemies came too close. This way he could usually avoid melee damage and deal ranged damage. Dancer's party power as such was good, but what made him cumbersome as a sidekick was his balance tradeoff: he sometimes randomly overcharged his dance battle meter for a suicide attack and you had to dialogue him out of it. If you didn't do it in time and his main skill Dance Explosion activated, he went out in a massive pillar of fire like a low-orbit ion cannon in reverse, killing everyone around with him. I had rehearsed in my head what to tell to Dancer, so my time travel backstory went surprisingly smoothly. “...So you traveled back in time and you know my name because... I have some big part in history?” (Dancer) “Yes, something like that.” “...It is true?” (Dancer) “True story.” “...And you know who I am?” (Dancer) “Yes. I know you have lost your memories and wandered around for a while now, trying to find clues about your past. You remember that your slave name is Saif, and you suspect that you were also called Know-Not, and you know that the flesh under your skin is unusually gray for a human, and that's about all, right?” “Y-yes, that's right...” (Dancer) “In the future, you are known as Self-Destruction Dance, or just Dancer for your friends. Crystal Pencil here is your best friend in the future, by the way. You'll be one of the key figures of the Revolution Movement, a group started in the future by your best friend Crys.” “Best friend...?” (Dancer) Dancer looked at Crys doubtfully. Crys, sipping his tea like a James Bond villain, nodded approvingly. Dancer really was his closest henchman in the anime, so hopefully they get along here as well. “Now, about the past you have forgotten... sit tight, we're entering heavy spoiler territory. You were born at Psikir Island, which is a remote island located on the southern Sea of Peace. Its exact location is not known for Caliph or Suleiman yet, but Caliph will find the island few years from now, or to be more precise, his subject arkont Tikano will find it for him. I don't know exactly how you ended up here on the Ur Continent alone and without memories, but my educated guess is that you were left on a raft as a child and carried by ocean currents. Anyway, the main point is that there's actually a whole tribe of people like you out there on Psikir Island.” The Psikir Island episode was a big reveal in the series. We were led to believe that Dancer was a unique character, but then on the fifth season we found out there was an island full of people like Dancer. Caliph Tze's exploration fleet found the island, fought a short but intense battle against the tribe warriors, enslaved the hundred or so psikirs that were still alive and used them as superweapons that turned the trench warfare deadlock into a desperate defensive war for Suleiman's side. “...People like me?” (Dancer) “People who spin, dance and explode. You can feel that obsession, right? You want to dance and spin until you explode like a barrel of gunpowder, instead of just spinning for a moment and sending a mere shockwave blast around you.” “Y-yes, exactly!” (Dancer) Dancer was excited. He had finally found solid info about his past and I was also the first person who completely understood his motivations and goals. Let's not bring his excitement down by telling him about his little sister Fu-Go, who he will meet about four years from now. Yep, kick the difficult things down the road to avoid them. I'll tell him three years from now, if she doesn't show up on her own. “I have never exploded, since I'm just a regular time-traveling human, but I can kind of understand what it would be like for you because I've seen it several times in several different settings. It's still just a weak feeling in you, but it keeps getting stronger the older you get, you know. About five years from now, you will be often in the mood for a random suicide attack and people need to regularly talk you out of it.” “So it's going to be like that...” (Dancer) Dancer was taking everything in and accepting it quite easily. My preparations were paying off. Or maybe Crys softened him before he brought him here? “Yeah, it's like that. The same thing happens to everyone in your tribe when they get older. Old people eventually leave the island and row alone to nearby atolls to dance themselves to death. And by old people I mean people at their late twenties, just like you in a few years.” “And Caliph Tze wants to use my people as weapons to end the war...?” (Dancer) “Yes.” “My people, as weapons... We can't let that happen...” (Dancer) “Exactly, you're catching on quickly. Originally, Psikir Island tribe was artificially created, or you might wanto to use the word cursed, by Strangers. They probably wanted to use people as living drill-and-blast equipment in the dungeon mines or something. That's the common theory. Strangers often used humans like disposable tools and items, modifying them for their strange purposes. Then, after the Strangers disappeared, psikirs had to learn how to live normal lives with their explosive curse. Maybe there's a way for you and your tribe to overcome that curse with time, or maybe it disappears with enough generations, but that requires we make sure there are generations of you in the future.” “I understand...” (Dancer) Hm? Dancer was a bit more positive and talkative guy in the anime. I guess few years living in the streets as an amnesiac and constantly suppressing your basic instinct to kill yourself is enough to turn a person into a wet rag. Crys said he found him from the Showboat Alley in the Low City area. Dancer was working under a local Chiffonnier Gang and living under a rowboat. It takes at least a warm bath and nutritious breakfast to cheer him up. Yosh, let's try some pep talk for starters! “Saif, you are probably the only psikir with enough willpower to stay alive despite being treated like a stray dog. It's a commendable achievement.” “...Being alive doesn't feel like I've achieved something... Normal people stay alive...” (Dancer) “Sure, but for someone like you it is a big achievement, you know. Many psikirs blow themselves up as teenagers. A weak-willed youngster in your position would have danced himself to death already, would you agree?” “I guess...” (Dancer) “You're not an unique guy because you're a psikir, you're unique because your will to live is stronger than any other psikir's in existence.” “I guess so...” (Dancer) “Do you want to return to the island of your tribe?” “I don't know...” (Dancer) “Then, do you want to come with us and save the world? Do you want to kill Caliph Tze, the evil guy that will destroy your tribe in the future if we let him stay alive?” “You mean... kill him by dancing...?” (Dancer) “Yes, kill him by dancing him into oblivion or trap him under a mountain, whatever it takes. That's our main mission. Or, well, the world will probably fall to many small factions fighting for territory and resources after that, but at least when the Big Bad is gone, there's some hope for humanity. Your role is to be our secret weapon, our last nuclear option, if our first option or second option doesn't work. We don't force you to do it, of course. I'm just saying that if you want to do it for the good of all mankind and for the good of your tribe, take a job with a meaning. Choose a career that matters. We have an open position in our firm for a special guy like you, with all perks and bonuses.” “I feel...” (Dancer) “Yes?” “...I want to do... something that matters.” (Dancer) “Yes, that's right!” “I don't want to dance just to satisfy my own desire...” (Dancer) “Yes, here's your chance! Use your death, make it your life!” Dancer was a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm. Did I go overboard with my motivational speech? He looked at Crys, looking for a second opinion. “How about you show your skills to us first.” (Crys) “Oh, that's right! Could you demonstrate your power to Crys-sensei today? Crys can guarantee your safety with a binding blood contract, if you prove to him you are useful. You certainly are useful, right?” “...Un.” (Dancer) “Yosh, let's move to a location where our new friend can demo his demolition expertise!” It's good that it's raining heavily today. The city guards probably won't bother leaving their post and run outside just because there's a small explosion in an abandoned lot somewhere. --- We took a straight path through the High City Garden area and stopped at an empty plot of land in the middle of a forest park. This forest park was just background scenery in the game, but it looked like there had been several small buildings here in the recent past. Now there was just the stone foundations left, everything was burned and covered in black sand. The night watch of the city put out fires mainly by throwing buckets of black beach sand on the flames. Crys, Dancer and me all wore rain cloaks and stood under trees while Kimono went ahead to scout the area. When Kimono came back, Crys gave his permission to proceed with the demonstration. “Just a light and short dance, okay? We don't want to bring too much attention to ourselves.” “Yes, I will control myself.” (Dancer) Dancer walked over to the open space between two burned houses. Crys, Kimono and me watched him from the treeline. “Crys, if he spins longer than thirty seconds, it's probably better for you two to move back. I'll run in and talk him out of it.” “Sure.” (Crys) Dancer took of his rain cloak, shook his hands and feet for a moment to warm up, and the he started spinning like a dervish, his arms spread wide and head swaying in a different rhythm to prevent dizziness. Crys took out his pocket watch and I started counting seconds in my mind. One, two, three... After roughly ten seconds, Dancer made a wide whirl, leaned forward and stomped his foot on the ground like anime hero power-sphereing before attack. There was a slight delay, and then – BOOM – raindrops, sand, debris and twigs blew away like Dancer had put up a momentary invisible force field around him. The radius of the blast was about five meters. The move looked like Dancer had suddenly stepped on a fireless and smokeless landmine in the middle of his dance. I heard a low boom on my ears and felt a sudden strong gust of wind. Kimono instantly moved in front of Crys to block the debris from reaching him. “Interesting.” (Crys) “Yep, that's what about ten seconds of dancing does. The longer he spins, the bigger the blast. If he spins a few minutes without interruptions, his whole body blows up like a massive pillar of flame instead of this short sphere of pressure... Speaking of pillars of flame, that's how Caliph eventually finds the Psikir Island – by sending arkont Tikano on an expedition to research the source of old sailor stories about bright pillars of light in the southern horizon.” Dancer wrapped himself in his rain cloak again and walked back to us. He was shivering, but it was probably more from the mental effort he had to exert to stop his dance rather than from the cold rain or the physical effort of dancing itself. “...W-was that enough?” (Dancer) “What do you think, Crys? Lap Dance Revolution is a pretty cool guy, right?” “Dancer, let's make a contract.” (Crys) Eeh? He gets a contract immediately? I should be the more useful one here! Does this mean he gets a senior position in the company and I'm his junior? It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Muu... it's fine. I guess Self-Destruction Dance has joined the the party. *Tettere~te!* Rare item get! No, that's wrong. Dancer is a human being or something. Don't think of him as a tool like Strangers or Caliph Tze. If Test Subject doesn't show up tomorrow, our next waypoint is Uwaga Dungeon and we can finally start this run properly.
{ "title": "A Ghoul's Legend", "id": 21470, "author": "Sevytrem", "rating": 3.4 }
{ "title": "New Skills?", "id": 305914, "next": 306230, "prev": 305637, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwNzBhZGRiYWFmYjQ0ZDY4NjFlMmE0MjNmOWQ3MTVh">10 November Year 2367</p> <p class="cnNiNWFjODAyMDQ3ODRkM2VhNTlkMDBjNzQ2MzRiYjA5">"And I'm here."</p> <p class="cnNmN2U5MTViZTI1OTQzNmJiMjNhYjVkNTA5OTY4YzZi">Telfer stopped in front of dormitory 324. <em>How do I get in? Right, I can use the student handbook. </em></p> <p class="cnMzYWJmY2Q1N2VmZDQwMjJiNjczMmRiZWIwZGJmZjhl">"Let's see...insert your student handbook into the door and press your right thumb on the thumbprint lock. Here goes nothing."</p> <p class="cnNlZDYyYmU5NjFiNjQyMGViMDRlYzQ5ODJhMTZjMDEz">Telfer stared at the wooden door impatiently. Just then, an electronic voice said,</p> <p class="cnM1NTMyYmIwYTFhMzQzNzg5NWYwMzI1MjJiYzlhYmZj">"Confirming identity of new student, Kevin Firman. All clear, welcome Kevin Firman."</p> <p class="cnMwMzllYzg5NTlkMTQ3YmQ5ZWZiODljNDEzN2ZjYzc5">The door swung open and Telfer was greeted by a large muscular youth with a bright smile on his face. His dark brown wavy hair bounced up and down as he held Telfer up while spluttering loudly,</p> <p class="cnNhOTI2ZGEwNjk5YTQxYjliMWI1OGU0ZGM3N2M4YTEw">"Azuma get over here! Our new roommate is here!"</p> <p class="cnNmNDlhMjZhNGE3MTQwNzk4NzY1MzMwMzI4NTExNWMz">"Oh, give me a second."</p> <p class="cnM2ZDdjNWYwZWQ4YjQyYzBhMjZhMDE5MDM4YjlmYmVj">Another voice came over, albeit a little annoyed.</p> <p class="cnM5ZjFkNDYxZmQ3YzRlNGM5NDM5N2UyY2IzNzU1MzIx">Telfer looked over the youth's shoulder. A small living area complete with a table, several chairs and what looked like a television. Past the living area were several doors, each of which presumably led to a bedroom. Just then, a black haired youth stepped out of one of the doors and started walking over. Telfer inspected him closely. Black haired with brown eyes that seemed to stare piercingly at him. <em>He looks... Asian?&nbsp;</em>However, he immediately brightened up and said,</p> <p class="cnNlM2UxMzkxODI0NTQxNDdhZmQwYmYzMGI2MGM3ZWVk">"Nice to meet you, I am Azuma Kazuhiro from Class 1B. I use emblem magic. Introduce yourself you idiot."</p> <p class="cnMxYWM3MzJkOGY1ZjQ2MmJiZDE3Mzk2YTE5YzJkMGRk">"Sorry about that, my name is Vincent Richmond from Class 1C. I use Earth magic. What about you?"</p> <p class="cnMyMjUxMWQ1NmIzYzRkYWRiNTA1NDJmODc5ODZiMzg1">The large youth grinned cheekily while placing Telfer back down.</p> <p class="cnM5YzFiNGZjYzJhNTQ3MWY5MjM0NDA4ZDg5YjJmMTA5">"Hi, I'm Kevin Firman from Class 1D. I use poison magic. I will be your roommate from now on."</p> <p class="cnNhMmQyMmJkZWRkOTRlMmVhODJlYTYwYmJhZmQ2OTA3">Telfer nodded at Azuma and Vincent.</p> <p class="cnM2MDc1NjAwNjRmYjRiNzc5MDBjOGRiMjA0MzNjZTY2">"Your room will be the one furthest to the left. Where's your luggage? Aren't you a transfer student?"</p> <p class="cnNlODI4NjVmMGUxMTRmYzZiNDhiMWQyMDhjYjlkOTU1">Vincent asked Telfer in confusion.</p> <p class="cnM5MjMxZGEzOWRlNTQxYTZhNGVlMjIzMjM2ZTVmYzA1">"Oh, I uh... didn't pack anything. I'm actually planning to buy stuff now that I'm here."</p> <p class="cnNkNzdhNDk3Mzk3ZTRjN2RhNTEzMmRkMzI1NTdhMmVm">Telfer quickly came up with a lie. He wanted to quickly move on and take a break but then Azuma said,</p> <p class="cnM5ODQ0MDQ3MmNkNDQ1MDY5ODRlYTg5ODcxMTA5MGIx">"Oh, we can accompany you then. We will lend you some money as well. Since we are at it anyway, why don't we just explore the campus first? You're a transfer student after all. After that, we will bring you around Vestak and treat you to dinner."</p> <p class="cnMzMzI3N2JmNDFhMzQ3M2ZhNWZjNWJjMTNkMjhjNjJl"><em>Noooo! My well-deserved break...</em></p> <p class="cnNjNTQ1NDExYTA1OTRmNDNhYWQ3ZjFhNmI2NGZiYWQ5">Just like that, Telfer was dragged around by his new roommates. However, the introduction of the school campus was a much-needed one. The Vestak Magic School campus boasted a size of 15000 acres. Situated in the middle of Vestak city, the campus had a number of different facilities. Aside from the usual facilities such as dormitories, classrooms and mess halls, there were also the other magic focused facilities. These included the Beast Keeping area for those who specialized in taming and summoning, the Magic Practical Training area, where mages could test out new spells and cultivation rooms which mages could use for faster absorption of mana. Among all these facilities, the 2 most heavily utilised facilities were the mission hall and Arena. The school authorities highly encouraged competition among the students in recent years due to the decreasing number of stellar mages the school was producing. In fact, the school ran mostly on student leadership. The higher ups would not interfere unless there was something major involved. Strength was the deciding factor as only the strongest ten student mages were part of the leadership community. However, among all these places, Telfer did not find anything that pointed to a treasury of some sort.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlODM1ODg3ZDY0MDQ3Mzg5NTAyODk4ZWFmODRjYWJm"><em>Shit, looks like they won't just point me to where it is huh? I could hope to join the leadership community but it wouldn't be fast enough...</em></p> <p class="cnM3NDJkZDdiZTkxNjQxNzFhMzIwZmQyM2RmMmY0OGJh">A line appeared between Telfer's eyebrows.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2YmY4MWU1ZmE1MjQ2ZDViMTAwODNlOTZiYzNmNTcy">"Kevin? Are we not going out to get you some stuff now?"</p> <p class="cnM4ZTdmMzZiNWRiMjQ2ZTM5N2VmZDc4ZWJkYmJkMjUz">Azuma asked Telfer.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZWEzMWFjOWRkNzQyMmI5NTA0YmYxNDdkOGVlODg0">"Right, I was just amazed by how big the school is. Let's go then."</p> <p class="cnM2NTYyMmZjOTZhMzQyYzA4YTNiNmUxYmQ0MTg4ZGIx">Telfer quickly replied. They had taken a 4 whole hours to explore the school. It was going to be 8 soon.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMTE2OTY5MmYzMDQ3Y2JhYzY4YjI1NzRjNDJmNTIz">Azuma and Vincent brought Telfer around town, recommending to him some of the best locations around town. The thing that shocked Telfer the most was the luxury the people of Vestak lived in. Hovercars zoomed past Telfer. A train system that powered by spatial magic and electricity. Everyone that walked past wore expensive, branded goods. There was even a woman who had a spatial ring on every single finger. Stores proudly displaying magical equipment worth millions of dollars. A fountain on every single space that allowed.<em>So this is wear all the electricity and water goes... Even though there is a slum bordering this city.&nbsp;</em>After spending an hour shopping,&nbsp; Azuma and Vincent brought Telfer to one of their favourite restaurants. The food at the restaurant was extremely costly, however, Azuma had the price slashed by half.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNDVjNmIyMTZiNzQ1NDlhNmNjZjJjODlhNmU3OTZl">Azuma said casually, "Oh, my family owns this restaurant. It's run by the Kazuhiro Association."</p> <p class="cnNmMjU4NmUxZjQ1YTRjZTA5NDk0NDU4NWY4YmZjN2Q2">"Isn't that one of the most powerful organizations? They practically run the economy in the country."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYWVkOTQxMmJkMTRhOTQ4MGEzZGY5ZGU5YmYxZDIx">Telfer said questioningly as he remembered seeing the Kazuhiro Association being plasted all over the city in advertisements.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxZmE0YjIwOWE0NjRhMTNhNzQxMzM4YTE2NDdhZGQz">"Yeah, but I'm just from a branch family so I don't really have a say within the organization. Anyway, what do you think of Vestak City? It's practically the centre of magic and technology in Fruinga. I almost forgot, how are your preparations going into the Freshman Competition next week? You're a transfer student right? You should have some powerful magic."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMTFmYWRjODM5ODRmY2U5OTg2MWUyM2I4NDMyMjg5">Azuma waved off Telfer's remark and asked him instead.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmYzUwZDY3ZjY5ZjRkOGZiMWE3MDUwYjY1ZGI3ZDYz">"Freshman Competition? I did not hear of such a thing. What exactly is it?" Telfer asked as his eyebrows came together.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YWM2NjY0ZTRjMjQzYzViYmU0YTQ0Njg1Njg2ZDQy">"It's an annual competition the school hosts at the end of the first term. Apparently, the prize pool for this year is larger than ever before. There are rumours of a treasure sword as well. Some are saying that the school is investing a lot this year in order to produce quality mages. Maybe it's for the National Magic Competition that are coming around next year. If the school performs on the National stage, there will be no doubt it will start flourishing again. Have you truly not heard of anything like this? Did you not research while transferring over?"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNmMzYWQzOTQ3NTQ5ODU5Yjc1ZjQ5ZGMzNzEyZTkz">Azuma inquired.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0YjM1NDM1YWU0NzQ5MDRiYWRmYTA3ZWViMzA2MDhk">"Oh, not really, I was stuck in Blackmaw Stronghold after all. I did hear Vestak Magic School was quite prestigious before its decline in recent years. How far do you think Poison Hand will take me?"</p> <p class="cnNmNzZjMDJmMzg3ZjRiODlhMjZjM2UxN2VmZDNmNzUw">Telfer asked almost immediately.&nbsp;<em>A treasure sword. That's mine for sure.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnNmNzM3MTA0MzZhNzQ0OWRiOGYzYmI5OTE2YmUyNTk4">"Poison Hand? If you train hard enough, you can reach the top 16. I doubt you can rise above that. There are some geniuses in our cohort after all. Nevermind less talk about fighting, let's eat."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYTgwMTk2NmQ5ZjQ1NTY5NDIyNDNiMDlmNWYzZTMw">Vincent said impatiently as his eyes gleamed at the magical beast dishes spread out on the table.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MmNiNDBkMzExMzRiNmY4YmVlY2FiNmZlMzI1NmI5">Telfer picked up a piece of meat that looked like roast duck.&nbsp;<em>Here goes nothing...</em>&nbsp;The meat melted in Telfer's mouth and a satisfying feeling emerged from his mana organ immediately. It was the same feeling he had experienced during cultivation but there was an additional system notification.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhYzFkOWVlM2U1NjQ0NTM4NTJjMWZjOTQzMzY1MThm">"Host has consumed magical beast and Host's intelligence has increased by 0.1"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlODViOTQ4MjUzZTQwMmRiNWY2ZjVkZjJmNmQ5MjBm">Telfer immediately stuffed his mouth with the various dishes on the table.&nbsp;<em>Who knew eating food would reap such benefits?</em></p> <p class="cnM3YTFkYTQxM2NjOTQ2MmViOTNmY2U1M2ZkMTU0OTUx">Countless notifications surfaced.</p> <p class="cnM0NWM1NzFkNWQ1YzQxYjI5YjAwNjk2YTQ1N2ZkYTY5">"Host's intelligence has increased by 0.1"</p> <p class="cnMxYzVhMWFkYmE0MTRlNTU5N2UzZjNjNDI0ZTdjZTk1">"Host's energy has increased by 0.1"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZTBlY2U3NjY2YTQyNjk5ZmFkZDdhYTBlNmZmNjMy">"Host's strength has increased by 0.1"</p> <p class="cnM1OTBiNDgxNjM4YTQyYmFhODk4ZTc4ZjM4MGMxY2I0">"Host's stamina has increased by 0.1"</p> <p class="cnMzY2I3M2Q3YzVmYjQ5YjZiOGIzMTcwZDZkMTViZWNi">"Ah, that was a good meal."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNTI2MDIxOTM3MzQxZmI5OTJkYTlmMzE4M2NhOGM3">Telfer rubbed his belly and licked his lip.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxMjBiMTA1YTgzMjQwNTNiNjEzZWFkZTNhMDA0NGZi">"I know right? Being roommates with Azuma is the best thing in the world."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NTk0Mjg3MDhjMDQ3NTdiNjQ2MzI4ZDExMWJlYzI4">Vincent followed up.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NzhjMWJkMDJkNjQ0NmFhODAyMjUzYTU0Yjg5ZWQ4">"Am I just a food provider to you?"&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMmExMTNjOTI2ZjQxZTg4MmFlMWQwYzg4YzY1N2E2">Azuma scowled at Vincent.</p> <p class="cnMyMmJkNzA1YjA4MDRmNzc5YjM4Y2FkY2JiNWI4NDY0">Telfer looked at his 2 roommates and chuckled.&nbsp;<em>I guess I don't have psychopaths for roommates then.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnM3MWNmOGViNzUyODQ5ZmU4OTY2ZmFhMzk1N2JjOTVm">The three of them joked and laughed as they started heading back to their dorm.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNDYxZTljMThlNTQ4YjdiMjI5NTg5MGRmMzk3MDIz">All of a sudden, Telfer said, "You guys head in first, I'm going to stay outside for abit."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5ODA0ZDA2ZWMwNTQ3NTZiODc0YWJhYTI4MzJiYWYy">"Ok, just make sure to be back before the 11 o'clock curfew. Night."</p> <p class="cnNiMDQxNDk2OWJmNjQ1YzhhYzc5NzlhMzRjN2U2ZGJm">Vincent yawned as he waved to Telfer. Telfer sat on one of the benches outside the dorm and opened up his status window.&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Status Window</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Titles: None</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Name: Telfer Berkley</td> <td colspan="2">Age: 12</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Race: Ghoul</td> <td colspan="2">Gender: Male</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Alignment: ???</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Health:</td> <td>110/110</td> <td>Heath regen.:</td> <td>5/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Energy:</td> <td>60/60</td> <td>Energy Regen.:</td> <td>1/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mana:&nbsp;</td> <td>15/15</td> <td>Mana Regen.:</td> <td>0.5/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Strength:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Agility:</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dexterity:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Stamina:</td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intelligence:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Wisdom:</td> <td>4</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Skills&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <p class="cnMwZDY0ODFjMWRhNTQwOTc5YTdmZGNjMWM5ZmIwZjhl">Ghoul:</p> <p class="cnM0OWU2NDMyNTRiMjQzZjVhNjc0YTM1MTE5NzhhNWM3">Magic Spells:</p> <p class="cnNhZGY1MTg2NmY5MzQzMzU5Y2I3MmU4NDA5MWQ5MDAy">Poison Hand</p> <p class="cnMwYmM5NDM5YmFlYTQ5NWNiYjhmYmE3MGM2OGYwOWNm">Cloak&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiN2Q1NzJkMTBlMjRlODE4MzgzMDJjMzVmYWIzZTBj">&nbsp;<em>My intelligence increased by a whole 2 points... The amount of mana in my mana organ has increased by quite a bit.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMzODU5NDdhNmQwYzQ4MDY4M2FjZjQ0ZTBjYWFlMGFh">The stat boost across the board was welcomed by Telfer, especially with the upcoming Freshman Competition. Upon thinking of the Freshman Competition, Telfer started sweating profusely. A treasure sword. He had to win at all costs to gurantee himself to have a shot at it no matter what. <em>Train hard enough just to reach top 16? There has to be a way to reach number 1.&nbsp;</em>Poison Hand was not going to cut it.&nbsp;Then his corporate businessman mind said, <em>what are the weak points of mages? What do I have that they don't?&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMwOGZjMDU0ZTExMDQ2YjRhNDcwMTdlNGU0OThiNWM1"><em>Wait. Poison Hand looks like my transformed arm.</em></p> <p class="cnNiZGEwZjA4ODA0YzRlNTBhNTQ2ZjViNWQwYTUwZjhk">Telfer remembered using Poison Hand the first time. It had a somewhat similar colouration to his transformed arm. He could pass off his stupidly powerful arm as Poison Hand. It could definitely smash a mage to pieces if he restrained his ghoul cells to his arm.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNWQwZmQ3NGFiOTRjZGE4NDgwZjY1NjU0MzQ3NzJk"><em>I shall call this move Mass Transfer... I have to work on transferring ghoul cells to my arm faster to make it usable. But what if I run to someone who specializes in defense? I'm pretty sure there are other mages like Vincent that have powerful bodies...&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMwYzUwZTRmMWM0NDQ0MGQ4ZDFkNDFjYjRjMDA2NzJi">Telfer sighed as he transformed his left arm again and again. The current transfer took at least 3 seconds. He could get hit by a spell within those 3 seconds. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration went through Telfer's mind. Telfer restrained all his ghoul cells to his left arm. The arm started to lose its form.&nbsp;<em>No! Hold it together you piece of shit!&nbsp;</em>Telfer's hand was screaming with pain but he continued.&nbsp;<em>Come on! I'm not done yet!&nbsp;</em>Telfer's arm started whirring. Telfer scanned the surroundings and spotted a rock. Telfer hefted his arm and went over the rock.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNzUxOWFlYzJhODRlNWQ5OWYwY2VhYWUyNTM0ZTc4">*BANG*</p> <p class="cnNhNGY3ODQ2MGMyODQ4YjRhNDUwNmUyYmY1ZTM5NGMy">The rock shattered into dust, as if it was no longer there. Instead a pool of acid laid where the rock once was. The acid quickly disappeared but the noise seemed to have made some of the students wake up. Telfer darted into a bush.</p> <p class="cnM1OWYwNDdjMjQzMjQwNzJiZDRjZWMzNWFjYTNlNDVl">"WHICH FUCKING MORON DECIDED TO TEST MAGIC HERE? TESTING ROOMS EXIST FOR A REASON!"</p> <p class="cnNkNzI0ZTQ3NTU2YzRlZWE5OTA5MTQwNDZjOGRjODc3">A resounding shout echoed throughout the dorm area.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzZTZiOWI5NTUxYTRmNzdhODc1NmU4NzY0N2ZhZjMy">Telfer ignored the shout and glanced at his now deformed left arm. Although his hand was screaming with pain and covered in sweat, Telfer smirked about his impending victory during the Freshman Competition. Telfer opened up his status window as he waited for his hand to heal.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Status Window</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Titles: None</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Name: Telfer Berkley</td> <td colspan="2">Age: 12</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Race: Ghoul</td> <td colspan="2">Gender: Male</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Alignment: ???</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Stats</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Health:</td> <td>50/110</td> <td>Heath regen.:</td> <td>5/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Energy:</td> <td>30/60</td> <td>Energy Regen.:</td> <td>1/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mana:&nbsp;</td> <td>8/15</td> <td>Mana Regen.:</td> <td>0.5/min</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Strength:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Agility:</td> <td>5</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dexterity:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Stamina:</td> <td>6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intelligence:</td> <td>6</td> <td>Wisdom:</td> <td>4</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="4">Skills&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <p class="cnM0NTA4NTVmYjgzMTRiNGY4ODVlYzQ1M2FhZmI5NTVj">Ghoul:</p> <p class="cnM4MThkZWRlYTAxYTQ1YTJiODk4YzNhNTU4MWEyODZj">Mass Transfer (Work in Progress)</p> <p class="cnMwMDExOWUzNzQyOTRjYWM5NjUyYWRiNmMyYzhiZWNh">??? (Work in Progress)</p> <p class="cnNmNmJiNTRlNDU2NjRiYTg5ZjE5NDQ4NmU5ZjdhNTYx">Magic Spells:</p> <p class="cnM2ZTEyYzE5YzI1NDRlYjdhZjE0ZDE2YjQ4MDYxNDAy">Poison Hand (Poison Magic)</p> <p class="cnMzMzYyZmViM2Y2MzQwZmRiMjE2Njg1YTI5NzdiYjVl">Cloak (Illusion Magic)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM3NWVmZWY0YzBkODRjYmJhM2E3YWJiZWZhMDljZmQ5"><em>Still a work in progress huh?&nbsp;</em><em>It's still not usable yet. Today's a Monday. Assuming the competition is next Monday, I have 6 more days...&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnM0YzFlZDk5ODAwYTQ0OTQ5Mjk1ZTdlM2I1OGM2MjMy">Telfer headed back to the dorm to sleep. As Telfer dozed off to sleep, unbeknownst to him, the glyph on his back had lit up for a moment.</p> <p class="cnNjY2FjYTMxNmQwMDRhMWE5NTQxNTVhMzBlMWY5ZmI1">November 11 Year 2367</p> <p class="cnMzZDNmMDExZTcxZTRlNjJiZWViMDdlZTZhY2E0NGVk">Telfer woke up to sound of his roommates moving about. It was 6.30 in the morning.&nbsp;<em>13 more days to get the damn sword.&nbsp;</em>Telfer quickly got himself dressed and accompanied his roommates for breakfast in the mess hall before going to class. Class was practically the same as yesterday. With the help of Mr. Dawson, his wisdom had increased to 5 while cultivating increased his mana pool to 16 and intelligence to 6.2. However, instead of being dragged around by his roommates, he decided to go to the library.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYzc3MTY3N2JjNDQ3YjFiYTE2ZGJmZDM5Y2Y4MWFj"><em>Let's see... first up will be researching Poison magic.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnMwM2U5MGNhMTg5ZDQwOTliN2UzOTI4ZDhhY2Y2NWQy">Telfer went to the computer and typed in "Poison Magic", finding a book that suited his needs. He went over to the shelf and found the book before sitting down to read it.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0NThlNThjNjAwYzQ5YjhhZjBjYmFjNTkwYzFhZmNi"><em>The first spell that every Poison Mage learns is Poison Hand. This will be followed up by Poison Mist, Poison Arrow, Poison Pool, Poisonous Image and Poison Rain After this, the next 3 spells will be constructed by the mages themselves. Hence, from the 7th circle onwards, Poison Mages will now be unique and feature their own unique spells. This is a common trait within all mages of 7th circle and above. Moreover, most Poison Mages will study a second magic to support their Poison Magic. For example, a mage could pick up Shadow Magic as a support magic to increase their power in close range combat.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnNmZjA1NzUzMTgyNTRmZjJiNjc2YzUwYWQyYTJjZDg3">Telfer summarised after he had pored over book after book. The first 6 circles were pre determined. Everything from 7th circle onwards was left to himself. Telfer stood up and stretched. He had spent 3 hours in the library. It was time to practice his new skills again. This time, Telfer remembered to use the Testing Rooms. He was improving slowly but surely. 1 hour and a mangled left arm was the cost. The result? Mass Transfer now used 2.5 seconds instead of 3 while his new move slowly gained progress. The amount of energy it required decreased from 30 to 27. After training, Telfer would eat dinner at the mess hall before going to sleep. This practice continued for the next 3 days as well.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlOWZjZTA5NGU5YzQwYmJiNDAzYzY0N2UwY2EzOGRi">15 November Year 2367</p> <p class="cnMwYmI0YzhjMjNlODRhYTVhNTkwZTExOGRiYmRiOWJl">Telfer woke up at 8 o'clock. He had just finished the 4th day of his hellish routine yesterday. There was no school today so Telfer was free to do whatever he needed to.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5OTJmMWQ4MTRmNjQzOTU5MDVlMmQ3ZjlmYTBmOTU3">*Ding*</p> <p class="cnNhMjJmN2NlNjk3YTRmNzBiZWU1NzM4ZWRkNDllNzMw">A notification had came from "Unknown". Telfer narrowed his eyes and clicked on it.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkOWMwNmQ0YjE0NjQyOTM4ZWUxODgzMDUxMDM5OTMw">"Hello assassin 150, we believe that we have the location of the treasury. We will send it to you now. However, we also believe that it will be extremely difficult to bring out the Eternal Harmony due to the glyph array that is set up in the treasury. Hence, you are to meet your partner who is one of the students at Vestak Magic School. Please meet him outside the Beast Keeping Area at 0900 hours. Everything else will be explained by him. We wish the best of luck. Regards, The People's Blade."</p> <p class="cnMxZTJhNjhjODhjMDQyOWU5OTdhOTdiOTA4MDAwYzE0"><em>A partner. Am I not the 150th person they have sent to steal the sword? Why is there another person? If he is a psychopath, I won't mind smashing his face to pieces.&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnM1NjAwNTQ5YjQ5NTQ4Y2Q4MjI3YzMzMWNlZDAwMWYz">Telfer dressed himself and left for the Beast Keeping Area.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiYjg0OWYzYmU2YjRhOTZiYWMwZmY3NWI3NWY4ODQz"><em>Where is that fucking psychopath?&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="cnM0ZjM1NTdiMzE3ZTQzYWM5YTJhNTI4YWY5NjBlMDVl">Telfer stood at the entrance to the Beast Keeping Area, looking around warily.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNjY2MjNlMmZhYzQ2YTQ5ODFjMjE3MDdlYWJiOWQy">"Sup dude. Over here."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZGQxMDYxMmE4NzRhOWM4MWE4MDZhZWFmZjU0OTJi">A hushed voice came from behind Telfer.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4ZWNkYmM3ZmI3YzRhM2Y5YTAxMDM4ZWYwNGE3Nzg5">Telfer spun around, winding up his left arm. However, the massive white wolf snarling in front of him immediately dispersed any thoughts he had.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM5MTUyYTU5ZTU5NDQzMWQ5MDc2NzQxMDk0NzI3Nzkx">"Woah, you need to calm down before I give my wolf friend here a morning snack. I know you met a psycho but not everyone is like that."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlNjJjNmE0NzJjYTRlYWJhOWI3MjA4ZTQzMTMyMzNj">Standing beside the wolf was a lanky grey haired youth dressed in the Vestak Magic School uniform.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkZTk0YmVmYWY1NTQ2NmVhMjNiZmY5ZGRlZTY1NWU5">End of Chapter</p> </div>
10 November Year 2367 "And I'm here." Telfer stopped in front of dormitory 324. *How do I get in? Right, I can use the student handbook.* "Let's see...insert your student handbook into the door and press your right thumb on the thumbprint lock. Here goes nothing." Telfer stared at the wooden door impatiently. Just then, an electronic voice said, "Confirming identity of new student, Kevin Firman. All clear, welcome Kevin Firman." The door swung open and Telfer was greeted by a large muscular youth with a bright smile on his face. His dark brown wavy hair bounced up and down as he held Telfer up while spluttering loudly, "Azuma get over here! Our new roommate is here!" "Oh, give me a second." Another voice came over, albeit a little annoyed. Telfer looked over the youth's shoulder. A small living area complete with a table, several chairs and what looked like a television. Past the living area were several doors, each of which presumably led to a bedroom. Just then, a black haired youth stepped out of one of the doors and started walking over. Telfer inspected him closely. Black haired with brown eyes that seemed to stare piercingly at him. *He looks... Asian?*However, he immediately brightened up and said, "Nice to meet you, I am Azuma Kazuhiro from Class 1B. I use emblem magic. Introduce yourself you idiot." "Sorry about that, my name is Vincent Richmond from Class 1C. I use Earth magic. What about you?" The large youth grinned cheekily while placing Telfer back down. "Hi, I'm Kevin Firman from Class 1D. I use poison magic. I will be your roommate from now on." Telfer nodded at Azuma and Vincent. "Your room will be the one furthest to the left. Where's your luggage? Aren't you a transfer student?" Vincent asked Telfer in confusion. "Oh, I uh... didn't pack anything. I'm actually planning to buy stuff now that I'm here." Telfer quickly came up with a lie. He wanted to quickly move on and take a break but then Azuma said, "Oh, we can accompany you then. We will lend you some money as well. Since we are at it anyway, why don't we just explore the campus first? You're a transfer student after all. After that, we will bring you around Vestak and treat you to dinner." *Noooo! My well-deserved break...* Just like that, Telfer was dragged around by his new roommates. However, the introduction of the school campus was a much-needed one. The Vestak Magic School campus boasted a size of 15000 acres. Situated in the middle of Vestak city, the campus had a number of different facilities. Aside from the usual facilities such as dormitories, classrooms and mess halls, there were also the other magic focused facilities. These included the Beast Keeping area for those who specialized in taming and summoning, the Magic Practical Training area, where mages could test out new spells and cultivation rooms which mages could use for faster absorption of mana. Among all these facilities, the 2 most heavily utilised facilities were the mission hall and Arena. The school authorities highly encouraged competition among the students in recent years due to the decreasing number of stellar mages the school was producing. In fact, the school ran mostly on student leadership. The higher ups would not interfere unless there was something major involved. Strength was the deciding factor as only the strongest ten student mages were part of the leadership community. However, among all these places, Telfer did not find anything that pointed to a treasury of some sort.  *Shit, looks like they won't just point me to where it is huh? I could hope to join the leadership community but it wouldn't be fast enough...* A line appeared between Telfer's eyebrows.  "Kevin? Are we not going out to get you some stuff now?" Azuma asked Telfer.  "Right, I was just amazed by how big the school is. Let's go then." Telfer quickly replied. They had taken a 4 whole hours to explore the school. It was going to be 8 soon.  Azuma and Vincent brought Telfer around town, recommending to him some of the best locations around town. The thing that shocked Telfer the most was the luxury the people of Vestak lived in. Hovercars zoomed past Telfer. A train system that powered by spatial magic and electricity. Everyone that walked past wore expensive, branded goods. There was even a woman who had a spatial ring on every single finger. Stores proudly displaying magical equipment worth millions of dollars. A fountain on every single space that allowed.*So this is wear all the electricity and water goes... Even though there is a slum bordering this city.*After spending an hour shopping,  Azuma and Vincent brought Telfer to one of their favourite restaurants. The food at the restaurant was extremely costly, however, Azuma had the price slashed by half.  Azuma said casually, "Oh, my family owns this restaurant. It's run by the Kazuhiro Association." "Isn't that one of the most powerful organizations? They practically run the economy in the country."  Telfer said questioningly as he remembered seeing the Kazuhiro Association being plasted all over the city in advertisements.  "Yeah, but I'm just from a branch family so I don't really have a say within the organization. Anyway, what do you think of Vestak City? It's practically the centre of magic and technology in Fruinga. I almost forgot, how are your preparations going into the Freshman Competition next week? You're a transfer student right? You should have some powerful magic."  Azuma waved off Telfer's remark and asked him instead.  "Freshman Competition? I did not hear of such a thing. What exactly is it?" Telfer asked as his eyebrows came together.  "It's an annual competition the school hosts at the end of the first term. Apparently, the prize pool for this year is larger than ever before. There are rumours of a treasure sword as well. Some are saying that the school is investing a lot this year in order to produce quality mages. Maybe it's for the National Magic Competition that are coming around next year. If the school performs on the National stage, there will be no doubt it will start flourishing again. Have you truly not heard of anything like this? Did you not research while transferring over?"  Azuma inquired.  "Oh, not really, I was stuck in Blackmaw Stronghold after all. I did hear Vestak Magic School was quite prestigious before its decline in recent years. How far do you think Poison Hand will take me?" Telfer asked almost immediately. *A treasure sword. That's mine for sure.* "Poison Hand? If you train hard enough, you can reach the top 16. I doubt you can rise above that. There are some geniuses in our cohort after all. Nevermind less talk about fighting, let's eat."  Vincent said impatiently as his eyes gleamed at the magical beast dishes spread out on the table.  Telfer picked up a piece of meat that looked like roast duck. *Here goes nothing...* The meat melted in Telfer's mouth and a satisfying feeling emerged from his mana organ immediately. It was the same feeling he had experienced during cultivation but there was an additional system notification.  "Host has consumed magical beast and Host's intelligence has increased by 0.1"  Telfer immediately stuffed his mouth with the various dishes on the table. *Who knew eating food would reap such benefits?* Countless notifications surfaced. "Host's intelligence has increased by 0.1" "Host's energy has increased by 0.1"  "Host's strength has increased by 0.1" "Host's stamina has increased by 0.1" "Ah, that was a good meal."  Telfer rubbed his belly and licked his lip.  "I know right? Being roommates with Azuma is the best thing in the world."  Vincent followed up.  "Am I just a food provider to you?"  Azuma scowled at Vincent. Telfer looked at his 2 roommates and chuckled. *I guess I don't have psychopaths for roommates then.* The three of them joked and laughed as they started heading back to their dorm.  All of a sudden, Telfer said, "You guys head in first, I'm going to stay outside for abit."  "Ok, just make sure to be back before the 11 o'clock curfew. Night." Vincent yawned as he waved to Telfer. Telfer sat on one of the benches outside the dorm and opened up his status window.  | Status Window | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Titles: None | | | | | Name: Telfer Berkley | | Age: 12 | | | Race: Ghoul | | Gender: Male | | | Alignment: ??? | | | | | Stats | | | | | Health: | 110/110 | Heath regen.: | 5/min | | Energy: | 60/60 | Energy Regen.: | 1/min | | Mana: | 15/15 | Mana Regen.: | 0.5/min | | Strength: | 6 | Agility: | 5 | | Dexterity: | 6 | Stamina: | 6 | | Intelligence: | 6 | Wisdom: | 4 | | Skills | | | | | Ghoul: Magic Spells: Poison Hand Cloak | | | |  *My intelligence increased by a whole 2 points... The amount of mana in my mana organ has increased by quite a bit.* The stat boost across the board was welcomed by Telfer, especially with the upcoming Freshman Competition. Upon thinking of the Freshman Competition, Telfer started sweating profusely. A treasure sword. He had to win at all costs to gurantee himself to have a shot at it no matter what. *Train hard enough just to reach top 16? There has to be a way to reach number 1.*Poison Hand was not going to cut it. Then his corporate businessman mind said, *what are the weak points of mages? What do I have that they don't?* *Wait. Poison Hand looks like my transformed arm.* Telfer remembered using Poison Hand the first time. It had a somewhat similar colouration to his transformed arm. He could pass off his stupidly powerful arm as Poison Hand. It could definitely smash a mage to pieces if he restrained his ghoul cells to his arm.  *I shall call this move Mass Transfer... I have to work on transferring ghoul cells to my arm faster to make it usable. But what if I run to someone who specializes in defense? I'm pretty sure there are other mages like Vincent that have powerful bodies...* Telfer sighed as he transformed his left arm again and again. The current transfer took at least 3 seconds. He could get hit by a spell within those 3 seconds. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration went through Telfer's mind. Telfer restrained all his ghoul cells to his left arm. The arm started to lose its form. *No! Hold it together you piece of shit!*Telfer's hand was screaming with pain but he continued. *Come on! I'm not done yet!*Telfer's arm started whirring. Telfer scanned the surroundings and spotted a rock. Telfer hefted his arm and went over the rock.  *BANG* The rock shattered into dust, as if it was no longer there. Instead a pool of acid laid where the rock once was. The acid quickly disappeared but the noise seemed to have made some of the students wake up. Telfer darted into a bush. "WHICH FUCKING MORON DECIDED TO TEST MAGIC HERE? TESTING ROOMS EXIST FOR A REASON!" A resounding shout echoed throughout the dorm area.  Telfer ignored the shout and glanced at his now deformed left arm. Although his hand was screaming with pain and covered in sweat, Telfer smirked about his impending victory during the Freshman Competition. Telfer opened up his status window as he waited for his hand to heal. | Status Window | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Titles: None | | | | | Name: Telfer Berkley | | Age: 12 | | | Race: Ghoul | | Gender: Male | | | Alignment: ??? | | | | | Stats | | | | | Health: | 50/110 | Heath regen.: | 5/min | | Energy: | 30/60 | Energy Regen.: | 1/min | | Mana: | 8/15 | Mana Regen.: | 0.5/min | | Strength: | 6 | Agility: | 5 | | Dexterity: | 6 | Stamina: | 6 | | Intelligence: | 6 | Wisdom: | 4 | | Skills | | | | | Ghoul: Mass Transfer (Work in Progress) ??? (Work in Progress) Magic Spells: Poison Hand (Poison Magic) Cloak (Illusion Magic) | | | | *Still a work in progress huh?**It's still not usable yet. Today's a Monday. Assuming the competition is next Monday, I have 6 more days...* Telfer headed back to the dorm to sleep. As Telfer dozed off to sleep, unbeknownst to him, the glyph on his back had lit up for a moment. November 11 Year 2367 Telfer woke up to sound of his roommates moving about. It was 6.30 in the morning. *13 more days to get the damn sword.*Telfer quickly got himself dressed and accompanied his roommates for breakfast in the mess hall before going to class. Class was practically the same as yesterday. With the help of Mr. Dawson, his wisdom had increased to 5 while cultivating increased his mana pool to 16 and intelligence to 6.2. However, instead of being dragged around by his roommates, he decided to go to the library.  *Let's see... first up will be researching Poison magic.* Telfer went to the computer and typed in "Poison Magic", finding a book that suited his needs. He went over to the shelf and found the book before sitting down to read it.  *The first spell that every Poison Mage learns is Poison Hand. This will be followed up by Poison Mist, Poison Arrow, Poison Pool, Poisonous Image and Poison Rain After this, the next 3 spells will be constructed by the mages themselves. Hence, from the 7th circle onwards, Poison Mages will now be unique and feature their own unique spells. This is a common trait within all mages of 7th circle and above. Moreover, most Poison Mages will study a second magic to support their Poison Magic. For example, a mage could pick up Shadow Magic as a support magic to increase their power in close range combat.* Telfer summarised after he had pored over book after book. The first 6 circles were pre determined. Everything from 7th circle onwards was left to himself. Telfer stood up and stretched. He had spent 3 hours in the library. It was time to practice his new skills again. This time, Telfer remembered to use the Testing Rooms. He was improving slowly but surely. 1 hour and a mangled left arm was the cost. The result? Mass Transfer now used 2.5 seconds instead of 3 while his new move slowly gained progress. The amount of energy it required decreased from 30 to 27. After training, Telfer would eat dinner at the mess hall before going to sleep. This practice continued for the next 3 days as well.  15 November Year 2367 Telfer woke up at 8 o'clock. He had just finished the 4th day of his hellish routine yesterday. There was no school today so Telfer was free to do whatever he needed to.  *Ding* A notification had came from "Unknown". Telfer narrowed his eyes and clicked on it.  "Hello assassin 150, we believe that we have the location of the treasury. We will send it to you now. However, we also believe that it will be extremely difficult to bring out the Eternal Harmony due to the glyph array that is set up in the treasury. Hence, you are to meet your partner who is one of the students at Vestak Magic School. Please meet him outside the Beast Keeping Area at 0900 hours. Everything else will be explained by him. We wish the best of luck. Regards, The People's Blade." *A partner. Am I not the 150th person they have sent to steal the sword? Why is there another person? If he is a psychopath, I won't mind smashing his face to pieces.* Telfer dressed himself and left for the Beast Keeping Area.  *Where is that fucking psychopath?* Telfer stood at the entrance to the Beast Keeping Area, looking around warily.  "Sup dude. Over here."  A hushed voice came from behind Telfer.  Telfer spun around, winding up his left arm. However, the massive white wolf snarling in front of him immediately dispersed any thoughts he had.  "Woah, you need to calm down before I give my wolf friend here a morning snack. I know you met a psycho but not everyone is like that."  Standing beside the wolf was a lanky grey haired youth dressed in the Vestak Magic School uniform.  End of Chapter
{ "title": "The Unique 24 Hour Soul(Dropped)", "id": 21114, "author": "Crimson Silver God 30", "rating": 3.1 }
{ "title": "Martial Arts of the Cave clan (1)", "id": 305982, "next": 311242, "prev": 304887, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlOTFlYmIxZDc3ZjRiMDY5M2EzYzNmMGI4YjQyY2Yx">We were in the village of the Cave Clan. I was currently in my Vampire shift by the way. We were greeted with looks of confusion and scorn as we entered the Villiage. They didn't seem to want us there I sighed.</p> <p class="cnNhZGQ2MTMwYzM5ZjRjYzNiM2Q2NWE3YjFmMTYwOGUx">One of the Bear Beastkin came up to us. He was what appeared to be a middle-aged&nbsp;man he was slim but well toned. He had long black hair and a long beard too match, his eyes were pure white, and of course, his animal ears were black as well.</p> <p class="cnM4NTJjODEwZTAxMTQzNGI5MmQ4MzkwMWE2YTYyYjVk">The other villagers were walking away pretending&nbsp;now not to notice our presence. "Why have you come to our village?" The man insisted.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNmNmNmYmZkNDFiZjRlOGE5ZTU0YzQ1Njc3YmNjNmIx">He didn't seem to trust us, or he was just wary of visitors in general either way, I had to convince this man and his clan to help us in our battle against the Vampires.</p> <p class="cnM0OGFiN2IwODlmYzRiY2JiYjNjYjI4MGQzOWFiY2Yy">"Well this is a bother, you don't like the fact that I'm a vampire and also that we also have a demon&nbsp;with us right?" I inquired&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyZDAzYzA2Mjk3MjQ0NjU4MDAzN2ZhYWI0MTBhOTdk">"You're correct vampires, and demons are well known for spreading destruction&nbsp;and chaos wherever they go. They have killed not only members&nbsp;of my clan, but most of the other races have suffered&nbsp;under those two races well." he countered.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiNGQyMzA0NzkyNTRiOGE5YWU0YTJmZDg5ZjczODE0">This is annoying because his logic is sound and let's be he's sincere. No, I should say he's forthright with his statement. I&nbsp;now have to go through the trouble of proving my innocence. I'm not some sort evil villain after all. The best thing to do in this situation though would be going through the daunting task of proving myself through some trail or saving their village, have someone else important vouch for me, or maybe I should reveal my other shift to them.</p> <p class="cnMyMGNjMDc5OTY1NTQ3YWZiZGZlNzY1YTAxMGY4N2Y4">As I was contemplating these choices which none of them appealed to me, they all seemed unlikely to work. I don't have someone to vouch for me, revealing my other shift might make them even more hostile. So I shouldn't take that chance, and as for proving myself, it's mostly a matter of time and patience which we don't currently have right now.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMxNDVkNTkyMzkyZjQ3ZTY4ODBmY2MxMzc5N2I5YjQ2">"Excuse me, lad, I see you're in some need of proving yourself to Mr.Chief over there mind if I step in?" One of what looked like one of the clan members said. Was he here before? I sighed its that skill. The "presence&nbsp;hiding" skill, I partially figured it might be here. After Sarah told me about&nbsp;them mostly having the Martial Arts advanced class.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyMGY1OGU3OGI4NTRjNmQ5ZWQ5NGQ4NDBhOTU4NzE2">He was a bear Beastkin. It seemed as if he was of the Panda Variant probably according to his two colored ears and naturally, his black and white hair. He also was quite toned underneath that black leather armor of his. He Appeared to be the same age I was on earth. He was someone we needed on our side though. I have cast off my anti-social feelings after the Incident, so I will accept his help even if I dislike it still.</p> <p class="cnMxNTYyZmIzMWFmNDQ0NTliYzE5MjgwZWU2ZDRiMmVk">"Yo lad,&nbsp;are&nbsp;you going to make me wait forever here?" he Implored looking visibly irritated, but under that facade, I could&nbsp;see that slight smile of his.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhNzMzNDgyN2RiZTQ4MWI5ODQ4NDdmNWFkMDhiOTc2">"Fine I give in, will you help us?" I suggested knowing well that's what he wanted to hear. Why does he call me Lad though? He is only a couple years older than this body currently&nbsp;is.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NmEwOWY1Mjg1NDRhMjc4M2JmMzZiOWI2NDY3Njkw">&nbsp;"Well, I was planning to butt in anyways due to their being a cute wolf girl at your party. Well then now chief as you know I have the&nbsp;skill to see the essence of any mortal soul right?" The man inquired.</p> <p class="cnNhMGQxMTcxZTI5MDRhYTRiODhjNzYwZTE0MGU3ZDE3">HEY, BRAT WHO YOU CALLING CUTE. I'M THE VERY DEFINITION OF BEAUTY. Sarah exclaimed.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMwMWM2NDNkMzFlMjQ0ZTA4ZmU1ZDE0NzliM2I4MDcw">The Chief interrupted before Sarah could go into full rant mode.&nbsp; "Yeah, I fully know&nbsp;about your skill in that. Are you trying to tell me now that their souls are free of said thoughts or sins? I can understand how the wolf girl could be maybe, but for a Vampire and a Demon to be free of that is practically unheard of."&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMjA1YWE2NGRiYTQ2MGFhMzdhZDk0YzIwMzU5ZTg1">The mysterious Beastkin then responded "While the Demon is somewhat questionable, but their whole party does not have the seed of destruction&nbsp;or chaos in their souls. The Wolf girl and the Vampire here are almost completely pure. Which is abnormal in itself."</p> <p class="cnMwOGNjYjZiOTM3OTQwNmRiMjE0ODg2NGI1ZDllMjEx">"Wait, a Vampire that is almost completely pure. While there is occasionally a Vampire that is on the Lawful side to be almost pure, you must be fucking with me right, not to mention the loudmouth girl is almost pure also?" He Puzzingly asked.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzNjVmNmMzNDdhYTRlZGY5N2Y4ODExMTg3N2YwMWY5">Why do I feel like I will be teased later on because of this? Especially since Lyte is giving me that smile of his again.</p> <p class="cnM1MGQ5NWM3YmZlNTQ0MDk4MDFhNDlhNTU0NGJlYTlk">"Nope, not at all. The Vampire's soul seems to be of a different variety entirely." The man declared.</p> <p class="cnNmZWQ4OTY0MDFjODQzOTU5ZmMxZThjMzQ3NmU5OTQx">"Well if&nbsp;he has that kind of soul you're probably right then. Plus you have proved your skill by saving us from many potential threats before. Though that weird habit of yours have when you're around women is bothersome. Well then how may we help you travelers?" he now seemed sincere while asking this.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiMzRhNWIzNGZmZTRiMzk4N2M5NWUxMjM0ODY5YjE0">"Well then now that this dull conversation is over. We are in need of some help taking care of a certain Vampire clan. They have robbed poor Sarah here of her Family her Friends and finally at last her home. We got there after the fact, and now we seek justice against them. Also, might I add we would also like to ask if there was someone who might be willing to train my dear friend Ryu over here?" Lyte Requested.</p> <p class="cnNiMGYwZWU5OGE3ZjQ2ZDQ5ZWU1YjZmMGQ2MWM5OTUw">"Hmm, a Vampire who wants take out his fellow Vampire's. Well, in all honesty, it would take a while to prepare our forces even then. They might have someone besides them that you don't currently know about so I would suggest gathering some more forces. In the meantime, I will send Clyde here with you; He would be the best suited for what you desire." The Chief insisted.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNhZjdmOTBhMmQ3MzQ1NjU4ZGFiMTBjMWQxYjRmMDdj">"There is one thing I would like to ask before this journey though you're a Mage right lad? I wouldn't be able to teach you my skills without you having&nbsp;any of the warrior's attributes which you don't seem to have any of." Clyde Questioned.</p> <p class="cnMyMzgwZWUxMzJmZDQzYTY4NWI5ZmIwMDdjNDU4YjE1">"Well about that you will be able to&nbsp;tell in the very beginning of tomorrow and also we had already planned on looking for more help in other villages as well," I suggested.</p> <p class="cnM1NzRmYzNmMjBmMDQ0MDRhN2IwMGZhZmQ2ZjQxNWNl">What does tomorrow have anything to do about it? He Implored. He looked very amused by this.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTNjYTZiY2JmOTRkMTVhOTVhNDA0YjE0ZGRmMGM4">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkNmFiMWI5NDFhYTQyODA5ZjYzNDliMWU5YmE4N2Fm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZTgyNTFmOGZkYzQwMzJhNWU0NDMwZmMwYWUxNTQ3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4NGRhN2QzODRlYTQ2ZjM5MTdhOWY5Nzg5MDFmNjA2">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiODc3ZDI2YzBkYjQzZGViYWUyOTYxNWZiMWEzMTY2">&nbsp;</p> </div>
We were in the village of the Cave Clan. I was currently in my Vampire shift by the way. We were greeted with looks of confusion and scorn as we entered the Villiage. They didn't seem to want us there I sighed. One of the Bear Beastkin came up to us. He was what appeared to be a middle-aged man he was slim but well toned. He had long black hair and a long beard too match, his eyes were pure white, and of course, his animal ears were black as well. The other villagers were walking away pretending now not to notice our presence. "Why have you come to our village?" The man insisted.  He didn't seem to trust us, or he was just wary of visitors in general either way, I had to convince this man and his clan to help us in our battle against the Vampires. "Well this is a bother, you don't like the fact that I'm a vampire and also that we also have a demon with us right?" I inquired  "You're correct vampires, and demons are well known for spreading destruction and chaos wherever they go. They have killed not only members of my clan, but most of the other races have suffered under those two races well." he countered.  This is annoying because his logic is sound and let's be he's sincere. No, I should say he's forthright with his statement. I now have to go through the trouble of proving my innocence. I'm not some sort evil villain after all. The best thing to do in this situation though would be going through the daunting task of proving myself through some trail or saving their village, have someone else important vouch for me, or maybe I should reveal my other shift to them. As I was contemplating these choices which none of them appealed to me, they all seemed unlikely to work. I don't have someone to vouch for me, revealing my other shift might make them even more hostile. So I shouldn't take that chance, and as for proving myself, it's mostly a matter of time and patience which we don't currently have right now.  "Excuse me, lad, I see you're in some need of proving yourself to Mr.Chief over there mind if I step in?" One of what looked like one of the clan members said. Was he here before? I sighed its that skill. The "presence hiding" skill, I partially figured it might be here. After Sarah told me about them mostly having the Martial Arts advanced class.  He was a bear Beastkin. It seemed as if he was of the Panda Variant probably according to his two colored ears and naturally, his black and white hair. He also was quite toned underneath that black leather armor of his. He Appeared to be the same age I was on earth. He was someone we needed on our side though. I have cast off my anti-social feelings after the Incident, so I will accept his help even if I dislike it still. "Yo lad, are you going to make me wait forever here?" he Implored looking visibly irritated, but under that facade, I could see that slight smile of his.  "Fine I give in, will you help us?" I suggested knowing well that's what he wanted to hear. Why does he call me Lad though? He is only a couple years older than this body currently is.    "Well, I was planning to butt in anyways due to their being a cute wolf girl at your party. Well then now chief as you know I have the skill to see the essence of any mortal soul right?" The man inquired. HEY, BRAT WHO YOU CALLING CUTE. I'M THE VERY DEFINITION OF BEAUTY. Sarah exclaimed.  The Chief interrupted before Sarah could go into full rant mode.  "Yeah, I fully know about your skill in that. Are you trying to tell me now that their souls are free of said thoughts or sins? I can understand how the wolf girl could be maybe, but for a Vampire and a Demon to be free of that is practically unheard of."  The mysterious Beastkin then responded "While the Demon is somewhat questionable, but their whole party does not have the seed of destruction or chaos in their souls. The Wolf girl and the Vampire here are almost completely pure. Which is abnormal in itself." "Wait, a Vampire that is almost completely pure. While there is occasionally a Vampire that is on the Lawful side to be almost pure, you must be fucking with me right, not to mention the loudmouth girl is almost pure also?" He Puzzingly asked.  Why do I feel like I will be teased later on because of this? Especially since Lyte is giving me that smile of his again. "Nope, not at all. The Vampire's soul seems to be of a different variety entirely." The man declared. "Well if he has that kind of soul you're probably right then. Plus you have proved your skill by saving us from many potential threats before. Though that weird habit of yours have when you're around women is bothersome. Well then how may we help you travelers?" he now seemed sincere while asking this.  "Well then now that this dull conversation is over. We are in need of some help taking care of a certain Vampire clan. They have robbed poor Sarah here of her Family her Friends and finally at last her home. We got there after the fact, and now we seek justice against them. Also, might I add we would also like to ask if there was someone who might be willing to train my dear friend Ryu over here?" Lyte Requested. "Hmm, a Vampire who wants take out his fellow Vampire's. Well, in all honesty, it would take a while to prepare our forces even then. They might have someone besides them that you don't currently know about so I would suggest gathering some more forces. In the meantime, I will send Clyde here with you; He would be the best suited for what you desire." The Chief insisted.  "There is one thing I would like to ask before this journey though you're a Mage right lad? I wouldn't be able to teach you my skills without you having any of the warrior's attributes which you don't seem to have any of." Clyde Questioned. "Well about that you will be able to tell in the very beginning of tomorrow and also we had already planned on looking for more help in other villages as well," I suggested. What does tomorrow have anything to do about it? He Implored. He looked very amused by this.
{ "title": "We reincarnated as a two-headed dragon!", "id": 21480, "author": "Majinelie", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 6: A quest? What’s wrong with this system?", "id": 305986, "next": 306539, "prev": 305324, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwYmMxNzEwODMwNjQ0NjNhMTI0N2VmMzIyZDgwM2Yy">“Kyle, you're finally awake! Look... Look at this screen... It appeared when I woke up...” Said Amelia.</p> <p class="cnNmYTA0OGM1NzdkMjQ4NWZiODkyM2YxZmE0YzZmYmIx">A screen? I was so disturbed when I woke up that I did not notice the screen in front of my eyes.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnNjNjRhMmYwNzhlMzQ2ZTZiODM0NGUwMWU5MmEzZTlh" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.1em"><strong>New quest accepted: Dragon superiority!</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnNiYmFiN2E1MGI3NTRhOTg4NjBkMjI3MDdhN2JlODBl"><strong>Description</strong>: As a dragon, you must show your superiority to other creatures!</p> <p class="cnNkY2Q3MmQxOWJlMjQ3MjBiNzQzOTkyNzE4YWEyNzg1"><strong>Objective</strong>: Kill 5 lykanoss*.</p> <p class="cnNiZjZiMGM1NzZkZjQxZDM5NzkzOTJmNzU1ZWNiNWE3"><strong>Rewards</strong>: VIT +1, CON +1, STR +1.</p> <p class="cnM2OGFiZWY5NDQ5OTRlYTBhNzUwODY0ZTk0NDc5ZmYw"><strong>Limited time</strong>: 6 hours</p> <p class="cnM3ZWE2MzFhNjJlNDQ0MDNhMzhhMDA2NDkzYmQ1MzBi"><strong>Remaining time</strong>: 5 hours 54 minutes</p> <p class="cnMzNTU1NDFiNzU2NzRhNTdiOTE5ODkyZTQxYTVkMDQz"><strong>If you fail the quest</strong>: VIT -3, STR -3, INT -3.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwOGE4MTkzNjhmOTQwYmRhYzQ2MjRiYjA2MjI3YjY4" style="text-align: right"><span style="font-size: 0.9em"><em>*Author's note: singular: lykanos, plural: lykanoss</em></span></p> <p class="cnMwOWQyYzRkZTIwNjQ4MTBiMTc0MTYxODYwNWM2NWI2">WHAT??</p> <p class="cnMwZDYxMTc2MjExOTQ1NmM4Y2Y3OGM3Mjk0MGU2NTQz">“What... what does that mean? Doesn’t the system exist just to make us stronger? Why is it asking us to kill monsters now?” I said.</p> <p class="cnMwMWRjMDViZmJiMDQzZGFhZDFhZWZjNjg3NjJiYTlm">“I've no idea! I knew this system looked like a video game, but I did not expect it to give us a quest...” Amelia said.</p> <p class="cnNmMmJiMmYyMTFkYjQ2NDI5ZGIyY2Y0YzU3ZDI3ZThi">Do all the magical beasts of this world have quests of this kind to do? Or is it specific to us because we are not from this world? Or maybe is it because we're a dragon?</p> <p class="cnM1NTlkMTliZjhlOTQwNTc5NTIyMTUwY2QzNDE4NzUw">I don’t have an answer to these questions...</p> <p class="cnNiMDk4Mzk5ZTQzMDQzYTA4MjYyZTllYjM0YjA1ZmJh">“Did you see the penalty in case we fail? We can’t afford to ignore this quest, we will have to accomplish it...” she continued.</p> <p class="cnNiMDA2N2YzNDdkYTRlNGNhMzQ1YmU5ZTI2NTVkZjIw">“I... I understand...” I said.</p> <p class="cnNjYTgzM2RkOWU5YjQxOWQ4ZDAxMWYzZjU4ZTE0YWQ4">As if that was not enough to become a dragon, I can’t even live my new life as I wish...</p> <p class="cnM0M2VkZDFlMGUzZjQwNTRhNjAxM2RmOTQyNjE1MTk4">Stupid system, what's your problem with me?</p> <p class="cnMyMjUyNTg5MjVlNzQ4MDk4MzdlZDg2MzEzMGEzZGU0">“Kyle? You... are you okay?” Asked Amelia.</p> <p class="cnM5NzMwZDFhNDM4MjRlYzJhZGE5NWZjMmRmMmEzYzI5">“Yes... No, not really actually. I try not to show it, but I really have trouble accepting this new life... And now this system wants to impose its own rules...”</p> <p class="cnNkYzcxMzA5YjA4MzRmNTVhZDUyNzY3MmI5N2Y0YzIz">“I understand... It's the same for me. I try to look cool and pretend I'm fine, but this is very hard for me. I... I can only move a head, I don’t even have a body...”</p> <p class="cnMzNDQzYWQyZGU2NDQ4YjI5NmMzNWE3OGE4ZjI2ZWNi">“Sorry, I didn’t consider your feelings... I thought it made you happy to be a dragon and you had accepted your new life.”</p> <p class="cnM1NjExNGZkYTYzYjQ2Nzk5MzMyM2Y5YTYzNTQ4Yjdl">“Not at all! Besides, before sleeping last night, I had imagined that I would wake up this morning in my bed and everything I had experienced was only a bad dream... I had not yet realized that all this situation had become my new reality, that's why I acted as if this world were just a video game... ", she replied.</p> <p class="cnMyNDZmNWY5Mjg4ZDRlMjk4Mjc0NTg3ZGNkNTFjYzRh">“I see... But you told me that you were aware that this world was not a video game...”</p> <p class="cnMwMWEzMjk2ODA1MTRkODlhMmVlMzI1NGQxMGZiMzkz">“I... I was not honest... A part of me was hoping this whole thing was just a dream or something, but I realize it was silly of me... Sorry.”</p> <p class="cnNjZGNkN2IxZGE0OTQ3ZjA5MmU1NTBmMzRmMGJkNjVi">“Hmm... Since we are going to spend a long time together, I suggest that we be honest towards each other from now on.” I said.</p> <p class="cnM4NWRiYjQyZTEzOTQzOGM4ZTU4ZGEyOTRlNmEwZmFl">“Okay!”</p> <p class="cnM4OTk2NTc0MGRlYTRiZGNiYzEzZmYyMjllM2U5NDY2">“Well, let's go do this stupid quest now!” I said.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWU0YjNlNGYxMTQ1YzhhZDFlYmRjMmM5NTQ1OTU3">I then go to the exit of the cave.</p> <p class="cnM0ZTgwMjVmZWJiNTQ4NTZiNjQxZTZiYmQ2OTQ1OTEy">I am satisfied with this conversation with Amelia. I knew it was not possible to accept our new life so quickly. In reality, she was suffering in silence...</p> <p class="cnNiNDU5MTkxZGVhOTQ0MzNhY2MwM2Y0ZmI1YzNjNWM0">Once out of the cave, I realize that the sun has just risen.</p> <p class="cnNhMjU3MWY1MDQ2OTQxN2FiMGZlNTVlNDM2ZWQxNTBm">So, I really slept all night without even realizing it!</p> <p class="cnNmNTI3YzM4N2YyNjQzMGQ5YTdiZGNjNWIwNjA2MDNk">Maybe I need a lot of rest because my dragon body has just been born. I see no other explanation…</p> <p class="cnM5ZGQ2ZDI1OGRjMTRlZDY4OTNiM2Q5ZWU5NmQ3ZDEz">“Kyle, we have an attribute point to spend, I put it in INT, do you agree?”</p> <p class="cnM4YWUyNzI0YjdmYTQ4MjdiNjU5MmNiMzRmYmY3ZWU0">“Yes!”</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM5NTA2MmI1OWEzMTQyY2U4ZTUwMzc0NWU0YzNlMGY5"><strong>You have spent 1 attribute point: INT+1</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5NGVjNWRhZmIwNjQ0MGNhYWIyYzRiNzkxMjBmY2Zh">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="604"> <p class="cnMzYmY4MmYxMDQxMjRjNDU5NzE3NWU2YThmYWE2Zjhh" style="text-align: center"><strong>STATUS</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM1ZDRjNzM1ZjlhYTQ4NTdhMjZlZWQ1MjEzYjY5Mzcx">Name: No name</p> <p class="cnM0MTUxYjA1ODRjYjRiODBhYTFlZTJmNmM0ZjM1OWNj">Race: two-headed dragon</p> <p class="cnNmMTBjNjRjM2IxYjQ4ZWJiNTgxODNlOWRhYjExZDJm">&nbsp;</p> </td> <td rowspan="2" width="201"> <p class="cnNiMTZmY2Y4M2ZjNTQ3Nzg5YmYwYzZiOTdmMmE4MWVm">Path: none</p> <p class="cnNkMTUxZWYzOWY1YzRiZTE5MDdmOWZkNTYxMzFlMDFh">Evolution: baby dragon</p> <p class="cnM3NjYwYmUxNDAxNjRjOGM4MTNhMWYwNDdhZTVkNmZh">Rank: F</p> </td> <td rowspan="2" width="201"> <p class="cnMwNGI4OWRlNzE1YTQ4ZDFiNDE1MDY2OTc0NzZlZTM0">State: normal</p> <p class="cnM4MjU0MjVjMWY3NjRlZjdhNzhhNmVmYzk5NTk4YmVi">&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMyZTEzODU5NzUwYjQwZjk4YWI3MzlmNmM1YzE1NjA5">Level 3/10 – XP (5/50)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNiOTNkOGQ3NmIxODQ2NjViMmNkNzRjZjc1Mzk5MzQ1"><strong>HP </strong> : 65/65 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNjZGY4OGQzOThjZDQzOTliODgxMjA4N2NkZmVmNzNh"><strong>SPEED</strong> :&nbsp;225</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM0YmRjM2M2NzAzZDQxMDQ5YTNmY2E3MzAyMzQxMmE2"><strong>PHY MOD </strong>&nbsp;: 0%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNlNmE3ZmEyOGFlNzRjZjhiM2E3OTk5Zjk4ZTRkODMw"><strong>MP</strong> : 70/70 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM5MzUyMDU3OWJhYTQxODA5ZWYxMDUxNjRkNDRlNTI5"><strong>PHY RES </strong>: 0.05%</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM1OWEwNDNiNjY2YjRkZWZiYjgxZjkyYTBkMDBjMThh"><strong>MAG&nbsp;MOD </strong>: 10%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM0NTIzZWRjOTA0NTRmNzc4N2RmNWRmZTNkZmU4MWMz"><strong>END</strong> : 55/55 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM1YmE3MWVjZDBhMjQwMzJhMjMzZjNlMWZmYWEzOGM2"><strong>MAG RES </strong>: 0.05%</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM0YmI0NjE5ODhhZTQ5OGVhYmJlOTYwMWM4NjgzMjM3"><strong>ALIGNMENT </strong>: neutral</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyYWVkYTUyZDg3NjRkOThhOGI4MmNmMTQzZDY0ZmYx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMGU0MTdlZWY4ODRkMzRiODcxNTNhNDc4N2I2NTJm">To accomplish this quest, I still have a major problem: I don’t know at all where I can find lykanoss.</p> <p class="cnM3M2ZjMzYxZGM4MTQ0YzliNDE4NGViODY2YmQyOWRi">Which way to go?</p> <p class="cnMwMmM5NjhjMDk5YTQ2MGM5OWE1MWJkN2Q4YzQ0OTE3">I must think carefully, I don’t want to fail the quest because I don’t go in the right direction...</p> <p class="cnM2NTJmOTRhNTVhODQ4NTM5YTcwZmFiYWM3Y2NiYWYy">Hmm...</p> <p class="cnMxZmZhY2ZmODhiNjQ3MmNhNmFlMmJhMmYxMmYxNTNl">“We should go back to the place where we killed the lykanos and the pigane yesterday, maybe we will find traces that will lead us to the lykanoss’ territory.” I said.</p> <p class="cnM5N2FmNzYyZDYyMjQzMzM5MTZmMGZmMjI5Y2JlMWM4">“Sounds like a good idea.”</p> <p class="cnM5ODliNjZiZTQ2ZDRhN2FiYzJlMDQ5Mjk2YWNhMDNh">I hope we will find clues once there.</p> <p class="cnM2YTFlYjk0ZmQ2MDQ5ZDJhZjRhZWEyN2EzZWQwNzAw">Yesterday, going west, we found a lykanos facing a pigane. But continuing in this direction we arrived in King Dalak'zur’s territory...</p> <p class="cnNkZjQ3ODJkMGZlODQ5Y2FiOTU3YTRkNTU2NGMwMzg2">--------------------</p> <p class="cnMwODVmYjU5N2Q5NDQwNDE5ZTc3ZjA4OGVmM2M2Nzcz">Once there, I discover that the two corpses that we left yesterday, are only two skeletons now.</p> <p class="cnNlNDg5ZjUwNTU2NjQ4MDA4Mjc5NjZmMDY3ZGQ1YjRh">Amelia and I had eaten a few pieces of the lykanos, but now there is nothing left but bones.</p> <p class="cnM1N2QwOTRmYTgyMzQ1NDZhOThjZDY4MzY1ODUyMTVl">I don’t even want to think about the thing that could devour two big corpses to the point of leaving only bones...</p> <p class="cnM3YjA0ZmQ2MTM0NjRmYTE5MDM1MTM0ZmZiMjVjYjg3">“Kyle, look...”</p> <p class="cnM2MGEwNjQ2Nzc5ZTQxNzJhZjZkMjdmYTg4M2MyZDBl">Amelia beckons me that she noticed something.</p> <p class="cnM1Yzc1MWNlMzU0NjRiMzFiZDVkNzVhMTg3YTc5OTVm">Indeed, on the ground there are several footprints that seem to come from the north. However, I can’t say for sure that these are lykanoss’ prints. I'm not really familiar with the monsters of this world.</p> <p class="cnM5NjczYzI5MDBhNDQ1OGQ5Mjg2NDQyYmFmZTJiNjNj">A track remains a track and it is worth going to see in this direction. At least these footprints don’t lead to the King Dalak'zur’s territory...</p> <p class="cnM0NTI3NGIwNjkzZDQ1OTNhN2Y0OTk0ODVjMjYxODg5">--------------------</p> <p class="cnMyNTYwMWQ2ODI1NTRjNjVhMWRhZjFmNDZhNjc1Njcx">It's only been twenty minutes that I walk, and I already meet a magic beast, a pigane.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM2YjNiMjQ5Y2RhNDQ2ZGFiOGIyODE3NTdkNDkyZTJl"><u>Pigane</u> (magical beast) – level 4 – HP: 80/80</p> <p class="cnM3NTYyZWVkZDg0YjRjZjg4OTk0ZDNkN2Q1ZDIyZTlj"><strong>Description</strong>: Big but fast. Has great strength.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNlYThkYjE1YTg2ODQ3MjU5Yjc2N2I0OGJkZGRjMTJj"><br>Little problem, it was it who spotted me first and charged me from nowhere. Fortunately, it makes a lot of noise when moving, so I was able to avoid the charge on time.</p> <p class="cnMyNzliYTMyODc0OTQ2MzhiYTU2NTEyMmYwOWU4MThj">Amelia and I then use [Fire breath].</p> <p class="cnMxNjlkZGI3ZWQzZTQ1ODk5NGM3NjEzMWMzMTFhNTJh">The pigane catches fire but ignores the pain and charges me.</p> <p class="cnMwMTFmNzQ3OWQ0YzQwNTk5NGU0MDVmYmI0ZTIxNGZk">BANG!</p> <p class="cnMxNjQ3MWYzODcyMDQ0MTY5OTY3N2YzNWMxZDMzZTk0">I take the charge with full force and am thrown against a tree behind me. Ouch!</p> <p class="cnNkZTNhMmFiOWZjZTQzYjNhZTE4NzQzOTFmNTBhMmI1">It hurts but I get up quickly. In one attack I lost more than 20 HP!</p> <p class="cnM3YzQ5MjJhMGEyOTQwY2JhZGMzNDcxMjQwYTA0ODcw">The pigane doesn’t give me time to catch my breath and charges me again...</p> <p class="cnNlOWFjNzA2N2E3NzQwM2Y5MmVhZGUzOTA1ZDFjYTM5">I rush through the trees to avoid it.</p> <p class="cnMyYWYxNTZlYjNhZTQ3MDVhNGE5M2UxYjA5NzJmOGFh">He pursues me, but because of his width it can’t, like me, pass between the trees and must take detours most of the time...</p> <p class="cnMwMzUyMzg5MDQwMTRkMDViMThjMjQ3MzcyZGM5N2Jh">Now there is enough distance between us, I look back and feel that I can use [Fire breath] without it having time to dodge.</p> <p class="cnNhYjQ3ZjU3YjljZTQxMzE4NDJjNWU5MDE1ZGIwZjMz">Flames come out of my mouth and Amelia's mouth, completely wrapping the pigane.</p> <p class="cnMxMWI1MTkzZDk3NzQzOTliYTdkYWI3YWE4ZGVhNjZl">This time it is really in pain.</p> <p class="cnNlZDAyOGIzZDc3ZTRkN2Q4OTNiNjZhYjNkNGY3YWIw">“GAAAAH GAAAAH”</p> <p class="cnM5ZmY0NmM3NDNmZDQ2YmM4YjYwYTEyNzdjY2Q0YmFl">it stops its race then rolls on the ground to extinguish the flames that burn its fur.</p> <p class="cnMxZThhNzY2ZWIxZDRhMzdhNDQ0OTNlMWEwYzIyZjQz">I take this opportunity to go to it and uses [Bite] to bite it on the flank. Amelia does the same.</p> <p class="cnNlYjU3ZWY0YjdlZDQzOTM5ZWY1ODI4MjRkMjVmMDU2">“GAAAAH...”</p> <p class="cnM4MTM3ZWY3ZmE0NTQ5MGU4MTZkZmVjZTI1NTM3YTAy">The pigane growls one last time before stopping.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnMxZDFkNTY5ODQ3NjQyZWI5N2RkOTY0MGZiYTU1ZTFi"><strong>You have killed a Pigane &lt;level 4&gt;: XP + 40. </strong></p> <p class="cnM3ZDQ0OGU0NmQ0NzQ0MzZiZGZhMjI3ZjU4NjU5YmIw"><strong>Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 20.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmNDc4Nzc1MzYyMjQ3MjE4NzI3YjQxNWUzMDg5YTA4">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnMzNWE3NzM5MzA5ZjRhZDhiYTRhMTkwOTI0ZjkyMjVm" style="text-align: center"><strong>Congratulations! You are now level 4.</strong></p> <p class="cnM3YTE2OWMxMzI2ODQ5MmJhNWJhZDEzNTY2YjgwMWFm" style="text-align: center"><strong>1 </strong><strong>attribute point available.</strong></p> <p class="cnNiYWVlMWJlZDMyMjRmYjM5NDkwNjI4MTdlM2Y4YWJi" style="text-align: center"><strong>1 passive skill available.</strong></p> <p class="cnNiZWRkYWQwNzg3MjRmNzVhNjI1ODUwMjcxNDQ4NDU0" style="text-align: center"><strong>Active skill acquired: Dragon roar &lt;level: 1/10&gt;</strong></p> <p class="cnMwZDBiYmEwMWQyMTRlYjg4ZTZlMWI4OTk5ZjI1ZDgy" style="text-align: center"><strong>Active skill acquired: Reinforced scales &lt;level: 1/10&gt;</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMxY2EyNDMxOTU1NzQyNjliMTk2OTliNjY5ZjNkMWVm">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMzYmY1ODQ0M2ViOTRlN2Q5YmY3NThkODQwMzJkMGYx">It was rather weak, or is it us who are too strong?</p> <p class="cnM0ZDQxZDkyMDM4MzRhNDNhODYzNGRiMzY1OTBhNTRj">I ignore the screens before my eyes and realize something: it is less than a day that I am in this world, and yet I don’t feel anything anymore by killing magical beasts...</p> <p class="cnMyZGFmYjI2MzRiNDQyNjk4NWQzNTk3Y2IxZWE4ZjM5">I must check if it's the same for Amelia...</p> <p class="cnM2MGFkMGNlMTQ1NzQwYzQ5YjY0NjliYWYxODZjMzNj">“Amelia, what did you feel when you killed that pigane?”</p> <p class="cnNhZjA0ZWE3ODgzZDRiN2Q5M2MxOGVjNzNjMDAyZTkw">“Huh? Hmm... nothing! Nothing at all... You... You too, reassure me? I will not lose my humanity, will I?” She answered.</p> <p class="cnMyZDMyY2JlN2JhODQ0Zjc4MTQ2NzNlYmMxZjM4ZDIx">“It is the same for me. But I don’t think we will lose our humanity.” I said.</p> <p class="cnNhZGZkMDI4OWY3ODQxZmRiMGRmZGMzMjk2NzE3ZTQ2">At least not right now...</p> <p class="cnM0Nzk4ZGMxNTQ2OTQwMWRhMTFiM2E1N2UwNTkyNTIz">“So, it's better not to think about that for the moment.” I continued.</p> <p class="cnNhOWE2YzU5ODE1NjQ1MTc4MzA4YmMzMWEzYmEwN2I0">“I... I see. By the way, we have acquired new skills ... [Appraisal]!” Said Amelia.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM4YmRmOGZkMmJjODQ1ZjBhMGRiMTlkNzllNWRjZWMz" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.3em"><strong>Dragon roar (Detail)</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM2MmEyOTUzMDdhZjQ1MTE4YWMxYjYwNmVhMDRlNTNi"><strong>Type</strong>: Active skill – physical (support).</p> <p class="cnMzNDQxMzlkMTc1ODRiNDRhNGJlNGIwZDY3NWUzYWY1"><strong>Level</strong>: 1 / 10</p> <p class="cnNmYWI1ZjE0ZjFjNjQ1ZjA5MWNiMDcwMjc2ZWJmYTVl"><strong>Description</strong>: Your roar shakes your enemies.</p> <p class="cnM1NWE0M2I1MzEyYjQ4MjlhYTAwMTZhOThmYWFlYjg0"><strong>Cost</strong>: 15 END</p> <p class="cnM3NTE2ODVjNDQ4OTRiODU4M2UzYzVkZmJjMzQzMjUy"><strong>Range</strong>: 10 meters, around the user.</p> <p class="cnMzM2UzMmU3MWQxNTQwZjZhMzA4MTgwNDliNzkxMTQy"><strong>Cast time</strong>: none.</p> <p class="cnNkMjg2YmM0MTA3YTQ5YjU4MjU5YzY0ZGY3YTM2ODI4"><strong>Cooldown</strong>: 15 seconds</p> <p class="cnM1MzYyZTNkNmNhNDQwMGJhMGVkMTQ3ZDlmNjc0OTc1"><strong>Effect</strong>: Stun the enemies around you for 1.5 second. (+ 0.1 second by level)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzOWQwMDVhYTc1MTQ0Mjc4MmUxMTgyZjMxNjI4OThh">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM5YmQzMmIyYjI0MzRmNjc4YjYzOTA3ZThjYzg0OTYx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 1.3em"><strong>Reinforced scales (Detail)</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM2YmZhNWI3YmFiYzQ2YTVhZjA4NTg3OGQ0YWE2NzIx"><strong>Type</strong>: Active skill – magical (defensive).</p> <p class="cnM1N2Q1YzM4ZGU5OTQ1MmU4NmE4ZGY0NWNkMTAzMjhm"><strong>Level</strong>: 1 / 10</p> <p class="cnNlZmU5ODA2N2NjMDQ2Y2FhYTYwOThkZmUxZGJhYzJk"><strong>Description</strong>: The scales of your body are magically strengthened, increasing your resistance to physical damage.</p> <p class="cnMyMWI2ZWFkNmIwYjRjZmE4MzBkMjRmMDU4ZDFiMTJh"><strong>Cost</strong>: 25 MP</p> <p class="cnMyYWEwYjE3ODViODRkNzVhOGU2MjU4ZmY3MGZhYzdm"><strong>Range</strong>: -</p> <p class="cnM0NzA5YTRlZDNlNzRmZWY4YWMxNDNiNGU4NzZhNzgw"><strong>Cast time</strong>: none.</p> <p class="cnNjMzg1NTE5ZmUyMjQyMWZhNTVhN2RiNWVlY2FlMWU0"><strong>Cooldown</strong>: 30 seconds</p> <p class="cnMzMmFkZmU4NTdjYTQ2ZWU5NmFiYzQyMTMxODkzODVk"><strong>Effect</strong>: PHY RES + 50% for 3 seconds. (+ 1% by level)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMwY2M0ZTAyMWVhMTQxMjU4YTAzODkyZTE1YmUxM2U0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0ZDdiN2FkZDQyMTRhZWZhOTgxOWUwOWQ5ZDQ0NTVh">“They look pretty interesting! Amelia can you use the [Reinforced scales] skill?”</p> <p class="cnMwMjQzY2RmZGZhMDQ5ZWFiMDgyZjM3MGY3NGFjOTZl">[Reinforced scales] is a skill that affects our body. However, Amelia can’t control it, so I wonder if she can use this skill.</p> <p class="cnM3MDk1ZjA0MDg4OTQzOTI5MGY1YTZkY2NlOWYwZGQy">“Hmm, let me try ... [Reinforced scales].” she said.</p> <p class="cnM4OTNkZmY3ZDMzZjQwNzI4YjA2NjEzZGFlOGFkMjE1">Biiiiiiiiiiii</p> <p class="cnM1ZjY2NzI1ODlhMzQ1ZDJhYjg0N2ZjYThmZTRjYWNi">The small scales of my body suddenly emit a sound and light up. My whole body is now surrounded by a blue aura.</p> <p class="cnM1OTVmMDRkYjUwNTQ4MGNhMmIwMGYwZTM1YzdmZjIy">“It works!” Said Amelia.</p> <p class="cnNhYTllYmVhY2FkMjQ0YWE5OWI5YzMwZmQyM2UyYTcy">“Yes, it's good to know.”</p> <p class="cnNmNjMzMjdmZTUwNTQ4YTZiYzZkODM1ZWU3MGIzZGJj">“Now let's choose the passive skill ... Choose a skill!” She continued.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4" width="604"> <p class="cnM5OWNlZDMxNjQ3ODQwZThhNmM2ZGJjNzgyZWNiMDc1" style="text-align: center"><strong>Choose a passive skill</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnMwYmUxMDc4ZThiMTRhMTc5OTg3ZmVlMjI4YmI3OWZl"><u>Solar Reinforcement</u></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnMyZTYyMDhmZGI1NDRhOGViOTA5MWIwNjIxMDcwM2Nj"><u>Lunar Reinforcement</u></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnM5N2U5YWRmZjYyZTRmYWRhYjY4NDdhZTEyNDk4ZDdj"><u>Blood dragon</u></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnMyNDE5M2M1NDBjNjRjMjU5MmQ3Yzg2ODY3YWUyNDE0"><u>Immunity</u></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnNhYTZiZjM2MzY5MjQ4OTViYTFkNTE4Mjg3ZWUyZTdh"><strong> No restriction</strong></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnMyOTNjM2U3OTY4NDRjNjk5MTE0MzAxY2UyMDUzZTY0"><strong> No restriction</strong></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnNlZjZlMGNkZjc1YjQwYmM4ZDJlNWEyY2FlMGI1Mzdm"><strong>Alignment: Evil only</strong></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center" width="151"> <p class="cnMwNGI0YzA2OTBjZDQzMjI5ZGFlMmE1YjQwYTE4ZjYw"><strong>Alignment: Good only</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="151"> <p class="cnMwYmU2NTI0ZmRmNzQ3ZjA4NjQwOWEyYzI5OGNiNDc3">MP + 25% when it’s daytime.</p> <p class="cnNhYWRiODZhN2Q3MjQ2MDg5MTlmNDFlNzlhMDdkNGMx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZGJmNWNjMWMxMjQyNTY4NTVjMDY3NjAxNmYzZDk3">&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="151"> <p class="cnNhYmNiMjQ2ZDg2NTRlMGNhY2Y0YWRmNjUzNjMzY2Mz">END + 25% when it’s night-time.</p> <p class="cnMyMTQ0OWYwNmRmMDRiZTI4NDM2ZjVjZDQyNjJjNjlh">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMDA5NmY3YzJhNzRlMzJiZmFhODRmY2IxN2I2NjRh">&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="151"> <p class="cnNlODhmNmQxMzkwZjRkYjM5ODAyYzJhZTU0YTExNzBl">You can now use your HP instead of your MP to use a magical skill.</p> <p class="cnNkNTljOWFiMmIzNjQ3ZWVhYzU4ZjRjYjBhOTczNTY0">&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="151"> <p class="cnMyNTg4MWY5ZmY5ZTQ0M2NiYWFlZWI0OGQ1OTdlZGMy">If an attack inflicts more than 50% of your HP. You gain immunity to damage for 3 seconds</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNmZmI4ZGZhYzI3NzRkNmU5MDk0NzcwN2Y3MDlkMDc5">“Alignment: Evil? Alignment: Good? What does that mean?” I said.</p> <p class="cnNkNjU1MDg4MDE4ZTQyMTI4MzkyZGEyMmQzMWU0ODkx">“Look at the status screen, our alignment is displayed there. Our current alignment is ‘neutral’ so we can’t choose the last two passive skills. I think we should choose [Solar Reinforcement] since we usually fight the day and not the night.” Answered Amelia.</p> <p class="cnNlNjE3MDc2OWU0NTQyZWE5YmM1M2I0MTU3NDdhNzU3">“I understand. In this case, how to change our alignment?”</p> <p class="cnM3ZTI3NDc4MzJhYjQ1NWQ4ODFiOGM1M2FmZGFhYWRi">“No idea!”</p> <p class="cnMzOGFmNDRhZTFjZDQxNGZhZDA2MjcxZGU3Mjc2ZjY0">“Too bad... Well, let's choose the [Solar Reinforcement] skill.”</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM4NTY2ODMzMzRiYTQwYjdiMTAzNmMzYzJlMTEwM2Q0" style="text-align: center"><strong>Passive skill acquired: [Solar Reinforcement]</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNiNGJiYjk4YjMzNDQxODliMGNiMDg0YTRjNmZiNmE1">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiOWE2MGUzNDAxZjQ5Y2M4YzA0N2Q3MmU2M2QyZDI5">“I'm spending the attribute point in INT!” Said Amelia.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnMyZDBlYzRiZTg4MDRhMjViY2JmMTM5NDZlOTgzZjM4"><strong>You have spent 1 attribute point: INT+1</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5MDJlOWY3MTU3MDQwNWI4NTQ1ZmI3NzA0NTZiZThj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2MGI4MDNhOTM2MzQ1MjBhOWQ3OTkyNGFhZTFkZmZj">“Wait! ... I wanted to put it in VIT this time...” I said.</p> <p class="cnM0YTYwYjMyZGJjYzQxZTFiM2E4ZWNhMjlmZGYyY2Yy">“Oops...”</p> <p class="cnM3MjdlYzJiNDA0NjQ3MGM4YmZhZTk0OTkyMjk1NTNk">“Seriously... next time ask my opinion before...”</p> <p class="cnM1ZjJiMDUzYThkYTQ3NjdiNjMxZmVjZDhkMjI1NjRi">“I Promise!” She said.</p> <p class="cnM5ZTI1OGRjN2I2YTRmNWI4YzI3MmRmMDkyYTBlMTg1">I check my 'status' and 'skills' screens before hitting the road.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="604"> <p class="cnM2MzRiNDBkOTgwOTQ3YmY5NmVhNjg2NzkzNzc3Zjdm" style="text-align: center"><strong>STATUS</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNjNzUyMzIxYWZkZDQxZmU5YzY2MGUwM2MzYmE2YTI4">Name: No name</p> <p class="cnM4NjkyNWNiYjQ4MTQxYTk4MjMxNWJmOTUzOGI1MmQ4">Race: two-headed dragon</p> <p class="cnM3YzVkMmViNmVjYzRkMTJiYTdlYjQxNTZmOTQ0NDIx">&nbsp;</p> </td> <td rowspan="2" width="201"> <p class="cnNlZWEwNWQ4MDJmZTRjZmJiZDY3ZTA3NTQ4MWRlMTY3">Path: none</p> <p class="cnMzMmUyZGI4NTBmNDQ4ZjU5NmJhYTFjNDdkODdlMGYx">Evolution: baby dragon</p> <p class="cnM2NzdkYzU1YjBkNjRjMDVhZWFiNjFhZDU4ZTk3YTQy">Rank: F</p> </td> <td rowspan="2" width="201"> <p class="cnNmZWUyNDBkNmZmNzRjMGU4NGIwMWQwMjk4ZTUzNDNl">State: normal</p> <p class="cnM3ODQxZDBiMzJhZjRkMDc5ODkzY2U3ODIyZmI2ZTli">&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMzOTAyMjFlMzg4ODQyZjY4YWJlZTRiNjExMDE0Y2Jk">Level 4/10 – XP (15/55)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNlYjhmNmI5NThiYzRjOGZiNmM1MzMxY2I1OGFlM2Ni"><strong>HP </strong> : 65/65 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM2YzA0MGU2Y2Q1MjRjMWQ5NTFiMWUxYzA2ZDUwZmRj"><strong>SPEED</strong> : 225</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM3NWRiY2VkMTUxMDQyMzk4Yjc2OGY0Y2I5MzBiY2I4"><strong>PHY MOD </strong>: 0%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM2ZjZkNWVlY2UzYjRmNjc5ODUwMjEyZjE2MGJmNDMw"><strong>MP</strong> : 100/100 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM4OTQ2ZWJmZmU5MzRiM2Y5N2Y0YWJhNDNlNzhiNjBk"><strong>PHY RES&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>: 0.05%</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMyMTk4MDU3ZTViNDRiNzdhODA4NTFhYWFhMTM2MWRj"><strong>MAG MOD </strong>: 10%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMzMTQzMjU5MjY5YjQ1YzI4Y2Y3OTZmY2E2NWNlMWE0"><strong>END</strong> : 55/55 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNmZjZmMzAyZmEyZjQ5NDFhYjMzNDBjODBiY2VjZWY2"><strong>MAG RES </strong>: 0.05%</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNmYTliZTNiNDQxNDQ5ZTNiNDM0MWY5ZTZiN2YwZWI1"><strong>ALIGNMENT </strong>: neutral</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzNDFjNzI5NWI2MTRiMzJiOWM2NWJjNjNiNjA3MTI4">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnNjYzdjYjU5MTA1MDQ0ZDc4OGI2NGE0MTdhOGVlOWQ4" style="text-align: center"><strong>SKILLS</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM4OGQ1MWZhMGU2ODQzODM4MmE4NGU3ODVlNjQ5NWY4"><strong><u>Active skills</u></strong></p> <p class="cnM1ZTE4Zjg5YjFkNDRjMWVhYzVlZjQ1MjM2ZWJiMzk0">[Appraisal &lt;level 2/10&gt;], [Fire breath &lt;level 2/10&gt;], [Bite &lt;level 2/10&gt;], [Dragon’s roar &lt;level 1/10&gt;], [Reinforced scales &lt;level 1/10&gt;].</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM3YzVlY2M2MjM5NTRkNDdiNTY4ODdlOGIwZTcyZTFi"><strong><u>Passive skills</u></strong></p> <p class="cnM1YTg0YWEyZDlmNDQwYThhMzA2OWFkYjljNWI3MWIx">[Dragon’s might], [Serene dragon], [Solar Reinforcement].</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM0NWZjMDg2ZDhjNzRhNWQ5ZjkzYTNmZTY0ODE0M2I4"><strong><u>Title skills</u></strong></p> <p class="cnM0MjdhOWIwMWVmYjQxNjc4MGU0OTdmMmE0NDc4ZjRk">“Baby dragon”</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM5OTkzYTU2YmMwZjQxMGQ5YzQxOTczYmJiYzljZmNj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjZTdhNjRkOTZiNDRjMzdhZjAyOWU1YTIyYjdhOGIw">Thanks to my new passive skill, I now have 100 MP!</p> <p class="cnM5ZTE4ZjYxYzQwNzQ1MmNhOTU3YzJkMTFkMzY4Mzky">--------------------</p> <p class="cnNlZTA2MTFiNDlkMDQ4ZTJiY2RiYjk4NTZiODk5ZTVm">Two piganes spotted me.</p> <p class="cnNiOGNmNWQwYmUwMDQ3NTBhYzA4N2U0ZTdkNTE4NGE5">They came from behind me and charged me at full speed...</p> <p class="cnNiM2Y1MTcwMDk4ZTQxN2JiZGExZWQ3ZTM0NmM5ZjI1">I will not have time to dodge!</p> <p class="cnMyN2U4NTNlMGZhYTRmYTNhOTEzMWQ3YmE5ZjEzOTFj">“RAAAAAAAAGH !!”</p> <p class="cnMzYWNhNzQwNTZmZTQ5MGFhNjM4YTVmN2QwMDI0ZDg0">Amelia roars powerfully, it’s probably the skill [Dragon roar]!</p> <p class="cnM2NTY1Njc2YmNhZTQ5NzY5YjdiYzRmMTdiYmVkYjlm">The piganes then stop and shake for a moment.</p> <p class="cnM5NWVjYWJlZDhiNTRhYTk4N2MxNGY4YjkxMTFjM2Yz">It allows me to reposition myself. Well done Amelia!</p> <p class="cnMwYWM2ZTc1Mzc0NDQzZDU4YmQ2ZjkyYmY0ZmJlODA4">I target the pigane on the right and Amelia the one on the left ...</p> <p class="cnM1YTkwNzk3MTU5YTQyYThhOGJlODZiYzU0NzVmMmEy">[Fire breath]!</p> <p class="cnMxZDFlNzVjMTc1NjRhMzk4NjJiODhmNzdhZDg2ZWRm">They catch fire.</p> <p class="cnM2NmMwNGQ0ZGNjNTRlMDQ4YzA5N2NiNjdhNmRkMjVk">One of them retreats because of the pain but the other one is charging me!</p> <p class="cnNjYjEyZWI5Yjg4MjQzZjI4M2Q2ODQyMGVkZmQ5MGRh">“GAAAAH GAAAAH”</p> <p class="cnM0NmRhM2VjNjkzMzQ1YzA4NTAyNjU1M2ViMTIzYjMx">Biiiiiiiiiii</p> <p class="cnNiYmE4ZGY1YzNhYTRhNjk4ZDQ3NDZkMTg4NzZkNjA2">I use the skill [Reinforced scales]. My body lights up in blue.</p> <p class="cnM0MTliNWZkYWYzZTQxMzc5ZWQxMjhhMTM4MDZhZDUx">I receive the charge.</p> <p class="cnNhZmQ4N2U5MDI2MDRjMWNiODc2YmM4ZDJhNDRkZTQz">BANG!</p> <p class="cnMwYTQyODc2MTgxODQ4NDdhYmNiODhiMzQ5OGVkYTA4">Thanks to the skill I am not ejected, I only back a few steps!</p> <p class="cnMwYzkzOWJmNDUxMTQ0YTQ5NTdjMWEzZDg4YTEwN2M2">The pigane looks surprised at the inefficiency of its attack.</p> <p class="cnM4NjRmMjAyMGZhODQyNjVhNTdmMTdmMTZjODlkYjVh">We then use [Fire breath] again...</p> <p class="cnM0YTNlNDIxNWI0OTQ2NjdhZTA0YThmNDE2MDk3ZDc0">It is unable to move under the pressure of the flames.</p> <p class="cnNlZTAzN2Y3MmUwNzQyNWI4MGEzOGEwMzUyODI0M2Iy">“GAAAAH...”</p> <p class="cnMxY2Q0YzNiZTlkYzQxYTc4NTRhMjEwMjA4MGE1OWU4">After a few seconds, he dies.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM0MjA2ZWExYTBkNjQzYzc5NWMyYzQzMzg0YjBiNmYz"><strong>You have killed a Pigane &lt;level 4&gt;: XP + 40. </strong></p> <p class="cnMyN2RhYTg0MmU1NzQwNjhhMjRmZmNiZTQ4MDc4OWMz"><strong>Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 20.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMyYWE0ODU4ZjkyOTQ0YjJhYzQ5OTkwMjIxOWQxMGQw">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnMyOGRiNzAzNWZlZjQxZThiNjc4NzM0NjUyY2YzOThh" style="text-align: center"><strong>The skill [Fire breath] is now level 3.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNkYmY4Y2NlM2QwOTQ0YTFiNjI1ZDI0MzU2NjRjZDA0">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM0ODk3NmY4YWUwODQ0MmY4NjE2NTgwNzQxYmVhODYx" style="text-align: center"><strong>Congratulations! You are now level 5.</strong></p> <p class="cnM5ZTM3YzQ0NmI1YjRlNDQ4MDFhN2IyNjI5Nzk2NWU4" style="text-align: center"><strong>1 attribute point available.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhMmMzN2RmZWRjMTQxZjhiNmU0YzliZjhlZWZlMDU3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyN2VjYzYyMTgwMTQzYTZiNmIyZjhhOTRiNDEzN2Jk">The remaining pigane is back and charges me...</p> <p class="cnMwNmFjMjY4MjAwMDQ0ZTU5M2VjYTA3MzU2OTM5MmEx">I have time to dodge this time. I leap on the right and avoid the charge.</p> <p class="cnNmZWUxZjI0NjYzOTQ2ODI4ZGVlMmM3YmZlZGRhZTM0">The pigane can’t change its trajectory and crash into the tree that was behind me.</p> <p class="cnM1MGM1ZWMzMzIxYTRhMWQ4YzNmOWQ5NmU5Y2JmZDI1">CRASH!</p> <p class="cnNiY2M4NDM3YTBlNTQ4YjI5YTYyM2U5ZjE3N2Q1ZDNl">It is stun because of this.</p> <p class="cnNmMDBiNTY4NjljOTQ0YWFiMGJhZTg5NmU3NTQwM2Nm">I walk over to it, we then finish it by using several [Bite].</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnMwZjNjYjU5NjE0MjQ0YzA4YWQ1ZmY4MWI3MWY5NDBh"><strong>You have killed a Pigane &lt;level 2&gt;: XP + 20. </strong></p> <p class="cnNhMTNkNDdiNjExMzRhMmFhMjUxYmRjOWJhZTQzNDBm"><strong>Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 10.</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4ZTVmMTY3YTAzZTQ4MGFhZjI0MDk4YjkzMDNhY2Iy">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNiZDZmMjRhOTYyZjRmNTVhMzZhYTYyODlkYjIwZjQw">“These new skills are amazing! Let's eat this pigane before we hit the road again.” Said Amelia.</p> <p class="cnMxMzczY2I0YTIzMjQ5ZjI4MTI3ZTEzZDJjNTZkYzE0">“Let's do this!”</p> <p class="cnNjOTZkMWY1MGY0NjQxYzBiOWJmZDcwOTY0NWUzZTUz">It is true that with these new skills we are even stronger than before!</p> <p class="cnM0ZTdmOGMyODBjZjQyODg4NGE1NzQ1ZGM3NDdiNGE5">...</p> <p class="cnMwYzUwNDQ0ODgxNjQ4NzE4M2QyMThjM2Q1NWRkNWY2">We finished eating.</p> <p class="cnMzNDEzMzE3MjM4OTQyNGE5YjAzOWM4YTQwNzJiMzU2">I spend the attribute point in VIT and continue to move.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="604"> <p class="cnM3YzQxNTYyMmFlYjRjZGNhNmI4MjRjYjUxMTI1YjEy"><strong>You have spent 1 attribute point: VIT+1</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnMzM2FiYjg5ZjRhODQ4MjZiNTFlNThiNDc1NTZmNDZk">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="3" width="604"> <p class="cnM2OTc0YjA2ZGQ4OTRlZDlhNmNmYmM0NjI1YjBmNzE5" style="text-align: center"><strong>STATUS</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMwZGRhOGY2NzgyODQzZTBhNTAyY2MyZmMzM2FhMDY3">Name: No name</p> <p class="cnM0YjU0Y2QxMjdjZTQ2MWU4MDkyOGJiMzFiNzEwOTYw">Race: two-headed dragon</p> <p class="cnMzZWFmNjVhMzRmNDQ1MmE5NjBjYjA1YmFkMjkzNDU3">&nbsp;</p> </td> <td rowspan="2" width="201"> <p class="cnMwNDA0ZDkzOWQyMTRlYjM4ODgxNWU5M2UyZGQwYTNh">Path: none</p> <p class="cnMyZTBmZjBjNWFkNjRhN2ZiNzM5MmQ3OGEzNmViMWFi">Evolution: baby dragon</p> <p class="cnMwYjgxNDlmZWY4NjQzMjg5NjJlMDU1N2UyYjI5M2Yw">Rank: F</p> </td> <td rowspan="2" width="201"> <p class="cnM3MmI5NTExNDFkNDQ3ZmViMmFmNjFjODMzZTcxYWJm">State: normal</p> <p class="cnM1M2U0ODIyYTZkNTRkYjI5ZTVhZmM2MmEwNzkyYzBh">&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMxYWFmZmI0NmNjNjQyNmE4YmU3NGI0ZTNkYWU4ZGFk">Level 5/10 – XP (50/60)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM4ZWYwNWU5YWI1OTRkMGFiYmNmMGI3YmYxNWQ0ZmIx"><strong>HP </strong> : 75/75 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNlZWVmYjc3YzNlODQ3MDJhYzQ2MWM0YTVhNDIxNjUx"><strong>SPEED</strong> :&nbsp;225</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNkZDY3YzBkOTgyZjRiN2U5MzJhNGIwNjA4MmFlZTZm"><strong>PHY MOD </strong>: 0%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNjZWMzYWY3ZDUwZTQ3NGZhYjIxZDVjOGI1M2JmMGEw"><strong>MP</strong> : 100/100 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNkY2NiZjlmYTZmYTRhMmE4ODk3OGIxYTA1NDk3NTgx"><strong>PHY RES </strong>: 0.05%</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMyNWFhMTIyZGI4MjRkOWY4NjQ5MWY2YmUyOWJiOGI4"><strong>MAG MOD </strong>: 10%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="201"> <p class="cnM3NTNiNGIxYjI4OTRhOTdhY2E2ZmNmZGM0NTE0N2Q2"><strong>END</strong> : 55/55 (0.5/s)</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnNmODcxZjJmNjQyNjQ0MDliMmIxODE0YmI0MjlkYzJm"><strong>MAG RES </strong>: 0.05%</p> </td> <td width="201"> <p class="cnMxMDk4MzJhMjk0YzQzZmE4ZTc3NWY1MWFiMWI1ZTZi"><strong>ALIGNMENT </strong>: neutral</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNhNDkyMjE4MDNjNDQzZGRiNTcwOGIyMDVkNWM5NDUx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3MTNmMGJiMmZlZjQzMWU4YmU2NTg1ZGUxNzlmM2Q4">I have met only piganes so far, I must be on their territory. So, I have to be extra vigilant to avoid meeting an entire group...</p> <p class="cnMwNmQzMmFiMTIyODQ3ZTM4M2I1NzMwZDAzNmU3MmY5">--------------------</p> <p class="cnMwMTc0MDY5OWRjZDQ1MmQ4ZGY2ZTJlNGM3ODg5MzE4">I spotted a group in the distance.</p> <p class="cnNhMzc3MmQ4MWRlNDRkNzk4NTc4NzAxZTY4ZjM5MzU0">Fortunately, they made a lot of noise when moving, otherwise I would not have been able to avoid them.</p> <p class="cnM2MmIxYmI3ZWMwODQ0YmZhYjhmMjc0MjBjM2IyOTI0">When I heard them, I hid directly further.</p> <p class="cnNlNjhjMmJkZjY0MDQ1MTU5ZDhiNjZkZTNiMTEzZDg3">I'm watching them now.</p> <p class="cnMyMjMwZmJhMjM0ZTRmNDE4ZTkzNTQ5M2ZmZWUyODc5">At least six piganes, they advance in groups and... Are heading in my direction!</p> <p class="cnNkNWYzNjE0NDgwMzRmMDdiZDBjNzNlMDNjNGI1ZWNi">I hope they don’t have a good sense of smell, otherwise they will easily discover me...</p> <p class="cnM1Y2YxYjZjNmNjOTRkMTE5ZGM2MTQyYTExN2UzNTJk">They are now very close to me ...</p> <p class="cnMxZDdkYmEwYmI3MzRkMmRhODQ5ZDg2MzMxY2QzNmU5">This is the moment of truth...</p> <p class="cnM5MmY1MWNjMTdiMDQwMWNiZjlkYjU5ZTYyYTdjNzRm">They pass... Without seeing me! Phew!</p> <p class="cnM2MjM3OWY1YTNjODRhN2U5NDMzYzQxZjEyN2FhODNh">I wait for them to move away a little, then come out of my hiding place.</p> <p class="cnNiYjY0ZGMxZmM2NzQ3NjA5MDVlYzUwZjM2NTc2N2E0">…</p> <p class="cnNhYWEwODc0NzUwNjQ5ZTBhMjQyZWUyZjYyOTU3ZjYx">I continue my way...</p> <p class="cnMwM2IzYmU5ZTlmZDQyZjBhMGM0MzcwMGQ1NGJkN2Yw">--------------------</p> <p class="cnMwNzcwNDgzNzM1YzRmNTdhYzYyMzczNjI2ZTE2NzZm">The quest tells me the remaining time I have to accomplish it: '4 hours and 39 minutes'. So, I must hurry.</p> <p class="cnM0NGY4NTMwN2M4MTRmOTBiZWI5ZTZmMDk0YTZhODQx">Fortunately, I did not meet other piganes since the group a little earlier.</p> <p class="cnNiOGYzYWQ5OGViYjQ1NjViZmVjYTJkYTc4MTI0Njk0">...</p> <p class="cnM4ZmJkNDExZjQ0YTQ0YmRhMTMwYmZhNzYwNTllMWU3">I am now in what I think is a new area of the forest.</p> <p class="cnMxNWQ0OTVmMGEwNjQzYjE5YTQ0OTQ3ODY0NmIwODUw">In front of me, there are far fewer trees than before, and I notice many large spider webs on the ground as well as on the trees.</p> <p class="cnM2MmEwZThlNTNmNDRkNTg4NjAwZTJlNzU0ZWJjN2Y0">“Oh no, not spiders... I hate spiders!” Said Amelia.</p> <p class="cnM4YTA2ODAwZjEzMzQ0YWJhMzJlNTExZjdlYzVkY2Nm">“I hate them too...”</p> <p class="cnM5NzA5ODc2MDdjMDQzNDg4OTZhZWIwNTZkOTAzOWI3">...</p> </div>
“Kyle, you're finally awake! Look... Look at this screen... It appeared when I woke up...” Said Amelia. A screen? I was so disturbed when I woke up that I did not notice the screen in front of my eyes. | **New quest accepted: Dragon superiority!** | | --- | | **Description**: As a dragon, you must show your superiority to other creatures! **Objective**: Kill 5 lykanoss*. **Rewards**: VIT +1, CON +1, STR +1. **Limited time**: 6 hours **Remaining time**: 5 hours 54 minutes **If you fail the quest**: VIT -3, STR -3, INT -3. | **Author's note: singular: lykanos, plural: lykanoss* WHAT?? “What... what does that mean? Doesn’t the system exist just to make us stronger? Why is it asking us to kill monsters now?” I said. “I've no idea! I knew this system looked like a video game, but I did not expect it to give us a quest...” Amelia said. Do all the magical beasts of this world have quests of this kind to do? Or is it specific to us because we are not from this world? Or maybe is it because we're a dragon? I don’t have an answer to these questions... “Did you see the penalty in case we fail? We can’t afford to ignore this quest, we will have to accomplish it...” she continued. “I... I understand...” I said. As if that was not enough to become a dragon, I can’t even live my new life as I wish... Stupid system, what's your problem with me? “Kyle? You... are you okay?” Asked Amelia. “Yes... No, not really actually. I try not to show it, but I really have trouble accepting this new life... And now this system wants to impose its own rules...” “I understand... It's the same for me. I try to look cool and pretend I'm fine, but this is very hard for me. I... I can only move a head, I don’t even have a body...” “Sorry, I didn’t consider your feelings... I thought it made you happy to be a dragon and you had accepted your new life.” “Not at all! Besides, before sleeping last night, I had imagined that I would wake up this morning in my bed and everything I had experienced was only a bad dream... I had not yet realized that all this situation had become my new reality, that's why I acted as if this world were just a video game... ", she replied. “I see... But you told me that you were aware that this world was not a video game...” “I... I was not honest... A part of me was hoping this whole thing was just a dream or something, but I realize it was silly of me... Sorry.” “Hmm... Since we are going to spend a long time together, I suggest that we be honest towards each other from now on.” I said. “Okay!” “Well, let's go do this stupid quest now!” I said. I then go to the exit of the cave. I am satisfied with this conversation with Amelia. I knew it was not possible to accept our new life so quickly. In reality, she was suffering in silence... Once out of the cave, I realize that the sun has just risen. So, I really slept all night without even realizing it! Maybe I need a lot of rest because my dragon body has just been born. I see no other explanation… “Kyle, we have an attribute point to spend, I put it in INT, do you agree?” “Yes!” | **You have spent 1 attribute point: INT+1** | | --- |   | **STATUS** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Name: No name Race: two-headed dragon | Path: none Evolution: baby dragon Rank: F | State: normal | | Level 3/10 – XP (5/50) | | **HP** : 65/65 (0.5/s) | **SPEED** : 225 | **PHY MOD**  : 0% | | **MP** : 70/70 (0.5/s) | **PHY RES** : 0.05% | **MAG MOD** : 10% | | **END** : 55/55 (0.5/s) | **MAG RES** : 0.05% | **ALIGNMENT** : neutral |   To accomplish this quest, I still have a major problem: I don’t know at all where I can find lykanoss. Which way to go? I must think carefully, I don’t want to fail the quest because I don’t go in the right direction... Hmm... “We should go back to the place where we killed the lykanos and the pigane yesterday, maybe we will find traces that will lead us to the lykanoss’ territory.” I said. “Sounds like a good idea.” I hope we will find clues once there. Yesterday, going west, we found a lykanos facing a pigane. But continuing in this direction we arrived in King Dalak'zur’s territory... -------------------- Once there, I discover that the two corpses that we left yesterday, are only two skeletons now. Amelia and I had eaten a few pieces of the lykanos, but now there is nothing left but bones. I don’t even want to think about the thing that could devour two big corpses to the point of leaving only bones... “Kyle, look...” Amelia beckons me that she noticed something. Indeed, on the ground there are several footprints that seem to come from the north. However, I can’t say for sure that these are lykanoss’ prints. I'm not really familiar with the monsters of this world. A track remains a track and it is worth going to see in this direction. At least these footprints don’t lead to the King Dalak'zur’s territory... -------------------- It's only been twenty minutes that I walk, and I already meet a magic beast, a pigane. | Pigane (magical beast) – level 4 – HP: 80/80 **Description**: Big but fast. Has great strength. | | --- | Little problem, it was it who spotted me first and charged me from nowhere. Fortunately, it makes a lot of noise when moving, so I was able to avoid the charge on time. Amelia and I then use [Fire breath]. The pigane catches fire but ignores the pain and charges me. BANG! I take the charge with full force and am thrown against a tree behind me. Ouch! It hurts but I get up quickly. In one attack I lost more than 20 HP! The pigane doesn’t give me time to catch my breath and charges me again... I rush through the trees to avoid it. He pursues me, but because of his width it can’t, like me, pass between the trees and must take detours most of the time... Now there is enough distance between us, I look back and feel that I can use [Fire breath] without it having time to dodge. Flames come out of my mouth and Amelia's mouth, completely wrapping the pigane. This time it is really in pain. “GAAAAH GAAAAH” it stops its race then rolls on the ground to extinguish the flames that burn its fur. I take this opportunity to go to it and uses [Bite] to bite it on the flank. Amelia does the same. “GAAAAH...” The pigane growls one last time before stopping. | **You have killed a Pigane <level 4>: XP + 40.** **Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 20.** | | --- |   | **Congratulations! You are now level 4.** **1** **attribute point available.** **1 passive skill available.** **Active skill acquired: Dragon roar <level: 1/10>** **Active skill acquired: Reinforced scales <level: 1/10>** | | --- |   It was rather weak, or is it us who are too strong? I ignore the screens before my eyes and realize something: it is less than a day that I am in this world, and yet I don’t feel anything anymore by killing magical beasts... I must check if it's the same for Amelia... “Amelia, what did you feel when you killed that pigane?” “Huh? Hmm... nothing! Nothing at all... You... You too, reassure me? I will not lose my humanity, will I?” She answered. “It is the same for me. But I don’t think we will lose our humanity.” I said. At least not right now... “So, it's better not to think about that for the moment.” I continued. “I... I see. By the way, we have acquired new skills ... [Appraisal]!” Said Amelia. | **Dragon roar (Detail)** | | --- | | **Type**: Active skill – physical (support). **Level**: 1 / 10 **Description**: Your roar shakes your enemies. **Cost**: 15 END **Range**: 10 meters, around the user. **Cast time**: none. **Cooldown**: 15 seconds **Effect**: Stun the enemies around you for 1.5 second. (+ 0.1 second by level) |   | **Reinforced scales (Detail)** | | --- | | **Type**: Active skill – magical (defensive). **Level**: 1 / 10 **Description**: The scales of your body are magically strengthened, increasing your resistance to physical damage. **Cost**: 25 MP **Range**: - **Cast time**: none. **Cooldown**: 30 seconds **Effect**: PHY RES + 50% for 3 seconds. (+ 1% by level) |   “They look pretty interesting! Amelia can you use the [Reinforced scales] skill?” [Reinforced scales] is a skill that affects our body. However, Amelia can’t control it, so I wonder if she can use this skill. “Hmm, let me try ... [Reinforced scales].” she said. Biiiiiiiiiiii The small scales of my body suddenly emit a sound and light up. My whole body is now surrounded by a blue aura. “It works!” Said Amelia. “Yes, it's good to know.” “Now let's choose the passive skill ... Choose a skill!” She continued. | **Choose a passive skill** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Solar Reinforcement | Lunar Reinforcement | Blood dragon | Immunity | | **No restriction** | **No restriction** | **Alignment: Evil only** | **Alignment: Good only** | | MP + 25% when it’s daytime. | END + 25% when it’s night-time. | You can now use your HP instead of your MP to use a magical skill. | If an attack inflicts more than 50% of your HP. You gain immunity to damage for 3 seconds | “Alignment: Evil? Alignment: Good? What does that mean?” I said. “Look at the status screen, our alignment is displayed there. Our current alignment is ‘neutral’ so we can’t choose the last two passive skills. I think we should choose [Solar Reinforcement] since we usually fight the day and not the night.” Answered Amelia. “I understand. In this case, how to change our alignment?” “No idea!” “Too bad... Well, let's choose the [Solar Reinforcement] skill.” | **Passive skill acquired: [Solar Reinforcement]** | | --- |   “I'm spending the attribute point in INT!” Said Amelia. | **You have spent 1 attribute point: INT+1** | | --- |   “Wait! ... I wanted to put it in VIT this time...” I said. “Oops...” “Seriously... next time ask my opinion before...” “I Promise!” She said. I check my 'status' and 'skills' screens before hitting the road. | **STATUS** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Name: No name Race: two-headed dragon | Path: none Evolution: baby dragon Rank: F | State: normal | | Level 4/10 – XP (15/55) | | **HP** : 65/65 (0.5/s) | **SPEED** : 225 | **PHY MOD** : 0% | | **MP** : 100/100 (0.5/s) | **PHY RES**: 0.05% | **MAG MOD** : 10% | | **END** : 55/55 (0.5/s) | **MAG RES** : 0.05% | **ALIGNMENT** : neutral |   | **SKILLS** | | --- | | **Active skills** [Appraisal <level 2/10>], [Fire breath <level 2/10>], [Bite <level 2/10>], [Dragon’s roar <level 1/10>], [Reinforced scales <level 1/10>]. | | **Passive skills** [Dragon’s might], [Serene dragon], [Solar Reinforcement]. | | **Title skills** “Baby dragon” |   Thanks to my new passive skill, I now have 100 MP! -------------------- Two piganes spotted me. They came from behind me and charged me at full speed... I will not have time to dodge! “RAAAAAAAAGH !!” Amelia roars powerfully, it’s probably the skill [Dragon roar]! The piganes then stop and shake for a moment. It allows me to reposition myself. Well done Amelia! I target the pigane on the right and Amelia the one on the left ... [Fire breath]! They catch fire. One of them retreats because of the pain but the other one is charging me! “GAAAAH GAAAAH” Biiiiiiiiiii I use the skill [Reinforced scales]. My body lights up in blue. I receive the charge. BANG! Thanks to the skill I am not ejected, I only back a few steps! The pigane looks surprised at the inefficiency of its attack. We then use [Fire breath] again... It is unable to move under the pressure of the flames. “GAAAAH...” After a few seconds, he dies. | **You have killed a Pigane <level 4>: XP + 40.** **Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 20.** | | --- |   | **The skill [Fire breath] is now level 3.** | | --- |   | **Congratulations! You are now level 5.** **1 attribute point available.** | | --- |   The remaining pigane is back and charges me... I have time to dodge this time. I leap on the right and avoid the charge. The pigane can’t change its trajectory and crash into the tree that was behind me. CRASH! It is stun because of this. I walk over to it, we then finish it by using several [Bite]. | **You have killed a Pigane <level 2>: XP + 20.** **Bonus XP from title « Baby dragon » +50%: XP + 10.** | | --- |   “These new skills are amazing! Let's eat this pigane before we hit the road again.” Said Amelia. “Let's do this!” It is true that with these new skills we are even stronger than before! ... We finished eating. I spend the attribute point in VIT and continue to move. | **You have spent 1 attribute point: VIT+1** | | --- |   | **STATUS** | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Name: No name Race: two-headed dragon | Path: none Evolution: baby dragon Rank: F | State: normal | | Level 5/10 – XP (50/60) | | **HP** : 75/75 (0.5/s) | **SPEED** : 225 | **PHY MOD** : 0% | | **MP** : 100/100 (0.5/s) | **PHY RES** : 0.05% | **MAG MOD** : 10% | | **END** : 55/55 (0.5/s) | **MAG RES** : 0.05% | **ALIGNMENT** : neutral |   I have met only piganes so far, I must be on their territory. So, I have to be extra vigilant to avoid meeting an entire group... -------------------- I spotted a group in the distance. Fortunately, they made a lot of noise when moving, otherwise I would not have been able to avoid them. When I heard them, I hid directly further. I'm watching them now. At least six piganes, they advance in groups and... Are heading in my direction! I hope they don’t have a good sense of smell, otherwise they will easily discover me... They are now very close to me ... This is the moment of truth... They pass... Without seeing me! Phew! I wait for them to move away a little, then come out of my hiding place. … I continue my way... -------------------- The quest tells me the remaining time I have to accomplish it: '4 hours and 39 minutes'. So, I must hurry. Fortunately, I did not meet other piganes since the group a little earlier. ... I am now in what I think is a new area of the forest. In front of me, there are far fewer trees than before, and I notice many large spider webs on the ground as well as on the trees. “Oh no, not spiders... I hate spiders!” Said Amelia. “I hate them too...” ...
{ "title": "Moonlight Sword Sect", "id": 20601, "author": "Myriad_", "rating": 4 }
{ "title": "Eating (3/3)", "id": 305985, "next": null, "prev": 305978, "prev_info": "", "next_info": null }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YmY0MjdlMGE4NTRhMDM5NDJlNmFiMmZmOWFjZWU0">Looking at the dishes on the table, I grab a nearby chopstick before looking over to the dishes over me. Heh, this lady will be eating all of you today!</p> <p class="cnNiMWFhZWFmZTllZTRlZjJhY2Y4Y2FkMmNmMWUwMzE4">Quickly, I pick up a nearby plate and before splitting apart the chopsticks into two. After I break apart the chopsticks, I began picking up meat from every dishes.</p> <p class="cnNkNjgwYWJiZDU1NjRiOWU5MDhmZjkwMGM0ODRkZTZj">Meat!</p> <p class="cnMyNmQ4YTFhNjA1YzRmNzA5NWM3MjVhNDg4MjU4Yzhj">Indeed, most of the dishes the goddess chose earlier are all meat. Cow meat, chicken meat and most notably— dragon meat.</p> <p class="cnNiYjY2YTRiNjE3MjQyNWE4MGI0Y2NmOGQ2ZjU3MDMy">Yep, dragon meat.</p> <p class="cnNiOWY2MjA5MmEwYTQxNDZiZGFmOTZiMjQ0OWE4NWVl">Haaa~</p> <p class="cnM4NjA0MTYxMzM4MjQ5OTk5MGEzNzc0ODE1ZTE2ZDc0">Just the smell of the dragon's roasted meat makes me hungrier than ever. Waaaa…</p> <p class="cnM5NzFiOWFmZmViNDQzYjE5ODBiOWVlZjQ2ZDJiYmE4">"Eat this." The goddess said to me, pointing out a fish with weird fins.</p> <p class="cnMzMzdlYzBhNmU4NTQyYWU4ZjM2OWVlNDhkYmI3Y2Fm">Err…</p> <p class="cnM4MmIwMGIwNDU3MzQ0ZDdiNmEzZjYxN2ZlNjJkNDE2">What's that?</p> <p class="cnM2ZGE3NzMxYTQ3ZjQxN2JiM2FmYTkxNTBlYTk5Y2E2">I narrow my vision at the fish the goddess was pointing at. It was so weird that the fish piqued my interests.</p> <p class="cnNhYWEyOTIzNjA4ZDRmMGJhOWJjZGFiZjAwM2U0NjRk">This looks like… a mini-shark? But it has scales though…</p> <p class="cnNmMzAwMzI4MjBmMzQ1MGRiNDAzMjI4ZjAyMmI2YTBm">Weird.</p> <p class="cnM2Mzk1MTI2N2MyZTRjMDJhMzNiNWRlMzI1NjZhY2I2">"It's a Yin fish." The goddess said, telling me the name of the fish.</p> <p class="cnMwNTcyZjkwMjdlOTQ3OThhMjQ1N2NjMTBhMDM5NzRi">Yin fish? What is tha— wait…</p> <p class="cnNkNTZkOTc5NDA5NjQ0MmFiNzg2M2ViMzhjYzJhZjY1">Hold on a second…</p> <p class="cnM5NzgzYjA5ODZjZjRhMWRhM2ZlZTI5MmQxMjQ4Njkz">Aren't yin fishes the most sought by ladies and yin Qi practitioners?</p> <p class="cnM2ZGEzZDkxNzhiYTQ1NDFhZTE0N2M3NDlhY2M0Y2Ji">"Indeed." The goddess said while picking up the meat of the yin fish using her chopsticks.</p> <p class="cnMzNjk5ZjA3NWVjYzQ2OGY5ZmNmM2ZkNjUxOWNlY2Jl">Suddenly, my mind became focused on the fish before me after hearing the goddess' response to my questions.</p> <p class="cnNhN2Y3M2U1ZmMzYjQ4NTRiMjNhM2Y4MzE1MDBmMWIw">Waaa! I can eat this fish?!!!</p> <p class="cnNlNGVjNWE1ODEyOTQzYjU5NTZjNmFlMTcyOWQ3ZTc5">Finally…</p> <p class="cnMzOGU0NWQwZWYwMzRmOTU4ODRiOTA0MGFkYTFkZTQ2">After all these years of being nerfed to the point of me being broke…</p> <p class="cnM2MWU5Y2E3NDM1OTRhMTliYTFiMjU3NjdiYjhkZDE3">I can now rise up…</p> <p class="cnMwMGQ3MTNmZWVlNTQ3NmI5YmM0NTc5NGRhNjAyZTg5">Haha…</p> <p class="cnNiYTEzMWQwMjA2ODQ5YmQ4N2U0ODVhNjUyYjQ0ZDcy">Ahahahahaha! I am now going to be a true intellectual!</p> <p class="cnMzOTQwNDM4ZTAyZTRkZWJiODRmNzE0ZWMyY2ExZGZi">I grin as I see the poor fish before me. Like a bullet, I quickly pick up a huge chunk of the yin fish's meat before me with my chopsticks and places it on my plate before eating it.</p> <p class="cnMzZjM4ZmUyNTUzYjQ5MGZiZjZmZTFkZDI5ZGIwMTIz">Heh, pardon for my rudeness!</p> <p class="cnMzZjkxZTU5ZjViYjQ1MTBhY2EzYmI0MDg2ODIyNDk2">Like a hungry man, I began eating the slabs of yin fish on my plate as quickly as possible.</p> <p class="cnNjMjYzOWRjZDkwZTQyYzBiMzA3MzIwNmM0MGE2MTdj">As the slab of meat goes in my mouth, the slab became cold and juicy at the same time, making me feel like I'm on cloud nine.</p> <p class="cnNjNDE0NTNlNTg5MTQzOWI5MjA4NjhiZGNjZTU0Yjk0">Indeed. Although the fish was cooked with fire, its meat suddenly became cold as soon as my saliva touches the meat.</p> <p class="cnNkZDY2OTcxNGEyNzQyODY4YTBmZTNhNWZkMzFkNDY1">But who cares about that, right? This lady just want to eat food!</p> <p class="cnM3YTMyMTE4MGRjNTRkZDNiNWRmOTViZDkwZDFmNzA2">While eating the fish meat, I smile gently with my eyes slit to the goddess as I feel more and more bliss as I eat the meat.</p> <p class="cnNiZjA1MzIwOGRjZDQzMDU5M2E3YWUyYzBjMTM0Mzcx">"Hehe… This is good, master." I subconsciously said to the goddess before me. I was speaking like a child, free of worries.</p> <p class="cnNjYjU5NmIwYTM5NDQ1NWZiYWQxY2VmYjI2MTY5Mzk2">"Glad you like it, my dear disciple." The goddess said, smiling as she eats the meat of the yin fish.</p> <p class="cnM4ZGE2MTMwYTlmNDQxMzc4MWYwZjUxMDQwMDY1MjYx">Yum yum! Ehehehe….</p> <p class="cnM0NjgyNDYyMGNkNDQ4NTA5MWE4OThiNTg2MTViNTNh"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnM3MWI3OWRiNDc0YzQyMDY4MDFlNTQ5ZjMwMzg5NDU0"> </p> <p class="cnM2OGVjYjcwZWQ0ZTQ0ZTViYzJmNzIwNDQyMTAwMGQ0">After that, we both ate the fish happily until there's nothing left but the scales and the skeleton of the fish.</p> <p class="cnNmZjcyZGI1Zjg0MjQ1M2FiY2RmMWE2MjEwYWU4N2Qz">It was so good that we didn't even spare the whole fish except for its skeleton parts and scale.</p> <p class="cnMxMzIwNDI4NmNjODRkYzA5NDdlOGIyMWI2MDhmMzQ5">Looking at the other dishes, I gulp as the smell of each dishes makes me in delight.</p> <p class="cnM5NDNmYTZkNTYwZDRjOWI4MjZlMTM1ZGE4NjFkZWFk">Heh, this lady is not content yet! I will eat you all so wait for this lady, okay?</p> <p class="cnNkY2FhZTFkZTg5ZDRlZmRhMGIzNmY2MzE5YmZiNGI1">Quickly, I pick up a cow meat and places it on my plate. On the other hand, the goddess was picking up the chicken meat.</p> <p class="cnMwMWFmY2MzZTAyYjQ5NzA4ZGE2OTA3MjE3MGVjYTlm">Once again, I began eating the slab of cow meat on my plate like a hungry man, devouring anything presented to me.</p> <p class="cnNhNjNkMjAzYWYxMTQ3YmJiMDkzZjBhMTAyYTM1N2Q4">As I eat the cow meat with my hungry teeth, juices from cow meat began leaking as I gnaw the cow meat away.</p> <p class="cnNiZWQwN2Y5NTcxNjQzZThiMTZlNzYwMGVkMGU2N2Q2">These juices from the cow meat were like both honey and sweets, making me shiver in delight.</p> <p class="cnM0ZDEwZDUwMTIwZDRiYzNhYzkwMjY2OTJlMGU0NjU5">Aaahh~</p> <p class="cnM1ZmUxM2YyYjNjYzRhOGFhNjczMjk4MWNkY2VmZWVm">I look at the ceiling with a half-open mouth. I was so delighted that I subconsciously looked above to savor the taste of the cow meat.</p> <p class="cnM1ODFkODBkZTQyNTQ4YzdhYzc5ZGNhODJiMzIyOGYy">Waaa…</p> <p class="cnMyOTgyM2RlODhlYjQ3MzU4NGVjODAwODYwNTgyNGNm">After looking up, I continue eating the meat away from my plate while savoring the meat. It's goooooood!</p> <p class="cnM1ZjY1ZWYxMzlkNDRmZmFhYTZlZDIxYmRkM2IzMGFl">"Say ahh…" The goddess said, ordering me to open my mouth.</p> <p class="cnM3M2QxMzQ3MjA0MDRlOGM5NDVhYzE3YjExNjUwMmIw">I look at the goddess and see the thick meat being held by her chopsticks. It was a roasted dragon meat.</p> <p class="cnMyODg1MThhOTc2NTQ3Nzk5YTEyYzJlZDk1YTcwMWFh">Looking at the meat before me, I gently brush away my side fringes as I eat away the meat from the goddess' chopsticks.</p> <p class="cnMxZjRlYjRkMzYyNjQ3Mjc4YzllODU2MmJhYjA3MzE2">"Wa—" Halfway through my words, I was struck by something.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGFiOWEwODI5NDRkMmQ5MzUyMjBiNzdkM2I0MDM5">It was the flavor of the dragon meat, bringing savory juices into my mouth as I chew away the dragon meat.</p> <p class="cnNiYjU1MDU2NTRmNzRjNTc4NTQ5NjBlNjI3NDkwYjA1">The dragon meat was so tender and juicy that I even forgot what I am saying earlier.</p> <p class="cnM3NDdiZWM2ZjUyYTRjNzY4ZDhjZmE0YTEwYzI1MWQz">"Did you like it?" The goddess said to me as she tilts her head while looking at me with her gentle, cute smile.</p> <p class="cnMzNzFiYzgyZGM1MjQ0YjBiYWYyZDk3OWY0OWE1NWFh">"Un!" I nod heavily at her while brimming with a smile. It was so delicious that I nod heavily back to the goddess in response.</p> <p class="cnM2YjhmMGNlMGEwYjQ0NGU5MjkxNjA3MWM3NjAxNDMy">After tasting the dragon meat, I lurk my starving eyes at the dragon meat on the second table.</p> <p class="cnMzZjcwYTY3NTU1MTQ0ZDJiZTFhNTI4ZTAxYjA0ODc5">I stand up from my seat and take away my plate and chopsticks with me as I take a huge chunk of dragon meat on the second table.</p> <p class="cnNlMGFjYTZkZTU0MTRmOTViY2NjMDUxMmMyOWY2MjA1">Hehe… this lady will be eating you, little dragon meat.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjRjNTZhYTZiMDRjMjU5NGU4M2MxOWNkMGVhMTYy">Now that I am in front of the dragon meat, I pick up a huge chunk of the dragon meat before me and places the thick slab of meat on my plate. Heh, you'll never be able to see the light again, little meat.</p> <p class="cnMzZWFiMjBkYzcyNTRjMTViOTc1OTczZGM1NjM4MTAy">With now the dragon meat is on my plate, I return back to my seat and began eating the juicy meat on my plate.</p> <p class="cnM0MDFiZGFjMWE4NjQ0MDRhNzEzOWJlYzFlNGEyMjI3">"Waa~" I moan as I eat away the meat.</p> <p class="cnM2ZDQ3M2MxNTA5MTQ1YWNhNzdhYjdmODRhOTk2OGEw">Subconsciously, I place my right hand on my right cheek as the dragon meat's juice flows in my mouth.</p> <p class="cnNkMTBlNmUwOGMxODQ0NTQ4MTIyMjEwNWM0ZWE0NWY2">Wuuuu…. it's so ahh~</p> <p class="cnM5MzNmY2RlM2NmNjQ1N2I4N2ViMGIwNGZjNDRiZjI4">Ehem. I did not mean it.</p> <p class="cnM2ZThjMTJjZWE5ZTQ0MzViODM3NTRjM2QyYmJiNjlh">I did not mean to moan okay?! I was just dragged with the savory juices of the dragon meat.</p> <p class="cnNlNWM2NDEyYjkzNzQzNGRhZmFhYmNkZmYwY2IyYmQ1">Anyways!</p> <p class="cnNlYmE0MDFjYWVlZDRlZTI4ZDI0MTBlYTNkYzY3NGY1">After eating the dragon meat away, I return back from eating the cow meat. Heh, dragon meat should be the last dish I want to eat before leaving this hall.</p> <p class="cnNlNjZmYzJmM2Y3ZTRmYzdiYzY2YjIzYTU4OGZjMjY4">Like a glutton on the run, I eat and eat and eat the cow meat presented on the table until there's nothing left but bones.</p> <p class="cnMzNzlhOGJmMjQzNzQwM2Q5Y2YwYmNhY2Q4MjlhNjE1">Waa~…</p> <p class="cnNhYzA1M2M1NzViYjQxY2U4NDlmZDY3NTljMTc3ZTAy">Meanwhile, the goddess also finished the chicken meat, leaving nothing but bones. Yep, the goddess is also like a glutton on the run.</p> <p class="cnMwZWQ3OGY2ZGYzZjRlNDQ5NWVlZmQ5MDNhNjkzNDlj">I retract my eyes away from the goddess and look at the other dishes presented on the table that was still left untouched. There were three different meat dishes, one vegetable dish and most important of all— desserts!</p> <p class="cnNkYzA5OWQ4Nzg0NzRiOTlhMzAyY2JjNzRjZjhhN2Rm">Indeed. There were desserts presented on the third table. However, despite the fact that desserts melt after a while of being untouched, these desserts before me were covered by a thick dome glass that covers the desserts and the same time, the dome prevents the desserts from melting.</p> <p class="cnNlZGMwNTJhZWMxZTQ2YmZiMDMwMmU1MzQxNTQzZWY0">Weird.</p> <p class="cnNjYmE5ODZiMzMxOTQ1MjI5YjViYWVkZDk5Mjk2YmZh">After I look at the desserts on the third table, I gaze at the three different types of meat. The first meat looks like a white meat then the second meat looks like an octopus meat and finally, the third meat looks like a roasted pig meat.</p> <p class="cnM0ZmNlOTljNDA1MDQ3OGM5MzYxYjQ5NTAxN2FlOTQw">Well, though I do not know any of you, this lady will eat any of you, little meats.</p> <p class="cnMzYTExNjVmNDNjNjQ5ODk4YzI0MTEzNDYwNDc4NTkx">Heh.</p> <p class="cnMyYjI0ZTg1OWZiYzRkMjhiYTJkZWM3OTA4OTQ1NWIz">Once again, I stand up from my seat and pick up my plate and chopsticks as I choose one of the three different types of meat from the second table.</p> <p class="cnNlYzcxZWE5YjM0YjQzMWQ5OWU5ZGRlN2JmNmQyYTc4">Let's see….</p> <p class="cnNjMGJhY2VlN2ExZTRjYWZiMTliOTE3ODYxZGRjODMw">I close my eyes as I randomly point my fingers to decide what I eat next. Since I can't decide which meat I am going to eat next, why not decide it randomly?</p> <p class="cnNmODM3NmYxZDViMTRiODJhZWE1ODM5MWViNzI5Nzc3">After a few seconds, I finally open my eyes as I stop my fingers from randomly moving around.</p> <p class="cnM0N2VkZDU2Y2RlNDQ3ODQ4MzgxNjhjOWI3NTQ0ZGMy">I randomly chose an octopus meat.</p> <p class="cnM2YTk4YTdlOGYyMDRmMjc5ZGI2NDYyYTFmZWI3OGVi">Gently, I pinch the tentacles of the roasted octopus away with my chopsticks to my plate. After placing the tentacles on my plate, I return back to my seat and began eating it.</p> <p class="cnM3YjJhMGM3ZmUxYzQwNTU4MGRhNTMyODJlYTAwODdk">Likewise, the goddess also chose the roasted octopus meat and picks it up with her chopsticks before returning to her seat.</p> <p class="cnMxOTM0YjI2Mzk0YjRmMzVhYTE3ZmIwNTQ3OGVjZmU4">As I eat the octopus with my mouth, I feel like I'm both eating and chewing a gum. Although it was hard to chew, the juices of the tentacle meat make me in delight.</p> <p class="cnM1MTQ3Yzc1MDIzNjRhZTY5ODg1ZmYyNDYxMmExM2Jl">It was as if I'm in the sea, waiting for a gigantic Kraken to appear out of nowhere.</p> <p class="cnMzYTcyYjJkYjc1NzQwNTg4YTRmMDc3OTZjZDEwMWI3"> </p> <hr> <p class="cnM3MmNjNjRkMDNmNjRjNDE5YWNlZWFmM2ZhN2M0N2Fk">After eating the whole octopus dish, I once again, pick a different dish randomly. This time, I got the white meat.</p> <p class="cnNmNzVkOTI0MTM3YzQ4NmI4NjFmMmNmZTk3MDc3OTdm">I pick up a slab of white meat from the table and began eating it after returning from my seat.</p> <p class="cnNjOTRiYzgwNjY1NjRjY2ViNTBiMGMxZDg2MjVhNWNl">It was a chicken meat. This white meat is a chicken meat.</p> <p class="cnNhNDlkMzM1Y2ZlNDQ1MGRiMGJkMGI1ZDNjNDY3NmMz">I look at the goddess who was currently savoring herself with the same white meat. It seems the goddess likes chicken meat, right?</p> <p class="cnM0MjQwZTY4MDkwMDQ2NGRhOGNkY2ViZGUwMzMyODg4">As we both eat and eat away the white meat until there's nothing left but the bones and skeleton of the chicken, I look at the roasted pig meat.</p> <p class="cnMxMWJlMTIzOWM0ODQ3NWVhZmNlMjEzODg1YzVlNDFk">It was a roasted pig meat with golden skin. Hmm…</p> <p class="cnM2MTg2MmYxOWYzMzQ4NDc5MGM1YzNlMWI0ZDdhMTBk">With its golden skin piqued my interests, I pick up a slab of the roasted pig meat's meat and skin. It was hard to take off and yet, crispy at the same time.</p> <p class="cnMwZTRlZWVmYTNkNzRjNWM4YzMyYzQ3YmI0ZDJhZDg5">Weird. Definitely weird.</p> <p class="cnMxYmM5Y2Q0ZjE3MTQxZTJhNTVhMmQ1NTY3ZGJhNTU2">After taking the meat away, I return back from my seat and began eating the roasted pig's meat.</p> <p class="cnMzODZiNzk2MWQ0YTQ3Mjg4M2IxNmVkOWEwY2Y3NzZk">As soon as I chew the golden skin of the roasted pig, I felt that my mouth was savoring the crispy skin of the meat.</p> <p class="cnNhNmQ3MWQ4NDYzNjRlZjI5ZjRjNTQyOGIxMWJmMDIw">It was good!</p> <p class="cnNhMzM0NjZlYzgxMDRiYmE5MzhhODU3ZjRiNGNkMzRm">Waaa~~~~</p> <p class="cnNlYzQ0YTUxZjkwODQ4NTRhODZlYTIxMWZlYTE1Nzdm">Quickly, I eat the skin and the meat from my plate as I was delighted with the flavor of the meat.</p> <p class="cnM2YzFkZWE5N2RlNTQ2N2ZhNGFmYmYxZGFmZTMzZmQw">Gooooood!!!!</p> <p class="cnNlMzZiM2IyNGI5YjRhMWJiNTVkN2I2MWM4Yzk4NDQ5">After eating the meat on my plate, I decided to go up and take another slab of meat and skin away, with this time bigger than before.</p> <p class="cnM1ZWI1MDNjYjg2NzRjZDE4OWU5ZWUzZDEwOThlMzlm">Once again, I quickly eat the meat away as soon as possible. The goddess, on the other hand, was eating the vegetable dish.</p> <p class="cnNjZTFiMDJiYmQ4MTRkOTlhMTdkM2EwZGEwNGRiMjVi">Heh, it looks like I'm the only one eating the pig, right?</p> <p class="cnNhYTk5NTYyYjFlZDRjMzU5ZTQ5ZjBlNGMwNmE0Yzgy">Very well, this dish is for this lady now.</p> <p class="cnMxYzNiZDA2NTMxNjQ5YTliZTFmMzUyYzYxODdjMTcz">Just as I was grinning at the meat, the goddess also took a huge chunk of the roasted meat.</p> <p class="cnNiZjQ2ZmI3ZGE2MzQ1MTU5MTc4MTc3NjQwMTQ0ZWJj">F*ck! The goddess was reading my mind from the very beginning!</p> <p class="cnMyMjdlZTcyYTIyMTRjMWRiNjBhODRjMDg5NmVjMTUy">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnMwZWEwNTM5M2E4YTRlM2Y4NzE3NGM3MTVkNzkyYmEy">Since there's nothing to do now, might as well share the roasted pig's meat with the goddess.</p> <p class="cnMyMjhmODIzYTk5ZTQwZjVhNGJkMjkzYTliZDFhZTQ3">After all, she's the one who ordered the pig, not me.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWE4NjhlNTIyZjQ3MGI4YjE0MWY5Zjc0NGZlOTQ4">Right?</p> <p class="cnMxODAyNGYxZmU2NjRlMDU4MDFjYThmMmZiY2ZjNGU4">After that, both I and the goddess eat away the roasted pig until there's nothing left but skeletons and bones of the pig.</p> <p class="cnNmYmI4YThkODBhMzRlNzRiODJkOWRiNjY3ZDg5MmNm">Err…</p> <p class="cnMwMjA1Y2JkNWNhNTRmZTk5NzQzZGJiZjg5MWMwZGVl">With now the desserts were left, I open the glass container of the desserts and take a sweet sweet dessert with me as I return away from my seat.</p> <p class="cnM5Yzc3MzczOGFjNzRhMTg4ZjM4MmFiYTRmZjUwN2Ix">Heh, this lady will be eating you now, poor swee—</p> <p class="cnM0ZDM0ODA4ZWY5YTRmZjU4MWJkOWZjM2JhYjRjMmRl">Just as I was going to eat the dessert before me, I suddenly felt unable to eat anymore. F*ck!</p> <p class="cnMzYWE4YjRkOTEzOTQ3MDg5ODkxOWQ0YTgzZGMyNGE3">I look at myself. My stomach was bloating. F*ck me.</p> <p class="cnMyZTQ2OTY3ZDgzMDQxNTJiMDBmY2NkY2QxZDI4YWEw">I forgot that I ate so much that I did not notice that my stomach is bloating like a pig.</p> <p class="cnM2NzU4MzBlMDVmMjQxZmJiMmVmOTJlNTczYTY5OWFh">"Take this." The goddess said, handing a pill covered wrapped on a paper.</p> <p class="cnMzZWQyMGRiODgwYTRmNDQ4MDc2NTRmNzk2MTI0YjUx">Errr… What's that?</p> <p class="cnMwOTVjZmNiMWMwMTRhNjU4ZTA1YWVhZGIyMzNiMTQy">"It reverts your appearance back from being fat to slim." The goddess said as while looking at me.</p> <p class="cnNlOTQ5MzgyZmRkNDQzYjM4NmU0ZjdmY2ExZDE2ZDI0">I nod in return and take the pill from the goddess' hand. After that, I unwrap the pill and immediately swallow it.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmNiMDU5OWFkYjQ4NTNiOGFkODE0NDY2Nzk1NzY0">"Also, the excess fat that you gained from eating will be converted to an energy instead." The goddess continued as she hands me another set of wrapped pills."</p> <p class="cnMzZjkxNmI4MmJhNzRmMGU5YzQ0YzM3ZjBiNDI0MTUy">I only need one though? How come the goddess gives me more?</p> <p class="cnNlNjA0NDZiN2ZjZDQ2NDI5MWY2ZjM4NmEyOTQ5YjQ3">"Just take it. Use these pills if you ate too many foods or sweets." The goddess explained.</p> <p class="cnMxMWJhODMxYmQwOTQyNDNhNzIxZGFhMmRhZTBkNjdj">"Thank you, master." I thanked and bowed at the goddess. The goddess, in turn, nods back at me.</p> <p class="cnNkNDdlZWNhMDkyZDQ5NTBhODcyNWIxODNiZTA2Mjlh">After bowing, I take the set of pills on the goddess' hand and put it back to my pouches. Since I don't really need to use it, for now, might as well store it right?</p> <p class="cnNkNTdhNmE5ZjY1MTQ0YmJiZDE0MDdjNGVlOTYxZWIy">Anyways!</p> <p class="cnNlNzUyZTc4Zjg5YjQyMzRhMmVjMmZjOGZhYmM0MzA5">After I swallowed the pill, my stomach reverted back to its former state. With that being said, I continued my gaze at the dessert before me and began eating it away.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDMwYjM1MWNlYjQwZGQ5NWFkNzFjNjJmNzk1YjNi">As I consume the sweet dessert away, the cold temperature and the sweetness of the dessert made me once again, shivering me in delight. Waaa!</p> <p class="cnNhM2FkNTJhMjc1ZTRmMTQ5YjE0YTkwZDdlM2I1ZWQx">The dessert was like a sweet that is capable of making my knees weak.</p> <p class="cnM3MjQyZTQ0YzBjZjQwMjc4MWMxZTE3MDA0MDIwM2E3">It was so sweet that I even felt my knees shaking at the sweetness of the dessert.</p> <p class="cnMzMTM2OTY1OWU4MjQ3NzhhNzI4MmQ5YmJmYjZiOTFi">I was feeling weak at the grand dessert before me.</p> <p class="cnM4ODA3YjZjZjVhNzQzNjE4M2VhNDJhZWVjNzRmZWY4">As I was feeling weak, the goddess, on the other hand, was very quick this time. She was finishing each dessert in just a set of seconds.</p> <p class="cnMxODc5ZWFiMzc1ZjQwNDQ4NDcyYzFkMGFlZmJiOThh">She was so fast that even I had to stop eating the dessert before me and look at her instead.</p> <p class="cnNmMzgxYWY4ZDRmMjQzNDk4MTE5MDM0NzAyYjllYzdl">F*ck. The goddess is a sweet gourmet! F*ck!</p> <p class="cnMwNjU3NTY1NDU2MjRmZTNiMGVjZTRkMWE0YTcyNmQ4">Quickly, I look at the dessert before me and began eating it as fast as I can. Master, you cannot beat me.</p> <p class="cnM4OWYyNTc4OTZhZDRmNzk5OGViYzkyY2VmZjEwMTBk">I am the real sweet gourmet.</p> <p class="cnNjMDE5YmI5OWJiMjQ4NDNiNzU5YjU1YzUyNmU3YjQ2">However…</p> <p class="cnNiMmQyZDUzYjBjYzQ2MzA4YTViYjU2NGFlOWExN2Zk">Just as I was consuming the dessert, I suddenly felt my brain freeze, thus making me stop eating the dessert.</p> <p class="cnM0MjVmODE3OGQzMTQ3MWE5NDUxZGIyNGVmMWNjZDUz">The goddess, on the other hand, had already eaten every dessert on the third table. There's nothing left except my dessert.</p> <p class="cnMwNDhhYTAwODY2NjQ4YjQ4ZTU5ZmM2OTE4YzM1YWZk">This battle was a crushing blow to me.</p> <p class="cnNlNTI2YTFmODYxNzQ3ODI5NGFjNTFlZDhiY2RmZjk4">Goddess, I will never forget this battle. I will train myself to become the greatest sweet gourmet!</p> <p class="cnMwYjdhZjYzNDQxYzQ2MjI5Mjc4NjE1MjhkY2M3ZDc2">….</p> <p class="cnMzNWI4Y2QwZTNkZTQzODI5NGNkZThkZjllODMwZDBj">....</p> <p class="cnM0ZjY5NTRhOGI2ODRiZDhiNzMwOTUzYzM0YzFhYTVj">Wait…</p> <p class="cnM4ZjI5OWUxMjRiMjQwMmFiMDI1YzdkZDk4MzQzMmFk">Shouldn't there be a music intro after I said that I'm going to be the greatest gourmet?</p> <p class="cnNiZDkwMzVkMmIzNDRjODI4MWQ2NjQ3MDFlN2I3MDQ0">Hmm…</p> <p class="cnM3MjM5M2IyNmM0ZjRiZmQ5MTZmY2JlODJiNjNjYWJi">Weird.</p> <p class="cnNjZTE0YzBlMGViYTRiNGU5M2IzM2VkNGY5OTVjZWQx">However, I will still never forget this crushing defeat!</p> <p class="cnNkMjcxMWNlZDY5NTQ2YmJhYjIxYzBiNWI5YjRlNTY3">Slowly, I eat my dessert as I learned my lesson of eating too quickly. F*ck, I don't want to have my brain freeze again.</p> <p class="cnM2YTViYzM0YjY3MDRjNDM5OTIzMTViYWNlYzUwYzE5">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnMwZWFiNzVmZTdjODQ4MDI4ZWFmMGExOGFjMzliNGE4">"Waiter!" I heard the goddess calling out the waiter.</p> <p class="cnMxZWJhM2RhNWE5NjQ4ODM4MDM5ZDJiZmIzMzUxZDI1">I look at the goddess who was brimming with a smile. Tch, the goddess was leading me to her trap.</p> <p class="cnNlYjVkNzI1Y2E0NzQzNjhhODc0ZWI3YzlmNWRlNmIw">I know that I lost okay?!</p> <p class="cnNjZjY3YzNjMTljMDQwNTFiODJiOThiMGMwYjE1Yjc1">But even so, there will be a time that I will win and you will lose, master of mine.</p> <p class="cnMwNDIzMjk0MWNlZDRmNTA4YzQ1MmQwNWE1ODI1OTMw">Heh.</p> <p class="cnMzZDcwY2Q4ZDQ4MzRmNjNiNjc0ZDBhOTM0ZTQ5ZDQ3"><em>*Pluck!*</em></p> <p class="cnM3YWE2NTM1MDhmZTRhMjdhM2VjNTg1ZjhmNzkxY2Q0">A sound of something flicking resounded across the hall.</p> <p class="cnNhMjc5NWM0NmY2ODRhZmY5ZTE3OWQyNThiYmJjNDBk">It was once again, my forehead being flicked by the goddess.</p> <p class="cnNkYTM0ZWYyZTA2MzQ1ZTk4YzM5Nzg1Nzc0YTk1MGM1">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnNmNmYzZjNjMTAxMzRmMTA5ZGJlNmI0M2UwNmJiODYw">After being flicked, I calm myself down and began eating away the dragon meat. Heh, I told you that I will be eating the dragon meat last.</p> <p class="cnNmNjk3ZmE1NGRhZDQ2MTlhNjUzODVhNDk4ODdlMjNl">As I eat the remaining dish, the waiter comes beside the goddess and hands out a paper. It was the total cost of everything we ate.</p> <p class="cnMxNWIzYzEyY2I1ODRiNTJiNzI4MGJmNjY4MDgzZDgz">I look at the contents of the paper, only to find out a huge amount of money written on the paper.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2VjN2IzYmQ2YjQ2OTg4YWI0MjA0MDhjOGZhNTBi">The total cost of the dishes sums up to a whopping half a million gold.</p> <p class="cnNjZjEyNzQ5ZTE4ZjRkZTI5NWMxNGU5ZGI5ZTVkMzRh">F*ck.</p> <p class="cnNkOTU2MjI0MThlYTQ3NWNhNWY1YTYyNWM0Y2NiNzc4">I look at the dishes with regret and guilt. F*ck me.</p> <p class="cnNmNWQ4NzFlNTkxYjQzMDU5MjAxNzAwYjRkOWIxMzNi">I don't have any money for that.</p> <p class="cnNlYmIxMzRjMmM2NzQzZWFhYTNiOGUzYWRhNGE4OTFi">I'm a broken lady ya know? I don't even have a single gold on me.</p> <p class="cnNlMTlkZmI0Zjg3ZDQxODI5ODlkNzk3NTcxOGI4N2Zk">Sigh…</p> <p class="cnNkNTgzM2M3NThkZjQwMDNhYzJhOWJkMjhkYjUwYmU4">F*ck….</p> <p class="cnM1M2I2YTY3ZGYxNjQwNzQ4MGM5M2FjMTUzYTM2ODAw">Should I become a maid here instead to pay off my debts? F*ck it…</p> <p class="cnM0NjExZWY5NjA5YjRmM2NiYTdjMGMxZGEzNDY0YWJk">"Here." The goddess, who was also looking at the paper, said while handing out a card.</p> <p class="cnM3OGRkMzY5NTZiOTRlODg4YTUzNTZiYWNjY2ZhN2Iz">The waiter, who looks at the card, was shocked. His eyes became larger than ever as soon as he saw the card.</p> <p class="cnNhOGFmMWYwYzNjYTRjNTNiMGRkNWE1Y2Y0ZjRkZTZl">Eh? What's wrong with the card? Is it something amazing?</p> <p class="cnM1OWJiNThlODRmZjQyNzFhZDdlYzUwMTVkN2RlNjIx">I look at the card. It was a pure white card with the portrait of the sect master's pretty face on it.</p> <p class="cnM1YzdiOWRkYTAwYzRkYjlhYzM5MDgwMWE1YzY4MzY2">Err…</p> <p class="cnM3ZWMwODkyMTFjMTRiYzJiMDVhYjlkYWEwMmM4M2Q5">What's this?</p> <p class="cnNjZjA0YmNjMmI5MTQ2M2FiMDZjNGZiZGM5YWU2Mzdj">Is it something like an IOU from the sect master?</p> <p class="cnNkYmMxMzkxYjMxYTRlMzU4MzcyNWQ2YmYyY2JkMzdk">Hmm…</p> <p class="cnM5YzlhZGZhYTE3NjQyYmQ4MmNhNjBiYThkMjE0Y2M3">Suddenly, the waiter in front of the goddess bows with formality while saying, "Thank you for visiting this humble pagoda of ours, venerable higher-up!"</p> <p class="cnMyY2FlNTViOWNjMzQzMjM4YTZiNjZkYzgwMzBkMWE4">He was so loud that even the nearby people look at him then at the goddess.</p> <p class="cnNmYjAwZWEwOGFjYzQwNDg5YmE1NjYwMGExNGVjZTA1">Err…</p> <p class="cnM5ZDE0ZDFiMzcwOTQxN2FhZTBiMDYzYjc2NDE2MTM1">"Now that we have eaten, let's go take a walk, shall we my stupid disciple?" The goddess said as she rose up from her seat.</p> <p class="cnM5ZWRmY2I1MzQ2NTRhMjhiODEzNDhmYmNhOGNhNWEx">"Un," I said back and also rose up from my seat.</p> <p class="cnM2YjQ0NGY4Yjc1ZDQyMjViODJiMmI2YTAxM2Y1M2Rm">After finally standing up from my seat, I take a look at the white card the waiter is holding. He was holding it with care.</p> <p class="cnNhNGExOTA2ODRiMjRmYWVhZTlmMmEzYWE4MmM2NzY0">It was as if it was as if a totem of god.</p> <p class="cnMzMWU2ZTgyMWNkNzQ3MDhiZDg1YjJkNDRlMzliOGYw">I retract my gaze at the waiter and take a quick glance at the goddess.</p> <p class="cnM3N2Y3NjFlOGMyMzQ4YTJiZGE0Y2VhMDJkZGIwOGQ0">She was smiling.</p> <p class="cnM2ZGM5YzZhMmUxZTRjZTNhZTQxZGQ2YTU3ZmFkMzkw">Somehow, I feel an ominous fate waiting for the sect master as I saw the goddess' gentle smile.</p> <p class="cnM3NDNmNjA4MjRkMzRkZTU5Y2I2YzY3ZTM0ODhmNjJj">Weird.</p> </div>
Looking at the dishes on the table, I grab a nearby chopstick before looking over to the dishes over me. Heh, this lady will be eating all of you today! Quickly, I pick up a nearby plate and before splitting apart the chopsticks into two. After I break apart the chopsticks, I began picking up meat from every dishes. Meat! Indeed, most of the dishes the goddess chose earlier are all meat. Cow meat, chicken meat and most notably— dragon meat. Yep, dragon meat. Haaa~ Just the smell of the dragon's roasted meat makes me hungrier than ever. Waaaa… "Eat this." The goddess said to me, pointing out a fish with weird fins. Err… What's that? I narrow my vision at the fish the goddess was pointing at. It was so weird that the fish piqued my interests. This looks like… a mini-shark? But it has scales though… Weird. "It's a Yin fish." The goddess said, telling me the name of the fish. Yin fish? What is tha— wait… Hold on a second… Aren't yin fishes the most sought by ladies and yin Qi practitioners? "Indeed." The goddess said while picking up the meat of the yin fish using her chopsticks. Suddenly, my mind became focused on the fish before me after hearing the goddess' response to my questions. Waaa! I can eat this fish?!!! Finally… After all these years of being nerfed to the point of me being broke… I can now rise up… Haha… Ahahahahaha! I am now going to be a true intellectual! I grin as I see the poor fish before me. Like a bullet, I quickly pick up a huge chunk of the yin fish's meat before me with my chopsticks and places it on my plate before eating it. Heh, pardon for my rudeness! Like a hungry man, I began eating the slabs of yin fish on my plate as quickly as possible. As the slab of meat goes in my mouth, the slab became cold and juicy at the same time, making me feel like I'm on cloud nine. Indeed. Although the fish was cooked with fire, its meat suddenly became cold as soon as my saliva touches the meat. But who cares about that, right? This lady just want to eat food! While eating the fish meat, I smile gently with my eyes slit to the goddess as I feel more and more bliss as I eat the meat. "Hehe… This is good, master." I subconsciously said to the goddess before me. I was speaking like a child, free of worries. "Glad you like it, my dear disciple." The goddess said, smiling as she eats the meat of the yin fish. Yum yum! Ehehehe…. --- After that, we both ate the fish happily until there's nothing left but the scales and the skeleton of the fish. It was so good that we didn't even spare the whole fish except for its skeleton parts and scale. Looking at the other dishes, I gulp as the smell of each dishes makes me in delight. Heh, this lady is not content yet! I will eat you all so wait for this lady, okay? Quickly, I pick up a cow meat and places it on my plate. On the other hand, the goddess was picking up the chicken meat. Once again, I began eating the slab of cow meat on my plate like a hungry man, devouring anything presented to me. As I eat the cow meat with my hungry teeth, juices from cow meat began leaking as I gnaw the cow meat away. These juices from the cow meat were like both honey and sweets, making me shiver in delight. Aaahh~ I look at the ceiling with a half-open mouth. I was so delighted that I subconsciously looked above to savor the taste of the cow meat. Waaa… After looking up, I continue eating the meat away from my plate while savoring the meat. It's goooooood! "Say ahh…" The goddess said, ordering me to open my mouth. I look at the goddess and see the thick meat being held by her chopsticks. It was a roasted dragon meat. Looking at the meat before me, I gently brush away my side fringes as I eat away the meat from the goddess' chopsticks. "Wa—" Halfway through my words, I was struck by something. It was the flavor of the dragon meat, bringing savory juices into my mouth as I chew away the dragon meat. The dragon meat was so tender and juicy that I even forgot what I am saying earlier. "Did you like it?" The goddess said to me as she tilts her head while looking at me with her gentle, cute smile. "Un!" I nod heavily at her while brimming with a smile. It was so delicious that I nod heavily back to the goddess in response. After tasting the dragon meat, I lurk my starving eyes at the dragon meat on the second table. I stand up from my seat and take away my plate and chopsticks with me as I take a huge chunk of dragon meat on the second table. Hehe… this lady will be eating you, little dragon meat. Now that I am in front of the dragon meat, I pick up a huge chunk of the dragon meat before me and places the thick slab of meat on my plate. Heh, you'll never be able to see the light again, little meat. With now the dragon meat is on my plate, I return back to my seat and began eating the juicy meat on my plate. "Waa~" I moan as I eat away the meat. Subconsciously, I place my right hand on my right cheek as the dragon meat's juice flows in my mouth. Wuuuu…. it's so ahh~ Ehem. I did not mean it. I did not mean to moan okay?! I was just dragged with the savory juices of the dragon meat. Anyways! After eating the dragon meat away, I return back from eating the cow meat. Heh, dragon meat should be the last dish I want to eat before leaving this hall. Like a glutton on the run, I eat and eat and eat the cow meat presented on the table until there's nothing left but bones. Waa~… Meanwhile, the goddess also finished the chicken meat, leaving nothing but bones. Yep, the goddess is also like a glutton on the run. I retract my eyes away from the goddess and look at the other dishes presented on the table that was still left untouched. There were three different meat dishes, one vegetable dish and most important of all— desserts! Indeed. There were desserts presented on the third table. However, despite the fact that desserts melt after a while of being untouched, these desserts before me were covered by a thick dome glass that covers the desserts and the same time, the dome prevents the desserts from melting. Weird. After I look at the desserts on the third table, I gaze at the three different types of meat. The first meat looks like a white meat then the second meat looks like an octopus meat and finally, the third meat looks like a roasted pig meat. Well, though I do not know any of you, this lady will eat any of you, little meats. Heh. Once again, I stand up from my seat and pick up my plate and chopsticks as I choose one of the three different types of meat from the second table. Let's see…. I close my eyes as I randomly point my fingers to decide what I eat next. Since I can't decide which meat I am going to eat next, why not decide it randomly? After a few seconds, I finally open my eyes as I stop my fingers from randomly moving around. I randomly chose an octopus meat. Gently, I pinch the tentacles of the roasted octopus away with my chopsticks to my plate. After placing the tentacles on my plate, I return back to my seat and began eating it. Likewise, the goddess also chose the roasted octopus meat and picks it up with her chopsticks before returning to her seat. As I eat the octopus with my mouth, I feel like I'm both eating and chewing a gum. Although it was hard to chew, the juices of the tentacle meat make me in delight. It was as if I'm in the sea, waiting for a gigantic Kraken to appear out of nowhere. --- After eating the whole octopus dish, I once again, pick a different dish randomly. This time, I got the white meat. I pick up a slab of white meat from the table and began eating it after returning from my seat. It was a chicken meat. This white meat is a chicken meat. I look at the goddess who was currently savoring herself with the same white meat. It seems the goddess likes chicken meat, right? As we both eat and eat away the white meat until there's nothing left but the bones and skeleton of the chicken, I look at the roasted pig meat. It was a roasted pig meat with golden skin. Hmm… With its golden skin piqued my interests, I pick up a slab of the roasted pig meat's meat and skin. It was hard to take off and yet, crispy at the same time. Weird. Definitely weird. After taking the meat away, I return back from my seat and began eating the roasted pig's meat. As soon as I chew the golden skin of the roasted pig, I felt that my mouth was savoring the crispy skin of the meat. It was good! Waaa~~~~ Quickly, I eat the skin and the meat from my plate as I was delighted with the flavor of the meat. Gooooood!!!! After eating the meat on my plate, I decided to go up and take another slab of meat and skin away, with this time bigger than before. Once again, I quickly eat the meat away as soon as possible. The goddess, on the other hand, was eating the vegetable dish. Heh, it looks like I'm the only one eating the pig, right? Very well, this dish is for this lady now. Just as I was grinning at the meat, the goddess also took a huge chunk of the roasted meat. F*ck! The goddess was reading my mind from the very beginning! Sigh… Since there's nothing to do now, might as well share the roasted pig's meat with the goddess. After all, she's the one who ordered the pig, not me. Right? After that, both I and the goddess eat away the roasted pig until there's nothing left but skeletons and bones of the pig. Err… With now the desserts were left, I open the glass container of the desserts and take a sweet sweet dessert with me as I return away from my seat. Heh, this lady will be eating you now, poor swee— Just as I was going to eat the dessert before me, I suddenly felt unable to eat anymore. F*ck! I look at myself. My stomach was bloating. F*ck me. I forgot that I ate so much that I did not notice that my stomach is bloating like a pig. "Take this." The goddess said, handing a pill covered wrapped on a paper. Errr… What's that? "It reverts your appearance back from being fat to slim." The goddess said as while looking at me. I nod in return and take the pill from the goddess' hand. After that, I unwrap the pill and immediately swallow it. "Also, the excess fat that you gained from eating will be converted to an energy instead." The goddess continued as she hands me another set of wrapped pills." I only need one though? How come the goddess gives me more? "Just take it. Use these pills if you ate too many foods or sweets." The goddess explained. "Thank you, master." I thanked and bowed at the goddess. The goddess, in turn, nods back at me. After bowing, I take the set of pills on the goddess' hand and put it back to my pouches. Since I don't really need to use it, for now, might as well store it right? Anyways! After I swallowed the pill, my stomach reverted back to its former state. With that being said, I continued my gaze at the dessert before me and began eating it away. As I consume the sweet dessert away, the cold temperature and the sweetness of the dessert made me once again, shivering me in delight. Waaa! The dessert was like a sweet that is capable of making my knees weak. It was so sweet that I even felt my knees shaking at the sweetness of the dessert. I was feeling weak at the grand dessert before me. As I was feeling weak, the goddess, on the other hand, was very quick this time. She was finishing each dessert in just a set of seconds. She was so fast that even I had to stop eating the dessert before me and look at her instead. F*ck. The goddess is a sweet gourmet! F*ck! Quickly, I look at the dessert before me and began eating it as fast as I can. Master, you cannot beat me. I am the real sweet gourmet. However… Just as I was consuming the dessert, I suddenly felt my brain freeze, thus making me stop eating the dessert. The goddess, on the other hand, had already eaten every dessert on the third table. There's nothing left except my dessert. This battle was a crushing blow to me. Goddess, I will never forget this battle. I will train myself to become the greatest sweet gourmet! …. .... Wait… Shouldn't there be a music intro after I said that I'm going to be the greatest gourmet? Hmm… Weird. However, I will still never forget this crushing defeat! Slowly, I eat my dessert as I learned my lesson of eating too quickly. F*ck, I don't want to have my brain freeze again. Sigh… "Waiter!" I heard the goddess calling out the waiter. I look at the goddess who was brimming with a smile. Tch, the goddess was leading me to her trap. I know that I lost okay?! But even so, there will be a time that I will win and you will lose, master of mine. Heh. **Pluck!** A sound of something flicking resounded across the hall. It was once again, my forehead being flicked by the goddess. Sigh… After being flicked, I calm myself down and began eating away the dragon meat. Heh, I told you that I will be eating the dragon meat last. As I eat the remaining dish, the waiter comes beside the goddess and hands out a paper. It was the total cost of everything we ate. I look at the contents of the paper, only to find out a huge amount of money written on the paper. The total cost of the dishes sums up to a whopping half a million gold. F*ck. I look at the dishes with regret and guilt. F*ck me. I don't have any money for that. I'm a broken lady ya know? I don't even have a single gold on me. Sigh… F*ck…. Should I become a maid here instead to pay off my debts? F*ck it… "Here." The goddess, who was also looking at the paper, said while handing out a card. The waiter, who looks at the card, was shocked. His eyes became larger than ever as soon as he saw the card. Eh? What's wrong with the card? Is it something amazing? I look at the card. It was a pure white card with the portrait of the sect master's pretty face on it. Err… What's this? Is it something like an IOU from the sect master? Hmm… Suddenly, the waiter in front of the goddess bows with formality while saying, "Thank you for visiting this humble pagoda of ours, venerable higher-up!" He was so loud that even the nearby people look at him then at the goddess. Err… "Now that we have eaten, let's go take a walk, shall we my stupid disciple?" The goddess said as she rose up from her seat. "Un," I said back and also rose up from my seat. After finally standing up from my seat, I take a look at the white card the waiter is holding. He was holding it with care. It was as if it was as if a totem of god. I retract my gaze at the waiter and take a quick glance at the goddess. She was smiling. Somehow, I feel an ominous fate waiting for the sect master as I saw the goddess' gentle smile. Weird.
{ "title": "Frost Iron Forge", "id": 21284, "author": "achieve210", "rating": 4.5 }
{ "title": "The Cost of Defiance", "id": 305987, "next": 306530, "prev": 305349, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3MmZmYWZjMTg5YTRhNTZiMjJkNDM1OTYyOTJkOWUy"><em>There are many otherworlders in this world, from all walks of life. Engineers, doctors, and politicians. They each carried their skills from life and were transitioning those skills to life here. Unfortunately, the Demon King does not tolerate otherworldly technology. Any attempts to advance or change anything based on other world experience were punishable by death. It was okay here, in this little town, as the Demon King’s armies had not reached here yet. But they march every day, and they are successful. I need to get stronger soon, so that I can stop him from killing us all.</em></p> <hr> <p class="cnM4ZTVhZThmNTdlZjRmM2M5MmIyYTJlNjJiY2FmYzFm">“Elder Chastings is coming a few days.” Fel said, reading her book by the warm stove. It had been burning for several nights now, thanks to Markus’s new influx of coal.</p> <p class="cnM0M2IzODAyOWZhZDQ5ZjM4OGRkMDFlOTM1Nzg4NzNh">“Elder Chastings?” Markus said, poking at the burning coals with a small metal rod. “Who’s that again?” The name was vaguely familiar to him.</p> <p class="cnM2YmIxOTE1YmZhNjRjMmVhZTQ1YjRlMTYyODRjODk3">“He’s the Great Lord in charge of the entire coal production of the Empire!” Fel gasped, nearly throwing her book at her ignorant brother.</p> <p class="cnNhYWNhYmFlZDFlMTRhMjk4MjYyNGZjZGM2YzgyZmNh">“A Great Lord? Here, the middle of nowhere?” Markus turned to her.</p> <p class="cnMxNTdiODI5MjA3YzQ0MzY5NzBkOGFmMTA3MmFmMDY0">“I read the letter from him to Master Krell. He’s inspecting the productivity of each of his mines.” Fel’s eyes shot to their coal stash, which was overflowing.</p> <p class="cnMxOTU3OTBjNDcxMTRhM2Q5NzI3NDc2ODdlOWM0YTcw">“I’ve only been skimming from them. It’s not enough to dent production.” Markus said, sensing her thoughts.</p> <p class="cnMyZWVjY2FjZDVjNjQ1M2JiMDI4YzE0M2VjNzI3N2Fi">“But, big brother.” She smiled, a smile Markus knew meant she was concerned. “We have over seventy pieces now. That’s more than enough for us to escape. Don’t you think?”</p> <p class="cnNhZTE0YTc1MTljOTQ0Y2Y5ODRjYjE0ZjU0NTVkOWVk">Markus sighed.</p> <p class="cnNiNzhiOWI1ZDIwNTQ1MGE4OTZkMDNlYzI4YmI5M2Ux">“More is always better Fel.”</p> <p class="cnM1ZmU2N2JjZmE4YTQ3YmQ4OWVkZjU5MTE1ODNkMjI1">“There’s such a thing as too much. And pushing it.” She pouted, crawling over to Markus, placing her head down on his lap.</p> <p class="cnM2M2YwMDBkNjdlYTRmM2ZhZTFmYjQ1YTg3NTU3Mzgx">“We’ll leave by the end of this week.” Markus said, turning back towards the flames, running his fingers through Fel’s snowy hair.</p> <p class="cnNmZmVkMTllN2VjYzQyNjViYmI3OTAwMzM4M2I4MmQ3">“Promise?’ She said.</p> <p class="cnNhYjVkZWI5NDEyMzQ3YTA5YTE3ZGIxMzVjNjljOTAx">Markus nodded.</p> <p class="cnM3YzhjNjc0NWJhNTQwMGM4ZjU1ODZkMThiODEyMTll">“What’d you want to do in the Eastern Hearth?”</p> <p class="cnMwNWNkZWQyYmQ3NTQ4YjY4MWY1MzRkNDQ3NDU5MDQ0">“I wanna eat fresh bread. The Masters only give us the hard biscuits. I wanna try fish too. It isn’t far from the Frozen Seas, so every once in a while they come back with a catch.” Fel smiled.</p> <p class="cnMwMTYyNjI1Nzg4ZTQyZjJiODQ5NmU3MGFhMTlmOGFi">She confused Markus. How could someone mature enough to handle merchant and legal documents also act like a little child?</p> <p class="cnMwZmU1ZmQwNDBlYTQwZTg5YWFlYjk0YTViMjE5MmJh">“I promise you I’ll get you that fish.” He smiled, almost laughing.</p> <p class="cnM2NTdhMzBlOWQ4MTQ0NjNiMzI4MTBjNDAwYTQ4NzE4">“Hey!” She sat up, slapping him on the arm. “Don’t laugh. My book says the fish are kinda fatty, whatever that means, but have good salty after taste.”</p> <p class="cnNjODNlZDk5ZDZmNDQyMDE4MWI2MGJkNTljODhkZWZh">Markus went to work that next day a little brighter than he’s always been. He led from the front of the lines and hammered away with an enthusiasm that would have normally earned him a beating. And yet the Masters did nothing. They just watched him, never acknowledging his happy mood. He picked and smashed, placing the coal into his sack. It was a strange thing. How can an ugly rock, so black and devoid of life, give so much of it? Markus didn’t know how coal burnt. He just knew it did. And it burnt well.</p> <p class="cnNlYTQ5M2M3MGU0ZjQxYmFhMjI5NTk3OWNhMmU4MDgw">And of course, it was strange that it was also the source of his misery. How could something that give life, make him hate his own so much? But these days would soon be behind him. Soon, he would leave the camp with Fel, and they would make themselves a new life in the Eastern Hearth. Away from the Masters he had known since youth.</p> <p class="cnM2ZWRhOTVmOWJiZTQxNDY5OTZjMWZlYTQ2ZDlmNDFl">The Masters he stole from. Markus held back a satisfied smile as he marched back towards the settlement at the end of the day. He plowed through the snow, pride flaming in his chest. He had stolen from them and they had not known. Several nights of sneaking in and taking from them, and yet they did nothing.</p> <p class="cnNkNTdiOTFkNTkyMTRjOGI4YzY3NmE1MDU1ODY5NDFi">It helped that Melony was always there, Master’s Krell’s personal servant. She helped Markus into and out of the building, allowing him to take upwards of seventy pieces from their storage in the basement.</p> <p class="cnMyMzllYjkxZGRiNjQ5NjhiOGVmY2YxYWUxMDIwNjNl">He had beaten the Masters. Though they ruled over him, he had taken from them. That was a power in of itself. A power of rebellion.</p> <p class="cnNmNmZkMTE0ZGU1YzQxMjBiZDMxYzI3ZDNmZDY5NjYy">He stopped as he entered the camp. Master Krell was nowhere to be found. Normally he would have been standing there, rationing off the bits to the workers, and yet he was not.</p> <p class="cnNkNjU4OGZkOTQ4MDRiNDJiNDI4ZjNkYTg1MGI3ZTg3">Instead, strung up on a metal pole was the mangled body of a girl. She had been beaten to the point of being unrecognizable, her face nothing but a bloody bruised mess. Blood still trinkled down from the body, showing that she was freshly killed.</p> <p class="cnNjZmE3NDBiNWYzMDQwNGQ4NmU5MTA4ZTljNDQ4OTM3">Panic set into Markus. He rushed forward, checking the body as Masters Roy and Thomas watched, holding back laughter. He stopped under it, looking up at her. Her hair was black. Melony.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjA2NDQxZTk4NzQ0NTc5YjMwOWIwNmU1NDlkYTlh">“A shame boy.” Master Thomas smiled, walking up to him, twirling his metal cane. “I was rather found of the young in. Too bad Master Krell found a new one.” He grinned with yellow teeth.</p> <p class="cnM2ZjlhY2M3MzhkNDQ0OGM5NTM3OWMyOWQwNzM4YjJm">Markus shot past him, headed towards his tin home. She had to be safe, wouldn’t she? She’s too valuable for Master Krell to hurt. She’s too important for him to lose. She wouldn’t beat her too much, as she need her hands to write.</p> <p class="cnMyYmE2N2YzNjI4YzQ1NjM5NDM1OGJmZDEzMTkxNzEw">And yet the hovel was ransacked. It was torn apart, the metal strewn about, the torn pages of several books scattered everywhere. The coal was gone of course. The Masters would of found it.</p> <p class="cnM3YmQwOWZiMmZhMjQyM2E4MTc0NWNiODZiOWY1YzIy">Markus fell to his knees, rage bellowing inside him as the orange sun set below the horizon. They took everything again. And this time, they took the one thing he was living for. He slung his pickaxe over his shoulder, and stormed off in the direction of the Cottage.</p> </div>
*There are many otherworlders in this world, from all walks of life. Engineers, doctors, and politicians. They each carried their skills from life and were transitioning those skills to life here. Unfortunately, the Demon King does not tolerate otherworldly technology. Any attempts to advance or change anything based on other world experience were punishable by death. It was okay here, in this little town, as the Demon King’s armies had not reached here yet. But they march every day, and they are successful. I need to get stronger soon, so that I can stop him from killing us all.* --- “Elder Chastings is coming a few days.” Fel said, reading her book by the warm stove. It had been burning for several nights now, thanks to Markus’s new influx of coal. “Elder Chastings?” Markus said, poking at the burning coals with a small metal rod. “Who’s that again?” The name was vaguely familiar to him. “He’s the Great Lord in charge of the entire coal production of the Empire!” Fel gasped, nearly throwing her book at her ignorant brother. “A Great Lord? Here, the middle of nowhere?” Markus turned to her. “I read the letter from him to Master Krell. He’s inspecting the productivity of each of his mines.” Fel’s eyes shot to their coal stash, which was overflowing. “I’ve only been skimming from them. It’s not enough to dent production.” Markus said, sensing her thoughts. “But, big brother.” She smiled, a smile Markus knew meant she was concerned. “We have over seventy pieces now. That’s more than enough for us to escape. Don’t you think?” Markus sighed. “More is always better Fel.” “There’s such a thing as too much. And pushing it.” She pouted, crawling over to Markus, placing her head down on his lap. “We’ll leave by the end of this week.” Markus said, turning back towards the flames, running his fingers through Fel’s snowy hair. “Promise?’ She said. Markus nodded. “What’d you want to do in the Eastern Hearth?” “I wanna eat fresh bread. The Masters only give us the hard biscuits. I wanna try fish too. It isn’t far from the Frozen Seas, so every once in a while they come back with a catch.” Fel smiled. She confused Markus. How could someone mature enough to handle merchant and legal documents also act like a little child? “I promise you I’ll get you that fish.” He smiled, almost laughing. “Hey!” She sat up, slapping him on the arm. “Don’t laugh. My book says the fish are kinda fatty, whatever that means, but have good salty after taste.” Markus went to work that next day a little brighter than he’s always been. He led from the front of the lines and hammered away with an enthusiasm that would have normally earned him a beating. And yet the Masters did nothing. They just watched him, never acknowledging his happy mood. He picked and smashed, placing the coal into his sack. It was a strange thing. How can an ugly rock, so black and devoid of life, give so much of it? Markus didn’t know how coal burnt. He just knew it did. And it burnt well. And of course, it was strange that it was also the source of his misery. How could something that give life, make him hate his own so much? But these days would soon be behind him. Soon, he would leave the camp with Fel, and they would make themselves a new life in the Eastern Hearth. Away from the Masters he had known since youth. The Masters he stole from. Markus held back a satisfied smile as he marched back towards the settlement at the end of the day. He plowed through the snow, pride flaming in his chest. He had stolen from them and they had not known. Several nights of sneaking in and taking from them, and yet they did nothing. It helped that Melony was always there, Master’s Krell’s personal servant. She helped Markus into and out of the building, allowing him to take upwards of seventy pieces from their storage in the basement. He had beaten the Masters. Though they ruled over him, he had taken from them. That was a power in of itself. A power of rebellion. He stopped as he entered the camp. Master Krell was nowhere to be found. Normally he would have been standing there, rationing off the bits to the workers, and yet he was not. Instead, strung up on a metal pole was the mangled body of a girl. She had been beaten to the point of being unrecognizable, her face nothing but a bloody bruised mess. Blood still trinkled down from the body, showing that she was freshly killed. Panic set into Markus. He rushed forward, checking the body as Masters Roy and Thomas watched, holding back laughter. He stopped under it, looking up at her. Her hair was black. Melony. “A shame boy.” Master Thomas smiled, walking up to him, twirling his metal cane. “I was rather found of the young in. Too bad Master Krell found a new one.” He grinned with yellow teeth. Markus shot past him, headed towards his tin home. She had to be safe, wouldn’t she? She’s too valuable for Master Krell to hurt. She’s too important for him to lose. She wouldn’t beat her too much, as she need her hands to write. And yet the hovel was ransacked. It was torn apart, the metal strewn about, the torn pages of several books scattered everywhere. The coal was gone of course. The Masters would of found it. Markus fell to his knees, rage bellowing inside him as the orange sun set below the horizon. They took everything again. And this time, they took the one thing he was living for. He slung his pickaxe over his shoulder, and stormed off in the direction of the Cottage.
{ "title": "GIG: God In Gold", "id": 4505, "author": "Rental", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "PART ONE, CHAPTER SIXTEEN", "id": 305929, "next": 307931, "prev": 303891, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNlNzBkODIzZmYzNzQ2MTU5MWMxZDZlMDhmNmQ2ODAy" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 2em"><strong>PART ONE, <span style="color: #ff9900">CHAPTER </span><span style="color: #ff9900">SIXTEEN</span>: "GRIND</strong><strong>"</strong><br></span><em><span style="font-size: 0.8em">-THE GOLDEN BOY &amp; THE INNER CITY-</span></em></p> <hr> <p class="cnM2NTRhYmI3OTA4NzRkZWY5YjA1YjBjZmJjY2Q0Njdl">  The moon, smashed to bits with only a ring of rubble to show for its trouble, peered out from behind the afternoon clouds. Its massive form hung high in the sky, as it was wont to do on relatively clear days. The air had started to cool, no doubt Niflheim's return to form. And yet, none of it mattered.</p> <p class="cnNkNDQyOWI2NGJjYzRjNDJiNmU4ODRmYzNkZGVkZjZl" align="LEFT">  I don't know how long I lingered on the roof, but eventually the bells began to ring. Perhaps An hour after the fourth, I came to the realization that it had been the last bell. Classes had finished. All throughout, I had given in to the one question that consumed my focus: had I gotten weaker? Thus, it stood to reason that the question lingered even as I left the roof, as I continued down the stairs, and even as I exited the school building. So lost in thought I was that I almost missed the call of a classmate as I approached the front gates.</p> <p class="cnM2ODFlN2RjNzllNzRmM2ZhY2FjZDQ1MmY3ZTMwYTdj" align="LEFT">  There stood a familiar shark-toothed girl, hunched in her usual gremlin posture, and waving her long, gangly fingers in my direction, perhaps hoping to get my attention. It didn't warrant much thought, so I walked past. Or rather, I had intended to do so, yet she hastily stepped in front of me, ensuring that I could not miss her. Her dark, dead, fish-like gaze looked me up and down, no doubt admiring my form. I had no patience for her, not today, though this assuredly did not matter to the fish. She turned her eyes up to meet mine, and despite a small wince, she began to speak.</p> <p class="cnNkNDU2YTY4ZTBhNDQ1ZWU4Yjk3NjFiMDZhNTI0ZDQ4" align="LEFT">  "Earlier I, uh, said I wanted to talk to you," said Rurisaki. She gave a thoughtful pause. "But if you're busy, or not in the mood, I can... ask you later, or something."</p> <p class="cnM2NWZmYjFjZDQ0NzRlZDVhN2UyMzQ5Y2Y4NjE4YWFh" align="LEFT">  It was true, she <em>had</em> mentioned something along those lines during our exercise. I hadn't given a particularly definitive answer, though I had to admit the answer I <em>had</em> given leaned closer to a maybe than it did to a no. If I had been in a clearer state of mind, I'd have no doubt given a clear denial. But I had not been, and that meant I had chosen a regrettable selection of words. I clicked my tongue.</p> <p class="cnNmMjRjMzI1M2RjMzQ0YzQ5N2I3MjY0YmM0OTI1M2U2" align="LEFT">  "I am busy, and I <em>most certainly</em> am not in the mood. But if you're insistent on wasting my time and energy, then by all means, talk away." I checked the time on my phone. A bit late, but I could catch the next train if I hurried. "You have five minutes," I warned.</p> <p class="cnNkMTlkODEwZjA4ZDRjMjg4M2ZmODM5ZmU0ZWQ0Mjc3" align="LEFT">  "Five? Well..."</p> <p class="cnMwZjI3ZGI0ZmYyYzRlMzA4MGEzMjZiZGI2YzY4YmQ5" align="LEFT">  "Four minutes, fifty-seven seconds."</p> <p class="cnM0ZjZmYWM1NmQzYjRjMDg5MmZiYzlhNDQyNjEzNWMx" align="LEFT">  I heard Rurisaki gulp. "F-five is enough. I had a few questions, since you mentioned going to I.K. Middle School. You don't mind, do you?"</p> <p class="cnNhYTI4YWZmNjg2ZDQwMDVhMjg1YTdkMzA1NGU2ZDVh" align="LEFT">  "Depending on what you ask, I might not answer. It's natural to seek divine insight into my past, but do not think for a second that it's any of your business. Four minutes, thirty-four seconds."</p> <p class="cnNjZTM0YTE4NWJmZDQ1YmU4Yjc1ZDk1NWI3ZDlmYjA0" align="LEFT">  "Even though you talk so much?"</p> <p class="cnMxOTNhNDFmN2M5MDRlMWY4YjM3ZmMyMmJiZGQ3YjE3" align="LEFT">  "Of course. My divulging my past isn't making it <em>your</em> business, it's merely the act of shedding light upon an age of legend. The closest approximation, I believe, would be the act of unearthing artifacts from ages past. I doubt pondscum such as yourself would appreciate the splendor." I paused for a moment to peek at the time. "Three minutes, forty-nine seconds."</p> <p class="cnMzNjdkNWEwY2ZmYjQ2YmY5ZWU1ODZlMTdkYWQ3NDk1" align="LEFT">  "Fine, I'll get to the point. Just stop <em>counting</em>, it's... really irritating. Besides, it's not like I <em>wanted</em> to bother you or anything, it's just—" She stopped mid-sentence, perhaps seeing that I had begun to tap my foot, and gave a small sigh. "You said you went to I.K. Middle School? In the Gekko District?"</p> <p class="cnM0MWJhN2ZjOTMzYTQyOWE5YzRjNjNmZDQ4YjBjOWQ1" align="LEFT">  "As we've established."</p> <p class="cnM1YjI3Njg0YjU2YzQ1ODg5ZWZlNzAyNTAyODlkNTgx" align="LEFT">  "What's school like over there? Um, in the outer circle, I mean. Is it anything like the schools here?" Rurisaki scratched her mop of long, seaweed-coloured hair. "Most teachers tell us it's... really bad over there, so I was just wondering."</p> <p class="cnM2ZDBlMjE4MmI4ZDQzOGRhMWI1NjdiODhmNjQ2MjAx" align="LEFT">  "I can't speak for other schools, but it would not be false to state that Irving Kweisenveil Middle School was frustrating. The building was of a slightly smaller size compared to this one, but there were far too many fools. Day in and day out, meandering through hallways like a child lost in the market," I shivered at the thought. "What an <em>atrocious</em> experience," I spat.</p> <p class="cnMzNDA3MDQ0NGI4NzRiMjg5ZjgzZjg0M2U0Zjg2ZGE0" align="LEFT">  As bitter as I was, there was nothing hyperbolic about this assessment. The nature of schooling in the inner circle meant less students, and by extension, higher quality tutelage for each pupil. It was a system designed for an entirely different purpose, to teach superhumans in a highly monitored environment. This being the case, there were bound to be differences in learning quality.</p> <p class="cnMyY2JmMTZiOTlmODQ1YmY5MTQyMjhhZTlhNmRlM2Zk" align="LEFT">  Rurisaki tilted her head. "So you don't miss it?"</p> <p class="cnNjOTRiMjYyN2E3NzRhNTZiNTMxNWE0NWExN2E2ZTA1" align="LEFT">  I gave a dismissive wave. Absolutely not. At some point I could no longer count the number of insects that dared test my patience. Every day, a gnat that figured themselves a lion. Every day, a new stone to be cast." I frowned. "Fools, the lot of them. Unable to comprehend the difference between the land and the stars..." I cleared my throat. "But unfortunately, that's none of your business. Your time is up."</p> <p class="cnNjMzVlODBhNzdkOTQxYmJhNzFhNDIwMmJkN2Q1ZmRm" align="LEFT">  "Just one more question?" She raised a gangly index finger. Seeing my immediate scowl, she clasped both hands as if in solemn yet somehow smarmy prayer. "At least hear me out. You're one of our twin class representatives, right?"</p> <p class="cnM3ZWZhYWU5OTY5ZTQxNWVhYjI0MGQ1MWMwNmNiMmJk" align="LEFT">  I winced. "That's an obnoxiously manipulative statement. Besides, most of the busywork is left to that <em>stupid</em> lightning dog. The mere idea of my existence more than pulls its weight."</p> <p class="cnNhY2U3NzlmNTIyYTQyNjJhYmRhY2Q4N2YzNGM2NDU2" align="LEFT">  "Er—gross delegations of work aside, <em>please?</em>"</p> <p class="cnM1M2QyYmM3YjM3NzQyYzY4ZGJhZmI4ZWNiYTY4ZjYx" align="LEFT">  I could not help but scoff at the selfishness on display. I had taken time out of <em>my</em> day—me, the illustrious and immaculate <em>Satou S. Shibuya</em>—to address the foolish prattle of this- this <em>confusingly</em> well-endowed fish, yet she dared ask for more? How crude! How <em>absolutely</em> outrageous! It was only logical that I set her straight! In fact, it was almost as if fate had conspired in favor of such an outcome! Surely it was only <em>natural</em> to be turned off by such triangular and <em>serrated</em> teeth, right? Surely those dark, dead, and absolutely, <em>positively</em> fishy eyes served as sufficient reason to disregard everything below the neck line, right?!</p> <p class="cnMzOTczZTNhOWZhMzRiYzM5MDY1MTk2MTUxYTAwMmEz" align="LEFT">  "H-hmph! Very well, one more question!" I felt my face flush. It was a unique flush, the sort of flush that neccesitated asking oneself several hard and deeply troubling questions. How very <em>sinful.</em></p> <p class="cnM1ODU0OTIxMTYxMDQ5M2I5ODRmYzBiZmVlMzViOTVh" align="LEFT">  Rurisaki, who had been holding her breath, exhaled sharply. "You had a really intense look on your face for a while there," she mumbled.</p> <p class="cnNhMWUyYWQwZGFiZjRiNTQ5OGMyMTY5YjE4OWZmZWFj" align="LEFT">  "That is <em>categorically</em> incorrect."</p> <p class="cnMyMDMwNjJmNTE0ZTQ2MmZhZTk5MzMzMjk5ZTJiZjdm" align="LEFT">  "Anyway, my question..."</p> <p class="cnMzZjhmNDUxM2RlNTQ3YTZhZjY1OWFhNWMzZDhkNDhj" align="LEFT">  Rurisaki gave a moment's pause for what a cursory glance identified as careful thought. Her eyes, already dull, somehow grew even <em>duller</em> as she fell silent. The only motions that followed afterwards were small fidgets of the hands, clasped together at the fingers and flutting in place like a particularly daft butterfly. She remained in this stupor for perhaps ten, no, fifteen seconds before the trace amounts of life returned to her eyes.</p> <p class="cnMwNjA4NGE1M2M3MzQxYjJiMDdiMmY2ZjhiZDZiYjk2" align="LEFT">  "It's, well, it's not a weird question or anything. I knew some old friends who were going to I.K. Middle School a while back, but we haven't been in contact lately. And I was... kind of wondering if you might know one of them in particular." She scratched her head.</p> <p class="cnMzOWQxZGRiMjAxMTQ1OThiNjY0YzM4Mjg4ZWM4ZDM1" align="LEFT">  I gave a triumphant huff. "It stands to reason that I might know them. Whether I'll remember their name, or their face, who can say? But if they were present during my time at Irving Kweisenveil, then the notion of this person and I having interacted at some point is not inconceivable. Rejoice, the odds that I might know this person, and by extension, that you know a person who has interacted with me, are not zero."</p> <p class="cnNkODcxZmQ4Y2MxMTRlYWY5YzQ0MjUyNTA1OGY2MTg5" align="LEFT">  "You know, I'm—" A pause. Rurisaki violently shook her head, as if realizing she had bought into the foolish idea of talking to a pet rock. How odd. "Actually, good. Did you ever—I mean, have you ever met somebody named Kazuki Shiranui? He would be a year above us. Black hair?"</p> <p class="cnM1OGViM2YzMjUyZTQzN2Y4NDEwZDU1NDgxM2NjM2E0" align="LEFT">  Kazuki Shiranui. The name did not immediately ring a bell, so I took a moment to think on it. I had transferred into Irving Kweisenveil in the middle of the second year, after <em>that man</em> and I parted ways with the Kusanagi estate. So it follows that, during the remaining two and a half years I spent there, there was a window of a year and a half during which we might have complained about meandering the same halls. Next, I moved to the sole descriptors I had- male, black hair. The former could be found anywhere, but the latter proved quite the rare trait on this island. Something clicked.</p> <p class="cnM2OTY5MDg3NTgxMjRmYjNhYTY3YzExZGEzN2UwYTUx" align="LEFT">  I could say with absolute certainty that Satou S. Shibuya had never, at <em>any point</em> interacted with this individual, but I did recognize their name. Or at least, part of it. Furthermore, I had only seen a handful of individuals with black hair on this island. Narrowing this down brought to mind the sharp features of Kawagusa General Academy's Principal, the one known as Robin D. Shiranui. Amidst daring to order me around, she <em>had</em> mentioned something about Junko Shiranui having a brother.</p> <p class="cnMzMjU5MTE2Zjk0MjQwYzFiODQyYmI0NTY3ZDhiOTc2" align="LEFT">  "As if I'd know a person like that," I scoffed.</p> <p class="cnNjYWYzZTg2ZDI4MDRlYzFhYzhjOTIwNjNjZjQ0Nzg1" align="LEFT">  Rurisaki seemed very briefly taken aback by this declaration. "Oh."</p> <p class="cnNiYzAyNmQ5YzRlZDQ4ODNiN2NjNGNkNzFhOTJhYWRj" align="LEFT">  "If you'll excuse me, I don't have any more time to waste. Rest easy, fish, for at the very least, this conversation was not worthless. Of the handful of fish that I've talked to, you have <em>certainly</em> proved yourself the most useful." I turned to make my exit, but not in the direction of the gates. "I won't thank you," I said.</p> <p class="cnM5OTE2ZGVkYjg0ZjRmOTU4YTQxYWFiNTdjY2NmYmRl" align="LEFT">  She squinted. "I... see."</p> <p class="cnNmNDI2MmI5YjY3YjQ1OTM4NmU0ZWRiOGVlYTUzMmE4" align="LEFT"><em>   More importantly, there's something I need to confirm for myself.</em></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1MzY0ZTBjOWVhYzQyZDE5ZmJlYjNkNzU3ZWVmYjVl" align="CENTER"><strong>-S0026-</strong></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1MGMxZmZmYTRiMDQ3OTI5MWYzYmMwMGM0NDAyOGQ2" align="LEFT">  From the front entrance, a trip to the Principal's very peculiar and all too anachronistic abode proved quite the&nbsp;tedious little journey. First, follow the leftmost fence-adjacent path for a short while, and at the first fork in the road, turn right, under the trees and their low-hanging branches. Not straight, lest you bumble your way into the groundskeeper's shed. Past the trees, one followed the path to the left, and continued beyond the all too luxurious fountains where students were expected to find peace during lunch. In fact, no sensible human being would sit in such a spot during lunch. None but Kaede Kotobuki, rather.</p> <p class="cnMzYTQyYzRjN2VhZTQ5M2M5MzA0MGY0ZTk4OWMwOGZm" align="LEFT">  In any case, the path continued straight ahead at this point, passing by several marvels which, in retrospect, were indicative of poor landscaping more than anything else. A bog, or pehaps a pond on better days, a small copse that faired poorly in its modest attempt to obscure the second and third-year buildings from the eyes of the public, and finally, a well-maintained stone path the curved to the left, tracing the way over a shallow pond and through a collection of bamboo stalks, which seemed to jut in any direction that suited their fancy. Following this contrived yet all too mundane path would lead to the very doorstep of one Robin D. Shiranui, the so-called Principal of Kawagusa General Academy.</p> <p class="cnM3NjEwMTc3NDFkODRhMTNhMjliYTFjNjVjNjI2MTVm" align="LEFT"><em>  Considering the school funding that assuredly went into this office's construction, I'm half-curious as to why the main building itself is so... uninspired. What terrible design sense.</em></p> <p class="cnNkYjgyNDU4YzE0MTRkODViMmZmNDE5YmY4MzMxZmY3" align="LEFT">  Nevertheless, I brought my knuckle to the cream-coloured metal door and rapped on it. Once, then twice. Finally, a presence spoke directly to my mind.</p> <p class="cnMwZmFmYWYyMTgzMjQ5N2ZhMWRlZmFkN2IxNjQ5ZWVj" align="LEFT"><em>  "Come in, boy."</em></p> <p class="cnNmZGVkMzk1YzU2NjQ5ZGViYjM0MDA2N2E0NzQwNjZi" align="LEFT">  Though I used the term 'spoke', there was no voice attributed to the message, so to speak. It felt closer to intent given verbal form. With even an inkling of who addressed you, however, it was easy to ascribe a suitable voice to the soundless intent with which a telepathic ESPer communicated. Don't get the wrong idea though. No matter how magnificently and eloquently I described the act, <em>nothing</em> was more frustrating than an unwelcome guest in one's head.</p> <p class="cnMzOGQ3MzVmNTgxMjQ4Yjg4MjFhNzc4NzZkYjg3NDcy" align="LEFT">  I turned the handle in spite of my misgivings and stepped into the Principal's office. This time I made sure to close the door behind me before turning to face the intrusive authority that was Robin D. Shiranui. The woman, as cool and sharp-eyed as my last visit, did not greet me. She crossed one leg over the other, gesturing only to the chair on the opposite end of the glossy mahogany desk she sat at.</p> <p class="cnM5MTQ5ZTM2MDYxNjQ5MDQ4NGZmNjk1NTRjMmEwYjUz" align="LEFT">  "You've returned<em> remarkably</em> faster than I anticipated, and yet it's clear you aren't here to complain about your punishment," said the Principal.</p> <p class="cnM4ZTIwNjY0YzA0YTQxZTJiYjkxM2VmNmVjNTYwMDlk" align="LEFT">  My back reflexively straightened at the sound of the raven-haired woman's voice. No, maybe it was the white, crocodilian machine she commanded, which I heard slinking around behind me. A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed its placement in the corner of the room, sprawled out on its side like a tiger after a hearty meal. Surely they didn't... <em>eat</em>, right? They scarcely even counted as life. In fact, the sole force that animated the&nbsp;machination at my back was the psionic prowess of the woman I now stared down.</p> <p class="cnMzMGRiMWEzOGI1YTQwYzdhYTlmOGVmM2Q4ZTk5NDEy" align="LEFT">  "As the Alpha, I have several questions about this punishment," I said.</p> <p class="cnM1ODFiZjIwNjgyMjQyOTNhOWYzMzU1YmRlZTBiYzU1" align="LEFT">  "Your first question, of course, is<em> 'Why entrust such a personal matter to a student',</em>" said the Principal. She once more gestured for me to sit.</p> <p class="cnNjMjFiYjI3ZTJmNTQ1ZTRiMTZjYWFhY2QzMzJhYjYw" align="LEFT">  I slowly nodded, but again did not sit. I had expected her to read my mind, but I still scowled at the thought of another digging through my head, plucking my lines before I had the opportunity to read them.</p> <p class="cnNhMGI2YTlmMjFiYjRhYjI4YWYwNTc2NWFmZDQ3NTBk" align="LEFT">  "In truth, boy, I have already given up on that girl. I cannot spare the time to bring her in line, and I <em>certainly</em> cannot entrust the issue to the disciplinary authorities in the outer ring. That is the nature of this punishment—I have zero faith that it will be completed, so it is the ideal burden to unload upon a problem child with too much free time," she spoke in her usual frigid tone. "My expectations for your success are low. Failure itself is more than a suitable punishment for an ego as swollen as <em>yours</em>."</p> <p class="cnNjMTIwY2IxOTVlZTQ3YWRiNDc5YzI5YzAyNjJhYzU3" align="LEFT">  I scowled at her. "And I suppose that if I succeed, then all went according to plan, and you would retroactively justify your words here as but an attempt to rile me up."</p> <p class="cnNkZGEyYmVlYWQ2NDQwNWU4ZmY1ZTNiM2ZkMjY1NjE1" align="LEFT">  Her violet eyes narrowed. "As if I would need to spin such an elaborate tale."</p> <p class="cnMwODY4MDliZWY5ZTRjNzliNDc1N2RiOGMwOGM5MjUy" align="LEFT">  As much as I wanted to snap back, it was abundantly clear that nothing I said would faze the Principal. After all, if she knew my first question, then surely she knew all the questions that would follow. This was what it meant to banter with an ESPer, all <em>tricks</em> and little discussion of actual merit. I clicked my tongue as I took my place in the seat across from her. "There are other ways to get under my skin."</p> <p class="cnNlMDkxOTJiZDRmMTQ2N2JhODU0MTVmNjU3ODdhMzhl" align="LEFT">  The Principal considered these words a little longer than usual before responding. "If your assessment of my decision suggests that my singular intent is to put a damper your mood, then I suppose you still have much to learn. You've surely realized this—it is, after all, the reason that you've come here on your own terms."</p> <p class="cnNkZjcyZWE0Yjc4ODQ0MDg5ZDFkMzM2Yzk1YWJjYzM2" align="LEFT">  "Don't twist my intentions." I said this with a snort.</p> <p class="cnNmNDcwZjQ3ZjliMTQ5Y2Q4YmQ2NDU0YmFhNjhjMGRk" align="LEFT">  I needed to confirm my strength once more. There, in the Gekko District, I had reigned undefeated until my and sister dearest's voluntary relocation to the inner circle of Niflheim. Many battles had taken place there. Even amongst the few I'd faced in the inner circle, none had matched up to the greatest foes I had faced out there. Not in power, but in <em>tenacity</em>. The sheer force of will with which the common man sought to rise up against the strongest superhuman, the Golden King, could not be construed as anything less than the <em>height</em> of idiocy. That was why I had to go.</p> <p class="cnNiYmI4MGIxNjllZDQyNDlhNzE5MDNhNjk3OWU2Y2E1" align="LEFT">  If it were there, I would be able to determine whether I had <em>truly</em> gotten weaker. Even in my weakest state—no, <em>because</em> I was in my weakest state—I would prove once and for all that the land, the sea, and the sky had but one master. It was only natural to challenge Keiko Kusanagi's words in this condition. If I did this, then the truth would be revealed, that I had never once stepped down into the realm of mortality, even with a thousand disadvantages to my name. If that were the case—</p> <p class="cnM4MTNlYWRkM2IwYTQzYjJiODk2ZWRhNmIyMjg3NzY5" align="LEFT"><em>  Then Keiko Kusanagi would surely recognize me as the Alpha.</em></p> <p class="cnM5NTVhY2QyMGM1YzRiNjdiNzFjYmZlOWVhOGEyMmIy" align="LEFT">  Yes, it was obvious that I was the strongest. There was only a single fool who I had to prove it to, even if it meant shattering that empty pride of her's to bits.</p> <p class="cnM5YmY0MDdjNTcxNjRlYmNiZDRlNWFlZDFkZWYwNjQx" align="LEFT">  "I just want to see that <em>stupid</em> Kusanagi heir in tears," I said.</p> <p class="cnMyMTQwMDkyZjY5MzQ1OWVhOTQ4MjJiM2I5MzY0M2Y4" align="LEFT">  At this declaration, the Principal seemed stumped. Surely she could see the thought process, but as expected, she could not grasp the full scope on which my brain operated. She simply raised a hand to her temple and gave a small, exasperated sigh, no doubt having given up in the face of my superior intellect.</p> <p class="cnMzNmE5YmIwMjZlODQ4NmJiYTI1YWIxMTlkODFhNWY0" align="LEFT">  "You seem to have done quite the series of mental gymnastics to justify lusting after the tears of a young and beautiful girl. As suspected, you are a Schneider to your very core."</p> <p class="cnNkN2EwMGJhZTc2NjRlMDg5MTIwZjZlNzhlMTU2ZDc4" align="LEFT">  I puffed out my chest. "Of course."</p> <p class="cnM3M2NkM2YzOTNmNTQzMzFhNTM5MDY3MDNhZTA1NWU0" align="LEFT">  "And so?" The Principal once more trained her eyes on me. "If you intend to embroil yourself in worthless conflicts once more, you must recognize that I have all the reason in the world to find a more suitable punishment for you to occupy yourself with."</p> <p class="cnNjYzg3YThmOGNmMTQ4ZjdiZDVlMjI2ZDMyNTAxMGRm" align="LEFT">  "That's true. Very well, what about this?"</p> <p class="cnM3MGVmZWNlM2VjNzRkMWNiMTc3NmE3NTljN2M4ZTcy" align="LEFT">  I climbed out of my seat. From the small shift in the Principal's expression, I knew that she had already determined the nature of my gambit. That was fine, it meant she knew that I wasn't lying. Granted, I <em>never</em> lied. I straightened my back and pressed the side of my hand to my heart—the <em>Ironblood Salute</em>, one of but a handful of things my mother taught me about my Schneider heritage. I had only made a promise such as this once before, and this would assuredly be the last time for a while.</p> <p class="cnM2Y2E2MDc1MWE3ODQ5Njc5M2ZjMGRhNWYwYTAzMjIy" align="LEFT">  "I will go to the Gekko District, and I will do more than find your daughter. I will bring her home, kicking and screaming if I must. And in two months time, if I have failed to do so, then I will take the enlistment examination and do as you please." My hands closed into fists. "This, I am prepared to promise."</p> <p class="cnNmNjQ2MTliMTA5ZDQwYTBiYThhMWI1ZjUyYTEzMGM0" align="LEFT">  She&nbsp;quirked a brow. "That's quite the wager, boy. For you to so readily throw away the agency that you've been fighting for, surely you seek something in exchange?"</p> <p class="cnMxYzU1YjJiOWUyYjQ1NWViODkyYjMwNjEwNDc2ZjA4" align="LEFT">  I nodded. "Correct. You'll mind your own business while I'm over there. No matter how many complaints you receive, you'll simply cover your ears and close your eyes."</p> <p class="cnNjMDQzMTJmYjNlMDQyMzk5Yzc3Yjg1OGRhYmUwMDMw" align="LEFT">  This, the Principal seemed to consider quite thoroughly. Just this once, I could imagine the thought process:<em> "What could he possibly intend to do? That Satou Schneider surely intends to cause a ruckus, then he'll strut back in once everything is said and done as if nothing had happened!"</em> From the small twitch of her brow that I caught, I determined this assessment to be correct. The slight sneer that tugged at the corners of my mouth gave way to mild interest when she slammed a palm down on her desk.</p> <p class="cnNiNjRjNTIzZWQ5YTRkNmRiMTVkMjc3MjljOTVkYzRl" align="LEFT">  "Then it's only fair that I add one more condition," she said.</p> </div>
**PART ONE, CHAPTER SIXTEEN: "GRIND****"** *-THE GOLDEN BOY & THE INNER CITY-* ---   The moon, smashed to bits with only a ring of rubble to show for its trouble, peered out from behind the afternoon clouds. Its massive form hung high in the sky, as it was wont to do on relatively clear days. The air had started to cool, no doubt Niflheim's return to form. And yet, none of it mattered.   I don't know how long I lingered on the roof, but eventually the bells began to ring. Perhaps An hour after the fourth, I came to the realization that it had been the last bell. Classes had finished. All throughout, I had given in to the one question that consumed my focus: had I gotten weaker? Thus, it stood to reason that the question lingered even as I left the roof, as I continued down the stairs, and even as I exited the school building. So lost in thought I was that I almost missed the call of a classmate as I approached the front gates.   There stood a familiar shark-toothed girl, hunched in her usual gremlin posture, and waving her long, gangly fingers in my direction, perhaps hoping to get my attention. It didn't warrant much thought, so I walked past. Or rather, I had intended to do so, yet she hastily stepped in front of me, ensuring that I could not miss her. Her dark, dead, fish-like gaze looked me up and down, no doubt admiring my form. I had no patience for her, not today, though this assuredly did not matter to the fish. She turned her eyes up to meet mine, and despite a small wince, she began to speak.   "Earlier I, uh, said I wanted to talk to you," said Rurisaki. She gave a thoughtful pause. "But if you're busy, or not in the mood, I can... ask you later, or something."   It was true, she *had* mentioned something along those lines during our exercise. I hadn't given a particularly definitive answer, though I had to admit the answer I *had* given leaned closer to a maybe than it did to a no. If I had been in a clearer state of mind, I'd have no doubt given a clear denial. But I had not been, and that meant I had chosen a regrettable selection of words. I clicked my tongue.   "I am busy, and I *most certainly* am not in the mood. But if you're insistent on wasting my time and energy, then by all means, talk away." I checked the time on my phone. A bit late, but I could catch the next train if I hurried. "You have five minutes," I warned.   "Five? Well..."   "Four minutes, fifty-seven seconds."   I heard Rurisaki gulp. "F-five is enough. I had a few questions, since you mentioned going to I.K. Middle School. You don't mind, do you?"   "Depending on what you ask, I might not answer. It's natural to seek divine insight into my past, but do not think for a second that it's any of your business. Four minutes, thirty-four seconds."   "Even though you talk so much?"   "Of course. My divulging my past isn't making it *your* business, it's merely the act of shedding light upon an age of legend. The closest approximation, I believe, would be the act of unearthing artifacts from ages past. I doubt pondscum such as yourself would appreciate the splendor." I paused for a moment to peek at the time. "Three minutes, forty-nine seconds."   "Fine, I'll get to the point. Just stop *counting*, it's... really irritating. Besides, it's not like I *wanted* to bother you or anything, it's just—" She stopped mid-sentence, perhaps seeing that I had begun to tap my foot, and gave a small sigh. "You said you went to I.K. Middle School? In the Gekko District?"   "As we've established."   "What's school like over there? Um, in the outer circle, I mean. Is it anything like the schools here?" Rurisaki scratched her mop of long, seaweed-coloured hair. "Most teachers tell us it's... really bad over there, so I was just wondering."   "I can't speak for other schools, but it would not be false to state that Irving Kweisenveil Middle School was frustrating. The building was of a slightly smaller size compared to this one, but there were far too many fools. Day in and day out, meandering through hallways like a child lost in the market," I shivered at the thought. "What an *atrocious* experience," I spat.   As bitter as I was, there was nothing hyperbolic about this assessment. The nature of schooling in the inner circle meant less students, and by extension, higher quality tutelage for each pupil. It was a system designed for an entirely different purpose, to teach superhumans in a highly monitored environment. This being the case, there were bound to be differences in learning quality.   Rurisaki tilted her head. "So you don't miss it?"   I gave a dismissive wave. Absolutely not. At some point I could no longer count the number of insects that dared test my patience. Every day, a gnat that figured themselves a lion. Every day, a new stone to be cast." I frowned. "Fools, the lot of them. Unable to comprehend the difference between the land and the stars..." I cleared my throat. "But unfortunately, that's none of your business. Your time is up."   "Just one more question?" She raised a gangly index finger. Seeing my immediate scowl, she clasped both hands as if in solemn yet somehow smarmy prayer. "At least hear me out. You're one of our twin class representatives, right?"   I winced. "That's an obnoxiously manipulative statement. Besides, most of the busywork is left to that *stupid* lightning dog. The mere idea of my existence more than pulls its weight."   "Er—gross delegations of work aside, *please?*"   I could not help but scoff at the selfishness on display. I had taken time out of *my* day—me, the illustrious and immaculate *Satou S. Shibuya*—to address the foolish prattle of this- this *confusingly* well-endowed fish, yet she dared ask for more? How crude! How *absolutely* outrageous! It was only logical that I set her straight! In fact, it was almost as if fate had conspired in favor of such an outcome! Surely it was only *natural* to be turned off by such triangular and *serrated* teeth, right? Surely those dark, dead, and absolutely, *positively* fishy eyes served as sufficient reason to disregard everything below the neck line, right?!   "H-hmph! Very well, one more question!" I felt my face flush. It was a unique flush, the sort of flush that neccesitated asking oneself several hard and deeply troubling questions. How very *sinful.*   Rurisaki, who had been holding her breath, exhaled sharply. "You had a really intense look on your face for a while there," she mumbled.   "That is *categorically* incorrect."   "Anyway, my question..."   Rurisaki gave a moment's pause for what a cursory glance identified as careful thought. Her eyes, already dull, somehow grew even *duller* as she fell silent. The only motions that followed afterwards were small fidgets of the hands, clasped together at the fingers and flutting in place like a particularly daft butterfly. She remained in this stupor for perhaps ten, no, fifteen seconds before the trace amounts of life returned to her eyes.   "It's, well, it's not a weird question or anything. I knew some old friends who were going to I.K. Middle School a while back, but we haven't been in contact lately. And I was... kind of wondering if you might know one of them in particular." She scratched her head.   I gave a triumphant huff. "It stands to reason that I might know them. Whether I'll remember their name, or their face, who can say? But if they were present during my time at Irving Kweisenveil, then the notion of this person and I having interacted at some point is not inconceivable. Rejoice, the odds that I might know this person, and by extension, that you know a person who has interacted with me, are not zero."   "You know, I'm—" A pause. Rurisaki violently shook her head, as if realizing she had bought into the foolish idea of talking to a pet rock. How odd. "Actually, good. Did you ever—I mean, have you ever met somebody named Kazuki Shiranui? He would be a year above us. Black hair?"   Kazuki Shiranui. The name did not immediately ring a bell, so I took a moment to think on it. I had transferred into Irving Kweisenveil in the middle of the second year, after *that man* and I parted ways with the Kusanagi estate. So it follows that, during the remaining two and a half years I spent there, there was a window of a year and a half during which we might have complained about meandering the same halls. Next, I moved to the sole descriptors I had- male, black hair. The former could be found anywhere, but the latter proved quite the rare trait on this island. Something clicked.   I could say with absolute certainty that Satou S. Shibuya had never, at *any point* interacted with this individual, but I did recognize their name. Or at least, part of it. Furthermore, I had only seen a handful of individuals with black hair on this island. Narrowing this down brought to mind the sharp features of Kawagusa General Academy's Principal, the one known as Robin D. Shiranui. Amidst daring to order me around, she *had* mentioned something about Junko Shiranui having a brother.   "As if I'd know a person like that," I scoffed.   Rurisaki seemed very briefly taken aback by this declaration. "Oh."   "If you'll excuse me, I don't have any more time to waste. Rest easy, fish, for at the very least, this conversation was not worthless. Of the handful of fish that I've talked to, you have *certainly* proved yourself the most useful." I turned to make my exit, but not in the direction of the gates. "I won't thank you," I said.   She squinted. "I... see." *More importantly, there's something I need to confirm for myself.* --- **-S0026-** ---   From the front entrance, a trip to the Principal's very peculiar and all too anachronistic abode proved quite the tedious little journey. First, follow the leftmost fence-adjacent path for a short while, and at the first fork in the road, turn right, under the trees and their low-hanging branches. Not straight, lest you bumble your way into the groundskeeper's shed. Past the trees, one followed the path to the left, and continued beyond the all too luxurious fountains where students were expected to find peace during lunch. In fact, no sensible human being would sit in such a spot during lunch. None but Kaede Kotobuki, rather.   In any case, the path continued straight ahead at this point, passing by several marvels which, in retrospect, were indicative of poor landscaping more than anything else. A bog, or pehaps a pond on better days, a small copse that faired poorly in its modest attempt to obscure the second and third-year buildings from the eyes of the public, and finally, a well-maintained stone path the curved to the left, tracing the way over a shallow pond and through a collection of bamboo stalks, which seemed to jut in any direction that suited their fancy. Following this contrived yet all too mundane path would lead to the very doorstep of one Robin D. Shiranui, the so-called Principal of Kawagusa General Academy. *Considering the school funding that assuredly went into this office's construction, I'm half-curious as to why the main building itself is so... uninspired. What terrible design sense.*   Nevertheless, I brought my knuckle to the cream-coloured metal door and rapped on it. Once, then twice. Finally, a presence spoke directly to my mind. *"Come in, boy."*   Though I used the term 'spoke', there was no voice attributed to the message, so to speak. It felt closer to intent given verbal form. With even an inkling of who addressed you, however, it was easy to ascribe a suitable voice to the soundless intent with which a telepathic ESPer communicated. Don't get the wrong idea though. No matter how magnificently and eloquently I described the act, *nothing* was more frustrating than an unwelcome guest in one's head.   I turned the handle in spite of my misgivings and stepped into the Principal's office. This time I made sure to close the door behind me before turning to face the intrusive authority that was Robin D. Shiranui. The woman, as cool and sharp-eyed as my last visit, did not greet me. She crossed one leg over the other, gesturing only to the chair on the opposite end of the glossy mahogany desk she sat at.   "You've returned *remarkably* faster than I anticipated, and yet it's clear you aren't here to complain about your punishment," said the Principal.   My back reflexively straightened at the sound of the raven-haired woman's voice. No, maybe it was the white, crocodilian machine she commanded, which I heard slinking around behind me. A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed its placement in the corner of the room, sprawled out on its side like a tiger after a hearty meal. Surely they didn't... *eat*, right? They scarcely even counted as life. In fact, the sole force that animated the machination at my back was the psionic prowess of the woman I now stared down.   "As the Alpha, I have several questions about this punishment," I said.   "Your first question, of course, is *'Why entrust such a personal matter to a student',*" said the Principal. She once more gestured for me to sit.   I slowly nodded, but again did not sit. I had expected her to read my mind, but I still scowled at the thought of another digging through my head, plucking my lines before I had the opportunity to read them.   "In truth, boy, I have already given up on that girl. I cannot spare the time to bring her in line, and I *certainly* cannot entrust the issue to the disciplinary authorities in the outer ring. That is the nature of this punishment—I have zero faith that it will be completed, so it is the ideal burden to unload upon a problem child with too much free time," she spoke in her usual frigid tone. "My expectations for your success are low. Failure itself is more than a suitable punishment for an ego as swollen as *yours*."   I scowled at her. "And I suppose that if I succeed, then all went according to plan, and you would retroactively justify your words here as but an attempt to rile me up."   Her violet eyes narrowed. "As if I would need to spin such an elaborate tale."   As much as I wanted to snap back, it was abundantly clear that nothing I said would faze the Principal. After all, if she knew my first question, then surely she knew all the questions that would follow. This was what it meant to banter with an ESPer, all *tricks* and little discussion of actual merit. I clicked my tongue as I took my place in the seat across from her. "There are other ways to get under my skin."   The Principal considered these words a little longer than usual before responding. "If your assessment of my decision suggests that my singular intent is to put a damper your mood, then I suppose you still have much to learn. You've surely realized this—it is, after all, the reason that you've come here on your own terms."   "Don't twist my intentions." I said this with a snort.   I needed to confirm my strength once more. There, in the Gekko District, I had reigned undefeated until my and sister dearest's voluntary relocation to the inner circle of Niflheim. Many battles had taken place there. Even amongst the few I'd faced in the inner circle, none had matched up to the greatest foes I had faced out there. Not in power, but in *tenacity*. The sheer force of will with which the common man sought to rise up against the strongest superhuman, the Golden King, could not be construed as anything less than the *height* of idiocy. That was why I had to go.   If it were there, I would be able to determine whether I had *truly* gotten weaker. Even in my weakest state—no, *because* I was in my weakest state—I would prove once and for all that the land, the sea, and the sky had but one master. It was only natural to challenge Keiko Kusanagi's words in this condition. If I did this, then the truth would be revealed, that I had never once stepped down into the realm of mortality, even with a thousand disadvantages to my name. If that were the case— *Then Keiko Kusanagi would surely recognize me as the Alpha.*   Yes, it was obvious that I was the strongest. There was only a single fool who I had to prove it to, even if it meant shattering that empty pride of her's to bits.   "I just want to see that *stupid* Kusanagi heir in tears," I said.   At this declaration, the Principal seemed stumped. Surely she could see the thought process, but as expected, she could not grasp the full scope on which my brain operated. She simply raised a hand to her temple and gave a small, exasperated sigh, no doubt having given up in the face of my superior intellect.   "You seem to have done quite the series of mental gymnastics to justify lusting after the tears of a young and beautiful girl. As suspected, you are a Schneider to your very core."   I puffed out my chest. "Of course."   "And so?" The Principal once more trained her eyes on me. "If you intend to embroil yourself in worthless conflicts once more, you must recognize that I have all the reason in the world to find a more suitable punishment for you to occupy yourself with."   "That's true. Very well, what about this?"   I climbed out of my seat. From the small shift in the Principal's expression, I knew that she had already determined the nature of my gambit. That was fine, it meant she knew that I wasn't lying. Granted, I *never* lied. I straightened my back and pressed the side of my hand to my heart—the *Ironblood Salute*, one of but a handful of things my mother taught me about my Schneider heritage. I had only made a promise such as this once before, and this would assuredly be the last time for a while.   "I will go to the Gekko District, and I will do more than find your daughter. I will bring her home, kicking and screaming if I must. And in two months time, if I have failed to do so, then I will take the enlistment examination and do as you please." My hands closed into fists. "This, I am prepared to promise."   She quirked a brow. "That's quite the wager, boy. For you to so readily throw away the agency that you've been fighting for, surely you seek something in exchange?"   I nodded. "Correct. You'll mind your own business while I'm over there. No matter how many complaints you receive, you'll simply cover your ears and close your eyes."   This, the Principal seemed to consider quite thoroughly. Just this once, I could imagine the thought process: *"What could he possibly intend to do? That Satou Schneider surely intends to cause a ruckus, then he'll strut back in once everything is said and done as if nothing had happened!"* From the small twitch of her brow that I caught, I determined this assessment to be correct. The slight sneer that tugged at the corners of my mouth gave way to mild interest when she slammed a palm down on her desk.   "Then it's only fair that I add one more condition," she said.
{ "title": "The Dungeon Of A Forest God", "id": 21154, "author": "Big Fat Seal", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Ch 13 - A duel", "id": 305995, "next": 306597, "prev": 305715, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyYWE3N2MyODkxOTQzNDM4N2UyNTdhZjQyZDNjZjdk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The fog had slowly dispersed and the sun could finally be seen as hundreds of goblins’ bodies were visible on the ground. They were trampled to death, having their crimson flesh and guts scattered over their green skin.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NjA3ZGMxYzViZTQxOWJiNTYyNTAxMzJjOTBiODg0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">A running big bull was looking at a place among the mountain of corpses where his master was there facing a huge green monster. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZjI5N2M3MTAyZTRmMmFiY2MzNDlkMWJiNTI1MTk5" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">That monster looked dangerous. He knew it. The feeling deep inside his heart told him as such when he looked at that huge green lump. When he first saw it, anger and fear which he shouldn’t feel as a half-undead appeared. He knew that he couldn’t defeat it, let alone being of use to his master. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM1OWVjOTY2MWNiZDQ0OTQ4YTljYWU5NDYxNTNjNWMx" style="text-align: justify"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">However, if it is his master, it must be possible, he thought while speeding up his feet to quickly wipe the goblins out.</span></em></p> <p class="cnMzZWQ0OWU5NTAxYjQzOGE4MDMxMmE3MmYzY2VjMDQ3" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2Y3MjEzNDJhMTQwNTk5YzE3MjE5ZDA2Y2FkODlm" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZjQ3NDE0YjAyMDQ2OGFiNTJkZDkyMGJlYmZjNzUy" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDI1NWY1NTAwYzRjODg5NWRlNjM2YzJlNjQxZWI3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus and the goblin boss, Gugaga, had been glaring at each other for a while.</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTRmMWUyYWFiOTRlNTk5MmUxNmI0ZTg2NWY1ODJi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">In Gugaga’s hands was a huge mace made out of a metal rod and a stone head. It looked extremely heavy, but he casually tapped it on his palm times and times again like it was a mere stick.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGEwMmRmNjM4MDQzNzZiYWJhMGRiNjYzYjQyZDk4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">He slowly sidestepped, walking in a big circle around Lunus while looking for an opening.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNmFlY2I3MGQyYjRiYjA5MjZlY2VhYTUzZjE3NjRh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">As for Lunus, having four limbs made him difficult to sidestep and follow the monster’s direction. He needed to slowly walked back while rearranging his position toward Gugaga.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWU1NDZkYjRiMDRmMTRhMjFhMTgwYTY3M2VjNTg1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing that, Gugaga’s lip curled into a smirk.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MWNiYTdhNDcwMTQzNDk4N2Y4ZGU3OTI5ZGQwOTk5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>This thing is no different than a mere beast</em>!, he was sure.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGIzZTA5OTFmNzQyYjhhM2I5NDkzZTQxYTU5MTdl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without any further thought, he leaped toward Lunus with the huge mace in his hands.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYzJkZTc2YjVkNzRkZTBiNDQxNjcyNjNmNTM4OTZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Guahhhh!!!,” he roared.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYTVhNGI1ZmI0OTQzOGQ4ZWNhNWFmMzg2Y2U4ZjUy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus dodged with the help of his vines just before Gugaga reached his previous location; however, the green monster suddenly followed after him as he swung his heavy mace upward at Lunus’ flank.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NDVjZWViMWM2ZjRiZDY5OTVhZGEyMWVhZGJiNDBh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus was sent flying into the air as several bones inside were creaking. Even though he could run fast in this form, dodging attacks aiming at his flank is so difficult as his bone structure didn’t support the movement.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDQ5ZjQ4MDM2NTRhY2I4OTI4ZDI1YjhlNGVkZGEz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Tsk!”</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDEwN2JmYTNlMjQ1ZmRhOWFhNDMyYmJkZjlhYjNh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without letting Lunus have a chance to make a countermeasure, Gugaga barraged his mace and punch toward Lunus’ flank. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZWE5NDY5NzA3YTQxYmRiOGM2OWQyYzJjNjEyYWVl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">As the result, Lunus was forced to avoid every single attack which could easily break his bones.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTA1N2FjYjU5ZjQyMzViZDdlYWNlNmY0MmU5NTVh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>I can’t gain an advantage if I continue dodging like this</em>, he pondered.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDNjYWYyNTNhMTRkNWVhNWM4NjBlYjMxYzIxMDYz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The mace was swung downward aiming at Lunus’ unprotected flank, but this time he leaped toward Gugaga instead of taking a distance. The mace missed its target and hit the soft ground with a dull sound while Lunus finally approached under Gugaga’s arms.</span></p> <p class="cnNkY2Q4ZjY4MjE1ZDQ0MTY5NmZmNjY0ZTBlYjQ1NmI1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">He unleashed his vines and swung them like whips aiming at Gugaga’s face, trying to push him away from his mace and knock him dizzy. The vines gouged out the green skin on the goblin’s face and blood dripped down along the chin, but Gugaga didn’t move an inch from his spot.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTk5MjEyYmM2ODRjMTJhYWU3NGI1ZGU0YmFiMWY2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seeing that his plan came out in a failure, Lunus quickly jumped away from under Gugaga’s arms, but it was too late as the thick arms had already embraced his neck. A chill of terror ran down his meatless spine.</span></p> <p class="cnMyM2VkMzFmOTY4ZTQ1N2Y5NGUzYzc2NGI0MTM0NDA4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I finally got you!”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzc2OGMwZDg0NDQ4YzZiYTUwODdmMzU3YjYwMzlj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">With a herculean strength, Gugaga kicked Lunus’ chest down as he pulled Lunus’ neck away from his body. A cracking sound echoed as the deer’s head and vines were sent flying in the air and left a pile of bones on the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWIwMzc0YTE0YzQxNjNhYzUxZTZmZWU3ZThhYzZk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What!? Are you some sort of undead?,” Gugaga got surprised.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYTBlYmE1ZGY3NTQ2OGY5MjBjMWI2NzM1NzdjNjRl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Not letting the chance escaped, Lunus jumped into the air and whacked his vines on the goblin’s body, gouging Gugaga’s skin once again.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWJlNDllZTdkMTRhODk5YmNkYjExZjI3YzAxOGIx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus didn’t care much about losing his body. His goal was fixated in the annihilation of the goblin horde, so as long as he could buy this monster here until his men finished routing the enemies, then he could get the reinforcement.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODhkMGU0Zjk2ZTRiZjA5NTlhYzMzNWYwODRjZDU0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">And it didn’t mean that he couldn’t fight when there was only his head and vines left. Because, in exchange for a higher running speed and a stronger physical body, he had gained a greater agility as he could freely move in all direction, not being limited by his bone joints.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODlhODMzYWY5ZTQwNzQ4MWRlMWYxYjAxOWYyNzQ5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lunus then had changed his plan to buy more time enough for his men to finish their job. He kicked the ground whenever his body fell and sent whips whacking on Gugaga body who had tried to use the nearby goblin corpses as a shield.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjAwNDYyZjAxYjQzMTA4MDFjNDYxZjYzMDliNjc5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Damn you monster, flying here and there like a wisp!,” Gugaga cursed.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjQxZWNkZWJiYzQxYTE4M2YwMDNhNTA4M2ExZTNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">His body was now full of bruises and cutting wounds. Blood dripped down his green skin and dyed it with a red hue. Still, not a single wound was severe enough to endanger his life or hinder his movement.</span></p> <p class="cnMyODliODIyZWQ1ZDQyM2ViZDI3M2JmMTM1YTBkMzBi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">He lifted the body of a fallen goblin up as another wave of whips came down from above, cutting the corpse’s abdomen open and scattering the guts around.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZWIyYWExODIyYzQxNjliOTFhYTk4MzNkZjJhZWVl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Being pissed off, Gugaga then used his free hand to catch the vines before Lunus could fly away.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODAzMjk1OGE2NzQyY2RiNTkwYmVkNzNjMjg3Nzlh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Now, I caught you again!,” he smirked.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjc5ZjI0MzE5ODRlZDg4MTkyM2JhNDFhZjYwYjcw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Using the vines as a rope, he swung Lunas around and hit him on the ground and boulders several times. If this crazy attack continued, Lunus’ horns would be broken for sure.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYTZjMTY1Zjc2NzRlZDY5Zjc2NzVlZjUxYjk4MGU0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><em>I must quickly deal with this!</em>, Lunus thought as he cut the vines that were grasped and flew away with the centrifugal force.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYmU4NjNlNmM2MzQ1ODFiNGEyYzQzMzMzY2Y0NTAy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, being high in the air with nothing to hold onto meant being an easy target.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmZhZmM5ZDgzYTRiZTFiMzA5M2JhMmMwOGViZDU0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Not letting the prey that he had finally caught escaped, Gugaga grabbed a nearby water-filled barrel and threw it toward Lunus at a greater speed. The projectile precisely hit the mark as the barrel exploded in the air scattering the water content everywhere and sent Lunus flying further away. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMDRkODJlZGFiYjQ4NjliZmYxZDZmYTgwNDM5MzI0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">After spending his time in the air, Lunus landed onto the only tent around there, crushing it to the ground.</span></p> <p class="cnMwOTI0MTA0ZmZkZTQ0OTJhNzAwN2Q4NDgzZDEwYWFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“GRRRRRRAAAAHHHHHHH!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyZDRlZjFmNDQ5ODQ0OTRiOTMyNTI2M2Y3YWY4Mzg1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gugaga felt proudful for his precise hit and made a victorious roar as his face and hands raised high in the air, trying to encourage his fleeing men and engrave fear into his enemies’ heart.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MWQ4MzJiOTBiZDQ1YzhhYTQxMTM0YmM0NjQ2NWVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">However, he felt that the usual cheering voices that he had trained his stupid men to do was too silent. So he turned his gaze downward only to meet mountains of green corpses everywhere.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMDU3YmJmZmFjNjQ3Y2NiNzU5OTc3OWRhZDk5ZWE1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the… How could it be like this in a short mome-, Gah!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDgyMWEwODVjNjQ0NWQ5NDhlODY5ODgxMTNmNGQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">A sharp pain came from his back as he felt something big hit him with a great impact. When he looked back, he saw a bull with red dirt all over its body trying hard to penetrate him with its curved horns. But strange enough, the sharp-looking horns didn’t pierce as deep as one would expect.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODYwYTU1ZWNlNDQwNGM4ZjY4ODFlYjgwMmZiOGY4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It’s futile!”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGY3NDI5MmE5YjRjZjJhZjljNTU5ZjYwMzIzN2Jk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gugaga quickly turned back. His big hands grasped onto the twin horns as he expressed his inhuman strength on them.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZWU2MjFjMjYyYzQ3MjU4YjdhY2Q0ODA4OWEwMzZi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">And with a cracking sound, one of the horns broke.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjQ4Y2M2NzhlZTQxODI5NjUyMTgzNjM3ODIwOTAw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hmph, this is what truly deserve you, undead beasts! There is no way you lots could penetrate my invincible body strengthened by [Steel muscle]!”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWQ0NTQ0MDQ5NzQyYjhhMjk1OTg3Mjg0YzE5ZjE5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">With the unbroken horn in his hand, Gugaga spun his body and used his momentum to send the bull flying toward the collapsed tent where Lunus was sent to.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjNlMzQ3NmExZDRiOTliZTVkMzZkNTdjNzcwY2Nl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gugaga was not a normal goblin. True, his huge build came from a rare mutation, but that alone didn’t make a muscle head like him differ much from other goblins.</span></p> <p class="cnM4OWEyMjUzNGUzNzQ5NWRiZWQwMzEzYzU4ZGJkNGI3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gugaga’s invincibility came from the skill bestowed from his king, [Steel muscle] which made his body as strong as steel and granted him a super herculean strength. </span></p> <p class="cnNjNzFkNTEzYTE0ZTQyNmJiZDBkYjU1M2Q0Y2Q5MjE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">His king had gone through a lot of trouble to prepare this for him, but this could also prove just how important he had been given expectation as a warrior and a commander. Though the later position was granted just because Gugaga complained that he wanted to have subordinates.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNmJjYmQ5YWMyYzQ3ODE4NjE5ZGRkNDM0M2VkMzk3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">That was why he didn’t care much if half of them were killed. But when all of them were annihilated, it meant he had also lost his servants.</span></p> <p class="cnM3M2MzZGE1YjNkZjRkZTRhNjk4N2NiN2Y5YzRmMGMw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just wait and I’ll crush every bone in your hollow body!,” he shouted while looking for the other enemies.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODgzMTNiODU1ODQxY2I4YzIxOTgxODhmMmE4Nzc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even so, none of them were on his sight.</span></p> <p class="cnM5N2ZlNGJjNjU0YjRkZjU5YTI2ZmNmNjYxMmNmOGFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Where did they go?, we thought.</span></p> <p class="cnNkM2UyYTMzODhhYjQxZTU4NWM1MTQzMWJlYmE0MTkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then his gaze turned toward the collapsed tent where a big cluster of vines was wiggling there as if thousands of snakes were entangled together.</span></p> <p class="cnNmN2E0YzU5MDY1MDQ3ZjQ4ZTIwZTdhOTk1ZmQxNmE1" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</span></p> <p class="cnM0OTM2ZWE5MmY2MDQ1ZjliYjU5ZGQ4ZTIwZTM4ZTA0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM0MTU3MDNkOWEyNDQ2NTliODk1NmMzYzZkMTFjZTk0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Skill encyclopedia: [Steel muscle]</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzAzYzI5MDNjYjQ1Njk4ZTc4ZWJiYjFiNGQ3ZWU0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Type: passive skill</span></p> <p class="cnNlNGJhZGNkNTRiNjQwZGFhNzNhY2ZkNzI5ZTg4MTVl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Steel muscle] grants the skill holder a strong body with strengthened muscles. The skill holder’s body turns harder as steel weapon can hardly penetrate through the muscle layer.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzcxMzhkNGM2MDQzOWZiMWQyNzQ5YmQwN2JjZGMz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Steel muscle] is also a racial skill of strong creatures like dragons and giants. It’s said that this skill can also be acquired from continuously strengthening one’s body through pain and wounds, but the truth is still uncertain.</span></p> </div>
The fog had slowly dispersed and the sun could finally be seen as hundreds of goblins’ bodies were visible on the ground. They were trampled to death, having their crimson flesh and guts scattered over their green skin. A running big bull was looking at a place among the mountain of corpses where his master was there facing a huge green monster. *That monster looked dangerous. He knew it. The feeling deep inside his heart told him as such when he looked at that huge green lump. When he first saw it, anger and fear which he shouldn’t feel as a half-undead appeared. He knew that he couldn’t defeat it, let alone being of use to his master.* *However, if it is his master, it must be possible, he thought while speeding up his feet to quickly wipe the goblins out.* . . . Lunus and the goblin boss, Gugaga, had been glaring at each other for a while. In Gugaga’s hands was a huge mace made out of a metal rod and a stone head. It looked extremely heavy, but he casually tapped it on his palm times and times again like it was a mere stick. He slowly sidestepped, walking in a big circle around Lunus while looking for an opening. As for Lunus, having four limbs made him difficult to sidestep and follow the monster’s direction. He needed to slowly walked back while rearranging his position toward Gugaga. Seeing that, Gugaga’s lip curled into a smirk. *This thing is no different than a mere beast*!, he was sure. Without any further thought, he leaped toward Lunus with the huge mace in his hands. “Guahhhh!!!,” he roared. Lunus dodged with the help of his vines just before Gugaga reached his previous location; however, the green monster suddenly followed after him as he swung his heavy mace upward at Lunus’ flank. Lunus was sent flying into the air as several bones inside were creaking. Even though he could run fast in this form, dodging attacks aiming at his flank is so difficult as his bone structure didn’t support the movement. “Tsk!” Without letting Lunus have a chance to make a countermeasure, Gugaga barraged his mace and punch toward Lunus’ flank. As the result, Lunus was forced to avoid every single attack which could easily break his bones. *I can’t gain an advantage if I continue dodging like this*, he pondered. The mace was swung downward aiming at Lunus’ unprotected flank, but this time he leaped toward Gugaga instead of taking a distance. The mace missed its target and hit the soft ground with a dull sound while Lunus finally approached under Gugaga’s arms. He unleashed his vines and swung them like whips aiming at Gugaga’s face, trying to push him away from his mace and knock him dizzy. The vines gouged out the green skin on the goblin’s face and blood dripped down along the chin, but Gugaga didn’t move an inch from his spot. Seeing that his plan came out in a failure, Lunus quickly jumped away from under Gugaga’s arms, but it was too late as the thick arms had already embraced his neck. A chill of terror ran down his meatless spine. “I finally got you!” With a herculean strength, Gugaga kicked Lunus’ chest down as he pulled Lunus’ neck away from his body. A cracking sound echoed as the deer’s head and vines were sent flying in the air and left a pile of bones on the ground. “What!? Are you some sort of undead?,” Gugaga got surprised. Not letting the chance escaped, Lunus jumped into the air and whacked his vines on the goblin’s body, gouging Gugaga’s skin once again. Lunus didn’t care much about losing his body. His goal was fixated in the annihilation of the goblin horde, so as long as he could buy this monster here until his men finished routing the enemies, then he could get the reinforcement. And it didn’t mean that he couldn’t fight when there was only his head and vines left. Because, in exchange for a higher running speed and a stronger physical body, he had gained a greater agility as he could freely move in all direction, not being limited by his bone joints. Lunus then had changed his plan to buy more time enough for his men to finish their job. He kicked the ground whenever his body fell and sent whips whacking on Gugaga body who had tried to use the nearby goblin corpses as a shield. “Damn you monster, flying here and there like a wisp!,” Gugaga cursed. His body was now full of bruises and cutting wounds. Blood dripped down his green skin and dyed it with a red hue. Still, not a single wound was severe enough to endanger his life or hinder his movement. He lifted the body of a fallen goblin up as another wave of whips came down from above, cutting the corpse’s abdomen open and scattering the guts around. Being pissed off, Gugaga then used his free hand to catch the vines before Lunus could fly away. “Now, I caught you again!,” he smirked. Using the vines as a rope, he swung Lunas around and hit him on the ground and boulders several times. If this crazy attack continued, Lunus’ horns would be broken for sure. *I must quickly deal with this!*, Lunus thought as he cut the vines that were grasped and flew away with the centrifugal force. However, being high in the air with nothing to hold onto meant being an easy target. Not letting the prey that he had finally caught escaped, Gugaga grabbed a nearby water-filled barrel and threw it toward Lunus at a greater speed. The projectile precisely hit the mark as the barrel exploded in the air scattering the water content everywhere and sent Lunus flying further away. After spending his time in the air, Lunus landed onto the only tent around there, crushing it to the ground. “GRRRRRRAAAAHHHHHHH!” Gugaga felt proudful for his precise hit and made a victorious roar as his face and hands raised high in the air, trying to encourage his fleeing men and engrave fear into his enemies’ heart. However, he felt that the usual cheering voices that he had trained his stupid men to do was too silent. So he turned his gaze downward only to meet mountains of green corpses everywhere. “What the… How could it be like this in a short mome-, Gah!” A sharp pain came from his back as he felt something big hit him with a great impact. When he looked back, he saw a bull with red dirt all over its body trying hard to penetrate him with its curved horns. But strange enough, the sharp-looking horns didn’t pierce as deep as one would expect. “It’s futile!” Gugaga quickly turned back. His big hands grasped onto the twin horns as he expressed his inhuman strength on them. And with a cracking sound, one of the horns broke. “Hmph, this is what truly deserve you, undead beasts! There is no way you lots could penetrate my invincible body strengthened by [Steel muscle]!” With the unbroken horn in his hand, Gugaga spun his body and used his momentum to send the bull flying toward the collapsed tent where Lunus was sent to. Gugaga was not a normal goblin. True, his huge build came from a rare mutation, but that alone didn’t make a muscle head like him differ much from other goblins. Gugaga’s invincibility came from the skill bestowed from his king, [Steel muscle] which made his body as strong as steel and granted him a super herculean strength. His king had gone through a lot of trouble to prepare this for him, but this could also prove just how important he had been given expectation as a warrior and a commander. Though the later position was granted just because Gugaga complained that he wanted to have subordinates. That was why he didn’t care much if half of them were killed. But when all of them were annihilated, it meant he had also lost his servants. “Just wait and I’ll crush every bone in your hollow body!,” he shouted while looking for the other enemies. Even so, none of them were on his sight. Where did they go?, we thought. Then his gaze turned toward the collapsed tent where a big cluster of vines was wiggling there as if thousands of snakes were entangled together. <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>   Skill encyclopedia: [Steel muscle] Type: passive skill [Steel muscle] grants the skill holder a strong body with strengthened muscles. The skill holder’s body turns harder as steel weapon can hardly penetrate through the muscle layer. [Steel muscle] is also a racial skill of strong creatures like dragons and giants. It’s said that this skill can also be acquired from continuously strengthening one’s body through pain and wounds, but the truth is still uncertain.
{ "title": "The Ordinary Life of Tom Nobody", "id": 21375, "author": "Chimeric", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "11. The Case of the Dead(ly) Arcanist", "id": 305999, "next": 306584, "prev": 305689, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMyYTk5YzNhNDA4ODQzZTc5M2E1YzgwYjVhOWVlYjk5">The Ordinary Life of Tom Nobody</p> <p class="cnNkMzgwYzU3NzE5YjQ1NzU5NmVhMDgxZmQzZDc3NzMz">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNlYzYxNzgxZjllNjQ2M2I4MjZlNDkyYjE2ZDhiZGFi">After the conversation had pretty much petered out, Sarge told us all to check our stats.</p> <p class="cnM5MzBiYmQ3MjI4NzQ4MDQ5YmQxYTEyY2U3YTUzOGVl">CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL EDGED WEAPONS<br>CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the ABILITY SWORDS&nbsp;1%<br> CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL UNARMED&nbsp;<br> CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY<br> CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the ABILTY KNIVES 1%<br> CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION<br> CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION</p> <p class="cnM1ZTNlNGVjMTFmNzQzMjdhMTRkOTUwMGFlNzM5OWYw"><em>Huh, all that and only 3 stat point increases. At least it was enough to learn the ABILITIES, I guess.</em> I hadn’t been able to spare anyone else any of my attention, but I kind of expected that I might have been the only one to gain UNARMED and KNIFE SKILLs, so there was that.</p> <p class="cnM3ZDljMjhmZGE2ZjQ3ZTY5MGMzYWQwOWU3NWIwODg1">As I closed out my CHARACTER and SKILLS SHEETs, the kid came over and sat next to me on one of the logs that served as chairs around the fire. I could tell he still felt bad about nearly cutting my leg off but didn’t know what to say.</p> <p class="cnNlNDVhNWQwY2E2NTRiZDI4MzZiMjc2MWFhNTI2ZWE0">“Don’t worry about it, Kid,” I said, speaking first, “shit happens in a fight.”</p> <p class="cnNmODY1YTI0M2E1ZjQ4YmQ4OTg1MmY0ZGZkYjg5ZGFi">“I should be better than this, I’ve taken actual classes,” he looked up at me and then quickly down. “And I’m not a kid. You look like you’re younger than me, anyway.”</p> <p class="cnMyNDVhYjY3YzliYzQ1OGZhZWUyZjI1NGRkNDM2YThh">“Yeah, looks can be deceiving. I’m—I was—60-years old before I woke up in the woods this morning. God! Has it been less than a day? It feels like years.” I shook my head.</p> <p class="cnNjODEwOWY0NjUyOTQ2YWY4OWRiYWZkNTVhNjFkNjFi">The kid looked like he wanted to say a lot more about stabbing me. I could see the struggle playing out across his face. You deal with liars and thieves for a living, and you almost get to where you can read minds.</p> <p class="cnNhN2NjM2NmNzRmMDQyMTA4NDNiZTk1NWY0NGYyNzQz">“Name’s Rob,” he said, holding out his hand. I looked at it for a minute, and then reached over and shook it, thankful that he’d taken the time to clean the blood off. Clean <em>my</em> blood off.</p> <p class="cnM4NGViMGE1Zjc2NDQwMDliODk3MzVkYmEwNDM4OGM3">“Tom,” I said. “You said you used to play swords in Central Park, I guess you’re a New Yorker, then?” I winced internally at being Captain Obvious, but I’d always sucked at small talk and introductions.</p> <p class="cnNlZGZjZjY4MjNhOTQ4OWM5MWI3YjVhYzgwMzIxYzE3">“Yeah, I grew up in West Virginia, but I got a scholarship to Cornell and never went back.” He looked around at our group, and the trees, and back over where the various salvageable parts of the dead rats were stacked, and continued, “Computer science, probably not going to do me a lot of good, now.”</p> <p class="cnM4MzcxMjZiNDMyZDRlMjhiZTlmMjllNTczNDA1MzU3">“Maybe, maybe not. They got us learning swords, but Sgt. Asshole mentioned something about plasma rifles, so maybe they’ll have some computers for you to work with, who knows?”</p> <p class="cnNkMTFkNzVhMTkzZjQ4YTRiZmYwOWE5YzAxOTk1ZTA0">He thought about that for a minute, and it seemed to cheer him up. “You’re right, maybe this will be more like Whiteout, a nuclear winter game instead of a medieval one.</p> <p class="cnM4ZmQ5ZGQ3ZmI3ZjRmNDJhNDQ0MTFiMmJkZTA3Njcw">“How’d you manage to get them to turn you into a teenager, again, anyway?”</p> <p class="cnM4MGYzMTE0ODFlYjRiNDY4ZTA4YTM2MzVjZDRlZDAy">“I don’t know. When we got to the part on my CHARACTER SHEET where it said I was 16, SCHEMA told me the system had decided it was my mental age.” I laughed. “I think SCHEMA was messing with me, but I’ll take it, as long as I don’t have to go back to high school. Gave me an extra point in LUCK, too.”</p> <p class="cnMxZjM5MjNmYmY2NjRkZmJiMjQ5YjY0NDgwMjcwODNh">“How did you figure all that out, anyway, about the STAT bumps if you got it to explain everything? Which, thanks, by the way, I did get my extra STATs, though I thought you were pulling a fast one on me when it took away one of my STRENGTH points, but I kept going and got it back with my GENDER bump.”</p> <p class="cnMwMGI1Mjk1ZGE1NzRmZDdiZjkyNzE1Zjg2NjM1NDA4">“I don’t know, I just woke up, and nothing was familiar to me, unlike it was for you. I’ve never been much for video games, so I had no clue what was going on. I’ve always been big on asking questions when you don’t know something, and after I saw what happened with the Human thing, it just seemed to confirm that going over each thing in my MENU was the right thing to do.”</p> <p class="cnMyZWFhNzZmOTE4ZDRhNjM5YzE4YWEwYjdmNTIzYWM2">“I think you’re probably right,” Rob said, “I didn’t get enough time to go through much, yet, but as soon as we get through with the TUTORIAL, I’ll be sure to check everything out a lot more carefully.”</p> <p class="cnNhZjcwMzQxZTg0NjQwMTg4MTc1ZjgyYTkxODQ2NTNm">“Don’t forget to look at the RECORD tab in your JOURNAL,” I said, “You know about that, right? That it keeps a written and video record of everything you do?”</p> <p class="cnM5MDBiZTBlZDFhYjRlZThhMWQwZmI0MzJiMWQ4Y2Y4">“You’re joking!” he said, his eyebrows climbing up towards his hairline.</p> <p class="cnMzNjM4ZWJlZDZmNjQ0YTM4MGU3NWYwOTQ1MmNhMWIy">“No, seriously, check it out.”</p> <p class="cnMyZTVjOTU4Mjc1NTRjNWRiZGQ0ZDMzNjgzZGFhMmQ3">I could tell that he was taking my advice as his eyes got that look like he was gazing off into the distance and his hands started touching places in the air in front of him.</p> <p class="cnNkYjljOTNhOTczMTQ0MGY4ZWNhODlmMzc4ZDZiMzgy">“Oh wow! Man! This is totally cool!”</p> <p class="cnM0OThkNDE3NjBjNTQxMWI5OWVkMDE2YTc2YTYxMjMx">“If you say so, more like no more privacy in my mind, but what can we do about it?” Then I stood up, ”you go ahead and play around with it, looks like Asshole over there is getting ready to move us out, so I’m going to head off to the woods again andsee a man about a dog.”</p> <p class="cnNmM2RlNDAxMGYwODRiM2M5YTMyNzY0OGY5OGQ4OWE5">I got up without waiting for him to respond and started walking towards the woods.</p> <p class="cnM4Mzg2NWNkN2Y4MjQzNzI5N2IxNzk2ODkyZjk1OGY0">“Don’t take too long,” Sarge called after me, “The other group’s moving on to the CRAFTING area, and that’s our signal to learn to shoot things.”</p> <p class="cnNlYWRjNjYxMGZiYjRhMGNiYTA4ZTAzN2U3M2MwOGIx">I waved a hand over my shoulder without turning around and kept on walking into the woods.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM2YTdiOWNiNjlkYzQ4NTE4OTE0MmNiYTYwMGFiMjg2">&nbsp;When I got back, I joined Sarge and the group where they’d gathered around where we’d left the rest of the rat meat in eight neat piles stacked up on what skins weren’t too hacked up.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGZmZDM1MWIwNzQ0ZjlhYTYxOGM4YTRjNzUyZTY2">“Okay, each of you take one pile of rat chunks and skins and put it in your inventory. You’ll need them later when you get to the CRAFTING stations.” He said when I reached the group.</p> <p class="cnM3YzVhMmVlM2Y4MjQ3NTA4MGRjYTU4NzQzNDFlZDZl">I reached down and touched a pile of raw rat meat and thought “store” and it all disappeared. I followed that with the skins. I opened my INVENTORY page and saw that they weren't there, but then I almost did the facepalm and checked my CRAFTING INVENTORY, and there they were the meat and skins had all sorted into only two squares. The one with the meat in it had a number 20 in one corner and the one with the skins said 10. There were a lot fewer whole(ish) skins that we’d been able to get, but we’d been able to save most of the meat. Rat meat might sound disgusting, and it did tend to be stringier than beef, chicken, or pork, but when you’re hungry, it can taste pretty damn good.</p> <p class="cnNhMjNlOTc4MTUzOTQxYzhhMTc5YjdlZTk1MmYwZWQ1">I looked over to the other end of the field, and saw that the group that had been training under the Squid guy were all walking towards one of the trails that lead from the clearing, and that another group of, what I thought were probably new trainees were moving in from different trails on the side where I’d come in. Squid guy wasn’t leaving with his former trainees, I guess he was going to be running with the new guys. They all looked around like they were lost<em>. I can’t believe that was us just a few hours ago.</em></p> <p class="cnNhYzkwMWI2MWRlNzQ3MzA5YjhhMGNiZWNkNzE3ZWQ1">Sarge directed us to move about halfway in, where the 50-yard line would be on a football field, and when we got there, there was a table set up that I hadn’t even noticed before. On it were various examples of ranged weapons. I identified bows, both short and long, crossbows, and poles about as long as the batons we’d trained on that had longish cups attached to a sort of hinge arrangement at one end with short spears or maybe javelins next to them. <em>Those baton/cup things are probably for throwing the spears. I forget what they call them</em>. There were even leather slings and high-tech slingshots.</p> <p class="cnM1Y2VjNjY1OGM2OTRhYWY4MjA4NzBhMTU5NTUwODI2">Also on the table were more modern weapons, rifles and pistols of various types, some looking far more advanced than anything I’d ever seen, and I’d seen a lot.</p> <p class="cnM2NTIxYjMzNzNhZDQ0Mzc5MzVjNjFlZjZhYzY5YzFk">&nbsp;</p> <hr> <p class="cnM1YWQxZjBkYjg0YzQxODZiZmY3YjY5ZmJlYWJiMmE2"><em>I stood in a parking garage with my crew arranged in strategic positions around me; enough of them were visible to send the message that we were not to be fucked with, but a few were not, in case the other guys didn’t get it. Billy and Snort were with me, hands in the pockets of their overcoats gripping pistols, but appearing nonchalant. Three completely unmemorable men and one slightly more memorable woman were with us: The buyers.</em></p> <p class="cnNhMDM2ZTY1ZmZhNjQwNmI5MWNkMGZlM2FmZjY4OTM2"><em>We were all huddled around the trunk of a 70s Lincoln which only purpose was to provide said roomy trunk. The woman pulled her giant purse around in front of her and angled the opening so that I could see the stacks of bills arranged inside. I may not have been a real math whiz in school, but I’d been to graduate school in hard knocks and I’d gotten top scores on estimating dollar amount based on the volume of the container. It looked legit.</em></p> <p class="cnM4YTA5YTU2MTdjNzRlNTdiZTVjZjExOTA3MjIzMWIy"><em>So far.</em></p> <p class="cnNiODA0YWM5YWQzMjRmZWVhMjg2MGRmOTIwOTUxMThi"><em>I nodded, then bent over one of the long crates that necessitated such a roomy trunk, clicked the latches and threw up the lid with a bit of theatrics. Never hurt to add some smoke and mirrors; impressed the dull and made the sharp ones underestimate you. Inside the crate, packed in a bed of black foam rubber, nestled a rocket launcher, fresh off the boat that morning. A warhead was positioned partly in the tube of the launcher, also for dramatic effect.</em></p> <p class="cnM0NWI2YzI3NmJlYTQ5YzM4MmFiN2NkYjcwZDgyYmY1"><em>One of the men nodded and gestured towards the woman, who moved forward, one hand reaching up to slip the purse straps from her shoulder. I nudged Billy, who’d been oogling her breasts instead of keeping his head in the game. Almost certainly the reason they’d put her in a low-cut blouse on such a cold day. Too bad that shit didn’t work on me. </em></p> <p class="cnM5NmI4YjExMTZmOTQyMDFhNWM3NGU2ODYyNDk3NzUy"><em>The kid and me, we’d have words if we managed to get out of this one without any trouble, something I was beginning to doubt. He jumped, and I could see the red flush of his embarrassment start to creep up from where his thick neck stuck out of the collar of his coat and turn his face that shade of pink that had earned him the addition of “the kid” to his name. He took a step forward fouling any shot I could take on nodding man should things all go pear shaped. Oh yeah, the talk might include some fists. I used the blocked line of sight to casually slip my hand back into the pocket where my new Glock waited and got ready for the worst.</em></p> <p class="cnMxNGEyZDFmZjdhYjRmODM4ZjQxYWYzMWFmZjYzNWU4"><em>Luckily though, while things did choose that moment to go south, Billy’s position also fouled the shot that Nod Man took at </em>me<em>. </em></p> <p class="cnM4MjdhZWM3MTk2NTRlOTc5NWViYzI5OWMyMWE0M2Uy"><em>Billy the kid wouldn’t be learning any more lessons</em>.</p> <hr> <p class="cnM0MGFlNzA4ZjEwMTRmM2VhNTZmMTIyYjEzNmMyMDhl">I stumbled a bit as the memory hit me unexpectedly but managed to recover without anyone being the wiser. <em>So, I’m an arms dealer</em>, the realization hit me, but not hard. Enough memories had slipped in without me even taking notice that I’d already suspected I was no Mother Teresa, so while my stomach dropped a little at the realization of just how crooked I’d been, it wasn’t the shock that it would have been earlier in the day. Besides, I’d long ago realized that humans were experts at forgiving our own faults. The trick was not to come up with all the ways we used to justify our sins. No good ever came from lying to yourself.</p> <p class="cnMzNGIzNWU1Mjk1NDQ4ZGRhOTg0YzRlNGY0YzdmYzgw">I gave myself a mental shake and got my head back in the game. Billy might not have learned that lesson until it was too late, but I’d taken to heart years ago that learning from your own mistakes was only part of the picture; you had to learn from other people’s mistakes, or you’d run out of time and life before you learned enough from your own. Sarge gestured towards the weapons laid out on the table and told us to choose something to train with.</p> <p class="cnM1NzAwNDY1MzE3ZTQ3NTlhYmI3YTVkOTRmNjU0OTM0">I passed over the bows and slings, likewise the pistols and rifles. I figured I could always come back to the bows, if I wanted to learn them, and I already had plenty of experience with pistols and rifles. My eyes were drawn to the incongruous items at the far end of the table. I moved around to the other side to avoid the crush as the others moved in, and went straight to what had caught my eye.</p> <p class="cnM1MGQ2MGI1MGQ1ODRjNThhNmFkN2EwYzhmYWM3MjIw">There at the end was a long wooden staff. It was fashioned of some dark wood that I didn’t recognize, but what had pulled me to this end of the table was the writing on it. I reached out and ran my fingertips lightly down the length of the shaft and felt how the words were carved into the grain of the wood. They seemed to move, like one of those optical illusions where the shapes make the eye see movement, but the surprising thing was that I could actually feel the movement, like some kind of smooth braille. It was fascinating. I slid my fingers around it, too thick for them to touch on the other side.</p> <p class="cnNiNGQ4YmIxYzVmYzQ1ZDhiNjJhZDIwOGFjNTBhZGQz">“The wood is called Ironwood, or some people call it Dragonwood,” I jumped and whirled around, the staff still in my right hand, my left coming up instinctively to steady it diagonally across my torso in guard position. There was an old woman standing next to me; one I was sure had not been there until I touched the staff.</p> <p class="cnMyYjI4NjJmYTI5NjRkZTZhMDg5NTdkN2VjNjgyYjZl">She was shorter than I was, and slightly hunched. It was that hunch that had given me the impression of age. Now that I looked more closely, I wasn't so sure. She was not so much clothed as enveloped in a flowing gray hooded cloak made of some fine, silk-like material that made you want to let it slide through your fingers. The hood was thrown back and lay neatly across her shoulders and back, and she gazed at me with bright green eyes that had no sclera, only a widening pool of a black pupil. She was one of those whose age could not be told by her face, unlined and porcelain white, fine, symmetrical features framed by straight, jet-black locks that fell to her collar bone in the front, she could have been any age, from 16 to 60.</p> <p class="cnNkZTMwNzhlODkwMDQ2YzFiNmIzZTBhNzRhMmU2NzNj">“I engraved it, myself. I’m gratified that you can appreciate the workmanship.” She said, with a smile that seemed to acknowledge everything from my fascination with the staff, to my assessment of her appearance. Two tiny points of bone white barely touched the startling red of her full lips when she smiled. <em>DANGER!</em> My instincts shouted, and I took a quick step back, still holding the staff like a shield between us.</p> <p class="cnMwNGMyZjJjMmU2ZDQwNzNiMDUyOTUxYjY0NTllNDhk">She laughed, then, and the quality of it fascinated me as much as that of the elf woman’s, but my intuition told me that it was the fascination of a mouse with a cobra, and I squared my stance just as Sarge’s meaty hand clapped me on the shoulder, his fingers digging in slightly, not to bruise, but to contain my second jump of surprise and keep me from whirling around and striking out at him with the staff in my alarm.</p> <p class="cnM1MTE5NTk2MmY2NjRiYmU5ZGIzZTQ3OTFmM2U1N2Ni">“I see you’ve met Stellanna, our arcanist,” he said, the joviality in his tone jangled my nerves in juxtaposition to the threat of which my bones warned. “Stel is here to unlock your MANA pools, for those of you whose pools can be,” her eyes shifted from me to him and her features froze at his familiarization, only the slightest thinning of her lips telling of her displeasure.</p> <p class="cnMwMzg1NzViZDUwNzQ3ZDVhODBiOTBlMmQ4ODY4Njk4"><em>Liars and thieves</em>, it was like a shout, to me. As if from a great distance, I heard a notification chime<a href="#_edn1" name="_ednref1">[i]</a> followed closely by another.<a href="#_edn2" name="_ednref2">[ii]</a></p> <p class="cnMxMTBkOGM2YmRhYTQ1ZTg4NDQwNWE0ODJjMDY0MGI4">Sarge affected not to notice, but his grip lessened ever so slightly, and I knew without being told that this was the mongoose to her cobra.</p> <p class="cnNkM2MzZjFlNzc4OTQ3YzA5OWFkMjYzYTg0ZWExZTVh">“So, everyone line up behind Tom and we’ll get that out of the way. <em>Stel</em>,” he gave the diminutive the slightest accentuation, “if you would do the honors, starting with Tom, here?” They faced off then, communicating some message that I couldn’t decipher, but knew wasn’t as full of <em>bonhomie</em> as Sarge pretended, but it was she who blinked first, literally. Her thick, dark lashes crawled like so many spider legs down over her luminous green eyes, and when she opened them, she was looking at me; my adrenaline gave a little spike, but I stood my ground.</p> <p class="cnNiZjgwNTkxY2NhYjQ5ZGViOGI2MmE0NGU1NjJhNDky"><em>Yay, me!</em></p> <p class="cnMyYzdhNTg3MzRhYTRmNjBiNjhjOGRlYzcxOWZiMmI4">“Certainly,” she replied, not deigning to return any insult. I knew that this was no acknowledgement of any superiority on Sarge’s part, but that she had foregone further conflict for her own reasons, which did nothing to calm my nerves.</p> <p class="cnM5MTViZWZlZGNkYTRlNWJhMzkzZDIzNmNmMTFkYmRh">“Now, young Tom, who is not young at all,” she said, that one sentence telling me she knew more about me than I was comfortable with, “I can sense your … caution of my person, which speaks of <em>wisdom</em> on your part,” that last with just the barest flick of those eyes in Sarge’s direction.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWY3YTJlMGIxNjQ4M2VhMDQyYzUzZTA4Y2ZiNDJk">“I will have to place my hands on each side of your face in order to open the path to your pool. I give you my oath that no harm will come to you through my touch.”</p> <p class="cnNjZmJmM2M4ZjhlZDQ2OGU5MmNiY2M5YzljOWZhMzI2"><strong>[SCHEMA]: Stellana of House Clintogne has given her oath of non-aggression. Oaths so given, once recognized by the SCHEMA system are binding. Breaking a SCHEMA system-recognized oath will result in dire consequences, which may result in measures up to and including the death of the oath-breaker and the surrendering to the aggrieved of all their property, including magical items and grimoires.</strong></p> <p class="cnM4NTA5MWEwNjQ1NTRhZTE5OTBkNDI2OTNkMWI5MDI2">It was my turn to slow blink as I absorbed SCHEMA’s unexpected message. I had almost begun to think they had turned their attention away, I had become so used to their absence since leaving the forest.</p> <p class="cnMwOWEyYTFkNWJhNDRmMjdhNDZmMjk3ZWM2MDdlM2Ix">Stellana allowed me to see a carefree smile as acknowledgement that she knew I’d received the message, and it widened a tiny bit as I gave myself a mental shake and decided to give SCHEMA—and her—the benefit of the doubt.</p> <p class="cnM0MmFiZGQwM2QzYTRiMWZhOGIzZGQwZGU5MmFkM2Qx">Then, as she had said, she raised her hands smoothly, but with a slow deliberateness that conveyed no threat<strong>, </strong>to each side of my face. The long and wide sleeves of her robe falling artfully to her elbows revealing the rest of her skin to be as pale as that of her face. When I didn’t back away, she placed just her fingertips to each temple, the barest brush of a touch. Her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath through her mouth and let it slowly out through her nose.</p> <p class="cnNlYzAxMjUwNzgzZjRjZDc5NGY4OTYwNjg5MmQ4YTVl">At first, there was only that feather of a touch, but then I felt something. Even now that the sensation has become as familiar as the feeling of my own breath, I can’t describe it in any way that will do it true justice. The nearest I can come is that it was like a breath of cool air that moved through her fingertips and under my skin without ever touching the surface. This breeze flowed into my temples and pooled briefly right at the base of my head, just where it met my spine.</p> <p class="cnNjOGMwM2RmMmNiOTQ0ZDdhNDcxYTRhYTMwZWJiMTgw">There was something like a <em>pop!</em> But without sound, and then it split in two streams, one moving down my back where followed more popping sensations, the first made my heart jump, the next was like a punch right in the solar plexus that made me expel the contents of my lungs in one explosive breath. That stream continued downwards, another at the base of my spine, and another that felt like a distant earthquake, but moving from my feet into the ground, rather than the reverse.</p> <p class="cnNiNTYzYTIzOTEwNzRiNTE4NDk4MTg4NjZlZjY3MTlh">At that, the other stream moved through my head from back to front, and when that <em>pop</em> came, all the color bled from the world and I could only see in shades of gray. It continued up and the last sensation was no longer a little pop, but an explosion that set off a great ringing gong of a sound that reverberated through my whole body before coming to rest somewhere in my breast, where it seemed to settle and pool just before I lost consciousness.</p> <p class="cnMxZDM4ZmFmNDZmODQyMzk5MzAxZTA1Zjg3MjAzZDMw">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyYWVlOTBmNDlkYTQ4ZGViNTQ2YTQ2Y2NmZTk5NTcx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2NDZmYWIxMTM1NjQzNWFhMTVmNTYzNTE1N2I1YzZj">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM3ZTc3ZDA5OTgzYzRiN2VhZmY0NDMzMzRhMzdmYzMx">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM1NDRlY2ViODUwMTRjNzg4MDY3MDQ2MGRiOTgxMDM2"><a href="#_ednref1" name="_edn1">[i]</a> CONGRATULATIONS! You have gained the ABILITY PERCEPTION 1%</p> <p class="cnNkNzkwOWNhZmViNTRkMDZiMDcwMDQ2Mzk4NTZmNzk5"><a href="#_ednref2" name="_edn2">[ii]</a> CONGRATULATIONS! Successful check against MENTAL DOMINATION +1 WILLPOWER</p> </div>
The Ordinary Life of Tom Nobody   After the conversation had pretty much petered out, Sarge told us all to check our stats. CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL EDGED WEAPONS CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the ABILITY SWORDS 1% CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the SKILL UNARMED  CONGRATULATIONS! +1 DEXTERITY CONGRATULATIONS! You have learned the ABILTY KNIVES 1% CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION CONGRATULATIONS! +1 CONSTITUTION *Huh, all that and only 3 stat point increases. At least it was enough to learn the ABILITIES, I guess.* I hadn’t been able to spare anyone else any of my attention, but I kind of expected that I might have been the only one to gain UNARMED and KNIFE SKILLs, so there was that. As I closed out my CHARACTER and SKILLS SHEETs, the kid came over and sat next to me on one of the logs that served as chairs around the fire. I could tell he still felt bad about nearly cutting my leg off but didn’t know what to say. “Don’t worry about it, Kid,” I said, speaking first, “shit happens in a fight.” “I should be better than this, I’ve taken actual classes,” he looked up at me and then quickly down. “And I’m not a kid. You look like you’re younger than me, anyway.” “Yeah, looks can be deceiving. I’m—I was—60-years old before I woke up in the woods this morning. God! Has it been less than a day? It feels like years.” I shook my head. The kid looked like he wanted to say a lot more about stabbing me. I could see the struggle playing out across his face. You deal with liars and thieves for a living, and you almost get to where you can read minds. “Name’s Rob,” he said, holding out his hand. I looked at it for a minute, and then reached over and shook it, thankful that he’d taken the time to clean the blood off. Clean *my* blood off. “Tom,” I said. “You said you used to play swords in Central Park, I guess you’re a New Yorker, then?” I winced internally at being Captain Obvious, but I’d always sucked at small talk and introductions. “Yeah, I grew up in West Virginia, but I got a scholarship to Cornell and never went back.” He looked around at our group, and the trees, and back over where the various salvageable parts of the dead rats were stacked, and continued, “Computer science, probably not going to do me a lot of good, now.” “Maybe, maybe not. They got us learning swords, but Sgt. Asshole mentioned something about plasma rifles, so maybe they’ll have some computers for you to work with, who knows?” He thought about that for a minute, and it seemed to cheer him up. “You’re right, maybe this will be more like Whiteout, a nuclear winter game instead of a medieval one. “How’d you manage to get them to turn you into a teenager, again, anyway?” “I don’t know. When we got to the part on my CHARACTER SHEET where it said I was 16, SCHEMA told me the system had decided it was my mental age.” I laughed. “I think SCHEMA was messing with me, but I’ll take it, as long as I don’t have to go back to high school. Gave me an extra point in LUCK, too.” “How did you figure all that out, anyway, about the STAT bumps if you got it to explain everything? Which, thanks, by the way, I did get my extra STATs, though I thought you were pulling a fast one on me when it took away one of my STRENGTH points, but I kept going and got it back with my GENDER bump.” “I don’t know, I just woke up, and nothing was familiar to me, unlike it was for you. I’ve never been much for video games, so I had no clue what was going on. I’ve always been big on asking questions when you don’t know something, and after I saw what happened with the Human thing, it just seemed to confirm that going over each thing in my MENU was the right thing to do.” “I think you’re probably right,” Rob said, “I didn’t get enough time to go through much, yet, but as soon as we get through with the TUTORIAL, I’ll be sure to check everything out a lot more carefully.” “Don’t forget to look at the RECORD tab in your JOURNAL,” I said, “You know about that, right? That it keeps a written and video record of everything you do?” “You’re joking!” he said, his eyebrows climbing up towards his hairline. “No, seriously, check it out.” I could tell that he was taking my advice as his eyes got that look like he was gazing off into the distance and his hands started touching places in the air in front of him. “Oh wow! Man! This is totally cool!” “If you say so, more like no more privacy in my mind, but what can we do about it?” Then I stood up, ”you go ahead and play around with it, looks like Asshole over there is getting ready to move us out, so I’m going to head off to the woods again andsee a man about a dog.” I got up without waiting for him to respond and started walking towards the woods. “Don’t take too long,” Sarge called after me, “The other group’s moving on to the CRAFTING area, and that’s our signal to learn to shoot things.” I waved a hand over my shoulder without turning around and kept on walking into the woods. ---  When I got back, I joined Sarge and the group where they’d gathered around where we’d left the rest of the rat meat in eight neat piles stacked up on what skins weren’t too hacked up. “Okay, each of you take one pile of rat chunks and skins and put it in your inventory. You’ll need them later when you get to the CRAFTING stations.” He said when I reached the group. I reached down and touched a pile of raw rat meat and thought “store” and it all disappeared. I followed that with the skins. I opened my INVENTORY page and saw that they weren't there, but then I almost did the facepalm and checked my CRAFTING INVENTORY, and there they were the meat and skins had all sorted into only two squares. The one with the meat in it had a number 20 in one corner and the one with the skins said 10. There were a lot fewer whole(ish) skins that we’d been able to get, but we’d been able to save most of the meat. Rat meat might sound disgusting, and it did tend to be stringier than beef, chicken, or pork, but when you’re hungry, it can taste pretty damn good. I looked over to the other end of the field, and saw that the group that had been training under the Squid guy were all walking towards one of the trails that lead from the clearing, and that another group of, what I thought were probably new trainees were moving in from different trails on the side where I’d come in. Squid guy wasn’t leaving with his former trainees, I guess he was going to be running with the new guys. They all looked around like they were lost*. I can’t believe that was us just a few hours ago.* Sarge directed us to move about halfway in, where the 50-yard line would be on a football field, and when we got there, there was a table set up that I hadn’t even noticed before. On it were various examples of ranged weapons. I identified bows, both short and long, crossbows, and poles about as long as the batons we’d trained on that had longish cups attached to a sort of hinge arrangement at one end with short spears or maybe javelins next to them. *Those baton/cup things are probably for throwing the spears. I forget what they call them*. There were even leather slings and high-tech slingshots. Also on the table were more modern weapons, rifles and pistols of various types, some looking far more advanced than anything I’d ever seen, and I’d seen a lot.   --- *I stood in a parking garage with my crew arranged in strategic positions around me; enough of them were visible to send the message that we were not to be fucked with, but a few were not, in case the other guys didn’t get it. Billy and Snort were with me, hands in the pockets of their overcoats gripping pistols, but appearing nonchalant. Three completely unmemorable men and one slightly more memorable woman were with us: The buyers.* *We were all huddled around the trunk of a 70s Lincoln which only purpose was to provide said roomy trunk. The woman pulled her giant purse around in front of her and angled the opening so that I could see the stacks of bills arranged inside. I may not have been a real math whiz in school, but I’d been to graduate school in hard knocks and I’d gotten top scores on estimating dollar amount based on the volume of the container. It looked legit.* *So far.* *I nodded, then bent over one of the long crates that necessitated such a roomy trunk, clicked the latches and threw up the lid with a bit of theatrics. Never hurt to add some smoke and mirrors; impressed the dull and made the sharp ones underestimate you. Inside the crate, packed in a bed of black foam rubber, nestled a rocket launcher, fresh off the boat that morning. A warhead was positioned partly in the tube of the launcher, also for dramatic effect.* *One of the men nodded and gestured towards the woman, who moved forward, one hand reaching up to slip the purse straps from her shoulder. I nudged Billy, who’d been oogling her breasts instead of keeping his head in the game. Almost certainly the reason they’d put her in a low-cut blouse on such a cold day. Too bad that shit didn’t work on me.* *The kid and me, we’d have words if we managed to get out of this one without any trouble, something I was beginning to doubt. He jumped, and I could see the red flush of his embarrassment start to creep up from where his thick neck stuck out of the collar of his coat and turn his face that shade of pink that had earned him the addition of “the kid” to his name. He took a step forward fouling any shot I could take on nodding man should things all go pear shaped. Oh yeah, the talk might include some fists. I used the blocked line of sight to casually slip my hand back into the pocket where my new Glock waited and got ready for the worst.* *Luckily though, while things did choose that moment to go south, Billy’s position also fouled the shot that Nod Man took at* me*.* *Billy the kid wouldn’t be learning any more lessons*. --- I stumbled a bit as the memory hit me unexpectedly but managed to recover without anyone being the wiser. *So, I’m an arms dealer*, the realization hit me, but not hard. Enough memories had slipped in without me even taking notice that I’d already suspected I was no Mother Teresa, so while my stomach dropped a little at the realization of just how crooked I’d been, it wasn’t the shock that it would have been earlier in the day. Besides, I’d long ago realized that humans were experts at forgiving our own faults. The trick was not to come up with all the ways we used to justify our sins. No good ever came from lying to yourself. I gave myself a mental shake and got my head back in the game. Billy might not have learned that lesson until it was too late, but I’d taken to heart years ago that learning from your own mistakes was only part of the picture; you had to learn from other people’s mistakes, or you’d run out of time and life before you learned enough from your own. Sarge gestured towards the weapons laid out on the table and told us to choose something to train with. I passed over the bows and slings, likewise the pistols and rifles. I figured I could always come back to the bows, if I wanted to learn them, and I already had plenty of experience with pistols and rifles. My eyes were drawn to the incongruous items at the far end of the table. I moved around to the other side to avoid the crush as the others moved in, and went straight to what had caught my eye. There at the end was a long wooden staff. It was fashioned of some dark wood that I didn’t recognize, but what had pulled me to this end of the table was the writing on it. I reached out and ran my fingertips lightly down the length of the shaft and felt how the words were carved into the grain of the wood. They seemed to move, like one of those optical illusions where the shapes make the eye see movement, but the surprising thing was that I could actually feel the movement, like some kind of smooth braille. It was fascinating. I slid my fingers around it, too thick for them to touch on the other side. “The wood is called Ironwood, or some people call it Dragonwood,” I jumped and whirled around, the staff still in my right hand, my left coming up instinctively to steady it diagonally across my torso in guard position. There was an old woman standing next to me; one I was sure had not been there until I touched the staff. She was shorter than I was, and slightly hunched. It was that hunch that had given me the impression of age. Now that I looked more closely, I wasn't so sure. She was not so much clothed as enveloped in a flowing gray hooded cloak made of some fine, silk-like material that made you want to let it slide through your fingers. The hood was thrown back and lay neatly across her shoulders and back, and she gazed at me with bright green eyes that had no sclera, only a widening pool of a black pupil. She was one of those whose age could not be told by her face, unlined and porcelain white, fine, symmetrical features framed by straight, jet-black locks that fell to her collar bone in the front, she could have been any age, from 16 to 60. “I engraved it, myself. I’m gratified that you can appreciate the workmanship.” She said, with a smile that seemed to acknowledge everything from my fascination with the staff, to my assessment of her appearance. Two tiny points of bone white barely touched the startling red of her full lips when she smiled. *DANGER!* My instincts shouted, and I took a quick step back, still holding the staff like a shield between us. She laughed, then, and the quality of it fascinated me as much as that of the elf woman’s, but my intuition told me that it was the fascination of a mouse with a cobra, and I squared my stance just as Sarge’s meaty hand clapped me on the shoulder, his fingers digging in slightly, not to bruise, but to contain my second jump of surprise and keep me from whirling around and striking out at him with the staff in my alarm. “I see you’ve met Stellanna, our arcanist,” he said, the joviality in his tone jangled my nerves in juxtaposition to the threat of which my bones warned. “Stel is here to unlock your MANA pools, for those of you whose pools can be,” her eyes shifted from me to him and her features froze at his familiarization, only the slightest thinning of her lips telling of her displeasure. *Liars and thieves*, it was like a shout, to me. As if from a great distance, I heard a notification chime[[i]](#_edn1) followed closely by another.[[ii]](#_edn2) Sarge affected not to notice, but his grip lessened ever so slightly, and I knew without being told that this was the mongoose to her cobra. “So, everyone line up behind Tom and we’ll get that out of the way. *Stel*,” he gave the diminutive the slightest accentuation, “if you would do the honors, starting with Tom, here?” They faced off then, communicating some message that I couldn’t decipher, but knew wasn’t as full of *bonhomie* as Sarge pretended, but it was she who blinked first, literally. Her thick, dark lashes crawled like so many spider legs down over her luminous green eyes, and when she opened them, she was looking at me; my adrenaline gave a little spike, but I stood my ground. *Yay, me!* “Certainly,” she replied, not deigning to return any insult. I knew that this was no acknowledgement of any superiority on Sarge’s part, but that she had foregone further conflict for her own reasons, which did nothing to calm my nerves. “Now, young Tom, who is not young at all,” she said, that one sentence telling me she knew more about me than I was comfortable with, “I can sense your … caution of my person, which speaks of *wisdom* on your part,” that last with just the barest flick of those eyes in Sarge’s direction. “I will have to place my hands on each side of your face in order to open the path to your pool. I give you my oath that no harm will come to you through my touch.” **[SCHEMA]: Stellana of House Clintogne has given her oath of non-aggression. Oaths so given, once recognized by the SCHEMA system are binding. Breaking a SCHEMA system-recognized oath will result in dire consequences, which may result in measures up to and including the death of the oath-breaker and the surrendering to the aggrieved of all their property, including magical items and grimoires.** It was my turn to slow blink as I absorbed SCHEMA’s unexpected message. I had almost begun to think they had turned their attention away, I had become so used to their absence since leaving the forest. Stellana allowed me to see a carefree smile as acknowledgement that she knew I’d received the message, and it widened a tiny bit as I gave myself a mental shake and decided to give SCHEMA—and her—the benefit of the doubt. Then, as she had said, she raised her hands smoothly, but with a slow deliberateness that conveyed no threat**,** to each side of my face. The long and wide sleeves of her robe falling artfully to her elbows revealing the rest of her skin to be as pale as that of her face. When I didn’t back away, she placed just her fingertips to each temple, the barest brush of a touch. Her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath through her mouth and let it slowly out through her nose. At first, there was only that feather of a touch, but then I felt something. Even now that the sensation has become as familiar as the feeling of my own breath, I can’t describe it in any way that will do it true justice. The nearest I can come is that it was like a breath of cool air that moved through her fingertips and under my skin without ever touching the surface. This breeze flowed into my temples and pooled briefly right at the base of my head, just where it met my spine. There was something like a *pop!* But without sound, and then it split in two streams, one moving down my back where followed more popping sensations, the first made my heart jump, the next was like a punch right in the solar plexus that made me expel the contents of my lungs in one explosive breath. That stream continued downwards, another at the base of my spine, and another that felt like a distant earthquake, but moving from my feet into the ground, rather than the reverse. At that, the other stream moved through my head from back to front, and when that *pop* came, all the color bled from the world and I could only see in shades of gray. It continued up and the last sensation was no longer a little pop, but an explosion that set off a great ringing gong of a sound that reverberated through my whole body before coming to rest somewhere in my breast, where it seemed to settle and pool just before I lost consciousness.         [[i]](#_ednref1) CONGRATULATIONS! You have gained the ABILITY PERCEPTION 1% [[ii]](#_ednref2) CONGRATULATIONS! Successful check against MENTAL DOMINATION +1 WILLPOWER
{ "title": "Atros Imperium", "id": 2666, "author": "Terry78", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 119 Pt.2 - Vol 4 - (Interlude) - Qaiviel in Flames", "id": 306000, "next": 306396, "prev": 305758, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM1Yjc3MWJiMDMyODRiNmNhMjc1ZDhkZjc2YjUzOTc5" style="text-align: justify"><strong><u>Chapter 119 Pt.2:</u></strong></p> <p class="cnNmMjRjZDJiMGNlMzQ3OTM5YjE1OGU3NDM2ZTU3NWIz" style="text-align: justify"> </p> <p class="cnMxYjA3ZjEwYzBkYzRhNTZiNjExYjEwYmEwODRhYTNm" style="text-align: justify">Marcus, once again in his Blue firestorm armour, reached the second most outer wall. Castor and Bernard followed closely behind. Leo and Noah had retired to the armour so Leo could be fitted with armour. As Leo didn’t have personal armour yet he would have to settle for a refitted set, not something befitting a king but he would have to settle. Given his change, Marcus doubted he would complain. A page, a large crossbow in his hands, led them up to a short tower capable of overlooking the battle. The page gave a small bow and left, probably to return to his post.</p> <p class="cnMwZTdmNmRlNDk2ZTQxM2ZiMjQ4MDcwZmM3ZWY5ZDgx" style="text-align: justify">“What do they have?” Marcus said to himself.</p> <p class="cnNiYmQ4NzY2ODY5ZDQzZWE5MGY2YTFiOWRmY2Q3NDE4" style="text-align: justify">In his hand lay a spyglass, gifted to him by Alfred. Such a strange contraption was beyond the work of Qaiviel. This piece of metal and glass had travelled all the way from Graterious, the long way too. Marcus followed Alfred’s instructions and raised the smaller end to his eye. A gasp escaped his lips as the world grew larger but only in that eye. It took Marcus a moment to realise that he could only look through one eye at a time.</p> <p class="cnNjMGFlYTIwNWUwZjQ1NjNiNDIwNTVmOTI2NDU1Y2Jl" style="text-align: justify">“The scouts were wrong,” Marcus grumbled. “There are nine to ten thousand enemy soldiers approaching. How, how many do we have?”</p> <p class="cnM2NjFlYTc1ZmQ2MTQ2MTVhZTBmMDVjMGQyMDg1ZDIy" style="text-align: justify">“If we muster everyone a little over three thousand. With those extra forces that we saved, that brings it to three thousand eight hundred.”</p> <p class="cnMzYzJiMWQyZTc3MTQxMzI4NmMyMzYwNGE3NjVmZDEz" style="text-align: justify">“With walls and towers like this it should compensate for the lack of soldiers,” Castor spoke weakly. “Right?”</p> <p class="cnNhMDNkZDA0NDE5MzQwM2M5Y2FlMDJlNzBlNGVkZDg1" style="text-align: justify">“It should.” Marcus slowly overserved the rear lines. “I don’t see any mages at the back. Only a few archers as well. But…There’s the prick. I knew he wasn’t dead.”</p> <p class="cnMwN2Y3YzdmODQ1YTQyNmQ5MzU5ZTkxY2M0NjFmZjI4" style="text-align: justify">Marcus found the commander at the very rear of the wide enemy force. He wore priest attire, mixed with normal infantry officer armour, but his face was covered in dirt and deep scratches. His eyes burned with the fury of impending revenge, to wash away his humiliation of retreating with his tail between his legs. Nevertheless, he remained protected by fifty actual soldiers. Unlike the conscripts fanning out in great and cumbersome lines, these wore almost full armour and wielded impressive swords and shields.</p> <p class="cnMzM2RmN2IxMGRmNDQyNzBiZmIyMzY0NTI2MmM1ZTky" style="text-align: justify">“We need someone to keep an eye on him,” Marcus said. “Just in case he runs away again. And I don’t think we should let those soldiers protecting him get onto the walls.” Marcus lowered the spyglass. “I respect your Squires and Pages but I don’t think they’ll get away uninjured against them.”</p> <p class="cnMyMjI3OWNhNTkxMzRmMDY4YzRlMmI1NTMxYjM3YmU1" style="text-align: justify">Bernard nodded. “I’ll let them know. I’m sure my Squires will be able to handle them.”</p> <p class="cnNmMGI1NGY0NmZmMzRlYjE5ZmFmNWJlNjU2ZTcwY2Rl" style="text-align: justify">“I sure hope so.”</p> <p class="cnMzZGFmMjc1ZTU4OTQ1MTZhYzdhODkxYWIxZmNlNjU0" style="text-align: justify">Marcus looked through the spyglass again. There was something in the eyes of these soldiers. A subdued fury. Even madness, one that made Marcus very nervous.</p> <p class="cnM2NGMwM2IwYTM2OTQ1ZmFiNjI5NTlmMzBkMTY2N2Qw" style="text-align: justify">The rest of the enemy line was far less impressive. They looked identical to those Marcus had spent the morning slaying like a farmer cutting wheat. No real armour, perhaps a bit of old leather or a thick piece of cloth underneath a matching uniform of white. It definitely wasn’t expensive cloth, they had no need to spend money on a force that was largely disposable, but at least they could determine friend from foe.</p> <p class="cnNlYTJjMGY2NzIxOTRhYzdiMzgzMTcwNzVjYTlkMGFm" style="text-align: justify"><em>And that works in our favour too.</em></p> <p class="cnM0MzcxZWZjMGM0ZDRkZjM5OTE0MjI4MmNmMTAyNzkx" style="text-align: justify">At the front were the siege weapons, such as they were. These were not catapults or trebuchets, not even a siege tower. Large wooden ladders were suspended between dozens of conscript soldiers. The wood appeared as fresh as the soldiers. While they were definitely large enough to breach the first wall Marcus doubted how effective they would really be.</p> <p class="cnM1NmE4OGRlMzRhYjRmOTliNWI1NmYzNmYxOTFjYThj" style="text-align: justify">“Even if they reach the first wall they’re just going to have to get past the second. Without the ladders.”</p> <p class="cnNkZDU2ZmI3YmJiZjRkNTI5YThjYTk0MDE0MTYyNDZm" style="text-align: justify">There were no connections between the first and second layer of the fortress, so even if they held the outer wall it meant nothing. They would simply have to run through another hailstorm of bolts and arrows to reach a stone wall that they had no hope of breaching. That thought alone worried Marcus. Surely they knew that. So why fight like this? Why not just surround and starve them out? Not that Marcus had any plans to die in such an ignoble way.</p> <p class="cnNlY2E0YWMyYTAzMjQwNDFhZTI3YzYwNmQ4MWFkOTY4" style="text-align: justify">“I will head to the front and command the defence from there.” Bernard began walking away. “If you see any areas that are falling don’t hesitate to send those mercenaries in.”</p> <p class="cnNkYzI1YTk4ZGEwNDQ4OWU4M2I5MjRmZGU3ZWQ2Yzll" style="text-align: justify">Marcus raised a brow and Bernard pointed down. Waiting in the courtyard between the two walls, now devoid of the dead and wounded, several hundred mercenaries idly waited for instructions. Unlike the Knight Order their armour and weapons were mismatched and of grimy. However, Marcus knew that it was foolish to judge them on appearance alone.</p> <p class="cnMxYjFkMjQ0ZGZmZTQzYTRiYTdiNzU1NjMzODRhOTBj" style="text-align: justify"><em>Alfred, once being a mercenary himself, wouldn’t hire some rabble.</em></p> <p class="cnMyYjdlYmJjMjdlNDRmZDBhNzMwYWZhMTJmZjNjMjE2" style="text-align: justify">Thankfully the mercenaries were close enough to hear Marcus yell. He took up the spyglass again as the enemy reached the maximum range of the ballistae and catapults. Bernard, towering over the rest of his Knights and Squires manning the outer wall, waved at the small towers. A page raised a small red flag high. The same red flag repeated across the small towers.</p> <p class="cnM2MDlkN2QxZjZmZDQyODQ5NzRiNTUwMmQyZjM4NzMz" style="text-align: justify">A shout came from the enemy force and the assault began. A spattering of soldiers stood near the front, waving their swords towards the castle. Ladder bearers lifted their heavy loads while shield bearing conscripts moved in front, only after heavy abuse by their commanders. Their shields were simple wooden constructs, only some had a metal bad to strengthen them slightly.</p> <p class="cnNiMzM4ZjMxMDA5NjRmNzRiMDMwMTE0YzRlOGZjYjQ1" style="text-align: justify">“It’ll stop some arrows at range, probably some bolts.” Marcus turned his spyglass to the ballistae towers. “But it’s not going to stop that.”</p> <p class="cnM5M2UxNTNiZWRjMzRiZWM5MjVmNzY5ODc5ODE3YmZm" style="text-align: justify">The ballistae groaned as the heavy steel-tipped wooden shaft pointed towards the approaching ladders. With a might thwack, the ballistae fired. Marcus could barely follow it with his eyes as it flew towards the enemy. The conscript’s eyes flicked up as the bolt broke through their simple wooden shields and impaled them into the ground. Four conscripted soldiers fell screaming, their bodies mashed against one another as blood poured from the wounds in their chests. Those around them stopped and stared as they died writhing in pain. The entire enemy army stopped and stared, Marcus could see the fear and terror ripple through their lines. They had not been told what they would face. What the Knight Orders were capable of.</p> <p class="cnMxNWQ4N2ZlZWZjZjQzODY4N2FkOTBmNDAyOThjMTZh" style="text-align: justify">And that was only one ballista.</p> <p class="cnM4MTRiYTdjYTJiZjQzM2FiMDk3ZmFiNjVlODc0MTlj" style="text-align: justify">The next ballistae fired, then the next and the next. Huge steel tipped bolts rained down upon the enemy. Marcus watched in a mix of admiration and horror as the conscript soldiers were cut down, their bodies torn to pieces, embedded into one another and into the ground, while panic consumed the enemy. Already the rear elements were beginning to back away. However, the ballistae took time to reload. And those behind the conscripts were actual soldiers.</p> <p class="cnM3NzY2YmVlN2QzYTQ2NWY5ZmU5OTI2OGEyZjc1Njdm" style="text-align: justify">“Forward!” Marcus heard faintly over the wind whistling through his armour. “Forward! Or face the wrath of The Holy Father! Only shedding the blood of these faithless scum can redeem your souls!”</p> <p class="cnM0YTlhYWMyMWM4MDRhZjU5MmM5ZmFlNzI2Yjk4MmNh" style="text-align: justify">Marcus grumbled and rolled his eyes. “Such standard tripe.”</p> <p class="cnM5YzRhMGY5MjMwNzQ1ODk5Yzg4ZTNjM2QzNDMzNmZl" style="text-align: justify">“I could hear that from here,” Castor said softly. “How? It’s…”</p> <p class="cnM0OTE5ZmE4MjNlMjQ5ZTNiOTA2MmQ0ZWYwOGZiNTI2" style="text-align: justify">Marcus used his spyglass again. “He must be using some sort of Wind magic. So he can throw his voice further. That means that he, or someone nearby, is a mage. We’d better be careful.”</p> <p class="cnM4N2E4ZGUwNjhlZjQ1YTFiYWIzYjg4YmExYTlmNDQz" style="text-align: justify">The sound of boots on stone came from behind, rapidly ascending the stairs towards them. Castor drew his sword but they only found a young female Black Riders page. She didn’t have a crossbow, rather a small bow and a short sword at her side.</p> <p class="cnNhNWNhMGZiMjAwNTRjYzZhMzIxNTFlNTE1ODgxYjMy" style="text-align: justify">“My Lords, Bernard instructed me to be your messenger. In case you don’t want to shout the orders.”</p> <p class="cnM5ODBmYzFjOWMxNDRhYzg4NmJlNzFjNDljMDUwNzI2" style="text-align: justify">Marcus nodded. “Tell Bernard that the enemy has a mage of some kind. Possibly some user of Wind Magic. Tell him to be wary.”</p> <p class="cnM4ZWE1MWZhODM3YTRjM2I5MjRmODNkZTJhZDQ2MDEx" style="text-align: justify">“Yes, My Lord.” The page nodded and ran down the stairs. Marcus caught her taking great pains to not slip and fall. Perhaps she had once already.</p> <p class="cnNhZjVlZDc0ODhmZjQ1OGViM2I2OWFiZDUxMTZjZjkx" style="text-align: justify">Marcus turned back to the battle. The enemy had regained some of their courage but it required constant threats and cajoling from the few armoured soldiers to keep them moving. The shield bearers moved to cover the ladder bearers. Another wave of ballistae bolts rained down and shattered more of the enemy, the catapults threw stone boulders, slowly soaring through the air and landing in the midst of the conscripts. They were so densely packed only a few could move out of the way. The bloody stone rolled through the ranks, catching a few unfortunate souls, before coming to a halt. Marcus caught the eye of the commander. His neck throbbed with anger, anger that they were being pummelled and they had yet to reach the wall.</p> <p class="cnMwNTRkNzU2NDM5MTQwYzJiM2M2NDU3MWVhZTE1Y2U4" style="text-align: justify">The first of the Black Riders archers and crossbowmen began to fire at those carrying the ladders. If they fell the attack would falter before it even began. Many fell but the conscripts pried the shields from their dead fellows and held them upright, even if they could be barely called a shield. Marcus readied his sword as some of the ladders made it to the wall. The enemy heaved the heavy wooden ladders up, exposing themselves to a final volley of arrows and bolts. Some fell sideways, crushing more soldiers who had taken refuge underneath the wall.</p> <p class="cnNjYzVhMDBlZGY0ODQzNzE5NGVhZWJjNGZiNzIzYjcw" style="text-align: justify">“Do we head down there?” Castor asked.</p> <p class="cnNkMWFhYTg1ZWQ5YTQyODZiOWNmYmQ0OGI4OWE4NGM0" style="text-align: justify">Marcus gripped his sword handle. “Not yet. They still need to climb the ladders. And they’ll be exposed even more. If they can’t get onto the wall we don’t have anything to worry about. They’ll be wiped out before stepping foot inside the castle.”</p> <p class="cnMzZGM1NjMyZDJiMTQxOThhZjM2NDk2Mzk3NWQ1MmIz" style="text-align: justify">Castor nodded and looked at the battle. Marcus felt his anguish; loyal soldiers would still suffer wounds and probably death.</p> <p class="cnNjOTljZDI5MDI5ODQ4ZThhYWFmZjVkMWFkM2IzMDY1" style="text-align: justify">The conscripts began the dangerous climb. Bernard and the other Knights directed the Pages to attack them first. Ladders shook and rattled, some fell down, as bodies desperately tried to hold on as the bolts and arrows raining down upon them. Despite their best efforts the first of the conscripts began breaching the wall. The Squires and Knights drew their weapons and swung at the hands and heads that popped up. Blood sprayed with every strike and the screams grew louder.</p> <p class="cnNlNjdmOTcyYWU4MjQxYTA4NTM2NzkyODA1ZWQ3ZmM4" style="text-align: justify">“Are we even needed?” Castor asked.</p> <p class="cnM2ZTg2MjkzOTNiNzRlNWVhMDFlN2I3YjA5NGM0YTI3" style="text-align: justify">Some of the conscripts used the dead bodies slumped on the wall as shields to land on the wall. While there were only a few initially they rapidly grew in number and pushed them back by sheer weight of flesh.</p> <p class="cnNkNjMzZjExYjZlZDRjNDM5NDBhMmE5ZWIyZTc0MGE1" style="text-align: justify">“I think that’s us,” Castor said, turning to walk down the stone stairs. “We can’t let them get a foothold on the wall.”</p> <p class="cnM4MGZkNzg1YzJlOTRiMjBhNjY2MjY5MWIzNjFkYWM3" style="text-align: justify">“Take all the mercenaries.” Marcus laid the spyglass on the ground. It would likely get broken in the upcoming scuffles. “I’ll take the Knights and get them on their horses.”</p> <p class="cnM3ZmViNWNlMGRmOTRmMDliN2QyODRmMmY2ZjlhYTBj" style="text-align: justify">“What?”</p> <p class="cnNlNjMxMTUyYzY2NzRhNzE4ZTMzNDEyM2JhODk4MmI5" style="text-align: justify">Marcus smiled. “They won’t be ready for that. They’re already committed to attacking the wall. So we’ll take out the commander. See what he has to say.”</p> <p class="cnNjYjBmMDA1Yzg5NzQ0ZGJiYmQ5MGNhNDNjOWQ5ZDAy" style="text-align: justify">“But if he’s a mage-”</p> <p class="cnM5NjBkOWI1YmY1NTQ1ZjVhMjVkNzg3YmE5NDU5M2M1" style="text-align: justify">“We’ll be fine.” Marcus tapped the blue emblem on his chest. “This isn’t just for show.”</p> <p class="cnNmNWRkMTVlMzZiNDQ2NGU5MzVhZGEyYjA0MWIzYWRk" style="text-align: justify"> </p> <p class="cnM4MzJkYzIyY2M5ZDRkYTg4OTRiNjI1OGFjMGM0ZmY2" style="text-align: justify">---[]---</p> <p class="cnM4OTNiMzJiNTE2MjQwM2U5OGYwOWZiMDAxNjUwMzc3" style="text-align: justify"> </p> <p class="cnNiYjUwMTMzZGU1YTQ1YzY5NWVmZTA5NWRmNTg3ZTA4" style="text-align: justify">Marcus mounted the armoured horse, alongside forty Black Riders Knights. They had been loathed to retreat from the wall. Many were covered in blood and had already claimed many lives. When they saw the mercenaries coming to take their place they finally relinquished their positions. The conscripts, still pouring onto the wall, thought the knights were retreating. Their elation instantly faded as the mercenaries relieved their positions and demonstrated why they were such dangerous adversaries. Castor stayed with them and led the limited counter-attack. Marcus didn’t want the enemy completely pushed back, not yet at least.</p> <p class="cnM1YjRhOTlmYjJiNDRjNjVhZmI5OTE0YjU3M2M4YzJk" style="text-align: justify">“The horses don’t have much in them.” A Knight said to Marcus.</p> <p class="cnM5MTI3YjMyNmYwNTRmZDhhMTFhYzc2ZDkxYzFhZjI2" style="text-align: justify">Marcus silently agreed. The horse beneath his legs trembled ever so slightly. Between the heavy armour and the days’ fighting, they were exhausted. However, their short break allowed them to recuperate some of their strength. It would have to be enough.</p> <p class="cnM1NTA4NWFiYjgzNTQ3YTE5MjFmMjk3NjM4OTUwMzE4" style="text-align: justify">“We’re just going to capture the commander.” Marcus gripped the reins hard. “Once he’s gone these conscripts will lose the will to fight. Then it’ll be easy to round them up.”</p> <p class="cnM4NjY3MmFjZmI4MTRjMmJiN2I0ZmRkMTY1NjkwMWQx" style="text-align: justify">“I hope so.”</p> <p class="cnMyYzk0YzEyNTRiNTQ5YzRiNDAxMDUxYzU0MzI1MmM5" style="text-align: justify">In the distance, a catapult loosed its heavy load. The stone tumbled through the air followed by a sickening squish and snap.</p> <p class="cnM4NGIxOWY0OWJlMTQzOTBiYjNkMDQzZjI3MmI5NmM1" style="text-align: justify">“We’ll head out the eastern gate and charge straight at the enemy,” Marcus yelled at the Black Rider Knights. “Don’t engage the enemy on the way. We don’t have the strength to get bogged down dealing with a thousand farmers wielding spears.”</p> <p class="cnNmMzIwMjRmZmY1YjQ4NWRiYjVhYzQwZTBjNzZhMTcz" style="text-align: justify">The Knights nodded grimly and lowered their helmets. Squires, wounded from the previous battle, groaned as they opened the metal eastern gate. Marcus wiped the reins and kicked his horse forward. With a slight protest, the beast followed his orders. The lingering sense of tiredness and exhaustion faded away. He kept his horse in a fast jog, not quite a run so it wasn’t too tired when it needed to charge.</p> <p class="cnMyYjkwMTQ0M2RjNDRlNTNhYTI1NTZjMmFkODY3ZmE1" style="text-align: justify">Forty Knights followed close behind. Normally they would wield lances for their first charge then switch to swords but their lances lay out in the field, alongside several skewered corpses. As they passed the wall Marcus winced at the scale of the destruction wrought upon the enemy. Once green verdant ground ran red with blood, so too did the stone walls. Piles of white-clothed bodies grew around the base of the ladders. The conscripts had to climb over the soft and still writhing pile, probably over people they knew and worked with peacefully a few days ago, to start the climb, all the while forced on by the few soldiers with actual armour. Their steel shields deflected the arrows and bolts keeping them relatively safe. And free to scream at the conscripts to continue their near pointless attack. They had managed to expand their landing but it had cost them dearly. The Black Riders fought well as they slowly retreated. One of the conscripts turned back, wondering what the distant rumble was. Almost instantly a feeling of terror ran through their lines. Marcus had been on the receiving end of a cavalry charge, actually a centaur charge, and he nearly dropped everything and ran. The conscripts began to run the opposite way, along the castle walls to the west. Commanders tried to regain control but it was too late.</p> <p class="cnM5YjM4YTkxZTQxODQ2NjlhOWY1ODdmYjgyYjc4MTU5" style="text-align: justify">“Do not run!” A voice boomed from the rear. The commander of the attack waved his sword forward. “Do not falter! Do not give in to fear! Keep attacking! For the Holy Father!”</p> <p class="cnM0YTA1OTM4YjlhNTRjYTViNWQwNTQwZTdmYzkxNjYy" style="text-align: justify">Marcus saw something dangle from the hilt of his sword. A charm, a small silver medallion. Though it was far away Marcus recognised it instantly. Thankfully it was small, unusually small, but it had a single grey gem embedded in the middle.</p> <p class="cnM0MGZjMGFjN2UwZjRiMWJiMmY5Zjk2ODlkZDc2MTJl" style="text-align: justify"><em>So he is a user of Wind magic. But it doesn’t look like he’s very good. Otherwise, he’d be using his magic to deflect the arrows and bolts. Either that or he’s just a coward.</em></p> <p class="cnM4YzFjZTRiYjBkODQ2ZjQ5ODI2NTJmNmVmOWI4ZGU3" style="text-align: justify">There was no time to hesitate or retreat. Marcus was not allowing this man to run again. He held back his desire to break into a charge, so too were the Knights behind him. There was nothing in between the main force and the commander and his retinue. They still represented a potential threat but Marcus trusted they would tear through them with ease. Between a near equal number of Knights and swordsmen, the knights would win.</p> <p class="cnNmMmRlNWE4ZjNjNzRiNTlhZmZmZmZhZWMxOTc4Nzc1" style="text-align: justify">The Commander’s face drained of colour as he saw them approach unimpeded. He waved at the few archers that were still with him. All Marcus could think that this man was a coward through and through. The arrows flew and the charm on the Commander’s wrist glowed. The arrows shot forward, far faster than anything he had seen before. They struck his armour, they hit like a falling tree pushing him back but not free from his horse. His horse slowed too underneath the powerful strikes.</p> <p class="cnMxZjFiMzkyZGFhNDRmMDRhZmNlYjc0MTI4Mzk4NzRi" style="text-align: justify">“So that’s it!” Marcus laughed, readying his sword. “But that’s all you can do!”’</p> <p class="cnM2Mzk1ODU3YmY0ZjQwZjc4NTYwMjUxMGU4M2RjMzYx" style="text-align: justify">“What are you waiting for?!” The man shrieked. “Fire!”</p> <p class="cnNjYjVjN2I2ZmVhMjRiMjI5NTMwZmUzMDI5YzgzMzA2" style="text-align: justify">Another volley of arrows struck the charging Knights. Marcus heard someone tumble, the unmistakable sound of a horse screaming in pain, but he would not stop now. The armoured soldiers moved to protect him but it was too late.</p> <p class="cnM3NjZjMTRkZmVkOTRmMWY5ZDBjYTRkMDhjMGNmODk4" style="text-align: justify">Marcus whipped his horse into a charge, using all the energy the beast had left. The Commander cowered behind his soldiers as the thunderous hooves approached. Marcus readied his blade, infinitely glad that the enemy had no spears or pikes, swords would do little good against their armoured bodies. Marcus wrapped the reins around his left arm and swung down with his right, his strike coupled with the horse's speed and strength cleaved through the helmet of the first soldier. The Knights followed him, cutting through the swordsmen while trying their best not to trample the enemy commander to death. Marcus wouldn't have troubled dreams if he was mixed into the blood-soaked mud by accident. He pulled back hard on the reins, his horse protested loudly but followed his instructions. He waved the other Knights forward to attack the archers. These too were a mix of professional soldiers and conscripts, probably trappers and hunters judging by the range in equipment quality. While men screamed as they were cut down by the powerful strikes Marcus turned his attention to their prize. He laid underneath a headless corpse completely still, his eyes blank as he stared into the sky. His charm had been shattered somehow and with it his consciousness. Marcus made sure the area was mostly secure, the survivors were far more concerned with the Knights rampaging through their ranks than one lone dismounted Knight. Marcus relinquished his hold on the reins and jumped from his horse. The impact reminded him he wasn't a young man anymore. With his sword drawn he advanced on his target, wondering if he was actually still alive. Marcus smiled, unnoticeable underneath his helmet and kicked the body off him. The Commander's arm had been broken, broken when a Knight had swiped at his sword and sent it flying, along with the charm he had so foolishly worn around his wrist.</p> <p class="cnMyNzVkZTM0NTY0OTQwYjI5ZjVhY2U3ZWU1Mzg2YjUy" style="text-align: justify"><em>Surely no mage would be that stupid. </em></p> <p class="cnMwMzAzMmM4ZjJmMzQ2OGM5NGRhNTA2MWRkYTk3MDZi" style="text-align: justify">Marcus glanced to the faltering attack on the castle walls. More ground had been gained, the fleeing conscripts had been forced back into the attack but, overall, it appeared to be losing speed. There was just no way they could maintain such an intensity with so few numbers, doubly so when he watched white clothed bodies fall from the wall like droplets of rain.</p> <p class="cnMzY2I3NzcwNjQyZTQzZWI4NmRkMzFmYzhhMzgxZTRj" style="text-align: justify"><em>Maybe he is that stupid. It would have been far better to wait for this army then attack. But he did try and stop the reinforcements from arriving. </em></p> <p class="cnNjNmQwZmY2MmNmYzQ4ZTBiNWI3ODRlZmY2M2ViMzQz" style="text-align: justify">Marcus looked to the armoured soldiers. They looked like normal men but something bothered him. Something about their eyes. He retrieved a severed head and ripped off the helmet. For a moment he feared they were one of the Church's Stitch soldiers, just the merest thought of them sent shivers down his spine, but his fears were mostly unfounded. Red blood leaked from the wound, not a sign of the writhing black worms, nor were there horrendous cuts and glowing stitches, the teeth were stained with spittle and blood rather than glowing purple. However the eyes, the eyes were bloodshot. Marcus saw something in his teeth, almost covered by the blood. It was a red plant-like material, a moss. But he had never seen a red moss before. He checked another head. That too had bloodshot eyes and flecks of red moss in their teeth.</p> <p class="cnMxZTk3ZTRkMjBkMTRiN2NiMWRlNzMwOGM0ZGIzNGU3" style="text-align: justify">"I wonder what you bastards have been up."</p> <p class="cnM2MjU3N2ZkMmU1ODRjODZhY2U5ZTRlMjAxZjBlOTcz" style="text-align: justify">Marcus idly tossed the head away and lightly kicked the Commander. It roused him from his unconscious sleep, his eyes rolled in his head before snapping into focus.</p> <p class="cnNiNzYyMWViZGUyMjQzMjBhNGEzMzk5ZTI0Yjg3MDA1" style="text-align: justify">"Where?" he asked, his mind still groggy from landing on the hard ground.</p> <p class="cnMzN2M3ZjRmYzhiNDRmNTY5MWFmMDViZDdmZjk1N2Y2" style="text-align: justify">"Go back to sleep," Marcus grumbled.</p> <p class="cnM4ODkzODIwMGRhYzQyNjlhMzI1ZGQzYWRiNDRjODY4" style="text-align: justify">He raised his boot over the Commander's head, a moment of recognition flashed over his eyes before Marcus slammed his foot down. Marcus he sure he was still breathing before tying him up with a loose piece of cloth and throwing him over the back of his horse. A Black Rider Knight stopped a few feet from Marcus as he attempted the difficult act of climbing back onto a horse without assistance.</p> <p class="cnMwMjY1OGM5Y2EyNTQ0NjE5MzhlMzVmNGU3OWQ4MjBk" style="text-align: justify">"My Lord Marcus." The Knight and the beast between his legs were exhausted and breathed heavy and wet breaths. "The enemy is retreating. Do we pursue?"</p> <p class="cnNiNmRmYmQ4M2JlNDRjMjdhYTBhMGE0ZjU2ZDU5M2Nl" style="text-align: justify">No semblance of organization remained in the enemies rear lines. Those on the front were on the verge of collapse, the armoured commanders looked the most concerned now their rear was exposed.</p> <p class="cnM0MzEwODdhMmU2NjQzYzdiYmUzMDkxZTM2YTU3ZmE1" style="text-align: justify">"No. Let the others handle the enemy." Marcus patted the back of the Commander before mounting his horse on his second try, surprising everyone. "We have what we need."</p> <p class="cnM5ZWQ0N2JhOTA3YjQzNjU5MmQwN2MzMDE1Y2E5NTIy" style="text-align: justify">The Knight nodded and shouted. The other Knights, delighted to run down the escapees, immediately began to return to their side. Marcus didn't wait until they had gathered before riding back to the castle. They took the same route as before, ignoring the panicking enemy conscripts who rightly feared a charge to their rear lines. As Marcus neared parallel to the castle walls he saw something he did not expect. Leo, in a set of Black Riders full plate armour, strode through the enemy lines on the wall, hacking and cleaving his way through the enemy. Though Marcus's first impressions of the boy were that of a joker and later a womanizer, he would have received combat training, training from experts from all around the world. Marcus saw techniques from Bebbezzar, Seocuria and even the Frindal Emirate, all mixing together in a dizzying display of murder. Still, he was only one person but the effect he had was undeniable. The conscripts saw the King, the rightful King, fighting like an elite warrior. The Black Riders took heart and cheered a mighty war cry. Knights and Squires smashed into the enemy lines while the Pages unleashed furious barrages on those still attempting the climb.</p> <p class="cnMyYjE0N2FiMmNiYzQyMTVhN2Y5YWE3YmNiYjEyNTZj" style="text-align: justify">The enemy collapsed as Marcus passed the wall. They threw themselves from the wall, landing amongst the dead and dying, some impaling themselves on the arrows and bolts jutting from the corpses and began to run to the south. Even the armoured commanders had no choice to follow the collapsing army. Arrows and bolts harried them along the open plain until only the ballistae and catapults could reach. Marcus breathed easy as they entered the castle gates.</p> <p class="cnNmY2NlNDViMWQwNDQwZTc5M2NhYjlhZWE1OTYyOWIz" style="text-align: justify">They had won.</p> <p class="cnM3MmY4YzM3NTAxMTQxZTA5ZDRmZjYwODI4ZDE3OWY5" style="text-align: justify"> </p> <p class="cnNmODJlNzM3NTk5MTQ4MDhiNTUxMWU3MGY5NGE0ODk3" style="text-align: justify">---[]---</p> <p class="cnNjYWRkMGVjNzZiOTQ4MDZhZjUzM2IwOTAwNWY1NWFi" style="text-align: justify"> </p> <p class="cnNmZTI3NTQwZjAwNjRkMDBiODdhMzBlMWNjMmE1MGE1" style="text-align: justify">Marcus slumped the Commander into a chair. Squires and Pages swarmed the man and tied him down, checking him for any hidden weapons. When they were confident he was safe they backed away.</p> <p class="cnMzNTAzM2E1N2ZhMzRhMGViZmNhNWVjYzZiOTYxNGM1" style="text-align: justify">"How was your first fight?" Castor asked Leo.</p> <p class="cnMwMGZhMjEzZGI2YzQ3OTQ4ODI1M2Y3NDE2Nzk3OTdl" style="text-align: justify">Both men were covered in blood, head to toe. Now that the battle was over some attendants, not helping the wounded, began to clean away what blood they could. Marcus wanted to dismiss them but he knew what it was like to be soaked in blood, the way it grew sticky and the way it reeked...</p> <p class="cnNjMzZkYWI5ODRjZjRjNzliODVmYTgyOWY4OTNlZjZj" style="text-align: justify">"I..." Leo rested on his longsword. "I've never been in a real fight before. Not where the other person wanted to kill me. It's so..."</p> <p class="cnNkMmQ5MTA4NjkxODQ4MDdiODlhMTEzODY5YjlhYmM0" style="text-align: justify">"Just keep breathing and you'll be fine." Castor tried to comfort the King.</p> <p class="cnM4MTIxNGRkYjFkMjQxODhiYWFmN2RkNmFlOWU1MzY0" style="text-align: justify">Marcus knew the look in his eyes, the shaking of his limbs and quivering of his lips. The rush of battle, a dizzying high, had faded away. Now all he was left with was the cold and emptiness that followed. It was something Marcus experienced all too often during his youth, but now that he was older he barely felt it. Perhaps he was just so used to it now.</p> <p class="cnMzZmZmMDg1NTIwMzQxMzJhZWY1Zjg2ZDY4YjlkYzQ3" style="text-align: justify">"Any idea when this little rat's going to wake up?" Bernard asked, leaning forward to inspect their prisoner.</p> <p class="cnM2MGFjYTg0MjNhZDRiNjE5M2YwOTg2OTAwNGI4Njlh" style="text-align: justify">Bernard had escaped without serious injury, only a few more scars on his face and hands. Marcus didn't know how many of his soldiers had fallen. Too many, judging by his demeanour.</p> <p class="cnNkODY0YmNjMjIyYTRjODFiZWJjOTYxODYxMzUxMGVk" style="text-align: justify">"I hit him pretty hard." Marcus shrugged as an attendant began to work on his armour. "Otherwise he could have used his magic again."</p> <p class="cnM2ZjBkYTA4NGQyZjQyYTk4Mzc0Y2JjMTdiNDcxNjY3" style="text-align: justify">"Hmm. The runner mentioned that."</p> <p class="cnM5OTk3NDhhNjQyNzQ3NGI5OTQzNTM3ODA4ZWZlYTBm" style="text-align: justify">Bernard looked to a squire waiting some distance away. In his hands, he held a strange helmet. It clearly wasn't built for combat, it had too many holes in the metal. As the Squire approached Marcus saw it wasn't made from steel or iron. The metal had strange markings, a hexagonal repeating pattern covered the dull metal.</p> <p class="cnM5MWM0Njg2MjM5NzRjYmJhZjc5YTViYzY0ZGI1NDc1" style="text-align: justify">"Ghlyirl."</p> <p class="cnMzNjY3YzlkOTZkNzQyZTViNzRjMGNhY2MyMTE2YzAw" style="text-align: justify">"Yes." Bernard rammed the helmet on the Commander, no care was given if it would fit properly. "We've had to deal with some upstart mages before. You put this metal anywhere near them and they can't use magic."</p> <p class="cnNmYzg3OWMzYzJjYjQ3YWM5MDhiMTJlOTRhYTBlYzMx" style="text-align: justify">"Even heretical magic?" Alfred asked.</p> <p class="cnM5ZGI4MWY1MTM0NDQyMTdhODA5MDMwOGVjZWQyZmEy" style="text-align: justify">Bernard shrugged. "We'll find out if this Anton of yours tries anything silly."</p> <p class="cnM4YzAzYmZhNmQ4OTRiMmY4YTc3NWY1MTQ0NDc5Nzc3" style="text-align: justify">Alfred frowned but offered no objections.</p> <p class="cnNmMWIxYjk0NGY1ZDQ1NWJhN2I2MjdjZjFjNWExYWQx" style="text-align: justify">Bernard began slapping the prisoners. His mailed hands left red welts on his face but it worked. Slowly the man was roused from his slumber.</p> <p class="cnM2MmExNWY3YWYxMzRjNjBiYmJkMzJjZTRlNGQ1YTM5" style="text-align: justify">"I thought you had killed him." Bernard flashed Marcus a grin. He no longer doubted the Black Riders enjoyed the carnage.</p> <p class="cnNiYzExZjk5YmQ3NjRmOGQ5MzM0ZjQyZGZiMjViYzg1" style="text-align: justify">"What?" The Commander was still groggy and disoriented. "Where is this?"</p> <p class="cnMwYzlhYmQwODE4YzQyY2JhOWVhMmUzMjk2MDA3MGUx" style="text-align: justify">"Who wants to ask the questions?" Marcus asked.</p> <p class="cnNjOGMyNWIyNjUwOTQxM2I4NzZmMzhhZTNlNmFlNTlh" style="text-align: justify">"I will." Alfred took a step forward. "Unless someone else wants to?"</p> <p class="cnNiMjc1MGYyZmMyMzQyMGZhYWRmZjczNmVlMzMyNzJh" style="text-align: justify">"I don't know what we could possibly ask," Leo muttered.</p> <p class="cnNmMTU1MDI4YjM1ZjQyNjI5MjA4YWViODI1ZmVlMTc4" style="text-align: justify">"At least what forces they have in the area," Bernard said. "Who has thrown their lot in with Giles and Harold. And who still might join us."</p> <p class="cnNmYTE0Y2VkNGExODRhZGJiMTg1NDYzMjVjMjIwMmIw" style="text-align: justify">Leo nodded at Alfred. Alfred produced a tiny, thin blade, which he tapped on his fingernails. Marcus had never witnessed an interrogation like this; Clansmen usually killed themselves or went down fighting and the odd peasant rebellion didn't require much in the way of persuasion to extract an answer. He hoped he would have the stomach for it.</p> <p class="cnMxMjY2Y2E3MWQ2YTQ4YmRhYWJhNmRjNzgzNDY4ZjY0" style="text-align: justify">"Are you awake?" Alfred asked, his voice remained calm and flat despite what he could unleash upon the poor man.</p> <p class="cnNiZWNmMWYwZTgxYjQzNDg4MzlhOTM5OTg2YjhmZjk1" style="text-align: justify">"Who are you?" The Commander asked. "What's happening? Where are those useless soldiers?"</p> <p class="cnM4NDFiYTk5NzI0NTRiZWRiN2ZlOTYwMThmZDkyMTdk" style="text-align: justify">He had still yet to regain clarity. Alfred sighed before driving the blade into his leg. The man screamed as Alfred twisted the blade.</p> <p class="cnMxMDUwZWJiMWRjZjQ1ZDJhNzkwOTlmYmYxYjVjY2E4" style="text-align: justify">"Are you awake now?"</p> <p class="cnNmOTMyYjkxMTFhZDRkOWM5YmQ2MDZmNTZjZjdhYjRl" style="text-align: justify">The Commander, his teeth clenched, nodded.</p> <p class="cnMyNzIxOTYyZGRmNzRlYjQ5YmRiMzUzOWFjN2M0OGQx" style="text-align: justify">"Good. I think even you are smart enough to realize that you have lost." Alfred began. "And what remains of your life may or may not be painful, depending on how you answer. Do you understand?"</p> <p class="cnM4NzdlODc2MmJlYjQxMDQ5NmE4MjRmNDk5M2UwMDhj" style="text-align: justify">"The Holy Father-"</p> <p class="cnM1YThlYzZkM2UzODQyMTlhMDM5Y2FhMzQyYTkxOWQ4" style="text-align: justify">Alfred withdrew the blade and plunged it again into the man's leg. Marcus winced as he screamed in pain again, this time far more pathetically.</p> <p class="cnMzZjNiZTE1NGY5MzRjOGI4ZTBiMmZjY2E5YzQ5ZmY5" style="text-align: justify">"We can keep on going for as long as you want." Alfred's voice did not waver despite the blood pooling around the hilt of the blade. "So, are you going to answer our questions?"</p> <p class="cnNlOWZkYTE2ZjYyNjRmMTZhNTQzM2NjODQyOGIxM2Q2" style="text-align: justify">Realizing he had no real choice the man nodded.</p> <p class="cnM2ODZhYjRiNjhjNDQ2MmNiZjQ1MzE4Y2MyYThlODU0" style="text-align: justify">"Good." Alfred produced a bandage and placed it firmly over the first wound, keeping the blade stuck in his leg. "Now. How many more men do you have to the south?"</p> <p class="cnMxOTQ4Y2EyZTQ0YjRhM2Q5ZWMyOTBkMTA4MTc0ZTRj" style="text-align: justify">"Eight...Eight thousand." The Commander began to turn pale. "And another ten thousand of peasant rabble."</p> <p class="cnMyMjdiMjNmZjcxNzQ2Yzk5MWFjMWJiNDI1NjZhNTk4" style="text-align: justify">"You don't seem to have much regard for the men you sent to their deaths."</p> <p class="cnM3MjFlN2JlNzA4MTRjMzRhZDhlMTY1ZTFlZDFkODg3" style="text-align: justify">The Commander scoffed. "They should be glad to be given the opportunity to redeem themselves by slaying a single heretic like yourself."</p> <p class="cnM5NDYwMDNhYWM3OTQyZjBiYzU2MDhiMjQ2ZWI3YTFm" style="text-align: justify">"Not even armour?"</p> <p class="cnMzMDFkM2NjMmRmMzQ2NGZhZDk5NzI5ZTA0YzdjMjMw" style="text-align: justify">"Why? There are always more."</p> <p class="cnNiNDNlZmJjMTA0YTRlMjI5ZTk5ZWRhODRjMzUzZTJl" style="text-align: justify"><em>If we let this thing go on there won't be anyone left in the Kingdom. Bebbezzar was always looking to expand before their war... </em></p> <p class="cnM5YTNlZWQ4MTVjNDRlMmNiOGIwMGMwNTVhM2VkZjMz" style="text-align: justify">"Okay."</p> <p class="cnNmZWM2YzY0NWE2MjRjZDNhZDc2N2FhOTIxNGI0NjQ5" style="text-align: justify">Alfred waved to Noah. He covered his eyes with his hands. Marcus reasoned that he hadn't left yet because the King hadn't dismissed him. No child should have to watch something like this. Noah, peering through his fingers, nodded and brought over a bowl of blended healing herbs. Alfred quietly thanked him and applied the paste. The Commander winced but quickly relaxed as the plants worked their magic.</p> <p class="cnMwYjQ2MzAzOWI4NDRjZGM4ZjllODEzMDhhODg3YjBj" style="text-align: justify">"What about further south?" Alfred asked. "To the east or west?"</p> <p class="cnM3MTg1Y2Q2Mzk5MjQxZWI5NWJiODJlOTQ2M2Y4ZGUw" style="text-align: justify">"Nothing from the south. Or the east, at least to attack you. They've received orders to secure the nearby towns and cities and await the arrival of The Crusade."</p> <p class="cnMyZTdlNzhiMjRhYjQ5ZTJiZjQxNGVkYmU4N2QwM2Fl" style="text-align: justify">Marcus's ears twitched at that word. The last Crusade had been called before he was born and directed westward to deal a decisive blow against the Centaurs. It worked but took a heavy toll in lives and resources. And the threat had hardly been abolished if the Red Salamanders spoke the truth.</p> <p class="cnMzNzljMzEzOTdlNjQyMDBiZDA1N2YwYTcxMGY0YTMy" style="text-align: justify">"A Crusade to kill Leo? That seems like a bit much." Alfred smiled at the prisoner.</p> <p class="cnNjMGQ2MGM2NjU1ZjQ2NjE5MTNkZjYxNjkwYTU2NDA0" style="text-align: justify">Marcus felt it was a little odd he was being so friendly to a man he had wounded so badly. It was more like he was training a troublesome dog than an interrogation.</p> <p class="cnM4OGI1NGNjZGU5OTQ3NGU5NmQ5ZjNmN2U0MjMzMDY4" style="text-align: justify">"They don't know exactly where you are but they had a good guess." The Commander continued. "But they want to keep pushing east. To the old Kar Kingdom."</p> <p class="cnNmODcyMmRiMDY0NTQzYjE4ZWQyZmM3ZWNjMTlmZWM2" style="text-align: justify">Alfred's face dropped slightly.</p> <p class="cnM1NzRiZGZlMjAyNzRlYWU5M2Y4NDI1OWFkZjhhYmE0" style="text-align: justify"><em>If we knew that someone could live there, without bringing an entire kingdom's worth of monsters upon ourselves we would have taken that land ages ago. Guess they are lucky we didn't. </em></p> <p class="cnMxOGYxYjkxMTliODRiNmY4YzZiNzRkODM5OGMyMTUx" style="text-align: justify">"Why?" Alfred asked after regaining his composure.</p> <p class="cnM1ZTRjOWZlZDIzZDRlNTU4ZGU4NDZiMGY4ODJlYjI4" style="text-align: justify">"I don't know. But that's the order. If the King and Queen order it we have to obey, even if-"</p> <p class="cnNlYjc5NmUwMDUyYjRjZjU4YWY3MTJhMTY0MmUwMTUx" style="text-align: justify">"Queen?" Alfred raised a brow, his elderly wrinkled face contorted in surprise. "And King? Not Kings?"</p> <p class="cnMwODFjYzJhOTY4ODRiNDE4MjJiZGFlMjY1NWM1N2Uz" style="text-align: justify">"Have you not heard?"</p> <p class="cnMzMjI0YmVhMmNhZTQ5ODk5MWQyZWQ0NDVhMWRjYTVi" style="text-align: justify">"For some reason, we have been stuck in this castle for quite some time." Alfred chuckled. "We haven't exactly had the chance."</p> <p class="cnM4MzljM2UwNTFiODRiZjFhNmM0ODdjM2VlN2RmMTc0" style="text-align: justify">"Harold is King. And Valerie is his Queen."</p> <p class="cnNjYmE1MWI5MTBhMDQ4ODNhYjY0ZTI2NGNlNzM3ZmJh" style="text-align: justify">“What about Giles?”</p> <p class="cnNmYjllODMxMjJkMTQxNjU4ZjZhNzE4YWQ0YzdkN2U2" style="text-align: justify">“He’s dead.” The Commander looked a little perplexed. A faint smirk grew on his face, quickly dropped when he remembered his situation.</p> <p class="cnM1MWQyY2U1ZGU2MTQwZGJhYzY4NmJlOTFiZjQwNWYy" style="text-align: justify">"Giles is dead?" Leo asked softly.</p> <p class="cnM0MmY5NDAzMDdmMDRiMjJiMzBjNDFlOGFjZGJkNGM4" style="text-align: justify">While he, probably, still loved his brothers they had tried to kill him. Marcus didn't envy the swirling emotions going through his head. But what he said second concerned Marcus the most.</p> <p class="cnM0MjhkNWRhOTNmZjQ0YjNhMzE2NzQ1OTUyYmVjNTlm" style="text-align: justify">The Commander nodded. "I don't know who did it but I heard it was the Queen. She and Cardinal Abeau put Harold on the throne."</p> <p class="cnMwMzk1YTU0YmIyNDRhMTFiNGUzOGQ1NTA1OGY3ZGI2" style="text-align: justify">"So my mother now rules as Queen Regent." Leo shook his head. Noah rushed to his side but could do little to comfort the King.</p> <p class="cnNhNjlhYTk5NWRlYzQ2ZmFiODVmZjhhMTcxMTQ5N2Zh" style="text-align: justify">Marcus couldn't hold his thought any longer. "You said <em>his</em> Queen. Not <em>the</em> Queen."</p> <p class="cnM1ZjMwYmJkN2ZiNjQyY2Y4N2Q2M2Q5YzgwNGRlZGI1" style="text-align: justify">"What?" Leo's face drained of emotion.</p> <p class="cnM0NzJmYjBiZTA0MDRjZTU5NDIyZjJlYjZhNjViZjQ5" style="text-align: justify">The Commander chuckled. "Only a few know the real truth." A quick glare from Alfred stopped his jubilant tone dead. "Valerie is Harold's Queen. As an actual..." He tried to roll his hands as he thought of the right words. "Husband and wife."</p> <p class="cnMwMmEwOGM0ODQ3MjQ5MThhYmQwYTVlMWY3ZDUzNzk5" style="text-align: justify">Marcus was lost for words. So too was everyone else. Leo stood in a mixture of disgust and fury, unable to decide which would win out.</p> <p class="cnNkZWUwMjgyMWM3MjQ3Yjg4NDA3YWFjYzJjZmE2MGRi" style="text-align: justify">"I...I don't." Leo held his forehead. "That's sick."</p> <p class="cnNlYThkNzk3NjRkMzQ4MjViZjlkOTJkOThkOTAwNzk5" style="text-align: justify">"I thought that something like incest was frowned upon by The Church?" Alfred asked.</p> <p class="cnM2MDRlOWJmYjU0NjQwZGNiZTQzNDY2NTRjNGI5NTg5" style="text-align: justify">"It is. But Cardinal Abeau forbade any discussion. But...People talk."</p> <p class="cnM5NzdlNzM5YTUxMzQ2ZTg5MzBlZDA3MzA0N2Y5NGQ0" style="text-align: justify">"What of Princess Lila?" Marcus asked. "I haven't heard anything about her since this started."</p> <p class="cnNkYmI4NmE2ZDMyMjRlYjE4ZjBhZTdhZmVhZmNjNDBk" style="text-align: justify">Leo's eyes opened. While he loved his brothers that did not appear to extend to her.</p> <p class="cnM1ZGZhNjQ4ZjkyODQzNWE4NzhlZDIwNmUxN2UxMGEx" style="text-align: justify">"No one has heard anything. I think she is being hunted but I don't know. Nothing has been said about her."</p> <p class="cnM4NTMxNmMyMjZiNjQzYzM4ZWZhOGEyZWNmYjU3NzU4" style="text-align: justify"><em>Strange. Perhaps no one really thinks she could be a threat. </em></p> <p class="cnMyZDJiMzNlMjkzZTQxMmFiZTVlMTYyNzk2YjQxMzk3" style="text-align: justify">"How long before this Crusade is ready?" Alfred asked.</p> <p class="cnMxMjM2ZWU4OGRhYjRiYTc4M2YwN2NkMTAwYjUxYzc0" style="text-align: justify">"It'll still take some time. Perhaps early spring? But I'm sure they won't just leave you alone until then. The army they're creating will be powerful enough to topple empires, more than enough to sweep away this castle and the monsters in the Kar Kingdom."</p> <p class="cnM4ZTQxMWM5ZmE1MzQwZDU5ZmZjMWU0ZjU1Nzk0Nzky" style="text-align: justify">"I see." Alfred glanced at the others present, his face still blank. "Eighteen thousand soldiers, of indeterminate quality, to the south. And an army brewing at the capital...I think we've heard everything we need to."</p> <p class="cnM2NDAyZWRkMzQ0MTQ5YWVhMjRjNTM5NTY1YzM3OTg5" style="text-align: justify">Alfred drove the blade into his throat. Blood streamed from the wound, his bound hands desperately attempted to reach and close the wound. A few moments passed and his head fell forward and body silent.</p> <p class="cnNhYWIzNGRkZTk0ZTQ4OWU4MmFhNDVhMTI2YWViNmM3" style="text-align: justify">"That's for sending thousands of innocent people to their deaths," Alfred spoke coldly, wiping the blood from his blade. "I'm sure their families are eternally thankful that they'll starve this winter."</p> <p class="cnMzMjQyY2M3YzRlYTRiNjc4ZjgwOGFhZWNmNDljN2Jj" style="text-align: justify"><em>To think that I was about a winter away from marching onto Maxill and removing Duchess Belinda. Oh, I should have asked about the red moss. Maybe someone here knows more. </em></p> <p class="cnMxODQ4NWY5ODA0NzQzYTI4NTc2YTUyOTcyMmM3NzJh" style="text-align: justify">"Unbelievable." Leo shook his head, scrunching his eyes tight. "One of my brothers is dead. And my other fucking my mother...And I have no idea about my sister."</p> <p class="cnM1MDU3OWI1OTg1MDQ2ZGM5MjA0YmU5YmViZDc3Mjcy" style="text-align: justify">Marcus felt his concern for his sister was very forced.</p> <p class="cnM5NzlmZmU2ZGMzZTRkMzZiNjRiMmZmMDE1M2NkM2Iy" style="text-align: justify">"Our first action should be taking out the threat to the south." Bernard began. "Once that is dealt with we can start moving on the capital and your brother."</p> <p class="cnM3N2VjZjBmZTcwZTRlZmQ5ZDdhZjE4MDE0ZmZiMTY4" style="text-align: justify">"Eighteen thousand is a considerable force." Leo appeared more than happy to talk about a different topic. "Even if they are poorly armed and trained."</p> <p class="cnNiNWY4NThmZTZjZTQ5NjRhOTMxYWI3NWU1Yzg4ZmMz" style="text-align: justify">"Indeed." Alfred held his chin. "To the north is a large town. I haven't heard anything hostile from it."</p> <p class="cnMwNjFmNzExMmQwYTQ4MGE4MDMyNmQyYmJiOGIyMDM3" style="text-align: justify">"The mayor and I are friends." Bernard frowned lightly. "As much as anyone can be friends with one of us. I have sent him letters but I've heard nothing in return."</p> <p class="cnNmMjc3ODU3ZGUzNDQ3N2E5NWZjNmMwZTQwY2EzZGU4" style="text-align: justify">"Well, the number of their soldiers is considerable." Alfred continued. "If we can get them on our side we should be more than strong enough to take the cathedral."</p> <p class="cnNkZmE2ZDhkZTUwZDQzZTQ4OGYwN2Q0MGJmZTYzNWQ5" style="text-align: justify">"Does anyone know why their soldiers would have a red moss in their teeth?" Marcus asked, only to receive blank looks. "Strange. If anyone hears anything about it could they let me know? I'm curious about it."</p> <p class="cnM3OGM1ZGYyZmM4ZjQ5ZDliNjJjNDU3OGFlODljZGE1" style="text-align: justify">Leo gave a single nod. "We have our objective now. Securing the land around Castle Étoile. While we wait for the other Knight Orders we'll secure the loyalty of this mayor. I don't know too much about negotiation so I'll need to bring some help. This might be my first real action as King."</p> <p class="cnMwODEzMjZhY2U3ZDQ3ZDFiYTcxMmMwYzA4NzY0OWNi" style="text-align: justify">Marcus looked at the blood still dripping from his blade.</p> <p class="cnNmOGY1NzA1Yjg4ODQ3MGY4MGM3MzFjN2JjMjM0YjIw" style="text-align: justify">"We will follow you, My King," Bernard said proudly. Everyone nodded to his words. Leo took heart and smiled, the first proper smile in a long time.</p> <p class="cnMxMTFkNjM2ODE5MTRkMGFiNWM4Zjg4ODljZmQ1MDJi" style="text-align: justify">Marcus knew they made the right choice. Though he would never dare air it, it wasn't like there was a real alternative.</p> </div>
**Chapter 119 Pt.2:** Marcus, once again in his Blue firestorm armour, reached the second most outer wall. Castor and Bernard followed closely behind. Leo and Noah had retired to the armour so Leo could be fitted with armour. As Leo didn’t have personal armour yet he would have to settle for a refitted set, not something befitting a king but he would have to settle. Given his change, Marcus doubted he would complain. A page, a large crossbow in his hands, led them up to a short tower capable of overlooking the battle. The page gave a small bow and left, probably to return to his post. “What do they have?” Marcus said to himself. In his hand lay a spyglass, gifted to him by Alfred. Such a strange contraption was beyond the work of Qaiviel. This piece of metal and glass had travelled all the way from Graterious, the long way too. Marcus followed Alfred’s instructions and raised the smaller end to his eye. A gasp escaped his lips as the world grew larger but only in that eye. It took Marcus a moment to realise that he could only look through one eye at a time. “The scouts were wrong,” Marcus grumbled. “There are nine to ten thousand enemy soldiers approaching. How, how many do we have?” “If we muster everyone a little over three thousand. With those extra forces that we saved, that brings it to three thousand eight hundred.” “With walls and towers like this it should compensate for the lack of soldiers,” Castor spoke weakly. “Right?” “It should.” Marcus slowly overserved the rear lines. “I don’t see any mages at the back. Only a few archers as well. But…There’s the prick. I knew he wasn’t dead.” Marcus found the commander at the very rear of the wide enemy force. He wore priest attire, mixed with normal infantry officer armour, but his face was covered in dirt and deep scratches. His eyes burned with the fury of impending revenge, to wash away his humiliation of retreating with his tail between his legs. Nevertheless, he remained protected by fifty actual soldiers. Unlike the conscripts fanning out in great and cumbersome lines, these wore almost full armour and wielded impressive swords and shields. “We need someone to keep an eye on him,” Marcus said. “Just in case he runs away again. And I don’t think we should let those soldiers protecting him get onto the walls.” Marcus lowered the spyglass. “I respect your Squires and Pages but I don’t think they’ll get away uninjured against them.” Bernard nodded. “I’ll let them know. I’m sure my Squires will be able to handle them.” “I sure hope so.” Marcus looked through the spyglass again. There was something in the eyes of these soldiers. A subdued fury. Even madness, one that made Marcus very nervous. The rest of the enemy line was far less impressive. They looked identical to those Marcus had spent the morning slaying like a farmer cutting wheat. No real armour, perhaps a bit of old leather or a thick piece of cloth underneath a matching uniform of white. It definitely wasn’t expensive cloth, they had no need to spend money on a force that was largely disposable, but at least they could determine friend from foe. *And that works in our favour too.* At the front were the siege weapons, such as they were. These were not catapults or trebuchets, not even a siege tower. Large wooden ladders were suspended between dozens of conscript soldiers. The wood appeared as fresh as the soldiers. While they were definitely large enough to breach the first wall Marcus doubted how effective they would really be. “Even if they reach the first wall they’re just going to have to get past the second. Without the ladders.” There were no connections between the first and second layer of the fortress, so even if they held the outer wall it meant nothing. They would simply have to run through another hailstorm of bolts and arrows to reach a stone wall that they had no hope of breaching. That thought alone worried Marcus. Surely they knew that. So why fight like this? Why not just surround and starve them out? Not that Marcus had any plans to die in such an ignoble way. “I will head to the front and command the defence from there.” Bernard began walking away. “If you see any areas that are falling don’t hesitate to send those mercenaries in.” Marcus raised a brow and Bernard pointed down. Waiting in the courtyard between the two walls, now devoid of the dead and wounded, several hundred mercenaries idly waited for instructions. Unlike the Knight Order their armour and weapons were mismatched and of grimy. However, Marcus knew that it was foolish to judge them on appearance alone. *Alfred, once being a mercenary himself, wouldn’t hire some rabble.* Thankfully the mercenaries were close enough to hear Marcus yell. He took up the spyglass again as the enemy reached the maximum range of the ballistae and catapults. Bernard, towering over the rest of his Knights and Squires manning the outer wall, waved at the small towers. A page raised a small red flag high. The same red flag repeated across the small towers. A shout came from the enemy force and the assault began. A spattering of soldiers stood near the front, waving their swords towards the castle. Ladder bearers lifted their heavy loads while shield bearing conscripts moved in front, only after heavy abuse by their commanders. Their shields were simple wooden constructs, only some had a metal bad to strengthen them slightly. “It’ll stop some arrows at range, probably some bolts.” Marcus turned his spyglass to the ballistae towers. “But it’s not going to stop that.” The ballistae groaned as the heavy steel-tipped wooden shaft pointed towards the approaching ladders. With a might thwack, the ballistae fired. Marcus could barely follow it with his eyes as it flew towards the enemy. The conscript’s eyes flicked up as the bolt broke through their simple wooden shields and impaled them into the ground. Four conscripted soldiers fell screaming, their bodies mashed against one another as blood poured from the wounds in their chests. Those around them stopped and stared as they died writhing in pain. The entire enemy army stopped and stared, Marcus could see the fear and terror ripple through their lines. They had not been told what they would face. What the Knight Orders were capable of. And that was only one ballista. The next ballistae fired, then the next and the next. Huge steel tipped bolts rained down upon the enemy. Marcus watched in a mix of admiration and horror as the conscript soldiers were cut down, their bodies torn to pieces, embedded into one another and into the ground, while panic consumed the enemy. Already the rear elements were beginning to back away. However, the ballistae took time to reload. And those behind the conscripts were actual soldiers. “Forward!” Marcus heard faintly over the wind whistling through his armour. “Forward! Or face the wrath of The Holy Father! Only shedding the blood of these faithless scum can redeem your souls!” Marcus grumbled and rolled his eyes. “Such standard tripe.” “I could hear that from here,” Castor said softly. “How? It’s…” Marcus used his spyglass again. “He must be using some sort of Wind magic. So he can throw his voice further. That means that he, or someone nearby, is a mage. We’d better be careful.” The sound of boots on stone came from behind, rapidly ascending the stairs towards them. Castor drew his sword but they only found a young female Black Riders page. She didn’t have a crossbow, rather a small bow and a short sword at her side. “My Lords, Bernard instructed me to be your messenger. In case you don’t want to shout the orders.” Marcus nodded. “Tell Bernard that the enemy has a mage of some kind. Possibly some user of Wind Magic. Tell him to be wary.” “Yes, My Lord.” The page nodded and ran down the stairs. Marcus caught her taking great pains to not slip and fall. Perhaps she had once already. Marcus turned back to the battle. The enemy had regained some of their courage but it required constant threats and cajoling from the few armoured soldiers to keep them moving. The shield bearers moved to cover the ladder bearers. Another wave of ballistae bolts rained down and shattered more of the enemy, the catapults threw stone boulders, slowly soaring through the air and landing in the midst of the conscripts. They were so densely packed only a few could move out of the way. The bloody stone rolled through the ranks, catching a few unfortunate souls, before coming to a halt. Marcus caught the eye of the commander. His neck throbbed with anger, anger that they were being pummelled and they had yet to reach the wall. The first of the Black Riders archers and crossbowmen began to fire at those carrying the ladders. If they fell the attack would falter before it even began. Many fell but the conscripts pried the shields from their dead fellows and held them upright, even if they could be barely called a shield. Marcus readied his sword as some of the ladders made it to the wall. The enemy heaved the heavy wooden ladders up, exposing themselves to a final volley of arrows and bolts. Some fell sideways, crushing more soldiers who had taken refuge underneath the wall. “Do we head down there?” Castor asked. Marcus gripped his sword handle. “Not yet. They still need to climb the ladders. And they’ll be exposed even more. If they can’t get onto the wall we don’t have anything to worry about. They’ll be wiped out before stepping foot inside the castle.” Castor nodded and looked at the battle. Marcus felt his anguish; loyal soldiers would still suffer wounds and probably death. The conscripts began the dangerous climb. Bernard and the other Knights directed the Pages to attack them first. Ladders shook and rattled, some fell down, as bodies desperately tried to hold on as the bolts and arrows raining down upon them. Despite their best efforts the first of the conscripts began breaching the wall. The Squires and Knights drew their weapons and swung at the hands and heads that popped up. Blood sprayed with every strike and the screams grew louder. “Are we even needed?” Castor asked. Some of the conscripts used the dead bodies slumped on the wall as shields to land on the wall. While there were only a few initially they rapidly grew in number and pushed them back by sheer weight of flesh. “I think that’s us,” Castor said, turning to walk down the stone stairs. “We can’t let them get a foothold on the wall.” “Take all the mercenaries.” Marcus laid the spyglass on the ground. It would likely get broken in the upcoming scuffles. “I’ll take the Knights and get them on their horses.” “What?” Marcus smiled. “They won’t be ready for that. They’re already committed to attacking the wall. So we’ll take out the commander. See what he has to say.” “But if he’s a mage-” “We’ll be fine.” Marcus tapped the blue emblem on his chest. “This isn’t just for show.” ---[]--- Marcus mounted the armoured horse, alongside forty Black Riders Knights. They had been loathed to retreat from the wall. Many were covered in blood and had already claimed many lives. When they saw the mercenaries coming to take their place they finally relinquished their positions. The conscripts, still pouring onto the wall, thought the knights were retreating. Their elation instantly faded as the mercenaries relieved their positions and demonstrated why they were such dangerous adversaries. Castor stayed with them and led the limited counter-attack. Marcus didn’t want the enemy completely pushed back, not yet at least. “The horses don’t have much in them.” A Knight said to Marcus. Marcus silently agreed. The horse beneath his legs trembled ever so slightly. Between the heavy armour and the days’ fighting, they were exhausted. However, their short break allowed them to recuperate some of their strength. It would have to be enough. “We’re just going to capture the commander.” Marcus gripped the reins hard. “Once he’s gone these conscripts will lose the will to fight. Then it’ll be easy to round them up.” “I hope so.” In the distance, a catapult loosed its heavy load. The stone tumbled through the air followed by a sickening squish and snap. “We’ll head out the eastern gate and charge straight at the enemy,” Marcus yelled at the Black Rider Knights. “Don’t engage the enemy on the way. We don’t have the strength to get bogged down dealing with a thousand farmers wielding spears.” The Knights nodded grimly and lowered their helmets. Squires, wounded from the previous battle, groaned as they opened the metal eastern gate. Marcus wiped the reins and kicked his horse forward. With a slight protest, the beast followed his orders. The lingering sense of tiredness and exhaustion faded away. He kept his horse in a fast jog, not quite a run so it wasn’t too tired when it needed to charge. Forty Knights followed close behind. Normally they would wield lances for their first charge then switch to swords but their lances lay out in the field, alongside several skewered corpses. As they passed the wall Marcus winced at the scale of the destruction wrought upon the enemy. Once green verdant ground ran red with blood, so too did the stone walls. Piles of white-clothed bodies grew around the base of the ladders. The conscripts had to climb over the soft and still writhing pile, probably over people they knew and worked with peacefully a few days ago, to start the climb, all the while forced on by the few soldiers with actual armour. Their steel shields deflected the arrows and bolts keeping them relatively safe. And free to scream at the conscripts to continue their near pointless attack. They had managed to expand their landing but it had cost them dearly. The Black Riders fought well as they slowly retreated. One of the conscripts turned back, wondering what the distant rumble was. Almost instantly a feeling of terror ran through their lines. Marcus had been on the receiving end of a cavalry charge, actually a centaur charge, and he nearly dropped everything and ran. The conscripts began to run the opposite way, along the castle walls to the west. Commanders tried to regain control but it was too late. “Do not run!” A voice boomed from the rear. The commander of the attack waved his sword forward. “Do not falter! Do not give in to fear! Keep attacking! For the Holy Father!” Marcus saw something dangle from the hilt of his sword. A charm, a small silver medallion. Though it was far away Marcus recognised it instantly. Thankfully it was small, unusually small, but it had a single grey gem embedded in the middle. *So he is a user of Wind magic. But it doesn’t look like he’s very good. Otherwise, he’d be using his magic to deflect the arrows and bolts. Either that or he’s just a coward.* There was no time to hesitate or retreat. Marcus was not allowing this man to run again. He held back his desire to break into a charge, so too were the Knights behind him. There was nothing in between the main force and the commander and his retinue. They still represented a potential threat but Marcus trusted they would tear through them with ease. Between a near equal number of Knights and swordsmen, the knights would win. The Commander’s face drained of colour as he saw them approach unimpeded. He waved at the few archers that were still with him. All Marcus could think that this man was a coward through and through. The arrows flew and the charm on the Commander’s wrist glowed. The arrows shot forward, far faster than anything he had seen before. They struck his armour, they hit like a falling tree pushing him back but not free from his horse. His horse slowed too underneath the powerful strikes. “So that’s it!” Marcus laughed, readying his sword. “But that’s all you can do!”’ “What are you waiting for?!” The man shrieked. “Fire!” Another volley of arrows struck the charging Knights. Marcus heard someone tumble, the unmistakable sound of a horse screaming in pain, but he would not stop now. The armoured soldiers moved to protect him but it was too late. Marcus whipped his horse into a charge, using all the energy the beast had left. The Commander cowered behind his soldiers as the thunderous hooves approached. Marcus readied his blade, infinitely glad that the enemy had no spears or pikes, swords would do little good against their armoured bodies. Marcus wrapped the reins around his left arm and swung down with his right, his strike coupled with the horse's speed and strength cleaved through the helmet of the first soldier. The Knights followed him, cutting through the swordsmen while trying their best not to trample the enemy commander to death. Marcus wouldn't have troubled dreams if he was mixed into the blood-soaked mud by accident. He pulled back hard on the reins, his horse protested loudly but followed his instructions. He waved the other Knights forward to attack the archers. These too were a mix of professional soldiers and conscripts, probably trappers and hunters judging by the range in equipment quality. While men screamed as they were cut down by the powerful strikes Marcus turned his attention to their prize. He laid underneath a headless corpse completely still, his eyes blank as he stared into the sky. His charm had been shattered somehow and with it his consciousness. Marcus made sure the area was mostly secure, the survivors were far more concerned with the Knights rampaging through their ranks than one lone dismounted Knight. Marcus relinquished his hold on the reins and jumped from his horse. The impact reminded him he wasn't a young man anymore. With his sword drawn he advanced on his target, wondering if he was actually still alive. Marcus smiled, unnoticeable underneath his helmet and kicked the body off him. The Commander's arm had been broken, broken when a Knight had swiped at his sword and sent it flying, along with the charm he had so foolishly worn around his wrist. *Surely no mage would be that stupid.* Marcus glanced to the faltering attack on the castle walls. More ground had been gained, the fleeing conscripts had been forced back into the attack but, overall, it appeared to be losing speed. There was just no way they could maintain such an intensity with so few numbers, doubly so when he watched white clothed bodies fall from the wall like droplets of rain. *Maybe he is that stupid. It would have been far better to wait for this army then attack. But he did try and stop the reinforcements from arriving.* Marcus looked to the armoured soldiers. They looked like normal men but something bothered him. Something about their eyes. He retrieved a severed head and ripped off the helmet. For a moment he feared they were one of the Church's Stitch soldiers, just the merest thought of them sent shivers down his spine, but his fears were mostly unfounded. Red blood leaked from the wound, not a sign of the writhing black worms, nor were there horrendous cuts and glowing stitches, the teeth were stained with spittle and blood rather than glowing purple. However the eyes, the eyes were bloodshot. Marcus saw something in his teeth, almost covered by the blood. It was a red plant-like material, a moss. But he had never seen a red moss before. He checked another head. That too had bloodshot eyes and flecks of red moss in their teeth. "I wonder what you bastards have been up." Marcus idly tossed the head away and lightly kicked the Commander. It roused him from his unconscious sleep, his eyes rolled in his head before snapping into focus. "Where?" he asked, his mind still groggy from landing on the hard ground. "Go back to sleep," Marcus grumbled. He raised his boot over the Commander's head, a moment of recognition flashed over his eyes before Marcus slammed his foot down. Marcus he sure he was still breathing before tying him up with a loose piece of cloth and throwing him over the back of his horse. A Black Rider Knight stopped a few feet from Marcus as he attempted the difficult act of climbing back onto a horse without assistance. "My Lord Marcus." The Knight and the beast between his legs were exhausted and breathed heavy and wet breaths. "The enemy is retreating. Do we pursue?" No semblance of organization remained in the enemies rear lines. Those on the front were on the verge of collapse, the armoured commanders looked the most concerned now their rear was exposed. "No. Let the others handle the enemy." Marcus patted the back of the Commander before mounting his horse on his second try, surprising everyone. "We have what we need." The Knight nodded and shouted. The other Knights, delighted to run down the escapees, immediately began to return to their side. Marcus didn't wait until they had gathered before riding back to the castle. They took the same route as before, ignoring the panicking enemy conscripts who rightly feared a charge to their rear lines. As Marcus neared parallel to the castle walls he saw something he did not expect. Leo, in a set of Black Riders full plate armour, strode through the enemy lines on the wall, hacking and cleaving his way through the enemy. Though Marcus's first impressions of the boy were that of a joker and later a womanizer, he would have received combat training, training from experts from all around the world. Marcus saw techniques from Bebbezzar, Seocuria and even the Frindal Emirate, all mixing together in a dizzying display of murder. Still, he was only one person but the effect he had was undeniable. The conscripts saw the King, the rightful King, fighting like an elite warrior. The Black Riders took heart and cheered a mighty war cry. Knights and Squires smashed into the enemy lines while the Pages unleashed furious barrages on those still attempting the climb. The enemy collapsed as Marcus passed the wall. They threw themselves from the wall, landing amongst the dead and dying, some impaling themselves on the arrows and bolts jutting from the corpses and began to run to the south. Even the armoured commanders had no choice to follow the collapsing army. Arrows and bolts harried them along the open plain until only the ballistae and catapults could reach. Marcus breathed easy as they entered the castle gates. They had won. ---[]--- Marcus slumped the Commander into a chair. Squires and Pages swarmed the man and tied him down, checking him for any hidden weapons. When they were confident he was safe they backed away. "How was your first fight?" Castor asked Leo. Both men were covered in blood, head to toe. Now that the battle was over some attendants, not helping the wounded, began to clean away what blood they could. Marcus wanted to dismiss them but he knew what it was like to be soaked in blood, the way it grew sticky and the way it reeked... "I..." Leo rested on his longsword. "I've never been in a real fight before. Not where the other person wanted to kill me. It's so..." "Just keep breathing and you'll be fine." Castor tried to comfort the King. Marcus knew the look in his eyes, the shaking of his limbs and quivering of his lips. The rush of battle, a dizzying high, had faded away. Now all he was left with was the cold and emptiness that followed. It was something Marcus experienced all too often during his youth, but now that he was older he barely felt it. Perhaps he was just so used to it now. "Any idea when this little rat's going to wake up?" Bernard asked, leaning forward to inspect their prisoner. Bernard had escaped without serious injury, only a few more scars on his face and hands. Marcus didn't know how many of his soldiers had fallen. Too many, judging by his demeanour. "I hit him pretty hard." Marcus shrugged as an attendant began to work on his armour. "Otherwise he could have used his magic again." "Hmm. The runner mentioned that." Bernard looked to a squire waiting some distance away. In his hands, he held a strange helmet. It clearly wasn't built for combat, it had too many holes in the metal. As the Squire approached Marcus saw it wasn't made from steel or iron. The metal had strange markings, a hexagonal repeating pattern covered the dull metal. "Ghlyirl." "Yes." Bernard rammed the helmet on the Commander, no care was given if it would fit properly. "We've had to deal with some upstart mages before. You put this metal anywhere near them and they can't use magic." "Even heretical magic?" Alfred asked. Bernard shrugged. "We'll find out if this Anton of yours tries anything silly." Alfred frowned but offered no objections. Bernard began slapping the prisoners. His mailed hands left red welts on his face but it worked. Slowly the man was roused from his slumber. "I thought you had killed him." Bernard flashed Marcus a grin. He no longer doubted the Black Riders enjoyed the carnage. "What?" The Commander was still groggy and disoriented. "Where is this?" "Who wants to ask the questions?" Marcus asked. "I will." Alfred took a step forward. "Unless someone else wants to?" "I don't know what we could possibly ask," Leo muttered. "At least what forces they have in the area," Bernard said. "Who has thrown their lot in with Giles and Harold. And who still might join us." Leo nodded at Alfred. Alfred produced a tiny, thin blade, which he tapped on his fingernails. Marcus had never witnessed an interrogation like this; Clansmen usually killed themselves or went down fighting and the odd peasant rebellion didn't require much in the way of persuasion to extract an answer. He hoped he would have the stomach for it. "Are you awake?" Alfred asked, his voice remained calm and flat despite what he could unleash upon the poor man. "Who are you?" The Commander asked. "What's happening? Where are those useless soldiers?" He had still yet to regain clarity. Alfred sighed before driving the blade into his leg. The man screamed as Alfred twisted the blade. "Are you awake now?" The Commander, his teeth clenched, nodded. "Good. I think even you are smart enough to realize that you have lost." Alfred began. "And what remains of your life may or may not be painful, depending on how you answer. Do you understand?" "The Holy Father-" Alfred withdrew the blade and plunged it again into the man's leg. Marcus winced as he screamed in pain again, this time far more pathetically. "We can keep on going for as long as you want." Alfred's voice did not waver despite the blood pooling around the hilt of the blade. "So, are you going to answer our questions?" Realizing he had no real choice the man nodded. "Good." Alfred produced a bandage and placed it firmly over the first wound, keeping the blade stuck in his leg. "Now. How many more men do you have to the south?" "Eight...Eight thousand." The Commander began to turn pale. "And another ten thousand of peasant rabble." "You don't seem to have much regard for the men you sent to their deaths." The Commander scoffed. "They should be glad to be given the opportunity to redeem themselves by slaying a single heretic like yourself." "Not even armour?" "Why? There are always more." *If we let this thing go on there won't be anyone left in the Kingdom. Bebbezzar was always looking to expand before their war...* "Okay." Alfred waved to Noah. He covered his eyes with his hands. Marcus reasoned that he hadn't left yet because the King hadn't dismissed him. No child should have to watch something like this. Noah, peering through his fingers, nodded and brought over a bowl of blended healing herbs. Alfred quietly thanked him and applied the paste. The Commander winced but quickly relaxed as the plants worked their magic. "What about further south?" Alfred asked. "To the east or west?" "Nothing from the south. Or the east, at least to attack you. They've received orders to secure the nearby towns and cities and await the arrival of The Crusade." Marcus's ears twitched at that word. The last Crusade had been called before he was born and directed westward to deal a decisive blow against the Centaurs. It worked but took a heavy toll in lives and resources. And the threat had hardly been abolished if the Red Salamanders spoke the truth. "A Crusade to kill Leo? That seems like a bit much." Alfred smiled at the prisoner. Marcus felt it was a little odd he was being so friendly to a man he had wounded so badly. It was more like he was training a troublesome dog than an interrogation. "They don't know exactly where you are but they had a good guess." The Commander continued. "But they want to keep pushing east. To the old Kar Kingdom." Alfred's face dropped slightly. *If we knew that someone could live there, without bringing an entire kingdom's worth of monsters upon ourselves we would have taken that land ages ago. Guess they are lucky we didn't.* "Why?" Alfred asked after regaining his composure. "I don't know. But that's the order. If the King and Queen order it we have to obey, even if-" "Queen?" Alfred raised a brow, his elderly wrinkled face contorted in surprise. "And King? Not Kings?" "Have you not heard?" "For some reason, we have been stuck in this castle for quite some time." Alfred chuckled. "We haven't exactly had the chance." "Harold is King. And Valerie is his Queen." “What about Giles?” “He’s dead.” The Commander looked a little perplexed. A faint smirk grew on his face, quickly dropped when he remembered his situation. "Giles is dead?" Leo asked softly. While he, probably, still loved his brothers they had tried to kill him. Marcus didn't envy the swirling emotions going through his head. But what he said second concerned Marcus the most. The Commander nodded. "I don't know who did it but I heard it was the Queen. She and Cardinal Abeau put Harold on the throne." "So my mother now rules as Queen Regent." Leo shook his head. Noah rushed to his side but could do little to comfort the King. Marcus couldn't hold his thought any longer. "You said *his* Queen. Not *the* Queen." "What?" Leo's face drained of emotion. The Commander chuckled. "Only a few know the real truth." A quick glare from Alfred stopped his jubilant tone dead. "Valerie is Harold's Queen. As an actual..." He tried to roll his hands as he thought of the right words. "Husband and wife." Marcus was lost for words. So too was everyone else. Leo stood in a mixture of disgust and fury, unable to decide which would win out. "I...I don't." Leo held his forehead. "That's sick." "I thought that something like incest was frowned upon by The Church?" Alfred asked. "It is. But Cardinal Abeau forbade any discussion. But...People talk." "What of Princess Lila?" Marcus asked. "I haven't heard anything about her since this started." Leo's eyes opened. While he loved his brothers that did not appear to extend to her. "No one has heard anything. I think she is being hunted but I don't know. Nothing has been said about her." *Strange. Perhaps no one really thinks she could be a threat.* "How long before this Crusade is ready?" Alfred asked. "It'll still take some time. Perhaps early spring? But I'm sure they won't just leave you alone until then. The army they're creating will be powerful enough to topple empires, more than enough to sweep away this castle and the monsters in the Kar Kingdom." "I see." Alfred glanced at the others present, his face still blank. "Eighteen thousand soldiers, of indeterminate quality, to the south. And an army brewing at the capital...I think we've heard everything we need to." Alfred drove the blade into his throat. Blood streamed from the wound, his bound hands desperately attempted to reach and close the wound. A few moments passed and his head fell forward and body silent. "That's for sending thousands of innocent people to their deaths," Alfred spoke coldly, wiping the blood from his blade. "I'm sure their families are eternally thankful that they'll starve this winter." *To think that I was about a winter away from marching onto Maxill and removing Duchess Belinda. Oh, I should have asked about the red moss. Maybe someone here knows more.* "Unbelievable." Leo shook his head, scrunching his eyes tight. "One of my brothers is dead. And my other fucking my mother...And I have no idea about my sister." Marcus felt his concern for his sister was very forced. "Our first action should be taking out the threat to the south." Bernard began. "Once that is dealt with we can start moving on the capital and your brother." "Eighteen thousand is a considerable force." Leo appeared more than happy to talk about a different topic. "Even if they are poorly armed and trained." "Indeed." Alfred held his chin. "To the north is a large town. I haven't heard anything hostile from it." "The mayor and I are friends." Bernard frowned lightly. "As much as anyone can be friends with one of us. I have sent him letters but I've heard nothing in return." "Well, the number of their soldiers is considerable." Alfred continued. "If we can get them on our side we should be more than strong enough to take the cathedral." "Does anyone know why their soldiers would have a red moss in their teeth?" Marcus asked, only to receive blank looks. "Strange. If anyone hears anything about it could they let me know? I'm curious about it." Leo gave a single nod. "We have our objective now. Securing the land around Castle Étoile. While we wait for the other Knight Orders we'll secure the loyalty of this mayor. I don't know too much about negotiation so I'll need to bring some help. This might be my first real action as King." Marcus looked at the blood still dripping from his blade. "We will follow you, My King," Bernard said proudly. Everyone nodded to his words. Leo took heart and smiled, the first proper smile in a long time. Marcus knew they made the right choice. Though he would never dare air it, it wasn't like there was a real alternative.
{ "title": "Displaced", "id": 15538, "author": "IrateRapScallion", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter 49", "id": 306001, "next": 308505, "prev": 303329, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMzOWFiMzYzODkxYTQyNzVhYmViNzcxYjM3OWFmNmUw">“And so Otharo said ‘No longer need you fear the darkness, for the fires of Prometheus shall light your way.’ And, lo, did the flames of the gods appear, so that the people would not fear the shadows along their path...”<br><br>Blake puttered about as Samanta read from the Writ of Otharo, listening with half his mind while he inspected a series of high overhead views of the border between Otharia and Eterium. A series of gray dots scurried over the terrain below. Each dot was a scout skitter patrolling the border, its path and timing coordinated to cover the maximum area while being as unpredictable as possible.<br><br>These skitters were just one facet of the border security system Blake had created after his latest near-death experience. The ultimate goal was as simple as it was ambitious: to close off the border from foreigners absolutely, allowing not a single soul to enter Otharia without his knowledge and permission. The people who’d nearly killed him this last time had surely come from outside Otharia. If they had been Otharians they would have struck sooner to save their country, when he was weaker and less established. This felt like the actions of an outside power, one that had decided he'd become more than just a silly curiosity. Specifically, it sounded like Eterium.<br><br>The Republic of Eterium just made sense. They were the largest power on the continent. They were the only country to share a border with Otharia and the only one that really had anything to fear from Otharia growing in power. They’d stolen chimirin during the fall of the old Otharia, which the assassins had used. And the poison on the one assassin’s knife was an obscure poison that only Eterium had access to. There were just too many coincidences for Blake to come to any other conclusion.<br><br>He wasn’t about to give them, or anybody else, a second chance. Dozens of flitter drones hovered high above the border, keeping a tireless watch over every inch of the border with a combination of sensors that covered both the visible light and infrared spectrum. The skitters down below were the muscle, investigating anything the flitters picked up as well as searching with their own sensors just in case. Between the two groups, nobody stood a chance of crossing the border unseen. At least, nobody above ground.<br><br>In a world where people had super strength or could just will rock to melt away like wax, Blake knew he could not ignore the likelihood that some group would try to tunnel their way past his blockade. That was why he’d also installed a series of “listening nodes”, as he liked to call them, designed to sense even the slightest of tremors below the ground. These nodes could sense somebody as deep as one hundred and fifty feet below the surface. That depth was more than enough; in his paranoia, Blake had drilled down into the earth and found that the water table for the border area was about one hundred to one hundred and twenty feet below ground.<br><br>Otharia was surrounded by water on eighty-five percent of the country, with that last fifteen percent being a relatively thin connection with Eterium to the north-northwest, similar in Blake’s mind to how Spain stuck out from the bottom of France back on Earth. That meant he only had to concentrate on guarding fifteen percent of his borders, making the task far more feasible.<br><br>Still, the main reason any of this was possible was that Blake knew he didn’t have to worry one bit about guarding Otharia’s coasts. The oceans of Scyria were so deadly that nobody would ever make it to his shores. Massive leviathans lurked beneath the waves, large enough to swallow a cargo plane whole. Schools of smaller, ravenous fish capable of chewing their through wooden hulls made the coastal waters their home. The ocean here was so inhospitable that, as far as Blake understood, not a single culture had ever built up any sort of naval technology. There were no fishermen, no trading ships... not even fishing from land worked well because even when a fish was caught, the others in the school would almost always chew through the line. With all of that said, it made sense that one of the locals’ favorite expressions to tell somebody to fuck off and die was “go jump in the sea”.<br><br>Only thanks to those two facts was Blake able to create his border security system. Even just that much had required some repurposing and reassignment of existing robots, meaning his ability to monitor Otharia itself was now somewhat hampered. Regardless, Blake felt that the price was more than worth it and that it would pay for itself soon enough.<br><br>“Thank you, Sam. It’s time for bed.”<br><br>“But I want to keep reading,” the girl protested. Samanta enjoyed reading the Writ of Otharo and other old religious books for Blake more than almost anything else. Blake found this fact to be incredibly depressing. She likely felt the somewhat familiar passages to be comforting amidst the sweeping changes this past half-year that had swept her life away. He wished she enjoyed her studies as much as she enjoyed reading that trash. Still, she’d started actually trying to learn a while back, so he couldn’t ask for much more from her.<br><br>“And you can do it more tomorrow,” Blake replied. “But for now, it’s sleep time. Leave the book here. It’s old and delicate.”<br><br>Disappointed, the child put the book down on a nearby table and left, with Alpha, her metallic companion, clicking and clacking just behind her. Blake closed the door after they left, unconcerned with Samanta’s activities. He’d already sealed the fortress’s core for the night, and all that was in here was his rooms, her bedroom, and the lesson room, so there was nowhere else for her to go. If she wanted to walk up and down the hallway instead of sleeping, he didn’t care.<br><br>At least, not tonight. Tonight he was too tired to care, even more so than usual. Making his way to his bedroom, Blake lay down on his bed. His metal casing melted away and he fell into slumber in mere seconds.</p> <hr> <p class="cnNiNjU0ZTNjYTg4NTQ1YzNiY2QzZGExNDQ1MzRlMmUy">Pain stormed through Blake’s body, roughly dragging him quite literally screaming back to consciousness. His body trembled and shook as he clenched his teeth. These fits were the hardest to deal with because unlike when he was awake, he didn’t have any warning that an episode was about to strike. He was never mentally prepared for the agony coursing through his veins. Still, he knew that just like any other, this wave would pass soon enough.<br><br>Less than a minute later it did. Blake opened his eyes to check the time and a curse escaped his lips. Only two hours since he’d fallen asleep? With an angry sigh, he closed his eyes again, willing himself to relax, but relaxation would not come. Blake rubbed his face and fought against the frustration building inside of him. He was getting stuck in a vicious cycle that had plagued him since college, where he’d try so hard to sleep that he’d keep himself awake, which fueled his frustration as he watched the time he had left for rest dwindle away, which only kept him awake longer. He knew what was happening, but even the knowledge didn’t make it easy to stop. An hour and two bathroom breaks later, Blake finally fell back asleep.</p> <hr> <p class="cnNkMzM4NjkxOTRmZTQ1NmM4YjcwYjZjYjkzMzNmNTFl">“You guys have something for headaches, right Leo? Please say yes.” Blake sat in the Council room the next morning, wishing he could take his helmet off to rub his head. But no, Leo was here, and the rest of his ministers were filing in as he spoke.<br><br>Last night had not been fun for Blake. After hours of falling asleep and waking and falling asleep again, he wasn’t sure exactly just how much sleep he’d gotten, only that it was nowhere near enough. Now not only did he feel tired, his head felt like it was going to crack open any second now.<br><br>“There are some teas that might help,” Leo said. “Should I have some prepared?”<br><br>“Yeah, after the meeting. Can’t hurt I guess,” Blake replied. He tapped his fingers against the metal table. “Let’s get this over with. There’s some important stuff to talk about so let’s get all the rest of it out of the way first.”<br><br>Quickly the group went through a variety of topics, from finances to agriculture to food storage. Little had changed on those fronts since the last meeting, which was good news as far as Blake was concerned.<br><br>“Leo, how much longer until we have toilets in every home in the city? This is taking far longer than I hoped.”<br><br>“My apologies, Lord Ferros. The task turned out to be far more chaotic than I initially assumed. I’ve doubled the men working on the property surveys.”<br><br>“Good, hurry it up. There’s no point in a sewer if the people can’t use it... actually, that gives me an idea. Porta potties!”<br><br>“Porta...?”<br><br>“Public toilets! I want you to find areas in public, well-trafficked places where we can put some stalls. Each will likely be about, I don’t know, five feet long and wide and perhaps seven feet tall? Something like that. We’re going to place them around the city and have people use them. That should get them comfortable with the toilets by the time they’re installed in their homes too. Hmmmmm, I guess that means we need to hire some people to clean them too...”<br><br>“That will, of course, add more expenses to the budget,” Finance Minister Zigmars Vietnieks chimed in. “At this rate, we will have to raise taxes by next spring.”<br><br>“Eh,” Blake said, brushing Zigmars’s concerns aside, “we’ll deal with that when we come to it. For now, we have something much more important to talk about. I’m sure you all know what I mean.”<br><br>A series of serious faces gave him his answer. He nodded to Simona Jumala, his overenthusiastic Minister of State. Even she seemed a little subdued today, for reasons that were quite understandable.<br><br>“According to the Eterians, Vlesa fell yesterday,” she said. “They have re-upped their pleas for our aid.”<br><br>Blake understood why they were begging for his help. According to the reports that had been filtering in the last few weeks, the Ubran Empire’s invasion was not going well for the home team. Rul had fallen almost immediately, with Nefin falling shortly thereafter, followed by the capital city of Lita. <br><br>“Now that Vlesa is no more, Gustil has been completely taken by the Ubrans,” Simona explained. “Now all that stops their armies from sweeping across the entire Republic of Eterium is Begale. They are desperate, my Lord. We could get much out of them in exchange for joining the fight.”<br><br>“Not happening,” Blake immediately stated, shooting the idea down immediately. “But it does leave us with an important set of decisions. The way I see it, the Empire has three main options once they take Begale, which at this rate will happen in just a few days. Either they will head straight for Crirada in the hopes that taking the Eterians’ capital will cut off the rest of the country for easy pickings, or they’ll hit the other cities first so they can concentrate on Crirada without needing to watch their backs, or they’ll just sweep across the country in a wave, hitting everything as they come to it. Two of those three options means trouble for us sooner than later, and with how well the Ubrans are rolling, even if they focus just on Crirada that will probably just delay things a week or two at most. Either way, we’re about to have a lot of people heading our way.”</p><br>“If you are concerned about the Ubran armies, why not help stop them now?” asked Justice Minister Gunta Izkapts.<br><br>“I’m not worried about their armies,” Blake answered. “I have full confidence that they will never take Otharia while I’m alive. But I’m not talking about the Ubrans. I’m talking about the Eterians. Does anybody know how many people live in Obosall?”<br><br>Eterium had a city close to its border near each of the other countries except Stragma. They apparently referred to these cities as “gatekeeper cities” and used them to control the flow of goods between nations. Surprisingly, there was one even for Otharia: Obosall.<br><br>“It’s small for an Eterian city,” Simona replied. “But still a couple hundred thousand at least. And that isn’t counting smaller towns and villages in the area.”<br><br>“When the Ubrans close in, the vast majority of Obosall are heading our way,” Blake predicted. “The question is what we are going to do about it.”<br><br>“Hundreds of thousands of Elselings heading into this country?!” Minister Izkapts gasped in horror, before realizing her error. “I-I meant no offense, L-Lord Ferros-”<br><br>“I’m sure you didn’t,” Blake said darkly, fixing her with as withering a glare as he could manage with a mask over his face. “Don’t let me hear that word coming from your mouth again, or there will be consequences. That goes for all of you.” He leaned back in his chair. “That said, the public will likely react like you just did, except worse. Does anybody here believe that if the Eterians were let in, the people of this country would be able to handle it without panic, chaos, and violence?”<br><br>The silence around the table told him all he needed to know.<br><br>“Alright then, what if we were to let them camp near the border on the Eterian side?”<br><br>“They’d need food,” Fricis Upeslacis, Minister of Agriculture, said with a dismissive shake of his head. “We have enough food stored from the harvest to last us through the winter, but not enough to share with an entire extra city of people. There’s just not enough.”<br><br>“Do we have to help them at all?” Simona asked. “Why not just let them pet the beast they raised? They brought this on themselves, let them suffer for it.”<br><br>Right, Blake remembered, Simona had no love for the Eterians. Likely much if not all of the country harbored ill will towards their neighbors to the north. Centuries of being mocked and pushed around would do that.<br><br>“While I share your feelings, I don’t want hundreds of thousands of people dying on my doorstep,” Blake replied. “When those people get desperate, they’ll try something stupid like rushing the border en masse and I’ll have no choice but to shoot them. Then suddenly I’m the bad guy. Now does anybody have any suggestions that don’t involve the likely death of more than two hundred thousand people?”<br><br>The ministers looked at each other, but nobody spoke up. Blake sighed.<br><br>“Well, one way or another, they’re coming and I plan to be ready for them. I want a list of possible solutions ready for me within the next five days. And I want each of you to have gone over that list and prepare possible issues each solution might have with your area of expertise. Understood? Good. Meeting adjourned.” Blake stood up, fighting back a tired groan as he did so. “Leo, I’ll be in my quarters. Bring me some of that tea you were talking about.”<br><br>Walking back towards the fortress’s center, Blake couldn’t help but feel disappointed in the results of the meeting. He’d been hoping for somebody to provide a suggestion that would show him the way, but nothing had come. He was still stuck on square one.<br><br>The problem that Blake faced was that he didn’t know what, if anything, he should do about the whole situation—not just the refugees but the war as well. On the one hand, when Blake had said “I will enjoy watching you burn”, he’d meant every word. He felt no obligation whatsoever towards helping the same people who’d tried to kill him. That being said, he’d expected them to put up more of a fight. The ideal outcome, in his mind, had been the nation-equivalent of two drunk assholes beating the shit out of each other in an alley out behind a bar, and him standing off to the side enjoying the show. Once the two had taken enough damage, he could step in and end the fight whichever way he so desired.<br><br>That plan seemed out the window at this point. Now Blake had a host of new questions to deal with instead. Should he just sit back and watch Eterium fall to is doom, with Kutrad, Drayhadal, and maybe even Stragma to follow? If not, when should he step in? Did he even have the ability to stop the Ubrans with his current resources? What if he could, but it would require sending everything he had and opening up Otharia to attack? He didn’t have answers for any of these questions just yet, even though he’d been pondering them for a while now.<br><br>Blake couldn’t deny that being able to protect those people when the Eterians couldn’t do so would be a glorious middle finger to those asswipes, especially that stuck-up condescending Amatza Motrico. Yet he didn’t dare allow the refugees into Otharia, not only for the reasons expressed during the meeting but also for his own more paranoid ones. If he were in the Ubrans’ shoes, he would absolutely try to sneak as many undercover agents as possible within that group of people fleeing for their lives. Letting the refugees in would undermine the border security system into which he’d invested so much time, effort, and resources, and it would destroy the sense of security that he needed to function as a sane human being.<br><br>Ugh, his head wouldn’t stop aching. Leo couldn’t get here with that tea soon enough.<p></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1NzEwMDE4NDU0YzQ2NWFiNzg1NTJlOTg1ZjY5ZTc5">“Alright Sam, here’s the deal,” Blake said to his ward as they began their daily lesson. “I’m not feeling so hot right now and your country’s tea is nothing but snake oil and placebo, so we’re going to do something a bit different than normal. Today I want you to talk about the books you’ve been reading.”<br><br>“Ummmm...” Sam replied, uncertainty plainly visible on her face.<br><br>“Specifically, I want you to discuss with me everything about them that seems wrong or off to you. Things that struck you as weird as you read them. Things that made you have questions. This should help develop your critical thinking skills.”<br><br>Her face soured immediately. “You just want me to say that Othar isn’t a god or something, like you always do.”<br><br>“Not today,” he said assuringly. “The point of this today is for you to come to your own conclusions. So tell me, what parts of those books made you think something was strange?”<br><br>“Um, in the Word of Othar it says that Othar slew a dragon with his mighty sword, but in the Writ of Otharo it said that he used a spear-”<br><br>“No no no, not like that. The details between those two are going to differ all over the place. It’s like if you told me a story and I told Leo and he told Simona and so forth, eventually the small bits are going to change. But what about things that seemed to disagree with the world itself? Did anything make you say ‘huh, that’s strange’?”<br><br>Samanta didn't reply at first, instead staring straight ahead, lost in thought. “Well,” she said after a while, “I did think it was a little weird that they talked about Othar’s fire so much last night.”<br><br>“I’m not sure what you mean.”<br><br>“I mean, um... everybody can make fire, right? At least a little bit. But it said here that... uhh...” The girl picked up the Writ of Otharo, which sat on a small desk to the side. Blake had brought the books in with him just in case they would be needed. “Here!”<br><br>“And so Otharo said ‘No longer need you fear the darkness, for the fires of Prometheus shall light your way.’ And, lo, did the flames of the gods appear, so that the people would not fear the shadows along their path,” Samanta intoned. “I remember thinking that it was weird that they talked about how he made fire when everybody can do it.”<br><br>“So then let’s think about this. What could explain that?”<br><br>“I dunno.”<br><br>“Start by asking yourself some questions. For example, are they remarking upon the fact that he’s making fire, or something else about it?”<br><br>“I don’t understand.”<br><br>“Well, sure, anybody can make a little fire, but this isn’t claiming that he just made any old fire, did it?”<br><br>“No, he made the ‘flames of the gods’.”<br><br>“And that did what?”<br><br>“Chased away the darkness.”<br><br>“Indeed. But for whom did it chase away the darkness? Just a person or two?”<br><br>“No, it was for the people of Otharia.”<br><br>“So...?”<br><br>“It must have been a super strong flame!”<br><br>“Or he made flames everywhere, all over the country, or both. Could anybody else do that?”<br><br>“No!” The child smiled, proudly. “I get it now. It wasn’t so weird after all.”<br><br>“And now we know that Othar’s power was to be able to make super strong flames or something to that effect, like how I can control metal. So he must have been from my world and not a god.”<br><br>Sam scowled. “You said you weren’t going to do that today.”<br><br>“I guess I was wrong,” Blake chuckled. “Anything else catch your interest?”<br><br>“Well, in this passage...”</p> <hr> <p class="cnMyOGE4ZjIxMzk2YzQ5ZDg4MzUyNWJiZjE2YjgwZWUy">The pounding in Blake’s head refused his silent pleas for respite as he shuffled into his private area. As much as he needed sleep, it was still too early in the evening for him to sleep just yet, even if he went to bed extra early today. That left him wondering how best to use the hour or two remaining before he conked out for the night. <br><br>At first, Blake considered heading out to his facility outside the city where he kept his current pet project, but he didn’t have it in him this night. His brain hurt too much to have to wrestle with precise weight ratios and the limits of tucrenyx’s tensile strength. It was coming along nicely enough that he could leave it for a day or two. Perhaps in a few weeks, it would be ready for a test run.<br><br>Instead, he decided to spend a little time on his next big project post-sewers: trains. It was time that he opened up the country to its people. How much better would Otharia be if somebody could just hop on a free passenger train and go from Wroetin to Nont in just a few hours? And they would be free trains—Blake wanted as many people as possible to use the trains and get used to them.<br><br>Already he had most of the periphery worked out. He had routes drawn up between the cities. He had Samanta’s voice reading messages about stations and instructions. He had cabin designs and several different ideas for propulsion that he’d get around to testing shortly. But for now, his concerns were with something more basic. How was he going to build the tracks, and with what metal?<br><br>There was only so much tucrenyx available to Blake, and he didn’t think it wise to waste any of it on railroad tracks. And then there was the foundation beneath. Blake didn’t know too much about railroads, but he knew enough to realize that the tracks needed to be on something far more solid than just dirt. Rubbing his face, he decided to talk to Leo the next morning about just how many blacksmiths and stone Observers lived in Otharia these days.<br><br>Lying down once more on his bed, Blake stared up at the gray ceiling as the rest of his armor melted away. He hoped he’d be able to sleep alright for once, and not just because he was tired. With the war going on, something told him that he’d be sleeping even fewer hours every night soon enough. The sweet bliss of emptiness took him, if only for a little while.</p> <p class="cnM4MTkzMDZkYTE3YzQwYTRhMGJkMjA5OWJmMTZjNjBj">&nbsp;</p> </div>
“And so Otharo said ‘No longer need you fear the darkness, for the fires of Prometheus shall light your way.’ And, lo, did the flames of the gods appear, so that the people would not fear the shadows along their path...” Blake puttered about as Samanta read from the Writ of Otharo, listening with half his mind while he inspected a series of high overhead views of the border between Otharia and Eterium. A series of gray dots scurried over the terrain below. Each dot was a scout skitter patrolling the border, its path and timing coordinated to cover the maximum area while being as unpredictable as possible. These skitters were just one facet of the border security system Blake had created after his latest near-death experience. The ultimate goal was as simple as it was ambitious: to close off the border from foreigners absolutely, allowing not a single soul to enter Otharia without his knowledge and permission. The people who’d nearly killed him this last time had surely come from outside Otharia. If they had been Otharians they would have struck sooner to save their country, when he was weaker and less established. This felt like the actions of an outside power, one that had decided he'd become more than just a silly curiosity. Specifically, it sounded like Eterium. The Republic of Eterium just made sense. They were the largest power on the continent. They were the only country to share a border with Otharia and the only one that really had anything to fear from Otharia growing in power. They’d stolen chimirin during the fall of the old Otharia, which the assassins had used. And the poison on the one assassin’s knife was an obscure poison that only Eterium had access to. There were just too many coincidences for Blake to come to any other conclusion. He wasn’t about to give them, or anybody else, a second chance. Dozens of flitter drones hovered high above the border, keeping a tireless watch over every inch of the border with a combination of sensors that covered both the visible light and infrared spectrum. The skitters down below were the muscle, investigating anything the flitters picked up as well as searching with their own sensors just in case. Between the two groups, nobody stood a chance of crossing the border unseen. At least, nobody above ground. In a world where people had super strength or could just will rock to melt away like wax, Blake knew he could not ignore the likelihood that some group would try to tunnel their way past his blockade. That was why he’d also installed a series of “listening nodes”, as he liked to call them, designed to sense even the slightest of tremors below the ground. These nodes could sense somebody as deep as one hundred and fifty feet below the surface. That depth was more than enough; in his paranoia, Blake had drilled down into the earth and found that the water table for the border area was about one hundred to one hundred and twenty feet below ground. Otharia was surrounded by water on eighty-five percent of the country, with that last fifteen percent being a relatively thin connection with Eterium to the north-northwest, similar in Blake’s mind to how Spain stuck out from the bottom of France back on Earth. That meant he only had to concentrate on guarding fifteen percent of his borders, making the task far more feasible. Still, the main reason any of this was possible was that Blake knew he didn’t have to worry one bit about guarding Otharia’s coasts. The oceans of Scyria were so deadly that nobody would ever make it to his shores. Massive leviathans lurked beneath the waves, large enough to swallow a cargo plane whole. Schools of smaller, ravenous fish capable of chewing their through wooden hulls made the coastal waters their home. The ocean here was so inhospitable that, as far as Blake understood, not a single culture had ever built up any sort of naval technology. There were no fishermen, no trading ships... not even fishing from land worked well because even when a fish was caught, the others in the school would almost always chew through the line. With all of that said, it made sense that one of the locals’ favorite expressions to tell somebody to fuck off and die was “go jump in the sea”. Only thanks to those two facts was Blake able to create his border security system. Even just that much had required some repurposing and reassignment of existing robots, meaning his ability to monitor Otharia itself was now somewhat hampered. Regardless, Blake felt that the price was more than worth it and that it would pay for itself soon enough. “Thank you, Sam. It’s time for bed.” “But I want to keep reading,” the girl protested. Samanta enjoyed reading the Writ of Otharo and other old religious books for Blake more than almost anything else. Blake found this fact to be incredibly depressing. She likely felt the somewhat familiar passages to be comforting amidst the sweeping changes this past half-year that had swept her life away. He wished she enjoyed her studies as much as she enjoyed reading that trash. Still, she’d started actually trying to learn a while back, so he couldn’t ask for much more from her. “And you can do it more tomorrow,” Blake replied. “But for now, it’s sleep time. Leave the book here. It’s old and delicate.” Disappointed, the child put the book down on a nearby table and left, with Alpha, her metallic companion, clicking and clacking just behind her. Blake closed the door after they left, unconcerned with Samanta’s activities. He’d already sealed the fortress’s core for the night, and all that was in here was his rooms, her bedroom, and the lesson room, so there was nowhere else for her to go. If she wanted to walk up and down the hallway instead of sleeping, he didn’t care. At least, not tonight. Tonight he was too tired to care, even more so than usual. Making his way to his bedroom, Blake lay down on his bed. His metal casing melted away and he fell into slumber in mere seconds. --- Pain stormed through Blake’s body, roughly dragging him quite literally screaming back to consciousness. His body trembled and shook as he clenched his teeth. These fits were the hardest to deal with because unlike when he was awake, he didn’t have any warning that an episode was about to strike. He was never mentally prepared for the agony coursing through his veins. Still, he knew that just like any other, this wave would pass soon enough. Less than a minute later it did. Blake opened his eyes to check the time and a curse escaped his lips. Only two hours since he’d fallen asleep? With an angry sigh, he closed his eyes again, willing himself to relax, but relaxation would not come. Blake rubbed his face and fought against the frustration building inside of him. He was getting stuck in a vicious cycle that had plagued him since college, where he’d try so hard to sleep that he’d keep himself awake, which fueled his frustration as he watched the time he had left for rest dwindle away, which only kept him awake longer. He knew what was happening, but even the knowledge didn’t make it easy to stop. An hour and two bathroom breaks later, Blake finally fell back asleep. --- “You guys have something for headaches, right Leo? Please say yes.” Blake sat in the Council room the next morning, wishing he could take his helmet off to rub his head. But no, Leo was here, and the rest of his ministers were filing in as he spoke. Last night had not been fun for Blake. After hours of falling asleep and waking and falling asleep again, he wasn’t sure exactly just how much sleep he’d gotten, only that it was nowhere near enough. Now not only did he feel tired, his head felt like it was going to crack open any second now. “There are some teas that might help,” Leo said. “Should I have some prepared?” “Yeah, after the meeting. Can’t hurt I guess,” Blake replied. He tapped his fingers against the metal table. “Let’s get this over with. There’s some important stuff to talk about so let’s get all the rest of it out of the way first.” Quickly the group went through a variety of topics, from finances to agriculture to food storage. Little had changed on those fronts since the last meeting, which was good news as far as Blake was concerned. “Leo, how much longer until we have toilets in every home in the city? This is taking far longer than I hoped.” “My apologies, Lord Ferros. The task turned out to be far more chaotic than I initially assumed. I’ve doubled the men working on the property surveys.” “Good, hurry it up. There’s no point in a sewer if the people can’t use it... actually, that gives me an idea. Porta potties!” “Porta...?” “Public toilets! I want you to find areas in public, well-trafficked places where we can put some stalls. Each will likely be about, I don’t know, five feet long and wide and perhaps seven feet tall? Something like that. We’re going to place them around the city and have people use them. That should get them comfortable with the toilets by the time they’re installed in their homes too. Hmmmmm, I guess that means we need to hire some people to clean them too...” “That will, of course, add more expenses to the budget,” Finance Minister Zigmars Vietnieks chimed in. “At this rate, we will have to raise taxes by next spring.” “Eh,” Blake said, brushing Zigmars’s concerns aside, “we’ll deal with that when we come to it. For now, we have something much more important to talk about. I’m sure you all know what I mean.” A series of serious faces gave him his answer. He nodded to Simona Jumala, his overenthusiastic Minister of State. Even she seemed a little subdued today, for reasons that were quite understandable. “According to the Eterians, Vlesa fell yesterday,” she said. “They have re-upped their pleas for our aid.” Blake understood why they were begging for his help. According to the reports that had been filtering in the last few weeks, the Ubran Empire’s invasion was not going well for the home team. Rul had fallen almost immediately, with Nefin falling shortly thereafter, followed by the capital city of Lita. “Now that Vlesa is no more, Gustil has been completely taken by the Ubrans,” Simona explained. “Now all that stops their armies from sweeping across the entire Republic of Eterium is Begale. They are desperate, my Lord. We could get much out of them in exchange for joining the fight.” “Not happening,” Blake immediately stated, shooting the idea down immediately. “But it does leave us with an important set of decisions. The way I see it, the Empire has three main options once they take Begale, which at this rate will happen in just a few days. Either they will head straight for Crirada in the hopes that taking the Eterians’ capital will cut off the rest of the country for easy pickings, or they’ll hit the other cities first so they can concentrate on Crirada without needing to watch their backs, or they’ll just sweep across the country in a wave, hitting everything as they come to it. Two of those three options means trouble for us sooner than later, and with how well the Ubrans are rolling, even if they focus just on Crirada that will probably just delay things a week or two at most. Either way, we’re about to have a lot of people heading our way.” “If you are concerned about the Ubran armies, why not help stop them now?” asked Justice Minister Gunta Izkapts. “I’m not worried about their armies,” Blake answered. “I have full confidence that they will never take Otharia while I’m alive. But I’m not talking about the Ubrans. I’m talking about the Eterians. Does anybody know how many people live in Obosall?” Eterium had a city close to its border near each of the other countries except Stragma. They apparently referred to these cities as “gatekeeper cities” and used them to control the flow of goods between nations. Surprisingly, there was one even for Otharia: Obosall. “It’s small for an Eterian city,” Simona replied. “But still a couple hundred thousand at least. And that isn’t counting smaller towns and villages in the area.” “When the Ubrans close in, the vast majority of Obosall are heading our way,” Blake predicted. “The question is what we are going to do about it.” “Hundreds of thousands of Elselings heading into this country?!” Minister Izkapts gasped in horror, before realizing her error. “I-I meant no offense, L-Lord Ferros-” “I’m sure you didn’t,” Blake said darkly, fixing her with as withering a glare as he could manage with a mask over his face. “Don’t let me hear that word coming from your mouth again, or there will be consequences. That goes for all of you.” He leaned back in his chair. “That said, the public will likely react like you just did, except worse. Does anybody here believe that if the Eterians were let in, the people of this country would be able to handle it without panic, chaos, and violence?” The silence around the table told him all he needed to know. “Alright then, what if we were to let them camp near the border on the Eterian side?” “They’d need food,” Fricis Upeslacis, Minister of Agriculture, said with a dismissive shake of his head. “We have enough food stored from the harvest to last us through the winter, but not enough to share with an entire extra city of people. There’s just not enough.” “Do we have to help them at all?” Simona asked. “Why not just let them pet the beast they raised? They brought this on themselves, let them suffer for it.” Right, Blake remembered, Simona had no love for the Eterians. Likely much if not all of the country harbored ill will towards their neighbors to the north. Centuries of being mocked and pushed around would do that. “While I share your feelings, I don’t want hundreds of thousands of people dying on my doorstep,” Blake replied. “When those people get desperate, they’ll try something stupid like rushing the border en masse and I’ll have no choice but to shoot them. Then suddenly I’m the bad guy. Now does anybody have any suggestions that don’t involve the likely death of more than two hundred thousand people?” The ministers looked at each other, but nobody spoke up. Blake sighed. “Well, one way or another, they’re coming and I plan to be ready for them. I want a list of possible solutions ready for me within the next five days. And I want each of you to have gone over that list and prepare possible issues each solution might have with your area of expertise. Understood? Good. Meeting adjourned.” Blake stood up, fighting back a tired groan as he did so. “Leo, I’ll be in my quarters. Bring me some of that tea you were talking about.” Walking back towards the fortress’s center, Blake couldn’t help but feel disappointed in the results of the meeting. He’d been hoping for somebody to provide a suggestion that would show him the way, but nothing had come. He was still stuck on square one. The problem that Blake faced was that he didn’t know what, if anything, he should do about the whole situation—not just the refugees but the war as well. On the one hand, when Blake had said “I will enjoy watching you burn”, he’d meant every word. He felt no obligation whatsoever towards helping the same people who’d tried to kill him. That being said, he’d expected them to put up more of a fight. The ideal outcome, in his mind, had been the nation-equivalent of two drunk assholes beating the shit out of each other in an alley out behind a bar, and him standing off to the side enjoying the show. Once the two had taken enough damage, he could step in and end the fight whichever way he so desired. That plan seemed out the window at this point. Now Blake had a host of new questions to deal with instead. Should he just sit back and watch Eterium fall to is doom, with Kutrad, Drayhadal, and maybe even Stragma to follow? If not, when should he step in? Did he even have the ability to stop the Ubrans with his current resources? What if he could, but it would require sending everything he had and opening up Otharia to attack? He didn’t have answers for any of these questions just yet, even though he’d been pondering them for a while now. Blake couldn’t deny that being able to protect those people when the Eterians couldn’t do so would be a glorious middle finger to those asswipes, especially that stuck-up condescending Amatza Motrico. Yet he didn’t dare allow the refugees into Otharia, not only for the reasons expressed during the meeting but also for his own more paranoid ones. If he were in the Ubrans’ shoes, he would absolutely try to sneak as many undercover agents as possible within that group of people fleeing for their lives. Letting the refugees in would undermine the border security system into which he’d invested so much time, effort, and resources, and it would destroy the sense of security that he needed to function as a sane human being. Ugh, his head wouldn’t stop aching. Leo couldn’t get here with that tea soon enough. --- “Alright Sam, here’s the deal,” Blake said to his ward as they began their daily lesson. “I’m not feeling so hot right now and your country’s tea is nothing but snake oil and placebo, so we’re going to do something a bit different than normal. Today I want you to talk about the books you’ve been reading.” “Ummmm...” Sam replied, uncertainty plainly visible on her face. “Specifically, I want you to discuss with me everything about them that seems wrong or off to you. Things that struck you as weird as you read them. Things that made you have questions. This should help develop your critical thinking skills.” Her face soured immediately. “You just want me to say that Othar isn’t a god or something, like you always do.” “Not today,” he said assuringly. “The point of this today is for you to come to your own conclusions. So tell me, what parts of those books made you think something was strange?” “Um, in the Word of Othar it says that Othar slew a dragon with his mighty sword, but in the Writ of Otharo it said that he used a spear-” “No no no, not like that. The details between those two are going to differ all over the place. It’s like if you told me a story and I told Leo and he told Simona and so forth, eventually the small bits are going to change. But what about things that seemed to disagree with the world itself? Did anything make you say ‘huh, that’s strange’?” Samanta didn't reply at first, instead staring straight ahead, lost in thought. “Well,” she said after a while, “I did think it was a little weird that they talked about Othar’s fire so much last night.” “I’m not sure what you mean.” “I mean, um... everybody can make fire, right? At least a little bit. But it said here that... uhh...” The girl picked up the Writ of Otharo, which sat on a small desk to the side. Blake had brought the books in with him just in case they would be needed. “Here!” “And so Otharo said ‘No longer need you fear the darkness, for the fires of Prometheus shall light your way.’ And, lo, did the flames of the gods appear, so that the people would not fear the shadows along their path,” Samanta intoned. “I remember thinking that it was weird that they talked about how he made fire when everybody can do it.” “So then let’s think about this. What could explain that?” “I dunno.” “Start by asking yourself some questions. For example, are they remarking upon the fact that he’s making fire, or something else about it?” “I don’t understand.” “Well, sure, anybody can make a little fire, but this isn’t claiming that he just made any old fire, did it?” “No, he made the ‘flames of the gods’.” “And that did what?” “Chased away the darkness.” “Indeed. But for whom did it chase away the darkness? Just a person or two?” “No, it was for the people of Otharia.” “So...?” “It must have been a super strong flame!” “Or he made flames everywhere, all over the country, or both. Could anybody else do that?” “No!” The child smiled, proudly. “I get it now. It wasn’t so weird after all.” “And now we know that Othar’s power was to be able to make super strong flames or something to that effect, like how I can control metal. So he must have been from my world and not a god.” Sam scowled. “You said you weren’t going to do that today.” “I guess I was wrong,” Blake chuckled. “Anything else catch your interest?” “Well, in this passage...” --- The pounding in Blake’s head refused his silent pleas for respite as he shuffled into his private area. As much as he needed sleep, it was still too early in the evening for him to sleep just yet, even if he went to bed extra early today. That left him wondering how best to use the hour or two remaining before he conked out for the night. At first, Blake considered heading out to his facility outside the city where he kept his current pet project, but he didn’t have it in him this night. His brain hurt too much to have to wrestle with precise weight ratios and the limits of tucrenyx’s tensile strength. It was coming along nicely enough that he could leave it for a day or two. Perhaps in a few weeks, it would be ready for a test run. Instead, he decided to spend a little time on his next big project post-sewers: trains. It was time that he opened up the country to its people. How much better would Otharia be if somebody could just hop on a free passenger train and go from Wroetin to Nont in just a few hours? And they would be free trains—Blake wanted as many people as possible to use the trains and get used to them. Already he had most of the periphery worked out. He had routes drawn up between the cities. He had Samanta’s voice reading messages about stations and instructions. He had cabin designs and several different ideas for propulsion that he’d get around to testing shortly. But for now, his concerns were with something more basic. How was he going to build the tracks, and with what metal? There was only so much tucrenyx available to Blake, and he didn’t think it wise to waste any of it on railroad tracks. And then there was the foundation beneath. Blake didn’t know too much about railroads, but he knew enough to realize that the tracks needed to be on something far more solid than just dirt. Rubbing his face, he decided to talk to Leo the next morning about just how many blacksmiths and stone Observers lived in Otharia these days. Lying down once more on his bed, Blake stared up at the gray ceiling as the rest of his armor melted away. He hoped he’d be able to sleep alright for once, and not just because he was tired. With the war going on, something told him that he’d be sleeping even fewer hours every night soon enough. The sweet bliss of emptiness took him, if only for a little while.
{ "title": "The Dungeon Boss's Favorite Game - A Virmo Story", "id": 21276, "author": "Michael Dale", "rating": 4.6 }
{ "title": "Chapter Eight", "id": 306004, "next": 306367, "prev": 305360, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxOTIxNjBiYzlkZTRjNzZiOGU5MjBhZmZlNDk1MzE2">Several minutes of walking later, the group came to a halt as they all began to hear a high pitch buzzing sound coming from around a bend in the tunnel.</p> <p class="cnNlMWE5OGU3OTkwNjQ2NTJhNjlkNWQ3OTExNjc5YmJm">“What is that?” FarShot whispered.</p> <p class="cnM4NmY3MmZhZTc4NjQ1YzRiNGU1ODRmZWQzNDRlNWM0">“It sounds like a swarm of mosquitoes. Really big mosquitoes,” ShadowRunner answered.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDVhY2RkMjQxMDRiNzRhYjRiMmNiYzAwMjU3ZmIy">“You’re supposed to be a stealth type, right? Why don’t you go forward and scout it out for us? Just peek around the corner, then come back and let me and your sister know what’s ahead.”</p> <p class="cnMyMjZkMDUyOWZiYjQzYzI5ZjZjZTU2NmI2YWI1NTcw">ShadowRunner looked to his sister, who nodded in agreement. He shrugged. “Yea, I guess that makes sense. Be right back.”</p> <p class="cnM0YmVmNTc2ZjAwNDQ5NzA5MGJkZmQ5YzFlOWQ2NzU3">Bob and FarShot watched him move toward the bend in the tunnel, with exaggerated slowness and careful steps. The he stopped, stiffened, and turned to run back to the other two.</p> <p class="cnMyMmNmMWU4Y2QxNjQ2NWQ5YzE1NDVkMzhlMjUxNzZk">“Shield and turret now! There’s a bunch of floating thingies coming!”</p> <p class="cnMwODQ2Y2RmYjczNjRiM2ZhZmNjOWY3OTFjMGU0M2Q5">Bob responded quickly by deploying the shield against the left wall and dropping the turret against the opposite wall. As they finished deploying, the buzzing noise got quite a bit louder as the ‘floating thingies’ came into view. About two dozen objects floated into view, flitting about through the air in complex patterns without the aid of wings. They ranged in size from several inches across to a couple feet, and they definitely weren’t friendly. ShadowRunner ducked behind the shield with them, as the mysteriously floating objects began to open fire on them with projectiles of varying sizes, and Bob’s turret responded in kind. Bob stumbled back and fell on his butt, the wind knocked out of him. ShadowRunner and FarShot hunched behind the shield.</p> <p class="cnNjZDZiMzdhMmZkYjRlZTE5NmM4NjBlMThhZTE1OTdh">“Bob! Are you okay?” FarShot asked, looking worried.</p> <p class="cnMwZmFjMTkxYmE4NTQ1MTJiNGJmM2I4NWQ1NGZiYmM1">He looked down at his chest, where he felt pain, actual pain. A small, shiny piece of metal was embedded in the fabric of his body armor, along with numerous slivers of metal. He pried it out, and looked at the deformed bullet. “Yea. That was unexpectedly painful. Let’s shoot these things down.”</p> <p class="cnNmYjhmZTRmNDdhYzQ3YzdiMTMxYzNlZmVhMjJmNzgy">The siblings nodded.</p> <p class="cnNiOGJlOTQwYzBjZDQ3NjJiZGI2ZTk3YTRkOGY2Mzc4">Bob pulled the spare shield from his inventory and deployed it next to the current one, which was blocking the constant hail of projectiles, giving the trio a bit more room. ShadowRunner popped up and started firing wildly, and the firing began to focus on him. FarShot peeked above the barricade and fired off a couple shots before dropping back down, then Bob did the same, but with less than stellar results.</p> <p class="cnNhZDBiYmIzZWZiMjRmNDRhYTQ1Zjc1NjRmY2IzYWQ3">ShadowRunner ducked back down after a couple more seconds, his face bloody, and his chest covered in tiny slivers of metal.</p> <p class="cnNmNjhhMDhmMzg1MTRmMTA4ZjE2OTNhZDljOWUyOGY4">“These things are really hard to hit, the way the keep moving around like that. FarShot, can you focus on taking down the bigger ones? They’ve got the bigger guns and are most dangerous to us, though I think they’re focusing on Bob’s turret which is wrecking all the little ones.”</p> <p class="cnMwZDY5N2Q0MzdkMTRlOTM4NDAwYTgwMTA0YWVmY2Ix">“Got it,” she said before popping up and firing off a couple more shots.</p> <p class="cnM1MjUxZWI1MTVhNjQ3NWY4NTJhODE5YjdkODIxMzQw">Bob glanced at his turret, and sure enough, it was getting bombarded, though its armored body seemed to be holding up well — for now, at least. He popped back up and fired a couple more shots, this time focusing on the larger ones. His shots hit a circular shape that projected from the thing’s side, about where he’d expect a wing to be, which caused it to spark and smoke, then careen into the ground as it lost control. He ducked back down as he was peppered with a barrage of much smaller projectiles.</p> <p class="cnM3NGYyOTZhMThiNzQ2NmI5YmNkZWY4MmZiNmQ2MTg5">He popped back up again a few more times, but was not as lucky with his shots, and ShadowRunner did not seem to be having much luck either. FarShot, on the other hand, was steadily putting their enemies down, while Bob’s turret cleared the air of smaller enemies.</p> <p class="cnM4YTYzZTQxZGRiMjQwZmRiZGM3NjU0ZjU5NjZmNTQz">“Ooh, my rifle skill just went up!” FarShot cheered as she downed another flier.</p> <p class="cnNmOGRkZjJlZGM5ODQwZWM4YmZmMGMxYzljMDA4ODkw">“Oh, shit, what’s that?”</p> <p class="cnM2MzJkOWVmOTQzOTQ5NDY5YWRhZTNkNzg1ZGVkMTZj">Bob popped up to look and saw a much larger and slower object float into view. This one was about the size of a wagon, and was attended by a swarm of much smaller fliers, which streamed towards the fallen to ferry bits and pieces of them back to the larger one. This one lacked the peculiar bobbing motions of the smaller ones.</p> <p class="cnNhNTM0OGM3ZTJkMzRjZWY5NDVjZTdlMmYyMTEzYTYy">Bob heard the chime of a quest update, then it clicked in his head. “I think these are the rogue drones we got the request for, and that’s probably the mother drone.”</p> <p class="cnM5MTAzYzgxN2ViZDQxYTVhM2Q1NDhmZjM0MmRkNzNh">As he said this, he heard a loud hum build and then a crack.</p> <p class="cnNkODg2ODA4YzBiZTRmZjY4ZjNiNmI5Zjk1OWI4MGVh"><strong>&lt;&lt;Turret offline, critical damage.</strong></p> <p class="cnNmMjc4NDA3ZDBjODQ1NzA4MjU4ZGQ3M2RiNmU5NjU4">Bob’s turret tumbled backwards, a smoking hole in its armored shell. He pulled out his spare turret, and tossed it out in buckshot mode once more, then stood to take a few shots and get a better look at the mother drone. It was covered in sleek gray armor, with glassy domes peppered around its surface. On the underside of it was a long, boxy protrusion with a hole in the end of it, which was swiveling to point at FarShot while she was taking her own shots. He heard that building hum again, and ducked, pulling her down with him.</p> <p class="cnM2M2JlZjdjNjEyZDQ5ZmZiNmU3YzRkNDlmZDk2ZmYx">*CRACK*</p> <p class="cnM2NTA2N2FhODM3YTQ5MzZhZWIzMjZjNjc1ODBhNjcx">A small chunk disappeared from the top of his shield, and the two were splattered by the glossy goop that coated the shield.</p> <p class="cnMzZjc0ZjMyN2EwNDRmYzdiYWFkYzZlYzExMTE5N2Jh">“Thanks!”</p> <p class="cnM3Y2NlMDFkZGIxNDQ0ZTRhNjEzNTk4ZDk1NTZiOTE5">They both returned to firing.</p> <p class="cnMzZDczNTNhYTAxZjQxMTdhOTY5YTE0YzYxZTNiMmJm">“Uh, guys, I’m running out of ammo here. I’ve only got like two magazines left,” ShadowRunner said.</p> <p class="cnM1MGMzOWUxZWI4YTQ0Yzg4YmNjMjBmOWE5ZWJiOTdm">“Neither of us are really doing anything to it, only FarShot’s gun is punching through its armor,” Bob replied, as he ducked back down to reload.</p> <p class="cnMxMDE5N2RmY2IyNTQxYTM5YmFlZDBlMTBlNTNjOWFj">“Well, then I’ve got a crazy idea. And if it works, I’ll be the hero, if not, I’ll have to deal with an hour of death penalty. Try to bait out another shot from that big gun it has first.”</p> <p class="cnMxNjFiMTZjMDRjYzQ4ZDc5NDNhYjdiNjY3OTBkZWVl">FarShot nodded, then popped up and started firing repeatedly. The smaller drones had been cleared by Bob’s turret, aside from the tiny ones that were picking up all the drone pieces scattered all over the tunnel and ferrying them to the mother drone. Bob stood and took a few potshots as well, keeping an eye on the mother drone’s reactions. The big gun pointed towards FarShot, and began to hum with power. She dodged out of the way just before it fired and bored another hole through the portable shield.</p> <p class="cnMwOTZkNWI5N2JjYjQ4NjU4Y2I1MzJjNTBiYmJiMGZm">ShadowRunner leapt over the barricade and ran toward the mother drone, and dove onto it. He only had one pistol in hand now, as he was using the other hand to grip at one of the shattered glass domes for a handhold. The mother drone, seemed to freeze at this unexpected move, which gave him a moment to line up the pistol in his free hand with one of the holes punched by FarShot’s gauss rifle, and start pulling the trigger. The mother drone began to shudder as he did this, then, with a hiss and a clanking sound, an armor panel on its side fell open, revealing a partially finished drone, one of the larger ones, but with an only partially finished armored exterior. It drifted free of the mother drone, and turned and started firing on ShadowRunner as he frenziedly emptied his pistol into the mother drone’s insides.</p> <p class="cnM5NGMyM2Y2ZGY1ZDQ3ZTM4ZTA1Y2U0MGYzNmZmMTg4">However, the unfinished drone exploded in a shower of sparks and broken parts as Bob and his turret fired on it at the same time.</p> <p class="cnNlYTcwZTdlNTEzYTQzODU5MWU3MzI2NjExYWVkNmYz">Then, with a final shudder and a loud pop, the mother drone dropped from where it was hovering as if it had been held up by strings that had just been cut. The impact jarred ShadowRunner loose, and he fell to the ground, a puddle of blood slowly spreading from where he’d been shot by the half-finished drone.</p> <p class="cnNhOGZjNzUwMGVjMzQ4ZGNhZTY5N2U3OTE0ZTg2ZmQ0">Another pop and a cloud of bluish smoke emerged from the mother drone.</p> <p class="cnNjZWJjYTE2NDRmNDRkOGFhZDhhNThlZDFmZTJjMDI1"><strong>&lt;&lt;Level up. You have reached Level 3 as a Combat Engineer. You have received one skill point.</strong></p> <p class="cnM2MmNhODVkYTRmYTQxZmZhM2IzMGJiMTUyMWRmYWY5">“Huh, that’s convenient,” said ShadowRunner. “When you level up, it removes status effects.” He groaned and sat up. “Almost out of health though. Don’t suppose they have healing potions or the like?”</p> <p class="cnNlMzBiM2YwMTQyNDQ2NmZhZDBiYzhkNzY1YWU3ZDBl">Bob shrugged. “Not that I saw, but if they do it probably has some strange name. Even the healer class is named weird, it’s called a ‘Medic’ for some reason.”</p> <p class="cnMyMDgxM2E5MWIzMjQyM2U5YTBkZDMzODhmZDUzMDRm">FarShot shrugged.</p> <p class="cnM2NzA3NzU3YTQwOTQ4MzY4ZmY0ZTYxYTA0ZDRkZmRk">Bob checked his quest journal, and confirmed that all the requests except the retrieval one were marked as complete. “Do we want to keep going and try to finish that retrieval quest, or you want to just call it good and head back?”</p> <p class="cnMwNmYxYTI2ZDk5MDRhMWVhNGFkOGIwNTkyYjY0Y2I0">ShadowRunner was about to answer when he stood, and placed his hand on the inactive drone mother to casually lean against it, then jumped back. “Wait, what? We can get loot from these things? Its giving me a list of available loot.”</p> <p class="cnM5OGI4YzI1NWU2NTRmYTRiNTllZWNiZTMyODExMDJk">Bob looked at him quizzically, but ShadowRunner didn’t notice. He moved over and touched the wreck of the half-finished drone. “Huh, same list of available loot. So is it the loot for the whole battle then? That’s convenient.” As he said this, the mother drone and the remains of the other drones all dissolved into a swirl of dust.</p> <p class="cnNiNDI3MjAwYTU3MTRmYmU5ZjAwNTA3NjE2YjdhZjgz">All three received notifications for items received. Bob quirked his eyebrow at one in particular, which he opened his inventory to inspect.</p> <p class="cnNjZGVmZWY2NWJkMDQxYWQ4NmZlMGJjZDNjYWQ1MGNk">&nbsp;</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table style="background-color: #878787"> <tbody> <tr style="text-align: center"> <td width="576"> <p class="cnNiMmQ0NmUzMDRjNzQ3MzlhNzg2MGIzZDA1YTE0MGE0" style="text-align: center"><strong>Small Rail Cannon</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="576"> <p class="cnNiYjFmNjI4MWY0MDRlNDY5OGI1MjMxNDc3NzdhMDY3" style="text-align: center">This electrically driven cannon fires high velocity tungsten sabots with high precision. It is currently tooled for integration with an automated system. This weapon is prone to over-heating if proper coolant subsystems are not installed.</p> <p class="cnMzYWMzYjgyMTkxZDRkOWZhOTk3YmNkMzdlNzk2N2U2" style="text-align: center">Power requirements (minimum): 700 Watts</p> <p class="cnM2OTliMTkwMzMyODRlN2M5NjJhYmYwYTNjY2ZhMDgx" style="text-align: center">Power requirements (recommended): 1200 Watts</p> <p class="cnM4ZjM0ZTk0NDBjYjQ2YjJiNjY2ODY2NGJjMGIwZWU0" style="text-align: center">Rate of fire: 15 RPM</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM2MGFlOWYxMzQ1NTQ3NDJiMDU0Nzk0ZDAxNTAyZjY0">“Oh, wow. I want to make a turret with this thing.” Bob shared the cannon’s details with the other two.</p> <p class="cnM0NTgxYmQ4N2RhZDQ1ODk4MTQ3OTVjZWU3ZDMzZDFh">“That would be awesome,” ShadowRunner said.</p> <p class="cnM2MWU0MjE3MTFmYTRlNjI5NTFmZjdiYzE3MWIyMzRh">“I ended up with something called a part printer and assembly bay. Everything else was labeled as some variant of Drone Component. I guess we can just sell it off for credits and upgrade our gear,” said FarShot.</p> <p class="cnMwN2NiYjJlMjQyMDRmYjg5NWEzMWFkMDhjYmY4YWUx">“Makes sense,’ her brother agreed.</p> <p class="cnNhY2I4NjhiNDA3NTRiMWM4NjIxMTJkNDA3OWU3YmFh">“Look it up on the WIK first, you never know if it might be something useful.” Bob deactivated and gathered up his items, and retrieved his damaged turret. “So, keep going or not?”</p> <p class="cnMzNDFkMTRjMDAxMjRjYTBiZGJhMTcxMzY0NjlhN2Fj">“I say we head back. I’m like one solid hit away from dying, and I’m about out of ammo. Gotta make sure I really stock up next time.”</p> <p class="cnNlMTNmYzIyY2ViYzRmNmM5MzYzMTVjZjE4MzI5YWI0">FarShot nodded. “Besides, it’s probably nearing time for dinner,” she said with a roll of her eyes.</p> <p class="cnNlNzI2ZjU2NzZhNzQ5ODZiNDc3Mzg1NDM2YWRkYzM5">“Right. I suppose I should figure out how to repair my stuff. I hope it’s not overly complicated.”</p> <p class="cnM3NzQ0ZjNmODA0MjQ3ZmZhZWMxNDVmZWZiNmRjMWE4">After a brief walk, following their Nav screens and only running into a few mutant rats and cockroaches along the way, they exited the tunnels of the Yellow Zone into a a warehouse filled area in the Green Zone of Servo City. After a brief farewell, the siblings disappeared in a glowing swirl of light.</p> </div>
Several minutes of walking later, the group came to a halt as they all began to hear a high pitch buzzing sound coming from around a bend in the tunnel. “What is that?” FarShot whispered. “It sounds like a swarm of mosquitoes. Really big mosquitoes,” ShadowRunner answered. “You’re supposed to be a stealth type, right? Why don’t you go forward and scout it out for us? Just peek around the corner, then come back and let me and your sister know what’s ahead.” ShadowRunner looked to his sister, who nodded in agreement. He shrugged. “Yea, I guess that makes sense. Be right back.” Bob and FarShot watched him move toward the bend in the tunnel, with exaggerated slowness and careful steps. The he stopped, stiffened, and turned to run back to the other two. “Shield and turret now! There’s a bunch of floating thingies coming!” Bob responded quickly by deploying the shield against the left wall and dropping the turret against the opposite wall. As they finished deploying, the buzzing noise got quite a bit louder as the ‘floating thingies’ came into view. About two dozen objects floated into view, flitting about through the air in complex patterns without the aid of wings. They ranged in size from several inches across to a couple feet, and they definitely weren’t friendly. ShadowRunner ducked behind the shield with them, as the mysteriously floating objects began to open fire on them with projectiles of varying sizes, and Bob’s turret responded in kind. Bob stumbled back and fell on his butt, the wind knocked out of him. ShadowRunner and FarShot hunched behind the shield. “Bob! Are you okay?” FarShot asked, looking worried. He looked down at his chest, where he felt pain, actual pain. A small, shiny piece of metal was embedded in the fabric of his body armor, along with numerous slivers of metal. He pried it out, and looked at the deformed bullet. “Yea. That was unexpectedly painful. Let’s shoot these things down.” The siblings nodded. Bob pulled the spare shield from his inventory and deployed it next to the current one, which was blocking the constant hail of projectiles, giving the trio a bit more room. ShadowRunner popped up and started firing wildly, and the firing began to focus on him. FarShot peeked above the barricade and fired off a couple shots before dropping back down, then Bob did the same, but with less than stellar results. ShadowRunner ducked back down after a couple more seconds, his face bloody, and his chest covered in tiny slivers of metal. “These things are really hard to hit, the way the keep moving around like that. FarShot, can you focus on taking down the bigger ones? They’ve got the bigger guns and are most dangerous to us, though I think they’re focusing on Bob’s turret which is wrecking all the little ones.” “Got it,” she said before popping up and firing off a couple more shots. Bob glanced at his turret, and sure enough, it was getting bombarded, though its armored body seemed to be holding up well — for now, at least. He popped back up and fired a couple more shots, this time focusing on the larger ones. His shots hit a circular shape that projected from the thing’s side, about where he’d expect a wing to be, which caused it to spark and smoke, then careen into the ground as it lost control. He ducked back down as he was peppered with a barrage of much smaller projectiles. He popped back up again a few more times, but was not as lucky with his shots, and ShadowRunner did not seem to be having much luck either. FarShot, on the other hand, was steadily putting their enemies down, while Bob’s turret cleared the air of smaller enemies. “Ooh, my rifle skill just went up!” FarShot cheered as she downed another flier. “Oh, shit, what’s that?” Bob popped up to look and saw a much larger and slower object float into view. This one was about the size of a wagon, and was attended by a swarm of much smaller fliers, which streamed towards the fallen to ferry bits and pieces of them back to the larger one. This one lacked the peculiar bobbing motions of the smaller ones. Bob heard the chime of a quest update, then it clicked in his head. “I think these are the rogue drones we got the request for, and that’s probably the mother drone.” As he said this, he heard a loud hum build and then a crack. **<<Turret offline, critical damage.** Bob’s turret tumbled backwards, a smoking hole in its armored shell. He pulled out his spare turret, and tossed it out in buckshot mode once more, then stood to take a few shots and get a better look at the mother drone. It was covered in sleek gray armor, with glassy domes peppered around its surface. On the underside of it was a long, boxy protrusion with a hole in the end of it, which was swiveling to point at FarShot while she was taking her own shots. He heard that building hum again, and ducked, pulling her down with him. *CRACK* A small chunk disappeared from the top of his shield, and the two were splattered by the glossy goop that coated the shield. “Thanks!” They both returned to firing. “Uh, guys, I’m running out of ammo here. I’ve only got like two magazines left,” ShadowRunner said. “Neither of us are really doing anything to it, only FarShot’s gun is punching through its armor,” Bob replied, as he ducked back down to reload. “Well, then I’ve got a crazy idea. And if it works, I’ll be the hero, if not, I’ll have to deal with an hour of death penalty. Try to bait out another shot from that big gun it has first.” FarShot nodded, then popped up and started firing repeatedly. The smaller drones had been cleared by Bob’s turret, aside from the tiny ones that were picking up all the drone pieces scattered all over the tunnel and ferrying them to the mother drone. Bob stood and took a few potshots as well, keeping an eye on the mother drone’s reactions. The big gun pointed towards FarShot, and began to hum with power. She dodged out of the way just before it fired and bored another hole through the portable shield. ShadowRunner leapt over the barricade and ran toward the mother drone, and dove onto it. He only had one pistol in hand now, as he was using the other hand to grip at one of the shattered glass domes for a handhold. The mother drone, seemed to freeze at this unexpected move, which gave him a moment to line up the pistol in his free hand with one of the holes punched by FarShot’s gauss rifle, and start pulling the trigger. The mother drone began to shudder as he did this, then, with a hiss and a clanking sound, an armor panel on its side fell open, revealing a partially finished drone, one of the larger ones, but with an only partially finished armored exterior. It drifted free of the mother drone, and turned and started firing on ShadowRunner as he frenziedly emptied his pistol into the mother drone’s insides. However, the unfinished drone exploded in a shower of sparks and broken parts as Bob and his turret fired on it at the same time. Then, with a final shudder and a loud pop, the mother drone dropped from where it was hovering as if it had been held up by strings that had just been cut. The impact jarred ShadowRunner loose, and he fell to the ground, a puddle of blood slowly spreading from where he’d been shot by the half-finished drone. Another pop and a cloud of bluish smoke emerged from the mother drone. **<<Level up. You have reached Level 3 as a Combat Engineer. You have received one skill point.** “Huh, that’s convenient,” said ShadowRunner. “When you level up, it removes status effects.” He groaned and sat up. “Almost out of health though. Don’t suppose they have healing potions or the like?” Bob shrugged. “Not that I saw, but if they do it probably has some strange name. Even the healer class is named weird, it’s called a ‘Medic’ for some reason.” FarShot shrugged. Bob checked his quest journal, and confirmed that all the requests except the retrieval one were marked as complete. “Do we want to keep going and try to finish that retrieval quest, or you want to just call it good and head back?” ShadowRunner was about to answer when he stood, and placed his hand on the inactive drone mother to casually lean against it, then jumped back. “Wait, what? We can get loot from these things? Its giving me a list of available loot.” Bob looked at him quizzically, but ShadowRunner didn’t notice. He moved over and touched the wreck of the half-finished drone. “Huh, same list of available loot. So is it the loot for the whole battle then? That’s convenient.” As he said this, the mother drone and the remains of the other drones all dissolved into a swirl of dust. All three received notifications for items received. Bob quirked his eyebrow at one in particular, which he opened his inventory to inspect.   | **Small Rail Cannon** | | --- | | This electrically driven cannon fires high velocity tungsten sabots with high precision. It is currently tooled for integration with an automated system. This weapon is prone to over-heating if proper coolant subsystems are not installed. Power requirements (minimum): 700 Watts Power requirements (recommended): 1200 Watts Rate of fire: 15 RPM | “Oh, wow. I want to make a turret with this thing.” Bob shared the cannon’s details with the other two. “That would be awesome,” ShadowRunner said. “I ended up with something called a part printer and assembly bay. Everything else was labeled as some variant of Drone Component. I guess we can just sell it off for credits and upgrade our gear,” said FarShot. “Makes sense,’ her brother agreed. “Look it up on the WIK first, you never know if it might be something useful.” Bob deactivated and gathered up his items, and retrieved his damaged turret. “So, keep going or not?” “I say we head back. I’m like one solid hit away from dying, and I’m about out of ammo. Gotta make sure I really stock up next time.” FarShot nodded. “Besides, it’s probably nearing time for dinner,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Right. I suppose I should figure out how to repair my stuff. I hope it’s not overly complicated.” After a brief walk, following their Nav screens and only running into a few mutant rats and cockroaches along the way, they exited the tunnels of the Yellow Zone into a a warehouse filled area in the Green Zone of Servo City. After a brief farewell, the siblings disappeared in a glowing swirl of light.
{ "title": "Lost in a Magical World", "id": 20326, "author": "VJ", "rating": 3.9 }
{ "title": "Chapter 5.4: Crew's day out", "id": 306005, "next": 308682, "prev": 303844, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxM2YxMWY1NGJmZDQ0ODc4MGUxNjk3NzM0YjQ5ZmUw">Angela was tired of only seeing the city remotely. Alex has being going to the city for four days now, and she was tired of not experiencing it herself. On the first two days it was exciting to see those people even if only remotely. But after the initial excitement died down, it felt like they were prisoners looking at the world outside through a window. She started campaigning for them to take a trip there, Paul was reluctant because they still couldn't speak the language beyond basic phrases, but that would be true for several weeks even with the teaching program which was extremely good. In order to side step the issue Angela pointed out that Alex only talked to people when he wanted it, so they wouldn't need to either, especially with Alex acting as a guide.</p> <p class="cnM4ZWE0NjgwNzczNzRiODk4NzQxYTAwMTdhNjk0MTYx">She had been so bored that she had the computer create a map of the city from what they were seeing through the watch. She used that to create a virtual 3D representation of the city she could navigate in while learning the language. It took her two days to convince Alice and after that Paul was easy, now they just had to approach Alex.</p> <p class="cnM3N2VmYjkzOWMwMzQxZDA5Mzg0YjkzYTZmY2Y0Yzc4">She decided to do it during breakfast, Alex still complained the bland tasting food, but she quite liked it, she didn't know what he was used to eating but the food created by the machine have been passable, and it didn't hurt that he chose different breakfast every day so that they wouldn't get fed up with one type of food. It didn't matter if he said that the imitation food didn't get anywhere near the originals in his world, to her it was better than station food.</p> <p class="cnMzMzdjMjRlZGI4ZDQwYzk4ZTdjNGIyYmQzZDQxOWVl">"We're going with you today" Angela decided to simply be blunt, she didn't want to ask permission and didn't want to give him the opportunity to say no.</p> <p class="cnM5YTVmOGEzODYwYzQyY2I4NTdkNGQ2ZjI2YmE4YTQ1">"What?" he asked confused, then it looks like it downed on him "to the city? I thought we agreed that you would go only after learning to speak the language"</p> <p class="cnNhNGUxMDIzMTEyZDQ2ZjE5ZTA2Y2JkOGQxNDAzYTY3">He was right that they had agreed to it, but it was getting in stuffy the shuttle, she didn't know if being cooked up in the shuttle was better or worse before knowing that there were people out there she could interact with. She almost felt like a thirsty man in a desert falling short just before arriving at an oasis, it was depressing.</p> <p class="cnNmYTc4ODk5NTYzZDQ0ZTU5ZjZiM2ViMzE5MGNlZWEx">"Yeah, well, we decided that since there don't seem to be a need to talk to people while there we could just walk around the city" Angela explained "We already know some key words and phrases, and f the need arises you help out". She had decided not to frame is as a request so that he didn't think he could weasel his way out"</p> <p class="cnMzYjQ0ZDJhMDhkOTRiZjRiNjA0MjM1YWE2NDg2MzZi">"Well, all I was going to do was check out two more locations today, the city is too big to see in just a few trips. We also need to figure out what we'll do to intregrate in there, we'll basically need money for anything we migh want" he said with a sour face. Angela could see where this was going</p> <p class="cnM4OTY4NGQ1MTRlYjQ5NmFhZjZkYjQwMjU4NTAwODlj">"Isn't that the same everywhere?" Alicia asked</p> <p class="cnNmYmNlN2U5OWFiOTQyODU5NjUyNzRjZTlhODQ1N2M1">"Well, my people also use money for most types of transactions, but there are some things which are free and that includes education. These people don't even believe in having everyone knowing how to read and write" he explained. Its obvious that for some reason that fact really sours his mood. Although she accepts that its sad, but for him it looks like its more than that.</p> <p class="cnNiYWU1NjE2OTUyMzRlYzE5YzRkOTQzYmQyNTA3NmQz">"Ok" Angela said, trying to divert the conversation from the doom and gloom and back to what mattered right now "Are we in agreement?"</p> <p class="cnM2MjNmZDJkNWU0MDQyZTJiYzg4NGM3OTI5NWRjNDQ5">"You all agreed to this?" Alex asked looking at them one by one.</p> <p class="cnMxZDQ3OGQyMDI1ZTRlNWE5MTUxN2VmNDkwODdmNmJh">She didn't want him to try and convince Paul back because it was already a hassle to get him to agree so she answered for everyone "Yes, we have already discussed this and are in agreement"</p> <p class="cnMyNjY1N2VjY2FjOTRkNWE5ZTVjNzliNmI2NWJiZWRh">"Ok" he said simply</p> <p class="cnMzYWIzNTYzYjUyZjRhZjQ4ZWE4NzViNGI1M2IzMTQ4">"Ok?" Angela askes "Just Ok?"</p> <p class="cnNmNDRmODJhZmJiOTRiZGY4ZDg4YmFmMTcxMzcxMTBl">"I don't see the harm in it, everything has been going fine till now" he said</p> <p class="cnM4ZDE0NDJlZGEyNjQ5NjFiMDE5YzEwYmMyNDk5ZTlk">That was easier than she thought. They were settled, they would all go later and do a little sightseeing in an real alien city that resembled some fantasy settings.</p> <p class="cnM3MTkyNDkxYjY5ZDRmMDM4NGJkZGQxMGUwNDQ2ODI1">&nbsp;Later they all had an early lunch before going, Alex explained that he was seeing the various businesses in the city to checkout.</p> <p class="cnMyZmExMGM4MWFmMjQ1MGFiMDVkNWI5ZmVjNzNiZmI5">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM4YWU3NDFhNzIzZDQ1M2Y4MDY0YjgzZThkZWZhZDNi">The trip to the city took them longer than when Alex was alone, and when they had the gate in sight, they noticed that the line to get in wasn't that big, and it made them a little happier, especially after walking for so long.&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnMyODRmZDVjOGQwMDRmODM4MTc1NmQ2YmMyZjI2MjI3">At the gate, the guards stopped them and after a back an forth with Alex, they had to lift their tops as well. They still couldn't understand the reason for it, but complied all the same. The way some of the guards were looking at her and Alicia sent a chill through her spine, but luckily they kept to themselves. It was obvious that they were a little wary of Alex and Paul even with the fact tht the guards had swords and Alex and Paul didn't.</p> <p class="cnM1MzViZjg0MWQxODRjNGU5ZjgxZTFjNDZlMjhjMmQ4">Although Alex is&nbsp;cartoonishly big, Paul was not slouch either, he was just over 1.9 meter in heigh and kept himself fit. Its just that stadning next to Alex he looked small.</p> <p class="cnM3MzEyMWYyMGZmNDRhZDFiMmE0YjcyMjIxNjg1MWFl">Some of the guards kept looking at both Paul and Alicia, it was probably becasue of their skin tone.</p> <p class="cnMyMDJhMTYwMjk2MTQyYTZhZmFhOGQzMzUyMmZhYmZm">When they entered the city proper, they slowed down to take everything in.</p> <p class="cnMzYzYxYWI1NDRkMjQzNGJiMmU5MTA4ZjkxZDJkNTJl">Lookint at the people with her own eyes, she confirmed something she saw through the screen. It was hard to define the ethnicity of the people here, most looked like mixtures of different races, the skin tone ranged from darker, a lighter. Aside from them no one was completely black or white. Its strange, but it explained why the guards simply looked at Paul and Alicia but hadn't stopped them, they simply look like paler versions of some of their people.</p> <p class="cnM4YzcyZmY3ZjVlNjRiMjRiMjYyZmM0NmIzOTA2Mzc3">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNkMjAwZGRkMDkyODQ3ZThhMTJhMjczMDQyYTY1Mjk1">They decided to go to the places Alex had planned to go to, they would need to be careful to not show their complete lack of knowledge about the world. The first place Alex wanted to go was a bakery, they went there and the smell coming from there was amazing, it seems they didn't sell only bread, but also cakes and even more amazingly chocolate. Angela already decided that their first stop when they get some money would be back here.</p> <p class="cnM3MzI4ZWQyNzE5MTQ3OGY5MzdkOTBiOWY0YzlmYzlj">Their next stop was a small arena, the stands were pratically empty but there were some people fighting.</p> <p class="cnNiY2RmOGY5ZDc1ZDRjMThiNWVmNDY4YmYwNDVjODRh">"What are we doing here?" Angela asked</p> <p class="cnNhMDJhZWNiNjYwYTQ1NDRiZWFmN2U0NGMxMjBhMmI2">"To watch the match" Alex answered "it looks like you only need to pay an entrance fee at night, during the days its free"</p> <p class="cnNhMjRlNmRmZTNmMTRjMTA5NjFhOTQ2NTAwNmVhOGVk">"Why would it be free?"</p> <p class="cnNmYTkzN2U4ZWE4NjQ3OWQ5MTQ4NzJkNTBmOWNkYjY2">"The man at the door said professional fighters only show up at night, only amateurs or training fights happen during the day, in fact anyone can enter the ring and fight, if you win you get a chance to compete later." Alex explained</p> <p class="cnNmYjQxNDM1ZTIyZTQ4M2U4YmYxOWYwY2ZjZTY2OGU2">"You aren't pretending to fight are you?" Angela asked "because that would be cheating"</p> <p class="cnM2NDc0Y2QyZTZjMDRlNmI4OGJmMTM1MWM0MTJhNDI1">"No, I am not pretending to fight, it would draw too much attention" he said, and she liked hearing that, it showed some type of moral integrity, but then he continued "But just to be clear. I consider it an unfair advantage that other contestants don't have a way to reproducing my strength, and the only reason it's not on the rules is because they don't consider it possible"</p> <p class="cnM4YmRkZTc5ZDdkMTQ2ZDQ4NzdiZDg3Mzk3YjA5NTMw">"What does that mean?" Alicia asked, clearly not understanding what he just said</p> <p class="cnNhZTlkMGM5MDhjZDQ2NDhiNTkxMjY4NWRmODc4MDFj">"If it wasn't for that, I consider any advantage you can exploit that doesn't break either implicit or explicit rules fair game" he answered. Ok, she takes back what she had thought before.</p> <p class="cnMxNTYxMTNmMjk5MjQxNDJhMjg3NWE1YzcwNzI2NTI5">"Like what?" Paul asked</p> <p class="cnMzOTc1YjNlMWNhNDRhNmZiMzk5MTc4ZjQxYTdiYjhi">"The idea of a fair fight is idiotic. The only way you can be sure a fight was fair is if it ended in a tie" he answered</p> <p class="cnNmMWJlMWMxOTc1OTRmMjk5NTc1ZjYyZjFjODM0Mzcy">"Explain" Paul prompted</p> <p class="cnMzMmI5NWVjNjFkNzRjOTc5MDQ4NDMyZmZmMjY5NTA5">"Look at those two in the arena" he said pointing to the two man fighting "one of them is a small skinny guy while the other is probably twice his weight, that in Itself is unfair"</p> <p class="cnNlYzJkYTU1NzRmMDRjODNhNmQzOTMzYTg0YWFjMjI1">"Yeah, the big guy is stronger so he has an unfair advantage" Alicia said</p> <p class="cnM5MjEwOWI0ZDMyYjQ2MzZiYmQ4ZTlhZTQ0N2Q2OWU2">"Not necessarily, he hasn't been able to land a blow to the other one, and has only been taking it. So, the skinny guy is maybe more experienced and is dominating the fight, so, he is probably the one who had the unfair advantage"</p> <p class="cnNhZTM3YjY2ODZkYTQwMTk4ODViNjc4MWJiZmVmNDJh">"What advantage?" Alicia asked</p> <p class="cnNlMWE2MjM2ZDhlOTRmZWI5YzEwZmZmNWJjYzNmNDM0">"Experience, it's ridiculous to put someone with little experience against someone with a lot more." He said "there are a lot of variables that can affect the outcome of a battle, like, one guy had a stomach ache, or just received bad news and is distracted,, so, the idea of a truly fair fight in all levels is ridiculous, not even fighting a copy of yourself is completely fair, because just your different positioning could give one of them an advantage because of lighting, or the crowd"</p> <p class="cnM3N2ZlNWQ0MTk1YTQzOGZhODkzNmQxOWZkOTc3Mzdl">"But those are too many variables to consider" Paul said</p> <p class="cnM0MGZmNzM2MWVhMzRjOWFiNWJiNDRkNzlkZGNkZGE3">"Exactly my point, so, I only consider unfair advantage if it breaks the rules" he Explained</p> <p class="cnNmOGM1OWFmYjRiMzQzNmM5MGQ1ODJlMTEzMzk1ZjNk">"You said that there is no rule against superhumans" Alicia said</p> <p class="cnMzNWVhZGJhNjkzMDRhMjI5ZDAxZDUxMDllNjI2ZWQz">"Contests usually have implicit rules, for instance, in a game, people usually don't explicitly say that its only for humans but its implicit, so someone putting an animal would be breaking the rules even if they are not written down"</p> <p class="cnNiNjY0MTFiMTQ5MDQwMWJhOWQ2ZjdlY2U3M2U3Yjk0">Angela thought back to their conversation about his experiment, he had said then that he made sure to follow the letter of the law, and this conversation shed some light on what he considers acceptable.</p> <p class="cnNlMzMzNmRiMzYzNTQ3ODk4ZDBkZjUwMDkzMTI0ZmIx">"So, what you are saying is we should just try to exploit as much as we can" Angela summarized, she didn't share his opinion, not in the least, but she wanted to clarify if she understood him correctly.</p> <p class="cnMzYjQ4NTViMGZlOTQ2MWE5Nzc2YzJjNDZiMzllNzkw">"No, that's not what I am saying" he denied what she said, even if she was just summarizing what she understood "I am saying that I personally don't believe that everything is black and white. " she wanted to reply when he cut her off "But, before you say anything, I don't believe that everything is gray either. Different people view things in different ways. You should only just go as far as your conscience allows you"</p> <p class="cnNjOWFhYmQ0YWNiZDQyMjFiMTJkYTkzZWUzNmU1ZDM3">At least he hadn't expected them to share the same opinion as him, but she found it sad that he had this view of the world.</p> <p class="cnMzNDllZWI5YzQwYTQwOGNhMDI2YTFiMzJhZjY1ODI3">"That has the risk of being used a justification for increasingly bad decisions. I believe people aren't born evil, but if they continually try to rationalize their bad decision, over time they might become evil"</p> <p class="cnMwZDhlY2ZiMDJiZDRkYzg5MWZlOWVlYzdhZmM0NTRl">"I agree with you on that" he said, which surprised her "But, I've never been in a situation where there was only bad decisions. So, I don't know if it always holds true"</p> <p class="cnNlYmUyNjE3MjQ2MTQ4ODg4OGVjZTllZDNjNmY2ZjVl">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnM2ZGUwOTQxNDdkNTQ3ZWNiYjFjODdmODNiNjdmZTQ1">After the match ended with the skinny guy winning the fight, they decided to walk around the city, they went through a lot of side streets and alleys just trying to imagine what the rest of the world would be like and trying to come up with ideas for what to do, and trying to appreciate the city. Being here, for her at least felt like a lifeline.</p> <p class="cnM5NGE3ZGYxZWM3MDRiY2FhMTliMDgyNDQ3ZmY2N2Qx">They had stopped somewhere to talk while throwing ideas on their next steps based on what they'd seen.</p> <p class="cnMxOWRkN2YwZDE2MzRmZDNhNzBiYmMyNzU2NmYwZjVm">They saw&nbsp;someone approaching them, and when Angela got a good look, she realized that it was the woman who had tried to talk to Alex in the weapons shop.</p> <p class="cnM1NTc4MjIzNDYwOTRlNGY4N2JhM2FmNGMyYmVkZWUz">Angela was suddenly very alert and realized that the sun was about to set. They were in the middle of long and narrow Alley. It was probably only wide enough for at most three people to pass side by side.</p> <p class="cnMxNWNlNzQzZWRmYTQ0YTBiOWI0NWQ4OGIwMzlhYzlk">&nbsp;The woman raised her hand up in the air, implying that she wasn't here to attack them. She said something and Alex translated "She says that this is a bad part of town to be at night, we should go back to the main street". Angela was still suspicious of her, its like she was staking them, and she still had her sword&nbsp;with her.</p> <p class="cnMwYzgzN2VkZGMzMjRjOWU4NzE4YTM5MzVhZTE3ZTQ4">&nbsp;Angela was standing next to Alex when she saw him tense. Following his gaze she sees five men blocking the&nbsp;exit to the alley from the side which they came from. They all had their weapons drawn, four had swords and one had a really big ass sledgehammer.</p> <p class="cnMzZTg4ZjIyYTYxMzRhOGZhNDUwMTc3OWM4NWIxNzBj">Angela already thinks this is the work of the woman, but when she eyes the woman she sees her tense but looking past them. Again she follows her gaze and sees another five men blocking the other exit with their swords drawn.</p> <p class="cnMxZDViMjE2NjY2OTQ3NzM5MzYxMmU0N2U2ZTI3MWFm">&nbsp;This was already turning into a horror scene.</p> </div>
Angela was tired of only seeing the city remotely. Alex has being going to the city for four days now, and she was tired of not experiencing it herself. On the first two days it was exciting to see those people even if only remotely. But after the initial excitement died down, it felt like they were prisoners looking at the world outside through a window. She started campaigning for them to take a trip there, Paul was reluctant because they still couldn't speak the language beyond basic phrases, but that would be true for several weeks even with the teaching program which was extremely good. In order to side step the issue Angela pointed out that Alex only talked to people when he wanted it, so they wouldn't need to either, especially with Alex acting as a guide. She had been so bored that she had the computer create a map of the city from what they were seeing through the watch. She used that to create a virtual 3D representation of the city she could navigate in while learning the language. It took her two days to convince Alice and after that Paul was easy, now they just had to approach Alex. She decided to do it during breakfast, Alex still complained the bland tasting food, but she quite liked it, she didn't know what he was used to eating but the food created by the machine have been passable, and it didn't hurt that he chose different breakfast every day so that they wouldn't get fed up with one type of food. It didn't matter if he said that the imitation food didn't get anywhere near the originals in his world, to her it was better than station food. "We're going with you today" Angela decided to simply be blunt, she didn't want to ask permission and didn't want to give him the opportunity to say no. "What?" he asked confused, then it looks like it downed on him "to the city? I thought we agreed that you would go only after learning to speak the language" He was right that they had agreed to it, but it was getting in stuffy the shuttle, she didn't know if being cooked up in the shuttle was better or worse before knowing that there were people out there she could interact with. She almost felt like a thirsty man in a desert falling short just before arriving at an oasis, it was depressing. "Yeah, well, we decided that since there don't seem to be a need to talk to people while there we could just walk around the city" Angela explained "We already know some key words and phrases, and f the need arises you help out". She had decided not to frame is as a request so that he didn't think he could weasel his way out" "Well, all I was going to do was check out two more locations today, the city is too big to see in just a few trips. We also need to figure out what we'll do to intregrate in there, we'll basically need money for anything we migh want" he said with a sour face. Angela could see where this was going "Isn't that the same everywhere?" Alicia asked "Well, my people also use money for most types of transactions, but there are some things which are free and that includes education. These people don't even believe in having everyone knowing how to read and write" he explained. Its obvious that for some reason that fact really sours his mood. Although she accepts that its sad, but for him it looks like its more than that. "Ok" Angela said, trying to divert the conversation from the doom and gloom and back to what mattered right now "Are we in agreement?" "You all agreed to this?" Alex asked looking at them one by one. She didn't want him to try and convince Paul back because it was already a hassle to get him to agree so she answered for everyone "Yes, we have already discussed this and are in agreement" "Ok" he said simply "Ok?" Angela askes "Just Ok?" "I don't see the harm in it, everything has been going fine till now" he said That was easier than she thought. They were settled, they would all go later and do a little sightseeing in an real alien city that resembled some fantasy settings.  Later they all had an early lunch before going, Alex explained that he was seeing the various businesses in the city to checkout.   The trip to the city took them longer than when Alex was alone, and when they had the gate in sight, they noticed that the line to get in wasn't that big, and it made them a little happier, especially after walking for so long.  At the gate, the guards stopped them and after a back an forth with Alex, they had to lift their tops as well. They still couldn't understand the reason for it, but complied all the same. The way some of the guards were looking at her and Alicia sent a chill through her spine, but luckily they kept to themselves. It was obvious that they were a little wary of Alex and Paul even with the fact tht the guards had swords and Alex and Paul didn't. Although Alex is cartoonishly big, Paul was not slouch either, he was just over 1.9 meter in heigh and kept himself fit. Its just that stadning next to Alex he looked small. Some of the guards kept looking at both Paul and Alicia, it was probably becasue of their skin tone. When they entered the city proper, they slowed down to take everything in. Lookint at the people with her own eyes, she confirmed something she saw through the screen. It was hard to define the ethnicity of the people here, most looked like mixtures of different races, the skin tone ranged from darker, a lighter. Aside from them no one was completely black or white. Its strange, but it explained why the guards simply looked at Paul and Alicia but hadn't stopped them, they simply look like paler versions of some of their people.   They decided to go to the places Alex had planned to go to, they would need to be careful to not show their complete lack of knowledge about the world. The first place Alex wanted to go was a bakery, they went there and the smell coming from there was amazing, it seems they didn't sell only bread, but also cakes and even more amazingly chocolate. Angela already decided that their first stop when they get some money would be back here. Their next stop was a small arena, the stands were pratically empty but there were some people fighting. "What are we doing here?" Angela asked "To watch the match" Alex answered "it looks like you only need to pay an entrance fee at night, during the days its free" "Why would it be free?" "The man at the door said professional fighters only show up at night, only amateurs or training fights happen during the day, in fact anyone can enter the ring and fight, if you win you get a chance to compete later." Alex explained "You aren't pretending to fight are you?" Angela asked "because that would be cheating" "No, I am not pretending to fight, it would draw too much attention" he said, and she liked hearing that, it showed some type of moral integrity, but then he continued "But just to be clear. I consider it an unfair advantage that other contestants don't have a way to reproducing my strength, and the only reason it's not on the rules is because they don't consider it possible" "What does that mean?" Alicia asked, clearly not understanding what he just said "If it wasn't for that, I consider any advantage you can exploit that doesn't break either implicit or explicit rules fair game" he answered. Ok, she takes back what she had thought before. "Like what?" Paul asked "The idea of a fair fight is idiotic. The only way you can be sure a fight was fair is if it ended in a tie" he answered "Explain" Paul prompted "Look at those two in the arena" he said pointing to the two man fighting "one of them is a small skinny guy while the other is probably twice his weight, that in Itself is unfair" "Yeah, the big guy is stronger so he has an unfair advantage" Alicia said "Not necessarily, he hasn't been able to land a blow to the other one, and has only been taking it. So, the skinny guy is maybe more experienced and is dominating the fight, so, he is probably the one who had the unfair advantage" "What advantage?" Alicia asked "Experience, it's ridiculous to put someone with little experience against someone with a lot more." He said "there are a lot of variables that can affect the outcome of a battle, like, one guy had a stomach ache, or just received bad news and is distracted,, so, the idea of a truly fair fight in all levels is ridiculous, not even fighting a copy of yourself is completely fair, because just your different positioning could give one of them an advantage because of lighting, or the crowd" "But those are too many variables to consider" Paul said "Exactly my point, so, I only consider unfair advantage if it breaks the rules" he Explained "You said that there is no rule against superhumans" Alicia said "Contests usually have implicit rules, for instance, in a game, people usually don't explicitly say that its only for humans but its implicit, so someone putting an animal would be breaking the rules even if they are not written down" Angela thought back to their conversation about his experiment, he had said then that he made sure to follow the letter of the law, and this conversation shed some light on what he considers acceptable. "So, what you are saying is we should just try to exploit as much as we can" Angela summarized, she didn't share his opinion, not in the least, but she wanted to clarify if she understood him correctly. "No, that's not what I am saying" he denied what she said, even if she was just summarizing what she understood "I am saying that I personally don't believe that everything is black and white. " she wanted to reply when he cut her off "But, before you say anything, I don't believe that everything is gray either. Different people view things in different ways. You should only just go as far as your conscience allows you" At least he hadn't expected them to share the same opinion as him, but she found it sad that he had this view of the world. "That has the risk of being used a justification for increasingly bad decisions. I believe people aren't born evil, but if they continually try to rationalize their bad decision, over time they might become evil" "I agree with you on that" he said, which surprised her "But, I've never been in a situation where there was only bad decisions. So, I don't know if it always holds true"   After the match ended with the skinny guy winning the fight, they decided to walk around the city, they went through a lot of side streets and alleys just trying to imagine what the rest of the world would be like and trying to come up with ideas for what to do, and trying to appreciate the city. Being here, for her at least felt like a lifeline. They had stopped somewhere to talk while throwing ideas on their next steps based on what they'd seen. They saw someone approaching them, and when Angela got a good look, she realized that it was the woman who had tried to talk to Alex in the weapons shop. Angela was suddenly very alert and realized that the sun was about to set. They were in the middle of long and narrow Alley. It was probably only wide enough for at most three people to pass side by side.  The woman raised her hand up in the air, implying that she wasn't here to attack them. She said something and Alex translated "She says that this is a bad part of town to be at night, we should go back to the main street". Angela was still suspicious of her, its like she was staking them, and she still had her sword with her.  Angela was standing next to Alex when she saw him tense. Following his gaze she sees five men blocking the exit to the alley from the side which they came from. They all had their weapons drawn, four had swords and one had a really big ass sledgehammer. Angela already thinks this is the work of the woman, but when she eyes the woman she sees her tense but looking past them. Again she follows her gaze and sees another five men blocking the other exit with their swords drawn.  This was already turning into a horror scene.
{ "title": "Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon. (Original and Old Version.)", "id": 21081, "author": "MPDLMS", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "Chapter 16: Absorbing the Bloodline", "id": 306006, "next": 306672, "prev": 305446, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM2Y2E4ZDEyODIxZTRiN2I4ZWE2ZTI2MzFkOTc5ZjA0">&nbsp;</p> <p class="cnNjMWEyOTVmNjcwMDQ1ZmJhZTg1MzRhZjcxMmZlM2Jj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mother, do not trust anyone.” Zao says as he walks into his room in Grand Elder Chi’s estate. Wei Ning’s face is full of confusion as Zao says this.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDJmYWFmYmQ5NDQ0NmY5OGJkOGYzZjMwNTEwNjk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why Baby Zao?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGVmNjNiMzYwODQ2MDE4NzY1ZjJhNjBlODQ1YmI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wei Ning knows that Zao has a master named ‘Grand Elder Chi’. This person gave her and Zao a home and even offered them a place to stay after their last house exploded, so why would there be a reason to not trust them she asks herself. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZWY5NGQ2NTQwZDQxM2ViZGE5YzVjNzgwYTYxNGU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Everyone is not what you make them out to be. With your innocence mother, even if I did tell you, you still wouldn’t understand.” Zao says as he shakes his head back and forth pitily.</span></p> <p class="cnNiODc5ZTkzOTk5NjQ2OWJiNjUxZGQyNGQ3OGI3Njhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hey, don’t underestimate your mother! I’ll have you know I am very sharp when it comes to wit!” Wei Ning says as she puffs out her cheeks at her son’s words.</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGIxYjlkYjE1YzQ0OGJiNGYzOTBhNzUxMjAxNWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, yes. Just be on the lookout. Do not go anywhere with anyone and if you need anything, come to my room and get me.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MGNjMGUwZWY5NzQ4YmU4ZmY1MTllNGVhYjUwOGJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why does it sound like you won’t be seeing me much in the future?!” Wei Ning yells worriedly. Her son is the only thing that keeps her motivated as the days go by and Wei Ning won’t function much without her daily dose of her loving son.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWJkM2ZmMTA3ZDRiMDhhNDRmYjlhNWVmNTljOGVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I need to go into seclusion and cultivate as much as possible for this tournament. I heard there are great rewards for whoever gets in the top 50 and anyone that gets in the top 10 gets to go into an inheritance. I can’t miss this opportunity mother.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1M2I0MTQ4ZDBlYzQzZDE5ODE5N2JmNzY1NWJmZDdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But-but-but-!”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWQ3ZjlkYmJlYTQ4M2JhNzk0NmQzNzg5ZmUwZGU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No buts! I need this so I can gain as much power so we can get out of here as soon as possible. This place will only limit our potential and as you saw with our house exploding, we seem to have some enemies.” </span></p> <p class="cnNkOTkyMGRlYTFjYTQzNmFhYmQ3ZGI2NDFlYzRhYzVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">A cold light flashes in Zao’s azure eyes as he mentions the part about the Ning family having enemies. A shiver goes up Wei Ning’s spine as she sees the deadly aura coming from within her son.</span></p> <p class="cnMzOTZlNmJkZDJmOTQzMjk4NmJkMzc1ZGJhNmEwNWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Why does it seem like my son is much older and mature than me! He is barely older than a year old.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">’ Wei Ning thinks to herself when seeing how concentrated and motivated her son is to become stronger and rise throughout the lands. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTAzMGUyYjQ4OTRiOTk4OWE0NGVhNTkyZmFhYjEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Don’t worry, I will come out every so often to eat and to see you mother. I will also check your progress in cultivation.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNDUxOTMyNzAwZTQ2MDliNTIzZDk4YzdkMGIyYzdj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wei Ning smiles as she can tell her son thought of her when planning out his path for cultivation.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNjNmOTI4YzNiYzQzMjViZTU2NDhkZGM1OTEzMzE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How long will this last.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YmY1NDM5ZjQzNTRiOWM4ZGQ5YTRjYzliMzY0MTg3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Until a week before the tournament, which is in 39 days, so for a little more than a month.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjhhODgwZmU4ZjRlZGNhYjk2ZWVjYTY3ZGZlZTM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wei Ning thinks for a second and then nods her head.</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjRlN2FiZTcyYTRhYWFiYzVkMmU2OTJiZjI4YjRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I can manage that, but you must promise to come out at least once a week to see me and to eat!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZmY1MDQyNWE4MTRkZmU5MjVlZDgxNTM4ODc0OWQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Haha, okay mother. I promise, but you have to promise not to go anywhere or to take anymore masters!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjAyM2I4MzNlMjRkZDhhOGYxZGQ1NDYzODk4ZTZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright!”</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDY3NjA1M2M2MDQ3NWVhZjAwY2E5MTlhZTk5MzRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning sticks out his pinky finger and interlocks it with his mother, representing the beginning of the promise. Wei Ning smiles brightly and then bows to her son.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTNmNzM0ZTc3YjQ2YTY5NjE4MjIzMmIzMTVmMmE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’ll let you start then!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0Mzg5MDI4ZjVmNjRiZGI5NGNiZjZjMzI3ODgxYjQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao nods his head and sees his mother out of his room and into her room. Knowing that his mother will be safe and out of sight for now, Zao locks up his room. He also puts a sign on the door that says ‘Do not disturb’.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NDA3YmYwODA2ZjRjNjBiMDkzMzkxYmY2YWEwNjk2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao’s room is fairly spacious, being 20 meters by 20 meters. Most of it is just open space which is perfect for Zao Ning right now.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZmY5YmU1NGM1NTRlYzBhMzIwMzM1YmYyZGI4YjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The boy walks to the middle of the room and then sits down and closes his eyes. Looking inside of his cultivation veins, 1 Darkness Ki worm and 1 Lightning Ki worm are wriggling around in his veins. At the moment the Lightning Ki worm is extremely profound and even has a scar representing its evolution.</span></p> <p class="cnNiMWU1NmJiYjlhYjQ0ZjE4MDg5M2FmYTZiMDBjMDY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Using his past knowledge, Zao knows that he needs to focus on merging the two if he wishes to be able to use both elements efficiently. After he does so, it will hard to tell which type of Ki will be more profound or which Zao will use more since it will depend on his experiences throughout life.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NGUzZWIxNjQzMzQ1YzJiN2YwZjQ5Y2Y1MTEwYmMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao also has to figure out how to make the bead inside of his heart ignite if he wants to truly be able to soar through the Realms.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYjJhNjJjNmUxNzRmODk4NGE4OGJmOTkxNjNiNDYw"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I have so much to do before the tournament, but entering the inheritance will be a pivotal point in my destiny so I cannot slack now!</span></em></p> <p class="cnMyYjFkNWFlMGZhYTRhMmFhYTBiOWZiZTRhZmMyMWM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">*14 days later*</span></p> <p class="cnNkNTgyYjI3YjZhZTRmMzFiNjZmYTE2NDRhNDQxMzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">A dark and electrifying aura is emitted from the door leading to Zao’s room. Anyone who walks by it is hit with a large sense of danger. This sense of danger causes anyone below the peak 6th Mortal Realm to sweat in anxiety.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MjdhNWNiYzcyYjRiMWI4ZmZkYWI0Y2U4OTJhOGNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“How strong has Zao become now?” “Will he be able to beat the top 10 disciples?” “No wonder Grand Elder Chi picked him, that youth is so terrifying!”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTBkODhmNGRjOTQ5ZTc4MDk5YjMyOGZmNDEzZTIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Servants of Grand Elder Chi gossip and talk about Zao Ning’s rise in power recently since the whole estate can feel undulations of power from time to time.</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2I2ZDQ5OGE5ZDQwMzJhOTkwNDA2MWYzZWI0NGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Inside of the room, the only color that once can see is black. The pure amount of Darkness Ki is outstanding and every once in a while, a semi translucent spark of electricity manages to split apart the darkness.</span></p> <p class="cnMwM2U2NGIyNWM3ZDQwY2E4YWJkYmU5YjcxM2RjNDA4"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the heart of the cloud of darkness sits a platinum haired youth that seems to be in a trance and is unaware of the outside world. Soon, a surprised look spreads across the youths face.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDczMWNiYWJjMTRlMzNhN2NkZjllOGM2YmE1ODk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The surprised look is soon replaced with a face full of happiness and bloodlust.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmQyNDk1Mjc3OTRjNDQ5MTcxOWY1NmMzN2ZmYzVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao Ning opens his hands and puts out his palm. Soon, an azure colored ball of lightning forms above his palm and bends to Zao’s commands.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZDQxNjQ1NTExMzRiZTQ4MTAzZjY1MjBlNTNlMGIw"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">My translucent lightning from before has finally evolved and turned a solid color. My color seems to be azure, slightly above average for now.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM4MTRhY2Q1OTI1YTQwMDE5ZjcwMDYwYzc2NjFhYmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">There are many different types of lightning which can form from someone’s Lightning Ki. Different colors represent different characteristics. Some lightning is quick but doesn’t hit very hard.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTUxMjQ1NTVlZTRjMWM4OGNmMjY5NjdiMzJiMDZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Some lightnings hold unlimited strength but can be dodged easily.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWQzYWU3MzNjZTRhNWJiNGIwNjk0ZGFjNzAyNDVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rare types can even have mystical effects. There was once a lightning that could heal any injury. There has also been a lightning that could travel through dimensions in a second. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOWNlMjY1ZTk3ZjQ4ZDc4MDZjMGQ0ZTg4MzE4MGYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Anyone who managed to cultivate these rare types were legends and are long gone.</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjdjMjY0ZWI3MDRlYTViNWYwNGZjMjg3MDFhN2Yy"><span style="font-weight: 400">In his past life, Zao’s Lightning Ki was titanium white with a black outline. This was a very rare and destructive form of lightning. Anyone hit by the lightning was instantly burned, their strength was decreased and it was nearly impossible to heal the damages caused by his lightning. </span></p> <p class="cnNjOWE4MmE5NTUzYzQ2YjA4MDE0MWJiYmI1NTUyZmJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">This let Zaragnathor, Zao Ning’s past name, travel throughout the realms nearly unmatched.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMTdlY2E1MWRlMTRhOTViNGFkZGQzOTcwODdiODAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao’s current color, Azure, is known for having insane speeds and slightly above average strength. The strongest lightning ever known is pure gold and Zao can only think of one person who has ever cultivated this. That person is in the Never Realm and is considered in the Top 5 Existences ever. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYWFiNDhkZDMyZDQxYWFhODE1NGMyNjFiZGJhNDUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Of course, a cultivator can change the color of their lightning but acquiring other colors takes a lot of effort and dedication. Zao didn’t worry about it in his past life.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjUwMmExM2VhMDQ2YzM4ZTMyNThmZjdlYjIxMGNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I wonder if this could help me unlock the powers of my past life.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTRhN2M0ZDE4MTRiY2E5NDY2YjFjMGQzZjUzNmYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao uses his newly acquired lightning and directs it into the shiny silver bead in his heart. The bead actually responds and begins to hungrily absorb Zao Ning’s lightning Ki. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNDVmYWI1NzBlYjQ0NGFiNjIzZmJhMzdkMDhkN2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">At first, Zao Ning smiles to this reaction but this smile soon turns into fear. The bead is absorbing all of Zao Ning’s Lightning Ki without stopping.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNzZmNDQ2NGEyMTQ5OTU5ZTQ3MjQ3ZjNjZjNiN2Y1"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">If this continues… This bead will absorb not only all of my Ki but even my Lightning Ki foundation! </span></em></p> <p class="cnNhY2Q2OGZiYTcyMzQyNDBhOGMwZmQxMjIxMzk5OGI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao grits his teeth as he tries to use his soul to try and stop the furious absorption of his Lightning Ki before he loses his Lightning foundation, but alas. Not even his soul can stop the hunger of this bloodline bead.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDNjNzNlNWJmMjQzNWViMWY4YTU5MWI3NDgxMjYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao’s Lightning Ki has been 50% taken away and his eyes have turned bloodshot. A bright silver light is shining in the darkness from within Zao’s chest and a heat that is unbearable is dug into Zao’s heart.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTYxZGE1YWM0NDQzNDI4YjhlNDkzMmExYmMzZDU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">The pain of having one’s Ki being drained and a burning heat in permeating in their heart, it is not fun for the reincarnated dragon. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNWVlYWI3NzY2ODQ5MGE5YzlmNzdlZjgyNDY1Zjg0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Soon, Zao can’t take anymore and waves begin to appear in his soul! A small sliver of primordial power forms within his soul.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGM3MjY0OTM2NjQ0ZTM5MzVkN2NhNmM1ZTc1MWFi"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">STOP!</span></em></p> <p class="cnM1ODI5ZTdmODA1NjQ0MGM5MzAwYjAwMjY1MTQyMTFi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao roars mentally and the primordial power within his soul shines in unison with the bloodline bead. </span></p> <p class="cnM4Y2I4MmYyMjNkODQ4NzRhYzA2MjExYjRjZjRkMWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">As if sensing its original owner, the bloodline bead finally stops stealing Zao’s Lightning Ki and just in time too. Zao has only 1% of his original amount of Lightning Ki left and the azure worms in his veins are quaking in fear from the strength of the bloodline bead.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MWJhOWQxMzk3ODRhZjVhMTI0ZGEyZjc0NTg3NjIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">*sigh* </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">It’s over.</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> Zao thinks to himself while letting out an exhausted breath. The bright light emitting from the bead is still shining through Zao’s chest, but it is different now.</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDlkNTBjYzIwMzRlODc5MWZiZjhjNTQyYThmMmNm"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">It seems I now have control of the bead. Looking at my soul, I can feel a familiar sense of power. Maybe I even got a piece of my original soul back.</span></em></p> <p class="cnMyNzQ2ZTEzMDQ4NjRjN2U5MTlmMGQxNzdkOGIxYWEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao is excited at his progress towards his old self and soon he begins to manipulate the bead.</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWRlMTY2NmZmMTQxZTk5ODQzOGUyYWY4OWMxOTYz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao feels like he is trying to mold a boulder but soon he starts making some progression.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMGUwNDYwYTEzODQyZmY5MDYwNGNlYmZiNTkyNjhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">The bead soon starts to dissipate and is absorb into Zao’s blood. As every single piece of the bead is chipped off and absorbed, Zao can feel an immense power be shot through his blood and be sent throughout his whole body. </span></p> <p class="cnNkMTdiYzlhZThhODQzZjdiYTFhNGQ3MzY4MGFmZjIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">The feeling of raw, untamable power from when he is was a dragon is once again filling Zao Ning’s conscious and he has a face of pure ecstasy. A low rumble emits from within Zao’s chest.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNWQ5ZDc0MGE3NTQ0Njg5MmNlMjNiOWE1NzU1MWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><strong>Ahhhhh. This feeling… It is good to get it back.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MWExZDhhZjcxMTRmMzFhNDVmY2E2NTQ3MmE2NTMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao’s voice turns back time and he sounds the exact same as when he was a dragon. Zao stops absorbing the bloodline bead though when it reaches 1% absorbed. Zao can feel his voice turn back to normal and Zao’s face turns extremely pale.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NGI1NGExNjQ1YTQ5YTZhODZiY2VhZjJmODA3YTg2"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I can’t absorb too much too quickly I will destroy my whole body. This is the max I will be able to absorb for a while, but I did get some benefits.</span></em></p> <p class="cnM3NjVhMWU4YmY3YjRlOGY5NmY4YTlmNTcxODYxNDRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Looking down at his right arm, Zao puts all of the absorb dragon blood in his right hand and soon, a thin layer of silver scales form on his hand.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NWMzMGQzY2ZlZDRhMzM5ZjRiNDVkOGFjODU3NTIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The scales look unbreakable and the aura radiating from that can make the heart of anyone quiver and quake in fear.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTQ5NWFiZjQzYjQ0ODRiNTZlOWY2ODhmOTI1MGY2"><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I need to continue processing the blood I have already absorbed now to make it purer. Then maybe I can transform my body into something extremely similar to my last body. Plus I have to keep feeding the bloodline Ki to keep igniting it further. </span></em></p> <p class="cnM4YWJjZmUxMjg3MjQ4MzlhZjRhMzYzYzRiOTE3OTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Zao closes his eyes to focus on regaining his Lightning Ki but they shoot open as he remembers something.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NmY1NjYyMDBmMTQ1NjJiN2YzOTg5MTM3ZjAzMmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have to go see mother!” Zao yells as he almost broke their promise. </span></p> </div>
“Mother, do not trust anyone.” Zao says as he walks into his room in Grand Elder Chi’s estate. Wei Ning’s face is full of confusion as Zao says this. “Why Baby Zao?” Wei Ning knows that Zao has a master named ‘Grand Elder Chi’. This person gave her and Zao a home and even offered them a place to stay after their last house exploded, so why would there be a reason to not trust them she asks herself. “Everyone is not what you make them out to be. With your innocence mother, even if I did tell you, you still wouldn’t understand.” Zao says as he shakes his head back and forth pitily. “Hey, don’t underestimate your mother! I’ll have you know I am very sharp when it comes to wit!” Wei Ning says as she puffs out her cheeks at her son’s words. “Yes, yes. Just be on the lookout. Do not go anywhere with anyone and if you need anything, come to my room and get me.” “Why does it sound like you won’t be seeing me much in the future?!” Wei Ning yells worriedly. Her son is the only thing that keeps her motivated as the days go by and Wei Ning won’t function much without her daily dose of her loving son. “I need to go into seclusion and cultivate as much as possible for this tournament. I heard there are great rewards for whoever gets in the top 50 and anyone that gets in the top 10 gets to go into an inheritance. I can’t miss this opportunity mother.” “But-but-but-!” “No buts! I need this so I can gain as much power so we can get out of here as soon as possible. This place will only limit our potential and as you saw with our house exploding, we seem to have some enemies.” A cold light flashes in Zao’s azure eyes as he mentions the part about the Ning family having enemies. A shiver goes up Wei Ning’s spine as she sees the deadly aura coming from within her son. ‘*Why does it seem like my son is much older and mature than me! He is barely older than a year old.*’ Wei Ning thinks to herself when seeing how concentrated and motivated her son is to become stronger and rise throughout the lands. “Don’t worry, I will come out every so often to eat and to see you mother. I will also check your progress in cultivation.” Wei Ning smiles as she can tell her son thought of her when planning out his path for cultivation. “How long will this last.” “Until a week before the tournament, which is in 39 days, so for a little more than a month.” Wei Ning thinks for a second and then nods her head. “I can manage that, but you must promise to come out at least once a week to see me and to eat!” “Haha, okay mother. I promise, but you have to promise not to go anywhere or to take anymore masters!” “Alright!” Zao Ning sticks out his pinky finger and interlocks it with his mother, representing the beginning of the promise. Wei Ning smiles brightly and then bows to her son. “I’ll let you start then!” Zao nods his head and sees his mother out of his room and into her room. Knowing that his mother will be safe and out of sight for now, Zao locks up his room. He also puts a sign on the door that says ‘Do not disturb’. Zao’s room is fairly spacious, being 20 meters by 20 meters. Most of it is just open space which is perfect for Zao Ning right now. The boy walks to the middle of the room and then sits down and closes his eyes. Looking inside of his cultivation veins, 1 Darkness Ki worm and 1 Lightning Ki worm are wriggling around in his veins. At the moment the Lightning Ki worm is extremely profound and even has a scar representing its evolution. Using his past knowledge, Zao knows that he needs to focus on merging the two if he wishes to be able to use both elements efficiently. After he does so, it will hard to tell which type of Ki will be more profound or which Zao will use more since it will depend on his experiences throughout life. Zao also has to figure out how to make the bead inside of his heart ignite if he wants to truly be able to soar through the Realms. *I have so much to do before the tournament, but entering the inheritance will be a pivotal point in my destiny so I cannot slack now!* *14 days later* A dark and electrifying aura is emitted from the door leading to Zao’s room. Anyone who walks by it is hit with a large sense of danger. This sense of danger causes anyone below the peak 6th Mortal Realm to sweat in anxiety. “How strong has Zao become now?” “Will he be able to beat the top 10 disciples?” “No wonder Grand Elder Chi picked him, that youth is so terrifying!” Servants of Grand Elder Chi gossip and talk about Zao Ning’s rise in power recently since the whole estate can feel undulations of power from time to time. Inside of the room, the only color that once can see is black. The pure amount of Darkness Ki is outstanding and every once in a while, a semi translucent spark of electricity manages to split apart the darkness. In the heart of the cloud of darkness sits a platinum haired youth that seems to be in a trance and is unaware of the outside world. Soon, a surprised look spreads across the youths face. The surprised look is soon replaced with a face full of happiness and bloodlust. Zao Ning opens his hands and puts out his palm. Soon, an azure colored ball of lightning forms above his palm and bends to Zao’s commands. *My translucent lightning from before has finally evolved and turned a solid color. My color seems to be azure, slightly above average for now.* There are many different types of lightning which can form from someone’s Lightning Ki. Different colors represent different characteristics. Some lightning is quick but doesn’t hit very hard. Some lightnings hold unlimited strength but can be dodged easily. Rare types can even have mystical effects. There was once a lightning that could heal any injury. There has also been a lightning that could travel through dimensions in a second. Anyone who managed to cultivate these rare types were legends and are long gone. In his past life, Zao’s Lightning Ki was titanium white with a black outline. This was a very rare and destructive form of lightning. Anyone hit by the lightning was instantly burned, their strength was decreased and it was nearly impossible to heal the damages caused by his lightning. This let Zaragnathor, Zao Ning’s past name, travel throughout the realms nearly unmatched. Zao’s current color, Azure, is known for having insane speeds and slightly above average strength. The strongest lightning ever known is pure gold and Zao can only think of one person who has ever cultivated this. That person is in the Never Realm and is considered in the Top 5 Existences ever. Of course, a cultivator can change the color of their lightning but acquiring other colors takes a lot of effort and dedication. Zao didn’t worry about it in his past life. “I wonder if this could help me unlock the powers of my past life. Zao uses his newly acquired lightning and directs it into the shiny silver bead in his heart. The bead actually responds and begins to hungrily absorb Zao Ning’s lightning Ki. At first, Zao Ning smiles to this reaction but this smile soon turns into fear. The bead is absorbing all of Zao Ning’s Lightning Ki without stopping. *If this continues… This bead will absorb not only all of my Ki but even my Lightning Ki foundation!* Zao grits his teeth as he tries to use his soul to try and stop the furious absorption of his Lightning Ki before he loses his Lightning foundation, but alas. Not even his soul can stop the hunger of this bloodline bead. Zao’s Lightning Ki has been 50% taken away and his eyes have turned bloodshot. A bright silver light is shining in the darkness from within Zao’s chest and a heat that is unbearable is dug into Zao’s heart. The pain of having one’s Ki being drained and a burning heat in permeating in their heart, it is not fun for the reincarnated dragon. Soon, Zao can’t take anymore and waves begin to appear in his soul! A small sliver of primordial power forms within his soul. *STOP!* Zao roars mentally and the primordial power within his soul shines in unison with the bloodline bead. As if sensing its original owner, the bloodline bead finally stops stealing Zao’s Lightning Ki and just in time too. Zao has only 1% of his original amount of Lightning Ki left and the azure worms in his veins are quaking in fear from the strength of the bloodline bead. *sigh* *It’s over.* Zao thinks to himself while letting out an exhausted breath. The bright light emitting from the bead is still shining through Zao’s chest, but it is different now. *It seems I now have control of the bead. Looking at my soul, I can feel a familiar sense of power. Maybe I even got a piece of my original soul back.* Zao is excited at his progress towards his old self and soon he begins to manipulate the bead. Zao feels like he is trying to mold a boulder but soon he starts making some progression. The bead soon starts to dissipate and is absorb into Zao’s blood. As every single piece of the bead is chipped off and absorbed, Zao can feel an immense power be shot through his blood and be sent throughout his whole body. The feeling of raw, untamable power from when he is was a dragon is once again filling Zao Ning’s conscious and he has a face of pure ecstasy. A low rumble emits from within Zao’s chest. “**Ahhhhh. This feeling… It is good to get it back.**” Zao’s voice turns back time and he sounds the exact same as when he was a dragon. Zao stops absorbing the bloodline bead though when it reaches 1% absorbed. Zao can feel his voice turn back to normal and Zao’s face turns extremely pale. *I can’t absorb too much too quickly I will destroy my whole body. This is the max I will be able to absorb for a while, but I did get some benefits.* Looking down at his right arm, Zao puts all of the absorb dragon blood in his right hand and soon, a thin layer of silver scales form on his hand. The scales look unbreakable and the aura radiating from that can make the heart of anyone quiver and quake in fear. *I need to continue processing the blood I have already absorbed now to make it purer. Then maybe I can transform my body into something extremely similar to my last body. Plus I have to keep feeding the bloodline Ki to keep igniting it further.* Zao closes his eyes to focus on regaining his Lightning Ki but they shoot open as he remembers something. “I have to go see mother!” Zao yells as he almost broke their promise.
{ "title": "Tabula Rasa", "id": 12402, "author": "Monad", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 37: Back Into The Fire", "id": 306010, "next": 306916, "prev": 305785, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YmQxMjIyNTNjMjQ1NzRiODM3ZTllYzZiODZhMjQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What was that back there?!” Lyn slammed her fist onto the table while Visette was in the process of removing her equipment.</span></p> <p class="cnM4N2M2ZTNlNGU5ZjQ0NGJhOTMwYWU3YzNhY2UxZmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“The mission was completed,” Visette replied while storing the ballistic mask into a large metal case along with the vest she wore.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNjc4MzRlMmQ4NDQ1N2Y4NGQ1NjcwZGNmNjVlYjM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You went against my orders and ran off!”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGQ4NzdhZjE1MzQyZDg5YTkyZGMxZDNkN2U4ODBi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You did not specify that it was an order.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhOGEwZWQ4OGY0ZTQzNWJiNmVjNGRhODNhZWQ1NjZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Oh give me a fucking break.” Lyn let out a frustrated groan. “Now I need to specify what’s an order? You pursued an unknown threat without knowing what awaited you. I didn't think you of all people would act so recklessly.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTA2N2QxZWQ3ODRkNzVhZjYxM2FmMzI1MmVmNDg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I had no issue in eliminating them.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmM1MDUzNGQxYTRkNzA5YzAyMWEyNTU3MzY3YzE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“That’s not the point.” Lyn took a seat and held her head, “You went off without saying a single word and didn't even radio in until you finished. You put yourself at risk.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2YWMyMjNiNTMzNzRiYzlhNjQ0MWI0YmI3YzY2MDI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I am required to do so am I not?” Visette inquired as she removed her glove, discovering that her hands were bruised. Firing off a bullet enhanced with psionic energy was something she hadn’t experimented with and as a result, her preparations were still lacking. When she removed her black fatigues a few abrasions were visible on her arms, likely a result of being thrown from a car. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNjZhYTgwNGM4MDQ0ZDM5NGU3ODA1MTFiMDE1NjM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You...You’re hurt,” Lyn noted the injuries. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MTYxYWVlYmIwMjQ2MGU4MTg0ZDhiMGU3N2EwYzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette seemed unperturbed and replied in a fitting manner, “I have received very minor injuries that will heal.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NWIzMmYyNjIzZTRjNTk4NTY1MjM0NDBlMDE1YjQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shut up.” Lyn frowned as she retreated into Visette’s bathroom and plundered the medicine cabinet before returning with a first-aid kit, “And you’ll need something cold.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZjU1NzUzYmE5ZjRjNWRiY2Y5ZmRiMzIyOWUyZjVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">She quickly headed for the kitchen and filled a bowl with ice and water before sitting it in front of Visette.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWQwYTMwYWU1MjRkN2RiODE4YzIwMjUxNTBhZTI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Put your hands in the bowl,” Lyn said, “You can think of it as an order if that helps,” she quickly added. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzdkYWZmOTk3MTQwMWE4NmJiNzhlYTlkYWViOWIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette did as instructed without much complaint, not thinking too much of it. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMjQxYzE1ODA4ODQ4MmE4ODg1Mjk3YmRkMTIxZTFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn began using a cotton cloth soaked in antiseptic to clean the scratches covering Visette’s arms.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTE3MzU0Y2NhODRmM2E5ZmU2NWIxMjg0OGNiNzlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I shouldn’t have let Commander Wakefield assign you tasks like that,” She spoke regretfully.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDEwNTBkMmRiNTQyMjVhMmVmZWEwNDA3OTQyNGQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I have no issue with it.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkYzZiNmVlM2I3NzQ1Yzc4MjQ4ZTg1MWRiOGZiOTQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“And that’s the problem...I don’t care about how strong you are as an Abnormal, you aren’t someone’s personal tool, Visette. You need to keep that in mind.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzgxNDkzYTNkNjRiM2U5YmMwNmFhNDNjMzY0MGVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette turned her curiosity-filled gaze to Lyn. Minerva created her to be a tool and nothing else so she couldn’t understand why Lyn didn’t seem to think the same.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzYzYTFlMjg4ZDQ0MjU5MDM1ZDJlMTkyNTc3NWQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn met her eyes and paused for a moment before a red light briefly lit up the room and a distant siren echoed. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZGRiNzUxNzBlMDRmMzg4NzZhNzM1NWM5NjFlNjU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Anyway, if you’re feeling well enough you can go to the academy tomorrow, just get some rest.” Lyn stood up and returned the first-aid kit, “I don’t know what the Commander is planning but you shouldn’t have to worry about an assignment for the next week or so.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwM2E5NTUzZmQ4MTQ3MjdhNjI4NmExYTZkNzIxMzM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Understood.” Visette nodded.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MzdhZmI4MTMxYTRmMGU5MzBmZjJlNjNjZTc5ZWZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lyn departed, leaving Visette to silently contemplate her earlier fight. She felt that her performance lacked efficiency and thought of ways which she could correct it. Even as she went to sleep, her mind didn’t stop replaying the scene of the battle. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZTAyYzJjNTkwMDQwYTdiYTNmNDQxZmQ1NzE1ZGEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM1NDY2MDc1YjY0NjQ1ZTc4MmVlZmRiOTMwNjhhMDAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Elsewhere, the assassination of Councilor Fredrickson and the firefight in the Upper Wards drew a lot of attention. Especially since it took place on the same day a funeral was held for another deceased councilor.</span></p> <p class="cnNmZGE2OTNmZWFlYjRhNDZiNGRhNDlhZTE0YmZkNTdi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Several streets were blocked off and a small portion of the Upper Wards was isolated so investigators could unravel what happened.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzVkNzgxZWMyOTRiMmI4ZDdkMGM1NmYwNThlM2Zk"><span style="font-weight: 400">In the center of Fredrickson's residence, Investigator Warrick Lewis, someone who had run afoul of Lyn in the past examined the scene while speaking to other investigators. It seemed that in the four years since that event came with a promotion as his vest read “Chief Investigator.”</span></p> <p class="cnNhMmJlOGU1YzM2ODQzNjFiZjYyYjBkOTdhZTcyOWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“We have four dead guards, eight assailants of unknown origin, a dead councilor, and how many witnesses?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDEyNDk0YzRjMjQ5NGRiN2VlMGRiMGJmYWI1MDBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“One or two, Sir,” A woman answered.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMjQyN2QzNjg1MjQ4MGNiYWY2NTcyMzhiOTg0ZjZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ah, Sir, here’s the autopsy for Councilor Wilson you asked for.” A young man rushed in with a file in hand.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NWY5NmEyZTc4MDRhMzM5ZDljYzNiOTRhM2MwMDY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Let me see that.” Warrick grabbed the folder and scanned through the medical report. “A clean break.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMzRjYmZlZGQzNjQwMWRhM2Y1NmFhMTAwOGRhNjRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’m sorry, Sir?” The female investigator spoke.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTI4OTNhNDlhNzQ2YzA5ZWY5YTdhYWQ4MzA2MTE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Councilor Wilson’s accident. He fell at a perfect angle and snapped his neck cleanly. You know what the odds of that are?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNzY4MTVkZDFmZTQ0NTJiM2I1MDBkN2EzODkyNTRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No, I don’t, Sir.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MWE4YjU4MTMzYzRmYzM4NjRkYjgyYmI1NDRmZjM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Very fucking low,” Warrick replied as he handed the folder back to the young man. “Make a copy of this and return it when you’re done.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2OTYyMTQyOTM5MTRlYmY5YmFlZTc1Y2I2YjZjYmZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So, ignoring the four dead guards who died from gunshot wounds. Six of these men had their throats slit and one died from a gunshot to the head and the last one had his neck opened and was shot by a sniper’s bullet. Do you know what that means?” Warrick asked as he scanned the bullet holes that decorated the room.</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWZkMjBhNzExZjQ1MjM5MmIzMTYyNjkwNGM2MzEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It means a group of Abnormals was present, Sir?” The woman replied with uncertainty. </span></p> <p class="cnNjYzNiOTYwMTYyMDQyYjZhNjMxYjMwM2ExMWVlZjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I think it was a single person who led this attack. We have two people who witnessed Fredrickson’s vehicle being attacked, albeit briefly.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjNkY2UzNGZjYzQ0ZGY5N2EyMWFlMjE0ZTE3NzU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir, I don’t have much knowledge about Abnormals but how could one survive a close-quarters fight with only a bladed weapon unscathed and then proceed to chase the councilor?”</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjQ2ODY0NGIyODQxYWY5NmRkOTgxYmQ3OWM2YzEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“They had darkness as their advantage it looks like.” Warrick directed his gaze toward the broken ceiling lights. “There was also a sniper who seemed to be working with this group of soldiers here. He may have accidentally fired at a teammate in the confusion. We found his vantage point but there are still more questions than answers.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDA0NjhkN2ZhODQ3MDk5MzgwYmExZjJjNDIyYzQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Do you mean the broken gun, Sir?”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMWZkMzllMmRhMDQ4YmRiMmUxOTJmNmM3NWNlMWFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah, maybe the sniper managed to land a shot but only ended up hitting the pistol of the lone Abnormal? I can’t be sure but I feel like it might be important.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlNGI5ZDk4NTdhNzQ0MGY4YmYyNzY2ZmQ3MTY1NzRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir!” A DSF officer called out to Warrick, quickly saluting before speaking, “We’ve found something. We followed up on the report of the gunshot heard in the Lower Wards and we’ve found something.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDkzZDM5ODgxNzQ0NGZiNWZmMWJjNGQyMmIxMDQ1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, what is it?” Warrick asked.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZjY5MDhmNGU3ZDQxYmI5ZGVhMDQ1NjNkNGFhZTgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Two dead bodies. One seemed to have killed himself while the other had his throat slit. There was also radio equipment and identification cards that seemed to have been forged.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDkzOGFiMGE1NjQwZmZhMGIxYjliYjk5ZjI2MTBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright...take me there,” Warrick ordered.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDVhNTFmMDBjNjRmOWNhYWJhOTU2MDY5NDlkODcx"><span style="font-weight: 400">The entire situation only grew more strange as they uncovered additional details.</span></p> <p class="cnMzYWUwMzRhYjA4ZDRjYzBhNmIyNjQ3MzFmN2QwZjVi"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM4ODhiYWFjYjM3MDQ4MjdiZWMzMDFlMWE3MTU1MGZl"><span style="font-weight: 400">The next day arrived as expected, a report of an incident involving Councilor Fredrickson was spread out and a mandatory curfew was put in place for the entire city with the exception of government personnel.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MjIzYzkyMjViZTQ3MmU5OGY1Mjk1ZjFlZTMxZGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">The day proceeded just as it usually would. The only thing that was notable was the massive amount of increased security placed around the councilors and frequent patrols in the Upper Wards. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that 3/4ths of DSF officers were assigned to the districts where councilors lived.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzJhODZlMjE1ZDQzZjdiYTc2NDBhM2E4NzExMjUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Though, none of those things concerned Visette. She circulated her psionic power while the professor gave a lecture on the nature of Corrupted. A few sentences in and she realized that there was nothing new being taught. Since Charlie was in a separate class taking piloting courses, Visette had nothing else to do but channel psionic energy through her body.</span></p> <p class="cnNiN2ZlOTMyZDkzZTRjNTNiN2M3ZjFlMzljM2E0NmQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">At least, that is until she took notice of a person moving through the hall. It was a brief glance but she spotted a member of the janitorial staff. If anything, her glance was reflexive but when another janitor walked past the door followed by an additional one, she began to get suspicious. </span></p> <p class="cnMzZTU1ZmZlMGI4NDQ2M2ViZThhNWY5Njk2NzAwMWI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Feeling that she should investigate further, Visette suddenly stood up and moved toward the door.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWJlZjNkZWZlMDRiOWI5M2Y5ZTlmZmQ4Yjk4MGYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...And that is why it is advised to remain as far away as possible when fighting Corrupted since they can- Um, Visette, are you okay?” The Professor, and the rest of the class, took notice of her. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYWViNjVmMTJhYzRlZmU5OGU3N2FiYmUwMzdlMGVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette ignored him and stepped out of the room while he called out behind her, “If you need to go to the bathroom just say so!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZDhlYjdkZDhmZTRiNGFiN2JiNmE4YzQzM2ZkZDgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">She closed the door behind her and focused her psionic scan on the three “janitors” briskly moving down the hall. And her expression showed a very faint amount of surprise as they were all Abnormals.</span></p> <p class="cnMxY2JmOGY2MDQwNDQ2MTdhMTk2ZTNmMTljYmM4ZWYy"><span style="font-weight: 400">‘Charlie.’ Visette ignored the three Abnormals posing as staff and headed toward her locker. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZmEyMjhhYTI0YjQwYjU4Nzg4NDM1ODNiODYwYmU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Along the way, she continued passing by Abnormals dressed as school staff but didn't act. She only had a knife on hand and premature action could endanger Charlie. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNDZkMmQ2MGI2ZDQwOTg4YjUxOTkxMzIzMmE0ZWVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">She finally arrived at her locker on the other side of the building and opened it, starting up the radio.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDE5MzZkMTYzNzQ4NGU5ZmE0NzNkOWZjNjlmYTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">[You’ve reached the communication line for Commander Wakefield. Please identify yourself.] A female voice spoke from the other side of the line.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NjFjYTM4MjU1NzQ4NTk4MzkzN2EyNTE0OTFhMjRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Visette Thales.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjMTAwMGY2NjdmMTRlYzNiMzdkZTNhY2NlMjNhYjE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Please stand by.] </span></p> <p class="cnM0M2VjOGNkOGZmMDRmYTZiMWVlNThhOWI4ZDk4NDY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">The plain radio clicked a few times and Commander Wakefield’s voice emerged.</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2NhZWIzYWFmYTQ2Mzg4NmRiOTZlMTczNmYwYzQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">[What is the situation?]</span></p> <p class="cnMyNmIzYjMxODA0YTRiMGJhNDFlNjMxNTM4YmQzYjU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette became silent for a moment, realizing that she couldn’t tell the Commander how she discovered the Abnormals.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZjYwODM5ZGVlNDQ4ZjQ4MmI5MWJkZWVjNzM1YWNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“It appears that an unknown group has infiltrated the academy.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmM5ZWM0OTM4MDQyNTI5ZDM1ODQ1ZjEwOTg5ZWU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">As expected, Commander Wakefield responded with a skepticism filled silence before his voice could be heard again, [...Have you discovered their goals?]</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzhjYTQyYjdhNTQxOWU5N2MzZmIzYjAyMzNjZDAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“No.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2MThlNjgwMGVhZDQwMWY4YmU2NGU3YzI0NDAwNmY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">[And you’re certain that the group is within the academy?]</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDg1NWYyOTA4ZTRiNWM4ZDZiYTVkYjE0ZGVlMWMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, I suspect that they are Abnormals allied with the Freedom City.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MDlkNDQyNWJjNTQ4ZWVhNmQ3YzQ1NDE4NWQ5Y2M3"><span style="font-weight: 400">[I will mobilize a unit and alert the Governor. The gun box in your locker should also receive an unlock signal very shortly. Your orders are to secure Charlie at any cost. You are to ensure that no harm comes to her and prioritize her safety over everyone else, do you understand me?]</span></p> <p class="cnM5Y2Q4ZjlkOTI4NzQ3OTU5MTBjODM5MWE5ZjYyNmI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Understood,” Visette replied.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYTRjNjUyNWQ5NzQyYTg5ZmU2YTJhYzg3NTE4OGEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The radio disconnected and the metal box inside her locker flashed with a green light before clicking open.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZmU4OWNkN2M4NDQ0ZDA4MWE1ZjYxNzNkNGVhYWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Visette opened the box and discovered that there was a small revolver inside as well as a minimal amount of ammo. She quickly loaded the gun and stored it inside of her waistband and decided to act carefully. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMzk5YTkzMjgzMTQxZDZhNjE3NDNhMjJhOGE0ZTEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Even if she wasn’t ordered to, she planned on protecting Charlie who she deemed to be a valuable asset. </span></p> </div>
“What was that back there?!” Lyn slammed her fist onto the table while Visette was in the process of removing her equipment. “The mission was completed,” Visette replied while storing the ballistic mask into a large metal case along with the vest she wore. “You went against my orders and ran off!” “You did not specify that it was an order.” “Oh give me a fucking break.” Lyn let out a frustrated groan. “Now I need to specify what’s an order? You pursued an unknown threat without knowing what awaited you. I didn't think you of all people would act so recklessly.” “I had no issue in eliminating them.” “That’s not the point.” Lyn took a seat and held her head, “You went off without saying a single word and didn't even radio in until you finished. You put yourself at risk.” “I am required to do so am I not?” Visette inquired as she removed her glove, discovering that her hands were bruised. Firing off a bullet enhanced with psionic energy was something she hadn’t experimented with and as a result, her preparations were still lacking. When she removed her black fatigues a few abrasions were visible on her arms, likely a result of being thrown from a car. “You...You’re hurt,” Lyn noted the injuries. Visette seemed unperturbed and replied in a fitting manner, “I have received very minor injuries that will heal.” “Shut up.” Lyn frowned as she retreated into Visette’s bathroom and plundered the medicine cabinet before returning with a first-aid kit, “And you’ll need something cold.” She quickly headed for the kitchen and filled a bowl with ice and water before sitting it in front of Visette. “Put your hands in the bowl,” Lyn said, “You can think of it as an order if that helps,” she quickly added. Visette did as instructed without much complaint, not thinking too much of it. Lyn began using a cotton cloth soaked in antiseptic to clean the scratches covering Visette’s arms. “I shouldn’t have let Commander Wakefield assign you tasks like that,” She spoke regretfully. “I have no issue with it.” “And that’s the problem...I don’t care about how strong you are as an Abnormal, you aren’t someone’s personal tool, Visette. You need to keep that in mind.” Visette turned her curiosity-filled gaze to Lyn. Minerva created her to be a tool and nothing else so she couldn’t understand why Lyn didn’t seem to think the same. Lyn met her eyes and paused for a moment before a red light briefly lit up the room and a distant siren echoed. “...Anyway, if you’re feeling well enough you can go to the academy tomorrow, just get some rest.” Lyn stood up and returned the first-aid kit, “I don’t know what the Commander is planning but you shouldn’t have to worry about an assignment for the next week or so.” “Understood.” Visette nodded. Lyn departed, leaving Visette to silently contemplate her earlier fight. She felt that her performance lacked efficiency and thought of ways which she could correct it. Even as she went to sleep, her mind didn’t stop replaying the scene of the battle. … Elsewhere, the assassination of Councilor Fredrickson and the firefight in the Upper Wards drew a lot of attention. Especially since it took place on the same day a funeral was held for another deceased councilor. Several streets were blocked off and a small portion of the Upper Wards was isolated so investigators could unravel what happened. In the center of Fredrickson's residence, Investigator Warrick Lewis, someone who had run afoul of Lyn in the past examined the scene while speaking to other investigators. It seemed that in the four years since that event came with a promotion as his vest read “Chief Investigator.” “We have four dead guards, eight assailants of unknown origin, a dead councilor, and how many witnesses?” “One or two, Sir,” A woman answered. “Ah, Sir, here’s the autopsy for Councilor Wilson you asked for.” A young man rushed in with a file in hand. “Let me see that.” Warrick grabbed the folder and scanned through the medical report. “A clean break.” “I’m sorry, Sir?” The female investigator spoke. “Councilor Wilson’s accident. He fell at a perfect angle and snapped his neck cleanly. You know what the odds of that are?” “No, I don’t, Sir.” “Very fucking low,” Warrick replied as he handed the folder back to the young man. “Make a copy of this and return it when you’re done.” “So, ignoring the four dead guards who died from gunshot wounds. Six of these men had their throats slit and one died from a gunshot to the head and the last one had his neck opened and was shot by a sniper’s bullet. Do you know what that means?” Warrick asked as he scanned the bullet holes that decorated the room. “It means a group of Abnormals was present, Sir?” The woman replied with uncertainty. “I think it was a single person who led this attack. We have two people who witnessed Fredrickson’s vehicle being attacked, albeit briefly.” “Sir, I don’t have much knowledge about Abnormals but how could one survive a close-quarters fight with only a bladed weapon unscathed and then proceed to chase the councilor?” “They had darkness as their advantage it looks like.” Warrick directed his gaze toward the broken ceiling lights. “There was also a sniper who seemed to be working with this group of soldiers here. He may have accidentally fired at a teammate in the confusion. We found his vantage point but there are still more questions than answers.” “Do you mean the broken gun, Sir?” “Yeah, maybe the sniper managed to land a shot but only ended up hitting the pistol of the lone Abnormal? I can’t be sure but I feel like it might be important.” “Sir!” A DSF officer called out to Warrick, quickly saluting before speaking, “We’ve found something. We followed up on the report of the gunshot heard in the Lower Wards and we’ve found something.” “Well, what is it?” Warrick asked. “Two dead bodies. One seemed to have killed himself while the other had his throat slit. There was also radio equipment and identification cards that seemed to have been forged.” “Alright...take me there,” Warrick ordered. The entire situation only grew more strange as they uncovered additional details. … The next day arrived as expected, a report of an incident involving Councilor Fredrickson was spread out and a mandatory curfew was put in place for the entire city with the exception of government personnel. The day proceeded just as it usually would. The only thing that was notable was the massive amount of increased security placed around the councilors and frequent patrols in the Upper Wards. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that 3/4ths of DSF officers were assigned to the districts where councilors lived. Though, none of those things concerned Visette. She circulated her psionic power while the professor gave a lecture on the nature of Corrupted. A few sentences in and she realized that there was nothing new being taught. Since Charlie was in a separate class taking piloting courses, Visette had nothing else to do but channel psionic energy through her body. At least, that is until she took notice of a person moving through the hall. It was a brief glance but she spotted a member of the janitorial staff. If anything, her glance was reflexive but when another janitor walked past the door followed by an additional one, she began to get suspicious. Feeling that she should investigate further, Visette suddenly stood up and moved toward the door. “...And that is why it is advised to remain as far away as possible when fighting Corrupted since they can- Um, Visette, are you okay?” The Professor, and the rest of the class, took notice of her. Visette ignored him and stepped out of the room while he called out behind her, “If you need to go to the bathroom just say so!” She closed the door behind her and focused her psionic scan on the three “janitors” briskly moving down the hall. And her expression showed a very faint amount of surprise as they were all Abnormals. ‘Charlie.’ Visette ignored the three Abnormals posing as staff and headed toward her locker. Along the way, she continued passing by Abnormals dressed as school staff but didn't act. She only had a knife on hand and premature action could endanger Charlie. She finally arrived at her locker on the other side of the building and opened it, starting up the radio. [You’ve reached the communication line for Commander Wakefield. Please identify yourself.] A female voice spoke from the other side of the line. “Visette Thales.” [Please stand by.] The plain radio clicked a few times and Commander Wakefield’s voice emerged. [What is the situation?] Visette became silent for a moment, realizing that she couldn’t tell the Commander how she discovered the Abnormals. “It appears that an unknown group has infiltrated the academy.” As expected, Commander Wakefield responded with a skepticism filled silence before his voice could be heard again, [...Have you discovered their goals?] “No.” [And you’re certain that the group is within the academy?] “Yes, I suspect that they are Abnormals allied with the Freedom City.” [I will mobilize a unit and alert the Governor. The gun box in your locker should also receive an unlock signal very shortly. Your orders are to secure Charlie at any cost. You are to ensure that no harm comes to her and prioritize her safety over everyone else, do you understand me?] “Understood,” Visette replied. The radio disconnected and the metal box inside her locker flashed with a green light before clicking open. Visette opened the box and discovered that there was a small revolver inside as well as a minimal amount of ammo. She quickly loaded the gun and stored it inside of her waistband and decided to act carefully. Even if she wasn’t ordered to, she planned on protecting Charlie who she deemed to be a valuable asset.
{ "title": "The Infinity Project", "id": 20313, "author": "Mirrond", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "039: At the bottom", "id": 305958, "next": 306252, "prev": 305661, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3NDk0NWUxMzYzMzRjYmI5ZWNmZmMwZjM1YmNjMGFi" style="text-align: center"><strong>Chapter 039: At the bottom</strong></p> <p class="cnNiOTFhZjQxMGYwYzQ5ZTVhZmY1YTA5NWYzZDgyNjk0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly I got an idea. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMGJhZDlkMjhhMTRjYzE5NjZiNGFmZjQyMTI4Yjg5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, a very basic one. A sketch of an idea. A fragment of inspiration. But it was definitely better than a complete lack of an idea. Improvisation, dammit. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMTNlYmNiZmZlNzQ5OTQ4YTM3YWJmYjNiNzY0Y2Yx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I fired a Holy Bolt. At Syna. Well, more like right in front of her. This brought her attention. She look at me, stopping her constant shooting at Nymph.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MDQwZGYyODJkZTQ5ZDI5MzRmOTg0OWNiMmVhNTMz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I gave her orders. She nodded. And loaded a bullet into her rifle’s chamber. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ODA1ZWUyMmMxNDQzZmRiYmZhNTkxYzJkNDVmYzNk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She had merely eleven remaining bullets in her rifle. They were rather complicated stuff. State-of-the-art ammunition created by a few specialized metalworks in the Imperium, that existed merely to supply the 101st Infantry Division with bullets. No inhabitant of the Dragonspine Mountains could even dream of replicating them, at least since the Decemvirate fell. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YzY4Y2IwZDdhYjRiNTNhMTRhMGQyYjE5ZWU3NjAy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then she closed her eyes and fired her rifle. In the air. </span></p> <p class="cnM3YzFhYzY0YjEwNzQ2OThiYTllN2VkYTg2ZjQ5NWFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Normally it would be a complete waste of a bullet that we simply couldn’t replace. But the situation was slightly different. Closing her eyes while firing meant that she was using a Guide Bullet spell. It allowed her to take control of the bullet and control it midflight. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NjhmYmFjZDBiNTQ1MWU4MTY1YzdmZmQyMDlhMDdi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It lost a lot of velocity while flying straight up, but soon enough she managed to twist its movement. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZGI2NjdlYjE4MzQ2YTY4NmUwYTg2NzAxN2NlMTIz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then it hit the Bloodlust’s head. After diving at it from above, completely avoiding her Magic Shield. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMzU5MTQwYmVhYjRjNGI5OGMzMzM5ZjE3YzA3NzY3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was borderline cheating to be honest. Although it was also nymph’s fault. She used it as her only defensive measure. This changed it into an almost impenetrable wall that she filled with a lot of magic… but made her vulnerable to attacks such as this.</span></p> <p class="cnMzODhhODM3MmNkZTQ3Y2Y4ODcxYjM3MDljODA4NDY5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Imperium had enough troubles trying to ban things that seriously endangered the lives and souls of all of its inhabitants. It never bothered to ban dumdum bullets, even if it looked rather unfavourably on people using them against other people. Syna had three hollow point bullets (totally banned on Earth) and I ordered her to use one. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYTYwNWJmNWZmNDRlNTNiMGE4MzU4ODkzOTIyODYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It more than made up for lost velocity. The Nymph’s head exploded when the bullet deformed and parts of it went on a journey through the Bloodlust’s flesh. </span></p> <p class="cnNkODEyNTNiMjEzYzQwN2VhODNlZjUxZGZlMzNkZWI3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She recreated it, of course. Daemons could survive headshots, even as glorious as this one. But… it was costly. Heads were internally complicated, as they included sight, hearing, smell and taste - plus a lot of touch. And a central processing chamber that sifted through their input. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MzBiMDYzNTUxNzRiOWI4ODYwYWFlMjI2NTQ4OTZk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">50%. Nymph lost 50% of her power in a single shot. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYTNjYTVlZTFhYzQzZmY4YjIxMWZmMjdjZTZjZTY4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Welp. I might have found and exploited a weakspot of her defense, but… what now? Even before her head regrew, she already covered herself in an omni-directional version of Magic Shield. Sure, it was weaker and prone to getting pierced by strong attacks, but… </span></p> <p class="cnM2NTljNjFmZGUzOTRjMTc4MmU0Y2U3NjMyZDg1NmNk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">… I wasn’t sure if we had attacks sufficiently strong for this. My strongest attacks - Destroyer Lance and Havoc Bolt - failed to achieve anything meaningful. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOGE5YjhiNGVjZjQ4NmFiNzgxYzBjOWNjM2U3NTc3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Bloodlust once again opened her mouth widely while looking at me. What’s her problem?! Why does she… ugh, fuck it. </span></p> <p class="cnMwZTU2YmQxYzJiMjQxZGQ5MzhmNWZjNzRkMzE1OTk3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I quickly used Localized Distortion and prepared for another leap. </span></p> <p class="cnNjODc5Y2RhMmJlYjQ3YjRiZmJlMTIwYmE3NDNjODA2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Then she suddenly looked away and fired the ray into a completely random direction. What the…</span></p> <p class="cnNlNWJhYzIyMDE1MDRiZDU5YTI3MzQ3MTkzN2JlYTk4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Simea. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMzM4ZjcwNDAyNTRiYWFhZjJhYmM0YjQzNzgwNjZj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She of course used her Suppress Presence when the battle started and tried to sneak upon the Nymph… but the Bloodlust managed to detect her. To avoid warning her she pretended to target me, only to switch the target of the hex in the last possible moment. </span></p> <p class="cnM3NWZjOWZlYjQ4NzQ0Mzg4OWM1YWJiMjlhOGE4OTlj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">My wife got eviscerated by a ray of blood fired with enough pressure and velocity to punch a hole in metal wall. </span></p> <p class="cnNmMjM3ZDI4MWIwZDRkZDg5ODgzMjVhZTNjMGJhN2Q4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Ugh. Just ugh. </span></p> <p class="cnNmZDQzZTJhYjA1YzQ1NjE4MThhNTNhMTAxZThkNzhl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Alright, I think I have a plan B. Or at least a desperate excuse of it. I got Transcendentals, so let’s fucking use them. She is a nymph, so she should be vulnerable to them at least to a point. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MmQwMzFjNjJmZjQzYTJhZDA1YTVjZTgzOTRiMTAz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I used a Depraved Promise on her. She suddenly bent forward, leaning on the edge of the water tank. Her eyes opened wide. There was a sudden wave of lust and arousal visible on her face. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMTliNjc3YjE5ZDQ4Y2Q5ZDRiNDU3Yjc2YWI2NDVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Uh-huh. Someone is really vulnerable to Lust Magic. Too bad that Simea just got blooded to death. </span></p> <p class="cnM1YjlkYmUyZTU3YzRmY2ZhYzRlOGIwNDNlNmVlNTgx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Lena and Leria kept being pushed back. Soon the Bloodeaters will overwhelm them and get to the stairs when me, Syna and Vaera stood. No time to waste. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMDRlODg3N2ZlYjRiZjVhZWQ0ZTA5ODI2ODdkYjM4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The Nymph recuperated from the effects of Depraved Promise. She was a daemon and one completely insane. Her lifeforce was so disturbed that even the strongest lifeforce manipulation worked quirky. Well, it could still work. </span></p> <p class="cnM5N2Q5OGZmNTFlODRhY2Q4ZDM0ZDJkZTJlMjZjNjJm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I quickly communicated the plan to Vaera and Syna. It was a rather crazy one, that could work only because the Bloodlust clearly wasn’t the smartest one around. Insanity does that to people. </span></p> <p class="cnMzNjcyMjZmMDIyNTQ2NDU4ODVkMWM2ZmY2MTZjZGQy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another Depraved Promise. Nymph once again bent, but this time her hand clearly disappeared somewhere around the place where legs started, with red water mercifully covering the troubling details. </span></p> <p class="cnNhZGVjMzAwOTExNzQwMjU4ZmMyM2RmYTdkZjRhYWNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Arcane Bullet, Dragon Fireball and Destroyer Lance hit her Magic Armor at the very same second. It held, but barely. This shook her sober. But before she managed to reinforce the defensive magic, she was hit by another Depraved Promise. </span></p> <p class="cnNiOThmNGM3OTg4MzQ5M2FiNzQxYzQ2ZGJhMGJkNDZk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time she obviously started masturbating. Fucking Deviation and her fucking Transcendentals. </span></p> <p class="cnM1Yjg2MzI4NGIzMzRmYWI5YjAwNjY3YmY4YTc3YmQ4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This was no normal arousal. You would have to be really perverted (and suicidal) to start acting like that mid-battle. But lifeforce… it worked beyond your consciousness. It was a measurement of all this little processes in your body that summed up to living. All the way to a cell level. And Lust Magic suddenly attuned all of it to lust. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMzRiYWU2OWU4ZjRlNzM4OWYzOTc5Y2U4OTRlYjc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another trio of attacks hit her. This time breaking her Magic Armor. She recuperated… but a second too late. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNDUzNTI5MDhlOTQxZTY4MzgxZTE0ODJmZTA1ZGE5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time an Arcane Bullet hit her face. Forty percent of lifebar disappeared. It would be an instakill, but Destroyer Lance and Dragon Fireball travelled too slow and her headless body managed to dive in the water tank before they reach it. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MzFlNzcxOGQyZTQ1N2U5N2YyMjM3YTJhOWE0ZjQy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Damn it. If I’d known they were gonna miss, I would have ordered Syna to use another material bullet. Maybe not a hollow point one, but… </span></p> <p class="cnMzMGJkMzhhMzY5MDRmZTJhZDlkNTBlZmJiZTQ4MzY0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nymph started weaving a hex. A powerful one. More powerful than I expected she was capable of. </span></p> <p class="cnNjOTk4OGE3MGMzNjQxZDQ5ODk0ODNlNTc0ZTQ1OGI5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh shitshitshitshitshitshit. AN OVERDRIVE. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMTFmNWQxMmFiMzRjYmI4ZmIxZDY0Y2ZhMGQyY2Jk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“AREA OF EFFECT!” I screamed. Too late. </span></p> <p class="cnNmYThhMjg4ZmY0YjQ2MjBhMjZhOWZlMTBmYmJlNDYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">All Bloodeaters suddenly exploded. Lena and Leria stood too close. They were instantly grilled and evaporate by a cloud of overheated blood-like matter suddenly sublimated by temperature and magic. The wave of heat made me feel like I was burning… and I was standing ten meters away from the nearest epicentre.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MTdiMTA2OTIyNDQ4ZTViYTE5MmNkMjRiZGFhNDIz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The amount of Plague-tainted blood in air skyrocketed.</span></p> <p class="cnNkOTU5N2E0NjJjODRiMTJiNTY2MGQzODNlZTkxY2Yw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">We triggered an overdriveomgomgomgomgomg.</span></p> <p class="cnNlYzk5YTdhNWJmZTQ2N2Y4MjU1MzJiZTEyNmU5Njkx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was a rather rare occurrence, but one considered something extremely dangerous. DFI didn’t like the idea of strong people being able to enter the low leveled areas and wipe the floor with Uniques there. This would be an obvious risk to local economy (imagine the number of supposedly ‘rare’ items and materials flooding the market). Besides, the Uniques were made to be dangerous and deadly, right?</span></p> <p class="cnM1MzMxZTc4NTJmNTQ3ZjdiMTQ1YzVlMGMzODI5Y2Zk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">When an enemy overwhelmed them totally, they could go into Overdrive. It was explained in lore as forcefully opening themselves to the powers of the Dark. To flood themselves with raw power. A desperate move that would leave them crippled for long. But crippled was better than banished for who knows how long. </span></p> <p class="cnM0YjlkM2UzZWUwNzQ3NDVhNjJlN2EzODQxNWRhYjEw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">We just took 90% of her life in merely two hits. While losing only a single member. It must have triggered the Overdrive.</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNiNzIzMmRmYjA5MTQzMjdiMTE1N2MyZGZmN2JlMTQ4" style="text-align: center"><strong>Bloodlust</strong></p> <p class="cnNhMjNiZjFhZTM3ZTQ3ODdhMzQ2OGVhMDljMTkyNWNi" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Unique/Overdrive!</span></p> <p class="cnMxYTNmYjMzMmJhOTRhNjE4ODFhOGViZjVlZWY0NTUx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Category: Blood/Bloodletter Plague</span></p> <p class="cnM3MDhkMTRiNDIzZDQwMTM4N2E0Y2I1OGVlZDA3MjNk" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Type: Daemon/Servile</span></p> <p class="cnNjMThhNmYzZWZkZTQxYWQ4ZDQ1NWE2NjJkMzRhMTBl" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Threat Grade: Silver V-&gt;Gold V</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2NiMTMwMjY4NjQ3ZWU4ZDE4NDllMTg2ZjExZTJi" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once she was a potamide, a nymph of still water, inhabiting the main watertank of the Theta Research Station. She spent most of her life pulling tricks while ensuring that the water remained pure and, in fact, had slight restorative properties.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTEwMjEzZWU0ODQxNWI4ZWU3YjgwYjA2NDZhNTM1" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">This changed when her domain was infected by Bloodletter Plague. Now she is an insane, omnicidal wreck.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMmJhZDg1ZGQ5ZTQ4MDZhZDkxM2Q0ZjU0NzI0ZDc2" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">Known spells and hexes:</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjdhY2JiNTJlMDQxNTU4YjkzOWM0ZDEyYTA4NDQx" style="text-align: center"><strong>Blood Ray </strong></p> <p class="cnMzMjcyY2IwZDJiZjRjODBiNzMxODM0MWRmOGYxODI3" style="text-align: center"><strong>Blood Rain</strong></p> <p class="cnM1OTlkYzk2ZjY5NTQ0Nzg5MWJhYjMyYjU2OWFjMTg5" style="text-align: center"><strong>Summon Bloodeater [8]</strong></p> <p class="cnMxYTRlMjY1NGIxODQxYjViZGQxODdhMWIyNjhmYTk5" style="text-align: center"><strong>Sublimate(O)</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnNjODliN2E3ODE0ZjQ4OWNiNDUxMjczOGI0OGQwZWYy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><br>Aand… we are so dead. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MTlhYjY2MTcxOTQ2NWViZjZmOWY5ODg3ZjMzNzU3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She emerged from the pool again. Her outer appearance didn’t change, but the leap in power level could be felt. </span></p> <p class="cnM1N2EyNmI4ODBiODQxZGVhNGIzZjA4YTkyOTczYjJl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">This time she left the water tank. She almost tripped when she did so, probably not used to this. She stood in front of it, covered in blood and fleshy growths. </span></p> <p class="cnM1MjcwMDMyZDlkOTQ0Y2FiOTRhY2QzYjUxYzk0NmNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Syna tried to load another dumdum bullet. Nymph immediately decided that she was the biggest threat of us all. Bloodlust fired an overcharged version of Blood Ray. Rather than hitting a single point it hit a whole line. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMGYwZmVmMjY0MTQwNDJhNzcwYzU1ZGQ4ZmY2M2U3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">A horizontal wave of magic-charged blood cut the catgirl apart. Her upper part fell back, while her legs remained standing. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYTVmNjhhYzY2ODQ5YTNiMWQxMDg4ZDBkN2RiYWUy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Jesus Christ. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNDlkYjA1ZDkzYTQwMDFhYmJmODc1YjVhMTEzN2Fl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I was paralyzed with fear and shock. Vaera wasn’t. But his Dragon Fireball only triggered her counterattack. She… spat blood at him. It, of course, exploded on contact. </span></p> <p class="cnM4NjdiYThiYTg5ZTQ1ZWVhYzQ5MzI5NDkyNjNmNWYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">His Dragon Shield failed to hold. He died immediately. Then she turned her gaze on me.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNDY4ZDFkNmZhOTQ5MjNhNWM3MTI4MjA1ZDhhY2Nm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">FUCK. YOU. I might be going to die, but I AM NOT GOING TO DIE WITHOUT A FUCKING FIGHT. </span></p> <p class="cnNlODgzOWJjMTE3YzRhZWFhNTQ0ODRhNTIxYTRkMjYx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I had no idea what hex she wanted to cast on me, but she was interrupted. I cast a Dominating Presence immediately followed by a Depraved Promise. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ODc3ODkzZDgzOTRjN2VhNzNiZmRhOGViYWQwYTdh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Nymph recoiled, her hex broken together with her concentration. She almost shoved her hands between her legs… but Overdrive must have increased her resistance to Lust Magic at least slightly. If I didn’t sneak in the Dominating Presence it would probably not work at her at all. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzEwNzY4NGRiZDRlNDlhYjBkNDdiNjZmNWNjOGU2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She almost immediately started another hex. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZWJlZDkyYjMyMDQ5NGE5M2VkMDlhYzg0ZDExOTI2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">You want it rough? Sure thing. </span></p> <p class="cnMxNTNhOGEzYTg5NzQxZDliYjU1NzRjMTI1ZmI0MjAx" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I made a step forward. Grabbed my gasmask and threw it aside. The air was disgusting and tasted like blood. I could feel debuffs settling in. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMjhlZmJiMGE0YjQwNzA5MjNlNGJhMWEyNmMwN2E4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The same second another Depraved Promise connected. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZTU5OTkxZDk0ZTRlOGZiZDIwNzRmODhiOGI3YmJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The thing with Lust Magic was that it was influenced by a lot of factors. For example your clothing, actions and whether the target considered you attractive. A pretty girl making a striptease would be much more successful in attacking me than an elder, ugly man covered from head to toe in clothing. </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZTUyZDEzY2JlNDQ5MzE5MTUzNTQ0Yjk4OTJhN2Y2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I made a rather desperate bet. But I won. It seemed like my face fit her preferences. Or maybe me throwing away the mask felt to her like a beginning of a striptease? What really mattered was that it worked. It strengthened my Transcendental enough to break her concentration completely. </span></p> <p class="cnNmNTNlNjUyMGNmOTRiYzFiMDk1NGJhOTE1OGY0N2Ri" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another step. She lost it, began fingering herself and made a step forward. That’s right, come here. Good girl. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNGJlNjliN2IwYjRhMGFhMzBlNzYwYWE2ZTY1M2Jm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another step. She paused her actions, her mind fighting to regain control over her body. Another Depraved Promise fixed it for a while. My manapool was running thin and I had no chance of breaking her Overdrived magical defenses. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NGM3ZTE4NTlkMTQ2ZjhiNTI0YzZkN2I4OThiZDZj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">There was a single chance for me. A desperate bet, but… what other option I had? </span></p> <p class="cnMxOTRjZWVkZDM5YjRmZGFiYWRkNDYxNjBkY2UxNDVh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another step. And another. She walked closer, her face filled with nothing but lust. I threw away my gloves, just in case the hexes were really strengthened by a striptease expy. Uh, no way I’m going to tell the rest the details of what I was doing while they were dead. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOWYwMWNmMzllZTQzN2M5YTM1YjIyZDAzZmNhMTU4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Once again she seemed to fight my hex. She might be a pervert (judging from her vulnerability to Lust Magic), but she either had a shitload of willpower or her insanity and the Plague modified her somehow. A mortal after get hit by Lust Magic Transcendental would already be broken completely, unable to think or do anything but sex for a few hours. Even the average nymph, with her daemonic nature, would be out of commision for a while. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NWE5NjM5NmM0MzQyNjM5YWY1NzJlMDQ4MTA2YzJj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Another Depraved Promise. Another steps. Almost. ALMOST. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MWE3YzQ2Y2I2ZDQ2ODM5ZGNhZGU1MTJlN2VmMDhh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She fell on her kness before me. Her defensive magic dispelled and her face filled with nothing but a silent beg and a desire to get ravaged. My manapool was almost empty, enough for a single hex. </span></p> <p class="cnNhYjM1NzE3Y2I0MzQ0OWFiYjM3MjljMjgzZTY4ZTVm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Begone, thot. I’m married. And you are too squicky for me. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNzIwNTI5ZDkwYjRjNDhhNTM1ZmQyOGQzYzg0OWVj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I gently grabbed her head. Our eyes met. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZmQwNjNjM2UxYzQ0ODliOTI1YTNiYzBmNWE0MWRj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She regained control a second too late. </span></p> <p class="cnNlZDc0ZTE4ZDBhNTRlNmY5NTVjMGNiMjM5MWUyNjc1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“HAVOC BOLT!” </span></p> <p class="cnM0YjEyODdlMDFkNzQwNDVhMWJmY2JkMGJhZjc4NWEx" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM0NDk4MGM3M2FkOTRhNjJiZjY1NjRjMDM2ZTYxOTVm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Simea died as a first one, so she was also the first one to arrive. She must have ran the whole way. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYzUzN2RmMjc2MDQyYzliMTZhMzViZjQzYjhmMzJl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I sat beside the water tank, with my back on its metal wall. It was quite comfortable, mostly due to fleshy growths on it. Squicky, but comfortable. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNWY0ZWI1MjEzZjQ4MmJiMjUwYjE2MGFjZmE2YWFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“So… we won?” She said as I raised. </span></p> <p class="cnMwYWZiNjE2YjhkYzQxN2NhNmU4Y2M2Y2E2MjQ2OWIy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes, kinda.” Alright, it was crazy and slightly shameful, but you promised to not withdraw informations from her, right?</span></p> <p class="cnNkOWYwZjMwMGE2OTQxMzNhNjA4YmYwYjU5MmM4ODQ3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I described what she missed. She chuckled when she heard about my little… striptease. Ugh. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZWJiNjg0NmQyOTQwYWM5MDgxNmY5Y2RiNDA2NTA4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, at least she is dead. Any loot?” I shook my head. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNGRiNTBjYTZmNTQ2ZjA4MjQ3NzlmMTcyNDUxN2E3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I wouldn’t touch anything belonging to a Bloodletter Plague-infected daemon with a ten foot pole.” I answered. “Sure, it might not be a true Bloodletter Plague, but still.” If it was a true form of the disease I vaguely remember hearing about while playing World’s Requiem, we would already have succumbed to it. Together with everyone in the sewers and most of the city. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YmRjNzgwMmE3ZjQ0NDliYzA2ZDI4NTVjYzNiODFh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see. So, we’re waiting for the rest, right?” I nodded. Well, it shouldn’t be that long. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZjExNjc4OTM1ZjQ4YjliNDQ3ODYxZGUzYzI4MDhh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">We had luck. The only reason we won that battle was pure luck. Overdriven boss, even with 10% of HP, should mop the floor with us. If not for me exploiting her weakness… and even then I was almost out of mana. The way of accelerating its restoration wasn’t really possible (despite Simea being with me) due to poisonous air and generally unpleasant surroundings. Not to mention the others could come any minute now. </span></p> <p class="cnM4OTQ1ZDU0ZjdkZjQxM2ZhZjZjZDA4MzQ3ZDg4M2U1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">At least I had magic stored in the crystal ring of Ardent Flame. Enough to restore 75% of my manapool one time. Then I drank a Weak Mana Potion. No more tricks, no more fights for attrition. One final push. And if the end of the Adventure isn’t close… we are fucked. </span></p> <p class="cnNkZjJiMmUxYjAwMjRjMzBhMjMzMzIzODM0ZjMwYTNj" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnMwMzAyYjNmZTE4ZjRiMTY5MzM1ZGMwZDk2NDFkYzc5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Maybe twenty minutes later (I’m going to buy myself a watch) we were already back together. </span></p> <p class="cnM0NmMyMjJhYTU1OTQ1OTE5NWJiMDFjODUwMmQyMjMw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The decision to continue the Adventure was unanimous. Just as the knowledge that we were getting close to the climax of the quest. The disease was already in our veins, we all started showing early symptoms. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjFmMDQ3MzkyYzQwM2FhYjA3NjAyMmFhOTJlMDYw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The part about five available resurrections was a bullshit. They only had three left. The disease progressed regardless of us dying. I probably had three lives left as well. Maybe even two if my desperate striptease worsened my condition.</span></p> <p class="cnNhN2FiZjg5ZTkyYzQzZGZhODY3ZDk5NTYzZTI3OWNl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The device led us to a hatch in the floor. Well hidden on the very edge of the hall and touched by the Bloodletter Plague… but only partially. It was enough to cover it under a thin layer of red moss, but not enough to make it impossible to open. </span></p> <p class="cnNjMmYwOTczYTViZTQyOWZiZWQ4YWYyOTUxMzNhMGQ3" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was obviously secured from the Plague. I think we are getting close to the cult headquarters. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMWViYjljOTZkZjQ5ZjhhOTgyNjNmNzI5MWFiMzUw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The second we opened it, a wave of red air came at us from below. The walls beneath the grate were moving. Pulsating. Everything was covered in flesh growths. </span></p> <p class="cnM5ZGJjMWFkZmVjYzQ0YmZiNzE4ZmU3NzU0MjBkZmI5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seems like we are also getting close to the source of infection. Wonderfuckingful. </span></p> <p class="cnMzMzEwNzQ4NDE2MDQ4N2NhN2IwNGIzY2ZkYzY4NTM1" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Suddenly I could feel Vaera poking me. When I looked at him, he waved his head. </span></p> <p class="cnM5N2FiMTI1MTlhOTQxYzg4YjVhMDE2ODZhMjAxZWJk" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Oh. Syna looked like she was trying to get my attention. She found something?</span></p> <p class="cnM3YjZlYTAzYjE0NzQzYTk4MjNhYjViZGVhYTliNTU3" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnMyZmFhOGY0NDYzNDRhMDZiYjg4OGZjMDZmNWMzZmVh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">She found someone. </span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2E2NjQ0YmU1MTQ5MTY4MDlhMTAyZTdlYzkzZmQw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">No wonder we missed him. He was lying beside the wall of the shaft, in a place that seemed to be devoured by the Bloodletter Plague. It devoured him as well. Merely part of the head (with one eye) was visible. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMmMxZjIwNmRlZTRkOGU4Mjc3YmQ4NWZhZTNkNjJl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I appraised him. </span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="2"> <p class="cnMzZTA3YTAxZWQzYzQzYTJiMzYyOGU5YTllM2JiM2Ez"><strong>Synvek Valorian</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="2"> <p class="cnM1OGRmZjNkYWMyOTQ1NTFiZjViZjA4YjRkMjc2Mjgx"><strong>PLAYER</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnMyZDVmOTNhZTIxMjQxMGFhZWUyNGNjZDZiYTczZTFk"><strong>Gender:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> Male</span></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnNjYWFkODcyZDg2ZjQ4NTc4ODYwNmEzMzg4OWNmNjc1"><strong>Species:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400"> High Elf</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnM1MWRiZWM5NTZkMTRjNjRiN2MyMjY1NTIyMjgzODdl"><strong>Level: 8</strong></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnMzMmY2OTA4NTQ3ODRiZDU5NTVkMjEyOTYwNzgwNGM0"><strong>Class: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Blade</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="2"> <p class="cnMxNWM4Y2ZmMWI1YjQyNzA5OWVkYjkxNmY0MDk3ZWRk"><strong>Active Effects: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400">Cyst</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: center" colspan="2"> <p class="cnMwMzExM2I1ODAwNzQ2MTk4MjkwYTMwODQ3ZDMzODNl"><strong>Known Spells and Techniques</strong><span style="font-weight: 400">:</span><span style="font-weight: 400"><br></span><span style="font-weight: 400">???</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM4NjM1YjQ1N2MzZjQ0NzhhODU0YjQ2Mzg2YTdkODA5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><br>“Oh shit.” I said loudly. “That’s one of Kovacs men.”</span></p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnNjOTY1NTAxZGZmNjQzN2Y4M2Q2ODM1MWFiYTYyODdj"><strong>Cyst</strong></p> <p class="cnM0YjU5YWQxM2FmODQ4MDU5OTRkNjNkN2E5ZDRiNjAy"><strong>[Very Rare]</strong></p> </td> <td style="text-align: center"> <p class="cnNhNGY1MGI0OTdhODQxMzI5MjVkZmFmZDU3MDNkNTE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Target has underwent a violent changes due to being infected by a Bloodletter Plague.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMTY1NzZlZjBhMDQ4YTc5NjA1OTZmNTAxYWEzNjk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Rather than falling into coma, due to the proximity to the source of the infection, he skipped all phases of the infection and reached the last one. While still conscious, he is slowly changing into one more cyst, his body used to produce more of the disease. </span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM0YTY5ZDc0MjlmNjQ4NTA4Y2Y4NzA4ZDc1ZGIxZmM2" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400"><br>DFI, you bunch of motherfucking madmen. I knew the rest appraised him as well and took a good look at the active effects. So let’s skip the part with describing them what was going to happen.</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGZlNjMyZmMzNzRhMGRhNTRlNjk2ZmMwZTQzYzM4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I kneeled beside the still living remains of the adventurer. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYmNmYmU1ZjYyNzQ4M2ViNDQxYzQwZGRiYWI0MTQ0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Can you hear me? Blink once if yes.” He blinked. My God. Wasn’t this literally a Fate Worse Than Death scenario? If the city fails to repel the infection, if it grows into a full-blown Bloodletter Plague outbreak… how long was he going to stay like that? How much worse could it get? </span></p> <p class="cnNkNWVjN2FhZTVkODQ0YzNhZGY0MzIwNzA2M2Y0Nzkw" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">I could hear the rest swallowing the news behind me. </span></p> <p class="cnM4MWYwNThiNWI1NDQxZjU4YzA5OWMzNmQ0OWUxM2Iy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Kovacs and the rest went further?” Blink. “Did you manage to defeat the nymph?” Two blinks. Ah. They had lower levels than us and failed to defeat the Bloodlust. After one or two attempts they decided to push through, regardless of casualties.” You remained behind to keep it busy while they went further?” Blink.</span></p> <p class="cnM4MGUxMGU3YWQ2YzRkYWViNzRhNjU1YTljNWU3M2Vh" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Well, at least he seemed to still be sane. And that certainly required a lot of courage. On the other hand. it means that Kovacs group was running out of resurrections. </span></p> <p class="cnM3MWFjZWIwYzRjMDQ2YTFhZmZjYTk2NDkyMTdlZmNi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shouldn’t we… free him or something?” Simea spoke. I shook my head. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTJmNTI4NjIzZTQ4M2FiYzQ2NmRmZDVkYTMyMjZm" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I’d like to, but… I don’t know how. If we kill him, won’t he just resurrect in the same form? Or can he still resurrect? And what if he no longer is a part of an Adventure and he gets resurrected on the surface?” Which would mean spreading the disease there. I didn’t need to add that, though. They knew. Thankfully, I surrounded myself with intelligent people. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMjJjNjU3NjllYjQ3YjI5ODQ0OTk3NWUwOWUwYmNj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Alright, buddy. I’m sorry but we have to leave you here.” I made the decision, so I at least should have the moral courage to say that to him directly. “We are going after Kovacs. If we managed to find the source of the disease, we might be able to help you.” After a while he blinked. Once. </span></p> <p class="cnMxMjZkMjZiMjYwNDRiYWNiZjIzZWI2NWY0YzZlYTE5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Seems like Kovacs surrounded himself with intelligent people as well. </span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjU2OWNjYzY3ZTRmYjg4YzZmZTJkNzgxNGY1NWIz" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTA2YmI3NTI5YjRlMzk4ZGYxNGY2NWU1NjBjNjE5" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Beneath the hatch was a ladder. Obviously a modern one. I wouldn’t risk using a four hundred years old ladder. Even stairs in the shaft seemed risky. But it seems that the cult replaced it. </span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2NjOTNjZmM5NTRhODhiODBjZmYwNGMyZWIyZTBl" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Wall surrounding it were completely covered in flesh growths and cysts. Only the ladder was clean. Too clean. Obviously the Baptism of Blood knew how to secure things and people from the disease. </span></p> <p class="cnM5YzUwYjcxOTRmYzQ1Y2NhZTMxZGRjMWM1ZDY0ZGFj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Perfect hideout for the cult. Whoever wanted to assault its headquarters had to fight Bloodlust and then go deeper. With disease being everpresent. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNDQzZTY2MzdhNzRhZmE4NTRhM2RmMzBmYzRlNjc0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Our aura manipulators went down first. I was in the middle of the ladder when I heard sounds of a fight going on beneath me. I looked down (fuck I hate ladders) to see them finishing up a Bloodeater. </span></p> <p class="cnNiZjliZmM4ODA1YjRkYmM4NDQ2ODc0MTZiZTVjZGEz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">So, finally. Red Forest lite. The place inhabited by daemons and corrupted humans serving the unnamed deity of some antediluvian race of blood-obsessed people that considered blood sacrifices a national pastime. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMjZhMDBhZDU2NjQwODhhMWJmNWQxYWI5Mzg1M2M0" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fuck, I hate this place. Can we go back to the Hold already? Please? </span></p> <p class="cnM1YTQwNGY2ZTFkYzRlOWJhMmFkZmJiMDEzOGNiYWY5" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: 400">***</span></p> <p class="cnNmMjJjZWU0MmQwYzQxYTQ5ZjcxMjhkZDhjNzI5MTli" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">The more I thought about it, the less sensible the Theta Research Station was. The only potential explanation for its totally schizophrenic design was that its makers built it underground, using naturally (or not) existing caves. </span></p> <p class="cnM3Y2FhYTJiNmJjNTQyNjg5ZDRmZmQyNGYxMWY2NGE4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">If that was the case, the Decemvirate architects had to be fucking drunk. </span></p> <p class="cnM5MTUzN2ZhMDI2NzQyOTRhYzMxZDViODBkZTVkYjMz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Or the area kept growing on its own, with new facilities added where they were needed, whenever they could be fit. Now that I think about it, teleportation was a thing even today. It was costly (and grew even more costly with distance), but on a short range… in Apostasy era… maybe they simply teleported themselves between separate facilities, built close enough for the costs to be negligible? </span></p> <p class="cnM3MWE0ODlkOWQ4YTQzOWM4YzE4NDRkMTkyZjViNGQ4" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">If that was the truth, then the place we descended into must have been a technical corridors. Probably connecting facilities. Places that the flesh failed to devour included a lot of metal grates, plates and pipes. </span></p> <p class="cnM1ZTdkZDJlZTJlYTQ0NDI5ZTMzYjg2ZjY4YjFjNjUy" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was also damn tight. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYmY0Yjg4OTJjYzRhNDVhMWE4NmNmNDY5NmQ5YjRi" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">According to the device we were quite close to Kovacs’ position. Despite this, this place could be a maze. Who know how big. It could connect many facilities. Some of them could be as big as the one we walked through… and completely overtaken by the disease. We could only hope to avoid running into really powerful creatures. We had no strength left for a prolonged battle.</span></p> <p class="cnMwMmI2MDAzNjk1NDQ4OTliZGQwY2E3NjY5NjY5ODkz" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">Bloodeaters at the end of the corridor made sounds similar to groan before they started crawling towards us. </span></p> <p class="cnNiMjg0ZWFmYjk5NjQ1MmY4YjEzNjE2NDU4YjQ5NTBj" style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well.” I said. “It’s time to end this.” </span></p> </div>
**Chapter 039: At the bottom** Suddenly I got an idea. Well, a very basic one. A sketch of an idea. A fragment of inspiration. But it was definitely better than a complete lack of an idea. Improvisation, dammit. I fired a Holy Bolt. At Syna. Well, more like right in front of her. This brought her attention. She look at me, stopping her constant shooting at Nymph. I gave her orders. She nodded. And loaded a bullet into her rifle’s chamber. She had merely eleven remaining bullets in her rifle. They were rather complicated stuff. State-of-the-art ammunition created by a few specialized metalworks in the Imperium, that existed merely to supply the 101st Infantry Division with bullets. No inhabitant of the Dragonspine Mountains could even dream of replicating them, at least since the Decemvirate fell. Then she closed her eyes and fired her rifle. In the air. Normally it would be a complete waste of a bullet that we simply couldn’t replace. But the situation was slightly different. Closing her eyes while firing meant that she was using a Guide Bullet spell. It allowed her to take control of the bullet and control it midflight. It lost a lot of velocity while flying straight up, but soon enough she managed to twist its movement. Then it hit the Bloodlust’s head. After diving at it from above, completely avoiding her Magic Shield. It was borderline cheating to be honest. Although it was also nymph’s fault. She used it as her only defensive measure. This changed it into an almost impenetrable wall that she filled with a lot of magic… but made her vulnerable to attacks such as this. Imperium had enough troubles trying to ban things that seriously endangered the lives and souls of all of its inhabitants. It never bothered to ban dumdum bullets, even if it looked rather unfavourably on people using them against other people. Syna had three hollow point bullets (totally banned on Earth) and I ordered her to use one. It more than made up for lost velocity. The Nymph’s head exploded when the bullet deformed and parts of it went on a journey through the Bloodlust’s flesh. She recreated it, of course. Daemons could survive headshots, even as glorious as this one. But… it was costly. Heads were internally complicated, as they included sight, hearing, smell and taste - plus a lot of touch. And a central processing chamber that sifted through their input. 50%. Nymph lost 50% of her power in a single shot. Welp. I might have found and exploited a weakspot of her defense, but… what now? Even before her head regrew, she already covered herself in an omni-directional version of Magic Shield. Sure, it was weaker and prone to getting pierced by strong attacks, but… … I wasn’t sure if we had attacks sufficiently strong for this. My strongest attacks - Destroyer Lance and Havoc Bolt - failed to achieve anything meaningful. Bloodlust once again opened her mouth widely while looking at me. What’s her problem?! Why does she… ugh, fuck it. I quickly used Localized Distortion and prepared for another leap. Then she suddenly looked away and fired the ray into a completely random direction. What the… Simea. She of course used her Suppress Presence when the battle started and tried to sneak upon the Nymph… but the Bloodlust managed to detect her. To avoid warning her she pretended to target me, only to switch the target of the hex in the last possible moment. My wife got eviscerated by a ray of blood fired with enough pressure and velocity to punch a hole in metal wall. Ugh. Just ugh. Alright, I think I have a plan B. Or at least a desperate excuse of it. I got Transcendentals, so let’s fucking use them. She is a nymph, so she should be vulnerable to them at least to a point. I used a Depraved Promise on her. She suddenly bent forward, leaning on the edge of the water tank. Her eyes opened wide. There was a sudden wave of lust and arousal visible on her face. Uh-huh. Someone is really vulnerable to Lust Magic. Too bad that Simea just got blooded to death. Lena and Leria kept being pushed back. Soon the Bloodeaters will overwhelm them and get to the stairs when me, Syna and Vaera stood. No time to waste. The Nymph recuperated from the effects of Depraved Promise. She was a daemon and one completely insane. Her lifeforce was so disturbed that even the strongest lifeforce manipulation worked quirky. Well, it could still work. I quickly communicated the plan to Vaera and Syna. It was a rather crazy one, that could work only because the Bloodlust clearly wasn’t the smartest one around. Insanity does that to people. Another Depraved Promise. Nymph once again bent, but this time her hand clearly disappeared somewhere around the place where legs started, with red water mercifully covering the troubling details. Arcane Bullet, Dragon Fireball and Destroyer Lance hit her Magic Armor at the very same second. It held, but barely. This shook her sober. But before she managed to reinforce the defensive magic, she was hit by another Depraved Promise. This time she obviously started masturbating. Fucking Deviation and her fucking Transcendentals. This was no normal arousal. You would have to be really perverted (and suicidal) to start acting like that mid-battle. But lifeforce… it worked beyond your consciousness. It was a measurement of all this little processes in your body that summed up to living. All the way to a cell level. And Lust Magic suddenly attuned all of it to lust. Another trio of attacks hit her. This time breaking her Magic Armor. She recuperated… but a second too late. This time an Arcane Bullet hit her face. Forty percent of lifebar disappeared. It would be an instakill, but Destroyer Lance and Dragon Fireball travelled too slow and her headless body managed to dive in the water tank before they reach it. Damn it. If I’d known they were gonna miss, I would have ordered Syna to use another material bullet. Maybe not a hollow point one, but… Nymph started weaving a hex. A powerful one. More powerful than I expected she was capable of. Oh shitshitshitshitshitshit. AN OVERDRIVE. “AREA OF EFFECT!” I screamed. Too late. All Bloodeaters suddenly exploded. Lena and Leria stood too close. They were instantly grilled and evaporate by a cloud of overheated blood-like matter suddenly sublimated by temperature and magic. The wave of heat made me feel like I was burning… and I was standing ten meters away from the nearest epicentre. The amount of Plague-tainted blood in air skyrocketed. We triggered an overdriveomgomgomgomgomg. It was a rather rare occurrence, but one considered something extremely dangerous. DFI didn’t like the idea of strong people being able to enter the low leveled areas and wipe the floor with Uniques there. This would be an obvious risk to local economy (imagine the number of supposedly ‘rare’ items and materials flooding the market). Besides, the Uniques were made to be dangerous and deadly, right? When an enemy overwhelmed them totally, they could go into Overdrive. It was explained in lore as forcefully opening themselves to the powers of the Dark. To flood themselves with raw power. A desperate move that would leave them crippled for long. But crippled was better than banished for who knows how long. We just took 90% of her life in merely two hits. While losing only a single member. It must have triggered the Overdrive. | **Bloodlust** Unique/Overdrive! Category: Blood/Bloodletter Plague Type: Daemon/Servile Threat Grade: Silver V->Gold V Once she was a potamide, a nymph of still water, inhabiting the main watertank of the Theta Research Station. She spent most of her life pulling tricks while ensuring that the water remained pure and, in fact, had slight restorative properties. This changed when her domain was infected by Bloodletter Plague. Now she is an insane, omnicidal wreck. Known spells and hexes: **Blood Ray** **Blood Rain** **Summon Bloodeater [8]** **Sublimate(O)** | | --- | Aand… we are so dead. She emerged from the pool again. Her outer appearance didn’t change, but the leap in power level could be felt. This time she left the water tank. She almost tripped when she did so, probably not used to this. She stood in front of it, covered in blood and fleshy growths. Syna tried to load another dumdum bullet. Nymph immediately decided that she was the biggest threat of us all. Bloodlust fired an overcharged version of Blood Ray. Rather than hitting a single point it hit a whole line. A horizontal wave of magic-charged blood cut the catgirl apart. Her upper part fell back, while her legs remained standing. Jesus Christ. I was paralyzed with fear and shock. Vaera wasn’t. But his Dragon Fireball only triggered her counterattack. She… spat blood at him. It, of course, exploded on contact. His Dragon Shield failed to hold. He died immediately. Then she turned her gaze on me. FUCK. YOU. I might be going to die, but I AM NOT GOING TO DIE WITHOUT A FUCKING FIGHT. I had no idea what hex she wanted to cast on me, but she was interrupted. I cast a Dominating Presence immediately followed by a Depraved Promise. Nymph recoiled, her hex broken together with her concentration. She almost shoved her hands between her legs… but Overdrive must have increased her resistance to Lust Magic at least slightly. If I didn’t sneak in the Dominating Presence it would probably not work at her at all. She almost immediately started another hex. You want it rough? Sure thing. I made a step forward. Grabbed my gasmask and threw it aside. The air was disgusting and tasted like blood. I could feel debuffs settling in. The same second another Depraved Promise connected. The thing with Lust Magic was that it was influenced by a lot of factors. For example your clothing, actions and whether the target considered you attractive. A pretty girl making a striptease would be much more successful in attacking me than an elder, ugly man covered from head to toe in clothing. I made a rather desperate bet. But I won. It seemed like my face fit her preferences. Or maybe me throwing away the mask felt to her like a beginning of a striptease? What really mattered was that it worked. It strengthened my Transcendental enough to break her concentration completely. Another step. She lost it, began fingering herself and made a step forward. That’s right, come here. Good girl. Another step. She paused her actions, her mind fighting to regain control over her body. Another Depraved Promise fixed it for a while. My manapool was running thin and I had no chance of breaking her Overdrived magical defenses. There was a single chance for me. A desperate bet, but… what other option I had? Another step. And another. She walked closer, her face filled with nothing but lust. I threw away my gloves, just in case the hexes were really strengthened by a striptease expy. Uh, no way I’m going to tell the rest the details of what I was doing while they were dead. Once again she seemed to fight my hex. She might be a pervert (judging from her vulnerability to Lust Magic), but she either had a shitload of willpower or her insanity and the Plague modified her somehow. A mortal after get hit by Lust Magic Transcendental would already be broken completely, unable to think or do anything but sex for a few hours. Even the average nymph, with her daemonic nature, would be out of commision for a while. Another Depraved Promise. Another steps. Almost. ALMOST. She fell on her kness before me. Her defensive magic dispelled and her face filled with nothing but a silent beg and a desire to get ravaged. My manapool was almost empty, enough for a single hex. Begone, thot. I’m married. And you are too squicky for me. I gently grabbed her head. Our eyes met. She regained control a second too late. “HAVOC BOLT!” *** Simea died as a first one, so she was also the first one to arrive. She must have ran the whole way. I sat beside the water tank, with my back on its metal wall. It was quite comfortable, mostly due to fleshy growths on it. Squicky, but comfortable. “So… we won?” She said as I raised. “Yes, kinda.” Alright, it was crazy and slightly shameful, but you promised to not withdraw informations from her, right? I described what she missed. She chuckled when she heard about my little… striptease. Ugh. “Well, at least she is dead. Any loot?” I shook my head. “I wouldn’t touch anything belonging to a Bloodletter Plague-infected daemon with a ten foot pole.” I answered. “Sure, it might not be a true Bloodletter Plague, but still.” If it was a true form of the disease I vaguely remember hearing about while playing World’s Requiem, we would already have succumbed to it. Together with everyone in the sewers and most of the city. “I see. So, we’re waiting for the rest, right?” I nodded. Well, it shouldn’t be that long. We had luck. The only reason we won that battle was pure luck. Overdriven boss, even with 10% of HP, should mop the floor with us. If not for me exploiting her weakness… and even then I was almost out of mana. The way of accelerating its restoration wasn’t really possible (despite Simea being with me) due to poisonous air and generally unpleasant surroundings. Not to mention the others could come any minute now. At least I had magic stored in the crystal ring of Ardent Flame. Enough to restore 75% of my manapool one time. Then I drank a Weak Mana Potion. No more tricks, no more fights for attrition. One final push. And if the end of the Adventure isn’t close… we are fucked. *** Maybe twenty minutes later (I’m going to buy myself a watch) we were already back together. The decision to continue the Adventure was unanimous. Just as the knowledge that we were getting close to the climax of the quest. The disease was already in our veins, we all started showing early symptoms. The part about five available resurrections was a bullshit. They only had three left. The disease progressed regardless of us dying. I probably had three lives left as well. Maybe even two if my desperate striptease worsened my condition. The device led us to a hatch in the floor. Well hidden on the very edge of the hall and touched by the Bloodletter Plague… but only partially. It was enough to cover it under a thin layer of red moss, but not enough to make it impossible to open. It was obviously secured from the Plague. I think we are getting close to the cult headquarters. The second we opened it, a wave of red air came at us from below. The walls beneath the grate were moving. Pulsating. Everything was covered in flesh growths. Seems like we are also getting close to the source of infection. Wonderfuckingful. Suddenly I could feel Vaera poking me. When I looked at him, he waved his head. Oh. Syna looked like she was trying to get my attention. She found something? *** She found someone. No wonder we missed him. He was lying beside the wall of the shaft, in a place that seemed to be devoured by the Bloodletter Plague. It devoured him as well. Merely part of the head (with one eye) was visible. I appraised him. | **Synvek Valorian** | | | --- | --- | | **PLAYER** | | | **Gender:** Male | **Species:** High Elf | | **Level: 8** | **Class:** Blade | | **Active Effects:** Cyst | | | **Known Spells and Techniques**:??? | | “Oh shit.” I said loudly. “That’s one of Kovacs men.” | **Cyst** **[Very Rare]** | Target has underwent a violent changes due to being infected by a Bloodletter Plague. Rather than falling into coma, due to the proximity to the source of the infection, he skipped all phases of the infection and reached the last one. While still conscious, he is slowly changing into one more cyst, his body used to produce more of the disease. | | --- | --- | DFI, you bunch of motherfucking madmen. I knew the rest appraised him as well and took a good look at the active effects. So let’s skip the part with describing them what was going to happen. I kneeled beside the still living remains of the adventurer. “Can you hear me? Blink once if yes.” He blinked. My God. Wasn’t this literally a Fate Worse Than Death scenario? If the city fails to repel the infection, if it grows into a full-blown Bloodletter Plague outbreak… how long was he going to stay like that? How much worse could it get? I could hear the rest swallowing the news behind me. “Kovacs and the rest went further?” Blink. “Did you manage to defeat the nymph?” Two blinks. Ah. They had lower levels than us and failed to defeat the Bloodlust. After one or two attempts they decided to push through, regardless of casualties.” You remained behind to keep it busy while they went further?” Blink. Well, at least he seemed to still be sane. And that certainly required a lot of courage. On the other hand. it means that Kovacs group was running out of resurrections. “Shouldn’t we… free him or something?” Simea spoke. I shook my head. “I’d like to, but… I don’t know how. If we kill him, won’t he just resurrect in the same form? Or can he still resurrect? And what if he no longer is a part of an Adventure and he gets resurrected on the surface?” Which would mean spreading the disease there. I didn’t need to add that, though. They knew. Thankfully, I surrounded myself with intelligent people. “Alright, buddy. I’m sorry but we have to leave you here.” I made the decision, so I at least should have the moral courage to say that to him directly. “We are going after Kovacs. If we managed to find the source of the disease, we might be able to help you.” After a while he blinked. Once. Seems like Kovacs surrounded himself with intelligent people as well. *** Beneath the hatch was a ladder. Obviously a modern one. I wouldn’t risk using a four hundred years old ladder. Even stairs in the shaft seemed risky. But it seems that the cult replaced it. Wall surrounding it were completely covered in flesh growths and cysts. Only the ladder was clean. Too clean. Obviously the Baptism of Blood knew how to secure things and people from the disease. Perfect hideout for the cult. Whoever wanted to assault its headquarters had to fight Bloodlust and then go deeper. With disease being everpresent. Our aura manipulators went down first. I was in the middle of the ladder when I heard sounds of a fight going on beneath me. I looked down (fuck I hate ladders) to see them finishing up a Bloodeater. So, finally. Red Forest lite. The place inhabited by daemons and corrupted humans serving the unnamed deity of some antediluvian race of blood-obsessed people that considered blood sacrifices a national pastime. Fuck, I hate this place. Can we go back to the Hold already? Please? *** The more I thought about it, the less sensible the Theta Research Station was. The only potential explanation for its totally schizophrenic design was that its makers built it underground, using naturally (or not) existing caves. If that was the case, the Decemvirate architects had to be fucking drunk. Or the area kept growing on its own, with new facilities added where they were needed, whenever they could be fit. Now that I think about it, teleportation was a thing even today. It was costly (and grew even more costly with distance), but on a short range… in Apostasy era… maybe they simply teleported themselves between separate facilities, built close enough for the costs to be negligible? If that was the truth, then the place we descended into must have been a technical corridors. Probably connecting facilities. Places that the flesh failed to devour included a lot of metal grates, plates and pipes. It was also damn tight. According to the device we were quite close to Kovacs’ position. Despite this, this place could be a maze. Who know how big. It could connect many facilities. Some of them could be as big as the one we walked through… and completely overtaken by the disease. We could only hope to avoid running into really powerful creatures. We had no strength left for a prolonged battle. Bloodeaters at the end of the corridor made sounds similar to groan before they started crawling towards us. “Well.” I said. “It’s time to end this.”
{ "title": "Purple Lightning Emperor", "id": 17453, "author": "Nimero", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 95", "id": 306014, "next": 306273, "prev": 305385, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmMGU1MDk2NjgwMjQwZGU5MzQyMzE2NGExY2VmNDJi">After leaving the summit of the huge mountain, Shad threw Nina onto his right shoulder and transformed into a beam of prismatic light that shot off into the distance.</p> <p class="cnM2NTE4NDY5MTY5MjQ4M2RhYTE5NmViYWM0MzU2ZDY2">However, the two men still haven't given up as they trailed behind him in pursuit. Unfortunately for them, it only took Shad a few minutes to completely lose them. Seeing that after just a few minutes they have lost all traces of Shad, they decided to give up on their pursuit with an ugly expression on their faces.</p> <p class="cnM5ZDAxYTYwYTc1ZDQxNmQ5MDJlMGUyZjNlMzM0MTZk">As for Shad, he continued to speed along silently through the forest. It was difficult to say how much time has passed since he had left the huge mountain. It seemed both long and short.</p> <p class="cnNjYTFjMjlkODQ5MjRhNDA4OGU5YTM4N2EwMzIxNzM2">At this moment, the sky gradually darkened, and faint moonlight spread out into the blackness.</p> <p class="cnM4YzViOGQ1OWVmMTQyOWE5NTEyNWE5ZDRiZWE1MjFj">After just a few hours of running non-stop, Shad finally made it to Ozuna city. Even though it was in the middle night, there were still a few guards guarding the city gate.</p> <p class="cnMyYWY0M2ZiODc2NTQ0ZDU4MDBlMDlmNTAzYzA1NTgx">The gate of the city usually close at this time of the night, but because the city was infested by a bunch of treasure seekers due to the rumored treasure left by Henry in the forest, the Marquis was forced to keep the city gate open all night long.</p> <p class="cnMzZDI1YzcxYTQwNTQ1NmY4MzhlZWQyYzdjNzNkZDQx">As soon as he got the to gate, all the guards that were stationed in front of the gate bowed their heads as they let him passed without any questioning. Almost every single person within the city knew how Shad looked like not to mention the guards, as such, once they saw him, they didn't dare to have any idea of scheming him or make him pay a toll or tax to enter the city.</p> <p class="cnMxZTVhNjZmMjMxYTRjYTU4NzU0MjRjMTNlYzRiMTQ1">However, they were all surprised to see him at this hour without any imperial knights guarding him, not that he needed to be protected, but still, an imperial prince was still imperial after all. As for where he was, all of them could guess it. After passing through the city gate, Shad went straight to the Marquis mansion where he was currently staying along with Nina.</p> <p class="cnM2NjM1MWUzMGMxMjQ2NDE4OGI4NjgyY2ZmMjg2YjI0">While they were walking home, Nina couldn't help but threw an angry glance at Shad. After they had left the mountain, Shad has thrown her on his shoulder as though she was an object or thing without any notice.</p> <p class="cnM4OWJlODBjYjU3YjQyYzVhOGFlNTZiMzc2OWNlZjMz">To make matter worst, that little bastard ran as fast lightning with her on his shoulder which almost caused her to vomit as she was feeling dizzy at that time due his inconceivable speed.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDdmMWQ3YWEzNDQwOTZiNmE1ZGIwOTAwNmNhNmE1">She has to admit, when it comes to speed, she has never heard or saw someone as fast as Shad. Although his speed wasn't as fast as real lightning, in human's eyes, there was no difference at all.</p> <p class="cnNjODhjZDk2Y2VkYjRlNjZhNzZhMTFkYjFiMzRjYWY2">While Nina was silently throwing a tantrum because of the way Shad had treated her earlier, they finally made to Marquis's mansion.</p> <p class="cnNlM2I3NzllNWNlYjRkZjU4NGZjZmYwYzZkMWI1ZDUx">" Yo Shad, you little bastard. Do you think that you are grown man now? Ever since you left the capital, you did not even bother to send a letter to me or mom. Furthermore, one of your subordinates has this amazing dimensional portal ability, yet you did not even bother to use it once to go see me or mother."</p> <p class="cnM3OTY0MDdmODA3MDQxNGI4YjU3N2JiYWVkZjcyODAy">As soon as Shad entered the courtyard, a young woman burst through the door, looking like an explosive dragon. Her magic power was quite profound, apparently, she was an early 5th class mage. This was none other than Shad's older sister, Viviana.</p> <p class="cnNlMWVjN2EyZTA2MzQ3ODNhMDAyZGFiYzExYjdiNzA1">Thanks to being the only beloved great-granddaughter of the most powerful man in the Djage Empire, she has been trained personally by the old man since a young age. Although she couldn't be considered extraordinary among the members of her generation or the 7 Novas, she ascribed to the notion that slow and steady wins the race.</p> <p class="cnNhNWI5ZmY0Y2E0MTQ0M2ViYTg2MmRhMzFhZTQ5MjUz">Every time she broke through a rank, her magic power and foundation grew stronger and more stable due to the guidance of the old man.</p> <p class="cnM5ODZiNDk1NGQ5NjRjM2ViNjg0MmVkN2IxYTYyNjEz">" I heard that you are very powerful now, maybe that's why you think you've grown. Why don't you have a taste of this fireball of mine." As she said that, she already cast a magic spell as a red magic circle appeared in front of her.</p> <p class="cnMyOWJiNjExNjc0NzRjNTk4ODE4NzEwMzY4OWM0ZjNi">Seeing this, a look of surprise and astonishment appeared on Shad's face as he suddenly flashed off the distance to avoid the incoming fireball.</p> <p class="cnNlODI4NTYwYmM5ZjRjNzU5NTc0NjE3ZTE2MWM2NTgw">'Damn it, why did the old man bring that fiery temper girl with him.' thought Shad as he was running away. Shad was well aware of her sister's temperament, even though she appeared to be sweet, she had a fiery temper and like to rob people.</p> <p class="cnMyZGRhM2RkOTBiYzRlY2FiOTYwZWQwZjgxNDZhYWRl">As Shad left his previous position, the huge fireball hit the gate of the mansion and turned it into smithereens. The huge fireball she had just sent caused the entire mansion to shake. The explosion sound of the gate turned into smithereens caused everyone sleeping inside the mansion such as the Lightning Corps and the neighbors to wake up.</p> <p class="cnMzYWI4Yjk0NGYyOTRhMWY5YzI0MzgyNTJmYzNkMmQ1">" Stop running and get back here Shad, I promised I won't burn you to death, I just want to teach you a small lesson." Roared Viviana as she continued to send multiple fireballs and fire arrows towards Shad who was running around the courtyard.</p> <p class="cnMzNWIxNzY3MWU1ZjQxNmZiYjliZTZkMDY4NmZmNTA5">" Hahaha, you two haven't seen each other for over a month. It's good to catch up." Said an old man who got out of the house with a young woman following him behind.</p> <p class="cnMxM2QzYjgwMzliOTQwYzViYzVkNDFjNjEwMzc2NTBi">" Little bastard, you are already a man why don't you stop and take these fireballs like a man. They are burning with your sister's love for you." Said the old man with a cunning smile on his face as he was watching the so-called imperial freak, a young man that lately instill fear into many people's hearts throughout the continent running away from his sister.</p> <p class="cnNiZWVkMzU0NGJhYjRiOTRhMjU5N2IyODQ5YTg5MDUx">' Take it like a man my ass.' Thought Shad as he continued to evade her attacks.</p> <p class="cnNiYzQ5ZDc4ZWY4YjQ3MjlhNmM0MjA1MmE0NWJjMmZi">" Big sis, if I died, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you the gift that I brought for you," Shad said while he was still running away. Shad knew Viviana had a soft spot for robbing people, especially them three brothers. No matter how mad she pretended to be, as long as she was offered money or something valuable, she would instantly revert back to her cute caring big sister persona.</p> <p class="cnNlMGFkNzBiMmM4MzQ5YjJhYjc5YmY4YWFhYWE1ZDQ2">" What gift, do you think to bribe me from teaching a lesson." She said as she continued to increased her speed.</p> <p class="cnNkNjQwMmNhMjVjMjQ5NWZhMjJhMDFjODgwZWQzYzE1">" 30 magic Crystals." Shad suddenly yelled.</p> <p class="cnNkZTMyZTQwYWI4MjQ4ODk4MTM3MmMzOGI5MGJiYTBj">" Little brother, we haven't seen each other for over a month. I've missed you so much, come let big sis give you a hug."</p> <p class="cnM4ZDBiZWNhNTIwNDQyYjU4ODczOTMyNTI1MmY4MDk3">As soon as she heard Shad mentioned that 30 magic crystals, Viviana's attitude completely changed. She was no longer hot-headed. Her overbearing attitude suddenly became gentle as though she was an entirely different person.</p> <p class="cnNkNDdiODE2OTljNzQwYWVhNWZkOTNiNDg2YmU5OGQ4">She was now elegant and demure like a noble caring princess. Her bright eyes even became more enchanting and were capable of stealing the souls from spectators. Anyone would be melted and have all their rages and sorrow dissipated by her pure caring and innocent eyes.</p> <p class="cnM1YTQwOTM5ZDgyZDQwMmViMjE3YmU5MTg1M2IwNjY5">Both Monalisa and Nina were dumbfounded after seeing this. This young girl ahead, or princess, transformed too quickly. This was simply a different person. Her shift in character and acting were astonishing.</p> <p class="cnMzZWZlZWEyZTg0MzRhMmZhMDhjNDI5NzU0ZTRiOTk3">"Hahaha, now that you guys have made up, little bastard come inside. we need to talk." said the old man while playing with his beard and watching Viviana who was currently hugging Shad as though they were two loving siblings that have been separated and reunited after many years.</p> </div>
After leaving the summit of the huge mountain, Shad threw Nina onto his right shoulder and transformed into a beam of prismatic light that shot off into the distance. However, the two men still haven't given up as they trailed behind him in pursuit. Unfortunately for them, it only took Shad a few minutes to completely lose them. Seeing that after just a few minutes they have lost all traces of Shad, they decided to give up on their pursuit with an ugly expression on their faces. As for Shad, he continued to speed along silently through the forest. It was difficult to say how much time has passed since he had left the huge mountain. It seemed both long and short. At this moment, the sky gradually darkened, and faint moonlight spread out into the blackness. After just a few hours of running non-stop, Shad finally made it to Ozuna city. Even though it was in the middle night, there were still a few guards guarding the city gate. The gate of the city usually close at this time of the night, but because the city was infested by a bunch of treasure seekers due to the rumored treasure left by Henry in the forest, the Marquis was forced to keep the city gate open all night long. As soon as he got the to gate, all the guards that were stationed in front of the gate bowed their heads as they let him passed without any questioning. Almost every single person within the city knew how Shad looked like not to mention the guards, as such, once they saw him, they didn't dare to have any idea of scheming him or make him pay a toll or tax to enter the city. However, they were all surprised to see him at this hour without any imperial knights guarding him, not that he needed to be protected, but still, an imperial prince was still imperial after all. As for where he was, all of them could guess it. After passing through the city gate, Shad went straight to the Marquis mansion where he was currently staying along with Nina. While they were walking home, Nina couldn't help but threw an angry glance at Shad. After they had left the mountain, Shad has thrown her on his shoulder as though she was an object or thing without any notice. To make matter worst, that little bastard ran as fast lightning with her on his shoulder which almost caused her to vomit as she was feeling dizzy at that time due his inconceivable speed. She has to admit, when it comes to speed, she has never heard or saw someone as fast as Shad. Although his speed wasn't as fast as real lightning, in human's eyes, there was no difference at all. While Nina was silently throwing a tantrum because of the way Shad had treated her earlier, they finally made to Marquis's mansion. " Yo Shad, you little bastard. Do you think that you are grown man now? Ever since you left the capital, you did not even bother to send a letter to me or mom. Furthermore, one of your subordinates has this amazing dimensional portal ability, yet you did not even bother to use it once to go see me or mother." As soon as Shad entered the courtyard, a young woman burst through the door, looking like an explosive dragon. Her magic power was quite profound, apparently, she was an early 5th class mage. This was none other than Shad's older sister, Viviana. Thanks to being the only beloved great-granddaughter of the most powerful man in the Djage Empire, she has been trained personally by the old man since a young age. Although she couldn't be considered extraordinary among the members of her generation or the 7 Novas, she ascribed to the notion that slow and steady wins the race. Every time she broke through a rank, her magic power and foundation grew stronger and more stable due to the guidance of the old man. " I heard that you are very powerful now, maybe that's why you think you've grown. Why don't you have a taste of this fireball of mine." As she said that, she already cast a magic spell as a red magic circle appeared in front of her. Seeing this, a look of surprise and astonishment appeared on Shad's face as he suddenly flashed off the distance to avoid the incoming fireball. 'Damn it, why did the old man bring that fiery temper girl with him.' thought Shad as he was running away. Shad was well aware of her sister's temperament, even though she appeared to be sweet, she had a fiery temper and like to rob people. As Shad left his previous position, the huge fireball hit the gate of the mansion and turned it into smithereens. The huge fireball she had just sent caused the entire mansion to shake. The explosion sound of the gate turned into smithereens caused everyone sleeping inside the mansion such as the Lightning Corps and the neighbors to wake up. " Stop running and get back here Shad, I promised I won't burn you to death, I just want to teach you a small lesson." Roared Viviana as she continued to send multiple fireballs and fire arrows towards Shad who was running around the courtyard. " Hahaha, you two haven't seen each other for over a month. It's good to catch up." Said an old man who got out of the house with a young woman following him behind. " Little bastard, you are already a man why don't you stop and take these fireballs like a man. They are burning with your sister's love for you." Said the old man with a cunning smile on his face as he was watching the so-called imperial freak, a young man that lately instill fear into many people's hearts throughout the continent running away from his sister. ' Take it like a man my ass.' Thought Shad as he continued to evade her attacks. " Big sis, if I died, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you the gift that I brought for you," Shad said while he was still running away. Shad knew Viviana had a soft spot for robbing people, especially them three brothers. No matter how mad she pretended to be, as long as she was offered money or something valuable, she would instantly revert back to her cute caring big sister persona. " What gift, do you think to bribe me from teaching a lesson." She said as she continued to increased her speed. " 30 magic Crystals." Shad suddenly yelled. " Little brother, we haven't seen each other for over a month. I've missed you so much, come let big sis give you a hug." As soon as she heard Shad mentioned that 30 magic crystals, Viviana's attitude completely changed. She was no longer hot-headed. Her overbearing attitude suddenly became gentle as though she was an entirely different person. She was now elegant and demure like a noble caring princess. Her bright eyes even became more enchanting and were capable of stealing the souls from spectators. Anyone would be melted and have all their rages and sorrow dissipated by her pure caring and innocent eyes. Both Monalisa and Nina were dumbfounded after seeing this. This young girl ahead, or princess, transformed too quickly. This was simply a different person. Her shift in character and acting were astonishing. "Hahaha, now that you guys have made up, little bastard come inside. we need to talk." said the old man while playing with his beard and watching Viviana who was currently hugging Shad as though they were two loving siblings that have been separated and reunited after many years.
{ "title": "My Necromancer is a Lich", "id": 21561, "author": "Daftdraft", "rating": 4.4 }
{ "title": "Chapter 2: Dungeon Offense", "id": 306015, "next": 306356, "prev": 305824, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnM3YThkMjVlNzA0NTQ1NzRiNGRjMTk4OTNkOTliOWVh">“Screeeee!” Screeched a large Cave Rat as it leapt through the air in an attempt to sink it’s nasty yellow fangs into my pristine white bones. Fortunately, rats were stupid creatures that only attacked straight on. With my hand clenched into a tight fist, I sent my signature right hook directly towards the monster’s face. A brief shock of pain ran up my arm as the sound of crackling bone reached my ear-sockets. Thankfully, it wasn’t my bones that broke. A flash of yellow flew off to the side as the front fangs of the rambunctious rodent were torn from it’s mouth. The rat itself sailed backwards into the cavern wall with an audible thump. Yet again, another pair of floating pop-ups materialized into view before fading just as quickly.</p> <p class="cnNiMTY3M2IxYjY4MjRlOTVhZDExMDU1MjI2YjVlMjA2">“Forty damage…” I mumbled, “If it weren’t for my Novice Unarmed trait, that attack would have only done thirty-five damage. I wonder how much of a damage increase I’ll get when the rank increases…” Slowly, the rat climbed to it’s feet in haggard motions. I felt bad for the beast, but it was kill or be killed with these things. That means that there was only one plausible outcome. “Gotta give credit where it’s due, rat. Compared to your cousins from before, you’re plenty tougher. I guess the ‘level 2 Cave Rat’ hovering over your head should have clued me in on that fact.”</p> <p class="cnMzMGFiMmYwYzU0MTRhZGI4NTkwNjRkMjU0NWU1ZWUx">Increased level aside, it was still a simple rat, and therefore not a threat to my superior intellect. Not that one had to think really hard to beat a rat, but I digress. Before the beast could turn and face me, I rushed up and kicked it firmly in the side. Once more, the rat was sent flying into the hard stone wall. A burst of light surged forth the moment the Cave Rat smashed into the wall, leaving behind it’s pelt and a slightly more colorful crystal shard.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDY2YjhmZGU0ZTQ0MzJiN2U0OWY0NjA2NmRjZTA5">“Marvelously done, minion.” My benevolent master, Cythia, praised me as she walked over to the rat droppings. I sighed audibly as she made the pelt disappear with a quick motion. When I had previously asked where exactly the pelts went, she grinned and patted the pouch hanging from the belt at her waist. What quickly followed was a mind-numbingly boring explanation on the values of multi-dimensional storage pouches and how they had changed the life of adventurers for the better. I’ll be honest, I stopped listening the moment she started explaining multiple universes. Wrapping my head around one is more than enough for me thank you.</p> <p class="cnM4ODk4ODc2ZDQ1MzQ0NmNhNzcxYmYxZDllMjc1MDJl" style="text-align: center">[You gained 20 experience]</p> <p class="cnNkYjQ5ZDE3MmEyNzQxOGU4Njc4NjcwNWU0MmE3NTUy">“Huh. Thats more experience than usual.”</p> <p class="cnNlNmJiMzRlOWNjMzRlZjQ5NjI3MThjYzVjZmRhOWFm">“Of course it is.” Cythia rolled her eyes as she stood up and stared at me, “The higher a monster’s level, the more experience their Essence Shard gives when destroyed.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZDcwZWVkYjQ1ODQ0NjJiZGQ4NGVlNjk2N2I3NDJm">“Right. Sorry. I’m still kinda new here.” I shrugged helplessly. “So how many pelts is that?”<br>“Ummm…” She quickly checked her pouch. “That makes eight so two more to go. And we’re almost level four!” She hummed happily as she opened up her status screen beside me. Curious, I glanced over to take a quick look.</p> <p class="cnNmNGIxMjYzYWYwYjRmYzVhMzAxODU3YTdhNzhjNWJh" style="text-align: center">Name: Cythia Du Etrisn Race: Human<br>Class: Necromancer Level: 3 <br> Experience: 60/80<br>Health: 40/40 Mana: 70/70<br>Focus: 40/40 Unspent Points: 0<br>Strength: 3 Stamina: 4<br>Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3<br>Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 7 <br>Perception: 3 Luck: 2</p> <p class="cnNkZDkwZThjZjdmMTRlNTE5NDc2NzRlMzAwZmQ1N2Nh" style="text-align: center">[Spells] [1 of 1]</p> <p class="cnNmZTVhYzQxMTgyNzQ0NjY5YmJkZWYyZDhlODMzZDU2" style="text-align: center">[Summon Skeleton(Rank I of V)]<br>[Summon Limit: 1] <br>[Cost: 30 Mana]<br>[Beckons a lost spirit to inhabit the body of a conjured Skeleton.]</p> <p class="cnM3Yzk1NGZmZTQzMzQxYTliYWE2NzM4MDc4YzI0ODdk" style="text-align: center">[Skills]</p> <p class="cnMzMzczYTQxNjJiYTQ0ZGViMDQ5ZTcyYmJmOGYzNTRl" style="text-align: center">[Traits]</p> <p class="cnNiZGU4ZTIzNDA5NzRmNmY4NzI5Nzk2NDZiZWRlMjIw" style="text-align: center">[Novice Dark Magic (Rank I of V)]<br>[Mastery over the Plane of Death. Abilities that deal Dark Damage now deal an additional 3% damage]</p> <p class="cnMwZWRlM2M4YTM0ZTRhMmFiMzhmNmUxNWE2ZDk0Mjdk">“I could kill you in a single hit.” I mumbled to myself thinking of the damage I had done to the rat I had just slain. All sound of her humming stopped in an instant. I looked over at my mistress only to see her staring at me with wide, fearful eyes. Shit, I must have been too loud.</p> <p class="cnM3NTIxZmExMzA3MjQ1MWFhZDE4NDQxNmZlYTY2NTk4">“Y-y-you wouldn’t! A m-m-minion cannot h-harm their m-master!” She stammered in some sort of false bravado. “B-besides I-I’ve been rectifying that! I had 3 Stamina before…” She swallowed hard as she glanced at my hands. “N-next level up I’m going to put more into Stamina! Then I won’t be so fragile!” I shrugged,</p> <p class="cnM0ODlmNThkODc3YjQ5OTdhODViN2ZjMTZlODg2MzI4">“Just because I said I could doesn’t mean I would. Besides, it doesn’t matter to me what you do with your stats, toots. I’m just saying you’re paper compared to me. I mean really, what good is all that Mana if you have no spells to use it on?” I clacked my finger bones against my lower jaw in thought. “If I were you, I’d put every point you get into Stamina for the next few levels. Survivability should always be first and foremost in your mind. You can’t use any of your Mana if you’re dead after all.”</p> <p class="cnMxMjY2ODcxZjU1ODRlYmI5YjdjMzQ4YTIyZmFjYjA4">Granted, in the games that I played a Necromancer I was always behind a wall of minions. Survivability wasn’t really their main concern when you’ve got meat-shields to cover your ass. Unfortunately, my mistress wasn’t your typical Necromancer. I mean, what kind of Necromancer only has one minion? Shitty doesn’t even begin to describe that situation. Though, judging by her Summon Skeleton spell, it looked like that one minion limit could be upped if she increased it’s rank.</p> <p class="cnMyMzMzMGJmNGFiYzRhMTA4M2FkYTVmNjZhZDUzYzI5">Not that I was going to tell her that. If my theory held true that ranks increased the more you used a skill then she’d be dismissing and summoning me constantly until she reached the final rank. That was one idea I refused to put in her head. I liked the sunlight too much for that! Well, torchlight at the moment. But who cares about that? I’ll take a cold, poorly-lit cavern any day over that infinite void of nothingness.</p> <p class="cnM1MWU0NDcyOTk1ZDQzZjA4Y2E2MDhhZjUwZDM4ZjY0">Silence filled the cavern hall which made me uneasy. Curious at her silence, I glanced over to Cythia who stared at me as if I had grown a second head. “What?”</p> <p class="cnM4ZjFmOTkwNjVjZTQwYTZiYjE5YWY3MGJkOGZiOTZm">“I-I was going to keep my other stats balanced but…” She sighed, “You’re right. I don’t get my second Spell Slot until level five…I never thought of all this Mana as worthless before…” The resulting pout on her face was so perfect I couldn’t help but stare. Just the right amount of frown mixed with those downcast eyes! Had I a heart, it would have raced at such a sight. Regardless of my lack of organs, this was a golden opportunity to score some brownie points with the mistress.</p> <p class="cnMxZjUzYzEzYjI3NTQzMDNhMDYyOGIxYWQzNzAwMTRk">“Shouldn’t take too long to get there then!” I laughed in a jovial manner with my hands on my hip bones in an attempt to perk her up. A happy mistress means a happy home! Besides, the both of us were practically at level four already. “Just need one more level two Cave Rat and we’ll be well on our way to that new Spell Slot of yours!” Her face quickly brightened at my words.</p> <p class="cnM1OWFiMGYxOWU0MTQ5YTU5MjZhN2M5YzNjOTNmMWUz">“You’re right!” She looked up at me with excited eyes. “We could even reach level five by the end of the day if we kept at it!” Before I could say another word, she began to head deeper into the cave. “Come minion! We have Pelts to collect and Experience to gain!”</p> <p class="cnMyYWM4Mzc4Y2JkMjQxMzJhMWQwMGMyYTcyMGQ5M2M4">I couldn’t help but grin at my mistress’ regained vigor. Girls always looked best when they were happy. Sometimes angry was cute too. Sad had it’s own appeal as well…and Cythia had the perfect pout. A pout that I wanted to see over and over again. Pushing my inner sadist to the wayside, I jogged after Cythia who returned to humming happily as we made our way through the cave. As we traversed further into the dungeon, the passage shifted sharply.</p> <p class="cnNmYzEwYjI2OWZlMzQwM2U5ODgyZDFkYTQyNWRmZTA2">“Screee!” Came the battle-cry of a level four Cave Rat who immediately leapt towards us with gleaming fangs the very instant the two of us turned the corner. Instinct took hold as I pushed Cythia off to the side and away from the pouncing predator. Sharp pain tore through my bones as the beast latched onto one of my ribs, knocking me to the ground.</p> <p class="cnNhN2NmZmNkNWQzMDQ0MmQ5NDZkZmU0YTdlYTI1NWMy" style="text-align: center">[You take 30 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnNjNjIzOWM2NzMwNTRlYjZiODhiOTY2Y2YwNGUyNWUx">Growling in fury, I wailed on the beast with repeated punches even as it bit at my ribs and arms. Damage taken and received pop-ups flared constantly as the two of us engaged in mortal combat. I could feel my movements become weaker as my health plummeted with every bite I took. Being pinned like I was had to have been the worst position I could find myself in a situation like this. Big ass rat-dog held the high ground, and I desperately needed to turn the tide of our struggle. Grimacing, I shifted my weight upon the ground as the monster drew back with it’s fangs gleaming for another strong bite.</p> <p class="cnM3ZWYwOGVjZDkxZjRjMWQ5YjRjNzk4ZDU4YzM0MjE5">“Fuck outta here!” I roared and launched the rabid animal with my legs. The screeching of furry fury filled my ears as I rolled backwards from my throw. Shaking my head, I surged back to my feet just in time to see the rat leap at me with gleaming fangs. With no time to wind up my signature punch, I jumped to the side. The feeling of air rushing through my ribs made me shiver at the thought of how much power an animal like this had at it’s disposal. Once the rat landed upon solid ground, I sent a heavy kick to it’s side, sending it flying into the cavern wall. Pained squeaks poured from the mammal’s mouth.</p> <p class="cnMwNmRhMmM3MDZiMTQ5YWNiZDdhOWQ2NzQ5MTg2MzY3">Were I fluent in rat-speak, I was sure it’d be cursing at me.</p> <p class="cnMwMTU5ZGY3MWRkMDQ4ODg5OGFhNGZmNjVhYTZmZGIw">The monster slowly moved from side to side, inching towards me little by little. “Cautious little fuck, ain’tchya?” I grinned and held my fists at the ready. If it charge, my kick would send it flying. If it leapt, it’d get a taste of my right hook. No matter what the bastard did, it would pay for ambushing us like that. This is what we in the chess club called ‘Checkmate’. My grin only widened as the beast did the worst possible thing it could.</p> <p class="cnNmN2ZjYTczMTllYTQwOTlhNTNjNjhkYzM0NWYxM2Mz">It leapt at me.</p> <p class="cnNlYjExMDlhYTI3NDRjNzRiNTU1ZmE0Y2NkYmMxNjVh">“You fucked up!” I yelled as my fist soared through the air and slammed into the rat’s face as it’s fang’s clamped down upon my hand.</p> <p class="cnM3YTliNzc5ZjQwYjQyZmFiZmMyNWUwNzdkNDE2NmE3" style="text-align: center">[You deal 40 physical damage]<br>[You take 25 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnMxZjE2ZGVmNTFiMTQxNzk4MjVlNzg0ZmE2ZTJiNGZj">Bright light filled the moment my fist and the rat’s fangs met in our epic clash. And then there was darkness.</p> <p class="cnM2ZmNlMzZiOTEzODQ4ZDRiMTVjZTFhN2RmYjJmZWU1" style="text-align: center">[You have died]</p> <p class="cnM1OTRlMWE4OWYyZDRkZjk5MjZjM2VlYTk3ZTBjZDRk">“Well…shit.” What else could I say? I mean, it wasn’t a bad death. I’m sure somewhere in rat heaven was Level Four Cave Rat, probably squeaking happily as it was fed endless cheese by scantily clad women. As for me, I got to sit around in an all-too-familiar god-forsaken void. Despite my hatred of this place, I couldn’t help but feel energized from the battle I just had. I’d be wrong if I said it got my blood pumping and my adrenaline surging. I didn’t have blood or cells anymore, so that was impossible. Perhaps I was just the kind of guy that enjoyed fighting and I never knew it until now? I had been in a few fights back in my day, but none of them ever made me feel like this. I felt like I could run a marathon!</p> <p class="cnMwYmU2YzE4ZGJkYjRmNzI4MWUxN2Q3ZDk5NGEwYjgx">“Come on! I’m ready for round two!” I yelled into the void as I shadowboxed an imaginary rat. Needless to say, I was winning my imaginary contest. It would be embarrassing to lose to my own imagination.</p> <p class="cnMyMjM1ZmY5NDI3ODRhYTBiOGQyM2EzYmY0YmQ3YWMx">“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Came the familiar chant of summoning as I ceased my exertions. Scaring my mistress the moment I sprung back to unlife would be a surefire way to get dismissed to this place for sure.</p> <p class="cnNlMDk4NzdjNTNmNjRhNjA4YTQxN2QwNmEyNGQyYzVl">“Gotta admit though, I dig the rhymes that spell lays down. Not like my own spell involves a…oh.” I slammed my head into my hands in a ghastly wail as realization of my utter incompetence crashed down upon me. All of my hype and energy gone in a single moment. “I’m an idiot!” I exclaimed as light surged forth the moment Cythia finished her incantation. Keeping my mouth shut, I slowly climbed to my feet. If I was lucky, she wouldn’t have noticed that I hadn’t used my Banshee’s Wail during that fight.</p> <p class="cnNiZDNlZTViNWExMjQwMjQ4OWVhMzljMjYwODM1MjA0">Violet eyes locked onto my empty sockets as she stared up at me with a wide grin on her face.</p> <p class="cnMzNjllMGVkMjhlMTQwMjc5OWFlNGJhMjczY2M2NmMw">“That was excellent, minion! To slay a level four monster while keeping your mistress safe…I must find some way to reward you for your excellent service.” She praised me before kneeling down to collect the fallen loot from my tied encounter. Needless to say, I kept my big mouth shut. If she wasn’t going to mention my oversight, then I certainly wasn’t!</p> <p class="cnNiZGQ0NTU3YTI0NzQyNzBiZjk2YTU1YjE2NTYzZjk5">“Well…you know…I only did what came natural.” I rubbed my hands together wondering what sort of reward I could get out of this unexpected gratitude. Its not everyday a girl thanks you for pushing her to the ground! Though the poor situation would never have happened had I been the one in front as I should have been. What kind of minion lets their mistress lead the way through a dungeon? “By the way Cythia…”</p> <p class="cnNkYzBhZTQ1M2VkOTRhZmE4NmViNzU1ZDBkNjNmZTBl">“Yes?” She looked at me curiously while pocketing the rat pelt in her pouch.</p> <p class="cnM0MTliMGRkOTMwNjQyZDhhNDY1NTBmZWYyMDY1NGIz">“Let me lead the way from now on. That way I can deal with any surprise attacks like we just had.” A beaming smile crossed her face as she stood up.</p> <p class="cnNmMDdkNTU4NTBjMzQ1YmI5MDZkYzhiZDU1YmQzMzMx">“Yes, a good suggestion minion. From now on, it shall be as you say! Now then…” She clenched her fist, crushing the crystal within. A surge of blue surrounded Cythia in a brief glow before rapidly dissipating.</p> <p class="cnM4YmQwNmYzMTE5YzQ3MjM5YmQ3NTc2ZTFmYTUxYjlm" style="text-align: center">[You have gained 40 experience]<br>[Cythia Du Etrisn has leveled up]</p>[You have leveled up]<br>[You now have two free stat points]<p></p> <p class="cnM2OGIwYzRjNTJjYTQzZTA5NGRkYTQ1MDA4NmUzMTBk">“Oh.” I muttered as I looked at the last pop-up. I’m a double idiot. “Crap.”<br>“Hmm? What’s wrong?”<br>“Nothing! Nothings wrong!” I laughed in an attempt to disguise my embarrassment. “You should put your new stats in Stamina remember.” My voice shook as Cythia stared at me with glee.<br>“Indeed! I shall do so this instant.” In an instant she summoned her stat screen, but I paid her no mind as I summoned my own.</p> <p class="cnNlZmJkYjRkYTMzMjQwMzRiNjY4NWE2MzA2M2RhOTc5" style="text-align: center">Name: Richard Stensen Race: Undead<br>Class: Basic Skeleton Level: 4 <br> Experience: 20/160<br>Health: 80/80 Mana: 25/25<br>Focus: 60/60 Unspent Points: 6<br>Strength: 6 Stamina: 8<br>Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3<br>Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 2 <br>Perception: 5 Luck: 1</p> <p class="cnM2NjU5OGEzODQzMjQwMTc4MjVhMjQzYmZmNzFkMDM5">Fuck me, I’m such an idiot. A royal dumbass. How could I have forgotten to spend my stat points? I was still at the same power as I was at level one! Dammit, dammit, dammit! I could have won that last fight easily! Alright, alright. Time to play it cool. I’ll just quickly slip my points around aaaannnndddd…</p> <p class="cnNhYzE0MWY0NGFlMzQ3NDY5NTM5NDA2MzliMTM4MjNj" style="text-align: center">Name: Richard Stensen Race: Undead<br>Class: Basic Skeleton Level: 4 <br> Experience: 20/160<br>Health: 100/100 Mana: 25/25<br>Focus: 70/70 Unspent Points: 2<br>Strength: 8 Stamina: 10<br>Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3<br>Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 2 <br>Perception: 5 Luck: 1</p> <p class="cnNlNGYzNTY5MGU3YjQ4NzY4OTVlZDRlNzlkMWU3OWI2">As I placed two points in Strength I could feel…something…within my arms and legs increase ever so slightly. I wouldn’t say it felt like muscles growing, as that was more of an aching pain than anything. But still, that feeling of power within me increased. It was a weird, pleasant feeling that someone could find addicting. Grinning, I figured I could kill rats faster than ever with this boost of mine. I then placed two points into Stamina. Instead of my arms and legs feeling a change, my entire body underwent a feeling of hardening. It was as if every bone in my body suddenly became more solid…more real! Oh and my health increased by twenty points. Nice! My focus also increased when I invested in Stamina as well, though I had no abilities that used Focus yet. So that increase wasn’t very important to me yet. Now…where to put my last two points? Decisions decisions…</p> <p class="cnMyYjkwYWY4YmNjMTQ0Y2ViMDhlYjA2NmNjODhjZGQx">“You should put those points into Dexterity.”<br>“Argh!” I leapt forward as Cythia stared at me curiously. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I clattered angrily, but she merely shrugged.</p> <p class="cnNiNzU0YzY4MjIzNTQwYjFiOTc0MjFlNzJkYzhkMzA0">“Well you were looking at your screen so intently I decided to see what had you so stumped.” She answered simply. “Have you decided on a Class Upgrade yet? You should before you assign your points after all.” What the hell was she talking about? Class Upgrade?</p> <p class="cnMwNDgyMjExZDNlYjRkZmFhNjBjZjg1ZmNjNWRmMDJi">“What.”</p> <p class="cnM2ZTQwODFiZTZkMjQ0YjBhNWFmNzhiZTNlMmFlNzU4">“A Class Upgrade!” She scoffed. “Minions, such as yourself, evolve once they reach a certain level depending upon their Class. We call this Class Upgrading due to the fact that your Class section in your Status Screen changes based on your choice. The fact that I need to tell you this reflects well on your Intelligence and Wisdom scores.” Ouch. That hurts. Just because I wasn’t the smartest kid in class doesn’t mean that gives her the right to pick on me…</p> <p class="cnNjMjlkYTQ2NGU0NTRkMWRhMWY3Y2I3YTg3NDI3YWRj">“So how do I find out about this…Class Upgrade thing?” I asked carefully, trying not to sound too much like an idiot.</p> <p class="cnM5MTA1MWJjNmNiNjQxYWRhNWFlZWJhMWRiMzEyNjkw">“First you must query your current class. For example, if I were to say ‘Display Information: Basic Skeleton’-” A large screen appeared beside her, “You will get a pop-up, such as this, outlining the information on your current class as well as classes you can upgrade to.” With a wave of her hand, the pop-up disappeared. I looked at her square in the eyes.</p> <p class="cnNhNDRhNjM4MDdlYzQ4ZDU5OGQ0ZDM3OTUyOWYxMTE2">“Forgive this minion for being so ignorant, mistress.” My voice was flat and completely lacking emotion. The smug look of superiority on Cythias face made me realize just how socially stunted she was. How could she not understand that my tone was dripping with sarcasm? Idiot. And how the hell was I supposed to know any of this? I’ve never played a game where classes can just upgrade! At least, not without some sort of special item. I had just assumed I’d be stuck as a skeleton forever.</p> <p class="cnMzNDg1MjY0NDVmNTQ2MWE5MzJkOWY2ODU1OTM2NTkw">Wait…if I could evolve…<br>Could I…</p> <p class="cnNlZmQ0M2MwNWU2MDQwZTFhNzA4ZjZkNDZjZDljNTNl">“Display Information: Basic Skeleton.” Inquiring minds needed to know some very important information. Information more important than any question that had come before. Could I get my boys back? If there was even a chance, no matter how slight, I had to take it. My manhood depended on this vital information!</p> <p class="cnNhY2QwOTgyODQ1NDQ1NTE4OGUyZGIyNDFjMGU2ZGZl" style="text-align: center">[Basic Skeleton]<br>[A skeletal humanoid summoned via Dark Magic. Often the mainstay of novice Necromancers and newly-spawned Dungeons, the Basic Skeleton is a versatile minion capable of many different avenues of evolution. Once a Basic Skeleton reaches their 10th level, they may undergo a Class Upgrade into one of three potential evolutionary paths. For enhanced durability and physical combat skills, the Skeletal Soldier is the main path taken by many upgrading Skeletons. For Stealth and Ranged capabilities, the Skeletal Rogue is the prime choice for dealing repeated death from afar. For magical expertise, the path of the Skeletal Mage opens to them, granting them the capability of unleashing great magical mayhem.]</p> <p class="cnMwMDU3ZTY0ZjMzYTQwOGY4MjJmNDRkY2Q0MDZhMzY3">Each evolution, or ‘Class Upgrade’ as it were, had a nice little picture beside each selection as well as an underlined name. In fact, it make me think of hyperlinks. Curiosity took hold as I tapped the screen for Skeletal Mage. Instantly, my screen on Basic Skeletons was replaced by one on Skeletal Mages, full of details and granting me pictures of further evolutions. Excitement swelled within me as I clicked through Upgrade after Upgrade, searching for one that would return my most prized possession. Mage was a no go, everything that I could become stayed bony.</p> <p class="cnMxNjgyNjAyN2VlYjRlYWViMmI0YTJhMzMxY2QwYjc5">“Enough searching minion, we have things to be ab-”<br>“Silence!” I yelled at my mistress with my eyes were glued to my screen. Like a demon possessed, I began looking at the rogue evolutions. “Never interrupt a man on his quest for knowledge when so much is at stake!” I didn’t even bother to look at my mistress as I flicked through Upgrade after Upgrade of the rogues. Once more, no dice. Nothing but bones in the rogue’s future.</p> <p class="cnNkMzhlMzhiMzE0ZDQ2ZDg4MjY3ODQ1OTc2NTMxNDJh">An unfriendly growl from my mistress reached my ears, but I paid it no mind. Cythia could wait. My future was at stake here!</p> <p class="cnM2NWQ1OTYxZjllMDQ1ZjZhNjA1NjdlYzY0MDZlODhm">“I dismiss thee!” Her angry voice shouted as the light faded from my eyes and I fell into darkness once again.</p> <p class="cnM4MjA3ZjQ5MzljMjQ0NGU4M2MxZWVmMGViM2ZjNDU5">“Nooooooooooo!” I screamed as everything turned black. Gone were my screens, replaced by the damned void. “I’ll never forgive you Cythia! Dammit!” I sighed, how could she do such a heartless thing to me? Her soul was as black as those robes of hers. Now what was I going to do? Could I even summon my information panel within this void? Well, here goes nothing.</p> <p class="cnMwNWNlZjVhYzBiNDQyOWU5MGUzZjMzNmRlODUxZDA3">“Display Information: Basic Skeleton.” A burst of light filled the void as my screen popped up in front of me. Relief flooded through my very bones as I laughed. The idiot had dismissed me for nothing! “Hah! She’s going to have to waste Mana and time to resummon me soon!” My cackle echoed in the darkness as I flicked into the Skeleton Soldier’s information window. “Blah blah blah, melee combat. Lets see…I could go Ghoul or Skeletal Knight after Soldier…” I tapped on Ghoul and I felt my breath catch in my throat.</p> <p class="cnNjNDU2YzliYzExODQ5YTI5MGUwM2ZmMmYwYWVkMDZk">Well…I mean…whatever. I saw flesh and I couldn’t breathe. Though the flesh was rather…ratty to say the least.</p> <p class="cnMxY2Y2M2Q2YmYwNjQxN2U4NDIwNmU2MTlmZWEwZTAx">Ghoul-boy was missing quite a bit of skin in a few places, but it wasn’t bones! “And after Ghoul comes…Wight?” I clicked the link and saw an even more impressive fleshy body. “This is it! This is it!” I yelled out in the darkness, whooping in joy. Blood! Skin! An almost normal-looking body! I mean, the eyes glowed white, but still, hallelujah! Excitement surged as my eyes settled upon another link to yet another upgrade. “Bring on the Wight King!”</p> <p class="cnM1NGI5Yzc5YjM0ZTRlNTM4NGRhMTcyYThhMDExMTc3">If there was a floor, my jaw would have hit it. While the Wight looked like an average joe with glowing white eyes, the Wight King was the man with the well-chiseled face that worked out at the gym that all the women swooned at. Blue eyes burned into my sockets as I stared at the picture and drooled. This was every inkling of the perfect man! That amazing physique! This…this is what I had been looking for!</p> <p class="cnM1ZDU2NjIyZDk3YjQyOWRhM2YwMzllZmVhYjEzNGZi">“Watch out world!” I shouted in joy, “Little Richard is coming back baby!” But first, I had to upgrade to a Skeleton Soldier, six long levels away.</p> <p class="cnM2MDAxMjFlNzgzOTRhMTk5MzMwODg3NWVhNTY1NTdm">With my goal firmly in mind, I closed the information panel and reopened my Status. Cythia had said that Dexterity would help me. Despite her glaring lack of foresight, she did understand this world far better than I did. If she thought Dexterity was important then I had best take a look to see why she thought so.</p> <p class="cnMxZmVkOGJkYjA0MjQwYzRhNzc1MDk2NWQ1NmFlZDc0">“I wonder…” If it worked for my class, it should work for stats too, right? “Display Information: Dexterity.”</p> <p class="cnNkNGU2ZjQwZjM3NTQwMjg4YzdiOTA4NmRlMjQyOWM1" style="text-align: center">[Agility &amp; Dexterity]<br>[Reflections of one’s physical prowess. Agility refers to the ability to run, jump, and dodge with increased ability. Dexterity however, refers to one’s ability to parry and deflect physical attacks, throw objects, and confers a general increase to one’s own haste of attacks. Both Agility and Dexterity are considered highly important stats for users that engage in any sort of physical combat.]</p> <p class="cnM2NzgzMDlkYTRjYzRkNzlhYTQ4ZjdkYTFjNzY4MTNj">“Cool, cool.” So Dexterity would not only affect my ability to defend myself, but also my attack speed. “What about Luck? Mines super fucking low. Hell, Cythia’s is higher than mine…” Shit, that thought made me depressed. With a quick command, I changed my information prompt.</p> <p class="cnNmYTRhNjAwNWRhNzRlZGY5YmM3Y2I5YThhNmY4NDU4" style="text-align: center">[Luck]<br>[Information not available]</p> <p class="cnNmYmU4NDY0MmNjMjQ4NTliZjVhNTlkMjYxMmE0OTRk">“Every fucking time!” My enraged yell echoed through the dark. Why was this stat always the best and worst thing about every game ever? Fuck you game designers, give us some hard numbers dammit! Stop leaving us plebeians in the dark! Nobody wants to dig into game files to understand what your vague words mean!</p> <p class="cnNhNDIxM2UyMWY2YjQ1ZTA5NGQ0MzliNWEzYTEzNDdl">“Whatever.” I sighed, “Fuck luck.” I plopped both of my free points into Dexterity, bringing me up to an odd five. Once more, my bones filled with a strange sensation of becoming more powerful, as if they would cut through the air more effectively. Not that that made any sense whatsoever. Then again most of this world didn’t make sense.</p> <p class="cnNhOWM3ZDAxMmY3ZjQ2MWY4OGUwZWZjNDViNTlkODVm">“Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Oh boy, here we go. Cythia must have found another rat for me to pummel. But this time, things would be different. This time, I had upgraded stats! I felt like I could take on the world!</p> <p class="cnM4N2ZjMzVlZTYzMzRlNWU4NGNlMzdlMTI3MjgyZTA1">The moment the light entered my eyes, I glanced around, finding myself in a expansive, circular room. That was new, previously we had been wandering nothing but a single passageway. Before I could rise to my feet, sharp pain erupted upon my foot, arm, and spine all at once.</p> <p class="cnM3YzJhNDhmOGY1YTQwZWM4YjBmMDIxMzkwYzhlNjI2" style="text-align: center">[You take 10 physical damage]<br>[You take 15 physical damage]<br>[You take 10 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnNjNGU5MDBlN2JjYTQzYjBiZTM1ZTFmYTc1YjU2MmNk">Malicious squeaking filled my ear-gaps as three massive rodents chewed upon my beautiful bones with reckless abandon.</p> <p class="cnM5MWRhNDBlNTZkOTQ4ZDdhODQ1M2Q2MzdkOGZlZTY5">“Ahhhhhh! Fuck you!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, unleashing my Banshee’s Wail and stunning the one closest to my neck as I kicked and punched my way to freedom. Enraged squeaks filled my surroundings as the two rats that weren’t stunned leapt at me. Jumping to the side, I dodged their attack. Three rats at once! And each was level three! She was going to get me killed!</p> <p class="cnNiMGMwZTY1MDQxNzQ3YTJiMmQxMGNmODY1NGE4ODM3">“Cythia, I swear to God I’m going to hit you after this!” I yelled and rushed towards the stunned rat.</p> <p class="cnM4Y2FhOGJhMjcwYTQyYjg5ZTg4OWEzM2JmMjI3ZmQz">“No you aren’t!” Came her distant reply the moment I slammed my foot into the rat just recovering from it’s stun, sending it sailing far away.</p> <p class="cnNkMjA2OTRiYThmZDQxNTRhYjkzYmI4MzQ3NTMzNjUy" style="text-align: center">[You deal 25 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnMwZjUxZWYxZWQzZTRiODg5YTA4OTYzMDAxOWJjMDRm">Damn, just from a regular kick? Normally, my kicks dealt around twenty damage. I could feel the rush of excitement wash over me. It was go time.</p> <p class="cnMwNTJlNjkwNzJmNjRjMzU4NWM1YmIyZDhjNTUxNWE2">“Ahhhh!” I screamed at a leaping rodent, stunning it and dodging to the side as it sailed harmlessly off to the side. I couldn’t use another Wail for a bit, as my Mana was pretty shit. The other rat sailed towards me, but I was ready for it. “Die!” I roared, sending my fist into the beast’s maw and sending it flying away.</p> <p class="cnMwN2M5ZTllNWUzMzQxNDE5MmY5MTA1MGM3YzI1NDJh" style="text-align: center">[You deal 50 physical damage]</p> <p class="cnM5NGZjMjA3ZDlkODQ2M2I4OTFmMDFmMjE1Zjk4MjVi">“Wooo! Fuck yeah!” I grinned, “You’re gonna die, rats!” my mad cackle echoed through the room as I rushed into a frenzy of fur and fury. Teeth met hard bone as a rat latched onto my leg. I ripped the thing from my ankle and tossed it at it’s fellow that was about to leap at me. Both of which squeaked in fury and bit at one another in their rage. Stupid animals. The third rodent that I had right-hooked limped towards me in a pained effort. One kick later, it was nothing more than loot upon the floor. Sharp pain engulfed my shoulder as wicked snarling echoed into my skull. With all my strength, I grasped the furry fiend and flung it towards the cavern wall. Once more, a bright light flashed, leaving behind another pelt and crystal.</p> <p class="cnMwZTU5ZjljYWU1NjRjY2ViMzNhOGIxOTJmYzVlNTZi">And then there was one.</p> <p class="cnM3NzE3Mjg1MzBmOTRhOWRhNTc0MDQ5MjgyZWM2MzZm">Grinning like a fiend, I spun around and locked eyes with the final rodent who leapt towards my face with hatred burning in it’s eyes. “Hah!” I laughed as I punched the beast square in the jaw, causing it to explode in a burst of light. “Hahaha!” my bones rattled as I cackled like a madman and fell to the ground, laughing for all I was worth.</p> <p class="cnMxODYxMGFjOWE0NjQ4MTY4ZDc3YTA5ZmJkMmM5Yzgy">“Ummm…are you…okay?” Came Cythia’s concerned voice. Stifling my laughter, I turned my head to face my mistress. I met her eyes with my sockets and gave her a feral grin.</p> <p class="cnMyMTRhOTQ2MWQ2NTQ4ZjdhMmNkNGJmMWE1MDE0MTFl">“Never better!” I chuckled, “Never better indeed.” Three rats at once. Three level three rats at that! I was a beast!</p> <p class="cnMyMjI1M2ZlZGExYjQ4NTBiZGNjMzVjMDE0MGQ2YmFm">“I…uhm…I apologize.” Cythia bowed her head towards me. “I summoned you in the middle of that pack hoping to…well…never mind.” She cleared her throat before staring seriously at me. Though judging by her shaking hands, she was still rather frightened. “On your feet minion!” Her voice took a commanding tone that only shook a little. “We shall have to celebrate your victory!” Rushing about the room, she quickly collected all the rat pelts and crystals laying upon the ground, all the while glancing nervously at me. Did I do something wrong? Oh, right, I did say I was gonna hit her. Not that I actually would, but…oh well. A little fear never killed nobody.</p> <p class="cnM2YWFjNmZhODI3OTRmYjY4NTJhNjBlZTViNTdlNDcx">“With this, we have more than enough Pelts to turn in my quest.” She sighed happily before quietly mumbling something to herself. One by one, she crushed the three Essence Shards that the rats had dropped as I rose to my feet and wiped the dirt from my bones.</p> <p class="cnNmNzhjYTBjMmIzODRkZGQ5NzljYzAwNDMxZWJhZThi" style="text-align: center">[You have gained 30 experience]<br>[You have gained 30 experience]<br>[You have gained 30 experience]</p> <p class="cnM1OTA2MjE5NmIwNTQ3OGNhNTczNjk1MWJjZGMzM2Q0">It had only taken a few minutes, but our experience leapt ahead in a massive amount. Banshee’s Wail had really turned the tide of that fight quite handily. I’d have to put a few points into whatever stat gave me more Mana so I could utilize it more. And I didn’t even have to worry about ruining my vocal chords like your typical metal singer. I could scream all I wanted!</p> <p class="cnM4YmM5ZGFjZmQ4MTRmNDRiYzRmMjFiZTU2MGU0MWNi">“So, do we continue further into the dungeon?” Cythia asked in an unsure tone. “Or should we turn back and turn in my quest?” I looked about the circular room where my rodent rampage had taken place. Four separate exits led out of the room in different directions. I personally wanted to continue till we hit level five.</p> <p class="cnNjOTg1NjY0NzQ3NTQzYThhMjRhYzk0YjRjYjI0OTg4">“Will we get experience for turning in your quest?”</p> <p class="cnNkYzgzMWUyZTJiYTQ3NmNiYTVlMzMzZjhlZWNjNzc2">“Not for this one. Normal villagers can’t obtain Essence Crystals themselves.” Cythia explained factually. “If it was a quest sponsored by the Adventurer’s Guild, then we would be given an amount of crystals in addition to payment. I obtained this quest from the request board which is an unofficial way of asking adventurers for assistance.”</p> <p class="cnNiODBjMGU1NzhjODQ4NjNhNTBiNGRlZjdjODBjNjI2">“I see.” So no experience then. “What kind of reward are we expecting for turning this in?”</p> <p class="cnM5NmM2NDNhN2ZkMDRiMmViZWExZDQzN2IwNmQyMDVi">“Well a normal quality fur pelt usually sells for about five silver pieces at market value, but that would be in a big city where pelts aren’t often come by. Unless traders bring them in from the countryside, of course. Being as how this town is along the frontier with plenty of wild game, and not to mention a dungeon providing a consistent stream of pelts from slain monsters, we can expect around fifty copper per pelt. However, all the pelts we’ve acquired, with the exception of the one, are high quality. Typically, these would go for nearly ten silver at market. Though here…hmmm…” She tipped her head in thought. “Two silver per pelt in town I guess?”</p> <p class="cnM5MjNiNDI0NDQ4NjQwZGI5ZGRjMjZiNWE2NjFiODRm">“Cythia…are you sure you’re a Necromancer?” She turned her attention to me with a questioning glance.</p> <p class="cnM4N2QwZjU3NWExZjRjZTE5ODI5MDc0ZmE4NTUwNzcy">“Hmmm? What do you mean? Of course I’m a Necromancer.”</p> <p class="cnMyNTVkZjJlYzE2NzRmNjNiMGIxMjgyZTdmMTYxZmY5">“I’m just saying I think you missed your calling in life.” Who the hell is this girl and what did she do with Cythia?</p> <p class="cnM5YTM5ZTVhYzhhYjQyNWRhYWU3NmI0NWQ0NmI5OGI3">“Hrmph. My mother always taught me that it was important to know information such as this.” Yeah, important if you were going to wring every penny out of everyone you met for sure. Ah well, I’ll leave the money stuff for her to deal with.</p> <p class="cnMzMWM2MjFhOWY3MTQ3YTZhMDNmZjExMjJmMzJkZjAz">“Well…we’re only fifty experience away from level five. What say we keep going till we hit that and then head back?” Rather have her be able to do something in combat sooner rather than later. Though I could take on rats, how long until she wanted me to kill other things?</p> <p class="cnMyMTIwYWU2ODU3ZTQ4NzBiNjQ2MDdlM2ZiNDFmYzVk">“Very well. Now we just need to decide on which passage to take.”</p> <p class="cnNhZGYyYmFjYTdmNDRiYTA4YTI5MGZlODE5ZmRjMTNk">“That one.” I pointed towards the one on the rightmost side of the circular room. When in doubt, always go right.</p> <p class="cnNkNDBkYTY4YzkwZjQ5Y2E4Y2VjYjBlZDUzZWYzMmZm">“Very well. Lead the way minion.”</p> <p class="cnNmZmU0MmZmYzJhNjQ1ZTg5NzBkZGEyN2M3Y2E3MzNj">Nodding, I paced towards the passage with my fists at the ready. Despite being this girl’s slave, I’d have to say things were looking up for me. Hold on buddy! I’ll get you back before long!</p> </div>
“Screeeee!” Screeched a large Cave Rat as it leapt through the air in an attempt to sink it’s nasty yellow fangs into my pristine white bones. Fortunately, rats were stupid creatures that only attacked straight on. With my hand clenched into a tight fist, I sent my signature right hook directly towards the monster’s face. A brief shock of pain ran up my arm as the sound of crackling bone reached my ear-sockets. Thankfully, it wasn’t my bones that broke. A flash of yellow flew off to the side as the front fangs of the rambunctious rodent were torn from it’s mouth. The rat itself sailed backwards into the cavern wall with an audible thump. Yet again, another pair of floating pop-ups materialized into view before fading just as quickly. “Forty damage…” I mumbled, “If it weren’t for my Novice Unarmed trait, that attack would have only done thirty-five damage. I wonder how much of a damage increase I’ll get when the rank increases…” Slowly, the rat climbed to it’s feet in haggard motions. I felt bad for the beast, but it was kill or be killed with these things. That means that there was only one plausible outcome. “Gotta give credit where it’s due, rat. Compared to your cousins from before, you’re plenty tougher. I guess the ‘level 2 Cave Rat’ hovering over your head should have clued me in on that fact.” Increased level aside, it was still a simple rat, and therefore not a threat to my superior intellect. Not that one had to think really hard to beat a rat, but I digress. Before the beast could turn and face me, I rushed up and kicked it firmly in the side. Once more, the rat was sent flying into the hard stone wall. A burst of light surged forth the moment the Cave Rat smashed into the wall, leaving behind it’s pelt and a slightly more colorful crystal shard. “Marvelously done, minion.” My benevolent master, Cythia, praised me as she walked over to the rat droppings. I sighed audibly as she made the pelt disappear with a quick motion. When I had previously asked where exactly the pelts went, she grinned and patted the pouch hanging from the belt at her waist. What quickly followed was a mind-numbingly boring explanation on the values of multi-dimensional storage pouches and how they had changed the life of adventurers for the better. I’ll be honest, I stopped listening the moment she started explaining multiple universes. Wrapping my head around one is more than enough for me thank you. [You gained 20 experience] “Huh. Thats more experience than usual.” “Of course it is.” Cythia rolled her eyes as she stood up and stared at me, “The higher a monster’s level, the more experience their Essence Shard gives when destroyed.” “Right. Sorry. I’m still kinda new here.” I shrugged helplessly. “So how many pelts is that?” “Ummm…” She quickly checked her pouch. “That makes eight so two more to go. And we’re almost level four!” She hummed happily as she opened up her status screen beside me. Curious, I glanced over to take a quick look. Name: Cythia Du Etrisn Race: Human Class: Necromancer Level: 3 Experience: 60/80 Health: 40/40 Mana: 70/70 Focus: 40/40 Unspent Points: 0 Strength: 3 Stamina: 4 Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 7 Perception: 3 Luck: 2 [Spells] [1 of 1] [Summon Skeleton(Rank I of V)] [Summon Limit: 1] [Cost: 30 Mana] [Beckons a lost spirit to inhabit the body of a conjured Skeleton.] [Skills] [Traits] [Novice Dark Magic (Rank I of V)] [Mastery over the Plane of Death. Abilities that deal Dark Damage now deal an additional 3% damage] “I could kill you in a single hit.” I mumbled to myself thinking of the damage I had done to the rat I had just slain. All sound of her humming stopped in an instant. I looked over at my mistress only to see her staring at me with wide, fearful eyes. Shit, I must have been too loud. “Y-y-you wouldn’t! A m-m-minion cannot h-harm their m-master!” She stammered in some sort of false bravado. “B-besides I-I’ve been rectifying that! I had 3 Stamina before…” She swallowed hard as she glanced at my hands. “N-next level up I’m going to put more into Stamina! Then I won’t be so fragile!” I shrugged, “Just because I said I could doesn’t mean I would. Besides, it doesn’t matter to me what you do with your stats, toots. I’m just saying you’re paper compared to me. I mean really, what good is all that Mana if you have no spells to use it on?” I clacked my finger bones against my lower jaw in thought. “If I were you, I’d put every point you get into Stamina for the next few levels. Survivability should always be first and foremost in your mind. You can’t use any of your Mana if you’re dead after all.” Granted, in the games that I played a Necromancer I was always behind a wall of minions. Survivability wasn’t really their main concern when you’ve got meat-shields to cover your ass. Unfortunately, my mistress wasn’t your typical Necromancer. I mean, what kind of Necromancer only has one minion? Shitty doesn’t even begin to describe that situation. Though, judging by her Summon Skeleton spell, it looked like that one minion limit could be upped if she increased it’s rank. Not that I was going to tell her that. If my theory held true that ranks increased the more you used a skill then she’d be dismissing and summoning me constantly until she reached the final rank. That was one idea I refused to put in her head. I liked the sunlight too much for that! Well, torchlight at the moment. But who cares about that? I’ll take a cold, poorly-lit cavern any day over that infinite void of nothingness. Silence filled the cavern hall which made me uneasy. Curious at her silence, I glanced over to Cythia who stared at me as if I had grown a second head. “What?” “I-I was going to keep my other stats balanced but…” She sighed, “You’re right. I don’t get my second Spell Slot until level five…I never thought of all this Mana as worthless before…” The resulting pout on her face was so perfect I couldn’t help but stare. Just the right amount of frown mixed with those downcast eyes! Had I a heart, it would have raced at such a sight. Regardless of my lack of organs, this was a golden opportunity to score some brownie points with the mistress. “Shouldn’t take too long to get there then!” I laughed in a jovial manner with my hands on my hip bones in an attempt to perk her up. A happy mistress means a happy home! Besides, the both of us were practically at level four already. “Just need one more level two Cave Rat and we’ll be well on our way to that new Spell Slot of yours!” Her face quickly brightened at my words. “You’re right!” She looked up at me with excited eyes. “We could even reach level five by the end of the day if we kept at it!” Before I could say another word, she began to head deeper into the cave. “Come minion! We have Pelts to collect and Experience to gain!” I couldn’t help but grin at my mistress’ regained vigor. Girls always looked best when they were happy. Sometimes angry was cute too. Sad had it’s own appeal as well…and Cythia had the perfect pout. A pout that I wanted to see over and over again. Pushing my inner sadist to the wayside, I jogged after Cythia who returned to humming happily as we made our way through the cave. As we traversed further into the dungeon, the passage shifted sharply. “Screee!” Came the battle-cry of a level four Cave Rat who immediately leapt towards us with gleaming fangs the very instant the two of us turned the corner. Instinct took hold as I pushed Cythia off to the side and away from the pouncing predator. Sharp pain tore through my bones as the beast latched onto one of my ribs, knocking me to the ground. [You take 30 physical damage] Growling in fury, I wailed on the beast with repeated punches even as it bit at my ribs and arms. Damage taken and received pop-ups flared constantly as the two of us engaged in mortal combat. I could feel my movements become weaker as my health plummeted with every bite I took. Being pinned like I was had to have been the worst position I could find myself in a situation like this. Big ass rat-dog held the high ground, and I desperately needed to turn the tide of our struggle. Grimacing, I shifted my weight upon the ground as the monster drew back with it’s fangs gleaming for another strong bite. “Fuck outta here!” I roared and launched the rabid animal with my legs. The screeching of furry fury filled my ears as I rolled backwards from my throw. Shaking my head, I surged back to my feet just in time to see the rat leap at me with gleaming fangs. With no time to wind up my signature punch, I jumped to the side. The feeling of air rushing through my ribs made me shiver at the thought of how much power an animal like this had at it’s disposal. Once the rat landed upon solid ground, I sent a heavy kick to it’s side, sending it flying into the cavern wall. Pained squeaks poured from the mammal’s mouth. Were I fluent in rat-speak, I was sure it’d be cursing at me. The monster slowly moved from side to side, inching towards me little by little. “Cautious little fuck, ain’tchya?” I grinned and held my fists at the ready. If it charge, my kick would send it flying. If it leapt, it’d get a taste of my right hook. No matter what the bastard did, it would pay for ambushing us like that. This is what we in the chess club called ‘Checkmate’. My grin only widened as the beast did the worst possible thing it could. It leapt at me. “You fucked up!” I yelled as my fist soared through the air and slammed into the rat’s face as it’s fang’s clamped down upon my hand. [You deal 40 physical damage] [You take 25 physical damage] Bright light filled the moment my fist and the rat’s fangs met in our epic clash. And then there was darkness. [You have died] “Well…shit.” What else could I say? I mean, it wasn’t a bad death. I’m sure somewhere in rat heaven was Level Four Cave Rat, probably squeaking happily as it was fed endless cheese by scantily clad women. As for me, I got to sit around in an all-too-familiar god-forsaken void. Despite my hatred of this place, I couldn’t help but feel energized from the battle I just had. I’d be wrong if I said it got my blood pumping and my adrenaline surging. I didn’t have blood or cells anymore, so that was impossible. Perhaps I was just the kind of guy that enjoyed fighting and I never knew it until now? I had been in a few fights back in my day, but none of them ever made me feel like this. I felt like I could run a marathon! “Come on! I’m ready for round two!” I yelled into the void as I shadowboxed an imaginary rat. Needless to say, I was winning my imaginary contest. It would be embarrassing to lose to my own imagination. “Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Came the familiar chant of summoning as I ceased my exertions. Scaring my mistress the moment I sprung back to unlife would be a surefire way to get dismissed to this place for sure. “Gotta admit though, I dig the rhymes that spell lays down. Not like my own spell involves a…oh.” I slammed my head into my hands in a ghastly wail as realization of my utter incompetence crashed down upon me. All of my hype and energy gone in a single moment. “I’m an idiot!” I exclaimed as light surged forth the moment Cythia finished her incantation. Keeping my mouth shut, I slowly climbed to my feet. If I was lucky, she wouldn’t have noticed that I hadn’t used my Banshee’s Wail during that fight. Violet eyes locked onto my empty sockets as she stared up at me with a wide grin on her face. “That was excellent, minion! To slay a level four monster while keeping your mistress safe…I must find some way to reward you for your excellent service.” She praised me before kneeling down to collect the fallen loot from my tied encounter. Needless to say, I kept my big mouth shut. If she wasn’t going to mention my oversight, then I certainly wasn’t! “Well…you know…I only did what came natural.” I rubbed my hands together wondering what sort of reward I could get out of this unexpected gratitude. Its not everyday a girl thanks you for pushing her to the ground! Though the poor situation would never have happened had I been the one in front as I should have been. What kind of minion lets their mistress lead the way through a dungeon? “By the way Cythia…” “Yes?” She looked at me curiously while pocketing the rat pelt in her pouch. “Let me lead the way from now on. That way I can deal with any surprise attacks like we just had.” A beaming smile crossed her face as she stood up. “Yes, a good suggestion minion. From now on, it shall be as you say! Now then…” She clenched her fist, crushing the crystal within. A surge of blue surrounded Cythia in a brief glow before rapidly dissipating. [You have gained 40 experience] [Cythia Du Etrisn has leveled up] [You have leveled up] [You now have two free stat points] “Oh.” I muttered as I looked at the last pop-up. I’m a double idiot. “Crap.” “Hmm? What’s wrong?” “Nothing! Nothings wrong!” I laughed in an attempt to disguise my embarrassment. “You should put your new stats in Stamina remember.” My voice shook as Cythia stared at me with glee. “Indeed! I shall do so this instant.” In an instant she summoned her stat screen, but I paid her no mind as I summoned my own. Name: Richard Stensen Race: Undead Class: Basic Skeleton Level: 4 Experience: 20/160 Health: 80/80 Mana: 25/25 Focus: 60/60 Unspent Points: 6 Strength: 6 Stamina: 8 Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 2 Perception: 5 Luck: 1 Fuck me, I’m such an idiot. A royal dumbass. How could I have forgotten to spend my stat points? I was still at the same power as I was at level one! Dammit, dammit, dammit! I could have won that last fight easily! Alright, alright. Time to play it cool. I’ll just quickly slip my points around aaaannnndddd… Name: Richard Stensen Race: Undead Class: Basic Skeleton Level: 4 Experience: 20/160 Health: 100/100 Mana: 25/25 Focus: 70/70 Unspent Points: 2 Strength: 8 Stamina: 10 Agility: 4 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 2 Perception: 5 Luck: 1 As I placed two points in Strength I could feel…something…within my arms and legs increase ever so slightly. I wouldn’t say it felt like muscles growing, as that was more of an aching pain than anything. But still, that feeling of power within me increased. It was a weird, pleasant feeling that someone could find addicting. Grinning, I figured I could kill rats faster than ever with this boost of mine. I then placed two points into Stamina. Instead of my arms and legs feeling a change, my entire body underwent a feeling of hardening. It was as if every bone in my body suddenly became more solid…more real! Oh and my health increased by twenty points. Nice! My focus also increased when I invested in Stamina as well, though I had no abilities that used Focus yet. So that increase wasn’t very important to me yet. Now…where to put my last two points? Decisions decisions… “You should put those points into Dexterity.” “Argh!” I leapt forward as Cythia stared at me curiously. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I clattered angrily, but she merely shrugged. “Well you were looking at your screen so intently I decided to see what had you so stumped.” She answered simply. “Have you decided on a Class Upgrade yet? You should before you assign your points after all.” What the hell was she talking about? Class Upgrade? “What.” “A Class Upgrade!” She scoffed. “Minions, such as yourself, evolve once they reach a certain level depending upon their Class. We call this Class Upgrading due to the fact that your Class section in your Status Screen changes based on your choice. The fact that I need to tell you this reflects well on your Intelligence and Wisdom scores.” Ouch. That hurts. Just because I wasn’t the smartest kid in class doesn’t mean that gives her the right to pick on me… “So how do I find out about this…Class Upgrade thing?” I asked carefully, trying not to sound too much like an idiot. “First you must query your current class. For example, if I were to say ‘Display Information: Basic Skeleton’-” A large screen appeared beside her, “You will get a pop-up, such as this, outlining the information on your current class as well as classes you can upgrade to.” With a wave of her hand, the pop-up disappeared. I looked at her square in the eyes. “Forgive this minion for being so ignorant, mistress.” My voice was flat and completely lacking emotion. The smug look of superiority on Cythias face made me realize just how socially stunted she was. How could she not understand that my tone was dripping with sarcasm? Idiot. And how the hell was I supposed to know any of this? I’ve never played a game where classes can just upgrade! At least, not without some sort of special item. I had just assumed I’d be stuck as a skeleton forever. Wait…if I could evolve… Could I… “Display Information: Basic Skeleton.” Inquiring minds needed to know some very important information. Information more important than any question that had come before. Could I get my boys back? If there was even a chance, no matter how slight, I had to take it. My manhood depended on this vital information! [Basic Skeleton] [A skeletal humanoid summoned via Dark Magic. Often the mainstay of novice Necromancers and newly-spawned Dungeons, the Basic Skeleton is a versatile minion capable of many different avenues of evolution. Once a Basic Skeleton reaches their 10th level, they may undergo a Class Upgrade into one of three potential evolutionary paths. For enhanced durability and physical combat skills, the Skeletal Soldier is the main path taken by many upgrading Skeletons. For Stealth and Ranged capabilities, the Skeletal Rogue is the prime choice for dealing repeated death from afar. For magical expertise, the path of the Skeletal Mage opens to them, granting them the capability of unleashing great magical mayhem.] Each evolution, or ‘Class Upgrade’ as it were, had a nice little picture beside each selection as well as an underlined name. In fact, it make me think of hyperlinks. Curiosity took hold as I tapped the screen for Skeletal Mage. Instantly, my screen on Basic Skeletons was replaced by one on Skeletal Mages, full of details and granting me pictures of further evolutions. Excitement swelled within me as I clicked through Upgrade after Upgrade, searching for one that would return my most prized possession. Mage was a no go, everything that I could become stayed bony. “Enough searching minion, we have things to be ab-” “Silence!” I yelled at my mistress with my eyes were glued to my screen. Like a demon possessed, I began looking at the rogue evolutions. “Never interrupt a man on his quest for knowledge when so much is at stake!” I didn’t even bother to look at my mistress as I flicked through Upgrade after Upgrade of the rogues. Once more, no dice. Nothing but bones in the rogue’s future. An unfriendly growl from my mistress reached my ears, but I paid it no mind. Cythia could wait. My future was at stake here! “I dismiss thee!” Her angry voice shouted as the light faded from my eyes and I fell into darkness once again. “Nooooooooooo!” I screamed as everything turned black. Gone were my screens, replaced by the damned void. “I’ll never forgive you Cythia! Dammit!” I sighed, how could she do such a heartless thing to me? Her soul was as black as those robes of hers. Now what was I going to do? Could I even summon my information panel within this void? Well, here goes nothing. “Display Information: Basic Skeleton.” A burst of light filled the void as my screen popped up in front of me. Relief flooded through my very bones as I laughed. The idiot had dismissed me for nothing! “Hah! She’s going to have to waste Mana and time to resummon me soon!” My cackle echoed in the darkness as I flicked into the Skeleton Soldier’s information window. “Blah blah blah, melee combat. Lets see…I could go Ghoul or Skeletal Knight after Soldier…” I tapped on Ghoul and I felt my breath catch in my throat. Well…I mean…whatever. I saw flesh and I couldn’t breathe. Though the flesh was rather…ratty to say the least. Ghoul-boy was missing quite a bit of skin in a few places, but it wasn’t bones! “And after Ghoul comes…Wight?” I clicked the link and saw an even more impressive fleshy body. “This is it! This is it!” I yelled out in the darkness, whooping in joy. Blood! Skin! An almost normal-looking body! I mean, the eyes glowed white, but still, hallelujah! Excitement surged as my eyes settled upon another link to yet another upgrade. “Bring on the Wight King!” If there was a floor, my jaw would have hit it. While the Wight looked like an average joe with glowing white eyes, the Wight King was the man with the well-chiseled face that worked out at the gym that all the women swooned at. Blue eyes burned into my sockets as I stared at the picture and drooled. This was every inkling of the perfect man! That amazing physique! This…this is what I had been looking for! “Watch out world!” I shouted in joy, “Little Richard is coming back baby!” But first, I had to upgrade to a Skeleton Soldier, six long levels away. With my goal firmly in mind, I closed the information panel and reopened my Status. Cythia had said that Dexterity would help me. Despite her glaring lack of foresight, she did understand this world far better than I did. If she thought Dexterity was important then I had best take a look to see why she thought so. “I wonder…” If it worked for my class, it should work for stats too, right? “Display Information: Dexterity.” [Agility & Dexterity] [Reflections of one’s physical prowess. Agility refers to the ability to run, jump, and dodge with increased ability. Dexterity however, refers to one’s ability to parry and deflect physical attacks, throw objects, and confers a general increase to one’s own haste of attacks. Both Agility and Dexterity are considered highly important stats for users that engage in any sort of physical combat.] “Cool, cool.” So Dexterity would not only affect my ability to defend myself, but also my attack speed. “What about Luck? Mines super fucking low. Hell, Cythia’s is higher than mine…” Shit, that thought made me depressed. With a quick command, I changed my information prompt. [Luck] [Information not available] “Every fucking time!” My enraged yell echoed through the dark. Why was this stat always the best and worst thing about every game ever? Fuck you game designers, give us some hard numbers dammit! Stop leaving us plebeians in the dark! Nobody wants to dig into game files to understand what your vague words mean! “Whatever.” I sighed, “Fuck luck.” I plopped both of my free points into Dexterity, bringing me up to an odd five. Once more, my bones filled with a strange sensation of becoming more powerful, as if they would cut through the air more effectively. Not that that made any sense whatsoever. Then again most of this world didn’t make sense. “Heed my call, thou forsaken soul…” Oh boy, here we go. Cythia must have found another rat for me to pummel. But this time, things would be different. This time, I had upgraded stats! I felt like I could take on the world! The moment the light entered my eyes, I glanced around, finding myself in a expansive, circular room. That was new, previously we had been wandering nothing but a single passageway. Before I could rise to my feet, sharp pain erupted upon my foot, arm, and spine all at once. [You take 10 physical damage] [You take 15 physical damage] [You take 10 physical damage] Malicious squeaking filled my ear-gaps as three massive rodents chewed upon my beautiful bones with reckless abandon. “Ahhhhhh! Fuck you!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, unleashing my Banshee’s Wail and stunning the one closest to my neck as I kicked and punched my way to freedom. Enraged squeaks filled my surroundings as the two rats that weren’t stunned leapt at me. Jumping to the side, I dodged their attack. Three rats at once! And each was level three! She was going to get me killed! “Cythia, I swear to God I’m going to hit you after this!” I yelled and rushed towards the stunned rat. “No you aren’t!” Came her distant reply the moment I slammed my foot into the rat just recovering from it’s stun, sending it sailing far away. [You deal 25 physical damage] Damn, just from a regular kick? Normally, my kicks dealt around twenty damage. I could feel the rush of excitement wash over me. It was go time. “Ahhhh!” I screamed at a leaping rodent, stunning it and dodging to the side as it sailed harmlessly off to the side. I couldn’t use another Wail for a bit, as my Mana was pretty shit. The other rat sailed towards me, but I was ready for it. “Die!” I roared, sending my fist into the beast’s maw and sending it flying away. [You deal 50 physical damage] “Wooo! Fuck yeah!” I grinned, “You’re gonna die, rats!” my mad cackle echoed through the room as I rushed into a frenzy of fur and fury. Teeth met hard bone as a rat latched onto my leg. I ripped the thing from my ankle and tossed it at it’s fellow that was about to leap at me. Both of which squeaked in fury and bit at one another in their rage. Stupid animals. The third rodent that I had right-hooked limped towards me in a pained effort. One kick later, it was nothing more than loot upon the floor. Sharp pain engulfed my shoulder as wicked snarling echoed into my skull. With all my strength, I grasped the furry fiend and flung it towards the cavern wall. Once more, a bright light flashed, leaving behind another pelt and crystal. And then there was one. Grinning like a fiend, I spun around and locked eyes with the final rodent who leapt towards my face with hatred burning in it’s eyes. “Hah!” I laughed as I punched the beast square in the jaw, causing it to explode in a burst of light. “Hahaha!” my bones rattled as I cackled like a madman and fell to the ground, laughing for all I was worth. “Ummm…are you…okay?” Came Cythia’s concerned voice. Stifling my laughter, I turned my head to face my mistress. I met her eyes with my sockets and gave her a feral grin. “Never better!” I chuckled, “Never better indeed.” Three rats at once. Three level three rats at that! I was a beast! “I…uhm…I apologize.” Cythia bowed her head towards me. “I summoned you in the middle of that pack hoping to…well…never mind.” She cleared her throat before staring seriously at me. Though judging by her shaking hands, she was still rather frightened. “On your feet minion!” Her voice took a commanding tone that only shook a little. “We shall have to celebrate your victory!” Rushing about the room, she quickly collected all the rat pelts and crystals laying upon the ground, all the while glancing nervously at me. Did I do something wrong? Oh, right, I did say I was gonna hit her. Not that I actually would, but…oh well. A little fear never killed nobody. “With this, we have more than enough Pelts to turn in my quest.” She sighed happily before quietly mumbling something to herself. One by one, she crushed the three Essence Shards that the rats had dropped as I rose to my feet and wiped the dirt from my bones. [You have gained 30 experience] [You have gained 30 experience] [You have gained 30 experience] It had only taken a few minutes, but our experience leapt ahead in a massive amount. Banshee’s Wail had really turned the tide of that fight quite handily. I’d have to put a few points into whatever stat gave me more Mana so I could utilize it more. And I didn’t even have to worry about ruining my vocal chords like your typical metal singer. I could scream all I wanted! “So, do we continue further into the dungeon?” Cythia asked in an unsure tone. “Or should we turn back and turn in my quest?” I looked about the circular room where my rodent rampage had taken place. Four separate exits led out of the room in different directions. I personally wanted to continue till we hit level five. “Will we get experience for turning in your quest?” “Not for this one. Normal villagers can’t obtain Essence Crystals themselves.” Cythia explained factually. “If it was a quest sponsored by the Adventurer’s Guild, then we would be given an amount of crystals in addition to payment. I obtained this quest from the request board which is an unofficial way of asking adventurers for assistance.” “I see.” So no experience then. “What kind of reward are we expecting for turning this in?” “Well a normal quality fur pelt usually sells for about five silver pieces at market value, but that would be in a big city where pelts aren’t often come by. Unless traders bring them in from the countryside, of course. Being as how this town is along the frontier with plenty of wild game, and not to mention a dungeon providing a consistent stream of pelts from slain monsters, we can expect around fifty copper per pelt. However, all the pelts we’ve acquired, with the exception of the one, are high quality. Typically, these would go for nearly ten silver at market. Though here…hmmm…” She tipped her head in thought. “Two silver per pelt in town I guess?” “Cythia…are you sure you’re a Necromancer?” She turned her attention to me with a questioning glance. “Hmmm? What do you mean? Of course I’m a Necromancer.” “I’m just saying I think you missed your calling in life.” Who the hell is this girl and what did she do with Cythia? “Hrmph. My mother always taught me that it was important to know information such as this.” Yeah, important if you were going to wring every penny out of everyone you met for sure. Ah well, I’ll leave the money stuff for her to deal with. “Well…we’re only fifty experience away from level five. What say we keep going till we hit that and then head back?” Rather have her be able to do something in combat sooner rather than later. Though I could take on rats, how long until she wanted me to kill other things? “Very well. Now we just need to decide on which passage to take.” “That one.” I pointed towards the one on the rightmost side of the circular room. When in doubt, always go right. “Very well. Lead the way minion.” Nodding, I paced towards the passage with my fists at the ready. Despite being this girl’s slave, I’d have to say things were looking up for me. Hold on buddy! I’ll get you back before long!
{ "title": "Beyond Floating", "id": 21142, "author": "Kat Kingsley", "rating": 4.3 }
{ "title": "Chapter Twenty", "id": 306017, "next": 306337, "prev": 305718, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNjYTI0MjUyMjczYTRkMjc4MWU5OGI5OWVmNmE0MjI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse began to wonder if she was going to be constantly at Isaac's side. It was beginning to really feel like she was on a leash. Isaac had taken them to a large unfinished office building, and the wind whipped bitterly through the third floor. Nothing existed of the structure but the floors and row after row of iron girders in neat, square patterns. Piles of construction equipment lay scattered around - stacks of iron rebar, copper pipe, big pink rolls of what Muse could only guess was insulation of some kind. White plastic sheeting blew in the breeze next to her, curling around an iron beam as it slipped loose of its mooring.</span></p> <p class="cnM2Mjg2YjdjNjU0ZTRiZDk5YzU0YjQ3MGQxNjc2ZjNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Caution tape was tied to every beam and around the edges of the building, and a small yellow strip of tape was tied to segments of iron rebar which were protruding up from the floor along the soon-to-be-wall, sticking up a few feet like a half-finished cage. The yellow tape blew in the wind to one side like streamers - looking like some bizarre holiday decoration.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjIxYTBlZTMxZDQ1MGM5ZjRkNWRkNTE2MDY0MTY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">She was once again hovered over Isaac's left shoulder, peering down at him as he flipped through a book. The wooden box that he had retrieved from the graveyard sat on a large spool of wire next to him. Muse had long since given up trying to read the book - it was just gibberish and random scribbles to her. Raphael lay in the middle of the ground in the center of a large circle covered in jagged lines and weird writing. She had no idea what it was designed to do, but she imagined it wasn't friendly.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDI5MzEzNWU4MDQzMzQ5NzljZDJmOGNmOTQwYWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Raphael was tied, her arms behind her back. She was gagged - Victor's idea - but that didn't stop her from lying there making terrified, muffled sobbing noises.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMjAzZWNmNzMxODQ4MTdiZGI2N2U2NzQ3MjE0OTM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Muse,” Isaac said, too soft to be heard by the other men who stood slightly scattered throughout the building, waiting in the shadows. They knew they were going to have company, it was only a matter of time.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMGEyNjE4MWM4ODQ5ZmRhYzBhMjdmMjUwNTQ2ZTEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mm?”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGVlOGFiZjgxYTQ2NWVhYjExNGEzOWE1NWVmN2Rl"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Whatever happens, stay by my side. Do </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">not</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> wander off.” Isaac glanced up from the book to look where she was hovering. The look on his face was serious - his grey eyes somehow focused on her despite the fact she had no visible form.</span></p> <p class="cnMyYjI0ZTIxNmY1MjQ1N2Q4OTVmNjA0MWY0NjRjZjAw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Excuse me...?”</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDAyYTE2MjY3NjQ5NTg5ZjMyYzQwNjZlMDA4MTAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Stay by my side. Do you understand?” he repeated firmly.</span></p> <p class="cnNkN2MxYThjMjI5ZTQyNWM5MjMzYWYxMzliZWI1YWI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yeah?” Muse said nervously. She didn't like how he said it. Even when he ordered her around, it never seemed that... important. Something seemed absolutely dire about staying at his side this time.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNDE1ZGY1ZDNmNTRhMTE5MjY0Mjc5NTY4ZGU3ODUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODJhMjJiNmFmNTQyY2U4MjJhMjI5OTIxYmM5NGNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac shut his eyes, then shut the book. He placed it down on the spool next to him and reached for the small wooden box. Opening it, he pulled out a long white feather. It looked like nothing Muse had ever seen before. It not only seemed to glow with its own light but seemed almost a step outside of reality. It had an almost opalescent sheen to it, reflecting the light like it was metallic or - something else, she didn't know. She had a sudden urge to touch it - but never had the chance. Isaac looked at it and twirled it between his fingers as he observed it with an almost removed fascination. Then, he began to talk. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNjJjYzg5ODQ5ODQxZTI4MzBiMmJjNThiNTg0NjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse felt a shudder crawl through her being as she heard the words. She couldn’t grasp onto them, couldn't hold them in her mind. She knew he was talking, but she couldn't actually hear the words. The more she tried to listen, the dizzier she got. Something about them actually almost made her feel ill - which she knew was impossible. You can't be nauseous when you're dead. She felt the power pour off of him, sending a shiver through her.</span></p> <p class="cnM1OTAzZGU3ZTE3MjRlZDk5MzVhODEwNWM2M2ZmNjk0"><span style="font-weight: 400">The circle around Raphael, drawn in simple chalk, suddenly flared white with a sharp hiss. The circle grew brighter and began to twist to one side. Muse shook her head. She had to be seeing things. No, sure enough - the circle was moving. Or was she?</span></p> <p class="cnM2NWY3NzRmNDEyYjRkMDk4NGE2ZDBkZDI0YmIyZjNk"><span style="font-weight: 400">She watched as the space underneath Raphael... disappeared. Simply vanished into nothing. The concrete became like glass or obsidian. Muse couldn't see the floor below, only a reflective black void. Muse stared at it in fascination as the writing slowly dimmed to a mild glow. Raphael was now howling loudly into the gag, kicking fiercely. Her foot hit the edge of the circle and her eyes went wide. Her body thrashed in pain as she screamed louder. Slowly she curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably.</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZmRkZTg0NjcwZTQzN2Y4NjEyNDFhNzkzZjI1OTQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac held up the feather and let go. It drifted from his hands as if taken by the stiff breeze. The feather flew into the circle and touched down on the ground next to the girl.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTg0Mzk2NTM4ODRhOWI5NTM4NTUyNzFlZWQzZWFk"><span style="font-weight: 400">All at once - in a single instant - there was a figure crouched on the ground near the young Crusader. It felt like a fever dream. She had to stop and really think about whether she was conscious or not. She had to be asleep - but no, she didn’t dream. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't figure out when the person, or whatever it was, actually appeared. It simply blinked into existence. One second there was no one, the next it was there. With vampires, as far as she could tell, there was always at least a bit of warning, some feeling of movement. This thing just... popped into being. She looked at it, and if she had a stomach she would have retched. Not because of how it looked. It just felt different. It felt wrong. It felt very wrong.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZTdlYWFmZGQ1ZTRkNDlhM2YwZmU5ODcyYTNmODI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">It appeared male... but at the same time, it didn’t appear like anything at all. As the figure slowly stood up, Muse couldn’t look away. It looked male in the same way that a Ken doll did. Short light-brown hair fell to its chin in picture-perfect curls. That was the problem with it, why it looked unnatural, Muse decided - it was too perfect. Absolutely flawless in the same way a marble carving is perfect. Inhumanly free of flaws, and because of that, its very appearance felt cold and detached. As she gaped, the male figure brushed his hands down its bare chest, and a set of clothes appeared. A simple black button-down shirt and grey pants. Muse continued to gawk, glad it couldn't see her. </span></p> <p class="cnNmNTk1MDBjNWViMDQzNTA4YTg1NGJkOWNhOGQ2MTMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">It looked at Isaac with no expression, no emotion. “Ostheim," the 'man' spoke. His voice was human... mostly. Muse figured again that if a marble statue could open its mouth and speak, it would sound like that.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjlmODQzNzc5MzQ5NTlhZmUxYmQ0NjM3ZWVlOTUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sariel,” Isaac responded, then clasped his hands behind his back. The sorcerer watched the man in the center with nothing but confidence. Muse had no idea how Isaac could do that - look at something that was clearly inhuman and act like he was ordering coffee.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNGI0MTVhNmVmZDQ3NWM4ZmE0ZWIzYzU1Y2QwMTVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You summoned me.” Sariel turned his head downwards and looked at Raphael. The girl was still curled into the fetal position, sobbing. He looked upwards with the first sign of emotion. Incredulousness. One eyebrow arched as he looked back up at Isaac. “What is this?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZjA0YzA1NzczNzRiYzJhOTI4ZmZlZTE3NWE4ZWU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A gift. To you and your masters," Isaac replied with the slightest bow to his head.</span></p> <p class="cnNkZTAwZGMzMGY4YTQxOWJiM2VmOWJlYmM4ODU3NGE4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“A living girl. What use do we have for her? Why would we care about such a thing?" Sariel looked down at Raphael and then back up at Isaac. He sighed softly. "What is the purpose to this, human?"</span></p> <p class="cnM1MjYzYWVjZWJhZTQyNWQ5NWM4NGUzZjg1YmQyY2Ix"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Simply a gift.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNDc5YmRjNzc5YzQ5ZWRhZGQ4MzBlZjVlOTk0ZDRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What do you expect us to do with her?" Sariel asked thoughtfully, nudging Raphael with his foot, rolling her onto her back. The girl looked up at the strange figure and began to scream again through the gag. Sariel let out a deep sigh. Muse found herself unable to think about what she was witnessing like she was watching a movie she couldn't interact with. "You wish us to remove her from your world," Sariel said dryly.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYzJhZTI0ZmMyZjRlNDE4YmRkM2I5N2M3OTFiODE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Yes. You take her to your plane, and we both benefit."</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGY0ZTAyNmJlNDQ4ZDliMDZkZjJhZDI1NzJjMjYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“One soul amongst many is nothing to us, Ostheim.” Sariel shrugged dismissively. "You overestimate her value. We have plenty of souls, and those that we have are meaningless to us. Why do we care? She is worthless."</span></p> <p class="cnM5YzkyN2NkYWFlMDRmMjQ5ZTA4MzA1ODNmYjE0YmQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“She is one of the Crusaders. She was created by the Vatican. They have sent many of your own kind back to their respective planes.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkOGE3YmFhOTA5ZTQ2ZGZiOWYyY2RmMjgwN2E2MmIx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I see," Sariel said quietly. He stood there motionless - perfectly motionless - for quite some time, his head tilted to one side as if in thought. “Then perhaps I will accept your offer. Perhaps at least she will prove to be amusing.” </span></p> <p class="cnM3OGIzOGQ3NDkwNDRlZTdiYTg2NmQ2ZmNjZWUwOTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac smiled thinly. He opened his mouth to speak as a loud crash resounded from behind him. He turned to see Mal skidding to a stop on the ground surrounded by rolling copper pipes. The pipes cascaded over each other and across the concrete, dinging out an atonal tune as they toppled. The big man was frantically whacking at a white flame that had caught his chest on fire. Uriel stood by an iron girder, both guns pointed at Mal.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYzViMzliMWIwMTQxNDQ4OGMyZjViNDc4NDE2ZjUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Damnit!” Isaac growled. Muse saw a dim blue glow dart from one column to another, bee-lining straight for Isaac. Muse reacted quickly, moved and formed in front of Azrael, checking her body into its. The force of the impact sent the Crusader crashing into an iron beam with a thud, landing in a pile of debris. Azrael slowly stood up from the rubble and glowered at Muse. Or, at least, she imagined it was. She couldn't tell with the white mask and only blackness for eyes. Shrugging, she grinned and waved.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZTY2NDM5NzBlYzRmNDk5YzhiNjc3ZGFmM2QxMGU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hi jerkwad.” Muse vanished and hurtled at Azrael at the same time it flew at her - the impact knocked them both to the ground. Muse reacted quicker and threw Azrael into the wall again. She turned in time to see the ‘man’ Sariel lean over and pick up Raphael by the upper arm, holding her next to him as he straightened up again. </span></p> <p class="cnMyMmJhZTAwNDlkZTQwODJhODc5OGFlODhhZDE1ZGM0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">Raphael!</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">” Uriel screamed and ran forward, firing his guns at the man in the circle. There seemed to be some kind of shield surrounding it - the bullets impacted the force and disappeared in a crackle of white light. Uriel skid to a halt and locked eyes with the unnatural thing that had his compatriot. Fear and horror crossed Uriel's features at the sight of the figure within the circle.</span></p> <p class="cnNmYzIyYWE0NjEwYTRjNGE4OWUxMTkwNjVjZTVjMTFj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Hello, mortal," Sariel smiled - it wasn't exactly a pleasant smile. Uriel seemed unable to move. "You are right to fear me. I wonder, will you appreciate watching all of them die around you?"</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjU2OWY5YjBiODQxZTZiMzQ4NGVlNjA5NWZmMGQx"><span style="font-weight: 400"> Isaac seemed to have had enough. He stepped forward and gripped hold of Uriel, lurching him around to face him. Isaac planted his hand in the middle of his chest. Uriel screamed, dropping his revolvers with a loud clatter as they impacted the stone floor. He tried to pull away from Isaac, but the sorcerer grabbed the neck of his chain-mail tunic - keeping his other hand firmly pressed onto Uriel's chest as smoke curled up from the metal that started to glow orange with the heat.</span></p> <p class="cnM1YzVlMDBmNDMyZDQwNzE5MzliMGEwOWM5OTI5NTU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You have annoyed me for the last time," Isaac snarled at the older man. Uriel continued to scream, his hands wrapped around Isaac's arms as he tried to pull the other man off of him, but to no avail. Sariel watched the exchange with the same strange detachment as the statues he resembled. </span></p> <p class="cnNlY2RmODRhNzMwYTQ3MTRhYjE5ZDRiZjJhZjUyMTU0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse still really hated statues.</span></p> <p class="cnMxYmY1MGY0YTk5MDRjNTc4MTFiODI5ZDc2YTk3ZDM1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse snapped back to reality just in time to see Azrael hurtling through the air at the sorcerer. “Isaac!” Muse yelled and dashed. Dropping her physical form and moving faster than a human could, she rushed straight at Isaac. She knew she didn't have enough time to make it across the room to Azrael, so did the next best thing she could. Muse formed at the last second and tackled Isaac, body checking him out of the way at the same moment that Azrael flew through the air where Isaac had been a second prior. Azrael reappeared as its knife dug into the field that separated Sariel and Raphael from the rest of them. The Crusader thrashed violently. He made no sound as he collapsed to the ground, unmoving.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWI1OGJmNjc5MDRlNDc4NDU4MWVjODEwYzY1NDk4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac landed on his back hard and glared at Muse angrily. “I told you to not leave my side!”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzU3ZWI2NjIwYzQyMDQ4ZGYyMWJjZDc5OWJlNWQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">“But... but I... he was going to...” Muse stammered uselessly.</span></p> <p class="cnM1Mzk4YTI1YTUwMTQwODRiMTI1MTllMmM2MDM1NWIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Get off!” Isaac snarled and threw Muse off of him and directly into the field around the glowing circle.</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmNmOGNjN2Q3ZjQ1OTk4YjE5MWJhODViNTkyNDlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse screamed.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnMxY2VkZjIwOTVhMjQwMGY4ZjI3Y2I0N2Q5NGVmNzMz"><strong><em>Eeeheheheheheeehehee...</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM4YzYzZDgzNTdiODQwNDc4ZmZkNGI3NDU5NjdhMDUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Huhn?!” Muse sat up, her eyes opening quickly. “Shit! What was that?!”</span></p> <p class="cnNiODU4MjRhMGU1ZjQ0MDk4MzY0MjViYjU4NGNhNzM4"><strong><em>Hallohallo why hallo there!</em></strong></p> <p class="cnNjMjJhZTdiMTM2ZDQ2NTJiMmI1NTcxYjExNGExYmZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the…?!” Muse stood up and looked around - and found herself... nowhere. She stood in a black void. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. She could see the ground beneath her only as far out as five or six feet. The ground shone like a polished mirror, reflecting back the darkness. It was like everything around her had ceased to exist - it reminded her of the videos she had seen of the depths of the ocean where no light reached.</span></p> <p class="cnM3NTc1MGVlNTAwNzRkYWU5MDA3ODllNGQzMTAzNDMy"><strong><em>HIYA!</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM2ZTQ0NTdiOTIzZDQ4MWViMDhiMzQ3NzJhZjg0OGU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What… Hello?!”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmEyOGE0NjJmMjQ2NDBhNjM0ODc2MGMxMTVmYWZk"><strong><em>HALLOTHERE!</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM5ZWViZmExYmI4YTQyOTNiMGY1OTEyMTdlMGE0NzZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“...Ezekiel?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODk4OTI4ZTY5YTQzOTQ4NjU5YzQ2NDFmOGZmYTBk"><strong><em>nOPE. Wrong! Close, I guess, maybefinesure, but, NOPE.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMxNjBiYjZjMzYyOTQyMDZhOTQxNzlkMWMzOWMwMmZm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the hell is going on?!” Muse slowly turned around in a circle. Suddenly she wished she hadn't. She found herself staring at a gigantic set of grinning teeth in front of her face. The teeth were bright orange, pointed, flickering and glowing like the teeth of a jack-o-lantern.</span></p> <p class="cnM0OTllNDEyY2M5ZjRhNWY4YzE1Njk3OTU1OTFlZmNh"><strong><em>I CAN SEE YOU NOW.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnM3NDgyNGUyYzQ0OTRlMTg5ZmEwNjNkZTM1Yzg2ZmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The teeth opened and began to swallow Muse whole.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnNmZGIwZjU5MTgzNTQ4ZDE4Y2FlNzk1NjA2MzQyZWI0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse screamed.</span></p> <p class="cnM1NTFhZWI1Y2FlYTRmODM4ZTA3ZDEzNmY5NGI4YTUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Whoa! Down girl!” Victor yelled and jumped back a bit. He was kneeling next to her, sitting back on his ankles. He put one hand on his knee and with the other, he reached forward and tousled her hair where she lay. “Calm down, Muse.. calm down. You're fine.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwMGVkNmI2M2MyOTQwNzY5NzUyYTc1ZmMyZjU0MWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“What the hell just happened?!” Muse looked up at the concerned faces of Victor and Mal. She felt weird - out of touch - like she wasn't completely in the moment. She felt almost like she was behind a pane of glass. It was like what a few of the drugs she had used were like when she was alive, but that couldn't be possible now. </span></p> <p class="cnM3OTVkNTFmZjUzNDQwNDc5MGM0YmFiZGFkMTcxMTY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You got knocked out... You hit the edge of the circle... you hit the ground unconscious. We couldn’t wake you up, you’ve been out for about two minutes... Are you okay?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0YTE1ZThjMjA4YjRmMmI4OGVmZmE4N2RhMWIyZDhh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Y- yeah... I... I’m okay.” Muse sat up slowly and ran her hands through her hair. “That... stung.”</span></p> <p class="cnNlZDI3MjBkOWU2MDQ2Yjg5NTMwOWI4NTdiMGUxMDUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Victor helped Muse to her feet, steadying her. She held onto his arm with one hand, watching the room around her spin just slightly. She made a face and shut her eyes, trying to force whatever was clogging her head to go away. You shouldn't be able to feel ill when you didn't have a stomach to empty. Victor spoke up reluctantly. “Hate to rush you, girl, but we’re in a hurry to get back.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDY4NjA1NzNhNTRjY2I5MmIzNzcyYjBhZTg1ZWQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Why?” she asked.</span></p> <p class="cnMyZWNiYTY5ZDU1YTRkYzE5M2YyZGNlZjBiZDljMTM5"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Well, Raphael got taken away by that weird guy in the circle. They both just vanished... The rest of them ran off. We’re leaving like, now.” Victor sighed. "That guy was... that guy was just not right." He shrugged it off and started with the others towards the door.</span></p> <p class="cnNjZDcyOTQzZjdlNjRkNmNhNjg0YjIzZWZiMTlhMmIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Muse started walking and staggered. Victor wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her to him, helping her walk. "Sorry... my feet aren't working right now..." If she disappeared, she was afraid she still couldn't move. </span></p> <p class="cnMzOTc4N2Y3ZjU5MDRjNDY4ZTQ4ZTJjMWVmNTU4ODRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">“S’okay, kiddo," Mal said from her other side.</span></p> <p class="cnNjMmExZDdiOWRlZjRjN2JiMThjOGE2YTQyZGQ4ZTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“I really don't feel right...”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NTY3NTVhNTUxYTRiMWQ4NTcyNmVmNTRkNTQ5ZjJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Just hold on 'till we get home.”</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1OWEwOTc5OTE0ODRmMmE4OTJkOGEyNDNmNDI2YTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">The familiar silhouette of the long coat cut out against the dim light of the basement like an ink blot was unmistakable. Michael snarled and glared a hole at him. He willed the man to die, but to no luck. If you could drop someone with sheer hate, he should have been able to do it by now. "Isaac. What did you do to Raphael?!” he demanded angrily.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjRkMDcwMjk5NTQ3YjZiOWUwYjhiZTRlNGNkYTUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Raphael is in Hell,” Isaac replied, stepping forward more into the light, a thin smile on the man's sharp features. The look of amusement and pride that ran across his features sickened the Crusader.</span></p> <p class="cnMxMzQ1N2YxMDQwMTQzMGJhOWNjODQ3ODI5MWQ0MTRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">“You lie!” Michael roared, yanking at his chains hard, trying to loosen the restraints and snap free. "You're a liar!" His voice cracked slightly, betraying his nervousness. He cursed himself for showing his fear.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NmUyZmNkNDliODQ2ZWZhZjgyMGQ2YjI5YzI4ZGIy"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hardly." Isaac smiled a little warmer and stepped up, just outside of the range of Michael's kick. "Your your little pet healer is no longer at your disposal. Which means, Michael, you can now die.” Isaac leaned over slightly, folding his arms behind his back. "If I were to slit your throat, you would die."</span></p> <p class="cnMxYzE5ZWM3MmUxOTQ1YTdiNzM5NjQ2MDZmZjc2Mzk5"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Why would you do that to her?!"</span></p> <p class="cnMxM2MxMTFjYWQ3YzRiYzY4NDBmODFjMjg3M2Y2YzRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">"She was inconvenient."</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzU5Mzc4ODJiZDQwN2NhY2MyYzU4MWYyN2I1MTc3"><span style="font-weight: 400">"You sent someone to Hell because they were an inconvenience?!" The idea defied all his concepts of logic. The sorcerer had done something so horrid because she was an </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">annoyance. </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">Ostheim had sunk to a new level of depravity.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNmFkNmZlYTg1NTQwNTU5YWNkZWE3MzBlMTNkYjdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">"Yes."</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTUyOWM5YzhiZjRlNjJhYmFmMzU1MzQ2MTA5Y2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Michael stared up at the sorcerer, lost. The man had ceased to be human. He was the devil on earth. “Kill me, I will go to the gates of Heaven where I deserve to be,” Michael snarled bitterly, hoping the sudden welling of fear in his throat didn't show on his face.</span></p> <p class="cnNkMmM3OTY0YjdhYTQ0NDg5NjAzN2FmODZmMzU1Njk3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Mmm... We shall see. You deprived me of that which I desire most - so I think I will let you die last.” Isaac said thoughtfully, straightening up and turning his back. Michael could only watch, struggling helplessly as Isaac walked up the stairs. "Muse, resume your post." The door shut behind the sorcerer, leaving Michael alone. Or at least, alone under appearances. He knew that Muse was around here somewhere. So for now, his only course of action was to wait and pray.</span></p> <hr> <p class="cnM1Nzk5NWIwMzFkNTQwNmI4NTA4ZjJiOWI4YjUzYWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel was happiest in the trenches. The ‘Messenger’ tended to get bored, especially since the Retribution had come to a so-called end. But like any good war, it was done in the public’s eye long before the fighting ever actually finished. His squadron was moving through the Ural mountains, hunting a band of werewolves. The creatures had taken to the woods, refusing to fight them in the open. Typical behavior for their kind.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMDMzNWYxYTE2NjQ2Mjc4NWZmYTFmOTYwZGFkODA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel stood, shifting the large rifle that was strapped to his back. He brushed some snow out of his short blonde hair, tired of the constant and incessant snow.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYTExM2I0ZjFhNjQyNzNhOTcxMWY4Y2UyOWQ3NjJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Shit for weather up here,” said the head of the squadron, a young man by the name of John. He was a good soldier if a bit jumpy. A werewolf had knocked over their Humvee, and the man had been reduced to stutters.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZGEwZGUyNzI0YzQyYjI4Y2I0MjU0ZmJiMGQxN2Q3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Seriously,” he replied. He shifted his weight, kneeling down next to a tree. He squinted his eyes, looking through the darkness and the snow. The constant grey wet pelting made it hard to see any movement in the distance. But he thought he saw something.</span></p> <p class="cnM4NjVlZWM5YTk5ZTQyNjQ4ZTBhNDQ2MjUwNDI4YTdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">John at least knew what his sudden silence meant. With a sharp motion of his hand, Gabriel heard the rest of the men fall into position. He cursed how loud they were. Slinging the rifle from his shoulder, he flicked down the stand attached to the barrel and set it down. Peering through the scope, he caught sight of a flash of black fur.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYjQxMDk5NjZmZDQ0N2M4YTIyYjMwOTI2ODkzNDcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Squeezing the trigger, he heard his bullet hit its mark. One of the monsters howled in pain then collapsing in the snow, dead. He had made the shot from two hundred yards. Too easy. </span></p> <p class="cnMyZTM4NDM0OTQ1MjQyNjQ5MjQ2YzFkZjg0YzE2MTI2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel hefted the gun onto his back and let out a sharp whistle. If there was one thing he hated more than standing in snow, it was running in it. Jumping over stumps and rocks, he ducked around another tree, slipping his gun off of his shoulder. This time, not even bothering to brace it on anything, he squeezed the trigger again. Another wolf fell dead.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NjlmOGEzMGJhMzRiMzZhYzBiMDc5ZWQwMzQzMzM3"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Sir! Look out!”</span></p> <p class="cnM5ZjI3ZWVjYjJhNjRiMDI5MWEzMjQ2NTZjYzc4N2Q1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel managed not to yell as a werewolf leaped over the rock next to him and tackled him. His rifle slid into the snow next to him. Staring up at the slathering jaws of the gigantic creature, he pulled a silver, gold inlaid shining pistol out of his belt and pressed the end of it between the thing’s eyes. “Go to God.”</span></p> <p class="cnNmZDM5MDI4MDg5ZDRlNjQ5NWQ5YmNmNGIwYmQ4ZDc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pushing the pile of dead fur off of him, he let out a small huff. The creature was easily five hundred pounds - and it was a small one. He saw that his squadron was dealing with more of the same. One of his men lay dead in the snow next to him, his neck torn open by a large set of claws. The grey snow was starting to turn red. Some of it was his men’s, but most belonged to the monsters.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MGFlYzU0NWM3NzQwMjBiZjFhMDYwYTgzZDk1YjAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Pulling his other matching pistol out of his belt, he started to fire. He was trained to be precise and wasted no bullets. One bullet each, into the brain. Anywhere else was useless on these things, even with the blessings that were placed on his ammunition. They could take entire rounds to the chest without flinching. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NGQ0MGM1N2UyMTQyYjU4NGI0YThmN2NmZDFlMmNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">His calm focus was suddenly broken. Someone was standing next to him.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MzdmMmM1Yjg0MDQ3OTc4NzllOTE1ZmU1Njk2OTli"><span style="font-weight: 400">He had to be hallucinating. He was supposed to be in America. Michael was hunting him. There was no way this man was standing here, now. And, yet, here he was.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NTM2NmFiMTUwMDRhMWE4YjNkZTc4YmYyNDEzMWZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Hello, Gabriel. It’s been so long. How are you?”</span></p> <p class="cnNkNDJiZDk1ZGRmYzRkNTA5ZWQxZGRmOTVlZTA4NWFh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel opened his mouth, stammered something out. He pointed both pistols at they grey apparition, aiming straight to the chest. Suddenly the wolves and the screams of his men seemed considerably less important.</span></p> <p class="cnM5NzU4Y2FlNWQwMzQ1ODRhYzViMTIyMTg3ZjA0MzZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Good, I see. Now, I-“</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZGZiZjlkMzRlNTQ3ZjliYjIxYmVmYTA5OTE5MmMx"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel interrupted him by pulling the triggers. Isaac responded simply by raising his hand. Suddenly Gabriel felt something hit him in the chest. Blinking, he turned his head down and saw two holes going through his white tunic. Slowly, they started to ooze red. That confused him. It couldn’t be. This all was just quite simply not happening.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTQxZTNhMTc3OTQxOWRiYmJkMDc0YWNkYmY5ZGMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Isaac sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose with the shove of a ring finger. “You simply had to go and cut this short, didn’t you? You were always the hasty one.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjYWUwMGNjYzEyOTQ1NWJiZmUxZGZkNmRhZTVlZWNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Gabriel sunk to his knees. The snow felt a lot colder than it had before.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYjhkYzRhN2MxYjQ3OTVhOTViYjBhN2MxMWMwNGUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">He really hated snow.</span></p> </div>
Muse began to wonder if she was going to be constantly at Isaac's side. It was beginning to really feel like she was on a leash. Isaac had taken them to a large unfinished office building, and the wind whipped bitterly through the third floor. Nothing existed of the structure but the floors and row after row of iron girders in neat, square patterns. Piles of construction equipment lay scattered around - stacks of iron rebar, copper pipe, big pink rolls of what Muse could only guess was insulation of some kind. White plastic sheeting blew in the breeze next to her, curling around an iron beam as it slipped loose of its mooring. Caution tape was tied to every beam and around the edges of the building, and a small yellow strip of tape was tied to segments of iron rebar which were protruding up from the floor along the soon-to-be-wall, sticking up a few feet like a half-finished cage. The yellow tape blew in the wind to one side like streamers - looking like some bizarre holiday decoration. She was once again hovered over Isaac's left shoulder, peering down at him as he flipped through a book. The wooden box that he had retrieved from the graveyard sat on a large spool of wire next to him. Muse had long since given up trying to read the book - it was just gibberish and random scribbles to her. Raphael lay in the middle of the ground in the center of a large circle covered in jagged lines and weird writing. She had no idea what it was designed to do, but she imagined it wasn't friendly. Raphael was tied, her arms behind her back. She was gagged - Victor's idea - but that didn't stop her from lying there making terrified, muffled sobbing noises. “Muse,” Isaac said, too soft to be heard by the other men who stood slightly scattered throughout the building, waiting in the shadows. They knew they were going to have company, it was only a matter of time. “Mm?” “Whatever happens, stay by my side. Do *not* wander off.” Isaac glanced up from the book to look where she was hovering. The look on his face was serious - his grey eyes somehow focused on her despite the fact she had no visible form. “Excuse me...?” “Stay by my side. Do you understand?” he repeated firmly. “Yeah?” Muse said nervously. She didn't like how he said it. Even when he ordered her around, it never seemed that... important. Something seemed absolutely dire about staying at his side this time. “Good.” Isaac shut his eyes, then shut the book. He placed it down on the spool next to him and reached for the small wooden box. Opening it, he pulled out a long white feather. It looked like nothing Muse had ever seen before. It not only seemed to glow with its own light but seemed almost a step outside of reality. It had an almost opalescent sheen to it, reflecting the light like it was metallic or - something else, she didn't know. She had a sudden urge to touch it - but never had the chance. Isaac looked at it and twirled it between his fingers as he observed it with an almost removed fascination. Then, he began to talk. Muse felt a shudder crawl through her being as she heard the words. She couldn’t grasp onto them, couldn't hold them in her mind. She knew he was talking, but she couldn't actually hear the words. The more she tried to listen, the dizzier she got. Something about them actually almost made her feel ill - which she knew was impossible. You can't be nauseous when you're dead. She felt the power pour off of him, sending a shiver through her. The circle around Raphael, drawn in simple chalk, suddenly flared white with a sharp hiss. The circle grew brighter and began to twist to one side. Muse shook her head. She had to be seeing things. No, sure enough - the circle was moving. Or was she? She watched as the space underneath Raphael... disappeared. Simply vanished into nothing. The concrete became like glass or obsidian. Muse couldn't see the floor below, only a reflective black void. Muse stared at it in fascination as the writing slowly dimmed to a mild glow. Raphael was now howling loudly into the gag, kicking fiercely. Her foot hit the edge of the circle and her eyes went wide. Her body thrashed in pain as she screamed louder. Slowly she curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably. Isaac held up the feather and let go. It drifted from his hands as if taken by the stiff breeze. The feather flew into the circle and touched down on the ground next to the girl. All at once - in a single instant - there was a figure crouched on the ground near the young Crusader. It felt like a fever dream. She had to stop and really think about whether she was conscious or not. She had to be asleep - but no, she didn’t dream. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't figure out when the person, or whatever it was, actually appeared. It simply blinked into existence. One second there was no one, the next it was there. With vampires, as far as she could tell, there was always at least a bit of warning, some feeling of movement. This thing just... popped into being. She looked at it, and if she had a stomach she would have retched. Not because of how it looked. It just felt different. It felt wrong. It felt very wrong. It appeared male... but at the same time, it didn’t appear like anything at all. As the figure slowly stood up, Muse couldn’t look away. It looked male in the same way that a Ken doll did. Short light-brown hair fell to its chin in picture-perfect curls. That was the problem with it, why it looked unnatural, Muse decided - it was too perfect. Absolutely flawless in the same way a marble carving is perfect. Inhumanly free of flaws, and because of that, its very appearance felt cold and detached. As she gaped, the male figure brushed his hands down its bare chest, and a set of clothes appeared. A simple black button-down shirt and grey pants. Muse continued to gawk, glad it couldn't see her. It looked at Isaac with no expression, no emotion. “Ostheim," the 'man' spoke. His voice was human... mostly. Muse figured again that if a marble statue could open its mouth and speak, it would sound like that. “Sariel,” Isaac responded, then clasped his hands behind his back. The sorcerer watched the man in the center with nothing but confidence. Muse had no idea how Isaac could do that - look at something that was clearly inhuman and act like he was ordering coffee. “You summoned me.” Sariel turned his head downwards and looked at Raphael. The girl was still curled into the fetal position, sobbing. He looked upwards with the first sign of emotion. Incredulousness. One eyebrow arched as he looked back up at Isaac. “What is this?” “A gift. To you and your masters," Isaac replied with the slightest bow to his head. “A living girl. What use do we have for her? Why would we care about such a thing?" Sariel looked down at Raphael and then back up at Isaac. He sighed softly. "What is the purpose to this, human?" “Simply a gift.” “What do you expect us to do with her?" Sariel asked thoughtfully, nudging Raphael with his foot, rolling her onto her back. The girl looked up at the strange figure and began to scream again through the gag. Sariel let out a deep sigh. Muse found herself unable to think about what she was witnessing like she was watching a movie she couldn't interact with. "You wish us to remove her from your world," Sariel said dryly. “Yes. You take her to your plane, and we both benefit." “One soul amongst many is nothing to us, Ostheim.” Sariel shrugged dismissively. "You overestimate her value. We have plenty of souls, and those that we have are meaningless to us. Why do we care? She is worthless." “She is one of the Crusaders. She was created by the Vatican. They have sent many of your own kind back to their respective planes.” “I see," Sariel said quietly. He stood there motionless - perfectly motionless - for quite some time, his head tilted to one side as if in thought. “Then perhaps I will accept your offer. Perhaps at least she will prove to be amusing.” Isaac smiled thinly. He opened his mouth to speak as a loud crash resounded from behind him. He turned to see Mal skidding to a stop on the ground surrounded by rolling copper pipes. The pipes cascaded over each other and across the concrete, dinging out an atonal tune as they toppled. The big man was frantically whacking at a white flame that had caught his chest on fire. Uriel stood by an iron girder, both guns pointed at Mal. “Damnit!” Isaac growled. Muse saw a dim blue glow dart from one column to another, bee-lining straight for Isaac. Muse reacted quickly, moved and formed in front of Azrael, checking her body into its. The force of the impact sent the Crusader crashing into an iron beam with a thud, landing in a pile of debris. Azrael slowly stood up from the rubble and glowered at Muse. Or, at least, she imagined it was. She couldn't tell with the white mask and only blackness for eyes. Shrugging, she grinned and waved. “Hi jerkwad.” Muse vanished and hurtled at Azrael at the same time it flew at her - the impact knocked them both to the ground. Muse reacted quicker and threw Azrael into the wall again. She turned in time to see the ‘man’ Sariel lean over and pick up Raphael by the upper arm, holding her next to him as he straightened up again. “*Raphael!*” Uriel screamed and ran forward, firing his guns at the man in the circle. There seemed to be some kind of shield surrounding it - the bullets impacted the force and disappeared in a crackle of white light. Uriel skid to a halt and locked eyes with the unnatural thing that had his compatriot. Fear and horror crossed Uriel's features at the sight of the figure within the circle. "Hello, mortal," Sariel smiled - it wasn't exactly a pleasant smile. Uriel seemed unable to move. "You are right to fear me. I wonder, will you appreciate watching all of them die around you?" Isaac seemed to have had enough. He stepped forward and gripped hold of Uriel, lurching him around to face him. Isaac planted his hand in the middle of his chest. Uriel screamed, dropping his revolvers with a loud clatter as they impacted the stone floor. He tried to pull away from Isaac, but the sorcerer grabbed the neck of his chain-mail tunic - keeping his other hand firmly pressed onto Uriel's chest as smoke curled up from the metal that started to glow orange with the heat. “You have annoyed me for the last time," Isaac snarled at the older man. Uriel continued to scream, his hands wrapped around Isaac's arms as he tried to pull the other man off of him, but to no avail. Sariel watched the exchange with the same strange detachment as the statues he resembled. Muse still really hated statues. Muse snapped back to reality just in time to see Azrael hurtling through the air at the sorcerer. “Isaac!” Muse yelled and dashed. Dropping her physical form and moving faster than a human could, she rushed straight at Isaac. She knew she didn't have enough time to make it across the room to Azrael, so did the next best thing she could. Muse formed at the last second and tackled Isaac, body checking him out of the way at the same moment that Azrael flew through the air where Isaac had been a second prior. Azrael reappeared as its knife dug into the field that separated Sariel and Raphael from the rest of them. The Crusader thrashed violently. He made no sound as he collapsed to the ground, unmoving. Isaac landed on his back hard and glared at Muse angrily. “I told you to not leave my side!” “But... but I... he was going to...” Muse stammered uselessly. “Get off!” Isaac snarled and threw Muse off of him and directly into the field around the glowing circle. Muse screamed. --- ***Eeeheheheheheeehehee...*** “Huhn?!” Muse sat up, her eyes opening quickly. “Shit! What was that?!” ***Hallohallo why hallo there!*** “What the…?!” Muse stood up and looked around - and found herself... nowhere. She stood in a black void. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. She could see the ground beneath her only as far out as five or six feet. The ground shone like a polished mirror, reflecting back the darkness. It was like everything around her had ceased to exist - it reminded her of the videos she had seen of the depths of the ocean where no light reached. ***HIYA!*** “What… Hello?!” ***HALLOTHERE!*** “...Ezekiel?” ***nOPE. Wrong! Close, I guess, maybefinesure, but, NOPE.*** “What the hell is going on?!” Muse slowly turned around in a circle. Suddenly she wished she hadn't. She found herself staring at a gigantic set of grinning teeth in front of her face. The teeth were bright orange, pointed, flickering and glowing like the teeth of a jack-o-lantern. ***I CAN SEE YOU NOW.*** The teeth opened and began to swallow Muse whole. --- Muse screamed. “Whoa! Down girl!” Victor yelled and jumped back a bit. He was kneeling next to her, sitting back on his ankles. He put one hand on his knee and with the other, he reached forward and tousled her hair where she lay. “Calm down, Muse.. calm down. You're fine.” “What the hell just happened?!” Muse looked up at the concerned faces of Victor and Mal. She felt weird - out of touch - like she wasn't completely in the moment. She felt almost like she was behind a pane of glass. It was like what a few of the drugs she had used were like when she was alive, but that couldn't be possible now. “You got knocked out... You hit the edge of the circle... you hit the ground unconscious. We couldn’t wake you up, you’ve been out for about two minutes... Are you okay?” “Y- yeah... I... I’m okay.” Muse sat up slowly and ran her hands through her hair. “That... stung.” Victor helped Muse to her feet, steadying her. She held onto his arm with one hand, watching the room around her spin just slightly. She made a face and shut her eyes, trying to force whatever was clogging her head to go away. You shouldn't be able to feel ill when you didn't have a stomach to empty. Victor spoke up reluctantly. “Hate to rush you, girl, but we’re in a hurry to get back.” “Why?” she asked. “Well, Raphael got taken away by that weird guy in the circle. They both just vanished... The rest of them ran off. We’re leaving like, now.” Victor sighed. "That guy was... that guy was just not right." He shrugged it off and started with the others towards the door. Muse started walking and staggered. Victor wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her to him, helping her walk. "Sorry... my feet aren't working right now..." If she disappeared, she was afraid she still couldn't move. “S’okay, kiddo," Mal said from her other side. “I really don't feel right...” “Just hold on 'till we get home.” --- The familiar silhouette of the long coat cut out against the dim light of the basement like an ink blot was unmistakable. Michael snarled and glared a hole at him. He willed the man to die, but to no luck. If you could drop someone with sheer hate, he should have been able to do it by now. "Isaac. What did you do to Raphael?!” he demanded angrily. “Raphael is in Hell,” Isaac replied, stepping forward more into the light, a thin smile on the man's sharp features. The look of amusement and pride that ran across his features sickened the Crusader. “You lie!” Michael roared, yanking at his chains hard, trying to loosen the restraints and snap free. "You're a liar!" His voice cracked slightly, betraying his nervousness. He cursed himself for showing his fear. “Hardly." Isaac smiled a little warmer and stepped up, just outside of the range of Michael's kick. "Your your little pet healer is no longer at your disposal. Which means, Michael, you can now die.” Isaac leaned over slightly, folding his arms behind his back. "If I were to slit your throat, you would die." "Why would you do that to her?!" "She was inconvenient." "You sent someone to Hell because they were an inconvenience?!" The idea defied all his concepts of logic. The sorcerer had done something so horrid because she was an *annoyance.* Ostheim had sunk to a new level of depravity. "Yes." Michael stared up at the sorcerer, lost. The man had ceased to be human. He was the devil on earth. “Kill me, I will go to the gates of Heaven where I deserve to be,” Michael snarled bitterly, hoping the sudden welling of fear in his throat didn't show on his face. “Mmm... We shall see. You deprived me of that which I desire most - so I think I will let you die last.” Isaac said thoughtfully, straightening up and turning his back. Michael could only watch, struggling helplessly as Isaac walked up the stairs. "Muse, resume your post." The door shut behind the sorcerer, leaving Michael alone. Or at least, alone under appearances. He knew that Muse was around here somewhere. So for now, his only course of action was to wait and pray. --- Gabriel was happiest in the trenches. The ‘Messenger’ tended to get bored, especially since the Retribution had come to a so-called end. But like any good war, it was done in the public’s eye long before the fighting ever actually finished. His squadron was moving through the Ural mountains, hunting a band of werewolves. The creatures had taken to the woods, refusing to fight them in the open. Typical behavior for their kind. Gabriel stood, shifting the large rifle that was strapped to his back. He brushed some snow out of his short blonde hair, tired of the constant and incessant snow. “Shit for weather up here,” said the head of the squadron, a young man by the name of John. He was a good soldier if a bit jumpy. A werewolf had knocked over their Humvee, and the man had been reduced to stutters. “Seriously,” he replied. He shifted his weight, kneeling down next to a tree. He squinted his eyes, looking through the darkness and the snow. The constant grey wet pelting made it hard to see any movement in the distance. But he thought he saw something. John at least knew what his sudden silence meant. With a sharp motion of his hand, Gabriel heard the rest of the men fall into position. He cursed how loud they were. Slinging the rifle from his shoulder, he flicked down the stand attached to the barrel and set it down. Peering through the scope, he caught sight of a flash of black fur. Squeezing the trigger, he heard his bullet hit its mark. One of the monsters howled in pain then collapsing in the snow, dead. He had made the shot from two hundred yards. Too easy. Gabriel hefted the gun onto his back and let out a sharp whistle. If there was one thing he hated more than standing in snow, it was running in it. Jumping over stumps and rocks, he ducked around another tree, slipping his gun off of his shoulder. This time, not even bothering to brace it on anything, he squeezed the trigger again. Another wolf fell dead. “Sir! Look out!” Gabriel managed not to yell as a werewolf leaped over the rock next to him and tackled him. His rifle slid into the snow next to him. Staring up at the slathering jaws of the gigantic creature, he pulled a silver, gold inlaid shining pistol out of his belt and pressed the end of it between the thing’s eyes. “Go to God.” Pushing the pile of dead fur off of him, he let out a small huff. The creature was easily five hundred pounds - and it was a small one. He saw that his squadron was dealing with more of the same. One of his men lay dead in the snow next to him, his neck torn open by a large set of claws. The grey snow was starting to turn red. Some of it was his men’s, but most belonged to the monsters. Pulling his other matching pistol out of his belt, he started to fire. He was trained to be precise and wasted no bullets. One bullet each, into the brain. Anywhere else was useless on these things, even with the blessings that were placed on his ammunition. They could take entire rounds to the chest without flinching. His calm focus was suddenly broken. Someone was standing next to him. He had to be hallucinating. He was supposed to be in America. Michael was hunting him. There was no way this man was standing here, now. And, yet, here he was. “Hello, Gabriel. It’s been so long. How are you?” Gabriel opened his mouth, stammered something out. He pointed both pistols at they grey apparition, aiming straight to the chest. Suddenly the wolves and the screams of his men seemed considerably less important. “Good, I see. Now, I-“ Gabriel interrupted him by pulling the triggers. Isaac responded simply by raising his hand. Suddenly Gabriel felt something hit him in the chest. Blinking, he turned his head down and saw two holes going through his white tunic. Slowly, they started to ooze red. That confused him. It couldn’t be. This all was just quite simply not happening. Isaac sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose with the shove of a ring finger. “You simply had to go and cut this short, didn’t you? You were always the hasty one.” Gabriel sunk to his knees. The snow felt a lot colder than it had before. He really hated snow.
{ "title": "The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent", "id": 21486, "author": "Donny Clearwater", "rating": 3.7 }
{ "title": "Chapter 4- A new class and goal", "id": 306016, "next": 306020, "prev": 305518, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNmNzVmZTJiNzYwODRmYTA4NDAzYTA1MWZhM2VlNGMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">He was greeted by yet another barrage of useless gunfire. An ice lance each killed them regardless of what they were hiding behind. Aizawa was sitting on the couch drinking tea of some kind the only hint that he was aware of the situation was that his hand was shaking like an epileptique. “Hoh, no beginning? No crying? Well that won’t do, after all you are meant to be a lesson. So I’ll give you something to spark that fear.” He calmly had his helmet retract into his armor. Aizawa just looked at him with a stunned and poleaxed face. An instant later however he was wild with Joy and his eyes lit up as his head was snapped backward from the force of the bullet. </span></p> <p class="cnNkYTljN2FlZDNjYzRhOTFhODIyNjM0Y2EzNDJmOGUw"><span style="font-weight: 400">In complete evil villain mode he laughed hysterically and went on his own monologue about how he’ll make good use of my armor and youth breeds stupidity and many others. Finally he said “It seems you’ve gone senile.” He shut up so fast he gagged. Slowly he raised his head and locked eyes with him. All his forehead had was a bruise instead of a hole. “I said it before old man, the systems advent has come and the time of the players is here. Unfortunately for you, you fucked with the first immortal’s family and now you will be used as an example for every other scumbag in the world.” </span></p> <p class="cnNiZWE4MjhkZjJmZjRlZjRhMWFmMjViOTJjZDQzZDVj"><span style="font-weight: 400">By now he was blubbering and crying and begging for mercy. He looked at the security camera that was recording it all and gave his best smile then kicked Aizawa three feet in the air as he shattered the glass and screamed all the way to the ground before it ended with a wet splat. Once more he turned to the camera and smiled before he jumped out the same window he sent Aizawa from. They were probably forty stories in the air so he activated his UMF with 100 mana to take the initial impact. He would still leave a crater so he aimed a little ways to the side of the corpse. </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjdiYTNmNTJlODQ2Y2ViODk4MmYyMWNiYzIxMzM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">As expected the barrier shattered and he took roughly 50K damage. It was enough to hurt but since the point was to look cool at the moment he had a bored look on his face. When the dust settled the crater was about a foot in radius and six inches deep at his feet. He commanded his armor to vibrated the dust off as he walked and disappeared into the night as he headed back home.</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGEzM2RmODYwMDQ1NmM4YmIxNmY0MWZlMWNmYzRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">The next few days were pandemonium since he basically announced two months early that immortals now walked the world. Once he was sure that things were under control he made his dad lock him in the soundproof basement with some food and water. The rebirth was going to tear him apart on a molecular level and put him back together again in a way that could handle greater influxes of power. The entire process would take three days but it would a very loud and very gory affair. </span></p> <p class="cnMwMGVlZjExY2FmMzRjY2FhMmE2ODFhNzdjNjEyMmY2"><span style="font-weight: 400">When everything was ready he laid down on the bed and activated the rebirth. To him it was over in an instant. The only difference was that cement walls now had cracks and dents and his clothes were shredded beyond recognition. Plus the fact that it looked like a psychotic butchers mad house. He quickly cast Greater regeneration and use it as an impromptu shower before he put on the clothes that had been slip under the door. He knocked three times, paused, knocked five time in rapid succession then paused and knocked twice more. He heard the bolt slide back and one of the more experienced maids opened the door. </span></p> <p class="cnMwNTczMjliZWJiNDQwMTg5MjlmY2M2YWNhOThkMzk1"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Send a few of our trusted soldiers who are Vet’s to clean up the room. No one else that doesn’t need to should be allowed to see it, especially those that aren’t old enough to be immortals yet.” He noticed that she had caught a glimpse but her expression didn’t so much as flicker. He smiled and nodded then asked “Pardon my manners but what is your name?” She curtsied and said “Nina Belark young master.” All in all the only way could tell she was past twenty five was the few streaks of silver in her hair. “It’s a good name. Tell me, do you like young adults? Probably around ages 18-25.” </span></p> <p class="cnNkYzZkNjc0ODVkZjQxYjI4NGEyNTFlMzg2OTdiYzgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">“As long as i’m free to reprimand them as is fit then I like them well enough young master.” “Hmm, after taking care of this task come to my father's office. I may have a task to entrust you with that is of utmost importance.” He sent her off and headed towards the office. His dad should be there currently or would be soon. He took it slow and watched the maids and guards go about their business. Quick enough he was in his father's study waiting for him to get done with his visitors. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNzJhNTcxNzdiODQzN2I5MTQ4MTI5MzVkMjk3MzI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Before long they all walked out and he went in. He hugged his dad and sat down on the sofa. “I’m going to break open a beginner dungeon for our people to start leveling up and I’ll be bringing four of the maids with me to give them a tour as well. When I’m done I plan on leaving them in charge of getting our people used to the dungeons. It will be about three years until the government collapses and the world is divided into guilds so we still have some time to prepare. Once I’ve taught them what there is to know about beginner dungeons then we can start our people on leveling.” </span></p> <p class="cnNhMmRlNzJkMGVlNTRmNzE4OTc0YmJlZGQzODM3NmM2"><span style="font-weight: 400">“Ok, I’ll have them meet you out by the requisition shed in the backyard. How long will it take to have them up to speed?” “If their veterans or former mercs then it should only be a few weeks but it their not then it could be a few months.” “Alright, I’ll make sure their experienced in blood.” They talked about this and that until there was a knock on the door and the maid Nina came in. “Ok since she’s here then I’ll get started. It was fun talking dad, we’ll do a bit more when I get back.” </span></p> <p class="cnNjM2NiZWQ3YjZlZDQ3Yjc5YzEwYjcyYTJiMmU3NDIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">As they headed to the backyard he opened his stats and checked on how far that excess experience got him. “Status.” Because of learning those spells in the dungeon his skill points were lower than he would have liked but he could still go and browse the store and possibly pick up one tier ten spell. Since most spells rely on intelligence as the prerequisite he dumped all his points yet again into his INT which he confirmed. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNDdkNWZlYzI2NzQ5ZWY5ZmY3MjdmMDE3MTg2ZDBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Name: Jacob Dawn </span></p> <p class="cnMxNTNmMGU1YTEzYzQyMGZiYzI2NDM3N2U1ZjNkZmJj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tier: 1 Level: 892 Deaths: 0 </span></p> <p class="cnNjODRkNWJiNmQyZjRiZWJhNGQzMjg4M2NjNTRjOTNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">EXP: 40%</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTBiYzM1NDdmNDRlOWY4NWVjMDE3ZmIwM2NlY2Mz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)</span></p> <p class="cnM5NDBkMTA0NGUwYzQ0MmNiM2JjNzc1ZGU1YTk5ZjRk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,344,700/2,344,700</span></p> <p class="cnNhMTBmZmViZDc0NjQ5NTVhZGNhYmU5ZDkyNmVlMmE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 </span></p> <p class="cnM5MWM3MjlkMTU3YTRhOTg4YWE2MDc2M2IwNmQ0MDY1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 23,447 </span></p> <p class="cnM1MzQ1MDc4MWIxYjQzOTRhM2M4ZDVmY2JlYzc1MTQy"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stat points: 0</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDkzMzI4MWE0MDQ3NDE5Mjc5YjRmNzQ4ZWU4YzBk"><span style="font-weight: 400">Skill points: 10</span></p> <p class="cnMyNzI5MjhiNzViODRiNzY4ZjVmMjgwZjIyNjljM2Vl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fatigue: 1% </span></p> <p class="cnNjMDM2YWU5NTY2OTQ4ODRhZTQ0ZjRlYzA0MTNiYjdl"><span style="font-weight: 400">Class: Mage </span></p> <p class="cnNkMmYxN2E0NTQwZDRkMjdhMmNhMDY1ZTM0OWNkODNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Profession: None </span></p> <p class="cnNhZTkwNDdiZTk3NzRlNzY4MzBkMzVlMTk1MmIwYjM4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) </span></p> <p class="cnM4YjgzM2FiZDE2MTQ1NGZiZGEyZmU4MTBhNTIyMTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] </span></p> <p class="cnMzNTA1OTZkMDhkOTQzZjBiZjM3NzM4ZTYxODdjNWJj"> </p> <p class="cnNiMWFhOWQ2MTRhNTQxODY5OTUzODllN2NmOWJmZDE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">He made sure to tightly control his Aura as his mana pool ballooned out in an order of magnitude. Frankly even for a wizard who dumped all ins points in INT from the start his pool was still beyond massive and with his meditation His regeneration was even more ridiculous. Essentially his massive pool allowed his insta cast spells to be on a completely ridiculous scale while his monstrous regeneration allowed his higher tier spells that had a cast time to be nothing short of cataclysmic in addition to practically never running out of mana. </span></p> <p class="cnM4ZmYxNmFkOTkzNzRjNTY5OTgzZjc2YTlkNjNmOGI5"><span style="font-weight: 400">And now that he went through rebirth his meditation had leveled up as well, so now instead of a 9 times multiplier he had an 18 times multiplier. Frankly, if it wasn’t for his Bone Armament of the sorcerer absorbing all his excess mana regeneration he might not even dare to use meditation for more than a few seconds at a time because he was afraid he might explode from mana overload. But since his armor took care of it he probably wouldn’t lose to a tank decked out in full tier 5 plate armor. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MmM1YjZmY2M2ODRiNTY5NDJlNjUxNTE5NGE4MDMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">They were now at the shed so he quickly got enough supplies for a party of five for six weeks. While they were getting it together another three maids showed up. They all had hard eyes and toned bodies that spoke of a life on the battlefield. They were warriors in their own right. At one look he could tell that they only respected strength and since he was entirely hiding his aura he looked like a simple, scrawny, and entitled young master. Their dismissive look and sickly sweet attitude rubbed the wrong way but he would simply show them when they left civilised company. </span></p> <p class="cnMyYzQ0MDU0MWIwNTQzMDk4NzE2ZDYwMWE0N2Q0NDEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He got the supplies and left with them trailing without a sound. He got the car and when they were all in he said “In the store we are about to enter be on your best behavior. If they take offense I might not be able to save you in time. Oh and change into your battle kit, those dresses wont last the trip to the dungeon.” He could practically feel their eyes digging into his back as they answered with a generic “Yes master.” When he parked the car in front of the store the silence was practically freezing. </span></p> <p class="cnNjOGRhNWQzZGE0OTQ4ZDA4MDllMTYyODdjOWU2YWQ5"><span style="font-weight: 400">It was as they walked into the store that he used his aura to protect the other four or else they might have fainted outright. The multiple auras passively being released were all far stronger than his but his was much more compressed to protect the maids they still felt them to a certain extent but it wasn’t nearly as bad. They could also feel a bit of his but he still had it mostly hidden. He waved at the receptionist who returned it and licked her lips. He suppressed an instinctive shiver that rolled up his spine and brought up the list but was shocked so bad he nearly lost control of his aura. </span></p> <p class="cnNiOWZkZjBlMzI4OTRkZjM4ODc5ZjZlYmJiZWI4ZDcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">The list he had always seen only had three categories which were *Skills**Spells**Items* but now there was a fourth category *Restricted Magic*. He remembered one of the Dark elf nobles he was with for a while telling him a legend about Sentient magic that evolved on its own and chose its wielder. All the wielders of this magic were at the ascension level at least and were known as one of the few that go head to head with world bosses one on one and use them to evolve their magic. How exactly they did that was a secret worth committing genocide over. </span></p> <p class="cnNjZGVlYTEyMGFjOTQ0Y2VhODk4NjBiMTE3MDE4ODE3"><span style="font-weight: 400">He new exactly how powerful world bosses were and frankly had resolved to just avoid them until he reached the threshold for ascension then take one of them on. But with this the game radically changed. With a gulp he clicked on the restricted magic and was blinded by a wave of light as the screen disappeared. When his eyes cleared a glowing neon white book appeared and just hovered in mid air. </span></p> <p class="cnNmOGM4MDJjNTI0NDRiYjRhOTllMjM3YjU0ZmExN2Uy"> </p> <p class="cnNhYzhiNmI1NTE5MDQ1NjNiOWUyNzU3YWVhMDdmODMw"><span style="font-weight: 400">*Congratulations you have been found worthy by the higher magic Cosmic magic, also known as Celestial magic. This magic wishes to bond with your soul and will grow as you do, It has deemed you a worthy partner. Note- by accepting this offer you will gain knowledge of a higher tier than what is allowed in the current phase of your world, If you attempt to leak this information then your soul will be immediately dispersed. Preparations can be made based on this information but no one else can be informed of it who is not already aware. Do you accept these terms? Y/N </span></p> <p class="cnNkNWZkZmVkNjg5NDRjYzhiMDdmMjczODlhY2Q2MWUz"> </p> <p class="cnM0NzRjZTU4MzVlZjQ1MjhiM2FkNTYwM2VhMzEzYWJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Without even a second guess he selected yes. It almost seemed as if the magic hummed in approval. As it started to drift closer to his chest, a quick glance around showed that they world looked like a freeze frame. Everything was washed out in shades of gray with absolutely no movement. Then the book reached his chest and it was like the rebirth all over again. The only difference was that he didn’t black out and the white hot agony wouldn’t even let him scream. But it was gone as fast as it came then the information montage started. </span></p> <p class="cnNhNzIxNTE4ZWI4NTQxYjM5ZWE1ZjA0Zjg5MmE1ZDAy"><span style="font-weight: 400">He found himself in a vast starscape with planets all around. Suddenly screens started showing up out of nowhere and one of the planets exploded. Two figures seemed to be fighting but their speed was to fast for him to even catch their after images. They fought with the power of gods on their fingertips and the screens let out the approving roar of the crowds. This entire galaxy was little more than an arena for these two combatants. More and more planets exploded until it was nothing but asteroids left. </span></p> <p class="cnM2Yjk1ZTRhNjY2NDRmODY5YTFmNjZmNzkxNjU3YTE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tears ran down his face as he saw this wanton destruction with no purpose but entertainment. The view suddenly changed and he looked at a sprawling metropolis like something out of a sci fi film. People flew around at speeds that left sonic booms and no one cared. Enormous portals opened and closed at set intervals as spaceships bigger than the entire continent of south america just mozied on by without a single glance from those below. Different races of all shapes and sizes walked past with what looked like collars around their necks, slave collars. “This is a phase five world. What you consider gods are nothing more than battle foder in the wars they participate in.” </span></p> <p class="cnMxM2I4ZDA5Y2FmMjRlODA5YTM4ZTAyN2RiN2M2Nzdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">He spun as a woman with four pairs of the wings of an angel on her back stood floating in mid air a few feet from him. “This is an example of a fallen world that no longer seeks to advance. The world will has been corrupted. The system values effort and strength but it is also far from perfect. Some worlds decide to break away from the system when they enter the fifth tier and wage eternal wars for profit and sport. Very few of the original race even remain now because for most it is easier to get a pleasure slave to carry on their genes then to court another of their own species.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1MTkxNjI3YzA4YzQwYzA5M2MzNDQ2NmViOTA4MTMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Her tone conveyed her bottomless sadness as she spoke. “It is planets like these that have stagnated that pose a threat to all others. To them it is only themselves and soon to be slaves that exist. When my gaze landed on you by chance when the system first initialized and almost instantly you dove through the portal I knew that you were most likely a returnee. Someone who opted to restart from level one but by chance you were sucked into the time slip and spat back out to when the system first touched your world. </span></p> <p class="cnMyNDBjNmExZWM5NTRmNzA5MTZlYmY3ZmRlZDhkZDUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">I don’t know how far your vision has reached but since you are the one chosen in your race I have decided to ask for your help. Worlds like these that have their world consciousness enslaved or destroyed must be either liberated or destroyed. I’m using this chance to beg for your-” “I’ll help. You don’t even need to ask. They are a danger to my family and myself in several ways and following their pattern the will attempt to enslave my world for one reason or another. So let’s raise the quality of our fighter’s if we can’t win on the quantity, starting with me.” </span></p> <p class="cnM0ZjQ4YTczNzI1ZTQyOTI4OGYwZTlhYTZjYmIwM2Ex"><span style="font-weight: 400">With her smile the world went back to normal. The receptionist yelled in surprise as everyone was blinded by the flash of light. Several of the maids and butlers were holding weapons until he raised his arms and “It’s fine, no one is hurt and nothing stolen. I was simply chosen by a restricted magic, that’s all.” Now everyone except his maids were staring at him in open shock. They simply couldn’t believe it, after all they had just witnessed a legend come true in the flesh. Finally a clapping sounded as the manager came down the stairs with her assistant. “Alright everyone get back to work. Mr. Jacob would you step into my office please. Your friends can come too.” </span></p> <p class="cnMzZmFlZDQ1Njk2NjQyYTliZmEyNzE3MmVlMzZlNGY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">And once more she led the way to her office and shut the door behind them. With a chuckle she sat on the left hand couch and said “Well I can see you didn’t exaggerate when you said to discard common sense where your concerned.” He could only laugh awkwardly because it fit but even he couldn’t have begun to guess about something like this. “So what magic chose you? I gotta say I’m dying to know and your aura isn’t something someone at only the first tier should have, at least the second tier or even some of the really weak third tiers.” </span></p> <p class="cnM1MzljZGU5NWRjNDQ5NDY5MjQ1Y2RhZWQ4ZjUzOGQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">He opened his status as he talked. “Well It's called Celestial magic but I’ve only got one spell that is of no use in combat but will definitely put me far stronger than anyone else by several times over.” The spell was called Cosmic Rebirth and was essentially another rebirth every tier but also allowed me to gain skill points all the way through to the threshold of the tier as well. Instead of only getting skill points the first time you reach that level I gain it all the way through. At level ten thousand when most people are ready to ascend they will have gained 400 skill points. But he will gain 4,400, but of course he wasn’t stupid enough to tell this to anyone, and it also came with its own downsides. </span></p> <p class="cnM1NDg2ODA2ZDUwYzQ0ZmE5Mjk4MjQyNWU5ZDExZmE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Instead of a slight increase in the amount of experience required it doubled it and it also had a six day cooldown time. But the best part by far was that it could be cast on someone else. This would essentially allow him to give the same benefit to his family as well. There were a lot of classes out there that gave additional attribute points or skill points but he had never heard of anything to this degree. Regardless he showed them his new class with a grin, “Status”. </span></p> <p class="cnNiODMxMTZmNTA0MDQzMmZiYTNhMzY2MDgzNTQ2M2I0"> </p> <p class="cnNlYWFlZDRjMDczZTQzYWU4YTkzZjg0ZGYwMzcxMzA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">[Name: Jacob Dawn </span></p> <p class="cnNiMDlhMTBhMGEyMjQwY2NhYmFhNDk2MGY2NzQzNGE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">Tier: 1 Level: 892 Deaths: 0 </span></p> <p class="cnNlY2E0NGU0MmUxZjRkODNhYWFiMzkyNmM3YzkwMTg2"><span style="font-weight: 400">EXP: 40%</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjE2MmFkZjhmZDQ3N2JhNWYyOGI5NDA5MDZjYzEw"><span style="font-weight: 400">Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)</span></p> <p class="cnNjNWRkYjU0MGExYTQ5MDBiYzc5ZDNjZDgxYTI2ZjU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,344,700/2,344,700</span></p> <p class="cnMzMjBkNzk1MzIzOTRlNWM5NGU2NzljNGIzNDc1ZjU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 </span></p> <p class="cnM1NDVmODk1NmNjMTQxZDVhNDZlMTg0YzYxMTQ0NDU3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 23,447 </span></p> <p class="cnM3M2EwNjAxZDg3ZTQ4ZjRiODdlN2Q4YjljZWUwZjA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Stat points: 0</span></p> <p class="cnNhMzExN2E4Y2RkYTQ3YWFhOTE3NGUxOWI1NjZkMzA3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Skill points: 35</span></p> <p class="cnM0ZGIxOWJlYTg0MjQyYWZiYWM0MmU1MTNkMDk0MWQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">Fatigue: 1% </span></p> <p class="cnMwOTExZGIwYTdmZDQ1ZmRiMTdlNWZjYzczZjUwZTRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">Class: Celestial Mage </span></p> <p class="cnM2ZjdmMTdkY2I1NTQ2ZTU4YjZlNTFkZTAyNjA0ODRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">Profession: None </span></p> <p class="cnNlMDc4NGIyYjU5ODRkODk5YmE4YjE2ZjdlMzdmOWQ3"><span style="font-weight: 400">Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) </span></p> <p class="cnNkY2ViYTU1MmViYTQ0MWI4NGNiMmU2YWMzYzgzMWZh"><span style="font-weight: 400">Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] </span></p> </div>
He was greeted by yet another barrage of useless gunfire. An ice lance each killed them regardless of what they were hiding behind. Aizawa was sitting on the couch drinking tea of some kind the only hint that he was aware of the situation was that his hand was shaking like an epileptique. “Hoh, no beginning? No crying? Well that won’t do, after all you are meant to be a lesson. So I’ll give you something to spark that fear.” He calmly had his helmet retract into his armor. Aizawa just looked at him with a stunned and poleaxed face. An instant later however he was wild with Joy and his eyes lit up as his head was snapped backward from the force of the bullet. In complete evil villain mode he laughed hysterically and went on his own monologue about how he’ll make good use of my armor and youth breeds stupidity and many others. Finally he said “It seems you’ve gone senile.” He shut up so fast he gagged. Slowly he raised his head and locked eyes with him. All his forehead had was a bruise instead of a hole. “I said it before old man, the systems advent has come and the time of the players is here. Unfortunately for you, you fucked with the first immortal’s family and now you will be used as an example for every other scumbag in the world.” By now he was blubbering and crying and begging for mercy. He looked at the security camera that was recording it all and gave his best smile then kicked Aizawa three feet in the air as he shattered the glass and screamed all the way to the ground before it ended with a wet splat. Once more he turned to the camera and smiled before he jumped out the same window he sent Aizawa from. They were probably forty stories in the air so he activated his UMF with 100 mana to take the initial impact. He would still leave a crater so he aimed a little ways to the side of the corpse. As expected the barrier shattered and he took roughly 50K damage. It was enough to hurt but since the point was to look cool at the moment he had a bored look on his face. When the dust settled the crater was about a foot in radius and six inches deep at his feet. He commanded his armor to vibrated the dust off as he walked and disappeared into the night as he headed back home. The next few days were pandemonium since he basically announced two months early that immortals now walked the world. Once he was sure that things were under control he made his dad lock him in the soundproof basement with some food and water. The rebirth was going to tear him apart on a molecular level and put him back together again in a way that could handle greater influxes of power. The entire process would take three days but it would a very loud and very gory affair. When everything was ready he laid down on the bed and activated the rebirth. To him it was over in an instant. The only difference was that cement walls now had cracks and dents and his clothes were shredded beyond recognition. Plus the fact that it looked like a psychotic butchers mad house. He quickly cast Greater regeneration and use it as an impromptu shower before he put on the clothes that had been slip under the door. He knocked three times, paused, knocked five time in rapid succession then paused and knocked twice more. He heard the bolt slide back and one of the more experienced maids opened the door. “Send a few of our trusted soldiers who are Vet’s to clean up the room. No one else that doesn’t need to should be allowed to see it, especially those that aren’t old enough to be immortals yet.” He noticed that she had caught a glimpse but her expression didn’t so much as flicker. He smiled and nodded then asked “Pardon my manners but what is your name?” She curtsied and said “Nina Belark young master.” All in all the only way could tell she was past twenty five was the few streaks of silver in her hair. “It’s a good name. Tell me, do you like young adults? Probably around ages 18-25.” “As long as i’m free to reprimand them as is fit then I like them well enough young master.” “Hmm, after taking care of this task come to my father's office. I may have a task to entrust you with that is of utmost importance.” He sent her off and headed towards the office. His dad should be there currently or would be soon. He took it slow and watched the maids and guards go about their business. Quick enough he was in his father's study waiting for him to get done with his visitors. Before long they all walked out and he went in. He hugged his dad and sat down on the sofa. “I’m going to break open a beginner dungeon for our people to start leveling up and I’ll be bringing four of the maids with me to give them a tour as well. When I’m done I plan on leaving them in charge of getting our people used to the dungeons. It will be about three years until the government collapses and the world is divided into guilds so we still have some time to prepare. Once I’ve taught them what there is to know about beginner dungeons then we can start our people on leveling.” “Ok, I’ll have them meet you out by the requisition shed in the backyard. How long will it take to have them up to speed?” “If their veterans or former mercs then it should only be a few weeks but it their not then it could be a few months.” “Alright, I’ll make sure their experienced in blood.” They talked about this and that until there was a knock on the door and the maid Nina came in. “Ok since she’s here then I’ll get started. It was fun talking dad, we’ll do a bit more when I get back.” As they headed to the backyard he opened his stats and checked on how far that excess experience got him. “Status.” Because of learning those spells in the dungeon his skill points were lower than he would have liked but he could still go and browse the store and possibly pick up one tier ten spell. Since most spells rely on intelligence as the prerequisite he dumped all his points yet again into his INT which he confirmed. [Name: Jacob Dawn Tier: 1 Level: 892 Deaths: 0 EXP: 40% Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record) Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,344,700/2,344,700 Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 23,447 Stat points: 0 Skill points: 10 Fatigue: 1% Class: Mage Profession: None Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem] He made sure to tightly control his Aura as his mana pool ballooned out in an order of magnitude. Frankly even for a wizard who dumped all ins points in INT from the start his pool was still beyond massive and with his meditation His regeneration was even more ridiculous. Essentially his massive pool allowed his insta cast spells to be on a completely ridiculous scale while his monstrous regeneration allowed his higher tier spells that had a cast time to be nothing short of cataclysmic in addition to practically never running out of mana. And now that he went through rebirth his meditation had leveled up as well, so now instead of a 9 times multiplier he had an 18 times multiplier. Frankly, if it wasn’t for his Bone Armament of the sorcerer absorbing all his excess mana regeneration he might not even dare to use meditation for more than a few seconds at a time because he was afraid he might explode from mana overload. But since his armor took care of it he probably wouldn’t lose to a tank decked out in full tier 5 plate armor. They were now at the shed so he quickly got enough supplies for a party of five for six weeks. While they were getting it together another three maids showed up. They all had hard eyes and toned bodies that spoke of a life on the battlefield. They were warriors in their own right. At one look he could tell that they only respected strength and since he was entirely hiding his aura he looked like a simple, scrawny, and entitled young master. Their dismissive look and sickly sweet attitude rubbed the wrong way but he would simply show them when they left civilised company. He got the supplies and left with them trailing without a sound. He got the car and when they were all in he said “In the store we are about to enter be on your best behavior. If they take offense I might not be able to save you in time. Oh and change into your battle kit, those dresses wont last the trip to the dungeon.” He could practically feel their eyes digging into his back as they answered with a generic “Yes master.” When he parked the car in front of the store the silence was practically freezing. It was as they walked into the store that he used his aura to protect the other four or else they might have fainted outright. The multiple auras passively being released were all far stronger than his but his was much more compressed to protect the maids they still felt them to a certain extent but it wasn’t nearly as bad. They could also feel a bit of his but he still had it mostly hidden. He waved at the receptionist who returned it and licked her lips. He suppressed an instinctive shiver that rolled up his spine and brought up the list but was shocked so bad he nearly lost control of his aura. The list he had always seen only had three categories which were *Skills**Spells**Items* but now there was a fourth category *Restricted Magic*. He remembered one of the Dark elf nobles he was with for a while telling him a legend about Sentient magic that evolved on its own and chose its wielder. All the wielders of this magic were at the ascension level at least and were known as one of the few that go head to head with world bosses one on one and use them to evolve their magic. How exactly they did that was a secret worth committing genocide over. He new exactly how powerful world bosses were and frankly had resolved to just avoid them until he reached the threshold for ascension then take one of them on. But with this the game radically changed. With a gulp he clicked on the restricted magic and was blinded by a wave of light as the screen disappeared. When his eyes cleared a glowing neon white book appeared and just hovered in mid air. *Congratulations you have been found worthy by the higher magic Cosmic magic, also known as Celestial magic. This magic wishes to bond with your soul and will grow as you do, It has deemed you a worthy partner. Note- by accepting this offer you will gain knowledge of a higher tier than what is allowed in the current phase of your world, If you attempt to leak this information then your soul will be immediately dispersed. Preparations can be made based on this information but no one else can be informed of it who is not already aware. Do you accept these terms? Y/N Without even a second guess he selected yes. It almost seemed as if the magic hummed in approval. As it started to drift closer to his chest, a quick glance around showed that they world looked like a freeze frame. Everything was washed out in shades of gray with absolutely no movement. Then the book reached his chest and it was like the rebirth all over again. The only difference was that he didn’t black out and the white hot agony wouldn’t even let him scream. But it was gone as fast as it came then the information montage started. He found himself in a vast starscape with planets all around. Suddenly screens started showing up out of nowhere and one of the planets exploded. Two figures seemed to be fighting but their speed was to fast for him to even catch their after images. They fought with the power of gods on their fingertips and the screens let out the approving roar of the crowds. This entire galaxy was little more than an arena for these two combatants. More and more planets exploded until it was nothing but asteroids left. Tears ran down his face as he saw this wanton destruction with no purpose but entertainment. The view suddenly changed and he looked at a sprawling metropolis like something out of a sci fi film. People flew around at speeds that left sonic booms and no one cared. Enormous portals opened and closed at set intervals as spaceships bigger than the entire continent of south america just mozied on by without a single glance from those below. Different races of all shapes and sizes walked past with what looked like collars around their necks, slave collars. “This is a phase five world. What you consider gods are nothing more than battle foder in the wars they participate in.” He spun as a woman with four pairs of the wings of an angel on her back stood floating in mid air a few feet from him. “This is an example of a fallen world that no longer seeks to advance. The world will has been corrupted. The system values effort and strength but it is also far from perfect. Some worlds decide to break away from the system when they enter the fifth tier and wage eternal wars for profit and sport. Very few of the original race even remain now because for most it is easier to get a pleasure slave to carry on their genes then to court another of their own species.” Her tone conveyed her bottomless sadness as she spoke. “It is planets like these that have stagnated that pose a threat to all others. To them it is only themselves and soon to be slaves that exist. When my gaze landed on you by chance when the system first initialized and almost instantly you dove through the portal I knew that you were most likely a returnee. Someone who opted to restart from level one but by chance you were sucked into the time slip and spat back out to when the system first touched your world. I don’t know how far your vision has reached but since you are the one chosen in your race I have decided to ask for your help. Worlds like these that have their world consciousness enslaved or destroyed must be either liberated or destroyed. I’m using this chance to beg for your-” “I’ll help. You don’t even need to ask. They are a danger to my family and myself in several ways and following their pattern the will attempt to enslave my world for one reason or another. So let’s raise the quality of our fighter’s if we can’t win on the quantity, starting with me.” With her smile the world went back to normal. The receptionist yelled in surprise as everyone was blinded by the flash of light. Several of the maids and butlers were holding weapons until he raised his arms and “It’s fine, no one is hurt and nothing stolen. I was simply chosen by a restricted magic, that’s all.” Now everyone except his maids were staring at him in open shock. They simply couldn’t believe it, after all they had just witnessed a legend come true in the flesh. Finally a clapping sounded as the manager came down the stairs with her assistant. “Alright everyone get back to work. Mr. Jacob would you step into my office please. Your friends can come too.” And once more she led the way to her office and shut the door behind them. With a chuckle she sat on the left hand couch and said “Well I can see you didn’t exaggerate when you said to discard common sense where your concerned.” He could only laugh awkwardly because it fit but even he couldn’t have begun to guess about something like this. “So what magic chose you? I gotta say I’m dying to know and your aura isn’t something someone at only the first tier should have, at least the second tier or even some of the really weak third tiers.” He opened his status as he talked. “Well It's called Celestial magic but I’ve only got one spell that is of no use in combat but will definitely put me far stronger than anyone else by several times over.” The spell was called Cosmic Rebirth and was essentially another rebirth every tier but also allowed me to gain skill points all the way through to the threshold of the tier as well. Instead of only getting skill points the first time you reach that level I gain it all the way through. At level ten thousand when most people are ready to ascend they will have gained 400 skill points. But he will gain 4,400, but of course he wasn’t stupid enough to tell this to anyone, and it also came with its own downsides. Instead of a slight increase in the amount of experience required it doubled it and it also had a six day cooldown time. But the best part by far was that it could be cast on someone else. This would essentially allow him to give the same benefit to his family as well. There were a lot of classes out there that gave additional attribute points or skill points but he had never heard of anything to this degree. Regardless he showed them his new class with a grin, “Status”. [Name: Jacob Dawn Tier: 1 Level: 892 Deaths: 0 EXP: 40% Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record) Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,344,700/2,344,700 Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525 Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 23,447 Stat points: 0 Skill points: 35 Fatigue: 1% Class: Celestial Mage Profession: None Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer ) Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem]
{ "title": "Inner Light", "id": 19309, "author": "loomeceus", "rating": 4.2 }
{ "title": "Chapter 22 ~ Consternation", "id": 305969, "next": 306907, "prev": 303594, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMxY2MyYWVlOTFiMDRmYTRiNjRmODQ0NzJkMDZmNGEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Despite the soft and comfortable blankets and sheets I was wrapped in and how tired I was, I did not sleep very well. Instead, I drifted in and out of the dreams, the type where you confuse reality and fantasy, where you know you are in some form of sleep, but the next second you are wrestling a small bear that somehow got into your living room. Periodically, I would wake up, half asleep still, wondering what was reality, before succumbing to the dreams again.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDdlZThiOGUwYzQ1MmJhN2FiNDk2NGM0MDRiMDI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Bottom line, it wasn’t a very restful nap.</span></p> <p class="cnNhZDEwOWJlMGJlNjQwNjVhZDhmMDUzYWZkZTcyOWU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  When I woke up for good, wondering about the nature of reality and fantasy, my mind still tumbling from the confusing images and scenes, it was dark outside. I could still hear voices upstairs though, indicating it wasn’t too late in the evening.</span></p> <p class="cnM1MmRhYjM3M2U0NDQ0ZmM4MTdjYWJjNWE2NWRlMzc2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  With a groan I hefted myself up out of the wrangled sheets and moved on upstairs.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNjAwYmM3YjRjNjQ3MWJiMmY5MDkxOTEyYTc4OTky"><span style="font-weight: 400">  While I was asleep, apparently my mother did get a call on her cell phone, asking for my immediate presence back at my home. Unfortunately for them, they got my mom on the line and not me. I would have probably folded like a lawn chair at the request, but mom can get feisty when she feels protective of her children. She basically told the guy off on the other end for being a horrible person to want me back so soon and flat out denied my return at all today.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTJkOGU0NWEyNjQ1NDliMThhYmQ1OWJlY2JhM2Zh"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWRlNDkyYjk5YjRkMWRiZjMwZTg3NmVkNGNhYzkw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Well, I hope it wasn’t somebody too important on the other end.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNjMzN2FlMGVkMDQ3YzRhMzgwNDg4MGU0NTJjOTcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  They did compromise and promised that I would return after lunch tomorrow. I don’t want to know the exact words that fell between the two.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZDhmZTZmNGFiMzQ4OGFiZDMxNjA0MWMzM2NkNTA0"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I ate my fill again of my parents leftovers, and watched the news. There were no updates on the sphere’s themselves, there were tons of speculation on what the president meant in his address to the nation, but the white house was being very tight lipped about it, even in the press conferences that were held afterwards. The press secretary was basically repeating herself, saying that they have a lead and are working on a solution. Everything else is classified.</span></p> <p class="cnM4M2Y4ZDM5ZDZmYTQ3ZDFhM2RmMWJjNDBjMDgwOTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The press really didn’t like those answers, and neither did several leaders of other nations who had gone on the air to denounce Trump’s secrecy. They wanted him to share what information he had so that a universal solution could be worked on.</span></p> <p class="cnM3ZjgzN2EwMGZmNTQ2NzNhMTlkMzAyZWRmZWZjMGVk"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Needless to say, all this commotion made be extremely anxious. I’m surprised an ‘escort’ hasn’t arrived yet to take me back.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ZDNjMTQ2YTE0ZjRjMWI4M2FhNjgzZjZkMGZhZmU2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Other than that, the US military had blocked off access to the two spheres, forming a tight perimeter around each. This was after a group of five crazies bum rushed the sphere in LA and jumped into it. It looked really weird on the video the news was playing, each person getting sucked into the suddenly malleable membrane of the sphere, slowly, like in some horror movie. The sixth person chickened out and didn't end up touching the sphere but instead got handcuffed and escorted away. I don’t know what they were expecting on the other side, perhaps paradise? But they are dead now. I felt a little stricken at the scene but not too much considering their monumental stupidity.</span></p> <p class="cnNhNTA2YWY2YTE0NTRhZGM4ZmYxN2JiOTIzYTQ3OTYw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Also, the spheres were still growing in size.</span></p> <p class="cnM2NmFkNGRmNTU0ZDRmZjJiOWUyYzlkYjhmNDljOWI4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Eventually, I turn my back to the TV while munching on a hot dog. I’ll probably learn everything relevant tomorrow anyway, the news is just making me depressed.</span></p> <p class="cnMyMzI2NDcwNTkzOTQ4NDBiZGVlNTlhY2M2YWE5NTc0"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “How are you feeling?” Mom asks, sitting down next to me. </span></p> <p class="cnNlMDM5MDFjMmI0NzQ5YTNiOWJhOWVhNmY3Yzg3N2Nh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Fine,” I say automatically, “I didn’t sleep very well, but I feel better anyway.”</span></p> <p class="cnNjZTk1ZjNmNWJhYzRiYjJiZDRjMjBiOTM0MGJkZWRi"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Mom doesn’t reply, but stares at the TV before shaking her head, “I still find it hard to believe. Where do they come from? What is their purpose?”</span></p> <p class="cnNiZGQ5MzVmZjZkMjRiMmM5ODAzOTVkMTQ0ODRmYWE1"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I don’t know if she is really looking for an answer or just asking herself. I don’t know the answers either, that is for certain.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNDAzN2U0YzBmMzQ1ODc4NDA0NGRlNTQyMWIwNzIw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  There are, confirmed, eleven of the sphere’s located around the globe now, in all sorts of random places. Several of them are located out on the oceans. Considering the surface area of the earth is mostly water, that doesn’t really surprise me. It looks like the were placed randomly across the globe.</span></p> <p class="cnMwYTc0MWVkNzEyODRmMTNhZDkzMTVmODI5NjBmNTNi"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnNkYjlmNWUxOGZjOTRhMjE5ZjQ0ODA3ZTA1YTYyOWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I suppose I killed the only person who could answer that for us. He didn’t seem really keen on talking though.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZjRiNjhlZjg2MDQ3OGY5MTRmNzY4ZWIwYjA3OGQz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Soon, my family members went to bed and I stayed up, declining my mother’s thoughtful offer of staying up with me. Dad gave me another big hug before he went off as well, asking me to tell them if I needed anything.</span></p> <p class="cnNhYmU5YjdmYWZkYzRhM2Y5MGFmNDAwMTI5MjRhOTQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I suppose this is one of those times where parents don’t know what to do. That’s got to be a tough feeling, knowing there isn’t anything you can do to help your child.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTQwNjk5NDk4YTRlNTY4NzA5YmI5NjVjZGUxMWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I told them that I just wanted their encouragement and support. That got another big squeeze from dad.</span></p> <p class="cnNkNWZjNTU5OGIwMDRmOGY5NDk5N2IyYjc3ZTE0NDEx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I ended up staying up pretty late myself that night, the quiet peacefulness of the urban lake was soothing and the common loons were quite beautiful as they made their calls early in the night.</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjE0MDZlN2EyODQzYWRiYmI3MWY5ZmUxOGE3NDZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Sitting in the big comfy chair in the living room, looking out of the big windows to the lake, I took the opportunity to thoroughly examine my retained abilities. </span></p> <p class="cnNhMDc2NTYzNzM3MzRlZmVhMDEwYzBlM2E1ZmYxODhm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Anything regarding the system was gone, no more blue boxes of any kind would appear and the identify skill seemed gone for good as well, no matter what I tried. My skills were still there though and worked just the same as they did inside the instance. At least, as far as I could tell. Casting barrier for the first time here was interesting, it was the skill I was the least familiar with. The ghostly rectangle appeared as it always did and I realized I could easily start pranking people with it, if I was childish enough. Which, I can be.</span></p> <p class="cnMzZTFkM2E3Njc2ZjRjN2NhZTM4YjdkY2NhNGU1NDNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I also tested out my edge skill on various objects. From my experiments, it really only works on objects that are meant for cutting, like kitchen knives. I could get pretty creative with certain edges, like the semi-sharp edge of an old pot lid, but for the most part, using edge on a non cutting object would result in just a normal flare. When I tried to use the skill on the edge of the dining room table, for instance, I ended up just covering the whole table in flare. I suppose that would have made it a holy table.</span></p> <p class="cnM5MTY1ZmZlNDkxMTRmNDI4ZjIyNjQ2ZGUyZjlmYWNh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I had kept the remains of the instance core with me too, and I made a careful inspection of it. There wasn’t any response from it from anything I did with it though, it appeared to be exactly what it looked like, a bumpy white stone with a blood red spot in the middle. I missed my chance to use identify on it while I was still in the instance, but I had other pressing matters on my mind at the time. I’m going to keep this for myself though, a trophy, if you will. God knows if I’ll ever get my spear back.</span></p> <p class="cnNiNTI4NTBhYmNmZTQyMTY5ZTMxNTI3NTJkY2NkN2Vj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Other than that, as the night wore on into early morning, I spent my time wondering what on earth I was going to tell those people tomorrow.</span></p> <p class="cnM0NWQ1NzhjMTg0NDQwNTM4NzI4ZmQ1YWRlN2M2MjEy"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God? Would they even believe me?</span></p> <p class="cnNkZDM2ZDA5NGQ3YzQwZDM5ZDg5OTZmMjgyYzU1MDlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  If I expect them to send the marines into these spheres to try to destroy them, there isn’t much I can leave out because, A, they’ll just find out immediately after getting into a sphere themselves anyway, and B, the lack of info might just kill any and all attempts to destroy the spheres, not to mention the actual people sent in.</span></p> <p class="cnNlODZjZGVjZDU2NDQyY2Y4NTdjZWI0MjQ3NWVkNzUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  There are already eight dead people now, in the US at least. How many more will die until this is over?</span></p> <p class="cnM4NzA5NjI4ODFlYzQzY2RiNGU2MzEzMTU4NzMwOWJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Eventually, I feel sleepiness take over me and I return to my messy bed downstairs, Bella seeing fit to return and cuddle with me. It was another fitful sleep for the rest of the night. </span></p> <p class="cnM5NmE5YWFjZmYzODQxMmY4MWFhOWE1OTc4OGFkNTZj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  In the morning, father made waffles for all of us and we ate them at breakfast, all of us intentionally avoiding the topic of the spheres.</span></p> <p class="cnMxNjBiOTg1MzU5OTRlNjliZTA4ZTg0YjVlYTc4Zjg1"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Shelley looked to want to say some stuff to me, but apparently our parents asked her to avoid the topic for now. She chewed on her soggy waffles vengefully.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYmMzYmY5MzAyYTRkMjg5MzRhMjAwZWY0OTlhYzI1"><span style="font-weight: 400">  We went to church together after that, which was an interesting experience. The paster wisely choose not make any hasty claims regarding the spheres during the service, just for us to trust in God. Very sensible I say, better than proclaiming that the end is nigh and the return of Jesus is coming soon like many other churches were saying.</span></p> <p class="cnM3Yzk5YjIxYjI4NzRjNTk4MDg0NmVmNGI5ODE2MzBh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The return from church was just as quiet as the morning, each of us in our own thoughts.</span></p> <p class="cnMwODVhMGFkODI3OTRkNGM5NmI3OWEzYzFiZWMzNWY3"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Lara asked me when I was returning to my home and gave me a frown when I said after lunch. I usually play some video games with her when I come over and I hadn’t done that yet.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTE3M2JmMGUwYzRmOTBhMmFjNGNkNTZmNGY0ODQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Bring it girl, I’ll take you on in smash bros. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYjY0YzlhMTcxZTRhY2ViMDA1NDU3NjViY2VkNDRj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Shelley joined us downstairs too, getting beatdown by Lara’s superior skills with me. Darn that girl! Gone are the days when I could casually destroy Lara, now I have to use dirty tricks just to say competitive, all the while Lara giggling at my futile efforts.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOTE2MDFjYjQzNTQ3YWQ5MTVlMThhY2NhNGU1NTA5"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Ah, the student overcomes the master.</span></p> <p class="cnNiYzlkMDBhOWVkODQwNTFiNDE3MWJjMzk0MDVkMDlm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Shelley wasn’t really into it though and eventually her goal became clear a few minutes into the gameplay with the parents not around.</span></p> <p class="cnNlOWViOTE5MzNjZTQ1Y2Q5ZDdhN2I4OGZjOWJhMmY0"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “What are you going to tell them when you go home?” Shelley asks, after her character got flung into the sky and K.O.’ed off the screen.</span></p> <p class="cnMxOGI2MDExNTI3NDQ0YThiZmFmMDI2YTgzMTE3ZDg5"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I don’t respond for a moment, trying to fend off Lara’s fierce attacks before she blows me away as well with Samas’s plasma gun she had kept charged up. I hadn’t put my shield up in time.</span></p> <p class="cnNlNGYzMWRlN2JkOTRiMGNiZDI5ZjhlM2M0OWZiODQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Everything.” I eventually say. Shelley gives me an alarmed look and I continue, “I decided this last night, I’ll give them as much information as I can and get as much out of it as possible in return.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyMjAyN2VhOGFiMzRkOWE4ZmIzYjAzY2FmYWQyNWYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Shelley shakes her head as her character re-appears on screen, “You better know what you are doing.”</span></p> <p class="cnM0MmUwMTlhMTRlMTRkNWRhY2IwMzk3YWY2ZGNiMDMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Hah, little does she know that I have no idea what I am doing. The joke’s on her! I don’t say that though.</span></p> <p class="cnNhODliMTQ1YTAyNDQ0ZjJiZWZjNzJkZDlhYTYzZWJh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “This isn’t x-men, there aren’t evil a-moral scientists that are going to kidnap me and ‘experiment’ on me. This is a crisis that I can consult on and provide them intelligence with. I’m sure I’ll get plenty of rewards in return. Money, that is. My house is ruined anyway, my bedroom is gone and I’ll need to fix it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM5OTAxYmMyOWU4MTRjZmM4ZWQwNjdmZjZkZmYxOTU5"><span style="font-weight: 400">  After a moment, Shelley asks the obvious question, “Where am I going to sleep tonight? I’ve got classes tomorrow, you know?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1YTA1OTEwM2JhZTRmODc4Njk1OTc4OGMyNTZlMjgw"><span style="font-weight: 400">…</span></p> <p class="cnNmMDZiMzEzNGRkNjQ0OGU5MGVhYTg3NzZjNzhkZjhk"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I don’t know. Where am </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">I</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400"> going to sleep tonight?</span></p> <p class="cnNlMDkxYTMzZTA0MDRiM2Q5NWJhZjkzMWI4YTJjYzcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “John’s place?” I reply. He lives close to me and has an extra bedroom. Shelley should be able to temporarily stay there for now.</span></p> <p class="cnM2YTk0Y2VlOWMwNTRhYjc5NTU1OWVjZmMxYWRlMjUy"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Speaking of my twin, he supposed to come back today and pick up Pesos from me. Oh geez, I’m going to have to give him a call.</span></p> <p class="cnNhMjEwYzY1ZWE1YzQ3MjBhODEwNDc4ZTIwN2Q5MjBj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  After Lara thoroughly kicks our butts we return upstairs for lunch, delicious grilled chicken sandwiches. Halfway through, Mom gets another call on her cell phone in which she acts as my agent, confirming my departure soon to whoever was on the line.</span></p> <p class="cnM1ODM0YzA3NTY4MDQ3MGY4ZDhiNmVjNDFmZTg2Y2Zh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  After that, I borrowed her phone and called John to tell him the bad news. Thankfully, I got his voicemail and passed the task over to Mom with a smile to get her to tell him the bad news when he calls back. And to setup Shelley’s sleeping arrangements tonight.</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWM5ZTM3YzdhYzRmZmE5MmFjMjMyYTg1Yzc5Y2M2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Heh, heh, I got out of that one.</span></p> <p class="cnNjYTkwMmFiMWExMjRmMjRiNGY3MjczOGJlN2EzNTlh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Then I cleaned up my bed and loaded into my car to make the trip back to my house. I had no idea what to expect there, I didn’t ask Mom who she had talked to and quite frankly I was scared to ask.</span></p> <p class="cnNmNjUxOGJiZWRkODQwZGU4ZDJmODQzZTVhZTJhZWU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  During the uneventful hour long drive back I basically went through every worst case scenario in my head and scared myself into a small frenzy. I pulled into my neighbrohood drive in time to see my yard taken over by the military, with temporary shacks and trailers scattered around it and armed men in fatigues standing around and blocking off the end of the street.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MDExYzc0ZjgyNDRkZmRiOGFmNWE5ODJlMDgzNzlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">...</span></p> <p class="cnM5NmZhN2UyMDcyMzRkMzQ5ZDNlZDk5YmVkZDliYzRl"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Maybe I should have brought a lawyer with me after all. I feel in over my head already.</span></p> <p class="cnNhY2E0YWQxNjY1NzQ2NTI4ZDY5NjQwOGY3ZGI4NDRh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The end of the street has been blocked off, as my house is the only one at the end it doesn’t seem to affect the neighbors too much. Looking at their houses as I coast by, I see they haven’t been forced to vacate their homes, which I suppose is a good sign. There aren't any news crews either, hanging about the perimeter, but I think that is only a matter of time. It’s hard to hide all the activity around my house.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MjFhN2YxZjczOTQ1YzhiZjA4YmEwMmI1NDIyMTVh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  As I approach the end of the street where the barricade is, one of the armed guards waive at me stop and approaches my window which I roll down, feeling a little sheepish. Maybe I shouldn't have left so casually yesterday.</span></p> <p class="cnNjNjViMTQ5MTc0NzRiNDk5Y2M5YjUyYmNjZmM3NTY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Gregory Tyler?” the youthful face asks me. I just nod in response.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ODVmZWY2ZTFiZDQwNjNiY2U3NjIwZjI5YTU4NzUz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “The colonel is waiting for you.” he says, waiving me forward.</span></p> <p class="cnM2ZGU5ZWIwYjUzZTRmNDQ4ZDkxMzgzN2E2NWQ2OTNm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  He walks alongside me as I drive my car, the street is packed with people and objects so I have to drive slowly anyway. He eventually directs me to park on the lawn next to </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">my </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">house, my garage apparently has been acquired for other uses. I feel a little indignant about that, this is my place after all, I don’t really recall giving them permission to camp out here. I suppose if they want to buy this plot from me I can negotiate…</span></p> <p class="cnMxN2M2MzNmNWEyNDQxZGVhM2UwYWY1NWU5YmQ3YWMy"><span style="font-weight: 400">  A large white canvas has been erected over the stone vault as if to hide its presence from the outside world. I suppose interested researchers would give an arm and a leg to study the stupid thing. Frankly, I’m surprised they hadn’t just taken the blasted thing away with a crane or something yet, but I suppose the very dirt around it is from another world too, so whatever. I wonder how they would react if their tests just came back saying the stone vault is made out of just regular stone stuff and not some otherworldly material. I have no idea.</span></p> <p class="cnNmOTJmZDcwNmM3NDQzYjE5OGE2ZGJmMmJiZWY3ODYx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  As I get out of my car, I ask my escort, “Who exactly are you people anyway? I guess I was expecting the National Security Agency, but you look like the army? I confess, I don’t know much about how that works…”</span></p> <p class="cnNiNWMwMDg1ZjBmODQxYTE4YzQ2NjA3OWUxNmY5ZjNl"><span style="font-weight: 400">  My escort gives me a slight chuckle as he leads me to a trailer parked in my lawn rather than inside my house. “We are with the Military Intelligence Corps.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4MGFlYmM5NzlhMDRhZGM4ZGIyM2E1YzAwMzMxMjIz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Oh. I wonder how many other agencies they had to muscle out in order to get this gig.</span></p> <p class="cnNiZWZkMmVjYmYyMTQ3MWI5ODA2MzU3ZDVlZGRmZDQ0"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I get led into a trailer and given a seat at a small table. I was offered some water which I gratefully accepted, my nervousness looking for something to do with my hands. My escort stayed outside the door of the trailer while the civilian looking people inside gave me curious glances as they continued their work.</span></p> <p class="cnM4Yjg2OGQ0Yjc5NzQ5ZTNhZWFkNjhlYjRmMDQ4NGY4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I didn’t wait long at all until a stern and important looking man entered the trailer, giving me a once over and handing his tablet to his aid before coming to me. I stand up and he gives me a handshake.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MzA5YTMyMTRjMzQ5YWZiNDRkNjM5NWViZTc2Y2Jh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I’m Colonel Beithal,” he says, motioning at me to sit back down, “I’m in charge of this field operation.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4NmQxYWUyNWY3YzQxOThhZjQzZGIwODhiYjQ4M2Qw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I’m Greg,” I respond nervously. The colonel just stares at me in response, as if judging me and wondering if I was just a madman.</span></p> <p class="cnMyNTNiODVlOWJmMTQxNWFhOGExZjkwMmNkOWYxMDg4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Thankfully, dad helped me shave my head this morning, so I don’t look insane anymore, just bald. </span></p> <p class="cnNiNzY4ZDQyOTkyMTRmMWE5MzMxY2E4MDY0MTgwNzlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The colonel speaks first, giving me a flat look, “I’ve gotten a part of your story from Officer Grant yesterday. Truth be told, it’s unbelievable, but I suppose all of this is beyond reality now. This morning one of your skeleton friends came out of the lake like a goddamn horror flick. We captured it alive, only partly damaged. God knows how that blasted thing operates, I thought Keith was going to explode in excitement.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyN2NkZjQ2ZGMwMjQ4MWRhYTUwNmU5NDk3ZWRlYjJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Who the hell is Keith?</span></p> <p class="cnNkMTMxYzM0OTcxZDQ4NjJiMGZiNGEzYTkyYTUxYTgz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Which skeleton was it?” I ask, “Was it just carrying a knife?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNWJhNjYxY2VjYjQ4MmNiNTJjNjE2YWJiNjdkMzUx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Colonel just gives me a look as if he can’t believe what I am saying before he turns to his aid and grabs a recording device from her. He puts it on the table and turns it on, saying to me, “I’m recording this conversation, just so you know. Of course, all of this is classified as top secret. Can you say that again for the record?”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YWQ4ODBiNWQwOTRhNzZiOTNjMmM5ZmFmMmRhYjFm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I swallow hard and reply, “There were five skeletons in the lake, three different types. One was an archer, three where armored types, and one was a scout type, that just had a knife with it.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4YTY0MzU1MWNlNDRiYWM5YTg5MmZiYzBiNjllYTNj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Armored?” the colonel questioned, “As in, covered with the various steel plating we have found in the vault and scattered across the preserve?”</span></p> <p class="cnMzNTk1MmNlNjgwYjQwMWFiMzdlMTZlMjk4YTMyMjQ2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Yes. I assume you’ve gathered them all up by now?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlOTE1MTVlMGM1MTQ4M2ViMWY1NjE4NmNlNjE5YTY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The colonel nodded his head. “Indeed. I am curious, how did you cut the steel like that? Officer Grant says you did it with that spear, and while our limited tests on the object show that it is an extraordinary object, it doesn’t have nearly the cutting potential you and Officer Grant claims it has. Can you activate it again for us?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwODUxNGI5YWIzYTQ3MzRiYTJjNWE3MzIzM2EwYTkz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  Huh. </span></p> <p class="cnM0MDQzNTNhOTdiODRhMjU5NTY1MTRkMDhhYzM1MTQ4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I reply with a nod and a moment later my beautiful spear is brought before me again. I stand up and take it while the colonel eyes me like a hawk. </span></p> <p class="cnNkNjRkNWZkNmQ3ZTRhYTY5MzM2ZGYxODEwOWUxNWQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  A moment later and I cast edge on it, the tip lighting up like a lamp in the trailer. I waive it around a little for people to see.</span></p> <p class="cnMwNzhhNGM2NDFiNDQzYTE5ZWJjYmI0Y2UyMGE1MTlj"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “How did you do that?” the colonel demands.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MGUzZWNjMWYyNjRmNTE4ZGE0NGU5OTUzMmRlMWZk"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I shrug and reply, canceling my skill, “Magic.”</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTAwOTlkZGZhODQyMzM5ZWYwZTA0Yjc3Y2EyYzU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Oh god above,” the colonel says, rubbing his forehead, and only rolling his eyes a little. “Magic?”</span></p> <p class="cnMwN2IyY2Q5MWU1NTQ1Mzg5ZjkyMzA5ZWNiNDQyMjEz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I give another shrug. “I don’t know what else to call it. How do you think those skeletons operate?”</span></p> <p class="cnNlMjU4ZTcyYTAyNTRlNTY4ZGYxOGE5NWM2MzMzMjBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  He doesn’t answer but gestures to one of his men again, clearly indicating me to give up the spear. </span></p> <p class="cnNlNDk0MDhlMjE3NzQ3NmRhNGEyYTNlODhkMjI4MzE2"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Not so fast,” I say, feeling less brave than I sound. “This is </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400">my </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400">spear. I’ve gone through hell and had to kill hundreds of zombies and skeletons to get it and its saved my life. Also, this is my house, and my stone vault on my property. I am, of course, willing to help as much as I can in this time of national crisis, but I am not going to be bulldozed. Do you understand? I am an american citizen with rights, after all.”</span></p> <p class="cnNkN2VmNWIyNGNlOTRlYWNiMzhmNmZlMTA4ZWVjYmJi"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The colonel rolls his eyes at my words, much to my annoyance.</span></p> <p class="cnM3MTMzY2U1ZTM2ZjQ4NmNiODYyZjYxNTdlMmVmZGE5"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” the colonel says ruthlessly, “You’ll be well taken care of if you can help us as much as you think. But this is beyond you, and it’s beyond me; national security is at stake. Give us the damned spear for now.”</span></p> <p class="cnMyYmQ0NDQyZGRiMzQ4Y2Q5YTBhMDJmMjRlNjQzOWY5"><span style="font-weight: 400">  With only a little hesitation, I give it back and sit back down.</span></p> <p class="cnMxZTUwMGRjMWRmNzRiYTE4ZTNjNmJiYTBhODg4ZjJm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I suppose that went well.</span></p> <p class="cnNlM2U4YWNhZjZlZjRkMmM4MGIxOWFjNzljYmIzNmVm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  After a tense moment, the colonel asks, “What’s the purpose of the sphere’s? Who’s behind them?”</span></p> <p class="cnM0NmE5MTIwNWU0NjQyODY4YTRhMzQ5ZmMzZTQ5MDQx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “I don’t know.” I say, much to the consternation of the colonel. I continue after another moment, “When I was inside the sphere, there was a person there managing it. He was expanding it, building up his troops, creating a huge palace, and coordinating the instance as a whole. I wasn’t able to communicate with him and he was very intent on killing me. I don’t know what he was building the space for, but it wasn’t for himself. I believe he expected another party to come and take over once he completed his work. Before he finished though, I killed him and destroyed the sphere.”</span></p> <p class="cnM2NzM0NjZhZjEwMDRiZWE4N2JiZDc2MDQxMzI3NzBm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Instance?”</span></p> <p class="cnNhODc1MDhhNTFhYTQ3ZDE5YWZkNzEzNDU0NjQ3NTAz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I shake my head at the question, “While I was inside, the space I was in was called an instance dungeon. I had no idea where I was, as far a I knew, the whole thing could have been a wild illusion or some form of purgatory. It wasn’t until I destroyed the core and was brought back here that I put two and two together.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzMGQzZjNiZTlmZTQ3OGY4MmI4NmI2OWE2YmVkNDU1"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “These, ‘instances’ are a threat, you think?”</span></p> <p class="cnNjOWFjZDZjZDEzMTQ0MzdiMjcyMzNkZmE0N2Q0ODcy"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Extremely so. The missing people in LA are certainly dead. Inside my sphere I had spent a little over a week, but when I escaped, little to no time had passed here. That suggests some sort of time dilation inside.” I see the colonel mouth the phrase time dilation, but I ignore it. “If the other spheres are the same, months if not years have passed with those people inside. I doubt they could survive that long inside a hostile environment.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzOGVkZTBkZTUxMDQ0YTNiYzFlYjllMDUzYTQ2MThm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “You mentioned troops, is it an invasion?”</span></p> <p class="cnM1MDA3NzdlYjYwMDRiNTFhNDA3MmY3YTM5MGVjNmRm"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “It could be, I really don’t know. The manager I mentioned didn’t speak english, or any language I recognized, so I couldn’t communicate with him. In fact, I don’t think he was human.”</span></p> <p class="cnM4ZWM3N2RlOTJkNzQ4ODJhZDIyMjk0MGZjMjhiYThh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  The colonel isn’t stupid. I can tell he understands what I am saying, he is just having trouble getting the look of disbelief off of his face.</span></p> <p class="cnM2MjFmODNlMTQyMzQzZDM4NTkwODkzMWRhYTM3NjMz"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I clear my throat and say, “The sphere’s represent a clear and present danger and they are more dangerous the more time they are given to grow. They must be entered and destroyed before they get too big. I don’t know what consequences will come should the sphere’s be allowed to mature completely, but I promise you it will be bad.”</span></p> <p class="cnMwZGE1YzA3OTk0ZDQ2MDhiYjcwMjJlNmUyMTlkNTU4"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I see the Colonel scoff a little and say, “By your own admission, these creatures are armed with spears, swords, and arrows. Surely, a threat for an unarmed man, but for a real response by trained soldiers? I hardly see your point, Greg.”</span></p> <p class="cnM1OGM3NTY0MDNiZDQ4NjFiYThiZjRhM2YyMDBmNDcw"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I nod and add, “You are right, the weapons they used were antiquated. If I had guns and modern weaponry with me it would have made my time there so much easier. But there is more to the spheres than that. Like I said, there is magic.”</span></p> <p class="cnMzYTU0MWM3ZDk2YTQyMjVhZmM5NmZlNjA1YWFkMTI3"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I let that statement stand before continuing. </span></p> <p class="cnNlYTU1OTQ5ZWRmZjQ3MWM5MDk5MjEwMmYzNTczZDdh"><span style="font-weight: 400">  “Inside the sphere they are many things trying to kill me, not to mention the skeletons and zombies, the very bacteria in the air infected you and would kill anybody within three hours with leacherouse growths. There were also multitude of small venomous animals and insects trying to kill you, diseases and curses. Not to mention, the manager there was a magician that could cast spells that could kill. I would have died hundreds of times over if not for my own magical abilities.” </span></p> <p class="cnMyOGU4M2NjOWM2NjQwNGRiMTdjYTdhZmYxZGU2MzAx"><span style="font-weight: 400">  After they digested my words, the colonel said in a defeated voice, “perhaps you’d better just start at the beginning.”</span></p> <p class="cnNiMDk1MzcxMWZkNTRiNzk4MDcxMTgwYmMxMDIzYWZi"><span style="font-weight: 400">  I nod and considered how to do so. After a moment I ask. “Do you know what a role playing game is?”</span></p> </div>
Despite the soft and comfortable blankets and sheets I was wrapped in and how tired I was, I did not sleep very well. Instead, I drifted in and out of the dreams, the type where you confuse reality and fantasy, where you know you are in some form of sleep, but the next second you are wrestling a small bear that somehow got into your living room. Periodically, I would wake up, half asleep still, wondering what was reality, before succumbing to the dreams again.   Bottom line, it wasn’t a very restful nap.   When I woke up for good, wondering about the nature of reality and fantasy, my mind still tumbling from the confusing images and scenes, it was dark outside. I could still hear voices upstairs though, indicating it wasn’t too late in the evening.   With a groan I hefted myself up out of the wrangled sheets and moved on upstairs.   While I was asleep, apparently my mother did get a call on her cell phone, asking for my immediate presence back at my home. Unfortunately for them, they got my mom on the line and not me. I would have probably folded like a lawn chair at the request, but mom can get feisty when she feels protective of her children. She basically told the guy off on the other end for being a horrible person to want me back so soon and flat out denied my return at all today. …   Well, I hope it wasn’t somebody too important on the other end.   They did compromise and promised that I would return after lunch tomorrow. I don’t want to know the exact words that fell between the two.   I ate my fill again of my parents leftovers, and watched the news. There were no updates on the sphere’s themselves, there were tons of speculation on what the president meant in his address to the nation, but the white house was being very tight lipped about it, even in the press conferences that were held afterwards. The press secretary was basically repeating herself, saying that they have a lead and are working on a solution. Everything else is classified.   The press really didn’t like those answers, and neither did several leaders of other nations who had gone on the air to denounce Trump’s secrecy. They wanted him to share what information he had so that a universal solution could be worked on.   Needless to say, all this commotion made be extremely anxious. I’m surprised an ‘escort’ hasn’t arrived yet to take me back.   Other than that, the US military had blocked off access to the two spheres, forming a tight perimeter around each. This was after a group of five crazies bum rushed the sphere in LA and jumped into it. It looked really weird on the video the news was playing, each person getting sucked into the suddenly malleable membrane of the sphere, slowly, like in some horror movie. The sixth person chickened out and didn't end up touching the sphere but instead got handcuffed and escorted away. I don’t know what they were expecting on the other side, perhaps paradise? But they are dead now. I felt a little stricken at the scene but not too much considering their monumental stupidity.   Also, the spheres were still growing in size.   Eventually, I turn my back to the TV while munching on a hot dog. I’ll probably learn everything relevant tomorrow anyway, the news is just making me depressed.   “How are you feeling?” Mom asks, sitting down next to me.   “Fine,” I say automatically, “I didn’t sleep very well, but I feel better anyway.”   Mom doesn’t reply, but stares at the TV before shaking her head, “I still find it hard to believe. Where do they come from? What is their purpose?”   I don’t know if she is really looking for an answer or just asking herself. I don’t know the answers either, that is for certain.   There are, confirmed, eleven of the sphere’s located around the globe now, in all sorts of random places. Several of them are located out on the oceans. Considering the surface area of the earth is mostly water, that doesn’t really surprise me. It looks like the were placed randomly across the globe. …   I suppose I killed the only person who could answer that for us. He didn’t seem really keen on talking though.   Soon, my family members went to bed and I stayed up, declining my mother’s thoughtful offer of staying up with me. Dad gave me another big hug before he went off as well, asking me to tell them if I needed anything.   I suppose this is one of those times where parents don’t know what to do. That’s got to be a tough feeling, knowing there isn’t anything you can do to help your child.   I told them that I just wanted their encouragement and support. That got another big squeeze from dad.   I ended up staying up pretty late myself that night, the quiet peacefulness of the urban lake was soothing and the common loons were quite beautiful as they made their calls early in the night.   Sitting in the big comfy chair in the living room, looking out of the big windows to the lake, I took the opportunity to thoroughly examine my retained abilities.   Anything regarding the system was gone, no more blue boxes of any kind would appear and the identify skill seemed gone for good as well, no matter what I tried. My skills were still there though and worked just the same as they did inside the instance. At least, as far as I could tell. Casting barrier for the first time here was interesting, it was the skill I was the least familiar with. The ghostly rectangle appeared as it always did and I realized I could easily start pranking people with it, if I was childish enough. Which, I can be.   I also tested out my edge skill on various objects. From my experiments, it really only works on objects that are meant for cutting, like kitchen knives. I could get pretty creative with certain edges, like the semi-sharp edge of an old pot lid, but for the most part, using edge on a non cutting object would result in just a normal flare. When I tried to use the skill on the edge of the dining room table, for instance, I ended up just covering the whole table in flare. I suppose that would have made it a holy table.   I had kept the remains of the instance core with me too, and I made a careful inspection of it. There wasn’t any response from it from anything I did with it though, it appeared to be exactly what it looked like, a bumpy white stone with a blood red spot in the middle. I missed my chance to use identify on it while I was still in the instance, but I had other pressing matters on my mind at the time. I’m going to keep this for myself though, a trophy, if you will. God knows if I’ll ever get my spear back.   Other than that, as the night wore on into early morning, I spent my time wondering what on earth I was going to tell those people tomorrow.   The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God? Would they even believe me?   If I expect them to send the marines into these spheres to try to destroy them, there isn’t much I can leave out because, A, they’ll just find out immediately after getting into a sphere themselves anyway, and B, the lack of info might just kill any and all attempts to destroy the spheres, not to mention the actual people sent in.   There are already eight dead people now, in the US at least. How many more will die until this is over?   Eventually, I feel sleepiness take over me and I return to my messy bed downstairs, Bella seeing fit to return and cuddle with me. It was another fitful sleep for the rest of the night.   In the morning, father made waffles for all of us and we ate them at breakfast, all of us intentionally avoiding the topic of the spheres.   Shelley looked to want to say some stuff to me, but apparently our parents asked her to avoid the topic for now. She chewed on her soggy waffles vengefully.   We went to church together after that, which was an interesting experience. The paster wisely choose not make any hasty claims regarding the spheres during the service, just for us to trust in God. Very sensible I say, better than proclaiming that the end is nigh and the return of Jesus is coming soon like many other churches were saying.   The return from church was just as quiet as the morning, each of us in our own thoughts.   Lara asked me when I was returning to my home and gave me a frown when I said after lunch. I usually play some video games with her when I come over and I hadn’t done that yet.   Bring it girl, I’ll take you on in smash bros.   Shelley joined us downstairs too, getting beatdown by Lara’s superior skills with me. Darn that girl! Gone are the days when I could casually destroy Lara, now I have to use dirty tricks just to say competitive, all the while Lara giggling at my futile efforts.   Ah, the student overcomes the master.   Shelley wasn’t really into it though and eventually her goal became clear a few minutes into the gameplay with the parents not around.   “What are you going to tell them when you go home?” Shelley asks, after her character got flung into the sky and K.O.’ed off the screen.   I don’t respond for a moment, trying to fend off Lara’s fierce attacks before she blows me away as well with Samas’s plasma gun she had kept charged up. I hadn’t put my shield up in time.   “Everything.” I eventually say. Shelley gives me an alarmed look and I continue, “I decided this last night, I’ll give them as much information as I can and get as much out of it as possible in return.”   Shelley shakes her head as her character re-appears on screen, “You better know what you are doing.”   Hah, little does she know that I have no idea what I am doing. The joke’s on her! I don’t say that though.   “This isn’t x-men, there aren’t evil a-moral scientists that are going to kidnap me and ‘experiment’ on me. This is a crisis that I can consult on and provide them intelligence with. I’m sure I’ll get plenty of rewards in return. Money, that is. My house is ruined anyway, my bedroom is gone and I’ll need to fix it.”   After a moment, Shelley asks the obvious question, “Where am I going to sleep tonight? I’ve got classes tomorrow, you know?” …   I don’t know. Where am *I* going to sleep tonight?   “John’s place?” I reply. He lives close to me and has an extra bedroom. Shelley should be able to temporarily stay there for now.   Speaking of my twin, he supposed to come back today and pick up Pesos from me. Oh geez, I’m going to have to give him a call.   After Lara thoroughly kicks our butts we return upstairs for lunch, delicious grilled chicken sandwiches. Halfway through, Mom gets another call on her cell phone in which she acts as my agent, confirming my departure soon to whoever was on the line.   After that, I borrowed her phone and called John to tell him the bad news. Thankfully, I got his voicemail and passed the task over to Mom with a smile to get her to tell him the bad news when he calls back. And to setup Shelley’s sleeping arrangements tonight.   Heh, heh, I got out of that one.   Then I cleaned up my bed and loaded into my car to make the trip back to my house. I had no idea what to expect there, I didn’t ask Mom who she had talked to and quite frankly I was scared to ask.   During the uneventful hour long drive back I basically went through every worst case scenario in my head and scared myself into a small frenzy. I pulled into my neighbrohood drive in time to see my yard taken over by the military, with temporary shacks and trailers scattered around it and armed men in fatigues standing around and blocking off the end of the street. ...   Maybe I should have brought a lawyer with me after all. I feel in over my head already.   The end of the street has been blocked off, as my house is the only one at the end it doesn’t seem to affect the neighbors too much. Looking at their houses as I coast by, I see they haven’t been forced to vacate their homes, which I suppose is a good sign. There aren't any news crews either, hanging about the perimeter, but I think that is only a matter of time. It’s hard to hide all the activity around my house.   As I approach the end of the street where the barricade is, one of the armed guards waive at me stop and approaches my window which I roll down, feeling a little sheepish. Maybe I shouldn't have left so casually yesterday.   “Gregory Tyler?” the youthful face asks me. I just nod in response.   “The colonel is waiting for you.” he says, waiving me forward.   He walks alongside me as I drive my car, the street is packed with people and objects so I have to drive slowly anyway. He eventually directs me to park on the lawn next to *my* house, my garage apparently has been acquired for other uses. I feel a little indignant about that, this is my place after all, I don’t really recall giving them permission to camp out here. I suppose if they want to buy this plot from me I can negotiate…   A large white canvas has been erected over the stone vault as if to hide its presence from the outside world. I suppose interested researchers would give an arm and a leg to study the stupid thing. Frankly, I’m surprised they hadn’t just taken the blasted thing away with a crane or something yet, but I suppose the very dirt around it is from another world too, so whatever. I wonder how they would react if their tests just came back saying the stone vault is made out of just regular stone stuff and not some otherworldly material. I have no idea.   As I get out of my car, I ask my escort, “Who exactly are you people anyway? I guess I was expecting the National Security Agency, but you look like the army? I confess, I don’t know much about how that works…”   My escort gives me a slight chuckle as he leads me to a trailer parked in my lawn rather than inside my house. “We are with the Military Intelligence Corps.”   Oh. I wonder how many other agencies they had to muscle out in order to get this gig.   I get led into a trailer and given a seat at a small table. I was offered some water which I gratefully accepted, my nervousness looking for something to do with my hands. My escort stayed outside the door of the trailer while the civilian looking people inside gave me curious glances as they continued their work.   I didn’t wait long at all until a stern and important looking man entered the trailer, giving me a once over and handing his tablet to his aid before coming to me. I stand up and he gives me a handshake.   “I’m Colonel Beithal,” he says, motioning at me to sit back down, “I’m in charge of this field operation.”   “I’m Greg,” I respond nervously. The colonel just stares at me in response, as if judging me and wondering if I was just a madman.   Thankfully, dad helped me shave my head this morning, so I don’t look insane anymore, just bald.   The colonel speaks first, giving me a flat look, “I’ve gotten a part of your story from Officer Grant yesterday. Truth be told, it’s unbelievable, but I suppose all of this is beyond reality now. This morning one of your skeleton friends came out of the lake like a goddamn horror flick. We captured it alive, only partly damaged. God knows how that blasted thing operates, I thought Keith was going to explode in excitement.”   Who the hell is Keith?   “Which skeleton was it?” I ask, “Was it just carrying a knife?”   Colonel just gives me a look as if he can’t believe what I am saying before he turns to his aid and grabs a recording device from her. He puts it on the table and turns it on, saying to me, “I’m recording this conversation, just so you know. Of course, all of this is classified as top secret. Can you say that again for the record?”   I swallow hard and reply, “There were five skeletons in the lake, three different types. One was an archer, three where armored types, and one was a scout type, that just had a knife with it.”   “Armored?” the colonel questioned, “As in, covered with the various steel plating we have found in the vault and scattered across the preserve?”   “Yes. I assume you’ve gathered them all up by now?”   The colonel nodded his head. “Indeed. I am curious, how did you cut the steel like that? Officer Grant says you did it with that spear, and while our limited tests on the object show that it is an extraordinary object, it doesn’t have nearly the cutting potential you and Officer Grant claims it has. Can you activate it again for us?”   Huh.   I reply with a nod and a moment later my beautiful spear is brought before me again. I stand up and take it while the colonel eyes me like a hawk.   A moment later and I cast edge on it, the tip lighting up like a lamp in the trailer. I waive it around a little for people to see.   “How did you do that?” the colonel demands.   I shrug and reply, canceling my skill, “Magic.”   “Oh god above,” the colonel says, rubbing his forehead, and only rolling his eyes a little. “Magic?”   I give another shrug. “I don’t know what else to call it. How do you think those skeletons operate?”   He doesn’t answer but gestures to one of his men again, clearly indicating me to give up the spear.   “Not so fast,” I say, feeling less brave than I sound. “This is *my* spear. I’ve gone through hell and had to kill hundreds of zombies and skeletons to get it and its saved my life. Also, this is my house, and my stone vault on my property. I am, of course, willing to help as much as I can in this time of national crisis, but I am not going to be bulldozed. Do you understand? I am an american citizen with rights, after all.”   The colonel rolls his eyes at my words, much to my annoyance.   “Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” the colonel says ruthlessly, “You’ll be well taken care of if you can help us as much as you think. But this is beyond you, and it’s beyond me; national security is at stake. Give us the damned spear for now.”   With only a little hesitation, I give it back and sit back down.   I suppose that went well.   After a tense moment, the colonel asks, “What’s the purpose of the sphere’s? Who’s behind them?”   “I don’t know.” I say, much to the consternation of the colonel. I continue after another moment, “When I was inside the sphere, there was a person there managing it. He was expanding it, building up his troops, creating a huge palace, and coordinating the instance as a whole. I wasn’t able to communicate with him and he was very intent on killing me. I don’t know what he was building the space for, but it wasn’t for himself. I believe he expected another party to come and take over once he completed his work. Before he finished though, I killed him and destroyed the sphere.”   “Instance?”   I shake my head at the question, “While I was inside, the space I was in was called an instance dungeon. I had no idea where I was, as far a I knew, the whole thing could have been a wild illusion or some form of purgatory. It wasn’t until I destroyed the core and was brought back here that I put two and two together.”   “These, ‘instances’ are a threat, you think?”   “Extremely so. The missing people in LA are certainly dead. Inside my sphere I had spent a little over a week, but when I escaped, little to no time had passed here. That suggests some sort of time dilation inside.” I see the colonel mouth the phrase time dilation, but I ignore it. “If the other spheres are the same, months if not years have passed with those people inside. I doubt they could survive that long inside a hostile environment.”   “You mentioned troops, is it an invasion?”   “It could be, I really don’t know. The manager I mentioned didn’t speak english, or any language I recognized, so I couldn’t communicate with him. In fact, I don’t think he was human.”   The colonel isn’t stupid. I can tell he understands what I am saying, he is just having trouble getting the look of disbelief off of his face.   I clear my throat and say, “The sphere’s represent a clear and present danger and they are more dangerous the more time they are given to grow. They must be entered and destroyed before they get too big. I don’t know what consequences will come should the sphere’s be allowed to mature completely, but I promise you it will be bad.”   I see the Colonel scoff a little and say, “By your own admission, these creatures are armed with spears, swords, and arrows. Surely, a threat for an unarmed man, but for a real response by trained soldiers? I hardly see your point, Greg.”   I nod and add, “You are right, the weapons they used were antiquated. If I had guns and modern weaponry with me it would have made my time there so much easier. But there is more to the spheres than that. Like I said, there is magic.”   I let that statement stand before continuing.   “Inside the sphere they are many things trying to kill me, not to mention the skeletons and zombies, the very bacteria in the air infected you and would kill anybody within three hours with leacherouse growths. There were also multitude of small venomous animals and insects trying to kill you, diseases and curses. Not to mention, the manager there was a magician that could cast spells that could kill. I would have died hundreds of times over if not for my own magical abilities.”   After they digested my words, the colonel said in a defeated voice, “perhaps you’d better just start at the beginning.”   I nod and considered how to do so. After a moment I ask. “Do you know what a role playing game is?”
{ "title": "A dungeon core story: Magic with a hint of Science", "id": 21130, "author": "zeddthemage", "rating": 4.1 }
{ "title": "chapter 10: Nobles, what are they good for?", "id": 306018, "next": 306621, "prev": 304064, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnMwZTE3MjIxMjU3ZDQwOWQ4NzMzYmE3ZmY5OWQwZmJh" style="text-align: justify"><em>The woman's perspective:</em></p> <p class="cnMzMzM2N2Y2Mjk4ZjQ3NDc4ZWQyZGY3OGI2MWEwOWZj" style="text-align: justify">She slowly woke up, feeling as if she either has the worst migraine in human history or as if she drunk way too much dwarven ale yesterday and now has a massive hangover.<br>Torchlight stabs into her bleary eyes, making them water a bit. With a sigh, she closes her eyes again and snuggles back into the warm and softness around her.<br>Wait. Warm? soft?</p> <p class="cnMzYmI3NDFiODM3ZjQ2YTE4NTRhN2VhZTgzOTM1NTQy" style="text-align: justify">With a start, she jumps wide awake. With wide and frantic eyes, she takes in her surroundings. It appears that she currently is in a cave that is well lit with torches. In the middle of the room stands a small pillar supporting a white, nearly round, gem. In front of it stands a lectern made of stone, containing a beautiful looking tome.<br>Above the gem is a small chute through which the outside air can be seen. The air inside the cave feels crisp and her breath can be seen every time she breaths.</p> <p class="cnM0MzViYTI3OTQyYjQ4ZDQ5OWEyODFiY2IwMDFmYjE0" style="text-align: justify">Which raises the question, why isn't she feeling cold? In fact, she's feeling quite warm. Giving herself a once-over, she's surprised. Somehow, she's wearing soft, fur-lined clothes that appear to be made from higher grade materials. The clothes fit perfectly as well as if they were tailored specifically for her. she never even felt it when they, whoever they might be, put these clothes on her. How long was she even out for?</p> <p class="cnM4NmViMzY0YWU4MzQ0MjBhZjMxYzcyODZkMWJhZjhl" style="text-align: justify">The last thing she remembers is that she was running for her life after escaping from her captors. While she had been fleeing, she had run down the mountain wearing barely anything, not even shoes. She had been sure that she was either going to be recaptured and quite possibly raped or worse or that she was going to die from exposure on this snowy mountain. And yet, none of these things happened so far. The fact that she fell down a hole she never even knew was there seems to be her salvation for now.</p> <p class="cnNjMGU3NmUxMzVkYjQ2MWE4NDQwM2ZhMGNkZTQxNzY1" style="text-align: justify">"Hello? Is there someone here?"<br>Even though she can't see anyone around, she still asks this, if only to break the silence.<br>As if on cue, two pairs of feline eyes open in the far corner. Straining her eyes, she can barely make out their grey shapes that somehow seem to perfectly blend in with the walls. Oddly enough, they just seem to stare at her, doing nothing else. Creepy.</p> <p class="cnM5YWI1YWQxYWM2YTQwOWRhZTM0ZDhmNTVlZTNjYWVi" style="text-align: justify">"Why yes, there is someone in here. You are in the presence of my master and its creations"<br>A voice that sounds like old rustling papers answers her.<br>Because of the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone around when she woke up, she didn't&nbsp;exactly&nbsp;expect anyone to answer&nbsp;her. She figured that, whoever saved her, went outside or something like that and she just had the bad luck to wake up when no-one was around.<br>It appears that she was gravely mistaken, even though she can't seem to find the origin of the voice. Nor can she even see who this master is that the voice talked about.</p> <p class="cnM2NGNiY2Q4Njk3ZjQxY2E5ZDE1ZTQxNzA4MTM2ZmVh" style="text-align: justify">"Who are you? Where are you? And who is this master you talk about?"<br>"I am WIKI"<br>and with that statement, the book that in on the lectern in the middle of the room flies up, slowly flapping its pages as if it were a bird.<br>"A... a talking book.&nbsp;DiI I hit my head or something like that when I fell?"<br>"You did, in fact, hit your head when you fell. But that is not the point. You have not gone crazy, I assure you. You are, as you said, talking to a book. I'm WIKI, a magical tome familiar, in the employment of my benevolent master."<br>"I...See. Please tell me then, who might this master be then who you are talking about?<br>"My master is currently all around you, he is the very dungeon you are currently standing in"<br>"A DUNGEON!"</p> <p class="cnM0NjEyOGFkNTI3MTQxMjQ4NGFhY2Y2YzdjMTkzZTRm" style="text-align: justify">In shock, she just stares at the gem in the middle of the room. If she is in a dungeon somehow, that must mean that the gem that is just lying there in the middle of the room, is a dungeon core. An item that has the ultimate power of creation, some even consider a dungeon core to be akin to a demigod. What's even more shocking is the fact that she is in a dungeon and yet, she still lives. Dungeons are wonderful places that can create things out of thin air. But they have a darker side as well. They are notoriously dangerous and they&nbsp;don't hesitate to kill whatever wanders in them, all to get stronger or to satiate a primal desire. And yet, she is in here, safe and sound. And if she guessed right, this very dungeon might have even saved her by keeping her warm and maybe even defending her.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjIxNjNlMTMzYTQyZmM4ZDY1MjVlNzU4ODU5YTRi" style="text-align: justify">Getting over her shock, she turns fully towards the core and bows towards it.<br>"Thank you for saving me, it would seem like I'm in your debt"</p> <p class="cnMzYmRhN2FlZjIxOTQzMDNhNjBlMTVjMGNkMzkxYjcw" style="text-align: justify"><em>My perspective:</em></p> <p class="cnMwMjMyZjAyODhhMDQ1YTM5MTk5NzE0YjY2NzRiMWUz" style="text-align: justify">Well, that's one way to make a statement. She makes it sound as if I did something truly unexpected or unbelievable.<br>Anyway, that is of no matter for now. What I would like to know is if I can talk to her. Since I have no actual mouth, I can't just talk to her. Somehow WIKI is capable of speech, but I have to assume this is due to his magical nature.</p> <p class="cnMxOWU2MzFiYmMxZDQ3YWE4OGIzYzFjNTMxY2FjMjFm" style="text-align: justify">"WIKI, is there a way so I can communicate with her?"<br>WIKI turns&nbsp;towards me and shifts his posture so it would seem as if he were addressing me, confusing the woman in the process. For the sake of the woman, he says aloud:<br>"Yes and no, master. Currently, there's no way for you to communicate with her since you don't have an avatar yet. Mind to mind speech is also not possible since she is not one of your creatures. The only way for you to be able to communicate with her would be if she offered you her full and unwavering loyalty of her own free will. This way, she would become somewhat a minion of yours and would thus enable you to speak to her mind to mind."<br>Upon hearing this, she becomes pensive.<br>"Well WIKI, seeing as that a normal person would be unlikely to become one of my minions, you shall just have to be my voice for now"<br>"very well master"</p> <p class="cnM3ZTVhOTk5MGZlZjQwZjNhNDZjM2Q4MmU0N2Y5YmY5" style="text-align: justify">WIKI turns back towards the woman and says to her:<br>"Since my master has no conceivable way yet to communicate with you directly, I will act as his proxy for now."<br>"WIKI, tell her that, if she has any questions, she should feel free to ask. Tell her as well that I have some questions of my own that I would like an answer to."<br>"Lady, my master wants me to tell you that if you have any questions, you should feel free to ask and he will answer them to the best of his capabilities. He also wants me to tell you that he has some questions of his own that he hopes you can answer for him."<br>"I would be glad to answer any question your master has. Might I start then with a question?"<br>"Go ahead"<br>"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that the dungeon of your master seems on the small side.<br>This is a bit weird since your master seems, from what I can hear, more or less fully aware and sentient. This leads me to only one unlikely conclusion. Is your master, the dungeon, an actual person? Is he as truly alive as I think he is?"<br>"My my, she doesn't beat around the bush. WIKI, tell her this. It is as you suspect. I'm in fact a newborn dungeon and thus rather small. I barely even got my first level yet. And yet, I'm as you say fully sapient and sentient. What I won't tell you though is how I came to be, this is a little secret of mine I'm going to keep close to my chest. What I would like to know though is, who are you?&nbsp; I can't just keep calling woman or lady after all"<br>"Oh, my sincerest apologies, how rude of me. Yes, proper introductions are in order. I'm princess Mary-Ann of Ralomar, niece of the king of Ralomar, His Royal Majesty Edmond of Ralomar. Might I ask what your name is, sir dungeon?</p> <p class="cnNhMmRiOWVhMGRkMTRiNzBhYWVlYzlmYjE3Nzk1ZTI4" style="text-align: justify">A princess. In my dungeon even. Granted, she's only the niece of the current king, but still. Being in the presence of royalty is nothing to sneeze at.<br>But now I'm in a bit of a pickle here, since I don't really have a name. According to my character screen, I'm just called 'unnamed dungeon'. And going with my name from my previous life just feels wrong. What if I go with the name I always pick in games?<br>"You may call me Aaron Lightblade."</p> <p class="cnM5YjVjYTkyYzU1MDQwNTFhM2E4OTJhY2IyOGFmNjll" style="text-align: justify"><em><strong>Would you like to change your name to Aaron Lightblade?<br>You can only change your name once and are given this chance because you came to this world unnamed.</strong></em></p> <p class="cnNhNDk2OWU5YzI1ODQxOWM4NWE5ZGMxN2NhNjYyYTU4" style="text-align: justify">Heck yes.</p> <p class="cnNmMTk0OGNjNGM4MTRiNzM5Mzg0MDg0ODk1ZGFiMWMx" style="text-align: justify">A quick check of my character screen brings a smile to my&nbsp;proverbial face.</p> <div style="max-width: 100%; overflow:auto"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyMWEwOTJhMjIzMTRhNjU4NWVlZTE0ZjRjYjEzNDc1">Name:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM5MjY3MWM4MjEyOTRkOTQ5Njk1YTRjMTRmYjdkYzRk">Aaron Lightblade</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM4ZWFhNDE5YmFhNjQxZmU4ZGEzZGRjMzRlZThlY2U3">Level:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM2Yzk2MGQzNDdjODRiM2Y5NWE1NzYwMzU0YjgxYWNl">1</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMxOTdiY2NkYTlmMTQ2ZTA5MDRlYzQyMWRiMjkxYjdm">Location:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnMwZTI0MzVmNmU0OTQzNjc5M2MyZWYyMTNkZjkwNjA1">Dragon mountains</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMzNDc3NGY0ZTdmMjQ1NGQ5N2QzMGU5ZTExNmM0MWJk">Dungeon companion:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM4ZWY1ZjljNDlhNTQzNDE5ZTVjNDAyMjdlZjdkMmUy">WIKI, the endless tome</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNkN2YzNmExYzIyZjQzNjBiMjlkODkxYTNmZGZiYzJk">Mana:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNiMjE4NTAyZDJhNDRhZDc4MzExODIzMDYyOTcwZGFi">10 360 mana</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNhYTgyNzQ5M2RkNzQ2MGJhOGExN2Q3MGMyNGViYWY5">Mana collection:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNmMGNhZjBkZjI2YjQ4ZDFhODUzNzEyODg4NDI2MTRi">0,0050 mana per second</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM3NWFkMjliZjQ3YTQzM2ViZjhiZGNhMzZjYTQ1ODY4">Mana needed for next level:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnMwNDFiNDY4MDNjZDQyODM4ZDU4YmZkZTk0NjE0ZWY5">100 000 mana</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM3NTIyOTBiOTc0NjQ3ZTU4MmY4ZDllMjE3NDU0ODk2">Integrity of the core:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnNlN2M2ZTJkNjgyZjRmMzZiNTcxYWNjNDEyNTVmNTBh">100%</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNjZjE4ZjlmYTBiZTQ0OWY5MzNkN2ExNzIwZWFkNDBh">Chosen dungeon monsters:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM4MDJlMzQ2NGQzMDQxYjc5YTA5NmZiNjhhN2FiMDdh">Animals</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNlNzkzMDM4Y2QwNTRhYzJhMDZmZTQxNjA5YTRiMGQ0">special achievements:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnMwNTcxNjU0ZmM2MzQ1NzlhMTdkYmU3MjE3ZGM1YTM0">*First dungeon with an artificial core</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnMyMzI0MWFiMjliMjQ2ZTdiZDU3MmRkOTUzNGRlNWQ4">Titles:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnMyYWE1NGI0ZDc4NzRlM2U4ZDJjYjUxODYwMTI3MGY1">Inventor</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNlMzFiMzM0ZmQzODRmOTJhOGViNGM0ZWVkZDZmY2Y3">Learned skills:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM4YTRhMDMzMGIxNDRiNjE5OTBmNzdiZjczYmNiZjRl">Mana senses</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnNlMWQ0ZWJlYTRmNDQ3NDU5M2Q0MTliZTg1ZTEwYTQz">Numbers of floors:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnMxYmFjZDVkOGZmNzQzOTJiMTk5ZGZjZWIzMjRhNWQ3">1 floor</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p class="cnM5MDkyOThjYzk0YTQ4OTNhNDBmMzQ3NWNmZDAyZjI1">Inhabitants:</p> </td> <td> <p class="cnM1ZjcxNzBjOGY4YjRjYjk5YmU4ZDRkN2U4MTFjOTE3">3</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> <p class="cnM3MThiNzE5NzM2ZDRlZTM4NmIyMGYzYTBjZDRmZDUw" style="text-align: justify">I finally have a name according to this world.<br>And I have a nice bit of mana lying around, which I gained from the kills, the items and the little bit of digging I did previously.<br>But I'm getting sidetracked.</p> <p class="cnM4MDc2NGI4NjJhNjQ0MmM4Y2RmMmJkZWYxZDI3Njc2" style="text-align: justify">"I have some more questions if you don't mind. As&nbsp;I've said before,&nbsp; I'm a newborn dungeon and thus I'm pretty new to this world in a way. I don't have any of the basic information a normal person might have. I have no idea how this world is called, what continent I'm on nor do I know what kingdom or empire I'm in. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm located somewhere in the dragon mountains. But even my knowledge of the dragon mountains is slim. Do they span for hundreds of kilometres?&nbsp; Or are they somewhat isolated and not part of a mountain chain? "</p> <p class="cnMwOGRhYWQ5OTZkZDQ1MDk5ZjA1ZTI0NDEzOGE2ODk2" style="text-align: justify">"Geography one Oh One then. Your dungeon lies in the kingdom of Ralomar, ruled as I previously said by my family. The dragon mountains are a chain of mountains that span for over a thousand kilometres in length and are over two hundred kilometres wide and form the natural border between Ralomar and the empire of light. Your dungeon lies only at the start of these mountains, in fact, if you were to go down the mountainside, you would encounter forests and flatlands. Your dungeon is located on an altitude above the perpetual snowline, meaning that this area is always covered in snow, all year round. The kingdom of Ralomar and the empire of light both lie on a continent of Allanaar. The kingdom of ralomar has some smaller neighbours as well, but they are hardly noteworthy and are our allies so I'm not going to elaborate on them. If you truly want more information about them, I can cover them in a course of geology one oh two."</p> <p class="cnMyNDQ4MzZkM2IxNjRiYTM4ZDc1MzhhMDU2NjU4MmI4" style="text-align: justify">"That is a lot to take in. Now, on to other business. I want to ask you some questions that might bring up bad memories or that might make you uncomfortable. You can always refuse to answer them of course if you think I go too far or if they are too painful."</p> <p class="cnMzZTk5NTc4OWE1YjQ1NzNhYTEwNGQwM2Y0NmE4OWU1" style="text-align: justify">"Go ahead, I'm a big girl. And despite what you might think, I'm not as emotionally scarred or unstable as you might think I am."</p> <p class="cnNlY2RjOTJmMjljNDQzZmNhYTU5YzcyZTI2MTFjYzRm" style="text-align: justify">"Okay then. I presume that the men that chased you in here, which died in here while you were out, by the way, were your captors and that you somehow managed to escape?"</p> <p class="cnMxYzRmMzMxOWNjMzQ5ZTJhOWZkYzg1ZmIwOWNiNDc5" style="text-align: justify">"Oh, they chased me and died in here? That is wonderful news. How many followed me? and was there a fat one as well? Did he die a horrible and/or humiliating death?"</p> <p class="cnMxZTJiMzg3OTU4YTRiMTdhNmRkYTUxMTViOWY3ZTQ1" style="text-align: justify">"There were five of them, one of them the fat guy you are thinking of, I think. They all died because a Yeti chased them and nearly killed one of them. Since it sounds like you despise the guy, I can tell you that he got his face smashed in and got snacked upon. In fact, he was the very first to die since he slipped on the ice that lines my corridor and fell flat on his fat ass."</p> <p class="cnMwZTU2YjIxNTE1MzQxNmJiOGRkMWMzNDZjOGFjNmZl" style="text-align: justify">"Hah, serves that bastard right. They only lightly guarded me, thinking that the mountain would be enough to deter most people from saving me if they even know where I am. Therefore, the four others were the only ones guarding me."</p> <p class="cnM0ZDJhYzc1OTg3NTRkMDQ5YTkxMjA1NGNjMjE2NWE0" style="text-align: justify">"How did you get captured? I would assume that a member of the royal family like yourself would be well guarded. But seeing those thug's fighting prowess, they seemed like normal thugs and not capable of fighting a lot of guards."</p> <p class="cnMyMWZkYjBkNTZiMDQxZTJiZjkwMjQ5NWJhMzNkYjI1" style="text-align: justify">"Well, quite stupidly actually. I was returning from a diplomatic mission and decided to stay in a roadside inn. I and my guards took up an entire floor with my room in the middle. But they must have known or guessed that we would stop there for when after they served us dinner, all guards that ate started falling asleep, myself included. The very few guards that didn't eat anything were sadly killed in the confusion. I can only assume that my captors just picked me up and walked out, just like that. I only hope that they just left when they kidnapped me and that they didn't slit the throats of my guards. When I woke up again, I was tied like a hog, stripped of all of my valuables and was clothes in simple clothes that nearly came apart the seams. After a couple of awful cold and hard days, we arrived at their hideout that was a bit further up the mountain where they split up. Most of them went back downhill to guard the way up and as I said, only those four stayed high up in the mountains to guard me."</p> <p class="cnMwNWYxNTUxZTIzMDQ3YWZiMTk2Y2JkNTc3ZDQwMDcx" style="text-align: justify">"How did you manage to escape?"</p> <p class="cnNhMGE0NWFlZTc0MzQ3ZmJhYWNkODQ2YWQ5NWE4NmMx" style="text-align: justify">"I got lucky, I think. The fat one that died in here was their leader or the one that hired them, I think. After a week of captivity up here in the mountains, he arrived in the hideout. The very first thing he did when he arrived was to order the captors out so he could have his fun with me. Which was the first of many mistakes he made. When he was grabbing at me and trying to fondle me, I noticed he still had his knife strapped to his belt. With him distracted, it was easy for me to grab for it and to slash at his belly and face. Sadly enough, I couldn't reach his balls because his fat belly protected them, otherwise I would have cut them off. With him reeling back from the pain, I quickly cut through my bonds and just ran outside into the snow. Not thinking where I could go to, only that I wanted to get as far away from there as possible.<br>And the rest you know. Fell into a hole and was saved by you."</p> <p class="cnM0MWJiZWUxNTIzMDRlZjZiYjMzMGQwY2E0YzYxMGJj" style="text-align: justify">"Sounds indeed unfortunate that you didn't manage to cut his balls off, yeah. On the other hand, it's my assumption that, because he was bleeding quite heavily, the Yeti chased them because it was attracted by his blood. So in a way, it was a good thing that you didn't hurt him more than you did, otherwise, the Yeti wouldn't have been there to help me with killing your captors. And I wouldn't have been able to add the Yeti species to my repertoire."</p> <p class="cnM2N2M5MmM0YjZiNjQwYmU5YjIwNzBmZTA2NmRhYmYx" style="text-align: justify">"You...can create Yeti's now somehow?"</p> <p class="cnMzYzk3NTVmNGVjNjQxMjA4ZmI0NmJhNzI2YzE5MTYy" style="text-align: justify">"Yes, they cost quite a lot more but I can. They seem crazy strong as well. They most likely will make fine guards to keep me safe for now. I do have another question though. Who was the fat man? Do you know him? He seemed to be someone important&nbsp;and rich, judging on the quality of his clothes and the ring he was wearing that I couldn't absorb. When I looked at it, it seemed as if it was magical in nature. I don't know if magical items are rare or not, but since the thugs didn't carry any, I would assume they are at least uncommon."</p> <p class="cnM3NmY4YzhmOWY5OTRmOGFhYzVhZGU0NGI2OTdmY2U2" style="text-align: justify">"That fat pig was one of my kingdom's nobles. He was baron Ronhein Svarhall. A relative minor noble that was a member of the faction of nobles that politically opposes the king. How he ever grew the pair needed to stage my kidnapping is still beyond me for he was known as a coward and an opportunist. And as you said, he was quite well off but not as filthy rich as some other nobles. As far as the item you are talking about goes until you'll let me see it, I can't tell you what it might be."</p> <p class="cnMzODRkMDJhZDA0MzQ1MTdiYjhkYjQ3OTFiZWUwYWUz" style="text-align: justify">I manipulate some earth to form a crude pedestal with the ring lying on top of it. Mary-ann slowly approaches it and looks it over without touching it. Her eyes slowly grow wide and with an unbelieving face, she just stares at my gem.</p> <p class="cnM1ZjI1MzYyMWMyNDQzYzJhMjU0NTJmNGQ5MDYzYWI4" style="text-align: justify">"Do you really have no idea what this is? The item you just have lying around here is called a possession ring. They are bound to their wearers and most often even to their family or heirs. When they are bound to the wearers family and the wearer dies, the rings teleport themselves to said family. Alerting the family of the wearer's death and making sure that the rings don't get in the wrong person's hands. A possession ring is a magical item that holds a magically and legally binding deed of ownership proving the wearer is the owner of a plot of land. They are often used for quite large plots of land. In general, nobles usually have many of them. Occasionally the wealthier merchants own them as well. The beauty of possession rings is that they give the wearer a little bit of power and influence over the land it is bound to. From what I can gather, this ring represents the ENTIRE mountain and even some of the land around it, most of it part of the forest at the foot of the mountain chain."</p> <p class="cnM4YmIyMjI0NDBmNDRkZmRhNTUxMGRhODlkMzQ0NTcy" style="text-align: justify">"That sounds amazing, truly a wonderful and lucky find then. But this makes me wonder though. Was the baron Heirless and familyless? Why else would it not teleport to his heir or family?"</p> <p class="cnNhZWI4NWFmNDk1YTQ4ZmY4NmY0MWQxNmZjMmJmYjM2" style="text-align: justify">"That is actually a rather good question. If I remember well, he had a wife, two sons and a daughter. He likely carried many rings when he came here that teleported back towards them. For it to not happen to this one, especially one that spans such a big area, something weird must be going on. The ring was most likely never bound to them, which is what makes it weird. As I said, most people don't want valuable plots of land to get in the wrong person's hands. Maybe he never wanted anyone to find out about his involvement in my kidnapping and therefore he never bound it to his family.<br>Whatever his reason was, it would seem that you only gained from it. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of this mountain."</p> <p class="cnM1NjI2YzExYzg2NjQ1YjA4MTY2MWI5ZmM1NmMzZWJl" style="text-align: justify">"How do I claim this as my own then?"</p> <p class="cnNlYzg0YTQ0YTc1MjRiZjZhMmFhNmRjOGQ4M2ZkZDRm" style="text-align: justify">"Normally, one would put the ring on one of his fingers and bind the ring to his or her mana. And once it is bound to him, one would bind it to his or her blood and maybe even specify who of his or her blood it should go to. But with you not having any fingers nor any blood, I have no idea of how you could become its owner. I don't even know if a dungeon can even become the owner of one of these rings."</p> <p class="cnM5OGZmZWJkN2U4ODQ3OGM5MTVkYTk3ODBkNGQyNjYw" style="text-align: justify">"Master, if I might but in? I might know of a way for you to become the owner of this ring. As I said earlier, any person that offers you its unwavering loyalty and services becomes a minion of sorts of you. With such a minion, for a lack of better word, you can then use said minion to claim the ring. Even though the minion claims the ring, you become the owner of the ring since you are the master of said minion."</p> <p class="cnMyOGU2ODNkNjc3MjRmOTA5NWNjMDI0NGFhNTA0YzQ5" style="text-align: justify">Again, Mary-ann gets a pensive look on her face. After a couple of minutes, the pensive look on her face turns into one of determination. She looks straight at me and with a serious voice says to me:</p> <p class="cnM4N2E2ZjhkZjExZjQxNmFhZGM1NWFkZWEyNDFjNzQ4" style="text-align: justify">"Aaron, I would like to offer you my full and unwavering loyalty. To protect you to the best of my ability, anyway I can. To keep you safe from any noble or person that might want to exploit you. I admit, my decision is partially influenced by the gratitude I feel towards you for saving me. But I'm also intrigued by you. I've never met a dungeon core, never even seen it with my own eyes. And I could have never even dreamed of meeting a dungeon like you. An actual living creature that has the power of creation in his own little domain. Thus I pledge myself unto you, to do with me as you see fit."</p> <p class="cnM3NjBjYjZmZTkzNjRlZGJhYjQzODhmNGQ0YTQ2ZDgy" style="text-align: justify"><em><strong>Mary-Ann of Ralomar offers you her full and unwavering loyalty.<br>A claim such as this is automatically verified with magic to protect a dungeon core from abuse.<br></strong></em><em><strong>Her claim is found to be the truth.<br></strong></em><strong><em>If you accept her offer, she becomes your agent, free to act outside your dungeon. Doing whatever she can, all in the best interest of your dungeon. She will act as your representative in the outside world and will never be able to, as long as she remains your agent, to intentionally harm you in any way.<br></em></strong><strong><em>A contract like this can only be broken with the consent of both parties for loyalty goes both ways.<br></em></strong><strong><em>She will receive some benefits as well. She will be touched by your mana which will increase her lifespan by a large amount and will even awake magical abilities if they weren't already present.</em></strong></p> <p class="cnMyODkwYTU0NGRkNzQxYTk5OTA5MDQxYzA0YTAwMzJm" style="text-align: justify"><strong><em>Would you like to accept her pledge and declare her to be Mary-Ann of Ralomar, Agent of Aaron Lightblade?</em></strong></p> </div>
*The woman's perspective:* She slowly woke up, feeling as if she either has the worst migraine in human history or as if she drunk way too much dwarven ale yesterday and now has a massive hangover. Torchlight stabs into her bleary eyes, making them water a bit. With a sigh, she closes her eyes again and snuggles back into the warm and softness around her. Wait. Warm? soft? With a start, she jumps wide awake. With wide and frantic eyes, she takes in her surroundings. It appears that she currently is in a cave that is well lit with torches. In the middle of the room stands a small pillar supporting a white, nearly round, gem. In front of it stands a lectern made of stone, containing a beautiful looking tome. Above the gem is a small chute through which the outside air can be seen. The air inside the cave feels crisp and her breath can be seen every time she breaths. Which raises the question, why isn't she feeling cold? In fact, she's feeling quite warm. Giving herself a once-over, she's surprised. Somehow, she's wearing soft, fur-lined clothes that appear to be made from higher grade materials. The clothes fit perfectly as well as if they were tailored specifically for her. she never even felt it when they, whoever they might be, put these clothes on her. How long was she even out for? The last thing she remembers is that she was running for her life after escaping from her captors. While she had been fleeing, she had run down the mountain wearing barely anything, not even shoes. She had been sure that she was either going to be recaptured and quite possibly raped or worse or that she was going to die from exposure on this snowy mountain. And yet, none of these things happened so far. The fact that she fell down a hole she never even knew was there seems to be her salvation for now. "Hello? Is there someone here?" Even though she can't see anyone around, she still asks this, if only to break the silence. As if on cue, two pairs of feline eyes open in the far corner. Straining her eyes, she can barely make out their grey shapes that somehow seem to perfectly blend in with the walls. Oddly enough, they just seem to stare at her, doing nothing else. Creepy. "Why yes, there is someone in here. You are in the presence of my master and its creations" A voice that sounds like old rustling papers answers her. Because of the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone around when she woke up, she didn't exactly expect anyone to answer her. She figured that, whoever saved her, went outside or something like that and she just had the bad luck to wake up when no-one was around. It appears that she was gravely mistaken, even though she can't seem to find the origin of the voice. Nor can she even see who this master is that the voice talked about. "Who are you? Where are you? And who is this master you talk about?" "I am WIKI" and with that statement, the book that in on the lectern in the middle of the room flies up, slowly flapping its pages as if it were a bird. "A... a talking book. DiI I hit my head or something like that when I fell?" "You did, in fact, hit your head when you fell. But that is not the point. You have not gone crazy, I assure you. You are, as you said, talking to a book. I'm WIKI, a magical tome familiar, in the employment of my benevolent master." "I...See. Please tell me then, who might this master be then who you are talking about? "My master is currently all around you, he is the very dungeon you are currently standing in" "A DUNGEON!" In shock, she just stares at the gem in the middle of the room. If she is in a dungeon somehow, that must mean that the gem that is just lying there in the middle of the room, is a dungeon core. An item that has the ultimate power of creation, some even consider a dungeon core to be akin to a demigod. What's even more shocking is the fact that she is in a dungeon and yet, she still lives. Dungeons are wonderful places that can create things out of thin air. But they have a darker side as well. They are notoriously dangerous and they don't hesitate to kill whatever wanders in them, all to get stronger or to satiate a primal desire. And yet, she is in here, safe and sound. And if she guessed right, this very dungeon might have even saved her by keeping her warm and maybe even defending her. Getting over her shock, she turns fully towards the core and bows towards it. "Thank you for saving me, it would seem like I'm in your debt" *My perspective:* Well, that's one way to make a statement. She makes it sound as if I did something truly unexpected or unbelievable. Anyway, that is of no matter for now. What I would like to know is if I can talk to her. Since I have no actual mouth, I can't just talk to her. Somehow WIKI is capable of speech, but I have to assume this is due to his magical nature. "WIKI, is there a way so I can communicate with her?" WIKI turns towards me and shifts his posture so it would seem as if he were addressing me, confusing the woman in the process. For the sake of the woman, he says aloud: "Yes and no, master. Currently, there's no way for you to communicate with her since you don't have an avatar yet. Mind to mind speech is also not possible since she is not one of your creatures. The only way for you to be able to communicate with her would be if she offered you her full and unwavering loyalty of her own free will. This way, she would become somewhat a minion of yours and would thus enable you to speak to her mind to mind." Upon hearing this, she becomes pensive. "Well WIKI, seeing as that a normal person would be unlikely to become one of my minions, you shall just have to be my voice for now" "very well master" WIKI turns back towards the woman and says to her: "Since my master has no conceivable way yet to communicate with you directly, I will act as his proxy for now." "WIKI, tell her that, if she has any questions, she should feel free to ask. Tell her as well that I have some questions of my own that I would like an answer to." "Lady, my master wants me to tell you that if you have any questions, you should feel free to ask and he will answer them to the best of his capabilities. He also wants me to tell you that he has some questions of his own that he hopes you can answer for him." "I would be glad to answer any question your master has. Might I start then with a question?" "Go ahead" "Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that the dungeon of your master seems on the small side. This is a bit weird since your master seems, from what I can hear, more or less fully aware and sentient. This leads me to only one unlikely conclusion. Is your master, the dungeon, an actual person? Is he as truly alive as I think he is?" "My my, she doesn't beat around the bush. WIKI, tell her this. It is as you suspect. I'm in fact a newborn dungeon and thus rather small. I barely even got my first level yet. And yet, I'm as you say fully sapient and sentient. What I won't tell you though is how I came to be, this is a little secret of mine I'm going to keep close to my chest. What I would like to know though is, who are you?  I can't just keep calling woman or lady after all" "Oh, my sincerest apologies, how rude of me. Yes, proper introductions are in order. I'm princess Mary-Ann of Ralomar, niece of the king of Ralomar, His Royal Majesty Edmond of Ralomar. Might I ask what your name is, sir dungeon? A princess. In my dungeon even. Granted, she's only the niece of the current king, but still. Being in the presence of royalty is nothing to sneeze at. But now I'm in a bit of a pickle here, since I don't really have a name. According to my character screen, I'm just called 'unnamed dungeon'. And going with my name from my previous life just feels wrong. What if I go with the name I always pick in games? "You may call me Aaron Lightblade." ***Would you like to change your name to Aaron Lightblade? You can only change your name once and are given this chance because you came to this world unnamed.*** Heck yes. A quick check of my character screen brings a smile to my proverbial face. | Name: | Aaron Lightblade | | --- | --- | | Level: | 1 | | Location: | Dragon mountains | | Dungeon companion: | WIKI, the endless tome | | Mana: | 10 360 mana | | Mana collection: | 0,0050 mana per second | | Mana needed for next level: | 100 000 mana | | Integrity of the core: | 100% | | Chosen dungeon monsters: | Animals | | special achievements: | *First dungeon with an artificial core | | Titles: | Inventor | | Learned skills: | Mana senses | | Numbers of floors: | 1 floor | | Inhabitants: | 3 | I finally have a name according to this world. And I have a nice bit of mana lying around, which I gained from the kills, the items and the little bit of digging I did previously. But I'm getting sidetracked. "I have some more questions if you don't mind. As I've said before,  I'm a newborn dungeon and thus I'm pretty new to this world in a way. I don't have any of the basic information a normal person might have. I have no idea how this world is called, what continent I'm on nor do I know what kingdom or empire I'm in. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm located somewhere in the dragon mountains. But even my knowledge of the dragon mountains is slim. Do they span for hundreds of kilometres?  Or are they somewhat isolated and not part of a mountain chain? " "Geography one Oh One then. Your dungeon lies in the kingdom of Ralomar, ruled as I previously said by my family. The dragon mountains are a chain of mountains that span for over a thousand kilometres in length and are over two hundred kilometres wide and form the natural border between Ralomar and the empire of light. Your dungeon lies only at the start of these mountains, in fact, if you were to go down the mountainside, you would encounter forests and flatlands. Your dungeon is located on an altitude above the perpetual snowline, meaning that this area is always covered in snow, all year round. The kingdom of Ralomar and the empire of light both lie on a continent of Allanaar. The kingdom of ralomar has some smaller neighbours as well, but they are hardly noteworthy and are our allies so I'm not going to elaborate on them. If you truly want more information about them, I can cover them in a course of geology one oh two." "That is a lot to take in. Now, on to other business. I want to ask you some questions that might bring up bad memories or that might make you uncomfortable. You can always refuse to answer them of course if you think I go too far or if they are too painful." "Go ahead, I'm a big girl. And despite what you might think, I'm not as emotionally scarred or unstable as you might think I am." "Okay then. I presume that the men that chased you in here, which died in here while you were out, by the way, were your captors and that you somehow managed to escape?" "Oh, they chased me and died in here? That is wonderful news. How many followed me? and was there a fat one as well? Did he die a horrible and/or humiliating death?" "There were five of them, one of them the fat guy you are thinking of, I think. They all died because a Yeti chased them and nearly killed one of them. Since it sounds like you despise the guy, I can tell you that he got his face smashed in and got snacked upon. In fact, he was the very first to die since he slipped on the ice that lines my corridor and fell flat on his fat ass." "Hah, serves that bastard right. They only lightly guarded me, thinking that the mountain would be enough to deter most people from saving me if they even know where I am. Therefore, the four others were the only ones guarding me." "How did you get captured? I would assume that a member of the royal family like yourself would be well guarded. But seeing those thug's fighting prowess, they seemed like normal thugs and not capable of fighting a lot of guards." "Well, quite stupidly actually. I was returning from a diplomatic mission and decided to stay in a roadside inn. I and my guards took up an entire floor with my room in the middle. But they must have known or guessed that we would stop there for when after they served us dinner, all guards that ate started falling asleep, myself included. The very few guards that didn't eat anything were sadly killed in the confusion. I can only assume that my captors just picked me up and walked out, just like that. I only hope that they just left when they kidnapped me and that they didn't slit the throats of my guards. When I woke up again, I was tied like a hog, stripped of all of my valuables and was clothes in simple clothes that nearly came apart the seams. After a couple of awful cold and hard days, we arrived at their hideout that was a bit further up the mountain where they split up. Most of them went back downhill to guard the way up and as I said, only those four stayed high up in the mountains to guard me." "How did you manage to escape?" "I got lucky, I think. The fat one that died in here was their leader or the one that hired them, I think. After a week of captivity up here in the mountains, he arrived in the hideout. The very first thing he did when he arrived was to order the captors out so he could have his fun with me. Which was the first of many mistakes he made. When he was grabbing at me and trying to fondle me, I noticed he still had his knife strapped to his belt. With him distracted, it was easy for me to grab for it and to slash at his belly and face. Sadly enough, I couldn't reach his balls because his fat belly protected them, otherwise I would have cut them off. With him reeling back from the pain, I quickly cut through my bonds and just ran outside into the snow. Not thinking where I could go to, only that I wanted to get as far away from there as possible. And the rest you know. Fell into a hole and was saved by you." "Sounds indeed unfortunate that you didn't manage to cut his balls off, yeah. On the other hand, it's my assumption that, because he was bleeding quite heavily, the Yeti chased them because it was attracted by his blood. So in a way, it was a good thing that you didn't hurt him more than you did, otherwise, the Yeti wouldn't have been there to help me with killing your captors. And I wouldn't have been able to add the Yeti species to my repertoire." "You...can create Yeti's now somehow?" "Yes, they cost quite a lot more but I can. They seem crazy strong as well. They most likely will make fine guards to keep me safe for now. I do have another question though. Who was the fat man? Do you know him? He seemed to be someone important and rich, judging on the quality of his clothes and the ring he was wearing that I couldn't absorb. When I looked at it, it seemed as if it was magical in nature. I don't know if magical items are rare or not, but since the thugs didn't carry any, I would assume they are at least uncommon." "That fat pig was one of my kingdom's nobles. He was baron Ronhein Svarhall. A relative minor noble that was a member of the faction of nobles that politically opposes the king. How he ever grew the pair needed to stage my kidnapping is still beyond me for he was known as a coward and an opportunist. And as you said, he was quite well off but not as filthy rich as some other nobles. As far as the item you are talking about goes until you'll let me see it, I can't tell you what it might be." I manipulate some earth to form a crude pedestal with the ring lying on top of it. Mary-ann slowly approaches it and looks it over without touching it. Her eyes slowly grow wide and with an unbelieving face, she just stares at my gem. "Do you really have no idea what this is? The item you just have lying around here is called a possession ring. They are bound to their wearers and most often even to their family or heirs. When they are bound to the wearers family and the wearer dies, the rings teleport themselves to said family. Alerting the family of the wearer's death and making sure that the rings don't get in the wrong person's hands. A possession ring is a magical item that holds a magically and legally binding deed of ownership proving the wearer is the owner of a plot of land. They are often used for quite large plots of land. In general, nobles usually have many of them. Occasionally the wealthier merchants own them as well. The beauty of possession rings is that they give the wearer a little bit of power and influence over the land it is bound to. From what I can gather, this ring represents the ENTIRE mountain and even some of the land around it, most of it part of the forest at the foot of the mountain chain." "That sounds amazing, truly a wonderful and lucky find then. But this makes me wonder though. Was the baron Heirless and familyless? Why else would it not teleport to his heir or family?" "That is actually a rather good question. If I remember well, he had a wife, two sons and a daughter. He likely carried many rings when he came here that teleported back towards them. For it to not happen to this one, especially one that spans such a big area, something weird must be going on. The ring was most likely never bound to them, which is what makes it weird. As I said, most people don't want valuable plots of land to get in the wrong person's hands. Maybe he never wanted anyone to find out about his involvement in my kidnapping and therefore he never bound it to his family. Whatever his reason was, it would seem that you only gained from it. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of this mountain." "How do I claim this as my own then?" "Normally, one would put the ring on one of his fingers and bind the ring to his or her mana. And once it is bound to him, one would bind it to his or her blood and maybe even specify who of his or her blood it should go to. But with you not having any fingers nor any blood, I have no idea of how you could become its owner. I don't even know if a dungeon can even become the owner of one of these rings." "Master, if I might but in? I might know of a way for you to become the owner of this ring. As I said earlier, any person that offers you its unwavering loyalty and services becomes a minion of sorts of you. With such a minion, for a lack of better word, you can then use said minion to claim the ring. Even though the minion claims the ring, you become the owner of the ring since you are the master of said minion." Again, Mary-ann gets a pensive look on her face. After a couple of minutes, the pensive look on her face turns into one of determination. She looks straight at me and with a serious voice says to me: "Aaron, I would like to offer you my full and unwavering loyalty. To protect you to the best of my ability, anyway I can. To keep you safe from any noble or person that might want to exploit you. I admit, my decision is partially influenced by the gratitude I feel towards you for saving me. But I'm also intrigued by you. I've never met a dungeon core, never even seen it with my own eyes. And I could have never even dreamed of meeting a dungeon like you. An actual living creature that has the power of creation in his own little domain. Thus I pledge myself unto you, to do with me as you see fit." ***Mary-Ann of Ralomar offers you her full and unwavering loyalty. A claim such as this is automatically verified with magic to protect a dungeon core from abuse.******Her claim is found to be the truth.******If you accept her offer, she becomes your agent, free to act outside your dungeon. Doing whatever she can, all in the best interest of your dungeon. She will act as your representative in the outside world and will never be able to, as long as she remains your agent, to intentionally harm you in any way.******A contract like this can only be broken with the consent of both parties for loyalty goes both ways.******She will receive some benefits as well. She will be touched by your mana which will increase her lifespan by a large amount and will even awake magical abilities if they weren't already present.*** ***Would you like to accept her pledge and declare her to be Mary-Ann of Ralomar, Agent of Aaron Lightblade?***
{ "title": "I Am A Hero: I Believe I Can Fly", "id": 20820, "author": "MajorTom", "rating": 3.5 }
{ "title": "Chapter 21", "id": 306022, "next": 306804, "prev": 305057, "prev_info": "", "next_info": "" }
<div class="chapter-inner chapter-content"> <p class="cnNkNzA3YTZiNjRjNzQzMjI4NDk1ZjRmYThjN2UxZTE1"><strong>3.5</strong></p> <p class="cnNhZmVkZjQxN2I5ZDRkMWQ4YWE4MTI0NWZlOTBkYTBj"><strong>To catch a fish</strong></p> <p class="cnM2Mzk4MTYxMzc0ZTQ3YTM4Y2YxYzk4ZjU3MjcyODE0">After the chat with Victor, Hiro went out to find an empty house. Owain had gone out on a business much to his dismay while all the women were in the bath. He could wait for them or another thought, looked for the other summoned.</p> <p class="cnNmYmUzMTVkNGUwMzQwZTI5NDgzZDc3MmVmZWEzNzA0">Hiro: {Momo-chan, are you there?}</p> <p class="cnM4N2YyMzI3MTQ3MTRmODBiYmZhYTkxNDFiZjNlMDM3">Momo-chan: [Of course, why do you even need to ask?]</p> <p class="cnM5Y2Q0Yjc2YTM4YjQ5MzQ5OWUwNjY1MTg5NjVkMzFk">Hiro: {No, it’s just that you seem rather quiet. I thought maybe something had gone wrong}</p> <p class="cnMzOTY4NWE2NTgxODQ3MTI4N2RmMzY1MWRhOGIxMDgw">Momo-chan: [Oh, are you worry about me?]</p> <p class="cnMwZGNhMzEyZWRjOTQwMWFiNzRmNmFiNmNmZjZmNWUz">Hiro: {Of course}</p> <p class="cnNkYWZkZThkN2FmYzRmZTU5NmNmODg1Y2Q0MDUzNWNj">Momo-chan: [That answer was quick… Anyway, I am alright, just processing all the information that Victor told us]</p> <p class="cnNmNDdkYmY4NzhmNjQzMGFhZDczMjMzMjlmNGNiMDE2">Hiro: {And holding hand with Suiren for hours?}</p> <p class="cnM0MjNkNDA1Y2ExNTQ5MDM4MjdlMGMyMDY4NDRhZmMz">Momo-chan: [That is like eons ago now!]</p> <p class="cnM0MDllOGVhOGIyYzRkNmViMjg1Njc0OTI5N2JhY2Fm">Hiro: {Not really}</p> <p class="cnM1Zjg5OTkyMmE0YTQ0NTNiMjVkMzM0ZjAyOGYyNDQx">Momo-chan: [Anyway, as I have said, I was thinking about what Victor told us]</p> <p class="cnM4OGU2ZmZlOGJjOTQ1NTVhM2JkOWMyM2RkNzlhMmUy">Hiro: {And holding hand with Suiren for hours?}</p> <p class="cnNhNTQ1Njk2YmFmYTRhYjI4MTM1NGFhZjdkNTJlZmJm">Momo-chan: [… Alright, maybe a bit of that]</p> <p class="cnM1NTk0NWNiZGVkNjQ4MmFhYTJjMTRiODQ1MDNiZDRl">Hiro: {Just a bit?}</p> <p class="cnNkN2Q1ODcxY2Y1NDRkNzNiZDkxYzBjOGY4YmNiYjU4">Momo-chan: [… Maybe most]</p> <p class="cnMyMzdlMTdmOWZjMzQ2ZjJiZWZjZTJlNWExZjRhMjZh">Hiro: {That’s my boy. You are such a dork, and I mean that in the adorable way}</p> <p class="cnNkMzRiOGEwNmNlNDQ0NjQ5YmNlZTNiMDAyOTdjYjI4">Momo-chan: [Am I that easy to read… even though I don’t have a face]</p> <p class="cnNhYmJkZDFlN2I1ODQwNzViNjYyNTkyOTIyNTk4ZDQ1">Hiro: {Dunno, but you are me from the past after all}</p> <p class="cnNkMzRkNDU1NTYwNzQ4ZjE4YThhOTllZGJhZGU2Yjg5">Saying that suddenly made Hiro thinks. Yes, he was once like this, completely occupied about holding hand with his crush like this. That was just… sad…</p> <p class="cnNlZTBiODQ0MTY4ODRmYzViNTQ5MzBmZmJjMWQzNzI3">The young man asked around about the whereabout of his fellow summoned. He was directed to the beach where Malcolm and Conrad were sitting on a rock, fishing.</p> <p class="cnM4YzMwNGExM2Y3MTQwMTZiZDUxOTFkOTNiZWU2NThh">“Hi there”</p> <p class="cnMyY2VlODM3ZDg4YTQwNTJhYTc1MjNlN2RmZWY3Yzdl">Said Hiro as he tried to make his way up the rock. Malcolm gave him a half-hearted wave while Conrad just sat there.</p> <p class="cnMyMmM1M2FlYTU1MDQ2NzQ4YjQ0ZWE5NTU4ZTg4Y2I2">“Um, is there any fish this close to the shore?”</p> <p class="cnMxZTQwYmY5MzZhZTQ5NDJhYzUyNTg5Mjc3OGQ3MzJm">“Apparently yes” Answered the youth “The townsfolk use some sort of bait to lure fishes closer. The effect should still linger, at least that’s what I was told”</p> <p class="cnNmNjBhNTkyMTcyZTQyMWFhMGMwZjM2MDA4OGZmOTU3">“So you haven’t gotten anything yet?”</p> <p class="cnNkMDM4YzBiZmZlMzRhYzdhNWQ4MGZlZWIzZjliMWE0">The question was met with silence. Hiro peered into the bucket to find nothing. Guess Malcolm didn’t find that question worth answering while Conrad was just… quiet as usual.</p> <p class="cnMyYTM3M2NjM2RlODQ0MDJhZTc2NjkwMGRiOGZlMjNi">The young man took a seat next to the two.</p> <p class="cnMwN2U5NjJhYTg2MjQwYTY5ZjY1Y2IxMjhlMzZkNzUy">“We don’t really have another fishing rod here”</p> <p class="cnNmYTY2YjlmYzcwNDRiMDE4ZTBmMjY0ZTJhNzVkMTY2">“It’s fine, I just want to sit here for a bit”</p> <p class="cnNjODU5YmM0NzdlMTQxNTViMDJmNWY1YzJkZTYwZmU5">“So how was it? Getting your arm cut opened?”</p> <p class="cnMyNWQ1YjdiOGExNTQ1YzdiZDMwMmY5OWMyNjgxYWRl">“Um, that actually didn’t happen, he just wanted to talk with me”</p> <p class="cnMzMWIwNjU4YjI5OTQ2NWZhMjYxOTBiODg0MDc4MDdh">“I thought as much”</p> <p class="cnM0YzdhZGI4MDViMDQ1ODg5ZTEyMjM1MGY1NjlkYzVi">The youth commented casually as if it was the most natural conclusion. He leaned back comfortably with only one hand on the rod. Although there was still an intense concentration in his eyes. Fishing was a serious matter and he wouldn’t return empty handed.</p> <p class="cnNkOTM3MjY5MGYyYjRjZDM4N2M4YmMyMDhjNTMwMTYx">“What did you think then?”</p> <p class="cnM0NGYxMjRiMDhhMDQzYTA5ODgyNDIyMjQzMTE4YTI1">“Well, that Victor guy was just trying to rile up your precious princess”</p> <p class="cnM0ODU3NWRmMDNjZTQ3OTFhZTQ4MDhjOWRlMDhjNzFm">Momo-chan: [Why did he have to say it like that!]</p> <p class="cnNhMGQ2ZDRjNGYzOTRkNTNiNTQyMDA2MTAyMDYwZDhm">{Calm down, he just wanted to trigger me}</p> <p class="cnM5YzA5ZjhjZDNmMzQ0OTM4ODhiYzAwZGM1YjZhM2Zi">“I see”</p> <p class="cnNjODg0ODE5NzQ1OTQ5NWFiMWY2NDJlYWY0NzQwZmQ3">Hiro replied calmly, he looked to the side to see a smirk on the youth’s face. Was that measured respond expected? He had no idea.</p> <p class="cnMxZjJhNjIyY2EzOTQ1ZjRiYzUwOTQ4OTY3NTdmNDBj">Nevertheless, he had figured out Malcolm way. The youth didn’t seem to care about much at all. But in fact, his scruffy hair and bowler hat hid a pair of keen eyes. Malcolm never stopped observing his surrounding, especially the people and their reactions.</p> <p class="cnNjZjY4Y2Q0OTQ0NTQ1ZGY4MmJkYWQ1OGNjZTBjMmFk">Hiro continued the conversation.</p> <p class="cnNkNWZiNzNlZTk2MTRmMDBhYTlkNGU5MDIwM2JhMDYw">“Why would he do that though?”</p> <p class="cnNiOTg5ZmI2NTA0ZjQxNTJhOTdjYjZjYmQ2NzBhYjVh">“I have no idea. But he sure like doing that, that guy would never failed to stress on the word ‘princess’”</p> <p class="cnNkZDc4YjY1ODBlYjRkOTZiN2FkNGFiZWQwNTJkYjdj">Momo-chan: [And so do you]</p> <p class="cnM2NzBlOTA4NGMzNDQ1YWE5YjJmNmE4OTdmODI3MGQ5">Willow sure wasn’t comfortable with that title, Hiro had noticed. It seemed like the girl hid her status out of a sense of inadequacy more than anything.</p> <p class="cnM2NDhiNWNhN2Y1OTQ4ZDE5ODI2ODYzODJlM2Q3ZTkw">“What about you?”</p> <p class="cnNlZGZiMTUyM2UyNDQ4OWY4MjcwZTliY2JjM2NlMzc2">“Hm?”</p> <p class="cnNmMGMyOTQ3YTllMTRlM2NhYzBjZjI0NWE3ZDRjZGIw">“You sure like to dig at her as well”</p> <p class="cnNmNDYxMmUwZTk1ODQyN2ZhZTc1MzNiYTcxODg0Mzlj">“Oh that, I could say it straight to you that was because I hate her. Actually, that was too strong. No, I loath that girl, although it isn’t exactly her fault though”</p> <p class="cnM0MDk4NGJkYzcyYzRiYzZhY2Q0ZTJiMWZkZDA1MGQy">Momo-chan: […]</p> <p class="cnNjZDhhYjg4YjU0YzRiMDc5MGVhNjJiYzU1NTU2MzZk">Before Hiro could say anything, Malcolm sat up and held his fishing rod tight in an instant. Something bit. The youth grinned with anticipation, there was a subdue sense of enthusiasm that affected even Hiro himself.</p> <p class="cnNjYjEwOTZmNTI0NjQ3YmJhMjY3MWQxZDJlYzBmNjFk">“Can you pull it up!”</p> <p class="cnNkMzcyZmI2ZWE3YTQ3OWViZWU4YjNkY2M1YmVkMzIx">“Nah, got to tire the thing out first”</p> <p class="cnMzZjk3ZWY5ZjAyODRhMmZhNjM1ODgwOGI2OTM0Mjlh">The fish struggled violently but Malcolm’s grip was firm. Hiro was worried, however, as the string got yanked again and again. To made matter worse, these fishing rods seemed to be handmade.</p> <p class="cnNhNzYxZDExZDc2NzQwOWRiNmQzNDM2OTI1OGQzZjZh">“At this rate it will break!”</p> <p class="cnM5OTllMGRjMjY5MzQxZTVhNWJmMzQwNzgyYzVkYTgz">“No, you need to have trust”</p> <p class="cnNkMTVjNmQ0MThiYzRiMWNhYjI5MTU2ZTUxYTM0OTVj">The youth assured Hiro. His voice filled with certainty and confidence. The young man could feel something in him… he also wanted to believe.</p> <p class="cnM4MTg0MzYyOWUxNDRlNzhhN2RiYWMzNzliZjQ4NmE3">“Come on, come on”</p> <p class="cnNhMzkwNTQ0YTc5OTQ0Mzk4ZTQ1OTQwOTQ3ZGM4MGFk">Soon the string started to loosen, tension started to mount up. It then erupted as the youth yanked the rod up. The fish, however, wasn’t contended to die like that. With the last of its strength, it struggled one last time and with great effort, broke free.</p> <p class="cnM1NWI3MjFmZmZkOTQxZmZhMTdhYjI0ZDk3NWMwZDAy">Hiro and Malcolm watched on silently as the creature plopped back down the water surface, its journey and achievement grand.</p> <p class="cnNiMmQ1ZGVkNGFjZTRhZWY4NDZjNzIzMDA2NmQ2MGM1"> “Oh well, what a shame”</p> <p class="cnM1NDAwMDUxMThlNTRiNmQ5NDQ3YzU2MDgyZmZmZTBh">Malcolm got a new bait, a fresh worm. The two sat back down exactly where they left off. They looked to the side to find Conrad silently dropped a fresh catch inside the bucket. He also caught one before that even.</p> <p class="cnM2YTMxNWVhNWUyYzRiNWRiZTg1ZTc2MzY3ODFkOTU2">The vagabond remained quiet, somehow, this reminded Hiro of Suiren.</p> <p class="cnNlNTcwMTdjYTE5MDRkMTI5NjhjZTMxZWJiYmVjMTVk">“So where are you from, Burgess-san?”</p> <p class="cnMxM2RlOTFlODM0ZjRhYzhhN2U2ZDUyNGUzNmYzOTFm">“Why do you want to know about that?”</p> <p class="cnMxYzFmNzEyMWQxZTQyYmM5ZWEwOWQ2YmJiY2Q1Y2Rl">“Just want to strike a conversation, that’s all”</p> <p class="cnM0ZWE0NmRjMjEyNzRkOThhOTE0MDJjMTQ5YjFhZjEx">“… England, London born and raised”</p> <p class="cnNmMjk4ZjVkYTI2ZjQxOWE4YTNhNmYzNTc4ODFkNjI1">“Oh, I have heard of that place…”</p> <p class="cnNhNTg0NmFjMzhkYzQ3ZGNiOWYyYTUzMTg5Y2Q4NzM3">Just saying those words made Hiro felt rather daft. Who hadn’t heard of one of the world superpower.</p> <p class="cnM4ZjI5YmQyNDQxZDQyZDk5Y2VjZTdlOTExMzI2YTEz">“And you are from Japan, I know that” Malcolm said “But what’s important is ‘when’ are you from”</p> <p class="cnMxYzEyN2Q2MGNlOTRjZTE5Y2RiMjJlYzk1OTNkMzhj">“Eh?”</p> <p class="cnM0ZTBhYmY3NDVjNzRiNDJhYTFhOWUwMmFlYWM3NmQy">“Looks at Conrad, he is ancient. What if you and me are from different time as well?”</p> <p class="cnM0NGNhZTQ3Y2U4NjQxN2VhOWI5YzA2ZTYyMzY1MjY3">“Well, I am from 1996”</p> <p class="cnNmZjAwNTZlMDRkNjQ1YTU4ZjBmZGI4NWYwOTY4ZDA1">“… I see”</p> <p class="cnNjZGQ1OGJlOTBhOTQzM2RhYTdjYTViZTA3NjQxOGI3">“What about you?”</p> <p class="cnM1ZTRkOGM3NjYzMDQ3NGM4NzE4NDgzYmE0ZDFmODhi">“It doesn’t matter, it’s not like you would know anything about my period anyway”</p> <p class="cnNkODVlYWQ1OTY3ZDQ2ZDRhZWEyMTJlMjNkYTZhNWRm">“Then do you know anything about mine?”</p> <p class="cnMwOGM4N2RiYzhhYTRiMDQ5NGM3ZDUzZjcyM2MzMDc5">“Absolutely nothing”</p> <p class="cnM4N2E1NWVhOTVjYzQ0YzQ5ODM2YzMzMTQxZGE4ZDk4">“Then why did you ask me that?”</p> <p class="cnNiZWYwYmI2ZGMwNDQ0NGQ4ODY0ODAyMDk0ZjMzZmJh">“I just wanted to know, you didn’t have to answer”</p> <p class="cnMzMzg3NDFjM2U5MDRmNzVhYmJiYmM2ZjQ0OWNkMzY4">“Well, I did give you one. And I wouldn’t mind knowing”</p> <p class="cnNhNjc0ZWJhYzliODRjMjJiZjg4MmY3MWI5NmZhNzM1">“1868”</p> <p class="cnMxOTQ5NWU4ZjY3YjQ5NWVhZmY1ZGY4YWFlOWUwYjIz">“Eh?”</p> <p class="cnNhM2FkMmUzNDQ1YjQ4ZDY5ODg0YmEwMzQwZGQwOTU1">“I am from 1868”</p> <p class="cnNkZmQwNjA3YmJiODRkZGJiZjk4MmVmNjhjNzkyOGNi">Hiro really had no idea about England in that period. But at least now he knew they are more than a century apart. Conrad, meanwhile, probably went way back even further.</p> <p class="cnNlZWZhYjQwODViNjQ4YzRhNjhhYzE0ZjRjMjIyOGE1">The conversation also died there and everyone sat in silence enjoying the breeze. To be honest, that wasn’t a bad idea per se. That was when Hiro noticed a clicking sound, repeating again and again along a tune of sort. The sound of metal clicking.</p> <p class="cnNkNzZkNmRmMjk3ZDQ3MThhOGNkMjg2YWM5NzJkNzE0">He looked around to find the source but there was no need for that, Malcolm immediately said.</p> <p class="cnNiZjI5ZDAwNjk1ZDRjOGVhMjg0Mjk0MTMyNzY2YzQx">“It’s Conrad”</p> <p class="cnM1YzQ5ZTRiYzg1MTQ0MzU5NWEyMDhkYzdiNTZiY2Jk">“Eh?”</p> <p class="cnMwZWY2ZmZlMjU0MjQzOTc4ZWE1YzQwYTFhZDc5NWYx">“That clicking sound, it’s Conrad. He tends to click his fingers”</p> <p class="cnNlNWQwOTk4MDVkNTQzNWNiNzUxZDdiNTg0YTU5M2E5">And since he was wearing a metal gauntlet, hence the sound. The man stopped, however, as soon as he heard his name mentioned.</p> <p class="cnNjMWM0OTAzMTQ1MzRiNDlhYWEwOGU2MDkwMWU5ODRm">“It’s always the same short tune as well, again and again”</p> <p class="cnMxNzEzY2NlZTgyNjQzOTlhMzM4NjdlZThlZTVmYTM0">Hiro looked at the vagabond, his face unchanged. Actually, had he even made a different expression during their time here. He was just sitting there, looking at the fishing rod which was… moving. Hiro yells out loud.</p> <p class="cnM3MTAyMTBmZDNlNjQyOTc5ZjEwNDRiMzZiOGNjMGE1">“Conrad-san, you catch something there!”</p> <p class="cnM5ZjdmOTJiZTkwNTQ4MDFhMDdiNTdlYzhhYjZjNDQ3">It took a few seconds for the vagabond to process that. Even then, he fumbleed with the rod clumsily. Eventually, the thing slipped out of his hands and falls into the water.</p> <p class="cnNiOTJjMmM1OTdmNjQzMWVhMWYyNTY5NzVhMzQ1NzEz">Even though Conrad’s face was still unchanging, he somehow looked dejected. His weary eyes were unfocused, lost, his hands were still where he let go of the rod. Soon, his fingers started to click slightly, his usual tune. The vagabond regained his clarity.</p> <p class="cnM4NDUwNDllYWQxZDRjN2RiNDdhMDJmNWI2YTA4Mzk4">Conrad turned to Malcolm and bowed slightly “Sorry”</p> <p class="cnM5NTc3NzIxZDE4YTQyZTBhMmI1MmFhNWVjYjU5YTU2">“It’s fine, I can make more of that”</p> <p class="cnNkNjNhNDRhNDQzNDQ2ZjFhNzRlNDcyOTI2MWIxNGQx">“Wait” Hiro interjected “You made these rods?”</p> <p class="cnMyMmE4ODcwYTAyNTQ0NzViMzZmNzVjMGZjZTYwNDMx">“Yep, I was bored and that Pryce guy has quite a stocked workshop”</p> <p class="cnMyZWE3NmY3YTNlMDRiYWZiZWY3Y2U1M2Y1NWRjY2I5">“He does?”</p> <p class="cnMzMzljNjFhOGI4NzRmMGI4NWYzMjM1ZGNkZmZkMmI5">“It’s right next to his house, you didn’t know?”</p> <p class="cnM1ZGUxNDcxZDgwODRiNzE5MTEwNTU5MDFjZjgzYWJl">“No…”</p> <p class="cnMyMGYzZjE0YzdlNTQxNGI4YzYzMjI2ZTU3MGY1MTRk">Hiro felt rather embarrassed, he had stayed there for all of his duration here and yet this was the first time he heard of this. The young man turned to Malcolm to find a strained smile on the youth’s face.</p> <p class="cnNjMjFjOGMxMjk5ZjQ0NTA5ZmExY2IwNzVkNTJkYWVl">“Hey, how long was she behind us?”</p> <p class="cnNkOTZkNWRiY2ZkNDQ4ZjU5MTAyNzNmMDliMDk4NGM3">The young man turned around to find Suiren standing behind him. Suddenly confronted with that cracked white mask, his heart nearly dropped. He answered Malcolm truthfully.</p> <p class="cnM1YzZmN2Q1YTI2ODQ1MTJiNzk0ZTVjZTQ3OTllNGI0">“I have no idea”</p> <p class="cnNlMWE1N2U2NmJmNDQzMjdiODFkYTRmMGZiZDA4MDVi">The youth was rather fazed, although he tried to hide that.</p> <p class="cnMxZmQ0Y2Q4OGZiYzRkODNhOTkzNzc1MTQ0MjQzYzE4">Hiro: {Hm… Malcolm seems to be wary about Suiren. Even before when we were eating, he changed his seat to be further from us}</p> <p class="cnNjY2JlNDdmYjU1MjRhZDJhYTA3YzhmZmQ4NjQ2OTU3">Momo-chan: […]</p> <p class="cnNlMTU5ODA3MTQzMTQ1YWRhNmQ2MDM5YjA2YjgwOTRm">Hiro: {Oi, anyone home?}</p> <p class="cnMxMGZiZjE4ZWUzZDQxYWViYzQzYjdjMWNlNDBlNTE4">Momo-chan: [Eh, what did you say?]</p> <p class="cnM4NTMzNTA4ZTA0NjRiMTI4MTZiMGE2YTVjMGIyMDU4">Hiro: {Nothing at all}</p> <p class="cnM4MGJhMTkzZDU0NTRhYWI4MTJiODc1ZmFjMDQ2NDAy">Momo-chan: [Eh?]</p> <p class="cnNmMWNmNDRiOTEzZDRjZjM4ZjFlNWNmOGEzZTg3ZGU5">Momo-chan was of course stunted when he gazed at Suiren. Fresh from a bath, the woman looked stunning… for someone without a face. Not that long ago Hiro would also be taken aback by her as well. But that wasn’t the case now, the young man wondered what changed.</p> <p class="cnM4N2NhNjE4YmE2YTQ5NTJiMTJjZjk5N2FkMmNmMDg0">His train of thought was interrupted, however, as Malcolm seemed to catch something.</p> <p class="cnNjZDRjNGJjMDgzNDQ3NzZiNjAxMjlkM2Q0ZmZhZmNh">The youth had learnt a lot from his last mistake. This time tried not to make any sharp or sudden pulls. He would have to wait until the prey was completely exhausted.</p> <p class="cnNlOWU5MTI3MzgzNTQ4OWM4N2MwZWZhOGM1ZWU3MDY5">Which was quite a task since this seemed to be quite an energetic one. It struggled for much longer than the previous one. During all those time, however, Malcolm didn’t let his concentration drop once.</p> <p class="cnM1ZDA2ODEzZTA4ZjRjZDY4Yjc1NmFmMGFlZDVhODgw">Hiro was also pulled in, he anticipated the catch. The young man asked with bated breath.</p> <p class="cnMxZTUyOGY1Nzk0YjQ5OGJiYWNhNzQ5ZTM3OGU5YTI3">“When are you going to pull that up? It seems tired now”</p> <p class="cnM5MjBkZDdmMzhiZDQ5NWE5MjIxZWVjNWUyYTVhMzlk">“Just a bit more, that thing still got some fight left in him”</p> <p class="cnNiN2VkNjViMThkOTQyZmQ5MzM1MGRhMzhkMGNkZTZl">A bit more, a bit more, now! Malcolm pulled the rod up, along came the mighty fish, flopping helplessly. Hiro couldn’t help but exclaim out loud.</p> <p class="cnMxOWQ4OTUzM2VmYTRkNDA4M2Q1NjVmMWVlNmI5ZjUz">“Yes!”</p> <p class="cnMyMjQ2NjY5YjhkZTRiYzE4YzU2MmIyOTMxMDk2YjMz">“You are mine now”</p> <p class="cnNiYjIwZTM5ZGNkMzQ0NTE4ZTc5ZjBhYzU4ZjY2MmUy">Malcolm said with quite a sadistic grimace on his face. It soon turned into an empty grin, however, as the hook broke mid-air.</p> <p class="cnMzZGFlYjhhMjI5MTRhNDc4ZDI5NTc5NzVlYjI4MGY0">It was so close. Hiro felt like he could even catch the thing even. He reached out but of course it wasn’t enough. There was nothing to do but gazed on as the fish fell back into the sea, triumphed.</p> <p class="cnMzZDBlYjc0YzJiMjQ2OTZiMTE2ZTdlZTkzZTRhZTA2">At that dark time, the two could hear a faint… clicking sound.</p> <p class="cnM1MDdjZjM4YTU2MTQxNTY5NjlhZWZlMmM0NTdmY2Uy">The young man could only a flash before the fish was skewered by Conrad’s blade. The vagabond then slowly pulled the creature out of his sword. His face was still unchanged even after such a feat.</p> <p class="cnMxNGNhMzEyNTc4NjRmOTc4NDk2OGRlZDkyZWI4ZGM4">Hiro: {… Alright} Momo-chan: […Alright]</p> <p class="cnM0NTViMDBmOGEwOTRmOTU4MzlkZjBjOGI1MTkzZjI0">He then presented the fish in front of Malcolm. It seemed like the vagabond wanted the youth to claim his catch. Malcolm was, of course, puzzled by the gesture at first. He then, for once, smiled benevolently.</p> <p class="cnNlMzkxMzAyNzdiZDRlMzJiNTZiZWU0Mzg2NGYyNDcw">“Just throw it in along with the rest, I don’t want to touch the thing”</p> <p class="cnNjZjBhMGE2MjExZTQ1MzA4NGVhMzIwYTcwNWYyZDE2">Conrad nodded and walked toward the bucket next to Hiro. As he approached, the young man was surprised to find the man towering over him.</p> <p class="cnNjYzQ5MWUzZTUzNTRkMjhiYmYwYTExNGMyMWFhMTky">The vagabond was of course always this tall and he usually stood upright. And yet, this was the first time Hiro registered how much higher the man was.</p> <p class="cnMwZWVlNjUyZDU2MzQxODZhMzg5ZjllZDE4ODVmYzA4">Maybe he was daft after all.</p> </div>
**3.5** **To catch a fish** After the chat with Victor, Hiro went out to find an empty house. Owain had gone out on a business much to his dismay while all the women were in the bath. He could wait for them or another thought, looked for the other summoned. Hiro: {Momo-chan, are you there?} Momo-chan: [Of course, why do you even need to ask?] Hiro: {No, it’s just that you seem rather quiet. I thought maybe something had gone wrong} Momo-chan: [Oh, are you worry about me?] Hiro: {Of course} Momo-chan: [That answer was quick… Anyway, I am alright, just processing all the information that Victor told us] Hiro: {And holding hand with Suiren for hours?} Momo-chan: [That is like eons ago now!] Hiro: {Not really} Momo-chan: [Anyway, as I have said, I was thinking about what Victor told us] Hiro: {And holding hand with Suiren for hours?} Momo-chan: [… Alright, maybe a bit of that] Hiro: {Just a bit?} Momo-chan: [… Maybe most] Hiro: {That’s my boy. You are such a dork, and I mean that in the adorable way} Momo-chan: [Am I that easy to read… even though I don’t have a face] Hiro: {Dunno, but you are me from the past after all} Saying that suddenly made Hiro thinks. Yes, he was once like this, completely occupied about holding hand with his crush like this. That was just… sad… The young man asked around about the whereabout of his fellow summoned. He was directed to the beach where Malcolm and Conrad were sitting on a rock, fishing. “Hi there” Said Hiro as he tried to make his way up the rock. Malcolm gave him a half-hearted wave while Conrad just sat there. “Um, is there any fish this close to the shore?” “Apparently yes” Answered the youth “The townsfolk use some sort of bait to lure fishes closer. The effect should still linger, at least that’s what I was told” “So you haven’t gotten anything yet?” The question was met with silence. Hiro peered into the bucket to find nothing. Guess Malcolm didn’t find that question worth answering while Conrad was just… quiet as usual. The young man took a seat next to the two. “We don’t really have another fishing rod here” “It’s fine, I just want to sit here for a bit” “So how was it? Getting your arm cut opened?” “Um, that actually didn’t happen, he just wanted to talk with me” “I thought as much” The youth commented casually as if it was the most natural conclusion. He leaned back comfortably with only one hand on the rod. Although there was still an intense concentration in his eyes. Fishing was a serious matter and he wouldn’t return empty handed. “What did you think then?” “Well, that Victor guy was just trying to rile up your precious princess” Momo-chan: [Why did he have to say it like that!] {Calm down, he just wanted to trigger me} “I see” Hiro replied calmly, he looked to the side to see a smirk on the youth’s face. Was that measured respond expected? He had no idea. Nevertheless, he had figured out Malcolm way. The youth didn’t seem to care about much at all. But in fact, his scruffy hair and bowler hat hid a pair of keen eyes. Malcolm never stopped observing his surrounding, especially the people and their reactions. Hiro continued the conversation. “Why would he do that though?” “I have no idea. But he sure like doing that, that guy would never failed to stress on the word ‘princess’” Momo-chan: [And so do you] Willow sure wasn’t comfortable with that title, Hiro had noticed. It seemed like the girl hid her status out of a sense of inadequacy more than anything. “What about you?” “Hm?” “You sure like to dig at her as well” “Oh that, I could say it straight to you that was because I hate her. Actually, that was too strong. No, I loath that girl, although it isn’t exactly her fault though” Momo-chan: […] Before Hiro could say anything, Malcolm sat up and held his fishing rod tight in an instant. Something bit. The youth grinned with anticipation, there was a subdue sense of enthusiasm that affected even Hiro himself. “Can you pull it up!” “Nah, got to tire the thing out first” The fish struggled violently but Malcolm’s grip was firm. Hiro was worried, however, as the string got yanked again and again. To made matter worse, these fishing rods seemed to be handmade. “At this rate it will break!” “No, you need to have trust” The youth assured Hiro. His voice filled with certainty and confidence. The young man could feel something in him… he also wanted to believe. “Come on, come on” Soon the string started to loosen, tension started to mount up. It then erupted as the youth yanked the rod up. The fish, however, wasn’t contended to die like that. With the last of its strength, it struggled one last time and with great effort, broke free. Hiro and Malcolm watched on silently as the creature plopped back down the water surface, its journey and achievement grand. “Oh well, what a shame” Malcolm got a new bait, a fresh worm. The two sat back down exactly where they left off. They looked to the side to find Conrad silently dropped a fresh catch inside the bucket. He also caught one before that even. The vagabond remained quiet, somehow, this reminded Hiro of Suiren. “So where are you from, Burgess-san?” “Why do you want to know about that?” “Just want to strike a conversation, that’s all” “… England, London born and raised” “Oh, I have heard of that place…” Just saying those words made Hiro felt rather daft. Who hadn’t heard of one of the world superpower. “And you are from Japan, I know that” Malcolm said “But what’s important is ‘when’ are you from” “Eh?” “Looks at Conrad, he is ancient. What if you and me are from different time as well?” “Well, I am from 1996” “… I see” “What about you?” “It doesn’t matter, it’s not like you would know anything about my period anyway” “Then do you know anything about mine?” “Absolutely nothing” “Then why did you ask me that?” “I just wanted to know, you didn’t have to answer” “Well, I did give you one. And I wouldn’t mind knowing” “1868” “Eh?” “I am from 1868” Hiro really had no idea about England in that period. But at least now he knew they are more than a century apart. Conrad, meanwhile, probably went way back even further. The conversation also died there and everyone sat in silence enjoying the breeze. To be honest, that wasn’t a bad idea per se. That was when Hiro noticed a clicking sound, repeating again and again along a tune of sort. The sound of metal clicking. He looked around to find the source but there was no need for that, Malcolm immediately said. “It’s Conrad” “Eh?” “That clicking sound, it’s Conrad. He tends to click his fingers” And since he was wearing a metal gauntlet, hence the sound. The man stopped, however, as soon as he heard his name mentioned. “It’s always the same short tune as well, again and again” Hiro looked at the vagabond, his face unchanged. Actually, had he even made a different expression during their time here. He was just sitting there, looking at the fishing rod which was… moving. Hiro yells out loud. “Conrad-san, you catch something there!” It took a few seconds for the vagabond to process that. Even then, he fumbleed with the rod clumsily. Eventually, the thing slipped out of his hands and falls into the water. Even though Conrad’s face was still unchanging, he somehow looked dejected. His weary eyes were unfocused, lost, his hands were still where he let go of the rod. Soon, his fingers started to click slightly, his usual tune. The vagabond regained his clarity. Conrad turned to Malcolm and bowed slightly “Sorry” “It’s fine, I can make more of that” “Wait” Hiro interjected “You made these rods?” “Yep, I was bored and that Pryce guy has quite a stocked workshop” “He does?” “It’s right next to his house, you didn’t know?” “No…” Hiro felt rather embarrassed, he had stayed there for all of his duration here and yet this was the first time he heard of this. The young man turned to Malcolm to find a strained smile on the youth’s face. “Hey, how long was she behind us?” The young man turned around to find Suiren standing behind him. Suddenly confronted with that cracked white mask, his heart nearly dropped. He answered Malcolm truthfully. “I have no idea” The youth was rather fazed, although he tried to hide that. Hiro: {Hm… Malcolm seems to be wary about Suiren. Even before when we were eating, he changed his seat to be further from us} Momo-chan: […] Hiro: {Oi, anyone home?} Momo-chan: [Eh, what did you say?] Hiro: {Nothing at all} Momo-chan: [Eh?] Momo-chan was of course stunted when he gazed at Suiren. Fresh from a bath, the woman looked stunning… for someone without a face. Not that long ago Hiro would also be taken aback by her as well. But that wasn’t the case now, the young man wondered what changed. His train of thought was interrupted, however, as Malcolm seemed to catch something. The youth had learnt a lot from his last mistake. This time tried not to make any sharp or sudden pulls. He would have to wait until the prey was completely exhausted. Which was quite a task since this seemed to be quite an energetic one. It struggled for much longer than the previous one. During all those time, however, Malcolm didn’t let his concentration drop once. Hiro was also pulled in, he anticipated the catch. The young man asked with bated breath. “When are you going to pull that up? It seems tired now” “Just a bit more, that thing still got some fight left in him” A bit more, a bit more, now! Malcolm pulled the rod up, along came the mighty fish, flopping helplessly. Hiro couldn’t help but exclaim out loud. “Yes!” “You are mine now” Malcolm said with quite a sadistic grimace on his face. It soon turned into an empty grin, however, as the hook broke mid-air. It was so close. Hiro felt like he could even catch the thing even. He reached out but of course it wasn’t enough. There was nothing to do but gazed on as the fish fell back into the sea, triumphed. At that dark time, the two could hear a faint… clicking sound. The young man could only a flash before the fish was skewered by Conrad’s blade. The vagabond then slowly pulled the creature out of his sword. His face was still unchanged even after such a feat. Hiro: {… Alright} Momo-chan: […Alright] He then presented the fish in front of Malcolm. It seemed like the vagabond wanted the youth to claim his catch. Malcolm was, of course, puzzled by the gesture at first. He then, for once, smiled benevolently. “Just throw it in along with the rest, I don’t want to touch the thing” Conrad nodded and walked toward the bucket next to Hiro. As he approached, the young man was surprised to find the man towering over him. The vagabond was of course always this tall and he usually stood upright. And yet, this was the first time Hiro registered how much higher the man was. Maybe he was daft after all.